Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

List by Initial Letter: A  B  C  D  E  F  G   H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z  Å  Ö 
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Author(s) Organisation(s) Session
Hämäläinen, LasseUniversity of Helsinki,F-TC-2
Hämäläinen, MikaUniversity of HelsinkiPoster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee, Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Härkönen, AnttiUniversity of Eastern FinlandT-P674-1  Presenter
Hast, AndersUppsala universitet, SwedenT-PIV-2
Heino, ErkkiSemantic Computing Research Group (SeCo), Aalto University, FinlandT-P674-3
Hella, AnniUniversity of TurkuF-PII-2
Hengchen, SimonUniversity of HelsinkiPoster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee  Presenter
Hill, Mark J.University of HelsinkiF-PIV-2  Presenter
Holloway-Attaway, LissaUniversity of SkövdeF-TC-2
Hotson, HowardUniversity of Oxford, Faculty of HistoryW-PIV-1
Hovmark, HenrikUniversity of Copenhagen,F-PII-1  Presenter
Hrafnkelsson, ÖrnNational and University Library of Iceland,F-PIV-1
Huggett, JeremyUniversity of GlasgowPoster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee
Hulden, MansUniversity of Colorado BoulderF-PII-2
Huttunen, JenniAalto University, Department of Communications and NetworkingT-PIII-1
Huvila, IstoUppsala University,Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee, W-PIV-1
Hyvönen, EeroAalto University, Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo);
University of Helsinki, HELDIG – Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities;
University of Helsinki (HELDIG)
Poster Slam (lunch continues), Poster Exhibition & Coffee, T-P674-1, T-P674-3, W-PII-1  Presenter, W-PIV-1, F-PIV-1
Hyyryläinen, TorstiUniversity of Helsinki, Ruralia InstituteF-TC-1
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