Index of Authors

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Author(s) Organisation(s) Session
Bassett, Sheena DawnPIN SCrl,Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee  Presenter
Baunvig, Katrine FrøkjærUniversity of Southern Denmark,Computational Literary Analysis
Bianchi, MarcoUppsala UniversityDatabase Design
Bockwinkel, PeggyUniversity of Stuttgart, GermanyLanguage Resources  Presenter
Bojārs, UldisNational Library of Latvia;
Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
Crowdsourcing and Collaboration  Presenter
Borin, LarsUniversity of GothenburgLanguage Resources
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Börjeson, LoveGraduate School of Education, Stanford UniversityComputational Linguistics 2
Bosse, ArnoUniversity of Oxford, Faculty of HistoryInfrastructure and Support
Bouma, GerlofUniversity of Gothenburg,Historical Texts
Brodén, DanielGothenburg University, Sweden,Cultural Heritage and Art  Presenter
Burrows, TobyUniversity of Oxford ;
University of Western Australia
Creating and Evaluating Data  Presenter
Manuscripts, Collections and Geography  Presenter