Index of Authors

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Author(s) Organisation(s) Session
Abele, LigaLatvian Academy of Culture,Legal and Ethical Matters  Presenter
Adesam, YvonneUniversity of Gothenburg,Historical Texts
Ahlberg, MalinUniversity of Gothenburg,Historical Texts
Airaksinen, Tiina H.University of HelsinkiPoster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Ånäs, SusannaAalto UniversityCrowdsourcing and Collaboration  Presenter
Anderson, RebeccaUniversity of Waterloo, The Games Institute, First Person ScholarGames as Culture
Arjava, HeiniUniversity of Helsinki,Between the Manual and the Automatic
Arthur, PaulEdith Cowan University,Cultural Heritage and Art  Presenter
Asikainen, AiliAalto University, FinlandPoster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Asplund, ThereseLinköping University,Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee  Presenter
Autio, MattiFreelancerNew Media  Presenter