Index of Authors

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Author(s) Organisation(s) Session
Maegaard, BenteUniversity of Copenhagen, DenmarkInfrastructure and Support
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee  Presenter
Mähler, RogerUniversity of Umeå, SwedenComputational Linguistics 2
Manuscripts, Collections and Geography
Teaching and Learning the Digital
Mäkelä, EetuUniversity of Helsinki;
Aalto University, Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo)
Digital History
Infrastructure and Support
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Malisz, ZofiaKTH Royal Institute of Technology,Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Malm, MatsUniversity of GothenburgInfrastructure and Support
Marjanen, JaniUniversity of HelsinkiDigital History
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Mårtensson, LasseHögskolan i Gävle, Sweden,Authorship
Martin, Benjamin G.Uppsala UniversityDigital History  Presenter
Martins, RafaelLinnaeus UniversityLanguage Resources
Matres, InésUniversity of HelsinkiTeaching and Learning the Digital  Presenter
McDonald Werronen, SherylUniversity of Copenhagen,Manuscripts, Collections and Geography  Presenter
McGookin, DavidAalto University,Cultural Heritage and Art  Presenter
Megyesi, BeátaUppsala UniversityHistorical Texts
Miettinen, KatriThe National Prisoners of War ProjectDatabase Design
Moilanen, TiiaThe National Prisoners of War ProjectDatabase Design
Monastero, BeatriceAalto University,Cultural Heritage and Art
Muischnek, KadriUniversity of Tartu, Estonia,Historical Texts