Máme pro vás speciální nabídku. We have a special offer for you. We have a special offer for you. Nie jesteśmy dla siebie stworzeni. We are not made for each other. We're not meant for each other. Pociągi jeżdżą rzadziej w nocy. The trains are less frequent at night time. Trains travel less often at night. Po zemi se válelo několik kýblů. Several buckets were scattered around the floor. There were several buckets rolling around the ground. Nancy má strach ze psů. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Tom prawdopodobnie zda egzamin. Tom is likely to pass the test. Tom will probably pass the exam. Tom si dal jedno pivo. Tom had one beer. Tom had one beer. Nenechám to Toma udělat. I won't let Tom do this. I'm not gonna let Tom do it. Głuchy jesteś? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? Tom wsiadł na swój rower i odjechał. Tom got on his bike and left. Tom got on his bike and drove away. Rád běhám. I like to run. I like to run. Prezident byl zvolen na čtyři roky. The president was elected for four years. The president was elected for four years. Zero to wyjątkowa liczba. Zero is a special number. Zero is a unique number. Tom i Mary nie rozmawiają ze sobą. Tom and Mary are not talking to one another. Tom and Mary don't talk to each other. Chcę się upewnić o krórej godzinie powinienem wyjść. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to leave. I want to make sure I have an hour or so to leave. V neděli dopoledne můj otec hrál golf. My father played golf on Sunday morning. Sunday morning, my father played golf. Tak ona pracuje v továrně, jo? So she works at this factory, huh? So she works at the factory, huh? Nie ma zbyt dużo pieniędzy. He doesn't have much money. There's not much money. Postanowiłem nauczyć się grać na harfie. I've made up my mind to learn how to play the harp. I've decided to learn how to play the harp. Proszę, powiedz mi jak uruchomić silnik. Please tell me how to start the engine. Please tell me how to start the engine. Uważam, że dzieci nie powinny pić piwa. I don't think children should drink beer. I don't think kids should drink beer. Máme splnit úkol. We have a mission to accomplish. We're supposed to do the job. Mám rád kyselé zelí. I like sauerkraut. I like sour cabbage. Kreslí obrázek. She is drawing a picture. He's drawing a picture. Przepraszam, jeśli cię wprowadziłem w błąd. I'm sorry if I misled you. I'm sorry if I led you astray. Tomovi se líbí zrzky. Tom likes redheads. Tom likes the redhead. Každý krok byl pro ní těžký. Every step was difficult for her. Every step was hard for her. Nie wydajesz się doceniać tego, co dla ciebie zrobiliśmy. You don't seem to appreciate what we've done for you. You don't seem to appreciate what we've done for you. Tom naučil Marii, jak péct chleba. Tom taught Mary how to bake bread. Tom taught Maria how to bake bread. Kdy má Tom v plánu odjet do Austrálie? When is Tom planning to go to Australia? When is Tom planning on going to Australia? Neumím francouzsky ani italsky. I can speak neither French nor Italian. I don't speak French or Italian. Bycie łysym ma przynajmniej jedną zaletę - można dużo oszczędzić na szamponie. Being bald has at least one advantage - you save a lot on shampoo. Being bald has at least one advantage - you can save a lot on shampoo. Věříš v lásku na první pohled? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight? Budu velmi šťastný, když budeš moci přijít. If you can come, I will be very happy. I'd be very happy if you could come. Tom kupił drogą gitarę. Tom bought an expensive guitar. Tom bought a guitar on the way. Nie było tego tam, gdzie Tom powiedział, że będzie. It wasn't where Tom said it would be. It wasn't where Tom said it would be. Kolik mléka zbývá? How much milk is left? How much milk is left? Kdy se vrátíš domů? When will you come back home? When are you coming home? Mógłbym nic nie robić. I could do nothing. I could do nothing. Můžete mluvit pomaleji? Could you speak a bit more slowly? Can you talk slower? To był tylko sen. It was only a dream. It was just a dream. Nagle moja matka zaczęła śpiewać. Suddenly, my mother started singing. Suddenly my mother started singing. Později navštívíme akvapark. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. We'll visit the water park later. Powiedz mi, co powiedział Tom. Tell me what Tom said. Tell me what Tom said. Myslím, že tvá sukně je moc krátká. I think your skirt is too short. I think your skirt's too short. Jsem si vědom tvého problému. I appreciate your problem. I'm aware of your problem. Jsem tak unaven, že nemohu pokračovat. I'm so tired that I can't go on. I'm so tired I can't go on. Bojíte se ho? Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of him? Czy mogę ściszyć telewizor? May I turn down the TV? Can I turn down the TV? Nie zaprosili mnie na ślub. They did not invite me to their wedding. They didn't invite me to the wedding. Co robiłeś rano? What did you do this morning? What were you doing this morning? Muszę napisać list. I have to write a letter. I have to write a letter. Pochodzę z małego miasta w Australii. I come from a small town in Australia. I come from a small town in Australia. Žádný chlap mě o to nikdy nežádal. No guy has ever asked me that. No man ever asked me to. Hej, spójrz na to. Hey, look at this. Hey, look at this. Pytanie, jak to powiedzieć, żeby nie rozzłościć Toma. The question is how to say no without making Tom angry. The question is, how do I tell you not to make Tom angry? Zwykle wstaję o ósmej. I usually get up at eight. I usually get up at 8:00. Tom nie pamiętał, żeby poprosić Mary o pomoc. Tom didn't remember asking Mary for help. Tom didn't remember to ask Mary for help. Lubimy dzieci. We like children. We like kids. Tom chce zacząć brać lekcje pływania w te lato. Tom is going to start taking swimming lessons this summer. Tom wants to start swimming lessons this summer. Silvio Berlusconi jest włoskim politykiem, obecnym premierem Włoch, a także odnoszącym sukcesy przedsiębiorcą. Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian politician, the current Prime Minister of Italy, as well as a successful entrepreneur. Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian politician, the current Prime Minister of Italy, and a successful entrepreneur. Profesor rozwiązał problem jako ostatni. The professor solved the problem at last. The professor solved the problem last time. To je moje. This is mine. That's mine. Nasza klasa składa się z 40 chłopców. Our class consists of 40 boys. Our class consists of 40 boys. Trval na tom, aby tam byli. He insisted that they be here. He insisted they were there. Cicho! Hush! Shut up! Jsi pro jeho nápad nebo proti němu? Are you for or against his idea? Are you for his idea or against him? V tomto lese je hodně ptáků. There are many birds in this forest. There's a lot of birds in this forest. Duha je přírodní úkaz. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. The rainbow is a natural phenomenon. Tom se ukazuje v práci opilý. Tom has been showing up to work drunk. Tom shows up at work drunk. Obvykle se budím v šest. I usually wake up at six. I usually wake up at 6:00. Rád bych prožil jeden den bez toho, aniž by mi říkali, že vypadám jako můj bratr. I'd like to go through just one day without being told I look like my brother. I'd like to live one day without being told I look like my brother. Ona nigdy nie będzie o tym rozmawiać. She will never talk about it. She'll never talk about it. Mój ojciec jest bardzo zmęczony. My father is very tired. My father is very tired. Tom zapuścił brodę. Tom grew a beard. Tom's got a beard. Tyto peníze jsou pro strýčka Příhodu. This money is for a rainy day. This money is for Uncle Coincidence. Nie mogę znaleźć swoich kluczy. I can't find my keys. I can't find my keys. Musíš se osprchovat. You have to take a shower. You need to take a shower. Bądź uprzejmy dla nieznajomych. Be kind to others. Be kind to strangers. Nemám kočku. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. Nie możesz wyjechać. You can't leave. You can't leave. Kdes byl v říjnu? Where were you in October? Where were you in October? Rodzice również aranżują małżeństwa, co jest tylko trochę bardziej uprzejmą wersją stwierdzenia, że po prostu handlują swymi dziećmi. Parents also arrange marriages, which is a polite way of saying that they sell or trade their children. Parents also arrange marriages, which is just a little more polite version of the statement that they simply trade their children. Oglądasz telewizję? Do you watch TV? Are you watching TV? Odbierz telefon, dobrze? Answer the telephone, will you? Pick up the phone, will you? Tom nepsal tak často. Tom didn't write so often. Tom didn't write that often. Wón ma kolaso. He has a bicycle. He's got a colosso. Ktoś mi to mówił. Someone told me that. Someone told me that. To jest jakaś możliwość. That's certainly one possibility. It's a possibility. Maria będzie pracować, mimo że jest chora. Although Mary is sick, she will work. Maria will work even though she's sick. Jsem roztleskávačka. I'm a cheerleader. I'm a cheerleader. Czy wierzysz w anioły? Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in angels? Moja mama zrobiła mi sweter. My mother made me a sweater. My mom made me a sweater. To jídlo je výborné. The food is excellent. The food is delicious. Nesaháš Tomovi ani po kotníky. You can't even begin to compare with Tom. You don't even touch Tom's ankles. Trzej ogromni mężczyźni zaatakowali go i okradli z pieniędzy. Three big men attacked him and stole his money. Three huge men attacked him and robbed him of money. Změnil adresu. He changed his address. He changed the address. Zawsze jest trudno zacząć pisać list. It's always difficult to start a letter. It's always hard to start writing letters. Praca trwa. Work is in progress. It's working. Tom się nie przyzna. Tom won't confess. Tom won't admit it. Tom jest z nią. Tom is with her. Tom's with her. Ona nikoho z nás nezná. She doesn't know any of us. She doesn't know any of us. Neskákej do řeči, když mluvíme. Don't cut in while we're talking. Don't jump into the conversation when we're talking. Tom mówi, że nie zniesie dłużej tego hałasu. Tom says he can't put up with this noise any longer. Tom says he can't take the noise anymore. W tym sklepie można wynająć rower na godziny. You can hire a bicycle by the hour at this shop. You can rent a bike in this store for hours. Máme na tu věc opačné názory. We have opposing opinions about the matter. We have the opposite opinions about this thing. Ta szkoła jest nasza. This school is ours. This school is ours. Czy teraz działa? Does it work now? Is it working now? Bycie samotnikiem wymaga wewnętrznej walki z samym sobą. Being a loner requires inner struggle with yourself. Being a loner requires an internal struggle with yourself. Koho Tom navštíví? Who is Tom visiting? Who's Tom visiting? Nigdy nie byłam twoją przyjaciółką. I was never your friend. I've never been your friend. Planuję się uczyć angielskiego dzisiaj po południu. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm planning on learning English this afternoon. Tom narzekał na hałas. Tom complained about the noise. Tom was complaining about the noise. Já jsem včera večeřel, ale Tom myslím ne. I ate dinner last night, but I don't think Tom did. I had dinner last night, but I don't think Tom did. Tom właśnie się tu przeprowadził. Tom just moved to town. Tom just moved here. Wykonał pracę do końca. He has done the work completely. He's done his job for the rest of the day. Pokud vím, tento je nejlepší. As far as I know, this is the best one. As far as I know, this is the best. Tom se omluvil za to, že usnul při vyučování. Tom apologized for falling asleep in class. Tom apologized for falling asleep while he was teaching. Máš ošklivý otřes mozku. You have a nasty concussion. You have a bad concussion. Neriskuj vše, pro co jsi pracoval. Don't risk everything you've worked for. Don't risk everything you've worked for. Jestli chcete, postavím vašemu psovi boudu. I can build your dog a doghouse if you want me to. If you want, I'll build your dog a shed. Narodil jsem se v říjnu. I was born in October. I was born in October. To je jedno z nejkrásnějších míst na zemi. This is one of the most beautiful places in the world. This is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Tom jest instruktorem jogi. Tom is a yoga instructor. Tom is a yoga instructor. Všechny dívky z Tomovy třídy jsou krásné. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. Nejenže se Tom narodil téměř slepý na jedno oko, ale ani na druhé už ve svém pokročilém věku nevidí kdovíjak dobře. Not only was Tom born nearly blind in one eye, but at his advanced age he can no longer see all that well out of the other one either. Not only was Tom born almost blind to one eye, but he doesn't see others at his advanced age as well. Tom był trochę zaskoczony, gdy zobaczył Mary i Johna całujących się. Tom was a bit surprised when he saw Mary and John kissing. Tom was a little surprised when he saw Mary and John kissing. Můj dům je příhodně blízko nádraží. My house is conveniently close to the station. My house is conveniently close to the station. Jeho nabídku jsi měla odmítnout. You should have refused his offer. You should have refused his offer. Czy skończył Pan składanie zamówienia? Have you finished ordering? Did you finish placing your order? Jak masz na imię? What is your first name? What's your name? Nerad bych, aby se ti to stalo. I'd hate to see that happen to you. I don't want that to happen to you. Tom na ulici potkal svého bývalého spolužáka a dělal, že ho nezná. Tom met his former schoolmate in the street and acted as if he hadn't known him. Tom met his old classmate on the street and pretended not to know him. Jdeme se s Tomem projít. I'm taking Tom for a walk. Tom and I are going for a walk. Nemůžu lhát. I can't lie. I can't lie. Ilekroć tam idę, spotykam ją. Every time I go there, I meet her. Every time I go there, I meet her. Tom není tak zlý. Tom isn't so bad. Tom's not that bad. Ten zlozvyk ji musím odnaučit. I must break her of the habit. I have to teach her the habit. Jestem szantażowany. I'm being blackmailed. I'm being blackmailed. Musíš mít velkou výdrž na to, abys přidal deset tisíc vět. You need a lot of stamina to add ten thousand sentences. You must have great strength to add ten thousand sentences. Budżet filmu był bardzo ograniczony. The budget of the film was very limited. The budget of the film was very limited. Vy nevíte, co se děje? Don't you know what's going on? You don't know what's going on? Kůň umí běhat velmi rychle. A horse can run very fast. The horse can run very fast. Voda žádná není. There is no water. There's no water. Už jsi byl někdy v Okinawě? Have you ever been in Okinawa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Zvykáme si na všechno. We're getting used to everything. We get used to everything. Řekl jsem mu, ať toho psa nebije. I told him not to beat the dog. I told him not to hit the dog. Wszystkie te jabłka są bardzo słodkie. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. Pití kávy prospívá lidskému zdraví. Drinking coffee is beneficial to human health. Drinking coffee is good for human health. Zůstaňte doma a nikam nechoďte. Stay at home and don't go anywhere. Stay home and don't go anywhere. Ten pokój jest za ciemny. This room is too dark. This room is too dark. Być albo nie być, oto jest pytanie. To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be or not to be, that's the question. Myślałem, że mieszkasz w Bostonie. I thought that you lived in Boston. I thought you lived in Boston. Nechci tě poslouchat. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to listen to you. Všechny Tomovy předpovědi se splnily. All of Tom's predictions came true. All of Tom's predictions have come true. Kto jest twoim ulubionym wokalistą rockowym? Who is your favorite rock singer? Who's your favorite rock singer? Kde je moje věta? Where is my sentence? Where's my sentence? Doufám, že uspěje. I hope that he will succeed. I hope he succeeds. Chcę zjeść gorącą zupę. I want to eat warm soup. I want to eat hot soup. Gdzie jest prezydent? Where's the president? Where's the president? Tom może wrócić. Tom may come back. Tom can come back. W pokoju nie było nikogo. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Vím, že byl Tom tvým přítelem. I know Tom was a friend of yours. I know Tom was your friend. Máme přestávku. We got a break. We're on a break. Jestem na nią zły. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Zaplatila jsi víc, než si měla. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you should have. Jesteś wstawiony. You're sloshed. You're in. Język jest metodą komunikacji. Language is a means of communication. Language is a communication method. Tom neměl lehký život. Tom hasn't had an easy life. Tom didn't have an easy life. Layla kupiła szminkę. Layla bought a lipstick. Layla bought lipstick. Nevěnoval jsem mu pozornost. I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't pay attention to him. Pracovala tady. She worked here. She worked here. Zkus si to sám. Try it for yourself. Try it on your own. Czy naprawdę chcesz kupować cokolwiek od Toma? Do you really want to buy anything from Tom? Do you really want to buy anything from Tom? Spokojnie, sprawę psa już wyjaśniłyśmy. Calm down, we've already settled the matter of the dog. Relax, we've already cleared the dog's case. To je wołojnik. This is a pencil. It's a bullioner. Vdala se ve věku sedmnácti let. She got married at the age of seventeen. She got married at age 17. Její smích byla lež, skrývající její smutek. Her laugh was a lie that concealed her sorrow. Her laugh was a lie, hiding her sadness. Mluv za sebe. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. Jak tylko wyszedłem, zaczęło lać. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. As soon as I got out, it started to rain. Voda je život. Water is life. Water is life. Tom naprawdę tęskni za Mary. Tom really misses Mary. Tom really misses Mary. Pojďme tady žít. Let's live here. Let's live here. Tom je na to zvyklý. Tom is used to it. Tom's used to it. Tom chciał się zdrzemnąć przed obiadem. Tom wanted to take a nap before dinner. Tom wanted to take a nap before dinner. Osiągnąłem sukces głównie dzięki twojej pomocy. My success is largely due to your help. I've achieved success mainly thanks to your help. Czy zadzwoniłem do ciebie o złej porze? Have I called you at a bad time? Did I call you at the wrong time? Tom nie chciał słyszeć tego, co miałem do powiedzenia. Tom didn't want to hear anything I had to say. Tom didn't want to hear what I had to say. Těším se na to. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Hiszpania będzie musiała pożyczyć 100 miliardów euro. Spain will need to borrow 100 billion euros. Spain will have to borrow EUR 100 billion. On uformował miskę z gliny. He formed the clay into a bowl. He formed a bowl of clay. To je moje škole. That is my school. That's my school. Zeptali se, mají-li si zapsat nová slovíčka. They asked whether they should write down the new words. They asked if they should write down new words. Tom a Mary řekli Johnovi, že závidí. Tom and Mary told John that they were jealous. Tom and Mary told John they were jealous. Nie wierzę, że się pomyliłem. I don't believe I was wrong. I can't believe I made a mistake. Příští rok to už bude deset let, co u té firmy pracuji. Next year, I will have been working with that firm for ten years. Next year, it's been ten years since I worked for that company. Máš ráda slony. You like elephants. You like elephants. Jego pensja nie nadąża za inflacją. His salary can't keep pace with inflation. His salary doesn't keep up with inflation. Tom nikdy nebude schopen Mary odpustit, že mu byla nevěrná. Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him. Tom will never be able to forgive Mary for being unfaithful to him. Tom nesnáší horké počasí. Tom hates hot weather. Tom hates the hot weather. Nie wyrzucaj tego magazynu. Nie czytałem go jeszcze. Don't throw out this magazine. I haven't read it yet. I haven't read it yet. Tom byl můj první přítel. Tom was my first boyfriend. Tom was my first friend. Takhle mě už neděs! Don't scare me like that! Don't scare me like that! Proszę po południu wpaść do mnie do biura. Please come to my office in the afternoon. Why don't you come by my office this afternoon? Policie je nenašla. The police can't find them. The police didn't find them. Powědaju Marsowe wobydlarje engelski? Do Martians speak English? Have you heard of Mars' Engelic Voivodships? Ta szkoła wygląda jak więzienie. That school looks just like a prison. This school looks like prison. Pochybuji, že Tom zná telefonní číslo Mary. I doubt that Tom knows Mary's phone number. I doubt Tom knows Mary's phone number. Tom prawie nigdy na nic nie narzeka. Tom almost never complains about anything. Tom hardly ever complains about anything. Vůbec to nechápu. I can't understand this at all. I don't get it. Tu jest widelec. There is a fork here. There's a fork. Nemluvím italsky, znám jen pár slov. I don't speak Italian; I just know a few words. I don't speak Italian. I only know a few words. Jak vysoká je Eiffelova věž? How tall is the Eiffel Tower? How tall is the Eiffel Tower? Urodziny mam 10. listopada. My birthday is November 10th. It's my birthday on November 10th. Chceš mě zabít? Do you want to kill me? You want to kill me? Biblioteka jest w centrum miasta. The library is in the middle of the city. The library's downtown. Nawzajem. Likewise. You too. Plotka już się rozeszła. The rumour has already spread. Rumor has it. Tom je profesionál. Tom is a professional. Tom's a professional. Proč jsi koupil tohle auto? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? Większość osób pisze o swoim codziennym życiu. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their daily lives. Nie jest biznesmenem, a dyplomatą. He is not a businessman but a diplomat. He's not a businessman, he's a diplomat. Situace se změnila. The situation has changed. The situation has changed. Czy lód nas utrzyma? Will the ice bear our weight? Will the ice keep us going? Tom umřel v minulém říjnu. Tom died last October. Tom died last October. Chci, abyste si přečetli tuto knihu. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Chceš opravdu pomoci? Do you really want to help? Do you really want to help? Vždycky je první, kdo si stěžuje. He's always the first to complain. He's always the first to complain. Kachna zmizela. The duck disappeared. The duck's gone. Jego duma nie była w stanie znieść tych zniewag. His pride would not brook such insults. His pride was unable to endure these insults. Jsi si jistá, že to nechceš udělat? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Neváhej využít příležitosti požádat ji o ruku. Don't hesitate to take the opportunity to propose to her. Do not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to propose to her. Tohle je moje kolo, ne Tomovo. This is my bicycle, not Tom's. This is my bike, not Tom's. Woda jest bardzo potrzebna. Water is much needed. The water is very much needed. Všechny tyhle tři krásné dívky jsou moje neteře. These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine. All these three beautiful girls are my niece. Tom je věřící. Tom is a believer. Tom's a believer. Tomův pes spí pod jeho posteli. Tom's dog sleeps under his bed. Tom's dog sleeps under his bed. Pro stromy nevidí les. He can't see the forest for the trees. They can't see the woods for the trees. Zeszłej nocy oglądaliśmy mecz bejsbolowy w telewizji. We watched the baseball game on TV last night. Last night we watched a baseball game on TV. Chléb je čerstvý. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Je to čtyři proti jednomu. Budeš zmlácen. It's four against you. You'll be beaten up. It's four against one. Tom už přes tři roky pracuje na letišti. Tom has been working at the airport for more than three years. Tom's been working at the airport for over three years. Tom nosí klobouk zřídkakdy. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. Nie dotykaj trawy. Don't touch the grass. Don't touch the grass. Tom vykoupal to dítě. Tom gave the baby a bath. Tom bathed the baby. Tom řekl, že je nevinný. Tom said that he was innocent. Tom said he was innocent. Starší dívka pomohla prostřít stůl. The older girl helped set the table. The older girl helped clear the table. Kde je ten kluk? Where is the boy? Where's the boy? Boli kiedy oddychasz? Does it hurt when you breathe? Does it hurt when you breathe? Tom powiedział, że nie chce nic do picia. Tom said he didn't want anything to drink. Tom said he didn't want anything to drink. Bojí se plavat. He is afraid to swim. He's afraid to swim. Musimy iść. We must go. We have to go. Už je vdaná. She is already married. She's already married. Je mi jedno, jestli přijdeš nebo ne. It does not matter to me whether you come or not. I don't care if you come or not. Muszę iść i sprawdzić, czego chce Tom. I must go and see what Tom wants. I have to go and see what Tom wants. Mój przyjaciel czuje się bardzo źle. My friend feels very ill. My friend feels very bad. Nic nie widzę. I don't see anything. I can't see anything. Jestem dziennikarką. I am a journalist. I'm a journalist. Tom, co mam zrobić? What do you want me to do, Tom? Tom, what do you want me to do? Powiedziałem Tomowi, że rozumiem jego troskę. I told Tom I understood his concern. I told Tom I understood his concern. Tom se Mary zeptal na pár věcí ohledně její rodiny. Tom asked Mary a few questions about her family. Tom asked Mary a few questions about her family. Znałem kiedyś gościa, który dorastał w Bostonie. I used to know a guy that grew up in Boston. I once knew a guy who grew up in Boston. Dostal jsem ten dárek od Ann. I was given this present by Ann. I got the gift from Ann. Wahał się przez moment. He hesitated for a while. He hesitated for a moment. Myslel jsem si, že se to děje jenom v pohádkách. I thought that only happened in fairytales. I thought it only happened in fairy tales. Už to nemá smysl zkoušet. There's no point in trying anymore. There's no point in trying anymore. Fremont a Sutter žili v Kalifornii. Fremont and Sutter lived in California. Fremont and Sutter lived in California. Tom będzie tęsknił za dziećmi. Tom will miss the kids. Tom's gonna miss the kids. Winda nie działa. The elevator is out of order. The elevator's not working. Málem jsem si zapoměl udělat úlohu. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my part. Chtěl bych cestovat a navštívit nová místa. I would like to travel and visit new places. I'd like to travel and visit new places. To może być rak. It could be cancer. It could be cancer. Opiekuję się moim dziadkiem. I look after my grandfather. I'm taking care of my grandfather. Podziękowałem mu za pożyczenie mi książki. I thanked him for lending me a book. I thanked him for loaning me a book. Neměl jsi sem chodit sám. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. Kolik slonů zbylo v Africe? How many elephants are left in Africa? How many elephants are left in Africa? Nerad běhám. I don't like to run. I don't like running. W ogóle nie rozumiem jego pomysłów. I can't understand his ideas at all. I don't understand his ideas at all. Zamierzam spróbować złapać tego królika. I'm going to try to trap that rabbit. I'm gonna try and catch this rabbit. Nie ma innego wytłumaczenia. There is no other explanation. There's no other explanation. Dlaczego powinienem Ci zaufać? Why should I trust you? Why should I trust you? Je to velmi ostrý nůž! That is a very sharp knife! It's a very sharp knife! Naprawdę zależy mi, żebyś porozmawiał z Tomem. I really do want you to talk to Tom. I really want you to talk to Tom. Tom neměl nárok na odstupné. Tom wasn't eligible for redundancy payment. Tom wasn't entitled to severance. Tom se k lepšímu nezmění. Tom won't change himself for the better. Tom won't change for the better. Tom vychází dobře se svými sousedy. Tom gets on well with all his neighbours. Tom's getting along well with his neighbors. Už tě ne miluju, a tak jsem smutná. I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad. I don't love you anymore, so I'm sad. Dlatego chcę porozmawiać z Tomem. That's why I want to talk to Tom. That's why I want to talk to Tom. Są w moim domu. They are at my home. They're in my house. Ukradli mi butelkę wina! They stole my wine bottle! They stole a bottle of wine from me! Učitel mi řekl, že bych si měl dát ostřihat vlasy. The teacher told me that I should have my hair cut. The teacher told me I should have my hair cut. Napsal jsi tuhle knihu? Did you write this book? Did you write this book? Czekałem na nią naprawdę dlugo. I waited for her for a really long time. I've been waiting for her for a long time. Pozwól, że pomogę ci założyć twój płaszcz. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put on your coat. Neopovažuji se otevřít pusu. I don't dare open my mouth. I don't dare open my mouth. Przez myśl by mi to nie przeszło. I wouldn't think of it. I wouldn't think I'd get away with it. Někteří z nás přišli o hodně peněz. Some of us have lost a lot of money. Some of us lost a lot of money. Czy mogę pomóc ci sprzątać? Can I help you clean up? Can I help you clean up? Czy pomóc ci z tym pudłem? Shall I help you with this box? Can I help you with that box? Firma odwołała spotkanie. The company cancelled the meeting. The company canceled the meeting. Spotkamy się u mnie w biurze. I'll meet you at my office. I'll meet you at my office. Tom zná Marii od doby, kdy byla malá. Tom has known Mary since she was a little girl. Tom's known Maria since she was little. Ta socha v parku je nova. Minuly rok tam nebyla. The statue in the park is new. It wasn't there last year. The statue in the park is new, it wasn't there last year. Ten brzydki mężczyzna ma piękną żonę. That ugly man has a beautiful wife. This ugly man has a beautiful wife. Patrz na tablicę! Look at the blackboard. Look at the board! Jesteśmy bezpieczni. We're safe. We're safe. Hodně ses opil. You got very drunk. You've been drinking a lot. Prohlédl si dům. He looked around the house. He looked at the house. Proszę, wypożycz mi swoją książkę. Lend me your book, please. Please, let me borrow your book. Jest starsza od Toma. She's older than Tom. She's older than Tom. Byli překvapeni tím, co viděli. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. Dlaczego nie powiedziałeś teraz co masz na myśli ? Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why didn't you just say what you meant? Vyšli z bunkru ven. They came out of the bunker. They came out of the bunker. Mnoho sexuálních útoků není nahlášeno. Many sexual attacks aren't reported. Many sexual attacks are not reported. Pro jedno kvítí slunce nesvítí. There are plenty of fish in the sea. For one day, the sun does not shine. To je přesně ten stůl, kterého se Tom chce zbavit. This is exactly the table that Tom wants to get rid of. That's exactly the table Tom wants to get rid of. Pracują w ślimaczym tempie. They're doing their work at a snail's pace! They're working at a slug speed. Tohle je dost vážné. This is very serious. This is pretty serious. Bob hledal někoho, s kým by bylo možné si promluvit. Bob was looking for someone to talk with. Bob was looking for someone to talk to. Toto je jedna z mnoha věcí, které musíme udělat, než půjdeme domů. This is just one of many things we have to do before we can go home. This is one of the many things we have to do before we go home. Úroveň hladiny moře se zvedá. The sea level is rising. The sea level is rising. Tom nie chce być złapany. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Proč se učíš anglicky? What do you learn English for? Why are you learning English? Oni jsou vždy opatrní. They're always careful. They're always careful. Každý krok byl pro něj obtížný. Every step was difficult for him. Every step was difficult for him. Ojciec zabrał nas wczoraj do zoo. Father took us to the zoo yesterday. My father took us to the zoo yesterday. Zasalutował kobiecie. He saluted the lady. He's saluted a woman. Je pro něj příliš pozdě. It's too late for him. It's too late for him. Czy robisz coś specjalnego? Are you doing anything special? Are you doing anything special? Kiedy Mary dotarła do przystanka, autobus właśnie odjechał. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left. When Mary got to the bus stop, the bus just left. Dlaczego pomalował pan ławkę na czerwono? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? Mluvíš se svými přáteli francouzsky? Do you speak to your friends in French? You speak French to your friends? Tom zaklepal na dveře. Tom knocked on the door. Tom knocked on the door. Pozbądź się broni. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun. Myślę, że z Toma byłby dobry nauczyciel. I think Tom would make a good teacher. I think Tom would be a good teacher. Zapytam go czy zamierza przyjść. I'll ask him if he will come. I'll ask him if he's coming. Lidi kdysi psali knihy na psacích strojích. People used to write books using typewriters. People used to write books on typewriters. Poproszono ją, by dała mu pieniądze. She was asked to give him some money. She was asked to give him money. Chciałbym potrafić jakoś pomóc. I wish I could do something to help. I wish I could help. Tom jest żonglerem. Tom is a juggler. Tom's a juggler. Táta s mámou nepřijdou. Dad and mom won't come. Dad and mom aren't coming. Chtěl jsem pouze hamburger. I only wanted a hamburger. I just wanted a burger. Proč se ti nelíbí děvčata? Why don't you like girls? Why don't you like the girls? Między nimi istnieje wyraźna różnica. There is a marked difference between them. There is a clear difference between them. Stále pláče. She keeps crying. She's still crying. Na stole je jablko. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. Čas hraje pro Toma. Time is on Tom's side. Time plays for Tom. Tom ustawił alarm na swoim zegarku. Tom set the alarm on his watch. Tom set the alarm on his watch. Myslím, že chce uspět. I think that he wants to succeed. I think he wants to succeed. Nesmíš tam chodit. You mustn't walk there. You can't go in there. Nevypadá to, že by Tom vstával. Tom doesn't appear to be getting up. Doesn't look like Tom's getting up. Tom skręcił sobie kostkę, a ona spuchła. Tom twisted his ankle and it swelled up. Tom's broken his ankle, and she's swollen. Musím jít do mešity. I have to go to the mosque. I have to go to the mosque. Podpořte se. Speak up for yourself. Support yourself. Tom bardzo lubi biedronki. Tom really likes ladybugs. Tom really likes ladybirds. Do Paryża jest 50 kilometrów. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. It's 50 kilometers to Paris. Zaczyna ciemnieć. It's starting to get dark. It's getting dark. Czy dzisiaj są jej urodziny? Is today her birthday? Is it her birthday today? On ma troje dzieci. He has three children. He's got three kids. Proč se tě lidi bojí? Why are people afraid of you? Why are people afraid of you? Toma pálí dobré bydlo. Tom doesn't know when he is well off. Tom's burning good housing. Rodiče Toma vydědili. Tom was disinherited by his parents. Tom's parents are disinherited. To jest mały krok człowieka, ale wielki krok ludzkości. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is a small step for man, but a great step for mankind. Nedokážu říct, jestli je Tom mrtvý anebo jenom v bezvědomí. I can't tell if Tom is dead or just unconscious. I can't tell if Tom's dead or unconscious. Dala mu všechno své stříbro. She gave him all of her silver. She gave him all her silver. Vzdělávání znamená učit se to, co jsi ani nevěděl, že nevíš. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Education means learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Oddam ci, jak tylko będę mógł. I'll pay you back as soon as I can. I'll pay you back as soon as I can. Nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca. Never praise a ford till you get over. Don't praise the day before sundown. Nevzdoroval. He did not resist. I didn't resist. Všechno co udělal byl úspěch! Everything he did was a success! Everything he did was a success! Jsem přesvědčen, že to patří mně. I believe that belongs to me. I believe it belongs to me. Nepochybuji, že bude úspěšný. I have no doubt that he will succeed. I have no doubt he'll succeed. Papier się zaklinował i drukarka nie działa. A piece of paper got jammed in the printer and now it doesn't work. The paper's stuck and the printer's not working. Mezi lidmi není rovnost. There is no parity amongst people. There's no equality between people. Sami przyszła wcześniej w tym tygodniu. Sami came earlier this week. She came early this week. Wygląda na to, że była szczęśliwa. She seems to have been happy. Looks like she was happy. Widzimy się rano. I'll see you in the morning. I'll see you in the morning. Tom je můj starší bratr. Tom is my older brother. Tom is my older brother. Nie przeczytałeś książki? Didn't you read the book? Didn't you read the book? Ken přivede Toma. Ken will bring Tom. Ken's bringing Tom. Kdy musíš Tomovi vrátit tu knihu? When do you have to give this book back to Tom? When do you have to give Tom the book back? Tom byl doopravdy znechucený. Tom was really frustrated. Tom was really disgusted. Snadź wón znaje tutu stawiznu. Perhaps he knows this story. He may know this pond. Nesnáším, když se na mě někdo dívá. I hate being watched. I hate it when someone looks at me. Rozumím, že máš dvojí občanství. I understand you have dual citizenship. I understand you have dual citizenship. Mogę poczekać. I don't mind waiting. I can wait. Urodziliśmy się tego samego dnia. We were born on the same day. We were born the same day. Tom poszedł do sklepu kupić mleko. Tom has gone to the store to buy some milk. Tom went to the store to buy milk. Rozhodl jsem se, že už ti nebudu pomáhat. I've decided not to help you anymore. I've decided not to help you anymore. Jak myślisz, jak długo zajmie mi dostanie się do Bostonu? How long do you think it'll take me to get to Boston? How long do you think it'll take me to get to Boston? Kdybych byl Tomem, nikdy bych si Mary nebral. If I were Tom, I would never marry Mary. If I were Tom, I would never marry Mary. Próbowałem ostrzec Toma. I tried to warn Tom. I tried to warn Tom. Ještě si myslíš, že to bude snadné? Do you still think that's going to be easy? Do you still think it'll be easy? Wszyscy ludzie są w głębi serca dobrzy. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All people are good at heart. Bob vaří snídani ráno. Bob cooks breakfast in the morning. Bob's cooking breakfast in the morning. Straciła syna na wojnie. She lost her son in the war. She lost her son in the war. Gdybyś przyszedł zaledwie dwie minuty wcześniej, złapałbyś autobus. If you had come only two minutes earlier, you could have caught the bus. If you'd only been two minutes early, you'd have caught a bus. Wyjął pendrive'a ze swojego komputera. He removed the flash-drive from his computer. He took the flash drive out of his computer. Oškrábej si to jablko, než ho sníš. Peel the apple before you eat it. Scratch the apple before you eat it. Chce to trpělivost, udělat to. It takes patience to do this. It takes patience, doing it. Jsem návštěvník. I'm a visitor. I'm a visitor. Lék působil rychle. The drug acted quickly. The cure was quick. Mluví maďarsky. He speaks Hungarian. He speaks Hungarian. Lidé kolem nás nám pomáhají uvědomit si, kde jsme udělali chybu. People around us help us to realize where we have made a mistake. People around us are helping us realize where we made a mistake. Jako dítě jsem často chodíval plavat v moři. I would often go swimming in the sea when a child. I used to go swimming in the sea when I was a kid. Tom položil svoje pivo. Tom put down his beer. Tom put down his beer. I przekują miecze swe na lemiesze, a włócznie swe na sierpy; nie podniesie naród przeciw narodowi miecza, ani się będą ćwiczyć do bitwy. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. And they shall overcome their swords against plowshares, and their spears upon colts: they shall not lift up the nation against the nation of the sword, neither shall they practice to battle. Nigdy nie zmuszę mojego syna do jedzenia warzyw. I can never make my son to eat any vegetables. I'll never make my son eat vegetables. Tom vypadal jaksi povědomě. Tom looked somewhat familiar. Tom seemed kind of familiar. Panowie, podnoście klapę! Panie też lubią mieć sucho. Gentlemen, lift the toilet seat! Ladies also like to sit dry. Ladies like to get dry, too. Jak nazywa się ta wieś? What is the name of this village? What's the name of this village? Můžu ji požádat o pomoc. I can ask her to help. I can ask her for help. Tom minulý týden pracoval přesčas každý den. Tom worked overtime every day last week. Tom worked overtime every day last week. Niektóre zwierzęta pożerają swoje młode. Some animals eat their young. Some animals eat their young. Tohle slovo se nepřekládá zrovna dobře. This word doesn't translate very well. This word doesn't translate very well. Zatańczymy. We'll dance. Let's dance. Jak długo tu zostajesz? How long will you stay here? How long are you staying here? Oni wierzą w Boga. They believe in God. They believe in God. Tomovi bude pozítří třináct. Tom turns thirteen the day after tomorrow. Tom will be 13 the day after tomorrow. Tom wyszedł z pokoju bez słowa. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom left his room without a word. Jesteś niesamowity. You're amazing. You're amazing. Tohle bývala pekárna. This used to be a bakery. This used to be a bakery. Ještě jsem nedostal žádnou odpověď. I haven't received any answer yet. I haven't received any answers yet. Bylo to velmi dobré. That was very good. It was very good. Toho muže vyhodili minulý týden. That man was fired last week. The man was fired last week. Ta studentka, która siadła naprzeciw nauczyciela, jest z Niemiec. The female student that sat in front of the teacher is from Germany. The student who sat across from the teacher is from Germany. Mój robot będzie przygotowywał posiłki, sprzątał, zmywał naczynia i wykonywał inne domowe czynności. My robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks. My robot will be preparing meals, cleaning, washing dishes and doing other household activities. Tom wyznał. Tom confessed. Tom confessed. Jest dziś wietrznie. It is windy today. It's windy today. Tom si koupil svetr. Tom bought a sweater. Tom bought a sweater. Vstup volný. Entrance is free of charge. Free entry. Myślę, że kupiliśmy wszystko, czego potrzebujemy. I think that we have bought everything we need. I think we bought everything we need. Tom se snaží, co může. Tom is trying to do his best. Tom's trying his best. Opravdové přátelství potrvá věčně. A true friendship will last forever. True friendship will last forever. Chceš persišćinu wuknyć? Do you want to learn Persian? Do you want to lock down the persicads? Tom ma czkawkę. Tom has hiccups. Tom's got a hiccups. Tohle není hotové. This isn't finished. This isn't done. Padej odsud! Get the hell out of here! Get out of here! Podejrzany chciał uniknąć aresztowania. The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested. The suspect was trying to avoid arrest. Vypadají překvapeně. They seem surprised. They look surprised. Tom jedzie do miasta Tom is going to town. Tom's going to town. Pogódź się z tym. Deal with it. Deal with it. Nie mam uregulowanego trybu życia. I'm not a creature of habit. I don't have a regular lifestyle. Nenašli ji. They didn't find her. They didn't find her. Nie radzę tam wchodzić. I wouldn't go in there. I don't want to go in there. To zdanie wymaga sprawdzenia przez rodowitego użytkownika. This sentence needs to be checked by a native speaker. This sentence requires checking by a native user. Pies powąchał patyk. The dog sniffed the stick. The dog smelled a stick. Zavolám nazpět až se dostanu na autobusovou zastávku. I will call back when I get to the bus station. I'll call you back when I get to the bus stop. Rozkazał mi wstać. He ordered me to stand up. He ordered me to get up. Máš dobrou paměť na obličeje? Do you remember faces easily? Do you have a good memory of your face? Tom odmítl zaplatit za oběd v jedné restauraci. Tom refused to pay for his lunch in a restaurant. Tom refused to pay for lunch at a restaurant. Holub i pštros jsou oba ptáci; jeden umí létat a druhý ne. The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly and the other cannot. The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly and the other cannot. Jesteś nielojalny. You're disloyal. You're being disloyal. Jsem Tomášův dědeček. I am Tom's grandfather. I'm Thomas' grandfather. Nie chcę rozmawiać z Tomem. I don't want to talk to Tom. I don't want to talk to Tom. Přivstali jsme si, abychom viděli východ slunce. We got up early in order to see the sunrise. We got up to see the sunrise. Nekřič, prosím tě! Please, don't yell! Don't shout, please! Tom rád zpívá, že? Tom likes to sing, doesn't he? Tom likes to sing, right? Držím ti palce. I will keep my fingers crossed. I got your fingers crossed. Kto gotuje w twoim domu? Who does the cooking in your home? Who's cooking in your house? Čas se mění. Time is changing. Time is changing. Przyszedłeś za wcześnie. You've come too early. You're too early. Nechci, abys dělal něco, čeho budeš litovat. I just don't want you to do something that you'll be sorry for. I don't want you to do anything you're gonna regret. Tom chtěl dělat vše, co jsem navrhl. Tom wanted to do all that I had suggested. Tom wanted to do everything I suggested. Jennifer pracuje v Londýně od ledna. Jennifer has been working in London since January. Jennifer's been working in London since January. Jest dobrym pływakiem, a także świetnie gra w tenisa. He is a good swimmer and also plays tennis well. He is a good swimmer and also a great tennis player. Vím přesně, co bych dělal, kdybych byl Tomem. I know exactly what I'd want to do if I were Tom. I know exactly what I'd do if I were Tom. Naprawdę wierzysz w duchy? Do you really believe in ghosts? Do you really believe in ghosts? V modré jsi velice atraktivní. You are very attractive in blue. You're very attractive in blue. Ještě nevím, jestli půjdu nebo ne. I'm not yet sure whether I'll go or not. I don't know if I'm going yet or not. Ona je hysterka. She is a hysterical woman. She's a hysteric. Kdo je její otec? Who is her father? Who's her father? Ještě nemám řidičský průkaz. I don't have a driving licence yet. I haven't got my license yet. Tom wie dokładnie, jak Mary się czuje. Tom knows precisely how Mary feels. Tom knows exactly how Mary feels. Bude to někdo překládat? Will anybody translate it? Will someone translate it? Ta biżuteria jest droga. These jewels are expensive. This jewelry is expensive. Maria potrzebuje tuzina jajek. Mary needs a dozen eggs. Maria needs a dozen eggs. Kupił sobie skuter śnieżny. He bought himself a snowmobile. He bought himself a snowmobile. Rozumiemy twoją złość. We understand your anger. We understand your anger. Tom jim řekl, ať ho nechají být. Tom told them to leave him alone. Tom told them to leave him alone. Neměli jsme přinášet oběd. We should've brought lunch. We shouldn't have brought lunch. Je tady někdo, kdo hovoří japonsky? Is there anyone here who speaks Japanese? Is there anyone here who speaks Japanese? Jest aspołeczna. She's asocial. She's social. Donesu oběd. I'll bring lunch. I'll get lunch. Můj strýc mi dal knihu. My uncle gave me a book. My uncle gave me a book. Zanech lží. Stop lying. Leave the lies. Nie mogę zmienić tego, kim jestem i co zrobiłem. I can't change who I am or what I've done. I can't change who I am and what I did. Chci jen být schopen navštívit své děti, kdykoli se mi zachce. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want. One już zapomniały. They've already forgotten. They've already forgotten. Tom lubi komiksy. Tom likes comics. Tom likes comic books. Není to malé, ale velké. It isn't small but big. It's not small, it's big. Můžeš se z toho dostat. You can get out of this. You can get out of this. Ugotowała dla niego szczególny obiad. She cooked a special dinner for him. She cooked a special dinner for him. Udělal jsi to jen proto, abys mě naštval? Did you do that just to annoy me? Did you just do it to piss me off? Mělas to vidět. You ought to have seen it. You should have seen it. Přišel brzy ráno. He came early in the morning. He came early in the morning. Přijde toto pondělí, že? He's coming this Monday, isn't he? It's Monday, isn't it? Nenašli je. They didn't find them. They didn't find them. Zapłaciłam rachunki. I paid my bills. I paid the bills. Tom býval právníkem. Tom used to be a lawyer. Tom used to be a lawyer. Przepraszamy, ten numer jest zajęty. The number is unfortunately busy. Sorry, this number's busy. Lhala mi. She lied to me. She lied to me. Jesteś bardzo blady. You look very pale. You're very pale. On mě učí. He is teaching me. He's teaching me. Nejsem doma vítán. I'm not welcome at home. I'm not welcome home. Mowa jest srebrem, ale milczenie złotem. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Speech is silver, but silence with gold. Tom je ostrygi. Tom is eating oysters. Tom's an oyster. Před našima očima se odehrává neštěstí. A disaster is taking place in front of our eyes. There's a disaster in front of our eyes. Chystám se na nejhorší. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm going for the worst. Mój dziadek pochodzi z Osaki. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather comes from Osaka. Tento dopis je adresován tobě. This letter is addressed to you. This letter is addressed to you. Jak to się stało? How did this happen? How did this happen? Děti, které byly unavené, ihned usnuly. The kids, who were exhausted, fell asleep right away. Children who were tired fell asleep immediately. Často dělám domácí úkoly před večeří. I often do my homework before dinner. I often do homework before dinner. Kiedy wyszłaś za mąż? When did you get married? When did you get married? Bojím se jít ve tmě. I am frightened of walking in the darkness. I'm afraid to go in the dark. Nikt tutaj nie zamawiał pizzy. Nobody here ordered a pizza. No one ordered pizza here. Magdalena pochodzi z Łodzi. Magdalena is a native of Łódź. Magdalena comes from Łódź. Musí si všímat tvých chyb. He's bound to notice your mistake. He's got to notice your mistakes. Tom a Mary si spolu hodně hráli, když byli dětmi. Tom and Mary played together a lot when they were children. Tom and Mary played a lot when they were kids. Nie wierzę, że czarny kot przynosi pecha. I don’t believe that black cats cause bad luck. I can't believe black cat's bad luck. Tom próbował się uśmiechnąć, ale nie potrafił. Tom tried to smile, but couldn't. Tom tried to smile, but he couldn't. Tom nigdy nie opuścił dnia pracy. Tom never missed a day of work. Tom never left his day of work. Toto je moje vysvědčení. This is my report card. This is my report card. Klingonština se mu bude velice hodit při jeho kariéře podnikatele. Learning Klingon will be of great use for his career as a businessman. Klingon will be very useful in his career as an entrepreneur. Tom řekl, že jsi mě chtěl vidět. Tom said you wanted to see me. Tom said you wanted to see me. Tom se rozhlédl po místě k sezení. Tom looked around for a place to sit. Tom looked around for a seat. Straciliśmy siłę. We've lost power. We've lost our strength. Našel jsem to ve sklepě. I found it in the basement. I found it in the basement. Pojď se mnou, dobře? Come with me, will you? Come with me, okay? To je Tom. It's Tom. It's Tom. Ja też. Me, too. Me, too. Každý čtvrtý spotřebitel si myslí, že cena v budoucnu bude stoupat. One in four consumers thinks that prices will continue to rise in the future. Every fourth consumer thinks the price will rise in the future. Tom si dal pivo. Tom had a beer. Tom had a beer. Jak znajdziesz żywność w przestrzeni kosmicznej? How do you find food in outer space? How do you find food in space? Czy już do niej dzwoniłeś? Have you called her yet? Have you called her yet? Od doby, kdy jsme koupili dům, hodně jsme ho vylepšili. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. Since we bought the house, we've made a lot of improvements. Nie mamy już żadnych ziemniaków. We don't have any potatoes any more. We don't have any more potatoes. Teraz jest dla nas oczywiste, że nie powinniśmy byli palić śmieci tak blisko domu. In retrospect, it may seem obvious that we shouldn't have been burning our trash so close to our house. Now it's obvious to us that we shouldn't have been smoking garbage that close to home. Doporučuji vám, abyste jeli vlakem. I recommend you to go by train. I suggest you take the train. Tom wie, co Mary chce. Tom knows exactly what Mary wants. Tom knows what Mary wants. Nikdo si nevšiml, že chybí. Nobody noticed her absence. No one noticed it was missing. Jak blbé! How foolish! How stupid! Nikdo se nechce s Tomem přátelit. Nobody wants to be friends with Tom. No one wants to be friends with Tom. Potřebuju tvůj pas a tři fotky. I need your passport and three pictures. I need your passport and three pictures. Nowy dom towarowy będzie otwarty w przyszłym miesiącu. The new department store will be opened next month. The new department store will be open next month. Tom ma nadzieję spotkać się znów z Mary w niedalekiej przyszłości. Tom hopes to meet Mary again in the near future. Tom hopes to meet Mary again in the near future. Jak byl Tom zraněn? How was Tom injured? How did Tom get hurt? Zaczęło się pocałunkiem. It started with a kiss. It started with a kiss. To nie zdarza się bardzo często. That doesn't happen very often. It doesn't happen very often. Oboje to wiemy. We both know that. We both know that. Nebál se smrti. He didn't fear death. He wasn't afraid of death. Držel jsem se svých zásad. I clung to my principles. I followed my principles. Czy pamiętasz co ona powiedziała? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Jsme teprve začali. We've just started. We're just getting started. Wojna zjednoczyła Amerykanów. The war had united the American people. The war has united the Americans. Rád bych býval jel do Bostonu s vámi. I would've loved going to Boston with you. I'd like to go to Boston with you. Dávám přednost českým potravinám před těmi dováženými. I prefer Czech food to imported. I prefer Czech foods over imported foods. Tom poszedł do fryzjera obciąć sobie włosy. Tom has gone to the barber shop to get his hair cut. Tom went to the barber's to cut his hair. Tom zajistil, aby jeho děti snědly všechno, co měly talíři. Tom made sure his children ate everything on their plates. Tom made sure his kids ate everything the plates had. Świat nie jest idealny. The world isn't perfect. The world's not perfect. Monocykl ma jedno koło. A unicycle has one wheel. The monocycle has one wheel. "Przeprowadzam się do Bostonu w przyszłym tygodniu." "Już za tobą tęsknię." "I'm moving to Boston next week." "I miss you already." "I'm moving to Boston next week." "I miss you already." Nikdo to nečekal. Nobody was expecting that. No one expected it. On ma oczy z tyłu głowy. He has eyes in the back of his head. He's got eyes on the back of his head. Nie bądź taki poważny. To tylko gra. Don't be so serious. It's only a game. Don't be so serious, it's just a game. Myslím, že sis vedl dobře. I think you did great. I think you did good. Tom w końcu się złamał i przyznał. Tom eventually broke down and confessed. Tom finally broke and confessed. Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Toma nemohli najít. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't find Tom. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't find Tom. Tom pozval Mary na svoji párty. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. Všechno je špatné. Everything is bad. Everything's bad. Słońce stopiło śnieg. The sun melted the snow. The sun melted the snow. Tom kupuje nowy dom w przyszłym roku. Tom is buying a new house next year. Tom's buying a new house next year. Měl jsem štěstí, že jsem tu práci dostal. I was lucky to get that job. I was lucky to get the job. Miernota nie zna niczego wyższego od siebie, za to talent natychmiast rozpoznaje geniusz. Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius. Mernota doesn't know anything better than herself, but talent instantly recognizes genius. Wyglądasz na zmęczonego. Czy mógłbym przejąć kierownicę? You look tired. Shall I take the wheel? You look tired. Tom a Mary na to mají stejný názor. Tom and Mary both feel the same way about that. Tom and Mary have the same opinion. Mnie też się to podoba. I like that, too. I like that, too. Má rakovinu. He has cancer. He's got cancer. Tom kòżden dzénj zjé do frisztëkù tã jistnõ rzecz. Tom eats the same thing for breakfast every day. Tom does every single day with this sure thing. Tabákový kouř způsobuje rakovinu. Tobacco smoke causes cancer. Tobacco smoke causes cancer. W skrócie, nie chcę byś pracował dla tej firmy. In short, I don't want you to work for that company. In short, I don't want you to work for this company. Myślę, że coś ją martwi. I think that something is bothering her. I think she's worried about something. Kdo je Rory? Who is Rory? Who's Rory? Buď ke všem zdvořilý. Be polite to everyone. Be polite to everyone. Zajímalo by mě, kde je teď Tom. I wonder where Tom is now. I wonder where Tom is now. Pieniądze załatwiają wiele spraw. Money answers all things. Money takes care of a lot of things. Potrzebuję więcej czasu na skończenie pracy domowej. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time to finish my homework. Stydí se kojit na veřejnosti. She is embarrassed to breastfeed in public. She's ashamed to breast-feed in public. Tom má rád veverky. Tom likes squirrels. Tom likes squirrels. Wpadł w głęboką depresję i postanowił skończyć ze sobą. He fell into a deep depression and decided to off himself. He went into deep depression and decided to end up with himself. W czasie przerwy poszedłem do toalety. I went to the restroom during the intermission. I went to the bathroom during my break. Pewna dziewczyna była prostytutką, ale nie chciała, by jej babcia o tym wiedziała. A certain girl was a prostitute but didn't want her grandma to know. A girl was a prostitute, but she didn't want her grandmother to know about it. Tom jest oburzony. Tom is indignant. Tom is outraged. Zavolej, až budeš připravená jít. Call me when you are ready to go. Call me when you're ready to go. Nie znam tu nikogo. I don't know anyone here. I don't know anybody here. Znam ten wiersz na pamięć. I know the poem by heart. I know this poem by heart. I ženy chtějí mít sex. Women want to have sex too. Even women want to have sex. Myślę, że to zrobię. I guess that's what I'll do. I think I'll do it. Jsou naprosto nevychovaní. They're totally ignorant. They're completely uneducated. Nie można być za ostrożnym podczas przechodzenia ulicy. You cannot be too careful in crossing a street. You can't be too careful when crossing the street. Jaki jest twój ulubiony napój? What's your favorite drink? What's your favorite drink? Kdy vrátil? When is he coming back? When did he come back? Wszyscy ludzie w parku patrzyli do góry na balon. Everybody in the park looked up at the hot air balloon. All the people in the park were looking up at the balloon. Mary měla štěstí, že našla své klíče. Mary was lucky to find her keys. Mary was lucky to find her keys. Na zemi ležela černá rakev. A black coffin lay on the ground. There was a black coffin on the ground. Říkal jsi, že můžeme jít. You said we could go. You said we could go. Máš rád kávu? Do you like coffee? Do you like coffee? Kolik stojí tato jízdenka na vlak? How much does the train ticket cost? How much does this train ticket cost? Mój pies jest biały. My dog is white. My dog's white. Szkoła znajduje się w odległości pięciu minut marszu od dworca. The school is located within five minutes' walk of the station. The school is five minutes away from the train station. Myślę, że to prawda. I think it true. I think it's true. Jak to vypadá? What does this look like? What's it look like? Tom jest znacznie wyższy od swojej matki. Tom is much taller than his mother. Tom is much taller than his mother. Polož svůj telefon. Put your phone down. Put your phone down. Radši bych zůstal doma, než abych šel sám. I'd rather stay home than go alone. I'd rather stay home than go alone. Czy ja tego właśnie nie powiedziałem? Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say that? Robiłam ciasto. I was making a cake. I made cake. Idź z Tomem. Go with Tom. Go with Tom. Ne, nejsem Němec, jsem Turek. No, I'm not a German, I'm a Turk. No, I'm not German, I'm Turkish. Chciałabym kupić psa. I would like to buy a dog. I'd like to buy a dog. Cítil jsem její parfém. He could smell her perfume. I could smell her perfume. Ta winda jest nieczynna. Proszę skorzystać ze schodów. This elevator is out of order. Please use the stairs. This elevator is closed, please use the stairs. Kdo je tvůj oblíbený tenista? Who's your favorite tennis player? Who's your favorite tennis player? Tom został zwolniony. Tom was made redundant. Tom was fired. Mohu jít dovnitř? May I go inside? Can I come in? Czy sprzedaje pan owoce? Do you sell fruit? Do you sell fruit? Zawołałem Toma. I called Tom up. I called Tom. Tom dopiero co przyszedł do domu. Tom has just come home. Tom just got home. Žalem jí zešedivěly vlasy. Grief has silvered her hair. Her hair turned gray with grief. Gra najprawdopodobniej zostanie odwołana. A game will be probably called off. The game will most likely be cancelled. Chcę z tobą przedyskutować coś ważnego. I want to go discuss something important with you. I want to discuss something important with you. Sierść naszego kota straciła połysk. Our cat's fur has lost its luster. Our cat's fur has lost its shine. On jest zajęty. He's busy. He's busy. Możliwe. It is possible. Maybe. Kolik lidí žije v tomhle městě? How many people live in this town? How many people live in this town? Rozmawialiśmy o wszystkim. We talked about everything. We talked about everything. On jest człowiekiem rozumu. He is a man of reason. He's a man of reason. Obawiam się, że musisz nauczyć się żyć z bólem. I'm afraid you'll have to learn to live with the pain. I'm afraid you have to learn to live with pain. Odpovídej mi na otázky. Answer my questions. Answer my questions. Nie lubiła swojego męża. She disliked her husband. She didn't like her husband. Ktoś musi zapłacić cenę. Someone has to pay the price. Someone has to pay the price. Jesteśmy w separacji. We're separated. We're separated. Mówisz coś po francusku? Do you know any French? Do you speak French? Oni skorzystali z pełnomocnika, żeby się z nami skontaktować. They used a proxy to contact us. They used the proxy to get in touch with us. Víte, proč tom lhal? Do you know why Tom lied? Do you know why he lied about it? O jaká témata se zajímáte? What kind of topics are of interest to you? What topics are you interested in? Je to můj bývalý student. He's a former student of mine. He's my former student. Tom podrazil Mary. Tom tripped Mary. Tom double-crossed Mary. Tom poznał kolegę Mary na lotnisku. Tom met a friend of Mary's at the airport. Tom met a friend of Mary's at the airport. Kupiłem sobie bardzo szybką maszynę do popcornu jako świąteczny prezent. I bought myself this superfast popcorn machine as a Christmas present. I bought myself a very fast popcorn machine as a Christmas present. Učím se od osmi do jedenácti. I study from eight to eleven. I'm studying from eight to eleven. Tom se překonal. Tom overcame himself. Tom's outdone himself. Mléko v teple zkysne. Milk goes sour in heat. The milk in the heat will become sour. Dej to na stůl. Put it on the desk. Put it on the table. On nie da rady. He can't make this. He's not gonna make it. Učila hudbu třicet let. She taught music for thirty years. She taught music for 30 years. Nie otrzymasz ode mnie żadnego współczucia. You won't get any sympathy from me. You won't get any sympathy from me. Chce se mi slavit. I feel like celebrating. I want to celebrate. Wyślij mi pocztówkę. Send me a postcard. Send me a postcard. Tom má rád hokej. Tom likes hockey. Tom likes hockey. Ila lat może mieć Twój ojciec? How old might your father be? How old can your father be? Wspięliśmy się wyżej, żeby mieć lepszy widok. We climbed higher so that we might get a better view. We went higher to have a better view. Máme dvě děti. We have two children. We have two children. Nieźle jak na początek. Not bad for a start. Not bad for a start. Tom se vůbec nezdráhal. Tom didn't hesitate at all. Tom wasn't jealous at all. Tom má sníženou pracovní schopnost. Tom has reduced ability to work. Tom's got a reduced working capacity. Mój tata jest silniejszy od twojego. My dad is stronger than your dad. My dad's stronger than yours. Jedną trzecią jabłka zawsze dostaje nasza najmłodsza córka. One-third of an apple is always given to our youngest daughter. One third of the apples always get our youngest daughter. Pokud máš problém, chci vědět, jaký. If you've got a problem, I'd like to know what it is. If you have a problem, I want to know what it is. Proszę splunąć. Please spit. Go ahead and spit. Jestli budeme moci být jakkoliv nápomocni, neváhejte nám dát vědět, prosím. If there's anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to let us know. If we can be of any help, please don't hesitate to let us know. To už všechno víme, Tome. We know all this already, Tom. We already know that, Tom. Proč nemáš rád dívky? Why don't you like girls? Why don't you like girls? Jak się miewa Twoja żona? How is your wife? How's your wife? Rozumiem, że masz na ten temat jakieś informacje. I assume you have some information about this. I understand you have some information on this. Kiedy pojechałeś do Rzymu? When did you travel to Rome? When did you go to Rome? Bohužel vás musím zklamat. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. Kéž bych byl počkal. I wish I'd waited. I wish I'd waited. Chodila s ním. She used to date him. She dated him. Rozhodně dokončete práci, než půjdete domů. Be sure to complete the work before you go home. Definitely finish the job before you go home. Ona musi być martwa. She must be dead. She must be dead. Tom je swoju wučbnicu francošćiny zhubił. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom is still your guide. Jak by někdo mohl žít na takovémto místě? How could anybody live in a place like this? How could someone live in a place like this? Osobiście cię odwiedzę. I'll personally visit you. I'll visit you personally. W awaryjnej sytuacji ważne jest zachowanie zimnej krwi. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. In an emergency, it's important to keep your blood cool. Policjant nosi maskę przeciwgazową. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. A cop wears a gas mask. S kým Tom chodí? Who's Tom dating? Who's Tom dating? Tom zařval na Mary. Tom shouted at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Nesnáším tvé kouření. I dislike your smoking. I hate your smoking. Z której części Kanady pochodzisz? What part of Canada do you come from? What part of Canada are you from? Někdo má potíže. Someone's in trouble. Someone's in trouble. Ta hudba se přehrává pořád dokola. The music is being played in an endless loop. The music is played over and over again. Syriusz jest gwiazdą jaśniejszą od Słońca. Sirius is a star brighter than the sun. Sirius is a star brighter than the sun. Mam nadzieję. I hope. I hope so. Nie martw się, pomogę ci. Don't worry, I'm going to help you. Don't worry, I'll help you. Tom tego nie wziął. Tom didn't take it. Tom didn't take it. Kdo brzy vstává, rychleji se unaví. He who gets up early gets tired quicker. Anyone who wakes up soon will get tired faster. Chciałbym wiedzieć, kiedy mi oddasz nożyczki, które ci pożyczyłem. I'd like to know when you plan to give me back the scissors I lent you. I'd like to know when you're gonna give me the scissors I loaned you. Nedokázal jsem s ní mluvit. I couldn't talk to her. I couldn't talk to her. Moje hodinky nefungují dobře. My watch works poorly. My watch doesn't work well. Tom si myslí, že bude pršet. Tom thinks that it's going to rain. Tom thinks it's gonna rain. Z wiekiem jego siła zmniejszyła się. Age diminished his strength. His strength declined with age. Tom miał problem w szkole. Tom had a problem at school. Tom had a problem at school. Być może mam coś dla ciebie. I may have something for you. Maybe I have something for you. Kolik je hodin? What's the time? What time is it? Může ta záležitost počkat do zítřka? Can the matter wait till tomorrow? Can this matter wait till tomorrow? Zaufaj mi, jestem lekarzem. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Nerozumím tomu. I don't understand it. I don't understand. Tom otworzył okna, żeby przewietrzyć pokój. Tom opened the windows to air out the room. Tom opened the windows to air the room. W płucach zmarłego znaleziono wodę. The water was found in the dead man's lungs. The deceased's lungs were found with water. Trenéři si po hře potřásli rukou. The coaches shook hands after the game. Coaches shook hands after the game. Tom řekl, že tady nikdy předtím nebyl. Tom said that he had never been there before. Tom said he'd never been here before. Przestań kłamać. Stop lying. Stop lying. O 7:00 ojciec jedzie metrem do pracy. Father takes the 7:00 subway to work. At 7:00, my father takes the subway to work. Nerozbij zrcadlo. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. Být dobře přizpůsobený silně choré společnosti není důkazem zdraví. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Being well-adapted to a highly ill society is not evidence of health. Libusza mieszka w Poznaniu. Libusza lives in Poznań. Libus lives in Poznań. Tom zanechal studia na vysoké škole a založil si vlastní společnost. Tom dropped out of college and founded his own company. Tom left college and started his own company. Na przyjęciu było tylko sześć osób. There were only six people at the party. There were only six people at the party. Uniezależnił się finansowo. He became financially independent. He was financially independent. "Musím jít čurat," řekl Tom a odešel. "I must go pee," Tom said and then left. "I have to go pee," said Tom and left. Kto ci kazał mi to dać? Who told you to give that to me? Who told you to give it to me? To nie jest wcale takie głupie. That's not so silly at all. It's not that stupid. Nenech mě takhle čekat. Don't make me wait like this. Don't let me wait like that. Tom zdaje się być tajemniczy. Tom seems to be secretive. Tom seems mysterious. Dobre brandy uzupełnia smaczny posiłek. A good brandy completes a fine meal. A good brandy complements a tasty meal. Ta kravata se mi líbí. I like that tie. I like that tie. Všichni moji přátelé mají kola. All my friends have bicycles. All my friends have bikes. Trudno powiedzieć co Tom zamierza zrobić. It's hard to tell what Tom is going to do. It's hard to tell what Tom's going to do. Mezi třináctým a čtrnáctým únorem 1945, britské a americké bombardéry bombardovaly Německé město Drážďany. Tento akt byl později označen za válečný zločin. Between 13th and 15th February 1945, British and American bombers fire bombed the city of Dersden, Germany. These action were later deemed a war crime. Between the 13th and 14th February 1945, British and American bombers bombed the German city of Dresden, which was later marked as a war crime. Nancy wygląda na tak zmęczoną. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy seems so relentless. Zlomila sis nohu. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. To jakiś początek. It'll be a start. It's a start. Ona może rozwiązać ten problem, ja zresztą też. She could solve the problem, and so could I. She can solve this problem, and so can I. Nie napisałem tego listu. I didn't write this letter. I didn't write that letter. Tohle se tě netýká. This doesn't concern you. This doesn't concern you. Přízrak házel předměty v pokoji. The poltergeist was throwing objects around the room. The ghost threw objects in the room. Nikt nie zaginął. No one is missing. No one's missing. Vrátím se zítra před obědem. I'll be back before lunch tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow before lunch. Uveďme věci do souvislostí. Let's put things into perspective. Let's put things into context. Mám dlouhý seznam věcí, které nemám jíst. I have a long list of things I'm not supposed to eat. I have a long list of things I'm not supposed to eat. Prodává vůbec ještě někdo olovnatý benzín? Does anyone actually sell leaded gasoline anymore? Does anyone else sell lead gas? Jestem pełen nadziei na przyszłość. I feel hopeful about the future. I'm full of hope for the future. Ona uważa go za niewinnego. She presumes him to be innocent. She thinks he's innocent. Muszę zdobyć coś do jedzenia. I need to get something to eat. I need to get something to eat. Je téměř šest hodin. It's almost six o'clock. It's almost six o'clock. Jestem zaskoczony, że Tom przyszedł na imprezę bez Mary. I'm surprised Tom went to the party without Mary. I'm surprised Tom came to the party without Mary. Mam to w dupie. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit. Znám Tomovu ženu. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Přestaň hrát video hry a jdi do posilovny. Stop playing video games and get to the gym. Stop playing video games and go to the gym. Lubię intelektualne rozmowy. I enjoy intellectual conversations. I like intellectual conversations. Przestań się obijać i zabieraj się do roboty! Quit slacking off and get to work! Stop fooling around and get to work! Parkowanie tutaj jest zabronione. It's illegal to park your car here. Parking here is forbidden. Jsi docela chytrý. You're quite smart. You're pretty smart. Konečně jsem se dostal přes tu řeku. I finally got across the river. I finally got across that river. Kolik času zbývá? How much time is left? How much time is left? Nesmíte zapomenout ráno mě vzbudit. You must not forget to wake me tomorrow morning. Don't forget to wake me up in the morning. Namaloval obrázek psa. He painted a picture of a dog. He painted a picture of a dog. Mam syna w wieku Tom'a. I have a son Tom's age. I have a son at Tom's age. Wiele jest mostów w tym mieście. There are many bridges in this city. There's a lot of bridges in this town. Tom szuka kogoś, kto pomoże mu przetłumaczyć dokument z francuskiego na angielski. Tom is looking for someone to help him translate a document from French into English. Tom's looking for someone to help him translate a document from French to English. To biurko jest dla mnie odrobinę za niskie. This desk is a little low for me. This desk is a little too low for me. Ona dělá ty nejlepší sendviče na světě. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. Tom začíná být nudný. This is getting boring. Tom's getting boring. Byl jsi už někdy v zahraničí? Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Tom dostane padáka, jestli to udělá. Tom will get fired if he does that. Tom's gonna get fired if he does. To było dziwne uczucie. It was a strange feeling. It was a weird feeling. Byla tak smutná, že s nikým nechtěla mluvit. She was so sad that she did not want to speak to anyone. She was so sad, she didn't want to talk to anyone. Lubię podróżować statkiem. I like to travel by ship. I like to travel by boat. Co za lidi zde původně žilo? Who were the original people here? What kind of people originally lived here? Prawdopodobnie zostanie wybrany. He's likely to be chosen. He'll probably be elected. A kiedy próżnia wybucha, nazywa się to czarną dziurą. And if the vacuum explodes, it is called a black hole. And when the vacuum explodes, it's called a black hole. Tom powiedział, że posprząta swój pokój. Tom told me he was going to clean up his room. Tom said he'd clean his room. Nevím, jak dlouho nám potrvá dostat se do Bostonu. I don't know how long it'll take us to get to Boston. I don't know how long it's gonna take us to get to Boston. Je to skutečně pravda. This is actually true. It's really true. Tom řekl, že Mary by to neměla zkoušet dělat sama. Tom said Mary shouldn't have tried doing that alone. Tom said Mary shouldn't try it alone. Věčně vykládá stejnou historku. He's forever telling the same story. He's always telling the same story. Tom jest dobry we francuskim. Tom is good at French. Tom's good in French. On ma wspaniałą osobowość. He has a wonderful personality. He has a wonderful personality. Nie wiem dużo o komputerach. I don't know much about computers. I don't know much about computers. Narazil na vlka. He came across a wolf. He ran into a wolf. Nie mam nikogo, kto by mnie wysłuchał. I don't have anybody who'll listen to me. I don't have anyone to listen to me. Wszystko zależy od pieniędzy. Everything depends on money. It all depends on the money. Narodil jsem se v Bostonu, ale vyrostl jsem v Chicagu. I was born in Boston, but grew up in Chicago. I was born in Boston, but I grew up in Chicago. Czemu jesteś śpiąca? Why are you sleepy? Why are you sleeping? Czuję to. I can feel it. I can feel it. Tom je na lovu. Tom is out hunting. Tom's on a hunt. Jego wiersze są nieprzetłumaczalne na japoński. His poetry does not translate into Japanese. His poems are inexplicable to Japan. Wszystko będzie dobrze. All will be fine. It's gonna be okay. Tom proběhl kolem Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Szkoda, że zmarnowałem czas na czytanie tego. I shouldn't have wasted my time reading that. Too bad I wasted my time reading that. Chciałbym to przemyśleć. I'd like to think about it. I'd like to think about it. Hledám toaletu. I am looking for the restroom. I'm looking for a toilet. Řekl jsem, že to je všechno, co vím. I said that's all I know. I said that's all I know. Chtěl uspět. He wanted to succeed. He wanted to succeed. Niespecjalnie chciałem wychodzić wcześniej z imprezy, ale musiałem iść do domu i pomóc żonie. I didn't really want to leave the party early, but I had to go home to help my wife. I didn't really want to leave the party earlier, but I had to go home and help my wife. Tom cítil potřebu vysvětlovat. Tom felt the need to explain. Tom felt the need to explain. W końcu jesteśmy sami. We're finally alone. After all, we're alone. Myslím, že ztrácíš čas. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Už mě nic nevzrušuje. I can't get excited about anything anymore. I'm not excited about anything anymore. To mnie okropnie złości. This makes me very angry. That makes me so angry. Możemy to zrobić jeszcze raz? Can we do it again? Can we do it again? Robi się ciemno. It's getting dark. It's getting dark. Zwyczajnie nie mam tego czegoś. I just don't have what it takes. I just don't have it. Se svým platem jsem spokojen. I'm content with my salary. I'm happy with my salary. Pozdrowiła pana Kato uśmiechem. She greeted Mr Kato with a smile. She greeted Mr. Kato with a smile. Hluboká noc a úplněk nám nabídly jako dar pouze atmosféru. The deep night and the full moon offered us only the atmosphere as a gift. A deep night and a full moon offered us only the atmosphere as a gift. Slyšel jsem, že Tom byl zlý na svou poslední přítelkyni. I heard that Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. I heard Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. Někteří lidé postrádají svědomí. Some people lack conscience. Some people lack conscience. Kočka se nahrbila. The cat arched its back. Cat got caught up in it. Tom o tom nechce mluvit. Tom doesn't want to talk about it. Tom doesn't want to talk about it. Tom vyzvednul kanystr benzínu a dal se do chůze zpět ke svému automobilu. Tom picked up the can of gasoline and started walking back to his car. Tom picked up a can of gasoline and walked back to his car. Zastřelím ho. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. Chci všem poděkovat za jejich modlitby. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. V této místnosti je žena. There is a woman in this room. There's a woman in this room. Podejdź odrobinę bliżej. Come a bit closer. Come a little closer. Jsem Nor, a vy? I am Norwegian, and you? I'm Nor, and you? Tom nie jest palaczem. Tom isn't a smoker. Tom's not a smoker. Jsi pro nebo proti tomu? Are you for or against this? Are you up for it or against it? Nevěděl jsem, že Tom požádá Mary, aby to udělala. I didn't know Tom would ask Mary to do that. I didn't know Tom was gonna ask Mary to do it. Můžu ti sehnat lístky. I can get the tickets for you. I can get you tickets. Tom odmítl zodpovědět všechny mé dotazy. Tom refused to answer all my questions. Tom refused to answer all my questions. Má v ruce květiny. She has flowers in her hand. He's got flowers in his hand. Musimy poważnie porozmawiać. We've got to talk seriously. We need to talk seriously. Nerad prohrávám. I don't like losing. I don't like losing. Jakou nejbláznivější věc jste udělali v poslední době? What's the craziest thing you've done lately? What's the craziest thing you've done lately? Tom říkal, že se nudí. Tom said he was bored. Tom said he was bored. Oholit, prosím. A shave, please. To shave, please. Obraz osiągną rekordową cenę na aukcji. The painting fetched a record price at auction. The image will reach a record price at the auction. Niestety, muszę pana rozczarować. nie mam ochoty brać udziału w tej dyskusji. I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't feel like participating in this discussion. Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. I am not willing to take part in this discussion. Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Pragniemy, by byli bezpieczni. We are anxious for their safety. We want them to be safe. Tom v roce 2013 pracoval v restauraci. Tom was working at a restaurant in 2013. Tom worked at a restaurant in 2013. Zúčastnil jsem se té debaty. I participated in the debate. I took part in the debate. Miluji tuto řeč. I love this language. I love that speech. Konečně Tom oznámil výsledky. At last Tom announced the results. Tom finally announced the results. Choroba zazwyczaj ma sporo przyczyn, nie tylko jedną. Illness usually has a variety of causes, not just one. The disease usually has a lot of causes, not just one. Tom popřál Mary brzké uzdravení Tom wished Mary a speedy recovery. Tom wished Mary an early recovery Kdo zničil tu zahradu? Who destroyed the garden? Who destroyed the garden? Tom zachránil svoji ženu. Tom rescued his wife. Tom saved his wife. Chceš si zahrát hru? Would you like to play a game? You want to play a game? To jest moje, a to jest twoje. This is mine, and that's yours. This is mine, and this is yours. Chętnie porozmawiałbym z tobą na ten temat. I'd gladly speak with you on this subject. I'd love to talk to you about this. Zrovna jsem se chystal napsat dopis, když přišel domů. I was just going to write a letter when he came home. I was just about to write a letter when he got home. Je ve vlaku. He's on the train. He's on the train. Powiedziałem sobie: to dobry pomysł. I said to myself, "That's a good idea." I said to myself, that's a good idea. Tom nie zasługuje na drugą szansę. Tom doesn't deserve a second chance. Tom doesn't deserve a second chance. Tom je zřejmě velice nervózní. Tom is obviously very nervous. Tom seems to be very nervous. Mówiłeś, że chcesz się mną zająć. You said you want to take care of me. You said you wanted to take care of me. Nikdy nebudu kouřit. I will never smoke. I'll never smoke. Naprawdę zaplanowałeś to wszystko sam? Did you really plan this all yourself? Did you really plan all this on your own? Přijel jsem autobusem. I came by bus. I came on the bus. Proč Tom a ne já? Why Tom and not me? Why Tom and not me? Jsi jen děvče. You're just a girl. You're just a girl. Tom zostawił w domu żonę z dziećmi. Tom left his wife at home with the children. Tom left his wife and children at home. Co cię nie zabije, to cię wzmocni. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you don't get killed, it'll make you stronger. Tom odkrył, że krzesło jest całkiem wygodne. Tom found the chair quite comfortable. Tom discovered that the chair was quite comfortable. Miała na sobie kamizelkę. She wore a vest. She was wearing a vest. Nech mě zaplatit tvoje kafe. Let me pay for your coffee. Let me pay for your coffee. Tom vždycky najde nějaké řešení. Tom always finds a solution. Tom always finds a solution. Vaše děti jsou tak kouzelné! Your children are so charming! Your children are so magical! Tom s tím nemá nic společného. Tom doesn't have anything to do with that. Tom has nothing to do with this. Zapytaj policjanta o drogę. Ask the policeman the way. Ask the police about the road. Czy wczoraj było zimno? Was it cold yesterday? Was it cold last night? Našel jsem ho, jak pracuje na zahradě. I found him working in the garden. I found him working in the garden. Czy mogę dostać dżin i kolę? Can I have a gin and coke please? Can I have a genie and a cola? Nechci myslet na cenu benzínu. I don't want to think about the price of gasoline. I don't want to think about the price of gasoline. Tom jest dumny ze swoich dzieci. Tom is proud of his children. Tom is proud of his children. Přestal jíst a krátce poté zemřel. He stopped eating and shortly after that he died. He stopped eating and died shortly afterwards. Snažím se najít si novou práci. I am trying to find a new job. I'm trying to find a new job. Asi ale tušíš, co se stane. You can probably guess what happens though. You probably have an idea of what's going to happen. Kdybys byl zvíře, co bys byl? If you were an animal, what would you be? If you were an animal, what would you be? Být tebou bych Tomovi zavolal v pondělí večer. I'd call Tom Monday evening if I were you. If I were you, I'd call Tom Monday night. Rób to, co trzeba! Do what's right! Do what you have to do! Kdy Tom odjel z Bostonu? When did Tom leave Boston? When did Tom leave Boston? Byl to velký okamžik v dějinách národa. It was a great moment in the nation's history. It was a great moment in the history of the nation. Lubisz tenis? Do you like tennis? You like tennis? Tom jest w przebieralni. Tom is in the dressing room. Tom's in the dressing room. Mamy niepozałatwiane sprawy między sobą. You and I have unfinished business. We've got some difficult things going on between us. Tom ani nevěděl, že je Marie lékařka. Tom didn't even know that Mary was a doctor. Tom didn't even know Marie was a doctor. Tom planuje jechać do Bostonu najwcześniej, jak to możliwe, po rozpoczęciu wakacji letnich. Tom plans to go to Boston as soon as he can after his summer vacation begins. Tom is planning to go to Boston as early as possible after the summer vacation. Mohl bych si dát ještě jedno pivo? Could I have another glass of beer? Can I have another beer? Neznáš mé skutečné já. You don't know the real me. You don't know the real me. Nic mi się nie podoba. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Co mají Tom s Mary za problém? What kind of trouble are Tom and Mary in? What's the problem with Tom and Mary? Będziesz piosenkarzem. You will be a singer. You're gonna be a singer. Snažím se na něco přijít. I'm trying to figure out something. I'm trying to figure something out. Tom przyznał, że nie miał racji. Tom admitted that he was wrong. Tom admitted he was wrong. Mamo, jestem głodny. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Nerad s tebou nakupuji. I don't like shopping with you. I don't like shopping with you. Przerzuciła czasopismo. She glanced through the magazine. She moved the magazine. Nie mam pojęcia, gdzie Tom chce to zrobić. I have no idea where Tom wants to do that. I have no idea where Tom wants to do this. Jestem dzisiaj w Bostonie. I'm in Boston today. I'm in Boston today. Sledují vás. They're watching you. They're watching you. Jak dlouho vydrží tato baterie? How long will this battery last? How long will this battery last? Má psa? Does he have a dog? Does he have a dog? Toto bude stát 30 €. This will cost €30. This will cost €30. Už mám toho vedra dost. I am weary of this hot weather. I've had enough of this heat. Ona się uczy grać na pianinie. She is learning the piano. She's learning how to play the piano. Myślisz, że jestem za wysoki? Do you think I'm too tall? You think I'm too tall? Máme dvě uši. We have two ears. We have two ears. Vstaň brzy ráno. Get up early in the morning. Get up early in the morning. Měl jsi to udělat v říjnu. You should've done that in October. You should have done it in October. Dorazili jsme trochu pozdě. We've arrived a little late. We're a little late. Zbyli jego krytykę jako objaw hipokryzji. They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy. They left his criticism as a symptom of hypocrisy. Tom by se měl stydět. Tom should be ashamed. Tom should be ashamed. Můj táta je velmi přísný. My dad is very strict. My dad's very strict. Šel bych pro ni ohněm v benzínem promočených spodkách. I'd walk through fire with gasoline-soaked underpants for her. I'd go get her with a fire in her gasoline soaked underpants. Tom mówi, że wy dwoje macie sporo ze sobą wspólnego. Tom says the two of you have a lot in common. Tom says you two have a lot in common. Dałbyś mi szansę do wyjaśnienia? Would you give me a chance to explain? Would you give me a chance to explain? Canberra je hlavní město Austrálie. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Canberra is the capital of Australia. Powiedzieli mi, że to była twoja wina. They told me it was your fault. They told me it was your fault. Je vdaná za Američana. She is married to an American. She's married to an American. Dávám přednost vlaku před autobusem. I prefer the train to the bus. I prefer the train over the bus. Kdo jsou slavní muzikanti ve tvé zemi? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Byla jsem velmi vzrušená. I was very excited. I was very excited. Nie przywykłem do takiego traktowania. I'm not used to be treated like that. I'm not used to this kind of treatment. Momentálně nemáme jinou možnost. At this point, we have no choice. We don't have a choice right now. Zastřelím ho. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. Jego matka jest z niego bardzo zadowolona. His mother's very pleased with him. His mother is very happy with him. Tego tu wcześniej nie było. It wasn't there before. That wasn't here before. Mary zemřela na rakovinu prsu. Mary died of breast cancer. Mary died of breast cancer. Ty nadęty dupku! You pompous git! You cocksucker! Pocházejí z různých zemí. They come from various countries. They come from different countries. Pochopil jsi ten vtip? Have you understood this joke? Did you get the joke? Możliwe, że Tomowi nic nie jest. Tom might be all right. It's possible Tom's okay. Tohle je tvoje příležitost, Tome. This is your chance, Tom. This is your chance, Tom. Zjadłem hamburgera i poszedłem spać. I ate a burger, then went to bed. I ate a burger and went to bed. Reklamujeme své produkty v televizi. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. Tom ostrzegł mnie, że może być tu głośno. Tom warned me it would be noisy here. Tom warned me it could be loud here. Tom mi dal dárek. Tom gave me a present. Tom gave me a present. Já čaj nepiji. I don't drink tea. I don't drink tea. Czułam się, jakbym miała zwymiotować. I felt like throwing up. I felt like I was gonna throw up. Odpowiedź została oznaczona jako błędna. The answer was marked wrong. The answer was called incorrect. Naprawdę chcesz zostać? Do you really want to stay? Do you really want to stay? Powinniśmy dać Tomowi szansę. We should give Tom a chance. We should give Tom a chance. Všechny slepice jsou už v kurníku. All the hens are already in the henhouse. All the chickens are already in the henhouse. Nóż nie jest ostry. The knife is not sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Gdzie autobusy odjeżdżają z lotniska? Where do the airport buses leave from? Where are the buses leaving the airport? Przyjdź szybko! Come quickly! Come quickly! Není to důležité, že? That's not important, is it? It's not important, is it? Możesz powtórzyć, ile razy tu byłeś? Could you please tell me again how many times you've been here? Can you repeat how many times you've been here? Tom powiedział, że to był wypadek. Tom said it was an emergency. Tom said it was an accident. Tom jest z powrotem. Tom is out back. Tom's back. Dítě uklidnila jeho matka. The child was comforted by his mother. His mother calmed the baby. Jsem unavená. Jdu do postele. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. Religia jest córką nadzei i strachu i próbuje wyjaśniać niewiedzy istotę tego, czego nie można wiedzieć. Religion is a daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable. Religion is the daughter of nakedness and fear and is trying to explain to the ignorance the essence of what cannot be known. Mary se zdávalo o Tomovi. Mary used to dream about Tom. Mary seemed to be Tom. Podepsal jsem všechny dokumenty. I signed all the documents. I signed all the documents. Zatrzymaj tutaj samochód. Stop the car here. Stop the car here. Nie wolno mi pić alkoholu. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. Požádal mě o cigaretu. He asked me for a cigarette. He asked me for a cigarette. Faktem je, že jsem dneska nešla do školy. The fact is I didn't go to school today. The fact is, I didn't go to school today. Tom býval s Mary rád. Tom used to enjoy being with Mary. Tom used to like to be with Mary. Nie mogłem zrozumieć jego idei. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his ideas. Jestem wyczerpany. I'm shattered. I'm exhausted. Ty si s ní opravdu povídáš ráda, že? You really like talking to her, don't you? You really like talking to her, don't you? Oni nejsou zaměstnanci firmy? Are they not company employees? They're not company employees? Winna była moja pamięć. My memory was at fault. Guilty was my memory. Powiedziałem jej wszystko. I told her everything. I told her everything. Czy możesz mi podać swoje nazwisko i numer telefonu? Could you tell me your name and your number? Can you give me your name and phone number? Trošku váhám tam jít sama. I'm a little hesitant to go there by myself. I'm a little hesitant to go there alone. Proč sis koupil želvu? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? Chcę być szczęśliwy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. Jest w dobrych stosunkach z panem Brownem. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's in a good relationship with Mr. Brown. Szkoda, że nie mam na to dobrej odpowiedzi. I wish I could think of a good answer. I wish I had a good answer for that. Mám radši červenou. I prefer red. I prefer red. Jesteś mądry. You're clever. You're smart. Pamatuješ, kdy jsem tě viděl naposled? Do you remember when I saw you last? Remember the last time I saw you? Tom si zapomněl peněženku doma. Tom left his wallet at home. Tom forgot his wallet at home. Nigdy nie paliłam. I've never smoked. I've never smoked. Tom by to byl neudělal, kdyby nechtěl. Tom wouldn't have done that if he hadn't wanted to. Tom wouldn't have done it if he didn't want to. Děti si hrály na pískovišti, jejich matky seděly na lavičce nedaleko od nich a pozorovaly je. Children were playing in a sandbox and their mothers were sitting on the bench not far from them, watching them. The children played in the sandbox, their mothers sat on a bench not far from them and watched them. Musíš napravit tyhle chyby. You must put these mistakes right. You've got to fix these mistakes. Tom nikogo nie zastrzelił. Tom didn't shoot anybody. Tom didn't shoot anyone. Já jím tady. I eat here. I'm eating here. Plavu v oceánu. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm swimming in the ocean. Stara śpiewka. Here we go again. It's an old song. Zacząć to połowa sukcesu. Starting is half the battle. Let's start with half the success. Nie chodziło o pieniądze. It wasn't about money. It wasn't about the money. Postav se tamhle a uvidíš to lépe. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Get over there and you'll see better. Uważaj, by nie jechać pod prąd na drodze jednokierunkowej. Be careful not to drive the wrong way on a one-way street. Be careful not to go under the current on the one-way road. Pozwól mi to zrobić po mojemu. Let me do it my way. Let me do it my way. Už začínám mít toho studeného počasí dost. I'm getting tired of this cold weather. I'm getting sick of the cold weather. Chceš vědět, jak se jmenuje? Do you want to know his name? You want to know his name? To tak bardzo boli. It hurts so much. It hurts so much. Tom je zamilovaný. Tom is in love. Tom's in love. Planujemy wyburzyć nasz dom. We're planning to tear down our house. We're planning to demolish our house. Přidat lžičku papriky. Add one teaspoon of paprika. Add a spoon of pepper. To ryzyko. It's a gamble. It's a risk. Nie mam pracy I don't have job I don't have a job. Musisz być mniej niecierpliwy. You must be less impatient. You must be less impatient. Vím, že nevím. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. David má tolik holek, že si nepamatuje, jak se všechny jmenujou. David has so many girlfriends that he can't remember all of their names. David has so many girls he doesn't remember their names. Udělali jsme to samé. We did the same thing. We did the same thing. Zamówiliśmy parę nowych książek z zagranicy. We ordered some new books from abroad. We ordered some new books from abroad. Nie wstąpiłeś do tego klubu, prawda? You didn't join that club, did you? You didn't join that club, did you? Proč si všichni myslí, že jsem hloupý? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everyone think I'm stupid? To ještě není konec. That's not the end of the story. It's not over yet. Jediné, co chceme je příležitost. All we want is an opportunity. All we want is an opportunity. Mam rady zajacy. I like hares. I have advice. Pevně věřím, že lidská představivost je neomezená. I strongly believe that human imagination is limitless. I firmly believe that human imagination is unlimited. Všichni v mé rodině jsou šťastni. Everyone in my family is happy. Everyone in my family is happy. Máš pochybnosti? Do you have doubts? Do you have any doubts? V práci se mu nedařilo a tak odešel. He wasn't getting on well in his job, so he quit. He didn't do well at work, so he left. Kéž bych byl Tomovi nelhal. I wish I hadn't lied to Tom. I wish I wasn't lying to Tom. Tom už je možná tam. Tom might already be there. Tom may already be there. Prastaré obyčeje dnes rychle vymírají. Ancient customs are dying out quickly today. Ancient customs are dying out fast today. Uważamy jego zachowanie za dziecinne. We consider his behavior childish. We consider his behavior childish. Wzięłam udział w konkursie. I entered the contest. I took part in the competition. Toma nie stać, by posłać swoje dzieci na studia. Tom can't afford to send his children to college. Tom can't afford to send his kids to college. To je dobre mjaso. This is good meat. That's a good mjaso. Wypił trzy butelki piwa. He drank three bottles of beer. He drank three bottles of beer. Já jsem ten, koho chceš. I'm the one you want. I'm the one you want. Zrovna jsem na něco myslel. I was just thinking about something. I was just thinking about something. Tom nevypadá potěšeně. Tom doesn't look pleased. Tom doesn't look pleased. Vrátím vše, kam to patří. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'll put everything back where it belongs. Suknia była pokryta błękitnym aksamitem. The dress was covered with blue velvet. The dress was covered with blue velvet. Szkoda, że to się nie dzieje częściej. I wish it would happen more often. Too bad it doesn't happen often. Tom wydaje dużo pieniędzy na ubrania. Tom spends lots of money on clothes. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Po prostu się tego nie spodziewałem. I just wasn't expecting this to happen. I just didn't expect it. Doufáme, že to nebudeme muset dělat. We're hoping we won't have to do that. We hope we don't have to do this. On jí. He is eating. He's eating. Jestli mě zvolí, také zapomenu, co jsem slíbil. If I am elected, I'll also forget what I promised. If I'm elected, I'll also forget what I promised. Ufasz mi, prawda? You trust me, don't you? You trust me, don't you? Kwitnięcie wiśni jest bardzo piękne. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. The cherry blossom is very beautiful. Sami chtěl jít na školní ples. Sami wanted to go to the prom dance. He wanted to go to the school dance himself. Zawsze dowiaduję się ostatni. I'm always the last to know. I'm always the last to know. Toma vyhodili z restaurace. Tom got kicked out of the restaurant. Tom got kicked out of the restaurant. Niewątpliwie. No doubt. No doubt. Muiriel je 20 nyní. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is 20 now. Tu sprzedają rzeczy, których nie znajdziesz nigdzie indziej. They sell things here that you can't find anywhere else. This is where they sell things you can't find anywhere else. Przeprowadzałem eksperymenty na zwierzętach. I experimented on animals. I was experimenting on animals. Není moc vzdělaný. He hasn't had much education. He's not very educated. Pacjent nie ma pulsu. The patient has no pulse. The patient doesn't have a pulse. Mieszkamy na szóstym piętrze. We live on the sixth floor. We live on the sixth floor. Proszę spróbować dzisiaj. Please visit there today. Try today. Jak twierdzi staruszek, którego poznałem wczoraj, karaluchy można jeść i wcale tak źle nie smakują. According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and don't taste all that bad. As the old man I met yesterday says, cockroaches can be eaten and they don't taste so bad. Varoval jsem tě před ním. I warned you against him. I warned you about him. Tom je rodilý mluvčí Esperanta. Tom is a native Esperanto speaker. Tom is the native speaker of the converter. Myslím, že neuspěju. I don’t think I’ll succeed. I don't think I'm gonna succeed. O tak, to prawda. Musiałem odwiedzić paru przyjaciół w Shibuyi o ósmej. Oh yeah, that's right. I was supposed to meet some friends in Shibuya at eight. I had to visit some friends in Shibuya at 8:00. Tom popírá účast na bombovém atentátu. Tom denies involvement in the bombing. Tom is denying his involvement in the bombing. Bardzo się martwiła o zdrowie swojego męża. She was very worried about her husband's health. She was very concerned about her husband's health. Žirafa byla zraněná. The giraffe was injured. The giraffe was hurt. Mogliśmy z okna obejrzeć zachód słońca. We could see the sunset from the window. We could have seen the sunset from the window. Podsumujmy to jeszcze raz. Let's go over it again. Let's recap this. Jsem poslední, kdo ho viděl. I'm the last one who saw him. I'm the last person to see him. Postanowiłem jechać. I've made up my mind to go. I decided to go. Musisz szanować prywatność Toma. You need to respect Tom's privacy. You have to respect Tom's privacy. Budete mi chybět. I'll miss you. I'm gonna miss you. To ja, otwórz drzwi. It's me, open the door. It's me, open the door. To nie Tom powiedział o tym Mary. Tom isn't the one who told Mary about that. It wasn't Tom who told Mary. Nie miałem żadnego powodu, żeby to zrobić. I had no reason to do that. I had no reason to do that. Będę strzelać. I'll shoot. I'm gonna shoot. Mieszkałem kiedyś w Bostonie. I once lived in Boston. I used to live in Boston. "Ile masz lat?" "Mam szesnaście lat". "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Tom navrhl, abychom to udělali zítra. Tom suggested that we should do it tomorrow. Tom suggested we do it tomorrow. Wkrótce przyzwyczaisz się do tutejszego klimatu. You'll soon get used to the climate here. You'll soon get used to the climate. Napsal jsem hodně vět. I wrote a lot of sentences. I've written a lot of sentences. Kiedyś mieszkali w Nagoyi. They once lived in Nagoya. They used to live in Nagoya. Jak ses seznámila s Tomem? How did you meet Tom? How did you meet Tom? Tom je pohřben v Bostonu. Tom is buried in Boston. Tom's buried in Boston. Nie obchodzi mnie dlaczego spóźniłeś się. I don't care why you're late. I don't care why you're late. To nigdy nie powinno było się zdarzyć. That should have never happened. This should never have happened. Bill był zbyt młody aby objąć stanowisko. Bill was too young to take the post. Bill was too young to take his place. Tom mi dluží třicet dolarů. Tom owes me thirty bucks. Tom owes me $30. Skromność się na dłuższą metę nie opłaca. Modesty doesn't pay in the long run. Modesty doesn't pay off in the long run. Chciałbym z tobą zatańczyć. I'd like to dance with you. I'd like to dance with you. Przyniosłem ci inny koc. I brought you another blanket. I brought you another blanket. Nie wiem, jak teraz wygląda Tom. I don't know what Tom looks like now. I don't know what Tom looks like right now. Tom zauważył. Tom noticed. Tom noticed. Cieszę się czasem, który spędzamy razem. I enjoy the time we spend together. I'm glad we spend time together. Napíšu knihu. I'll write a book. I'll write a book. Mięso źle smakuje. The meat tastes bad. The meat tastes bad. Wierzę w to. I believe in it. I believe that. Setkání musíme zrušit. We need to cancel the meeting. We have to cancel the meeting. Według przewodnika to najlepsza restauracja w tej okolicy. According to the guidebook, this is the best restaurant around here. The guide says it's the best restaurant in the area. Zjem tutaj. I eat here. I'll eat here. "Díky." "Ne, to já děkuji tobě!" "Thanks." "No, thank YOU!" "Thank you." "No, thank you!" Nemám si s kým procvičovat francouzštinu. I don't have anybody to practice French with. I don't have anyone to practice French with. Kam? Where? Where? Udělali jste to naschvál? Did you do that on purpose? Did you do it on purpose? Kocham chodzić boso po trawie. I love walking barefoot on the grass. I love walking barefoot on the grass. Alespoň nebyl nikdo zraněn. At least, no one was hurt. At least no one was hurt. Tento starý dům je postaven ze dřeva. This old house is made of wood. This old house is built of wood. Dokonaliśmy niemożliwego. We've done the impossible. We did the impossible. To byla ta poslední věc kterou jsem čekal, že uslyším. That was the last thing I expected to hear. That was the last thing I expected to hear. Tom nás potřebuje. Tom needs us. Tom needs us. Vypadá nevinně, ale nenechávej svoje brýle bez dozoru v jeho přítomnosti. He looks innocent, but don't leave your glasses unattended in his presence. He looks innocent, but don't leave your glasses unsupervised in his presence. Co bys udělala, kdybys byla na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were me? Tom Mary nepoděkoval za dárek. Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. Věděl jsem, že je budeš podezírat. I knew you would suspect them. I knew you'd suspect them. Jest prawie tak inteligentna, jak przeciętne dziecko. She is almost as intelligent as an average human child. She's almost as smart as an average child. Myję mój samochód prawie codziennie. I wash my car almost every day. I wash my car almost every day. Zapomněl jsem o tom všechno. I forgot all about it. I forgot all about it. Dlaczego Marika tak bardzo interesowała się kulturą japońską? Why was Marika so interested in Japanese culture? Why was Marika so interested in Japanese culture? Zjistili jsme, kde žije. We found out where he lives. We found out where he lives. Máš z něho strach. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. O czym ty mówisz? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Smějte se tak často, jak můžete. Laugh as often as you can. Laugh as often as you can. W jakim języku chcesz zobaczyć nazwy zwierząt? In which language do you want to see names of animals? What language do you want to see animal names? Problemy tego chłopca mają charakter fizyczny, nie mentalny. The boy's problems are physical, not mental. This boy's problems are physical, not mental. Brzy si na to zvykneš. You'll get used to it soon. You'll get used to it soon. Viděl jsem, jak Tom hraje tenis. I saw Tom play tennis. I saw Tom play tennis. Zabrałbyś ze sobą Toma do Bostonu? Would you take Tom to Boston with you? Would you take Tom to Boston with you? Nie zatrzymała się ani jedna taksówka. Not even one taxi stopped. Not one cab stopped. Já ho znám, ale on mě ne. I know him but he doesn't know me. I know him, but he doesn't know me. Jaká pravidla jsem porušil? What laws have I broken? What rules have I broken? Czy uczysz się angielskiego codziennie? Are you studying English every day? Do you learn English every day? Daj mi dzień lub dwa. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. Tato žena je učitelka. This woman is a teacher. This woman is a teacher. Siedział z założonymi rękami. He was sitting with his arms folded. He was sitting with his hands on. Tohle jsem se snažil říct již předtím. That's what I was trying to say earlier. That's what I've been trying to say before. To řekl Tom. Tom said that. That's what Tom said. Tom se mýlí, že? Tom is wrong, isn't he? Tom's wrong, right? Myslel jsem si, že to je pravda, ale už si to nemyslím. I used to think that was true, but not anymore. I thought it was true, but I don't think so anymore. Tom hrával na kytaru. Tom used to play guitar. Tom used to play guitar. Mňau. Meow. Meow. Mary jest mądrzejsza od Toma. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary's smarter than Tom. Gdzie jest najbliższa stacja metra? Where's the nearest underground station? Where's the nearest metro station? Mám čas. I have time. I've got time. Ona jest prawie tak wysoka jak ja. She is about as tall as me. She's almost as tall as I am. Tom viní Mary z toho, že mu zničila život. Ve skutečnosti si ho zničil sám. Tom blames Mary for destoying his life. In reality, he destroyed it himself. Tom blames Mary for ruining his life. Neřekl jsem mu nic. I told him nothing. I didn't tell him anything. Mógłbyś pożyczyć mi swój rower? Could you lend me your bike? Can you lend me your bike? "Lubie podróżować." "Ja tak samo." "I like traveling." "So do I." "I like to travel." "I like to travel." Skąd pochodzisz, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Na kogo patrzy się Tom? Who's Tom looking at? Who's Tom looking at? Ktoś zjadł wszystkie ciastka. Somebody ate all the biscuits. Someone ate all the cookies. Promluvil jsem si s dcerou. I spoke to my daughter. I talked to my daughter. Tak, powinieneś ćwiczyć każdego dnia. Yes, you need to practice every day. Yeah, you should practice every day. Miał brązowe włosy. His hair was brown. He had brown hair. Kupiłem wczoraj nową koszulkę. I bought a new t-shirt yesterday. I bought a new shirt last night. Nevím, jak mám číst mezi řádky. I don't know how to read between the lines. I don't know how to read between the lines. Pojďme si zahrát šachy. Let's play chess. Let's play chess. My przyszliśmy dopiero dzisiaj. We came only today. We're only here today. Życzę wesołych świąt. Have a good Christmas. Merry Christmas. Tomův pokoj je zamčený. Tom's room is locked. Tom's room is locked. Politici jsou pouhé loutky. To je však nečiní méně zodpovědnými za svoje činy. Politicians are mere puppets. That does not make them less responsible for their deeds, though. Politicians are mere puppets, but that doesn't make them less responsible for their actions. Tom mi dnes nemůže pomoct. Tom can't help me today. Tom can't help me today. Tom objednal šálek čaje. Tom ordered a cup of tea. Tom ordered a cup of tea. Každou neděli máme hodinu angličtiny. We have English lesson every Sunday. We have an English class every Sunday. Je to výzva? Is this a challenge? Is that a challenge? Tom nie zrozumiał pytania. Tom didn't understand the question. Tom didn't understand the question. Nie możesz mnie zmusić, bym to zrobił. You can't force me to do that. You can't make me do this. Kdo nám krade? Who's been stealing from us? Who's stealing from us? Železo je užitečný kov. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Czy lubi pan deszcz? Do you like rain? Do you like the rain? Měl obrovské výkyvy nálad. He had huge mood swings. He had huge mood swings. Możemy użyć siły, jeśli musimy. We can use force if we have to. We can use force if we have to. Neházel bych to na Toma. I wouldn't blame Tom. I wouldn't blame Tom. Není to o penězích, že? It's not about the money, is it? It's not about the money, is it? Możemy zaczynać. We can begin. We're good to go. Nebojím se Toma požádat. I'm not afraid to ask Tom. I'm not afraid to ask Tom. Nebuď snob. Don't be a snob. Don't be a snob. Nesvítí někde zbytečně? Do those lights need to be on? Doesn't it shine in vain? Wyszedł z pokoju jak tylko weszłam. He left the room as soon as I entered it. He left the room as soon as I got in. Tom si neuvědomil, kdo je ta žena. Tom didn't realize who that woman was. Tom didn't realize who that woman was. Jeżeli taki sposób ci podano, to prawdopodobnie on właściwy. If this is the way you were told, it is probably correct. If this is the way you've been given it, it's probably the right one. Tak si matka pomyslela. Then his mother thought. That's what Mother thought. Dziecko zasnęło natychmiast. The baby went to sleep at once. The baby fell asleep immediately. W końcu wpadł na to, jak to się robi. He finally found out how to make it. He finally figured out how to do it. Kdo jim dal všechny ty peníze? Who gave them all that money? Who gave them all that money? Začínám s tebou ztrácet trpělivost. I'm starting to lose my patience with you. I'm starting to lose patience with you. My, Niemcy, boimy się Boga, i nikogo więcej. We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world. We Germans are afraid of God and no one else. Neměl bys už jít spát? Shouldn't you just go to bed already? Shouldn't you be going to bed? Můj francouzštinář je stejně starý, jako jsem já. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My Frenchman is as old as I am. Mam ciężki tydzień przed sobą. I've got a big week ahead of me. I've got a tough week ahead of me. Našla sis sympatického chlapa. You got yourself a nice guy. You found a nice guy. Dnes v noci zemřu. I'm going to die tonight. I'm gonna die tonight. Šel jsem na týden bez jídla. I went without food for a week. I went out for a week without food. W mojej rodzinie są cztery osoby. There are four people in my family. There are four people in my family. Sází stromky. She plants trees. He's planting trees. Tom šel ke své skříňce. Tom went to his locker. Tom went to his locker. Tom chce dowodów. Tom wants evidence. Tom wants proof. Potrzebuję balsamu do ciała. I need body lotion. I need a body lotion. Nigdy nie odpowiadałeś na moje telefony. You never returned my calls. You never answered my calls. Kim jest dziewczyna? Who is the girl? Who's the girl? Už jsi zapomněl. You've already forgotten. You've forgotten. V Kanazawě občas bývají sněhové bouře. There are sometimes blizzards in Kanazawa. There are snowstorms in Kanazawa sometimes. Chci žít v pravdě a lásce. I want to live in truth and love. I want to live in truth and love. Tom býval tenisový instruktor. Tom used to be a tennis instructor. Tom used to be a tennis instructor. Rád pracuje na zahradě. He likes to work in the garden. He likes to work in the garden. Je pravda, že umíš francouzsky? Is it true you can speak French? Is it true you speak French? Pan Pryor zemdlał z powodu krwotoku podpajęczynówkowego, którego doznał podczas próby przed występem w Paryżu. Został przewieziony do miejscowego szpitala, lecz zmarł o 16:23. Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm. Mr. Pryor passed out due to subarachnoid haemorrhage, which he experienced during his trial before performing in Paris. He was transported to a local hospital, but died at 16:23. Tom netuší, že chodí s nevlastní sestrou. Tom has no idea that he is dating his half-sister. Tom doesn't know he's dating his stepsister. Król poszedł rano na polowanie. The king went hunting this morning. The King went hunting this morning. Tom si koupil lístek do kina. Tom bought a ticket to the cinema for himself. Tom bought a movie ticket. Uvidíme se za půl hodiny. We'll see each other in half an hour. I'll see you in half an hour. Zgubiłem zegarek, który dał mi ojciec. I lost the watch that my father gave me. I lost the watch my father gave me. Byl jsem v lese. I was in the forest. I was in the woods. Mówi po francusku. She can speak French. He speaks French. Nie pamiętam, gdzie spotkałem ją po raz pierwszy. I can't remember where I first met her. I can't remember where I first met her. Podrbal si ruku hřebíkem. He scratched his arm with the nail. He scratched his hand with a nail. Jesteś władczy. You're bossy. You're a mastermind. Je Tom pořád nemocný? Is Tom still sick? Is Tom still sick? Nie idę dzisiaj do szkoły. I'm not going to school today. I'm not going to school today. Skąd znasz tą osobę? How did you get to know that person? How do you know this person? Jesteś wrażliwy. You're sensitive. You're sensitive. Dostavil ses pozdě. You came in late. You're late. Našel jsem je. I found them. I found them. Ty jsi mě to naučil. You taught me that. You taught me. Musím si na to zvyknout. I have to get used to it. I have to get used to it. Dnes potřebuji jít domů trochu dřív. I need to go home a little early today. I need to go home a little early today. Żaden ze studentów nie narzekał nigdy na bóle w przednim płacie lewej półkuli mózgu. No student has ever complained of pains in the front lobe of the left side of the brain. None of the students have ever complained about pain in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere. Musím připustit, že to byla moje chyba. I must admit that it was my fault. I have to admit, it was my fault. Chcę tego czego ty chcesz. I want to want what you want. I want what you want. Všechno musí mít konec. All things must have an end. Everything must be over. Szkoda, że nie mam samochodu. I wish I had a car. I wish I had a car. Ty si pamatuješ, co se tehdy minule stalo, že ano? You remember what happened that last time, don't you? You remember what happened the other day, don't you? Tom řekl, že můžu sedět kde chci. Tom said I could sit anywhere I liked. Tom said I could sit anywhere I wanted. Wiem, że muszę się wiele nauczyć. I know I have a lot to learn. I know I have a lot to learn. Oni pojechali do Tottori. They went to Tottori. They went to Tottori. Žiji skromně. I live frugally. I live modestly. To je výborná zpráva. That's excellent news. That's great news. Z tego, co wiem, pan Smith był skromnym człowiekiem. As far as I know, Mr. Smith was a modest man. As far as I know, Mr. Smith was a modest man. Tom i ja, oboje lubimy żeglarstwo. Tom and I both like sailing. Tom and I, we both like sailing. Chodź, napij się wody. Go get a drink of water. Come on, have some water. To prawda, że jest młody, ale za to bystry. It is true that he is young, but he is clever. It's true he's young, but he's smart. Raději by ses měl naučit dodržovat pravidla. You'd better learn to follow the rules. You better learn to follow the rules. Potrafisz to zrobić! You can do it. You can do it! Nie jestem na ciebie zły. I'm not angry with you. I'm not mad at you. Oba víme, že sem nepatříš. We both know you don't belong here. We both know you don't belong here. Chci vědět, co bude dál. I want to know what's going to happen next. I want to know what happens next. Chci ti něco ukázat v mé kanceláři. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. Chyba lepiej zacznijmy od nowa. I think we'd better start over again. I think we'd better start over. Jdou domů. They're coming home. They're going home. Jsi uvnitř? Are you in? Are you inside? Tom mieszkał w Bostonie przez pierwszych 10 lat życia. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Tom lived in Boston for the first 10 years of his life. Chtěli prodat dům. They wanted to sell the house. They were going to sell the house. Wyglądasz nie najlepiej. You don't look so good. You don't look so good. Jsi má jediná opravdová přítelkyně. You're my only real friend. You're my only true friend. Všechno je možné. Anything is possible. Anything is possible. Mnoho lidí na světě hladoví. Many people in the world are hungry. Many people in the world are starving. Ona mówi dość szybko. She speaks quite fast. She's talking pretty fast. Nie powiedziałbym, że osiągnęliśmy już nasz cel, ale mamy go w zasięgu ręki. I wouldn't say we've achieved our goal yet, but we're within striking distance. I wouldn't say we've reached our goal, but we've got him within our reach. Lidem, kteří ovládají více než dva jazyky, se říká polygloti. People who can speak more than two languages are called polyglots. People who speak more than two languages are called polyglots. Neměl s ním teda nic. He did not have anything with him then. He had nothing to do with it. Je to tvůj kufr? Is this your suitcase? Is that your suitcase? Rozmawiałyśmy o muzyce. We talked about music. We talked about music. Děti se rády dívají na televizi. Children like to watch TV. Kids like to watch TV. Uciekli? Have they escaped? Did they run away? Tom dużo się rusza. Tom moves a lot. Tom's moving a lot. Lhal jsem ti někdy? Have I ever lied to you? Have I ever lied to you? Napsal jsem pro ni píseň. I wrote the song for her. I wrote a song for her. Nejsi jediná, kdo se bojí výšek. You're not the only one who's afraid of heights. You're not the only one who's afraid of heights. Naprawdę chcę, żeby ta praca była skończona. I really want to get this work done. I really want this job to be over. S Tomem jste mluvit neměli. You shouldn't have talked to Tom. You shouldn't have talked to Tom. Svému synovi dali jméno John. They named their son John. They named their son John. On ten problém chápe. He understands the problem. He understands the problem. Załóż swój płaszcz. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Zamknij się, młody, i słuchaj. Shut up and listen, kid. Shut up, kid, and listen. Tom přijel domů aby zjistil, že Mary si sbalila věci a odešla. Tom arrived home to find that Mary had packed her things and left. Tom came home to find out that Mary packed her things and left. Dlaczego Mary idzie z nim na piknik? How come Mary is going on a picnic with him? Why is Mary having a picnic with him? Tom prowadzi Forda. Tom drives a Ford. Tom's driving Ford. Tom strávil léto na pláži. Tom spent his summer on the beach. Tom spent the summer on the beach. Tom był zły na Marię, bo zaparkowała na jego miejscu. Tom was angry at Mary because she parked in his space. Tom was mad at Maria because she parked in his place. Pokud jdeš odpoledne do knihovny, vrátil bys pro mě prosím dvě knížky, když tam budeš? If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there? If you're going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me while you're there? Nasza rakiete jest budowana. Our rocket is being built. Our rockets are being built. Tom není tak tlustý jako já. Tom is not as fat as I am. Tom's not as fat as me. Co píšeš? Píšu dopis. What are you writing? I am writing a letter. What are you writing? Dvanáct znamení zvěrokruhu je: Beran, Býk, Blíženci, Rak, Lev, Panna, Váhy, Štír, Střelec, Kozoroh, Vodnář a Ryby. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Twelve signs of the zodiac are: Lamb, Bull, Bubbles, Cancer, Lev, Virgin, Weights, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Waterman and Fish. Napełniłam dzbanek wodą. I've filled the jug with water. I filled the pot with water. Má velké potíže pamatovat si jména. He has a hard time remembering names. He's in a lot of trouble to remember his name. Czy ktoś potrzebuje podwózki do domu? Does anyone need a lift home? Does anyone need a ride home? Když se budete držet Tomových pokynů, nic se vám nemůže stát. If you follow Tom's instructions, nothing can happen to you. If you follow Tom's instructions, nothing can happen to you. Utři ze stolu ten prach. Wipe the dust off the table. Wipe the dust off the table. Kdes celou tu dobu byl? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? Musíme zpomalit. We have to slow down. We need to slow down. Je jedenáct hodin. It's eleven o'clock. It's 11 o'clock. Cóż za bałwan ze mnie. Foolish, foolish me. What a idol I am. Drž ten provaz. Hold the rope. Hold the rope. Před třemi hodinami jsem měl lepší náladu. I was in a better mood three hours ago. Three hours ago, I was in a better mood. Neváhejte požádat o informace. Don't hesitate to ask for information. Do not hesitate to request information. Tom nie mógł nadążyć. Tom couldn't keep up. Tom couldn't keep up. Jseš šprt. You are a nerd. You're a nerd. Kdy Tom snídá? When does Tom eat breakfast? When's Tom having breakfast? Nie mam ubezpieczenia. I don't have insurance. I don't have insurance. Pożarł go rekin. A shark devoured him. It was eaten by a shark. Jak dojść do NHK? How do I get to NHK? How to get to NHK? Mohli bychom mít stůl venku? Could we have a table outside? Could we have a table outside? Tahle voda nikdy nezamrzne. This water never freezes. This water will never freeze. Zatrzymuję się w Hiltonie. I'm staying at the Hilton. I'm staying at Hilton. Tom zawsze pamięta o nas na Święta. Tom always remembers us at Christmas. Tom always remembers us for Christmas. To jsi Tomovi říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Prosím, nemluvte tak rychle. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. Naděje je. There is hope. Hope is. Jak długo to zajmie? How long will it take? How long is this gonna take? Co jest z Jackiem? What about Jack? What's wrong with Jack? Nie udało nam się go przekonać. We failed to persuade him. We couldn't convince him. Můžeme si o tom promluvit mezi čtyřma očima? Can we talk about this in private? With no one else present? Can we talk about this between four eyes? Powinniśmy podjąć odpowiednie kroki zanim będzie za późno. We should take the necessary steps before it's too late. We should take the right steps before it's too late. Zlato je drahý kov. Gold is a precious metal. The gold is precious metal. Nowa hala jest dwa razy większa od starej. The new hall is double the size of the old one. The new hall is twice the size of the old one. Czy słyszałeś najnowsze wiadomości o wojnie? Have you heard the latest news about the war? Have you heard the latest news about the war? Vím přesně, kde je Tom. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. Tom poprosil Mary o radu. Tom asked Mary for her advice. Tom asked Mary for advice. Jedząc pizzę, zirytował swoją siostrę. His eating a pizza annoyed his sister. Eating pizza, he annoyed his sister. Kuře, tuňák a sójové boby jsou dobrým zdrojem proteinu. Chicken, tuna and soybeans are good sources of protein. Chicken, tuna and soy beans are a good source of protein. On jest tenisistą. He is a tennis player. He's a tennis player. Otec přestal pít. Father stopped drinking. Father stopped drinking. Wysłał list adresowany do swojego wujka. He sent a letter addressed to his uncle. He sent a letter to his uncle. Pracuje w fabryce. He works in a factory. He works at the factory. Oni ví, kdo jsme. They know who we are. They know who we are. Připadalo nám to jako hra. It seemed like a game to us. It seemed like a game to us. Większość ludzi się zgadza. Most people agree. Most people agree. Książę nadał swoim poddanym ziemię. The prince gave his land to his subjects. The prince gave his subjects the land. Opravdu sis myslel, že to je to, co Tom chce? Did you really think that was what Tom wanted? Did you really think that's what Tom wanted? Jeśli ktoś, kto nas nie zna, mówi, że mówimy jego językiem jak rodzimy użytkownik, oznacza to, że pewnie zauważył u nas coś, co uświadomiło mu, że tym użytkownikiem nie jesteśmy. Innymi słowy, że nie mówimy jak rodzimy użytkownik. If someone who doesn't know your background says that you sound like a native speaker, it means they probably noticed something about your speaking that made them realize you weren't a native speaker. In other words, you don't really sound like a native speaker. If someone who doesn't know us says that we speak his language as a native user, it means that he probably noticed something in us that made him realize that we're not that user. Úspěch obvykle vyžaduje těžkou práci. Success usually requires hard work. Success usually requires hard work. Náš pes se jmenuje Cookie. Our dog's name is Cookie. Our dog's name is Cookie. Promluvím si o tom s mým koněm. I will talk about it with my horse. I'll talk to my horse about it. Spotkanie się odbędzie bez względu na pogodę. The meeting will take place no matter what the weather is like. The meeting will take place no matter the weather. Czy on ma rodzinę? Does he have a family? Does he have a family? Jesteś żoną Toma, prawda? You're Tom's wife, aren't you? You're Tom's wife, aren't you? Zamával na ní. He waved at her. He waved at her. Zawsze tak było. It's always been like this. It's always been that way. Já si myslím, že budete těmi odpověďi ohromeným. I think you will be impressed with the answers. I think you'll be impressed by the answers. Mówił bardzo głośno. He spoke very loudly. He spoke very loudly. Není místa na Zemi, kde bych byl raději. There's nowhere on earth I'd rather be. There's no place on Earth I'd rather be. Tom není ochoten to udělat. Tom isn't willing to do that. Tom's not willing to do it. Z powodu nadmiernej ochrony wielorybów maleje pogłowie ryb stanowiących pożywienie wielorybów, więc ryby takie też powinny podlegać ochronie. Fish stocks are declining due to over-protection of whales, so fish that whales can eat should also be protected. Due to the excessive conservation of whales, stocks of fish that feed whales are decreasing, so such fish should also be protected. Medvěd se dokáže vyšplhat na strom. A bear can climb a tree. A bear can climb a tree. Chce wypić twoją krew w północ. I want to drink your blood at midnight. He wants to drink your blood north. On jest już mężczyzną. He's already a man. He's already a man. Tak co máš za problém? So what's your problem? So what's your problem? Rád bych vycestoval do ciziny. I would like to travel abroad. I'd like to travel abroad. Podejrzewałem, że to się może stać. I thought this might happen. I thought this might happen. Gdzie się urodził Tom? Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? Vstupné se neplatí. There's no entrance fee. Entry fee is not valid. Umí dobře hovořit španělsky. She can speak Spanish well. He speaks Spanish well. Niech długo żyją! May they live long! Long live! Przynieś coś do picia. Bring something to drink. Bring me something to drink. Zabil jsem dvě mouchy jednou ranou. I killed two birds with one stone. I killed two flies with one blow. Idź się umyć. Go clean yourself up. Go wash. Už dva dny nejedla. She hasn't eaten for two days. She hasn't eaten in two days. Prosebně se na mě podívala. She gave me an appealing look. She looked at me. Co platilo kdysi, platit už nemusí. What used to be true may not still be true. What used to be true doesn't have to pay anymore. Uklidni se! Jsme od špitálu pár minut! Calm down. We're just a few minutes from the hospital. We've been at the hospital for a few minutes! Myslím, že bychom si o tom měli promluvit později. I think we should talk about this later. I think we should talk about this later. Święta są niedługo, nieprawdaż? Christmas is soon, isn't it? It's Christmas soon, isn't it? Chowają się w lesie. They're hiding in the woods. They're hiding in the woods. Mary věří, že Tom je posedlý ďáblem. Mary believes that Tom is possessed by the devil. Mary believes Tom is obsessed with the devil. Sym wučer. I'm a teacher. I'm sorry about yesterday. Kde žijí tvoje dcery? Where do your daughters live? Where do your daughters live? Tom zaczął rozumieć. Tom began to understand. Tom started to understand. Můžeš teď odejít. You may leave now. You can leave now. Dzwonił, żeby powiedzieć, że się spóźni. He called to say he'd be late. He called to tell me he was gonna be late. Kdysi jsem si hodně stěžoval. I used to complain a lot. I used to complain a lot. Jest ktoś dla każdego. There's someone for everyone. There's someone for everyone. Rozumiem, że czasami mogą wystąpić trudności. I sometimes apprehend that there will be some difficulty. I understand that sometimes difficulties can arise. Gdzie znajduje się najbliższa stacja metra? Where is the nearest metro station? Where's the nearest metro station? Kiedyś zostanę lekarzem. I will be a doctor someday. I'll be a doctor someday. Okamžitě vypni ten vysavač! Jeho hluk mi leze na nervy. Switch off the vacuum cleaner now! Its noise is getting on my nerves. Turn off the vacuum cleaner right now! Zboże potaniało. Grain became cheaper. The good things have fallen apart. Kiedy zacząłeś uczyć się angielskiego? When did you begin studying English? When did you start learning English? Pozor na kapesní zloděje. Beware of pickpockets. Watch out for pocket thieves. Jeśli chcesz nowy rower, lepiej zacznij zbierać pieniądze. If you want a new bike, you'd better start saving up. If you want a new bike, you'd better start raising money. Kdo ještě o tom ví? Who else knows about this? Who else knows about this? Powiem ci, dlaczego nie powinieneś tu być. Let me tell you why you shouldn't be here. I'll tell you why you shouldn't be here. Policie okamžitě podnikla kroky k řešení nepokojů. The police took immediate action to deal with the riot. The police immediately took steps to resolve the unrest. Anglicky se mluví všude. English is spoken everywhere. English is spoken everywhere. Można na nim polegać. He can be trusted. You can rely on him. Železo je mnohem užitečnější než zlato. Iron is much more useful than gold. Iron is much more useful than gold. Musel jsem se vrátit. I had to go back. I had to go back. „Vychladni, tlusťochu.“ — „Neříkej mi kreténe!“ "Chill down, fatty." "Don't call me an idiot!" “ Cool off, fat man. ” — “Don’t call me an asshole! ” Muszę porozmawiać z Tomem. I really do need to speak with Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Ani nevím, jak je to možné. I don't even know how that's possible. I don't even know how that's possible. Víš, kdo vynalezl střelný prach? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the gunpowder? Nie wolno się z niego śmiać. You should not laugh at him. You can't laugh at him. To wszystko na dziś. Jestem zmęczony. That's enough for today. I'm tired. That's all for today. Tom nie powiedział nic na temat swojego pochodzenia. Tom didn't say anything about where he'd come from. Tom didn't say anything about his origin. Teraz jest odpowiednie; ani za ciężkie, ani za lekkie. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. Now it is right; neither is it too heavy nor too light. Jestem tak głodny, że zjadłbym konia z kopytami. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. I'm so hungry, I'd eat a horse with hoofs. Przetłumaczyła wiersz. She translated a poem. She translated the poem. Tom mi řekl že nechce, aby se to stalo. Tom told me he didn't want that to happen. Tom told me he didn't want it to happen. Kde byli, když se to všechno stalo? Where were they when this all happened? Where were they when all this happened? Praga jest przepiękna. Prague is very beautiful. Prague is beautiful. Porazil ten strom, aniž by věděl proč. He cut down the tree without knowing why. He beat that tree without knowing why. Kocham baseball. I love baseball. I love baseball. Nechci chodit do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Tom zostawił synowi dom. Tom left the house to his son. Tom left his son a house. Nancy je podobná mé sestře. Nancy resembles my sister. Nancy is similar to my sister. Tom řekl, že mám před smrtí. Tom said that I was about to die. Tom said I had before I died. Někdo by něco měl říct. Someone ought to say something. Someone should say something. Znam na to lepszy sposób. I know a better way to do that. I know a better way to do this. Proč mi nepovíš, co si pamatuješ? Why don't you tell me what you remember? Why don't you tell me what you remember? Potrzebuję snu. I need sleep. I need sleep. Nie hałasuj, próbuję pracować. Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying to work. Don't make any noise. I'm trying to work. Tom nesnáší, když ho lidé nechávají čekat. Tom hates it when people keep him waiting. Tom hates it when people keep him waiting. Tom to taki dobrze wychowany chłopiec. Tom is a right proper lad. Tom is such a well-educated boy. Nie znaleźliśmy Toma. We didn't find Tom. We didn't find Tom. Ty zřejmě miluješ Toma a on zřejmě miluje tebe. You obviously love Tom and he obviously loves you. You seem to love Tom, and he seems to love you. Nikdy s ním nešla na rande. She has never gone on a date with him. She never went out with him. Ile wynosi opłata za wstęp? How much is the entrance fee? How much is the admission fee? Chcą, żebyś z tego nie korzystał. They don't want you to use it. They want you not to use it. Jestem już całkiem dobry w pływaniu. I'm already pretty good at swimming. I'm pretty good at swimming. Toma na hodinu propustili. Tom was given an hour's notice. Tom was released for an hour. Państwa były ciągle w stanie wojny. The states were constantly at war. You were still at war. Chcę tam iść samemu. I want to go there by myself. I want to go alone. Niebo i piekło istnieją w sercu człowieka. Heaven and hell exist in the hearts of man. Heaven and hell exist in the heart of man. Mám rád četbu. I am fond of reading. I like reading. I když vyrostla v Japonsku, stále hovoří plynule anglicky. Although she grew up in Japan, she still speaks fluent English. Although she grew up in Japan, she still speaks smooth English. Talent nic ci nie da bez ciężkiej pracy. Talent will get you nowhere without hard work. Talent won't give you anything without a hard job. Chcę się zestarzeć z Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. Můžete se přesvědčit sami. You can see for yourselves. You can see for yourself. Kdysi jsem koktal. I used to stutter. I once stuttered. Jesteś jeszcze wyższy niż ja. You're even taller than I am. You're even taller than I am. Cestujete rády? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Tom wygląda na sceptycznego. Tom looks skeptical. Tom looks skeptical. Tomu je těžké uvěřit. That's hard to believe. That's hard to believe. Ulož tyto sklenice, prosím. Please put these glasses away. Save these glasses, please. Wojna ciągnie się już wiele lat. The war's been going on for years. The war's been going on for years. Tom nikdy nebyl tak zlý. Tom was never that bad. Tom was never that bad. Píše knihy. He writes books. He writes books. To je odporné. That's disgusting. That's disgusting. Znam dużo języków. I know a lot of languages. I know a lot of languages. Vajíčko je tvrdé. The egg is hard. Eggs are hard. Nezdá se mi pravděpodobné, že by Tom spáchal sebevraždu. It seems unlikely that Tom committed suicide. I don't think Tom is likely to commit suicide. Jest bardzo przebiegła. She's very cunning. She's very clever. Život se vždycky nevyvíjí tak, jak byste chtěli. Life doesn't always work out the way you want it to. Life doesn't always develop the way you want it to. Biblioteka znajduje się na drugim piętrze. The library is on the second floor. The library is on the second floor. Nie musisz tego robić dzisiaj. You don't have to do that today. You don't have to do this today. Řekl mi jí něco milého. He told her something sweet. He told me something nice. Probudil se za svítání. He woke up when it was daylight. He woke up at dawn. Zakryj si ústa, když kašleš, kýcháš nebo zíváš. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze or yawn. Proč jsem tohle nevěděl? Why did I not know this? Why didn't I know that? Tom se tu zastavil. Tom stopped here. Tom stopped by. Některé hvězdy se začaly objevovat na noční obloze. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. Some stars have begun to appear in the night sky. Mam pistolet. I have a gun. I got a gun. Stane se z Alžírska kapitalistický stát? Is Algeria going to turn into a capitalist country? Will Algeria become a capitalist state? Nil je nejdelší řekou světa. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Rodiče Toma jsou hodně konzervativní. Tom's parents are very conservative. Tom's parents are very conservative. Tom řekl, že ta pizza je téměř dokonalá. Tom said the pizza was nearly perfect. Tom said the pizza was almost perfect. Tomovi se zdálo o tom, jak vyhrál. Tom dreamed about winning. Tom was dreaming about how he won. Tom mógł zostawić parasolkę w samochodzie Mary. Tom might have left his umbrella in Mary's car. Tom could have left an umbrella in Mary's car. Ona ma alergię na koty. She's allergic to cats. She's allergic to cats. Zpívala píseň, usmívaje se na mne. She sang a song, smiling at me. She sang a song smiling at me. Moje sestra je podobná mé babičce. My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister looks like my grandmother. Tom se stal šéfkuchařem. Tom became a chef. Tom became the chef. Problem tkwi w tym, czy moi rodzice się zgodzą czy nie. The problem is whether my parents will agree or not. The problem is whether my parents agree or not. Nie musisz tego robić od razu. You don't need to do that right away. You don't have to do this right away. V té době byl Tom ještě batole. At that time, Tom was just a toddler. At the time, Tom was still a toddler. Jsem ochoten mu pomoci. I'm willing to help him. I'm willing to help him. Tom podvádí svojí ženu. Tom is cheating on his wife. Tom's cheating on his wife. Neočekávám konec světa, ale konec temnoty. I do not expect the end of the world, but the end of darkness. I don't expect the end of the world, but the end of darkness. Půjdete druhou ulicí. You will take the second street. You're going down the other street. Kde je můj muž? Where's my husband? Where's my husband? Pokud snížíš cenu, tak to možná koupím. If you lower the price, I might buy it. If you cut the price, maybe I'll buy it. Starala se o nemocného otce. She looked after her sick father. She took care of a sick father. Máme daleko větší starosti. We have bigger things to worry about. We're far more concerned. Jest wystarczająco stary, by wiedzieć lepiej. He is old enough to know better. He's old enough to know better. Wyglądam okej? Do I look OK? Do I look okay? Tom to nemůže udělat. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do this. Ja płacę. I'm paying. I'm paying. Bitwa o San Jacinto zaczęła się o czwartej po południu. The Battle of San Jacinto began at four o'clock in the afternoon. The Battle of San Jacinto began at 4 p.m. Nejsem ten, kdo si myslíš že jsem. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not who you think I am. Oni nie zawsze słuchają się swoich rodziców. They don't always obey their parents. They don't always listen to their parents. Chcesz pójść z Tomem na randkę? Do you want to go out on a date with Tom? You want to go on a date with Tom? Můj otec jezdí do práce na kole. My father goes to work by bike. My father rides his bike to work. Tenhle chléb vypadá výborně. This bread looks delicious. This bread looks great. Kéž bych uměl hrát na trubku. I wish that I could play the trumpet. I wish I could play the pipe. Napadla ho. She attacked him. She attacked him. Už dvacet let jezdí bez řidičského průkazu. He has driven without driving licence for twenty years. He's been driving without a driver's license for 20 years. Tom souhlasil být zde v 2:30, ale stále není tady. Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's not here yet. Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's still not here. Firmy možná budou muset propustit některé zaměstnance. Companies may have to dismiss some employees. Companies may have to fire some of the employees. Jestem przekonany, że mam rację. I am convinced that I am right. I'm sure I'm right. Juliana mi řekla, že jsi ze São Paulа. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Juliana told me you were from São Paulo. Nebudeš věřit tomu, co jsem právě našel. You won't believe what I just found. You're not gonna believe what I just found. Kde je najdeme? How can we find them? Where do we find them? Myję ręce przed lunchem. I wash my hands before lunch. I wash my hands before lunch. Nagle zaczęło padać. Suddenly it began to rain. Suddenly, it started raining. Mam nadzieję, że nie jestem następny. I hope I'm not next. I hope I'm not next. Myslel jsem, že se nové věci učíš rád. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked learning new things. Koupím nové. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy a new one. Zachowanie Toma na imprezie było niewybaczalne. Tom's behavior at the party was inexcusable. Tom's behavior at the party was unforgivable. Na stanici jsou to dvě míle. The station is two miles away. It's two miles to the station. Czyje to jest? Who does this belong to? Whose is it? Tom zahnul doprava a Mary se vydala na druhou stranu. Tom turned right and Mary headed the other way. Tom turned right and Mary went to the other side. Wiele kultur ma specyficzne rytuały i wierzenia dotyczące usuwania łożyska. Many cultures have specific rituals and beliefs regarding the disposal of the placenta. Many cultures have specific rituals and beliefs about bearing removal. Nie ma powodu, bym przepraszał. There is no reason for me to apologize. There's no reason for me to apologize. Položte svůj dotaz. Ask your question. Ask your question. Trvá dlouho, než se webová stránka Tatoeby zobrazí. It takes a long time for Tatoeba website to display. It takes long for Tatoeby's website to appear. Jen se nechci nikoho dotknout. I just don't want to hurt anyone. I just don't want to touch anyone. Nebylo tam mnoho žen. Not very many women were there. There weren't many women. Jaki jest twój naturalny kolor włosów? What is your natural hair colour? What's your natural hair color? Jestem obywatelem Ameryki. I am an American citizen. I'm a citizen of America. Nevyhazujte nic z okna. Do not throw anything out of the window. Don't throw anything out the window. Vzpomínáš si na nás? Do you remember us? Do you remember us? Kto kazał ci pisać lewą ręką? Who told you to write with your left hand? Who told you to write with your left hand? Drží dietu, neboť má mírnou nadváhu. She's on a diet because she is a little overweight. He's on a diet because he's overweight. Tom jutro pomaluje płot. Tom will paint the fence tomorrow. Tom's painting the fence tomorrow. Spotkałem ją przez przypadek w sklepie. I met her in the store by accident. I met her by accident at the store. Wszystko było wspaniale do niedawna. Everything was great until recently. Everything's been great until recently. Přes tři sta lidí přišlo toho dne o život. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. Over 300 people lost their lives that day. Nikt tutaj nie pali. Nobody here smokes. Nobody smokes in here. Nepochopil jsem jeho vysvětlení. I haven't understood his explanations. I didn't understand his explanation. Nie chcę się uczyć angielskiego. I don't want to learn English. I don't want to learn English. Bál jsem se, že bych to neuměl udělat správně. I was afraid I might not be able to do it correctly. I was afraid I couldn't do it right. Můžeš dojíst ty hranolky. You can have the rest of the fries. You can finish the fries. Tom nigdy nie pozwoli ci pojechać do Bostonu z Mary. Tom is never going to let you go to Boston with Mary. Tom will never let you go to Boston with Mary. Uczę się na pamięć. I learn by heart. I'm learning to remember. To zdanie nie jest zdaniem. This sentence is not a sentence. That's not an opinion. Słyszałem tę piosenkę śpiewaną po francusku. I have heard that song sung in French. I heard that song singing in French. Rád bych věděl, jestli má Tom předsudky. I wonder if Tom is biased. I'd like to know if Tom is prejudiced. Je to kočka nebo pes? Is that a cat or a dog? Is it a cat or a dog? Bydlela tam sama. She lived there by herself. She lived there alone. Kto się tobą opiekuje? Who takes care of you? Who's taking care of you? A teď jsem v průšvihu. Now I'm in trouble. And now I'm in trouble. Chcę wyjechać najszybciej, jak to możliwe. I want to leave as soon as possible. I want to leave as soon as possible. Co chcesz jej kupić? What do you want to buy for her? What do you want to buy her? To za daleko. It's too far away. That's too far. Jak się pan nazywa? What is your name, sir? What's your name? Florencja jest najpiękniejszym miastem Włoch. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Mogę przymierzyć? Can I try this on? Can I try it on? Tom musiał spać na podłodze. Tom had to sleep on the floor. Tom must have slept on the floor. Tom byl nucen odstoupit. Tom was forced to retire. Tom was forced to step down. Nie bawiłaś się dobrze? Didn't you have fun? Didn't you have a good time? Daj mi jeden dobry powód. Give me one good reason. Give me one good reason. Tom netušil, jestli je to pravda. Tom had no idea if it was true. Tom didn't know if it was true. Stačí to? Is this enough? Is that enough? Ładnemu we wszystkim ładnie. Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they wear. Nice guy in everything. Ona chodzi do szkoły wieczorowej. She goes to night school. She's going to night school. Czasami słyszę o niej plotki. I sometimes hear rumors about her. Sometimes I hear rumors about her. Mój ulubiony kolor to czerwony. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. Tomovi rodiče žili v bídě. Tom's parents lived in poverty. Tom's parents lived in poverty. Mám velkou žízeň. I'm very thirsty. I'm very thirsty. Tom má obavy o matčino zdraví. Tom is anxious about his mother's health. Tom's worried about his mother's health. Ted' nemám čas. I don't have time now. I don't have time now. Mám jablko. I have an apple. I got an apple. To ciasto jest za słodkie. This cake tastes too sweet. This cake is too sweet. Przeczytał przynajmniej 50 książek przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie. He has read as many as 50 books in the last two weeks. He's read at least 50 books over the last two weeks. Tomáš s někým je. Tom is with somebody. Thomas is with someone. Moje hobby to wędkowanie. My hobby is fishing. My hobby is fishing. Idę do studni po wodę. I'm going to the well to get water. I'm going to the well to get some water. Jak to się zakończy? How's this going to end? How will this end? W czasie ciąży pierwsze trzy miesiące są najważniejsze. In pregnancy, the first three months are the most critical. During pregnancy, the first three months are the most important. Tom podniósł swoją szklankę i wziął łyk wody. Tom picked up his glass and took a sip of water. Tom picked up his glass and took a sip of water. Nenašel jsem je. I didn't find them. I didn't find them. Co chceš říct tím ''nelíbí se mi''? What do you mean, "I don't like it"? What are you saying 'I don't like'? Vím, co to je. I know what that is. I know what it is. Powiedz nam dokładnie co widziałeś. Tell us exactly what you saw. Tell us exactly what you saw. Poradziła mu iść z tym na policję. She advised him to go to the police. She advised him to go to the police. Už není sám. He isn't alone anymore. He's not alone anymore. Jestem z Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. Pies ugryzł ją w nogę. The dog bit her leg. The dog bit her in the leg. Jak mogę wykonać połączenie telefoniczne do Japonii? How can I make a telephone call to Japan? How can I make a phone call to Japan? Tento týden Tom už třikrát zaspal. Tom has already overslept three times this week. Tom's been asleep three times this week. Tom začal volat o pomoc. Tom started yelling for help. Tom started calling for help. On ma video. He has a video. He's got a video. Ano, samozřejmě. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Zabere to hodně času. This will take a lot of time. It'll take a lot of time. Ten posąg wyobraża wolność. The statue expresses freedom. This statue represents freedom. Zazwyczaj na nikogo nie czekam. I don't usually wait for anybody. I don't usually wait for anyone. Zamek musi być zepsuty. The lock must be broken. The lock must be broken. Ja chcę coś do czytania w pociągu. I want something to read on the train. I want something to read on the train. Neobědval a ani nevečeřel. He didn't have lunch or dinner. He didn't have lunch and he didn't even have dinner. Zmiz! Get the hell out of here! Get out! S tímto zločinem nemám nic společného. I have nothing to do with this crime. I had nothing to do with this crime. Podczas jedzenia rozmawialiśmy o tym, co robiliśmy w ciągu dnia. As we ate our meal, we talked about what we had done that day. When we were eating, we talked about what we were doing during the day. Pravděpodobně neschválí tvůj návrh. He probably won't approve your proposal. He probably won't approve your proposal. Jakou funkci má klávesnice F5? What does the F5 key do? What is the function of the F5 keyboard? On patrzy na ciebie. Znasz go? He's looking at you. Do you know him? He's looking at you. Tom wstaje co rano o szóstej. Tom gets up at six every morning. Tom gets up every morning at 6:00. Tom utonął w rzece. Tom drowned in the river. Tom drowned in the river. On je v Tokiu. He's in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. Tom musi dać znać Mary prędzej czy później. Tom must let Mary know sooner or later. Tom needs to let Mary know sooner or later. Já se s ním znám. I am acquainted with him. I know him. Wszedłem na palcach do sypialni. I went up to my bedroom on tiptoe. I went into the bedroom on my fingers. Kolik pokojů má jejich byt? How many rooms does their apartment have? How many rooms does their apartment have? Zapomněl jsem nalepit známku na obálku. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the cover. Litoval, že si ode mě nenechal poradit. He regretted not having taken my advice. He was sorry he didn't take it from me. Niektórzy ludzie chcą zmienić konstytucję. Some people want to amend the constitution. Some people want to change the constitution. Tato kniha ti jistě bude k velkému užitku. I'm sure that this book will be of great use to you. I'm sure this book will be of great use to you. Zapomniałem, co miałem powiedzieć. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot what I was gonna say. Każdy usłyszy. Everyone can hear it. Everyone will hear. Tom si nás ještě nevšiml. Tom hasn't noticed us yet. Tom hasn't seen us yet. Je tu další dotaz. Here's another question. There's another question. Zkusil přilákat její pozornost. He tried to attract her attention. He tried to attract her attention. Sym wučer. I am a teacher. I'm sorry about yesterday. Nevolal by jí, kdyby býval měl její číslo. He would've called her if he'd had her phone number. He wouldn't have called if he had her number. W tym czasie nie miałam włączonego telewizora. I didn't have the TV on at that time. I didn't have my TV on at the time. Rozumiem, o co ci chodzi. I get you. I understand what you mean. "Jak dobrze znasz Toma?" "Spotkałam go tylko raz." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." Nech je pro nás. Leave them for us. Leave them for us. On być może nie jest szczęśliwy. He might not be happy. He may not be happy. Mary jest mądrzejsza od Toma. Mary's smarter than Tom. Mary's smarter than Tom. Teče mi z bradavky. I have a discharge from my nipple. My nipples are leaking. Ja piju kávu v kavárně. I am drinking coffee at a cafe. I'm drinking coffee at the coffee shop. On ma mnóstwo pieniędzy. He has lots of money. He's got a lot of money. Czy możesz mi wszystko wyjaśnić? Can you explain everything to me? Can you explain everything to me? Czekaliśmy na zewnątrz. We waited outside. We were waiting outside. Nie jestem lekarzem. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Głód jest jednym z największych społecznych nieszczęść. Hunger is one of the greatest social miseries. The hunger is one of the greatest social unhappiness. Pamatuješ, co jsem ti řekl, když jsme se posledně setkali? Do you remember what I told you the last time we met? Remember what I told you the last time we met? Už nejsem tak výkonný, jako jsem býval. I am not so efficient as I used to be. I'm not as powerful as I used to be. Nikdy to nedělej! I never do that! Don't ever do that! Všichni jsou venku. Everyone's out. They're all out there. Nie wiedziała, co ma jemu powiedzieć. She didn't know what to say to him. She didn't know what to say to him. Znam dziewczynę, która umie jeździć na jednokołowym rowerze. I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. I know a girl who can ride a one-wheel bike. Co jest piękniejsze od uśmiechu dziecka? What is more beautiful than the smile of a child? What is more beautiful than a child's smile? Tom se rozčílil a uhodil Mary. Tom got angry and hit Mary. Tom got angry and hit Mary. Czekali na niego godzinami. They waited for him for hours. They've been waiting for him for hours. Je ženatý nebo svobodný? Is he married or single? Is he married or single? Tom je opravdu bohatý. Tom is really rich. Tom's really rich. Byli jsem nepřátelé. We were enemies. We were enemies. To Tom tě pustil dál? Was Tom the one who let you in? Did Tom let you in? Tom poprosił o paragon. Tom asked for a receipt. Tom asked for a receipt. Tom wyłączył wiatrak. Tom turned off the fan. Tom turned off the windmill. Už dlouho jsem o Tomovi nepřemýšlel. I haven't thought about Tom in a long time. I haven't thought about Tom in a long time. Liczyłem, że wyzdrowieje. I had hoped that he would recover. I was hoping she'd get better. Dceru nemáme. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. Ta práce zabere dva až tři týdny. The work will take anywhere from two to three weeks. This job will take two to three weeks. Dělával jsem totéž. I used to do the same thing. I used to do the same thing. Chci tě držet za ruku. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. Czułem się dokładnie tak samo. I felt exactly the same way. I felt exactly the same way. Jestem wolny. I'm free. I'm free. Czy Niemcy mają jeszcze jakieś troski w życiu oprócz konsumpcji? Do the Germans have any other concerns in life apart from consumerism? Do Germans have any other concerns in their lives besides consumption? Tom nie miał zbyt wiele do powiedzenia. Tom didn't have much to say. Tom didn't have much to say. Tom jest bardzo konserwatywny. Tom is very conservative. Tom is very conservative. Uwierz w siebie. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Jenom žárlíš! You're just jealous! You're just jealous! Ten sen byl pro mě záhadou. The dream was a mystery to me. The dream was a mystery to me. Tom se omluvil svému šéfovi za to, že nedokončil svoji práci v termínu. Tom apologised to his boss for not finishing his work on schedule. Tom apologized to his boss for not finishing his job on schedule. Tom má tři sestry, z nichž jedna se narodila v Česku. Tom has three sisters, one of which was born in Czechia. Tom has three sisters, one of whom was born in the Czech Republic. Krzyczeli. They yelled. They screamed. Tom se nemohl dokoukat na film, protože vypadla elektřina. Tom couldn't finish watching the movie because there was a power cut. Tom couldn't watch the movie because the power went out. Tom odpowiedział. Tom answered. Tom answered. Nie ma dziś wiatru. There is no wind today. There's no wind today. Můžu zde pracovat? May I work here? Can I work here? Sedí. He is sitting. He's sitting. Tomův pes má dlouhý ocas. Tom's dog has a long tail. Tom's dog has a long tail. Nesmíme usnout na vavřínech! We must not rest on our laurels! We can't sleep on our laurels! Lubię angielski bardziej niż matematykę. I like English better than I like mathematics. I like English more than math. Dasz sobie radę sam w ten weekend? Can you manage alone this weekend? Can you do it on your own this weekend? Jsem zvyklý slýchat sirény. I'm used to hearing sirens. I'm used to hearing sirens. Nebudu si hrát na někoho, kým nejsem. I won't pretend to be someone that I'm not. I'm not gonna play someone I'm not. Ten nadzwyczajny wzrost objaśnia się szybkim zjednoczeniem gospodarczym, który zaszedł w tym samym czasie. This extraordinary increase is explained by the speedy economic unification which took place during the same period. This extraordinary growth is explained by the rapid economic unification that occurred at the same time. Miluji zvuk kostelních zvonů. I love the sound of church bells. I love the sound of church bells. Jak dlouho na mě čekáte? How long have you been waiting for me? How long have you been waiting for me? Tom jest psychologiem dziecięcym, prawda? Tom is a child psychologist, right? Tom's a child psychologist, isn't he? Tom měl k obědu pečenou kachnu a teď je mu zle. Tom had roasted duck for lunch and he is sick now. Tom had a roasted duck for lunch, and now he's sick. Burdż Chalifa je dzisôdnja nôwikszim bùdinkã na swiece. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Today's Chalifa is the most recent anniversary of the world. Máme chleba? Do we have any bread? Do we have bread? Chcemy tylko zadać mu kilka pytań na temat tego, co zrobił w ostatni weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. Jsi opravdu zvláštní. You're really weird. You're really weird. On może mówić co chce. He can say whatever he wants. He can say whatever he wants. Kelner, proszę o wodę. Waiter, please bring me some water. Waiter, water, please. Wón jo mój nan. He is my father. He's my nan. Šťastná ta, která si vezme syna mrtvé matky. Happy is she who marries the son of a dead mother. The lucky one to marry the dead mother's son. To była jedyna kategoria, która pasowała. That was the only suitable category. It was the only category that fit. Bylo to na soutěžní úrovni. It was competitive. It was at a competitive level. Otevři oči. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Zwykłam grać z nim w sobotę w tenisa. I used to play tennis with him on Sunday. I used to play tennis with him on Saturday. Seženeme pomoc. Let's get some help. We'll get help. Nie mogłem tam jedynie siedzieć i nic nie robić. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. Jestli chceš jít rychle, jdi sám; ale pokud chceš jít daleko, pojďme spolu. If you want to go fast, walk alone; but if you want to go far, let's walk together. If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, let's go together. Co robiłaś w weekend, Nancy? How was last weekend, Nancy? What were you doing this weekend, Nancy? Nie mam pojęcia, jak przenieść pliki mp3 na mojego iPoda. I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files to my iPod. I have no idea how to transfer mp3 files to my iPod. Proszę tędy. Please come this way. This way, please. Tom dovolil Mary ho políbit. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom allowed Mary to kiss him. Tochtli lubi królicze mięso. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Złodzieje szanują własność. Chcą tylko, by własność ta stała się ich własnością, by mogli szanować ją jeszcze dogłębniej. Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it. Thieves respect property, they just want it to become their property, so they can respect it even more deeply. Cítím se příliš starý. I feel too old. I feel too old. To było rozczarowywujące. It was disappointing. It was disappointing. Tom mi nabídl čaj. Tom offered me some tea. Tom offered me tea. Słyszałem, jak śpiewała piosenkę. I heard her sing a song. I heard her sing a song. To nie jest masło. To margaryna. This is not butter. It's margarine. It's not butter, it's margarine. Tom miluje koně. Tom loves horses. Tom loves horses. Mám rád němé filmy. I love silent movies. I like silent movies. Sami to nedokáže udělat nikomu jinému. Sami can't do this to someone else. He can't do this to anyone else. Nie mogłem cię o to poprosić. I couldn't ask you to do that. I couldn't ask you to do that. Tom spotkał Mary przypadkowo w drodze ze szkoły do domu. Tom met Mary by chance on his way home from school. Tom met Mary accidentally on his way home from school. P. Brown to nasz doradca finansowy. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. Mr. Brown is our financial advisor. Tutaj jest kot pod łóżkiem. There is a cat under the bed. There's a cat under the bed. Miluješ mé oči více, nežli mě? Do you love my eyes more than you love me? Do you love my eyes more than you love me? Jsem si docela jistá. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. To jest zabronione. It's forbidden. It's forbidden. Tom nie wie co Mary miała na myśli. Tom doesn't know what Mary meant. Tom doesn't know what Mary meant. Nezajímá mě to, protože jsem šťastná. I don't care because I'm happy. I don't care because I'm happy. Jestem zajęty, więc nie mogę pomóc. I'm busy, so I can't help. I'm busy, so I can't help you. Čekám na tebe přes hodinu. I've been waiting for you for over an hour. I've been waiting for you for over an hour. Daję ci słowo. I give you my word on that. I give you my word. Oba jsme usnuli. We both fell asleep. We both fell asleep. Ona godzinami leży, myśląc o nim. She lay awake for hours thinking about him. She's been lying there for hours thinking about him. Też lubię słodycze. I, too, like candy. I like candy, too. Mury mają uszy. Walls have ears. The walls have ears. Nie jestem dobra z matmy. I'm not good at maths. I'm not good with math. Historia rozwoju lotnictwa jest fascynująca. The history of the development of aviation is fascinating. The history of aviation development is fascinating. Kolik dětí vidíš? How many children can you see? How many kids do you see? Raději bych se měl vrátit ke svému stolu. I'd better get back to my desk. I better get back to my desk. Kdo žije bez bláznovství, není tak moudrý, jak si myslí. He who lives without madness is not as wise as he thinks. He who lives without madness is not as wise as he thinks. Tom šel s Marií nakupovat. Tom went shopping with Mary. Tom went shopping with Maria. Tom se nemůže zbavit kašle. Tom can't get rid of his cough. Tom can't get rid of the cough. Vrať se do školy. Go back to school. Go back to school. Splnilo se ti tvoje přání? Did you get your wish? Did your wish come true? Jeśli zdarzy się wypadek, raportuj do mnie. If the accident happens, report to me. If there's an accident, report to me. Daj mi to, proszę. Give that to me, please. Give it to me, please. Musím si půjčit tvůj deštník. I need to borrow your umbrella. I need to borrow your umbrella. Byl jsem velmi vzrušený. I was very excited. I was very excited. Czy angielski jest trudniejszy od japońskiego? Is English more difficult than Japanese? Is English harder than Japanese? Tom nie przyjechał z nami do Bostonu. Tom didn't come with us to Boston. Tom didn't come to Boston with us. Tom wyniósł pudło do samochodu. Tom carried the box out to the car. Tom took the box to the car. Práce řidiče kamionu není lehká. Being a trucker is not an easy job. The truck driver's job isn't easy. Byli jsme unaveni a hladoví. We were tired and hungry. We were tired and hungry. Dzieci powinny być posłuszne rodzicom. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Spieszymy się. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Ještě nejsi unavený? Aren't you tired yet? Aren't you tired yet? Chciałbym pomóc, ale nie wiem jak. I'd like to help, but I don't know how. I wish I could help, but I don't know how. Słucham? Pardon me? Excuse me? Popełnił pięć morderstw. He committed five murders. He committed five murders. Tom neumí hrát golf. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom can't play golf. Tomův bratr je přítelem mé sestry. Tom's brother is my sister's boyfriend. Tom's brother is a friend of my sister's. Nie obchodzi mnie, co inni o mnie myślą. Whatever others think of me, I don't mind at all. I don't care what anyone else thinks of me. Vyser si voko! Fuck you! Fuck you! To jest zeszłoroczny śnieg. That's last year's snow. This is last year's snow. Tom zašrouboval žárovku. Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom screwed the light bulb. Widziałem wczoraj Toma w restauracji. Rozmawiał z jakąś dziewczyną. I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl. I saw Tom at the restaurant last night, and he was talking to some girl. Jsem tenistou. I'm a tennis player. I'm a tennis player. Człowiek, który rozmawia z naszym szefem, to Hiroshi. The man talking with our boss is Hiroshi. The man who talks to our boss is Hiroshi. Moja mama nie mówi zbyt dobrze po angielsku. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mom doesn't speak very well English. Sto lat, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! A hundred years, Muiriel! Czy jest życie przed śmiercią? Is there life before death? Is there life before death? Musisz ciężej studiować. You must study hard. You have to study harder. Všichni milují hudbu. Everybody loves music. Everybody loves music. Tom se omluvil za neurvalé chování svého syna. Tom apologized for his son's rude behavior. Tom apologized for his son's rude behavior. Neříkal jste, že Tom zemřel? Didn't you say Tom died? Didn't you say Tom died? Nie powinno cię tu być. You aren't supposed to be here. You shouldn't be here. Jak dlouho už jsi bez práce? How long have you been unemployed? How long have you been out of work? Co za marnowanie wody! What a waste of water! What a waste of water! Jesteś jedynym znanym mi posiadaczem sportowego samochodu. You're the only person I know who has a sports car. You're the only one I know who owns a sports car. Určitě koupím lístek. I'll definitely buy ticket. I'm sure I'll buy a ticket. Czy ktoś jeszcze to poczuł? Did anyone else feel that? Did anyone else feel that? Kto ma broń? Who has the gun? Who's got a gun? Zbliżasz się do trzydziestki. You're turning thirty. You're getting close to 30. Ucz się pilnie. Study hard. Learn carefully. Tom mluvil s Marií. Tom was speaking to Mary. Tom talked to Maria. Rozumíte, co říkám? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Život není jednoduchý. Life's not easy. Life isn't easy. On w ogóle nie ogląda telewizji. He doesn't watch any television. He doesn't watch TV at all. Nikdy bych neřekl, že to bude tak vzrušující. I never thought it would be so exciting. I never thought it would be so exciting. Pokaždé, když čtu tuhle knihu, nalézám něco nového. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Dużo o tobie słyszałam. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Už jsem začal. I have already started. I've already started. Darovanému koni na zuby nehleď. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't look at the gifted horse's teeth. Myślisz, że kim ona jest? Who do you think she is? Who do you think she is? Mam nadzieję, że pojadę do Kanady w przyszłym roku. I hope to go to Canada next year. I hope to go to Canada next year. Tom tu včera nebyl. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Nikdy jsem nepoznal tak afektovanou holku. Je opravdu nesnesitelná! I've never known a girl so affected. She's really unbearable! I've never met a girl so infected, she's really intolerable! Ublížíš-li druhému, ublížíš i sobě. If you hurt other people, you hurt yourself too. If you hurt others, you'll hurt yourself. Myslím, že tom je stále ještě venku. I think Tom is still outside. I think it's still out there. Czy one są nowe? Are they new? Are they new? Je namol. He is dead drunk. He's drunk. Je to pravý diamant? Is this a real diamond? Is it a real diamond? Jestem zmęczony sprzątaniem po tobie. I'm tired of cleaning up after you. I'm tired of cleaning up after you. Políbil jí hřbet ruky. He kissed the back of her hand. He kissed her hand back. Możliwe, że z powodu intensywnych opadów śniegu odwołają jutro szkołę. They're likely to cancel school tomorrow because of the heavy snow. It's possible that because of heavy snowfalls, school will be cancelled tomorrow. Tom nemohl najít Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Ta to Merkury. That one over there is Mercury. This one's Mercury. Chci být elektrikář. I want to become an electrician. I want to be an electrician. Posiała warzywa w swoim ogrodzie. She seeded vegetables in her garden. She sown vegetables in her garden. Nemohl jsem se přestat smát. I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Nie możesz ode mnie uciec. You can't escape from me. You can't run away from me. Czy oni są nowi? Are they new? Are they new? Tom byl můj hrdina. Tom was my hero. Tom was my hero. V říjnu mi bude třicet. I'll be thirty in October. I'll be 30 in October. Przypominam swoją matkę. I resemble my mother. I remind my mother. Nikdo nechtěl jíst. No one wanted to eat. Nobody wanted to eat. V mém skleníku pěstuji orchideje. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. Co se tyče mě, nejsem proti. As far as I am concerned, I have no objection. As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind. Tom będzie musiał mi pomóc. Tom will have to help me. Tom's gonna have to help me. Tom ożenił się z Mary ledwie cztery miesiące przed wyjazdem na front. Tom had married Mary only four months before leaving for the front. Tom married Mary just four months before he left for the front. Chwilę odpoczywał. He rested for a while. He was resting for a while. Tady musíš mluvit francouzsky. You have to speak French here. You have to speak French here. Tom se na tebe nezlobí. Tom isn't mad at you. Tom's not mad at you. Zadowolony jesteś ze swojego wyglądu? Are you happy with how you look? Are you happy with your looks? Teď jste na Starém Městě, tak to budete mít asi nejlepší pěšky přes Karlův most a pak Mosteckou na Malostranské naměstí. Now you are in Old Town, so it will be best to go by foot across Charles Bridge and then along Mostecká Street to Malostranské Square. Now you're in the Old Town, so you'll probably have the best walk across the Charles Bridge and then the Bridge to the Lesser Town. Tom nie działał sam. Tom didn't work alone. Tom didn't work alone. Jestliže věty na Tatoebě mají sloužit svému účelu, měly by být bez chyb. If sentences on Tatoeba are to suit their purpose, they should be correct. If the sentences on Tatheba are to serve their purpose, they should be without errors. Vyrostl ve filmovém průmyslu. He grew up in the movie industry. He grew up in the film industry. Dlaczego on mieszkał w Stanach Zjednoczonych? Why did he live in the United States? Why did he live in the United States? Odpocznij. Rest. Get some rest. Czy wiesz, kto wynalazł proch strzelniczy? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the gunpowder? Tom chtěl, aby si Mary oholila nohy. Tom wanted Mary to shave her legs. Tom wanted Mary to shave her legs. Byłem zaskoczony jego podobieństwem do swojego ojca. I was surprised that he really had a strong resemblance to his father. I was surprised by his resemblance to my father. Nie widzisz, co się dzieje? Can't you see what's happening? Can't you see what's going on? Kdy jsi byl naposledy s Tomem na rybách? When was the last time you went fishing with Tom? When was the last time you and Tom were fishing? Możesz pożyczyć mój samochód kiedy zechcesz. You can borrow my car anytime. You can borrow my car whenever you want. Mogę pożyczyć twój rower? May I borrow your bicycle? Can I borrow your bike? Okazał się inny niż myślałem. He was otherwise than I thought. He turned out different than I thought. Tom už čekat nebude. Tom won't wait anymore. Tom won't be waiting anymore. Tom ma czarnego psa. Tom has a black dog. Tom's got a black dog. Tom znalazł klucz, którego szukał. Tom found the key he had been looking for. Tom found the key he was looking for. Líbí se mi ona. I like her. I like her. Szukam swojego klucza. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. Běž, než bude příliš pozdě. Go, before it's too late. Go before it's too late. Moich rodziców nie ma teraz w domu. My parents aren't home right now. My parents aren't home right now. Když muž otevře ženě dveře do auta, buď je nová žena, nebo auto. When a man opens the door of a car for a woman, either the woman is new, or the car. When a man opens a door to a woman's car, there's either a new woman or a car. V této místnosti jsou dva stoly. There are two desks in this room. There are two tables in this room. Nemyslím, že bych s tebou mohl strávit šest hodin o samotě. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I can spend six hours alone with you. Tom otočil klíčem. Tom turned the key. Tom turned the key. Dokończ opowieść. Please tell us the rest of the story. Finish the story. Tom nemá asistenta. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Z jaké kapitoly je tenhle verš? Which chapter is this verse from? What chapter is this verse from? Proč jsi mě opustil? Why have you abandoned me? Why did you leave me? Który t-shirt (koszulka) jest czerwony? Which t-shirt is red? Which t-shirt is red? Tom ma zajęte ręce. Tom's hands are full. Tom's got his hands occupied. Przeczytałbyś Tomowi bajkę na dobranoc? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Would you read Tom a bedtime story? Zgaś światło. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Nic není, jak bývalo. Nothing is like it used to be. Nothing is as it used to be. Starałem się ją uratować. I tried to save her. I tried to save her. Jeszcze nie wiem, co zrobię. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. Tom je milý chlapík. Tom is a kind man. Tom's a nice guy. Ona je. She's eating. She is. Jsou tady. They are here. They're here. Tom zerwał się na równe nogi. Tom sprang to his feet. Tom broke up with his legs. Tom je někde tady. Tom is here somewhere. Tom's here somewhere. Ktoś otruł Toma. Somebody poisoned Tom. Someone poisoned Tom. Tom'owi zaczyna odbijać. Tom is starting to lose it. Tom's starting to freak out. Budu rád, když mi pomůžeš. I'll be glad if you will help me. I'd like you to help me. Spytajmy Toma, gdy wróci do domu. Let's ask Tom when he gets back home. Let's ask Tom when he gets home. Vrátí se až za rok. She is not coming back until next year. They'll be back in a year. Jest stary. He is old. He's old. Stále více lidí se poohlíží po přírodní léčbě. More and more people look for natural treatments. More and more people are looking for natural treatments. Tom se bude zlobit. Tom will be angry. Tom's gonna be mad. Czy masz samochód? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Czy mogę tu pracować? Can I work here? Can I work here? Tom spóźnił się na ostatni pociąg i musiał wziąć taksówkę do domu. Tom missed the last train and had to take a taxi home. Tom was late for his last train, and he had to take a cab home. Slyšel jsem, že Mary zažívá těžké časy. I heard Mary's going through a hard time. I hear Mary's having a hard time. Bubeník je také hlavní zpěvák té skupiny. The drummer is also the lead singer in that band. The drummer is also the lead singer of the band. Dnes nebudu pracovat přesčas. I won't work overtime today. I'm not working overtime tonight. Czy ja mogę mieć twój numer telefonowy? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your phone number? Neodvažujte se něčeho dotýkat! Don't you dare touch anything. Don't you dare touch anything! Odszedł zbyt szybko, żebym mógł go dogonić. He walked away too quickly for me to catch up with him. He left too soon so I could catch up with him. Tohle se musí stát. This is what must happen. This has to happen. Cestovala po Japonsku. She traveled around Japan. She traveled in Japan. Můj přítel nevěří na duchy. My friend doesn't believe in ghosts. My friend doesn't believe in ghosts. Dnes zavíráme brzo. We'll be closing early today. We're closing early today. Czas zacząć. It's time to get started. It's time to start. Nedokončil svoji práci včas. He didn't finish his work in time. He didn't finish his job on time. Nie powinieneś jeść niczego ostrego. You shouldn't eat anything spicy. You shouldn't eat anything sharp. Tom jest już dużym chłopcem. Tom is a big boy now. Tom's a big boy. Jsou ochotni o tom problému mluvit. They're willing to talk about the problem. They're willing to talk about the problem. Znásilnění je příšerný zločin. Rape is a horrible crime. Rape is a terrible crime. Možná to jednou pochopíš. Maybe someday you'll understand that. Maybe someday you'll understand. Kde jsou vaše zavazadla? Where are your suitcases? Where's your luggage? Baví mě číst knížky v angličtině. I enjoy reading books in English. I enjoy reading books in English. Kdy začne ten kurs italštiny? When will the Italian classes start? When does the Italian class start? Tom dał mi znak, żebym wyszedł z pokoju. Tom motioned for me to leave the room. Tom gave me a sign to get out of the room. Biorąc wszystko pod uwagę, nie możemy stwierdzić, że to błąd. All things considered, we cannot say that it is wrong. Given everything, we can't say it's a mistake. Tom si špatně vyložil to, co jsem řekl. Tom misinterpreted what I had said. Tom misinterpreted what I said. Řekl pravdu. He told the truth. He told the truth. Na skrzyżowaniu miał miejsce wypadek. An accident took place at the intersection. There was an accident at the crossroads. Xavier jest młodym studentem studiującym ekonomię na uniwersytecie w Paryżu. Xavier is a young student studying economics at the University of Paris. Xavier is a young student studying economics at the University of Paris. Chciała uciec od życia codziennego. She wanted to get away from everyday life. She wanted to get away from everyday life. Tom zawiódł mnie. Tom let me down. Tom let me down. Tom zsiadł z konia. Tom dismounted the horse. Tom got off the horse. Podniósł swoją rękę. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Nie wiem, kiedy wróci. I don't know when he will come back. I don't know when he'll be back. Kiedy wrócę do domu, ktoś będzie sprzątał garaż. When I get home, someone will be cleaning the garage. When I get home, someone's gonna be cleaning up the garage. To wspaniale, że się spotkaliśmy. It's great to meet you. It's great we met. Jego dowcipy słyszałem już wiele razy. I've heard his jokes many times already. I've heard his jokes many times. Wszystkie zwierzęta są sobie równe, ale niektóre są równiejsze od innych. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Nebyli bychom v téhle šlamastyce, kdybys nám byl pomohl. We wouldn't be in this mess if you had helped us. We wouldn't be in this mess if you were gonna help us. Tom nemá svou macechu rád. Tom doesn't like his stepmother. Tom doesn't like his stepmother. Mám rád matyku. I like math. I like math. Ten słownik jest mojej siostry. This dictionary is my sister's. This dictionary is my sister's. Chci zůstat, ale Tom chce jít domů. I want to stay, but Tom wants to go home. I want to stay, but Tom wants to go home. Lisa mówi nie tylko po angielsku, ale i po francusku. Lisa speaks not only English but also French. Lisa speaks not only English but also French. Kdo o tom chce slyšet? Who wants to hear about it? Who wants to hear about it? Člověk jako ty mě nemůže urazit. A person like you cannot insult me. A man like you can't insult me. Líbí se jí můj klobouk? Does she like my hat? She likes my hat? Najbardziej lubię lato. I like summer the best. I like summer the most. Čekám na to, abych si s tebou promluvil. I've been waiting to speak with you. I'm waiting to talk to you. Chci skončit. I want to quit. I want to quit. Tom nie lubi ani piwa, ani wina. Tom likes neither beer nor wine. Tom doesn't like beer or wine. Všechny odpovědi musí být napsány dle instrukcí. All answers must be written according to the instructions. All answers must be written according to the instructions. Mám dvě dcery a dva syny. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. Możemy zobaczyć się dziś wieczorem? Can I see you tonight? Can we see you tonight? To było nieoficjalne przyjęcie. It was only an informal party. It was an unofficial party. Jaké je vaše datum narození? What is your date of birth? What's your date of birth? Nie potrzebuję twoich pieniędzy. Potrzebny mi twój czas. I don't need your money. I just need your time. I don't need your money. Blýská se. There is lightning. He's flashing. Nie sadziłem, że tak ciężko będzie wybrać kolor do pomalowania kuchni. I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen. I didn't think it would be so hard to choose the color to paint the kitchen. Její otec byl policistou. Her father was a policeman. Her father was a cop. Ten chłopiec nie okazał strachu. That boy displayed no fear. That boy didn't show any fear. Skleníkové plyny z lidských aktivit jsou jediným faktorem, který se podílí na zaznamenaném oteplování v průběhu minulého století; neexistují žádná přesvědčivá lidská ani přirozená vysvětlení podložená důkazy založenými na pozorování. Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the only factors that can account for the observed warming over the last century; there are no credible alternative human or natural explanations supported by the observational evidence. Greenhouse gas from human activities is the only factor involved in recorded warming over the past century; there is no convincing human or natural explanation based on evidence of observation. Kocham go. I love him. I love him. Je to zajímavé, ale vedlejší. That's interesting, but beside the point. It's interesting, but it's sidelined. Właśnie dlatego kazałem ci nie iść samej. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Pozostała niezamężna aż do śmierci. She remained unmarried until death. She stayed single until she died. Wygraliśmy. We won. We won. Je to na tobě, jestli budeš studovat, nebo ne. It's up to you whether you study or not. It's up to you whether you study or not. Ann nie ma siostry. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Ann doesn't have a sister. Tom řekl, že je vyčerpaný. Tom said he was exhausted. Tom said he was exhausted. Nikomu nebudu chybět. No one will miss me. No one's gonna miss me. Proč je pravda důležitá? Why is truth important? Why is the truth important? Štěstí se střídá s neštěstím. Good luck alternates with misfortune. Happiness alternates with unhappiness. Jestem wzrokowcem. I'm a visual person. I'm a visionary. Jsem si dobře vědom problémů, se kterými se potýkáme. I'm well aware of the problems we face. I'm well aware of the problems we're dealing with. Někdy dokážu být neobratný. I can be clumsy sometimes. Sometimes I can be inexorable. Momentálně žiji v Dublinu. I live in Dublin right now. I'm living in Dublin right now. Nie mów mi, nie muszę wiedzieć. Don't tell me. I don't need to know. Don't tell me, I don't need to know. Tom zakrył nos i usta chusteczką. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. Tom covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief. Turisti jsou pro ně hlavním zdrojem příjmu. Tourists are the main source of income for them. Tourists are their main source of income. Určitě jsou na svoji dceru moc pyšní. They must be very proud of their daughter. I'm sure they're very proud of their daughter. Obawiam się, że muszę już iść. I am afraid I must be going now. I'm afraid I have to go. Łacina to język przyszłości. Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future. Tom mi řekl, že Mary drží dietu. Tom told me that Mary was on a diet. Tom told me Mary was on a diet. Kolikrát měsíčně umýváš svoje auto? How often do you wash your car a month? How many times a month do you wash your car? Mary i Tom cenią sobie prywatność. Mary and Tom value their privacy. Mary and Tom value privacy. Nechci s vámi mluvit. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Neměl jsem včera zůstávat dlouho vzhůru. I should not have stayed up late yesterday. I shouldn't have stayed up late last night. Mamka mi řekla, že jsem tlustý. My mom told me that I'm fat. My mom told me I was fat. Podej mi sůl. Pass me the salt. Hand me the salt. Ten ptak to chyba wróbel. That bird is probably a sparrow. I think that bird's a sparrow. Zamierzam odpuścić sobie lunch. I plan on skipping lunch. I'm gonna skip my lunch. Nie myl opinii z faktami. Don't confuse opinions with facts. Don't confuse the facts. Nevěděl jsem, komu mám věřit. I didn't know who I should trust. I didn't know who to trust. Tom přivedl svoji rodinu na mizinu. Tom ruined his family. Tom brought his family broke. Vybrala si ze šatníku modré šaty. She selected a blue dress from the wardrobe. She picked a blue dress from her closet. Tom ti to nedovolí udělat. Tom won't allow you to do that. Tom won't let you do it. Jakuba tu nie ma. Jack isn't there. James isn't here. W tym lesie są wielkie węże. There are giant snakes in this forest. There are big snakes in this forest. Byl tak starý, že sotva vyšel schody. Old as he was, he could barely climb the stairs. He was so old, he barely came out the stairs. Ztloustnul jsi. You've gotten fat. You got fat. Článek byl napsán v ruštině. The article was written in Russian. The article was written in Russian. Tom ovinul paži kolem Marie. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom wrapped his arm around Marie. Toma právě klepla pepka. Tom just had a stroke. Tom just knocked. Widziałem cię gdzieś. I've seen you somewhere. I saw you somewhere. On go kocha. He loves him. He loves him. Takovou noční už jsem dlouho neměl. I haven't had a night shift like that in a while. I haven't had a night like this in a long time. Kdo je Tom? Who's Tom? Who's Tom? No, dawaj! OK! Bring it on! Come on! Który odcinek z sezonu drugiego jest twoim ulubionym? What's your favorite episode from season two? Which episode of season two is your favorite? Kéž bych mohl zůstat. I wish that I could stay. I wish I could stay. Tom řekl, že přesně neví, kdy se sem dostane. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he doesn't know exactly when he'll get here. Řekl novou lež, aby zamaskoval tu starou. He told a new lie to cover up an old one. He told a new lie to mask the old one. To jsme psát neměly. We shouldn't have written that. We shouldn't have written that. Tom se bál opustit svůj dům. Tom was afraid to leave his house. Tom was afraid to leave his house. Ptáci narození v kleci si myslí, že létání je nemoc. “Birds born in a cage think that flying is an illness.” Birds born in cages think flying is a disease. Masz ochotę na coś mocniejszego? Fancy a drink? Would you like something stronger? Chápe, co musí udělat. He understands what he has to do. He understands what he has to do. To był studolarowy banknot . It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a college bill. Mój garnitur jest szary. My suit is gray. My suit is gray. Mám rád prasata. Psi k nám vzhlížejí. Kočky na nás hledí zvrchu. Prasata se k nám chovají jako k sobě rovným. I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look at us from above. Pigs treat us like equal. Líbí se nám Tom. We like Tom. We like Tom. Tom chodíval do školy pěšky. Tom used to walk to school. Tom used to walk to school. Otoč se na záda! Turn on your back. Turn your back! Umył pan ręce? Did you wash your hands? Did you wash your hands? Nauczyłem się tego od ciebie. I learned it from you. I learned that from you. Tys to opravdu udělal. You really did it. You really did it. Ukrajina se neměla zbavit svých jaderných zbraní. Ukraine shouldn't have disposed of its nuclear weapons. Ukraine wasn't supposed to get rid of its nuclear weapons. To nie będzie tanie. It's not going to be cheap. It's not gonna be cheap. Jsem Holanďan. I'm Dutch. I'm Dutch. Moje sestřenice je novinářka. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin is a journalist. Není se čeho bát. There's nothing to worry about. There's nothing to be afraid of. Amerika vládne světu. America rules the world. America rules the world. Včera jsem si nedal kafe. I had no coffee yesterday. I didn't have coffee last night. Tomův dům je blízko místa, kde pracuje. Tom's house is near where he works. Tom's house is close to where he works. Planuję pojechać do Los Angeles. I am thinking of going to Los Angeles. I'm planning on going to Los Angeles. Naučil jsem se báseň nazpaměť. I memorized the poem. I learned the poem by heart. Pršelo celý týden. It rained for a week. It rained all week. Hraje na xylofon? Does he play the xylophone? Does he play the xylophone? Zemřel před deseti lety. He died ten years ago. He died ten years ago. Tom nesnáší, když se na něj dívají. Tom dislikes being watched. Tom hates it when they look at him. Czy Tom płakał? Did Tom cry? Did Tom cry? Pańskie uwagi były nie na miejscu. Your remarks were out of place. Your comments were out of line. Jich se bojím víc než tebe. I'm more afraid of them than I am of you. I'm more afraid of them than I am of you. Kolik aut vidíš? How many cars can you see? How many cars do you see? To jsem kdysi dělal já. I used to do that. That's what I used to do. Můj švagr se přestal učit německy a začal se učit anglicky. My brother-in-law stopped learning German and started to learn English. My brother-in-law stopped learning German and began to learn English. Je něco, co nám chceš povědět? Is there anything you want to tell us? Is there something you want to tell us? Je mi smutno. I'm sad. I'm sad. Czego chcesz ode mnie, do cholery? What the hell do you want from me? What the hell do you want from me? Wszyscy chcemy to zrobić. We all want to do that. We all want to do this. Jego odpowiedź była krótka i na temat. His reply was short and to the point. His answer was short and on the subject. Nezapomeňte jízdenku. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Proszę iść prosto tą ulicą. Go straight ahead on this street. Walk right down that street. Obloha nad námi je jasně modrá. The sky above us is real blue. The sky above us is bright blue. Tom zdědil po otci farmu. Tom inherited a farm from his father. Tom inherited the farm from his father. Musela jsem přelézt přes plot. I had to climb over the fence. I had to climb over the fence. Nie wysiadać kiedy pojazd jest w ruchu. Don't get off while the vehicle is in motion. Don't get off when the vehicle's on the move. Můžeš použít můj. You can use mine. You can use mine. Ona je zdravotní sestra. She is a nurse. She's a nurse. Każdy z trzech chłopców wygrał nagrodę. Each of the three boys won a prize. Each of the three boys won the prize. Zostali zamordowani. They were murdered. They were murdered. Myslel jsem, že Tom je doma a spí. I thought Tom was home asleep. I thought Tom was home sleeping. Mám stejný slovník jako tvůj bratr. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Vypadal vyčerpaně. He looked exhausted. He looked exhausted. Podívejte se na tabuli. Look at the blackboard. Look at the board. Jedl jsem se svými rodiči. I ate with my parents. I ate with my parents. Kto wyszedł? Who quit? Who left? Už o ni nestojím. I don't care for her anymore. I don't want her anymore. Prasowała swoją sukienkę. She was ironing her dress. She was pressing her dress. Pieniądze rujnują wiele. Money ruins many. Money ruins a lot. Nemůžu najít svoje brýle. I can't find my glasses. I can't find my glasses. Gdzie dokładnie jest Tom? Where exactly is Tom? Where exactly is Tom? Muszę gdzieś pójść. I must go somewhere. I have to go somewhere. Míval jsem motorku. I used to have a motorcycle. I used to have a bike. Nemá odvahu odmítnout můj plán. He doesn't have the guts to say no to my plan. He doesn't have the guts to refuse my plan. Wczoraj wieczorem pracowaliśmy do 22:00. Last night we worked until 10 p.m. We worked until 10:00 last night. Tom navrhl, abychom to udělali zítra. Tom suggested that we do it tomorrow. Tom suggested we do it tomorrow. Ona chce wiedzieć kto przysłał kwiaty. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Chystá se začít. He's about to start. He's about to start. Pokoj je na konci chodby. The room is at the end of the hall. The room's at the end of the hallway. Pořád Toma trénuju. I'm still training Tom. I'm still training Tom. Dal mi chléb a mléko. He gave me bread and milk. He gave me bread and milk. Nie podoba ci się mój żółty szalik? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Co chceš k pití? What do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? Martwię się o nich. I'm worried about them. I'm worried about them. Sklenice je plná vína. The glass is full of wine. The glass is full of wine. Pojď se mnou, Tome. Mám nápad. Come with me, Tom. I've got an idea. Come with me, Tom. Dodała mnie na Facebooku. She added me on Facebook. She added me to Facebook. Gdzie boli? Where is the pain? Where does it hurt? Wyjdziesz za mnie? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Mluvil jsi s nimi v poslední době? Have you talked to them lately? Have you spoken to them lately? Sám jsem měl stejný problém. I had the same problem myself. I had the same problem myself. Tom dal Mary něco studeného k pití. Tom gave Mary something cold to drink. Tom gave Mary something cold to drink. Aby mieć świetnych poetów potrzeba świetnej publiki. To have great poets, there must be great audiences. To have great poets, you need a great audience. Jsme novináři. We're journalists. We're journalists. Chcę spróbować jazdy na snowboardzie. I want to try snowboarding. I want to try snowboarding. Tohle je jedna z mnoha věcí, které musíme před odchodem domů udělat. This is just one of many things we have to do before we can go home. This is one of the many things we have to do before we go home. Proč jsi pokácel ten strom? Vadil ti nějak? Why did you cut down the tree? Did it bother you in some way? Why did you cut down that tree? Poszliśmy zobaczyć się z sąsiadami. We went to see our neighbours. We went to see the neighbors. Musimy być bardziej ostrożni. We have to be more careful. We need to be more careful. Proč jste se nezeptali? Why didn't you ask? Why didn't you ask? Zdálo se, že se důstojník obává jejich pomsty. The officer seemed to be afraid of their revenge. It seemed the officer was afraid of their revenge. Oni se mě bojí. They're afraid of me. They're afraid of me. Výzkum ukazuje že léčivo je nejúčinější u šedesátiletých žen a starších. The research shows that the drug is most effective in women aged sixty and older. Research shows that the drug is most effective in 60 - year - old women and elders. Wystarczyło tylko poprosić i bym ci pomógł. All you had to do was ask and I would have helped you. All you had to do was ask and help you. Oboje są w pokoju. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Nechám tě chytit mě. I let you catch me. I'll let you catch me. Wyglądasz zdumiewająco. You look amazing. You look amazing. Všichni děti jsou v bezpečí. All children are safe. All children are safe. Tom má ještě jednu dceru, která žije v Bostonu. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Buď opatrný! Be careful. Be careful! Co kdybychom něco udělali? Why don't we do something? What do you say we do something? Mogłem zranić twoje uczucie, lecz nie taki był mój zamiar. I may have hurt your feelings, but such was not my intention. I could have hurt your feelings, but that wasn't my intention. Týká se to i naší rodiny? Does it apply to our family as well? Is this about our family, too? Tom očekává brzký konec světa. Tom is expecting near crack of doom. Tom expects an early end to the world. Tom míval černé auto. Tom used to have a black car. Tom used to have a black car. Jesteś straszny. You're scary. You're terrible. Mężczyzna został ugryziony przez psa. The man was bitten by a dog. A man was bitten by a dog. Všechna moje nastavení se ztratila. All my settings were lost. All my settings are lost. Muž, kterého si bere, je astronaut. The man whom she is marrying is an astronaut. The man he's marrying is an astronaut. Co jest złego w mówieniu Tomowi co się stało? What's wrong with telling Tom what happened? What's wrong with telling Tom what happened? Nie mogę tego dłużej odkładać. I can't put it off any longer. I can't put it away anymore. Czy to jest zepsute? Is it broken? Is it broken? Líbím se mu. He likes me. He likes me. Jestli budu zvolen, i já zapomenu na své sliby. If I am elected, I'll also forget what I promised. If I'm elected, I'll forget my promises. Mary se podceňuje. Mary is selling herself short. Mary's underestimating herself. Mieszkasz z rodzicami? Do you live with your parents? You live with your parents? Jdu do práce. I am going to work. I'm going to work. Je to zamilovaná píseň. It is a love song. It's a love song. Tom twierdzi, że cyfrowym nagraniom brakuje ciepła winylowych nagrań. Tom says that digital audio lacks the warmth of vinyl records. Tom claims that digital recordings lack the heat of vinyl recordings. Není tlustý ale štíhlý. He isn't fat but slim. He's not fat, but he's thin. Tom si myslí, že to Mary nevyděsí. Tom thinks Mary won't be frightened by that. Tom doesn't think Mary's gonna freak it out. Nemám rád jablka. I don't like apples. I don't like apples. Nebudu to jíst. I won't eat this. I'm not eating it. Możesz dotrzeć do parku inną drogą. You can reach the park by either road. You can get to the park another way. Ryb w morzu jest mnóstwo. There are as good fish in the sea now as ever. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Może padać po południu. It might rain in the afternoon. It could rain this afternoon. Mam trochę francuskich książek. I have some French books. I have some French books. Čím víc posloucháš, tím víc mluvíš. The more you listen, the more you speak. The more you listen, the more you talk. Co nám chcete říct? What do you want to tell us? What do you want to tell us? Nie jesteś jeszcze milionerem. You're not a millionaire yet. You're not a millionaire yet. Była już wtedy w ciąży. She was already pregnant. She was pregnant by then. Víte, odkud pochází váš otec? Do you know where your father went? Do you know where your father comes from? On użył jej roweru nie pytając o zgodę. He used her bike without asking permission. He used her bike without asking her permission. Jak jsi přišel na ten nápad? How did you come up with this idea? How did you come up with that idea? Staré vlaky mají své kouzlo. Old trains have their charm. The old trains have their magic. Przyjdź, jeśli to możliwe. Come if possible. Come if possible. Rozveselil jsem se poslechem hudby. I cheered myself up by listening to music. I cheered up listening to the music. Vychovala jí babička. She was brought up by her grandmother. Grandma raised her. Jezero Poyang je největším sladkovodním jezerem Číny. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. Poyang Lake is China's largest freshwater lake. Proč ještě pracuješ? Why are you still working? Why are you still working? Vysvětlím to později. I'll explain this later. I'll explain later. Myslím, že bude čím dál těžší vymýšlet nové věty. I think that it will become harder and harder to make new sentences. I think it'll get harder and harder to come up with new sentences. Je to snadné udělat? Is it easy to do that? Is it easy to do? Opusť náš dům. Leave our house. Leave our house. To przypomina mi coś, co słyszałem wczoraj. That reminds me of something I heard yesterday. It reminds me of something I heard yesterday. Tom lubi koty. Tom likes cats. Tom likes cats. Co zrobią z Tomem? What will they do with Tom? What are they gonna do with Tom? Tome, jsi totální debil. Tom, you're an utter twat. Tom, you're a total jerk. Musel jsem tam jít pěšky, protože se mi porouchalo auto. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car broke down. Jestem spłukany. I'm broke. I'm broke. Tom a Mary mi řekli o jejich psovi. Tom and Mary told me about their dog. Tom and Mary told me about their dog. Byłem za szybki. I was too fast. I was too quick. Ile czasu zajmie dostanie się stąd do stacji? How long does it take to get from here to the station? How long will it take to get to the station from here? Powiem komuś. I'll tell someone. I'll tell someone. Tom vyhraje. Tom is going to win. Tom's gonna win. Na, vem si můj klíč. Here, use my key. Here, take my key. Zdarzają się wyjątki. There are exceptions. There are exceptions. Říká se, že pátek třináctého je nešťastný den. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. They say Friday the 13th is an unfortunate day. Je někdo doma? Anyone home? Anybody home? Liczę ile jest ludzi. I'm counting how many people there are. I count how many people there are. Nikt jeszcze nie pobił Toma. Tom isn't beaten yet. No one's beaten Tom yet. Czytałem wiele rodzajów książek. I've read many kinds of books. I've read a lot of books. Kdo je tady nejaktivnější člen? Who is the most active member here? Who's the most active member here? On kocha wiewiórki. He loves squirrels. He loves squirrels. Sovy vidí ve tmě. Owls can see in the dark. The owls see in the dark. Tom powiedział "do widzenia" i wyszedł frontowymi drzwiami. Tom said goodbye and then walked out the front door. Tom said goodbye and walked out the front door. Co je ta vysoká budova? What's that tall building? What's that tall building? Když jsem byl dítě, plaval jsem každý den. I used to swim every day when I was a child. I used to swim every day when I was a kid. Vracet se nechci. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Mam trzy psy i trzy koty. I have three dogs and three cats. I got three dogs and three cats. Proč se ženy chovají tak, jak se chovají? Why do women behave the way they do? Why do women behave the way they do? Mój kot wygląda trochę jak herbatnik. My cat kind of looks like a biscuit. My cat looks a little like a biscuit. Zostali profesjonalnymi piłkarzami. They became professional soccer players. They became professional footballers. Lubisz czekoladę? Do you like chocolate? Do you like chocolate? Mam nadzieję, że mnie słucha. I hope that she listens to me. I hope he listens to me. Co ses naučil? What did you learn? What did you learn? Pamiętam, że czytałem o psie, który zjadł swojego pana. I remember reading about a dog that had eaten its owner. I remember reading about a dog who ate his master. Hlasitěji. Louder. Louder. Musimy ciężko pracować. We must work hard. We have to work hard. Co máte? What do you guys have? What do you got? Łóżko w pokoju Toma było niezrobione. The bed in Tom's room was unmade. The bed in Tom's room was empty. Tentokrát nebyla zkouška jen těžká, ale také se dalo na otázky odpovědět více způsoby. This time, the exam was not just difficult, but also, the questions were ambiguous. This time the test was not only hard, but it was also possible to answer questions in more ways. Tři studenti z Číny byli přijati na universitu. Three Chinese students were admitted to the college. Three Chinese students were admitted to the university. Xochipepe lubi kwiaty. Xochipepe likes flowers. Xochipe likes flowers. Prawo musi być poprawione. The law needs to be amended. The law must be corrected. Szkoda, że nie mogę tańczyć codziennie. I wish I could dance every day. I wish I could dance every day. Jestem przyzwyczajony do spania w namiocie. I'm used to sleeping in a tent. I'm used to sleeping in a tent. To doprawdy straszne. It's really horrible. That's really terrible. Idź do diabła! Go to hell! Go to hell! Políbil Tom Mary? Did Tom kiss Mary? He kissed Tom Mary? W końcu wszystko mi powiesz. You'll tell me everything eventually. After all, you're gonna tell me everything. Tom je očividně vystrašený. Tom is obviously scared. Tom's obviously scared. Zamilovat se je jedna věc, někoho si vzít je věc druhá. To fall in love is one thing, to get married is another. It's one thing to fall in love, to marry someone is another thing. Vyhrožovali, že mu zapálí auto. They threatened to set his car on fire. They threatened to light his car. Tom tom si dal malý doušek svého čaje. Tom took a sip of his tea. Tom gave it a little touch of his tea. Nigdy nie sądziłem, że do tego dojdzie. I never thought we'd end up like this. I never thought that would happen. Chwal Pana, nie Jego proroków. Pray to the Lord and not his prophets. Praise the Lord, not his prophets. Mają czas, żeby spędzać go z rodzinami albo uprawiać swoje hobby. They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies. They have time to spend it with their families or to do their hobby. V této restauraci podávají výbornou polévku. This restaurant serves a delicious soup. They serve excellent soup in this restaurant. Myslím, že jsem nikoho neurazil. I don't think that I offended anybody. I don't think I've offended anyone. Niech Wszechmogący Bóg uczyni cię bardzo szczęśliwym. May Almighty God make you very happy. May Almighty God make you very happy. Tom nikdy Mary neřekl, jak se cítí. Tom never told Mary how he felt. Tom never told Mary how he felt. Przyszedłem najszybciej, jak mogłem. I came as soon as I could. I came as soon as I could. Jsem nová studentka. I am a new student. I'm a new student. Nemusel jsi spěchat. You need not have hurried. You didn't have to rush. Zajímá tě umění? Are you interested in art? Are you interested in art? Nesmíš zapomenout ráno mě vzbudit. You must not forget to wake me tomorrow morning. Don't forget to wake me up in the morning. Wiedziałeś, że Tom jest żonaty. Didn't you know that Tom was married? You knew Tom was married. Oni ładują teraz węgiel na statek. They are loading coal into a ship now. They're loading coal on the ship now. Jesteśmy do tego przyzwyczajeni. We're used to that. We're used to it. Powtórzmy to. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. To je vše, co můžeme dělat. This is all we can do. That's all we can do. Cokolwiek powiesz, nie uwierzę ci. Whatever you say, I won't believe you. Whatever you say, I won't believe you. Pojďme do zoo! Let's go to the zoo! Let's go to the zoo! Nechci zklamat své přátele. I don't want to disappoint my friends. I don't want to disappoint my friends. Tony uczy się po kolacji. Tony studies after dinner. Tony's studying after dinner. Tom wciąż nie wie co się stało. Tom still doesn't know what happened. Tom still doesn't know what happened. Nikt go nie lubi, bo zawsze się przechwala. Nobody likes him, because he is always blowing his own horn. No one likes him because she's always bragging. Cieszę się, że podoba się wam. Glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. Mám nateklý malíček. My little finger is swollen. I've got a punctured pinkie. Tom byl přes půl hodiny pryč. Tom was gone for over thirty minutes. Tom's been gone for over half an hour. Mòrmònji majõ zakôzóné pòligamjijé, le chtërni adepcë dërch jã praktikùjõ. The Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it. Most people have blacklisted but they do not block name: it is possible to suspend them. Zvolil jsem cestu nejmenšího odporu. I took the path of least resistance. I've chosen the path of least resistance. Život je pěkný. Life is beautiful. Life is nice. Je to zbrusu nové. It's brand new. It's brand new. Zemdlałam. I passed out. I fainted. Chci tenhle film vidět. I want to see this movie. I want to see this movie. Tom dal Marii poměrně těžkou otázku. Tom asked Mary a rather difficult question. Tom asked Maria a rather difficult question. Mam nadzieję że Tom umie to naprawić. I hope Tom can fix it. I hope Tom can fix it. Tom je nejcennějším hráčem v našem týmu. Tom is the most valuable player on our team. Tom is the most valuable player on our team. Co się z Tobą dzieje? What's up with you? What's the matter with you? Nazwisko Toma to Jackson. Tom's surname is Jackson. Tom's name is Jackson. Čekám půl hodiny. I've been waiting half an hour. I've been waiting half an hour. Asi se zbláznil. He probably lost his mind. I think he's crazy. Ať se ti tvé sny vyplní! May all your dreams come true! May your dreams come true! Tom usiadł na przeciwko Mary. Tom sat opposite Mary. Tom sat across from Mary. Możesz przyjść dziś na kolację? Can you come for dinner tonight? Can you come over for dinner tonight? Ten čaj je vážně skvělý. The tea is really delicious. That tea is really great. Tomova žena byla opravdu rozzlobená. Tom's wife was really angry. Tom's wife was really angry. Pozdrów swoją siostrę ode mnie. Say hello to your sister for me. Say hello to your sister for me. Wietrzny dzień, czyż nie? It is windy today, isn't it? Wind Day, isn't it? Ona go kocha. She loves him. She loves him. Milují Toma. They love Tom. They love Tom. Właśnie to czytam. I'm reading it now. That's what I'm reading. Čtu tuto knihu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Jsou vejce dobrým zdrojem proteinu? Are eggs a good source of protein? Are eggs a good source of protein? Tom viděl vlka. Tom saw a wolf. Tom saw the wolf. Jsou zvyklí na těžkou práci. They are accustomed to hard work. They're used to hard work. Wona je Japanka. She is Japanese. She's Japanese. Kiedy mnie zobaczył, podniósł kapelusz i przywitał się ze mną. When he saw me, he raised his hat and greeted me. When he saw me, he picked up his hat and said hello to me. Budeš mi chybět. I'll miss you. I'm gonna miss you. Zbožowy Mjezynarodny Dźeń Žonow! Happy International Women's Day! God-fearing International Move Genov! Uznałem twoją oferte za żart. I regarded your offer as a joke. I thought your offer was a joke. Jane byla nespravedlivě zbavena své pozice. Jane was unfairly dismissed from her post. Jane was unfairly deprived of her position. Tom mieszka trzydzieści mil od granicy. Tom lives thirty miles from the border. Tom lives 30 miles from the border. Jakie masz stanowisko? What's your occupation? What's your position? Bywa surowy, ale bywa i łagodny. He is at once strict and tender. He's raw, but he's gentle. Nikt nie zna powodu. No one knows the reason. No one knows why. Jego inteligencja i doświadczenie pozwoliły mu uporać się z problemem. His intelligence and experience enabled him to deal with the trouble. His intelligence and experience allowed him to deal with the problem. Tom przeprosił, że Mary musiała czekać. Tom apologized for making Mary wait. Tom apologized that Mary had to wait. On mówi płynnie po francusku. He is fluent in French. He speaks smooth French. Na cestě bylo bláto, a k tomu ještě začalo pršet. The road was quite muddy, and, what is worse, it began to rain. There was mud on the way, and it was still raining. Słyszałem o tobie i Tomie. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. Jsem si jistá, že Tom pomůže Marii to udělat. I'm sure Tom is going to help Mary do that. I'm sure Tom will help Maria do it. Zacząłem uczyć się francuskiego. I've started learning French. I started to learn French. Setkal jsem se s Tomem a Mary a také i s jejich rodinami. I met Tom and Mary, as well as their families. I met Tom and Mary and their families. Míra utrpení zažitého na této planetě je nesmírná. Rate of suffering experienced on this planet is enormous. The extent of suffering experienced on this planet is enormous. Nejsem zvyklý vstávat brzy. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. Narkoman zemřel na předávkování drogou. The addict died from a drug overdose. A drug addict died of a drug overdose. Přestala jsem vařit houbové polévky, protože Tom se bojí otravy z hub. I stopped making mushroom soups because Tom is afraid of mushroom poisoning. I stopped cooking mushroom soup because Tom's afraid of mushroom poisoning. Tom właśnie umarł. Tom just died. Tom just died. Utíkejte, nebo přijdete pozdě do školy. Run fast, or you will be late for school. Run, or you'll be late for school. Tomuhle slovu nerozumím. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. Nie umiem tego w tej chwili wyjaśnić. I can't explain it right now. I can't explain it right now. Nie powinieneś się spieszyć na lotnisko. You needn't have hurried to the airport. You shouldn't be in a hurry to the airport. Mám rád zvuk piána. I like the sound of the piano. I like the piano sound. Szkoda. It's a pity. Too bad. Můj život je skvělý. My life is perfect. My life is great. Mam skarpetki, ale nie mam żadnych butów. I have socks, but I have no shoes. I have socks, but I don't have any shoes. Nie, proszę siadać. No, sit down. No, sit down. Rozbawiła mnie ta opowieść. I was amused at the story. That story amused me. Spodziewam się go w każdej chwili. I expect him to come at any moment. I expect him at any moment. Miesiąc miodowy planujemy spędzić za granicą. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. We're planning on spending our honeymoon abroad. Wyjeżdżam jutro do Kanady. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. Jesteś niewiarygodny. You're unbelievable. You're unbelievable. Vždycky má v pokoji čisto. She always keeps her room clean. He's always clean in his room. Dnes nejsem ve formě. I am not in the groove today. I'm out of shape today. Niech będzie wysłuchana i druga strona. Let's hear the other side. Let her hear it and the other side hear it. W lodówce jest mleko. There is milk in the refrigerator. There's milk in the fridge. Zdajesz sobie sprawę, co musimy zrobić, prawda? You realize what we have to do, don't you? You do realize what we have to do, don't you? Vzala tu práci jen aby potěšila svého muže. She took the job only to gratify her husband. She took the job just to please her husband. Czy pójdziesz na imprezę zamiast mnie? Will you go to the party instead of me? Will you go to the party instead of me? Proč jsi neudělal svůj domácí úkol? Why haven't you done your homework? Why didn't you do your homework? Nie znam żadnego z was. I don't know any of you. I don't know any of you. Przyszliśmy na dworzec na pół godziny przed odjazdem. We arrived at the station a half-hour before the train started. We came to the station half an hour before we left. Nigdy nie karmicie swego kota psią karmą. Never feed dog food to your cat. You never feed your cat dog food. Jestem wdzięczny za twoją pomoc. I'm grateful for your help. I'm grateful for your help. Szukałem cię. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Po raz pierwszy zagrała w sztuce. She acted in a play for the first time. She played the play for the first time. Dáš si něco k pití? Would you like something to drink? Can I get you something to drink? Żyjemy w erze technologii. We live in the age of technology. We live in a technology era. Kocham go za to kim jest a nie za to co ma. I love him for what he is, not what he has. I love him for who he is, not for what he has. Tom říká, že přemýšlí o tom, že neudělá to, oč ho Mary požádala. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom je zvyklý vyhrávat. Tom is accustomed to winning. Tom's used to winning. Drzewo prawie sięga dachu. The tree is about as high as the roof. The tree almost reaches the roof. To twoja odpowiedzialność. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Dali mi jméno na počest mého pradědečka. I was named in honor of my great-grandfather. They gave me a name to honor my great-grandfather. W czajniku się gotuje. The kettle is boiling. It's cooking in the kettle. Spí jako nemluvně. He's sleeping like a baby. She sleeps like a baby. Kwiaty umierają jeśli nie mają wody. Flowers die if they don't have water. Flowers die if they don't have water. Miluje Toma víc než mne. She loves Tom more than I do. He loves Tom more than he loves me. Nie myślałem. I wasn't thinking. I didn't think so. Řekli mi, abych tam ještě nechodil. They told me not to go there yet. They told me not to go there yet. U nás pijeme hodně piva. At my place, we drink a lot of beer. We drink a lot of beer here. Chcesz usiąść? Do you want to sit down? You want to sit down? Dr Hideo Noguchi zmarł w Afryce w roku 1928. Dr. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Dr Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Kiedyś byłem w wojsku. I was in the army once. I used to be in the army. Pod Tomovým vedením jste v bezpečí. Under Tom's guidance, you are safe. Under Tom's guidance, you're safe. On jest w drodze. He's on his way. He's on his way. Mimo, że ma wielu przyjaciół, jest samotny. Although he has many friends, he is lonely. Even though he has a lot of friends, he's lonely. Wielu uchodźców stara się dotrzeć do Europy. Many refugees are trying to reach Europe. Many refugees are trying to reach Europe. Neříkala jsi, že Tom zemřel? Didn't you say Tom died? Didn't you say Tom died? Nancy ciężko studiowała. Nancy studied hard. Nancy studied hard. Chtěl bys jedno? Would you like one? Would you like one? Nechci vědět, co je tam uvnitř. I don't want to know what's in there. I don't want to know what's in there. Trhni si nohou! Bite me! Fuck you! Přijal můj nápad. He accepted my idea. He accepted my idea. Co kdyby to pokračovalo navždy? What if it continued for ever? What if it went on forever? Moja mama zrobiła dla mnie sweter. My mother made a sweater for me. My mom made a sweater for me. Gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy. Haste makes waste. When you're in a hurry, the devil is happy. Kiedy twoja siostra wyjechała z Tokio do Londynu? When did your sister leave Tokyo for London? When did your sister leave Tokyo for London? Wychodzę rano. I leave in the morning. I'm leaving in the morning. Tom powiedział więcej, niż powinien. Tom said more than he should have. Tom said more than he should. Víš, před kým se Tom schovává? Do you know who Tom is hiding from? Do you know who Tom's hiding from? Wynajęliśmy łódkę na godziny. We hired a boat by the hour. We rented a boat for hours. Czekasz na coś? Are you waiting for something? Are you waiting for something? Tom si je jistý, že Mary doopravdy do Bostonu minulý týden nejela. Tom is sure that Mary didn't really go to Boston last week. Tom's sure Mary didn't really go to Boston last week. Mluvím s vámi jako s přítelem. I'm speaking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you like I'm a friend. K čertu s hranicemi! To hell with borders! To hell with the border! George jest bardzo entuzjastyczny wobec swojej nowej pracy. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. Mógłbyś się, proszę, cofnąć? Would you move back, please? Would you please step back? Zkusím s tím něco udělat. I'll try to do something about that. I'll try to do something about it. Jill jest mądra, ale i ładna. Jill is smart as well as pretty. Jill's smart, but she's pretty. Nie znam nikogo o tym imieniu. I don't know anyone by that name. I don't know anyone with that name. Zbývá jen jeden den. There's only one day left. There's only one day left. Lubicie surfing? Do you like surfing? You like surfing? Jesteście siostrami? Are you sisters? Are you sisters? Proč jste nezavolali o pomoc? Why didn't you call for help? Why didn't you call for help? Tome, chci s tebou mluvit. Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I want to talk to you. Jesteśmy tylko przestraszeni. We're just scared. We're just scared. Je těžké pro Toma vařit, protože je moc vybíravý. It is hard to cook for Tom because he is too picky. It's hard for Tom to cook because he's too picky. Dwa, cztery, sześć itd. to liczby parzyste. Two, four, six, etc. are even numbers. Two, four, six, etc. are even numbers. Tom prodal svůj dům. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. Tom chtěl vědět, kde Mary byla a co dělala. Tom wondered where Mary was and what she was doing. Tom wanted to know where Mary was and what she was doing. Ona mieszka na kompletnym zadupiu. She is living in the middle of nowhere. She lives in a total dump. Poinformował mnie o zmianach planu. He informed me about the changes in the plan. He informed me of the changes to the plan. Nie chcę sobie pobrudzić rąk. I don't want to get my hands dirty. I don't want to get my hands dirty. Musisz wziąć to pod uwagę. You have to take that into account. You need to take that into account. Ta zupa potrzebuje odrobiny soli. This soup wants a bit of salt. This soup needs some salt. Jestem odważny. I'm brave. I'm brave. Myśliwy ustrzelił lisa. The hunter shot the fox dead. The hunter shot the fox. Tom jest trochę zwariowany. Tom is a little crazy. Tom's a little crazy. Co sądzisz o szkolnych uniformach? What do you think of school uniforms? What do you think of school uniforms? Lepiej od razu zrób zadanie domowe. You had better do your homework at once. You better do your homework right away. Nie ma znaczenia skąd pochodzi. It doesn't matter where he comes from. It doesn't matter where it came from. Ona kładzie dzieci do łóżek. She puts the children to bed. She's putting the kids to bed. Říkal jsem ti, že je to riziko. I told you it was a risk. I told you it was a risk. I když jsem si dvakrát vzal dvě tablety, bolesti hlavy nezmizely. Although I had twice taken a pair of pills, my headache did not go away. Even though I took two tablets twice, the headaches didn't go away. Jeszcze nie czas wracać do domu. It's not time to go home yet. It's not time to go home yet. Byli to takříkajíc oběti války. They were, so to speak, casualties of war. They were so-called victims of war. Czy jego ojciec jest nauczycielem? Is his father a teacher? Is his father a teacher? Ile wart jest ten pierścionek? How much is this ring worth? How much is this ring worth? Musisz trzymać się diety. You must stick to your diet. You need to stay on a diet. Gdzie mogę zaparkować samochód? Where can I park my car? Where can I park the car? To mu nemůžu udělat. I can't do this to him. I can't do that to him. Tohle je dům, ve kterém bydlel. This is the house he lived in. This is the house he lived in. Tom ma Jackson na nazwisko. Tom's surname is Jackson. Tom has Jackson's name. Zkus nebýt hlupák. Try not to be stupid. Try not to be stupid. Tomovo třetí manželství bylo nešťastné a on tak zvažoval další rozvod. Tom's third marriage was unhappy and he was considering yet another divorce. Tom’s third marriage was unfortunate, and he considered another divorce. Zamieścił ogłoszenie w gazecie. He put an announcement in the newspaper. He posted an ad in the paper. Kawa była tak gorąca, że niemal oparzyłem się w język. The coffee was so hot that I nearly burned my tongue. Coffee was so hot, I almost burned my tongue. On czasami jest dziwny. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. He's weird sometimes. Nie wiem co mogło się stać. I don't know what could've happened. I don't know what could have happened. Vůbec tomu nerozumím. I can't understand this at all. I don't understand. Garstka studentów rozumiała, co powiedział. Few students could understand what he said. A handful of students understood what he said. Podasz mi sól? Could you pass me the salt? Can I have some salt? Chci, abychom zvítězili. I want us to win. I want us to win. Dívá se na tebe. She's looking at you. He's looking at you. Co na to říkáš, Tome? What do you say to that, Tom? What do you say, Tom? Powinieneś wstać wcześnie. You should get up early. You should get up early. Pokoušíš se udělat pizzu? Are you trying to make pizza? Are you trying to make pizza? Je to tak jednoduché. It's so simple. It's that simple. Jakiego koloru jest twój samochód? What color is your car? What color is your car? Jesteś rozważny. You're considerate. You're being considerate. Požadujeme vaši bezpodmínečnou kapitulaci. We demand your unconditional surrender. We demand your unconditional surrender. Mary ogoliła nogi. Mary shaved her legs. Mary shaved her legs. Wszyscy złożyliśmy się, żeby kupić naszemu nauczycielowi prezent urodzinowy. We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present. We all agreed to buy our teacher a birthday present. Zkusila to sama. She tried it herself. She tried it on her own. Nie masz nic przeciwko jeśli wyjdziemy trochę wcześniej? Do you mind our leaving a little earlier? Do you mind if we leave a little early? Amerykańscy imperialiści, próbując złamać i zdezorganizować siły obrońców pokoju, demokracji i socjalizmu, zawiązali silne relacje z imperialistami krajów Planu Marshalla, gdzie eksportują nie tylko broń i kryminały, zgniłe konserwy i gumy balonowe, ale także umożliwiają wgląd w spostrzeżenia ich filozofów. American imperialists, in their attempt to break and disorganise the forces of the defenders of peace, democracy and socialism, have established firm contact with the imperialists of the Marshall Plan countries, where they export not only weapons and thrillers, rotten canned food and bubble gum, but also the insights of their "philosophers". American imperialists, trying to break and disorganise the forces of peace defenders, democracy and socialism, have made strong relations with the imperialists of the Marshall countries, where they export not only weapons and crime, rotten preservatives and balloon gums, but also allow for insight into the insight of their philosophers. Tom nie pozwolił mi wygrać. Tom didn't let me win. Tom wouldn't let me win. Gdybyś się spóźnił na autobus, mogłoby cię tu teraz nie być. If you had missed that bus, you might not be here now. If you were late for the bus, you might not be here right now. To byla opravdu hloupost to udělat. That was a really stupid thing to do. That was really stupid of you to do that. Jorge dokáže mluvit čtyřmi jazyky. Jorge is able to speak four languages. Jorge can speak four languages. Dzisiaj jest bardzo słonecznie, więc wszyscy noszą okulary przeciwsłoneczne. Today it's very sunny, so everyone is wearing sunglasses. It's very sunny today, so everyone wears sunglasses. Antena telewizyjna złamała się podczas zeszłonocnej burzy. The TV antenna broke away in last night's storm. The TV antenna broke during last night's storm. Tom wykonuje sporo dobrowolnej pracy. Tom does a lot of volunteer work. Tom's doing a lot of voluntary work. To może zająć trochę czasu. This may take some time. It might take some time. Znam samą siebie. I know myself. I know myself. Pohádali jste se s Joanou? Did you and Joan have a fight? Did you and Joan have a fight? To było naprawdę głupie. That was really stupid. That was really stupid. Ok, myslím, že můžeme začít. OK, I think we can begin. Okay, I think we can start. Co je poslední, co si pamatuješ? What's the last thing you remember? What's the last thing you remember? Nie wiadomo, ilu z nich przetrwało. How many of them survived is not known. You don't know how many of them survived. Tom přišel. Tom came. Tom's here. Měsíc byl jediným zdrojem světla. The moon was the only source of light. The moon was the only light source. On jest najważniejszą osobą. He is a most important person. He's the most important person. Tom předpokládal, že Mary na večírku nebude. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom ma nadzieję, że dziś wieczorem spotka się z Mary. Tom hopes that he'll meet Mary this evening. Tom is hoping to meet Mary tonight. Kdo vás za tu práci platí? Who pays you for that job? Who's paying you for the job? Betty podlewa kwiaty. Betty is watering the flowers. Betty's watering flowers. Przeczytała wiersz na głos. She read the poem aloud. She read the poem out loud. No dalej, chodźmy. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Jelikož se cítil nemocný, zůstal v posteli. Since he was feeling sick, he stayed in bed. Because he felt sick, he stayed in bed. Nevím a vědět nechci. I don't know and I don't want to know. I don't know, and I don't want to know. Nenechávej svojí práci nedokončenou. Don't leave your work unfinished. Don't leave your job unfinished. Chceš opravdu zůstat věčně mladá? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? Abych pravdu řekl, Toma nemám rád. The truth is I don't like Tom. To tell you the truth, I don't like Tom. Nedávno jsem v supermarketu potkal Toma s Mary. I have recently met Tom and Mary in a supermarket. I just met Tom and Mary at the supermarket. Jeśli nie masz dobrych składników, nie możesz zrobić dobrego jedzenia. If you don't have good ingredients, you can't make good food. If you don't have good ingredients, you can't make good food. Tego słowa nie ma w moim słowniku. The word is not in my dictionary. That word isn't in my dictionary. To pro ně není dost dobré. That isn't good enough for them. That's not good enough for them. Tom przedstawił Mary swoim rodzicom. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. V řece nebyla voda. There was no water in the river. There was no water in the river. Nějaký Sioux dal tomu starému traperovi zlatý nuget. A Sioux gave that old trapper a golden nugget. Some Sioux gave the old trapper a gold nuggets. Natychmiast przestałem się śmiać. I immediately stopped laughing. I stopped laughing immediately. Kiedy wychodzisz z pracy? When do you get off work? When are you leaving work? Chčije. It's pissing with rain. He's pissing. Na miejscu Toma, uderzyłbym Mary w twarz. If I were Tom, I would've punched Mary in the face. If I were Tom, I'd hit Mary in the face. Tom chodíval na večírky. Tom used to go to parties. Tom used to go to parties. Jest bardzo łatwo brzmieć naturalnie w swoim ojczystym języku i bardzo łatwo brzmieć nienaturalnie w obcym. It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language. It is very easy to sound natural in your native language and very easy to sound unnatural in a stranger. Obawiam się, że Tom nie żyje. I'm afraid Tom is dead. I'm afraid Tom is dead. Život půjde normálně dál. Life will go on as usual. Life will go on. Co pan woli: ryż czy pieczywo? Which do you prefer, rice or bread? What do you want: rice or bread? Twój współlokator jest przerażający. Your roommate is creepy. Your roommate is scary. Nie sądzę, żeby Tom był aż tak głupi, na jakiego wygląda. I don't think Tom is as stupid as he looks. I don't think Tom is as stupid as he looks. Není dokonalá. She's not perfect. She's not perfect. Přišli o hodně. They have lost a lot. They lost a lot. Mam dobre uszy. I have good ears. I've got good ears. Nie ma sensu winić się nawzajem, musimy znaleźć rozwiązanie. It's no use blaming each other, we need to find solutions. There's no point in blaming each other, we have to find a solution. Hrozně to tady bolí. It hurts tremendously here. It hurts so bad in here. Koupil si auto. He bought a car. He bought a car. "Dziękuję za pomoc". "Nie ma za co". "Thank you for your help". "No problem". "Thank you for your help." "You're welcome." Tom mrzne kdesi v pustině. Tom is freezing in the middle of nowhere. Tom's freezing in the desert somewhere. Doktor cítil svůj pulz. The doctor felt his pulse. The doctor felt his pulse. Nie miałem pojęcia, co powstrzymało mnie przed przeprowadzką. I could not understand what prevented me from moving. I had no idea what kept me from moving. Proszę, pokaż mi swój szczegółowy plan. Please show me your detailed plan. Please show me your detailed plan. Koupil jsem si od ní televizi. I bought the TV from her. I bought a TV from her. Evidentně tady nežijete. You obviously don't live here. You obviously don't live here. Może Tom do nas dołączy. Maybe Tom can join us. Maybe Tom will join us. Mój szalik jest niebieski. My scarf is blue. My scarf is blue. Wciąż kochasz Toma? Do you still love Tom? Are you still in love with Tom? Jestem pewien jego zwycięstwa. I am sure of his victory. I'm sure of his victory. Koty nie jedzą bananów. Cats don't eat bananas. Cats don't eat bananas. Nebudu to riskovat. I'm not going to take that chance. I'm not taking any chances. Lubię mangi. I like mangas. I like manga. Spóźniłem się na pociąg o jedną minutę. I missed the train by a minute. I'm one minute late for the train. Ten magazin vëchôdô dva raze wob ksãżëc. The magazine is issued twice a month. This magazine averages two times a month. Problem był dla mnie za trudny do rozwiązania. The problem was too difficult for me to solve. The problem was too hard for me to solve. Měl jsem v plánu tam jít. I had intended to go there. I was planning on going there. Hlavní město Maďarska je Budapešť. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. Oczywiście możesz zrobić, co chcesz. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. Of course, you can do whatever you want. Tom je pořád s něčím nespokojený. Tom is always dissatisfied with something. Tom's still unhappy with something. Nie powiem Tom'owi. I won't tell Tom. I won't tell Tom. Spadaj stąd! Get out of here! Get out of here! Koupili jste to dnes, nebo včera? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Włóż wszystkie swoje jajka do jednego koszyka i wtedy patrz na ten koszyk. Put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket. Put all your eggs in one basket and then look at this basket. Nie mieszaj się do nieswoich spraw! Mind your own business! Stay out of your business! Tomova francouzština se zlepšuje. Tom's French is improving. Tom's French is improving. Ten lek jest dobry na ból głowy. This medicine is good for headaches. This medicine is good for headaches. Nie bądź smutasem psującym zabawę, Tom. Don't be a party pooper, Tom. Don't be sad to spoil the fun, Tom. Tom si vylil na hlavu trochu studené vody. Tom poured some cold water over his head. Tom spilled some cold water on his head. Droga do piekła wybrukowana jest dobrymi chęciami. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good will. Rád objimám Veroniku. I like hugging Veronica. I like to hug Veronica. Nemám děti. I don't have kids. I don't have children. Obdarzyła mnie wspaniałym uśmiechem. She gave me a wonderful smile. She gave me a wonderful smile. Ilu masz bliskich przyjaciół? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Připrav se na to, že budeš příjemně překvapen. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised. Jestem zaskoczony, że cię tu widzę. I'm surprised to see you here. I'm surprised to see you here. Gdzie znajduje się przystanek autobusowy? Where is the bus stop? Where's the bus stop? Tom si dal klystýr. Tom gave himself an enema. Tom had an enema. Musiałem popełnić błąd. I must have made a mistake. I had to make a mistake. V troubě je oheň. There's a fire in the oven. There's fire in the oven. Jsi si jistý, že to chceš udělat? Are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to do this? Chwycił mnie za nadgarstek. He seized me by the wrist. He grabbed my wrist. Nie chcę, aby ktokolwiek wiedział gdzie jesteśmy. I don't want anyone to know where we are. I don't want anyone to know where we are. Pozor na imitace. Beware of imitations. Watch the imitations. Moi rodzice wysłali mi pocztówkę. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. Rád bych šel navštívit Toma, ale k čemu to bude dobré? I'd like to go and see Tom, but what good will it do? I'd like to go visit Tom, but what good is it? Tom připravil těstovinový salát. Tom made a pasta salad. Tom prepared the pasta salad. Czy masz dom we Włoszech? Do you have a house in Italy? Do you have a home in Italy? Jest problem z moim kontem. There is a problem with my account. There's a problem with my account. Skąd pochodzę? Where am I from? Where do I come from? Jeżeli chcesz, to możemy używać angielskiego. If you want we can use English. If you want, we can use English. Nie mogę pozwolić żeby Tom wiedział. I can't let Tom know. I can't let Tom know. Tom musi teraz iść zrobić zakupy. Tom has to go shopping now. Tom has to go shopping now. Każdy chce żyć długo, ale nikt nie chce być stary. Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old. Everybody wants to live long, but nobody wants to be old. Tom stał się nerwowy. Tom became nervous. Tom got nervous. Myslím, že Toma podceňuješ. I think you're underestimating Tom. I think you underestimate Tom. Myślisz, że Tom jest częścią problemu? Do you think Tom might be part of the problem? You think Tom's part of the problem? Skřeti se příšerně šklebili. The goblins grinned gruesomely. The goblins were grinning. To twój pies. This is your dog. That's your dog. On jeździ do pracy pociągiem. He goes to work by train. He's taking the train to work. Czy czujesz się winny? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Kocham czytanie książek. I love reading books. I love reading books. Mnoho současných filmů je brak. Many current movies are trash. Many of the current films are missing. Wyszłam z kina. I walked out of the movie. I'm out of the movies. Ten učitel občas své žáky uhodí, ale žádný si nikdy nestěžoval. That teacher sometimes hits his students, but no one ever complains. Sometimes the teacher hits his students, but none of them ever complained. Jak dlouho jsi tomu byl vystaven? How long were you exposed to it? How long have you been exposed to this? Nic mě nezastaví. Nothing can stop me. Nothing's gonna stop me. W budynku są kamery. There are cameras inside the building. There are cameras in the building. Nerad pracuji na zahradě. I don't like working in the garden. I don't like to work in the garden. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že si Mary chce půjčit jeho mandolínu. I told Tom Mary wanted to borrow his mandolin. I told Tom that Mary wanted to borrow his mandolin. Nerad uklízím. I don't like cleaning. I don't like cleaning. Tom nosíval brýle. Tom used to wear glasses. Tom wore glasses. Powiedziałeś, że jesteś głodny. You said you were hungry. You said you were hungry. Člověk je postaven na vrchol potravinového řetězce. Human beings are at the top of the food chain. Man is built on top of the food chain. Czy lubi pan białą czekoladę? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? Rozhlédli jsme se kolem sebe. We looked around us. We looked around. Kolik vypil piv? How many beers did he drink? How many beers did he drink? Tom zmarł kilka dni po wypadku. Tom died a few days after the accident. Tom died a few days after the accident. Vím, že stále Toma miluješ. I know that you still love Tom. I know you still love Tom. Tom zavřel oči, než políbil Marii. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Mary. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Maria. Specializuje se na převoz dobytka. He's specialized in the transport of cattle. He specializes in the transport of cattle. Tom nie myślał o Mary. Tom didn't think about Mary. Tom wasn't thinking about Mary. Proszę, pozwól zadać mi tobie kilka pytań. Please permit me to ask you some questions. Please, let me ask you a few questions. Tom dal špinavé nádobí do dřezu. Tom put the dirty dishes in the sink. Tom put dirty dishes in the sink. Jak zwykle, położył klucze na biurku. He put the key on the desk as usual. As usual, he put the keys on his desk. Jego kapelusz wyglądał bardzo zabawnie. His hat looked very funny. His hat looked very funny. Jestem wegetarianinem który jada tony mięsa. I'm a vegetarian who eats a ton of meat. I'm a vegetarian eating tons of meat. Ona vyhrožovala, že nám podpálí dům. She threatened to set our house on fire. She threatened to set our house on fire. Na wšu njegluku jo se chopiło sněg padaś. To make matters worse, it began snowing. There's snow falling on all the non-glucose. Jaké víno máš raději? Which wine do you like better? What kind of wine do you prefer? Jdeme si dát něco k jídlu. Let's get some lunch. Let's go get something to eat. Všichni to jsou zloději. They're all thieves. They're all thieves. Byl potrestán za své zločiny. He was punished for his crimes. He was punished for his crimes. Zítra ráno se musíš probudit brzy. You have to wake up early tomorrow morning. You need to wake up early tomorrow morning. W literaturze amerykańskiej czuje się jak w domu. He is at home in American literature. In American literature, he feels at home. Tom ví, co chce říct. Tom knows what he has to say. Tom knows what he's saying. Nawet jeśli będzie padać, zaczynam jutro wcześnie rano. Even if it rains, I will start early tomorrow morning. Even if it rains, I start early tomorrow morning. Jste velmi statečný. You're very brave. You're very brave. Hiszpańska tortilla różni się od meksykańskiej. A spanish tortilla is different from a Mexican one. The Spanish tortilla is different from Mexican. Tom si osolil kafe, místo osladil. Tom has put salt into his coffee instead of sugar. Tom salted his coffee, sweetened his place. Zawsze mnie dręczysz. You're always nagging me. You always torment me. On też odwiedziłby Chiny. He, too, would visit China. He'd be visiting China, too. Vzpomínám si, že jsem ho potkal v Paříži. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. Přestal jsem sekat trávník, protože začalo pršet. It started to rain, so I stopped mowing the lawn. I stopped cutting the lawn because it was raining. Řeknu jim, že tam nebudu včas. I'm going to tell them that I won't be there on time. I'll tell them I won't be there in time. Nenechávej mě tu takhle čekat. Don't keep me waiting here like this. Don't let me wait here like this. Można płacić czekami podróżnymi? Can I pay with a travelers check? Can you pay by waiting for the travellers? To za drogie. It is too expensive. It's too expensive. Musisz przestać palić papierosy. You must quit smoking cigarettes. You have to stop smoking cigarettes. Stromy poskytují stín. Trees provide shade. Trees provide shade. Iloma językami dobrze się posługujesz? How many languages do you speak well? How many languages do you speak well? Byli jste milovaní tímhle člověkem kvůli vašemu bohatství. This man loved you because of your money. You were loved by this man because of your wealth. Já po ní šílím! I am crazy for her! I'm crazy about her! Wszystko zostało przygotowane z dużym wyprzedzeniem. Everything was prepared well in advance. Everything was well prepared in advance. Pro správný překlad je důležitý kontext. Context is important for the right translation. The context is important for the correct translation. Nejsem kvalifikovaný k vykonávání této práce. I am not qualified to perform this kind of work. I'm not qualified to do this job. Rád bych věděl, co bude dál. I wonder what comes next. I'd like to know what's next. Neváhej mi říct, budeš-li cokoliv potřebovat. Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything. Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything. Tom si osvojil nový přístup. Tom adopted a new policy. Tom's taken a new approach. On ma inne zdanie niż ona. He differs in opinion from her. He has a different opinion than she does. Sprzedajecie to na kilogramy? Do you sell this by the kilogram? Do you sell it on kilograms? On zabił jego. He killed him. He killed him. Měl bys tam jet tento týden. You ought to go there this week. You should go this week. Sami jste do lesa chodit neměli. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You shouldn't have gone to the woods alone. Nic, co jsem řekl, nemělo význam. Nothing I said mattered. Nothing I've said has mattered. Nasi przodkowie przybyli tu ponad sto lat temu. Our ancestors came here over a hundred years ago. Our ancestors came here over a hundred years ago. Často jsem navštěvoval jeho dům. I often visited his house. I used to visit his house a lot. Mój pies czasem je trawę. My dog sometimes eats grass. My dog eats sometimes. Chcę żyć w prawdzie i miłości. I want to live in truth and love. I want to live in truth and love. Żelazo jest najpowszechniej używanym metalem. Iron is the most widely used metal. Iron is the most commonly used metal. Możemy rozmawiać w innym pokoju? Can we speak in the other room? Can we talk in another room? Zajrzałem do pudełka. I looked into the box. I looked in the box. Obaj są w pokoju. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Każdy się ze mnie wyśmiewa. Everybody puts me down. Everyone's making fun of me. Jesteś jedynym człowiekiem prócz mnie, który interesuje się takimi rzeczami. You're the only person I know besides me who is actually interested in this kind of thing. You're the only person who's interested in such things except me. On souhlasil. He agreed. He agreed. Po zimie przychodzi wiosna. After winter, spring comes. Spring comes after winter. Je to úžasná žena. She is a wonderful woman. She's an amazing woman. Na nic si nestěžuji. I am not complaining about anything. I'm not complaining about anything. W piątki jestem najmniej zajęty. Friday is when I am least busy. I'm the least busy on Fridays. Tom nikdy nebyl zamilovaný. Tom has never been in love. Tom was never in love. Te liście czerwienieją jesienią. The leaves turn red in the fall. The leaves are red in the fall. Jsem pořád unavený. I'm tired all the time. I'm still tired. Prohráli jsme s Ruskem na Mistrovství světa v ledním hokeji 2019. We lost with Russia on Ice Hockey World Championship 2019. We lost to Russia at the 2019 Ice Hockey World Championship. Tej nocy on uciekł z Algerii. He fled Algeria that very night. That night, he ran away from Algeria. Tom zadzwonił do mnie na komórkę. Tom called me on my mobile. Tom called me on my cell phone. Muszę się pospieszyć! I have to hurry! I've got to hurry! Musím někam zajít, ale hned budu zpátky. I've got to go somewhere, but I'll be right back. I have to go somewhere, but I'll be right back. Chceš-li, můžeš přijít. You may come if you like. You can come if you want. Potrzebuję trochę czasu. I need some time. I need some time. Byli unaveni. They were tired. They were tired. Tom jest przeziębiony. Tom has a cold. Tom's cold. Učil jsi někdy francouzštinu cizince? Have you ever taught French to foreigners? Have you ever taught a French stranger? Je to extrémní pesimista a nemá žádné ambice. He is extremely pessimistic and has no aspirations. He's an extreme pessimist and has no ambition. Nikt nie został ranny. No one was hurt. No one's been hurt. Katalánsko není Španělsko. Catalonia is not Spain. Catalonia is not Spain. Tom wczoraj wypił za dużo herbaty. Tom drank too much tea yesterday. Tom had too much tea last night. Tom zbavil rybu šupin a Mary ji uvařila. Tom scaled the fish and Mary cooked it. Tom got rid of the fish and Mary cooked it. Nasi goście siedzą w salonie. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. Our guests are sitting in the living room. Tom nie bardzo umiał odpowiedzieć. Tom didn't quite know how to answer. Tom didn't really know how to answer. Myslím, že už jsem tu někdy byl. I think I've been here before. I think I've been here before. Chcã sã havajszczëznë wuczëc. I want to learn Hawaiian. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I Lidé jsou zvláštní. People are weird. People are strange. Neprotestovala. She didn't protest. She wasn't protesting. Jest otwarty. He is outgoing. It's open. Zmarł na raka płuc. He died of lung cancer. He died of lung cancer. Przygotuj się. Get ready. Get ready. Málo močím. I do not urinate much. Not a lot of urine. Możliwe, że spóźniła się na pociąg. She may have missed the train. She may have missed the train. Někteří lidé se bojí psů. Some people are afraid of dogs. Some people are afraid of dogs. Je pravda, že je mrtvá. It's true that she's dead. It's true she's dead. Proč, bože, proč? Why, God, why? Why, God, why? Jak jest w Szkocji latem? What's Scotland like in summer? How's Scotland this summer? Jestem z Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, a ty z Republiki Federalnej Niemiec. I am from the Republic of Poland, you are from the Federal Republic of Germany. I'm from the Republic of Poland, and you're from the Federal Republic of Germany. Większość moich książek w miękkich okładkach jest w obwolutach, więc póki się każdej nie otworzy, nie będzie wiadomo, co to za książka. Most of my paperbacks are in covers so you don't know what they are until you open them. Most of my books in soft covers are in shifts, so until everyone opens up, you won't know what this book is. Prosím tě, nezapomeň zhasnout, než odejdeš. Please be sure to turn off the light before you leave. Please don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave. Zradila mě. Jsem zklamán. She let me down. I'm really disappointed. She betrayed me. Ví Tom a Mary, že jsem tady? Do Tom and Mary know I'm here? Does Tom and Mary know I'm here? Nie jest Amerykaninem, ale lubi Amerykę. He's not an American, but he likes America. He's not American, but he likes America. Nevím. I don't know. I don't know. Máte z něho strach. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Na jednu noc jsem ho ubytoval. I accommodated him for the night. I put him up for one night. Zróbmy to innym razem. Let's do it another time. Let's do it another time. Cieszę się, ze wróciłaś. I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you're back. Póki co nie mamy od niego odpowiedzi. As of today, we haven't had an answer from him. We don't have an answer from him yet. Myślałam, że to osa, a to była pszczoła. I thought this was a wasp and that was a bee. I thought it was an ax, and it was a bee. Moje sestra začala chodit do jazykové školy. Učí se tam angličtinu. My sister started to attend a language school. She is learning English there. My sister started going to a language school, learning English. Przeczytaj i odpowiedz. Read and reply. Read it and answer it. Po sprše jsem se cítil osvěžený. I felt refreshed after showering. I felt refreshed after the shower. "Ile masz lat?" "16." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "16." Musíš se dát do práce. You must do work. You need to get to work. Tom mluvil o Mary za jejími zády. Tom talked about Mary behind her back. Tom was talking about Mary behind her back. Má oči jako safíry. His eyes are like sapphires. His eyes are like sapphires. Lampa visí ze stropu. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling. Stavíme dřevěný dům. We're building wooden houses. We're building a wooden house. Drby poškodily jeho pověst. The gossip hurt his reputation. Rumours have damaged his reputation. Nie mówmy nikomu, że jesteśmy małżeństwem. Let's not tell anybody that we're married. Let's not tell anyone we're married. Przystawił mu broń do głowy. He put the gun to his head. He put a gun to his head. Nasza armia bez walki zajęła ten obszar. Our army occupied this region without a fight. Our army without fighting has taken over this area. Zaprosili również bezbożną macochę królewny Śnieżki. They also invited Snow White's godless stepmother. They also invited the ungodly stepmother of the Snow White. Zrobienie zadania domowego zabrało Tomowi kilka godzin. It took Tom several hours to finish his homework. It took Tom a few hours to do his homework. Czas zacząć od nowa. It's time for a fresh start. It's time to start over. Co nowego? Is there anything new? What's new? Podczas letnich wakacji spotkałem piękną kobietę. During the summer holidays I met a beautiful woman. During summer vacation, I met a beautiful woman. To se vás netýká. It doesn't concern you. That doesn't concern you. Jak se jmenuje tvoje webová stránka? What's the name of your web page? What's your website's name? To je jejich problém. This is their problem. That's their problem. Soud odkládá rozhodnutí. The court delays decision. The Court of First Instance shall postpone the decision. Cesta před vámi je neprůjezdná. The road up ahead is impassable. The journey before you is impenetrable. Pospiesznie wskoczył do samochodu. He got into his car in a hurry. He got in the car in a hurry. Nie obchodzi mnie, co Tom powiedział. I don't care what Tom said. I don't care what Tom said. Staję się zapominalski. I'm becoming forgetful. I'm becoming forgetful. Nie rozumiem, co próbujesz powiedzieć. Your meaning is beyond me. I don't understand what you're trying to say. Tom se chtěl stát překladatelem znakové řeči. Tom wanted to become a sign language interpreter. Tom wanted to become a translator of the sign language. Na tohle bych si mohl zvyknout. I could get used to this. I could get used to this. Nie wiedziałem, że Tom mówi po francusku. I didn't know that Tom speaks French. I didn't know Tom spoke French. Hodně s ní mluvím. I talk to her a lot. I talk to her a lot. Nezáviď ostatním jejich štěstí. Don't envy others for their good luck. Don't envy the others' happiness. Przygotowałem dla nich śniadanie. I prepared breakfast for them. I've prepared breakfast for them. Nie zawiodę cię. I won't let you down. I won't let you down. Mohl bych dostat rozvrh hodin? May I have a class schedule? Can I get a clock? Večeřel jsi? Did you have dinner? Did you have dinner? Vždycky můžeš podat výpověď. You can always quit the job. You can always quit. Ona ma drogie gusta, jeśli chodzi o samochody. She has expensive tastes in cars. She has expensive tastes when it comes to cars. Ze kterého letiště odlétám? Which airport do I leave from? Which airport am I leaving? Ludność Japonii jest większa niż Kanady. The population of Japan is larger than that of Canada. The Japanese population is larger than Canada. Půjdu s tebou až k mostu. I'll go with you as far as the bridge. I'll go with you to the bridge. Je to nejspíš varování. It's probably a warning. It's probably a warning. Oglądam telewizję. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Poradziła mu, żeby nie wychodził samotnie w nocy. She advised him not to go out by himself at night. She told him not to leave alone at night. Na čem záleží je ta zkušenost. What's important is the experience. What matters is the experience. Tom musi być Kanadyjczykiem. Tom must be Canadian. Tom must be Canadian. Pracuj ciężej jeśli planujesz odnieść sukces. Work harder if you plan to succeed. Work harder if you're planning to succeed. Gdzie są twoje dzieci? Where are your kids? Where are your children? Seřvala ho. She yelled at him. She yelled at him. Tom wziął butelkę szkockiej z teczki i dał ją Mary. Tom took the bottle of Scotch from his briefcase and handed it to Mary. Tom took a bottle of scotch out of his briefcase and gave it to Mary. Opravdu musím běžet. I actually have to run. I really have to run. Tom wie, gdzie można mnie znaleźć. Tom knows where he can find me. Tom knows where to find me. Tom je opravdu silný. Tom is really strong. Tom's really strong. Její otec zemřel. Her father died. Her father died. Dla każdego jest oczywiste, że się zakochał. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. It's obvious to everyone that he's in love. Co dziergasz? What are you knitting? What are you doing? Něco takového jsem nečekal. I did not expect something like that. I didn't see that coming. Pili. They were drinking. They were drinking. Tom włożył dłonie do kieszeni. Tom put his hands into his pockets. Tom put his hands in his pocket. Sprawdziłem komputer Toma. I checked Tom's computer. I checked Tom's computer. Dorothy nie ma w biurze. Dorothy isn't in the office. Dorothy's not in the office. Šetřit peníze nemá smysl. It is not worthwhile saving money. Saving money makes no sense. Dan nie zasłużył na śmierć. Dan didn't deserve to die. Dan didn't deserve to die. S tebou se vypořádám později. I'll deal with you later. I'll deal with you later. Co robi Ciarán? What is Ciarán doing? What's Ciaran doing? Jeździliśmy na nartach po sztucznym śniegu. We skied on artificial snow. We used to ski on artificial snow. Vyvolá zabití Solejmáního válku? Will Soleimani killing spark war? Is he going to cause the killing of Solymania's war? Nesvalujte vinu na Toma! Don't put the blame on Tom! Don't blame Tom! Mohu tam jít pěšky. I can go there by foot. I can walk there. Měl bys říct své matce co nejdřív. You should tell your mother as soon as possible. You should tell your mother as soon as you can. Moira stránku obnovuje každé tři vteřiny. Moira refreshes the page every 3 seconds. Moira page restores every three seconds. Nasze przeżycie zależy od tego, czy znajdziemy zaraz pitną wodę. Our survival depends on finding drinking water soon. Our survival depends on whether we find drinking water right now. Dal bys mi sklenici mléka? Will you give me a glass of milk? Would you give me a glass of milk? Cesarz nie miał telefonu komórkowego. Caesar had no mobile phone. The Emperor didn't have a cell phone. To nie jest to czego szukałem. This isn't what I was looking for. That's not what I'm looking for. Były dwa ciastka. There were two cakes. There were two cookies. Wyprzedane. Sold out. Sold out. Ona w ramach przekąsek je owoce i orzechy. For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts. She eats fruit and nuts for snacks. Jeszcze nie zaczęliśmy walki. We have not yet begun to fight. We haven't started a fight yet. Mám rád med. I like honey. I like honey. Želvy nemají zuby. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Což takhle projít se po pláži? How about a walk on the beach? Why don't you take a walk on the beach like that? Nie musisz się o mnie martwić. I don't need you to take care of me. You don't have to worry about me. Do czego ci to potrzebne? What will you use it for? What do you need this for? Velice se opil. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. Gdzie byłeś tej nocy, kiedy Tom został zamordowany? Where were you the night that Tom was murdered? Where were you the night Tom was murdered? Kolik známek máte? How many stamps do you have? How many stamps do you have? Tom býval šťastný. Tom used to be happy. Tom used to be happy. Problem w tym, że nie mamy dość pieniędzy. The problem is we don't have enough money. The problem is, we don't have enough money. Ach, cudownie. Ah, wonderful. Oh, wonderful. Už jsi to udělal. You've already done that. You've already done it. Byl příliš unaven, aby šel dál. He was too tired to go any farther. He was too tired to move on. K tomu má přístup pouze Tom. Only Tom has access to it. Only Tom has access to it. Nigdy nie widziałem nikogo, kto byłby zdolny rozwiązać ten problem bez pomocy. I have never seen anyone who could solve that problem without help. I've never seen anyone able to solve this problem without any help. Bardzo mi pomogliście. You've helped me a lot. You've been very helpful. Tom psával písně. Tom used to write songs. Tom used to write songs. Tom wiercił się nerwowo. Tom shifted uneasily from side to side. Tom was getting nervous. Musíš být méně netrpělivý. You must be less impatient. You must be less impatient. Widziałam światło. I saw the light. I saw the light. Nie chcę być zastrzelony. I don't want to be shot. I don't want to be shot. Budeme prodávat náš dům. We're going to sell our house. We're gonna sell our house. Strč prst skrz krk! Stick your finger through your throat! Stick your finger through your neck! Papír je bílý. The paper is white. Paper's white. Często gram w siatkówkę. I play volleyball often. I play volleyball a lot. Nienawidzę walki. I hate fighting. I hate fighting. Czułem gwałtowne uderzenia mojego serca. I felt my heart beating violently. I felt the sudden beats of my heart. Żaden ze mnie tancerz. I'm not much of a dancer. I'm not a dancer. Tęskniliśmy za tobą. We missed you. We missed you. Můj nůž je rozbitý. My knife is broken. My knife is broken. Dla pana Wooda listy pisze sekratarka. Mr Wood has his secretary type his letters. Mr. Wood's letters are written by an axe. Myślę, że kosmici istnieją. I think aliens exist. I think aliens exist. Słońce wyszło zza chmur. The sun came out from behind the clouds. The sun came out of the clouds. Wiem jak to zrobić. I know how to do that. I know how to do it. Byli ve sprše. They were in the shower. They were in the shower. Máme pro vás něco zvláštního, pane. We have something special for you, sir. We have something special for you, sir. To mi nie przyszło na myśl. The thought hadn't occurred to me. It didn't come to my mind. Niedługo się dowiemy. We'll soon find out. We'll find out soon enough. Někteří zločinci zůstanou nepotrestáni. Some criminals go unpunished. Some criminals will remain unpunished. To nie jest sensowne. It's not reasonable. It doesn't make any sense. Prezidentské období trvá čtyři roky. The president's term lasts four years. The presidential term lasts four years. Drzewa wydzielają tlen i pochłaniają dwutlenek węgla. Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The trees release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Tom vás povede. Tom will guide you. Tom will lead you. Wcale nie jestem szczęśliwy z tego powodu. I'm not at all happy about this. I'm not happy about that at all. Vím, co Tom míval rád. I know what Tom used to like. I know what Tom used to like. Mogę sobie wyobrazić pewne sytuacje, w których nóż się przydaje. I can think of some situations in which a knife would come in handy. I can imagine certain situations where the knife is useful. Vždycky buď připraven na nejhorší. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be prepared for the worst. Terroryści uwolnili zakładników. The terrorists released the hostages. Terrorists freed the hostages. Tom je pro nás mrtvý. Tom is dead to us. Tom's dead to us. Dzieci siedziały wokół ogniska i słuchały Toma opowiadającego historie o duchach. The children sat around the campfire and listened to Tom tell ghost stories. The children were sitting around the campfire listening to Tom tell stories about ghosts. Tom má nad postelí plakát sebe nahého. Tom has a naked poster of himself above his bed. Tom has a poster over his bed naked. "Tak naprawdę to boję się wysokości." "Jesteś tchórzem!" "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "In fact, I'm afraid of heights." "You're a coward!" Cały dzień byłem zajęty. I was busy all day. I've been busy all day. Umlátila ho golfovou holí. She beat him to death with a golf club. She beat him with a golf club. Mam własne opinie na temat polityki i religii. I have my own opinions concerning politics and religion. I have my own opinions on politics and religion. Pojedziemy samochodem czy taksówką? Should we go by car or by taxi? Are we going to take a car or a cab? Tom a Mary jsou oba atraktivní. Tom and Mary are both good-looking. Tom and Mary are both attractive. Napsali jsme jim. We wrote to them. We wrote to them. Musím si nechat odstranit tetování. I had to get my tattoo removed. I have to get my tattoo removed. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że chcesz rozdać wszystkie swoje pieniądze. I can't believe you're going to give away all your money. I can't believe you want to give away all your money. To se může stát každému. It can happen to anybody. That can happen to anyone. Te kwiaty nie tylko są piękne ale także ładnie pachną. These flowers aren't only beautiful, but they smell nice. Not only are these flowers beautiful but they also smell good. Podrž tohle. Hold this. Hold this. Tom řekl, že jsem nudný. Tom said I was boring. Tom said I was boring. Myslel jsem, že umřu. I thought I'd die. I thought I was gonna die. Kde jsi byl? Where were you? Where have you been? Ti vojáci na lodích by byli snadným cílem. The soldiers on the boats would be easy targets. Those soldiers on the ships would be an easy target. Musíš se ovládat. You must control yourself. You need to control yourself. Tom vystoupil z auta a otevřel kufr. Tom got out of his car and opened the trunk. Tom got out of the car and opened the trunk. Kolik Kanaďanů tady u vás pracuje? How many Canadians do you have working here? How many Canadians do you have working here? Sen Mary jet do zahraničí se konečně uskutečnil. Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality. Mary's dream to go abroad has finally come true. Zamek w mojej kurtce się zaciął. The zipper on my jacket got stuck. The lock in my jacket is stuck. Neměly jste sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Panebože, co se stalo? Good Lord, what happened? Oh, my God, what happened? Nechápu tě. I can't follow you. I don't understand you. Pewnie. Co to? Sure. What is it? What's that? Rodzimi użytkownicy robią czasem błędy, ale są to innego rodzaju błędy niż użytkownicy nienatywni. Native speakers sometimes make mistakes, but not usually the same kind of mistakes that non-native speakers make. Parental users sometimes make mistakes, but they are of a different kind of error than unattainable users. Tom se mě pořád vyptával. Tom kept asking me questions. Tom kept asking me questions. Książka leży na półce. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. Už nikdy tam nevkročím. I will never set my foot there again. I'm never going in there again. Vraťte se do práce. Go back to work. Get back to work. Mám rád sovy. Jsou to krásní a moudří ptáci. I like owls. They are beautiful and wise birds. I like owls, they're beautiful and wise birds. Musím Mary naučit anglicky. I have to teach Mary English. I have to teach Mary English. Kot mnie podrapał. A cat scratched me. The cat scratched me. Zavolá zpátky. She'll call back. He'll call back. Smíchej mléko s vejci. Blend milk and eggs together. Mix milk with eggs. Nigdy więcej jej nie posłucham. I'll never listen to her again. I'll never listen to her again. Zdráhám se Toma požádat o pomoc. I hesitate to ask Tom to help. I hesitate to ask Tom for help. Im większych słów używał, tym trudniej było odnaleźć w nich treść. The bigger the words he used, the harder it was to find anything in them. The bigger the words he used, the harder it was to find content in them. Gdzie można wymienić dolary na funty? Where can dollars be exchanged for pounds? Where do you exchange dollars for pounds? Chciałbym żeby Tom był moim młodszym bratem. I wish Tom were my younger brother. I wish Tom was my little brother. Moja koszulka się skurczyła. Co mam robić? I shrunk my T-shirt. What should I do? What am I supposed to do? Někteří lidé věří, že číslo třináct přináší smůlu. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. Some people believe that the number 13 is bad luck. Myslím, že život je takový, jaký si ho uděláš. I think life is what you make it. I think life is what you make it. Musiałem powstrzymać się od palenia, podczas gdy byłem w szpitalu. I had to abstain from smoking while I was in the hospital. I had to stop smoking while I was in the hospital. Nagle zaczęła się gwałtowna ulewa. All at once it began to rain heavily. Suddenly, there was a sudden shower. Jesteś taki silny. You're so strong. You're so strong. Tom przedawkował leki i teraz ma straszną gorączkę. Tom overdosed his medication and now he has a severe fever. Tom OD'd, and now he's got a terrible fever. Jak si můžu zdokonalit svoji angličtinu? Je k osvojení nějaký snadný způsob, jak ji zlepšit? How can I improve my English, is there any easy way that I can adopt to improve it? How can I improve my English? Is there an easy way to improve it? Musisz mówić albo po angielsku, albo po hiszpańsku w tej firmie. You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company. You have to speak either English or Spanish at this company. Už jsou tady. They're already here. They're here. Tom už v dobro nevěří. Tom does not believe in good anymore. Tom doesn't believe in good anymore. Je to staré jméno. It's an old name. It's an old name. Słyszałem, jak śpiewała piosenkę. I heard her singing a song. I heard her sing a song. Wakacje? Co to jest? Holidays? What are they? What is this? Emily uwielbia słodycze. Emily loves sweets. Emily loves candy. Przenieś to. Carry this. Move it. Powiedziałem im wszystko. I've told them everything. I told them everything. Małe grupy ludności obawiają się imigracji. Small populations fear immigration with reason. Small groups are afraid of immigration. Na čekání jsme zvyklí. We're used to waiting. We're used to waiting. On jest silny jak koń. He is strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. Mam już dwadzieścia lat i nie mam pojęcia, co robić ze swoim życiem. I'm already twenty and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I'm 20 years old and I have no idea what to do with my life. Matematycy są jak Francuzi: cokolwiek się im powie, tłumaczą to na swój język i obracają w coś zupełnie innego. Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different. Mathematicians are like the French: whatever they are told, they translate it into their own language and turn it into something completely different. Tom ma w kieszeni trzy tysiące jenów. Tom has three thousand yen in his pocket. Tom has 3,000 yen in his pocket. Ona chce zostać bohaterką. She wants to be a heroine. She wants to be a hero. Musisz ostrzec Toma. You've got to warn Tom. You have to warn Tom. Tom mi řekl, že jsi nemocný. Tom told me you were sick. Tom told me you were sick. Rozhlédl se a pak se posadil na židli. He looked around, then he sat on the chair. He looked around, and then he sat in a chair. Připravuji se na nejhorší. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm getting ready for the worst. Běžel, co nejrychleji mohl. He ran at full speed. He ran as fast as he could. Czuję się świetnie. I feel great. I feel great. Tom wyglądał, jakby miał wszystko, czego potrzebuje. Tom seemed to have everything he needed. Tom looked like he had everything he needed. Zaprowadziła starą kobietę do kościoła za rękę. She led the old woman to the church by the hand. She led an old woman to church by her hand. Jestem córką Helen Cartwrighter. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. I'm Helen Cartwrighter's daughter. Pokłóciłeś się kiedykolwiek z rodzicami? Have you ever argued with your parents? Have you ever had a fight with your parents? Już gdzieś ją widziałem. I remember seeing her somewhere. I've seen her before. Tom píše Marii dopis. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. Tom writes a letter to Maria. Toma byl chycen, když dětem prodával drogy. Tom got caught selling drugs to children. Tom was caught selling drugs to kids. Zastanawiam się, co Tom i Mary robią jutro po południu. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. Masz całkiem rację. You are quite right. You're quite right. Umí kluci z města orat? Can city-boys plough? Do the city boys know how to plow? Zabilo ho přepracování. Overworking was the death of him. He was killed by remodeling. Tom ještě pořád píše básně. Tom still writes poems. Tom still writes poems. Sejdu se s Tomem opět příští týden. Tom and I'll meet again next week. I'll meet Tom again next week. Polovina těch jablek je shnilá. Half of the apples are rotten. Half the apples are rotten. Chlapec přitlačil svůj obličej na výlohu. The boy pressed his face against the shop window. The boy pushed his face into the window. Vyžádal si ode mě velký peněžní obnos. He demanded a large sum of money from me. He asked for a large amount of money from me. Alkohol neřeší žádné problémy. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. Řekni mi tvé skutečné jméno. Tell me your real name. Tell me your real name. Proč nepočkáte do rána? Why don't you wait till morning? Why don't you wait till morning? Tom si nemůže dovolit nové kolo. Tom can't afford a new bicycle. Tom can't afford a new bike. Jak se máš? Dobře, díky! "How are you?" "Fine, thank you." How are you? Jesteś seryjnym mordercą. You're a serial killer. You're a serial killer. Tak. To prawda. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. Co říkal? What did he say? What did he say? Kiedy byłem uczniem, prowadziłem pamiętnik po francusku. I kept a diary in French when I was a student. When I was a student, I kept a diary in French. Muszę mu to dać. I must give it to him. I have to give it to him. Někdo napadl Toma. Someone attacked Tom. Someone attacked Tom. To książka. That's a book. It's a book. Tom pojede příští léto do Bostonu. Tom will go to Boston next summer. Tom's going to Boston next summer. Nikdy jsme nevolili. We never voted. We never voted. Nemám z tebe strach, Tome. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. Tom nie jest w szkole. Tom isn't at school. Tom's not at school. Hodně pije, ale vždy vypadá střízlivý. He drinks a lot but always seems sober. He drinks a lot, but he always looks sober. Nelíbí se mi se učit nepravidelná slovesa. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like learning irregular phrases. Byłem na patrolu. I was on patrol. I was on patrol. W pokoju jest pianino. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Jak jsi věděl, že tam budu? How did you know I'd be here? How did you know I was gonna be there? Věřil jsem v Toma. I believed in Tom. I believed in Tom. Na śniadanie zeszła o ósmej. She came down to breakfast at eight. She came down for breakfast at eight. Możesz na to liczyć. You can bank on that. You can count on it. Mám jenom tebe. I have no one but you. You're all I got. Do widzenia, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Jestem z Arabii Saudyjskiej. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. Teď to nepotřebuješ. You don't need that now. You don't need it now. Jesteś żonaty? Are you married? Are you married? Má ho ráda. She likes him. She likes him. Tom není tak bohatý, jak si jeho přátelé myslí. Tom isn't as rich as his friends think he is. Tom's not as rich as his friends think. Zlá čarodějnice muže zaklela a proměnila v brouka. The wicked witch cast a spell on the man and turned him into a bug. The evil witch cursed a man and turned him into a bug. Wchodzę pierwszy. I'm going in first. I'll go in first. Tom měl nůž. Tom had a knife. Tom had a knife. Dám to Tomovi. I'll give it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Kdo měl motiv Toma zabít? Who had a motive to kill Tom? Who had Tom's motive to kill? Cestoval jsem s Tomem společně po světě. Tom and I traveled around the world together. Tom and I traveled the world together. Jaké změny bychom měli udělat? What changes should we make? What changes should we make? Kde je ten pes? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Našemu psovi je třináct. Our dog is thirteen. Our dog's 13. Nechci, abys to někomu říkal. I don't want you to tell anyone. I don't want you to tell anyone. Dałeś kiedyś pieniądze żebrakowi? Have you ever given money to a beggar? Have you ever given money to a beggar? Nawet jeśli spróbuję, i tak niczego to nie da. Even if I try, it's no use, anyway. Even if I try, it doesn't work. Operace trvala šest hodin. The operation lasted six hours. The operation lasted six hours. Tom býval velmi nesmělý. Tom used to be very shy. Tom used to be very shy. To może się wydawać uciążliwe, ale per saldo będziesz zadowolony. It may seem like a lot of trouble to go through, but in the end, you'll be happy you did it. It may seem tedious, but you'll be happy for the balance. Dlaczego zapytałeś? Why did you ask? Why did you ask? Tak drahou knihu nemůžu koupit. I can't buy a book this expensive. I can't buy that expensive book. Żadne kości nie są złamane. There are no broken bones. No bones are broken. Jím, protože mám hlad. I eat because I'm hungry. I eat because I'm hungry. Stůj zpříma a buď zticha. Stand still and keep silent. Stand straight and be quiet. Znič své nepřátele: udělej z nich své přátele. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Myślę, że mogłoby zadziałać. I think it just might work. I think it could work. Poszedłem zobaczyć swoją starszą siostrę w zeszłym tygodniu. I went to see his older sister last week. I went to see my big sister last week. W pokoju było dwieście osób. There were two hundred people in the room. There were 200 people in the room. Znám jí podle jména. I know her by name. I know her by her name. To są melony. They are melons. These are melons. Każdy boi się robić coś nowego. Everyone is afraid of doing new things. Everyone's afraid to do something new. Mam siostrę. I have a sister. I have a sister. Muszę jej pomóc za wszelką cenę. I must help her at any cost. I have to help her at all costs. Mam gości dopiero od wczoraj, a już zdążyli objeść mnie ze wszystkiego. My guests have only been here since yesterday, but they've already eaten me out of house and home. I've only had visitors since yesterday, and they've already got me out of everything. Randění může být zastrašující. Dating can be intimidating. Dating can be intimidating. Najwidoczniej Tom bardzo lubi Mary. Apparently, Tom likes Mary quite a lot. Apparently, Tom likes Mary very much. Kobieta nosiła naszyjnik z pereł. The lady wore a necklace of pearls. The woman wore a pearl necklace. Zvony začali zvonit. The bells started to ring. The bells started ringing. Czy jesteś Japończykiem? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Skuć go. Cuff him. Cuff him. Každý se může zranit. Injuries can happen to anybody. Anyone can get hurt. Bohužel mám špatné zprávy. I'm afraid I've got bad news. Unfortunately, I have some bad news. Nie mogę powiedzieć, kto przyjedzie pierwszy. I can't tell who will arrive first. I can't tell who's coming first. Ještě jsem dnes nejedl. I still haven't eaten today. I haven't eaten yet. Ten metal nazywa się cynk. This metal is called zinc. This metal is called a tip. Hrával jsem hokej. I used to play hockey. I used to play hockey. Nie mogę żyć bez telewizji. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Kiedy poszedł? When did he go? When did he go? Mam dłuższe włosy niż Jane. My hair is longer than Jane's is. My hair is longer than Jane. Tom był w kompletnym szoku. Tom was in total shock. Tom was in complete shock. Kanada jest fantastyczna! Canada is awesome! Canada is fantastic! Jak dlouho budeme muset nosit roušky? How long will we have to wear masks? How long do we have to wear dresses? Neodolala. She did not resist. I didn't. Aniołowie mają harfy, a diabły - bodhrany. Angels have harps, devils have bodhráns. Angels have harps and devils have bodhrans. Musíš to udělat ihned. You must do it at once. You need to do this now. Nie wyglądasz, jakbyś się dobrze bawił. You don't look like you're enjoying yourself. You don't look like you're having fun. Jej piękno jest nie do opisania. Her beauty is indescribable. Her beauty is indescribable. Astronomowie wyciągnęli wniosek o istnieniu lokalnej supergromady. Astronomers inferred the existence of a local supercluster. Astronomers have come to a conclusion about the existence of a local supermarket. Sám můžu potvrdit, že to je pravda. I can verify that that's the truth myself. I can confirm myself that that's true. Chciałbym mówić po angielsku tak dobrze jak po swojemu. I wish I could speak English like a native speaker. I'd like to speak English as well as I do in my own way. Povodně zničily úrodu. The floods ruined the crops. The floods destroyed the crop. Na kolana! Kneel! On your knees! Pożałujesz tego! You'll be sorry! You're gonna regret this! Jesteś bardzo piękna. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Tomáš vypil šálek kávy. Tom drank a cup of coffee. Thomas drank a cup of coffee. Posaďme se do stínu toho stromu. Let's sit down in the shade of that tree. Let's sit in the shadow of that tree. Tom zadał kilka pytań. Tom asked a few questions. Tom asked a few questions. Myślę, że nie powinieneś jechać do Bostonu. I don't think you should go to Boston. I don't think you should go to Boston. To jest samochód Toma. This is Tom's car. This is Tom's car. Wypił piwo. He drank beer. He had a beer. Zapomniałeś obudzić Toma, prawda? You forgot to wake Tom up, didn't you? You forgot to wake Tom, didn't you? Niestety wszędzie jest tak samo. Unfortunately, it's the same everywhere. Unfortunately, it's the same everywhere. Nikdy bych si od vás nic nekoupil. I'd never buy anything from you. I would never buy anything from you. Tohle hned tak neskončí. This isn't going to end any time soon. This isn't gonna end right now. Je zvyklá brzy vstávat. She's used to getting up early. She's used to getting up early. Na pięć dni tyle wystarczy. It's enough for five days. That's enough for five days. Zdálo se, že Tom má vše, co potřebuje. Tom seemed to have everything he needed. It seemed Tom had everything he needed. Czy nie czas na małe conieco? Isn't it about time to eat? Isn't it time for a little concoction? Nic neříkej.. Vím co chceš. Don't say a thing. I know what you want. Don't say anything, I know what you want. Kde jsi ho viděl? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? Myślisz, że jesteś taki mądry, prawda? You think you're pretty smart, don't you? You think you're so smart, don't you? Kiedy dorosnę, chcę być królem. When I grow up, I want to be a king. When I grow up, I want to be king. Benzyna jest używana jako paliwo. Gasoline is used for fuel. Gasoline is used as fuel. Jo. Yes. Yeah. Je atraktivní, ale příliš mluví. She's attractive, but she talks too much. He's attractive, but he talks too much. Nic nie zostało postanowione. Nothing has been decided. Nothing's been decided. To jest to. That's it. That's it. Co jest w tych wszystkich pudełkach? What's in all these boxes? What's in all these boxes? To może być nasza jedyna szansa, żeby porozmawiać z Tomem. This may be our only chance to talk to Tom. This could be our only chance to talk to Tom. Nie bardzo mogę o tym rozmawiać. I can't really talk about it. I can't really talk about it. Doporučujeme všem, aby přišli. We're encouraging everyone to come. We recommend everyone to come. Oni už věděli. They already knew. They already knew. Ten park jest piękniejszy od tamtego. This park is more beautiful than that. This park is more beautiful than that one. Opowiadanie kończy się wraz z jego śmiercią. The story ends with his death. The story ends with his death. Jestem pewien, że Tom się spóźni. I'm sure Tom will be late. I'm sure Tom will be late. Mary se znovu provdala za svého prvního muže. Mary has remarried her first husband. Mary remarried her first husband. Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy w Gruzji. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Przepraszam, nie zrozumiałem tego. Czy mógłbyś przetłumaczyć to na któryś z następujących języków? Excuse me, please. I didn't understand that. Can you maybe translate it into one of the following languages? Can you translate this into any of the following languages? Nesnáší mytí nádobí, ale praní prádla jí nevadí. She hates washing up but she does not mind laundering. She hates washing dishes, but laundry doesn't bother her. To jest kanarek Toma. This is Tom's canary. This is Tom's canary. Ja myślę, że moglibyśmy być dobrymi przyjaciółmi. I think we could be good friends. I think we could be good friends. W 2014 roku Szkocja może stać się niepodległym państwem. In 2014 Scotland may become an independent state. In 2014, Scotland can become an independent state. Zdecydowaliśmy cię puścić. We've decided to let you go. We decided to let you go. Jem kolację piętnaście po siódmej. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner 15 after 7:00. Każdy musi jeść. Everybody has to eat. Everyone has to eat. Čteš mi myšlenky You are reading my thoughts. You read my mind Bacha, kachna! Watch out! A duck! Watch out, duck! Udělej něco! Do something! Do something! Budeme bydlet spolu. We're going to live together. We'll live together. Myślę, że wszyscy powinni uczyć się jakiegoś języka obcego. I think that everyone should study a foreign language. I think everyone should learn a foreign language. Tom rozdawał autografy pod teatrem. Tom was signing autographs in front of the theater. Tom was handing out autographs under the theater. Wychowałem się w Jokohamie. I was raised in Yokohama. I grew up in Yokohama. Vyčisti si zuby, jakkoli jsi ospalý. Brush your teeth, however sleepy you are. Clean your teeth, however sleepy you are. Udělal jsem to tak rychle, jak to jen šlo. I did that as quickly as I could. I did it as fast as I could. Kéž bych byl lepším člověkem. I wish I was a better person. I wish I was a better person. Tom se Mary svěřil, že má problémy s pitím. Tom confided to Mary that he had a drinking problem. Tom told Mary he had a drinking problem. Tom mi řekl, že ztratil svoji učebnici. Tom told me that he had lost his textbook. Tom told me he lost his textbook. Jak myślisz, na jaki uniwersytet pójdzie Ted? Which university do you think Ted will go to? What university do you think Ted's gonna go to? Ráda bych ovocnou šťávu. I would like fruit juice. I'd like some fruit juice. Umiem kochać. I can love. I know how to love you. Nigdy nie zapomnę ich ciepłych rąk. I will never forget their warm hands. I'll never forget their warm hands. Tak zbierzesz, jak posiejesz. You reap what you sow. That's how you collect when you sow. Tom začal hrát golf ve třinácti. Tom started playing golf when he was thirteen years old. Tom started playing golf at 13. Pamatuješ, kde jsi nechal svůj deštník? Do you remember where you left your umbrella? Remember where you left your umbrella? Możemy otworzyć okna. We can open the windows. We can open the windows. V listopadu se žením. I'm getting married in November. I'm getting married in November. Už nevím nic. I don't know anything anymore. I don't know anything anymore. Następna wojna, i wszyscy będziemy zabici. Another war, and we all will be killed. Next war, and we'll all be killed. Vypadni! Get away! Get out! On jest samurajem. He's a samurai. He's a samurai. Nemyslím si, že Tom lhal. I don't think Tom was lying. I don't think Tom lied. Se mnou budeš v bezpečí. You'll be safe with me. You'll be safe with me. Mogę na ciebie poczekać. I can wait for you. I can wait for you. Ujasni si své priority. Get your priorities straight. Make your priorities clear. Běž si líbat někoho jiného. Go kiss someone else. Go kiss someone else. Dopiero wczoraj usłyszałem o wypadku. It was not until yesterday that I heard about the accident. I just heard about the accident yesterday. Kéž bych ti mohl dát více. I wish I had more to give you. I wish I could give you more. Bojíte se něčeho? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of something? Polož pistoli na stůl. Put the gun on the table. Put the gun on the table. Radši by ses měl zeptat Toma. You'd better ask Tom. You better ask Tom. Nie chciał mleka. I didn't want milk. He didn't want milk. Znowu się zaczyna. It's starting again. Here we go again. Tom je nezdvořilý. Tom is impolite. Tom's rude. Zamierzasz pozwalać, żeby obrażała cię w ten sposób? Are you going to let her insult you like that? Are you going to let her insult you like that? Powoli zakończył wyścig. He slowly finished the race. He ended the race slowly. Tom zjadł większość swojej pizzy. Tom's eaten the majority of his pizza. Tom ate most of his pizza. Pes utíkal za kočkou. The dog ran after the cat. The dog ran to the cat. W wieku 20 lat została nauczycielką. She became a teacher at the age of twenty. At the age of 20, she became a teacher. Kiedy słuchowisko się skończyło, wyłączyliśmy radio. When the program finished, we switched the radio off. When the hearing was over, we turned off the radio. Nemůžu uvěřit, že mi děláš tohle. I can't believe you're doing this to me. I can't believe you're doing this to me. Do wykonania tej pracy będę potrzebował własnych narzędzi. I'll need my own tools to do this job. I'm gonna need my own tools to do this job. Nie chcę słyszeć tego imienia w tym domu! Nigdy więcej! I don't ever want to hear that name in this house! Never again! I don't want to hear that name in this house! Upewnię się, że nic się nie dzieje z Tomem. I'll make sure nothing happens to Tom. I'll make sure nothing's wrong with Tom. Tom odmítá platit výživné. Tom refuses to pay alimony. Tom refuses to pay maintenance. Tom si stěžoval učitelce. Tom complained to the teacher. Tom complained to his teacher. Musisz się postarać. You must make an effort. You've got to do your best. Rodíme se v pláči, trávíme život stěžováním si a umíráme zklamaní. We are born crying, spend our lives complaining, and die disappointed. We are born in tears, we spend our lives complaining and dying of disappointment. Taxi čeká. A cab is waiting. Taxi's waiting. To se mi nezdá užitečné. I don't find that helpful. That doesn't seem useful to me. Nikdo ten telefon nezvedl. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Tom kupił trzy bochenki chleba. Tom bought three loaves of bread. Tom bought three loaves of bread. Jak moc nebezpečný je Tom? How dangerous is Tom? How dangerous is Tom? Sprzedaje owoce. He sells fruit. He sells fruit. Vychovali mě v Tokiu. I was raised in Tokyo. I was raised in Tokyo. To jest świątynia w której mieszkają. That is the temple which they live in. This is the temple they live in. Jaká krásná myšlenka! What a nice thought! What a beautiful idea! Miluje-li Tom Mary a Mary miluje Johna, pak Tom miluje Johna? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? If Tom loves Mary and Mary, then Tom loves John? Kiedy człowiek zaczął używać narzędzi? When did man start to use tools? When did a man start using tools? Czuję, że nie powinniśmy tego robić. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. Učila své děti rusky. She learned her children Russian. She taught her children Russian. To jest projekt rządowy. This is a government project. This is a government project. Ten vlak už je tady. The train is already here. The train's already here. Pożyczył dużą sumę pieniędzy na konto spodziewanego zysku. He borrowed a large sum of money on the strength of expected income. He borrowed a large amount of money for the expected profit account. Tom naprawdę jedzie sam do Bostonu? Is Tom really going to Boston by himself? Tom's really going to Boston alone? Jesteś moją przyjaciółką. You are my friend. You're my friend. Tom je na zahradě. Tom is in the garden. Tom's in the garden. Tom powiedział, że wie, gdzie idzie Mary. Tom said he knew where Mary was going. Tom said he knew where Mary was going. Věděl jsi, že Tom má záznam v trestním rejstříku? Did you know that Tom has a criminal record? Did you know Tom had a criminal record? Chciałbym spotkać się z twoją matką. I want to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Skutečně máš talent pro překlad. You really have a talent for translation. You really have a talent for translation. Nie umiem zatańczyć ani jednego kroku salsy. I cannot dance one single step of Salsa. I can't dance a single step of salsa. Zróbmy to kiedyś jeszcze raz. Let's do this again sometime. Let's do it again sometime. Kolik jablek jsi dnes snědl? How many apples did you eat today? How many apples have you eaten today? Płacisz. You're paying. You're paying. Jak tam samopoczucie dziś rano? How are you feeling this morning? How are you feeling this morning? Dostal jsi stejnou příležitost, ale tys ji promarnil. You were given the same opportunity, but you wasted it. You got the same opportunity, but you wasted it. Podkradł się do niej od tyłu. He sneaked up behind her. He snuck up to her from behind. Nic nie robię. I don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. Tom ani neví, proč ho vyloučili ze školy. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom si byl sebejistý. Tom felt very confident. Tom was confident. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že Mary dar nepřijme. I told Tom Mary wouldn't accept the gift. I told Tom that Mary wouldn't accept the gift. Tom zařval. Tom yelled. Tom screamed. Potřebuji ji. I need her. I need it. Według prognoz, jutro będzie padać śnieg. According to the weather reports, it will snow tomorrow. According to the forecast, it's gonna snow tomorrow. Tomovi děti nemluví francouzsky. Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids don't speak French. Co mi udělal? What has he done to me? What did he do to me? Dala mu pěkný dárek. She gave him a nice present. She gave him a nice present. Jestem wściekła na Toma. I'm mad at Tom. I'm mad at Tom. W każdym razie, to ciebie nie dotyczy. Anyway, it's not applicable to you Anyway, it doesn't concern you. Jsou nepřátelé. They're enemies. They're enemies. Poznałem na uniwersytecie w Brazylii piękne Polki, i spotkałem tam też kilku bardzo miłych ludzi mówiących po polsku. I became acquainted with beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who could speak Polish. I met beautiful Polish at the university in Brazil, and I also met some very nice people who speak Polish. Zajímá mě spíš hovorová francouzština. I'm more interested in spoken French. I'm more interested in speaking French. Zapamiętałem 2000 tys słów angielskich I have memorized 2,000 English words. I've remembered 2,000 words of English. Krása je jen povrchní. Beauty is only skin deep. Beauty is only superficial. Ještě jsem se nesetkal se všemi. I haven't met everybody yet. I haven't met everyone yet. Chcete, abych odešla? Do you want me to leave? You want me to leave? Obviněný je nevinným, dokud se neprokáže vina. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. Co je to kritické myšlení? What is critical thinking? What is critical thinking? Często używamy gestów, aby przekazać proste wiadomości. We often use gestures to convey simple messages. We often use gestures to transmit simple messages. Proszę przestać. Please stop. Please stop. Tom ma dosyć bycia uzależnionym. Tom had enough of being addicted. Tom's tired of being an addict. Kiedy wypadek miał miejsce? When did the accident happen? When was the accident? On w przyszłym roku wyjeżdża za granicę. He will travel abroad next year. He's going abroad next year. Co chceš, abych tam dělal? What do you want me to do there? What do you want me to do? Na té adrese kdysi bydlel Tom. Tom used to live at that address. Tom used to live at that address. Byl jsem dlouho pryč. I've been away for a long time. I've been gone a long time. On jest autorem. He's an author. He's the author. Ma niewiele pieniędzy. He has little money. He doesn't have much money. Dostal hodně peněz. He was given a lot of money. He got a lot of money. Czy Tom jest przygotowany? Is Tom prepared? Is Tom ready? Byla to dobrá párty, dokud nepřišel Tom. It was a good party until Tom's arrival. It was a good party until Tom got here. "Mary?", zašeptala Alice. "Mary?" Alice whispered. "Mary?", she whispered Alice. Czy jest coś innego co chciałbyś zjeść? Is there anything else you would like to eat? Is there anything else you want to eat? Příště až příjdeš, přiveď svého bratra. When you come next time, bring your brother. Next time you come, bring your brother. Potřebuješ to už? Do you need it yet? Do you need it already? Tento zákon byl přijat v roce 1918. This law came into existence in 1918. This law was adopted in 1918. Co się stało na spotkaniu? What happened in the meeting? What happened at the meeting? Tom si příští týden vezme Mary. Tom will get married to Mary next week. Tom's gonna marry Mary next week. Chciałbym poznać twoją opinię na ten temat. I'd like your opinion on this. I'd like your opinion on this. Kiedy Tom pojechał do Bostonu? When did Tom go to Boston? When did Tom go to Boston? Tom był w miejscach, o których ja tylko czytałem. Tom has been places that I've only read about. Tom was in places I was just reading about. Nechci být vaším přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. Nie wolno mi rozmawiać z Tomem. I'm not allowed to speak to Tom. I'm not allowed to talk to Tom. Spotykam się z nią raz w tygodniu. I meet her once a week. I see her once a week. Padało całą noc. It rained all night. It's been raining all night. Drogie nie zawsze jest lepsze od taniego. Expensive is not always better than inexpensive. Dear is not always better than cheap. Vyrostl v Německu. He grew up in Germany. He grew up in Germany. Ještě jsem jim nevolal. I haven't called them yet. I haven't called them yet. Zapomeň na to. Nestojí to za to. Forget it. It's not worth it. Forget it, it's not worth it. Jsme s Tomem přátelé už od základní školy. Tom and I have been friends since grade school. Tom and I have been friends since elementary school. Aktualizujte své programové vybavení. Update your software. Update your software. Jadę do Bostonu wiosną przyszłego roku. I'm going to Boston next spring. I'm going to Boston next spring. Jestem dziennikarką. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Barmane, dám si něco k pití. Bartender, I'd like to have a drink. Bartender, I'll have a drink. Tom jest moim sąsiadem. Tom is my neighbour. Tom's my neighbor. Dítě se učí rychle. The child is learning quickly. The baby learns fast. Tom koupe dítě. Tom is giving the baby a bath. Tom's buying a baby. Tom jeździ do pracy samochodem. Tom drives to work. Tom's driving a car to work. Můj pes občas jí trávu. My dog sometimes eats grass. My dog eats pot sometimes. Bez nauki nie ma przyszłości. Without science, there is no future. Without science, there's no future. Dej mi prosím pět žetonů. Give me five tokens, please. Please give me five chips. Už vyšlo večerní vydání těch novin? Has the evening edition of the newspaper come out already? Did the newspaper issue come out tonight? Czy też pójdziesz? Are you going, too? Will you go, too? Tom zaczął grę na puzonie gdy miał dwanaście lat. Tom began trombone lessons when he was twelve years old. Tom started playing the game when he was 12. Tak, istnieją dwa ważne powody. Yes, there are two important reasons. Yes, there are two important reasons. Chtěl jsem zavolat svému právníkovi. I wanted to call my lawyer. I wanted to call my lawyer. Barcelona je hlavní město Katalánska a druhé největší město ve Španělsku. Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. To śmierdzi serem. That stinks of cheese. That smells like cheese. Promiň, nechtěl jsem tě okřiknout. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. Ani jsem tam nebyl. I wasn't even there. I wasn't even there. Zostanę tutaj do dziesiątej. I'll stay here until ten. I'll stay here till 10:00. Ta historia jest dobra, oprócz tego, że jest trochę zbyt długa. The story is good except that it is a little too long. This story is good, except it's a little too long. Usiądź Kate. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. Proč už mě neobjímá? Why doesn't she hug me anymore? Why isn't he hugging me anymore? Chcę wiedzieć, jaką Tom ma grupę krwi. I want to know what Tom's blood type is. I want to know what blood type Tom has. Zmniejsz to. Make it smaller. Lower it. Tom je jeden z mála lidí, kterému mohu věřit. Tom is one of the few people I can trust. Tom is one of the few people I can trust. Oni nie mają auta. They don't have a car. They don't have a car. Řekni mi víc. Tell me more. Tell me more. V jakých situacích použijete tuto větu? In what kind of situations would you use that sentence? In what situations will you use this sentence? K mému zklamání už začal. To my disappointment, he had already started. To my disappointment, he's already begun. Nienawidzę kiedy to robisz. I hate it when you do that. I hate when you do that. Tom jest linoskoczkiem. Tom is a tightrope walker. Tom's a roper. Tom odešel z práce a odstěhoval se do Bostonu. Tom quit his job and moved to Boston. Tom left work and moved to Boston. Gdy wiatr się zatrzyma, wypłyńmy na otwarte morze. After the wind has stopped, let's sail the boat off to the open sea. When the wind stops, let's sail to the open sea. Właśnie teraz przechodzi przez ulicę. He is crossing the street now. He's crossing the street right now. On rozmawia z jej ojcem. He's talking to her father. He's talking to her father. Už tě nezklamu. I won't disappoint you anymore. I won't let you down. Pamatuji si jeho obličej, ale nevzpomínám si, jak se jmenuje. I remember his face but I can't remember his name. I remember his face, but I don't remember his name. Czy łatwo się irytujesz? Are you easily frustrated? Are you easily annoyed? Proč jsi utekla? Why did he run away? Why did you run away? Kodaň je hlavní město Dánska. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Tím bych si příliš jistý nebyl. I wouldn't be too sure about that. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Jestli chceš spát tady, žádný problém. There's no problem if you want to sleep here. If you want to sleep here, no problem. Fakt ho nenávidím. I really do hate him. I really hate him. Tvoje jméno vypadlo ze seznamu. Your name was dropped from the list. Your name's off the list. Je mi na zvracení. I feel like vomiting. I'm sick of vomiting. Proszę wejdź. Please come in. Please come in. Kdo nepracuje, ať nejí. He who does not work, does not have the right to eat. Who doesn't work, don't eat. Raději bych použil k otevření té bedny páčidlo, nežli kladivo. I'd rather use a crowbar than a hammer to open this crate. I'd rather use a lever to open that box than a hammer. Rád hraju na svojí kytaru. I love to play my guitar. I like to play my guitar. Aktualizoval bys moje programy? Would you update my software? Would you update my programs? Tom zdjął swoją obrączkę i rzucił ją do stawu. Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Tom took off his ring and threw it in the pond. Opravdu si myslíš, že to chci? Do you really think that I want that? Do you really think I want this? Można mu zaufać. He can be trusted. You can trust him. Tom chytil míč oběma rukama. Tom caught the ball with both hands. Tom caught the ball with both hands. Nech hulákání. Stop yelling. Stop whining. Jsem hudební producent. I'm a music producer. I'm a music producer. Czekaliśmy z pewną niecierpliwością. We waited with a faint expectation. We've been waiting with some impatience. Tom mówi, że chce mieszkać w Bostonie. Tom says he wants to live in Boston. Tom says he wants to live in Boston. Jesteś innego zdania? Do you have another opinion? Is that not your opinion? Już ich nie potrzebuję. I no longer need them. I don't need them anymore. Najlepszą obroną jest atak. Attack is the best form of defense. The best defense is an attack. Ona ma mało przyjaciół. She has few friends. She doesn't have a lot of friends. Zrobię to jeśli mi zapłacą. I'll do it if they pay me. I'll do it if they pay me. Tom zrobił sobie kanapkę. Tom made himself a sandwich. Tom made himself a sandwich. Nevzdávej se! Don't give up! Don't give up! Nie będzie problemu jeśli coś wypiję? Is it OK if I drink alcohol? Wouldn't it be a problem if I had something to drink? Tom powiedział, że nie sądzi, aby Mary mi na to pozwoliła. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary would let me do that. Tom said he didn't think Mary would let me. Nie ma powodu do histerii. There's no need to get hysterical. There's no need for hysteria. Islandia jest państwem wyspiarskim na Oceanie Atlantyckim, pomiędzy Grenlandią, Wyspami Owczymi i Norwegią. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Iceland is an island country in the Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Je hezké vidět tolik jazyků pohromadě. Těžko to uvidíte někde jinde mimo Tatoebu. It is nice to see so many languages together. You will hardly see it anywhere else outside Tatoeba. It's nice to see so many languages together. Dostal jsem lepší nápad. I've got a better idea. I got a better idea. Zegar się popsuł. The watch broke down. The clock's broken. Masz takie piękne oczy. You have such beautiful eyes. You have such beautiful eyes. Dlaczego ziewasz? Why are you yawning? Why are you yawning? Tom vypadá zdravěji než dřív. Tom looks healthier than he used to. Tom looks healthier than he used to. Nalakovali plot. They painted the fence. They painted the fence. Nemám hlad. I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry. Ukažte mi to na mapě. Show it to me on the map. Show me on the map. Dítě není nikdy oblečeno příliš teple. A child is never too warmly dressed. The child is never dressed too warm. Včera byl první podzimní den. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. Koupila jsem knihu. I bought a book. I bought a book. Se sklenkou na víno musíš zacházet opatrně. You must be careful with the wine glass. A wine glass must be handled carefully. Nie wiem na pewno, ale myślę o zostaniu nauczycielem. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll become a teacher. I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking of becoming a teacher. Tom našel opuštěné liščí mládě a ujal se ho. Tom found an abandoned young fox and adopted it. Tom found the abandoned fox cub and took him in. Čtyři krát pět je dvacet. Four times five is twenty. Four times five is twenty. Zrobił to, co obiecał. He did what he promised to do. He did what he promised. Udało mi się. I succeeded. I did it. Zawsze chciałem poznać twojego młodszego brata. I've always wanted to meet your younger brother. I've always wanted to meet your little brother. Bůh ochraňuj Ukrajinu! God save Ukraine! God save Ukraine! Tom naśladuje słynnych ludzi. Tom does impersonations of famous people. Tom imitates famous people. W przyszłym miesiącu odwiedzę mojego wujka w Bostonie. I'll visit my uncle in Boston next month. Next month, I'm going to visit my uncle in Boston. Není to tak těžké, jak si myslíš. It is not so difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think it is. Koło zaczęło się obracać. The wheel began to turn. The wheel started to spin. W czym problem? What's the problem? What's the problem? Mam już dosyć tego zrzędzenia. I'm tired of all this nagging. I've had enough of this crap. Dali se do pláče. They burst into tears. They're crying. Chci se přesvědčit o pravdivosti tohoto příběhu. I want to convince myself of the veracity of this story. I want to see the truthfulness of this story. Seženu ti to. I will get it for you. I'll get it for you. Sotva se s Tomem znám. Tom and I barely know each other. I barely know Tom. Wątpliwe, by nasza firma w tym roku osiągnęła zyski. It's unlikely that our company will make a profit this year. I doubt our company will make a profit this year. Tom powiedział Mary, że nie zrobi niczego niebezpiecznego. Tom told Mary that he wouldn't be doing anything dangerous. Tom told Mary he wouldn't do anything dangerous. Twoja książka jest do góry nogami. Your book is upside down. Your book is upside down. Tom zauważył coś w oddali. Tom noticed something in the distance. Tom noticed something in the distance. Nevěděl jsem, že ona má dítě. I did not know that she has a child. I didn't know she had a baby. Zagubiony kuter dopłynął bezpiecznie do nabrzeża. The lost fishing boat made a safe return to harbour. The lost boat sailed safely to the waterfront. Co powinnam zrobić następnie? What should I do next? What should I do next? Copak nevíš, že je neslušné ptát se dámy na její věk? Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age? Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age? Myślę, że nie miałeś racji. I think you were wrong. I don't think you were right. Do jaké strany patříte? Which party do you belong to? What side are you on? Jaká je pracovní náplň? What is the job description? What's the workflow? „Čí jsou tohle ponožky?“ — „Mojí sestry.“ "Whose socks are these?" "They are my sister's." “ Whose socks are these? ” — “My sisters. ” Ta praca musi być skończona do poniedziałku. This work has to be finished by Monday. This job has to be done by Monday. Přines to sem dovnitř. Bring it in here. Bring it in here. Pije za dużo alkoholu. He drinks too much alcohol. He drinks too much alcohol. Ta silnice je špatná. The road is bad. The road's bad. Tom był moim najlepszym przyjacielem, kiedy byłem dzieckiem. Tom was my best friend when I was a kid. Tom was my best friend when I was a kid. Podobno większość katastrof lotniczych przydarza się na etapie startu lub lądowania. They say most airplane accidents occur at landing or takeoff stages. Apparently, most of the air disasters happen at the take-off or landing stage. Kiedy obudziłem się tego ranka, deszcz zmienił się w śnieg. When I woke up this morning, the rain had turned into snow. When I woke up this morning, the rain turned into snow. Tom byl jednou nohou v hrobě. Tom had one foot in the grave. Tom was one foot in the grave. Půjčuješ si knihy. You borrow books. You're borrowing books. Tohle je odvážný výrok. This is a bold statement. This is a bold statement. Komputery są ciągle ulepszane. Computers are constantly being improved. Computers are still improving. Pod łóżkiem jest karaluch! There's a cockroach under the bed! There's a cockroach under the bed! Dobrze się bawiliśmy, grając w karty. We had a good time playing cards. We had fun playing cards. Určitě to má co dělat s penězi. It must have something to do with money. I'm sure it's got something to do with the money. Tom lubi fasolę. Tom likes beans. Tom likes beans. Zdá se to být moc nebezpečné. That seems awfully dangerous. It seems too dangerous. Wona pije wino. She drinks wine. She drinks wine. Země je pokrytá sněhem. The ground is covered with snow. The earth is covered with snow. Přemýšlel jsi někdy o spáchání sebevraždy? Have you ever thought about commiting suicide? Have you ever thought about committing suicide? Tom wróci po południu. Tom will be back in the afternoon. Tom will be back this afternoon. Myślę, że to szczera kobieta. I think she's an honest woman. I think she's an honest woman. Jak to může vydržet? How can she stand it? How can he stand it? Je to nuda. It's boring. It's boring. Kdy jste to dělali naposledy? How long has it been since you've done that? When was the last time you did this? Nikdo o tom nemluví. Nobody talks about that. Nobody's talking about it. Zgadzam się, że powinniśmy spróbować ponownie. I agree with you that we should try again. I agree we should try again. Proč nepočkáš do rána? Why don't you wait till morning? Why don't you wait till morning? Czy byłeś kiedyś w Kioto? Have you ever visited Kyoto? Have you ever been to Kyoto? Lidé stále viní za všechny svoje problémy někoho jiného. People always want to blame someone else for all their problems. People are still blaming someone else for all their problems. Udělat to byla má povinnost. It was my duty to do that. It was my duty to do it. Jestem twoim ojcem. I'm your father. I'm your father. Te pudełka są tej samej wielkości. These boxes are the same size. These boxes are the same size. Poczerwieniał z wściekłości. His face turned red with anger. He's flushed with rage. Każdy musi nauczyć się słów na pamięć. Everyone has to learn the words by heart. Everyone has to learn words by heart. Po prostu nie mam nic do powiedzenia na ten temat. I have simply nothing to say about it. I just don't have anything to say about it. Toto je krásná rodina. This is a beautiful family. This is a beautiful family. Cožpak si na nás nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember us? Do you not remember us? To moja parasolka. It's my umbrella. That's my umbrella. Ten fundusz inwestycyjny inwestuje tylko w te firmy, które prowadzą działalność w sposób etyczny. This investment fund only invests in ethical companies. This investment fund only invests in companies that operate ethically. Nie pokazał się na wczorajszej imprezie. He didn't show up at the party last night. He didn't show up for the party last night. Śmierć to jedyna rzecz, której nie udało nam się całkiem zwulgaryzować. Death is the only thing we haven't succeeded in completely vulgarizing. Death is the only thing we couldn't quite vulgarize. Tom měl oblečené bílé triko. Tom was wearing a white T-shirt. Tom was wearing a white shirt. Tohle zkontroluj. Check this. Check this out. Nie sądzę, żeby to był Tom. I don't think that was Tom. I don't think it's Tom. Tom řekl, že není jeho povinnost starat se o Mary. Tom said that it wasn't his duty to take care of Mary. Tom said it's not his duty to take care of Mary. Boston jest przepięknym miastem. Boston is a very beautiful city. Boston is a beautiful city. Myslel jsem, že mluví francouzsky. I thought they were speaking French. I thought he spoke French. Lisabon je hlavní město Portugalska. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Jakie piękne miejsce! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! Odpusť mi, prosím, že jsem dlouho nenapsal. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. Please forgive me for not writing long. Ten dům stojí osamocen. The house stands by itself. This house is lonely. Napsal jsem Jimovi dopis. I wrote a letter to Jim. I wrote Jim a letter. Tato zvířata jsou na pokraji vyhynutí. These animals are on the verge of extinction. These animals are on the verge of extinction. Zapomniałam czegoś z pokoju. I forgot something in the room. I forgot something from the room. Grałem w piłkę nożną, a moja siostra grała w tenisa. I played football and my sister played tennis. I played soccer, and my sister played tennis. Nosím flanelové pyžamo. I wear flannel pajamas. I'm wearing flannel pajamas. Nikdy Tomovi nevěř. Never trust Tom. Never trust Tom. Jesteś ubrany? Are you dressed? Are you dressed? Uprchlické táboty jsou přeplněny. The refugee camps are overcrowded. Refugee camps are overcrowded. Zdálo se mi o Tatoebě. I dreamed about Tatoeba. I dreamed of Tatoeb. Chci zavřít dveře. I want to close the door. I want to close the door. Mówienie po angielsku nie jest łatwe. It's not easy to speak English. It's not easy to speak English. Tom ma złą reputację. Tom has a bad reputation. Tom has a bad reputation. Vypadáš zdravě. You look healthy. You look healthy. Ten plan jest trudny do przeprowadzenia. It is hard to carry out this plan. This plan is difficult to carry out. Niebieskie róże są bardzo piękne. The blue roses are very beautiful. Blue roses are very beautiful. Niewiele było szkół dla kobiet. There were few colleges to educate women. There weren't many schools for women. Zawsze musimy być przygotowani na jakiś kataklizm. We must always be prepared for disasters. We must always be prepared for some cataclysm. Mary byla šokována tím, co jí Tom navrhl. Mary was shocked by what Tom had proposed to her. Mary was shocked by what Tom suggested to her. Miluji sušenky. I love cookies. I love cookies. Ceny rosną z dnia na dzień. Prices raise from day to day. Prices are rising day by day. Miluju tenhle jazyk. I love this language. I love that language. Je to horké. Nesahej na to. That's very hot. Don't touch it. It's hot. Tom traci kontrolę. Tom is losing control. Tom's losing control. Czy trudno jest się nauczyć niemieckiego? Is it hard to learn German? Is it hard to learn German? Mówię po angielsku. I speak English. I speak English. Nemůžu o Tomovi říct nic špatného. I can't say anything bad about Tom. I can't say anything wrong about Tom. Musisz być ponad takie podłe zagrania. You must be above such mean conduct. You've got to be above all that mean stuff. Tom nie wygląda na przerażonego. Tom doesn't look frightened. Tom doesn't seem scared. Tom prý sexuálně obtěžoval mladou dívku. Tom is said to have molested a young girl. They say Tom sexually harassed a young girl. Ojciec mi pomoże. My father will help me. My father will help me. To będzie niezwykle pomocne. This will be extremely helpful. It'll be extremely helpful. Nemůžu si dovolit nikomu zaplatit. I can't afford to pay anyone. I can't afford to pay anyone. Práce šlechtí člověka. Work ennobles man. A man's work is noble. Nejsi tak mladý jako Tom. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. John zapalił zapałkę. John lit a match. John lit the match. Moja kawa jest mocniejsza niż Jona. My coffee is stronger than John's. My coffee is stronger than Jon. Bydlívala tam ohavná příšera. A hideous monster used to live there. There was a horrible monster. Nie jestem w stanie zapamiętać tylu liter. I can't memorize so many of these letters. I can't remember that many letters. Chciałbym usłyszeć twoje zdanie. Give me your opinion, please. I'd like your opinion. Žádný čestný člověk nemůže jít do politiky. No honest person goes into politics. No honest man can go into politics. Doufám, že se mi zanedlouho ozve. I hope it won't be long before I hear from her. I hope I hear from him soon. Liczę na to, że będziesz traktował Toma z szacunkiem. I expect you to treat Tom with respect. I hope you treat Tom with respect. Obydwoje zaczęli śmiać się. Both of them started laughing. They both started laughing. Po dvou minutách došel v našem autu benzín. Our car will run out of petrol in 2 minutes. Two minutes later, our car ran out of gas. Ściany mają uszy, drzwi mają oczy. The walls have ears, the doors have eyes. The walls have ears, the doors have eyes. Na drzewie było wiele ptaków. There were a lot of birds in the tree. There were a lot of birds in the tree. Przepraszam. Sorry. I'm sorry. Myslím, že jsi velmi nadaný. I think you're very talented. I think you're very gifted. Czy żyjemy w symulacji komputerowej? Are we living in a computer simulation? Are we living in a computer simulation? Jaden, dwa, tśi, styri, pěś, šesć, sedym, wósym, źewjeś, źaseś. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Jaden, two, three, styri, dog, six, seven, eight, y'all, yay, yay. W łazience są karaluchy. There's a cockroach in the bathroom. There are cockroaches in the bathroom. Co robiłeś w moim pokoju? What were you doing in my room? What were you doing in my room? Čím více jíš, tím více chceš. The more you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. Tom se nikdy nekoupal v moři. Tom has never swum in the sea. Tom never bathed in the sea. On zawsze żartuje. He is always joking. He's always joking. Jeho projev mě nudil. His speech bored me. His speech bore me. Kdy má přijet loď? When is the ship due to arrive? When's the boat coming? Ich styl życia różni się od naszego. Their lifestyle is different to ours. Their way of life is different from ours. Tom se zapřísahal, že nebude nikomu nic říkat. Tom swore he wasn't going to say anything to anybody. Tom swore he wouldn't tell anyone anything. Założyłem czapkę przed wyjściem. I put on my cap to go out. I wore a hat before I left. Ani se nepokoušej to popřít. Don't even try to deny it. Don't even try to deny it. Byłam w domu. I was at home. I was home. Obávám se, že jsme uvedli špatný příklad. I'm afraid I've set a bad example. I'm afraid we've set a bad example. Čemu z toho, co Tom řekl, věříš? How much of what Tom said do you believe? What part of what Tom said, do you believe? Te dzieci były zadbane. Those children were well looked after. These kids were taken care of. Žák překonal učitele. The student has outdone the teacher. The student overcomes the teacher. Nenechávej svoje brýle na zemi. Don't leave your glasses on the floor. Don't leave your glasses on the ground. Proszę odpowiedzieć jak najszybciej po otrzymaniu tego maila. Please send me a reply as soon as you receive this mail. Please respond as soon as possible after receiving this email. Samochód przejechał. A car drove past. The car ran over. Tohle má Tom rád. Tom likes this. That's what Tom likes. Na pewno nie pójdę na zakupy dziś rano. I definitely won't go shopping this morning. I'm sure I won't go shopping this morning. Vaduz je hlavní město Lichtenštejnska. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. Nie mów Tomowi co dzisiaj robiliśmy. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Tím však moje problémy s Tomem neskončily. However, it wasn't the end of my issues with Tom. But that didn't end my problems with Tom. Potrzebuję wazonu, żeby wstawić do niego kwiaty. I need a vase to put these flowers in. I need a vase to put flowers in it. Chtěli vědět, jak vychovávat bilingvní dítě. They wanted to know how to raise a billingual child. They wanted to know how to raise a bilingual child. Chudoba je zbytečná příčina smrti. Poverty is a preventable cause of death. Poverty is a futile cause of death. Ponad trzystu ludzi straciło życie tego dnia. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. Over 300 people lost their lives that day. O co tyle szumu? What's all this fuss about? What's all this noise about? To będzie pierwsza rzecz którą zrobię jutro. I am going to do it first thing tomorrow. It'll be the first thing I do tomorrow. Je na mně řada s placením? Is it my turn to pay? Is it my turn to pay? Lidé budou mít řeči. People will talk. People will talk. Text je nejdůležitější část této písně. The lyrics are the most important part of this song. The text is the most important part of this song. Dzięki chorobie masz przynajmniej świetną wymówkę, aby pozostać w domu i pooglądać filmy. At least being sick gives you the perfect excuse to stay home and watch movies. With the disease, you have at least a great excuse to stay home and watch movies. Oni křičí všichni. They all yell. They're all screaming. Neměli bychom to nahlásit? Shouldn't we report this? Shouldn't we report it? Vypadá to povědomě. It looks familiar. It looks familiar. Na stole je pomeranč. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Vím o něm, ale osobně ho neznám. I know of him, but I don't know him personally. I know about him, but I don't know him personally. Tom nemůže přestat překládat. Tom can't stop translating. Tom can't stop translating. Czekałem na odpowiedź, ale nikt nie odpowiedział. I waited for the answer but nobody answered. I was waiting for an answer, but no one answered. Nejsi jediný, kdo to musí dělat. You're not the only one who has to do that. You're not the only one who has to do this. Ale co když řekne ne? But what if he says no? But what if he says no? „Tatoeba“ znamená japonsky „například“. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. “Tatoeba ” means Japanese as “for example.” Jestem odważny i mam silną wolę. I have courage and a strong will. I'm brave, and I have a strong will. Nie będę potrzebowała żadnej pomocy. I won't need any help. I won't need any help. Proszę mi dać znać, kiedy on będzie z powrotem. Please tell me when he'll be back. Let me know when he's back. Emily nie boi się pająków. Emily isn't afraid of spiders. Emily's not afraid of spiders. Leden, únor, březen, duben, květen, červen, červenec, srpen, září, říjen, listopad a prosinec je dvanáct ročních měsíců. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December is 12 months old. Mám podezření, že Tom říká pravdu. I suspect Tom is telling the truth. I suspect Tom is telling the truth. Měli bychom se řídit zákony. We ought to obey the law. We should follow the law. To by mělo splnit svůj účel. That should do the trick. This should fulfill its purpose. Zachowaj ciszę. Don't make a sound. Keep your voice down. Kromě mě a mé rodiny se to nikoho netýká. It doesn't concern anybody apart from me and my family. Except for me and my family, it doesn't concern anyone. Zawsze, kiedy słyszę tę piosenkę, myślę o twoim uśmiechu. Every time I hear this song, I think of your smile. Every time I hear that song, I think of your smile. Jak se máš? Dlouho jsem tě neviděl. How are you going? I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you in a long time. Neměl bys to minout. You ought not to miss it. You shouldn't miss it. Mary chodí na rande se dvěma různými chlapy zároveň. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary's on a date with two different guys at the same time. Jak starý je tvůj mladší syn? How old is your younger son? How old is your younger son? Prawie na całym świecie można uczyć się angielskiego z rodzimym użytkownikiem. It's possible to study English with a native speaker almost anywhere in the world. Almost all over the world, you can learn English with your native user. Nie kłam. Don't lie. Don't lie to me. Nigdy bym się nie spodziewał, że mnie przyjmą. I never thought they would accept me. I never expected them to accept me. Są zajęci. They're busy. They're busy. Tom powiedział, że nie może zrobić nic dla Mary. Tom said he couldn't do anything for Mary. Tom said he couldn't do anything for Mary. Melania zabiła pająka dłonią. Melanie killed a spider with her hand. Melanie killed the spider with her hand. Mogłem to zrobić lepiej. I could have done it better. I could have done better. To jsem neviděla. I didn't see that. I didn't see that. Jest ktoś, z kim chciałbym cię poznać. There's somebody I want you to meet. There's someone I'd like to meet you with. Zkoušel jsem všechno. I tried everything. I've tried everything. Chci s tebou jít na ryby. I want to go fishing with you. I want to go fishing with you. Ktoś kaszlał. Someone coughed. Someone coughed. Ukaž mi svojí knihovnu a já ti řeknu, kdo jsi. Show me the content of your book shelves and I will tell you who you are. Show me your library, and I'll tell you who you are. Už to nemohu ignorovat. I can't ignore it anymore. I can't ignore it anymore. Dobrze jest czasem wyluzować. It's okay to take it easy sometimes. It's good to relax sometimes. Sami potřeboval psychiatrickou pomoc. Sami needed psychiatric help. He needed psychiatric help himself. Zabal si svoje kufry. You pack your suitcases. Pack your bags. Już to mówiłaś. You said that before. You said that already. Skoč. Jump. Jump. Jest zamężną kobietą. She's a married woman. She's a married woman. Jsi dvakrát silnější než já. You are twice as strong as me. You're twice as strong as me. Má matka velmi dobře vařila brambory. My mother cooked the potatoes very well. My mother cooked potatoes very well. Tak se nezdráhej. So don't hesitate. So don't be afraid. Nikdy jsem na to nepřišel. I never did figure it out. I never figured it out. Zdá se, že Tom si nikoho z nás nepamatuje. Tom didn't seem to remember any of us. Looks like Tom doesn't remember any of us. Jsem tak ráda, že jsi tady. I'm so happy you're here. I'm so glad you're here. Znam trzy języki. I speak three languages. I know three languages. Myślisz, że kiedykolwiek będziesz rozważać samobójstwo? Do you think you would ever consider suicide? You think you'll ever consider suicide? Żadna żywa istota nie mogłaby żyć bez powietrza. No living thing could live without air. No living creature could live without air. Wysyłam ją do Kalifornii. I'm sending her to California. I'm sending her to California. Jsi opilý. You're drunk. You're drunk. Moja córka kocha muzykę. My daughter loves music. My daughter loves music. Dej auto do garáže. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Nevrátí nám naše pasy. They won't give us our passports back. He's not giving us our passports back. Někde jsem zapomněl brýle. I forgot my glasses somewhere. I forgot my glasses somewhere. Czemu miałbyś poślubić kobietę, jeśli lubisz mężczyzn? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Why would you marry a woman if you like men? Elżbieta II jest królową Anglii. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth II is Queen of England. Tom się na mnie pogniewał. Tom got angry with me. Tom was mad at me. Tato žirafa se narodila v divočině. This giraffe was born in the wild. This giraffe was born in the wilderness. Podniósł słuchawkę. He picked up the phone. He picked up the phone. Moja żona jest polką. My wife is Polish. My wife's a cop. Pani Thomas uczy nas historii. Miss Thomas teaches us history. Mrs. Thomas is teaching us history. Mám monokla. I have a black eye. I have a black eye. Nikdo neznal odpověď. No one knew the answer. No one knew the answer. Je úplně vyčerpaný. He is totally exhausted. He's exhausted. Clay żąda dochodzenia. Clay demanded an investigation. Clay's requesting an investigation. Jim nie jest adwokatem, ale lekarzem. Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. Ile zajmie to samochodem? How long does it take by car? How long will it take for the car? Odmítl si podat ruce. He refused to shake hands. He refused to shake hands. Nevěděl jsi, že jsem schopen to udělat, že? You didn't know that I was able to do that, did you? You didn't know I was able to do that, did you? Můžeš se mi podívat na dásně? Can you have a look at my gums? Can you look at my gums? Nikdo nepřišel včas. Nobody has come in time. No one came on time. Přemýšlej a potom mluv. Think, then speak. Think and then talk. Tom žije na lodi. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives on a boat. Weźmy bilet bez oznaczonej daty. Let's get an open ticket. Let's take a ticket without a date. Oni są szczęśliwy. They are happy. They're happy. Zapoměl jsi na všechno, co jsme pro tebe udělali? Have you forgotten everything we've done for you? Have you forgotten everything we've done for you? Kupiłeś bilet powrotny? Did you buy a round trip ticket? You bought a return ticket? Był siwy. He had grey hair. He was gray. Tom wyrzucił śmieci. Tom took out the rubbish. Tom dumped the trash. Wszystko już wyjaśniłem. I've got it all sorted. I've already explained everything. Policii se nedá věřit. You can't trust the police. The police can't be trusted. Nejsem obeznámen s tímto tématem. I'm not familiar with this topic. I'm not familiar with this subject. W południe jem obiad. I have lunch at noon. I'm having dinner at noon. Ta zupa jest nadzwyczajna. This soup is exquisite. This soup is extraordinary. Większość studentów lubi sport. Most students like sports. Most students like sports. Nikt nie przyszedł. Nobody came. No one came. Poza kilkoma błędami ortograficznymi, to dobre wypracowanie. Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it is a good composition. Except for a few orthographic errors, it's a good story. Masz jakieś zdjęcia Toma, kiedy był dzieckiem? Do you have any pictures of Tom when he was a kid? Do you have any pictures of Tom when he was a kid? Pojďme se bavit Vabungula a Yuelami! Let's speak Vabungula and Yuelami! Let's have fun with Vabungul and Yuelami! Wesołego Święta Dziękczynienia! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving! Odpovězte! Answer! Answer me! Moje dziecko! Kto ma moje dziecko? Kto zabrał moje dziecko? My child! Who has my child? Who took my child? My child! Who has my child? Who took my child? A ty? And you? And you? Neví někdo z vás, kam šel Tom? Does one of you know where Tom went? Any of you know where Tom went? W dni robocze noszę białe koszule. I wear white shirts on weekdays. I wear white shirts on business days. Dziecko bawiło się grzechotką. The baby was playing with a rattle. The baby was playing with a rattle. Nemám jméno. I have no name. I don't have a name. K prezidentovi je těžké se přiblížit. The president is difficult to approach. It's hard to get close to the president. Jakie jest najpotężniejsze zdanie na świecie? What is the most powerful sentence in the world? What is the most powerful sentence in the world? Kim jest od mnie cztery lata starszy. Kim is older than I am by four years. Kim's four years older than me. Tom zbliżył się. Tom approached. Tom's getting close. Je to skutečné, že? It's real, isn't it? It's real, isn't it? Nie pobiliśmy ich. We didn't beat them. We didn't beat them up. Tom poslouchá hudbu. Tom is listening to music. Tom listens to music. Tohle by mělo ulevit od bolesti. This should relieve the pain. This should relieve the pain. Wczoraj Tom mi powiedział, że nigdy nie był w Bostonie. Yesterday, Tom told me that he'd never been to Boston. Yesterday Tom told me he was never in Boston. Mocno padało przez cały dzień. It rained hard all day. It's been raining hard all day. Przepraszam, ale nie mogę. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Dívka přestala mluvit a usmála se; mladý muž přestal mluvit a povzdechl si. The girl stopped talking and smiled; the young man stopped talking and sighed. The girl stopped talking and smiled; the young man stopped talking and sighed. Pozwól, że postawię ci obiad. Let me buy you lunch. Let me buy you dinner. Chci vědět, proč jsi tady. I want to know why you're here. I want to know why you're here. Angličtina se líbí jim. They like English. They like English. Jsem rád, že slyším tvůj hlas. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. To rozsądne pytanie. That's a reasonable question. That's a reasonable question. Pobij mnie! Beat me up! Beat me! Myślę, że zrobienie tego byłoby zbyt trudne. I think it would be too difficult to do that. I think it would be too hard to do that. Muž, který sedí támhle, je známý zpěvák. That man sitting over there is a famous singer. A man sitting over there is a famous singer. Impreza trwała ponad 3 godziny. The party lasted more than three hours. The party lasted over 3 hours. Všichni unikli. Everyone escaped. They all escaped. Miło cię znowu widziec. It's nice to see you again. It's nice to see you again. Kilka firm obecnie wytwarza produkty kosmetyczne zawierające wyciągi z łożyska zwierzęcego. Several companies currently produce cosmetic products containing extracts of animal placenta. Several companies are currently producing cosmetic products containing extracts from animal bearing. V Bostonu byla velká zima. It was very cold in Boston. It was cold in Boston. Ano, ale nemusíš zůstat do konce. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yes, but you don't have to stay until the end. Prodáváte tady brambory? Do you sell potatoes here? Do you sell potatoes here? Chodź tu. Come this way. Come here. Tom nie umie pływać. Tom can't swim. Tom can't swim. Nie będę tego ryzykować. I won't risk it. I'm not taking any chances. Tvoje dcera je vysoká. Your daughter is tall. Your daughter's tall. Dali nám poslední šanci. They gave us one last chance. They gave us one last chance. Tu noc bylo velmi dusno. It was very sultry that night. It was very suffocating that night. Problém je, jak máme nakládat s penězi. The problem is how we should manage the money. The problem is how we deal with money. W końcu przyjdzie. He will come after all. He'll finally be here. Tom se nezúčastnil té párty z rodinných důvodů. Tom didn't attend the party for family reasons. Tom didn't attend the party for family reasons. Layla je matkou šesti dětí a žije na jihozápadě Anglie. Layla is a mother of six, living in the south west of England. Layla is the mother of six children and lives in the southwest of England. Tom má rád peníze. Tom likes money. Tom likes money. Kdy roztaje sníh? When will the snow melt? When does the snow melt? Nie rozumiem niemieckiego. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Pracuji na tom. I've been working on it. I'm working on it. Můj bratr žil deset let v Paříži, než se vrátil zpátky do Prahy. My brother had been living in Paris for ten years before he returned to Prague. My brother lived in Paris for ten years before returning to Prague. Tom mi dal k narozeninám kolo. Tom gave me a bicycle for my birthday. Tom gave me a bike for my birthday. Setkal jsem se s jeho ženou na nádraží. Je velmi přitažlivá. I met his wife at the station. She's very attractive. I met his wife at the station, she's very attractive. Mike nie jest zawodnikiem drużyny siatkarskiej. Mike is not a member of the volleyball team. Mike's not a volleyball player. Nie mogę znaleźć mojego bagażu. I can't find my luggage. I can't find my luggage. To jest nieprawdziwe. That's not real. That's not true. Já se líbám s otevřenýma očima. I kiss with my eyes open. I kiss with my eyes open. Ona za dużo imprezuje. She parties too much. She's partying too much. Obecnie nie istnieje killer appka na tej platformie. There is currently no killer app for this platform. There is currently no killer app on this platform. Proszę czytać między wierszami. Please read between the lines. Read between the lines. Smrt není triviální záležitost. Death is not a trivial matter. Death is not a trivial matter. Lubię moje mieszkanie. I like my apartment. I like my apartment. Tom oparł się o ścianę. Tom leaned against the wall. Tom leaned against the wall. Když si pospíšíš, brzo jí předhoníš. If you hurry, you will soon overtake her. If you hurry, you'll catch up with her soon. Tom nesleduje válečné filmy. Tom doesn't watch war movies. Tom doesn't watch war movies. Myślę, że nie rozumiesz sytuacji. I don't think you understand the situation. I don't think you understand the situation. Jakie piękne niemowlę! What a beautiful baby! What a beautiful baby! On wygląda na zmęczonego. He looks tired. He looks tired. Vzpomínáš si na den, kdy jsme se my dva potkali poprvé? Do you remember the day when you and I first met? Do you remember the day you and I first met? Martwimy się o twoje zdrowie. We're anxious about your health. We're worried about your health. Prosím oprav to. Please fix that. Please fix it. Tom ma łódkę. Tom has a rowboat. Tom's got a boat. Tom nie chciał, żeby Mary prowadziła po pijanemu. Tom didn't want Mary to drive drunk. Tom didn't want Mary driving drunk. Wiesz, czego chcą? Do you know what they want? You know what they want? Tady je účet. Here's the bill. Here's the bill. Tom řekl, že už to vícekrát neudělá. Tom said he'd never ever do that again. Tom said he wouldn't do it again. Tom používá pouze růžovou himalájskou sůl. Tom only uses pink Himalayan salt. Tom only uses pink Himalayan salt. Uwielbiałam szkołę średnią. I loved high school. I loved high school. Vábil ho její úsměv. He was attracted by her smile. Her smile lured him. Uczyniłaś mnie bardzo szczęśliwym. You've made me very happy. You made me very happy. Wymyślę, co z tym zrobić. I'll figure it out. I'll figure out what to do with it. Tom koupil Mary dárek. Tom bought a gift for Mary. Tom bought Mary a present. To mnie martwi. That does worry me. That's what worries me. Je teraz obiad. He is having lunch. He's having dinner now. Dziękuję, teraz rozumiem. Thanks, I understand now. Thank you, I understand now. Žádal si mě někdo? Has anyone asked for me? Did someone ask for me? Tom koktá. Tom stutters. Tom's stuttering. Byl to ohromný a skutečný posun. That was a huge and real breakthrough. It was a huge and real shift. Půjčil bys mi svůj nůž? Will you lend me your knife? Can I borrow your knife? Tom vykazuje známky demence. Tom is showing signs of dementia. Tom's showing signs of dementia. Studenci z Azji na stypendiach w Japonii mówią zarówno po angielsku, jak i po japońsku. Students from Asia studying abroad speak English too, just as Japanese students do. Asian students speak both English and Japanese at scholarships in Japan. Bolí mě pravé rameno. My right shoulder hurts. My right shoulder hurts. Jen přes moji mrtvolu! Over my dead body. Over my dead body! On ma mniej przyjaciół niż ja. He has fewer friends than I. He's got less friends than I do. Myslím, že jsme všechny dostali ven. I think we got everyone out. I think we got everyone out. Ten stařec tam bydlel sám. The old man lived there by himself. The old man lived there alone. Předpověď počasí říká, že zítra večer budou bouřky. The weather report said that there will be thunderstorms tomorrow evening. The weather forecast says there'll be storms tomorrow night. Je pátek? Is it Friday? Is it Friday? Nie trzeba być obraźliwym. There's no need to be insulting. You don't have to be offensive. Jesteś świetny. You're great. You're great. Przyślę ci rachunek. I'll send you the bill. I'll send you the bill. Občas pochybuji o tvé inteligenci. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Tomowi nie udało się zrobić tego, co powiedział, że zrobi. Tom failed to do what he said he'd do. Tom couldn't do what he said he was gonna do. Nevím, proč si Tom pořád stěžuje. I don't know why Tom is always complaining. I don't know why Tom complains all the time. Ten sweter jest na mnie za ciasny. This sweater is too tight for me. This sweater is too tight for me. Vsadím se, že to neudělá. I bet he doesn't make it. I bet he won't. Skończyłem 20 lat. I have turned twenty. I'm 20 years old. Krávy se živí trávou. Cows live on grass. Cows eat grass. Nadal nie mogę zrozumieć, jak to się stało. I still can't figure out how it happened. I still can't understand how it happened. Máte padáka! You're fired! You're fired! Już je wypróbowałem. I've already tested them. I've already tried them. Dzisiaj czuję się lepiej. I feel better today. I'm feeling better today. Miałem upiec ciastka dla Toma. I was going to make cookies for Tom. I was gonna make cookies for Tom. Já jsem se po celou dobu nudil. I was bored the entire time. I was bored the whole time. Woda została odcięta. The water has been cut off. The water's been cut off. Wszyscy lubią puszyste ręczniki. Everyone loves fluffy towels. Everybody likes fluffy towels. Nie mogę przewidzieć, co się stanie. I can't predict what'll happen. I can't predict what's going to happen. Zapytała mnie czy umiem szyć. She asked me if I could sew. She asked me if I could sew. Od té doby jsme nikdy v Bostonu nebyli. We've never been back to Boston since then. We've never been to Boston since. Líbí se mi pomalé tempo této písně. I like the slow tempo of this song. I like the slow pace of this song. Za wszelką cenę postanowił wytrwać w milczeniu. He intended to persist in his silence. At all costs, he decided to remain silent. Mam nowy czerwony samochód. I have a new red car. I've got a new red car. Kde se potkají? Where are they meeting? Where do they meet? Tom mohl svojí nedbalostí způsobit neštěstí. Tom could have caused a disaster due to his carelessness. Tom could have made his negligence miserable. Dej mi svátek. Give me a break. Give me a holiday. Dejte Tomovi, o co žádá. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. Není větší bídy, nežli nespravedlnost vůči druhým. There is no greater poverty than injustice toward others. There is no greater misery than injustice toward others. Nie, to nie ja. To ty! No, it's not me. It's you! No, it's not me. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že je falešný přítel a on se urazil. I told Tom that he was a fair-weather friend and he took offence. I told Tom he was a fake friend, and he insulted himself. Tom twierdzi, że mówi po francusku. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom says he speaks French. Jak często chodzisz na ryby? How often do you go fishing? How often do you go fishing? Wiesz cokolwiek na temat swojej rodziny? Do you know anything about your family? Do you know anything about your family? Pozwól mi zapłacić. Let me pay. Let me pay. Wróciliśmy do Honolulu drugiego kwietnia. We returned to Honolulu on April 2. We returned to Honolulu on April 2nd. Má manželka je doktorka. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. Dovedeš si vzpomenout na první slovo, které ses naučila v angličtině? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Będziemy tu czekać. We'll be here waiting. We'll be waiting here. Ktoś zaatakował go. Someone attacked him. Someone attacked him. Paczka dotarła trzy godziny temu. The package arrived three hours ago. The package arrived three hours ago. Masz jakieś pytania odnośnie tej lekcji? Do you have any questions about this lesson? Do you have any questions about this lesson? Tom odejde až dostane to, co chce. Tom won't leave until he gets what he wants. Tom will leave when he gets what he wants. Nie po raz pierwszy widzę to zdanie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I've seen that sentence. Jsi si jistá, že jsme se ještě nikdy nepotkali? Are you sure we've never met before? Are you sure we've never met before? Jego oceny są zawsze lepsze od moich, mimo że nie uczy się zbyt dużo. His scores are always better than mine, even though he doesn't study very much. His grades are always better than mine, even though he doesn't learn too much. Už dva dny nic nejedla. She hasn't eaten for two days. She hasn't eaten in two days. Tom chtěl seskočit s padákem ale jeho rodina mu to rozmluvila. Tom wanted to parachute but his family talked him out of it. Tom wanted to jump out of the sky, but his family talked him out of it. Nie mogę już dłużej chodzić. I can walk no farther. I can't walk anymore. Tom je hrdý na svou vlast. Tom is proud of his homeland. Tom is proud of his country. Daj mi znać jeśli muszę coś zmienić Let me know if I need to make any changes. Let me know if I have to change anything. Vrátím se dnes večer. I'll be back tonight. I'll be back tonight. Nevěř ničemu, co ti říká Tom. Don't believe anything Tom tells you. Don't believe anything Tom says to you. Nejsem bohatý, ale chudý. I am not rich but poor. I'm not rich, I'm poor. Myślisz, że Tom mnie lubi? Do you think Tom likes me? You think Tom likes me? Zdá se, že našetřil hodně peněz. He seems to have saved a lot of money. He seems to have saved a lot of money. Bądź absolutnie nieruchomo. Stay absolutely still. Be absolutely still. Zrobię wszystko w granicach rozsądku. I will do anything within reason. I'll do anything within reason. Jsi lechtivá? Are you ticklish? Are you ticklish? Lubisz filmy? Do you like movies? You like movies? Tom mnie nie kojarzy. Tom wouldn't remember me. Tom doesn't know me. Dnes v noci se velmi ochladí. It's going to get very cold tonight. It's going to get very cold tonight. Jak nazywa się ten ptak? What's the name of this bird? What's the bird's name? Složil jsem jazykovou zkoušku. I passed a language test. I passed the language exam. Kdysi jsem tomu věřil. I used to believe that. I used to believe that. Co je to tedy? What is it then? What is it, then? Uczę się norweskiego. I am learning Norwegian. I'm a Norwegian student. Jest mi ciepło. I'm warm. I'm warm. Próbuję cię powstrzymać przed zrobieniem dużego błędu. I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake. I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake. To jest uzasadnione. That's reasonable. That's justified. Sněží hodně v zimě? Does it snow much in winter? Is it snowing a lot in the winter? Lincoln sprzeciwiał się niewolnictwu. Lincoln opposed slavery. Lincoln opposed slavery. Jestem w domu. I am in the house. I'm home. Tom neví, kam se jeho život ubírá. Tom doesn't know where his life is heading. Tom doesn't know where his life is going. Jíme večeři? Are we eating dinner ? Are we eating dinner? Nie możemy niczego obiecać. We can't promise anything. We can't promise anything. Zeptej se Toma. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Tom ma przekłute ucho. Tom has a pierced ear. Tom's got a pierced ear. Tomowi bardzo dobrze rozmawiało się z Mary. Tom had a good time talking with Mary. Tom had a very good conversation with Mary. Počkejme do října. Let's wait until October. Let's wait till October. Obawiam się tego, że się zgubi. I'm worried that he'll get lost. I'm afraid he'll be lost. Studenti by měli využívat knihy v knihovně. Students should make use of the books in the library. Students should use books in the library. Mrzí mě, jestli jsem tě vzbudil. I'm sorry if I woke you up. I'm sorry if I woke you. Ten rok jest dla mnie ważnym rokiem. This year is an important year for me. This year is an important year for me. Je dobré mít nápady...nemyslíš? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? It's good to have ideas... don't you think? Dám ti k narozeninám kolo. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'll give you a bike for your birthday. Ta schůze nepotrvá dlouho. The meeting won't last long. The meeting won't take long. Wysłałem jej lalkę. I sent her a doll. I sent her a doll. On je zamilovaný do te dívky. He's in love with that girl. He's in love with that girl. Ona uwielbia pisać wiersze. She is very fond of writing poems. She loves to write poems. Jednou jsem tě varoval, ale tys neposlouchal. I warned you once, but you didn't listen. I warned you once, but you didn't listen. Nevím, zdali se mnou chce jít. I don't know if she wants to go with me. I don't know if she wants to come with me. On spóźni się na zebranie. He'll be late for the meeting. He's gonna be late for the meeting. Mám rád soboty. I like Saturdays. I like Saturdays. Věřím, že je proti mne zaujatý. I believe that he sides against me. I believe he's involved with me. Sklepy są otwarte od poniedziałku do soboty. Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. Shops are open Monday to Saturday. Zgubiłem portfel. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Měl bys odstranit tento plevel. You should get rid of these weeds. You should remove this weed. Děti brzy usnuly. The children soon fell asleep. The children soon fell asleep. Je to sněhobílé. It is white as snow. It's snow white. Moc jsem se nudil. I was very bored. I was so bored. Kde je táta? Where is Father? Where's Dad? Czy tu jest bezpiecznie? Is it safe to stay here? Is it safe here? Malarz umarł młodo. The painter died young. The painter died young. Sázíš dýně? Do you plant pumpkins? Do you bet pumpkins? Nemůže být přijata. She cannot be accepted. She can't be accepted. W futbolu amerykańskim za touchdown dostaje się sześć punktów. In American football, a touchdown scores six points. In American football, you get six points for touchdown. Nie wiem, kto to jest Tom. I don't know who Tom is. I don't know who Tom is. Mimo, że jest biedny, jest szczęśliwy. Although he is poor, he is happy. Even though he's poor, he's happy. Rzuciłem palenie i picie. I have quit smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Rostliny nás činí šťastnými. Plants make us happy. Plants make us happy. Chcemy po prostu zabrać Toma do domu. We just want to take Tom home. We just want to take Tom home. Nemyslím si, že můj život je snadný. I don't think my life is easy. I don't think my life is easy. Dej Tomovi, o co žádá. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. Říkej vždy pravdu. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Upír může paralizovat lidi jen pohledem na ně. A vampire can paralyze people just by looking at them. A vampire can only paralyze people by looking at them. Ryż zwykle jem pałeczkami. I usually eat rice with chopsticks. I usually eat rice sticks. Wiesz, Tom chce cię z powrotem. Tom wants you back, you know. You know, Tom wants you back. Mám v moči krev. There's blood in my urine. I have blood in my urine. Te fakty poznali wszyscy. The facts became known to everyone. These facts have all come to light. Był przerażony na widok nauczyciela. He was confounded at the sight of the teacher. He was terrified to see a teacher. Widziałem czerwony samochód i biały; czerwony wyglądał ładniej niż ten drugi. I saw a red car and a white one; the red one was nicer looking than the other. I saw a red car and a white car; red looked nicer than the other one. Niektóre ptaki potrafią przekroczyć barierę dźwięku. Some birds can break the sound barrier. Some birds can cross the sound barrier. Czytanie jest równoznaczne myśleniu głową kogoś innego zamiast swoją własną. Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone else's head instead of with one's own. Reading is equivalent to thinking about someone else's head instead of your own. Chcemy być sławni! We want to become famous. We want to be famous! Muszę skończyć moją pracę. I must finish my work. I have to finish my job. Zavolej jí zítra. Call her tomorrow. Call her tomorrow. Tom poprosil otce o peníze na oběd. Tom asked his father to give him some money for lunch. Tom asked his father for lunch money. Koukáš na Toma a Jerryho? Do you watch "Tom and Jerry"? Are you looking at Tom and Jerry? Droga jest równoległa do rzeki. The road is parallel to the river. The road is parallel to the river. Pójdę już do domu. I'm going to head home. I'm gonna go home now. Nesmíme tady plavat. We're not allowed to swim here. We can't swim here. Tom leży na trawie pod jabłonią. Tom is lying on the grass under an apple tree. Tom's lying on the grass under the apple tree. Udělali jste to záměrně? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? Włóż te listy do skrzynki pocztowej. Put these letters in the mail box. Put these letters in the mailbox. Kdyby nebylo mě, Tom by tady nebyl. Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. If it wasn't for me, Tom wouldn't be here. Potřebujeme tvoji pomoc. We need your help. We need your help. Powiedz nam co zrobić. Tell us what to do. Tell us what to do. Ty to máš rád? You like it? You like it? Dziękuję za współpracę. I thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for your cooperation. To kompletnie irracjonalne. It's completely irrational. It's completely irrational. Kdo vydělává méně peněz, učitelé nebo zdravotní sestry? Who earns less money, teachers or nurses? Who makes less money, teachers or nurses? Bomba została podłożona. The bomb has been planted. The bomb was planted. Tom nyní žije se svou matkou. Tom now lives with his mom. Tom is now living with his mother. Nie rozumiem matematyki. I don't understand the math. I don't understand math. Tom życzył Mary dobrej nocy i wyszedł. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Tom said good night to Mary and he left. Mé děti jsou ve škole. My children are in school. My kids are at school. Jestem z Kolumbii. I am from Columbia. I'm from Colombia. Šla jsem na ten večírek jenom proto, abych se ukázala ve společnosti. I attended the party just to be sociable. I only went to the party to show up at the company. Na pokładzie samolotu było 150 pasażerów. There were 150 passengers on the plane. There were 150 passengers on board. Pavla zítra umyje auto. Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. Paul will wash the car tomorrow. Księżyc nie świeci własnym światłem. The moon doesn't have light of its own. The moon doesn't shine with its own light. Měl bys Tomovi napsat zprávu. You should write Tom a note. You should write Tom a message. Tom si myslel, že to bude bezpečné. Tom thought it would be safe. Tom thought it would be safe. Wolałabym porozmawiać z tobą na osobności. I would prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather talk to you alone. Mluvíte anglicky? Can you speak English? Do you speak English? Nemám ráda učitelky, které mají rády studentky, které nerady kladou otázky. I don't like teachers who like students who don't like asking questions. I don't like teachers who like students who don't like to ask questions. Jestem zszokowany. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Mohl bych dostat nůž a vidličku, prosím? Could I have a knife and fork, please? Could I get a knife and a fork, please? Nečtu. I don't read. I don't. Założyłem płaszcz na lewą stronę. I put my coat on inside out. I put my coat on the left side. Sprawdź to w słowniku. Look it up in the dictionary. Check it out in the dictionary. To mohlo platit, když jsi byl dítětem, ale už to neplatí. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not true anymore. That could've been true when you were a kid, but it doesn't apply anymore. Spadło dużo śniegu. Much snow has fallen. There's been a lot of snow. Kam chcete jít na naší první hodinu? Where do you want to go for our first lesson? Where do you want to go to our first class? Co twój syn robi w Niemczech? What does your son do in Germany? What is your son doing in Germany? Myslel jsem, že už jsi to udělal. I thought you'd already done that. I thought you'd already done that. Czy twój wujek nadal jest zagranicą? Is your uncle still abroad? Is your uncle still a foreigner? Tom měl uznat svoji chybu. Tom should have admitted his mistake. Tom was supposed to admit his mistake. Město se zdálo být prosperující. That town looked prosperous. The city seemed to be prosperous. Dzisiaj jest sobota. It's Saturday today. Today is Saturday. Dostal jsem pozvání. I got an invitation. I got an invitation. Który polecasz? Which do you recommend? Which one do you recommend? Nie mogę znieść tego hałasu. I can't abide that noise. I can't stand the noise. V této místnosti není žádný nábytek. There isn't any furniture in this room. There are no furniture in this room. Mój mąż zawsze czyta w łóżku. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always reads in bed. Co kdybys mě pozval na skleničku? How about you buy me a drink? Why don't you ask me out for a drink? Možná je mrtvý. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. Nie kłam. Mów prawdę. Don't tell lies. Tell the truth. Don't lie. Prosím, pospěš si! Please hurry. Please hurry! Tom nigdy nie mieszkał w Bostonie. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. Prostě zůstaň tady. Just stay here. Just stay here. Kupię forda. I'll buy a Ford. I'll buy a Ford. Prawdę mówiąc, nie pamiętam niczego, co wczoraj powiedziałem. To tell the truth, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. In fact, I don't remember anything I said yesterday. Jestem policjantem. I'm a policeman. I'm a cop. Nie mówię po angielsku tak dobrze jak on. I can't speak English as well as he. I don't speak English as well as he does. Widziałam wczoraj Toma w restauracji. Rozmawiał z jakąś dziewczyną. I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl. I saw Tom at the restaurant last night, and he was talking to some girl. Czy mogę rozmawiać z Billem? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Máte něco na rýmu? Do you have anything for a cold? Do you have anything on the cold? Wkurzasz mnie. You are getting on my nerves. You're pissing me off. Dawałeś komukolwiek kopię tego dysku? Did you give a copy of the disk to anyone? Did you give anyone a copy of that disk? Bylo by to rasistické. That would be racist. It would be racist. Miałem drzazgę w palcu, więc poprosiłem Toma, żeby pomógł mi ją wyjąć. I had a splinter in my finger, so I asked Tom to help me get it out. I had a splint in my finger, so I asked Tom to help me take it out. Lubisz jabłka czy pomarańcze? Do you like apples or oranges? Do you like apples or oranges? Já netrucuju. I'm not sulking. I don't torture. Widziałem to na własne oczy. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. Jeśli zmienisz fryzurę, będziesz mógł wyglądać o 10 lat młodziej. If you change your hairstyle, you could look ten years younger. If you change your hair, you'll be able to look 10 years younger. Nevzdávejte se! Don't give up! Don't give up! Komu ostatnio pomogłeś? Who have you helped recently? Who have you been helping lately? Nie muszę tu być w tej chwili. I don't need to be here right now. I don't have to be here right now. To ciekawe. That's interesting. That's interesting. Ile osób obecnie dla ciebie pracuje? How many people are currently working for you? How many people are working for you right now? Už nikoho nepotřebuji. I no longer need someone. I don't need anyone else. Nahradil zvonek světlem. He replaced the bell with a light. He replaced the bell with light. Nie mogę już znieść twojego marudzenia! I can't take your whining anymore! I can't stand your whining anymore! W domu jest ktoś jeszcze. There's someone else in the house. There's someone else at home. Nemáš tušení, co Tom vlastně chce? Do you have any idea what Tom wants? Do you have any idea what Tom wants? Druga lekcja jest bardzo prosta. The second lesson is very easy. The second lesson is very simple. Tom kocha władzę bardziej niż cokolwiek innego. Tom loves power more than anything else. Tom loves power more than anything. Zachowała się dość głupio. She behaved quite foolishly. She was acting pretty stupid. Máme ještě mnoho času. We still have a lot of time. We still have a lot of time. Nechal si dveře otevřené? Did you leave the door open? Did you keep the door open? Mám rád motýly. I like butterflies. I like butterflies. Za všechny moje překlady mi musíš zaplatit. You have to pay me for all my translations. You have to pay for all my translations. Po kolacji piję kawę. I drink coffee after dinner. I drink coffee after dinner. Żadna kultura nie jest idealna. No culture is perfect. No culture is perfect. Wiem, gdzie mieszka Tomasz. I know where Thomas lives. I know where Thomas lives. Zdálo se, že si Tom nevšiml, že tam Mary je. Tom didn't seem to notice that Mary was there. It didn't seem like Tom noticed Mary was there. Tom potrzebuje odpowiedzi. Tom needs answers. Tom needs answers. Co za absurdalne porównanie. What a ridiculous comparison! What a ridiculous comparison. Tom i Mary byli nazí. Tom and Mary were both naked. Tom and Mary were naked. Kto jest właścicielem tego domu? Who owns this house? Who owns this house? Ten kluk je stydlivý a moc nemluví. The boy is bashful and doesn't talk much. The kid's shy and doesn't talk much. Tom chodzi do przedszkola. Tom goes to kindergarten. Tom goes to kindergarten. Jest wiele rodzajów mąki: mąka pszenna, mąka orkiszowa, mąka żytnia i wiele innych. There are many kinds of flour: wheat flour, spelt flour, rye flour, and many others. There are many types of flour: wheat flour, orcfish flour, rye flour and many others. Zřídili v Londýně novou společnost. They set up a new company in London. They set up a new company in London. Wyglądasz tak pięknie. You look so beautiful. You look so beautiful. Wciąż mamy dużo pracy. We have a lot more work to do. We still have a lot of work to do. Zdráhám se s ní nakousnout tohle téma. I hesitate to broach the subject with her. I dare to bite this subject with her. Tom se mě zeptal na pár zajímavých věcí. Tom asked me some interesting questions. Tom asked me some interesting things. To je ale krásný dárek! What a wonderful present. What a beautiful gift! On ma niewiele pieniędzy. He has little money. He doesn't have much money. Nerozumím tomu, co děláš. I don't understand what you're doing. I don't understand what you're doing. Je blonďatá a štíhlá. She's blond and slim. She's blond and thin. Czy Tom umiera? Is Tom dying? Is Tom dying? Chcę się samemu zastanowić. I want to think for myself. I want to think about it myself. Myślę, że to będzie wszystko na dzisiaj. I think that will be all for today. I think that's all for today. Určitě jsi zůstal dlouho vzhůru. You must have stayed up late. I'm sure you stayed up late. Potwierdzili, że była to prawda. They asserted that it was true. They confirmed it was true. Spravuji pračku. I'm fixing the washing machine. I'm handling the washing machine. Jsem odborníkem na sníh. I'm an expert on snow. I'm a snow expert. Jestem lekarzem. A ty? I'm a doctor. How about you? I'm a doctor. Můžeš to změnit, jestli chceš. You can change it if you like. You can change it if you want. Učím se čínsky dva roky. I have been studying Chinese for two years. I've been learning Chinese for two years. Kdy jsi poprvé navštívil Austrálii? When did you first come to Australia? When did you first visit Australia? Mało prawdopodobne, by jakikolwiek sklep sprzedawał ten model za taką cenę. I think it's unlikely that any store would sell this model for that price. It's unlikely that any store would sell this model at that price. Kde je ta powerpointová prezentace, kterou jsi mi slíbil? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where's the powerpoint presentation you promised me? Tom pracuje na zahradě. Tom is working in the garden. Tom works in the garden. Bylo jí to jedno. She did not mind. She didn't care. Czy w tym parku jest zoo? Is there a zoo in the park? Is there a zoo in this park? Je to vzácná porucha. It's a rare disorder. It's a rare disorder. Je čas říct lidem pravdu. It's time to tell people the truth. It's time to tell people the truth. Tihle muži jsou na těžkou práci zvyklí. These men are used to hard work. These men are used to hard work. Nechte je dělat jejich práci. Let them do their work. Let them do their job. - Które słowo? - zapytałam. "Which word?" I asked. - What word? Popatrz na ten rysunek. Look at that drawing. Look at this drawing. Małe przedsiębiorstwa odczuwają presję inflacji. Small enterprises are feeling the squeeze of inflation. Small companies feel pressured by inflation. Prodiskutoval jsem to s Tomem. I've talked it over with Tom. I discussed it with Tom. Líbí se ti tady? Do you like it here? Do you like it here? To twoja książka. This is your book. It's your book. Ani on, ani ja, nie mówimy po hiszpańsku. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Nienawidzę ich wszystkich. I hate all of them. I hate them all. Nie wydaje mi się to sprawiedliwe. I don't think it's fair. I don't think that's fair. Je to příběh neuvěřitelného úspěchu. It's a story of unbelievable success. It's a story of incredible success. Nie słyszałeś mnie? Didn't you hear me? Didn't you hear me? Králíci mají rádi mrkev. Rabbits like carrots. Rabbits like carrots. Nemluvím anglicky. I don't speak English. I don't speak English. Zainteresowałem się ostatnio szachami. I am interested in chess these days. I've been interested in chess lately. Byl bych to dopověděl, kdybys mě nepřerušil. I would have finished the sentence, if you hadn't interrupted me. I would have told you if you hadn't interrupted me. Tom strávil den se svými třemi syny. Tom spent the day with his three sons. Tom spent the day with his three sons. Ty Toma doopravdy neznáš, viď? You don't really know Tom, do you? You really don't know Tom, do you? Czy pożyczałeś kiedykolwiek pieniądze od swojej firmy? Have you ever borrowed money from your company? Have you ever borrowed money from your company? Tome, mluvili jsme o tom. Tom, we talked about this. Tom, we talked about this. Kontynuuj swoje analizy. Continue your analysis. Go ahead with your analysis. Mogłem stracić pracę. I could have lost my job. I could have lost my job. Je to tvoje konečné rozhodnutí? Is that your final decision? Is that your final decision? Tramvaj se srazila s autobusem v centru města. A tram collided with a bus in the centre of the town. The tram hit the bus downtown. Ujasni mi to. Clear this up for me. Let me get this straight. Popatrz na gwiazdy. Look at the stars. Look at the stars. Jessica má sklon se svíjet, když prožívá orgasmus. Jessica tends to writhe when she orgasms. Jessica tends to squirm when she's having an orgasm. Uczyniliście mnie bardzo szczęśliwą. You've made me very happy. You've made me very happy. "Nigdy nie zrozumiem kobiet" - powiedział Tom. "I'll never understand women", said Tom. "I will never understand women," said Tom. Tom jest programistą. Tom is a programmer. Tom's a programmer. Doufám, že to světlo na konci tunelu není od vlaku, který na mě jede. I hope the light at the end of the tunnel is not from the train coming on me. I hope the light at the end of the tunnel isn't from the train that's coming at me. Nagle miałem pragnienie, żeby zjeść jakąś chrupką, pieczoną skórkę kurczaka I suddenly got a craving to eat some crisp roast chicken skin. Suddenly, I had a desire to eat some crispy, roasted chicken peel. Tys kdysi učil, že? You used to teach, right? You used to teach, didn't you? Velmi vysoké příjmy jsou zdaněny zvláštní daní. A special tax is imposed on very high incomes. Very high incomes are taxed special taxes. Ujdzie. This will pass. It's okay. Jsi skvělý učitel! You're a great teacher! You're a great teacher! Mój ojciec nigdy nie bierze długiego urlopu. My father never takes a long rest. My father never takes a long vacation. Podłoga była bardzo zimna. The floor was very cold. The floor was very cold. Stalo se vám to? Has that happened to you? Did that happen to you? Być może to prawda. It may be true. Maybe that's true. Nauczę cię jeździć na łyżwach. I'll teach you how to skate. I'll teach you how to skate. Próbowałeś zagrać tę piosenkę na gitarze? Did you try playing that song on your guitar? Were you trying to play that song on the guitar? Nepřijeli přesně na čas. They didn't arrive on time. They didn't come exactly on time. Tom obvykle pracuje od devíti do půl šesté. Tom usually works from nine to five-thirty. Tom usually works from nine to six. Oprzyj drabinę o ścianę. Place the ladder against the wall. Put the ladder against the wall. To puste słowa. Those are empty words. Those are empty words. Som ceły cas nerwozny był. I was nervous the whole time. So the customs of the time was nervous. Tom neodešel. Tom didn't leave. Tom didn't leave. Spieszysz się? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? Jesteś przewidywalny. You're predictable. You're predictable. W załączeniu przesyłam pani dwa zdjęcia. I'm sending you two photographs as attachments. I'm sending you two photos attached. Na tohle nejsem zvyklý. I'm not used to this. I'm not used to this. Leo vaří maso. Leo is cooking meat. Leo cooks meat. Tom nigdy nie był zadowolony. Tom was never content. Tom was never happy. To, co Tom pro tu firmu udělal, je neuvěřitelné. What Tom did for that company is incredible. What Tom did for the company is incredible. Tvoji rodiče na nás dohlídli. Your parents kept an eye on us. Your parents have been watching over us. Mary tě do toho nenavedla, že? Mary didn't put you up to this, did she? Mary didn't bring you into this, did she? Nie umiem sobie wyobrazić, jak Tom się teraz czuje. I can't imagine what Tom is feeling now. I can't imagine how Tom feels right now. Tom za dużo pije. Tom drinks too much. Tom drinks too much. Rád bych tě viděl. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Uhlí a zemní plyn jsou přírodní paliva. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Carbon and natural gas are natural fuels. Vděčím mu za svůj úspěch. I owe my success to him. I owe him my success. Jak dlouho tady budeš? How long will you be here? How long are you gonna be here? Tom je velmi statečný. Tom is so brave. Tom is very brave. Co ona dzisiaj zrobiła? What has she done today? What did she do today? To není jeho rukopis. This is not his handwriting. It's not his manuscript. Zmizel v davu. He disappeared into the crowd. He disappeared in the crowd. Myslíš, že po přisolení to bude chutnat o hodně líp? You think adding a little salt will make it taste much better? Do you think it'll taste much better after you've salted it? Czy w Niemczech dużo pada? Does it rain much in Germany? Does it rain much in Germany? Jak mam wydrukować moje curriculum vitae? How can I print my curriculum vitae? How am I supposed to print my curriculum vitae? Kdo další je na tom seznamu? Who else is on the list? Who else is on the list? Tom nie planował nigdzie iść. Tom didn't plan to go anywhere. Tom wasn't planning on going anywhere. Tom poczuł się niezręcznie. Tom felt awkward. Tom felt awkward. Powinna wcześnie kłaść się i wcześnie wstawać. She must keep early hours. She should lie down early and get up early. Ćwicz poza domem. Exercise outdoors. Practice outside the house. Tom powiedział, że wczorajszy koncert trwał trzy godziny. Tom said last night's concert was three hours. Tom said yesterday's concert lasted three hours. Neměl jsem to říkat. I wasn't supposed to say that. I shouldn't have said that. Nestůj tam jen tak. Pojď sem a pomož mi. Don't just stand there like that. Come over here and help me. Don't just stand there. Lituji, že jsem Toma a Mary pozval na svoji svatbu. I regret inviting Tom and Mary to my wedding. I'm sorry I invited Tom and Mary to my wedding. W jakim języku mówią w Egipcie? What language do they speak in Egypt? In what language do they speak in Egypt? Mrkni se. Have a look. Check it out. Osprchuj se, hned! Take a shower, now! Take a shower, now! Co zrobimy z Tomem? What are we going to do about Tom? What are we gonna do about Tom? Oglądałeś kiedyś sumo? Have you ever watched sumo wrestling? Have you ever seen a sumo? Możesz zabić człowieka, ale nie możesz zabić idei. You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea. You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea. Proszę, powiedz mi, co mam robić w tej sytuacji. Please tell me what I should do in this situation. Please tell me what to do in this situation. Byłem zaskoczony, widząc cię tutaj. I was surprised to see you here. I was surprised to see you here. Turečtina je blízko k tomu, stát se druhým nejužívanějším jazykem na Tatoebě, překonaná pouze angličtinou. Turkish is about to become the second most used language in Tatoeba, surpassed only by English. Turkish is close to becoming the second most spoken language in Tatoeb, overcome only by English. Myślę, że mogę wiedzieć, o co w tym wszystkim chodzi. I think I may know what this is all about. I think I might know what this is all about. Njewěm. I don't know. I don't know. Tom mi řekl, že se mu nelíbí život v Bostonu. Tom told me he didn't like living in Boston. Tom told me he didn't like his life in Boston. Překládat český text je velice těžké. To translate a Czech text is very difficult. It is very difficult to translate the Czech text. Nie płacz. Kocham cię. Don't cry. I love you. Don't cry, I love you. Tom chciał, by Mary zrozumiała, dlaczego on nie może z nią mieszkać. Tom wanted Mary to understand why he couldn't live with her. Tom wanted Mary to understand why he couldn't live with her. Právě jsem hovořil s tvým učitelem francouzštiny a ten mi řekl, že si na jeho hodinách počínáš dobře. I've just spoken to your French teacher and he says you're doing well in his class. I just spoke to your French teacher, and he told me that you're doing well in his class. W stawie jest dużo ryb. There are a lot of fish in the pond. There's a lot of fish in the pond. Tom powiedział, że nie zna Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary. Tom said he doesn't know Mary. Jesteś więźniem. You are a prisoner. You're a prisoner. Wiem, co miałeś na myśli. I know what you meant. I know what you mean. Její otec zemřel před deseti lety. Her father died ten years ago. Her father died ten years ago. Mary jest atrakcyjna. Mary is attractive. Mary is attractive. Mamy dużo więcej mocy, niż może ci się spodziewać. We have a lot more power than you might think. We have a lot more power than you can expect. Nechtěla s ním mít nic společného. She wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't want anything to do with him. Zdá se, že zanedbává svoje povinnosti. He seems to be neglecting his duties. He seems to be neglecting his duties. Gdzie byłeś tamtej nocy? Where were you that night? Where were you that night? Tom si nikdy nevedl tak zle. Tom was never that bad. Tom's never been so bad. Sam się nauczyłem pływać. I learned to swim on my own. I learned how to swim on my own. Nevím a je mi to fuk. I don't know and I don't care. I don't know, and I don't care. Powiedziałem ci, że Tom się spóźni. I told you Tom would be late. I told you Tom's gonna be late. Nechci mít děti, ale můj manžel je chce. I don't want kids, but my husband does. I don't want to have kids, but my husband wants them. Spodobałoby ci się tam. I think you'd like it there. You'd love it there. Dostała od niego radę, żeby więcej ćwiczyć. She was advised by him to get more exercise. She got advice from him to practice more. Chyba żartujesz. You cannot be serious. You've got to be kidding me. Jak bys definoval „štěstí“? How would you define "happiness"? How would you define “happiness ”? Lubisz piwo świerkowe? Do you like spruce beer? You like spruce beer? Ktoś tam jest. There's someone out there. There's someone in there. O čem mluvíš,Tome? What are you talking about, Tom? What are you talking about, Tom? Ciągle się kłócili. They were constantly quarreling. They were fighting all the time. Nie zmrużyłem oka w nocy. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I didn't blink my eye last night. Im więcej tłumaczysz, tym mniej rozumiem. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. The more you explain, the less I understand. Málo lidí překládá mé věty. Few people translate my sentences. Few people translate my sentences. Vidím, že to tu všechno máš na háku. I can see that you don't give a damn about anything here. I see you got it all on your hook. Kupił tę ciężarówkę z Polski. He bought this truck from Poland. He bought this truck from Poland. Přestal se snažit, když mohl uspět. He gave up trying, when he might have succeeded. He stopped trying when he could succeed. Mówiła łagodnym głosem. She spoke in soft tones. She spoke in a gentle voice. Chcę po prostu się trochę zabawić. I just want to have a little fun. I just want to have some fun. Od kdy se učíš latinu? Since when have you been learning Latin? Since when do you learn Latin? Powiedziałeś Tomowi? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? Geometrie je matematická věda, zabývající se studiem a měřením přímek, úhlů, křivek a tvarů, které vznikají spojením několika přímek dohromady. Geometry is a mathematical science concerned with the study and measurement of lines, angles and curves, and with the shapes which are formed when several lines are joined together. Geometry is a mathematical science dealing with the study and measurement of lines, angles, curves and shapes that arise through the combination of several lines together. Tom seděl na zemi a plakal. Tom sat on the floor and cried. Tom was sitting on the ground crying. Kup při cestě domů tofu. Buy tofu on your way home. Buy tofu on the way home. Ty mi to zrobiłeś. You did this to me. You did this to me. Já jen doufám, že tentokrát se nic zlého nepřihodí. I just hope nothing goes wrong this time. I just hope nothing bad happens this time. Rozumiem trochę po niemiecku. I understand a bit of German. I understand a little German. Cisternový kamion s benzínem narazil do brány a vybuchnul. The gasoline truck ran into the gate and blew up. The petrol tank truck crashed into the gate and exploded. Pravá demokrecie se neptá na barvu pleti nebo místo narození, jakéhokoliv člověka uznává jako bytost obdařenou svým Stvořitelem jedinečnými nezadatelnými právy. True democracy makes no enquiry about the color of skin, or the place of nativity, wherever it sees man, it recognizes a being endowed by his Creator with original inalienable rights. True democracy does not question the color of the skin or the place of birth, it recognizes any person as being endowed by its Creator with unique, inalienable rights. Uwielbiam książki. I love books. I love books. Nevím, co chceš, a je mi to jedno. I don't know what you want and I don't care. I don't know what you want, and I don't care. Tomovi se líbí mladší sestra Mary víc, než se mu líbí Mary. Tom likes Mary's younger sister more than he likes Mary. Tom likes Mary's younger sister more than he likes Mary. Tom stał się sławny, bo poślubił sławną aktorkę, która wcześniej była wiele razy zamężna. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times before. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times. Myślisz, że jestem głupi? Do you think I'm stupid? You think I'm stupid? Poslední čtyři roky je součástí mého života. She has been a part of my life for the last four years. For the past four years, she's been a part of my life. Tom je zvyklý rychle rozhodovat. Tom is used to making quick decisions. Tom's used to making quick decisions. Ojcze nasz, któryś jest w niebie·święć się imię Twoje; przyjdź królestwo Twoje;bądź wola Twoja jako w niebie tak i na ziemi; chleba naszego powszedniego daj nam dzisiaj; i odpuść nam nasze winy,jako i my odpuszczamy naszym winowajcom; i nie wódź nas na pokuszenie;ale nas zbaw od złego.Amen. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, sanctify thy name; come thy kingdom; thy will be done in heaven as it is in the earth; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our trespassors; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen. Nie mamy owiec. We don't have any sheep. We don't have sheep. Nie rozumiem, czemu chcesz to zrobić. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do this. Podej vody žíznícím a pokrmu hladovějícím. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Give water to the thirsty and the hungry. Tom sapał. Tom gasped. Tom was sleeping. Co chtěl? What did he want? What did he want? Jaký je další postup? What's the plan now? What's the next step? Wracać na statek! Get back to the ship. Get back to the ship! Pianino zostało wynalezione w osiemnastym wieku przez Bartolomeo Cristoforiego. The piano was invented in the 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano was invented in the eighteenth century by Bartolomeo Cristophori. Je nezdvořilé mluvit s plnými ústy. It is rude to talk when your mouth is full. It's rude to talk with your mouth full. Tom našel na půdě starý fotoaparát. Tom found an old camera in the attic. Tom found an old camera on the ground. Je to vše, co potřebujeme? Is this all we need? Is that all we need? Żaden z kolegów Toma z klasy nie zaoferował mu pomocy. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. Ta antyczna sofa z włosia końskiego pachnie jak stare cygara. This antique horsehair sofa smells like old cigars. This antique horse-hair sofa smells like old cigars. Tom nie wie, co zrobiłby bez Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. On uczy się więcej, niż ktokolwiek w jego klasie. He studies harder than any other student does in his class. He learns more than anyone in his class. Jesteś racjonalny. You're rational. You're rational. Tom je doma. Tom is at home. Tom's home. Austrálii pustoší nejhorší přírodní požáry za desetiletí. Australia is being ravaged by the worst wildfires seen in decades. Australia will destroy the worst natural fires in decades. Sotva vyjdu schody. Jsem tlustý, jako prase. I can hardly climb stairs. I'm as fat as a pig. I'm fat, like a pig. Měl ses představit sám. You should have introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. Som student. A ty? I'm a student. And you? Som student. Czytałem, że prezydentem Brazylii jest kobieta. Ona nazywa się Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that the President of Brazil is a woman. Bohatí se někdy dívají na chudé s patra. The rich sometimes look down on the poor. The rich sometimes look at the poor with the floors. Tom se vrátil do Bostonu. Tom has returned to Boston. Tom's back in Boston. Możesz zostać tu na chwilę, jeśli chcesz. You can stay here for a while if you want to. You can stay here for a while if you want. Tomovi Mary připadala odpudivá. Tom found Mary repulsive. Tom Mary felt repugnant. Jsi v tom až po uši, Tome. You're in this up to your neck, Tom. You're in on it, Tom. Tom se usmál na svůj vlastní odraz v zrcadle. Tom smiled at himself in the mirror. Tom smiled at his own reflection in the mirror. Kdybych se tak byl učil ve škole lépe. I regret not having studied harder at school. If only I could learn better at school. Tom wrzucił do herbaty dwie kostki cukru. Tom put two sugar cubes in his tea. Tom put two sugar cubes in the tea. Diabeł jest wiewiórką. The devil is a squirrel. The Devil is a squirrel. Kdo ti to řekl? Who said that to you? Who told you that? Proč by jsi to měl proboha dělat? Why in the world would you want to do that? Why on earth would you do that? Tento film stojí za vidění. This movie is worth seeing. This film is worth seeing. Tom nie dostanie od nas żadnego jedzenia. Tom won't be getting any food from us. Tom's not getting any food from us. Zítra mi bude 28. Tomorrow I'll turn 28. I'll be 28 tomorrow. Jsi hnusný! You're disgusting! You're ugly! Kompletnie zapomniałem, że Tom był wegetarianinem. I'd completely forgotten that Tom used to be a vegetarian. I completely forgot that Tom was a vegetarian. Widzisz różę? Do you see a rose? See the rose? Prawdę mówiąc, nie lubię go. To tell you the truth, I don't like him. Actually, I don't like him. Nejsem tak pobožný. I'm not that religious. I'm not so religious. Tom opowiada historię. Tom is telling a story. Tom's telling a story. Chcę widzieć pana w moim biurze za godzinę. I want you in my office in one hour. I want to see you in my office in an hour. Tom mówił po francusku na spotkaniu. Tom spoke in French at the meeting. Tom spoke French at the meeting. Řekl jsem jí, ať se od Toma drží dál. I told her to stay away from Tom. I told her to stay away from Tom. Cieszę się, że nie musisz więcej tego robić. I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore. I'm glad you don't have to do this anymore. Jestem pewny, że już wiesz, co robić. I'm sure you already know what to do. I'm sure you already know what to do. Uvidíš bílou budovu na úpatí kopce. You see a white building at the foot of the hill. You'll see a white building at the foot of the hill. Odkud jste? Where are you from? Where are you from? Produkcja w tej fabryce wzrosła o 20% Production at this factory has increased by 20%. Production in this factory increased by 20% On ma kota i dwa psy. He has a cat and two dogs. He's got a cat and two dogs. Mam nadzieję, że cię poprze. I hope you'll get his support. I hope he supports you. Ty šaty ti padnou velice dobře. The dress fits you very well. You're gonna look really good on that dress. Vím, kde jsou. I know where they are. I know where they are. Tom vyprovodil Mary do jejího bytu. Tom walked Mary to her flat. Tom walked Mary to her apartment. Powietrze jest świeże rano. The air is fresh in the morning. The air is fresh in the morning. Nie umiem latać. I can't fly. I can't fly. Japonština je má mateřština. Japanese is my mother tongue. Japanese is my mother tongue. Ona mi pomůže. She'll help me. She's gonna help me. Připomeň se jim. Let them hear from you. Remind them. Byłoby szaleństwem wspinać się na tą górę zimą. It would be madness to climb that mountain in winter. It would be crazy to climb that mountain in the winter. Tom i Mary muszą być razem szczęśliwi. Tom and Mary must be happy together. Tom and Mary must be happy together. Tuto větu shledávám poměrně originální. I find this sentence relatively original. I find this sentence quite original. Jednoho dne ti lidé přijeli do jeho vesnice. One day those people arrived in his village. One day, these people came to his village. Ta sprawa będzie omawiana na kolejnym spotkaniu. The matter will be brought up at the next meeting. This case will be discussed at the next meeting. On nekouří. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Vraťme se na hotel. Let's go back to the hotel. Let's go back to the hotel. Učíme dívky a chlapce. We teach boys and girls. We teach girls and boys. Oni stali. They stood. They did. Tom šel po ulici a vesele si hvízdal. Tom walked down the street whistling a happy tune. Tom went down the street and was happy to whistle. Te kolory się gryzą. Those colors clash. These colors bite. Zastanawia mnie, co Tom ma przez to na myśli. I wonder what Tom means by that. I wonder what Tom means by that. Dzielny strażak uratował chłopca z płonącego domu. The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house. A brave fireman saved a boy from a burning house. Nikt nie wie, jak się czuję. Nobody knows how I feel. No one knows how I feel. Některým lidem chybí empatie. Some people lack empathy. Some people lack empathy. O tom projektu se vede diskuse. The project is under discussion. There's a discussion about the project. Nevím, co se mohlo stát. I don't know what could've happened. I don't know what could have happened. Cały czas płakała. She kept crying all the time. She was crying all the time. Oddychaj. Breathe. Breathe. Chceš vědět, kdo to udělal? Do you want to know who did this? You want to know who did it? Ten vlak měl skoro hodinu zpoždění. The train was almost an hour behind time. The train was almost an hour late. Mieszkam tutaj od 10 lat. I've lived here for 10 years. I've lived here for 10 years. Ona ma bogate słownictwo z angielskiego. She has a rich vocabulary of English words. She has a rich English vocabulary. Czy widziałeś się z lekarzem? Did you see a doctor? Have you seen a doctor? Pláž byla přeplněná turisty. The beach was packed with tourists. The beach was crowded with tourists. Musíš nahradit ztrátu. You must make up for the loss. You have to replace the loss. Přišel se svými rodiči. He came with his parents. He came with his parents. Ale tobě se to líbí! But you like it! But you like it! Nie mogła powstrzymać płaczu. She couldn't help from crying. She couldn't stop crying. W końcu otrzymałam mój brytyjski paszport. I have finally received my British passport. I finally got my British passport. Nie wiem, co zrobić najpierw. I don't know what to do first. I don't know what to do first. Seděla pod stromem. She was sitting under a tree. She was sitting under a tree. Tom váží asi 60 kilo. Tom weighs about 60 kilos. Tom weighs, like, 60 kilos. Podajcie mi swoje nazwiska. Tell me your names. Give me your names. Jsi spokojená se svým tělem? Are you happy with your body? Are you happy with your body? Věří ve své schopnosti. He is confident of his abilities. He believes in his abilities. Lhal jsi mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. Proszę, zmień flagę. Change the flag, please. Please change the flag. Když domluvil, nastalo ticho. When he finished speaking, there was a silence. When he set up, it was quiet. Porządnie się wystraszył, kiedy zobaczył tego wielkiego węża. He was very scared when he saw that large snake. He was really scared when he saw that big snake. Myślę, że spędziłeś w Bostonie zbyt dużo czasu. I think you've been spending too much time in Boston. I think you spent too much time in Boston. Budeš potřebovat klíč. You will need a key. You're gonna need a key. Profesor nedokázal pochopit, co jsem tím myslel. The professor was unable to comprehend what I meant. The professor couldn't understand what I meant. Znamy się od wielu lat. We have known each other for many years now. We've known each other for years. Dokąd idziemy? Where are we going? Where are we going? Właśnie sprzątam. I'm just cleaning up. I'm cleaning up right now. Nie piję wódki! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! Porzucił rodzinę i zamieszkał na Tahiti. He abandoned his family and went to live in Tahiti. He abandoned his family and moved to Tahiti. Tom si všechno zapisuje, aby nezapomněl. Tom always writes everything down, so he doesn't forget. Tom writes everything down so he doesn't forget. Skoro každý den dojíždím. I commute almost everyday. I get around almost every day. Toto je poprvé, co jsem si kdy zdřímnul ve třídě. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in the classroom. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in my class. Tom zwątpił, że Mary dotrzyma obietnicy. Tom doubted that Mary would keep her promise. Tom doubted Mary would keep her promise. Czy to ty narobiłeś tego bałaganu? Are you responsible for this mess? Did you mess up? Cestoval obchodně. He traveled on business. He's been traveling on business. Po co ci ta wykałaczka? Why do you need this toothpick? What do you need that toothpick for? To jsme kdysi dělali. We used to do that. That's what we used to do. Ma duży dom i dwa samochody. He has a large house and two cars. He's got a big house and two cars. Jestem z Milanu. I'm from Milan. I'm from Milan. To je dům,ve kterém jsem se narodil. This is the house where I was born. This is the house I was born in. Dlaczego jesteś taki skryty? Why are you so secretive? Why are you so hidden? Německo sousedí s Nizozemím. Germany shares a border with the Netherlands. Germany is adjacent to the Netherlands. Wychodzę za mąż. I'm getting married. I'm getting married. Kde ho najdeme? Where can we find him? Where do we find him? Tom wydaje na ubrania sporo pieniędzy. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Bombaj to dawna nazwa Mumbaju, nadana przez Anglików. Bombay is the former name of Mumbai and was given to it by the English. Bombay is a long-time name of Mumbai, given by the English. Czułem się bezsilny. I felt powerless. I felt powerless. Przetłumaczyłam wiersz tak dobrze, jak tylko umiałam. I translated the poem the best I could. I translated the poem as well as I could. Udělám to s tebou. I'm going to do that with you. I'll do it with you. Nie rozpaczaj za długo po stracie najbliższych. Don't mourn over the loss of your loved one too long. Don't despair too long after you lose your loved ones. Mam bzika na punkcie piłki nożnej. I'm crazy about football. I'm crazy about soccer. Tą ulicą dojedzie pan na lotnisko. This road will lead you to the airport. That's the street you're gonna get to the airport. Zostanę tutaj przez parę dni. I'm going to stay here for several days. I'll stay here for a few days. Toto muzeum vystavuje fascinující sbírku Keltských pedmětů. This museum displays a fascinating collection of Celtic objects. This museum exhibits a fascinating collection of Celtic pedmies. Nejsem zrádce. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Nikomu nedovolím, aby ti ublížil. I won't let anyone hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. Czego ode mnie chcecie? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Proč je důležité učit se francouzštinu? Why is it important to study French? Why is it important to learn French? Marie vybírala po jednom vajíčka. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Marie chose one egg. Vím, že je hezká. I know that she is cute. I know she's pretty. Měli štěstí, že jim Tom neublížil. They were lucky that Tom didn't hurt them. They were lucky Tom didn't hurt them. Život je jako mýdlová bublina. Life is like a soap bubble. Life is like a soap bubble. Również Felicja ma proste blond włosy. Also Felicja has blonde straight hair. Felicia also has simple blonde hair. Viděl jsem ho na ulici zrovna před minutou. I saw him in the street just this minute. I saw him on the street just a minute ago. Řekni o Tomovi ještě slovo, a máš padáka. Say another word about Tom, and you are dismissed. Say another word about Tom, and you're fired. Dostaje niezłą pensję. He earns a good salary. He's getting a good salary. Jutro są jej urodziny. Tomorrow is her birthday. It's her birthday tomorrow. Najwyraźniej Tom nie chciał iść na wesele Johna i Mary. Tom apparently didn't want to go to Mary and John's wedding. Apparently, Tom didn't want to go to John and Mary's wedding. W sklepie nie lubię stać w kolejce. At the shop, I do not like to queue. I don't like being in line at the store. Obejrzyjmy to jeszcze raz. Let's go over it again. Let's take another look at it. Tom prožil další bezesnou noc. Tom experienced another sleepless night. Tom had another sleepless night. Wiedziałeś to wcześniej? Did you know that before? Did you know that before? Tom miluje své kočky. Tom loves his cats. Tom loves his cats. Wszystkie drogi prowadzące do miasta pełne były samochodów. All the roads leading into the city are full of cars. All the roads leading to the city were full of cars. Pomoc nadeszła zbyt późno. Help came too late. Help came too late. Często się z nią kłócę. I often have quarrels with her. I fight with her a lot. Stále ještě tomu věříš? Do you still believe that? Do you still believe that? Chci se ujistit, že jste ten, kdo říkají, že jste. I want to make sure you are who you say you are. I want to make sure you're the one who says you are. Przeczytałaś FAQ? Have you read the FAQ? Did you read the FAQ? Czy możesz mi powiedzieć gdzie jest kościół? Muszę porozmawiać z księdzem. Can you tell me where the church is? I have to speak with the priest. Can you tell me where the church is? Toniemy. We're sinking. We're drowning. Przygotuj się. Stand by. Get ready. Tom instaluje nový program. Tom is installing new software. Tom installs a new program. Mamy nawet kolorowy telewizor. We even have colour television. We even have a color TV. Raději byste měli vyrazit hned. You'd better set off at once. You better get going now. Pojutrze chciałbym z tobą porozmawiać. I would like to talk to you the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I'd like to talk to you. Jeho žena, kterou jsem potkal na nádraží, je velice přitažlivá. His wife whom I met at the station, is very attractive. His wife, whom I met at the station, is very attractive. Tu jest twoja książka. Here is your book. Here's your book. To mnie zaskoczyło. It amazed me. I'm surprised. Tentokrát dostanu méně. This time, I will get less. I'll get less this time. Vím, jak se jmenuje. I know what his name is. I know his name. Tom nigdy nie skłamał. Tom never lied. Tom never lied. Řekni, že si děláš srandu! Tell me you're joking! Tell me you're kidding! Spóźniłem się na pociąg. Powinienem był przyjść wcześniej. I missed the train. I should have come earlier. I'm late for the train. Nelituji času stráveného na Tatoebě. Jak bych mohl? I don't regret the time spent on Tatoeba. How could I? I don't regret spending time at Tatoeb. To jest za duże. It's too large. It's too big. Znasz jego numer? Do you know his number? Do you know his number? Już próbowałem na trzy różne sposoby. I've already tried three different ways. I've tried three different ways. Moglibyśmy oboje iść. We could both go. We could both go. Musel jsem počkat na Toma do konce. I had to wait for Tom till the end. I had to wait for Tom to finish. Kto jest twoim ulubionym prezentem CNN? Who's your favorite announcer on CNN? Who's your favorite CNN present? Nechtěla, abych vstoupil do armády. She didn't want me to join up the army. She didn't want me to join the army. Tom býval šeredný. Tom used to be ugly. Tom used to be ugly. Tom měl menší nehodu. Tom has had a minor accident. Tom had a minor accident. Tom sprawdzi. Tom will check. Tom's gonna check it out. Tom často na své děti křičí. Tom often yells at his children. Tom often yells at his children. Na tej wyspie jest ciepło przez cały rok. The island is warm all year. It's warm on this island all year long. Tom chce ihned zprávu o pokroku. Tom wants a progress report right now. Tom wants a progress report right away. Powiedział prawdę, w przeciwnym razie byłby ukarany. He told the truth, otherwise he would have been punished. He told the truth, otherwise he'd be punished. Te obrazy są piękne. These pictures are beautiful. These paintings are beautiful. Zastanawiam się czy Tom lubi to robić. I wonder if Tom enjoys doing that. I wonder if Tom likes to do it. I ty, Brute? You too, Brutus? And you, Brut? Udělám domácí úkol. I will do my homework. I'll do my homework. Koupím ti ještě jeden. I'll buy you another one. I'll buy you another one. Mám jednoho syna. I have a son. I have one son. Tom se už nezotavil. Tom never got better. Tom hasn't recovered. Tom ještě nemá vlastní byt, i když už je mu třicet. Stále bydlí se svými rodiči. Tom still doesn't have his own apartment, even though he is already thirty. He still lives with his parents. Tom doesn't have his own apartment yet, even though he's 30 years old, he's still living with his parents. Aby w pełni zrozumieć japońską kulturę, powinieneś nauczyć się tego języka. To understand Japanese culture to the full, you should learn the language. To fully understand Japanese culture, you should learn that language. Neměl byste je nechávat tak dlouho čekat. You shouldn't keep them waiting so long. You shouldn't keep them waiting that long. Rzuć broń. Throw down your gun. Drop the gun. Tom ma brata architekta. Tom has a brother who is an architect. Tom has an architect's brother. Št'astnou cestu! Have a good journey! Have a good trip! Czego słucham? What am I listening to? What am I listening to? Mam ośmiu braci. I have eight brothers. I have eight brothers. On lubi pływać. He likes to swim. He likes to swim. Bardziej lubię czerwoną sukienkę, niż niebieską. I like the red dress more than the blue dress. I like a red dress more than blue. Sztuczki magika zadziwiły nas. The magician's tricks surprised us. Magician tricks surprised us. Víte, jak moc mi na vás záleží. You know how much I care for you. You know how much I care about you. V zimě se stmívá rychle. The night falls fast in winter. It gets dark fast in winter. Rád bych vám poděkoval za spolupráci. I would like to thank you for your cooperation. I'd like to thank you for your cooperation. Tom odwrócił się do Mary. Tom turned back to Mary. Tom turned to Mary. Powiem ci co i jak. Let me bring you up to speed. I'll tell you what. Co sprzedajesz? What are you selling? What are you selling? V lahvi je trochu mléka. There's some milk in the bottle. There's some milk in the bottle. Przypadkiem wiem, że Tom sprzedał w zeszłym tygodniu swój samochód. I happen to know that Tom sold his car last week. I happen to know Tom sold his car last week. Jak daleko jest stąd do Tokio? How far is it from here to Tokyo? How far is it to Tokyo? On jest publicystą w dziale plotki od 9 lat do teraz. He has been a gossip columnist for nine years now. He's a publicist in gossip from nine years to now. Jestem właścicielem restauracji na Park Street. I own a restaurant on Park Street. I own a restaurant on Park Street. Tom, powiedz coś. Tom, say something. Tom, say something. Nemám tě rád natolik, abych s tebou chodil. I'm not fond enough of you to date you. I don't like you enough to date you. Włóż to tam, gdzie chcesz. Insert it wherever you like. Put it where you want it. Počkejme, až přestane pršet. Let's wait until it stops raining. Let's wait for it to stop raining. Wkrótce przyjdzie. He'll come soon. He'll be here soon. Pasażerowie powinni natychmiast wsiadać do pociągu. Passengers should board the train now. Passengers should get on the train immediately. Stal ses skvělým mužem! You have become a great man! You've become a great man! Nadal jestem tutaj szefem. I'm still the boss around here. I'm still the boss here. Chcę być biegły we francuskim. I want to be fluent in French. I want to be proficient in French. Wstawaj. Get up. Get up. Dam ci dzień, żebyś to przemyślał. I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll give you a day to think about it. Może po prostu się nie wysypiasz. Maybe you're just not getting enough sleep. Maybe you're just not sleeping. Tom hrál stolní hru. Tom played a board game. Tom played the board game. Która jest córką Toma? Which one is Tom's daughter? Which one's Tom's daughter? Netušil jsem, že je takový idiot. I didn't know that he was such an idiot. I didn't know he was such an idiot. Proszę, usiądź. Please sit down. Please, sit down. Hned jak přestalo pršet, objevila se krásná duha. No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. As soon as the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared. Prý postavili novou restauraci. It is said that a new restaurant was constructed. They said they built a new restaurant. Zrobiliśmy to kilka razy. We did it a few times. We've done it a few times. Podgorica je hlavní město Černé Hory. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Jedzenie w tej restauracji jest dla mnie za tłuste. The food at that restaurant is too greasy for me. The food at this restaurant is too greasy for me. Lidé nepotřebují politiky, ale politici potřebují lidi. People don't need politicians, but politicians need people. People don't need politics, but politicians need people. Tom se cítil dobře. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. Później do ciebie przedzwonię. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. Nigdy nie słyszałem żeby tak płakał. I have never heard him crying like this. I've never heard him cry like that. Zdecydowałem się pójść. I've decided to go. I decided to go. Jdi spát. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Nejsem přesvědčen, že Tom říká pravdu. I'm not convinced Tom is telling the truth. I'm not convinced Tom's telling the truth. Niech drzwi będą otwarte. Keep the door open. Let the door open. Tohle je to nejlepší, co jsi kdy udělal. That's the best that you've ever done. This is the best thing you've ever done. Czasami jesteś dziwny. You're strange sometimes. Sometimes you're weird. To już się stało. It already happened. It's already happened. Tom nie szanuje Marii. Tom doesn't respect Mary. Tom doesn't respect Maria. Pamiętamy. We remember. We remember. Tom miał dobry powód. Tom had a good reason. Tom had a good reason. Jaka jest najostrzejsza rzecz jaką w życiu jadłeś? What's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten? What's the sharpest thing you've ever eaten? Měli bychom mu dát nějaký dárek. We should get him a present. We should give him a present. To jsi jíst neměl. You shouldn't have eaten that. You shouldn't have eaten that. Co zamierzacie robić z Tomem? What are you planning to do with Tom? What are you going to do with Tom? To pro nás není problém. It's no problem for us. That's not a problem for us. Obávám se, že tu zůstanu trčet navěky. I'm afraid I'll be stuck in this place forever. I'm afraid I'll be stuck here forever. Dovol mi, abych to pro tebe udělal. Permit me to do that for you. Let me do this for you. Daj mi trochę luzu. Cut me some slack. Give me a break. Nalij mi skleničku vína. Pour me a glass of wine. Pour me a glass of wine. Zaprosiłem dwadzieścia osób na moje przyjęcie ale, nie wszystkie z nich przyszły. I asked twenty people to my party but not all of them came. I invited twenty people to my party, but not all of them came. Má dlouhý nos. She has a long nose. He's got a long nose. Nie wiem jak ona to robi. I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she does it. Naháněl ji. He chased after her. He was chasing her. Mám rád práci. I like working. I like work. Mogę ci w tym pomóc. I could help you with it. I can help you with that. Miała ubrany ciemno niebieski szalik. She wore a dark blue scarf. She was wearing a dark blue scarf. Víš více, než říkáš. You know more than you're saying. You know more than you say. Z jakého města jsou Marco a Maria? Maria a Marco jsou z Říma. From which city are Marco and Maria? Maria and Marco are from Rome. What city are Marco and Maria from? Maria and Marco are from Rome. Lidstvo si svým přístupem kope vlastní hrob. Mankind digs its own grave by its approach. Humanity digs its own grave with its approach. Jesteś samolubny. You're selfish. You're selfish. Publikowanie pornografii jest sprzeczne z zasadami. Jeśli zostanie to wykryte, zostaniesz zablokowany. Posting porn is against the rules and when discovered will get you blocked. The publication of pornography is against the rules. If detected, you will be blocked. Tom věděl, že by se měl stěhovat. Tom knew he ought to move. Tom knew he should move. Nie miałeś nic do powiedzenia Tomowi. You didn't have anything to say to Tom. You had nothing to say to Tom. Vlk obvykle člověka nenapadne. Wolves won't usually attack people. A wolf doesn't usually attack a person. Proszę o uwagę. Please pay attention. Attention, please. Do toho ti nic není! It's none of your business! It's none of your business! Tomovo dětství mohlo být šťastnější, kdyby se jeho rodiče nerozvedli. Tom's childhood could have been happier if his parents hadn't got divorced. Tom’s childhood could have been happier if his parents hadn’t divorced. Rád čtu. I like to read. I like to read. Klepnął swojego brata po ramieniu. He patted his brother on the shoulder. He knocked his brother on his shoulder. To sen, który stał się rzeczywistością. It's a dream come true. It's a dream that's become a reality. Vidíš, kdo k nám přichází? Can you see who's coming to our house? See who's coming to us? Ludzie muszą przestać nienawidzić. People need to stop hating. People have to stop hating. Obróć ekran aby zobaczyć inne obrazki. Rotate your screen to see other images. Rotate screen to see other images. Często widzę, jak Tom i Mary to robią. I often see Tom and Mary do that. I often see Tom and Mary doing it. Málem jsem zapomněl udělat si domácí úkoly. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my homework. Droga powoli schodziła w dół. The road descends slowly. The road was slowly coming down. Widzisz ten obraz? Can you see the picture? See that painting? Já nepůjdu. I won't go. I'm not going. Co jesz na drugie śniadanie? What do you have for a mid-morning snack? What are you eating for lunch? Uwielbiam moich kuzynów. I love my cousins. I love my cousins. Nie wszystko jest czarno-białe. Not everything is black and white. It's not all black and white. Jej uśmiech wskazuje, że mi wybaczyła. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. Her smile shows she's forgiven me. Přeložte následující věty do japonštiny. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. Co powiesz na kino? How about going to the movie? How about a movie? Przekażę Tomowi dobre wieści. I'll go tell Tom the good news. I'll tell Tom the good news. Masz wszystko? Do you have everything? You got everything? Dlaczego jesteś zmęczony? Why are you tired? Why are you tired? Dnes ráno jsem Tomem mluvil. I spoke with Tom this morning. I spoke to Tom this morning. Tom dává přednost celovečerním filmům před seriály. Tom prefers feature films to series. Tom prefers feature films over series. Kam vlastně jdeme? Where are we going anyway? Where are we going, anyway? Nevěděl, kam jít. He did not know where to go. He didn't know where to go. Deset, jedenáct, dvanáct, třináct, čtrnáct, patnáct, šestnáct, sedmnáct, osmnáct, devatenáct, dvacet. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Jak daleko je odsud knihovna? How far is the library from here? How far is the library from here? Tom tam zůstal dlouho. Tom stayed there a long time. Tom stayed there for a long time. Tom a Mary přijeli do Bostonu se mnou. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Mám hodně příbuzných, obvzlášť z matčiny strany. I have a lot of relatives, especially on my mother's side. I have a lot of relatives, especially on my mother's side. Alžírsko prodává ropu a plyn. Algeria sells oil and gas. Algeria sells oil and gas. Myślisz po francusku? Do you think in French? You mean French? To jest ostatni. It's the last one. This is the last one. Zvedněte ruce, než odpovíte. Raise your hand before you answer. Put your hands up before you answer. Chciałem zaprosić pana Jinsu tego wieczoru, aby podziękować mu za to, jak mi pomógł wcześniej. I wanted to invite Mr. Jinsu this evening to thank him for helping me earlier. I wanted to invite Mr. Jinsu tonight to thank him for helping me earlier. Tom śmiał się też. Tom also smiled. Tom laughed, too. Tom a Mary spolu sedí na gauči. Tom and Mary are sitting together on the couch. Tom and Mary are sitting on the couch together. Tomův život visí na vlásku. Tom's life trembles in the balance. Tom's life is on the line. Kdo vykřiknul? Who yelled? Who screamed? Vypadáš skvěle. You look perfect. You look great. Tom zapewne to słyszał. Tom probably heard that. I'm sure Tom heard that. Nemohla odpovědět na tu otázku. She couldn't answer the question. She couldn't answer the question. W Japonii, jest teraz trzecia nad ranem. In Japan, it's now 3:00 a.m. In Japan, it's 3:00 in the morning. Raději bysme to dnes už měli zabalit. We'd better just call it a day. We'd better wrap it up today. Zabil jsem je. I have killed them. I killed them. Dokonce i ty nejdůkladněji udělané plány často končí nezdarem. Even the most carefully made plans frequently result in failure. Even the most accurate plans made often end in failure. Czemu tak mówisz? Why would you say that? Why would you say that? Pokud zítra nebude pršet, půjdeme na tůru. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go hiking. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go hiking. Tom pewnie nawet nie pójdzie. Tom probably won't even go. Tom probably won't even go. Usiądź tu w pobliżu. Sit near here. Sit around here. Nastavitelný klíč je užitečný nástroj pro každého instalatéra. An adjustable wrench is a useful tool for any plumber. The adjustable key is a useful tool for every plumber. Idź na swoje miejsce. Go to your spot. Go to your seat. Je to sestra kolegy mého bratra. She is the sister of my brother's colleague. She's my brother's colleague's sister. Přeslechl jsem vaše příjmení. I didn't catch your surname. I didn't get your last name. Asi bys raději měl jít se mnou. Perhaps you'd better come with me. I think you'd better come with me. Sally mu dala vánoční dárek. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Takhle to dělat nemůžeš. You cannot do it like this. You can't do this. Twój ojciec o niczym nie wie. Your father knows nothing. Your father doesn't know anything. Dała nam dużo jedzenia. She gave us lots to eat. She gave us a lot of food. Tom nechce strávit zbytek svého života ve věznici. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Prenumeruje pan jakąś gazetę? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you subscribe to a newspaper? Byłem wczoraj w domu. I was at home yesterday. I was home last night. Zvykl si na to, že nemá každý den teplé jídlo. He got used to not having a hot meal every day. He's used to not having a hot meal every day. Zapomniałem, że jesteś w drużynie siatkarskiej. I forgot you were on the volleyball team. I forgot you're on the volleyball team. Usiedzieć. Sit still. Sit down. Daj jej książkę. Give her the book. Give her a book. Nie spieprz tego. Don't mess it up. Don't screw it up. Tom rozpowiedział sekret. Tom let the secret out. Tom told me a secret. Lubi podróżować sam. He likes to travel by himself. He likes to travel alone. Jen se dívej. You just watch. Just watch. Rób, nie gadaj. Act. Don't talk. Do it, don't talk. Ona się odchudza. She is dieting. She's losing weight. Není zač. You're welcome. You're welcome. Mój brat ma dobrą pamięć. My brother has a good memory. My brother has a good memory. Klucze od garażu zniknęły The keys to the garage are gone. The keys to the garage are gone. Prezident na choulostivou otázku odmítl odpovědět. The president declined to answer the delicate question. The president refused to answer a delicate question. Tom neznal jejich jména. Tom didn't know their names. Tom didn't know their names. Miłość nie istnieje. Love doesn't exist. Love doesn't exist. Nevyhazujte Toma. Don't fire Tom. Don't throw Tom away. Nejsem na tohle vedro zvyklý. I'm not used to this heat. I'm not used to this heat. Tom umie szybko biegać. Tom can run fast. Tom can run fast. Jej śmiech rozniósł się echem po domu. Her laughter echoed through the house. Her laugh spread through the house. Tom, wiem, że jesteś zajęty. I know you're busy, Tom. Tom, I know you're busy. Tom nie mógł spłacić swoich rachunków. Tom couldn't pay his bills. Tom couldn't pay his bills. Schůze skončila. The meeting is over. The meeting's over. Tom mi od minulého října nenapsal. Tom hasn't written to me since last October. Tom hasn't texted me since last October. Tom neřekl svým rodičům, kde byl. Tom didn't tell his parents where he'd been. Tom didn't tell his parents where he was. Mary chciała skończyć przygotowywanie śniadania, zanim Tom wstanie. Mary wanted to finish making breakfast before Tom woke up. Mary wanted to finish making breakfast before Tom got up. Chcę porozmawiać z Tomem w samotności. I'll talk to Tom alone. I want to talk to Tom alone. Pizza hawajska to moja ulubiona pizza. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. Hawaiian pizza is my favorite pizza. Jestem rozsądny. I'm reasonable. I'm reasonable. Lituji, že jsem ti to řekl. I regret that I told you. I'm sorry I told you. Marie trvala na tom, že to neudělala. Mary insisted that she didn't do it. Marie insisted she didn't do it. Musíš to dokončit. You've got to finish doing that. You have to finish this. To bardzo mało prawdopodobne. It's very unlikely. That's very unlikely. Než jsme se naděli, tak se setmělo. It became dark before we knew it. Before we got there, it got dark. Zostaw mi kawałek ciasta. Save me a piece of pie. Leave me a piece of cake. Jsem rád, že jsem se to naučil. I am glad that I learned it. I'm glad I learned that. Lubię słuchać muzyki, w szczególności jazzu. I like listening to music, especially jazz. I like to listen to music, especially jazz. Tom si naplnil kyblík pískem. Tom filled his bucket with sand. Tom filled his bucket with sand. Tom žil pár let v Bostonu. Tom lived in Boston for a few years. Tom lived in Boston for a few years. Ile lat uczysz się angielskiego? How long have you been studying English? How old do you learn English? Proč se před Tomem schováváš? Why are you hiding from Tom? Why are you hiding from Tom? Zaplanujmy wycieczkę do Australii. Let's plan a trip to Australia. Let's plan a trip to Australia. Chtěla bys jedno? Would you like one? Would you like one? Mama robi zakupy po drodze z pracy. My mother does her usual shopping on her way home from work. Mom's shopping on the way out of work. Znovu si to přečtu. I'm going to read this again. I'll read it again. Míváme tady málo sněhu, dokonce i v zimě. We have little snow here even in the winter. We have little snow here, even in winter. Ten chlapec je skutečně stydlivý. That boy is really shy. That boy is really shy. Tom si myslí, že labutě jsou ještě útočnější, nežli husy. Tom thinks swans are even more vicious than geese. Tom thinks swans are even more aggressive than geese. To není ten důvod, proč to chce Tom udělat. That's not the reason that Tom wants to do that. That's not why Tom wants to do this. Proč je vždycky všechno tak složité? Why is everything always so complicated? Why is everything always so complicated? Nejsem lékař. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Czy on mnie zna? Does he know me? Does he know me? Sami nigdy się nie goli. Sami never shaves. He never shaves himself. Nie jestem jeszcze gotowy. I am not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Řídili jsme se pravidly. We obeyed the rules. We followed the rules. Ojciec jutro będzie w domu. Father will be at home tomorrow. Father will be home tomorrow. Tomek w dzieciństwie wolno się uczył, więc uczęszczał do szkoły integracyjnej. Tom was a slow learner when he was a child, and attended a special school. Tomek was a slow student in his childhood, so he attended an integration school. W kawiarni obok kawa jest o połowę tańsza. The coffee is cheaper by half in the café next door. Coffee next to the cafe is half the price. Jsem přítel Toma. I am a friend of Tom's. I'm a friend of Tom's. Aktualizujte moje programové vybavení. Update my software. Update my software. Naše dítě ještě neumí mluvit. Our baby cannot talk yet. Our baby can't talk yet. Také jsem navštívil Boston. I've visited Boston, too. I also visited Boston. Chtěl koupit tu knihu. He wanted to buy the book. He wanted to buy the book. Dodaj do kolejki kolejną piosenkę. Queue the next song. Add another song to the line. Tom pożyczył mi swój komputer. Tom lent me his computer. Tom loaned me his computer. Tom nechtěl studovat v cizině. Tom didn't want to study abroad. Tom didn't want to study abroad. To ja zaproponowałem, żeby Tom zatrudnił ochroniarza. I was the one who suggested that Tom hire a bodyguard. I'm the one who suggested that Tom hire a security guard. Toto je jeden z těch slovníků, o kterém jsem ti včera říkal. This is one of the dictionaries that I told you about yesterday. This is one of those dictionaries I told you about yesterday. Myślisz, że ma kłopoty? Do you think he's in trouble? You think he's in trouble? Nie jestem leniwy. I'm not lazy. I'm not lazy. Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli przyjdzie Tom? What should I do if Tom comes? What should I do if Tom comes? Odmítl jsem na takové podmínky přistoupit. I refused to agree to the terms. I refused to accept such terms. Nejsem spokojen s kvalitou vaší práce. I'm not pleased with the quality of your job. I'm not satisfied with the quality of your work. Zapomniałem czegoś. I forgot something. I forgot something. Ona potrzebuje od nas pomocy. She needs our help. She needs our help. "Wiem, co naprawdę czujesz." "Nieprawda, nie wiesz." "I know how you really feel." "No, you don't!" "I know how you really feel." "True, you don't know." Mary bude velmi vděčná, když Tom přijde k obědu včas. Mary will be very grateful if Tom comes for lunch in time. Mary will be very grateful if Tom comes to lunch on time. Slyšel jsem mužský hlas, ne ženský. I heard the voice of a man, not a woman. I heard a man's voice, not a woman's. Přemýšlel jsem o tom, že bych ti mohl pomoct. I was thinking maybe I could help you. I was thinking maybe I could help you. Wiesz, co to oznacza? Do you know what this means? You know what that means? Mój syn zaczął naukę w szkole średniej. My son entered high school. My son started high school. Chciałbym się dowiedzieć, jak zablokować komentarze na moim blogu. I wish I could figure out how to disable comments on my blog. I'd like to find out how to block the comments on my blog. Dej mi prosím tě pokoj. Give me a break, please. Please leave me alone. Tolik ti nezaplatím. I won't pay you that much. I'm not paying you that much. Wszystko co powiesz może być i będzie wykorzystane przeciwko tobie w sądzie. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Někteří lidé přešli na syrovou stravu. Some people have switched to raw food. Some people switched to raw food. Budu v Bostonu celý den. I'm going to be in Boston all day. I'll be in Boston all day. Tímto člověkem jste byli milováni pro své bohatství. This man loved you for your wealth. You were loved by this man for your wealth. Tom se dozvěděl, že má nevlastní sestru, která také žije v Bostonu. Tom learned that he has a half-sister who also lives in Boston. Tom found out he's got a half-sister who lives in Boston, too. Wciąż nie mogę w to uwierzyć. I still can't believe it. I still can't believe it. Tom mi bude chybět a vše, co představoval. I'll miss Tom and everything he stood for. I'm gonna miss Tom and everything he represented. Mam nadzieję, że u Toma wszystko jest w porządku. I hope Tom is OK. I hope Tom's okay. W każdym razie dzięki. Thanks anyway. Anyway, thanks. Mluvil jsem s nim anglicky a zjistil, že se dokážu domluvit. I spoke to him in English and found I could make myself understood. I spoke to him in English and found out I could make a deal. Studoval na zahraniční univerzitě. He studied at a foreign university. He studied at the University of Foreign Affairs. Mój dom jest ubezpieczony. My house is covered by insurance. My house is insured. To wypada w niedzielę. It falls on Sunday. It's Sunday. Tom s tebou držet krok nezvládne. Tom won't be able to keep up with you. Tom can't keep up with you. Jeho zdraví se postupně zlepšuje. His health is improving little by little. His health is gradually improving. Tom mi vyčetl moji neúčast na pohřbu Mary. Tom reproached me for not attending Mary's funeral. Tom read me my non-participation at Mary's funeral. Uczymy się czytać i pisać. We learn to read and write. We learn to read and write. Jaké oblečení máš rád? What sort of clothes do you like? What kind of clothes do you like? Je snídaně v ceně? Does the price include breakfast? Is breakfast included? Uwielbiam pizzę z serem. I love pizza with cheese. I love pizza and cheese. On jest ze Stanów Zjednoczonych. He is from the United States. He's from the United States. Musimy uważać. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. Najdeš ho. You will find him. You'll find him. Řekl, že nemá ženu. He said that he didn't have a wife. He said he didn't have a wife. Nie odpowiedziałeś na moje pytanie. You didn't answer my question. You didn't answer my question. Francouzština je těžký jazyk. French is a difficult language. French is a tough language. Hned vám dám vědět. I'll get right back to you. I'll let you know right away. Powinnam zobaczyć się ze specjalistą? Should I see a specialist? Should I see a specialist? Ziemia porusza się po orbicie dookoła Słońca. The Earth moves in orbit around the Sun. Earth travels through orbit around the sun. Pozwól, że coś powiem. Let me say one thing. Let me tell you something. On został oskarżony o roztrwonienie publicznych funduszy. He was accused of squandering public funds. He's been accused of instigating public funds. Šel tiše. He walked quietly. He went quietly. Doufám, že se nebojíš tmy. I hope you're not afraid of the dark. I hope you're not afraid of the dark. Tom je analfabet. Tom is an analphabet. Tom's illiterate. Prosím tě, zhasni, než půjdeš spát. Please turn off the light before you go to sleep. Please turn off the lights before you go to sleep. Potrzebujemy nowej opiekunki do dziecka. We need a new babysitter. We need a new babysitter for the baby. Mohli bychom počkat. We could wait. We could wait. Musisz iść spać. You have to go to sleep. You need to go to sleep. Tom hulákal na Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom used to holler at Mary. Měl jsi mi to říct dřív. You should have told me sooner. You should've told me sooner. Hlemýždi jsou hermafroditi. Snails are hermaphrodites. Snails are hermaphrodites. Jana nosila stejnou stuhu jako její matka. Jane wore the same ribbon as her mother did. Jana wore the same ribbon as her mother. Byl to Tom, kdo způsobil Mary tohle trápení. It was Tom who put Mary through this misery. It was Tom who caused Mary this trouble. Tom odložil svoji svatbu s Mary na neurčito. Tom postponed his marriage to Mary indefinitely. Tom postponed his wedding with Mary indefinitely. Jak on to zrobił? How did he do it? How did he do that? Cudowna Wonderful! Wonderful. Ten článek jsem četl. I read the article. I read the article. Strata wyniosła 100 dolarów. The loss amounted to 100 dollars. The loss was $100. Odkud znáš Toma? How do you know Tom? How do you know Tom? Postaraj się nie zmoknąć. Try and stay dry. Try not to get wet. Świat jest moją ostrygą. The world is my oyster. The world is my oyster. Kiedyś byłem gruby. I used to be fat. I used to be fat. Měl bych tě znát? Am I supposed to know you? Should I know you? Poplují do Bombaje příští pondělí. They will sail for Bombay next Monday. They'll sail to Mumbai next Monday. Vstává v sedm. He gets up at seven. He's up at 7:00. Muszę wam się przyznać, że chrapię... I must admit that I snore. I have to tell you, I'm snoring... Bylo to mimo správnou pozici. That was out of line. It was out of position. Matka Felicji jest Polką pochodzenia rumuńskiego. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Felicia's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Řekni Tomovi, že jsi lhal. Tell Tom you lied. Tell Tom you lied. Tom mě nežádal, což jsem preferoval. Tom didn't ask me which I preferred. Tom didn't ask me, which I preferred. Tohle je důležité rozhodnutí. This is an important decision. This is an important decision. Odložte pera. Put down your pencils. Put the pens down. Neustupuj těmto požadavkům. Don't give in to these demands. Don't give up on those demands. Tom vybral vánoční dárek pro Mary. Tom chose a Christmas gift for Mary. Tom chose a Christmas present for Mary. Śmiali się. They laughed. They laughed. Pani umie mówić po niemiecku. You can speak German. You speak German. Już to kupiłem. I already bought it. I already bought it. Czy już się gdzieś wcześniej nie spotkaliśmy? Haven't we met somewhere before? Haven't we met before? Oslo je hlavní město Norska. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Co kdyby ses chvilku zdržela? Why don't you stay for a while? Why don't you stay a while? Interpunkcja pomaga ukazać zależności gramatyczne i, przynajmniej w angielskim, jest także używana do zaznaczenia intonacji. Punctuation helps to show grammatical relationships and, at least in English, is also used to indicate intonation. The interpretation helps to show grammar and, at least in English, is also used to select intonations. Czemu ktoś miałby tego chcieć? Why would anyone else want this? Why would anyone want that? Lidské a zvířecí obětování je projevem satanizmu. Human and animal sacrifice is manifestation of Satanism. Human and animal sacrifice is an expression of Satanism. Tom mě okradl o každý haléř, který jsem měl. Tom robbed me of every penny I had. Tom robbed me of every penny I had. Mieliśmy wesoły dzień na plaży. We had a fun day at the beach. We had a fun day at the beach. Musím odsud Toma dostat. I've got to get Tom out of here. I have to get Tom out of here. Nevím, jak se tam dostat. I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to get in there. Możemy to zrobić sami. We can do it ourselves. We can do this on our own. Odrobiłeś swoją pracę domową. You did your homework. You did your homework. Chcę studiować za granicą. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Planujemy zostać przez tydzień. We plan on staying a week. We're planning on staying for a week. Kliknij obrazek aby usłyszeć dźwięk zwierzęcia. Click the image to hear animal's sound. Click the image to hear the sound of the animal. Ahoj všichni! Hello everyone! Hey, everybody! Zraniłeś uczucia Toma. You've hurt Tom's feelings. You hurt Tom's feelings. Moja córka ma aparat ortodontyczny. My daughter has braces. My daughter has orthodontics. Nic nie znaleźliśmy. We didn't find anything. We didn't find anything. Mám zájem se naučit opravit rozbitý stůl. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. I'm interested in learning how to fix a broken table. Mam wrażenie, że próbujesz coś mi powiedzieć. I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something. I have a feeling you're trying to tell me something. Tom jest najszybszym biegaczem w klasie. Tom is the fastest runner in his class. Tom's the fastest runner in the class. Je ten hotel odsud daleko? Is the hotel far from here? Is the hotel far from here? Zakłopotanie Toma rosło. Tom's confusion grew. Tom's embarrassment grew. Co teraz zrobiłeś? Właśnie wstałem. What have you done right now? I've just woken up. What have you done now? To torba Jane. This is Jane's bag. It's Jane's bag. Ani radost ani smutek netrvají věčně. Happiness and sadness only last for a time. Neither joy nor sadness last forever. Jeho ponožka je děravá. There is a hole in his sock. His sock is soaking. To przejdzie na emeryturę za rok. Tom will be retiring next year. It'll retire in a year. Víno mi nesedí. Wine makes me sick. Wine doesn't suit me. Tom se zranil. Tom hurt himself. Tom got hurt. Każda istota ma instynkt samozachowawczy. The instinct of self-defense is inherent in any animal. Every being has a self-preservation instinct. Nie wiedzieli, co się wydarzyło. They didn't know what happened. They didn't know what happened. Gdy teraz o tym myślę, dochodzę do wniosku, że nie powinienem był tam z nią jechać. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have gone there with her. Now that I think about it, I figure I shouldn't have gone there with her. Musimy się dostać do szpitala. We've got to get to the hospital. We need to get to a hospital. Mówisz płynną angielszczyzną. You speak fluent English. You speak liquid English. Jestem bardzo szczęśliwa w Georgii. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Ty ženy jsem měl rád. I liked those women. I liked those women. Stany Zjednoczone są republiką - Zjednoczone Królestwo nie. The United States is a republic, the United Kingdom is not. The United States is a republic - the United Kingdom is not. Jen se trochu nudím. I'm just a little bored. I'm just a little bored. Też to widział. He saw it, too. He saw it, too. Měl bych nechat flákání se. I should stop procrastinating. I should get laid. Stany Zjednoczone są największym na świecie producentem sera. The United States is the largest producer of cheese in the world. The United States is the largest cheese producer in the world. Kde je můj pokoj? Where's my room? Where's my room? Gdybym zobaczył Ancę, pewnie bym jej nie poznał. If I saw Anca, I would probably not recognize her. If I saw Anca, I probably wouldn't have met her. Gdybym chciała, mogłabym cię zabić. If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you. If I wanted to, I could kill you. Myslím, že to s tím nemá nic společného. I don't think that that has anything to do with it. I don't think this has anything to do with anything. On idzie z nami. He's coming with us. He's coming with us. Vrátím se pozdě. I'll be back late. I'll be back late. Má velmi rád zvířata. He loves animals a lot. He likes animals very much. Szpital, do którego zwykle chodzę, jest zamknięty z powodu remontu. The hospital I usually go to is closed for renovations. The hospital I usually go to is closed because of renovations. Vrátíš se zítra? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej młodych ludzi rozmawia ze starszymi jak z równymi sobie. These days more and more young people talk to their elders on even terms. Today, more and more young people talk to older people as they are. Ta hračka je vyrobena ze dřeva. That toy is made out of wood. The toy is made of wood. Udělám domácí úkol. I will do the homework. I'll do my homework. Otrzymaliśmy dużą paczkę. We received a large package. We got a big package. Má sklon chodit za školu. He tends to skip school. He tends to go to school. Je doručení zdarma? Is the delivery free? Is there a free delivery? Gdzie kupiłaś kwiaty? Where did you buy the flowers? Where did you get the flowers? Przyjdę do ciebie. I'll come to your place. I'll come to you. Tom nie oglądał tyle telewizji, kiedy był młodszy. Tom didn't watch much television when he was younger. Tom didn't watch that much TV when he was younger. Jsme jeho synové. We are his sons. We're his sons. Upuścił wazon. He dropped a vase. He dropped the vase. Sam znajdę Toma. I'll find Tom myself. I'll find Tom myself. Petro nie czyta książki. Petro isn't reading a book. Petro doesn't read the book. Tyto nůžky jsou nové. These scissors are new. These scissors are new. Mary má na sobě červený šátek. Mary is wearing a red scarf. Mary's wearing a red scarf. Nemám svoje vlastní děti. I haven't got my own children. I don't have my own kids. Popíjím kávu v kavárně. I drink coffee in a cafe. I'm having coffee at the coffee shop. Tom bude věřit všemu. Tom will believe anything. Tom will believe everything. Tom se hodlá stát novinářem. Tom intends to become a journalist. Tom's about to become a journalist. Bývala větší. It used to be bigger. She used to be bigger. Tom powtórzył to pytanie. Tom repeated the question. Tom repeated that question. Nie zasypiaj. Stay awake. Don't fall asleep. Poprosil jsem ho, aby otevřel okno. I asked him to open the window. I asked him to open the window. Jego wniosek jest bardzo rozsądny. His request is very reasonable. His request is very reasonable. Tom poczuł, że kolana mu się trzęsą. Tom felt his knees tremble. Tom felt his knees shaking. Tom ma do podjęcia ważną decyzję przed następnym poniedziałkiem. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Tom has an important decision to make before Monday. Chcę wypić kawę. I want to drink a coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Tom vzas s sebou do Bostonu své děti. Tom took his children to Boston with him. Tom's with you to Boston with your kids. Nazywam go Mike. I call him Mike. I call him Mike. Czytałem z nudów czasopisma. I read a magazine to kill time. I read from the boredom of the magazine. Vypadáš stejně zdravě jako vždy. You look as healthy as ever. You look as healthy as ever. On lubi plotkować. He is fond of gossip. He likes to gossip. Pozwól, że jej to wytłumaczę. Let me explain it to her. Let me explain. Wygląda na to, że Tom zgubił guzik ze swojej koszuli. It looks like Tom has lost a button off his shirt. Looks like Tom lost a button on his shirt. Měls mě kdysi rád. You used to like me. You used to like me. Vše, co jsem vám řekl, je pravda. Everything I told you is the truth. Everything I've told you is true. Podjąłem się tego wbrew mojej woli. I unwillingly undertook it. I took it against my will. Wczoraj, po prostu nie poszedłem do pracy. Yesterday I simply did not go to work. Yesterday, I just didn't go to work. Przeciwieństwa się przyciągają. Opposites attract. The opposites attract. Kobieta powiedziała, że to jej miejsce. The woman said the spot was hers. The woman said it was her place. Nikdo tě nemá rád. Nobody likes you. No one likes you. Spotkajmy się o 6:30. Let's meet at 6:30. Meet me at 6:30. Vrátil jsem mu Tomovu knihu. I returned Tom's book to him. I gave him Tom's book back. Zdá se, že ztrácí motivaci. He seems to be losing motivation. She seems to be losing her motivation. Posprzątaliśmy nasz ogród. We cleaned up our garden. We cleaned our garden. Ten film je skvělý. The film is fantastic. The movie's great. Nie skończyłem jeszcze mojej kanapki. I haven't finished my sandwich yet. I haven't finished my sandwich yet. Jsem v této práci nováček. I'm a novice at this kind of work. I'm a rookie in this job. Tome, neopouštěj mě! Tom, don't you leave me. Tom, don't leave me! Muiriel ma teraz 20 lat. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now 20 years old. Jestem pierwszy. I'm first. I'm first. Lepiej niech pani idzie z nami. You'd better go with us. You better come with us. Ona zawsze zapisuje każde słowo swego nauczyciela. She always writes down every word her teacher says. She always writes down every word of her teacher. Tom řekl, že to pro mě udělá, pokud budu chtít. Tom said that he'd do that for me if I wanted him to. Tom said he'd do it for me if I wanted to. Ukradla mu hodně peněz. She stole a lot of money from him. She stole a lot of his money. Szkoda, że nie jesteś wśród moich uczniów. I wish you'd been one of my students. I wish you were among my students. Vůbec to nebylo to, co Tom očekával. It wasn't at all what Tom had expected. It wasn't what Tom expected at all. Nie wiem, co masz na myśli. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. On kocha podróżowanie. He loves traveling. He loves to travel. Měla jsi se o víkendu? Did you have a pleasant weekend? Did you have a weekend? Dzięki, Tom, doceniam to. Thanks Tom, I appreciate it. Thanks, Tom, I appreciate it. Poszliśmy wczoraj do kina. Yesterday we went to the movies. We went to the movies last night. Když povím své matce, bude si dělat starosti, takže si nemyslím, že jí povím. If I tell my mother, she'll worry, so I don't think I'll tell her. If I tell my mother, she'll be worried, so I don't think I'll tell her. Twój samochód jest kompletnie rozbity. Your car's totally wrecked. Your car is completely broken. Ne že ho opravdu mám ráda. Jen mi připadá velice atraktivní. It's not that I seriously like him. I just find him very attractive. It's not that I really like him, it's just that I find him very attractive. Mohl bys mít pravdu. You might be right. You might be right. Uzeniny jsou nezdravá potravina. Sausages are unhealthy food. Uznanas are unhealthy food. Mój weterynarz nie daje swemu psu komercyjnej karmy. My vet won't feed his dog commercial dog food. My vet doesn't give his dog commercial karma. Potřebuju být sám. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Przerysowała ilustrację z książki do zeszytu. She transferred the picture in the book to her notebook. She drew an illustration from the book to the book. Jsem velice šťastná v Gruzii. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Vrátilo se mi sebevědomí. I've got all my confidence back now. I had my confidence back. To jest dokładnie to, czego potrzebowałem. This is exactly what I needed. That's exactly what I needed. Jestem raczej pewien, że mój kot zjadł mojego chomika. I'm pretty sure that my cat ate my hamster. I'm pretty sure my cat ate my hamster. Láska je prostě dočasná hormonální nerovnováha. Love is simply a temporary hormonal imbalance. Love is just a temporary hormonal imbalance. Twój dom jest duży. Your house is big. Your house is big. Dokonałaś wyboru. You've made your choice. You made a choice. Gólc jo jabłuko jědł. The boy ate the apple. The goal was eating an apple. Pudełko było zupełnie puste, gdy je otworzyłem. The box was empty when I opened it. The box was completely empty when I opened it. Mary dała mi amerykańską lalkę. Mary gave me an American doll. Mary gave me an American doll. Czemu zmieniłeś zdanie? Why did you change your mind? Why'd you change your mind? Řekl bys nám, co se stalo? Would you tell us what happened? Would you tell us what happened? Jestem dziś w podłym humorze, bo mam za mało pieniędzy. I’m in a terrible mood today because I don’t have enough money. I'm in a bad mood today because I don't have enough money. Tatoeba była czasowo niedostępna. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatheba was temporarily unavailable. Tom má rád všechnu zeleninu kromě zelí. Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage. Tom likes all the vegetables except the cabbage. Mary je Tomova ex-manželka. Mary is Tom's ex-wife. Mary's Tom's ex-wife. Nizozemsko dováží kávu a bavlnu. The Netherlands imports coffee and cotton. The Netherlands imports coffee and cotton. Tom je jediný, kdo nemusel jít. Tom is the only one who didn't need to go. Tom's the only one who didn't have to go. Líbí se mi dívky. I like girls. I like girls. Určitě jsem udělal chybu. I must have made a mistake. I'm sure I made a mistake. Budeš mi chybět, až odejdeš. I'll miss you after you've gone. I'll miss you when you leave. Chaty zbudowano w odległości pięćdziesięciu metrów między nimi. The huts were built with a space of 50 meters in between. The cottages were built at a distance of 50 meters between them. Co tě napadne, když vidíš tento obrázek? What do you think of when you see this picture? What do you think of when you see this picture? Tom a Mary si byli navzájem velmi blízcí. Tom and Mary were very close to each other. Tom and Mary were very close to each other. Tom řekl Mary, že nikdy nebyl na nudistické pláži. Tom told Mary he'd never been to a nude beach. Tom told Mary he'd never been to a nudist beach. Co takhle dát si k večeři rybu? What about having fish for dinner? How about some fish for dinner? Miłość jest jak odra. Im jesteś starszy, gdy zachorujesz, tym gorszy atak. Love is like the measles. The older you get it, the worse the attack. Love is like measles, the older you get when you get sick, the worse the attack. Neděle je poslední den týdne. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. Jak byste se charakterizovali? How would you describe yourself? How would you characterize yourself? Co studiuje sowietolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What's a soviet scientist studying? Tom by nemusel chtít jít. Tom may not want to go. Tom wouldn't want to go. Naše ženy jsou Kanaďanky. Our wives are Canadians. Our women are Canadian. Začínal jsem být v předstihu. I was getting ahead of myself. I was getting ahead of myself. Bylo to vyrobeno ručně. It was handmade. It was handmade. Mám ještě pořád žízeň. I'm still thirsty. I'm still thirsty. Wbrew innym, postanowiłem wziąć jego stronę. I decided to take his side against the others. Despite the other, I decided to take his side. Vážně potřebuju někoho praštit. I really need to hit somebody. I really need to hit someone. Desperacko potrzebowała pieniędzy. She needed money desperately. She desperately needed money. Spím na břiše. I sleep on my stomach. I sleep on my stomach. On wcale nie ma dzieci. He doesn't have any children. He doesn't have children at all. K mému překvapení neuspěl. To my surprise, he has failed. To my surprise, he failed. Na jaře můžete zasadit ředkvičky, špenát a hlávkový salát. In spring you can plant radishes, spinach and lettuce. In the spring you can plant radish, spinach and lettuce. Ona jest ode mnie trzy lata starsza. She is three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. John pisze list do swoich rodziców raz na miesiąc. John writes a letter to his parents once a month. John writes a letter to his parents once a month. Tom nebyl doma. Tom wasn't at home. Tom wasn't home. Novomanželé vychází z kostela. The newlyweds are leaving the church. The newlyweds come out of the church. Jsem lékař. I am a doctor. I'm a doctor. Pracuji na směny. I work in shifts. I'm working on a shift. Mogę skorzystać z łazienki? Can I use the bathroom? Can I use your bathroom? Nemyslím si, že přijde. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. Nigdy nie byłem w Oslo. I've never been to Oslo. I've never been to Oslo. Mieszka tu zupełnie sam. He lives here all alone. He lives here all alone. Nigdy nie masz czasu na ważne rzeczy. You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things. Co jí udělali? What have they done to her? What did they do to her? Tom nedostal šanci poděkovat Mary za veškerou její pomoc. Tom didn't get a chance to thank Mary for all her help. Tom didn't get a chance to thank Mary for all her help. Mogę przejść na angielski lub niemiecki. I can change language and speak in English or German. I can go to English or German. Twój zegarek jest na biurku. Your watch is on the desk. Your watch is on the desk. Jest ich sześć osób. They are a party of six. There are six of them. Dołączę tam do ciebie później. I'll join you there later. I'll join you later. Už jsem to udělala. I did it already. I already did. Niedługo będzie trzecia godzina. It'll soon be three o'clock. It'll be 3 o'clock soon. Myślę, że masz rację. I think you're right. I think you're right. Nie miałem pojęcia dlaczego wyszedł tak nagle. I haven't got a clue as to why he quit so suddenly. I had no idea why he left so suddenly. Ty bys nelhal. You wouldn't lie. You wouldn't lie. Tvůj příběh je nudný. Your story is boring. Your story is boring. Nemyslím si, že mohu. I don't think I can. I don't think I can. Nevíš, kdo jsem. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. Bojím se lídí i sebe. I am afraid of people and myself too. I'm scared of myself. Děti sledovaly televizi zatímco Tim vařil večeři. The children watched TV while Tom cooked dinner. The kids watched TV while Tim was cooking dinner. Měl mi to vrátit minulý týden. He was supposed to give it back to me last week. He was supposed to give it back to me last week. Před začátkem nákupu v tomto internetovém obchodě se prosím seznamte s těmito obchodními podmínkami. Before beginning to shop at this online store please familiarize yourself with these store policies. Please see these terms and conditions before you start shopping in this online store. Měl by ses za svou pitomost stydět. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. W żaden sposób nie mogę. There's no way I can do it. There's no way I can do it. Akorát jsem řekl, že potřebuji na vzduch. All I said was I needed to get some fresh air. I just said I needed some air. Tom žije teď tady, ne? Tom is living here now, isn't he? Tom lives here now, doesn't he? Bałem się o jej bezpieczeństwo. I was anxious for her safety. I was afraid for her safety. Kolikrát za měsíc si umýváš auto? How often do you wash your car a month? How many times a month do you wash your car? To jest chiński wentylator. This is a Chinese fan. This is a Chinese fan. Odwiedziła męża w więzieniu. She visited her husband in prison. She visited her husband in prison. Jestem chory. I am sick. I'm sick. Rádi konzumují olivový olej. They love to consume olive oil. They like to eat olive oil. Kolejny dziesięciominutowy spacer doprowadził nas nad brzeg. Another ten minutes' walk brought us to the shore. Another ten-minute walk led us to the shore. Tom nie musi już odpowiadać na pytania, jeśli nie chce. Tom doesn't need to answer any more questions if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to answer any more questions if he doesn't want to. Jestem nieśmiały. I'm shy. I'm shy. Była bardzo opalona po urlopie. She was very brown after her holiday. She was very tan after vacation. Tom v tom byl dobrý. Tom was good at that. Tom was good at it. Náš mateřský jazyk je japonština. Our native language is Japanese. Our mother tongue is Japanese. Proszę, bądź cicho. Please be quiet. Please be quiet. Moje biuro jest w centrum miasta. My office is in the city centre. My office is downtown. Powód tego jest oczywisty. The reason for this is obvious. The reason for that is obvious. Tom jest najprzystojniejszym aktorem na świecie. Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. Myslím, že Tom stále ještě spí. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. Jsem nudná. I am boring. I'm boring. Můžeš tu docela dobře počkat. You may as well wait here. You can wait here pretty good. Czy moglibyśmy dostać stolik w części dla palących? Could we have a table in the smoking section? Could we get a table in the smoking area? „Ekonomika od sebe vzdaluje oba břehy Atlantiku“ — tak shrnuje deník La Stampa důsledky nedávných prohlášení Baracka Obamy, podle kterého jsou špatné vyhlídky na hospodářský růst ve Spojených státech zaviněny špatným řízením krize v eurozóně. "The economy has opened up a faultline in the Atlantic," announces La Stampa, reporting on the impact of recent remarks by Barack Obama which imply that the poor management of the Eurozone crisis is to blame for the feeble outlook for growth in the US. “Economics distance both sides of the Atlantic” — La Stampa summarizes the consequences of Barack Obama’s recent statements, according to which poor economic growth prospects in the United States are being caused by poor governance of the euro area crisis. Může existovat přelud? Can an illusion exist? Can there be a delusion? To się stało pierwszego maja. It happened on the 1st of May. It happened on May 1st. Už týden jsem si nedal pivo. I haven't drunk beer for a week. I haven't had a beer in a week. Ty nápady byly poslem demokracie. Those ideas were the harbinger of democracy. Those ideas were a messenger of democracy. Te wiadomości są dla nas ważne. This news is important to us. These messages are important to us. Wyobraźnia jest bardzo potężnym narzędziem. Imagination is a very potent tool. The imagination is a very powerful tool. Toma na párty upoutala rozkošná dívka. A cute girl caught Tom's eye at the party. Tom had a lovely girl at the party. Nie zrobię ci krzywdy. I won't harm you. I'm not gonna hurt you. Stojíš mi v cestě. You are in my way. You're in my way. Otevři tu láhev. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Kto wygrywa? Who's winning? Who wins? Kéž bych uměl líp francouzsky. I wish I could speak French better. I wish I could speak better French. Tom mi řekl, že si nevzpomíná, co Mary řekla. Tom told me that he didn't remember what Mary said. Tom told me he doesn't remember what Mary said. Byla překvapena tím, co viděla. She was surprised by what she saw. She was surprised by what she saw. Nie wolno wchodzić do pokoju. You must not enter the room. You're not allowed in the room. Poslal byste Toma do mé kanceláře, prosím? Would you have Tom come to my office, please? Would you send Tom to my office, please? Tom wrócił prosto do domu. Tom came straight home. Tom came straight home. Gdyby Tom nie zjadł grzybów znalezionych w lesie, żyłby teraz. If Tom hadn't eaten the mushrooms he found in the woods, he'd be alive now. If Tom hadn't eaten the mushrooms found in the woods, he'd be alive now. Neumím francouzsky ani italsky. I cannot speak French or Italian. I don't speak French or Italian. Neřekni nikomu ani slovo! Don't say a word to anyone. Don't say a word to anyone! Nemohl jsem přijít, protože jsem musel odklízet sníh. I couldn't come because I had to clear the snow. I couldn't come because I had to clean up the snow. Tyto starodávné hodiny stojí tisíc dolarů. This antique clock is worth one thousand dollars. These ancient hours cost thousands of dollars. Prosinec má jednatřicet dní. December has thirty-one days. December has to act for 24 days. Dávám přednost angličtině. I prefer English. I prefer English. Ma więcej książek, niż jest w stanie przeczytać przez całe życie. He has more books than he can read in his life. He's got more books than he can read his whole life. Nigdy nie używamy cukru. We never use sugar. We never use sugar. Spotkała Mary. She met Mary. She met Mary. Je těžké pomoci lidem, kteří o tvoji pomoc nestojí. It's difficult to help people who don't want your help. It's hard to help people who don't want your help. Pamiętam, że gdzieś już ją spotkałem. I remember meeting her somewhere. I remember meeting her somewhere. Powiesił się. He committed suicide by hanging himself. He hung himself. Kolik chapadel má chobotnice? How many tentacles does an octopus have? How many tentacles does an octopus have? Osiemnaście minut później bitwa była zakończona. Eighteen minutes later, the battle was over. Eighteen minutes later, the battle was over. Má tvoje sestra děti? Does your sister have children? Does your sister have children? Tom i Mary rozbili swój namiot w pobliżu strumyka. Tom and Mary pitched their tent near the stream. Tom and Mary broke their tent near the stream. Já vím, jak těžce Tom studoval. I know how hard Tom has studied. I know how hard Tom studied. Jaké filmy se líbí Tomovi a Mary? What kind of movies do Tom and Mary like? What movies do Tom and Mary like? Tohle nikdy neudělám. I will never do this. I'll never do that. Jesteś modny. You're fashionable. You're fashionable. Powinienem zacząć się martwić? Should I start to worry? Should I start worrying? Nemáme moc na vybranou, že jo? We don't have much choice, do we? We don't have much choice, do we? Często chodziłam na wagary. I often played truant. I used to go to school a lot. Kierowca został wyrzucony z siedzenia do góry nogami. The driver was thrown from his seat head over heels. The driver was thrown out of the seat upside down. On opuścił dom o 8.00 He left home at 8:00. He left the house at 8:00. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że znów tu jestem. I can't believe I'm here again. I can't believe I'm back here. Chci tě rozesmát. I want to make you smile. I want to make you laugh. Řekl jsem mu, že tady Tom není. I told him that Tom isn't here. I told him Tom wasn't here. Lhala jste mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. Měl by ses stydět. You ought to be ashamed. You should be ashamed. Co masz na myśli? What do you mean? What do you mean? Odmítli nám pomoct. They refused to help us. They refused to help us. Tom jest dobrym pilotem. Tom is a good pilot. Tom's a good pilot. Mam dość pieniędzy żeby to kupić. I have enough money to buy it. I've got enough money to buy this. Nic nie zjadłem. I didn't eat anything. I didn't eat anything. Potřebuje deštník. He needs an umbrella. He needs an umbrella. Zastanawiałem się, kiedy wrócisz. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. Ona jest posłuszna swoim rodzicom. She is obedient to her parents. She obeys her parents. Tom a Mary už se zase hádají. Tom and Mary are fighting again. Tom and Mary are fighting again. Tom opustil své auto, kterému došel benzín, a dal se do pochodování. Tom abandoned his car that had run out of gasoline and started walking. Tom left his car, ran out of gas, and went marching. Tom říká, že můžeme začít bez něj. Tom says we can start without him. Tom says we can start without him. Dam mu jeszcze jedną szansę. I will give him another chance. I'll give him another chance. Vyrobili malé papírové letadlo. They made a little paper plane. They made a small paper plane. Staraliśmy się, żeby były cicho. We kept them quiet. We tried to keep them quiet. Czy ten, z którym właśnie rozmawiałeś, to był Tom? Was that Tom you were just talking to? Was that the one you were just talking to, Tom? Tom nese sportovní tašku. Tom is carrying a gym bag. Tom's carrying a sports bag. Esperantem se mluví ve 120 zemích. Esperanto is spoken in 120 counties. The conversion is spoken in 120 countries. Byla v žalostném stavu. She was in a piteous state. She was in a pitiful state. To jabłko ma słodki smak. The apple tastes sweet. This apple has a sweet taste. Most byl postaven Římany. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Jak se anglicky řekne "Americký fotbal"? What is "American football" in English? How do you say "American Football"? Postrádá smysl pro morálku. He lacks moral sense. There's no sense of morality. Kniha je na stole. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Přečti tohle. Read this. Read this. Byl pánem situace. He was master of the situation. He was the master of the situation. Tom tu ještě není. Tom isn't here yet. Tom's not here yet. Potrzebujemy muzyki. We need music. We need music. To nie jest błąd. This is not an error. It's not a mistake. Rzadko, jeśli w ogóle, chodzi do kina. He seldom, if ever, goes to the movies. Rarely, if at all, she goes to a movie. Mám narozeniny v listopadu. My birthday is in November. It's my birthday in November. Hřebík, který vyčnívá se zatluče. The nail that sticks out gets hammered. The nail that stands out will break. Grupa nastolatków okradła mnie z moich pieniędzy. A group of teenagers robbed me of my money. A bunch of teenagers robbed me of my money. Nechal jsi auto na této ulici. You left your car on this street. You left your car on this street. Sami został przesłuchany przez policję. Sami was interviewed by police. He was questioned by the police himself. Możesz na nim polegać. You can count on him. You can rely on him. Pospěš si, nebo zmeškáš poslední vlak. Hurry up, or you will be late for the last train. Hurry up or you'll miss the last train. Máš dnes dobrou náladu. Stalo se něco dobrého? You're in a good mood today. Did something nice happen? You're in a good mood today. Čas je nemilosrdný. Time is ruthless. Time is merciless. Kdysi bydlela s ním. She used to live with him. She used to live with him. Magdaléna je ke mně velmi zdvořilá. Magdalena is very polite to me. Magdalena is very polite to me. Ożenił się ze stewardessą. He married an air hostess. He married a stewardess. Všichni jsme chtěli vědět, proč Tom nemůže přijít. We all wanted to know why Tom couldn't come. We all wanted to know why Tom couldn't come. Vím, že stále nejsi spokojen. I know you're still not satisfied. I know you're still not satisfied. Wymieniam z nią listy. I exchange letters with her. I'm exchanging letters with her. Poněkud mě to zklamalo. I found it something of a disappointment. I'm a little disappointed. Potřebuju něco vymyslet. I need to invent something. I need to think of something. Včera se jim ztratil pes a ještě ho nenašli. Their dog got lost yesterday and they haven't found him yet. They lost their dog yesterday, and they haven't found it yet. Tom się zgłosił. Tom volunteered. Tom volunteered. Czy ty jesteś pewny, że ten mężczyzna nazywa się Tomek? Are you sure that this man is called Tom? Are you sure this man's name is Tomek? Vrátila fotku zpátky na místo. She put the photo back in its place. She put the photo back in place. Pracuję jako nauczyciel angielskiego. My job is teaching English. I work as an English teacher. Rząd wysłał misję za granicę. The government dispatched missions abroad. The government has sent a mission abroad. Nie mogła tego powiedzieć. She cannot have said that. She couldn't say that. Jaké máš zaměření? What's your major? What's your focus? Mój długopis jest nowy. My pen is new. My pen is new. Wykręciłem 911. I dialed 911. I dialed 911. Muszę kupić jeden. I must buy one. I have to buy one. Tom jest ścigany przez policję. Tom is being hunted by the police. Tom's being prosecuted by the police. Budu to muset udělat bez přípravy. I'll have to wing it. I'm gonna have to do this without getting ready. Sylvia milovala ty koncerty. Sylvia loved the concerts. Sylvia loved those concerts. Tom dał swojemu psu kość. Tom gave a bone to his dog. Tom gave his dog a bone. Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji rocznicy! Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary! Máš to všechno špatně. You have it all wrong. You got it all wrong. Bůh je kruh, jehož obvodem je přímka. God is a circle whose circumference is a straight line. God is a circle whose circumference is a line. Znám obě dívky. I know both of the girls. I know both girls. Tom wie co ma powiedzieć, aby Mary mu wybaczyła. Tom knows what to say to make Mary forgive him. Tom knows what to say to make Mary forgive him. Nie mogą spać. They can't sleep. They can't sleep. Miyuki nakryła do stołu na imprezę. Miyuki set the table for the party. Miyuki covered the table for the party. Toma takovéto věci nezajímají. Tom isn't interested in things like that. Tom doesn't care about these things. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin, Muriel! Congratulations for your birthday, Muriel! Happy birthday, Muriel! V případě potřeby jí budu po ruce. I'll be with her if I'm needed. I'll be there if necessary. John był zbyt zaskoczony, żeby cokolwiek powiedzieć. John was too surprised to say anything. John was too surprised to say anything. Můžeš to video na chvíli pozastavit? Can you pause the video for a moment? Can you stop the video for a second? Franco má modré džíny. Franco has blue jeans. Franco has blue jeans. Odmítl jim pomoct. He refused to help them. He refused to help them. Musisz wymyślić coś nowego. You need to come up with new stuff. You need to come up with something new. Tom zrozumiał. Tom understood. Tom understood. Můžu ho teď vidět? Can I see him now? Can I see him now? Náš let byl zrušen kvůli nepříznivému počasí. Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. Our flight has been cancelled due to adverse weather. John dal Mary jablko. John gave Mary an apple. John gave Mary an apple. Myslí si, že tu zkoušku udělal. He thinks he's passed the exam. He thinks he did the exam. Nie chcę o tym tutaj rozmawiać. I don't want to talk about that here. I don't want to talk about it here. Učitelka vyzvala Toma, aby přečetl svou slohovou práci nahlas. The teacher asked Tom to read his essay aloud. The teacher called on Tom to read his work out loud. Mam dziś lekką gorączkę. I have a slight fever today. I'm having a little fever today. Tom se každý den chodí projít. Tom goes for a walk every day. Tom goes for a walk every day. Rozvedla se s manželem. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. Tom obudził się z okropnym bólem głowy. Tom woke up with a terrible headache. Tom woke up with a terrible headache. Jego matka była kiedyś piosenkarką. His mother used to be a singer. His mother used to be a singer. Vzpomínáš, když jsi mě prvně políbila? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Remember the first time you kissed me? To pomaga nam wszystkim. That helps all of us. It helps us all. Autobus je prázdný. The bus is empty. The bus is empty. Mam wystarczająco pieniędzy. I have enough money. I've got enough money. Nie mogę nic obiecać. I can't promise anything. I can't promise anything. Ukaž mi, co máš v levé ruce. Show me what you have in your left hand. Show me what's in your left hand. Tom usiadł w fotelu. Tom settled himself in the armchair. Tom sat in the chair. Nemusíš křičet. You don't have to yell. You don't have to scream. Cały eksperyment został nagrany jako film. The whole experiment was recorded on film. The whole experiment was recorded as a film. Musimy znowu z nimi porozmawiać. We need to speak to them again. We need to talk to them again. Vypadáš překvapeně. You seemed surprised. You look surprised. Policie je přesvědčena, že Tom nezemřel přirozeně. The police are convinced Tom didn't die from natural causes. The police believe Tom didn't die naturally. Na tomto případu není nic záhadného. Nothing mysterious about this case. There's nothing mysterious about this case. Tom seděl u okna a četl knihu. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom was sitting by the window reading a book. Víš, jak jsi pro mě důležitá. You know how important you are to me. You know how important you are to me. To co cię nie zabije, to cię wzmocni. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What's not gonna kill you is gonna make you stronger. Czy jedzenie wątróbki jest niezdrowe? Is eating liver bad for you? Is eating liver unhealthy? Nasza szkoła jest znana z zajęć pozalekcyjnych. Our school is famous for its club activities. Our school is famous for extracurricular activities. Chci, abys chvilku počkal. I want you to wait for a while. I want you to wait a minute. Kto chce gorącej czekolady? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Bogatym łatwiej jest się wzbogacić. It's easier for the rich to get richer. It's easier for the rich to get rich. Je to pro mě důležité rozhodnutí. This is a big decision for me. It's an important decision for me. Tom poszedł za daleko. Tom went too far. Tom's gone too far. On jest jej przyjacielem. He is her friend. He's her friend. Baw się dobrze. Enjoy yourself! Have fun. Je to osina v zadku. It's a pain in the neck. He's a pain in the ass. Chci, abyste chvilku počkali. I want you to wait for a while. I want you to wait a minute. Myslel jsem, že bydlíte v Bostonu. I thought that you lived in Boston. I thought you lived in Boston. Nieważne co się stanie, nic nie mów. No matter what happens, don't say anything. No matter what happens, don't say anything. Vím, že to je velký požadavek. I know this is a lot to ask. I know that's a big demand. Wygląda na to, że ciężko ci będzie się z nim dziś zobaczyć. It seems hard for you to see him today. Looks like you're gonna find it hard to see him today. Jest coś, czego nie rozumiem. There is one thing I don't understand. There's something I don't understand. Od teraz będę intensywniej uczył się francuskiego. I'll study French harder from now on. From now on, I'm going to study French more intensively. Ojciec niewiele powiedział swoim synom. The father said little to his sons. Father didn't tell his sons much. Tom se vloni naučil francouzsky. Tom taught French last year. Tom learned French last year. Policja mnie śledzi. The police have been following me. The police are following me. Nudíš se? Are you bored? Bored? Ve Francii lidé stávkují. People are on strike in France. In France, people strike. Balení tohoto výrobku je poškozeno. The packaging of this product is damaged. The packaging of this product is damaged. Mój pies był potrącony przez samochód. My dog was hit by a car. My dog was hit by a car. Po prostu będziesz musiał poczekać. You'll just have to wait. You're just gonna have to wait. Tom mówi, że nigdy o tym nie myślał. Tom says he never thought about that. Tom says he never thought about it. Dobrze to ująłeś. This is a very good phrase. You put it right. Przyjemny dziś wietrzyk. The wind feels great today. Nice breeze today. Tom mi lhal. Tom lied to me. Tom lied to me. Jsem úplně plný. I'm so full. I'm full. Mój album jest tutaj. My album is here. My album's here. V jeho životě jsou dvě ženy. He has two women in his life. There are two women in his life. Tom może być jedynym, kto jest w stanie rozwiązać ten problem. Tom may be the only one who can solve this problem. Tom may be the only one who can solve this problem. Nechceš Toma naštvat, nebo ano? You don't want to make Tom mad, do you? You don't want to piss Tom off, do you? Který z těchto dvou slovníků je lepší? Which of these two dictionaries is better? Which one of these two dictionaries is better? Jestem optymistą. I'm an optimist. I'm an optimist. Díval jsem se všude, ale nebylo to tam. I looked and looked, but it wasn't there. I looked everywhere, but it wasn't there. Kéž bych byl více oblíbený. I just wish I were more popular. I wish I was more popular. Většina lidí chce slyšet jen svou vlastní pravdu. Most people only want to hear their own truth. Most people only want to hear their own truth. Tom zasnął na lekcji. Tom dozed off in class. Tom fell asleep in class. Możesz poczekać tyle czasu? Can you wait that long? Can you wait so long? Tom wyraził podobne obawy. Tom expressed similar concerns. Tom expressed similar fears. Jest od niej mądrzejszy. He's smarter than her. He's smarter than her. Co jsi schoval? What did you hide? What did you hide? Nemůžu se dívat, jak si ničí život. I can't see her ruin her whole life. I can't watch him ruin his life. Działa jak powinno. It's working as intended. It works the way it should. Ještě se mnou chceš mluvit? Do you still want to talk to me? Do you still want to talk to me? Nie lubię żadnego sportu. I just do not like any kind of sports. I don't like any sport. Mám rád obě. I like both. I like both. Koupila mu auto. She bought him a car. She bought him a car. Mary se často hádá se svým manželem. Mary often quarrels with her husband. Mary often fights with her husband. Na litość boską, nie wziąłem twojego cholernego samochodu. I didn't take your bloody car, for crying out loud! For God's sake, I didn't take your damn car. Posłuchaj! Grają moją ulubioną muzykę. Listen! They're playing my favorite music. Listen, they're playing my favorite music. On nie ma pamięci do nazwisk. He is weak on names. He doesn't remember names. Vždycky se bavím, když se potloukám s Tomem. I always have fun when I hang out with Tom. I always have fun hanging out with Tom. Hałas przestraszył Toma. The noise startled Tom. The noise scared Tom. Zrobiliśmy poważny błąd. We made a huge mistake. We made a serious mistake. Drożdże powodują, że ciasto rośnie. Yeast makes dough rise. The yeast makes the cake grow. Tom se šel s Mary rozloučit. Tom went to say goodbye to Mary. Tom went to say goodbye to Mary. Obecenstvo vypadalo unuděně. The audience looked bored. The audience looked bored. Líbí se mi obě. I like both. I like both of them. Tomova matka je velmi přísná. Tom's mother is very strict. Tom's mother is very strict. Petr se narodil duševně zaostalý. Peter was born mentally retarded. Peter was born mentally retarded. Jest ich zbyt wielu. There are too many of them. There's too many of them. W Kazaniu jest metro. There is a metro in Kazan. There's a subway in Kazan. Przestań się popisywać swoim iPhonem. Stop showing off your iPhone. Stop showing off with your iPhone. Snaź wón znajo toś te tšojenje. Perhaps he knows this story. Try to know that's what you're talking about. Dwanaście lat dla psa to już starość. Twelve years is old for a dog. Twelve years for a dog is old. Tom řekl, že nikam nepůjde, protože prší. Tom said that he wouldn't go anywhere because it was raining. Tom said he's not going anywhere because it's raining. Má Tom dostatek peněz? Does Tom have enough money? Does Tom have enough money? Tom i Maria kłócą się dość często. Tom and Mary argue quite often. Tom and Maria fight a lot. Zabierz Toma do domu. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Jesteś słodki, kiedy się złościsz. You're cute when you're angry. You're sweet when you're angry. To jest moje miejsce. This is my seat. This is my place. Tom mi kdysi posílal dárky k narozeninám. Tom used to send me birthday gifts. Tom used to send me birthday gifts. Tom nakoupil. Tom did the shopping. Tom bought it. Chcę ci coś powiedzieć. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. Tom ma niezły charakterek. Tom has quite a temper. Tom's got a pretty good temper. Budu zvracet. I'm going to puke. I'm gonna throw up. Kończyło nam się paliwo, a co gorsza - zaczął padać gęsty śnieg. We were running out of gas, and what was worse, it began to snow heavily. We were running out of fuel, and worse still, a thick snow began to rain. Jak dlouho myslíš, že to ještě potrvá? How much more time do you think this will take? How long do you think it'll take? "Už jsi skončil?" "Naopak. Ještě jsem ani nezačal." "Have you finished?" "On the contrary. I haven't even started." "Are you done?" "On the contrary, I haven't even started." Niektórzy ludzie wierzą w duchy. Some people believe in ghosts. Some people believe in ghosts. Ještě nejsme připraveni. We aren't ready yet. We're not ready yet. Tato voda je dobrá. This water is good. This water is good. Tom je v koupelně. Tom is in the bathroom. Tom's in the bathroom. Všichni, kteří meč berou, mečem zahynou. All who take up the sword will perish by the sword. All who take the sword will perish with the sword. Szukaj dalej. Keep searching. Keep looking. Żona urodziła mu dwie córki i syna. His wife bore him two daughters and a son. His wife gave birth to him two daughters and a son. Proč jsi nepřišla dříve? Why didn't you come sooner? Why didn't you come sooner? Jdeme na to! Let's do it. Here we go! Ksiądz jest ateistą. The priest is an atheist. You're an atheist. Prawda rzadko kiedy jest czysta, ale nigdy nie jest łatwa. The truth is rarely pure and never simple. The truth is rarely when it's clean, but it's never easy. Tom a Marie seděli spolu na gauči, když jsem vešel do pokoje. Tom and Mary were sitting together on the couch when I came into the room. Tom and Marie were sitting on the couch when I walked into the room. Ani trochu to nebolelo. It didn't hurt a bit. It didn't hurt a bit. Ludzie różnią się od zwierząt tym, że potrafią myśleć i mówić. Men differ from animals in that they can think and speak. People are different from animals that can think and talk. Kontynuuj beze mnie. Continue without me. Go on without me. Toto je moje první výletní plavba. This is my first cruise. This is my first cruise. Jego ambicją było zostanie politykiem. His ambition was to be a great politician. His ambition was to become a politician. Zanosi się na deszcz. It looks as if it is going to rain. It's in the rain. Krew była ciemnej barwy. The blood was a dark color. The blood was dark. Zaczyna się rozwidniać. It's starting to get light. It's starting to get dilated. Jutro mogą ciągnąć dalej rozmowę. They can carry on their conversation tomorrow. They can continue their conversation tomorrow. Przyszedłem do szkoły na czas. I arrived at school on time. I came to school on time. Gdzie trenujesz? Where do you train? Where do you train? Mému otci bude v květnu čtyřicet pět let. My father will be forty-five in May. My father will be forty-five years old in May. Sól się skończyła. The salt ran out. The salt's out. Nie rozumiem tego wiersza. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poem. Tom je na útěku a ozbrojený. Tom is on the run and armed. Tom's on the run and he's armed. Nie mogę się kontrolować. I can't control myself. I can't control myself. Kdybys mě nesvezl, byl bych ten vlak zmeškal. If you hadn't given me a lift, I would have missed the train. If you hadn't taken me, I'd have missed the train. Už mám toho čekání dost! I'm sick of waiting! I'm sick of waiting! Na stole je meloun. There is a melon on the table. There's a watermelon on the table. Byli w niekorzystnej sytuacji. They were disadvantaged. They were in a bad situation. Proč o mě pochybuješ? Why do you doubt me? Why do you doubt me? Zazvonil jsem na zvonek a čekal jsem. I rang the bell and waited. I rang the bell and waited. Mamy jeszcze dużo czasu. We still have a lot of time. We still have a lot of time. Ona udekorowała swój pokój w jasnych kolorach. She decorated her room with bright color. She decorated her room in bright colors. Ken gra w piłkę nożną każdego dnia. Ken plays football every day. Ken plays football every day. Koupil jsem si novou tiskárnu. I bought a new printer. I bought a new printer. Ona robi postępy w chińskim. She is progressing in Chinese. She's making progress in Chinese. Umyłyście ręce? Did you wash your hands? Did you wash your hands? Będę widział, gdy Tom zgłodnieje. I'll see if Tom's hungry. I'll see when Tom gets hungry. Kde je jeho kniha? Je na stole. Where is his book? It's on the table. Where's his book? Jestem prawie pewien. I'm almost sure. I'm pretty sure. To nie może być trzymane w tajemnicy w nieskończoność. It can't be kept secret forever. It can't be kept secret forever. Znajdziesz ich, prawda? You will find them, won't you? You'll find them, won't you? Zamířil jsem pistoli na terč. I aimed my gun at the target. I pointed the gun at the target. Po prostu zrób, co radzi. All you have to do is follow his advice. Just do what he says. Wychodzę rano. I'm leaving in the morning. I'm leaving in the morning. Kto sieje wiatr, zbiera burzę. What goes around comes around. He who sows the wind collects the storm. Uważasz, że sława podobałaby ci się? Do you think that you would enjoy being famous? You think you'd like fame? Tom nie musiał brać taksówki. Mógł się przejść. Tom didn't need to take a taxi. He could have walked. Tom didn't have to take a cab. Autor zadedykował tę książkę swojej siostrze. The author dedicated the book to his sister. The author dedicated this book to his sister. Jsem zvyklý mluvit s cizinci. I'm used to talking to foreigners. I'm used to talking to strangers. Opowiedz mi, proszę, o swojej wycieczce. Please tell me about your trip. Tell me about your trip, please. Walczyli z uprzedzeniami. They contended against prejudice. They fought their prejudices. Czy sądzisz, że wciąż ją kocham? Do you think I still love her? Do you think I still love her? Zauważyłem go, jak uciekał z tamtego sklepu. I caught sight of him escaping from that shop. I noticed him running away from that store over there. Kdo mě zná, ví, že jsem katolík. Those who know me know that I'm Catholic. Who knows me knows I'm Catholic. Coś jest źle? Is anything wrong? Is something wrong? Cestování vlakem bývalo levnější, než cesta autobusem. Travelling by train used to be cheaper than travelling by bus. Train travel was cheaper than bus travel. Napiszę ci maila jak już to dokładanie sprawdzę. I will email you after I check it thoroughly. I'll write you an e-mail after I check it out. Czeka pana operacja. You have to have an operation. There's a surgery waiting for you. Klíče od záchodu jsou k dostání na požádání. Toilet keys are available on demand. The keys to the toilet are available on request. Tom si vždy velice zakládal na své schopnosti plně v posteli uspokojit každou ženu. V poslední době bohužel rychle ztrácí schopnost erekce, jakož i svou pověst spolehlivého milence. Tom has always took pride in his ability to satisfy every woman in bed. Unfortunately, he is quickly losing his erection as well as his reputation of the reliable lover. Tom has always very much based on his ability to fully satisfy every woman in bed. Unfortunately, in recent times, he is losing the ability of erection as well as his reputation of a reliable lover. Niestety nie zdążyłem na jego wystąpienie. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to his speech. Je dobré, že můžete svoje věty opravovat. It is good that you can correct your sentences. It's a good thing you can correct your sentences. Chciałbym iść z wami. I would like to go with you. I'd like to come with you. Powinieneś kiedyś tego spróbować. You should try it sometime. You should try it sometime. Wstałem powoli. I stood up slowly. I got up slowly. Możesz mi powiedzieć, co się stało? Can you tell me about what happened? Can you tell me what happened? Kawy bywają różne. There is coffee, and...coffee. Coffees can be different. Znaleziono wodę w płucach zmarłego mężczyzny. Water was found in the dead man's lungs. They found water in the lungs of a dead man. Aktualizoval jsem své programové vybavení. I updated my software. I've updated my software. To dlatego wciąż żyję. That's why I'm still alive. That's why I'm still alive. On ją kocha. Ona jego również. He loves her. She loves him, too. He loves her, she loves him, too. Napisał książkę w Chinach. He wrote a book in China. He wrote a book in China. Tom se bude dívat. Tom is going to watch. Tom's gonna watch. Afrika je kontinent, Grónsko ne. Africa is a continent; Greenland is not. Africa is a continent, Greenland is not. Żeby nie skłamać, on raczej był nieśmiały. To tell the truth, he was rather a shy boy. To not lie, I think he was shy. Pan Smith miał trzech synów, którzy zostali inżynierami. Mr Smith had three sons who became engineers. Mr. Smith had three sons who became engineers. Tom je stále v nemocnici. Tom is still hospitalized. Tom's still in the hospital. Nie rozumiem tego. I don't understand this. I don't get it. Vypadá to, že jaro přijde velmi brzy. It seems that spring will come very soon. Looks like spring's coming very soon. Nie wiesz, jak to jest nie mieć na jedzenie. You don't know what it's like to not have enough to eat. You don't know what it's like not to have food. Jestem tylko klientem. I'm only a customer. I'm just a client. Czy to już wtorek? Is it Tuesday already? Is this Tuesday? Jeśli winien jesteś dyrektorowi banku tysiąc funtów, jesteś zdany na jego łaskę. Jeśli jesteś mu winien milion funtów, to on zdany jest na twoją łaskę. If you owe your bank manager a thousand pounds, you are at his mercy. If you owe him a million pounds, he is at your mercy. If you owe the Director a thousand pounds, you're at his mercy, and if you owe him a million pounds, he's at your mercy. Čekajíc na autobus, potkala jsem svého přítele. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend. Waiting for the bus, I met my boyfriend. Nie zatrzymają się. They're not going to stop. They won't stop. Ja chcę do mamy! I want my mom. I want my mom! Astrologii mám rád. I like astrology. I like astrology. Moja siostra lubi słodycze. My sister likes sweets. My sister likes candy. Uhádneš, co to tady mám? Can you guess what I have here? Can you guess what I've got here? Tady je tvoje pití. Here's your drink. Here's your drink. Myślisz, że Tom planuje to zrobić? Do you think Tom is planning to do that? You think Tom's planning on doing this? Policja aresztowała wczoraj podejrzanego. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Stále ještě zbývá hodně, co je třeba udělat. A lot still remains to be done. There's still a lot to be done. Czy możemy palić na przerwie? May we smoke during the break? Can we smoke at break? Bohatství přichází k těm, co se činní, nikoliv k těm, co jen dávají činům volný průchod. Wealth comes to those who make things happen, not to those who let things happen. Richness comes to those who are active, not to those who are just free of charge. Dzieci wszystko rozumieją. The children understand everything. The kids understand everything. Tom nawet nie lubi prowadzić. Tom doesn't even like driving. Tom doesn't even like driving. Mieliśmy skargi na jednego z wolontariuszy z Brukseli. We had complaints about one of the volunteers from Brussels. We had complaints about one of the volunteers in Brussels. Zjistil jsem, že jídlo je tu trochu ostré. I found the food here to be a little spicy. I found out the food's a little sharp here. Ani trochu toho nelituju. I don't regret it at all. I don't even regret it. Kdy začal Tom chodit s Mary? When did Tom start dating Mary? When did Tom start dating Mary? Jeho koníčkem je malování obrazů. His hobby is painting pictures. His hobby is painting paintings. Próbowałam udawać, że wszystko mi jedno. I tried to pretend that I didn't care. I tried to pretend I didn't care. Rozporek ci się rozpiął. Your flies are undone. You're unbuttoned. Děti mladší osmi let mají nevyvinutý čelní lalok, což může způsobovat to, že nedokáží oddělit realitu od fantazie. Některé mohou například věřit, že v jejich skříni, či pod postelí je nějaká nestvůra. Také někdy nedovedou rozlišit sny od reality. Children below the age of 8 have an underdeveloped frontal lobe that might cause them to be unable to separate reality from fantasy. Some of them might believe that there are monsters in their closet or under the bed, for example. They are also sometimes unable to distinguish dreams from reality. Children under the age of eight have an undeveloped frontal lobe, which can cause them not to separate reality from fantasy. For example, some may believe that there is a monster in their closet or under their bed. Oboje mama i tata poszli do pracy. Both mom and dad went to work. Both mom and dad went to work. Topná sezóna skončila. The heating season has ended. The heating season is over. Tvůj dopis mě potěšil. Your letter made me happy. Your letter pleased me. Prawie. Almost. Almost. Posprzątaj swój pokój. Clean your room. Clean up your room. Japonia wygrała wojnę z Rosją w 1905. Japan had defeated Russia in a war in 1905. Japan won the war with Russia in 1905. Mohlo by se to změnit? Could that change? Could that change? Tyhle novinky byly překvapením. This news was a surprise. This news was a surprise. Pójdę, jak mi nos podpowiada. I should follow my nose. I'll go as my nose tells me. Někteří lidé mají rádi červené víno, jiní ne. Some people like red wine, others do not. Some people like red wine, some don't. Tom i Mary mieli zabrać dziś rano psa do weterynarza. Tom and Mary were supposed to take their dog to the vet this morning. Tom and Mary were supposed to take the dog to the vet this morning. Zavolej záchranku! Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance! Nigdy tu nie byłem od czasu wypadku. I haven't been back here since the incident. I've never been here since the accident. Jest coś w tym pudełku? Is there anything in the box? Is there anything in this box? Já to nechápu. I don't get it. I don't get it. Byli jsme před všemi ostatními. We were ahead of everybody else. We were in front of everyone else. Myślę, że Tom jest zirytowany. I think Tom is irritated. I think Tom's upset. Opravdu tě zajímá můj upřímný názor? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Dokud to neuslyším od Toma, věřit tomu nebudu. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. Until I hear from Tom, I'm not gonna believe it. Ráda tě vidím. Nice to see you. It's good to see you. Zavři ty zkurvený dveře! Close the fucking door! Shut the fucking door! Tom jest mężczyzną, którego kocham. Tom is the man I love. Tom is the man I love. Chłopiec zjadł jabłko. The boy ate the apple. The boy ate an apple. Tom spóźnił się na ostatni pociąg i spędził noc w kafejce internetowej. Tom missed the last train and spent the night at an Internet cafe. Tom was late for his last train and spent the night in the internet cafe. Jsem rád, že se Tom o sebe stará. I'm glad Tom is taking care of himself. I'm glad Tom's taking care of himself. Tom se vyhnul úklidu koupelny. Tom got out of cleaning the bathroom. Tom avoided cleaning the bathroom. Sacramento Chronicle často píše o tom starém traperovi. The Sacramento Chronicle writes frequently about that old trapper. Sacramento Chronicle often writes about the old trapper. Nic nie widzieliśmy. We didn't see anything. We didn't see anything. Tom lže. Tom lies. Tom's lying. Jak długo mamy czekać? How long do we have to wait? How long are we supposed to wait? Nie potrafię znaleźć pracy, która by mi odpowiadała. I can't find a job I like. I can't find a job that suits me. Tom umí vařit. Tom can cook. Tom can cook. Ile hamburgerów zjadłeś? How many hamburgers did you eat? How many burgers did you eat? Pokus nakonec vyšel. Eventually the experiment succeeded. The experiment came out eventually. Jsem bez práce už půl roku. I have been unemloyed for six months. I've been out of work for six months. Zeptejte se svojí matky. Ask your mother. Ask your mother. Hepčík! Achoo! Hepch! Tom mi všechno přeložil. Tom translated everything for me. Tom translated everything. Macie nakaz rewizji? Do you have a search warrant? Do you have a search warrant? Montana graniczy z Kanadą. Montana borders Canada. Montana is bordering Canada. Uczą chińskiego jako drugiego języka narodowego w Singapurze. They teach Chinese as a second national language in Singapore. They teach Chinese as the second national language in Singapore. Jim nie jest adwokatem, ale lekarzem. Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. Může být ta zpráva pravdivá? Can the report be true? Can the message be true? Přecenil svoje schopnosti. He overestimated his ability. He overestimated his powers. Tom stále nemá odvahu říci Mary, co udělal. Tom still doesn't have the courage to tell Mary what he has done. Tom still doesn't have the courage to tell Mary what he did. Potknąłem się. I tripped. I tripped. Tom chciał być jak jego brat, Ken. Tom wanted to be like his brother, Ken. Tom wanted to be like his brother, Ken. Tom se zasmál a zavrtěl hlavou. Tom laughed and shook his head. Tom was laughing and shaking his head. Czas do spania. Time to sleep. It's time to sleep. Masz pomysł, kim on jest? Do you have any idea who he is? Do you have any idea who he is? Robię się głodny. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. On ma głęboki głos. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. Doprawdy? A myślałem, że wyjdzie za mąż jako ostatnia. Really? I thought she'd be the last person to get married. And I thought she'd be the last to get married. Mamy tego samego dentystę. We have the same dentist. We have the same dentist. Stále ještě neumím tancovat. I still can't dance. I still can't dance. Nie jestem szczególnie głodny, zważywszy, że przez cały dzień zjadłem tylko kromkę chleba. Considering all I've eaten all day is just one slice of bread, I'm not really all that hungry. I'm not particularly hungry, considering I've eaten bread all day long. Oszukałam ją. I deceived her. I tricked her. Tom pustil Mary domů brzy. Tom let Mary go home early. Tom let Mary go home early. Tom býval taxikářem. Tom used to be a taxi driver. Tom used to be a cab driver. Czemu Tom do ciebie przyszedł? Why did Tom come to you? Why did Tom come to see you? Nemělas sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Dołącz do nas. Follow us. Join us. Aby se na Zemi brzy manifestoval Zlatý věk, měli bychom si ho představovat jako realitu. For the Gold Age to manifest on Earth soon, we should imagine it as a reality. In order for the Golden Age to manifest on Earth soon, we should imagine it as reality. Ten kluk jí chleba. The boy is eating bread. The kid eats bread. On zarabia dwa razy tyle co ja. He earns double my salary. He makes twice as much as I do. Podążał za nią. He followed in her wake. He followed her. Mohu dostat další sandwich? Can I have another sandwich? Can I have another sandwich? Co znamená TATOEBA? What does TATOEBA mean? What does TATOEBA mean? Ukąsiła mnie pszczoła. I got stung by a bee. I was bitten by a bee. Zawiodłem Toma. I let Tom down. I failed Tom. Někdy má depresivní náladu. She sometimes goes into a mood of depression. Sometimes he's in a depressing mood. Nikt ze mną nie rozmawia. No one speaks with me. No one's talking to me. Tom ma trzy długopisy w kieszeni. Tom has three pens in his pocket. Tom has three pens in his pocket. Tohle Sami řekl svému doktorovi. Sami said this to the doctor. That's what Sami told his doctor. Jak długo grasz w piłkę nożną? How long have you played soccer? How long have you been playing football? Powiedziała, że w następnym miesiącu będzie miała 16 lat. She said he would be sixteen next month. She said she'd be 16 next month. Nie zwracaj na niego uwagi. Do not take any notice of him. Don't pay any attention to him. Kanał płynął pomiędzy dwoma rzędami domów. A canal flowed between two rows of houses. The canal flowed between two rows of houses. Jeden čas tady stával dům. There used to be a house here at one time. There used to be a house here. Tatoeba: by się nie zgubić między słowami. Tatoeba: so you never get lost in translation. Tatoeba: not to get lost between words. Jesteś dyplomatyczny. You're diplomatic. You're diplomatic. Chlapec si upravil čepici. The boy adjusted his cap. The boy adjusted his hat. Dám ti to CD zpět do týdne. I will give you back the CD in a week. I'll give it back to you in a week. Lubię filmy. I like movies. I like movies. Jô nje mëslił, co nasze karno je pò prôvdze tak lëché. I didn't think our team was really this bad. You did not think our group was so wrong. Až uvidíš Mary, dej jí tenhle lístek. When you see Mary give her this note. When you see Mary, give her this ticket. Ten pes se musí vyvenčit. The dog must be taken for a walk. The dog needs to get out. Byla taková zima, že to jezero zamrzlo. It was so cold that the lake froze over. It was so cold that the lake was frozen. Tracę przy tobie cierpliwość. I'm losing my patience with you. I'm losing my patience with you. Czekała, żeby iść z nim pożeglować. She was looking forward to going sailing with him. She was waiting to go sailing with him. Uznal, že jsem zkušenější řidič. He recognised me to be a more experienced driver. He thought I was a more experienced driver. Obávám se, že bych nebyl moc dobrým společníkem. I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good company. I'm afraid I wouldn't be a very good companion. Zrąbał drzewo. He chopped down a tree. He cut a tree. Stare dywany są cenniejsze niż nowe dywany. Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets. Old carpets are more valuable than new carpets. Nebyl jsem jediný kdo ho viděl, jak bije svoji ženu. I was not the only one who saw him beating his wife. I wasn't the only one who saw him beating up his wife. Nikt ze mną nie rozmawiał. Nobody spoke with me. Nobody talked to me. Jest wszystkim znany jako świetny naukowiec. He is known to everyone as a great scholar. He's all known as a great scientist. Co děláte na takovémhle místě? What are you doing in a place like this? What are you doing in a place like this? Co jsi čekal, že uvidíš? What did you expect to see? What did you expect to see? Tomovi se podařilo utéct z gulagu na Sibiři. Tom managed to escape from a gulag in Siberia. Tom managed to escape from the Gulag in Siberia. Poslední tři roky pracují spolu. They have worked together for the last three years. They've been working together for the last three years. Te gry zaliczone są do kategorii „dla dorosłych”. These games are listed under the adult category. These games are included in the category “for adults”. Umiesz odróżnić srebro od blachy? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Can you tell the silver from the metal sheet? Znajdź Toma. Find Tom. Find Tom. Mary plakala zatímco Tom se smál. Mary was crying while Tom was laughing. Mary was crying while Tom was laughing. Jestli mi ukážeš tvůj jazyk, možná ti ukážu můj. If you show me your tongue, I might show you mine. If you show me your tongue, maybe I'll show you mine. Tom jest lekarzem. Tom is a doctor. Tom's a doctor. Jutro rano opuszczamy Japonię. We are leaving Japan tomorrow morning. We leave Japan tomorrow morning. Lidé starověku uctívali mnoho bohů a bohyní. Ancient people worshipped many gods and goddesses. Ancient humans worshiped many gods and goddesses. Uważaj na kieszonkowców. Beware of pickpockets. Watch out for pickpockets. Byl bych jel na hory, kdybych byl měl peníze. I would have gone to the mountains had I had the money. I'd go to the mountains if I had money. Patrzmy w przyszłość. Let's look to the future. Let's look into the future. Mary biegła. Mary ran. Mary ran. Przyjdź i złap mnie jeżeli się odważysz. Come and catch me if you dare. Come and catch me if you dare. Nie szedłbym tam. I wouldn't go in there. I wouldn't go there. Bardzo przepraszam, nie wiedziałem że to twoje miejsce. I beg your pardon. I didn't think this was your seat. I'm so sorry, I didn't know this was your place. Właśnie wróciłem do domu. I've just come home. I just got home. Tom robi to prawie codziennie. Tom does that just about every day. Tom does it almost every day. Odwołali lot. The flight was cancelled. They canceled the flight. Neměl jsem tušení, že Tom toho ví tolik o zebrách. I had no idea that Tom knew so much about zebras. I had no idea Tom knew so much about zebras. Przerażasz mnie. You're scaring me. You're scaring me. Nie pójdę, dopóki nie przestanie padać. I won't go out until it stops raining. I'm not going until it stops raining. Jsem teprve začátečník. I'm only a newbie. I'm just a beginner. Ona napisała wiele wierszy. She wrote a lot of poems. She wrote a lot of poems. Wygląda, jakby nie było aż tak proste, nie? Looks like it's not that easy, huh? Looks like it's not that simple, huh? Nie będę tego tolerować. I won't stand for this. I won't tolerate it. Mówisz bardzo szybko. You speak very fast. You're talking very fast. Wkrótce się ociepli. It will get warmer soon. It'll warm up soon enough. Asi jsem tak trochu vlk samotář. I am perhaps a bit of a lone wolf. I guess I'm a bit of a lone wolf. Tom został aresztowany w poniedziałek rano. Tom got arrested Monday morning. Tom was arrested Monday morning. Lubisz owoce morza, co nie? You like seafood, don't you? You like seafood, don't you? Seděl u okna. He sat by the window. He was sitting by the window. Dawno cię nie widziałem. I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you in a while. Ještě nevím. I still don't know. I don't know yet. Przepraszam, że narażam cię na tak duży koszt. I'm sorry to put you to such great expense. I'm sorry to put you at such a high cost. Będziemy tu za minutę. We'll be there in a minute. We'll be here in a minute. Załatwione? Sorted? Done? Oto pana rachunek. There's your receipt. Here's your bill. Existuje další způsob. There is another way. There's another way. Ach tak. I see. Oh, yeah. Tom nie chciał sprzedawać żadnego ze swoich obrazów. Tom didn't want to sell any of his paintings. Tom didn't want to sell any of his paintings. Tom powiedział mi wczoraj, że nie potrafi pływać. Yesterday, Tom told me he didn't know how to swim. Tom told me yesterday he couldn't swim. Chcę pojechać do Niemiec. I want to go to Germany. I want to go to Germany. To jest sprzeczne z rozsądkiem. It is contrary to reason. It's contrary to reason. Udělal to ze žárlivosti. He did it out of jealousy. He did it out of jealousy. Tom zmarszczył brwi. Tom frowned. Tom wrinkled his eyebrows. Většina lidí má velkou nechuť časně vstávat, i když musí. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. Most people have a great reluctance to get up early, even if they have to. Kiedy się obudziłem, padał śnieg. I awoke to find it snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. Odmítl to zvíře zabít. He refused to kill the animal. He refused to kill the animal. Goście są w salonie. The guests are in the living room. The guests are in the living room. Lvi se živí masem. Lions feed on flesh. Lions eat meat. Kde ses naučil tak dobře česky? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn so well in Czech? Jsem naštvaný na vás oba. I'm mad at both of you. I'm mad at both of you. Mogło mi pójść lepiej. I could've done better. I could have done better. Stará paní často marně očekává svého syna na nádraží. The old lady will often wait for her son in vain at the station. The old lady often looks forward to her son in vain at the station. Nigdy Cię nie kochałem. I've never loved you. I've never loved you. Mamusia płakała. Mummy cried. Mommy was crying. Tom pracował dla nas przez około trzy lata. Tom has been working for us about three years. Tom's been working for us for about three years. Prostě nebylo dost času. There just wasn't enough time. There just wasn't enough time. Podkova a čtyřlístek přinášejí štěstí. A horseshoe and a four-leaf clover bring good luck. The horseshoe and the quadruple bring happiness. O koronaviru toho mnoho nevíme. We don't know a lot about the coronavirus. We don't know much about Coronavir. Pogratulowali koledze awansu. They congratulated their colleague on his promotion. They congratulated their colleagues on their promotion. Byl to Tom, kdo začal tu hádku. It was Tom who started the fight. It was Tom who started the fight. Udělej to, prosím, rychle. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Czy Tom miał pistolet? Did Tom have a gun? Did Tom have a gun? Od początku myślałem, że się zaprzyjaźnimy. I thought that we would be good friends from the beginning. From the beginning, I thought we'd be friends. Przyszłam. I came. I'm here. Nevěděl jsem, že Tom je z Austrálie. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. Mogę ci ufać? Can I trust you? Can I trust you? Vůbec si nepamatuji, že bych to dělal. I don't have any memory of doing that. I don't remember doing it at all. Tom spytał Mary, czy go kocha. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Tom asked Mary if he loved him. Tom zažádal o politický azyl v Německu. Tom applied for political asylum in Germany. Tom applied for political asylum in Germany. Nevím, jak bych se měl zachovat. I don't know how I should behave. I don't know how to behave. Nemělas jim říkat. You shouldn't have told them. You shouldn't have called them. Můžu vám něco říct maďarsky? Can I tell you something in Hungarian? Can I tell you something in Hungarian? Dziewczyno, jakie masz cudowne włosy. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. Girl, how wonderful your hair is. "Mary je třicet let.." Není ještě tak stará, že ?" "Mary is thirty years old." "She's not really that old, is she?" "Mary's 30 years old." She's not that old, is she?" To są wszystko cytaty z Biblii. These are all quotations from the Bible. These are all scriptures from the Bible. On patrzy na kobiety z góry. He looks down on women. He's looking at women from above. Jaký druh ryby je to? What kind of fish is that? What kind of fish is that? To was nie dotyczy. It doesn't concern you. It doesn't concern you. Myslel jsem, že se na mě třeba zlobíš. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Pracuję nad tym od trzech lat. I've been working on this for three years. I've been working on it for three years. Vzpomínám si, že jsem o tom četl. I remember reading about it. I remember reading about it. On jest studentem wyższej uczelni. He's a high school student. He's a college student. Nie wszyscy tutaj mówią po francusku. Not everyone here can speak French. Not everyone here speaks French. Miałem pewnie trzydzieści lat w tamtym czasie. I was probably thirty years old at that time. I was probably 30 at the time. Požádal mne, abych tam počkal, než se vrátí. He asked me to wait there until he came back. He asked me to wait there until he got back. Detaily se nezabývám. I'm not concerned with the details. I don't do the details. Wszyscy wstaliśmy natychmiast. We all stood up at once. We all got up right now. S velkým úsilím vyšplhal na strom. With great effort he climbed up the tree. He climbed a tree with great effort. Myslím, že bychom měli nechat Toma samotného. I think we should leave Tom alone. I think we should leave Tom alone. Oni właśnie idą do tamtego sklepu. They are just going to the store over there. They're going to that store right now. Jak se jmenuje tvije sestra? What's your sister's name? What's your sister's name? Zdá se mi, že Tom je zodpovědný za nervové zhroucení Mary. It seems to me that Tom is responsible for Mary's nervous breakdown. I think Tom's responsible for Mary's nervous breakdown. Tom byl až do odvolání suspendován. Tom was suspended until further notice. Tom was suspended until further notice. Záhada je pořád nevyřešená. The mystery is still unsolved. The mystery is still unsolved. Mary nie rozumiała pytania. Mary did not understand the question. Mary didn't understand the question. Tom jest zawsze otwarty na nowe pomysły. Tom is always open to new ideas. Tom is always open to new ideas. Tom byl můj učitel. Tom was my teacher. Tom was my teacher. Jsem člověk. I am human. I'm human. Můj otec mě nedovolí samotnému chodit v noci ven. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me walk out alone at night. Tomovi rodiče v šedesátých letech emigrovali do Austrálie. Tom's parents emigrated to Australia in the sixties. Tom's parents emigrated to Australia in the '60s. Udělali jsme sochy ze dřeva. We made statues out of wood. We made statues of wood. Rozdělali oheň, aby se zahřáli. They made a fire to warm up. They made fires to warm themselves up. Netušíš, kam Tom mohl dát ten foťák? Do you have any idea where Tom might have put his camera? Any idea where Tom put the camera? On często jeździ do biblioteki samochodem. He often goes to the library by car. He often goes to the library by car. Choć urodził się w Anglii, mówi po angielsku bardzo źle. Although he was born in England, he speaks English very badly. Although he was born in England, he speaks very bad English. Mohl bys mi půjčit své růžové pero, prosím? Could you lend me your pink pen, please? Could you lend me your pink pen, please? Ile kosztuje sok pomarańczowy? How much does the orange juice cost? How much is orange juice? Kto pomaga twej matce? Who helps your mother? Who's helping your mother? Ujisti se, že nenastoupíš do špatného autobusu. Make sure you don't get on the wrong bus. Make sure you don't get on the wrong bus. Pochybuji, že přijde. I'm doubtful that he's going to come. I doubt he'll come. Żaden z tych kwiatów nie jest z plastiku. None of the flowers are made of plastic. None of these flowers are plastic. Wracam. I'm going back. I'm going back. Naštěstí už jsem je znovu neviděl. Thankfully, I didn't see them again. Fortunately, I haven't seen them again. Jest zależny finansowo od swej żony. He relies on his wife financially. He's financially dependent on his wife. Kocham słońce. I love the sun. I love the sun. Je nezbytné, aby kolektivní vědomí vyzařovalo vibraci Lásky, Radosti, Laskavosti, Klidu a Světla. It is vital that the collective consciousness is on a vibration that radiates Love, Joy, Kindness, Peace and Light. It is essential that collective consciousness radiates the vibration of Love, Joy, Kindness, Peace and Light. Poproszę kilka pustych szklanek. I want a few empty glasses. A couple of empty glasses, please. Zastanawiam się, jak wy w ogóle weszliście na taki temat. I was just wondering how you guys ever got talking about this topic. I wonder how you guys got in on this. Opowiedz, jak to wszystko było. Tell me all about how it went. Tell me what it was all like. Odwołano mecz z powodu ulewy. The match was cancelled due to the heavy rain. The game was canceled because of the rain. Nikdy jsem to s tebou nedělal. I've never done that with you. I've never done it with you. Čekal jsem a čekal. I waited and waited. I waited and waited. Věčná láska neexistuje. Unfailing love does not exist. There's no eternal love. Stříbro kupuji od člověka, který má na svém pozemku důl. I buy my silver from a man who has a mine on his property. I buy silver from a man who has a mine on his property. Nie wchodź do pokoju bez pozwolenia. Don't enter the room without leave. Don't go into the room without your permission. Dziś chyba zarwę nockę. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. I think I'm gonna have a night out tonight. Trochu těm kalhotám v pase uberte. Please take the pants in a bit. Put some of those pants in your waist. Widzieliśmy ją. We've seen her. We saw her. Co za zdanie! What a sentence! What a sentence! Je to tvoje? Is it yours? Is that yours? Tom mnie nienawidzi. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. Mám rád astrologii. I like astrology. I like astrology. Jesteśmy śledzeni. We're being followed. We're being followed. Cítil jsem povinnost to udělat. I felt compelled to do that. I felt an obligation to do it. Musisz wyjechać z Bostonu. You have to leave Boston now. You have to leave Boston. Z czego jest zbudowany ten dom? What is that house built out of? What is this house made of? Jest już jedenasta. It is already eleven. It's eleven o'clock. Tom podniósł monetę i przyjrzał jej się bliżej. Tom picked the coin up and examined it more closely. Tom picked up the coin and took a closer look at it. Proč lžete? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Uwielbiam piesze wycieczki. I love hiking. I love walking. Voda se už vaří. The water is already boiling. The water's already boiling. Ile przysłów poznaliśmy do tej pory? How many proverbs have we learned so far? How many proverbs have we met so far? Tom zameldował się w hotelu w Londynie. Dan checked into a hotel in London. Tom checked into a hotel in London. Kop dalej. Keep digging. Keep digging. Tom uciekał przed policją. Tom was running from the police. Tom ran away from the police. Tato otázka byla často vznešena. This question has often been raised. This question has often been raised. Snaž se! Try! Do your best! Tom se vrátil do svého auta a přinesl baterku. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom went back to his car and brought a flashlight. Tom chciał znać prawdę. Tom wanted to know the truth. Tom wanted the truth. Moc mě mrzí, že jsem nedokázal pomoct. I'm really sorry I wasn't able to help. I'm so sorry I couldn't help. Tak, hned je to lepší. Now, that's better. Well, it's better now. Jednoho dne se probudíš a zjistíš, že jsi mrtvý. Someday, you'll wake up and find yourself dead. One day you'll wake up and find out you're dead. To jest właśnie to, czego potrzebuje Tom. That's just what Tom needs. That's what Tom needs. Podejrzewam, że Tom ściągał na teście. I suspect that Tom cheated on the test. I suspect Tom was taking the test. Protože nikdo neměl zájem mě poslouchat, byl jsem zticha. Since no one was interested to listen to me, I just kept quiet. Because no one was interested in listening to me, I was quiet. Myślę, że to twoje. I think this is yours. I think it's yours. Tu nie chodzi tylko o pieniądze. It's not just about the money. It's not just about the money. Nevěděl jsem, že Tom neumí plavat. I didn't know Tom didn't know how to swim. I didn't know Tom couldn't swim. Telefon znowu zadzwonił. The phone rang again. The phone called again. Praha je hlavní město České republiky. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Tom šel do školy, i když mu máma řekla, že je na to příliš nemocný. Tom went to school even though his mother told him that he was too sick to go. Tom went to school, even though his mom told him he was too sick. Raději pojď dovnitř. You'd better come in. You'd better come in. Koty są mądre. Cats are smart. Cats are smart. Czy też i on nauczył się japońskiego? Did he learn Japanese as well? Did he also learn Japanese? Tom był torturowany i został zamordowany. Tom was tortured and murdered. Tom was tortured and murdered. Czemu powiedziałeś mu coś takiego? Why did you say such a thing to him? Why did you say that to him? Nigdy nie słyszałeś o Rio de Janeiro? Haven't you ever heard of Rio de Janeiro? You've never heard of Rio de Janeiro? Myślisz, że kiedy Tom tu dotrze? When do you think Tom is going to get here? When do you think Tom's gonna get here? Oczywiście, że plezjozaur potrafił pływać. Of course, plesiosaurs were able to swim. Of course Plesjosaurus could swim. Piękne, nie prawdaż? Beautiful, aren't they? Beautiful, isn't it? Prostřeli jsme na trávníku u řeky. We spread out the tablecloth on the grass by the river. We shot on the lawn by the river. Widziałaś moją ciocię? Did you see my aunt? Have you seen my aunt? Twoje życie jest odbiciem twojego nastawienia. Your life is the echo of your mindset. Your life is a reflection of your attitude. Máš dobrou paměť. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Nie potrafię tańczyć. I can't dance. I can't dance. Ten program właśnie jest na antenie. The program is on the air. This program is on the air right now. Zostanę tam na kilka dni. I'm going to stay there for a couple of days. I'll stay there for a few days. Jest grubszy, niż gdy widziałem go ostatnim razem. He is fatter than when I last saw him. He's thicker than the last time I saw him. Tom zavřel oči a vyslovil přání. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Je po uši v dluzích. He is up to his ears in debt. He's in debt. Vlak musel zastavit, protože na kolejích ležel spadlý strom. The train had to stop because there was a tree lying across the railway line. The train had to stop because there was a fallen tree on the tracks. Obdivuji rodilé mluvčí angličtiny, kteří se učí česky. I admire native speakers of English who are learning Czech. I admire native English speakers who learn Czech. Tom říká, že dovede číst knihu ve francouzštině. Tom says that he can read a French book. Tom says he can read a book in French. Czy udzielasz cię charytatywnie? Do you give to charity? Are you being charitable? Dokážeš rozbít vejce jednou rukou? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you break an egg with one hand? Tohle bude zajímavé. This will be interesting. This is gonna be interesting. Niestety, moje urodziny są tylko raz do roku. Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year. Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year. Hraju s přáteli fotbal. I am playing football with my friends. I play football with my friends. Tom ma brodę, tak jak jego ojciec, dziadek i bracia. Tom has a beard just like his father, grandfathers and brothers do. Tom has a beard, just like his father, his grandfather, and his brothers. Tom został? Did Tom stay? Tom's staying? Kde je hudba, tam je i radost. Where there is music there is joy. Where there's music, there's joy. Popyt na importowane samochody wzrasta z powodu niższych cen. Demand for imported cars is increasing due to lower prices. Demand for imported cars is rising due to lower prices. Tom zasáhl. Tom intervened. Tom hit. Proč nejdeš pomoct Tomovi? Why don't you go help Tom? Why don't you go help Tom? Ten telefon se musí dobít. The phone needs to be charged. The phone must be rechargeable. Sotva se člověk narodí, už začíná umírat. As soon as man is born he begins to die. You're barely born, you're about to die. Kto spowodował wypadek? Who caused the accident? Who caused the accident? Wydała więcej pieniędzy niż zazwyczaj. She spent more money than usual. She spent more money than usual. Tom napadl svého kolegu v práci. Tom attacked his workmate. Tom attacked his colleague at work. Tom miał znakomity pomysł. Tom had a splendid idea. Tom had a great idea. Je na tobě cosi velice okouzlujícího. There is something very charming about you. There's something very charming about you. Nedostatek peněz jí bránil v tom, aby se mnou šla. Her lack of money kept her from going with me. The lack of money prevented her from coming with me. Czuję się znacznie lepiej. I feel much better. I feel much better. Ve své eseji "Esperanto: Evropský nebo Asijský jazyk" Claude Piron ukázal podobnosti mezi esperantem a čínštinou, čímž ukončil představu, že Esperanto je čistě eurocentrické. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asiatic language" Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asian", Claude Piron showed similarities between the Esperant and Chinese, ending the idea that the conversion is purely Eurocentric. O tom se s Tomem odmítám bavit. I refuse to discuss that with Tom. I refuse to talk to Tom about that. Gdzie w tym przyjemność? What's the fun in that? Where's the pleasure? On mieszka w Belfast. He lives in Belfast. He lives in Belfast. Takovou váhu neunesu. I cannot bear such weight. I can't take that weight. Wszedłem na wzgórze. I walked up the hill. I went up the hill. Rozlišujeme živé a neživé objekty. We differentiate between living and dead objects. We distinguish living and inanimate objects. Włożył w to całą duszę i serce. He put all his heart and soul into it. He put his whole soul and heart into it. Já nevím, jestli mám čas. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Jsem Tomova věku. I'm Tom's age. I'm Tom's age. Ta szkoła została założona w roku 1650. The school was established in 1650. This school was founded in 1650. Jsem si celkem jistý, že Tom říká pravdu. I'm pretty sure Tom is telling the truth. I'm pretty sure Tom's telling the truth. Wymagane jest zgłoszenie celne. A customs declaration is required. Customs declaration is required. Mary nie rozumie dlaczego Tom wybrał kota jako swój avatar. Mary doesn't understand why Tom chose a cat as his online avatar. Mary doesn't understand why Tom chose the cat as his avatar. Jest siódma czterdzieści pięć. It's quarter to eight now. It's seventy-five. Ok. Kde bydlíš? Ok. Where do you live? Where do you live? Wiesz co? Jesteś piękna. You know what? You're beautiful. You know what? Tom si nemyslí, že to smíš dělat. Tom doesn't think you're allowed to do that. Tom doesn't think you can do that. Doufejme, že také půjdeme do Pekingu. Hopefully we too will go to Beijing. Let us hope that we will also go to Beijing. Omawialiśmy to mnóstwo razy. We discussed it plenty of times. We've discussed this a lot of times. Późno wróciłem do domu. I came back home late. I came home late. To się nie zdarzy. That won't happen. It's not gonna happen. Je načase, abys Tomovi řekl pravdu. It is time you told Tom the truth. It's time you told Tom the truth. Mary to zrobja, bò wona nji mja vibjorë. Mary did that because she had no choice. Mary's a job because she's my vibjorez. Kdybyste případně potřeboval další informace, neváhejte se mi ozvat, prosím. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Tom drží v zajetí několik lidí. Tom holds several people captive. Tom's holding several people captive. Tom i Mary zrobili przemeblowanie w pokoju dziennym. Tom and Mary rearranged the furniture in their living room. Tom and Mary did some redecorating in the living room. Nie jestem tego pewien. I am not certain about that. I'm not sure. Tom jí otevřel dveře. Tom opened the door for her. Tom opened the door for her. Czy Tom jest na łodzi? Is Tom on the boat? Is Tom on the boat? Słaby wzrok jest przeszkodą dla sportowca. Poor eyesight is a handicap to a sportsman. Poor vision is an obstacle to an athlete. Prędzej by umarł, niż wstawał wcześnie każdego ranka. He would sooner die than get up early every morning. He'd die sooner than he'd wake up early every morning. Je zhruba stejně vysoká jako ty. She's about the same height as you. She's about as tall as you. Idź do domu, teraz. Go home now. Go home now. Był zmęczony, więc poszedł wcześniej spać. He was tired, so he went to bed early. He was tired, so he went to bed early. Za to tě miluju. I love you for that. I love you for that. Kto biega najszybciej z tej trójki? Who runs the fastest of the three? Who's running the fastest out of this three? Ślub odbędzie się w sobotę. The wedding will take place on Saturday. The wedding will take place on Saturday. Trzej zostali skazani na dożywocie. Three were sentenced to life in prison. They were sentenced to life sentence. Zgubiłem się. I'm lost. I'm lost. Měl s sebou jen sto jenů. He had only one hundred yen with him. He only had a hundred yen with him. Nie jesteś tchórzem. You are not a coward. You're not a coward. Můj bratranec je novinář. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin is a journalist. Wygląda na szczęśliwą. She seems to be happy. She seems happy. Tom je oddaný své práci. Tom is devoted to his work. Tom's committed to his work. Trénujeme společně. We train together. We train together. Hraje s nimi poker. She plays poker with them. He's playing poker with them. Tom si myslel, že učitel mu dal na jeden den příliš domácích úkolů. Tom thought the teacher had given him way too much homework to finish in one day. Tom thought the teacher gave him too much homework for one day. Idąc gwizdał. He whistled as he walked. He was going whistling. Tom pracował na pół etatu. Tom was working part-time. Tom worked part-time. Ta dívka s dlouhými vlasy je Judy. The girl with the long hair is Judy. The girl with the long hair is Judy. Pokusili jsme se Toma podvést. We tried to fool Tom. We tried to cheat on Tom. S věkem byla stále více krásnější. She became more and more beautiful as she grew older. She was getting more beautiful with her age. Pracoval jsem na letišti. I used to work at the airport. I worked at the airport. Ptala se mě, proč se tak brzy stmívá. She asked me why it was getting dark so early. She asked me why it was getting dark so early. Masz jakieś pomysły odnośnie tego tematu? Do you have any ideas about it? Do you have any ideas about this? Czy Tom nadal tu jest? Is Tom still here? Is Tom still here? Czy kiedykolwiek byłeś skrytykowany za zrobienie tego? Have you ever been criticized for doing that? Have you ever been criticized for doing this? Tento čaj je opravdu dobrý. This tea is really good. This tea is really good. "Pomożesz mi?" "Z przyjemnością." "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." "Will you help me?" "I'd love to." Vy jste obě hezké a milé. You are both pretty and kind. You're both nice and kind. Můj plán se od vašeho liší. My plan is different from yours. My plan is different from yours. Vážně bys je měl číst. You really should read them. You really should read them. Jak mogłaś nie wiedzieć? How could you not know? How could you not know? Přišel jsem sem udělat to s tebou. I came here to do that with you. I came here to do it with you. Kto gra na skrzypcach? Who is playing the violin? Who's playing the violin? Wkrótce zacznie padać. It'll start raining soon. It's gonna rain soon. Nie mam już więcej pomysłów. I ran out of ideas. I don't have any more ideas. Tom powiedział o tym Mary. Tom told Mary about that. Tom told Mary. Wzięła odpowiedzialność za projekt. She undertook the responsibility for the project. She took responsibility for the project. Chciałabyś zaśpiewać? Would you like to sing? Would you like to sing? Czy naród stanowi ostatnie stadium ewolucji społeczeństwa ludzkiego? Are nations the last stage of evolution in human society? Is the nation the final stage of human society's evolution? Komputer Toma ciągle się zawiesza. Tom's computer crashes all the time. Tom's computer is still hanging up. Kupuj tolik, kolik chceš. Buy as much as you like. Buy as much as you want. Mamy jutro egzamin. We have a test tomorrow. We have an exam tomorrow. Szpital został otwarty w zeszłym miesiącu. The hospital opened last month. The hospital was opened last month. Odpověď zná pouze Tom. Only Tom knows the answer. Only Tom knows the answer. Spieszę się dzisiaj. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry today. Na vstávání je příliš brzy. It is too early to get up. It's too early to get up. Nerad tě ruším. Jen jsem se přišel omluvit. Sorry to bother you. I have just come to apologize. I'm sorry to interrupt, I just came to apologize. Głupota Marka przyprawia Rosę o zawrót głowy. Mark's foolery is already making Rosa sick. Stupid Mark makes Rosa dizzy. Zdrowie jest istotnym elementem szczęścia. Health is an important factor of happiness. Health is an important element of happiness. Nevím jak je Tom starý. I don't know how old Tom is. I don't know how old Tom is. Spędziłam tydzień w szpitalu. I spent a week in hospital. I spent a week at the hospital. Skąd? From where? From where? Stále čekám na to, až přijde Tom. I am still waiting for Tom to come. I'm still waiting for Tom to come. Nie jestem pewien. I am not sure. I'm not sure. Spotkała swojego chłopaka na ulicy. She met her boyfriend in the street. She met her boyfriend on the street. Większość Anglików to konserwatyści. Most Englishmen are conservative. Most English are conservatives. Tom zrobił za mocną kawę. Tom made the coffee too strong. Tom made too much coffee. Moja siostra wychodzi za mąż. My sister's getting married. My sister's getting married. Nigdy się tego nie spodziewałem. I never expected this. I never expected that. Mój pokój jest bardzo mały. My room is very small. My room is very small. To je vyjímečná situace. This is an unusual situation. This is an extraordinary situation. Zralé jablko spadlo ze stromu. A ripe apple dropped from the tree. A ripe apple fell off a tree. Idź do dużego pokoju. Go to the living room. Go to the big room. Byl zodpovědný za smrt tvého otce. He was responsible for the death of your father. He was responsible for your father's death. Tom má rád auta. Tom likes cars. Tom likes cars. Jestli opravdu chceš vědět, stačí se jen zeptat. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. If you really want to know, just ask. Nie chciałbym być na miejscu Toma. I wouldn't like to be in Tom's shoes. I wouldn't want to be in Tom's place. Zagrajmy! Let's play! Let's play! Prawie zapomniałem paszportu. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Její manžel ji vyděsil k smrti. She was scared to death of her husband. Her husband scared her to death. Tom wygląda na naprawdę zakłopotanego. Tom seems really embarrassed. Tom seems really embarrassed. Próbowałem znaleźć Toma. I tried to find Tom. I was trying to find Tom. Rád bych vás viděl. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Už od rána odklízím sníh. I have been clearing the snow since morning. I've been cleaning the snow since this morning. Tę wojnę prowadzili ludzie pozbawieni rozsądku. Men who were bereft of reason conducted the war. This war was fought by people who were out of their minds. Myslel jsem, že jsi Tomův strýc. I thought that you were Tom's uncle. I thought you were Tom's uncle. Pozor! Careful! Watch out! Vygooglil jsem si vás a zjistil, že jste byl ve vězení. I googled you and found out you've spent time in prison. I Googled you and found out you were in prison. Neměla bys čekat tady. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't be waiting here. Mówiła szybko. She spoke rapidly. She was talking fast. Tomův pes se jmenuje Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Często używam SSH dla zdalnego dostępu do moich komputerów. I often use SSH to access my computers remotely. I often use SSH for remote access to my computers. Jestli dnes budeš mít čas, rád bych s tebou mluvil. If you have any time available today, I'd like to talk to you. If you have time today, I'd like to talk to you. Zginął na polu chwały. He was slain in battle. He died in the field of glory. Muž, který mi ukradl peněženku, byl včera zatčen. The man who stole my wallet was arrested yesterday. The man who stole my wallet was arrested yesterday. Nevěděl, kolik z nich potřebuje pomoc. He did not know how many of them needed help. He didn't know how many of them needed help. Nie szukaj dziury w całym. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Don't look all over for a hole. Jsem připraven zemřít. I am ready to die. I'm ready to die. Ve skle je prasklina. There is a crack in the glass. There's a crack in the glass. Seznámila jsem se s Tomem, když jsem byla v Bostonu. I got to know Tom when I was in Boston. I met Tom when I was in Boston. Możesz to zreperować? Can you repair it? Can you fix this? Masła i sery są robione z mleka Butter and cheese are made from milk. Butters and cheeses are made from milk Jest zajęty nauką angielskiego. He is busy learning English. He's busy teaching English. Wszystko będzie musiało być zdezynfekowane. Everything will have to be sterilized. Everything will have to be disinfected. Jestem gotowy, by Ci pomóc. I am ready to help you. I'm ready to help you. Co się działo? What was happening? What happened? Zobacz co się dzieje na zewnątrz. See what's going on outside. Look what's going on outside. Mormoni zdelegalizowali poligamię, lecz niektórzy wyznawcy wciąż ją praktykują. The Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it. Mormons have committed polygamy, but some believers are still practicing it. Właśnie zamierzałem wychodzić, kiedy zadzwonił telefon. I was about to leave when the phone rang. I was just about to leave when the phone called. Je to už rok, co tu byla naposledy. A year has passed since she came here. It's been a year since she was here. Czemu okłamałeś Toma? Why did you lie to Tom? Why did you lie to Tom? Wrócę wieczorem. I'll be back by evening. I'll be back tonight. Tom se zeptal Marie, jestli je doma. Tom asked Mary if she was home. Tom asked Marie if she was home. Konferencja ma się odbyć pojutrze w Tokio. The conference is to be held in Tokyo the day after tomorrow. The conference will take place the day after tomorrow in Tokyo. Muszą ją kochać. They must love her. They must love her. W torbie jest trochę pieniędzy. There is a little money in the bag. There's some money in the bag. Je to tak prosté. It's so simple. It's so simple. Souhlasíš se mnou, že? You agree with me, don't you? You agree with me, right? Nie miałem okazji ci powiedzieć, jak świetnie bawiłem się na twojej imprezie. I haven't had the chance to tell you how much I enjoyed your party. I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I had fun at your party. To jest dla niego ważne źródło dochodu. It's an important source of income for him. This is an important source of income for him. Doufám, že všechno půjde dobře. I hope that everything goes well. I hope everything goes well. Hádali se o tom, kam jet na dovolenou. They were arguing about where to go on holiday. They were arguing about where to go on vacation. Tom powiedział, że mnie kocha. Tom told me that he loved me. Tom said he loved me. Tom poszedł z Mary do kościoła. Tom went to church with Mary. Tom went to church with Mary. Możesz przynajmniej podziękować. You might at least say thank you. You can at least thank me. Znáte odpověď? Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? Jej rower jest niebieski. Her bicycle is blue. Her bike is blue. To jí dá na pamětnou. This will teach her a lesson. That'll give her memory. Tom mi to dal před svou smrtí. Tom gave this to me before he died. Tom gave it to me before he died. Nevím proč a je mi to jedno. I don't know why and I don't care. I don't know why, and I don't care. Niektórzy z nas planują niedługo was odwiedzić. Some of us plan to visit you in the near future. Some of us are planning to visit you soon. Klidně můžeš počkat tady. You're welcome to wait here. You can wait here. Ále, nasrat. Ah, screw it. Oh, shit. Moglibyśmy razem zaśpiewać. We could sing together. We could sing together. Uchroniliśmy się przed niebezpieczeństwem. We protected ourselves against danger. We've protected ourselves from danger. Tom jest na zakupach. Tom is shopping. Tom's shopping. Mniej gadaj, więcej rób. Talk less, do more. Less talk, more do it. Opravdu si myslíš, že je Tom rozrušený? Do you really think Tom is upset? You really think Tom's upset? Kolik je vašemu mladšímu synovi? How old is your younger son? How old is your younger son? Życie to zabawa. Life is fun. Life is fun. Czas zacząć od nowa. It's time to start over. It's time to start over. Dobrze pasuje do twoich spodni. It looks nice with your trousers. It's a good fit for your pants. Czy Matka Teresa była dobrą kobietą? Was Mother Teresa a good woman? Was Mother Teresa a good woman? Przegapiłem mój przystanek. Jak daleko jest do następnego? I missed my stop. How long does it take to reach the next stop? I missed my stop. Tom czekał dłuższą chwilę. Tom waited for quite a while. Tom's been waiting a long time. Měl jsem podivný sen. I dreamed a strange dream. I had a strange dream. Byłem bardzo dumny z mojego syna. I was very proud of my son. I was very proud of my son. Strojové překlady nejsou vždy přesné. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translations are not always accurate. Nechtěl jsem zpívat, ale Tom mě o to požádal, a tak jsem zazpíval. I didn't want to sing, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I didn't want to sing, but Tom asked me to, so I sang. Tom musí být varován. Tom has to be warned. Tom must be warned. Co robisz dziś wieczorem? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Pracuji tu. I work here. I work here. Tyle wiem na pewno. I know that much. That's all I know for sure. Nezajímá mě, jestli máš moc práce. Pomoz mi prosím hned. I don't care if you're busy. Please help me now. I don't care if you're busy. Podpoř se. Speak up for yourself. Support yourself. Wygląda na szczęśliwą, ale w głębi duszy cierpi. She looks happy, but deep down, she suffers. She seems happy, but deep down, she's suffering. Výbor je skupina lidí, kteří jednotlivě nemohou udělat nic, ale jako skupina se mohou sejít a rozhodnout, že nic udělat nelze. A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done. The Committee is a group of people who can do nothing individually, but as a group they can meet and decide that nothing can be done. Mogłem jej pomóc. I was able to help her. I could've helped her. Baví tě studovat? Do you enjoy studying? Do you enjoy studying? Tohle jsem nepsal. I didn't write this. I didn't write that. Myliłeś się jednak. You were wrong after all. But you were wrong. Tom nie mógł odpowiedzieć na pytanie Mary. Tom wasn't able to answer Mary's question. Tom couldn't answer Mary's question. Mám rád léto, ale nemohu vydržet to vedro. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. Mogłybyśmy być tu szczęśliwe. We could be happy here. We could be happy here. Ohydne to mleko. The milk is disgusting. It's disgusting milk. Masz całkowitą rację. You're quite right. You're absolutely right. Nemůžu mu věřit. I can't trust him. I can't trust him. Čekám, že ji příští léto zase uvidím. I expect to see her again next summer. I expect to see her again next summer. Můžeš si vybrat kterékoliv z nich. You may choose any of them. You can choose any one of them. Naprawdę się dobrze bawiłem dziś wieczorem. I really enjoyed myself tonight. I had a really good time tonight. Zaproponowano mi inną pracę. I've been offered another job. I've been offered another job. Nie wiem, jak pisać po angielsku. I don't know how to write in English. I don't know how to write in English. Co se ti stalo? What has happened to you? What happened to you? Jedź ostrożnie. Drive carefully. Drive safe. Zadał mi pytanie. He asked me a question. He asked me a question. Tom za mnie zaręczy. Tom will vouch for me. Tom will be engaged to me. Vůbec ti nerozumím. I don't understand you at all. I don't understand you at all. Válka trvala dva roky. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Co se stalo s mými dveřmi? What happened to my door? What happened to my door? Wróciłem, żeby pogadać z tobą. I came back to talk to you. I came back to talk to you. Jego nowy film rozczarowuje. His new movie is disappointing. His new movie is disappointing. Ważne jest nie to, który uniwersytet skończyłaś, ale to czego się tam nauczyłaś. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. What's important is not which university you graduated from, but what you learned there. Před večeří hraji na kytaru. I play the guitar before dinner. I play guitar before dinner. Tom nám dnes odpoledne ukáže ty dokumenty. Tom is going to show us the documents this afternoon. Tom's gonna show us the papers this afternoon. Zdá se, že nikdo si ničeho nevšiml. Nobody seems to have noticed anything. No one seems to have noticed anything. Budeme mluvit rusky? Will we speak Russian? Are we going to speak Russian? Hranice mohou zůstat dva roky zavřené. The borders can remain closed for two years. The boundaries can remain closed for two years. Tom zna kilku ludzi, którzy pracują w tej fabryce. Tom knows a few guys who work at that factory. Tom knows a few people who work at this factory. Tom nevěří na evoluci. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Jsem rád, že souhlasíš. I'm glad you agree. I'm glad you agree. Niebo pełne jest gwiazd. The sky is full of stars. The sky is full of stars. Tom je povrchní a materialistický. Tom is shallow and materialistic. Tom is superficial and materialistic. Jesteś pewien, że powinniśmy to robić? Are you sure we should be doing this? Are you sure we should do this? Jeśli to kupisz dam ci piętnastoprocentową zniżkę If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent discount. If you buy this, I'll give you a 15-percent discount. Myślisz, że Tom zgodzi się pomóc? Do you think Tom will agree to help? You think Tom's willing to help? Řídíte se radami druhých? Do you follow advice from others? Are you following the counsel of others? W tym szaleństwie jest metoda. There is a method to this madness. There's a method in this madness. Tom nas nie skrzywdzi. Tom won't hurt us. Tom won't hurt us. Ulánbátar je hlavní město Mongolska. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ulanbatar is the capital of Mongolia. Tom dokončil obraz Mary, na kterém pracoval několik měsíců. Tom has finished painting the picture of Mary that he's been working on for a couple of months. Tom completed Mary's painting, which he's been working on for months. Tato kniha patří knihovně. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. Měl bys začít teď. You'd better start now. You should start now. Mary bývala modelkou. Mary used to be a model. Mary used to be a model. Początki tenisa miały miejsce we Francji, w trzynastym wieku. Tennis began in France in the thirteenth century. The beginnings of tennis took place in France, in the thirteenth century. Byłeś wtedy taki młody. You were so young then. You were so young back then. Tom jadał sporo śmieciowego jedzenia. Tom used to eat a lot of junk food. Tom ate a lot of junk food. Czy to jest dom? Is that a house? Is this the house? Księżyc jest za chmurami. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is behind the clouds. Šálek je na stole. The cup is on the table. Cup's on the table. Nevyčítej to svému kamarádovi. Don't reproach your friend. Don't blame your friend. Někdo mi ve vlaku šlápnul na nohu. Someone stepped on my foot on the train. Someone stepped on my foot on the train. Musiało coś mu się przydarzyć po drodze. Something must have happened to him on the way. Something must have happened to him on the way. W iPadzie nie lubię tego, że nie da się łatwo zainstalować aplikacji, których nie ma w AppStore Apple'a. One thing I don't like about the iPad is that you can't easily install apps that aren't available through Apple's App Store. In iPad, I don't like the fact that you can't easily install apps that aren't in Apple's AppStore. Kościół był zatłoczony. The church was crowded. The church was crowded. On ma psa. He has a dog. He's got a dog. Hněvem mu škubalo ve tváři. Tom's face twitched with indignation. He was so mad at his face. Mám ó bože ó velký pamatovat si takový cifer řad, velký slovutný Archimedes, pomáhej trápenému, dej mu moc, nazpaměť nechť odříká ty slavné sice, ale tak protivné nám, ah, číslice Ludolfovy! I have to -- oh God oh great -- remember such a string of numbers, great famous Archimedes, help the suffering, give him the power, let him recite by heart those famous, and yet for us irritating, ah, numbers of Ludolph! I'm supposed to remember such numbers of rows, the great verbal Archimedes, help the afflicted, give him power, in memory let him say the glorious ones, but so obnoxious to us, ah, the numerals of Ludolf! Nie pozwól Tomowi tego zjeść. Don't let Tom eat this. Don't let Tom eat that. Jaké závěry vyvodili? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions did they draw? Budeš slavná. You're going to be famous. You'll be famous. Tantal je chemický prvek se značkou Ta. Tantalum is a chemical element of the symbol Ta. Tantalum is a chemical element with the Ta brand. Bądź bardziej elastyczny. Be more flexible. Be more flexible. Był żołnierzem w czasie wojny. He was a soldier during the war. He was a soldier during the war. Zdanie, które czytasz, nie istnieje. The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. The sentence you read doesn't exist. Bylo štěstí, že jsi tam byl a pomohl mi. It was lucky you were there to help me. It was lucky you were there to help me. Pamatuješ se na to lépe než já. You remember it better than I do. You remember that better than I do. Budu čekat na vás oba. I'll be waiting for both of you. I'll be waiting for you both. Mohl bych tě učinit šťastnou. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Jesteś nieuczciwi. You're dishonest. You're being unfair. O mało nie utopiła się w rzece. She almost drowned in the river. She almost drowned in the river. Kde jsi byl celé odpoledne? Where've you been all afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Jesteś czarodziejem? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? Popatrz na to. Look at this stuff. Look at this. Chciałbym dziś wieczorem z tobą wyjść. I'd like to hang out with you tonight. I'd like to go out with you tonight. Większość sklepów była zamknięta. Most of the shops were closed. Most of the stores were closed. Bývali jsme sousedy. We used to be neighbors. We used to be neighbors. Tom uměl dobře číst až ve třinácti. Tom couldn't read very well until he was thirteen years old. Tom couldn't read well until he was 13. Tom se mnou nikdy nemluví francouzsky. Tom never speaks French with me. Tom never speaks French to me. Tom pozwolił nam pomóc Mary. Tom allowed us to help Mary. Tom let us help Mary. Uteč, pokud můžeš. Escape if you can. Run if you can. Bohužel ne. I'm afraid not. I'm afraid not. Tom wydaje się być zmęczony. Tom seems tired. Tom seems tired. Kochanie, musimy iść do sklepu. Brakuje nam mleka. Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk. Honey, we have to go to the store. Myślisz, że zachowuję się nierozsądnie? Do you think I'm being unreasonable? You think I'm being unreasonable? Napisz wkrótce! Write soon! Write soon! Můžou tu být výrobní závady. There might be manufacturing defects. There could be manufacturing defects. Lepiej się pośpiesz, jeśli chcesz dotrzeć do domu zanim się ściemni. You'd better hurry up if you want to get home before dark. You better hurry up if you want to get home before it gets dark. Ile razy byłeś w Bostonie? How many times have you been to Boston? How many times have you been to Boston? Mary mówi, że kocha Toma, ale tak naprawdę chce tylko jego pieniędzy. Mary says she loves Tom, but really she's just after his money. Mary says she loves Tom, but all she really wants is his money. Nie myję twojego auta. I don't wash your car. I don't wash your car. U koho teď jsi? Who are you staying with now? Who are you with now? Proč tomu nevěříš? Why don't you believe that? Why don't you believe it? Tom nechce svým dětem dovolit jet na školní výlet. Tom won't let his children go on a school trip. Tom won't let his kids go on a school trip. Jestem w związku. I'm in a relationship. I'm in a relationship. Nie mam pojęcia, dlaczego tak jest. I have no idea why it is so. I have no idea why. Vypadá to jako kachna. It looks like a duck. Looks like a duck. Jestem pewien, że chłopak którego widziałeś, to nie był Tom. I'm sure the guy you saw wasn't Tom. I'm sure the boy you saw wasn't Tom. Chris nie może jutro pracować. Chris can't work tomorrow. Chris can't work tomorrow. To wszystko jest bardzo niepokojące. This is all very disturbing. It's all very disturbing. Pršelo celý týden. It rained for an entire week. It rained all week. Nic takového neřekl. He didn't say anything like that. He didn't say anything like that. Ten zajazd oferuje dobrą obsługę. This inn gives good service. This inn offers good service. Tom mi nesdělil, co Mary řekla. Tom didn't tell me what Mary said. Tom didn't tell me what Mary said. Nie spotkaliśmy się jeszcze. We haven't met yet. We haven't met yet. K víře v Boha nemusíte vyznávat žádné náboženství. You don't need to be religious to believe in God. You do not have to confess any religion to faith in God. Každý má slabosti. Everyone has vulnerabilities. Everyone has weaknesses. Zawsze marzyłem o jednym - nauczyć się pilotować samolot. One thing I've always wanted to do is learn to fly an airplane. I've always dreamed of one thing - learning to fly a plane. Vyhrál tu soutěž. He won the competition. He won the competition. Jsou lidé, kteří neradi špenát. There are people who don't like spinach. There are people who don't like spinach. Nemám rád běh. I don't like to run. I don't like running. Tom to opraví. Tom will fix it. Tom's gonna fix it. Tato velikost je pro mě příliš velká. This size is too large for me. This size is too big for me. Nesahej na mě, prase! Don't touch me, you pig! Don't touch me, pig! Byłem w trakcie medytacji, kiedy mój brat nagle wpadł do pokoju. I was just meditating, when my brother suddenly burst into the room. I was in the middle of meditation when my brother suddenly came into the room. To najwspanialsze urodziny, jakie pamiętam! This is the best birthday dinner ever. It's the greatest birthday I remember! Zawodnicy po grze byli w doskonałych nastrojach. The players were in high spirits after the game. The players after the game were in excellent moods. Wcześnie wstałem. I woke up early. I'm up early. Nie chcę twoich pieniędzy. I don't want your money. I don't want your money. Nudíš se tady? Are you bored here? Bored here? Tom nemohl věřit, že ho Mary opravdu miluje. Tom couldn't believe that Mary really loved him. Tom couldn't believe Mary really loved him. Most jest w budowie. The bridge is under construction. The bridge is in construction. Tom nemá lístek. Tom doesn't have a ticket. Tom doesn't have a ticket. Nestihneme se dostat do banky, než ji zavřou. We won't be able to get to the bank before it closes. We can't make it to the bank before they close it. Tuhle peněženku jsem našel v parku. I found this wallet in the park. I found this wallet in the park. Moc jsem pil. I've drunk too much. I drank too much. Szkoła jest pięć kilometrów od mojego domu. The school is five kilometers from my home. The school is five kilometers from my house. Tom vůbec netušil, co se Mary stalo. Tom didn't have any idea what had happened to Mary. Tom had no idea what happened to Mary. Čí je ten zápisník? Whose notebook is that? Whose notebook is this? Já jsem z Tokia. I'm from Tokyo. I'm from Tokyo. On nie ma pamięci do nazwisk. He's not good at remembering names. He doesn't remember names. Cudownie! Wonderful! Wonderful! Chtěl bych červené víno. I would like red wine. I'd like some red wine. Czy twój komputer dobrze się sprawuje? Is your new computer working well? Is your computer doing well? Tom wykonał świetną robotę. Tom did an excellent job. Tom did a great job. Zamilovala se do ruského přistěhovalce. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. Musíš se vrátit nejpozději v neděli. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. You have to come back no later than Sunday. Nejsi hloupější, protože nechceš. You aren't stupider because you don't want to. You're not dumber because you don't want to. Tom i Mary nadal oglądają telewizję. Tom and Mary are still watching TV. Tom and Mary are still watching TV. Nešel jsem na pohřeb. I didn't go to the funeral. I didn't go to the funeral. Mało prawdopodobne, by był takim samym człowiekiem, jakiego poznałeś 10 lat temu. It's very unlikely that he is actually the same man you met ten years ago. He's not likely to be the same person you met 10 years ago. Odpočiňme si trochu. Let's rest a little bit. Let's get some rest. Kdysi to dělal Tom. Tom used to do it. Tom used to do it. Wierzę w Mohameda. I believe in Muhammad. I believe in Mohammed. Hrával jsem na trombon. I used to play the trombone. I used to play thrombon. Zkurvysyne! Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! Dostała od niego radę, by słuchać lekarza. She was advised by him to listen to her doctor. She got advice from him to listen to a doctor. "Mogę użyć twojego samochodu?" "Pewnie. Śmiało." "Can I use your car?" "Sure. Go ahead." "Can I use your car?" "Sure, go ahead." Powiedziałeś Tomowi, jak się czujesz? Did you tell Tom how you feel? Did you tell Tom how you were feeling? Zacznij biegać. Start running. Start running. Tom ma trzydzieści lat. Tom's thirty. Tom's 30. A twoim zdaniem czego chcę? What do you think I want? What do you think I want? Nie miał nic do roboty, więc poszedł do miasta. Having nothing to do, he went downtown. He had nothing to do, so he went into town. Nie bądź nieśmiały, kiedy podróżujesz. Don't be self-conscious when you travel. Don't be shy when you're traveling. Tom našel v lese opuštěná liščata. Tom found abandoned fox cubs in the forest. Tom found abandoned foxes in the woods. Mieszkałem trzy lata w Bostonie. I've lived in Boston three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Ten artysta jest utalentowany. The artist is gifted. This artist is talented. Nie zapominaj, że palenie szkodzi twojemu zdrowiu. Don't forget smoking is bad for your health. Don't forget, smoking is bad for your health. Mary si musí před Tomem schovávat svoje peníze. Mary has to hide her money from Tom. Mary has to hide her money from Tom. Nie potrzebuję tłumaczeń. I don't need an explanation. I don't need a translation. Tom je jediný kdo ví, co musíme udělat. Tom is the only one who knows what we have to do. Tom is the only one who knows what we have to do. Marnujemy dużo czasu. We're wasting a lot of time. We're wasting a lot of time. Urodziłem się 4go czerwca 1974. I was born on June 4, 1974. I was born on June 4, 1974. Proszę nie zbiegać ze schodów. Please don't run down the stairs. Don't run down the stairs. Tom neví, co trápí Mary. Tom doesn't know what's bothering Mary. Tom doesn't know what's bothering Mary. Nie zamierzam jej w to włączać. I'm not going to turn her in. I'm not going to involve her in this. Tom ma dwóch braci i obaj mieszkają w Bostonie. Tom has two brothers who both live in Boston. Tom has two brothers and they both live in Boston. Powinieneś być w łóżku. You should be in bed. You should be in bed. Jeśli nie chcesz iść, w porządku. If you don't want to go, fine. If you don't want to go, fine. Pro tohle žiji. This is what I live for. This is what I live for. Včera odpoledne pršelo. It rained yesterday afternoon. It rained yesterday afternoon. On mówi po francusku. He can speak French. He speaks French. Dzikie zwierzęta żyją w dżungli. Wild animals live in the jungle. Wild animals live in the jungle. Mám pas. I have a passport. I have a passport. Pracuję przez trzy godziny każdego sobotniego poranka. I work for three hours every Saturday morning. I work for three hours every Saturday morning. Jesteś cała mokra. You're soaking wet. You're all wet. Přišel ke mně do pokoje. He came into my room. He came to my room. Tom ví, co by se mělo udělat. Tom knows what ought to be done. Tom knows what should be done. Urodziło im się dziecko. They had a boy. They had a baby. Zobaczyłem w jego oczach strach. I saw fear in his eyes. I saw fear in his eyes. Miluješ svou matku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Na dálnici je dopravní zácpa. There's a traffic jam on the motorway. There's traffic jam on the highway. Uwolnię Cię. I'll set you free. I'll set you free. Nezdáš se být příliš šťastná, že mě vidíš. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. Što? What? What? Ciężko zapracowaliśmy na to, co mamy. We've worked hard for what we have. We've worked hard for what we've got. Tom to udělal včera ráno. Tom did that yesterday morning. Tom did it yesterday morning. Jablka, která mi poslal byla výborná. The apples he sent me were delicious. The apples he sent me were delicious. W 1945 roku na Hiroszimę zrzucona została bomba atomowa. An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Kiedy wyszła za mąż? When did she get married? When did she get married? Řekl, že můj počítač ještě není připraven. He said my computer was not ready yet. He said my computer wasn't ready yet. Zamówiliśmy chińskie jedzenie. We've ordered Chinese food. We ordered Chinese food. Koupila jsem si jednu tašku. I purchased one bag. I bought a bag. Tom to ukryl za dveřmi. Tom hid it behind the door. Tom hid it behind the door. Vpomínám si, že jsem četl tu knihu. I remember reading the book. I remember reading that book. Nie mam przy sobie pieniędzy. I am not carrying any cash. I don't have any money on me. Co jedzą konie? What do horses eat? What do horses eat? Tom řekl, že přijde na párty. Tom said he would come to the party. Tom said he was coming to a party. Tom zmarł dawno temu. Tom died a long time ago. Tom died a long time ago. Nieważne, jak bardzo usiłujesz przekonać ludzi, że czekolada jest wanilią, to wciąż będzie czekoladą, chociaż może ci się udać przekonać siebie i kilkoro innych, że to wanilia. No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla. No matter how hard you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, although you may be able to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla. Ona nikogo nie kocha i nikt nie kocha jej. She doesn't love anyone, and no one loves her. She doesn't love anyone, and nobody loves her. Która z tych książek jest twoja: ta czy ta druga? Which book is yours: this one or that one? Which one of these books is yours, this one or the other? Všechny evakuovali. Everyone's been evacuated. They've evacuated them all. Mieliśmy sporą publiczność. We had a large audience. We had a big audience. Mám to ráda. I like it. I like it. Nevidím důvod, proč bych vám to měl říkat. I see no reason why I should tell you. I don't see why I should tell you. Tom się tylko zaśmiał. Tom just laughed. Tom was just laughing. To zdanie jest idealne. This sentence is perfect. That sentence is perfect. Tom seběhl po schodech do suterénu. Tom ran down the stairs into the basement. Tom ran down the stairs to the basement. Próbuję znaleźć tę czarną spódnicę, którą miałam na sobie w zeszłym tygodniu. I'm trying to find that black skirt I wore last week. I'm trying to find that black skirt I was wearing last week. Sami popadl Laylu za zadek. Sami grabbed Layla's ass. He grabbed Layla's ass himself. Tom zrobi to później. Tom will do that later. Tom's gonna do it later. Czy jedzenie żółtka z jajek naprawdę jest tak niezdrowe? Is eating egg yolks really that unhealthy? Is eating egg yolk really so unhealthy? Chléb je hnědý. The bread is brown. The bread is brown. Víš, kde se narodil? Do you know where he was born? Do you know where he was born? Trochu jsem přibral. I gained some weight back. I've gained some weight. Mary lubi czytać powieści. Mary enjoys reading novels. Mary likes to read novels. Jaký jsi měla den? How was your day? How was your day? Nechtějí nám vrátit pasy. They won't give us our passports back. They don't want our passports back. Teraz się cofnij. Now stand back. Now, back off. Má třikrát tolik knih co já. He has three times as many books as I have. He has three times as many books as I have. W zoo na Marsie są zwierzęta z Ziemi. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. There are animals from Earth in the Mars zoo. Cena ropy klesá. The oil price is falling. The price of oil is falling. To łatwe zwycięstwo. It's an easy victory. It's an easy win. Byl to hloupý nápad. It was a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea. Mám žízeň. Dejte mi, prosím, něco studeného k pití. I am thirsty. Please give me something cold to drink. Give me something cold to drink. Jaka jest płaca minimalna we Włoszech? What's the minimum salary in Italy? What is the minimum wage in Italy? Tom je dlouhodobě nezaměstnaný. Tom has been unemployed for a long period. Tom's long-term unemployed. Tom spojrzał na program. Tom looked at the agenda. Tom looked at the show. Nemysli teď zrovna na růžového slona, prosím. Please do not think of a pink elephant right now. Don't think about the pink elephant right now, please. Mary na sobě měla krátkou sukni. Mary wore a short skirt. Mary was wearing a short skirt. Odłóżmy tę sprawę na jutro. Let's leave the problem until tomorrow. Let's put this case down for tomorrow. Natychmiast staliśmy się przyjaciółmi. We immediately became friends. We became friends immediately. Możesz mnie tam wcisnąć? Can you squeeze me in? Can you get me in there? Zdaje się, że Tom nie rozumiał co się działo. Tom didn't seem to understand what was going on. I don't think Tom understood what was going on. Jest tam kto? Is there anybody here? Is anyone there? Tom poprosił Mary o rzucenie pracy. Tom asked Mary to stop working. Tom asked Mary to quit her job. Vypráví dětem sprosté vtipy. He tells dirty jokes to children. He's telling kids dirty jokes. Naprawdę nie mam szczęścia. I really am unlucky! I'm really not lucky. Nechce mít žádné děti. She doesn't want to have any children. She doesn't want to have any kids. Tom umístil na sociální síť svojí obscéní fotku. Tom posted a lewd photo of himself on social media. Tom placed his obscene photo on the social media. Tom był chory. Tom was sick. Tom was sick. Nemůžeš odejít, protože dveře jsou zamčeny. You can't leave because the door is locked. You can't leave because the door is locked. Nie chciałem zostać zobaczony. I don't want to be seen. I didn't want to be seen. Tom nařídil zbourat starou školu ve svém rodném městě. Tom ordered to tear down the old school in his hometown. Tom ordered to demolish the old school in his hometown. Nikt nie odpowiedział. No one responded. No one answered. Musimy działać szybko. We must act quickly. We need to move fast. To je Tomova povinnost zkontrolovat toto místo dvakrát denně. It is Tom's duty to check out this place twice a day. That's Tom's duty to check this place twice a day. Šel jsem k prameni načerpat vodu, ale zjistil jsem, že vyschnul. I went to the spring to draw water, but I found it had dried up. I went to the spring to draw water, but I found it dry. Esperanto, oficiální jazyk Evropské Unie, konečně! Esperanto, an official language of the European Union, finally! Converter, the official language of the European Union, finally! Nabruš mi tu sekeru. Sharpen this ax for me. Take my axe. Nikt mnie nie widział. Nobody saw me. No one saw me. Jedną z przyczyn popularności Twittera w Japonii jest charakterystyka samego języka japońskiego. Korzystający z ideogramów japoński, choć ustępuje pod tym względem chińskiemu, w porównaniu z wieloma językami może zawrzeć w 140 znakach więcej treści. Tak się składa, że japońska wersja tego przykładu jest zapisana właśnie 140 znakami. A ile zajmuje w innych językach? One of the reasons Twitter is popular in Japan is a characteristic of Japanese itself: Japanese uses ideograms which enable it to convey more information in just 140 characters than other languages, not counting Chinese. Incidentally, the Japanese version of this sentence is written with exactly 140 characters. How many characters does it take in other languages? One of the reasons for the popularity of Twitter in Japan is the characterization of the Japanese language itself. It uses the Japanese ideograms, although it gives way in this respect to Chinese, compared to many languages it can contain more content in 140 characters. It so happens that the Japanese version of this example is written in 140 characters. How many other languages does it take? Musím vystoupit na příští stanici. I have to get off at the next station. I have to get off at the next station. Poprosiła męża, żeby poszedł po mleko. She asked her husband to go and fetch some milk. She asked her husband to go get the milk. Co dali ci do jedzenia? What did they give you to eat? What did they give you to eat? Nigdy nie spotkaliśmy się osobiście. I've never met you in person. We've never met in person. Nemám telefon. I don't have a phone. I don't have a phone. Náš pes jí ovoce a zeleninu. Our dog eats fruit and vegetables. Our dog eats fruit and vegetables. Spíš ty vůbec? Do you ever sleep? Are you sleeping? Dlatego mnie wybrali. They chose me for that. That's why they chose me. Tom je novinářem v Austrálii. Tom is a journalist in Australia. Tom's a journalist in Australia. Mám na starosti oddělení literatury. I'm in charge of the book department. I'm in charge of the literature department. Noviny se prodávájí v trafice. You can buy newspapers at the newsagent's. Newspapers are sold in a hit. Nie testuj Bożej cierpliwości! Don't try God's patience. Don't test God's patience! Nevěděl, co říct. He did not know what to say. He didn't know what to say. Jestem teraz w szkole i zostanę tu aż do ósmej. I am at school now and I will stay here until 8 o'clock. I'm in school right now, and I'm gonna stay here until 8:00. Będę grał w tenisa w następną niedzielę. I am going to play tennis next Sunday. I'll play tennis next Sunday. Někdo věděl, že přijdeme. Someone knew we were coming. Someone knew we were coming. Nie podoba mi się jej twarz. I don't like her face. I don't like her face. Je to pro mě španělská vesnice. It's all Greek to me. It's a Spanish village for me. Tom se utopil. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. Všichni se smáli, kromě mne. Everyone laughed except for me. Everyone laughed, except me. To oczywiste, że skłamałeś. It's obvious that you told a lie. It's obvious you lied. Gdzie jest śrubokręt? Where is the screwdriver? Where's the screwdriver? Historie w rodzaju tej o Calineczce spotykane są w Chinach, Japonii i w każdym innym kraju. Stories like Cinderella can be found in China, Japan and in every land of the world. History of the kind about Calinech is found in China, Japan and any other country. Nemluv s plnou pusou. Don't speak with your mouth full. Don't talk with your mouth full. Nie opuszczaj miasta. Don't leave town. Don't leave town. Tom jest w drodze do Bostonu. Tom is on his way to Boston. Tom's on his way to Boston. Bydlím v Turecku. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. Tom se vydal po schodech nahoru. Tom headed upstairs. Tom went up the stairs. Víme, že tu noc byl Tom s tebou. We know Tom was with you that night. We know Tom was with you that night. Te nylonowe skarpetki dobrze się pierze. These nylon socks wash well. Those nylon socks are doing fine. Věci se zhoršily. Things have gone south. Things got worse. Obiecaliśmy. We promised. We promised. Děti se snaží poučovat své rodiče, jak nejlépe umí. Children try to educate their parents as best they can. Children try to teach their parents the best they can. Lato to moja ulubiona pora roku. Summer is my favorite season. Summer is my favorite season. Masz dla mnie jakieś wiadomości? Do you have any messages for me? Do you have any news for me? Kdyby Mary byla věděla, co je Tom za šmejda, nikdy by si ho nevzala. If Mary had known what a bastard Tom was, she would have never married him. If Mary knew what a bastard Tom was, she would never have married him. Gdzie są książka i ołówek? Where is the book and the pencil? Where's the book and pencil? Viděl jsem, že jeho dcera brečí. I saw his daughter was crying. I saw his daughter crying. Musel jsem všechno dělat sám. I had to do everything by myself. I had to do everything myself. Lubię czasem pojeździć konno. I like to ride a horse now and then. I like riding horses sometimes. Má ráda víno. She likes wine. She likes wine. Widziałem, jak Tom uderzył Mary. I saw Tom hit Mary. I saw Tom hit Mary. Próbuję. I am trying. I'm trying. Będziemy musieli pomyśleć o czymś innym. We'll have to think of someone else. We're gonna have to think about something else. Nevím, proč mě vůbec napadlo, že bys mohl zvážit pomoc. I don't know why I even thought that you might consider helping. I don't know why I even thought you might consider helping out. To była jedyna kategoria, która pasowała. It was the only category that fitted it. It was the only category that fit. Kot mnie przestraszył. The cat scared me. The cat scared me. Chceš, abych odešla? Do you want me to leave? You want me to leave? Zaplatili jste víc, než jste měli. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you should have. Usmlouvali jsme, že bysme měli přejít na pěti-denní pracovní týden. We bargained that we should go on a five-day week. We agreed we should go to a five-day working week. Nie lubię czekać na Tom'a. I don't like waiting for Tom. I don't like waiting for Tom. W USA co dziesięć lat odbywa się spis ludności. In the United States there is a census every ten years. In the United States, a census is held every ten years. Jaką dyscyplinę sportu lubisz? What kind of sport do you like? What kind of sport do you like? Tom jeszcze nie zadzwonił. Tom hasn't called yet. Tom hasn't called yet. Říká, že lžeš. He says you're lying. He says you're lying. Zadziwiające, że Irańczycy, którym islam narzucili Arabowie drogą wojskowego podboju, stali się najzagorzalszymi jego wyznawcami - posunęli się wręcz do prześladowania wyznawców zoroastryzmu, choć była to religia ich ojców. Coś w rodzaju syndromu sztokholmskiego w skali całego narodu. It is astonishing to witness that the Iranians, onto whom the Arabs imposed Islam through military defeat, have become its most zealous followers to the point of oppressing those of Zoroastrianism, though it is the religion of their own fathers. A kind of Stockholm syndrome on the national scale. It is amazing that the Iranians, whom I was forced by the Arabs on the way of military conquest, became the worst of his followers - went even to persecute the Zoroastria, although it was the religion of their fathers, a sort of Stockholm syndrome on a national scale. Bangkok je hlavní město Thajska. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Prostě chci odejít. I just want to get away. I just want to leave. Dzisiaj nie ma nic do robienia. There is nothing to do today. There's nothing to do today. Czy jedzenie świńskich oczu jest bezpieczne? Is it safe to eat a pig's eyeball? Is eating pig eyes safe? Na horko jsem zvyklý. I'm used to the heat. I'm used to the heat. Odpověz Tomovi. Answer Tom. Answer Tom. Szaleje na punkcie piłki nożnej. He's crazy about soccer. He's crazy about football. Je mi z tebe zle. You make me sick. You make me sick. Už čtyřicet osm hodin nespali. They haven't slept for forty-eight hours already. They haven't slept in 48 hours. Piwo się wygazowało. The beer has gone flat. Beer's out. Wstyd mi za siebie. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm ashamed of myself. Źle czuję się. I feel unwell. I don't feel well. Tom nerozuměl ničemu, co Mary řekla. Tom couldn't understand anything Mary said. Tom didn't understand anything Mary said. Probuďte se! Wake up! Wake up! To jedyna rzecz, której możemy być pewni. That's the only thing we could be certain of! It's the only thing we can be sure of. Zrobisz to? Will you do that? You're gonna do it? Máme jídlo. We have food. We have food. Marie nakarmiła rybki. Marie fed the fish. Marie fed the fish. Teď je to dokonalé. Now it's perfect. It's perfect now. Jesteś capem. You're a billy-goat. You're a captain. Narodil jsem se 1988 v Yorku. I was born in 1988 in York. I was born 1988 in York. Má rád dobrodružství. He likes adventure. He likes adventures. Umyjte si ruce mýdlem. Wash your hands with soap. Wash your hands with soap. Czemu nie dałeś mi znać? Why didn't you let me know? Why didn't you let me know? Můj táta je starší, než tvůj. My dad is older than yours. My dad's older than yours. Tom potrzebuje pomocy Mary. Tom needs Mary's help. Tom needs Mary's help. W Związku Radzieckim to zdanie pisze ciebie. In Soviet Russia, sentence writes you! In the Soviet Union, that's your opinion. Topná sezóna už začala. The heating season has just begun. The heating season has already begun. Zbavili jsme se nějakých starých věcí. We got rid of some old stuff. We got rid of some old stuff. Jak spędziłeś urlop? How did you spend your vacation? How did you spend your vacation? Hlavní město Mexika je největším městem v Latinské Americe. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. Mexico's capital is the largest city in Latin America. Jsem si jistý, že ví, že tohle jsem si nepřál. I'm sure she knows that I did not want this. I'm sure he knows I didn't wish for this. Já ještě jím. I am still eating. I'm still eating. Chętnie przyjęła jego propozycję. She gladly accepted his proposal. She was happy to accept his offer. Tom lubi również robić na drutach. Tom likes knitting too. Tom also likes to work on wires. Tahle váza je ze železa. This vase is made of iron. This vase is made of iron. Ja też lubię malarstwo. I also like painting. I like painting, too. Je vdaná? Is she married? Is she married? Nie ma żadnych reguł. There are no rules. There are no rules. Matka rozdzieliła walczące dzieci. The mother separated the fighting children. The mother separated the fighting children. Dzięki ostrej dyscyplinie to dziecko zmieniło się całkowicie. Due to severe educational influence the child became a wholly different person. Because of the harsh discipline, this child has changed completely. Život je smrtelná pohlavně přenosná nemoc. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Czy Tom był na prochach? Was Tom on drugs? Was Tom on drugs? Mám rád operu. I like opera. I like opera. Przeczytałem wiele powieści. I read a lot of novels. I've read a lot of novels. Chtěl bych si přečíst vaši novou knihu. I'd like to read your new book. I'd like to read your new book. Je to normální? Is this normal? Is that normal? Czy chcesz zagrać? Do you want to play? Do you want to play? Protože jsem nevěděl co říct, neřekl jsem nic. Not knowing what to say, I didn't say anything. Because I didn't know what to say, I didn't say anything. Zdecydowała się go poślubić, chociaż jej rodzice tego nie chcieli. She decided to marry him even though her parents didn't want her to. She decided to marry him, even though her parents didn't want him to. Udeřil mě policista. I was hit by the policeman. I got hit by a cop. Nie ma nic ważniejszego niż empatia. Nothing is more important than empathy. There's nothing more important than empathy. Právě byl zvolen nový prezident. A new president has just been elected. A new president has just been elected. Každý s ní měl soucit. Everyone sympathised with her. Everyone had compassion for her. Czy Tom potrafi śpiewać? Can Tom sing? Can Tom sing? Policie zadržela podezřelého. The police arrested the suspect. The police arrested the suspect. Je čas, aby ses nechal ostříhat. It is time you had a haircut! It's time you got your hair cut. Anja jo žywa w Gdańsku. Ania lives in Gdańsk. Anja jo lives in Gdańsk. Przyszliśmy dopiero dzisiaj. We came only today. We're only here today. Tomovi se nesvěřuj. Don't confide in Tom. Don't tell Tom. Na počátku stvořil Bůh nebe a zemi. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Czy jest woda na Marsie? Is there water on Mars? Is there water on Mars? Tom nechce připustit, že se mýlí. Tom won't admit that he's wrong. Tom doesn't want to admit he's wrong. On jest pracownikiem biurowym. He is an office worker. He's an office worker. Kryć się! Take cover! Take cover! Kiedy będziemy jeść? When are we going to eat? When are we gonna eat? Moje matka vždy vstává brzy ráno. My mother always gets up early in the morning. My mother always wakes up early in the morning. Z początku nie miałem pojęcia, dlaczego. At first, I had no idea why. At first, I had no idea why. Tom jest zbyt zmęczony, żeby cokolwiek zrobić. Tom is too tired to do anything. Tom's too tired to do anything. Ten pies nie gryzie. This dog doesn't bite. That dog doesn't bite. Wydaje mi się, że to się stało wczoraj w nocy. I think it happened last night. I think it happened last night. Máš horečku. You've got a fever. You have a fever. Tom przyszedł do mnie pogadać dziś po południu. Tom came to talk to me this afternoon. Tom came to talk to me this afternoon. Kéž bych byl do té funkce nenastoupil. I wish that I hadn't taken the office. I wish I hadn't been in that position. Určitě tě to stálo hromadu peněz. It must have cost you a fortune. I'm sure it cost you a lot of money. Poprosila ho o peníze, aby si mohla koupit nové šaty. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked him for money so she could buy a new dress. Kto ci powiedział, że wróciłem? Who told you I was back? Who told you I was back? Jestem anemikiem. I'm anemic. I'm an aneurysm. Zdá se být velice ospalý. He seems to be very sleepy. He seems very sleepy. Taky je moc hezký. He's really handsome, too. He's very pretty, too. Škoda, že nemáme víc času. I wish we had more time. Too bad we don't have more time. Stajemy się coraz lepsi i lepsi. We're getting better and better. We're getting better and better. Bůh mě miluje. God loves me. God loves me. Otevřu to víno a nechám ho dýchat. I'm going to open the wine and let it breathe. I'll open the wine and let him breathe. Tom a Mary už si nevěří. Tom and Mary don’t trust each other anymore. Tom and Mary don't trust each other anymore. Tom spytał Mary, czy piła piwo. Tom asked Mary if she drank beer. Tom asked Mary if she was drinking beer. Hrával jsem tady. I used to play here. I used to play here. Učinil jsem strašné rozhodnutí. I made a horrible decision. I made a terrible decision. Nebyla to párty. It wasn't a party. It wasn't a party. Buddyzm pochodzi z Indii. Buddhism came out of India. Buddhism comes from India. Jedna plus jedna rovná se dvě. One plus one equals two. One plus one equals two. Tom nemohl najít své brýle. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Tom couldn't find his glasses. Wiem, kiedy są urodziny Toma. I know when Tom's birthday is. I know when Tom's birthday is. Lubię tasować karty. I like shuffling cards. I like to draw cards. Budeme stavět zeď. We're going to build a wall. We'll build a wall. Tom nevypnul světla. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Myslím, že na to nedokážu odpovědět. I don't think I can answer that. I don't think I can answer that. Nakarm tego ptaka! Feed the bird! Feed that bird! Tom zhubl. Tom lost weight. Tom's lost weight. Tom chce děti. Tom wants children. Tom wants kids. Ber to jen jako dobrou radu. Nic ti nenařizuji. Take it just as a piece of good advice. I don't order you anything. I'm not ordering you anything. On ma w nosie moje problemy. He ignores my problems. He's got my problems in his nose. Myślę, że koniecznie powinnaś go zobaczyć. I think it necessary for you to see him. I think you should see him. Czy Tom jest karany? Is Tom being punished? Is Tom being punished? Co ci chodzi po głowie? What's in your mind? What's on your mind? To prawda, on dobrze gra w golfa. It is true that he is good at playing golf. That's right, he's a good golfer. Niedelikatne uwagi mogą być przykre. Insensitive remarks can be hurtful. Insensitive attention can be unpleasant. Víš, kdo to okno rozbil? Do you know who broke the window? Do you know who broke the window? Kiedy ostatni raz robiłeś coś pierwszy raz? When was the last time that you did something for the first time? When was the last time you did anything? Nikdo nám nevěří. No one trusts us. No one trusts us. Nejsem ranní ptáče. I'm not a morning person. I'm not a morning bird. Szkoda, że nie znam francuskiego. I wish I could speak French. I wish I knew French. Daliśmy Tom'owi co chciał. We gave Tom what he wanted. We gave Tom what he wanted. Myslím, že se navzájem potřebujeme. I think we need each other. I think we need each other. Mógłbyś mi podać packę na muchy? Could you bring me the fly swatter, please? Can you hand me a fly pack? On uprawia ryż. He grows rice. He's growing rice. Zupełnie zatracił poczucie obowiązku. He has completely lost all sense of duty. He's completely lost his sense of duty. Właśnie skończyłem jeść. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. Tom je talentovaný zpěvák. Tom is a talented singer. Tom's a talented singer. Tom je zvyklý prosadit si svou. Tom is accustomed to getting his own way. Tom's used to pushing himself. Řekněte jí, že mám hlad. Tell her that I am hungry. Tell her I'm hungry. Jakou barvu mají ty jablka? What color are the apples? What color are the apples? Kieszonkowcy mogą działać na tym obszarze. Pickpockets may operate in this area. The pickpockets can operate in this area. Lubię ją bardzo. I like her very much. I like her very much. Nie jestem przyzwyczajony do picia wody kranowej. I'm not used to drinking water from the tap. I'm not used to drinking tap water. Viděl jsem tě s Tomem. I saw you with Tom. I saw you with Tom. Nie ufam biznesmenom. I don't trust businessmen. I don't trust businessmen. Tom vám říká pravdu. Tom is telling you the truth. Tom's telling you the truth. Ojciec jest zajęty pisaniem listów. Father is busy writing letters. My father's busy writing letters. Nie jestem zły na Toma. I'm not angry at Tom. I'm not mad at Tom. Jest wykształconą dziewczyną. She is an educated girl. She's an educated girl. Kiedy wybuchła II wojna światowa? When did World War II break out? When did World War II start? Zůstaň kde jsi, nebo tě zabiju. Stand where you are or I'll kill you. Stay where you are, or I'll kill you. Věděla, že ji máš rád. She knew you loved her. She knew you liked her. Vyřešili jsme ten problém minulý týden. We solved that problem last week. We solved the problem last week. Tom przyjechał do Bostonu trzy lata temu. Tom came to Boston three years ago. Tom came to Boston three years ago. To wcale nie było zabawne. It wasn't at all funny. That wasn't funny at all. Vaše jméno, prosím. Your name, please. Your name, please. Następnym razem okłam mnie. W tym przypadku wolę nieznac prawdy Next time, lie to me. In this case, I'd rather not have known the truth. The next time you lie to me, in this case, I prefer not to know the truth. Wón ma koleso. He has a bicycle. He's got a dude. To dla ciebie. This is for you. This is for you. Nepřišel jsem se omluvit. I haven't come to apologize. I didn't come here to apologize. Co přesně chceš říct? What exactly are you planning to say? What exactly are you saying? Nevěděl jsem co mám dělat jako první. I didn't know what to do first. I didn't know what to do first. Tom i Maria byli bliskimi przyjaciółmi. Tom and Mary used to be close friends. Tom and Maria were close friends. Nie musisz tu być. You don't need to be here. You don't have to be here. Nezval jsem tě. I didn't invite you. I didn't invite you. 40 euro za szal? Nie ma nic tańszego? Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? There's nothing cheaper? I tak ti děkuju. Thank you all the same. Thank you anyway. 'A' to pierwsza litera alfabetu. A is the first letter of the alphabet. 'A' is the first letter of the alphabet. I malé dítě by to pochopilo. Even a baby would understand it. Even a little kid would understand. Tom zrenovoval starou stodolu. Tom restored an old barn. Tom renovated the old barn. Pociąg odjeżdża o dziewiątej. The train leaves at nine. The train leaves at 9:00. To był tylko koszmar. It was only a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Jakiego koloru jest twój samochód? What colour is your car? What color is your car? Neviděl jsem Toma přes tři roky. I haven't seen Tom in over three years. I haven't seen Tom in over three years. Takhle si život nepředstavuji. It's not my vision of life. That's not how I picture life. Vlak byl vykolejen kusem železa na kolejích. The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the track. The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the tracks. Cucala jsem si prst. I sucked my finger. I sucked my finger. Miasta są większe od wsi. Towns are larger than villages. The cities are bigger than the villages. Nikdo neví, odkud ten pes pochází. No one knows where that dog came from. No one knows where the dog came from. Povídá se, že se provdala. There is a rumor that she got married. Rumor has it she's married. Copak mě už nemiluješ? Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? Nerad chodím ven, když je zima. I don't like going out when it's cold. I don't like to go out when it's cold. Připoj zástrčku do zásuvky. Connect the plug to the socket. Connect the plug to the socket. Tom jest wrażliwym dzieckiem. Tom is a sensitive child. Tom's a sensitive kid. Niechcący wybuchnąłem śmiechem. I burst out laughing in spite of myself. I didn't want to blow up laughing. Nerad učím malé děti plavat. I don't enjoy teaching young children to swim. I don't like teaching kids how to swim. To jest trochę dziwne dla mnie. It's a bit strange to me. It's a little weird for me. Situace se nezměnila. The situation hasn't changed. The situation hasn't changed. Nalijte mi skleničku vína. Pour me a glass of wine. Pour me a glass of wine. Komputery ogłupiają ludzi. Computers make people stupid. Computers fool people. Myślę, że zamek w Malborku jest wspaniały. I think Malbork castle is wonderful. I think the castle in Malbork is great. Dziś jest środa. It's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Myślałem, że ten facet ma broń, więc zastrzeliłem go. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. I thought this guy had a gun, so I shot him. Volala o pomoc. She screamed for help. She called for help. Lubię dźwięk dzwoneczków na wietrze. I love the sound of wind chimes. I like the sound of bells on the wind. Byłem z nimi cały dzień. I was with them all day. I've been with them all day. Vezmi mě s sebou. Take me with you. Take me with you. Musisz przestrzegać prawa. You have to abide by the laws. You have to obey the law. Kolik stálo to pivo? How much did that beer cost? How much did it cost? Nazdar Johne! Jak se vede? Hi John! How are you? Hey, John, how you doing? Jestem ci bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc. I am very grateful for your help. I'm very grateful for your help. Mrzí mě, jestli jsem tě zklamal. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I'm sorry if I let you down. Jsi nejlepší. You are the best. You're the best. Śpiewam piosenkę. I'm singing a song. I'm singing a song. Kdybych to tak býval mohl udělat sám. I wish I could've done that myself. If only I could have done it myself. Kiedy mi powiedziałeś? When did you tell me? When did you tell me? Mary chtěla, aby jí Tom vzal na letiště, ale on to odmítl. Mary wanted Tom to take her to the airport, but he refused. Mary wanted Tom to take her to the airport, but he refused. Ile czasu spędzasz z Tomem? How much time do you spend with Tom? How much time do you spend with Tom? Tom včera zemřel. Tom died yesterday. Tom died yesterday. Měl jsem strach, co by se mohlo stát. I was afraid of what might happen. I was afraid of what might happen. Pytanie, czy przeczyta ten list czy nie. The question is whether he'll read the letter or not. The question is whether he will read this letter or not. Tom plivl na podlahu. Tom spit on the floor. Tom spit on the floor. Nie przypuszczałem, że tak trudno będzie zrobić stół ogrodowy. I never thought it'd be this hard to build a picnic table. I didn't think it would be so hard to make a garden table. Myslím, že mě Tom vodí za nos. I think that Tom strings me along. I think Tom's been following me. Chciałbym tam iść któregoś dnia. I'd like to go there someday. I'd like to go there one day. Navštívil Japonsko, když byl prezidentem. He visited Japan while he was President. He visited Japan when he was president. Pytałem Adila. Wygląda na to, że pan Erkin przeszedł na emeryturę. I asked Adil, and it looks like Teacher Erkin has retired. Looks like Mr. Erkin retired. Maso je drahé. Meat is expensive. The meat is expensive. Nie powiedziałaś ani słowa. You didn't say a word. You didn't say a word. Tom vytvořil basketbalový tým. Tom made the basketball team. Tom created a basketball team. Co mu udělali? What have they done to him? What did they do to him? Pomohl jsem Tomovi jak nejlépe jsem dovedl. I helped Tom the best I could. I helped Tom get the best I could. Pořád se rozčiluje kvůli maličkostem. He always gets excited about trivialities. She's still upset about little things. Byl to skvělý generál a státník. He was a great general and statesman. He was a great general and a statesman. Przeprowadził się w moje sąsiedztwo. He moved into my neighborhood. He moved into my neighborhood. Oni budują płot dookoła farmy. They built a fence around the farm. They're building a fence around the farm. Ta inwestycja jest ryzykowna. This investment is risky. This investment is risky. Chce si číst časopis. He wants to read a magazine. He wants to read a magazine. Tomovi bude pozítří devadesát. Tom will be turning ninety the day after tomorrow. Tom's gonna be 90 the day after tomorrow. Obvykle obědváme v poledne. We usually have lunch at noon. We usually have lunch at noon. Nie muszę wiedzieć. I don't need to know. I don't need to know. Kandydaci są proszeni o osobiste zgłoszenie się. Applicants are requested to apply in person. Candidates are requested to make a personal application. Nie da się wykluczyć możliwości wypadku. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. The possibility of an accident cannot be ruled out. Doufali jsme, že vyhraje. We hoped she would win. We were hoping he'd win. Zase jsem poslední, kdo se dozvídá pravdu. And again I'm the last to learn the truth. I'm the last person to know the truth again. Přijdu k tobě. I'll come to your place. I'll come to you. V této rybě není jed. There's no poison in this fish. There's no poison in this fish. To już po prostu nie ma sensu. It just doesn't make sense anymore. It just doesn't make any sense anymore. To kafe platím já. The coffee's on me. I'm paying for the coffee. Jsou to typičtí mladí lidé. They are typical young people. They're typical young people. Vůbec mě to nesere. I don't give a shit about it. I don't give a shit. On mluví. He is talking. He's talking. Tom to mądry facet. Tom's a smart guy. Tom's a smart guy. Vážně o tom pochybuji. I seriously doubt it. I really doubt it. Jesteśmy wam wdzięczni za całą waszą pomoc. We're grateful to you for all your help. We're grateful for all your help. Tom ostatecznie zakończył małżeństwo z Mary. Tom ended up marrying Mary after all. Tom ended up marrying Mary. Nemáme žádný důvod tady být. We don't have any reason to be here. We have no reason to be here. Muszę znaleźć nowego przyjaciela. I must find a new friend. I need to find a new friend. Zůstaly jsme potichu. We kept quiet. We stayed quiet. Finsko vás potřebuje. Finland needs you. Finland needs you. Czytałeś kiedyś książkę po francusku? Have you ever read a book in French? Have you ever read a book in French? Pamatuješ si, jak jsme jeli do Paříže? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Remember when we went to Paris? Jeśli nie przeszkadza ci, że w domu jest duch, to wszysko w porządku. Pamiętaj tylko, że cię ostrzegałam. If you don't mind a ghost in the house, it is all right. Only you must remember I warned you. If you don't mind that there's a ghost in the house, it's all right, just remember I warned you. Sklep jest dzisiaj zamknięty. The shop is closed today. The store is closed today. Tom a Mary zrušili své schůzky. Tom and Mary have canceled their appointments. Tom and Mary canceled their appointments. On ma brodę. He has a beard. He's got a beard. Zwariowany! Crazy! Crazy! Jsem unavený, protože jsme stěhovali nábytek. I am tired because we have been moving the furniture. I'm tired because we moved the furniture. Ten chlapec běží. That boy is running. The boy's running. Mary jest tajemniczym klientem. Mary is a mystery shopper. Mary is a mysterious client. Tom często ma kłopoty z prawem. Tom is often in trouble with the law. Tom's got a lot of legal problems. Lepiej idź z nami. You'd better go with us. You better come with us. Jakou zeleninu chceš koupit? What vegetables do you want to buy? What kind of vegetables do you want to buy? Nejpromarněnější dny jsou ty, během nichž jsme se nenasmáli. The days most wasted are those during which we have not laughed. The most wasted days are those during which we did not laugh. Vzpomínáte si, kdy jste naposledy viděl Toma? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember the last time you saw Tom? Musíš se vrátit do devíti hodin. You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to get back to nine o'clock. Pustil psa ven. He let the dog out. He let the dog out. Musíme pospíchat. We need to hurry. We have to hurry. Myslím, že je to dobrý nápad. I think it's a good idea. I think it's a good idea. Já tě nepozval. I didn't invite you. I didn't invite you. Przeczytaj to wieczorem! Read this in the evening! Read it tonight! Podrap mnie po plecach. Scratch my back. Scratch my back. Był zbyt zawstydzony żeby to zrobić. He was too embarrassed to do it. He was too embarrassed to do it. Nie jest pan lekarzem. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Neviděl jsem, co se děje. I couldn't see what was going on. I didn't see what was going on. Ten płaszcz jest fajny, ale zbyt drogi. This coat is nice, but too expensive. This coat is nice, but it's too expensive. Doradziła mu wizytę u dentysty. She advised him to see the dentist. She advised him to visit the dentist. Tom sroloval lano a uložil ho do kufru svého auta. Tom rolled up the rope and put it in the trunk of his car. Tom rolled a rope and put it in the trunk of his car. Nasza drużyna nie dostała się do play-offów tego roku. Our team did not reach the playoffs this year. Our team didn't get into the playoffs this year. Naprawdę powinieneś się więcej uczyć. You really ought to study harder. You really should learn more. Ta książka jest moja. Gdzie jest twoja? This book is mine. Where is yours? This book is mine. Nemůžu na tebe přestat myslet. I can't quit thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about you. Prawie mnie zabiłeś. You almost killed me. You almost killed me. Zapomniałeś wynieść śmieci dziś rano. You forgot to take the trash out this morning. You forgot to take the trash out this morning. Osoby uczące się angielskiego często mylą ze sobą słowa "lie" oraz "lay". Students of English often mix up the words 'lie' and 'lay'. People who learn English often mistake the words "lie" and "lay". Věřil jsem, že neměl žádné právo to udělat. I believed that he had no right to do that. I believed he had no right to do that. Tato myš byla zabita mojí kočkou. This mouse was killed by my cat. This mouse was killed by my cat. Pane vrchní, přineste mi trochu vody, prosím. Waiter, please bring me some water. Chief, bring me some water, please. Gdzie jest pralnia? Where is the laundry mat? Where's the laundry room? Hledáte práci? Are you looking for work? Looking for a job? Francuska inteligencja doświadcza wzlotów i upadków. The French Intelligence experiences ups and downs. French intelligence is experiencing ups and downs. Tom vás provede montážní halou. Tom will show you round the assembly shop. Tom will show you through the assembly hall. Petr povalil židli. Peter knocked down the chair. Peter rolled the chair. Všichni to dělají. Everyone does it. Everybody's doing it. Jsem téměř hotov se psaním té zprávy. I'm almost finished writing the report. I'm almost done writing the message. Suché dříví hoří rychle. Dry wood burns quickly. Dry wood burns fast. Dobré ráno. Good morning! Good morning. Procestoval jsem celou Británii. I made a journey through the entirety of Britain. I've traveled all over Britain. Tom wie o czym myśli Maria. Tom knows what Mary is thinking. Tom knows what Maria's thinking. Ne každé zvíře se bojí ohně. Not all animals are scared of fire. Not every animal is afraid of fire. Chcę wiedzieć, kto pomógł ci z zadaniem domowym. I want to know who helped you do your homework. I want to know who helped you with your homework. Tento překlad není přesný. This translation isn't correct. This translation is not accurate. Tom jest w poważnych kłopotach. Tom is in serious trouble. Tom's in serious trouble. Miałem szczęście być tam na czas. I was lucky to be there on time. I was lucky to be there on time. Cóż ja mam począć? Whatever shall I do? What am I supposed to do? Zavolám později. I'll call later. I'll call you later. Przynieś wiadro jabłek. Bring a bucket of apples. Get a bucket of apples. Usiadł obok niej. He sat next to her. He sat next to her. Jestli změníš názor, víš kde mě najít. If you change your mind, you'll know where to find me. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. Vidím knihu. I see a book. I see a book. Jego nowa dziewczyna wygląda atrakcyjnie, ale niestety jest bardzo głupia. His new girlfriend looks attractive, but she's unfortunately very stupid. His new girlfriend looks attractive, but unfortunately, she's very stupid. Zabiłem ją. I have killed her. I killed her. To żałosna wymówka. That's a pathetic excuse. That's a pathetic excuse. Tom ma na podwórku trzy jabłonki. Tom has three apple trees in his yard. Tom has three apples in his backyard. Nie wiedziałem, że Tomasz jedzie z tobą na narty. I didn't know Tom was going skiing with you. I didn't know Thomas was going skiing with you. Stare przyzwyczajenia trudno zwalczyć. Old habits die hard. Old habits are hard to fight. Fred to leniwy gość. Fred is a lazy fellow. Fred's a lazy guy. Tom nacisnął przycisk na ścianie, który otwierał tajemnicze drzwi. Tom pushed a button on the wall that opened a secret door. Tom pressed the button on the wall that opened the secret door. Když se Tom večer vrátil domů zjistil, že už na něj nezbyla žádná večeře. When Tom returned home in the evening, he found out that there was no supper left for him. When Tom came home last night, he found out there was no dinner left for him. Po podwórku przechadzał się majestatyczny kogut. A majestic rooster paced around the yard. There was a majestic rooster walking through the yard. Tom utopił się w swojej wannie. Tom drowned in his bathtub. Tom drowned in his bathtub. Jedyny gol w finalowym meczu zdobył Andres Iniesta. The only goal of the final match was scored by Andrés Iniesta. The only goal in the final game was Andres Inesta. Dam ci znać. I'll let you know. I'll let you know. Zkušenost přináší moudrost. Experience brings wisdom. Experience brings wisdom. Byl jsem u doktora. I was at the doctor's. I went to see a doctor. Kto się zakłada? Who wants to bet on it? Who bets? Helsinky jsou hlavní město Finska. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. My víno máme. We have wine. We have wine. Ne, nejsem ospalý. No, I'm not sleepy. No, I'm not sleepy. Samozřejmě, že to popírám. Of course, I'm denying it. Of course I deny it. Pacient neměl horečku. The patient didn't have a fever. Patient didn't have a fever. Twoje zapytanie nie jest rozsądne. Your request isn't reasonable. Your question is not reasonable. Wygląda na to, że Tom jest zadowolony. It looks like Tom is pleased. Looks like Tom's happy. Nigdy nie widziałem tylu pieniędzy. I had never seen so much money. I've never seen that much money. Kdybych byl věděl, že je gambler, ty peníze bych mu nepůjčil. If I had known that he was a gambler, I wouldn't have lent him the money. If I knew he was a gambler, I wouldn't lend him the money. Kiedy to zobaczyłem, zaparło mi dech. When I saw it, it took my breath away. When I saw it, I was breathless. Południowi mężczyźni, północne kobiety. Southern men, Northern women. Southern men, northern women. Jaké roztomilé dítě! What an adorable child! What a cute baby! Jakiego koloru jest pomarańcza? What colour is orange? What color is orange? Poslouchám všechny žánry hudby. I listen to all kinds of music. I'm listening to all the genres of music. Kéž bys byl šel s námi. I wish you had come with us. I wish you'd come with us. Tak rád tě poznávám. So pleased to meet you. It's so nice to meet you. Určitě jste zůstaly dlouho vzhůru. You must've stayed up late. I'm sure you stayed up late. Jsem novinář. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Je mu osm let. He's eight years old. He's eight years old. Nie będą mieli nic przeciwko. They won't mind. They won't mind. Chcę, żebyś wiedział, co się naprawdę stało. I want you to know what really happened. I want you to know what really happened. Nevěřil jsem, že se to doopravdy stalo. I didn't believe that it really happened. I didn't believe it really happened. Víte, kde se Tom nachází? Do you know Tom's whereabouts? Do you know where Tom is? Nebylo by rozumné Toma úplně ignorovat. It wouldn't be wise to ignore Tom completely. It wouldn't be wise to ignore Tom completely. Tom okamžitě poznal, že Mary má problém. Tom could tell right away that Mary was in trouble. Tom immediately recognized that Mary had a problem. Tom je velmi přísný učitel a děti ho nemají rádi. Tom is very strict teacher and children do not like him. Tom is a very strict teacher, and the kids don't like him. Ani slowa! Don't say anything. Not a word! Autobusy jeżdżą co dwadzieścia minut. Buses are running at 20 minute intervals. Buses go every 20 minutes. Museli jsme čekat. We had to wait. We had to wait. Potrzebujemy waszej pomocy. We require your help. We need your help. Nie bierz sobie tego do serca. Don't take it to heart. Don't take it to heart. Trudno stwierdzić, który pojazd jest piękniejszy. It is difficult to say which vehicle is more beautiful. It's hard to tell which vehicle is more beautiful. Pokud vyrazíme teď, měli bysme to stihnout. If we leave now, we should make it. If we go now, we should make it. Čí je ten notebook? Whose notebook is that? Whose laptop is it? Lepiej mniej niż wcale. Better less than nothing. Better than not at all. To jsem já. That's me. It's me. Tom mnie lubi. Tom likes me. Tom likes me. Tom neustoupí. Tom won't back down. Tom won't back down. Nejsem tady, abych bojoval. I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to fight. Benzín už není levné palivo. Gasoline is no longer a cheap fuel. Gas is no longer cheap fuel. Pa! Bye. Bye! W ten sposób to robimy. This is how we do it. That's how we do it. Jak žes říkal, že se jim říká? What did you say these are called? How did you say they were called? On mało wie o tamtym zwierzęciu. He knows little about that animal. He doesn't know much about that animal. To auto je černé. This car is black. The car's black. Nechci to slyšet. I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear it. Tom dostał te bilety za darmo. Tom got these tickets for nothing. Tom got those tickets for free. Došlo nám jídlo. We ran out of food. We're out of food. Na dworze robi się jaśniej. It is getting lighter outside. It's getting brighter out there. Mohl bys prosím zavolat doktora? Could you call a doctor, please? Could you please call a doctor? Ten człowiek jest bandytą. This guy is an outlaw. This man is a thug. Mam taki sam słownik jak twój brat. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same dictionary as your brother. To je v pořádku! That's fine! It's okay! Poparzyłem się. I've burnt myself. I burned myself. Nečekal jsem dlouho, než přijel autobus. I had not waited long before the bus came. I didn't wait long before the bus arrived. Naciśnij spust. Squeeze the trigger. Press the trigger. Želvy jsou plazi. Turtles are reptiles. Turtles are reptiles. Nagle rozszalała się gwałtowna burza. Suddenly, a terrible storm came up. All of a sudden, the storm went wild. Tom wygląda na złego. Tom looks angry. Tom looks bad. Alžírsko má nového prezidenta. Algeria has a new president. Algeria has a new president. Na co dzień ona wstaje wcześnie rano. She gets up early every morning. She gets up early in the morning every day. Včera v noci se mi vloupali do domu. My house was broken into last night. They broke into my house last night. Co se děje? What is happening? What's going on? Tom omylem smazal video. Tom deleted a video by accident. Tom accidentally deleted the video. Jsem zvyklý ponocovat. I'm used to staying up late. I'm used to spending the night. Ken jest szczęśliwy. Ken is happy. Ken's happy. Sami miał romans w sieci. Sami had a love affair online. He was having an affair online. Tom obiecał, że niedługo wróci. Tom promised that he would be back soon. Tom promised he'd be back soon. Zastanawiam się dlaczego Tom dzisiaj przyszedł tutaj. I wonder why Tom came here today. I wonder why Tom came here today. Právě jsem o ní přemýšlel. I was just thinking about her. I was just thinking about her. Nemají mě rádi. They don't like me. They don't like me. To dziwne pytanie. That's a strange question. That's a weird question. Musím ho koupit, ale je příliš drahé. I must buy it, but it is too expensive. I have to buy it, but it's too expensive. To był męczący dzień. It's been a tiring day. It's been a tiring day. Jsi dobrý kuchař,že? You are a good cook, aren't you? You're a good cook, aren't you? Nie dasz rady. You will fail. You can't do this. Było wietrznie. There was a lot of wind. It was windy. Tom nevstává brzy. Tom doesn't get up early. Tom's not getting up early. On jí pomalu. He eats slowly. He's eating slowly. Řekli mi, že to dělat nemůžu. I was told I couldn't do that. They told me I couldn't do it. Maďaři jsou přátelští lidé. Hungarians are friendly people. Hungarians are friendly people. Kůň je domácí zvíře. The horse is a domestic animal. The horse is a pet. Myliłem się co do siebie. I was wrong about myself. I was wrong about myself. Dać znać, kiedykolwiek. Say the word any time. Let me know whenever. Tomowi spodobał się ten pomysł. Tom liked the idea. Tom liked the idea. Przepraszam, że muszę iść. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry I have to go. Moje babička nevidí. My grandmother cannot see. My grandmother can't see. Chci tu pár ddní zůstat. I want to stay here a few days. I want to stay here for a few days. Kocham miękkie ręczniki. I love soft towels. I love soft towels. Otrzymałeś czek? Have you received the cheque? Did you get a check? Wygląda na to, że ona ma wielu przyjaciół. It looks like she has a lot of friends. Looks like she's got a lot of friends. Ćwiczę. I'm exercising. I'm practicing. Brusel je hlavní město Belgie. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Lubimy grać w piłkę nożną. We like playing soccer. We like to play soccer. Přelož to pomocí překladače Google. Translate it with Google Translate. Translate it using Google Translator. Ty wciąż jesteś młody. You're still young. You're still young. Nemohu jim ho dát. I can't give him to them. I can't give it to them. Rozhodla jsi moudře. You made a wise choice. You made a wise decision. Nemohu spát. I cannot sleep. I can't sleep. Zaplatím za Tomův lístek. I'll pay for Tom's ticket. I'll pay for Tom's ticket. Tom dostał mikroskop na swoje urodziny. Tom received a microscope for his birthday. Tom got a microscope for his birthday. Rodzice cieszyli się z jego sukcesu. His parents were pleased with his success. His parents enjoyed his success. Pracovali byste za minimální mzdu? Would you work for minimum wage? Would you work for a minimum wage? Tom, kim chcesz zostać w przyszłości? Tom, what do you want to be in the future? Tom, who do you want to be in the future? Tom zrobił wszystko co mógł. Tom did the best he could do. Tom did everything he could. Tom nemohl uvěřit, že právě vyhrál v loterii. Tom couldn't believe that he had just won the lottery. Tom couldn't believe he just won the lottery. To jest moja matka. Nazywa się Beatrycze. This is my mother. Her name is Beatrice. This is my mother. Moc ji miluji! I am very much in love with her! I love her so much! Dziś nie będzie padał śnieg. It's not going to snow today. It's not gonna snow tonight. Ten kościół to bardzo znane i piękne miejsce. This church is a very famous and beautiful place. This church is a very famous and beautiful place. Wiedziałeś o tym? Do you know that? Did you know that? To nie zajmie więcej niż trzy minuty. It will not last more than three minutes. It won't take more than three minutes. Pomalu těmi dveřmi vešel do místnosti. He entered the room slowly by that door. He walked into the room slowly through that door. Tom tylko próbuje pomóc. Tom is only trying to help. Tom's just trying to help. Je mi třicet let. I'm thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Musíme odsud ihned odejít. We have to leave here at once. We need to get out of here right now. Czy Ty pijesz mrożoną wodę? Do you drink iced water? Do you drink frozen water? Bądź cicho, albo powiedz coś wartego słuchania. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing. Be quiet, or say something worth listening to. Už jsi dojedl? Have you finished eating? Have you finished? Hele, kočka! Look! A cat. Hey, cat! Mamy tylko godzinę. We've only got an hour. We only have an hour. Masz jeszcze jakieś świetne pomysły? Do you have any more great ideas? Do you have any other great ideas? Wątpił w prawdziwość jej opowieści. He doubted the truth of her story. He doubted the truth of her story. Z jízdy autobusem se jí udělalo tak špatně, že začala zvracet. The bus ride made her feel so sick that she began to vomit. She got so sick on the bus, she started throwing up. Dalej śpiewałem. I continued singing. I kept singing. Spotřeboval celý svůj příjem na pití. He consumed all his income on drinking. He used his entire income to drink. A teraz czekamy. Now we wait. And now we're waiting. Znasz kogoś, kto mruczy sobie przy pracy? Do you know anyone who hums while they work? Do you know anyone who's twitching at work? "Co jest nie tak?" "Nie mogę odpalić samochodu." "What's wrong?" "I can't get my car started." "What's wrong?" "I can't start a car." Ty nejsi naše přítelkyně. You are not our friend. You're not our friend. Nie wiedziałem, w którym pociągu mógł być Tom. I didn't know which train Tom would be on. I didn't know which train Tom was on. Lidé jsou polapeni tím, co považují za realitu. People are trapped by what they believe to be reality. People are caught by what they consider to be reality. Nie jestem wśród tych, którzy muszą stracić na wadze. I'm not the one who needs to lose weight. I'm not one to lose weight. Proszę, zrób to. Please do that. Please, do it. Tom jest teraz niezwykle zajęty. Tom is extremely busy now. Tom's very busy right now. Tom se přestal starat o svojí rodinu. Tom stopped taking care of his family. Tom stopped taking care of his family. K mému překvapení byly dveře otevřené. To my surprise, the door was open. To my surprise, the door was open. Tom przyszedł do domu o szóstej trzydzieści. Tom went home at 6:30. Tom came home at 6:30. Może świadek opisać, co się wydarzyło? Could you describe to the jury what happened? Can a witness describe what happened? Wezmę tę parasolkę. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take that umbrella. Vrátím svůj pas do trezoru. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll put my passport back in the vault. Więc, dlaczego się śmiejesz? Well then why are you laughing? So, why are you laughing? Tom nic nie jadł i nie pił przez trzy dni. Tom had no food or water for three days. Tom didn't eat anything and he didn't drink for three days. Może lepiej zawołaj Toma. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Maybe you should call Tom. Tom próbuje odkryć, dlaczego Mary jest na niego zła. Tom is trying to figure out why Mary is mad at him. Tom's trying to figure out why Mary's mad at him. Tom je docela rozrušený. Tom is quite upset. Tom's pretty upset. Chcę być gotowy. I want to be ready. I want to be ready. Šel jsem pěšky. I was going on foot. I walked. Tom nás přinutil stát. Tom made us stand. Tom made us stand. Lhali jste mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. Je ženatý? Is he married? Is he married? Byl unavený a proto šel brzo spát. He was tired and that's why he went to bed early. He was tired, and that's why he went to bed early. Tom dal Mary nějaké instrukce na poslední chvíli. Tom gave Mary some last minute instructions. Tom gave Mary some instructions at the last minute. Mám ten dojem, že Tom měl pravdu. I guess Tom was right. I think Tom was right. Zachowuj się albo będziesz musiał stąd wyjść. Behave yourself, or you'll have to leave the room. Behave or you'll have to get out of here. Proč si neoblékneš šaty? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you put on a dress? Byl za námi. He was behind us. He was behind us. Tom nie był aż tak zajęty, jak Mary powiedziała, że będzie. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary told me he would be. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary said he would be. Tom chce jak najlepiej. Tom wants the best. Tom wants the best. Neměl jsem takový zájem to udělat jak si Tom myslel, že mám. I wasn't as interested in doing that as Tom thought I was. I wasn't so interested in doing what Tom thought I was supposed to do. On jest szanowany przez wszystkich. He is respected by everyone. He's respected by everyone. Pokračuj tam, kde jsi skončil. Continue where you left off. Keep going where you left off. Cieszę się, że mogę ci pomóc. I'm glad to help you. I'm glad to be able to help you. Nawet mądre dzieci tego nie zrozumieją. Even an intelligent child cannot understand. Even wise children won't understand. Nemusí platit nic. They don't have to pay anything. He doesn't have to pay anything. Rozmawialiśmy dalej. We continued chatting. We kept talking. Ten hoch je velmi bystrý. That boy is very smart. That boy is very bright. Uwielbiam tę reklamę. I love that commercial. I love that commercial. Můj táta koupil krávu. My dad bought a cow. My dad bought a cow. Tomův pes napadl Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Na co czekamy? What are we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Táta přišel domů. Father came home. Dad came home. Teorie je obecně přijata. The theory is generally accepted. The theory is generally accepted. Oba jste si vedli dobře. You both did fine. You both did good. Pamatuj si, co ti říkám! Remember what I tell you! Remember what I'm saying! Ví někdo, kde je Tom? Does anyone know where Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Učte se maďarsky. Learn Hungarian. Learn Hungarian. Nedokázal jsem postřehnout, co řekl. I couldn't catch what he said. I couldn't see what he said. Jen ji chci držet za ruku. I just want to hold her hand. I just want to hold her hand. Nie możesz być prawnikiem. You can't be a lawyer. You can't be a lawyer. Chodíš sem často? Do you come here often? Do you come here often? Není zač se omlouvat. There is nothing to apologize for. You're welcome to apologize. Tom był zakłopotany. Tom was embarrassed. Tom was embarrassed. Za Tomovy chyby byla potrestána celá skupina. The whole group was punished for Tom's mistake. The whole group was punished for Tom's mistakes. A Vy? And you? And you? Plan spotkał się z poparciem wszystkich uczestników. The plan was supported by practically all the attendants. The plan met with the support of all participants. Když se usměje, má roztomilé dolíčky. She has cute dimples when she smiles. When he smiles, he's got cute dimples. Nie widziałem cię od lat. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't seen you in years. Tom pracuje jako novinář. Tom works as a journalist. Tom works as a journalist. Tom jest przyjacielem. Tom is a friend. Tom's a friend. Minulý týden jsem napsal panu Woodovi a požádal jsem ho, aby ti dal práci na farmě. I wrote last week to Mr. Wood and I asked him to give you a job on the farm. I texted Mr. Wood last week, and I asked him to give you a job at the farm. Jeho sestra ho pozvala na oběd. His sister invited him to lunch. His sister invited him to lunch. Tom má rád aritmetiku. Tom likes arithmetic. Tom likes arithmetic. Nevím, co mám dělat. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Błogosławieni, którzy się smucą, albowiem oni będą pocieszeni. Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. Blessed are those who grieve, for they shall be comforted. Mam kota. I have a cat. I got a cat. Te buty nie pasują. These shoes don't fit. Those shoes don't fit. Zwykle mu się udawało. He usually succeeded. He usually did. Czy masz jakąś rodzinę? Do you have any family? Do you have any family? Na pravé oko nic nevidím. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything on my right eye. Poznałem ją jak tylko ją zobaczyłem. I recognized her as soon as I saw her. I met her as soon as I saw her. Jesteś nieubezpieczony. You're uninsured. You're uninsured. Tom wygląda, jakby się dobrze bawił. Tom looks like he's having fun. Tom looks like he's having fun. Měl bych se raději vrátit k práci. I'd better get back to work. I better get back to work. Słońce zachodzi. The sun is setting. The sun is setting. Zniknął bez śladu. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Dublin je hlavní město Irska. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Odejděme dnes v noci. Let's leave tonight. Let's leave tonight. Pan Kato jest nauczycielem. Mr Kato is a teacher. Mr. Kato is a teacher. Proč je tvůj pes tak špinavý? Why is your dog so dirty? Why is your dog so dirty? Tom a Mary k sobě byli přitulení a Tom jí cosi šeptal do ucha. Tom and Mary were snuggled up to each other and Tom was whispering something into Mary's ear. Tom and Mary were cuddled together, and Tom was whispering something in her ear. V těchto dvou lahvičkách jsou rozdílná množství léků. There are different amounts of medicine in these two bottles. There are different amounts of medicines in these two vials. Ptáci se obvykle probouzejí časně ráno. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Prosím tě, zhasni, než opustíš místnost. Please turn off the light before leaving the room. Please turn off the lights before you leave the room. Został podkupiony przez konkurencję. He was poached by a rival company. It was bought by competition. Máš dobrou intuici. You have good instincts. You have a good intuition. Myslím, že minulé pondělí se Tom dostal domů sám. I think Tom got home by himself last Monday. I think last Monday Tom got home alone. Tom nie potrafi znaleźć odpowiednich słów, żeby opisać swoje uczucia do Mary. Tom can't find the right words to describe his feelings for Mary. Tom can't find the right words to describe his feelings for Mary. Jestem tu, żeby się upewnić, czy robisz to co masz robić. I'm here to make sure you do what you said you'd do. I'm here to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do. Proponowałbym ci zamówić wołowinę w miejsce kurczaka. I'd suggest you order beef instead of chicken. I'd suggest you order some beef instead of a chicken. Udělal jsem co bylo v mých silách, abych tomu zabránil. I did my best to prevent this. I did everything I could to stop it. Ile zarabia miesięcznie? How much money does he make a month? How much does he make a month? W lodówce jest mleko. There is milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Dziecko płakało przez prawie 10 minut. The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes. The baby cried for almost 10 minutes. Tom pokazał zdjęcia Mary. Tom showed the pictures to Mary. Tom showed us pictures of Mary. Zauważam prawidłowość. I see a pattern. I'm noticing the correctness. Ne trjebaš mojeje dowolnosće. You don't need my permission. You do not need my permission. Seděli jsme před krbem. We sat in front of the fireplace. We were sitting in front of the fireplace. Patří mu. They belong to him. It belongs to him. Pracuji mezi přáteli. I work among friends. I work among friends. Nejsou tohle tvoje knihy? Aren't these your books? Aren't these your books? Vezmi si tyto prášky a hned se budeš cítit lépe. Take this medicine, and you'll feel a lot better. Take these pills and you'll feel better. Je obtížné překládat vtip do jiného jazyka. It is hard to translate a joke into another language. It's hard to translate a joke into another language. Tomu se dá těžko věřit. I find that difficult to believe. That's hard to believe. Które pismo jest najtrudniejsze na świecie? Which writing system is the most difficult in the world? Which is the hardest scripture in the world? Stalo se to tady. It happened here. It happened here. Chyba nie znam nikogo, kto nazywa się Tom Jackson. I don't think I know anyone named Tom Jackson. I don't think I know anyone named Tom Jackson. Půjdu vyzvednout děti ve škole. I'm going to pick up the kids at school. I'm gonna go pick up the kids at school. Nie mogłem uwierzyć, kiedy to zobaczyłem. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Tom powiedział Mary, żeby przestała tak robić. Tom told Mary to quit doing that. Tom told Mary to stop doing that. Nie lubię wina. I don't like wine. I don't like wine. Podívej se. Have a look. Look. Czy kiedykolwiek ugryzł cię pies? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Mám práci, tak odprejskni a neotravuj. I've got work to do, so piss off and leave me alone. I've got work to do, so fuck off and don't bother. Wpędzasz mnie w zakłopotanie. You're confusing me. You're embarrassing me. Byla to vražda, nebo sebevražda? Was it a murder or a suicide? Was it murder or suicide? Nasze interesy kolidują z ich interesami. Our interests clash with theirs. Our business interferes with their interests. Tom przyprowadził mnie do domu. Tom brought me home. Tom brought me home. Rodziców nie ma teraz w domu. My parents aren't home right now. My parents aren't home right now. Co Tom křičel na dav? What did Tom shout at crowd? What was Tom yelling at the crowd? Spodobałaś się Tomowi. Tom liked you. Tom likes you. Někam jdeš tohle odpoledne, ne? You're going somewhere this afternoon, aren't you? You're going somewhere this afternoon, aren't you? Pierwszy raz słyszę to słowo. This is the first time I've heard that word. It's the first time I've heard that word. Tom mówił, że potrzebuje więcej czasu. Tom said he needed more time. Tom said he needed more time. Tom se nikdy nezdá být rozčílený, bez ohledu na to, co Mary udělá. Tom never seems to get upset no matter what Mary does. Tom never seems upset, no matter what Mary does. Tom dzisiaj po mnie przyjedzie. Tom is picking me up tonight. Tom's coming for me today. Tom stwierdził, że woli to zrobić sam. Tom said he'd rather do that by himself. Tom said he'd rather do it alone. Tom wszedł do pokoju konferencyjnego. Tom went into the conference room. Tom walked into the conference room. Odpoledne jsme strávili pojídáním hroznů. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. To mogło się przydarzyć każdemu. It could happen to anyone. It could've happened to anyone. Nic nie podpisywałam. I didn't sign anything. I didn't sign anything. Schodzę po schodach. I am going down the stairs. I'm going down the stairs. Wstawaj, Tom. Muszę z tobą porozmawiać. Wake up, Tom. I've got to talk to you. Come on, Tom, I need to talk to you. Je třeba říct, že jazyk je něco, co se učíme, není něčím, co bychom instinktivně znali. That is to say, a language is something that we learn and are taught, not something that we know by instinct. It must be said that the language is something we learn is not something we instinctively know. Wiek to sto lat. A century is one hundred years. Age is a hundred years. Nie lubię tego. I don't like it. I don't like it. Drugi semestr dobiegł końca. The second term came to an end. The second semester is over. Nie potrzebuję tak dużej walizki. I don't need a suitcase that big. I don't need a suitcase that big. Nikogo tu nie powinno być. There shouldn't be anyone here. There shouldn't be anyone here. Nie dbam o to, co inni ludzie o mnie myślą. I don't care what other people think of me. I don't care what other people think of me. Tom je určitě osamělý. Tom must be lonely. Tom must be lonely. Nie, nie gniewam się na ciebie, jestem tylko zawiedziony. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. Prezydent jest gotowy iść na całość, żeby postawić na swoim bez względu na koszty. The President is prepared to go all out to get his way at any cost. The president is ready to go all over the place to bet on himself no matter what the cost. Věřil bys, že je říjnu skoro konec? Can you believe that October is almost over? Can you believe it's almost over in October? Bezbarvé zelené nápady spí šíleně. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep crazy. Nie pchaj nosa w moje prywatne sprawy. Keep your nose out of my business. Don't push your nose into my private business. Tom zostanie zwolniony. Tom will get fired. Tom will be fired. Tak przy okazji, jaki jest twój adres? By the way, what is your address? By the way, what's your address? Tom powinien przyjść z tobą. Tom should've come with you. Tom should come with you. Mieliście romans. You were having an affair. You were having an affair. Králíci se množí rychle. Rabbits breed quickly. Rabbits multiply fast. Tom nezná rozdíl mezi zeměpisem a geologií. Tom doesn't know the difference between geography and geology. Tom doesn't know the difference between geography and geology. Wyślij ten list, proszę. Please mail this letter for me. Send this letter, please. Ona spędza zbyt wiele czasu w internecie. She spends way too much time surfing the web. She spends too much time on the Internet. Neodcházej! Zůstaň tu se mnou! Don't go. Stay here with me. Stay with me! Wygląda na to, że w ciągu dwóch miesięcy dostaniemy podwyżkę. Apparently, we'll be getting a raise within two months. Looks like we're getting a raise in two months. Mam rację. I'm right. I'm right. Jego głowa została roztrzaskana przez wściekły czas jakąś ciężką bronią. His head had been shattered by a savage blow from some heavy weapon. His head was shattered by some kind of heavy weapon for an angry time. Přestaňte lhát. Stop lying. Stop lying. Tom má rád jahodový džem. Tom likes strawberry jam. Tom likes strawberry jam. Tom byl ve stejném letadle, jako já. Tom was on the same plane I was. Tom was on the same plane as me. Co bych měl v této situaci udělat? What should I do in this situation? What should I do in this situation? Udowodniłem, że to prawda. I proved it to be true. I proved it to be true. Jeżu klątw, spłódź Finom część gry hańb. Hedgehog of curses, generate a part of the game of disgraces to the Finns. If you curse, give birth to the Finns part of the game of shame. Kto idzie ze mną? Who's coming with me? Who's coming with me? Dla mnie, żal jest najcięższą karą. For me, regret is the harshest punishment. For me, regret is the most severe punishment. Je mi líto, nemám drobné. I'm sorry, I don't have change. I'm sorry, I don't have change. Niektóre rzeczy są jeszcze wstrętniejsze, kiedy się je umyje. Some things get more hideous, when you clean them. Some things are even more disgusting when they're washed. Uważam. I'm being careful. I do. Nechystám to říkat dvakrát. I'm not going to say this twice. I'm not gonna say it twice. Jest tylko jedno wyjście. There's only one way out. There's only one way out. Toto je dobré místo, kde začít s rozborem. This is a good place to start the analysis. This is a good place to start the analysis. Chtěli, aby Hawaii byla součástí Spojených států. They wanted Hawaii to be part of the United States. They wanted Hawaii to be part of the United States. Jsi můj otec? Are you my father? Are you my father? Tohle je pravý diamant This is a real diamond. This is a real diamond. Tom nemá předpoklady k tomu, aby učil. Tom isn't cut out for teaching. Tom doesn't have the assumptions to teach. Czy język międzynarodowy jest potrzebny? Do we need a universal language? Is international language needed? Połowa studentów była nieobecna. Half the students were absent. Half the students were absent. Tom nosi kapelusz każdego dnia. Tom wears a hat every day. Tom wears a hat every day. Rozumiem, po co Tom chce jechać do Bostonu. I can see why Tom wants to go to Boston. I understand why Tom wants to go to Boston. Do zobaczenia wkrótce. See you soon! I'll see you soon. Nic nie jest możliwe bez wysiłku. Nothing is achieved without effort. Nothing is possible without effort. Każda osoba powinna przynieść własny obiad. Every person is expected to bring their own lunch. Every person should bring their own dinner. Tom je recidivista. Tom is a recidivist. Tom's a repeater. Wiesz, co Tom zrobił? Do you know what Tom did? You know what Tom did? Jaká je teplota ledu? What is the temperature of the ice? What's the ice temperature? Jim napisał list do Betty. Jim wrote the letter for Betty. Jim wrote a letter to Betty. Na przykład, lubisz angielski? For example, do you like English? Like, do you like English? Můžeš aktualizovat naše programové vybavení? Can you update our software? Can you update our software? Tom nie wiedział, gdzie Mary chciała, żeby odłożył jej walizki. Tom didn't know where Mary wanted him to put her suitcases. Tom didn't know where Mary wanted him to put her suitcases. Czy wyglądam na bladą? Do I look pale to you? Do I look pale? Jej cudowny głos jest ucztą dla uszu. Her lovely voice was a real feast to the ears. Her wonderful voice is a feast for her ears. On nigdy nie traci nadziei. He never loses hope. He never loses hope. Ani se neznáme. We don't even know each other. We don't even know each other. Nie śniłem nawet o tym, że mógłby tędy przejść tajfun. I never dreamed that there would be a typhoon. I didn't even dream of him walking through the typhoon. Taniec jest zakazany. Dancing is prohibited. Dancing is forbidden. Emperor Penguin jest jednym z moich ulubionych zespołów. Emperor Penguin is one of my favorite bands. The Penguin Emperor is one of my favorite bands. Czemu kupiłeś kwiaty? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Nemohu vyhovět požadavku Toma. I can't comply with Tom's requirement. I can't meet Tom's request. Musel být hospitalizován. He had to be hospitalized. He must have been hospitalized. Jesteś inspiracją dla nas wszystkich. You're an inspiration to us all. You're an inspiration to all of us. Viděl jsem tě pracovat na zahradě. I saw you working in the garden. I saw you working in the garden. Miej oczy otwarte. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open. Tom jest księdzem. Tom is a priest. Tom's a priest. Byl Tom zraněn? Has Tom been injured? Was Tom hurt? Tom próbował znaleźć pomoc. Tom tried to find help. Tom was trying to find help. Zlato je těžší než železo. Gold is heavier than iron. Gold is harder than iron. Nie jestem plotkarą. I'm not one to gossip. I'm not a gossiper. Wszyscy się ze mnie śmiali. Everybody made fun of me. Everyone laughed at me. Nie jedz zbyt dużo. Don't eat too much. Don't eat too much. Co vyjednáváte? What are you negotiating? What are you negotiating? Utkniesz. You're stuck. You're stuck. Lhali vám. They lied to you. They lied to you. Každý vnímá barvu jinak. Čemu já říkám žlutá, by jiní nazvali oranžovou. Everyone has a different perception of color. What I call yellow, others would call orange. Everyone sees the color differently, as I call it yellow, others would call it orange. Layla uslyšela ten hluk. Layla heard the noise. Layla heard the noise. Bardzo zmęczony! So tired! Very tired! Tom má rád rajčata? Tom likes tomatoes? Tom likes tomatoes? Odejdź. Go away. Go away. Powinienem był najpierw zapytać Toma. I should've asked Tom first. I should have asked Tom first. Co se ti nelíbí? What don't you like? What don't you like? Medytował rano. He used to meditate in the morning. He meditated this morning. Měď i stříbro jsou kovy. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and silver are metals. Nie ma dnia, bym o tobie nie myślał. I never spend a day without thinking of you. There's no day for me not to think about you. Kam se spolu můžeme dostat? Where can we get together? Where can we get together? Musisz przezwyciężyć swój strach przed ciemnością. You must conquer your fear of the dark. You must overcome your fear of darkness. Postąpię zgodnie z twoją radą. I'll act on your advice. I'll follow your advice. Nikdy jsi mi neřekla, že jsi vdaná. You never told me that you were married. You never told me you were married. Jeho váhání mě přimělo k pochybám. His hesitation made me doubt. His hesitation has led me to doubt. Tom je slaboch. Tom is a wimp. Tom's weak. Od jak dawna o tym wiesz? How long have you known about this? How long have you known about this? Możemy zrobić to w tym tygodniu? Can we do it this week? Can we do it this week? Mary by to nikdy neudělala. Mary would never do it. Mary would never do that. Potknąłem się o kamień, skręcając kostkę. I tripped on a stone, twisting my ankle. I tripped over a rock turning my ankle. Elżbieta, królowa Anglii. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Nie będę jeść lodów. I will not eat ice cream. I'm not gonna eat ice cream. Vstáváš v šest? Do you get up at six? Are you up at 6:00? Tom jest nietolerancyjny. Tom is intolerant. Tom is intolerant. Brad Pitt jest aktorem. Brad Pitt is an actor. Brad Pitt is an actor. Můžu vidět svého syna? Can I see my son? Can I see my son? Můžete mi udělat jednu kopii? Can you make me a copy? Can you make me a copy? Jest wiele słów, których nie rozumiem. There are many words that I don't understand. There are many words I don't understand. Jesteś na coś uczulony? Do you have any allergies? Are you allergic to anything? Sędzia skazał go na rok pozbawienia wolności. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to a year of imprisonment. Vyhrožoval jí po telefonu. He threatened her on the phone. He threatened her on the phone. Bere si ho pro peníze? Is she marrying him for his money? Does he take it for money? Wielu Rosjan zażądało zakończenia wojny. Many Russians demanded an end to the war. Many Russians have demanded the end of the war. Lžu. I'm lying. I'm lying. Sklep znajdziesz między bankiem a szkołą. You'll find the shop between a bank and a school. You'll find the store between the bank and the school. Nie lubię zimy. I don't like winter. I don't like winter. Czy Tom też tam jest? Is Tom there, too? Is Tom there, too? Próbowałem być cicho. I tried to stay calm. I tried to be quiet. Tom jest artystą cyrkowym. Tom is a circus artist. Tom is a circus artist. Będę tu gdybyś mnie potrzebował. I'll be here if you want me. I'll be here if you need me. Zmopujmy podłogę. Let's mop the floor. Let's get the floor down. Wybierzesz krawat dla mnie? Will you pick out a tie for me? Will you pick a tie for me? Z pokoje přiběhli dva kluci. Two boys came running out of the room. There were two boys running out of the room. Złota rybka żyje. The goldfish is alive. The goldfish is alive. Ten nowy rynek może poprawić całą branżę. This new market may improve the entire industry. This new market can improve the entire industry. Je to mnohem jednodušší. That is much easier. It's a lot easier. Proszę się odsunąć do tyłu. Stand back, please. Step back, please. Rád bych věděl, co v té místnosti je. I wonder what's in that room. I'd like to know what's in that room. Rodzina Toma mieszka w Bostonie. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Mám mýdlo v očích. I got soap in my eyes. I have soap in my eyes. Pospěš si, nebo nestihneš vlak. Be quick, or you will miss the train. Hurry up or you'll miss the train. Zobaczymy czy będziemy mogli to zrobić bez żadnej pomocy. Let's see if we can do it without any help. Let's see if we can do this without any help. Robimy, co chcemy. We do anything we want. We do what we want. Je to datum. It's a date. It's a date. Tom bez wątpienia skłamał. Tom definitely lied. No doubt Tom lied. Nechci jít do kopce. I don't want to go uphill. I don't want to go uphill. Mám tolik práce, že ti nemůžu pomoct. I am so busy that I can't help you. I'm so busy, I can't help you. V konferenční místnosti není dost křesel. There aren't enough chairs in the conference room. There's not enough chairs in the conference room. Uděláte to teprve až to Tom dovolí. You will do it only when Tom allows it. You won't do it until Tom allows it. Oni pobiorą się, gdy ona dojrzeje. When she comes of age, they are going to get married. They'll get married when she's mature. Tom jest pod prysznicem. Tom is in the shower. Tom's in the shower. (One) nie uregulowały rachunku. They didn't settle the bill. (One) did not settle the account. Pojďme si tady dát desetiminutovou přestávku. Let's take a 10-minute break here. Let's take a ten-minute break here. Myślisz, że jest martwy? Do you think he is dead? You think he's dead? Tom je o něco starší než Mary. Tom is a bit older than Mary. Tom's a little older than Mary. To udělal, jak řekl. Tom did as he said he would do. He did that, as he said. Ve třetí dimenzi se vnímáte jako entita oddělená od ostatních lidí a vesmíru. In the third dimension you see yourself as a separate entity in comparison to other people and the universe. In the third dimension, you see yourself as an entity separated from other people and the universe. Mam już dość tego twojego krzyczenia na mnie. I'm sick and tired of the way you yell at me. I'm sick of you yelling at me. Uświadomiłem sobie, że powinienem uczyć się francuskiego nieco intensywniej. I realized I needed to study French a little harder. I realized I should learn French a little bit more intense. Powiem Tomowi, że go szukasz. I'll tell Tom you're looking for him. I'll tell Tom you're looking for him. Určitě máš spoustu práce. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're busy. Tom podal zlepšovací návrh. Tom submitted an improvement proposal. Tom made an improvement proposal. Je čas povídat si o ptácích a včelách. It's time to talk about the birds and the bees. It's time to talk about birds and bees. Na celém světě je hodně krásných dívek. There is a lot of beautiful girls in the whole world. There's a lot of beautiful girls all over the world. Jestli zbohatnu, koupím si to. If I get rich, I will buy it. If I get rich, I'll buy it. Neztrácej odvahu, Mike. Don't lose confidence, Mike. Don't lose your nerve, Mike. Dochodzi dziesiąta. It is almost ten o'clock. Here comes the tenth. Zawsze zaliczałem cię do moich przyjaciół. I always counted you as a friend. I've always been one of my friends. Potrzebuję twojego auta. I need your car. I need your car. Budu u sebe v pokoji. I'm going to be in my room. I'll be in my room. Jedną z najtrudniejszych rzeczy na świecie jest wybaczyć. One of the toughest things in the world to do is forgive. One of the most difficult things in the world is to forgive. Zavolejte mu, prosím. Please phone him. Please call him. Nie znam wszystkich. I don't know everybody. I don't know everyone. Ovládá Angličtinu i Francouzštinu. He can speak both English and French. He controls English and French. Te puzzle mają 500 elementów. This puzzle has 500 pieces. These puzzles have 500 elements. To nie tak, że ja nie chcę ci pomóc. It's not that I don't want to help you. It's not like I don't want to help you. Jego dom zastał sprzedany za dziesięć tysięcy dolarów. His house was sold for ten thousand dollars. His house was sold for ten thousand dollars. Jsem docela dobrý plavec. I'm a pretty good swimmer. I'm a pretty good swimmer. Nedaří se mi dobře. I'm not doing great. I'm not doing well. Teď nemůžu řídit. I can't drive right now. I can't drive now. Znam Tomka od prawie dziesięciu lat. I've known Tom for almost ten years. I've known Tomek for almost ten years. Nie poddawaj się. Don't give up now. Don't give up. Jsem Američanka. I am American. I'm an American. Nie brakuje niczego. Nothing is missing. There's nothing missing. Vyhrožoval, že ji zabije, jestli ho neposlechne. He threatened to kill her if she wouldn't obey him. He threatened to kill her if he didn't listen. Tom wydaje się być spięty. Tom seems tense. Tom seems tense. Nerozumí tomu. They do not understand. He doesn't understand. Ma zwyczaj za dużo gadać. She tends to talk too much. He's got a habit of talking too much. Ať žije Sovětský svaz! Hail the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! Mýlit se je lidské. To err is human. It's human to be wrong. Bohužel jí to nemohu říct. Unfortunately, I can't tell her. Unfortunately, I can't tell her. Twoje dzieci są niezwykle dobrze wychowane. Your children are remarkably well-behaved. Your children are extremely well-educated. Kde je vypínač? Where's the light switch? Where's the switch? W gimnazjum nigdy nie dostawałem dobrych stopni. I never got good grades in junior high school. I've never had good grades in high school. Řekni mi, až budeš připraven. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. Coś jest nie tak. Something is wrong. Something's wrong. Nie umieraj! Don't die. Don't die! Byl to chladný den. It was a cold day. It was a cold day. Jutro jest test z matematyki. There's a math test tomorrow. There's a math test tomorrow. Tom zachowywał się tak, jakby nie znał Mary. Tom acted as if he didn't know Mary. Tom acted like he didn't know Mary. Nemá brýle. He hasn't got glasses. He doesn't have glasses. Nasze ogrodzenie jest wykonane z żelaza. Our fence is made of iron. Our fence is made of iron. Co jsi mu řekl? What did you tell him? What did you tell him? Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy z tego, co robiłam. I didn't realize what I was doing. I didn't realize what I was doing. Tom usnul a přišel o konec toho filmu. Tom fell asleep and missed the end of the movie. Tom fell asleep and lost the end of the movie. Můj pes není tady. My dog isn't here. My dog's not here. Tom nje dozvòli Mary to zôs zrobjic. Tom won't allow Mary to do that again. Tom doesn't get to know Matthew Mary, he's gotta do it. Tom skierował się w stronę drzwi. Tom headed toward the door. Tom headed towards the door. Mój miecz jest być może tępy, ale na kogoś takiego jak ty zupełnie wystarczy. My sword may be blunt, but that's more than enough for someone like you. My sword may be dull, but it's enough for someone like you. Czyj jest ten rower? Whose bicycle is this? Whose bike is this? Albo jesteś ze mną albo przeciwko mnie. You're either with me or you're against me. You're either with me or against me. Tomova mladší sestra je prodavačka. Tom's younger sister is a shop assistant. Tom's younger sister is a salesman. Kiedy zadzwonił telefon, właśnie wychodziłem. When the telephone rang, I was just going out. When the phone called, I was just leaving. Tamten dopis je adresován tobě. That letter is addressed to you. That letter is addressed to you. Mój dziadek wcześnie wstaje. My grandfather gets up early. My grandfather's getting up early. Wybiegłem stamtąd i złapałem taksówkę. I ran out and caught a taxi. I ran out of there and got a cab. Chcę posprzątać dom, zanim wrócą rodzice. I want to clean the house before my parents return. I want to clean up the house before my parents get back. Tom powiedział, że czuje, jak coś się pali. Tom said he could smell something burning. Tom said he felt something burning. Ano, obě slova mají tentýž význam. Yes, both words have the same meaning. Yes, both words have the same meaning. Některé květiny kvetou na jaře a jiné zase na podzim. Some flowers bloom in the spring and other flowers bloom in the fall. Some flowers bloom in the spring and others in the fall. Proszę rzuć mi piłkę. Please throw me the ball. Throw me the ball, please. Máte nějaká zavazadla, pane? Do you have any baggage, sir? Do you have any luggage, sir? Tom nie uważa, że występ Mary był bardzo dobry. Tom doesn't think that Mary's performance was very good. Tom doesn't think Mary's performance was very good. Zanurzyłem palec w miodzie. I dipped my finger into the honey. I immersed my finger in honey. Tom je zasnouben s Ruth. Tom is engaged to Ruth. Tom's engaged to Ruth. Na vrcholek hory jsme neviděli. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. We didn't see the top of the mountain. Mé vznášedlo je plné úhořů. My hovercraft is full of eels. My hovercraft is full of eels. Taki ten świat mały! Such a small world! Such a small world! Tom přijel krátce potom, co Mary odešla. Tom arrived shortly after Mary left. Tom arrived shortly after Mary left. Chtěl jsem vidět Tomův pokoj. I wanted to see Tom's room. I wanted to see Tom's room. Zgubiłem portfel po drodze do szkoły. On the way to school I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet on my way to school. Tom je zvyklý zařídit si to po svém. Tom is accustomed to getting his own way. Tom's used to making it his own way. Jedziemy w góry. We are going to the mountains. We're going up. Běžíme k ohni. We ran to the fire. Let's go to the fire. Moje dzieci chodziły do tej szkoły. My kids used to go to this school. My kids went to that school. Jíte maso každý den? Do you eat meat every day? You eat meat every day? Tom doceniał pomoc Mary. Tom appreciated Mary's help. Tom appreciated Mary's help. Tom pomohl Mary vystoupit z loďky. Tom helped Mary out of the boat. Tom helped Mary get off the boat. Když prší, je sklíčená. When it rains, she feels blue. When it rains, she's depressed. Někteří vojáci se vrátili z války nadosmrti zmrzačeni. Some soldiers returned from war crippled for life. Some soldiers have returned from war for life mutilated. Bohužel nemohu najít baterii ke svému fotoaparátu. Unfortunately, I cannot find the battery for my camera. Unfortunately, I can't find my camera battery. Nemohu najít, co chci. I can't find what I want. I can't find what I want. Tom to naprawi. Tom will fix this. Tom's gonna fix this. Nauczyciel był bardzo zdenerwowany i wyrzucił Johnny'ego z klasy. The teacher was really upset and threw Johnny out of class. The teacher was very upset and threw Johnny out of class. Nie chcę wiedzieć, jak się nazywa. I don't want to know what his name is. I don't want to know his name. Víte více, než říkáte. You know more than you're saying. You know more than you're saying. Tyto nůžky stříhají dobře. These scissors cut well. These scissors cut well. Mój brat gra na gitarze. My brother plays guitar. My brother plays guitar. Możesz mi pomóc? Can you please help me? Can you help me? Bolelo jí celé tělo. She was aching from head to foot. Her whole body hurt. Odešel z kanceláře a nechal okna otevřená. He left the office leaving the windows open. He left the office and left the windows open. Drž je dál od Toma. Keep them away from Tom. Keep them away from Tom. Košile, kterou má Tom na sobě, mu moc nesedí. The shirt Tom is wearing doesn't fit him very well. The shirt Tom's wearing doesn't suit him very well. Nie mamy tej książki w promocji. We don't have that book on offer. We don't have this book in promotion. Zbavte se důkazů. Get rid of the evidence. Get rid of the evidence. Chci vědět o každém Tomově kroku. I want to know Tom's every move. I want to know every move Tom makes. Nie pomogę ci. I won't help you. I'm not gonna help you. Každého rádi uvítáme, když přijde. Everyone is welcome to come. We'd love to welcome everyone when they come. Chcę wiedzieć, czemu nie jesteś gotowy. I want to know why you aren't ready. I want to know why you're not ready. Spójrz na to zdjęcie. Look at this photograph. Look at this picture. To jest zaskakujące. This is surprising. It's surprising. Doufáme, že tu Tom pár týdnů pobude. We hope Tom sticks around for a couple of weeks. We hope Tom stays here for a few weeks. Na to, abych si teď bral dovolenou mám moc práce. I'm just too busy to take a vacation now. I'm too busy taking a vacation right now. Dzieci zwykle wierzą w swoich rodziców. Children usually have faith in their parents. Children usually believe in their parents. Tom vás nevidí, protože je slepý. Tom cannot see you because he is blind. Tom can't see you because he's blind. Lehnul si do trávy. He lay down on the grass. He was lying in the grass. Tom si tě nemůže pamatovat. Tom can't remember you. Tom can't remember you. Chłopak narysował obrazek na ścianie. The boy drew a picture on the wall. The boy drew a picture on the wall. Znalost sebe samého je začátkem veškeré moudrosti. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Jestem pewny, że twoje wysiłki przyniosą sukces. I'm sure your efforts will result in success. I'm sure your efforts will be successful. Kde jsou tvoje kufry? Where are your suitcases? Where are your suitcases? Půjčím ti tuto knihu. I'll lend you this book. I'll lend you this book. Tom prý nevychází moc dobře s ostatními lidmi. Tom is said not to get along too well with other people. They say Tom doesn't get along very well with other people. Potrafisz upiec sernik? Do you know how to make cheesecake? Can you make a cheesecake? Starszy człowiek na wózku inwalidzkim powiedział mi, że poznał moją mamę, kiedy był nastolatkiem. The old man in the wheelchair told me that he knew my mother when she was a teenager. An older man in a wheelchair told me he met my mom when he was a teenager. Dohodli se, že tu svatbu odloží. They agreed to postponing the wedding. They agreed to postpone the wedding. Právě jsem se osprchoval. I’ve just finished in the shower. I just took a shower. Zítra koupím vše, co potřebuju. I'll buy what I need tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll buy everything I need. Odpověděl, že neví. He replied that he did not know. He said he didn't know. Myslím, že Tom si to povýšení nezasluhuje. I don't think that Tom deserves the promotion. I don't think Tom deserves that promotion. Budu ti držet palce. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Miluju způsob, jakým mě líbáš. I love the way you kiss me. I love the way you kiss me. Nebyly naprosto žádné pochybnosti. There was absolutely no doubt. There were absolutely no doubts. Mám rád psy. I like dogs. I like dogs. Tom bydlí ve člunu. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives in a boat. Tom popadl svojí tašku a odešel. Tom grabbed his bag and left. Tom grabbed his bag and left. Japonia jest liderem światowego przemysłu high-tech. Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. Japan is the world's leading high-tech industry. Przedstawiłem Marię rodzicom. I introduced Mary to my parents. I introduced Maria to my parents. To dlatego Tom się zabił. That's why Tom killed himself. That's why Tom killed himself. Widziałam jak wchodził do pokoju. I saw him enter the room. I saw him walk into the room. Její angličtina byla velice dobrá. Her English was really good. Her English was very good. Dobry dzień. Good afternoon. Good morning. Nie wychodzimy. We're not leaving. We're not leaving. Chci zabít Toma ještě předtím, než zabije on mě. I want to kill Tom before he kills me. I want to kill Tom before he kills me. Musimy się bardzo szybko ruszać. We have to move very quickly. We need to move very fast. Gra została przełożona z powodu deszczu. The game was put off because of the rain. The game has been overrun because of the rain. Tom si nechal tu informaci pro sebe. Tom kept that information to himself. Tom kept the information to himself. Co od ní chce? What does he want from her? What does he want with her? V neděli do školy nechodím. I don't go to school on Sunday. I don't go to school on Sundays. Żeby cokolwiek zrobić, potrzebujemy pieniędzy. We need money to do anything. To do anything, we need money. Sedni si na chvilku. Sit down for a second. Sit down for a second. On stał w kolejce. He was in the queue. He was in line. Tom nie przyznał się nikomu, że zastanawiał się czy aby tego nie zrobić. Tom didn't tell anyone he had thought about doing that. Tom didn't admit to anyone that he was wondering if he'd do it. Kdyby Mary uměla plavat, chodila by na pláž častěji. If Mary knew how to swim, she would go to the beach more often. If Mary could swim, she'd go to the beach more often. Tom zaprosił Mary i jej przyjaciół na obiad. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Proto tu Tom není. That's why Tom isn't here. That's why Tom's not here. Kiedy przechodziliśmy przez przejście, wziąłem młodszą siostrę za rękę. I took my little sister by the hand when we crossed the street. When we passed through, I took my little sister's hand. Chutná to dobře. It tastes good. It tastes good. Ona żyje z dnia na dzień. She is living from hand to mouth. She lives day by day. Můj starší bratr chodí každý víkend rybařit. My older brother goes fishing every weekend. My older brother goes fishing every weekend. Nejsem lhář. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Mało prawdopodobne, byś zobaczył tu konia. It's very unlikely that you'll ever see a horse around here. You're unlikely to see a horse here. On zawsze mówi prawdę. He always tells the truth. He's always telling the truth. Na Toma se můžete vždy spolehnout. You can always count on Tom. You can always rely on Tom. Tom nie miał czasu do stracenia. Tom had no time to waste. Tom didn't have time to waste. Vlastnictví je krádež. Property is theft. Property is stealing. Ano, musíš. Yes, you must. Yes, you do. Czy kiedykolwiek słyszałeś kogoś mówiącego po francusku? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard anyone speak French? Psal se rok 1832, když se Évariste Galois zamiloval do Stéphanie-Félicie Poterin du Motel. It was in 1832 that Evariste Galois fell in love with Stephanie-Felicie Poterin du Motel. It was written in 1832 when Évariste Galois fell in love with Stéphanie-Félicia Poterin du Motel. Siedzą w kuchni i piją herbatę. They sit in the kitchen and drink tea. They're sitting in the kitchen drinking tea. Nie da się tego opisać słowami. Words cannot describe it. You can't describe it in words. Tom postanowił zrobić spaghetti na obiad. Tom decided to make spaghetti for dinner. Tom decided to make spaghetti for dinner. Mam dużo rzeczy do zrobienia. I have lots of things to do. I have a lot of things to do. Tom chtěl, aby Mary ztichla. Tom wanted Mary to be quiet. Tom wanted Mary to be quiet. Tom je celkem agresivní. Tom is pretty aggressive. Tom's pretty aggressive. Dnes jsem ti přinesl oběd. I've brought you lunch today. I brought you lunch today. Líbíš se jí! She likes you! She likes you! Myślę, że zgubiłem klucze. I think I lost my keys. I think I lost my keys. Czytałam list. I read a letter. I read the letter. Tom uczy się na pastora. Tom is studying to be a minister. Tom's studying for a pastor. Tom chodíval do práce pěšky. Tom used to walk to work. Tom used to walk to work. Ile kosztowały te okulary? How much did these glasses cost? How much did those glasses cost? Nie, niczego nie żałuję. No, I don't regret anything. No, I don't regret anything. Ještě jsi to neudělal. Proč? You haven't done it yet. Why? You haven't done it yet. Často děláme, co musíme, ne co chceme. We often do what we have to do, not what we want to do. We often do what we have to do, not what we want. Myslím, že nejsem dost velký na to, abych dosáhl na horní polici. I don't think I'm tall enough to reach the top shelf. I don't think I'm big enough to reach the top shelf. Už jsi sehnal nějaký byt? Have you found a flat yet? Have you got an apartment yet? Powiedzieli mi, że może ty mógłbyś mi pomóc. I was told that you might be able to help me. They told me maybe you could help me. Nie mam czasu do stracenia. I have no time to waste. I don't have time to waste. V práci jsem spolehlivou a zodpovědnou osobou. I'm a reliable and responsible person at work. I'm a reliable and responsible person at work. Ulice pełne były młodych par. The streets were overflowing with young couples. The streets were full of young couples. Byl jsem požádán o pomoc. I've been asked to help. I was asked for help. On jest bratem Taro. He is Taro's brother. He's Tara's brother. Podařilo se mu přijít na hodinu včas. He managed to be on time for class. He managed to get to the hour in time. Je tu něco, co vážně musím udělat. There's something I really need to do. There's something I really need to do. Podajcie mi swoje nazwiska. Give me your names. Give me your names. Nie ma mowy o wycieczce do Ameryki tego lata. A trip to America this summer is out of the question. There's no way you're going to America this summer. Takový člověk by měl uspět. Such a man ought to succeed. A man like that should succeed. Měl jsi být s námi. You should've been with us. You should have been with us. Tom měl být venku a hrát si s ostatními dětmi. Tom should have been outside playing with the other children. Tom was supposed to be out there playing with the other kids. Jsi ještě naživu? Are you still alive? Are you still alive? Bawiliśmy się do rana. We partied all night long. We had fun this morning. Zastanawiam się, czy zrobiłbyś coś dla mnie. I wonder if you'd do me a favor. I wonder if you'd do me a favor. Pokój ma wielkie znaczenie. Peace is of great importance. Peace is of great importance. Mój czas się kończy. My time is running out. My time is running out. Uczniowie wykonali to sami. The pupils did the work themselves. The students did it themselves. Prawdopodobnie nie chcesz ze mną rozmawiać. You probably don't want to talk to me. You probably don't want to talk to me. Nie mam apetytu. I have no appetite. I have no appetite. Sami był bogatym facetem. Sami was a wealthy guy. He was a rich man himself. Je mladá a přitažlivá. She's young and attractive. She's young and attractive. Musisz być bardziej agresywny. You've got to be more aggressive. You must be more aggressive. Skąd pomysł, że nie lubię Toma? Where did you get the idea that I don't like Tom? What makes you think I don't like Tom? Odpowiedz! Answer! Answer me! Řekla bys mi pravdu, viď? You'd tell me the truth, wouldn't you? You'd tell me the truth, wouldn't you? Czyż nie są przecudne? Don't you just love it? Aren't they beautiful? Ještě není pilotka. She is not a pilot yet. She's not a pilot yet. Będę oczekiwać od niej listu. I will be expecting a letter from her. I'll expect a letter from her. Ty nečekej a jdi. Don't wait, just go. You don't wait and go. Pustelnik żył w drewnianej chatce. The hermit lived in a wooden hut. The hermit lived in a wooden cabin. Masz szczęście. You're in luck. You're lucky. Proč to pro mě nechceš udělat? Why won't you do it for me? Why don't you want to do this for me? Kde je Paříž? Where is Paris? Where's Paris? Wóda jo cysta. The water is clean. The booze's a cyst. Nie ma tu nic do roboty. There's nothing to do here. There's nothing to do here. Má rád zvířata. He likes animals. He likes animals. Nie mogła przyjść z powodu swojej choroby. She could not come because of her illness. She couldn't come because of her illness. To przysłowie brzmi tak: The proverb runs as follows. The proverb is this: Poznałam ją na przyjęciu. I got to know her at the party. I met her at the party. Mój dom nie jest zbyt daleko stąd. My house isn't so far from here. My house isn't that far from here. Ma naładowaną broń. He keeps this gun loaded. He's got a loaded gun. Nie rozumiem tej argumentacji. I don't understand this reasoning. I don't understand the argument. Dobra teoria charakteryzuje się tym że stawia kilka hipotez, które w zasadzie mogą być obalone lub zaprzeczone poprzez obserwację. A good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could in principle be disproved or falsified by observation. A good theory is characterized by the fact that it puts in place some hypotheses, which may in principle be overthrown or denied by observation. Tom zahájil hladovku. Tom went on a hunger strike. Tom started the hunger strike. Moglibyśmy to zrobić kiedy indziej. We could do this some other time. We could do it some other time. Jestem pewien jego uczciwości. I am assured of his honesty. I'm sure of his honesty. Jsem chudá. I'm poor. I'm poor. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że Tom nie żyje. I can't believe Tom is dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. Zaczęło się całkiem niewinnie. It all started innocently enough. It started quite innocent. Nejsme tak bezmocní, jak si možná myslíme. We aren't so powerless as we may think. We're not as helpless as we might think. Je očividné, že je to lež. It is obvious that that is a lie. It's obvious it's a lie. Mary dělala že je nemocná, aby nemusela jít do školy. Mary pretended to be ill so that she wouldn't have to go to school. Mary used to pretend she was sick so she wouldn't have to go to school. Powinnyście jeść więcej warzyw. You need to eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. Ta postel zabrala hodně místa. The bed took up a lot of space. The bed took up a lot of space. Říkáš to pokaždé. You say that every time. You say it every time. Vezmi si tohle. Take this. Take this. Jesteś w porządku. You're a good guy. You're okay. Bardzo dobrze wykorzystał tą okazję. He made the best of the opportunity. He took this opportunity very well. Kdy začínají vánoční svátky? When do the Christmas holidays begin? When do Christmas Day begin? Tom přišel o 30 minut pozdě. Tom came 30 minutes late. Tom's 30 minutes late. Wszystko mnie boli. I'm sore all over. I'm in a lot of pain. Myślę, że trzy lata to długi okres. I think three years is a long time. I think three years is a long time. Tom jest bratem Mary. Tom's Mary's brother. Tom is Mary's brother. Kto ci kazał powiedzieć mi to? Who told you to say that to me? Who told you to tell me that? Cebulę można jeść na surowo lub gotowaną. Onions can be eaten raw or cooked. Onion can be eaten raw or cooked. Zobaczę, czy z Tomem wszystko w porządku. I'll go see if Tom is OK. I'll see if Tom's okay. Czy Cathy też poszła? Did Cathy go, too? Did Cathy go, too? Tom si sundal ochranné brýle. Tom took off his protective glasses. Tom took off his safety glasses. Včera mě bolela hlava. I had a headache yesterday. I had a headache yesterday. Někteří lidé se stávají vegetariány z etických důvodů. Some people become vegetarians for ethical reasons. Some people become vegetarians for ethical reasons. Chci abys opustila můj dům. I just want you out of my house. I want you to leave my house. Jak dlouho jste čekala? How long have you waited? How long have you been waiting? Wszyscy ludzie są śmiertelni. All men are mortal. All people are mortal. On mnie nie pokona. He won't beat me. He can't beat me. O tom plánu jsi mu říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. Ciekawe, co ona miała na myśli. I wonder what she means by those words. I wonder what she meant. Nie wiedziałem, że wpędziło cię to w takie kłopoty. I had no idea it would put you to so much trouble. I didn't know it got you into so much trouble. Obávám se, že došlo k nedorozumění. I fear there has been some misunderstanding. I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding. To nám způsobí škodu. It will do harm to us. That'll hurt us. Ale jdi, nechtěl jsem ti ublížit. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Vzpomínáš si na den, kdy jsme se potkali poprvé? Do you remember the day when we met first? Do you remember the day we first met? Popieram ten pomysł. I support that idea. I support that idea. Mam coś ważniejszego do zrobienia. I have something more important to do. I have something more important to do. Potřebuji s ním mluvit. I need to talk to him. I need to talk to him. Masaru se chce dostat do Anglického klubu. Masaru wants to join the English Club. Masaru wants to get into the English Club. "Je Tatoeba hezčí než já?" "Tatoeba není holka. Je to webová stránka." "Is Tatoeba more beautiful than me?" "Tatoeba is not a girl. It's a website" "Is Tatoeba prettier than me?" "Tatoeba is not a girl. Na tohle si zvyknout nemůžu. I can't get used to this. I can't get used to this. Ktoś pokrzyżował nam szyki. Someone's put a spanner in the works. Someone's got our gear crossed. Tom požádal Mary o svolení k tomu, aby odjel brzo. Tom asked for Mary's permission to leave early. Tom asked Mary for permission to leave early. Chcete kafe? Do you want coffee? You want some coffee? Jakich jest pięć pierwszych liter twojego adresu emailowego? What are the five first letters of your e-mail address? What is the first five letters of your e-mail address? To jest dom w którym mieszkali kiedy byli dziećmi. This is the house in which they lived when they were children. This is the house they lived in when they were kids. Všichni účastníci se musí zaregistrovat. All participants must be registered. All participants must register. Tom nie chce poślubić Mary. Tom doesn't want to marry Mary. Tom doesn't want to marry Mary. Bądź ostrożny, gdy przekraczasz drogę. Be careful when you cross a road. Be careful when you cross the road. Zde je třeba užít spojovník. A hyphen is needed here. You need to use the clutch here. Przyjdę do pani za chwilę. I'll be with you in a moment. I'll be with you in a minute. Jak mohu zhubnout? How can I lose weight? How can I lose weight? Wygląda na to, że te dane na komputerze utraciłeś już bezpowrotnie. It looks like the data you lost on your computer is irretrievable. Looks like you've lost that data on your computer forever. Psi prej slyší líp než lidi. Myslíš, že to tak fakt je? They say dogs hear better than us. You think it's true? They say dogs can hear better than people. Ojciec mojego przyjaciela jest sławnym powieściopisarzem. My friend's father is a famous novelist. My friend's father is a famous novelist. Wynajęła prywatnego detektywa. She hired a private investigator. She hired a private investigator. Możemy to skończyć później. We can finish it later. We can finish this later. Przyjeżdżam do pracy o 8:30. I arrive at work at 8:30. I'm coming to work at 8:30. Do Paříže se dostali současně. They arrived in Paris at the same time. They went to Paris at the same time. V New Yorku je spousta japonských restaurací. In New York there are a lot of Japanese restaurants. There's a lot of Japanese restaurants in New York. Myslel jsem to vážně. I was serious. I meant it. Tichá voda břehy mele. Still waters run deep. Quiet water on the shores. Myji své auto jednou za týden. I wash my car once a week. I wash my car once a week. K smrti jsem se nudil. I was bored to death. I was bored to death. Kentucky křičí "kurva". Kentucky screams "fuck". Kentucky screams "fuck." Kdybych se ještě jednou narodil, stal bych se hudebníkem. If I were to be born again, I would be a musician. If I was born again, I'd be a musician. Nie, jeszcze z nim nie rozmawiałem. No, I haven't spoken to him yet. No, I haven't spoken to him yet. Słónco je žołte. The sun is yellow. The sun is stinging. Który chcesz? Which one do you want? Which one do you want? Kdybys byl na mém místě, co bys udělal? If you were in my place, what would you do? If you were in my position, what would you do? Mary nemá ráda, když Tom nechává toaletní prkénko zvednuté. Mary doesn't like it when Tom leaves the toilet seat up. Mary doesn't like Tom leaving the toilet seat up. Tom najpierw popatrzył nieprzyjaźnie. Tom looked unfriendly at first. Tom looked at the enemy first. Tom neudělal nic, aby mi pomohl. Tom didn't do anything to help me. Tom didn't do anything to help me. Která místa se vám líbí? What places do you enjoy? Which places do you like? Zamierzam znowu zobaczyć się z Tomem. I'm going to see Tom again. I'm going to see Tom again. Jsem rád, že vás opět vidím. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Som knigły z wjele wobrazami pytał. I searched for a book with many pictures. So many books he asked. Tom to dokáže udělat lépe, než já. Tom is able to do that better than me. Tom can do better than me. Krása tkví v oku pozorovatele. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty lies in the eye of the observer. Czy Dan jest świadomy tego, co zrobił? Is Dan aware of what he did? Is Dan aware of what he did? Wracaj na swoje miejsce. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. Věřím na duchy. I think that ghosts exist. I believe in ghosts. Tom nie mógł całkowicie wykluczyć możliwości, że to, co Mary powiedziała, było prawdą. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that what Mary said was true. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that what Mary said was true. V této lekci se naučíme abecedu. We'll learn the alphabet in this lesson. In this lesson, we learn the alphabet. To jest straszne. This is horrible. It's terrible. Jsem si toho vědom. I'm aware of that. I'm aware of that. Znáš některé z těchto mužů? Do you know any of those men? Do you know any of these men? Často trávím svůj volný čas posloucháním hudby. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my free time listening to music. Ten płaszcz jest na mnie za krótki. This coat is too short on me. That coat's too short for me. Tom viděl Mary, jak mrká na Toma. Tom saw Mary wink at John. Tom saw Mary winking at Tom. Dziękuję wszystkim kobietom, które każdego dnia dążą do zbudowania bardziej humanitarnych i przyjaznych społeczności. I thank all women who every day strive to build more humane and welcoming societies. I thank all women who want to build more humane and friendly communities every day. Mam nadzieję, że wkrótce znów się zobaczymy. I hope we see each other again soon. I hope to see you again soon. Neříkej mu, že jsem tu byl. Don't tell him that I was here. Don't tell him I was here. Japonia jest mniejsza od Kanady. Japan is smaller than Canada. Japan is smaller than Canada. Tylko kilka osób przyszło wczoraj na spotkanie. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. Uwielbiam słuchać muzyki. I love listening to music. I love listening to music. Chcesz się ożenić? Do you want to get married? You want to get married? Kde ses to naučil dělat? Where did you learn how to do this? Where'd you learn to do that? Jesteś za czy przeciw aborcji? Are you for or against abortions? Are you in favor or against abortion? John przyszedł i przesunął część pudełek. John came and moved some of the boxes. John came and moved some of the boxes. Skontaktuję się z tobą. I will get in touch with you. I'll contact you. Miluji slunce. I love the sun. I love the sun. Nie płacz, wszystko będzie dobrze. Don't cry. Everything will be OK. Don't cry. Everything's gonna be okay. Nie bądź na mnie zły. Don't be angry with me. Don't be mad at me. Tom może się dzisiaj spóźnić. Tom might be late today. Tom might be late tonight. Tanec není můj oblíbený druh zábavy. Dancing isn't my favorite kind of entertainment. Dancing is not my favorite kind of fun. Všechno záleží na tvém rozhodnutí. Everything depends upon your decision. Everything depends on your decision. Imigranti v Evropě zneužívají pohostinnosti. Immigrants are abusing the hospitality of Europe. Immigrants in Europe are exploiting hospitality. Byl to těžký rok. It's been a hard year. It's been a tough year. Je tady na mě moc kouře. It's too smoky here for me. There's too much smoke for me. Nareszcie ktoś się odezwał. Finally, someone spoke. Finally, someone's heard from you. Rozmawiam po francusku z moimi nauczycielami. I speak French with my teachers. I speak French to my teachers. Své problémy utápí v alkoholu. He drowns his sorrows in alcohol. He's drowning his problems in alcohol. Potrzebujesz czegoś? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Mam nadzieję, że Tom będzie bardzo szczęśliwy. I hope Tom will be very happy. I hope Tom is very happy. Ona ma wielu wrogów w świecie politycznym. She has many enemies in the political world. She has many enemies in the political world. Mamo, chodź ze mną do sklepu. Mom, come with me to the store. Mom, come with me to the store. Je to pouze naše volba. It's just our choice. It's just our choice. To nevypadá tak špatně. It doesn't look so bad. That doesn't look so bad. W moim sercu nie ma wątpliwości, że ty jesteś tą kobietą, którą mam poślubić. I have no doubt in my mind you are the woman I'm going to marry. There's no doubt in my heart that you're the woman I'm supposed to marry. Woda je čista. The water is clean. The water's clear. Musisz mi pomóc. You need to help me. You have to help me. Jim uczy się prowadzenia samochodu. Jim is learning how to drive a car. Jim's learning how to drive. Czy Tom ma to zrobić? Does Tom have to do this? Is Tom supposed to do this? Nigdy wcześniej nie byłam taka szczęśliwa. I've never been this happy before. I've never been so happy before. Nevěděl bych, co říct Tomovi. I wouldn't know what to say to Tom. I wouldn't know what to tell Tom. Chci s ní mít sex. I want to have sex with her. I want to have sex with her. Zaczęło lać. It started to rain in torrents. It's starting to rain. Myslím, že Tom je pracovitý. I think Tom is hard-working. I think Tom's industrious. Jsou lidé, kteří se nezastaví před ničím, aby dosáhli svého. There are people who stop at nothing to get their way. There are people who will stop at nothing to achieve their own. Podívala se na sebe do zrcadla. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror. Tom mógł być poważnie ranny. Tom could've been seriously injured. Tom could've been seriously hurt. Czy oni byli wczoraj w bibliotece? Were they in the library yesterday? Were they in the library yesterday? Bojím se, že o tebe přijdu. I'm afraid of losing you. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you. Tom asi nepřijde na čas. Tom won't likely be on time. I don't think Tom's gonna be on time. Czy ktoś ma pomysł? Does anyone have an idea? Does anyone have an idea? Wciąż chcesz startować na Harvard? Are you still thinking about applying to Harvard? You still want to go to Harvard? Tom má rád rybu. Tom likes fish. Tom likes fish. Měl přijet sem. He ought to have arrived here. He was supposed to come here. Ona podziwia Johna za odwagę. She admires John for his courage. She admires John for his courage. Bojíš se smrti? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? Zejdź mi z drogi, chłopcze. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, boy. Přestaň si stěžovat a začni něco dělat! Stop complaining and get weaving! Stop complaining and start doing something! Už o mě nestojí. She doesn't care for me anymore. She doesn't want me anymore. Zestárl, zešedivěl a rozvedl se, ale také zbohatl a stal se slavným. He has grown old, gone grey and got divorced but he has also become rich and famous. He grew old, grayened, and divorced, but he also got rich and became famous. Tom i Maria rozmawiają ze sobą po angielsku. Tom and Mary speak to each other in English. Tom and Maria speak English. Máš v plánu pracovat až do 10:00? Do you plan to work until 10:00? Are you planning on working until 10:00? Przygotowałem dla was śniadanie. I prepared breakfast for you. I've prepared breakfast for you. Řeknu ti, až se vrátím. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll tell you when I get back. Tom mnie nie zrozumiał. Tom didn't understand me. Tom didn't understand me. Uznałem ten film za bardzo ciekawy. I found this film very interesting. I found this movie very interesting. Budu pít čaj. I will drink the tea. I'll drink tea. Oto moja córka. This is my daughter. Here's my daughter. 24 maja to dzień słowiańskich pism i kultur. The 24th of May is the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. May 24 is the day of Slavonic writings and cultures. Mówię trochę po gaelicku. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I speak a little gaelick. Tom ma na sobie okulary przeciwsłoneczne. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom's wearing sunglasses. Tom krzyknął. Tom shouted. Tom screamed. Jeho pero nebylo pod stolem. His pen was not under the table. His pen wasn't under the table. Wiesz, że Tom chce pomóc. You know Tom wants to help. You know Tom wants to help. Tom jen dál hulákal. Tom just kept yelling. Tom just kept hollering. Tom se mne bával. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom was afraid of me. Bojíš se Toma, co? You're scared of Tom, aren't you? You're scared of Tom, aren't you? Ač se kdysi věřilo na souvislost mezi syfilidou a uměleckým géniem, doufal bych, že většina moderních umělců a spisovatelů je dost rozumná na to, aby se vyhýbala nakažení jen kvůli oné maličké šanci, že by jim neurosyfilidní demence pomohla zlepšit kvalitu tvorby. Although there was once believed to be a causative relationship between syphilis and artistic genius, I would hope that the vast majority of modern artists and writers are reasonable enough to avoid becoming infected just on the off chance that neurosyphilis dementia might improve the quality of their work. Although once believed in the connection between syphilis and artistic genius, I would hope that most modern artists and writers are reasonable enough to avoid infection just because of the tiny chance that neurosyphilic dementia would help them improve the quality of their creation. Nie zapomnij jutro z nim pogadać. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Už je po nejhorším. The worst is over. It's over for the worst. Tenhle rok chci přečíst tolik anglických knížek, kolik jen budu moct. I want to read as many English books as possible this year. I want to read as many English books as I can this year. Za dużo imprezuje. He parties too much. He's partying too much. Przez Ciebie straciłem apetyt. Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. You made me lose my appetite. Tom nie tonie. Tom isn't drowning. Tom's not drowning. Tom mi o tom nic neřekl. Tom didn't tell me anything about it. Tom didn't tell me anything about it. Na učení se zrovna necítím. I don't feel like studying. I don't really feel like studying. Żaden z telefonów nie działa. None of the telephones are working. None of the phones work. Być, albo nie być, oto jest pytanie. To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be or not to be, that's the question. Przegrywamy. We're losing. We're losing. Czy dżdżownice mają łaskotki? Are earthworms ticklish? Do earthworms have ticklings? On je člověk, který drží slovo, takže jestli řekl, že pomůže, tak to udělá. He is a man of his word, so if he said he'd help, he will. He's the guy who keeps his word, so if he said he'd help, he'd do it. Byli jste už někdy zhypnotizováni? Have you ever been hypnotized? Have you ever been hypnotized? Moje srdce přestalo bít. My heart stopped beating. My heart stopped beating. Udělal jsi to znovu. You did it again. You did it again. Nie jestem pewien, jak mogę ci pomóc. I'm not sure how I can help you. I'm not sure how I can help you. Nebylo tam mnoho děvčat. Not many girls were there. There weren't many girls. Tom určitě umí dost francouzsky na to, aby si vystačil. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom can speak French enough to make it enough. Už mně pravděpodobně nikdy neuvidíš. You'll probably never see me again. You'll probably never see me again. Płacą nam za godzinę. We're being paid by the hour. They're paying us in an hour. Według szacowań, produkcja stali osiągnie w tym roku 100 milionów ton. According to an estimate, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year. According to estimates, steel production will reach 100 million tonnes this year. Usuń ten komentarz, proszę. Delete the comment, please. Remove that comment, please. Czy zdrowe jedzenie jest droższe? Is it costlier to eat healthily? Is healthy food more expensive? Chcę ci powiedzieć dziwną rzecz. I want to tell you a strange thing. I want to tell you a weird thing. Ukázali svoji pravou tvář. They showed their true colours. They showed their true face. Tom biega bardzo szybko. Tom runs very fast. Tom's running very fast. Američané překvapili Němce. The Americans surprised the Germans. The Americans surprised the Germans. Wiele grup etnicznych tradycyjnie daje pieniądze jako prezent ślubny. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. Tohle je to město, o kterém jsem ti říkal. This is the town I told you about. This is the town I was telling you about. Tom mě mystifikoval. Tom has misled me. Tom was mystifying me. Ten problem stanowi prawdziwe wyzwanie. This problem is a real challenge. This problem is a real challenge. Mám rád zahradničení. I love gardening. I like gardening. Mój ojciec nie jest rozmowny. My father is not talkative. My father's not talking. Tom dotarł tutaj pierwszy. Tom got here first. Tom got here first. Zacząłem uczyć się układania kwiatów dopiero miesiąc temu, więc wciąż jestem początkującym I just started learning flower arrangement last month, so I'm still a beginner. I started to learn how to make flowers a month ago, so I'm still a beginner. Czy masz Bud Light? Do you have Bud Light? Do you have a Bud Light? To nie w porządku, prawda? That's not fair, is it? It's not fair, is it? Ostatnią stronę zostawił pustą. He left the last page blank. He left the last page blank. Mary trvalo obléct se dvakrát déle než Tomovi. Mary took twice as long as Tom to get dressed. Mary took twice as long to dress Tom. Każdy z nich ma swój własny samochód. Each of them has his own car. Each of them has its own car. Ustalmy to teraz. Let's settle this now. Let's set it up now. Czerwieni się. She's turning red. It's red. Nie wiem, gdzie jest problem. I don't know where the problem is. I don't know what the problem is. Tom jest tym typem człowieka, który nazywa rzeczy po imieniu. Tom is the type of a person who calls a spade a spade. Tom is the type of man who calls things by the name. Tom nevěděl, s kým Mary plánuje mluvit. Tom didn't know who Mary was planning to talk to. Tom didn't know who Mary was planning to talk to. Masz sweter na lewą stronę. Your sweater is inside out. You got a sweater on your left. Tom mi ještě neslíbil, že to udělá. Tom hasn't yet promised me that he'd do that. Tom hasn't promised me he'd do it yet. Kolik znáš leváků? How many left-handed people do you know? How many left-handed people do you know? Dziękuję za poczęstunek. Byłem naprawdę głodny. Thank you for giving me something to eat. I was really hungry. Thank you for the meal. I was really hungry. Mám pár nápadů. I have a few ideas. I've got some ideas. Artyści malowali ściany w miesiącach wiosennych. Artists painted the wall in the spring months. The artists painted the walls in the spring months. Jestem bardzo zły, gdy nie odpowiadasz na moje pytania. I get very angry when you don't answer my questions. I'm very angry when you don't answer my questions. Nehoda způsobila dopravní zácpu. The accident created a traffic jam. The accident caused traffic congestion. Co z ciebie za typ! What a man you are! What a guy you are! Bawełna absorbuje wodę. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton absorbs water. Odwołali spotkanie. The meeting was cancelled. They canceled the meeting. Pokonanie go w tenisa jest dla mnie trudnością, ale nie niemożliwością. It is difficult, if not impossible, for me to beat him at tennis. It's difficult for me to beat him in tennis, but it's not impossible. Nie jestem nauczycielem. I am not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Możemy zaczynać? Can we start? Can we get started? Myslel jsem, že tě zabili. Jsem rád, že jsem se zmýlil. I thought you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong. I thought they killed you. Była tak piękna, że odebrało mi mowę. So beautiful was she that I went speechless. She was so beautiful, she took away my speech. To nie moja wina! It's not my fault! It's not my fault! Wiem, o czym mówisz. I know what you're talking about. I know what you're talking about. Zróbmy to później. Let's do this later. Let's do it later. Víš, jak to použít? Do you know how to use it? You know how to use it? Ještě pracuješ na letišti? Do you still work at the airport? Do you still work at the airport? Chcę wam podziękować za przyjście tutaj. I want to thank you for coming here. I want to thank you all for coming here. Naprawdę mogę je wszystkie wykorzystać? Can you really use all of these? Can I really use them all? To budete mít nejlepší. This will be the best. You'll have the best. Wszyscy pozostali mają się dobrze. Everyone else is fine. Everyone else is fine. Tom chce poznać twoje imię. Tom wants to know your name. Tom wants to know your name. Do wczorajszej nocy, nigdy nie śpiewałem po francusku. Until last night, I had never sung in French. Until last night, I never sang French. Chciałbym zobaczyć Statuę Wolności. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. Wracam do domu. I'm heading back home. I'm going home. Jest tylko jeden sklep na całej wyspie. There is only one store on the whole island. There's only one store on the island. Ale wspaniała noc! What a wonderful night! But it's a great night! Je to otázka života a smrti. It is a matter of life or death. It's a matter of life and death. Lidi jsou divný. People are weird. People are weird. Ona wyrzuciła śmieci. She put the rubbish out. She dumped the trash. Przyjdę o ile będę się czuł wystarczająco dobrze. I will come provided I am well enough. I'll come if I feel good enough. Mnohokrát děkuji! — Není zač. Thank you very much! — You're welcome. Thank you so much! — You're welcome. Wszystko wyglądało pięknie, w świeżości wczesnej wiosny. Everything looked beautiful, in the freshness of early spring. Everything looked beautiful, fresh in the early spring. Gdzie jest moja mamusia? Where's my mommy? Where's my mommy? Tom naléhavě Mary žádal, aby s ním zůstala. Tom begged Mary to stay with him. Tom urgently asked Mary to stay with him. Myślę, że nie powinieneś iść. I think you shouldn't go. I don't think you should go. Chcecie kupować książkę. You want to buy a book. You want to buy a book. Nie widzę powodu do wstydu w zadawaniu pytań. I find no shame in asking questions. I see no reason to be ashamed to ask questions. Buďme šťastni. Let's be happy. Let's be happy. Hraní na anglický roh není snadné. Playing the English horn isn't easy. Playing the English horn is not easy. Kdo má rád hmyz? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Proč tomu nevěříš? Why do you not believe it? Why don't you believe it? Znaczki możesz kupić w każdej poczcie. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy stamps in any mail. Dej mi pokoj. Give me a break. Leave me alone. Po tom dni už jsem Toma neviděl. I never saw Tom again after that day. After that day, I never saw Tom again. Co za wspaniała impreza! What a gorgeous bash! What a wonderful party! Tom poszukuje pracy. Tom is job hunting. Tom's looking for a job. Tom by tam jel, ale bez Mary. Tom would go there, but without Mary. Tom would have gone, but without Mary. Słuchał, ale nic nie usłyszał. He listened, but heard nothing. He was listening, but he didn't hear anything. Moja babcia miała operację w Niemczech. My grandmother had an operation in Germany. My grandmother had surgery in Germany. Gdzie się tego nauczyłeś? Where did you learn to do that? Where'd you learn to do that? Powinieneś był zaryglować, albo przynajmniej zamknąć, wszystkie drzwi. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should have bolted, or at least locked, all the doors. Ty jsi tu chybu udělal naschvál, že ano? You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you? You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you? To tylko niemowlę. It's just a baby. He's just a baby. Mohli bychom dnes zůstat doma? Should we stay home today? Can we stay home tonight? Tom dnes ve škole nebude. Tom won't be at school today. Tom won't be at school today. Pokusil jsem se přeplavat přes řeku. I attempted to swim across the river. I tried to swim across the river. Uważaj. Be careful. Watch out. Je opravdu chytrá, že? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really smart, isn't she? Jego znajomy prowadzi sklep wielobranżowy na wsi. His acquaintance runs a general store in the countryside. His friend runs a multi-branch shop in the country. Tom občas nosívá klobouk. Tom sometimes wears a hat. Tom wears a hat sometimes. Riga je hlavní město Lotyšska. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Gdybyś go zobaczył, pozdrów go ode mnie. If you see him, give him my best. If you see him, say hello to him for me. Ten budynek na prawo od biura to Tokyo Building. The building to the right of that office building is the Tokyo Building. The building on the right of the office is Tokyo Building. Chłopcy, nie róbcie żadnego hałasu. Boys, don't make any noise. Boys, don't make any noise. Tom je bezdětný. Tom doesn't have children. Tom is childless. Mám je rád. I like them. I like them. Ukradli mi peněženku, zatímco jsem spal. My wallet was stolen while I was asleep. My wallet was stolen while I was sleeping. Czy potrzebujesz czasu, żeby to przemyśleć? Do you need time to think it over? Do you need time to think about it? Oddał krew, aby ocalić swojego brata. He gave blood in order to save his brother. He gave blood to save his brother. Nikdy si neuvědomíš hodnotu něčeho, dokud to neztratíš. You never realize the value of something till you lose it. You'll never realize the value of something until you lose it. Vzal si klobouk a odešel. He took his hat and left. He took the hat and left. Czemu każdy mówi tak cicho? Why is everyone speaking so quietly? Why is everyone talking so quiet? Jasně že ano! Of course yes! Of course I do! Na věku mi nezáleží. Age doesn't matter to me. I don't care about age. Czy Tom ma słownik? Does Tom have a dictionary? Does Tom have a dictionary? Przepraszam, że przeszkadzam, ale czy miałbyś coś przeciwko, żebym otworzył okno? Excuse me for interrupting you, but would you mind opening the window? I'm sorry to bother you, but would you mind if I opened the window? Czy wyglądam grubo? Do I look fat? Do I look fat? Czy w ogóle miewasz gorączkę? Do you ever have a fever? Do you even have a fever? Tom se na Mary usmál, když vešla dovnitř. Tom smiled at Mary when she walked in. Tom smiled at Mary when she walked in. Nasz plan nie zadziałał w praktyce. Our plan didn't work in practice. Our plan didn't work in practice. Pudełko, które znalazł, było puste. The box he found was empty. The box he found was empty. Czy przeczytałeś już książkę? Have you read the book already? Have you read the book yet? Rozhodl jsem se zůstat ještě jeden den. I decided to stay one more day. I've decided to stay one more day. Dělávali jsme pro Toma. We used to work for Tom. We used to work for Tom. Prawdziwi mężczyźni piją herbatę. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Rychlý příjezd policisty nás překvapil. The policeman's quick arrival surprised us. A quick arrival of a police officer surprised us. Zdá se, že jsem to všechno dělal nadarmo. It seems that I did it all in vain. I seem to have done all this for nothing. Všiml jsem si, že řidiči autobusu neumí brzdit. I have noticed that the bus drivers don't know how to brake. I noticed the bus driver can't stop. Ona ma 1001 życzeń. She has 1001 wishes. She has 1001 wishes. Myślę, że nie będzie padać tego popołudnia. I think it won't rain this afternoon. I don't think it's gonna rain this afternoon. Tom se se mnou chce setkat. Tom wants to meet with me. Tom wants to meet me. Nie podjadaj między posiłkami. Don't eat between meals. Don't eat between meals. Okropna rzecz się dzisiaj zdarzyła. An awful thing happened today. A terrible thing happened today. "Byla to tvoje přítelkyně?" "Ne. Byla to moje žena." "Was that your girlfriend?" "No. It was my wife." "Was it your girlfriend?" "No, she was my wife." Chcesz to teraz zobaczyć? Do you want to see it now? Do you want to see it now? Tom poprosił Mary, żeby włożyła niebieską sukienkę. Tom asked Mary to wear a blue dress. Tom asked Mary to wear a blue dress. To se nezmůžeme na víc než na tamto? Can't we do more than that? Can't we do more than that? Tuhle jsem už nějakou dobu neviděl. I haven't seen this one for a while. I haven't seen this one in a while. Stodoła się pali! The barn is on fire! The barn's on fire! Chyť si mě. Catch me. Grab me. Teď máme dezinformace, strach a paniku, což je stejně, nebo ještě více nakažlivé, nežli ten virus. We now have misinformation and fear and panic, which is as contagious or more contagious than the virus. Now we have disinformation, fear and panic, which is the same or even more contagious than the virus. Wielu rodziców uważa, że dzieci nie powinny jeść po 20:00. Many parents think it's important for their children to eat before 8:00 p.m. Many parents don't think children should eat after 8:00. To był pracowity poranek. It's been a busy morning. It was a busy morning. Mýlím se? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Lubię jazz. I like jazz. I like jazz. Gdybym rozważał możliwość złapania grypy za każdym razem, gdy całuję dziewczynę, której nie znam,to nie miał bym żadnych szans z kobietami. If I considered the possibility of catching the flu every time I kiss a girl I don't know, I'd have no luck with the ladies at all. If I was considering catching the flu every time I kissed a girl I don't know, I wouldn't have a chance with women. Wiele programów telewizyjnych ma zły wpływ na dzieci. Many TV programs have a bad influence on children. Many television shows have a bad impact on children. Přestaň se chovat jako takový podivín. Stop acting like such a weirdo. Stop acting like such a freak. Nie ma powodu. There is no reason. There's no reason. Bądź ostrożny. Be careful. Be careful. Všichni ji milují. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. Pes je na dvoře. The dog is in the yard. The dog's in the yard. Řekl jste mi to minulý týden. You said that to me last week. You told me last week. To prostě není pravda. That's simply not true. That's just not true. Ten budynek kilkakrotnie zmieniał właściciela. This building changed hands several times. This building changed the owner several times. Tom już wydał wszystkie pieniądze które zostawił my ojciec. Tom has already spent all the money that his father left him. Tom's already spent all the money our father left. Chceš opravdu zůstat věčně mladý? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? Matka nevěděla, co si se svým synem počít. The mother didn't know what to do with her son. Mother didn't know what to do with her son. Byłyście dla nas dobre. You've been good to us. You were good to us. Wybielanie zębów jest drogie. Teeth whitening is expensive. Teeth bleaching is expensive. Tom zdaje się być okropnie smutny, nieprawda? Tom seems awfully sad, doesn't he? Tom seems awfully sad, doesn't he? Tom potrzebował pracy. Tom needed work. Tom needed a job. Pokud bude většina lidí na světě jednat a myslet pozitivně, svět se změní k lepšímu. If the majority of people all over the world act and think positively, our world will change for better. If most people in the world act and think positive, the world will change for the better. Umyj si ruce mýdlem. Wash your hands with soap. Wash your hands with soap. Gdzie byłyście? Where were you? Where have you been? Nemusíš utíkat rychle. You do not have to run fast. You don't have to run fast. Tom byl na každého hodný. Tom has been nice to everybody. Tom was good to everyone. Kolik dětí už máte? How many children do you already have? How many kids have you got? Francouzština je můj rodný jazyk. French is my native tongue. French is my native language. Byłem parę dni w Nowym Jorku. I was in New York for a few days. I've been in New York a few days. Hluší lidé se mohou bavit pomocí znakového jazyka. Deaf people can converse in sign language. Deaf people can have fun using sign language. Dotarłem na lotnisko taksówką. I went to the airport by taxi. I got to the airport by taxi. Udělám všechno, co bude třeba. I'll do whatever is necessary. I'll do whatever it takes. Kde jsou boty? Where're the shoes? Where are the shoes? Moim zdaniem jest to niemożliwe, aby tacy kosmici jakich spotykamy w filmach, kiedykolwiek odwiedzili nasza planetę. In my opinion, it's impossible for aliens, such as those in films we watch, to ever visit our planet. In my opinion, it is impossible for aliens like us to meet in movies to ever visit our planet. "Jak dobrze znasz Toma?" "Spotkałem go tylko raz." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." Prý se zbláznil. He is said to go crazy. He said he was crazy. Řečtina není jednoduchý jazyk. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not a simple language. Mary to nemohla udělat. Mary couldn't have done it. Mary couldn't do it. Mam nadzieję, że uda mu się przyjść. Chciałbym go zobaczyć. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. I hope he manages to come. Tom to słodki facet. Tom is a sweet guy. Tom's a sweet guy. Tom je stále nemocný. Tom is still sick. Tom's still sick. Muszę mniej wydawać w tym miesiącu. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I have to spend less this month. Veděl jsem, že máš holku! I knew you had a girlfriend! I knew you had a girlfriend! Jen se bavíme. We're just talking. We're just having fun. Jestem bezwzględny. I'm strict. I'm ruthless. Přinesl jsi tu knihu? Did you bring the book? Did you bring the book? Co za idiotyczne porównanie. What a ridiculous comparison! What an idiotic comparison. Mam dwa psy i próbuję karmić każdego z nich taką samą porcją jedzenia. I have two dogs and I try to feed them each the same amount of food. I have two dogs, and I'm trying to feed each of them the same amount of food. Zająłem się tym. I took care of that. I took care of it. Czy rozważysz kiedyś wyjście razem ze mną? Do you think you would ever consider going out with me? Will you ever consider going out with me? Nemám rád kočky. I don't like the cats. I don't like cats. Stolicą Polski jest Warszawa. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital city of Poland is Warsaw. Dejte to na účet, prosím. Put it on one bill, please. Put it on the tab, please. Zatrzymajmy to dla siebie. Let's keep this a secret. Let's keep this to ourselves. Ještě jsem nezkoušel Tomovi zavolat. I haven't tried to call Tom yet. I haven't tried calling Tom yet. Postaraj się nie płakać. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. Buďte vždy ve střehu. Always be on guard. Always be on guard. ¨Tom si nalhává, že je zdravý, ale drogy mu ničí zdraví. Tom lies to himself that he is healthy but drugs are destroying his health. "Tom's lying to himself that he's healthy, but the drugs are destroying his health. Jak dużo zarabiają policjanci? How much do police officers make? How much do the cops make? Chcę przeczytać tę książkę. I want to read that book. I want to read this book. Tom je mladší než Mary. Tom is younger than Mary. Tom's younger than Mary. Nebyl jsem si jist, zdali pokročit, nebo se stáhnout. I was uncertain whether to advance or to retreat. I wasn't sure if I could move forward or back off. Wy troje jesteście dużymi szczęściarzami. You three are very lucky. You three are very lucky. Propustila zahradníka. She dismissed a gardener. She released the gardener. Jsi jediná, kdo mi rozumí. You're the only one who understands me. You're the only one who understands me. Moje psy są białe. My dogs are white. My dogs are white. Pozbądź się go. Get rid of him. Get rid of him. Lubię też tańczyć. I like dancing too. I like to dance, too. V této oblasti nejezdí žádné autobusy. There is no bus service in the area. There are no buses in this area. Co je to za ptáka? What's that bird? What kind of bird is that? Tomasz zdjął buty narciarskie i założył kapcie. Tom took off his ski boots and put on a pair of slippers. Thomas took off his ski shoes and put on slippers. Myślę, że najlepszą drogą do nauczenia się angielskiego jest zamieszkać w Stanach. I think the best way to learn English is to live in America. I think the best way to learn English is to live in the United States. Miluji knihy. I love books. I love books. Nie mam pojęcia czy to pomoże, czy nie. I'm not even sure if that would help or not. I don't know if it'll help or not. Tom řekl Mary, že neplánuje jít s námi plavat. Tom told Mary that he wasn't planning to go swimming with us. Tom told Mary he wasn't planning on going swimming with us. Odmítám jíst mléčné výrobky. I refuse to eat dairy. I refuse to eat dairy products. Má vlastní dům. He has a house of his own. He's got his own house. Nerozumíme tomu. We don't understand it. We don't understand. To oczywiste, że kłamał. It's obvious that he lied. It's obvious he was lying. Chci s tebou jít na lyže. I want to go skiing with you. I want to go skiing with you. Plave jako ryba. He swims like a fish. It swims like a fish. Braki wody są spowodowane pogodą. The water shortage is due to the weather. Water shortages are due to weather. Tom chciałby, by Mary wiedziała, że on nie planuje prosić jej o rękę. Tom wants Mary to know he's not planning on asking her to marry him. Tom would like Mary to know that he's not planning on asking her to marry him. Toma zvolili předsedou vlády. Tom was elected prime minister. Tom was elected Prime Minister. To jest dla przyjaciela. It's for a friend of mine. This is for a friend. Všechno bylo klidné. All was calm. Everything was calm. Hned ji přiveď. Go get her right now. Bring her in right now. Czy już mu powiedziałeś? Have you told him yet? Have you told him yet? Mají tvé děti svůj vlastní pokoj? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own room? Píchni mi. Give me a hand. Stab me. Musel jsem odejít. I had to go. I had to leave. W Japonii, pełnoletniość osiąga się mając 20 lat. In Japan, people become legally of age at twenty. In Japan, adulthood is reached at the age of 20. Tom siedzi za Marysią na lekcjach francuskiego. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom's behind Mary's in French class. Omlouvám se, ale došla nám zásoba. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. I'm sorry, but we're out of supplies. I ty? And you? And you? Nie jest pielęgniarką, lecz lekarką. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She's not a nurse, she's a doctor. Nemá smysl o tom debatovat. It is no use arguing about it. There's no point in discussing it. Vrátí se až za rok. He is coming back this time next year. They'll be back in a year. Tento měsíc mám málo peněz. I have a little money this month. I don't have enough money this month. Tom wiedział, że to było kłamstwo. Tom knew it was a lie. Tom knew it was a lie. Mam dwě kóčki. I have two cats. I've got a pair of hips. Tom zasvítil baterkou. Tom clicked on his flashlight. Tom lit the flashlight. Tom ví, jak se chránit. Tom knows how to protect himself. Tom knows how to protect himself. Tomův pes tady nebyl. Tom's dog wasn't there. Tom's dog wasn't here. Nechci jít sám. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. Tom zdědil tento dům po svém dědovi. Tom inherited this house from his grandfather. Tom inherited this house from his grandfather. Umiesz policzyć po francusku do stu? Can you count to one hundred in French? Can you count French to 100? Kto wygrał konkurs? Who won the contest? Who won the competition? Proč ses opozdil? Why are you late? Why are you late? Rád bych tě poznal. I'd like to get to know you. I'd like to meet you. Mam dwadzieścia pięc lat. I'm 25 years old. I'm twenty-five years old. Je silná žena. She's a tough woman. She's a strong woman. Chci, aby to Tom udělal, ale on mi řekl, že to neudělá. I want Tom to do that, but he told me he wouldn't do it. I want Tom to do it, but he told me he wouldn't. Przyjechał pan tu pociągiem czy autobusem? Did you come here by train or by bus? Did you come here by train or bus? Uwierz mi. Believe me. Trust me. Také rád sleduji lesbické filmy. I like watching lesbian movies too. I also like watching lesbian movies. Nie boję się śmierci. I don't fear death. I'm not afraid to die. Už jsem si na tohle klima zvykl. I've gotten used to this climate. I'm used to this climate. Této židli chybí noha. This chair is missing a leg. This chair is missing a leg. Jestem twoim najlepszym przyjacielem. I'm your best friend. I'm your best friend. Miałem ze sobą parasol, ale mój przyjaciel nie miał. I had an umbrella with me but my friend did not. I had an umbrella with me, but my friend didn't. Uciekał w kierunku lasu. He ran away in the direction of the wood. He was running towards the woods. Někdo odpověděl. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Nedovolím jim venčit svého psa. I don't let them take my dog out. I won't let them walk my dog. Proszę pukać przed wejściem. Please knock before entering. Please knock before entering. Pocałował ją. She was kissed by him. He kissed her. Nebyl jsem to já, kdo upozornil na jeho chyby. It wasn't me who pointed out his mistakes. It wasn't me who pointed out his mistakes. Gdybym był naprawdę bogaty, nigdy nie pracowałbym w miejscu takim jak to. If I were really rich, I would never work in a place like this. If I were really rich, I'd never work in a place like this. On chwycił jej rękę. He caught her hand. He grabbed her hand. Kdy přestalo sněžit? When did it stop snowing? When did it stop snowing? Mało prawdopodobne, byśmy dostali jakąkolwiek pomoc ze strony rządu. I think it's highly unlikely that we'll ever get any help from the national government. We're unlikely to get any help from the government. Nie jestem zaniepokojony. I'm not alarmed. I'm not worried. Tom jest najwyższym człowiekiem jakiego znam. Tom is the tallest man I know. Tom is the highest man I know. Skaleczyłem sie podczsa esperymentu, zranienie okazało się dość poważne. I got hurt during an experiment, and the injury was pretty serious. I cut myself at the bottom of the experiment, the wound turned out to be pretty serious. Lehce nabyl, lehce pozbyl. Easy come, easy go. Easy to get, easy to lose. Kiedy mam migreny, to aspiryna nie uśmierza bólu. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't relieve pain. Zapomněl její jméno. He forgot her name. He forgot her name. Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. The grass is green. Nie wkładają butów. They aren't putting on shoes. They don't wear shoes. Dlatego Tom przyszedł. That's why Tom came. That's why Tom came. Viděla jsem, jak Tom hraje tenis. I saw Tom play tennis. I saw Tom play tennis. Tady je máme. Here they come. Here we go. Bezdomne dziecko siedzi z psem przy torach. An unclaimed child and his dog sit by the railroad tracks. A homeless kid is sitting with a dog by the tracks. Proč to Tom dělal? What did Tom do that for? Why would Tom do that? Wróć do domu. Come back home. Go home. Chtěl vědět, kde je jeho žena. He wanted to know where his wife was. He wanted to know where his wife was. Powiedzieli mi, że są bardzo zmęczeni. They told me they were very tired. They told me they were very tired. Właśnie dlatego się spóźniłem. That's why I came late. That's why I'm late. Płyty winylowe znowu zaczęły stawać się popularne. Vinyl records have started to become popular again. Vinyl plates have started to become popular again. Není žárlivá. She is not jealous. She's not jealous. Tom nevychází dobře se svým otcem. Tom doesn't get on well with his father. Tom's not getting along well with his father. Tom a Mary řekli Tomovi, že odjíždí. Tom and Mary told John that they were leaving. Tom and Mary told Tom he was leaving. Sami był specjalistą od kontroli jakości. Sami was a quality control specialist. He was a quality control specialist himself. Radím ti, abys přestala kouřit. I advise you to stop smoking. I suggest you stop smoking. Včera nám doma z vodovodu tekla rezavá voda. Yesterday, there was rusty water coming from the faucets in our house. We had rusty water at home last night. Nie mówiłem o tobie. I wasn't talking about you. I wasn't talking about you. Moje přítelkyně nevěří na duchy. My friend doesn't believe in ghosts. My girlfriend doesn't believe in ghosts. Ty si mě možná nepamatuješ, ale já tebe ano. You may not remember me, but I remember you. You may not remember me, but I do remember you. Plaveš každý den? Do you swim every day? You swim every day? Chętnie przyjął naszą propozycję. He gladly accepted our offer. He was happy to accept our proposal. Nawet gdybym chciał, nie byłbym w stanie wyjaśnić, co tam się wydarzyło. Even if I wanted to, I could never explain what happened in there. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to explain what happened there. Do města je to daleko. It is long way to the town. It's far into town. Ta firma postanowiła zatrudnić dwie nowe sekretarki. The company has decided to employ two new secretaries. This company has decided to hire two new secretaries. Ona lubi samotne spacery. She likes to go for solitary walks. She likes to walk alone. Šla jsem si zaplavat k řece. I went swimming in the river. I went swimming by the river. Nemůžou to dělat donekonečna. They cannot do that endlessly. They can't do it forever. John bawił się w kotka i myszkę z Dickiem. John played cat and mouse with Dick. John used to play cat and mouse with Dick. Tom neumí plavat, ale rád sedí u bazénu a dívá se, jak plavou jeho děti. Tom doesn't swim, but he likes sitting by the pool watching his children swim. Tom can't swim, but he likes to sit by the pool and watch his kids swim. Jaká to škoda, že jeho život byl tak brzo přerušen. What a pity that his life was cut off so early. What a pity that his life was interrupted so soon. Tom poparzył się przy kuchence. Tom burned himself on the stove. Tom burned himself at the stove. Tom a Mary znají náš plán. Tom and Mary know our plans. Tom and Mary know our plan. Jseš její pasák? Are you her pimp? Are you her pimp? Okrucieństwo, jakiego dopuszczono się na tym komisariacie, jest niewyobrażalne. The cruelty of the torture in the police station is beyond description. The cruelty committed at this police station is unimaginable. Tu nic nie ma. There's nothing here. There's nothing here. Nie mogłem odmówić. I couldn't refuse. I couldn't say no. Lépe mrtvým býti, než co rudý žíti. Better dead than red. Better to be dead than to live red. Když jsme si posledně všichni vyrazili na sklenku, byl jsem domluveným řidičem já. The last time we all went out drinking, I was the designated driver. The last time we all went out for a drink, I was the designated driver. Nakonec všechno pochopíte. In the end, you will understand everything. In the end, you'll understand everything. Výpadek proudu poškodil počítač. The power outages damaged the computer. Power failure damaged the computer. Podziel ciasto na was oboje. Divide the cake between you two. Split the cake on both of you. Chceš mluvit soukromě? Do you want to speak privately? Do you want to speak privately? Zegar wybił właśnie trzecią. The clock has just struck three. The clock just hit three. Je to velmi drahé. It is very expensive. It's very expensive. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že to ještě neskončilo. I told Tom that it wasn't over yet. I told Tom it wasn't over yet. Nic nie mówiłeś. You didn't say anything. You didn't say anything. Chtěl jsem vědět, kdy se vrátí. I was wondering when she would come back. I wanted to know when he was coming back. Spánek je potřebný pro dobré zdraví. Sleep is necessary to good health. Sleep is needed for good health. Dane wskazują, że optymalna długość wykładu powinna wynosić 30 zamiast 60 minut. The data suggest that the optimum length of a lecture may be 30 instead of 60 minutes. The data indicate that the optimal duration of the lecture should be 30 instead of 60 minutes. Tom błagał mnie, żebym nie robił mu krzywdy. Tom begged me not to hurt him. Tom begged me not to hurt him. Dobrze powiedziane! Well said! Well said! Przepraszam, czy wie pan która jest godzina? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? To je závažný problém. That is a significant problem. That's a serious problem. Promiňte, že jsem vás nechal čekat. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Sorry to keep you waiting. Ptak leci. The bird flies. The bird's flying. Bilet może pan kupić u konduktora. You can purchase a ticket from the conductor. You can buy a ticket at the conductor's. Dám si sklenku šampaňského. I'll take a glass of champagne. I'll have a glass of champagne. Je to stručná učebnice pro začátečníky. It's a short textbook for beginners. It's a short textbook for beginners. Deset, dvacet, třicet, čtyřicet, padesát, šedesát, sedmdesát, osmdesát, devadesát, sto. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ile jest krajów na świecie? How many countries are there in the world? How many countries are there in the world? Bojíte se ticha? Are you afraid of silence? Are you afraid of silence? Patrzyła jak pasażerowie wychodzą z autobusu. She watched the passengers get off the bus. She watched passengers leave the bus. Pes stáhl ocas. The dog tucked its tail. The dog took off his tail. Hladoví a žízniví, konečně jsme dosáhli hostince. Hungry and thirsty, we at last reached the inn. Hungry and thirsty, we've finally reached the inn. Robiłam to dłużej niż ty. I've been doing this longer than you. I've done it longer than you have. Tak się właśnie zaczęło. That's how it all started. That's how it started. Bereš to moc vážně. You're taking it too seriously. You're taking this very seriously. Pracować w takich warunkach było wyjątkowo trudno. Working in such conditions was especially difficult. It was extremely difficult to work under such conditions. Pierwszy atak minął w cel. The first attack missed the target. The first attack went to the finish line. Nie mogę sobie pójść. I cannot leave. I can't go. Tyto věty nejsou přímo spojeny. These sentences are not directly linked. These sentences are not directly linked. Tom wie, że powinien to zrobić dziś. Tom knows he should do that today. Tom knows he should do it today. Tomovi dělá starost soudní stíhání. Tom is worried about being sued. Tom's worried about the prosecution. Ziemia jest trzecią planetą od Słońca. Earth is the third planet from the sun. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Je jaro. It's spring. It's springtime. Większość ludzi sądzi, że jestem szalony. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Nechci jít s Tomem na oběd. I don't want to go for lunch with Tom. I don't want to go to lunch with Tom. Mám tě rád takovou, jaká jsi. I like you just as you are. I love you just the way you are. Tom je velmi zaneprázdněný svojí prací. Tom is very busy with his work. Tom's very busy with his work. O wiele lepiej! So much better! Much better! Samozřejmě, že můžeš odejít. Of course, you can leave. Of course you can leave. Když už je řeč o cizích jazycích, mluvíš francouzsky? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? Budeš muset počkat. You'll have to wait. You're gonna have to wait. Křičel jsem na něj. I yelled at him. I yelled at him. Jsem na tom seznamu? Am I on the list? Am I on the list? Nikt nie wie dlaczego. Nobody knows why. No one knows why. Mógłbym skorzystać z twojego telefonu? Could I use the phone? Can I use your phone? Czy ta książka jest Twoja? Does this book belong to you? Is this book yours? Tom se nedávno rozvedl. Tom has got divorced recently. Tom recently got divorced. Včera bylo teplo. It was warm yesterday. It was warm yesterday. Kolik benzínu zbylo v nádrži? How much petrol is left in the tank? How much gas is left in the tank? Moment, prosím. Rovně a pak doprava, ano? Just a second, please. Straight and then to the right, is that it? Wait, please, straight and right, okay? Czemu uważasz, że Tom jest chłopakiem Mary? What makes you think Tom is Mary's boyfriend? What makes you think Tom's Mary's boyfriend? Vyběhli po nás. They ran after us. They ran out on us. Tom je můj soused. Tom is my neighbour. Tom's my neighbor. Díky! Thank you! Thank you! Nejsem si moc jist jak se toto slovo vyslovuje. I'm not too sure how to pronounce that word. I'm not so sure how that word is pronounced. Sami miała siedem dolarów w gotówce. Sami had seven dollars in cash. Sam had seven dollars in cash. Ten les byl v plamenech tři dny. The forest was in flames for three days. That forest was on fire for three days. Tom pracuje jako řidič tramvaje ve svém rodném městě. Tom works as a tram driver in his hometown. Tom works as a tram driver in his hometown. Tom zmarł od użądlenia skorpiona. Tom died from a scorpion sting. Tom died of a scorpion sting. Doporučila mi, abych tu práci nebral. She advised me not to take the job. She told me not to take the job. Nie potrafię ani pisać ani czytać. I can't write, and I can't read either. I can't write or read. Mary začala panikařit poté, co se dozvěděla, že Tom přišel o práci. Mary started panicking when she learned that Tom had lost his job. Mary started to panic after she found out Tom lost his job. Mam nadzieję, że któregoś dnia będę umiał lewitować. I hope I can levitate one day. I hope one day I can levitate. Kam půjdeme zítra? Where will we go to tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow? Na to nemám čas. I don't have time to do that. I don't have time for that. Kolik vína zbývá? How much wine is left? How much wine is left? Počkej zde, prosím. Please wait here. Wait here, please. Wiosłuj dalej. Keep paddling. Keep rowing. Nie wiedziałem, że miałeś dzieci. I never knew you had children. I didn't know you had kids. Tom niedokładnie zrozumiał, co Mary od niego chciała. Tom didn't understand exactly what Mary wanted him to do. Tom didn't understand exactly what Mary wanted from him. Tohle se nauč zpaměti. Memorize this. Learn this from memory. Sexuálně ho obtěžovali. He was sexually harassed. He was sexually harassed. Widziałem go jak płynął przez rzekę. I saw him swim across the river. I saw him swim across the river. Všichni ten názor nesdílí. Not everyone shares that point of view. Everyone doesn't share that view. Tom nigdy ponownie się nie ożenił. Tom never remarried. Tom never remarried. Nie przepadam za matematyką. I do not like mathematics very much. I don't like math. Nie wiemy dlaczego jest więcej materii niż antymaterii. We don't know why there's more matter than antimatter. We don't know why there's more matter than antimatter. Nech tu krabici, kde je. Leave that box where it is. Leave the box where it is. Tom přešel ulici. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. Dlaczego jest ważne oszczędzanie pieniędzy? Why is it important to save money? Why is it important to save money? Powiedz mi, co masz. Tell me what you have. Tell me what you got. Na které jsi straně? What page are you on? Which side are you on? Potrzebuję nowych opon. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Jediné, v čem bude Mary Tomovi chybět, je postel. The only thing that Tom will miss about Mary is the bed. The only thing Mary Tom's gonna miss is a bed. Próbowałem zabić czas. I was trying to kill time. I tried to kill time. Tęskniłeś za mną? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Má astma. She has asthma. She has asthma. Dnes si vedeš o dost lépe. You're doing much better today. You're doing a lot better today. Naprawdę lubię tego faceta. I really like that guy. I really like this guy. Tom lubi chińskie żarcie. Tom likes Chinese food. Tom likes Chinese food. To jídlo až tak strašně nechutnalo. The food didn't taste all that bad. That food didn't taste so good. Petr nerad loupe brambory. Peter hates peeling potatoes. Peter doesn't like to peel potatoes. Zatrzymaj samochód. Stop the car. Stop the car. Díky jejímu vytrvalému úsilí jsme dosáhli našeho cíle. Thanks to her tireless efforts, we reached our goal. Thanks to her persistent efforts, we have achieved our goal. Wychodzę z domu o ósmej piętnaście i przychodzę do szkoły o ósmej czterdzieści pięć. I leave the house at eight fifteen, and arrive at school at eight forty‐five. I leave the house at eight o'clock and come to school at eight o'clock. Dlaczego nikt nic nie robi? Why isn't anybody doing anything? Why isn't anyone doing anything? Ręce mi się kleją. My hands are sticky. My hands are sticking together. Jestem pewien, że Tom się na to nie zgodzi. I'm pretty sure that Tom won't agree to do that. I'm sure Tom won't agree to that. On se mi líbí. I like him. I like him. Jim zachowywał się dziwnie przez cały dzień. Jim acted very strangely all day. Jim's been acting weird all day. Samochód ciężarowy wywrócił się. The lorry tipped over. The truck turned over. Vlak vykolejil a způsobil paniku mezi cestujícími, ale nebyly hlášeny žádné oběti. The train derailed causing panic among the passengers, but no casualties were reported. The train derailed and caused panic among passengers, but no victims were reported. Sami jest chorą osobą. Sami is a sick individual. Sam's a sick person. Kouříval jsem. I used to smoke. I smoked. Nikdy jsem nezpíval a nikdy to nebudu dělat v karaoke baru. I have never sung, and never will sing, in a karaoke bar. I've never sung, and I'll never do it in a karaoke bar. Tato cesta je nesjízdná. This road is impassable. This road is inconvenient. Jesteś bardzo szczodry. You're very generous. You're very generous. Będziesz musiał się trochę bardziej skoncentrować. You'll have to concentrate a bit more. You're gonna have to concentrate a little bit more. Bojovali za svobodu. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. Chci si koupit laciný slovník. I want to buy an inexpensive dictionary. I want to buy a cheap dictionary. Beze mě to udělat nezvládneš. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do this without me. Nienawidzę pająków. I abhor spiders. I hate spiders. Oczekuję twojej pomocy. I expect your help. I'm expecting your help. Nezbláznila se. She didn't go mad. She's not crazy. Velryby nejsou ryby, nýbrž savci. The whale is not a fish but a mammal. Whales are not fish, they are mammals. Dává jí všechno, o co žádá. He gives her everything she asks for. She gives her everything she asks for. Mohu se teď ubytovat? Can I check in now? Can I get a place to stay now? Wierzę w Kylie Minogue od 12 czerwca 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Kaznodzieja wygłosił piękne kazanie. The preacher gave a beautiful sermon. The preacher gave a beautiful sermon. Mám hodně knih o astronomii. I have a lot of books about astronomy. I have a lot of books on astronomy. Posłuchajmy dalszej części opowieści. Let's hear the rest of the story. Let's hear the rest of the story. Tak to musí být. That's how it has to be. That's what it has to be. Tom stále všem vykládal, že to není pravda. Tom kept telling everybody it wasn't true. Tom kept telling everyone that it wasn't true. Czy mieszka tu Tom? Does Tom live here? Does Tom live here? On pije vodu. He drinks water. He drinks water. Bolí tě žaludek? Do you have a stomachache? Does your stomach hurt? Możesz mi polecić dobrą koreańską restaurację? Can you recommend a good Korean restaurant? Can you recommend me a good Korean restaurant? Nie chcesz iść? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go? Můj otec mě nenechá chodit v noci ven samotnou. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go out alone at night. Tom mi řekl, že nemá na co se těšit. Tom told me he had nothing to look forward to. Tom told me he had nothing to look forward to. Nie zamierzam nawet pozwolić Tomowi to zobaczyć. I'm not even going to let Tom see it. I'm not even gonna let Tom see this. Směj se s nimi. Laugh with them. Laugh with them. Nie wierzę, że pewnego dnia większość światowej populacji będzie mówić w esperanto. I don't believe that some day a majority of the world's population will speak Esperanto. I can't believe that one day most of the world's population will talk in the Esperanto. Semel tuto kávu na hodně jemno. Grind this coffee very fine. He saddled this coffee very gently. Słowa nie są w stanie opisać piękna. Words cannot describe the beauty. Words can't describe beauty. Tomowi wyrwano jego ząb mądrości. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. Tom was torn out of his wisdom tooth. Potrafię czytać od kiedy skończyłem sześć lat. I've been able to read since I was five. I've been able to read since I was six. To je vše? Is that all? That's it? Názor, že četba způsobuje krátkozrakost, je v oblibě už několik století. The idea that reading makes you short-sighted has been popular for a couple of hundred years. The view that reading causes shortsightedness has been popular for centuries. Udělám to někdy jindy. I will do it some other time. I'll do it another time. Tom a Mary utěšují Johna. Tom and Mary are comforting John. Tom and Mary comfort John. Můžeš zůstat v pokoji. You can stay in a room. You can stay in your room. Říkal jsem ti, že je to nebezpečné. I told you it was dangerous. I told you it was dangerous. Chceme, abys přišel na náš večírek. We want you to come to our party. We want you to come to our party. Jeśli nie będziesz uważał na to, co jesz, to znów nabierzesz wagi, którą tak żmudnie gubiłeś. If you aren't careful about what you eat, you'll put back on all the weight that you spent so much time losing. If you're not careful about what you're eating, you're gonna get the weight you've lost so badly. Wyszła za mąż zaraz po tym, jak skończyła studia. She got married soon after her graduation from the college. She got married right after she graduated from college. Kiedy twoja powieść będzie opublikowana? When will your new novel come out? When will your novel be published? Proszę zamknąć drzwi. Please close the door. Close the door, please. Požádal své přátele o pomoc. He asked his friends for help. He asked his friends for help. Ile masz rodzeństwa? How many siblings do you have? How many siblings do you have? To był niewątpliwie ich najsłabszy mecz w tym roku. That was, without doubt, their weakest match this year. It was undoubtedly their weakest match this year. Każdy był miły dla nowej dziewczyny. Everyone was friendly to the new girl. Everyone was nice to the new girl. To je dosti neobvyklé. It's pretty unusual. That's quite unusual. Nemám v úmyslu to udělat znovu. I don't intend to do that again. I don't intend to do it again. Powiem ci coś w zaufaniu. Let me tell you a secret. I'll tell you something in confidence. Děti jsou hladové. The children are hungry. The kids are hungry. Być może go spotkałeś. You might meet him. Maybe you've met him. Jak długo będę musiał czekać na dostawę? How long do I have to wait for delivery? How long do I have to wait for the delivery? Kdo mám říct, že to volá? Who should I say is calling? Who do you want me to say it's ringing? Jest poetą i politykiem. He is a poet and statesman. He's a poet and a politician. Jestem teraz uczciwy. I'm being honest. I'm being honest right now. Moja starsza córka to Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. My older daughter is Magdalena Zarodowna. Usnula mi v autobuse na ruce. She fell asleep on my arm on the bus. She fell asleep on my arm on the bus. Vítejte v projektu Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. Welcome to the Tatoeb project. Jim jeszcze nie przywykł do jeżdżenia lewą stroną. Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road. Jim hasn't gotten used to riding the left side yet. Kolik máš sester? Kolik bratrů? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers? How many sisters do you have? Jsem černá ovce rodiny. I'm the black sheep of the family. I'm a black sheep of the family. Tom to popřel. Tom has denied it. Tom denied it. Tom jest przepracowany. Tom is overworked. Tom's overworked. Nesmí se tam parkovat. It is illegal to park a car there. You can't park in there. Tom odjel minulé pondělí. Tom left last Monday. Tom left last Monday. Pomohl jsem jí umýt nádobí. I helped her wash the dishes. I helped her wash her dishes. Edison wynalazł żarówkę. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented a light bulb. Jaki rodzaj filmów lubisz? What kind of movies do you like? What kind of movies do you like? Líbí se mi astrologie. I like astrology. I like astrology. Nemůžeš mít tohoto psa. You can't have this dog. You can't have this dog. To był koniec lekcji. That was the end of the class. It was the end of the lesson. Je to prostý člověk. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. Ještě jsme nekoupili vánoční stromek. We haven't yet bought a Christmas tree. We haven't bought a Christmas tree yet. Tak się cieszę, że jesteś z powrotem. I'm so happy you're back. I'm so glad you're back. Usłyszałem, jak auto zatrzymało się przed domem. I heard a car stop in front of the house. I heard the car stop outside the house. Stále ještě to nevím. I still don't know that. I still don't know. Tom nic mi nie obiecywał. Tom didn't promise me anything. Tom didn't promise me anything. Nie zaśmiecaj! Don't litter! Don't mess with me! Co on znowu kombinuje? What is he up to now? What's he up to now? Za domem je velká zahrada. There is a big garden behind the house. There's a big garden outside the house. Jego ręczniki są twarde. His towels are rough. His towels are hard. On nie zna angielskiego. He doesn't know English. He doesn't speak English. Tom byl vyhozen, protože nedokázal dělat práci, pro kterou byl najat. Tom was fired because he wasn't able to do the job he'd been hired to do. Tom was fired because he couldn't do the job he was hired for. Tom má docela kuráž, co? Tom isn't very courageous, is he? Tom's got a lot of guts, huh? Chodź do naszego stołu. Come over to our table. Come to our table. Hrají si za domem. They are playing behind the house. They're playing around the house. Můžete doporučit jiný hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Nie czytałem tej książki. I have never read that book. I didn't read that book. Ty už jsi zapomněl. You've already forgotten. You've forgotten. Tom chtěl něco říci. Tom had something to say. Tom wanted to say something. Nemůžu si dovolit mít auto. I cannot afford to keep a car. I can't afford to have a car. Zneužila mé neznalosti. She took advantage of my ignorance. She abused my ignorance. Nie możesz mu tego dać. You can't give him that. You can't give him that. Tom nemohl přesvědčit Mary, aby zůstala. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to stay. Tom couldn't convince Mary to stay. Może lepiej zadzwoń do Toma. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Maybe you should call Tom. Tom popadl Mary za ruku. Tom grabbed Mary's hands. Tom grabbed Mary's hand. Kupuji jedině měkký toaletní papír. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft toilet paper. Myslel jsem, že před nimi máme náskok. I thought that we were ahead of them. I thought we were ahead of them. Droga miecza to starożytna japońska sztuka walki, wywodząca się z czasów samurajów. Kendo is an ancient Japanese martial art that dates back to the time of the samurai warriors. The way of the sword is an ancient Japanese martial arts, originating from the time of the samurai. Tom miał zawroty głowy. Tom was dizzy. Tom was dizzy. Rozhodla jsem se stát vědkyní. I decided to become a scientist. I've decided to become a scientist. Tom přinesl květiny. Tom brought flowers. Tom brought flowers. Tom obiecał, że pomoże Mary. Tom promised he'd help Mary. Tom promised to help Mary. Jesteś zbyt słaby, żeby to zrobić. You're too weak to do that. You're too weak to do that. Zrób, co możesz, żeby ukończyć tę pracę. Do your best to complete the work. Do what you can to finish this job. Tom určitě nezastavil. I'm sure Tom didn't just stop. I'm sure Tom didn't stop. Chcę tego spróbować. I want to try this. I want to try it. Dobře jsem své peníze zhodnotil. I got my money's worth. I made a good assessment of my money. Ugotuj jajka tylko troszkę, żeby białka nie były całkiem twarde. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. Cook the eggs just a little bit so the proteins aren't quite hard. Všechny naše snahy zklamaly. All our attempts failed. All our efforts have failed. Nie znam tej gry. I don't know this game. I don't know this game. Junko jest ładną dziewczyną. Junko is a pretty girl. Junko's a pretty girl. Tom nie potrafił ukryć przed Mary swoich uczuć. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom był nieszczery. Tom was insincere. Tom was rude. Ściany mają uszy. The walls have ears. The walls have ears. Věřím, že má Tom pravdu. I believe Tom is right. I believe Tom is right. Popřel, že ji tam viděl. He denied seeing her there. He denied seeing her there. Může se přátelit s kým chce. He can be friends with whoever he wants. He can be friends with whoever he wants. Tom jest w porze lunchu. Tom is at lunch. Tom's at lunchtime. Naše sousedka už zase byla u holiče. Our neighbour has been at the hairdresser’s again. Our neighbor's been to the barber's again. Tom měl pivo. Tom had a beer. Tom had a beer. Tak, jestem ubezpieczona. Yes, I have insurance. Yeah, I'm insured. Musím ji zachránit za každou cenu. I must save her at all costs. I have to save her at all costs. Tom może nie mieć racji. Tom might be wrong. Tom may not be right. Měl bys radši uhasit ten oheň předtím, než půjdeš spát. You had better put out the fire before you go to bed. You better put out the fire before you go to sleep. Tom wyjął z teczki kilka rzeczy. Tom took a few things out of his suitcase. Tom took a few things out of the file. Už si nepamatuji, co se událo. I don't remember what happened anymore. I don't remember what happened. Na tuhle otázku odpovědět nemusíš. You do not have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Rodzice Toma powiedzieli mi, że wybiera się na Harvard. Tom's parents told me that he would be going to Harvard. Tom's parents told me he was going to Harvard. Tos říkal posledně. You said that last time. That's what you said last time. Wybiegli z pokoju. They rushed out of the room. They ran out of the room. Tom pečlivě zkontroloval vybavení. Tom inspected the equipment carefully. Tom carefully checked the equipment. Dobrý den, jsem Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Hello, I'm Nancy. To je celý on. That is just typical of him. That's him. Ile miałeś lat, kiedy nauczyłeś się zawiązywać sobie sznurówki? How old were you when you learned to tie your own shoes? How old were you when you learned to tie ropes? Jak dlouho jsi čekal? How long have you waited? How long have you been waiting? Zakochania i kaszlu nie da się ukryć. Love and cough cannot be hidden. Love and cough can't be hidden. Tom nie odbiera ode mnie telefonów. Tom won't return my calls. Tom's not answering my calls. Betty zabiła go. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Dobrze współżyję z wszystkimi. I get along with everybody. I have a good relationship with everyone. Tom byl vynikající trenér. Tom was an outstanding coach. Tom was an excellent coach. Szkoda, że nie słuchasz. I wish you'd listen. Too bad you're not listening. Tom tvrdí, že ho unesli mimozemšťané. Tom claims that he was abducted by aliens. Tom says he was abducted by aliens. Hodil na mě bláto a ušpinil mě. He threw mud at me and made me dirty. He threw mud at me and soiled me. Buďme všichni přáteli. Let's all be friends. Let's all be friends. Czy powiedziano ci, gdzie masz parkować samochód? Have you been told where to park your car? Have you been told where to park your car? Ty dokážeš přečíst deset knih za týden? Nemyslel jsi za měsíc? You can read ten books in a week? Don't you mean in a month? You can read ten books a week? Możesz mi dać chusteczkę? Can you hand me a tissue? Can you give me a handkerchief? Rzeczë Tomòvi, won nji mô na Marënã zabavã przinc. Tell Tom he can't go to Mary's party. That's what I'm saying. It's what's going on. It's what's going on. Tom się nie martwi. Tom isn't worried. Tom's not worried. Oni nie są źli. They're not bad. They're not bad. Czasami się zachowuje, jakby był moim szefem. Sometimes he acts as if he were my boss. Sometimes he acts like he's my boss. Tom se tě bát nebude. Tom won't be afraid of you. Tom won't be afraid of you. Nechci žít svůj život takto. I don't want to live my life like this. I don't want to live my life like this. Tomovi se příčí násilí. Tom loathes violence. Tom is against violence. Odwrócić wzrok. Look away. Turn your eyes around. Jak długo by to zajęło dojść stąd do twojego domu pieszo? How long does it take from here to your house on foot? How long would it take to get to your house on foot? Słyszałem, że Tom spędzał czas z dilerami narkotyków i zabójcami. I heard that Tom used to hang out with drug dealers and murderers. I heard Tom was spending time with drug dealers and killers. Bez váhání zalhal. He lied, without hesitation. He lied without hesitation. Nikt tutaj nie wie, jak wygląda Tom. Nobody here knows what Tom looks like. Nobody here knows what Tom looks like. Přinutil mě jít proti mé vůli. He made me go against my will. He made me go against my will. Tomovi se podařilo překonat své finanční problémy. Tom managed to overcome his financial problems. Tom managed to overcome his financial problems. Tom i Mary są za starzy, żeby robić to sami. Tom and Mary are too old to be doing that on their own. Tom and Mary are too old to do it alone. Nie zaglądaj do tego pudełka. Don't look into the box. Don't look in that box. Wiem, że jest ładna. I know that she is pretty. I know she's pretty. Sama můžu potvrdit, že to je pravda. I can verify that that's the truth myself. I can confirm myself that that's true. Tom nie miał pojęcia z kim Mary była w związku małżeńskim. Tom had no idea who Mary was married to. Tom had no idea who Mary was married to. Smrt je tajemná dáma bez soucitu. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Myslíš, že to doopravdy chci dělat? Do you think I really want to be doing this? Do you really think I want to do this? Ten mężczyzna był zamknięty za szpiegostwo. The man was jailed as spy. This man was locked up for espionage. To wszystko. That's all. That's all. Mamy dla Ciebie lepsze plany. We've got better plans for you. We have better plans for you. Chyběla ve škole pět dní. She's been absent from school for five days. She missed school for five days. Máš dobrou knihovnu. You have a good library. You have a good library. Zaraz zacznie padać. It'll start raining soon. It's about to rain. Na určité věci se těžko zapomíná. It is difficult to forget certain things. It's hard to forget certain things. Mary položila koš na stůl. Mary set the basket on the table. Mary put the basket on the table. Musíš zvážit, jaký druh práce chceš vykonávat. You must consider what kind of work you want to do. You need to consider what kind of work you want to do. Z kim chcesz podróżować? Who do you want to travel with? Who do you want to travel with? Ktoś był w tym pokoju? Was anyone in the room? Has anyone been in this room? Musisz zmienić swoje życie. You need to change your life. You have to change your life. To je to, co jsem hledal. This is what I have been looking for. That's what I've been looking for. Oglądałem ten film w sobotę. I saw that film on Saturday. I watched that movie on Saturday. Żałuję, że zjadłem tamte ostrygi. I regret eating those oysters. I'm sorry I ate those oysters. Francouzština je moc těžká, nechci se ji učit. French is too hard. I don't want to learn it. French is too heavy, I don't want to learn it. Tom mě zná. Tom knows me. Tom knows me. Zapoměl jsem ti o Tomovi říct. I forgot to tell you about Tom. I forgot to tell you about Tom. Musel jsem zůstat. I had to stay. I had to stay. Czy mógłbym pożyczyć twoją linijkę? Could I borrow your ruler? Can I borrow your line? Pozbędę się tego. I'll get rid of it. I'll get rid of it. Nie jest to oczywiste? Isn't that obvious? Isn't that obvious? Tom byl pryč víc než půl hodiny. Tom was gone for over thirty minutes. Tom's been gone for more than half an hour. Tom se snažil Mary zachránit. Tom tried to rescue Mary. Tom was trying to save Mary. Tom wyglądał na rozgniewanego. Tom looked cross. Tom seemed angry. Co kdybys šel dál a promluvíme si o tom. Why don't you come in and we'll talk about it. Why don't you come in and we'll talk about it. Tom se omluvil za své opoždění. Tom apologized for being late. Tom apologized for his delay. Po co uczysz się angielskiego? What do you learn English for? Why are you learning English? Dáváš si vždycky k snídani kafe? Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always have coffee for breakfast? Nie rozmawiajmy z nią. Let's not talk to her. Let's not talk to her. Myslíš, že zítra bude hezky? Do you think tomorrow's weather will be good? You think tomorrow's gonna be nice? To nie pistolety zabijają ludzi. Ludzie zabijają ludzi. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. It's not guns that kill people. Bardzo mało prawdopodobne, że nasze podatki spadną. It's highly unlikely that our taxes will be lowered. It's very unlikely that our taxes will fall. Sám jsi navštívit Toma chodit neměl. You shouldn't have gone to visit Tom alone. You shouldn't have gone to Tom alone. Słuchaj swojego ojca. Listen to your father. Listen to your father. Každý týden musím sekat trávu. Every week, I have to cut the grass. I have to cut the weed every week. Znajdę ci miłą dziewczynę. I'll get you a nice girl. I'll find you a nice girl. Nie byłem zajęty. I wasn't busy. I wasn't busy. Nabídli mi práci v krematoriu, což jsem odmítl. I was offered a job in a crematory, which I refused. They offered me a job in crematoria, which I refused. Wczoraj w nocy ktoś się włamał do sklepiku koło mnie. Last night someone broke into the small shop near my house. Someone broke into a store next to me last night. Sam rozwiązał problem. He solved the problem on his own. Sam solved the problem. Tom cierpi na utratę pamięci. Tom is suffering from a loss of memory. Tom is suffering from memory loss. Będę grał po szkole w piłkę nożną. I am going to play soccer after school. I'll play soccer after school. Sami to zahodil do velkého kontejneru na odpad. Sami dumped that into the big trash can. He dumped it himself in a big garbage can. Javier się czerwieni. Javier is turning red. Javier's getting red. Ona się zawsze uśmiecha. She always smiles. She always smiles. Tom hrával fotbal. Tom used to play soccer. Tom used to play football. Sprawdziłem adres. I looked up the address. I checked the address. Tohle je nůž na maso. This knife is used to cut meat. This is a meat knife. Oto mój portfel. Here's my wallet. Here's my wallet. Jak si přeješ. As you wish. As you wish. Chciałabym ciebie pocałować. I'd like to kiss you. I wish I could kiss you. Máslo je měkké. Butter is soft. Butter is soft. Jesteś trudny. You're difficult. You're tough. Ty coś wiesz. You know something. You know something. Sedí vedle svého bratra. He's sitting next to his brother. He's sitting next to his brother. Ta holka je hezká. The girl is pretty. That girl's pretty. Budynek runął podczas trzęsienia ziemi. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The building collapsed during the earthquake. Moja córka gustuje w różnych szaleństwach. My daughter partakes in various follies. My daughter likes all kinds of crazy things. Paul nie jest tak szybki jak ja. Paul is not as fast as me. Paul's not as fast as I am. Lidé se mění. People change. People change. Z daleka wygląda to na piłkę. Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball. It looks like a ball from afar. Byl sexuálně obtěžován starším mužem v autobuse. He was sexually harassed by an old man on the bus. He was sexually harassed by an older man on a bus. Spokojnie. Take it easy. Take it easy. Wszystko zaczęło się tego dnia. It all started that day. It all started that day. Údolí se zužuje. The valley is getting narrow. The valley is narrowing down. Tom poděkoval Mary za její podporu. Tom thanked Mary for her support. Tom thanked Mary for her support. Nie musisz odpowiadać, jeżeli nie chcesz. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. W tym tygodniu byłem na rybach. This week I went fishing. I was fishing this week. Tom tańczył. Tom danced. Tom danced. Chystá se zvýšit daně. He is going to raise the taxes. He's about to raise taxes. Nie przegap tego. Don't miss it. Don't miss it. V našem obchodě prodáváme oblečení. We sell clothing in our store. We sell clothes in our store. Odpověď je správná. The answer is right. The answer is correct. Tom poinformował Mary o swojej decyzji sprzedaży domu. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Powiedz mi, co zrobiłam źle. Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did wrong. Tohle je začátek nové éry. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Často jsem ho slyšel to říkat. I have often heard him say that. I've often heard him say that. Zdá se, že Tom říká pravdu. It seems Tom is telling the truth. Looks like Tom's telling the truth. Myslím, že Tom je do Mary zamilovaný. I think Tom is in love with Mary. I think Tom's in love with Mary. Šla na trh koupit čerstvou zeleninu. She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables. She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables. Ludzie są zbyt leniwi, żeby sprawdzić coś w słowniku. People are too lazy to look it up themselves in a dictionary. People are too lazy to check anything in the dictionary. Mary mi řekla, že je jí zima. Mary told me she was cold. Mary told me she was cold. Zamiloval ses do ní na první pohled? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? Kto umarł? Who died? Who died? Ty jsi moje dcera. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Měl velkou žízeň a požádal o trochu vody. He was very thirsty and asked for some water. He was very thirsty and asked for some water. Měl jsem hlad a žízeň. I was hungry and thirsty. I was hungry and thirsty. Tom nechal na stole vysoké spropitné. Tom left a large tip on the table. Tom left a big tip on the table. Hlídávala jsem tě. I used to babysit you. I've been watching you. Wiem kim ona jest. I know who she is. I know who she is. Myślę, że to pewne, że osiągnie sukces jako piosenkarka. I think it certain that she will succeed as a singer. I think it's certain he'll succeed as a singer. Zatrzymajmy się i odpocznijmy. Let's stop and rest. Let's stop and get some rest. Wiem wszystko o tym. I know all about that. I know all about it. Budu se koupat. I'm going to take a bath. I'll take a bath. Nigdy nie było dobrej wojny, ani złego pokoju. There never was a good war nor a bad peace. There's never been a good war or a bad peace. Pij to mléko! Drink the milk! Drink the milk! Vůbec nejsem unavená. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Mój koń jest biały. My horse is white. My horse is white. Jsem si docela jistý, že nám to nedovolí udělat. I'm pretty sure they won't allow us to do that. I'm pretty sure he won't let us do it. Vypadá to, že Tom si na nikoho z nás nevzpomíná. Tom didn't seem to remember any of us. Looks like Tom doesn't remember any of us. Nie rań nikogo. Don't hurt anyone. Don't hurt anyone. Tom zignorował ostrzeżenie Mary. Tom ignored Mary's warning. Tom ignored Mary's warning. Každý, kdo k nám nepatří, je nepřítel. Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. Anyone who doesn't belong with us is the enemy. W ogóle nie uważam, że to jest śmieszne. I don't think it's funny at all. I don't think that's funny at all. Tom mě učil hrát na kytaru. Tom taught me how to play the guitar. Tom taught me to play guitar. Tom tě má rád. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Tom s tebou chce mluvit. Tom wants to talk to you. Tom wants to talk to you. Proč je láska tak těžká? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? Jak mogłeś do tego dopuścić? How could you let this happen? How could you let that happen? Pracuje pro peníze, ne že ho to baví. He works to get paid, not because he enjoys it. He works for money, not that he likes it. Kdo je u telefonu? Who's speaking? Who's on the phone? To jest pierwsze zdanie, które dodałem. That's the first sentence I've added. That's the first sentence I've added. Je tvá matka doma? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Tom wydawał się trochę zaskoczony. Tom seemed a little surprised. Tom seemed a little surprised. Damy radę. We can do it. We can do this. Tomek okłamał nas. Tom lied to us. Tomek lied to us. Někdy spím na gauči. Sometimes, I sleep on the couch. I sleep on the couch sometimes. Slon je šedý. The elephant is grey. The elephant's gray. Když Tom pracoval na mléčném statku, musel vstát každé ráno v pět hodin a podojit krávy. When Tom was working on the dairy farm, he had to get up at five o'clock every morning to go and milk the cows. When Tom was working on a dairy farm, he had to get up every morning at five o'clock and milk the cows. Tom hrál včera s Mary tenis. Tom played tennis with Mary yesterday. Tom played tennis with Mary last night. Myślałem, że mogę cię tu znaleźć. I thought I might find you here. I thought I might find you here. Nie, to nie tak. That's not how I feel. No, it's not like that. Co muszę zrobić, żebyś zwróciła na mnie uwagę? What have I got to do so that you'll pay attention to me? What do I have to do to get you to pay attention to me? Tom postanowił nauczyć się żyć z tym problemem. Tom decided to learn to live with the problem. Tom decided to learn to live with this problem. Zwykle robię pranie w pralni samoobsługowej. I usually wash my clothes at a laundrette. I usually do laundry in a laundry room. Píšu dopis. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Myla nádobí. She was washing the dishes. She's washing dishes. Zakryj oczy. Cover your eyes. Cover your eyes. Zanim Tom tutaj dotrze, mnie już nie będzie. I'll be gone by the time Tom gets here. By the time Tom gets here, I'll be gone. Tom nemohl najít zápalky, což ho velmi rozčililo. Tom couldn't find a box of matches, which made him very angry. Tom couldn't find matches, which made him very upset. Pro Toma jsem nehlasoval. I did not vote for Tom. I didn't vote for Tom. Kto opiekuje się tym psem? Who looks after this dog? Who's taking care of this dog? Tom wygłosił wczoraj bardzo długie przemówienie. Tom gave a very long speech yesterday. Tom gave a very long speech yesterday. Myślę, że dotrzemy tam przed dwunastą. I think we'll get there before noon. I think we'll get there by 12. Czy mógłbyś mnie dodać do swojej listy kontaktów? Would you like to add me to your contact list? Could you add me to your contact list? Walczyli. They struggled. They fought. Jeden způsob existuje. There is one way. There's one way. Netušil jsem, že Tom je manžel Mary. I had no idea Tom was Mary's husband. I had no idea Tom was Mary's husband. Tom říká, že Mary nemá hlad. Tom says Mary isn't hungry. Tom says Mary's not hungry. Tom chodí za školu. Tom plays truant. Tom goes to school. Nejsi sám. You're not alone. You're not alone. Myslel jsem, že asi chodíš s Tomem. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought you were probably dating Tom. Tom musiał się widzieć z Mary dziś po południu. Tom must have seen Mary this afternoon. Tom must have seen Mary this afternoon. Do zobaczenia później. See you later! I'll see you later. Nie chodzi o to, że nie chcę iść, po prostu nie jest to dla mnie dobry moment. It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that it's not a good time for me. It's not that I don't want to go, it's just not a good time for me. Uhádneš, kolik mi je? Can you guess how old I am? Can you guess how old I am? Dělá něco Tom? Does Tom do anything? Is Tom doing anything? Myslím, že tu není žádná souvislost. I don't think there's any correlation. I don't think there's any connection. Ledoborec si proráží cestu skrz led. An icebreaker is breaking a path through the ice. Ledoborec's driving his way through the ice. V oné bitvě zemřelo mnoho partyzánů. Many partisans died in that battle. Many guerrillas died in that battle. Tom zostawił otwarte drzwi. Tom left the door open. Tom left the door open. Bill, Chodź ze mną, tez się uniesiesz. Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too. Bill, come with me, you're gonna fly. Zvrtnul jsem si kotník. I've hurt my ankle. I twisted my ankle. Šel jsem na pláž s Tomem. I went to the beach with Tom. I went to the beach with Tom. Tom má o Mary vysoké mínění. Tom has a high opinion of Mary. Tom has a high opinion about Mary. Snažil jsem se opět usnout. I tried to get back to sleep. I was trying to sleep again. Myślisz, że by mi wybaczył? Do you think he would forgive me? Do you think he'd forgive me? Odrobiłeś pracę domową? Have you done your homework? Did you do your homework? Rád bych si koupil půlku koláče. I'd like to buy half a cake. I'd like to buy half a pie. Przyszło mi do głowy, że on ukradł słownik. It occurred to me that he must have stolen the dictionary. It occurred to me that he stole the dictionary. Tom położył pokrywę z powrotem na śmietniku. Tom put the lid back on the trash can. Tom put the lid back on the trash. Próbował mnie oszukać. He tried to trick me. He was trying to trick me. Chłopcy zadają pytania. The boys are asking questions. Boys ask questions. Nechci být tvým přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. Mary vyhrožovala Tomovi rozvodem. Mary threatened to divorce Tom. Mary threatened Tom with divorce. Jak na to? How to do it? How's that? Wyszliśmy na boisko i graliśmy tak dobrze, jak tylko mogliśmy. We went out on the field and played as well as we could. We went out on the field and played as well as we could. Mówiłeś, że jak długo byłeś w Bostonie? How long did you say you were in Boston? How long did you say you were in Boston? Cześć, jestem Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Hi, I'm Nancy. Potřebuješ shodit. You need to lose some weight. You need to lose. To jest zwierzę. This is an animal. It's an animal. Nie zna swojego ojca. She doesn't know her father. He doesn't know his father. Proszę, nie zapomnij, by się z nim jutro spotkać. Please don't forget to see him tomorrow. Please don't forget to meet him tomorrow. Przednia szyba pojazdu została rozbita na kawałki. The front windshield of a car was smashed to pieces. The front window of the vehicle was broken into pieces. Tom váhá. Tom is hesitant. Tom's hesitant. Myslím, že jen musíme být trpěliví. I think we just have to be patient. I just think we need to be patient. Tom chce jít s tebou. Tom wants to go with you. Tom wants to come with you. Vážně se to stalo? Did it actually happen? Did this really happen? Řekla, že je sklíčená. She said that she was miserable. She said she was depressed. Kdo jsou slavní hudebníci ve vaší zemi? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Kiedy słyszę tę piosenkę, przypomina mi się dzieciństwo. Whenever I hear that song, I think of my childhood. When I hear that song, it reminds me of my childhood. Sam zajmuje ten wielki pokój. He has the large room to himself. Sam's taking this big room. Rád bych věděl, proč ženy žijí déle než muži. I would like to know why women live longer than men. I'd like to know why women live longer than men. Pokud nemáš dost peněz, nějaké ti půjčím. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. Ten produkt ma istotne wady. This product has significant shortcomings. This product has significant defects. Na první pohled mě přitahovala. She attracted me at first sight. At first glance, I was attracted to her. Ta książka była pierwszy raz opublikowana rok temu. This book was first published in the previous year. This book was first published a year ago. Čas zmizet. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to go. Máte mapu? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Chci tady zůstat tři dny. I plan to stay here for three days. I want to stay here for three days. Cestuješ lodí nebo letadlem? Do you travel by sea or by air? Do you travel by boat or plane? Nie piśnij nikomu słówka. Don't breathe a word of it to anyone. Don't say a word to anyone. Těším se na svoje narozeniny. I look forward to my birthday. I'm looking forward to my birthday. Ona dała swojemu ojcu krawat. She gave her father a tie. She gave her father a tie. Tom wyglądał jakby nie spał całą noc. Tom looked like he'd been up all night. Tom looked like he wasn't sleeping all night. Jak długo zajęło ci przepłynięcie rzeki? How long did it take you to swim across the river? How long did it take you to swim the river? Krowy dają nam mleko, a kury dają nam jajka. Cows give us milk and chickens give us eggs. Cows give us milk, chickens give us eggs. Vždycky si stěžuješ na svého manžela. You are always complaining about your husband. You always complain about your husband. Nie chciało mi się zapisywać tego w kalendarzu. I neglected to note it in my calendar. I didn't want to put it on my calendar. Tom założył agencję reklamową. Tom started an advertising agency. Tom set up an advertising agency. Tom jest geniuszem? Is Tom a genius? Tom's a genius? To modré auto je drahé. The blue car is expensive. The blue car is expensive. Tom to nikdy nikomu neřekl. Tom has never told anyone. Tom never told anyone. Jesteś piękna. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Jak by jsi mě mohla takhle zradit potom všem, čím jsme si prošli? How could you betray me like this, after all we've been through? How could you betray me like this after everything we've been through? Zítra mám narozeniny. Tomorrow is my birthday. It's my birthday tomorrow. Bývala bych ráda jela do Bostonu s tebou. I would've loved going to Boston with you. I'd love to go to Boston with you. Gdzie się znajduje stacja Hakata? Where is Hakata station located? Where's Hakata Station? Jsem moc zklamaný tím, jak to dopadlo. I'm very disappointed with the way things turned out. I'm very disappointed with the way things turned out. Setkáme se u mě doma. We'll meet at my house. I'll meet you at my house. Podaj mi, proszę, sól i pieprz. Please give me salt and pepper. Give me some salt and pepper, please. Kurwa, dopiero co kupiłam nowy dywan, a kot już na niego narzygał. Fuck, I just bought a new rug and the cat already puked on it. Fuck, I just bought a new carpet, and the cat already threw up on him. Do pondělka nám dej vědět, jak ses rozhodla. Let us know your decision by next Monday. Let us know what you've decided by Monday. Gdybym w młodości ciężko pracował, teraz odnosiłbym sukcesy. If I had worked hard in my youth, I would be successful now. If I worked hard when I was a kid, I'd be successful right now. Na střední škole jsem do tebe byl blázen. I had a crush on you when we were in high school. I was crazy about you in high school. Cena benzínu je tak vysoká, že velké auto si koupit nemůžeme. The price of gasoline is so high that we cannot buy a big car. The price of gasoline is so high, we can't buy a big car. Szukasz kogoś? Are you looking for someone? Are you looking for someone? Tohle s tebou nemá co dělat. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. Dan chtěl, abys věděl, že k tobě nechová nenávist. Dan wanted you to know that he didn't hate you. Dan wanted you to know that he doesn't hate you. Promluvíme si v příhodnější dobu. I'll talk to you at a more appropriate time. We'll talk at a more convenient time. Mně je to fuk! I don't give a damn about it! I don't care! Prowadzi szczęśliwe życie w swoim rodzinnym mieście. He leads a happy life in his hometown. He's living a happy life in his hometown. Bunkr vás před viry neochrání. A bunker won't protect you from viruses. The bunker won't protect you from the viruses. Řekni mi svůj příběh. Jsem jedno velké ucho. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story, I'm one big ear. Tom udawał, że jest chory. Tom pretended he was sick. Tom pretended to be sick. Rosja jest częścią Europy czy Azji? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? Tom běžel po ulici za Mary. Tom ran down the street after Mary. Tom ran down the street behind Mary. Ze které z těchto sklenic jsi pil? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Which one of these glasses did you drink from? Gdyby Tom miał dużo pieniędzy, prawdopodobnie kupiłby sobie drogi samochód. If Tom had a lot of money, he'd probably buy himself an expensive car. If Tom had a lot of money, he'd probably buy himself a expensive car. Mój ojciec zawsze wymyśla coś dowcipnego do powiedzenia. My father always comes up with something witty to say. My father always comes up with something funny to say. Děti, které mají žízeň, by měly pít vodu. Children who are thirsty should drink water. Children who are thirsty should drink water. Ile jest próbek? How many samples? How many samples are there? Mam wielu znajomych, którzy mówią płynnie, ale jednak nie na poziomie rodowitego użytkownika. I have many friends who speak fluently, but still don't sound like native speakers. I have a lot of friends who talk smoothly, but not at the level of the native user. Mluvil jsem s Tomem, a je v pořádku. I talked to Tom and he's fine. I talked to Tom, and he's fine. Jutro rano wyjeżdżam do Londynu. I leave for London tomorrow morning. I'm leaving for London tomorrow morning. Kolejna pielęgniarka weszła do pokoju. Another nurse came into the room. Another nurse came into the room. Tohle bývala kavárna. This used to be a cafe. This used to be a coffee shop. Nowy samochód należy do niej. This new car belongs to her. The new car belongs to her. Krokodýli, hadi, ještěrky a želvy jsou plazi. Crocodiles, snakes, lizards and turtles are reptiles. Crocodiles, snakes, lizards and turtles are reptiles. Líbím se Tomovi. Tom likes me. I like Tom. Kde Tom koupil tuhle knihu? Where did Tom buy this book? Where did Tom buy this book? Tom był tak wściekły, że nie mógł mówić. Tom was so angry that he couldn't speak. Tom was so angry he couldn't talk. Pudełko było puste. The box was empty. The box was empty. Zamienił swoją krowę na dwa konie. He exchanged his cow for two horses. He turned his cow into two horses. Ona se jenom trochu stydí. She's just a little shy. She's just a little embarrassed. Jeho jméno mi nejde do hlavy. His name eludes me. I can't get his name in my head. Pojďme tu záležitost napřed probrat s Tomem. Let's discuss the matter with Tom first. Let's talk about this matter first with Tom. Nedal jsi Tomovi šanci. You didn't give Tom a chance. You didn't give Tom a chance. "Liszt", příjmení maďarského skladatele Ference Liszta, znamená "mouka" v maďarštině. "Liszt", the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's family name, means "flour" in Hungarian. "Liszt", the surname of Hungarian composer Ference Liszt, means "mouka" in Hungarian. Hej, poczekaj! Hey, wait up! Hey, wait! Chciałem, żeby wygrała. I wanted her to win. I wanted her to win. Je to pořádkumilovný člověk. He's a tidy person. He's a fine man of love. Kupiłem w tym sklepie czerwony sweter. I bought a red sweater at that shop. I bought a red sweater at this store. Tom zaczekał na windę. Tom waited for the elevator. Tom waited for the elevator. Miałem trochę problemów ze znalezieniem odpowiedzi. I had some trouble figuring out the answer. I had a little trouble finding an answer. Chodíval jsem do školy. I used to go to school. I used to go to school. Tom váhal. Tom was hesitant. Tom hesitated. Nie ufam ci. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Nadal nie mogę dorwać Toma. I still can't get a hold of Tom. I still can't get Tom. Jablko spadlo. The apple fell. The apple fell. Mám rád mléko. I like milk. I like milk. Neudělal jsem nic. I've done nothing. I didn't do anything. Nezajímá mě, co říká. I don't care what he says. I don't care what he says. Její vlasy byly tak dlouhé, že sahaly na zem. Her hair was so long that it reached the floor. Her hair was so long, they touched the ground. Výzkum od železničního dopravce Deutsche Bahn zjistil, že vlaky mají o poznání nižší uhlíkovou stopu, nežli letadla, auta, či autobusy a přesto se mnoho lidí stále přepravuje na krátké vzdálenosti letecky. A study by train operator Deutsche Bahn found that trains have a drastically lower carbon footprint than planes, cars or buses, yet many people are still flying short distances. Research from the railway carrier Deutsche Bahn found that trains have a lower carbon footprint than aircraft, cars or buses, and yet many people are still transporting over short distances by air. Obiecał tego nie mówić. He promised not to say it. He promised not to say that. Nie mów do mnie, jakbym była dzieckiem. Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Don't talk to me like I'm a kid. Nie przepadam za curry. I'm not really big on curry. I don't like curry. Vstávám v sedm hodin. I get up at 7:00. I'm up at seven o'clock. Přijď, jestli můžeš. Come if you can. Come if you can. Jsem prostě normální člověk. I'm just a normal person. I'm just a normal person. Tomův otec je policista. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father is a cop. Umrzl někde na horách. He froze to death somewhere in mountains. He's frozen somewhere in the mountains. Powinnaś odrzucić tak niesprawiedliwą propozycję. You should've rejected such an unfair proposal. You should reject such an unfair offer. Od minulého čtvrtka prší. It's been raining since last Thursday. It's been raining since last Thursday. Tom mi poradil, abych tam šel. Tom advised me to go there. Tom told me to go. Chciałam za niego wyjść. I wanted to marry him. I wanted to marry him. Tomovi se muselo něco zaplatit, takže jsem mu dal všechno, co jsem měl. Tom needed to be paid something, so I gave him everything I had. Tom must have been paid something, so I gave him everything I had. Nie pozwolą nam wejść do ogrodu. They won't allow us to enter the garden. They won't let us enter the garden. O co ci chodzi? What are you getting at? What do you mean? Persišćina njeje ćežka rěč. Persian is not a difficult language. The machine is not a translation language. Tom przetłumaczył dla mnie list na francuski. Tom translated the letter into French for me. Tom translated a letter for me into French. Nedávej to na ten koberec! Don't put it on the carpet! Don't put it on the carpet! Mam wielu przyjaciół, którzy są rodzimymi użytkownikami tego języka. I have many friends who are native speakers. I have many friends who are native users of this language. Zamiast prawdziwego jedzenia cały dzień jedliśmy junk food. Instead of eating real food, we just ate junk food all day. Instead of eating real food all day, we ate junk food. Kiedy przeprowadziłeś się do Berlina? When did you move to Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? Tom zjadł pół paczki chipsów ziemniaczanych. Tom ate half a bag of potato crisps. Tom ate half a pack of potato chips. Nie możesz teraz wyjść. Dlaczego nie? You mustn't go out now. Why not? You can't leave now. Rozmowy sojuszu w Berlinie załamały się. The coalition talks in Berlin have broken down. The alliance in Berlin has broken down. Muszę się nauczyć pisać kursywą. I gotta learn how to write in cursive. I have to learn to write in italics. Lhala jsem. I was lying. I lied. Lidia ma proste blond włosy. Lidia has blonde straight hair. Lydia has simple blonde hair. Nejezdím do školy autobusem. I don't go to school by bus. I'm not taking a bus to school. Nie możemy w tej chwili nic zrobić w tej sprawie. We can't do anything about that problem at this time. There's nothing we can do about this right now. Kolor nie schodzi nawet po praniu. Even if you wash it, the color won't come out. The color doesn't even come down after the laundry. On był raniony podczas strzelaniny z policją. He was wounded during a shoot-out with the police. He was wounded during a shooting with the police. Możemy dostroić częstotliwość. We can finetune the frequency. We can adjust the frequency. Jest niewielu, jeśli w ogóle, takich mężczyzn. There are few if any such kind men. There aren't many, if at all, such men. Mám děravou ponožku. There's a hole in my sock. I've got a hole in my sock. Dlaczego nie zwróciłeś uwagi Tomowi? Why didn't you say something to Tom? Why didn't you pay attention to Tom? Dlaczego jesteś na mnie zła? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? Susie uwielbia japońską muzykę. Susie loves Japanese music. Susie loves Japanese music. Tom se obává o fyzické a duševní zdraví Mary. Tom is concerned about Mary's physical and mental health. Tom's worried about Mary's physical and mental health. Myślisz, że jestem szczęśliwy? Do you think I'm happy? You think I'm happy? Tom chce jedynie, żebyś zajął się jego psem. Tom just wants you to take care of his dog. Tom just wants you to take care of his dog. Toto je vlajka. This is a flag. This is the flag. V kolik se ráno probouzíš? What time do you wake up in the morning? What time are you waking up in the morning? Lew jest zwierzęciem. The lion is an animal. The lion is an animal. Kapitán řídí svojí loď a posádku. A captain controls his ship and its crew. The captain controls his ship and crew. Nemyslím to vážně. I'm not serious. I'm not serious. Musíme se rozhodnout, kdy se přestěhujeme. We need to decide when we'll move. We have to decide when to move. Ukázal mi svůj nový vůz. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. Hodně štěstí u zkoušky! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with the rehearsal! Zapomniał, jak kupował jej prezent. He forgot buying a present for her. He forgot how he bought her a present. Toho zlozvyku se musíš zbavit. You must get rid of that bad habit. You gotta get rid of that habit. Mám rád ryby. I like fish. I like fish. Śmierć rozwiązuje wszystkie problemy - nie ma człowieka, nie ma problemu. Death solves all problems — no man, no problem. Death solves all problems - no man, no problem. Jesteś jedyną osobą, która może go przekonać. You're the only person that can persuade him. You're the only person who can convince him. Obudź mnie o ósmej. Get me up at eight. Wake me up at eight. Chtěl jsem zjistit, co se děje. I wanted to find out what was going on. I wanted to find out what was going on. Czy to z ważnego powodu? Is that a valid reason? Is this for a reason? Všichni Toma hledali. Everyone was looking for Tom. They were all looking for Tom. Przepraszam. Bez wasabi proszę. Excuse me, without wasabi, please. I'm sorry, no Wasabi, please. Tom šel domů o tři hodiny později. Tom went home three hours later. Tom went home three hours later. Není žádná cesta k míru. Mír je cesta. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. There is no way to peace. Tom tají svoji nemoc. Tom hides his illness. Tom's hiding his disease. Tom nie rozumiał mojego francuskiego. Tom didn't understand my French. Tom didn't understand my French. To wszystko, dziękuję. Nothing more, thanks. That's all, thank you. Co říkají? What are they saying? What do they say? Na ubrusu je skvrna. There's a stain on the tablecloth. There's a stain on the tablecloth. Rzadko jem nabiał. I seldom eat dairy products. I rarely drink. Sami nebyl úplně izolovaný. Sami wasn't entirely isolated. He wasn't completely isolated himself. Nie jest łatwo wyzbyć się złych nawyków. It is not easy to get rid of bad habits. It's not easy to get rid of bad habits. Tom už získal několik nových přátel. Tom has already made several new friends. Tom's already made some new friends. Pletu se? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Czy Tom coś ci już powiedział? Has Tom told you anything yet? Did Tom say anything to you? Są przestraszeni. They're scared. They're scared. Telefon vynalezl Bell v roce 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell in the year 1876. The phone was invented by Bell in 1876. Sami by Laylu mohl snadno přemoci. Sami could easily overpower Layla. Layla himself could be easily defeated. Dlaczego to wyłączyłeś? Why have you turned it off? Why'd you turn that off? Jestem pewny, że masz rację. I am sure you are right. I'm sure you're right. Lhala jsem ti někdy? Have I ever lied to you? Have I ever lied to you? Bóg umarł. I ja też nie czuję się za dobrze. God is dead. And I don't feel so good either. God died, and I don't feel so good either. Nejsou příbuzní. They aren't related. They're not related. Rozumiem jak rozwiązać ten problem. I understand how to solve the problem. I understand how to solve this problem. Je opilý. He's drunk. He's drunk. Dnes to nemohu dokončit. I can't finish this today. I can't finish it today. Míval jsem tohle místo rád. I used to love this place. I used to like this place. Tom řekl, že nejtěžším jazykem pro něho byla finština. Tom said that the most difficult language for him had been Finnish. Tom said the hardest language for him was Finnish. Nemůžu vám říct to, co vím. I can't tell you what I know. I can't tell you what I know. Nejsem kapitánem toho nového týmu. I am not the captain of the new team. I'm not captain of the new team. Moje svědomí je čisté, ale vaše zřejmě ne. My conscience is clear but yours is apparently not. My conscience is clear, but apparently not yours. Nikdy se to nebude prodávat. It will never sell. It's never gonna sell. Tą koszulę trzeba wyprasować. This shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs to be pressed. Już jestem spóźniony. I am already late. I'm already late. Cena jest rozsądna. The price is reasonable. The price is reasonable. Przyszedł do domu. He walked home. He came home. Jesteśmy studentami. We are students. We're students. Wszyscy ubrani byli w mundury. They were all dressed in uniforms. They were all dressed in uniform. Říkejte mi prosím Taro. Please call me Taro. Please call me Tara. Nahlásil jsem ten případ. I reported the incident. I reported the case. Nevrátíme se do normálního stavu, protože normální stav byl problém. We won't go back to normal because normal was the problem. We're not going back to normal because the normal state was a problem. Czy masz rodzeństwo? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have a sibling? Burmistrz był zdania, że trzeba zbadać przyczyny spadku dochodów podatkowych. The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. The Mayor felt that the reasons for the decline in tax revenues had to be examined. Ty obláčky, jak ty plují po nebi, to je ale krása! The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful. Those clouds, they're floating in the sky, that's beautiful! Ten pár od vedle se zase hádá. The couple next door are fighting again. The couple next door are fighting again. Ukázalo se, že Tom je velmi nespolehlivý člověk. Tom turned out to be a very unreliable person. Turns out Tom's a very unreliable person. Vytvořila nový světový rekord. She set a new world record. She's made a new world record. Utrata córki zabrała mi chęć do życia. Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live. Losing my daughter took away my will to live. Byłem zaskoczony, że wygrałeś główną nagrodę. I was surprised that you won the prize. I was surprised you won the prize. Prosím, nedělej to. Please don't do that. Please don't do this. Japończyk nigdy nie zrobiłby czegoś takiego. A Japanese would never do such a thing. A Japanese man would never do anything like that. Uniwersytet nosi imię swego założyciela. The university bears the name of its founder. The university is named after its founder. Tom nic nepřizná, i kdyby ho mučili. Tom won't confess even if he was tortured. Tom won't admit anything even if he's tortured. Tom się denerwuje. Tom is fuming. Tom's nervous. Tom se opil. Tom got drunk. Tom got drunk. Kdo by mohl obsadit Tomovo místo? Who could take Tom's place? Who could take Tom's place? Udělala to podle sebe. She did it in her own way. She did it her own way. Będzie gotowe na szóstą wieczór. It will be ready by six this evening. It'll be ready for six o'clock tonight. Vzbuďte je. Wake them up. Wake them up. Nechám ti kus koláče. I'll save a piece of pie for you. I'll leave you a piece of pie. Nejsem veverka. I'm not a squirrel. I'm not a squirrel. Pijete čaj. You drink tea. You drink tea. Nie zapominam o moich przyjaciołach. I don't forget my friends. I don't forget my friends. Ta mladá dáma je zdravotní sestra. That young lady is a nurse. The young lady is a nurse. Tyhle boty už si na sebe nevezmu. I'm never going to wear these shoes again. I'm not wearing these shoes anymore. Býval jsem lechtivý. I used to be ticklish. I used to be ticklish. Mary mi nevadí, ale Toma nemohu vystát. I don't mind Mary but I cannot stand Tom. I don't mind Mary, but I can't stand Tom. Tom odpowiedział na następne pytanie z listy. Tom answered the next question on the list. Tom answered the next question on the list. Všude jsou mravenci. There are ants everywhere. There's ants everywhere. Są nieustraszeni. They're fearless. They're fearless. Czy oglądałeś ten mecz? Did you watch the game? Did you watch the game? Co mógłbym dla Ciebie zrobić? What could I do for you? What can I do for you? Żyrafy mają bardzo długie szyje. Giraffes have very long necks. The giraffes have very long necks. Jeho matka bývala zpěvačkou. His mother used to be a singer. His mother used to be a singer. Lubię też ciasto. I also like cake. I like cake, too. Krew jej leci z palca. Her toe bleeds. Her blood's coming out of her finger. Rzuciłem piłkę Tomowi. I tossed the ball to Tom. I threw the ball to Tom. Jedną piątą powierzchni Ziemi pokrywa wieczna zmarzlina. One-fifth of the Earth's surface is covered by permafrost. One-fifth of the earth's surface covers eternal frost. Tom se holil. Tom was shaving. Tom shaved. Tom zdvořile smekl klobouk. Tom lifted his hat politely. Tom cut his hat politely. John rozciągnął się na kanapie. John stretched out on the couch. John stretched out on the couch. Mám raději angličtinu než matematiku. I like English better than Math. I prefer English rather than math. To jest najpyszniejsza pizza, jaką kiedykolwiek jadłem. This is the most delicious pizza I've ever eaten. This is the most delicious pizza I've ever had. Disneyland zbudowano w roku 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Odmítl si opravit svoje věty. He refused to correct his sentences. He refused to correct his sentences. W Niemczech nadal żyją wilki? Are there still wolves in Germany? Were wolves still living in Germany? Mam nadzieję, że zmieniłaś zdanie. I hope you have changed your mind. I hope you changed your mind. Byl víceméně opilý. He was more or less drunk. He was more or less drunk. Kdysi jsem tu bydlel. I used to live here. I used to live here. Tom powiedział, że nie ma tyle pieniędzy, żeby kupić motor. Tom said he didn't have enough money to buy a motorcycle. Tom said he didn't have enough money to buy a bike. Moja babcia mieszka sama. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. Nie wiem, co się stało. I don't know what's happened. I don't know what happened. Mam dużo rzeczy do zrobienia. I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot of things to do. Tom tu byl nerad. Tom hated being here. Tom didn't like being here. Usmívej se dál. Keep smiling. Keep smiling. Mało prawdopodobne, że obniżą nam podatki. It's highly unlikely that our taxes will be lowered. It's unlikely they'll cut our taxes. Tom nie jest typem plotkarza. Tom isn't the type of person who gossips. Tom's not the type of gossiper. Bomba atomowa to straszliwa broń. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. A nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. Tom je někdo, komu se nedá věřit. Tom is someone who can't be trusted. Tom is someone you can't trust. Chciałbym poprosić Toma o odpowiedź na kilka pytań. I'd like to ask Tom to answer a few questions. I'd like to ask Tom to answer a few questions. Jak już wiesz, to się nie wydarzyło. As you know, that didn't happen. As you know, it didn't happen. Procesor przestał działać. The CPU's stopped working. The processor has stopped working. Nebyl to můj záměr. That wasn't my intention. It wasn't my intention. Tom složil jeřába z origami. Tom folded an origami crane. Tom composed an origami crane. Chci se ujistit, že jsi připraven. I just want to make sure that you're prepared. I want to make sure you're ready. Będziemy musieli posprzątać w tym pokoju. We're going to need to clean out this room. We're gonna have to clean up this room. Zdanie musi mieć orzeczenie. The sentence must have a predicate. He must have a judgment. Dal jsem Tomovi své slovo. I gave Tom my word. I gave Tom my word. I když jsem si dvakrát vzala dvě tablety, bolesti hlavy nezmizely. Although I had twice taken a pair of pills, my headache did not go away. Even though I took two tablets twice, the headaches didn't go away. Je vystudovaný právník. He was trained as a lawyer. He's a graduate lawyer. Ta książka jest twoja. This book is yours. This book is yours. Przeszedłem całą drogę wraz z nauczycielem. I went the whole way with my teacher. I went all the way with the teacher. Wybuchnęła płaczem. She burst into tears. She blew up crying. Chtěl bych heřmánkový čaj. I'd like a camomile. I'd like some chamomile tea. Szczękałem zębami z zimna. My teeth chattered with cold. I brushed my teeth with cold. Tom powiedział, że powinienem być posłuszny nauczycielowi. Tom said that I should obey the teacher. Tom said I should obey the teacher. To mám ráda. I like that. I like that. Widzieliśmy burzenie starych domów. We saw some old houses pulled down. We've seen old houses break down. Nie pozwalam moim dzieciom oglądać telewizji w dni szkolne wieczorami. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I don't let my kids watch TV on school days at night. Přivázali ho provazem ke stromu. He was tied to the tree with a rope. They tied him up with a rope to a tree. Ona nienawidziła swojego męża. She hated her husband. She hated her husband. Listí padá pomalu. The leaves fall slowly. The leaves are falling slowly. Přijel jsem domů autobusem. I came home by bus. I came home on the bus. Zvykneš si na všechno. You can get used to anything. You'll get used to everything. Wielu Amerykanów protestowało przeciw zakupowi Alaski. Many Americans protested the purchase of Alaska. Many Americans protested against Alaska's purchase. Můžeš přijít, jestli chceš. You can come if you want to. You can come if you want. Je mi do úsměvu. I feel like smiling. I'm smiling. Po prostu je tam zostaw. Just leave them there. Just leave them there. Ten pokój jest zimny. This room is cold. This room is cold. Jesteś niezawodny. You're dependable. You're reliable. Nie jestem stary. I'm not old. I'm not old. Zwariowałeś. You've gone mad. You're crazy. Tom vypadá nemocně. Tom looks sick. Tom looks sick. Zapytaj siebie, dlaczego. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. Moskevské metro jezdí až do jedné hodiny ráno. The Moscow subway runs until one a.m. The Moscow metro doesn't go till 1:00 in the morning. Byłeś w Bostonie zbyt długo. You've been in Boston way too long. You've been in Boston too long. Viděl jsi ten náhrdelník, který Tom dal Mary k Vánocům? Have you seen the necklace Tom gave Mary for Christmas? Did you see that necklace Tom gave Mary for Christmas? Nenechal jsem Toma jít domů brzo. I didn't let Tom go home early. I didn't let Tom go home early. Tom siedział na pniu. Tom was sitting on a log. Tom was sitting on the trunk. Nepokoušej se žít věčně. Neuspěješ. Do not try to live for ever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. Můžu vás tři svézt? Can I give you three a lift? Can I give you three a ride? Tom wyjaśnił, jak zadziała pułapka. Tom explained how the ambush would work. Tom explained how the trap would work. Kariera aktora trwała trzydzieści lat. The actor’s career lasted for thirty years. The actor's career lasted 30 years. Myslím, že je čas, abych vypadl. I think it's time for me to split. I think it's time for me to get out of here. Tom nie chce sprzedać swojej farmy. Tom doesn't want to sell his farm. Tom doesn't want to sell his farm. Myslel jsem, že třeba vycouváš. I thought you might back out. I thought maybe you'd back out. Nigdy nie jeździłem na nartach. I've never been skiing. I've never been skiing. Tom zrobił to tak, jak zaproponowałem. Tom did that the way I suggested. Tom did it the way I suggested. Chci, abyste udělali tento test. Here's a test I want you to take. I want you to do this test. Řekla mi, ať nekouřím v přítomnosti dětí. She told me not to smoke in the presence of children. She told me not to smoke in the presence of the children. Oczekuję, że w przyszłości będzie tu stacja metra. I expect a subway station will be here in the future. I expect the subway station to be here in the future. Wiecznie zapominam imiona ludzi. I always forget people's names. I always forget people's names. Pověz mi jeden ze svých příběhů. Tell me one of your stories. Tell me one of your stories. Co jedzą więźniowie? What do the prisoners eat? What do the prisoners eat? Mów jasno. Speak clearly. Let me be clear. Chodź tutaj. Come over here. Come here. Codziennie uczymy się francuskiego w szkole. We study French at school every day. We learn French every day at school. Tom kiedyś to robił. Tom used to do that. Tom used to do that. Proč tam mám jít? Why am I supposed to go there? Why should I go there? Tom ještě není plnoletý. Tom is still underage. Tom's not married yet. Byl jsem velmi překvapen, když mi Tom řekl, že Mary odešla z Bostonu. I was very surprised when Tom told me Mary had left Boston. I was very surprised when Tom told me Mary left Boston. Jak długo Tom był w Bostonie? How long was Tom in Boston? How long was Tom in Boston? Co tě nepálí, nehas. Let sleeping dogs lie. You don't burn, you don't fire. Zdálo se mi o přítelkyni kolegy z práce. I dreamt about my workmate's girlfriend. I had a dream about a friend of my colleagues at work. Na świecie jest ponad siedem tysięcy języków. There are over seven thousand languages in the world. There are over seven thousand languages in the world. Muszę się uczyć. I need to study. I have to study. Myslel jsem si, že to nebudeš schopen udělat. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I didn't think you'd be able to do that. Strasznie przepraszam za spóźnienie. I'm terribly sorry for being late. I'm so sorry I'm late. Związała włosy gumką. She bound her hair with a ribbon. She tied her hair with a rubber. Tom je automechanik. Tom is a car mechanic. Tom's a mechanic. Zůstávám s tebou. I'm staying with you. I'm staying with you. Nie można było otworzyć tych drzwi. The door could not be opened. You couldn't open that door. On czyta nudną powieść He read a boring novel. He reads a boring novel Chciałbym zjeść obiad. I would like to have dinner. I'd like to have dinner. Co się dziś dzieje? What's happening today? What's going on today? Kim jest Emily? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? Może usiądziemy? Shall we sit down? Why don't we sit down? Nieupoważnionym wstęp wzbroniony. No unauthorised personnel. Unauthorized access denied. Nigdy nie słyszałem, żeby Tom powiedział o Mary cokolwiek złego. I've never heard Tom say anything bad about Mary. I've never heard Tom say anything bad about Mary. Zobaczę, czego jeszcze mogę dowiedzieć się na temat Toma. I'll see what else I can find out about Tom. I'll see what else I can find out about Tom. Nevím, jestli jsem dobrý otec. I don't know if I'm a good father. I don't know if I'm a good father. Dej prosím jejich jména na vše, co si berou s sebou. Please put their name on everything they take with them. Please put their names on everything they take with them. Tom jest specjalistą kontroli jakości. Tom is a quality control specialist. Tom's a quality control specialist. Są dziwni. They're weird. They're weird. Šel jsi k doktorovi? Have you gone to see a doctor? Did you go to the doctor? Powinniśmy podejść do tego problemu w inny sposób. We should approach this problem from different angles. We should approach this problem in a different way. Je Tom nevinen, či vinen? Is Tom innocent or guilty? Is Tom innocent or guilty? Nie zapomnij mnie! Don't forget me! Don't forget me! To jest na górze. It's upstairs. It's upstairs. Tak, to jest to, co miałem na myśli. Yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, that's what I meant. Vstávám brzy ráno. I get up early in the morning. I'm up early in the morning. Chtěl mít větší kontrolu nad svým životem. He wanted more control of his life. He wanted to have more control over his life. Jsem svobodný člověk. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Wszyscy śmiali się z chłopca. Everybody laughed at the boy. Everyone laughed at the boy. Nechtějí, aby jejich děti chodily do školy. They don't want their children to go to school. They don't want their kids going to school. Spróbuję poszukać Toma dla ciebie. I'll try and find Tom for you. I'll try to find Tom for you. Mój dom wymaga remontu. My house needs repairs. My house needs a refurbishment. Naplnil jsem tuto sklenici mlékem. I filled this glass with milk. I filled this glass with milk. Spotkam się tam z Tomem. I'm going to meet Tom there. I'll meet Tom there. Pojechaliśmy z bratem odprowadzić Johna na lotnisko. My brother and I went to see John off at the airport. My brother and I went to take John to the airport. Nikt tam nie mieszka. Nobody lives there. Nobody lives there. Ukrył swoje ubóstwo przed moim wzrokiem. He concealed his poverty from my eyes. He hid his poverty from my sight. Czytaj! Read! Read it! Mě nepřemůžeš. You can't beat me. You can't beat me. Moje nehty jsou příliš krátké. My nails are too short. My nails are too short. Za dobre odpowiedzi daje dobrą ocenę. I give good grades for good answers. It's a good assessment for good answers. Może nie powinnam była całować Toma. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed Tom. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed Tom. Ten lekarz jest miły dla pacjentów. The doctor is gentle with his patients. This doctor is nice to patients. Poważnie traktują edukację swoich dzieci. They are earnest about their children's education. They take their children's education seriously. Taxi přijelo pozdě. The taxi arrived late. Taxi's late. Wielu studentów popełniło ten sam błąd. Not a few students made the same mistake. Many students made the same mistake. Wyglądasz fantastycznie. You look amazing. You look fantastic. Drzwi mojego biura są zawsze otwarte. My office door's always open. My office door is always open. Nevěděli jsme, kterým autobusem pojedeme. We didn't know which bus we would take. We didn't know which bus we were going to take. Twoja była jest psychopatką. But your ex is a psychopath! Your ex is a psychopath. Zdraví je ten nejlepší dar. Health is the greatest gift. Health is the best gift. Tom byl příliš unavený na to, aby pokračoval v práci. Tom was too tired to keep on working. Tom was too tired to continue his work. Tom nechtěl být v Bostonu. Tom didn't want to be in Boston. Tom didn't want to be in Boston. Nie kupuj mi więcej prezentów. Don't buy me any more presents. Don't buy me any more presents. Po co to jest? What is it for? What's this for? Jest mi wstyd ponieważ głupio postępowałem. I'm ashamed because I acted foolishly. I'm ashamed because I acted stupidly. Ta gazeta jest za darmo. This newspaper is free. This paper is free. Nemají žádnou morální autoritu. They have no moral authority. They have no moral authority. Proč jsi nás sem zavolal. Why did you call us here? Why did you call us here? Wydajesz się niespokojny. You seem anxious. You seem restless. Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought would work. I thought it would work. Kogo tu znasz? Who do you know here? Who do you know here? Dohodli jsme se, že nebudeme mít děti před třicítkou. We agreed not to have children before the age of thirty. We agreed not to have children before we were 30. Moje sestra je ošetřovatelka. My sister is a nurse. My sister's a nurse. Jen velmi málo tlustých lidí má dlouhé nosy. Very few fat men have long noses. Very few fat people have long noses. Ciebie to nie dotyczy. It doesn't concern you. It doesn't concern you. To jest tylko zabawka. It's just a toy. It's just a toy. Byly ve sprše. They were in the shower. They were in the shower. Był pierwszym człowiekiem, który wspiął się na górę Fudżi w zimie. He was the first man to climb Mt. Fuji in winter. He was the first man to climb Mount Fuji in winter. Chciałbyś jakąś poradę? Would you like some advice? Would you like some advice? Nejsi dost starý na to, aby jsi šel plavat sám. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to go swimming alone. Hlavní město Srbska je Bělehrad. The capital city of Serbia is Belgrade. Serbia's capital is Belgrade. Myslíš si, že Tom zhubl? Do you think Tom has lost weight? You think Tom's lost weight? Zostań tutaj! Stay here! Stay here! Tom každý víkend jezdí na pláž na kole. Tom rides his bicycle to the beach every weekend. Tom rides a bike to the beach every weekend. Tom chciał zadać Mary pytanie. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Většina psů má hnědé oči. Most dogs have brown eyes. Most dogs have brown eyes. Tom pracuje v jedné restauraci v Bostonu. Tom is working at a restaurant in Boston. Tom works at a restaurant in Boston. Koupil jsem to Tomovi. I bought it for Tom. I bought it for Tom. Ještě nevím, co musím udělat. I don't yet know what I have to do. I don't know what I have to do yet. Będzie musiał jeszcze pokonać wiele trudności. He'll have many hardships to go through in the future. He will have to overcome a lot of difficulties. Koupil jsem si jeho nejnovější román. I've purchased his latest novel. I bought his latest novel. Zjadłam trochę chipsów. I ate some crisps. I ate some chips. Ona ma dwa koty. Jeden jest biały, a drugi czarny. She has two cats. One is white and one is black. She's got two cats, one's white, the other's black. Jestli mi nevěříš, jdi a podívej se sám. If you don't believe me, go and see it for yourself. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Nemohl jsem za to. That wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Stojí za tím dlouhý příběh. There's a long story surrounding it. There's a long story behind it. Tom postanowił wcześnie wyjść z pracy. Tom decided to leave work early. Tom decided to leave work early. Tom wiedział, po co Mary chce jechać do Bostonu. Tom knew why Mary wanted to go to Boston. Tom knew why Mary wanted to go to Boston. Czuję się bezsilny. I feel powerless. I feel powerless. Nejspíš jsem trochu zvědavý. I guess I'm a little curious. I'm probably a little curious. Tom se zdráhal s Mary diskutovat na ono téma. Tom hesitated to discuss the subject with Mary. Tom was reluctant to discuss the subject with Mary. Byl bys to mohl udělat. You could have done it. You could do that. Nie lubię Toma i Mary. I don't like Tom and Mary. I don't like Tom and Mary. Jakim dobrym tenisistą jest Tony! What a good tennis player Tony is! What a good tennis player Tony is! Zaparkował samochód przy chodniku. He parked his car beside the sidewalk. He parked the car by the sidewalk. Tom postanowił się nie odzywać, dopóki wszyscy pozostali nie wygłoszą swoich opinii. Tom decided to say nothing until everyone else had given their opinions. Tom decided not to speak until everyone else gave their opinions. Neřekla bych tak úplně, že tvoje teorie je naprosto špatná. I wouldn't go so far as to say your theory is completely wrong. I don't think your theory is so bad. Myslíš, že Boston je hlučné město? Do you think Boston is a noisy city? You think Boston is a noisy city? Dwudolarowe banknoty to rzadkość w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Two-dollar bills are rare in the United States. Two-dollar bills are rare in the United States. Mladí se na věci dívají jinak. The younger generation looks at things differently. Young people look at things differently. Lubisz podróże? Do you like trips? Do you like to travel? Je to mrtvý jazyk. It is a dead language. It's a dead tongue. Na miłość boską! For God's sake! For God's sake! Tom není zvyklý na to, aby na něj někdo čekal. Tom isn't used to having someone wait on him. Tom's not used to waiting for him. Jak możemy znaleźć Toma? How can we find Tom? How can we find Tom? Tom odmítl vstoupit do armády. Tom refused to enter the army. Tom refused to join the army. Ona mnie nie słucha. She doesn't listen to me. She won't listen to me. Tom wziął kanister z benzyną i ruszył z powrotem do auta. Tom picked up the can of gasoline and started walking back to his car. Tom took the gas can and went back to the car. Możesz mnie odwiedzić pod warunkiem, że obiecasz, że będziesz się dobrze zachowywał. You can come to visit me, as long as you promise to behave well. You can visit me on condition that you promise to behave well. Kto wie? Who knows? Who knows? Nie pracuj zbyt ciężko. Don't work too hard. Don't work too hard. Jestem trochę zazdrosny. I'm a little jealous. I'm a little jealous. Chciałabym, żebyś mi zaufała. I would like you to trust me. I want you to trust me. Strojvůdce projel na červenou. The train driver went through a red light. The driver has gone red. Kvůli totální rusifikaci v Bělorusku je běloruština na okraji zániku. Due to total Russification in Belarus, the Belarusian language is on the brink of extinction. Due to total rusification in Belarus, Belarusian is on the verge of demise. Nikdo si nevšiml její absence. Nobody noticed her absence. No one noticed her absence. Tom jest nieczuły. Tom is insensitive. Tom's insensitive. Nebyla bys o nic šťastnější, kdybych ti pověděl. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. To jest mój nauczyciel. Nazywa się Pan Haddad. This is my teacher. He is called Mr. Haddad. This is my teacher, Mr. Haddad. To twoja książka. That is your book. It's your book. Załóż płaszcz, inaczej się przeziębisz. Put on a coat. If you don't, you'll catch a cold. Put your coat on or you'll catch a cold. Tom je nejrychlejší běžec v jeho třídě. Tom is the fastest runner in his class. Tom is the fastest runner in his class. Je zvyklá ponocovat. She is used to staying up late. She's used to staying up. Bogdana jest matką Felicji. Bogdana is the mother of Felicja. Bogdana is Felicia's mother. Zneužívají mě. I'm being exploited. They're using me. Proč lžeš? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Szkolił go ekspert. He was trained by an expert. He was trained by an expert. Jesteś zły? Are you angry? Are you angry? V mém městě je naštěstí malá zločinnost. Luckily, there is little crime in my town. Fortunately, there's a little crime in my town. Dam ci znać co się dzieje. I'll let you know what happens. I'll let you know what's going on. Říkal jsem ti, že to nemáš dělat. I told you that you weren't supposed to do it. I told you not to do that. Dzieci powiedziały, że tutaj jesteś. The children said that you're here. The kids said you were here. Weź to krzesło. Jest solidne. Take this chair. It's sturdy. Take this chair, it's solid. Chtěla by si koupit knihu. She wishes to purchase a book. She'd like to buy a book. Opláchl jablko. He washed an apple. He flushed the apple. To wspaniały początek. It's a great start. It's a great start. Mám raději kávu. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. Współpraca z wami to była czysta przyjemność. It was a pleasure working with you folks. It was a pure pleasure to work with you. Jestem pod wrażeniem Twojego niedawnego ogłoszenia w New York Times. I am impressed by your recent advertisement in the New York Times. I'm impressed with your recent announcement in the New York Times. Slon má krátký ocas. The elephant has a short tail. The elephant has a short tail. Nie ma innego wyjścia. There is no other choice. There's no other way. Bolest nakonec přestala. The pain finally went away. The pain finally stopped. Musíme omezit výdaje. We must cut down our expenses. We have to cut spending. Tom szybko stracił zainteresowanie. Tom quickly lost interest. Tom quickly lost interest. Čeká nás pozitivní změna. We are in for some positive change. We're facing a positive change. Kéž bych to mohl stále dělat. I wish I could still do that. I wish I could still do that. Co myślisz o tej nowej restauracji? What do you think of that new restaurant? What do you think of this new restaurant? Nepřekvapilo mě, když mi Tom řekl, proč tam Mary není. I wasn't surprised when Tom told me why Mary wasn't there. I wasn't surprised when Tom told me why Mary wasn't there. Miejmy nadzieję, że dotrzemy tam na czas. Let's hope that we get there on time. Let's hope we get there in time. Řekl jsem mu, ať neodchází. I told him not to leave. I told him not to leave. Jest wielka różnica pomiędzy posługiwaniem się językiem dobrze, a posługiwaniem się językiem biegle. There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. There is a great difference between using the language well and using the language skillfully. Mój dom jest duży. My house is big. My house is big. Zapomnij teraz o tym. Forget about that right now. Forget it now. Tvoje řeč nebyla zdaleka uspokojivá. Your speech was far from satisfactory. Your speech was far from satisfactory. Jak poszło ostatniej nocy? How did it go last night? How'd it go last night? Je možné, že ještě někde žije. He could still be alive somewhere. It's possible he's still alive somewhere. Chovala se, jako kdyby byla posedlá. She acted like she was possessed. She acted like she was obsessed. Jak by měl vypadat? What is he supposed to look like? What's he supposed to look like? Ken nie biegał. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. Brakuje serwetki. There is a napkin missing. There's no napkin. Dnes se cítím lépe než včera. I'm much better today than yesterday. I feel better today than yesterday. Uśmiechnięta twarz Mary mówiła wszystkim, że jest szczęśliwa. Mary's smiling face let everyone know that she was happy. Mary's smiling face told everyone she was happy. Nikdo neuteče svému osudu. No one can escape their fate. No one escapes their fate. Czy można zapomnieć swój język ojczysty? Can you forget your native language? Can you forget your mother tongue? Tom mluví se svojí matkou častěji, než se svým otcem. Tom talks to his mother more often than he talks to his father. Tom talks to his mother more often than he talks to his father. Jestem zamężna. I am married. I'm married. Musimy rozładować tę ciężarówkę, zanim zacznie padać. We've got to unload this lorry before it starts to rain. We need to unload this truck before it rains. Gruzínština je pravděpodobně jeden z nejtěžších jazyků na světě. Georgian is probably one of the most difficult languages in the world. Georgian is probably one of the most difficult languages in the world. Lepiej już idź. You'd better go. You better go. Na placu jest jedynie czterystu demonstrantów. There are only four hundred demonstrators in the square. There are only four hundred demonstrators on the square. Dej limetku do kokosu. Put the lime in the coconut. Put the lime in the coconut. To nie trwało długo. It didn't last long. It didn't last long. Voda zmrzla. The water turned to ice. The water's frozen. Potrzebujemy pańskiej pomocy. Sir, we need your help please. We need your help. Napraw to, proszę. Please repair this. Fix it, please. Proč nechceš nosit kravatu? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Czekaliśmy tutaj wiele godzin. We have been waiting here for hours. We've been waiting here for hours. Jíš maso každý den? Do you eat meat every day? You eat meat every day? Řeknu Tomovi, ať vám poseče trávník. I'll have Tom mow your lawn for you. I'll tell Tom to cut your lawn. Chciałbym nauczyć się kontrolować swój apetyt. I wish I could figure out how to control my appetite. I'd like to learn to control my appetite. Jak dlouho musím čekat na příští autobus? How long do I have to wait for the next bus? How long do I have to wait for the next bus? Kdo tě tam poslal? Who sent you there? Who sent you? Jestem ksenofobem. I have xenophobia. I'm xenophobia. Oczekiwane jest, że zdasz egzamin. You are expected to pass the exam. You're expected to pass the exam. Chystá se mě zabít. He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. Nie wiem, czemu w mych snach jej nie ma. Może dlatego nie chce być, by nie przeszkadzać. I don't know why she isn't in my dreams. Maybe she doesn't want to be there in order not to disturb me. I don't know why she's not in my dreams. Potřebuji lidi, na které se mohu spolehnout. I need people I can rely on. I need people I can count on. Myslím, že moc lidí nepřijde. I don't think that many people will come. I don't think a lot of people are coming. Viděla ho rozbít to okno. She saw him break the window. She saw him break that window. Tom říká, že neví, s kým Mary plánuje, že to udělá. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary is planning on doing that with. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary's planning to do it with. Zatímco jsem si četla, zazvonil telefon. While I was reading, the phone rang. While I was reading, the phone rang. Nikt wcześniej tego nie próbował. No one has tried this before. No one's ever tried that before. Tom řekl, že potřebujeme více pracovních pozic. Tom said we need more jobs. Tom said we needed more jobs. Protagonistą tego nowego filmu jest dziecko-anioł. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The protagonist of this new film is a child-angel. Pravda ne vždycky zvítězí. The truth doesn't always win. The truth doesn't always win. Narodil jsem se ve Skotsku. I was born in Scotland. I was born in Scotland. Zdá se, že máš stejný problém, jako já. It seems that you have the same problem as me. You seem to have the same problem as me. Zegar stanął. Potrzebna jest nowa bateria. The clock stopped. It needs a new battery. The clock's stopped, we need a new battery. Dzisiejsza czysta matematyka to jutrzejsza matematyka stosowana. Today's pure mathematics is tomorrow's applied mathematics. Today's pure math is tomorrow's applied mathematics. Je zapotřebí skutečná změna. Real change is needed. A real change is needed. Dlaczego Tom jeszcze tu jest? Why's Tom still here? Why is Tom still here? Jestem szczęśliwy. I'm happy. I'm happy. Śniło mi się, że znów byłem dzieckiem. I dreamed I was a child again. I dreamt I was a kid again. Dobranoc wszystkim! Good night, everybody! Good night, everyone! Sprawiliśmy się naprawdę dobrze. We've done exceptionally well. We did really well. Naše poslední zastávka byla u Toma. Our last stop was at Tom's place. Our last stop was at Tom's. Jsem si celkem jistý, že jsem neudělal nic špatně. I'm pretty sure that I haven't done anything wrong. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong. Ty čekáš na Toma? Are you waiting for Tom? You're waiting for Tom? Tony neznal jejich jména. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their names. Możesz to zobrazować? Can you picture it? Can you visualize that? Potřebujeme více dobrovolníků. What we need are more volunteers. We need more volunteers. Chcę rozmawiać z moim adwokatem. I want to speak to my lawyer. I want to talk to my lawyer. Přemýšleli o tom, jak ho odtamtud dostat. They were thinking about how to get him out of there. They were thinking about how to get him out of there. Jak se jmenoval ten film, co jsme viděli včera? What was the name of the movie we saw last night? What was the name of the movie we saw yesterday? Je pro mě moc důležitá. She's very important to me. She's very important to me. Už nedržím dietu. I'm not on a diet anymore. I'm not on a diet anymore. Tom se nechce učit česky, přestože má v Česku příbuzné. Tom doesn't want to learn Czech in spite of the fact that he has some relatives in Czechia. Tom does not want to learn Czech, although he has relatives in the Czech Republic. Jsi holohlavý? Are you bald? Are you bald? Přes léto jsem si vydělal hodně peněz. I made a lot money over the summer. I made a lot of money over the summer. Tom był niewinny. Tom was innocent. Tom was innocent. Masz dobrą pamięć. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Vzpomínáš si na to? Do you remember it? Do you remember that? Já nikam nejdu. I'm not going. I'm not going anywhere. Tom nechce od té myšlenky ustoupit. Tom won't abandon the idea. Tom doesn't want to step away from that thought. Zaczyna się ochładzać. It's starting to cool off. It's getting cold. Prosím odpusť mi. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. To może zająć ponad godzinę. It may take over an hour. It could take over an hour. Nie widzisz. You can't see. You can't see. Musíte si uvědomit, že blahobyt netrvá věčně. You must realize that prosperity does not last forever. You have to realize, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well Nie zamawialiśmy tego. We didn't order this. We didn't order this. Nie dawaj mu swojego numeru. Don't give him your number. Don't give him your number. Byli tam chwilę. They've been there for a while. They were there for a while. Není důvod se bát. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no need to be afraid. Światło zmieniło się na czerwone. The light turned red. The light turned red. On jest w Tokio. He's in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. Tom mi řekl, že v říjnu v říjnu pojede do Austrálie. Tom told me he would go to Australia in October. Tom told me he was going to Australia in October. Co je lepší, geocaching nebo tatoeba? What's better, geocaching or Tatoeba? What's better, geocaching or taeba? Obchod zůstává otevřen celý den. The shop is open all day. The store stays open all day. Tenkrát jsem nemohl nic dělat. There was nothing I could do at that time. There was nothing I could do back then. Mój starszy brat zarządza tą firmą. My older brother manages that company. My big brother runs this company. Cześć. Hey. Hey. On je zubař. He is a dentist. He's a dentist. Tom by se sem mohl dostat, kdyby chtěl. Tom could get here if he wanted to. Tom could get in here if he wanted to. On má dva psy. He has two dogs. He's got two dogs. Oba jeho prarodiče jsou po smrti. Both his grandparents are dead. Both his grandparents are dead. Zwiedziłem już wcześniej Boston. I've visited Boston before. I've visited Boston before. Tom má na starosti kuchyň. Tom is in charge of the kitchen. Tom's in charge of the kitchen. Potřebuji si vypláchnout ústa. I need to rinse my mouth. I need to wash my mouth. Kolik dní v týdnu chodíš do školy? How many days a week do you go to school? How many days a week do you go to school? Tom włożył niemowlaka do łóżeczka. Tom put the baby in his crib. Tom put the baby in a cot. Czytałam twoją książkę. I read your book. I read your book. Moja żona próbuje spać. My wife's trying to sleep. My wife's trying to sleep. Měla obrovské výkyvy nálad. She had huge mood swings. She had huge mood swings. Twój nauczyciel historii byłby dumny. Your history teacher would be proud. Your history teacher would be proud. Nie oglądam telewizji. I don't watch TV. I don't watch TV. Zatrudnił kilku nowych pracowników. He hired some new workers. He's hired some new employees. Mám se dobře, děkuji za optání. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thank you for asking. Tom starał się przemówić Marii do rozumu. Tom tried to reason with Mary. Tom was trying to reason with Maria. Nóż nie jest ostry. The knife isn't sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Próbowałem uciec. I tried to escape. I tried to escape. Je to naše rozhodnutí. That's our decision. It's our decision. Volala tě Mary. Mary called you. Mary called you. Jaký je můj trest? What's my punishment? What's my punishment? Bez twojej porady zostałbym okradziony z mojej torby. Without your advice, I would have been robbed of my bag. Without your advice, I'd be robbed of my bag. Vraťte se. Come back. Come back. Gdzie w Turcji mieszkasz? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? Moje matka si čte časopis. My mother is reading a magazine. My mother reads a magazine. Je o jednoho míň. There is one less. It's one less. Vrať to! Give it back! Give it back! Zeptejme se Toma. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. Nemyslím si, že Mary vypadá jako máma. I don't think Mary looks like a mother. I don't think Mary looks like Mom. Tom natáhl brka. Tom kicked the bucket. Tom pulled the trigger. Možná jsi to udělal. You could have done it. Maybe you did. U fonetických jazyků se podíváte na psané slovo a víte, jak ho vyslovit. Čte se tak, jak je psáno! With phonetic languages, you can look at a written word and know how to pronounce it: read as it is written! You're going to look at the written word, and you know how to say it, read it the way it's written! Je to můj učitel. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. To jí pomůže. That will help her. That'll help her. Tom i Mary wydawali się bardzo zajęci, nie sądzisz? Tom and Mary seemed to be quite busy, didn't they? Tom and Mary seemed very busy, don't you think? Tvůj rukopis je prakticky nečitelný. Your handwriting is practically illegible. Your manuscript is practically illegible. Co bys udělal, kdybys byl na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were me? Co bychom si bez vás počali? What would we do without you? What would we do without you? Nie sądzę, aby Tom nas usłyszał. I don't think Tom is going to hear us. I don't think Tom can hear us. List datowany jest na pierwszego kwietnia 1987 roku. The letter is dated April 1, 1987. The letter was dated on April 1, 1987. Byla sama ve tmě. She was alone in the dark. She was alone in the dark. Omlouvám se, ale musím vás přerušit. I'm sorry, but I have to interrupt you. I'm sorry, but I have to interrupt. Proč se mnou nemluví? Why don't they talk to me? Why isn't he talking to me? Ich rozwód okazał się całkowitym zaskoczeniem. Their divorce came as a complete surprise. Their divorce turned out to be a total surprise. Sami se to naučil na universitě. Sami learned this in college. He learned it himself at the university. Manžel budí svou manželku. The husband wakes up his wife. The husband wakes his wife. Je mi jedno, jestli ranní ptáče dál doskáče, já chci spát. I don't care if the early bird gets the worm, I want to sleep. I don't care if the early bird gets any better, I want to sleep. Mluv více potichu. Speak more quietly. Keep your voice down. Zuzanna, siostra Jana, jest bardzo inteligentna. Susan, Juan's sister, is very intelligent. Zuzanna, Sister Jana, is very intelligent. Proč jsou na mě všichni najednou tak hodní? Why is everyone being nice to me all of a sudden? Why is everyone so good to me all of a sudden? Jakže se to jmenuješ? What's your name again? What's your name again? Nechci jít do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Kłócił się ze swoim bratem. He quarrelled with his brother. He was arguing with his brother. Jesteś szczery. You're sincere. You're being honest. Uczenie się kolokacji to krok naprzód w znajomości języka. Learning collocations is one step towards sounding like a native speaker. Learning collocation is a step forward in knowledge of the language. Wsadził słomkę w mrowisko. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He put the straw in the ant. To człowiek bardzo utalentowany. He is a man of great ability. He's a very talented man. Chcieli, żebym im sprzedał narkotyki, ale odmówiłem. They wanted me to sell drugs for them, but I refused. They wanted me to sell them drugs, but I said no. Słyszałem, że masz piękny głos. I heard you have a beautiful voice. I hear you have a beautiful voice. Policja podejrzewa, że Tom próbował otruć Mary. The police suspect that Tom was trying to poison Mary. The police suspect Tom was trying to poison Mary. Śpiące dziecko jest zupełnie jak aniołek. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping baby is just like an angel. Karty kredytowe są użyteczne, ale niebezpieczne. Credit cards are useful but dangerous. Credit cards are useful, but dangerous. Pokaż mi swój nowy system katalogowania. Show me your new filing system. Show me your new catalog system. Dlaczego po prostu nie wyjdziesz i nie powiesz tego? Why don't you just come out and say it? Why don't you just go out and say it? Przestało padać. It has stopped raining. It stopped raining. Tom wziął list, zmiął go i włożył do kieszeni. Tom took the letter, crumpled it and put it in his pocket. Tom took a letter, took it and put it in his pocket. Boże Narodzenie już za progiem. Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas is already on its way. Wszystko szło zgodnie z planem. Everything went according to plan. Everything went as planned. Pieniądze nie będą problemem. Money won't be a problem. Money won't be a problem. Musíte jim říct pravdu. You must tell them the truth. You have to tell them the truth. Tom by měl být zpátky každou vteřinu. Tom should be back any second. Tom should be back any second. Nevím, zda to vůbec něco znamená. I don't know if that means anything. I don't know if that means anything at all. Silně pršelo, pročež byl baseballový zápas odložen. It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off. It was raining heavily, so the baseball game was postponed. Ile czasu ci zostało? How long do you have? How much time do you have left? Z powodu mgły samolot został zawrócony do Monachium. Because of the fog, the airplane has been rerouted to Munich. Because of the fog, the plane was returned to Munich. Kto jest twoim ulubionym aktorem? Who's your favourite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Ta baza zawiera bardzo dużo błędów. This basis contains many errors. This database contains a lot of mistakes. Jest z nami coraz lepiej. We're getting better. It's getting better with us. Nebo by to bylo jako usnout? Or would it be like falling asleep? Or would it be like falling asleep? Tom kdysi pracoval pro Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Trudno jest z nim rozmawiać. It's difficult to speak with him. It's hard to talk to him. Nasz sukces zawdzięczamy głównie jego staraniu. My success was, for the most part, thanks to his efforts. Our success is mainly due to his efforts. Slunce v noci nesvítí. The sun doesn't shine at night. The sun doesn't shine at night. Zúčastnili se toho. They attended it. They were involved. Tomek zostawił całą aferę w ręce Maryi. Tom left the matter entirely in Mary's hands. Tomek left the whole thing in Mary's hands. Je to efektivní. It is efficient. It's effective. Jestem dzisiaj wypompowany. I have no energy today. I'm exhausted today. Tom soudci řekli svoji verzi příběhu. Tom told the judge his side of the story. Tom the judges told their version of the story. To opravdu příliš nedává smysl, že? It doesn't really make much sense, does it? That doesn't really make much sense, does it? Obvykle vstávám pozdě. I usually get up late. I usually get up late. Tady je sedm hodin večer. It is seven p.m. here. It's seven o'clock in the evening. Na tom vůbec nezáleží. It doesn't matter at all. It doesn't matter at all. Vyměňte si vzduchové filtry. Change your air filters. Change air filters. Na zdraví! Cheers! Cheers! Znovu jsem jim řekl, ať ztlumí to rádio. I told them again to turn down the radio. I told them again to turn down the radio. Tom kdysi příliš pil. Tom used to drink too much. Tom used to drink too much. Znałeś Toma lepiej ode mnie. You knew Tom better than I did. You knew Tom better than me. Sáňkování je velká zábava. Sledding is a lot of fun. Sledging is a lot of fun. Byla to jenom pusa. It was just a kiss. It was just a kiss. Nie wiem czemu tu jestem. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I'm here. Vlny se uklidňují. The waves are subsiding. The waves are calming down. Tom by to byl sám neudělal. Tom wouldn't have done that on his own. Tom wouldn't have done it alone. Kiedyś sporo czasu spędzałem z Tomem, ale teraz często go nie ma. I used to hang out with Tom a lot, but these days he's not around much. I used to spend a lot of time with Tom, but now he's often gone. Každý, kdo chodí do kostela, věří v Boha. Whoever goes to church believes in God. Everyone who goes to church believes in God. Wiem, że prawdopodobnie jesteś zły na to, co powiedziałem wczoraj. I know you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably mad at what I said last night. Ile kosztuje bilet do kina? How much does a cinema ticket cost? How much is a movie ticket? Czekasz na kogoś? Are you waiting for someone? Are you waiting for someone? Kde? Where? Where? Ken biega szybciej od ciebie. Ken runs faster than you. Ken's running faster than you. Když se zhroutil komunismus, kapitalismus je nyní obžalován ze snahy "ovládnout svět." As communism has collapsed, capitalism is now accused of trying to "dominate the world." When communism collapsed, capitalism is now accused of trying to "rule the world." Pomyśl o swojej rodzinie. Think of your family. Think about your family. Zazdrościłem mu nowego domu. I envied his new house. I was jealous of his new home. Na čekání jsem zvyklý. I'm used to waiting. I'm used to waiting. Uran se používá k výrobě jaderné energie. Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power. Uranium is used to produce nuclear energy. Rýže se prodává po kilech. Rice is sold by the kilogram. The rice is sold in kilos. Ile wydałeś na swój nowy samochód? How much money did you spend on your car? How much did you spend on your new car? Zaufaj Tom. Trust Tom. Trust Tom. Tom pomaga myć okna swojej mamie. Tom is helping his mother wash the windows. Tom's helping her mom wash her mom's windows. Tom nechtěl, aby Mary řídila jeho auto. Tom didn't want Mary to drive his car. Tom didn't want Mary driving his car. Nienawidzę swojego sąsiada. I hate my neighbour. I hate my neighbor. Ponieważ nie otrzymałem odpowiedzi, napisałem do niej raz jeszcze. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Because I didn't get the answer, I wrote to her again. Rozčílil jsem se tak, že jsem nemohl mluvit. I got so mad I wasn't able to speak. I got so angry I couldn't talk. Zapni prosím televizi. Please turn the television on. Please turn on the TV. Tome, ty blbe! Tom, you idiot! Tom, you idiot! Pan Smith jest lubiany przez wszystkich studentów. Mr. Smith is liked by all the students. Mr. Smith is liked by all students. Chcę coś zjeść. I want to eat something. I want something to eat. Maria pali świeczki w swoim pokoju. Mary lights the candles in her room. Maria's burning candles in her room. Otevřela jsem dveře. I opened the door. I opened the door. Vrátil jsem to, kam to patří. I put it back where it belonged. I put it back where it belongs. Tom poszedł do sklepu z narzędziami kupić gwoździe. Tom went to the hardware store to buy some nails. Tom went to the hardware store to buy nails. Nerad ti říkám, že nejsi žádný průmyslník, nýbrž tovární dělník. I'm sorry to tell you that you're not an industrialist, you're a factory worker. I hate to tell you, you're not an industrialist, you're a factory worker. Potrzebuję przyjaciela. I need a friend. I need a friend. Proszę, zamknij okno. Please close the window. Please close the window. Tom byl obviněn z výtržnictví. Tom was accused of disorderly conduct. Tom was charged with rioting. Nie oskarżam cię o nic. I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm not accusing you of anything. Řeknu ti to. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Hej, czego słuchasz? Hey, what're you listening to? Hey, what are you listening to? On dysponuje jedynie powierzchowną wiedzą na ten temat. He has only a superficial knowledge of the subject. He only has superficial knowledge of this. Nech mé věci na pokoji. Leave my stuff alone. Leave my stuff alone. Předpokládám, že odešel domů. I suppose he's gone home. I assume he's gone home. Znowu? Again? Again? Sluneční světlo je hlavním zdrojem vitamínu D. Sunshine is the main source of vitamin D. The sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Nie zostawiaj otwartych drzwi. Don't leave the door open. Don't leave the door open. Herbata rośnie wszędzie w Indiach. Tea is widely grown in India. Tea grows everywhere in India. Máte asi žízeň. You're probably thirsty. You must be thirsty. Kouření škodí vašemu zdraví. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is bad for your health. Nechci, aby si lidé mysleli, že nejsem společenský. I just don't want to have people thinking that I'm not sociable. I don't want people to think I'm social. Wóna pijo wino. She drinks wine. He's drinking wine. Bude podáváno malé občerstvení. Light refreshments will be served. A small snack will be served. Ktoś próbował mnie zabić. Someone tried to kill me. Someone tried to kill me. Coš persišćinu wuknuś? Do you want to learn Persian? What do you think you're gonna do? Petr vypadá velmi mladě. Peter looks very young. Peter looks very young. Mieszkam z rodzicami. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Gdy wróciłem do domu Tom oglądał telewizję. Tom was watching TV when I came home. When I got home, Tom was watching TV. Rád bych si vydělal více peněz. I'd like to earn more money. I'd like to make more money. No i? So what? So what? Jsem pořád tady. I'm still right here. I'm still here. Tom zjistil, že mu někdo ukradl peněženku. Tom found out that somebody had stolen his wallet. Tom found out someone stole his wallet. Spotkałem ją późno wieczorem. I met her late in the evening. I met her late tonight. Nie ma słodyczy bez potu. No sweet without sweat. There's no sweets without sweat. Nikt nie pamięta. Nobody remembers. No one remembers. Tom si roztrhl kalhoty. Tom ripped his pants. Tom tore his pants. Já nejsem Češka. I am not Czech. I'm not Czech. Musíme si promluvit. We need to speak. We need to talk. Jeśli nie będziesz jeść, umrzesz. If you don't eat, you'll die. If you don't eat, you're gonna die. Nikt nic nie widział. No one saw a thing. No one saw anything. Jeśli wpłata czynszu nastąpi po piątym, naliczona zostanie opłata dodatkowa. If your rent comes in past the fifth, a late charge will be added. If the rent is paid after the fifth, an additional fee will be charged. Na Zemi ubývá zeleně. Green vegetation is on the decrease on Earth. We're losing green on Earth. Brzy poznáš pravdu. Soon you'll come to know the truth. You'll know the truth soon enough. Tom se vrátil ve zdraví. Tom made it back safely. Tom's back in health. Nic nie podpisywałem. I didn't sign anything. I didn't sign anything. Tom věděl, že tam nesmí chodit a přesto tam šel. Tom knew that he wasn't allowed to go there. Nevertheless, he went there. Tom knew he couldn't go in there, and yet he went there. Zbytek dne máme pro sebe. We have the rest of the day to ourselves. We have the rest of the day to ourselves. Je to daleko. It's far away. It's far away. Jaki jest najlepszy uniwersytet w Niemczech? What's the best university in Germany? What is the best university in Germany? To jest bardzo poważna sprawa. This is a very serious matter. This is a very serious matter. Od trzech lat odkładam ćwierć pensji. I have put aside one fourth of my salary for the last three years. I've been saving a quarter of my salary for three years. Wszyscy, opuścić statek! All hands, abandon ship! Everybody, leave the ship! Ja piju pivo. I drink beer. I'm drinking beer. Tom postavil nový kurník. Tom has built a new henhouse. Tom built a new henhouse. Je to úžasné. It's just amazing. It's amazing. Popatrzył na mnie i zaszczekał. He looked at me and barked. He looked at me and he barked. Tom ze zásady nechodí k volbám. Tom does not go to the pools on principle. Tom doesn't basically go to the election. Ona je moje spolužačka. She is my classmate. She's my classmate. Nevěděl, jak se má vyjádřit. He didn't know how to express himself. He didn't know how to express himself. To bylo opravdu nudné. That was really boring. That was really boring. Před otevřením zatřepejte. Please shake before opening. Shake before opening. Ken si stěžoval na bolest hlavy. Ken complained of a headache. Ken complained about a headache. Jestem zmęczona. I'm tired. I'm tired. Jak to często bywa u młodych ludzi, nie myślał o pieniądzach. As is often the case with young people, he was indifferent to money. As is often the case with young people, he did not think about money. Umíš hrát na hudební nástroj? Can you play an instrument? Can you play the musical instrument? Jdu také. I'm going, too. I'm coming too. Co o nich víte? What do you know about them? What do you know about them? Atomy se skládají z protonů, elektronů a neutronů. Atoms are made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. Atoms consist of protons, electrons and neutrons. Znów zasnąłeś? Did you fall back asleep? Are you asleep again? Przyprowadź dzieci. Bring the kids. Bring the kids. Tom a Mary se milují. Tom and Mary love each other. Tom and Mary love each other. Tom rzadko pije kawę wieczorem. Tom seldom drinks coffee in the evening. Tom rarely drinks coffee tonight. Tyhle rukavice jsou mi příliš malé. These gloves are too small for me. These gloves are too small. Potřebuji prodat jednu ze svých kytar. I need to sell one of my guitars. I need to sell one of my guitars. Člověk nemůže být úspěšný, pokud se nemá k práci. You can't succeed if you don't work. You can't be successful if you don't have a job. Chci jít s Tomem na lov. I want to go hunting with Tom. I want to go hunting with Tom. Za tohle mi neplatí. I'm not being paid for this. He's not paying me for this. Nie zgub się. Don't get lost. Don't get lost. Tom se zdál být laskavý. Tom looked like he was attentive. Tom seemed kind. Očekávám, že mi Tom vysvětlí svoje chování. I expect Tom to explain to me his behavior. I expect Tom to explain his behavior to me. Jana byla šťastná jak blecha, když dostala nahrávací smlouvu. Jane was on top of the world when she got a record contract. Jana was happy as a flea when she got the recording contract. Ruszył w kierunku drzwi. He moved towards the door. He was moving towards the door. Dovolil svým dětem hrát si s námi. He let his children play with us. He let his kids play with us. Poznałeś ją? Did you recognize her? Have you met her? Tom ma tylko tydzień na podjęcie decyzji. Tom has only a week to decide. Tom only has a week to make a decision. Zakładam, że jesteś Amerykaninem. I'm assuming you're American. I assume you're American. Zmierzamy donikąd. We're getting nowhere. We're going nowhere. Měl jsem navštívit lékaře. I was supposed to see a doctor. I should have seen a doctor. Definitywnie damy radę! We can definitely do it. We'll definitely make it! Jsme Rusové. We are Russians. We're Russians. Piękny dzień, prawda? Pójdziemy popływać? A nice day, isn't it? How about going for a swim? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Zítra Tom přijde k nám do školy. Tom is coming to our school tomorrow. Tom's coming to our school tomorrow. Jestem jedyną osobą, która wie gdzie jest Tom. I'm the only person who knows where Tom is. I'm the only one who knows where Tom is. Nie zwróciłeś jeszcze tych książek? Haven't you returned those books yet? Haven't you returned the books yet? Soustřeďme se na to, co se dnes musí udělat. Let's concentrate on what needs to be done today. Let's focus on what needs to be done today. Cieszę się, że się cieszysz. I'm glad that you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Musimy być ostrożni. We have to be careful. We need to be careful. Ta książka była łatwa. This book was easy. That book was easy. Vím, že máš přítelkyni. I know you have a girlfriend. I know you have a girlfriend. Wrócę później. I'll come back later. I'll be back later. Děti by měly chodit do školy. Children should attend a school. Kids should go to school. Tom je na universitě, ale jeho přítelkyně je stále na střední škole. Tom is in college, but his girlfriend is still in high school. Tom's in college, but his girlfriend's still in high school. Nepodváděl jsem. I didn't cheat. I wasn't cheating. Tom se nevzdal. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. Hluší lidé mohou konverzovat ve znakovém jazyce. Deaf people can converse in sign language. Deaf people can talk in sign language. Nechci nikoho zabít. I don't want to kill anybody. I don't want to kill anyone. Je velice důležité si pořádné umýt ruce poté, co dítěti vyměníte plenku. It is very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after changing a baby's diaper. It is very important to wash your hands thoroughly after you change the baby's diaper. Nedovolí mi jít. They won't let me go. They won't let me go. To je docela problém. That's quite a problem. That's quite a problem. Mam dzisiaj mnóstwo roboty. I have much work today. I've got a lot of work to do today. Nerad cestuje letadlem. He doesn't like traveling by plane. He doesn't like to travel on a plane. Nie musisz przepraszać. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. Tom nechtěl být učitelem. Tom didn't want to be a teacher. Tom didn't want to be a teacher. Aspoň mám kde přespat. At least I have somewhere to sleep. At least I have a place to sleep. Jestem w samochodzie. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Měla v plánu to udělat sama. She planned to do that by herself. She was planning on doing it herself. Jakim mydłem myjesz ręce? What soap do you wash your hands with? What soap do you wash your hands with? To jest zasadniczo dobre poza pomniejszymi błędami. This is fairly good except for minor mistakes. It's basically good except for minor mistakes. Ona walczyła o prawa kobiet. She fought for women's rights. She fought for women's rights. Tom już wypił całe mleko. Tom has already drunk all the milk. Tom's already had all the milk. Miała swój osobliwy styl mówienia. She had an individual style of speaking. She had a strange way of talking. Tom je několik dní pryč. Tom has been gone for a few days. Tom's been gone a few days. Zostawiłem to na stole. I left it on the table. I left it on the table. Kto jest twoim ulubionym reżyserem? Who is your favourite director? Who's your favorite director? Ta televize nefunguje. The television doesn't work. The TV's not working. Jak to jest możliwe? How is it possible? How is that possible? Tom a Mary jsou dnes doma. Tom and Mary are at home today. Tom and Mary are home today. Emi zamówiła sobie nową sukienkę. Emi ordered herself a new dress. Emi ordered a new dress. To leci właśnie w telewizji. It's on telly right now. That's what's on TV. Tom chodzi pieszo do szkoły. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom's walking to school. Padli jeden po druhém. They fell one after another. They fell one by one. Polscy specjaliści pracują w Afryce. Polish specialists work in Africa. Polish specialists work in Africa. Na to nemůžu odpovědět. I can't answer that. I can't answer that. Tom wygrał darmową wycieczkę do Bostonu. Tom won a free trip to Boston. Tom won a free trip to Boston. Wszystko musiałem robić sam. I had to do everything alone. I had to do everything myself. To je vcelku dobrý nápad. That's a pretty good idea. That's a pretty good idea. Pořád kýchám. I keep sneezing. I'm still sneezing. Wiem co z nią nie tak. I know what's wrong with her. I know what's wrong with her. Nie mógł uwierzyć w jej historię. He couldn't bring himself to believe her story. He couldn't believe her story. Zakradła się do niego od tyłu. She sneaked up behind him. She snuck into him from behind. Přestaň. Ztrapňuješ mě. Stop it. You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing me. Děti nemám. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Mýlíš se: on hraje na kontrabas, ne na trombón. You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone. You're wrong: he's playing double bass, not a trombone. Zamkla se v jeho ložnici. She's locked herself in his bedroom. She locked herself in his bedroom. Není nic důležitějšího než zdraví. Nothing is more important than health. There's nothing more important than health. Tom už Mary nikdy neuvidí. Tom will never see Mary again. Tom will never see Mary again. Není nad sklenici piva po celodenní práci. There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work. There's nothing like a glass of beer after a day's work. Jaki jest sens istnienia? What's the point of existence? What is the point of existence? Kotek spał głęboko. The kitten slept soundly. The kitten was sleeping deep. Jedynie Tom wie co się dzieje. Tom is the only one who knows what's going on. Only Tom knows what's going on. Pravá přátelství trvají navěky. True friendships last forever. True friendship lasts forever. Tom kouřil až čtyřicet cigaret denně, ale loni v létě s kouřením úplně přestal. Tom used to smoke up to forty cigarettes a day but last summer he quit smoking completely. Tom smoked up to 40 cigarettes a day, but last summer, he stopped smoking completely. Přestal jíst. He stopped eating. He stopped eating. Umiesz pisać? Can you write? Can you write? Pójdziesz do domu ze złamanym nosem. You'll go home with a broken nose! You're going home with a broken nose. Czy lód jest zimny? Is the ice cold? Is the ice cold? Jste nudní. You're boring. You're boring. Jste si jisti, že Tom je ten pravý? Are you certain Tom is the one? Are you sure Tom's the one? Jestli bude zítra hezky, budu pracovat na zahradě. If it is nice tomorrow, I will be working in the garden. If it's nice tomorrow, I'll be working in the garden. Tady je všechno v pořádku. Everything's in order here. Everything's fine here. Beduíni žijí v poušti. Bedouins live in the desert. The Bedouins live in the desert. Usmívají se jeden na druhého. They're smiling at each other. They smile at each other. Tom wziął zimną kąpiel. Tom took a cold bath. Tom took a cold bath. Dítě jí chléb. The child is eating some bread. The baby eats bread. Moje improwizacje są całkiem dobre. My improvisations are pretty good. My improvisations are pretty good. Říkal jsem ti přece, abys mi žádné dárky nekupoval. I did tell you not to buy me any gifts. I told you not to buy me any presents. To mój ulubiony kawałek na tej płycie. This is my favorite track on the entire disc. It's my favorite piece on this album. Co udělal, bylo proti lidskosti. What he did was against humanity. What he did was against humanity. Jesteś rozrzutny. You're wasteful. You're a waste of time. Tohle je něco, co jsem nosil, když jsem byl mnohem mladší. This is something I wore when I was much younger. This is something I wore when I was much younger. Tom podniósł pudełko z biżuterią Mary i je otworzył. Tom picked up Mary's jewelry box and opened it. Tom picked up a box of Mary's jewelry and opened it. Tom se omluvil za to, že mi šlápl na nohu. Tom apologized for stepping on my foot. Tom apologized for stepping on my leg. Jedna žena plakala. One woman was crying. There was a woman crying. Nevěděla jsem, že se mu líbím. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Tom nedokázal dokončit, co začal. Tom couldn't finish what he'd started. Tom couldn't finish what he started. Má zkušenosti? Does he have experience? Does he have experience? Myślę, że już ciebie spotkałem. I think I've already met you. I think I've met you before. Bude to nějakou dobu trvat. It will take some time. It's gonna take some time. Tobě se líbí sloni. You like elephants. You like elephants. Czy ja działam ci na nerwy? I make you nervous, don't I? Am I acting on your nerves? Tom přežil tři manželky. Tom has outlived three wives. Tom survived three wives. Liczby pierwsze są jak życie: bardzo logiczne, ale niemożliwe jest odkrycie reguł nimi rządzących, choćby myślało się o nich cały czas. Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it. The first figures are like life: very logical, but it is impossible to discover the rules governing them, even if they are thought of all the time. Nemůžu se hýbat. I can't move. I can't move. To jsi Tomovi povídat neměl. You shouldn't have told Tom that. You shouldn't have told Tom that. Kochałem pływanie, kiedy byłem dzieckiem. I used to love swimming when I was a kid. I loved swimming when I was a kid. Říká se, že má poměr se sestřičkou. He is said to have an affair with a nurse. They say she's having an affair with a nurse. Musím jít do lékárny. I have to go to the drugstore. I have to go to the pharmacy. Nie mam cierpliwości. I have no patience. I have no patience. Przepraszam, jak mogę dostać się do centrum? Please, how can I get to the center? Excuse me, how can I get downtown? Dokąd wszyscy idą? Where's everyone going? Where is everybody going? Nigdy nie paliłem. I've never smoked. I've never smoked. Myślę, że nowa wersja Windowsów na pewno nie wyjdzie w tym miesiącu. I think it's unlikely that the next version of Windows will come out before the end of this month. I don't think the new version of Windows is coming out this month. Už přes dva roky jsme se neviděli. It's been over two years since we saw each other. We haven't seen each other in over two years. Velmi brzy se to dozvíte. You will learn it very soon. You'll know very soon. Mieszkał na Ukrainie wiele lat. He lived in Ukraine for many years. He lived in Ukraine for many years. Zmywajmy się stąd. Let's get out of this place. Let's get out of here. Wygląda perfekcyjnie. It looks perfect. It looks perfect. Můj vůz byl ukraden. My car has been stolen. My car was stolen. Je příliš brzy jít spát. It's too early to go to bed. It's too soon to sleep. Tom ví, co Mary řekla. Tom knows what Mary said. Tom knows what Mary said. Apetyt przychodzi w miarę jedzenia. Appetite comes with eating. Appetite comes when you eat. Tom powiedział, że musi iść na spotkanie. Tom said he had to go to a meeting. Tom said he had to go to a meeting. Proč to nechápeš? Why don't you understand it? Why don't you understand? Jak se jmenuje tvůj táta? What's your father's name? What's your dad's name? Wszystkie dziewczyny go uwielbiają. All the girls fancy him. All the girls love him. Větě je možné přiřknout dva významy, z nichž je jeden přesným opakem druhého. The sentence is capable of two interpretations, of which the first is the exact opposite of the other. It is possible to assign two meanings, one of which is the exact opposite of the other. Začínám chápat. I'm beginning to understand. I'm starting to understand. Nie wiem, czy mam czas. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Nikdo mi neřekl, že jsi tady. Nobody told me you were here. No one told me you were here. Jestem trochę spóźniony. I'm a bit late. I'm a little late. Co to jest? What's this? What is it? To není pro Toma. That's not for Tom. It's not for Tom. Vrazila jsem mu facku. I slapped his face. I punched him in the face. Możesz pomóc. You can help. You can help. Wiele się od Ciebie nauczyłem. I learned a lot from you. I've learned a lot from you. Zostawiłem gdzieś swój paszport. I left my passport somewhere. I left my passport somewhere. Tom byl velmi přísný učitel. Tom was a very strict teacher. Tom was a very strict teacher. Výtah nefungoval. The lift was not working. The elevator didn't work. Musím jít spát. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. Korzystam z każdej okazji, by zjeść coś włoskiego. I never miss the opportunity to eat Italian food. I use every opportunity to eat Italian. Masz mi powiedzieć, co mam zrobić. You have to tell me what to do. I want you to tell me what to do. Molekula se skládá z atomů. A molecule is made up of atoms. Molecule consists of atoms. Nienawidzę chemii. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. Dzwoń kiedykolwiek. Call me anytime. Call me anytime. Někdy si zahraji šachy. Sometimes I play a game of chess. Sometimes I play chess. Klawiatura szwajcarska nie ma litery ß. The Swiss keyboard doesn't have a ß. The Swiss keyboard does not have the letter ß. Kdo by uvěřil tvému příběhu? Who'd believe your story? Who would believe your story? Ty zaczynasz. You start. You're on. Nie lubię, gdy każe mi się czekać. I don't like to be kept waiting. I don't like being told to wait. Nerad sleduji dabované filmy. I don't like watching dubbed movies. I don't like watching dubbed movies. To vypadal, jakože se mu ulevilo. Tom looked like he was relieved. It looked like he was relieved. Czasami śpię na plecach, czasami na brzuchu, a czasami na boku. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, and other times on my side. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, sometimes on my side. Wiem jak bardzo lubisz Toma. I know how much you like Tom. I know how much you like Tom. Jesteście gotowi na rok 2012? Are you ready for the year 2012? Are you ready for 2012? Jak twoja noga? How's your leg? How's your leg? Běch cyły čas nerwozny. I was nervous the whole time. Take all the time of nervousness. Tom i Mary grają w rosyjską ruletkę. Tom and Mary played a game of Russian roulette. Tom and Mary are playing Russian roulette. Ktoś odpowiedział. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Nie słuchałem radia. I wasn't listening to the radio. I didn't listen to the radio. Parking jest prawie pusty. The parking lot is almost empty. The parking lot is almost empty. Widziałam tam mego kumpla, pijącego wino. I saw my mate there, drinking wine. I saw a friend of mine drinking wine there. Dziewczyna skoczyła na równe nogi i opuściła pokój. The girl jumped to her feet and left the room. The girl jumped straight and left the room. Dziecko jest głodne. The baby is hungry. The baby's hungry. Vzpomínáš? Do you remember? Remember? Nemá ráda fotbal. She doesn't like soccer. She doesn't like football. Co jí krokodýli? What do alligators eat? What about the crocodiles? Život je krásný! Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful! Toaletního papíru není nedostatek. There's no shortage of toilet paper. Toilet paper is not a shortage. Můžeme snížit svou spotřebu energie. We can cut down on our use of energy. We can reduce our energy consumption. Padało przez pięć dni. The rain lasted five days. It's been raining for five days. Tom možná bude chtít něco nakoupit. Tom may want to do some shopping. Tom might want to buy something. Můžeš teď přestat. You can stop now. You can stop now. Lhals mu! You lied to him! You lied to him! Chciałbym, żeby mnie noga tak nie bolała. I wish my leg didn't hurt so much. I wish my leg didn't hurt like that. Náš matikář na tabuli načrtnul kruh. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our math guy drew a circle on the board. Přede dveřmi je nějaké křeslo. A chair is in front of the door. There's a chair outside the door. Dziękuję za komentarze. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for the comments. Oczywiście byłem nieco rozproszony! I was obviously a little distracted! Of course, I was a little distracted! Kéž bych si byl koupil lístek na ten koncert. I wish I had bought a ticket for the concert. I wish I'd bought a ticket to the concert. Přesvědčit tě je moje práce. It's my job to convince you. It's my job to convince you. Pomerančovníky jsou citlivé na mráz. Orange trees are sensitive to frost. Oranges are sensitive to frost. Oni nie chcieli brać udziału w bójce. They did not want to get involved in the fighting. They didn't want to be in a fight. Mám skutečně obavy o tvou budoucnost. I'm really concerned about your future. I'm really worried about your future. Mary vynesla odpadky. Mary took the garbage out. Mary took out the trash. Pondělí, úterý, středa, čtvrtek, pátek, sobota a neděle je sedm dnů týdne. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are seven days of the week. Mary políbila Toma přímo před Alicí. Mary kissed Tom right in front of Alice. Mary kissed Tom right in front of Alice. Jeśli popełnisz błąd, płacisz karę. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty. Jaké barvy jsou ty jablka? What color are the apples? What colors are those apples? Odnieśliśmy druzgocące zwycięstwo. We were completely victorious. We've won a devastating victory. Odešla do spojených států. She has gone to the United States. She's gone to the United States. Daj mi jeszcze jeden powód. Give me another reason. Give me one more reason. S tímhle úderem si sami pod sebou řežeme větev. With this strike we're sawing off the branch we're sitting on. With this blow, we cut ourselves a branch. Tom měl v levé ruce obálku. Tom had an envelope in his left hand. Tom had an envelope in his left hand. Bill jest graczem baseballa. Bill is a baseball player. Bill's a baseball player. Daję ci słowo honoru. I give you my word of honour. I give you my word of honor. Chciałbym śpiewać tak dobrze jak Tom. I wish I could sing as well as Tom. I wish I could sing as well as Tom. To jest bezpieczniejsze. It's safer. It's safer. Człowiek jadł chleb. The man was eating bread. A man ate bread. Vymysleli jsme plán. We came up with a plan. We've come up with a plan. Jen abys věděl, to byl můj nápad. For your information, that was my idea. Just so you know, that was my idea. Poprosiłem mojego ojca o pomoc. I asked for my father's help. I asked my father for help. Dřív jsem nekouřil. I didn't used to smoke. I didn't smoke before. Omezením spotřeby masa můžeme zlepšit životní prostředí. By reducting meat consumption, we can improve the environment. By limiting meat consumption, we can improve the environment. Tom neměl důvod mít podezření, že Mary lže. Tom had no reason to suspect that Mary was lying. Tom had no reason to suspect Mary was lying. To pokazuje jego zaplecze teoretyczne. That shows his theoretical background. This shows his theoretical background. Które zwierzę jest duże? Which animal is big? Which one's the big one? Kde jsou teď tvoji rodiče? Where are your parents now? Where are your parents now? Nechci volat policii. I don't want to call the police. I don't want to call the police. Tom jest w stanie znieść prawie wszystko. Tom can handle just about anything. Tom can take almost anything. Naprawdę podobają mi się twoje oczy. I really like your eyes. I really like your eyes. Plato je můj přítel, ale pravdu si cením více. Plato's my friend, but truth I cherish even more. Plato is my friend, but I value the truth more. Objednal jsi tuhle pizzu? Did you order this pizza? Did you order this pizza? Policie pátrá po uprchlém vězni. The police is searching for an escaped prisoner. The police are looking for escaped prisoners. Tom nie zna prawdy. Tom doesn't know the truth. Tom doesn't know the truth. Na to si nikdy nezvyknu. I'll never get used to that. I'll never get used to it. Tom mi dal modrou košili. Tom gave me a blue shirt. Tom gave me a blue shirt. Angličtina je pro Holanďany snadný jazyk k učení. English is an easy language for Dutch people to learn. English is an easy language for the Dutch. Ona ma męża i dwie córki. She has husband and two daughters. She has a husband and two daughters. Chce Tom vejít? Does Tom want to come in? Does Tom want to come in? Tom řekl, že Mary lituje toho, co udělala. Tom said Mary regretted what she did. Tom said Mary was sorry for what she did. Ona wyszła za bogatego starca. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Czemu jesteś tak złośliwy w stosunku do mnie? Why are you mean to me? Why are you being so mean to me? Nikdo nemá takové štěstí. No one is that lucky. No one's that lucky. Firma planuje sprzedawać nowy produkt po 1000 dolarów. The company plans to sell the new product for $1,000. The company plans to sell a new product of $1,000. Nie zaśpiewałabym tej piosenki, gdybym wiedziała, że doprowadzi Toma do łez. I wouldn't have sung that song if I'd known it would make Tom cry. I wouldn't sing that song if I knew it would lead Tom to tears. Rád chodí na procházky sám. He likes taking a walk by himself. He likes to take walks alone. Nie mów do mnie jak do dziecka. Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Don't talk to me like I'm a kid. Damy jej prezent na urodziny. We will give her a present on her birthday. We'll give her a birthday present. Říkej si co chceš, ona je ta, kterou si vezmu. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Say what you want, she's the one I'm gonna marry. Mam nadzieję, że się panu spodoba. I hope you'll like it. I hope you like it. Tom ví, že Mary neumí řídit. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tom knows Mary can't drive. Tom už vás dál nebude obtěžovat. Tom won't be bothering you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Sháním Andyho. Nevíš, kde je? I'm looking for Andy. Do you know where he is? I'm looking for Andy. Tom kdysi dělal v pekárně. Tom used to work in a bakery. Tom used to work at a bakery. Tom mi řekl, že Mary nenávidí. Tom told me that he hated Mary. Tom told me he hates Mary. Umówmy się na spotkanie. Let's set up a meeting. Let's make an appointment. Účet dělal 500 dolarů. The bill amounted to 500 dollars. The bill was $500. Myslíš, že je to špatná věc? Do you think it's a bad thing? You think it's a bad thing? Naprawdę chcesz, żebym zaczął? Do you really want me to start? Do you really want me to start? Kwiaty ją uszczęśliwiają. Flowers make her happy. Flowers make her happy. Bardzo za nią tęsknię. I miss her so much. I miss her so much. Chcę adwokata. I want a lawyer. I want a lawyer. Zastanawiałem się, kiedy tutaj dotrzesz. I was wondering when you'd get here. I was wondering when you'd get here. Hledám dům. I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. Miałam podaną kroplówkę w szpitalu. I had an intravenous drip in hospital. I had an IV in the hospital. Nie wiedziałem, że Tom ma przezwisko. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. Chyba ją straciliśmy. We seem to have lost her. I think we lost her. To już chyba nieważne. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I don't think that matters anymore. Próbowaliśmy odczytać litery napisane na murze. We tried to make out the letters written on the wall. We tried to read the letters on the wall. Ahoj? Jste stále ještě tady? Hello? Are you still here? Are you still here? Zastanawiam się, co się wydarzy. I wonder what is going to happen. I wonder what's going to happen. Tomova matka je mrtvá. Tom's mother's dead. Tom's mother is dead. Musisz zacząć zdanie od wielkiej litery. You must begin a sentence with a capital letter. You have to start with the capital letter. To działa mi na nerwy. It is getting on my nerves. It makes me nervous. Grywałem w zespole z Tomem. I used to play in a band with Tom. I was in a band with Tom. Nie wiem, czy to jest prawda. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if that's true. To nie jest pierwszy raz, kiedy Tom skłamał. This isn't the first time Tom has lied. It's not the first time Tom lied. Spośród jej dzieci jedne są dobre, a inne złe. Some of her children are good, some are bad. Some of her children are good, some are bad. Musisz mnie nauczyć, jak to się robi. You must teach me how to do it. You have to teach me how to do it. Přijde? Will she come? Is he coming? Będzie musiała na niego zaczekać. She'll have to wait for him. She'll have to wait for him. Vzhlédl ke stropu. He looked up at the ceiling. He looked up to the ceiling. Tam ve vodě je labuť. There is a swan in the water there. There's a swan in the water. Tuším, žes to nekoupil ty sám. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy it yourself. Monitor wyświetla sygnał graficzny, ruchomy i nieruchomy, wytworzony przez komputer lub urządzenie podobne. A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device. The monitor displays a graphic, mobile and stationary signal made by a computer or similar device. Winię się za to, co się stało. I blame myself for what happened. I blame myself for what happened. Říkal jsem ti, že Tom nepřijde. I told you that Tom wouldn't come. I told you Tom wasn't coming. Myslím, že mám teď velké problémy. I guess I'm really in trouble now. I think I'm in a lot of trouble right now. Je tu patnáct lidí, včetně hostů. There are fifteen people here, counting the guests. There are 15 people, including guests. To nie miało sensu. It didn't make sense. It didn't make any sense. Mówiłem ci to sto razy. I've told you that a hundred times. I've told you this a hundred times. On umie dobrze czytać. He can read well. He can read well. Ted na ni čekal hodně dlouho. Ted waited for her for a long time. Ted's been waiting a long time for her. Pochybuju, že to někdo řekl. I doubt anyone said that. I doubt anyone said that. Rozwodzimy się. We're getting divorced. We're getting divorced. Uderzyłem Toma. I hit Tom. I hit Tom. Nikdo to za tebe neudělá. Nobody will do it on your behalf. No one's gonna do it for you. Jednou v Anglii byla. She has been to England once. She was in England once. Wydaje się, że jego sekretarka zna prawdę. It seems that his secretary knows a truth. His secretary seems to know the truth. Tom był zmuszony przejść na emeryturę. Tom was forced to retire. Tom was forced to retire. Jak bylo na pláži? How was the beach? How was the beach? Naděje je málo. There is little hope. Hope is short. Ta chobotnice se vrátila do moře, aniž by byla snědena. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. The octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. Tohle je doutník. This is a cigar. This is a cigar. Rád bych zemřel na stáří. I'd like to die of old age. I'd like to die of old age. Neděláš si starosti kvůli svým známkám? Aren't you worried about your grades? Aren't you worried about your grades? Po co mu jeszcze jeden rower? Why does he need another bicycle? Why would he need another bike? Tom był ostatnią nadzieją Mary. Tom was Mary's last hope. Tom was Mary's last hope. Nagrywasz tę rozmowę? Are you recording this conversation? Are you recording this conversation? Mary obwiniała się. Mary blamed herself. Mary was blaming herself. Zítra máme zavřeno. We're closed tomorrow. We're closed tomorrow. Tomovi by se mělo říct, aby to už nedělal. Tom should be told not to do that anymore. Tom should be told not to do it anymore. Czy to twoja książka? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Překvapilo je to, co viděli. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. Vy máte ráda ovoce. You like fruit. You like fruit. Pojďme tam spolu. Let's walk there together. Let's go in there together. Idź za mną, pokażę ci drogę. Follow me and I will show you the way. Follow me, I'll show you the way. Jakość ryżu się pogarsza. The quality of rice is getting worse. The quality of rice is getting worse. Muszę się przygotować do szkoły. I've got to get ready for school. I have to get ready for school. Tom nie miał zbyt wiele do powiedzenia. Tom didn't have a whole lot to say. Tom didn't have much to say. To pomieszczenie jest za małe na 50 osób. This room is too small to contain 50 men. This room is too small for 50 people. Toto určitě napsal někdo, kdo dobře umí anglicky. Someone who knows English well must have written this. I'm sure this is written by someone who speaks English well. Rozhodl jste se, co si chcete objednat? Have you decided what you want to order? Have you decided what you want to order? Myślałem, że ich znasz. I thought you knew them. I thought you knew them. Tom nebere svoje léky. Tom hasn't been taking his medications. Tom's not taking his meds. Snídani jsem vynechal. I skipped breakfast. I missed breakfast. Je to snadná volba. It's a simple choice. It's an easy choice. Kousl mě mravenec. I was bitten by ant. I was bitten by ant. Tom niczego nie podejrzewa. Tom doesn't suspect a thing. Tom doesn't suspect anything. Myję ręce. I wash my hands. I wash my hands. Ważne są czyny, nie słowa. It's not what you say, but what you do that counts. What's important is actions, not words. Proč je Tom ve vězení? Why is Tom in jail? Why is Tom in jail? Gdyby nie pas bezpieczeństwa byłbym martwy. But for the safety belt, I wouldn't be alive today. If it wasn't for a seat belt, I'd be dead. A jak se daří tvé ženě? What about your wife? And how's your wife? Jdu domů. I go home. I'm going home. Je stydlivá a moc toho nenamluví. She's shy and doesn't talk much. She's shy, and she doesn't talk much. Musím koupit tento lék. I have to buy this medicine. I have to buy this medicine. Tom nie chce z nikim rozmawiać. Tom doesn't want to talk to anybody. Tom doesn't want to talk to anyone. Padají kroupy. It's hailing. Crusades are falling. Jaki jest twój ulubiony pisarz? Who's your favorite writer? What's your favorite writer like? Staję się silniejszy każdego dnia. I'm getting stronger every day. I get stronger every day. Jeżeli masz czas, czy mógłbyś proszę przetłumaczyć kilka poniższych zdań? If you have a time, could you translate some sentences below, please? If you have time, could you translate some of the following sentences? Robię śniadanie. I'm making breakfast. I'm making breakfast. Tragiczne wiadomości doprowadziły jego matkę do szaleństwa. The tragic news drove his mother mad. Tragic news drove his mother crazy. Muszę z tobą teraz porozmawiać. I need to talk to you right now. I need to talk to you right now. Tomovy narozeniny jsou 20. října. Tom's birthday is October 20th. Tom's birthday is October 20th. Dzwoniłeś? Did you call? Did you call? Tom tego nie zrobi, chyba że go nie poprosisz. Tom won't do that unless you ask him to. Tom won't do it unless you ask him. Kdo vymyslel karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Dla świata jesteś kimś, ale dla kogoś jesteś światem. For the world, you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world. To the world, you're something, but to someone you're the world. Jeden, dwa, trzë, sztërë, piãc, szesc, sétmë, òsmë, dzewiãc, dzesãc. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, zero, seven, eight, somewhere, anywhere. Rozumiesz? Got it? Do you understand? Wpadłam na Toma podczas lunchu. I ran into Tom at lunch today. I ran into Tom at lunch. Kto to rozbił? Who broke it? Who broke it? Je málo naděje. There is little hope. There's little hope. Elektrownia zaopatruje odległą dzielnicę w prąd elektryczny. The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. The power plant supplies a remote district with electric current. Ona tonie w długach po szyję. She's up to her neck in debt. She's drowning in debt over her neck. Každý desátý trpí nedostatkem spánku. One out of ten people suffers from a lack of sleep. Every tenth suffers from a lack of sleep. Nevím už, proč se dál obtěžuju. I don't know why I even bother anymore. I don't know why I bother anymore. Tito ptáci nemigrují. These birds don't migrate. These birds don't migrate. Tomův dům nemá garáž. Tom's house doesn't have a garage. Tom's house doesn't have a garage. Mówi po angielsku i francusku. He speaks English and French. He speaks English and French. Spálil jsem si prsty o žhavou žehličku. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. Płynęli. They swam. They sailed. Myślę, że Tom pojechał do Bostonu samochodem. I think Tom went to Boston by car. I think Tom went to Boston by car. Neviděl důvod, proč čekat déle. He saw no advantage in waiting any longer. He didn't see why to wait longer. Cožpak si nepamatuješ Desatero Božích přikázání? Don't you remember the Ten Commandments? Do you not remember the Ten Commandments of God? V moři jsou ostrovy. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Zaraz do was przyjdę. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be right back. Następnego roku wybuchła I wojna światowa. The next year, World War I broke out. The following year, World War I broke out. W porządku. That is all right. All right. Holky se navzájem kritizují. Girls criticize each other. Girls criticize each other. Klava nadmiernie wszystko upraszcza. Klava oversimplifies everything. Klava overly simplifies everything. Protože byl unavený, šel do postele brzy. Since he was tired, he went to bed early. Because he was tired, he went to bed early. Chyba mam zły numer. I seem to have the wrong number. I think I got the wrong number. Dołączę do ciebie później. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. Rozhodli se zavřít továrnu. They decided to shut down the factory. They decided to close the factory. Tom jest adoptowany. Tom's adopted. Tom's adopted. Ona mówi po niemiecku i francusku, nie wspominając już o angielskim. She speaks German and French, not to mention English. She speaks German and French, not to mention English. Tato vlajka je velice hezká. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very pretty. Mam dwa samochody. I have two cars. I got two cars. Tom má tři starší bratry. Tom has three older brothers. Tom has three older brothers. Budu potřebovat podrobnosti. I'm going to need details. I'm gonna need details. Tom je uvnitř, ale Mary ne. Tom is in, but Mary isn't. Tom's inside, but Mary's not. Už je zase podzim. It is autumn again. It's fall again. To ich jedyny wybór. It is their only choice. It's their only choice. Ma problemy z zapamiętywaniem nazwisk. He is weak on names. He's having trouble remembering names. Bydlím poblíž. I live near here. I live nearby. Najwyższy czas, żebyś poszedł do fryzjera. It's high time you had a haircut. It's about time you went to the barber. Chcę zjeść coś, co nie jest pikantne. I want to eat something that's not spicy. I want to eat something that's not spicy. Všechno, co jsem řekl, byla pravda. Everything I said was the truth. Everything I said was true. Nemohl jsem tam s nimi zůstat. I wasn't allowed to stay there with them. I couldn't stay with them. Powinniśmy wyjść gdzieś wieczorem. We ought to go out tonight. We should go out tonight. Wciąż nie mogę uwierzyć, że to się naprawdę stało. I still can't believe it really happened. I still can't believe this really happened. Jeho pýcha byla poněkud pocuchána. His pride was slightly touched. His pride was somewhat tamed. Światło samo zgasło. The light went out by itself. The light went out. Jak dlouho to tam trvá autobusem? How long does it take to get there by bus? How long has it been on the bus? Nie mogę prosić cię o podjęcie takiego ryzyka. I can't ask you to take that sort of risk. I can't ask you to take that risk. A może by tak zwolnić wszystkich i zatrudnić grupę nowych osób? Why don't we fire everyone and hire a group of new people? How about we fire everyone and hire a group of new people? Cítím se dobře, děkuji. I'm feeling fine, thanks. I feel good, thank you. Sním tvůj pomeranč. I'll eat your orange. I'll eat your orange. Schrzanił to. He buggered it up. He screwed up. Nedával jsi pozor. You didn't pay attention. You weren't paying attention. Wróciłem zza granicy. I returned from abroad. I'm back from the border. Umírá Tom na rakovinu? Is Tom dying of cancer? Is Tom dying of cancer? To jest książka Tony-ego. This book is Tony's. This is Tony's book. Marnotratný syn se vrátil domů. The prodigal son returned home. The prodigal son has returned home. To mi k ničemu není. That is of no use to me. It's no use to me. Tom obvykle nosí tmavé brýle, i když nesvítí slunce. Tom usually wears sunglasses even when it's not sunny. Tom usually wears dark glasses, even though the sun doesn't shine. Zostawił swój bagaż na stacji. He left his luggage at the station. He left his luggage at the station. Tom jest zmęczony i głodny. Tom is tired and hungry. Tom's tired and hungry. Co jest stolicą Finlandii? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? O czym myślisz? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Odpálili ohňostroje. They set off fireworks. Fireworks have been set off. Vezmu Toma domů. I'm going to take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Nevím, co budu zítra dělat. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Tom zpomalil auto. Tom slowed the car. Tom slowed down the car. Ja tam też poszedłem. I also went there. I went there, too. Tom je žák. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Gdyby miał czas, złożyłby nam wizytę. If he had had time, he would have visited us. If he had time, he'd pay us a visit. Będziesz mógł jutro przyjść? Shall you be able to come tomorrow? Can you come tomorrow? Pořád lhala. She lied all the time. She kept lying. Mary umí dobře tančit. Mary can dance well. Mary can dance well. Máte nějaké polévkové talíře? Do you have any soup bowls? Do you have any soup plates? Vždycky přicházím první. I'm always the first to arrive. I always come first. Tom chciał mieć miejsce w kraju, które mógłby nazwać domem. Tom wanted a place in the country he could call home. Tom wanted a place in a country he could call home. Opuściliśmy Afrykę na zawsze. He left Africa forever. We left Africa forever. Teraz wiem, czemu Tom to zrobił. I now know why Tom did what he did. Now I know why Tom did it. Przewidzieli to. They predicted it. They predicted it. Jak się czuje twoja córka? How is your daughter? How's your daughter? Tom byl zhypnotizován. Tom was hypnotized. Tom was hypnotized. Tom i Mary są zbyt młodzi, żeby wziąć ślub. Tom and Mary are too young to get married. Tom and Mary are too young to get married. Někdo mi ukradl pas. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. Tomovi hrozil trest smrti. Tom was facing the death penalty. Tom was threatening the death penalty. Gdzie mieszka twój najlepszy przyjaciel? Where does your best friend live? Where does your best friend live? Myślę, że Tom nie bierze narkotyków. I think that Tom doesn't do drugs. I don't think Tom's on drugs. Moje mieszkanie ma wielki salon. My flat has a large living room. My apartment has a big living room. Tom je pravděpodobně jediný, kdo dokáže vyřešit tento problém. Tom may be the only one who can solve this problem. Tom is probably the only one who can solve this problem. Můžu ti s něčím pomoct? Can I help you with anything? Can I help you with something? Říká, že má ráda květiny. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Wielu studentów pracuje na pół etatu. Many students work in part-time jobs. A lot of students work part-time. Nie mogę za Ciebie wyjść. I can't marry you. I can't marry you. Masz oczywiście inne rzeczy na głowie. You obviously have other things on your mind. You have other things on your mind, of course. Běž rychle, nebo ti ten autobus ujede. Run fast, otherwise you will miss the bus. Go quickly, or you'll miss the bus. Zdálo se mi o tomhle dnu. I've dreamed of this day. I had a dream about this day. Poczekam tutaj do czasu aż wrócisz. I'll stay right here till you get back. I'll wait here until you get back. Położyła swoje łokcie na kolanach. She put her elbows on her knees. She put her elbows on her knees. Mary je přítelkyně Toma, ne moje. Mary is Tom's girlfriend, not mine. Mary's a friend of Tom's, not mine. Odešli jeden po druhém. They left one after another. They left one by one. Chtěl jsem se s Tomem opět setkat. I wanted to meet Tom again. I wanted to meet Tom again. Jestem szczęśliwy, ponieważ nie dotyczy mnie ten problem. I feel happy because I am quit of that trouble. I'm happy because I don't care about the problem. Trzymaj się z dala od złego towarzystwa. Keep away from bad company. Stay away from the bad company. Napijmy się, czy coś. Let's have a drink or something. Let's have a drink or something. Nikomu se to nelíbí. Nobody likes it. Nobody likes it. Přemýšlím o tom, že se s ní rozvedu. I am considering divorcing her. I'm thinking about getting a divorce with her. Coś pominęłaś. You've omitted something. You missed something. Kvůli tomu viru přišlo mnoho slonů o život. Because of that virus, many elephants lost their lives. A lot of elephants lost their lives because of the virus. To pjismjono vëchôdô dva raze wob mjesidz. The magazine is issued twice a month. This is checked two times in a row. Stávkovali jsme. We were on strike. We've been on strike. Tom řekl, že v bytě žádná zvířata nestrpí. Tom said that he would not tolerate any animals in his flat. Tom said there's no animals left in the apartment. Nejsem zvyklý čekat. I'm not used to waiting. I'm not used to waiting. Nedovedu si představit, že by to udělal Tom. I can't conceive of Tom doing that. I can't imagine Tom did it. Včera v noci jsem se několikrát probudil. I woke up several times last night. I woke up several times last night. Co si myslíš o své práci? What do you think of your job? What do you think of your job? Kiedy ostatnio ją widziałeś? When did you last see her? When was the last time you saw her? Toma v metru napadl neznámý muž. Tom was attacked by an unknown man in the subway. Tom was attacked on the subway by an unknown man. Řekl, že se stěhuje do Maďarska. He said he was moving to Hungary. He said he was moving to Hungary. Chlapec hraje na klavír. The boy plays the piano. A boy plays piano. Je to kluk nebo holka? Is it a boy or a girl? Is it a boy or a girl? Bardzo dobrze rozumiem twoje stanowisko. I understand your position perfectly. I understand your position very well. Tom nikdy za nic nezískal uznání. Tom has never got the credit for anything. Tom never got credit for anything. Tom, zrób coś. W namiocie jest wąż! Tom, do something. There's a snake inside the tent! Tom, do something, there's a snake in the tent! Idziesz czy nie? Are you going or not? Are you coming or not? Tom jest bardzo wstydliwy. Tom is very bashful. Tom's very shy. Řekl jsem, mlč! I said be quiet! I said, shut up! Zabierz ode mnie tego psa. Get that dog away from me. Get that dog off me. Myślę, że on jest szczęśliwy. I think he's happy. I think he's happy. Přiznal se, že už tři dny nespal. He admitted to not sleeping for three days. He confessed he hasn't slept in three days. Kocha Toma. She loves Tom. He loves Tom. Są tacy, co twierdzą, że nie powinno się zaczynać dnia od sprawdzania e-maila. Some people say that you shouldn't check your email first thing in the morning. There are those who say you shouldn't start the day after you check your e-mail. Nie mogę spać z powodu hałasu. I can't sleep because of the noise. I can't sleep because of the noise. Zamówmy szwedzki stół. Let's order the all-you-can-eat special. Let's order a Swedish table. Wołowina jest droga w dzisiejszych czasach. Beef is expensive nowadays. The beef is the road these days. Lubi nie tylko bejsbol, ale też piłkę nożną. He likes not only baseball but football as well. He likes not only baseball, but also football. Páchne ti z úst. Your breath smells. It smells out of your mouth. Zostaw to. Leave it. Leave it. Trójkąty nie mają czterech kątów. Triangles don't have four angles. Triangles don't have four angles. Nie jestem tu po to. I'm not here for that. I'm not here for this. Nezlepším se. I'm not going to get better. I'm not getting any better. Po prvé v životě dočetla Yuka knížku v angličtině. For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book. For the first time in her life, Yuka read a book in English. Řekl jsem jim, aby to udělali. I told them to do that. I told them to do it. Tom chciał spędzić resztę swojego życia w Ameryce. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Náš pes je na svůj věk stále čilý. Our dog is still agile for his age. Our dog is still fit for his age. Počkej, říkals „přítelkyně“ nebo „přítel“? Wait, did you say girlfriend or boyfriend? Wait, did you say “girlfriend ” or“ friend ”? Vyřiďme tyto problémy jeden po druhém. Let's tackle these problems one at a time. Let us solve these problems one by one. Anna właśnie miała wychodzić z domu, kiedy zadzwonił telefon. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anna was about to leave the house when the phone called. Doktor prohlíží pacienta. The doctor examines the patient. The doctor's looking at the patient. Jste workoholik. You are a workaholic. You're a workaholic. Tom nie potrafił się zmusić, żeby udusić Mary. Tom couldn't quite bring himself to strangle Mary. Tom couldn't make himself suffocate Mary. O kom mluvíte? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Tam ho nenajdeš. They won't find him there. You won't find him there. Nebolelo to. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt. Czasami Jane biegnie do szkoły. Jane sometimes runs to school. Sometimes Jane runs to school. Tom nie mógł przestać myśleć o Mary. Tom couldn't help thinking about Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Jesteś zajęty w tym tygodniu? Are you busy this week? Are you busy this week? Tom vždycky nosí zelenou hvězdu. Tom always wears a green star. Tom always wears a green star. Powiedzieli, że nie będą walczyć. They said they would not fight. They said they wouldn't fight. Tyto boty patří jí. These shoes belong to her. These shoes belong to her. Bardzo dobrze pamiętam nazwisko tego człowieka. I remember that man's name very well. I remember this man's name very well. Tom był tu dzisiaj wcześniej. Tom was here earlier today. Tom was here earlier today. Máš mnoho knih. You have many books. You have a lot of books. Někdo Toma otrávil. Somebody poisoned Tom. Someone poisoned Tom. Mary odmítla Toma živit. Mary refused to support Tom. Mary refused to feed Tom. Jsem Tomův nevlastní otec. I'm Tom's stepdad. I'm Tom's stepfather. No a co jsi zjistil? Well, what did you find out? Well, what did you find out? Jeśli mi pomożesz, spróbuję jeszcze raz. If you help me, I'll try it again. If you help me, I'll try again. S jakými hračkami si hrají batolata? What kind of toys do toddlers play with? What kind of toys are they playing with? Jel jsem tam vlakem. I went there by train. I took the train. W Nowej Zelandii mówi się w języku Maori. The Maori language is spoken in New Zealand. In New Zealand, Maori is spoken. Nedbal výstrahy a to ho stálo život. He ignored the warning, which cost his life. He didn't care about the warnings, and it cost him his life. Knjez Ricardo je jara dobry wučer. Mr. Ricardo is a very good teacher. Knjez Ricardo is a very good teacher. Zdobyłem się na odwagę i poszedłem tam (said by a man) I mustered up my courage and went there. I got the courage and went there (said by a man) Radši bych mu měl napřed zavolat. I'd better call him first. I'd better call him first. Nie jestem z tego dumny. I am not proud of this. I'm not proud of it. To říkala ona. That's what she said. That's what she said. Dziadkowie Toma są pochowani na cmentarzu niedaleko stąd. Tom's grandparents are buried in a cemetery not too far from here. Tom's grandparents are buried in a cemetery not far from here. Tom si všiml, že jsou otevřené dveře. Tom noticed that the door was open. Tom noticed the door was open. Momentálně máme jiné priority. We have other priorities at the moment. We have different priorities at the moment. Jezdíš do školy vlakem? Do you go to school by train? You're taking a train to school? Jen řekni mi že uděláš legrací. Just tell me you're kidding. Just tell me you'll make fun. Nezůstanu tady. I will not stay here. I'm not staying here. Naštěstí se udělalo hezky. Luckily, the weather turned out fine. Lucky for you, it got nice. Před mýma očima se odvíjela zvláštní podívaná. A strange spectacle unfolded before my eyes. There was a strange show in front of my eyes. Wielu zagranicznych stypendystów chciałoby mówić jak rodowici użytkownicy. Many foreign language students dream of speaking like a native. Many foreign scholars would like to speak like native users. Doslechl jsem se, že Tom políbil Mary. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. I heard Tom kissed Mary. Tom powiedział, że nie ma nic więcej do roboty. Tom said he had nothing else to do. Tom said there's nothing else to do. Je vážně skvělé znovu tě vidět. It's really wonderful seeing you again. It's really great to see you again. Myślałem o tym, co mi powiedziała. I was thinking about what she had said to me. I was thinking about what she told me. Lampa jest podłączona do zegara. The lamp is connected to a timer. The lamp is connected to the clock. Kto powinien iść pierwszy? Who should go first? Who should go first? Chci vědět, kdy budeš hotov. I want to know when you're done. I want to know when you're ready. Věděl jsi, že Tom je nešťastný? Did you know Tom was unhappy? Did you know Tom was unhappy? Tom neslyší na levé ucho. Tom is deaf in the left ear. Tom can't hear his left ear. Nemusel sis tolik pospíšit. You need not have come in such a hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Tuto otázku nemohu zodpovědět. I can't answer this question. I cannot answer that question. Moja małpa uciekła! My monkey ran away! My monkey got away! Našel v lese opuštěného psa. He found a dog abandoned in the wood. He found an abandoned dog in the woods. Dám ti všechno, co budeš chtít. I will give you whatever you want. I'll give you anything you want. To auto není čisté, ale špinavé. The car isn't clean but dirty. The car's not clean, it's dirty. Chodźmy na zewnątrz i popatrzmy w gwiazdy. Let's go outside and look at the stars. Let's go outside and look at the stars. Pewnego razu był sobie krasnolud, mieszkający w lesie. Once upon a time there was a dwarf that lived in the forest. Once upon a time, there was a dwarves who lived in the woods. Kiedy wychodzisz za mąż? When are you getting married? When are you getting married? Język angielski jest używany przez wielu ludzi. English is used by many people. English is used by many people. Tom ich zabił. Tom killed them. Tom killed them. Tak, rozumiem, ale nie możemy nic z tym zrobić. Yes, I understand, but we can't do anything about it. Yeah, I get it, but there's nothing we can do about it. Nebudeš věřit, co mi zrovna řekl Tom. You won't believe what Tom just said to me. You're not gonna believe what Tom just told me. Měli bychom vyhrát. We ought to win. We should win. Včely dělají med. Bees make honey. Bees do honey. Nie mam za dużo czasu. I don't have a whole lot of time. I don't have much time. Mówiłeś komuś o tym problemie? Have you told anyone about this problem? Have you told anyone about the problem? Včera jsem přemýšlel o jeho tetě. I thought about his aunt yesterday. I was thinking about his aunt yesterday. Słownictwo jest na biurku. The dictionary is on the desk. The vocabulary is on the desk. Předpokládám, že to nebude problém. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I suppose that won't be a problem. „Gospodarka oddala przeciwne brzegi Atlantyku”. W ten sposób La Stampa streszcza konsekwencje ostatnich wypowiedzi amerykańskiego prezydenta, według których marne perspektywy wzrostu gospodarki Stanów Zjednoczonych wynikają ze złego zarządzania kryzysem w eurolandzie. "The economy has opened up a faultline in the Atlantic," announces La Stampa, reporting on the impact of recent remarks by Barack Obama which imply that the poor management of the Eurozone crisis is to blame for the feeble outlook for growth in the US. In this way, La Stampa summarizes the consequences of the American President's recent statements, according to which the poor prospects for the growth of the United States economy are due to poor management of the crisis in the Euroland. Co było w środku. What was inside? Which was inside. Moim ulubionym kolorem jest niebieski. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Wypchnęła go za drzwi. She pushed him out the door. She pushed him out the door. Zajímalo by mě, jak se Tom dostal do mého domu. I wonder how Tom got into my house. I wonder how Tom got into my house. Nic nie przeszkodzi jej w nauce. Nothing will hinder her study. Nothing's gonna stop her from studying. Umím Finsky. I speak Finnish. I know Finnish. Tomovo vysvětlení nebylo moc dobré. Tom's explanation wasn't very good. Tom's explanation wasn't very good. Má ráda svou novou práci? Does she like her new job? She likes her new job? On dał mi dobrą radę. He gave me some good advice. He gave me good advice. Tom dává svým dětem příliš mnoho peněz. Tom gives too much money to his children. Tom's giving his kids too much money. Bojíš se mě? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Kolik mužů se snaží naučit anglicky? How many men are trying to learn English? How many men are trying to learn English? Jak ci minęły wakacje? How was your holiday? How was your vacation? Fizyka kwantowa jest zbyt trudna do zrozumienia dla zwykłego śmiertelnika. Quantum physics is too difficult for a mere mortal to understand. Quantum physics is too hard to understand for an ordinary mortal. Dívky, které jsem dnes potkal, byly studentky. The girls whom I met today were students. The girls I met today were students. Musím tady být. I must be here. I have to be here. Czyja jest ta książka? Whose book is this? Whose book is this? Máš s tím nějaký problém? Do you have any problem with that? Is there a problem with that? Mohl bych si od tebe vypůjčit žebřík? Would you mind if I borrowed your ladder? Can I borrow a ladder from you? Myslím, že bychom to měli uznat. I think that we should admit that. I think we should admit it. Přišel jsem na vlak pozdě. I was late for the train. I'm late for the train. Mam wiele aparatów. I have a lot of cameras. I have a lot of cameras. Już nie lubię pizzy. I don't like pizza anymore. I don't like pizza anymore. Żadne z dzieci nie siedzi. None of the children are sitting. None of the kids are sitting. Jím ananas. I'm eating a pineapple. I'm eating pineapple. To není na tobě. That's not up to you. That's not up to you. Mam z nim wiele wspólnego. I have much in common with him. I have a lot in common with him. Tohle s vámi nemá co dělat. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. Seděli jsme s Tomem vzadu. Tom and I sat in the back. Tom and I were sitting in the back. Dnes nepracuji. I don't work today. I'm not working today. Vrátím se po obědě. I will come back after lunch. I'll be back after lunch. Toto slovo je latinského původu. This word is of Latin descent. This word is of Latin origin. Jsem rád, že jsme se potkali. I'm glad we met. I'm glad we met. Řeknu ti, až se vrátíš. I'll tell you when you get back. I'll tell you when you get back. Byliśmy umówieni. We had an appointment. We had an appointment. Idź i zawołaj gości! Go and call the guests! Go and call the guests! Szerokiej drogi! Have a nice trip! Way to go! Tento učitel je prý oblíbený u dětí. This teacher is said to be popular with children. This teacher is supposed to be popular with children. Vždycky tě budu podporovat. I will always support you. I'll always support you. Co poszło nie tak? What went wrong? What went wrong? Co sądzisz o tej sytuacji? What do you think about this situation? What do you think of this situation? V případě nouze stiskněte toto tlačítko. In case of an emergency, push this button. Press this button in case of emergency. Żałuję, że uderzyłem Toma. I wish I hadn't hit Tom. I wish I had hit Tom. Oni ho nenávidí, protože jim dává hromadu domácích úkolů. They hate him because he gives them a mountain of homework. They hate him because he gives them lots of homework. Chceme znát tvůj názor. We want to hear your opinion. We want your opinion. Nauczę cię prowadzić samochód. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you how to drive a car. Przygotowuję śniadanie. I'm preparing breakfast. I'm making breakfast. Právě jsem začal číst tuto knihu. I've just started reading this book. I just started reading this book. Tady mám mapu. Here I have the map. Here's a map. Obietnica to obietnica. A promise is a promise. Promise's a promise. V podstatě souhlasím s vaším názorem. Basically, I agree with your opinion. Basically, I agree with your opinion. Chcete opravdu zůstat věčně mladí? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? Nie bij mnie tak mocno. Don't hit me so hard. Don't hit me so hard. Mogłeś przynajmniej powiedzieć "Dziękuję" kiedy ktoś ci pomógł. You might at least have said, "Thank you", when someone helped you. You could at least say thank you when someone helped you. Jak se tato vesnice jmenuje? What is the name of this village? What's this village's name? Jesteśmy ludźmi, nie bogami. We are people, not gods. We're human, not gods. Má dvě auta. He's got two cars. He's got two cars. Chciałbym mieć już to za sobą. I wish this was all over. I wish I had done that. Zatrzymaj się Tom. Stop Tom. Stop, Tom. Vánoce jsou již za tři dny. Christmas is just three days away. Christmas is in three days. Zobaczmy, jak się sprawy potoczą. Let's play that by ear. Let's see how things go. Tato kniha je nudná. This book is boring. This book is boring. Tom spí ve vlaku. Tom sleeps on the train. Tom sleeps on the train. Doufám, že se ti to bude líbit. I hope you'll like it. I hope you like it. Odkąd ukończył on szkołę średnią nic nie robi. Since he graduated from high school, he hasn't been doing anything. Since he graduated high school, he hasn't done anything. Byla úplná tma. It was completely dark. It was totally dark. Jsem trpělivý. I'm patient. I'm patient. Pokazywałeś to zdjęcie Tomowi? Have you shown this picture to Tom? Did you show this picture to Tom? Ten samochód wygląda jak mój. This car looks like mine. This car looks like mine. X nie należy do zbioru B, ponieważ należy do zbioru A. x does not belong to the set B because it belongs to the set A. X does not belong to set B because it belongs to set A. Vlaky zastavily kvůli hustému lijáku. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. Trains stopped because of a thick downpour. Tom neví, že je do něj Mary zamilovaná. Tom doesn't know that Mary is in love with him. Tom doesn't know Mary's in love with him. On dobrze gotuje. He is good at cooking. He cooks well. Ile jeszcze możemy zakonserwować? How much more can we conserve? How much more can we preserve? Czemu jesteś tak zdyszany? Why are you out of breath? Why are you so out of breath? Už jsem to udělal. I did it already. I already did. W tym tygodniu jestem słomianym wdowcem, bo żona pojechała do brata do Frankfurtu. I'm batching it this weekend because my wife is visiting her brother in Frankfurt. This week I'm a straw widower because my wife went to Frankfurt to see her brother. Jak Tom rozwiązał ten problem? How did Tom solve the problem? How did Tom solve this problem? Měla jsi být opatrnější. You should have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Nie jestem pewny, ale myślę, że nienawidzę Toma. I'm not sure, but I think I hate Tom. I'm not sure, but I think I hate Tom. Wcale tyle nie pracuję! I don't work that much! I don't work that much! Myślałem, że zjedliśmy już wszystko, co było w domu, ale znalazłem jeszcze paczkę krakersów. I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. I thought we ate everything at home, but I found a bunch of crackers. Była gotowa pomóc mu przy myciu samochodu. She was ready to help him with washing the car. She was ready to help him wash his car. Niech pan nie próbuje mnie rozzłościć. Don't try to make me angry. Don't try to make me angry. Koukni se. Have a look. Look. Tom se připravuje na návštěvu Mary. Tom is getting ready for Mary's visit. Tom's getting ready to visit Mary. Potrafią naprawiać komputery. They can repair computers. They can fix computers. Zwracali niewiele uwagi na moje słowa. They paid little attention to my words. They paid little attention to my words. On je zná. He knows them. He knows them. Gdybym miał wtedy wystarczająco pieniędzy, mógłbym to kupić. If I had had enough money, I could have bought it. If I had enough money then, I could buy it. Powiedział mi jak się gra w szachy. He told me how to play chess. He told me how to play chess. Ano, jmenuji se Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Tom próbował sobie przypomnieć, gdzie odłożył paszport. Tom tried to remember where he had put his passport. Tom tried to remember where he put his passport. Kdysi jsme tu bydleli. We used to live here. We used to live here. Jsem si jistý, že je to pravda. I'm sure that's true. I'm sure it's true. Mary położyła mi palec na ustach. Mary put her finger on my lips. Mary put her finger on my mouth. Prd je trýzněný křik lapeného hovna. A fart is the tortured scream of a trapped turd. The fart is a tormented scream of caught shit. Jeśli chcesz mówić jak rodzimy użytkownik, słuchaj rodzimych użytkowników gdzie tylko możesz. If you want to sound like a native speaker, listen to native speakers whenever possible. If you want to talk like a native user, listen to your native users wherever you can. Ať se děje cokoliv, neotvírejte ty dveře. Whatever happens, don't open that door. Whatever's going on, don't open the door. Kdo chce psa bít, hůl si vždycky najde. He who has a mind to beat a dog will easily find a stick. Anyone who wants to beat a dog always finds a stick. Mam Ciebie dość! I've had it up to here with you! I'm sick of you! Ve spěchu jsem upadl ze schodů. I fell down the stairs in my haste. In a hurry, I fell down the stairs. Byłem na miejscu, kiedy miałeś wypadek. I was at the scene when you had your accident. I was there when you were in the accident. Hezky jsme si to v Austrálii užili. We had a very interesting time in Australia. We had a great time in Australia. Tom je slabý ve francouzštině. Tom is weak in French. Tom is weak in French. Poświęcił swoje życie nauce. He devoted his life to the study of science. He devoted his life to science. Tom je zvyklý na těžkou práci. Tom is used to hard work. Tom's used to hard work. Pospěšte si, nebo zmeškáte poslední vlak. Hurry up, or you will be late for the last train. Hurry up or you'll miss the last train. Peru prádlo. I'm doing my laundry. Peru laundry. Čisté svědomí je neobyčejně měkký polštář. A clear conscience is an extraordinarily soft pillow. A clean conscience is an extremely soft pillow. To je ale kreten! What a jerk. What a moron! Tom mówił, że ma dla mnie pracę. Tom said he had a job for me. Tom said he had a job for me. Nie wiem czy Tom może pomóc. I don't know if Tom can help. I don't know if Tom can help. Właśnie zobaczyłem spadającą gwiazdę. I just saw a shooting star. I just saw a falling star. Moskva je hlavní město Ruska. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Naučil jsem se novou věc. I learned a new thing. I've learned a new thing. Ciągle masz rodzinę w Bostonie? Do you still have family in Boston? You still have a family in Boston? Sklep jest zamknięty od 19. The shop closes at seven. The store's been closed since 19. Nie denerwuj się tak. Don't get so angry. Don't get nervous. Měli bychom zvítězit. We ought to win. We should win. Ti tři sousedé si navzájem pomohli. The three neighbours helped each other. The three neighbors helped each other. Tom otworzył torbę nożem. Tom opened up the bag with a knife. Tom opened the bag with a knife. Nelíbí se mi ty nové učebnice, které používáme na hodině angličtiny. I don't like the new textbook we're using in the English class. I don't like the new textbooks we use at English class. Podczas naszej wycieczki nie przydarzyły nam się żadne nieprzewidziane wypadki. We had no unexpected incidents during our trip. On our trip, we didn't have any unforeseen accidents. Znám tu oblast. I'm familiar with the area. I know the area. Mary tě má ráda. Mary likes you. Mary likes you. Co si pomyslí sousedi? What will the neighbours think? What do the neighbors think? Nezapomeň, že Tom je slepý. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Don't forget Tom's blind. Zajímalo by mne, co Tom skutečně myslel. I wonder what Tom really meant. I wonder what Tom really meant. Ty podvodníku! You charlatan! You cheater! On co rano pije szklankę wody. He drinks a glass of water every morning. He drinks a glass of water every morning. Tom nie okłamałby Mary. Tom wouldn't lie to Mary. Tom wouldn't lie to Mary. Požaduji, aby Tom byl hnán k zodpovědnosti za svoje podlé činy. I request that Tom be held responsible for his wicked deeds. I demand that Tom be held accountable for his evil deeds. Nie mogę pozwolić, żeby to się stało. I can't let that happen. I can't let that happen. Nie wiem, kiedy on przyjdzie. I don't know when he's coming. I don't know when he's coming. Tato fráze se přeloží. This phrase will be translated. This phrase translates. Tom žloutne. Tom is turning yellow. Tom's yellow. Tom zgubił swoje kluczyki od samochodu. Tom lost his car key. Tom lost his car keys. Zmieniłeś się bardziej, niż myślałem. You've changed more than I thought. You've changed more than I thought. Musisz doprowadzić swój plan do końca. You must go through with your plan. You have to bring your plan to an end. Jak duże to jest? How big is it? How big is it? Nie mam ochoty napić się wódki. I don't feel like drinking vodka. I don't want to drink vodka. Przechwala się swoimi sukcesami. He is boastful of his success. He's bragging about his successes. Možná bych neměl být tak podezřívavý. Maybe I shouldn't be so suspicious. Maybe I shouldn't be so suspicious. Przesunęliśmy to wydarzenie. We postponed the event. We've moved this event. Proszę słuchać rozumu. Please listen to reason. Listen to your mind. One zemdlały. They passed out. They fainted. Nie brzmisz wesoło. You don't sound happy. You don't sound happy. Zkus si promluvit s policií. Try talking to the police. Try talking to the police. Jsem Ir, ale irsky neumím. I'm Irish, but I don't speak Irish. I'm Irish, but I don't speak Irish. Proč nevěříte Tomovi? Why don't you believe Tom? Why don't you trust Tom? Mam dla ciebie wiadomość od niej. I have a message for you from her. I got a message for you from her. Chci, abys ji viděl. I want you to see her. I want you to see her. Tom wrzucił swój śpiwór do namiotu. Tom tossed his sleeping bag into the tent. Tom put his sleeping bag in the tent. Jestem zbyt zmęczony, żeby biegać. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Záclona v ložnici začala hořet. The bedroom curtain caught fire. The curtain in the bedroom started to burn. Jakiego koloru jest ten kot? What colour is this cat? What color is this cat? Próbował otworzyć drzwi. He tried opening the door. He was trying to open the door. Myslím, že z toho testu nedostanu dobrou známku. I don't think I'll get a good grade on the test. I don't think I'm gonna get a good grade from that test. Nevzešlo z toho nic dobrého. Nothing good came out of it. Nothing good came out of it. Jedz gówno - miliony much nie mogą się mylić. Eat shit — millions of flies cannot be wrong. Eat shit - millions of flies can't be wrong. Hledáš mne? Are you looking for me? Looking for me? Z dvaceti studentů jen jeden četl tu knihu. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of the 20 students, only one read the book. Czemu nie możemy mówić po francusku? Why can't we speak French? Why can't we speak French? Můj syn má hudební nadání. My son has talent for music. My son has musical talent. Lhali? Were they lying? They lied? Nie poddawajcie się! Don't give up! Don't give up! To jest raczej sala, a nie pokój. It is a hall rather than a room. This is a room, not a room. Nemyslím si, že by nás byli spatřili. I don't think they've seen us. I don't think they'll see us. Kiedy wyjdziemy? When are we going to leave? When do we leave? Nie powinni interweniować w sprawy wewnętrzne innego państwa. They shouldn't intervene in the internal affairs of another state. They should not intervene in the internal affairs of another country. Mám rád jazyky! I like languages! I like languages! Kiedy przyjdziesz? When will you come? When are you coming? Zajímalo by mě, jestli je Tom zaujatý. I wonder if Tom is biased. I wonder if Tom's interested. Neznáš ten systém. You don't know the system. You don't know the system. Tom powiedział Mary, że jest gruba i brzydka. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Opozdil se. Počkejme na něj do 5:30. He is late. Let's wait for him till 5:30. He's late, let's wait for him till 5:30. Tom jest człowiekiem rozsądnym. Tom is a reasonable man. Tom is a reasonable man. Potrzebujesz lekarza? Do you need to see a doctor? Do you need a doctor? Tohle nikdo nemůže znát. Nobody can know that. No one can know that. Cožpak si nevzpomínáš na Toma? Don't you remember Tom? Don't you remember Tom? Wiesz, co to znaczy? Do you know what this means? You know what that means? Jeho dům jsem našel snadno. I found his house easily. I found his house easy. Czułem, że powinienem jej pomóc. I felt that I should help her. I felt like I should help her. Książka jest na półce. The book is on the shelf. The book's on the shelf. Kolik by sis přál? How much would you like? How much would you like? Jak nieprzyjemne jest zdanie sobie sprawy z tego, że to co mówią o nas ludzie jest prawdą. How awful to reflect that what people say of us is true! How unpleasant it is to realize that what people say about us is true. Jak się pan miewa? How are you? How are you? Bezpečně můžete bruslit na této straně jezera. You can skate safely on this side of the lake. Safely you can skate on this side of the lake. Děkuji ti za všechno, co jsi pro mě udělal. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Vypni světla, prosím. Please turn off the lights. Turn off the lights, please. Nevypadám na svůj věk a můj bratr také ne. I don't look my age. My brother either. I don't look my age, and neither does my brother. Myslím, že teprve začínáme ten problém chápat. I think that we're just beginning to understand the problem. I think we're just beginning to understand the problem. Tom nie mógł odeprzeć chęci zadania Mary tego pytania. Tom couldn't resist asking Mary that question. Tom couldn't resist Mary's task. Proszę słuchać. Please listen. Listen. Wyszedł na dwór mimo burzy. He went out in spite of the storm. He went outside in spite of the storm. Ten hluk je ohlušující. This noise is deafening. The noise is deafening. Stavíme dům ze dřeva. We're building wooden houses. We're building a house made of wood. Dal jsem mu facku. I slapped his face. I slap him. Nie ma żadnej chmury dzisiaj. There were no clouds today. There's no cloud today. Přísahal, že už jí nikdy nebude věřit. He swore never to trust her again. He swore he'd never trust her again. Ach, ten vlak má zpoždění. Oh, the train is being delayed. Oh, the train's late. Je zima. It's cold. It's cold. Nie poszła do szkoły, ponieważ była chora. She didn't go to school because she was ill. She didn't go to school because she was sick. Byl dopaden policií o tři dny později, když se snažil nastoupit do trajektu do Francie s kufříkem obsahujícím padesát tisíc liber. He was caught by the police three days later trying to board a ferry to France with a suitcase containing £50,000. He was caught by the police three days later trying to board a ferry to France with a suitcase containing £50,000. V této budově se nesmí kouřit. No smoking is allowed in this building. There's no smoking in this building. Jak často jezdíš do zahraničí? How often do you go abroad? How often do you go abroad? Dej mi ten nůž. Give me the knife. Give me the knife. Tak czy tak nie mam własnej opinii. I don't have an opinion either way. Anyway, I don't have my own opinion. Nie mam czasu, żeby pomagać Tomowi. I don't have time to help Tom. I don't have time to help Tom. Nic nového pod sluncem. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Miluje poezii a hudbu. She loves poetry and music. He loves poetry and music. Ten závod jsem vyhrál. I won the race. I won the race. Rád se učím jazyky. I like learning languages. I like to learn languages. Nevědouc, kde najít tu knihu, Alice se zeptala své matky, kde je. Alice, not knowing where to find the book, asked her mother where it was. Not knowing where to find the book, Alice asked her mother where she was. Te pomarańcze szybko dojrzewają. These oranges mature fast. These oranges grow up fast. Tom měl na sobě tričko. Tom was wearing a T-shirt. Tom was wearing a shirt. Má rád zpěv. He likes singing. He likes to sing. Umyj swą twarz. Wash your face. Wash your face. Toto je nejhlubší jezero v Japonsku. This lake is the deepest in Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. Tento nástroj vynalezl Tom. This tool was invented by Tom. This tool was invented by Tom. Nie zachowuj się tak. Don't act like that. Don't act like that. Věříte v posmrtný život? Do you believe in afterlife? Do you believe in the afterlife? Myślałem, że wiem, co robić. I thought I knew what to do. I thought I knew what to do. Kochamy ją, ona też nas kocha. We love her, and she loves us, too. We love her, she loves us too. Hodně jsem o tobě přemýšlel. I've thought about you a lot. I've been thinking about you a lot. Tom powiedział, że spróbuje. Tom said he would try. Tom said he'd try. Poté, co zalil zahradu, smotal hadici a uklidil jí do kůlny. After he had watered the garden, he coiled the hose and put it into the shed. After he poured the garden, he put the hose in and cleaned it up in the shed. Emma ma zeza. Emma is cross-eyed. Emma's got a zeza. Nenávidí mě. They hate me. He hates me. Sytuacja finansowa pogarsza się z tygodnia na tydzień. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. The financial situation is getting worse from week to week. Tom nalegał. Tom insisted. Tom insisted. Uwielbia tygrysy. He loves the tigers. He loves tigers. Nechci mluvit o svém dítěti. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. Proponuję, byśmy poczekali jeszcze godzinę. I suggest we wait for one more hour. I suggest we wait another hour. Te rękawiczki należą do niej. These gloves belong to her. These gloves belong to her. Autobusy odjely jeden za druhým. The buses left one after another. Buses took off one by one. Chciałabym porozmawiać z tobą o czymś innym. I'd like to talk to you about something else. I'd like to talk to you about something else. Abyste věřili v Boha, nemusíte být pobožní. You don't need to be religious to believe in God. To believe in God, you don't have to be religious. Możesz z nim porozmawiać. You may speak to him. You can talk to him. Angielski rozprzestrzenił się na cały kraj. English has spread all over the country. English has spread all over the country. Teraz jestem gotowy. Now I'm ready. Now I'm ready. Może powinniśmy porozmawiać z Tomem. Maybe we should talk to Tom. Maybe we should talk to Tom. Líbí se mi ryby. I like fish. I like fish. Tento pokus byl neúspěšný. This experiment was unsuccessful. This attempt was unsuccessful. Myślę, że ona jest z Niemiec. I think that she is from Germany. I think she's German. Czy masz taki? Do you have one? Do you have one? Je možné, že zítra bude padat sníh. There's a possibility that it'll snow tomorrow. It's possible there'll be snow tomorrow. Jím příliš mnoho masa. I eat too much meat. I eat too much meat. Mówią, że ten człowiek ma uniwersalny klucz, który otwiera wszystkie drzwi w mieście. They say that that man has a master key which opens all the doors of the city. They say this man has a universal key that opens every door in town. Tento dopis je osobní. Nechci, aby ho četl někdo jiný. This letter is personal. I don't want anyone else to read it. This letter is personal, and I don't want anyone else reading it. Mary přišla domů a nachytala Toma v posteli se svou nejlepší kamarádkou. Mary came home and found Tom in bed with her best friend. Mary came home and caught Tom in bed with her best friend. Kiedyś umrzesz. You'll be dead someday. You'll die one day. Czy to jest Twój samochód? Is it your car? Is this your car? Światło lampy migotało we mgle. The light of the lamp glimmered in the fog. The light of the lamp flashed in the fog. Následující ráno se k naší velké úlevě vrátil domů v pohodě a zdráv. The next morning, to our great relief, he returned home safe and sound. The next morning, he returned home safe and sound to our great relief. Nevím co to je. I don't know what it is. I don't know what that is. Tomovo auto jste si půjčovat neměli. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Tom a Mary kráčeli po ulici a drželi se za ruce. Tom and Mary walked down the street holding hands. Tom and Mary were walking down the street holding hands. Uważam, że Boston jest najpiękniejszym miastem na świecie. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. Kontaktował się z wami Tom? Did Tom contact you? Did he contact you, Tom? W lodówce jest pół butelki wina. There is a half empty bottle of wine in the fridge. There's half a bottle of wine in the fridge. Cítím se mnohem lépe, než před chvílí. I'm feeling so much better than I did before. I feel much better than I did a while ago. To je skutečnost. This is reality. That's true. Jest bardzo miły, to dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's very nice, which is why I like working with him. He's very nice, that's why I like working with him. Tom nacisnął przycisk na klawiaturze komputera. Tom pressed a key on the computer keyboard. Tom pressed the button on the computer's keyboard. Proč by mě někdo neměl rád? Why would anybody not like me? Why wouldn't anyone like me? Vězni utekli z koncentračního tábora. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. The prisoners escaped from the concentration camp. On jest z Francji. He is from France. He's from France. Tom zemřel velmi mladý. Tom died very young. Tom died very young. Muž, který utíká, může bojovat znovu. The man who runs may fight again. The man who's running can fight again. Z nějakého důvodu se cítím živější v noci. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. Warto ponownie przeczytać tę opowieść. This story is worth reading again. It's worth reading that story again. Zauważyłem, że promocyjne ceny były napisane czerwonym drukiem. I noticed the sale prices were written in red ink. I noticed that the promotional prices were written in red printing. Chtěl jsem, aby mě Tom zavezl na letiště. I wanted Tom to drive me to the airport. I wanted Tom to take me to the airport. Šel s ní do školy. He went to school with her. He went to school with her. Jeszcze się nie zgodziłem. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Dawaj, pokaż nam co potrafisz. Go on, show us what you can do. Come on, show us what you got. To błąd. It's a mistake. It's a mistake. Kdyby ses tolik nenajedl, nebyl bys teď tak ospalý. If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now. If you hadn't eaten so much, you wouldn't be so sleepy right now. Pracuję teraz w Tokyo. I'm working in Tokyo now. I work in Tokyo now. Tom byl s velkou skupinou lidí. Tom was with a big group of people. Tom was with a big group of people. Tom je jediný, kdo nechtěl jít. Tom is the only one who didn't want to go. Tom's the only one who didn't want to go. Tyhle věci nejsou moje! These things aren't mine! These things aren't mine! Podívejte se na mapu na straně 25. Look at the map on page 25. See the map on page 25. Wciąż grasz na puzonie? Are you still playing the bassoon? Are you still playing the troupe? Nie miałbym nic przeciwko wypiciu drinka. I wouldn't mind a drink. I wouldn't mind having a drink. Chcę być tylko waszą przyjaciółką, nic ponadto. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. Nie sądzę, by ktokolwiek potrafił naprawić ten zegarek. I didn't think anyone could fix this watch. I don't think anyone can fix that watch. Oprócz sportu, lubię słuchać jazzu. Apart from sports, I like listening to jazz music. Besides sports, I like to listen to jazz. Pociliśmy się w upale. We were sweating in the heat. We were sweating in the heat. Musimy mu pomóc. We must help him. We have to help him. Używam fiszek do nauki francuskich słówek. I use flashcards to study French vocabulary. I'm using fiches to learn French words. Proč tam sedí tak dlouho? Why is he sitting there for so long? Why is he sitting there so long? Tom se bojí se mnou mluvit. Tom is scared to talk to me. Tom's afraid to talk to me. Wiosną tu dużo pada. It rains a lot here in the spring. It's raining a lot in the spring. Już go nie kocham. I do not love him any longer. I don't love him anymore. Holandia jest małym krajem. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Tom zmarł w wieku dziewięćdziesięciu siedmiu lat. Tom died at the age of 97. Tom died at the age of ninety-seven. Powiedziałem Tom'owi aby został w swoim pokoju. I told Tom to stay in his room. I told Tom to stay in his room. Je to hřeben. It's a comb. It's a ridge. Przestań mnie łaskotać! Stop tickling me! Stop tickling me! Wstaliśmy bardzo wcześnie, by zobaczyć wschód słońca. We woke up very early in order to see the sunrise. We got up very early to see the sunrise. Proszę, trzymaj to w tajemnicy. Please keep this secret. Please keep it a secret. Wszyscy byli bardzo dobrze ubrani. Everybody was very well dressed. They were all very well dressed. Tom chodí do školy pěšky. Tom walks to school. Tom's walking to school. Knihy pro mladé se nyní dobře prodávají. Books for young people sell well these days. Young people's books are now selling well. Powiedziałeś komuś? Have you told anybody? Did you tell anyone? Tom se snaží dostat z dluhů. Tom is trying to get out of debt. Tom's trying to get out of debt. To jest full wypas. This is well good. That's a whole lot of fun. Věříte, že sloni dokážou přemýšlet o životě po smrti? Do you believe that elephants can contemplate life after death? Do you believe elephants can think about life after death? Sleduj pozorně jeho ruce. Watch his hands closely. Watch his hands carefully. Dokážeš si představit, jak to Toma vyděsilo? Can you imagine how scared Tom was? Can you imagine how it scared Tom? Čína má víc než miliardu obyvatel. China has more than a billion inhabitants. China has more than a billion inhabitants. Počkej, až dojím. Wait until I finish eating. Wait till I finish. Kocham sok jabłkowy. I love apple juice. I love apple juice. Věděl jsem, že Mary bude muset zůstat v Bostonu déle, než plánovala. I knew Mary would have to stay in Boston longer than she'd planned to. I knew Mary would have to stay in Boston longer than she planned. Chci, abys vykopal díru. I want you to dig a hole. I want you to dig a hole. To sprawiło, że zmieniłam zdanie. That made me change my mind. It made me change my mind. Chmura to skondensowana para. A cloud is condensed steam. The cloud is a condensed pair. Proszę przyjść z żoną. Please come over with your wife. Please come with your wife. Tom už týden drží hladovku. Tom has been on hunger strike for a week. Tom's been on hunger strike for a week. Przyznaję, to prawda. Indeed, it's true. I admit it, it's true. Zostawiła dzieci pod opieką ciotki. She left her children in her aunt's care. She left the kids in the care of her aunt. Můžeš zůstat, jen když budeš zticha. You can stay only if you're quiet. You can only stay if you keep quiet. Dlaczego w ogóle o to pytasz? Why would you ask that? Why do you even ask that? Zwykle jak ustalasz, co będziesz jeść? How do you usually decide what to eat? Usually when you figure out what you're gonna eat? Tohle lidé normálně neříkají. That isn't what people normally say. That's not what people normally say. Cítil jsem to samé. I felt the same way. I felt the same way. Nikdo o tom nikdy nebyl slyšel. Nobody had ever heard of it. No one's ever heard of it. Tom spędził całe popołudnie sprzątając swój pokój. Tom spent all afternoon cleaning his room. Tom spent the afternoon cleaning his room. Co nam dał Tom? What's Tom given us? What did Tom give us? Jestem gotowy, by zrobić dla Ciebie wszystko. I am ready to do anything for you. I'm ready to do anything for you. Tom nie musi mówić mi, co się stało, jeśli nie chce. Tom doesn't have to tell me about what happened if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to tell me what happened if he doesn't want to. Urodziłam się zimą. I was born in the winter. I was born in winter. Zabierz Toma. Take Tom. Take Tom. Nemůžeš žít bez vody. You cannot live without water. You can't live without water. Chciałbym wszystko wyjaśnić, ale myślę, że nie mamy tyle czasu. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have enough time. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have that much time. Przepraszam... Sorry... I'm sorry... Australijczycy nie potrzebują motywacji aby pić piwo, to przychodzi naturalnie. Australians don't need motivation to drink beer, it comes natural. Australians don't need motivation to drink beer, it comes naturally. Tom powiedział, że prowadziłeś po pijanemu. Tom said you were driving drunk. Tom said you were driving drunk. Na jaře se každý probouzí časně. In spring, everyone wakes up early. In the spring, everyone wakes up early. Co si o tom myslíš? What do you think about it? What do you think? Doufal jsem, že tě najdu. I was hoping to find you. I was hoping to find you. Tom Mary ubezpečil, že je o vše postaráno. Tom assured Mary that everything was taken care of. Tom Mary made sure everything was taken care of. V šestém století Anglosasové přejali latinské písmo. In the 6th century, the Anglo-Saxons adopted Roman characters. In the sixth century, the Anglossas took over the Latin Scriptures. Od czasu do czasu myślę żeby się z nim rozwieść. Now and then I think of divorcing him. From time to time, I think I should divorce him. W zależności od tego, gdzie będziesz siedział, możesz nie widzieć sceny. Depending on where you sit, you might not be able to see the stage. Depending on where you're sitting, you may not see the scene. Tom nie będzie sprawiał problemów. Tom won't be a problem. Tom won't be a problem. To nie jest takie proste. Things are not that simple. It's not that simple. Tom musiał wyjść. Tom had to leave. Tom must have left. Jesteś słodki. You're sweet. You're sweet. Ty masz wodę. You have water. You've got water. Šli jsme s naším psem k veterináři. We went to veterinarian with our dog. Our dog and I went to the vet. Proč jsi Tomovi říkal, že jsem odešel? Why did you tell Tom I had left? Why did you tell Tom I left? Po ośmiogodzinnej jeździe Tom już po prostu nie mógł dłużej prowadzić. After driving for eight hours, Tom just couldn't drive any longer. After an eight-hour drive, Tom just couldn't drive anymore. Raději by měli říct pravdu. They had better tell the truth. They better tell the truth. Tom umí běhat velmi rychle. Tom can run pretty fast. Tom can run very fast. Četl jsem, že prezidentem Brazílie je žena. Jmenuje se Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that Brazil's president is a woman. Nie wie nic o anatomii. He knows nothing about anatomy. He doesn't know anything about anatomy. Sędzia zawiesił mecz. The referee suspended the game. The judge suspended the game. Kiedyś często pływaliśmy w tej rzece. We used to swim in this river a lot. We used to swim a lot in this river. Ręce do góry. Raise your hands. Put your hands up. Obiecuję, że zrobię to przed końcem miesiąca. I promise I'll do that before the end of the month. I promise I'll do it by the end of the month. Obserwuj siebie. Watch yourselves. Watch yourself. Dělal jsem, co jsem mohl, abych Toma zastavil. I tried everything I could to stop Tom. I did my best to stop Tom. Láska miluje lásku. Love loves love. Love loves love. Kočka má devět životů. A cat has nine lives. Cat's got nine lives. Můj přítel mi lhal. My friend lied to me. My friend lied to me. Tom je můj přítel. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. Naprawdę nie spodziewałem się wygranej. I didn't really expect to win. I really didn't expect to win. Uciekł na widok policjanta. He ran at the sight of the policeman. He ran off to see a cop. Ojciec potrafi pływać, a matka nie. Father can swim, but Mother cannot. My father can swim and my mother can't swim. Nevěděl jsem, že má slabé srdce. I didn't know he had a weak heart. I didn't know he had a weak heart. Ta kobieta mówi po hiszpańsku. The woman speaks Spanish. This woman speaks Spanish. Nie jestem taki pewien, czy chcę jechać do Bostonu. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. Už v Anglii jednou byla. She has been to England once. She's been to England once before. Każdego dnia ty tego nie widzisz. You don't see that every day. You don't see it every day. Nevíš, proč tu Tom včera nebyl? Do you know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? Do you know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? Jak usunąć z dywanu plamy z czerwonego wina? How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet? How to remove stains from the carpet of red wine? Nie wyglądasz zbyt dobrze. You don't look so good. You don't look so good. Nie chcę zawieść Toma. I don't want to let Tom down. I don't want to disappoint Tom. Tom býval zpěvákem. Tom used to be a singer. Tom used to be a singer. Chci studovat v zahraničí. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Znalazłem tę książkę w antykwariacie. I came across this book in a secondhand bookstore. I found this book in the antiques. Czy odpowiedź nie jest prosta? Isn't the answer easy? Isn't the answer simple? Zúčastnil jsem se toho pátrání. I participated in the search. I was involved in the search. Nádhera! Wonderful! Beautiful! Tom dopiero co przeprowadził się do miasta. Tom just moved to town. Tom just moved to town. Neříkej mi, že je ti mě líto. Don't tell me you feel sorry for me. Don't tell me you're sorry. Ciężko było zadowolić Toma. Tom was hard to please. It was hard to please Tom. Narodil jsem se v Praze, stejně jako moje sestra. I was born in Prague, like my sister. I was born in Prague, just like my sister. Když ti byly dva roky, uměl jsi počítat do deseti. You could count to ten when you were two. When you were two, you could count to ten. Tom zpívá. Tom is singing. Tom sings. Jest wiele do omówienia. There's plenty to talk about. There's a lot to discuss. Nikdy v životě jsem se tak nebál. I'd never been so scared in my life. I've never been so scared in my life. Nech mě dojíst, prosím. Let me finish eating, please. Let me finish, please. Usnul jsem v autobusu a zmeškal svoji zastávku. I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop. I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop. Ja też nie. Me neither. Neither do I. Nie mógłbym tego zrobić bez twojej pomocy. I couldn't have done this without your help. I couldn't have done it without your help. Możesz iść pływać albo na ryby. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Myślałem, że poszedłeś. I thought you'd left. I thought you went. Mám pravdu, že jo? I'm right, aren't I? I'm right, aren't I? Přeložte to, prosím. Please translate this. Please reschedule. Miej wszystko przygotowane. Have everything ready. Have everything ready. Pamatuju si Toma. I remember Tom. I remember Tom. Odwiedzam moją babcię w szpitalu. I'm visiting my grandmother in the hospital. I'm visiting my grandmother at the hospital. Dnes v noci vlezl do ohrady mladík, který se pokusil jednu z ovcí pohlavně zneužít. Tonight, a young man got into enclosure and tried to sexually abuse some sheep. A young man who tried to sexually abuse one of the sheep entered the fence tonight. Jesteś blady. You look pale. You're pale. Użyj tego. Use this. Use this. Nie wierzę, że Tom mi to zrobił. I can't believe Tom did this to me. I can't believe Tom did this to me. Bylo to náročné. It was difficult. It was hard. Kolik stojí tyto hodinky? How much is this watch? How much does this watch cost? Ten samochód jest w pełni załadowany. This car is fully loaded. This car is fully loaded. Neměl by ses chovat sobecky. You ought not to act selfishly. You shouldn't be selfish. Tom zaśmiał się głośno i niekulturalnie. Tom laughed loudly and inappropriately. Tom laughed loudly and unculturally. Pořad si stěžuje. He is always complaining. The show complains. Odpověděla ti. She answered you. She answered you. Tom neonemocněl. Tom didn't get ill. Tom didn't get sick. Jack koupil svému příteli dárek. Jack bought a present for his friend. Jack bought his friend a present. Nie chce mi się pić. I'm not thirsty. I don't want to drink. Jsem učitel angličtiny. I am a teacher of English. I'm an English teacher. Chcę być niezależna. I want to be independent. I want to be independent. Tom je nevychovaný. Tom is impolite. Tom's rude. Autorstwo tego obrazu jest przypisywane Monetowi. This painting is attributed to Monet. The author of this painting is attributed to Monet. Když budete cokoli potřebovat, klidně na mě zazvoňte. Rád vám pomůžu. If you need anything, ring my bell any time. I'll be glad to help you. If you need anything, just ring me, and I'll be happy to help. Tom chciał, żeby Mary przyjechała do Bostonu. Tom wanted Mary to come to Boston. Tom wanted Mary to come to Boston. Pożyczyłem je z miejskiej biblioteki. I borrowed them from the town library. I borrowed it from the city library. Tom pomalował płot. Tom painted the fence. Tom painted the fence. Myslím, že se možná pozvracím. I think I may vomit. I think I might throw up. Nigdy nie mieliśmy szansy. We never had a chance. We never had a chance. Moje hobby to słuchanie muzyki. My hobby is listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. Pozwól, że im to wyjaśnię. Let me explain it to them. Let me explain this to them. Strávil jsem ve vězení 20 let za zločin, který jsem nespáchal. I spent 20 years in prison for a crime I did not commit. I spent 20 years in prison for a crime I didn't commit. Zapal świece. Light the candles. Light the candles. Vůbec jsem nečekal, že přijedete. I didn't expect at all that you would come. I didn't expect you to come at all. Tom musi być wściekły na Mary. Tom must be furious with Mary. Tom must be mad at Mary. Jego kłamstwo skomplikowało sprawę. His lie complicated matters. His lie has complicated the case. Překvapil svého protivníka. He surprised his opponent. He surprised his opponent. Na takový zákrok nejsme vybaveni. We are not equipped for such kind of intervention. We're not equipped for such a procedure. Chováš se arogantně. You are being arrogant. You're being arrogant. Postaráme se o to, aby vaše rezervace byla znoupotvrzena. We'll take care of reconfirmation of your reservation. We will make sure that your reservation is confirmed. Číslo rezervace je 1003. The reservation number is 1003. The reservation number is 1003. Oba moji synové jsou blázni do fotbalu. Both my sons are crazy about football. Both my sons are crazy about football. Můžeme cestovat v čase. A děláme to pozoruhodnou rychlostí vteřinu za vteřinou. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we're doing it at a remarkable speed of seconds per second. Mike lubi grać w koszykówkę. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Hlavní město Ukrajiny je Kyjev. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Czy nauczyłeś się tego numeru na pamięć? Have you learned the number by heart? Did you learn that number by heart? Robert je Brazilec. Jeho otec je Kanaďan. Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian. Robert's Brazilian, his father's Canadian. Jej mąż odsiaduje wyrok trzech lat więzienia. Her husband has been in prison for three years. Her husband is serving three years in prison. Zabrania się wyrzucania rzeczy przez okno. It is forbidden to throw things out of the window. It's forbidden to throw things out the window. Ile mają sióstr? How many sisters do they have? How many sisters do they have? Jsme přátelé. We're friends. We're friends. Jsme tři. There are three of us. There's three of us. Czy ktoś pójdzie ze mną na koncert Lady Gaga? Can anybody come with me to a Lady Gaga concert? Will someone come with me to Lady Gaga's concert? Łzy szczęścia popłynęły po ich policzkach. Tears of joy rained down their cheeks. The tears of happiness flowed on their cheeks. Tom jest atrakcyjnym facetem. Tom is an attractive guy. Tom's an attractive guy. Chtěla bych být tvoje žena. I'd like to become your wife. I'd like to be your wife. Myślę, że założę ten czerwony sweter. I think I'll wear this red sweater. I think I'm gonna wear that red sweater. Tom Jackson nie został ponownie wybrany gubernatorem. Tom Jackson wasn't reelected governor. Tom Jackson was not re-elected as governor. Gdzie kupiłaś kwiaty? Where did you buy flowers? Where did you get the flowers? Czy Tom wie, co tu robisz? Does Tom know what you're doing here? Does Tom know what you're doing here? Obserwowałem go. I've been watching him. I've been watching him. Kočka má dvě uši. The cat has two ears. Cat's got two ears. W pociągu, On celowo nadepnął mi na nogę. He intentionally stepped on my foot on the train. On the train, he deliberately stepped on my leg. Políbil jí ruku. He kissed her hand. He kissed her hand. Ona mě zná. She knows me. She knows me. Tom řekl, že se domnívá, že Mary rozumí. Tom said that he thought Mary understood. Tom said he thought Mary understood. Tom je zrovna ve škole. Tom is at school right now. Tom's at school right now. Nie widzisz, co teraz robimy? Can't you see what we're doing? Can't you see what we're doing now? Jak stará je tato budova? How old is this building? How old is this building? Nebylo tam moc kluků. Not very many boys were there. There weren't many boys. Tohoto ze nezúčastním. I won't be a party to this. I'm not going to take part in this. Kdysi žila z ruky do huby. She used to live hand to mouth. She used to live from hand to mouth. To krzesło Kenji'ego. This is Kenji's chair. This is Kenji's chair. Vzal si moc hezkou holku. He married a very pretty girl. He married a very pretty girl. Ile masz? How many do you have? How much do you have? Hlavní město Polska je Varšava. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Její plán se zdá lepší než ten můj. Her plan seems to be better than mine. Her plan seems better than mine. Snažím se to spravit. I've been trying to fix that. I'm trying to fix this. Musel jsem je chránit. I had to protect them. I had to protect them. Mám tady klienta. I'm with a client. I have a client here. Býval bys to mohl udělat. You could have done it. You could have done it. Pojď si se mnou promluvit. Come talk with me. Come talk to me. Tom oddał nam wszytko co miał. Tom gave us everything he had. Tom gave us everything he had. Mam straszny dylemat. I am in a terrible dilemma. I have a terrible dilemma. Widziałaś mojego wujka? Did you see my uncle? Have you seen my uncle? Policie ji nemůže najít. The police can't find her. The police can't find her. Ta oferta nie spełnia naszych oczekiwań. This offer does not meet our requirement. This offer does not meet our expectations. Dobře. Vezmu si to. All right. I'll take it. Okay, I'll take it. Sprawdź przydatność krwi do transfuzji. Check the suitability of the blood for transfusion. Check the usefulness of blood for transfusions. Przewidzenie jego reakcji jest zupełnie niemożliwe. It's completely impossible to foretell his reaction. Predicting his reaction is completely impossible. Mój asystent sobie z tym poradzi. My assistant will handle that. My assistant will handle it. To jsem řekl já. I said that. That's what I said. Otázkou je, jak se vypořádáme s touhle situací. The question is how will we deal with this situation. The question is how do we deal with this situation? Mám trochu načervenalou moč. My urine is a little red. I have a little red urine. Má obrovské péro. He has a huge cock. He's got a huge dick. Kto cię tu zaprosił? Who invited you here? Who invited you here? Nafukovací matrace možná není zrovna pohodlná na spaní, ale je to o moc lepší, než spát na podlaze. An air mattress may not be the most comfortable thing to sleep on, but it's much better than the floor. The inflatable mattress may not be very comfortable to sleep, but it's much better than sleeping on the floor. Nie przychodź więcej. Don't come again. Don't come again. Jeśli nie teraz nigdy tego nie zrobię. If I don't do it now, I never will. If I don't do it now, I'll never do it. Byla to lež. It was a lie. It was a lie. Nie musisz do mnie dzwonić. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Kolik myslíš, že Tomovi platí? How much do you think Tom gets paid? How much do you think Tom's paying? Nařídil jsem svému synovi, aby rozdělal oheň. I ordered my son to make a fire. I ordered my son to build a fire. Užívali jsme si piknik. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. We were having a picnic. Mam dużo pacjentów, którzy są starsi ode mnie. I have a lot of patients who are older than me. I have a lot of patients who are older than me. Už je to skoro za námi. It's almost over. It's almost over. My tam byli. We were there. We were there. Zaslechl jsem někoho mluvit. I heard somebody talking. I heard someone talking. Vstala jsem brzy ráno. I got up early in the morning. I got up early in the morning. Nie przerywaj nauki angielskiego. Don't quit English. Don't interrupt English. Nejdu do školy. I'm not going to school. I'm not going to school. Moja matka często bije przechodniów. My mother often slaps passers-by. My mother beats the passers a lot. Nebudeš tam sám. You won't be the only one there. You won't be alone there. Rýže už je sklizena. The rice crop is already in. The rice is already harvested. Czułem się całkiem nieźle. It felt pretty good. I felt pretty good. Piszę bez przerwy od drugiej. I have been writing since two o'clock without a break. I've been writing all the time. Nakarmiłeś psa rano? Have you fed the dog this morning? Did you feed the dog this morning? Wprowadzam się do starego domu Toma. I'm moving into Tom's old house. I'm moving into Tom's old house. Nemám jinou možnost, než se bránit. I have no choice but to defend myself. I have no choice but to defend myself. Železo je spíš užitečné než krásné. Iron is more useful than it is beautiful. Iron is more useful than beautiful. Jaká zvířata se z nás vyvinou? What kinds of animals will evolve from us? What kind of animals will develop out of us? To twoja wina. This is your fault. It's your fault. To było dla nich raczej łatwe. It was rather easy for them. It was pretty easy for them. To nie jest pułapka. This isn't a trap. It's not a trap. Nie przyszedłem się bić. I didn't come to fight. I didn't come here to fight. Chciałbym, żebyś mi pomógł zainstalować ten program. I'd like you to help me install this software. I'd like you to help me install this program. Gdybym zgubił klucze, nie mógłbym zamknąć drzwi. If I lost my key, I wouldn't be able to lock the door. If I lost my keys, I couldn't close the door. Chciałbym być mądry. I wish I were clever. I wish I was smart. Už jsem ti řekl všechno, co o tom vím. I've already told you everything that I know about that. I've already told you everything I know about it. Vyžehlila si košili. She ironed her shirt. She ironed her shirt. Možná to udělal Tom. Maybe Tom did that. Maybe Tom did it. Poslali dopisy minulý měsíc. They sent the letters last month. They sent letters last month. Masz trzy wiadomości. You have three messages. You have three messages. Myślisz, że jest dobry na to stanowisko? Do you think he is good for the position? You think he's good at this job? Mogłabym cię uszczęśliwić. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Tom naprawdę lubi swoją pracę. Tom really enjoys his job. Tom really likes his job. Nie potrzebny mi samochód. I don't need a car. I don't need a car. Jutro odwiedzę pana Browna. I'll visit Mr. Brown tomorrow. I'll see Mr. Brown tomorrow. Jak ses opovážil! How did you dare! How dare you! Může sedět tam. He can sit there. He can sit there. Jakiego rozmiaru szukasz? What size are you looking for? What size are you looking for? Płakała i płakała, lecz nikt nie przyszedł jej pocieszyć. She cried and cried, but no one came to comfort her. She cried and cried, but no one came to comfort her. Bóg z wami. God be with you! God be with you. To je splněný sen. It is a dream come true. It's a dream come true. Mogę przyjść później? Can I come over later? Can I come back later? Proszę, na przyszłość bardziej uważaj. Please take more care in the future. Please be more careful for the future. Jest bogaty, ale nie szczęśliwy. He's rich, but he's not happy. He's rich, but not happy. Powinni mi dziękować. They should thank me. They should be thanking me. To jest najgorsza książka jaką kiedykolwiek czytałem. This is the worst book I've ever read. This is the worst book I've ever read. Počasí bylo skvělé. The weather was fantastic. The weather was great. Moje sestřenice je žurnalistka. My cousin is a journalist. My cousin's a journalist. Ostrzegłem cię, co się stanie, jeśli to zrobisz. I warned you what would happen if you did that. I warned you what would happen if you did. Pewnego dnia on wróci do Japonii. He will return to Japan some day. One day he will return to Japan. Jesteś kłamcą. You're a liar. You're a liar. Tom jest od świtu na nogach. Tom has been up since dawn. Tom's been on his feet since dawn. Co kdyby Tom byl jedním z nás? What if Tom was one of us? What if Tom was one of us? Pomagamy sobie nawzajem. We help each other out. We're helping each other. Před deseti lety by jeho teorie nebyla obecně akceptována. Ten years ago his theory would not have been generally accepted. Ten years ago, his theory would not have been generally accepted. Už dlouho panuje sucho. It has been drought for a long time. It's been dry for a long time. Tom nie chce widzieć płaczu swoich przyjaciół. Tom didn't want his friends to see him cry. Tom doesn't want to see his friends cry. Nikdo by to takhle asi neřekl. Nobody would probably say it like this. No one would say that. Právě teď se necítím hodně hladový. I'm not feeling very hungry right now. I don't feel very hungry right now. Chystal jsem se odejít, když v tom v domě vypukl požár. I was about to leave when fire broke out in the house. I was about to leave when the fire broke out in the house. Gdzie są dzieciaki? Where are the kids? Where are the kids? Tom nie jest zbyt dobry z matematyki. Tom's not so good at math. Tom's not very good at math. Nie jestem pewna czy będę w stanie to zrobić. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm not sure I can do that. Ukradli pani Baker torebkę. Mrs. Baker had her purse stolen. They stole Mrs. Baker's purse. Wciąż czekam na moje śniadanie. Proszę je teraz przynieść. I'm still waiting for my breakfast. Bring it to me now, please. I'm still waiting for my breakfast. Potřebuješ něco? Is there anything you need? Do you need anything? Po troše váhání položil knihu na stůl. After some hesitation, he laid the book on the desk. After a bit of hesitation, he put the book on the table. Port lotniczy jest tam po drugiej stronie. The airport is over on the other side. The airport is on the other side. Jestli bude pořád takové horko, odstěhuju se někam na sever. If it is always so hot, I will move somewhere to the north. If it's still so hot, I'll move up north somewhere. Chtěl bych, abyste šli se mnou. I'd like you to come with me. I want you to come with me. Tom je houslista. Tom is a violinist. Tom's a violinist. Wiemy, co wydarzyło się potem. We know what happened next. We know what happened after that. Jaký důkaz máte? What evidence do you have? What evidence do you have? V Indii je mnoho řek. There are a lot of rivers in India. There are many rivers in India. Kto może wybrać? Who can choose? Who can choose? Staniki zawsze piorę ręcznie. I always hand wash my bras. The bras always wash manually. Neměl by to být problém. It should be no problem. It shouldn't be a problem. Jesteś aresztowany. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. Powedz: "aaa". Say 'ahhh'. "Aaah." Ależ masz piękne oczy! What pretty eyes you have! You have beautiful eyes! Tom stále usiluje o tvůj souhlas. Tom still seeks your approval. Tom's still trying to get your approval. Momentálně v kanceláři nikdo není. At the moment, there isn't anyone in the office. There's no one in the office right now. Poznałem Toma, gdy byłem na drugim roku na Harvardzie. I met Tom when I was a sophomore at Harvard. I met Tom when I was in Harvard second year. Doufáme, že sis neublížil. We hope that you didn't get hurt. We hope you didn't hurt yourself. Jsme v otevřené válce. We're in an open war. We're in an open war. Jaki jest tytuł tego filmu? What's the title of the movie? What's the title of this movie? Jak ona szybko pływa! How fast she swims! How fast she swims! Nie będzie bolało. It won't hurt. It won't hurt. Ona ma mleko. She has milk. She's got milk. Tom vydělává dvakrát více než já. Tom earns twice as much as I do. Tom makes twice as much money as I do. Uvidíš-li chybu, tak ji oprav, prosím. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, please fix it. Ztratit práci, kterou tak milovala — to pro ni bylo těžkou ranou. Losing the job she loved so much was a severe blow for Mary. Losing the work she loved was a hard blow to her. Boli mnie prawe ramię. My right shoulder hurts. My right arm hurts. Alkohol przejął kontrolę nad twoim życiem. Alcohol has taken over your life. Alcohol has taken control of your life. Kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele. First come, first serve. The sooner he comes, the sooner he comes. Zabiję was oboje. I'll kill the both of you. I'll kill you both. Ojciec nigdy nie zaakceptuje mojego małżeństwa. Father will never approve of my marriage. My father will never accept my marriage. Wyglądasz dużo lepiej. You look much better. You look a lot better. Čekalo na něho hodně lidí. A lot of people were waiting for him. A lot of people were waiting for him. Wieczorami prawie zawsze jestem w domu. I'm almost always home in the evenings. I'm almost always home at night. Běch cyły čas nerwozna. I was nervous the whole time. It's been a long time. Mamy niewielkie szanse sukcesu. We have only a slender chance of success. We have little chance of success. Myslíš, že udělal tu chybu schválně? Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? You think he made the mistake on purpose? Uważam, że rozwiązanie tego problemu jest łatwe. I found it easy to solve the problem. I think it is easy to solve this problem. Tom mi o vás řekl. Tom has told me about you. Tom told me about you. Za nic se ti nemstím. I don't take revenge on you for anything. I'm not vengeful for anything. Japonia to kraj przemysłowy. Japan is an industrial nation. Japan is an industrial country. Dovol prosím, abych ti to vynahradil. Please let me make it up to you. Please let me make it up to you. Czemu zabiłeś Toma? Why did you kill Tom? Why did you kill Tom? Możemy to zrobić razem. We could do it together. We can do this together. Wszystkie są tego samego rozmiaru. They're all the same size. They're all the same size. Co masz nadzieję kupić? What is it you hope to buy? What do you hope to buy? On jest mądry. He's smart. He's smart. Jeszcze się nie dobudziłem. I'm not wide awake yet. I haven't woken up yet. Přinesl jsi mi to, co jsi slíbil? Did you bring me what you said you would? Did you bring me what you promised? Dělám to celý svůj život. I have been doing this my whole life. I've been doing this my whole life. Měl jsi rád čokoládu. You liked chocolate. You liked chocolate. Mám peníze, o kterých mluvíš. I have the money that you're talking about. I have the money you're talking about. Spróbujmy więcej tego nie robić. Let's try not to do that again. Let's try not to do this again. Nemusím chodit na nákup každý den, když nakoupím dost jídla. I needn't go shopping every day if I buy enough food. I don't have to go shopping every day when I buy enough food. Mám staré kolo. I have an old bicycle. I've got an old bike. Tom řekl, že v sobotu do práce nepůjde. Tom said that he wouldn't go to work on Saturday. Tom said he's not going to work Saturday. Podrbala si hlavu. She scratched her head. She scratched her head. Nie jesteśmy w dżungli. We're not in the jungle. We're not in the jungle. Poprzysiągłem sobie nigdy już się do niej nie odzywać. I vowed that I would never speak to her again. I swore I'd never speak to her again. Být hezký má také své nevýhody. Being cute has its disadvantages as well. Being nice also has its disadvantages. Tom se bude muset omluvit za svoje výroky. Tom will have to apologise for his statements. Tom's gonna have to apologize for his statements. Równie dobrze możemy pozostać tam, gdzie jesteśmy. We may as well stay where we are. We might as well stay where we are. Góry wyglądają lepiej, kiedy ogląda się je z dużej odległości. Mountains look better viewed from a distance. The mountains look better when you see them from a long distance. Právě ti ujel. You just missed it. You just missed it. Dneska je středa. Today is Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Ona zachowuje sekrety. She keeps secrets. She's keeping secrets. Tento muž není můj manžel. This man isn't my husband. This man is not my husband. Tom uparł się, żeby Mary poszła tam sama. Tom insisted that Mary go there by herself. Tom insisted that Mary go alone. Tom začal křičet. Tom started yelling. Tom started screaming. Przepraszam, że naraziłam cię na tak wielki wydatek. I'm sorry to put you to such great expense. I'm sorry I put you at risk for such a big expense. V demokracii mají všichni občané stejná práva. In a democracy, all citizens have equal rights. In democracy, all citizens have the same rights. Zbrojní průmysl přináší zisky, ale také utrpení. Arms industry yelds a profit but also suffering. The arms industry brings profits, but also suffering. Měď a stříbro jsou obojí kovy. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and silver are both metals. Jego wcześniejsze sukcesy nie mają znaczenia. His past successes count for nothing. His previous successes don't matter. Mam dobry słownik. I have a good dictionary. I have a good dictionary. Tom netušil, kam má jít. Tom had no idea where he was supposed to go. Tom had no idea where he was going. Kdybych byl vámi, tak bych šel domů. If I were you, I'd go home. If I were you, I'd go home. Zelená ti sekne. Green suits you. You look good in green. Nie znasz tu nikogo. You don't know anyone here. You don't know anybody here. Ekspres wyjeżdża o szóstej i przyjeżdża do Tokio o dziewiątej. The express starts at six and gets into Tokyo at nine. The expression leaves at six and arrives at Tokyo at 9:00. Ponad 90 procent osób odwiedzających stronę internetową trafia tam dzięki wyszukiwarkom. More than 90 percent of visits to a web page are from search engines. More than 90 percent of visitors visit the website thanks to search engines. Uczeń podniósł rękę. The student raised his hand. The student raised his hand. Ještě chceš vědět, jak jsme to udělali? Do you still want to know how we did that? You still want to know how we did it? Dwa lata temu miałam skrobankę. I had an abortion two years ago. Two years ago, I had a scrotum. Tomova peněženka je skoro prázdná. Tom's wallet is almost empty. Tom's wallet is almost empty. Poszedłem zobaczyć się z rodzicami. I went to see my parents. I went to see my parents. Naprawdę chcesz pomóc? Are you really willing to help? You really want to help? Tomův stůl je tamhle. Tom's desk is over there. Tom's table is over there. Jesteś pewien, że wszystko w porządku? Are you sure you're all right? Are you sure you're okay? Pytanie brzmi: co robić dalej? What to do next is the question. The question is, what do we do next? Jsme schopni doručit během týdne. We are able to deliver within a week. We're able to deliver in a week. Wstyd mi. I am ashamed. I'm ashamed. Tom i Mary już nie są razem. Tom and Mary are no longer together. Tom and Mary aren't together anymore. Slíbil jsem Mary, že neřeknu Tomovi nic o jejím poměru s mojím bratrem. I promised Mary not to tell Tom anything about her affair with my brother. I promised Mary I wouldn't tell Tom anything about her affair with my brother. Vyfotografoval si ten krásný výhled. He took a picture of the beautiful scenery. He took a picture of the beautiful view. W ubiegłym roku mieszkałem w Nowym Jorku. I lived in New York last year. Last year I lived in New York. Dziś mój syn kończy cztery lata. Today my son turns four years old. My son is four years old today. Powinienem był coś powiedzieć. I should have said something. I should have said something. Amerykanie są bardzo przyjaźni. Americans are very friendly people. The Americans are very friendly. On ma skłonność do patrzenia na wszystko z punktu widzenia praktyczności, a nie jest ani skąpy, ani ekstrawagancki. He is inclined to look at everything from the standpoint of its practicality and is neither stingy nor extravagant. He has a tendency to look at everything from the point of view of practicality, and he is neither sparse nor extravagant. Słyszałem, że choruje od zeszłego miesiąca. I hear he has been ill since last month. I heard he's been sick since last month. Nebýt jeho nedbalosti, nikdy by se to nestalo. If it weren't for his negligence, it would have never happened. If it weren't for his negligence, it would never have happened. Můžeš použít mé auto. You can use my car. You can use my car. Zanim pójdziesz się bawić, zrób, co do ciebie należy. Please do your chores before you go out to play. Before you go have fun, do your thing. Przeciwko czemu jesteśmy? What are we up against? Why are we here? Nie przyznam się do winy. I won't plead guilty. I won't plead guilty. Zmeškal jsem snad něco? Did I miss something? Did I miss something? Przepraszam, pozwól mi wskazać trzy błędy w powyższym artykule. Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article. Excuse me, let me point out three errors in the above article. Chci se stát lepším tanečníkem. I want to become a better dancer. I want to be a better dancer. Wiem, że jesteś zmieszany. I know you're confused. I know you're confused. Jestem detektywem. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. Líbilo by se ti to? Would you like that? Would you like that? Toto je nejlepší indická restaurace v celém Tokiu. This is the best Indian restaurant anywhere in Tokyo. This is the best Indian restaurant in Tokyo. Możemy zakończyć? Can we stop? Can we get this over with? Proszę rzuć piłkę do mnie. Please throw the ball to me. Throw the ball at me, please. Kto jest autorem Hamleta? Who wrote Hamlet? Who's the author of Hamlet? Jesteś elokwentny. You're articulate. You're eloquent. Přidám se do armády. I will join the army. I'll join the army. Tom miał na sobie kołnierz ortopedyczny. Tom was wearing a neck brace. Tom was wearing an orthopedic collar. Chciałabym przymierzyć tę sukienkę. I would like to try this dress on. I'd like to try on this dress. Pański dom jest wspaniały. Your house is fantastic. Your house is wonderful. Všechno má svůj důvod. There's a reason for everything. Everything has a reason. Svatba se konala minulý týden. The wedding was held last week. The wedding took place last week. Nie każ mi długo czekać. Don't make me wait long. Don't make me wait too long. Tom nesnášel svého učitele francouzštiny. Tom hated his French teacher. Tom hated his French teacher. Wygląda na to, że ten diament jest prawdziwy. It seems that the diamond is real. Looks like the diamond is real. Tom křičel na Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom poczuł się jak ryba wyłowiona z wody. Tom felt like a fish out of water. Tom felt like a fish caught from the water. Uwielbiam tego filmu. I adore this film. I love this movie. Nechápeme to. We don't understand it. We don't get it. Powiedziałem Tomowi, że pomogę. I told Tom I'd help. I told Tom I'd help. Takhle vím, že miluješ Toma. That's how I know that you love Tom. That's how I know you love Tom. Když jsem byl nezaměstnaný, pobíral jsem podporu v nezaměstanosti. When I was unemployed, I was receiving unemloyment benefits. When I was unemployed, I used to get unemployment support. To by mohl být můj učitel. That could be my teacher. That could be my teacher. Tom zrobił mi herbatę. Tom made tea for me. Tom made me some tea. Gorąco na dworze? Is it hot outside? Hot outside? Gdy tylko tu przychodzę, odczuwam spokój. Whenever I come here, I feel at ease. As soon as I get here, I feel calm. Jsi moje dcera. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Nezdáš se v tom sám být moc dobrý. You don't seem too good at this yourself. You don't seem very good at it yourself. Nejsi jediný, kdo má hlad. You're not the only one who's hungry. You're not the only one hungry. Ludzie, jesteście moimi gośćmi. You people are my guests. You guys are my guests. Nevěřte cizím lidem. Don't trust strangers. Don't trust strangers. Čekal jsem, že řeknou pravdu. I expected them to tell the truth. I expected them to tell the truth. Mají nás za blázny. They're taking us for fools. They think we're crazy. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že do mého vztahu s Mary mu nic není. I told Tom that my relationship with Mary was none of his business. I told Tom he was fine with my relationship with Mary. Tom má přátele v Německu. Tom has friends in Germany. Tom has friends in Germany. Miluji jí z celého srdce. I love her from the bottom of my heart. I love her with all my heart. Zamknij drzwi, proszę. Please shut the door. Close the door, please. Ćwiczę na siłowni dwa, trzy razy w tygodniu. I work out in a gym two or three times a week. I practice at the gym two, three times a week. To je také jed. That is poison as well. It's also poison. Uwaga Jima była zbyteczna. Jim made a superfluous remark. Jim's attention was unnecessary. Co cyniš? What are you doing? What about cynics? Zítra nemůžeš Tomovi pomoct, protože musíš celý den pracovat. You can't help Tom tomorrow because you have to work all day. You can't help Tom tomorrow because you have to work all day. Ukázal mi své nové auto. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. Měl takovou žízeň, že by vypil studnu. He was thirsty enough to drink a well dry. He was thirsty enough to drink a well. Możemy porozmawiać o tym później Could we discuss this later? We can talk about this later. Nie uważam, że powinieneś. I don't think you ought to. I don't think you should. Jest czerwone. It's red. It's red. Tom jest pijakiem. Tom is a drunkard. Tom's a drunk. Nie wrzucaj kamieni do rzeki. Don't throw rocks into the river. Don't throw stones in the river. Ona lubi czytać powieści. She enjoys reading novels. She likes to read novels. Jenom se dívám. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. To dělat se nutit nenechám. I won't be bullied into doing that. I'm not gonna let you do that. Někteří ho dokonce obvinili z vlastizrady. Some even accused him of treason. Some even accused him of treason. Jsem v Londýně. I am in London. I'm in London. Znowu się zaczęło. It's started again. It started again. Teď musím odejít, ale vrátím se. I must go now, but I will return. Now I have to leave, but I'll be back. Wspominam pierwszy raz. I remember the first time. It's the first time I've mentioned it. Łosoś jest moją ulubioną rybą. Salmon is my favorite fish to eat. Salmon is my favorite fish. Evropané jsou největšími konzumenty alkoholu na světě. Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world. Europeans are the largest users of alcohol in the world. Pomyśl zanim coś zrobisz! Think before you act! Think before you do anything! Tom odwrócił się od okna. Tom turned away from the window. Tom turned his back on the window. Jsem hrdina. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Nemělas sem chodit sama. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. Tom si dělal z Mary legraci. Tom was messing with Mary. Tom made fun of Mary. Łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. It's easy, it's easy. On stracił swoją pracę. He lost his job. He lost his job. Zvykneš si. You get used to it. You'll get used to it. Na to jsem zvyklý. I'm used to that. I'm used to it. Já chci kávu. I want coffee. I want coffee. Nie rozumiem muzyki. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Nasza krowa w ogóle nie daje mleka. Our cow doesn't give us any milk. Our cow doesn't give milk at all. Já Toma nenávidím, abych pravdu řekl. I hate Tom, to tell you the truth. I hate Tom to tell the truth. Wczoraj był czwartek. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. Nepomáhal chudým. He didn't help the poor. He wasn't helping the poor. Byla to dobrá volba. It was a good choice. It was a good choice. Tom je nejhloupěší student ve třídě. Tom is the dumbest student in the class. Tom's the stupidest student in the class. Tom chtěl zapomenout na Mary. Tom wanted to forget Mary. Tom wanted to forget about Mary. Tomowi się to podoba. Tom likes that. Tom likes it. Starałem się nakłonić Toma do pomocy Mary. I tried to get Tom to help Mary. I was trying to get Tom to help Mary. Ona kocha koty. She loves cats. She loves cats. Je jí osm let. She's eight years old. She's eight years old. Jam jest Latający Potwór Spaghetti. Nie będziesz miał innych potworów przede Mną (za Mną mogą być, tylko się zabezpiecz). Jedynym potworem zasługującym na wielką literę jestem Ja! Inne potwory są fałszywymi potworami, niezasługującymi na wielką literę. I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization. I am the Flying Monster of Spaghetti. You will not have any other monsters before Me (for me they can be, but be safe). The only monster worthy of the great letter is Me! Other monsters are false monsters who do not deserve the capital. Powiedz wszystkim. Tell everybody. Tell everyone. Ubytoval jsem se v hotelu a rovnou šel spát. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I checked into a hotel and went to bed. Zdrowy rozsądek to rzadkość. Common sense is quite rare. Common sense is rare. Tak mi powiedzieli. They told me so. That's what they told me. Stařenka upadla a nemohla vstát. The old woman fell and could not get up. The old lady fell and couldn't get up. Kto jest Twoją ulubioną gwiazdą telewizji? Who is your favorite TV star? Who's your favorite TV star? Kéž by se lidé přestali nenávidět. If only people stopped hating each other. I wish people would stop hating each other. Omlouvám se, že jsem ti tak dlouho nenapsal. I'm sorry that I haven't written to you for such a long time. I'm sorry I haven't texted you that long. Miłość jest silniejsza od nienawiści. Love is stronger than hatred. Love is stronger than hate. Matka jest zajęta gotowaniem obiadu. Mother is busy cooking the dinner. My mother's busy cooking dinner. Ještě není nic rozhodnuto. Nothing has been decided yet. Nothing's been decided yet. Jego ojciec je tam dwa razy w tygodniu. His father eats there twice a week. His father eats there twice a week. Tom jest strasznie niski. Tom is awfully short. Tom is so low. Toma jsem si vážival. I used to respect Tom. I appreciated Tom. Ta holka se před svojí matkou chovala jako zkažený spratek. That girl behaved like a spoiled child towards her mother. That girl acted like a rotten brat in front of her mother. Myślę, że to nie będzie takie trudne. I think it's not going to be that hard. I don't think it's gonna be that hard. Křičel o pomoc. He screamed for help. He was screaming for help. Někdo zaútočil na Toma. Someone attacked Tom. Someone attacked Tom. Vím, že Tom podváděl. I know Tom cheated. I know Tom cheated. Kde je moje sestra? Where's my sister? Where's my sister? Oba jsou v místnosti. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Doslechl jsem se, že se příští měsíc vdává. I hear she is going to get married next month. I heard she's getting married next month. Nepřekvapí mě, když se to stane. I won't be surprised if that happens. I'm not surprised if that happens. Powiedział, że obawia się deszczu. He said that he was afraid it would be rainy. He said he was afraid of the rain. Chci vědět, kdy půjdeš na nákup. I want to know when you'll go shopping. I want to know when you're going shopping. To jest to co w nim kocham. That's what I love about him. That's what I love about him. Tady, použij můj klíč. Here, use my key. Here, use my key. Rząd Meksyku się poddał. The government of Mexico surrendered. The Mexican government has given up. Praca w pojedynkę nie cieszy. Working alone is no fun. Working alone isn't happy. Uwaga na kieszonkowców. Beware of pickpockets here. Watch out for pickpockets. Tallinn jest stolicą Estonii. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tom mi leštíval boty. Tom used to shine my shoes. Tom used to polish my shoes. Obsluhoval jsem v té polévkárně za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I served at the soup shop around the corner. Większość dużych banków wprowadza ten system. The majority of big banks are introducing this system. Most large banks introduce this system. Już rozmawiałem z Tomem. I've already talked to Tom. I already talked to Tom. Aoi jest dobrym tancerzem. Aoi is a good dancer. Aoi's a good dancer. Všichni vědí, kdo to začal. Everyone knows who started this. Everyone knows who started it. Rozumiemy. We understand. We understand. Tom ledwie cokolwiek wie o Bostonie. Tom knows hardly anything about Boston. Tom barely knows anything about Boston. Pamatuješ si jeho telefonní číslo? Do you remember his telephone number? Do you remember his phone number? Nie lubię, gdy matematycy, którzy wiedzą o wiele więcej niż ja, nie potrafią się jasno wyrazić. I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly. I don't like it when mathematicians who know a lot more than I do can't make themselves clear. Jesteś nieustraszony. You're fearless. You're fearless. Bylo mi řečeno, že bych měl být pozornější. I've been told that I should pay more attention. I was told to be more careful. Neměli byste si nechat ujít příležitost to vidět. You shouldn't miss the opportunity to see it. You shouldn't miss the chance to see it. Jeden dolar to sto centów. A dollar is equal to a hundred cents. One dollar is a hundred cents. Starość to wyspa otoczona przez śmierć. Old age is an island surrounded by death. Old age is an island surrounded by death. Medvěd umí vylézt na strom. A bear can climb a tree. Bear can climb a tree. Kobieta, którą miałem nadzieję poślubić okazała się mężczyzną! The woman that I hope to marry turned out to be a man! The woman I was hoping to marry turned out to be a man! Lubisz deszcz, prawda? You like rain, don't you? You like the rain, don't you? Dívá se někdo? Is anyone looking? Is anyone watching? Vyhráli jsme jenom jednu hru. We only won one game. We only won one game. Czy jedzenie wieprzowiny naprawdę jest niezdrowe? Is eating raw pork really bad for you? Is eating pork really unhealthy? Nejsem Čech. I am not Czech. I'm not Czech. Mary by to nemohla udělat. Mary couldn't do it. Mary couldn't do that. Mógłbyś być ze mną szczęśliwy. I could make you happy. You could be happy with me. Nie znam tego sąsiada zbyt dobrze. I don't know this neighborhood too well. I don't know this neighbor very well. On był w świecie. He was in the world. He was in the world. Populacja Osaki jest liczniejsza niż Kobe. The population of Osaka is larger than of Kobe. Osaka's population is more than Kobe's. Tom nás nechal dlouho čekat. Tom kept us waiting for a long time. Tom kept us waiting a long time. Nepřijď do školy zase pozdě. Don't be late to school again. Don't be late for school again. Tom cię potrzebuje. Tom needs you. Tom needs you. Prosím tě, otevři tu láhev. Please open the bottle. Please open the bottle. Rád bych to vyzkoušel. I'd like to try it. I'd like to try. Mám pod postelí příšeru, jsem si tím jistý. There’s a monster under my bed, I’m certain of that. I have a monster under my bed, I'm sure of it. Tom wiedział dokładnie co robił. Tom knew exactly what he was doing. Tom knew exactly what he was doing. Jeśli możesz, chodź z nami. If you can, come with us. If you can, come with us. Je útlá. She's petite. She's deaf. Křičeli. They yelled. They screamed. Wolę herbatę od kawy. I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer coffee. Jsem si celkem jistý, že Tom nevyhrál. I'm quite certain Tom didn't win. I'm pretty sure Tom didn't win. Firmy přestaly nabírat lidi. Companies stopped recruiting people. Companies stopped recruiting people. Prší už od minulé neděle. It has been raining since last Sunday. It's been raining since last Sunday. Przepraszam, ale muszę się pożegnać. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry, but I have to say goodbye. Słyszałem, że jedną z metod zachowania zdrowia jest unikanie pożywienia zawierającego składniki, których nazw nie da się wymówić. I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients. I've heard that one way of maintaining health is to avoid food containing ingredients that cannot be pronounced. Oddam tę książkę Tomowi jutro. I'll give this book back to Tom tomorrow. I'll give this book to Tom tomorrow. Właśnie miałem wychodzić, kiedy zadzwonił telefon. I was just about to go out, when the bell rang. I was just about to leave when the phone called. Vidím Mary, jak hraje na klavír. I see Mary playing the piano. I see Mary playing piano. Nie pal. Palenie może skurczyć twojego penisa. Don't smoke. Smoking can shorten your penis. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Myslím, že Tom nebere drogy. I think that Tom doesn't do drugs. I don't think Tom's on drugs. Szukaliśmy tego wszędzie. We looked for it here and there. We've been looking everywhere for this. Marie je z dobré rodiny. Mary comes from a good family. Marie's from a good family. Je smutné vědět, že každou chvíli můžeme umřít. It's sad to know that we may die any moment. It's sad to know that we can die at any moment. Chci si koupit český svetr. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech sweater. Urážím ji. I offend her. I'm insulting her. Nevím, jak se vyslovuje Tomovo příjmení. I don't know how to pronounce Tom's last name. I don't know how Tom's last name is pronounced. Čti tuhle knihu! Read this book! Read this book! Tom już zdecydował, co zrobi. Tom has already decided what to do. Tom's already decided what he's gonna do. Jakoś tak nagle zachciało mi się płakać. All of a sudden, I feel like crying. All of a sudden, I just wanted to cry. Věříval jsem všemu, co říkáš. I used to believe everything you said. I believed everything you said. Muszę podjąć decyzję. I have to make a decision. I have a decision to make. Odpowiedź na moje pytania. Answer my questions. Answer my questions. Nigdy bym nie pocałował Toma. I would never kiss Tom. I would never kiss Tom. Na této fotce tě nepoznávám. I can't recognize you on this photo. I don't recognize you in this picture. Szukałem takiej dziewczyny jak ty. I've been looking for a girl like you. I've been looking for a girl like you. To bude drahé. This is going to be very expensive. That'll be expensive. Nějakou dobu jsme tě neviděli. We haven't seen you for a while. We haven't seen you in a while. Ona już o tobie zapomniała. She's already forgotten about you. She's already forgotten about you. Vzpomínám si, že jsem tě viděl vloni. I remember seeing you last year. I remember seeing you last year. Ogłoszono, że jestem winny. He was declared guilty. I've been declared guilty. Wiem, co tu się może zdarzyć. I know what can happen here. I know what can happen here. Kto wysłał Tom'a? Who sent Tom? Who sent Tom? Tom neměl tolik jíst. Tom shouldn't have eaten so much. Tom shouldn't have eaten so much. Není tak krásná, jako její starší sestra. She is not as beautiful as her older sister. She's not as beautiful as her older sister. Nie wiem, jaki powinien być kolejny krok. I don't know what the next step should be. I don't know what the next step should be. On umarł. He passed away. He died. Ann ráda píše básně. Ann likes to write poems. Ann likes to write poems. Někteří lidé se brání. Some people fight back. Some people defend themselves. Pomalu zmizela v mlhavém lese. She slowly disappeared into the foggy forest. She slowly disappeared in a misty forest. Tom a Mary seděli vedle sebe. Tom and Mary were seated beside each other. Tom and Mary were sitting next to each other. Chciałbym zamienić z tobą dwa słowa. I just want to talk with you a little while. I'd like to have two words with you. Dzisiaj młodzi wcale nie dbają o starszych. Nowadays the young take no care of the old. Today, the young do not care about the elders at all. Tom nám lhal. Tom lied to us. Tom lied to us. Bez powodu, bez powodu. No reason, no reason. No reason, no reason. Nemohu už déle čekat. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. Moc se o vás bojíme. We're very worried about you. We're so worried about you. Spousta lidí ráda cestuje. Many people like to travel. A lot of people like to travel. Udělal jsem hloupou chybu. I made a stupid mistake. I made a stupid mistake. Tom uvízl ve výtahu. Tom got stuck in a lift. Tom's stuck in the elevator. Tohle nám dřív šlo. We used to be good at this. That's what we've done before. Muszę iść. I need to go. I have to go. Heather mi věří. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. Nie myślę, więc mnie nie ma. I don't think, therefore I am not. I don't think so, so I'm not here. Mám už Toma plné zuby. I am fed up with Tom. I'm sick and tired of Tom. V jakém městě to jsme? What city are we in? What city are we in? Tom nie znał żadnych szczegółów planu Mary. Tom didn't know any of the details of Mary's plan. Tom didn't know any details of Mary's plan. Tom zerwał się na nogi i wybiegł z pokoju. Tom jumped to his feet and ran out of the room. Tom broke his legs and ran out of the room. Zrobiłbyś to samo dla mnie. You'd do the same for me. You'd do the same for me. Tom se omluvil za to, že neudělal, co slíbil udělat. Tom apologized for not doing what he had promised he'd do. Tom apologized for not doing what he promised to do. Uvažoval jsi o bydlení na ubytovně? Have you considered staying in a hostel? Have you considered living in a hostel? Zpod psacího stolu přišla kočka. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came from under the desk. Tom pracuje nad twoim samochodem. Tom is working on your car. Tom's working on your car. Proszę do mnie zadzwonić między siódmą a ósmą. Please call me up between seven and eight. Call me between seven and eight. Jsem smutná. I'm sad. I'm sad. Kreslí další obrázek. He's drawing another picture. He's drawing another picture. Gubernator Teksasu był wściekły. The governor of Texas was furious. The Governor of Texas was angry. Na Tatoebě je vždycky někdo přítomný. There is always someone present on Tatoeba. There's always someone present at Tatoeb. Tom a Maria se asi dobře baví. Tom and Mary seem to be having fun. Tom and Maria must be having a good time. To si nenechám líbit. I won't tolerate it. I won't like it. Pojechał do Londynu, aby uczyć się angielskiego. He went to London to study English. He went to London to learn English. Co jest twoim ulubionym sposobem spędzania wolnego czasu? What's your favorite leisure activity? What's your favorite way of spending your free time? Musisz to zrobić jeszcze raz. You have to do it again. You have to do it again. Tom ma młodszą siostrę. Tom has a younger sister. Tom has a younger sister. Člověk je hříšný. Man is sinful. Man is sinful. Jestli to uděláš, budeš si toho litovat do konce svého života. If you do this, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you do this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Lhala. She lied. She lied. To była łamiąca serce opowieść. It was a heartbreaking story. It was a heartbreaking story. Czemu nosisz rękawiczki? Why are you wearing gloves? Why are you wearing gloves? Souhlasila by. She would agree. She'd agree. Nie mogę iść. Po pierwsze nie mam pieniędzy. I cannot go. For one thing I have no money. I can't go, first of all, I don't have any money. Dělal, že umírá. He pretended he was dying. He pretended to die. Tom powiedział, że prawie cię zabito. Tom said you were almost killed. Tom said you were almost killed. Tom o tom něco říkal. Tom said something about that. Tom said something about it. Měl by sis uklidit v kufru. You should clean out your trunk. You should clean up in the trunk. On był na froncie przez trzy miesiące. He was at the front for three months. He's been on the front page for three months. Oboje usiedli. Both sat down. They both sat down. V pondělí jsem ve škole nebyl. I wasn't at school on Monday. I wasn't at school on Monday. Jak tylko znajdę przyzwoitą kamerę, zaczynam kręcić filmy do internetu. As soon as I can get a decent video camera, I'll start making videos to put online. As soon as I find a decent camera, I start making videos online. To była hańba. It was a disgrace. It was a disgrace. Žonglování je další z věcí, ve kterých nejsem moc dobrý. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Myślę, że powinnyśmy to zrobić. I think we should do it. I think we should do this. To dlatego lubię podróże i chciałbym doświadczać wielu różnych kultur. That's why I like traveling, and would like to experience many different cultures. That's why I like to travel and I'd like to experience many different cultures. Stydím se, že jsem to udělal. I'm ashamed to have done that. I'm ashamed I did it. Můj otec ji znal. My father knew her. My father knew her. Učím. I teach. I'm a teacher. Podvyživená zvířata byla chovateli odebrána. Malnourished animals were taken away from the breeder. The malnourished animals were taken from the breeder. Do kogo mówisz? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? On nie ma pamięci do nazwisk. He has trouble remembering names. He doesn't remember names. Zakładam, że chciałbyś spotkać się z Tomem. I assume you would like to meet Tom. I assume you'd like to see Tom. Proč to všechno nevysvětlíš Tomovi? Why don't you explain it all to Tom? Why don't you explain all this to Tom? Žádné řešení neexistuje. There is no solution. There is no solution. Otwarłem pudełko, ale było puste. I opened the box, but it was empty. I opened the box, but it was empty. Naprzeciwko mnie jest żółty samochód. There's a yellow car in front of me. There's a yellow car across from me. Dej vápno do kokosu. Put the lime in the coconut. Put lime in the coconut. Měl bys dodržet svůj slib. You ought to keep your promise. You should keep your promise. Jest bogatszy niż ktokolwiek inny w mieście. He is richer than anyone else in this town. He's richer than anyone in town. Nechci být negativní, ale... I don't want to sound negative, but... I don't mean to be negative, but... Pora wstawać. It's time to get up. It's time to get up. Dostal ses sem brzo. You got here early. You got here early. Nie spodziewałeś się, że się tak szybko zobaczymy, co? I bet you didn't expect to see me again so soon. You didn't expect me to see you so soon, did you? Czy w Kanadzie mówi się po francusku? Do they speak French in Canada? Does Canada speak French? Mám rád ticho. I like silence. I like silence. Nagle usłyszał dziwny dźwięk. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. Suddenly he heard a strange sound. Sami potkal mnoho úžasných lidí. Sami met many amazing people. He's met a lot of amazing people himself. Věřím, že s podporou Toma to dokážeme. I believe that with Tom's support, we will manage it. I believe we can do it with Tom's support. Przycięcie palca drzwiami może być bardzo bolesne. Getting a door slammed on your finger can be very painful. It can be very painful to cut your finger with the door. Budu se vám ještě muset ozvat. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'll have to get back to you. Gdyby nie twoja pomoc, nie mógłbym otworzyć tego sklepu. If it were not for your help, I could not run this store. If it weren't for your help, I couldn't open this store. Uwielbia piłkę nożną. He loves football. He loves football. Slunce vychází brzy ráno. The sun rises early in the morning. The sun rises early in the morning. Hałas obudzi dziecko. The noise will wake the baby up. The noise will wake the baby. Ten słownik mi się bardzo przydaje. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This dictionary is very useful to me. Podaj mi butelkę. Give me the bottle. Hand me the bottle. Cóż za marnowanie energii! What a waste of energy! What a waste of energy! Kiedy weźmiesz to lekarstwo, brzuch będzie cię bolał znacznie mniej. After you take the medicine, your stomachache will be much relieved. When you take this medicine, your stomach will hurt a lot less. Už jsem o tom promluvil s Tomem. I've already spoken to Tom about it. I've already talked to Tom about this. Řekl jsem Tomovi, aby se nevzdával. I told Tom not to give up. I told Tom not to give up. On zamknął drzwi. He closed the door. He locked the door. Jak se jmenuje tato květina? What is this flower called? What's this flower's name? Výtah je mimo provoz. The elevator is out of order. The elevator's off-line. Nauczycielkę zdumiała moją odpowiedź. The teacher marvelled at my response. The teacher was astonished at my answer. Miluji tě. I love you. I love you. Nebere telefon. He's not answering the phone. He's not answering his phone. Wiesz gdzie mogę to znaleźć? Do you know where I can find it? Do you know where I can find this? Czy mogę skorzystać z telefonu? May I use the telephone? Can I use your phone? Tom si čistí zuby. Tom is brushing his teeth. Tom brushes his teeth. Tom neodcházel. Tom wasn't leaving. Tom didn't leave. To je zvláštní otázka. That's a strange question. That's a strange question. On jest naprawdę uroczy, dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's really cute, and so I like working with him. He's really cute, that's why I like working with him. Už jsem to předtím dělal několikrát. I've done this several times before. I've done it several times before. Oženil se s herečkou. He married an actress. He married an actress. Przynieść czasopismo? Shall I bring a magazine? Can I get you a magazine? Nechci se zastavit. I don't want to stop. I don't want to stop. Odnoszę wrażenie, że kiedyś tu byłem. I have a feeling that I have been here before. I feel like I've been here before. Myslím, že bys mi mohla pomoci. I think you might be able to help me. I think you could help me. On ci nie pomoże. He can't help you. He's not gonna help you. Nemám rád tvého přítele. I don't like your friend. I don't like your boyfriend. Jane jest w poważnych kłopotach. Jane is in serious trouble. Jane is in serious trouble. Tohle se tady stalo? Is that what happened here? Is this what happened here? Nie jestem pewien, czy to dobry pomysł. I'm not sure that's a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Miała na sobie ciemnoniebieski szalik. She wore a dark blue scarf. She was wearing a dark blue scarf. Sytuacja jest gorsza niż myśleliśmy. The situation is worse than we thought. The situation is worse than we thought. Naše firma se zabývá výrobou malířského náčiní. Our firm deals with manufacturing of painting tools. Our company is involved in the production of painting equipment. Prawie się nie zmieniłeś. You've hardly changed. You almost didn't change. Jestli budeš zlobit, nedostaneš nic. If you misbehave, you will not get anything. If you get angry, you get nothing. Klínové písmo vynalezené Sumery bylo používáno mnoha jazyky na starověkém Blízkém východě. The cuneiform alphabet invented by the Sumerians was used by many languages in the ancient Near East. The cuneiform of Sumery was used in many languages in the ancient Middle East. Jestem wegetarianką. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Mówi w pięciu językach. He speaks five languages. He speaks five languages. Czy zdajesz sobie sprawę, w jakim niebezpieczeństwie jesteś? Do you realize the danger you're in? Do you realize the danger you're in? Tyto tužky jsou nové. These pencils are new. These pencils are new. Dlaczego czekać na Święta? Why wait for Christmas? Why wait for Christmas? Nic jsem nezapomněl. I did not forget anything. I didn't forget anything. Chtěl jsem si otevřít vlastní restauraci. I wanted to open my own restaurant. I wanted to open my own restaurant. Musíme vypadnout. We have to get the hell out of here. We gotta get out of here. Zawsze marzyłem o przyzwoitej pracy w pobliżu domu. One thing I've always wanted to do is get a decent job close to home. I've always dreamed of decent work near the house. Která silnice vede do města? Which road leads to town? Which road leads to the city? Coś się zmieniło. Something changed. Something's changed. Tyto auta se vyrábí v Japonsku. These cars are made in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. Souhlasíte? Do you agree? Don't you agree? Kdysi jsem rád plaval. I used to love swimming. I used to like swimming. Tom ma trzy byłe żony. Tom has three ex-wives. Tom has three ex-wives. Nemohu bez tebe žít. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. Daj szansę pokojowi. Give peace a chance. Give peace a chance. Zakochała się w nim od pierwszego wejrzenia. She fell in love with him at first sight. She fell in love with him at first sight. Tohle jí dá lekci. This will teach her a lesson. This will teach her a lesson. Tom mi pomohl najít práci. Tom helped me find a job. Tom helped me find a job. Plotka okazała się być fałszywa. The rumor turned out false. Rumor has it it turned out to be fake. Kdy se stěhujete do vašeho nového domu? When are you moving to your new house? When are you moving into your new house? Neotravuj mě tím. Don't bother me about that. Don't bother me with that. Aoi'ego hobby to tańczenie. Aoi's hobby is dancing. Aoi's hobby is dancing. Czy twoi rodzice są z tobą? Are your parents with you? Are your parents with you? Usiadła i zapaliła. She sat and lit a cigarette up. She sat down and lit it. Chcę się dowiedzieć, dlaczego Tom uderzył Mary. I want to find out why Tom hit Mary. I want to find out why Tom hit Mary. Głosowałem na Toma. I voted for Tom. I voted for Tom. Możesz tu wpisać swoje nazwisko? Can you write your name here? Can you type your name in here? Poradziła mu iść z tym na policję. She advised him to go to the police station. She advised him to go to the police. Cały świat mówi po angielsku. The whole world speaks English. The whole world speaks English. Zesil trošku rádio. Turn the radio up a little. Turn up the radio a little bit. Po wzięciu tego lekarstwa ból brzucha znacznie zelżeje. After you take the medicine, your stomachache will be much relieved. When this medicine is taken, the abdominal pain will become severe. Wspomniano twoje nazwisko. Your name was mentioned. Your name was mentioned. Může jíst všechny druhy ryb, kromě kapra. He can eat all kinds of fish except for carp. He can eat all kinds of fish, except for carp. Tyto rostliny vypěstoval Tom. These plants were raised by Tom. These plants were grown by Tom. Jesteś zła? Are you angry? Are you mad? Wygląda bardzo młodo przy swoim mężu. She looks very young as against her husband. He looks very young in front of his husband. Chodívali jsme spolu na ryby. We used to go fishing together. We used to go fishing together. Tom wyglądał na bardzo zajętego. Tom looked really busy. Tom seemed very busy. Tom nikomu nie powiedział. Tom didn't tell anyone. Tom didn't tell anyone. Kim jest ten mężczyzna, z którym rozmawiałeś? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who's the man you were talking to? Ty mě nemáš ráda, viď? You don't like me, do you? You don't like me, do you? Čekal jsem na ni, ale ona nepřišla. I was waiting for her, but she didn't come. I waited for her, but she didn't come. Może być cztery, sześć lub dwanaście rat. You can make 4, 6 or 12 payments. There could be four, six or twelve instalments. Autostrada była zamknięta z powodu poważnego wypadku. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The highway was closed due to a major accident. Jsem si jist, že Tom s tím nemá nic společného. I am sure that Tom has nothing to do with it. I'm sure Tom has nothing to do with this. Nawet nie wiedziałem, że mieszkałeś w Bostonie. I didn't even know that you used to live in Boston. I didn't even know you lived in Boston. Powinnaś to przeczytać. You should read this. You should read it. Robię to, co mam robić. I'm doing what I have to do. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. Myślimy, że zaraz wróci. We expect him to come back soon. We think he'll be right back. Jsem kluk z vesnice. I'm a country boy. I'm a village boy. Wyglądasz jak idiota. You look like an idiot. You look like an idiot. Tomasz nie rozumie ponieważ nie słuchał. Tom doesn't understand because he wasn't paying attention. Thomas doesn't understand because he didn't listen. Nesmíte se těch obrazů dotýkat. You must not touch the paintings. You must not touch the images. Pes pronásledoval králíka do lesa. The dog pursued a rabbit into the forest. The dog chased the rabbit into the woods. Kutub Minar a Červená pevnost se nacházejí v Dillí. The Qutub Minar and Red Fort are in Delhi. Kutub Minar and Red Fortress are located in Delhi. Nie ma nic lepszego niż gorąca kąpiel. There's nothing like a good hot bath. There's nothing better than a hot bath. Ten film jest świetny. That movie is ace. This movie is great. Jest gotowy, pod jednym warunkiem, by do nas dołączyć. He is ready to join us under one condition. He's ready to join us on one condition. Jego samochód był długi na trzy metry. His car was three metres long. His car was six feet long. Ona to chystá udělat. She's going to make it. She's going to do it. Burdž Chalífa je v současnosti nejvyšší mrakodrap na světě. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Chalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. W pobliżu naszej szkoły jest przystanek autobusowy. There's a bus stop neighbouring our school. There's a bus stop near our school. Prędzej czy później pozna tajemnicę. He'll know the secret sooner or later. Sooner or later, he'll know a secret. Čím se to nahradí? What will it be replaced with? What's the substitute for that? Já jsem je nevolil. I didn't vote for them. I didn't vote for them.