Aoi'ego hobby to tańczenie. Aoi's hobby is dancing. Aoi's hobby is dancing. Gdzie jest moja mamusia? Where's my mommy? Where's my mommy? Mám pocit, že mi všichni lžou. I feel no one tells me the truth. I feel like everyone's lying to me. Znalazłem tę książkę w antykwariacie. I came across this book in a secondhand bookstore. I found this book in an antique shop. Tom wie dokładnie, jak Mary się czuje. Tom knows precisely how Mary feels. Tom knows exactly how Mary feels. Mary si musí před Tomem schovávat svoje peníze. Mary has to hide her money from Tom. Mary has to hide her money from Tom. Nie musisz być sarkastyczny. You don't have to be sarcastic. You don't have to be sarcastic. Bezbarvé zelené nápady spí šíleně. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep madly. Myślę, że nie powinieneś iść. I think you shouldn't go. I don't think you should go. Ty boty se vyrábí v Itálii. The shoes are manufactured in Italy. These shoes are made in Italy. Vyrostl ve filmovém průmyslu. He grew up in the movie industry. He grew up in the film industry. Zbožowy Mjezynarodny Dźeń Žonow! Happy International Women's Day! The god-fearing Žonov Jage! Wygląda na to, że cały świat skręca w prawo. It seems that we're becoming more right-wing all over the world. Looks like the whole world's turning right. Skorpion to jeden ze znaków zodiaku. The Scorpion is one of the signs of the zodiac. Scorpio is one of the signs of the zodiac. Jsou pečliví. They're careful. They're meticulous. Svatba se konala minulý týden. The wedding was held last week. The wedding took place last week. Musíš zvážit, jaký druh práce chceš vykonávat. You must consider what kind of work you want to do. You have to consider what kind of work you want to do. Prodiskutovali jsme s ním plán. We discussed the plan with him. We discussed the plan with him. To jest pierwsze zdanie, które dodałem. That's the first sentence I've added. This is the first sentence I added. Myslel jsem, že Tom je nekuřák. I thought that Tom was a nonsmoker. I thought Tom was a non-smoker. Nie wiem, gdzie zostawiłam klucze. I don't know where I've left the keys. I don't know where I left my keys. Mám rád záhady. I like mysteries. I like mysteries. Tom sprzedał to komuś innemu. Tom sold it to somebody else. Tom sold it to someone else. Tom byl ten, kdo nás k tomu inspiroval. Tom was the one who inspired us to do this. Tom was the one who inspired us. Já nerozernám skokana od ropuchy. I can't tell a frog from a toad. I don't rip a toad jumper. Również lubię ciastka. I also like cakes. I like cookies, too. Nic o tym nie wiem. I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about that. Hlavní město Polska je Varšava. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Býval jsem ošklivý. I used to be ugly. I used to be ugly. I dítě by dokázalo tuhle otázku zodpovědět. Even a child could answer that question. Even a child could answer that question. Nevěděl jsem, komu mám věřit. I didn't know who I should trust. I didn't know who to trust. Tom se začal nudit. Tom became bored. Tom got bored. Ile jestem ci winna? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Znasz go? Do you know him? You know him? Tom zdaje się być tajemniczy. Tom seems to be secretive. Tom is mysterious. Co za interesująca książka! What an interesting book! What an interesting book! Po co ci ta wykałaczka? Why do you need this toothpick? Why do you need a toothpick? Tom dává svým dětem příliš mnoho peněz. Tom gives too much money to his children. Tom gives his kids too much money. Przepraszam, że cię w to wciągnąłem. I'm sorry you got dragged into this. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Je lepší se učit slovíčka v nějakém kontextu. It is better to learn words in some context. It is better to learn words in a context. Jesteś w porządku. You're a good guy. You're okay. Mógłbyś poprosić Toma, żeby porozmawiał z Mary? Would you ask Tom to talk to Mary? Could you ask Tom to talk to Mary? Musíme jim zabavit jejich zbraně. We need to confiscate their weapons. We have to confiscate their weapons. Przepraszam za zwłokę w odpowiedzi. I apologize for the delay in replying. Sorry for the delay in replying. Tom se nikdy nekoupal v moři. Tom has never swum in the sea. Tom never bathed in the sea. Tohle bývalo pekařství. This used to be a bakery. This used to be a bakery. On sprawuje. Tom exercises. He's exercising. Czy wiesz jak żonglować? Do you know how to juggle? Do you know how to juggle? Gdybyś jadł mniej hamburgerów, pewnie byłbyś zdrowszy. If you ate fewer burgers, you'd probably be healthier. If you ate fewer hamburgers, you'd probably be healthier. Zvládneš to sama? Can you do it yourself? Can you do this on your own? Garstka studentów rozumiała, co powiedział. Few students could understand what he said. A handful of students understood what he said. Świat nie jest idealny. The world isn't perfect. The world is not perfect. Zabierz Toma do domu. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Dáváme ti šanci se zapojit. We're giving you a chance to participate. We're giving you a chance to get involved. Tom nemůže přestat překládat. Tom can't stop translating. Tom can't stop translating. Zacząłem uczyć się francuskiego. I've started learning French. I started learning French. Určitě jsi zůstala dlouho vzhůru. You must've stayed up late. I'm sure you stayed up late. Nie widzisz wzorca? Don't you see the pattern? Can't you see the pattern? - Które słowo? - zapytałem. "Which word?" I asked. - What word? - What word? Powiedz wszystkim. Tell everybody. Tell everyone. Tvoje dcera potřebuje pomoct. Your daughter needs help. Your daughter needs help. Ta książka odmieni twoje życie. This book will transform your life. This book will change your life. Díváš se rád na filmy? Do you like to watch movies? Do you like watching movies? Ktoś czeka w twoim gabinecie. There's somebody waiting in your office. Someone's waiting in your office. Przyjdę o ile będę się czuł wystarczająco dobrze. I will come provided I am well enough. I'll come if I feel good enough. Nie mam dużo pacjentów. I don't have a lot of patients. I don't have many patients. Tom a Mary bývali nerozluční. Tom and Mary used to be inseparable. Tom and Mary were inseparable. Tom se bál opustit svůj dům. Tom was afraid to leave his house. Tom was afraid to leave his house. Bądź ostrożny, gdy przekraczasz drogę. Be careful when you cross a road. Be careful when you cross the road. Byl jedním z nich. He was one of them. He was one of them. Tato rostlina roste nepřirozeně. Vypadá to, že už neví, jak správně růst. This plant has a disproportionate and crazy growth. It's like it doesn't know how to grow anymore. This plant grows unnaturally. It seems that it no longer knows how to grow properly. Tom se vůbec nezdráhal. Tom didn't hesitate at all. Tom did not hesitate. Jsem Makedonec. I'm Macedonian. I'm Macedonian. Pochybuji, že to Toma potěší. I doubt it'll please Tom. I doubt it will please Tom. Zakładam, że chciałbyś spotkać się z Tomem. I assume you would like to meet Tom. I assume you'd like to meet Tom. Funguje ten stroj ještě? Does the machine still work? Is the machine still working? Je Tom přátelský? Is Tom friendly? Is Tom friendly? Jím ananas. I'm eating a pineapple. I'm eating pineapple. Tom už vás dál nebude obtěžovat. Tom won't be bothering you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Możesz mi polecić dobrą koreańską restaurację? Can you recommend a good Korean restaurant? Can you recommend a good Korean restaurant? Nauczyciel zaczął często opuszczać zajęcia. The teacher started missing school a lot. The teacher often skipped classes. Mam siostrę. I have a sister. I have a sister. Neudělali jste nic, abyste to změnili. You didn't do anything to change it. You didn't do anything to change it. Chyba znalazłem coś Twojego. I think I've found something of yours. I think I found something of yours. Tom odmítl zaplatit za oběd v jedné restauraci. Tom refused to pay for his lunch in a restaurant. Tom refused to pay for lunch at a restaurant. Ona nekouří. She does not smoke. She doesn't smoke. Tom seděl u okna a četl knihu. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom sat by the window and read the book. V obchodním domě mě obsluhovala velice příjemná mladá žena. A very pleasant young woman waited on me in the department store. A very pleasant young woman served me at the department store. Tom se omluvil za to, že neudělal, co slíbil udělat. Tom apologized for not doing what he had promised he'd do. Tom apologized for not doing what he had promised to do. Co je větší, Slunce nebo Země? Which is larger, the sun or the Earth? Which is bigger, the sun or the earth? Tom býval velmi nesmělý. Tom used to be very shy. Tom used to be very shy. Musíš nahradit ztrátu. You must make up for the loss. You have to make up for the loss. Powiedzieli, że Mary nie żyje. They said Mary was dead. They said Mary was dead. Pokud se něco uvolní, dám vám vědět. If anything comes up, I'll let you know. If anything comes loose, I'll let you know. Čeho jste se bály? What were you afraid of? What were you afraid of? Usuń ten komentarz, proszę. Delete the comment, please. Delete this comment, please. Tomův pes zakousl několik slepic. Tom's dog bit to death a few chickens. Tom's dog bit some chickens. Jsou mimozemšťané skuteční? Are aliens real? Are the aliens real? Rad jěm kšuški. I like to eat pears. I'd love to hear it. Potrzebujemy waszej pomocy. We require your help. We need your help. Tom uparł się, żeby Mary poszła tam sama. Tom insisted that Mary go there by herself. Tom insisted that Mary go there alone. Nemá smysl o tom debatovat. It's no use arguing about it. There's no point in debating it. Tom tvrdí, že ho unesli mimozemšťané. Tom claims that he was abducted by aliens. Tom claims he was abducted by aliens. Jesteś jedynym człowiekiem prócz mnie, który interesuje się takimi rzeczami. You're the only person I know besides me who is actually interested in this kind of thing. You're the only person besides me who's interested in that sort of thing. Opusť náš dům. Leave our house. Leave our house. Ano, musíš. Yes, you must. Yes, you do. Pro Toma by i zemřeli. They would even die for Tom. They would die for Tom. Odolnost člověka je možné vidět v krizové situaci. One sees the resilience of a person in a crisis situation. A person’s resilience can be seen in a crisis situation. Setmělo se, a tak se Tom rozhodl vrátit domů. It got dark, so Tom decided to return home. It was dark, so Tom decided to go home. Byłyście tu same? Were you here alone? Were you here alone? Dělám přesně to, co jsi mi řekl. I'm doing exactly what you told me to do. I'm doing exactly what you told me to do. John má rád šachy. John likes chess. John likes chess. Programy do DTP są stworzone specjalnie do tego celu. Desktop publishing programs are created especially for this purpose. DTP programs are created specifically for this purpose. Myślę, że nowa wersja Windowsów na pewno nie wyjdzie w tym miesiącu. I think it's unlikely that the next version of Windows will come out before the end of this month. I think the new version of Windows will definitely not come out this month. Piłka nożna to najpopularniejszy sport w Brazylii. Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. Řekni Tomovi, ať si trochu odpočine. Tell Tom to get some rest. Tell Tom to get some rest. Kaznodzieja wygłosił piękne kazanie. The preacher gave a beautiful sermon. The preacher gave a beautiful sermon. Lidé, přestaňte se zabíjet. People, stop killing each other. People, stop killing each other. Mrzí mě, že jsem to nevysvětlil dobře. I'm sorry that I didn't explain it well. I'm sorry I didn't explain it well. Nowy Jork to duże miasto. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Tom musi zostać u nas na kilka dni. Tom needs to stay at our place for a few days. Tom needs to stay with us for a few days. Život není jen o práci. Life isn't just about work. Life is not just about work. Ten policista má píšťalku. The policeman carries a whistle. The cop's got a whistle. Toma nejspíš vyhodí za to, co udělal. Tom will probably be fired for what he has done. He'll probably fire Tom for what he did. Dlaczego nie posłuchasz głosu rozsądku? Why will you not listen to reason? Why don't you listen to reason? Takovéto chyby se nestávají často. These kinds of mistakes don't happen often. Such mistakes do not happen often. Wzrost PKB w trzecim kwartale był o 1% wyższy niż w poprzednim. The third quarter GNP growth was 1% over the preceding quarter. GDP growth in the third quarter was 1% higher than in the previous quarter. Bylo mi řečeno, že bych měl být pozornější. I've been told that I should pay more attention. I was told I should be more attentive. Kto to rozbił? Who broke it? Who broke it? My jsme přitahováni tím, co jsi. We are attracted by what you are. We are attracted to what you are. Prostě nebylo dost času. There just wasn't enough time. There just wasn't enough time. Tom změnil přístupový kód. Tom changed the access code. Tom changed the access code. Je dost těžké se živit překládáním, když neumíte psát všema deseti. It is very hard to do translating for a living if you cannot touch-type. It's hard enough to make a living translating when you can't write all ten. Je všechno v pořádku? Is everything all right? Is everything okay? Tom se zamkl ve svém pokoji a zavřel všechna okna. Tom locked himself in his room and closed all the windows. Tom locked himself in his room and closed all the windows. Tom ma wrócić do domu przed 2:30. Tom has to be back home by 2:30. Tom's supposed to be home by 2:30. Navštívím Toma, až se vrátím. I'll see Tom after I get back. I'll see Tom when I get back. Musisz być mniej niecierpliwy. You must be less impatient. You must be less impatient. Zastanawiam się, czy zrobiłbyś coś dla mnie. I wonder if you'd do me a favor. I wonder if you'd do something for me. Na stole jsou ručníky. There are some towels on the table. There are towels on the table. Musisz mówić albo po angielsku, albo po hiszpańsku w tej firmie. You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company. You have to speak either English or Spanish in this company. Juliana mi řekla, že jste ze São Paulа. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Juliana told me you're from Sao Paulo. Nigdy się ponownie nie ożeniłem. I've remarried. I never remarried. Jeho otec je hasič. His father is a firefighter. His father is a firefighter. Myję ręce. I wash my hands. I wash my hands. Tom neochotně souhlasil, že pomůže. Tom reluctantly agreed to help. Tom reluctantly agreed to help. Tom stále nezaplatil nájem za poslední měsíc. Tom still hasn't paid last month's rent. Tom still hasn't paid his rent for the last month. Jaki jest twój ulubiony samochód? What's your favorite car? What's your favorite car? Nie nazywaj mnie kretynem. Don't call me a moron. Don't call me an idiot. Mówiłem ci, że to za wcześnie. I told you it was too soon. I told you it was too soon. Ile twój dziadek ma lat? How old is your grandfather? How old is your grandfather? Ty bys nelhal. You wouldn't lie. You wouldn't lie. Ano, jmenuji se Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Tom nie mógł nadążyć. Tom couldn't keep up. Tom couldn't keep up. Nakonec mi poděkuješ. You'll thank me eventually. You'll thank me eventually. Muszę iść i sprawdzić, czego chce Tom. I must go and see what Tom wants. I have to go and see what Tom wants. Poslouchala hudbu. She was listening to music. She was listening to music. Chodząc po parku, znalazłem pisklę. Walking in the park, I found a baby bird. Walking through the park, I found a chick. Policie našla Tomovo tělo jak pluje na hladině v přístavu. The police found Tom's body floating in the harbor. Police found Tom's body floating in the harbor. Myslel jsem, že to možná je složité. I thought it might be complicated. I thought maybe it was complicated. Polska jest członkiem unii europejskiej od 1 maja 2004 roku. Poland has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. Poland has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. Uprzejmie odpowiedział na pytanie. He kindly answered the question. He politely answered the question. Vím, že máš přítelkyni. I know you have a girlfriend. I know you have a girlfriend. Jestem pewien, że Tom się na to nie zgodzi. I'm pretty sure that Tom won't agree to do that. I'm sure Tom won't agree to that. Czy możesz mi powiedzieć gdzie jest kościół? Muszę porozmawiać z księdzem. Can you tell me where the church is? I have to speak with the priest. Can you tell me where the church is? Ona mi pomůže. She'll help me. She'll help me. Mohl bych dostat rozvrh hodin? May I have a class schedule? Could I have a schedule? Tom wsiadł na swój rower i odjechał. Tom got on his bike and left. Tom got on his bike and drove away. Wszyscy go lubią. Everybody likes him. Everybody likes him. Myślisz, że jest martwy? Do you think he is dead? You think he's dead? Zabiję was oboje. I'll kill the both of you. I'll kill you both. Koho zajímá, jestli Tom vyhraje. Who cares if Tom wins. Who cares if Tom wins? Nikdy jsem žádnou ženu neuhodil. I have never hit a woman. I've never hit a woman. Sytuacja jest gorsza niż myśleliśmy. The situation is worse than we thought. The situation is worse than we thought. Mogą jutro wyjechać. They may leave tomorrow. They can leave tomorrow. Bez twojej porady zostałbym okradziony z mojej torby. Without your advice, I would have been robbed of my bag. Without your advice, I'd be robbed of my bag. Pojďme si tady dát desetiminutovou přestávku. Let's take a 10-minute break here. Let's take a ten-minute break here. Za tohle vás Tom potrestá. Tom will punish you for that. Tom will punish you for this. Zpívají ve sboru. They sing in chorus. They sing in the choir. Co kdybychom si spolu šli zaplavat? Why don't we go swimming together? Why don't we go for a swim together? Byla naplánovaná zádušní mše za oběti války. A memorial service for the victims of the war has been scheduled. A memorial service was scheduled for the victims of the war. Matematyka jest dla mnie trudna. Mathematics is difficult for me. Mathematics is hard for me. Miał trzy siostry, ale dwie zmarły, kiedy były bardzo młode. He had three sisters, but two died when they were very young. He had three sisters, but two died when they were very young. Wrócił do domu po dziesięciomiesięcznej nieobecności. He returned home after being away for ten months. He returned home after a ten-month absence. Jestli budeš zlobit, nedostaneš nic. If you misbehave, you will not get anything. If you're angry, you'll get nothing. Proč musím vyzvedávat Toma? Why do I have to pick Tom up? Why do I have to pick up Tom? Robi się ciemno. It's getting dark. It's getting dark. Tom to stejně neocení. Tom won't appreciate it anyway. Tom doesn't appreciate it anyway. Nechápu tento systém. I don't understand this system. I don't understand this system. Tom se omluvil za to, že nepřišel dříve. Tom apologized for not coming earlier. Tom apologized for not coming sooner. Zdanie musi mieć orzeczenie. The sentence must have a predicate. The sentence must have a verdict. Tom Mary nic nekoupil. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. Tom Mary didn't buy anything. Já jsem je nevolil. I didn't vote for them. I didn't vote for them. Tom położył pokrywę z powrotem na śmietniku. Tom put the lid back on the trash can. Tom put the lid back on the bin. Vánoce jsou již za tři dny. Christmas is just three days away. Christmas is in three days. Konečně Tom oznámil výsledky. At last Tom announced the results. Finally, Tom announced the results. Tom se stal rychle závislým na Tatoebě. Tom has quickly become addicted to Tatoeba. Tom quickly became dependent on Tatoeba. Vrátím se až příští týden. I won't be back until next week. I won't be back until next week. Obklopuje ho světelná aura. An aura of light surrounds him. It is surrounded by a light aura. Jakie jest twoje ulubione imię żeńskie? What's your favorite girl's name? What is your favorite female name? Byl jsem unavený a spal jsem. I was tired and I slept. I was tired and asleep. Nebudu se Tomovi omlouvat. I am not going to apologise to Tom. I'm not gonna apologize to Tom. Můj starší bratr chodí každý víkend rybařit. My older brother goes fishing every weekend. My older brother goes fishing every weekend. Jak dlouho ještě budeme muset čekat na Toma? How much longer will we have to wait for Tom? How much longer do we have to wait for Tom? Pada śnieg. It is snowing. It's snowing. Všechno není tvoje. Everything isn't yours. It's not all yours. Hlavní město Mexika je největším městem v Latinské Americe. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. Mexico City is the largest city in Latin America. Powinniśmy z nim tam być. We should be there with him. We should be there with him. Doufám, že školu dokončím. I hope that I can graduate. I hope I finish school. Coś jest źle? Is anything wrong? What's wrong? Tomova smrt se dala čekat. Tom's death was predictable. Tom’s death was to be expected. Co robiłeś rano? What did you do this morning? What were you doing this morning? Máme pár vyučovacích hodin spolu. We have a couple of classes together. We have a couple of classes together. To działo się każdej jesieni. This was happening every autumn. This happened every autumn. Kéž bych byl génius! I wish I was a genius. I wish I was a genius! Čím méně času tady strávíš, tím lépe. The less time you spend here, the better. The less time you spend here, the better. Tom řekl, že ta pizza je téměř dokonalá. Tom said the pizza was nearly perfect. Tom said the pizza was almost perfect. Mohu tam jít pěšky. I can go there by foot. I can walk there. Poté, co zalil zahradu, smotal hadici a uklidil jí do kůlny. After he had watered the garden, he coiled the hose and put it into the shed. After watering the garden, he twisted the hose and cleaned it in the shed. Tom wydaje się znudzony. Tom seems bored. Tom is bored. Pijete čaj. You drink tea. You're drinking tea. Konečné slovo má Tom. Tom has the last word. Tom has the final say. Tom se konečně vrátil z Austrálie. Tom is finally back from Australia. Tom has finally returned from Australia. Ufasz mi, prawda? You trust me, don't you? You trust me, don't you? Tom věděl, co by následovalo, kdyby to neudělal. Tom knew what would happen if he didn't do it. Tom knew what would happen if he didn’t. Mam nadzieję, że Bóg ci wybaczy. I hope that God will forgive you. I hope God forgives you. Nie musisz odpowiadać na to pytanie. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Mám migrénu. I have a really bad headache. I have a migraine. Som ceły cas nerwozny był. I was nervous the whole time. I was nervous all the time. Powiedziałem Tomowi, że pomogę. I told Tom I'd help. I told Tom I'd help. Já a Tom jsme spolu tancovali. Tom and I danced with each other. Tom and I danced together. Mam pšašanje. I've got a question. I've got some money. Musel jsem utéct před rozzuřeným Tomem. I had to run away from enraged Tom. I had to run away from an angry Tom. Palisz za dużo.Przestań palić dużo You smoke too much. Don't smoke so much! You smoke too much, stop smoking too much. Szukałem cię. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Nemusíme zabíjet, týrat, zneužívat a vykořisťovat zvířata, abychom měli všechny potřebné živiny k plnohodnotnému životu. We don't need to kill, torture, abuse and exploit animals to have all necessary nutrients for adequate lives. We do not have to kill, abuse, abuse and exploit animals in order to have all the necessary nutrients for a full life. Tom patrzył na Mary z obrzydzeniem. Tom stared at Mary with disgust. Tom looked at Mary with disgust. Byla to dobrá volba. It was a good choice. It was a good choice. Mary jest podobna do swojej matki. Mary looks like her mother. Mary is like her mother. Czy jedzenie żywności organicznej jest warte swojej ceny? Is eating organic food worth what it costs? Is eating organic food worth the money? Co kdyby Tom byl jedním z nás? What if Tom was one of us? What if Tom was one of us? Zdá se, že ztrácí motivaci. He seems to be losing motivation. He seems to be losing motivation. Nie poddawaj się. Keep going. Don't give up. Tohle je doutník. This is a cigar. This is a cigar. Tom ukryl zlaté mince na takové místo, kde myslel, že je nikdo nenajde. Tom hid the gold coins where he thought no one would find them. Tom hid the gold coins in a place where he thought no one would find them. Czy rozważysz kiedyś wyjście razem ze mną? Do you think you would ever consider going out with me? Will you ever consider going out with me? Tom spokojnie przeładował swój pistolet. Tom calmly reloaded his pistol. Tom calmly loaded his gun. Půjčil mi 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. Chciałbym usłyszeć twoje zdanie. Give me your opinion, please. I'd like to hear your opinion. Už s Tomem nebudu mluvit. I'm not going to speak to Tom anymore. I'm not talking to Tom anymore. Codziennie jem obiad w tej restauracji. I eat lunch in that restaurant every day. I eat lunch at this restaurant every day. Tom býval bohatý. Tom used to be wealthy. Tom was rich. Byli słabi. They were weak. They were weak. Uczenie się kolokacji to krok naprzód w znajomości języka. Learning collocations is one step towards sounding like a native speaker. Learning colocation is a step forward in language skills. Moja siostra lubi słodkości. My sister has a sweet tooth. My sister likes sweets. Wyszedł z domu nie żegnając się nawet. He left the house without so much as saying goodbye. He left the house without saying goodbye. Czy udzielasz cię charytatywnie? Do you give to charity? Do you give to charity? Je pravda, že je mrtvá. It's true that she's dead. It's true she's dead. To njejo jedła. That's not a fir tree. It's not edible. Nejsme si s Tomem vůbec podobní. Tom and I aren't alike at all. Tom and I are not the same. Porazil ten strom, aniž by věděl proč. He cut down the tree without knowing why. He knocked down that tree without knowing why. Kończyło nam się paliwo, a co gorsza - zaczął padać gęsty śnieg. We were running out of gas, and what was worse, it began to snow heavily. We were running out of fuel, and worse, it started to snow. Tom šel nakupovat do Kauflandu. Tom went shopping to Kaufland. Tom went shopping in Kaufland. Katolická církev neschvaluje používání kondomů. The Catholic Church doesn't condone the use of condoms. The Catholic Church does not approve of the use of condoms. To sen, który stał się rzeczywistością. It's a dream come true. It is a dream that has become a reality. Co dalšího by mohli dělat? What else could they do? What else could they do? Žiješ tu rád? Do you enjoy living there? Do you like living here? Takové věci nedělám. I never do things like that. I don't do things like that. Po obědě se mi vždycky chce spát. I always get sleepy after lunch. I always want to sleep after lunch. Tom nikdy nebyl tak zlý. Tom was never that bad. Tom's never been this bad. Być albo nie być, oto jest pytanie. To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be or not to be, that is the question. Už jsi někdy zpíval ve francouzštině? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sung in French? Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy na mnie zagłosują. I hope everyone votes for me. I hope everyone votes for me. Chci vědět, jak jste se sem dostali. I want to know how you got here. I want to know how you got here. Tom je záletník. Tom is a philanderer. Tom's a philanderer. Byla to vražda, nebo sebevražda? Was it a murder or a suicide? Was it murder or suicide? Tom se díval celý večer na televizi. Tom has been watching TV all evening. Tom's been watching TV all night. Rád bych prožil jeden den bez toho, aniž by mi říkali, že vypadám jako můj bratr. I'd like to go through just one day without being told I look like my brother. I'd like to spend a day without being told I look like my brother. Tom często miewa migreny? Does Tom get migraines often? Does he get migraines often? Tom a já jsme se už spolu dlouho neviděli. Tom and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Tom and I haven't seen each other in a long time. Nie wolno mi rozmawiać z Tomem. I'm not supposed to talk to Tom. I'm not allowed to talk to Tom. Tom mi nenabídl pomoc. Tom didn't offer to help me. Tom didn't offer to help me. Jak jsi přišel na ten nápad? How did you come up with this idea? How did you come up with this idea? Gdzie dokładnie jest Tom? Where exactly is Tom? Where exactly is Tom? "Mogę użyć twojego samochodu?" "Pewnie. Śmiało." "Can I use your car?" "Sure. Go ahead." "Can I use your car?" "Certainly. Go ahead." Nie mogłem odmówić. I couldn't refuse. I couldn't say no. Nechci být vaším přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. Musíš to pro Toma udělat. You have to do it for Tom. You have to do this for Tom. Jakim mydłem myjesz ręce? What soap do you wash your hands with? What soap do you wash your hands with? Monitor wyświetla sygnał graficzny, ruchomy i nieruchomy, wytworzony przez komputer lub urządzenie podobne. A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device. The monitor displays a graphic, moving and stationary signal produced by a computer or similar device. To jste jíst neměli. You shouldn't have eaten that. You shouldn't have eaten that. Každý chce být šťastný. Everybody wants to be happy. Everyone wants to be happy. Przyniosłem ci inny koc. I brought you another blanket. I brought you another blanket. Dała nam dużo jedzenia. She gave us lots to eat. She gave us a lot of food. Kam chcete jít na naší první hodinu? Where do you want to go for our first lesson? Where do you want to go for our first class? Dole je dáma, která si s tebou přeje mluvit. There is a lady downstairs who wants to speak to you. There's a lady downstairs who wants to talk to you. Tom mi dal k narozeninám kolo. Tom gave me a bicycle for my birthday. Tom gave me a bike for my birthday. Tom zavřel knížku. Tom closed the book. Tom closed the book. Udělám to, když mi zaplatí. I'll do it if they pay me. I'll do it if he pays me. Všichni chceme, abys byla šťastná. We all want you to be happy. We all want you to be happy. Má v ruce květiny. She has flowers in her hand. He's got flowers in his hand. Tom chce tvoji lásku. What Tom wants is your love. Tom wants your love. Zdála se být zamlklá. She felt subdued. She seemed silent. Nemůžu se dívat, jak si ničí život. I can't see her ruin her whole life. I can't watch him ruin his life. Byl pánem situace. He was master of the situation. He was the master of the situation. Toma pozvali na vstupní pohovor. Tom was invited for an entrance interview. Tom was invited for an interview. Każdego dnia ty tego nie widzisz. You don't see that every day. You don't see it every day. Możemy iść tam, gdzie mamy ochotę. We can go anywhere we like. We can go where we want. Tom kouří na balkoně, ale Mary se to moc nelíbí. Tom smokes on the balcony, but Mary does not like it at all. Tom smokes on the balcony, but Mary doesn't like it very much. Już je wypróbowałem. I've already tested them. I've already tried them. Veselé vánoce! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Byłem kilka razy w Bostonie. I've been to Boston a couple of times. I've been to Boston a few times. Tom neumí hrát golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom can't play golf. Spędziłam tydzień w szpitalu. I spent a week in hospital. I spent a week in the hospital. Nevíme, co má za sebou. We don't know what she's been through. We don't know what he's done. Nie zapomnij jutro z nim pogadać. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Pocházejí z různých zemí. They come from various countries. They come from different countries. Tyto nůžky stříhají dobře. These scissors cut well. These scissors cut well. Tom nevěděl, s kým Mary plánuje mluvit. Tom didn't know who Mary was planning to talk to. Tom didn't know who Mary was planning to talk to. On usiadł i przeczytał papier. He sat down and read the paper. He sat down and read the paper. Co powiedziałeś Tomowi na temat pracy? What did you tell Tom about the job? What did you tell Tom about the job? Zapněte prosím rádio. Please turn on the radio. Please turn on the radio. Právě jsem začal číst tuto knihu. I've just started reading this book. I just started reading this book. Naszemu systemowi podatkowemu wciąż brakuje spójnej filozofii. Our tax system is still without coherent philosophy. Our tax system still lacks a coherent philosophy. Držel jsem se svých zásad. I clung to my principles. I followed my principles. Pomyślę o tym. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. Plnou. Fill it up. Full. Nie ma powodu do niepokoju. It's nothing to worry about. There's nothing to be alarmed about. Gdzie widziałeś Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? Měl zlé úmysly. He had bad intentions. He had bad intentions. Tom walczył. Tom struggled. Tom was fighting. Tom si koupil foťák, který byl vyrobený v Japonsku. Tom bought a camera that was made in Japan. Tom bought a camera that was made in Japan. Volba je pouze na vás. The choice is entirely yours. The choice is yours alone. Wszyscy wiedzieli, że był molem książkowym. Everyone knew that he was a bookworm. Everyone knew he was a bookworm. Tom a Mary spolu sedí na gauči. Tom and Mary are sitting together on the couch. Tom and Mary are sitting on the couch together. Kobieta nosiła naszyjnik z pereł. The lady wore a necklace of pearls. The woman wore a pearl necklace. Tom mi v tom nemůže zabránit. Tom cannot prevent me from doing that. Tom can't stop me. Tomovi o tom prostě neříkej. Just don't tell Tom about it. Just don't tell Tom about it. Právě byl zvolen nový prezident. A new president has just been elected. A new president has just been elected. Měl bys odstranit tento plevel. You should get rid of these weeds. You should remove this weed. Toma zvolili předsedou vlády. Tom was elected prime minister. Tom was elected Prime Minister. Ja nie wiem niczego o ziemniakach. I don't know anything about potatoes. I don't know anything about potatoes. Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Toma nemohli najít. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't find Tom. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't find Tom. To wszystko, co mogę dla Ciebie zrobić. This is all I can do for you. That's all I can do for you. Je to zamilovaná píseň. It is a love song. It's a love song. Nasza drużyna nie dostała się do play-offów tego roku. Our team did not reach the playoffs this year. Our team didn't make the playoffs this year. Błogosławieni, którzy się smucą, albowiem oni będą pocieszeni. Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Čekal jsem až přijede autobus. I waited for a bus to come. I was waiting for the bus to arrive. Zuzanna, siostra Jana, jest bardzo inteligentna. Susan, Juan's sister, is very intelligent. Susanna, Jan's sister, is very intelligent. Tom rychle uklidil svůj pokoj. Tom cleaned his room quickly. Tom quickly cleaned his room. Idź do parku. Go to the park. Go to the park. Na stole bylo hodně peněz. There was a lot of money on the table. There was a lot of money on the table. Přišel se svými rodiči. He came with his parents. He came with his parents. Mnoho Kanaďanů to nedělá. Many Canadians don't do that. A lot of Canadians don't. Potřebuji devět hodin spánku. I need nine hours of sleep. I need nine hours of sleep. Jen řekni mi že uděláš legrací. Just tell me you're kidding. Just tell me you're gonna make fun of me. Tom nás zachránil před požárem. Tom saved us from the fire. Tom saved us from the fire. Jej uczucia są trochę urażone. Her feelings are easily wounded. Her feelings are a little hurt. Jednou v Anglii byla. She has been to England once. Once she was in England. On mówi po francusku. He can speak French. He speaks French. Někdo musel Tomovi říct pravdu. Someone had to tell Tom the truth. Someone had to tell Tom the truth. Tom mi umožnil tam jet. Tom enabled me to go there. Tom allowed me to go there. Spotkam się tam z Tomem. I'm going to meet Tom there. I'll meet Tom there. Tohle s tebou už znova nedělám. I'm not doing this with you again. I'm not doing this to you again. Jelikož se cítil nemocný, zůstal v posteli. Since he was feeling sick, he stayed in bed. Feeling sick, he stayed in bed. Poszedłem w kierunku parku. I walked toward the park. I went to the park. Knjez Ricardo je jara dobry wučer. Mr. Ricardo is a very good teacher. Knjez Ricardo is a spring good day. Przeczytała wiersz na głos. She read the poem aloud. She read the poem aloud. Není to moje přítelkyně. Je to moje sestra. She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister. She's not my girlfriend, she's my sister. Tom krzyczał. Tom screamed. Tom was screaming. Tom věděl, že nemá dostatek peněz na to, aby si koupil co chce. Tom knew that he didn't have enough money to buy what he wanted. Tom knew he didn't have enough money to buy what he wanted. Każdy popełnia błędy. Everyone makes mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. Ale já byl opatrný. But I was careful. But I was careful. Co ty jsi zač? Who on earth are you? Who are you? Můj otec jezdí do práce na kole. My father goes to work by bike. My father rides his bike to work. Pytanie zostało zadane po angielsku. The question was posed in English. The question was asked in English. Nejen Tom musí studovat, ale i já. Not only Tom has to study, but I have to study, too. Not only does Tom have to study, but so do I. Pijemoj mloko. We're drinking milk. Drink up, baby. Můžete doporučit jiný hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Jak dlouho zvracíš? How long have you been vomiting? How long have you been vomiting? Tom prawdopodobnie zda egzamin. Tom is likely to pass the test. Tom will probably pass the exam. Tenkrát jsem nemohl dělat nic. I couldn't do anything at that time. I couldn't do anything back then. Tom nechtěl Mary opustit. Tom didn't want to leave Mary. Tom didn't want to leave Mary. Tom nechtěl být učitelem. Tom didn't want to be a teacher. Tom didn't want to be a teacher. Tom byl jako dítě velmi plachý. Tom was very shy when he was a kid. Tom was very shy as a child. Tom jeszcze się nie nauczył, jak się pisze jego imię. Tom hasn't yet learned how to write his own name. Tom hasn't learned how to spell his name yet. Trvalo to dlouho? Did it last a long time? Did it take long? Tom se často hází marod. Tom often takes a sickie. Tom gets sick a lot. Ugotujesz mi coś? Will you cook something for me? Can you cook me something? Udělám vše, co řekneš! I will do anything you say! I'll do anything you say! Kdo ti řekl, že ti pomůžu. Who told you that I'd help you? Who told you I'd help you? Co zamierzasz z tym zrobić? What are you going to do with it? What are you gonna do about it? Nie jestem jeszcze gotowy. I am not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. On jest szefem. He's the boss. He's the boss. Dítě bylo v rouše Adamově. The baby was in his birthday suit. The child was in Adam’s robe. Bojíš se něčeho? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of something? Studuješ angličtinu. You study English. You're studying English. Ojcze nasz, któryś jest w niebie·święć się imię Twoje; przyjdź królestwo Twoje;bądź wola Twoja jako w niebie tak i na ziemi; chleba naszego powszedniego daj nam dzisiaj; i odpuść nam nasze winy,jako i my odpuszczamy naszym winowajcom; i nie wódź nas na pokuszenie;ale nas zbaw od złego.Amen. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done, as it is in heaven, so also upon earth; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive our trespasses; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Tom wyciągnął kolejny dokument i położył go na stole. Tom pulled out another document and laid it on the table. Tom pulled out another document and put it on the table. Tom šel domů o tři hodiny později. Tom went home three hours later. Tom went home three hours later. Tom sroloval lano a uložil ho do kufru svého auta. Tom rolled up the rope and put it in the trunk of his car. Tom rolled up the rope and put it in the trunk of his car. Tak co máš za problém? So what's your problem? So what's your problem? Byli jste už někdy zhypnotizováni? Have you ever been hypnotized? Have you ever been hypnotized? Bolí mě pravé rameno. My right shoulder hurts. My right shoulder hurts. Zostałem wczoraj wieczorem w domu by czekać na twój telefon. I stayed home last night to be able to receive your call. I stayed home last night to wait for your call. Bubeník je také hlavní zpěvák té skupiny. The drummer is also the lead singer in that band. The drummer is also the lead singer of the band. Kdo je ta žena, která tancuje s Tomem? Who's that woman dancing with Tom? Who's the woman who's dancing with Tom? Tom zažádal o politický azyl v Německu. Tom applied for political asylum in Germany. He applied for political asylum in Germany. Pomyśl o swojej rodzinie. Think of your family. Think about your family. Posyp cukrem podczas pieczenia. Sprinkle sugar on when they are baked. Sprinkle with sugar during baking. Je někdo doma? Anyone home? Anybody home? Tom se rozzlobil, když mě uviděl se svojí přítelkyní. Tom got angry when he saw me with his girlfriend. Tom got angry when he saw me with his girlfriend. Někteří lidé se stávají vegetariány z etických důvodů. Some people become vegetarians for ethical reasons. Some people become vegetarian for ethical reasons. Lampa jest podłączona do zegara. The lamp is connected to a timer. The lamp is connected to the clock. Proszę kontroluj się. Please control yourself. Please control yourself. Zamknij ryj kurwa! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! Ta chmura ma kształt ryby. That cloud is in the shape of a fish. This cloud is shaped like a fish. Dali mu důležitý úkol. He was given an important assignment. They gave him an important task. Musíme odsud ihned odejít. We have to leave here at once. We need to get out of here now. Paní Woodová umí moc dobře vařit. Mrs. Wood cooks very well. Mrs. Wood can cook very well. Tom včera v noci nespal ve svém pokoji. Tom didn't sleep in his room last night. Tom didn't sleep in his room last night. Už nevím nic. I don't know anything anymore. I don't know anything anymore. Chcę się zestarzeć z Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. Obydwoje zaczęli śmiać się. Both of them started laughing. They both started laughing. To nebudu tolerovat. I won't tolerate it. I won't tolerate that. Měl bych chodit spát dříve. I should go to bed earlier. I should go to bed early. Już go nie kocham. I do not love him any longer. I don't love him anymore. Proč se ženy chovají tak, jak se chovají? Why do women behave the way they do? Why do women behave the way they do? Odpoledne jdu na nákup. I am going shopping in the afternoon. I'm going shopping this afternoon. Swędzą mnie oczy. My eyes are itchy. My eyes are itchy. Hej, czego słuchasz? Hey, what're you listening to? Hey, what are you listening to? Kolik stály ty brýle? How much were the glasses? How much did the glasses cost? Marie nakarmiła rybki. Marie fed the fish. Marie fed the fish. To jest mały krok człowieka, ale wielki krok ludzkości. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. It is a small step of man, but a great step of humanity. W czym problem? What's the problem? What's the problem? Tom jest bratem Mary. Tom's Mary's brother. Tom is Mary's brother. Człowiek ma władzę nad wszystkim, tylko nie nad swoim sercem. Man has control over everything but his own heart. Man has power over everything but his heart. Nejí maso. She doesn't eat meat. He doesn't eat meat. Weźmiesz to? Will you take it? Will you take this? Jeho stín na zdi vypadal smutně. His shadow on the wall looked sad. His shadow on the wall looked sad. Wszystkie te jabłka są bardzo słodkie. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. Port lotniczy jest tam po drugiej stronie. The airport is over on the other side. The airport is on the other side. Tom wydaje dużo pieniędzy na ubrania. Tom spends lots of money on clothes. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Tom měl uznat svoji chybu. Tom should have admitted his mistake. Tom had to admit his mistake. Mám zájem se naučit opravit rozbitý stůl. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. Albo jesteś ze mną albo przeciwko mnie. You're either with me or you're against me. Either you're with me or you're against me. Czułem się całkiem nieźle. It felt pretty good. I felt pretty good. Tom jest strasznie niski. Tom is awfully short. Tom is very short. Nechal jsi auto na této ulici. You left your car on this street. You left your car on this street. Zaczynało padać. It was starting to rain. It was raining. Wątpił w prawdziwość jej opowieści. He doubted the truth of her story. He doubted the truth of her story. Tohle myslí? Is that what she means? Is that what he means? Nic ho nezastaví. Nothing can stop him. Nothing can stop him. Tom si nemyslel, že přežije. Tom didn't think he'd survive. Tom didn't think he'd survive. Oni już zapomnieli. They've already forgotten. They've already forgotten. Koupím obě. I'll buy both of them. I'll buy them both. Myslím, že se ti ten piknik bude líbit. I think you'll enjoy the picnic. I think you'll like the picnic. Vím, že Tom podváděl. I know Tom cheated. I know Tom cheated. Nedávejte prosím Tomovi falešnou naději. Don't give Tom false hope, please. Please don't give Tom false hope. Nemusíš křičet. You don't have to yell. You don't have to scream. Nie dasz rady. You will fail. You can't do it. Proč to nechápeš? Why don't you understand it? Why don't you understand? Dowiedziałem się, ze zdziwieniem, że ona nie żyje. I found, to my surprise, that she was dead. I was surprised to find out that she was dead. Piękne, nie prawdaż? Beautiful, aren't they? Beautiful, isn't it? Mamy nadzieję, że nikt nie zostanie ranny. We're hoping that no one gets injured. We hope no one gets hurt. Czy mogę skorzystać z toalety? Can I use your toilet, please? Can I use the restroom? Kolik stojí jedno jablko? How much does an apple cost? How much does an apple cost? George jest bardzo entuzjastyczny wobec swojej nowej pracy. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. Má vlastní dům. He has a house of his own. He has his own house. Tom nie chce się uczyć francuskiego. Tom doesn't want to learn French. Tom doesn't want to learn French. Tom byl můj manžel. Tom was my husband. Tom was my husband. U fonetických jazyků se podíváte na psané slovo a víte, jak ho vyslovit. Čte se tak, jak je psáno! With phonetic languages, you can look at a written word and know how to pronounce it: read as it is written! With phonetic languages, you look at the written word and know how to pronounce it. Read as it is written! Není tady toho moc k vidění. There's nothing much to see here. There's not much to see here. Moje matka mi řekla, že Tom je můj nevlastní bratr. My mother told me that Tom is my half-brother. My mother told me Tom was my half-brother. Chci vám říct ještě jednu věc. I want to tell you one thing more. I want to tell you one more thing. Myślę, że znajdziemy Toma. I think we'll find Tom. I think we'll find Tom. Toma vyhodí z práce. Tom will be fired. Tom gets fired from his job. Kiedy weźmiesz to lekarstwo, brzuch będzie cię bolał znacznie mniej. After you take the medicine, your stomachache will be much relieved. When you take this medicine, your stomach will hurt much less. Píši dopis. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Coś jest nie tak. Something is wrong. Something's not right. Tomu je těžké uvěřit. That's hard to believe. It's hard to believe. Doufám, že si to Tom rozmyslí. I hope that Tom will change his mind. I hope Tom changes his mind. Má Tom právníka? Does Tom have an attorney? Does Tom have a lawyer? Tom měl oblečené bílé triko. Tom was wearing a white T-shirt. Tom was wearing a white shirt. Była nieobecna w szkole z powodu choroby. She was absent from school because she was sick. She was absent from school due to illness. Chčije. It's pissing with rain. Pisses. Nemá to žádné logické vysvětlení. There's no logical reason for this. There's no logical explanation. Skončil citací z bible. He ended by quoting the Bible. He ended up quoting from the Bible. Nechci, aby si lidé mysleli, že nejsem společenský. I just don't want to have people thinking that I'm not sociable. I don't want people to think I'm not social. Co jest z Jackiem? What about Jack? What's wrong with Jack? Jesteś niepoprawny. You're incorrect. You're incorrigible. Chci zase začít pracovat. I want to start working again. I want to start working again. Na světě se stále dějí hrozné věci. Terrible things are still happening in the world. Terrible things still happen in the world. Tohle je odvážný výrok. This is a bold statement. This is a bold statement. Wesołego Święta Dziękczynienia! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving! W końcu przyjąłem jego propozycję, wbrew sobie. At last I accepted his proposal against my will. I finally accepted his offer, against myself. Na świecie jest ponad siedem tysięcy języków. There are over seven thousand languages in the world. There are more than 7,000 languages in the world. Masa nieskutecznych programów oświatowych obniżyła notowania prezydenta wśród zwolenników dyscypliny fiskalnej. A plethora of ineffective education programs made the president unpopular amongst fiscal conservatives. The mass of ineffective educational programs has lowered the President's ratings among supporters of fiscal discipline. Diskuse s Tomem pro nás byla vyčerpávající. The discussion with Tom was exhausting for us. Talking to Tom was exhausting. To jídlo až tak strašně nechutnalo. The food didn't taste all that bad. The food didn't taste so good. Amerykanie mają łatwy dostęp do broni. Guns are readily accessible to Americans. Americans have easy access to weapons. Poslechl jsem vše, co mi Tom řekl. I listened to everything Tom told me. I listened to everything Tom said. Dovolte Tomovi jet s námi. Let Tom go with us. Let Tom come with us. Vroucně ho milovala. She adored him. She loved him dearly. Musím si sundat brýle. I need to take my glasses off. I have to take my glasses off. Zahulákali. They yelled. They booed. Běhám rychleji, než Tom. I can run more quickly than Tom. I'm running faster than Tom. Mój starszy brat jest naprawdę wysoki, około 1,8m. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother is really tall, about 1.8m. Chápu, o co se snažíš, ale nebude to fungovat. I see what you're trying to do, but it isn't going to work. I understand what you're trying to do, but it's not gonna work. Je to horké. Nesahej na to. That's very hot. Don't touch it. It's hot, don't touch it. Milují Toma. They love Tom. They love Tom. Chci s ní mluvit o své budoucnosti. I want to talk with her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Co spiwaś a rejowaś. She wants to sing and dance. What you sing and sing. Nie słuchałem radia. I wasn't listening to the radio. I didn't listen to the radio. Nebyl jsem moc spokojen s dnešním výkonem. I wasn't very satisfied with today's performance. I wasn’t too happy with today’s performance. Hałas obudzi dziecko. The noise will wake the baby up. The noise wakes the child. Tom je krapet starší než Mary. Tom is a bit older than Mary. Tom is a little older than Mary. Lituji, že jsem jim vyprávěl o své rodině. I regret telling them about my family. I regret telling them about my family. Vrátili se, aby Toma zachránili. They returned to rescue Tom. They came back to save Tom. Jaro je za dveřmi. Spring is about to arrive. Spring is at the door. Tom dał wiele wskazówek, ale żadna z nich mi się nie podobała. Tom gave a lot of suggestions, but I didn't like any of them. Tom gave a lot of tips, but I didn't like any of them. Tom mi zapomněl koupit oběd, jak slíbil. Tom forgot to buy me lunch, as he had promised. Tom forgot to buy me lunch like he promised. Jak dlouho budeme muset nosit roušky? How long will we have to wear masks? How long do we have to wear masks? Prostě bych Toma rád našel, a promluvil si s ním. I'd just like to find Tom and talk to him. I'd just like to find Tom and talk to him. Věděli jsme, že Tom lže. We knew Tom was telling lies. We knew Tom was lying. Tom je nemocný člověk. Tom is a sick man. Tom is a sick man. Jsem zvyklý ponocovat. I'm used to staying up late. I'm used to staying up late. Řekl, že můj počítač ještě není připraven. He said my computer was not ready yet. He said my computer wasn't ready yet. Měla se vrátit včera, ale onemocněla. She was to have returned yesterday, but she fell ill. She was supposed to come back yesterday, but she got sick. Zawsze, kiedy słyszę tę piosenkę, myślę o twoim uśmiechu. Every time I hear this song, I think of your smile. Every time I hear that song, I think of your smile. Jak dlouho vám trvá jíst snídani? How long does it take you to eat breakfast? How long does it take you to eat breakfast? Stej w knihowni. You are in a library. Stay in the library. Tom szuka kogoś, kto pomoże mu przetłumaczyć dokument z francuskiego na angielski. Tom is looking for someone to help him translate a document from French into English. Tom is looking for someone to help him translate the document from French to English. Tom býval taxikářem. Tom used to be a taxi driver. Tom was a taxi driver. Nie, proszę siadać. No, sit down. No, sit down. Dałeś kiedyś pieniądze żebrakowi? Have you ever given money to a beggar? Have you ever given money to a beggar? Nejdu do práce. I'm not going to work. I'm not going to work. Najprawdopodobniej śpi. He's probably sleeping. He's probably asleep. Żołnierze przyzwyczajeni są do niebezpieczeństwa. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are used to danger. Potřebuji silnější lék na bolest. I need a stronger painkiller. I need a stronger painkiller. Umiesz odróżnić ją od jej siostry? Can you distinguish her from her sister? Can you tell her from her sister? Tom kdysi dělal pro mého dědu. Tom used to work for my grandfather. Tom used to work for my grandfather. Co było pierwsze? Jajko czy kura? What came first? The egg or the hen? Which came first, the egg or the chicken? Udělám domácí úkol. I will do my homework. I'll do my homework. Je čas se učit rusky. It's time to learn Russian. It's time to learn Russian. Každý vnímá barvu jinak. Čemu já říkám žlutá, by jiní nazvali oranžovou. Everyone has a different perception of color. What I call yellow, others would call orange. Everyone perceives color differently. What I call yellow, others would call orange. Tom byl politický vězeň. Tom was a political prisoner. Tom was a political prisoner. Koupil jsem spousty knih. I bought lots of books. I bought a lot of books. Jsou věci, které nechápu. There are things I can't understand. There are things I don't understand. Píšu dopis. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Co kdybychom se všichni zuli? Why don't we all take off our shoes? Why don't we all get high? Musicie znowu spróbować. You have to try again. You have to try again. Auto jest gotowe. The car is ready. The car is ready. Nevypadá to, že by Tom vstával. Tom doesn't appear to be getting up. It doesn't look like Tom's getting up. Dnes odpoledne nemám čas. I don't have time this afternoon. I don't have time this afternoon. Nie mieszaj się do nieswoich spraw! Mind your own business! Stay out of my business! Tom powiedział, że wróci. Tom said that he would come back. Tom said he'd be back. Sami nigdy się nie goli. Sami never shaves. He never shaves himself. Zabere to hodně času. This will take a lot of time. It'll take a long time. Polscy specjaliści pracują w Afryce. Polish specialists work in Africa. Polish specialists work in Africa. Zaduněl hrom. The thunder roared. Thunder rumbled. Okolo projelo hodně aut. Many cars passed by. There were a lot of cars around. Tom jest zwariowany. Tom is freaky. Tom is crazy. Tom chce mít stejného psa, jako máme my. Tom wants to have the same kind of dog as we have. Tom wants to have the same dog as us. O czym myślisz? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Co kdybychom jeli vlakem? Why don't we go by train? Why don't we take the train? Tom věděl, že přijde postih. Tom knew that the penalty would come. Tom knew there would be a penalty. Tom je jediný, kdo nechtěl jít. Tom is the only one who didn't want to go. Tom was the only one who didn’t want to go. Nie można być za ostrożnym podczas przechodzenia ulicy. You cannot be too careful in crossing a street. You can't be too careful when crossing the street. Vypadáš skvěle. You look perfect. You look great. Lubię kawę. I like coffee. I like coffee. Nie poszedłem tam i Tom też nie. I didn't go there, and neither did Tom. I didn't go there, and neither did Tom. Všimli si toho. They noticed that. They've noticed. Vím, že byl Tom tvým přítelem. I know Tom was a friend of yours. I know Tom was your friend. Mary se líbí koule. Mary likes nuts. Mary likes balls. Szerokiej drogi! Have a nice trip! Have a good trip! Větě je možné přiřknout dva významy, z nichž je jeden přesným opakem druhého. The sentence is capable of two interpretations, of which the first is the exact opposite of the other. A sentence can be assigned two meanings, one of which is the exact opposite of the other. Okrucieństwo, jakiego dopuszczono się na tym komisariacie, jest niewyobrażalne. The cruelty of the torture in the police station is beyond description. The cruelty that has been committed in this police station is unimaginable. Myślę, że ona jest z Niemiec. I think that she is from Germany. I think she's from Germany. Z jakého města jsou Marco a Maria? Maria a Marco jsou z Říma. From which city are Marco and Maria? Maria and Marco are from Rome. What city are Marco and Maria from? Maria and Marco are from Rome. Pokażesz mi książkę? Will you show me the book? Can you show me the book? Jak na to? How to do it? How do you do that? Spojené Státy hraničí s Kanadou. The United States borders Canada. The United States borders Canada. Nie ma sensu winić się nawzajem, musimy znaleźć rozwiązanie. It's no use blaming each other, we need to find solutions. There is no point in blaming each other, we have to find a solution. Dobrze robimy, prawda? We're doing the right thing, aren't we? We're doing the right thing, right? Chciałbym tam iść któregoś dnia. I'd like to go there someday. I'd like to go there someday. Neznám vlajku této země. I don't know this country's flag. I don't know the flag of this country. Tom doceniał pomoc Mary. Tom appreciated Mary's help. Tom appreciated Mary's help. Mary to zrobja, bò wona nji mja vibjorë. Mary did that because she had no choice. Mary will do that, won't do my vibe. Vůbec to nechápu. I can't understand this at all. I don't get it at all. Tom nie znał zasad. Tom didn't know the rules. Tom didn't know the rules. Ještě tu místnost neopustil. He hasn't left the room yet. He hasn't left the room yet. On boi się węży. He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. Powiedział, że sprawa jest pilna i że nie ma ani chwili do stracenia. He said that the matter was urgent, and that there was not a moment to lose. He said the matter was urgent and that he had no time to lose. Możliwe, że spóźniła się na pociąg. She may have missed the train. Maybe she was late for the train. Tom pár let pracoval v Bostonu. Tom worked in Boston for a few years. Tom worked in Boston for a few years. Mám narozeniny v listopadu. My birthday is in November. It's my birthday in November. Nie miałbym nic przeciwko wypiciu drinka. I wouldn't mind a drink. I wouldn't mind a drink. Czy Cathy też poszła? Did Cathy go, too? Did Cathy go too? Nie chodzi o to, że nie chcę iść, po prostu nie jest to dla mnie dobry moment. It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that it's not a good time for me. It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just not a good time for me. Możesz pisać w dowolnym języku. W Tatoeba wszystkie języki są równe. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Tchórz z ciebie! You're a coward! You're a coward! Tom odešel z práce a odstěhoval se do Bostonu. Tom quit his job and moved to Boston. Tom quit his job and moved to Boston. Tohle je pravý diamant This is a real diamond. This is a real diamond. Pan Wood nie miał synów. Mr Wood had no sons. Mr. Wood had no sons. Co by se stalo, kdybychom to udělali? What would happen if we did that? What would happen if we did? Hraje s nimi poker. She plays poker with them. He plays poker with them. Udělal jsi to znovu. You did it again. You did it again. Tom šel do školy, i když mu doktor řekl, že by neměl. Tom went to school even though his doctor told him he shouldn't. Tom went to school, even though the doctor told him he shouldn't. Nesnáším, když se na mě někdo dívá. I hate being watched. I hate when people look at me. Ahoj, to je Mike. Hello, this is Mike. Hey, it's Mike. Wsadził słomkę w mrowisko. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He put a straw in the anthill. Jestem przekonany, że Tom jest winny. I'm convinced Tom is guilty. I'm sure Tom's guilty. Věří ve své schopnosti. He is confident of his abilities. They believe in their abilities. Reklamujeme své produkty v televizi. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. Má dlouhý nos. She has a long nose. He has a long nose. Możesz dotrzeć do parku inną drogą. You can reach the park by either road. You can reach the park by another route. Tom podrazil Mary. Tom tripped Mary. Tom cheated on Mary. Jestli mi nevěříš, jdi a podívej se sám. If you don't believe me, go and see it for yourself. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Nikt nie zna powodu. No one knows the reason. No one knows the reason. Detaily se nezabývám. I'm not concerned with the details. I don't go into details. Kam se spolu můžeme dostat? Where can we get together? Where can we get together? Tom tomu mohl zabránit. Tom could have prevented it. Tom could have prevented it. Tento film stojí za vidění. This movie is worth seeing. This film is worth seeing. Nikdo Toma nepřivítal. Nobody welcomed Tom. No one welcomed Tom. Oba jste si vedli dobře. You both did fine. You both did well. Tom to opraví. Tom will fix it. Tom will fix it. Není to špatné. That isn't so bad. Not bad. Pomohl jsem jí umýt nádobí. I helped her wash the dishes. I helped her wash the dishes. Stále ještě neumím tancovat. I still can't dance. I still can't dance. Ma bratša abo sotšu? Does he have a brother or a sister? Does he have a brother or sister? Tom věří, že brzy bude velký výpadek elektřiny. Tom believes that there will be a big blackout soon. Tom believes there's going to be a major power outage soon. Matka rozdzieliła walczące dzieci. The mother separated the fighting children. The mother separated the fighting children. Brian zostawił drzwi otwarte. Brian left the door open. Brian left the door open. Mnoho učitelů si na své žáky stěžuje. Many teachers complain about their students. Many teachers complain about their students. W tym sklepie można wynająć rower na godziny. You can hire a bicycle by the hour at this shop. In this shop you can rent a bike for hours. Má hlad. She is hungry. He's hungry. Byl bych vám velmi vděčný, kdybyste mi zítra pomohli. I'd be very grateful if you could help me tomorrow. I would be very grateful if you could help me tomorrow. Zdá se, že dneska budu vzhůru celou noc. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. Looks like I'll be up all night tonight. Jsme tady celý život. We have been here all our lives. We've been here all our lives. Vrátila fotku zpátky na místo. She put the photo back in its place. She put the photo back in place. Jsem přesvědčen, že to patří mně. I believe that belongs to me. I'm convinced it belongs to me. Já jím tady. I eat here. I eat here. Można mu zaufać. He can be trusted. You can trust him. Na tyto otázky nejsou odpovědi. There are no answers to these questions. There are no answers to these questions. Nie wiem, czy to jest prawda. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if that's true. Nie trać nadziei. You can't give up hope. Don't lose hope. Tom si sundal ochranné brýle. Tom took off his protective glasses. Tom took off his safety glasses. Byłem z nimi cały dzień. I was with them all day. I've been with them all day. Mnoho vojáků bylo zabito. Many soldiers have been killed. Many soldiers were killed. Řekli jste pravdu. You told the truth. You told the truth. Jsem Američan. I am American. I'm American. Kto się tobą opiekuje? Who takes care of you? Who's taking care of you? Přijeli jste autobusem, že? You came by bus, didn't you? You came by bus, didn't you? Ile masz rodzeństwa? How many siblings do you have? How many siblings do you have? Jsou lidé, kteří neradi špenát. There are people who don't like spinach. There are people who don't like spinach. Hodně jsem se zlepšil. I've improved a lot. I've improved a lot. Tom si stěžoval učitelce. Tom complained to the teacher. Tom complained to the teacher. Nic neslibuji. I make no promises. I promise nothing. Tom křičel na Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Stej w knigłowni. You're in the library. Stay in the bookstore. Věříš v lásku na první pohled? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight? Nigdy nie miał już zobaczyć ojczyzny. He was never to see his native land again. He never had to see his country again. Ja też. Me, too. So do I. Na tuto otázku nemohu odpovědět. I can't answer this question. I cannot answer that question. Problém je, jak máme nakládat s penězi. The problem is how we should manage the money. The problem is how to handle the money. Ten pán to koupil. The gentleman bought it. The man bought it. Měla jsi pravdu o Tomovi. You were right about Tom. You were right about Tom. Pamatuji si jeho obličej, ale nevzpomínám si, jak se jmenuje. I remember his face but I can't remember his name. I remember his face, but I don't remember his name. Tom powiedział, że nie chce nic do picia. Tom said he didn't want anything to drink. Tom said he didn't want anything to drink. Tom zemřel ve svých sedmdesáti letech. Tom passed away at the age of seventy. Tom died at the age of 70. Tom powiedział Mary, że jest gruba i brzydka. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Tom told Mary that she was fat and ugly. Tom by se měl vrátit každou chvíli. Tom should come back at any time. Tom should be back any minute. Nie bij mnie tak mocno. Don't hit me so hard. Don't hit me so hard. Tom ma trzy byłe żony. Tom has three ex-wives. Tom has three ex-wives. Zrób, co możesz, żeby ukończyć tę pracę. Do your best to complete the work. Do what you can to finish this job. Tom powiedział, że to był wypadek. Tom said it was an emergency. Tom said it was an accident. Tom zmarł w wieku dziewięćdziesięciu siedmiu lat. Tom died at the age of 97. Tom died at the age of ninety-seven. Czy możesz przestać mnie denerwować? Can you stop annoying me? Can you stop annoying me? Nauczył się grać w golfa obserwując innych i podążając za ich przykładem. He learned golf by watching others and following their example. He learned to play golf by observing others and following their example. Nikt nie został ranny. No one was hurt. No one was hurt. Málem jsem zapomněla udělat si domácí úkoly. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my homework. Policja aresztowała wczoraj podejrzanego. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Police arrested the suspect yesterday. Zwyzywali Toma. They verbally abused Tom. They called Tom. Z Tomem nie można rozsądnie dyskutować. You can't reason with Tom. You can't argue with Tom. Děti brzy usnuly. The children soon fell asleep. The children fell asleep early. Rozumiem, o czym mówisz. I understand what you mean. I understand what you're saying. Możemy zakończyć? Can we stop? Can we finish? Miałem operację. I had an operation. I had surgery. Poznałem ją jak tylko ją zobaczyłem. I recognized her as soon as I saw her. I met her as soon as I saw her. Ryż zwykle jem pałeczkami. I usually eat rice with chopsticks. I usually eat rice with chopsticks. O mało nie utopiła się w rzece. She almost drowned in the river. She almost drowned in the river. Mieszkamy na szóstym piętrze. We live on the sixth floor. We live on the sixth floor. Zanurzyłem palec w miodzie. I dipped my finger into the honey. I dipped my finger in honey. Poslední dobou jsem hodně snil. I've been dreaming a lot lately. I've been dreaming a lot lately. Tom Mary ubezpečil, že je o vše postaráno. Tom assured Mary that everything was taken care of. Tom Mary made sure that everything was taken care of. Stanice je na západ od hotelu. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is to the west of the hotel. Tělo toho muže se ještě nenašlo. That man's body still hasn't been found. The man's body hasn't been found yet. Maria pracowała jako opiekunka do dzieci, gdy była nastolatką. Mary worked as a babysitter when she was a teenager. Maria worked as a babysitter when she was a teenager. No i? So what? Well? Okradli mě? Did I get robbed? I've been robbed? Bůh to učinil. God did it. God did it. Kawy bywają różne. There is coffee, Coffee is different. Ještě to nikdo nemá. No one has gotten it yet. No one's got it yet. Nie mogę udawać kogoś, kim nie jestem. I can't pretend to be something I'm not. I can't pretend to be someone I'm not. Guus Hiddink jest Holendrem. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Jíš. You are eating. You're eating. On jest silny jak koń. He is strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. Opowiedz, jak to wszystko było. Tell me all about how it went. Tell me what it was like. Dokaž, že si Toma opravdu vážíš. Prove that you really value Tom. Prove that you really appreciate Tom. Tom má v plánu si koupit další auto. Tom plans to buy another car. Tom plans to buy another car. Tom a Mary znají náš plán. Tom and Mary know our plans. Tom and Mary know our plan. Teď už je mi všechno jasné! It's all clear to me now! It's all clear to me now! Tomovo mrtvé tělo je teď v márnici. Tom's corpse is in the mortuary now. Tom's dead body is now in the morgue. Všichni to jsou zloději. They're all thieves. They're all thieves. Chciałem wrócić do twojej wioski. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to your village. Hodně ses opil. You got very drunk. You got drunk a lot. Když ten hoch uviděl, co mu Tom provedl, rozplakal se. When the boy saw what Tom had done to him, he started crying. When the boy saw what Tom had done to him, he cried. Mówiła szybko. She spoke rapidly. She spoke quickly. Doufám, že brzy uvidím jeho fotku. I hope to see his picture soon. I hope to see a picture of him soon. Tom nie mógł przestać myśleć o Mary. Tom couldn't help thinking about Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Mohu si to půjčit? Can I borrow it? Can I borrow this? Miałem nadzieję na coś odrobinę bardziej użytecznego. I was hoping for something a little more useful. I was hoping for something a little more useful. Chce s tebou ihned mluvit. She wants to talk to you right now. He wants to talk to you right away. Je dost místa pro všechny. There's enough room for everyone. There's plenty of room for everyone. Tom se mě dotkl. Tom touched me. Tom touched me. Obloha je pokrytá černými mraky. The sky is full of dark clouds. The sky is covered with black clouds. Ciągle masz rodzinę w Bostonie? Do you still have family in Boston? Do you still have family in Boston? Probereme to s Tomem. Let's discuss it with Tom. We'll talk about it with Tom. Wciąż mamy dużo pracy. We have a lot more work to do. We still have a lot of work to do. Naším cílem je zvítězit. Our goal is to win. Our goal is to win. Čteš rád? Do you like reading? You like to read? To tak nie działa. It doesn't work like that. That's not how it works. Wynajęła prywatnego detektywa. She hired a private investigator. She hired a private investigator. Kdybych si tak byl přinesl počítač. I wish I had brought my computer. I wish I had brought a computer. Dziewczyna boi się psów. The girl is afraid of dogs. The girl is afraid of dogs. Hoří! Fire! It's burning! To jest niebezpieczne wychodzić na spacer nocą? Is it dangerous to go out for walks at night? Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? Učte se maďarsky. Learn Hungarian. Learn Hungarian. Je obtížné překládat vtip do jiného jazyka. It is hard to translate a joke into another language. It is difficult to translate a joke into another language. Jesteś samolubny. You're selfish. You're being selfish. To jest wieża. That's a tower. It's a tower. Nie muszę tu być w tej chwili. I don't need to be here right now. I don't have to be here right now. Zemdlałam. I passed out. I fainted. Tom to neudělá, dokud ho nepožádáte. Tom won't do that until you ask him. Tom won't do it until you ask him. Naplánovali to dopředu. They planned it beforehand. They planned ahead. Wolę herbatę od kawy. I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer tea to coffee. Wszędzie na podłodze leżały płatki. There are petals all over the floor. There were flakes everywhere on the floor. Vrátím to. I'll give it back. I'll pay it back. Czasami upadam, ale nigdy się nie poddaję. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but I never give up. Jsem bez práce už půl roku. I have been unemloyed for six months. I've been out of work for six months. Tady nemáš plavat. You aren't supposed to swim here. You're not supposed to swim here. Dobře vás odškodníme. We will compensate you well. We'll compensate you well. Powiedział mi jak się gra w szachy. He told me how to play chess. He told me how to play chess. Proč jsi utekla? Why did he run away? Why did you run? Ptáci narození v kleci si myslí, že létání je nemoc. “Birds born in a cage think that flying is an illness.” Birds born in cages think flying is a disease. K věci, prosím. Please get to the point. Get to the point, please. Jeden raz wystarczy. One time is enough. Once is enough. Ještě jsem se nesetkal se všemi. I haven't met everybody yet. I haven't met everyone yet. Trudno powiedzieć co Tom zamierza zrobić. It's hard to tell what Tom is going to do. It's hard to say what Tom's going to do. V létě bývá často horko. There is often sultry weather in summer. It is often hot in the summer. Posaďme se do stínu toho stromu. Let's sit down in the shade of that tree. Let's sit in the shade of that tree. Wstaliśmy bardzo wcześnie, by zobaczyć wschód słońca. We woke up very early in order to see the sunrise. We got up very early to see the sunrise. Kdy jsi byl naposledy s Tomem na rybách? When was the last time you went fishing with Tom? When was the last time you and Tom went fishing? Nevyhazujte Toma. Don't fire Tom. Don't throw Tom out. To si nenechám líbit. I won't tolerate it. I don't like it. Tohle je opravdová noční můra. This is a real nightmare. This is a real nightmare. Musíme se zbavit té veteše. We need to get rid of all this junk. We need to get rid of this junk. Dobrze pasuje do twoich spodni. It looks nice with your trousers. It goes well with your pants. To je náš přítel Tom. This is our friend Tom. This is our friend Tom. Podejrzany pozostaje na wolności. The suspect remains at large. The suspect remains at large. Słyszałem, że masz piękny głos. I heard you have a beautiful voice. I hear you have a beautiful voice. Jest aktywny pomimo podeszłego wieku. He is active although he is very old. He is active despite his old age. Naletěl jsem ti. You had me fooled. I fell for you. Staj w knihowni. You are in a library. Stay in the library. Co pan pije? What do you want to drink? What are you drinking? Jeho projev mě nudil. His speech bored me. His speech bored me. Czy mogę ugryźć? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Tomův hlas zněl posměšně. Tom's voice sounded mocking. Tom’s voice was ridiculous. Muszę się ogolić. I need to shave. I need a shave. Kdy si můžu dát přestávku? When can I take a break? When can I take a break? Mám chuť na další pivo. I feel like another beer. I'm in the mood for another beer. Neudělám to, i kdybys mě na kolenou prosil. I won't do it even if you beg me on bended knee. I won't do it even if you beg me on your knees. Maso je v poslední době dost drahé. Meat has been very expensive lately. Meat has been expensive lately. Lidé už mají těch omezení dost. People are fed up with the restrictions. People have had enough of these restrictions. Požádal své přátele o pomoc. He asked his friends for help. He asked his friends for help. Je tak hlučný! How noisy he is! He's so noisy! On pozwolił mi pracować w tym biurze. He let me work in this office. He let me work in this office. Položte svůj dotaz. Ask your question. Ask your question. Czekała, żeby iść z nim pożeglować. She was looking forward to going sailing with him. She was waiting to go sailing with him. W klasie jest trzydziestu chłopców. The number of boys in our class is thirty. There are 30 boys in the class. Uczę się francuskiego od bardzo dawna. I've been studying French for a very long time. I have been learning French for a long time. Japonština je má mateřština. Japanese is my mother tongue. Japanese is my mother tongue. Zřídili v Londýně novou společnost. They set up a new company in London. They set up a new company in London. Přestaň si stěžovat a začni něco dělat! Stop complaining and get weaving! Stop complaining and start doing something! Tom powiedział, że spróbuje. Tom said he would try. Tom said he'd try. Poradili Tomovi, aby resetoval heslo. Tom was advised to reset the password. They advised Tom to reset the password. Musíš napravit tyhle chyby. You must put these mistakes right. You have to correct these mistakes. Pozwól, że pomogę ci założyć twój płaszcz. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put your coat on. Měl by ses za svou pitomost stydět. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. Věděl jsem, že je budeš podezírat. I knew you would suspect them. I knew you'd suspect them. Spokojnie! Take it easy! Easy! Nemůžu si na to zvyknout. I can't get used to it. I can't get used to it. Po nehodě byla celý den v bezvědomí. She was unconscious for a whole day after the accident. She was unconscious all day after the accident. Nedal jsi Tomovi šanci. You didn't give Tom a chance. You didn't give Tom a chance. Ty se bojíš tohoto? You're afraid of this? Are you afraid of this? Kiedy wróciłeś z Londynu? When did you come back from London? When did you get back from London? Nikdy neřekneš, že mě miluješ. You never say you love me. You'll never say you love me. To je dosti neobvyklé. It's pretty unusual. That's pretty unusual. Jste opravdu neobratný, že ano! You are really clumsy, aren't you! You're really clumsy, aren't you! Naprosto mě to šokovalo. I found that absolutely shocking. It totally shocked me. To było bardzo zabawne. That was very funny. That was very funny. Był przerażony na widok nauczyciela. He was confounded at the sight of the teacher. He was terrified at the sight of the teacher. Vlaky zastavily kvůli hustému lijáku. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. The trains stopped because of heavy rain. Jak dlouho už jsi bez práce? How long have you been unemployed? How long have you been out of work? Dnes je historicky významný den. Today is a historic day. Today is a historically significant day. Vytvoří problém, a pak nabídnou řešení. They create a problem and then they offer the solution. They create a problem, and then they offer a solution. Snížil bych minimální věkovou hranici trestní zodpovědnosti. I would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. I would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Neměl jsi jim říci. You shouldn't have told them. You shouldn't have told them. Nikt nie odpowiedział. No one responded. No one answered. Svému synovi dali jméno John. They named their son John. They named their son John. Tohle jsem nenapsal. That isn't what I wrote. I didn't write this. Może Tom mógłby pomóc. Maybe Tom could help. Maybe Tom can help. Můj bratranec je novinář. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin is a journalist. Czy na półce jest słownik angielsko-japoński? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the bookshelf? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the shelf? Czemu opuściłeś Australię? Why did you leave Australia? Why did you leave Australia? Nikdy jsem Toma neviděl nic jíst. I've never seen Tom eat anything. I've never seen Tom eat anything. Kdo o tom chce slyšet? Who wants to hear about it? Who wants to hear about it? Včera jsem uklízel byt. Yesterday I was cleaning my apartment. I cleaned my apartment yesterday. Nebýt pomoci Toma, byl bych neuspěl. If it hadn't been for Tom's help, I'd have failed. If I didn't help Tom, I would have failed. Tom s tebou chce mluvit. Tom wants to talk to you. Tom wants to talk to you. Tom sięgnął po jeszcze jedną kartę. Tom reached for another card. Tom picked up another card. Budeš slavná. You're going to be famous. You'll be famous. Kde je vypínač? Where's the light switch? Where's the switch? Možná, že ti Tom uvěří. Tom may believe you. Maybe Tom will believe you. Vím, s kým chceš mluvit. I know who you want to talk to. I know who you want to talk to. Tom je všestranný muzikant. Tom is a versatile musician. Tom is a great musician. Rzuć broń. Throw down your gun. Drop the gun. Jste dobrý novinář. You're a good journalist. You're a good journalist. Neznal jsem správnou odpověď a tak jsem střílel od boku. I didn't know the correct answer, so I made a random guess. I didn't know the right answer, so I shot from the side. Toto vejce je prasklé. This egg is cracked. This egg is cracked. Snažil jsem se opět usnout. I tried to get back to sleep. I tried to sleep again. Ależ cudowna rodzina! What a marvelous family! What a wonderful family! Nancy je podobná mé sestře. Nancy resembles my sister. Nancy's like my sister. Jest bardzo miły, to dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's very nice, which is why I like working with him. He's very nice, that's why I like working with him. Dosud nevím, proč jste to udělal. I still don't know why you did that. I still don't know why you did it. Pro koho měl Tom pracovat? Who was Tom supposed to work for? Who was Tom working for? Pozdrowił tę panią. He greeted the lady. He greeted the lady. Už čtyřicet osm hodin nespali. They haven't slept for forty-eight hours already. They haven't slept in 48 hours. Prožili jsme si to. We got through it. We've been through this. Byla to tvoje volba. That was your choice. It was your choice. Věděl jsi, že Tom dříve žil v Bostonu? Did you know that Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know that Tom used to live in Boston? Tom vám v tom nesmí bránit. Tom mustn't prevent you from doing it. Tom can't stop you. Jak daleko je odsud knihovna? How far is the library from here? How far is the library from here? On nespí. He doesn't sleep. He's not sleeping. Mám pocit, že mi nikdo neříká pravdu. I feel no one tells me the truth. I feel like nobody's telling me the truth. Ještě hraješ šipky? Do you still play darts? Do you still play darts? Přestrojil jsem se za ženu, aby mě Tom nepoznal. I disguised myself as a woman so that Tom couldn't recognise me. I disguised myself as a woman so Tom wouldn't recognize me. Spieszę się dzisiaj. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry today. Sami byl ožralý. Sami was just pissed. He was drunk himself. Náš cíl je vyhrát. Our goal is to win. Our goal is to win. Powědam słowakski. I speak Slovak. I speak Slovak. Nevědouc, kde najít tu knihu, Alice se zeptala své matky, kde je. Alice, not knowing where to find the book, asked her mother where it was. Not knowing where to find the book, Alice asked her mother where it was. Arogantní lidé nikdy nemotivují ostatní lidi. Arrogant people never motivate other people. Arrogant people never motivate other people. Co było w środku. What was inside? What was inside. Chwal Pana, nie Jego proroków. Pray to the Lord and not his prophets. Praise the Lord, not His prophets. Mamy niewielkie szanse sukcesu. We have only a slender chance of success. We have little chance of success. Je tady poblíž veřejná pláž? Is there a public beach around here? Is there a public beach nearby? Sam będziesz musiał o to zadbać. You're going to have to take care of this by yourself. You'll have to take care of it yourself. Přilévají olej do ohně. They're adding fuel to fire. They add oil to the fire. Odwołano moje zajęcia. My class was cancelled. My classes have been canceled. Nasza krowa nie daje nam żadnego mleka. Our cow doesn't give us any milk. Our cow doesn't give us any milk. Řekl jsi mi pravdu? Have you told me the truth? Did you tell me the truth? Mary řekla, že je unavená, ale šťastná. Mary said that she was tired, but happy. Mary said she was tired, but happy. Zelená ti sekne. Green suits you. You look good in green. Wiesz może, dlaczego Tom pomógł? Do you have any idea why Tom helped? Do you know why Tom helped? Nie jestem nauczycielem. I am not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Potřebuješ to všechno? Do you need all of this? You need all this? Neměla bys čekat tady. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. Občas váhá, než odpoví. She sometimes hesitates before answering. Sometimes he hesitates before answering. Nesměj se mu. Don't laugh at him. Don't laugh at him. Tento čaj je opravdu dobrý. This tea is really good. This tea is really good. Říkejte mi prosím Taro. Please call me Taro. Please call me Tara. Tom ztlumil svůj mobil. Tom muted his cell phone. Tom turned his phone down. Nemohl bych se jí podívat do očí. I couldn't look her in the eye. I couldn't look her in the eye. Proszę częstować się pizzą. Please help yourself to the pizza. Please serve yourself a pizza. Kdo Toma odvezl domů? Who drove Tom home? Who took Tom home? Sami szuka swojej żony. Sami is looking for his wife. Sami's looking for his wife. Od té doby jsme nikdy v Bostonu nebyli. We've never been back to Boston since then. We've never been to Boston since. Cítil jsem se jako kdybych byl mrtvý. I felt like I was dead. I felt like I was dead. Nemám rád běh. I don't like to run. I don't like running. Tom jest najwyższym człowiekiem jakiego znam. Tom is the tallest man I know. Tom is the tallest man I know. Myslím, že už jsem tu někdy byl. I think I've been here before. I think I've been here before. O! Ale ciekawe! Wow! Interesting! Oh, that's interesting! Můžeš si vybrat kterékoliv z nich. You may choose any of them. You can choose any of them. Dovedeš si vzpomenout na první slovo, které ses naučila v angličtině? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Vím, že jsi na mě byla pyšná. I know you were proud of me. I know you were proud of me. Po prostu jej powiedziałem. I just told her. I just told her. Nevím proč a je mi to jedno. I don't know why and I don't care. I don't know why and I don't care. Jsi o něco starší, nežli Tom. You're a little older than Tom. You're a little older than Tom. Kapitan statku postanowił zmienić kurs. The captain of the ship decided to change course. The captain of the ship decided to change course. Tom chytil míč oběma rukama. Tom caught the ball with both hands. Tom caught the ball with both hands. Naukowcy pracują nad atomową energią. The scientist is working on atomic energy. Scientists are working on atomic energy. Teď je ten správný čas. The right time is now. Now's the time. Řekl jsem mu, že tady Tom není. I told him that Tom isn't here. I told him Tom wasn't here. Navzdory všem svým úspěchům nebyla pyšná. Despite all her achievements, she was not proud. Despite all her accomplishments, she was not proud. Przyjemny dziś wietrzyk. The wind feels great today. Nice breeze today. Všude jsou mravenci. There are ants everywhere. There are ants everywhere. Tom zrobi to później. Tom will do that later. Tom will do it later. Šálek čaje, prosím. A cup of tea, please. A cup of tea, please. Tom martwi się tym co robi Mary. Tom is worried about what Mary is doing. Tom's worried about what Mary's doing. Jsme na to zvyklí. We're used to it. We're used to it. „Na zachodzie bez zmian”. "All Quiet on the Western Front" “In the West, no change.” Kéž by se lidé přestali nenávidět. If only people stopped hating each other. I wish people would stop hating each other. Usnula mi v autobuse na ruce. She fell asleep on my arm on the bus. She fell asleep on the bus. Měla obrovské výkyvy nálad. She had huge mood swings. She had huge mood swings. Zaczyna się ściemniać. It's starting to get dark. It's getting dark. Proč jsi to začal dělat? Why did you start doing that? Why did you start doing that? Řekni mi jediný důvod, proč bych měl Tomovi věřit potom, co mi udělal. Tell me one reason why I should trust Tom after what he has done to me. Give me one reason why I should trust Tom after what he did to me. Niewiele było szkół dla kobiet. There were few colleges to educate women. There weren’t many schools for women. Určitě moc nepomůžu. I'm sure I won't be of much help. I'm sure I can't help it. Je to zbrusu nové. It's brand new. It's brand new. Odpowiadaj mi, kiedy do ciebie mówię. Answer me when I talk to you. Answer me when I speak to you. Mají právo a moc jednat na základě svých představ. They have the right and power to act on their ideas. They have the right and the power to act on their own ideas. Všichni chcem, aby jsi byl šťastný. We all want you to be happy. We all want you to be happy. Tohle je poprvé, co vidím svého biologického otce. This is the first time that I've seen my biological father. This is the first time I've seen my biological father. Jego powieści są lubiane przez młodych ludzi. His novels are popular among young people. His novels are loved by young people. Nagle rozszalała się gwałtowna burza. Suddenly, a terrible storm came up. Suddenly there was a violent storm. Tomovi vypadla zbraň z ruky. The gun fell out of Tom's hands. Tom dropped the gun from his hand. Je nachcanej. He's piss drunk. He's pissed. Nebude to pro nás snadné. It won't be easy for us. It won't be easy for us. Słyszałem o tobie i Tomie. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. Nie rozumiem co się ze mną dzieje. I don't understand what's happening to me. I don't understand what's happening to me. Co chcesz jej kupić? What do you want to buy for her? What do you want to buy her? Czemu jesteś śpiąca? Why are you sleepy? Why are you sleeping? Jest mądrzejsza od Mary, ale nie tak piękna. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful. Nasza jedność może być doskonała. Our union can be perfected. Our unity can be perfect. Więc, dlaczego się śmiejesz? Well then why are you laughing? So, why are you laughing? Tom leży na trawie pod jabłonią. Tom is lying on the grass under an apple tree. Tom lies on the grass under the apple tree. Pomiędzy lękiem niszczącym a konstruktywnym isnieje tylko cienka granica,ale ta granica istnieje.Naszym zadaniem jest znalezienie i przekroczenie jej. There exists a fine line between helpful and destructive fears. But there is a line. Our job is to find it and walk it. Between destructive and constructive fear there is only a thin line, but that line exists. Ona nie jest dobrym człowiekiem. She is not a good person. She's not a good person. Tato otázka byla často vznešena. This question has often been raised. This question was often noble. Měl jsi mi říct, že jedeš. You should've told me you were going. You should have told me you were coming. Co dělá tvůj otec? What does your father do? What's your father doing? Tom nakoupil. Tom did the shopping. Tom bought it. Nie puszczę cię. I'm not letting you go. I'm not letting you go. Čas odsud vypadnout. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to get out of here. Udělali jsme sochy ze dřeva. We made statues out of wood. We made statues out of wood. Potrzebuję wazonu, żeby wstawić do niego kwiaty. I need a vase to put these flowers in. I need a vase to put flowers in it. Tom je můj soused. Tom is my neighbour. Tom's my neighbor. To wypada w niedzielę. It falls on Sunday. It's Sunday. Čas vše zahojí. Time heals all wounds. Time heals everything. Nepoužívejte žehličku, elektrickou konvici a elektrický sporák zároveň. Don't use the iron, electric kettle, and electric stove at the same time. Do not use an iron, an electric kettle and an electric stove at the same time. We Francji panuje zdrowa demokracja. France is a vibrant democracy. There is a healthy democracy in France. Na tohle chladné počasí jsem zvyklý. I'm used to this cold weather. I'm used to this cold weather. Mam nadzieję że Tom umie to naprawić. I hope Tom can fix it. I hope Tom can fix this. To wieś, gdzie on się urodził. This is the village where he was born. This is the village where he was born. Oni tam Toma nechtějí. They don't want Tom there. They don't want Tom there. Tom ti to nikdy nevrátí. Znám ho. Tom will never give it back to you. I know him. Tom's never gonna get you back. Niech ktoś coś powie. Somebody say something. Somebody say something. Nie chcę słyszeć tego imienia w tym domu! Nigdy więcej! I don't ever want to hear that name in this house! Never again! I don't want to hear that name in this house! Cześć, jestem Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Hi, I'm Nancy. Už jsou tady. They're already here. They're here. To njejo papjera. That's not paper. It's not paper. Wyszliśmy na spacer po śniadaniu. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went for a walk after breakfast. Tom pojechał do Bostonu samochodem. Tom went to Boston by car. Tom went to Boston by car. Jestem zajęty, więc nie mogę pomóc. I'm busy, so I can't help. I'm busy, so I can't help. Dnes jsi byl dost tichý. You've been pretty quiet today. You were pretty quiet today. Navštívíte nás brzy? Will you visit us soon? Will you visit us soon? Katalánsko není Španělsko. Catalonia is not Spain. Catalonia is not Spain. Čekalo na něho hodně lidí. A lot of people were waiting for him. A lot of people were waiting for him. Przepraszam, pozwól mi wskazać trzy błędy w powyższym artykule. Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article. Sorry, let me point out three mistakes in the above article. Myślisz, że kiedykolwiek będziesz rozważać samobójstwo? Do you think you would ever consider suicide? Do you think you'll ever consider suicide? Leden, únor, březen, duben, květen, červen, červenec, srpen, září, říjen, listopad a prosinec je dvanáct ročních měsíců. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are twelve months of the year. Tom a Mary nemají děti. Tom and Mary don't have any children. Tom and Mary don't have kids. Sami przyszła wcześniej w tym tygodniu. Sami came earlier this week. Sami came earlier this week. Můj otec je teď v nemocnici. My father is in the hospital now. My father's in the hospital now. Proč Tom odešel předčasně do důchodu? Why did Tom retire early? Why did Tom retire early? Tom je pořád s něčím nespokojený. Tom is always dissatisfied with something. Tom is always unhappy with something. Nejlepší je nechat jí, ať se s tím vypořádá. It's best to let her handle it. It's best to let her deal with it. Zrąbał drzewo. He chopped down a tree. He chopped down a tree. Máme dvě uši. We have two ears. We have two ears. Nechtěl jsem jet do Bostonu. I didn't want to go to Boston. I didn't want to go to Boston. Będziesz musiał prowadzić. You'll have to drive. You'll have to drive. Je Tom dobrý kuchař? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a good cook? Moc mě mrzí, že jsem nemohl jít Tomovi na pohřeb. I am very sorry that I couldn't attend Tom's funeral. I'm so sorry I couldn't go to Tom's funeral. Znám ho, a proto mu nevěřím. I know him, therefore I don't trust him. I know him, that's why I don't trust him. Tom hrál včera s Mary tenis. Tom played tennis with Mary yesterday. Tom played tennis with Mary yesterday. Znajdź to słowo w swoim słowniku. Look up the word in your dictionary. Find this word in your dictionary. Wcale tyle nie pracuję! I don't work that much! I don't work that much! Nepůjdu s Tomem na ryby. I won't go fishing with Tom. I'm not going fishing with Tom. Mějte s Tomem soucit. Have compassion for Tom. Have compassion on Tom. Tom si otevřel obchod. Tom opened up a shop. Tom opened a shop. Snídaně je již připravená. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast is ready. Nikdo tu nechce Tomovi ublížit. Nobody here wants to hurt Tom. No one wants to hurt Tom. Tom nie chce żeby zrobiła to Mary. Tom doesn't want Mary to do that. Tom doesn't want Mary to do it. Půjdeme na procházku, pokud nebude pršet. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. We'll go for a walk if it doesn't rain. Teraz będzie myślała o tym, co powiedział, całą noc. Now she'll be thinking all night about what he said. Now she'll be thinking about what he said all night. Ta polívka, co jsem měl, byla tak horká, že jsem ji nemohl jíst. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't eat it. Wybiegli z pokoju. They rushed out of the room. They ran out of the room. Dneska mám schůzku se svým právníkem. I have an appointment with my lawyer today. I'm meeting my lawyer today. Tobě se to říká. That's easy for you to say. That's what you're told. Nesmíme volně cestovat. We aren't allowed to freely travel. We must not travel freely. Daj mi jeszcze jeden powód. Give me another reason. Give me one more reason. Nemohla odpovědět na tu otázku. She couldn't answer the question. She couldn't answer the question. On był raniony podczas strzelaniny z policją. He was wounded during a shoot-out with the police. He was injured in a shooting with the police. Jen velmi málo tlustých lidí má dlouhé nosy. Very few fat men have long noses. Very few fat people have long noses. Daję ci słowo. I give you my word on that. I give you my word. Jsem unavený, protože jsme stěhovali nábytek. I am tired because we have been moving the furniture. I'm tired of moving furniture. Tom se nezúčastnil té párty z rodinných důvodů. Tom didn't attend the party for family reasons. Tom didn't attend the party for family reasons. Účastnil se toho Tom také? Was Tom involved in it too? Did Tom participate? Święta są niedługo, nieprawdaż? Christmas is soon, isn't it? Christmas is soon, isn't it? Ken nie biegał. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. Umí ten pes plavat? Is the dog swimming? Can the dog swim? Nechci, aby Tom pracoval pro naši firmu. I don't want Tom to work for our company. I don't want Tom working for our company. Děti si hrály na pískovišti, jejich matky seděly na lavičce nedaleko od nich a pozorovaly je. Children were playing in a sandbox and their mothers were sitting on the bench not far from them, watching them. The children were playing in the sandbox, their mothers were sitting on a bench not far from them and watching them. Tom wie, jak dobrze wykorzystać swój czas. Tom knows how to make good use of his time. Tom knows how to make the most of his time. "Proč je Tomovi špatně?" "Možná snědl nějaké špatné jídlo." "Why is Tom sick?" "He might have eaten some bad food." "Why is Tom sick?" "Maybe he ate some bad food." Rozumiesz francuski? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Řekněme to takto. Let's put it like that! Let's put it this way. Nemůžu mu věřit. I can't trust him. I can't trust him. Tom krzyknął. Tom shouted. Tom shouted. Byl dopaden policií o tři dny později, když se snažil nastoupit do trajektu do Francie s kufříkem obsahujícím padesát tisíc liber. He was caught by the police three days later trying to board a ferry to France with a suitcase containing £50,000. He was caught by police three days later trying to board a ferry to France with a briefcase containing fifty thousand pounds. Ne všem se ta kniha líbí. Not everyone likes that book. Not everyone likes this book. Tento šroub je uvolněný. This screw is loose. This screw is loose. Tom mówi, że nigdy o tym nie myślał. Tom says he never thought about that. Tom says he never thought about it. Tom nosíval brýle. Tom used to wear glasses. Tom was wearing glasses. Už dlouho panuje sucho. It has been drought for a long time. It's been a drought for a long time. Co se to tam venku děje? What is happening out there? What's going on out there? Mary ztratila peněženku. Mary has lost her purse. Mary lost her wallet. Musím tady počkat na Toma. I have to wait here for Tom. I have to wait here for Tom. Wyszedł na dwór mimo burzy. He went out in spite of the storm. He went outside in spite of the storm. Kdo to Tomovi dovolil udělat? Who has let Tom do it? Who let Tom do this? Věděli jsme, že Tom říká pravdu. We knew Tom was telling the truth. We knew Tom was telling the truth. Kawa była tak gorąca, że niemal oparzyłem się w język. The coffee was so hot that I nearly burned my tongue. The coffee was so hot that I almost burned my tongue. Má ráda svou novou práci? Does she like her new job? Does she like her new job? Co bude s Tomem? What will happen to Tom? What about Tom? Včera jsem přemýšlel o jeho tetě. I thought about his aunt yesterday. I was thinking about his aunt yesterday. Puścił bąka. Oh, he broke wind. He farted. Rozumiem, że czasami mogą wystąpić trudności. I sometimes apprehend that there will be some difficulty. I understand that sometimes there can be difficulties. Nie sądziłem, że tak łatwo mi będzie włamać się na waszą stronę. I never thought it'd be this easy to hack into your website. I didn't think it would be that easy for me to break into your site. Tom věděl, co by následovalo, kdyby to neudělal. Tom knew what would have happened if he hadn't done it. Tom knew what would happen if he didn’t. Jak dlouho tady budeš? How long will you be here? How long will you be here? Jesteś niewiarygodny. You're unbelievable. You're unbelievable. Moje máma pracovala v továrně. My mother worked in a factory. My mom worked in a factory. Tom ma w portfelu tylko trzydzieści dolarów. Tom has only thirty dollars in his wallet. Tom only has $30 in his wallet. Je posedlý čistotou. He has an obsession with cleanliness. He's obsessed with cleanliness. Zamierzam iść pogadać z Tomem. I'm going to go talk to Tom. I'm gonna go talk to Tom. - Czy ona gra w tenisa? - Tak. "Does she play tennis?" "Yes, she does." - Does she play tennis? Tom si dělal z Mary legraci. Tom was messing with Mary. Tom was making fun of Mary. Což takhle vyhodit Toma, místo mě? How about firing Tom instead of me? Why don't you fire Tom instead of me? Tom používá dva počítače najednou. Tom uses two computers at the same time. Tom uses two computers at the same time. Kim jesteś? What are you? Who are you? Ciężko mi go zrozumieć. It is difficult for me to understand him. It's hard for me to understand. Ona je moje spolužačka. She is my classmate. She's my classmate. Doufáme, že to nebudeme muset dělat. We're hoping we won't have to do that. We hope we don't have to do this. Včely dělají med. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. Tom se svou prací nudil. Tom was bored with his job. Tom was bored with his job. Buďme optimisté. Let's be optimists. Let's be optimistic. Vím přesně, co bych dělal, kdybych byl Tomem. I know exactly what I'd want to do if I were Tom. I know exactly what I would do if I were Tom. Dělá něco Tom? Does Tom do anything? Is Tom doing anything? Co to kurwa jest? What the bloody fuck is that? What the fuck is that? Jeśli chcesz więcej szczegolow o tym, powinienes zapytac mojego szefa If you want more details about that, you'll have to ask my boss. If you want more details about this, you should ask my boss. Není pravda, že Tom zemřel v nemocnici. It's not true that Tom died in the hospital. It's not true that Tom died in the hospital. "Nigdy nie zrozumiem kobiet" - powiedział Tom. "I'll never understand women", said Tom. “I’ll never understand women,” Tom said. Autobus je prázdný. The bus is empty. The bus is empty. Zesil trošku rádio. Turn the radio up a little. Turn up the radio. Byl unavený a proto šel brzo spát. He was tired and that's why he went to bed early. He was tired and went to bed early. Nie potrzebuję tłumaczeń. I don't need an explanation. I don't need translations. Tom chciałby, by Mary wiedziała, że on nie planuje prosić jej o rękę. Tom wants Mary to know he's not planning on asking her to marry him. Tom wants Mary to know that he's not planning to ask her to marry him. Tom a Mary hrajou karty. Tom and Mary are playing cards. Tom and Mary play cards. Nic, co jsem řekl, nemělo význam. Nothing I said mattered. Nothing I said made any difference. Przemyślałem to. I've thought it over. I've thought about it. Bouře opět vyvrhla na pláž mnoho naplaveného dřeva. The storm has washed up a lot of driftwood on the beach again. The storm again threw a lot of driftwood onto the beach. Tom pozval Mary na rande. Tom asked Mary out. Tom asked Mary out. Co pomáhá léčit kašel? What helps cure a cough? What helps to cure cough? Zkurvysyne! Son of a bitch! Motherfucker! Ten účet jsi platit neměla. You shouldn't have paid the bill. You shouldn't have paid the bill. S Tomem jste mluvit neměli. You shouldn't have talked to Tom. You shouldn't have talked to Tom. Je Tom v práci? Is Tom at work? Is Tom at work? Spíš ty vůbec? Do you ever sleep? Are you sleeping at all? Zakładam, że wiesz, kto to zrobił. I assume you know who did this. I assume you know who did it. Tom to řekl pouze jednou. Tom said it only once. Tom only said it once. To jest zeszłoroczny śnieg. That's last year's snow. This is last year's snow. O tom se s Tomem odmítám bavit. I refuse to discuss that with Tom. I refuse to talk to Tom about it. Kochamy ją, ona też nas kocha. We love her, and she loves us, too. We love her, she loves us too. Sposób, w jaki ubierają się turyści uchybia miejscowym standardom przyzwoitości. The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety. The way tourists dress violates local standards of decency. Býval jsem štíhlý. I used to be thin. I used to be skinny. Tohle je téma, kterému se vyhýbáme. That's a topic we've been avoiding. This is a topic we avoid. Ostrożnie! Uważaj! Careful! Watch out! Careful, careful! Jesteśmy jak rodzina. We're like family. We're like family. To je moje. This is mine. That's mine. Tom spravuje ledničku. Tom is fixing the refrigerator. Tom's fixing the fridge. Odešel z kanceláře a nechal okna otevřená. He left the office leaving the windows open. He left the office and left the windows open. Ta inwestycja jest ryzykowna. This investment is risky. This investment is risky. Ještě není pilotka. She is not a pilot yet. She's not a pilot yet. Mam dobry słownik. I have a good dictionary. I have a good dictionary. Tom řekl ne, a vy byste to měli respektovat. Tom said no, and you should respect it. Tom said no, and you should respect that. Tom powiedział, że wiedział, jak to zrobić. Tom said he knew how to do that. Tom said he knew how to do it. Nejsi smutný? Aren't you sad? Aren't you sad? Nie zaprosili mnie na ślub. They did not invite me to their wedding. They didn't invite me to the wedding. Snažím se vytvořit podmínky k tomu, aby se to uskutečnilo. I try to create the conditions for it to happen. I am trying to create the conditions for this to happen. Kde je můj pokoj? Where's my room? Where's my room? Wiesz, że Tom chce pomóc. You know Tom wants to help. You know Tom wants to help. Protagonistą tego nowego filmu jest dziecko-anioł. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The protagonist of this new film is a child-angel. Máš zapalovač? Have you got a lighter? Got a lighter? Muszę się nauczyć pisać kursywą. I gotta learn how to write in cursive. I need to learn to write in italics. Powinieneś kiedyś tego spróbować. You should try it sometime. You should try it sometime. Tom se cítil dobře. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. Máme si zjednat více učitelů? Should we hire more teachers? Should we hire more teachers? Jsem dobrý v matematice. I'm good at math. I'm good at math. Toma vyhodili z práce za to, že použil rasistické nadávky. Tom was fired for using a racial epithet at work. Tom was fired from his job for using racist insults. Ależ masz piękne oczy! What pretty eyes you have! You have beautiful eyes! Pozor na kapesní zloděje. Beware of pickpockets. Beware of pocket thieves. Dej mi svátek! Give me a break! Give me a holiday! Policie má v plánu zatknout Toma. The police are planning to arrest Tom. The police are planning to arrest Tom. Tom tvrdí, že byl opilý. Tom claims that he was drunk. Tom said he was drunk. Jestem zmęczona. I'm tired. I'm tired. Dáme si aperitiv? Shall we have an aperitif? Shall we have an aperitif? Povím ti o něm. I will tell you about him. I'll tell you about him. Mám ještě pořád žízeň. I'm still thirsty. I'm still thirsty. Będziesz się smażył w piekle. Hell awaits you. You'll burn in hell. Tom není archeolog. Je architekt. Tom isn't an archaeologist. He's an architect. Tom's not an archaeologist, he's an architect. Ktoś tam był. Someone was there. Someone was there. Zatrzymaj ich. Stop them. Stop them. Lékař pracuje v nemocnici. The doctor works in a hospital. The doctor works in the hospital. Nie wyglądasz zbyt dobrze. You don't look so good. You don't look so good. Nemohu ty dveře zamknout. I can't get the door locked. I can't lock the door. Napsali jsme jim. We wrote to them. We texted them. Tuhle práci jsem dělával s Tomem. I used to do this work with Tom. I used to do this job with Tom. Možná jsi to udělal. You could have done it. Maybe you did. Jsem rád, že jsem Toma našel. I am glad to have found Tom. I'm glad I found Tom. Tom nie chciał zapraszać Mary. Tom didn't want to invite Mary. Tom didn't want to invite Mary. Zmrvili to. They've messed it up. They screwed up. Bojíš se smrti? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy w Gruzji. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. Kiedy powiemy Tomowi? When are we going to tell Tom? When are we gonna tell Tom? Tom nám pomůže, až se vrátí. Tom will help us when he comes back. Tom will help us when he gets back. Biorąc wszystko pod uwagę, nie możemy stwierdzić, że to błąd. All things considered, we cannot say that it is wrong. All things considered, we can't say it's a mistake. Těží z této situace. They profit from this situation. He benefits from this situation. Neměl by ses chovat sobecky. You ought not to act selfishly. You shouldn't be selfish. Psi prej slyší líp než lidi. Myslíš, že to tak fakt je? They say dogs hear better than us. You think it's true? They say dogs hear better than people, do you think they do? Máte píchlé kolo. You have a flat tire. You've got a flat tire. Tom nie znał żadnych szczegółów planu Mary. Tom didn't know any of the details of Mary's plan. Tom didn't know any details about Mary's plan. Vše závisí na tom, zdali uděláte tu zkoušku. Everything depends on whether you pass the examination. It all depends on whether you take the test. Proč lžete? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Je to výborné. This is very tasty. It's delicious. Ukradziono mi wczoraj pieniądze. I had some money stolen yesterday. My money was stolen yesterday. Tom mě požádal o radu. Tom asked me for advice. Tom asked me for advice. Je to vše, co potřebujeme? Is this all we need? Is that all we need? Lidé následují jejich vzor. People follow their lead. People follow their example. Wysyłam ją do Kalifornii. I'm sending her to California. I'm sending her to California. Harmony kalí soudnost. Hormones impair one's judgment. Harmony corrupts judgment. Rozumiem. I get it. Got it. Tom ma dziesiątki kochanek. Tom has dozens of mistresses. Tom has dozens of lovers. Ona ma jeszcze więcej książek. She has even more books. She has more books. Kiedyś umrzesz. You'll be dead someday. You'll die someday. Może być. This'll do. That's fine. Zabočím doleva. I turn to the left. I'll turn left. Ve Spojeném království je každý rok odhadem nahlášeno 112 853 dětí jako pohřešovaných. In the United Kingdom, an estimated 112,853 children are reported missing every year. In the UK, an estimated 112,853 children are reported missing each year. Nasz hotel jest przy następnej ulicy. Our hotel is on the next street. Our hotel is on the next street. Musel jsem se vrátit. I had to go back. I had to go back. Probudil se za svítání. He woke up when it was daylight. He woke up at dawn. Doktor musel ošetřit pacienta v jedné odlehlé vesnici. The doctor had to treat a patient in a remote village. The doctor had to treat a patient in a remote village. Tom jest najprzystojniejszym aktorem na świecie. Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. Neumím francouzsky ani italsky. I cannot speak French or Italian. I don't speak French or Italian. Jíte zeleninu. You are eating vegetables. You eat vegetables. Pozdě vstávám. I'm a late riser. I'm up late. Kde jsou vaše zavazadla? Where are your suitcases? Where's your luggage? To ładna koszula. That's a nice shirt. It's a nice shirt. Bylo by to rasistické. That would be racist. It would be racist. Jeho koníčkem je malování obrazů. His hobby is painting pictures. His hobby is painting pictures. Tomovo auto je novější, než to Mary. Tom's car is newer than Mary's. Tom's car is newer than Mary's. Pozwól, że jej to wytłumaczę. Let me explain it to her. Let me explain it to her. To sprawiło, że zmieniłam zdanie. That made me change my mind. It made me change my mind. Jejich záměrem je vyhladit lidstvo. Their intention is to exterminate mankind. Their purpose is to exterminate humanity. Widziałem ją wczoraj. I saw her yesterday. I saw her yesterday. Chci jen tebe. I want only you. I just want you. Tom už neví, kudy kam. Tom is at his wits' end. Tom doesn't know where to go anymore. To ciekawe. That's interesting. That's interesting. To pomieszczenie jest za małe na 50 osób. This room is too small to contain 50 men. This room is too small for 50 people. Kdy budou známy výsledky? When will the results be known? When will the results be known? Mamy niepozałatwiane sprawy między sobą. You and I have unfinished business. We have unfinished business with each other. Tohle je naše jediná šance. This is our only chance. This is our only chance. Cały dzień byłem zajęty. I was busy all day. I've been busy all day. Proč jste se rozhodli tady zůstat? Why did you decide to stay here? Why did you decide to stay here? Nie zapominaj swoich rzeczy. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your stuff. V neděli dopoledne můj otec hrál golf. My father played golf on Sunday morning. On Sunday morning my father played golf. Tom dal Mary týden na to, aby si to rozmyslela. Tom gave Mary a week to think it over. Tom gave Mary a week to change her mind. Uczę się. I am studying. I'm studying. Nienawidzę być sam o tej porze roku. I hate being alone this time of year. I hate being alone at this time of year. Nejsem lvem, ale také umím řvát. I am not a lion but I too can roar. I'm not a lion, but I can scream. Chcesz to teraz zobaczyć? Do you want to see it now? You want to see it now? Tato myš byla zabita mojí kočkou. This mouse was killed by my cat. This mouse was killed by my cat. Jak się nazywasz? What is your name? What's your name? Dívá se někdo? Is anyone looking? Anybody looking? Do pondělka nám dej vědět, jak ses rozhodla. Let us know your decision by next Monday. Let us know what you decide by Monday. Pijće čaj. Drink tea. Drink your tea. Te fakty potwierdzają moją hipotezę. These facts support my hypothesis. These facts confirm my hypothesis. Dala se do hovoru se svými sousedy. She fell into conversation with her neighbors. She got into a conversation with her neighbors. Jest z nami coraz lepiej. We're getting better. We're getting better. Našel jsem to ve sklepě. I found it in the basement. I found it in the basement. To nie jest pułapka. This isn't a trap. It's not a trap. To powinno wystarczyć. This should be plenty. That should do it. Są duże szanse, że zostanie wybrany. There's a good chance that he'll be elected. There is a good chance that he will be elected. Byłem na patrolu. I was on patrol. I was on patrol. Jsem si jistá, že je Tom v pořádku. I'm sure Tom is fine. I'm sure Tom's fine. Jeśli to kupisz dam ci piętnastoprocentową zniżkę If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent discount. If you buy this, I'll give you a 15% discount. Ani se tě nedotknou. They won't dare touch you. They won't even touch you. Počítač hraje významnou roli při nabývání vědomostí. The computer plays an important role in gaining knowledge. The computer plays an important role in the acquisition of knowledge. Pomohl jsem jí s mytím nádobí. I helped her wash the dishes. I helped her with the dishes. Jeszcze rozważam swoje zaręczyny. I'm reconsidering my engagement. I'm still considering my engagement. Dzieci bawiły się w ogrodzie. Children played in the garden. The children were playing in the garden. Mýlím se? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? To była hańba. It was a disgrace. It was a disgrace. Snažím se žít úměrně svým možnostem. I'm trying to live within my means. I try to live according to my options. Proto tu nejste. That isn't why you're here. That's not why you're here. Namaloval obrázek psa. He painted a picture of a dog. He painted a picture of a dog. Tom nevěděl, co se děje. Tom didn't know what was going on. Tom didn’t know what was going on. Chciałbym wszystko wyjaśnić, ale myślę, że nie mamy tyle czasu. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have enough time. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have that much time. Výzkum od železničního dopravce Deutsche Bahn zjistil, že vlaky mají o poznání nižší uhlíkovou stopu, nežli letadla, auta, či autobusy a přesto se mnoho lidí stále přepravuje na krátké vzdálenosti letecky. A study by train operator Deutsche Bahn found that trains have a drastically lower carbon footprint than planes, cars or buses, yet many people are still flying short distances. Research from Deutsche Bahn found that trains have a much lower carbon footprint than planes, cars or buses, and yet many people still travel short distances by air. Obdivuji rodilé mluvčí angličtiny, kteří se učí česky. I admire native speakers of English who are learning Czech. I admire native speakers of English who learn Czech. Tomova přítelkyně je mladší, než jeho dcera. Tom's girlfriend is younger than his daughter. Tom's girlfriend is younger than his daughter. Tom se Mary zeptal, jestli s ním nechce jít po obědě nakupovat. Tom asked Mary whether she wanted to go shopping with him after lunch. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to go shopping with him after lunch. Nie będę z tobą walczył. I won't fight with you. I'm not gonna fight you. I przekują miecze swe na lemiesze, a włócznie swe na sierpy; nie podniesie naród przeciw narodowi miecza, ani się będą ćwiczyć do bitwy. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into plowshares: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they train themselves for battle. Je to anorektička. She's an anorexic woman. She's anorexic. Potřebuju být sám. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Zdaje się, że Tom nie rozumie co się dzieje. Tom doesn't seem to understand what's happening. Tom doesn't seem to understand what's going on. Siedzą w kuchni i piją herbatę. They sit in the kitchen and drink tea. They sit in the kitchen and drink tea. On umie grać w bejsbola. He knows how to play baseball. He can play baseball. Mów jasno. Speak clearly. Speak plainly. Není tak úplně můj typ. She's not really my type. He's not exactly my type. Naprawdę nie mam szczęścia. I really am unlucky! I'm really not lucky. Tom wie, co Mary chce. Tom knows exactly what Mary wants. Tom knows what Mary wants. Kde byli, když se to všechno stalo? Where were they when this all happened? Where were they when all this happened? Ja chcę narty wodne. I want to water ski. I want water skiing. Můj švagr se přestal učit německy a začal se učit anglicky. My brother-in-law stopped learning German and started to learn English. My brother-in-law stopped learning German and started learning English. To jest naprawdę dziwne. That's really weird. This is really weird. Próbuję znaleźć tę czarną spódnicę, którą nosiłam w zeszłym tygodniu. I'm trying to find that black skirt I wore last week. I'm trying to find that black skirt I wore last week. Nie ma problemu! No worries! No problem! Musimy iść. We must go. We have to go. Czy też pójdziesz? Are you going, too? Or will you? Jestem pingwinem, ale nie jem ryb. I'm a penguin, but I don't eat fish. I'm a penguin, but I don't eat fish. Proč se mnou takhle mluvíš? Why are you talking to me like that? Why are you talking to me like that? Kiedy się obudziłem, padał śnieg. I awoke to find it snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. V šachách se může udělat rošáda jen když se s králem a zvolenou věží ještě nehýbalo, všechna pole mezi nimi jsou volná a neovládaná žádnou figurou protihráče, král není v šachu a rošádou se nedostane do šachu. In chess, castling may only be carried out when both the king and the involved rook have not been moved, all the squares between them are free and not dominated by any opposing piece and the king is not in check and would not be put in check by castling. In chess, castling can be done only when the king and the chosen tower have not yet moved, all the fields between them are free and not controlled by any opponent figure, the king is not in chess, and castling does not get into chess. Nikdy jsem nejedl tučňáka. I'd never eat a penguin. I've never eaten a penguin. Zdálo se, že Tom nechápe nic z toho, co jsi mu řekl. Tom didn't seem to understand anything that you told him. Tom didn't seem to understand anything you said to him. Moja siostra lubi słodycze. My sister likes sweets. My sister likes sweets. Je to skutečně pravda. This is actually true. It's really true. Chcę, żebyś wiedział, co się naprawdę stało. I want you to know what really happened. I want you to know what really happened. Vede si deník. He keeps a diary. He keeps a diary. Ona za dużo imprezuje. She parties too much. She's partying too much. Student z Ameryki mieszka niedaleko mojego domu. A student from America lives near my house. A student from America lives near my home. Co sis myslel o filmu? What did you think of the movie? What did you think of the film? Pożarł go rekin. A shark devoured him. He was eaten by a shark. Každý krok byl pro něj obtížný. Every step was difficult for him. Every step was difficult for him. Mam nadzieję, że Tom wygra. I hope Tom wins. I hope Tom wins. Tego słowa nie ma w moim słowniku. The word is not in my dictionary. That word is not in my vocabulary. Tom je ten, který mne udeřil. Tom is the person who hit me. Tom is the one who hit me. Przyjdę do pani za chwilę. I'll be with you in a moment. I'll be with you in a minute. Musíme sehnat ještě vodu. We need to get some more water. We need to get some more water. Konečně se stal prezidentem IBM. He finally became the president of IBM. He eventually became president of IBM. Ukázal mi své nové auto. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. Světové strany jsou: sever, jih, východ a západ. The cardinal directions are: north, south, east, and west. The World Sides are: North, South, East and West. Powiedziałeś, że jesteś głodny. You said you were hungry. You said you were hungry. Co je ta vysoká budova? What's that tall building? What is this tall building? Jez, na co máš chuť. Eat anything you want. Eat whatever you want. Kdo jsou slavní hudebníci ve vaší zemi? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Muszę iść na policję. I've got to go to the police. I have to go to the police. Dobra teoria charakteryzuje się tym że stawia kilka hipotez, które w zasadzie mogą być obalone lub zaprzeczone poprzez obserwację. A good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could in principle be disproved or falsified by observation. A good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes several hypotheses, which in principle can be refuted or denied through observation. Hipster skręcał wąsy. The hipster was twirling his moustache. Hipster was twisting his mustache. Kupiłem od niej telewizor. I bought the TV from her. I bought a TV from her. Może przyjdzie dziś wieczorem. Maybe he will arrive tonight. Maybe he'll come tonight. Większość ludzi sądzi, że jestem szalony. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Tom ma tylko tydzień na podjęcie decyzji. Tom has only a week to decide. Tom only has a week to decide. Ilu z was tu mieszka? How many of you live here? How many of you live here? Barcelona je ráj Katalánské kuchyně. Barcelona is the heaven of Catalan cuisine. Barcelona is the paradise of Catalan cuisine. Jestem policjantem. I'm a policeman. I'm a cop. W czasie przerwy poszedłem do toalety. I went to the restroom during the intermission. During the break, I went to the toilet. Tohle neříkám. That isn't what I'm saying. I'm not saying that. Zajímalo by mě, jakou bude Tom mít budoucnost. I wonder what Tom's future will be like. I wonder what the future holds for Tom. Bolí mě pravá ruka. My right hand hurts. My right arm hurts. Nie miał ubranego kapelusza. He had no hat on. He wasn't wearing a hat. Tom vykouří až dvacet cigaret denně, zatímco Mary nekouří vůbec. Tom smokes up to twenty cigarettes a day, whereas Mary doesn't smoke at all. Tom smokes up to 20 cigarettes a day, while Mary does not smoke at all. Jakou cenu má tohle auto? How much is this car worth? What's this car worth? Szkoda, że nie mam na to dobrej odpowiedzi. I wish I could think of a good answer. I wish I had a good answer for that. Znám pravdu. I know the truth. I know the truth. Cóż, przynajmniej to jedno udało nam się osiągnąć. Well, at least it's one thing we've accomplished. Well, at least that's one thing we've achieved. Nevidím důvod, proč bych vám to měl říkat. I see no reason why I should tell you. I don't see why I should tell you. Život půjde normálně dál. Life will go on as usual. Life will go on normally. Tom zawiódł mnie i zawiódł też Marię. Tom let me down and he also let Mary down. Tom failed me, and so did Maria. Kde bude Tom trávit Silvestra? Where is Tom going to spend New Year's Eve? Where will Tom spend New Year's Eve? Máme ještě mnoho času. We still have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. W końcu jesteśmy sami. We're finally alone. After all, we're alone. Urážím ji. I offend her. I'm insulting her. Musisz wziąć to pod uwagę. You have to take that into account. You have to take that into account. Potřebujeme více deště. We need more rain. We need more rain. Co jest stolicą Finlandii? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? Bez vody není možno žít. It is impossible to live without water. Without water it is impossible to live. Hrdinové tohle nedělají. Heroes don't do that. Heroes don't do that. Tom byl opilý, a tak ho poslali domů. Tom was drunk, so they sent him home. Tom was drunk, so they sent him home. Riga je hlavní město Lotyšska. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Začal jsi brečet. You started crying. You started crying. Chci tenhle film vidět. I want to see this movie. I want to see this movie. Je důležité, aby ses zbavila jeho vlivu. It is important that you free yourself of his influence. It's important that you get rid of his influence. Patrzmy w przyszłość. Let's look to the future. Let's look to the future. Je tu pro tebe hovor z Akemi. There's a phone call for you from Akemi. There's a call for you from Akemi. Naprawdę chciałbym się dowiedzieć, gdzie jest Tom. I'd really like to know where Tom is. I'd really like to know where Tom is. Mam nadzieję, że zmieniłaś zdanie. I hope you have changed your mind. I hope you changed your mind. Ty si to pamatuješ? You remember it? You remember that? To je ale štěstí! What fantastic luck! What luck! Wiele grup etnicznych tradycyjnie daje pieniądze jako prezent ślubny. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. Běháš každý den? Do you run daily? Do you run every day? W skrócie, nie chcę byś pracował dla tej firmy. In short, I don't want you to work for that company. In short, I don't want you to work for this company. Chcę, żebyś miał dla mnie oko na Toma. I want you to keep an eye on Tom for me. I want you to keep an eye on Tom for me. Mam po dziurki w nosie tych dyskusji. I'm sick and tired of all this bickering. I'm sick of these discussions. Jeho matka bývala zpěvačkou. His mother used to be a singer. His mother was a singer. Která silnice vede do města? Which road leads to town? Which road leads to the city? Tom řekl, že s tím nemůže souhlasit. Tom said that he couldn't agree with it. Tom said he couldn't agree to it. Udělal jsem to pro svoje zdraví. I did so for the sake of my health. I did it for my health. Tohle je další Tom. This is another Tom. This is another Tom. Tom je opilý. Tom's drunk. Tom's drunk. Tom je zase šťastný muž. Tom is a happy man again. Tom's a lucky man again. Tato země ma drsné podnebí. This country has a harsh climate. This country has a harsh climate. Nie lubię tego. I don't like it. I don't like it. Czas zacząć od nowa. It's time to start over. It's time to start over. Zrcadlo je orošené. The mirror is fogged up. The mirror is rusted. Już to wcześniej słyszałam. I've heard that story before. I've heard that before. Zdjęła książkę z półki. She took down a book from the shelf. She took the book off the shelf. Napisałem list po francusku. I wrote a letter in French. I wrote a letter in French. Dużo pracowałem w tym tygodniu. I worked a lot this week. I've been working a lot this week. Niestety, muszę pana rozczarować. nie mam ochoty brać udziału w tej dyskusji. I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't feel like participating in this discussion. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't want to be part of this discussion. Doradziła mu wizytę u dentysty. She advised him to see the dentist. She advised him to go to the dentist. Tímto člověkem jste byli milováni pro své bohatství. This man loved you for your wealth. You have been loved by this man for your wealth. To auto je černé. This car is black. The car is black. Tom nerespektuje nic a nikoho. Tom doesn't respect anything and anybody. Tom doesn't respect anything or anyone. Zwróciłeś samochód, który kupiłeś? Did you return the car that you bought? Did you return the car you bought? Tak, dobrze cię rozumiem. Yes, I understand you well. Yes, I understand. Vtom mi dala pusu. She gave me a kiss suddenly. Then she kissed me. Tom věděl, že je nevyléčitelně nemocný. Tom knew that he was terminally ill. Tom knew he was terminally ill. Tom vykazuje známky demence. Tom is showing signs of dementia. Tom's showing signs of dementia. Muszą ją kochać. They must love her. They must love her. Netušil jsem, že bydlíš tak blízko mě. I had no idea you lived so close to me. I didn't know you lived so close to me. Tom powiedział, że nie może zrobić nic dla Mary. Tom said he couldn't do anything for Mary. Tom said he couldn't do anything for Mary. On jest taksówkarzem. He is a taxi driver. He's a taxi driver. Tom se do té dívky úplně zbláznil. Tom became obsessed with the girl. Tom's totally crazy about the girl. Chcę łódź, która mnie zabierze stąd z dala. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. I want a boat to get me out of here. Tom dovolil Mary ho políbit. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom allowed Mary to kiss him. Kéž bych byl tak statečný, jako je Tom. I wish I were as brave as Tom is. I wish I was as brave as Tom. Doporučila mi, abych tu práci nebral. She advised me not to take the job. She advised me not to take the job. Tom napadl svého kolegu v práci. Tom attacked his workmate. Tom attacked his colleague at work. Muszę sobie z tym poradzić. I have to deal with that. I have to deal with this. Podsumujmy to jeszcze raz. Let's go over it again. Let's recap. Tom se na tebe nezlobí. Tom isn't mad at you. Tom's not mad at you. Líbí se mi, že Tom není chamtivý. I love that Tom isn't greedy. I like that Tom's not greedy. Mému otci bude v květnu čtyřicet pět let. My father will be forty-five in May. My father will be 45 years old in May. Tom poprosił Mary o rzucenie pracy. Tom asked Mary to stop working. Tom asked Mary to quit her job. Znasz tego chłopca, który płacze? Do you know that boy who's crying? You know that boy who cries? Nedokončil svoji práci včas. He didn't finish his work in time. He didn't finish his job on time. Tom se sem brzy nastěhuje. Tim is going to move here soon. Tom's moving in soon. Nic mi się nie podoba. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Musimy się spotkać jak najszybciej. We need to meet as soon as possible. We need to meet as soon as possible. Tom je tady jen na obtíž. Tom is only a burden here. Tom's just a nuisance here. Nie mamy już żadnych ziemniaków. We don't have any potatoes any more. We don't have any more potatoes. Tom viděl Mary, jak mrká na Toma. Tom saw Mary wink at John. Tom saw Mary winking at Tom. Jsem si docela jistý, že Tom to jíst nebude. I'm pretty sure Tom won't eat that. I'm pretty sure Tom won't be eating it. Rodzice cieszyli się z jego sukcesu. His parents were pleased with his success. His parents rejoiced at his success. Winna była moja pamięć. My memory was at fault. My memory was to blame. Prawo musi być poprawione. The law needs to be amended. The law must be corrected. Nasza szkoła jest blisko parku. Our school is near a park. Our school is close to the park. Koronawirus jest niebezpieczny. The coronavirus is dangerous. Coronavirus is dangerous. Začínal jsem být v předstihu. I was getting ahead of myself. I was starting to get ahead of myself. Krvácí vám při čištění zubů dásně? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Does your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Tom i Mary już nie są razem. Tom and Mary are no longer together. Tom and Mary are no longer together. Čas zmizet. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to go. Nie rozmawiaj za głośno. Obudzisz ją. Don't speak too loud. You'll wake her up. Don't talk too loud, you'll wake her up. Můj vnuk má bílé kotě. My grandson has a white kitten. My grandson has a white kitten. Jeho proslov začal být hrozně nudný. His speech got awfully boring. His speech was getting very boring. Mam ośmiu braci. I have eight brothers. I have eight brothers. Kiedyś mieszkali w Nagoyi. They once lived in Nagoya. They used to live in Nagoya. Ten cudzoziemiec szybko nawykł do japońskiego jedzenia. The foreigner soon got used to Japanese food. This foreigner quickly became accustomed to Japanese food. Děti, které mají žízeň, by měly pít vodu. Children who are thirsty should drink water. Children who are thirsty should drink water. Planuję pojechać do Los Angeles. I am thinking of going to Los Angeles. I'm planning on going to Los Angeles. Zalijte prosím květiny. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Nevrátí nám naše pasy. They won't give us our passports back. He's not returning our passports. Spróbuję poszukać Toma dla ciebie. I'll try and find Tom for you. I'll try to find Tom for you. Tom ma dosyć drżących się idiotów. Tom had enough of screaming idiots. Tom has had enough of the trembling idiots. Za prvé jsem bez koruny, za druhé nemám čas. For one thing, I'm penniless; for another, I don't have the time. First, I have no crown, and second, I have no time. Navrhuji, aby sis schrupla. I suggest that you take a nap. I suggest you take a nap. Wszystko będzie dobrze. It's all going to be OK. It's gonna be okay. Říkáš Tomovi všechno? Do you tell Tom everything? Are you telling Tom everything? "Wiem, co naprawdę czujesz." "Nieprawda, nie wiesz." "I know how you really feel." "No, you don't!" "I know how you really feel." "No, you don't." Spodobałaś się Tomowi. Tom liked you. You liked Tom. Tom jim řekl, ať ho nechají být. Tom told them to leave him alone. Tom told them to leave him alone. Nikdy se to nebude prodávat. It will never sell. It will never sell. Czy Tom płakał? Did Tom cry? Did Tom cry? Zdá se mi, že Tom je zodpovědný za nervové zhroucení Mary. It seems to me that Tom is responsible for Mary's nervous breakdown. It seems to me that Tom is responsible for Mary's nervous breakdown. Pozwól mi zadać ci pytanie. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Towarzyszyła jej matka. She was accompanied by her mother. She was accompanied by her mother. Mám radši angličtinu než hudbu. I prefer English to music. I prefer English to music. Czego dokładnie oczekiwałaś? What exactly were you expecting? What exactly did you expect? Już ich przetestowałem. I've already tested them. I've already tested them. Přijeli jsme vlakem. We came by train. We came by train. Tom čistil komín. Tom was cleaning a chimney. Tom was cleaning the chimney. Tenhle román mě nudí. This novel bores me. This novel bores me. Proszę o uwagę. Please pay attention. Your attention, please. Chcę w tobą pracować. I want to work with you. I want to work for you. Tom wyjął miotłę z szafy w przedpokoju. Tom took the broom out of the hall closet. Tom took the broom out of the closet in the hallway. Złap go! Catch him! Catch him! Máme na tu věc opačné názory. We have opposing opinions on the matter. We have opposite views on the matter. Czy można dostać tylko herbatę? How to merely get tea? Can you only get tea? Tom už čekat nebude. Tom won't wait anymore. Tom won't be waiting. Její šéf byl pro ní jako otec. She thinks of her boss as a father. Her boss was like a father to her. Kate odznaczyła zadania na swojej liście rzeczy do zdobienia. Kate checked the tasks off of her to-do list. Kate marked the tasks on her list of things to decorate. Zapytaj policjanta o drogę. Ask the policeman the way. Ask the police about the route. Sami je oblečený jako holka. Sami is dressed like a girl. Sami's dressed like a girl. Necháš-li je ležet na stole, mohly by se skutálet dolů, tak je postav do stojanu na zkumavky. If you leave them lying on the desk they may roll off, so stand them in the test-tube rack. If you leave them lying on the table, they could roll down, so put them in the tube rack. Tom wiedział, że Mary była w zagrożeniu. Tom knew that Mary was in danger. Tom knew Mary was in danger. Proti gustu žádný dišputát. To each his own. There is no disputation against taste. Słyszałem, że Tom spędzał czas z dilerami narkotyków i zabójcami. I heard that Tom used to hang out with drug dealers and murderers. I heard Tom was hanging out with drug dealers and killers. Je to banální záležitost. It's a trivial matter. It's a banal thing. Jsem lékař. I am a doctor. I'm a doctor. Neuhýbej od tématu. Don't change the subject. Don't get off topic. W awaryjnej sytuacji ważne jest zachowanie zimnej krwi. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. In an emergency, it is important to keep your blood cold. Neřekni nikomu ani slovo! Don't say a word to anyone. Don't say a word to anyone! Ten večírek nebyl moc zábavný. The party wasn't much fun. The party wasn't very fun. Eksperyment potwierdził jego teorię. The experiment confirmed his theory. The experiment confirmed his theory. Náš učitel se nám omluvil za to, že přišel pozdě. Our teacher apologized to us for being late. Our teacher apologized for being late. Člověk musí pořád studovat. One must always study. One has to study all the time. Je silná žena. She's a tough woman. She's a strong woman. Jestem zszokowany. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Tom má se svojí rodinou špatný vztah. Tom has a bad relationship with his family. Tom has a bad relationship with his family. Tato voda je jedovatá. This water is poisoned. This water is poisonous. Nabídl jsem se, že Toma odvezu do nemocnice. I offered to take Tom to the hospital. I offered to take Tom to the hospital. Zapłaciłam rachunki. I paid my bills. I paid the bills. Nevěřte lidem kteří vám slibují, že z vás udělají boháče přes noc. Buďto jsou to blázni, a nebo podvodníci. Don't trust people that promise to make you rich overnight. They're typically either lunatics or crooks. Don't trust people who promise to make you rich overnight, either they're crazy or they're crooks. Detaily útoku jsou stále neznámé. Details of the attack are still unknown. The details of the attack are still unknown. Tom ma nadzieję, że zda egzamin. Tom hopes to pass the exam. Tom hopes to pass the exam. Ten budynek zmieniał właściciela kilka razy. This building changed hands several times. This building has changed owners several times. Myślę, że to czas, żebym kupił nowy aparat. I think it's time for me to buy a new camera. I think it's time I bought a new camera. Miluješ ho? Do you love him? Do you love him? Możemy to zrobić jeszcze raz? Can we do it again? Can we do it again? Eksperci powiedzieli, że jutro będzie padać. The experts said it would rain tomorrow. Experts say it will rain tomorrow. Bolest byla strašná. The pain was terrible. The pain was terrible. Nie bardzo mogę o tym rozmawiać. I can't really talk about it. I can't really talk about it. Tom je tělesně postižený. Tom is physically handicapped. Tom is physically disabled. To jest hazard. It's a gamble. This is gambling. Kdy začne ten kurs italštiny? When will the Italian classes start? When does the Italian course start? Mieszkał w centrum Londynu. He lived in central London. He lived in central London. Muszę się uczyć. I need to study. I have to study. Dnes si vedeš o dost lépe. You're doing much better today. You're doing a lot better today. Tom už o všem ví. Tom already knows about everything. Tom already knows everything. Tom jest trochę zwariowany. Tom is a little crazy. Tom's a little crazy. Nie jestem pewien czy to jest poprawne. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure that's correct. Vaší pomoci nebude zapotřebí. Your help won't be needed. Your help will not be needed. Tom je poslední dobou hodně aktivní. Tom has been very active recently. Tom has been very active lately. Toho zlozvyku se musíš zbavit. You must get rid of that bad habit. You have to get rid of that habit. Jane byla nespravedlivě zbavena své pozice. Jane was unfairly dismissed from her post. Jane was unfairly stripped of her position. Miłość jest silniejsza od nienawiści. Love is stronger than hatred. Love is stronger than hate. Rozloučila se s ním a odešla. She said good-bye to him and left the house. She said goodbye to him and left. Počkali jsme. We waited. We waited. Natychmiast staliśmy się przyjaciółmi. We immediately became friends. We immediately became friends. Nie jest Amerykaninem, ale lubi Amerykę. He's not an American, but he likes America. He's not American, but he likes America. W pewnych okolicznościach banki mogą zamrozić środki osoby, która zmarła bez testamentu. Under certain circumstances banks can freeze the assets of a person who dies without a will. Under certain circumstances, banks may freeze the funds of a person who has died without a will. Řeknu Tomovi, ať vám poseče trávník. I'll have Tom mow your lawn for you. I'll have Tom mow your lawn. Bude to Tom, nebo já? Will it be Tom, or me? Will it be Tom or me? Lidé nemohou přes respirátory pořádně dýchat. People cannot breathe properly through the respirators. People can't breathe properly through respirators. Canberra je hlavní město Austrálie. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Wycofał samochód do garażu. He backed his car into the garage. He pulled the car back into the garage. Nie jestem lekarzem. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Marnie sypiam. I do not sleep well. I don't sleep well. Šel jsem na pláž s Tomem. I went to the beach with Tom. I went to the beach with Tom. Můžu si zítra od tebe půjčit motorovou pilu? Can I borrow your chainsaw tomorrow? Can I borrow a chainsaw from you tomorrow? Nevěděl jsem, že Tom požádá Mary, aby to udělala. I didn't know Tom would ask Mary to do that. I didn't know Tom would ask Mary to do that. Dítě plakalo celou noc. The child cried all night long. The baby was crying all night. Stále věříte v Tomovu nevinu? Do you still believe in Tom's innocence? Do you still believe in Tom's innocence? on już żałował kiedy chciał tylko to powiedzieć He already regretted when I'd only said it. He regretted it when he just wanted to say it. Kiedy ostatnio ją widziałeś? When did you last see her? When was the last time you saw her? Nešel jsem na pohřeb. I didn't go to the funeral. I didn't go to the funeral. Čekám už dvě hodiny. Nemohu už dál čekat. I've already waited two hours. I can't wait any longer. I've been waiting for two hours, I can't wait any longer. To była całkowicie moja wina. It was totally my fault. It was totally my fault. Potřebujeme kompletní věty. We want complete sentences. We need complete sentences. Takhle mě už neděs! Don't scare me like that! Don't scare me like that! Tyhle knihy jsou moje, ne Toma. These are my books, not Tom's. These books are mine, not Tom's. Stále hledáte práci? Are you still looking for work? Still looking for a job? Tomův bratr je přítelem mé sestry. Tom's brother is my sister's boyfriend. Tom's brother is a friend of my sister's. Nie powstrzymuj mnie, to nic nie da. It is no use your holding me back. Don't stop me, it won't do anything. Masz swojego ulubionego pisarza i ulubioną książkę? Do you have a favourite writer and a favourite book? Do you have a favorite writer and favorite book? Obawiam się, że Tom nie żyje. I'm afraid Tom is dead. I'm afraid Tom is dead. Zdecydowałem się poprosić Toma o wybaczenie. I've made up my mind to ask Tom to forgive me. I asked Tom to forgive me. Kdybych býval byl s tebou, byl bych ti mohl pomoci. If I had been with you, I could have helped you. If I had been with you, I could have helped you. Pod żadnym pozorem nie wolno mu tego dotykać. On no condition has he permission to touch it. Under no circumstances should he touch it. Przygotowałem dla nich śniadanie. I prepared breakfast for them. I made breakfast for them. Ani nevím, jak je to možné. I don't even know how that's possible. I don't even know how that's possible. Je tom zraněný? Is Tom hurt? Is Tom hurt? Určitě odhalí svojí pravou tvář. I'm sure he will reveal his true nature. I'm sure he'll reveal his true face. Nazywam go Mike. I call him Mike. I call him Mike. Nigdy nie przekręciłem niczyich słów. I never distorted anyone's words. I've never twisted anyone's words. Jsi holohlavý? Are you bald? Are you bald? Na wyspie jest tylko jeden sklep. There's only one store on the island. There is only one shop on the island. To wszystko zmieniło się w 2013. All that changed in 2013. That all changed in 2013. Takhle to dělat nechci. That isn't the way that I want to do that. I don't want to do it like this. Prd je trýzněný křik lapeného hovna. A fart is the tortured scream of a trapped turd. A fart is a tortured scream of trapped shit. Uczymy się czytać i pisać. We learn to read and write. We learn to read and write. Chtěla, aby jí řekl, že ji miluje. She wanted him to tell her that he loved her. She wanted him to tell her that he loved her. Romeo ożenił się z Julią. Romeo marries Juliet. Romeo married Juliet. Robimy, co chcemy. We do anything we want. We do what we want. Zaczęło lać. It started to rain in torrents. It's pouring. Zúčastnili se toho. They attended it. They were involved. Tomovi se nesvěřuj. Don't confide in Tom. Don't confide in Tom. Přede dveřmi je nějaké křeslo. A chair is in front of the door. There's a chair outside the door. Miluji jí z celého srdce. I love her from the bottom of my heart. I love her with all my heart. Byłem zaskoczony, widząc cię tutaj. I was surprised to see you here. I was surprised to see you here. V létě navštěvuje Maďarsko hodně turistů. A lot of tourists visit Hungary in summer. In the summer, many tourists visit Hungary. Sledují vás. They're watching you. They're watching you. Dlaczego po prostu nie wyjdziesz i nie powiesz tego? Why don't you just come out and say it? Why don't you just go out and say it? Jezdím do práce na kole. I cycle to work. I ride my bike to work. Tom preferuje kávu. Tom prefers coffee. Tom prefers coffee. Ona jest z Francji. She is from France. She's from France. Tom analyzoval výsledky. Tom analyzed the results. Tom analyzed the results. Kto się Tobą zajmuje, gdy się źle czujesz? Who looks after you when you're not feeling well? Who takes care of you when you feel bad? Nie obchodzi mnie to. It is nothing to me. I don't care. Musíme věřit, že dokážeme vyhrát. We must believe we can win. We have to believe we can win. Zavřel jsem dveře, aby nás neslyšeli. I closed the door so that they wouldn't hear us. I closed the door so they wouldn't hear us. Zrušte tu poradu. Cancel the meeting. Cancel the meeting. Nevyznám se tu. I don't know my way around here. I don't know anything about this place. Czy coś musimy przedyskutować? Is there anything we need to discuss? Is there anything we need to discuss? Byli podekscytowani meczem. They were excited at the game. They were excited about the match. Udělali chyby. They've made mistakes. They made mistakes. Na jednu noc jsem ho ubytoval. I accommodated him for the night. I put him up for one night. Nevěděla jsi, že Tom je gay? You didn't know Tom was gay? You didn't know Tom was gay? Máme pro vás speciální nabídku. We have a special offer for you. We have a special offer for you. Měla jsi se o víkendu? Did you have a pleasant weekend? Did you have a weekend? Leo vaří maso. Leo is cooking meat. Leo's cooking meat. Chci svoji matku. I want my mother. I want my mother. Niektórzy kupują tylko żywność organiczną. Uważają, że w ten sposób zanieczyszczenia im nie zaszkodzą. Some people only buy organic food; they think that in this way their body will not be damaged by pollutants. Some buy only organic food. They believe that in this way pollution will not harm them. Często chodziłam na wagary. I often played truant. I used to go to school a lot. Zůstanu v motelu. I'll be staying in a motel. I'll stay at the motel. Tom obudził się z okropnym bólem głowy. Tom woke up with a terrible headache. Tom woke up with a terrible headache. K tomu má přístup pouze Tom. Only Tom has access to it. Only Tom has access to it. Tom nienawidzi tego. Tom hates it. Tom hates that. Wyobraź sobie, że masz wehikuł czasu. Imagine that you have a time machine. Imagine you have a time machine. Ulánbátar je hlavní město Mongolska. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Chci tam pracovat. I want to work there. I want to work there. Ona uważa go za niewinnego. She presumes him to be innocent. She thinks he's innocent. Czytałaś tę książkę? Have you read this book? Have you read this book? Mam coś ważniejszego do zrobienia. I have something more important to do. I have something more important to do. Zdá se být velice ospalý. He seems to be very sleepy. He seems very sleepy. Někdy spím na gauči. Sometimes, I sleep on the couch. Sometimes I sleep on the couch. Mam trzy psy i trzy koty. I have three dogs and three cats. I have three dogs and three cats. Cestujete rády? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Mary přišla domů a nachytala Toma v posteli se svou nejlepší kamarádkou. Mary came home and found Tom in bed with her best friend. Mary came home and caught Tom in bed with her best friend. Stárnutí nic nestojí. Aging doesn't cost anything. Ageing costs nothing. Vezmi si něco k jídlu. Have something to eat. Take something to eat. Jdu tudy dobře na nádraží? Is this the right way to go to the railway station? Is this the right way to the station? Jestem z Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. Byv napsán příliš rychle, dopis obsahoval mnoho chyb. Written too quickly, the letter had many mistakes. By writing too quickly, the letter contained many errors. Nie chcemy nic od ciebie. We want nothing from you. We don't want anything from you. Nie byłem zajęty. I wasn't busy. I wasn't busy. Ty Toma doopravdy neznáš, viď? You don't really know Tom, do you? You don't really know Tom, do you? Kolik ti dosud platili? How much have you been paid so far? How much have they been paying you so far? Mám rád motýly. I like butterflies. I like butterflies. Můj otec prosil, abych ty dveře otevřel. My father begged me to open the door. My father asked me to open the door. Nawzajem. Likewise. You too. Autobus jeździ raz na dwie godziny. There is only one bus every two hours. The bus runs once every two hours. Je přitažlivá, akorát že moc mluví. She is attractive, but she talks too much. She's attractive, except she talks too much. Nie musisz przepraszać. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. Nie bardzo wierzę w jego historię. I can hardly believe his story. I don't believe much in his story. Dlaczego czekać na Święta? Why wait for Christmas? Why wait for Christmas? Když jsem byl dítětem, moje matka mi často četla pohádky. When I was a child, my mother would often read fairy tales to me. When I was a child, my mother used to read me stories. Tomův čas vypršel. Tom's time is up. Tom's time is up. Nigdy bym nie pocałował Toma. I would never kiss Tom. I would never kiss Tom. Musíš to udělat ihned. You must do it at once. You have to do it now. Tom to udělal na naší žádost. Tom did that at our request. Tom did it at our request. Cítíme se izolovaní. We feel isolated. We feel isolated. Popsal všechno, co se stalo. He recounted everything that had occurred. He described everything that happened. Oskarżyła mnie o włamanie się na jej konto. She accused me of hacking into her account. She accused me of breaking into her account. Lepiej się pośpiesz, jeśli chcesz dotrzeć do domu zanim się ściemni. You'd better hurry up if you want to get home before dark. You better hurry if you want to get home before it gets dark. Mecz odłożono do przyszłego tygodnia. The game was put off until next week. The match was postponed until next week. Tom je zamilovaný. Tom is in love. Tom is in love. Bylo mu teprve čtrnáct. He was only fourteen years old. He was only fourteen. Starczy na dziś. That's enough for today. That's enough for today. Cestuješ lodí nebo letadlem? Do you travel by sea or by air? Are you traveling by boat or plane? Mám hlad. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Tom neví, že je do něj Mary zamilovaná. Tom doesn't know that Mary is in love with him. Tom doesn't know Mary's in love with him. Był siwy. He had grey hair. He was gray. Wspięliśmy się wyżej, żeby mieć lepszy widok. We climbed higher so that we might get a better view. We climbed higher to get a better view. Nie mogę już dłużej chodzić. I can walk no farther. I can't walk anymore. Musel jsem zůstat. I had to stay. I had to stay. Tom tady byl přede mnou. Tom was here before me. Tom was here before me. Nadal wątpisz w to co powiedziałem? Are you still in doubt about what I have said? You still doubt what I said? Vrátil jsem to, kam to patří. I put it back where it belonged. I put it back where it belongs. Jesteś nieelastyczny. You're inflexible. You're inflexible. Buchnąłem to Tomowi. I pinched it from Tom. I hit it on Tom. Jsem schopen napsat padesát slov za minutu. I can type 50 words a minute. I can write 50 words a minute. Myslíš, že to Tom dokáže najít? Do you think Tom can find it? Do you think Tom can find it? Také jsem navštívil Boston. I've visited Boston, too. I also visited Boston. Tom mi o tom nic neřekl. Tom didn't tell me anything about it. Tom didn't tell me anything about it. Niebo pełne jest gwiazd. The sky is full of stars. The sky is full of stars. Nie robią nic złego. They aren't doing anything wrong. They're not doing anything wrong. Určitě jste zůstali dlouho vzhůru. You must've stayed up late. I'm sure you stayed up late. Potřebuji, abys došel na nákup. I need you to go shopping. I need you to go shopping. Začínám se cítit trochu provinile. I'm starting to feel a little guilty. I'm starting to feel a little guilty. Hiszpańska tortilla różni się od meksykańskiej. A spanish tortilla is different from a Mexican one. The Spanish tortilla is different from the Mexican tortilla. To może się wydawać uciążliwe, ale per saldo będziesz zadowolony. It may seem like a lot of trouble to go through, but in the end, you'll be happy you did it. It may seem cumbersome, but per balance you will be satisfied. Jill jest mądra, ale i ładna. Jill is smart as well as pretty. Jill's smart, but she's pretty. Zdecydowanie musimy zatrudnić więcej ludzi. We definitely need to hire more people. We definitely need to hire more people. Kiedy dowiedziałeś się o rozwodzie Mary. When did you learn of Mary's divorce? When you found out about Mary's divorce. Mám hrozný kašel. I have a terrible cough. I have a terrible cough. Souhlasil jsem s rozsudkem. I agreed with the verdict. I agreed with the verdict. Nie jestem pewien, czy mam wystarczająco dużo czasu. I'm not sure I have enough time. I'm not sure I have enough time. John rozciągnął się na kanapie. John stretched out on the couch. John stretched out on the couch. Co kdybychom šli s Tomem na ryby? Why don't we go fishing with Tom? Why don't you and Tom go fishing? Nigdy nie słyszałeś o Rio de Janeiro? Haven't you ever heard of Rio de Janeiro? Have you ever heard of Rio de Janeiro? Praha je hlavní město České republiky. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Po cestě jsme projeli okolo benzinky. We passed by the gas station on the way. On the way, we passed a gas station. Jestli vám Tom nepomůže, pomůžu vám já. If Tom doesn't help you, I will help you. If Tom doesn't help you, I'll help you. Váš pes vrtí ocasem. Your dog is wagging its tail. Your dog wags its tail. Můj nůž je rozbitý. My knife is broken. My knife is broken. V zásuvce nebyly žádné tužky. There weren't any pencils in the drawer. There were no pencils in the drawer. Proč se neučíš francouzštinu? Why don't you study French? Why aren't you learning French? Nic nie przeszkodzi jej w nauce. Nothing will hinder her study. Nothing will stop her from learning. Dohodli jsme se, že nebudeme mít děti před třicítkou. We agreed not to have children before the age of thirty. We agreed not to have children before the age of 30. Tom musiał znać prawdę. Tom must've known the truth. Tom must have known the truth. Chci být slavný. I want to be famous. I want to be famous. Od teraz będę intensywniej uczył się francuskiego. I'll study French harder from now on. From now on, I will study French more intensively. Moc to chci. I want it so much. I want it so bad. Nie powinieneś wychodzić. You shouldn't go out. You shouldn't have left. Učinil jsem strašné rozhodnutí. I made a horrible decision. I made a terrible decision. Tom wróci po południu. Tom will be back in the afternoon. Tom will be back this afternoon. Możesz przynajmniej podziękować. You might at least say thank you. You can at least thank me. Kdysi jsem bydlel s Tomem. I used to live with Tom. I used to live with Tom. Chociaż lasy deszczowe stanowią jedynie 2 proc. powierzchni Ziemi, to zamieszkuje je ponad połowa gatunków dzikich roślin, zwierząt i owadów. Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there. Although rainforests make up only 2% of the Earth’s surface, they are home to more than half of the world’s wild plant, animal and insect species. Muž, kterého si bere, je astronaut. The man whom she is marrying is an astronaut. The man he's marrying is an astronaut. Myslím, že mám lepší nápad. I think my idea is better. I think I have a better idea. Zwariowany! Crazy! Crazy! Czemu Tom miałby być zdenerwowany? Why would Tom be upset? Why would Tom be upset? Czy muszę robić, co mówi Tom? Do I have to do what Tom says? Do I have to do what Tom says? Tom má smutný výraz. Tom has a sad expression on his face. Tom has a sad expression. Neznala jak jeho adresu, tak ani jeho telefonní číslo. She knew neither his address nor his phone number. She didn’t know his address or his phone number. Mary chce podstoupit operaci zvětšení poprsí. Mary wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Mary wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Objeli jsme si město kolem našim autem. We took a turn around the city in our car. We drove around the city in our car. Tom i Mary nie rozmawiają ze sobą. Tom and Mary are not talking to one another. Tom and Mary don't talk to each other. Měl bys to zkusit. You ought to try it. You should try it. Język jest metodą komunikacji. Language is a means of communication. Language is a method of communication. Řekni nám, že to není pravda. Tell us it isn't true. Tell us that's not true. Auto budoucnosti nepotřebuje řidiče. The car of the future doesn't need a driver. The car of the future does not need a driver. Pořád lhala. She lied all the time. She kept lying. Dziewczyna, która rozmawia z Johnem, to Susan. The girl talking with John is Susan. The girl who's talking to John is Susan. Já nekouřím, ale Tom ano. I don't smoke, but Tom does. I don't smoke, but Tom does. Tom nechal zbourat svůj starý dům. Tom had his old house torn down. Tom had his old house demolished. Zdá se, že Tom říká pravdu. It seems Tom is telling the truth. Tom seems to be telling the truth. Ten učitel občas své žáky uhodí, ale žádný si nikdy nestěžoval. That teacher sometimes hits his students, but no one ever complains. The teacher sometimes hits his pupils, but no one ever complained. Jeszcze nie wiem, co zrobię. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. Powědaju Marsowe wobydlarje engelski? Do Martians speak English? Do they say the Engelian ornaments of Mars? Tato data jsem dával dohromady tři měsíce. I spent three months compiling this data. I've been putting this data together for three months. Gdzie znalazłeś jej zdjęcie? Where did you find her photo? Where did you find her picture? Tom może nie mieć racji. Tom might be wrong. Tom may not be right. Nie jest biznesmenem, a dyplomatą. He is not a businessman but a diplomat. He's not a businessman, he's a diplomat. Budeš mi chybět. I'll miss you. I'm gonna miss you. Tom chciał, żeby Mary przyjechała do Bostonu. Tom wanted Mary to come to Boston. Tom wanted Mary to come to Boston. Nie idź tak szybko. Please don't walk so fast. Don't go so fast. Pocałował ją. She was kissed by him. He kissed her. Jest abstynentem. He's a teetotaller. He's a teetotaler. Bylo to od Toma velmi hezké, že na nás počkal. It was very nice of Tom to wait for us. It was very nice of Tom to wait for us. Jestem w ciąży. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. On rozmawia z jej ojcem. He's talking to her father. He's talking to her father. Jako obvykle se opozdil a nechal nás dlouho čekat. As usual, he was late and made us wait for a long time. As usual, he was late and kept us waiting. Był niezmiernie szczęśliwy. He was very happy. He was extremely happy. Staraliśmy się, żeby były cicho. We kept them quiet. We tried to keep them quiet. Mary jest mądrzejsza od Toma. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary is smarter than Tom. Koho podporuješ? Who do you support? Who are you supporting? Naše oči si musí na tmu zvyknout. Our eyes need time to adjust to the darkness. Our eyes have to get used to the darkness. Uważam, że Tom jest wybredny. I think Tom is finicky. I think Tom's picky. Chcete se o Tomovi dozvědět více? Do you want to learn more about Tom? Want to know more about Tom? Czy to jest Twój samochód? Is that your car? Is this your car? Powiedziałeś komuś? Have you told anybody? Did you tell anyone? Netušíš, kam Tom mohl dát ten foťák? Do you have any idea where Tom might have put his camera? Do you have any idea where Tom might have put the camera? Ja rěču serbsce. I speak Sorbian. I'm talking to Serbs. Njewěm. I don't know. Not really. Tom zaprosił Mary i jej przyjaciół na obiad. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Tom invited Mary and her friends over for dinner. Je zvyklá bydlet sama. She is used to living alone. She's used to living alone. Petr nerad loupe brambory. Peter hates peeling potatoes. Peter doesn't like to peel potatoes. Na tym etapie nie ma wciąż jasnej polityki energetycznej odnośnie dostarczania zdecentralizowanej energii do obszarów rolniczych. At this stage there is still not a clear energy policy for bringing decentralised power to rural areas. At this stage, there is still no clear energy policy regarding the supply of decentralised energy to agricultural areas. Co za obrzydliwy pomysł! What a disgusting idea! What a disgusting idea! Masz stronę internetową? Do you have a website? Do you have a website? Udało jej się nie wspomnieć o swoim planie. She managed not to mention her plan. She failed to mention her plan. Ann ráda píše básně. Ann likes to write poems. Ann likes to write poetry. Kdy myslíš, že Tom přijde? When do you think Tom will come? When do you think Tom's coming? Teď už vím, proč jsou tady. Now I know why they are here. Now I know why they're here. Budu u sebe v pokoji. I'm going to be in my room. I'll be in my room. Zostanę w Bostonie na trzy miesiące. I'll stay in Boston for three months. I'm staying in Boston for three months. Proszę, zmień flagę. Change the flag, please. Please change the flag. Mike nie jest zawodnikiem drużyny siatkarskiej. Mike is not a member of the volleyball team. Mike's not a volleyball player. Tom nie musi iść jutro do szkoły. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. Co máte? What do you guys have? What do you got? Nie chcę wydać więcej niż 10 dolarów. I don't want to spend more than $10. I don't want to spend more than $10. W Walencji mówi się po walencku i hiszpańsku. In Valencia they speak Valencian and Spanish. Valencian and Spanish are spoken. Potrzebuję przyjaciela. I need a friend. I need a friend. Tom si koupil svetr. Tom bought a sweater. Tom bought a sweater. Jana nosila stejnou stuhu jako její matka. Jane wore the same ribbon as her mother did. Jana wore the same ribbon as her mother. Przepraszam, jak mogę dostać się do centrum? Please, how can I get to the center? Excuse me, how do I get downtown? Sherlock Holmes na pewno byłby z ciebie dumny. Sherlock Holmes would have certainly been proud of you. I'm sure Sherlock Holmes would be proud of you. Śnieg mi nie przeszkadza. I don't care if it snows. The snow doesn’t bother me. Nenávidí ho. She hates him. She hates him. Mam nadzieję, że to prawda. I hope that's the truth. I hope that's true. Tom nemá vůbec čas sledovat televizi. Tom doesn't have any time to watch TV. Tom doesn't have time to watch TV. Myslím, že jste udělali správnou věc. I think you did the right thing. I think you did the right thing. Kdyby to neudělal Tom, byl by to udělal někdo jiný. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would've done it. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would have. Prawdę mówiąc, nie pamiętam niczego, co wczoraj powiedziałem. To tell the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. To tell you the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. Nikt nie wie. No one knows. No one knows. Už mě nebaví Toma pořád napomínat. I am tired of admonishing Tom all the time. I'm tired of telling Tom all the time. To twoja książka. This is your book. It's your book. Nie wiedziałem, że Tom ma przezwisko. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. Uciekli we wszystkie możliwe kierunki. They fled in all possible directions. They fled in all possible directions. Tom netuší, co mohl způsobit. Tom has no idea what he could have caused. Tom has no idea what he might have done. Tom nese sportovní tašku. Tom is carrying a gym bag. Tom's carrying a sports bag. Rád bych věděl, co v té místnosti je. I wonder what's in that room. I'd like to know what's in that room. Nevím, jestli je Tom ženatý, nebo ne. Abych pravdu řekl, vůbec mě to nezajímá. I don't know whether Tom is married or not. To tell the truth, I don't care at all. I don't know if Tom's married or not, to tell you the truth, I don't care. Nikdy nebude sama. She'll never be alone. She'll never be alone. Vážně jsme to museli dělat? Did we really have to do that? Did we really have to do that? Tato kniha patří knihovně. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. Hledám práci. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for work. Všem se ulevilo. Everybody was relieved. Everyone's relieved. Kolik je hodin? What's the time? What time is it? Czy nie chcesz spotkać się z Tomem? Don't you want to meet Tom? Don't you want to meet Tom? Mám raději angličtinu než matematiku. I like English better than Math. I prefer English to mathematics. Strč prst skrz krk! Stick your finger through your throat! Put your finger through your neck! Gdzie autobusy odjeżdżają z lotniska? Where do the airport buses leave from? Where do the buses leave from the airport? Tom byl můj hrdina. Tom was my hero. Tom was my hero. Każdy ma jakieś powody do niezadowolenia, ale niewielu podchodzi do tego filozoficznie. Everyone seems to have a bone to pick with someone, but only a few people can be philosophical about it. Everyone has some reason to be unhappy, but few are philosophical about it. Tom chce dnes večer zůstat doma. Tom wants to stay home tonight. Tom wants to stay home tonight. Chtěl jsem zjistit, co se děje. I wanted to find out what was going on. I wanted to find out what was going on. Pojďme tady žít. Let's live here. Let's live here. Dokážu je porazit všechny. I can beat them all. I can beat them all. Čas se mění. Time is changing. Time is changing. Myslíš, že by jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think that Tom could hurt them? Do you think Tom could hurt them? Nejsme tak bezmocní, jak si možná myslíme. We aren't so powerless as we may think. We are not as helpless as we think. To niemożliwe, że zapomniał o naszym spotkaniu. It's impossible that he forgot our meeting. It's impossible he forgot our meeting. Tom se skutečně dost podobá svému otci. Tom really does look a lot like his father. Tom is very similar to his father. Ile miałeś lat, kiedy twoi rodzice się rozwiedli? How old were you when your parents got divorced? How old were you when your parents divorced? Tom założył agencję reklamową. Tom started an advertising agency. Tom started an advertising agency. Myślę, że zgubiłem klucze. I think I lost my keys. I think I lost my keys. I ty? And you? And you? Możemy tego spróbować. We can try that. We can try that. Gdybyś przyszedł zaledwie dwie minuty wcześniej, złapałbyś autobus. If you had come only two minutes earlier, you could have caught the bus. If you had come only two minutes earlier, you would have caught the bus. Sprowokowałem Toma, żeby to zrobił. I dared Tom to do it. I got Tom to do it. Ania jest brunetką, a Magdalena - blondynką. Ania has brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair. Ania is a brunette and Magdalena is a blonde. Tom není tak tlustý jako já. Tom is not as fat as I am. Tom's not as fat as I am. Jsou ve válce. They're at war. They're at war. Tom opětoval střelbu na muže, kteří po něm stříleli. Tom shot back at the men who were shooting at him. Tom returned fire on the men who were shooting at him. Mój miecz jest być może tępy, ale na kogoś takiego jak ty zupełnie wystarczy. My sword may be blunt, but that's more than enough for someone like you. My sword may be blunt, but for someone like you, it's enough. Przegrywamy. We're losing. We're losing. Nikdo mě nezná tak, jako můj bratr. No one knows me like my brother does. No one knows me like my brother. Co mi obiecujesz? What are you promising me? What do you promise me? Tomův dům vyhořel. Tom's house burned down. Tom's house burned down. Pojedu výtahem. I will take the lift. I'll take the elevator. Tom bude potřebovat vaší pomoc. Tom will need your help. Tom will need your help. Słyszałeś może, czy Tom dostał tą pracę? Have you heard whether Tom got the job? Did you hear if Tom got the job? Všechno, co Tom řekl, je pravda. Everything that Tom said is true. Everything Tom said is true. Toto je moje první výletní plavba. This is my first cruise. This is my first cruise. Jak twoja noga? How's your leg? How's your leg? Neřiďte se radami Toma. Don't follow Tom's advice. Don't follow Tom's advice. Zveme tě. We're inviting you. You're invited. Czy jedzenie wątróbki jest niezdrowe? Is eating liver bad for you? Is eating liver unhealthy? Czy wszyscy są gotowi? Is everybody ready? Is everyone ready? Tom občas jezdí do Bostonu. Tom goes to Boston every once in a while. Tom sometimes goes to Boston. Je Tom hotov? Is Tom finished? Is Tom ready? Nechci vědět, co jsi s tím udělal. I don't want to know what you have done with that. I don't want to know what you did with it. Tohle je dost vážné. This is very serious. This is pretty serious. Nie wiem, gdzie jest problem. I don't know where the problem is. I don't know what the problem is. Kochanie, musimy iść do sklepu. Brakuje nam mleka. Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk. Honey, we have to go to the store. Sięgnął po słownik. He reached for the dictionary. He reached for the dictionary. Musím vědět, jaká je situace. I need to know what the situation is. I need to know what the situation is. Mít dlouhé vlasy mi nesluší. Having long hair doesn't suit me. I don't like having long hair. Tom nie ma ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego. Tom doesn't have health insurance. Tom doesn't have health insurance. Jim nie jest adwokatem, ale lekarzem. Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. Tom si během hodiny psal poznámky. Tom took notes during class. Tom took notes within an hour. Věříme mu. We trust him. We trust him. Dals jí pusu, ne? You kissed her, didn't you? You kissed her, didn't you? To řekl Tom. Tom said that. That's what Tom said. Usmívají se jeden na druhého. They're smiling at each other. They smile at each other. Jsem svobodný. I am single. I'm single. Tom tě má rád, ale ty to nevidíš. Tom likes you, but you fail to see it. Tom likes you, but you don't see it. Żaden z kolegów Toma z klasy nie zaoferował mu pomocy. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. Z trudem zdobyłem bilet na koncert. I had difficulty getting a ticket for the concert. I barely got a ticket to the concert. Ona obvykle spí osm hodin. She usually sleeps for eight hours. She usually sleeps eight hours. Tom píše dopis. Tom is writing a letter. Tom is writing a letter. Nie mogę przyjaźnić się z Tomem. I can't be friends with Tom. I can't be friends with Tom. Jesteś dyplomatyczny. You're diplomatic. You're diplomatic. Jesteś słodki. You're sweet. You're sweet. To jest dla mnie zbyt trudne. This is too hard for me. It's too hard for me. Tom čůrá za domem. Tom is taking a leak behind the house. Tom's peeing behind the house. Tom měl těžké dětství. Tom had a hard childhood. Tom had a difficult childhood. Není to tak špatný nápad. That isn't such a terrible idea. It's not such a bad idea. Sće Etiopjan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? Ahoj všichni! Hello everyone! Hey, everybody! Cožpak nemůžeš Tomovi pomoct? Can't you help Tom? Can't you help Tom? Je tu patnáct lidí, včetně hostů. There are fifteen people here, counting the guests. There are 15 people, including guests. Poeci piszą wiersze. Poets write poems. Poets write poetry. Tom se už nezotavil. Tom never got better. Tom didn't recover. Myslíte si, že jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think that Tom could've hurt them? Do you think Tom could have hurt them? Naprawdę chcesz pomóc? Are you really willing to help? You really want to help? Děti nemám. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Musisz zacząć zdanie od wielkiej litery. You must begin a sentence with a capital letter. You have to start the sentence with a capital letter. Musíme pospíchat. We need to hurry. We have to hurry. Nevěděli jsme, kterým autobusem pojedeme. We didn't know which bus we would take. We didn't know which bus we were on. Tvůj rukopis je velmi těžko k přečtení. Your handwriting is very hard to read. Your manuscript is very hard to read. Mám na seznamu dvanáct lidí. I have twelve people on my list. I have 12 people on my list. Czy uczysz się angielskiego codziennie? Do you study English every day? Do you learn English every day? Chciałbym, aby częściej pisał. I would like him to write more often. I want him to write more often. Můžu ti s něčím pomoct? Can I help you with anything? Can I help you with something? Tom není schopen tu firmu náležitě řídit. Tom isn't able to run that company properly. Tom can't run the company properly. Lekarz kazał mi przestać brać aspirynę. My doctor told me to quit taking aspirin. The doctor told me to stop taking aspirin. Bardzo mi smutno to słyszeć. I'm very sad to hear that. I'm so sad to hear that. Tom posílá fax. Tom is sending a fax. Tom's sending a fax. Gdzie znajdę bibliotekę? Where is the library? Where can I find the library? Bylo to mistrovské dílo, o kterém často mluvili. That was a masterpiece they often talked about. It was a masterpiece they often talked about. Już napisałem list. I have already written a letter. I've already written a letter. Můj otec mě nenechá chodit v noci ven samotnou. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go out alone at night. Promiňte, že jsem vás nechal čekat. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Sorry to keep you waiting. Jesteście gotowi? Are you ready? Are you ready? Ted' nemám čas. I don't have time now. I don't have time now. Byl to náš pes, který se ztratil, ne Tomův. It was our dog that got lost, not Tom's. It was our dog that got lost, not Tom's. Uwielbiam tę reklamę. I love that commercial. I love this ad. Puknąłeś ją? You screwed her? Did you punch her? Je hezké vidět tolik jazyků pohromadě. It is nice to see so many languages together. It's nice to see so many languages together. Słyszałem strzały. I heard shots being fired. I heard gunshots. Nie zapłacił swojej części czynszu. He has not paid his portion of the rent. He didn't pay his share of the rent. Marie vybírala po jednom vajíčka. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Marie picked one egg at a time. Mam nowy czerwony samochód. I have a new red car. I have a new red car. Velice se opil. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Wszyscy ubrani byli w mundury. They were all dressed in uniforms. They were all dressed in uniform. Bardziej lubię czerwoną sukienkę, niż niebieską. I like the red dress more than the blue dress. I like the red dress better than the blue one. Później dam ci znać. I'll let you know later. I'll let you know later. Jam jest Latający Potwór Spaghetti. Nie będziesz miał innych potworów przede Mną (za Mną mogą być, tylko się zabezpiecz). Jedynym potworem zasługującym na wielką literę jestem Ja! Inne potwory są fałszywymi potworami, niezasługującymi na wielką literę. I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization. I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. You will have no other monsters before Me (they can be behind Me, just protect yourself). The only monster worthy of a capital letter is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, not deserving of a capital letter. On je zubař. He is a dentist. He's a dentist. Mrzí mě, že Tom odchází. I'm sorry that Tom is leaving. I'm sorry Tom's leaving. Muszę porozmawiać z Tomem. I really do need to speak with Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Nie chciałbym być na miejscu Toma. I wouldn't like to be in Tom's shoes. I wouldn't want to be in Tom's place. Nesmíte Tomovi nic říkat. You mustn't tell Tom anything. You mustn't say anything to Tom. Mam Ciebie dość! I've had it up to here with you! I've had enough of you! Tohle je moje kolo, ne Tomovo. This is my bicycle, not Tom's. This is my bike, not Tom's. Ja tylko potrzebuję odrobiny snu. I just need some sleep. I just need a little sleep. Tom stále nemá odvahu říci Mary, co udělal. Tom still doesn't have the courage to tell Mary what he's done. Tom still doesn't have the guts to tell Mary what he did. Chodíte s Tomem na procházky? Do you ever take walks with Tom? Do you go for walks with Tom? On ma brodę. He has a beard. He's got a beard. Tom nevypadá potěšeně. Tom doesn't look pleased. Tom doesn't look pleased. Ta velká květina je modrá. The large flower is blue. The big flower is blue. Tom mě pronásleduje v mých snech. Tom is haunting me in my dreams. Tom haunts me in my dreams. Rozloučil jsem se s přítelem na nádraží. I said goodbye to a friend at the train station. I said goodbye to a friend at the station. Podporuji porušování autorských práv. I support copyright infringement. I support copyright infringement. Tom ustawił alarm na swoim zegarku. Tom set the alarm on his watch. Tom set the alarm on his watch. Jsi dobrý kuchař,že? You are a good cook, aren't you? You're a good cook, aren't you? Nebudu tady dlouho. I won't be here long. I won't be here long. Pochopil jsi ten vtip? Have you understood this joke? Did you get the joke? Nesnáší mytí nádobí, ale praní prádla jí nevadí. She hates washing up but she does not mind laundering. She hates washing dishes, but she doesn't mind washing clothes. Jak długo Tom był w Bostonie? How long was Tom in Boston? How long was Tom in Boston? Zamierzam z nimi porozmawiać. I'm going to speak to them. I'm going to talk to them. Bunkr vás před viry neochrání. A bunker won't protect you from viruses. Bunker will not protect you from viruses. Nečekal jsem, že to bude stát tolik. I didn't expect it to cost so much. I didn't expect it to cost that much. Zjistili jste, kam Tom šel? Did you find out where Tom went? Did you find out where Tom went? To byla ta poslední věc kterou jsem čekal, že uslyším. That was the last thing I expected to hear. That was the last thing I expected to hear. Mám to rád. I like it. I like it. Možná budou potřebovat výpomoc. They may need assistance. They may need help. Jaká bude naše budoucnost? What'll our future be like? What will be our future? On jest bardzo przyjacielski w stosunku do mnie. He is very friendly toward me. He's very friendly with me. Codziennie tego używam. I use it every day. I use it every day. Jaká zvířata se z nás vyvinou? What kinds of animals will evolve from us? What animals will evolve from us? Tutaj jest kot pod łóżkiem. There is a cat under the bed. There's a cat under the bed. Ten kościół to bardzo znane i piękne miejsce. This church is a very famous and beautiful place. This church is a very famous and beautiful place. Chtěl bych volit. I'd like to vote. I'd like to vote. Tom byl pryč víc než půl hodiny. Tom was gone for over thirty minutes. Tom was gone for more than half an hour. Já jsem včera večeřel, ale Tom myslím ne. I ate dinner last night, but I don't think Tom did. I had dinner last night, but I don't think Tom did. Je čas na vstávání! It's time to wake up! It's time to get up! Tom se zeptal Mary, jestli se vrátí brzy. Tom asked Mary if she'd return soon. Tom asked Mary if she would be back soon. Nesu talíře. I'm carrying plates. I've got plates. Daj mi znać jeśli muszę coś zmienić Let me know if I need to make any changes. Let me know if I need to change anything. Oni czytają książkę. They're reading a book. They're reading a book. Powtórzmy to. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Jestli budu zvolen, i já zapomenu na své sliby. If I am elected, I'll also forget what I promised. If I'm elected, I'll forget my vows. Poczułem zapach perfum Mary, więc wiedziałem, że była w pokoju. I smelled Mary's perfume, so I knew she'd been in the room. I smelled Mary's perfume, so I knew she was in the room. Mluvíte anglicky? Can you speak English? Do you speak English? Wielu bogatych ludzi mieszka w tej okolicy. Many rich people live in this neighborhood. A lot of rich people live in this area. S kým tam Tom šel? Who did Tom go there with? Who did Tom go with? - Kdo tě tam viděl? - Tom mě tam viděl. - Who saw you there? - Tom saw me there. - Who saw you there? Wydaje się uzasadnione. It seems reasonable. Seems reasonable. Spodziewasz się kogoś? Are you expecting someone? Are you expecting someone? Tom nigdy nie skłamał. Tom never lied. Tom never lied. Lžou. They lie. They're lying. Nie zgasiłam światła. I didn't turn off the light. I didn't turn out the lights. Máš dnes dobrou náladu. Stalo se něco dobrého? You're in a good mood today. Did something nice happen? Are you in a good mood today? Soukromé ohňostroje jsou v mnoha zemích zakázané. Private fireworks are banned in many countries. Fireworks are banned in many countries. Ona jest nocnym markiem. She's a night owl. She's a night person. Podróżowała po całym świecie. She traveled all over the world. She traveled all over the world. Nenecháte mě tady, že ne? You aren't going to leave me here, are you? You're not gonna leave me here, are you? Umrzl někde na horách. He froze to death somewhere in mountains. He died somewhere in the mountains. Říkal jsem ti, že Tom nepřijde. I told you that Tom wouldn't come. I told you Tom wasn't coming. Gdy tylko tu przychodzę, odczuwam spokój. Whenever I come here, I feel at ease. Every time I come here, I feel calm. Zauważyłem go, jak uciekał z tamtego sklepu. I caught sight of him escaping from that shop. I noticed him running out of that store. Ten hluk je ohlušující. This noise is deafening. The noise is deafening. Jěsćo. You eat. Sure. Kilku studentów zainteresowanych jest grą w przyszłą sobotę. Few students are interested in the game next Saturday. Several students are interested in the game next Saturday. Uważam go za najlepszego lekarza w mieście. I regarded him as the best doctor in town. I consider him the best doctor in town. Nie mam ochoty napić się wódki. I don't feel like drinking vodka. I don't feel like drinking vodka. Není dovoleno používat kalkulačku. No calculator is allowed. It is not allowed to use the calculator. Býval jsem slavný. I used to be famous. I used to be famous. Kieszonkowcy mogą działać na tym obszarze. Pickpockets may operate in this area. Pickpockets can operate in this area. Jsi skvělý učitel! You're a great teacher! You're a great teacher! Dyrektor naszej szkoły jest bardzo stary. Our school's principal is very old. The headmaster of our school is very old. Je tu někdo živý? Is anybody alive here? Is anyone alive? Tento učitel je prý oblíbený u dětí. This teacher is said to be popular with children. This teacher is said to be popular with children. Jen abys věděl, to byl můj nápad. For your information, that was my idea. Just so you know, it was my idea. V létě se teplota zvedá. In summer the temperature rises. In the summer, the temperature rises. Kdo jsou slavní muzikanti ve tvé zemi? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Když Toma spatřili, začali plakat. When they saw Tom, they started crying. When they saw Tom, they started crying. Může se to odložit na potom. It can be postponed. It can be postponed. Po prvé v životě dočetla Yuka knížku v angličtině. For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book. For the first time in her life, Yuka finished a book in English. Máme rádi prostotu. We love simplicity. We like simplicity. V jakých situacích použijete tuto větu? In what kind of situations would you use that sentence? In what situations will you use this phrase? Myslel jsem, že jsi Tomův strýc. I thought that you were Tom's uncle. I thought you were Tom's uncle. Chystal jsem se odejít, když v tom v domě vypukl požár. I was about to leave when fire broke out in the house. I was about to leave when there was a fire in the house. Tom powiedział, że nie zna Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary. Jestem bezrobotny I'm unemployed. I am unemployed Powiedział, że obawia się deszczu. He said that he was afraid it would be rainy. He said he was afraid of the rain. Chciałbym jechać do USA. I would like to go to the USA. I'd like to go to the United States. Tvoje jméno vypadlo ze seznamu. Your name was dropped from the list. Your name fell off the list. Dobrze wyczułeś tego nauczyciela. You sure guessed the critical points of that teacher's exam. You smelled that teacher right. Wygląda na to, że Tom nie miał racji. It looks like Tom was wrong. Looks like Tom was wrong. Museli jsme naši kočku nechat utratit. We had to put our cat to sleep. We had to let our cat die. Tom nic nie ma. Tom doesn't have anything. Tom has nothing. Pomalu těmi dveřmi vešel do místnosti. He entered the room slowly by that door. He walked slowly through that door into the room. Dal trochu mléka kočce. He gave some milk to the cat. He gave some milk to the cat. Proberme to s Tomem. Let's discuss it with Tom. Let's talk to Tom. Proč ceny za plyn narůstají? Why are gas prices going up? Why are gas prices rising? Škoda, že netančíš. It's a pity you don't know how to dance. Too bad you're not dancing. Jestli bude zítra hezky, budu pracovat na zahradě. If it is nice tomorrow, I will be working in the garden. If it's nice tomorrow, I'll be working in the garden. Jedzcie, póki gorące. Eat, while it's still hot. Eat while it's hot. Vážně jsem nechtěl hrát. I really didn't want to play. I really didn't want to play. Brazílie je velká země. Brazil is a large country. Brazil is a big country. Dosud nevím, proč jsem to řekl. I still don't know why I said that. I still don't know why I said that. Tom vyhodil odpadky do lesa. Tom threw the garbage into the forest. Tom threw the garbage in the woods. Rád bych věděl, co bude dál. I wonder what comes next. I'd like to know what happens next. Robię to, co mam robić. I'm doing what I have to do. I do what I'm supposed to do. Tom je nepřátelský vůči svým sousedům. Tom feels hostile towards his neighbours. Tom is hostile to his neighbors. Rád bych vám poděkoval za spolupráci. I would like to thank you for your cooperation. I'd like to thank you for your cooperation. Proč před Tomem utekli? Why did they run away from Tom? Why did they run away from Tom? Co je to tornádo? What's a tornado? What is a tornado? Četl jsem, že prezidentem Brazílie je žena. Jmenuje se Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman named Dilma. Nie chcę jeść. I don't want to eat. I don't want to eat. Widziałem ptaka przelatującego nad drzewem. I saw a bird flying over a tree. I saw a bird fly over a tree. Zeptala jsem se ho, jestli by mi podrbal záda. I asked him if he would scratch my back. I asked him if he would scratch my back. Czy Tom jest więźniem? Is Tom a prisoner? Is Tom a prisoner? Mam już go serdecznie dosyć. I am sick and tired of him. I've had enough of him. Nie jestem dobry jeśli chodzi o sport. I am not good at sports. I'm not good at sports. Nie pozwól Tomowi tego zjeść. Don't let Tom eat this. Don't let Tom eat that. Nejsem Čech. I am not Czech. I'm not Czech. Proč chceš, abych je žádal o pomoc, když to můžeme zvládnout sami? Why do you want me to ask them for help, when we can do it by ourselves? Why do you want me to ask them for help when we can do it ourselves? Trudno zanegować ten fakt. The fact cannot be denied. It is difficult to deny this fact. Měl jsem to někomu říct. I should've told somebody. I should have told someone. Czy w Niemczech dużo pada? Does it rain much in Germany? Is it raining a lot in Germany? Zaufaj mi, jestem lekarzem. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Ona jest brazylijką. She's Brazilian. She's Brazilian. Neměl jsem včera zůstávat dlouho vzhůru. I should not have stayed up late yesterday. I shouldn't have stayed up late last night. Zdá se, že našetřil hodně peněz. He seems to have saved a lot of money. He seems to have saved a lot of money. Narodil jsem se v říjnu. I was born in October. I was born in October. To było dziwne uczucie. It was a strange feeling. It was a strange feeling. Uwielbiam tego filmu. I adore this film. I love this movie. To miasto zostało zniszczone w czasie wojny. The town was destroyed during the war. This city was destroyed during the war. Tom nie planował nigdzie iść. Tom didn't plan to go anywhere. Tom wasn’t going anywhere. Ten pes patří mně. The dog is mine. The dog belongs to me. Věčně vykládá stejnou historku. He's forever telling the same story. He's always telling the same story. To już nie stanowi problemu. It's not a problem anymore. That's not a problem anymore. Winda nie działa. The lift is out of order. The elevator doesn't work. Nejsem spokojen s kvalitou vaší práce. I'm not pleased with the quality of your job. I am not satisfied with the quality of your work. Pes je mrtvý. The dog is dead. The dog is dead. Jsem rád, že souhlasíš. I'm glad you agree. I'm glad you agree. Marie je dívka, se kterou je radost si povídat. Mary is a girl who is pleasant to talk with. Marie is a girl with whom it is a pleasure to talk. Nie bądź na mnie zły. Don't be angry with me. Don't be mad at me. On jest jednocześnie uczonym i muzykiem. He is a scholar and a musician simultaneously. He is both a scientist and a musician. Mam już dwadzieścia lat i nie mam pojęcia, co robić ze swoim życiem. I'm already twenty and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I am 20 years old and have no idea what to do with my life. Muszę pogadać z nią na temat nowego planu. I have to talk with her about the new plan. I need to talk to her about a new plan. Jesteś fotogeniczny. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. Tom u nás ještě nikdy nebyl. Tom has never been at our place. Tom's never been here before. Przyszedłem zobaczyć jak ci idzie. I came to see how you're doing. I came to see how you're doing. Maria přečetla celou uživatelskou příručku o 321 stranách bez přestávky. Maria read the entire operation manual of 321 pages without stopping. Maria read the entire user manual by 321 pages without a break. Co jste udělali proto, abyste tomu zabránili? Odpovím za vás. Neudělali jste nic. What did you do to prevent it from happening? I will answer for you. You did nothing. What did you do to stop it? I will answer for you. You did nothing. Detroit je znám pro svůj automobilový průmysl. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is known for its automobile industry. Řekl jsi pravdu. You told the truth. You told the truth. Moim hobby jest gra na gitarze. My hobby is playing the guitar. My hobby is playing guitar. To je vše, co můžeme dělat. This is all we can do. That's all we can do. Město se zdálo být prosperující. That town looked prosperous. The city seemed to be thriving. Myślę, że to ty. I think that it's you. I think it's you. Tom může jít na nákup s vámi. Tom can go shopping with you. Tom can go shopping with you. Tvoje nabídka je velmi atraktivní, ale my o ní budeme muset přemýšlet. Your offer is very attractive, but we will have to think about it. Your offer is very attractive, but we'll have to think about it. Hned ji zavolám. I'll call her immediately. I'll call her right away. Telefon znowu zadzwonił. The phone rang again. The phone rang again. Jsi tady učitel nebo student? Are you a teacher here or a student? Are you a teacher or a student? Tom mi řekl, že spěchá. Tom told me he was in a hurry. Tom told me he was in a hurry. Kdo mám říct, že to volá? Who should I say is calling? Who's to say it's calling? To nietypowa prośba. This is an unusual request. It's an unusual request. Ile kosztuje bilet do kina? How much does a cinema ticket cost? How much is a movie ticket? Čekal jsem od Toma víc. I expected more of Tom. I expected more from Tom. Bogaci ludzie szpanują drogimi zegarkami. Rich people show off with their expensive watches. Rich people wear expensive watches. Kluci to rádio zničili. The boys have ruined the radio. The boys destroyed the radio. Tom nigdy się nie obija. Tom never slacks off. Tom never messes around. Vypěstovali si návyk. They got addicted. They've developed a habit. Tom trpí výkyvy nálad. Tom is prone to mood swings. Tom suffers from mood swings. Głuchy jesteś? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? Tom je nahoře a učí se francouzštinu. Tom is upstairs, studying French. Tom's upstairs learning French. Jsem rád, že jsi mě na to upozornil. I am glad that you brought it to my attention. I'm glad you brought this to my attention. Tom dal Mary kopačky. Tom ditched Mary. Tom dumped Mary. Jest piękna jak zawsze. She is as beautiful as ever. She's as beautiful as ever. Tom podniósł swoją szklankę i wziął łyk wody. Tom picked up his glass and took a sip of water. Tom picked up his glass and took a sip of water. Tom nie zgodził się. Tom disagreed. Tom did not agree. Jesteś rozważny. You're considerate. You're thoughtful. Doufám, že Tom dostal to, co potřeboval. I hope Tom got what he needed. I hope Tom got what he needed. Jezero Bajkal v Rusku je nejhlubším jezerem světa. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. Je stydlivá a moc toho nenamluví. She's shy and doesn't talk much. She's shy and doesn't talk much. Mam na sobie okulary słoneczne. I'm wearing sunglasses. I'm wearing sunglasses. Už vím, co se stalo. I already know what happened. I know what happened. Ta firma postanowiła zatrudnić dwie nowe sekretarki. The company has decided to employ two new secretaries. This company decided to hire two new secretaries. Unieważniłam jedną. I cancelled one. I canceled one. Jsi moc mladý na to, abys cestoval sám. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to travel alone. Nechci nic měnit. I don't want to change anything. I don't want to change anything. Co jest twoim ulubionym sposobem spędzania wolnego czasu? What's your favorite leisure activity? What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Tom a Mary nastoupili na vlak v půl šesté. Tom and Mary boarded the train at five-thirty. Tom and Mary boarded the train at half past six. Tom je na zahradě. Tom is in the garden. Tom is in the garden. Hrají si za domem. They are playing behind the house. They're playing behind the house. Podle směrnic Tatoeby se členům doporučuje, aby jen buď přidávali věty ve svém rodném jazyce anebo překládali z jazyka, kterému rozumí, do svého rodného jazyka. Důvodem je, že je mnohem jednodušší skládat přirozeně znějící věty ve svém rodném jazyce. Když píšeme v jazyce jiném než rodném, je velmi snadné tvořit věty, které znějí podivně. Prosíme, abyste větu přeložili, jedině když s jistotou víte, co znamená. Under the Tatoeba guidelines, it is recommended that members only add sentences in their native language and/or translate from a language they can understand into their native language. The reason for this is that it is much easier to form natural-sounding sentences in one's native language. When we write in a language other than our native language, it is very easy to produce sentences that sound strange. Please make sure you only translate the sentence if you are sure you know what it means. According to Tatoeby guidelines, members are advised to only add sentences in their native language or translate from a language they understand into their native language. The reason is that it is much easier to compose naturally-sounding sentences in their native language. When we write in a language other than their native language, it is very easy to create sentences that sound strange. Please translate the sentence only when you know what it means with certainty. Jeho dovednost ho pro tu práci kvalifikuje. His skill qualifies him for the job. His skill qualifies him for the job. Jest ci zimno? Are you cold? Are you cold? To nie jest bezpieczne. That's not safe. It's not safe. Rozbawiła mnie ta opowieść. I was amused at the story. This story amused me. Wrócę później. I'll come back later. I'll be back later. Nic jsem nezapomněla. I did not forget anything. I haven't forgotten anything. Tom wyglądał, jakby miał wszystko, czego potrzebuje. Tom seemed to have everything he needed. Tom looked like he had everything he needed. Vyměnili jsme si s Tomem směnu. We swapped the shift with Tom. Tom and I switched shifts. To krzesło Kenji'ego. This is Kenji's chair. That's Kenji's chair. Popadni tohle. Grab this. Grab this. Byłem sam w moim mieszkaniu. I was alone in my quarters. I was alone in my apartment. Vím, že tě má moc ráda. I know she loves you very much. I know she likes you very much. Toto je nejdelší most na světě. This is the longest bridge in the world. This is the longest bridge in the world. Rozhodčí ten gól neuznal kvůli ofsajdu. The referee disallowed a goal for offside. The referee didn't recognize the goal because of offside. Moja żona pracuje dorywczo. My wife works part time. My wife works part-time. Nemohu už déle čekat. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. Tom wiedział, że to się stanie. Tom knew it would happen. Tom knew this was going to happen. Wcześniej czy później, jego szczęście się skończy. Sooner or later, his luck will run out. Sooner or later, his luck will run out. Důrazně vás před Tomem varuji. Je to zákeřný člověk. I strongly warn you against Tom. He is a malicious person. I strongly warn you about Tom, he's an insidious man. Donesu oběd. I'll bring lunch. I'll get lunch. Když nebudeš opatrný, ublížíš si. You'll hurt yourself if you're not careful. If you're not careful, you'll hurt yourself. Děti si hrají s různými hračkami. Children play with various kinds of toys. Children play with different toys. Je už čas jít domů. It's already time to go home. It's time to go home. Nemám rád chladné počasí. I dislike cold weather. I don't like cold weather. Język angielski jest używany przez wielu ludzi. English is used by many people. English is spoken by many people. Nakarmiłeś psa rano? Have you fed the dog this morning? Did you feed the dog this morning? Mohl bys mít pravdu. You might be right. You might be right. Będzie musiała na niego zaczekać. She'll have to wait for him. She'll have to wait for him. Tom řekl Mary, že ji považuje za nejkrásnější ženu, kterou kdy potkal. Tom told Mary he thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met. Tom tells Mary that he considers her the most beautiful woman he has ever met. Powinieneś zostawić to na jutro. You should leave it for tomorrow. You should leave it for tomorrow. Spotkałem na ulicy jego ojca. I met his father on the street. I met his father on the street. Mamy tylko jedną możliwość. We've only got one option. We only have one option. Takže s ním nic neměl. He did not have anything with him then. So he had nothing to do with him. Tom zaczął łaskotać Mary. Tom began to tickle Mary. Tom began to tickle Mary. Ten pes se musí vyvenčit. The dog must be taken for a walk. The dog has to walk. Mary umie pływać. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. Dziś wieczorem idę na kolację z Tomem. I'm having dinner with Tom tonight. I'm having dinner with Tom tonight. Musím zrušit svojí rezervaci. I need to cancel my reservation. I have to cancel my reservation. Dali mi jméno na počest mého pradědečka. I was named in honor of my great-grandfather. They gave me a name in honor of my great-grandfather. Prezidentské období trvá čtyři roky. The president's term lasts four years. The presidential term is four years. Brusel je hlavní město Belgie. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Nie obchodzi mnie kto wygrał. I don't care who won. I don't care who won. Mám rád všechny členy té rodiny, kromě Toma. I like all the members of the family except for Tom. I love all the members of that family, except Tom. Nenechám to Toma udělat. I won't let Tom do this. I'm not gonna let Tom do this. Nie rozumiem niemieckiego. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. To całkowicie naturalne, że jest dumny ze swojego syna. It is perfectly natural for him to be proud of his son. It’s natural for him to be proud of his son. Sněži so. Snow is falling. It's snowing. Dlatego Cię lubię. That's why I like you. That's why I like you. Tom věděl, že ho stíhá policie. Tom knew the police were following him. Tom knew the police were after him. Za chwilkę się spotkamy. I'll see you in a bit. I'll see you in a minute. Všechno, co je tady, mi připomíná Toma. Everything here reminds me of Tom. Everything in here reminds me of Tom. To, co Tom udělal, se nedá změnit. What Tom did cannot be changed. What Tom did cannot be changed. Publikowanie pornografii jest sprzeczne z zasadami. Jeśli zostanie to wykryte, zostaniesz zablokowany. Posting porn is against the rules and when discovered will get you blocked. Publishing pornography is against the rules. If this is detected, you will be blocked. Nikogo tu nie ma. There's no one here. There's no one here. Moja przyjaciółka zmarszczyła brwi, czytając list. My friend frowned as she read the letter. My friend frowned as she read the letter. Musimy ciężko pracować. We must work hard. We have to work hard. Tom si nemyslí, že to bude fungovat. Tom doesn't think that it'll work. Tom doesn't think it's gonna work. Tom przebrał się za strażaka. Tom disguised himself as a fireman. Tom dressed as a firefighter. Je jim to jedno. They don't care. They don't care. Winda nie działa. The elevator is out of order. The elevator doesn't work. Tom mě vydíral. I was blackmailed by Tom. Tom was blackmailing me. Jsem trochu zvědavý. I'm a little curious. I'm a little curious. Myslím, že neuspěju. I don’t think I’ll succeed. I don't think I'll succeed. Voda žádná není. There is no water. There is no water. Tahle tužka potřebuje ořezat. This pencil needs to be sharpened. This pencil needs sharpening. Chciałbym wiedzieć jak to się nazywa. I want to know what this is called. I'd like to know what it's called. Nemám kočku. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. Wszyscy popatrzyli na Toma. They all looked at Tom. Everyone looked at Tom. Nie zaglądaj do mojego pokoju. Don't look into my room. Don't look in my room. Nikt jeszcze nie pobił Toma. Tom isn't beaten yet. No one's ever beaten Tom. Ona uwielbia pisać wiersze. She is very fond of writing poems. She loves to write poetry. Koupila jsem knihu. I bought a book. I bought a book. Tom si v pátek večer vyrazil s Mary a v sobotu večer s Alicí. Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and with Alice on Saturday night. Tom went out Friday night with Mary and Saturday night with Alice. Ester je lesbická Židovka. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Planuję się uczyć angielskiego dzisiaj po południu. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm planning on learning English this afternoon. Nie mam apetytu. I have no appetite. I have no appetite. Existují věci, které se nedají koupit penězi. There are some things money can't buy. There are things that cannot be bought with money. Nikdo ten telefon nezvedl. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Přestal jsem sekat trávník, protože začalo pršet. It started to rain, so I stopped mowing the lawn. I stopped mowing the lawn because it started raining. Tom i Mary się nie znają. Tom and Mary don't know each other. Tom and Mary don't know each other. Musel jsem si nechat vytrhnout zub. I had to have a tooth pulled out. I had to have my tooth pulled. Oni stali. They stood. They were standing. Jsem nezaměstnaný. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Rozbili. They crashed. We did. Była już wtedy w ciąży. She was already pregnant. She was already pregnant. Jesteście gotowi na rok 2012? Are you ready for the year 2012? Are you ready for 2012? Wymierzyła mu policzek. She gave him a slap in the face. She slapped him. Nemůžeš pohřbít pravdu. You can't bury the truth. You can't bury the truth. Tento starý dům je postaven ze dřeva. This old house is made of wood. This old house is built of wood. Jak byl Tom zraněn? How was Tom injured? How was Tom injured? Mam o wiele poważniejszy problem. I have a much more serious problem. I have a much bigger problem. Ten stůl je těžký. This table is heavy. The table is heavy. Tom zahájil hladovku. Tom went on a hunger strike. Tom went on a hunger strike. Nakonec jsem přišel se skvělým nápadem. In the end I came up with a great idea. I finally came up with a great idea. Ochodil jsem si boty. I've worn out my shoes. I walked around my shoes. Nie mów do mnie jak do dziecka. Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Su w knigłowni. They're in a library. They're in the bookstore. Myla nádobí. She was washing the dishes. She's washing dishes. Všichni na tebe čekají. Everybody is waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. Wracać na statek! Get back to the ship. Get back to the ship! Vrať se do školy. Go back to school. Go back to school. Nie miałeś na sobie wczoraj tej samej koszuli? Didn't you wear that same shirt yesterday? Didn't you wear the same shirt last night? Tomův proslov mě nepřesvědčil. Tom's speech didn't convince me. Tom's speech didn't convince me. Vůbec si nemyslím, že Tom je zloděj. I don't even think Tom is a thief. I don't think Tom's a thief at all. Zatrzymaj się, dopóki nie jest za późno. Stop, before it's too late. Stop until it's too late. Cožpak si na nic nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember anything? Coš persišćinu wuknuś? Do you want to learn Persian? What's the point? Tento zámek je hezký. This castle is nice. This lock is nice. Navrhl jsem Tomovi, aby zkusil jiný přístup. I suggested that Tom try different approach. I suggested Tom try a different approach. Tom vylezl po knihovně na vrch skříně, aby skočil na postel. Tom climbed the bookshelf onto the top of the wardrobe in order to jump on the bed. Tom climbed up the library to the top of the closet to jump on the bed. Czy jedzenie wieprzowiny naprawdę jest niezdrowe? Is eating raw pork really bad for you? Is Eating Pork Really Unhealthy? Neublížíme Tomovi. We won't hurt Tom. We're not gonna hurt Tom. Jsi si jistá, že to nechceš udělat? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Potřebuji na záchod. I have to go to the toilet. I need to use the bathroom. Je tam jen jeden polštář. There is only one pillow there. There's only one pillow. Já po ní šílím! I am crazy for her! I'm crazy about her! Tom powiedział, że Mary nie powinna była zostawać tak długo. Tom said that Mary shouldn't have stayed so long. Tom said Mary shouldn't have stayed that long. Je čas zbavit Toma funkce. It's time to remove Tom from office. It's time to get rid of Tom. Tom vyřešil hádanku až po té, co mu Marie dala pár nápověd. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom solved the riddle after Marie gave him a few clues. Měl jsem volnou chvíli, a tak jsem se rozhodl toulat po městě. I had some free time, so I decided to wander around town. I had some free time, so I decided to wander around the city. On to už udělal. He already did that. He's already done it. Tady nás vychovali. This is where we were raised. This is where we were raised. Ten les byl v plamenech tři dny. The forest was in flames for three days. The forest's been on fire for three days. Kdy to udělají? When will they do that? When will they do it? Kdo nepracuje, ať nejí. He who does not work, does not have the right to eat. Those who don't work, don't eat. Tom, a jedině on, to může udělat. Tom and only Tom can do it. Tom, and only he, can do that. Nienawidzę ich wszystkich. I hate all of them. I hate them all. Nikdo vás už volit nebude. Nobody will vote for you again. No one will vote for you anymore. Jak mogę wykonać połączenie telefoniczne do Japonii? How can I make a telephone call to Japan? How can I make a phone call to Japan? Kocham zarówno Lidię, jak i Felicję. I love both Lidia and Felicja. I love both Lydia and Felicia. Drž ten provaz. Hold the rope. Hold the rope. Tom míval práci. Tom used to have a job. Tom used to have a job. Tom má docela kuráž, co? Tom isn't very courageous, is he? Tom's got a lot of guts, huh? Věděl jsi, že to může Tomovi ublížit? Did you know that it could do harm to Tom? Did you know it could hurt Tom? Mimo, że ma wielu przyjaciół, jest samotny. Although he has many friends, he is lonely. Although he has many friends, he is lonely. Tom nechtěl uznat porážku. Tom didn't want to admit defeat. Tom didn't want to admit defeat. Má vražedné úmysly. He has murderous intentions. He has murderous intentions. Gdybyś się spóźnił na autobus, mogłoby cię tu teraz nie być. If you had missed that bus, you might not be here now. If you were late for the bus, you might not be here right now. Sotva vyjdu schody. Jsem tlustý, jako prase. I can hardly climb stairs. I'm as fat as a pig. I'm as fat as a pig. Tom býval zdravý. Tom used to be healthy. Tom was healthy. Przed otwarciem wstrząsnąć. Please shake before opening. Shake well before opening. Chcesz coś do jedzenia? Would you like to eat? You want something to eat? Vidím, že to tu všechno máš na háku. I can see that you don't give a damn about anything here. I see you've got it all figured out. Hluchoněmí se dorozumívají pomocí znakového jazyka. Deaf-mute people talk using sign language. Deaf people communicate using sign language. Jesteś pewny siebie. You're overconfident. You're confident. Býval jsem vrchním. I used to be a waiter. I used to be chief. Gdzie są klucze Toma? Where are Tom's keys? Where are Tom's keys? Nie pal. Palenie może skurczyć twojego penisa. Don't smoke. Smoking can shorten your penis. Don't smoke. Smoking can shrink your penis. Tom si je jistý, že Mary doopravdy do Bostonu minulý týden nejela. Tom is sure that Mary didn't really go to Boston last week. Tom's sure Mary didn't really go to Boston last week. Nemůžu ji vystát. I can't stand her. I can't stand her. Miło mi się z nią rozmawiało. I enjoyed talking to her. It was nice talking to her. Lidstvo je nenasytné. Mankind is greedy. Humanity is insatiable. Má rakovinu. He has cancer. She has cancer. Tom nesnáší, když se na něj dívají. Tom dislikes being watched. Tom hates it when they look at him. Dla mnie, żal jest najcięższą karą. For me, regret is the harshest punishment. For me, regret is the hardest punishment. Musíš to pro Toma udělat. You must do it for Tom. You have to do this for Tom. Gdzie mogę taki dostać? Where can I get one of those? Where can I get one? Už jste někdy viděli tak hezký film, jako je tento? Have you already seen as nice a movie as this one? Have you ever seen a movie as good as this one? Musiało coś mu się przydarzyć po drodze. Something must have happened to him on the way. Something must have happened to him along the way. Naprawdę powinienem już iść. I really should go. I really should go. Nie ma słodyczy bez potu. No sweet without sweat. There is no sweet without sweat. To bardzo nieodpowiedzialne, że złamał obietnicę. It was irresponsible of him to break a promise. It's very irresponsible that he broke his promise. Tom dělá, co může. Tom is doing everything he can. Tom is doing what he can. Tom řekl, že se nechce učit francouzsky. Tom said that he doesn't want to learn French. Tom said he didn't want to learn French. Nedovolí mi jít. They won't let me go. They won't let me go. Dál už na něho čekat nemohu. I can wait for him no longer. I can't wait for him any longer. Vzpomínáš si na to? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Tom začíná zapomínat svůj rodný jazyk. Tom is beginning to forget his native language. Tom begins to forget his native language. Tom řekl, že se musí hned vrátit domů. Tom said that he must return home at once. Tom said he had to go home right away. Blbost. Nonsense. Bullshit. Jedź powoli. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Czy twoi rodzice są z tobą? Are your parents with you? Are your parents with you? Czy odpowiedź nie jest prosta? Isn't the answer easy? Isn't the answer simple? Mój pies zjadł papierowy ręcznik. Ciekawe, czy mu zaszkodzi. My dog ate a paper towel. I wonder if he'll get sick. My dog ate a paper towel, I wonder if it would hurt him. Vězni utekli z koncentračního tábora. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. The prisoners escaped from the concentration camp. Už nemusím nosit brýle. I don't have to wear glasses any more. I don't have to wear glasses anymore. Tom nie chciał odpuścić. Tom wouldn't let it go. Tom didn’t want to leave. Biblioteka znajduje się na drugim piętrze. The library is on the second floor. The library is on the second floor. Wymieniam z nią listy. I exchange letters with her. I exchange letters with her. Už to nevydržím. I cannot bear it any longer. I can't take it anymore. Tom ho udeřil první. Viděli jsme to. Tom hit him first. We saw it. Tom hit him first. Kam půjdeme zítra? Where will we go to tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow? Jest grubszy, niż gdy widziałem go ostatnim razem. He is fatter than when I last saw him. He's fatter than the last time I saw him. Byli bychom rádi, kdyby Tom odešel. We'd be glad if Tom left. We'd like Tom to leave. Tom moji poznámku ignoroval. Tom ignored my remark. Tom ignored my comment. O minutu dřív, a možná by stihli autobus. One minute earlier, and they could have caught the bus. A minute early, and maybe they'd catch the bus. Nic o tobě nevím. I know nothing about you. I don't know anything about you. Raději bych použil k otevření té bedny páčidlo, nežli kladivo. I'd rather use a crowbar than a hammer to open this crate. I'd rather use a crowbar than a hammer to open that crate. Przymiotniki kończą się samogłoską "a". Adjectives end in the vowel "a". Adjectives end with the vowel "a". Když jsem byl malý, nosil jsem pouze kalhoty. As a child, I’d only wear trousers. When I was a kid, I only wore pants. Je nějaký způsob jak zabránit tomu, aby se to už nestalo? Is there any way to keep this from happening again? Is there any way to prevent this from happening again? Zaczęłam tłumaczyć zdanie wyświetlone na stronie głównej na mój język ojczysty i pół godziny oraz dwa tuziny zdań później musiałam namówić samą siebie aby przestać. I sat down to translate the sentence shown on the main page into my native language, and half an hour and two dozen sentences later I had to convince myself to stop. I began to translate the sentence displayed on the home page into my mother tongue and half an hour and two dozen sentences later I had to persuade myself to stop. Tom jest nietolerancyjny. Tom is intolerant. Tom is intolerant. Ta książka jest dla Ciebie. This book is for you. This book is for you. Tom je nejhloupěší student ve třídě. Tom is the dumbest student in the class. Tom's the dumbest student in the class. Podłoga była bardzo zimna. The floor was very cold. The floor was very cold. Žádal jsem Toma, aby to nedělal. Stejně to udělal. I asked Tom not to do it. He did it anyway. I asked Tom not to do it, he did it anyway. Tom se nedokázal uklidnit. Tom couldn't calm down. Tom couldn’t calm down. Benzín je hořlavější než mazut. Gasoline is more flammable than fuel oil. Gasoline is more flammable than oil. Idę do restauracji. I'm going to the restaurant. I'm going to the restaurant. Księżyc jest za chmurami. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is behind the clouds. Tom požádal, aby ho vyzvedli ve 2:30. Tom asked to be picked up at 2:30. Tom asked to be picked up at 2:30. Všechna sedadla v tomto vlaku jsou určena pro nekuřáky. All the seats on this train are designated for nonsmokers. All seats on this train are for non-smokers. Mám staré kolo. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Nie ma błędu. There's no mistake. There's no mistake. Věděl jsem, že budeš mít žízeň. I knew you'd be thirsty. I knew you'd be thirsty. Žádné stromy nepokáceli. They haven't cut any trees down. They didn't cut down any trees. Hledáme se. We are looking for each other. We're looking for each other. Tobě pomohu, ale Tomovi nepomůžu. I will help you, but I won't help Tom. I'll help you, but I can't help Tom. Na toho učitele bylo vždy snadné se obrátit ohledně rady. That teacher was always easy to approach for advice. It was always easy to turn to that teacher for advice. Tom nepoužívá deodorant. Tom doesn't wear deodorant. Tom doesn't use deodorant. Dnes jsem příliš líný na to, něco dělat. Today I am too lazy to do anything. I'm too lazy to do anything today. Nemáte ani tušení, co Tom udělal. You have no idea what Tom has done. You have no idea what Tom did. Čeho se bojíte? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Půjdeme to říct Tomovi. We'll go tell Tom. Let's go tell Tom. W kawiarni obok kawa jest o połowę tańsza. The coffee is cheaper by half in the café next door. Coffee is half cheaper in the cafe next door. V jeho životě jsou dvě ženy. He has two women in his life. There are two women in his life. Nemůže mít hlad, právě jedl. He can’t be hungry, he just ate. He can't be hungry, he just ate. Tom zařval na Mary. Tom shouted at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tak. To prawda. Yes. That's right. Yes, it's true. Neviděl jsem, co se děje. I couldn't see what was going on. I didn't see what was going on. Dzieci powiedziały, że tutaj jesteś. The children said that you're here. The kids said you were here. Nesmíš tam chodit. You mustn't walk there. You can't go in there. Má velmi rád zvířata. He loves animals a lot. He likes animals very much. Jaký je tvůj hlavní cíl? What's your main goal? What's your main objective? Chceš vědět, jak se jmenuje? Do you want to know his name? You want to know his name? Płacisz. You're paying. You pay. Co za wstyd! How embarrassing! What a shame! Słucham? Pardon me? Excuse me? Kto jest twoim ulubionym reżyserem? Who is your favourite director? Who's your favorite director? Widzisz różę? Do you see a rose? You see a rose? Přelož to pomocí překladače Google. Translate it with Google Translate. Translate it with Google Translate. Wybielanie zębów jest drogie. Teeth whitening is expensive. Teeth whitening is expensive. Kupiłem to za 10 dolarów. It cost me 10 dollars. I bought it for $10. Będzie gotowe na szóstą wieczór. It will be ready by six this evening. It'll be ready by 6 p.m. Hlasitěji. Louder. Louder. "Ona jest wyjątkową osobą." - "Każdy jest wyjątkowy." "She's a unique person." - "Every person is unique." "She's a special person." "Everyone's special." Záloha byla zaplacena. A deposit has been paid. The deposit was paid. Tom je špatný student. Tom is a poor student. Tom's a bad student. Czy wiesz, kto wynalazł proch strzelniczy? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Pro jedno kvítí slunce nesvítí. There are plenty of fish in the sea. For one flower the sun does not shine. Přijali Toma za vlastního. They took Tom into their own family. They accepted Tom as their own. Neměl jsem tušení, že Tom toho ví tolik o zebrách. I had no idea that Tom knew so much about zebras. I had no idea Tom knew so much about zebras. Ten lekarz specjalizuje się w leczeniu chorób związanych z jedzeniem. That doctor specializes in helping those with eating disorders. This doctor specializes in the treatment of food-related diseases. Jej cudowny głos jest ucztą dla uszu. Her lovely voice was a real feast to the ears. Her beautiful voice is a feast for the ears. Děti nenosí čáp. Children are not brought by storks. Kids don't wear storks. Ta szuflada jest pełna rozmaitych rzeczy. That drawer is full of miscellaneous items. This drawer is full of all sorts of things. Ćwiczę na siłowni dwa, trzy razy w tygodniu. I work out in a gym two or three times a week. I work out at the gym two or three times a week. Kolik dcer máte? How many daughters do you have? How many daughters do you have? Tom nie wygląda na złego. Tom doesn't look angry. Tom doesn't look bad. Řekněte jí, že mám hlad. Tell her that I am hungry. Tell her I'm hungry. Požádal jsem souseda, aby mi pomohl. I asked the neighbour to help me. I asked a neighbor to help me. Stajemy się coraz lepsi i lepsi. We're getting better and better. We are getting better and better. Będziemy musieli pomyśleć o czymś innym. We'll have to think of someone else. We're gonna have to think about something else. Oglądam telewizję. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Ona má děti. She has children. She's got kids. Tom być może będzie musiał rzucić pracę. Tom may have to quit his job. Tom may have to quit his job. Můžeme se sejít na zastávce. I can meet you at the station. We can meet at the station. Nie zmrużyłem oka w nocy. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I didn't sleep a wink last night. Když si Tom vzal Sorayu, její otec se zamiloval do Tomovy dcery a oženil se s ní, takže manžel Tomovy dcery je Tomův tchán a Tom teď tvrdí, že je svůj vlastní dědeček. When Tom married Soraya, her father fell in love with and married Tom's daughter; so Tom's daughter's husband is Tom's father-in-law; and Tom now claims he's his own grandfather. When Tom married Soraya, her father fell in love with Tom's daughter and married her, so Tom's daughter's husband is Tom's father-in-law and Tom now claims to be his own grandfather. Co si dáte? What will you be having? What can I get you? Prawie. Almost. Almost. Víš, před kým se Tom schovává? Do you know who Tom is hiding from? Do you know who Tom's hiding from? Boże Narodzenie już za progiem. Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas is just around the corner. To wstyd, że tego nie wiesz. A shame that you don't know that. It's a shame you don't know that. Co děláš v mé posteli? What are you doing in my bed? What are you doing in my bed? Tom byl jedno ucho. Tom was all ears. Tom was one ear. V podstatě souhlasím s vaším názorem. Basically, I agree with your opinion. I basically agree with your opinion. Sklep jest dzisiaj zamknięty. The shop is closed today. The store is closed today. Stej w knigłowni. They're in a library. Stay in the bookstore. Ty nečekej a jdi. Don't wait, just go. You don't wait and go. Tom mógł zostawić parasolkę w samochodzie Mary. Tom might have left his umbrella in Mary's car. Tom could have left his umbrella in Mary's car. Masz całkowitą rację. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Tom měl na sobě tričko. Tom was wearing a T-shirt. Tom was wearing a shirt. Někteří lidé věří, že číslo třináct přináší smůlu. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. Some people believe that the number thirteen brings bad luck. Mají jednu hodinu. They have one hour. They have one hour. Zpívala píseň, usmívaje se na mne. She sang a song, smiling at me. She sang a song, smiling at me. Ty tu rządzisz. You're the boss. You're in charge. Pokoj pana Johnsona byl velký. Mr Johnson's was a large room. Mr. Johnson's room was big. Nie przeczytałeś książki? Didn't you read the book? Didn't you read the books? Chcę wiedzieć, gdzie to znalazłeś. I want to know where you found that. I want to know where you found it. To njeje moja dźowka. That's not my daughter. It's not my earpiece. Toma nie stać, by posłać swoje dzieci na studia. Tom can't afford to send his children to college. Tom can't afford to send his kids to college. Nikdo další nedokázal Toma najít, ale já přesně věděl, kde je. Nobody else could find Tom, but I knew exactly where he was. No one else could find Tom, but I knew exactly where he was. Nechci mít děti, ale můj manžel je chce. I don't want kids, but my husband does. I don't want kids, but my husband wants them. Podniósł swoją rękę. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Myslím, že jsi udělal správnou věc. I think you did the right thing. I think you did the right thing. Neviděl jsem Toma přes tři roky. I haven't seen Tom in over three years. I haven't seen Tom in three years. Stará paní často marně očekává svého syna na nádraží. The old lady will often wait for her son in vain at the station. The old lady often waits in vain for her son at the station. Nie cierpię zazdrosnych kobiet. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. Koupil jsi brambory? Did you buy potatoes? Did you buy potatoes? Přijde? Will she come? Is he coming? Te dzieci były zadbane. Those children were well looked after. These kids were well taken care of. Pewna dziewczyna była prostytutką, ale nie chciała, by jej babcia o tym wiedziała. A certain girl was a prostitute but didn't want her grandma to know. A girl was a prostitute, but she didn't want her grandmother to know. Juliana mi řekla, že jsi ze São Paulа. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Juliana told me you're from Sao Paulo. Artysta musi mieć oko do kolorów. An artist must have an eye for colour. An artist must have an eye for color. Neví někdo, jak se Tom dostal dovnitř? Does anyone know how Tom got in? Does anyone know how Tom got in? Tom neslyšel, jak ten kohout kokrhá. Tom couldn't hear the cock crowing. Tom didn't hear the rooster crow. Má zápal plic. Neni divu, že neustále kašle. He's got pneumonia. No wonder he is coughing nonstop. No wonder he's coughing all the time. Loni bylo hodně sněhu. There was a lot of snow last year. There was a lot of snow last year. Tom miał na sobie sweter. Tom was wearing a sweater. Tom was wearing a sweater. Jesteś pewien, że wszystko w porządku? Are you sure you're all right? Are you sure you're okay? Dejte mi tu knihu. Give me the book. Give me the book. Zrušili jste schůzi. You cancelled the meeting. You canceled the meeting. Zaraz do was przyjdę. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be right with you. Jěš. You eat. Gosh. Czuję się teraz nieco zażenowany. I'm quite embarrassed now. I'm a little embarrassed right now. Kdyby to neudělal Tom, byl by to udělal někdo jiný. If Tom hadn't done it, somebody else would have. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would have. Mezi lidmi není rovnost. There is no parity amongst people. There is no equality among people. Tom włożył lody do zamrażarki. Tom put the ice cream in the freezer. Tom put the ice cream in the freezer. Wona pije wino. She drinks wine. She drinks wine. Nauč se vařit! Learn how to cook! Learn to cook! Tom je hvězdou Tatoeby. Tom is the star of Tatoeba. Tom is the star of Tatoeby. Nuže, je čas jít. Well, it's time to go. Well, it's time to go. Tom zaczął grę na puzonie gdy miał dwanaście lat. Tom began trombone lessons when he was twelve years old. Tom started playing the trombone when he was twelve. Moje prawo jazdy straci ważność w następnym tygodniu. My driver's license will expire next week. My driver's license will expire next week. Seřvala ho. She yelled at him. She yelled at him. Uniklo mi ještě něco? Did I miss anything else? Did I miss anything else? W wieku siedemnastu lat uciekł z rodzinnej wioski. At the age of seventeen, he fled his native village. At the age of seventeen, he fled his home village. S Tomem jsme bývali přáteli. We used to be friends with Tom. Tom and I were friends. Myslím, že máš horečku. I think you have a fever. I think you have a fever. Ať se děje cokoliv, neotvírejte ty dveře. Whatever happens, don't open that door. No matter what happens, don't open the door. Obawiam się, że będę musiał poprosić cię o wyjście. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Nie po raz pierwszy widzę to zdanie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I've seen that phrase. Dosyć już telewizji! Enough TV, already! No more TV! Rady jěm krušwy. I like to eat pears. I like it rough. Byl bych mohl plakat. I could've cried. I could cry. Nechci chodit do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Pociliśmy się w upale. We were sweating in the heat. We were sweating in the heat. Je opravdu chytrá, že? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really smart, isn't she? Souhlasím s návrhem Toma a Mary. I agree with Tom and Mary's proposal. I agree with Tom and Mary. Seznámila jsem se s Tomem, když jsem byla v Bostonu. I got to know Tom when I was in Boston. I met Tom when I was in Boston. Zdecydowaliśmy cię puścić. We've decided to let you go. We've decided to let you go. Jestem teraz nieco zakłopotany. I'm quite embarrassed now. I'm a little embarrassed right now. Důvěřujte Tomovi, a on bude důvěřovat vám. Believe in Tom and he will believe in you. Trust Tom, and he will trust you. Chris, jesteś przemoczony do suchej nitki! Chris, you're completely wet! Chris, you're soaking wet! Nemám žádné sestry. I don't have any sisters. I don't have any sisters. Nikdy v životě jsem se tak nebál. I'd never been so scared in my life. I've never been so scared in my life. Jeżeli masz czas, czy mógłbyś proszę przetłumaczyć kilka poniższych zdań? If you have a time, could you translate some sentences below, please? If you have time, could you please translate some of the following? Spudłować o centymetr, to tak jak spudłować o kilometr. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. To miss an inch is to miss a mile. Myślę, że dotrzemy tam przed dwunastą. I think we'll get there before noon. I think we'll get there by 12. Co rád sleduješ v televizi? What do you like to watch on TV? What do you like to watch on TV? Pocałuj mnie, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. Po co uczysz się angielskiego? What do you learn English for? Why are you learning English? Všechno v pořádku? Everything all right? Everything okay? Abych řekl pravdu, úplně jsem na tvé otázky zapomněl To tell the truth, I forgot all about your questions. To tell you the truth, I forgot all your questions. Kontaktował się z Państwem Tom? Did Tom contact you? Did Tom contact you? Koukáš na Toma a Jerryho? Do you watch "Tom and Jerry"? Are you looking at Tom and Jerry? Neměl jsem být včera dlouho vzhůru. I should not have stayed up late yesterday. I shouldn't have been up late last night. Słodycze leżą na stole. The sweets are on the table. Sweets are on the table. Myślisz, że jestem głupi? Do you think I'm stupid? You think I'm stupid? Sýr nám došel. We don't have any more cheese. We're out of cheese. Mam nadzieję, że niedługo się znów zobaczymy. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope to see you again soon. Tom je tamhle blízko okna. Tom is over there near the window. Tom's over there near the window. W sklepie nie lubię stać w kolejce. At the shop, I do not like to queue. I don't like to stand in line at the store. To jest rysunek. This is a picture. This is a drawing. Tom měl pivo. Tom had a beer. Tom had a beer. To nie jest błąd. This is not an error. It's not a mistake. Budu to muset udělat bez přípravy. I'll have to wing it. I'll have to do it without preparation. Můžeš mi prosím tě dát ještě trochu času? Can you just please give me some more time? Can you give me a little more time, please? Jak on to zrobił? How did he do it? How did he do that? Podczas wojny może powstać anarchia. Anarchy can happen during wartime. Anarchy can arise during war. Mój brat ma dobrą pamięć. My brother has a good memory. My brother has a good memory. Kdo Toma odvezl domů? Who took Tom home? Who took Tom home? Tomova kočka tráví většinu dne venku. Tom's cat spends most his day outdoor. Tom's cat spends most of the day outside. Prawdę mówiąc, nie odrobiłem zadania domowego. To tell the truth, I didn't do my homework. Actually, I didn't do my homework. Co Toma trápí? What bothers Tom? What's bothering Tom? Wykręciłem 911. I dialed 911. I dialed 911. Nie mógłbym pozwolić Tomowi umrzeć. I couldn't let Tom die. I couldn't let Tom die. Nevím. Měl by ses zeptat Toma. I don't know. You should ask Tom. I don't know, you should ask Tom. Můžeme si o tom promluvit mezi čtyřma očima? Can we talk about this in private? With no one else present? Can we talk about this one-on-one? Tom i Mary nie pojadą do Bostonu. Tom and Mary won't go to Boston. Tom and Mary aren't going to Boston. Krab jest zwierzęciem żyjącym nad morzem. The crab is an animal that lives at sea. A crab is an animal that lives by the sea. Tom wziął zimną kąpiel. Tom took a cold bath. Tom took a cold bath. Dobré ráno. Good morning! Morning. Czy Tom był przeniesiony? Has Tom been transferred? Was Tom transferred? Co se to snaží říci? What are they trying to say? What's he trying to say? Tom býval s Mary rád. Tom used to enjoy being with Mary. He loved living with Mary. To najbardziej pojebana rzecz, jaką w życiu słyszałem! That's the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard! That's the most fucked-up thing I've ever heard! Czy Tom był na prochach? Was Tom on drugs? Was Tom on drugs? Byłoby szaleństwem wspinać się na tą górę zimą. It would be madness to climb that mountain in winter. It would be crazy to climb this mountain in the winter. Děti, které byly unavené, ihned usnuly. The kids, who were exhausted, fell asleep right away. The children, who were tired, fell asleep. Tom zaczął chichotać. Tom started giggling. Tom began to giggle. Rozhodnutí bylo učiněno. The decision has been made. The decision was made. Chodil s ní do školy. He went to school with her. He went to school with her. Tom byl vynikající trenér. Tom was an outstanding coach. Tom was an excellent coach. Chutná to výborně. It tastes really good. Tastes great. Už jsem to udělala. I did it already. I already did. Myślałem, że mogę cię tu znaleźć. I thought I might find you here. I thought I might find you here. Tom nie umie pływać. Tom can't swim. Tom can't swim. Musíš si věřit. You need to be confident. You have to trust yourself. Dejte si pozor, aby vás nepodezírali. Be careful that they don't suspect you. Be careful not to be suspected. Ten przepis wymaga czterech dojrzałych pomidorów. The recipe calls for four ripe tomatoes. This recipe requires four ripe tomatoes. Tom wyglądał jakby nie spał całą noc. Tom looked like he'd been up all night. Tom looked like he hadn't slept all night. Macedonia i Bułgaria nie są przyjaciółmi. Macedonia and Bulgaria are not friends. Macedonia and Bulgaria are not friends. Nevzpomíná si, jestli zhasla světlo. She doesn't remember whether she turned off the light. She can't remember if the light went out. Tuhle peněženku jsem našel v parku. I found this wallet in the park. I found this wallet in the park. Druga wojna światowa skończyła się w 1945 roku. World War Two ended in 1945. The Second World War ended in 1945. Tom jest w przebieralni. Tom is in the dressing room. Tom's in the dressing room. Bojíš se mě? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Tom przyprowadził mnie do domu. Tom brought me home. Tom brought me home. Neudělal jsem to jen z tohohle důvodu. That isn't the only reason I did that. I didn't do it just for that reason. Kdy se stěhujete do vašeho nového domu? When are you moving to your new house? When are you moving into your new home? Tom je reakcionář. Tom's a reactionary. Tom's a reactionary. Nic nie zrozumiał. He didn't understand anything. He didn't understand. Tady mám mapu. Here I have the map. Here's a map. Nechoď moc daleko. Don't wander too far. Don't go too far. Gdzie jest śrubokręt? Where is the screwdriver? Where's the screwdriver? Słyszałam to wiele razy. I've heard that many times. I've heard it many times. Tom by měl být schopen dostat se domů sám. Tom ought to be able to get home by himself. Tom should be able to get home on his own. Jeje nan je hašer. Her father is a firefighter. Her nan is a hash. Planujemy wyburzyć nasz dom. We're planning to tear down our house. We're planning to demolish our house. Řekl novou lež, aby zamaskoval tu starou. He told a new lie to cover up an old one. He told a new lie to disguise the old one. Bzdury! Rubbish! Bullshit! Nigdy Cię nie kochałem. I've never loved you. I never loved you. Też lubię słodycze. I, too, like candy. I like sweets, too. Ti kdož nepracují, nemají právo jíst. Those who do not work do not have the right to eat. Those who do not work have no right to eat. Dejte Tomovi, co potřebuje. Give Tom what he needs. Give Tom what he needs. Nerad bych, aby se ti to stalo. I'd hate to see that happen to you. I wouldn't want that to happen to you. Wiem, kiedy nie jestem mile widziany. I know when I'm not wanted. I know when I'm not welcome. Taro mówi po angielsku lepiej ode mnie. Taro speaks English better than I do. Taro speaks English better than I do. Kolik jsem udělala chyb? How many mistakes did I make? How many mistakes have I made? Stojí za tím dlouhý příběh. There's a long story surrounding it. It's a long story. Je to na druhé straně parku. It's on the other side of the park. It's on the other side of the park. Kdo je kapitánem této lodi? Who's the captain of this ship? Who is the captain of this ship? Mogłem stracić pracę. I could have lost my job. I could've lost my job. To jest zwierzę. This is an animal. It's an animal. Ich rozwód okazał się całkowitym zaskoczeniem. Their divorce came as a complete surprise. Their divorce was a complete surprise. Není to konec světa! It's not the end of the world! It's not the end of the world! Koronavirus je nebezpečný pro staré a nemocné lidi. Coronavirus is dangerous to old and sick people. Coronavirus is dangerous for old and sick people. Máte něco lepší kvality? Do you have better quality ones? Do you have better quality? Tom stał się sławny, bo poślubił sławną aktorkę, która wcześniej była wiele razy zamężna. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times before. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had previously been married many times. To je v pořádku! That's fine! It's okay! Nepřerušujte mě prosím. Nechte mě dokončit to, co říkám. Please don't interrupt me. Let me finish what I'm saying. Please don't interrupt me, let me finish what I'm saying. Dublin se nachází v Irsku. Dublin is located in Ireland. Dublin is located in Ireland. Tomova prababička byla služka. Tom's great-grandmother was a servant. Tom's great-grandmother was a maid. Zaproponowano mi inną pracę. I've been offered another job. I was offered another job. Chleb jest robiony z mąki, wody i drożdży. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Na zemi ležela černá rakev. A black coffin lay on the ground. There was a black coffin on the ground. Mam wielu przyjaciół, którzy są rodzimymi użytkownikami tego języka. I have many friends who are native speakers. I have many friends who are native speakers of this language. Tom pracuje u jedné Kanadské firmy. Tom works for a Canadian company. Tom works for a Canadian company. Jsem rád, že ses stavil. I'm glad you dropped by. I'm glad you stopped by. Na wšu njegluku jo se chopiło sněg padaś. To make matters worse, it began snowing. There's snow all over the place. Trzęsienie ziemi w Hokkaido spowodowało rozległe szkody. The earthquake in Hokkaido caused extensive damage. The Hokkaido earthquake caused extensive damage. Řekněte mi, kam mám dát tyto krabice. Tell me where to put these boxes. Tell me where to put these boxes. Tady je fotka mé školy. Here's a picture of my school. Here's a picture of my school. Tom přestal pracovat a teď má nedostatek peněz. Tom stopped working and he lacks money now. Tom stopped working and now he's short of money. Dělal jsem, že ho neznám. I pretended not to know him. I pretended I didn't know him. Tom koupil své sestře dárek. Tom bought his sister a present. Tom bought his sister a present. Nemyslíš, že si zasloužíme Tomův respekt? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Není to velikost, na čem záleží. Je to způsob použití. It's not size that matters. It's how you use it. It's not the size that matters, it's the way it's used. Pokoj je na konci chodby. The room is at the end of the hall. The room is at the end of the hall. Jestem wzrokowcem. I'm a visual person. I'm a visual. Kiedyś byłem gruby. I used to be fat. I used to be fat. Lidé lžou každý den. People lie every day. People lie every day. Tohle není oslava, to je předvádění se. That’s not celebrating, that’s just showboating. This isn't a party, it's showing off. Raději bych zůstal tady. I'd rather stay here. I'd rather stay here. Nezůstanu tady. I will not stay here. I'm not staying here. Wszystko zależy od pieniędzy. Everything depends on money. It all depends on the money. Kdy tam bude Tom? When will Tom be there? When's Tom gonna be there? Nebudu se Tomovi omlouvat. I won't apologise to Tom. I'm not gonna apologize to Tom. Nie wiesz, czy on ma dziewczynę? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? You don't know if he has a girlfriend? Vaše ložnice je vedle kuchyně. Your bedroom is next to the kitchen. Your bedroom is next to the kitchen. Tom stwierdził, że potrzebuje innego sposobu na zarabianie pieniędzy. Tom said he needs to find another way to make money. Tom said he needed another way to make money. Zcela nesouhlasím, aby se se mnou takhle zacházelo. I have a strong objection to being treated like this. I completely disagree with being treated this way. Wiem, kiedy są urodziny Toma. I know when Tom's birthday is. I know when Tom's birthday is. Krásně voníš. You smell great. You smell good. On co miesiąc odkłada sobie trochę pieniędzy. He puts aside some money every month. He's saving himself some money every month. Tomův pokoj je zamčený. Tom's room is locked. Tom's room is locked. Rodzina Toma mieszka w Bostonie. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. K čertu s uctivostí. Fuck civility. To hell with respect. Ty ses úplně zbláznil. Are you completely mad? You're out of your mind. Asi ti budu muset věřit. I guess that I have to trust you. I guess I'll just have to trust you. Už to nemohu ignorovat. I can't ignore it anymore. I can't ignore it anymore. Myslíš, že je Tom nudný? Do you think Tom is boring? You think Tom's boring? Rád bych tě poznal. I'd like to get to know you. I'd like to meet you. Tom se spřátelil s lidmi z celého světa. Tom made friends with people from all over the world. Tom became friends with people from all over the world. Právě začali topit. They have just started heating. They just started to drown. Je to velmi drahé. It is very expensive. It's very expensive. Chci pomoct, ale momentálně jsem zaneprázdněn. I want to help, but I'm too busy right now. I want to help, but I'm busy right now. Vždycky je první, kdo si stěžuje. He's always the first to complain. He’s always the first to complain. To są melony. They are melons. These are melons. Proč to pro mě nechceš udělat? Why won't you do it for me? Why won't you do it for me? Tom musiał się widzieć z Mary dziś po południu. Tom must have seen Mary this afternoon. Tom must have seen Mary this afternoon. Tom w ogóle nie wspomniał o Marii. Tom didn't mention Mary at all. Tom didn't mention Mary at all. Porcja druga zawiera mięso. The second combination plate contains meat. The second portion contains meat. Rozhodně dokončete práci, než půjdete domů. Be sure to complete the work before you go home. Definitely finish the job before you go home. Moje přítelkyně pláče. My girlfriend is crying. My girlfriend's crying. Tom nikdy Mary neřekl, jak se cítí. Tom never told Mary how he felt. Tom never told Mary how he felt. Tom przetłumaczył dla mnie list na francuski. Tom translated the letter into French for me. Tom translated the letter into French for me. Baví mě číst knížky v angličtině. I enjoy reading books in English. I enjoy reading books in English. Odpověděl, že neví. He replied that he did not know. He said he didn't know. Tom se nikdy nezdá být rozčílený, bez ohledu na to, co Mary udělá. Tom never seems to get upset no matter what Mary does. Tom never seems upset, no matter what Mary does. Nikdo nevěří tomu, co říká. No one believes what he says. No one believes what he says. Twój zegarek jest na biurku. Your watch is on the desk. Your watch is on the desk. Nie mam czterech sióstr. I don't have four sisters. I don't have four sisters. Nie pozostawiasz mi wyboru w tej kwestii. You leave me no choice in the matter. You leave me no choice in this matter. Wychodzę tylko na spacer. I am just going for a walk. I'm just going for a walk. Bohužel nemohu najít baterii ke svému fotoaparátu. Unfortunately, I cannot find the battery for my camera. Unfortunately, I can’t find the battery for my camera. Tom przyznał, że był wystraszony. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom said he was scared. Ten návrh zákona prošel na poslední chvíli. The bill passed at the last moment. The bill passed at the last minute. Tom to udělal jen aby Mary ztrapnil. Tom did that just to embarrass Mary. Tom only did it to embarrass Mary. Všichni studenti na sobě měli černá trička. All the students were wearing black T-shirts. All the students were wearing black shirts. Tom řekl, že v sobotu do práce nepůjde. Tom said that he wouldn't go to work on Saturday. Tom said he wouldn't go to work on Saturday. Wiem, kim jest ten gość. I know who that guy is. I know who this guy is. Poprosił o trochę pieniędzy. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Ani Tom, ani Mary nemá řidičský průkaz. Neither Tom nor Mary has driving licence. Neither Tom nor Mary has a driver's license. Nie bawiłaś się dobrze? Didn't you have fun? Didn't you have a good time? Dam ci znać później. I'll let you know later. I'll let you know later. Tom nezemřel. Je naživu. Tom didn't die. He is alive. Tom's not dead, he's alive. W razie potrzeby zawsze możesz na niego liczyć. You can always count on him in any emergency. If necessary, you can always count on him. Pracują w ślimaczym tempie. They're doing their work at a snail's pace! They work at a snail's pace. Jak dlouho jsi zamilovaná do Toma? How long have you been in love with Tom? How long have you been in love with Tom? Tom pracuje jako novinář. Tom works as a journalist. Tom works as a journalist. Kto pójdzie ze mną? Who will come with me? Who's coming with me? Ten klobouk chrání před sluncem. The hat protects from the sun. The hat protects from the sun. Usnul jsem. I fell asleep. I fell asleep. Byla do toho zapojena policie?¨ Were the police involved? Was the police involved? Bez Toma se budu cítit opuštěná. I'll feel lonely without Tom. I'll feel abandoned without Tom. Zkus nebýt hlupák. Try not to be stupid. Try not to be stupid. Lubię matematykę. I like math. I like math. Tantal je chemický prvek se značkou Ta. Tantalum is a chemical element of the symbol Ta. Tantalum is a chemical element with the brand Ta. Tom se nás zeptal, co budeme dělat když bude pěkné počasí. Tom asked us what we would do if the weather was nice. Tom asked us what we would do if the weather was nice. Tom byl s velkou skupinou lidí. Tom was with a big group of people. Tom was with a large group of people. Řekni mi víc. Tell me more. Tell me more. Książka leży na półce. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. Tom przyjdzie wcześniej. Tom will come early. Tom will be here early. Trenuję karate, od kiedy byłem dzieckiem. I've been practising karate since I was a child. I've been practicing karate since I was a kid. Jeho sestra ho pozvala na oběd. His sister invited him to lunch. His sister invited him for lunch. Tom si příští týden vezme Mary. Tom will get married to Mary next week. Tom will marry Mary next week. Nie umiem zatańczyć ani jednego kroku salsy. I cannot dance one single step of Salsa. I can't dance a single salsa step. Musím se učit. I must study. I have to study. Nesvalujte vinu na Toma! Don't put the blame on Tom! Don't blame Tom! Neměl jsi Toma žádat, aby to udělal. You shouldn't have asked Tom to do it. You shouldn't have asked Tom to do that. Chciałbym porozmawiać z jednym z twoich gości. I'd like to talk to one of your guests. I'd like to speak to one of your guests. W Nowej Zelandii mówi się w języku Maori. The Maori language is spoken in New Zealand. In New Zealand, it is spoken in the Maori language. Tom už nám neublíží. Tom won't hurt us anymore. Tom won't hurt us anymore. Tom je rád na dešti. Tom likes being in the rain. Tom likes it in the rain. Nie lubiła swojego męża. She didn't like her husband. She didn't like her husband. Vaše jméno, prosím. Your name, please. Your name, please. Bardzo mało prawdopodobne, że nasze podatki spadną. It's highly unlikely that our taxes will be lowered. It is very unlikely that our taxes will fall. Nemluvme o tom. Let's not talk about that. Let's not talk about it. Islandia jest państwem wyspiarskim na Oceanie Atlantyckim, pomiędzy Grenlandią, Wyspami Owczymi i Norwegią. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Iceland is an island country in the Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Býval jsem chudý jako ty. I used to be poor like you. I used to be poor like you. Tom wrócił na swoje miejsce i usiadł. Tom walked back to his seat and sat down. Tom returned to his seat and sat down. Szkoda, że nie mogę tańczyć codziennie. I wish I could dance every day. I wish I could dance every day. Moc se o vás bojíme. We're very worried about you. We're too worried about you. Czy w Kanadzie mówi się po francusku? Do they speak French in Canada? Do you speak French in Canada? Jak naciśniesz ten przycisk, drzwi się otworzą. If you push this button, the door will open. If you push that button, the door will open. Włochy są w Europie. Italy is in Europe. Italy is in Europe. Radši bych zůstal doma, než abych šel sám. I'd rather stay home than go alone. I'd rather stay home than go alone. Ten prsten je z pravého zlata. The ring is made of pure gold. The ring is made of real gold. Tom zniknął w swoim pokoju. Tom disappeared into his room. Tom disappeared into his room. Zobaczymy czy będziemy mogli to zrobić bez żadnej pomocy. Let's see if we can do it without any help. We'll see if we can do it without any help. Szkoda, że nie mogę opowiedzieć ci wszystkich szczegółów, ale szef mi zabronił. I wish I could tell you all the details, but my boss told me not to. I wish I could tell you all the details, but my boss told me not to. Tom nigdy nie miał szansy. Tom never had a chance. Tom never had a chance. Czy to mógł być on? Could it have been him? Could it have been him? Tom se chtěl stát překladatelem znakové řeči. Tom wanted to become a sign language interpreter. Tom wanted to be a sign language translator. Tom złamał rękę. Tom broke his arm. Tom broke his arm. Kreacionismus je pseudověda. Creationism is pseudoscience. Creationism is pseudoscience. Dítě sebralo malý kámen. The kid picked up a little stone. The child picked up a small stone. Uczył historii w szkole. He taught history at school. He taught history at school. Vlastně jsem to mohl udělat sám. It was actually possible for me to do that by myself. Actually, I could have done it myself. Zemřel. He died. He died. Często gram w siatkówkę. I play volleyball often. I often play volleyball. Głowa mnie boli. My head hurts. My head hurts. To není jeho rukopis. This is not his handwriting. That's not his handwriting. Poslal příteli zprávu. He texted a friend. He sent a message to a friend. Naštval mě. He made me angry. He pissed me off. Gdy jesteś w grupie niezdecydowanych, stanowczo zaproponuj coś, na co nikt by się nie zgodził. When you are with an indecisive group, confidently propose something that no one would agree to. When you’re in a group of undecided people, make a firm offer that no one would agree to. Měla jsi být opatrnější. You should have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Je bezpečné pít tady vodu z kohoutku? Is it safe to drink the tap water here? Is it safe to drink tap water here? Mam straszny dylemat. I am in a terrible dilemma. I have a terrible dilemma. Muszę iść. I've gotta go. I got to go. Musíte změnit slovosled. You have to change the word order. You have to change the word order. Tom odmítá k tomu lékaři jít. Tom refuses to see the doctor. Tom refuses to go to the doctor. Pevně věřím, že lidská představivost je neomezená. I strongly believe that human imagination is limitless. I firmly believe that human imagination is limitless. Tom řekl, že jsi mě chtěl vidět. Tom said you wanted to see me. Tom said you wanted to see me. Przyjdę, jeśli będzie trzeba. I'll come if necessary. I'll come if I have to. Bůh existuje, ale zapomněl heslo. God exists, but he forgot the password. God exists, but he forgot the password. Pochybuji, že Tom zná telefonní číslo Mary. I doubt that Tom knows Mary's phone number. I doubt Tom knows Mary's phone number. Jezte zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat your vegetables. Nikdy jsem nebyl zrovna dobrý v matematice. I have never been particularly strong in mathematics. I've never been very good at math. Niektórzy wierzą, że Nessie żyje w tym jeziorze. Some believe Nessie lives in this lake. Some believe that Nessie lives in this lake. Mají tvé děti svůj vlastní pokoj? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your kids have their own room? Jakoś tak nagle zachciało mi się płakać. All of a sudden, I feel like crying. I suddenly felt like crying. Zachowała się dość głupio. She behaved quite foolishly. She's been pretty stupid. Hned jsem pochopil, co Tom myslí. I understood immediately what Tom meant. I immediately understood what Tom was thinking. Tom by zákazníkovi nikdy nic takového neřekl. Tom would never have said something like that to a customer. Tom would never say anything like that to a customer. Tuto otázku nemohu zodpovědět. I can't answer this question. I cannot answer that question. Víš, co budeš dělat příští rok? Do you know what you're going to do next year? You know what you're gonna do next year? Czułem, że powinienem jej pomóc. I felt that I should help her. I felt I should have helped her. Tom wczoraj wypił za dużo herbaty. Tom drank too much tea yesterday. Tom drank too much tea last night. Zrovna jsem na něco myslel. I was just thinking about something. I was just thinking something. Gdybym o tym wiedział z wyprzedzeniem, prawdopodobnie bym w tym uczestniczył. I probably would've participated if I'd known about it in advance. If I had known this in advance, I would probably have been involved. Nadal nie mogę dorwać Toma. I still can't get a hold of Tom. I still can't get Tom. Jestli to uděláš, budeš si toho litovat do konce svého života. If you do this, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Tady je ta řeka nejhlubší. This river is deepest here. This is the deepest river. Bývali jsme snoubenci. We used to be engaged. We used to be fiancés. Nenašli mě. They didn't find me. They didn't find me. Kdo mi snědl sendvič? Who ate my sandwich? Who ate my sandwich? Má někdo lepší nápad? Anybody got a better idea? Anyone have a better idea? Posprzątaliśmy nasz ogród. We cleaned up our garden. We cleaned our garden. Máme pro vás něco zvláštního, pane. We have something special for you, sir. We have something special for you, sir. Co byś na to powiedział? What would you say to that? What would you say to that? Tom za dużo pije. Tom drinks too much. Tom drinks too much. Kdo vyhrál tu soutěž? Who won the competition? Who won the contest? Vím, že je nemá rád. I know that he doesn't like them. I know he doesn't like them. Chcę porozmawiać z Tomem w samotności. I'll talk to Tom alone. I want to talk to Tom alone. Nejsem na tohle vedro zvyklý. I'm not used to this heat. I'm not used to this heat. Tom nemá na růžích ustláno. Tom's life isn't a bed of roses. Tom has no bed on the roses. Nechal si kabát v kanceláři. He left his coat at the office. He left his coat in the office. Tom miał być przeniesiony do Bostonu, ale zamiast tego, zdecydowali się go zwolnić. Tom was going to be transferred to Boston, but they decided to fire him instead. Tom was supposed to be moved to Boston, but instead, they decided to fire him. Tom každý víkend jezdí na pláž na kole. Tom rides his bicycle to the beach every weekend. Tom rides his bike to the beach every weekend. Nie jesteś tego ciekaw? Aren't you curious about it? Aren't you curious? Nie zamierzają mu pomagać. They aren't going to help him. They're not going to help him. Je lepší se probudit za ptačího zpěvu, nežli budíkem. It's much better to wake up to birds singing than to an alarm clock. It is better to wake up with a bird’s song than with an alarm clock. Layla je matkou šesti dětí a žije na jihozápadě Anglie. Layla is a mother of six, living in the south west of England. Layla is a mother of six and lives in the South West of England. Zmizel v davu. He disappeared into the crowd. He disappeared in the crowd. Nauczyciel był bardzo zdenerwowany i wyrzucił Johnny'ego z klasy. The teacher was really upset and threw Johnny out of class. The teacher was very upset and threw Johnny out of the class. Omluvíte mě na chvilku? Musím si zavolat. Would you excuse me a second? I need to make a phone call. Would you excuse me for a second? Neměl byste je nechávat tak dlouho čekat. You shouldn't keep them waiting so long. You shouldn't keep them waiting that long. O koronaviru toho mnoho nevíme. We don't know a lot about the coronavirus. We don’t know much about the coronavirus. Pijomy mloko. We're drinking milk. Drunken newbie. Nie bądź nieśmiały, kiedy podróżujesz. Don't be self-conscious when you travel. Don’t be shy when you travel. Mají s tím něco společného. They have something to do with that. They had something to do with it. Tom náš všechny oklamal. Tom deceived all of us. Tom fooled us all. Wciąż chcesz startować na Harvard? Are you still thinking about applying to Harvard? You still want to run for Harvard? Czy naprawdę chcesz kupować cokolwiek od Toma? Do you really want to buy anything from Tom? Do you really want to buy anything from Tom? Co chceš k příštím narozeninám? What do you want for your next birthday? What do you want for your next birthday? Proč jsi nesnědl snídani? Why didn't you eat breakfast? Why didn't you eat your breakfast? Przewróćcie stronę. Turn the page. Turn the page. Tom nechce svým dětem dovolit jet na školní výlet. Tom won't let his children go on a school trip. Tom doesn't want to let his kids go on a school trip. Powinien siedzieć w więzieniu. He should be in jail. He should be in jail. Mój ojciec jest dwa lata młodszy od mojej mamy. My father is two years younger than my mother. My father is two years younger than my mother. Snažím se vést aktivní život. I try to lead an active lifestyle. I try to lead an active life. Je ženatý nebo svobodný? Is he married or single? Is he married or single? On obudził mnie wcześnie rano. He awoke me early in the morning. He woke me up early in the morning. Takhle to dělat nemůžeš. You cannot do it like this. You can't do that. Tvoje skříň už je přeplněná. Budeš si muset udělat místo na nové oblečení, které sis koupila jinde. Your closet is already packed. You will have to make room for the new clothes you bought somewhere else. You're gonna have to make room for the new clothes you bought elsewhere. On ma bilet. He has a ticket. He's got a ticket. Słyszałem, jak śpiewała piosenkę. I heard her singing a song. I heard her sing a song. Naprawdę myślisz, że Tom może nam pomóc? Do you really think that Tom can help us? Do you really think Tom can help us? Kdo zničil tu zahradu? Who destroyed the garden? Who destroyed the garden? Byli jsme před všemi ostatními. We were ahead of everybody else. We were ahead of everyone else. Tom nie rozumiał mojego francuskiego. Tom didn't understand my French. Tom didn't understand my French. Niech drzwi będą otwarte. Keep the door open. Keep the door open. Tom ti lhal. Tom lied to you. Tom lied to you. Boję się Putina. I'm afraid of Putin. I am afraid of Putin. Získal jsem si hodně nových přátel. I made a lot of new friends. I've made a lot of new friends. Usiądź tu w pobliżu. Sit near here. Sit around here. Jesteś jedynym znanym mi posiadaczem sportowego samochodu. You're the only person I know who has a sports car. You're the only one I know who owns a sports car. Řekla, že je šťastná. She said that she was happy. She said she was happy. Tom si v autě během řízení snědl hamburger. Tom ate a hamburger in his car as he was driving. Tom ate a hamburger in the car while driving. Masz jakieś zdjęcia Toma, kiedy był dzieckiem? Do you have any pictures of Tom when he was a kid? Do you have any pictures of Tom when he was a kid? Přijdu v neděli. I will come on Sunday. I'll come on Sunday. Tom mě zná. Tom knows me. Tom knows me. Jestem bardzo przywiązany do matki. I'm really attached to my mother. I'm very attached to my mother. Všichni čekají. Everyone's waiting. Everybody's waiting. Nechte lidi žít normální život. Let people live normal life. Let people live a normal life. Tahle dívka je Tomova vnučka. This girl is Tom's granddaughter. This girl is Tom's granddaughter. Už jsi tady zase, Tome? You're here again, Tom? Are you here again, Tom? On se mi líbí. I like him. I like him. Toma na hodinu propustili. Tom was given an hour's notice. Tom was released for an hour. Tom se možná jednou vrátí domů. Tom may return to his home someday. Maybe Tom will come home one day. Tomovi bylo doporučeno, aby přestal kouřit. Tom was advised to give up smoking. Tom was advised to stop smoking. Pamatuješ si jeho telefonní číslo? Do you remember his telephone number? Do you remember his phone number? Tak przy okazji, jaki jest twój adres? By the way, what is your address? By the way, what's your address? Nevědí si s Tomem rady. They don't know how to deal with Tom. They don't know what to do with Tom. Bądź miły. Be kind. Be nice. Nigdy nie karmicie swego kota psią karmą. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never feed your cat dog food. Stěžovali jsme si manažerovi na hluk ve vedlejší místnosti. We complained to the manager about the noise next door. We complained to the manager about the noise in the next room. Chodívala s ním. She used to date him. She used to date him. Co powinnam zrobić następnie? What should I do next? What should I do next? Nie mogłem znaleźć jego domu. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. Tom ma nadzieję spotkać się znów z Mary w niedalekiej przyszłości. Tom hopes to meet Mary again in the near future. Tom hopes to see Mary again in the near future. Kiedy wychodzisz z pracy? When do you get off work? When do you leave work? Dlaczego nie rzucimy monetą? Why don't we flip a coin? Why don't we flip a coin? Bywa surowy, ale bywa i łagodny. He is at once strict and tender. It's rough, but it's gentle. Jestem prawie pewien, że Tom nie chce z tobą rozmawiać. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't want to talk to you. I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Nie ma powodu. There is no reason. There's no reason. On jest w Tokio. He's in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. Na stole jsou pastelky. There are some crayons on the table. There are crayons on the table. Kůň má žízeň. The horse is thirsty. The horse is thirsty. Snad se sem všichni dostanou včas. I hope that everybody gets here on time. I hope everyone gets here in time. Nejsem veverka. I'm not a squirrel. I'm not a squirrel. Tom viděl pod svým autem kočku. Tom saw a cat under his car. Tom saw a cat under his car. Kolik barev vidíš v duze? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? Děti si hrají s hračkami. Children play with toys. Children play with toys. Oto twój kawałek ciasta. Here is your share of the cake. Here's your piece of cake. Ja rěču serbsce. I speak Upper Sorbian. I'm talking to Serbs. Zneužíváte svoji autoritu. You are abusing your authority. You are abusing your authority. Moja matka uczy układania kwiatów. My mother teaches flower arranging. My mother teaches flower arranging. Tady je sedm hodin večer. It is seven p.m. here. It's seven o'clock tonight. Zostaw to. Leave it. Leave it. Viděl jsem tě vařit. I saw you cooking. I've seen you cook. Taxík je drahý. A taxi is expensive. Taxis are expensive. Vzpomínáš? Do you remember? Remember? Ty musíš být blázen. You must be a fool. You must be crazy. Sami chtěl jít na školní ples. Sami wanted to go to the prom dance. He wanted to go to the school dance. Sestřička je zaneprázdněna péčí o Toma. The nurse is busy taking care of Tom. The nurse is busy taking care of Tom. Nie wiem, co tutaj robię. I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know what I'm doing here. Nie mam pojęcia, dlaczego tak jest. I have no idea why it is so. I have no idea why that is. To se mi nezdá užitečné. I don't find that helpful. That doesn't seem useful to me. Tom zrobił to dla ciebie. Tom did it for you. Tom did it for you. Używam Maca, nie mogę odczytać pliku Windows 95. I use a Mac, I can't open a Windows 95 file. I'm using a Mac, I can't read the Windows 95 file. Nerad učím malé děti plavat. I don't enjoy teaching young children to swim. I don't like teaching little kids to swim. Ty čekáš na Toma? Are you waiting for Tom? You're waiting for Tom? Ve Spojených státech mluví anglicky. They speak English in the United States. They speak English in the United States. To jest tylko zabawka. It's just a toy. It's just a toy. Moc mě to netrápí. I'm not too worried about it. It doesn't bother me very much. Může se to stát znova. It can happen again. It could happen again. Koty nie lubią psów. Cats don't like dogs. Cats don't like dogs. Buďme všichni přáteli. Let's all be friends. Let's all be friends. Rozhodli se zavřít továrnu. They decided to shut down the factory. They decided to close the factory. Rzeczywiście jest młody, ale za to bardzo doświadczony jak na swój wiek. Indeed he is young, but he is well experienced for his age. He is young, but very experienced for his age. Překládat český text je velice těžké. To translate a Czech text is very difficult. It is very difficult to translate the Czech text. Jakou barvu mají Tomovy ponožky? What color are Tom's socks? What color are Tom's socks? Tom naprawdę jedzie sam do Bostonu? Is Tom really going to Boston by himself? Is Tom really going to Boston alone? Można płacić czekami podróżnymi? Can I pay with a travelers check? Can I pay with traveler’s cheques? Tom má několik vlezlých sousedů. Tom has some nosy neighbors. Tom has several nosy neighbors. Jím, protože mám hlad. I eat because I'm hungry. I eat because I'm hungry. Nešlapej na rozbité sklo. Don't step on the broken glass. Don't step on broken glass. Upuścił wazon. He dropped a vase. He dropped a vase. Kim jest od mnie cztery lata starszy. Kim is older than I am by four years. Kim is four years older than me. Tom ich zabił. Tom killed them. Tom killed them. Czy mógłbyś mnie dodać do swojej listy kontaktów? Would you like to add me to your contact list? Could you add me to your contact list? Nedostatek slunečního světla vyvolává u některých lidí depresi. A lack of sunlight causes depression in some people. Lack of sunlight causes depression in some people. Przypadkiem wiem, że Tom sprzedał w zeszłym tygodniu swój samochód. I happen to know that Tom sold his car last week. I happen to know that Tom sold his car last week. Nebudu to jíst. I won't eat this. I'm not eating it. Mięso źle smakuje. The meat tastes bad. The meat tastes bad. Jsem pořád tady. I'm still right here. I'm still here. No, dawaj! OK! Bring it on! Come on! Jestem wdzięczny Tomowi za to, co zrobił. I'm grateful for what Tom did. I am grateful to Tom for what he did. Přijali Toma za vlastního. They adopted Tom. They accepted Tom as their own. Jaki jest sens zjawiać się punktualnie, kiedy wszyscy inni się spóźniają? What's the point of showing up on time if everyone else shows up late? What's the point of showing up on time when everyone else is late? Bydlíme blízko pošty. We live near a post office. We live near the post office. Z pewnością się cieszą. They must be happy. I'm sure they're happy. Nie toleruję nieposłusznych dzieci. I cannot tolerate naughty children. I do not tolerate disobedient children. Kdysi jsem tu bydlel. I used to live here. I used to live here. Někteří lidé tvrdí, že jsou v určitém cizím jazyce pokročilí a přitom dělají základní chyby. Some people claim to be advanced in a foreign language, but in fact they make basic mistakes. Some people claim to be advanced in a foreign language while making basic mistakes. Tomovi děti nemluví francouzsky. Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids don't speak French. Dal bych si jedno pivo. I'd like a glass of beer. I'd like a beer. Někam jdeš tohle odpoledne, ne? You're going somewhere this afternoon, aren't you? You're going somewhere this afternoon, aren't you? Mamoj dwě dźěsći. We have two kids. Mom, I've had two. Jednoduchý jazyk je dobrý jazyk. Simple language is good language. A simple language is a good language. Oczywiście możesz zrobić, co chcesz. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. Of course, you can do whatever you want. Są zajęci. They're busy. They're busy. Czy twój komputer dobrze się sprawuje? Is your new computer working well? Is your computer working well? Aha. I see. Uh-huh. Zbrojní průmysl přináší zisky, ale také utrpení. Arms industry yelds a profit but also suffering. The arms industry brings profits, but also suffering. Ona mnie nie słucha. She doesn't listen to me. She's not listening to me. Mam jeszcze masę roboty. I've got so much left to do. I still have a lot of work to do. Staraj się uprościć, co tylko się da. Strive to simplify everything. Try to simplify as much as possible. Tom usnul při vyučování. Tom dozed off during class. Tom fell asleep in class. Říká se o ní, že má poměr se starostou města. She is said to have had an affair with the mayor of the town. She's said to be having an affair with the mayor of the city. Tom je teď na zahradě. Tom is in the garden now. Tom's in the garden now. To není dobré znamení. This is not a good sign. That's not a good sign. Dziecko bawiło się grzechotką. The baby was playing with a rattle. The child was playing with a rattle. Tom nie mógł znaleźć swoich szkieł kontaktowych. Tom couldn't find his contact lens. Tom couldn't find his contact lenses. Nie wiem, co zrobić najpierw. I don't know what to do first. I don't know what to do first. Klucz leży na stole. The key is on the table. The key is on the table. Vzal jsem jí za ruku. I took her arm. I took her hand. Jest problem z moim kontem. There is a problem with my account. There's a problem with my account. Kovbojové vjeli do neznámého města. The cowboys rode into an unknown town. The cowboys drove into an unknown city. Byli to moji rodiče, kdo mě naučil jak se to dělá. My parents were the ones who taught me how to do that. It was my parents who taught me how to do it. Rada jěm kšuški. I like to eat pears. I like to eat shushki. Wiem, co miałeś na myśli. I know what you meant. I know what you meant. Daj mi to! Give it to me! Give it to me! Chci si najít nějaký byt blízko školy. I want to find an apartment close to school. I want to find an apartment near the school. Ilekroć tam idę, spotykam ją. Every time I go there, I meet her. Every time I go there, I meet her. Jak dlouho to tam trvá autobusem? How long does it take to get there by bus? How long does the bus take? Těším se na pařenici. I'm looking forward to the party. I'm looking forward to the party. Zapojit do toho Toma by bylo nebezpečné. It would be dangerous to involve Tom in it. Engaging Tom would be dangerous. Být dobře přizpůsobený silně choré společnosti není důkazem zdraví. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Being well-adapted to a severely ill society is not proof of health. Dlaczego to wyłączyłeś? Why have you turned it off? Why did you turn it off? Tenhle Tom je jiný. This Tom is different. This Tom is different. Widzieliśmy ślady niedźwiedzia na śniegu. We saw footprints of a bear in the snow. We saw traces of a bear in the snow. Chciałbym mieć już to za sobą. I wish this was all over. I wish I could get this over with. Jesteście siostrami? Are you sisters? Are you sisters? Měsíc není od Země vždy stejně daleko. The moon is not always the same distance away from Earth. The moon is not always the same distance from Earth. Zjedzmy coś teraz. Umieram z głodu. Let's eat now. I'm starving. Let's eat now, I'm starving. Jaká pravidla jsem porušil? What laws have I broken? What rules did I break? Tom musi być wściekły na Mary. Tom must be furious with Mary. Tom must be mad at Mary. Lidé starověku uctívali mnoho bohů a bohyní. Ancient people worshipped many gods and goddesses. Ancient people worshipped many gods and goddesses. Nie mogę wziąść mniej. I cannot take less. I can't take less. Jestem detektywem. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. Nikdo tady nežije. No one lives here. No one lives here. W kraju demokratycznym ważna jest wolność prasy. In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent. Freedom of the press is important in a democratic country. Už se neměli rádi a proto se rozešli. They no longer loved each other, therefore, they split up. They didn’t like each other anymore, so they broke up. On oszalał. He has gone mad. He's crazy. Pomohl jsem Tomovi jak nejlépe to šlo. I helped Tom the best I could. I helped Tom as best I could. Tom nemá rád rodiče své ženy. Tom dislikes his wife's parents. Tom doesn't like his wife's parents. Tom se zeptal, Jestli se mi Mary líbí. Tom asked if I liked Mary. Tom asked if I liked Mary. Tom był moim najlepszym przyjacielem, kiedy byłem dzieckiem. Tom was my best friend when I was a kid. Tom was my best friend when I was a kid. Dziś prawdopodobnie nie pójdę do szkoły na piechotę. I probably won't walk to school today. I probably won't go to school on foot today. Nie jestem pewien, czy zostać w domu, czy wyjść. I'm not sure whether to stay home or go out. I'm not sure whether to stay home or leave. W tym tygodniu jestem słomianym wdowcem, bo żona pojechała do brata do Frankfurtu. I'm batching it this weekend because my wife is visiting her brother in Frankfurt. I'm a straw widower this week because my wife went to her brother's in Frankfurt. Byl v Římě, ale neviděl papeže. He was in Rome and he didn't see the Pope. He was in Rome, but he didn't see the Pope. Vidím růži. I see a rose. I see a rose. Wiesz, co to oznacza? Do you know what this means? You know what that means? Tom si posunul čas dopředu. Tom has set the clock forward. Tom took his time. Tom powiedział Mary, żeby przestała tak robić. Tom told Mary to quit doing that. Tom told Mary to stop doing that. Co kdybyste se zastavili v pondělí? Why don't you guys come over on Monday? Why don't you stop by on Monday? Ty nadęty dupku! You pompous git! You pompous asshole! Nigdy nie odpowiadałeś na moje telefony. You never returned my calls. You never answered my calls. Tom jest dobry we francuskim. Tom is good at French. Tom's good in French. Kiedy mu powiemy? When are we going to tell him? When are we gonna tell him? Tom býval známý herec. Tom used to be a famous actor. Tom used to be a well-known actor. Je tu někdo živý? Is anyone alive here? Is anyone alive? Miesiąc miodowy planujemy spędzić za granicą. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. Tom chvíli váhal. Tom hesitated for a moment. Tom hesitated for a moment. Najdroższą rzeczą jest ląd. The most expensive thing is land. The most expensive thing is land. Vyžehlil jsem si kapesníky. I ironed my handkerchiefs. I ironed my handkerchiefs. Tom i Mary mieli zabrać dziś rano psa do weterynarza. Tom and Mary were supposed to take their dog to the vet this morning. Tom and Mary were supposed to take the dog to the vet this morning. Vzdal jsem se konzumace masa. I've given up eating meat. I gave up eating meat. Jím příliš mnoho masa. I eat too much meat. I eat too much meat. Ojciec jutro będzie w domu. Father will be at home tomorrow. Father will be home tomorrow. Chci si koupit laciný slovník. I want to buy an inexpensive dictionary. I want to buy a cheap dictionary. Zanosi się na deszcz. It looks as if it is going to rain. It's going to rain. Tom se zajímá o hodně věcí. Tom is interested in many things. Tom is interested in a lot of things. Tom a Mary spolu tehdy nemohli mluvit, protože neznali společný jazyk. Tom and Mary couldn't talk to each other then because they didn't speak a common language. Tom and Mary couldn't speak at the time because they didn't know the same language. Znów zasnąłeś? Did you fall back asleep? Are you asleep again? To przykre, że nie odwiedziliśmy Toma, kiedy mogliśmy. I wish we had visited Tom when we were able to. It's a shame we didn't visit Tom when we could. Nemyslím, že bych s tebou mohl strávit šest hodin o samotě. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. Gotuję. I'm doing the cooking. I'm cooking. Už dva dny nic nejedla. She hasn't eaten for two days. She hasn't eaten in two days. Na biurku leży kartka. There is a card on the desk. There's a card on the desk. To to, o czym jej mówiłem. That's what I told her. That's what I told her. Dobranoc. Goodnight! Night. Učil jsi někdy francouzštinu cizince? Have you ever taught French to foreigners? Have you ever taught French to a foreigner? Mluvil jsem s Tomem, a je v pořádku. I talked to Tom and he's fine. I talked to Tom, and he's fine. Staří lidé se snadno nachladí. Old people catch colds easily. Old people get cold easily. Všiml jsem si, že řidiči autobusu neumí brzdit. I have noticed that the bus drivers don't know how to brake. I noticed that the bus driver couldn't brake. Tom je pro nás mrtvý. Tom is dead to us. Tom's dead to us. Obávám se, že bude pršet. I am afraid that it will rain. I'm afraid it's going to rain. Jěstaj zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Steady the vegetables. Najwidoczniej Tom bardzo lubi Mary. Apparently, Tom likes Mary quite a lot. Apparently, Tom likes Mary very much. Co mogę dla was zrobić? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Pacient neměl horečku. The patient didn't have a fever. The patient did not have a fever. Można to zrobić w jeden dzień. It can be done in a day. It can be done in one day. Proč se nenávidí? Why do they hate each other? Why do they hate themselves? Kolacja powinna być już gotowa. Dinner is probably ready by now. Dinner should be ready by now. Hodili tu krádež na Toma. They pinned the theft on Tom. They framed Tom for the robbery. Hej, spójrz na to. Hey, look at this. Hey, look at this. Mary zdradziła Johnowi ten sekret. Mary told John the secret. Mary told John the secret. Znam dziewczynę, która umie jeździć na jednokołowym rowerze. I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. Všechny děti potřebují podněty. All children need stimulation. All children need encouragement. Stodoła się pali! The barn is on fire! The barn's on fire! Wygląda na to, że Tom jest zadowolony. It looks like Tom is pleased. Looks like Tom's happy. Tom chtěl dělat vše, co jsem navrhl. Tom wanted to do all that I had suggested. Tom wanted to do everything I suggested. Všichni vědí, kdo to začal. Everyone knows who started this. Everyone knows who started it. Jsou lidé, kteří se nezastaví před ničím, aby dosáhli svého. There are people who stop at nothing to get their way. There are people who will stop at nothing to get their way. Popel byl ještě teplý. The ash was still warm. The ashes were still warm. Jest dobrym pływakiem, a także świetnie gra w tenisa. He is a good swimmer and also plays tennis well. He is a good swimmer and also a great tennis player. Potrzebuję twojego auta. I need your car. I need your car. Jdi spát. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Vyrobili malé papírové letadlo. They made a little paper plane. They made a small paper plane. Powiedziałeś mi, że kradniesz jego motor. You told me you stole his motorcycle. You told me you were stealing his bike. Kocham hot dogi. I love hot dogs. I love hot dogs. Tvůj dopis mě potěšil. Your letter made me happy. Your letter pleased me. Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought would work. I thought it would work. Nenávidím mrkev dokonce víc, než nenávidím cibuli. I hate carrots even more than I hate onions. I hate carrots even more than I hate onions. Nějak mi došla inspirace. I'm not inspired anymore. Somehow I ran out of inspiration. Máte rádi francouzská vína? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wine? Vrátím se po obědě. I will come back after lunch. I'll be back after lunch. Vy jste nevěděli, že Tom neumí francouzsky? Didn't you know Tom didn't understand French? Didn't you know Tom doesn't speak French? Wiem, że prawdopodobnie jesteś zły na to, co powiedziałem wczoraj. I know you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably mad at what I said yesterday. Tom ještě není plnoletý. Tom is still underage. Tom is not yet of age. Vyhrožoval, že ji zabije, jestli ho neposlechne. He threatened to kill her if she wouldn't obey him. He threatened to kill her if she disobeyed him. Tom vodku nepije. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Dám ti dárek. I'll give you a gift. I'll give you a present. Nie mogę znieść tego hałasu. I can't abide that noise. I can't stand the noise. Mam wrażenie, że próbujesz coś mi powiedzieć. I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something. I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something. Uniezależnił się finansowo. He became financially independent. He became financially independent. Tom zemřel velmi mladý. Tom died very young. Tom died very young. Náš pes je na svůj věk stále čilý. Our dog is still agile for his age. Our dog is still active for his age. Czy jesteś Japończykiem? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Už tě někdo předtím uhodil? Has anyone hit on you before? Has anyone hit you before? Tom popírá, že to řekl. Tom denies he said that. Tom denies saying it. Zrobiłem kolację. I made dinner. I made dinner. Pa! Bye. Bye! Páchne ti z úst. Your breath smells. It stinks out of your mouth. Co kdybychom to nechali udělat Toma? Why don't we get Tom to do that? Why don't we let Tom do it? Nikdo tě nemá rád. Nobody likes you. Nobody likes you. Prawie trzy godziny zajęło Tomowi dotarcie do domu. It took Tom almost three hours to get home. It took Tom almost three hours to get home. Prawie mnie zabiłeś. You almost killed me. You almost killed me. Tom se rozhodl nepřijet. Tom decided not to come. Tom decided not to come. Ten fundusz inwestycyjny inwestuje tylko w te firmy, które prowadzą działalność w sposób etyczny. This investment fund only invests in ethical companies. This investment fund invests only in those companies that conduct business in an ethical manner. Tom a Mary utěšují Johna. Tom and Mary are comforting John. Tom and Mary console John. Bardzo tęskni za swoją rodziną. He misses his family very much. He misses his family very much. Nebylo by rozumné Toma úplně ignorovat. It wouldn't be wise to ignore Tom completely. It wouldn't be wise to ignore Tom completely. Miluji tě. I love you. I love you. Lubię próbować nowych rzeczy. I like trying new things. I like to try new things. Jego pismo jest nieczytelne. His handwriting is illegible. His handwriting is illegible. Pokój się nagrzewa. The room is warming up. The room is heating up. Nechal si dveře otevřené? Did you leave the door open? Did you leave the door open? Wciąż kochasz Toma? Do you still love Tom? Do you still love Tom? Jak się pan nazywa? What is your name, sir? What's your name? To jest to. That's it. This is it. Tom udělal všechno, co po něm Mary chtěla. Tom has done everything that Mary said he should do. Tom did everything Mary asked him to do. Tom nechtěl být v Bostonu. Tom didn't want to be in Boston. Tom didn't want to be in Boston. Udělal jsi to ty? Was it you who did it? Did you do it? Ten metal nazywa się cynk. This metal is called zinc. This metal is called zinc. Dobrou noc, mami. Goodnight, Mother. Good night, Mom. Proč jsi nezavolal o pomoc? Why didn't you call for help? Why didn't you call for help? Vím, že jsi čekala dlouho, ale mohla bys počkat ještě chvilku? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you just wait a little longer? Tomovi byly pouhé tři roky, když mu zemřel otec. Tom was just three when his father died. Tom was only three years old when his father died. Znáš tu každého, že? You know everyone here, don't you? You know everyone here, don't you? Chcę coś zjeść. I want to eat something. I want something to eat. Zbožňuju tě. I adore you. I love you. "Jak dobrze znasz Toma?" "Spotkałam go tylko raz." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." Tom zavřel oči a vyslovil přání. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Nikdy jsi mi neublížil. You've never hurt me. You never hurt me. Nemohl jsem najít vypínač. I couldn't find the off switch. I couldn't find the switch. Znasz jego numer? Do you know his number? Do you know his number? Chtěli, abych Toma okamžitě navštívil. They wanted me to see Tom immediately. They wanted me to see Tom right away. Buďte tak laskav a při odchodu zavřete dveře. Do me a favor and close the door on your way out. Be so kind as to close the door when you leave. Mám narozeniny 22. března. My birthday is on March 22. It's my birthday on March 22. Přestal jíst a krátce poté zemřel. He stopped eating and shortly after that he died. He stopped eating and died shortly after. Prohráli, ale nechtějí to uznat. They lost but they refuse to admit that. They lost, but they don't want to admit it. Masz coś na szyi. There's something on your neck. You have something on your neck. Ile Tom od ciebie wziął? How much did Tom take from you? How much did Tom take from you? Nechápeme to. We don't understand it. We don't get it. Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy z tego, co robiłam. I didn't realize what I was doing. I didn't realize what I was doing. Kdes byl v říjnu? Where were you in October? Where were you in October? Pobij mnie! Beat me up! Beat me up! Gdzie mieszka twój najlepszy przyjaciel? Where does your best friend live? Where does your best friend live? Został zabity w trzęsieniu ziemi. He was killed in the earthquake. He was killed in the earthquake. Stále čekám na to, až přijde Tom. I am still waiting for Tom to come. I'm still waiting for Tom to come. Máme plány. We have plans. We have plans. Tomek w dzieciństwie wolno się uczył, więc uczęszczał do szkoły integracyjnej. Tom was a slow learner when he was a child, and attended a special school. Tomek was slow to learn as a child, so he attended an integration school. Půjčuješ si knihy. You borrow books. You're borrowing books. Są małżeństwem od czterech lat. They have been married for four years. They've been married for four years. Czy wyglądam grubo? Do I look fat? Do I look fat? Sami został przesłuchany przez policję. Sami was interviewed by police. Sami was questioned by the police. Tomův pes má dlouhý ocas. Tom's dog has a long tail. Tom's dog has a long tail. Bere si ho pro peníze? Is she marrying him for his money? He's taking it for money? Přišel jsem pěšky. I came on foot. I came on foot. Tom ty otázky zodpověděl správně. Tom answered the questions correctly. Tom answered the questions correctly. Czy Tom ma słownik? Does Tom have a dictionary? Does Tom have a dictionary? Nikdo jiný to nechtěl. No one wanted it. No one else wanted it. Nie wstawaj. Stay down. Don't get up. Tom mi ještě neslíbil, že to udělá. Tom hasn't yet promised me that he'd do that. Tom hasn't promised me he'll do it yet. Czy Tom lubi ten sam gatunek muzyki, co Mary? Does Tom like the same kind of music as Mary? Does Tom like the same kind of music as Mary? Tom se to nechce učit. Tom doesn't want to learn it. Tom doesn't want to learn. Będą się bić? Are they going to fight? Will they fight? Zadowolony jesteś ze swojego wyglądu? Are you happy with how you look? Are you satisfied with your appearance? Tenis je složitý. Nikdy nevím, jakým směrem poletí míč. Tennis is difficult. I never know which way the ball is going to fly. Tennis is complicated. I never know which way the ball will fly. Proč bych neměl Tomovi pomáhat? Why shouldn't I help Tom? Why shouldn't I help Tom? Tom zdjął swoją obrączkę i rzucił ją do stawu. Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Tom took off his ring and threw it into the pond. Mamy jeszcze dużo czasu. We still have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. Chci zůstat, ale Tom chce jít domů. I want to stay, but Tom wants to go home. I want to stay, but Tom wants to go home. Kdysi jsem si hodně stěžoval. I used to complain a lot. I used to complain a lot. Możesz mnie tam wcisnąć? Can you squeeze me in? Can you push me in there? Oddychaj. Breathe. Breathe. Tom často na své děti křičí. Tom often yells at his children. Tom often yells at his children. Na skrzyżowaniu miał miejsce wypadek. An accident took place at the intersection. There was an accident at the intersection. Dej mi ještě trochu mléka! Give me some more milk! Give me some more milk! Co se děje doopravdy? What's really going on? What's really going on? Tomovo auto jste si půjčovat neměli. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Tom není zvyklý na to, aby na něj někdo čekal. Tom isn't used to having someone wait on him. Tom's not used to anyone waiting for him. Pacjent nie ma pulsu. The patient has no pulse. The patient has no pulse. Všechno je špatné. Everything is bad. Everything's wrong. V zimě se stmívá rychle. The night falls fast in winter. It gets dark fast in winter. Powiedz Tomowi, że nadal jestem na spotkaniu. Tell Tom I'm still in a meeting. Tell Tom I'm still in the meeting. Dovolenou strávili na horách. They spent their holiday in the mountains. They spent their holidays in the mountains. Tom si Mary na večírku nevšímal. Tom ignored Mary at the party. Tom ignored Mary at the party. Erdogan jest prezydentem Turcji. Erdogan is the President of Turkey. Erdogan is the president of Turkey. On ma oczy z tyłu głowy. He has eyes in the back of his head. He's got eyes on the back of his head. Wątpliwe, by nasza firma w tym roku osiągnęła zyski. It's unlikely that our company will make a profit this year. It is doubtful that our company will make a profit this year. Jest starsza od Toma. She's older than Tom. She's older than Tom. Stával tu kostel. There used to be a church here. There used to be a church. Tom si vylil na hlavu trochu studené vody. Tom poured some cold water over his head. Tom spilled some cold water on his head. Hodně věcí nechápu. There's so much I don't understand. I don't understand a lot of things. Nikdo mě k tomu nenutil. Nobody forced me to do it. No one forced me to. Jest bogaty, więc może sobie na wszystko pozwolić. He's rich, so he can do anything. He's rich, so he can afford anything. Wątpię czy jest szczery. I doubt whether he is honest. I doubt he's honest. Niektórzy ludzie wierzą w duchy. Some people believe in ghosts. Some people believe in ghosts. Jaké jsou přesné rozměry této místnosti? What are the exact dimensions of this room? What are the exact dimensions of this room? Musisz iść spać. You have to go to sleep. You need to go to sleep. Po cestě jsme minuli benzínovou pumpu. We passed by the gas station on the way. We passed a gas station on the way. Přidala si do kávy mléko. She added milk to her coffee. She added milk to her coffee. Nie możemy pozwolić Tomowi umrzeć. We can't let Tom die. We can't let Tom die. Czy słyszałeś kiedyś o potworze Loch Ness? Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness monster? Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Myślę, że powinnyśmy to zrobić. I think we should do it. I think we should do it. Nic nie podpisywałam. I didn't sign anything. I didn't sign anything. Připravoval si věci na ryby. He was setting up things for fishing. He was preparing things for the fish. Je malý. He is small. It's small. Śniło mi się, że znów byłem dzieckiem. I dreamed I was a child again. I dreamed that I was a child again. Jě. She eats. Her. Spieszymy się. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Vypadáš jako moje sestra. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. Mluv hlasitěji, aby tě každý slyšel. Speak louder so everyone can hear you. Speak louder so everyone can hear you. Musím jít do mešity. I have to go to the mosque. I have to go to the mosque. Bylo to otázkou času. It was a question of time. It was a matter of time. Tak to musí být. That's how it has to be. That's the way it has to be. Tom je zotavující se alkoholik. Tom is a recovering alcoholic. Tom is a recovering alcoholic. Výzkum ukazuje že léčivo je nejúčinější u šedesátiletých žen a starších. The research shows that the drug is most effective in women aged sixty and older. Research shows that the drug is most effective in 60-year-old women and older. Widziałaś mojego kota? Did you see my cat? Have you seen my cat? Tamta dziewczyna mówi po angielsku i niemiecku. That girl knows German and English. That girl speaks English and German. Zlato je těžší než stříbro. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. Tom byl hrubý na servírku. Tom was rude to the waitress. Tom was rude to the waitress. Czy ktoś może zrobić Tomowi drinka? Can somebody get Tom a drink? Can someone make Tom a drink? Matka jest zajęta gotowaniem obiadu. Mother is busy cooking the dinner. My mother is busy cooking dinner. Pracuji tu. I work here. I work here. Ryb w morzu jest mnóstwo. There are as good fish in the sea now as ever. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Mary je zamilovaná do blonďatého kluka. Mary is in love with the boy with blond hair. Mary is in love with a blonde boy. Mám rád astrologii. I like astrology. I like astrology. To była magia. It was magic. It was magic. Ona nie mogła powiedzieć czegoś takiego. She can't have said such a thing. She couldn't have said something like that. Ona obrała mu jabłko. She peeled him an apple. She took his apple. A jak se daří tvé ženě? What about your wife? And how's your wife? Mohli nás chytit. We could have gotten caught. We could've been caught. Jesteśmy gotowi od godziny. We've been ready for an hour. We've been ready for an hour. Toto město je obklopeno horami. This town is surrounded by mountains. This city is surrounded by mountains. Zachowuje się, jakby był królem. He acts as if he were a king. He acts like he's a king. Pracować w takich warunkach było wyjątkowo trudno. Working in such conditions was especially difficult. Working in such conditions was extremely difficult. Tom dnes večer nikam nejde. Tom isn't going out tonight. Tom's not going anywhere tonight. Nemohli tohle místo najít. They couldn't find this place. They couldn't find this place. Cítíte při tom bolest? Do you feel pain when you do that? Do you feel pain in it? Poszedł do dentysty. He went to the dentist. He went to the dentist. Ta košile je ze stoprocentní vlny. The shirt is made from pure wool. This shirt is 100% wool. Zaprosiłeś Toma na obiad? Did you invite Tom to dinner? Did you invite Tom to dinner? Tom se nedostavil k soudu. Tom didn't appear before the court. Tom did not appear in court. Przepraszam... Sorry... Oh, sorry. Pocałował ją w policzek. He kissed her on the cheek. He kissed her cheek. Tomasz powiedział mi, że był smutny. Tom told me he was sad. Thomas told me he was sad. Tom byl nudný. Tom was boring. Tom was boring. Tom pracuje jako řidič tramvaje ve svém rodném městě. Tom works as a tram driver in his hometown. Tom works as a tram driver in his hometown. Pozbądź się go. Get rid of him. Get rid of him. Nemůžu si dovolit nikomu zaplatit. I can't afford to pay anyone. I can't afford to pay anyone. Strávil jsem celý den tam. I spent the whole day there. I spent all day there. Prostě tu zůstaň. Just stay here. Just stay here. Ty růže voněly. The roses were fragrant. The roses smelled. Vy máte ráda ovoce. You like fruit. You like fruit. Okopírovali celou knihu. They had photocopied the entire book. They copied the whole book. Tom nemusel čekat tak dlouho, jako my. Tom didn't have to wait as long as we did. Tom didn't have to wait as long as we did. Tom řekl, že přesně neví, kdy se sem dostane. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he didn't know exactly when he'd get here. Tomovi řekli, že je příliš malý. Tom was told that he was too short. Tom was told it was too small. Našla sis sympatického chlapa. You got yourself a nice guy. You found a nice guy. Kručí mi v břiše. My stomach is rumbling. It's wheezing in my stomach. Už musíme jít domů. We have to go home now. We have to go home now. Ještě milionářem nejsi. You're not a millionaire yet. You're not a millionaire yet. Kdo je Tom? Who's Tom? Who's Tom? Powinniśmy dać Tomowi szansę. We should give Tom a chance. We should give Tom a chance. To jest dokładnie to, czego potrzebowałem. This is exactly what I needed. This is exactly what I needed. Może Tom próbuje mi coś powiedzieć. Maybe Tom is trying to tell me something. Maybe Tom's trying to tell me something. Zapuszczasz brodę? Are you growing a beard? You grow a beard? Tom to neudělal tak, jak měl. Tom didn't do it the way he was supposed to. Tom didn't do it the way he should have. Jste všichni v pořádku? Are you guys OK? Are you all right? Ujasni si své priority. Get your priorities straight. Clarify your priorities. Zpackali to. They've messed it up. They screwed up. "Záleží mi na tobě velice", přiznala se. "I care very deeply for you", she confessed. “I care about you,” she confessed. Dnes je hezky. It's fine today. It's a nice day. Prawie na całym świecie można uczyć się angielskiego z rodzimym użytkownikiem. It's possible to study English with a native speaker almost anywhere in the world. Almost all over the world you can learn English with a native user. Znasz chłopca z tej fotografii? Do you know the boy in the picture? Do you know the boy in this photo? Nie wiem, jaki powinien być kolejny krok. I don't know what the next step should be. I don't know what the next step should be. Tom jest geniuszem? Is Tom a genius? Tom's a genius? Víme, že za to můžeme my. We know it's our own fault. We know it's our fault. Bez trudności wyjaśnił tajemnicję. He had no difficulty explaining the mystery. He explained the mystery without difficulty. Wyjaśniłem, w czym tkwi sprawa. I explained what the matter was. I explained what's going on. Nie będę potrzebowała żadnej pomocy. I won't need any help. I won't need any help. Vrátíš se zítra? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? Myslel jsem, že si dáš kousek koláče. I thought you'd like a piece of pie. I thought you'd like a piece of pie. Už je jedenáct hodin. It is already eleven. It's 11 o'clock. Dzwonił, żeby powiedzieć, że się spóźni. He called to say he'd be late. He called to say he was gonna be late. Mamy nadzieję, że nikt nie zostanie ranny. We're hoping no one gets injured. We hope no one gets hurt. Na takový zákrok nejsme vybaveni. We are not equipped for such kind of intervention. We're not equipped for this kind of procedure. To było naprawdę głupie. That was really stupid. That was really stupid. Právě jsem našel Toma. I just found Tom. I just found Tom. Jsem ochoten mu pomoci. I'm willing to help him. I'm willing to help him. Zawsze jestem głodny. I'm always hungry. I'm always hungry. Dal jsem mu facku. I slapped his face. I slapped him. Podej vody žíznícím a pokrmu hladovějícím. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Tyto nůžky jsou nové. These scissors are new. These scissors are new. Przytulili. They hugged. They hugged. Bydlím na druhé straně řeky. I live across the river. I live on the other side of the river. Mám ti zavolat taxi? Should I call you a taxi? Should I call you a taxi? Tomova němčina je stále slabá. Tom's German is still weak. Tom's German is still weak. To já jen ze zdvořilosti. I'm just being polite. It's just out of courtesy. Następnego roku wybuchła I wojna światowa. The next year, World War I broke out. The following year, World War I broke out. Tomovi prarodiče byli velmi chudí. Tom's grandparents were very poor. Tom's grandparents were very poor. Uznají to? Will they accept it? Will they admit it? Nerad běhám. I don't like to run. I don't like to run. Kto ci kazał powiedzieć mi to? Who told you to say that to me? Who told you to tell me that? Słońce zachodzi. The sun is setting. The sun is setting. Czuję to. I can feel it. I can feel it. Já a Tom jsme přátelé už od základní školy. Tom and I have been friends since grade school. Tom and I have been friends since elementary school. Stroiła miny do tamtej kobiety. She made faces at that woman. She rubbed her face against that woman. Té nehodě se dalo zabránit. The accident could've been prevented. The accident could have been prevented. Przednia szyba pojazdu została rozbita na kawałki. The front windshield of a car was smashed to pieces. The windshield of the vehicle was broken into pieces. Jesteś zapisany? Are you registered? You signed up? Ann nie ma siostry. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Ann doesn't have a sister. Tom si dal jedno pivo. Tom had one beer. Tom had a beer. Proč se to Tomovi stalo? Why did it happen to Tom? Why did this happen to Tom? Zastanawiam się co malarz chciał przekazać. I wonder what the painter wanted to convey. I wonder what the painter was trying to say. Nie zniosę pracy z nim. I can't bear to work with him. I can't stand working with him. Je kurevské vedro. It's fucking hot. It's fucking hot. Chciałbym kiedyś pojechać do Egiptu. I'd like to visit Egypt someday. I would like to go to Egypt someday. Japonia wygrała wojnę z Rosją w 1905. Japan had defeated Russia in a war in 1905. Japan won the war with Russia in 1905. Myslím, že vidím svou budoucnost. I think I'm seeing my future. I think I see my future. Czyż nie są przecudne? Don't you just love it? Aren't they wonderful? Powinnam zobaczyć się ze specjalistą? Should I see a specialist? Should I see a specialist? Miała ubrany ciemno niebieski szalik. She wore a dark blue scarf. She was wearing a dark blue scarf. Jesteś tylko studentem. You are nothing but a student. You're just a student. Napraw to, proszę. Please repair this. Fix it, please. Jestem szantażowany. I'm being blackmailed. I'm being blackmailed. Někteří rodiče odmítají nechat očkovat svoje děti. Some parents refuse to have their children vaccinated. Some parents refuse to vaccinate their children. Napijmy się, czy coś. Let's have a drink or something. Let's have a drink or something. Má zkušenosti? Does he have experience? Does he have experience? Ne všechny labutě jsou bílé. Not all swans are white. Not all swans are white. Běh událostí se zrychluje. The pace of events is accelerating. The course of events is accelerating. Táta na nás čekal na zastávce autobusu. Dad waited for us at the bus stop. Dad was waiting for us at the bus stop. Čas je nemilosrdný. Time is ruthless. Time is merciless. Tom není ochoten to udělat. Tom isn't willing to do that. Tom is not willing to do that. Povězte mi, co si pamatujete? Tell me, what do you remember? Tell me, what do you remember? Tom má tři starší bratry. Tom has three older brothers. Tom has three older brothers. Jeśli ta tendencja się utrzyma, osoby powyżej 65 roku życia będą za 30 lat stanowiły czwartą część populacji. If these tendencies continue, those aged 65 or more will account for a quarter of the population within 30 years. If this trend continues, people over the age of 65 will make up a quarter of the population in 30 years. Nebylo to poprvé, co jsem to dělal. That wasn't the first time I'd done that. It wasn't the first time I did it. Rostliny nás činí šťastnými. Plants make us happy. Plants make us happy. Vstává v sedm. He gets up at seven. He wakes up at seven. Vím, proč je lepší se Tomovi vyhnout. I know why it is better to avoid Tom. I know why it's better to avoid Tom. Tom i Mary na zmianę wyprowadzali psa na spacer. Tom and Mary took turns taking the dog for a walk. Tom and Mary took the dog for a walk. Tom miluje pivo. Tom is a beer lover. Tom loves beer. Nebál se smrti. He didn't fear death. He was not afraid of death. Udělej něco! Do something! Do something! Dokázali jste něco z té lodi zachránit? Were you able to salvage anything from the ship? Were you able to salvage anything from the ship? Tom popadl svojí tašku a odešel. Tom grabbed his bag and left. Tom grabbed his bag and left. W 2014 roku Szkocja może stać się niepodległym państwem. In 2014 Scotland may become an independent state. Scotland could become an independent country in 2014. Tom zaczął rozumieć. Tom began to understand. Tom began to understand. Poprosiła męża, żeby poszedł po mleko. She asked her husband to go and fetch some milk. She asked her husband to get milk. Myślę, że to będzie wszystko na dzisiaj. I think that will be all for today. I think that will be all for today. Připadalo nám to jako hra. It seemed like a game to us. It felt like a game to us. Chciałbym mieszkać blisko twojego domu. I'd like to live near your house. I'd like to live close to your house. Daj jej to. Give it to her. Give it to her. Niewątpliwie. No doubt. Undoubtedly. Tom by se mohl vrátit každou chvíli. Tom could come back at any time. Tom could be back any minute. Tom ví, jak postupovat. Tom knows how to get things done. Tom knows how to proceed. Tom se zeptal Mary, jestli si ho vezme, ale ona jeho nabídku k sňatku odmítla. Tom asked Mary to marry him, but she turned down his proposal. Tom asked Mary if she would marry him, but she refused his marriage proposal. Co je to pravda? What is truth? What's the truth? Kdo ti poradil, abys ty léky nebral? Who advised you not to take the pills? Who told you not to take your medication? Bill był w swojej sypialni. Bill was in his bedroom. Bill was in his bedroom. To mój ulubiony kawałek na tej płycie. This is my favorite track on the entire disc. This is my favorite song on this album. Snědl jsem to? Did I eat it? Did I eat it? Jesteś bardzo przystojnym młodym mężczyzną. You're a very handsome young man. You're a very handsome young man. Kéž bych byl kamenem. I wish I were a stone. I wish I were a stone. Stej w knigłowni. You are in the library. Stay in the bookstore. Tom mi to dal před svou smrtí. Tom gave this to me before he died. Tom gave it to me before he died. Myślałem, że zjedliśmy już wszystko, co było w domu, ale znalazłem jeszcze paczkę krakersów. I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. I thought we ate everything in the house, but I found a pack of crackers. Pożyczyłem je z miejskiej biblioteki. I borrowed them from the town library. I borrowed it from the city library. Pokusili jsme se Toma podvést. We tried to fool Tom. We tried to trick Tom. Neměli jsme žádný důkaz. We had no proof. We had no proof. Jestem biedny. I'm poor. I'm poor. Masz mi powiedzieć, co mam zrobić. You have to tell me what to do. I want you to tell me what to do. Wona je Japanka. She is Japanese. She's Japanese. Nie bądź naiwna. Don't be naive. Don't be naive. Byl jsem velice překvapen. I was very surprised. I was very surprised. Mogę usiąść obok Toma? May I sit next to Tom? Can I sit next to Tom? Nechals dýško? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Nie jestem dziś w formie. I'm out of shape today. I'm not in shape today. Nalegamy, aby ten projekt został wprowadzony w życie jak najprędzej. We insist that this project be carried out immediately. We urge you to implement this project as soon as possible. Potřebuji si s někým promluvit. I need someone to talk with. I need to talk to someone. Tom nie ma za co przepraszać. Tom doesn't need to be sorry for anything. Tom has nothing to apologize for. Czekałem na nią naprawdę dlugo. I waited for her for a really long time. I've been waiting for her for a really long time. Měl jsi to udělat předtím. You should have done it before. You should have done it before. Idziemy dziś wieczorem do kina. We're going to the movies tonight. We're going to the movies tonight. Učila francouzštinu v Itálii, než se přestěhovala do Paříže. She taught French in Italy before moving to Paris. She taught French in Italy before moving to Paris. Tom chodí do školy pěšky. Tom walks to school. Tom goes to school on foot. Widziałem, jak to robi. I saw him doing it. I've seen him do it. Prosím, nepoužívej víc tuto rtěnku. Please, don't wear this lipstick again. Please don't use this lipstick again. Ne, že bych nechtěl, ale já prostě nemohu. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't. Not that I don't want to, but I just can't. Jsem trpělivý. I'm patient. I'm patient. Je to jen názor. It's just an opinion. It's just an opinion. Moje žena je velmi rozrušená. My wife is very upset. My wife is very upset. Právě jsem o ní přemýšlel. I was just thinking about her. I was just thinking about her. Chci, abychom zvítězili. I want us to win. I want us to win. Počůral jsem se smíchy. I wet myself laughing. I wet myself with laughter. Překvapil svého protivníka. He surprised his opponent. He surprised his opponent. Wiemy, co wydarzyło się potem. We know what happened next. We know what happened next. Zdá se, že nikdo si ničeho nevšiml. Nobody seems to have noticed anything. No one seems to have noticed anything. Nie drap ugryzień komarów, wda się stan zapalny. Don't scratch your mosquito bite. It'll get inflamed. Don't scratch the mosquito bites, you'll get inflammation. Tom slíbil, že nám pomůže, ale nevěřím mu. Tom promised he'd help us, but I don't believe him. Tom promised to help us, but I don't trust him. Statystyki pokazują, że światowa populacja zwiększa się. Statistics show that the population of the world is increasing. Statistics show that the world population is increasing. Tu jest twoja książka. Here is your book. Here's your book. To jsem udělal jen jednou. I did that only one time. I only did that once. V případě nouze stiskněte toto tlačítko. In case of an emergency, push this button. In an emergency, press this button. Osobiście cię odwiedzę. I'll personally visit you. I'll pay you a personal visit. Uważam, że to prawda. I think it true. I think it's true. Na pewno potrzebujemy więcej treningu. We'll definitely need some more training. We definitely need more training. Myślę, że ma Pan rację. I think that you are correct. I think you're right. Tom ani nevěděl, že je Marie lékařka. Tom didn't even know that Mary was a doctor. Tom didn't even know Mary was a doctor. Tom pověsil prádlo na prádelní šňůru. Tom hung the laundry on the clothesline. Tom hung the laundry on the laundry line. Já byl hned za Tomem. I was right behind Tom. I was right behind Tom. Všichni se smáli, až na mne. Everyone laughed except for me. Everyone laughed, except me. Musím Mary naučit anglicky. I have to teach Mary English. I have to teach Mary English. Co víš? What do you know? What do you know? Mam nadzieję, że cię nie obudziłam. I hope I didn't wake you. I hope I didn't wake you. Jesteś aresztowany. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. Musíme najít způsob jak ho odstranit, aby to na nás neřekl. We need to find a way to eliminate him so that he doesn't tell on us. We need to find a way to get rid of him so he doesn't tell on us. Tom si myslí, že to nepůjde. Tom doesn't think that it will work. Tom thinks it won't work. Zgodziłem się pomóc staruszce. I consented to help the old lady. I agreed to help the old lady. Zastřelím vás oba. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Jsme svobodné matky. We're single moms. We're single mothers. Nemyslím si, že dnes odpoledne bude pršet. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's going to rain this afternoon. Tohle je vydírání. This is blackmailing. This is blackmail. Tom napsal knihu o svém životě ve vězení. Tom wrote a book about his life in prison. Tom wrote a book about his life in prison. Chatka była uprzątnięta i czysta. The cottage was clean and tidy. The cabin was clean and tidy. Bardzo ciężko jest mówić o tym co się stało. It is very difficult to talk about what happened. It's very hard to talk about what happened. Japończyk nigdy nie zrobiłby czegoś takiego. A Japanese would never do such a thing. A Japanese would never do such a thing. Doufám, že Toma potrestají. I hope that Tom gets punished. I hope they punish Tom. Koupili jste to dnes, nebo včera? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Mlha se začala vytrácet. The fog began to dissipate. The fog began to disappear. Neváhej využít příležitosti požádat ji o ruku. Don't hesitate to take the opportunity to propose to her. Don't hesitate to ask her to marry you. Přestaň na mě hulákat. Stop yelling at me. Stop yelling at me. Souhlasíte? Do you agree? Agreed? Obiecaliśmy. We promised. We promised. Widzę dziewczynę stojącą pod tamtym drzewem. I see a girl standing under that tree. I see a girl standing under that tree. Moja żona jest wegetarianką. My wife is a vegetarian. My wife is a vegetarian. Czy oni mogą mnie do tego zmusić? Can they force me to do this? Can they force me to do that? Protože jsem byl ten, koho viděli, mohou si myslet, že jsem byl ten, kdo to udělal. Since I was the one they saw, they might think I was the one who did that. Because I was the one they saw, they might think I was the one who did it. Nemusíš být génius. You don't have to be a genius. You don't have to be a genius. Jsem rád, že nás Tom neviděl. I'm glad that Tom didn't see us. I'm glad Tom didn't see us. Toma právě klepla pepka. Tom just had a stroke. Tom's just been tapped. Tom chtěl spojit s účtárnou. Sami wanted to join the accounting department. Tom wanted to get in touch with the accountant. Umyli jsme si nohy. We washed our feet. We washed our feet. Pojďme Toma dostat zpět. Let's get Tom back. Let's get Tom back. Třeba vám tohle pomůže. Maybe this will help you. Maybe this will help. Všechno není vaše. Everything isn't yours. It's not all yours. Pohádali jste se s Joanou? Did you and Joan have a fight? Did you and Joana have a fight? Je to vzácná porucha. It's a rare disorder. It's a rare disorder. Tylko on zna prawdę. He's the only one who knows the truth. He's the only one who knows the truth. To jest trochę dziwne dla mnie. It's a bit strange to me. It's a little weird for me. On kocha podróżowanie. He loves traveling. He loves to travel. Nie ważne jak bardzo się staram, nie potrafię sprostać wymaganiom moich rodziców. No matter how hard I strive, I fail to achieve my parents' requirements. No matter how hard I try, I can’t live up to my parents’ expectations. Śpij dobrze! Sleep well! Sleep well! Powiedziałem Tobie, że nie wiem jak to zrobić. I told you I don't know how to do that. I told you I don't know how to do that. Vím, že mě Tom nemá rád, ale je mi to fuk. I know that Tom dislikes me, but I don't care. I know Tom doesn't like me, but I don't care. Czego chcesz ode mnie, do cholery? What the hell do you want from me? What the hell do you want from me? Tom nie chciał sprzedawać żadnego ze swoich obrazów. Tom didn't want to sell any of his paintings. Tom didn't want to sell any of his paintings. Tom v říjnu zemřel na rakovinu. Tom died of cancer in October. Tom died of cancer in October. Moja ulubiona muzyka to pop. My favourite genre of music is pop. My favorite music is pop. Tom váží asi 60 kilo. Tom weighs about 60 kilos. Tom weighs about 60 kilos. Je podivnější snít o luku nebo o duze? Is it stranger to dream about a bow or about a rainbow? Is it weird to dream of a bow or a rainbow? Tom sprowokował Mary, żeby to zrobiła. Tom dared Mary to do that. Tom encouraged Mary to do it. Víko téhle krabice nejde otevřít. The lid of this box won't lift. The lid of this box can't be opened. Trochu těm kalhotám v pase uberte. Please take the pants in a bit. Take some of those pants off your waist. Ten chlapec běží. That boy is running. The boy's running. Nie sadziłem, że tak ciężko będzie wybrać kolor do pomalowania kuchni. I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen. I did not think that it would be so difficult to choose a color for painting the kitchen. Nemám chuť dál čekat. I don't feel like waiting any longer. I don't feel like waiting any longer. Czy ktoś pójdzie ze mną na koncert Lady Gaga? Can anybody come with me to a Lady Gaga concert? Will someone come with me to Lady Gaga's concert? Dali nám poslední šanci. They gave us one last chance. They gave us one last chance. Jak se chová ve společnosti dívek? How does he act around girls? How does he behave in the company of girls? Člověk má v sobě skrytou náklonnost ke štěstí. There is an attraction to happiness held inside of oneself. There is a hidden attraction to happiness. On jest już mężczyzną. He's already a man. He's a man now. Czy pamiętasz co ona powiedziała? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Je to muž, nebo žena? Is that a man or a woman? Is it a man or a woman? Pro Toma bylo těžké se přátelit se svými spolužáky. Tom found it hard to make friends with his classmates. It was hard for Tom to be friends with his classmates. Kolik hodin jsi to přibližně dělal? About how many hours did you do that? How many hours have you been doing this? Tom se vyhnul úklidu koupelny. Tom got out of cleaning the bathroom. Tom avoided cleaning the bathroom. Muszę mu to dać. I must give it to him. I have to give it to him. Kiedy wyszła za mąż? When did she get married? When did she get married? On jí jablko. He's eating an apple. He eats an apple. Próbowałeś zagrać tę piosenkę na gitarze? Did you try playing that song on your guitar? Have you tried playing this song on your guitar? Za nic se ti nemstím. I don't take revenge on you for anything. I'm not taking revenge for anything. Nemusíš řvát. You don't need to shout. You don't have to yell. Jego kłamstwo skomplikowało sprawę. His lie complicated matters. His lie complicated the case. Jeje nan je wohnjowobornik. Her father is a firefighter. Her nan's a roadie. Proszę, posłuchaj nas. Please listen to us. Please listen to us. Tom pečlivě zkontroloval vybavení. Tom inspected the equipment carefully. Tom carefully checked the equipment. Právě jsem se osprchoval. I’ve just finished in the shower. I just took a shower. Tom powiedział, że prowadziłeś po pijanemu. Tom said you were driving drunk. Tom said you were driving drunk. Nie jesteś idiotą! You are not an idiot! You're not an idiot! Jestem ci bardzo wdzięczny za twoją radę. I'm very grateful to you for your advice. I'm very grateful for your advice. Doufám, že se budeme dobře bavit. I hope that we have a good time. I hope we have a good time. Kto wie? Who knows? Who knows? Nikt z nich już nie żyje. None of them is alive. None of them are dead. Będę grał w tenisa w następną niedzielę. I am going to play tennis next Sunday. I'll be playing tennis next Sunday. Tom není za náma daleko. Tom isn't far behind us. Tom's not far behind. Nie wiem, czy mam czas. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Toma to hodně poznamenalo. It affected Tom a lot. Tom had a lot going for him. Przygotowałem dla was śniadanie. I prepared breakfast for you. I've prepared breakfast for you. Jesteś perfekcyjny. You're perfect. You're perfect. Snažili se ho podvést, ale on jim na to neskočil. They tried to fool him, but he didn't fall for it. They tried to trick him, but he didn't fall for it. Rzadko jem nabiał. I seldom eat dairy products. I rarely eat dairy. To was nie dotyczy. It doesn't concern you. This doesn't concern you. Kde jste byli, když vás Tom potřeboval? Where were you when Tom needed you? Where were you when Tom needed you? Nikt tutaj nie zamawiał pizzy. Nobody here ordered a pizza. No one ordered pizza here. Pronásleduje vás někdo? Is someone chasing you? Is someone chasing you? Naštěstí už jsem je znovu neviděl. Thankfully, I didn't see them again. Fortunately, I never saw them again. Byl jsem jí zklamán. I was disappointed in her. I was disappointed in her. Našel v lese opuštěného psa. He found a dog abandoned in the wood. He found an abandoned dog in the woods. Mijały lata. Years passed. It's been years. Ciekawe, co ona miała na myśli. I wonder what she means by those words. I wonder what she meant. Ještě nevím, co musím udělat. I don't yet know what I have to do. I don't know what I have to do yet. Sprawdź to w słowniku. Look it up in the dictionary. Check it out in the dictionary. Weź ze sobą znajomych. Bring your friends. Take your friends with you. Přál bych si být tak mladý, jako ty. I wish I were as young as you. I wish I was as young as you. Přiznávám, že jsem byl zvědavý. I admit that I was curious. I admit I was curious. Nechci myslet na cenu benzínu. I don't want to think about the price of gasoline. I don't want to think about the price of gas. Je na mně řada s placením? Is it my turn to pay? Is it my turn to pay? Chłopiec ma na sobie okulary. The boy is wearing glasses. The boy is wearing glasses. Říká, že lžeš. He says you're lying. He says you're lying. Czy twoja matka jest w domu? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Jsme středoškolští učitelé. We're high school teachers. We're high school teachers. Tom mi nabídl čaj. Tom offered me some tea. Tom offered me tea. Koty nie jedzą bananów. Cats don't eat bananas. Cats don't eat bananas. Každý s ní měl soucit. Everyone sympathised with her. Everyone had compassion on her. Ból pleców przeszkodził mi w grze w tenisa. A sore back hindered me from playing tennis. My back pain prevented me from playing tennis. Slepě jsem Tomovi věřil. Teď toho lituji. I blindly believed Tom. Now I regret it. I trusted Tom blindly, and now I regret it. Wyglądasz fantastycznie. You look amazing. You look fantastic. Tom może się dzisiaj spóźnić. Tom might be late today. Tom might be late tonight. Oszukiwał na teście poprzez przepisywanie od dziewczyny z przodu. He cheated on the test by copying from the girl in front. He cheated on the test by prescribing from the girl in front. Co si obvykle objednáváte v restauraci? What do you usually order at this restaurant? What do you usually order at a restaurant? Téměř tři tisíce lidí zahynulo. Almost three thousand people died. Nearly three thousand people died. Tom nie mógł pamiętać, co zrobił. Tom couldn't remember what he had done. Tom couldn’t remember what he had done. Tom prodal všechen svůj majetek a odstěhoval se do Austrálie. Tom sold everything he owned and moved to Australia. Tom sold all his possessions and moved to Australia. Touha vede k utrpení. Desire leads to suffering. Desire leads to suffering. Tom nebyl příliš nápomocný. Tom hasn't been very helpful. Tom was not very helpful. Nagle zaczęła się gwałtowna ulewa. All at once it began to rain heavily. Suddenly there was a heavy rain. Nikomu z nás se Tomův nápad nelíbil. None of us liked Tom's idea. None of us liked Tom's idea. Odezwij się zanim będzie za późno. Speak before it's too late. Talk to me before it's too late. Wiesz cokolwiek na temat swojej rodziny? Do you know anything about your family? Do you know anything about your family? Zeptejte se svojí matky. Ask your mother. Ask your mother. Určitě doufám, že přijdete znova. I sure hope you'll come again. I certainly hope you'll come again. Její manžel vůbec neví, proč zemřela. Her husband doesn't even know why she died. Her husband has no idea why she died. Tom byl uvržen do vězení. Tom was thrown into prison. Tom was thrown into prison. Strojové překlady nejsou vždy přesné. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translations are not always accurate. Stal ses skvělým mužem! You have become a great man! You've become a great man! Od koho utíkáme? Who are we running away from? Who are we running from? Nemáme psa. We don't have a dog. We don't have a dog. Jaka jest najostrzejsza rzecz jaką w życiu jadłeś? What's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten? What's the sharpest thing you've ever eaten? Czy to ty narobiłeś tego bałaganu? Are you responsible for this mess? Did you make this mess? Nie jestem chory. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Nemám manželku. I don't have a wife. I don't have a wife. Sundejte si kalhoty. Take your trousers off. Take your pants off. Toto určitě napsal někdo, kdo dobře umí anglicky. Someone who knows English well must have written this. It was written by someone who knows English well. Nechci být tvým přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. Posprzątaj swój pokój. Clean your room. Clean your room. Tom si za svůj projev vysloužil kritiku. Tom was criticized for his speech. Tom has been criticized for his speech. „Bude pršet?“ — „Doufám, že ne.“ "Will it rain?" "I hope not." "Is it going to rain?" "I hope not." Št'astnou cestu! Have a good journey! Have a good trip! Każdy z nich posiada element układanki. They each have a piece of the puzzle. Each of them has a piece of the puzzle. Itálie je daleko od Brazílie. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Vítejte na Tatoebě. Welcome to Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. Konspirace se stává realitou. Conspiracy is becoming reality. Conspiracy becomes reality. Naprawdę podobają mi się twoje oczy. I really like your eyes. I really like your eyes. Ještě nevím, jestli půjdu nebo ne. I'm not yet sure whether I'll go or not. I don't know if I'm gonna go or not. Lidé pochází ze stejného Zdroje a přece se nenávidí. People originate from the same Source, yet they hate each other. People come from the same Source and yet they hate each other. Doufám, že se dobře bavíme. I hope that we have a good time. I hope we're having a good time. Potrzebujemy muzyki. We need music. We need music. Chciałem, żeby Tom zobaczył mnie w tym stroju. I wanted Tom to see me in this suit. I wanted Tom to see me in that outfit. Raději bych měsíc chodil na noční směnu, než abych pracoval jediný den s Tomem. I would rather take night shifts for a month than work a single day with Tom. I'd rather go on a night shift for a month than work a day with Tom. Nevím jistě, jestli jsem to přeložil správně. I’m not sure if I translated that right. I'm not sure I translated it correctly. Dla świata jesteś kimś, ale dla kogoś jesteś światem. For the world, you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world. To the world you are someone, but to someone you are the world. Asi jsem tak trochu vlk samotář. I am perhaps a bit of a lone wolf. I guess I'm kind of a lone wolf. Sće w knihowni. You're in the library. You're in the library. Řekla, že zavolá policii, jestliže neodejdu. She said she'd call the police if I didn't leave. She said she'd call the police if I didn't leave. Tom ví, že Mary nezná odpověď. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know the answer. Tom knows Mary doesn't know the answer. Stolicą Polski jest Warszawa. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Woda jest tutaj cenniejsza niż ropa. Water is more precious than oil here. Water is more valuable than oil. Kdo vyprojektoval Bílý dům?¨ Who designed the White House? Who designed the White House? Staj w knihowni. They're in a library. Stay in the library. Bojím se Alláha. I fear Allah. I'm afraid of Allah. Nie wierzę, że czarny kot przynosi pecha. I don’t believe that black cats cause bad luck. I can't believe black cats bring bad luck. Nie mówmy nikomu, że jesteśmy małżeństwem. Let's not tell anybody that we're married. Let's not tell anyone we're married. Co má ten kluk za problém? What is that boy's problem? What's the problem with this kid? Topná sezóna skončila. The heating season has ended. The heating season is over. Tom řekl, že asi bude pršet. Tom said that it would probably rain. Tom said it was going to rain. Ugotuj jajka tylko troszkę, żeby białka nie były całkiem twarde. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. Boil the eggs just a little so that the proteins are not quite hard. Wuknje němsce. She's learning German. I'll go to Germany. Nie wiedziałem, że Tom mówi po francusku. I didn't know that Tom speaks French. I didn't know Tom spoke French. Czy łatwo się irytujesz? Are you easily frustrated? Are you easily irritated? Nie było tego tam, gdzie Tom powiedział, że będzie. It wasn't where Tom said it would be. It wasn't where Tom said it would be. Tom ví, co by se mělo udělat. Tom knows what ought to be done. Tom knows what needs to be done. Mary chciała skończyć przygotowywanie śniadania, zanim Tom wstanie. Mary wanted to finish making breakfast before Tom woke up. Mary wanted to finish making breakfast before Tom got up. Věděli jste, že to může Tomovi uškodit? Did you know that it could do harm to Tom? Did you know it can hurt Tom? Myslíte, že tomu Tom bude rozumět? Do you think Tom will understand it? Do you think Tom will understand? Včera večer jsem šel spát pozdě. I went to bed late last night. I went to bed late last night. Nezaplatili jste včas! You didn't pay on time! You didn't pay on time! Tyto auta se vyrábí v Japonsku. These cars are made in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. Twoja twarz jest blada. Your face is pale. Your face is pale. Věděl jsem, že Tom neuspěl. I knew that Tom had failed. I knew Tom had failed. Příští březen slavíme naši diamantovou svatbu, to je celých 60 let, co budeme spolu. We're celebrating our diamond wedding anniversary next March, that's 60 whole years we'll have been together. Next March, we're celebrating our diamond wedding, which is 60 years since we've been together. Kiedy będziesz miał czas, powinieneś przeczytać tę książkę. When you have time you should read this book. When you have time, you should read this book. Każda osoba powinna przynieść własny obiad. Every person is expected to bring their own lunch. Each person should bring their own lunch. Je to můj učitel. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Zamával na ní. He waved at her. He waved at her. Czytaj! Read! Read it! Jesteśmy ze sobą wystarczająco długo. We've been together long enough. We've been together long enough. Jesteś piękny. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Ona jest posłuszna swoim rodzicom. She is obedient to her parents. She obeys her parents. Zdajesz sobie sprawę, co musimy zrobić, prawda? You realize what we have to do, don't you? You do realize what we have to do, don't you? Woda jest bardzo potrzebna. Water is much needed. Water is much needed. V té knihovně je hodně knih. The library has many books. There's a lot of books in that library. Tom vypadá trochu jako Harry Potter. Tom looks a bit like Harry Potter. Tom looks a bit like Harry Potter. Czytałam twoją książkę. I read your book. I read your book. Nie wiedziałem, że wpędziło cię to w takie kłopoty. I had no idea it would put you to so much trouble. I didn't know it got you in so much trouble. Haiku jest typem wiersza. A haiku is one type of poem. Haiku is a type of poem. Nie rań go. Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him. Tak się właśnie zaczęło. That's how it all started. That's how it started. Śpiące dziecko jest zupełnie jak aniołek. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child is like an angel. Z osłem za kierownicą, ilość koni pod maską nie ma znaczenia. The horsepower of a car matters not, with a donkey in control. With the donkey behind the wheel, the number of horses under the mask doesn't matter. Tom tróšku rěči francošćinu. Tom knows some French. Tom says a little French. Fialové světlo má kratší vlnovou délku, nežli červené světlo. Violet light has a shorter wavelength than red light. Purple light has a shorter wavelength than red light. Co jsi mi to udělal? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Wyglądam okej? Do I look OK? Do I look okay? Tom musi znać prawdę. Tom must know the truth. Tom needs to know the truth. Jest dla mnie za ciepło. It is too warm for me. It's too warm for me. Jakže se to jmenuješ? What's your name again? What's your name again? Wenus jest najbliższą Ziemi planetą. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. Tom udawał, że jest chory. Tom pretended he was sick. Tom pretended to be sick. Tom mi nezodpověděl ani jednu otázku. Tom didn't even answer one of my questions. Tom didn’t answer a single question. Když nebude pršet, půjdeme se projít. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. If it doesn't rain, we'll go for a walk. Zrobię, jak zaproponowałeś. I'll do as you suggested. I'll do as you suggest. Wychodząc z pokoju, zgasił światło. Leaving the room, he turned off the light. Leaving the room, he turned off the light. Kdo ještě o tom ví? Who else knows about this? Who else knows about this? W lodówce jest mleko. There is milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Tom mi řekl, že nemá na co se těšit. Tom told me he had nothing to look forward to. Tom told me he had nothing to look forward to. Nerozumíme tomu. We don't understand it. We don't understand. Jest wiele galaktyk we wszechświecie. There are many galaxies in the universe. There are many galaxies in the universe. Czemu każdy mówi tak cicho? Why is everyone speaking so quietly? Why is everyone talking so quietly? Zgubiłeś bilet? Have you lost your ticket? Lost your ticket? Spokojnie, sprawę psa już wyjaśniłyśmy. Calm down, we've already settled the matter of the dog. Don't worry, we've already cleared up the dog. Żółwie nié mają zãbòw. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Mary była zszokowana, gdy powiedziałem jej, co się stało. Mary was shocked when I told her what had happened. Mary was shocked when I told her what had happened. Każdy tak myśli. Everybody thinks so. Everyone thinks so. On lubi grać w piłkę nożną. He likes playing football. He likes to play football. Nejsem přesvědčen, že Tom říká pravdu. I'm not convinced Tom is telling the truth. I'm not convinced Tom's telling the truth. To nie jest kot. To jest pies. That's not a cat. It's a dog. It's not a cat, it's a dog. Nikdo nevěří tomu, co on říká. No one believes what he says. No one believes what he says. Zanim Tom tutaj dotrze, mnie już nie będzie. I'll be gone by the time Tom gets here. By the time Tom gets here, I'll be gone. Tom všechno zablokoval. Tom blocked everything. Tom blocked everything. Zrcadlo je zamlžené. The mirror is fogged up. The mirror is foggy. Půjdu se podívat. I'm going to take a look. I'll go see. Zeptala se mi, jestli je se mnou vše v pořádku. She asked me if I was all right. She asked me if I was okay. Tom je bilingvní. Tom is bilingual. Tom is bilingual. Všechno jsem Tomovi vysvětlil, ale on to nechtěl pochopit. I explained everything to Tom, but he wouldn't understand. I explained everything to Tom, but he didn't want to understand. Nie czytałem tej książki. I have never read that book. I haven't read this book. Kdo ti řekl, že Tom měl nehodu? Who told you that Tom had had an accident? Who told you Tom was in an accident? Czy Tom pił? Has Tom been drinking? Did Tom drink? Rád tě vidím. Happy to see you. Good to see you. Siostry się nienawidzą. The sisters hate each other. The sisters hate each other. Chyba ją straciliśmy. We seem to have lost her. I think we lost her. Taxík čeká. A cab is waiting. The taxi is waiting. Co byste udělal vy? What would you do? What would you do? Proč Tom nechce odpovědět na otázky Mary? Why won't Tom answer Mary's questions? Why doesn't Tom want to answer Mary's questions? Nikdy jsem si nemyslel, že to skončí takhle. I never thought it would end like this. I never thought it would end like this. Do močálů není radno vkročit, ale mohou být tajemné. Swamps are no fun to tread in, but they can be mystical. It is not advisable to enter the marshes, but they can be mysterious. Medvěd se dokáže vyšplhat na strom. A bear can climb a tree. A bear can climb a tree. Tom si myslí, že ho všichni musí poslouchat. Tom thinks that everybody has to obey him. Tom thinks everyone has to listen to him. Nelíbí se mi se učit nepravidelná slovesa. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like learning irregular verbs. Zaczynajmy. Let's begin. Let's go. Někteří vojáci se vrátili z války nadosmrti zmrzačeni. Some soldiers returned from war crippled for life. Some soldiers returned from the war crippled for life. Ile kosztuje sok pomarańczowy? How much does the orange juice cost? How much does orange juice cost? Tom nechce strávit zbytek svého života ve věznici. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom a Mary přijeli do Bostonu se mnou. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Gdzie mam się zwrócić po dobrą radę? Where can I go to get some good advice? Where should I turn for good advice? Właśnie wróciłem do domu. I've just come home. I just got home. Jak ci minęły wakacje? How was your holiday? How was your vacation? Chci s tebou mluvit o něčem jiném. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. Może usiądziemy? Shall we sit down? Why don't we sit down? Minulý týden Toma propustili z vězení. Tom was released from the prison last week. Tom was released from prison last week. To mnie nie dotyczy. This matter does not concern me. It doesn't concern me. Tom strávil léto na pláži. Tom spent his summer on the beach. Tom spent the summer at the beach. Tom ztrpčuje Mary život. Tom is giving Mary a hard time. Tom embarrasses Mary's life. Ma pan nakaz rewizji? Do you have a search warrant? Do you have a search warrant? Widziałem czerwony samochód i biały; czerwony wyglądał ładniej niż ten drugi. I saw a red car and a white one; the red one was nicer looking than the other. I saw a red car and a white one; red looked prettier than the other. Tohle je dům, ve kterém bydlel. This is the house he lived in. This is the house he lived in. Przetłumaczyliśmy powieść z japońskiego na angielski. We translated the novel from Japanese into English. We translated the novel from Japanese into English. K mému překvapení neuspěl. To my surprise, he has failed. To my surprise, he failed. Dlaczego Tom w ogóle tutaj jest? Why is Tom even here? Why is Tom even here? Jak mě Tom pozná? How will Tom recognise me? How does Tom know me? Vím, co Tom míval rád. I know what Tom used to like. I know what Tom used to like. Czy ta czarna torba jest pańska? Is that black bag yours? Is that black bag yours? Dane wskazują, że optymalna długość wykładu powinna wynosić 30 zamiast 60 minut. The data suggest that the optimum length of a lecture may be 30 instead of 60 minutes. The data indicate that the optimal length of the lecture should be 30 instead of 60 minutes. Mary políbila Toma přímo před Alicí. Mary kissed Tom right in front of Alice. Mary kissed Tom right in front of Alice. Moja starsza córka to Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. My oldest daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. Tom powiedział nam, że zjemy, jak tylko dotrzemy do chaty. Tom told us that we would eat as soon as we got to the cabin. Tom told us we'd eat as soon as we got to the cabin. Musíme si uvědomovat hodnotu času. We need to be aware of the value of time. We need to be aware of the value of time. Tom umie szybko biegać. Tom can run fast. Tom can run fast. Kdysi jsem rád plaval. I used to love swimming. I used to like to swim. Ona chce wiedzieć kto przysłał kwiaty. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Snažíš se Toma převychovat? Are you trying to reeducate Tom? Are you trying to re-educate Tom? Tomek nie chciał się przyznać, że bał się. Tom didn't want to admit that he was scared. Tom didn’t want to admit that he was afraid. Zbieram komiksy. I collect comics. I collect comics. Czy przeczytałeś już książkę? Have you read the book already? Have you read the book yet? Čemu z toho, co Tom řekl, věříš? How much of what Tom said do you believe? What do you believe Tom said? Klingonština se mu bude velice hodit při jeho kariéře podnikatele. Learning Klingon will be of great use for his career as a businessman. Klingon will be very useful to him in his career as an entrepreneur. Manžel budí svou manželku. The husband wakes up his wife. A husband wakes his wife. Tom musel na svoji popravu čekat pět let. Tom had to wait for his execution for five years. Tom had to wait five years for his execution. Próbował się zabić. He tried to kill himself. He tried to kill himself. Tom si před spaním čte. Tom reads before bedtime. Tom reads before going to bed. Tom nie lubi ani piwa, ani wina. Tom likes neither beer nor wine. Tom doesn't like beer or wine. Mohu sehnat víc. I can get more. I can get more. Tom někdy Mary vydírá. Tom sometimes blackmails Mary. Tom sometimes blackmails Mary. Můžeš použít mé auto. You can use my car. You can use my car. Navštívíš nás brzy? Will you visit us soon? Will you visit us soon? Nikdo neví, co bude dál. Nobody knows what'll happen next. No one knows what happens next. To mnie zaskoczyło. It amazed me. That surprised me. Já ještě jím. I am still eating. I'm still eating. Lidé kolem nás nám pomáhají uvědomit si, kde jsme udělali chybu. People around us help us to realize where we have made a mistake. The people around us help us realize where we have made a mistake. To jest moje rozumowanie. That's my reasoning. That's my reasoning. Zase jsem poslední, kdo se dozvídá pravdu. And again I'm the last to learn the truth. I'm the last one to know the truth again. Nemyslím, že si někdo všimnul, co jsi provedl. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. Chociaż padało, poszli na swoją wycieczkę. Even though it was raining, they went on their field trip. Although it rained, they went on their trip. Odzyskałaś swoje pieniądze? Did you get your money back? Did you get your money back? Všechno má svůj cíl. Everything has a purpose. Everything has a purpose. Jesteśmy umówieni przed jego domem. We are to meet in front of his house. We have an appointment outside his house. To nie było takie trudne. It wasn't that difficult. It wasn't that hard. Nikdy nebudu sám. I'll never be alone. I'll never be alone. Nasz czas jest ograniczony. Our time is limited. Our time is limited. Czy nie czas na małe conieco? Isn't it about time to eat? Isn't it time for a little something? Běž se obléct do pyžama. Go put your pajamas on. Go get dressed in your pajamas. Buď na to dítě opatrný. Be careful with the baby. Be careful with the baby. Ujdzie. This will pass. He'll be fine. „Gospodarka oddala przeciwne brzegi Atlantyku”. W ten sposób La Stampa streszcza konsekwencje ostatnich wypowiedzi amerykańskiego prezydenta, według których marne perspektywy wzrostu gospodarki Stanów Zjednoczonych wynikają ze złego zarządzania kryzysem w eurolandzie. "The economy has opened up a faultline in the Atlantic," announces La Stampa, reporting on the impact of recent remarks by Barack Obama which imply that the poor management of the Eurozone crisis is to blame for the feeble outlook for growth in the US. In this way, La Stampa summarizes the consequences of the recent statements of the American president, according to which the poor prospects for the growth of the US economy result from the poor management of the crisis in the Euroland. Lubię angielski bardziej niż matematykę. I like English better than I like mathematics. I like English more than mathematics. Tom přestal slavit Vánoce. Tom stopped celebrating Christmas. Tom stopped celebrating Christmas. Powiedz nam co zrobić. Tell us what to do. Tell us what to do. Ty děti se chtěly s Tomem přátelit. The children wanted to be friends with Tom. The kids wanted to be friends with Tom. Mam nadzieję, że mnie słucha. I hope that she listens to me. I hope he listens to me. Popřel, že ji tam viděl. He denied seeing her there. He denied seeing her there. Nie czytuję książek. I do not read books. I don't read books. Tom byl jediný, kdo nakreslil tento obrázek. Tom was the one who painted this picture. Tom was the only one who drew this picture. Zemětřesení zničilo mnoho domů. The earthquake destroyed many houses. The earthquake destroyed many homes. Tom se vloupal do márnice. Tom broke in a mortuary. Tom broke into the morgue. Tomowi spodobał się ten pomysł. Tom liked the idea. Tom liked the idea. Dnes sem ji ještě neviděl. Today, I haven't seen her yet. I haven't seen her today. Tohle všechno je pro mě? Is this all for me? This is all for me? Pro děti je vždycky těžké naplnit očekávání svých rodičů. It's always difficult for children to live up to the expectations of their parents. It is always difficult for children to live up to their parents’ expectations. Tom a Mary se setkali s Johnem. Tom and Mary met with John. Tom and Mary met with John. To po ciebie przyszedłem. I came for you. You're the one I came for. Kompletnie zapomniałem, że Tom był wegetarianinem. I'd completely forgotten that Tom used to be a vegetarian. I completely forgot that Tom was a vegetarian. Není to tak těžké, jak si myslíš. It is not so difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think. Kdo jedl? Who ate? Who ate? Tomovi nebylo do řeči. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom wasn't talking. Nie bierz sobie tego do serca. Don't take it to heart. Don't take it to heart. Tom nie jest w szkole. Tom isn't at school. Tom's not at school. Moc mě mrzí, že jsem nedokázal pomoct. I'm really sorry I wasn't able to help. I'm so sorry I couldn't help. Lwów dla lwów! Lviv for lions! Lions for lions! Málem jsem zapomněl udělat si domácí úkoly. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my homework. Tom nemá předpoklady k tomu, aby učil. Tom isn't cut out for teaching. Tom is not qualified to teach. Tom nelhal. Tom wasn't lying. Tom didn't lie. Mýlíš se: on hraje na kontrabas, ne na trombón. You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone. You're wrong: he plays the double bass, not the trombone. Požádal mne, abych tam počkal, než se vrátí. He asked me to wait there until he came back. He asked me to wait until he came back. Sněží teď v Bostonu? Is it snowing in Boston now? Is it snowing in Boston right now? Proč se díváš na Mary? Why are you looking at Mary? Why are you looking at Mary? Zróbmy to kiedyś jeszcze raz. Let's do this again sometime. Let's do it again sometime. Určitě tu je rozumné vysvětlení. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. Tom a Mary odmítli mojí pomoc a udělali to sami. Tom and Mary refused my help and did that on their own. Tom and Mary refused my help and did it themselves. Bělehrad je hlavní město Srbska. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Tom si vybavuje, že byl jako dítě unesen mimozemšťany. Tom recalls being abducted by aliens as a child. Tom remembers being abducted by aliens as a child. Kdo pozdě chodí, sám sobě škodí. He who hesitates is lost. Those who are late are self-inflicted. Tabákový kouř způsobuje rakovinu. Tobacco smoke causes cancer. Tobacco smoke causes cancer. Na světě je mnoho zla. There's a lot of evil in the world. There is much evil in the world. Opiekuję się moim dziadkiem. I look after my grandfather. I take care of my grandfather. Tom jest żonglerem. Tom is a juggler. Tom is a juggler. Myslel jsem, že už jsi to udělal. I thought you'd already done that. I thought you already did. Tom chodí pravidelně do kostela. Tom is a regular churchgoer. Tom goes to church regularly. Tom věděl o všem. Tom knew about everything. Tom knew everything. Tom poszedł tam sam. Tom went there alone. Tom went there alone. Problem tkwi w tym, czy moi rodzice się zgodzą czy nie. The problem is whether my parents will agree or not. The question is whether my parents agree or not. Opravdu jste dvojčata? Are you really twins? Are you really twins? Nie mam dziś ochoty palić. I don't feel like smoking today. I don't feel like smoking today. To, co Tom udělal, se nedá změnit. What Tom did can't be changed. What Tom did cannot be changed. Ona wyrzuciła śmieci. She put the rubbish out. She threw out the trash. Daj mi trochę luzu. Cut me some slack. Give me some slack. Některá opatření nedávají smysl. Some restrictions make no sense. Some measures don't make sense. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że to Tom ukradł rower Mary. I can't believe that Tom is the one who stole Mary's bicycle. I can't believe Tom stole Mary's bike. Tom a Mary na to mají stejný názor. Tom and Mary both feel the same way about that. Tom and Mary feel the same way. Rozhlédl se a pak se posadil na židli. He looked around, then he sat on the chair. He looked around and then sat down in a chair. Kolejny dziesięciominutowy spacer doprowadził nas nad brzeg. Another ten minutes' walk brought us to the shore. Another ten-minute walk led us to the shore. Tom objednal pití. Tom ordered drinks. Tom ordered a drink. Nie mówiłem o tobie. I wasn't talking about you. I wasn't talking about you. Mogę tutaj zapalić? May I smoke here? Can I smoke in here? Telefon vynalezl Bell v roce 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell in the year 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. Tento čaj je velice dobrý. This tea is very good. This tea is very good. Železo je spíš užitečné než krásné. Iron is more useful than it is beautiful. Iron is more useful than beautiful. Lidé se mění. People change. People change. Nerad mluvím o své minulosti. I don't like talking about my past. I don't like to talk about my past. Policja zarzuciła mu kradzież. The police accused him of theft. Police charged him with theft. Je možné, že zítra bude padat sníh. There's a possibility that it'll snow tomorrow. It may be snowing tomorrow. Tom našel dinosauří vejce. Tom found a dinosaur egg. Tom found a dinosaur egg. Tom i Mary też są moimi przyjaciółmi. Tom and Mary are my friends, too. Tom and Mary are my friends too. Myslím, že můj nápad je lepší. I think my idea is better. I think my idea is better. Pijomej mloko. We are drinking milk. A drunken newbie. Jô jem té vjarë, że lëdze bë mjelë cãżkò robjic. I believe that people should be hardworking. I'm eating it because I think I'm going to have a hard time. Jaká je teplota ledu? What is the temperature of the ice? What is the temperature of the ice? Ktoś tam jest. There's someone out there. There's someone out there. Te dwie dziewczyny ubrały take same suknie na tańce. The two girls wore the same dress to the dance. These two girls wore the same dress to the dance. Tom znalazł klucz, którego szukał. Tom found the key he had been looking for. Tom found the key he was looking for. Śledzę każdy ich ruch. I'm following their every move. I follow their every move. Szpital został otwarty w zeszłym miesiącu. The hospital opened last month. The hospital opened last month. Słowakski alfabet wobsteji z 46 pismikow: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, d, d, d, d, d, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, i, í, j, k, l, ä, ľ, m, n, ň, o, o, ô, p, q, r, ú, s. Myślę, że Tom nie bierze narkotyków. I think that Tom doesn't do drugs. I don't think Tom does drugs. Tomova nemoc pocházela ze špatné stravy. Tom's illness resulted from bad food. Tom's disease came from a poor diet. Co ona tam robiła? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? Zadał mi pytanie. He asked me a question. He asked me a question. O tomhle jsme nikdy nemluvili. That's not something that we've ever talked about. We never talked about this. Tom mi dal dárek. Tom gave me a present. Tom gave me a present. Jsem zvyklý slýchat sirény. I'm used to hearing sirens. I'm used to hearing sirens. Už tě nezklamu. I won't disappoint you anymore. I won't let you down. Kdo je tvůj oblíbený tenista? Who's your favorite tennis player? Who is your favorite tennis player? Každý slyšel, co Tomáš říká. Everyone could hear what Tom said. Everyone heard what Thomas was saying. Nemůžeš být tak svědomitý. You cannot be too diligent. You can't be so conscientious. Tom začal volat o pomoc. Tom started yelling for help. Tom started calling for help. Kde jsou boty? Where're the shoes? Where are the shoes? Hiroko siedziała tam zupełnie sama. Hiroko sat there all alone. Hiroko was sitting there all alone. Jak ses opovážil! How did you dare! How dare you! Myślę sobie, że nie starczy mi czasu, żeby zjeść przed spotkaniem. I'm thinking there may not be enough time for me to eat before the meeting. I don't think I'll have enough time to eat before the meeting. Spolehli jste se na Toma, což byla velká chyba. You relied on Tom, which was a big mistake. You relied on Tom, which was a big mistake. Ten magazin vëchôdô dva raze wob ksãżëc. The magazine is issued twice a month. This magazine goes on and on for two times. Tom mi dal modrou košili. Tom gave me a blue shirt. Tom gave me a blue shirt. Nic nie znaleźliśmy. We didn't find anything. We didn't find anything. Czy widziałeś się z lekarzem? Did you see a doctor? Have you seen a doctor? Byl překvapen, když slyšel tu zprávu. He was surprised to hear the news. He was surprised to hear the news. Byli bychom rádi, kdyby Tom odešel. We would be glad if Tom left. We'd like Tom to leave. Powiedz jej, że szyję. Tell her that I am sewing. Tell her I'm necking. Co kdybychom šli k Tomovi? Why don't we go to Tom's place? Why don't we go to Tom's? Říkají, že je to pro vaše dobro, ale není. They say that it is for your good, but it isn't. They say it's for your own good, but it's not. Nie mamy córki. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. Co masz w swojej torbie? What do you have in your bag? What's in your bag? Sexuálně ho obtěžovali. He was sexually harassed. They sexually harassed him. Tom vždycky řekne ano. Tom always says yes. Tom always says yes. Bohužel jí to nemohu říct. Unfortunately, I can't tell her. Unfortunately, I can't tell her. Zamierzam znowu zobaczyć się z Tomem. I'm going to see Tom again. I'm going to see Tom again. Ślub będzie wielkim wydarzeniem. The wedding is going to be quite an event. The wedding will be a great event. Tom se vrátil do tělocvičny. Tom went back to the gym. Tom went back to the gym. Příští rok budu váš učitel francouzštiny. I'm going to be your French teacher next year. Next year, I'll be your French teacher. Tom nie wierzy w Boga. Tom doesn't believe in God. Tom doesn't believe in God. Je to anorektička. She is an anorexic girl. She's anorexic. Musisz iść na pocztę? Must you go to the post office? Do you have to go to the post office? To bardzo kusząca propozycja. That's a very tempting offer. It's a very tempting proposition. Pudełko jest puste. The box is empty. The box is empty. Pieniądze załatwiają wiele spraw. Money answers all things. Money does a lot of things. Na tohle nejsem zvyklý. I'm not used to this. I'm not used to this. Kde máš klíče od auta? Where are your car keys? Where are your car keys? Tom řekl, že Mary lituje toho, co udělala. Tom said Mary regretted what she did. Tom said Mary regretted what she had done. I když budík zazvonil, nevzbudil jsem se. Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up. Even though the alarm rang, I didn't wake up. Powiedz mi, co zrobiłam źle. Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did wrong. Ženy se o něj nezajímají. Women aren't interested in him. Women don't care about him. Ile jeszcze możemy zakonserwować? How much more can we conserve? How much more can we preserve? Volá vás. He's calling you. He's calling you. Vždycky můžete přidat alternativní překlad. You can always add an alternative translation. You can always add an alternative translation. Pekla v troubě chléb a koláče. She baked bread and cakes in the oven. Bake bread and cakes in the oven. Požádal jsem ji o ruku. I proposed to her. I asked her to marry me. Mary řekla, že si mě chce vzít. Mary said she wanted to marry me. Mary said she wanted to marry me. Tak, powinieneś ćwiczyć każdego dnia. Yes, you need to practice every day. Yes, you should exercise every day. Hodně štěstí u zkoušky! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with the exam! Vygooglil jsem si vás a zjistil, že jste byl ve vězení. I googled you and found out you've spent time in prison. I Googled you and found out you were in prison. Nehraju na cimbál tak dobře, jak jsem hrával. I can't play the dulcimer as well as I used to. I don't play the dulcimer as well as I used to. Je nutné dělat takový hluk? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Is it necessary to make such a noise? Przewidzenie jego reakcji jest zupełnie niemożliwe. It's completely impossible to foretell his reaction. Predicting his reaction is impossible. Zawsze dowiaduję się ostatni. I'm always the last to know. I'm always the last to know. Nikt nie wiedział, co powiedzieć. Nobody knew what to say. Nobody knew what to say. Emi zamówiła sobie nową sukienkę. Emi ordered herself a new dress. Emi ordered a new dress. Tom jest specjalistą kontroli jakości. Tom is a quality control specialist. Tom is a quality control specialist. Ta polívka, co jsem měl, byla tak ostrá, že jsem ji nemohl jíst. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so spicy I couldn't eat it. Nemohu za to, že nechce jíst. It is not my fault that she refuses to eat. It's not my fault he doesn't want to eat. Tom musiał wyjść. Tom had to leave. Tom had to leave. V angličtině můžete mluvit o budoucnosti, a obvykle se tomu říká budoucí čas. Ale mnoho lingvistů (lidí, kteří studují jazyky) vám řekne, že angličtina ve skutečnosti budoucí čas nemá. You can speak about the future in the English language, and this is usually called the future tense. But many linguists (people who study languages) will tell you that the English language does not actually have a future tense. In English, you can talk about the future, and this is usually called future time. But many linguists (people who study languages) will tell you that English does not actually have future time. Tańsza nie zawsze znaczy gorsza. Cheaper doesn't always mean worse. Cheaper does not always mean worse. Tom zauważył. Tom noticed. Tom noticed. Vylekal jsem tě? Did I frigthen you? Did I scare you? Chová se, jako kdyby mu to patřilo. He acts as though he were the owner. He acts like he owns it. Lepiej chodźmy do innego pokoju. Tu mogliby nas łatwo usłyszeć. We should better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here. We'd better go to another room. Śnieg znikł. The snow has disappeared. The snow's gone. Svíce zhasla. The candle went out. The candle went out. Nie pojmuję, jak się dostałeś na Harvard. I can't believe that you actually got into Harvard. I don't understand how you got into Harvard. Utekla ze své země. She fled her country. She fled her country. Wczoraj wybrałem się do zoo. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. Proč mám pořád hlad? Why am I always hungry? Why am I always hungry? Obávám se, že zítra bude pršet. I'm afraid it'll rain tomorrow. I'm afraid it's going to rain tomorrow. Jsem si jistý, že je to pravda. I'm sure that's true. I'm sure it's true. Pane vrchní, přineste mi trochu vody, prosím. Waiter, please bring me some water. Chief, get me some water, please. To, co se tady před třemi měsíci stalo, bylo opravdu hrůzné. What happened here three months ago was truly horrifying. What happened here three months ago was really horrible. Ważne są czyny, nie słowa. It's not what you say, but what you do that counts. Actions are important, not words. Chcemy wam coś powiedzieć. We want to tell you something. We have something to tell you. Będzie musiał jeszcze pokonać wiele trudności. He'll have many hardships to go through in the future. He will have to overcome many difficulties. Je Tom duševně zaostalý? Is Tom retarded? Is Tom mentally retarded? Tom od té doby s Mary nemluvil. Tom hasn't talked to Mary since then. Tom hasn't spoken to Mary since. Zamknęli przeprawę promową bo przestała być opłacalna. They closed down the ferry service since it was no longer economical. They closed the ferry crossing because it was no longer profitable. Tom ten výtah opravit nedokáže. Tom cannot repair the lift. Tom can't fix the elevator. Dobře víš, že jsem neměl čas udělat to, oč jsi mě žádal. Nevím, proč se mě pořád ptáš, jestli je to hotové. You do know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to. I don't know why you keep asking me all the time whether it's ready. You know I didn't have time to do what you asked me to do, and I don't know why you keep asking me if it's done. Tenkrát jsem nemohl nic dělat. There was nothing I could do at that time. There was nothing I could do. Věci se staly nesnesitelnými. Things have become unbearable. Things have become unbearable. Udělám to hned teď. I will do it right now. I'll do it right now. Sedni si na tuhle židli. Sit down on this chair. Sit in this chair. Aktualizoval jsem své programové vybavení. I updated my software. I have updated my software. Lubię oksytański język. I like Occitan. I like the oxytan language. Przegapiłem mój przystanek. Jak daleko jest do następnego? I missed my stop. How long does it take to reach the next stop? How far is it to the next stop? Tom nie zauważył różnicy. Tom didn't notice the difference. Tom didn’t notice the difference. Tom cosi vykřiknul francouzsky. Tom yelled something in French. Tom shouted something in French. Nie zapomnij mnie! Don't forget me! Don't forget me! Chcę zjeść mango. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat mango. Nikam s Tomem nepůjdu. I won't go anywhere with Tom. I'm not going anywhere with Tom. Už jste tady? You're here already? Are you here yet? Tom už zapomněl většinu maďarských slov, které se před nějakým časem naučil. Tom already forgot most of the Hungarian words that he learned some time ago. Tom had forgotten most of the Hungarian words he had learned some time ago. Czy ja mogę mieć twój numer telefonowy? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your phone number? Tady je tvoje pití. Here's your drink. Here's your drink. Máme lepší nápoje, než je tento čaj. We've got better drinks than this tea. We have better drinks than this tea. Zadaniem filozofii jest odzyskanie całości przesłoniętej przez wybiórczość. The task of philosophy is to recover the totality obscured by the selection. The task of philosophy is to recover the whole overshadowed by selectivity. Co kdybys Tomovi ukázal, jak se to dělá? Why don't you show Tom how to do that? Why don't you show Tom how it's done? Já jsem nekřičel. I wasn't yelling. I didn't scream. Věci nejsou vždycky tak jednoduché. Things aren't always that simple. Things aren't always that simple. Chci se ještě trochu vyspat. I want to sleep a little more. I want to get some more sleep. Idźcie prosto tą ulicą. Go straight ahead along this street. Go straight down that street. Uplynuly tři dny. Three days have passed. It's been three days. Je to schované ve sklepě. It's hidden in the basement. It's hidden in the basement. Vypadni! Get the hell out of here! Get out! Tato věta bude smazána, protože porušuje pravidla této komunity. Děkuji vám za pochopení. This sentence will be deleted because it violates the terms of this community. Thank you for understanding. This sentence will be deleted because it violates the rules of this community. Thank you for your understanding. Nepil jsem mléko. I haven't drunk milk. I didn't drink milk. Vsadím se, že to neudělá. I bet he doesn't make it. I bet he won't. Dej limetku do kokosu. Put the lime in the coconut. Put the lime in the coconut. Spotkałem go dość nieoczekiwanie. I met him quite unexpectedly. I met him quite unexpectedly. Ciekawe jaka będzie jutro pogoda. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. Mohu Toma vyprovodit? Can I see Tom out? Can I see Tom out? Nie spieprz tego. Don't mess it up. Don't screw this up. Wiewiórki szybko się poruszają. Squirrels move quickly. Squirrels move fast. Nakonec Tom našel odvahu. In the end, Tom found the courage. Tom finally found the courage. Proč se tě lidi bojí? Why are people afraid of you? Why are people afraid of you? Kto zawinił? Who is in fault? Who's to blame? Není co dodat! Nothing to add! There's nothing to add! Tom čekal, až to někdo udělá za něj. Tom waited for someone else to do it for him. Tom waited for someone to do it for him. Nie znam tu nikogo. I don't know anyone here. I don't know anyone here. Japonia zużywa dużo papieru. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan uses a lot of paper. Boty jaké barvy sis koupil? What color shoes did you buy? What color shoes did you buy? Objednal jsi tuhle pizzu? Did you order this pizza? Did you order this pizza? Tom mě učil hrát na kytaru. Tom taught me how to play the guitar. Tom taught me how to play the guitar. Tom a Mary řekli Tomovi, že odjíždí. Tom and Mary told John that they were leaving. Tom and Mary told Tom he was leaving. To prostě není pravda. That's simply not true. That's just not true. Byla to jenom nehoda. It was nothing more than an accident. It was just an accident. Moja mama ciągle się martwi. My mom worries all the time. My mom's still worried. Budeme prodávat náš dům. We're going to sell our house. We're gonna sell our house. Sułtan nie lubi borsuka, a borsuk sułtana. The sultan does not like the badger and the badger the sultan. The sultan doesn't like a badger, and the sultan's badger. Viděli ji vycházet z domu. She was seen coming out of the house. They saw her coming out of the house. Dodała mnie na Facebooku. She added me on Facebook. She added me on Facebook. Tom biega bardzo szybko. Tom runs very fast. Tom is running fast. Będę grał po szkole w piłkę nożną. I am going to play soccer after school. I'm gonna play football after school. Věřím tvému slibu. I trust your promise. I trust your promise. Ta rakieta należy do mnie. This racket belongs to me. This rocket belongs to me. Obávám se, že jsme uvedli špatný příklad. I'm afraid I've set a bad example. I'm afraid we've set the wrong example. Każdy absolwent naszego uniwersytetu ma za sobą co najmniej dwa lata nauki angielskiego z natywnym lektorem. Every student who has graduated from our university has studied English with a native speaker for at least two years. Each graduate of our university has at least two years of English with a native speaker. Przenieś to. Carry this. Move it. Tom proběhl kolem Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Tom walked past Mary. Kodaň je hlavní město Dánska. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Musíš svůj život vzít do vlastních rukou. You need to take responsibility for your life. You have to take your life into your own hands. Pierdol się! Fuck off! Fuck you! Tom nosí klobouk zřídkakdy. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. Próbowała. She tried. She tried. Ona może rozwiązać ten problem, ja zresztą też. She could solve the problem, and so could I. She can solve this problem, and so can I. Desperacko potrzebowała pieniędzy. She needed money desperately. She desperately needed money. Opuścić statek! Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Myślę, że to by bardzo pomogło. I think that would be very helpful. I think that would help a lot. Jimmyho obrázky byly jiné než ty od ostatních lidí. Jimmy's pictures were different from other people's. Jimmy's pictures were different from other people's. Všichni jsou pryč. Everyone's out. They're all gone. Proč chcete být zdravotní sestrou? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Kdo vás za tu práci platí? Who pays you for that job? Who's paying you for the job? Tom nie spędza wystarczającej ilości czasu ze swoimi dziećmi. Tom doesn't spend enough time with his children. Tom doesn’t spend enough time with his kids. Słuchaj mnie uważnie. Listen carefully to me. Listen to me carefully. Tom je velice nešťastný člověk. Tom is a very unhappy man. Tom is a very unhappy man. Musíme proti tomu protestovat. We must protest against it. We have to protest against it. Możemy dostroić częstotliwość. We can finetune the frequency. We can tune the frequency. Tom ma na podwórku trzy jabłonki. Tom has three apple trees in his yard. Tom has three apples in his yard. Žalem jí zešedivěly vlasy. Grief has silvered her hair. Her hair was gray. Czy moglibyśmy dostać stolik w części dla palących? Could we have a table in the smoking section? Could we get a table in the smoking area? Tom pomalował płot. Tom painted the fence. Tom painted the fence. To było kłamstwo. That was a lie. It was a lie. Je biolog. He is a biologist. He's a biologist. Tom ležel pod stolem a spal. Tom was lying under the table, sleeping. Tom lay under the table and slept. Volá tě. He's calling you. He's calling you. W okolicy nie ma żywej duszy. There's not a living soul around here. There is no living soul in the area. Ten szczypiornista dostanie chyba karę za spóźnienie się na mecz. It seems the volleyball player will be punished for being late for the game. I think this chiseler's gonna get punished for being late for the game. Nemám rád plavání v bazénu. I don't like swimming in pools. I don't like swimming in the pool. Ráda čtu. I like reading. I like to read. Já nepůjdu. I won't go. I'm not going. Wiesz, co jedzą twoje dzieci? Do you know what your kids are eating? Do you know what your kids eat? Učíme dívky a chlapce. We teach boys and girls. We teach girls and boys. To není pro Toma. That's not for Tom. It's not for Tom. Je očividné, že je to lež. It is obvious that that is a lie. It's obvious it's a lie. Tom se smál, když jsem mu řekl, co se stalo. Tom laughed when I told him what had happened. Tom laughed when I told him what had happened. Poczekaj, proszę, pół godziny. Please wait half an hour. Wait, please, half an hour. Nie znam tej gry. I don't know this game. I don't know this game. Ten nowy rynek może poprawić całą branżę. This new market may improve the entire industry. This new market can improve the entire industry. Jsou zvyklí na těžkou práci. They are accustomed to hard work. They are used to hard work. Prowadzi szczęśliwe życie w swoim rodzinnym mieście. He leads a happy life in his hometown. He leads a happy life in his hometown. Pojď si se mnou promluvit. Come talk with me. Come talk to me. Spięłam włosy gumką w kucyk. I used a ribbon to tie my hair into a ponytail. I tied my hair in a ponytail. Pracuji na tom. I've been working on it. I'm working on it. Marie je Tomova nevlastní sestra. Mary is Tom's stepsister. Marie is Tom's half-sister. Pozor na imitace. Beware of imitations. Beware of imitations. Ping pong jest również nazywany tenisem stołowym. Ping-Pong is also called table tennis. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Tom četl tu visačku. Tom read the label. Tom read the tag. Co dali ci do jedzenia? What did they give you to eat? What did they give you to eat? Byl to pro mě velký šok. It was a great shock to me. It was a big shock to me. Zachował się głupio. He acted the fool. He was being stupid. Dzieci wszystko rozumieją. The children understand everything. Kids understand everything. Nie ćwiczyłeś? Have you not practised? Didn't you practice? Co kdybys mě navštívil, až budeš příště v Bostonu? Why don't you visit me next time you're in Boston? Why don't you come visit me next time you're in Boston? Ta historia jest dobra, oprócz tego, że jest trochę zbyt długa. The story is good except that it is a little too long. This story is good, except it's a little too long. Oceniając aktualną sytuację, to zadanie nie będzie skończone do końca następnego tygodnia. Judging from current situations, this task will not be finished until next week. Assessing the current situation, this task will not be completed until the end of the next week. Už jsi sehnal nějaký byt? Have you found a flat yet? Did you get an apartment yet? Przynieś pieniądze. Bring your money. Bring the money. Tego tu wcześniej nie było. It wasn't there before. This wasn't here before. Mocno przytuliłem Toma. I gave Tom a huge hug. I hugged Tom hard. Nawet nie wiedziałem, że mieszkałeś w Bostonie. I didn't even know that you used to live in Boston. I didn't even know you lived in Boston. Nie chcę nic do picia. I don't want anything to drink. I don't want anything to drink. Rád jezdím vlakem. I enjoy travelling by train. I like to ride the train. Mamo, jestem głodny. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Nauczyłem się tego na pamięć. I learned it by heart. I learned it by heart. Pijemoj mloko. We are drinking milk. Drink up, baby. Jestem pierwszy. I'm first. I'm first. Wzięła odpowiedzialność za projekt. She undertook the responsibility for the project. She took responsibility for the project. Ten rok jest dla mnie ważnym rokiem. This year is an important year for me. This year is an important year for me. Číšník nám donesl objednané jídlo rychle. The waiter served our meals quickly. The waiter brought us the ordered food quickly. Jesteś zaangażowany. You're involved. You're involved. Měsíc svítí v noci. The moon shines at night. The moon shines at night. Mám hodně knih o astronomii. I have a lot of books about astronomy. I have a lot of books on astronomy. Możesz odwołać? Can you cancel? Can you cancel? Pojedźmy autobusem. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. Zadzwonię do ciebie później. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. Jedząc pizzę, zirytował swoją siostrę. His eating a pizza annoyed his sister. By eating pizza, he irritated his sister. Je tu jeden možný problém. There's one possible problem. There's one possible problem. Jego znajomy prowadzi sklep wielobranżowy na wsi. His acquaintance runs a general store in the countryside. His friend runs a multi-branch store in the countryside. Nagle usłyszał dziwny dźwięk. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. Suddenly he heard a strange sound. "Musíme jít." "Kdo my?" "We need to go." "We who?" "We have to go." "Who are we?" My jsme to neukradli. We didn't steal it. We didn't steal it. Kdo snědl Tomovi oběd? Who ate Tom's lunch? Who ate Tom's lunch? Teraz jestem zajęty. I'm busy now. I'm busy now. Tom dává přednost celovečerním filmům před seriály. Tom prefers feature films to series. Tom prefers feature films to series. Musimy być gotowi na wszystko. We ought to be ready for whatever comes. We have to be ready for anything. Být tebou, zeptám se ho. If I were you, I'd ask him. If I were you, I'd ask him. Tom je nevychovaný. Tom is impolite. Tom is rude. Widziałam psa. I saw a dog. I saw the dog. Zaproponowano mi herbatę lub kawę. I was offered the choice of tea or coffee. I was offered tea or coffee. Tom je přesvědčen, že mu lidé úmyslně hází klacky pod nohy. Tom believes that people deliberately put obstacles in his way. Tom is convinced that people are deliberately throwing sticks under his feet. Tom mi vyčetl moji neúčast na pohřbu Mary. Tom reproached me for not attending Mary's funeral. Tom told me not to attend Mary's funeral. Klidně můžeš počkat tady. You're welcome to wait here. You can wait here. Zdaje się, że Tomowi na niczym nie zależy. Tom doesn't seem to be concerned about anything. I don't think Tom cares about anything. Va vszëtcë nji móżeta pò francëzkú, doch jo? You all don't speak French, do you? You can all be French, can't you? Jsem teprve začátečník. I'm only a newbie. I'm just a beginner. Nie mam przy sobie pieniędzy. I am not carrying any cash. I don't have any money on me. Myslím, že víte, co myslím. I think you know what I mean. I think you know what I mean. Mam nadzieję, że u Toma wszystko jest w porządku. I hope Tom is OK. I hope everything's okay with Tom. Nech čaj luhovat po dobu deseti minut. Let the tea draw for ten minutes. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Myslel jsem si, že se to děje jenom v pohádkách. I thought that only happened in fairytales. I thought it only happened in fairy tales. Kdy má přijet loď? When is the ship due to arrive? When's the boat due? Už o ni nestojím. I don't care for her anymore. I don't want her anymore. Mógłbym przysiąc, że coś widziałem. I could've sworn I saw something. I could have sworn I saw something. Čekajíc na autobus, potkala jsem svého přítele. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend. Waiting for the bus, I met a friend of mine. Bydlela tam sama. She lived there by herself. She lived there alone. Co za marnowanie wody! What a waste of water! What a waste of water! Je pátek? Is it Friday? Is it Friday? Musíte je chránit. You have to protect them. You have to protect them. Musela to udělat všechno sama. She had to do it all by herself. She had to do it all by herself. Pokus nakonec vyšel. Eventually the experiment succeeded. The experiment eventually came out. Znám ho, ale nevím, jak se jmenuje. I know him, but I don't know his name. I know him, but I don't know his name. Nemusíš dělat nic. You don't need to do anything. You don't have to do anything. Musel jsem změnit plány. I had to change my plans. I had to change my plans. Nepřerušuj, když ostatní mluví. Don't interrupt when others are talking. Don't interrupt when others are talking. Práce šlechtí člověka. Work ennobles man. Work breeds man. Jednou zjistím, kdo jsou moji skuteční rodiče. One day, I'll find out who my real parents are. One day I'll find out who my real parents are. Zdejmij maskę. Take off your mask. Take off your mask. Nic nie robimy. We're not doing anything. We're not doing anything. Jak by někdo mohl žít na takovémto místě? How could anybody live in a place like this? How could anyone live in a place like this? Jak usunąć z dywanu plamy z czerwonego wina? How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet? How to remove red wine stains from the carpet? Lubisz pizzę? Do you like pizza? You like pizza? Na kogo patrzy się Tom? Who's Tom looking at? Who is Tom looking at? Tom se rád toulá po lese. Tom likes wandering the forest. Tom likes to wander in the woods. Tom tenkrát moc francouzsky nemluvil. Tom didn't speak much French back then. Tom didn't speak much French at the time. Nesmíme tady plavat. We're not allowed to swim here. We're not allowed to swim here. Kde je můj muž? Where's my husband? Where's my husband? Nauki ścisłe są nomotetyczne, a humanistyczne - idiograficzne. The natural sciences are nomothetic, whereas the humanities are idiographic. The sciences are nomothetical and the human sciences are idiographic. Chcesz mi wmówić, że gorąco nie przeszkadza ci grać w piłkę, ale uniemożliwia ci pracę? You mean to say that the heat does not prevent you from playing football, but that it does prevent you from working? Are you trying to tell me that you're not hot enough to play football, but you're not allowed to work? Większość ludzi się zgadza. Most people agree. Most people agree. Chcecie je? Do you guys want these? You want them? Zavřeli Toma do sklepa, aby nemohl utéct. They locked Tom into the cellar so that he couldn't escape. They locked Tom in the basement so he couldn't escape. Wielka Brytania ma dwie bazy wojskowe na Cyprze. Great Britain has two military bases in Cyprus. The UK has two military bases in Cyprus. Czy wyglądam na bladą? Do I look pale to you? Do I look pale? Nechystal jsem se zanechat tě ve tmě. I wasn't going to leave you in the dark. I wasn't going to leave you in the dark. Znam go lepiej niż ktokolwiek. I know him better than anybody. I know him better than anyone. Nie sądzę, że ktokolwiek ci pomoże. I don't think anybody's going to help you. I don't think anyone's gonna help you. Dala mi košili. She gave me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Te kwiaty nie tylko są piękne ale także ładnie pachną. These flowers aren't only beautiful, but they smell nice. These flowers are not only beautiful, but they also smell good. Tom był ubrany na niebiesko. Tom was dressed in blue. Tom was dressed in blue. Stalo se ti to? Has that happened to you? Did that happen to you? Sklep jest zamknięty od 19. The shop closes at seven. The store has been closed since 19. Tom właśnie napisał książkę. Tom just wrote a book. Tom just wrote a book. Teraz trzyma się to kupy. It makes sense now. Now it's coming together. Tom i Mary wydawali się bardzo zajęci, nie sądzisz? Tom and Mary seemed to be quite busy, didn't they? Tom and Mary seemed very busy, don't you think? Promluvme si. Let's talk. Let's talk. Obiecuję, że będę o ciebie dbał. I promise you I'll look after you. I promise I'll take care of you. Umím běhat. I can run. I can run. Můj přítel nevěří na duchy. My friend doesn't believe in ghosts. My friend doesn't believe in ghosts. Na nic się zda próba przekonania go. It is no use trying to persuade him. It won't do any good to try to convince him. Został ciężko ranny w postrzale. He was shot and seriously wounded. He was badly wounded in the shooting. Tento měsíc mám málo peněz. I have a little money this month. I have very little money this month. Kolik knih jsi přečetl? How many books did you read? How many books have you read? W domu jest ktoś jeszcze. There's someone else in the house. There's someone else in the house. Głosowałem na Toma. I voted for Tom. I voted for Tom. Wczoraj było trzęsienie ziemi. There was an earthquake yesterday. There was an earthquake yesterday. Mary se Toma zeptala, jestli je dost najedený. Mary asked Tom if he had eaten enough. Mary asked Tom if he was fed enough. Není ošklivý. He isn't ugly. He's not ugly. On uformował miskę z gliny. He formed the clay into a bowl. He formed a bowl of clay. Řekli mi, abych Tomovi nevěřil. They told me not to believe Tom. They told me not to trust Tom. Chtěli, aby Tom odešel. They wanted Tom to leave. They wanted Tom to leave. Ona się uczy grać na pianinie. She is learning the piano. She's learning to play the piano. Nastavitelný klíč je užitečný nástroj pro každého instalatéra. An adjustable wrench is a useful tool for any plumber. The adjustable key is a useful tool for any plumber. Zagubiony kuter dopłynął bezpiecznie do nabrzeża. The lost fishing boat made a safe return to harbour. The lost boat arrived safely at the waterfront. Ve své eseji "Esperanto: Evropský nebo Asijský jazyk" Claude Piron ukázal podobnosti mezi esperantem a čínštinou, čímž ukončil představu, že Esperanto je čistě eurocentrické. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asiatic language" Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asian Language", Claude Piron showed similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thus ending the notion that Esperanto is purely Eurocentric. Tuším, žes to nekoupil ty sám. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy it yourself. Załóż swój płaszcz. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Tom si netroufá říct mi pravdu do očí. Tom doesn't have the courage to tell the truth to my face. Tom doesn't dare to tell me the truth. Tom nebude svědčit proti svému bratrovi. Tom won't testify against his brother. Tom won't testify against his brother. Tom měl znepokojený výraz. Tom had a worried look on his face. Tom had a worried expression. To za drogie. It is too expensive. It's too expensive. Když se Tom vzbudil v 4:30 ráno, už nevěděl kde je. When Tom woke up at 4:30 in the morning, he didn't know where he was anymore. When Tom woke up at 4:30 a.m., he didn't know where he was. Tom procitnul ve zvláštním pokoji. Tom awoke to find himself in a strange room. Tom woke up in a strange room. Pokud vyhrajeme, budu šťastný. As long as we win, I'll be happy. If we win, I'll be happy. Tady jsem si hrával. I used to play here. This is where I used to play. Nezbláznila se. She didn't go mad. She's not crazy. Kéž bych byl lepším člověkem. I wish I was a better person. I wish I was a better person. Doufám, že už to nebudeme muset dělat. I hope we won't have to do this again. I hope we don't have to do this anymore. Tomek woli parkować za domem. Tom prefers to park behind the house. Tomek prefers to park behind the house. Postaráš se mi zítra o psa? Will you look after my dog tomorrow? Will you take care of my dog tomorrow? Wychodzę rano. I leave in the morning. I'm leaving in the morning. Rozhodl se přestat kouřit. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit smoking. Věci se opravdu změnily, že? Things have really changed, haven't they? Things have really changed, haven't they? Źle Cię osądziłem. I misjudged you. I misjudged you. Moje máma je ranní ptáče. My mother is an early riser. My mom's an early bird. Miluješ svou matku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Kolikrát měsíčně umýváš svoje auto? How often do you wash your car a month? How many times a month do you wash your car? Proč Tom nešel s tebou? Why didn't Tom go with you? Why didn't Tom come with you? Nasza jabłonka kwitnie. Our apple tree is blooming. Our apple blossoms. Můžete mi prosím vysvětlit pravidla? Can you explain the rules to me, please? Can you please explain the rules? Dałem Tomowi kolejną szansę. I gave Tom another chance. I gave Tom another chance. Večeře je skoro hotova. Dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. Jestem gotowy, by Ci pomóc. I am ready to help you. I'm ready to help you. Jestem pod wrażeniem Twojego niedawnego ogłoszenia w New York Times. I am impressed by your recent advertisement in the New York Times. I'm impressed with your recent announcement in the New York Times. Přinesl jsem ti tohle. I got you this. I brought you this. Proč Tom napadl řidiče autobusu? Why did Tom attack the bus driver? Why did Tom attack the bus driver? Tomovi se nechtělo mluvit. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom didn’t want to talk. Kuře, tuňák a sójové boby jsou dobrým zdrojem proteinu. Chicken, tuna and soybeans are good sources of protein. Chicken, tuna and soy beans are good sources of protein. To nemáš na práci nic lepšího, než číst tenhle brak? Don't you have anything better to do than read this garbage? Don't you have anything better to do than read this crap? Jest ciepło. It is warm. It's warm. Všichni jsme tady. We're all here. We're all here. Vtipy, které si nám nedávno vyprávěl, nebyly moc legrační. The jokes you told us the other day weren't very funny. The jokes you told us recently were not very funny. Ty ženy jsem měl rád. I liked those women. I liked those women. Lubię przyrodę. I love nature. I like nature. Pijeme mléko. We're drinking milk. We drink milk. Zapomniała o mnie. She forgot me. She forgot about me. Powiedział prawdę, w przeciwnym razie byłby ukarany. He told the truth, otherwise he would have been punished. He told the truth, otherwise he would have been punished. Jak tylko wyszedłem, zaczęło lać. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. As soon as I left, it started pouring. Jakiś pan Brown przyszedł się z tobą zobaczyć, kiedy ciebie nie było. A Mr Brown came to see you when you were out. Some Mr. Brown came to see you while you were gone. To jest zabronione. It's forbidden. It's forbidden. Tom lituje, že to udělal. Tom regrets doing it. Tom regrets that he did. Jěstej. They eat. Sure. Goście są mile widziani. Visitors are welcome. Guests are welcome. Překonala svoji nemoc. She has got over her illness. She overcame her illness. Na sprzedaż: butki dziecięce, nieużywane. For sale: baby shoes, never worn. For sale: children's shoes, unused. Udělal jsi to naschvál? Did you do that on purpose? Did you do it on purpose? Mohli bychom počkat. We could wait. We could wait. Tom usiadł w fotelu. Tom settled himself in the armchair. Tom sat in the chair. Neječ, když stojím vedle tebe. Don't scream when I stand next to you. Don't cry when I'm standing next to you. Ona już o tobie zapomniała. She's already forgotten about you. She's already forgotten about you. Kdo chce další kousek dortu? Who wants another piece of cake? Who wants another piece of cake? Dočetl jsi tu knihu? Have you finished reading that book? Did you finish the book? Tom chce ihned zprávu o pokroku. Tom wants a progress report right now. Tom wants a progress report right away. W twoim wieku powienieneś być mądrzejszy. At your age, you ought to know better. You should be smarter at your age. Znamy się od wielu lat. We have known each other for many years now. We've known each other for many years. Tom má sníženou pracovní schopnost. Tom has reduced ability to work. Tom has a reduced ability to work. Wiśnie właśnie mają kwitnąć. The cherry trees are about to blossom. The cherries are about to bloom. Tom nie jest turystą. Tom isn't a tourist. Tom is not a tourist. Tom powiedział, że wczorajszy koncert trwał trzy godziny. Tom said last night's concert was three hours. Tom said last night's concert was three hours long. Jesteś spostrzegawczy. You're observant. You're perceptive. A może byście się tak oboje zamknęli? Why don't you both shut up? Why don't you both shut up? Tom mi dával lekce angličtiny. Tom gave me English lessons. Tom gave me English lessons. Jej uśmiech wyrażał wdzięczność. Her smile expressed her thanks. Her smile expressed gratitude. Byłeś kiedyś badany wykrywaczem kłamstw? Have you ever taken a lie detector test? Have you ever been tested with a lie detector? Myślę, że jeszcze jest dla ciebie nadzieja. I think there's hope for you yet. I think there's still hope for you. Mówiłem ci, że tego nie chcę. I told you I didn't want this. I told you I didn't want that. Všichni nad Tomem truchlili. They all mourned for Tom. Everyone mourned Tom. Ona mówi po niemiecku i francusku, nie wspominając już o angielskim. She speaks German and French, not to mention English. She speaks German and French, not to mention English. Jeden, trzy i pięć to liczby nieparzyste. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three, and five are odd numbers. Na Toma už nic nezbylo. There was nothing left for Tom. There was nothing left for Tom. Jde si pro nás Tom. Tom is coming for us. Tom's coming for us. Kdo bude dalším prezidentem USA? Who will be the next US president? Who will be the next president of the United States? Nechci žít svůj život takto. I don't want to live my life like this. I don't want to live my life like this. Tom by měl být zpátky každou vteřinu. Tom should be back any second. Tom should be back any second. Tom odtańczył taniec zwycięstwa. Tom did a victory dance. Tom danced the victory dance. Prezydent jest gotowy iść na całość, żeby postawić na swoim bez względu na koszty. The President is prepared to go all out to get his way at any cost. The president is ready to go all in, no matter what the cost. Co kdyby ses nastěhoval ke mně domů? Why don't you move into my house? Why don't you move in with me? Tom váhal se zmínkou o tom tématu. Tom hesitated to bring up the subject. Tom hesitated to mention the subject. Nikdo tady Toma nechce. Nobody wants Tom here. No one here wants Tom. Nevzdal jsem se pro nedostatek naděje. I didn't give up for lack of hope. I didn't give up for lack of hope. Nie ma powodu do obaw. There is nothing to worry about. There's nothing to worry about. Dziś są twoje urodziny, prawda? It's your birthday today, isn't it? It's your birthday, isn't it? Z toho bych si legraci nedělal. That isn't something I'd joke about. I wouldn't joke about that. Kdybych tak jen měl sestru. I wish that I had a sister. If only I had a sister. Odnieśliśmy druzgocące zwycięstwo. We were completely victorious. We won a devastating victory. Mój ojciec nigdy nie bierze długiego urlopu. My father never takes a long rest. My father never takes a long vacation. Mieszkam w małym mieście. I'm living in a small town. I live in a small town. Dlaczego jest ważne oszczędzanie pieniędzy? Why is it important to save money? Why is it important to save money? Zapomnij o tym. Nie ma sensu udzielać mu rady. Forget it. There's no sense giving him advice. There's no point in giving him advice. Uczyniliście mnie bardzo szczęśliwą. You've made me very happy. You've made me very happy. Ta práce je pro tebe. That job is for you. This job is for you. Wierzę w Mohameda. I believe in Muhammad. I believe in Muhammad. Teoreticky to možné je. In theory, it's possible. Theoretically, it is possible. Viděl jsem tě, jak vaříš. I saw you cooking. I saw you cooking. Co mu udělali? What have they done to him? What did they do to him? Zobaczę, czy z Tomem wszystko w porządku. I'll go see if Tom is OK. I'll see if Tom's okay. Kde jsi byl? Where have you been? Where have you been? Ben trochę od nich odstaje, ale wkrótce nadgoni. Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them. Ben steps away from them a little, but he'll catch up soon. Můžeme cestovat v čase. A děláme to pozoruhodnou rychlostí vteřinu za vteřinou. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we do it at a remarkable rate, second by second. Lidé jsou zvláštní. People are weird. People are strange. Nie jestem aż tak głupi, żeby w to uwierzyć. I am not so simple as to believe that. I'm not stupid enough to believe that. Myslím, že je to dobrý nápad. I think it's a good idea. I think that's a good idea. V troubě je oheň. There's a fire in the oven. There's fire in the oven. Layla uslyšela ten hluk. Layla heard the noise. Layla heard the noise. To by Toma nikdy nenapadlo. Tom never would've thought of that. Tom would never have thought of that. Jaká bude naše budoucnost? What will our future be like? What will be our future? Tak to się robi! That's how you do it! That's how it's done! Mam dziś lekką gorączkę. I have a slight fever today. I have a slight fever today. Piętnaście nie jest liczbą pierwszą. Fifteen is not a prime number. Fifteen is not a prime number. Jak dlouho jsi tomu byl vystaven? How long were you exposed to it? How long have you been exposed to this? Je to pod stolem. It's under the table. It's under the table. Hiszpania będzie musiała pożyczyć 100 miliardów euro. Spain will need to borrow 100 billion euros. Spain will have to borrow 100 billion euros. Neudělám nic, co by mohlo Toma rozrušit. I won't do anything that might disturb Tom. I'm not gonna do anything to upset Tom. Kéž bych uměl líp francouzsky. I wish I could speak French better. I wish I could speak French better. Je nádherný den, že? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Tom ztratil vědomí. Tom passed out. Tom lost consciousness. Mieszkam sam w tym domu. I live alone in this house. I live alone in this house. Zůstaň doma. Stay home. Stay home. Našel Tom Mary? Did Tom find Mary? Did Tom find Mary? Nie ma dzieci, ale prowadzi całkiem szczęśliwe życie. He has no children, but he is leading an otherwise happy life. He doesn't have children, but he leads a pretty happy life. Nemohu spát. I cannot sleep. I can't sleep. Czy jesteś teraz zajęty? Are you busy now? Are you busy now? Chci tady zůstat tři dny. I plan to stay here for three days. I want to stay here for three days. Budu se vám ještě muset ozvat. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'll have to call you back. Byl bych radši, kdyby Tom byl nepřišel. I would rather Tom hadn't come. I'd rather Tom didn't come. Řekl, že teď je devět hodin. He said that it was nine o'clock at that time. He said it's nine o'clock now. Tom a Mary seděli vedle sebe. Tom and Mary were seated beside each other. Tom and Mary were sitting next to each other. Kupił tę ciężarówkę z Polski. He bought this truck from Poland. He bought this truck from Poland. Jeśli zjesz tego za dużo, możesz dostać bólu gardła. If you eat too much of this food, you may get a sore throat. If you eat too much of it, you may get a sore throat. Jste nemocní. You are ill. You're sick. Nevím, jestli to za to stojí. I don't know if it's worth it. I don't know if it's worth it. Poszedł do baru wypić kilka piw. He went to a bar to drinks some beers. He went to the bar to drink a few beers. Sprzedajecie to na kilogramy? Do you sell this by the kilogram? Do you sell it by the kilos? Wracam do domu. I'm heading back home. I'm going home. Rozstřihl jsem ten papír nůžkami. I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. I cut the paper with scissors. Tomovo chování je nevyzpytatelné. Tom's behaviour is unpredictable. Tom's behavior is erratic. Czy byłbyś w stanie wrócić tutaj jutro o 14:30? Would you be able to come back here tomorrow at 14:30? Would you be able to come back here tomorrow at 2:30? Mary vyhrožovala Tomovi rozvodem. Mary threatened to divorce Tom. Mary threatened Tom with divorce. Staj w knihowni. You're in a library. Stay in the library. Tom vás nesmí rušit. Tom mustn't disturb you. Tom mustn't disturb you. Chcę studiować za granicą. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Sytuacja w Kirgistanie to kompletny chaos. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a complete chaos. Vypadal vyčerpaně. He looked exhausted. He looked exhausted. Co kdybyste ke mně zašli? Why don't you come to my place? Why don't you come over? Tom kdysi pracoval pro Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Mogę pożyczyć twój rower? May I borrow your bicycle? Can I borrow your bike? Chodívali jsme spolu na ryby. We used to go fishing together. We used to go fishing together. Tom tohle video ještě neviděl. Tom hasn't seen this video yet. Tom has never seen this video. Někteří lidé porušují karanténu. Some people break the quarantine. Some people break the quarantine. Nie jestem pewien, jak mogę ci pomóc. I'm not sure how I can help you. I'm not sure how I can help you. Takhle se to dělat nemělo. It wasn't supposed to be done like this. That's not the way to do it. Lepiej od razu zrób zadanie domowe. You had better do your homework at once. You better do your homework right away. Sierść naszego kota straciła połysk. Our cat's fur has lost its luster. Our cat's coat has lost its luster. Dej to na stůl. Put it on the desk. Put it on the table. Straciła syna na wojnie. She lost her son in the war. She lost her son in the war. Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji rocznicy! Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary! Nie powiem Tom'owi. I won't tell Tom. I won't tell Tom. Tom pozwolił nam pomóc Mary. Tom allowed us to help Mary. Tom let us help Mary. Odpowiedz! Answer! Answer me! Chciałbym śpiewać tak dobrze jak Tom. I wish I could sing as well as Tom. I'd like to sing as well as Tom. Może być cztery, sześć lub dwanaście rat. You can make 4, 6 or 12 payments. There may be four, six or twelve installments. Zasloužíte si dobré věci. You deserve good things. You deserve good things. Dzwoń kiedykolwiek. Call me anytime. Call me anytime. Turečtina je blízko k tomu, stát se druhým nejužívanějším jazykem na Tatoebě, překonaná pouze angličtinou. Turkish is about to become the second most used language in Tatoeba, surpassed only by English. Turkish is close to becoming the second most spoken language on Tatoeba, surpassed only by English. Przeczytałbyś Tomowi bajkę na dobranoc? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Would you read Tom a bedtime story? Poproszę szklankę wody gazowanej. A glass of sparkling water, please. A glass of sparkling water, please. Z jízdy autobusem se jí udělalo tak špatně, že začala zvracet. The bus ride made her feel so sick that she began to vomit. She got so sick from the bus ride that she started throwing up. V práci jsem spolehlivou a zodpovědnou osobou. I'm a reliable and responsible person at work. I am a reliable and responsible person at work. Tomovy děti se všechny narodily v Austrálii. Tom’s children were all born in Australia. Tom's children were all born in Australia. To pokazuje jego zaplecze teoretyczne. That shows his theoretical background. This shows his theoretical background. Zrobiliśmy to. We did it. We did it. Myslíš, že by jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think Tom could hurt them? Do you think Tom could hurt them? Dostal hodně dárků. He got a lot of gifts. He got a lot of presents. Proszę dopisać litery. Please fill in the letters. Please add the letters. Vrátil jsem se ze školy teď. It's now that I'm coming back from school. I came back from school now. Anna má moc ráda čokoládu. Ann likes chocolate very much. Anna really likes chocolate. ''Rozumiesz?'' ''Ja nie rozumiem ani trochę.'' "Do you understand?" "I don't understand at all." "Do you understand?" "I don't understand at all." Rád jezdím vlakem. I like going by train. I like to ride the train. Zapytała mnie czy umiem szyć. She asked me if I could sew. She asked me if I could sew. Autorstwo tego obrazu jest przypisywane Monetowi. This painting is attributed to Monet. The authorship of this painting is attributed to Monet. Vyhoď ten odpad. Throw away the garbage. Throw the garbage away. Ukradli mi butelkę wina! They stole my wine bottle! They stole my bottle of wine! Bojíte se ticha? Are you afraid of silence? Are you afraid of silence? Podczas jedzenia rozmawialiśmy o tym, co robiliśmy w ciągu dnia. As we ate our meal, we talked about what we had done that day. While we were eating, we talked about what we were doing during the day. Tom začal mít rád děti až když měl své vlastní. Tom didn't like children until he had his own. Tom didn't like kids until he had his own. Je to prostý člověk. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. Wasza szkoła jest dobra, skoro funduje wam bilety w obie strony. Your school is great, since it reimburses you for the return tickets. Your school is good, since it buys you round-trip tickets. Oto dom, w którym mieszka. This is the house where he lives. This is the house where he lives. Te obrazy są piękne. These pictures are beautiful. These pictures are beautiful. Včera nám doma z vodovodu tekla rezavá voda. Yesterday, there was rusty water coming from the faucets in our house. There was rusty water in our house yesterday. Jsem poblíž. I'm nearby. I'm nearby. Tom, powiedz coś. Tom, say something. Tom, say something. Uznałem za niemożliwe zrobienie pracy w jeden dzień. I found it impossible to do the work in one day. I found it impossible to do a job in one day. Tom jest świadomy tego, co się dzieje. Tom's aware of what's happening. Tom is aware of what is going on. Tom bydlí ve člunu. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives in a boat. Jest czerwone. It's red. It's red. Nie mam czasu do stracenia. I have no time to waste. I don't have time to waste. Tom mi řekl, že jsi slavný. Tom told me that you're famous. Tom told me you were famous. Zapomniałem, że mam słabą pamięć krótkoterminową. I forgot I have a bad short-term memory. I forgot I have poor short-term memory. Jakie jest rozszerzenie pliku? What is the file extension? What is the file extension? Projdu ten tvůj referát hned, jak budu mít čas. I'll look over your essay as soon as I can find the time. I'll review your paper as soon as I have time. Proč si myslíš, že Tom dnes nepřijde? What makes you think Tom won't come today? Why do you think Tom's not coming today? Nejsem schopný si představit budoucnost bez tebe. I'm not able to imagine my future without you. I can't imagine a future without you. Kamkoliv Tom jde, jeho pes ho následuje. Tom's dog follows Tom wherever he goes. Wherever Tom goes, his dog follows him. Prezident nastupuje do auta. The president is getting into the car. The president's getting in the car. Tom ma do podjęcia ważną decyzję przed następnym poniedziałkiem. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Te gry zaliczone są do kategorii „dla dorosłych”. These games are listed under the adult category. These games fall into the category of “adults”. Ty obláčky, jak ty plují po nebi, to je ale krása! The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful. The clouds that float in the sky, that's beautiful! V pravé ruce drží naběračku. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. He's holding a ladle in his right hand. Sám jsi navštívit Toma chodit neměl. You shouldn't have gone to visit Tom alone. You shouldn't have come to see Tom yourself. Nie brakuje niczego. Nothing is missing. Nothing is missing. To není Tomův nápad. That isn't Tom's idea. It's not Tom's idea. Tom se zblázní, jestli vyhraješ. Tom will get mad if you win. Tom will go crazy if you win. Tom je člověk, kterému věřím. Tom is the person I trust. Tom is a man I trust. Věřil bys, že je říjnu skoro konec? Can you believe that October is almost over? Can you believe October is almost over? Nie wiem, jak to powiedzieć I don't know how to say that. I don't know how to say this. Moje matka vždy vstává brzy ráno. My mother always gets up early in the morning. My mother always gets up early in the morning. Dzisiaj nie ma nic do robienia. There is nothing to do today. There's nothing to do today. Tom dużo się rusza. Tom moves a lot. Tom moves a lot. Nie musisz tam iść. You need not go there. You don't have to go. Nerad dělám domácí práce. I don't like doing chores. I don't like doing housework. Wiesz, czego chcą? Do you know what they want? You know what they want? Pokud nás hledají, jsem si jistá, že nás najdou. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. Chovala se, jako kdyby byla posedlá. She acted like she was possessed. She acted like she was possessed. Jak si mohl vzít další ženu den po smrti své první ženy! How could he marry another woman one day after his previous wife death! How could he marry another woman the day after the death of his first wife! Mary biegła. Mary ran. Mary was running. Viděla ho rozbít to okno. She saw him break the window. She saw him smash the window. Tom je lepší tenista, než Mary. Tom is better at tennis than Mary. Tom is a better tennis player than Mary. Už jsem o tom promluvil s Tomem. I've already spoken to Tom about it. I already talked to Tom about it. Stej w knihowni. You are in the library. Stay in the library. Tom jest w poważnych kłopotach. Tom is in serious trouble. Tom is in serious trouble. Měli by bojovat. They should fight. They should fight. On czasami jest dziwny. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. He's weird sometimes. Wiele osób ci powie, że nie powinieneś był tego robić. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. A lot of people will tell you that you shouldn’t have done that. To już się stało. It already happened. It's already happened. Potřebujeme více dobrovolníků. What we need are more volunteers. We need more volunteers. Do zobaczenia wkrótce. See you soon. See you soon. Jest wiele rzeczy, które musimy kupić. There are a lot of things we need to buy. There are a lot of things we need to buy. Yuriko se velmi líbily příležitostné tajné schůzky se svým milencem. Yuriko thoroughly enjoyed her occasional secret meetings with her lover. Yuriko very much liked the occasional secret meetings with his lover. Kwiaty ją uszczęśliwiają. Flowers make her happy. The flowers make her happy. Míval jsem motorku. I used to have a motorcycle. I used to have a motorcycle. Jakou barvu měly Tomovy ponožky? What color were Tom's socks? What color were Tom's socks? „Cieknie ci z nosa.” „Prze… przepraszam.” "Your nose is dripping." "S-sorry." "Your nose is dripping." "I'm sorry." Kiedy Tom powiedział Mary, żeby czuła się jak w domu, w sekrecie miał nadzieję, że pójdzie do kuchni pozmywać mu naczynia. When Tom told Mary to feel right at home, he was secretly hoping that she'd go and wash up the dishes in the kitchen. When Tom told Mary to make her feel at home, he secretly hoped he would go to the kitchen to wash his dishes. Kde se potkají? Where are they meeting? Where will they meet? Musimy spodziewać się najgorszego. We have to expect the worst. We have to expect the worst. Měl dar předpovídat. He had the gift of prophecy. He had the gift of predicting. Víš, jak jsi pro mě důležitá. You know how important you are to me. You know how important you are to me. Její kůže je bílá jako sníh. Her skin is as white as snow. Her skin is as white as snow. Starałem się wykorzystać większość moich szans. I tried to make the most of my chances. I tried to take most of my chances. Tom kupił trzy bochenki chleba. Tom bought three loaves of bread. Tom bought three loaves of bread. Mám děravou ponožku. There's a hole in my sock. I've got a leaky sock. Mam wielu znajomych, którzy mówią płynnie, ale jednak nie na poziomie rodowitego użytkownika. I have many friends who speak fluently, but still don't sound like native speakers. I have many friends who speak fluently, but not at the level of a native user. Tom se odstěhoval na venkov a začal farmařit. Tom has moved to the country and started farming. Tom moved to the countryside and started farming. Klimatizace je rozbitá. The air conditioner is broken. Air conditioning's broken. A historie se navždy změnila. And history was changed forever. And history has changed forever. Proč Tom neslaví Vánoce? Why does Tom not celebrate Christmas? Why isn't Tom celebrating Christmas? Braki wody są spowodowane pogodą. The water shortage is due to the weather. Water shortages are caused by the weather. Tak, możemy jechać. Yes, we can go. Yeah, we can go. Ona je mou profesorkou. She's my professor. She's my professor. Těžce zraněno bylo pouze několik cestujících. Only a few of the passengers were badly injured. Only a few passengers were seriously injured. Jěz zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat your vegetables. Od trzech lat odkładam ćwierć pensji. I have put aside one fourth of my salary for the last three years. I've been putting aside a quarter of my salary for three years. Zvony se rozezvonily. The bells started to ring. The bells were ringing. Nemohu se dočkat až zamrzne rybník, abych mohl bruslit s mými bratranci. I can’t wait for the pond to freeze so that I can ice skate with my cousins. I can't wait to freeze the pond so I can skate with my cousins. Obchod byl přeplněný mladými lidmi. The shop was crowded with young people. The store was crowded with young people. Dzisiejsza czysta matematyka to jutrzejsza matematyka stosowana. Today's pure mathematics is tomorrow's applied mathematics. Today's pure mathematics is tomorrow's applied mathematics. Zapomněl jsem si peněženku na na nočním stolku. I forgot my wallet on the nightstand. I left my wallet on the nightstand. Tom zastanawiał się, co Mary tu robi. Tom wondered what Mary was doing here. Tom wondered what Mary was doing here. Kéž bys mi to byl neřekl. I wish you hadn't told me. I wish you hadn't told me. Dám to Tomovi. I'll give it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. To je dárek od mé švagrové. That is a present from my sister-in-law. It's a gift from my sister-in-law. Děti vyrůstají tak rychle. Children grow up so quickly. Kids grow up so fast. Tom zwątpił, że Mary dotrzyma obietnicy. Tom doubted that Mary would keep her promise. Tom doubted that Mary would keep her promise. Tom přestavěl svoji garáž na dílnu. Tom converted his garage into a workshop. Tom turned his garage into a workshop. Volal o pomoc. He yelled for help. He called for help. Chcę się samemu zastanowić. I want to think for myself. I want to think for myself. Nakonec se vás začal bát. He ended up being afraid of you. Eventually, he became afraid of you. Není místa na Zemi, kde bych byl raději. There's nowhere on earth I'd rather be. There's no place on Earth I'd rather be. Zamierzasz kupić to auto? Are you going to buy that car? Are you going to buy that car? Nie myślałem, że jest taki nieśmiały. I did not think he was so timid. I didn't think he was so shy. Kvůli totální rusifikaci v Bělorusku je běloruština na okraji zániku. Due to total Russification in Belarus, the Belarusian language is on the brink of extinction. Due to the total Russification in Belarus, Belarusian is on the verge of extinction. Budu se koupat. I'm going to take a bath. I'll take a bath. Może to się wydawać znaczącą sumą, ale to dobrze ulokowane pieniądze. It may seem like an awful lot of money, but it'll be money well spent. It may seem like a significant sum, but it’s well-placed money. Tohle nikdo nemůže znát. Nobody can know that. No one can know that. Různí lidé mohou popisovat stejné základní myšlenky či věci naprosto odlišnými způsoby. Different people may describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Different people can describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Budu číst tu knihu. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Čekáte hosty? Are you expecting guests? Are you expecting guests? Přeložte to, prosím. Please translate this. Translate it, please. Nie potrafię ci pomóc. I can't help you. I can't help you. Spotkaliśmy się ostatni raz. We met for the last time. We met for the last time. Poprzysiągłem sobie nigdy już się do niej nie odzywać. I vowed that I would never speak to her again. I swore never to speak to her again. Nic z toho, co Tom řekl, nedává smysl. Nothing of what Tom said makes any sense. None of what Tom said makes any sense. Tom instaluje nové programové vybavení. Tom is installing new software. Tom is installing new software. Naše auto je starší, než vaše. Our car is older than yours. Our car is older than yours. Kde je ten pes? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Ken pobił mnie w szachy. Ken beat me at chess. Ken beat me at chess. Odveďte odsud Toma pryč. Take Tom away from here. Get Tom out of here. To je umělohmotný pavouk. It's a plastic spider. It's a plastic spider. Szukaliśmy jej. We looked for her. We were looking for her. Jestliže věty na Tatoebě mají sloužit svému účelu, měly by být bez chyb. If sentences on Tatoeba are to suit their purpose, they should be correct. If the sentences on Tatooeba are to serve their purpose, they should be without errors. Lubię podróżować statkiem. I like to travel by ship. I like to travel by boat. Tom stále nemá odvahu říci Mary, co udělal. Tom still doesn't have the courage to tell Mary what he has done. Tom still doesn't have the guts to tell Mary what he did. Uplynulo několik dní. A few days have passed. It's been a few days. Wyjaśniłem, w czym problem. I explained what the problem was. I explained what the problem is. Jak by jsi mě mohl takhle zradit potom všem, čím jsme si prošli? How could you betray me like this, after all we've been through? How could you betray me like this after everything we've been through? Myslím, že bychom v tomto rozhovoru měli pokračovat venku. I think we should continue this conversation outside. I think we should continue this conversation outside. Tom přišel k nám a plakal. Tom came to us, weeping. Tom came to us and cried. Měli bychom si vzájemně pomáhat. We ought to help each other. We should help each other. Nie mogłem znaleźć kluczy. I couldn't find my keys. I couldn't find the keys. Tom se opozdil se svou prací. Tom is behind with his work. Tom was late with his work. Měl ses představit sám. You should've introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. Pracuję w biurze. I work in an office. I work in an office. Takhle si život nepředstavuji. It's not my vision of life. That's not how I imagine life. Tom popadl Mary za ruku. Tom grabbed Mary's hands. Tom grabbed Mary's hand. Vyhrožoval jí po telefonu. He threatened her on the phone. He threatened her on the phone. Wszyscy się obrócili i popatrzyli na Toma. They all turned and looked at Tom. Everyone turned and looked at Tom. Toma takovéto věci nezajímají. Tom isn't interested in things like that. Tom doesn't care about that sort of thing. Potřebujeme mapu. We need a map. We need a map. Je to všude na Internetu. It's all over the Internet. It's all over the Internet. Będzie spacerował w parku w to popołudnie. He will walk in the park this afternoon. He'll be walking in the park this afternoon. Říjen byl horší. October was worse. October was worse. Ta historia wygląda na prawdziwą. The story sounds true. This story looks real. Mám velkou motivaci učit se francouzsky. I'm very motivated to learn French. I am very motivated to learn French. Můj bratr není doma. My brother is not at home. My brother's not home. Jeho návrh ji rozzuřil. She was outraged by his proposal. His proposal infuriated her. To był pracowity dzień. It's been a busy day. It's been a busy day. Nestůj pod stromem, když je bouřka. Don't stand under a tree in a lightning storm. Don't stand under a tree when there's a storm. V mé bytovce se loni v létě stala vražda. There was a murder in my apartment building last summer. There was a murder in my apartment last summer. Život je velké utrpení. Life is a great misery. Life is a lot of suffering. Zawsze chciałem wejść na szczyt Fuji. I've always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji. I've always wanted to climb Mount Fuji. On ma w nosie moje problemy. He ignores my problems. He doesn't care about my problems. Te rękawiczki należą do niej. These gloves belong to her. These gloves belong to her. Žádal si mě někdo? Has anyone asked for me? Did someone ask me? Jsme stálí hosté. We're regulars. We're regulars. Tom tu bude hodně chybět. Tom will be sorely missed here. Tom will be greatly missed. Szaleje na punkcie piłki nożnej. He's crazy about soccer. He's crazy about football. Rozejrzałem się dokoła, ale nie zobaczyłem nikogo. I looked around, but saw nobody. I looked around, but I didn’t see anyone. Musimy się dostać do szpitala. We've got to get to the hospital. We need to get to the hospital. Zająłem się tym. I took care of that. I've taken care of it. Prosím, přestaňte se prát. Please stop fighting. Please stop fighting. Sami byl pěkně naštvaný. Sami was very pissed. Sami was pretty upset. Budu tatínkem. I'm going to be a father. I'm gonna be a dad. Gwiazdy dzisiaj jasno świecą. The stars are shining brightly tonight. The stars are shining bright today. Tom mi dal facku. Tom gave me a slap. Tom slapped me. Tom dostał podwyżkę. Tom was given a raise. Tom got a raise. V lednici jsou nějaké zbytky. There are some leftovers in the fridge. There's some leftovers in the fridge. Nic dalšího vidět nechci. I don't want to see anything else. I don't want to see anything else. Nie potrafiłem się oprzeć. I couldn't resist. I couldn't resist. Nedával jsi pozor. You didn't pay attention. You weren't paying attention. Proč Toma provokujete? Why do you provoke Tom? Why are you provoking Tom? To je ale rozkošná květina, že? This is a beautiful flower, isn't it? What a lovely flower, isn't it? Teď Toma nesnáší ještě více. Now they hate Tom even more. Now he hates Tom even more. Nemohu se dívat na to, jak Tom ničí moji práci. I cannot watch Tom destroying my work. I can't watch Tom ruin my job. Rád bych vydělával více peněz. I'd like to earn more money. I'd like to make more money. Nikdo ještě něco takového nedělal. No one has ever done anything like this before. No one's ever done anything like this before. Chtějí jim ukrást duše. They want to steal their souls. They want to steal their souls. Nechci s vámi mluvit. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Mój dziadek ma wciąż zdrowy umysł i ciało. My grandfather is still sound in mind and body. My grandfather still has a healthy mind and body. Słyszałem tę piosenkę śpiewaną po francusku. I have heard that song sung in French. I heard this song sung in French. Na co czekamy? What are we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Už začínám mít toho studeného počasí dost. I'm getting tired of this cold weather. I'm getting tired of the cold weather. Musíš se ukrýt. You've got to hide. You have to hide. Ten artysta jest utalentowany. The artist is gifted. This artist is talented. Pudełko, które znalazł, było puste. The box he found was empty. The box he found was empty. Podoba Ci się muzyka? Do you like music? Do you like music? Rád se učím jazyky. I like learning languages. I like to learn languages. Chci se s nimi zase sejít. I want to meet them again. I want to meet them again. Přestaň takhle civět. Stop staring like that. Stop staring like that. Sekretarka jest zmęczona pisaniem. The secretary is tired of typing. My wife is tired of writing. Nemohla jsem se přestat smát. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Oni nie chcieli brać udziału w bójce. They did not want to get involved in the fighting. They didn't want to be in a fight. Herbata, którą tam wypiliśmy, była wyśmienita. The tea we had there was excellent. The tea we drank there was delicious. Můžete mi udělat jednu kopii? Can you make me a copy? Can you make me one copy? Který hrob je Toma? Which grave is Tom's? Which tomb is Tom's? Możesz zostać tu na chwilę, jeśli chcesz. You can stay here for a while if you want to. You can stay here for a while if you want. Naše sousedka už zase byla u holiče. Our neighbour has been at the hairdresser’s again. Our neighbor was at the barber shop again. Łóżko w pokoju Toma było niezrobione. The bed in Tom's room was unmade. The bed in Tom's room was unmade. Tom byl odzbrojen a zatčen. Tom was disarmed and arrested. Tom was disarmed and arrested. Moc by mě nepřekvapilo, kdyby se Tom neobjevil na čas. I wouldn't be too surprised if Tom didn't show up on time. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't show up on time. Kdy začínají vánoční svátky? When do the Christmas holidays begin? When does Christmas start? Neudělali nic. They didn't do anything. They didn't do anything. Nesnáším pozornost. I dislike attention. I hate attention. Překládání pro Tatoebu je dobrý způsob, jak trávit volný čas. Translating for Tatoeba is a good way of spending your leisure time. Translation for Tatoeba is a good way to spend your free time. Nie wiedziałem, w co wierzyć. I didn't know what to believe. I didn't know what to believe. Mamy tylko godzinę. We've only got an hour. We only have an hour. Vstupné se neplatí. There's no entrance fee. No entrance fee. Uznal, že jsem zkušenější řidič. He recognised me to be a more experienced driver. He thought I was a more experienced driver. Nikdy jsem neviděl Toma s Mary. I've never seen Tom with Mary. I've never seen Tom and Mary. Budu zase překládat filmy. I am going to translate movies again. I'll be translating movies again. Řekla mi, abych se jí nedotýkal. She told me not to touch her. She told me not to touch her. Půjdu vyzvednout děti ve škole. I'm going to pick up the kids at school. I'm gonna go pick up the kids at school. Chci skončit. I want to quit. I want to quit. Byłem bardzo dumny z mojego syna. I was very proud of my son. I was very proud of my son. Tom chtěl, abych s ním zůstal. Tom wanted me to stay with him. Tom wanted me to stay with him. Tom jo swóju wucbnicu francojšćiny zgubił. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom lost his tutor to the French. Mimo, że jest biedny, jest szczęśliwy. Although he is poor, he is happy. Even though he is poor, he is happy. Kdyby vám na Tomovi doopravdy záleželo, pomohli byste mu. If you really cared about Tom, you would help him. If you really cared about Tom, you'd help him. Chcę mówić po niemiecku. I want to speak German. I want to speak German. W USA co dziesięć lat odbywa się spis ludności. In the United States there is a census every ten years. There is a census every 10 years in the United States. Nauczyciel przez chwilę zastanawiał się nade mną. The teacher contemplated me for a while. The teacher thought about me for a moment. Mluví plynule několika jazyky. They speak multiple languages fluently. He speaks several languages fluently. Pláž byla přeplněná turisty. The beach was packed with tourists. The beach was full of tourists. Kłótnia niczego nie rozwiąże. Fighting won't settle anything. Arguing won't solve anything. Údolí se zužuje. The valley is getting narrow. The valley narrows. Myslíš, že po přisolení to bude chutnat o hodně líp? You think adding a little salt will make it taste much better? You think salting will make it taste a lot better? Může mi někdo pomoct? Can anyone give me a hand? Can someone help me? Nikdy si neuvědomíš hodnotu něčeho, dokud to neztratíš. You never realize the value of something till you lose it. You never realize the value of something until you lose it. Kwiaty umierają jeśli nie mają wody. Flowers die if they don't have water. Flowers die when they have no water. Tom je zvyklý vyhrávat. Tom is accustomed to winning. Tom is used to winning. Nie widzisz, że rozmawiamy? Can't you see we're talking? Can't you see we're talking? Wiem, że nie będzie łatwo rozmawiać o tym wypadku. I know it's going to be unpleasant to talk about the accident. I know it won't be easy talking about this accident. Odmítla moji prosbu. She rejected my request. She refused my request. Jesteś moim życiem. You are my life. You're my life. Mississippi to najbiedniejszy stan w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. Říká se, že má poměr se sestřičkou. He is said to have an affair with a nurse. They say he's having an affair with a nurse. Płynęli. They swam. They sailed. Ostatnio, Tom i Mary prawie się nie widują. Tom and Mary never see each other nowadays. Lately, Tom and Mary hardly see each other. Nechtěli mě pustit do budovy. They wouldn't let me in the building. They wouldn't let me into the building. Nechápu, na co je Tom tolik pyšný. I cannot understand what is Tom so proud of. I don't know what Tom is so proud of. Potřebuješ shodit. You need to lose some weight. You need to lose. Bez souhlasu Toma bych nic neudělal. I wouldn't do anything without Tom's consent. I wouldn't have done anything without Tom's approval. Jeśli możesz, chodź z nami. If you can, come with us. If you can, come with us. Pro správný překlad je důležitý kontext. Context is important for the right translation. Context is important for proper translation. Tom nie oglądał tyle telewizji, kiedy był młodszy. Tom didn't watch much television when he was younger. Tom didn't watch that much TV when he was younger. Tom to udělal včera ráno. Tom did that yesterday morning. Tom did it yesterday morning. Pojďme se bavit Vabungula a Yuelami! Let's speak Vabungula and Yuelami! Let's talk Vabungula and Yuelami! Nie wiem co to było. I don't know what it was. I don't know what it was. Hezky jsme si to v Austrálii užili. We had a very interesting time in Australia. We had a great time in Australia. Przeziębiłem się. Dlatego nie mogłem wziąć wczoraj udziału w spotkaniu. I caught a cold. That is why I could not attend the meeting yesterday. That's why I couldn't attend the meeting last night. Chłopcy, nie róbcie żadnego hałasu. Boys, don't make any noise. Boys, don't make any noise. Neumím francouzsky ani italsky. I can speak neither French nor Italian. I don't speak French or Italian. Zapomněl jsem si penál doma. I forgot my pencil case at home. I forgot my pencil case at home. Neriskuj vše, pro co jsi pracoval. Don't risk everything you've worked for. Don't risk everything you've worked for. Tobě se tvé přednášky nelíbí? Don't you like your classes? You don't like your lectures? Tom dělá věci, které já dělat nebudu. Tom does things that I won't do. Tom's doing things I'm not gonna do. Marie a já pracujeme společně. Mary and I work together. Marie and I work together. Tom nie chce pożyczyć mi pieniędzy, których potrzebuję. Tom won't lend me the money that I need. Tom won't lend me the money I need. Tom potrafi grać na harmonijce i gitarze w tym samym czasie. Tom can play the harmonica and the guitar at the same time. Tom can play the harmonica and guitar at the same time. Każdy z nich ma swój własny samochód. Each of them has his own car. Each of them has their own car. Můžete se přesvědčit sami. You can see for yourselves. You can see for yourself. Niedługo wrócę. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. To jsme dělávali každé pondělí. We used to do that every Monday. We used to do that every Monday. Umiesz czytać po arabsku? Can you read Arabic? Can you read Arabic? Řešení neexistuje. There is no solution. There is no solution. Jak se tato vesnice jmenuje? What is the name of this village? What is the name of this village? Obvykle vstávám pozdě. I usually get up late. I usually get up late. V těchto dvou lahvičkách jsou rozdílná množství léků. There are different amounts of medicine in these two bottles. There are different amounts of medication in these two bottles. Málem jsem zapomněl, že Tom existuje. I almost forgot about Tom's existence. I had almost forgotten that Tom existed. Tom se stará o mé finance. Tom is in charge of my finances. Tom takes care of my finances. Snad se sem všichni dostanou včas. I hope everyone gets here on time. I hope everyone gets here in time. Tom był tak wściekły, że nie mógł mówić. Tom was so angry that he couldn't speak. Tom was so angry that he couldn’t speak. Naprawdę nie spodziewałem się wygranej. I didn't really expect to win. I really didn’t expect to win. Máme jídlo. We have food. We have food. Wynieś śmieci. Take out the trash. Take the trash out. Boli kiedy oddychasz? Does it hurt when you breathe? Does it hurt when you breathe? Chcemy być sławni! We want to become famous. We want to be famous! Máme dost času udělat jen jednu z těch věcí. We only have enough time to do one of those things. We only have time to do one of those things. Narodil jsem se 1988 v Yorku. I was born in 1988 in York. I was born in York in 1988. Chyba nie naprawi mi tego urządzenia. I can't seem to get him to fix this machine. I don't think he's gonna fix my device. Chodila jsi s Tomem, když jste byli na střední škole, že? Tom was your boyfriend when you were in high school, wasn't he? You dated Tom when you were in high school, right? Kawa i papierosy. Coffee and cigarettes. Coffee and cigarettes. Čím ti Tom vyhrožoval? How did Tom threaten you? What did Tom threaten you with? Tom tají svoji nemoc. Tom hides his illness. Tom is hiding his illness. Lisa mówi nie tylko po angielsku, ale i po francusku. Lisa speaks not only English but also French. Lisa speaks not only English, but also French. Proszę przesunąć się, by ta pani mogła przejść. Please move out of the way so this lady can go through. Move over so this lady can get through. Jesteś niesamowity. You're amazing. You're amazing. Twoje dzieci są niezwykle dobrze wychowane. Your children are remarkably well-behaved. Your children are extremely well-behaved. Tom ma niezły charakterek. Tom has quite a temper. Tom is a good character. No pewnie! Certainly! Of course! Jego dom zastał sprzedany za dziesięć tysięcy dolarów. His house was sold for ten thousand dollars. His house was sold for $10,000. John śpi na kanapie. John's sleeping on the couch. John is sleeping on the couch. Mám rád tenhle druh jablek. I like this kind of apple. I like this kind of apples. Tom nás nechal dlouho čekat. Tom kept us waiting for a long time. Tom kept us waiting for a long time. Czy w ogóle miewasz gorączkę? Do you ever have a fever? Do you even have a fever? Tom a Marie nikdy nebyli blízkými přáteli. Tom and Mary have never been close friends. Tom and Mary were never close friends. Narodil jsem se v Praze, stejně jako moje sestra. I was born in Prague, like my sister. I was born in Prague, just like my sister. Mají sele jako domácího mazlíčka. They have a piglet as a pet. They've got piglets as pets. Vrány jsou ptáci. Crows are birds. Crows are birds. Dostaje niezłą pensję. He earns a good salary. He's getting a nice salary. Proč musíme čekat na Toma? Why must we wait for Tom? Why do we have to wait for Tom? Zróbmy tak, jak mówi Tom. Let's do what Tom says. Let's do what Tom says. Mám velkou žízeň. I'm very thirsty. I'm very thirsty. Nie potrzebuję twoich pieniędzy. Potrzebny mi twój czas. I don't need your money. I just need your time. I don't need your money, I need your time. Zwierzęta żyjące na farmach są udomowione. The animals which live on farms are domesticated. Farm animals are domesticated. Dorothy nie ma w biurze. Dorothy isn't in the office. Dorothy's not in the office. Alžírsko má nového prezidenta. Algeria has a new president. Algeria has a new president. Nevěděl jsem co mám dělat jako první. I didn't know what to do first. I didn't know what to do first. Jeho nabídku jsi měla odmítnout. You should have refused his offer. You should have turned down his offer. Nie obchodzi mnie, co inni o mnie myślą. Whatever others think of me, I don't mind at all. I don't care what other people think of me. Sami jest amatorską gwiazdą porno. Sami is an amateur porn star. Sami is an amateur porn star. Dzwoniłeś do Toma? Did you phone Tom? Did you call Tom? Jakiego rozmiaru szukasz? What size are you looking for? What size are you looking for? To on jest szefem. He's the boss. He's the boss. Tom, brzmisz strasznie. Tom, you sound terrible. Tom, you sound terrible. Bruslí. He is skating. He skates. To je všechno, co potřebuji. That's all I need. That's all I need. Vypadni! Get away! Get out! Jsem naštvaný na vás oba. I'm mad at both of you. I'm mad at both of you. Zanim będziemy mogły podjąć decyzję, musimy mieć wszystkie fakty. Before we can make a decision, we must have all the facts. Before we can make a decision, we must have all the facts. Potřebuje chlapa. She needs a man. He needs a man. Zielony ci pasuje. Green suits you. Green suits you. Proč jsi mě opustil? Why have you abandoned me? Why did you leave me? Tom często je jajecznicę na śniadanie. Tom often eats scrambled eggs for breakfast. Tom often eats scrambled eggs for breakfast. Tohle není vhodné jídlo pro Toma. This isn't proper food for Tom. This isn't the right meal for Tom. Pacienti s tuberkulózou byli posíláni do speciálních nemocnic, kterým se říkalo sanatorium. Tuberculosis patients were sent to a special hospital called a sanatorium. Patients with tuberculosis were sent to special hospitals called sanatoriums. Tom opustil svoji rodinu. Tom abandoned his family. Tom left his family. Czy to stacja kolejowa? Is that the railroad station? Is that a train station? Spróbujmy więcej tego nie robić. Let's try not to do that again. Let's try not to do this again. Až sem Tom přijde, budu už pryč. When Tom gets here, I will already be gone. When Tom gets here, I'll be gone. Tohle mám rád. I like this. I like this. Tom je jediný kdo ví, co musíme udělat. Tom is the only one who knows what we have to do. Tom's the only one who knows what we have to do. Tom założył kamizelkę kuloodporną, dla bezpieczeństwa. Tom put on a bullet-proof vest, just to be safe. Tom put on a bulletproof vest for safety. Tom vyprovodil Mary do jejího bytu. Tom walked Mary to her flat. Tom walked Mary to her apartment. Myślę, że Tom nie zda testu na prawo jazdy. I think Tom will fail his driving test. I don't think Tom's gonna pass his driving test. Tome, ty blbe! Tom, you idiot! Tom, you idiot! Je mi do breku. I feel like crying. I'm so sick of crying. Mám rýmu. I have a cold. I have a cold. Nie zamierzam jej w to włączać. I'm not going to turn her in. I'm not going to involve her. Potrzebujemy pańskiej pomocy. Sir, we need your help please. We need your help. Tom wciąż na mnie patrzy. Tom is still staring at me. Tom is still looking at me. Ukažte mi další příklad. Show me another example. Show me another example. Řekla mi, ať nekouřím v přítomnosti dětí. She told me not to smoke in the presence of children. She told me not to smoke in front of the kids. Tom uszczypnął Mary w tyłek. Tom pinched Mary's butt. Tom pinched Mary's ass. Betty zabiła go. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Tom mi pomohl najít práci. Tom helped me find a job. Tom helped me find a job. Stále věříte v Tomovu nevinu? Do you still believe that Tom is innocent? Do you still believe in Tom's innocence? Půjčil bys mi prosím pero? Would you please lend me a pen? Can I borrow a pen, please? Nemusíš vstávat tak brzy. You don't have to get up so early. You don't have to get up so early. Wyjął pendrive'a ze swojego komputera. He removed the flash-drive from his computer. He took the flash drive out of his computer. Nie przywykłem do takiego traktowania. I'm not used to be treated like that. I'm not used to this kind of treatment. Jak by měl vypadat? What is he supposed to look like? What should it look like? Nepokoušej se žít věčně. Neuspěješ. Do not try to live for ever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. Możemy porozmawiać o tym później Could we discuss this later? We can talk about this later. Mám hlad, protože jsem neměla oběd. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. Ojciec zabrał nas wczoraj do zoo. Father took us to the zoo yesterday. Dad took us to the zoo last night. Proč je Tom ve vězení? Why is Tom in jail? Why is Tom in prison? Nenakoupil jsi a ani neuklidil. You didn't do the shopping and you didn't do the cleaning either. You didn't buy it or clean it. Zavolej, až budeš připravený jít. Call me when you're ready to go. Call me when you're ready to go. Mogę jednego? Can I have one? Can I have one? Koncert odbędzie się następną wiosną. The concert will take place next spring. The concert will take place next spring. Nasza rodzina nie obchodzi Bożego Narodzenia. Our family doesn't celebrate Christmas. Our family doesn't care about Christmas. Tom se mne bával. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom was afraid of me. Zvykám si. I'm getting used to it. I'm getting used to it. Byli překvapeni tím, co viděli. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. Co se vám dvěma stalo? What happened to you two? What happened to you two? Byłem bardzo głodny. I was pretty hungry. I was very hungry. Proč chtějí Toma vyloučit ze školy? Why do they want to expel Tom from the school? Why do they want Tom expelled from school? Co Tom robi w tej chwili? What's Tom doing right now? What is Tom doing right now? Jsi nejlepší. You are the best. You're the best. Skąd mam wiedzieć, czy się naprawdę zakochałem? How can I tell if I'm really in love? How do I know if I'm really in love? Já chci vědět, co ty tu děláš. I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here. Saša si vždy vážila toho, co jsem pro ni udělal. Sasha always appreciated what I did for her. Sasha always appreciated what I did for her. Jak to się zakończy? How's this going to end? How's this gonna end? Bylo to mimo správnou pozici. That was out of line. It was out of position. Nie widziałem cię tutaj wcześniej. I haven't seen you in here before. I haven't seen you here before. Niedługo przestanie padać. It will stop raining before long. It'll stop raining soon. Řekni mi, až budeš připraven. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. Mohli říct ne. They could've said no. They could have said no. Czemu tu stoisz? Why are you standing there? Why are you standing here? Právě píši dopis své učitelce čínštiny. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. I'm writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. Porwali mnie. They kidnapped me. I've been kidnapped. Ty zřejmě miluješ Toma a on zřejmě miluje tebe. You obviously love Tom and he obviously loves you. You seem to love Tom, and he seems to love you. Víme o Tomovi všechno. We know everything about Tom. We know everything about Tom. Tom chciał zadać Mary pytanie. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Nigdy nie wybieraj zawodu tylko dlatego, że godziny pracy są krótkie. Never choose a vocation just because the hours are short. Never choose a profession just because working hours are short. Przyniosłem jego zdjęcie. I brought a picture of him. I brought a picture of him. Nejsem žádný násilník. I'm not a bully. I'm not a rapist. Tom mówi po francusku równie dobrze jak ty. Tom speaks French as well as you do. Tom speaks French as well as you do. Začnu dnes večer. I will start tonight. I'll start tonight. Czyż ta pogoda nie jest wspaniała! Isn't this weather just great! Isn't the weather great! Nie będziesz tego więcej potrzebować. You won't need it anymore. You won't be needing this anymore. Cały obszar był pokryty śniegiem. The whole place was covered in snow. The whole area was covered with snow. Zapytał mnie, czy powinien iść na uniwersytet. He asked me whether he should go on to university. He asked me if he should go to university. Vyměňte si vzduchové filtry. Change your air filters. Change the air filters. Tom błagał mnie, żebym nie robił mu krzywdy. Tom begged me not to hurt him. Tom begged me not to hurt him. Nevěděl jsi, že jsem schopen to udělat, že? You didn't know that I was able to do that, did you? You didn't know I could do that, did you? Co se ti stalo? What happened to you? What happened to you? Musím připustit, že to byla moje chyba. I must admit that it was my fault. I have to admit, it was my fault. Kde Tom řekl, že Marie odešla? Where did Tom say Mary had gone? Where did Tom say Mary was gone? Tom je jen líný. Tom is just lazy. Tom's just lazy. Sym ćah skomdźiła. I missed my train. I'm stuck. Nejsi sám. You're not alone. You're not alone. Mám dvě dcery a dva syny. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. Ještě jsem nedostal žádnou odpověď. I haven't received any answer yet. I haven't received any response yet. Ta książka nie jest nowa. The book isn't new. This book is not new. Hałas zaburzył jego sen. The noise disturbed his sleep. The noise disturbed his sleep. Musíme zpomalit. We have to slow down. We need to slow down. Mohl bych dostat nůž a vidličku, prosím? Could I have a knife and fork, please? Could I have a knife and a fork, please? Usnula jsem u televize. I fell asleep while watching TV. I fell asleep in front of the TV. Tomova zahrada je zanedbaná, protože se o ni Tom pořádně nestará. Tom's garden is neglected because he doesn't care for it properly. Tom's garden is neglected because Tom doesn't take good care of it. Musím vám oholit hrudník kvůli elektrokardiogramu. I have to shave your chest for the electrocardiogram. I need to shave your chest for an electrocardiogram. To twoja książka. That is your book. It's your book. Montana graniczy z Kanadą. Montana borders Canada. Montana borders Canada. Nemyslím si, že můj život je snadný. I don't think my life is easy. I don't think my life is easy. Nikomu z nás se nelíbil plán, který Tom navrhl. None of us liked the plan Tom suggested. None of us liked Tom's plan. Jak się nazywa to zwierzę po japońsku? What is this animal called in Japanese? What is the name of this animal in Japanese? Mam swoje zdanie. I have an opinion. I have an opinion. Tom to nejspíš nikdy nezjistí. Tom will probably never know. Tom will probably never find out. Probuďte se! Wake up! Wake up! Prosím oprav to. Please fix that. Please fix it. Czy lubisz grać w siatkówkę? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like to play volleyball? Tom je mladší než Mary. Tom is younger than Mary. Tom is younger than Mary. Lubimy dzieci. We like children. We like kids. Stiskni tlačítko! Push the button. Push the button! Jutro będę w domu. I will be at home tomorrow. I'll be home tomorrow. Vzpomínáš, když jsi mě prvně políbila? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Remember the first time you kissed me? Tom mluvil s Marií. Tom was speaking to Mary. Tom talked to Mary. Chci jen být schopen navštívit své děti, kdykoli se mi zachce. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my kids whenever I want. Powiedzieli mi, że może ty mógłbyś mi pomóc. I was told that you might be able to help me. They told me that maybe you could help me. Tomovi se líbí. Tom likes her. Tom likes it. Tom nic nie zauważył. Tom didn't notice a thing. Tom didn't notice. Nemám tě rád natolik, abych s tebou chodil. I'm not fond enough of you to date you. I don't like you enough to date you. Naprawdę? Dlaczego? Really? Why? Why not? Powiedziałem jej wszystko. I told her everything. I told her everything. Powedz: "aaa". Say 'ahhh'. Say, "Ah." Sami odešel s někým z kliniky. Sami left with somebody from the clinic. Sami went out with someone from the clinic. Kolik pokojů má jejich byt? How many rooms does their apartment have? How many rooms does their apartment have? Zrobiłbyś to samo dla mnie. You'd do the same for me. You'd do the same for me. Słucham najnowszą piosenkę Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to the latest song by Bjork. Zjistěte, kam Tom jel. Find out where Tom has gone. Find out where Tom went. Máš studené ruce. Your hands feel cold. Your hands are cold. Dał mi pieniądze, ale natychmiast mu je oddałem. He gave me money, but I gave it back to him immediately. He gave me the money, but I immediately gave it to him. V Tomově kuchyni je binec. Tom's kitchen is in a mess. There's a mess in Tom's kitchen. Kiedy mam migreny, to aspiryna nie uśmierza bólu. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me. When I have migraines, aspirin does not relieve the pain. Kto jest za to odpowiedzialny? Who is responsible for this? Who's responsible? Dzieci autystyczne nigdy się nie nudzą. Autistic children never get bored. Autistic children are never bored. Tom vzal své děti k jezeru. Tom took his children to the lake. Tom took his children to the lake. Piłam kawę. I drank the coffee. I was drinking coffee. Tom jeszcze nie wie. Tom doesn't know yet. Tom doesn't know yet. W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej młodych ludzi rozmawia ze starszymi jak z równymi sobie. These days more and more young people talk to their elders on even terms. Nowadays, more and more young people talk to their elders as equals. Tom odwrócił się do Mary. Tom turned back to Mary. Tom turned to Mary. Podjąłem decyzję. I made my decision. I've made my decision. Chcę być niezależny. I want to be independent. I want to be independent. Tom neznal jejich jména. Tom didn't know their names. Tom didn't know their names. Na tuhle otázku nemusíte odpovídat. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Tom przyznał, że nie miał racji. Tom admitted that he was wrong. Tom admitted he was wrong. Už mě nebaví každému vysvětlovat proč jsem takový, jaký jsem. I am tired of explaining to everybody why I am the way I am. I'm tired of explaining to everyone why I'm the way I am. Prosebně se na mě podívala. She gave me an appealing look. She looked at me. Není tak zdvořilý, jako Tom. He isn't as polite as Tom. He's not as polite as Tom. Jak znajdziesz żywność w przestrzeni kosmicznej? How do you find food in outer space? How do you find food in space? Co se tyče mě, nejsem proti. As far as I am concerned, I have no objection. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not against it. Mám špatný pocit z toho, co jsem udělal. I feel bad about what I’ve done. I have a bad feeling about what I did. Nelituji dnů, které jsem strávil s Tomem. I don't regret the days spent with Tom. I don't regret the days I spent with Tom. Chcę kupić sukienkę. I want to buy the dress. I want to buy a dress. Jestem pewien, że Tom się spóźni. I'm sure Tom will be late. I'm sure Tom will be late. Persišćina njejo śěžka rěc. Persian is not a difficult language. Persian is not a language. Pozdrowiła pana Kato uśmiechem. She greeted Mr Kato with a smile. She greeted Mr. Kato with a smile. Kilka razy poszła do tamtego domu. She went to the house several times. She went to that house a few times. Dokázali jsme nemožné. We've done the impossible. We've done the impossible. Mluvil jsem s nim anglicky a zjistil, že se dokážu domluvit. I spoke to him in English and found I could make myself understood. I spoke to him in English and found I could communicate. V naší ulici parkuje nějaký autobus. A bus is parked on our street. There's a bus parked on our street. Opravdu se vám Austrálie líbila? Did you really like Australia? Did you really like Australia? Řekni, že si děláš srandu! Tell me you're joking! Tell me you're kidding! On nie ufa mi całkowicie. He doesn't altogether trust me. He doesn't trust me completely. Tom byl vzteky bez sebe, když se mu nepovedlo nalézt na Tatoebě jednoduchou příkladovou větu s výrazem "úplná zábrana". Tom was beside himself with rage, failing to find a single example sentence on Tatoeba containing the expression "complete inhibition". Tom was furious when he failed to find a simple example sentence on Tatoeba with the expression "complete inhibition". Můžeme si o tom promluvit v soukromí? Can we talk about this in private? With no one else present? Can we talk about this in private? Bydlíte ve velkém domě? Do you live in a large house? Do you live in a big house? Mám z toho hrozný pocit. I feel awful about that. I have a terrible feeling about this. Všechno musí mít konec. All things must have an end. Everything must have an end. Nie jestem leniwy. I'm not lazy. I'm not lazy. Chodzę. I walk. I'm walking. Ależ on świetnie gra w tenisa! What a good tennis player he is! What a great tennis player he is! Bude to někdo překládat? Is anyone going to translate that? Will someone translate it? Oni właśnie idą do tamtego sklepu. They are just going to the store over there. They're on their way to that store right now. Poslední dobou toho není moc k jídlu. There hasn't been much to eat lately. There's not much to eat these days. Nemám rád budovy. I don't like buildings. I don't like buildings. Mike nie umie dobrze grać w baseball. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike can't play baseball very well. Chci všem poděkovat za jejich modlitby. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. Tom był zły. Tom was fuming. Tom was angry. Tom musel dva týdny ležet v posteli. Tom had to stay in bed for two weeks. Tom had to lie in bed for two weeks. Patrz przed siebie. Look ahead. Look straight ahead. Bylo štěstí, že jsi tam byl a pomohl mi. It was lucky you were there to help me. It was lucky you were there to help me. Ty víš, kde jsme? You know where we are? You know where we are? Nie wiem zupełnie nic. I know absolutely nothing. I don't know anything. To jest bardzo poważna sprawa. This is a very serious matter. This is a very serious matter. Není tak hloupý, aby to nevěděl. He is not such a fool that he doesn't know it. He's not stupid enough not to know. Chtěl bych červené víno. I would like red wine. I want red wine. Tom řekl, že už toho má plné zuby. Tom said that he was sick and tired of it. Tom said he was sick of it. Tom zhubl. Tom lost weight. Tom lost weight. Máš nějaký koníček, Tome? Do you have a hobby, Tom? Do you have a hobby, Tom? To se mnou pořád jedná jako s děckem. Tom always treats me like a child. He still treats me like a kid. Mam kilka piór. I have a few pens. I have a few feathers. Ten plot je čerstvě natřený. The fence is freshly painted. The fence is freshly painted. Jest wiele słów, których nie rozumiem. There are many words that I don't understand. There are a lot of words I don't understand. Spotkała Mary. She met Mary. She met Mary. Jesteś fajny. You're cool. You're cool. Tohle nám dřív šlo. We used to be good at this. We've done this before. Obróć ekran aby zobaczyć inne obrazki. Rotate your screen to see other images. Turn the screen to see other images. Trudno cie rozpoznać. It is hard to recognize you. You're hard to recognize. Stále pláče. She keeps crying. She's still crying. Vrátím se o půl třetí. I'll be back at 2:30. I'll be back at 3:30. To nie będzie proste do zrobienia. It won't be easy to do that. It won't be easy to do. Včera se jim ztratil pes a ještě ho nenašli. Their dog got lost yesterday and they haven't found him yet. They lost their dog yesterday, and they haven't found it yet. Máte nějaká zavazadla, pane? Do you have any baggage, sir? Do you have any luggage, sir? Všechny evakuovali. Everyone's been evacuated. They've all been evacuated. To jo dobre měso. This is good meat. That's good meat. Lubię muzykę rockową. I like rock music. I like rock music. Nie wysiadać kiedy pojazd jest w ruchu. Don't get off while the vehicle is in motion. Do not disembark when the vehicle is in motion. On był dżihadystą. He was a jihadist. He was a jihadist. Ma siedemnaście lat. She's seventeen. She's 17. Ona ma 1001 życzeń. She has 1001 wishes. She has 1001 wishes. Může to být obtížnější, než si myslíš. It might be more difficult than you think it'll be. It may be more difficult than you think. Czy powiedziano ci, gdzie masz parkować samochód? Have you been told where to park your car? Have you been told where to park your car? Nechtěl jsem zpívat, ale Tom mě o to požádal, a tak jsem zazpíval. I didn't want to sing, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I didn't want to sing, but Tom asked me to, so I sang. Teď je na Tomovi, aby to vyřídil. It's Tom's turn to deal with this. Now it's up to Tom to handle it. Dostałeś czek? Did you get the cheque? Did you get the check? Tom promeškal příležitost. Tom missed a boat. Tom missed the opportunity. Nebudeš sám. You won't be on your own. You won't be alone. Jěztej poliwku. Eat soup. Have some soup. Tom powtórzył to pytanie. Tom repeated the question. Tom repeated the question. Chcę pojechać do Niemiec. I want to go to Germany. I want to go to Germany. Je mi jedno jestli se oženíš, nebo ne. It makes no difference to me whether you get married or not. I don't care if you get married or not. W południe jem obiad. I have lunch at noon. I have lunch at noon. Musíš změnit svůj životní styl. You need to change your lifestyle. You have to change your lifestyle. Proč na sobě nemáš šálu? Why aren't you wearing your scarf? Why aren't you wearing a scarf? Tom tańczył. Tom danced. Tom was dancing. Své rady si nechte pro sebe. You can keep your advice to yourself. Keep your advice to yourself. Můj syn začal pít a kouřit. My son started drinking and smoking. My son started drinking and smoking. Nigdy nie byłem w Paryżu. I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Paris. Poradili Tomovi, aby resetoval heslo. They advised Tom that he should reset the password. They advised Tom to reset the password. Připrav se na to, že budeš příjemně překvapen. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Be prepared to be pleasantly surprised. Chcę posprzątać dom, zanim wrócą rodzice. I want to clean the house before my parents return. I want to clean the house before my parents get back. Vraťte se. Come back. Come back. Opowiedz resztę historii. Please tell us the rest of the story. Tell the rest of the story. Asi ale tušíš, co se stane. You can probably guess what happens though. But I think you know what's going to happen. Mám rád práci. I like working. I like work. Można na nim polegać. He can be counted on. You can count on him. Jakou zeleninu chceš koupit? What vegetables do you want to buy? What vegetables do you want to buy? Możemy to naprawić. We can fix that. We can fix this. Źle czuję się. I feel unwell. I don't feel well. Lepiej dawać niż brać. It's better to give than to receive. Better to give than to take. Tom se tě bát nebude. Tom won't be afraid of you. Tom won't be afraid of you. "Powinienem był użyć prezerwatywy", lamentował Tom. "I should have used a condom," lamented Tom. “I should have used a condom,” Tom lamented. Jsem tak unaven, že nemohu pokračovat. I'm so tired that I can't go on. I'm so tired I can't go on. Můžeš aktualizovat naše programy? Can you update our software? Can you update our programs? Tak mi powiedzieli. They told me so. That's what they told me. Przeciwko czemu jesteśmy? What are we up against? What are we up against? Tom wie, że to prawda. Tom knows it's true. Tom knows it's true. Tom by měl brzy vstávat. Tom should be getting up soon. Tom should be up soon. Ludzie są zbyt leniwi, żeby sprawdzić coś w słowniku. People are too lazy to look it up themselves in a dictionary. People are too lazy to check something in the dictionary. Ta kniha není tvoje, je moje. That book isn't yours, it's mine. This book isn't yours, it's mine. Z pokoje přiběhli dva kluci. Two boys came running out of the room. Two boys came from the room. Rád bych si koupil půlku koláče. I'd like to buy half a cake. I'd like to buy half a pie. Tím bych si příliš jistý nebyl. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Tom se chtěl vrátit do Bostonu. Tom wanted to return to Boston. Tom wanted to go back to Boston. To je skutečnost. This is reality. That's a fact. Tom by se měl každou vteřinu vrátit. Tom should be back any second. Tom should be back any second. Żeby cokolwiek zrobić, potrzebujemy pieniędzy. We need money to do anything. To do anything, we need money. To vážně není můj problém. That isn't really my problem. That's really not my problem. Sám můžu potvrdit, že to je pravda. I can verify that that's the truth myself. I can confirm for myself that this is true. Tom je přenašeč koronaviru. Tom is a carrier of a coronavirus. Tom's a coronavirus carrier. Ten závod jsem vyhrál. I won the race. I won the race. Trochę się boję. I am a little scared. I'm a little scared. W każdym razie dzięki. Thanks anyway. Thanks anyway. Tom nie pozwolił mi wygrać. Tom didn't let me win. Tom wouldn't let me win. Szukam swojego klucza. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. On pije vodu. He drinks water. He drinks water. Nemyslím si, že Mary vypadá jako máma. I don't think Mary looks like a mother. I don't think Mary looks like her mom. Tom zostawił dla ciebie coś na stole. Tom left something on the table for you. Tom left something for you on the table. Tomův plán nezněl hloupě. Tom's plan didn't sound stupid. Tom's plan didn't sound stupid. Przy innych okolicznościach bez zmian, niewątpliwie to temperatura jest kluczowym czynnikiem w tym eksperymencie. If other conditions are equal, the temperature must be the most influential element in this experiment. With other circumstances unchanged, it is undoubtedly the temperature that is the key factor in this experiment. Opravdu bys měla podat výpověď. You really ought to quit. You really should quit. Mému tátovi je dnes osmdesát. My father is eighty today. My dad's 80 today. Nemám z tebe strach, Tome. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. Máš povolení k držení zbraně? Do you have a permit for a gun? Do you have a gun license? Čekal jsem a čekal. I waited and waited. I waited and waited. Dávám Tomovi poslední šanci. I am giving Tom a last chance. I'm giving Tom one last chance. Jeszcze raz. Once again. One more time. Kouření škodí zdraví. Smoking is harmful to health. Smoking is bad for health. Proč to děláš, když tě to nebaví? If you don't enyoy it, why are you doing it? Why do you do it when you're tired of it? To je moje rodina. This is my family. That's my family. Tom své přátele učí francouzsky. Tom teaches his friends French. Tom teaches his friends French. Uważam, że Boston jest najpiękniejszym miastem na świecie. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. Vezmi mě s sebou! Take me with you! Take me with you! Ohydne to mleko. The milk is disgusting. That's disgusting milk. Moje sestra pracuje v bance jako sekretářka. My sister works in a bank as a secretary. My sister works at the bank as a secretary. Lubię filmy. I like movies. I like movies. Čemu dávám přednost? Sexu, nebo šachům? To záleží na pozici. Which do I prefer? Sex or chess? It depends on the position. Which do I prefer, sex or chess? Je mladý, ale zkušený. He's young but experienced. He's young, but he's experienced. Jest w dobrych stosunkach z panem Brownem. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. Tohle bývala kavárna. This used to be a cafe. This used to be a coffee shop. Sami miała siedem dolarów w gotówce. Sami had seven dollars in cash. She had seven dollars in cash. Policii se nedá věřit. You can't trust the police. The police can't be trusted. Všichni ji milují. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. Udělal jsem to jen z dobré vůle. I only did it out of good will. I only did it out of goodwill. Pospiesz się, bo się spóźnisz. Hurry up, otherwise you'll be late. Hurry up or you'll be late. Zwykle wstaję o ósmej. I usually get up at eight. I usually get up at eight. Všechny dívky z Tomovy třídy jsou krásné. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. Te fakty poznali wszyscy. The facts became known to everyone. Everyone knows these facts. Tom se rád prochází o samotě. Tom likes taking walks by himself. Tom likes to walk alone. Co hodláš dělat dnes večer? What are you going to do tonight? What are you going to do tonight? O tohle se snažím už dlouho. This is what I've been after for a long time. I've been trying to do this for a long time. Oni už věděli. They already knew. They already knew. Zrób mi drugą kawę, a zjem następnego pączka. Pour me another cup of coffee and I'll eat another doughnut. Make me another cup of coffee and I'll have another donut. Nie ma czegoś takiego jak darmowy posiłek. There's no free lunch. There is no such thing as a free meal. Bardzo dobrze wykorzystał tą okazję. He made the best of the opportunity. He took advantage of this opportunity very well. Kolik vás je ve vaší rodině? How many of you are there in your family? How many of you are in your family? Wiosną tu dużo pada. It rains a lot here in the spring. It rains a lot in the spring. Vracet se nechci. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Vyřešme nejdřív naše vlastní problémy, než se pokusíme pomoct Tomovi. Let's solve our own problems first before we try to help Tom. Let's solve our own problems before we try to help Tom. Je dobré, že můžete svoje věty opravovat. It is good that you can correct your sentences. It is good that you can correct your sentences. Miała na sobie czerwoną spódniczkę. She was wearing a red skirt. She was wearing a red skirt. Usiadła przy niej. She sat down near her. She sat next to her. Jeho tělo bylo vhozeno do moře a nikdy se nenašlo. His body was thrown into the sea and was never found. His body was thrown into the sea and never found. Jesteś zbyt słaby, żeby to zrobić. You're too weak to do that. You're too weak to do that. Tom musi teraz iść zrobić zakupy. Tom has to go shopping now. Tom has to go shopping now. Přestaň se chovat jako takový podivín. Stop acting like such a weirdo. Stop acting like such a weirdo. Może zawrócimy? Why don't we head back? Why don't we turn around? Wyglądało na to, że był chory. It seemed that he had been ill. It looked like he was sick. Jednoho dne se probudíš a zjistíš, že jsi mrtvý. Someday, you'll wake up and find yourself dead. One day you'll wake up and find yourself dead. Chtěl bych si přečíst vaši novou knihu. I'd like to read your new book. I'd like to read your new book. Myslí, že to Tom vůbec nedělá. I think Tom never does that. He doesn't think Tom's doing it at all. Tom wyraził podobne obawy. Tom expressed similar concerns. Tom expressed similar concerns. Svět je ohromné místo. The world is a huge place. The world is a great place. Nevěřím nikomu. Nevěřím dokonce ani sám sobě. Jsem beznadějný případ. I trust nobody. I don't even trust myself. I'm hopeless. I don't trust anyone, I don't even trust myself, I'm a hopeless case. Pěstuje rajčata na zahradě. He grows tomatoes in the garden. He grows tomatoes in the garden. Nie lubię być kontrolowany. I don't like being controlled. I don’t like to be controlled. To může být opravdu dobrá myšlenka začít právě teď. Actually it might be a good idea to start right now. This can be a really good idea to start right now. Milovala mě tak, jako nikdo předtím. She loved me like no one before. She loved me like no one before. Neodcházej! Zůstaň tu se mnou! Don't go. Stay here with me. Don't go, stay here with me! Dla pana Wooda listy pisze sekratarka. Mr Wood has his secretary type his letters. There's a file for Mr. Wood's letters. Wszystkie miejsca są już zarezerwowane. All seats are reserved. All seats are already reserved. Lubicie surfing? Do you like surfing? Do you like surfing? Tom byl celý den venku. Tom has been outside all day. Tom's been out all day. Tom zasnął podczas koncertu. Tom fell asleep during the concert. Tom fell asleep at the concert. Co się zdarzyło na tym skrzyżowaniu? What happened at that crossing? What happened at that intersection? Są w tym samolocie. They are on this plane. They're on that plane. Moi rodzice nie mieli dużo pieniędzy. My parents didn't have much money. My parents didn’t have much money. Rádi konzumují olivový olej. They love to consume olive oil. They like to eat olive oil. Kdysi jsem Mary miloval. I used to love Mary. I used to love Mary. On był na froncie przez trzy miesiące. He was at the front for three months. He was at the front for three months. Můžu to vidět znova? Can I see that again? Can I see it again? Oczekuję twojej pomocy. I expect your help. I expect your help. Tom odbierze mnie o szóstej. Tom is going to pick me up at 6:00. Tom's picking me up at 6:00. Oni tylko próbują pomóc. They're only trying to help. They're just trying to help. Przebywałam na zwolnieniu lekarskim. I've been on sick leave. I was on sick leave. Staraj się nie wdychać oparów. Try not to inhale the fumes. Try not to inhale fumes. To zdanie, wyjęte z kontekstu, nie jest zbyt ciekawe. This sentence isn't very interesting out of context. This sentence, taken out of context, is not very interesting. Ma mokše włose. His hair is wet. He's got moky hair. Tom si nazul boty. Tom put his shoes on. Tom put his shoes on. Po jego zachowaniu widać, że pochodzi z prowincji. His manner marks him as a provincial. By his behavior, you can see that he is from the province. Jak nazywa się ta wieś? What is the name of this village? What's the name of this village? Mrzí mě, že jsem to tak špatně vysvětlil. I'm sorry that I explained it so badly. I'm sorry I misinterpreted it. Gdzie znajduje się katedra? Where is the cathedral located? Where is the Cathedral? Tom sprawdzi. Tom will check. Tom will check. Ta televize nefunguje. The television doesn't work. The TV's not working. Wiem co z nią nie tak. I know what's wrong with her. I know what's wrong with her. Už nebudu Toma obhajovat. I won't advocate Tom anymore. I'm not defending Tom anymore. Jestem teraz zdenerwowany. I'm nervous now. I'm nervous right now. Byl jsem naprosto ohromen. I was absolutely amazed. I was totally impressed. Nepoletím za Tomem. I'm not going to run after Tom. I'm not going after Tom. Jaká je pracovní náplň? What is the job description? What is the job description? To není moje kočka. It's not my cat. That's not my cat. Pozwól mi zapłacić. Let me pay. Let me pay. Kdo to natáčí? Who's filming this? Who's filming this? Má bohaté zkušenosti. He has ample experience. He's got a lot of experience. Po prostu je tam zostaw. Just leave them there. Just leave them there. Neviděl důvod, proč čekat déle. He saw no advantage in waiting any longer. He saw no reason to wait any longer. Twoje cycki są wyśmienite. Ja bym chciał włożyć moją buzię w nie. Your boobs are excellent. I would like to put my face in them. Your boobs are delicious. I'd like to put my mouth in them. To nie był taki zły pomysł. That wasn't such a bad idea. It wasn't such a bad idea. To nie zawsze działa. It doesn't always work. It doesn't always work. Tom tańczy. Tom dances. Tom is dancing. Złapałem okropne przeziębienie. I've caught a terrible cold. I caught a terrible cold. Tolik ti nezaplatím. I won't pay you that much. I'm not paying you that much. Prześcieradło jest na łóżku. The sheet is on the bed. The sheet is on the bed. Mój syn zaczął naukę w szkole średniej. My son entered high school. My son started high school. Tom ti věřil. Tom believed you. Tom trusted you. Prodiskutoval jsem to s Tomem. I've talked it over with Tom. I discussed it with Tom. Tom se rozhodl začít nový život. Tom decided to start a new life. Tom decided to start a new life. Angličtina se používá na celém světě. English is used all over the world. English is used all over the world. Jak to víš? How do you know? How do you know that? Tom přiznal, že to udělal jen pro peníze. Tom admitted that the only reason he did that was for the money. Tom said he did it for the money. Nepojedu s Tomem autem, protože jezdí moc rychle. I won't go by car with Tom because he drives too fast. I'm not taking Tom in the car because he's going too fast. Jste velmi statečný. You're very brave. You're very brave. Nebojte se Toma opravit. Don't be afraid to correct Tom. Don't be afraid to fix Tom. Mluvíš rád? Do you like talking? You like talking? Tom má rád veverky. Tom likes squirrels. Tom likes squirrels. Bylo skoro poledne, když se Tom konečně vzbudil. It was almost noon by the time Tom woke up. It was almost noon when Tom finally woke up. Nebudeš věřit, co jsem se doslechl. You won't believe what I heard. You won't believe what I hear. Kupiłem nieco sera i mleka. I bought some cheese and milk. I bought some cheese and milk. Myślisz, że Tom zgodzi się pomóc? Do you think Tom will agree to help? Do you think Tom will agree to help? Moje urodziny są w listopadzie. My birthday is in November. My birthday is in November. Tom řekl, že je nevinný. Tom said that he was innocent. Tom said he was innocent. Bardzo była zadowolona z kwiatów które jej wysłałeś. She was delighted with the flowers you sent her. She was very happy with the flowers you sent her. Tohle jsem nechtěl. This is not what I wanted. That's not what I wanted. Proszę opowiedzieć nam o swojej rodzinie. Please tell us about your family. Tell us about your family. Hněvem mu škubalo ve tváři. Tom's face twitched with indignation. His face trembled with anger. Myslíte si, že jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think Tom could have hurt them? Do you think Tom could have hurt them? Jsi si jistý, že to chceš udělat? Are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to do this? Máme jen jednoduché potřeby. We only have simple wants. We only have simple needs. Můj otec byl u námořnictva. My father was in the navy. My father was in the Navy. Všechny naše snahy zklamaly. All our attempts failed. All our efforts have failed. Tom umřel ve svých třiceti letech. Tom passed away at the age of thirty. Tom died at the age of 30. To jest postawa! That's the spirit! That's the attitude! Tom vypadal hubený. Tom looked emaciated. Tom looked thin. Musí být nějaký způsob, jak tu řeku přejít. There must be some way то cross the river. There must be some way to cross that river. Prawdziwi mężczyźni piją herbatę. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Doufal jsem, že budeme přátelé. I'd hoped that we'd become friends. I was hoping we'd be friends. Mary vynesla odpadky. Mary took the garbage out. Mary took out the trash. Tom si bude muset změnit čas. Tom will have to change the clock. Tom will have to change his time. Vrazil jsem mu facku. I slapped his face. I slapped him. Co si o tom myslet? What to think of this? What do you think? Znám pravý důvod, proč jsi tady. I know the real reason you're here. I know the real reason you're here. Rozuměli jste všemu, co Tom řekl? Did you understand everything that Tom said? Did you understand everything Tom said? Umíš řídit? Do you know how to drive? Can you drive? Cieszę się, że się cieszysz. I'm glad that you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Barva fuksie je pojmenována po květině. The colour fuchsia is called after a flower. The color of fuchsia is named after the flower. Někdo věděl, že přijdeme. Someone knew we were coming. Someone knew we were coming. Výsledky se mohou lišit. Results can vary. Results may vary. Spanikowała, gdy o tym usłyszała. She freaked out as she heard the news. She panicked when she heard about it. To nám způsobí škodu. It will do harm to us. That'll do us harm. Hlavní město Ukrajiny je Kyjev. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Nevěděla jsem, že se mu líbím. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Niechcący wybuchnąłem śmiechem. I burst out laughing in spite of myself. I accidentally burst out laughing. Já se jen choval zdvořile. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Spravedlnost si jednou Toma najde. Justice will catch up with Tom one day. Justice will find Tom someday. Mluvil jsem s Tomem. I talked with Tom. I talked to Tom. Nie chcę się uczyć angielskiego. I don't want to learn English. I don't want to learn English. Rozlišujeme živé a neživé objekty. We differentiate between living and dead objects. We distinguish between living and inanimate objects. Jestem pewny, że masz rację. I am sure you are right. I'm sure you're right. Mám stejný slovník jako tvůj bratr. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same vocabulary as your brother. Kopenhaga jest stolicą Danii. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Historia Rzymu jest bardzo interesująca. The history of Rome is very interesting. The history of Rome is very interesting. Jak to jest możliwe? How is it possible? How is that possible? Jest ktoś dla każdego. There's someone for everyone. There's someone for everyone. To jest mój nauczyciel. Nazywa się Pan Haddad. This is my teacher. He is called Mr. Haddad. This is my teacher, Mr. Haddad. Proč jste proti Tomovi zaujatý? Why do you side against Tom? Why are you biased against Tom? Kde Tom nechal svůj klíč? Where did Tom leave his key? Where did Tom leave his key? Někdo musel Tomovi říct pravdu. Somebody had to tell Tom the truth. Someone had to tell Tom the truth. On jest najważniejszą osobą. He is a most important person. He's the most important person. Po co się trudzisz? Why do you bother? Why do you bother? Mnoho lidí půjde studovat do knihovny. Many people will go and study at the library. A lot of people are going to the library. Tom je analfabet. Tom is an analphabet. Tom is illiterate. Jsem si dobře vědom problémů, se kterými se potýkáme. I'm well aware of the problems we face. I am well aware of the problems we face. Ktoś zostawił parasol w holu. Someone left their umbrella in the hall. Someone left an umbrella in the lobby. Oslepl. He went blind. He's gone blind. Pamatuješ, kdy jsem tě viděl naposled? Do you remember when I saw you last? Remember the last time I saw you? Neodešli. They haven't left. They didn't. Tom nie miał pojęcia z kim Mary była w związku małżeńskim. Tom had no idea who Mary was married to. Tom had no idea who Mary was married to. Starzec zmarł dzisiaj rano. The old man passed away this morning. The old man died this morning. Kdy jedete domů? When are you going home? When are you going home? Chci s tebou jít na ryby. I want to go fishing with you. I want to go fishing with you. To je moje škole. This is my school. That's my school. Naděje je. There is hope. There's hope. Mám hrozně rád oba dva. I like both of them very much. I love both of them very much. Tom je ten, kdo mi našel kočku. Tom is the one who found my cat. Tom's the one who found me a cat. Nikdo o tom nemluví. Nobody talks about that. Nobody talks about it. Som student. A ty? I'm a student. And you? I'm a student. Tom zapisał jakieś szczegóły w swoim zeszycie. Tom scribbled down some details in his notebook. Tom wrote down some details in his notebook. Nech si ten papír. Keep the paper. Keep the paper. Proč musíme čekat na Toma? Why do we have to wait for Tom? Why do we have to wait for Tom? Neodcházejte pryč. Jste tu vítáni. Don't go away. You're welcome here. Don't go away, you're welcome. Sally mu dala vánoční dárek. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Tom potřebuje nějaký čas na to, aby se zotavil. Tom needs some time to recover. Tom needs some time to recover. Křičela jsem na něho. I yelled at him. I yelled at him. Pan Smith miał trzech synów, którzy zostali inżynierami. Mr Smith had three sons who became engineers. Mr. Smith had three sons who became engineers. Přečti tohle. Read this. Read this. Według szacowań, produkcja stali osiągnie w tym roku 100 milionów ton. According to an estimate, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year. According to estimates, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year. Jadłem obiad z rodzicami. I was having dinner with my parents. I had lunch with my parents. Jest alkoholiczką. She's an alcoholic. She's an alcoholic. Stopniowo zaczynała rozumieć. She gradually began to understand. Gradually she began to understand. Tom powiedział, że nie chciał być woźnym. Tom said that he didn't want to be a janitor. Tom said he didn't want to be a janitor. Jakým jazykem se mluví v Makedonii? What language do they speak in Macedonia? What language is spoken in Macedonia? Mam z nim wiele wspólnego. I have much in common with him. I have a lot in common with him. Tom nepůjde Mary na pohřeb. Tom won't be going to Mary's funeral. Tom's not going to Mary's funeral. Do toho vám nic není. It's none of your business. None of your business. Jestem zmartwiona swoją wagą. I'm worried about my weight. I am worried about my weight. Toma nenapadal žádný důvod, proč by neměl zůstat. Tom could think of no reason why he shouldn't stay. Tom had no reason not to stay. Dřív jsem nekouřil. I didn't used to smoke. I didn't smoke before. Počkej zde, prosím. Please wait here. Wait here, please. Dałbyś mi szansę do wyjaśnienia? Would you give me a chance to explain? Would you give me a chance to explain? Je jaro. It's spring. It's spring. Dělají to, protože jim to dovolíme. They do it because we let them. They do it because we allow them to. Dneska Tom spal až do poledne. Tom slept till noon today. Tom slept until noon today. Tom je stále v nemocnici. Tom is still hospitalized. Tom's still in the hospital. On mieszka z mamą. He lives with his mom. He lives with his mom. Tom nechtěl ten kastrol mýt, a tak ho vyhodil. Tom didn't want to wash the pot, so he threw it away. Tom didn't want to wash the casserole, so he fired him. Chtěl jsem Toma rozesmát. I wanted to make Tom smile. I wanted to make Tom laugh. Kéž bys byla mohla jít se mnou. I wish you could have come with me. I wish you could come with me. Jestem wegetarianką. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Jaki jest sens istnienia? What's the point of existence? What is the meaning of existence? Przekażę Tomowi dobre wieści. I'll go tell Tom the good news. I'll tell Tom the good news. Všichni by byli šťastni, kdyby Tom odešel a už se nevrátil. Everyone would be happy if Tom left and never came back. Everyone would be happy if Tom left and didn't come back. Są tacy, co twierdzą, że nie powinno się zaczynać dnia od sprawdzania e-maila. Some people say that you shouldn't check your email first thing in the morning. There are those who say that you should not start the day with checking your email. Rusko přerušilo dodávku plynu na Ukrajinu. Russia has stopped delivering gas to Ukraine. Russia has cut off gas supplies to Ukraine. Nie mam pojęcia, gdzie Tom chce to zrobić. I have no idea where Tom wants to do that. I have no idea where Tom wants to do this. Toto je nejhlubší jezero v Japonsku. This lake is the deepest in Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. Tom má slepičí farmu. Tom has a chicken farm. Tom has a chicken farm. Málem ztratila vědomí. She almost lost consciousness. She almost lost consciousness. Tom není moc milé děcko. Tom isn't a very friendly kid. Tom's not a very nice kid. Tom řekl, že to pro mě udělá, pokud budu chtít. Tom said that he'd do that for me if I wanted him to. Tom said he'd do it for me if I wanted to. Tenhle hrníček je můj. This cup is mine. This cup is mine. Myślałem, że Tom wini mnie o to, co się wydarzyło. I thought Tom blamed me for what happened. I thought Tom was blaming me for what happened. Požaduji, aby Tom byl hnán k zodpovědnosti za svoje podlé činy. I request that Tom be held responsible for his wicked deeds. I demand that Tom be held accountable for his misdeeds. Tom stále usiluje o tvůj souhlas. Tom still seeks your approval. Tom's still trying to get your approval. Budeme si muset brzy najít nové místo. We're going to need to find a new place soon. We'll have to find a new place soon. Żyrafy mają bardzo długie szyje. Giraffes have very long necks. Giraffes have very long necks. Kam chceš cestovat? Where do you intend to travel to? Where do you want to travel? Czy jest tutaj twoja siostra? Is your sister here? Is your sister here? Miloval jsem tě víc, než tě kdy miloval kdokoli jiný. I loved you more than anybody else ever did. I loved you more than anyone ever did. Uveďme věci do souvislostí. Let's put things into perspective. Let's put things in context. Půjdu do knihovny v pondělí. I'll go to the library on Monday. I'm going to the library on Monday. Mogła powiedzieć mi kłamstwo. She may have told me a lie. She could have told me a lie. Tom i ja nie mieliśmy okazji porozmawiać. Tom and I didn't get a chance to talk. Tom and I didn't get a chance to talk. Plave jako ryba. He swims like a fish. He swims like a fish. To bardzo hojna propozycja, ale muszę ją odrzucić. That's a very generous offer, but I have to turn it down. It's a very generous offer, but I have to reject it. Tato vesnice je přístupná pouze přes řeku. This village can not be reached except via the river. This village is accessible only across the river. Możemy to zrobić sami. We can do it ourselves. We can do it ourselves. Moje sestřenice je novinářka. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin is a journalist. Pochybuju, že to někdo řekl. I doubt anyone said that. I doubt anyone said that. Operacja nie może czekać. The operation cannot wait. The operation cannot wait. To dziwne pytanie. That's a strange question. That's a weird question. Tom i Mary muszą być teraz małżeństwem. Tom and Mary must be married by now. Tom and Mary must be married now. Tom požádal Mary, aby mu udělala kafe. Mary mu řekla, aby si ho udělal sám. Tom asked Mary to make him coffee. She told him to make it himself. Tom asked Mary to make him coffee. Mary told him to make it himself. Přinesl jsi ručník? Did you bring a towel? Did you bring a towel? Tom mě neplatí dostatečně. Tom doesn't pay me enough. Tom doesn't pay me enough. Neznám její jméno. I don't know her name. I don't know her name. Nechci jít do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Tom se vymočil za stodolou. Tom took a leak behind the barn. Tom urinated behind the barn. Nebuď stydlivý. Don't be coy. Don't be shy. Tom se rozhodl jet vlakem, místo toho aby letěl letadlem. Tom decided to take a train instead of flying by plane. Tom decided to take the train instead of taking the plane. Popatrzyłem na obrazek. I looked at the picture. I looked at the picture. Ta gazeta jest za darmo. This newspaper is free. This paper is free. Madrid je hlavní město Španělska. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Tato oprátka je připravena pro Toma. This noose is prepared for Tom. This noose is ready for Tom. Při té zprávě se rozplakala. She burst into sobs at the news. The news made her cry. Blahopřeji všem. Konečně jsme to zvládli! Congratulations, everyone. We finally did it! Congratulations to everyone, we've finally made it! Kiedy przechodziliśmy przez przejście, wziąłem młodszą siostrę za rękę. I took my little sister by the hand when we crossed the street. As we walked through the passage, I took my little sister by the hand. Tom doufal, že vyhraje. Tom had hoped he could win. Tom was hoping to win. Zakochania i kaszlu nie da się ukryć. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Falling in love and coughing can not be hidden. Judy ho má ráda. Judy likes him. Judy likes him. Naoko bydlí v tom bílém domě. Naoko lives in the white house. Naoko lives in the white house. Vlak musel zastavit, protože na kolejích ležel spadlý strom. The train had to stop because there was a tree lying across the railway line. The train had to stop because there was a fallen tree on the tracks. Tom už týden drží hladovku. Tom has been on hunger strike for a week. Tom's been on hunger strike for a week. Pozbędę się tego. I'll get rid of it. I'll get rid of it. Nie wiem kogo chcesz spotkać. I don't know who you want to meet. I don't know who you want to meet. Králíci mají rádi mrkev. Rabbits like carrots. Rabbits like carrots. Ona přichází! She's coming. She's coming! Jest wiele do omówienia. There's plenty to talk about. There's a lot to talk about. Zlomila sis nohu. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. Příště dávej pozor. Next time, pay attention. Next time, pay attention. Byli lepší, než jsem očekával. They were better than I expected. They were better than I expected. Wszystko jest dobre. All is well. It's all good. Ty boty jsou obnošené. The shoes are worn out. Those shoes are worn. Mám na práci nějaké učení. I've got some studying to do. I have some teaching to do. Chciałabym, żebyś mi zaufała. I would like you to trust me. I want you to trust me. Zabiłem go. I killed him. I killed him. Považujte to za naléhavý případ. Consider it an emergency. Consider it an emergency. Moje odpověď se mu nelíbila. He didn't like my answer. He didn't like my answer. Jsi můj otec? Are you my father? Are you my father? Nauczę cię prowadzić samochód. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you how to drive. Budeš tam muset asi hodinu čekat. You will have to wait there about an hour. You'll have to wait there for about an hour. Nie wiem, jak to powiedzieć po japońsku. I don't know how to say this in Japanese. I don't know how to say this in Japanese. Japonia jest mniejsza od Kanady. Japan is smaller than Canada. Japan is smaller than Canada. Nenávidíte Toma. You hate Tom. You hate Tom. To może być rak. It could be cancer. It could be cancer. Na té adrese kdysi bydlel Tom. Tom used to live at that address. Tom used to live at that address. Je tu něco, co vážně musím udělat. There's something I really need to do. There's something I really have to do. Neudělali nic, aby Toma zachránili. They did nothing to save Tom. They didn't do anything to save Tom. Chci vědět, kdy půjdete na nákup. I want to know when you'll go shopping. I want to know when you're going shopping. Jaký jsi měla den? How was your day? How was your day? Tom mi řekl, kde je najdu. Tom told me where to find them. Tom told me where to find them. Kdybys je nedokázal přesvědčit, opij je. In the event that you can't persuade them, befuddle them. If you can't convince them, get them drunk. Jesteś bardzo szczodry. You're very generous. You're very generous. Prognoza pogody mówi, że jutro będzie chłodniej. The weather forecast says it will be cooler tomorrow. The weather forecast says it will be cooler tomorrow. Věříš v život věčný po smrti? Do you believe in eternal life after death? Do you believe in eternal life after death? Leze mi to na nervy. It's getting on my nerves. It's getting on my nerves. Tom tady opravdu žije. Tom actually lives here. Tom really lives here. Můj úmysl byl čistý. My intention was pure. My intention was pure. Dawno cię nie widziałem. I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you in a while. Tomovy poznámky jsem ignoroval. I ignored Tom's remarks. I ignored Tom’s comments. Tom nikdy nebyl zamilovaný. Tom has never been in love. Tom was never in love. Drodzy bracia i siostry! Dear brothers and sisters! Dear brothers and sisters! Co se tedy přesně stalo? So what exactly happened? So what exactly happened? To jest za duże. It's too large. It's too big. Może lepiej zadzwoń do Toma. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Nie wyobrażam sobie życia bez ciebie. I could never imagine a life without you. I can't imagine my life without you. Vrátí se až za rok. He is coming back this time next year. He won't be back for another year. Kdysi žila z ruky do huby. She used to live hand to mouth. She used to live hand to mouth. Jseš její pasák? Are you her pimp? Are you her pimp? On jeździ do pracy pociągiem. He goes to work by train. He takes the train to work. Tomův dům je blízko hřbitova. Tom's house is close to the cemetery. Tom's house is near the cemetery. Řekl jste mi to minulý týden. You said that to me last week. You told me last week. Wszystkie dziewczyny go uwielbiają. All the girls fancy him. All the girls love him. Měl velkou žízeň a požádal o trochu vody. He was very thirsty and asked for some water. He was thirsty and asked for some water. Tom vyhraje. Tom is going to win. Tom wins. Jen tak si čmárám. I'm just doodling. I'm just doodleing. Bogatym łatwiej jest się wzbogacić. It's easier for the rich to get richer. It is easier for the rich to get rich. Tom je žák. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Jejich hudba je relaxační, zatímco texty vás nutí přemýšlet. Their music is relaxing, while the lyrics make you think. Their music is relaxing, while the lyrics make you think. Ma alergię na latex. He's allergic to latex. She's allergic to latex. Budu Tomovi ten film vyprávět, až ho zhlédnu. I will tell Tom about the movie when I have seen it. I'll tell Tom the movie when I see it. Účet zaplatím já. I'll pay the bill. I'll pay the bill. Nedávno jsem v supermarketu potkal Toma s Mary. I have recently met Tom and Mary in a supermarket. I met Tom and Mary at the supermarket recently. To je wołojnik. This is a pencil. It's a bull's-eye. Tom má hlad jako vlk. Tom could eat a horse. Tom's as hungry as a wolf. Znajdziesz pracę. You'll find a job. You'll find a job. Kolikrát jsi zhřešil, Tome? How many times did you commit a sin, Tom? How many times have you sinned, Tom? To bude Karlova ulice. That is the Charles street. That'll be Charles Street. Dick chce jechać sam. Dick plans to go by himself. Dick wants to go alone. Pianino zostało wynalezione w osiemnastym wieku przez Bartolomeo Cristoforiego. The piano was invented in the 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano was invented in the 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. Víte, že nemám rád vajíčka. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Všechno se stává automatizovaným. Everything is becoming automated. Everything becomes automated. Myslím, že bys mi měl říct, co se stalo. I think you should tell me what happened. I think you should tell me what happened. Prosím, nedělej to. Please don't do that. Please don't do this. Złowił trzy ryby. He caught three fish. He caught three fish. Tom má pro nás překvapení. Tom has a surprise for us. Tom has a surprise for us. V říjnu mi bude třicet. I'll be thirty in October. I will be 30 in October. Nedivím se, že Tom tu práci nevzal. I'm not surprised Tom didn't accept the job. No wonder Tom didn't take the job. Nevěřil jsem, že se to doopravdy stalo. I didn't believe that it really happened. I didn't believe it really happened. Měl bys jít na chvíli ven, Tome. You should go out for a while, Tom. You should go out for a while, Tom. Potřebujeme to dokončit. We need to finish it. We need to finish this. Přestože si většina z nás představuje mozek jako celek, ve skutečnosti je rozdělen na dvě hemisféry. Although most of us think of the brain as a single structure, it is actually divided into two hemispheres. Although most of us imagine the brain as a whole, it is actually divided into two hemispheres. Tom gra nadzwyczaj dobrze na wibrafonie. Tom plays the vibraphone exceptionally well. Tom plays the vibraphone extremely well. To není jedle. That's not a fir tree. It's not fir. Zdálo se mi o Tatoebě. I dreamed about Tatoeba. I had a dream about Tatoeba. Zde je třeba užít spojovník. A hyphen is needed here. Here you need to use a linker. Tak, jestem ubezpieczona. Yes, I have insurance. Yeah, I'm insured. Chcete, aby vás Tom doprovázel? Do you want Tom to accompany you? Do you want Tom to accompany you? Dlaczego Tom chciał uczyć się francuskiego? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? Lednice udržuje maso čerstvé. A refrigerator keeps meat fresh. The refrigerator keeps the meat fresh. Muszę napisać list. I have to write a letter. I need to write a letter. Czułem się dokładnie tak samo. I felt exactly the same way. I felt exactly the same. Myślę, że kupiliśmy wszystko, czego potrzebujemy. I think that we have bought everything we need. I think we bought everything we needed. Budeme muset návštěvu Toma odložit. We will have to postpone Tom's visit. We're gonna have to postpone Tom's visit. To jsem kdysi dělal já. I used to do that. That's what I used to do. Twój ojciec się nie zna. Your father knows nothing. Your father doesn't know each other. Kdysi jsem pracoval s Tomem. I used to work with Tom. I used to work with Tom. Tom byl včera v klubu. Tom was at the club yesterday. Tom was at the club last night. Jsem muslimka. I'm Muslim. I'm Muslim. Brzy se dozvíš pravdu. Soon you'll learn the truth. You'll soon learn the truth. Wiedziałaś, że Tom wyjechał z miasta? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom was out of town? Lubisz deszcz, prawda? You like rain, don't you? You like the rain, don't you? Díky jejímu vytrvalému úsilí jsme dosáhli našeho cíle. Thanks to her tireless efforts, we reached our goal. Thanks to her persistent efforts, we have achieved our goal. Chciałbym spędzić z tobą resztę życia. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. Arabština je těžká! Arabic is difficult! Arabic is hard! Kiedy rozmawiałem z nim przez telefon wyglądał na zmęczonego. When I talked with him on the phone, he sounded tired. When I spoke to him on the phone, he looked tired. Přidal jsem Tomovo jméno do seznamu. I added Tom's name to the list. I added Tom's name to the list. Wykonał pracę do końca. He has done the work completely. He did the work to the end. Samozřejmě můžeš udělat, cokoli chceš. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. Of course you can do whatever you want. Mój dom znajduje się po zachodniej stronie ulicy. My house is on the west side of the street. My house is on the west side of the street. Nie pozwalam moim dzieciom oglądać telewizji w dni szkolne wieczorami. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I don't let my kids watch TV on school nights. Doufám, že se můj otec brzy vrátí z ciziny. I hope that my father returns soon from abroad. I hope my father comes back from abroad soon. Víme, že to je naše chyba. We know it's our own fault. We know it's our fault. Szczękałem zębami z zimna. My teeth chattered with cold. I was teething in the cold. Sami by Laylu mohl snadno přemoci. Sami could easily overpower Layla. He could easily defeat Layla himself. Zapni prosím televizi. Please turn the television on. Turn on the TV, please. Učitel mě nechal po škole. The teacher kept me after class. My teacher left me after school. K čemu jsou? What are these for? What are they for? Mówię po angielsku, francusku i hiszpańsku. I speak English, French, and Spanish. I speak English, French and Spanish. Do Paryża jest 50 kilometrów. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. It's 50 kilometers to Paris. Tom nemá rád kuře. Tom doesn't like chicken. Tom doesn't like chicken. Tom řekl, že Mary je bohatá. Tom said that Mary was wealthy. Tom said Mary was rich. Řekl jsem jí, ať se od Toma drží dál. I told her to stay away from Tom. I told her to stay away from Tom. Rozhodli se pro nové zásady. He had decided on a new policy. They decided on new principles. Nie rozumiem tego. I don't understand this. I don't get it. To jsem míval rád. I used to like that. I used to like that. Ten vlak už je tady. The train is already here. The train is here. Tento lék je jed ze své podstaty. This medicine is a poison by nature. This drug is a poison by its very nature. Kotek spał głęboko. The kitten slept soundly. The cat slept deeply. Raději byste s tím měli Tomovi pomoct. You'd better help Tom with that. You'd better help Tom with that. Macie nakaz rewizji? Do you have a search warrant? Do you have a search warrant? Nie jestem zdenerwowany I'm not uptight. I'm not nervous. Tom uczęszczał na Uniwersytet Harvarda. Tom attended Harvard University. Tom attended Harvard University. To jest koń. This is a horse. That's a horse. Ten sweter jest na mnie za ciasny. This sweater is too tight for me. This sweater's too tight for me. Czy zadzwoniłem do ciebie o złej porze? Have I called you at a bad time? Did I call you at a bad time? Neměli bychom to nahlásit? Shouldn't we report this? Shouldn't we report it? Jeśli nie chcesz iść, w porządku. If you don't want to go, fine. If you don't want to go, fine. Sędzia skazał go na rok pozbawienia wolności. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. Wygląda perfekcyjnie. It looks perfect. It looks perfect. Lubimy grać w piłkę nożną. We like playing soccer. We like to play football. Zdecydował się na operację. He decided to have the operation. He decided to have an operation. Nie wiem jak zlikwidować swój ostatni wpis. I can't figure out how to delete what I just posted. I don’t know how to delete my last post. Jaká je šance, že se to bude opakovat? What are the odds of that happening again? What are the chances it will happen again? Słonica jest bardzo troskliwą matką dla swoich dzieci. The elephant is a very caring mother for its children. Sunflower is a very caring mother for her children. Co bys udělala, kdybys byla na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were me? Możesz zostać na noc, jeśli chcesz. You can spend the night if you want to. You can stay the night if you want. Nie ma znaczenia skąd pochodzi. It doesn't matter where he comes from. It doesn't matter where it comes from. Tom to udělal po škole. Tom did that after school. Tom did it after school. Proszę nie zapomnieć paragonu. Don't forget the receipt. Don't forget your receipt. Chciałbym w wakacje pojechać do Polski. I want to go on a holiday in Poland. I would like to go to Poland on holiday. Nie mamy już telefonu stacjonarnego. We don't have a landline anymore. We don't have a landline anymore. Mamy wszystkie potrzebne nam dowody. We have all the evidence we need. We have all the evidence we need. My jsme herci. We're actors. We're actors. Nikdo nepřišel včas. Nobody has come in time. No one came on time. Kierowca jest odpowiedzialny za bezpieczeństwo pasażerów. The driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. The driver is responsible for passenger safety. Které jazyky se učíte? What languages are you learning? What languages are you learning? Weszła do kuchni, ale nikogo tam nie było. She came into the dining room to find it empty. She went into the kitchen, but no one was there. Tamten dopis je adresován tobě. That letter is addressed to you. That letter is addressed to you. Na zdraví! Cheers! Cheers! Udělal jsem co bylo v mých silách, abych tomu zabránil. I did my best to prevent this. I did everything I could to prevent it. Tom pracuje na celnici. Tom works at customs. Tom works at customs. Chętnie przyjął naszą propozycję. He gladly accepted our offer. He gladly accepted our offer. Předpokládám, že odešel domů. I suppose he's gone home. I assume he's gone home. Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought that would work. I thought it would work. Je tu něco, z čeho mám obavu. There's someone I'm concerned about. There's something I'm worried about. Tom vylezl z vany a osušil se bílým ručníkem. Tom got out of the bath and dried himself off with a white towel. Tom got out of the bath and dried with a white towel. Dnes ráno mě upoutal jeden titulek. A headline grabbed my attention this morning. I got a headline this morning. Co cię obudziło? What woke you up? What woke you up? Pij čaj. Drink tea. Drink your tea. Milujeme přirozenost. We love simplicity. We love nature. Blbec! Fool! Asshole! Byl tak unavený, že usnul v křesle aniž by ten film vůbec dokoukal. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the armchair without even finishing the movie. He was so tired that he fell asleep in his chair without even watching the movie. Proč jsi nesnídal? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Udělali jste to záměrně? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it intentionally? Tom vylezl na knihovnu a odtud na vrch šatní skříně, aby skočil na postel. Tom climbed the bookshelf onto the top of the wardrobe in order to jump on the bed. Tom climbed to the library and from there to the top of the wardrobe to jump on the bed. Je to sestra kolegy mého bratra. She is the sister of my brother's colleague. She's the sister of my brother's colleague. Miluje-li Tom Mary a Mary miluje Johna, pak Tom miluje Johna? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? If Tom loves Mary and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? Postaram się zdobyć wszystko czego potrzebujemy. I'll try to get everything we need. I'll try to get everything we need. Zapach jedzenia sprawił, że zgłodniałem. The smell of food made me hungry. The smell of food made me hungry. Nevěděla, co má dělat. She was at a loss what to do. She didn't know what to do. Na rozcestí odboč vlevo. Turn left when you get to the fork in the road. Turn left at the fork. Wstąpiłem do księgarni i kupiłem interesującą książkę. I dropped by the bookstore and bought an interesting book. I went to the bookstore and bought an interesting book. Přísahal, že už jí nikdy nebude věřit. He swore never to trust her again. He swore he would never believe her again. Aby mieć świetnych poetów potrzeba świetnej publiki. To have great poets, there must be great audiences. To have great poets, you need a great audience. Která místa se vám líbí? What places do you enjoy? Which places do you like? Chcę ci coś powiedzieć. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. Proszę, wyślij mi to faksem. Please send it to me by fax. Please send it to me by fax. Nie chcę grać z Tomem. I don't want to play with Tom. I don't want to play with Tom. Netušil jsem, že Tom je tvůj bratr. I had no idea that Tom was your brother. I had no idea Tom was your brother. Maria pali świeczki w swoim pokoju. Mary lights the candles in her room. Maria is lighting candles in her room. Nie mamy herbaty. We don't have tea. We don't have tea. Nikdo by to takhle asi neřekl. Nobody would probably say it like this. I don't think anyone would say that. Ta osoba jest pijana. That person is drunk. This person is drunk. Zranil jsem se. I hurt myself. I got hurt. Ty věci se mi hnusí. Those things disgust me. I hate those things. Tom strávil noc v lese. Tom spent the night in the woods. Tom spent the night in the woods. Mam dwa psy i próbuję karmić każdego z nich taką samą porcją jedzenia. I have two dogs and I try to feed them each the same amount of food. I have two dogs and I try to feed them all the same amount of food. Všichni očekávali útok. Everybody expected an attack. Everyone was expecting an attack. Chciałem spotkać prawdziwą dojrzałą kobietę. I wanted to meet a really mature woman. I wanted to meet a real mature woman. Pracuję nad tym od trzech lat. I've been working on this for three years. I've been working on it for three years. Ta książka odpowiada twoim potrzebom. This book is suitable for your needs. This book meets your needs. Tom má na starosti kuchyň. Tom is in charge of the kitchen. Tom is in charge of the kitchen. Poczytam książkę, gdy będziesz spać. I'll read a book while you're sleeping. I'll read the book while you're sleeping. Nie tęsknisz za nimi? Don't you miss them? Don't you miss them? Pro Toma to není důležité. That isn't important to Tom. It's not important to Tom. Jego nagła śmierć wielce nas zaskoczyła. His sudden death surprised us greatly. His sudden death surprised us. Míra utrpení zažitého na této planetě je nesmírná. Rate of suffering experienced on this planet is enormous. The amount of suffering experienced on this planet is immense. Kto pomógł Tomowi to zrobić? Who helped Tom do that? Who helped Tom do that? Jsou nepřátelé. They're enemies. They're enemies. Jest coś, czego nie rozumiem. There is one thing I don't understand. There's something I don't understand. Nebyl důvod k tomu, aby se Tom zlobil. There was no reason for Tom to be angry. There was no reason for Tom to be angry. Tom, co mam zrobić? What do you want me to do, Tom? Tom, what do I do? Koupil si auto. He bought a car. He bought a car. Nechte nás žít v míru. Let us live in peace. Let us live in peace. Nemohu za to, že nechce jíst. It's not my fault that she won't eat. It's not my fault he doesn't want to eat. Droga powoli schodziła w dół. The road descends slowly. The road slowly went down. Někteří z nich tancovali. Some of them danced. Some of them danced. Lidi kdysi psali knihy na psacích strojích. People used to write books using typewriters. People used to write books on typewriters. Ten słownik mi się bardzo przydaje. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This dictionary is very useful to me. Tom lubi siadać z tyłu klasy, przy drzwiach. Tom likes to sit in the back of the classroom next to the door. Tom likes to sit in the back of the classroom, by the door. Víte, proč jsem k vám přišel? Do you guys know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? Uznałem ten film za bardzo ciekawy. I found this film very interesting. I found this film very interesting. Tohle se musí stát. This is what must happen. This has to happen. Nie pobiliśmy ich. We didn't beat them. We didn't beat them. V šuplíku nebyly žádné tužky. There weren't any pencils in the drawer. There were no pencils in the drawer. Tom i ja, oboje lubimy żeglarstwo. Tom and I both like sailing. Tom and I, we both like sailing. Chcę adwokata. I want a lawyer. I want a lawyer. Kousl mě mravenec. I was bitten by ant. I was bitten by an ant. Rozhodl jsem se, že se budu učit těsnopis. I've decided to learn shorthand. I've decided to study shorthand. Nikdo Toma nepřivítal. Nobody received Tom. No one welcomed Tom. Byl víceméně opilý. He was more or less drunk. He was more or less drunk. Jak dlouho snídáš? How long does it take you to eat breakfast? How long have you been eating breakfast? Vůbec tomu nerozumím. I can't understand this at all. I don't understand. Potřebuju, abys poslouchal. I need you to listen. I need you to listen. Jsem velice šťastná v Gruzii. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. Dzisiaj lokomotywa popycha wagony pociągu. Today, the locomotive is pushing the cars in the train. Today, the locomotive pushes the wagons of the train. Cítíš se hodně unavený? Do you feel too tired? Do you feel very tired? Já toho moc nenaspím. I don't sleep a lot. I don't get much sleep. Tomův stav zůstává vážný. Tom's condition remains serious. Tom's condition remains serious. Kdybych tak byl trávil více času trénováním svého psa, dokud byl ještě štěně. I wish I'd spent more time training my dog when he was still a puppy. If only I had spent more time training my dog while he was still a puppy. Fotbal je stará hra. Football is an old game. Football is an old game. Není to o penězích, že? It's not about the money, is it? It's not about the money, is it? Ty si myslíš, že jsem tlustý, že ano? You think I'm fat, don't you? You think I'm fat, don't you? Tom nedělá pokroky. Tom isn't making progress. Tom is not making progress. Prezident odložil návštěvu Japonska. The president put off visiting Japan. The president postponed a visit to Japan. Tom poznał kolegę Mary na lotnisku. Tom met a friend of Mary's at the airport. Tom met Mary's friend at the airport. Nikdo nepřišel včas. Nobody came in time. No one came on time. Tom žije na lodi. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives on a boat. Nehraj si s jejími city. Don't play with her feelings. Don't play with her feelings. Cestoval jsem s Tomem společně po světě. Tom and I traveled around the world together. I traveled with Tom around the world. Stalo se vám to? Has that happened to you? Did that happen to you? Starý společenský systém se pomalu rozpadá. The old social system is slowly falling apart. The old social system is slowly disintegrating. Nie możemy pozwolić na to Tomowi. I can't let Tom do that. We can't let Tom do this. Tom už získal několik nových přátel. Tom has already made several new friends. Tom has made some new friends. Skoro Toma neznám. I hardly knew Tom. I hardly know Tom. Nie jestem pewna czy będę w stanie to zrobić. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to do that. Pamatuješ, co jsem ti řekl, když jsme se posledně setkali? Do you remember what I told you the last time we met? Remember what I told you the last time we met? Pověsím svůj kabát za dveře. I'll hang my coat up behind the door. I'll hang my coat by the door. Mnohé ovoce změní barvu slupky, když dozraje. Many fruits change the color of their skin when they ripen. Many fruits change the color of the skin when they ripen. Mary není hezká, ale není ani ošklivá. Mary's not pretty, but she isn't ugly, either. Mary's not pretty, but she's not ugly either. Tyle wiem na pewno. I know that much. That's all I know for sure. Všichni vědátoři jsou trošku pošetilí. All scientists are a bit childish. All scientists are a bit foolish. Tom otočil klíčem. Tom turned the key. Tom turned the key. Má manželka je lékařka. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. Nemusím se nikomu prokazovat. I don't have to prove myself to anyone. I don't have to prove myself to anyone. Se mnou budeš v bezpečí. You'll be safe with me. You'll be safe with me. To je Tomova povinnost zkontrolovat toto místo dvakrát denně. It is Tom's duty to check out this place twice a day. It's Tom's duty to check this place twice a day. Myslím, že nám lhali. I think we were lied to. I think they lied to us. Seznámil jsem se s jednou hezkou maďarskou dívkou. I met a nice Hungarian girl. I met a beautiful Hungarian girl. Kto chce gorącej czekolady? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Tom za celý život nepřečetl ani jednu knihu. Tom hasn't read a single book in his life. Tom has never read a book in his entire life. Przepracowawszy cały dzień, musisz być wykończony. Having worked all day, you must be exhausted. Having worked all day, you must be exhausted. Vždycky přicházím první. I'm always the first to arrive. I always come first. Nie znam żadnego z was. I don't know any of you. I don't know any of you. To si nenalhávej. Don't lie to yourself. Don't kid yourself. Toto bude stát 30 €. This will cost €30. This will cost $30. V jakém městě to jsme? What city are we in? What city are we in? Vrátím se zítra před obědem. I'll be back before lunch tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow before lunch. Kdyby si věděl, jak důležité toto rozhodnutí je, neudělal by si jej tak snadno. If you knew how important a decision that was, you wouldn't make it so lightly. If you knew how important this decision is, you wouldn’t make it so easy. Tom nigdy nie opuścił dnia pracy. Tom never missed a day of work. Tom never missed a day of work. Ta dívka je Mary. That girl is Mary. The girl is Mary. Tom zjistil, že mu někdo ukradl peněženku. Tom found out that somebody had stolen his wallet. Tom found out that someone had stolen his wallet. Tom miluje koně. Tom loves horses. Tom loves horses. Nebyl jsem jediný kdo ho viděl, jak bije svoji ženu. I was not the only one who saw him beating his wife. I wasn't the only one who saw him beat his wife. Kdyby Tom býval viděl co se stalo, nejspíš by byl šokován. If Tom had seen what happened, he probably would've been shocked. If Tom had seen what happened, he would have been shocked. Tom není moc chytrý chlap. Tom isn't a very smart guy. Tom's not a very smart guy. Następnym razem, gdy odwiedzę San Francisco, chciałbym mieszkać w tamtym hotelu. Next time I visit San Francisco, I'd like to stay at that hotel. The next time I visit San Francisco, I would like to live in that hotel. Kapitán řídí svojí loď a posádku. A captain controls his ship and its crew. The captain controls his ship and crew. Tom i Mary grają w rosyjską ruletkę. Tom and Mary played a game of Russian roulette. Tom and Mary play Russian roulette. Obawiam się, że to jest trochę zbyt optymistyczne. I'm afraid that's being a little too optimistic. I'm afraid that's a little overly optimistic. Přidal jsem věty. I've added sentences. I added sentences. Možná má jiné plány? Maybe she has other plans? Maybe he has other plans? Zatímco Tom ještě spal, Mary již byla vzhůru. While Tom was still sleeping, Mary was already awake. While Tom was still asleep, Mary was already awake. Nebyli pod dozorem. They weren't being supervised. They weren't under surveillance. Nenecháte mě tady, že ne? You're not going to leave me here, are you? You're not gonna leave me here, are you? Udowodnił, że jest szpiegiem. He proved to be a spy. He proved he was a spy. Nigdy nie byłem w bibliotece bez chęci posiadania tyle czasu, żeby móc pójść tam i zostać dopóki nie przeczytam wszystkiego. I never see a library without wishing I had time to go there and stay till I had read everything in it. I’ve never been to a library without wanting to have enough time to go there and stay until I’ve read everything. Dosáhl svého cíle. He achieved his goal. He achieved his goal. Nie miałem okazji ci powiedzieć, jak świetnie bawiłem się na twojej imprezie. I haven't had the chance to tell you how much I enjoyed your party. I didn't get a chance to tell you how much fun I had at your party. Firma planuje sprzedawać nowy produkt po 1000 dolarów. The company plans to sell the new product for $1,000. The company plans to sell the new product for $1,000. Tom je rozmazlené děcko. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom's a spoiled kid. Tom a Mary mi řekli, že potřebují vaší pomoc. Tom and Mary told me they needed our help. Tom and Mary told me they needed your help. Tom ještě nezaplatil členský příspěvek. Tom hasn't yet paid his membership fees. Tom hasn't paid his membership fee yet. Kolik času potřebuješ na přípravu? How much time do you need for the preparation? How much time do you need to prepare? Tom měl s Mary velkou trpělivost. Tom has been very patient with Mary. Tom was very patient with Mary. On souhlasil. He agreed. He agreed. Proszę nam dać chwilę. Give us a moment, please. Give us a minute. Tady se nic nezmění. Nothing will change here. Nothing's gonna change here. Uczymy się esperanto. We're learning Esperanto. We are learning Esperanto. Myslím, že to nestačí. I don't think this is enough. I don't think that's enough. Szkło stłukło się. The glass was broken to pieces. The glass broke. W łazience są karaluchy. There's a cockroach in the bathroom. There are cockroaches in the bathroom. Byl bych radši, kdyby Tom nepřišel. I would rather Tom didn't come. I'd rather Tom didn't come. Chceš být povýšen? Do you want to get a promotion? You want to be promoted? Naciśnij spust. Squeeze the trigger. Push the trigger. V této lekci se naučíme abecedu. We'll learn the alphabet in this lesson. In this lesson, we will learn the alphabet. Tom a Mary se milují. Tom and Mary love each other. Tom and Mary are in love. Je mi z tebe zle. You make me sick. You make me sick. Proto tu nejsi. That isn't why you're here. That's not why you're here. Używam fiszek do nauki francuskich słówek. I use flashcards to study French vocabulary. I use flashcards to learn French words. Moje dzieci chodziły do tej szkoły. My kids used to go to this school. My kids went to this school. Někteří lidé se bojí psů. Some people are afraid of dogs. Some people are afraid of dogs. Tvůj pes potřebuje venčit. Your dog needs to be walked. Your dog needs to go out. Obawiam się, że muszę już iść. I am afraid I must be going now. I'm afraid I have to go. Widziałeś kiedyś świetlika? Have you ever even seen a firefly? Have you ever seen a firefly? Przepraszam, że muszę iść. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry I have to go. Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś ile gwiazd jest na niebie? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the sky? Na twoim miejscu, nie robiłbym takiej rzeczy. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Dovolte, abych vám vzal ten kufr. Let me carry your suitcase for you. Let me take your suitcase. “Čí jsou to zuby?” - “Tyhle zuby jsou mého dědy.” “Whose teeth are these?” - “These teeth are my grandfather’s.” "Whose teeth are these?" - "These teeth are my grandfather's." Zatrudniłem przewodnika. I hired a guide. I hired a guide. Už nic dalšího říkat nemusíš. You don't need to say anything more. You don't have to say anything else. Naše poslední zastávka byla u Toma. Our last stop was at Tom's place. Our last stop was at Tom's. To je má matka. This is my mother. That's my mother. Ile czasu ci zostało? How long do you have? How long do you have? Chyba tak jest w porządku. I guess it's only fair. I guess that's okay. Proč ukazuješ na Toma? Why do you point at Tom? Why are you pointing at Tom? John przyszedł i przesunął część pudełek. John came and moved some of the boxes. John came in and moved some of the boxes. Doktor powiedział Tomowi, że jego włosy odrosną. The doctor told Tom that his hair will grow back. The doctor told Tom that his hair would grow back. Nemohou Toma vystát. They cannot stand Tom. They can't stand Tom. On ma mniej przyjaciół niż ja. He has fewer friends than I. He has fewer friends than I do. Żadne z nas nie chce się pobierać. Neither of us wants to get married. Neither of us wants to get married. Říkal jsem ti přece, abys mi žádné dárky nekupoval. I did tell you not to buy me any gifts. I told you not to buy me any presents. Tom se sem brzy nastěhuje. Tom will move here soon. Tom's moving in soon. Jesteście Niemcami, tak? You're Germans, aren't you? You're Germans, right? On jí. He is eating. He's eating. Tom przejrzał listę. Tom skimmed the list. Tom looked at the list. Nie potrafię tańczyć. I can't dance. I can't dance. Mary i Tom cenią sobie prywatność. Mary and Tom value their privacy. Mary and Tom value privacy. Spytaj kogoś. Ask anyone. Ask someone. Já jen chci týden sedět na pláži a relaxovat. I just want to sit on the beach and relax for a week. I just want to sit on the beach for a week and relax. Všechny slepice jsou už v kurníku. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the chickens are already in the henhouse. Miała szczęście, że zdała ten egzamin. She was fortunate to pass the exam. She was lucky to pass the exam. Tom już nigdy nie był taki sam po wypadku. Tom was never the same after his accident. Tom was never the same after the accident. Nie powiedziałem ci, żebyś to zrobił. I didn't tell you to do that. I didn't tell you to do it. Gdzie kupiłaś kwiaty? Where did you buy the flowers? Where did you get the flowers? Tom se narodil na Štědrý den. Tom was born on Christmas Eve. Tom was born on Christmas Day. Tom mě zavedl do své kanceláře. Tom showed me into his office. Tom took me to his office. Rád bych věděl proč. I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why. Nevím co to je. I don't know what it is. I don't know what that is. Tom nás neposlouchá. Tom doesn't listen to us. Tom doesn't listen to us. Stojíme před obtížnou situací. We're faced with a difficult situation. We are facing a difficult situation. Nejsi jediný, kdo se bojí výšek. You're not the only one who's afraid of heights. You're not the only one afraid of heights. Dneska je velké vedro. Today is a very hot day. It's very hot today. Chcete to vědět? Are you curious about it? You want to know? Opravdu to bylo zapotřebí? Did we really have to do that? Was it really necessary? To nie miało sensu. It didn't make sense. It didn't make any sense. Tom v tom byl dobrý. Tom was good at that. Tom was good at it. Próbowałem uciec. I tried to escape. I tried to escape. Tom naprawdę lubi swoją pracę. Tom really enjoys his job. Tom really likes his job. Lubię w tobie tę twoją opiekuńczość. I love the fact that you always seem to care so much. I like your protectiveness. Udržuj svůj pokoj tak čistý, jak můžeš. Keep your room as neat as you can. Keep your room as clean as you can. Powinnaś to przeczytać. You should read this. You should read this. Nie słyszałeś mnie? Didn't you hear me? Didn't you hear me? Dobre! Nice one! All right! Předal jsem tu zprávu Tomovi. I transmitted the message to Tom. I gave the message to Tom. Potrafią naprawiać komputery. They can repair computers. They can fix computers. Tom zjadł większość swojej pizzy. Tom's eaten the majority of his pizza. Tom ate most of his pizza. Przyniósłbyś mi, proszę, jeszcze jeden? Would you bring me another one, please? Could you get me another one, please? Ja płacę. I'm paying. I'm paying. Kéž bych ti mohl dát více. I wish I had more to give you. I wish I could give you more. Snad jsem Toma napálil. I hope I managed to trick Tom. I think I tricked Tom. Nie masz nic przeciwko jeśli wyjdziemy trochę wcześniej? Do you mind our leaving a little earlier? Do you mind if we leave a little early? Dostal jsem pozvání. I got an invitation. I got an invitation. Nie mam pojęcia, dlaczego Tom tak wybrał. I don't know why Tom chose that. I have no idea why Tom chose that. Zamówiliśmy chińskie jedzenie. We've ordered Chinese food. We ordered Chinese food. Tom jí nemohl ublížit. Tom couldn't have hurt her. Tom couldn't hurt her. Vytí bylo čím dál hlasitější. The howling grew louder and louder. The howl grew louder. Ile hamburgerów zjadłeś? How many hamburgers did you eat? How many hamburgers did you eat? Zůstaň tady a zamkni dveře. Stay here and lock the door. Stay here and lock the door. Viděla jsem, jak Tom hraje tenis. I saw Tom play tennis. I saw Tom play tennis. Zniszczenia w Kobe były tak straszliwe, jak się spodziewałem. The devastation in Kobe was as terrible as I had imagined. The destruction in Kobe was as terrible as I expected. Heather mi věří. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. Tom nie jest żołnierzem. Tom isn't a soldier. Tom is not a soldier. Kupiłem nożyczki. I bought a pair of scissors. I bought scissors. Kdy se Tom nastěhoval do svého nového domu? When did Tom move into his new house? When did Tom move into his new house? Tom a Mary si byli navzájem velmi blízcí. Tom and Mary were very close to each other. Tom and Mary were very close. Kdy a kde našli Toma? When and where did they find Tom? When and where did they find Tom? Ještě se to nerozhodlo. That hasn't been decided yet. It hasn't been decided yet. Rodiče učí děti mluvit, děti učí rodiče mlčet. Parents teach children to speak, children teach parents to be silent. Parents teach their children to talk, children teach their parents to be silent. Mary bude velmi vděčná, když Tom přijde k obědu včas. Mary will be very grateful if Tom comes for lunch in time. Mary will be very grateful when Tom arrives for lunch on time. Jak jsi došel k tomu, že jsi Tomův manažer? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How did you come to be Tom's manager? Ktoś zajął moje miejsce. Someone took my place. Someone took my place. Chciałabym kupić psa. I would like to buy a dog. I'd like to buy a dog. Jediné, v čem bude Mary Tomovi chybět, je postel. The only thing that Tom will miss about Mary is the bed. The only thing that Mary Tom will miss is the bed. Už nás je sedm miliard. We're already 7 billion. We're already seven billion. Krokodýli, hadi, ještěrky a želvy jsou plazi. Crocodiles, snakes, lizards and turtles are reptiles. Crocodiles, snakes, lizards and turtles are reptiles. Tom chce jít s tebou. Tom wants to go with you. Tom wants to go with you. Tom bude platit. Tom is going to pay. Tom will pay. Nemůžu uvěřit, že to Tom udělal. I can't believe Tom did that. I can't believe Tom did this. Tom zmarł w październiku zeszłego roku. Tom died in October last year. Tom died last October. Chciałbym być młodszy. I wish I were younger. I wish I was younger. Tom czuje się lepiej. Tom is feeling better. Tom is feeling better. Tom je zvyklý zařídit si to po svém. Tom is accustomed to getting his own way. Tom is used to doing things his own way. Mój dziadek zmarł przed moim pradziadkiem. My grandfather predeceased my great-grandfather. My grandfather died before my great-grandfather. Zatkla ho policie? Did the police arrest him? Did the police arrest him? Zaprodal by svojí duši ďáblu. He would sell his soul to the devil. He would sell his soul to the devil. Kiedy słyszę tę piosenkę, przypomina mi się dzieciństwo. Whenever I hear that song, I think of my childhood. When I hear this song, it reminds me of my childhood. Moje sestra se právě baví s kamarádkami. My sister is having a conversation with her friends. My sister's talking to her friends right now. On zawsze dobrze gra. He always plays well. He always plays well. Zvoní mi telefon! My phone is ringing! My phone's ringing! Rzeka to ciek wodny. A river is a stream of water. The river is a watercourse. Mam dwadzieścia pięc lat. I'm 25 years old. I'm twenty-five. Kto jest twoim ulubionym wokalistą rockowym? Who is your favorite rock singer? Who is your favorite rock singer? Aby w pełni zrozumieć japońską kulturę, powinieneś nauczyć się tego języka. To understand Japanese culture to the full, you should learn the language. In order to fully understand Japanese culture, you should learn this language. Nikt mnie nie powstrzyma od pójścia tam. No one can keep me from going there. No one can stop me from going there. Randění může být zastrašující. Dating can be intimidating. Dating can be intimidating. Okazał się inny niż myślałem. He was otherwise than I thought. He turned out different than I thought. Tom a Mary kráčeli po ulici a drželi se za ruce. Tom and Mary walked down the street holding hands. Tom and Mary walked down the street and held hands. Jadłeś już obiad? Have you eaten your lunch yet? Have you had dinner yet? Te pomarańcze szybko dojrzewają. These oranges mature fast. These oranges ripen quickly. Wstawaj. Get up. Get up. Sy w knihowni. You're in a library. You're in the library. Tom pokazał Mary zdjęcia swoich dzieci. Tom showed Mary pictures of his children. Tom showed Mary pictures of his children. Myslíš, že bude znovu zvolen prezidentem? Do you think he will be elected president again? Do you think he'll be re-elected president? Betty by mohla zpívat lépe. Betty could sing better. Betty could sing better. Dała mi torebkę zrobioną ze skóry. She gave me a bag made of leather. She gave me a handbag made of leather. Mój dom wymaga remontu. My house needs repairs. My house is in need of renovation. Ona vyhrožovala, že nám podpálí dům. She threatened to set our house on fire. She threatened to burn our house down. Gdy wróciłem do domu Tom oglądał telewizję. Tom was watching TV when I came home. When I got home, Tom was watching TV. Můj bratr mi pomohl s domácím úkolem. My brother helped me with my homework. My brother helped me with my homework. Myslíš, že zítra bude hezky? Do you think tomorrow's weather will be good? You think tomorrow's gonna be nice? Krása je jen povrchní. Beauty is only skin deep. Beauty is only superficial. Prenumeruje pan jakąś gazetę? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you subscribe to a newspaper? Ona to chystá udělat. She's going to make it. She's going to do it. Tom žil v Austrálii, když začala válka. Tom was living in Australia when the war started. Tom was living in Australia when the war started. Snažil jsem se ze všech sil Mary zastavit. I tried to do everything I could to stop Mary. I tried my best to stop Mary. Zostały nam trzy dni. We've got three days left. We have three days left. Chci napsat dopis. Mám obálku, ale nemám žádné známky. I want to write a letter. I have an envelope, but I don't have any stamps. I want to write a letter. I have an envelope, but I have no stamps. Tom był zbyt zszokowany żeby coś powiedzieć. Tom was too stunned to say anything. Tom was too shocked to say anything. Tom vystoupil z auta a otevřel kufr. Tom got out of his car and opened the trunk. Tom got out of the car and opened the trunk. Tom je můj sportovní trenér. Tom is my gymnastics coach. Tom is my sports coach. Věčná láska neexistuje. Unfailing love does not exist. There is no eternal love. Potrzebuję wakacji! I need a vacation! I need a vacation! Nie ma o czym mówić. There's nothing to talk about. There's nothing to talk about. Tom se nemohl dokoukat na film, protože vypadla elektřina. Tom couldn't finish watching the movie because there was a power cut. Tom couldn't see the movie because the power was out. Můžeš přijít, jestli chceš. You can come if you want to. You can come if you want. „Čí je to židle?“ „Ta je moje.“ "Whose chair is this?" "It is mine." "Whose chair is this?" "It's mine." Tom opróżnił wiadro wody. Tom emptied the bucket of water. Tom emptied a bucket of water. Řekni Tomovi, aby přišel. Tell Tom to come. Tell Tom to come. Twój nauczyciel historii byłby dumny. Your history teacher would be proud. Your history teacher would be proud. Nakonec si Tom získal uznání. In the end, Tom earned recognition. In the end, Tom won recognition. Powiedziałem mu o swoich pomysłach ale on z miejsca je odrzucił. I told him about my ideas but he dismissed them out of hand. I told him about my ideas, but he immediately rejected them. Potrzebuję japońsko-angielski słownik. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. Tom už přijel do Bostonu. Tom has arrived in Boston already. Tom's already in Boston. Když domluvil, nastalo ticho. When he finished speaking, there was a silence. When he finished, there was silence. Nebraňte v tom Tomovi. Don't prevent Tom from doing it. Don't stop Tom. Tom se na mě obořil. Tom snapped at me. Tom turned on me. Odpověz! Answer! Answer me! Szkoła znajduje się w odległości pięciu minut marszu od dworca. The school is located within five minutes' walk of the station. The school is a five minute walk from the station. Tomův pes je v jeho autě. Tom's dog is in his car. Tom's dog is in his car. Řekl, že se stěhuje do Maďarska. He said he was moving to Hungary. He said he was moving to Hungary. Tom se omluvil za to, že Mary nechal čekat. Tom apologized for making Mary wait. Tom apologized for keeping Mary waiting. Koupila klukovi hračku. She bought a toy for the boy. She bought the kid a toy. Tato kniha je napsána anglicky. This book is written in English. This book is written in English. Nikdo se o mě nezajímá. Nobody cares about me. Nobody cares about me. Tom nie jest palaczem. Tom isn't a smoker. Tom is not a smoker. Tom przedstawił Mary swoim rodzicom. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. Spadł z konia. He fell from the horse. He fell off his horse. Mary milovala svoje děti. Mary loved her children. Mary loved her children. Neodcházej! Zůstaň tu se mnou! Don't go away. Stay here with me. Don't go, stay here with me! Weź jajko z lodówki. Take an egg from the fridge. Get the egg out of the fridge. Je možné sníst lžíci skořice, aniž bych zakašlal? Can one gulp a spoonful of cinnamon without coughing? Is it possible to eat a spoonful of cinnamon without coughing? Zahnali jsme koně do ohrady. We drove the horses into the pen. We drove the horses into the corral. Tom zapnul pravý blinkr. Tom turned on the right blinker. Tom turned on the right blinker. To pomaga nam wszystkim. That helps all of us. It helps all of us. Ona mi ufa. She trusts me. She trusts me. Kupiłem to na prezent dla Toma. I bought this as a gift for Tom. I bought this as a gift for Tom. Tamhleta dívka je velice tlustá. That girl over there is very fat. That girl over there is very fat. Býval jsem učitelem. I used to be a teacher. I used to be a teacher. Tom ví, že s tím moc nenadělá. Tom knows that there won't be much that he'll be able to do about it. Tom knows he can't do much about it. Tom powiedział, że ma trzydzieści lat. Tom said he was thirty. Tom said he was 30 years old. Tom nemá žádné právo tě omezovat. Tom has no right to tie you down. Tom has no right to limit you. Vydavatel nemá o moji knihu zájem. The publisher isn't interested in my book. The publisher isn't interested in my book. Mnoho vězňů nepřežilo. Many of the prisoners didn't survive. Many prisoners did not survive. Byl jsem velmi překvapen, když mi Tom řekl, že Mary odešla z Bostonu. I was very surprised when Tom told me Mary had left Boston. I was very surprised when Tom told me that Mary had left Boston. Máme o tebe velký strach. We're very worried about you. We're very worried about you. Někteří lidé se bojí pavouků. Some people are afraid of spiders. Some people are afraid of spiders. Kochamy drzewa. We love trees. We love trees. Lidé dnes tráví hodně času u počítače. People nowadays spend a lot of time in front of computers. People spend a lot of time at the computer these days. Cały świat może być zniszczony w wojnie atomowej. The whole world could be destroyed by an atomic war. The whole world could be destroyed in a nuclear war. Nezdáš se v tom sám být moc dobrý. You don't seem too good at this yourself. You don't seem very good at this on your own. Po prostu się tego nie spodziewałem. I just wasn't expecting this to happen. I just didn't see it coming. Kniha je běła. The book's white. The book is white. Jego ambicją było zostanie politykiem. His ambition was to be a great politician. His ambition was to become a politician. Tom řekl Mary, že nikdy nebyl na nudistické pláži. Tom told Mary he'd never been to a nude beach. Tom told Mary that he had never been to a nudist beach. Ruština má šest pádů: nominativ, genitiv, dativ, akuzativ, instrumentál, a předložkový pád. Russian has six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional. Russian has six falls: nominative, genitive, dativ, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional fall. Tom mi to poslal. Tom sent me that. Tom sent it to me. Przestań mi przeszkadzać. Stop bothering me. Stop bothering me. Tom poczuł się niezręcznie. Tom felt awkward. Tom was uncomfortable. To sprawa życia i śmierci. It is a matter of life or death. It's a matter of life and death. Asi tuším, co se mohlo stát. I have a rough idea what might've happened. I think I know what might have happened. Jaké je vaše datum narození? What is your date of birth? What is your date of birth? Potrzebuję miotły. I need a broom. I need a broom. Szukam moich kluczy.Możliwe że zostawiłem je w domu. I'm looking for my keys.I might have left it at home. I'm looking for my keys. I may have left them at home. Tom nikdy nenadává. Tom never curses. Tom never swears. Oni ci po prostu nie ufają. They just don't trust you. They just don't trust you. Próbowałam udawać, że wszystko mi jedno. I tried to pretend that I didn't care. I tried to pretend I didn't care. Tom nesnáší zabíjení zvířat. Tom hates killing of animals. Tom hates killing animals. Tom používá pouze růžovou himalájskou sůl. Tom only uses pink Himalayan salt. Tom uses only pink Himalayan salt. Ludzie muszą przestać nienawidzić. People need to stop hating. People need to stop hating. Tom zašrouboval žárovku. Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom turned the light bulb on. Tom jí dal na zadek. Tom spanked her. Tom slapped her on the ass. Tom wygląda na naprawdę zakłopotanego. Tom seems really embarrassed. Tom looks really embarrassed. Jak by měl vypadat? How should he look like? What should it look like? Jego głowa została roztrzaskana przez wściekły czas jakąś ciężką bronią. His head had been shattered by a savage blow from some heavy weapon. His head was shattered by an angry time with some heavy weapon. Malíři malují. The painters paint. Painters paint. Než jsme se naděli, tak se setmělo. It became dark before we knew it. Before we knew it, it was dark. Tom był schowany za drzwiami. Tom was hiding behind the door. Tom was hiding behind the door. Musimy rozładować tę ciężarówkę, zanim zacznie padać. We need to get this truck unloaded before it starts raining. We need to unload this truck before it starts raining. Tom uháněl moji sestru. Tom was running after my sister. Tom chased my sister. On znalazł swój klucz i otworzył drzwi. He found his key and opened the door. He found his key and opened the door. Kiedy ostatni raz ją widziałeś? When was the last time you saw her? When was the last time you saw her? Bude pracovat. She will be working. He'll work. Otevři oči. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Můžeme to vyřídit později. We can deal with this later. We can do this later. Jesteś uprzejmy. You're attentive. You're being polite. Co máme dělat v případě požáru? What should we do in the event of a fire? What should we do in the event of a fire? Napoj žíznivé a nakrm hladové. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Drink the thirsty and feed the hungry. Próbuję cię powstrzymać przed zrobieniem dużego błędu. I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake. I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake. Krew była ciemnej barwy. The blood was a dark color. The blood was dark. Tom i Mary zrobili przemeblowanie w pokoju dziennym. Tom and Mary rearranged the furniture in their living room. Tom and Mary did a rearrangement in the living room. Sy w knihowni. You're in the library. You're in the library. Proč se na vás Tom zlobí? Why is Tom angry with you? Why is Tom mad at you? Tom je pravděpodobně jediný, kdo dokáže vyřešit tento problém. Tom may be the only one who can solve this problem. Tom is probably the only one who can solve this problem. Nie ma nic lepszego niż gorąca kąpiel. There's nothing like a good hot bath. There is nothing better than a hot bath. To jest sprzeczne z rozsądkiem. It is contrary to reason. It's against reason. Tom se Mary svěřil, že má problémy s pitím. Tom confided to Mary that he had a drinking problem. Tom told Mary he had a drinking problem. Dalej nie znamy prawdy. We still don't know the truth. We still don't know the truth. Mormoni zdelegalizowali poligamię, lecz niektórzy wyznawcy wciąż ją praktykują. The Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it. Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it. Nevstávej, prosím. Please don't get up. Don't get up, please. Mary jeszcze nie powtarzała lekcji. Mary hasn't revised her lessons yet. Mary hasn't repeated the lesson yet. Nikdo z lidí, které jsem oslovil, mi neodpověděl. None of the people that I approached have answered me. None of the people I spoke to answered me. Obudziłeś się już? Are you already awake? Are you awake yet? Mám rád obě. I like both. I like them both. Nie wiem na pewno, ale myślę o zostaniu nauczycielem. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll become a teacher. I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking about becoming a teacher. Tom si potřeboval dát opravit auto. Tom needed to get his car repaired. Tom needed his car repaired. Zajrzałem do pudełka. I looked into the box. I looked in the box. Výtah je mimo provoz. The elevator is out of order. Elevator's down. Nejsem tak pobožný. I'm not that religious. I'm not that religious. Neměly jste sem chodit samy. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. Astronomowie wyciągnęli wniosek o istnieniu lokalnej supergromady. Astronomers inferred the existence of a local supercluster. Astronomers have concluded the existence of a local supercluster. Słyszałem, że trudniej zadowolić kobietę niż mężczyznę. Ciekawe, czy to prawda. I've heard it said that it's harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that's true. I hear it's harder to please a woman than a man. Dobranoc wszystkim! Good night, everybody! Good night, everybody! Všichni ví, že on má rád ji a ona jeho. Everybody knows he likes her and she likes him. Everyone knows he likes her and she likes him. Ona wraca z powrotem do Ameryki. She's going back to America. She's going back to America. Nie jesteśmy dla siebie stworzeni. We are not made for each other. We're not made for each other. Mary nie rozumiała pytania. Mary did not understand the question. Mary didn’t understand the question. Ona mieszka na kompletnym zadupiu. She is living in the middle of nowhere. She lives in the middle of nowhere. Nevěřte lidem, kteří nabízí jednoduché odpovědi na složité otázky. Don't trust people that promise easy answers to complicated questions. Don’t trust people who offer simple answers to complex questions. Natychmiast przestałem się śmiać. I immediately stopped laughing. I immediately stopped laughing. Znalost sebe samého je začátkem veškeré moudrosti. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Self-knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom. Dlužíš mi pivo. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Nigdy nie słyszałem żeby tak płakał. I have never heard him crying like this. I've never heard him cry like that. Hodně lidí dnes trpí sennou rýmou. A lot of people are dealing with hay fever now. Many people today suffer from hay fever. To není tvůj nůž. That's not your knife. That's not your knife. Wygląda na to, że Tom zgubił guzik ze swojej koszuli. It looks like Tom has lost a button off his shirt. Looks like Tom lost the button on his shirt. Jen jsem chtěl říct díky. I just wanted to say thanks. I just wanted to say thanks. Znáte odpověď? Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? Tom se to nechce učit. Tom won't learn it. Tom doesn't want to learn. Chciałbym, by Tom zabrał mnie do domu. I'd like Tom to take me home. I'd like Tom to take me home. Strojové překlady zde nejsou vítány. Machine translations are not welcomed here. Machine translations are not welcome here. Tom není můj student. Tom isn't my student. Tom's not my student. Tom si váží svého života a zdraví a proto nikdy zbytečně neriskuje. Tom values his life and health and therefore he never risks unnecessarily. Tom values his life and health and therefore never takes unnecessary risks. Tom si to potřeboval ověřit. Tom needed to verify that. Tom had to check it out. Setkání musíme zrušit. We need to cancel the meeting. We have to cancel the meeting. Tom se právě připojil ke schůzce. Tom has just joined the meeting. Tom just joined the meeting. Příští rok touhle dobou už Tom bude v důchodu. This time next year Tom will have been on pension. By this time next year, Tom will be retired. Mój wuj odwiedza mnie od czasu do czasu. My uncle comes to see me from time to time. My uncle visits me from time to time. Usiądźcie tam. Sit there. Sit over there. Včera jsme zbourali zeď. Yesterday, we demolished a wall. We knocked down the wall yesterday. Ten posąg wyobraża wolność. The statue expresses freedom. This statue represents freedom. Zgubiłem telefon komórkowy. I lost my mobile phone. I lost my cell phone. Nestav sklenici poblíž okraje stolu. Don't put the glass near the edge of the table. Do not place a glass near the edge of the table. Hlavním městem Maďarska je Budapešť. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. Tom włożył dłonie do kieszeni. Tom put his hands into his pockets. Tom put his hands in his pocket. Jego wcześniejsze sukcesy nie mają znaczenia. His past successes count for nothing. His past successes don’t matter. Nie sądzę, aby Tom nas usłyszał. I don't think Tom is going to hear us. I don't think Tom can hear us. Mravenci jsou společenský hmyz. Ants are social insects. Ants are social insects. Tom mi řekl, že se mu nelíbí život v Bostonu. Tom told me he didn't like living in Boston. Tom told me he didn't like living in Boston. Jsem stejně starý, jako Tom. I'm Tom's age. I'm as old as Tom. Až se vrátíš, budu tady. I'll be here when you get back. I'll be here when you get back. Nemám rád kočky. I don't like the cats. I don't like cats. Lubię grać w piłkę nożną. I like to play soccer. I like to play football. Powiedz mi, co masz. Tell me what you have. Tell me what you got. Můžu vidět svého syna? Can I see my son? Can I see my son? Próbowałem zawołać Toma. I tried to call Tom. I tried calling Tom. Něco takového podporovat nebudu. I won't support something like that. I will not support such a thing. Tomův majetek byl zabaven. Tom's property was seized. Tom's property was confiscated. Jestem pewny, że ona ma rację. I'm sure that she's correct. I'm sure she's right. Tom telefonuje už hodinu. Tom has been on the phone for over an hour. Tom's been on the phone for an hour. Prostě musíš čekat. You just have to wait. You just have to wait. Nemá smysl se s Tomem dohadovat. There's no point in arguing with Tom. There's no point in arguing with Tom. Nie lubiła swojego męża. She disliked her husband. She didn't like her husband. Tak si matka pomyslela. Then his mother thought. That's what my mother thought. Nie jestem wśród tych, którzy muszą stracić na wadze. I'm not the one who needs to lose weight. I’m not one of those people who needs to lose weight. Tom se narodil ve stejném domě, kde zemřel. Tom was born in the same house he died in. Tom was born in the same house where he died. Poslední knihy byly prodány minulý týden. The last books were sold a week ago. The last books were sold last week. Kiedy jedziesz do Japonii? When will you go to Japan? When are you going to Japan? Musím mluvit s mnoha lidmi. I have to talk to a lot of people. I need to talk to a lot of people. Mám jednoho psa a jednu kočku. I own one dog and one cat. I have one dog and one cat. Czy interesujesz się polityką? Are you interested in politics? Are you interested in politics? Czy Tom jest karany? Is Tom being punished? Is Tom being punished? Tom se zabil v říjnu. Tom killed himself in October. Tom killed himself in October. Niedługo się dowiemy. We'll soon find out. We'll find out soon enough. Tom netušil, kam má jít. Tom had no idea where he was supposed to go. Tom didn’t know where to go. Tom chciał się ożenić z Mary. Tom wanted to get married to Mary. Tom wanted to marry Mary. Dokładnie! Precisely! Exactly! Tom je ženatý. Tom is married. Tom's married. Jsem si celkem jistý, že Tom nevyhrál. I'm quite certain Tom didn't win. I'm pretty sure Tom didn't win. Toto je jedna z mnoha věcí, které musíme udělat, než půjdeme domů. This is just one of many things we have to do before we can go home. This is one of the many things we have to do before we go home. Jste náš nepřítel? Are you our enemy? Are you our enemy? Neumím parkovat. I don't know how to park a car. I can't park. Vrátí se až za rok. She is not coming back until next year. He won't be back for another year. Nevíte, kdo tam bude? Do you know who's going to be there? Do you know who will be there? Stále nevím, jak jsem ji dokázal přesvědčit. I still don't know how I managed to convince her. I still don't know how I managed to convince her. Je vystudovaný právník. He was trained as a lawyer. He's a trained lawyer. Vlk obvykle člověka nenapadne. Wolves won't usually attack people. A wolf doesn't usually attack a person. Mam syna w wieku Tom'a. I have a son Tom's age. I have a son, Tom's age. Zeptal se, jestli přijde. He asked if she would come. He asked if he would come. Wszyscy, opuścić statek! All hands, abandon ship! Everybody, get off the ship! Udělali jsme to všechno sami. We did it all on our own. We did it all ourselves. Tej nocy on uciekł z Algerii. He fled Algeria that very night. That night he escaped from Algeria. Upozornil vás někdo na to, že přijdu? Did someone warn you that I'd come? Did anyone tell you I was coming? Autostrada była zamknięta z powodu poważnego wypadku. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The highway was closed due to a serious accident. Nikdy se neboj dělat chyby. Never be afraid of making mistakes. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Czy ty jesteś pewny, że ten mężczyzna nazywa się Tomek? Are you sure that this man is called Tom? Are you sure this man's name is Tomek? Učím se španělsky a portugalsky ve škole. I learn French and Portuguese in school. I learn Spanish and Portuguese at school. Proč nechceš Toma vidět? Why do you not want to see Tom? Why don't you want to see Tom? Zdráhám se Toma požádat o pomoc. I hesitate to ask Tom to help. I refuse to ask Tom for help. Chciałbyś tu kiedyś zamieszkać? Would you ever want to live here? Would you like to live here someday? Ztratili jsme všechnu naši výstroj. We've lost all our equipment. We've lost all our gear. Dalo by se s tebou lépe vycházet, kdybys více poslouchal. You'd be a lot easier to get along with if you'd listen more. You could get along better if you listened more. Ta státní hymna je krásná píseň. The national anthem is a beautiful song. The national anthem is a beautiful song. Tom se pohádal se svými dětmi. Pár týdnů na to zemřel, zcela opuštěný. Tom had an argument with his children. A few weeks later he died, completely abandoned. Tom had a fight with his kids, and he died a few weeks later, completely abandoned. Musisz doprowadzić swój plan do końca. You must go through with your plan. You have to bring your plan to an end. Stany Zjednoczone są największym na świecie producentem sera. The United States is the largest producer of cheese in the world. The United States is the world’s largest producer of cheese. Tom mi řekl, že nemá hlad. Tom told me that he wasn't hungry. Tom told me he wasn't hungry. Tom je arogantní sráč. Tom is an arrogant piece of shit. Tom's an arrogant piece of shit. Najgorsze za nami. The worst is over. The worst is behind us. Pochybuji, že to Toma potěší. I doubt that it'll please Tom. I doubt it will please Tom. Odmítl si opravit svoje věty. He refused to correct his sentences. He refused to correct his words. Učím se čínsky dva roky. I have been studying Chinese for two years. I have been learning Chinese for two years. Jak romantycznie! How romantic! How romantic! Byl jsem dlouho pryč. I've been away for a long time. I've been gone a long time. Rusko je pod útokem. Russia is under attack. Russia is under attack. Gdybył był Tobą, pomógłbym mu. If I were in your shoes, I would help him. If he were you, I would help him. Máš dobrou intuici. You have good instincts. You have good intuition. Skunks nie boją się ani psów, ani ludzi. Skunks fear neither dogs, nor men. Skunks are not afraid of dogs or people. Nigdy nie wybieraj zawodu tylko dlatego, że wygląda na prosty. Never choose a vocation just because it looks easy. Never choose a profession just because it looks simple. Jeho triko vybledlo. His t-shirt has faded. His shirt faded. Měl váš manžel hodně nepřátel? Did your husband have many enemies? Did your husband have a lot of enemies? Kto ci takich rzeczy naopowiadał? Who told you all this? Who told you these things? Vzpomínáš si na Toma? Do you remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? Mówiłeś, że jak długo byłeś w Bostonie? How long did you say you were in Boston? How long were you in Boston? Sotva jsem zadržel smích, když jsem viděl Toma s Mary tancovat. I could hardly keep from laughing when I saw Tom and Mary dancing. I could barely stop laughing when I saw Tom and Mary dancing. Je tady Tom opravdu nepostradatelný? Is Tom really indispensable here? Is Tom really necessary here? Czemu wszystko jest ciemne? Why's everything so dark? Why is everything dark? Bądź cicho, albo powiedz coś wartego słuchania. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing. Be quiet, or say something worth listening to. Je vdaná za Američana. She is married to an American. She's married to an American. Tomovi se to moc nelíbilo. Tom didn't like it very much. Tom didn't like it very much. Oto mój portfel. Here's my wallet. Here's my wallet. Mieliśmy skargi na jednego z wolontariuszy z Brukseli. We had complaints about one of the volunteers from Brussels. We had complaints about one of the volunteers from Brussels. Jsem Tomovi moc vděčný za záchranu svého života. I am very grateful to Tom for saving my life. I'm very grateful to Tom for saving my life. Wychodzę rano. I'm leaving in the morning. I'm leaving in the morning. Se schůzí jsme se vypořádali rychle. We got the meeting over with quickly. We dealt with the meeting quickly. Je to normální? Is this normal? Is that normal? Oni zpívali. They were singing. They sang. Nie śniłem nawet o tym, że mógłby tędy przejść tajfun. I never dreamed that there would be a typhoon. I never dreamed a typhoon would pass through here. Wciąż grasz na puzonie? Are you still playing the bassoon? Are you still playing trombone? Zruinovaly mi život. They ruined my life. They ruined my life. Czy podasz mi sól? Will you pass me the salt? Will you pass me the salt? Zavolej mi, jo? Give me a call, will you? Call me, okay? Ile czasu to zajmuje? How much time does it take? How long does it take? To je výborná zpráva. That's excellent news. That's great news. Ślub odbędzie się w sobotę. The wedding will take place on Saturday. The wedding will take place on Saturday. Jaka jest tam pogoda? How's the weather there? How's the weather? Hledáte něco konkrétního? Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? Nie możemy spać z powodu hałasu. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Už se s Tomem nemusíte vidět. You don't have to see Tom again. You don't have to see Tom anymore. Gdybym rozważał możliwość złapania grypy za każdym razem, gdy całuję dziewczynę, której nie znam,to nie miał bym żadnych szans z kobietami. If I considered the possibility of catching the flu every time I kiss a girl I don't know, I'd have no luck with the ladies at all. If I thought about catching the flu every time I kissed a girl I didn't know, I wouldn't stand a chance with women. Dokážu to vůbec? Would it be at all possible for me to do that? Can I even do that? Tom opuścił przyjęcie o drugiej trzydzieści. Tom left the party at 2:30 a.m. Tom left the party at 2:30. Chcę wiedzieć, czemu nie jesteś gotowy. I want to know why you aren't ready. I want to know why you're not ready. Pořád se zajímáš o Toma? Are you still interested in Tom? Are you still interested in Tom? Kupił sobie skuter śnieżny. He bought himself a snowmobile. He bought a snowmobile. Kak wjele źowćow jo na toś tom wobrazu? How many girls are there in this picture? How many people are in this image? Ten hoch je velmi bystrý. That boy is very smart. The boy's very bright. Když Tom pracoval na mléčném statku, musel vstát každé ráno v pět hodin a podojit krávy. When Tom was working on the dairy farm, he had to get up at five o'clock every morning to go and milk the cows. When Tom was working on the dairy farm, he had to get up every morning at five o’clock and milk the cows. Zapytałeś się innych? Did you ask the others? Did you ask the others? Býval jsem učitelem francouzštiny. I used to be a French teacher. I used to be a French teacher. Dej Tomovi, o co žádá. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. Bůh mě miluje. God loves me. God loves me. V koupelně jsou čisté ručníky. There are fresh towels in the bathroom. The bathroom has clean towels. Błagał, żeby wróciła. He implored her to come back. He begged her to come back. Idź się umyć. Go clean yourself up. Go wash up. Nie mogę pozwolić, żeby Tom poszedł do więzienia za coś, czego nie zrobił. I can't let Tom be put in prison for something he didn't do. I can't let Tom go to jail for something he didn't do. To był tylko koszmar. It was only a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Šťastná ta, která si vezme syna mrtvé matky. Happy is she who marries the son of a dead mother. Happy is the one who marries the dead mother's son. Pada śnieg w Paryżu It's snowing in Paris. Snow in Paris Jaký problém máte s Tomem? What kind of problem with Tom do you have? What's your problem with Tom? Nemám moc rád sýr. I don't like cheese very much. I don't like cheese very much. Dzikie zwierzęta żyją w dżungli. Wild animals live in the jungle. Wild animals live in the jungle. Ona chodzi do szkoły wieczorowej. She goes to night school. She goes to night school. Schůze začala až ve čtvrt na pět a skončila až ve tři čtvrtě na šest. The meeting didn't start until four fifteen, and didn't end until five forty-five. The meeting didn't start until quarter past five, and it didn't end until quarter past six. Czy mogę zabrać go do domu? Can I take it home? Can I take him home? Zgubiłem portfel. I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Potřebuji od tebe přeložit tyto fráze. I need you to translate these phrases. I need you to translate these phrases. Nigdy tu nie byłem od czasu wypadku. I haven't been back here since the incident. I've never been here since the accident. Nie jesteśmy w dżungli. We're not in the jungle. We're not in the jungle. Zase lžeš. You're lying again. You're lying again. Ani trochu toho nelituju. I don't regret it at all. I don't regret it at all. Tom ma silne bóle głowy. Tom has a bad headache. Tom has severe headaches. Tom nemá lístek. Tom doesn't have a ticket. Tom doesn't have a ticket. Nie chcę rozmawiać z Tomem. I don't want to talk to Tom. I don't want to talk to Tom. Pokaż mi swój nowy system katalogowania. Show me your new filing system. Show me your new cataloging system. Co robiłeś w moim pokoju? What were you doing in my room? What were you doing in my room? Baterie dálkového ovladače je vybitá. The remote battery is dead. The remote control battery is dead. Tom nezavřel dvířka od lednice. Tom didn't close the fridge door. Tom didn't close the refrigerator door. Tom neřekl svým rodičům, kde byl. Tom didn't tell his parents where he'd been. Tom didn't tell his parents where he was. Stej w knigłowni. They are in a library. Stay in the bookstore. Rád cestoval. He loved to travel. He liked to travel. Zostaw mi kawałek ciasta. Save me a piece of pie. Leave me a piece of cake. Přijímáte moje podmínky? Do you accept my terms? Do you accept my terms? Hej, poczekaj! Hey, wait up! Hey, wait! Chtěla bys jedno? Would you like one? Would you like one? Zítra ji neuvidím. I won't see her tomorrow. I won't see her tomorrow. Tom řekl, že mám před smrtí. Tom said that I was about to die. Tom said I had before I died. Těším se na svoje narozeniny. I look forward to my birthday. I'm looking forward to my birthday. Pijtej čaj. Drink tea. Drink your tea. On zgadza się z moją opinią. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with my opinion. Tohle auto není moje. This car is not mine. This car isn't mine. Była świetna. She was great. She was great. Najlepsze ciastka, jakie w życiu jadłem, to te, które piekła dla mnie mama. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the ones that your mother baked for me. The best cookies I've ever had are the ones my mom made for me. Kdo ještě seděl vepředu? Who else sat in the front? Who else was in front? Tom musí být varován. Tom has to be warned. Tom must be warned. Tom nechtěl být jiný. Tom didn't want to be different. Tom didn’t want to be different. Kot wyszedł spod samochodu. A cat got out from under the car. The cat came out of the car. "Pomożesz mi?" "Z przyjemnością." "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." "Will you help me?" "With pleasure." Ręcznik jest suchy. The towel is dry. The towel's dry. Nemáš jíst příliš mnoho zmrzliny a špaget. You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. You shouldn't eat too much ice cream and spaghetti. Mluvíte na mne moc rychle. Mohl byste, prosím vás, mluvit trochu pomaleji? You speak a bit too fast for me. Could you speak a bit more slowly, please? Could you please speak a little slower? Půjdu na nákup. I'll go shopping. I'm gonna go shopping. Tom nie tonie. Tom isn't drowning. Tom's not drowning. To není pravda. That's not true. That's not true. Mogę tego dotknąć? Can I touch it? Can I touch it? Tom skoczył na równe nogi. Tom jumped to his feet. Tom jumped to his feet. Tom zachowywał się tak, jakby nie znał Mary. Tom acted as if he didn't know Mary. Tom acted like he didn't know Mary. Listí opadalo. The leaves fell. The leaves fell. Tom byl zatčen za rychlou jízdu. Tom has been arrested for speeding. Tom was arrested for speeding. Všechno prodali za extrémně vysoké ceny. They sold everything at extremely high prices. They sold everything at extremely high prices. Tomovo vysvětlení Mary neuklidnilo. Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. Tom's explanation didn't calm Mary down. Porozmawiajmy o tym problemie później. Let's discuss that problem later. Let's talk about this problem later. Kde Tom zastavil? Where did Tom stop? Where did Tom stop? Kiedy wychodzisz za mąż? When are you getting married? When are you getting married? Rozumiem, że masz na ten temat jakieś informacje. I assume you have some information about this. I understand you have some information on this. Vlak vykolejil a způsobil paniku mezi cestujícími, ale nebyly hlášeny žádné oběti. The train derailed causing panic among the passengers, but no casualties were reported. The train derailed and caused panic among passengers, but no casualties were reported. Tak, hned je to lepší. Now, that's better. Now, that's better. Její otec je už nějakou dobu bez práce. Her father has been unemployed for some time. Her father has been out of work for a while. Mám moc rád tvoje příběhy. I love your stories. I love your stories. Kdyby Mary byla znala Tomovo číslo, mohla mu zavolat. If Mary had known Tom's number, she could have called him. If Mary knew Tom's number, she could have called him. Ona napisała wiele wierszy. She wrote a lot of poems. She wrote a lot of poems. Tom wygłosił wczoraj bardzo długie przemówienie. Tom gave a very long speech yesterday. Tom gave a very long speech yesterday. Będę strzelać. I'll shoot. I'll shoot. Proč tomu nevěříš? Why don't you believe that? Why don't you believe it? Tom to naprawi. Tom will fix this. Tom will fix it. To nie jest oryginał. That's not original. It's not the original. Tom powiedział, że więcej tego nie zrobi. Tom said he wouldn't do it again. Tom said he wouldn't do it again. Nie oskarżam cię o nic. I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm not accusing you of anything. Kdybych se narodil znovu, chtěl bych být kočkou. If I was born again, I'd like to be a cat. If I were born again, I would want to be a cat. Ktoś zjadł wszystkie ciastka. Somebody ate all the biscuits. Someone ate all the cookies. Drzwi mojego biura są zawsze otwarte. My office door's always open. My office door is always open. Przyprowadź dzieci. Bring the kids. Bring the kids. Tom je zvonař. Tom is a bell maker. Tom's a bellman. Jeho dotaz jsem ignoroval. I ignored his question. I ignored his question. Ty jsi moje dcera. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Jaká je minimální mzda na Kubě? What's the minimum salary in Cuba? What is the minimum wage in Cuba? Te wiadomości są dla nas ważne. This news is important to us. These messages are important to us. Tatoeba: by się nie zgubić między słowami. Tatoeba: so you never get lost in translation. Tatoeba: not to get lost between words. Więcej tam nie pójdę. I will go there no more. I'm not going back there. Mám lepší nápad. I've got a better idea. I have a better idea. Musím napsat dopis. Nemáš papír? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a letter. Z czego jest zbudowany ten dom? What is that house built out of? What is this house made of? Jeśli przepełnisz to pudełko, dno z niego wyleci. If you stuff the box too full, the bottom will fall out. If you fill that box, the bottom will come out. Lépe mrtvým býti, než co rudý žíti. Better dead than red. Better to be dead than to live red. Ten wiersz został napisany przez anonimowego poetę. This poem was written by a nameless poet. This poem was written by an anonymous poet. Ładnemu we wszystkim ładnie. Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they wear. Nice in everything nice. Zaplatila jsi víc, než si měla. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you should have. Nie gadać w klasie. Don't talk in the classroom. Don't talk in class. Chyba muszę iść do domu, do żony. I guess I should get home to my wife. I think I need to go home to my wife. Pojechaliśmy na narty do Kanady. We went skiing in Canada. We went skiing in Canada. Určitě tě to stálo hromadu peněz. It must have cost you a fortune. I'm sure it cost you a lot of money. To najwspanialsze urodziny, jakie pamiętam! This is the best birthday dinner ever. It's the greatest birthday I can remember! Dohodli se, že tu svatbu odloží. They agreed to postponing the wedding. They agreed to postpone the wedding. Jsem zvyklý mluvit s cizinci. I'm used to talking to foreigners. I'm used to talking to strangers. O jaká témata se zajímáte? What kind of topics are of interest to you? What topics are you interested in? S těmito budeme bojovat. With these we will fight. These are the ones we're gonna fight. Powiedziałem Tomowi prawdę. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Myslím, že ten sníh brzy roztaje. I think the snow will melt soon. I think the snow will melt soon. Seřaď tento jmenný seznam podle abecedy. Alphabetize this list of names. Sort this name list alphabetically. Nikt go nie lubi, bo zawsze się przechwala. Nobody likes him, because he is always blowing his own horn. No one likes him because he's always bragging. Uczniowie czuli się nieswojo przed egzaminem. The students were ill at ease before the exam. The students felt uncomfortable before the exam. - Czy mu się powiedzie? - Obawiam się, że nie. "Will he succeed?" "I fear not." - Will he succeed? Zrobiłem wszystko, co musiałem zrobić. I've done everything I need to do. I did everything I had to do. Chodziłbym na filmy, jeśli miałbym czas. I would've gone to the movies if I'd had the time. I'd go to the movies if I had time. Vypadá to, že Tom si na nikoho z nás nevzpomíná. Tom didn't seem to remember any of us. Looks like Tom doesn't remember any of us. Wiem, jak odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, ale proszono mnie, bym ci nie mówił. I know how to solve the problem, but I've been asked not to tell you. I know how to answer that question, but I've been asked not to tell you. Wieczorami prawie zawsze jestem w domu. I'm almost always home in the evenings. I am almost always home at night. Teraz wiem, czemu Tom to zrobił. I now know why Tom did what he did. Now I know why Tom did it. Nie zapominam o moich przyjaciołach. I don't forget my friends. I don't forget my friends. Kto powinien iść pierwszy? Who should go first? Who should go first? Gonił mnie potwór. The monster chased me. I was chased by a monster. Čeština a slovenština jsou navzájem srozumitelné jazyky. Czech and Slovak are mutually intelligible languages. Czech and Slovak are mutually intelligible languages. Vychovala jí babička. She was brought up by her grandmother. She was raised by her grandmother. Potkal jsem Kanaďana se jménem Tom Jackson. I met a Canadian man named Tom Jackson. I met a Canadian named Tom Jackson. Nedělají žádné problémy, protože bydlí pět pater nad námi. They don't cause any problems because they live five floors above us. They don't cause any problems because they live five floors above us. Mám zavirovaný počítač. My computer is infected. My computer's infected. Nara je velmi staré město. Nara is a very old city. Nara is a very old town. Wybacz, czy mówisz po angielsku? Pardon me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? Minulost se nedá změnit. The past can't be changed. The past cannot be changed. Jest całkiem zalany. He's paralytic. He's pretty drunk. Polož svůj telefon. Put your phone down. Put your phone down. Tom otrzyma pomoc. Tom will get help. Tom will get help. Je provdaná za cizince. She is married to a foreigner. She's married to a stranger. Według tego co wiem, on jest niewinny. To the best of my knowledge, he is innocent. As far as I know, he's innocent. Śmierć to jedyna rzecz, której nie udało nam się całkiem zwulgaryzować. Death is the only thing we haven't succeeded in completely vulgarizing. Death is the only thing we haven't completely vulgarized. Wszystko się zmienia. Everything's changing. Everything changes. Jsem mladý a ty jsi mladší, než já. I'm young and you're younger than I am. I'm young, and you're younger than me. To jest wszystko, co przyniosłeś? Is that all you brought? Is that all you brought? Co kdybychom to dali do kufru? Why don't we put this in the trunk? Why don't we put this in the trunk? Ten deser powinien być serwowany na zimno. This dessert must be served cold. This dessert should be served cold. Tom to nesmí dělat, a je si toho dobře vědom. Tom mustn't do it, as he is well aware. Tom can't do that, and he's well aware of it. Tom chodíval do školy pěšky. Tom used to walk to school. Tom went to school on foot. Nebudou mít žádné problémy. They'll have no problem. They won't have any problems. Myslím, že Tom si zaslouží lepší postavení. I think that Tom deserves a better position. I think Tom deserves a better position. Něco přede mnou schovávají. They're hiding something from me. They're hiding something from me. Je těžké pro Toma vařit, protože je moc vybíravý. It is hard to cook for Tom because he is too picky. It's hard for Tom to cook because he's too picky. Kdy jdeš zase do práce? When do you start to work again? When are you going back to work? Lecz gdy faraon ogłosił swój zamiar wyjścia do ogrodu, nie wyrazili sprzeciwu. But when the pharaoh announced his intention to go out into the garden, they did not object. But when Pharaoh announced his intention to go out into the garden, they did not object. Oni mi rozumí. They can understand me. They understand me. Do města je to daleko. It is long way to the town. It's a long way to the city. Sami miał romans w sieci. Sami had a love affair online. Sami had an affair online. Tomovi by se mělo říct, aby to už nedělal. Tom should be told not to do that anymore. Tom should be told not to do it again. Nie kłam. Don't lie. Don't lie to me. Zróbmy to jeszcze raz. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Začněme! Let's get started. Let's begin! Je velice nemocná a leží v posteli již jeden týden. She's very ill and has been in bed for a week. She is very ill and has been in bed for a week. Neberte Tomovy výhrůžky vážně. Don't take Tom's threats seriously. Don't take Tom's threats seriously. Na tej wyspie jest ciepło przez cały rok. The island is warm all year. It is warm on this island all year round. Co čteš za knihu? What kind of book are you reading? What book are you reading? Tom nie szanuje Marii. Tom doesn't respect Mary. Tom doesn't respect Maria. V té době byl Tom ještě batole. At that time, Tom was just a toddler. At the time, Tom was still a toddler. Nie potrzebuję twojego pozwolenia, żebym to zrobił. I don't need your permission to do this. I don't need your permission to do this. Nedovolím jim venčit svého psa. I don't let them take my dog out. I won't let them walk my dog. Tom se nedokázal na nic soustředit. Tom couldn't concentrate on anything. Tom couldn’t focus on anything. Přesvědčit tě je moje práce. It's my job to convince you. Convincing you is my job. Kiedy Tom pojechał do Bostonu? When did Tom go to Boston? When did Tom go to Boston? Tom není zas tak zlý. Tom isn't that bad. Tom's not so bad. Myslel jsem, že třeba vycouváš. I thought you might back out. I thought you might back out. Kdybych byl Tomem, nikdy bych si Mary nebral. If I were Tom, I would never marry Mary. If I were Tom, I'd never marry Mary. Czy jest zdrowy? Is he healthy? Is he healthy? Nie jestem taki pewien, czy chcę jechać do Bostonu. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. Podgorica je hlavní město Černé Hory. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Tom seděl na zemi a plakal. Tom sat on the floor and cried. Tom was sitting on the floor crying. Tom řekl, že jsem nudný. Tom said I was boring. Tom said I was boring. Od doby, kdy jsme koupili dům, hodně jsme ho vylepšili. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. We've improved a lot since we bought the house. Jak już wiesz, to się nie wydarzyło. As you know, that didn't happen. As you know, it didn't happen. Któryś z nas musi iść. Either you or I will have to go. One of us has to go. Na rozdíl od něj, je jeho syn velký. Unlike him, his son is tall. Unlike him, his son is big. Deklaracje zmiennych są bardzo ważne w C i C++. Declarations of variables are extremely important in C and C++. Variable declarations are very important in C and C++. Myslím, že mám lepší nápad. I think that my idea is better. I think I have a better idea. Pies goni za kotem, a kot za myszą. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog chases a cat and a cat chases a mouse. Nasz nauczyciel wygląda bardzo młodo. Our teacher looks very young. Our teacher looks very young. Uvidíme se za půl hodiny. We'll see each other in half an hour. I'll see you in half an hour. Je tahle zelenina drahá? Are these vegetables expensive? Is this vegetable expensive? Po co mu jeszcze jeden rower? Why does he need another bicycle? Why does he need another bike? V řece nebyla voda. There was no water in the river. There was no water in the river. Co platilo kdysi, platit už nemusí. What used to be true may not still be true. What used to be paid no longer has to be paid. On ani trochę nie wygląda jak jego ojciec. He doesn't look like his father at all. He doesn't look like his father at all. Měl bys to vyzkoušet. You should try it. You should try it. Takhle jsi to neřekl. You didn't say it like this. That's not what you said. Kto zrobił ten plan? Who made this plan? Who made this plan? Vstávám v sedm hodin. I get up at 7:00. I get up at seven. Wyjeżdżamy stąd. We're leaving here. We're leaving. Jesteś gotowy na rywalizację? Are you ready to compete? Are you ready to compete? Na to si nikdy nezvyknu. I'll never get used to that. I'll never get used to that. Problem w końcu sam się rozwiąże. The problem will eventually solve itself. The problem will solve itself eventually. Zastaví někdo obchodování s lidmi? Will anybody stop human trafficking? Will anyone stop human trafficking? Štrusy su najwjetše ptaki na swěće. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Ostriches are the biggest birds in the world. Neustále porušoval školní řád a proto ho vyloučili. He was violating school rules and consequently he was expelled. He was constantly breaking school rules and was therefore expelled. Zůstal bych a povídal si, ale musím jít. I'd stay and chat, but I have to go. I'd stay and talk, but I have to go. Požadujeme vaši bezpodmínečnou kapitulaci. We demand your unconditional surrender. We demand your unconditional surrender. To jest nasza pierwsza lekcja. This is our first lesson. This is our first lesson. Ile przysłów poznaliśmy do tej pory? How many proverbs have we learned so far? How many proverbs have we heard so far? Když jsme žili na vesnici, chovali jsme dobytek. When we lived in the village, we kept cattle. When we lived in the village, we raised cattle. Mogę przyjść później? Can I come over later? Can I come back later? Tom ani neví, proč ho vyloučili ze školy. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Řekl Tom, s kým pojede do Bostonu? Did Tom say who he was going to Boston with? Did Tom say who he was going to Boston with? Obudź mnie. Wake me up. Wake me up. Ten hluk mě rušil při čtení. The noise was disturbing my reading. The noise disturbed me while I was reading. Vrátím se během dvou hodin. I'll be back within two hours. I'll be back in two hours. Tom ještě nebyl přijat. Tom still hasn't been accepted. Tom hasn't been accepted yet. Jest zajęty nauką angielskiego. He is busy learning English. He's busy learning English. Ptáci se obvykle probouzejí časně ráno. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Odešel bez rozloučení. He left without saying goodbye. He left without saying goodbye. Proč jsem pořád hladová? Why am I always hungry? Why am I always hungry? Na počátku stvořil Bůh nebe a zemi. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Líbí se mi ta vázanka. I like that tie. I like the tie. Vypadá to, že Tom si vyvrtnul kotník. Tom seems to have sprained his ankle. Looks like Tom sprained his ankle. Výsledky ještě nejsou známy. The results aren't known yet. The results are not yet known. Víme, co je zač. We know who she is. We know who he is. Przewidzieli to. They predicted it. They predicted it. V našem obchodě prodáváme oblečení. We sell clothing in our store. We sell clothes in our store. Możesz mi powiedzieć, co się stało? Can you tell me about what happened? Can you tell me what happened? Tom powiedział, że chce zostać sam. Tom said that he wanted to be left alone. Tom said he wanted to be alone. Tom mógłby się nie zgodzić. Tom might not agree. Tom might disagree. Je pravda, že Tom odešel do Německa? Is it true that Tom went to Germany? Is it true that Tom went to Germany? Tom powiedział o tym Mary. Tom told Mary about that. Tom told Mary. Tom zdědil po otci farmu. Tom inherited a farm from his father. Tom inherited his father's farm. Mám rád med. I like honey. I like honey. Padej odsud! Get the hell out of here! Get out of here! Piješ moc kávy. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Ten płaszcz jest fajny, ale zbyt drogi. This coat is nice, but too expensive. This coat is nice, but too expensive. Viděl jsem, že jeho dcera brečí. I saw his daughter was crying. I saw his daughter crying. Jak myślisz, na jaki uniwersytet pójdzie Ted? Which university do you think Ted will go to? What university do you think Ted's going to go to? Tom nás přišel akorát obtěžovat. Tom only came to bother us. Tom just came to bother us. Jaké je největší letiště na světě? What's the largest airport in the world? What is the largest airport in the world? Vrazila jsem mu facku. I slapped his face. I slapped him. Musíš se učit mnohem pilněji. You must study much harder. You have to learn much more carefully. Umíte překládat z francouzštiny do angličtiny? Can you translate from French to English? Can you translate from French to English? Spolknul jsem mýdlovou bublinu, když jsem si za zpěvu myl obličej. I swallowed a soap bubble when I was washing my face while singing. I swallowed a soap bubble as I washed my face while singing. Kachna zmizela. The duck disappeared. The duck's gone. Brzy bude umět plavat. He will be able to swim soon. He'll be able to swim soon. Tom vždycky navaří o víkendu. Tom does all the cooking on weekends. Tom always cooks on the weekend. On jest bardzo dobrym nauczycielem, więc jego dzieci rzeczywiście go słuchają. He's a very good teacher, so his children really listen to him. He is a very good teacher, so his children really listen to him. On mnie kopie! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! Když se dobře nevyspím, nemohu dobře pracovat. If I don't sleep well, I cannot work well. If I don't sleep well, I can't work well. Už jste se Toma ptali? Have you asked Tom yet? Have you asked Tom? Tom koupil dětský kočárek pro svoji dceru. Tom bought a baby carriage for his daughter. Tom bought a baby stroller for his daughter. Máš v plánu pracovat až do 10:00? Do you plan to work until 10:00? Are you planning on working until 10:00? Už ti to Tom vysvětlil? Has Tom already explained that to you? Did Tom explain it to you yet? Řekni Tomovi, že to nepotřebuješ. Tell Tom you don't need it. Tell Tom you don't need it. Pij s mírou. Drink responsibly. Drink in moderation. Gdzie mogę pobrać filmy akcji za darmo? Where can I download action movies for free? Where can I download action videos for free? Kde se tu ten bot vzal? How did the bot get here? Where did this shoe come from? Měli jsme si uvědomit, že Tom potřebuje naší pomoc. We should've realized that Tom needed our help. We should have realized that Tom needed our help. Medvěd umí vylézt na strom. A bear can climb a tree. A bear can climb a tree. Nie zna swojego ojca. She doesn't know her father. He doesn't know his father. Jsem zvyklá jíst sama. I'm used to eating alone. I'm used to eating alone. Uwielbiam chipsy. I love chips. I love chips. Powiesił się. He committed suicide by hanging himself. He hung himself. Mary to nemohla udělat. Mary couldn't have done it. Mary couldn't have done it. Wątpliwe, by ten film zarobił dużo. It's unlikely that that movie will make a lot of money. I doubt this movie will make much money. Skontaktuję się z tobą. I will get in touch with you. I'll get back to you. Praktycznie nie zdawałem sobie sprawy z tego, jak bardzo ją kocham. Little did I realise how much I loved her. I practically didn't realize how much I loved her. Trzeba ci wiedzieć, że kiedy się irytuję, robię się spokojny. Something you should know about me is that when I get angry, I get quiet. You need to know that when I get angry, I get calm. Snažila se jak mohla, aby mu pomohla. She tried her best to help him. She tried her best to help him. Chodila s ním. She used to date him. She was dating him. Atomové číslo železa je 26. The atomic number for iron is 26. The atomic number of iron is 26. Tome, mluvili jsme o tom. Tom, we talked about this. Tom, we talked about this. Tom by si měl učesat vlasy. Tom should comb his hair. Tom needs to brush his hair. Opravdu tě zneužili. They really used you. You've really been abused. Zeptejme se Toma. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. Řekl jsem mu, co si o něm myslím. I told him what I thought of him. I told him what I thought of him. To drzewo nigdy nie zakwitnie. This tree will never blossom. This tree will never bloom. Tom wybuchnął głośnym śmiechem. Tom laughed out loud. Tom laughed out loud. Psal se rok 1832, když se Évariste Galois zamiloval do Stéphanie-Félicie Poterin du Motel. It was in 1832 that Evariste Galois fell in love with Stephanie-Felicie Poterin du Motel. It was 1832, when Evariste Galois fell in love with the Stéphanie-Félicie Poterin du Motel. Znajdź Toma i powiedz mu, że ma tu natychmiast przyjść. Find Tom and tell him to come here right now. Find Tom and tell him to come here immediately. My, Niemcy, boimy się Boga, i nikogo więcej. We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world. We Germans fear God, and no one else. Jeden čas tady stával dům. There used to be a house here at one time. There was a house here once. Nic nie zjadłem. I didn't eat anything. I didn't eat anything. Tom stále doufá, že ho povýší. Tom is still hoping to get promoted. Tom still hopes to promote him. Je zázrak, že jste naživu. It's a miracle that you're alive. It's a miracle you're alive. Tom je zvyklý být dlouho vzhůru. Tom is accustomed to staying up late. Tom is used to staying up late. Kdysi bydlela s ním. She used to live with him. She used to live with him. Czy zdajesz sobie sprawę, w jakim niebezpieczeństwie jesteś? Do you realize the danger you're in? Do you realize the danger you're in? Nenechte Toma trpět. Don't let Tom suffer. Don't let Tom suffer. Nie miałem pojęcia dlaczego wyszedł tak nagle. I haven't got a clue as to why he quit so suddenly. I had no idea why he left so suddenly. Spím na břiše. I sleep on my stomach. I sleep on my stomach. Je přehnaně čistotný. He has an obsession with cleanliness. He's overly clean. Jesteś kłamcą. You're a liar. You're a liar. Mieliście romans. You were having an affair. You were having an affair. Přestěhovali jsme se na východ země. We moved to the Eastern side of the country. We moved to the east of the country. Tom wiedział, po co Mary chce jechać do Bostonu. Tom knew why Mary wanted to go to Boston. Tom knew why Mary wanted to go to Boston. Takový je život! So goes life! That's life! Tom a Mary řekli Johnovi, že závidí. Tom and Mary told John that they were jealous. Tom and Mary told John that they were jealous. Poza kilkoma błędami ortograficznymi, to dobre wypracowanie. Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it is a good composition. Aside from a few spelling mistakes, it's a good essay. Tom se už moc dlouho nezdrží. Tom won't be staying much longer. Tom won't be long. "Kdo vás tam poslal?" "Byl to Tom, kdo nás tam poslal." "Who sent you there?" "It was Tom who sent us there." "Who sent you there?" "It was He who sent us there." Jak możesz, zwykły śmiertelniku, ważyć się krytykować Toma? How can you, a mere mortal, dare to criticise Tom? How can you, mere mortal, dare to criticize Tom? Procesor przestał działać. The CPU's stopped working. The processor stopped working. Tom je hrozný šéf. Tom is a terrible boss. Tom's a terrible boss. On może mówić co chce. He can say whatever he wants. He can say whatever he wants. Chodíš sem často? Do you come here often? Do you come here often? Náhodou potkal svého učitele angličtiny na stadiónu. He met his English teacher at the station by accident. He happened to meet his English teacher at the stadium. Tom to udělal pro vaše dobro, jenže vy jste to nepochopili. Tom did it for your good, only you failed to understand it. Tom did it for your own good, but you didn't get it. Tom ustąpił. Tom relented. Tom stepped down. Tvůj bratr to nekoupí. Your brother will not buy it. Your brother won't buy it. Jedzenie gotowe! Food's ready! Food's ready! Úroveň hladiny moře se zvedá. The sea level is rising. The sea level is rising. Tom zdjął Mary opaskę z oczu. Tom took the blindfold off Mary. Tom took Mary's blindfold off. Czytanie jest równoznaczne myśleniu głową kogoś innego zamiast swoją własną. Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone else's head instead of with one's own. Reading is like thinking in someone else’s head instead of your own. Tom nám nechtěl říct, co se děje. Tom wouldn't tell us what was going on. Tom didn't want to tell us what was going on. Myślałem, że już zawsze będą sam. I thought I'd always be alone. I thought they'd always be alone. Můj přítel je posedlý počítači. My friend is obsessed with computers. My boyfriend is obsessed with computers. Tento pokoj je dostatečně velký. This room is large enough. This room is big enough. Učí je nenávidět. They teach them to hate. He teaches them to hate. Pomiędzy ich poglądami zarysowywała się subtelna różnica. There was a subtle difference between their views. There was a subtle difference between their views. To w ogóle nie zdarzyło się tak. That's not the way it happened at all. It didn't happen at all. Co sądzisz o tej sytuacji? What do you think about this situation? What do you think of this situation? Byłeś wtedy taki młody. You were so young then. You were so young back then. Na dnešek nemáme v plánu nic. We don't have any plans for today. We don't have anything planned for today. Lépe pozdě než nikdy. Better late than never. Better late than never. Tom nigdy nie dowie się, że to ty mi to powiedziałeś. Tom will never know it was you who told me. Tom will never know you told me that. Podejrzewam, że Tom ściągał na teście. I suspect that Tom cheated on the test. I'm guessing Tom cheated on the test. Měl bys přestat kouřit. You should refrain from smoking. You should stop smoking. Poznałam ją na przyjęciu. I got to know her at the party. I met her at a party. Tom možná má to, co potřebuješ. Tom might have what you need. Maybe Tom has what you need. Tom nalegał, żeby pomóc Mary. Tom insisted on helping Mary. Tom insisted on helping Mary. Cena jest rozsądna. The price is reasonable. The price is reasonable. Mary by to nemohla udělat. Mary couldn't do it. Mary couldn't have done it. Wszystkie dziewczyny spojrzały w górę. All the girls looked up. All the girls looked up. Tatoeba je populárnější než kdy dřív. Tatoeba is more popular than ever. Tatoeba is more popular than ever. Tom nemluví francouzsky a Mary také ne. Tom doesn't speak French, and neither does Mary. Tom doesn't speak French, and neither does Mary. Ano, ale nemusíš zůstat do konce. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yes, but you don't have to stay until the end. Na první pohled mě přitahovala. She attracted me at first sight. At first glance, I was attracted to her. Ty jsi mě vážně varoval, že? You did warn me, didn't you? You really warned me, didn't you? Je zázrak, že jste naživu. It's a miracle you're alive. It's a miracle you're alive. Trudno jest utrzymać rozmowę z kimś, kto mówi tylko „Tak” i „Nie”. It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". It’s hard to keep up a conversation with someone who only says “Yes” and “No.” Tom nerad pracuje. Tom hates working. Tom doesn't like to work. Všechny cesty vedou do Říma. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Tom jest przyjacielem rodziny. Tom is a friend of the family. Tom is a friend of the family. Mám rád matyku. I like math. I like math. Myslím, že se možná pozvracím. I think I may vomit. I think I might throw up. Pokud nemáš dost peněz, nějaké ti půjčím. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. Je mi padesát. I am fifty. I'm 50. Poszliśmy zobaczyć się z sąsiadami. We went to see our neighbours. We went to see our neighbors. Kam vzal mého psa? Where has he taken my dog? Where did he take my dog? Jsem si celkem jistý, že jsem neudělal nic špatně. I'm pretty sure that I haven't done anything wrong. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong. Líbí se ti tvoje jméno? Do you like your name? Do you like your name? Spoléhám na tebe. I count on you. I'm counting on you. Tom je zasnouben s Ruth. Tom is engaged to Ruth. Tom is engaged to Ruth. Jedną trzecią jabłka zawsze dostaje nasza najmłodsza córka. One-third of an apple is always given to our youngest daughter. One third of the apple is always given to our youngest daughter. Je z těch dvou ten starší. He is the older of the two. He's the older of the two. Natychmiast przestałam się śmiać. I immediately stopped laughing. I immediately stopped laughing. Co kdybychom na včerejší noc zapomněli? Why don't we forget about last night? Why don't we forget about last night? Te problemy są wynikiem twojego niedbalstwa. These problems have arisen as the result of your carelessness. These problems are the result of your negligence. Nikdo normální nemůže s Tomem spolupracovat. Nobody sane can cooperate with Tom. No one can work with Tom. Wpadł w głęboką depresję i postanowił skończyć ze sobą. He fell into a deep depression and decided to off himself. He fell into a deep depression and decided to end up with himself. Je jedním z největších vědců v Japonsku. He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan. He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan. Pozor! Careful! Look out! Dzisiaj młodzi wcale nie dbają o starszych. Nowadays the young take no care of the old. Today’s young people don’t care about the elderly. Pěstuje si svoji vlastní zeleninu. She grows her own vegetables. He grows his own vegetables. Jeszcze nie wiemy. We don't know just yet. We don't know yet. Vždycky má v pokoji čisto. She always keeps her room clean. He's always clean in his room. Nie jestem plotkarą. I'm not one to gossip. I'm not a gossip. Tom mi řekl, že si nevzpomíná, co Mary řekla. Tom told me that he didn't remember what Mary said. Tom told me he didn't remember what Mary said. Neodvažujte se něčeho dotýkat! Don't you dare touch anything. Don't you dare touch anything! Tom si chce otevřít bankovní účet. Tom wants to open a bank account. Tom wants to open a bank account. Słyszałam, że masz piękny głos. I heard you have a beautiful voice. I hear you have a beautiful voice. Nenapsal jsi nic. You didn't write anything. You didn't write anything. Bardzo dobrze pamiętam nazwisko tego człowieka. I remember that man's name very well. I remember the name of this man very well. To wszystko, dziękuję. Nothing more, thanks. That's it, thank you. Obchodování s lidmi je vážný problém. Human trafficking is a serious problem. Trafficking in human beings is a serious problem. Už ho nepotřebuji. I don't need him any longer. I don't need it anymore. Tomův pes tady nebyl. Tom's dog wasn't there. Tom's dog wasn't here. Diskutovali jste dlouho? Did you discuss for a long time? Have you discussed long? Když jsem viděl co Tom dělá, ztratil jsem odvahu. When I saw what Tom was doing, I lost my courage. When I saw what Tom was doing, I lost my nerve. Tom ještě není absolutní vegetarián, ale preferuje bezmasou stravu. Tom still isn't an absolute vegetarian, but he prefers meatless food. Tom is not yet an absolute vegetarian, but he prefers a meatless diet. Tom próbował wykombinować jak otworzyć pudełko. Tom tried figure out how to open the box. Tom tried to figure out how to open the box. Tom twierdzi, że mówi po francusku. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom says he speaks French. Sebrali ho násilím. They took him by force. They took him by force. Umím portugalsky, anglicky a rusky. I know Portuguese, English, and Russian. I speak Portuguese, English and Russian. Tom kupuje nowy dom w przyszłym roku. Tom is buying a new house next year. Tom's buying a new house next year. Nic neříkej.. Vím co chceš. Don't say a thing. I know what you want. Don't say anything, I know what you want. Po prostu nie mogę się dogadać z Tomem. I just can't get along with Tom. I just can't get along with Tom. Jsem učitel. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. Tom i Mary wyglądają razem tak szczęśliwie. Tom and Mary seem so happy together. Tom and Mary look so happy together. V únoru mi zvýšili plat. My salary increased in February. My salary was increased in February. Mamo, będzie ok jak pójdę popływać? Mama, is it okay if I go swimming? Mom, will it be okay if I go swimming? Já čaj nepiji. I don't drink tea. I don't drink tea. Jedí skoro pořád to samé. They eat almost always the same food. They eat almost the same thing. Jesteś wolny po szkole? Are you free after school? Are you free after school? Komiksy máš na poličce. Your comic books are on the shelf. Comics are on your shelf. Tom poprosił Mary, by zadzwoniła do niego później. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom si dal klystýr. Tom gave himself an enema. Tom had an enema. Jestem pewien, że masz sporo pytań odnośnie tego, co się stało. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about what happened. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about what happened. Nikdy bych neřekl, že to bude tak vzrušující. I never thought it would be so exciting. I never thought it would be so exciting. Tom stále čeká na odpověď. Tom is still waiting for an answer. Tom is still waiting for an answer. Dlaczego odrzucili twoją propozycję? Why did they turn down your proposal? Why did they reject your offer? Jsem tak ráda, že jsi tady. I'm so happy you're here. I'm so glad you're here. Mohu dostat další sandwich? Can I have another sandwich? Can I have another sandwich? Tę zbrodnię karze się śmiercią. That crime is punishable by death. This crime is punishable by death. Postavili stan a spali spolu. They set up a tent and slept together. They set up a tent and slept together. Jeho dům je na prodej. His house is for sale. His house is for sale. Odpusť mi, prosím, že jsem dlouho nenapsal. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. Please forgive me for not writing for a long time. Lubię opowieści o miłości. I like love stories. I like stories about love. Będąc bardzo bogatym myślał, że może wszystko. Being very rich, he thought he could do anything. Being very rich, he thought he could do anything. Jsem to já, kdo obvykle vaří pro rodinu. I am the one who usually cooks for the family. I'm the one who usually cooks for the family. Nevěděl jsem, že má slabé srdce. I didn't know he had a weak heart. I didn't know he had a weak heart. Jestli dnes budeš mít čas, rád bych s tebou mluvil. If you have any time available today, I'd like to talk to you. If you have time today, I'd like to talk to you. Szukałem w szafie jakiegoś ubrania, ale nie znalazłem niczego odpowiedniego na tę okazję. I looked in my closet for something to wear, but couldn't find anything appropriate for the occasion. I was looking for some clothes in the closet, but I couldn't find anything suitable for the occasion. Rodziców nie ma teraz w domu. My parents aren't home right now. My parents aren't home right now. Na to nemám čas. I don't have time to do that. I don't have time for this. Pojď se mnou, dobře? Come with me, will you? Come with me, okay? Tomovi řeknou, že je moc malý. Tom will be told he's too short. They'll tell Tom he's too small. Nevím, jak bych se měl zachovat. I don't know how I should behave. I don't know how I should behave. Tom často dělá ty samé chyby. Tom often makes the same mistakes. Tom often makes the same mistakes. Měli by začít topit. They should start heating up. They should start drowning. Tom omylem smazal video. Tom deleted a video by accident. Tom accidentally deleted the video. Tom nesplnil úkol, který mu zadal jeho šéf. Tom didn't accomplish the task that his boss had assigned to him. Tom did not fulfill the task assigned to him by his boss. Tyto starodávné hodiny stojí tisíc dolarů. This antique clock is worth one thousand dollars. These ancient clocks cost a thousand dollars. To dlatego lubię podróże i chciałbym doświadczać wielu różnych kultur. That's why I like traveling, and would like to experience many different cultures. That’s why I like to travel and would like to experience many different cultures. Když hodíš svoje džíny do pračky, vyperu ti je. If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you. If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you. Odejděme dnes v noci. Let's leave tonight. Let's leave tonight. Dam ci znać. I'll let you know. I'll let you know. Nikt oprócz ciebie nie umie robić takiej smacznej sałatki. No one other than you knows how to make such a tasty salad. No one but you can make such a delicious salad. Tom dzisiaj po mnie przyjedzie. Tom is picking me up tonight. Tom's coming to pick me up today. Kanaďan zabil Toma. A Canadian murdered Tom. The Canadian killed Tom. Mój ojciec rzadko pali. My father seldom smokes. My father rarely smokes. To mi k ničemu není. That is of no use to me. It's no use to me. Pozwól, że postawię ci obiad. Let me buy you lunch. Let me buy you dinner. On chleje za dużo. He boozes too much. He's drinking too much. Oczy mnie bolą. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. Tom neumí jíst příborem. Tom cannot use a knive and fork. Tom can't eat with cutlery. Jest kwadrans po osiemnastej. It's 6:15pm. It's a quarter past six. Mary začala panikařit poté, co se dozvěděla, že Tom přišel o práci. Mary started panicking when she learned that Tom had lost his job. Mary began to panic after learning that Tom had lost his job. Chceme si zamluvit výlet do Francie. We want to book a trip to France. We want to book a trip to France. Nepřijedu v sobotu, ale v neděli. I won't come on Saturday, but on Sunday. I'm not coming on Saturday, I'm coming on Sunday. Skřeti se příšerně šklebili. The goblins grinned gruesomely. The goblins were grinning horribly. Ten mężczyzna jest pijany. This man is drunk. This man is drunk. Rozmawialiśmy do jedenastej. We talked till after eleven o'clock. We talked until 11. Vůbec jsem mu nerozuměl. I did not understand him at all. I didn't understand him at all. Ten účet jsi platit neměl. You shouldn't have paid the bill. You shouldn't have paid the bill. Tom instaluje nový program. Tom is installing new software. Tom is installing a new program. Ještě to nikdo neudělal. Nobody's done it yet. No one's done it yet. Pański dom jest wspaniały. Your house is fantastic. Your house is wonderful. Tom jest dziś po południu zajęty. Tom is busy this afternoon. Tom's busy this afternoon. Můj pes štěkal a cenil tesáky. My dog was barking and showing its fangs. My dog barked and valued fangs. Před mýma očima se odvíjela zvláštní podívaná. A strange spectacle unfolded before my eyes. There was a strange sight before my eyes. Miała do niego zadzwonić o 14:30. She was supposed to call him at 2:30. She was supposed to call him at 2:30. Pracuji mezi přáteli. I work among friends. I work among friends. Uvědomoval jsem si vše, co se dělo. I was aware of everything that was going on. I was aware of everything that was happening. Nemůžu o Tomovi říct nic špatného. I can't say anything bad about Tom. I can't say anything bad about Tom. Tom cítil, jak mu někdo poklepal na rameno. Tom felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Tom felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Život je jako mýdlová bublina. Life is like a soap bubble. Life is like a soap bubble. Šiještaj. They sewed. Shieshtai. Tom řekl, že to nařízení nebude dodržovat. Tom said that he wouldn't follow the order. Tom said he wouldn't comply with the order. Ok. Kde bydlíš? Ok. Where do you live? Where do you live? Nie powiedziano mi. I wasn't told. I wasn't told. Musím koupit tento lék. I have to buy this medicine. I have to buy this medicine. Kde Tom koupil tuhle knihu? Where did Tom buy this book? Where did Tom buy this book? Obaj są w pokoju. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Dobry z niej kierowca. She's a good driver. She's a good driver. Kiedy byłem uczniem, prowadziłem pamiętnik po francusku. I kept a diary in French when I was a student. When I was a student, I kept a diary in French. Neměly jste sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Jutro jest test z matematyki. There's a math test tomorrow. There's a math test tomorrow. Koťátko jsem pojmenoval Tama. I named the kitten Tama. I named the kitten Tama. Pokud vím, tak žádná taková funkce není. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. Jestem dziś w podłym humorze, bo mam za mało pieniędzy. I’m in a terrible mood today because I don’t have enough money. I'm in a bad mood today because I don't have enough money. Znajdź Toma. Find Tom. Find Tom. Utrata córki zabrała mi chęć do życia. Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live. Losing my daughter took away my desire to live. Jestem wyczerpany. I'm knackered. I'm exhausted. Napsal jsem pro ni píseň. I wrote the song for her. I wrote a song for her. Papryczka chili spaliła mi język. The chili burnt my tongue. Chili pepper burned my tongue. Później odwiedzimy aquapark. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. Later we will visit the aquapark. Trzymaj się z dala od złego towarzystwa. Keep away from bad company. Stay away from bad company. Podoba mi się ten kolor. I like this colour. I like the color. Ještě se to nerozhodlo. It hasn't been decided yet. It hasn't been decided yet. Viděl jsem Toma, jak jde po pláži. I saw Tom walking down the beach. I saw Tom walking down the beach. Są przestraszeni. They're scared. They're scared. Jednou jsem se objevil v televizi, ale jsem nikdy nevěděl, který program to byl. I appeared on television once, but I never knew which channel I was on. Once I appeared on TV, but I never knew which program it was. Tom jest dumny ze swoich dzieci. Tom is proud of his children. Tom is proud of his children. Jsme vězni ve své vlastní zemi. We are prisoners in our own country. We are prisoners in our own country. Chciałbym, żeby ktoś mi pomógł to zrobić. I wish somebody would help me do that. I wish someone would help me do that. Poslala mi zprávu. She sent me a message. She sent me a message. Toma nemůžeš brát vážně. You cannot take Tom seriously. You can't take Tom seriously. Napisz wypracowanie na temat: "Przyjaźń". Write an essay on "Friendship". Write a paper on "Friendship." Zdobyłem się na odwagę i poszedłem tam (said by a man) I mustered up my courage and went there. I got the courage and went there (said by a man) Ona by mě ani nepochcala, kdybych hořel. She wouldn't even piss on me if I were on fire. She wouldn't even piss on me if I was on fire. Jsi má jediná opravdová kamarádka. You're my only real friend. You're my only true friend. Neváhejte požádat o informace. Don't hesitate to ask for information. Do not hesitate to ask for information. Neposlouchá učitele. She doesn't listen to the teacher. He doesn't listen to the teacher. Jak dlouho vydrží tato baterie? How long will this battery last? How long will this battery last? Kdyby ten doktor býval přijel včas, mohl Tomovi zachránit život. If the doctor had come in time, he could have saved Tom's life. If the doctor had arrived on time, he could have saved Tom's life. Baví mě matematika. I like mathematics. I enjoy mathematics. Tom byl hladový jako vlk. Tom could have eaten a horse. Tom was as hungry as a wolf. Dnes ráno tě přišel navštívit Tom. Tom came to see you this morning. Tom came to see you this morning. Tom nie przyszedł wczoraj do pracy. Tom didn't come into work yesterday. Tom didn't come to work yesterday. Nevím, co ti říci pro útěchu. I don't know what to say to make you feel better. I don't know what to tell you for comfort. Dejte Tomovi, o co žádá. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. Měl na mysli něco jiného. He had something else in mind. He had something else in mind. Od dzieciństwa nie chorowałem. After my childhood, I was never sick again. I haven't been sick since I was a kid. Udało mi się. I succeeded. I did it. Kolik je vajec? How many eggs are there? How many eggs? Woda została odcięta. The water has been cut off. The water's been cut off. Szkoda, że muszę pracować w ten weekend. I wish I didn't have to work this weekend. Too bad I have to work this weekend. Pożyczyłem samochód. I've borrowed a car. I borrowed the car. Mówił bardzo głośno. He spoke very loudly. He spoke very loudly. Dustin Moskovitz je židovský podnikatel. Je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Facebooku. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of Facebook. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish businessman and one of the co-founders of Facebook. Tomáš se snadno vyděsí. Tom gets scared easily. Thomas is easily frightened. Nie chce ci się pić? Aren't you thirsty? You don't want to drink? Gra w koszykówkę to niezły ubaw. Playing basketball is fun. Basketball is a lot of fun. Myslím, že ztrácíš čas. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Byl tak starý, že sotva vyšel schody. Old as he was, he could barely climb the stairs. He was so old he could barely climb the stairs. Nie lubię czekać na Tom'a. I don't like waiting for Tom. I don't like waiting for Tom. Potřebuji si nabít mobil. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my phone. Byl jsem velmi vzrušený. I was very excited. I was very excited. Sami jste do lesa chodit neměli. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You shouldn't have gone into the woods yourself. Ví Tom, že Mary je sirotek? Does Tom know Mary is an orphan? Does Tom know Mary's an orphan? Jestem pewny, że już wiesz, co robić. I'm sure you already know what to do. I'm sure you already know what to do. Nalakovali plot. They painted the fence. They painted the fence. Nie przepadam za curry. I'm not really big on curry. I don't like curry. Zítra je svátek. Tomorrow's a holiday. Tomorrow's a holiday. Účel světí prostředky. The end justifies the means. The end justifies the means. Tom je notorický lhář. Tom is a compulsive liar. Tom is a notorious liar. Nikdy neměla vlastní dítě. She never had a child of her own. She never had a child of her own. Byłem speszony, kiedy moje pomyłki zostały wypunktowane. I was abashed when my mistakes were pointed out. I was scared when my mistakes were pointed out. Kto zaplanował tę wycieczkę? Who planned that trip? Who planned this trip? Rozumiemy. We understand. We understand. Kterým vlakem pojedeš? What train you are going to take? Which train are you on? Nic nekupuji. I'm not buying anything. I'm not buying anything. Dávám přednost vlaku před autobusem. I prefer the train to the bus. I prefer the train to the bus. Ledwo wierzyłem moim oczom. I scarcely believed my eyes. I could barely believe my eyes. K něčemu se mi přichytily vlasy. My hair is caught on something. My hair's stuck to something. Příště až příjdeš, přiveď svého bratra. When you come next time, bring your brother. Next time you come, bring your brother. Určitě přijď. Be sure to come. Be sure to come. Ten film je skvělý. The film is fantastic. This movie is great. Toma si budu vždycky pamatovat. I will always remember Tom. I will always remember Tom. Tvoje řeč nebyla zdaleka uspokojivá. Your speech was far from satisfactory. Your speech was far from satisfactory. Jestem spłukany. I'm broke. I'm broke. Tom prawdopodobnie nie wie, ile czasu będzie miała Mary, aby to zrobić. Tom probably doesn't know how much time Mary will have to do that. Tom probably doesn't know how much time Mary will have to do it. Moje matka si čte časopis. My mother is reading a magazine. My mother's reading a magazine. Tom letí v pátek do Bulharska. Tom is flying to Bulgaria on Friday. Tom flies to Bulgaria on Friday. Kdysi se mi sem líbilo chodit. I used to like coming here. I used to like coming here. Jak poszło ostatniej nocy? How did it go last night? How'd it go last night? Dej mi ten nůž. Give me the knife. Give me the knife. Nějakou dobu jsme tě neviděli. We haven't seen you for a while. We haven't seen you in a while. Lubisz kawę? Do you like coffee? You like coffee? Umiesz gwizdać? Can you whistle? Can you whistle? Skutečnost je mnohem horší. The reality is much worse. The reality is much worse. Moja żona próbuje spać. My wife's trying to sleep. My wife is trying to sleep. Tom pracoval jako novinář. Tom has worked as a journalist. Tom worked as a journalist. To je jejich problém. This is their problem. That's their problem. Ať se z toho poučíš. Let this be a lesson for you. Let's learn from this. V této budově se nesmí kouřit. No smoking is allowed in this building. Smoking is not allowed in this building. Tom šel po ulici a vesele si hvízdal. Tom walked down the street whistling a happy tune. Tom walked down the street and whistled cheerfully. Też to widział. He saw it, too. He saw it, too. Otec kdysi cestoval. My father used to travel. My father used to travel. Co jste udělali proto, aby se to nestalo? Odpovím za vás. Neudělali jste nic. What did you do to prevent it from happening? I will answer for you. You did nothing. I'll answer for you, you've done nothing. Tom się schylił by podnieść monetę z podłogi. Tom bent over to pick up a coin that was on the floor. Tom bent down to pick up the coin from the floor. Není snadné být hvězdou. It's not easy being a star. It's not easy being a star. Nie mogę przypomnieć sobie jej imienia. I can't remember her name. I can't remember her name. Jako manžel jsi k ničemu. You're a useless husband. As a husband, you're useless. Nie chcę cię. I don't want you. I don't want you. Nie mówię po sindarińsku. I don't speak Elvish. I don't speak Sindarin. Bangkok je hlavní město Thajska. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Moja mama zrobiła mi sweter. My mother made me a sweater. My mom made me a sweater. Vypni světla, prosím. Please turn off the lights. Turn off the lights, please. Myślę, że trzy lata to długi okres. I think three years is a long time. I think three years is a long time. Tom może ci pokazać. Tom can show you. Tom can show you. Vaše šlechetnost nezná hranic. Your generosity knows no bounds. Your generosity knows no bounds. Uważam, że rozwiązanie tego problemu jest łatwe. I found it easy to solve the problem. I think the solution to this problem is easy. Pies ugryzł mnie w rękę. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit my hand. Na co se mnou mluvíš? What are you talking to me for? What are you talking to me about? Jsem si jist, že tentokrát Tom neunikne. I am sure that Tom won't escape this time. I'm sure Tom won't get away this time. Když jsem zkusil ty dveře zjistil jsem, že jsou zamčené. Trying the door, I found it locked. When I tried the door, I found it locked. Daj mi dzień lub dwa. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Wszyscy się ze mnie śmieją! Everybody laughs at me! Everybody's laughing at me! Pořád se rozčiluje kvůli maličkostem. He always gets excited about trivialities. He's always upset about the little things. Nikt cię nie rozumie. Nobody gets you. No one understands you. Poszła do domu. She went home. She went home. Pies Yanni był z nim. Yanni's dog was with him. Yanni's dog was with him. Tą koszulę trzeba wyprasować. This shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs to be ironed. Tom byl první, kdo mi to řekl. Tom was the first to tell me that. Tom was the first to tell me. Nedokázal jsem postřehnout, co řekl. I couldn't catch what he said. I couldn't see what he said. Lekarz nalegał, by leżał w łóżku. The doctor insisted that he stay in bed. The doctor insisted that he stay in bed. Kolik skladeb Mozart napsal? How many pieces did Mozart write? How many songs did Mozart write? Tom je opovrženíhodný. Tom is ignoble. Tom is despicable. Tom se hodlá stát novinářem. Tom intends to become a journalist. Tom wants to be a journalist. Petr vypadá velmi mladě. Peter looks very young. Peter looks very young. Co nová práce? How's the new job? What about the new job? Nebudu Toma krýt. I won't cover up for Tom. I'm not covering for Tom. Tom žloutne. Tom is turning yellow. Tom turns yellow. Zvykneš si na všechno. You can get used to anything. You get used to everything. Tom nalegał. Tom insisted. Tom insisted. Chci rozumět lidem. I want to understand people. I want to understand people. Nemluví mým jazykem. She doesn't speak my language. They don't speak my language. Tamty kot naprawdę był niebieski. That cat really was blue. That cat was really blue. Tom zignorował ostrzeżenie Mary. Tom ignored Mary's warning. Tom ignored Mary's warning. Rozumiem, o co ci chodzi. I get you. I understand what you're saying. Můj syn se dívá na kreslený film. My son is watching a cartoon. My son is watching a cartoon. Czy mogę wziąć to ze sobą? Can I take this with me? Can I take this with me? Znajdziesz ich, prawda? You will find them, won't you? You'll find them, won't you? Překvapilo mě to, co mi Tom řekl. I was surprised at what Tom told me. I was surprised by what Tom said. Je to už rok, co tu byla naposledy. A year has passed since she came here. It's been a year since she's been here. Jim jeszcze nie przywykł do jeżdżenia lewą stroną. Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road. Jim's not used to driving on the left side yet. Tom chtěl, aby si Mary oholila nohy. Tom wanted Mary to shave her legs. Tom wanted Mary to shave her legs. Bohužel ne. I'm afraid not. Unfortunately, no. Nebere telefon. He's not answering the phone. He's not answering his phone. Pieniądze, które mu obiecano, nie były, według niego, wystarczającym wynagrodzeniem za taką posługę. The money that he had been promised was not, according to him, a sufficient reward for such a service. The money he was promised was not, according to him, sufficient remuneration for such a service. Tom stál kus opodál. Tom stood a short way off. Tom stood a long way away. W płucach zmarłego znaleziono wodę. The water was found in the dead man's lungs. Water was found in the lungs of the deceased. Tom zdecydował, że nauczy się wszystkiego na temat komputerów. Tom decided to learn all he could about computers. Tom decided to learn all about computers. Samozřejmě, že chceme zvítězit. Of course, we want to win. Of course we want to win. Nemyslím to vážně. I'm not serious. I'm not serious. Takovou váhu neunesu. I cannot bear such weight. I can't take that weight. Tom kouřil až čtyřicet cigaret denně, ale loni v létě s kouřením úplně přestal. Tom used to smoke up to forty cigarettes a day but last summer he quit smoking completely. Tom smoked up to 40 cigarettes a day, but quit smoking completely last summer. To je starý německý zvyk. That's an old German custom. It's an old German custom. Chceme naši půdu zpět. We want our land back. We want our land back. Protože prší,tak by bylo lépe,kdybyste zůstali doma. Since it's raining, it would be better it you stayed at home. Because it's raining, it would be better if you stayed home. Mamy tak dużo do nauczenia się. We have so much to learn. We have so much to learn. Musisz przeczytać tę książkę. You must read this book. You have to read this book. Pracuji na směny. I work in shifts. I work shifts. Mówiłeś Tomowi o tym, co zobaczyłeś? Did you tell Tom about what you saw? Did you tell Tom what you saw? Tom, kim chcesz zostać w przyszłości? Tom, what do you want to be in the future? Tom, who do you want to be in the future? Tom je velmi zaneprázdněný svojí prací. Tom is very busy with his work. Tom is very busy with his work. Bardzo mnie to cieszy. It brings me great joy. I'm very happy for you. Tom si čistí zuby. Tom is brushing his teeth. Tom brushes his teeth. Tom vypadá opravdu znuděně. Tom looks really bored. Tom looks really bored. Ne, on není můj nový přítel. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, he's not my new boyfriend. Tom to udělal dnes. Tom did that today. Tom did it today. Jak ses seznámila s Tomem? How did you meet Tom? How did you meet Tom? Na stole je jablko. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. Letím do Ameriky. I am going to America by plane. I'm going to America. Tom hrával fotbal. Tom used to play soccer. Tom played football. Czy jest woda na Marsie? Is there water on Mars? Is there water on Mars? Ulice są zaśnieżone. The streets are covered with snow. The streets are snowy. Mám rád rybu. I like fish. I like fish. Nie sądzę, żeby ktokolwiek z nas był szczęśliwy z powodu tego, co się stało. I don't think any of us are happy about what happened. I don't think any of us are happy about what happened. Pršelo celý týden. It rained for a week. It rained all week. Lubisz czekoladę? Do you like chocolate? You like chocolate? Podpis Toma jest nieczytelny. Tom's signature is illegible. Tom's signature is illegible. Nesnáším tohle místo! I hate this place! I hate this place! Panebože, co se stalo? Good Lord, what happened? Oh, my God, what happened? Proč jsi pokácel ten strom? Vadil ti nějak? Why did you cut down the tree? Did it bother you in some way? Why did you cut down that tree? Jeśli nie będziesz uważał na to, co jesz, to znów nabierzesz wagi, którą tak żmudnie gubiłeś. If you aren't careful about what you eat, you'll put back on all the weight that you spent so much time losing. If you do not pay attention to what you eat, you will regain the weight you have lost so tediously. Tom, czemu nie idziesz do swojego pokoju? Why don't you go to your room, Tom? Tom, why don't you go to your room? Sól się skończyła. The salt ran out. The salt's gone. Nemůžeš mít tohoto psa. You can't have this dog. You can't have this dog. Nejsem zaujatý proti žádnému náboženství. To však neznamená, že je podporuji. I am not biased against any religion. That does not mean that I support them, though. I'm not against any religion, but that doesn't mean I support it. Myślałem, że mówisz poważnie. I thought you were serious. I thought you were serious. Úspěch obvykle vyžaduje těžkou práci. Success usually requires hard work. Success usually requires hard work. Tom omdlel. Tom passed out. Tom fainted. Chtějí tě slyšet zpívat. They want to hear you sing. They want to hear you sing. Wstawaj, Tom. Muszę z tobą porozmawiać. Wake up, Tom. I've got to talk to you. Get up, Tom, I need to talk to you. S tímhle úderem si sami pod sebou řežeme větev. With this strike we're sawing off the branch we're sitting on. With this blow, we're cutting a branch under ourselves. Edison wynalazł żarówkę. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented the light bulb. Požádal, abych mu peníze okamžitě vratil. He asked me to return the money to him immediately. He asked me to return the money immediately. Proszę pukać przed wejściem. Please knock before entering. Knock on the door. Má velké potíže pamatovat si jména. He has a hard time remembering names. He's having a hard time remembering names. To był rachunek na sto dolarów. It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a $100 bill. Je mi jedno, jak Tom vypadá. I don't care what Tom looks like. I don't care what Tom looks like. Pracuje w fabryce. He works in a factory. He works in a factory. Polibte Toma. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Tři měsíce po té už byl Tom pryč. Three months later, Tom was gone. Three months later, Tom was gone. Tom pustil Mary domů brzy. Tom let Mary go home early. Tom let Mary home early. Ta baza zawiera bardzo dużo błędów. This basis contains many errors. This database contains a lot of errors. Nebudu se za Tomem honit. I'm not going to run after Tom. I'm not chasing Tom. Tom nigdy nie mieszkał w Bostonie. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom dostal zásah od dívky. Tom got hit by a girl. Tom got hit by a girl. To już nie jest problem. It's not a problem anymore. It's not a problem anymore. Chystá se zvýšit daně. He is going to raise the taxes. He's going to raise taxes. Jaro přišlo. Spring has come. Spring has arrived. Tom svoje děti rozmazlil. Tom has spoiled his children. Tom spoiled his children. Viděli jsme v dáli světlo. We saw a light in the distance. We saw the light in the distance. Zná tu někdo tohohle chlapa? Does anyone here know this guy? Does anyone here know this guy? Nám pomoct odmítáš, ale Tomovi bys jistě pomohl. You refuse to help us, but you would certainly help Tom. You refuse to help us, but I'm sure you'd help Tom. Setkání s Tomem mi zlepšilo náladu. Meeting Tom lifted my spirits. Meeting Tom made me feel better. Musimy uważać. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. Nigdy nie masz czasu na ważne rzeczy. You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things. Byla to jediná věc, která chyběla. It was the only thing missing. It was the only thing that was missing. Asi bys raději měl jít se mnou. Perhaps you'd better come with me. You'd better come with me. Tom už zase začal kouřit. Tom started smoking again. Tom started smoking again. Sport to moje hobby. Sports are my hobby. Sport is my hobby. Jak dużo zarabiają policjanci? How much do police officers make? How much do police officers earn? Jestem pewna na dziewięćdziesiąt dziewięć procent. I'm 99% sure. I'm ninety-nine percent sure. Teď nechte Toma o samotě. Now leave Tom to himself. Now leave Tom alone. Měli jsme se skvěle. We had a great time. We had a great time. Poplují do Bombaje příští pondělí. They will sail for Bombay next Monday. They're going to Bombay next Monday. Helena ráda hraje tenis. Helena likes to play tennis. Helena likes to play tennis. Na věku mi nezáleží. Age doesn't matter to me. I don't care about age. Bude to nějakou dobu trvat. It will take some time. It's gonna take some time. Czekaliśmy tutaj wiele godzin. We have been waiting here for hours. We've been waiting here for hours. Mary je opravdu krásná. Mary is really beautiful. Mary is really beautiful. Tom musi dać znać Mary prędzej czy później. Tom must let Mary know sooner or later. Tom needs to let Mary know sooner or later. Když už je řeč o cizích jazycích, mluvíš francouzsky? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? Šel jsem na týden bez jídla. I went without food for a week. I went for a week without food. Stiskni to tlačítko. Push that button. Push the button. Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia jest zwykle spokojniejsza od innych dni. Christmas Eve is usually quieter than other days. Christmas Eve is usually calmer than other days. Spousta lidí ráda cestuje. Many people like to travel. A lot of people like to travel. Poslední tři roky pracují spolu. They have worked together for the last three years. They've been working together for the last three years. Na této fotce tě nepoznávám. I can't recognize you on this photo. I don't recognize you in this picture. Chorwacja jest krajem w południowo-wschodniej Europie. Croatia is a country in southeastern Europe. Croatia is a country in southeastern Europe. Sprzedaje owoce. He sells fruit. He sells fruit. Nigdy nie poprosiłem nikogo o pomoc. I've never asked anyone for help. I never asked anyone for help. Była tak piękna, że odebrało mi mowę. So beautiful was she that I went speechless. She was so beautiful, she took my speech away from me. Ilu ludzi tam jest? How many people are in there? How many people are there? Zavolej jí zítra. Call her tomorrow. Call her tomorrow. Jak se zdá, Tom nikdy nepláče. It seems that Tom never cries. Tom never seems to cry. Řídíte se radami druhých? Do you follow advice from others? Do you follow the advice of others? Grupa nastolatków okradła mnie z moich pieniędzy. A group of teenagers robbed me of my money. A group of teenagers robbed me of my money. Musíš se vrátit do devíti hodin. You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to be back in nine. Kdo to Tomovi udělal? Who did it to Tom? Who did this to Tom? Tą ulicą dojedzie pan na lotnisko. This road will lead you to the airport. This street will take you to the airport. Mój czas się kończy. My time is running out. My time is running out. Tom si vybral mě. Tom chose me. Tom chose me. Poprosiłem, żeby mi nie przeszkadzał. I asked him not to bother me. I asked him not to bother me. Kiedy pojechałeś do Rzymu? When did you travel to Rome? When did you go to Rome? Tos neměl sníst. You shouldn't have eaten that. You shouldn't have eaten that. Lubią się bawić w śniegu. They like to play in the snow. They like to play in the snow. Mám monokla. I have a black eye. I have a black eye. Powinniśmy wyjść gdzieś wieczorem. We ought to go out tonight. We should go out tonight. Jak by jsi mě mohla takhle zradit potom všem, čím jsme si prošli? How could you betray me like this, after all we've been through? How could you betray me like this after everything we've been through? Musíme zabojovat. We need to step up our game. We have to fight. Kiedyś zostanę lekarzem. I will be a doctor someday. I'll be a doctor someday. Idź i sam zobacz, co się wydarzyło. Go and see for yourself what has happened. Go and see for yourself what happened. Tom mi řekl, že v říjnu v říjnu pojede do Austrálie. Tom told me he would go to Australia in October. Tom told me he was going to Australia in October. Nie wiedziałam, że lubisz operę. I didn't know you enjoyed opera. I didn't know you liked opera. Nic neexistuje. There is nothing. Nothing exists. Nigdy nie słyszałem, żeby Tom powiedział o Mary cokolwiek złego. I've never heard Tom say anything bad about Mary. I've never heard Tom say anything bad about Mary. Nie rozumiem matematyki. I don't understand the math. I don't understand mathematics. Kdo má rád hmyz? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Tom si hraje se synem. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Dziś jest środa. It's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Někteří z nás musí odjet brzo. Some of us have to leave early. Some of us have to leave early. Tato konverzační příručka se mi moc hodí. This phrasebook is very useful to me. This conversational guide is very useful to me. Tom nie uważał, że łamie jakieś prawo. Tom didn't think he was violating any laws. Tom didn't think he was breaking any laws. Ona není dobračka. She's not a good person. She's not a good girl. Musimy uważać na nasze zdrowie. We must be careful of our health. We have to be careful about our health. Czy nie mówisz przypadkiem po francusku? You don't speak French by any chance, do you? Don't you speak French? Něco mi zbylo. I have some left over. I've got something left. Tom se musí učesat. Tom needs to comb his hair. Tom needs a haircut. Tom natknął się na Mary po drodze do szkoły. Tom bumped into Mary on his way to school. Tom ran into Mary on the way to school. Zdá se, že jaro přijde hodně brzo. It seems that spring will come very soon. Spring seems to be coming very soon. Díky rozvoji letectví se svět stal mnohem menším. Thanks to the development of aircraft, the world has become much smaller. Thanks to the development of aviation, the world has become much smaller. Někdy bohatí opovrhují chudými. Sometimes the rich hold the poor in contempt. Sometimes the rich despise the poor. Proč kupuješ tolik vína? Why are you buying so much wine? Why are you buying so much wine? Pies ugryzł ją w nogę. The dog bit her leg. The dog bit her in the leg. Tom woli mówić po francusku. Tom prefers speaking French. Tom prefers to speak French. Hledám místo k bydlení v Bostonu. I'm looking for a place to stay in Boston. I'm looking for a place to live in Boston. Obiecał tego nie mówić. He promised not to say it. He promised not to say it. Spotkałem go wczoraj. I met him yesterday. I met him yesterday. Tom už byl skutečně opilý. Tom was already really drunk. Tom was drunk. Je chuda. She's poor. She's poor. Je to pro vaši bezpečnost. It is for your safety. It's for your own safety. Szczerość jest ważna w związku. Honesty is important in a relationship. Honesty is important in a relationship. Nemyslím si, že by nás byli spatřili. I don't think they've seen us. I don't think they saw us. Wysłał list adresowany do swojego wujka. He sent a letter addressed to his uncle. He sent a letter to his uncle. Tom wyjął z teczki kilka rzeczy. Tom took a few things out of his suitcase. Tom took a few things out of his briefcase. Přijel jsem autobusem. I came by bus. I came by bus. Jesteś gotowy do wyjścia? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to go? Na pięć dni tyle wystarczy. It's enough for five days. That's enough for five days. Bojujeme proti veškerým drogám. We fight against all drugs. We fight all drugs. Usnul jsem v autobusu a zmeškal svoji zastávku. I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop. I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop. Tom zawiódł mnie. Tom let me down. Tom failed me. Ten telefon se musí dobít. The phone needs to be charged. The phone needs to recharge. Tom si vždy velice zakládal na své schopnosti plně v posteli uspokojit každou ženu. V poslední době bohužel rychle ztrácí schopnost erekce, jakož i svou pověst spolehlivého milence. Tom has always took pride in his ability to satisfy every woman in bed. Unfortunately, he is quickly losing his erection as well as his reputation of the reliable lover. Tom has always taken great pride in his ability to fully satisfy every woman in bed. Lately, unfortunately, he has been rapidly losing his erection ability, as well as his reputation as a reliable lover. Tatoeba je droga. Tatoeba is addictive. Tatoeba's a drug. Tom dnes ve škole nebude. Tom won't be at school today. Tom won't be at school today. Rád bych věděl, jestli má Tom předsudky. I wonder if Tom is biased. I'd like to know if Tom's prejudiced. Kdysi jsme mluvili o své budoucnosti. We used to talk about our future. We used to talk about our future. Możesz to dla mnie zrobić? Can you do that for me? Can you do that for me? Líbilo se jí to. She liked it. She liked it. Jsi hnusný! You're disgusting! You're ugly! Položil k tomu otázku. He asked a question about it. He asked a question. Znaczna część tych budynków jest na liście światowego dziedzictwa Unesco. A great number of these buildings are World Heritage Sites. Many of these buildings are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Dívka přestala mluvit a usmála se; mladý muž přestal mluvit a povzdechl si. The girl stopped talking and smiled; the young man stopped talking and sighed. The girl stopped talking and smiled; the young man stopped talking and sighed. Wyglądasz na zajętą. You seem busy. You look busy. Zostawiłem gdzieś swój paszport. I left my passport somewhere. I left my passport somewhere. Měl bys tam jet tento týden. You ought to go there this week. You should go this week. To je lež! That's a lie! That's a lie! Snil o tom, že se jednou stane zpěvákem. He dreamed of becoming a singer someday. He dreamed of becoming a singer. Za dużo imprezuje. He parties too much. He's partying too much. Je mi ho strašně líto. I feel very sorry for him. I feel so sorry for him. Czy mogę tu pracować? Can I work here? Can I work here? Myślisz, że Tom jest częścią problemu? Do you think Tom might be part of the problem? You think Tom's part of the problem? Tom jedzie do miasta Tom is going to town. Tom goes to town. No dalej, chodźmy. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Aktualizoval bys moje programy? Would you update my software? Would you update my programs? Wszystko będzie dobrze. All will be fine. It's gonna be okay. Mé děti nemají svůj vlastní pokoj. My children don't have their own rooms. My children don't have their own room. Jesteś seryjnym mordercą. You're a serial killer. You're a serial killer. To nie jest pierwszy raz, kiedy Tom skłamał. This isn't the first time Tom has lied. This isn't the first time Tom's lied. Měls mě kdysi rád. You used to like me. You used to like me. Tom rozhodne, ne ty. Tom will decide, not you. Tom will, not you. Bawełna absorbuje wodę. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton absorbs water. Požádali mě o pomoc. I've been asked to help. They asked me for help. Ciężko pracuje i jest uczciwy. He works hard and he is honest. He works hard and is honest. Tom wczołgał się pod łóżko. Tom crawled underneath the bed. Tom crawled under the bed. Tom se najednou stal slavným. Tom suddenly became famous. Tom suddenly became famous. Tom poszedł z Mary do kościoła. Tom went to church with Mary. Tom went to church with Mary. Nie chcę z Tobą rozmawiać, bo złamałaś mi serce. I don't want to talk to you, because you broke my heart. I don't want to talk to you because you broke my heart. Jsem nová studentka. I am a new student. I'm a new student. Jestem przekonany, że mam rację. I am convinced that I am right. I'm convinced I'm right. Ta kravata se mi líbí. I like that tie. I like that tie. Sami nikdy Laylu doopravdy nepožádal, aby odešla. Sami never really asked Layla to leave. Sami never really asked Layla to leave. Jak se jmenuje tato květina? What is this flower called? What is the name of this flower? Kde jsi byl? Where were you? Where have you been? Mám v moči krev. There's blood in my urine. I have blood in my urine. Jak bylo na pláži? How was the beach? How was the beach? Przetłumaczenie jest niemożliwe. The translation is impossible. Translation is impossible. Musíte si uvědomit, že blahobyt netrvá věčně. You must realize that prosperity does not last forever. You have to remember that prosperity does not last forever. Nejsme cizinci. We aren't foreigners. We're not strangers. W pociągu, On celowo nadepnął mi na nogę. He intentionally stepped on my foot on the train. On the train, he deliberately stepped on my leg. Zatím nic neruš. Don't cancel anything yet. Don't disturb anything yet. Přestaňte nás obtěžovat. Quit bothering us. Stop bothering us. Jesteś świetny. You're great. You're great. Co ja mogę o nim powiedzieć? What can I say about him? What can I say about him? Mám umýt ten salát? Do you want me to wash the lettuce? Should I wash the salad? Nie lubię się uczyć bo nie robię żadnych postępów. I don't enjoy studying because I don't make any progress. I don't like to study because I'm not making any progress. V New Yorku je spousta japonských restaurací. In New York there are a lot of Japanese restaurants. There are a lot of Japanese restaurants in New York. Ztratit práci, kterou tak milovala — to pro ni bylo těžkou ranou. Losing the job she loved so much was a severe blow for Mary. Losing the job she loved so much was a hard blow for her. Gdybym nie współpracował z tobą, nie mógłbym skończyć roboty na czas. If I hadn't had your cooperation, I couldn't have finished the work in time. If I didn't cooperate with you, I couldn't finish the job on time. Sami to zahodil do velkého kontejneru na odpad. Sami dumped that into the big trash can. He threw it into a large waste container. Když se sem podíváš, uvidíš to. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you'll see. Chciałbym ubiegać się o tą posadę. I would like to apply for that job. I would like to apply for this job. Chtěl jsem být právníkem. I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to be a lawyer. Proč Toma z té školy vyloučili? Why did they expel Tom from that school? Why was Tom expelled from the school? On został oskarżony o roztrwonienie publicznych funduszy. He was accused of squandering public funds. He was accused of squandering public funds. Jeśli nie chcesz iść, nie musisz. If you don't want to go, you don't need to. If you don't want to go, you don't have to. Můžeš tam také koupit něco k jídlu? Can you also buy something to eat there? Can you buy something to eat there too? Který z těchto dvou slovníků je lepší? Which of these two dictionaries is better? Which of these two dictionaries is better? Dnes podává jídlo Tom. Tom is serving the food today. Tom's serving food today. Tom je rád, že se zase vidí s rodinou. Tom is glad to see his family again. Tom is happy to see his family again. Pomoz mi. Give me a hand. Help me. Ja myślę, że moglibyśmy być dobrymi przyjaciółmi. I think we could be good friends. I think we could be good friends. Zná je. She knows them. He knows them. Cožpak nevíš, že vše, co mám, je také tvoje? Don't you know everything I have is yours, too? Don't you know that all I have is yours? Říkej si co chceš, ona je ta, kterou si vezmu. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Say what you want, she's the one I'm going to marry. Problem był dla mnie za trudny do rozwiązania. The problem was too difficult for me to solve. The problem was too difficult for me to solve. Tom rozbił się. Tom crashed. Tom has crashed. Muži věří, že diskutování o problémech je ztrátou času. Men believe that discussing problems is a waste of time. Men believe that discussing problems is a waste of time. Autobus przyjechał dokładnie o ósmej rano. The bus arrived exactly at 8 a.m. The bus arrived at exactly 8 a.m. Nie masz może tu aspiryny? Do you have any aspirin on hand? Don't you have any aspirin here? Můžeme to doručit dnes večer. We can deliver it this evening. We can deliver tonight. Wszyscy byliśmy wówczas zajęci. We were all so busy then. We were all busy then. Bojí se tě. They feared you. They're afraid of you. Uklidni se! Jsme od špitálu pár minut! Calm down. We're just a few minutes from the hospital. We're a few minutes from the hospital! Vyluxovali si ložnice. They vacuumed their bedrooms. They vacuumed their bedrooms. Byłam w drodze do domu. I was on my way home. I was on my way home. Proto jsi přišel pozdě? Is that why you were late? Is that why you're late? Wszyscy byli bardzo dobrze ubrani. Everybody was very well dressed. They were all very well dressed. Máte v úmyslu někdy něco ve svém životě změnit? Do you intend to change something in your life someday? Do you ever want to change anything in your life? Promiňte, ale tohle jsme si neobjednali. Sorry, but this is not what we ordered. I'm sorry, we didn't order this. Asi by bylo lepší, kdybych to byl neudělal. Maybe it would've been better if I hadn't done it. I guess it'd be better if I didn't. Gólc jo jabłuko jědł. The boy ate the apple. An apple is an apple. Rozmawialiśmy dalej. We continued chatting. We kept talking. Tom má pásmovou nemoc. Tom is suffering from jet lag. Tom has jet lag. Nemuseli jste tak spěchat. You need not have hurried so much. You didn't have to be in such a hurry. Tom by neměl mít potřebu to dělat znova. Tom shouldn't need to do that again. Tom shouldn't have to do it again. Tom nie dotrzymał obietnicy pomocy Mary. Tom didn't keep his promise to help Mary. Tom didn't keep his promise to help Mary. Neřeknu to. I won't say that. I won't say. W całym mieście było pozbawione wody. The whole city was deprived of water. There was no water in the whole city. Mary by to nikdy neudělala. Mary would never do it. Mary would never do that. To jsi Tomovi povídat neměl. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Tom planuje jechać do Bostonu najwcześniej, jak to możliwe, po rozpoczęciu wakacji letnich. Tom plans to go to Boston as soon as he can after his summer vacation begins. Tom plans to go to Boston as soon as possible, after the start of the summer holidays. Máme mapu. We have a map. We have a map. Język suahili posługuje się pismem łacińskim. Swahili is written using the Roman writing system. Swahili is written in Latin. Co bych měl jíst prvně? Which one should I eat first? What should I eat first? Tom i Mary zrobili pierniki w kształcie wiewiórek. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Tom and Mary made squirrel-shaped gingerbread. Schovám vás před Tomem. I will hide you away from Tom. I'll hide you from Tom. Krabice se šperky mé sestry byla ukradena. My sister's jewelry box was stolen. My sister's jewelry box was stolen. Jest wystarczająco bogaty, żeby kupić ten obraz. He is rich enough to buy the painting. He's rich enough to buy the painting. Kde jsi žila? Where did you live? Where did you live? Stydí se kojit na veřejnosti. She is embarrassed to breastfeed in public. He is ashamed to be in public. Nie ma dymu bez ognia. There is no smoke without fire. There is no smoke without fire. Tom postanowił zrobić spaghetti na obiad. Tom decided to make spaghetti for dinner. Tom decided to make spaghetti for dinner. Ten pes na mě pořád štěká. The dog always barks at me. That dog keeps barking at me. Tom ví, že Mary neumí řídit. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tom knows Mary can't drive. Přiznal se, že ukradl zlato. He admitted that he stole the gold. He confessed to stealing the gold. Neopírej se o mojí židli. Don't lean on my chair. Don't lean on my chair. Tom by nikdy nikomu neublížil. Tom would never hurt anybody. Tom would never hurt anyone. Odpowiedź została oznaczona jako błędna. The answer was marked wrong. The answer was marked as wrong. To twoja odpowiedzialność. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Blýská se. There is lightning. It's flashing. Tom se snažil pochopit vše, co se stalo. Tom tried to make sense out of everything that had happened. Tom tried to understand everything that had happened. Velmi vysoké příjmy jsou zdaněny zvláštní daní. A special tax is imposed on very high incomes. Very high incomes are taxed with a special tax. Tom ogłosił swoje zaręczyny z Mary. Tom announced his engagement to Mary. Tom announced his engagement to Mary. Tvůj dům je na prodej. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Nie powinieneś jeść niczego ostrego. You shouldn't eat anything spicy. You shouldn't be eating anything spicy. Moje psy są białe. My dogs are white. My dogs are white. Hledají Toma v Austrálii. They're looking for Tom in Australia. They're looking for Tom in Australia. Dziękuję za komentarze. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for your comment. Tom mówi, że jesteście dobrzy w tenisa. Tom says you're good at tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Nemohu vyhovět požadavku Toma. I can't comply with Tom's requirement. I can't comply with Tom's request. Chtěli vědět, jak vychovávat bilingvní dítě. They wanted to know how to raise a billingual child. They wanted to know how to raise a bilingual child. Pora wstawać. It's time to get up. It's time to get up. Viděl jsem "Hvězdné Války" před pár měsíci. I saw "Star Wars" some months ago. I saw Star Wars a few months ago. Pogratulowali koledze awansu. They congratulated their colleague on his promotion. Congratulate the promotion. Zajmę się tym problemem jak tylko będę mógł. I'll deal with this problem as soon as I can. I'll take care of this problem as soon as I can. Posłuchajmy dalszej części opowieści. Let's hear the rest of the story. Let's hear the rest of the story. Nezaslouží si zemřít. They don't deserve to die. They don't deserve to die. Rozporek ci się rozpiął. Your flies are undone. Your stranglehold's undone. Jsi opilý. You're drunk. You're drunk. Tom i Mary muszą być razem szczęśliwi. Tom and Mary must be happy together. Tom and Mary must be happy together. To je moja kniha. This is my book. That's my book. Musisz szanować prywatność Toma. You need to respect Tom's privacy. You have to respect Tom's privacy. Tomovi nechybí Austrálie tolik, jako Mary. Tom doesn't miss Australia as much as Mary does. Tom doesn't miss Australia as much as Mary does. Tohle jsem nepsal. I didn't write this. I didn't write that. Proč jsi to Tomovi nevysvětlil? Why did you not explain it to Tom? Why didn't you explain it to Tom? Jsme v lese. We're in the forest. We're in the woods. Tom nechal na stole vysoké spropitné. Tom left a large tip on the table. Tom left a high tip on the table. On kupuje komputer. He buys a computer. He's buying a computer. Tom je doma. Tom is at home. Tom's home. Moje sestra začala chodit do jazykové školy. Učí se tam angličtinu. My sister started to attend a language school. She is learning English there. My sister went to a language school, where she learns English. Už mi neodpověděla. She didn't answer me anymore. She didn't answer. Můžeš se z toho dostat. You can get out of this. You can get out of this. Mary trvalo obléct se dvakrát déle než Tomovi. Mary took twice as long as Tom to get dressed. It took Mary twice as long to get dressed as Tom. Nie potrzebny mi samochód. I don't need a car. I don't need a car. Dej mi tu knihu. Give me the book. Give me the book. Já bydlím v Turecku. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. Tom to udělá, až ho ty požádáš. Tom won't do that until you ask him. Tom will do it when you ask him. Musíme najít Toma a říct mu, co se stalo. We need to find Tom and tell him what happened. We need to find Tom and tell him what happened. Tom mluvil v hádankách. Tom spoke in riddles. Tom spoke in riddles. Na to zapomeň. Forget about that. Forget it. Pes pronásledoval králíka do lesa. The dog pursued a rabbit into the forest. The dog chased the rabbit into the forest. Chcę książkę do czytania. I want a book to read. I want a book to read. Tom ví, co Mary řekla. Tom knows what Mary said. Tom knows what Mary said. Ach, ten vlak má zpoždění. Oh, the train is being delayed. Oh, the train's late. Mary nie traci czasu, prawda? Mary doesn't waste any time, does she? Mary doesn't waste time, does she? Sami béł za Laylënéwo privatnéwo mechanjika. Sami worked as Layla's private mechanic. Sami bel for Laylnéwo privatewo mechanjika. Tak, śpieszę się. Yes, I'm in a hurry. Yeah, I'm in a hurry. Zdálo se mi, jak jsem se miloval s krásnou dívkou. I dreamt about making love with a beautiful girl. I dreamed I was making love to a beautiful girl. Nyní je to jen otázka času. It's only a matter of time now. Now it's just a matter of time. Barcelona je hlavní město Katalánska a druhé největší město ve Španělsku. Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Tohle mě velmi rozčiluje. This makes me very angry. This makes me very angry. Nemyslím si, že Tom lhal. I don't think Tom was lying. I don't think Tom lied. Nebudeš věřit, co mi zrovna řekl Tom. You won't believe what Tom just said to me. You won't believe what Tom just told me. Neměl jsi sem chodit sám. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. Nemohou uspět. They cannot succeed. They can't succeed. Právě obědvám. I'm eating lunch. I'm just having lunch. Byla úplná tma. It was completely dark. It was dark. Nie przegap tego. Don't miss it. Don't miss it. Vážím si Toma jako přítele. I value Tom as a friend. I respect Tom as a friend. Głośniej. Louder. Louder. Tom ma dosyć bycia uzależnionym. Tom had enough of being addicted. Tom's tired of being an addict. Vypadáš zdravě. You look healthy. You look healthy. Ále, nasrat. Ah, screw it. Oh, shit. Zmeškal jsem snad něco? Did I miss something? Did I miss something? Tom podal Mary krabici. Tom handed Mary the box. Tom handed Mary the box. Jeho příběh mě velmi dojal. I was very moved by his story. I was very touched by his story. Jestli mě zvolí, také zapomenu, co jsem slíbil. If I am elected, I'll also forget what I promised. If I get elected, I'll forget what I promised. Ubytoval jsem se v hotelu a rovnou šel spát. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I checked into a hotel and went straight to sleep. Tom rozwiązał zagadkę po tym jak Mary dała mu kilka wskazówek. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom solved the mystery after Mary gave him some clues. Říkal jsi, že můžeme jít. You said we could go. You said we could go. Tom ma jakąś rodzinę w Bostonie. Tom has some family in Boston. Tom has a family in Boston. Niosła dziecko na plecach. She was carrying the baby on her back. She carried the baby on her back. Rozzlobil mě. He made me angry. He made me angry. Jsem tady kvůli tobě. The reason I am here is you. I'm here for you. Tyhle šrouby potřebujou utáhnout. These screws need tightening. These screws need tightening. Pozval jsem Toma. I invited Tom. I invited Tom. Niekiedy tłumaczenia naprawdę wprowadzają dwuznaczności. Sometimes translations do create ambiguity. Sometimes translations really do create ambiguity. Nie zasypiaj. Stay awake. Don't fall asleep. Cholera! Shit! Damn it! Uważaj. Be careful. Watch it. Nie szedłbym tam. I wouldn't go in there. I wouldn't go there. Ujel mi poslední autobus, takže jsem musel jet taxíkem. I missed the last bus, so I had to take a cab. I missed the last bus, so I had to take a taxi. Nebudu tě učit, jak se máš chovat, Tome. I won't be teaching you how to behave, Tom. I'm not gonna teach you how to behave, Tom. Ti vojáci na lodích by byli snadným cílem. The soldiers on the boats would be easy targets. Those soldiers on ships would be easy targets. Je nutné, aby Tom ty léky užíval. It is essential that Tom take the medicine. Tom needs to take his medication. Wychodzę z domu o ósmej piętnaście i przychodzę do szkoły o ósmej czterdzieści pięć. I leave the house at eight fifteen, and arrive at school at eight forty‐five. I leave home at eight fifteen and come to school at eight forty-five. Věděli, kde Toma najdou. They knew where to find Tom. They knew where to find Tom. Proč jsi koupil tohle auto? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? Cesarz nie miał telefonu komórkowego. Caesar had no mobile phone. The Emperor did not have a mobile phone. Susie uwielbia japońską muzykę. Susie loves Japanese music. Susie loves Japanese music. Tom nie chce sprzedać swojej farmy. Tom doesn't want to sell his farm. Tom doesn't want to sell his farm. Porozmawiamy później. We'll talk later. We'll talk later. Tom zasnął na lekcji. Tom dozed off in class. Tom fell asleep in class. Byłem zdziwiony jego nagłym pojawieniem się. I was surprised at his sudden appearance. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. Nie mogę przewidzieć, co się stanie. I can't predict what'll happen. I can't predict what will happen. Proszę, postaw kilka świeczek na urodzinowym torcie. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Ciężko było zadowolić Toma. Tom was hard to please. It was hard to please Tom. Nemohu najít, co chci. I can't find what I want. I can't find what I want. Je to mnohem jednodušší. That is much easier. It's a lot easier. Má tvoje sestra děti? Does your sister have children? Does your sister have children? Neházej to na mě. Don't blame me for that. Don't put this on me. Tom nigdy nie pozwoli ci pojechać do Bostonu z Mary. Tom is never going to let you go to Boston with Mary. Tom will never let you go to Boston with Mary. O všem se vede diskuse. Everything is under discussion. There is a discussion about everything. Ztratil jsi hlavu, viď? You freaked out, didn't you? You've lost your head, haven't you? Neseď na slunci. Don't sit in the sun. Don't sit in the sun. Potrzebuję zimnego prysznica. I need a cold shower. I need a cold shower. Soudce vyhlásil vadné soudní řízení. The judge declared a mistrial. The judge has declared a defective trial. Monocykl ma jedno koło. A unicycle has one wheel. The monocycle has one wheel. Chtěl bych, abys tuto knihu přeložil do francouzštiny. I'd like you to translate this book into French. I want you to translate this book into French. Proszę nie zbiegać ze schodów. Please don't run down the stairs. Don't run down the stairs. Płyty winylowe znowu zaczęły stawać się popularne. Vinyl records have started to become popular again. Vinyl records have started to become popular again. Tom mluví se svojí matkou častěji, než se svým otcem. Tom talks to his mother more often than he talks to his father. Tom talks to his mother more often than he talks to his father. Kdy nastala smrt? What was the time of death? When did death occur? Nie podobało mi się. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. Nechtěli Toma opustit. They didn't want to leave Tom. They didn't want to leave Tom. Tom i Mary są zbyt młodzi, żeby wziąć ślub. Tom and Mary are too young to get married. Tom and Mary are too young to get married. Naše učitelka vypadá na svůj věk mladě. Our teacher looks young for her age. Our teacher looks young for her age. Měl bys o mě vědět jednu věc, a sice že půlka toho, co říkám, jsou hlouposti. Something you should know about me is that I half of what I say is meaningless. You should know one thing about me, and that's that half of what I'm saying is stupid. Tom zasnął na kanapie podczas oglądania telewizji. Tom fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. Tom fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. Chcę wypić kawę. I want to drink a coffee. I want coffee. Řekni mi, jakou má tohle všechno logiku. Tell me what's the logic in all this. Tell me what the logic of all this is. Na čem teď nejvíc záleží, je Tomovo zdraví. What matters most now is Tom's health. What matters most now is Tom's health. Dovol mi, abych tě doprovodil! Let me accompany you! Let me walk you! Jsi pro jeho nápad nebo proti němu? Are you for or against his idea? Are you for his idea or against him? Baví tě studovat? Do you enjoy studying? Do you enjoy studying? Dej si pozor, ať tě nepodezírají. Be careful that they don't suspect you. Make sure they don't suspect you. Tu knihu stojí za to číst. It is worthwhile to read the book. This book is worth reading. Musimy mu pomóc. We must help him. We have to help him. A mam jakiś inny wybór? Do I have any other choice? Do I have any other choice? Co jsi mu řekl? What have you told him? What did you tell him? Przestań kłamać. Stop lying. Stop lying. Tom vyniká v jazycích. Tom is good at languages. Tom excels in tongues. Měl jsem podivný sen. I dreamed a strange dream. I had a strange dream. Do zobaczenia rano, Tom. See you in the morning, Tom. See you in the morning, Tom. Tom łysieje. Tom is going bald. Tom's balding. Tom ma trzy długopisy w kieszeni. Tom has three pens in his pocket. Tom has three pens in his pocket. Wszystkie są w tym samym rozmiarze. They're all the same size. They're all the same size. Nadchodzi wiosna. Spring is coming. Spring is coming. Rád bych věděl, co máte proti Tomovi. I wonder what you have against Tom. I'd like to know what you have against Tom. Nečeká na mě. She's not waiting for me. He's not waiting for me. Kdybych si tak byl přinesl počítač. I wish I'd brought my computer. I wish I had brought a computer. Neviděl jsem, co je uvnitř. I couldn't see what was inside. I didn't see what was inside. Dovolte mi doprovodit vás! Let me accompany you! Let me accompany you! Konečně jsem zjistil, co se stalo. I finally found out what happened. I finally found out what happened. Kam odešla? Where has she gone? Where'd she go? Některé z nás podvádějí. Some of us are being cheated. Some of us are cheating. Tohle je věta, která má správný počet slabik na haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. This is a sentence that has the correct number of syllables per haiku. Winda dziś nie działa. The lift is out of order today. The elevator's not working today. Tom wyglądał na rozgniewanego. Tom looked cross. Tom looked angry. Ničí lidem životy. They destroy people's lives. They ruin people's lives. Jesteś wyczerpany. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. Věří, že je před Tomem ochráníme. They believe that we will protect them from Tom. They believe we can protect them from Tom. Tom nás všechny objal. Tom hugged each of us. Tom hugged us all. Tom soudci řekli svoji verzi příběhu. Tom told the judge his side of the story. Tom the judge told his version of the story. Nauczyciel napisał coś na tablicy w języku, którego nie znałam. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard in a language I didn't know. The teacher wrote something on the board in a language I didn't know. Líbí se mi astrologie. I like astrology. I like the astrology. Řekl, že ji nenávidí. He said he hated her. He said he hated her. Máme tě tedy čekat, nebo ne? So should we expect you or not? We're supposed to be waiting for you, aren't we? Až sem přijdeš, budu už spát. I'll be asleep by the time you get here. When you get here, I'll be asleep. Přestaň Toma kárat! Stop reprimanding Tom! Stop reprimanding Tom! Xochipepe lubi kwiaty. Xochipepe likes flowers. Xochipepe likes flowers. Chtěl jsem po Tomovi, aby si se mnou zahrál šachy, ale on řekl, že nechce. I wanted Tom to play chess with me, but he said that he didn't want to. I asked Tom to play chess with me, but he said he didn't want to. Tom mluvil o Mary za jejími zády. Tom talked about Mary behind her back. Tom was talking about Mary behind her back. Skąd ona się tak zna na rybach? How did she come to know so much about fish? How does she know so much about fish? Ten samochód jest jak nowy. This car is like new. This car is like new. Tom už Mary nikdy neuvidí. Tom will never see Mary again. Tom will never see Mary again. Kdy jdeš zase do práce? When are you going to work again? When are you going back to work? Nie wyobrażasz sobie, jak cieszyłem się na twój przyjazd. I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to your visit. You can't imagine how much I've been looking forward to your arrival. Mamy nadzieję, że Tom wkrótce wyzdrowieje. We hope Tom gets well soon. We hope Tom recovers soon. Jablka, která mi poslal byla výborná. The apples he sent me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. Na tom vůbec nezáleží. It doesn't matter at all. It doesn't matter. Chci akorát zpátky svoji práci. I just want my job back. I just want my job back. Vzbuďte je. Wake them up. Wake them up. Potřebuji tě. I need you. I need you. Určitě se s Tomem dnes uvidíš? Are you sure you'll see Tom today? Are you sure you want to see Tom tonight? Jsi Etiopanka? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? Mám je rád. I like them. I like them. Słownictwo jest na biurku. The dictionary is on the desk. Vocabulary is on the desk. Jestem odważny. I'm brave. I'm brave. Jsem roztleskávačka. I'm a cheerleader. I'm a cheerleader. Můžete aktualizovat moje programy? Can you update my software? Can you update my programs? Jste všechny v pořádku? Are you guys OK? Are you all right? V té době nebyly v Japonsku žádné železnice. There were no railroads at that time in Japan. There were no railways in Japan at the time. Přeju ti hodně štěstí. I wish you good luck. Good luck to you. Budu se ti ještě muset ozvat. I'll have to get back to you. I'll have to call you back. Byliśmy umówieni. We had an appointment. We had an appointment. Moje hobby to wędkowanie. My hobby is fishing. My hobby is fishing. Líbí se mi obě. I like both. I like them both. Zítra budu pracovat na zahradě. Tomorrow, I am going to work in the garden. I'll be working in the garden tomorrow. Setkáme se ve vestibulu. Let's meet in the lobby. I'll meet you in the lobby. Tom má poruchu příjmu potravy. Tom has an eating disorder. Tom has an eating disorder. Dwoje ludzi zginęło w wypadku samochodowym. Two people were killed in the traffic accident. Two people died in a car accident. Včera jsem šel do zoo. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. Má třikrát tolik knih co já. He has three times as many books as I have. He has three times as many books as I do. Czekałam miesiąc. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Dnes nepracuji. I don't work today. I'm not working today. Przygotuj się. Stand by. Get ready. Nikt nie wie jak wygląda Tom. No one knows what Tom looks like. No one knows what Tom looks like. Zdálo se mi, jak jsem bojoval ve válce. I dreamt about fighting in a war. It was like I was fighting a war. Píše knihy. He writes books. He writes books. On prędzej czy później zostanie dobrym adwokatem. He'll make a good lawyer sooner or later. Sooner or later he will become a good lawyer. Říkají, že Tom je ten nejbystřejší v týmu. They say Tom is the smartest one on the team. They say Tom's the smartest guy on the team. Stare przyzwyczajenia trudno zwalczyć. Old habits die hard. Old habits are hard to break. Jako náctiletý, Tom jedl chleba se sádlem. As a teenager, Tom used to eat bread and lard. As a teenager, Tom ate bread with lard. Muszę skończyć moją pracę. I must finish my work. I have to finish my job. Pravá demokrecie se neptá na barvu pleti nebo místo narození, jakéhokoliv člověka uznává jako bytost obdařenou svým Stvořitelem jedinečnými nezadatelnými právy. True democracy makes no enquiry about the color of skin, or the place of nativity, wherever it sees man, it recognizes a being endowed by his Creator with original inalienable rights. True democracy does not ask about the color of the skin or the place of birth, it recognizes any person as a being endowed with unique inalienable rights by its Creator. Jsou to typičtí mladí lidé. They are typical young people. They are typical young people. Jestli bude pořád takové horko, odstěhuju se někam na sever. If it is always so hot, I will move somewhere to the north. If it's still so hot, I'll move north. Ktoś się zaśmiał. Somebody laughed. Someone laughed. Kde mi to Tom nechal? Where did Tom leave it for me? Where did Tom leave it? Tento šálek je můj. This cup is mine. This cup is mine. Mogę ci ufać? Can I trust you? Can I trust you? Dělají to, protože jim to dovolíme. They do it because we allow them to. They do it because we allow them to. Radím vám, abyste přestal kouřit. I advise you to stop smoking. I advise you to stop smoking. Możemy zaczynać. We can begin. We're good to go. Po zápase šel rovnou domů, aby nakrmil svého psa. After the game, he went straight home to feed his dog. After the game, he went straight home to feed his dog. Nikdy jsem Toma neslyšel nadávat. I've never heard Tom swear. I've never heard Tom swear. Nazwiska uporządkowane są alfabetycznie. The names are sorted alphabetically. Names are arranged alphabetically. Policja uważa go za głównego podejrzanego. He is considered the prime suspect by the police. The police consider him the prime suspect. No potěš... Oh boy... Oh, please. Tom zadzwonił do mnie na komórkę. Tom called me on my mobile. Tom called me on my cell. Nie wiem jeszcze dokładnie. I don't know exactly yet. I don't know exactly yet. Mary říká, že Tom utrácí peníze poněkud volně. Mary says that Tom spends his money a little too freely. Mary says that Tom spends his money somewhat freely. Tom možná bude chtít něco nakoupit. Tom may want to do some shopping. Tom might want to buy something. Má svoje adoptivní rodiče moc ráda. She loves her adoptive parents deeply. She loves her adoptive parents. Oni wszyscy umieją prowadzić. They all can drive. They all know how to drive. Dam ci zastrzyk przeciwbólowy. I'll give you a painkilling injection. I'll give you a painkiller. Chcã sã havajszczëznë wuczëc. I want to learn Hawaiian. I want to teach Hawaiian. Urychluje se to. It's accelerating. It's accelerating. Míval jsem tentýž problém. I used to have the same problem. I used to have the same problem. Jsou tady v okolí nějací medvědi? Are there any bears around here? Are there any bears around here? Kto umarł? Who died? Who died? Nevíš, proč tu Tom včera nebyl? Do you know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? Do you know why Tom wasn't here last night? Ukažte mi to na mapě. Show it to me on the map. Show it to me on the map. Zamilovala se do ruského přistěhovalce. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. Musím tohle jíst? Do I have to eat this? Do I have to eat this? Je pro mne ideálním manželem. He is an ideal husband for me. He is the ideal husband for me. Zrób co możesz! Do what you can. Do what you can! Ze začátku jsem ho rád neměl. At first, I didn't like him. I didn't like him at first. Za to tě miluju. I love you for that. I love you for that. Stali w kolejce. They were standing in a line. They were lined up. Ile chcesz za tę książkę? How much do you want for this book? How much do you want for this book? Občas pochybuji o tvé inteligenci. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Tom spal s mojí ženou. Tom slept with my wife. Tom slept with my wife. Kdy jste to dělali naposledy? How long has it been since you've done that? When was the last time you did that? Nech mé věci na pokoji. Leave my stuff alone. Leave my stuff alone. Droga jest równoległa do rzeki. The road is parallel to the river. The road is parallel to the river. Czy tu jest bezpiecznie? Is it safe to stay here? Is it safe here? Stále má více jablek. He still has more apples. He still has more apples. Jěstej zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat your vegetables. Nie jestem pewny ale wydaje mi się, że Tomowi podoba się Mary. I can't be sure, but I think Tom likes Mary. I'm not sure, but I think Tom likes Mary. Lidé spíše uvěří jednoduché lži, nežli složité pravdě. People will believe a simple lie more than a complicated truth. People will believe simple lies rather than complicated truths. Tom miał świetne pomysły. Tom had some great ideas. Tom had great ideas. Já nevím, jestli mám čas. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Budeme jíst, jakmile tohle doděláme. We're going to eat as soon as we finish doing this. We'll eat as soon as this is done. Tento chlapec je jeho syn. This boy is his son. This boy is his son. Ależ wielki pies! What a big dog! What a big dog! Přemýšleli o tom, jak ho odtamtud dostat. They were thinking about how to get him out of there. They were thinking about how to get him out of there. Nechci ti říci pravdu. I don't want to tell you the truth. I don't want to tell you the truth. Tom nie będzie zadowolony. Tom won't be happy. Tom will not be pleased. Není se za co stydět. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. There's nothing to be ashamed of. To kompletnie szalone. That's totally crazy. It's completely insane. Budu ti držet palce. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Taková věc mě už nezajímá. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anymore. I don't care about that kind of thing anymore. Bylo to vyrobeno ručně. It was handmade. It was made by hand. Chudoba je zbytečná příčina smrti. Poverty is a preventable cause of death. Poverty is an unnecessary cause of death. Tomovi se zdálo o tom, jak vyhrál. Tom dreamed about winning. Tom had a dream about how he won. Moi rodzice stale kłócą się o drobnostki. To takie irytujące! My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying! My parents are always fighting over trifles. Tak zbierzesz, jak posiejesz. You reap what you sow. That's how you collect when you sow. To jest jakaś możliwość. That's certainly one possibility. It's a possibility. Wróć do domu. Come back home. Come home. Wygląda, jakby nie było aż tak proste, nie? Looks like it's not that easy, huh? It doesn't look that simple, does it? Kde jsou teď tvoji rodiče? Where are your parents now? Where are your parents now? Pracujemy tak szybko, jak możemy. We're working as fast as we can. We work as fast as we can. Nie wyładowuj na mnie złości! Don't take it out on me. Don't be mad at me! To jsem já. That's me. It's me. Prosím, nedělej to. Please don't do this. Please don't do this. Jesteś zaangażowana? Are you involved? Are you involved? Poważnie traktują edukację swoich dzieci. They are earnest about their children's education. They take their children’s education seriously. Tom nie potrafił ukryć przed Mary swoich uczuć. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Jsme součást skupiny. We're part of a group. We're part of the group. Řekl jsem jí, že ji vůbec nerozumím. I told her that I didn't understand her at all. I told her I didn't understand her at all. Zakradł się do niej od tyłu. He sneaked up behind her. He's sneaking up on her from behind. Ja muszę zdążyć na tamty pociąg. I have to catch that train. I have to catch that train. Zawsze zaliczałem cię do moich przyjaciół. I always counted you as a friend. I've always counted you as one of my friends. Nečekala to. She had not been expecting this. She didn't expect it. Co kdyby ses nastěhovala do mého domu? Why don't you move into my house? Why don't you move into my house? Przynieś portfel. Bring your wallet. Bring your wallet. Dobrze jest czasem wyluzować. It's okay to take it easy sometimes. It's good to relax sometimes. Pravá přátelství trvají navěky. True friendships last forever. True friendships last forever. Tom má rád dobrodružné příběhy. Tom likes adventure stories. Tom likes adventure stories. Nemohu vysvětlit, co se stalo. I can't explain what happened. I can't explain what happened. Tom je hladový jako vlk. Tom could eat a horse. Tom's as hungry as a wolf. Nikdo tady nebere Toma vážně. Nobody here takes Tom seriously. Nobody here takes Tom seriously. Mówiłem o ubraniach. I was talking about clothes. I was talking about clothes. Tom powiedział mi, że w tym roku kończysz szkołę. Tom told me you'll be graduating this year. Tom told me you're graduating this year. Nie powiedziałeś, czemu chciałeś, żebym tu przyszedł. You haven't told me why you asked me to come here. You didn't tell me why you wanted me to come here. Tom se rozzlobil, když mě uviděl s tou dívkou. Tom got angry when he saw me with that girl. Tom got angry when he saw me with that girl. Všechny dívky plakaly. All the girls were crying. All the girls were crying. Lubi nie tylko bejsbol, ale też piłkę nożną. He likes not only baseball but football as well. He likes not only baseball, but also football. Mám rád svoji školu. I love my school. I like my school. Vzdělávání znamená učit se to, co jsi ani nevěděl, že nevíš. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. Nevím, jak dlouho bude trvat, než se dostaneme do Bostonu. I don't know how long it'll take us to get to Boston. I don't know how long it'll be before we get to Boston. Musisz przezwyciężyć swój strach przed ciemnością. You must conquer your fear of the dark. You have to overcome your fear of the dark. Tom je na universitě, ale jeho přítelkyně je stále na střední škole. Tom is in college, but his girlfriend is still in high school. Tom is in college, but his girlfriend is still in high school. Zaczął myć samochód. He started washing his car. He started washing the car. Suché dříví hoří rychle. Dry wood burns quickly. Dry wood burns quickly. Myślisz, że wybaczyłby mi? Do you think he would forgive me? Do you think he'd forgive me? Uniwersytet nosi imię swego założyciela. The university bears the name of its founder. The university is named after its founder. Ratunek przed tym nieszczęściem jest niewyobrażalny. Salvation from this misery is inconceivable. The rescue from this disaster is inconceivable. Hledej dál. Keep searching. Keep looking. Nemá rád nikoho. He doesn't love anyone. He doesn't like anyone. Nemohu jim ho dát. I can't give him to them. I can't give it to them. Co mi uniklo? What did I miss? What did I miss? Bylo to velmi dobré. That was very good. It was very good. Uvidíme se později, Tome. Catch you later, Tom. I'll see you later, Tom. Všichni děti jsou v bezpečí. All children are safe. All the children are safe. Światło lampy migotało we mgle. The light of the lamp glimmered in the fog. The light of the lamp flickered in the mist. Zrušil bych všechna jatka, kdybych mohl. I would abolish all slaughterhouses, if I could. I'd abolish all slaughterhouses if I could. Kto to siedzi pod tamtym drzewem? Who is that sitting under that tree? Who's sitting under that tree? To mogło się przydarzyć każdemu. It could happen to anyone. It could have happened to anyone. Znam nazwę tego zwierzęcia. I know the name of this animal. I know the name of this animal. Proč máš tolik na spěch? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you in such a hurry? Nienawidzę kiedy to robisz. I hate it when you do that. I hate it when you do that. Ten opasek je mi moc těsný. This belt is too tight on me. This belt is too tight for me. Ona lubi chodzić do sauny. She likes to go to the sauna. She likes to go to the sauna. Ani moje žena, ani moje děti o tom nevěděly. Neither my wife nor my children knew about that. Neither my wife nor my children knew about it. Myslím, že Tom si to povýšení nezasluhuje. I don't think that Tom deserves the promotion. I don't think Tom deserves that promotion. Všichni se smáli, kromě mne. Everyone laughed except for me. Everyone laughed, except me. Po prostu się z nim spotkajmy. Let's just go see him. Let's just meet him. Jestem tak głodny, że zjadłbym konia z kopytami. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse with hooves. Wyglądasz dobrze! You're looking good! You look good! Kdyby tady byl Tom s námi, všechno by bylo mnohem snadnější. If Tom were here with us, everything would be much easier. If Tom was here with us, everything would be so much easier. Tom mi vrátil všechny učebnice kromě slovníku. Tom gave me back all the textbooks except for a dictionary. Tom gave me back all the textbooks except the dictionary. Zavolej záchranku! Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance! Čím více jíš, tím více chceš. The more you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. Tom má tři sestry, z nichž jedna se narodila v Česku. Tom has three sisters, one of which was born in Czechia. Tom has three sisters, one of whom was born in the Czech Republic. Z čeho se vyrábí máslo? What is butter made of? What is butter made from? Mam własne opinie na temat polityki i religii. I have my own opinions concerning politics and religion. I have my own opinions on politics and religion. Uctívání zbraní je náboženství, které vyžaduje pokračující obětování dětí ostatních lidí. Gun worship is the religion which requires the continuing sacrifice of other people’s children. Gun worship is a religion that requires the continued sacrifice of other people's children. Kocham sok jabłkowy. I love apple juice. I love apple juice. Už dlouhé roky jsme blízcí přátelé. We've been close friends for many years. We've been close friends for years. Fizyka kwantowa jest zbyt trudna do zrozumienia dla zwykłego śmiertelnika. Quantum physics is too difficult for a mere mortal to understand. Quantum physics is too difficult for an ordinary mortal to understand. Má manželka je doktorka. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. Jsi špinavý lhář! You're a filthy liar! You're a dirty liar! Chcę ci pogratulować awansu. I want to congratulate you on your graduation. I want to congratulate you on your promotion. Jakiego koloru jest ten kot? What colour is this cat? What color is this cat? Nepomáhal chudým. He didn't help the poor. He didn't help the poor. Tom to přijal bez výhrad. Tom accepted it without hesitation. Tom accepted it unreservedly. Muszę wrócić do Bostonu. I have to go back to Boston. I have to go back to Boston. Vím, že Tom už s tím skončil. I know Tom is through. I know Tom's done with it. Byl to těžký rok. It's been a hard year. It's been a tough year. Tom lubi chińskie żarcie. Tom likes Chinese food. Tom likes Chinese food. Drań! Bastard! Bastard! Mamy dla Ciebie lepsze plany. We've got better plans for you. We have better plans for you. Jaką dyscyplinę sportu lubisz? What kind of sport do you like? What sport do you like? Měl jsem strach, co by se mohlo stát. I was afraid of what might happen. I was afraid of what might happen. Byl sveden Marií. He was seduced by Mary. He was seduced by Mary. Ta hračka je vyrobena ze dřeva. That toy is made out of wood. The toy is made of wood. Povídáte si rádi? Do you like talking? Do you like to talk? Mary je plochá, jako prkno. Mary's as flat as a board. Mary is flat, like a board. Odpustil své sestře. He forgave his sister. He forgave his sister. Prawdziwa przyjaźń będzie trwać zawsze. A true friendship will last forever. True friendship will last forever. Slíbil jsem Tomovi, že to udělám. I promised Tom that I'd do it. I promised Tom I'd do it. Už jste někdy navštívili někoho ve vězení? Have you ever visited someone in prison? Have you ever visited someone in prison? Na čekání jsem zvyklý. I'm used to waiting. I'm used to waiting. Głaz wystrzelony z katapulty przeleciał ponad murami zamku. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. The boulder fired from the catapult flew over the walls of the castle. Musíš se vrátit nejpozději v neděli. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. You have to come back no later than Sunday. Na piasku były ślady pingwinów. There were penguin footprints in the sand. There were traces of penguins in the sand. Wiem, co masz na myśli. I know what's on your mind. I know what you mean. Tom s tebou držet krok nezvládne. Tom won't be able to keep up with you. Tom can't keep up with you. Nikdy se mi za nic neomluvil. He has never apologised to me for anything. He never apologized to me for anything. Tom jest kierowcą autobusu. Tom is a bus driver. Tom is a bus driver. Tom leżał na łóżku. Tom was lying on the bed. Tom was lying on the bed. Tom často chodí čůrat. Tom often goes to urinate. Tom often goes to pee. Požadoval po mně velkou sumu peněz. He demanded a large sum of money from me. He demanded a large sum of money from me. Kolik stojí tyto hodinky? How much is this watch? How much does this watch cost? Które pismo jest najtrudniejsze na świecie? Which writing system is the most difficult in the world? Which letter is the most difficult in the world? Nic takového neřekl. He didn't say anything like that. He didn't say anything like that. Od jak dawna o tym wiesz? How long have you known about this? How long have you known about this? Máš ráda sladký čaj? Do you like sweet tea? Do you like sweet tea? Otevřete všechny obchody. Open all the shops. Open all the shops. Křič si a breč jak chceš. Nikdo tě neuslyší. Scream and cry as much as you want. Nobody will hear you. Scream and cry all you want, no one will hear you. Mam wystarczająco pieniędzy. I have enough money. I have enough money. Někdo by něco měl říct. Someone ought to say something. Someone should say something. Je Tom naživu? Is Tom alive? Is Tom alive? Pověz mi jeden ze svých příběhů. Tell me one of your stories. Tell me one of your stories. John pisze list do swoich rodziców raz na miesiąc. John writes a letter to his parents once a month. John writes a letter to his parents once a month. Tom si četl časopis, když čekal na Mary až se objeví. Tom read a magazine while waiting for Mary to show up. Tom read the magazine as he waited for Mary to appear. Nigdy nie zapomnę ich ciepłych rąk. I will never forget their warm hands. I will never forget their warm hands. Tom má rád hokej. Tom likes hockey. Tom likes hockey. Každý muž se postupně postavil a představil se. Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself. Each man stood up and introduced himself. Uděláte to teprve až to Tom dovolí. You will do it only when Tom allows it. You'll only do it when Tom lets you. Kam to dá? Where is he going to put it? Where's he gonna put it? Každý má právo se volně shromažďovat a spolčovat. Everyone has the right to assemble and associate freely. Everyone has the right to assemble and associate freely. Takhle to dělat nechci. That isn't the way I want to do that. I don't want to do it like this. Ihned sem pojď! Come here immediately! Get over here now! Tom byl nahrazen výkonnějším pracovníkem. Tom was replaced with a more efficient worker. Tom was replaced by a more efficient worker. Tom si vydělává na živobytí pronajímáním bytů. Tom earns his living by renting apartments. Tom makes a living renting apartments. Szybko dostosowywał się do nowych warunków. He quickly adjusted to the new situation. He quickly adapted to the new conditions. Kdo další má klíč? Who else has a key? Who else has the key? Vy nevíte, co se děje? Don't you know what's going on? You don't know what's going on? V případě potřeby jí budu po ruce. I'll be with her if I'm needed. I'll be on hand if I need to. Nečekal jsem, že nás navštíví. I didn't expect them to visit us. I didn't expect him to visit us. Opravdu si myslíš, že to chci? Do you really think that I want that? You really think I want this? W iPadzie nie lubię tego, że nie da się łatwo zainstalować aplikacji, których nie ma w AppStore Apple'a. One thing I don't like about the iPad is that you can't easily install apps that aren't available through Apple's App Store. What I don’t like about the iPad is that it’s not easy to install apps that aren’t in Apple’s AppStore. Smím to dělat. I'm allowed to do this. I'm allowed to do that. Tom se schoval pod stůl. Tom hid under the table. Tom hid under the table. Tom si neuvědomil, že ho podvedli. Tom didn't realize he'd been conned. Tom didn't realize he was being cheated. Urodziłem się 4go czerwca 1974. I was born on June 4, 1974. I was born on June 4, 1974. Jestem zaskoczony, że o tym nie wiedziałeś. I'm surprised you didn't know that. I'm surprised you didn't know that. Jesteś zły? Are you angry? Are you mad? Tom kupił drogą gitarę. Tom bought an expensive guitar. Tom bought an expensive guitar. Mám je ráda. I like them. I like them. Kto to zaprojektował? Who designed it? Who designed it? Nie mógł uwierzyć w jej historię. He couldn't bring himself to believe her story. He could not believe her story. Lidi jsou divný. People are weird. People are weird. Sće Etiopjanka? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? Je čas říct lidem pravdu. It's time to tell people the truth. It's time to tell people the truth. Mój dom nie jest zbyt daleko stąd. My house isn't so far from here. My house isn't too far from here. Tom je můj přítel. Tom is my friend. Tom is my friend. Ani trochu to nebolelo. It didn't hurt a bit. It didn't hurt a bit. Bob vaří snídani ráno. Bob cooks breakfast in the morning. Bob cooks breakfast in the morning. Dlatego mnie wybrali. They chose me for that. That's why they chose me. Tom pronikl do našich životů. Tom permeated our lives. Tom came into our lives. Těžko se mi dnes soustředí. It's hard for me to concentrate today. I'm having a hard time concentrating today. W końcu osiągnęli szczyt góry. At last, they reached the top of the mountain. They finally reached the top of the mountain. Widziałeś coś tak pięknego? Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Have you seen anything so beautiful? Co říkal? What did he say? What did he say? Nechystáš se Toma doopravdy zabít, že? You aren't really going to kill Tom, are you? You're not really gonna kill Tom, are you? Powiedz nam dokładnie co widziałeś. Tell us exactly what you saw. Tell us exactly what you saw. Snažil jsem se panu Smithovi zavolat, ale linka byla obsazena. I tried to call Mr Smith, but the line was busy. I tried to call Mr. Smith, but the line was busy. Wczoraj wieczorem napisałem list miłosny. I wrote a love letter last night. I wrote a love letter last night. On jest w drodze. He's on his way. He's on his way. Jest już jedenasta. It is already eleven. It's 11 o'clock. Máme být za co vděční. We've got a lot to be thankful for. We have something to be grateful for. Na Zemi přistanou mimozemšťané. Aliens will land on Earth. Aliens will land on Earth. Prší ještě? Is it still raining? Is it raining yet? Dávám přednost tmavému chlebu před bílým. I prefer brown bread to white bread. I prefer dark bread to white bread. Biblioteka jest na czwartym piętrze. The library is on the 4th floor. The library is on the fourth floor. Kolik lidí ví, že žiješ? How many people know you're alive? How many people know you're alive? Nie mam żadnych pokoi do wynajęcia. I don't have any rooms for rent. I don't have any rooms to rent. Ta szkoła została założona w roku 1650. The school was established in 1650. This school was founded in 1650. Czy twój wujek nadal jest zagranicą? Is your uncle still abroad? Is your uncle still overseas? Poslední čtyři roky je součástí mého života. She has been a part of my life for the last four years. The last four years have been a part of my life. Ta dívka s dlouhými vlasy je Judy. The girl with the long hair is Judy. The girl with the long hair is Judy. Vzal jsem si na dnešek volno. I took a day off today. I took the day off for today. Někdo odpověděl. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Tenhle svetr si nekoupím. I won't buy this sweater. I'm not buying this sweater. Neplánuji tu být tak dlouho. I don't plan to be here that long. I don't plan on being here that long. Usiedzieć. Sit still. Sit down. Nejsem čistý, ale špinavý. Opravoval jsem auto. I am not clean but dirty. I have been repairing a car. I'm not clean, I'm dirty. Na tomto stromě neroste žádné ovoce. This tree bears no fruit. There is no fruit growing on this tree. Musíš dodržovat pravidla. You must conform to the rules. You have to follow the rules. Tradice už se nedodržují? Are traditions not respected anymore? Are the traditions not being followed anymore? Kam Tom půjde, až umře? Where will Tom go when he dies? Where will Tom go when he dies? Naprawdę chcesz zostać? Do you really want to stay? Do you really want to stay? Myslí si, že tu zkoušku udělal. He thinks he's passed the exam. He thinks he did the test. Zvládneš to sám? Can you do it yourself? Can you do it yourself? Utkniesz. You're stuck. You're stuck. Jest stary. He is old. He's old. Chyběla ve škole pět dní. She's been absent from school for five days. She missed school for five days. Neodpověděli jste. You didn't answer. You didn't answer. Na co se všichni dívají? What's everybody looking at? What are they all looking at? Nudíš se? Are you bored? Are you bored? Czy jedzenie mięsa jest niemoralne? Is eating meat morally wrong? Is eating meat immoral? Opowiedz mi, proszę, o swojej wycieczce. Please tell me about your trip. Please tell me about your trip. Tom zawahał się. Tom hesitated. Tom hesitated. Přidám se do armády. I will join the army. I'm joining the army. Nie wyszła za tego człowieka. She did not marry the man. She didn't marry that man. Właśnie piję piwo. I'm drinking a beer right now. I'm drinking beer right now. Zapomniałem, że jesteś w drużynie siatkarskiej. I forgot you were on the volleyball team. I forgot you're on the volleyball team. Powinnam zacząć się martwić? Should I start to worry? Should I start worrying? Pomógł mi się ruszyć. He helped me move. He helped me move. Wszyscy troje nienawidzili siebie nawzajem. All three hated one another. The three of them hated each other. Co kdybychom zítra vyrazili na pláž? How about we go to the beach tomorrow? Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow? Na placu jest jedynie czterystu demonstrantów. There are only four hundred demonstrators in the square. There are only 400 protesters in the square. Będę trzymał za ciebie kciuki. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Přišel se na mě podívat. He came to see me. He came to see me. Je dobré, že mám dceru. It's good that I have a daughter. It's good to have a daughter. Zná vína. He knows wines. He knows wine. Poprvé upřímně věřím, že Bůh existuje. For the first time, I truly believe there's a God. For the first time, I truly believe that God exists. Ona nigdy nie będzie o tym rozmawiać. She will never talk about it. She'll never talk about it. Mohl bys prosím při odchodu zavřít dveře? Could you do me a favor and close the door on your way out? Would you please close the door when you leave? Nikomu ani słowa. Don't say a word to anyone. Don't say a word to anyone. V životě Toma se mnoho věcí změnilo. Many things have changed in Tom's life. Many things have changed in Tom’s life. Nikdy nebyl ve Francii. He has never been to France. He's never been to France. Tego miesiąca mieliśmy duże opady deszczu. We've had a lot of rain this month. We had a lot of rain this month. On złapał ich jak kradli jabłka. He caught them stealing apples. He caught them stealing apples. Ukaž mi, co máš v levé ruce. Show me what you have in your left hand. Show me what's in your left hand. Tom i Mary skończyli posiłek i poszli do pokoju dziennego oglądać telewizję. Tom and Mary finished their meal and then went into the living room to watch TV. Tom and Mary finished their meal and went to the living room to watch TV. Mądrzy ludzie mówią o ideach, intelektualiści o faktach, a zwykli ludzie – o tym, co jedzą. Wise men talk about ideas, intellectuals about facts, and the ordinary man talks about what he eats. Wise people talk about ideas, intellectuals talk about facts, and ordinary people talk about what they eat. Pozostała niezamężna aż do śmierci. She remained unmarried until death. She remained unmarried until her death. Idź i zawołaj gości! Go and call the guests! Go and call the guests! Wielu rodziców uważa, że dzieci nie powinny jeść po 20:00. Many parents think it's important for their children to eat before 8:00 p.m. Many parents believe that children should not eat after 20:00. Pamatuješ se na to lépe než já. You remember it better than I do. You remember it better than I do. Nevycházím dobře se svojí rodinou. I'm not on good terms with my family. I don't get along well with my family. Widzę krzyż z drewna. I see a cross made of wood. I see a cross made of wood. Vyhodili jsme je. We threw them. We threw them out. Rząd wysłał misję za granicę. The government dispatched missions abroad. The government has sent a mission abroad. Tom s tím nemá nic společného. Tom doesn't have anything to do with that. Tom has nothing to do with this. Vypadá to, že nám došel benzín. It looks like we're out of petrol. Looks like we're out of gas. Není snadné Toma oklamat. It's not easy to fool Tom. It's not easy to fool Tom. Prvně jsme nevěděli, co máme dělat. We didn't know what to do first. At first, we didn't know what to do. Tom se dožadoval pozornosti. Tom called for attention. Tom demanded attention. Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Tom odešel předčasně. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. Tom býval zpěvákem. Tom used to be a singer. Tom was a singer. Vždycky tě budu podporovat. I will always support you. I will always support you. Myslím, že mě Tom vodí za nos. I think that Tom strings me along. I think Tom's leading me on. Nech tu krabici, kde je. Leave that box where it is. Leave the box where it is. Spośród jej dzieci jedne są dobre, a inne złe. Some of her children are good, some are bad. Some of her children are good and some are bad. Kiedy są w niebezpieczeństwie uciekają. When they're in danger, they run away. When they are in danger, they run away. Dlatego potrzebuję pomocy. This is why I need help. That's why I need help. Je mi do pláče. I feel like crying. I'm crying. Otrokyně zkusila utéct. The slave tried to escape. The slave tried to escape. Při svém prvním zaměstnání musel do práce dojíždět. He had to commute to his work at his first job. At his first job, he had to commute to work. Toto je mnohem přirozenější způsob, jak se učit slovní zásobu. This is a much more natural way to learn vocabulary. This is a much more natural way to learn vocabulary. Sami byl zabit Lailou. Sami was murdered by Layla. Sami was killed by Laila. Je jasné, že Tom ví, co dělá. Tom obviously knows what he's doing. Tom knows what he’s doing. Naše škola není ošklivá tak, jako vaše. Our school isn't ugly like yours is. Our school is not as ugly as yours. Obdarzyła mnie wspaniałym uśmiechem. She gave me a wonderful smile. She gave me a wonderful smile. Wybacz Tom. Forgive Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Zavři prosím při odchodu dveře. Please close the door when you leave. Please close the door when you leave. Zeptali se, mají-li si zapsat nová slovíčka. They asked whether they should write down the new words. They asked if they wanted to write down new words. Skąd pochodzę? Where am I from? Where do I come from? Tenhle chléb vypadá výborně. This bread looks delicious. This bread looks great. Balení tohoto výrobku je poškozeno. The packaging of this product is damaged. The packaging of this product is damaged. Proč mi nepovíš, co si pamatuješ? Why don't you tell me what you remember? Why don't you tell me what you remember? Tom si za hodinu vydělá více peněz, než já za týden. Tom earns more money per hour than I do per week. Tom makes more money in an hour than I do in a week. Jak ci poszedł egzamin? How did the exam go? How'd your exam go? Ta silnice je špatná. The road is bad. The road is bad. Ona jest wykształconą dziewczyną. She is an educated girl. She's an educated girl. Vypadá to, že ti není dobře. You don't look like you're feeling well. Looks like you're not feeling well. Nepřijdi k úrazu. Just don't get hurt. Don't get hurt. Tom doufal, že někdo koupí jeho staré kolo. Tom hoped somebody would buy his old bicycle. Tom was hoping someone would buy his old bike. O tom plánu jsi mu říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. You shouldn't have told him about that plan. To był poruszający widok. It was a moving sight. It was a moving sight. Proszę, przekażcie niezbędne dokumenty. Please hand in the necessary papers. Please hand over the necessary documents. Chciałbym, żebyś przestał mnie o to pytać. I wish you'd stop asking me that. I wish you'd stop asking me that. Mám jenom tebe. I have no one but you. You're all I have. Je vážně skvělé znovu tě vidět. It's really wonderful seeing you again. It's really great to see you again. Ziemia jest trzecią planetą od Słońca. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Wyglądasz na zmęczonego. Czy mógłbym przejąć kierownicę? You look tired. Shall I take the wheel? You look tired, can I take the wheel? Im więcej tłumaczysz, tym mniej rozumiem. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. The more you translate, the less I understand. Dělám to celý svůj život. I have been doing this my whole life. I've been doing this my whole life. Ohrožoval nás zbraní. He threatened us with the gun. He threatened us with a gun. Pokud vyrazíme teď, měli bysme to stihnout. If we leave now, we should make it. If we leave now, we should make it. Tom jasno powiedział, że nie chce operacji. Tom made it clear that he didn't want surgery. Tom made it clear he didn't want surgery. To jest straszne. This is horrible. It's terrible. Koupil jsem knihu. I bought a book. I bought a book. Dokážeš si představit svoji budoucnost s Tomem? Can you imagine your future with Tom? Can you imagine your future with Tom? Ma problemy z zapamiętywaniem nazwisk. He is weak on names. He has trouble remembering names. To Tom tě pustil dál? Was Tom the one who let you in? Did Tom let you in? Hlavní město Srbska je Bělehrad. The capital city of Serbia is Belgrade. The capital of Serbia is Belgrade. Ukázali svoji pravou tvář. They showed their true colours. They showed their true face. Běžte Toma pozdravit. Go say hello to Tom. Go say hi to Tom. Nemám ji rád. I don't like her. I don't like her. Kdo další je na tom seznamu? Who else is on the list? Who else is on that list? Lubi podróżować sam. He likes to travel by himself. He likes to travel alone. Akta skradziono. The file was stolen. The file's been stolen. Moja babcia mieszka sama. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. Dokaž to, co říkáš. Prove what you are saying. Prove what you're saying. Za Tomovo jednání nemohu. Pamatuj si to. Tom's actions aren't my fault. Just remember that. I'm not responsible for Tom's actions. Nic z toho, co Tom řekl, nedává smysl. Nothing Tom said makes any sense. None of what Tom said makes any sense. Stworzyli rząd. They created a government. They formed a government. Nevyplaš se. Don't get panicky. Don't freak out. Stary kościół na wzgórzu datowany jest na dwunasty wiek. The old church on the hill dates back to the twelfth century. The old church on the hill is dated to the twelfth century. Nedělej nic, co bych nedělal já. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Barmane, dám si něco k pití. Bartender, I'd like to have a drink. Bartender, I'll have a drink. Tak, to jest to, co miałem na myśli. Yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, that's what I meant. Tom neví, co trápí Mary. Tom doesn't know what's bothering Mary. Tom doesn't know what's bothering Mary. Mowa-trawa. Pure talk. Speech-grass. Není nad sklenici piva po celodenní práci. There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work. There's nothing like a glass of beer after a full day's work. Mary se podceňuje. Mary is selling herself short. Mary underestimates herself. Kogo tu znasz? Who do you know here? Who do you know here? Chvíli váhal. He hesitated for a while. He hesitated for a moment. To je podezřelé. That's suspicious. That's suspicious. Nevrátil jste mi správně drobné. You didn't give me the correct change. You didn't give me the change right. Co ona dzisiaj zrobiła? What has she done today? What did she do today? Jakich jest pięć pierwszych liter twojego adresu emailowego? What are the five first letters of your e-mail address? What are the first five letters of your email address? Myślisz, że by mi wybaczył? Do you think he would forgive me? You think he'd forgive me? Nie mam czasu. I have no time. I don't have time. Nikdy jsi mi neřekla, že jsi vdaná. You never told me that you were married. You never told me you were married. Zainteresowałem się ostatnio szachami. I am interested in chess these days. I've been interested in chess lately. Tom stál před školou a kouřil. Tom was standing in front of the school, smoking. Tom stood outside the school and smoked. Koala spí. The koala is sleeping. Koala's asleep. Kdy Tom snídá? When does Tom eat breakfast? When does Tom eat breakfast? Kolejny raz uległ pokusie. He gave way to the temptation again. Once again he succumbed to temptation. Vrátím se pozdě. I'll be back late. I'll be late. Zapomněl ty klíče vrátit. He forgot to return the keys. He forgot to return the keys. Kdyby se to stalo, nepřekvapilo by mě to. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. If that happened, I wouldn't be surprised. "Byla to tvoje přítelkyně?" "Ne. Byla to moje žena." "Was that your girlfriend?" "No. It was my wife." "She was your girlfriend?" "No. She was my wife." Zdá se, že zanedbává svoje povinnosti. He seems to be neglecting his duties. He seems to be neglecting his duties. Bez tvé pomoci bych to nebyl schopen udělat. I wouldn't be able to do this without your help. I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help. Pamatuješ, kde jsi nechal svůj deštník? Do you remember where you left your umbrella? Do you remember where you left your umbrella? Włosy mu posiwiały. His hair has turned grey. His hair turned gray. Ona wyszła za bogatego starca. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Tom byl na všechny hrubý. Tom was rude to everybody. Tom was rude to everyone. Je zhruba stejně vysoká jako ty. She's about the same height as you. It's about the same height as you. Kde? Where? Where? Tom má jen jedno varle. Tom has only one testicle. Tom only has one testicle. W zoo na Marsie są zwierzęta z Ziemi. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. There are animals from Earth in the zoo on Mars. Skoro každý, koho znám, umí plavat. Almost everyone I know knows how to swim. Almost everyone I know can swim. Myślę, że Tom pojechał do Bostonu samochodem. I think Tom went to Boston by car. I think Tom went to Boston by car. Tom není můj bratr, ale bratranec. Tom isn't my brother. He is my cousin. Tom's not my brother, he's my cousin. Mám dva psy. I have two dogs. I have two dogs. Już wygrali. They've already won. They've already won. Czy lubi pan deszcz? Do you like rain? Do you like the rain? Człowiek jadł chleb. The man was eating bread. The man ate bread. Nech mě dojíst, prosím. Let me finish eating, please. Let me finish my meal, please. Cóż za piękny projekt! What a beautiful design! What a beautiful project! Som wucabnik. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. Zawsze wypijam rano dwie kawy. I always have two cups of coffee in the morning. I always have two coffees in the morning. Od našeho mládí jsem ho neviděl. I haven't seen him since we were young. I haven't seen him since we were young. Tom může jít se mnou. Tom can go with me. Tom can come with me. Większość Anglików to konserwatyści. Most Englishmen are conservative. Most of the English are conservatives. Kolik ještě musím zaplatit? How much more do I have to pay? How much more do I have to pay? Nevěděl jsem, že Tom je z Austrálie. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. Tak jak? Stačí to? How is it? Is it enough? Is that enough? Líbí se nám Tom. We like Tom. We like Tom. Díky bohu, že jsi tu. Thank goodness you're here. Thank God you're here. Piwo jest warzone ze słodu. Beer is brewed from malt. The beer is brewed from malt. Opravdu Tom zemřel následkem očkování? Did Tom really die as a result of vaccination? Did Tom really die from the vaccine? Nemám tušení. I have no idea. I have no idea. Jezioro zamarzło, więc przeszliśmy po lodzie. The lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice. The lake froze, so we walked across the ice. Tom býval neporazitelný. Tom used to be unbeatable. Tom was invincible. Ze které z těchto sklenic jsi pil? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Which of these glasses did you drink from? Który chcesz? Which one do you want? Which one do you want? Běž, než bude příliš pozdě. Go, before it's too late. Go before it's too late. Dlaczego mi nie wierzyłeś? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Zapomněl jsem Toma vyzvednout z letiště. I forgot to pick Tom up from the airport. I forgot to pick Tom up from the airport. Tom vypadá zdravěji než dřív. Tom looks healthier than he used to. Tom looks healthier than before. Co chciałabyś do picia? What would you like to drink? What would you like to drink? Tom se nabourává do počítače. Tom is hacking into a computer. Tom's hacking into the computer. Tom si upravil sedačku, vložil klíč do zapalování a potom odjel. Tom adjusted the seat, put in the key, and then drove away. Tom adjusted his seat, put the key in the ignition, and then drove away. Tom potrzebował pracy. Tom needed work. Tom needed a job. Sami chtěl Laylu znásilnit. Sami wanted to rape Layla. Sami wanted to rape Layla. On nigdy nie traci nadziei. He never loses hope. He never loses hope. Nemusíte na Toma čekat. Nepřijde. You don't have to wait for Tom. He won't come. You don't have to wait for Tom. Powiedz nam co myślisz. Tell us what you think. Tell us what you think. Budu dělat domácí úkol. I will be doing my homework. I'll do my homework. Dlaczego zapytałeś? Why did you ask? Why did you ask? Tom byl vyzáblý, když ho našli. Tom was gaunt when they found him. Tom was skinny when they found him. On często jeździ do biblioteki samochodem. He often goes to the library by car. He often drives to the library. Pójdę jeśli i Tom pójdzie. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. Czemu nie posłuchasz? Why won't you listen? Why don't you listen? Tom, naprawdę jestem zajęty. I'm really busy, Tom. Tom, I'm really busy. Możliwe, że z powodu intensywnych opadów śniegu odwołają jutro szkołę. They're likely to cancel school tomorrow because of the heavy snow. It is possible that due to heavy snowfall they will cancel school tomorrow. Tos říkal posledně. You said that last time. That's what you said last time. Piszę bez przerwy od drugiej. I have been writing since two o'clock without a break. I write non-stop from the second. Slyšel jsem, že Tom byl zlý na svou poslední přítelkyni. I heard that Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. I heard Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. Netušil jsem, že Tom zemřel. I had no idea that Tom died. I had no idea Tom was dead. Kolik chapadel má chobotnice? How many tentacles does an octopus have? How many tentacles does an octopus have? Tom a já jsme bratranci. Tom and I are cousins. Tom and I are cousins. Tom potřeboval poradit. Tom needed some advice. Tom needed some advice. Tom zbliżył się. Tom approached. Tom approached. Toma jsem si vážival. I used to respect Tom. I appreciated Tom. Co kdybyste na chvilku zůstali? Why don't you stay for a while? Why don't you stay for a while? Ještě mi nebyla přidělena žádná práce. I haven't been given any work yet. I haven't been assigned any work yet. Udělal jsi to jen proto, abys mě naštval? Did you do that just to annoy me? Did you do that just to piss me off? Tom se vrátil do svého auta a přinesl baterku. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom went back to his car and brought a flashlight. Drzwi muszą być albo otwarte, albo zamknięte. A door must be either shut or open. The door must be either open or closed. Chciałbym ci przedstawić pana Browna. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. Do jaké strany patříte? Which party do you belong to? Which side do you belong to? Tom utopił się. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. Kiedy twoja siostra wyjechała z Tokio do Londynu? When did your sister leave Tokyo for London? When did your sister leave Tokyo for London? Doporučujeme všem, aby přišli. We're encouraging everyone to come. We encourage everyone to come. Moje szczęście zależy od ciebie. My happiness depends on you. My happiness depends on you. Śnieg stopniał. The snow has melted. The snow melted. Tom ma kolekcję winyli. Tom has a vinyl collection. Tom has a vinyl collection. Usiadła i zapaliła. She sat and lit a cigarette up. She sat down and lit it. On jest publicystą w dziale plotki od 9 lat do teraz. He has been a gossip columnist for nine years now. He's been a publicist in the gossip department for nine years now. V našem domě vyhořela elektroinstalace. Naštěstí se nikomu nic nestalo. The wiring in our house burned out. Luckily, nobody was injured. The wiring in our house burned down. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Chyť je, jestli chceš. Catch them if you can. Catch them if you want. Vím, že nevím. I know that I do not know. I know I don't. Bojím se lídí i sebe. I am afraid of people and myself too. I'm afraid of people and myself. Tom a Mary pevno nje rzeknõ Johnovi, co wonji jewo nje lúbjõ. Tom and Mary won't likely tell John they don't like him. Tom and Mary don't tell John what they don't like. Melania zabiła pająka dłonią. Melanie killed a spider with her hand. Melania killed the spider with her hand. To przejdzie na emeryturę za rok. Tom will be retiring next year. It will be retired in a year. Nikdy jsem nepoznal tak afektovanou holku. Je opravdu nesnesitelná! I've never known a girl so affected. She's really unbearable! I've never known a girl so passionate. Zdecydowałem jechać do Bostonu. I've decided to go to Boston. I decided to go to Boston. Tom je zlomyslný člověk. Tom is a malicious person. Tom is a vicious man. Už nevím, co dělat. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Kdy vrátil? When is he coming back? When did he return? Rád chodí na procházky sám. He likes taking a walk by himself. He likes to go for walks alone. Kto wynalazł karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Chwilę odpoczywał. He rested for a while. He rested for a while. Wygląda całkiem ładnie. She looks quite pretty. It looks pretty good. Dlaczego jesteś taki skryty? Why are you so secretive? Why are you so secretive? On wcale się nie pojawił, przez co czuła się bardzo zażenowana. He did not appear at all, which made her very uneasy. He didn't show up at all, which made her feel very embarrassed. Proč si nevzpomínáš? Why don't you remember? Why don't you remember? Lubię zarówno psy, jak i koty. I love both cats and dogs. I like both dogs and cats. Ten samochód jest używany przez mojego ojca. This car is used by my father. This car is used by my father. To wspaniale, że się spotkaliśmy. It's great to meet you. It's great to meet you. Tom říkal, že přijdeš. Tom said you would come. Tom said you were coming. To by se v mojí rodině nestalo. That wouldn't happen in my family. That wouldn't have happened in my family. Její angličtina byla velice dobrá. Her English was really good. Her English was very good. Toma uvrhli do vězení. Tom was thrown into prison. Tom was thrown into prison. Půjdeme hned. We'll go now. We'll go now. Lato jeszcze się nie skończyło. Summer isn't over yet! Summer's not over yet. Vyžehlila si košili. She ironed her shirt. She ironed her shirt. Wróciliśmy do Honolulu drugiego kwietnia. We returned to Honolulu on April 2. We returned to Honolulu on April 2. Chceš mluvit soukromě? Do you want to speak privately? You want to talk privately? Tom podal zlepšovací návrh. Tom submitted an improvement proposal. Tom made an improvement. Tom byl tak dojat, že se rozplakal. Tom was so moved that he started crying. Tom was so moved that he cried. Wyjdziesz za mnie? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Raději by měli říct pravdu. They had better tell the truth. They'd better tell the truth. Ostříhala jste mi vlasy moc nakrátko. You've cut my hair too short. You cut my hair too short. Odchází do školy brzy. He leaves early for school. He's leaving for school early. Uratowałeś życie nas wszystkich. You've saved all our lives. You saved all our lives. Tom był naprawdę zakłopotany. Tom was really embarrassed. Tom was really embarrassed. Nejsem zadobře se svojí rodinou. I'm not on good terms with my family. I'm not good with my family. Vím o něm, ale osobně ho neznám. I know of him, but I don't know him personally. I know about him, but I don't know him personally. Nie chciał mleka. I didn't want milk. He didn't want milk. K víře v Boha nemusíte vyznávat žádné náboženství. You don't need to be religious to believe in God. You don’t have to believe in God. Přijď, jestli můžeš. Come if you can. Come if you can. Studuji francouzštinu a webový design. I'm studying French and web design. I study French and web design. Mary se znovu provdala za svého prvního muže. Mary has remarried her first husband. Mary remarried to her first husband. Jaki jest twój ulubiony epizod z sezonu drugiego? What's your favorite episode from season two? What is your favorite episode from season 2? Drogie nie zawsze jest lepsze od taniego. Expensive is not always better than inexpensive. Expensive is not always better than cheap. Prosím tě, otevři tu láhev. Please open the bottle. Please open the bottle. Je to snadné vítězství. It's an easy victory. It's an easy win. Mary věří, že Tom je posedlý ďáblem. Mary believes that Tom is possessed by the devil. Mary believes Tom is possessed by the devil. Chcę, żebyś zostawił moją rodzinę w spokoju. I want you to leave my family alone. I want you to leave my family alone. Je to otázka života nebo smrti. It's a matter of life or death. It's a matter of life or death. Tyto peníze jsou pro strýčka Příhodu. This money is for a rainy day. This money is for Uncle Story. Nemám ráda učitelky, které mají rády studentky, které nerady kladou otázky. I don't like teachers who like students who don't like asking questions. I don't like teachers who like students who don't like to ask questions. Tom narzekał na hałas. Tom complained about the noise. Tom complained about the noise. Mały jeleń potrafi stać od razu po tym, gdy się urodzi. A baby deer can stand as soon as it's born. A small deer can stand right after it is born. Tom hlídá ten dům. Tom guards the house. Tom's guarding the house. Doufám, že Marie brzy napíše. I hope Maria writes soon. I hope Mary writes soon. Prosila ho, aby tam nechodil. She begged him not to go there. She begged him not to go there. To łóżko jest ciężkie. This bed is heavy. This bed is heavy. Mary je porodní asistentka. Mary is a midwife. Mary is a midwife. Podívej se, co ti Tom přinesl. See what Tom brought you. Look what Tom brought you. Už v Anglii jednou byla. She has been to England once. She's been to England before. Dnes jsem příliš líný na to, abych něco dělal. Today I am too lazy to do anything. Today I am too lazy to do anything. Ciągle nad tym pracuję. I'm still working on this. I'm still working on it. Jesteś nielojalny. You're disloyal. You're disloyal. Buď opatrný! Be careful. Be careful! Není tak hloupá. She's not that stupid. She's not that stupid. Weź tylko jedno. Take only one. Just take one. Pokud vím, tento je nejlepší. As far as I know, this is the best one. As far as I know, this is the best. On ma niewielu przyjaciół. He has few friends. He has very few friends. Polecił mi ten słownik. He recommended this dictionary to me. He recommended the dictionary to me. Powiedziałem Tom'owi aby został w swoim pokoju. I told Tom to stay in his room. I told Tom to stay in his room. Tom je nezdvořilý. Tom is impolite. Tom is rude. Próbowała popełnić samobójstwo. She attempted suicide. She tried to commit suicide. Tom rád poslouchá klasickou hudbu. Tom loves listening to classical music. Tom likes to listen to classical music. Pokud nás hledají, jsem si jistý, že nás najdou. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. Ukradli mi peníze. My money has been stolen. They stole my money. Už je vdaná. She is already married. She's already married. Ten program właśnie jest na antenie. The program is on the air. This show is on the air right now. Je to Němec. He's German. He's German. Jsem rád, že se Tom o sebe stará. I'm glad Tom is taking care of himself. I'm glad Tom's taking care of himself. Tom nikdy nepláče. Tom never cries. Tom never cries. Viděl jsem Tomův rodný list. I saw Tom's birth certificate. I saw Tom's birth certificate. Tak ona pracuje v továrně, jo? So she works at this factory, huh? So she works at the factory, huh? Nikdo nemá takové štěstí. No one is that lucky. Nobody's that lucky. Nie chciałem zostać zobaczony. I don't want to be seen. I didn't want to be seen. Zaprosiłem dwadzieścia osób na moje przyjęcie ale, nie wszystkie z nich przyszły. I asked twenty people to my party but not all of them came. I invited twenty people to my party, but not all of them came. Jěsće poliwku. Eat soup. Get the soup. Tony neznal jejich jména. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their names. Jěz poliwku. Eat soup. Have some soup. Tom mnie lubi. Tom likes me. Tom likes me. Marja kupujo nowu kafejowu mašinku. Mary's buying a new percolator. Marja's buying a new coffee machine. To miejsce jest najlepsze wiosną. The place is at its best in spring. This place is the best in spring. Obvykle vstávám v šest, ale dnes jsem vstal v osm. Usually I get up at six, but today I got up at eight. I usually get up at six, but today I got up at eight. Tom siedzi w samochodzie obok Mary. Tom is sitting in the car beside Mary. Tom is sitting in the car next to Mary. Może padać po południu. It might rain in the afternoon. It may rain in the afternoon. Ma bratra abo sotru? Does he have a brother or a sister? Does he have a brother or a sotra? Co zapomínám? What am I forgetting? What am I forgetting? Dotarł na szczyt góry przed zmrokiem. He attained the top of the mountain before dark. He reached the top of the mountain before dark. Tom i Mary są za starzy, żeby robić to sami. Tom and Mary are too old to be doing that on their own. Tom and Mary are too old to do it alone. Nejsem ženatý. I don't have a wife. I'm not married. Není tlustý ale štíhlý. He isn't fat but slim. He's not fat, but he's slim. Dam ci znać co się dzieje. I'll let you know what happens. I'll let you know what's going on. Když přemýšlí, drbe se na hlavě. When he thinks, he scratches his head. When he thinks, he scratches his head. Nie mogła powstrzymać płaczu. She couldn't help from crying. She couldn't stop crying. Řekni Tomovi, že chci aby věděl, že jsem to byl já. Tell Tom I want him to know it was me. Tell Tom I want him to know it was me. Dám Tomovi tuto knihu. I'm going to give Tom this book. I'll give Tom this book. Zajímalo by mě, kde skončil Tom. I wonder what became of Tom. I wonder where Tom ended up. Jedí Němci hodně vepřové? Do Germans eat a lot of pork? Do Germans eat a lot of pork? Firmy přestaly nabírat lidi. Companies stopped recruiting people. Companies have stopped hiring people. Nekřič, prosím tě! Please, don't yell! Don't scream, please! Jeszcze się nie poddałam. I haven't given up yet. I haven't given up yet. Já se nebojím tebe. I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of you. Autor zwraca uwagę na niekompletność tego artykułu. The author claims attention to the incompleteness of that article. The author points out the incompleteness of this article. Spałem tylko dwie godziny. I slept just two hours. I only slept for two hours. To, co nosisz na nogach, nie spełnia norm bezpieczeństwa. What you're wearing on your feet don't meet safety guidelines. What you wear on your feet does not meet safety standards. Proč chcete, aby tam Tom jel se mnou? Why do you want Tom to go there with me? Why do you want Tom to come with me? Wszyscy moi znajomi lubią tę samą muzykę co ja. All my friends like the same kind of music that I do. All my friends like the same music as me. Tom řekl, že nepomůže nikomu. Tom said that he wouldn't help anyone. Tom said he wouldn't help anyone. Mój album jest tutaj. My album is here. My album is here. Pracuję jako nauczyciel angielskiego. My job is teaching English. I work as an English teacher. Zróbmy to później. Let's do this later. Let's do it later. Moje dzieci mnie nie słuchają. My children don't listen to me. My kids don't listen to me. Tom ohrozil naši bezpečnost. Tom endangered our safety. Tom jeopardized our security. Máme chleba? Do we have any bread? Do we have bread? Moja córka gustuje w różnych szaleństwach. My daughter partakes in various follies. My daughter likes all kinds of crazy. Potrzebuję więcej czasu na skończenie pracy domowej. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time to finish my homework. Ufam swoim przyjaciołom. I trust my friends. I trust my friends. Kto jest w kuchni? Who is in the kitchen? Who's in the kitchen? Je mi smutno. I'm sad. I'm sad. Udělal by Tom něco takového doopravdy? Would Tom really do something like that? Would Tom really do something like that? Dceru nemáme. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. Hoď ten balón Tomovi. Throw the ball to Tom. Throw the balloon to Tom. Kdy začal Tom chodit s Mary? When did Tom start dating Mary? When did Tom start dating Mary? Nesmíte Tomovi ubližovat. You mustn't hurt Tom. You mustn't hurt Tom. Zrobię to, jeśli mi powiesz jak. I'll do it if you tell me how to do it. I'll do it if you tell me how. Mary mi nevadí, ale Toma nemohu vystát. I don't mind Mary but I cannot stand Tom. I don't mind Mary, but I can't stand Tom. Pokaždé, když čtu tuhle knihu, nalézám něco nového. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Musimy rozładować tę ciężarówkę, zanim zacznie padać. We've got to unload this lorry before it starts to rain. We need to unload this truck before it starts raining. Všechna moje nastavení se ztratila. All my settings were lost. All my settings are lost. Co cyniš? What are you doing? What are you, cynical? To bardzo mało prawdopodobne. It's very unlikely. It's very unlikely. Dělejme, že jsme to neslyšeli. Let's pretend we didn't hear that. Let's pretend we didn't hear it. Nie chodziło o pieniądze. It wasn't about money. It wasn't about the money. Nie widzieli tego. They didn't see it. They didn't see it. Ty šaty ti padnou velice dobře. The dress fits you very well. This dress will fit you very well. Napadla ho. She attacked him. She attacked him. Tom zadzwonił, żeby powiedzieć, że jest już w drodze. Tom phoned to say he was on his way. Tom called to say he was on his way. Tom ma kurczaki. Tom has chickens. Tom's got chickens. Słyszałem, jak śpiewała piosenkę. I heard her sing a song. I heard her sing a song. Je dobře, že jsi přišel. Co bychom si bez tebe počali? It's good that you came. What would we have done without you? It's a good thing you came, what would we do without you? W Grecji jest dużo wysp. There are many islands in Greece. There are many islands in Greece. Koupil jsem dvě krabičky zápalek. I bought two boxes of matches. I bought two boxes of matches. Kolik slonů zbylo v Africe? How many elephants are left in Africa? How many elephants are left in Africa? Tom byl můj otec. Tom was my father. Tom was my father. Tom a Mary k sobě byli přitulení a Tom jí cosi šeptal do ucha. Tom and Mary were snuggled up to each other and Tom was whispering something into Mary's ear. Tom and Mary were hugged, and Tom whispered something in her ear. Jest wielka różnica pomiędzy posługiwaniem się językiem dobrze, a posługiwaniem się językiem biegle. There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. There is a big difference between using the language well and using the language fluently. Wracajmy do środka. Let's go back in. Let's go back inside. Tom lubi łowić ryby. Tom likes fishing. Tom likes to fish. Mary obwiniała się. Mary blamed herself. Mary blamed herself. Nie testuj Bożej cierpliwości! Don't try God's patience. Do not test God’s patience. Tohle už potřebovat nebudeš. You won't be needing this anymore. You won't be needing this anymore. Kolik znáš leváků? How many left-handed people do you know? How many lefties do you know? Po prostu nie wiem, co powiedzieć. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. Tom nemohl z té dívky spustit oči. Tom couldn't take his eyes off the girl. Tom couldn't take his eyes off the girl. Tom umí německy lépe, než francouzsky. Tom can speak German better than French. Tom can speak German better than he can speak French. Tvá pomoc nebude třeba. Your help won't be needed. Your help won't be necessary. Tom zneužil několik dětí. Tom abused several children. Tom abused several children. Pohřbili ji. They buried her. They buried her. Musíme znát pravdu o Tomovi. We need to know truth about Tom. We need to know the truth about Tom. Jaki jest najlepszy uniwersytet w Niemczech? What's the best university in Germany? What is the best university in Germany? Snad teď nejdeš ven. Je už skoro jedenáct. I hope you're not going out now. It's almost eleven. I hope you're not going out now. Kto wyszedł? Who quit? Who left? Tom zrezygnował. Tom resigned. Tom resigned. Měla bílé boty. Her shoes were white. She had white shoes. Se svým platem jsem spokojen. I'm content with my salary. I am satisfied with my salary. Wydaje się, że jego sekretarka zna prawdę. It seems that his secretary knows a truth. His secretary seems to know the truth. Jsem si celkem jistý, že Tom říká pravdu. I'm pretty sure Tom is telling the truth. I'm pretty sure Tom's telling the truth. O co tady jde? What is this all about here? What's going on? Może Tom do nas dołączy. Maybe Tom can join us. Maybe Tom will join us. On jest tenisistą. He is a tennis player. He's a tennis player. Tom říká, že už si nemůže dál nechávat líbit tenhle hluk. Tom says he can't put up with this noise any longer. Tom says he can't take this noise anymore. Před třemi hodinami jsem měl lepší náladu. I was in a better mood three hours ago. I was in a better mood three hours ago. Bylo to na soutěžní úrovni. It was competitive. It was on a competitive level. Mluvíš se svými přáteli francouzsky? Do you speak to your friends in French? Do you speak French to your friends? Nie powinniśmy tak zostawiać tej sprawy. We shouldn't leave the matter unsettled. We shouldn't leave this case like this. Jakou barvu mají ty jablka? What color are the apples? What color are the apples? Masła i sery są robione z mleka Butter and cheese are made from milk. Butter and cheese are made from milk. Nedáte si něco k pití? Why don't you drink something? Can I get you something to drink? V listopadu se žením. I'm getting married in November. I'm getting married in November. Znič své nepřátele: udělej z nich své přátele. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Ryż uprawiany jest w wielu częściach światach. Rice is cultivated in several parts of the world. Rice is grown in many parts of the world. My przyszliśmy dopiero dzisiaj. We came only today. We just got here today. Jak to jest mieć cały czas ludzi, którzy za tobą podążają? What does it feel like to always have people following you around? How does it feel to have people following you all the time? Zkusím s tím něco udělat. I'll try to do something about that. I'll try to do something about it. Byli jste si toho vědomi? Were you aware of this? Were you aware of that? Nigdy nie spotkaliśmy się osobiście. I've never met you in person. We never met in person. Já bych to snad mohl zvládnout. Perhaps I could handle that. I think I could handle it. Jego wiersze są nieprzetłumaczalne na japoński. His poetry does not translate into Japanese. His poems are untranslatable to Japanese. Počkejme do října. Let's wait until October. Let's wait until October. Nie mogłem zrozumieć jego idei. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn’t understand his idea. Nemohl jsem za to. That wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Tom se bojí. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. Stále tomu nevěřím. I'm still not buying it. I still don't believe it. Myslíš, že udělal tu chybu schválně? Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? You think he made that mistake on purpose? Tom vyhrál bezplatný výlet do Bostonu. Tom won a free trip to Boston. Tom won a free trip to Boston. Jěstej. They eat. Sure. To mój kot. This is my cat. That's my cat. Nebe je modré. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Mogłem zranić twoje uczucie, lecz nie taki był mój zamiar. I may have hurt your feelings, but such was not my intention. I may have hurt your feelings, but that wasn't my intention. Rozloučili jste se s Tomem? Did you say goodbye to Tom? Did you say goodbye to Tom? Neprotestovala. She didn't protest. I didn't. Počasí bylo skvělé. The weather was fantastic. The weather was great. Mé vznášedlo je plné úhořů. My hovercraft is full of eels. My hovercraft is full of eels. Rzuciłem palenie i picie. I have quit smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Prší, a my jsme zapomněli zavřít okna. It's raining, and we forgot to close the windows. It's raining, and we forgot to close the windows. Ruština není lehký jazyk. Russian is not an easy language. Russian is not an easy language. Co myslíš, že udělá? What do you think she is going to do? What do you think he's gonna do? Ztratil ve válce dva syny. He lost two sons in the war. He lost two sons in the war. Nikdo si nevšiml, že chybí. Nobody noticed her absence. No one noticed that he was missing. Nikdo se se mnou nesešel. No one met me. No one met me. Już to kupiłem. I already bought it. I already bought it. Číslo rezervace je 1003. The reservation number is 1003. The reservation number is 1003. Tom třináct let vyučoval na Harvardu. Tom taught at Harvard for thirteen years. Tom taught at Harvard for 13 years. Mógłbyś mi podać packę na muchy? Could you bring me the fly swatter, please? Could you get me a fly pack? Líbí se mi, když prší. Tobě ne, Tome? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? I like it when it rains, don't you, Tom? Kto pomaga twej matce? Who helps your mother? Who's helping your mother? Podczas kolacji łoś wypił dużo piwa, spadł ze schodów i umarł. During dinner the elk drank a lot of beer, fell down the stairs, and died. During dinner, the elk drank a lot of beer, fell down the stairs and died. Czy mogę stąd wysłać e-maila? Can I email from here? Can I send an email from here? Pamatuješ, co jsem tě naučila? Do you remember what I taught you? Remember what I taught you? Jesteśmy zakochani. We're in love. We're in love. Nie wiem, co Tom ci poradził, ale sugeruję, żebyś nie mówił o tym Mary. I don't know what Tom advised you to do, but I'd suggest that you don't tell Mary about it. I don't know what Tom told you, but I suggest you don't tell Mary. Jesteś modny. You're fashionable. You're fashionable. Chceš k tomu, co jsem právě řekl, něco dodat? Is there anything you want to add to what I just said? Do you have anything to add to what I just said? Jesteś wiecznie głodny! You're always hungry! You're always hungry! Rozzlobil se na děti. He got angry at the children. He was angry at the children. Nádrž je skoro plná. The tank is almost full. The tank's almost full. Postrádá zdravý selský rozum. He has no common sense whatsoever. It lacks common sense. Tom jest programistą. Tom is a programmer. Tom is a programmer. Tom ještě pořád píše básně. Tom still writes poems. Tom is still writing poetry. Začali se hádat o peníze. They began arguing over money. They started arguing about money. Dej mi víc peněz. Give me more money. Give me more money. Tom s Mary se nikdy neměli rádi. Tom and Mary never liked each other. Tom and Mary never liked each other. Mám tě rád takovou, jaká jsi. I like you just as you are. I love you just the way you are. Byłem zaskoczony jego podobieństwem do swojego ojca. I was surprised that he really had a strong resemblance to his father. I was surprised by his resemblance to his father. Trvá dlouho, než se webová stránka Tatoeby zobrazí. It takes a long time for Tatoeba website to display. It takes a long time for the Tatoeby website to appear. Je to daleko. It's far away. It's a long way. Ty už máš v úmyslu odejít? Do you intend to leave already? Are you going to leave already? Prosiłem cię, żebyś słuchał uważnie. I beg of you to listen carefully. I asked you to listen carefully. Věci se zhoršily. Things have gone south. Things got worse. Mówię trochę po francusku, ale jeszcze nie jestem w tym zbyt dobry. I speak French a little, but I'm not yet very good at it. I speak a little French, but I'm not very good at it yet. Jesteś rozrzutny. You're wasteful. You're a waste. Byla sama ve tmě. She was alone in the dark. She was alone in the dark. Přestaň. Ztrapňuješ mě. Stop it. You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing me. Oni nie mają auta. They don't have a car. They don't have a car. Tom powinien przyjść z tobą. Tom should've come with you. Tom should come with you. Powiedz Tomowi, że powinien się upewnić, że nie zapomni odnowić paszportu. Tell Tom that he needs to make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Tell Tom he should make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Přijměte svou minulost bez lítosti. Accept your past without regrets. Accept your past without regret. Takhle to funguje, a pouze takto to může fungovat. That's the way it works, and the only way that it can work. That's how it works, and that's the only way it can work. Zapomniałeś obudzić Toma, prawda? You forgot to wake Tom up, didn't you? You forgot to wake Tom, didn't you? Jsem v této práci nováček. I'm a novice at this kind of work. I am a newcomer to this job. Podařilo se mu přijít na hodinu včas. He managed to be on time for class. He was able to get to class on time. Ustalmy to teraz. Let's settle this now. Let's settle this now. Dlaczego nie przymierzysz tego żółtego swetra? Why don't you try on this yellow sweater? Why don't you try on that yellow sweater? Byl příliš unaven, aby šel dál. He was too tired to go any farther. He was too tired to move on. Přikázal mi zamést pokoj. He ordered me to sweep the room. He ordered me to sweep the room. Nezraňte se. Just don't get hurt. Don't hurt yourself. Jak důležitá je pro vás rodina? How important is your family to you? How important is family to you? Ale co když řekne ne? But what if he says no? But what if he says no? Ja musym se zuby cysćiś. I have to brush my teeth. I have to brush my teeth. Kapelusz kosztuje mniej niż płaszcz. The hat costs less than the coat. A hat costs less than a coat. Tom chce znowu z tobą porozmawiać. Tom wants to talk to you again. Tom wants to talk to you again. Bezdomovci nemají peníze, ale jsou neradi, když se jim to připomíná. Homeless people have no money but they do not like having that fact thrown in their face. Homeless people don't have money, but they don't like to be reminded. Teď jím. I'm eating now. I'm eating now. Wczoraj graliśmy w piłkę nożną. We played soccer yesterday. We played football yesterday. Kdysi jsem tu dělal. I used to work here. I used to work here. Nikt tutaj nie wie, jak wygląda Tom. Nobody here knows what Tom looks like. No one here knows what Tom looks like. Czego chciałbyś się dzisiaj napić? What would you like to drink today? What would you like to drink today? Tom je tvůrcem populární mobilní hry "Šťastné veverky." Tom is the creator of the popular mobile game "Happy Squirrels." Tom is the creator of the popular mobile game "Happy squirrels." Neuplyne jediný den, kdy bych si nevzpomněl na svého zemřelého psa. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my dog that has died. Not a day goes by that I don't remember my dead dog. Rozumiem trochę po niemiecku. I understand a bit of German. I understand a little German. Koho se bojíš nejvíc? Whom are you most afraid of? Who are you most afraid of? To nie przesada. That's no exaggeration. It's not an exaggeration. Užívali jsme si piknik. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. We enjoyed the picnic. Vždycky vstáváš před šestou? Do you always get up before six? Do you always get up before 6:00? Řekl jsem Tomovi, že by si měl odpočinout. I told Tom he should relax. I told Tom he should get some rest. Nie wrzucaj kamieni do rzeki. Don't throw rocks into the river. Do not throw stones into the river. Není možné, že to udělal právě Tom? Isn't it possible Tom was the one who did this? Isn't it possible that Tom did this? Nejsem ten, kdo si myslíš že jsem. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not who you think I am. Powinni mi dziękować. They should thank me. They should be thanking me. Chtěl koupit tu knihu. He wanted to buy the book. He wanted to buy the book. Mocno padało przez cały dzień. It rained hard all day. It rained hard all day. Tom sem může přijít kdy chce. Tom can come here whenever he wants. Tom can come here whenever he wants. Zahnal ty vetřelce. He drove off the intruders. He chased away the intruders. Hej, poczekaj chwilę. Hey, wait a minute. Hey, wait a minute. Miała niejasne poczucie winy. She had a vague feeling of guilt. She had a vague sense of guilt. Tom je optik. Tom is an optician. Tom's an optician. Ty máš rád ovoce. You like fruit. You like fruit. Mluvit s Tomem je těžké. It's hard to talk to Tom. Talking to Tom is hard. Wszystkie androidy to roboty. All androids are robots. All androids are robots. Nemluvím anglicky. I don't speak English. I don't speak English. Chciałabym sama porozmawiać z Tomem. I'd like to talk to Tom myself. I'd like to talk to Tom myself. Mohu zhasnout? May I turn off the lights? Can I turn off the light? Jest zależny finansowo od swej żony. He relies on his wife financially. He is financially dependent on his wife. Tom opuścił Boston w październiku 2013 roku. Tom left Boston in October of 2013. Tom left Boston in October 2013. Jest niski, ale silny. He is short but strong. He's short, but he's strong. To já dostal Toma z té bryndy. It was me who got Tom out of that mess. I'm the one who got Tom out of this mess. Mam dzisiaj mnóstwo roboty. I have much work today. I got a lot of work to do today. Kto jest twoim ulubionym aktorem? Who's your favourite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Myślę, że on czegoś nam nie mówi. I think he is holding something back from us. I don't think he's telling us anything. Bolest nakonec přestala. The pain finally went away. The pain finally stopped. Czy pożyczałeś kiedykolwiek pieniądze od swojej firmy? Have you ever borrowed money from your company? Have you ever borrowed money from your company? Nie mamy tego w Europie. We don't have that in Europe. We don't have that in Europe. Mary si nemá s kým povídat, ale osamělá se necítí. Mary does not have anyone to talk to, but she does not feel lonely. Mary has no one to talk to, but she doesn't feel lonely. Czy dużo jest Afrykańczyków w Niemczech? Are there many Africans in Germany? Are there a lot of Africans in Germany? Chwycił mnie za nadgarstek. He seized me by the wrist. He grabbed my wrist. Nie rozumiem tego wiersza. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poem. Našel jsem ho, jak pracuje na zahradě. I found him working in the garden. I found him working in the garden. Na morzu są wyspy. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. Poznal toho chlapa. He recognized that guy. He knew the guy. Bardzo mi pomogliście. You've helped me a lot. You've been very helpful. To będzie musiało poczekać. It's going to have to wait. It'll have to wait. Přestal jsem kouřit, když mi diagnostikovali rakovinu. I quit smoking when I was diagnosed with cancer. I quit smoking when I was diagnosed with cancer. Loď se nachází v přístavu. The ship lies in the harbour. The ship is in port. Nevím, zdali se mnou chce jít. I don't know if she wants to go with me. I don't know if he wants to come with me. Pravda ne vždycky zvítězí. The truth doesn't always win. Truth does not always win. Uwielbiam książki. I love books. I love books. On uratował swojego przyjaciela z narażeniem życia. He saved his friend at the risk of his own life. He saved his friend's life. Její otec byl policistou. Her father was a policeman. Her father was a police officer. Hned jsem zpátky. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. Zostałem w domu cały dzień zamiast iść do pracy. I stayed at home all day instead of going to work. I stayed home all day instead of going to work. Když mě Tom uviděl, zbledl. When Tom saw me, he turned pale. When Tom saw me, he turned pale. Pogratulowała mi sukcesu. She congratulated me on my success. She congratulated me on my success. Do zobaczenia wkrótce. See you soon! See you soon. Często proszę o pomoc. I often ask for help. I often ask for help. Tom dal Marii poměrně těžkou otázku. Tom asked Mary a rather difficult question. Tom asked Mary a very difficult question. Węgiel płonął czerwonym ogniem. The coal was glowing in the fire. Coal was burning with red fire. Prosím tě, pošli mi pohled. Please send me a postcard. Please send me a postcard. Musimy się spieszyć. We've got to hurry. We have to hurry. To oczywiste. It's obvious. It's obvious. Słońce stopiło śnieg. The sun melted the snow. The sun melted the snow. Od zítřka začínám držet dietu. I'll start my diet tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, I'm on a diet. Mám rád ji. I like her. I like her. Zapomniałeś wynieść śmieci dziś rano. You forgot to take the trash out this morning. You forgot to take out the trash this morning. Nie ma innego wyjścia. There is no other choice. There's no other way. Tom nie wiedział, kiedy wróci. Tom didn't know when he'd be back. Tom didn't know when he'd be back. Já nežiju v Helsinkách. I don't live in Helsinki. I don't live in Helsinki. Hipoteka to rodzaj kredytu, który ludzie mogą wykorzystać do kupna domu. A mortgage is a kind of loan that people can use to buy a house. A mortgage is a type of loan that people can use to buy a home. Tom je přesvědčený, že něčeho v životě dosáhl. Tom is confident that he achieved something. Tom is convinced that he has achieved something in life. Podnieś rękę. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Tomovi to nestačilo. It wasn't enough for Tom. It wasn't enough for Tom. Tom jest tak pracowity jak wszyscy inni w grupie. Tom is as hardworking as everyone else in the group. Tom is as busy as everyone else in the group. Tom robi w zasadzie to samo, co Mary. Tom does basically the same thing as Mary does. Tom is doing the same thing as Mary. Tom nie chciał słyszeć tego, co miałem do powiedzenia. Tom didn't want to hear anything I had to say. Tom didn’t want to hear what I had to say. Tom wyrzucił śmieci. Tom took out the rubbish. Tom threw out the trash. Asi bych měl jít domů. I think I should probably go home. I should probably go home. Vyšel ven zadním východem, aby ho nikdo neviděl. He came out by rear exit so that nobody could see him. He went out the back door so no one could see him. Tom ujíždí na koksu. Tom's a coke fiend. Tom's out on coke. Byly časy, kdy jsem měl Toma rád. There were times when I liked Tom. There was a time when I loved Tom. Tom od nich odmítá cokoliv jíst. Tom refuses to eat anything from them. Tom refuses to eat anything. To pan White dał Joe'mu ten bilet. It was Mr. White that gave Joe this ticket. It was Mr. White who gave Joe the ticket. Nikt nic nie widział. No one saw a thing. No one saw anything. To był piękny letni dzień. It was a beautiful summer day. It was a beautiful summer day. Proč neodejdeme? Why don't we leave? Why don't we leave? To psát neměla. She shouldn't have written that. She shouldn't have written that. Spotkamy się u mnie w biurze. I'll meet you at my office. I'll meet you at my office. Není to důležité, že? That's not important, is it? It's not important, is it? To je sršeň, ne včela. That's a hornet, not a bee. That's a hornet, not a bee. Nie rób ze mnie głupka. Don't make a fool of me. Don't make a fool of me. Tomovi se nejspíš bude tato hra líbit. Tom will probably like this game. Tom will love this game. Nie mogę się do niej dodzwonić. I can't get through to her. I can't reach her. Mám hlad, protože jsem neměl oběd. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. Dej mi svůj nůž. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. Nauczyciel pozwolił mu iść do domu. The teacher let him go home. The teacher let him go home. Tom nám nedal na výběr. Tom didn't give us a choice. Tom gave us no choice. Książka jest na półce. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. Czemu tak mówisz? Why would you say that? Why do you say that? Nancy byla první dívka, která přiÅ¡la. Nancy was the first girl to come. Nancy was the first girl to come. Minulý rok jsem četl více než pět set knih. Last year I read more than five hundred books. Last year I read over 500 books. Vysvětlete to, prosím. Please explain that. Please explain. Ty máš tak krásné oči. You have such beautiful eyes. You have such beautiful eyes. Tom nie jadł wczoraj niczego. Tom didn't eat anything yesterday. Tom didn't eat anything last night. Tom umřel v minulém říjnu. Tom died last October. Tom died last October. Nemá odvahu odmítnout můj plán. He doesn't have the guts to say no to my plan. He doesn't have the courage to reject my plan. Zeptali se Toma, jestli se s nimi cítí bezpečně. They asked Tom if he felt secure with them. They asked Tom if he felt safe with them. Tom nikdy dřiv nezpíval. Tom never used to sing. Tom never sang before. Požádal jsem svého otce, aby vám pomohl. I asked my father to help you. I asked my father to help you. Wszystko z nami w porządku. Everything is well with us. We're fine. To jsi mi už řekl. You've told me that before. You already told me that. Můj bratr žil deset let v Paříži, než se vrátil zpátky do Prahy. My brother had been living in Paris for ten years before he returned to Prague. My brother lived in Paris for ten years before returning to Prague. Przepraszam, ale muszę się pożegnać. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry, but I have to say goodbye. Spójrz na tamten. Look at that one. Look at that one. W ogóle nie rozumiem jego pomysłów. I can't understand his ideas at all. I don't understand his ideas at all. Nebolelo to. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt. Musím toho hodně udělat. I've got too much to do. I have a lot to do. Počítá Tom s námi? Does Tom rely on us? Is Tom counting on us? Tom by to mohl udělat lépe. Tom might do it better. Tom could do better. Co powiesz na kino? How about going to the movie? How about a movie? Chcę być gotowy. I want to be ready. I want to be ready. On vstává v sedm hodin. He gets up at seven. He gets up at seven o'clock. Doktor cítil svůj pulz. The doctor felt his pulse. The doctor felt his pulse. Nedokázal jsem s ní mluvit. I couldn't talk to her. I couldn't talk to her. Komu je určen ten dopis? Who's that letter addressed to? To whom is this letter addressed? To, co Tom řekl, nebudu komenovat. I won't comment on what Tom said. What Tom said, I won't say. Hodně se zajímám o jazyky. I'm very interested in languages. I am very interested in languages. Pamatuju si, že jsem ten film viděl. I remember seeing the movie. I remember seeing that movie. To za daleko. It's too far away. It's too far. Tom se dobelhal před třídu a vyprávěl ostatním studentům o té nehodě. Tom limped to the front of the classroom and told the other students about his accident. Tom lied in front of the class and told the other students about the accident. Nakarm tego ptaka! Feed the bird! Feed that bird! Nie piję wódki! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! Gdzie można wymienić dolary na funty? Where can dollars be exchanged for pounds? Where can I convert dollars to pounds? To zdanie nie jest zdaniem. This sentence is not a sentence. That sentence is not a sentence. Tom nie działał sam. Tom didn't work alone. Tom was not alone. Obejrzyjmy to jeszcze raz. Let's go over it again. Let's watch it again. Tom musel běžet. Tom had to run. Tom had to run. Właśnie wyruszamy w drogę. We're about to hit the road. We're on our way. Příležitost dělá zloděje. Opportunity makes a thief. Opportunity makes a thief. Nie przypuszczałem, że tak trudno będzie zrobić stół ogrodowy. I never thought it'd be this hard to build a picnic table. I had no idea it would be so hard to make a garden table. Wszystkim wam zimno? Are you all cold? Are you all cold? Tam ve vodě je labuť. There is a swan in the water there. There's a swan in the water. Počůral jsem se. I wet myself. I peed. Jsem nemocná. I am sick. I'm sick. Někdo mi dýchá do tváře. Je to odporné. Somebody's breathing on my face. It's disgusting. Someone's breathing in my face. Wón ma koleso. He has a bicycle. He's got a wheel. Jestem zupełnie zdrowy, nie łapię nawet przeziębień. I am quite healthy and have had no cold. I'm perfectly healthy, I don't even catch a cold. Nikdo nebyl připraven na to, co Tom předvedl. Nobody was prepared for what Tom had demonstrated. No one was prepared for what Tom had done. Tom nevěří na evoluci. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Odešli jeden po druhém. They left one after another. They left one by one. Bývala učitelkou. She used to be a teacher. She used to be a teacher. Musíte odsud odejít. You have to get away from here. You have to get out of here. Taky mi Tom chybí. I miss Tom, too. I miss Tom, too. Přidala jsem věty. I've added sentences. I added sentences. Proč Tom a ne já? Why Tom and not me? Why Tom and not me? Mary to dziewczyna Toma. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Všechno je možné. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Z počátku mě nepřitahovala. I wasn't attracted to her at the beginning. I wasn't attracted to her at first. Záhada je pořád nevyřešená. The mystery is still unsolved. The mystery is still unsolved. Jesteście zainteresowani? Are you interested? Are you interested? Je čas se s Tomem rozloučit. It's time to say goodbye to Tom. It's time to say goodbye to Tom. Nie każdy ptak umie śpiewać. Not every bird can sing. Not every bird can sing. Możliwe. It is possible. Maybe. Někteří jsou arogantní. Some are arrogant. Some are arrogant. Tom byl ve stejném letadle, jako já. Tom was on the same plane I was. Tom was on the same plane as me. Bude zítra pršet? Will it rain tomorrow? Will it rain tomorrow? Tom potřebuje kabát. Tom needs a coat. Tom needs a coat. Ležela před ním skvělá budoucnost. A brilliant future stretched out before him. There was a great future ahead of him. Volala tě Mary. Mary called you. Mary called you. Czy oni są nowi? Are they new? Are they new? Skoro každý den dojíždím. I commute almost everyday. I commute almost every day. Mary jest zniesmaczona ludźmi którzy oglądają porno. Mary is disgusted with people who watch porn. Mary is disgusted with people who watch porn. Ona jest pracowita jak przszczółka. She is as busy as a bee. She's as busy as a bee. Jej jedyna przyjemność to słuchanie muzyki. Her only pleasure is listening to music. Her only pleasure is listening to music. Proč to odmítáš dělat? Why do you refuse to do it? Why do you refuse to do that? Na dveřích byl visací zámek. There was a padlock on the door. There was a padlock on the door. Tom mi včera řekl to samé. Tom told me the same thing yesterday. Tom told me the same thing yesterday. Tom zameldował się w hotelu w Londynie. Dan checked into a hotel in London. Tom checked into a hotel in London. Początki tenisa miały miejsce we Francji, w trzynastym wieku. Tennis began in France in the thirteenth century. The beginnings of tennis took place in France in the 13th century. Już próbowałem na trzy różne sposoby. I've already tried three different ways. I've tried it in three different ways. Ještě že jsi to neudělal. Thank goodness you didn't do that. Good thing you didn't. Całowałeś się kiedykolwiek z Tomem? Have you ever kissed Tom? Have you ever kissed Tom? Přes tři sta lidí přišlo toho dne o život. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. Over 300 people lost their lives that day. Sytuacja rozwija się szybko. The situation is evolving rapidly. The situation is developing rapidly. Zapomněl jsem zhasnout. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn off the light. Mogę ci coś pokazać? Can I show you something? Can I show you something? Rád bych si lehnul. I'd like to lie down. I'd like to lie down. Nikdy neříkej nikdy. Never say never. Never say never. Wierzę, że siła ducha nigdy cię nie opuści. I believe in the power of the spirit and will never leave you. I believe the power of the spirit will never leave you. Nie mogę spać z powodu hałasu. I can't sleep because of the noise. I can't sleep because of the noise. Japonec by nikdy nic takového neudělal. A Japanese would never do such a thing. A Japanese would never do such a thing. Copak ses zbláznil? Have you gone mad? Are you out of your mind? Máš s tím nějaký problém? Do you have any problem with that? Do you have a problem with that? Tom a Mary byli špinaví. Tom and Mary were both dirty. Tom and Mary were dirty. Takže, jaký byl plán? Just what was the plan? So, what was the plan? Dříve či později se to stane. Sooner or later, it'll happen. Sooner or later it will happen. Wydaje się, że przyczyną śmierci była rana postrzałowa. The cause of death seems to be a gunshot wound. The cause of death appears to have been a gunshot wound. Tom chce poznać twoje imię. Tom wants to know your name. Tom wants to know your name. Proszę zamknąć drzwi. Please close the door. Close the door. Mam dość jedzenia ryb. I'm sick of eating fish. I'm sick of eating fish. Tom mi nesdělil, co Mary řekla. Tom didn't tell me what Mary said. Tom didn't tell me what Mary said. Tom a Mary mi řekli o jejich psovi. Tom and Mary told me about their dog. Tom and Mary told me about their dog. Tom má záznam v trestním rejstříku za krádež. Tom has a criminal conviction for theft. Tom's got a criminal record for theft. Proszę, zatrzymaj to w tajemnicy. Please keep this a secret. Please keep it a secret. Tom dostal ránu elektřinou. Tom got an electric shock. Tom was electrocuted. Tom se zasmál a zavrtěl hlavou. Tom laughed and shook his head. Tom laughed and shook his head. Rodiče Toma vydědili. Tom was disinherited by his parents. Tom's parents disinherited him. Výtah nefungoval. The lift was not working. The elevator didn't work. Szybko zapomniano o skandalu politycznym i wszyskto wróciło do codzienności. The political scandal blew over in no time and everything was back to business as usual. The political scandal was quickly forgotten and returned to everyday life. V mé zemi je politika synonymem korupce. In my country, politics is synonymous with corruption. In my country, politics is synonymous with corruption. K čemu jsem? What am I good for? What am I for? Když jsem ten dopis dočetl, složil jsem ho a vložil zpět do obálky. When I finished reading the letter, I folded it up and put it back into the envelope. When I finished reading the letter, I folded it and put it back in the envelope. Stare dywany są cenniejsze niż nowe dywany. Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets. Old carpets are more valuable than new carpets. To říkal Tom. That's what Tom said. That's what Tom said. Zabilo ho přepracování. Overworking was the death of him. He was killed by overwork. Byli unaveni. They were tired. They were tired. Jsou tady. They are here. They're here. Neříkej Tomovi, že se známe. Don't tell Tom we know each other. Don't tell Tom we know each other. Myślałem, że rozpoznaję ten samochód. I thought I recognized this car. I thought I recognized that car. To rozsądne pytanie. That's a reasonable question. That's a reasonable question. Jego samochód był długi na trzy metry. His car was three metres long. His car was three meters long. Wiem, że jesteś zmieszany. I know you're confused. I know you're confused. Tom snědl malou porci ryby. Tom ate a small portion of fish. Tom ate a small portion of the fish. Stříbro kupuji od člověka, který má na svém pozemku důl. I buy my silver from a man who has a mine on his property. I buy silver from a man who has a mine on his property. Ve skle je prasklina. There is a crack in the glass. There's a crack in the glass. Musisz wyjechać z Bostonu. You have to leave Boston now. You have to leave Boston. Nie otwieraj tych drzwi, proszę. Don't open this door, please. Don't open that door, please. Čekám na vás. I've been waiting for you guys. I'm waiting for you. On nie zna angielskiego. He doesn't know English. He doesn't speak English. Przyznaję, to prawda. I acknowledge it to be true. I admit, it's true. Máš pochybnosti? Do you have doubts? Do you have doubts? Hlavní město Maďarska je Budapešť. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. Ulice pełne były młodych par. The streets were overflowing with young couples. The streets were full of young couples. Słowa nie mogą wyrazić moich uczuć. Words cannot convey my feelings. Words cannot express my feelings. Stát neřeší naše problémy. Stát samotný je problém. The state doesn't solve our problems. The state is the problem. The state doesn't solve our problems, the state itself is the problem. Paul nie jest tak szybki jak ja. Paul is not as fast as me. Paul's not as fast as I am. Děti často nenávidí špenát. Children often hate spinach. Children often hate spinach. Tomova pravomoc zde je omezena. Tom's authority here is limited. Tom's authority here is limited. Mary řekla, že není ani trochu unavená. Mary said she isn't the least bit tired. Mary said she wasn't even a little tired. Sám jsem měl stejný problém. I had the same problem myself. I had the same problem myself. Przyszedłem najszybciej, jak mogłem. I came as soon as I could. I came as soon as I could. Skoro nikdo se tam nedostal včas. Almost nobody got there on time. Hardly anyone got there in time. První skok dopadl špatně. The first jump ended badly. The first jump went badly. Se sklenkou na víno musíš zacházet opatrně. You must be careful with the wine glass. You have to be careful with the wine glass. Tom žije teď tady, ne? Tom is living here now, isn't he? Tom lives here now, doesn't he? Trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes. There's a blind chicken seed. Mam dość pieniędzy żeby to kupić. I have enough money to buy it. I have enough money to buy it. Jesteśmy w separacji. We're separated. We're separated. Możesz ruszać nogami? Can you move your legs? Can you move your legs? Tom jest praworęczny. Tom is right-handed. Tom is right-handed. Tom odpowiedział na następne pytanie z listy. Tom answered the next question on the list. Tom answered the next question on the list. Řídili jsme se pravidly. We obeyed the rules. We followed the rules. Tom se snažil Mary zachránit. Tom tried to rescue Mary. Tom tried to save Mary. Nyní je to jen otázka času. Now it's only a matter of time. Now it's just a matter of time. Wy troje jesteście dużymi szczęściarzami. You three are very lucky. You three are very lucky. Mam dobre uszy. I have good ears. I have good ears. Budeš potřebovat klíč. You will need a key. You're gonna need a key. Dawaj, pokaż nam co potrafisz. Go on, show us what you can do. Come on, show us what you got. Mary bývala modelkou. Mary used to be a model. Mary used to be a model. A co jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak? What if things don't work out? What if something goes wrong? Toma nejspíš vyhodí za to, co udělal. Tom will probably be fired for what he's done. He'll probably fire Tom for what he did. Všichni budou odměněni. Everybody will be rewarded. Everyone will be rewarded. Tomův dům je blízko místa, kde pracuje. Tom's house is near where he works. Tom's house is close to where he works. Stále byl na své posteli. He was still on his bed. He was still on his bed. Jak vnímáte svůj život? How do you view your life? How do you see your life? Nevím, jak to můžeš jíst. I don't know how you can eat that. I don't know how you can eat that. Zostali adoptowani. They were adopted. They were adopted. Každý má slabosti. Everyone has vulnerabilities. Everyone has weaknesses. Jego ojciec je tam dwa razy w tygodniu. His father eats there twice a week. His father eats there twice a week. Příměří netrvalo dlouho. The truce didn't last long. The ceasefire did not last long. Otevřte si knihy. Open your books. Open your books. Szybko się przystosujesz do nowego, studenckiego życia. You'll soon get accustomed to your new college life. You will quickly adapt to your new student life. Tom cítil, jak jeho mobil vibruje. Tom felt his phone vibrate. Tom felt his phone vibrate. Dále čekat se zdá být ztrátou času. It seems a waste of time to wait any longer. Waiting seems to be a waste of time. Warto ponownie przeczytać tę opowieść. This story is worth reading again. It is worth re-reading this story. Někteří lidé si myslí, že jíst maso je špatné. Some people think that it's wrong to eat meat. Some people think eating meat is bad. Zjistil jsem, že moje kolo je pryč. I found my bicycle gone. I found out my bike was gone. Chceme, abys přišel na náš večírek. We want you to come to our party. We want you to come to our party. Když jsem byl dítě, plaval jsem každý den. I used to swim every day when I was a child. When I was a kid, I used to swim every day. Tom nemá na růžích ustláno. Tom's life is not a bed of roses. Tom has no bed on the roses. Z celého srdce doufám, že je šťastný. I sincerely hope for his happiness. I hope with all my heart that he is happy. Tom nalil do sklenice mléko a pak ho podal Mary. Tom poured milk into the glass and then handed it to Mary. Tom poured milk into the glass and then handed it to Mary. Czyż to nie jest wspaniałe? Isn't that amazing? Isn't that great? Zaútočila na něho. She attacked him. She attacked him. Spotykam się z nią raz w tygodniu. I meet her once a week. I meet her once a week. Wiem, że jest ładna. I know that she is pretty. I know she's pretty. Tom nevěděl, jak odpovědět na dotaz Mary. Tom didn't know how to respond to Mary's question. Tom didn't know how to answer Mary's question. Proč jste nezavolali o pomoc? Why didn't you call for help? Why didn't you call for help? Tom je šílený. Tom's crazy. Tom is crazy. Odpowiedz na pytanie. Answer the question. Answer the question. Myslím, že bude čím dál těžší vymýšlet nové věty. I think that it will become harder and harder to make new sentences. I think it's going to get harder and harder to come up with new sentences. Franco má modré džíny. Franco has blue jeans. Franco's wearing blue jeans. Tom mi řekl, že by se rád stal lékařem. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me he wanted to be a doctor. Prolomil se pod ním led. The ice broke under him. The ice broke under him. Myji své auto jednou za týden. I wash my car once a week. I wash my car once a week. Miluju způsob, jakým mě líbáš. I love the way you kiss me. I love the way you kiss me. Proč nemáš rád dívky? Why don't you like girls? Why don't you like girls? Bál jsem se, že mě Tom zabije. I was afraid that Tom would kill me. I was afraid Tom would kill me. Kocham cię całym sobą. I love you with all I am. I love you with all my heart. Tom wyszedł z samochodu i otworzył bramę. Tom got out of his car and unlocked the gate. Tom got out of the car and opened the door. Chci mluvit plynně francouzsky. I want to be fluent in French. I want to speak fluent French. Tom minulý týden pracoval přesčas každý den. Tom worked overtime every day last week. Tom worked overtime every day last week. Chtěl bych se odhlásit. I'd like to check out. I'd like to unsubscribe. Nepotřebuje soucit, ale podporu. He doesn't need sympathy, but support. He doesn't need sympathy, he needs support. Jak nazywa się ten ptak? What's the name of this bird? What is the name of this bird? Chcę się dowiedzieć, dlaczego Tom uderzył Mary. I want to find out why Tom hit Mary. I want to know why Tom hit Mary. Saša měla prudkou bolest v pravé ruce. Sasha had a sharp pain in her right hand. Sasha had a sharp pain in her right hand. Gdzie się znajduje stacja Hakata? Where is Hakata station located? Where is the Hakata Station? Ještě stále jim věříte? Do you still believe them? Do you still believe them? Zrobiliśmy poważny błąd. We made a huge mistake. We made a big mistake. Wiedziałeś, że Tom jest żonaty. Didn't you know that Tom was married? You knew Tom was married. Mam już dosyć tego zrzędzenia. I'm tired of all this nagging. I've had enough of this grumbling. Muszę się przygotować do szkoły. I've got to get ready for school. I have to get ready for school. Liška je divoké zvíře. A fox is a wild animal. The fox is a wild animal. Každý den je brutálně zacházeno se zvířaty na jatkách a v pokusných laboratořích. Nikdo z vlivných osob to není ochoten zastavit. Every day, animals are brutalised in slaughterhouses and experimental laboratories. Nobody influential is willing to stop it. Every day, animals are brutally treated in slaughterhouses and labs, and none of the influential people are willing to stop it. Všechny královy dcery byly krásné. All the king's daughters were beautiful. All the daughters of the king were beautiful. Tom powiedział, że musi iść na spotkanie. Tom said he had to go to a meeting. Tom said he had to go to a meeting. Tom by neměl jen tak nečinně přihlížet, jak Mary šikanují. Tom couldn't just sit by and watch Mary being bullied. Tom shouldn't just stand by and watch Mary get bullied. Szukam kogoś, kto mówi po francusku. I'm looking for someone who can speak French. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. Rád by pomohl. He would be glad to help. He'd like to help. Dlaczego to ujawniasz, nawet swoim konkurentom w branży? Why do you make it open even to rivals in the same trade? Why do you disclose this, even to your competitors in the industry? "Dziękuję za pomoc". "Nie ma za co". "Thank you for your help". "No problem". "Thank you for your help." "You're welcome." Do zobaczenia później. See you later! I'll see you later. Vy dva můžete jít. You two may leave. You two can go. Wschód słońca był niewiarygodnie piękny. Sun rise was incredibly beautiful. The sunrise was incredibly beautiful. Je ošklivá. She is ugly. She's ugly. Chtěl uspět. He wanted to succeed. He wanted to succeed. Zajímá tě to? Are you curious about it? Are you interested? Nie wiadomo, ilu z nich przetrwało. How many of them survived is not known. It is not known how many of them survived. W porządku. That is all right. All right. Tu Mike. Jest Hiroshi? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Is Hiroshi here? Už o tom nechci slyšet ani slovo. I don't want to hear another word about this. I don't want to hear another word about it. Nie znam tych ludzi. I don't know those people. I don't know these people. Mogłabym ci pokazać jak to zrobić. I could've shown you how to do that. I could show you how. Kocha Toma. She loves Tom. He loves Tom. Tom je černou ovcí rodiny. Tom is a shame to his family. Tom is the black sheep of the family. Tom jest bardzo konserwatywny. Tom is very conservative. Tom is very conservative. Umyjte si ruce mýdlem. Wash your hands with soap. Wash your hands with soap. Ahoj! Hello! Hey! Tobě pomohu, ale Tomovi nepomůžu. I'll help you, but I won't help Tom. I'll help you, but I can't help Tom. Čím víc studuješ, tím víc se naučíš. The more you study, the more you learn. The more you study, the more you learn. Náš matikář na tabuli načrtnul kruh. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our math teacher drew a circle on the board. Dostavil ses pozdě. You came in late. You're late. Tom prý nevychází moc dobře s ostatními lidmi. Tom is said not to get along too well with other people. He says Tom doesn't get along very well with other people. Byl jsem u doktora. I was at the doctor's. I went to the doctor. Jsme schopni doručit během týdne. We are able to deliver within a week. We are able to deliver within a week. Nie mogę prosić cię o podjęcie takiego ryzyka. I can't ask you to take that sort of risk. I can't ask you to take that risk. Ona jest ode mnie trzy lata starsza. She is three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. Dobře se pamatuji toho dne, kdy ses narodil. Well do I remember the day you were born. I remember well the day you were born. Jego syn jest geniuszem. His son is a genius. His son is a genius. Nenechal jsem Toma jít domů brzo. I didn't let Tom go home early. I didn't let Tom go home early. Ile wart jest ten pierścionek? How much is this ring worth? How much is this ring worth? Co přesně tohle slovo znamená? What exactly does this word mean? What exactly does that word mean? Tom jest na mnie wściekły. Tom is upset at me. Tom's mad at me. Jediné, co chceme je příležitost. All we want is an opportunity. All we want is an opportunity. Kocham miękkie ręczniki. I love soft towels. I love soft towels. Odstraňte arogantní lidi ze svého života. Kick arrogant people out of your life. Remove arrogant people from your life. Wcześnie wstałem. I woke up early. I'm up early. Wszyscy tam będą. Everyone's going to be there. They'll all be there. Já to napsal. I wrote that. I wrote it. Věříval jsem všemu, co říkáš. I used to believe everything you said. I believed everything you said. Tom nemá asistenta. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Bawiliśmy się do rana. We partied all night long. We played until morning. Vůbec jsem nečekal, že přijedete. I didn't expect at all that you would come. I didn't expect you to come. Możemy iść wszyscy razem. We could all go together. We can all go together. Tom nie chce z tobą rozmawiać. Tom doesn't want to speak to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Tahle kniha se mi moc nelíbila. I didn't really like this book. I didn't like this book very much. Tom je nekompromisní. Tom drives a hard bargain. Tom is uncompromising. Z Toma je nyní muž. Tom is a man now. Tom is now a man. Jesteś ekstrawertyczny. You're extroverted. You're an extrovert. Máte tyto boty v mojí velikosti? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have these shoes in my size? Tom nie mógł porozmawiać z Mary. Tom wasn't able to talk to Mary. Tom couldn't talk to Mary. Nie mam nikogo, kto by mnie wysłuchał. I don't have anybody who'll listen to me. I don't have anyone to listen to me. Budu svědčit. I will testify. I'll testify. Byla taková zima, že to jezero zamrzlo. It was so cold that the lake froze over. It was so cold that the lake froze. Zapni prosím rádio. Please turn on the radio. Turn on the radio, please. Nemusel jsi spěchat. You need not have hurried. You didn't have to hurry. Co możemy z tym zrobić? What can we do about it? What can we do about it? Popatrz na to. Look at this stuff. Look at this. Umiesz odróżnić srebro od blachy? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Can you tell the difference between silver and metal? Tomův pes napadl Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Nie mogą się pocieszyć nawzajem. They can't comfort each other. They can't comfort each other. Tys to opravdu udělal. You really did it. You really did it. Z jednej strony wychwalał moje sprawozdanie a z drugiej strony je krytykował. On one hand he praised my report, but on the other hand he criticized it. On the one hand, he praised my report and on the other hand, he criticised it. Modleme se za Tomovu hříšnou duši. Let's pray for Tom's guilty soul. Let us pray for Tom's sinful soul. Obawiam się, że nie byłabym zachwycona, gdybym go spotkała. I was afraid I wouldn't have the pleasure of meeting you. I'm afraid I wouldn't be thrilled to meet him. Jesteś nieubezpieczony. You're uninsured. You're uninsured. On jest z Francji. He is from France. He's from France. Neumím anglicky, natožpak německy. I cannot speak English, much less German. I don't speak English, let alone German. Není potřeba, abys utrácel tolik peněz. There's no need for you to be spending so much money. You don’t need to spend that much money. Tom został zwolniony. Tom was made redundant. Tom was fired. Před dvěmi lety jsem měla potrat. I had an abortion two years ago. I had an abortion two years ago. Můžu se tě zeptat na pár otázek o tvém jméně? May I ask you some questions about your name? Can I ask you a few questions about your name? Bardzo dobrze rozumiem twoje stanowisko. I understand your position perfectly. I understand your position very well. To je ale krásný výhled! What a fabulous view! What a beautiful view! Tom mi bude chybět a vše, co představoval. I'll miss Tom and everything he stood for. I will miss Tom and everything he did. Tom řekl, že už se k Mary nevrátí. Tom said that he wouldn't return to Mary. Tom said he wasn't going back to Mary. Chci mluvit s Tomem, prosím. I want to speak with Tom, please. I want to talk to Tom, please. To moja parasolka. It's my umbrella. That's my umbrella. Tomun mashyny yok Tom doesn't own a car. Tomun Mashyna Yok Spotkała swojego chłopaka na ulicy. She met her boyfriend in the street. She met her boyfriend on the street. Tom się zgłosił. Tom volunteered. Tom turned himself in. Musíš uznat, že se mýlíš. You must admit that you are in the wrong. You have to admit you're wrong. Někdy jsem velký pesimista. Sometimes I get very pessimistic. Sometimes I am a pessimist. Czy jedzenie świńskich oczu jest bezpieczne? Is it safe to eat a pig's eyeball? Is eating pig's eyes safe? Toma nie było wczoraj tutaj. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't here last night. Tom řekl Mary, jak to udělat. Tom told Mary how to do that. Tom told Mary how to do it. A ty? And you? What about you? Vzpomínám si, že jsem tě viděl vloni. I remember seeing you last year. I remember seeing you last year. Tom měl určitě bohatý život. Tom must have had a full life. Tom had a rich life. To nie zdarza się bardzo często. That doesn't happen very often. It doesn't happen very often. Tom požádal Mary o svolení k tomu, aby odjel brzo. Tom asked for Mary's permission to leave early. Tom asked Mary's permission to leave early. Wón ma kolaso. He has a bicycle. He's got a wheel. Tom vyzvednul kanystr benzínu a dal se do chůze zpět ke svému automobilu. Tom picked up the can of gasoline and started walking back to his car. Tom picked up the canister of gasoline and walked back to his car. Nie martwiłbym się o to. I wouldn't worry about that. I wouldn't worry about it. Możesz pożyczyć mój samochód kiedy zechcesz. You can borrow my car anytime. You can borrow my car any time you want. Miłość nie istnieje. Love doesn't exist. Love doesn't exist. Elektrownia zaopatruje odległą dzielnicę w prąd elektryczny. The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. The power plant supplies the remote district with electric current. Myślałam, że to osa, a to była pszczoła. I thought this was a wasp and that was a bee. I thought it was a wasp, and it was a bee. Proszę, pokaż mi swój szczegółowy plan. Please show me your detailed plan. Please show me your detailed plan. W czajniku się gotuje. The kettle is boiling. It's boiling in the kettle. Musisz wybrać. You need to make a choice. You have to choose. Zdá se to být moc nebezpečné. That seems awfully dangerous. It seems too dangerous. Moja ciotka pokazała mi, jak zrobić dobrą kawę. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. Magie se nemusíte bát. You don't have to fear magic. You don't have to worry about magic. Dwa, cztery, sześć itd. to liczby parzyste. Two, four, six, etc. are even numbers. Two, four, six, etc. are even numbers. Sy w knigłowni. You're in the library. You're in the bookstore. Obchod zůstává otevřen celý den. The shop is open all day. The store is open all day. Jsem připraven pracovat. I'm ready to work. I'm ready to work. Sam zajmuje ten wielki pokój. He has the large room to himself. Sam's occupying this big room. Pomyliłem Toma z jego bratem. I confused Tom with his brother. I mistook Tom for his brother. Míval jsem psa. I used to have a dog. I used to have a dog. Mógłbym powiedzieć ci rzeczy o Tomie które cię zaskoczą. I could tell you things about Tom that would surprise you. I could tell you things about Tom that will surprise you. Jsem žena. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Kam šla? Where was she going? Where did she go? To jest kanarek Toma. This is Tom's canary. This is Tom's canary. Skoro nikdo se tam nedostal včas. Almost no one got there on time. Hardly anyone got there in time. Já tady pracuju. I work here. I work here. Tom chodzi pieszo do szkoły. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Pytanie, jak to powiedzieć, żeby nie rozzłościć Toma. The question is how to say no without making Tom angry. The question is how to say it so as not to make Tom angry. Už tě ne miluju, a tak jsem smutná. I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad. I don't love you anymore, so I'm sad. Ona zhubla. She has lost weight. She lost weight. Jest prawie tak inteligentna, jak przeciętne dziecko. She is almost as intelligent as an average human child. She's almost as smart as the average kid. Jestem zmęczony sprzątaniem po tobie. I'm tired of cleaning up after you. I'm tired of cleaning up after you. Te dzieci są potencjalnymi klientami. Those children are potential customers. These kids are potential customers. Ve Francii v té době vládl Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at that time. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at the time. Jestem szczęśliwy. I'm happy. I'm happy. Nie wiem, co się stało. I don't know what's happened. I don't know what happened. Proč jsi tak posedlý Tomem? Why are you so obsessed with Tom? Why are you so obsessed with Tom? Budeme pronajímat naši zahradu. We are going to rent out our garden. We'll rent out our garden. Masz dobrą pamięć. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Nemusíte Tomovi brát práci. You don't have to take Tom his job. You don't have to take Tom's job. Samozřejmě, že rozumím. Of course, I understand. Of course I understand. Ten pes je slepý na jedno oko. The dog is blind in one eye. The dog is blind in one eye. Nie znosiłem pisania piórem wiecznym. I hated to write with a fountain pen. I hated writing with an eternal pen. Tom mieszkał w Bostonie przez pierwszych 10 lat życia. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Tom lived in Boston for the first 10 years of his life. Tom poszukuje pracy. Tom is job hunting. Tom is looking for work. Wszystko mnie boli. I'm sore all over. Everything hurts. Sportuji skoro každý den. I play sports almost every day. I play sports almost every day. Czytałem, że prezydentem Brazylii jest kobieta. Ona nazywa się Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Není ta sukně příliš krátká? Is the skirt not too short? Isn't the skirt too short? Děti utekly před rozezleným Tomem. The children ran away from the angry Tom. The kids ran away from Tom. Uhádneš, kolik mi je? Can you guess how old I am? Can you guess how old I am? Ok, souhlasím s tebou. OK, I agree with you. Okay, I agree with you. Tom lhal ohledně svého titulu, nemá žádný. Tom lied about his degree, he hasn't got any. Tom lied about his title, he doesn't have one. Ta kapela hraje velmi dobře. The band plays really well. The band plays very well. Moglibyśmy razem zaśpiewać. We could sing together. We could sing together. Koupila jsi nový dům. You bought a new house. You bought a new house. Tom přešel ulici. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. Ściany mają uszy. The walls have ears. The walls have ears. Nie jest pielęgniarką, lecz lekarką. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She's not a nurse, she's a doctor. Jak můžeme snížit náklady? How can we reduce costs? How can we reduce costs? Tom nebyl stvořen pro tento svět. Tom wasn't made for this world. Tom wasn't made for this world. Bude to někdo překládat? Will anybody translate it? Will someone translate it? Ile kwiatów Tom dał Mary? How many flowers did Tom give to Mary? How many flowers did Tom give Mary? Můžu pro vás teď něco udělat? Is there anything I can do for you now? Is there anything I can do for you now? Miluje Toma víc než mne. She loves Tom more than I do. She loves Tom more than she loves me. Tom wydaje się być spięty. Tom seems tense. Tom seems tense. Myślałem, że Tom tu będzie. I thought that Tom was going to be here. I thought Tom would be here. Myślałem, że to zadziała. I thought that would work. I thought it would work. Tom nechal dveře otevřené. Tom left the door open. Tom left the door open. Nie wiem, co powinienem powiedzieć Tomowi. I didn't know what I should say to Tom. I don't know what to tell Tom. Dobře mi platí. I've been well paid. They pay me well. S kým mluvil můj otec? Who was my dad speaking to? Who was my father talking to? Odmítl jsem na takové podmínky přistoupit. I refused to agree to the terms. I refused to accept such conditions. Bály se tě. They were afraid of you. They were afraid of you. Už to nemá smysl zkoušet. There's no point in trying anymore. There's no point in trying anymore. Usiadłem na zewnątrz i uczyłem się japońskiego. I sat outside and studied Japanese. I sat outside and studied Japanese. Pro Toma pracovat nebudu. I won't work for Tom. I'm not working for Tom. Jste workoholik. You are a workaholic. You're a workaholic. Obiecał, że przyjdzie. He promised me to come. He promised he'd come. Wiecznie narzekasz. You are always complaining. You're always complaining. Ach tak. I see. Oh, yeah. Tom przyszedł, mimo, że padało. Tom came even though it was raining. Tom came, even though it was raining. Tento náhrdelník jest z nefritu. This necklace is made of jade. This necklace is made of jade. Jak se jmenuje tvůj táta? What's your father's name? What's your dad's name? Tom byl zvolen premiérem. Tom was elected prime minister. Tom was elected Prime Minister. Tato slova znamenají odlišné věci, takže si je nepleťte. These words mean different things, so don't mix them up. These words mean different things, so don’t confuse them. Konečně jsem se dočkal. At last my time came. I finally got it. Jako dítě jsem často chodíval plavat v moři. I would often go swimming in the sea when a child. As a child, I often went swimming in the sea. Jestli to pomůže, zapíši si to. If it helps, I'll write it down. If it helps, I'll write it down. Tom vždycky nechává počítač zapnutý. Tom always leaves his computer on. Tom always leaves the computer on. Jestem anemikiem. I'm anemic. I'm anemic. Nemůžou to dělat donekonečna. They cannot do that endlessly. They can't do it forever. Trzymam to na strychu. I keep it in the attic. I keep it in the attic. Do Paříže se dostali současně. They arrived in Paris at the same time. They came to Paris at the same time. Myślę, że masz rację. I think you're right. I think you're right. Přemýšlel jsem o tom. I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it. To oczywiste. It's abundantly clear. It's obvious. Jsme architekti. We're architects. We're architects. Wszyscy podziwiali Hanry'ego. Everybody looks up to Henry. Everyone was admiring Hanry. Proszę iść prosto tą ulicą. Go straight ahead on this street. Go straight down that street. Niech będzie wysłuchana i druga strona. Let's hear the other side. Let the other side be heard. Celá rodina už je zase spolu. The whole family is together again. The whole family's back together. Pamiętasz Toma? Do you remember Tom? You remember Tom? Promiň, spěchám. Sorry. I'm in a hurry. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Teď bych Toma potkat nechtěl. I wouldn't want to meet Tom now. I wouldn't want to meet Tom right now. Jsem Američanka. I am American. I'm American. Bývalo to pěkné místo k bydlení. This used to be a nice place to live. It used to be a nice place to live. Co chtěl? What did he want? What did he want? Tohle chceme zjistit. That's what we want to find out. That's what we want to find out. Znečištění se dá regulovat. Pollution can be controlled. Pollution can be regulated. Tom będzie musiał mi pomóc. Tom will have to help me. Tom's gonna have to help me. Tom powiedział, że prawie cię zabito. Tom said you were almost killed. Tom said you were almost killed. Najdeme nějaké bezpečné místo pro Toma. We will find a safe place for Tom. We'll find a safe place for Tom. Chci si koupit český svetr. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech sweater. Tom nikdy za nic nezískal uznání. Tom has never got the credit for anything. Tom never got credit for anything. Biegnij. Run. Run. Tom byl můj syn. Tom was my son. Tom was my son. Oglądasz telewizję? Do you watch TV? You watch TV? Mé srdce je plné lítosti pro něj. My heart was filled with pity for him. My heart is full of pity for him. Je nezbytné, aby kolektivní vědomí vyzařovalo vibraci Lásky, Radosti, Laskavosti, Klidu a Světla. It is vital that the collective consciousness is on a vibration that radiates Love, Joy, Kindness, Peace and Light. It is necessary for the collective consciousness to radiate the vibration of Love, Joy, Kindness, Tranquility and Light. Jsi stále příliš mladý. You're still too young. You're still too young. Prawie zawsze wygrywam. I almost always win. I almost always win. Kto zaprosił Toma na imprezę? Who invited Tom to the party? Who invited Tom to the party? Myslel jsem, že Tom není stejně velký, jako Mary. I thought that Tom wasn't as tall as Mary. I thought Tom wasn't as big as Mary. Gdybym chciała, mogłabym cię zabić. If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you. If I wanted to, I could kill you. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że Tom nie żyje. I can't believe Tom is dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. Mamo, chodź ze mną do sklepu. Mom, come with me to the store. Mom, come to the store with me. Tom se omluvil za to, že Mary neřekl dříve. Tom apologized for not having told Mary sooner. Tom apologized for not telling Mary earlier. Mieszkam z rodzicami. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Pójdę, jak mi nos podpowiada. I should follow my nose. I'll go as my nose tells me. To, co Tom řekl, je pro mě jen malá útěcha. What Tom said is of little consolation for me. What Tom said was just a little comfort to me. Ten zegarek należy do mnie. This watch is mine. This watch belongs to me. Jest już trochę za późno na to, nie sądzisz? It's a little late for that, don't you think? It's a little late for that, don't you think? Bojím se toho. I'm scared of it. I'm afraid of it. Sprawiliśmy się naprawdę dobrze. We've done exceptionally well. We did really well. Tom si pečlivě umyl nohy. Tom thoroughly washed his feet. Tom washed his feet carefully. Pracuje pro peníze, ne že ho to baví. He works to get paid, not because he enjoys it. He works for money, not for fun. Możemy rozmawiać w innym pokoju? Can we speak in the other room? Can we talk in the other room? Dítě lezlo po čtyřech. The baby was crawling on all fours. The child crawled on four. Masz konto na Facebooku? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Jeśli ktoś, kto nas nie zna, mówi, że mówimy jego językiem jak rodzimy użytkownik, oznacza to, że pewnie zauważył u nas coś, co uświadomiło mu, że tym użytkownikiem nie jesteśmy. Innymi słowy, że nie mówimy jak rodzimy użytkownik. If someone who doesn't know your background says that you sound like a native speaker, it means they probably noticed something about your speaking that made them realize you weren't a native speaker. In other words, you don't really sound like a native speaker. If someone who does not know us says that we speak his language like a native user, it means that he probably noticed something in us that made him realize that we are not that user. In other words, that we do not speak like a native user. Czy lód jest zimny? Is the ice cold? Is the ice cold? Nie znam nikogo o tym imieniu. I don't know anyone by that name. I don't know anyone by that name. Wszystkie drogi prowadzące do miasta pełne były samochodów. All the roads leading into the city are full of cars. All the roads leading into the city were full of cars. Nechoďte přes silnici. Don't cross the road. Don't cross the road. Vím přesně, co se děje. I know exactly what's going on. I know exactly what's going on. Mój pokój jest bardzo mały. My room is very small. My room is very small. Sam rozwiązał problem. He solved the problem on his own. He solved the problem himself. Tom ogrzał się przy ogniu. Tom warmed himself by the fire. Tom warmed himself by the fire. Měl bys ztlumit reflektory. You should dim your headlights. You should turn your headlights down. Dupla na brzdy. She slammed on the brakes. She stomped on the brakes. Maria Callas była znaną śpiewaczką operową. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Kiedy wyjdziemy? When are we going to leave? When do we leave? On nekouří. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. To leci właśnie w telewizji. It's on telly right now. It's on TV right now. Rád jezdím na koni. I like riding horses. I like to ride horses. Miluji tuto řeč. I love this language. I love that speech. Zdá se, že ví všechno. It seems that he knows everything. He seems to know everything. Potřebuju to víc než ty. I need this more than you. I need it more than you do. Vstaň brzy ráno. Get up early in the morning. Get up early in the morning. Už nemáme sýr. We don't have any more cheese. We're out of cheese. Není to otázka peněz. It's not a money issue. It's not a question of money. Tom był wczoraj wieczorem na randce z Mary. Tom had a date with Mary last night. Tom was on a date with Mary last night. Tom wyglądał na bardzo zajętego. Tom looked really busy. Tom looked very busy. Barva se loupe z oprýskané zdi. The paint is peeling off the weather-beaten wall. The paint is peeled from the cracked wall. Doufám, že se mi zanedlouho ozve. I hope it won't be long before I hear from her. I hope to hear from you soon. Lincoln sprzeciwiał się niewolnictwu. Lincoln opposed slavery. Lincoln opposed slavery. Rozmawiałem z nią przez telefon. I talk to her on the phone. I spoke to her on the phone. Ona kładzie dzieci do łóżek. She puts the children to bed. She puts the kids to bed. Tom přišel zrovna před večeří. Tom came just before dinner. Tom arrived just before dinner. Dan chtěl, abys věděl, že k tobě nechová nenávist. Dan wanted you to know that he didn't hate you. Dan wanted you to know he doesn't hate you. Pomoc nadeszła zbyt późno. Help came too late. Help came too late. Który t-shirt (koszulka) jest czerwony? Which t-shirt is red? Which T-shirt is red? Szkoda, że zmarnowałem czas na czytanie tego. I shouldn't have wasted my time reading that. I wish I'd wasted my time reading this. Nevím, co mám dělat. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Nevěřte cizím lidem. Don't trust strangers. Do not trust strangers. V tomto závodě nemám žádného koně. I have no horse in this race. I don't have a horse in this race. To vypadal, jakože se mu ulevilo. Tom looked like he was relieved. It looked like he was relieved. Czytanie jest jednym z moich hobby. Reading is one of my hobbies. Reading is one of my hobbies. Nechceš vědět, proč jsem to neudělal? Don't you want to know why I didn't do that? Don't you want to know why I didn't? Nie wierzę, że Tom mi to zrobił. I can't believe Tom did this to me. I can't believe Tom did this to me. Tady uvnitř je tma. It's dark in here. It's dark in here. Odpověděla ti. She answered you. She answered you. Jakie masz stanowisko? What's your occupation? What's your position? Mówię Ci, że nic się nie stało. I'm telling you nothing happened. I'm telling you, nothing happened. Tom się tego nie spodziewał. Tom wasn't expecting that. Tom did not expect this. Tom jim přeje smrt. Tom wishes them death. Tom wants them dead. Snadno se unaví. They tire easily. They get tired easily. Nezdá se mi pravděpodobné, že by Tom spáchal sebevraždu. It seems unlikely that Tom committed suicide. I don't think it's likely that Tom committed suicide. Kdo za to bude platit? Who's going to pay for this? Who's gonna pay for this? To był koniec lekcji. That was the end of the class. That was the end of the lesson. Mamy jenož čaj. We only have tea. We only have tea. Tom to nevydržel a řekl pravdu. Tom broke down and told the truth. Tom couldn’t stand it and told the truth. Ta szuflada jest pełna różnych rzeczy. That drawer is full of miscellaneous items. This drawer is full of different things. Právě když ta pohádka skončila, dítě už spalo. Just as the fairy tale finished, the child had already fallen asleep. Just when the story was over, the baby was asleep. Myslíš, že tom bude ochotný pomoct? Do you think Tom will agree to help? Do you think Tom will be willing to help? Tom s Mary se na můj vkus příliš sbližují. Tom and Mary are becoming too close for my liking. Tom and Mary are getting too close for my taste. Moje máma je úžasná. My mother is awesome. My mom's amazing. Celá ta situace mi přišla nechutná. I found the whole situation disgusting. I found the whole situation disgusting. Powiedz to tym borsukom. Tell that to those badgers. Tell that to the badgers. Podróż na zachód była ciężka. The trip west was hard. The journey west was hard. Nesnáším tvé kouření. I dislike your smoking. I hate your smoking. Je tolik věcí, kterým nerozumím. There's so much I don't understand. There are so many things I don't understand. Dowiedziałem się dzisiaj, że Tom mnie nie lubi. Wiesz dlaczego? I learned today that Tom doesn't like me. Do you know why? I found out today that Tom doesn't like me. Pravidelně začínám při sledování filmů usínat. I regularly start to fall asleep while watching a movie. I regularly fall asleep watching movies. Tom mi snědl salát. Tom ate my salad. Tom ate my salad. Tato cesta je nesjízdná. This road is impassable. This road is impassable. Nic jsem Tomovi neúčtoval za to, co udělal. I didn't charge Tom anything for doing that. I didn't charge Tom anything for what he did. Ile mamy misek? How many bowls do we have? How many bowls do we have? Tom je nejsilnější. Tom is strongest. Tom is the strongest. Mám depresi, když uvíznu v dopravní zácpě. I feel depressed when I am stuck in traffic. I get depressed when I get stuck in traffic. Je zvyklá ponocovat. She is used to staying up late. She's used to staying up late. Przepraszam. Excuse me. Oh, sorry. Czuję się bezsilny. I feel powerless. I feel powerless. Hladuju. I'm hungry. I'm starving. Myślę, że to nie będzie takie trudne. I think it's not going to be that hard. I don't think it's gonna be that hard. Prosím tě, nezapomeň zhasnout, než odejdeš. Please be sure to turn off the light before you leave. Please don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave. Jsi dost naivní. You're very gullible. You're pretty naive. Często widzę, jak Tom i Mary to robią. I often see Tom and Mary do that. I often see Tom and Mary doing it. Mam rady zajacy. I like hares. I like hares. Nemysli si že nevím, co děláš. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Nauczyłem się gotować. I've learnt to cook. I learned to cook. Ona już była w nim zakochana. She was already in love with him. She was already in love with him. Powinniśmy chwilę poczekać. We should wait a little. We should wait a minute. Tomovi se podařilo tu záležitost urovnat. Tom managed to settle the matter. Tom managed to settle the matter. Tom się nie martwi. Tom isn't worried. Tom's not worried. Jesteś zbyt zajęty. You're too busy. You're too busy. Tom tvrdě prosazuje svůj zájem. Tom drives a hard bargain. Tom is very interested. Jestem z Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, a ty z Republiki Federalnej Niemiec. I am from the Republic of Poland, you are from the Federal Republic of Germany. I'm from the Republic of Poland, and you're from the Federal Republic of Germany. Proč si nesundáš kabát? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take your coat off? Tom mi řekl že nechce, aby se to stalo. Tom told me he didn't want that to happen. Tom told me he didn't want it to happen. Zapomněl jsem požádat o účtenku. I forgot to ask for a receipt. I forgot to ask for a receipt. Parowozy zostały wyparte przez lokomotywy elektryczne. Steam trains were replaced by electric trains. The locomotives were replaced by electric locomotives. Kto cię obcinał? Who cut your hair? Who cut you? Wyglądasz tak pięknie. You look so beautiful. You look so beautiful. Tom řekl, že můžu sedět kde chci. Tom said I could sit anywhere I liked. Tom said I could sit wherever I wanted. Neumí číst anglicky, natož pak německy. He can't read English, much less German. He can't read English, let alone German. Chlapec hraje na klavír. The boy plays the piano. The boy plays the piano. Přestaňte Tomovi říkat, co má dělat. Stop telling Tom what he should do. Stop telling Tom what to do. Tom se mi nelíbil hned, ale nakonec jsem se do něj zamilovala. I didn't like Tom right away, but eventually, I fell in love with him. I didn't like Tom right away, but I ended up falling in love with him. Tome, ty idiote! Tom, you idiot! Tom, you idiot! Czy to z ważnego powodu? Is that a valid reason? Is it for a good reason? Tom pravděpodobně do Bostonu nepojede. Tom won't likely go to Boston. Tom's probably not going to Boston. Ucukl jsem. I flinched. I snuck out. Jak zvláštní! How strange! How strange! Po prostu nie uwierzyłem w to, co Tom powiedział. I just didn't believe what Tom said. I just didn't believe what Tom said. Zestárl, zešedivěl a rozvedl se, ale také zbohatl a stal se slavným. He has grown old, gone grey and got divorced but he has also become rich and famous. He grew old, grayed and divorced, but he also got rich and became famous. Moje přítelkyně nevěří na duchy. My friend doesn't believe in ghosts. My girlfriend doesn't believe in ghosts. Vypráví dětem sprosté vtipy. He tells dirty jokes to children. He's telling kids dirty jokes. Tom jest winny. Tom is guilty. Tom is guilty. Ludwig van Beethoven byl německý skladatel a klavírista. Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. Nie pchaj nosa w moje prywatne sprawy. Keep your nose out of my business. Don't put your nose in my private business. Tom říká, že přemýšlí o tom, že neudělá to, oč ho Mary požádala. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom hladověl, protože byl příliš líný na to, aby si sehnal nějaké jídlo. Tom starved because he was too lazy to get some food. Tom was starving because he was too lazy to get any food. Interesujące. Interesting. Interesting. Kolacja jest o szóstej. Dinner's at six. Dinner's at 6:00. Jaka jest dzisiejsza data? What is the date today? What's today's date? Profesor nedokázal pochopit, co jsem tím myslel. The professor was unable to comprehend what I meant. The professor couldn't understand what I meant. Je to jako zlý sen. It's like a bad dream. It's like a bad dream. Tom jim dal všechny své zásoby potravin. Tom gave them all his food supplies. Tom gave them all his food supplies. Doufáme, že sis neublížil. We hope that you didn't get hurt. We hope you didn't hurt yourself. Pytanie, jak powiedzieć "nie", nie złoszcząc ich. The question is how to say no without making them angry. The question of how to say "no" without angering them. Je to sněhobílé. It is white as snow. It's snow-white. Nesaháš Tomovi ani po kotníky. You can't even begin to compare with Tom. You don't even touch Tom's ankles. Chci, abys odešel z mého domu. I just want you out of my house. I want you out of my house. Tom je imbecil. Tom is an imbecile. Tom's an imbecile. Przyjechałem do Tokio dwa miesiące temu. I came to Tokyo two months ago. I came to Tokyo two months ago. Vesnice byla zaplavena. The village was flooded. The village was flooded. Zkontroluj, jestli jsi nic nezapomněl. Make sure that you don't forget anybody. Make sure you don't forget anything. Tom všechny ty ptáky vypustil. Tom released all the birds. Tom let all the birds out. Tom věděl, co se děje. Tom knew what was happening. Tom knew what was going on. Tom naprawdę dobrze bawił się na imprezie. Tom really enjoyed the party. Tom had a really good time at the party. Jsem si docela jistý, že nám to nedovolí udělat. I'm pretty sure they won't allow us to do that. I'm pretty sure they won't let us do it. Kdybych si byl všiml, býval bych ti řekl. If I'd noticed, I would've told you. If I'd noticed, I'd have told you. Prosím, zalij květiny. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Co jsi schoval? What did you hide? What did you hide? Kdo si objednal pizzu? Who ordered pizza? Who ordered the pizza? Gówno prawda. Bullshit. That's bullshit. To ich jedyny wybór. It is their only choice. It's their only choice. Jest dziś wietrznie. It is windy today. It's windy today. Jeho pýcha byla poněkud pocuchána. His pride was slightly touched. His pride was somewhat shaken. Co kdybys jen tak pro sichr přinesl deštník? Why don't you bring an umbrella, just in case? Why don't you just bring an umbrella for your sister? On jest autorem. He's an author. He's the author. Możesz pomóc. You can help. You can help. Użyj tego. Use this. Use this. Řekla jsi, že nekouříš. You said you didn't smoke. You said you didn't smoke. Neznáš ten systém. You don't know the system. You don't know the system. Musíme někoho zavolat. We must call someone. We need to call someone. Kouřím. I'm a smoker. I smoke. Czytałem twoją książkę. I did read your book. I read your book. Výtah nefungoval. The lift wasn't working. The elevator didn't work. Vrána k vráně sedá. Birds of a feather flock together. The crow sits with the crow. Ktoś nas zdradził. Someone betrayed us. Someone betrayed us. Tom hrával na kytaru. Tom used to play guitar. Tom played guitar. Proč bych měl pracovat zadarmo? Why should I work without being paid? Why should I work for free? Žirafa byla zraněná. The giraffe was injured. The giraffe was injured. To je jedno z nejkrásnějších míst na zemi. This is one of the most beautiful places in the world. This is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Být tebou bych Tomovi zavolal v pondělí večer. I'd call Tom Monday evening if I were you. If I were you, I'd call Tom Monday night. Neschovávej se pod postel. Don't hide under the bed. Don't hide under the bed. Praga jest przepiękna. Prague is very beautiful. Prague is beautiful. Mogę zapytać nad czym teraz pracujesz? May I ask what you are working on now? May I ask what you're working on now? Opravdu sis myslel, že to je to, co Tom chce? Did you really think that was what Tom wanted? Did you really think that was what Tom wanted? Wiele programów telewizyjnych ma zły wpływ na dzieci. Many TV programs have a bad influence on children. Many television programs have a bad effect on children. Właśnie tu przyjechałem. I arrived here just now. I just got here. Co kdyby ses něčeho napil? Why don't you drink something? Why don't you have a drink? Psy są mądre. Dogs are smart. Dogs are smart. Sehni se. Strop je velmi nízko. Bend down. The ceiling is very low. The ceiling is very low. Nespoléhal bych na to. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't count on it. Generální stávka by mohla být řešením. A general strike might be a solution. A general strike could be the solution. Jestem pewien jego uczciwości. I am assured of his honesty. I'm sure of his honesty. Myślę, że Tom jest zirytowany. I think Tom is irritated. I think Tom is annoyed. Tom lže. Tom lies. Tom's lying. Teraz chodźmy. Let's go now. Now let's go. Tom seděl s Mary. Tom was sitting with Mary. Tom sat with Mary. Nemám rád jablka. I don't like apples. I don't like apples. Toto je nové. This is new. This is new. Na stanici jsou to dvě míle. The station is two miles away. It's two miles to the station. Můžu ti s čímkoliv pomoct? Can I help you with anything? Can I help you with anything? Nie sądzę, żeby to się kiedykolwiek stało. I don't think that that'll ever happen. I don't think that's ever gonna happen. Przychodzę tu co poniedziałek. I come here every Monday. I come here every Monday. Dám si sklenku šampaňského. I'll take a glass of champagne. I'll have a glass of champagne. Nemůžeš žít bez vody. You cannot live without water. You can't live without water. To nie jest sensowne. It's not reasonable. It doesn't make sense. Dnes večer nám Tom určitě zavolá. We'll get a phone call from Tom tonight for sure. I'm sure Tom will call us tonight. Dejme šálek čaje a popovídejme si. Let's go get a cup of coffee and talk. Let's have a cup of tea and talk. To była jedyna kategoria, która pasowała. That was the only suitable category. It was the only category that fit. Co je to za rybu? What kind of fish is that? What kind of fish is that? Powiedzieli, że nie będą walczyć. They said they would not fight. They said they wouldn't fight. Vypnuli jsme si telefony. We turned off our phones. We turned off our phones. Tom potrzebuje Mary. Tom needs Mary. Tom needs Mary. Dítě uklidnila jeho matka. The child was comforted by his mother. The child was reassured by his mother. Generał skoncentrował wojska w Paryżu. The general concentrated the soldiers in Paris. The general concentrated his troops in Paris. Ty jsi Tomova kamarádka, že? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, right? Kilka dziewczyn stoi za bramą. Several girls are standing beside the gate. There's a couple of girls outside the gate. Od początku myślałem, że się zaprzyjaźnimy. I thought that we would be good friends from the beginning. From the beginning, I thought we'd be friends. Wieczorem chodzę spać około dziesiątej. In the evening, I go to bed at ten. I go to bed at about 10 in the evening. Nasza klasa składa się z 40 chłopców. Our class consists of 40 boys. Our class consists of 40 boys. Tom řekl, že ztratil smysl života. Tom said that he had lost his reason for living. Tom said he'd lost the meaning of life. Květiny uvadly, protože je nikdo nezaléval. The flowers wilted as nobody watered them. The flowers faded because no one was watering them. Proszę, podaj mi sól i pieprz. Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Please pass me the salt and pepper. Jesteś w złym pociągu. You are on the wrong train. You're on the wrong train. Tom był czymś podekscytowany. Tom was excited about something. Tom was excited about something. Ty panty jsou rezavé. The hinges are rusty. The hinges are rusty. Jak myślisz, jak długo zajmie mi dostanie się do Bostonu? How long do you think it'll take me to get to Boston? How long do you think it'll take me to get to Boston? Ojciec niewiele powiedział swoim synom. The father said little to his sons. The father said little to his sons. Tom dostal nařízeno, aby vyklidil svoji kancelář. Tom was ordered to empty his office. Tom was ordered to clear his office. Tom jest zawsze otwarty na nowe pomysły. Tom is always open to new ideas. Tom is always open to new ideas. Zamierzam zostać w Nagoji na trzy dni. I intend to stay in Nagoya for three days. I'm going to stay in Nagoya for three days. Tom został zwolniony. Tom was fired. Tom was fired. Często sprawdzam słowa w tamtym słowniku. I often look up words in that dictionary. I often check the words in that dictionary. Bojí se létat letadlem. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He's afraid to fly a plane. Tyto dvě košile jsou vyrobeny ze stejného materiálu. These two shirts are made from the same material. These two shirts are made of the same material. Co je to kritické myšlení? What is critical thinking? What is critical thinking? Dávám přednost angličtině. I prefer English. I prefer English. Už jsi někdy přemýšlel, že bys napsal knihu? Have you ever thought about writing a book? Have you ever thought about writing a book? Musimy uwzględnić jego młody wiek. We must take his youth into account. We have to take into account his young age. Dej vápno do kokosu. Put the lime in the coconut. Put the lime in the coconut. Powolni, ale systematyczni wygrają w końcu. Slow but steady wins the race. Slow but steady wins in the end. Tom má na Mary přehnané požadavky. Tom has excessive demands on Mary. Tom has exaggerated demands on Mary. Mám rád jídlo a spánek. I like to sleep and eat. I like food and sleep. Tom miluje knihy. Tom loves books. Tom loves books. Moja kawa jest mocniejsza niż Jona. My coffee is stronger than John's. My coffee is stronger than Jon's. V této místnosti je žena. There is a woman in this room. There's a woman in this room. Chce to odhodlání. It takes determination. It takes determination. Nie chcę wiedzieć, jak się nazywa. I don't want to know what his name is. I don't want to know his name. Dziewczyno, jakie masz cudowne włosy. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. Girl, what lovely hair you have. Czy są tu w pobliżu taksówki? Are there taxis around here? Are there taxis around? Tom nie mógł całkowicie wykluczyć możliwości, że to, co Mary powiedziała, było prawdą. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that what Mary said was true. Tom could not completely rule out the possibility that what Mary said was true. Zvrtnul jsem si kotník. I've hurt my ankle. I twisted my ankle. Zmizel z povrchu zemského. He disappeared off the face of the earth. He disappeared from the face of the earth. Tom nie chce być złapany. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Robiłam to wiele razy. I've done that numerous of times. I've done it many times. Musí si všímat tvých chyb. He's bound to notice your mistake. They must be paying attention to your mistakes. Tom si zvolil boj. Tom chose to fight. Tom chose to fight. Nikdo vás nenutí to překládat. Nobody forces you to translate that. No one is forcing you to translate it. Tom cítil benzín. Tom could smell gasoline. Tom smelled gasoline. Czy teraz działa? Does it work now? Is it working now? Měla by sis s Tomem domluvit schůzku. You should arrange a meeting with Tom. You should make an appointment with Tom. Někteří lidé odmítají dát se očkovat. Some people refuse to get vaccinated. Some people refuse to get vaccinated. Za tu tašku mi zaplatili pět dolarů. They paid me five dollars for the bag. They paid me five dollars for the bag. Všechny nudí. He bores everybody. They're boring everyone. Vrátím se dnes večer. I'll be back tonight. I'll be back tonight. Jaki jest twój naturalny kolor włosów? What is your natural hair colour? What is your natural hair color? Nemohl jsem se přestat smát. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Patrz na tablicę! Look at the blackboard. Look at the board! Jest najstarszy w klasie. He is older than any other student in his class. He's the oldest in his class. Zły jestem na siebie, że nie potrafię zerwać z jedzeniem fast foodów. I hate myself for not having the will power to quit eating junk food. I'm angry at myself for not being able to stop eating junk food. To njejo kócka. To jo pjas. That isn't a cat. That's a dog. It's not short, it's pjas. Udělej to, kde chceš. Do it wherever you want. Do it where you want. Tom nemohl usnout, a tak vstal a šel se projít. Tom couldn't get to sleep, so he got up and went for a walk. Tom couldn’t sleep, so he got up and went for a walk. Tom zjadł pół paczki chipsów ziemniaczanych. Tom ate half a bag of potato crisps. Tom ate half a pack of potato chips. Měli jsme štěstí, že jsme našli své klíče. We were lucky to find our keys. We were lucky to find our keys. Brat powiesił obraz do góry nogami. My brother hung the picture upside down. The brother hung the painting upside down. Je atraktivní, ale příliš mluví. She's attractive, but she talks too much. She's attractive, but she talks too much. Co máš v pravé ruce? What do you have in your right hand? What's in your right hand? Otevřete dveře a pusťte Toma dovnitř. Open the door and let Tom in. Open the door and let Tom in. Budit jste mne nemuseli. You need not have woken me up. You didn't have to wake me. Všechno záleží na tvém rozhodnutí. Everything depends upon your decision. It all depends on your decision. Politici jsou pouhé loutky. To je však nečiní méně zodpovědnými za svoje činy. Politicians are mere puppets. That does not make them less responsible for their deeds, though. Politicians are mere puppets, but that does not make them less responsible for their actions. Witaj w domu! Welcome home! Welcome home! Dzieci śpią. The kids are asleep. The kids are asleep. Szukałem takiej dziewczyny jak ty. I've been looking for a girl like you. I was looking for a girl like you. Nebudeš věřit tomu, co jsem dneska našel. You won't believe what I have found today. You won't believe what I found today. Jesteśmy biedni, ale szczęśliwi. We are poor, but we are happy. We are poor but happy. Vrátilo se mi sebevědomí. I've got all my confidence back now. My self-confidence has returned. Nie gram w tę grę. I don't play that game. I'm not playing this game. Můj francouzštinář je stejně starý, jako jsem já. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My Frenchman is as old as I am. Tohle lidé normálně neříkají. That isn't what people normally say. People don't normally say that. Koupili svým dětem do školy psací potřeby. They bought their children some writting implements for school. They bought their children stationery for school. Schoval jsem se pod stolem. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Czy jest jakiś inne wejście? Is there another way in? Is there another entrance? Czy znacie moje imię? Do you know my name? Do you know my name? Odkud znáš Toma? How do you know Tom? How do you know Tom? Przeprowadził się w moje sąsiedztwo. He moved into my neighborhood. He moved into my neighborhood. Fouká severák. A north wind is blowing. It's blowing north. Tohle je nejlevnější obchod ve městě. This is the cheapest store in town. This is the cheapest store in town. Dzieci powinny codziennie pić mleko. Children should drink milk every day. Children should drink milk every day. Moskva je hlavní město Ruska. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Ta poznámka byla mířená na tebe. The remark was aimed at you. The note was aimed at you. Protože jsem ji miloval, tak jsem si ji nevzal. Because I loved her, I didn't marry her. Because I loved her, I didn't marry her. Tom se rozhodl být veganem. Tom has decided to become a vegan. Tom decided to be a vegan. Ile zarabia miesięcznie? How much money does he make a month? How much does he earn per month? Podívej se. Have a look. Take a look. Někteří ho dokonce obvinili z vlastizrady. Some even accused him of treason. Some even accused him of treason. Tom by už měl být doma. Tom should be at home by now. Tom should be home by now. Tom se odvolal proti rozsudku. Tom appealed against the sentence. Tom appealed the verdict. Tom odzyskał przytomność. Tom regained consciousness. Tom regained consciousness. Szkoda, że nie możemy wracać do domu. I wish we could go back home. Too bad we can't go home. Jsem hrdina. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Jak vás můžu zkontaktovat? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? "Tak naprawdę to boję się wysokości." "Jesteś tchórzem!" "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "Actually, I'm afraid of heights." "You're a coward!" Zmierzamy donikąd. We're getting nowhere. We're going nowhere. Praxe dělá mistra. Practice makes the master. Practice makes perfect. Mary ogoliła nogi. Mary shaved her legs. Mary shaved her legs. Ona nadal go kocha. She still loves him. She still loves him. Vezmi si co potřebuješ a zmiz odsud. Grab what you need and get out of here. Take what you need and get out of here. Vybrala si Toma za svého přítele. She chose Tom to be her boyfriend. She chose Tom as her friend. Na pewno nie pójdę na zakupy dziś rano. I definitely won't go shopping this morning. I'm definitely not going shopping this morning. Můžeš to u mě nechat jak dlouho potřebuješ. You can leave it with me as long as you need to. You can leave it with me for as long as you need. Nie kłóćmy się o to. Don't fight me on this. Let's not argue about this. Na zahradě je had. There's a snake in the garden. There's a snake in the garden. Tom nie mówił po francusku na tyle dobrze, aby zostać zrozumianym. Tom wasn't able to speak French well enough to be understood. Tom didn't speak French well enough to be understood. Uśmiech pojawił się na mojej twarzy. A smile crossed my face. A smile appeared on my face. Nuže, pojďme se naobědvat. Well, let's have lunch. Well, let's have lunch. Tom řekl, že Mary najde. Tom said that he'd find Mary. Tom said he'd find Mary. Ta książka jest moja. Gdzie jest twoja? This book is mine. Where is yours? This book is mine, where's yours? Ani se neznáme. We don't even know each other. We don't even know each other. Chci se dívat na tento film! I want to watch this film! I want to watch this movie! Czy ktoś ma pomysł? Does anyone have an idea? Does anyone have an idea? Gdzie jest najbliższa apteka? Where's the nearest drugstore? Where is the nearest pharmacy? Powróć natychmiast. Return immediately. Come back immediately. Lidé, přestaňte zabíjet zvířata. Stop killing animals, people. People, stop killing animals. Chcę wiedzieć, kto pomógł ci z zadaniem domowym. I want to know who helped you do your homework. I want to know who helped you with your homework. Tom nikdy svoji chybu neuzná. Tom will never admit his mistake. Tom will never admit his mistake. Proč se schovává? Why is she hiding? Why is he hiding? Co je pro tebe štěstí, Tome? What's happiness for you, Tom? What's lucky for you, Tom? Sejdu se s ní. I'm going to meet her. I'll meet her. Wszyscy krzyczeli. Everyone screamed. Everybody was screaming. Máme rádi rozmanitost, že? We like diversity, don't we? We like diversity, don't we? Ma niewiele pieniędzy. He has little money. He doesn't have much money. Tom nie jest już nastolatkiem. Tom isn't a teenager anymore. Tom is no longer a teenager. Szkoła zaczyna się o ósmej trzydzieści. School begins at 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8:30. Jsi laskavá osoba. You're a kind person. You're a kind person. Čekám na odpověď od Toma, ale ještě o sobě nedal vědět. I've been waiting for Tom's reply, but haven't heard from him yet. I'm waiting for an answer from Tom, but he hasn't made himself known yet. Myslíte si, že zítra bude pěkné počasí? Do you think tomorrow's weather will be good? Do you think the weather will be nice tomorrow? Udělala to podle sebe. She did it in her own way. She did it her way. Kolejna pielęgniarka weszła do pokoju. Another nurse came into the room. Another nurse came into the room. Tom se stal přes noc slavným. Tom became famous overnight. Tom became famous overnight. Před začátkem nákupu v tomto internetovém obchodě se prosím seznamte s těmito obchodními podmínkami. Before beginning to shop at this online store please familiarize yourself with these store policies. Please read these terms and conditions before making a purchase in this online store. Naprawdę chcesz, żebym zaczął? Do you really want me to start? You really want me to start? Nebudu tě nutit jít do školy. I won't make you go to school. I'm not gonna make you go to school. Byłem profesjonalnym muzykiem. I used to be a professional musician. I was a professional musician. Chci natřít své auto na modro. I want to paint my car blue. I want to paint my car blue. Mogłem jej pomóc. I was able to help her. I could have helped her. Usiadł obok niej. He sat next to her. He sat next to her. Upír může paralizovat lidi jen pohledem na ně. A vampire can paralyze people just by looking at them. A vampire can paralyze people just by looking at them. To jest moje, a to jest twoje. This is mine, and that's yours. This is mine, and this is yours. Chci, abyste chvilku počkali. I want you to wait for a while. I want you to wait a minute. Byla docela tma, když jsem dorazil domů. It was quite dark when I got home. It was quite dark when I got home. Tom vás nejspíš na pokoji nenechá. Tom probably won't leave you alone. Tom probably won't leave you alone. Wón jo mój nan. He is my father. It's my nan. Rád bych tam někdy jel. I'd love to go there one day. I'd like to go there sometime. Po prostu nie mam nic do powiedzenia na ten temat. I have simply nothing to say about it. I just don't have anything to say about it. Bolí mě noha. My leg hurts. My leg hurts. Chci abys opustila můj dům. I just want you out of my house. I want you to leave my house. Aspoň mám kde přespat. At least I have somewhere to sleep. At least I have a place to stay. Co udělají pro záchranu Toma? What will they do to save Tom? What are they going to do to save Tom? Mary to nebude chtít udělat. Mary won't want to do it. Mary won't want to do it. Doufám, že se ti to bude líbit. I hope you'll like it. I hope you like it. Máme přestávku. We got a break. We're on a break. To tylko kot. It's just a cat. It's just a cat. Czas zacząć. It's time to get started. Time to start. Náš let byl zrušen kvůli nepříznivému počasí. Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. Our flight was cancelled due to bad weather. Mýlíš se, jestli si myslíš, že by Tom pro tebe udělal všechno. You are wrong if you think that Tom would do everything for you. You're wrong if you think Tom would do anything for you. Tom vydělal balík peněz tím, že prodal věci, které ukradl. Tom made a great deal of money selling things that he'd stolen. Tom made a lot of money by selling the stuff he stole. Nesnáším hlasitou hudbu ve filmech. I hate loud music in movies. I hate loud music in movies. Na dziś już kończymy. Let's call it a day. We're done for today. Pojďme tam spolu. Let's walk there together. Let's go together. Moja najlepsza przyjaciółka pochodzi z Kanady. My best friend comes from Canada. My best friend is from Canada. Hledal jsem Toma s nimi. I was looking for Tom with them. I was looking for Tom with them. Netuším. I have no idea. I don't know. Czy Tom się bardzo zmienił? Has Tom changed much? Has Tom changed much? Gdzie jest dział dziecięcy? Where's the children's section? Where's the children's section? Jistě si myslíš, že jsem bohatý. I suppose you think I'm rich. I'm sure you think I'm rich. Tom požádal Marii, aby mu pohlídala děti. Tom asked Mary to babysit his children. Tom asked Maria to look after his children. Je to velmi pohodové místo. It's a very relaxing place. It's a very cool place. Možná se to stane brzy. It's possible that that'll happen soon. Maybe it'll happen soon. Nancy pochodzi z Londynu. Nancy is from London. Nancy is from London. Čti tuhle knihu! Read this book! Read this book! Kopejte trochu rychleji. Dig a little faster. Dig a little faster. Co se to tam dělo? What was going on there? What was going on in there? Dokąd idziemy? Where are we going? Where are we going? Minulý týden jsme nedělali nic. We didn't do anything last week. We did nothing last week. Čisté svědomí je neobyčejně měkký polštář. A clear conscience is an extraordinarily soft pillow. A clear conscience is an extremely soft pillow. Dostat se na Severní pól není snadné. It's not easy to get to the North Pole. Getting to the North Pole is not easy. Ještě není nic rozhodnuto. Nothing has been decided yet. Nothing's been decided yet. Czemu zmieniłeś zdanie? Why did you change your mind? Why did you change your mind? Nevím jak je Tom starý. I don't know how old Tom is. I don't know how old Tom is. Maria mě učí Norsky. Maria is teaching me Norwegian. Maria teaches me Norwegian. Czy Dan jest świadomy tego, co zrobił? Is Dan aware of what he did? Is Dan aware of what he's done? Jsem skoro dvakrát tak starý, jako ty. I'm almost twice your age. I'm almost twice your age. Czy jest życie przed śmiercią? Is there life before death? Is there life before death? Tom se snaží dostat z dluhů. Tom is trying to get out of debt. Tom tries to get out of debt. Mám rád zahradničení. I love gardening. I like gardening. Chci vědět, proč to děláš. I want to know why you're doing this. I want to know why you're doing this. Všichni unikli. Everyone escaped. They all escaped. Čteš mi myšlenky You are reading my thoughts. You read my mind Żona urodziła mu dwie córki i syna. His wife bore him two daughters and a son. His wife gave him two daughters and a son. Dokonce ani po konzultaci s rodilými mluvčími téhle větě pořádně nerozumím. Even after consulting with natives, I don't really understand this sentence. Even after consulting with native speakers, I do not understand this sentence properly. Wietrzny dzień, czyż nie? It is windy today, isn't it? It's a windy day, isn't it? Uważamy jego zachowanie za dziecinne. We consider his behavior childish. We find his behavior childish. Kde jste nechali Toma? Where did you leave Tom? Where did you leave Tom? Kůň uvízl v hlubokém sněhu. The horse got stuck in deep snow. The horse is stuck in the deep snow. Luty to drugi miesiąc roku. February is the second month of the year. February is the second month of the year. Tom powiedział mi, że nie lubi Mary. Tom told me that he doesn't like Mary. Tom told me he didn't like Mary. Je to utajené. It's hidden. It's classified. Které tlačítko jsi stiskl? Which button did you push? Which button did you press? Byl to skvělý generál a státník. He was a great general and statesman. He was a great general and statesman. Tom nebyl nikdy pánem situace. Tom was master of the situation in no time. Tom was never the master of the situation. Zatrzymaj tutaj samochód. Stop the car here. Stop the car here. Pro tebe netančím. I'm not dancing for you. I don't dance for you. Teraz pada śnieg. It's snowing now. Now it's snowing. Řekli mi, abych tam ještě nechodil. They told me not to go there yet. They told me not to go there yet. Proszę, posprzątaj swój pokój. Clean your room, please. Please, clean your room. Tom ma łódź. Tom has a boat. Tom's got a boat. Tom dal Mary nějaké instrukce na poslední chvíli. Tom gave Mary some last minute instructions. Tom gave Mary some last-minute instructions. Kolik hodin by to trvalo? How many hours would it take to do that? How many hours would it take? Tom poinformował Mary o swojej decyzji sprzedaży domu. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Jsem prostě normální člověk. I'm just a normal person. I'm just a normal person. Muszę teraz znaleźć Toma. I have to find Tom now. I have to find Tom now. Čekal jsem, že řeknou pravdu. I expected them to tell the truth. I expected them to tell the truth. Przepraszamy, ten numer jest zajęty. The number is unfortunately busy. Sorry, this number is busy. Kogo jeszcze znasz w Bostonie? Who else do you know in Boston? Who else do you know in Boston? Leden je obvykle nejchladnější měsíc. January is usually the coldest month. January is usually the coldest month. Zapoměl jsem ti o Tomovi říct. I forgot to tell you about Tom. I forgot to tell you about Tom. Jseš šprt. You are a nerd. You're a nerd. Oboje są w pokoju. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Myslím, že tvá sukně je moc krátká. I think your skirt is too short. I think your skirt is too short. Opravdu tě zajímá můj upřímný názor? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Výsledky ještě nejsou známy. The results still aren't known. The results are not yet known. Tom uważa, że to trudne być dla niego miłym. Tom found it difficult to please him. Tom thinks it's hard to be nice to him. Večer chodívám venčit svého psa. I walk my dog in the evenings. I walk my dog in the evening. Nevyhazujte nic z okna. Do not throw anything out of the window. Do not throw anything out the window. Tom się na mnie pogniewał. Tom got angry with me. Tom was angry with me. Tom nie mógł odpowiedzieć na pytanie Mary. Tom wasn't able to answer Mary's question. Tom couldn't answer Mary's question. Będę widział, gdy Tom zgłodnieje. I'll see if Tom's hungry. I'll see when Tom's hungry. Nech mě nakrmit ty psy. Let me feed the dogs. Let me feed the dogs. Všichni jsou na tebe velmi pyšní. Everyone is very proud of you. Everyone's very proud of you. Dívky, se kterými jsi mluvil, jsou mé bývalé studenky. The girls you were talking to used to be my students. The girls you've been talking to are my former studs. Noviny se prodávájí v trafice. You can buy newspapers at the newsagent's. Newspapers are sold in traffic. Měl by ses omluvit. You should apologize. You should apologize. Umarł w wieku 54 lat. He died when he was 54 years old. He died at the age of 54. Tom většinou jezdí do školy na kole. Tom usually rides his bicycle to school. Tom usually rides his bike to school. Miło Cię znowu zobaczyć. It is nice to see you again. Nice to see you again. Jestem bardzo uczciwy, zawsze mówię prawdę. I'm very honest, I always tell the truth. I'm very honest, I always tell the truth. Co mají Tom s Mary za problém? What kind of trouble are Tom and Mary in? What's the problem with Tom and Mary? Powinnaś odrzucić tak niesprawiedliwą propozycję. You should've rejected such an unfair proposal. You should turn down such an unfair offer. Tom mě požádal, abych ho vyfotil. Tom asked me to take a picture of him. Tom asked me to take a picture of him. Jeśli on zadzwoni, powiedz mu, że jestem zajęty. If he should call, tell him I am busy. If he calls, tell him I'm busy. Sami by měl zhebnout ve vězení. Sami should die in jail. He should die in prison himself. Mój chłopak się mną nie interesuje. My boyfriend doesn't care about me. My boyfriend doesn't care about me. Pokud snížíš cenu, tak to možná koupím. If you lower the price, I might buy it. If you cut the price, maybe I'll buy it. V mém domě není příliš mnoho nábytku. There isn't much furniture in my house. There is not much furniture in my house. Vždycky mě zajímalo, co by se stalo, kdybych to udělal. I always wanted to know what would happen if I did that. I always wondered what would happen if I did. Dnes zavíráme brzo. We'll be closing early today. We close early today. Co jedliście rano? What did you eat in the morning? What did you eat this morning? Nafukovací matrace možná není zrovna pohodlná na spaní, ale je to o moc lepší, než spát na podlaze. An air mattress may not be the most comfortable thing to sleep on, but it's much better than the floor. An inflatable mattress may not be comfortable for sleeping, but it’s much better than sleeping on the floor. Nie jest pan lekarzem. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Jsem na Toma hrdý. I am proud of Tom. I'm proud of Tom. Tom nedostal za svoji práci zaplaceno. Tom wasn't paid for his work. Tom didn't get paid for his work. Tom tam se mnou nechce jít. Tom doesn't want to go there with me. Tom doesn't want to go with me. Tom si myslel, že nepřežije. Tom didn't think he'd survive. Tom thought he wouldn't survive. Oni są zmęczeni bezczynnością. They're tired of not doing anything. They are tired of inaction. Skaleczyłam się. I've injured myself. I cut myself. Doufám, že Tom neonemocní. I hope Tom doesn't get ill. I hope Tom doesn't get sick. Miejmy nadzieję, że dotrzemy tam na czas. Let's hope that we get there on time. Let's hope we get there in time. Mám už Toma plné zuby. I am fed up with Tom. I'm sick of Tom. Žiji ve městě. I'm living in the town. I live in the city. Tomovo dětství mohlo být šťastnější, kdyby se jeho rodiče nerozvedli. Tom's childhood could have been happier if his parents hadn't got divorced. Tom's childhood could have been happier if his parents hadn't divorced. Sami popadl Laylu za zadek. Sami grabbed Layla's ass. Sami grabbed Layla's ass. Zlato je drahý kov. Gold is a precious metal. Gold is precious metal. Miał brązowe włosy. His hair was brown. He had brown hair. Człowiek, którego wczoraj widziałeś to pan Brown. The man you met yesterday was Mr Brown. The man you saw yesterday was Mr. Brown. Elżbieta, królowa Anglii. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Od té doby Toma nikdo neviděl. No one has seen Tom since then. No one has seen Tom since. Má ho ráda. She likes him. She likes him. Kto cię tu zaprosił? Who invited you here? Who invited you here? Ten słownik jest mojej siostry. This dictionary is my sister's. This dictionary is my sister's. Nie mamy czasu na przetworzenie wszystkich tych danych. We don't have time to process all this data. We do not have time to process all this data. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že do mého vztahu s Mary mu nic není. I told Tom that my relationship with Mary was none of his business. I told Tom he had nothing to do with my relationship with Mary. Někdo zaútočil na Toma. Someone attacked Tom. Someone attacked Tom. Koupila mu auto. She bought him a car. She bought him a car. Załatwione? Sorted? Deal? Tohle bych neudělal. That isn't something I'd do. I wouldn't do that. Wystarczyło tylko poprosić i bym ci pomógł. All you had to do was ask and I would have helped you. All I had to do was ask and I'd help you. Připojím se k vám později. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. Jestem ci winien lunch. I owe you a lunch. I owe you lunch. Grecja jest starym krajem. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Jsem kluk z vesnice. I'm a country boy. I'm a village boy. Dobře vyschlé dřevo je na stavění a truhlařinu lepší. Seasoned timber is better for construction and joinery. Well-dried wood is better for building and carpentry. Zapsal jsem si všechno správně? Did I write everything down correctly? Did I write everything down correctly? Mary nemůže rozmotat sluchátka. Mary can't get her headphones untangled. Mary can't untangle the headphones. Přemýšlím o tom, že si vezmu pár dní volna. I'm thinking I'll take a few days off. I'm thinking about taking a few days off. Oddał krew, aby ocalić swojego brata. He gave blood in order to save his brother. He gave blood to save his brother. Musíte si Toma udobřit. You need to placate Tom. You've got to make up with Tom. Nie mam żadnych fajnych ubrań. I don't have any nice clothes. I don't have any cool clothes. Damy radę. We can do it. We can do this. Tom se nemůže rozhodnout, jakou košili si má obléci. Tom is unable to decide which shirt he should wear. Tom can't decide what shirt to wear. Lidé se probouzí. People are waking up. People are waking up. Měli odejít už dávno. They should have left a long time ago. They should have left a long time ago. Poslední dobou je tady v okolí hodně hluku. There's been a lot noise around here lately. There's been a lot of noise around here lately. Mój brat gra na gitarze. My brother plays guitar. My brother plays guitar. Jestem tu, żeby się upewnić, czy robisz to co masz robić. I'm here to make sure you do what you said you'd do. I'm here to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing. Bude žárlit. She will be jealous. He'll be jealous. Tom myśli, że Mary wciąż żyje. Tom thinks Mary is still alive. Tom thinks Mary's still alive. Šel jsi k doktorovi? Have you gone to see a doctor? Did you go to the doctor? Podkova a čtyřlístek přinášejí štěstí. A horseshoe and a four-leaf clover bring good luck. Horseshoe and four-leaf clover bring good luck. Obětovali se pro Toma. They sacrificed themselves for Tom. They sacrificed for Tom. Poproszono ją, by dała mu pieniądze. She was asked to give him some money. She was asked to give him money. Obě Tomovy nohy musely být amputovány. Both of Tom's legs had to be amputated. Both of Tom’s legs were amputated. Tom przyjechał do Bostonu trzy lata temu. Tom came to Boston three years ago. Tom came to Boston three years ago. Promluv si se svojí matkou. Talk to your mother. Talk to your mother. Toto je velmi starý obrázek. That's a very old picture. This is a very old picture. Aby se na Zemi brzy manifestoval Zlatý věk, měli bychom si ho představovat jako realitu. For the Gold Age to manifest on Earth soon, we should imagine it as a reality. In order for the Golden Age to manifest on Earth soon, we should imagine it as a reality. Cožpak si na mě nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember me? Don't you remember me? Ja chcę do mamy! I want my mom. I want my mom! Moja siostra płacze jak dziecko. My little sister is crying like a child. My sister cries like a baby. Začínám s tebou ztrácet trpělivost. I'm starting to lose my patience with you. I'm starting to lose patience with you. Mam prašenje. I've got a question. I've got a duster. Nie zabijaj. Thou shalt not kill. Don't kill. Dveře vlaku byly otevřeny. The train doors were open. The train door was open. Junko jest ładną dziewczyną. Junko is a pretty girl. Junko is a pretty girl. Nie mogę uwierzyć w nasze szczęście. I can't believe our luck. I can't believe our luck. Z gniazdka wylatywały iskry. There are sparks flying out of the electric socket. There were sparks coming out of the socket. Kdes celou tu dobu byl? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? Tom neměl nic, čím by svůj argument podpořil. Tom had nothing to back up his argument. Tom had nothing to support his argument. Czemu nie dałeś mi znać? Why didn't you let me know? Why didn't you let me know? Rád mluví o lásce. He likes to talk of love. He likes to talk about love. Skąd znasz tą osobę? How did you get to know that person? How do you know this person? Na kolana! Kneel! On your knees! Sníh začal tát. The snow started to melt. The snow began to melt. Omlouvám se, že jsem přijela pozdě. I apologise for arriving late. I'm sorry I was late. Slíbil jsi, že to pro mě uděláš. You promised you'd do that for me. You promised you'd do it for me. Hele, to je vážně prima. Hey, that's really neat. Hey, that's really cool. Chci ti pomoci. I want to help you. I want to help you. Ona jest fanatyczką. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Jak vypadám? How do I look? How do I look? Tom został pchnięty nożem kuchennym ale wyjdzie z tego. Tom was stabbed with a kitchen knife, but he's going to be OK. Tom's been stabbed with a kitchen knife, but he's gonna be fine. Co nowego? Is there anything new? What's new? Jestem obywatelem Ameryki. I am an American citizen. I'm an American citizen. Chcę widzieć pana w moim biurze za godzinę. I want you in my office in one hour. I want to see you in my office in an hour. Chcę rozmawiać z moim adwokatem. I want to speak to my lawyer. I want to talk to my lawyer. Políbil jí hřbet ruky. He kissed the back of her hand. He kissed the back of her hand. Tom a Mary si spolu hodně hráli, když byli dětmi. Tom and Mary played together a lot when they were children. Tom and Mary used to play together a lot when they were kids. Również Felicja ma proste blond włosy. Also Felicja has blonde straight hair. Felicia also has straight blonde hair. Tom je profesionál. Tom is a professional. Tom's a professional. Tom odmítá platit výživné. Tom refuses to pay alimony. Tom refuses to pay alimony. Może powinniśmy porozmawiać z Tomem. Maybe we should talk to Tom. Maybe we should talk to Tom. Nechci, abys přestala kouřit kvůli mně. Udělej to pro své zdraví. I don't want you to stop smoking for my sake. Do it for your health. I don't want you to quit smoking for me. Zruš tu schůzi. Cancel the meeting. Cancel the meeting. Popyt na importowane samochody wzrasta z powodu niższych cen. Demand for imported cars is increasing due to lower prices. Demand for imported cars is increasing due to lower prices. Nevěřím, že se člověk vyvinul z opice. I don't believe that man evolved from apes. I don't believe man evolved from a monkey. Požádal jsem o pomoc souseda. I asked the neighbour to help me. I asked for help from a neighbor. Tom už nemusí chodit do školy. Tom doesn't have to go to school anymore. Tom doesn't have to go to school anymore. Widzimy się rano. I'll see you in the morning. I'll see you in the morning. Dej auto do garáže. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Potrzebuję 9 godzin snu. I need nine hours of sleep. I need nine hours of sleep. Sen Mary jet do zahraničí se konečně uskutečnil. Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality. Mary's dream of going abroad finally came true. Chtěl vědět, kde je jeho žena. He wanted to know where his wife was. He wanted to know where his wife was. W morzu są algi. There are algae in the sea. There are algae in the sea. Tom tam zůstal sám. Tom stayed there alone. Tom was alone. Došli jsme až na vrchol toho kopce. We went all the way to the top of the hill. We reached the top of the hill. V této oblasti nejezdí žádné autobusy. There is no bus service in the area. There are no buses in this area. Nemůžu vám říct, kam Tom šel. I cannot tell you where Tom went. I can't tell you where Tom went. Tom si za svůj projev vysloužil kritiku. Tom has come in for criticism for his speech. Tom has been criticized for his speech. Czy umie pan sobie wyobrazić, jakie byłoby życie bez telewizji? Can you imagine what life would be like without television? Can you imagine what life would be like without television? Tom někdy nosí klobouk. Tom sometimes wears a hat. Tom sometimes wears a hat. Tom tu práci přijal. Tom accepted the job. Tom took the job. W ogóle nie uważam, że to jest śmieszne. I don't think it's funny at all. I don't think it's funny at all. Máte něco na rýmu? Do you have anything for a cold? Do you have a cold? Tom powiedział mi, żebym tego nie robił. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to. Nedomnívám se, že dnes odpoledne bude pršet. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's going to rain this afternoon. Máš rád kávu? Do you like coffee? Do you like coffee? Můj táta je vlivnější, než tvůj. My dad is more powerful than yours. My dad's more influential than yours. Zkusila to sama. She tried it herself. She tried it herself. To je wulki pos. It's a big dog. It's a pos volcano. Teď půjdeme. We'll go now. Now let's go. Vstal jsem v šest, posnídal a pak šel do školy. I got up at six, ate breakfast and then went to school. I got up at six, had breakfast, and then went to school. Umí tvůj pes plavat? Can your dog swim? Can your dog swim? Celý smysl nošení roušek spočívá v ochraně lidí kolem vás. The whole point of wearing a mask is to protect the people around you. The whole point of wearing masks is to protect the people around you. Vidíš, kdo k nám přichází? Can you see who's coming to our house? Do you see who's coming? Masz całkowitą rację. You're quite right. You're absolutely right. Patří mu. They belong to him. It belongs to him. Tom pije své třetí pivo. Tom is drinking his third beer. Tom is drinking his third beer. To miecz obosieczny. It's a double-edged sword. It's a double-edged sword. Tohle nedokáže ani Tom. Not even Tom can do that. Even Tom can't do that. Chceš dnes ráno ovesnou kaši? Do you feel like porridge this morning? You want oatmeal this morning? Mary, biedne dziecko, gdzie byłaś? Co się z tobą stało? Mary, you poor child, where have you been? What happened to you? Mary, poor child, where have you been? Kdybych byl věděl, že je gambler, ty peníze bych mu nepůjčil. If I had known that he was a gambler, I wouldn't have lent him the money. If I'd known he was a gambler, I wouldn't have loaned him the money. Tobě se líbí sloni. You like elephants. You like elephants. Tom je schopen se francouzsky domluvit. Tom speaks enough French to get by. Tom is able to speak French. Bill był zbyt młody aby objąć stanowisko. Bill was too young to take the post. Bill was too young to take the job. Powinnam była zadzwonić do Mary zanim poszłam się z nią zobaczyć. I should've phoned Mary before I went over to see her. I should have called Mary before I went to see her. Nechtěli jsme, aby se to stalo. We didn't want that to happen. We didn't want that to happen. Tom se chystá navštívit svého bratra ve vězení. Tom is going to visit his brother in prison. Tom is going to visit his brother in prison. Rozhlédli jsme se kolem sebe. We looked around us. We looked around. Zobaczę, czego jeszcze mogę dowiedzieć się na temat Toma. I'll see what else I can find out about Tom. I'll see what else I can find out about Tom. Nie wchodź do pokoju bez pozwolenia. Don't enter the room without leave. Do not enter the room without permission. Očekávám, že mi Tom vysvětlí svoje chování. I expect Tom to explain to me his behavior. I expect Tom to explain his behavior to me. Myślę, że to twoje. I think this is yours. I think it's yours. Sekunda je měrná jednotka času. The second is the unit of measure for time. A second is a unit of time. Nie spałem. I wasn't sleeping. I wasn't sleeping. Mary se často hádá se svým manželem. Mary often quarrels with her husband. Mary often quarrels with her husband. Ještě jsem nic nepřeložil. I haven't translated anything yet. I haven't translated anything yet. Může za to Tom, ne Mary. It's Tom's fault, not Mary's. It's Tom's fault, not Mary's. Mogłeś przynajmniej powiedzieć "Dziękuję" kiedy ktoś ci pomógł. You might at least have said, "Thank you", when someone helped you. You could have at least said "Thank you" when someone helped you. Żałuję, że uderzyłem Toma. I wish I hadn't hit Tom. I wish I hadn't punched Tom. Tom mi řekl, že to není pravda. Tom told me that wasn't true. Tom told me it wasn't true. Wiem jak to zrobić. I know how to do that. I know how to do it. Zabójstwo karane jest śmiercią. Homicide is punishable by death. Murder is punishable by death. Tom chce jedynie, żebyś zajął się jego psem. Tom just wants you to take care of his dog. Tom just wants you to take care of his dog. Na počátku stvořil Bůh nebe a zemi. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. V tom bytě nikdo nebydlí. Nobody's living in the flat. Nobody lives in that apartment. Jesteś jednym z nielicznych, którzy wiedzą, gdzie jest Tom. You're one of the only people who knows where Tom is. You're one of the few who knows where Tom is. Ještě jsem neudělal to, oč jsi mě žádal, protože jsem doteď neměl čas. I haven't done yet what you asked me to do since I haven't had time till now. I haven't done what you asked me to do because I haven't had time yet. Zwyciężył w licznych konkursach. He won many competitions. He has won numerous competitions. Začíná mi být zima. I'm starting to get cold. I'm getting cold. Tom se k lepšímu nezmění. Tom won't change himself for the better. Tom won't change for the better. Tom pravidelně pomáhá svým dětem s domácími úkoly. Tom regularly helps his children with their homework. Tom regularly helps his children with homework. Mám svoje vnoučata moc rád. I like my grandchildren very much. I love my grandchildren very much. Nevěděl jsem, kde se to vzalo. I didn't know where it came from. I didn't know where it came from. Dám se do formy. I'm going to get in shape. I'll get in shape. Kosztowało mnie to kupę kasy. It cost me a bundle. It cost me a lot of money. Jsou v televizi. They're on television. They're on TV. Kiedy będziemy jeść? When are we going to eat? When are we gonna eat? Po dvou minutách došel v našem autu benzín. Our car will run out of petrol in 2 minutes. Two minutes later, we ran out of gas in our car. Budeme doufat, že se k tomu dostaneme. Let's hope that we get to do that. We're hoping to get to that. Po prostu pomódlmy się żeby to się nigdy więcej nie wydarzyło. Let's just pray it never happens again. Let's just pray this never happens again. Tom je knihkupec. Tom is a bookseller. Tom's a bookseller. Tom cierpi na utratę pamięci. Tom is suffering from a loss of memory. Tom suffers from memory loss. Jsem zvyklý tvrdě pracovat. I am accustomed to working hard. I'm used to working hard. Wspiąłem się na górę Fuji. I have climbed Mt. Fuji. I climbed Mount Fuji. Myslím, že jen musíme být trpěliví. I think we just have to be patient. I think we just have to be patient. Poświęcił swoje życie nauce. He devoted his life to the study of science. He devoted his life to science. Tom to pizda. Tom is a twat. Tom's a cunt. Tom vám moc nepomohl, že? Tom didn't help you much, did he? Tom wasn't much help, was he? Myję ręce przed lunchem. I wash my hands before lunch. I wash my hands before lunch. Co jsem mohl udělat lépe? What could I have done better? What could I have done better? Moje dítě vůbec není jako vaše dítě. My kid is nothing like your kid. My baby's not like your baby at all. Zapytała się, jak przyrządzić rybę. She asked how to cook fish. She asked how to make the fish. Máme splnit úkol. We have a mission to accomplish. We're on a mission. Tom opustil svoji kancelář pozdě v noci. Zajímalo by mě, co tam dělal. Tom left his office late at night. I wonder what he was doing there. Tom left his office late at night, and I wonder what he was doing there. Tom je povrchní a materialistický. Tom is shallow and materialistic. Tom is superficial and materialistic. Tohle se tě netýká. This doesn't concern you. This has nothing to do with you. Byl jsem opravdu zvědavý. I was really curious. I was really curious. Kupuje knihy v knihkupectví. She is buying books in the bookstore. He buys books at the bookstore. Ona w ramach przekąsek je owoce i orzechy. For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts. She eats fruit and nuts as part of the snacks. Řekli nám, abychom Toma nerušili. They told us not to disturb Tom. They told us not to disturb Tom. O której wstajesz? What time do you wake up? What time do you get up? Tu noc bylo velmi dusno. It was very sultry that night. It was very stuffy that night. Tom wszedł do pokoju. Tom came into the room. Tom entered the room. Jim wrócił do Londynu, by zobaczyć się z nią. Jim went back to London for the purpose of seeing her. Jim went back to London to see her. Jěstej poliwku. Eat soup. Have some soup. Nie możemy ryzykować. We can't take a chance. We can't risk it. Mary se Toma zeptala, jestli v tom krytu zemřou. Mary asked Tom if they were going to die in the shelter. Mary asked Tom if they would die in that shelter. Kolik dětí už máte? How many children do you already have? How many children do you have? Přecenil svoje schopnosti. He overestimated his ability. He overestimated his abilities. Szukamy Toma. We're looking for Tom. We're looking for Tom. Bojím se řídit auto na jednosměrných silnicích. I am afraid to drive a car in one-direction streets. I'm afraid to drive a car on one-way roads. Potřebuji mluvit s Tomovým otcem. I needed to talk to Tom's father. I need to talk to Tom's father. Jaký je další postup? What's the plan now? What's the next step? Czekasz na coś? Are you waiting for something? Are you waiting for something? Jak se jmenuje ten člověk, co ti pomohl? What's the name of the person who helped you? What's the name of the person who helped you? Na to je Tom zvyklý. Tom is used to that. That's what Tom's used to. Tom zjadł kanapkę z kurczakiem. Tom ate a chicken sandwich. Tom ate a chicken sandwich. Tony rozmyślał o fabryce i sklepach. Tony thought about the factory and the shops. Tony was thinking about the factory and the stores. Szukam moich przyjaciół. I am looking for my friends. I'm looking for my friends. Měl bys o mně vědět, že ráno rád dlouho spím. Something you should know about me is that I sleep late in the morning. You should know that I like to sleep late in the morning. Oczywiście, że powinny być lokalne szpitale. Of course there should be local hospitals. There should be local hospitals. Je mi jedno, jestli ranní ptáče dál doskáče, já chci spát. I don't care if the early bird gets the worm, I want to sleep. I don't care if the early bird keeps jumping, I want to sleep. Vyšli z bunkru ven. They came out of the bunker. They came out of the bunker. On uprawia ryż. He grows rice. He's growing rice. Dívá se na tebe. She's looking at you. He's looking at you. Mów głośniej! Speak up! Speak up! Przyszedł mu do głowy dobry pomysł. A good idea crossed his mind. He had a good idea. Mniej gadaj, więcej rób. Talk less, do more. Less talk, more do. Tom zadał kilka pytań. Tom asked a few questions. Tom asked a few questions. Do teraz nie wiemy co się stało podczas ostatnich minut tego lotu. We still don't know what happened during the last minutes of the flight. We still don’t know what happened in the last few minutes of the flight. Raději bych se měl vrátit dovnitř. I'd better get back inside. I'd better get back inside. Byłam bardzo dumna z mojego syna. I was very proud of my son. I was very proud of my son. "Co děláš?" "Dívám se, jak mi rostou rostliny." "What are you doing?" "I'm watching my plants grow." "What are you doing?" "I'm watching my plants grow." To njejo slobro. That isn't silver. It's not slobro. Ona jest bardzo zajęta. She is very busy. She's very busy. Jesteś elokwentny. You're articulate. You're eloquent. Tom zrobił za mocną kawę. Tom made the coffee too strong. Tom made too much coffee. Zapomněl jsem, že Tom umí čít francouzsky. I forgot that Tom knows how to read French. I forgot Tom can read French. Přestrojil jsem se za ženu, aby mě Tom nepoznal. I disguised myself as a woman so that Tom wouldn't recognize me. I disguised myself as a woman so Tom wouldn't recognize me. Nalaď mi kytaru, prosím. Please tune my guitar for me. Tune my guitar, please. Nic nie mówiłeś. You didn't say anything. You didn't say anything. Tyhle knihy jsou nejlepší. These books are the best. These books are the best. Szkoda. It's a pity. Too bad. Miluji knihy. I love books. I love books. Tom to ještě neuskutečnil. Tom hasn't realized it yet. Tom hasn't done it yet. Smrdí ti ponožky. Your socks stink. Your socks stink. Sprawdzisz to? Will you take a check? Can you check it out? Tom mě nežádal, což jsem preferoval. Tom didn't ask me which I preferred. Tom didn't ask me, which I preferred. Tom má dnes odpoledne hodně práce, že? Tom is busy this afternoon, isn't he? Tom's busy this afternoon, isn't he? Tom mě připravil o zdraví. Tom deprived me of my health. Tom took my health. Krvácí z nosu. He has a nose bleed. He's bleeding from his nose. Tome, jsi totální debil. Tom, you're an utter twat. Tom, you're a total asshole. Slyším co říkáš, ale je mi to fuk. I can hear what you say but I don't care. I hear what you're saying, but I don't care. Máš horečku. You've got a fever. You have a fever. To wystarczy. That's enough. That's enough. Ona jest smutna. She's upset. She's sad. Twoim największym wrogiem jesteś ty sam. Your biggest enemy is yourself. Your biggest enemy is yourself. Byłem nieco zajęty. I've been a little busy. I've been a little busy. Byl to Tom, kdo způsobil Mary tohle trápení. It was Tom who put Mary through this misery. It was Tom who caused Mary this suffering. Jestem wdzięczny, że się zaofiarowałeś, aby mi pomóc. I'm grateful you volunteered to help. I'm grateful that you volunteered to help me. Nie mogę znaleźć Toma. Już poszedł? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Nie ufamy Tomowi. We don't trust Tom. We don't trust Tom. Proč mi můj muž nerozumí? Why doesn't my husband understand me? Why doesn't my husband understand me? Jessica má sklon se svíjet, když prožívá orgasmus. Jessica tends to writhe when she orgasms. Jessica tends to writhe when she experiences an orgasm. Tom lubi koty. Tom likes cats. Tom likes cats. Nešel jsem na tu schůzi, i když mě pozvali. I didn't go to the meeting even though I had been invited. I didn't go to the meeting, even though I was invited. Spotkałem ją przez przypadek w sklepie. I met her in the store by accident. I met her by accident at the store. Běž si líbat někoho jiného. Go kiss someone else. Go kiss someone else. Tom měl v levé ruce obálku. Tom had an envelope in his left hand. Tom had an envelope in his left hand. On jest samurajem. He's a samurai. He's a samurai. Wszyscy pozostali mają się dobrze. Everyone else is fine. Everyone else is fine. Mohl bych si dát ještě jedno pivo? Could I have another glass of beer? Can I have another beer? Jednoho dne ti lidé přijeli do jeho vesnice. One day those people arrived in his village. One day these people came to his village. Większość moich książek w miękkich okładkach jest w obwolutach, więc póki się każdej nie otworzy, nie będzie wiadomo, co to za książka. Most of my paperbacks are in covers so you don't know what they are until you open them. Most of my softcover books are in covers, so until you open them all, you won’t know what the book is. Czy dżdżownice mają łaskotki? Are earthworms ticklish? Do earthworms have tickles? Jesteś niesamowity. You're awesome. You're amazing. Z kim rozmawiam? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Mohu vidět svojí dceru? May I see my daughter? Can I see my daughter? On se často zamilovává. He often falls in love. He often falls in love. Dovol prosím, abych ti to vynahradil. Please let me make it up to you. Please let me make it up to you. Tom ma czkawkę. Tom has hiccups. Tom's got hiccups. Dříve jsem se Toma bál. I used to fear Tom. I used to be scared of Tom. Cóż, zdarzały się już dziwniejsze rzeczy. Well, stranger things have happened. Well, stranger things have happened. Mary chce podstoupit augmentaci. Mary wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Mary wants an augmentation. Niedługo wszystko wróci do poziomu sprzed kryzysu. It will not be long before business returns to normal. Soon everything will be back to pre-crisis levels. Dnes je Štědrý den. It is Christmas Eve today. It's Christmas Eve. Szanse zwycięstwa i porażki są równe. The chances of victory or defeat are even. The chances of winning and losing are equal. Policja już nas nie szuka. The police aren't chasing us anymore. The police aren't looking for us anymore. Neví někdo z vás, kam šel Tom? Does one of you know where Tom went? Do any of you know where Tom went? Jaká krásná myšlenka! What a nice thought! What a beautiful thought! Přiznávám, že je to pravda. I admit it to be true. I admit it's true. Bál jsem se, že bych to neuměl udělat správně. I was afraid I might not be able to do it correctly. I was afraid I couldn't do it right. Tisíce dětí zmizí a nikdy se nenajdou. Thousands of children go missing and are never found. Thousands of children will disappear and never be found. Założę się, że Tom nawet nigdy nie był w Bostonie. I bet Tom has never even been to Boston. I bet Tom's never even been to Boston. Tom jest trollem. Tom is a troll. Tom is a troll. Akorát jsem řekl, že potřebuji na vzduch. All I said was I needed to get some fresh air. I just said I needed some air. Prostě chci být perfektní. I just want to be perfect. I just want to be perfect. Tom powiedział mi, że musi sobie kupić nowy komputer. Tom told me he needed to buy a new computer. Tom told me he had to buy a new computer. Má sklon chodit za školu. He tends to skip school. He tends to drop out of school. Nebojím se Toma požádat. I'm not afraid to ask Tom. I'm not afraid to ask Tom. Bude velké odhalení. There will be a big disclosure. There will be a great revelation. Nie lubię rozmawiać o Tomie. I don't like to talk about Tom. I don't like talking about Tom. Veřejnost se zapojila. The public got involved. The public got involved. Oko za oko, ząb za ząb. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Myslím, že se nám Tomovo pomoc bude hodit. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think we could use Tom's help. Zrobił to, co musiał. He did what he needed to do. He did what he had to do. Każdy usłyszy. Everyone can hear it. Everyone will hear. Lidé se zamilovávají každý den. People fall in love every day. People fall in love every day. Kdysi jsem maso jedl. I used to eat meat. I used to eat meat. Usiądź Kate. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. Nienawiść wobec innych jest jej obca. Hating others is foreign to her. Hatred for others is foreign to her. Mój młodszy brat głośno krzyczy. My younger brother is yelling loudly. My younger brother screams loudly. Tom splnil svoji výhrůžku. Tom carried out his threat. Tom carried out his threat. Vy jste v mé cestě. You are in my way. You are in my way. Jest tam kto? Is there anybody here? Anybody there? Trzymaj kciuki. Cross your fingers. Fingers crossed. Tom je reakcionář. Tom is a reactionary. Tom's a reactionary. Já se tě nebojím. I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of you. Kdybychom byli Toma poslechli, byli bychom teď nejspíš po smrti. If we had obeyed Tom, we would probably be dead now. If we'd listened to Tom, we'd probably be dead by now. Czy trzeba kotom obcinać pazurki? Do cats' claws have to be trimmed? Do cats need to be cut off? Tom určitě nepřestal. I'm sure Tom didn't just stop. Tom certainly didn’t stop. Tydzień później Niemcy zaatakowały Polskę. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. A week later, the Germans invaded Poland. Ten vlak má zpoždění. The train is delayed. The train's late. Čaroděj se vrátil. The wizard has returned. The Wizard is back. Nie mogę go tak po prostu zostawić. I can't just leave him. I can't just leave him. Zostawiłem to na stole. I left it on the table. I left it on the table. Kroužil nad námi vrtulník. A helicopter circled over us. A helicopter hovered over us. V metru napadli dívku. A girl was assaulted on the metro. A girl was attacked on the subway. Kobieta, którą miałem nadzieję poślubić okazała się mężczyzną! The woman that I hope to marry turned out to be a man! The woman I was hoping to marry turned out to be a man! Powiedziałem ci, byś nie grał na wiolonczeli w nocy, ale ty nie posłuchałeś i teraz sąsiedzi się skarżą. I told you not to play your cello late at night, but you did and now the neighbors have complained. I told you not to play the cello at night, but you didn't listen, and now the neighbors are complaining. To twoja wina. This is your fault. It's your fault. Ona zachowuje sekrety. She keeps secrets. She keeps secrets. Zapomniałem, co miałem powiedzieć. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot what to say. Rád bych věděl, proč se Tomovi tak líbí tahle škola. I wonder why Tom likes this school so much. I'd like to know why Tom likes this school so much. Jenom žárlíš! You're just jealous! You're just jealous! Rozmawiał z jakąś dziewczyną. He was talking to a girl. He was talking to some girl. Tom tě jen využívá. Tom is only using you. Tom's just using you. Tom byl příliš unavený na to, aby pokračoval v práci. Tom was too tired to keep on working. Tom was too tired to keep working. Jeden plus dvě se rovná tři. One plus two equals three. One plus two is equal to three. Nienawidzę chemii. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. Byliśmy zaskoczeni wybuchem. We were startled by the explosion. We were surprised by the explosion. Samozřejmě, že můžeš odejít. Of course, you can leave. Of course you can leave. Jestli bude špatné počasí, nepůjdeme na procházku. If the weather is bad, we won't go out for a walk. If the weather's bad, we're not going for a walk. Nie miałem pojęcia, co powstrzymało mnie przed przeprowadzką. I could not understand what prevented me from moving. I had no idea what kept me from moving. Nechci slyšet výmluvy. I don't want to hear excuses. I don't want to hear excuses. Tom nas nie skrzywdzi. Tom won't hurt us. Tom's not gonna hurt us. Obcokrajowcom nie jest łatwo uczyć się japońskiego. It is difficult for a foreigner to study Japanese. It is not easy for foreigners to learn Japanese. Tom nám dovolí, abychom si dělali co chceme. Tom will let us do whatever we want. Tom will let us do what we want. Tom to pozoroval mnohokrát. Tom has observed it many times. Tom has seen it many times. Wybierz ulubioną rakietę. Choose your favorite racket. Choose your favorite rocket. Tom prý špatně zachází se svojí ženou. Tom is said to mistreat his wife. Tom says he treats his wife badly. Neměli byste čekat tady. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. Świętujemy urodziny Toma. We're celebrating Tom's birthday. We're celebrating Tom's birthday. Tom nie przyznał się nikomu, że zastanawiał się czy aby tego nie zrobić. Tom didn't tell anyone he had thought about doing that. Tom did not admit to anyone that he was thinking about not doing it. Uznałem twoją oferte za żart. I regarded your offer as a joke. I took your offer as a joke. Kde přesně by měl být? Where exactly is it supposed to be? Where exactly should he be? Nigdy już nie zobaczę Toma. I'm never going to see Tom again. I'll never see Tom again. Tom má ještě jednu dceru, která žije v Bostonu. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Nie zwracaj na niego uwagi. Do not take any notice of him. Don't pay any attention to him. Jakou funkci má klávesnice F5? What does the F5 key do? What is the function of the F5 keyboard? Tom na ulici potkal svého bývalého spolužáka a dělal, že ho nezná. Tom met his former schoolmate in the street and acted as if he hadn't known him. Tom met his former classmate on the street and pretended not to know him. Czy możesz mi powiedzieć jak korzystać z telefonu? Could you tell me how to use the telephone? Can you tell me how to use the phone? Líbí se mi, když mi odesilá pohlednice. I like when she sends me postcards. I like it when he sends me a postcard. Protože byl Tom nemocný, šel do nemocnice. Since Tom was sick, he went to the hospital. Because Tom was sick, he went to the hospital. Czy masz taki? Do you have one? Do you have one? Proszę, wypożycz mi swoją książkę. Lend me your book, please. Please lend me your book. Sdělte nám, co chcete, a my se vám to pokusíme obstarat. Tell us what you want and we'll try to get it for you. Tell us what you want and we will try to get it for you. Tom i Mary się nie znoszą. Tom and Mary detest each other. Tom and Mary hate each other. Nie wydaje mi się to sprawiedliwe. I don't think it's fair. I don't think that's fair. Kde je jeho kniha? Je na stole. Where is his book? It's on the table. Where's his book? Tom pracoval na zahradě, zatímco Mary vařila oběd. Tom was working in the garden while Mary was making lunch. Tom was working in the garden while Mary was cooking lunch. Droga do piekła wybrukowana jest dobrymi chęciami. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. To je ale krásný dárek! What a wonderful present. What a beautiful gift! Doufal jsem, že se spřátelíme. I'd hoped that we'd become friends. I was hoping we'd be friends. Czy umiesz mówić po francusku? Can you speak French? Can you speak French? Zdá se, že mne neberete vážně. It seems you are not taking me seriously. You don't seem to take me seriously. Tom mě mystifikoval. Tom has misled me. Tom has mystified me. Teraz znam odpowiedzi. I now know the answers. Now I know the answers. Dokonce i ty nejdůkladněji udělané plány často končí nezdarem. Even the most carefully made plans frequently result in failure. Even the most thoroughly executed plans often end in failure. Ve Francii lidé stávkují. People are on strike in France. In France, people are on strike. Nie wiedziałem, że czujesz się tak źle. I wasn't aware that you were feeling that bad. I didn't know you felt so bad. Pojechał do Londynu, aby uczyć się angielskiego. He went to London to study English. He went to London to study English. Je to nadaný adolescent. He's a talented adolescent. He's a gifted adolescent. Domácí násilí je vážný problém. Domestic violence is a serious problem. Domestic violence is a serious problem. Jěstaj. You eat. Oh, yeah. Musíme udělat to samé. We need to do the same. We have to do the same. Tento kus nepasuje. This piece doesn't fit. This piece doesn't fit. Ma zwyczaj czytania gazety w czasie posiłków. He has the habit of reading the newspaper during meals. He has a habit of reading the newspaper at mealtimes. Udělal jsem pro Toma dost. I did enough for Tom. I've done enough for Tom. Czy Tom jest na łodzi? Is Tom on the boat? Is Tom on the boat? Peru prádlo. I'm doing my laundry. She's doing laundry. Když se budeš dobře učit, můžeš v létě navštívit Toma. If you are doing well at school, you can visit Tom in the summer. If you study well, you can visit Tom in the summer. Budu se Tomovi vyhýbat. I am going to avoid Tom. I'll avoid Tom. Udělat to byla má povinnost. It was my duty to do that. It was my duty to do so. To moje majtki. These are my underpants. Those are my panties. Miłość nie wybacza. Love does not forgive. Love does not forgive. Nauczyciel ostrzegł nas, że test będzie trudny. The teacher warned us that the test would be hard. The teacher warned us that the test would be difficult. Ograniczyliśmy produkcję o 20%. We have cut back production by 20%. We cut production by 20%. Nemohu žít sama. I can't live alone. I can't live alone. Jupiter je z většiny tvořen plyny. Jupiter is made mostly of gases. Jupiter is mostly made up of gases. Bilet może pan kupić u konduktora. You can purchase a ticket from the conductor. You can buy your ticket from the conductor. Vždyť ani nevíš, kdo je tvůj otec. You don't even know who your father is. You don't even know who your father is. Tom je dobrý vypravěč. Tom is a good storyteller. Tom is a good storyteller. Gdy jest mi gorąco, szklanka chłodnej wody bardzo mnie orzeźwia. When I'm hot, a glass of cool water really refreshes me. When I’m hot, a glass of cold water refreshes me. Každopádně to, že tě chce policie, neznamená, že jsi zločinec. In any case, just being wanted by the police isn't enough to make you "a criminal." Anyway, just because the police want you doesn't mean you're a criminal. Tom neumí pomoct sám sobě, natož druhým. Tom cannot help himself, let alone others. Tom can't help himself, let alone others. Měl by sis uklidit v kufru. You should clean out your trunk. You should clean up in the trunk. Posyłam Toma do szkoły w Bostonie. I'm sending Tom to school in Boston. I'm sending Tom to school in Boston. Jednu věc máme společnou: Oba jsme praváci. We've one thing in common: We both are right handed. We have one thing in common: we are both right-handed. Měl jsi mi to říct dřív. You should have told me sooner. You should have told me sooner. Skończ to i wyślij cały ten kram na mój telefon. Finish that, and then send the whole caboodle to my cellphone. Finish it and send the whole thing to my phone. Nikdo mě neoklame. Nobody can deceive me. No one's fooling me. Mieliśmy nadzieję, że natychmiast przyjdzie i nam pomoże. We hoped he would come and help us at once. We were hoping that he would come and help us immediately. Tom příští týden dělá zkoušku CAE. Tom is taking the CAE exam next week. Tom's doing a CAE exam next week. Můj strýc provozuje hotel. My uncle runs a hotel. My uncle runs a hotel. Rád hraju na svojí kytaru. I love to play my guitar. I like to play my guitar. Myslím, že Toma dokážu najít. I think I can find Tom. I think I can find Tom. Jutro rano opuszczamy Japonię. We are leaving Japan tomorrow morning. We leave Japan tomorrow morning. Zatrudnił kilku nowych pracowników. He hired some new workers. He hired some new employees. Prosím odpusť mi. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Szpital, do którego zwykle chodzę, jest zamknięty z powodu remontu. The hospital I usually go to is closed for renovations. The hospital I usually go to is closed for renovations. Nechoď ke psům blízko. Don't go near the dogs. Don't get too close to the dogs. Mówienie po angielsku nie jest łatwe. It's not easy to speak English. Speaking English is not easy. Věděl jsem, že se Tom bude smát. I knew that Tom would laugh. I knew Tom would laugh. Je středa, ne? Today's Wednesday, innit? It's Wednesday, right? Chcesz iść? Do you want to go? You want to go? Nevěřte Tomovi ani slovo. Don't believe a single word Tom says. Don't believe a word Tom says. Hluboká noc a úplněk nám nabídly jako dar pouze atmosféru. The deep night and the full moon offered us only the atmosphere as a gift. A deep night and a full moon offered us only the atmosphere as a gift. Vše patří všem. Everything belongs to everyone. Everything belongs to everyone. Chceš-li, můžeš přijít. You may come if you like. You can come if you want. Ona se jenom trochu stydí. She's just a little shy. She's just a little shy. Nenašli ji. They didn't find her. They didn't find her. Tornado zniszczyło całą wioskę. The tornado destroyed the whole village. The tornado destroyed the entire village. Dovnitř vešli chlapec a dívka. Mluvil jsem s chlapcem, který se mi zdál starší než dívka. A boy and a girl came in. I spoke to the boy, who seemed to be older than the girl. A boy and a girl came in, and I was talking to a boy who seemed older than a girl. Ludzie używają komputera zarówno do grania, jak i do pracy. People use computers for both games and work. People use computers for both play and work. Wczoraj był czwartek. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. Czemu nigdy nie gotujesz? Why don't you ever cook? Why don't you ever cook? Moje sestra je podobná mé babičce. My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister is like my grandmother. Chystá se začít. He's about to start. He's about to start. Chci s ní mít sex. I want to have sex with her. I want to have sex with her. Jesteś pewien, że nie znasz Toma? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Tuto barabiznu nikdo nekoupí. Nobody will buy such a hovel. No one's gonna buy that crap. Můj vlak odjíždí za deset minut. My train departs in ten minutes. My train leaves in ten minutes. Měl jsem jít spát dříve. I should have gone to bed earlier. I should have gone to bed earlier. Učila hudbu třicet let. She taught music for thirty years. She taught music for 30 years. Vstávával jsem brzo. I used to get up early. I got up early. Ona czyta chiński. She reads Chinese. She reads Chinese. Nevím, jak se vyslovuje Tomovo příjmení. I don't know how to pronounce Tom's last name. I don't know how to pronounce Tom's last name. O co ci chodzi? What are you getting at? What's your problem? Możesz skontaktować się z Tomem? Can you contact Tom? Can you get in touch with Tom? Kabul jest stolicą Afganistanu. Kabul is Afghanistan's capital city. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. Nikdy nepláču. I never cry. I never cry. Tom se ukazuje v práci opilý. Tom has been showing up to work drunk. Tom shows up drunk at work. Zdálo se mi o cibuli. I had a dream about an onion. I dreamt about onions. Pro stromy nevidí les. He can't see the forest for the trees. They can't see the trees. Čas hraje pro Toma. Time is on Tom's side. Time plays for Tom. Tom řekl, že chce zůstat v posteli. Tom said he wants to stay in bed. Tom said he wanted to stay in bed. Ta cena jest rozsądna. This price is reasonable. This price is reasonable. Uwielbiam piesze wycieczki. I love hiking. I love hiking. Ładna pogoda dziś wieczór. The weather is nice tonight. Nice weather tonight. Tom měl být venku a hrát si s ostatními dětmi. Tom should have been outside playing with the other children. Tom was supposed to be out playing with the other kids. Tom powiedział że granie w gry komputerowe to tak nie prawde nie starta czasu. Tom said that playing video games isn't a waste of time. Tom said that playing computer games isn't really a waste of time. "Widzę", powiedział ślepy. "I see," said the blind man. "I see," said the blind man. Vzpomínáš si, že už jsi mě viděla? Do you remember seeing me before? Do you remember seeing me? Nebojím se žádné výhrůžky. I don't fear any threat. I'm not afraid of any threats. Czyj to ołówek? Whose pencil is this? Whose pencil is this? Nebyla bys o nic šťastnější, kdybych ti pověděl. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. Zejdź mi z drogi, chłopcze. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, boy. Občas napíše svému synovi. She writes to her son every now and then. Sometimes he writes to his son. Myslím, že Toma stále miluješ. I think you still love Tom. I think you still love Tom. Nikdo neuteče svému osudu. No one can escape their fate. No one escapes their fate. Je tvá matka doma? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Můžu vás tři svézt? Can I give you three a lift? Can I give you three a ride? Lhali. They lied. They lied. Tyhle perly vypadají, že jsou pravé. These pearls look real. These pearls look like they're real. Musíš je chránit. You have to protect them. You have to protect them. Rodzice Toma powiedzieli mi, że wybiera się na Harvard. Tom's parents told me that he would be going to Harvard. Tom's parents told me he was going to Harvard. Ukradli mi peněženku, takže zavolám policii. My wallet has been stolen, so I'm going to call the police. They stole my wallet, so I'm gonna call the police. Czy robisz coś specjalnego? Are you doing anything special? Are you doing anything special? Tom opatrně smazal otisky svých prstů z nože. Tom carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. Tom carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. Chodíš často plavat? Do you go swimming often? Do you go swimming often? Powědam dolnoserbski. I speak Lower Sorbian. I'll say low-serb. Zhebni už! Die already! Die already! Nepřijeli přesně na čas. They didn't arrive on time. They didn't arrive exactly on time. Mają cztery lekcje rano. They have four classes in the morning. They have four classes in the morning. Vypadáš jako policajt. You look like a cop. You look like a cop. Nechápu to. I don't understand it. I don't get it. Na tom rohu bývalo květinářství. There used to be a flower shop on that corner. There used to be a flower shop on that corner. Spędziłem trzy godziny, naprawiając samochód. I spent three hours repairing the car. I spent three hours fixing the car. Zamknij się, albo cię stąd wyrzucą. Shut up or you'll be thrown out. Shut up, or they'll kick you out. Musíš začít ihned. You must start at once. You have to start now. Myślałem, że będziesz sam. I thought you'd be alone. I thought you'd be alone. Tom šel do školy, i když mu máma řekla, že je na to příliš nemocný. Tom went to school even though his mother told him that he was too sick to go. Tom went to school, even though his mom told him he was too sick to do it. Prowadzenie pod wpływem alkoholu może być niebezpieczne. Drinking and driving can be dangerous. Driving under the influence of alcohol can be dangerous. Powiedziała, że w następnym miesiącu będzie miała 16 lat. She said he would be sixteen next month. She said she'd be 16 next month. Nikt tutaj nie pali. Nobody here smokes. Nobody smokes here. Lepiej niech pani idzie z nami. You'd better go with us. You'd better come with us. Někdy opravuji věty s drobnými chybami bez toho, aniž bych někoho informoval. Sometimes I correct sentences with small errors without notifying anybody. Sometimes I correct sentences with minor errors without informing anyone. Pije za dużo alkoholu. He drinks too much alcohol. He drinks too much alcohol. Proponuję przełożenie zebrania. I suggest that the meeting be postponed. I suggest we postpone the meeting. Poszła z nim do Zoo. She went with him to the zoo. She went to the zoo with him. Neměl jsem takový zájem to udělat jak si Tom myslel, že mám. I wasn't as interested in doing that as Tom thought I was. I wasn't as interested in doing it as Tom thought I was. Obudź mnie o ósmej. Get me up at eight. Wake me up at eight. Obloha je zamračená. The sky is cloudy. The sky is cloudy. Jesteś przyjacielem Tomasza. You're a friend of Thomas. You're a friend of Thomas. Rozdělili jsme si tu kořist mezi nás tři. We split up the loot among the three of us. We split the loot between the three of us. Nechci být pro vás přítěž I don't want to be a burden to you. I don’t want to be a burden to you Tom říká, že se cítí lépe. Tom says that he's feeling better. Tom says he's feeling better. Potrafisz to zrobić! You can do it. You can do it! Rozzuřil mě. He made me angry. He enraged me. To nie jest mój samochód. This isn't my car. It's not my car. Była dla nas wspaniałym wzorem do naśladowania. She has been a wonderful role model for us. She was a wonderful role model for us. Dobře. Vezmu si to. All right. I'll take it. All right, I'll take it. Všichni se zmýlili. Everyone was wrong. They were all wrong. Je mi líto, nemám drobné. I'm sorry, I don't have change. I'm sorry, I don't have any change. Tom nechce od té myšlenky ustoupit. Tom won't abandon the idea. Tom doesn’t want to give up on the idea. W końcu wpadł na to, jak to się robi. He finally found out how to make it. He finally figured out how to do it. Wiem, że muszę się wiele nauczyć. I know I have a lot to learn. I know I have a lot to learn. Potřebuješ něco? Do you need anything? You need anything? Mají rádi angličtinu. They like English. They like English. Co za wspaniała impreza! What a gorgeous bash! What a great party! Rád bych si tu dohodu prohlédl. I'd like to see the agreement. I'd like to take a look at the deal. Zatrzymuję się w Hiltonie. I'm staying at the Hilton. I'm staying at the Hilton. Tom neměl nárok na odstupné. Tom wasn't eligible for redundancy payment. Tom wasn't entitled to severance pay. Tom tu myšlenku rychle opustil. Tom quickly abandoned the idea. Tom quickly gave up on the idea. Bojím se výsledků. I am scared of the results. I'm afraid of the results. Właśnie dlatego kazałem ci nie iść samej. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Zejdźmy tą ścieżką. Let's take this path down. Let's go down that path. V pondělí jsem ve škole nebyl. I wasn't at school on Monday. I wasn't at school on Monday. Měli Tomovi pomoct. They were supposed to help Tom. They were supposed to help Tom. Jest tylko jedno wyjście. There's only one way out. There's only one way out. Stále ještě si na to zvykám. I'm still getting used to it. I'm still getting used to it. Hulákali. They yelled. They roared. Už to nemůžu přehlížet. I can't ignore it anymore. I can't ignore it anymore. Myliłem się co do siebie. I was wrong about myself. I was wrong about myself. Takhle to funguje, a pouze takto to může fungovat. That's the way it works, and the only way it can work. That's how it works, and that's the only way it can work. Apetyt przychodzi w miarę jedzenia. Appetite comes with eating. Appetite comes with food. Dlaczego jesteś zmęczony? Why are you tired? Why are you tired? Pogratulowali nam zwycięstwa. They congratulated us on our victory. They congratulated us on our victories. Kdo je majitel toho auta? Who is the owner of the car? Who's the owner of the car? Chtěl bych být teď v Paříži. I wish I were in Paris now. I want to be in Paris now. Já jen doufám, že tentokrát se nic zlého nepřihodí. I just hope nothing goes wrong this time. I just hope nothing bad happens this time. Zastřelím ho. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. Czy pogoda utrzyma się do jutra? Will the fine weather keep up till tomorrow? Will the weather continue until tomorrow? Pojechaliśmy z bratem odprowadzić Johna na lotnisko. My brother and I went to see John off at the airport. My brother and I went to take John to the airport. Pojďme tady bydlet. Let's live here. Let's live here. Tom na nás neměl čas. Tom didn't have any time for us. Tom didn't have time for us. Neuspěli jsme. We have failed. We failed. Nienawidzę walki. I hate fighting. I hate fighting. Tom přišel pozdě a odešel brzy. Tom came late and left early. Tom arrived late and left early. Muszę z tobą teraz porozmawiać. I need to talk to you right now. I need to talk to you now. Tomáš žije blízko u jezera. Tom lives near a lake. Thomas lives near the lake. Díval se, jak děti plavou. He was watching how the children were swimming. He watched the children swim. "Díky." "Ne, to já děkuji tobě!" "Thanks." "No, thank YOU!" "Thank you." "No, thank you!" Bardzo zmęczony! So tired! Very tired! Zabiju ho. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. Tom je náš ochránce. Tom is our protector. Tom is our protector. Snaź wón znajo toś te tšojenje. Perhaps he knows this story. Get to know these guys. Porażka jest możliwa. Failure is possible. Failure is possible. Zdał egzamin. He passed the exam. He passed his test. Byl jsem to ale idiot. What a fool I was. I was such an idiot. Tom podniósł pudełko z biżuterią Mary i je otworzył. Tom picked up Mary's jewelry box and opened it. Tom picked up Mary's jewelry box and opened it. Až vyrosteš, Tom už možná nebude naživu. When you grow up, maybe Tom will no longer be alive. When you grow up, Tom may not be alive. Nechtěl ti ublížit. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't mean to hurt you. Tom odmítl ten nepořádek uklidit. Tom refused to clean the mess. Tom refused to clean up the mess. Powinieneś wydostać się z miasta. You should get out of town. You should get out of town. Neprodal ten dům. He hasn't sold the house. He didn't sell the house. Nepamatuji si, co se stalo. I don't remember what happened. I don't remember what happened. Marcus se stal uchvatitel. Marcus became a usurper. Marcus became the usurper. Tomovi to jídlo nechutnalo. Tom didn't enjoy the meal. Tom didn't like the food. Nikoho jsi nezranil, že ne? You didn't hurt anyone, did you? You didn't hurt anyone, did you? Obezwładnił go nagły atak mdłości. A sudden wave of sickness overpowered him. He was overwhelmed by a sudden attack of nausea. Jak jste Toma přesvědčili, aby vám pomohl? How did you persuade Tom to help you? How did you convince Tom to help you? Jsem rád, že vás opět vidím. I'm glad to see you again. It's good to see you again. Děti se snaží poučovat své rodiče, jak nejlépe umí. Children try to educate their parents as best they can. Children try to teach their parents as best they can. Tom je jediný, kdo nemusel jít. Tom is the only one who didn't need to go. Tom's the only one who didn't have to go. Czemu jesteś tak złośliwy w stosunku do mnie? Why are you mean to me? Why are you being so mean to me? Tom Jackson nie został ponownie wybrany gubernatorem. Tom Jackson wasn't reelected governor. Tom Jackson was not re-elected as governor. Czytam ekscytującą powieść. I read an exciting story. I'm reading an exciting novel. Jsem vážně rád, že Tom to neudělal. I'm really glad that Tom didn't do that. I'm really glad Tom didn't do it. Zlobila ho. She teased him. She made him angry. Včera v noci se mi vloupali do domu. My house was broken into last night. They broke into my house last night. Jsou skoro tři. It's almost three. It's almost three. Oprócz sportu, lubię słuchać jazzu. Apart from sports, I like listening to jazz music. Besides sports, I like to listen to jazz. Tomův život visí na vlásku. Tom's life trembles in the balance. Tom's life hangs in the balance. Jaki jest Twój ulubiony film? What is your favorite movie? What's your favorite movie? Grupa ludzi czekała na zewnątrz. A bunch of people were standing outside waiting. A group of people were waiting outside. Gdzie nauczyłeś się tak dobrze czeskiego? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn Czech so well? Kůň umí běhat velmi rychle. A horse can run very fast. The horse can run very fast. Oba jeho prarodiče jsou po smrti. Both his grandparents are dead. Both of his grandparents are dead. Tom je vyděsil. Tom scared them. Tom scared them. To nie jest kwestia tylko ceny. It isn't just a question of price. It is not just a question of price. Potřebuješ něco? Is there anything you need? You need anything? Szukaliśmy tego wszędzie. We looked for it here and there. We've been looking everywhere. Ksiądz jest ateistą. The priest is an atheist. The priest is an atheist. Ojciec nigdy nie zaakceptuje mojego małżeństwa. Father will never approve of my marriage. My father will never accept my marriage. Nie możesz ode mnie uciec. You can't escape from me. You can't run away from me. Tom je slabý ve francouzštině. Tom is weak in French. Tom is weak in French. Nemysli teď zrovna na růžového slona, prosím. Please do not think of a pink elephant right now. Don't think about the pink elephant right now, please. Zgubiłem portfel. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Mój asystent sobie z tym poradzi. My assistant will handle that. My assistant can handle it. Nemusíte se Toma bát. You don't need to be afraid of Tom. You don't have to worry about Tom. Pokaż mi. Show me. Show me. Pamiętam, że raz ją widziałem. I remember seeing her once. I remember seeing her once. Bolí tě žaludek? Do you have a stomachache? Does your stomach hurt? Nerozbij zrcadlo. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. Mám raději francouzské filmy než americké. I prefer French films to American ones. I like French films better than American ones. Zapytaj siebie, dlaczego. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. Zamówić ci to samo? Would you like me to order the same thing for you? Order you the same thing? Nemá ráda fotbal. She doesn't like soccer. She doesn't like football. Zůstaň tady! Stay here! Stay here! Tom próbuje odkryć, dlaczego Mary jest na niego zła. Tom is trying to figure out why Mary is mad at him. Tom tries to figure out why Mary is mad at him. Powinnyście jeść więcej warzyw. You need to eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. Podajcie mi swoje nazwiska. Tell me your names. Give me your names. Ile osób obecnie dla ciebie pracuje? How many people are currently working for you? How many people are working for you now? Tom byl vyhozen, protože nedokázal dělat práci, pro kterou byl najat. Tom was fired because he wasn't able to do the job he'd been hired to do. Tom was fired because he couldn't do the job he was hired to do. Tom powiedział, że mnie kocha. Tom told me that he loved me. Tom said he loved me. Tohle bývalo hezké místo k životu. This used to be a nice place to live. This used to be a nice place to live. Najdeš nás. You'll find us. You'll find us. Studovat můžete bez ohledu na věk. You can study no matter how old you are. You can study regardless of your age. Tom nie był zbyt zainteresowany. Tom wasn't too interested. Tom wasn't too interested. Sami kouřil v práci trávu. Sami smoked weed at the job. He smoked pot at work. Policzki bolą mnie od śmiechu. My cheeks are sore from smiling too much. My cheeks hurt with laughter. Tom nedokázal dokončit, co začal. Tom couldn't finish what he'd started. Tom couldn’t finish what he started. Pojďme zpět po vlastních stopách. Let's retrace our steps. Let's go back to our tracks. Wiele jest mostów w tym mieście. There are many bridges in this city. There are many bridges in this city. Przestań mnie łaskotać! Stop tickling me! Stop tickling me! To, co Tom pro tu firmu udělal, je neuvěřitelné. What Tom did for that company is incredible. What Tom did for the company is incredible. Co udělají, aby Toma zachránili? What'll they do to save Tom? What will they do to save Tom? Tom je prý tím nejchytřejším v družstvu. They say that Tom is the smartest one on the team. Tom is the smartest guy on the team. Ja tam też poszedłem. I also went there. I went there, too. Dívám se na ni, jak tiše spí. I look at her sleeping so calmly. I look at her as she sleeps quietly. Koupil jsem si novou tiskárnu. I bought a new printer. I bought a new printer. Rozléval jsem polévky v té kuchyni za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I was spilling soup in the kitchen around the corner. Nie jestem artystą. Nigdy nie miałem do tego zacięcia. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. I'm not an artist. Czuję się ciężarem dla wszystkich. I feel like a burden to everyone. I feel a burden to everyone. Zbladł słysząc wiadomości. He turned pale at the news. He turned pale when he heard the news. Dobry wieczór. Good evening. Good evening. Náš učitel francouzštiny nebyl moc přísný. Our French teacher wasn't very strict. Our French teacher wasn't too strict. "Co jest nie tak?" "Nie mogę odpalić samochodu." "What's wrong?" "I can't get my car started." "What's wrong?" "I can't start the car." Nemůžeš mě tady nechat. You can't leave me here. You can't leave me here. Ty to ráda? Like it? You like that? Przeszedłem całą drogę wraz z nauczycielem. I went the whole way with my teacher. I went all the way with the teacher. Z koho máš strach? Whom are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? Měl jsem štěstí, že jsem tu práci dostal. I was lucky to get that job. I was lucky to get the job. Mówisz po niemiecku? Do you speak German? You speak German? Koszty życia poszybowały w górę w ciągu ostatniego roku. The cost of living has shot through the ceiling in the last year. The cost of living has skyrocketed over the past year. Kariera aktora trwała trzydzieści lat. The actor’s career lasted for thirty years. The actor’s career lasted 30 years. Zostali zamordowani. They were murdered. They were murdered. Kdy roztaje sníh? When will the snow melt? When will the snow melt? Znám tu oblast. I'm familiar with the area. I know the area. To je jeho dom. This is his house. This is his house. Udělám, co budeš chtít. I'm willing to do anything you ask me. I'll do whatever you want. Můžu vám něco říct maďarsky? Can I tell you something in Hungarian? Can I tell you something in Hungarian? Za tohle mi neplatí. I'm not being paid for this. They don't pay me for this. Tom ma w przyszłym tygodniu zaplanowany przyjazd do Bostonu. Tom is scheduled to come to Boston next week. Tom is scheduled to arrive in Boston next week. Má psa. He has a dog. He's got a dog. Tom má rád zvířata. Tom likes animals. Tom likes animals. Zagrajmy! Let's play! Let's play! Mamy dużo więcej mocy, niż może ci się spodziewać. We have a lot more power than you might think. We have a lot more power than you might expect. To mám ráda. I like that. I like that. Tomasz jest zawsze śpiący. Tom is always sleepy. Thomas is always asleep. Lhala. She lied. She lied. Já jsem tomu taky nerozumněla. I didn't understand that either. I didn't get it either. Mówią, że Firefox jest pobierany ponad 8 milionów razy dziennie. They say that Firefox is downloaded over 8 million times a day. They say Firefox is downloaded more than 8 million times a day. Nie chcę być zastrzelony. I don't want to be shot. I don't want to be shot. Mówiła łagodnym głosem. She spoke in soft tones. She spoke in a soft voice. Wróciłem zza granicy. I returned from abroad. I came back from abroad. Mówisz, że Tom tego nie zrobił? Are you telling me Tom didn't do it? You're saying Tom didn't do it? To, co Tom řekl, mi nedává žádný smysl. What Tom said makes no sense to me. What Tom said doesn't make any sense to me. Czy Tom nadal szuka Mary? Is Tom still looking for Mary? Is Tom still looking for Mary? Załóż płaszcz, inaczej się przeziębisz. Put on a coat. If you don't, you'll catch a cold. Put your coat on or you'll catch a cold. Czy możesz mi wszystko wyjaśnić? Can you explain everything to me? Can you explain everything to me? Mają czas, żeby spędzać go z rodzinami albo uprawiać swoje hobby. They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies. They have time to spend it with their families or to pursue their hobbies. Zaplatil jsem platební kartou. I paid with my debit card. I paid with my credit card. Můžeš si říkat, co chceš. You can say what you like. You can say whatever you want. To jabłko ma słodki smak. The apple tastes sweet. This apple has a sweet taste. Jsem obchodník. I'm a merchant. I'm a businessman. Widziałaś mojego wujka? Did you see my uncle? Have you seen my uncle? Ty toho moc nenaspíš, že? You really don't sleep much, do you? You don't get much sleep, do you? Kto jest twoim ulubionym prezentem CNN? Who's your favorite announcer on CNN? Who is your favorite CNN gift? Pořád ještě mám noční můry. I still have nightmares. I still have nightmares. Skřivan zpívá. A lark is singing. The lark sings. To už stačí. That's enough. That's enough. Tom už se mi dlouho neozval. I haven't heard from Tom for ages. I haven't heard from Tom in a long time. Czy Tom nie jest wspaniały? Isn't Tom great? Isn't Tom great? Tohle se vás netýká. This doesn't concern you. This has nothing to do with you. Až se najím, tak si zdřímnu. I'll take a nap after I eat. When I eat, I'll take a nap. Piekarnia jest na ulicy Pino. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is on Pino Street. Všechno, co Tom předpověděl, se stalo. Everything that Tom had predicted came true. Everything Tom predicted happened. Ktoś musi zapłacić cenę. Someone has to pay the price. Someone has to pay the price. V takovýchto časech mi Tom chybí. At times like this, I miss Tom. I miss Tom at times like this. Od teraz obiecuję być punktualna. From now on, I promise to be punctual. From now on, I promise to be punctual. Jaká je vaše oblíbená část toho příběhu? What's your favorite part of the story? What's your favorite part of the story? Tom zaklepal na dveře. Tom knocked on the door. Tom knocked on the door. To psát neměli. They shouldn't have written that. They shouldn't have written that. Nie miałam problemu ze znalezieniem jego biura. I had no trouble finding his office. I had no problem finding his office. Kiedy się o tym dowiedziałaś? When did you find out about it? When did you find out about this? Tom potvrdil to, co řekli. Tom confirmed what they had said. Tom confirmed what they said. Co si myslíte o jejím návrhu? What do you think of her suggestion? What do you think of her proposal? Tom potrzebuje pomocy Mary. Tom needs Mary's help. Tom needs Mary's help. Jěsće. You eat. Go on. Jak si můžu zdokonalit svoji angličtinu? Je k osvojení nějaký snadný způsob, jak ji zlepšit? How can I improve my English, is there any easy way that I can adopt to improve it? How can I improve my English? Is there an easy way to improve it? Lék působil rychle. The drug acted quickly. The medicine worked quickly. Czy masz chłopaka? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Baw się dobrze. Enjoy yourself! Have fun. Už měsíc jsem jí neviděl. I haven't seen her in a month. I haven't seen her in a month. Zaplatili jste víc, než jste měli. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you should have. Brakuje programistów do pracy. There is a labor shortage of computer programmers. There is a lack of programmers to work with. Své problémy utápí v alkoholu. He drowns his sorrows in alcohol. He drowns his problems in alcohol. Chci, abys chvilku počkal. I want you to wait for a while. I want you to wait a minute. Szkoda, że nie słuchasz. I wish you'd listen. Too bad you're not listening. Masz ochotę na coś mocniejszego? Fancy a drink? Do you want something stronger? Jesteś za duży. You're too big. You're too big. Założyłem czapkę przed wyjściem. I put on my cap to go out. I put my hat on before I left. Tom jest ogrodnikiem Jacksonów. Tom is the Jacksons' gardener. Tom is the Jackson gardener. Dala mu pěkný dárek. She gave him a nice present. She gave him a nice present. Napíšu si tvoje jméno a adresu. I will write down your name and address. I'll write down your name and address. Mary požádala Toma, aby na ni počkal před školou. Mary asked Tom to wait for her outside school. Mary asked Tom to wait for her outside the school. Czy ona naprawdę myśli, że może sobie tutaj wparadować jak gdyby nigdy nic? Does she really think that she can just waltz in here as if nothing happened? Does she really think she can parade around like nothing ever happened? Tom dopiero co przyszedł do domu. Tom has just come home. Tom just came home. To się nie zdarza często. That doesn't happen often. It doesn't happen often. Wyszedł z domu, nawet się nie żegnając. He left the house without even saying goodbye. He left the house without even saying goodbye. Pod mojí postelí je příšera. There is a monster under my bed. There's a monster under my bed. Moja matka jest w kuchni. My mother is in the kitchen. My mother's in the kitchen. Fremont a Sutter žili v Kalifornii. Fremont and Sutter lived in California. Fremont and Sutter lived in California. Dziś nie ma nic do przetłumaczenia. There is nothing to translate today. There is nothing to translate today. Tom říká, že můžeme začít bez něj. Tom says we can start without him. Tom says we can start without him. Kolik hodin denně strávíte v kuchyni? How many hours a day do you spend in the kitchen? How many hours a day do you spend in the kitchen? Tento lék na chřipku neúčinkuje. This medicine is not effective against the flu. This medicine does not work for the flu. Řekl jsem Tomovi všechno, co o tom vím. I told Tom everything that I knew about that. I told Tom everything I know about it. Mám rád hudbu. I like music. I like music. Spodziewam się go w każdej chwili. I expect him to come at any moment. I'm expecting him any minute. Zdá se, že máš stejný problém, jako já. It seems that you have the same problem as me. You seem to have the same problem as me. Właśnie skończyłem jeść. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. Chaty zbudowano w odległości pięćdziesięciu metrów między nimi. The huts were built with a space of 50 meters in between. The huts were built at a distance of fifty meters between them. Nie, to nie ja. To ty! No, it's not me. It's you! No, it's not me. Svítí ti přední světla. Your headlights are on. Your headlights are on. Můj polštář je tak měkký! My pillow is so soft! My pillow is so soft! Spotřební daň v Japonsku je teď 5 procent. The consumption tax is now 5 percent in Japan. The tax rate in Japan is now 5%. "Pravda zvítězí, uvidíte." "Určitě zvítězí. Akorát nevím, čí pravda." "You'll see. The truth will win." "It surely will. I just don't know whose truth." "Truth will win, you'll see." "It will certainly win. I just don't know whose truth." Ještě můžeme vyhrát. We still might win. We can still win. Co Tom ma do powiedzenia? What has Tom got to say? What does Tom have to say? Jutro są jej urodziny. Tomorrow is her birthday. Tomorrow's her birthday. Hraju s přáteli fotbal. I am playing football with my friends. I play football with my friends. Kde se nachází hřbitov? Where's the cemetery? Where is the cemetery? Tom mohl být vlídnější. Tom could've been kinder. Tom could have been nicer. Ona dělá ty nejlepší sendviče na světě. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. Jedź ostrożnie. Drive carefully. Drive safe. Tom byl velmi přísný učitel. Tom was a very strict teacher. Tom was a very strict teacher. Tom neslyší na levé ucho. Tom is deaf in the left ear. Tom can't hear in his left ear. Bułgaria jest jedynym krajem w Europie, gdzie były monarcha został wybrany premierem. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where the former monarch has been elected prime minister. Pracuje jako sekretarka w biurze. She works as a secretary in an office. She works as a secretary in the office. Otcové v Anglii stárnou. Fathers in England are getting older. Fathers in England are getting old. Tom jest od świtu na nogach. Tom has been up since dawn. Tom's been up since dawn. Uczyniłaś mnie bardzo szczęśliwym. You've made me very happy. You've made me very happy. Tracę przy tobie cierpliwość. I'm losing my patience with you. I'm losing patience with you. Chtěl jsem vidět Tomův pokoj. I wanted to see Tom's room. I wanted to see Tom's room. Nie wiem, dlaczego Tom ją wybrał. I don't know why Tom chose that. I don't know why Tom chose her. Emily nie boi się pająków. Emily isn't afraid of spiders. Emily's not afraid of spiders. Jde o to, že si nepamatuji kam jsem zaparkoval auto. The problem is that I don't remember where I parked my car. The thing is, I don't remember where I parked the car. Chci, abys líp pracoval I want you to work better. I want you to work better. Jak jedziesz za granicę, to musisz mieć paszport. If you are going abroad, it's necessary to have a passport. When you go abroad, you must have a passport. Co tě napadne, když vidíš tento obrázek? What do you think of when you see this picture? What do you think when you see this picture? Rozmawiają o muzyce. They are talking about music. They talk about music. Tom vešel přímo dál bez klepání. Tom walked right in without knocking. Tom went straight in without knocking. Nemáš držet dietu? Aren't you supposed to be on a diet? Aren't you supposed to be on a diet? Jesteś pewna, że Tom za tym stoi? Are you sure that Tom is behind this? Are you sure Tom's behind this? Opowiedział mi historię swojego życia. He told me his life's story. He told me the story of his life. Czy potrzebuje pan/i pracowników? Do you need a worker? Do you need employees? Nie musimy tego czytać. We don't have to read that. We don't have to read it. Niektórzy ludzie chcą zmienić konstytucję. Some people want to amend the constitution. Some people want to change the constitution. Właśnie to czytam. I'm reading it now. I'm reading this right now. Myslím, že je čas, abych vypadl. I think it's time for me to split. I think it's time for me to get out. Siedzieli na sofie w naszym salonie. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. Byłem na wakacjach za granicą. I was abroad on vacation. I was on vacation abroad. Mary zemřela na rakovinu prsu. Mary died of breast cancer. Mary died of breast cancer. Útočí na nás! We're under attack! They're attacking us! Po kolacji piję kawę. I drink coffee after dinner. After dinner I drink coffee. Chciałbym dziś wieczorem z tobą wyjść. I'd like to hang out with you tonight. I'd like to go out with you tonight. Tom nie musiał brać taksówki. Mógł się przejść. Tom didn't need to take a taxi. He could have walked. Tom didn't have to take a cab. Překonal jsem svůj strach. I have overcome my fear. I've overcome my fear. Tom si všechno zapisuje, aby nezapomněl. Tom always writes everything down, so he doesn't forget. Tom writes everything down so he doesn't forget. Tom mnie nie zrozumiał. Tom didn't understand me. Tom didn't understand. Přestože jsme čekali do deseti, Bill se vůbec neobjevil. Although we waited until ten o'clock, Bill never showed up. Even though we waited until ten, Bill never showed up. Není snadné vycházet s idioty. Někdy je to dokonce nemožné. It isn't easy to get along with idiots. Sometimes it is even impossible. It's not easy to get along with idiots, sometimes it's even impossible. Tom sprzedaje samochody. Tom sells cars. Tom's selling cars. Měl jsi to udělat v říjnu. You should've done that in October. You should have done it in October. Tom vypadal rozpačitě. Tom looked embarrassed. Tom looked embarrassed. Tak, jutro biorę wolne. Yes, tomorrow is my day off. Yeah, I'm taking the day off tomorrow. Czy robisz to dla mnie? Are you doing that for me? Are you doing this for me? Ten pár od vedle se zase hádá. The couple next door are fighting again. The couple next door are fighting again. Vidí to každý den. He can see it every day. He sees it every day. Zawsze musimy być przygotowani na jakiś kataklizm. We must always be prepared for disasters. We must always be prepared for a disaster. Tom asi nepřijde na čas. Tom won't likely be on time. I don't think Tom's gonna make it in time. Mám skutečně obavy o tvou budoucnost. I'm really concerned about your future. I'm really worried about your future. Jadę do Bostonu wiosną przyszłego roku. I'm going to Boston next spring. I'm going to Boston next spring. Sym žurnalist. I am a journalist. I'm a journalist. Wydała więcej pieniędzy niż zazwyczaj. She spent more money than usual. She spent more money than usual. Ten dom jest piękny. The house is beautiful. This house is beautiful. Je pěkně hloupé, když lidé, co nejsou křesťané, posílají na Valentýna čokolády. It is a silly practice for non-Christians to send chocolates on St. Valentine's Day. It's pretty stupid for non-Christians to send chocolates on Valentine's Day. Nie dam rady przejść 10 mil w tym upale. I can't bear to tramp ten miles in this heat. I can't walk 10 miles in this heat. Nikdy bych si od vás nic nekoupil. I'd never buy anything from you. I would never buy anything from you. Ten pisarz jest Kanadyjczykiem. This writer is Canadian. This writer is Canadian. Nie czytam książek. I do not read books. I don't read books. Dřív jsem učil francouzštinu. I used to teach French. I used to teach French. Zakochałam się w tobie. I fell in love with you. I'm in love with you. Jaki jest numer faksu tego hotelu? What's the fax number for this hotel? What is the fax number of this hotel? Často se dívám na filmy ve francouzštině. I often watch films in French. I often watch movies in French. Kdo má dnes narozeniny? Whose birthday is it today? Who's birthday is today? New York je jak město, tak i stát. New York is both a city and a state. New York is both a city and a state. Jak byste se charakterizovali? How would you describe yourself? How would you characterize yourself? Pracuję przez trzy godziny każdego sobotniego poranka. I work for three hours every Saturday morning. I work three hours every Saturday morning. Jsem vězeň? Am I a prisoner? Am I a prisoner? Studuji ekonomii na univerzitě. I'm studying economics at university. I'm studying economics at the university. Já nikam nejdu. I'm not going. I'm not going anywhere. Nechceš nějaké ovoce? Would you like some fruit? You want some fruit? Tom měl státní pohřeb. Tom had a state funeral. Tom had a state funeral. Inteligence je schopnost přizpůsobit se změně. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Zbliżasz się do trzydziestki. You're turning thirty. You're approaching 30. Skończyłem 20 lat. I have turned twenty. I'm 20 years old. Nie kupuj mi więcej prezentów. Don't buy me any more presents. Don't buy me any more presents. To była część planu. This was part of the plan. That was part of the plan. Táta šel zrovna ven. Dad just now went out. Dad was just going out. Tom nie jest upoważniony. Tom isn't licensed. Tom is not authorized. Ta pizza jest zimna. The pizza is cold. This pizza is cold. Kdo ti řekl, že Toma nemám rád? Who told you that I dislike Tom? Who told you I don't like Tom? Myślę, że to pewne, że osiągnie sukces jako piosenkarka. I think it certain that she will succeed as a singer. I think she will be successful as a singer. Udělej to! Vyzývám tě! Do it! I dare you! Do it, I dare you! Boty máš pod postelí. Your shoes are under the bed. Your shoes are under your bed. Wiedziałeś o tym? Do you know that? Did you know that? Klidně mu to můžeš říct předem. You may as well say it to him in advance. You can tell him in advance. Tom pracoval pro Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Tom worked for Mary. Obsluhoval jsem v té polévkárně za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I served at the soup kitchen around the corner. Kéž bych byl počkal. I wish I'd waited. I wish I'd waited. Zjistil jsem, že jídlo je tu trochu ostré. I found the food here to be a little spicy. I found out the food here is a little spicy. Včera nic nesnědl. He didn't eat anything yesterday. He didn't eat anything last night. Zostało zorganizowane przyjęcie pożegnalne dla pana Smitha. A farewell party was held for Mr. Smith. A farewell party has been arranged for Mr. Smith. Tom vzdal učení se češtině. Tom gave up learning Czech. Tom gave up learning Czech. Cieszę się, że nie musisz więcej tego robić. I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore. I'm glad you don't have to do this anymore. Ile mają sióstr? How many sisters do they have? How many sisters do they have? Můžeš teď odejít. You may leave now. You can leave now. Nemůžeš mít duhu bez trochy deště. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain. Dřív jsem hodně pil. I used to drink a lot. I used to drink a lot. Musisz przestać palić papierosy. You must quit smoking cigarettes. You need to stop smoking. Mám nateklý malíček. My little finger is swollen. My pinky's swollen. Kdo je u telefonu? Who's speaking? Who's on the phone? Křičel jsem na něj. I yelled at him. I yelled at him. Tyto továrny znečišťují životní prostředí. These factories are polluting the environment. These factories pollute the environment. Lubię jeździć na nartach. I like skiing. I like to ski. Proto tu Tom není. That's why Tom isn't here. That's why Tom's not here. Snad Tom ví, jaké měl štěstí. I hope Tom knows how lucky he's been. I hope Tom knows how lucky he was. Pan wie, kim oni są? Do you know who they are? Do you know who they are? Je agresivita přirozená nebo naučená? Is aggression natural, or is it learned? Is aggression natural or learned? Tom nám to přinesl včera. Tom brought it to us yesterday. Tom brought it to us yesterday. Tom ty dveře našel otevřené. Tom found the door open. Tom found the door open. Když se zhroutil komunismus, kapitalismus je nyní obžalován ze snahy "ovládnout svět." As communism has collapsed, capitalism is now accused of trying to "dominate the world." When communism collapsed, capitalism is now accused of trying to "rule the world." Nechte je dělat jejich práci. Let them do their work. Let them do their job. Proč nemám v ledničce žádné jídlo? Why is there no food in my refrigerator? Why don't I have any food in the fridge? Jestem w siódmym niebie. I'm on top of the world. I'm in seventh heaven. Tom řekl, že nesouhlasí. Tom said that he disagrees. Tom said he disagreed. Nadal jestem tutaj szefem. I'm still the boss around here. I'm still the boss here. Przyjechałem na czas. I arrived on time. I'm on time. Jesteś straszny. You're scary. You're terrible. Anna właśnie miała wychodzić z domu, kiedy zadzwonił telefon. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anna was about to leave the house when the phone rang. Tom dobře věděl, co se stane. Tom knew very well what would happen. Tom knew exactly what was going to happen. Nebyli nemocní. They weren't sick. They weren't sick. Zachowuj się albo będziesz musiał stąd wyjść. Behave yourself, or you'll have to leave the room. Behave, or you're gonna have to get out of here. Čas byl proti Danovi. Time was working against Dan. Time was against Dan. Tom sedí na lavičce v parku. Tom is sitting on a bench in the park. Tom's sitting on a park bench. Możemy zobaczyć się dziś wieczorem? Can I see you tonight? Can we see you tonight? Všichni ptáci pochází z vajec. All birds come from eggs. All birds come from eggs. Je to velmi zvláštní rodina. It's a very strange family. It's a very special family. Tom robi to prawie codziennie. Tom does that just about every day. Tom does this almost every day. Zostawił swój parasol w autobusie. He left his umbrella on the bus. He left his umbrella on the bus. Bývala jsem tu učitelkou. I used to be a teacher here. I used to be a teacher here. On być może nie jest szczęśliwy. He might not be happy. He may not be happy. To bude Karlova ulice. It will be Karlova street. That'll be Charles Street. Nesmí se tam parkovat. It is illegal to park a car there. You can't park there. Jíš maso každý den? Do you eat meat every day? Do you eat meat every day? Jak blbé! How foolish! How stupid! Byla by škoda, kdyby se takové slovo ztratilo. It would be a pity if such a word disappeared. It would be a shame if that word was lost. Želvy nemají zuby. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles have no teeth. Cały świat mówi po angielsku. The whole world speaks English. The whole world speaks English. Nawet jeśli to oznaczało wystawienie się na niebezpieczeństwo, postanowił tam pójść. Even though it meant risking danger, he decided to go there. Even if it meant putting himself in danger, he decided to go there. Obvykle jíme v šest. We usually eat at six. We usually eat at six. Řekni mi jméno devátého měsíce. Tell me the name of the ninth month. Give me the name of the ninth month. Tohle je dezinformace. This is misinformation. This is disinformation. Nikdy neřekneš, co si doopravdy myslíš. You never say what you really think. You never say what you really think. Nesvítí někde zbytečně? Do those lights need to be on? Doesn't it shine for nothing? On lubi czytać gazety. He likes to read newspapers. He likes to read newspapers. Pierwszy atak minął w cel. The first attack missed the target. The first attack was on target. Jeszcze nie czas wracać do domu. It's not time to go home yet. It's not time to go home yet. Powinniśmy zadzwonić do Toma i sprawdzić, czy nie potrzebuje pomocy. We should call Tom and see if he needs any help. We should call Tom and see if he needs any help. Proč se přátelíš s někým, jako je Tom? Why are you friends with someone like Tom? Why are you friends with someone like Tom? Nakonec se Tom dopracoval uznání. In the end, Tom earned recognition. In the end, Tom received recognition. Jesteś bez skrupułów. You're unscrupulous. You're unscrupulous. Mám rád oba. I like both. I like them both. Možná to budu zase potřebovat, takže to nevyhazuj. I might need this again, so don't throw it away. I might need it again, so don't throw it away. Nie mogę powiedzieć, kto przyjedzie pierwszy. I can't tell who will arrive first. I can't say who's coming first. Vůbec si nepamatuji, že bych to dělal. I don't have any memory of doing that. I don't remember doing it at all. Czy sądzisz, że wciąż ją kocham? Do you think I still love her? Do you think I still love her? Proč nepočkáte do rána? Why don't you wait till morning? Why don't you wait till morning? Je od tebe moc hezké, že jsi mi půjčil deštník. It’s very kind of you to lend me an umbrella. It's very nice of you to lend me an umbrella. Toma v metru napadl neznámý muž. Tom was attacked by an unknown man in the subway. Tom was attacked by an unknown man on the subway. Nie sądzę, żebyś musiał coś wyjaśniać. I don't think there is any need for you to explain. I don't think you need to explain anything. Tom složil jeřába z origami. Tom folded an origami crane. Tom folded the crane from origami. Šel jsem spát oblečený. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to bed dressed. Orzeł jest królem ptaków. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the king of birds. I ty, Brute? You too, Brutus? And you, Brute? Czy przyszłaś tutaj sama? Did you come here alone? Did you come here alone? Teď jsou sami. They're now alone. They're alone now. Buď ke všem zdvořilý. Be polite to everyone. Be polite to everyone. Máme noční můry. We have nightmares. We have nightmares. Czy już skończłeś swój lunch? Have you finished your lunch yet? Have you finished your lunch yet? Býval bys to mohl udělat. You could have done it. You could have done that. Ta tráva nechce růst. The grass won't grow. The grass doesn't want to grow. Żałuję, że to mówię. I regret saying this. I wish I hadn't. Powinniśmy zostawić Tom'a samego. We should leave Tom alone. We should leave Tom alone. Tom a Marie mají finanční problémy. Tom and Mary are having money problems. Tom and Marie are in financial trouble. Vypadáš stejně jako před třemi lety. You look like you did three years ago. You look just like you did three years ago. Vyhrožoval mi, že mě potrestá, když se nebudu chovat slušně. He threatened to punish me if I didn’t behave myself. He threatened to punish me if I didn't behave. Nedávejte to Tomovi. On si to nezaslouží. Don't give it to Tom. He doesn't deserve that. Don't give it to Tom, he doesn't deserve it. Dostihy jsou kruté a nehumánní. Horse racing is cruel and inhumane. Racing is cruel and inhumane. Dlaczego on mieszkał w Stanach Zjednoczonych? Why did he live in the United States? Why did he live in the United States? Rumunia jest bałkańskim krajem. Jej stolicą jest Bukareszt. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Chci na té škole studovat. I want to study in that school. I want to study at that school. Ztrácí čas. She is wasting time. He's wasting his time. Nie rozumiem, co próbujesz powiedzieć. Your meaning is beyond me. I don't understand what you're trying to say. X nie należy do zbioru B, ponieważ należy do zbioru A. x does not belong to the set B because it belongs to the set A. X does not belong to set B because it belongs to set A. Být na mém místě, co bys udělal? If you were in my place, what would you do? If you were me, what would you do? Zítra máme zavřeno. We're closed tomorrow. We're closed tomorrow. Můj syn má hudební nadání. My son has talent for music. My son has musical talent. Ještě tě to baví? Are you still enjoying it? Are you still having fun? Tím je to vyřízeno, řekl Tom a odešel. That settles it, said Tom and left. “That’s it,” Tom said, and left. Jakie jest Twoje panieńskie nazwisko? What is your maiden name? What's your maiden name? Chciałbym zarezerwować pokój. I'd like a hotel reservation. I'd like to book a room. Nie chciałem tego robić, ale musiałem. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. Ku lepszym jutrom! Towards a better tomorrows! For a better tomorrow! Půjdu se někam najíst. I'll go out to eat. I'm gonna go get something to eat. Pacienta nesli na nosítkách. The patient was carried on a stretcher. The patient was carried on a stretcher. Ten vlak jel hrozně pomalu. The train moved at a ridiculously slow pace. The train was very slow. Nedovolíme Tomovi, aby nám zhatil naše plány. We won't let Tom spoil our plans. We're not gonna let Tom screw up our plans. Co zrobisz, jeśli oblejesz egzamin? What will you do if you fail the exam? What will you do if you fail the exam? Ten chlapec je skutečně stydlivý. That boy is really shy. The boy is really shy. Ty mi to zrobiłeś. You did this to me. You did this to me. Poczęstuj się pączkiem. Have a donut. Have some doughnuts. Neboj se mluvit na veřejnosti. Don't be afraid of speaking in public. Don’t be afraid to speak in public. Tom chtěl vědět, na co to je. Tom wanted to know what it was for. Tom wanted to know what it was for. Zkontroluj mi to, prosím. Check it for me, please. Check it out for me, please. Dzielny strażak uratował chłopca z płonącego domu. The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house. A firefighter rescued a boy from a burning house. Nie musisz odpowiadać, jeżeli nie chcesz. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Slíbil jsem Mary, že neřeknu Tomovi nic o jejím poměru s mojím bratrem. I promised Mary not to tell Tom anything about her affair with my brother. I promised Mary I wouldn't tell Tom about her affair with my brother. Tom potrzebuje odpowiedzi. Tom needs answers. Tom needs an answer. To żałosna wymówka. That's a pathetic excuse. That's a pathetic excuse. Tom je v tenisu lepší, než Mary. Tom is better at tennis than Mary. Tom is better at tennis than Mary. Piszę, aby wyrazić moje niezadowolenie. I write to express my discontent. I write to express my displeasure. Už dvacet let jezdí bez řidičského průkazu. He has driven without driving licence for twenty years. He has been driving without a driver's license for 20 years. Czas zacząć od nowa. It's time for a fresh start. It's time to start over. Jsem zvědav, kdo ty volby vyhraje. I wonder who will win the elections. I wonder who will win this election. Co chcesz od Toma? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? Něco Mary koupil. He bought something for Mary. He bought something for Mary. Štítná žláza je endokrinní žlázou. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. Tom usnul a přišel o konec toho filmu. Tom fell asleep and missed the end of the movie. Tom fell asleep and lost the end of the movie. Mama kazała mi pracować wbrew mej woli. Mom put me to work against my will. My mother told me to work against my will. Javier się czerwieni. Javier is turning red. Javier's blushing. Tom už je dva měsíce v kómatu. Tom has been in a coma for two months. Tom's been in a coma for two months. Volala ti Mary. Mary called you. Mary called you. Tom seděl pod stromem a pozoroval, jak kolem prochází lidé. Tom sat under a tree and watched the people walk by. Tom was sitting under a tree watching people pass by. Komputer pozwala zaoszczędzić czas. A computer can save time. The computer saves time. Jak zajímavé! How interesting! How interesting! Mluvím plynně anglicky. I'm fluent in English. I speak fluent English. Nie przyznam się do winy. I won't plead guilty. I won't plead guilty. Jakie było twoje pierwsze wrażenie o mnie? What was your first impression of me? What was your first impression of me? Mohu to použít? Can I use it? Can I use it? Myslel jsem to vážně. I was serious. I meant it. Vysvětlím to později. I'll explain this later. I'll explain later. Przyjaźnili się jako dzieci. They were all friends as children. They were friends as children. Drby poškodily jeho pověst. The gossip hurt his reputation. Rumors have damaged his reputation. Zaplatil jsi víc, než jsi měl. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you should have. Ptak śpiewa. Słyszysz? The bird is singing. Can you hear it? The bird's singing. Kolik máš sester? Kolik bratrů? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers? How many sisters do you have? Mě se nebojíš. You're not afraid of me. You're not afraid of me. Po tom dni už jsem Toma neviděl. I never saw Tom again after that day. I never saw Tom again. Nechybí nic. Nothing is missing. There's nothing missing. Někdo by nás mohl vidět. Someone could see us. Someone might see us. Tom udělal víc, než kdokoliv jiný. Tom has done more than anyone else. Tom did more than anyone. Smrt je tajemná dáma bez soucitu. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Tom tam musí zůstat ještě týden. Tom has to stay there for another week. Tom has to stay there for another week. Zjistil jsi, kolik je Tomovi? Did you find out how old Tom is? Did you find out how old Tom is? Dovolil svým dětem hrát si s námi. He let his children play with us. He allowed his children to play with us. Mám se dobře, děkuji za optání. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thank you for asking. Už se nudíš? Are you already bored? Are you bored yet? Nie myślę, więc mnie nie ma. I don't think, therefore I am not. I don't think, so I'm not here. Przetłumacz to zdanie na angielski. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. Žák překonal učitele. The student has outdone the teacher. The student overcame the teacher. Jego zachowanie rozczarowało wielu z jego przyjaciół. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. Tom chce wiedzieć, kto to zrobił. Tom wants to know who did it. Tom wants to know who did it. Tom nic nie jadł i nie pił przez trzy dni. Tom had no food or water for three days. Tom did not eat or drink anything for three days. Jesteś piękna. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Przepraszam. Bez wasabi proszę. Excuse me, without wasabi, please. I'm sorry, no wasabi, please. Nejsi můj otec! You're not my dad! You're not my father! Myslíte si, že jsem tlustá? Do you guys think I'm fat? You think I'm fat? On potrafi bardzo szybko pływać. He is able to swim very fast. He can swim very fast. Na co potřebuješ peníze? What do you need money for? What do you need money for? Jestem pewny, że da się to załatwić. I'm sure something can be worked out. I'm sure it can be arranged. Coś się tu dzieje, prawda? There's something going on, isn't there? Something's going on here, isn't it? Tom a Mary mi řekli, že potřebují tvojí pomoc. Tom and Mary told me they needed our help. Tom and Mary told me they needed your help. Neudělal tu zkoušku, protože je líný. He failed the exam because he's lazy. He didn't pass the test because he's lazy. Proč sis koupil želvu? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Netušil jsem, že Tom je manžel Mary. I had no idea Tom was Mary's husband. I had no idea Tom was Mary's husband. Mají nás za blázny. They're taking us for fools. They think we're crazy. Tom dnes není v kampusu. Tom isn't on campus today. Tom's not on campus today. Mój szalik jest niebieski. My scarf is blue. My scarf is blue. Okropna rzecz się dzisiaj zdarzyła. An awful thing happened today. A terrible thing happened today. Pavla zítra umyje auto. Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. Paul washes the car tomorrow. Policie očekává, že lidé budou dodržovat zákony. The police expects people to follow the law. The police expect people to follow the law. Čita knihu. He reads a book. Read the book. Udělal to ze žárlivosti. He did it out of jealousy. He did it out of jealousy. Wszyscy się ze mnie śmiali. Everybody made fun of me. Everyone laughed at me. Doufám, že to světlo na konci tunelu není od vlaku, který na mě jede. I hope the light at the end of the tunnel is not from the train coming on me. I hope the light at the end of the tunnel isn't from the train coming at me. Pan Pryor zemdlał z powodu krwotoku podpajęczynówkowego, którego doznał podczas próby przed występem w Paryżu. Został przewieziony do miejscowego szpitala, lecz zmarł o 16:23. Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm. Mr. Pryor fainted from a subarachnoid haemorrhage he suffered during a rehearsal before a performance in Paris. He was taken to a local hospital, but died at 16:23. Těšíme se, že vás brzy uvidíme. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. We look forward to seeing you soon. Tohle je překvapivý objev. This is a surprising discovery. This is a surprising discovery. V té lucerně došel olej. The lantern has run out of oil. The lantern ran out of oil. Plaveš každý den? Do you swim every day? Do you swim every day? Nie szukaj dziury w całym. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Don't look for a hole in the whole thing. Můj dům je příhodně blízko nádraží. My house is conveniently close to the station. My house is conveniently close to the station. Zúčastnil jsem se toho pátrání. I participated in the search. I took part in the search. Jste dobrý novinář. You are a good journalist. You're a good journalist. Tom už nejspíš všechny ty peníze utratil. Tom has probably spent all that money by now. Tom's probably already spent all that money. Trvalo to skoro tři roky, než jsem si postavil dům. It took close to three years to build my house. It took me almost three years to build my house. Tom poprosił o paragon. Tom asked for a receipt. Tom asked for a receipt. Ještě nevím. I still don't know. I don't know yet. Co bys udělal, kdybys byl na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were me? Tom ma talent do wprawiania ludzi w płacz. Tom has the knack of making people cry. Tom has a knack for making people cry. Každý krok byl pro ní těžký. Every step was difficult for her. Every step was hard for her. Dobrze to ująłeś. This is a very good phrase. You put it right. Uvidíme se zítra. I will see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Soustřeďme se na to, co se dnes musí udělat. Let's concentrate on what needs to be done today. Let’s focus on what needs to be done today. Kdybych byl vámi, tak bych šel domů. If I were you, I'd go home. If I were you, I'd go home. Gdzie kupiłaś kwiaty? Where did you buy flowers? Where did you get the flowers? Wielu studentów popełniło ten sam błąd. Not a few students made the same mistake. Many students made the same mistake. Na co Tom ještě čeká? What's Tom still waiting for? What is Tom waiting for? Czy ten, z którym właśnie rozmawiałeś, to był Tom? Was that Tom you were just talking to? Was that Tom you were just talking to? Tom odešel z parketu. Tom walked off the dance floor. Tom walked off the floor. Mary nie rozumie dlaczego Tom wybrał kota jako swój avatar. Mary doesn't understand why Tom chose a cat as his online avatar. Mary doesn't understand why Tom chose the cat as his avatar. Mimo, że padało, wszyscy dobrze się bawili. Although it rained, everyone had a good time. Even though it was raining, everyone was having fun. Jesteśmy rodziną. We're a family. We're family. Dlaczego Tom nie lubi Mary? Why doesn't Tom like Mary? Why doesn't Tom like Mary? Co za oryginalny pomysł! What an original idea! What an original idea! Už nikdy Toma nenavštívím. I will never visit Tom again. I'll never see Tom again. Podjąłem się tego wbrew mojej woli. I unwillingly undertook it. I did it against my will. Spowodował to Tom. Tom caused this. This was caused by Tom. Obě jsou v místnosti. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Není to snadná práce. It's not an easy job. It's not an easy job. Nechci, aby Toma vyrušovali. I don't want them to disturb Tom. I don't want Tom to be disturbed. Moja mama przypadkiem tam była, gdy wybuchł ogień. My mother happened to be there when the fire broke out. My mom was there when the fire started. Některým lidem chybí empatie. Some people lack empathy. Some people lack empathy. Myslím, že Tom si zaslouží lepší postavení. I think Tom deserves a better position. I think Tom deserves a better position. Jeśli chodzi o studia za granicą, nie mogę się zdecydować, czy jechać do Australii, czy do Kanady. For studying abroad, I can't decide whether I should go to Australia or Canada. When it comes to studying abroad, I can’t decide whether to go to Australia or Canada. Nechci tomu věřit. I don't want to believe that. I don't want to believe it. Pochybuji o tvém zdravém rozumu. I doubt your good sense. I doubt your sanity. Teraz jest odpowiednie; ani za ciężkie, ani za lekkie. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. Now it is suitable; neither too heavy nor too light. Lilky umyjte a odřízněte vršky. Wash the eggplants and cut off the ends. Wash the eggplants and cut off the tops. Wszystko byłoby łatwiejsze, gdybyśmy potrafili się unosić. Everything would be easier if we could float. Everything would be easier if we could float. Doufal jsem, že se tam s Tomem setkám. I was hoping to meet Tom there. I was hoping to meet Tom there. Prezident na choulostivou otázku odmítl odpovědět. The president declined to answer the delicate question. The president refused to answer the delicate question. Lubisz owoce morza, co nie? You like seafood, don't you? You like seafood, don't you? Oni nejsou zaměstnanci firmy? Are they not company employees? They're not company employees? W literaturze amerykańskiej czuje się jak w domu. He is at home in American literature. In American literature, it feels like home. Bylo to tak dávno, že už si na to pořádně nevzpomínám. That was so long ago that I hardly remember anything about it. It was so long ago, I can't really remember. Ani slowa! Don't say anything. Not a word! Zkus si to tolik nebrat. I'd suggest you take it easy. Try not to take it so hard. Nikomu nie udało się przeżyć. Nobody managed to survive. No one survived. V té době Tom neměl moc přátel. Tom didn't have many friends at that time. At the time, Tom didn't have many friends. Souhlasil, že s námi udělá rozhovor. He agreed to give us an interview. He agreed to interview us. Skleníkové plyny z lidských aktivit jsou jediným faktorem, který se podílí na zaznamenaném oteplování v průběhu minulého století; neexistují žádná přesvědčivá lidská ani přirozená vysvětlení podložená důkazy založenými na pozorování. Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the only factors that can account for the observed warming over the last century; there are no credible alternative human or natural explanations supported by the observational evidence. Greenhouse gases from human activities are the only factor contributing to recorded warming over the past century; there are no convincing human or natural explanations supported by observational evidence. Połóż się na swojej prawej stronie. Lie on your right side. Lie on your right side. Tom usnął przy otwartym oknie. Tom fell asleep with the window open. Tom fell asleep with the window open. Už mám toho čekání dost! I'm sick of waiting! I've had enough of waiting! "Jsi Rus?" "Ano." "Are you Russian?" "Yes." "Are you Russian?" "Yes." Tom řekne pravdu. Tom is going to tell the truth. Tom will tell the truth. Tom rozdawał autografy pod teatrem. Tom was signing autographs in front of the theater. Tom signed autographs for the theater. Nemám náladu Toma poslouchat. I am not in the mood to listen to Tom. I'm not in the mood to listen to Tom. Czy chcesz zagrać? Do you want to play? Do you want to play? Podrbala si hlavu. She scratched her head. She scratched her head. Pomohl Tomovi s útěkem z vězení. He helped Tom escape from the prison. He helped Tom escape from prison. Měli jste hezké léto? Did you have a nice summer? Did you have a nice summer? Zůstaneš, nebo odejdeš? Will you stay or leave? Will you stay or will you leave? Nevíte, jaký film chce Tom sledovat? Do you know what movie Tom wants to watch? Do you know what movie Tom wants to watch? Potwierdzili, że była to prawda. They asserted that it was true. They confirmed that it was true. Tom wciąż nie wie co się stało. Tom still doesn't know what happened. Tom still doesn't know what happened. Mary chce být baletkou. Mary wants to be a ballerina. Mary wants to be a ballerina. Co się z Tobą dzieje? What's up with you? What's wrong with you? Mary lubi czytać powieści. Mary enjoys reading novels. Mary likes to read novels. Jak lidé dokážou spát v letadle? How do people manage to sleep on the plane? How do people sleep on airplanes? W moim sercu nie ma wątpliwości, że ty jesteś tą kobietą, którą mam poślubić. I have no doubt in my mind you are the woman I'm going to marry. There is no doubt in my heart that you are the woman I am to marry. Tom nikdy nepil tvrdý alkohol. Tom has never drunk a liquor. Tom never drank hard liquor. Hledal jsem Toma, ale nikde jsem ho nenašel. I was looking for Tom, but I didn't find him anywhere. I was looking for Tom, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Dělej pořád to samé. Just keep doing the same thing. Keep doing the same thing. Nevolal by jí, kdyby býval měl její číslo. He would've called her if he'd had her phone number. He wouldn't have called her if he had her number. Pracowałem na rocznej umowie o pracę. I worked on a yearly contract. I worked on a one-year contract. Všechny Tomovy předpovědi se splnily. All of Tom's predictions came true. All of Tom’s predictions have been fulfilled. Stypendium umożliwiło mu dalszą naukę. The scholarship made it possible for him to continue his education. The scholarship allowed him to continue his education. Nie zostawiaj mnie samego! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! Pročpak tu sedíš? Why are you sitting there? Why are you sitting here? Bądź cierpliwy. Be patient. Be patient. Czekałem na odpowiedź, ale nikt nie odpowiedział. I waited for the answer but nobody answered. I waited for an answer, but no one answered. Odwiedziłem dom mojej babci. I visited my grandmother's house. I visited my grandmother's house. One myją swoje ręce. They wash their hands. They wash their hands. Vyčisti si zuby, jakkoli jsi ospalý. Brush your teeth, however sleepy you are. Brush your teeth, no matter how sleepy you are. Proszę rzuć mi piłkę. Please throw me the ball. Please throw me the ball. Tom a Mary žijí v McMansionu. Tom and Mary live in a McMansion. Tom and Mary live in McMansion. Situace se nezměnila. The situation hasn't changed. The situation has not changed. Opravte chyby, pokud nějaké jsou. Correct the errors if there are any. Correct the errors if there are any. Jesteśmy bezpieczni. We're safe. We're safe. Tom požádal svého otce, aby mu pomohl postavit sněhuláka. Tom asked his father to help him make a snowman. Tom asked his father to help him build a snowman. Jaki jest twój ulubiony napój zimą? What's your favorite drink in the winter? What is your favorite drink in winter? Nikt nie zna twoich tajemnic. No one knows your secrets. No one knows your secrets. Nigdy nie była tak przerażona. She'd never been so frightened. She's never been so scared. To děvče se velmi podobá své matce. The girl resembles her mother very much. That girl looks very much like her mother. Tom je několik dní pryč. Tom has been gone for a few days. Tom's been gone a few days. Kiedy wyszłaś za mąż? When did you get married? When did you get married? Nebylo tam mnoho žen. Not very many women were there. There weren't many women. Tom by se měl nechat ostřihat. Tom should get his hair cut. Tom should get a haircut. Prosím, pospěš si! Please hurry. Please hurry! Už dlouho jsem se takhle nepobavil. It's been a while since I had so much fun. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Kéž bych si byl koupil lístek na ten koncert. I wish I had bought a ticket for the concert. I wish I had bought a ticket to the concert. Myślę, że nie miałeś racji. I think you were wrong. I don't think you were right. Kdo má klíč od téhle budovy? Who has a key to this building? Who has the key to this building? Máš čas zítra? Do you have time tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow? Měl bys Tomovi dát trochu času. You should give Tom some time. You should give Tom some time. Život je hádanka a láska je odpověď. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Tady bydlím. That's where I live. This is where I live. Dziecko płakało przez prawie 10 minut. The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes. The baby cried for almost 10 minutes. Tom se konečně dočkal. At last Tom's time came. Tom has finally arrived. Tomův naivní optimismus mi začíná jít na nervy. Tom's wide-eyed optimism is beginning to grate on my nerves. Tom's naive optimism is getting on my nerves. Ne trjebaš mojeje dowolnosće. You don't need my permission. You don't need my permission. Ty šarlatáne! You charlatan! You charlatan! Chci být novinářkou. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a journalist. Mohl bych si od tebe vypůjčit žebřík? Would you mind if I borrowed your ladder? Can I borrow a ladder from you? Je tady někdo, kdo hovoří japonsky? Is there anyone here who speaks Japanese? Is there anyone here who speaks Japanese? Byl jsem požádán vám předat zprávu. I've been asked to give you a message. I was asked to give you a message. Może istnieje lepszy sposób, żeby to zrobić. Maybe there's a better way to do this. Maybe there's a better way to do it. Kdo žije bez bláznovství, není tak moudrý, jak si myslí. He who lives without madness is not as wise as he thinks. He who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks. Tom si myslel, že učitel mu dal na jeden den příliš domácích úkolů. Tom thought the teacher had given him way too much homework to finish in one day. Tom thought the teacher had given him too much homework for one day. Myślę, że to najlepsza chińska restauracja w Bostonie. I think this is the best Chinese restaurant in Boston. I think it's the best Chinese restaurant in Boston. Dlaczego pomalował pan ławkę na czerwono? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? Jaka jest pogoda? How is the weather? How's the weather? Co je to za divný zápach? What's that strange smell? What's that weird smell? Věděli jsme, že Tom říká pravdu. We knew that Tom was telling the truth. We knew Tom was telling the truth. Smíte v kanceláři nosit rifle? Do they allow you to wear jeans to the office? Are you allowed to wear jeans in the office? Byłem w trakcie medytacji, kiedy mój brat nagle wpadł do pokoju. I was just meditating, when my brother suddenly burst into the room. I was in the middle of meditation when my brother suddenly fell into the room. Pracovala pro rozhlasovou stanici. She worked for the radio station. She worked for a radio station. Sami był bogatym facetem. Sami was a wealthy guy. Sami was a rich guy. Z łatwością dostrzeżesz różnicę. You'll be able to see the difference very easily. You can easily see the difference. Na střední škole jsem do tebe byl blázen. I had a crush on you when we were in high school. I was crazy about you in high school. Idź wzdłuż ulicy i kiedy miniesz światła, będziesz na miejscu. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Walk along the street and when you pass the lights, you'll be there. Kde ses naučil mluvit španělsky? Where did you learn to speak Spanish? Where did you learn to speak Spanish? Możesz wstać? Can you stand up? Can you get up? Ten kot jest bardzo ładny. The cat is very cute. This cat is very pretty. Po raz pierwszy zagrała w sztuce. She acted in a play for the first time. For the first time she played in a play. Je to úžasné. It's just amazing. It's amazing. Co tomu řeknou sousedi? What will the neighbours say? What will the neighbors say? Chci se učit srbsky. I want to learn Serbian. I want to learn Serbian. Zrobisz to? Will you do that? Will you do it? Stej w knihowni. They are in a library. Stay in the library. Donesl jsem dokumenty mému šéfovi. I brought the documents to my boss. I brought the documents to my boss. Věřil jsem, že neměl žádné právo to udělat. I believed that he had no right to do that. I believed he had no right to do that. Nechal jsem téct vodu? Did I leave the water running? Did I let the water flow? Svolal své rodiče. He summoned his parents. He called his parents. Květiny umřou bez vody. Without water, the flowers die. The flowers will die without water. Každý, kdo s Tomem nesouhlasil, musel odejít. Everybody who disagreed with Tom had to leave. Anyone who disagreed with Tom had to leave. Nevím. Don't know. Dunno. Cestuji nalehko. I travel light. I travel light. Rodzice również aranżują małżeństwa, co jest tylko trochę bardziej uprzejmą wersją stwierdzenia, że po prostu handlują swymi dziećmi. Parents also arrange marriages, which is a polite way of saying that they sell or trade their children. Parents also arrange marriages, which is only a slightly more polite version of the statement that they are simply trading in their children. Chtěla bych heřmánkový čaj. I'd like a camomile. I'd like chamomile tea. Tom jako dítě neměl rád špenát. Tom didn't like spinach when he was a kid. As a child, Tom did not like spinach. Kdysi jsem v této řece plaval. I used to swim in this river. I used to swim in this river. Lubię też ciasto. I also like cake. I also like cake. Ona godzinami leży, myśląc o nim. She lay awake for hours thinking about him. She lies for hours thinking about him. Uwaga na kieszonkowców. Beware of pickpockets here. Watch out for pickpockets. Přestaňte lidi strašit něčím, co neexistuje. Stop scaring people with something that doesn't exist. Stop scaring people with something that doesn’t exist. Tom sfoukl svíci. Tom blew out the candle. Tom blew out a candle. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że chcesz rozdać wszystkie swoje pieniądze. I can't believe you're going to give away all your money. I can't believe you're giving away all your money. Nikdy jsem to s tebou nedělal. I've never done that with you. I've never done it with you. Měl jsem za nemožné, že by ten problém vyřešil on. I thought it impossible for him to solve the problem. I thought it was impossible for him to solve the problem. Nie miałem pomagać synowi w lekcjach, ale to zrobiłem. I wasn't supposed to help my son do his homework, but I did. I wasn't supposed to help my son in class, but I did. Dzieci powinny być posłuszne rodzicom. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Jakie piękne niemowlę! What a beautiful baby! What a beautiful baby! Nenechávej mě tu takhle čekat. Don't keep me waiting here like this. Don't leave me waiting like this. Tom musi wcześnie wstać. Tom must get up early. Tom has to get up early. Ona není dobrý člověk. She is not a good person. She's not a good person. Ukradli mi auto. My car has been stolen. They stole my car. Odpovíš na mé otázky pravdivě? Do you intend to answer all my questions truthfully? Will you answer my questions truthfully? W zeszłym roku w mojej klasie była Brazylijka. There was a Brazilian girl in my class last year. There was a Brazilian in my class last year. Co kdybychom se podívali, jak to Tom dělá? Why don't we see how Tom is doing? Why don't we see how Tom does it? Dobrze być z powrotem. It's nice to be back. It's good to be back. Při první návštěvě u vás jsem zabloudil. I got lost when I visited you for the first time. On my first visit to you, I was lost. Zawsze chciałem jechać pod namiot z rodziną. One thing I've always wanted to do is go camping with my family. I always wanted to go camping with my family. Nie powinno się zdradzać przyjaciół. One shouldn't betray one's friends. You shouldn't betray your friends. Nedokážu na Toma přestat myslet. I cannot stop thinking about Tom. I can't stop thinking about Tom. Na tu párty nepůjdu. - Proč? - Protože tam nechci potkat Toma. I won't go to the party. - Why? - Because I don't want to encounter Tom there. - Because I don't want to meet Tom. A co tohle? What about it? How about this? Tom si oblékne oblek. Tom will be wearing a suit. Tom's gonna put on a suit. Tom zostawił synowi dom. Tom left the house to his son. Tom left his son a home. Ani se nepokoušej to popřít. Don't even try to deny it. Don't even try to deny it. Ale jdi, nechtěl jsem ti ublížit. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Tom mě opět zklamal. Tom disappointed me again. Tom disappointed me again. Tom nie ma przyjaciół. Tom doesn't have any friends. Tom has no friends. Chci ti něco ukázat v mé kanceláři. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. Víš, jak to použít? Do you know how to use it? Do you know how to use it? Jak strasznie! How horrible! How awful! Włożył w to całą duszę i serce. He put all his heart and soul into it. He put his whole soul and heart into it. Tom jest bardzo przystojny. Tom is very handsome. Tom is very handsome. Spróbój tego jak najbardziej! Try it by all means. Try it as much as possible! Moje stopnie są powyżej średniej. My grades are above average. My grades are above average. Czy można zapomnieć swój język ojczysty? Can you forget your native language? Can you forget your mother tongue? Nie wolno wchodzić do pokoju. You must not enter the room. You're not allowed in the room. Snaž se Toma pochopit. Try to understand Tom. Try to understand Tom. Stej w knihowni. They are in the library. Stay in the library. Możesz polegać na tym słowniku. You can depend on this dictionary. You can rely on this dictionary. Velmi dobře se bavím. I'm having a very good time. I'm having a very good time. Tahle váza je ze železa. This vase is made of iron. This vase is made of iron. On wygląda na zmęczonego. He looks tired. He looks tired. Co tam u Toma? How's Tom doing? How's Tom? Vím, že stále nejsi spokojen. I know you're still not satisfied. I know you're still not satisfied. Cieszę się, że mogę ci pomóc. I'm glad to help you. I'm glad I can help you. Vrátil se z Ameriky. He came back from America. He's back from America. Dlaczego zawsze spóźniasz się do szkoły? Why are you always late for school? Why are you always late for school? Stávaly tu napůl zbořené zdi. Half-destroyed walls used to stand there. There were half-broken walls. Gratulacje! Congratulations! Congratulations! Naprawdę dobrze się z tym czuję. I have a really good feeling about this. I feel really good about it. Nie mówili o niczym innym, tylko o nowinach z firmy. They talked about nothing but the news in the company. They didn't talk about anything but news from the company. Gdzie jest skrzynka pocztowa? Where is the mailbox? Where's the mailbox? Szkoła jest nudna. School is boring. School is boring. Samozřejmě to přeložit můžu, neboť pevně věřím, že všechno, i nepřeložitelné, se dá přeložit; a co nedokáže přeložit mozek — to snad přeloží srdce. Obviously I can translate that, since I strongly believe that everything is translatable, even what is untranslatable; and what the brain cannot translate - maybe the heart can. Of course, I can translate it, because I firmly believe that everything, even untranslatable, can be translated; and what the brain cannot translate, the heart can translate. Proč ses rozhodl neříct mi vše, co o Tomovi víš? Why did you choose not to tell me everything you know about Tom? Why did you decide not to tell me everything you know about Tom? Koń by się uśmiał. Don't make me laugh. The horse would laugh. Nigdy nie byłam twoją przyjaciółką. I was never your friend. I was never your friend. Jsme skeptici. We're skeptics. We're skeptics. Zítra do práce autem jet nemohu. I cannot drive my car to work tomorrow. I can't drive to work tomorrow. Bez svítilny nezvládneš vidět nic. You won't be able to see anything without a flashlight. You can't see anything without a flashlight. Ještě to bude nějakou dobu fungovat. It will still be working for some time. It's gonna work for a while. Jesteś trudny. You're difficult. You're tough. Viděl jsem Toma, jak spadl ze střechy svého domu. I saw Tom fall down from the roof of his house. I saw Tom fall from the roof of his house. Soukromí je pro nás důležité. Privacy is important to us. Privacy is important to us. Nikdy ses neučil francouzsky, že? You've never studied French, have you? You never learned French, did you? Nie możemy żyć bez jedzenia. We can't exist without food. We can't live without food. Raději bych Toma na oběd nezval. I would rather not invite Tom to lunch. I'd rather not invite Tom to lunch. Tyto věty nejsou přímo spojeny. These sentences are not directly linked. These sentences are not directly related. Każdy boi się robić coś nowego. Everyone is afraid of doing new things. Everyone is afraid to do something new. Żadna kultura nie jest idealna. No culture is perfect. No culture is perfect. Táta přišel domů. Father came home. Dad came home. Chudoba cti netratí. Poverty is no vice. Poverty does not lose honor. On ma niewiele pieniędzy. He has little money. He doesn't have much money. Nie jestem pingwinem. I'm not a penguin. I'm not a penguin. Nevidím důvod, proč bych měl Toma bránit. I see no reason why I should defend Tom. I don't see why I should defend Tom. Jest coś w tym pudełku? Is there anything in the box? Is there anything in that box? Mój sąsiad całkowicie odnowił swój dom. My neighbour has renovated his house completely. My neighbor has completely renovated his house. Jste nudný. You're boring. You're boring. Nie mogłem ani jeść, ani pić. I could neither eat nor drink. I could neither eat nor drink. Nie wiedziałem, w którym pociągu mógł być Tom. I didn't know which train Tom would be on. I didn't know which train Tom was on. Petr povalil židli. Peter knocked down the chair. Peter laid down his chair. Tohle má Tom rád. Tom likes this. That's what Tom likes. Będę potrzebował trochę więcej czasu. I'll need some more time. I'm gonna need a little more time. Všichni se neustále učíme. We are all perpetual learners. We are all constantly learning. Tom nie przyjechał z nami do Bostonu. Tom didn't come with us to Boston. Tom didn't come to Boston with us. Może po prostu się nie wysypiasz. Maybe you're just not getting enough sleep. Maybe you're just not getting any sleep. Czy masz jakąś rodzinę? Do you have any family? Do you have any family? Tak czy nie? Yes or no? Yes or no? Bylo to jako nějaké pohádka. It was like a fairy tale. It was like a fairy tale. Žonglování je další z věcí, ve kterých nejsem moc dobrý. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Tom często ma kłopoty z prawem. Tom is often in trouble with the law. Tom is often in trouble with the law. Jdeš s náma? Are you coming with us? Are you coming with us? Czy oni podali powód? Did they give a reason? Did they give a reason? Všechny tyhle výhody existují jen na papíře. All of these benefits exist only on paper. All these benefits exist only on paper. Kdybych byl znal její adresu, byl bych ji mohl navštívit. If I had known her address, I could have visited her. If I knew her address, I'd be able to visit her. Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, Boston jest piękny o tej porze roku. If I remember correctly, Boston is beautiful this time of year. If I remember correctly, Boston is beautiful at this time of year. Tom myslí jen na práci. Tom only has work in mind. Tom only thinks about work. Odrzuciła moją propozycję. She rejected my proposal. She turned me down. Hranice mohou zůstat dva roky zavřené. The borders can remain closed for two years. The border may remain closed for two years. Tom hraje tenis lépe, než Mary. Tom is better at tennis than Mary. Tom plays tennis better than Mary. Cieszę się, że podoba się wam. Glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. Město bylo pokryto sněhem. The city was blanketed with snow. The town was covered in snow. Podaj mi, proszę, sól i pieprz. Please give me salt and pepper. Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Proszę się odsunąć do tyłu. Stand back, please. Step back, please. Ne, to jsem nikdy neřekl. No, I never said that. No, I never said that. Ve třetí dimenzi se vnímáte jako entita oddělená od ostatních lidí a vesmíru. In the third dimension you see yourself as a separate entity in comparison to other people and the universe. In the third dimension, you perceive yourself as an entity separate from other people and the universe. Tam kde se pálí knihy, posléze se upalují lidé. Where they burn books, they will eventually burn people. Where books are burned, people are burned. Chciałabym porozmawiać z tobą o czymś innym. I'd like to talk to you about something else. I'd like to talk to you about something else. Nejsem zvyklý vstávat brzy. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. Trochu větší opatrností by se řidič byl vyhnul tak tragické nehodě. With a little more care, the driver could have avoided such a tragic accident. A little more caution would have avoided such a tragic accident. Mógłbyś patrzeć w inną stronę, podczas gdy ja się przebiorę? Would you mind looking the other way while I change my clothes? Could you look the other way while I change? Chodíte často do restaurace? Do you often go to a restaurant? Do you go to a restaurant often? Mówiłem ci to sto razy. I've told you that a hundred times. I've told you a hundred times. Tom měl kupodivu s Mary trpělivost. Tom was surprisingly patient with Mary. Tom had a lot of patience with Mary. Na zahradě nebyl nikdo. There was nobody in the garden. There was no one in the garden. Ta nowa piosenka jest wielkim hitem. This new song is a big hit. This new song is a big hit. Ona mówi po angielsku. She speaks English. She speaks English. Żaden ze mnie tancerz. I'm not much of a dancer. I'm not a dancer. Měli jen jedno dítě. They had only one child. They had only one child. Možná toho máme společného více, než si myslíš. We may have more in common than you think. Maybe we have more in common than you think. Kdes nechal svůj kufr? Where did you leave your suitcase? Where did you leave your suitcase? Vyprávěj po večeři nějakou historku. Tell a story after dinner. Tell a story after dinner. Pořád čekám, až to uvidím. I'm still waiting to see it. I'm still waiting to see it. Dal jsem Tomovi vše, co jsem měl. I gave Tom everything that I had. I gave Tom everything I had. Zůstaň s námi! Stay with us! Stay with us! Taky je moc hezký. He's really handsome, too. It's very nice, too. Jestem całkowicie i po uszy zakochany w tobie. I'm totally and completely in love with you. I'm completely and completely in love with you. Chciałbym żeby Tom był moim młodszym bratem. I wish Tom were my younger brother. I wish Tom was my little brother. Tom nie jeździ motocyklem. Tom isn't used to riding a motorcycle. Tom doesn't ride a motorcycle. Přestaň mluvit a dávej pozor. Stop talking and pay attention. Stop talking and pay attention. Ranní slunce je tak ostré, že se na něj nemohu dívat. The morning sun is so bright that I can't look at it. The morning sun is so bright I can't look at it. Może lepiej zawołaj Toma. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Moja córka ma aparat ortodontyczny. My daughter has braces. My daughter has braces. Známe Toma už léta. We've known Tom for years. We've known Tom for years. To błąd. It's a mistake. It's a mistake. Mám radši bílé víno než červené. I like white wine better than red wine. I like white wine better than red wine. Jsi si jistá, že jsme se ještě nikdy nepotkali? Are you sure we've never met before? Are you sure we've never met before? Koně mají tři způsoby chůze: Chození, klus a trysk. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three ways of walking: walking, trotting, and jetting. Pokus se jich zbavit. Try to get rid of them. Try to get rid of them. Já nechci. I don't want to. I don't want to. Naučil jsem se báseň nazpaměť. I memorized the poem. I learned the poem by heart. Ukážete mi, co jste si koupili? Are you going to show me what you bought? Can you show me what you bought? Bez ciebie nie będzie tak samo. I would not be the same without you. It won't be the same without you. Její vlasy byly tak dlouhé, že sahaly na zem. Her hair was so long that it reached the floor. Her hair was so long that it reached the ground. Jsme proti tomu, aby s námi Tom pracoval. We are against Tom working with us. We're against Tom working with us. Tom řekl, že se domnívá, že Mary rozumí. Tom said that he thought Mary understood. Tom said he thought Mary understood. Volíme mír, ne válku. We choose peace, not war. We choose peace, not war. Všechno bude jiné. Everything will be different. Everything will be different. Většina z nás je právě zaneprázdněna. Most of us are busy right now. Most of us are busy right now. Tom se omluvil svému šéfovi za to, že nedokončil svoji práci v termínu. Tom apologised to his boss for not finishing his work on schedule. Tom apologized to his boss for not finishing his job on time. Tom vás provede montážní halou. Tom will show you round the assembly shop. Tom will walk you through the assembly hall. Nie martw się, pomogę ci. Don't worry, I'm going to help you. Don't worry, I'll help you. Studentům bylo řečeno, aby se naučili báseň zpaměti. The students were told to learn the poem by heart. The students were told to learn the poem by heart. Nemiluji nikoho. I don't love anyone. I don't love anyone. Děkuji za kontrolu. Thanks for checking. Thank you for checking. Zapomeň na tuto smutnou událost. Forget this sad event. Forget about this sad event. Tom chciał, żebyś to od razu zobaczył. Tom wanted you to see it right away. Tom wanted you to see it right away. Jeszcze się nie dobudziłem. I'm not wide awake yet. I haven't recovered yet. Sy Etiopjan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? Tom kòżden dzénj zjé do frisztëkù tã jistnõ rzecz. Tom eats the same thing for breakfast every day. Tom every day eats a damn thing. Wšo dobre k narodninam! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Chcę być biegły we francuskim. I want to be fluent in French. I want to be fluent in French. Nerad chodím ven, když je zima. I don't like going out when it's cold. I don't like to go out when it's cold. To nevypadá tak špatně. It doesn't look so bad. That doesn't look so bad. Studenci z Azji na stypendiach w Japonii mówią zarówno po angielsku, jak i po japońsku. Students from Asia studying abroad speak English too, just as Japanese students do. Asian students on scholarships in Japan speak both English and Japanese. Musíme to zkusit jinak. We need to try doing this a different way. We have to try another way. Tom je společenský, a má hodně přátel. Tom is outgoing and has a lot of friends. Tom is sociable, and he has a lot of friends. Rozhodl jsem se na ten film nedívat. I've decided not to watch that movie. I decided not to watch the movie. Tom seděl u okna čta knihu. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom was sitting at the window reading a book. Jestli Toma vyhodíte, tak tady končím. If you fire Tom, I will quit here. If you fire Tom, I'm done here. Dziewczyna skoczyła na równe nogi i opuściła pokój. The girl jumped to her feet and left the room. The girl jumped to her feet and left the room. Książę nadał swoim poddanym ziemię. The prince gave his land to his subjects. The prince gave his subjects land. Obiecałeś, że będziesz tam zeszłej nocy. You promised that you would be there last night. You promised you'd be there last night. To nie potrwa długo. It won't take so long. It won't take long. Musíš to dokončit. You've got to finish doing that. You have to finish this. Buziaki! Kisses! Kisses! Tomáš vypil šálek kávy. Tom drank a cup of coffee. Thomas drank a cup of coffee. Uważasz, że jedzenie codziennie śniadania jest ważne? Do you think that eating breakfast every day is important? Do you think eating breakfast every day is important? Mam nadzieję, że się panu spodoba. I hope you'll like it. I hope you like it. Mój pies jest biały. My dog is white. My dog is white. Jeho zdraví se postupně zlepšuje. His health is improving little by little. His health is gradually improving. Powiedzieli kiedy? Did they say when? Did they say when? Jej piękno jest nie do opisania. Her beauty is indescribable. Its beauty is indescribable. Zostańcie w swoich domach. Stay in your homes. Stay in your homes. Vezmu Toma domů. I'm going to take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Tom vypadá unavený. Tom looks fatigued. Tom looks tired. Nasze ciała zbudowane są z komórek. Our bodies are made of cells. Our bodies are made of cells. Wciąż jem tę potrawkę, którą ugotowaliśmy kilka dni temu. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I'm still eating that stew we cooked a few days ago. Widziałem Toma, ale on mnie nie widział. I saw Tom, but he didn't see me. I saw Tom, but he didn't see me. Jesteś ambitny. You're competitive. You're ambitious. Miał za dużo kontroli nad moim życiem. He had too much control over my life. He had too much control over my life. Tom spytał Mary, czy go kocha. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. To był studolarowy banknot . It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a $100 bill. Krowy dają nam mleko, a kury dają nam jajka. Cows give us milk and chickens give us eggs. Cows give us milk and chickens give us eggs. Czy potrzebuję innego powodu? Do I need another reason? Do I need another reason? Chceš to probrat? Do you want to discuss it? You want to talk about it? „Proč?“ — „Proč ne?“ "Why?" "Why not?" “Why?” “Why not?” Nechci zažít umírání. I don't want to experience dying. I don't want to experience dying. Je víceméně opilý. He is more or less drunk. He's more or less drunk. Dlaczego w ogóle o to pytasz? Why would you ask that? Why do you even ask that? Nechci jít na zimní vzduch. I don't want to go out into the winter air. I don't want to go in the cold air. Krzycz! Scream. Scream! Rozejrzyj się dookoła. Take a look around you. Look around. Čekám tady skoro tři hodiny. I've been waiting here nearly three hours. I've been waiting here for almost three hours. Jaden, dwa, tśi, styri, pěś, šesć, sedym, wósym, źewjeś, źaseś. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Jaden, two, three, four, five, six, six, seven, five, five, five, six. Ukaž mi svojí knihovnu a já ti řeknu, kdo jsi. Show me the content of your book shelves and I will tell you who you are. Show me your library and I'll tell you who you are. Zachmurzyło się, będzie padać. The sky is cloudy and it will rain. It's cloudy, it's gonna rain. Myślisz po francusku? Do you think in French? Do you think in French? Nasze talerze piknikowe są z plastiku. Our picnic plates are made of plastic. Our picnic plates are made of plastic. Ta dívka, co má na sobě šátek, je panna. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl wearing the scarf is a virgin. Jesteśmy studentami. We are students. We're students. Pokud zítra nebude pršet, půjdeme na tůru. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go hiking. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go hiking. Mają kilka możliwości. They have several options. They have several options. Máš dobrou paměť. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Nahlásil jsem ten případ. I reported the incident. I reported the case. Chyba mam kłopot z moją żoną. I think I'm in trouble with my wife. I think I'm having trouble with my wife. Chcę pojechać do Minnesoty. I want to go to Minnesota. I want to go to Minnesota. Tady spát nebudu. I am not sleeping here. I'm not sleeping here. Na drzewie było wiele ptaków. There were a lot of birds in the tree. There were many birds in the tree. Zaczynamy? Shall we start? Shall we? Jaké víno máš raději? Which wine do you like better? Which wine do you prefer? Dla każdego jest oczywiste, że się zakochał. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It is obvious to everyone that he fell in love. Nevím určitě, co Tom koupil. I'm not sure what Tom bought. I'm not sure what Tom bought. Musisz spróbować znowu. You have to try again. You have to try again. Znáš mě dost na to, abys věděl, že to bych já neudělal. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. You know me well enough to know that I wouldn't do that. Interesuje mnie muzyka. I'm interested in music. I'm interested in music. Chcę dać mamie roślinę. I want to give mum a plant. I want to give Mom a plant. Amerika vládne světu. America rules the world. America rules the world. Jakie były twoje 21. urodziny? What was your 21st birthday like? How was your 21st birthday? Tamtej nocy była burza. There was a storm that night. There was a storm that night. O co tyle szumu? What's all this fuss about? What's the big deal? Tom připravil těstovinový salát. Tom made a pasta salad. Tom prepared a pasta salad. Jesteśmy do tego przyzwyczajeni. We're used to that. We're used to it. Nie znam wszystkich. I don't know everybody. I don't know everyone. Jest teraz w hotelu. She's at the hotel now. He's at the hotel now. Neváhej mi klást otázky. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Don't hesitate to ask me questions. Tom nedokázal pořádně vysvětlit, co se stalo. Tom had trouble explaining what happened. Tom couldn’t explain what had happened. To je pero, které jsem včera ztratil. This is the pen that I lost yesterday. That's the pen I lost yesterday. Kde je nejbližší autobusová zastávka? Where's the nearest bus stop? Where is the nearest bus stop? Przeprosił za spóźnienie. He apologized to us for being late. He apologized for being late. Proboha, Tome, co je k sakru tohle? For God's sake, Tom, what the hell is this? Oh, my God, Tom, what the hell is this? Ten obraz nie jest wart ceny, którą pan proponuje. The painting is not worth the price you are asking. This painting is not worth the price you're offering. Tom a Mary bývali přáteli. Tom and Mary used to be friends. Tom and Mary used to be friends. Voda zmrzla. The water turned to ice. The water's frozen. Jô nje mëslił, co nasze karno je pò prôvdze tak lëché. I didn't think our team was really this bad. I didn't think what our punishment is was so easy. Kelner, proszę o wodę. Waiter, please bring me some water. Waiter, water, please. Myślę, że zamek w Malborku jest wspaniały. I think Malbork castle is wonderful. I think the castle in Malbork is great. Nemám telefon. I don't have a phone. I don't have a phone. Nesleduji tě. I'm not stalking you. I'm not following you. Asi máš těžká zavazadla. You probably have some heavy luggage. I think you've got heavy luggage. Tom se zeptal Marie, jestli je doma. Tom asked Mary if she was home. Tom asked Mary if she was home. Czy jest tu ktoś? Anybody here? Is anyone here? Nie lubiłbyś mnie takiej, jaką byłam trzy lata temu. You wouldn't have liked me the way I was three years ago. You wouldn't like me the way I was three years ago. Była bardzo opalona po urlopie. She was very brown after her holiday. She was very tan after the holiday. Chodíval jsem do školy. I used to go to school. I used to go to school. Starala se o nemocného otce. She looked after her sick father. She took care of her sick father. Skutečně jsi tu nehodu viděl? Did you actually see the accident? Did you really see the accident? Chcę zobaczyć w środku. I want to take a look inside. I want to see inside. Tom je zaneprázdněný přípravou snídaně pro svojí rodinu. Tom is busy making breakfast for his family. Tom is busy making breakfast for his family. Jsou likvidováni. They are being eliminated. They're being liquidated. Tom nemá žádný vězeňský záznam. Tom has no prison record. Tom doesn't have a prison record. Tanec není můj oblíbený druh zábavy. Dancing isn't my favorite kind of entertainment. Dancing is not my favorite form of entertainment. Myślisz, że Tom wie kim jesteśmy? Do you think Tom knows who we are? Do you think Tom knows who we are? Život je krásný! Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful! Z domova jsme odešli brzy ráno. We left home early in the morning. We left home early this morning. Myślę, że zrobienie tego byłoby zbyt trudne. I think it would be too difficult to do that. I think it would be too difficult to do that. Tom mrzne kdesi v pustině. Tom is freezing in the middle of nowhere. Tom's freezing in the middle of nowhere. Jsi dobrý člověk? Are you a good person? Are you a good person? Nemůžu vám říct, kam Tom šel. I can't tell you where Tom went. I can't tell you where Tom went. Może powinniśmy w przyszłym tygodniu jechać do Bostonu odwiedzić Toma. Perhaps we should go to Boston next week to visit Tom. Maybe we should go to Boston next week to see Tom. Doufáme, že uspěješ. We hope you'll succeed. We hope you succeed. Není tak krásná, jako její starší sestra. She is not as beautiful as her older sister. She's not as beautiful as her older sister. Také jste noví? Are you new, too? Are you new, too? Nevím, jestli se mu podaří přežít. I don't know if he'll manage to survive. I don't know if he'll survive. Může existovat iluze? Can an illusion exist? Could there be an illusion? Tomowi się to podoba. Tom likes that. Tom likes it. Tom bere všechna ta opatření velmi vážně. Tom takes all the measures very seriously. Tom takes all these measures very seriously. Má Tom dostatek peněz? Does Tom have enough money? Does Tom have enough money? Ještě nedodělal svoji práci. He hasn't finished his work yet. He hasn't finished his job yet. Tom zřejmně nikdy nebyl v Austrálii. Tom has probably never been to Australia. Apparently, Tom's never been to Australia. Pracujesz czy uczysz się? Do you study or work? Are you working or studying? Měl bys říct své matce co nejdřív. You should tell your mother as soon as possible. You should tell your mother as soon as possible. Děkuji ti za všechno, co jsi pro mě udělal. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Wygląda bardzo młodo przy swoim mężu. She looks very young as against her husband. She looks very young with her husband. Každého rádi uvítáme, když přijde. Everyone is welcome to come. We would love to welcome everyone when they arrive. Tom ví, že je to lež. Tom knows it's a lie. Tom knows it's a lie. Tom je na lovu. Tom is out hunting. Tom's on the hunt. Učitelka vyzvala Toma, aby přečetl svou slohovou práci nahlas. The teacher asked Tom to read his essay aloud. The teacher asked Tom to read his essay aloud. Słyszałem jak schodził po schodach. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him coming down the stairs. Všechny moje věty zkontrolovali rodilí mluvčí. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. Ość utknęła mi w gardle. A fish bone has stuck in my throat. My mouth is stuck in my throat. Pudełko było zupełnie puste, gdy je otworzyłem. The box was empty when I opened it. The box was completely empty when I opened it. Umíš hrát na hudební nástroj? Can you play an instrument? Can you play a musical instrument? Klepnął swojego brata po ramieniu. He patted his brother on the shoulder. He patted his brother on the shoulder. Viděl jsem hodně hus. I saw a lot of geese. I've seen a lot of geese. Pijeme mléko. We are drinking milk. We drink milk. Myślisz, że Tom planuje to zrobić? Do you think Tom is planning to do that? You think Tom's planning on doing that?