Conference Agenda

Plenary 1: Alan Liu
Wednesday, 07/Mar/2018:
2:15pm - 3:30pm

Session Chair: Mikko Tolonen
Location: PI
Open and Re­pro­du­cible Work­flows for the Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies – A 10,000 Meter El­ev­a­tion View

Session Abstract

Can digital humanities projects that collect, analyze, and interpret texts and other materials make their provenance and data workflows transparent to others for reproduction or adaptation? How can the digital humanities learn from the workflow management systems of the "in silico" sciences? And how should they be different from the sciences? Ultimately, what is the combined humanistic and scientific meaning of open research--epistemological, infrastructural, institutional, and sociocultural--to which DH contributes? Extrapolating from the example of the "WhatEvery1Says" (WE1S) project, which he directs, Alan Liu offers a general humanistic vision of open, reproducible workflows for the digital humanities.