Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

List by Initial Letter: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M   N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z  Å  Ö 
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Author(s) Organisation(s) Contribution Title
Nauha, TeroUniversity of Helsinki
Naukkarinen, OssiAalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Navarra, carloLinköping University,
Neovius, MatsÅbo Akademi University
Neset, Tina-SimoneLinköping University,
Nevalainen, TerttuUniversity of Helsinki, Department of Modern Languages
Nielbo, Kristoffer LaigaardUniversity of Southern Denmark,
Nikander, PekkaAalto University, Department of Communications and Networking
Nikkilä, ReijoThe National Prisoners of War Project
Niku, MariaFinnish Literature Society
Niskanen, Samu KristianHelsinki University
Nivala, AskoUniversity of Turku
Norén, FredrikUmeå University, Sweden,
Nugent Folan, GeorginaTrinity College Dublin, Ireland
Nurmi, OlliVTT research center
Nyrkkö, SeppoUniversity of Helsinki
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