>>eng<< Zdálo se, že Tom nechápe nic z toho, co jsi mu řekl. Tom didn't seem to understand anything that you told him. Tom didn't seem to understand anything you told him. >>eng<< Odpowiedz na pytanie. Answer the question. Answer the question. >>eng<< Sprzedajecie to na kilogramy? Do you sell this by the kilogram? Are you selling it for pounds? >>eng<< Dnes odpoledne bude opět pršet. It'll rain again this afternoon. It will rain again this afternoon. >>eng<< Goście są mile widziani. Visitors are welcome. Guests are welcome. >>eng<< Tom wysłuchał. Tom listened. Tom was listening. >>eng<< Tak, hned je to lepší. Now, that's better. Well, it's better now. >>eng<< Zrobił to, co musiał. He did what he needed to do. He did what he had to do. >>eng<< Budu tatínkem. I'm going to be a father. I'll be a dad. >>eng<< Nebudete žít v klidu, dokud Tom bude naživu. You won't be at peace as long as Tom is alive. You won't live in peace until Tom's alive. >>eng<< Lampa jest podłączona do zegara. The lamp is connected to a timer. The lamp is connected to the clock. >>eng<< Nie znam żadnego z was. I don't know any of you. I don't know any of you. >>eng<< V neděli dopoledne můj otec hrál golf. My father played golf on Sunday morning. On Sunday morning my father played golf. >>eng<< Nikdo se se mnou nesešel. Nobody met me. No one's dating me. >>eng<< Powiedziała, że nie ma dokąd iść. She said she had nowhere to go. She said there's nowhere to go. >>eng<< Możemy porozmawiać o tym później Could we discuss this later? We can talk about it later >>eng<< Czy odpowiedź nie jest prosta? Isn't the answer easy? Is the answer not simple? >>eng<< Žijeme osaměle. We live isolated. We live alone. >>eng<< Ta dívka tvrdila, že ji Tom sexuálně obtěžoval. The girl claimed that Tom had molested her. The girl said Tom sexually harassed her. >>eng<< Arménština je jeden z nejtěžších jazyků na učení. Armenian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Armenian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. >>eng<< Tom asi nepřijde na čas. Tom won't likely be on time. I don't think Tom's coming in time. >>eng<< Toma neobžalovali. Tom hasn't been charged. Tom was not sued. >>eng<< Potřebuji od tebe přeložit tyto fráze. I need you to translate these phrases. I need to translate these phrases from you. >>eng<< Pamatuji si, že o tom Tom mluvil. I remember Tom talking about that. I remember Tom talking about it. >>eng<< Jěstej poliwku. Eat soup. A certain soup. >>eng<< Wszyscy lubiliśmy Toma. We all liked Tom. We all liked Tom. >>eng<< Můžete nám říct, proč jste odmítli Tomovi pomoct? Can you tell us why you refused to help Tom? Can you tell us why you refused to help Tom? >>eng<< Jest żonaty, ma dwoje dzieci. He is married with two children. He's married, he's got two children. >>eng<< Ani se tě nedotknou. They won't dare touch you. They won't touch you. >>eng<< Zajmę się tym problemem jak tylko będę mógł. I'll deal with this problem as soon as I can. I'll take care of this problem as soon as I can. >>eng<< Chci tenhle film vidět. I want to see this movie. I want to see this movie. >>eng<< To nie będzie proste do zrobienia. It won't be easy to do that. It won't be easy to do. >>eng<< Na čekání jsme zvyklí. We're used to waiting. We're used to waiting. >>eng<< Je lepší se učit slovíčka v nějakém kontextu. It is better to learn words in some context. It is better to learn words in some context. >>eng<< Tom byl hrubý na servírku. Tom was rude to the waitress. Tom was rude on a servo. >>eng<< Jeśli to kupisz dam ci piętnastoprocentową zniżkę If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent discount. If you buy this, I'll give you a 15% discount. >>eng<< Hledá smysl života. He's searching for the meaning of life. He's looking for the meaning of life. >>eng<< Jesteś bardzo przystojnym młodym mężczyzną. You're a very handsome young man. You're a very handsome young man. >>eng<< Tom zboural zeď. Tom demolished the wall. Tom broke the wall. >>eng<< Tom ještě nezaplatil členský příspěvek. Tom hasn't paid his membership fees yet. Tom hasn't paid a member's contribution yet. >>eng<< Tom by se měl každou vteřinu vrátit. Tom should be back any second. Tom should come back every second. >>eng<< Mnohé ovoce změní barvu slupky, když dozraje. Many fruits change the color of their skin when they ripen. Many fruits change the color of the peel when it matures. >>eng<< Je tu někdo živý? Is anybody alive here? Is anyone here alive? >>eng<< Zavolá zpátky. She'll call back. He's calling back. >>eng<< Moje máma je větší, než tvoje. My mother is taller than yours. My mom's bigger than yours. >>eng<< Nie tak dawno miałem problem podobny do tego. I had a problem similar to that not too long ago. Not so long ago I had a problem similar to that. >>eng<< Tom nacisnął przycisk na ścianie, który otwierał tajemnicze drzwi. Tom pushed a button on the wall that opened a secret door. Tom pressed a button on the wall that opened a mysterious door. >>eng<< Tom odmítl ten nepořádek uklidit. Tom refused to clean the mess. Tom refused to clean up the mess. >>eng<< Tomova žena pochází z Kanady. Tom's wife comes from Canada. Tom's wife comes from Canada. >>eng<< Nevíš, na jaký film se chce Tom dívat? Do you know what movie Tom wants to watch? Do you know what movie Tom wants to watch? >>eng<< Ken nigdy nie był w Kyoto. Ken has never visited Kyoto. Ken's never been to Kyoto. >>eng<< Chodziłbym na filmy, jeśli miałbym czas. I would've gone to the movies if I'd had the time. I'd go to movies if I had time. >>eng<< Ještě nechci spát. I don't want to fall asleep yet. I don't want to sleep yet. >>eng<< Zaczyna się ochładzać. It's starting to cool off. It's getting colder. >>eng<< Co sprzedajesz? What are you selling? What are you selling? >>eng<< Moje mieszkanie ma wielki salon. My flat has a large living room. My apartment has a big living room. >>eng<< Sami je oblečený jako holka. Sami is dressed like a girl. She's dressed as a girl. >>eng<< Tom je podivín. Tom is an odd person. Tom's a stranger. >>eng<< Nie chcę rozmawiać z Tomem. I don't want to talk to Tom. I don't want to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Robiłam to wiele razy. I've done that numerous of times. I've done it many times. >>eng<< Někteří lidé upřednostňují práci z domova. Some people prefer to work from home. Some people prefer to work from home. >>eng<< Tom očividně lže. Tom is obviously lying. Tom is obviously lying. >>eng<< Nebudu lhát. I won't lie. I'm not gonna lie. >>eng<< Právě jsem začal číst tuto knihu. I've just started reading this book. I just started reading this book. >>eng<< Můj hoch se podobá tvé dívce. My boyfriend looks like your girlfriend. My boy is like your girl. >>eng<< Dnes večer čekám společnost. I'm expecting company this evening. I'm looking forward to the company tonight. >>eng<< Políbil Tom Mary? Did Tom kiss Mary? He kissed Tom Mary? >>eng<< Zmarł na raka płuc. He died of lung cancer. He died of lung cancer. >>eng<< Zamknął drzwi. He shut the door. He locked the door. >>eng<< Dobrou noc, všichni. Good night, everybody. Good night, everybody. >>eng<< Určitě jsou na svoji dceru moc pyšní. They must be very proud of their daughter. I'm sure they're very proud of their daughter. >>eng<< Říkal jsi, že je tu naléhavý případ. You said there was an emergency. You said there was an emergency. >>eng<< K tomu má přístup pouze Tom. Only Tom has access to it. Only Tom has access to this. >>eng<< Pacienta nesli na nosítkách. The patient was carried on a stretcher. The patient was carrying on the carrier. >>eng<< Zawsze chciałem poznać twojego młodszego brata. I've always wanted to meet your younger brother. I always wanted to meet your younger brother. >>eng<< Nie jestem tu po to. I'm not here for that. I'm not here for that. >>eng<< Při svém prvním zaměstnání musel do práce dojíždět. He had to commute to his work at his first job. During his first job, he had to go to work. >>eng<< Věřím, že je nevychovatelný. I believe he's ineducable. I believe he's inviolable. >>eng<< Zapněte prosím rádio. Please turn on the radio. Please turn on the radio. >>eng<< Na dálnici je dopravní zácpa. There's a traffic jam on the motorway. There's traffic jam on the highway. >>eng<< Nemůžu vám říct, kam Tom šel. I can't tell you where Tom went. I can't tell you where Tom went. >>eng<< Proszę, oprowadź mnie. Please show me around. Please, bring me in. >>eng<< Nejdu do práce. I'm not going to work. I'm not going to work. >>eng<< Nie potrafię ani pisać ani czytać. I can't write, and I can't read either. I can't write or read. >>eng<< Według szacowań, produkcja stali osiągnie w tym roku 100 milionów ton. According to an estimate, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year. According to estimates, steel production will reach 100 million tonnes this year. >>eng<< Tamtej nocy byłem naprawdę smutny. That night, I was really sad. That night I was really sad. >>eng<< Což takhle projít se po pláži? How about a walk on the beach? Is that how you walk on the beach? >>eng<< Musíš se učit mnohem pilněji. You must study much harder. You have to learn more carefully. >>eng<< Widziałem, jak Tom się zarumienił. I saw Tom blush. I saw Tom get away. >>eng<< Tom si nedokázal vzpomenout na jejich jména. Tom couldn't remember their names. Tom could not remember their names. >>eng<< Není to moc, ale je to lepší, než nic. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. >>eng<< Tom je freegan. Tom is a freegan. Tom's a freegan. >>eng<< Neřeknu to. I won't say that. I'm not gonna say it. >>eng<< Moje rodzeństwo mnie nienawidzi. My sibling hates me. My sibling hates me. >>eng<< Kto jest za to odpowiedzialny? Who is responsible for this? Who is responsible for this? >>eng<< Zabieram cię do szkoły. I'm taking you to school. I'm taking you to school. >>eng<< Kromě mě a mé rodiny se to nikoho netýká. It doesn't concern anybody apart from me and my family. Apart from me and my family, this does not apply to anyone. >>eng<< Czy oglądałeś ten mecz? Did you watch the game? Did you watch this game? >>eng<< Tom włożył lody do zamrażarki. Tom put the ice cream in the freezer. Tom put ice cream in the freezer. >>eng<< Cieszę się, że znasz prawdę I'm glad you know the truth. I'm glad you know the truth. >>eng<< Tom ma nadzieję spotkać się znów z Mary w niedalekiej przyszłości. Tom hopes to meet Mary again in the near future. Tom hopes to meet Mary again in the near future. >>eng<< Inne leśne zwierzęta przyszły oglądać weselne tańce, a wkrótce i one ruszyły w tan w księżycową noc. The other animals of the forest came to watch the wedding dance, and they, too, danced all night in the moonlight. Other forest animals came to watch wedding dances, and soon they also started dancing on a lunar night. >>eng<< Kde? Where? Where? >>eng<< Myslím, že bychom měli nechat Toma samotného. I think we should leave Tom alone. I think we should leave Tom alone. >>eng<< Koupila mu auto. She bought him a car. She bought him a car. >>eng<< Tom je špatný student. Tom is a poor student. Tom is a bad student. >>eng<< Kupiłem od niej telewizor. I bought the TV from her. I bought a TV from her. >>eng<< Všichni milují hudbu. Everybody loves music. Everyone loves music. >>eng<< Bojíte se jí? Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of her? >>eng<< Nemám svoje vlastní děti. I haven't got my own children. I don't have my own children. >>eng<< Zapomniałam czegoś z pokoju. I forgot something in the room. I forgot something from the room. >>eng<< Tom to také kritizuje. Tom criticizes it too. Tom criticizes it too. >>eng<< Vždycky si stěžuješ na svého manžela. You are always complaining about your husband. You always complain about your husband. >>eng<< Jesteś zajęty w najbliższy poniedziałek? Are you busy this coming Monday? Are you busy next Monday? >>eng<< Vypadá nevinně, ale nenechávej svoje brýle bez dozoru v jeho přítomnosti. He looks innocent, but don't leave your glasses unattended in his presence. He looks innocent, but don't leave your glasses unsupervised in his presence. >>eng<< To krásně voní! Co vaříš? This smells great! What are you cooking? What are you cooking? >>eng<< Kiedyś często pływaliśmy w tej rzece. We used to swim in this river a lot. We used to swim in that river. >>eng<< Žádal jsi o zaměstnání u této společnosti? Did you apply for a job in this company? Did you apply for a job with this company? >>eng<< Maryiny vlasy jsou dlouhé. Mary's hair is long. Mary's hair is long. >>eng<< Tom se zeptal Mary, jestli si ho vezme, ale ona jeho nabídku k sňatku odmítla. Tom asked Mary to marry him, but she turned down his proposal. Tom asked Mary if she would marry him, but she refused his marriage offer. >>eng<< I když jsem si dvakrát vzala dvě tablety, bolesti hlavy nezmizely. Although I had twice taken a pair of pills, my headache did not go away. Even if I took two tablets twice, the headaches did not disappear. >>eng<< Miska spadla a rozbila se na kusy. The bowl fell and shattered into pieces. The bowl fell and broke into pieces. >>eng<< Vítejte v projektu Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba Project. >>eng<< Nie zachowuj się tak. Don't act like that. Don't act like that. >>eng<< Přišlo jí to důležité. She found it very important. She found it important. >>eng<< Hluší lidé se mohou bavit pomocí znakového jazyka. Deaf people can converse in sign language. Deaf people can have fun using sign language. >>eng<< Musieli zadzwonić po staż pożarną żeby ugasić pożar. They had to call the firefighters to put out the flames. They had to call for an internship to extinguish the fire. >>eng<< Brakuje programistów do pracy. There is a labor shortage of computer programmers. There are no programmers to work with. >>eng<< Jednou zjistím, kdo jsou moji skuteční rodiče. One day, I'll find out who my real parents are. One day I'll find out who my real parents are. >>eng<< Nevím, jak to můžeš jíst. I don't know how you can eat that. I don't know how you can eat it. >>eng<< Bomba atomowa to straszliwa broń. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. Atomic bomb is a terrible weapon. >>eng<< Tak neváhej. So don't hesitate. Don't hesitate. >>eng<< Tom nechtěl uznat porážku. Tom didn't want to admit defeat. Tom didn't want to recognize the defeat. >>eng<< Tom będzie nam towarzyszył. Tom will assist us. Tom will accompany us. >>eng<< Nemusí platit nic. They don't have to pay anything. He doesn't have to pay anything. >>eng<< Dle mého názoru je nevinen. In my opinion, he's innocent. In my opinion, he is innocent. >>eng<< Zrobiliśmy wiele błędów. We made many mistakes. We made a lot of mistakes. >>eng<< Šli jsme s naším psem k veterináři. We went to veterinarian with our dog. We went to the veterinarian with our dog. >>eng<< Nie pozwolę ci iść. I'm not letting you go. I won't let you go. >>eng<< Jestem gotowy, by Ci pomóc. I am ready to help you. I'm ready to help you. >>eng<< Tohle je dost vážné. This is very serious. This is pretty serious. >>eng<< Líbilo by se ti to? Would you like that? Would you like that? >>eng<< Czy nie grasz w tenisa? Don't you play tennis? Don't you play tennis? >>eng<< Jak się pan miewa? How are you? How are you doing? >>eng<< Určitě jsem udělal chybu. I must have made a mistake. I'm sure I made a mistake. >>eng<< Co jsem mohl udělat lépe? What could I have done better? What could I have done better? >>eng<< Mylisz się. You were wrong. You're wrong. >>eng<< Ona gotuje dla niego. She cooks for him. She's cooking for him. >>eng<< Tom wyciągnął kolejny dokument i położył go na stole. Tom pulled out another document and laid it on the table. Tom pulled out another document and put it on the table. >>eng<< Nemusíte se Toma bát. You don't need to be afraid of Tom. You don't have to worry about Tom. >>eng<< Nikdy nevím, jaký čas mám užít. I never know which tense to use. I never know what time I should take. >>eng<< Daję ci słowo. I give you my word on that. I'm giving you a word. >>eng<< Tom je jeden z majitelů této restaurace. Tom is one of the owners of this restaurant. Tom is one of the owners of this restaurant. >>eng<< Tom a Mary hráli ruskou ruletu. Tom and Mary played a game of Russian roulette. Tom and Mary played Russian roulette. >>eng<< Ten pokój jest za ciemny. This room is too dark. This room is too dark. >>eng<< Tom mrzne kdesi v pustině. Tom is freezing in the middle of nowhere. Tom's freezing somewhere in the desert. >>eng<< Nevěděl jsem, že Tom je z Austrálie. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. >>eng<< Když Tom pracoval na mléčném statku, musel vstát každé ráno v pět hodin a podojit krávy. When Tom was working on the dairy farm, he had to get up at five o'clock every morning to go and milk the cows. When Tom was working on a dairy farm, he had to get up every morning at five o'clock and feed the cows. >>eng<< Tom navštěvuje Marii pokaždé, když jede do Bostonu. Tom visits Mary every time he goes to Boston. Tom visits Mary every time he goes to Boston. >>eng<< Robimy, co w naszej mocy. We do our best. We do what we can. >>eng<< Następnym razem okłam mnie. W tym przypadku wolę nieznac prawdy Next time, lie to me. In this case, I'd rather not have known the truth. Next time I lied to me. In this case, I prefer not to know the truth >>eng<< Mamoj dwě dźěsći. We have two kids. I have two children. >>eng<< Dziecko jest głodne. The baby is hungry. The child is hungry. >>eng<< Czuję się teraz nieco zażenowany. I'm quite embarrassed now. I feel a bit embarrassed right now. >>eng<< Czy potrzebuje pan/i pracowników? Do you need a worker? Do you need employees? >>eng<< Tohle je velikánské město. This is a very large city. This is a great city. >>eng<< Tom tam dlouho stál bez toho, aniž by řekl slovo. Tom stood there for a long time without saying anything. Tom stood there for a long time without saying a word. >>eng<< Šel tiše. He walked quietly. He went silently. >>eng<< Jsi opilá. You're drunk. You're drunk. >>eng<< Po prostu nie uwierzyłem w to, co Tom powiedział. I just didn't believe what Tom said. I just didn't believe what Tom said. >>eng<< Tak neváhejte. So don't hesitate. So don't hesitate. >>eng<< Myslím, že jste udělali správnou věc. I think you did the right thing. I think you did the right thing. >>eng<< Powiedzieli mi, że są bardzo zmęczeni. They told me they were very tired. They told me they were very tired. >>eng<< Wciąż mamy dużo pracy. We have a lot more work to do. We still have a lot of work to do. >>eng<< Na skrzyżowaniu miał miejsce wypadek. An accident took place at the intersection. There was an accident at the crossroads. >>eng<< Jsou věci, kterým nerozumím. There are things I can't understand. There are things I don't understand. >>eng<< Zajmę się tym jutro. I will deal with it tomorrow. I'll take care of it tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom ma nadzieję, że dziś wieczorem spotka się z Mary. Tom hopes that he'll meet Mary this evening. Tom hopes to meet Mary tonight. >>eng<< Jeśli on zadzwoni, powiedz mu, że jestem zajęty. If he should call, tell him I am busy. If he calls, tell him I'm busy. >>eng<< Tom a Mary nemají děti. Tom and Mary don't have any children. Tom and Mary don't have children. >>eng<< Neřekl jsem mu nic. I told him nothing. I didn't tell him anything. >>eng<< Je opilý. He's drunk. He's drunk. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem Toma milovala. I used to love Tom. I used to love Tom. >>eng<< Vypadáš, že ti je horko. You look hot. You look like you're hot. >>eng<< Proč si každý myslí, že jsem hloupý? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everyone think I'm stupid? >>eng<< Tuż przed ślubem, podpity ojciec krzyknął do pana młodego: "Nie oddam swojej córki obcej osobie". Just before the wedding, the drunken father shouted at the groom: "I won't hand out my daughter to some stranger!" Just before the wedding, the drunk father shouted to the young man, "I will not give my daughter to a stranger." >>eng<< Jak často jezdíš do zahraničí? How often do you go abroad? How often do you travel abroad? >>eng<< Chłopcy pozostaną chłopcami. Boys will be boys. The boys will remain boys. >>eng<< To jedyna rzecz, której możemy być pewni. That's the only thing we could be certain of! It's the only thing we can be sure of. >>eng<< Čaroděj je zpátky. The wizard is back. The wizard is back. >>eng<< Zavřel jsem dveře, aby nás neslyšeli. I closed the door so that they wouldn't hear us. I closed the door so they wouldn't hear us. >>eng<< Znów będziesz szczęśliwy. You'll be happy again. You'll be happy again. >>eng<< Ihned sem pojď! Come here immediately! Come here now! >>eng<< Melania zabiła pająka dłonią. Melanie killed a spider with her hand. Melania killed the spider with her hand. >>eng<< Tom se narodil ve stejném domě, kde zemřel. Tom was born in the same house that he died in. Tom was born in the same house where he died. >>eng<< Powód jest bardzo prosty. The reason is very simple. The reason is very simple. >>eng<< Navrhuji, aby sis schrupla. I suggest that you take a nap. I suggest you get sick. >>eng<< Dej mi ten nůž. Give me the knife. Give me the knife. >>eng<< Tom wie dokładnie gdzie iść. Tom knows just where to go. Tom knows exactly where to go. >>eng<< Líbí se nám Tom. We like Tom. We like Tom. >>eng<< Dzieci bawiły się w ogrodzie. Children played in the garden. The kids were playing in the garden. >>eng<< Masz takie piękne oczy. You have such beautiful eyes. You have such beautiful eyes. >>eng<< Ještě jsme nekoupili vánoční stromek. We haven't yet bought a Christmas tree. We haven't bought a Christmas tree yet. >>eng<< Ani slowa! Don't say anything. Not a word! >>eng<< Zvykám si. I'm getting used to it. I'm used to it. >>eng<< Lhali? Were they lying? Were they lying? >>eng<< Abyste překonali vaše problémy, musíte jim občas čelit. To overcome your problems, you sometimes have to face them. To overcome your problems, you have to face them from time to time. >>eng<< Maďarština je lepší než esperanto. The Hungarian language is better than Esperanto. Hungarian is better than Esperanto. >>eng<< Chcę rozmawiać z moim adwokatem. I want to speak to my lawyer. I want to talk to my lawyer. >>eng<< Zabal si svoje kufry. You pack your suitcases. Pack your suitcases. >>eng<< Jestem wolny. I'm free. I'm free. >>eng<< Má někdo lepší nápad? Anybody got a better idea? Does anyone have a better idea? >>eng<< Tom je tvrdohlavý chlapík. Tom is an obstinate guy. Tom's a stubborn guy. >>eng<< Natychmiast staliśmy się przyjaciółmi. We immediately became friends. We immediately became friends. >>eng<< Wszyscy ubrani byli w mundury. They were all dressed in uniforms. They were all dressed in uniforms. >>eng<< Vím, že je hezká. I know that she is cute. I know she's pretty. >>eng<< Pamiętamy. We remember. We remember. >>eng<< Tom není učitel hudby. Tom isn't a music teacher. Tom is not a music teacher. >>eng<< Kolacja wkrótce będzie gotowa. Dinner will be ready soon. Dinner will be ready soon. >>eng<< Prosím, pospěš si! Please hurry. Please hurry up! >>eng<< Tu nie ma dość miejsca na czterdzieści osób. There's not enough space here for 40 people. There's not enough room for forty people here. >>eng<< Tom netušil, kam má jít. Tom had no idea where he was supposed to go. Tom didn't know where to go. >>eng<< Jim jeszcze nie przywykł do jeżdżenia lewą stroną. Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road. Jim hasn't got used to driving on the left. >>eng<< Autobusy jezdí každých deset minut. Buses leave every ten minutes. Buses run every 10 minutes. >>eng<< Wszystko zostało przygotowane z dużym wyprzedzeniem. Everything was prepared well in advance. Everything was prepared in advance. >>eng<< Musíme to pro Toma udělat. We must do it for Tom. We have to do this for Tom. >>eng<< Kogoś brakuje. There's someone missing. Someone's missing. >>eng<< Tom by se měl vrátit každou chvíli. Tom should come back at any time. Tom should come back any minute. >>eng<< Wytrzymać. Hang on. Hold on. >>eng<< Měl bych se připravit. I should get ready. I should get ready. >>eng<< Tom poszedł w ostatni weekend na zakupy z Mary. Tom went shopping with Mary last weekend. Tom went shopping with Mary last weekend. >>eng<< Byłam bardzo dumna z mojego syna. I was very proud of my son. I was very proud of my son. >>eng<< Mój telewizor przestał działać. My TV has quit working. My TV stopped working. >>eng<< Je velice nemocná a leží v posteli již jeden týden. She's very ill and has been in bed for a week. She is very sick and has been in bed for one week. >>eng<< Proszę, powiedz mi jak uruchomić silnik. Please tell me how to start the engine. Please tell me how to start the engine. >>eng<< Gdzie byłeś tej nocy, kiedy Tom został zamordowany? Where were you the night that Tom was murdered? Where were you that night when Tom was murdered? >>eng<< Lubisz filmy? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? >>eng<< Tom czuł wielką chęć ucieczki. Tom felt the urge to run away. Tom felt a great desire to escape. >>eng<< Toma ukąsił jadowity wąż. Tom was bitten by a venomous snake. Tom was bitten by a poisonous snake. >>eng<< Skoś trawnik. Mow the lawn. A little lawn. >>eng<< Sam nie mogę w to uwierzyć. I can't believe it myself. I can't believe it myself. >>eng<< Měl bys to přestat dělat. You should stop doing that. You should stop doing this. >>eng<< Dick chce jechać sam. Dick plans to go by himself. Dick wants to go alone. >>eng<< Výsledek překonal moje očekávání. The result exceeded my expectations. The result exceeded my expectations. >>eng<< Tom cítil, jak jeho mobil vibruje. Tom felt his phone vibrate. Tom felt his phone vibrating. >>eng<< Jesteś taki silny. You're so strong. You're so strong. >>eng<< Jego dom zastał sprzedany za dziesięć tysięcy dolarów. His house was sold for ten thousand dollars. His house was sold for ten thousand dollars. >>eng<< Miyuki nakryła do stołu na imprezę. Miyuki set the table for the party. Miyuki was on the table for the party. >>eng<< Můžeš zůstat, jen když budeš zticha. You can stay only if you're quiet. You can only stay if you're quiet. >>eng<< Tom tego nie łapie. Tom doesn't get this. Tom doesn't get it. >>eng<< Nenechávej svojí práci nedokončenou. Don't leave your work unfinished. Do not leave your work unfinished. >>eng<< Výsledky ještě nejsou známy. The results still aren't known. The results are not yet known. >>eng<< Vychovala jí babička. She was brought up by her grandmother. Her grandmother raised her. >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že jsi Tomův strýc. I thought that you were Tom's uncle. I thought you were Tom's uncle. >>eng<< Tom bydlí ve člunu. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives in a boat. >>eng<< Nepřecházej silnici. Don't cross the road. Don't walk the road. >>eng<< Tom to słodki facet. Tom is a sweet guy. Tom's a sweet guy. >>eng<< Uwielbiam tego filmu. I adore this film. I love this movie. >>eng<< Tom zdjął Mary opaskę z oczu. Tom took the blindfold off Mary. Tom took Mary's belt off his eyes. >>eng<< Udělal jsem to pro svoje zdraví. I did so for the sake of my health. I did it for my health. >>eng<< Powiedziałam Tomowi, że mu pomogę. I told Tom I would help them. I told Tom I'd help him. >>eng<< Všichni budou odměněni. Everybody will be rewarded. They will all be rewarded. >>eng<< Nemohou uspět. They cannot succeed. They can't succeed. >>eng<< Obiad był ugotowany. Lunch was cooked. Lunch was cooked. >>eng<< Co się działo? What was happening? What happened? >>eng<< Jablko nepadá daleko od stromu. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple does not fall far from the tree. >>eng<< Jaki mamy plan? What's our plan? What's our plan? >>eng<< Vtom mi dala pusu. She gave me a kiss suddenly. Then she gave me a kiss. >>eng<< Czasami śpię na plecach, czasami na brzuchu, a czasami na boku. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, and other times on my side. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, and sometimes on my side. >>eng<< Te chipsy są tak pyszne, że palce lizać. These crisps are very moreish. These chips are so delicious that toes kiss. >>eng<< Nemluvme o tom. Let's not talk about that. Let's not talk about it. >>eng<< Most byl postaven Římany. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. >>eng<< Mój brat gra na gitarze. My brother plays guitar. My brother's playing guitar. >>eng<< Tom jest nieśmiały. Tom's shy. Tom is shy. >>eng<< Mary chce být baletkou. Mary wants to be a ballerina. Mary wants to be a ballet. >>eng<< Nevyhazujte nic z okna. Do not throw anything out of the window. Don't throw anything out of the window. >>eng<< Vůbec netušila, že ji právě sledují. She had no idea that she was being followed. She didn't know they were following her right now. >>eng<< On má dva psy. He has two dogs. He has two dogs. >>eng<< Nemůžu tě opustit. I can't leave you. I can't leave you. >>eng<< Tento kus nepasuje. This piece doesn't fit. This piece doesn't fit. >>eng<< Zawiesił obraz na ścianie. He hung a picture on the wall. He hung a picture on the wall. >>eng<< Mám ráda hudbu, obzvláště klasiku. I love music, particularly classical. I like music, especially classical music. >>eng<< Tom si příští týden vezme Mary. Tom will get married to Mary next week. Tom will marry Mary next week. >>eng<< Úspěch obvykle vyžaduje těžkou práci. Success usually requires hard work. Success usually requires hard work. >>eng<< Wszyscy popatrzyli na Toma. They all looked at Tom. Everyone looked at Tom. >>eng<< Esperanto - pro tebe, aby jsi rozuměl světu. Esperanto - for you to understand the world. Esperanto - for you to understand the world. >>eng<< Stojíš za to. You're worth it. You're worth it. >>eng<< Usłyszałem, jak auto zatrzymało się przed domem. I heard a car stop in front of the house. I heard how the car stopped in front of the house. >>eng<< Powiedziałeś Tomowi, jak się czujesz? Did you tell Tom how you feel? Did you tell Tom how you feel? >>eng<< Zabierz Toma. Take Tom. Take Tom. >>eng<< Jaký je můj trest? What's my punishment? What is my punishment? >>eng<< Wiosłuj dalej. Keep paddling. Come on in. >>eng<< Pršelo celý týden. It rained for an entire week. It rained all week. >>eng<< Cicho! Hush! Quiet! >>eng<< Tom všechna vejce rozbil. Tom crushed all the eggs. Tom broke all the eggs. >>eng<< Tom nie przyszedł wczoraj do pracy. Tom didn't come into work yesterday. Tom didn't come to work yesterday. >>eng<< Omluvíte mě na chvilku? Musím si zavolat. Would you excuse me a second? I need to make a phone call. Will you excuse me for a second? >>eng<< Tohle je trochu jiné než to, co chci. This is а little different from what I want. This is a little different than what I want. >>eng<< Musíme to zkusit jinak. We need to try doing this a different way. We have to try it differently. >>eng<< Znalost sebe samého je začátkem veškeré moudrosti. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Knowledge of self is the beginning of all wisdom. >>eng<< Nie myślę, więc mnie nie ma. I don't think, therefore I am not. I don't think so I'm gone. >>eng<< Jesteś nieubezpieczony. You're uninsured. You're uninsured. >>eng<< Prostě tu zůstaň. Just stay here. Just stay here. >>eng<< Pozwól Tomowi tu zostać. Let Tom stay here. Let Tom stay here. >>eng<< On jest w Tokio. He's in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. >>eng<< Sami seděl na schodech, které vedly do jednací síně. Sami was sitting on the steps leading up to the court. He was sitting on the stairs that led to the meeting hall. >>eng<< Ona umí mluvit třemi jazyky. She can speak three languages. She can speak three languages. >>eng<< Tahle práce už mi leze krkem. I'm sick and tired of this business. This job's on my neck. >>eng<< Jesteś na coś uczulony? Do you have any allergies? Are you allergic to something? >>eng<< Tę wojnę prowadzili ludzie pozbawieni rozsądku. Men who were bereft of reason conducted the war. This war was waged by people deprived of reason. >>eng<< Tom umie powiedzieć dobranoc w trzech językach. Tom can say goodnight in three languages. Tom can say good night in three languages. >>eng<< Nemohli jsme dělat vůbec nic. We couldn't do a thing. We couldn't do anything at all. >>eng<< Jsem si jist, že náš tým vyhraje. I'm sure that our team will win. I'm sure our team will win. >>eng<< Zgodziłem się z nią. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. >>eng<< Jsme rádi, že nám Tom pomáhá. We are glad that Tom is helping us. We are glad that Tom is helping us. >>eng<< Přidat lžičku papriky. Add one teaspoon of paprika. Add a teaspoon of peppers. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że się panu spodoba. I hope you'll like it. I hope you like it. >>eng<< Vše záleží na tom, jestli složíš tu zkoušku. Everything depends on whether you pass the examination. It's all up to you to pass the exam. >>eng<< Tom wyjął z teczki kilka rzeczy. Tom took a few things out of his suitcase. Tom took a few things out of the box. >>eng<< Dam ci znać co się dzieje. I'll let you know what happens. I'll let you know what's going on. >>eng<< Po ośmiogodzinnej jeździe Tom już po prostu nie mógł dłużej prowadzić. After driving for eight hours, Tom just couldn't drive any longer. After eight hours of driving, Tom simply couldn’t drive anymore. >>eng<< Nie bądź smutasem psującym zabawę, Tom. Don't be a party pooper, Tom. Don't be the sadness of fun, Tom. >>eng<< Banka ještě není otevřená. The bank isn't open yet. The bank is not open yet. >>eng<< Przestań śpiewać. Stop singing. Stop singing. >>eng<< Obdivovali jsme Tomovu odvahu. We admired Tom's courage. We admired Tom's courage. >>eng<< Kdy myslíš, že Tom přijde? When do you think Tom will come? When do you think Tom's coming? >>eng<< Vstáváš v šest? Do you get up at six? Are you getting up at six? >>eng<< Tom se mě zeptal na pár zajímavých věcí. Tom asked me some interesting questions. Tom asked me a few interesting things. >>eng<< Jestem szantażowany. I'm being blackmailed. I'm being blackmailed. >>eng<< Parking jest prawie pusty. The parking lot is almost empty. Parking is almost empty. >>eng<< Wóna jo Japanarka. She is Japanese. It's Japanese. >>eng<< Wyglądasz na zmęczonego. Czy mógłbym przejąć kierownicę? You look tired. Shall I take the wheel? You look tired. >>eng<< Tom se začal nudit. Tom became bored. Tom got bored. >>eng<< To nie może być trzymane w tajemnicy w nieskończoność. It can't be kept secret forever. It can't be kept secret forever. >>eng<< Nie możesz kupić tego leku bez recepty. You can't buy this medicine without a prescription. You cannot buy this medicine without a prescription. >>eng<< Zamířil jsem pistoli na terč. I aimed my gun at the target. I'm going to target a gun. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že se nechce učit francouzsky. Tom said he doesn't want to learn French. Tom said he didn't want to learn French. >>eng<< Tom říká, že můžeme začít bez něj. Tom says we can start without him. Tom says we can start without him. >>eng<< Prawdopodobnie przyjdzie. She'll probably come. He'll probably come. >>eng<< Není se za co stydět. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. There's nothing to be ashamed of. >>eng<< Měl bys to zkusit znovu. You should try doing it again. You should try again. >>eng<< Tom je nejvyšší z rodiny. Tom is the tallest in his family. Tom is the highest of the family. >>eng<< Musisz ostrzec Toma. You've got to warn Tom. You have to warn Tom. >>eng<< Mogłem to zrobić lepiej. I could have done it better. I could've done better. >>eng<< „Tatoeba“ znamená japonsky „například“. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. “Tatoeba” means Japanese “for example.” >>eng<< Máme už těch omezení dost. We are weary of the restrictions. We've had enough restrictions. >>eng<< Přestože jsme čekali do deseti, Bill se vůbec neobjevil. Although we waited until ten o'clock, Bill never showed up. Even though we were waiting for ten, Bill didn't show up at all. >>eng<< Tom to se svým žertem trochu přehnal. Tom went too far with his prank. Tom was a little overwhelming with his joke. >>eng<< Trudno stwierdzić, który pojazd jest piękniejszy. It is difficult to say which vehicle is more beautiful. It is difficult to determine which vehicle is more beautiful. >>eng<< Zajímá tě to? Are you curious about it? Are you interested? >>eng<< Tohle je téma, kterému se vyhýbáme. That's a topic we've been avoiding. This is a topic we avoid. >>eng<< Podjąłem decyzję. I made my decision. I made a decision. >>eng<< Odezwij się zanim będzie za późno. Speak before it's too late. Tell me before it's too late. >>eng<< Kolik lidí tam teď je? How many people are there now? How many people are there now? >>eng<< Líbí se mi holky. I like girls. I like girls. >>eng<< Język może być użyty na rożne sposoby. Language can be used in different ways. The language can be used in different ways. >>eng<< Jak twierdzi staruszek, którego poznałem wczoraj, karaluchy można jeść i wcale tak źle nie smakują. According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and don't taste all that bad. According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and they don’t taste so bad. >>eng<< Musisz zacząć zdanie od wielkiej litery. You must begin a sentence with a capital letter. You have to start with a big letter. >>eng<< Tom shání zahradnické potřeby. Tom is looking for some gardening tools. Tom is looking for gardening needs. >>eng<< Jesteś wzburzony. You're agitated. You're outraged. >>eng<< Tom czuł się winny. Tom felt guilty. Tom felt guilty. >>eng<< Tom se nevrátil. Tom didn't return. Tom didn't come back. >>eng<< Dick měl dopravní nehodu. Dick had a traffic accident. Dick had a car accident. >>eng<< Rád bych tě viděl. I'd like to see you. I'd love to see you. >>eng<< Nie podchodź. Stay back. Don't come. >>eng<< Nevím, jak se vyslovuje Tomovo příjmení. I don't know how to pronounce Tom's last name. I don't know what Tom's last name is. >>eng<< Czy możesz mi wszystko wyjaśnić? Can you explain everything to me? Can you explain everything to me? >>eng<< Dali ti najíst? Did they give you anything to eat? Did they eat you? >>eng<< Nie będę tego jadł. I'm not going to eat that. I'm not gonna eat it. >>eng<< Štěstí se střídá s neštěstím. Good luck alternates with misfortune. Happiness alternates with unhappiness. >>eng<< Uciekł mi żółw. My turtle ran away. My turtle ran away. >>eng<< Czemu nosisz rękawiczki? Why are you wearing gloves? Why are you wearing gloves? >>eng<< Víte, kolik to stojí dostat se odsud do Bostonu? Do you know how much it costs to get to Boston from here? Do you know how much it costs to get out of here in Boston? >>eng<< Není ta sukně příliš krátká? Is the skirt not too short? Isn't that skirt too short? >>eng<< Mary začala plakat poté, co si přečetla dopis od Toma. Mary started crying after reading Tom's letter. Mary started crying after reading a letter from Tom. >>eng<< Tom byl pryč víc než půl hodiny. Tom was gone for over thirty minutes. Tom was gone for more than half an hour. >>eng<< Musisz być mniej niecierpliwy. You must be less impatient. You have to be less impatience. >>eng<< Tom sedí na lavičce v parku. Tom is sitting on a bench in the park. Tom's sitting on a bench in the park. >>eng<< Tom neochotně souhlasil, že pomůže. Tom reluctantly agreed to help. Tom reluctantly agreed to help. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem po Tomovi, aby si se mnou zahrál šachy, ale on řekl, že nechce. I wanted Tom to play chess with me, but he said that he didn't want to. I wanted Tom to play chess with me, but he said he didn't. >>eng<< Někteří lidé věří, že číslo třináct přináší smůlu. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. >>eng<< Mýlíš se: on hraje na kontrabas, ne na trombón. You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone. You're wrong: he's playing double bass, not trombone. >>eng<< Tom vstal a odbelhal se z pokoje. Tom got up and limped out of the room. Tom got up and got out of the room. >>eng<< Tom ma brodę, tak jak jego ojciec, dziadek i bracia. Tom has a beard just like his father, grandfathers and brothers do. Tom has a beard, just like his father, grandfather, and brothers. >>eng<< Jěztej zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables. >>eng<< Tom doručuje starým lidem teplé jídlo. Tom delivers hot meals to old people. Tom delivers warm food to old people. >>eng<< Tom by už měl být doma. Tom should be at home by now. Tom should be home. >>eng<< Tomasz zdjął buty narciarskie i założył kapcie. Tom took off his ski boots and put on a pair of slippers. Thomas took off his ski shoes and started his hood. >>eng<< Hledáte práci? Are you looking for work? Looking for a job? >>eng<< On był raniony podczas strzelaniny z policją. He was wounded during a shoot-out with the police. He was wounded while shooting the police. >>eng<< Je mi jedno, co říkají. I don't care what they say. I don't care what they say. >>eng<< Neudělali jste nic, abyste to změnili. You didn't do anything to change it. You didn't do anything to change it. >>eng<< Podlehla Tomovi. She succumbed to Tom. She died to Tom. >>eng<< Tom jasno powiedział, że nie chce operacji. Tom made it clear that he didn't want surgery. Tom clearly said he didn't want an operation. >>eng<< Wpadłam na Toma podczas lunchu. I ran into Tom at lunch today. I hit Tom at lunch. >>eng<< To je jasné jako facka. It's as clear as mud. That's as obvious as a face-to-face. >>eng<< Mamy teraz bardzo dobrą drużynę. We have a good team right now. We have a very good team now. >>eng<< Jesteś bardzo przystojnym mężczyzną, Tomie. You're a very handsome man, Tom. You're a very handsome man, Tom. >>eng<< Tom má ještě jednu dceru, která žije v Bostonu. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. Tom has another daughter who lives in Boston. >>eng<< Udělal to i když slíbil, že to neudělá. He did it even though he had promised not to do it. He did it even when he promised he wouldn't do it. >>eng<< Brazílie je velká země. Brazil is a large country. Brazil is a big country. >>eng<< O astronomii jsem se hodně naučil od Toma. I've learned a lot about astronomy from Tom. I learned a lot about astronomy from Tom. >>eng<< Spojené Státy hraničí s Kanadou. The United States borders Canada. The United States borders Canada. >>eng<< To literówka. Przepraszam. It's a typo. Sorry. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Nie wiem na pewno, ale myślę o zostaniu nauczycielem. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll become a teacher. I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking about being a teacher. >>eng<< Už nejsem tak tvrdohlavý. I'm not as stubborn as I used to be. I'm not that stubborn anymore. >>eng<< Szkoda, że nie możemy wracać do domu. I wish we could go back home. Too bad we can't go home. >>eng<< Tom to nejspíš nikdy nezjistí. Tom will probably never find out. Tom's probably never gonna find out. >>eng<< Florencja jest najpiękniejszym miastem Włoch. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. >>eng<< Být hezký má také své nevýhody. Being cute has its disadvantages as well. Being nice also has its disadvantages. >>eng<< Oba jsou hodní. They're both good. They're both good. >>eng<< Mluvil jsem s Tomem, a je v pořádku. I talked to Tom and he's fine. I talked to Tom, and he's okay. >>eng<< Jsi opravdu zvláštní. You're really weird. You're really weird. >>eng<< Potřebuju, abys poslouchal. I need you to listen. I need you to listen. >>eng<< První stavby se stavěly z kamene a dřeva. The first structures were built with stone and wood. The first buildings were built of stone and wood. >>eng<< Nechci vědět, co je tam uvnitř. I don't want to know what's in there. I don't want to know what's inside. >>eng<< Zapoměl jsem ti o Tomovi říct. I forgot to tell you about Tom. I forgot to tell you about Tom. >>eng<< Býval jsem chudý jako ty. I used to be poor like you. I used to be poor like you. >>eng<< Tego tu wcześniej nie było. It wasn't there before. It wasn't here before. >>eng<< Záhada je pořád nevyřešená. The mystery is still unsolved. The mystery is still unresolved. >>eng<< Tom se usmál na svůj vlastní odraz v zrcadle. Tom smiled at himself in the mirror. Tom smiled at his own reflection in the mirror. >>eng<< Tom doi krowy. Tom is milking the cows. Tom doi cows. >>eng<< Jen jsem ležel na pláži a pozoroval koupající se lidi. I just lay on the beach and watched people swim. I was just lying on the beach watching the bathing people. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že Mary je bohatá. Tom said that Mary was wealthy. Tom said Mary was rich. >>eng<< Jedyny gol w finalowym meczu zdobył Andres Iniesta. The only goal of the final match was scored by Andrés Iniesta. The only goal in the final match was won by Andres Iniesta. >>eng<< Spadł z konia. He fell from the horse. He fell off the horse. >>eng<< Moje dcera chodí s Tomem. My daughter is dating Tom. My daughter is dating Tom. >>eng<< Jest wystarczająco stary, by wiedzieć lepiej. He is old enough to know better. He's old enough to know better. >>eng<< Říká, že lžeš. He says you're lying. He says you're lying. >>eng<< Tom nezemřel. Je naživu. Tom hasn't died. He is alive. Tom didn't die, he's alive. >>eng<< Kde jsi žila? Where have you lived? Where did you live? >>eng<< Fiona věděla, co dělá. Fiona knew what she was doing. He knew what he was doing. >>eng<< Můžu vidět vinný lístek? May I see the wine list? Can I see the wine ticket? >>eng<< Powědam górnoserbski. I speak Upper Sorbian. I speak Upper Sorbian. >>eng<< Obdivuji rodilé mluvčí angličtiny, kteří se učí česky. I admire native speakers of English who are learning Czech. I admire native English speakers who learn Czech. >>eng<< Nie jestem artystą. Nigdy nie miałem do tego zacięcia. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. I'm not an artist. >>eng<< Twój dom jest duży. Your house is big. Your house is big. >>eng<< Dnes nepracuji. I don't work today. I'm not working today. >>eng<< Zabawnie jest czytać mój stary pamiętnik. It's fun to read my old diary. It's funny to read my old diary. >>eng<< Tom i Mary muszą być razem szczęśliwi. Tom and Mary must be happy together. Tom and Mary must be happy together. >>eng<< Spálil jsem si prsty o žhavou žehličku. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. I burned my fingers with a hot iron. >>eng<< Często używam SSH dla zdalnego dostępu do moich komputerów. I often use SSH to access my computers remotely. I often use SSH for remote access to my computers. >>eng<< Co kdybychom odešli? Why don't we leave? What if we left? >>eng<< Jeśli popełnisz błąd, płacisz karę. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty. If you make a mistake, you pay the penalty. >>eng<< To wspaniale, że się spotkaliśmy. It's great to meet you. It's great that we met. >>eng<< To do pondělí připravený udělat nebudu. I won't be ready to do that until Monday. I will not be ready to do that on Monday. >>eng<< Miluje Toma víc než mne. She loves Tom more than I do. She loves Tom more than I do. >>eng<< Někdy bohatí opovrhují chudými. Sometimes the rich hold the poor in contempt. Sometimes the rich despise the poor. >>eng<< Mám jenom tebe. I have no one but you. I only have you. >>eng<< Tom mówi, że może zdobyć dla nas wszystko, czego potrzebujemy. Tom says he can get us everything we need. Tom says he can get everything we need for us. >>eng<< Sami béł za Laylënéwo privatnéwo mechanjika. Sami worked as Layla's private mechanic. He was on behalf of Laylinéwo privateo mechanjika. >>eng<< Říkávali jsme mu Tom. We used to call him Tom. We called him Tom. >>eng<< Cebulę można jeść na surowo lub gotowaną. Onions can be eaten raw or cooked. Onion can be eaten raw or cooked. >>eng<< Gówno prawda. Bullshit. That's right. >>eng<< Przyjdę do ciebie. I'll come to your place. I'll come to you. >>eng<< Možná se to stane brzy. It's possible that that'll happen soon. Maybe it'll happen soon. >>eng<< Dziękuję za poczęstunek. Byłem naprawdę głodny. Thank you for giving me something to eat. I was really hungry. Thank you for the meal, I was really hungry. >>eng<< Żałuję, że uderzyłem Toma. I wish I hadn't hit Tom. I'm sorry I hit Tom. >>eng<< Ręce mi się kleją. My hands are sticky. My hands are glued. >>eng<< Mají tvé děti svůj vlastní pokoj? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own room? >>eng<< Nevěřte lidem kteří vám slibují, že z vás udělají boháče přes noc. Buďto jsou to blázni, a nebo podvodníci. Don't trust people that promise to make you rich overnight. They're typically either lunatics or crooks. Don't believe the people who promise to make you rich overnight. >>eng<< Tady uvnitř je tma. It's dark in here. It's dark inside. >>eng<< Ktoś pokrzyżował nam szyki. Someone's put a spanner in the works. Someone's crossed our heads. >>eng<< Tom se chtěl stát překladatelem znakové řeči. Tom wanted to become a sign language interpreter. Tom wanted to become a sign language translator. >>eng<< Tom neonemocněl. Tom didn't get ill. Tom didn't get sick. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, czy Tom nauczyłby mnie francuskiego. I wonder if Tom would teach me French. I wonder if Tom would teach me French. >>eng<< Bez ciebie nie będzie tak samo. I would not be the same without you. Without you, it won't be the same. >>eng<< Tomovi se líbí mladší sestra Mary víc, než se mu líbí Mary. Tom likes Mary's younger sister more than he likes Mary. Tom likes a younger sister Mary more than Mary likes. >>eng<< Szybko się przystosujesz do nowego, studenckiego życia. You'll soon get accustomed to your new college life. You will quickly adapt to a new student life. >>eng<< Poprosił o trochę pieniędzy. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. >>eng<< Kolik času zbývá? How much time is left? How much time is left? >>eng<< Dovolil svým dětem hrát si s námi. He let his children play with us. He allowed his children to play with us. >>eng<< Tom si čte v knihovně. Tom is reading in the library. Tom reads in the library. >>eng<< Dziś wieczorem idę na kolację z Tomem. I'm having dinner with Tom tonight. I'm going to dinner with Tom tonight. >>eng<< Nie wiedziałem, że miałeś dzieci. I never knew you had children. I didn't know you had children. >>eng<< Vím, že stále nejsi spokojen. I know you're still not satisfied. I know you're still not happy. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że czuje, jak coś się pali. Tom said he could smell something burning. Tom said he felt something burning. >>eng<< Já jím tady. I eat here. I'm eating here. >>eng<< Bardzo mi smutno to słyszeć. I'm very sad to hear that. I'm so sad to hear that. >>eng<< Někdo nás špehuje. Someone has been spying on us. Someone's spying on us. >>eng<< Toma na hodinu propustili. Tom was given an hour's notice. Tom was released for an hour. >>eng<< Człowiek, którego wczoraj widziałeś to pan Brown. The man you met yesterday was Mr Brown. The man you saw yesterday, Mr. Brown. >>eng<< Tom spóźnił się tylko trzy minuty. Tom was only three minutes late. Tom was only three minutes late. >>eng<< Ile kwiatów Tom dał Mary? How many flowers did Tom give to Mary? How many flowers did Tom give Mary? >>eng<< Tom mi snědl salát. Tom ate my salad. Tom ate my salad. >>eng<< Jesteś ekstrawertyczny. You're extroverted. You're extravert. >>eng<< Jak dlouho to tam trvá autobusem? How long does it take to get there by bus? How long does it take for a bus? >>eng<< Málem jsem zapomněl udělat si domácí úkoly. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my homework. >>eng<< Jdeme si dát něco k jídlu. Let's get some lunch. Let's go get some food. >>eng<< Małe przedsiębiorstwa odczuwają presję inflacji. Small enterprises are feeling the squeeze of inflation. Small businesses are under pressure from inflation. >>eng<< Kde mi to Tom nechal? Where did Tom leave it for me? Where did Tom leave it to me? >>eng<< Šel jsem spát oblečený. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to sleep dressed. >>eng<< Jestem bardzo zły, gdy nie odpowiadasz na moje pytania. I get very angry when you don't answer my questions. I'm very angry when you don't answer my questions. >>eng<< Trvali na tom, aby tam Tom byl. They insisted that Tom be there. They insisted Tom was there. >>eng<< Je to padělek. It's a fake. It's a fake. >>eng<< Vím, že jsi na mě byla pyšná. I know you were proud of me. I know you were proud of me. >>eng<< Tutaj jest kot pod łóżkiem. There is a cat under the bed. Here's the cat under the bed. >>eng<< Vyrůstala obklopena rodinou. She's grown up surrounded by family. She grew up surrounded by family. >>eng<< On często jeździ do biblioteki samochodem. He often goes to the library by car. He often goes to the library by car. >>eng<< Kupiłem nieco sera i mleka. I bought some cheese and milk. I bought some cheese and milk. >>eng<< Tom chciał wiedzieć co się stało. Tom wanted to know what had happened. Tom wanted to know what happened. >>eng<< Je z těch dvou ten starší. He is the older of the two. He's the older of the two. >>eng<< Umrzl někde na horách. He froze to death somewhere in mountains. He died somewhere in the mountains. >>eng<< Ja tam też poszedłem. I also went there. I went there too. >>eng<< Scena została pokazana w zwolnionym tempie. The scene was shown in slow motion. The scene was shown at a slow pace. >>eng<< Politici zahajují války, ne obyčejní lidé, kteří jimi trpí. Politicians initiate wars, not ordinary people who suffer from them. Politicians start wars, not ordinary people who suffer from them. >>eng<< Słyszałem strzały. I heard shots being fired. I've heard the shots. >>eng<< Nie idę dzisiaj do szkoły. I'm not going to school today. I'm not going to school today. >>eng<< Jaka jest twoja odpowiedź? What's your answer? What's your answer? >>eng<< Książka jest na półce. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. >>eng<< Czuj się jak u siebie w domu. Make yourself at home. Feel at home. >>eng<< Gdzie znajduje się katedra? Where is the cathedral located? Where is the Cathedral? >>eng<< Bouře opět vyvrhla na pláž mnoho naplaveného dřeva. The storm has washed up a lot of driftwood on the beach again. The storm cast a lot of water on the beach. >>eng<< Ona ma mało przyjaciół. She has few friends. She has few friends. >>eng<< Boty jaké barvy sis koupil? What color shoes did you buy? What colors did you buy? >>eng<< Jak ci już wcześniej mówiłem, nie miałem wyjścia. As I told you before, I had no choice. As I told you before, I had no choice. >>eng<< Tom jest dziś po południu zajęty. Tom is busy this afternoon. Tom is busy this afternoon. >>eng<< Budeš zítra ráno ve své kanceláři? Will you be in your office tomorrow morning? Will you be in your office tomorrow morning? >>eng<< Mluvím plynně anglicky. I'm fluent in English. I speak fluent English. >>eng<< Padli jeden po druhém. They fell one after another. They fell one by one. >>eng<< Tom býval jazzový zpěvák. Tom used to be a jazz singer. Tom was a jazz singer. >>eng<< Každý s ní měl soucit. Everyone sympathised with her. Everyone had compassion for her. >>eng<< Petr povalil židli. Peter knocked down the chair. Peter took the chair. >>eng<< Potřebuji si nabít mobil. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my cell phone. >>eng<< Tom pracuje nad czymś, co musi być skończone do 2:30. Tom is working on something that needs to be finished by 2:30. Tom is working on something that must be done by 2:30. >>eng<< Asi máš těžká zavazadla. You probably have some heavy luggage. I think you've got heavy luggage. >>eng<< V únoru mi zvýšili plat. My salary increased in February. In February, my salary increased. >>eng<< Třeba vám tohle pomůže. Maybe this will help you. Maybe this will help you. >>eng<< Garstka studentów rozumiała, co powiedział. Few students could understand what he said. A handful of students understood what he said. >>eng<< Żelazo dobrze przewodzi ciepło. Iron transmits heat well. Iron conducts heat well. >>eng<< Moją nauczycielką jest Pani Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. >>eng<< Mohu si to půjčit? Can I borrow it? Can I borrow it? >>eng<< Z jaké kapitoly je tenhle verš? Which chapter is this verse from? What chapter is this verse? >>eng<< Nemám dost peněz na oběd. I don't have enough money to buy lunch. I don't have enough money for lunch. >>eng<< Je to určitě v rozporu se zákonem. I'm pretty sure that's against the law. This is certainly contrary to the law. >>eng<< Muszę iść. I've gotta go. I have to go. >>eng<< Tom mi nekoupil oběd tak, jak slíbil. Tom didn't buy me lunch like he promised. Tom didn't buy me lunch as he promised. >>eng<< Na zemi ležela černá rakev. A black coffin lay on the ground. There was a black coffin on the ground. >>eng<< Máte raději jaro, nebo podzim? Do you like Spring or Autumn more? Do you prefer spring or autumn? >>eng<< Bohužel jí to nemohu říct. Unfortunately, I can't tell her. Unfortunately, I can't tell her. >>eng<< Dlaczego jej tego nie pokażesz? Why don't you show it to her? Why don't you show her that? >>eng<< Tom nigdy nie mieszkał w Bostonie. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. >>eng<< Szukali go wszędzie, ale nie znaleźli. They looked for him everywhere but didn't find him. They were looking for him everywhere, but they didn't find him. >>eng<< Když jsme pryč z domu, nic nás nepotěší více, jako když obdržíme balíček z domu. When we are away from home, nothing gives us more pleasure than to receive a parcel from home. When we're out of the house, nothing will please us more than when we get the package from home. >>eng<< Podívej se na můj nový plakát. Look at my new poster. Look at my new poster. >>eng<< Jestem pełen nadziei na przyszłość. I feel hopeful about the future. I am full of hope for the future. >>eng<< Jazyk se učíte neustále. You're never finished learning a language. You learn the language all the time. >>eng<< Nauczyłem się tego od ciebie. I learned it from you. I learned it from you. >>eng<< Może zmienić zdanie. He might change his mind. He can change his mind. >>eng<< Tomovi se zdálo o tom, jak vyhrál. Tom dreamed about winning. Tom seemed to have won. >>eng<< Znalazłam jej kotkę w pustym pokoju. I found her cat in an empty room. I found her cat in an empty room. >>eng<< Nie wiem, co masz na myśli. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. >>eng<< Nie mogła powstrzymać płaczu. She couldn't help from crying. She couldn't stop crying. >>eng<< Czyż to nie jest wspaniałe? Isn't that amazing? Isn't that great? >>eng<< Jste tady noví. You're new here. You're new here. >>eng<< Tom si zapálil cigaretu přestože byl na místě, kde platí přísný zákaz kouření. Tom lit a cigarette even though he was at place where smoking is strictly prohibited. Tom smoked a cigarette even though he was in a place where there was a strict smoking ban. >>eng<< Tom se musí učesat. Tom needs to comb his hair. Tom's got to do his hair. >>eng<< Tento počítač je starý. This computer is old. This computer is old. >>eng<< Velryby nejsou ryby, nýbrž savci. The whale is not a fish but a mammal. The whales are not fish, but mammals. >>eng<< Tom se připravoval na odchod. Tom was getting ready to go. Tom was preparing to leave. >>eng<< Vítejte na Tatoebě. Welcome to Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. >>eng<< Tom jest w stanie znieść prawie wszystko. Tom can handle just about anything. Tom can endure almost anything. >>eng<< Jejich otec je Čech a jejich matka pochází z Maďarska. Their father is Czech and their mother comes from Hungary. Their father is Czech and their mother comes from Hungary. >>eng<< Jesteś bardzo szczodry. You're very generous. You're very generous. >>eng<< Osoby nie będące członkami płacą 50 dolarów więcej. Non-members pay 50 dollars more. Non-members pay $50 more. >>eng<< Wbrew innym, postanowiłem wziąć jego stronę. I decided to take his side against the others. Contrary to others, I decided to take his side. >>eng<< Udělal jsi to ty? Was it you who did it? Did you do it? >>eng<< Dałem Tomowi wszystkie pieniądze, które miałem przy sobie. I gave Tom all the money I had on me. I gave Tom all the money I had with me. >>eng<< Mam dla ciebie wiadomość od niej. I have a message for you from her. I have a message for you from her. >>eng<< Koupil jsem spousty knih. I bought lots of books. I bought a lot of books. >>eng<< Myslíš, že by jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think that Tom could hurt them? You think Tom could hurt them? >>eng<< Myslím, že Toma stále miluješ. I think you still love Tom. I think you still love Tom. >>eng<< Mieszkam w małym mieście. I'm living in a small town. I live in a small town. >>eng<< Nuže, je čas jít. Well, it's time to go. Well, it's time to go. >>eng<< Kuj železo, dokud je žhavé. Strike while the iron is hot. Toss iron while it's hot. >>eng<< Uciekał w kierunku lasu. He ran away in the direction of the wood. He ran toward the forest. >>eng<< Kojím svou dceru. I am breast-feeding my daughter. I breast-feed my daughter. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom je pracovitý. I think Tom is hard-working. I think Tom's busy. >>eng<< Tom pracoval jako novinář. Tom worked as a journalist. Tom worked as a journalist. >>eng<< Pamatuješ si číslo svého pasu? Do you remember your passport number? Remember your passport number? >>eng<< Tom nie powiedział mi, gdzie był. Tom didn't tell me where he'd been. Tom didn't tell me where he was. >>eng<< To jest dokładnie to, czego potrzebowałem. This is exactly what I needed. That's exactly what I needed. >>eng<< Tom nie chciał odpuścić. Tom wouldn't let it go. Tom didn't want to let go. >>eng<< Sy Etiopjanka? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? >>eng<< Kde jsi byl celé odpoledne? Where've you been all afternoon? Where were you all afternoon? >>eng<< Když mě pozve, tak na tu párty půjdu. If she invites me, I'll go to the party. If he invites me, I'll go to the party. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem maso jedl. I used to eat meat. I used to eat meat. >>eng<< Musel jsem se vrátit. I had to go back. I had to go back. >>eng<< Wstałem powoli. I stood up slowly. I got up slowly. >>eng<< Byla sama ve tmě. She was alone in the dark. She was alone in the dark. >>eng<< Už jsi sehnal nějaký byt? Have you found a flat yet? Have you got an apartment yet? >>eng<< Nie wiem jak długo to zajmie. I don't know how long this'll take. I don't know how long it'll take. >>eng<< Żadna kultura nie jest idealna. No culture is perfect. No culture is perfect. >>eng<< Jak vás můžu zkontaktovat? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? >>eng<< Má třikrát tolik knih co já. He has three times as many books as I have. He has three books as many as I do. >>eng<< Możesz to dla mnie zrobić? Can you do that for me? Can you do this for me? >>eng<< Chodívali jsme spolu na ryby. We used to go fishing together. We went fishing together. >>eng<< Tom to kdysi dělal. Tom used to do that. Tom did it once. >>eng<< Přidal jsem věty. I've added sentences. I added sentences. >>eng<< Dám vám pět dolarů. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. >>eng<< O co tyle szumu? What's all this fuss about? What's the noise? >>eng<< Lidé dnes tráví hodně času u počítače. People nowadays spend a lot of time in front of computers. People spend a lot of time at the computer today. >>eng<< Nemusím se nikomu prokazovat. I don't have to prove myself to anyone. I don't have to prove myself to anyone. >>eng<< Mám moc rád hroznové víno. I love grapes. I love grape wine. >>eng<< Kde jste nechali Toma? Where did you leave Tom? Where did you leave Tom? >>eng<< Dveře bylo těžké otevřít. The door was difficult to open. The door was hard to open. >>eng<< Čas odsud vypadnout. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to get out of here. >>eng<< Jsme v jídle vybíraví. We're picky eaters. We are in the food. >>eng<< Doufám, že se budeme dobře bavit. I hope that we have a good time. I hope we have fun. >>eng<< Dosyć już telewizji! Enough TV, already! Enough TV! >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že by se to k něčemu mohlo hodit. I thought it might be of some use. I thought it might fit something. >>eng<< Zadziwiające, że Irańczycy, którym islam narzucili Arabowie drogą wojskowego podboju, stali się najzagorzalszymi jego wyznawcami - posunęli się wręcz do prześladowania wyznawców zoroastryzmu, choć była to religia ich ojców. Coś w rodzaju syndromu sztokholmskiego w skali całego narodu. It is astonishing to witness that the Iranians, onto whom the Arabs imposed Islam through military defeat, have become its most zealous followers to the point of oppressing those of Zoroastrianism, though it is the religion of their own fathers. A kind of Stockholm syndrome on the national scale. It is amazing that the Iranians, whom Islam imposed by the Arabs on the way of military conquest, became the most bitter of its followers - they even moved to persecute the followers of Zoroastrianism, although it was the religion of their fathers. >>eng<< Balení tohoto výrobku je poškozeno. The packaging of this product is damaged. The packaging of this product is damaged. >>eng<< Tom vystoupil z auta a otevřel bránu. Tom got out of his car and unlocked the gate. Tom got out of the car and opened the door. >>eng<< Jesteś wyczerpany. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. >>eng<< Tom sprawdzi. Tom will check. Tom's gonna check. >>eng<< Tom nás o to nežádal. Tom didn't ask us to do that. Tom didn't ask us to. >>eng<< Mohlo by se to uskutečnit tady. That could happen here. It could happen here. >>eng<< Tom si chce otevřít bankovní účet. Tom wants to open a bank account. Tom wants to open a bank account. >>eng<< Nenašel jsem je. I didn't find them. I didn't find them. >>eng<< Tom nie chce poślubić Mary. Tom doesn't want to marry Mary. Tom doesn't want to marry Mary. >>eng<< Lubisz czekoladę? Do you like chocolate? Do you like chocolate? >>eng<< Tom vykouří až dvacet cigaret denně, zatímco Mary nekouří vůbec. Tom smokes up to twenty cigarettes a day, whereas Mary doesn't smoke at all. Tom smokes 20 cigarettes a day, while Mary does not smoke at all. >>eng<< Ten artysta jest utalentowany. The artist is gifted. This artist is talented. >>eng<< Doufám, že se bavíš. I hope you're having fun. I hope you're having fun. >>eng<< Mam ochotę na sushi. I would like to eat sushi. I want a sushi. >>eng<< Chce to odhodlání. It takes determination. He wants determination. >>eng<< Komputery są ciągle ulepszane. Computers are constantly being improved. Computers are constantly improved. >>eng<< Jsem vážně rád, že Tom to neudělal. I'm really glad that Tom didn't do that. I'm really glad Tom didn't do it. >>eng<< Cože?! Tys mi snědl čokoládového medvěda?! What?! You ate my chocolate bear?! Did you eat me a chocolate bear? >>eng<< Mary se znovu provdala za svého prvního muže. Mary has remarried her first husband. Mary married her first man again. >>eng<< Tom není schopen tu firmu náležitě řídit. Tom cannot run the company properly. Tom is not able to manage the company properly. >>eng<< On jest samurajem. He's a samurai. He's a Samurai. >>eng<< Zdobyłem się na odwagę i poszedłem tam (said by a man) I mustered up my courage and went there. I got brave and went there (said by a man) >>eng<< Hrozně to tady bolí. It hurts tremendously here. It hurts so much here. >>eng<< Jsou oškliví. They are ugly. They're ugly. >>eng<< Tom mi řekl, že Mary nenávidí. Tom told me that he hated Mary. Tom told me Mary hated her. >>eng<< Jsem tady, abych vás požádal o pomoc. I'm here to ask for your help. I'm here to ask you for help. >>eng<< Tom často na své děti křičí. Tom often yells at his children. Tom often screams at his children. >>eng<< Bywa surowy, ale bywa i łagodny. He is at once strict and tender. It's raw, but it's mild. >>eng<< Je to zamilovaná píseň. It is a love song. It's a love song. >>eng<< Taxík čeká. A cab is waiting. The taxi's waiting. >>eng<< Měl bych chodit spát dříve. I should go to bed earlier. I should go to bed earlier. >>eng<< Obviněný je nevinným, dokud se neprokáže vina. The accused is innocent until proven guilty. The accused is innocent until he is found guilty. >>eng<< Trvá dlouho, než se webová stránka Tatoeby zobrazí. It takes a long time for Tatoeba website to display. It takes a long time for the Tatoeby website to appear. >>eng<< Dlatego jest zły. That's why he got angry. That's why he's bad. >>eng<< Opłaca się być uprzejmym. It pays to be polite. It is worth being polite. >>eng<< Betty by mohla zpívat lépe. Betty could sing better. Betty could sing better. >>eng<< Tom a Mary nastoupili na vlak v půl šesté. Tom and Mary boarded the train at five-thirty. Tom and Mary took the train in the sixth half. >>eng<< Czasami jesteś dziwny. You're strange sometimes. Sometimes you're weird. >>eng<< Hałas przeszkadzał mi w czytaniu. The noise was disturbing my reading. The noise kept me from reading. >>eng<< Je čas se učit rusky. It's time to learn Russian. It's time to learn Russian. >>eng<< Na przyjęciu było tylko sześć osób. There were only six people at the party. There were only six people at the party. >>eng<< Tom odložil svoji svatbu s Mary na neurčito. Tom postponed his marriage to Mary indefinitely. Tom postponed his wedding with Mary indefinitely. >>eng<< Už jsi tady zase, Tome? You're here again, Tom? Are you here again, Tom? >>eng<< Tom se k lepšímu nezmění. Tom won't change himself for the better. Tom won't change for the better. >>eng<< Jeho dům jsem našel snadno. I found his house easily. I found his house easily. >>eng<< Já to udělám, ať souhlasíš či ne. I am going to do it whether you agree or not. I'll do it, whether you agree or not. >>eng<< Měl ses představit sám. You should have introduced yourself. You should have imagined yourself. >>eng<< Mogę prosić o autograf? Can I have your autograph please? Can I ask for an autograph? >>eng<< Tom si uvědomil, že mu nikdo nepomůže. Tom realised that nobody would help him. Tom realized that no one would help him. >>eng<< Nie cierpię brokułów! I hate broccoli! I hate broccoli! >>eng<< Vrátím svůj pas do trezoru. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll put my passport in the safe. >>eng<< Tom dostal k Vánocům křečka. Tom got a hamster for Christmas. Tom got a hamster for Christmas. >>eng<< Tom kupuje nowy dom w przyszłym roku. Tom is buying a new house next year. Tom is buying a new home next year. >>eng<< Pokus nakonec vyšel. Eventually the experiment succeeded. The attempt finally came out. >>eng<< Hned za lesem se nachází krásné jezero. A beautiful lake lies just beyond the forest. Right behind the forest there is a beautiful lake. >>eng<< Tom wciąż nie wie co się stało. Tom still doesn't know what happened. Tom still doesn't know what happened. >>eng<< Wstąpiłem do księgarni i kupiłem interesującą książkę. I dropped by the bookstore and bought an interesting book. I entered the bookstore and bought an interesting book. >>eng<< Jedz więcej, Tomie. Eat more, Tom. Eat more, Tom. >>eng<< Jak dlouho jste čekala? How long have you waited? How long have you been waiting? >>eng<< Tom, czemu nie idziesz do swojego pokoju? Why don't you go to your room, Tom? Tom, why don't you go to your room? >>eng<< Czy wiesz, kto wynalazł proch strzelniczy? Do you know who invented gunpowder? Do you know who invented the gunpowder? >>eng<< Przyszedł do domu. He walked home. He came home. >>eng<< Ciekawe jaka będzie jutro pogoda. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. >>eng<< Spotkaliśmy się w niedzielę. We met on Sunday. We met on Sunday. >>eng<< Bydlím ve městě. I live in a city. I live in town. >>eng<< Zaprosili również bezbożną macochę królewny Śnieżki. They also invited Snow White's godless stepmother. They also invited the godless mother of the Snow White Queen. >>eng<< Tom przedstawił Mary swoim rodzicom. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. >>eng<< Nasza armia bez walki zajęła ten obszar. Our army occupied this region without a fight. Our army, without fighting, occupied this area. >>eng<< Nemluvím italsky, znám jen pár slov. I don't speak Italian; I just know a few words. I don't speak Italian, I only know a few words. >>eng<< Głupio czytać taką gazetę. It is foolish to read such a magazine. It's hard to read a newspaper like that. >>eng<< Sami mě neposlouchal. Sami wasn't listening to me. He didn't listen to me. >>eng<< Tom viděl pod svým autem kočku. Tom saw a cat under his car. Tom saw a cat under his car. >>eng<< Tom už nemusí chodit do školy. Tom doesn't have to go to school anymore. Tom doesn't have to go to school anymore. >>eng<< Dziś mój syn kończy cztery lata. Today my son turns four years old. Today my son is four years old. >>eng<< Możesz dotrzeć do parku inną drogą. You can reach the park by either road. You can reach the park another way. >>eng<< K mému zklamání už začal. To my disappointment, he had already started. He's already started my disappointment. >>eng<< Tom zdvořile smekl klobouk. Tom lifted his hat politely. Tom took his hat politely. >>eng<< To wszystko? That's all? Is that it? >>eng<< Ta książka jest lepsza niż wszystkie jakie dotąd czytałem. This book is better than any I have ever read. This book is better than all I’ve read before. >>eng<< Ona vyhrožovala, že nám podpálí dům. She threatened to set our house on fire. She threatened to burn our house. >>eng<< Niestety jest nieobecna. Unfortunately, she is absent. Unfortunately, she is absent. >>eng<< On został oskarżony o roztrwonienie publicznych funduszy. He was accused of squandering public funds. He was accused of crushing public funds. >>eng<< Możesz z nim porozmawiać. You may speak to him. You can talk to him. >>eng<< Już to wcześniej słyszałam. I've heard that story before. I've heard it before. >>eng<< Tom założył agencję reklamową. Tom started an advertising agency. Tom founded an advertising agency. >>eng<< Vrátil se z Ameriky. He came back from America. He came back from America. >>eng<< Zvykl si na to, že nemá každý den teplé jídlo. He got used to not having a hot meal every day. You're used to not having a hot meal every day. >>eng<< Hledám práci. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem, aby mě Tom zavezl na letiště. I wanted Tom to drive me to the airport. I wanted Tom to take me to the airport. >>eng<< Připojím se k vám později. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. >>eng<< Słaby wzrok jest przeszkodą dla sportowca. Poor eyesight is a handicap to a sportsman. Poor vision is an obstacle to the athlete. >>eng<< Twoja twarz jest blada. Your face is pale. Your face is pale. >>eng<< Kdo je tvůj oblíbený fotbalista? Who's your favorite football player? Who is your favorite footballer? >>eng<< Neváhejte požádat o informace. Don't hesitate to ask for information. Do not hesitate to ask for information. >>eng<< Známe Toma už léta. We've known Tom for years. We've known Tom for years. >>eng<< Přijměte svou minulost bez lítosti. Accept your past without regrets. Accept your past without regret. >>eng<< Byl bych mohl plakat. I could've cried. I could cry. >>eng<< Mój ojciec nie jest rozmowny. My father is not talkative. My father's not talking. >>eng<< Vstávám v šest každé ráno. I get up at six every morning. I get up at six every morning. >>eng<< Nikdo jiný to nechtěl. No one wanted it. No one else wanted it. >>eng<< Pozor na imitace. Beware of imitations. Watch out for imitations. >>eng<< Je čas povídat si o ptácích a včelách. It's time to talk about the birds and the bees. It’s time to talk about birds and bees. >>eng<< Nieźle jak na początek. Not bad for a start. It's nice for a start. >>eng<< Jill jest zaręczona z Jackiem. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill is engaged to Jackie. >>eng<< Mówi po francusku. She can speak French. He speaks French. >>eng<< Jen jsem si dělal legraci. I was only joking. I was just kidding. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl proč. I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why. >>eng<< Lubisz owoce morza, co nie? You like seafood, don't you? You like seafood, don't you? >>eng<< Tom má dost svérázný smích a je ho tak slyšet přes všechny ostatní třeba i v davu. Tom has a very distinctive laugh and, even in a crowd, can be heard above everybody else. Tom has a lot of laughter and is so heard through all the others, even in the crowd. >>eng<< Proszę przyjść do mojego domu po południu. Please come to my house in the afternoon. Please come to my house in the afternoon. >>eng<< Nevím, co se mohlo stát. I don't know what could've happened. I don't know what could have happened. >>eng<< Tom musi dać znać Mary prędzej czy później. Tom must let Mary know sooner or later. Tom must let Mary know sooner or later. >>eng<< Jěsće zeleninu. Eat vegetables. You're getting vegetables. >>eng<< Musela je koupit ze zámoří. She's got to buy them overseas. She had to buy them from overseas. >>eng<< Popsal všechno, co se stalo. He recounted everything that had occurred. He described everything that happened. >>eng<< Kim jest ten mężczyzna, z którym rozmawiałeś? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who's the man you talked to? >>eng<< Nie pamiętam, co powinienem zrobić. I don't remember what I need to do. I don't remember what I should do. >>eng<< Kdyby tenkrát ještě byla moje matka naživu, pomohla by mi. If my mother had still been alive, she would have helped me at that time. If my mother were alive then she would help me. >>eng<< Wychodzę z domu o ósmej piętnaście i przychodzę do szkoły o ósmej czterdzieści pięć. I leave the house at eight fifteen, and arrive at school at eight forty‐five. I leave home at 8 p.m. and come to school at 8 p.m. >>eng<< Przyprowadź dzieci. Bring the kids. Bring the kids. >>eng<< Usterka została naprawiona. The fault has been repaired. The escape was repaired. >>eng<< Dnes večer nám Tom určitě zavolá. We'll get a phone call from Tom tonight for sure. I'm sure Tom's gonna call us tonight. >>eng<< Má rád svoje děti? Does he like his children? Does he like his children? >>eng<< Kdy odcházíš z práce? When do you get off work? When are you leaving work? >>eng<< Mało prawdopodobne, by był takim samym człowiekiem, jakiego poznałeś 10 lat temu. It's very unlikely that he is actually the same man you met ten years ago. He's hardly likely to be the same person you met 10 years ago. >>eng<< Jeho pýcha byla poněkud pocuchána. His pride was slightly touched. His pride was somewhat obeyed. >>eng<< Letos bude tuhá zima. It's going to be a hard winter this year. It will be cold this year. >>eng<< Hlavní město Maďarska je Budapešť. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. >>eng<< Ten dům mému bratrovi již nepatří. The house no longer belongs to my brother. This house no longer belongs to my brother. >>eng<< Tome, ty blbe! Tom, you idiot! Tom, you stupid! >>eng<< To mój dom. This is my home. It's my house. >>eng<< Říkají, že Tom je ten nejbystřejší v týmu. They say Tom is the smartest one on the team. They say Tom is the brightest on the team. >>eng<< Tom nie mógł pamiętać, co zrobił. Tom couldn't remember what he had done. Tom couldn't remember what he did. >>eng<< Život je hádanka a láska je odpověď. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Life is a puzzle and love is the answer. >>eng<< Věděl jsi, že Tom dříve žil v Bostonu? Did you know that Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? >>eng<< Proč Tom nešel s tebou? Why didn't Tom go with you? Why didn't Tom come with you? >>eng<< Tom je osoba se slabou vůlí. Tom is a weak-willed person. Tom is a person with a weak will. >>eng<< Je to efektivní. It is efficient. It's effective. >>eng<< Jego oceny są zawsze lepsze od moich, mimo że nie uczy się zbyt dużo. His scores are always better than mine, even though he doesn't study very much. His scores are always better than mine, even though he doesn’t learn too much. >>eng<< Mám tě hodně rád. I like you very much. I love you so much. >>eng<< Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. The grass is green. >>eng<< Vypadá to, že z potrubí uniká plyn. Gas seems to be escaping from the pipe. It looks like gas is leaking from the pipe. >>eng<< Nie jestem chory. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. >>eng<< Tom nie chciał, żeby Mary prowadziła po pijanemu. Tom didn't want Mary to drive drunk. Tom didn't want Mary to lead the drunk. >>eng<< Táta přišel domů. Father came home. Dad came home. >>eng<< Napíšu Ti, až se tam budu. I'll write to you when I get there. I'll write to you when I'm there. >>eng<< Wrócę później. I'll come back later. I'll be back later. >>eng<< Nemáš držet dietu? Aren't you supposed to be on a diet? Aren't you supposed to stick to the diet? >>eng<< Přeložte to, prosím. Please translate this. Translate it, please. >>eng<< Wpadłem głową w drzwi i mam guza. I bumped my head against the door and got a lump. I hit my head in the door and I have a tumor. >>eng<< Tom byl nudný. Tom was boring. Tom was boring. >>eng<< Já toho moc nenaspím. I don't sleep a lot. I'm not going to sleep much. >>eng<< Jsem tenistou. I'm a tennis player. I'm a tennis player. >>eng<< Do zobaczenia później. See you later! See you later. >>eng<< Bereš to moc vážně. You're taking it too seriously. You're taking it too seriously. >>eng<< 25 jest liczbą naturalną. 25 is a natural number. 25 is a natural number. >>eng<< Tom miluje pivo. Tom is a beer lover. Tom loves beer. >>eng<< Tom ożenił się z Mary ledwie cztery miesiące przed wyjazdem na front. Tom had married Mary only four months before leaving for the front. Tom married Mary only four months before he went to the front. >>eng<< Nechci jít na zimní vzduch. I don't want to go out into the winter air. I don't want to go to winter air. >>eng<< Jeho otec je hasič. His father is a firefighter. His father is a firefighter. >>eng<< Tom koupe dítě. Tom is giving the baby a bath. Tom's buying a baby. >>eng<< Tom říká, že slyšel, že si Mary potřebuje najít jiné místo k bydlení. Tom says he heard that Mary needed to find somewhere else to live. Tom says he heard Mary needs to find another place to live. >>eng<< Jeho otce zavřeli do blázince. His father is locked away in a mental hospital. His father was locked in a fool. >>eng<< Doufal jsem, že tě najdu. I was hoping to find you. I was hoping I could find you. >>eng<< Moji rodiče na mě byli pyšní. My parents were proud of me. My parents were proud of me. >>eng<< Zachowanie Toma na przyjęciu było niewybaczalne. Tom's behaviour at the party was inexcusable. The behavior of Tom at the party was unforgivable. >>eng<< Ona mówi po niemiecku i francusku, nie wspominając już o angielskim. She speaks German and French, not to mention English. She speaks German and French, not to mention English. >>eng<< Ještě milionářem nejsi. You're not a millionaire yet. You're not a millionaire yet. >>eng<< Tom si na mě stěžoval šéfovi. Bude toho litovat. Tom complained about me to the boss. He will regret it. Tom complained to my boss, he'll regret it. >>eng<< Jesteś jedyną osobą, która może go przekonać. You're the only person that can persuade him. You're the only person who can convince him. >>eng<< Wielkie dzięki za przyjście! Thanks so much for coming! Thank you so much for coming! >>eng<< Tom neřekl ani slovo od svého příchodu sem. Tom hasn't said a word since he got here. Tom hasn't said a word since his arrival here. >>eng<< Neděláš si starosti kvůli svým známkám? Aren't you worried about your grades? Don't you worry about your stamps? >>eng<< Voda zmrzla. The water turned to ice. The water's frozen. >>eng<< Nevěděl, co říct. He did not know what to say. He didn't know what to say. >>eng<< Nabídli mi práci v krematoriu, což jsem odmítl. I was offered a job in a crematory, which I refused. They offered me a job in the crematorium, which I refused. >>eng<< Eksperyment potwierdził jego teorię. The experiment confirmed his theory. The experiment confirmed his theory. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom si to zaslouží. I think Tom deserves that. I think Tom deserves it. >>eng<< Niedaleko stąd jest spory supermarket. There's a large supermarket not far from here. There is a huge supermarket not far away. >>eng<< Tom podniósł pudełko z biżuterią Mary i je otworzył. Tom picked up Mary's jewelry box and opened it. Tom picked up Mary's jewelry box and opened it. >>eng<< Hornjoserbski alfabet wobsteji z 34 pismikow: a, b, c, č, ć, d, dź, e, ě, f, g, h, ch, i, j, k, ł, l, m, n, ń, o, ó, p, r, ř, s, š, t, u, w, y, z, ž. The Upper Sorbian alphabet consists of 34 letters: a, b, c, č, ć, d, dź, e, ě, f, g, h, ch, i, j, k, ł, l, m, n, ń, o, ó, p, r, ř, s, š, t, u, w, y, z, ž. The Upper Sorbian alphabet consists of 34 letters: a, b, c, no, d, d, e, e, , , f, g, h, ch, i, j, k, l, l, m, n, , o, o, o, p, r, , , s, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >>eng<< Czy możesz się obejść bez angielskiego słownika? Can you do without an English dictionary? Can you do without an English dictionary? >>eng<< Tom s Mary se nikdy neměli rádi. Tom and Mary never liked each other. Tom and Mary never liked each other. >>eng<< Jsem naštvaný na vás oba. I'm mad at both of you. I'm angry with both of you. >>eng<< O Tomovi mluví celé město. Tom's the talk of the town. The whole city is talking about Tom. >>eng<< Ukradli mi peníze. My money has been stolen. They stole my money. >>eng<< Chciałbym odwiedzić Koreę. I want to visit Korea. I would like to visit Korea. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, czemu Tom po prostu nie zapytał nas o pomoc. I wonder why Tom just didn't ask us to help. I wonder why Tom just didn't ask us for help. >>eng<< Nie ma dnia, bym o tobie nie myślał. I never spend a day without thinking of you. There's no day I wouldn't think of you. >>eng<< Dziecko zasnęło natychmiast. The baby went to sleep at once. The child fell asleep immediately. >>eng<< On spóźni się na zebranie. He'll be late for the meeting. He'll be late for the meeting. >>eng<< Nie pozwolą nam wejść do ogrodu. They won't allow us to enter the garden. They won't let us enter the garden. >>eng<< Czyja kolejka? Whose turn is it? Whose queue? >>eng<< Papír je bílý. The paper is white. Paper is white. >>eng<< Možná požádám Toma, aby to pro nás udělal. Maybe I'll ask Tom to do that for us. Maybe I'll ask Tom to do it for us. >>eng<< Hodil na mě bláto a ušpinil mě. He threw mud at me and made me dirty. He threw mud on me and he dirty me. >>eng<< Tom jim řekl, ať ho nechají být. Tom told them to leave him alone. Tom told them to leave him alone. >>eng<< Wszyscy ludzie są w głębi serca dobrzy. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All people are deep in the heart. >>eng<< Jem kolację piętnaście po siódmej. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner fifteen o'clock. >>eng<< Pijće čaj. Drink tea. Drink some tea. >>eng<< Byłam w szkole. I was at school. I was in school. >>eng<< On usiadł i przeczytał papier. He sat down and read the paper. He sat down and read the paper. >>eng<< Nie jem ogórków bez obierania. I don't eat cucumbers without peeling them. I don't eat cucumbers without dressing. >>eng<< Byłem speszony, kiedy moje pomyłki zostały wypunktowane. I was abashed when my mistakes were pointed out. I was in a hurry when my mistakes were scored. >>eng<< Dzisiaj jest sobota. It's Saturday today. Today is Saturday. >>eng<< Myslíš, že tom bude ochotný pomoct? Do you think Tom will agree to help? Do you think he'll be willing to help? >>eng<< Tom udělal něco špatného. Tom did something bad. Tom did something wrong. >>eng<< Xueyou trzyma mapę Chin. Xueyou is holding a map of China. Xueyou has a map of China. >>eng<< Uratowałeś życie nas wszystkich. You've saved all our lives. You saved everyone's life. >>eng<< Lecz gdy faraon ogłosił swój zamiar wyjścia do ogrodu, nie wyrazili sprzeciwu. But when the pharaoh announced his intention to go out into the garden, they did not object. But when Pharaoh declared his intention to go to the garden, they did not object. >>eng<< On w przyszłym roku wyjeżdża za granicę. He will travel abroad next year. He is leaving abroad next year. >>eng<< Tyto peníze jsou pro strýčka Příhodu. This money is for a rainy day. This money is for Uncle Event. >>eng<< Co byś na to powiedział? What would you say to that? What would you say? >>eng<< Nemůžu uvěřit, že tě nebavilo hrát se mnou a mými kamarády karty. I can't believe that you wouldn't enjoy playing cards with me and my friends. I can't believe you didn't mind playing cards with me and my friends. >>eng<< Chcę wypić kawę. I want to drink a coffee. I want to drink coffee. >>eng<< Vraťte se. Come back. Come back. >>eng<< Otwórz zeszyt. Open your notebooks. Open the workbook. >>eng<< Jesteś analfabetą. You're illiterate. You're an illiterate. >>eng<< Řekl jsem Tomovi, že do mého vztahu s Mary mu nic není. I told Tom that my relationship with Mary was none of his business. I told Tom there was nothing wrong with my relationship with Mary. >>eng<< Pokračuj tam, kde jsi skončil. Continue where you left off. Keep going where you're finished. >>eng<< Kéž bych býval strávil více času výcvikem svého psa, když byl ještě štěně. I wish I'd spent more time training my dog when he was still a puppy. I wish I had spent more time training my dog when he was still a puppy. >>eng<< Usnula jsem u televize. I fell asleep while watching TV. I fell asleep on TV. >>eng<< Nikdo tě nenutí to jíst. Nobody forces you to eat it. No one makes you eat it. >>eng<< Przewidziałem jego pytanie. I anticipated his question. I predicted his question. >>eng<< Mama mówi, że powinieneś wstawać. Mom says you should get out of bed. Mom says you should get up. >>eng<< Jak by jsi mě mohla takhle zradit potom všem, čím jsme si prošli? How could you betray me like this, after all we've been through? How could you betray me that way after all we've been through? >>eng<< Nie wiem, co się dzieje. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's going on. >>eng<< To wcale nie było zabawne. It wasn't at all funny. It wasn't funny at all. >>eng<< To je umělohmotný pavouk. It's a plastic spider. That's an artificial spider. >>eng<< Objeli jsme si město kolem našim autem. We took a turn around the city in our car. We drove around the city around our car. >>eng<< Smím navštívit svoji dceru? May I see my daughter? May I visit my daughter? >>eng<< Byli w niekorzystnej sytuacji. They were disadvantaged. They were in a bad situation. >>eng<< Lubię tę pasiastą koszulę. I like this striped shirt. I like this passive shirt. >>eng<< Teď tě mám ještě raději, nežli předtím. I like you much more now than I did before. I'd rather have you now than before. >>eng<< Tom je někde tady. Tom is here somewhere. Tom's here somewhere. >>eng<< Ukradziono mi wczoraj pieniądze. I had some money stolen yesterday. My money was stolen yesterday. >>eng<< Užívali jsme si piknik. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. We enjoyed a picnic. >>eng<< Tohle je důležité rozhodnutí. This is an important decision. This is an important decision. >>eng<< To jsme kdysi dělali. We used to do that. That's what we used to do. >>eng<< Z pewnością się cieszą. They must be happy. I'm sure they're happy. >>eng<< Bądź miły. Be kind. Be nice. >>eng<< Nie podpiszę tego. I won't sign this. I won't sign it. >>eng<< Czy kiedykolwiek ugryzł cię pies? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Have you ever been bitten by a dog? >>eng<< Twoje zapytanie nie jest rozsądne. Your request isn't reasonable. Your question is not reasonable. >>eng<< Neměl jsi sem chodit sám. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. >>eng<< Czy ktoś może zrobić Tomowi drinka? Can somebody get Tom a drink? Can someone make Tom a drink? >>eng<< Umiesz pisać? Can you write? Can you write? >>eng<< Tomovi je velká zima. Tom is very cold. Tom's a big cold. >>eng<< Jest jak moje własne dziecko. She is like my own child. It's like my own child. >>eng<< Chcę więcej szczegółowych informacji. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. >>eng<< Mám mýdlo v očích. I got soap in my eyes. I have soap in my eyes. >>eng<< Tom je hladový jako vlk. Tom could eat a horse. Tom is hungry like a wolf. >>eng<< Tom navrhl, abychom to udělali zítra. Tom suggested that we do it tomorrow. Tom suggested we do it tomorrow. >>eng<< Zgodziłem się pomóc staruszce. I consented to help the old lady. I agreed to help the old man. >>eng<< Koupu se v řece. I'm bathing in the river. I'll bathe in the river. >>eng<< Kdybych tak byl trávil více času trénováním svého psa, dokud byl ještě štěně. I wish I'd spent more time training my dog when he was still a puppy. If only I had spent more time training my dog while he was still a puppy. >>eng<< Nedával jsi pozor. You didn't pay attention. You didn't pay attention. >>eng<< Sposób, w jaki ubierają się turyści uchybia miejscowym standardom przyzwoitości. The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety. The way tourists dress up fails local standards of decency. >>eng<< Tom byl nucen odstoupit. Tom was forced to retire. Tom was forced to resign. >>eng<< Już próbowałem na trzy różne sposoby. I've already tried three different ways. I have tried three different ways. >>eng<< Koupila jsem knihu. I bought a book. I bought a book. >>eng<< Spójrz na tamten. Look at that one. Look at that one. >>eng<< Kdo sem Toma pozval? Who invited Tom here? Who invited Tom? >>eng<< Fadil uwielbiał pisać wiersze. Fadil loved writing poems. Fabil loved writing poems. >>eng<< Chceš persišćinu wuknyć? Do you want to learn Persian? Do you want to learn Persian? >>eng<< W klasie są tylko trzy dziewczyny. There are only three girls in the class. There are only three girls in the class. >>eng<< Tak. Nie. Może. Nie wiem. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Dlaczego się zatrzmałyśmy? Why did we stop? Why did we get stuck? >>eng<< Może lepiej zadzwoń do Toma. Maybe you'd better call Tom. Maybe it's better to call Tom. >>eng<< Zná je. He knows them. He knows them. >>eng<< Szczęka mi opadła. My jaw dropped. My jaw's down. >>eng<< Můj otec pracuje v továrně. My father works at a factory. My father works in the factory. >>eng<< Tomovy narozeniny jsou 20. října. Tom's birthday is October 20th. Tom's birthday is October 20th. >>eng<< Tom a Mary jsou jednovaječná dvojčata. Tom and Mary are identical twins. Tom and Mary are one-way twins. >>eng<< Tom snědl celý bochník chleba. Tom ate a whole loaf of bread. Tom ate the whole loave of bread. >>eng<< Nenechávej svoje brýle na zemi. Don't leave your glasses on the floor. Do not leave your glasses on the ground. >>eng<< Nie powiedziałeś, czemu chciałeś, żebym tu przyszedł. You haven't told me why you asked me to come here. You didn't tell me why you wanted me to come here. >>eng<< Pomyśl zanim coś zrobisz! Think before you act! Think before you do anything! >>eng<< Doufám, že Marie brzy napíše. I hope Maria writes soon. I hope Marie writes soon. >>eng<< Cítím se jako blázen. I feel like a fool. I feel crazy. >>eng<< Užívám si společnost Toma. I enjoy Tom's company. I'm enjoying Tom's company. >>eng<< Tomův večírek byl nudný. Tom's party was boring. Tom's wedding was boring. >>eng<< Hodně s ní mluvím. I talk to her a lot. I talk to her a lot. >>eng<< Według tej gazety, on popełnił samobójstwo. According to the newspaper, he committed suicide. According to the newspaper, he committed suicide. >>eng<< A jak se daří tvé ženě? What about your wife? And how's your wife doing? >>eng<< Muiriel ma teraz 20 lat. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now 20 years old. >>eng<< Chci svoji matku. I want my mother. I want my mother. >>eng<< Měl jsem podivný sen. I dreamed a strange dream. I had a strange dream. >>eng<< Jesteś kłamcą. You're a liar. You're a liar. >>eng<< Wyjaśniłem, w czym problem. I explained what the problem was. I explained what the problem was. >>eng<< Zgubiłem portfel po drodze do szkoły. On the way to school I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet on my way to school. >>eng<< Bylo to tak dávno, že už si na to pořádně nevzpomínám. That was so long ago that I hardly remember anything about it. It was so long ago that I no longer remember it. >>eng<< Ona mieszka w tym mieście już 5 lat. She has already lived in that town for five years. She's been living in this town for five years. >>eng<< Zachází s ním jako s nějakou věcí. He's treated as an object. He treats him like a thing. >>eng<< Przepraszam, pozwól mi wskazać trzy błędy w powyższym artykule. Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article. Please allow me to point out three errors in the above article. >>eng<< Každý koho znám, mluví francouzsky. Everybody I know can speak French. Everyone I know speaks French. >>eng<< Tom nesnášel svého učitele francouzštiny. Tom hated his French teacher. Tom hated his French teacher. >>eng<< Neudělá to. She won't make it. He won't. >>eng<< Pravá přátelství trvají navěky. True friendships last forever. True friendship lasts forever. >>eng<< Spróbuję jeszcze raz. I will try it again. I'll try again. >>eng<< Chceme znát tvůj názor. We want to hear your opinion. We want to know your opinion. >>eng<< Řekl Tom, s kým pojede do Bostonu? Did Tom say who he was going to Boston with? Did Tom say who he's going to Boston with? >>eng<< Tom a Mary se přestali objímat. Tom and Mary stopped hugging. Tom and Mary stopped hugging. >>eng<< Něco málo o vaření vím. I know a thing or two about cooking. I know a little about cooking. >>eng<< Přijdu v neděli. I will come on Sunday. I'll come on Sunday. >>eng<< Uvažovali jste o založení vlastní živnosti? Have you considered starting your own business? Have you thought about setting up your own business? >>eng<< Kdy Tom snídá? When does Tom eat breakfast? When does Tom eat? >>eng<< Dovolte mi to napravit. Let me make things right. Let me fix it. >>eng<< Tom uvízl na malém ostrově. Tom found himself stranded on a small island. Tom was stuck on a small island. >>eng<< Dziecko potrzebuje matki. A child needs a mother. The child needs a mother. >>eng<< Widziałem Toma, ale on mnie nie widział. I saw Tom, but he didn't see me. I saw Tom, but he didn't see me. >>eng<< Lepiej powiedz Tomowi, żeby tego nie robił. You'd better tell Tom not to do that. You better tell Tom not to do that. >>eng<< Ile przysłów poznaliśmy do tej pory? How many proverbs have we learned so far? How many proverbs have we known so far? >>eng<< Tom chtěl zapomenout na Mary. Tom wanted to forget Mary. Tom wanted to forget about Mary. >>eng<< Kdo vyprojektoval Bílý dům?¨ Who designed the White House? Who designed the White House? >>eng<< Nikdy jsem Tomovi nevěřil. I have never believed Tom. I never believed Tom. >>eng<< Krew jej leci z palca. Her toe bleeds. Her blood's coming from her finger. >>eng<< Tom zrobił za mocną kawę. Tom made the coffee too strong. Tom made a strong coffee. >>eng<< Kiedy rozmawiałem z nim przez telefon wyglądał na zmęczonego. When I talked with him on the phone, he sounded tired. When I talked to him on the phone, he looked tired. >>eng<< Tady jsou. Here they come. Here they are. >>eng<< Chmura to skondensowana para. A cloud is condensed steam. The cloud is a condensed pair. >>eng<< Toto není hra! This is not a game! This is not a game! >>eng<< Teprve teď se učí používat nočník. Only now is he learning to use his potty. It is only now learning how to use the nightmare. >>eng<< Musíš uznat, že se mýlíš. You must admit that you are in the wrong. You have to admit you're wrong. >>eng<< Już Ci to mówiłem. I definitely told you that! I already told you that. >>eng<< Lubią się bawić w śniegu. They like to play in the snow. They like to play in the snow. >>eng<< Jaka jest twoja ulubiona dyscyplina? What's your favorite sport? What is your favorite discipline? >>eng<< Tom si myslel, že si může dělat co chce. Tom thought that he could do whatever he wanted. Tom thought he could do whatever he wanted. >>eng<< Dnes bychom se měli Tomovi raději vyhnout. We should try to avoid Tom today. Today, we should avoid Tom. >>eng<< Usnula mi v autobuse na ruce. She fell asleep on my arm on the bus. She fell asleep on my bus. >>eng<< Nie wiem, po co się męczyłem z przychodzeniem tutaj. I don't know why I bother coming here. I don't know why I got tired of coming here. >>eng<< Widzimy się z Tomem codziennie w szkole. Tom and I see each other every day at school. I see Tom every day at school. >>eng<< Tom mówi, że nie zniesie dłużej tego hałasu. Tom says he can't put up with this noise any longer. Tom says he can't take that noise any longer. >>eng<< Byliśmy umówieni. We had an appointment. We got a deal. >>eng<< Doufám, že školu dokončím. I hope that I can graduate. I hope I finish school. >>eng<< Dala se do hovoru se svými sousedy. She fell into conversation with her neighbors. She spoke to her neighbors. >>eng<< Tradice už se nedodržují? Are traditions not respected anymore? Do the traditions no longer follow? >>eng<< Tom s tebou chce mluvit. Tom wants to talk to you. Tom wants to talk to you. >>eng<< Má rád zpěv. He likes singing. He likes singing. >>eng<< Měl velkou žízeň a požádal o trochu vody. He was very thirsty and asked for some water. He had a great thirst and asked for some water. >>eng<< On ma dwie córki. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. >>eng<< Tom i Maria kłócą się dość często. Tom and Mary argue quite often. Tom and Maria argue quite often. >>eng<< Kolik mužů se snaží naučit anglicky? How many men are trying to learn English? How many men are trying to learn English? >>eng<< Podělali to. They've messed it up. They fucked it. >>eng<< Chciałbyś mieszkać na Ukrainie? Would you like to live in Ukraine? Would you like to live in Ukraine? >>eng<< On mówi za szybko. He speaks too fast. He's talking too fast. >>eng<< Tom odtańczył taniec zwycięstwa. Tom did a victory dance. Tom danced the dance of victory. >>eng<< Omlouvám se, že jsem to nezvládl. Něco se přihodilo. Sorry I couldn't make it. Something came up. I'm sorry I didn't make it. >>eng<< Dovnitř vešli chlapec a dívka. Mluvil jsem s chlapcem, který se mi zdál starší než dívka. A boy and a girl came in. I spoke to the boy, who seemed to be older than the girl. I spoke to a boy who seemed older than a girl. >>eng<< Každý se může zranit. Injuries can happen to anybody. Anyone can get hurt. >>eng<< Chcę być tylko waszą przyjaciółką, nic ponadto. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be your friend, nothing else. >>eng<< Idź i zawołaj gości! Go and call the guests! Go and call the guys! >>eng<< Tom se nemůže zbavit kašle. Tom can't get rid of his cough. Tom can't get rid of the cough. >>eng<< Býval jsem lechtivý. I used to be ticklish. I used to be lazy. >>eng<< Život je smrtelná pohlavně přenosná nemoc. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a sexually transmitted disease. >>eng<< Reklamujeme své produkty v televizi. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. >>eng<< Kéž bych byl ptákem. I wish I was a bird. I wish I was a bird. >>eng<< Mężczyzna budzi się. The man awakens. The man wakes up. >>eng<< Proszę, zatrzymaj to w tajemnicy. Please keep this a secret. Please keep it a secret. >>eng<< Chcete se o Tomovi dozvědět více? Do you want to learn more about Tom? Want to know more about Tom? >>eng<< Tom wie, co Mary chce. Tom knows exactly what Mary wants. Tom knows what Mary wants. >>eng<< Hodně dívek si myslí, že Tom je hezký. A lot of girls think that Tom is really good-looking. A lot of girls think Tom is nice. >>eng<< Mohu mluvit s Tomem? Could I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? >>eng<< Chcę bezpośredniej odpowiedzi. I want a direct answer. I want a direct answer. >>eng<< Zaczyna się rozwidniać. It's starting to get light. She's getting divorced. >>eng<< Nie mam pojęcia, gdzie Tom chce to zrobić. I have no idea where Tom wants to do that. I have no idea where Tom wants to do that. >>eng<< Když přemýšlí, drbe se na hlavě. When he thinks, he scratches his head. When he's thinking, he's shaking his head. >>eng<< Struktura rymów tego wiersza jest niezwykle skomplikowana. The poem's rhyme scheme is highly complex. The structure of the rhythms of this poem is extremely complicated. >>eng<< Co zrobimy z Tomem? What are we going to do about Tom? What do we do with Tom? >>eng<< Tom, gdzie jesteś? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? >>eng<< Doufám, že odmaturuji. I hope that I can graduate. I hope I graduate. >>eng<< Byl to těžký rok. It's been a hard year. It was a tough year. >>eng<< Tom mě nemá rád, a já jeho taky ne. Tom doesn't like me and I don't like him either. Tom doesn't like me, and I don't like him either. >>eng<< Odešli velmi brzy ráno. They left very early in the morning. They left very early in the morning. >>eng<< Poslouchej Toma, a nic zlého se ti nemůže stát. Listen to Tom and nothing bad can happen to you. Listen to Tom, and nothing bad can happen to you. >>eng<< Idź do dużego pokoju. Go to the living room. Go to the big room. >>eng<< Prší už od minulé neděle. It has been raining since last Sunday. It rains from last Sunday. >>eng<< Je to zbrusu nové. It's brand new. It's brand new. >>eng<< Czy masz chłopaka? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? >>eng<< Tom si nedokázal zapamatovat jejich jména. Tom couldn't remember their names. Tom could not remember their names. >>eng<< Chce spěwać a rejować. She wants to sing and dance. He wants to sleep and play. >>eng<< Francouzština je můj rodný jazyk. French is my native tongue. French is my native language. >>eng<< To się stało pierwszego maja. It happened on the 1st of May. It happened on May 1st. >>eng<< Wyniki badań były całkiem zadowalające. The results of the research were quite satisfactory. The results of the research were quite satisfactory. >>eng<< Nesmíš se toho dotýkat. You mustn't touch it. You can't touch it. >>eng<< Je mi smutno. I'm sad. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Neber si Toma. Don't marry Tom. Don't marry Tom. >>eng<< Kde je táta? Where is Father? Where's Dad? >>eng<< Kiedy człowiek zaczął używać narzędzi? When did man start to use tools? When did you start using tools? >>eng<< Gdzieś płacze dziecko. A child is crying somewhere. There's a baby crying somewhere. >>eng<< Będzie mi miło panu pomóc, kiedykolwiek będzie taka potrzeba. I am glad to help you whenever you need me. I'll be happy to help you whenever you need it. >>eng<< Počítač je vypnutý. The computer is switched off. The computer's gone. >>eng<< Je to zcela na Tomovi. It's entirely up to Tom. It's totally up to Tom. >>eng<< Co kdybyste se zastavili v pondělí? Why don't you guys come over on Monday? Why don't you stop on Monday? >>eng<< To moje ulubione. These are my favorites. It's my favorite. >>eng<< Kouzelník se vrátil. The wizard has returned. The magician came back. >>eng<< To jedzenie jest surowe. This food is raw. This food is raw. >>eng<< Jak žes říkal, že se jim říká? What did you say these are called? How did you say they were called? >>eng<< Tom doufal, že vyhraje. Tom had hoped he could win. Tom was hoping he would win. >>eng<< Powiedział, że obawia się deszczu. He said that he was afraid it would be rainy. He said he was afraid of rain. >>eng<< Nejsi za Tomovu smrt zodpovědný. You aren't responsible for Tom's death. You're not responsible for Tom's death. >>eng<< To było dla nich raczej łatwe. It was rather easy for them. It was rather easy for them. >>eng<< Nikdo Toma nepřivítal. Nobody received Tom. No one welcomed Tom. >>eng<< Nie opuszczaj miasta. Don't leave town. Don't leave town. >>eng<< On pisze listy do matki. He writes letters to his mother. He writes letters to his mother. >>eng<< Toma nie stać, by posłać swoje dzieci na studia. Tom can't afford to send his children to college. Tom can't afford to send his children to college. >>eng<< Przyszedłem do szkoły na czas. I arrived at school on time. I came to school on time. >>eng<< Moja córka ma aparat ortodontyczny. My daughter has braces. My daughter has an orthodontic camera. >>eng<< Byli jste si toho vědomi? Were you aware of this? Were you aware of that? >>eng<< Mam po dziurki w nosie tych dyskusji. I'm sick and tired of all this bickering. I have holes in the nose of these discussions. >>eng<< Byłem zmęczony, ale pracowałem dalej. Tired out, I carried on working. I was tired, but I was still working. >>eng<< Už jsem to udělal. I did it already. I've already done it. >>eng<< Nie mogę pozwolić, żeby Tom poszedł do więzienia za coś, czego nie zrobił. I can't let Tom be put in prison for something he didn't do. I can't let Tom go to jail for something he didn't do. >>eng<< Kopenhaga jest stolicą Danii. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. >>eng<< Už o mě nestojí. She doesn't care for me anymore. It's not about me anymore. >>eng<< Jak jsi vařil tuto polévku? How did you cook this soup? How did you cook this soup? >>eng<< Nebudu tě nutit jít do školy. I won't make you go to school. I'm not gonna force you to go to school. >>eng<< Jest już jedenasta. It is already eleven. It's 11. >>eng<< Trpí poruchou příjmu potravy. She has eating disorder. It suffers from a eating disorder. >>eng<< Tom mě mystifikoval. Tom has misled me. Tom mystified me. >>eng<< Řeknu jim, že tam nebudu včas. I'm going to tell them that I won't be there on time. I'll tell them I won't be there in time. >>eng<< Wyglądasz fantastycznie. You look amazing. You look fantastic. >>eng<< Gdzie znajduje się przystanek autobusowy? Where is the bus stop? Where is the bus stop? >>eng<< Ester je lesbická Židovka. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Ester is a lesbian Jew. >>eng<< Chciałbym zobaczyć Statuę Wolności. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. I would like to see the Statue of Liberty. >>eng<< Myslíte si, že jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think that Tom could have hurt them? Do you think Tom could have hurt them? >>eng<< Tomův bratr je přítelem mé sestry. Tom's brother is my sister's boyfriend. Tom's brother is my sister's friend. >>eng<< Kanaďan zabil Toma. A Canadian murdered Tom. The Canadian killed Tom. >>eng<< Nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca. Never praise a ford till you get over. Do not praise the day before sunset. >>eng<< Następnym razem, gdy odwiedzę San Francisco, chciałbym mieszkać w tamtym hotelu. Next time I visit San Francisco, I'd like to stay at that hotel. The next time I visit San Francisco, I'd like to live in that hotel. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem zjistit, co se stalo. I wanted to find out what had happened. I wanted to find out what happened. >>eng<< Pewnego dnia on wróci do Japonii. He will return to Japan some day. One day he will return to Japan. >>eng<< Tom má narozeniny přesně tři měsíce po mých. Tom's birthday is exactly three months after mine. Tom's birthday is exactly three months after mine. >>eng<< Tom nie chce pożyczyć mi pieniędzy, których potrzebuję. Tom won't lend me the money that I need. Tom doesn't want to lend me the money I need. >>eng<< Tom zaczekał na windę. Tom waited for the elevator. Tom was waiting for the elevator. >>eng<< Sułtan zobaczył pająka i powiedział: "Dzień dobry". The sultan saw a spider and said, "Good morning." Sultan saw a spider and said, "Good morning." >>eng<< Jak ona szybko pływa! How fast she swims! How fast she swims! >>eng<< Nie pójdę, dopóki nie przestanie padać. I won't go out until it stops raining. I'm not going until it stops raining. >>eng<< To zní jako zábava. That sounds fun. Sounds like fun. >>eng<< Tom je vinen. Tom is guilty. Tom's guilty. >>eng<< Zachęcał syna do wielkich czynów. He encouraged his son to do something great. He encouraged his son to do great things. >>eng<< Lidé už mají těch omezení dost. People are fed up with the restrictions. People already have enough restrictions. >>eng<< Nie ma żadnych reguł. There are no rules. There are no rules. >>eng<< Tato voda je jedovatá. This water is poisoned. This water is poisonous. >>eng<< V zimě se stmívá rychle. The night falls fast in winter. It darkens quickly in the winter. >>eng<< Byl jsem požádán vám předat zprávu. I've been asked to give you a message. I was asked to send you a message. >>eng<< Kolik stojí tato jízdenka na vlak? How much is it for the train ticket? How much does this train ticket cost? >>eng<< Ty jsi ten silnější. You're the strong one. You're the stronger one. >>eng<< Napsal jsem Mary dopis. I wrote Mary a letter. I wrote Mary a letter. >>eng<< Wysłali nam części zamienne. They send us spare parts. They sent us spare parts. >>eng<< To dobry powód. That's a good reason. That's a good reason. >>eng<< Aktualizujte moje programové vybavení. Update my software. Update my software. >>eng<< Co nám chcete říct? What do you want to tell us? What do you want to tell us? >>eng<< Mary sama uszyła swoją suknię ślubną. Mary made her own wedding dress. Mary made her own wedding dress. >>eng<< Widziałaś mojego kota? Did you see my cat? Have you seen my cat? >>eng<< Nechci chodit do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. >>eng<< Sníval jsem. I used to dream. I was dreaming. >>eng<< Rozhodně to vypadá jako déšť. It certainly looks like rain. It certainly looks like rain. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem neviděl kov takové barvy. Je to nejspíš slitina. I've never seen a metal of that color before; it's probably an alloy. I've never seen a metal of this color, it's probably an alloy. >>eng<< Kdysi se mi sem líbilo chodit. I used to like coming here. I used to love coming here. >>eng<< Wciąż czekam na moje śniadanie. Proszę je teraz przynieść. I'm still waiting for my breakfast. Bring it to me now, please. I'm still waiting for my breakfast. >>eng<< Tom si za hodinu vydělá více peněz, než já za týden. Tom earns more money per hour than I do per week. Tom makes more money in an hour than I do in a week. >>eng<< Powinnaś odrzucić tak niesprawiedliwą propozycję. You should've rejected such an unfair proposal. You should reject such an unfair proposal. >>eng<< Czemu jesteś tak złośliwy w stosunku do mnie? Why are you mean to me? Why are you so malicious about me? >>eng<< Czy sądzisz, że wciąż ją kocham? Do you think I still love her? Do you think I still love her? >>eng<< Czy jesteś Japończykiem? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? >>eng<< Polož svůj telefon. Put your phone down. Put your phone down. >>eng<< Nie możemy niczego obiecać. We can't promise anything. We can't promise anything. >>eng<< Chciałbym wiedzieć, kiedy mi oddasz nożyczki, które ci pożyczyłem. I'd like to know when you plan to give me back the scissors I lent you. I'd like to know when you give me the scissors I borrowed. >>eng<< Gdzie w Turcji mieszkasz? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? >>eng<< To oczywiste, że skłamałeś. It's obvious that you told a lie. It's obvious you lied. >>eng<< Prostě to nechám tady. I'll just leave this here. I'll just leave it here. >>eng<< Mój ojciec wyciągnął portfel i dał mi dziesięć dolarów. My father took out his wallet and gave me ten dollars. My father pulled out his wallet and gave me ten dollars. >>eng<< Tom je očividně vystrašený. Tom is obviously scared. Tom is obviously scared. >>eng<< Můj vůz byl ukraden. My car has been stolen. My car was stolen. >>eng<< Płacisz. You're paying. You're paying. >>eng<< Proszę przynieść główny klucz. Please bring the master key. Please bring the key. >>eng<< "Pomożesz mi?" "Z przyjemnością." "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." "Will you help me?" "It's a pleasure." >>eng<< Neměl jsem takový zájem to udělat jak si Tom myslel, že mám. I wasn't as interested in doing that as Tom thought I was. I wasn't so interested in doing what Tom thought I had. >>eng<< Profesor nedokázal pochopit, co jsem tím myslel. The professor was unable to comprehend what I meant. The professor could not understand what I meant. >>eng<< Tom je na vás určitě naštvaný. Tom must be mad at you. Tom's definitely mad at you. >>eng<< Wiem, że zginę. I know I'm going to die. I know I'll die. >>eng<< Tom tego nie zrobi, chyba że go nie poprosisz. Tom won't do that unless you ask him to. Tom won't do it unless you ask him. >>eng<< Lepiej dawać niż brać. It's better to give than to receive. Better to give than to take. >>eng<< Kdyby Tom býval viděl co se stalo, nejspíš by byl šokován. If Tom had seen what happened, he probably would've been shocked. If Tom had seen what had happened, he would probably have been shocked. >>eng<< Děti jsou květiny našich životů. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. >>eng<< Plnou. Fill it up. Full. >>eng<< Ze kterého letiště odlétám? Which airport do I leave from? Which airport am I leaving? >>eng<< Mam wizytę u lekarza. I have a doctor's appointment. I have a visit to the doctor. >>eng<< Některé firmy bojují o přežití. Some firms are struggling to survive. Some companies are fighting for survival. >>eng<< Měl bys to zkusit. You ought to try it. You should try. >>eng<< Zatrzymaj się, dopóki nie jest za późno. Stop, before it's too late. Stop until it's too late. >>eng<< Kde žijí tvoje dcery? Where do your daughters live? Where do your daughters live? >>eng<< Wybaczam Ci. You're forgiven. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Tom położył pokrywę z powrotem na śmietniku. Tom put the lid back on the trash can. Tom put the cover back on the garbage. >>eng<< Tomovi bude pozítří devadesát. Tom will be turning ninety the day after tomorrow. Tom's going to be 90 tomorrow. >>eng<< Nemohl jsem se přestat smát. I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. >>eng<< Trzeba ci wiedzieć, że mam lekką nadwagę. One thing you should know about me is that I'm a little overweight. You need to know I'm a little overweight. >>eng<< Toma právě propustili ze zaměstnání. A protože měl se zaměstnavatelem podepsanou konkurenční doložku, musí si teď vybírat mezi stěhováním, podstatnou změnou kariéry, nezaměstnaností a soudní pří. Tom has just been let go from his job. Because he had signed the employer's non-competition contract, he must now choose among relocation, a significant career change, unemployment or litigation. Tom was just fired from his job, and since he had a competitive clause signed with his employer, he must now choose between moving, changing his career, unemployment and court. >>eng<< Za Tomovo jednání nemohu. Pamatuj si to. Tom's actions aren't my fault. Just remember that. I can't do Tom's actions. >>eng<< "Co děláš?" "Dívám se, jak mi rostou rostliny." "What are you doing?" "I'm watching my plants grow." "What are you doing?" "I'm watching my plants grow." >>eng<< Włosy Toma są mokre. Tom's hair is wet. Tom's hair is wet. >>eng<< Tomova přítelkyně je mladší, než jeho dcera. Tom's girlfriend is younger than his daughter. Tom's girlfriend is younger than his daughter. >>eng<< Mamoj jenož čaj. We only have tea. Mom's just tea. >>eng<< Řekni Tomovi, že chci aby věděl, že jsem to byl já. Tell Tom I want him to know it was me. Tell Tom I want him to know it was me. >>eng<< O tom plánu jsi mu říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. You shouldn't have told him about that plan. >>eng<< Hledám toaletu. I am looking for the restroom. I'm looking for a toilet. >>eng<< Jak możesz, zwykły śmiertelniku, ważyć się krytykować Toma? How can you, a mere mortal, dare to criticise Tom? How can you, ordinary mortal, hesitate to criticize Tom? >>eng<< Dávám Tomovi poslední šanci. I am giving Tom a last chance. I'm giving Tom a last chance. >>eng<< Nepřišel jsem se omluvit. I haven't come to apologize. I didn't come here to apologize. >>eng<< Musí odtamtud odejít. He has to get out of there. He has to leave. >>eng<< Rady jěm krušwy. I like to eat pears. He likes to eat crushes. >>eng<< Odmítl jim pomoct. He refused to help them. He refused to help them. >>eng<< Szkoda, że nie można kupować cudów, tak jak się kupuje ziemniaki. It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes. It's a shame you can't buy miracles like you buy potatoes. >>eng<< Po obědě se mi vždycky chce spát. I always get sleepy after lunch. After lunch, I always want to sleep. >>eng<< Mám slona. I have an elephant. I have an elephant. >>eng<< Lidstvo je nenasytné. Mankind is greedy. Humanity is insatiable. >>eng<< Prezervativy chrání před pohlavními nemocemi. Condoms offer protection against STDs. Preservatives protect against sexual diseases. >>eng<< Když jsme si posledně všichni vyrazili na sklenku, byl jsem domluveným řidičem já. The last time we all went out drinking, I was the designated driver. The last time we all went out for a drink, I was the arranged driver. >>eng<< Chodila ho navštěvovat do špitálu každý den. She went to see him in the hospital every day. She went to the hospital every day. >>eng<< Ojcze nasz, któryś jest w niebie·święć się imię Twoje; przyjdź królestwo Twoje;bądź wola Twoja jako w niebie tak i na ziemi; chleba naszego powszedniego daj nam dzisiaj; i odpuść nam nasze winy,jako i my odpuszczamy naszym winowajcom; i nie wódź nas na pokuszenie;ale nas zbaw od złego.Amen. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Our Father, who is in heaven, sanctify thy name; come thy kingdom; let thy will come as in heaven and on earth; give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive our guilty; and do not lead us to temptation; but save us from evil. >>eng<< Tom je velmi nešťastný muž. Tom is a very unhappy man. Tom is a very unhappy man. >>eng<< Tom jadał sporo śmieciowego jedzenia. Tom used to eat a lot of junk food. Tom ate a lot of junk food. >>eng<< Jak długo zostaniesz z ciocią? How long will you stay with your aunt? How long will you stay with your aunt? >>eng<< On zawsze mówi prawdę. He always tells the truth. He always tells the truth. >>eng<< Teraz trzyma się to kupy. It makes sense now. Now it's holding on to the island. >>eng<< Trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes. There was a blind grain dust. >>eng<< Jest ich zbyt wielu. There are too many of them. There are too many of them. >>eng<< Tom mi řekl, že si nevzpomíná, co Mary řekla. Tom told me that he didn't remember what Mary said. Tom told me he didn't remember what Mary said. >>eng<< Co chceš příště k narozeninám? What do you want for your next birthday? What do you want for your birthday next time? >>eng<< Myslím, že neposlouchá. I don't think he was listening. I don't think he's listening. >>eng<< Tom se vůbec nezdráhal. Tom didn't hesitate at all. Tom was not reluctant at all. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že nesouhlasí. Tom said that he disagrees. Tom said he disagreed. >>eng<< Współpraca z wami to była czysta przyjemność. It was a pleasure working with you folks. Working with you was a pure pleasure. >>eng<< Tom zahnul doprava a Mary se vydala na druhou stranu. Tom turned right and Mary headed the other way. Tom turned right and Mary went to the other side. >>eng<< Wszyscy śmiali się z chłopca. Everybody laughed at the boy. Everyone laughed at the boy. >>eng<< Moc jsem pil. I've drunk too much. I drank a lot. >>eng<< Żołnierze przyzwyczajeni są do niebezpieczeństwa. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are accustomed to danger. >>eng<< Koncert odbędzie się następną wiosną. The concert will take place next spring. The concert will be held in the next spring. >>eng<< Kdy chceš, aby se vrátili? When do you want them to be back? When do you want them back? >>eng<< Nemám v úmyslu se nadále stýkat s takovými darebáky, jako jsi ty. I have no intention of continuing to associate with scoundrels like you. I'm not going to get in touch with bad guys like you. >>eng<< Hlavní město Ukrajiny je Kyjev. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. >>eng<< Nie sądzę, że Tom chciałby kiedykolwiek wybaczyć Mary to co zrobiła. I didn't think that Tom would ever forgive Mary for doing that. I don't think Tom would ever want to forgive Mary for what she did. >>eng<< Tom vypadal rozpačitě. Tom looked embarrassed. Tom looked embarrassed. >>eng<< Nie oskarżam cię o nic. I'm not accusing you of anything. I don't accuse you of anything. >>eng<< Doslechl jsem se, že Tom políbil Mary. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. I heard Tom kissed Mary. >>eng<< Spróbój tego jak najbardziej! Try it by all means. Give it as much as possible! >>eng<< Ona z pewnością ma rację. Certainly she is correct. I'm sure she's right. >>eng<< Nie ma dymu bez ognia. There is no smoke without fire. There is no smoke without fire. >>eng<< Žádné povídání během testu, lidi. No talking during the test, people. No talking during the test, people. >>eng<< Nechal si kabát v kanceláři. He left his coat at the office. He left his coat in the office. >>eng<< Pozbędę się tego. I'll get rid of it. I'll get rid of it. >>eng<< Tom chodzi tam każdego dnia. Tom goes there every day. Tom goes there every day. >>eng<< Doufám, že jsem ti nezavolal v nevhodnou dobu. I hope I didn't call you at a bad time. I hope I didn't call you at the wrong time. >>eng<< Lubię oksytański język. I like Occitan. I like the Oxford language. >>eng<< Je to tak dávno, že už si na to pořádně nevzpomínám. That was so long ago that I hardly remember anything about it. It's been so long since I don't really remember it anymore. >>eng<< W stawie jest dużo ryb. There are a lot of fish in the pond. There are a lot of fish in the pond. >>eng<< To by było wszystko na teraz. That'll be all for now. That would be all for now. >>eng<< Ochodil jsem si boty. I've worn out my shoes. I got my shoes. >>eng<< Tom nie miał zbyt wiele do powiedzenia. Tom didn't have much to say. Tom didn't have much to say. >>eng<< Tom při hodině francouzštiny sedával vedle mne. Tom used to sit next to me in French class. Tom was sitting next to me at the French class. >>eng<< Zhebni už! Die already! Get out of here! >>eng<< Přísahám, že já to nebyl. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. >>eng<< Řekněte Tomovi, ať přijde. Tell Tom to come. Tell Tom to come. >>eng<< Zgadzam się trochę z tym co mówisz. I agree with what you say to some extent. I agree with what you say. >>eng<< Cítím se dobře, děkuji. I'm feeling fine, thanks. I feel good, thank you. >>eng<< Myślę, że dobrze zrobiłam. I think I've done well. I think I did well. >>eng<< Kdybych byl tebou, už bych vyměnil pneumatiky. I'd change the tires already if I were you. If I were you, I'd have changed my tyres. >>eng<< Spowodowałem to. I made this happen. I caused it. >>eng<< To je také jed. That is poison as well. That's poison, too. >>eng<< Tuto barabiznu nikdo nekoupí. Nobody will buy such a hovel. No one buys this barabizm. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że wiedział, jak to zrobić. Tom said he knew how to do that. Tom said he knew how to do it. >>eng<< Tom może być jedynym, kto jest w stanie rozwiązać ten problem. Tom may be the only one who can solve this problem. Tom can be the only one who can solve this problem. >>eng<< Je velice důležité si pořádné umýt ruce poté, co dítěti vyměníte plenku. It is very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after changing a baby's diaper. It is very important to wash your hands thoroughly after replacing your baby with a diaper. >>eng<< To je ale krásný výhled! What a fabulous view! That's a beautiful view! >>eng<< W języku włoskim wszystko pisze się dokładnie tak jak się czyta. In Italian everything is written the way you pronounce it. In Italian, everything is written exactly as it is read. >>eng<< Tom se vloni naučil francouzsky. Tom taught French last year. Tom learned French last year. >>eng<< Przychodzę tu co poniedziałek. I come here every Monday. I come here every Monday. >>eng<< Mam gości dopiero od wczoraj, a już zdążyli objeść mnie ze wszystkiego. My guests have only been here since yesterday, but they've already eaten me out of house and home. I've only got guests since yesterday, and they've already been able to get me out of everything. >>eng<< Skutečně máš talent pro překlad. You really have a talent for translation. You really have a talent for translation. >>eng<< Budu svědčit. I will testify. I'll testify. >>eng<< Myślę, że koniecznie powinnaś go zobaczyć. I think it necessary for you to see him. I think you should see him. >>eng<< Tom nechce, aby tam byli. Tom doesn't want them to be there. Tom doesn't want them to be there. >>eng<< Ona uważa go za niewinnego. She presumes him to be innocent. She thinks he's innocent. >>eng<< Musím se učit. I must study. I have to learn. >>eng<< Dawno cię nie widziałem. I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you in a long time. >>eng<< Tom si ještě nezískal moji důvěru. Tom hasn't won my trust yet. Tom hasn't won my trust yet. >>eng<< Pies szczeka na obcych. The dog barks at a stranger. A dog barks at strangers. >>eng<< Vlk obvykle člověka nenapadne. Wolves won't usually attack people. The wolf usually doesn't attack a man. >>eng<< Policie okamžitě podnikla kroky k řešení nepokojů. The police took immediate action to deal with the riot. The police immediately took steps to resolve the riots. >>eng<< Właśnie skończyłem jeść. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. >>eng<< Sama mu pomogła ponieważ nikt inny by tego nie zrobił. She herself helped him because no one else would. She helped him because no one else would do it. >>eng<< Je to tak prosté. It's so simple. It's so simple. >>eng<< Znasz go? Do you know him? You know him? >>eng<< Proč nepoužíváš kladivo? Why don't you use a hammer? Why don't you use a hammer? >>eng<< Stolicą Polski jest Warszawa. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. >>eng<< Vrátím to. I'll give it back. I'll get it back. >>eng<< Máme rádi jednoduchost. We love simplicity. We like simplicity. >>eng<< Kdo dnes ráno vzbudil Toma? Who woke Tom up this morning? Who woke Tom this morning? >>eng<< Tom się o ciebie martwił. Tom was worried about you. Tom was worried about you. >>eng<< Jestem ci winien lunch. I owe you a lunch. I owe you lunch. >>eng<< Zveme tě. We're inviting you. We're inviting you. >>eng<< Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho. One for all, all for one. One for everyone, all for one. >>eng<< Czekam na inspirację. I'm awaiting inspiration. I'm waiting for inspiration. >>eng<< Nepomůžu ti, pokud mi za to nezaplatíš. I won't help you, unless you pay me for it. I can't help you if you don't pay me for it. >>eng<< Pořád se učím něco nového. I'm always learning something new. I'm still learning something new. >>eng<< Neprotestovala. She didn't protest. She didn't protest. >>eng<< Tom był w miejscach, o których ja tylko czytałem. Tom has been places that I've only read about. Tom was in places I just read about. >>eng<< Musím se přiznat, že chrápu. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I'm snoring. >>eng<< Rodiče Toma jsou hodně konzervativní. Tom's parents are very conservative. Tom's parents are very conservative. >>eng<< Tom není moc milé děcko. Tom isn't a very friendly kid. Tom's not a very nice boy. >>eng<< Máme být za co vděční. We've got a lot to be thankful for. We're supposed to be grateful. >>eng<< Kolik stojí jedno jablko? How much does an apple cost? How much does one apple cost? >>eng<< Świat nie jest idealny. The world isn't perfect. The world is not perfect. >>eng<< Něco mi zbylo. I have some left over. There's something left for me. >>eng<< Czy Tom coś ci już powiedział? Has Tom told you anything yet? Did Tom ever tell you anything? >>eng<< Není těžké naučit se francouzštinu tak, jak si myslíš. It isn't as difficult to learn French as you think. It's not hard to learn French as you think. >>eng<< Nazwisko Toma to Jackson. Tom's surname is Jackson. Tom's name is Jackson. >>eng<< Podívejte se na tabuli. Look at the blackboard. Look at the board. >>eng<< Ještě nevím. I still don't know. I don't know yet. >>eng<< Nějakou dobu jsme tě neviděli. We haven't seen you for a while. We haven't seen you in a while. >>eng<< Vepřové se v Rusku konzumuje více, než hovězí. Pork is more consumed than beef in Russia. Pork is consumed more than beef in Russia. >>eng<< Bob od zawsze miał klopoty z policją. Bob was always in a tight spot with the police. Bob's always had cracks with the police. >>eng<< Gdzie znalazłeś jej zdjęcie? Where did you find her photo? Where did you find her picture? >>eng<< Jedź powoli. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. >>eng<< Tom chce jít s tebou. Tom wants to go with you. Tom wants to come with you. >>eng<< Mówił dalej, jak gdyby nic się nie stało. He went on talking as though nothing had happened. He continued to say as if nothing had happened. >>eng<< Wygląda na to, że cały świat skręca w prawo. It seems that we're becoming more right-wing all over the world. The whole world seems to be turning right. >>eng<< Moje wyjaśnienie nie było wystarczające. My explanation was not sufficient. My explanation wasn't enough. >>eng<< Katolická církev neschvaluje používání kondomů. The Catholic Church doesn't condone the use of condoms. The Catholic Church does not approve the use of condoms. >>eng<< Tom nie chciał, żeby Mary tu przychodziła. Tom didn't want Mary to come here. Tom didn't want Mary to come here. >>eng<< To já dostal Toma z té bryndy. I was the one who got Tom out of that mess. I got Tom out of that brynda. >>eng<< Přinutil jsem Toma, aby to udělal. I forced Tom to do it. I forced Tom to do it. >>eng<< Náhle mne políbila. She suddenly kissed me. Suddenly she kissed me. >>eng<< Kdy začínají vánoční prázdniny? When do the Christmas holidays begin? When do Christmas holidays start? >>eng<< Tyto továrny znečišťují životní prostředí. These factories are polluting the environment. These factories pollute the environment. >>eng<< Z powodu mgły samolot został zawrócony do Monachium. Because of the fog, the airplane has been rerouted to Munich. Due to the fog, the plane was closed in Munich. >>eng<< Jestem pewny, że świetnie sobie poradzisz. I'm sure you'll do great. I'm sure you'll do great. >>eng<< Dzielę mieszkanie z moim bratem. I'm sharing my flat with my brother. I'm sharing my apartment with my brother. >>eng<< Můj syn má hudební nadání. My son has talent for music. My son has a musical talent. >>eng<< Tom w pełni zdaje sobie sprawę z problemu. Tom is fully aware of the problem. Tom is fully aware of the problem. >>eng<< Je pěkně hloupé, když lidé, co nejsou křesťané, posílají na Valentýna čokolády. It is a silly practice for non-Christians to send chocolates on St. Valentine's Day. It’s pretty stupid when people who aren’t Christians send chocolates to Valentine’s Day. >>eng<< Potrafisz upiec sernik? Do you know how to make cheesecake? Can you bake a cheesecake? >>eng<< Jsem si docela jistý, že Tom to jíst nebude. I'm pretty sure Tom won't eat that. I'm pretty sure Tom won't eat it. >>eng<< Poszła z nim do Zoo. She went with him to the zoo. She went to the zoo with him. >>eng<< Tom pár let pracoval v Bostonu. Tom worked in Boston for a few years. Tom worked in Boston for a few years. >>eng<< Myslíš, že zítra bude hezky? Do you think tomorrow's weather will be good? You think tomorrow's gonna be nice? >>eng<< Ożenił się ze stewardessą. He married an air hostess. He married Stewardess. >>eng<< Spudłować o centymetr, to tak jak spudłować o kilometr. A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile. Finding a centimetre is like spending a mile. >>eng<< Ja też nie rozumiem. I don't understand either. I don't understand either. >>eng<< On co rano pije szklankę wody. He drinks a glass of water every morning. He drinks a glass of water every morning. >>eng<< Tom vytasil meč. Tom drew the sword. Tom pulled out the sword. >>eng<< Nesmíte chodit ven bez roušky. You are not allowed to go out without a mask. You can't go out without a cloth. >>eng<< Psal se rok 1832, když se Évariste Galois zamiloval do Stéphanie-Félicie Poterin du Motel. It was in 1832 that Evariste Galois fell in love with Stephanie-Felicie Poterin du Motel. He wrote in 1832 when Évariste Galois fell in love with Stéphanie-Félicia Poterin du Motel. >>eng<< Oddam Ci pieniądze, jak tylko dostanę wypłatę. I'll pay you back once I receive my salary. I'll give you the money as soon as I get my paycheck. >>eng<< Tom ogrzał się przy ogniu. Tom warmed himself by the fire. Tom warmed up at the fire. >>eng<< Počkej zde, prosím. Please wait here. Wait here, please. >>eng<< Sy w knigłowni. You're in a library. You're in the library. >>eng<< Měl takovou žízeň, že by vypil studnu. He was thirsty enough to drink a well dry. He was so thirsty to drink a well. >>eng<< Vypadá to, že nám došel benzín. It looks like we're out of petrol. Looks like we're out of gas. >>eng<< Mary je zamilovaná do blonďatého kluka. Mary is in love with the boy with blond hair. Mary is in love with a blonde boy. >>eng<< Tom se rozhodl to udělat. Tom decided to do it. Tom decided to do it. >>eng<< Tom nechodí do školy s ostatními dětmi. Tom doesn't walk to school with the other kids. Tom doesn't go to school with other kids. >>eng<< Kiedy ktoś jest chory, goście mogą być nieco denerwujący. When one is sick, visitors can be rather annoying. When someone is sick, guests can be a bit annoying. >>eng<< Kieszonkowcy mogą działać na tym obszarze. Pickpockets may operate in this area. Pocketers can operate in this area. >>eng<< Rozhodně přijďte. Do come by all means. I'm sure you're coming. >>eng<< Powinnam była zadzwonić do Mary zanim poszłam się z nią zobaczyć. I should've phoned Mary before I went over to see her. I should have called Mary before I went to see her. >>eng<< Neuplyne jediný den, kdy bych si nevzpomněl na svého zemřelého psa. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my dog that has died. It won't be a day when I don't remember my dead dog. >>eng<< Rozkazał mi wstać. He ordered me to stand up. He ordered me to get up. >>eng<< Já už ten film viděl. I've already seen the film. I've seen the movie. >>eng<< Nikoho tam nevidím, až na Toma. I cannot see anybody there but Tom. I don't see anyone there except Tom. >>eng<< Czyż nie są przecudne? Don't you just love it? Aren't they amazing? >>eng<< Mówię trochę po francusku, ale jeszcze nie jestem w tym zbyt dobry. I speak French a little, but I'm not yet very good at it. I speak a little French, but I'm not good at it yet. >>eng<< W awaryjnej sytuacji ważne jest zachowanie zimnej krwi. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. In an emergency situation, it is important to keep cold blood. >>eng<< Křičela jsem na něj. I yelled at him. I shouted at him. >>eng<< Tom má na sobě oblek. Tom's wearing a suit. Tom's wearing a suit. >>eng<< Můžete aktualizovat moje programy? Can you update my software? Can you update my programs? >>eng<< Nikt go nie lubi, bo zawsze się przechwala. Nobody likes him, because he is always blowing his own horn. No one likes him because he always boasts. >>eng<< Czytałeś kiedyś książkę po francusku? Have you ever read a book in French? Have you ever read a French book? >>eng<< Tom vzal to lano od Mary. Tom took the rope from Mary. Tom took the rope from Mary. >>eng<< Přidejte si mě na Facebook, jestli chcete. Mé jméno je Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me to Facebook if you want. My name is Ryck Vernaut. >>eng<< Ona je angličanka. She is English. She's an English woman. >>eng<< Tom nás smí navštívit pod podmínkou, že se omluví. Tom can visit us on condition that he apologizes. Tom may visit us on condition he apologizes. >>eng<< Ty máš rád ovoce. You like fruit. You like fruit. >>eng<< Tom přestal slavit Vánoce. Tom stopped celebrating Christmas. Tom stopped celebrating Christmas. >>eng<< Ważne jest nie to, który uniwersytet skończyłaś, ale to czego się tam nauczyłaś. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. It's not what you graduated from, but what you learned there. >>eng<< Zavolej jí zítra. Call her tomorrow. Call her tomorrow. >>eng<< Žena, kterou si vzal, je velice krásná. The woman he married is very beautiful. The woman he married is very beautiful. >>eng<< Był zajęty czytaniem kiedy go odwiedziłem. He was absorbed in reading when I visited him. He was busy reading when I visited him. >>eng<< Tom na ně poštval psy. Tom set the dogs on them. Tom fucked dogs at them. >>eng<< Litujete toho? Do you regret that? Are you sorry about that? >>eng<< Rząd Meksyku się poddał. The government of Mexico surrendered. The Mexican government gave up. >>eng<< Dzieci powinny codziennie pić mleko. Children should drink milk every day. Children should drink milk every day. >>eng<< On użył jej roweru nie pytając o zgodę. He used her bike without asking permission. He used her bike without asking for permission. >>eng<< Jsi má jediná opravdová přítelkyně. You're my only real friend. You're my only real girlfriend. >>eng<< Na Projektu Tatoeba pracují velcí myslitelé. There are great thinkers working on the Tatoeba Project. Great thinkers work on the Tatoeba Project. >>eng<< Tom pracoval na zahradě, zatímco Mary vařila oběd. Tom was working in the garden while Mary was making lunch. Tom worked in the garden while Mary was cooking lunch. >>eng<< Tom se připravoval k odjezdu. Tom was getting ready to go. Tom was preparing to leave. >>eng<< Miasta są większe od wsi. Towns are larger than villages. Cities are bigger than villages. >>eng<< Mary ztratila peněženku. Mary has lost her purse. Mary lost her wallet. >>eng<< Musisz przeczytać tę książkę. You must read this book. You have to read this book. >>eng<< Będziesz piosenkarzem. You will be a singer. You'll be a singer. >>eng<< Zasnąłem około drugiej trzydzieści. I fell asleep around 2:30. I fell asleep about the second thirty. >>eng<< Tom dojedl a odešel z restaurace. Tom finished eating and left the restaurant. Tom ate and left the restaurant. >>eng<< Boli mnie prawe ramię. My right shoulder hurts. My right arm hurts. >>eng<< Tom mě nikdy neměl rád. Tom has never liked me. Tom never liked me. >>eng<< To, co Tom řekl, je pro mě jen malá útěcha. What Tom said is of little consolation for me. What Tom said is just a little comfort for me. >>eng<< Pomohl jsem Tomovi jak nejlépe to šlo. I helped Tom the best I could. I helped Tom as best as I could. >>eng<< On je zná. He knows them. He knows them. >>eng<< Poslední knihy byly prodány minulý týden. The last books were sold a week ago. The last books were sold last week. >>eng<< Kde Tom koupil tuhle knihu? Where did Tom buy this book? Where did Tom buy this book? >>eng<< Nebylo tam mnoho děvčat. Not many girls were there. There wasn't a lot of girls out there. >>eng<< Tom pracował dzień i noc. Tom worked day and night. Tom worked day and night. >>eng<< Jsem spíše učitel, než spisovatel. I am a writer rather than a teacher. I am a teacher rather than a writer. >>eng<< Psi prej slyší líp než lidi. Myslíš, že to tak fakt je? They say dogs hear better than us. You think it's true? Dogs can hear better than people. >>eng<< Sotva se člověk narodí, už začíná umírat. As soon as man is born he begins to die. A man is barely born, he begins to die. >>eng<< Nie wrzucaj kamieni do rzeki. Don't throw rocks into the river. Don't throw stones into the river. >>eng<< Musimy być gotowi na wszystko. We ought to be ready for whatever comes. We have to be ready for everything. >>eng<< Tom nikdy Mary neřekl, jak se cítí. Tom never told Mary how he felt. Tom never told Mary how he felt. >>eng<< Tato vláda by měla odstoupit. This government should resign. This government should resign. >>eng<< Pielęgniarka jest ubrana na biało. The nurse is dressed in white. The nurse is dressed white. >>eng<< Idź i sam zobacz, co się wydarzyło. Go and see for yourself what has happened. Go and see what happened. >>eng<< Wieczorami prawie zawsze jestem w domu. I'm almost always home in the evenings. In the evening, I’m almost always home. >>eng<< Ona umie obchodzić przepisy. She's good at getting around rules. She knows how to keep the rules. >>eng<< Vždycky udělám svojí mámu pyšnou. I always made my mother proud. I always make my mom proud. >>eng<< V tu noc došlo ke zvláštním událostem. Strange events occurred that night. There were special events that night. >>eng<< Tom myslí jen na práci. Tom only has work in mind. Tom's just thinking about work. >>eng<< Kdyby nebylo mě, Tom by tady nebyl. Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. If it weren't for me, Tom wouldn't be here. >>eng<< Moja matka jest w kuchni. My mother is in the kitchen. My mother's in the kitchen. >>eng<< To jest nieprawdziwe. That's not real. That's not true. >>eng<< Gdzie jest twoja broń? Where's your weapon? Where's your gun? >>eng<< Otrzymaliśmy dużą paczkę. We received a large package. We got a big package. >>eng<< Potřebujeme, abys nám odpoledne pomohl. We need you to help us this afternoon. We need you to help us this afternoon. >>eng<< Mogłeś przynajmniej powiedzieć "Dziękuję" kiedy ktoś ci pomógł. You might at least have said, "Thank you", when someone helped you. You could at least say "Thank you" when someone helped you. >>eng<< Powiedzieli mi, że to była twoja wina. They told me it was your fault. They told me it was your fault. >>eng<< Autostrada była zamknięta z powodu poważnego wypadku. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The highway was closed due to a serious accident. >>eng<< Takhle se to dělat nedá. It cannot be done like this. That's not how you can do it. >>eng<< Udělal jsem všechno, co můžu, abych pomohl. I've done everything I can to help. I did everything I could to help. >>eng<< Všechny moje věty zkontrolovali rodilí mluvčí. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že se tu nesmí kouřit. Tom said that smoking isn't allowed here. Tom said he shouldn't smoke here. >>eng<< Dám ti k narozeninám kolo. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'll give you a bike for your birthday. >>eng<< Tom mówi, że chce mieszkać w Bostonie. Tom says he wants to live in Boston. Tom says he wants to live in Boston. >>eng<< Měl bys vždy říkat pravdu. You should always tell the truth. You should always tell the truth. >>eng<< Neúspěch je nejlepší trenér. Failure is the best coach. Failure is the best coach. >>eng<< Ty coś wiesz. You know something. You know something. >>eng<< Opravdu si myslíte, že byste si měli nechat radit od někoho, jako je Tom? Do you really think that you should be taking advice from someone like Tom? Do you really think you should get advice from someone like Tom? >>eng<< Nemohl jsem se přestat smát. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. >>eng<< Później odwiedzimy aquapark. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. We will visit the aquapark later. >>eng<< Byl sexuálně obtěžován starším mužem v autobuse. He was sexually harassed by an old man on the bus. He was sexually harassed by an older man on a bus. >>eng<< Nie wiem, co zrobić najpierw. I don't know what to do first. I don't know what to do first. >>eng<< Interesujące. Interesting. Interesting. >>eng<< Mięso źle smakuje. The meat tastes bad. Meat tastes bad. >>eng<< Tom vypadá pořád nespokojený. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. Tom still looks dissatisfied. >>eng<< Jsem na tyhle věci zvyklý. I'm used to these things. I'm used to these things. >>eng<< To jest nasza pierwsza lekcja. This is our first lesson. This is our first lesson. >>eng<< Tom podszedł pod dom. Tom walked up to the house. Tom came under the house. >>eng<< Tom spojrzał na program. Tom looked at the agenda. Tom looked at the program. >>eng<< Tom potřebuje kabát. Tom needs a coat. Tom needs a coat. >>eng<< Tom mluvil s Marií. Tom was speaking to Mary. Tom was talking to Maria. >>eng<< Opravdu si myslíš, že to chci? Do you really think that I want that? Do you really think I want that? >>eng<< On mówi po francusku. He can speak French. He speaks French. >>eng<< Chłopcy zadają pytania. The boys are asking questions. The boys ask questions. >>eng<< Potřebuji devět hodin spánku. I need nine hours of sleep. I need nine hours of sleep. >>eng<< Tom zostawił otwarte drzwi. Tom left the door open. Tom left the door open. >>eng<< To bardzo kusząca propozycja. That's a very tempting offer. It's a very challenging proposal. >>eng<< Odejděme dnes v noci. Let's leave tonight. Let's leave tonight. >>eng<< Podgorica je hlavní město Černé Hory. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. >>eng<< Tom objednal šálek čaje. Tom ordered a cup of tea. Tom ordered a cup of tea. >>eng<< Nevím. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Nie, nie gniewam się na ciebie, jestem tylko zawiedziony. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. No, I'm not angry with you, I'm just disappointed. >>eng<< Měla na sobě jednoduché šaty. She wore a simple dress. She was wearing a simple dress. >>eng<< Dobrze jest czasem wyluzować. It's okay to take it easy sometimes. It's good to relax sometimes. >>eng<< Pod łóżkiem jest karaluch! There's a cockroach under the bed! Under the bed is a cockroach! >>eng<< Wón ma koleso. He has a bicycle. He's got a wheel. >>eng<< Pacjent nie ma pulsu. The patient has no pulse. The patient has no pulse. >>eng<< O mało nie utopiła się w rzece. She almost drowned in the river. She hardly drowned in the river. >>eng<< Je biolog. He is a biologist. He's a biologist. >>eng<< Bądź cicho, albo powiedz coś wartego słuchania. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing. Be quiet, or say something worth listening. >>eng<< Znam ją od ponad dwudziestu lat. I've known her for more than twenty years. I've known her for over twenty years. >>eng<< Jest bogatszy niż ktokolwiek inny w mieście. He is richer than anyone else in this town. He's richer than anyone else in town. >>eng<< Rychlé občerstvení je nezdravé. Fast food is unhealthy. Fast food is unhealthy. >>eng<< Rosja jest częścią Europy czy Azji? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? Is Russia part of Europe or Asia? >>eng<< Tom mi řekl, že jsi nemocný. Tom told me you were sick. Tom told me you were sick. >>eng<< On dał mi dobrą radę. He gave me some good advice. He gave me good advice. >>eng<< Já netrucuju. I'm not sulking. I don't poison. >>eng<< Musíme vědět, co tam venku je. We need to know what's out there. We need to know what's out there. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem žádnou ženu neuhodil. I have never hit a woman. I never hit a woman. >>eng<< Můžete se přesvědčit sami. You can see for yourselves. You can convince yourself. >>eng<< Lidé byli velmi rozčíleni. People were very angry. People were very angry. >>eng<< Powody są zrozumiałe. The reasons are understandable. The reasons are understandable. >>eng<< Nech čaj luhovat po dobu deseti minut. Let the tea draw for ten minutes. Let the tea lie for 10 minutes. >>eng<< Tom wygląda na naprawdę szczęśliwego. Tom seems to be really happy. Tom looks really happy. >>eng<< Angielski rozprzestrzenił się na cały kraj. English has spread all over the country. English spread throughout the country. >>eng<< Przetłumaczenie jest niemożliwe. The translation is impossible. Translation is impossible. >>eng<< Zanim będziemy mogły podjąć decyzję, musimy mieć wszystkie fakty. Before we can make a decision, we must have all the facts. Before we can make a decision, we must have all the facts. >>eng<< Jsem dobrý v matematice. I'm good at math. I'm good at math. >>eng<< Jěźe. They eat. Let's go. >>eng<< Możemy dostroić częstotliwość. We can finetune the frequency. We can adjust the frequency. >>eng<< Przy innych okolicznościach bez zmian, niewątpliwie to temperatura jest kluczowym czynnikiem w tym eksperymencie. If other conditions are equal, the temperature must be the most influential element in this experiment. In other circumstances, without change, this temperature is undoubtedly a key factor in this experiment. >>eng<< Objednal jsem si knihu z Londýna. I ordered a book from London. I ordered a book from London. >>eng<< V rámci přípravy na zkoušku, Masha podtrhává nejdůležitější věty v přehledu fixou. Preparing for her exams, Masha underlines the most important sentences in the summary with a marker. As part of the preparation for the test, Masha underlines the most important sentences in the fixation overview. >>eng<< Spotkam się tam z Tomem. I'm going to meet Tom there. I'll meet Tom there. >>eng<< Proszę mi dać znać, kiedy on będzie z powrotem. Please tell me when he'll be back. Let me know when he'll be back. >>eng<< Díky jejímu vytrvalému úsilí jsme dosáhli našeho cíle. Thanks to her tireless efforts, we reached our goal. Thanks to her persevering efforts, we have achieved our goal. >>eng<< Podám na Toma trestní oznámení. I am going to file a criminal complaint against Tom. I'll file a criminal report on Tom. >>eng<< Toma takovéto věci nezajímají. Tom isn't interested in things like that. Tom doesn't care about things like that. >>eng<< Tom zachránil svoji ženu. Tom rescued his wife. Tom saved his wife. >>eng<< Nienawidzę kiedy to robisz. I hate it when you do that. I hate when you do that. >>eng<< Nowy samochód należy do niej. This new car belongs to her. The new car belongs to her. >>eng<< Chciałbym śpiewać tak dobrze jak Tom. I wish I could sing as well as Tom. I want to sing as well as Tom. >>eng<< Tom nie jest upoważniony. Tom isn't licensed. Tom is not authorized. >>eng<< Nevíme, co se stane v budoucnosti. We don't know what'll happen in the future. We don’t know what will happen in the future. >>eng<< Tom už zase začal kouřit. Tom started smoking again. Tom started smoking again. >>eng<< Udělali to, jen aby Toma naštvali. They did it just to spite Tom. They just did it to make Tom angry. >>eng<< Jesteś gotowy do wyjścia? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? >>eng<< Utrpení na Zemi poleví, jestliže ho přestaneme podporovat. Suffering on Earth will subside if we stop fostering it. Suffering on Earth will flood if we stop supporting it. >>eng<< To děvče se velmi podobá své matce. The girl resembles her mother very much. The girl is very similar to her mother. >>eng<< Nic nie widzieliśmy. We didn't see anything. We didn't see anything. >>eng<< Nemohu o Tomovi říct špatné slovo. I cannot say a bad word about Tom. I can't say a bad word about Tom. >>eng<< Tvůj bratr to nekoupí. Your brother will not buy it. Your brother won't buy it. >>eng<< Rozhodnu se sám. I'll make up my own mind. I'll make my own decision. >>eng<< Jesteś czarodziejem? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? >>eng<< Není snadné Toma oklamat. It's not easy to fool Tom. It's not easy for Tom to deceive. >>eng<< On nie ma pamięci do nazwisk. He is weak on names. He has no memory of names. >>eng<< Vím, že nevím. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. >>eng<< Potřebuješ shodit. You need to lose some weight. You need to drop. >>eng<< Tom vždycky nechává počítač zapnutý. Tom always leaves his computer on. Tom always leaves the computer on. >>eng<< Tom se možná najedl než Mary přišla. Tom might've eaten before Mary came. Tom might have eaten before Mary came. >>eng<< Mam wysoką temperaturę. I have a high temperature. I have a high temperature. >>eng<< Pověz mi jeden ze svých příběhů. Tell me one of your stories. Tell me one of your stories. >>eng<< Myślę, że kupiliśmy wszystko, czego potrzebujemy. I think that we have bought everything we need. I think we bought everything we need. >>eng<< Málem ztratila vědomí. She almost lost consciousness. She almost lost consciousness. >>eng<< Vždycky buď připraven na nejhorší. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be prepared for the worst. >>eng<< Kdysi se mi zdálo, jak jsem byl zabit ve druhé světové válce. Once I dreamed about being killed in WWll. I used to think I was killed in World War II. >>eng<< Je možné sníst lžíci skořice, aniž bych zakašlal? Can one gulp a spoonful of cinnamon without coughing? Is it possible to eat a tablespoon of cinnamon without cluttering? >>eng<< My wszyscy chcemy aby to się stało. We all want the same thing to happen. We all want this to happen. >>eng<< Jesteśmy bezpieczni. We're safe. We're safe. >>eng<< Nóż nie jest ostry. The knife is not sharp. The knife is not sharp. >>eng<< Čína má víc než miliardu obyvatel. China has more than a billion inhabitants. China has more than a billion inhabitants. >>eng<< Otázkou je, jak se vypořádáme s touhle situací. The question is how will we deal with this situation. The question is how we deal with this situation. >>eng<< Jim napisał list do Betty. Jim wrote the letter for Betty. Jim wrote a letter to Betty. >>eng<< Njewěm. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Tom tu myšlenku rychle opustil. Tom quickly abandoned the idea. Tom quickly left the idea. >>eng<< Máte minutu na obhajobu svého stanoviska. You will have one minute to defend your opinion. You have a minute to defend your opinion. >>eng<< Tom jedzie do miasta Tom is going to town. Tom is going to town. >>eng<< Řekni to Tomovi včas. Tell Tom in time. Tell Tom on time. >>eng<< Vroucně ho milovala. She adored him. She loved him so much. >>eng<< Tom ještě není plnoletý. Tom is still underage. Tom is not young yet. >>eng<< Tom možná bude chtít něco nakoupit. Tom may want to do some shopping. Tom might want to buy something. >>eng<< Ile chcesz za tę książkę? How much do you want for this book? How much do you want for this book? >>eng<< Mám moc rád svoje vnoučata. I like my grandchildren very much. I love my grandchildren. >>eng<< Tom je posedlý mučednictvím. Tom is obsessed with martyrdom. Tom is obsessed with torture. >>eng<< Tom navštívil Mary v nemocnici. Tom visited Mary in the hospital. Tom visited Mary at the hospital. >>eng<< Určitě se to dá jíst? Are you sure this is safe to eat? Are you sure you can eat it? >>eng<< Nezdáš se v tom sám být moc dobrý. You don't seem too good at this yourself. You don't seem very good at it yourself. >>eng<< Pijomej mloko. We are drinking milk. Drink milk. >>eng<< Jego syn jest geniuszem. His son is a genius. His son is a genius. >>eng<< Ten profesor uczy czeskiego. The professor teaches Czech. This professor teaches Czech. >>eng<< Napijmy się, czy coś. Let's have a drink or something. Let's have a drink or something. >>eng<< Nedávejte to Tomovi. On si to nezaslouží. Don't give it to Tom. He doesn't deserve that. Don't give it to Tom, he doesn't deserve it. >>eng<< Chtěl bych Tomovi otevřít oči. I would like to open Tom's eyes. I'd like to open my eyes to Tom. >>eng<< To jsou svíčky? Are these candles? Are those candles? >>eng<< Czy oni podali powód? Did they give a reason? Did they give a reason? >>eng<< To jsou ty nejhnusnější boty, které jsem kdy viděl. They're the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. These are the biggest shoes I've ever seen. >>eng<< Jak długo zostaniesz? How long do you plan to stay? How long will you stay? >>eng<< Kdy se Tom ukáže? When will Tom show up? When will Tom show up? >>eng<< Sami béł za Laylënéwo privatnéwo mechanjika. Sami worked as Layla's private mechanic. He was on behalf of Laylinéwo privateo mechanjika. >>eng<< Jesteś pewien, że to jest to, co widziałeś? Are you sure that's what you saw? Are you sure this is what you saw? >>eng<< Snědl jsem to? Did I eat it? Did I eat it? >>eng<< Čteš mi myšlenky You are reading my thoughts. You're reading my thoughts >>eng<< Máš mnoho knih. You have many books. You have a lot of books. >>eng<< Tom má rád rybu. Tom likes fish. Tom likes fish. >>eng<< Pan Brown bardzo dobrze mówi po japońsku. Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well. Mr. Brown speaks Japanese very well. >>eng<< Ona ma świetlaną przyszłość przed sobą. She has a brilliant future. She has a bright future ahead of her. >>eng<< Nezůstal nikdo, kdo by odpověděl. There was nobody left to answer. No one left to answer. >>eng<< Když ubližujete Tomovi, je to jako kdybyste ubližovali i mě. If you hurt Tom, it is like you are hurting me too. If you hurt Tom, it's like you hurt me. >>eng<< Tom starał się przemówić Marii do rozumu. Tom tried to reason with Mary. Tom tried to speak to Mary. >>eng<< Mám hrozně ráda obě dvě. I like both of them very much. I love both of them. >>eng<< Byli jsem nepřátelé. We were enemies. I was enemies. >>eng<< Co jsi mu řekl? What have you told him? What did you tell him? >>eng<< Vybrala si Toma za svého přítele. She chose Tom to be her boyfriend. She chose Tom as her friend. >>eng<< John rozciągnął się na kanapie. John stretched out on the couch. John was on the couch. >>eng<< Tom właśnie umarł. Tom just died. Tom just died. >>eng<< Žiji ve městě. I'm living in the town. I live in town. >>eng<< Nepůjdeme, pokud bude pršet. We won't go if it rains. We won't go if it rains. >>eng<< Dobry z ciebie chłopak, Tom! What a good boy you are, Tom! You're a good boy, Tom! >>eng<< Czekam w kolejce. I'm waiting in line. I'm waiting in line. >>eng<< Uwolnię Cię. I'll set you free. I'll release you. >>eng<< Jesteś pewna, że Tom za tym stoi? Are you sure that Tom is behind this? Are you sure Tom's behind it? >>eng<< Ładna pogoda dziś wieczór. The weather is nice tonight. Nice weather tonight. >>eng<< Zjadłam trochę chipsów. I ate some crisps. I ate some chips. >>eng<< Drań! Bastard! You bastard! >>eng<< Škoda, že to Tom neudělal. It's a shame Tom didn't do that. Too bad Tom didn't do that. >>eng<< Nie mogę tego potwierdzić. I can't confirm this. I can't confirm that. >>eng<< W końcu wszystko mi powiesz. You'll tell me everything eventually. After all, you'll tell me everything. >>eng<< Co to za dzieci? Who are those children? What kind of kids are they? >>eng<< Czy jest jakiś inne wejście? Is there another way in? Is there another entrance? >>eng<< Tom dal svému psovi pamlsek. Tom gave his dog a treat. Tom gave his dog a pamphlet. >>eng<< Proč jsi utekla? Why did he run away? Why did you run away? >>eng<< Chci, abys se sem dostal co nejdříve. I want you to get here as soon as possible. I want you to get here as soon as possible. >>eng<< Musisz się postarać. You must make an effort. You have to try. >>eng<< Prosím, odpověz mi. Please answer me. Please answer me. >>eng<< Je málo pravděpodobné, že se to stane. It's very unlikely to happen. It is unlikely that this will happen. >>eng<< Muž, který sedí támhle, je známý zpěvák. That man sitting over there is a famous singer. The man sitting there is a famous singer. >>eng<< Čokoláda má sladkou chuť. Chocolate tastes sweet. Chocolate has a sweet taste. >>eng<< Jen řekni mi že uděláš legrací. Just tell me you're kidding. Just tell me you're gonna be legal. >>eng<< Můj otec byl u námořnictva. My father was in the navy. My father was at the Navy. >>eng<< Jestli to tam už nemůžeš vydržet, tak prostě odejdi. If you can no longer stand it there, just leave. If you can't hold it there, just leave. >>eng<< K čemu jsem? What am I good for? What am I for? >>eng<< Sięgnął po słownik. He reached for the dictionary. He reached out to the dictionary. >>eng<< Chciałabym ciebie pocałować. I'd like to kiss you. I'd like to kiss you. >>eng<< Musisz mi pomóc. You need to help me. You have to help me. >>eng<< Kde je nejbližší autobusová zastávka? Where's the nearest bus stop? Where is the nearest bus stop? >>eng<< Já čaj nepiji. I don't drink tea. I don't drink tea. >>eng<< Tom slyšel, jak někdo křičí jeho jméno. Tom heard somebody yell his name. Tom heard someone scream his name. >>eng<< Ma naładowaną broń. He keeps this gun loaded. He's got a loaded gun. >>eng<< Dlaczego jesteś zmęczony? Why are you tired? Why are you tired? >>eng<< Kto może wybrać? Who can choose? Who can choose? >>eng<< Ta voda není studená, že? The water isn’t cold is it? The water isn't cold, is it? >>eng<< To taki sam rower jak mój. That is the same bicycle as I have. It's the same bike as mine. >>eng<< Zostali profesjonalnymi piłkarzami. They became professional soccer players. They became professional footballers. >>eng<< Poszedł do baru wypić kilka piw. He went to a bar to drinks some beers. He went to the bar to drink some beer. >>eng<< Obě věty znamenají to samé. Both sentences mean the same thing. Both sentences mean the same thing. >>eng<< Pojď se mnou, Tome. Mám nápad. Come with me, Tom. I've got an idea. Come with me, Tom. >>eng<< Může existovat iluze? Can an illusion exist? Can there be illusions? >>eng<< Dałbyś mi szansę do wyjaśnienia? Would you give me a chance to explain? Would you give me a chance to explain? >>eng<< Snažila se na něj nedívat. She tried to avoid looking at him. She tried not to look at him. >>eng<< Była bardzo opalona po urlopie. She was very brown after her holiday. She was very sunburned after vacation. >>eng<< Proszę, bądź cicho. Please be quiet. Please be quiet. >>eng<< Začínám zítra v šest. I start tomorrow at six. I'm starting tomorrow at six. >>eng<< Była dla nas wspaniałym wzorem do naśladowania. She has been a wonderful role model for us. She was a great example for us to follow. >>eng<< Nevím, kolik ti dlužím. I don't know how much I owe you. I don't know how much I owe you. >>eng<< Masła i sery są robione z mleka Butter and cheese are made from milk. Butters and cheeses are made of milk >>eng<< Tom neodešel. Tom didn't leave. Tom didn't leave. >>eng<< Te kwiaty nie tylko są piękne ale także ładnie pachną. These flowers aren't only beautiful, but they smell nice. These flowers are not only beautiful, but also smell nice. >>eng<< Zawsze tak było. It's always been like this. It's always been like that. >>eng<< Jeśli chodzi o studia za granicą, nie mogę się zdecydować, czy jechać do Australii, czy do Kanady. For studying abroad, I can't decide whether I should go to Australia or Canada. When it comes to studying abroad, I can’t decide whether to go to Australia or Canada. >>eng<< W prawie wszystkich czasopismach są krzyżówki. There are crossword puzzles in almost every newspaper. In almost all magazines there are crosswords. >>eng<< Byl zodpovědný za smrt tvého otce. He was responsible for the death of your father. He was responsible for your father's death. >>eng<< Není žádná cesta k míru. Mír je cesta. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. >>eng<< Musí převzít zodpovědnost za svoje činy. He has to take responsibility of his actions. He must take responsibility for his actions. >>eng<< Iloma językami dobrze się posługujesz? How many languages do you speak well? How many languages do you use well? >>eng<< To njejo kócka. To jo pjas. That isn't a cat. That's a dog. It's not a cat. It's a dog. >>eng<< Jsem Tomova věku. I'm Tom's age. I'm Tom's age. >>eng<< Nemá to žádné logické vysvětlení. There's no logical reason for this. It has no logical explanation. >>eng<< Je to všude na Internetu. It's all over the Internet. It's everywhere on the Internet. >>eng<< Pracoval jsem na letišti. I used to work at the airport. I worked at the airport. >>eng<< Tom lubi również robić na drutach. Tom likes knitting too. Tom also likes to work on wires. >>eng<< Witaj w domu! Welcome home! Welcome home! >>eng<< Wiem, że prawdopodobnie jesteś zły na to, co powiedziałem wczoraj. I know you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably angry with what I said yesterday. >>eng<< Dohoda se podepsala minulý týden. That deal was signed last week. The deal was signed last week. >>eng<< Nie jestem pewien, jak mogę ci pomóc. I'm not sure how I can help you. I'm not sure how I can help you. >>eng<< Tom je v koupelně. Tom is in the bathroom. Tom's in the bathroom. >>eng<< Nalaď mi kytaru, prosím. Please tune my guitar for me. Tune my guitar, please. >>eng<< Postaráme se o to, aby vaše rezervace byla znoupotvrzena. We'll take care of reconfirmation of your reservation. We will make sure that your reservation is confirmed. >>eng<< Postrádá smysl pro morálku. He lacks moral sense. It lacks a sense of morality. >>eng<< Tom prawie zapomniał o spotkaniu. Tom almost forgot about the meeting. Tom almost forgot the meeting. >>eng<< Víte, že nemám rád vajíčka. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. >>eng<< Viděl jsem Tomovo jméno na soupisce. I saw Tom's name on the roster. I saw Tom's name on the soup. >>eng<< Líbí se mi ta kravata. I like that tie. I like the tie. >>eng<< Kolik je vajec? How many eggs are there? How many eggs are there? >>eng<< Nevím, jak se to stalo. I don't know how it happened. I don't know how it happened. >>eng<< Samozřejmě, že můžeš odejít. Of course, you can leave. Of course you can leave. >>eng<< Zbyli jego krytykę jako objaw hipokryzji. They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy. They left his criticism as a symptom of hypocrisis. >>eng<< Chciałbym poznać twoją opinię na ten temat. I'd like your opinion on this. I'd like to know your opinion on this. >>eng<< Tom odešel z práce a odstěhoval se do Bostonu. Tom quit his job and moved to Boston. Tom left work and moved to Boston. >>eng<< Lubię pływanie. I like swimming. I like swimming. >>eng<< Nebuďme příliš ukvapení. Let's not be too hasty. Let's not be too comforted. >>eng<< Nechal jsem téct vodu? Did I leave the water running? Did I let the water flow? >>eng<< Bardziej lubię czerwoną sukienkę, niż niebieską. I like the red dress more than the blue dress. I like the red dress better than the blue one. >>eng<< Jest dużo większym entuzjastą golfa niż ja. He is much more of a golf enthusiast than I am. He's a lot more enthusiast of golf than I am. >>eng<< Autorstwo tego obrazu jest przypisywane Monetowi. This painting is attributed to Monet. The authorship of this image is attributed to Monet. >>eng<< Dovedeš si mě představit, jak připravuji moučník? Can you imagine me making a cake? Can you imagine how I prepare my meal? >>eng<< Czy ktoś potrzebuje podwózki do domu? Does anyone need a lift home? Does anyone need a ride home? >>eng<< Potřebujeme prostor. We need space. We need space. >>eng<< Tom odešel do pokoje a zavřel dveře. Tom went into the room and closed the door. Tom went to the room and closed the door. >>eng<< Wpadnij ponownie, kiedy chcesz. Come again any time. Come in again whenever you want. >>eng<< Na čekání jsem zvyklý. I'm used to waiting. I'm used to waiting. >>eng<< Tom jim přišel pomoct. Tom came to help them. Tom came to help them. >>eng<< Myślę, że tom będzie zły. I think Tom will be angry. I think it's gonna be bad. >>eng<< Staraj się nie wdychać oparów. Try not to inhale the fumes. Try not to inhale fumes. >>eng<< Pojedu buď autobusem, nebo vlakem. I will take either bus or train. I'm going either by bus or by train. >>eng<< Co Toma dohnalo k vraždě? What drove Tom to murder? What led Tom to murder? >>eng<< Tom si myslí, že to nepůjde. Tom doesn't think that it'll work. Tom thinks it won't work. >>eng<< To je závažný problém. That is a significant problem. That's a serious problem. >>eng<< Nevynechej žádné detaily. Don't skip over any details. Don't miss any details. >>eng<< V mé zemi je politika synonymem korupce. In my country, politics is synonymous with corruption. In my country, politics is synonymous with corruption. >>eng<< Nerozumím tomu. I don't understand it. I don't understand. >>eng<< Co jedzą więźniowie? What do the prisoners eat? What do prisoners eat? >>eng<< Salamandra, ropucha i traszka to nie ssaki, tylko płazy. A salamander, a toad, and a newt are not mammals, but amphibians. Salamandra, a toad and a trail is not a mammals, it's just a fin. >>eng<< Nie słyszałaś, że cię wołałem? Didn't you hear me call? Didn't you hear me calling you? >>eng<< Słońce zachodzi. The sun is setting. The sun is set. >>eng<< Brzy bude jaro. Spring is about to arrive. It'll be spring soon. >>eng<< Někdy spím na gauči. Sometimes, I sleep on the couch. Sometimes I sleep on the couch. >>eng<< Miłego weekendu! Have a nice weekend. Have a nice weekend! >>eng<< My nelžeme. We don't lie. We're not lying. >>eng<< Vždycky budu Toma bránit před lidmi, jako jste vy. I will always protect Tom from people like you. I will always defend Tom from people like you. >>eng<< Miluješ svou matku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? >>eng<< Překonala svoji nemoc. She has got over her illness. She overcame her illness. >>eng<< Bardzo za nią tęsknię. I miss her so much. I miss her so much. >>eng<< Kiedy pójdziemy do domu? When will we go home? When do we go home? >>eng<< Byl to hloupý nápad. It was a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea. >>eng<< Jak się nazywa to warzywo po angielsku? What do you call this vegetable in English? What is the name of this vegetable in English? >>eng<< Kde jsou tvoje kufry? Where are your suitcases? Where are your suitcases? >>eng<< Ten mężczyzna jest żołnierzem. That man is a soldier. This man is a soldier. >>eng<< Můžeš teď přestat. You can stop now. You can stop now. >>eng<< Tak przy okazji, jaki jest twój adres? By the way, what is your address? By the way, what's your address? >>eng<< Tom jest z księgowości. Tom is from accounting. Tom's from the bookkeeping. >>eng<< Tom jí jenom zeleninu. All Tom eats is vegetables. Tom only eats vegetables. >>eng<< Tom měl záchvat kašle. Tom had a coughing fit. Tom had a cough attack. >>eng<< Dokąd wszyscy idą? Where's everyone going? Where are they all going? >>eng<< Nechci s tebou žít. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. >>eng<< Mám raději kávu. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. >>eng<< S nikým jsem o tom nemluvil. I haven’t talked about this to anyone. I didn't talk to anyone about it. >>eng<< Wojna była, jest i będzie zawsze. There has always been war and there always will be. The war was, is, and will always be. >>eng<< Tomowi nie udało się zrobić tego, co powiedział, że zrobi. Tom failed to do what he said he'd do. Tom was unable to do what he said he would. >>eng<< Nikdo nechtěl jíst. No one wanted to eat. No one wanted to eat. >>eng<< Přineste mi sklenici vody, prosím. Bring me a glass of water, please. Bring me a glass of water, please. >>eng<< Tom požadoval, aby se ta místnost vymalovala. Tom demanded that the room be painted. Tom asked the room to be painted. >>eng<< Samiemu na niczym nie zależało. Sami didn't care about anything. She didn't care about anything. >>eng<< Odnieśliśmy druzgocące zwycięstwo. We were completely victorious. We have won a devastating victory. >>eng<< Przybranie wagi to najprostsza droga rozwoju osobistego. Weight increase is the easiest method for personal development. Weight gain is the simplest way of personal development. >>eng<< Powinieneś wydostać się z miasta. You should get out of town. You should get out of town. >>eng<< Chtěla, aby jí řekl, že ji miluje. She wanted him to tell her that he loved her. She wanted him to tell her she loved her. >>eng<< Myślałam, że będziesz bardziej pomocny. I thought you'd be more helpful. I thought you'd be more helpful. >>eng<< Kdo je tady nejaktivnější člen? Who is the most active member here? Who is the most active member here? >>eng<< Ty dveře se ani nehnou. The door won't budge. The door won't move. >>eng<< Raději byste s tím měli Tomovi pomoct. You had better help Tom with that. You better help Tom with that. >>eng<< Nevím, co chceš slyšet. I don't know what you want to hear. I don't know what you want to hear. >>eng<< Neumí číst anglicky, natož pak německy. He can't read English, much less German. He can't read English, let alone German. >>eng<< Wiele osób ci powie, że nie powinieneś był tego robić. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. Many people will tell you that you shouldn't have done this. >>eng<< Żółwie nié mają zãbòw. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have any matches. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że zmieniłaś zdanie. I hope you have changed your mind. I hope you changed your mind. >>eng<< Zwierzęta żyjące na farmach są udomowione. The animals which live on farms are domesticated. Animals living on farms are domesticated. >>eng<< Ahoj? Jste stále ještě tady? Hello? Are you still here? Are you still here? >>eng<< Je to anorektička. She's an anorexic woman. She's anorectic. >>eng<< On czasami jest dziwny. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. He's weird sometimes. >>eng<< Tom byl obviněn z vlastizrady. Tom was accused of treason. Tom was accused of treachery. >>eng<< Co kdybychom Tomovi pomohli? Why don't we all give Tom a hand? How about we help Tom? >>eng<< Je to mrtvý jazyk. It is a dead language. It's a dead tongue. >>eng<< Nejsi můj otec! You're not my dad! You're not my father! >>eng<< Nerad běhám. I don't like to run. I don't like to run. >>eng<< Mary to nemohla udělat. Mary couldn't have done it. Mary couldn't do that. >>eng<< Jak by někdo mohl žít na takovémto místě? How could anybody live in a place like this? How could anyone live in such a place? >>eng<< Nemá nikoho, kdo by se o něj postaral. He has nobody to take care of him. He has no one to take care of him. >>eng<< Bude to Tom, nebo já? Will it be Tom, or me? Will it be Tom or me? >>eng<< Nigdy nie mieliśmy szansy. We never had a chance. We never had a chance. >>eng<< Tom to dostal zadarmo. Tom got it for free. Tom got it for free. >>eng<< Zeptala se mi, jestli je se mnou vše v pořádku. She asked me if I was all right. She asked me if everything was okay with me. >>eng<< Nie jestem taki pewien, czy chcę jechać do Bostonu. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. I'm not sure I want to go to Boston. >>eng<< Tom nemá alibi, a má motiv. Tom has no alibi, and he has a motive. Tom doesn't have an alibi, and he's got a motive. >>eng<< Robert je Brazilec. Jeho otec je Kanaďan. Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian. Robert is Brazilian, his father is Canadian. >>eng<< Jane byla nespravedlivě zbavena své pozice. Jane was unfairly dismissed from her post. Jane was unfairly deprived of her position. >>eng<< Nemohu bez tebe žít. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. >>eng<< Nie masz dowodów. You have no evidence. You don't have any evidence. >>eng<< Zrobiłam to sama. I did it on my own. I did it myself. >>eng<< Jde o to, že si nepamatuji kam jsem zaparkoval auto. The problem is that I don't remember where I parked my car. The point is, I don't remember where I parked the car. >>eng<< Szukam moich przyjaciół. I am looking for my friends. I'm looking for my friends. >>eng<< Samochód jest zaparkowany przed budynkiem. The car is parked in front of the building. The car is parked in front of the building. >>eng<< Udělal jsi, co jsi mohl. You did your best. You did what you could. >>eng<< I když vyrostla v Japonsku, stále hovoří plynule anglicky. Although she grew up in Japan, she still speaks fluent English. Even though she grew up in Japan, she still speaks fluent English. >>eng<< Měl jsem v plánu tam jít. I had intended to go there. I was about to go there. >>eng<< Říkal jsem ti přece, abys mi žádné dárky nekupoval. I did tell you not to buy me any gifts. I told you not to buy me any gifts. >>eng<< Usiądź tu w pobliżu. Sit near here. You're around here. >>eng<< Platí mě denně. I'm paid by the day. I'm paid every day. >>eng<< Co je tvým cílem? What is your goal? What's your goal? >>eng<< Zwracali niewiele uwagi na moje słowa. They paid little attention to my words. They paid little attention to my words. >>eng<< Tom jest adoptowany. Tom's adopted. Tom is adopted. >>eng<< Můžeš si vybrat kterékoliv z nich. You may choose any of them. You can choose any of them. >>eng<< Až síla Světla ovládne Zemi, už nebude utrpení. When force of Light dominates Earth, there will no longer be suffering. When the power of Light dominates the Earth, there will be no more suffering. >>eng<< Tom neměl rád kávu jako adolescent. Tom didn't like coffee when he was a teenager. Tom didn’t like coffee as a teenager. >>eng<< Trzymaj kciuki. Cross your fingers. Hold your fingers. >>eng<< Zdálo se mi o Tatoebě. I dreamed about Tatoeba. I thought about Tatoeba. >>eng<< Przepraszam, czy mógłbym użyć telefonu? Excuse me, but might I use the phone? Excuse me, could I use the phone? >>eng<< Prosím. You're welcome. Please. >>eng<< Nie jestem pingwinem. I'm not a penguin. I'm not a penguin. >>eng<< Nie chcę cię. I don't want you. I don't want you. >>eng<< Zdá se mi, že Tom je zodpovědný za nervové zhroucení Mary. It seems to me that Tom is responsible for Mary's nervous breakdown. It seems to me that Tom is responsible for the nervous collapse of Mary. >>eng<< Se sklenkou na víno musíš zacházet opatrně. You must be careful with the wine glass. You need to be careful with a glass of wine. >>eng<< Zdrowie jest istotnym elementem szczęścia. Health is an important factor of happiness. Health is an important element of happiness. >>eng<< Vyšli z bunkru ven. They came out of the bunker. They came out of the bunker. >>eng<< Prosím tě, nežádej to po mě. Please don't ask me to do that. Please don't ask for me. >>eng<< Byli jste milovaní tímhle člověkem kvůli vašemu bohatství. This man loved you because of your money. You were loved by this man because of your wealth. >>eng<< Tom se pohádal se svými dětmi. Pár týdnů na to zemřel, zcela opuštěný. Tom had an argument with his children. A few weeks later he died, completely abandoned. Tom had a fight with his children. >>eng<< Proszę, nie zapomnij, by się z nim jutro spotkać. Please don't forget to see him tomorrow. Please don't forget to meet him tomorrow. >>eng<< Hlídávala jsem tě. I used to babysit you. I was watching you. >>eng<< Musíš jít. You've got to go. You have to go. >>eng<< A Vy? And you? And you? >>eng<< Kiedyś sporo czasu spędzałem z Tomem, ale teraz często go nie ma. I used to hang out with Tom a lot, but these days he's not around much. I used to spend a lot of time with Tom, but now he's often gone. >>eng<< Moira stránku obnovuje každé tři vteřiny. Moira refreshes the page every 3 seconds. Moira restores the page every three seconds. >>eng<< Jesteś niepoprawny. You're incorrect. You're wrong. >>eng<< Nasze talerze piknikowe są z plastiku. Our picnic plates are made of plastic. Our picnic plates are made of plastic. >>eng<< Nie mam raka. I don't have cancer. I don't have cancer. >>eng<< Je to velmi zvláštní rodina. It's a very strange family. He's a very special family. >>eng<< Požádal jsem ji o ruku. I proposed to her. I asked her for her hand. >>eng<< On jest silny jak koń. He is strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. >>eng<< Nie ufam ci. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. >>eng<< Nagle rozszalała się gwałtowna burza. Suddenly, a terrible storm came up. Suddenly there was a violent storm. >>eng<< Tom není tak naivní, aby vám věřil. Tom isn't so naive to believe you. Tom's not naive enough to believe you. >>eng<< Tom tvrdí, že se k sobě nehodíme. Tom says we're not compatible. Tom says we're not good for each other. >>eng<< Nara jest bardzo starym miastem. Nara is a very old city. Nara is a very old city. >>eng<< Kupiłem dużo rzeczy. I bought lots of stuff. I bought a lot of things. >>eng<< Pojď se mnou, dobře? Come with me, will you? Come with me, okay? >>eng<< Dítě jí chléb. The child is eating some bread. The baby eats bread. >>eng<< Půjdete druhou ulicí. You will take the second street. You're going down the other street. >>eng<< Czemu wszystko jest ciemne? Why's everything so dark? Why is everything dark? >>eng<< Su w knihowni. They are in the library. They're in the library. >>eng<< Jestli se nevzdáte, zemřete! If you do not surrender, you will die! If you don't give up, you'll die! >>eng<< W mojej rodzinie są cztery osoby. There are four people in my family. There are four people in my family. >>eng<< Doktor musel ošetřit pacienta v jedné odlehlé vesnici. The doctor had to treat a patient in a remote village. The doctor had to treat the patient in one remote village. >>eng<< Tom se svlékl do naha. Tom stripped himself naked. Tom was naked. >>eng<< Křičel jsem na něj. I yelled at him. I shouted at him. >>eng<< Nie będę jeść lodów. I will not eat ice cream. I'm not going to eat ice cream. >>eng<< Tom si bude muset změnit čas. Tom will have to change the clock. Tom will have to change his time. >>eng<< Tom věděl, že tam nesmí chodit a přesto tam šel. Tom knew that he wasn't allowed to go there. Nevertheless, he went there. Tom knew he wasn't allowed to go there, and yet he went there. >>eng<< Poslední čtyři roky je součástí mého života. She has been a part of my life for the last four years. The last four years have been part of my life. >>eng<< Będę tu gdybyś mnie potrzebował. I'll be here if you want me. I'll be here if you need me. >>eng<< Tom zostawił dla ciebie coś na stole. Tom left something on the table for you. Tom left something on the table for you. >>eng<< Poprosila ho o peníze, aby si mohla koupit nové šaty. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked him for money to buy a new dress. >>eng<< Nedávej to na ten koberec! Don't put it on the carpet! Don't put it on that carpet! >>eng<< Tom nemá právo tě do ničeho nutit. Tom has no right to force you into anything. Tom has no right to force you into anything. >>eng<< Máš tu být před půl třetí. You're expected to be here before 2:30. You're supposed to be here before half a third. >>eng<< „Je tahle houba jedlá?“ — „Všechno je jedlé — alespoň jednou.“ "Can one eat this mushroom?" "One can eat anything — at least once." "Is this mushrooms eaten?" - "Everything is edible - at least once." >>eng<< Tom je úplně na dně. Tom has been dragged down. Tom's on the bottom. >>eng<< Jaká to škoda, že jeho život byl tak brzo přerušen. What a pity that his life was cut off so early. It's a shame that his life was cut off so soon. >>eng<< Sklenice je plná vína. The glass is full of wine. The glass is full of wine. >>eng<< Byliśmy zaskoczeni wybuchem. We were startled by the explosion. We were surprised by the explosion. >>eng<< Můžeme jít. We can go. We can go. >>eng<< Tom był w kompletnym szoku. Tom was in total shock. Tom was in total shock. >>eng<< Víme, že tu noc byl Tom s tebou. We know Tom was with you that night. We know Tom was with you that night. >>eng<< Tom bez wątpienia skłamał. Tom definitely lied. Tom no doubt lied. >>eng<< Popytam. I'll ask around. I'll ask. >>eng<< Tom je stále mladý muž. Tom is still a young man. Tom is still a young man. >>eng<< Uczę się francuskiego od bardzo dawna. I've been studying French for a very long time. I have been learning French for a long time. >>eng<< Tom próbował się uśmiechnąć, ale nie potrafił. Tom tried to smile, but couldn't. Tom tried to smile, but he couldn’t. >>eng<< Moich rodziców nie ma teraz w domu. My parents aren't home right now. My parents aren't home right now. >>eng<< Po prostu się tego nie spodziewałem. I just wasn't expecting this to happen. I just didn't expect it. >>eng<< Promluvíme si v příhodnější dobu. I'll talk to you at a more appropriate time. We'll talk at a more convenient time. >>eng<< Půjdu se podívat. I'm going to take a look. I'll go check it out. >>eng<< Znajdź Toma i powiedz mu, że ma tu natychmiast przyjść. Find Tom and tell him to come here right now. Find Tom and tell him he's coming here right away. >>eng<< Jak se jmenuje tato květina? What is this flower called? What is the name of this flower? >>eng<< Zdá se, že ta válka ještě neskončila. It seems that the war is not over yet. It seems that the war is not over. >>eng<< Kde je Libanon? Where is Lebanon? Where's Lebanon? >>eng<< Jsem rád, že slyším tvůj hlas. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. >>eng<< Raději byste měli vyrazit hned. You'd better set off at once. You better get out right away. >>eng<< Musím udělat generální úklid kuchyně. I need to do a major clean of my kitchen. I have to do a general kitchen cleaning. >>eng<< Ile kosztuje ten zegarek? How much does this watch cost? How much does this watch cost? >>eng<< Nebudeš věřit tomu, co jsem dneska našel. You won't believe what I have found today. You won't believe what I found today. >>eng<< On wygląda na zmęczonego. He looks tired. He looks tired. >>eng<< Tom umí řídit. Tom can drive. Tom can drive. >>eng<< Już rozmawiałem z Tomem. I've already talked to Tom. I've already talked to Tom. >>eng<< Co jsi mi to udělal? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Trápí ho něco jiného. He has something else on his mind. He's worried about something else. >>eng<< Tom do jejich třídy nezapadl. Tom didn't integrate into their class. Tom didn't fit into their class. >>eng<< Wyszła za mąż zaraz po tym, jak skończyła studia. She got married soon after her graduation from the college. She married as soon as she graduated from college. >>eng<< Tom vás nevidí, protože je slepý. Tom cannot see you because he is blind. Tom doesn't see you because he's blind. >>eng<< Přestanu jim na svatého Valentýna dávat čokolády. I'll stop giving them chocolate on Valentine's Day. I'm gonna stop giving them chocolate on Valentine's Day. >>eng<< Na przykład, lubisz angielski? For example, do you like English? For example, do you like English? >>eng<< Tom si neuvědomil, že jeho život je v ohrožení. Tom didn't realize that his life was in danger. Tom didn't realize his life was in danger. >>eng<< Nemáme to, co Tom potřebuje. We don't have what Tom needs. We don't have what Tom needs. >>eng<< Kam Tom půjde, až umře? Where will Tom go when he dies? Where will Tom go when he dies? >>eng<< Co ty na to? How does that sound to you? What do you think? >>eng<< Tom nesnáší horké počasí. Tom hates hot weather. Tom hates hot weather. >>eng<< Je to velmi pohodové místo. It's a very relaxing place. It's a very cool place. >>eng<< Tom jest strasznie niski. Tom is awfully short. Tom is so low. >>eng<< Mój pociąg odjeżdża o siódmej, a przyjeżdża do Tokio o dziewiątej. My train leaves at seven, arriving in Tokyo at nine. My train leaves at 7 o'clock and comes to Tokyo at 9 o'clock. >>eng<< Tom powinien skorzystać z tej okazji. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Tom should take this opportunity. >>eng<< Mám hrozně rád oba dva. I like both of them very much. I love both of them. >>eng<< Minulost se nedá změnit. The past can't be changed. The past cannot be changed. >>eng<< Chcę się upewnić o krórej godzinie powinienem wyjść. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to leave. I want to make sure I get out of here for about an hour. >>eng<< Owoce zawierają nasiona. Fruits have seeds in them. Fruits contain seeds. >>eng<< Zdał egzamin. He passed the exam. He passed the exam. >>eng<< Lednice chrání potraviny před zkažením. The refrigerator prevents food from going bad. The refrigerator protects food from contamination. >>eng<< Kolik hodin denně strávíte v kuchyni? How many hours a day do you spend in the kitchen? How many hours a day do you spend in the kitchen? >>eng<< Tom ma dosyć bycia uzależnionym. Tom had enough of being addicted. Tom is tired of being addicted. >>eng<< Skończyłem 20 lat. I have turned twenty. I'm 20 years old. >>eng<< Czasami się zachowuje, jakby był moim szefem. Sometimes he acts as if he were my boss. Sometimes he acts like he's my boss. >>eng<< Bez twojej porady zostałbym okradziony z mojej torby. Without your advice, I would have been robbed of my bag. Without your advice, I would have been stolen from my bag. >>eng<< Tom chciał się zdrzemnąć przed obiadem. Tom wanted to take a nap before dinner. Tom wanted to sleep before dinner. >>eng<< Asi tuším, co se mohlo stát. I have a rough idea what might've happened. I guess I know what could have happened. >>eng<< Tom byl velmi nepříjemný, protože spal jen dvě hodiny. Tom was very unpleasant because he had slept only for two hours. Tom was very uncomfortable because he only slept for two hours. >>eng<< Mám čas. I have time. I've got time. >>eng<< Prawie mnie zabiłeś. You almost killed me. You almost killed me. >>eng<< Zachowuj się albo będziesz musiał stąd wyjść. Behave yourself, or you'll have to leave the room. Act or you'll have to get out of here. >>eng<< Faktem je, že jsem dneska nešel do školy. The fact is I didn't go to school today. The fact is, I didn't go to school today. >>eng<< Pasażerowie powinni natychmiast wsiadać do pociągu. Passengers should board the train now. Passengers should immediately get on the train. >>eng<< Czy się mylę? Am I mistaken? Am I wrong? >>eng<< Sami se to naučil na universitě. Sami learned this in college. He learned it himself at the university. >>eng<< Udělat to byla má povinnost. It was my duty to do that. To do that was my duty. >>eng<< Postavme se společně za ukončení obchodování s lidmi. Let's stand together to end human trafficking. Let’s stand together to end human trafficking. >>eng<< Czy to jest zepsute? Is it broken? Is this broken? >>eng<< Do wczorajszej nocy, nigdy nie śpiewałem po francusku. Until last night, I had never sung in French. Until last night, I never sang French. >>eng<< Przepraszam, że muszę iść. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry I have to go. >>eng<< Czy mógłbyś mnie dodać do swojej listy kontaktów? Would you like to add me to your contact list? Could you add me to your contact list? >>eng<< Szkoda, że nie znam francuskiego. I wish I could speak French. It's a shame I don't know French. >>eng<< Tom rychle uklidil svůj pokoj. Tom cleaned his room quickly. Tom quickly cleaned his room. >>eng<< Dlaczego nie pójdziesz ich zobaczyć? Why don't you go see them? Why don't you go see them? >>eng<< Drze nás přerušili. We were rudely interrupted. We were interrupted. >>eng<< Ostrożnie! Uważaj! Careful! Watch out! Careful! >>eng<< Epstein nespáchal sebevraždu. Epstein didn't kill himself. Epstein did not commit suicide. >>eng<< Trudno zanegować ten fakt. The fact cannot be denied. It's hard to deny this fact. >>eng<< Mrzí mě, že Tom odchází. I'm sorry that Tom is leaving. I'm sorry Tom's leaving. >>eng<< Kde ses naučil tak dobře česky? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn Czech so well? >>eng<< On mnie nie pokona. He won't beat me. He won't beat me. >>eng<< Tom odhodil cigaretový nedopalek na chodník. Tom threw a cigarette butt on the sidewalk. Tom threw a cigarette down the pavement. >>eng<< Mój pies był potrącony przez samochód. My dog was hit by a car. My dog was hit by a car. >>eng<< Zaatakowali żołnierzy wysłanych aby ich aresztować. They attacked soldiers who were sent to arrest them. They attacked soldiers sent to arrest them. >>eng<< Nie wiedzieli, co się wydarzyło. They didn't know what happened. They didn't know what happened. >>eng<< Poslední dobou je teplo. It's been warm recently. It's been warm lately. >>eng<< Tom nebude svědčit proti svému bratrovi. Tom won't testify against his brother. Tom won't testify against his brother. >>eng<< Mój bagaż został ukradziony. My luggage has been stolen. My luggage was stolen. >>eng<< Tom nie może uwierzyć w to, co właśnie zrobił. Tom can't believe what he's just done. Tom can't believe what he just did. >>eng<< Nie będzie łatwo. This won't be easy. It won't be easy. >>eng<< Dostavil ses pozdě. You came in late. You got late. >>eng<< Co chtěl? What did he want? What did he want? >>eng<< To jest zatrważające. That's creepy. This is shocking. >>eng<< Chceme to tak nechat. We want to keep it that way. We want to leave it that way. >>eng<< Itálie je daleko od Brazílie. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. >>eng<< Jestli si myslí, že na mě udělala dojem, tak se mýlí. She is wrong if she thinks that she impressed me. If she thinks she made an impression on me, she's wrong. >>eng<< Mój dziadek zmarł przed moim pradziadkiem. My grandfather predeceased my great-grandfather. My grandfather died before my great-grandfather. >>eng<< Dej mi prosím tě pokoj. Give me a break, please. Please leave me alone. >>eng<< Koło zaczęło się obracać. The wheel began to turn. The wheel began to rotate. >>eng<< Lincoln vyhrál volby. Lincoln won the elections. Lincoln won the election. >>eng<< Pomyślę o tym. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. >>eng<< Tom zameldował się w hotelu w Londynie. Dan checked into a hotel in London. Tom checked in at a hotel in London. >>eng<< Tom podał Mary piwo. Tom handed Mary a beer. Tom gave Mary a beer. >>eng<< Píchni mi. Give me a hand. Snooze me. >>eng<< Obávám se, že došlo k nedorozumění. I fear there has been some misunderstanding. I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding. >>eng<< Dokončím to, co Tom začal. I will finish what Tom started. I'll finish what Tom started. >>eng<< Ok. Kde bydlíš? Ok. Where do you live? Okay. Where do you live? >>eng<< Nikdy bych svoji milovanou Kláru neopustil. I would never abandon my beloved Clarie. I would never leave my beloved Clara. >>eng<< Vidím, že sis sehnala nového přítele. I see that you've got yourself a new boyfriend. I see you've got a new friend. >>eng<< Jeszcze się nie dobudziłem. I'm not wide awake yet. I haven't woke up yet. >>eng<< Zamkl jsem hlavní vchod? Did I lock the front door? Did I lock the main entrance? >>eng<< Trval na tom, abychom si sedli. He insisted that we sit down. He insisted on sitting down. >>eng<< Mam rezerwację. I've got a reservation. I have a reservation. >>eng<< Měl bych nechat flákání se. I should stop procrastinating. I should have let go. >>eng<< Studiował przez dwie godziny. He has been studying for two hours. He studied for two hours. >>eng<< Snaž se! Try! Try it! >>eng<< Už žádné další války na této Zemi! No more wars on this Earth! No more wars on this Earth! >>eng<< Akorát jsem řekl, že potřebuji na vzduch. All I said was I needed to get some fresh air. I just said I needed air. >>eng<< Wczoraj, po prostu nie poszedłem do pracy. Yesterday I simply did not go to work. Yesterday, I just didn't go to work. >>eng<< Muszą ją kochać. They must love her. They have to love her. >>eng<< Daleko mu do dobrego tenisisty. He is far from a good tennis player. Far from a good tennis player. >>eng<< Je mi do pláče. I feel like crying. I'm in tears. >>eng<< Ten pes je slepý na jedno oko. The dog is blind in one eye. The dog is blind to one eye. >>eng<< Biedny zając, przerażony, skomlił w rękach swego pana. The poor rabbit, terrified, whimpered in the hands of its owner. The poor man, frightened, stunned in the hands of his master. >>eng<< Hraje s nimi poker. She plays poker with them. He's playing poker with them. >>eng<< Ona spędza zbyt wiele czasu w internecie. She spends way too much time surfing the web. She spends too much time online. >>eng<< Přidám se do armády. I will join the army. I'll join the army. >>eng<< Bardzo ich oboje lubię. I like both of them very much. I like both of them very much. >>eng<< Mary lubi czytać powieści. Mary enjoys reading novels. Mary likes to read novels. >>eng<< Zeptal jsem se jich, kde je vlakové nádraží. I asked them where the railway station was. I asked them where the train station was. >>eng<< Není potřeba, abys utrácel tolik peněz. There's no need for you to be spending so much money. You don't need to spend that much money. >>eng<< Tom tu bude hodně chybět. Tom will be sorely missed here. Tom will be missing a lot. >>eng<< Tom oparł się o ścianę. Tom leaned against the wall. Tom leaned on the wall. >>eng<< Wón je mój nan. He is my father. It's my Nan. >>eng<< Jestli bude špatné počasí, nepůjdeme na procházku. If the weather is bad, we won't go out for a walk. If it's bad weather, we're not going for a walk. >>eng<< Próbował otworzyć drzwi. He tried opening the door. He tried to open the door. >>eng<< Tom neví, jestli je to pravda, nebo ne. Tom doesn't know whether it's truth or not. Tom doesn't know if it's true or not. >>eng<< Oni już zapomnieli. They've already forgotten. They've forgotten. >>eng<< Poszedłem spać trochę później niż zwykle. I went to bed a little later than usual. I went to bed a little later than usual. >>eng<< Powinniśmy podjąć kroki aby osiągnąć nasz cel. We should take steps to achieve our goal. We should take steps to achieve our goal. >>eng<< Mohu zhasnout? May I turn off the lights? Can I turn it off? >>eng<< Je to sněhobílé. It is white as snow. It's snowy. >>eng<< Čekám, že ji příští léto zase uvidím. I expect to see her again next summer. I expect to see her again next summer. >>eng<< On ma nadzieję, że kiedyś zwiedzi Paryż. He hopes he will visit Paris. He hopes to visit Paris one day. >>eng<< Protagonistą tego nowego filmu jest dziecko-anioł. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The protagonist of this new film is the angel child. >>eng<< Potwierdzili, że była to prawda. They asserted that it was true. They confirmed it was true. >>eng<< Rozzuřil mě. He made me angry. He made me angry. >>eng<< Dnes nemám čas. I don't have time today. I don't have time today. >>eng<< Od doby, kdy jsme koupili dům, hodně jsme ho vylepšili. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. Since we bought the house, we have improved it a lot. >>eng<< Věděl jsem, že je budeš podezírat. I knew you would suspect them. I knew you'd suspect them. >>eng<< Tom pomohl Mary vystoupit z loďky. Tom helped Mary out of the boat. Tom helped Mary get out of the boat. >>eng<< Tom, zrób coś. W namiocie jest wąż! Tom, do something. There's a snake inside the tent! Tom, do something, there's a snake in the tent! >>eng<< I malé dítě by to pochopilo. Even a baby would understand it. Even a small child would understand. >>eng<< Kolik mléka zbývá? How much milk is left? How much milk is left? >>eng<< Powiedziałem sobie: to dobry pomysł. I said to myself, "That's a good idea." I said to myself, this is a good idea. >>eng<< Chvilku prosím počkejte. Please wait a minute. Please wait a minute. >>eng<< Můj bratr mi pomohl s domácím úkolem. My brother helped me with my homework. My brother helped me with my homework. >>eng<< Byl jsem tam také pozván. I've been invited there, too. I was invited there too. >>eng<< Tom nie wiedział, kim jest ojciec Mary. Tom didn't know who Mary's father was. Tom didn't know who Mary's father was. >>eng<< Jsem muslimka. I'm Muslim. I'm a Muslim. >>eng<< Nechte mě trochu přispět. Let me make a modest contribution. Let me contribute a little. >>eng<< Jesteś straszny. You're scary. You're terrible. >>eng<< Máš z něho strach. You're afraid of him. You're scared of him. >>eng<< Právě byl zvolen nový prezident. A new president has just been elected. A new president has just been elected. >>eng<< Ta bolest byla k nevydržení. The pain was overwhelming. The pain was unsustainable. >>eng<< To za drogie. It is too expensive. It's too expensive. >>eng<< Sklep jest dzisiaj zamknięty. The shop is closed today. The store is closed today. >>eng<< Pamatuješ, co jsem ti řekl? Do you remember what I told you? Remember what I told you? >>eng<< Neustále porušoval školní řád a proto ho vyloučili. He was violating school rules and consequently he was expelled. He was constantly in violation of the school rules and was therefore excluded. >>eng<< Kdo jedl? Who ate? Who ate? >>eng<< Promluvil jsem s nim. I spoke to him. I talked to him. >>eng<< Tom konečně něco snědl. Tom finally ate something. Tom finally ate something. >>eng<< Všechna moje nastavení se vymazala. All my settings got wiped out. All my settings have been deleted. >>eng<< Stali jsme se blízkými přáteli. We've become close friends. We became close friends. >>eng<< Tom nie wiedział, gdzie była Mary. Tom didn't know where Mary was. Tom didn't know where Mary was. >>eng<< Na miłość boską! For God's sake! For God's sake! >>eng<< Co za lidi zde původně žilo? Who were the original people here? What people originally lived here? >>eng<< Tom není v té nemocnici, že? Tom isn't in the hospital, is he? Tom's not in the hospital, is he? >>eng<< Přestaň řvát. Stop yelling. Stop screaming. >>eng<< Jest coś, czego nie wiesz na temat Toma. There's something you don't know about Tom. There's something you don't know about Tom. >>eng<< Nemám jméno. I have no name. I don't have a name. >>eng<< Jedna se mi líbila. I liked one. I liked one. >>eng<< Uvidíš bílou budovu na úpatí kopce. You see a white building at the foot of the hill. You'll see a white building at the foot of the hill. >>eng<< Tento čaj je velice dobrý. This tea is very good. This tea is very good. >>eng<< Tohle všechno je pro mě? Is this all for me? Is this all for me? >>eng<< Rozbilo se vám auto? Did your car break down? Did your car break? >>eng<< Tom vyndal z kapsy své bundy klíč a položil ho na stůl. Tom took a key out of his jacket pocket and laid it on the table. Tom pulled his key out of his pocket and put it on the table. >>eng<< Czerwienisz się. You're turning red. You're red. >>eng<< Směj se s nimi. Laugh with them. Laugh with them. >>eng<< To jest obraz. This is a picture. This is an image. >>eng<< Zahnal ty vetřelce. He drove off the intruders. He drove those aliens. >>eng<< Nevzdal jsem se pro nedostatek naděje. I didn't give up for lack of hope. I didn't give up for lack of hope. >>eng<< Jego celem życiowym jest oszczędzanie pieniędzy. His aim in life is to save money. Its purpose is to save money. >>eng<< Gdzie jest najbliższy kościół? Where's the nearest church? Where is the nearest church? >>eng<< Tyhle boty už si na sebe nevezmu. I'm never going to wear these shoes again. I'm not wearing these shoes anymore. >>eng<< Susie uwielbia japońską muzykę. Susie loves Japanese music. Susie loves Japanese music. >>eng<< Máte tyto boty v mojí velikosti? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have these shoes in my size? >>eng<< Přijeli jste autobusem, že? You came by bus, didn't you? You came by the bus, didn't you? >>eng<< Mám pocit, že mi všichni lžou. I feel no one tells me the truth. I feel like everyone is lying to me. >>eng<< Mocno padało przez cały dzień. It rained hard all day. It rained heavily all day. >>eng<< To mi nie przyszło na myśl. The thought hadn't occurred to me. I didn't think so. >>eng<< Myślę, że będziesz zadowolony. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. >>eng<< Měl dopravní nehodu. He had a traffic accident. He had a car accident. >>eng<< Ojciec jutro będzie w domu. Father will be at home tomorrow. My father will be home tomorrow. >>eng<< To był koniec lekcji. That was the end of the class. It was the end of the lesson. >>eng<< To nie potrwa długo. It won't take so long. It won't take long. >>eng<< Počkali jsme. We waited. We waited. >>eng<< Vaše jméno, prosím. Your name, please. Your name, please. >>eng<< - Które słowo? - zapytałam. "Which word?" I asked. - What word? - I asked. >>eng<< Zanosi się na deszcz. It looks as if it is going to rain. It's going to rain. >>eng<< Ruszył w kierunku drzwi. He moved towards the door. He moved towards the door. >>eng<< Kabul jest stolicą Afganistanu. Kabul is Afghanistan's capital city. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. >>eng<< Řídili jsme se pravidly. We obeyed the rules. We followed the rules. >>eng<< Ten mężczyzna był zamknięty za szpiegostwo. The man was jailed as spy. This man was locked up for espionage. >>eng<< Wygląda na to, że Tom nie miał racji. It looks like Tom was wrong. Looks like Tom wasn't right. >>eng<< Jaký je další postup? What's the plan now? What's the next procedure? >>eng<< Má matka velmi dobře vařila brambory. My mother cooked the potatoes very well. My mother cooked potatoes very well. >>eng<< Mám rád plody moře. I like seafood. I like the seafood. >>eng<< Přinesl jsi ručník? Did you bring a towel? Did you bring a towel? >>eng<< Tom věděl, že nemá dostatek peněz na to, aby si koupil co chce. Tom knew that he didn't have enough money to buy what he wanted. Tom knew he didn't have enough money to buy whatever he wanted. >>eng<< Tornádo zničilo Tomovi dům. The twister destroyed Tom's house. The tornado destroyed Tom's house. >>eng<< Zatrzymaj tutaj samochód. Stop the car here. Stop the car here. >>eng<< Jesteś piękny. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. >>eng<< Někdo ukradl můj pas. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. >>eng<< Koťata jsou zvědavá. Kittens are curious. Cats are curious. >>eng<< Proč se tě lidi bojí? Why are people afraid of you? Why are people afraid of you? >>eng<< Sníš celý tenhle koláč sám? Are you going to eat this whole pie by yourself? Do you eat all this cake yourself? >>eng<< Večírek byl v plném proudu, když odešel. The party was in full swing when he left. The party was in full swing when he left. >>eng<< O tohle se snažíme. That's what we strive to do. That's what we're trying to do. >>eng<< Obsloužili vás? Have you been waited on? Did they serve you? >>eng<< Dotarł na szczyt góry przed zmrokiem. He attained the top of the mountain before dark. He reached the top of the mountain before dark. >>eng<< Myslím, že jsem nikoho neurazil. I don't think that I offended anybody. I don't think I insulted anyone. >>eng<< Celý den jsem strávil uklízením domu. I spent all day cleaning the house. I spent the whole day cleaning up the house. >>eng<< Tom poprosil Mary o radu. Tom asked Mary for her advice. Tom asked Mary for advice. >>eng<< Jak on to zrobił? How did he do it? How did he do that? >>eng<< Dlatego chcę porozmawiać z Tomem. That's why I want to talk to Tom. That's why I want to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Dziękuję za współpracę. I thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for your cooperation. >>eng<< Tu sprzedają rzeczy, których nie znajdziesz nigdzie indziej. They sell things here that you can't find anywhere else. They're selling things that you won't find anywhere else. >>eng<< Nevím, jak dlouho mi potrvá dostat se tam. I don't know how long it'll take me to get there. I don't know how long it's gonna take me to get there. >>eng<< Chtěl mít větší kontrolu nad svým životem. He wanted more control of his life. He wanted more control over his life. >>eng<< Tom się uśmiechnął. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. >>eng<< Elżbieta II jest królową Anglii. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth II is Queen of England. >>eng<< Co tam u Toma? How's Tom doing? How's Tom? >>eng<< To jsem já. That's me. It's me. >>eng<< Tom sedí přímo támhle. Tom is sitting right there. Tom's sitting right there. >>eng<< Prosinec je poslední měsíc roku. December is the last month of the year. December is the last month of the year. >>eng<< Řekni mi svůj příběh. Jsem jedno velké ucho. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story, I'm one big ear. >>eng<< Co robiłaś w weekend, Nancy? How was last weekend, Nancy? What were you doing this weekend, Nancy? >>eng<< Ví někdo, kde je Tom? Does anyone know where Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? >>eng<< Musím ji zachránit za každou cenu. I must save her at all costs. I have to save her at all costs. >>eng<< Wiem co z nią nie tak. I know what's wrong with her. I know what's wrong with her. >>eng<< Znikł bez śladu. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. >>eng<< Tom twierdzi, że mówi po francusku. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom says he speaks French. >>eng<< Přežila svého manžela o deset let. She survived her husband by ten years. She survived her husband in ten years. >>eng<< Máme noční můry. We have nightmares. We have nightmares. >>eng<< Chcę być niezależny. I want to be independent. I want to be independent. >>eng<< Tom neměl lehký život. Tom hasn't had an easy life. Tom didn't have a life. >>eng<< Telefon wciąż dzwonił. The phone kept ringing. The phone's still calling. >>eng<< Nie rozmawiaj w czytelni. Don't talk in the reading room. Don't talk to readers. >>eng<< Wón ma tři dźowki. He has three daughters. It has three thanks. >>eng<< Lidé jsou polapeni tím, co považují za realitu. People are trapped by what they believe to be reality. People are caught by what they see as reality. >>eng<< To jest nasz dom. This is our house. This is our house. >>eng<< Moje sestra dostala víc vánočních dárků než já. My sister got more Christmas presents than me. My sister got more Christmas gifts than I did. >>eng<< Nemám Mary rád. I don't like Mary. I don't like Mary. >>eng<< Zapytali mnie jak się nazywam, skąd pochodzę i po co przyszedłem. They asked me what my name was, where I came from, and why I had come. They asked me what my name was, where I came from, and why I came from. >>eng<< Ona nie podda się łatwo. She won't give up easily. She won't give up easily. >>eng<< Nic jsem Tomovi neúčtoval za to, co udělal. I didn't charge Tom anything for doing that. I didn't charge Tom for what he did. >>eng<< Dziecko śpi. The baby is sleeping. The baby's sleeping. >>eng<< Oboje usiedli. Both sat down. They both sat down. >>eng<< Tom dnes mít proslov nebude. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom won't have a speech today. >>eng<< Pokud bude většina lidí na světě jednat a myslet pozitivně, svět se změní k lepšímu. If the majority of people all over the world act and think positively, our world will change for better. If most people in the world act and think positively, the world will change for the better. >>eng<< Vím, s kým chceš mluvit. I know who you want to talk to. I know who you want to talk to. >>eng<< Pokusili jsme se Toma podvést. We tried to fool Tom. We tried to cheat Tom. >>eng<< Tom měl mnoho přátel. Tom had many friends. Tom had many friends. >>eng<< Tom nie oglądał tyle telewizji, kiedy był młodszy. Tom didn't watch much television when he was younger. Tom didn't watch so much TV when he was younger. >>eng<< Řekněme to takto. Let's put it like that! Don't say that. >>eng<< W końcu nic się nie stało. Nothing happened after all. After all, nothing happened. >>eng<< Tom zerwał się na równe nogi. Tom sprang to his feet. Tom broke up on his feet. >>eng<< Nie potrafiłem się oprzeć. I couldn't resist. I couldn't resist. >>eng<< Už musíme jít domů. We have to go home now. We've got to go home. >>eng<< Není snadné být hvězdou. It's not easy being a star. It is not easy to be a star. >>eng<< Kiedy twoja powieść będzie opublikowana? When will your new novel come out? When will your novel be published? >>eng<< Možná je mrtvý. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. >>eng<< Ty zaczynasz. You start. You're starting. >>eng<< Roztáhněte prsty. Spread your fingers. Swipe your fingers. >>eng<< Mam ośmiu braci. I have eight brothers. I have eight brothers. >>eng<< Tohle s vámi nemá co dělat. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. >>eng<< Zůstaneš, nebo odejdeš? Are you going to stay, or leave? Will you stay or leave? >>eng<< Nebýt její pomoci, nikdy bych tu zkoušku nesložil. If it hadn't been for her help, I would never have passed the exam. If I hadn't helped her, I'd never have passed the exam. >>eng<< Kdyby si věděl, jak důležité toto rozhodnutí je, neudělal by si jej tak snadno. If you knew how important a decision that was, you wouldn't make it so lightly. If you knew how important this decision is, you wouldn't have made it that easy. >>eng<< Všichni čekají. Everyone's waiting. Everybody's waiting. >>eng<< Nie czułem się dobrze. I wasn't feeling well. I didn't feel good. >>eng<< Dostal hodně dárků. He got a lot of gifts. He got a lot of gifts. >>eng<< Nie powstrzymuj mnie, to nic nie da. It is no use your holding me back. Don't stop me, it won't do anything. >>eng<< Neznám její jméno, ale znám ji od vidění. I don't know her name, but I do know her by sight. I don't know her name, but I've known her since I saw her. >>eng<< Gdyby usłyszał te wiadomości, byłby zaszokowany. If he should hear the news, he would be shocked. If he heard the news, he would be shocked. >>eng<< Vzdáváš se příliš snadno. You give up too easily. You give up too easily. >>eng<< Tom někdy Mary vydírá. Tom sometimes blackmails Mary. Tom sometimes extortions Mary. >>eng<< Několik přátel Toma je ve vězení. Several of Tom's friends are in prison. A few of Tom's friends are in prison. >>eng<< Už jsi četl dnešní noviny? Have you read today's paper yet? Have you read today's newspaper? >>eng<< Jeśli przepełnisz to pudełko, dno z niego wyleci. If you stuff the box too full, the bottom will fall out. If you fill this box, the bottom will fly out of it. >>eng<< Tom nikdy nebude dobrý otec. Tom will never be a good father. Tom will never be a good father. >>eng<< Wczoraj wieczorem pracowaliśmy do 22:00. Last night we worked until 10 p.m. Last night we worked until 22:00. >>eng<< Co za obrzydliwy pomysł! What a disgusting idea! What a disgusting idea! >>eng<< Wón jě. He eats. It's him. >>eng<< Jego ołówek ma ostrą końcówkę. His pencil has a sharp point. His pencil has a sharp tip. >>eng<< Jest prawie tak inteligentna, jak przeciętne dziecko. She is almost as intelligent as an average human child. She is almost as intelligent as the average child. >>eng<< Nie zasypiaj. Stay awake. Don't sleep. >>eng<< Kdo je u telefonu? Who's speaking? Who's on the phone? >>eng<< Není to o penězích, že? It's not about the money, is it? It's not about money, is it? >>eng<< Jak mě Tom pozná? How will Tom recognise me? How does Tom know me? >>eng<< Czy robisz to dla mnie? Are you doing that for me? Are you doing this for me? >>eng<< Kdo zabil Toma? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? >>eng<< Mówi, jakby już wcześniej czytał tę książkę. He speaks as if he had read the book before. It's like he's been reading this book before. >>eng<< V takovýchto časech mi Tom chybí. At times like this, I miss Tom. I miss Tom at this time. >>eng<< Jěztej poliwku. Eat soup. Eat a soup. >>eng<< Komu ostatnio pomogłeś? Who have you helped recently? Who have you helped lately? >>eng<< Můžeš se z toho dostat. You can get out of this. You can get out of this. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl, jestli má Tom předsudky. I wonder if Tom is biased. I'd like to know if Tom has prejudices. >>eng<< Jestem anemikiem. I'm anemic. I'm an anemic. >>eng<< Kdy začneš s přípravou oběda? When are you going to make lunch? When will you start preparing lunch? >>eng<< Walczyli. They struggled. They fought. >>eng<< Nepotřebuji o Tomovi znát detaily. I don't need to know details about Tom. I don't need to know about Tom's details. >>eng<< Málo lidí překládá mé věty. Few people translate my sentences. Few people translate my sentences. >>eng<< Jste nejlepší. You're the best. You're the best. >>eng<< Jdu do parku. I'm going to the park. I'm going to the park. >>eng<< Tom nechal dveře otevřené. Tom left the door open. Tom left the door open. >>eng<< Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy w Gruzji. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. >>eng<< Tady je máme. Here they come. Here they are. >>eng<< Ty věci se mi hnusí. Those things disgust me. Those things are terrible to me. >>eng<< Będzie spacerował w parku w to popołudnie. He will walk in the park this afternoon. He'll walk in the park this afternoon. >>eng<< Gdzie są dzieciaki? Where are the kids? Where are the kids? >>eng<< Jakimi językami mówi się w Ameryce? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? >>eng<< Mieliśmy umowę. We had an arrangement. We had a deal. >>eng<< Przyzwyczailiśmy się do pracy późnymi wieczorami. We got used to late-hour work. We used to work late in the evenings. >>eng<< Czy masz listę hoteli? Do you have a list of hotels? Do you have a list of hotels? >>eng<< Chtěli vědět, jak vychovávat bilingvní dítě. They wanted to know how to raise a billingual child. They wanted to know how to raise a bilingual child. >>eng<< Hledej dál. Keep searching. Keep looking. >>eng<< Zajímalo by mě, kde skončil Tom. I wonder what became of Tom. I wonder where Tom ended up. >>eng<< Wiem, że Tom za tobą tęskni. I know Tom misses you. I know Tom's missing you. >>eng<< Każda istota ma instynkt samozachowawczy. The instinct of self-defense is inherent in any animal. Each being has a self-preservation instinct. >>eng<< Tom a Marie nikdy nebyli blízkými přáteli. Tom and Mary have never been close friends. Tom and Marie were never close friends. >>eng<< Já a Tom jsme přátelé už od základní školy. Tom and I have been friends since grade school. Me and Tom have been friends since primary school. >>eng<< Idziesz do domu? Are you going home? Are you going home? >>eng<< Řekněte mi, kam mám dát tyto krabice. Tell me where to put these boxes. Tell me where to put these boxes. >>eng<< Dzieci powiedziały, że tutaj jesteś. The children said that you're here. The kids said you were here. >>eng<< Dole je dáma, která si s tebou přeje mluvit. There is a lady downstairs who wants to speak to you. There's a lady down there who wants to talk to you. >>eng<< Kdo by uvěřil tvému příběhu? Who'd believe your story? Who would believe your story? >>eng<< Paul je elegán. Paul is a natty dresser. Paul is elegant. >>eng<< Weź jajko z lodówki. Take an egg from the fridge. Take the egg out of the fridge. >>eng<< Co se to snaží říci? What are they trying to say? What's he trying to say? >>eng<< Už je jedenáct hodin. It is already eleven. It's been 11 o'clock. >>eng<< Z dvaceti studentů jen jeden četl tu knihu. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of the 20 students, only one read the book. >>eng<< Tom je swoje ulubione lody. Tom is eating his favorite ice cream. Tom is his favorite ice cream. >>eng<< Vězni utekli z koncentračního tábora. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. The prisoners fled the concentration camp. >>eng<< On nekouří. He doesn't smoke. He's not smoking. >>eng<< Bohatí se někdy dívají na chudé s patra. The rich sometimes look down on the poor. The rich sometimes look at the poor with the floor. >>eng<< Je pro mne ideálním manželem. He is an ideal husband for me. He's an ideal husband for me. >>eng<< Apropos, czy wiesz gdzie ona teraz mieszka? Oh, by the way, do you know where she lives now? Apropos, do you know where she lives now? >>eng<< Tamtej nocy była burza. There was a storm that night. There was a storm that night. >>eng<< Po trzech tygodniach spędzonych na szukaniu, znalazł dobrze płatną pracę. After spending three weeks looking for a job, he found a well-paid one. After three weeks in search, he found a well-paid job. >>eng<< Zwykłam grać z nim w sobotę w tenisa. I used to play tennis with him on Sunday. I used to play tennis with him on Saturday. >>eng<< Masaru se chce dostat do Anglického klubu. Masaru wants to join the English Club. Masaru wants to get to the English club. >>eng<< Tom nic nie ma. Tom doesn't have anything. Tom has nothing. >>eng<< Vrátila fotku zpátky na místo. She put the photo back in its place. She returned the photo to her place. >>eng<< Ano, musíš. Yes, you must. Yes, you do. >>eng<< Tom przyśpieszył. Tom accelerated. Tom hastened. >>eng<< Zaoferowaliśmy pomoc. We offered to help. We offered help. >>eng<< Yamada nie jest popularny wśród dziewczyn w swojej klasie, ale jest popularny wśród młodszych dziewczyn w szkole. Yamada isn't popular with girls in his own grade, but he's popular with the younger girls at school. Yamada is not popular with girls in her class, but is popular with younger girls in school. >>eng<< Złap tą kaczkę i przynieś ją tu. Catch that duck and bring it here. Get that duck and bring it here. >>eng<< Powiedz mi, co masz. Tell me what you have. Tell me what you have. >>eng<< Polska jest członkiem unii europejskiej od 1 maja 2004 roku. Poland has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. Poland has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. >>eng<< Powinienem był coś powiedzieć. I should have said something. I should have said something. >>eng<< Udělali jste to záměrně? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it intentionally? >>eng<< Nie robię tego dla pieniędzy. I don't do this for the money. I don't do it for money. >>eng<< Potřebuji prodat jednu ze svých kytar. I need to sell one of my guitars. I need to sell one of my guitars. >>eng<< Lidé spíše uvěří jednoduché lži, nežli složité pravdě. People will believe a simple lie more than a complicated truth. People would rather believe simple lies than complex truths. >>eng<< Porwali mnie. They kidnapped me. They've kidnapped me. >>eng<< Kto pomaga twej matce? Who helps your mother? Who helps your mother? >>eng<< Dej limetku do kokosu. Put the lime in the coconut. Put the lime in the coconut. >>eng<< Tom se opozdil se svou prací. Tom is behind with his work. Tom was late for his job. >>eng<< Ona nie umie pływać. She can't swim. She can't swim. >>eng<< Popravdě jsem na naši schůzku úplně zapomněl. To tell the truth, I had forgotten all about our appointment. I really forgot about our meeting. >>eng<< To jest zasadniczo dobre poza pomniejszymi błędami. This is fairly good except for minor mistakes. This is basically good except for minor mistakes. >>eng<< Zůstaň s námi! Stay with us! Stay with us! >>eng<< Jestli neodejdete dobrovolně, budeme vás muset vyhodit. If you don't leave voluntarily, we'll have to throw you out. If you don't leave voluntarily, we'll have to fire you. >>eng<< Tom je zřejmě velice nervózní. Tom is obviously very nervous. Tom seems very nervous. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że nie jestem następny. I hope I'm not next. I hope I'm not next. >>eng<< Musisz być ostrożny obchodząc się z nitrogliceryną. You have to be careful when working with nitroglycerin. You must be careful when dealing with nitroglycerin. >>eng<< Kolik je hodin? What's the time? What time is it? >>eng<< Kolikrát za měsíc si umýváš auto? How often do you wash your car a month? How many times a month do you wash your car? >>eng<< Nechci lézt na střechu. I don't want to climb on the roof. I don't want to climb the roof. >>eng<< Kočka zamňoukala. The cat meowed. The cat mingled. >>eng<< Vaše reklamy mě otravují. Your advertising bothers me. Your ads bother me. >>eng<< Tom říká, že už si nemůže dál nechávat líbit tenhle hluk. Tom says he can't put up with this noise any longer. Tom says he can't keep enjoying this noise anymore. >>eng<< To właśnie jest śmieszne. That's what's funny. That's funny. >>eng<< Przeczytaj i odpowiedz. Read and reply. Read and answer. >>eng<< Weźmiesz to? Will you take it? Will you take it? >>eng<< Tom se nikdy nikoho nebál. Tom was never afraid of anybody. Tom was never afraid of anyone. >>eng<< Dlaczego Tom chciał uczyć się francuskiego? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? >>eng<< Jdu domů. I go home. I'm going home. >>eng<< Tomův dům se opravuje. Tom's house is under repair. Tom's house is being repaired. >>eng<< Tom má se svojí rodinou špatný vztah. Tom has a bad relationship with his family. Tom has a bad relationship with his family. >>eng<< Zachowuje się, jakby był królem. He acts as if he were a king. He's acting like he's a king. >>eng<< Mám rád kyselé zelí. I like sauerkraut. I like sour cabbage. >>eng<< Hodně výrobků se dováží do Turecka z Polska. There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey. A lot of products are imported into Turkey from Poland. >>eng<< Týká se vás to? Does that concern you? Is this about you? >>eng<< Nie kłóćmy się o to. Don't fight me on this. Let's not argue about it. >>eng<< Zaplatili jste víc, než jste měli. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you had. >>eng<< Pojedziemy samochodem czy taksówką? Should we go by car or by taxi? Can we go by car or taxi? >>eng<< Raději bych žil sám na vesnici. I would rather live alone in a village. I'd rather live alone in the village. >>eng<< Jedynie Tom wie co się dzieje. Tom is the only one who knows what's going on. Tom only knows what's going on. >>eng<< Widziałaś mojego wujka? Did you see my uncle? Have you seen my uncle? >>eng<< Tom wie, gdzie można mnie znaleźć. Tom knows where he can find me. Tom knows where I can be found. >>eng<< Já ještě jím. I am still eating. I'm still eating. >>eng<< Mam już go serdecznie dosyć. I am sick and tired of him. I've had enough of it. >>eng<< Możemy iść tam, gdzie mamy ochotę. We can go anywhere we like. We can go where we want. >>eng<< Jego wcześniejsze sukcesy nie mają znaczenia. His past successes count for nothing. His previous successes don’t matter. >>eng<< Kate odznaczyła zadania na swojej liście rzeczy do zdobienia. Kate checked the tasks off of her to-do list. Kate marked the tasks on her list of things to decorate. >>eng<< Czasami spotykam ją w salonie piękności. I sometimes meet her at the beauty salon. Sometimes I meet her in the beauty salon. >>eng<< Ona ma wielu wrogów w świecie politycznym. She has many enemies in the political world. She has many enemies in the political world. >>eng<< Viděl jsi ten náhrdelník, který Tom dal Mary k Vánocům? Have you seen the necklace Tom gave Mary for Christmas? Did you see the necklace that Tom gave Mary for Christmas? >>eng<< Tom věděl, že Mary chce, aby jí někam pozval. Tom knew that Mary wanted him to ask her out. Tom knew Mary wanted to invite her somewhere. >>eng<< Smrt je tajemná dáma bez soucitu. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. Death is a mysterious lady without compassion. >>eng<< Obvykle vstávám pozdě. I usually get up late. I usually get up late. >>eng<< Líza už je osm let mrtvá. Liz has been dead for eight years. Lisa has been dead for eight years. >>eng<< Budu pokračovat ve své práci. I'll get on with my work. I will continue my work. >>eng<< Čím méně programů je otevřených najednou, tím lépe pro váš počítač. The fewer applications are open at the same time, the better for your computer. The less programs are opened at once, the better for your computer. >>eng<< Sym Makedonjanka. I'm Macedonian. I'm a Macedonian. >>eng<< Wrócił do domu po dziesięciomiesięcznej nieobecności. He returned home after being away for ten months. He returned home after a ten-month absence. >>eng<< Věčnost je přítomný okamžik. Eternity is the present moment. Eternity is the present moment. >>eng<< Od trzech lat odkładam ćwierć pensji. I have put aside one fourth of my salary for the last three years. I've been putting off a quarter of my salary for three years. >>eng<< Je tu další dotaz. Here's another question. There's another question. >>eng<< Pozdě vstávám. I'm a late riser. I'm getting up late. >>eng<< Chci napsat dopis. Mám obálku, ale nemám žádné známky. I want to write a letter. I have an envelope, but I don't have any stamps. I want to write a letter, I have an envelope, but I don't have any stamps. >>eng<< Tom nekoupil šaty, které Mary chtěla, aby jí koupil. Tom didn't buy the dress that Mary wanted him to buy her. Tom didn't buy the dress Mary wanted to buy her. >>eng<< Pospěšte si, nebo zmeškáte poslední vlak. Hurry up, or you will be late for the last train. Hurry up or you'll miss the last train. >>eng<< Umírá Tom na rakovinu? Is Tom dying of cancer? Is Tom dying of cancer? >>eng<< Důrazně vás před Tomem varuji. Je to zákeřný člověk. I strongly warn you against Tom. He is a malicious person. I strongly warn you of Tom, he's an insidious man. >>eng<< Moje angličtina má k dokonalosti daleko. My English is far from perfect. My English is far from perfect. >>eng<< Tom si stěžuje, že nevydělává dost peněz. Tom is complaining about not earning enough money. Tom complains that he doesn’t make enough money. >>eng<< Tento nástroj vynalezl Tom. This tool was invented by Tom. This tool was invented by Tom. >>eng<< Tom umí německy lépe, než francouzsky. Tom can speak German better than French. Tom knows German better than French. >>eng<< Porzucił rodzinę i zamieszkał na Tahiti. He abandoned his family and went to live in Tahiti. He left his family and lived in Tahiti. >>eng<< Chcę coś zjeść. I want to eat something. I want to eat something. >>eng<< Co máš v pravé ruce? What do you have in your right hand? What's in your right hand? >>eng<< Tom zašrouboval žárovku. Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom fucked the bulb. >>eng<< Tom je stále v nemocnici. Tom is still hospitalized. Tom's still in the hospital. >>eng<< Jestem twoim ojcem. I'm your father. I'm your father. >>eng<< Šel s ní do školy. He went to school with her. He went to school with her. >>eng<< Udělali to tady všichni, až na Toma a Mary. Everyone here except Tom and Mary have done that. Everyone did it here except Tom and Mary. >>eng<< Buďme všichni přáteli. Let's all be friends. Let's all be friends. >>eng<< Zatímco jsem si četla, zazvonil telefon. While I was reading, the phone rang. While I was reading, the phone rang. >>eng<< Jesteś wolny po szkole? Are you free after school? Are you free after school? >>eng<< Tom zpomalil auto. Tom slowed the car. Tom slowed down the car. >>eng<< Už mám toho vedra dost. I am weary of this hot weather. I've had enough of the bucket. >>eng<< Layla zabila Sama. Sami was murdered by Layla. Layla killed Sam. >>eng<< Půjčím ti tuto knihu. I'll lend you this book. I'll lend you this book. >>eng<< Budu se koupat. I'm going to take a bath. I'll bathe. >>eng<< Ten wiersz został napisany przez anonimowego poetę. This poem was written by a nameless poet. This poem was written by an anonymous poet. >>eng<< Štrusy su najwjetše ptaki na swěće. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Stresses are the largest birds in the world. >>eng<< Wyszliśmy na boisko i graliśmy tak dobrze, jak tylko mogliśmy. We went out on the field and played as well as we could. We went to the field and played as well as we could. >>eng<< Tom mi začal odmlouvat. Tom started talking back to me. Tom started talking to me. >>eng<< Může v chemii dusík vytvořit jednoduchou vazbu? In chemistry, can nitrogen form a single bond? Can nitrogen create a simple bond in chemistry? >>eng<< Je načase, abys Tomovi řekl pravdu. It is time you told Tom the truth. It's time you told Tom the truth. >>eng<< Doporučujeme všem, aby přišli. We're encouraging everyone to come. We recommend everyone to come. >>eng<< Kto cię obcinał? Who cut your hair? Who cut you? >>eng<< Dojím svoji kozu. I am milking my goat. I'm taking my goat. >>eng<< To bardzo popularny przedmiot. This is a real popular item. This is a very popular item. >>eng<< Mary je přítelkyně Toma, ne moje. Mary is Tom's girlfriend, not mine. Mary is Tom's girlfriend, not mine. >>eng<< Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli przyjdzie Tom? What should I do if Tom comes? What should I do if Tom comes? >>eng<< Tom zbyt wiele nie mówi. Tom doesn't talk much. Tom doesn't say much. >>eng<< Poprvé upřímně věřím, že Bůh existuje. For the first time, I truly believe there's a God. For the first time, I honestly believe that God exists. >>eng<< Holandia to mały kraj. The Netherlands is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. >>eng<< Proč Tom a ne já? Why Tom and not me? Why Tom and not me? >>eng<< Nie pomogę ci. I won't help you. I can't help you. >>eng<< Má nového klienta. He has a new client. He has a new client. >>eng<< Tato voda je dobrá. This water is good. This water is good. >>eng<< Udělám to někdy jindy. I will do it some other time. I'll do it some other time. >>eng<< Mary powiedziała, że chciałaby, bym był bardziej jak Tom. Mary said she wished I was more like Tom. Mary said she wanted me to be more like Tom. >>eng<< Miluji tuto řeč. I love this language. I love this speech. >>eng<< Bál jsem se, že mě Tom zabije. I was afraid Tom would kill me. I was afraid Tom would kill me. >>eng<< Bankéři ovládají svět. Bankers rule the world. Bankers control the world. >>eng<< Bude žárlit. She will be jealous. He'll be jealous. >>eng<< Tom nesnáší dívky. Tom hates girls. Tom hates girls. >>eng<< Před dvěmi lety jsem měla potrat. I had an abortion two years ago. Two years ago I had an abortion. >>eng<< Tom ty dveře našel otevřené. Tom found the door open. Tom found the door open. >>eng<< Myślałem, że mówisz poważnie. I thought you were serious. I thought you were serious. >>eng<< Proč se ženy chovají tak, jak se chovají? Why do women behave the way they do? Why do women behave the way they behave? >>eng<< Nie mam już więcej pomysłów. I ran out of ideas. I don't have any more ideas. >>eng<< Tom přišel. Tom came. Tom's here. >>eng<< Sacramento Chronicle často píše o tom starém traperovi. The Sacramento Chronicle writes frequently about that old trapper. Sacramento Chronicle often writes about the old trapper. >>eng<< Tom se mýlí, že? Tom is wrong, isn't he? Tom's wrong, isn't he? >>eng<< Myslím, že jsi udělal správnou věc. I think you did the right thing. I think you did the right thing. >>eng<< Považují nás za hrozbu. They consider us a menace. They consider us a threat. >>eng<< Večer chodívám venčit svého psa. I walk my dog in the evenings. I go out in the evening to walk my dog. >>eng<< Kto się tobą opiekuje? Who takes care of you? Who's taking care of you? >>eng<< Niestety, muszę pana rozczarować. nie mam ochoty brać udziału w tej dyskusji. I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't feel like participating in this discussion. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. I don't want to take part in this discussion. >>eng<< Ciężko mi go zrozumieć. It is difficult for me to understand him. It's hard for me to understand. >>eng<< Strzeż się id marcowych! Beware the Ides of March! Watch out for the March id! >>eng<< Je mi ho strašně líto. I feel very sorry for him. I'm so sorry for him. >>eng<< Cítil jsem to samé. I felt the same way. I felt the same thing. >>eng<< Kovbojové vjeli do neznámého města. The cowboys rode into an unknown town. Cowboys entered an unknown city. >>eng<< Je hezčí, než si myslíš. He is more handsome than you think. It's prettier than you think. >>eng<< Umiesz czytać po arabsku? Can you read Arabic? Can you read Arabic? >>eng<< Kradeš, co? You steal stuff, don't you? You're stealing, aren't you? >>eng<< Detroit je znám pro svůj automobilový průmysl. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is known for its automotive industry. >>eng<< Měla bys pochopit, že tě Tom jenom využívá. You should understand that Tom only uses you. You should understand that Tom is just using you. >>eng<< Tom jest moim pacjentem. Tom is my patient. Tom is my patient. >>eng<< Proč Tom neslaví Vánoce? Why does Tom not celebrate Christmas? Why isn't Tom celebrating Christmas? >>eng<< Tobě pomohu, ale Tomovi nepomůžu. I will help you, but I won't help Tom. I'll help you, but I won't help Tom. >>eng<< Tom odjel brzy, aby se vyhnul dopravní špičce. Tom left early to avoid the rush hour traffic. Tom left early to avoid the top of the road. >>eng<< Bojím se, že se něco strašně moc pokazilo. I'm afraid something's gone terribly wrong. I'm afraid something went wrong. >>eng<< Tom chce tvoji lásku. What Tom wants is your love. Tom wants your love. >>eng<< Jsem ošklivá. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. >>eng<< Vybavuji si šťastné dny a noci, které jsme spolu strávili. I recall the happy days and nights we spent together. I remember the happy days and nights we spent together. >>eng<< Mít dlouhé vlasy mi nesluší. Having long hair doesn't suit me. Having long hair doesn't belong to me. >>eng<< Tomun mashyny yok Tom doesn't own a car. Tomun Mashyny Yok >>eng<< Moja koszulka się skurczyła. Co mam robić? I shrunk my T-shirt. What should I do? What am I supposed to do? >>eng<< Stále nevím, jak jsem ji dokázal přesvědčit. I still don't know how I managed to convince her. I still don't know how I could convince her. >>eng<< Poradil jsem jí, ať se k Tomovi nevrací. I advised her not to get back to Tom. I advised her not to come back to Tom. >>eng<< Tom ví, že to nesnáším. Tom knows that I hate it. Tom knows I hate it. >>eng<< Nie czytuję książek. I do not read books. I don't read books. >>eng<< Oni wybrali Taro na kapitana ich drużyny. They elected Taro captain of their team. They chose Taro as the captain of their team. >>eng<< Jíš. You are eating. You're eating. >>eng<< Moje žena je velmi rozrušená. My wife is very upset. My wife is very upset. >>eng<< Vstávat v šest mi nevadí. I don't mind getting up at six. I don't mind getting up at six. >>eng<< To co cię nie zabije, to cię wzmocni. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. >>eng<< Tom ho udeřil první. Viděli jsme to. Tom hit him first. We saw it. Tom hit him first. >>eng<< To je ale krásná duha! What a beautiful rainbow! That's a beautiful rainbow! >>eng<< Nedokončil svoji práci včas. He didn't finish his work in time. He didn't finish his job on time. >>eng<< Tom zemdlał. Tom has fainted. Tom fainted. >>eng<< Neštěstí nikdy nechodí samo. It never rains but it pours. The unhappiness never goes alone. >>eng<< Tom mi řekl, že to není pravda. Tom told me that wasn't true. Tom told me it wasn't true. >>eng<< Dała nam dużo jedzenia. She gave us lots to eat. She gave us a lot of food. >>eng<< Mám raději angličtinu než matematiku. I like English better than Math. I prefer English rather than mathematics. >>eng<< Znajdź Toma zanim kogoś zabije. Find Tom before he murders someone. Find Tom before he kills someone. >>eng<< Som wucabnik. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. >>eng<< Dlaczego myjesz swoje ręce? Why are you washing your hands? Why do you wash your hands? >>eng<< Čtete rádi? Do you like reading? Do you like reading? >>eng<< Jestem ci bardzo wdzięczny za twoją radę. I'm very grateful to you for your advice. I am very grateful to you for your advice. >>eng<< Pamatuješ si tohle? Do you remember this? Do you remember this? >>eng<< Tom a Mary spolu sedí na gauči. Tom and Mary are sitting together on the couch. Tom and Mary sit on the couch together. >>eng<< Kluci to rádio zničili. The boys have ruined the radio. The boys destroyed the radio. >>eng<< To není na tobě. That's not up to you. It's not up to you. >>eng<< Policja zarzuciła mu kradzież. The police accused him of theft. The police accused him of stealing. >>eng<< Jak długo zajęło ci przepłynięcie rzeki? How long did it take you to swim across the river? How long did it take you to cross the river? >>eng<< Sním tvůj pomeranč. I'll eat your orange. I'm eating your orange. >>eng<< Proč nechceš Toma vidět? Why do you not want to see Tom? Why don't you wanna see Tom? >>eng<< Doufám, že se můj otec brzy vrátí z ciziny. I hope that my father returns soon from abroad. I hope my father returns from abroad soon. >>eng<< Mogę zostawić wiadomość? May I leave a message? Can I leave a message? >>eng<< Všichni musíme být velmi opatrní. We all need to be very careful. We all need to be very careful. >>eng<< Nie musisz odpowiadać, jeżeli nie chcesz. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. >>eng<< Chcę zobaczyć w środku. I want to take a look inside. I want to see inside. >>eng<< Mám v kapse padesát eur. I have fifty euros in my pocket. I have 50 euros in my pocket. >>eng<< Jest teraz w hotelu. She's at the hotel now. He's at the hotel now. >>eng<< Jestem przyzwyczajony do spania w namiocie. I'm used to sleeping in a tent. I'm used to sleeping in a tent. >>eng<< Wszystkie są tego samego rozmiaru. They're all the same size. They are all the same size. >>eng<< Tom to nemohl předvídat. Tom couldn't have foreseen that. Tom couldn't predict it. >>eng<< Já jsem z Tokia. I'm from Tokyo. I'm from Tokyo. >>eng<< Kolik slov za minutu dokážeš přečíst? How many words can you read per minute? How many words can you read in a minute? >>eng<< Postąpię zgodnie z twoją radą. I'll act on your advice. I'll follow your advice. >>eng<< Musíme udělat to samé. We need to do the same. We have to do the same. >>eng<< To jest książka Tony-ego. This book is Tony's. This is Tony's book. >>eng<< On je příliš sebevědomý. He is overconfident. He's too confident. >>eng<< Nechci ti říci pravdu. I don't want to tell you the truth. I don't want to tell you the truth. >>eng<< Myślisz, że wybaczyłby mi? Do you think he would forgive me? You think he'd forgive me? >>eng<< Odpovězte! Answer! Stop! >>eng<< Jesteś mądry. You're clever. You're smart. >>eng<< Já Toma nenávidím, abych pravdu řekl. I hate Tom, to tell you the truth. I hate Tom to tell the truth. >>eng<< Mała dziewczynka się nie bawiła. The little girl was not playing. The little girl wasn't having fun. >>eng<< Myslím, že na to nedokážu odpovědět. I don't think I can answer that. I don't think I can answer that. >>eng<< Ona go kocha. She loves him. She loves him. >>eng<< Mluvíš rád? Do you like talking? Do you like to talk? >>eng<< Právě jsem hovořil s tvým učitelem francouzštiny a ten mi řekl, že si na jeho hodinách počínáš dobře. I've just spoken to your French teacher and he says you're doing well in his class. I just spoke to your French teacher and he told me you were doing well in his class. >>eng<< Odrobiłeś pracę domową? Have you done your homework? Did you do your homework? >>eng<< Moja babcia mieszka sama. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. >>eng<< Nie trać nadziei. You can't give up hope. Don't lose hope. >>eng<< Tom určitě nevychází s Mary moc dobře. Tom certainly doesn't get along very well with Mary. Tom doesn’t work well with Mary. >>eng<< Tom si myslí, že bude pršet. Tom thinks that it's going to rain. Tom thinks it's going to rain. >>eng<< Jejich cesta byla odložena kvůli dešti. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their journey was postponed due to rain. >>eng<< Popadni tohle. Grab this. Get this. >>eng<< Dnes mě všechno překvapuje. Everything surprises me today. I'm surprised today. >>eng<< Tom může jít na nákup s vámi. Tom can go shopping with you. Tom can go shopping with you. >>eng<< Tom rozdawał autografy pod teatrem. Tom was signing autographs in front of the theater. Tom gave his autographs under the theater. >>eng<< Rumunia jest bałkańskim krajem. Jej stolicą jest Bukareszt. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. >>eng<< Přemýšlím o tom, že se s ní rozvedu. I am considering divorcing her. I'm thinking about getting divorced. >>eng<< Nie miał nic do roboty, więc poszedł do miasta. Having nothing to do, he went downtown. He had nothing to do, so he went to town. >>eng<< Věřím, že se k tobě nakonec vrátí. I believe that he will return to you in the end. I believe he'll eventually come back to you. >>eng<< Tom nechal zbourat svůj starý dům. Tom had his old house torn down. Tom let his old house go. >>eng<< Oba moji synové jsou blázni do fotbalu. Both my sons are crazy about football. Both of my sons are crazy about football. >>eng<< Tom jest głupi. Tom is stupid. Tom's stupid. >>eng<< Studiuję na uniwersytecie. I study at a university. I study at the university. >>eng<< Tom chce dowodów. Tom wants evidence. Tom wants evidence. >>eng<< Nie jest pielęgniarką, lecz lekarką. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. >>eng<< Był zbyt zawstydzony żeby to zrobić. He was too embarrassed to do it. He was too ashamed to do it. >>eng<< Zaprodal by svojí duši ďáblu. He would sell his soul to the devil. He would sell his soul to the devil. >>eng<< Má svoje adoptivní rodiče moc ráda. She loves her adoptive parents deeply. He loves his adoptive parents. >>eng<< Jesteś zapisany? Are you registered? Are you registered? >>eng<< Je to extrémní pesimista a nemá žádné ambice. He is extremely pessimistic and has no aspirations. He is an extreme pessimist and has no ambitions. >>eng<< Těším se na to. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. >>eng<< Tom właśnie napisał książkę. Tom just wrote a book. Tom just wrote a book. >>eng<< I sám Tom tím byl podveden. Even Tom himself was deceived by that. Tom himself was deceived by it. >>eng<< Stále pláče. She keeps crying. He's always crying. >>eng<< Dalo by se s tebou lépe vycházet, kdybys více poslouchal. You'd be a lot easier to get along with if you'd listen more. You could get along better if you listened more. >>eng<< Lubię zarówno psy, jak i koty. I love both cats and dogs. I like dogs and cats. >>eng<< Mamy dla Ciebie lepsze plany. We've got better plans for you. We have better plans for you. >>eng<< Zapach jedzenia sprawił, że zgłodniałem. The smell of food made me hungry. The smell of food made me hungry. >>eng<< Detaily útoku jsou stále neznámé. Details of the attack are still unknown. The details of the attack are still unknown. >>eng<< V troubě je oheň. There's a fire in the oven. There's fire in the oven. >>eng<< Trochu těm kalhotám v pase uberte. Please take the pants in a bit. Put your pants in your waist a little bit. >>eng<< Są młodzi i zdrowi. They're young and healthy. They are young and healthy. >>eng<< Toma pozvali jako prvního. Tom was the first one to be invited. Tom was invited first. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że Mary nie powinna była zostawać tak długo. Tom said that Mary shouldn't have stayed so long. Tom said Mary shouldn't have been left for so long. >>eng<< Různí lidé mohou popisovat stejné základní myšlenky či věci naprosto odlišnými způsoby. Different people may describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Different people can describe the same basic thoughts or things in completely different ways. >>eng<< Tom mi umožnil tam jet. Tom enabled me to go there. Tom let me go there. >>eng<< Liczby pierwsze są jak życie: bardzo logiczne, ale niemożliwe jest odkrycie reguł nimi rządzących, choćby myślało się o nich cały czas. Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it. The first numbers are like life: very logical, but it is impossible to discover the rules governing them, even if they are thought of all the time. >>eng<< Zjistil jsi, kolik je Tomovi? Did you find out how old Tom is? Did you find out how much Tom is? >>eng<< Chceme zpět naši práci. We just want our jobs back. We want our work back. >>eng<< Chciałabym kupić psa. I would like to buy a dog. I'd like to buy a dog. >>eng<< Máslo je měkké. Butter is soft. The butter is soft. >>eng<< Tom jest atrakcyjnym facetem. Tom is an attractive guy. Tom is an attractive guy. >>eng<< Přeskočilo vám? Are you completely mad? Did you miss it? >>eng<< Mám vás hodně ráda. I like you very much. I love you so much. >>eng<< Czytaj! Read! Read it! >>eng<< Tom dnes nebral děti do školy. Tom didn't take the kids to school today. Tom didn't take the kids to school today. >>eng<< Neříkej mi, že je ti mě líto. Don't tell me you feel sorry for me. Don't tell me you're sorry. >>eng<< Pojedźmy autobusem. Let's go by bus. Let's go by bus. >>eng<< Otec mi koupil hodinky, které se mi moc nelíbí. My father bought me a watch that I don't like very much. My dad bought me a watch that I don't like much. >>eng<< Popatrzyłem na obrazek. I looked at the picture. I looked at the picture. >>eng<< Tom wiercił się nerwowo. Tom shifted uneasily from side to side. Tom was nervous. >>eng<< Už se to neděje. That's no longer happening. It's not happening anymore. >>eng<< Mój brat dołączył do klubu baseballowego. My brother has joined the baseball club. My brother joined the baseball club. >>eng<< Uśmiechnęli się. They smiled. They smiled. >>eng<< Věděli jsme, že Tom lže. We knew Tom was telling lies. We knew Tom was lying. >>eng<< Za tohle mi neplatí. I'm not being paid for this. I'm not paid for this. >>eng<< Touží po setkání s Tomem. She is longing to meet Tom. He wants to meet Tom. >>eng<< Starość to wyspa otoczona przez śmierć. Old age is an island surrounded by death. Old age is an island surrounded by death. >>eng<< Ty mě nemáš ráda, viď? You don't like me, do you? You don't like me, do you? >>eng<< Patrz na tablicę! Look at the blackboard. Look at the board! >>eng<< Lidské a zvířecí obětování je projevem satanizmu. Human and animal sacrifice is manifestation of Satanism. Human and animal sacrifice is a manifestation of Satanism. >>eng<< Ten program właśnie jest na antenie. The program is on the air. This program is on the antenna. >>eng<< Je to nuda. It's boring. It's boring. >>eng<< Poradili Tomovi, aby resetoval heslo. They advised Tom that he should reset the password. They advised Tom to reset his password. >>eng<< Tato vlajka je velice hezká. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very nice. >>eng<< Proč je Tom ve vězení? Why is Tom in jail? Why is Tom in prison? >>eng<< Tom wczoraj wypił za dużo herbaty. Tom drank too much tea yesterday. Tom drank too much tea yesterday. >>eng<< Podej vody žíznícím a pokrmu hladovějícím. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Give water to the thirsty and the hungry. >>eng<< Tom mi zapomněl koupit oběd, jak slíbil. Tom forgot to buy me lunch, as he had promised. Tom forgot to buy me lunch as he promised. >>eng<< Woda jest przejrzysta aż do dna. The water is clear to the bottom. The water is clear to the bottom. >>eng<< Czas zacząć od nowa. It's time to start over. It's time to start over. >>eng<< Tohle nikdy neudělám. I will never do this. I'll never do this. >>eng<< Seznámil jsem se s jednou hezkou maďarskou dívkou. I met a nice Hungarian girl. I met a beautiful Hungarian girl. >>eng<< Tom je společenský, a má hodně přátel. Tom is outgoing and has a lot of friends. Tom is sociable, and he has a lot of friends. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem Tomovi důvěřoval. I used to trust Tom. I once trusted Tom. >>eng<< Vždycky si zpívá ve sprše. He always sings in the shower. She always sings in the shower. >>eng<< Proč to pro mě nechceš udělat? Why won't you do it for me? Why don't you do this for me? >>eng<< Sami se zamknul do koupelny. Sami locked himself in the bathroom. He locked himself in the bathroom. >>eng<< Řekl jsem mu, že tady Tom není. I told him that Tom isn't here. I told him Tom wasn't here. >>eng<< Všechny ty peníze jsem utratil. I've spent all the money. I spent all that money. >>eng<< Spieszymy się. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. >>eng<< Wszystko byłoby łatwiejsze, gdybyśmy potrafili się unosić. Everything would be easier if we could float. Everything would be easier if we could get up. >>eng<< Jsi jediná, kdo mi rozumí. You're the only one who understands me. You're the only one who understands me. >>eng<< Można to zrobić w jeden dzień. It can be done in a day. This can be done in one day. >>eng<< Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy, musisz jedynie zadzwonić. If you need help, all you have to do is call. If you need help, you just need to call. >>eng<< Studoval na zahraniční univerzitě. He studied at a foreign university. He studied at a foreign university. >>eng<< Musimy się dowiedzieć, ile osób zamierza iść z nami. We need to find out how many people are planning to go with us. We need to find out how many people are going to go with us. >>eng<< Internet je hrozně pomalý. Internet is very slow. The internet is very slow. >>eng<< Wyszliśmy na spacer po śniadaniu. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went for a walk after breakfast. >>eng<< Tom lituje, že to udělal. Tom regrets doing it. Tom is sorry he did it. >>eng<< Ještě jsem se nesetkal se všemi. I haven't met everybody yet. I haven't met everyone yet. >>eng<< Gdy teraz o tym myślę, dochodzę do wniosku, że nie powinienem był tam z nią jechać. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have gone there with her. When I think about it now, I come to the conclusion that I shouldn't have been there with her. >>eng<< Nesmíte se těch obrazů dotýkat. You must not touch the paintings. You must not touch those images. >>eng<< Ktoś czeka w twoim gabinecie. There's somebody waiting in your office. Someone's waiting in your office. >>eng<< Powiedz mi, co zrobiłam źle. Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did wrong. >>eng<< Soud odkládá rozhodnutí. The court delays decision. The court postpones the decision. >>eng<< Nemůžete ho srovnávat s Tomem. You cannot compare him to Tom. You can't compare it to Tom. >>eng<< Proč se mnou takhle mluvíš? Why are you talking to me like that? Why are you talking to me like that? >>eng<< Mám za sousedy rasisty. I have racist neighbors. I have racist neighbors. >>eng<< Nie możemy pozwolić Tomowi umrzeć. We can't let Tom die. We can't let Tom die. >>eng<< Nawet jeśli spróbuję, i tak niczego to nie da. Even if I try, it's no use, anyway. Even if I try, it won't do anything. >>eng<< Momentálně máme jiné priority. We have other priorities at the moment. We currently have other priorities. >>eng<< Są przestraszeni. They're scared. They're scared. >>eng<< Uciekł na widok policjanta. He ran at the sight of the policeman. He ran away from the sight of a police officer. >>eng<< Mary dělala že je nemocná, aby nemusela jít do školy. Mary pretended to be ill so that she wouldn't have to go to school. Mary made her sick so she wouldn't have to go to school. >>eng<< Powiedz nam co zrobić. Tell us what to do. Tell us what to do. >>eng<< Co zjemy dziś wieczorem? What shall we eat tonight? What do we eat tonight? >>eng<< Przygotuj się na więcej. Get ready for more. Get ready for more. >>eng<< Moment, prosím. Rovně a pak doprava, ano? Just a second, please. Straight and then to the right, is that it? Right, right, right, right, right? >>eng<< Svatba se konala minulý týden. The wedding was held last week. The wedding was held last week. >>eng<< Wiesz co? Jesteś piękna. You know what? You're beautiful. You know what? >>eng<< Tom a já jsme bratranci. Tom and I are cousins. Tom and I are cousins. >>eng<< Je to psáno takto. It's written like that. It's written like this. >>eng<< Chcę przeczytać tę książkę. I want to read that book. I want to read this book. >>eng<< Tom i Maria rozmawiają ze sobą po angielsku. Tom and Mary speak to each other in English. Tom and Maria speak English. >>eng<< Myślałem, że wiem, co robić. I thought I knew what to do. I thought I knew what to do. >>eng<< Nenávidíte Toma. You hate Tom. You hate Tom. >>eng<< Tom nie dotrzymał obietnicy pomocy Mary. Tom didn't keep his promise to help Mary. Tom didn't keep Mary's promise of help. >>eng<< Wygląda całkiem ładnie. She looks quite pretty. It looks pretty nice. >>eng<< Innego dnia odkryłem książkę napisaną przez mojego ojca. The other day I discovered a book written by my father. Another day, I discovered a book written by my father. >>eng<< Więcej tam nie pójdę. I will go there no more. I'm not going there anymore. >>eng<< Tom miluje psy. Tom loves dogs. Tom loves dogs. >>eng<< Nie mów Tomowi co dzisiaj robiliśmy. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Don't tell Tom what we did today. >>eng<< Wyjrzał przez okno. He looked out of the window. He looked through the window. >>eng<< Ten obraz wisi krzywo. The picture is askew. This picture hangs a curve. >>eng<< Ve městě jsou staré ulice. There are old streets in the city. There are old streets in town. >>eng<< Nie ma mowy o wycieczce do Ameryki tego lata. A trip to America this summer is out of the question. There is no question of a trip to America this summer. >>eng<< Neskákej do řeči, když mluvíme. Don't cut in while we're talking. Don't jump into the speech when we talk. >>eng<< Szkoda, że nie jesteś wśród moich uczniów. I wish you'd been one of my students. It's a pity you're not among my students. >>eng<< Przeczytał przynajmniej 50 książek przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie. He has read as many as 50 books in the last two weeks. He has read at least 50 books over the past two weeks. >>eng<< Nie daj mi zasnąć. Don't let me fall asleep. Don't let me fall asleep. >>eng<< Mám očividný důkaz. I have an evident proof. I have obvious evidence. >>eng<< Nejsme tak bezmocní, jak si možná myslíme. We aren't so powerless as we may think. We're not as powerless as we might think. >>eng<< Nie wolno ci tutaj wchodzić. You mustn't enter here. You're not allowed to come in here. >>eng<< Kdo vás za tu práci platí? Who pays you for that job? Who pays you for the job? >>eng<< Dceru nemáme. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. >>eng<< Nebyl důvod k tomu, aby se Tom zlobil. There was no reason for Tom to be angry. There was no reason to be angry with Tom. >>eng<< Ty to ráda? Like it? Do you like it? >>eng<< Neví někdo, jak se Tom dostal dovnitř? Does anyone know how Tom got in? Does anyone know how Tom got in? >>eng<< Widziałem pięciu mężczyzn. I saw five men. I've seen five men. >>eng<< Byłem na wakacjach za granicą. I was abroad on vacation. I was on vacation abroad. >>eng<< Protože pršelo, rozhodli jsme se zůstat uvnitř. Since it was raining, we decided to stay inside. Because it rained, we decided to stay inside. >>eng<< Przyszliśmy na dworzec na pół godziny przed odjazdem. We arrived at the station a half-hour before the train started. We arrived at the station half an hour before departure. >>eng<< Czy policja przyjdzie? Will the police come? Will the police come? >>eng<< Jsem teprve začátečník. I'm only a newbie. I'm just a beginner. >>eng<< Tom spędził całe popołudnie sprzątając swój pokój. Tom spent all afternoon cleaning his room. Tom spent the whole afternoon cleaning his room. >>eng<< Tak, musisz. Yes, you must. Yes, you do. >>eng<< Miała ubrany ciemno niebieski szalik. She wore a dark blue scarf. She was wearing a dark blue scarvess. >>eng<< Nebudu za tebe dělat všechno. I'm not going to do everything for you. I won't do anything for you. >>eng<< Nechci, aby Toma vyrušovali. I don't want them to disturb Tom. I don't want them to disturb Tom. >>eng<< Lidé budou brzy svobodní. People will be free soon. People will soon be free. >>eng<< Przetłumacz to zdanie na angielski. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. >>eng<< Tom zapomněl umýt vidličky. Tom forgot to wash the forks. Tom forgot to wash the forks. >>eng<< Stěžoval si na své zdraví. He complained about his health. He complained about his health. >>eng<< To teď není důležité. That isn't important now. That's not important right now. >>eng<< Ze začátku jsem ho rád neměl. At first, I didn't like him. At first, I didn't like him. >>eng<< Jsme s Tomem. We're with Tom. We're with Tom. >>eng<< Vstává v sedm. He gets up at seven. He wakes up at seven. >>eng<< Kdo ještě tam byl kromě Toma? Who else was there apart from Tom? Who was there except Tom? >>eng<< Mnoho Kanaďanů to nedělá. Many Canadians don't do that. Many Canadians don’t do that. >>eng<< Kdysi bydlela s ním. She used to live with him. She used to live with him. >>eng<< Jeszcze nigdy nie zostałem okradziony. I've never been robbed before. I've never been stolen. >>eng<< Ještě není pilotka. She is not a pilot yet. She's not a pilot yet. >>eng<< Už se nebojím pavouků. I'm not scared of spiders anymore. I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. >>eng<< Nie musimy więcej pomagać Tomowi. We don't need to help Tom anymore. We don't have to help Tom anymore. >>eng<< Řekli jsme Tomovi, že tu není vítán. We told Tom that he wasn't welcomed there. We told Tom he wasn't welcome here. >>eng<< Jaká je pracovní náplň? What is the job description? What is the workflow? >>eng<< Tom jest od świtu na nogach. Tom has been up since dawn. Tom's been on his feet since dawn. >>eng<< To auto není čisté, ale špinavé. The car isn't clean but dirty. The car is not clean, but dirty. >>eng<< Kvůli psovi jsme si koupili dům s velkým dvorem. Because of the dog, we bought a house with a big yard. Because of the dog, we bought a house with a big yard. >>eng<< Gdzie kazałeś Tomowi zaparkować? Where did you tell Tom to park? Where did you tell Tom to park? >>eng<< V šuplíku nebyly žádné tužky. There weren't any pencils in the drawer. There were no pencils in the drawer. >>eng<< Tom seřval Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom fucked Mary. >>eng<< Této části jsem nerozuměl. I didn't understand this part. I didn't understand these parts. >>eng<< Číslo rezervace je 1003. The reservation number is 1003. The booking number is 1003. >>eng<< Tom se rád prochází o samotě. Tom likes taking walks by himself. Tom likes to walk alone. >>eng<< Tom měl k obědu pečenou kachnu a teď je mu zle. Tom had roasted duck for lunch and he is sick now. Tom had a baked duck for lunch, and now he's sick. >>eng<< Nie możemy przewidzieć, jak Tom się będzie czuł. We can't predict how Tom is going to feel. We can't predict how Tom's gonna feel. >>eng<< Jestem ciekaw, co Tom i Mary robią jutro po południu. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. >>eng<< Ještě nám zbývá něco přes týden. We have just over a week left. We've got more than a week left. >>eng<< Nie będę tego tolerować. I won't stand for this. I won't tolerate it. >>eng<< Nie płacz, wszystko będzie dobrze. Don't cry. Everything will be OK. Don't cry, everything's gonna be fine. >>eng<< Jak długo będę musiał czekać na dostawę? How long do I have to wait for delivery? How long will I have to wait for delivery? >>eng<< Nie chcę się uczyć angielskiego. I don't want to learn English. I don’t want to learn English. >>eng<< Prošli močálem. They got through the marsh. They went through the urine. >>eng<< Źle czuję się. I feel unwell. I feel bad. >>eng<< Słyszałem, że jesteś z Bostonu. I hear you're from Boston. I heard you're from Boston. >>eng<< Zrobiliśmy to kilka razy. We did it a few times. We did it several times. >>eng<< Řekl Tom opak? Did Tom say otherwise? Did Tom say the opposite? >>eng<< Rozhodl jsem se zůstat ještě jeden den. I decided to stay one more day. I decided to stay another day. >>eng<< Poświęcił swoje życie nauce. He devoted his life to the study of science. He dedicated his life to science. >>eng<< Hipoteka to rodzaj kredytu, który ludzie mogą wykorzystać do kupna domu. A mortgage is a kind of loan that people can use to buy a house. Mortgage is a type of loan that people can use to buy a home. >>eng<< Nikdy neřekneš, co si doopravdy myslíš. You never say what you really think. You'll never say what you really think. >>eng<< Nie o to chodzi w pytaniu. That is not the point in question. That's not the question. >>eng<< Tom spytał Mary, kto dał jej zdjęcie. Tom asked Mary who had given her the picture. Tom asked Mary who gave her a picture. >>eng<< Tom řekl Mary, jak to udělat. Tom told Mary how to do that. Tom told Mary how to do it. >>eng<< Gdzie można wymienić dolary na funty? Where can dollars be exchanged for pounds? Where can I exchange dollars for pounds? >>eng<< Vážně s tebou chci jít, ale nemohu. I really want to go with you, but I can't. I really want to go with you, but I can't. >>eng<< Mam nadzieje że jutro nie będzie aż tak źle. I hope tomorrow isn't too bad. I hope tomorrow isn't going to be so bad. >>eng<< Załóż swój płaszcz. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. >>eng<< Dál už na něho čekat nemohu. I can wait for him no longer. I can't wait for him anymore. >>eng<< Czy twój komputer dobrze się sprawuje? Is your new computer working well? Is your computer doing well? >>eng<< Nebudeš tam sám. You won't be the only one there. You won't be alone. >>eng<< Zwróciłem się do niej o aprobatę. I asked for her approval. I asked her for approval. >>eng<< Nechte to okno zavřené. Keep the window closed. Leave the window closed. >>eng<< Plato je můj přítel, ale pravdu si cením více. Plato's my friend, but truth I cherish even more. Plato is my friend, but I appreciate the truth more. >>eng<< Tom nie jest nieśmiały. Tom isn't shy. Tom's not shy. >>eng<< Czy ktoś pamięta, czemu postanowiliśmy to zrobić? Does anybody remember why we decided to do this? Does anyone remember why we decided to do this? >>eng<< Musí se to rozebrat. It must be dismantled. It's got to break up. >>eng<< Zastaví někdo obchodování s lidmi? Will anybody stop human trafficking? Does anyone stop human trafficking? >>eng<< Chyba nigdy nie zdołasz go przekonać, że nie ma racji. It's unlikely that you'll ever be able to convince him that he's wrong. I don't think you can ever convince him that he's wrong. >>eng<< Zamknij drzwi, proszę. Please shut the door. Close the door, please. >>eng<< Tom si tě nemůže pamatovat. Tom can't remember you. Tom can't remember you. >>eng<< Ještě to nikdo nedostal. No one has gotten it yet. No one's got it yet. >>eng<< Která místa se ti líbí? What places do you enjoy? What places do you like? >>eng<< Tom miał dobry powód. Tom had a good reason. Tom had a good reason. >>eng<< Czy psy powinny jeść ryby? Is it safe for dogs to eat fish? Should dogs eat fish? >>eng<< Tom kouřil až čtyřicet cigaret denně, ale loni v létě s kouřením úplně přestal. Tom used to smoke up to forty cigarettes a day but last summer he quit smoking completely. Tom smoked up to forty cigarettes a day, but last summer he quit smoking completely. >>eng<< New York je jak město, tak i stát. New York is both a city and a state. New York is both a city and a state. >>eng<< Můžeme cestovat v čase. A děláme to pozoruhodnou rychlostí vteřinu za vteřinou. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we do it at a remarkable rate of seconds per second. >>eng<< Przeczytałbyś Tomowi bajkę na dobranoc? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Would you like to read Tom's story for good night? >>eng<< Poprosiłem mojego ojca o pomoc. I asked for my father's help. I asked my father for help. >>eng<< Zjem płatki i wypiję sok pomarańczowy. I'll have some cereal and orange juice. I'll eat the petals and drink orange juice. >>eng<< Můžeme to doručit dnes večer. We can deliver it this evening. We can deliver it tonight. >>eng<< Tom nie spędza wystarczającej ilości czasu ze swoimi dziećmi. Tom doesn't spend enough time with his children. Tom does not spend enough time with his children. >>eng<< Tomovi se zhroutil celý svět. Tom's whole world collapsed. The whole world collapsed to Tom. >>eng<< Řekni Tomovi, co máš na mysli. Tell Tom what you mean. Tell Tom what you mean. >>eng<< Měli bychom se zout, než vstoupíme do domu. We should take off our shoes before entering the house. We should get out of here before we get into the house. >>eng<< Čita knihu. He reads a book. Read the book. >>eng<< Cząsteczka amoniaku składa się z czterech atomów. Ammonia's molecule is composed of four atoms. The ammonia molecule consists of four atoms. >>eng<< Nie wiesz co tracisz. You don't know what you're missing. You don't know what you're losing. >>eng<< Ještě pořád máme co vybalovat. We still have things to unpack. We still have something to pack. >>eng<< Możesz ruszać nogami? Can you move your legs? Can you move your legs? >>eng<< Jestli mě zvolí, také zapomenu, co jsem slíbil. If I am elected, I'll also forget what I promised. If they choose me, I will also forget what I promised. >>eng<< Tom se možná jednou vrátí domů. Tom may return to his home someday. Tom might come home one day. >>eng<< "Ile masz lat?" "16." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" 16. >>eng<< Do Paříže se dostali současně. They arrived in Paris at the same time. They arrived in Paris at the same time. >>eng<< Nie sądzę, by ktokolwiek potrafił naprawić ten zegarek. I didn't think anyone could fix this watch. I don't think anyone can fix this watch. >>eng<< Vím, proč jsi dala Tomovi tolik peněz. I know why you gave Tom so much money. I know why you gave Tom so much money. >>eng<< To najbardziej pojebana rzecz, jaką w życiu słyszałem! That's the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard! It's the most fucking thing I've ever heard! >>eng<< Preferuji celozrnný chléb před bílým. I prefer brown bread to white bread. I prefer whole-grain bread to white. >>eng<< Tomovi o tom prostě neříkej. Just don't tell Tom about it. Just don't tell Tom about it. >>eng<< Lhala mi. She lied to me. She lied to me. >>eng<< Tom cítil benzín. Tom could smell gasoline. Tom felt gasoline. >>eng<< Słowa nie są w stanie opisać piękna. Words cannot describe the beauty. Words cannot describe beauty. >>eng<< Gdzie są książka i ołówek? Where is the book and the pencil? Where are the books and pencils? >>eng<< Zítra máme zavřeno. We're closed tomorrow. We're closed tomorrow. >>eng<< Je dost starý na to, aby se postavil na vlastní nohy. He's old enough to stand on his own feet. He's old enough to stand on his own feet. >>eng<< Nigdy nie słyszałem jak mówi po angielsku. I have never heard him speak English. I never heard him speak English. >>eng<< Mój robot będzie przygotowywał posiłki, sprzątał, zmywał naczynia i wykonywał inne domowe czynności. My robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks. My robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes and perform other household activities. >>eng<< Rád hraju na svojí kytaru. I love to play my guitar. I love playing my guitar. >>eng<< Myślę, że to nie będzie takie trudne. I think it's not going to be that hard. I don't think it's gonna be that hard. >>eng<< Ten pes se musí vyvenčit. The dog must be taken for a walk. The dog has to get out. >>eng<< Jeho dovednost ho pro tu práci kvalifikuje. His skill qualifies him for the job. His skills qualify him for the job. >>eng<< Hiszpania będzie musiała pożyczyć 100 miliardów euro. Spain will need to borrow 100 billion euros. Spain will have to borrow 100 billion euros. >>eng<< Co masz w swojej torbie? What do you have in your bag? What do you have in your bag? >>eng<< Nie powinni interweniować w sprawy wewnętrzne innego państwa. They shouldn't intervene in the internal affairs of another state. They should not intervene in the internal affairs of another country. >>eng<< Tom siedział na pniu. Tom was sitting on a log. Tom was sitting on the trunk. >>eng<< Je tu patnáct lidí, včetně hostů. There are fifteen people here, counting the guests. There are 15 people, including guests. >>eng<< Tom obvykle nosí tmavé brýle, i když nesvítí slunce. Tom usually wears sunglasses even when it's not sunny. Tom usually wears dark glasses, even if the sun does not shine. >>eng<< Co jest w tych wszystkich pudełkach? What's in all these boxes? What's in all these boxes? >>eng<< Tom ma talent do wprawiania ludzi w płacz. Tom has the knack of making people cry. Tom has the talent to make people cry. >>eng<< Nenavštívil jsem Itálii. I didn't visit Italy. I didn't visit Italy. >>eng<< Raději bych se měl vrátit ke svému stolu. I'd better get back to my desk. I'd rather go back to my table. >>eng<< Nikdy nebudu kouřit. I will never smoke. I'll never smoke. >>eng<< Měli byste se omluvit. You should apologize. You should apologize. >>eng<< Kdy jsi poprvé navštívil Austrálii? When did you first come to Australia? When was the first time you visited Australia? >>eng<< Możesz zabić człowieka, ale nie możesz zabić idei. You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea. You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea. >>eng<< Já byl hned za Tomem. I was right behind Tom. I was right behind Tom. >>eng<< Jutro mogą ciągnąć dalej rozmowę. They can carry on their conversation tomorrow. They can continue to talk tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom šel do obchodu koupit si chleba. Tom walked to the store to buy bread. Tom went to the store to buy his bread. >>eng<< Stalo se to tady. It happened here. It happened here. >>eng<< Omluvil se. He made an apology. He's sorry. >>eng<< Nie znam nikogo z nich. I know none of them. I don't know any of them. >>eng<< Tato fráze se přeloží. This phrase will be translated. This phrase is translated. >>eng<< Ty máš tak krásné oči. You have such beautiful eyes. You have such beautiful eyes. >>eng<< Ten film je skvělý. The film is fantastic. The movie is great. >>eng<< Netušil jsem, že Tom je tvůj bratr. I had no idea that Tom was your brother. I didn't know Tom was your brother. >>eng<< Příští rok to už bude deset let, co u té firmy pracuji. Next year, I will have been working with that firm for ten years. Next year, it's been 10 years since I've been working at the company. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem rád plaval. I used to love swimming. I used to like swimming. >>eng<< Daj mi trochę piwa. Give me some beer. Give me some beer. >>eng<< Moje prawo jazdy straci ważność w następnym tygodniu. My driver's license will expire next week. My driving license will expire next week. >>eng<< Nagle zaczęło padać. It suddenly started raining. Suddenly it started to rain. >>eng<< Może być. This'll do. It could be. >>eng<< Znajdź to słowo w swoim słowniku. Look up the word in your dictionary. Find this word in your dictionary. >>eng<< Viděla jsem, jak Tom hraje tenis. I saw Tom play tennis. I saw Tom play tennis. >>eng<< Všem se ulevilo. Everyone was relieved. Everyone was relieved. >>eng<< Už nemáme sýr. We don't have any more cheese. We don't have any more cheese. >>eng<< Co chceš říct tím ''nelíbí se mi''? What do you mean, "I don't like it"? What do you mean, "I don't like it"? >>eng<< Chaty zbudowano w odległości pięćdziesięciu metrów między nimi. The huts were built with a space of 50 meters in between. The cottages were built at a distance of fifty meters between them. >>eng<< Czy powiedziano ci, gdzie masz parkować samochód? Have you been told where to park your car? Did you know where to park your car? >>eng<< Tom był ubrany na niebiesko. Tom was dressed in blue. Tom was dressed blue. >>eng<< Dziewczyna boi się psów. The girl is afraid of dogs. The girl is afraid of dogs. >>eng<< Volal o pomoc. He yelled for help. He called for help. >>eng<< To tak bardzo boli. It hurts so much. It hurts so much. >>eng<< Mám pocit, že něco chybí. I have a feeling that something is missing. I feel like something is missing. >>eng<< Německo doufá, že jeden ze způsobů, jak omezit svoji uhlíkovou stopu a uklidnit mladé klimatické aktivisty je představení nových a inovativních vlaků. One way Germany hopes to reduce its carbon footprint – and appease the young climate activists – is by rolling out new and innovative trains. Germany hopes that one way to limit its carbon footprint and calm young climate activists is to introduce new and innovative trains. >>eng<< Pozwól, że pomogę ci założyć twój płaszcz. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put your coat on. >>eng<< Mój zegarek musi się późnić. My watch must be slow. My watch must be late. >>eng<< To se nikdy neví. You never know. That's never known. >>eng<< Hdźe je hamor? Where is the hammer? Where's the hammock? >>eng<< Tata mnie zabije. My dad will kill me. Dad's gonna kill me. >>eng<< Tom netušil, jestli je to pravda. Tom had no idea if it was true. Tom didn't know if it was true. >>eng<< Autobus jeździ raz na dwie godziny. There is only one bus every two hours. The bus runs once in two hours. >>eng<< Religia jest córką nadzei i strachu i próbuje wyjaśniać niewiedzy istotę tego, czego nie można wiedzieć. Religion is a daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable. Religion is the daughter of hope and fear and tries to explain the unknowing essence of what cannot be known. >>eng<< Neměla bys čekat tady. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. >>eng<< Mám pravdu, že jo? I'm right, aren't I? I'm right, right? >>eng<< Kobieta, którą miałem nadzieję poślubić okazała się mężczyzną! The woman that I hope to marry turned out to be a man! The woman I was hoping to marry turned out to be a man! >>eng<< Někteří z nich tancovali. Some of them danced. Some of them danced. >>eng<< Zrobię, jak zaproponowałeś. I'll do as you suggested. I'll do as you suggested. >>eng<< Ložnice jsou nahoře a obývák je dole. The bedrooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. The bedrooms are up and the living room is down. >>eng<< Děvčata byla proti našemu plánu. The girls were against our plan. The girls were against our plan. >>eng<< Mám radši angličtinu než hudbu. I prefer English to music. I prefer English to music. >>eng<< Proč s nimi nechceš jít? Why don't you want to go with them? Why don't you go with them? >>eng<< Když už je řeč o cizích jazycích, mluvíš francouzsky? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? When it comes to foreign languages, do you speak French? >>eng<< Tom se to nikdy nedozví. Tom will never know. Tom will never know. >>eng<< Ve své eseji "Esperanto: Evropský nebo Asijský jazyk" Claude Piron ukázal podobnosti mezi esperantem a čínštinou, čímž ukončil představu, že Esperanto je čistě eurocentrické. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asiatic language" Claude Piron has shown the similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thereby putting to rest the notion that Esperanto is purely eurocentric. In his essay "Esperanto: European or Asian language" Claude Piron showed similarities between Esperanto and Chinese, thus ending the idea that Esperanto is purely Eurocentric. >>eng<< Nie wchodź do pokoju bez pozwolenia. Don't enter the room without leave. Do not enter the room without permission. >>eng<< Vydělávám 100 € denně. I make €100 a day. I earn $100 a day. >>eng<< Vrátím se o půl třetí. I'll be back at 2:30. I'll be back at half a third. >>eng<< Neotravuj mě tím. Don't bother me about that. Don't bother me. >>eng<< Ten posąg wyobraża wolność. The statue expresses freedom. This statue represents freedom. >>eng<< Znów zasnąłeś? Did you fall back asleep? Did you fall asleep again? >>eng<< Tom przyjechał do Bostonu trzy lata temu. Tom came to Boston three years ago. Tom came to Boston three years ago. >>eng<< Výtah nefungoval. The lift wasn't working. The elevator didn't work. >>eng<< Slunce v noci nesvítí. The sun doesn't shine at night. The sun does not shine at night. >>eng<< Spróbujemy We'll try. We'll try >>eng<< Tom potrzebował pieniędzy, żeby kupić coś Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Tom needed some money to buy Mary. >>eng<< Umyj dobrze zęby. Brush your teeth well. Wash your teeth well. >>eng<< Mam jeszcze masę roboty. I've got so much left to do. I still have a lot of work to do. >>eng<< Kurtyna opadła. The curtain fell. Kurtine's gone down. >>eng<< To w tej sali mieliśmy zebranie w ubiegły piątek. It was in this room that we had the meeting last Friday. It was in this room that we had a meeting last Friday. >>eng<< Ona se rozvedla s manželem. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. >>eng<< Jednou jsem ho viděl. I have seen him once. I saw him once. >>eng<< Na co se mám připravit? What should I prepare for? What should I prepare for? >>eng<< Tęskniliśmy za tobą. We missed you. We missed you. >>eng<< Odchází do školy brzy. He leaves early for school. He's going to school early. >>eng<< Mám dvě starší sestry. I have two older sisters. I have two older sisters. >>eng<< Nie martw się, pomogę ci. Don't worry, I'm going to help you. Don't worry, I'll help you. >>eng<< Nie rozumiem tego wiersza. I don’t understand this poem. I don't understand this poem. >>eng<< Také jsem Tomovi neměl věřit. I shouldn't have trusted Tom either. I wasn't supposed to trust Tom either. >>eng<< Nevím, co mám dělat. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. >>eng<< Powiedz wszystkim. Tell everybody. Tell everyone. >>eng<< Tom by se měl nechat ostřihat. Tom should get his hair cut. Tom should be cut. >>eng<< Nie dasz rady. You will fail. You can't. >>eng<< Proč Toma z té školy vyloučili? Why did they expel Tom from that school? Why did Tom get out of school? >>eng<< Ty všechno vidíš moc černě. You see everything in black colours. You see everything too black. >>eng<< Zatímco Tom ještě spal, Mary již byla vzhůru. While Tom was still sleeping, Mary was already awake. While Tom was still asleep, Mary was awake. >>eng<< Všechno, co Tom předpověděl, se stalo. Everything that Tom had predicted came true. Everything Tom predicted happened. >>eng<< Ano, ale nemusíš zůstat do konce. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yes, but you don't have to stay to the end. >>eng<< Myślałem, że ich znasz. I thought you knew them. I thought you knew them. >>eng<< Obieram seler i ziemniaki. I am peeling the celery and the potatoes. I'm picking up celery and potatoes. >>eng<< Očekával jsem, že Tom bude šťastný. I expected Tom to be happy. I expected Tom to be happy. >>eng<< Tom krzyknął. Tom shouted. Tom shouted. >>eng<< Byl jsem tam včera večer. I was there last night. I was there last night. >>eng<< Które pismo jest najtrudniejsze na świecie? Which writing system is the most difficult in the world? Which writing is the most difficult in the world? >>eng<< Warto ponownie przeczytać tę opowieść. This story is worth reading again. It is worth reading this story again. >>eng<< Przesiadła się z autobusu do metra. She transferred from the bus to the subway. She moved from the bus to the subway. >>eng<< Co teď děláš? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? >>eng<< Jak se do lesa volá, tak se z lesa ozývá. As you sow, so shall you reap. As it is called to the forest, it is heard from the forest. >>eng<< Chtěl bych mluvit s hlavní sestrou. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I want to talk to my sister. >>eng<< Urząd pocztowy jest niedaleko stąd. The post office is not too far from here. The post office is not far from here. >>eng<< Mogę dostać to pismo? May I have this magazine? Can I get this letter? >>eng<< Tom se tě bát nebude. Tom won't be afraid of you. Tom won't be afraid of you. >>eng<< Jak myślisz, jak Tom nas znalazł? How do you think Tom found us? How do you think Tom found us? >>eng<< Tom a Mary vychovávají bilingvní dítě. Tom and Mary are raising a bilingual child. Tom and Mary raise a bilingual child. >>eng<< Odpověď je ne. The answer is no. The answer is no. >>eng<< Čím víc studuješ, tím víc se naučíš. The more you study, the more you learn. The more you study, the more you learn. >>eng<< Znáš některé z těchto mužů? Do you know any of those men? Do you know any of these men? >>eng<< Proszę upewnić się, że podpisano i zapieczętowano dokument. Please be sure to sign and seal the form. Please ensure that the document is signed and sealed. >>eng<< Tom se nikdy nekoupal v moři. Tom has never swum in the sea. Tom never bathed in the sea. >>eng<< Neměli bychom to nahlásit? Shouldn't we report this? Aren't we supposed to report it? >>eng<< Ruština má šest pádů: nominativ, genitiv, dativ, akuzativ, instrumentál, a předložkový pád. Russian has six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional. Russian has six falls: nominative, genitive, dativ, accusative, instrumental, and preposition fall. >>eng<< Wydaje się, że przyczyną śmierci była rana postrzałowa. The cause of death seems to be a gunshot wound. It seems that the cause of death was a shooting wound. >>eng<< Tom se dobelhal před třídu a vyprávěl ostatním studentům o té nehodě. Tom limped to the front of the classroom and told the other students about his accident. Tom got in front of the class and told other students about the accident. >>eng<< Dziś jest poniedziałek. It is Monday today. Today is Monday. >>eng<< Našla sis sympatického chlapa. You got yourself a nice guy. You found a nice guy. >>eng<< Możemy rozmawiać w innym pokoju? Can we speak in the other room? Can we talk in another room? >>eng<< W łazience są karaluchy. There's a cockroach in the bathroom. There are cockroaches in the bathroom. >>eng<< Myślę, że Tom nie zda testu na prawo jazdy. I think Tom will fail his driving test. I don't think Tom's running a driving test. >>eng<< Je to stručná učebnice pro začátečníky. It's a short textbook for beginners. It's a brief textbook for beginners. >>eng<< Je to normální? Is this normal? Is that normal? >>eng<< Já nežiju v Helsinkách. I don't live in Helsinki. I don't live in Helsinki. >>eng<< Jablka, která mi poslal byla výborná. The apples he sent me were delicious. The apple he sent me was great. >>eng<< Tom si četl časopis, když čekal na Mary až se objeví. Tom read a magazine while waiting for Mary to show up. Tom read the magazine waiting for Mary to appear. >>eng<< Otevřte si knihy. Open your books. Open your books. >>eng<< Je tvoje žena dobrá kuchařka? Is your wife a good cook? Is your wife a good cook? >>eng<< Wczoraj byliśmy w kinie. Yesterday we went to a cinema. We were in the cinema yesterday. >>eng<< Nie lubię być kontrolowany. I don't like being controlled. I don't like being controlled. >>eng<< Czy mogę ściszyć telewizor? May I turn down the TV? Can I quiet the TV? >>eng<< Byl v Paříži. He was in Paris. He was in Paris. >>eng<< Praca w pojedynkę nie cieszy. Working alone is no fun. Working alone is not enjoyable. >>eng<< Tom mě zavedl do své kanceláře. Tom showed me into his office. Tom took me to his office. >>eng<< Nigdy nie była tak przerażona. She'd never been so frightened. She was never so scared. >>eng<< Pocałujesz mnie czy nie? Are you going to kiss me or not? Do you kiss me or not? >>eng<< Tom wyjął klucz z kieszeni i otworzył drzwi. Tom took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Tom took the key out of his pocket and opened the door. >>eng<< Je dost místa pro všechny. There's enough room for everyone. There's plenty of room for everyone. >>eng<< Jest gotowy, pod jednym warunkiem, by do nas dołączyć. He is ready to join us under one condition. He is ready, on one condition, to join us. >>eng<< Jsem sám naprosto šťastný. I'm perfectly happy being alone. I'm completely happy myself. >>eng<< Ona ma jeszcze więcej książek. She has even more books. She has more books. >>eng<< Masz konto na Facebooku? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have an account on Facebook? >>eng<< Vrazila jsem mu facku. I slapped his face. I hit his face. >>eng<< Mám radši bílé víno než červené. I like white wine better than red wine. I prefer white wine than red wine. >>eng<< Tom zwątpił, że Mary dotrzyma obietnicy. Tom doubted that Mary would keep her promise. Tom doubted that Mary would keep his promise. >>eng<< Teď mě nech přemýšlet. Now let me think. Now let me think. >>eng<< Często rozmawialiśmy o polityce japońskiej. We often talked about Japanese politics. We have often talked about Japanese politics. >>eng<< Kupuje knihy v knihkupectví. She is buying books in the bookstore. He buys books in the bookstore. >>eng<< Zase Toma uvidíme. We'll see Tom again. We'll see Tom again. >>eng<< Kto ci kazał mi to dać? Who told you to give that to me? Who told you to give it to me? >>eng<< Proč Tomovi nevěříš? Why do you not believe Tom? Why don't you trust Tom? >>eng<< Przepraszam, ale nie mogę. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. >>eng<< Tom powiedział więcej, niż powinien. Tom said more than he should have. Tom said more than he should. >>eng<< Je ti lépe? Are you getting better? Are you better? >>eng<< Znám Tomovu ženu. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. >>eng<< Musím ho koupit, ale je příliš drahé. I must buy it, but it is too expensive. I have to buy it, but it's too expensive. >>eng<< Obecnie nie istnieje killer appka na tej platformie. There is currently no killer app for this platform. There is currently no killer app on this platform. >>eng<< Wydaje mi się, że ona jest odrobinę samolubna. It seems to me that she is a little selfish. I think she's a little selfish. >>eng<< Wiesz, że Tom chce pomóc. You know Tom wants to help. You know Tom wants to help. >>eng<< Řekla, že zavolá policii, jestliže neodejdu. She said she'd call the police if I didn't leave. She said she'd call the police if I didn't leave. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že už jedl. Tom said that he'd eaten. Tom said he had already eaten. >>eng<< Dej mi ještě trochu mléka! Give me some more milk! Give me some more milk! >>eng<< Konečně jsem se dočkal. At last my time came. I finally waited. >>eng<< Mam syna w wieku Tom'a. I have a son Tom's age. I have a son of Tom's age. >>eng<< Tom viděl svoje jméno na seznamu. Tom saw his name on the roster. Tom saw his name on the list. >>eng<< Riga je hlavní město Lotyšska. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Riga is the capital city of Latvia. >>eng<< Jaký zákon jsem porušil? What law have I broken? What law did I break? >>eng<< To není Tomův nápad. That isn't Tom's idea. That's not Tom's idea. >>eng<< Předpokládám, že to nebude problém. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess it won't be a problem. >>eng<< To się polepszyło. It's gotten better. It's improved. >>eng<< Sami potkal mnoho úžasných lidí. Sami met many amazing people. He met a lot of amazing people himself. >>eng<< Jeho nabídku jsi měla odmítnout. You should have refused his offer. You should have refused his offer. >>eng<< Kdo to natáčí? Who's filming this? Who's shooting this? >>eng<< Nie dotykaj mojego aparatu fotograficznego. Don't touch my camera. Don't touch my camera. >>eng<< Trvalo mi věčnost, než jsem ten vtip pochopil. It took me forever to get the joke. It took me eternity to understand that joke. >>eng<< On pływa w rzece. He swims in the river. He swims in the river. >>eng<< Tom jest lekarzem. Tom is a doctor. Tom's a doctor. >>eng<< Strávila vařením celé odpoledne. She spent all afternoon cooking. She spent all afternoon cooking. >>eng<< Myślał, że jestem bardzo zmęczony. He thought that I was very tired. I thought I was very tired. >>eng<< A teraz czekamy. Now we wait. And now we're waiting. >>eng<< Sněží teď v Bostonu? Is it snowing in Boston now? Is it snowing in Boston now? >>eng<< Trpěli? Did they suffer? Suffered? >>eng<< Tom je můj sportovní trenér. Tom is my gymnastics coach. Tom is my sports coach. >>eng<< Můj bratr šel do nemocnice s mojí matkou. My brother went to the hospital with my mother. My brother went to the hospital with my mother. >>eng<< Miło Cię znowu zobaczyć. It is nice to see you again. Nice to see you again. >>eng<< Czy Tom umiera? Is Tom dying? Is Tom dying? >>eng<< Zavolám později. I'll call later. I'll call you later. >>eng<< Tom je zjevně ze své práce unavený. Tom is obviously tired of his job. Tom is obviously tired of his work. >>eng<< Tom zařval. Tom yelled. Tom screamed. >>eng<< Jest wiele rodzajów mąki: mąka pszenna, mąka orkiszowa, mąka żytnia i wiele innych. There are many kinds of flour: wheat flour, spelt flour, rye flour, and many others. There are many types of flour: wheat flour, orchid flour, vegetable flour and many others. >>eng<< Chceš opravdu zůstat věčně mladý? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? >>eng<< Jsem nudná. I am boring. I'm boring. >>eng<< Nemám tušení. I have no idea. I have no idea. >>eng<< Już jestem spóźniony. I am already late. I'm late. >>eng<< Stromy se ve větru ohýbaly. The trees were bending in the wind. The trees were bending in the wind. >>eng<< Potřebuji peníze, ne práci. I need money, not a job. I need money, not work. >>eng<< Zaczął myć samochód. He started washing his car. He started washing the car. >>eng<< Mám otázky ohledně tvého plánu. I have some questions about your plan. I have questions about your plan. >>eng<< Míváme tady málo sněhu, dokonce i v zimě. We have little snow here even in the winter. We have little snow here, even in the winter. >>eng<< Nevěnoval jsem mu pozornost. I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't pay attention to him. >>eng<< Neočekávám konec světa, ale konec temnoty. I do not expect the end of the world, but the end of darkness. I do not expect the end of the world, but the end of darkness. >>eng<< Já jsem ten, koho chceš. I'm the one you want. I'm the one you want. >>eng<< Zná tu někdo tohohle chlapa? Does anyone here know this guy? Does anyone know this guy? >>eng<< Kto to? Who's this? Who is it? >>eng<< Będę potrzebował trochę więcej czasu. I'll need some more time. I'm gonna need some more time. >>eng<< Jestli změníš názor, víš kde mě najít. If you change your mind, you'll know where to find me. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. >>eng<< Tom nikdy dřiv nezpíval. Tom never used to sing. Tom never sang so much. >>eng<< Odpověděla ti. She answered you. She answered you. >>eng<< Rád by pomohl. He would be glad to help. He'd like to help. >>eng<< Z którego peronu odjeżdża pociąg do Bostonu? What platform does the train for Boston leave from? From which platform does the train depart to Boston? >>eng<< Nikt nie wie, jak się czuję. Nobody knows how I feel. No one knows how I feel. >>eng<< Tom nemá na růžích ustláno. Tom's life is not a bed of roses. Tom's not on the roses. >>eng<< Ten samochód jest jak nowy. This car is like new. This car is like a new one. >>eng<< Určitě jsi zůstal dlouho vzhůru. You must have stayed up late. I'm sure you've stayed awake for a long time. >>eng<< Wykop głęboką dziurę. Dig a deep hole. dig a deep hole. >>eng<< Czy ona przeczytała ten artykuł? Has she read this article? Did she read this article? >>eng<< On nelže. He doesn't lie. He's not lying. >>eng<< Definitywnie damy radę! We can definitely do it. We definitely can do it! >>eng<< Czy byłbyś w stanie wrócić tutaj jutro o 14:30? Would you be able to come back here tomorrow at 14:30? Would you be able to come back here tomorrow at 14:30? >>eng<< Jesteś niesamowity. You're awesome. You're amazing. >>eng<< Všichni z nich nejsou Kanaďané. Not all of them are Canadians. All of them are not Canadians. >>eng<< Opowiedz resztę historii. Please tell us the rest of the story. Tell the rest of the story. >>eng<< Tom skręcił sobie kostkę, a ona spuchła. Tom twisted his ankle and it swelled up. Tom turned his ankle, and she sighed. >>eng<< Je mi fuk, kolik vážíš. I don't care how much you weigh. I don't care how much you weigh. >>eng<< Vše jako vždy. Business as usual. Everything as always. >>eng<< Přestaňte Toma nutit! Stop pressurring Tom! Stop forcing Tom! >>eng<< Běžte Toma pozdravit. Go say hello to Tom. Go say hello to Tom. >>eng<< Co kdyby ses nastěhovala do mého domu? Why don't you move into my house? What if you moved into my house? >>eng<< Budu to vůbec schopen udělat? Would it be at all possible for me to do that? Will I be able to do that? >>eng<< Możesz na nim polegać. You can count on him. You can rely on it. >>eng<< Je ženatý nebo svobodný? Is he married or single? Is he married or free? >>eng<< Nemůžu si dovolit mít auto. I cannot afford to keep a car. I can't afford to have a car. >>eng<< Tutaj mieszkamy. This is where we live. We live here. >>eng<< Zvony začali zvonit. The bells started to ring. The bells started to ring. >>eng<< Mam dwě kóčki. I have two cats. I have two cats. >>eng<< Tom si nedodělal domácí úkoly. Tom didn't completely finish his homework. Tom didn't do his homework. >>eng<< Dlaczego nie przymierzysz tego żółtego swetra? Why don't you try on this yellow sweater? Why don't you make that yellow sweater? >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że Bóg ci wybaczy. I hope that God will forgive you. I hope God forgives you. >>eng<< Wrócisz do Włoch w przyszłym roku? Are you going to come back to Italy next year? Will you return to Italy next year? >>eng<< Naprawdę lubię tego faceta. I really like that guy. I really like this guy. >>eng<< Líbím se mu. He likes me. He likes me. >>eng<< Měli jste hezké léto? Did you have a nice summer? Did you have a nice summer? >>eng<< Já to napsal. I wrote that. I wrote it. >>eng<< Czasami Jane biegnie do szkoły. Jane sometimes runs to school. Sometimes Jane goes to school. >>eng<< Co má Tom za problém? What kind of problem does Tom have? What's the problem with Tom? >>eng<< Maso je drahé. Meat is expensive. Meat is expensive. >>eng<< Chceš dnes ráno ovesnou kaši? Do you feel like porridge this morning? You want some oatmeal this morning? >>eng<< Dzisiaj czuję się lepiej. I feel better today. I feel better today. >>eng<< Tom není zvyklý na to, aby na něj někdo čekal. Tom isn't used to having someone wait on him. Tom is not used to waiting for him. >>eng<< Budete mít minutu na obhajobu svého názoru. You will have one minute to defend your opinion. You will have a minute to defend your opinion. >>eng<< Pes utíkal za kočkou. The dog ran after the cat. The dog ran behind the cat. >>eng<< Pracujeme spolu. We're working together. We work together. >>eng<< Tom vašim lžím nevěří, a já taky ne. Tom doesn't believe your lies and neither do I. Tom doesn't believe your lies, and I don't either. >>eng<< Nesnáším, když se na mě někdo dívá. I hate being watched. I don't understand when someone's looking at me. >>eng<< Měď a stříbro jsou obojí kovy. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and silver are both metals. >>eng<< Tom může jít se mnou. Tom can go with me. Tom can come with me. >>eng<< Všichni studenti na sobě měli černá trička. All the students were wearing black T-shirts. All the students were wearing black t-shirts. >>eng<< Děti si ještě hrají na pískovišti. The children are still playing in the sandbox. Children still play in the sandbox. >>eng<< Náš učitel se nám omluvil za to, že přišel pozdě. Our teacher apologized to us for being late. Our teacher apologized for coming late. >>eng<< Mam skarpetki, ale nie mam żadnych butów. I have socks, but I have no shoes. I have socks, but I don't have any shoes. >>eng<< Chtějí nás zničit. They want to destroy us. They want to destroy us. >>eng<< Před deseti lety by jeho teorie nebyla obecně akceptována. Ten years ago his theory would not have been generally accepted. Ten years ago, his theory would not have been generally accepted. >>eng<< Je to moje práce, přesvědčit vás. It's my job to convince you. It's my job to convince you. >>eng<< Tom nie jeździ motocyklem. Tom isn't used to riding a motorcycle. Tom doesn't drive a motorcycle. >>eng<< Nie przeczytałeś książki? Didn't you read the book? Didn't you read the book? >>eng<< To jest dla mnie zbyt trudne. This is too hard for me. It's too difficult for me. >>eng<< Jedna z mých sester má problémy se spánkem. One of my sisters has trouble sleeping. One of my sisters is having trouble sleeping. >>eng<< Powědam słowakski. I speak Slovak. I speak Slovak. >>eng<< Prawie trzy godziny zajęło Tomowi dotarcie do domu. It took Tom almost three hours to get home. It took Tom almost three hours to get home. >>eng<< Podívej! Padající hvězda! Look! A falling star! A falling star! >>eng<< Všichni se moc bojíme. We're all very scared. We're all too scared. >>eng<< Tom to udělá, ne vy. Tom will do it, not you. Tom will do it, not you. >>eng<< Nemusím chodit na nákup každý den, když nakoupím dost jídla. I needn't go shopping every day if I buy enough food. I don't have to go shopping every day when I buy enough food. >>eng<< Gdy tylko tu przychodzę, odczuwam spokój. Whenever I come here, I feel at ease. As soon as I come here, I feel calm. >>eng<< Tom jest psychologiem dziecięcym, prawda? Tom is a child psychologist, right? Tom is a child psychologist, isn't he? >>eng<< Jsem si jist, že tentokrát Tom neunikne. I am sure that Tom won't escape this time. I'm sure Tom won't escape this time. >>eng<< Na Toma se můžete vždy spolehnout. You can always count on Tom. You can always rely on Tom. >>eng<< Pojede na letiště. He will go to the airport. He's going to the airport. >>eng<< Tom pracuje v jedné restauraci v Bostonu. Tom is working at a restaurant in Boston. Tom works at a restaurant in Boston. >>eng<< Tomův pes napadl Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. >>eng<< Patrząc na niego, wziąłbyś go za dziewczynę. To look at him, you'd take him for a girl. Looking at him, you'd take him as a girl. >>eng<< Nosím flanelové pyžamo. I wear flannel pajamas. I wear flannel pajamas. >>eng<< Maria ma pryszcz na nosie. Maria has a pimple on her nose. Maria's on her nose. >>eng<< Śpij dobrze! Sleep well! Sleep well! >>eng<< Piju vodu, protože mám žízeň. I drink water because I am thirsty. I drink water because I’m thirsty. >>eng<< Mám skutečně obavy o tvou budoucnost. I'm really concerned about your future. I'm really worried about your future. >>eng<< No možná jsem tak trochu zvědavej. I guess I'm a little curious. Well, maybe I'm kind of curious. >>eng<< Tom był wtedy żonaty. Tom was married back then. Tom was married then. >>eng<< Vábil ho její úsměv. He was attracted by her smile. He loved her smile. >>eng<< To kompletnie szalone. That's totally crazy. It's totally crazy. >>eng<< Pojďme se bavit Vabungula a Yuelami! Let's speak Vabungula and Yuelami! Let's have fun with Vabungula and Yuelami! >>eng<< Myslím, že to vůbec není zajímavé. I don't think this is interesting at all. I don't think that's interesting at all. >>eng<< Piszę bez przerwy od drugiej. I have been writing since two o'clock without a break. I write uninterruptedly from the other. >>eng<< Stany Zjednoczone są największym na świecie producentem sera. The United States is the largest producer of cheese in the world. The United States is the world’s largest producer of cheese. >>eng<< Ile kosztowały te okulary? How much did these glasses cost? How much did these glasses cost? >>eng<< Běž rychle, nebo ti ten autobus ujede. Run fast, otherwise you will miss the bus. Go fast, or you'll miss the bus. >>eng<< Myślę, że mój niemiecki jest naprawdę zjebany. I think my German is really fucked up. I think my German is really fucked up. >>eng<< Žena všechno popřela. The wife denied everything. The woman denied everything. >>eng<< Mluvíš plynně anglicky. You speak fluent English. You speak fluent English. >>eng<< Skoro nikdo se tam nedostal včas. Almost nobody got there on time. Almost no one got there in time. >>eng<< Žiju v komunitě, kde většina lidí může chodit do práce pěšky. I live in a community where most people can walk to work. I live in a community where most people can walk to work. >>eng<< Teď to má pod dozorem armáda. The army is in charge now. Now it's under the control of the army. >>eng<< Dzieci są pełne energii. Children are full of energy. Children are full of energy. >>eng<< Tom poslal Mary pohlednici. Tom sent a postcard to Mary. Tom sent Mary a postcard. >>eng<< Lepiej niech pani idzie z nami. You'd better go with us. You better come with us. >>eng<< On ani trochę nie wygląda jak jego ojciec. He doesn't look like his father at all. He doesn't even look like his father. >>eng<< Tom ufał, że Mary postąpi słusznie. Tom trusted Mary to do the right thing. Tom believed Mary would do the right thing. >>eng<< Zdanie, które czytasz, nie istnieje. The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. According to which you read, it does not exist. >>eng<< Nemůžu lhát. I can't lie. I can't lie. >>eng<< Kéž bych byl tygrem. I wish that I were a tiger. I wish I were a tiger. >>eng<< Stromy poskytují stín. Trees provide shade. Trees provide shade. >>eng<< Budeš slavný. You're going to be famous. You'll be famous. >>eng<< Jejich záměrem je vyhladit lidstvo. Their intention is to exterminate mankind. Their intention is to exterminate humanity. >>eng<< Prodiskutovali jsme s ním plán. We discussed the plan with him. We discussed the plan with him. >>eng<< Co když je Tom najde? What if Tom finds them? What if Tom finds them? >>eng<< Proč jste nepozvali také Toma? Why didn't you invite Tom too? Why didn't you invite Tom? >>eng<< Tom nigdy nie opuścił dnia pracy. Tom never missed a day of work. Tom never left the day of work. >>eng<< Jsem zvědavý. I am curious. I'm curious. >>eng<< Spójrz na tego kota. Look at that cat. Look at that cat. >>eng<< Proč tam sedí tak dlouho? Why is he sitting there for so long? Why is he sitting there for so long? >>eng<< Ne trjebaš mojeje dowolnosće. You don't need my permission. You do not need my permission. >>eng<< Osoby uczące się angielskiego często mylą ze sobą słowa "lie" oraz "lay". Students of English often mix up the words 'lie' and 'lay'. People who learn English often confuse the words "lie" and "lay". >>eng<< Ktoś był w tym pokoju? Was anyone in the room? Was there anyone in this room? >>eng<< Lidé v důsledku očkování umírají. People die as a result of vaccination. People die as a result of vaccination. >>eng<< Vesnice byla zaplavena. The village was flooded. The village was flooded. >>eng<< Umówmy się na spotkanie. Let's set up a meeting. Let's have a meeting. >>eng<< Včera jsme zbourali zeď. Yesterday, we demolished a wall. We demolished the wall yesterday. >>eng<< Ty si mě možná nepamatuješ, ale já tebe ano. You may not remember me, but I remember you. You may not remember me, but I do. >>eng<< Jaké roztomilé dítě! What an adorable child! What a cute baby! >>eng<< Chciałbyś tu kiedyś zamieszkać? Would you ever want to live here? Would you ever want to live here? >>eng<< Mohu sehnat víc. I can get more. I can get more. >>eng<< Autu praskla pneumatika. A tire on the car blew. The car broke out the tire. >>eng<< Jsme tady celý život. We have been here all our lives. We've been here all our life. >>eng<< Na tomto stromě neroste žádné ovoce. This tree bears no fruit. There is no fruit on this tree. >>eng<< Nechci jít do kopce. I don't want to go uphill. I don't want to go uphill. >>eng<< Chcę kupić procesor tekstu. I want to buy a word processor. I want to buy a text processor. >>eng<< Ale nie, ty wolałaś pojechać do droższego supermarketu. But no, you preferred to go to the more expensive supermarket. But no, you'd rather go to a more expensive supermarket. >>eng<< Dnes je hezky. It's fine today. It's nice today. >>eng<< Co on znowu kombinuje? What is he up to now? What does he combine again? >>eng<< Kocham go za to kim jest a nie za to co ma. I love him for what he is, not what he has. I love him for who he is and not for what he has. >>eng<< Później do ciebie dołączę. I'll catch up with you. I'll join you later. >>eng<< Takže ty a Hanna si hrajete na svatbu? So are you and Hanna planning on getting married? So you and Hanna are playing at the wedding? >>eng<< Tom usrkával svoji kávu. Tom sipped his coffee. Tom kissed his coffee. >>eng<< Może powinniśmy porozmawiać z Tomem. Maybe we should talk to Tom. Maybe we should talk to Tom. >>eng<< Cieszę się, że podoba się wam. Glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. >>eng<< Můžou tu být výrobní závady. There might be manufacturing defects. There may be manufacturing defects. >>eng<< Problem w końcu sam się rozwiąże. The problem will eventually solve itself. The problem will finally solve itself. >>eng<< Po co się trudzisz? Why do you bother? What are you worried about? >>eng<< Můj otec mě nedovolí samotnému chodit v noci ven. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go out alone at night. >>eng<< Tak, jutro biorę wolne. Yes, tomorrow is my day off. Yeah, I'm taking off tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom ty dveře pečlivě prohlédl. Tom carefully examined the door. Tom looked at the door carefully. >>eng<< Słowakski alfabet wobsteji z 46 pismikow: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, á, ä, b, c, no, d, d, d, ž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, í, k, l, ľ, ľ, ľ, m, n, , o, o, o, p, q, r, r, s, t, t, u, u, u, w, x, y, y, y, z, z. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom je do Mary zamilovaný. I think Tom is in love with Mary. I think Tom's in love with Mary. >>eng<< Zamiloval ses do ní na první pohled? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? >>eng<< Mam wjele knigłow. I have many books. I have a lot of books. >>eng<< Nigdy nie słyszałem żeby tak płakał. I have never heard him crying like this. I never heard him cry like that. >>eng<< Zrobiłam pewne postępy. I've made some progress. I made some progress. >>eng<< Je víceméně opilý. He is more or less drunk. He's more or less drunk. >>eng<< Jak dlouho jsi tomu byl vystaven? How long were you exposed to it? How long have you been exposed to this? >>eng<< To mnie martwi. That does worry me. That's what I'm worried about. >>eng<< Tom se pohádal se svým sousedem. Tom had an argument with his neighbour. Tom had a fight with his neighbor. >>eng<< Tom spotkał Mary przypadkowo w drodze ze szkoły do domu. Tom met Mary by chance on his way home from school. Tom met Mary accidentally on his way from school to home. >>eng<< Ona zachowuje sekrety. She keeps secrets. She keeps secrets. >>eng<< Nechals dýško? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave the rain? >>eng<< Chłopcy i dziewczynki bawią się w ogrodzie. Boys and girls play in the garden. Boys and girls play in the garden. >>eng<< Zkus si promluvit s policií. Try talking to the police. Try talking to the police. >>eng<< Samozřejmě, že to popírám. Of course, I'm denying it. Of course I deny it. >>eng<< Dlatego mnie wybrali. They chose me for that. That's why they chose me. >>eng<< Můj bratr, který má špatnou pověst, je bohatý podnikatel. My brother, whose reputation is bad, is a rich businessman. My brother, who has a bad reputation, is a wealthy entrepreneur. >>eng<< Rodzina Toma mieszka w Bostonie. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. >>eng<< Tom jest zazwyczaj zajęty po południu. Tom is usually busy in the afternoon. Tom is usually busy in the afternoon. >>eng<< Všechny Tomovy předpovědi se splnily. All of Tom's predictions came true. All Tom's predictions have been fulfilled. >>eng<< Tom nepoužívá deodorant. Tom doesn't wear deodorant. Tom doesn't use deodorant. >>eng<< Vypadni! Get the hell out of here! Get out! >>eng<< Takhle mě už neděs! Don't scare me like that! Don't scare me like that! >>eng<< Nevím, jak mám číst mezi řádky. I don't know how to read between the lines. I don't know how to read between the lines. >>eng<< Nemohu otevřít odkaz, který jsi mi poslala. I can't open the link you sent to me. I can't open the link you sent me. >>eng<< Hrával jsem hokej. I used to play hockey. I played hockey. >>eng<< Jak jest 'kot' po hiszpańsku? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? How's the "cat" in Spanish? >>eng<< Nedostatek peněz jí bránil v tom, aby se mnou šla. Her lack of money kept her from going with me. Lack of money prevented her from coming with me. >>eng<< Jak byly ty bomby odpáleny? How were the bombs detonated? How were the bombs fired? >>eng<< Pro Toma jsem nehlasoval. I did not vote for Tom. I didn't vote for Tom. >>eng<< Kdybych se tak byl učil ve škole lépe. I regret not having studied harder at school. If I were to learn better at school. >>eng<< Tom se nikdy nezdá být rozčílený, bez ohledu na to, co Mary udělá. Tom never seems to get upset no matter what Mary does. Tom never seems angry, no matter what Mary does. >>eng<< Robię to, co mam robić. I'm doing what I have to do. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. >>eng<< Tom potrzebuje pomocy Mary. Tom needs Mary's help. Tom needs help from Mary. >>eng<< Ona woli słuchać niż mówić. She would rather listen to others than talk herself. She'd rather listen than talk. >>eng<< Snad se sem všichni dostanou včas. I hope everybody gets here on time. I hope everyone gets here in time. >>eng<< Mám přítele, který je pilotem. I have a friend who is a pilot. I have a friend who is a pilot. >>eng<< Ani se nepokoušej to popřít. Don't even try to deny it. Don't even try to deny it. >>eng<< Budeš Tomovi dělat tlumočníka? Will you interpret for Tom? Are you gonna make Tom an interpreter? >>eng<< Mój dom wymaga remontu. My house needs repairs. My house needs a renovation. >>eng<< Aha. I see. Oh, yeah. >>eng<< Pudełko, które znalazł, było puste. The box he found was empty. The box he found was empty. >>eng<< Proszę, wyślij mi to faksem. Please send it to me by fax. Please send me a fax. >>eng<< Tom má rád auta. Tom likes cars. Tom likes cars. >>eng<< Je mi jedno, jestli ranní ptáče dál doskáče, já chci spát. I don't care if the early bird gets the worm, I want to sleep. I don't care if the morning bird keeps jumping, I want to sleep. >>eng<< Tom przebrał się za strażaka. Tom disguised himself as a fireman. Tom dressed up as a firefighter. >>eng<< Dítě lezlo po čtyřech. The baby was crawling on all fours. The child was four. >>eng<< Jsem velice šťastná v Gruzii. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. >>eng<< C# jest podobny do Javy. C# is similar to Java. C# is similar to Java. >>eng<< Nejsou tohle tvoje knihy? Aren't these your books? Isn't this your books? >>eng<< Póki co nie mamy od niego odpowiedzi. As of today, we haven't had an answer from him. Until we have no answer from him. >>eng<< Nie kupuj mi więcej prezentów. Don't buy me any more presents. Don't buy me any more gifts. >>eng<< Sporty zimowe są w naszym kraju bardzo popularne. Winter sports are very popular in our country. Winter sports are very popular in our country. >>eng<< To nietypowa prośba. This is an unusual request. It's an unusual request. >>eng<< Přál bych si mluvit s Tomem. I wish to speak to Tom. I wish I could talk to Tom. >>eng<< Kamkoliv Tom jde, jeho pes ho následuje. Tom's dog follows Tom wherever he goes. Wherever Tom goes, his dog follows him. >>eng<< Powiedziałem Tomowi prawdę. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. >>eng<< Chcę się zestarzeć z Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. I want to grow old with Mary. >>eng<< Moje stopnie są powyżej średniej. My grades are above average. My degrees are above average. >>eng<< Proč tomu nevěříš? Why don't you believe that? Why don't you believe that? >>eng<< Wiem, co tu się może zdarzyć. I know what can happen here. I know what can happen here. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že není času nazbyt. Tom said that there was no time to lose. Tom said there's no time left. >>eng<< Krew była ciemnej barwy. The blood was a dark color. The blood was dark. >>eng<< Oni mi rozumí. They can understand me. They understand me. >>eng<< Bylo to jako nějaké pohádka. It was like a fairy tale. It was like a fairy tale. >>eng<< Wszyscy ludzie w parku patrzyli do góry na balon. Everybody in the park looked up at the hot air balloon. All the people in the park looked up at the balloon. >>eng<< Je tu jeden možný problém. There's one possible problem. There's one possible problem. >>eng<< Mówcie po włosku! Speak Italian! Speak Italian! >>eng<< Tyhle věci nejsou moje! These things aren't mine! These things are not mine! >>eng<< Muszę się przygotować do szkoły. I've got to get ready for school. I have to get ready for school. >>eng<< Poniedziałek zdecydowanie nie jest moim ulubionym dniem tygodnia. Monday definitely isn't my favourite day of the week. Monday is definitely not my favorite day of the week. >>eng<< Kelko rěčow je w Europje? How many languages are there in Europe? How many languages is there in Europe? >>eng<< Nemůžu uvěřit, že mi děláš tohle. I can't believe you're doing this to me. I can't believe you're doing this to me. >>eng<< Przeznacz godzinę na dotarcie na lotnisko. Allow one hour to reach the airport. Take an hour to get to the airport. >>eng<< Viděl jsem Toma, jak jde po pláži. I saw Tom walking down the beach. I saw Tom walk on the beach. >>eng<< Jeho jméno mi nejde do hlavy. His name eludes me. His name's not in my head. >>eng<< Musíš se vrátit do devíti hodin. You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to go back in nine hours. >>eng<< Nejsi jediný, kdo to musí dělat. You're not the only one who has to do that. You're not the only one who has to do this. >>eng<< Budu velmi opatrný. I'll be very careful. I'll be very careful. >>eng<< Jest wystarczająco bogaty, żeby kupić ten obraz. He is rich enough to buy the painting. He's rich enough to buy this painting. >>eng<< Dej mi kousnout. Give me a bite. Let me bite. >>eng<< Możemy złożyć zamówienie? Can we order please? Can we place an order? >>eng<< Už je vdaná. She is already married. She's already married. >>eng<< Tom se právě připojil ke schůzce. Tom has just joined the meeting. Tom just joined the meeting. >>eng<< Koupila jsi nový dům. You bought a new house. You bought a new house. >>eng<< Prd je trýzněný křik lapeného hovna. A fart is the tortured scream of a trapped turd. The fart is a mutilated screaming shit. >>eng<< Czy ta czarna torba jest pańska? Is that black bag yours? Is this black bag a coward? >>eng<< Sovy vidí ve tmě. Owls can see in the dark. The Owls see in the dark. >>eng<< Mary zmarła przy porodzie. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died at birth. >>eng<< Za jaký tým Tom hraje? What team does Tom play for? What team does Tom play for? >>eng<< Ten płaszcz jest fajny, ale zbyt drogi. This coat is nice, but too expensive. This coat is cool, but too expensive. >>eng<< Jóga může vylepšit lidské zdraví a pohodu. Yoga can improve one's health and well-being. Yoga can improve human health and well-being. >>eng<< Tom nerozuměl ničemu, co Mary řekla. Tom couldn't understand anything Mary said. Tom didn't understand anything Mary said. >>eng<< Myslím, že bychom to měli uznat. I think that we should admit that. I think we should recognize that. >>eng<< Nic nie robimy. We're not doing anything. We're not doing anything. >>eng<< Otec Tomovi řekl, že pokud chce být úspěšný, měl by si stanovit nějaké ambiciózní cíle. Father said to Tom that if he wants to be successful he should set himself some ambitious targets. Dad told Tom that if he wanted to be successful, he should set some ambitious goals. >>eng<< Snažím se vést aktivní život. I try to lead an active lifestyle. I try to lead an active life. >>eng<< Líbí se mi pomalé tempo této písně. I like the slow tempo of this song. I like the slow pace of this song. >>eng<< Mary dała mi amerykańską lalkę. Mary gave me an American doll. Mary gave me an American doll. >>eng<< Pochopil jsi ten vtip? Have you understood this joke? Did you understand the joke? >>eng<< Nie znosiłem pisania piórem wiecznym. I hated to write with a fountain pen. I hated writing with an eternal pen. >>eng<< To jest dokuczanie. This is harassment. That's teasing. >>eng<< Jsem rád, že jsem Toma našel. I am glad to have found Tom. I'm glad I found Tom. >>eng<< Vyzkoušela už jsi někdy mátový čaj? Have you ever tried mint tea? Have you ever tried mint tea? >>eng<< Zapomněl jsem zhasnout. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn it off. >>eng<< Ma niewiele pieniędzy. He has little money. He has little money. >>eng<< To je ale pěkný lhář! What a liar! That's a pretty liar! >>eng<< Dlaczego Marika tak bardzo interesowała się kulturą japońską? Why was Marika so interested in Japanese culture? Why was Marika so interested in Japanese culture? >>eng<< Udělal jsi to naschvál? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? >>eng<< Klidně mu to můžeš říct předem. You may as well say it to him in advance. You can tell him in advance. >>eng<< Lék působil rychle. The drug acted quickly. The drug worked fast. >>eng<< Pomyliłem Toma z jego bratem. I confused Tom with his brother. I confused Tom with his brother. >>eng<< Tomův dům byl poničen povodní. Tom's house was damaged by the flood. Tom's house was destroyed by floods. >>eng<< Wcześnie wstałem. I woke up early. I got up early. >>eng<< Bob hledal někoho, s kým by bylo možné si promluvit. Bob was looking for someone to talk with. Bob was looking for someone to talk to. >>eng<< Chce mi sie wymiotować jak słyszę twoje narzekania. I am sick to death of your complaints. I want to make a difference when I hear your complaints. >>eng<< Nadam się na twojego/ twoją partnera/ partnerkę? Will I do as your partner? Can I contact your partner/partner? >>eng<< Nemohou Toma vystát. They cannot stand Tom. They can't stand Tom. >>eng<< Zná vína. He knows wines. He knows the wines. >>eng<< On jest w drodze. He's on his way. He's on his way. >>eng<< Cestuji nalehko. I travel light. I travel lightly. >>eng<< Kde se nachází hřbitov? Where's the cemetery? Where is the cemetery? >>eng<< Brusel je hlavní město Belgie. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Brussels is the capital city of Belgium. >>eng<< Už jste někdy viděli tak hezký film, jako je tento? Have you already seen as nice a movie as this one? Have you ever seen a movie like this? >>eng<< Muszę przyznać, że masz rację. I must admit, you're right. I have to admit, you're right. >>eng<< Obserwowaliśmy wasze negocjacje. We've been watching your negotiations. We've been watching your negotiations. >>eng<< Překvapilo je to, co viděli. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. >>eng<< Wielu rodowitych Japończyków ma trudności z odróżnieniem głosek 'b' i 'w'. Many native speakers of Japanese have trouble hearing the difference between B and V. Many native Japanese have difficulty distinguishing the voices 'b' and 'w'. >>eng<< Tom byl zabit ručním granátem. Tom was killed by a hand grenade. Tom was killed by a hand grenade. >>eng<< Nigdy o to nie proszę. I never ask for this. Never ask for it. >>eng<< Nesmíme usnout na vavřínech! We must not rest on our laurels! We can't sleep on the lattice! >>eng<< Budu velmi šťastný, když budeš moci přijít. If you can come, I will be very happy. I'll be very happy if you can come. >>eng<< Navštívil Japonsko, když byl prezidentem. He visited Japan while he was President. He visited Japan when he was president. >>eng<< Jego syn ma talent do muzyki. His son has a gift for music. His son has a talent for music. >>eng<< Rozumíte italsky? Do you understand Italian? Do you understand Italian? >>eng<< Śmiało! Come on! Get up! >>eng<< Dělá nejlepší sandwiche na světě! She makes the best sandwiches in the world. It makes the best sandwich in the world! >>eng<< Dlaczego czekać na Święta? Why wait for Christmas? Why wait for Christmas? >>eng<< Tom to udělal z lásky k té dívce. Tom did it out of love for the girl. Tom made it out of love for that girl. >>eng<< Sami se díval na nějaké video Layly. Sami watched some of Layla's videos. He was watching a video of Layly himself. >>eng<< Chtěl bych červené víno. I would like red wine. I'd like red wine. >>eng<< Tom u nás ještě nikdy nebyl. Tom has never been at our place. Tom's never been to our place before. >>eng<< W kraju demokratycznym ważna jest wolność prasy. In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent. In a democratic country, freedom of the press is important. >>eng<< Přestaň mluvit a dávej pozor. Stop talking and pay attention. Stop talking and be careful. >>eng<< Zdecydowałem się poprosić Toma o wybaczenie. I've made up my mind to ask Tom to forgive me. I decided to ask Tom for forgiveness. >>eng<< Emily nie boi się pająków. Emily isn't afraid of spiders. Emily is not afraid of spiders. >>eng<< Náš pes je na svůj věk stále čilý. Our dog is still agile for his age. Our dog is still clean for his age. >>eng<< Trvalo to jen něco málo přes hodinu. It took just a little over an hour. It only took a little over an hour. >>eng<< Nie musisz tu być. You don't need to be here. You don't have to be here. >>eng<< Winda nie działa. The elevator is out of order. The elevator doesn't work. >>eng<< Co mi udělal? What has he done to me? What did he do to me? >>eng<< Tom pewnie nawet nie pójdzie. Tom probably won't even go. Tom probably won't even go. >>eng<< Ona lubi czytać powieści. She enjoys reading novels. She likes to read novels. >>eng<< Slunečné dny tu převládají. Sunny days are prevalent here. The sunny days prevail here. >>eng<< Upozornil vás někdo na to, že přijdu? Did somebody warn you that I'd come? Has anyone warned you that I would come? >>eng<< Mars to Czerwona Planeta. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is the Red Planet. >>eng<< Dosáhl svého cíle. He achieved his goal. He reached his goal. >>eng<< Zauważyłem, że promocyjne ceny były napisane czerwonym drukiem. I noticed the sale prices were written in red ink. I noticed that promotional prices were written in red printing. >>eng<< Obě Tomovy nohy musely být amputovány. Both of Tom's legs had to be amputated. Both of Tom's legs had to be amputated. >>eng<< Usiedzieć. Sit still. Sit down. >>eng<< Kłamcy muszą mieć dobrą pamięć. Liars must have a good memory. The liars must have a good memory. >>eng<< Opravdu si vážím tvé podpory. I really appreciate your support. I really appreciate your support. >>eng<< Tom byl vzteky bez sebe, když se mu nepovedlo nalézt na Tatoebě jednoduchou příkladovou větu s výrazem "úplná zábrana". Tom was beside himself with rage, failing to find a single example sentence on Tatoeba containing the expression "complete inhibition". Tom was angry without himself when he failed to find a simple example sentence on Tatoeb with the expression "complete barrier". >>eng<< Premier zgodził się, że rząd powinien być zrestrukturyzowany. The prime minister agreed that the government needed to be restructured. The Prime Minister agreed that the government should be demolished. >>eng<< Tom się nie martwi. Tom isn't worried. Tom's not worried. >>eng<< Jeden mluví anglicky a druhý japonsky. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English and the other speaks Japanese. >>eng<< Znam dużo języków. I know a lot of languages. I know a lot of languages. >>eng<< Jestem zbyt zmęczony, żeby biegać. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. >>eng<< Býval jsem učitelem. I used to be a teacher. I used to be a teacher. >>eng<< Mezi lidmi není rovnost. There is no parity amongst people. There is no equality among people. >>eng<< Ten wypadek nie ma nic wspólnego ze mną. This accident has nothing to do with me. This accident has nothing to do with me. >>eng<< Omlouvám se, že jsem včera nepřišel. Něco se přihodilo. Sorry I couldn't come over yesterday. Something came up. I'm sorry I didn't come last night. >>eng<< Chciałbym z tobą zatańczyć. I'd like to dance with you. I'd like to dance with you. >>eng<< Vpomínám si, že jsem četl tu knihu. I remember reading the book. I remember reading this book. >>eng<< Měl bys přestat kouřit. You should refrain from smoking. You should stop smoking. >>eng<< Tom vyhraje. Tom is going to win. Tom wins. >>eng<< Chci vědět, kdy budeš hotov. I want to know when you're done. I want to know when you'll be done. >>eng<< Tom přešel zamrzlé jezero. Tom crossed the frozen lake. Tom went through a frozen lake. >>eng<< Ta biżuteria jest droga. These jewels are expensive. This jewelry is expensive. >>eng<< To dziwne pytanie. That's a strange question. That's a strange question. >>eng<< Když jsem byl dítětem, moje matka mi často četla pohádky. When I was a child, my mother would often read fairy tales to me. When I was a child, my mother often read me stories. >>eng<< Odejdź. Go away. Let's go. >>eng<< Prosím, neváhejte mě kontaktovat, pokud máte jakékoliv další otázky. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. >>eng<< Dobře, děkuji. A vy? Fine, thank you. And you? Okay, thank you, and you? >>eng<< Na miejscu Toma, uderzyłbym Mary w twarz. If I were Tom, I would've punched Mary in the face. In Tom's place, I'd hit Mary in the face. >>eng<< Ona byla opravdu milá. She was really nice. She was really nice. >>eng<< Někdy opravuji věty s drobnými chybami bez toho, aniž bych to někomu oznamoval. Sometimes I correct sentences with small errors without notifying anybody. Sometimes I fix sentences with minor mistakes without telling anyone. >>eng<< Jedl jsem se svými rodiči. I ate with my parents. I ate with my parents. >>eng<< Zwykle wstaję o ósmej. I usually get up at eight. I usually get up at eight. >>eng<< Algieria i Kuba są przyjaciółmi. Algeria and Cuba are friends. Algeria and Cuba are friends. >>eng<< Nie ma zbyt dużo pieniędzy. He doesn't have much money. There's not much money. >>eng<< Widziałem ptaka przelatującego nad drzewem. I saw a bird flying over a tree. I saw a bird flying over a tree. >>eng<< Musisz to zrobić jeszcze raz. You have to do it again. You have to do it again. >>eng<< Můžeš se mi podívat na dásně? Can you have a look at my gums? Can you look at the gums? >>eng<< Je tu dost místa pro všechny. There's enough space for everybody. There's plenty of room for everyone. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że Tom to załatwi. I hope that Tom can get that sorted out. I hope Tom can handle it. >>eng<< Co kdybychom šli ven na čerstvý vzduch? Why don't we go outside for some fresh air? Why don't we go out for fresh air? >>eng<< Mohl bych si jít hrát, až dočtu tuto knihu? Could I go play after reading this book? Can I play when I read this book? >>eng<< Tom a Mary žijí v tomtéž domě. Tom and Mary live in the same house. Tom and Mary live in the same house. >>eng<< Kdes celou tu dobu byl? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? >>eng<< Tato housenka se promění do krásného motýla. This caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly. This house is turned into a beautiful butterfly. >>eng<< Stalo se mu něco opravdu špatného. A really bad thing happened to him. Something really bad happened to him. >>eng<< Tom stále nezaplatil nájem za poslední měsíc. Tom still hasn't paid last month's rent. Tom still hasn't paid the rent in the last month. >>eng<< Země je pokrytá sněhem. The ground is covered with snow. The earth is covered with snow. >>eng<< Śnieg mi nie przeszkadza. I don't care if it snows. Snow doesn't bother me. >>eng<< Pijtaj čaj. Drink tea. Drink tea. >>eng<< Rozmawiał z jakąś dziewczyną. He was talking to a girl. He talked to a girl. >>eng<< Jestem w samochodzie. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. >>eng<< Tom se cítil dobře. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. >>eng<< Je namol. He is dead drunk. It's a big deal. >>eng<< Kdo namaloval tento obraz? Who painted this painting? Who painted this painting? >>eng<< Nie spałem. I wasn't sleeping. I didn't sleep. >>eng<< Stali w kolejce. They were standing in a line. They were in line. >>eng<< Ona dělat nemusí. She does not have to work. She doesn't have to. >>eng<< W kawiarni obok kawa jest o połowę tańsza. The coffee is cheaper by half in the café next door. In the cafe next to coffee is half cheaper. >>eng<< Fotbal je stará hra. Football is an old game. Football is an old game. >>eng<< Tom tylko próbuje pomóc. Tom is only trying to help. Tom is just trying to help. >>eng<< Jego odpowiedź była krótka i na temat. His reply was short and to the point. His answer was short and on the subject. >>eng<< Dlaczego to wyłączyłeś? Why have you turned it off? Why'd you turn it off? >>eng<< Policie ji nemůže najít. The police can't find her. The police can't find her. >>eng<< Rozhodli se pro nové zásady. He had decided on a new policy. They opted for new principles. >>eng<< Proszę wejdź. Please come in. Come in, please. >>eng<< Moje košile je z bavlny. My shirt is made of cotton. My shirt is cotton. >>eng<< Je nic než lhář. He is nothing but a liar. He's nothing but a liar. >>eng<< Byla by škoda, kdyby se takové slovo ztratilo. It would be a pity if such a word disappeared. It would be a shame if such a word was lost. >>eng<< Nejedl dva dny. He hadn't eaten in two days. He didn't eat two days. >>eng<< Tom je heterosexuál. Tom is straight. Tom is heterosexual. >>eng<< Nie mogłem znaleźć słowa, którego szukałem w słowniku. I couldn't find the word I was looking for in the dictionary. I couldn't find the word I was looking for in the dictionary. >>eng<< Bylo mu teprve čtrnáct. He was only fourteen years old. He was only fourteen. >>eng<< Przestań mnie łaskotać! Stop tickling me! Don't be kind to me! >>eng<< Příležitost dělá zloděje. Opportunity makes a thief. Opportunity is made by a thief. >>eng<< Amerykańscy imperialiści, próbując złamać i zdezorganizować siły obrońców pokoju, demokracji i socjalizmu, zawiązali silne relacje z imperialistami krajów Planu Marshalla, gdzie eksportują nie tylko broń i kryminały, zgniłe konserwy i gumy balonowe, ale także umożliwiają wgląd w spostrzeżenia ich filozofów. American imperialists, in their attempt to break and disorganise the forces of the defenders of peace, democracy and socialism, have established firm contact with the imperialists of the Marshall Plan countries, where they export not only weapons and thrillers, rotten canned food and bubble gum, but also the insights of their "philosophers". American imperialists, trying to break and disorganize the forces of peace defenders, democracy and socialism, have established strong relations with the imperialists of the Marshall Plan countries, where they export not only weapons and crime, perishable cannings and balloon gums, but also allow insights into their philosophers’ perceptions. >>eng<< Spotkanie się odbędzie bez względu na pogodę. The meeting will take place no matter what the weather is like. The meeting will take place regardless of the weather. >>eng<< Wšo dobre k narodninam! Happy birthday to you! All good for birthday! >>eng<< Byl příliš unaven, aby šel dál. He was too tired to go any farther. He was too tired to go on. >>eng<< Můžeme to vyřídit později. We can deal with this later. We can do it later. >>eng<< Musíme si uvědomovat hodnotu času. We need to be aware of the value of time. We need to realize the value of time. >>eng<< Padá sníh? Is it snowing now? Is it snowing? >>eng<< Odpocznij. Rest. Take a rest. >>eng<< Kdyby se to stalo, nepřekvapilo by mě to. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. If it happened, I wouldn't be surprised. >>eng<< Kdo povolal Toma do práce? Who recalled Tom to work? Who called Tom to work? >>eng<< Nigdy się ponownie nie ożeniłem. I've remarried. I never married again. >>eng<< Tomův pes je v jeho autě. Tom's dog is in his car. Tom's dog is in his car. >>eng<< Tom ví, co chce říct. Tom knows what he has to say. Tom knows what he wants to say. >>eng<< Zapomněl jsem si penál doma. I forgot my pencil case at home. I forgot the penalty at home. >>eng<< Pláž byla přeplněná turisty. The beach was packed with tourists. The beach was crowded with tourists. >>eng<< Miałem trochę problemów ze znalezieniem odpowiedzi. I had some trouble figuring out the answer. I had some trouble finding an answer. >>eng<< W ubiegłym roku mieszkałem w Nowym Jorku. I lived in New York last year. I lived in New York last year. >>eng<< Teď se cítím silnější. I feel stronger now. Now I feel stronger. >>eng<< Tom jí jenom maso. Tom eats only meat. Tom only eats meat. >>eng<< Kdo vykřiknul? Who yelled? Who cried out? >>eng<< Wielu ludzi podziwia Nikko. Many people admire Nikko. Many people admire Nikko. >>eng<< To, co se stalo Tomovi, bude vysvětleno později. What happened to Tom will be explained later. What happened to Tom will be explained later. >>eng<< Zdá se, že dneska budu vzhůru celou noc. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. Looks like I'll be up all night today. >>eng<< Budu Tomovi všechno vyprávět, až se s ním uvidím. I'll tell Tom everything when I see him. I'll tell Tom everything when I see him. >>eng<< Człowiek ma władzę nad wszystkim, tylko nie nad swoim sercem. Man has control over everything but his own heart. Man has power over everything but not over his heart. >>eng<< Zapomniał, jak kupował jej prezent. He forgot buying a present for her. He forgot how he bought her a present. >>eng<< Tato kniha ti jistě bude k velkému užitku. I'm sure that this book will be of great use to you. This book will be of great benefit to you. >>eng<< Ona jest ode mnie trzy lata starsza. She is three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. >>eng<< John był zbyt zaskoczony, żeby cokolwiek powiedzieć. John was too surprised to say anything. John was too surprised to say anything. >>eng<< Jěstej. You eat. Sure. >>eng<< Tom ustoupil, třesa se strachy. Tom backed away, trembling with fear. Tom's back, he's shaking. >>eng<< Jak víme, že Tom říká pravdu? How do we know Tom is telling the truth? How do we know Tom is telling the truth? >>eng<< Tahle věta je nudná. This sentence is boring. This sentence is boring. >>eng<< Tom si pořád stěžuje na počasí. Tom is always complaining about the weather. Tom is still complaining about the weather. >>eng<< Nechci tě poslouchat. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to listen to you. >>eng<< Musíš se ukrýt. You've got to hide. You have to hide. >>eng<< Tom nechal otevřenou lednici. Tom left the fridge door open. Tom left the refrigerator open. >>eng<< Tom všechny ty ptáky vypustil. Tom released all the birds. Tom fired all those birds. >>eng<< Jeśli chcesz więcej szczegolow o tym, powinienes zapytac mojego szefa If you want more details about that, you'll have to ask my boss. If you want more detail about this, you should ask my boss >>eng<< Blahopřeji všem. Konečně jsme to zvládli! Congratulations, everyone. We finally did it! Congratulations to everyone, we finally did it! >>eng<< Wiem, o czym mówisz. I know what you're talking about. I know what you're talking about. >>eng<< Tom się schylił by podnieść monetę z podłogi. Tom bent over to pick up a coin that was on the floor. Tom leaned to raise the coin from the floor. >>eng<< Tom vsunul obálku pod dveře. Tom slid the envelope under the door. Tom put the envelope under the door. >>eng<< Viděli Toma žebrat na ulici. They saw Tom begging in the street. They saw Tom beg on the street. >>eng<< Ona lubi chodzić do sauny. She likes to go to the sauna. She likes to go to the sauna. >>eng<< To nie jest takie proste. Things are not that simple. It's not that simple. >>eng<< Tom je šílený. Tom's crazy. Tom's crazy. >>eng<< Tom umřel v říjnu. Tom died in October. Tom died in October. >>eng<< Nienawiść wobec innych jest jej obca. Hating others is foreign to her. Hate for others is foreign to her. >>eng<< Zapomněl jsem si peněženku na na nočním stolku. I forgot my wallet on the nightstand. I forgot my wallet on the bedside table. >>eng<< Jak tylko wyszedłem, zaczęło lać. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. As soon as I left, she started to latch. >>eng<< Není tak hloupá. She's not that stupid. She's not so stupid. >>eng<< Tomuhle slovu nerozumím. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. >>eng<< Można mu zaufać. He can be trusted. He can be trusted. >>eng<< Opuściliśmy Afrykę na zawsze. He left Africa forever. We left Africa forever. >>eng<< Tom może być w kuchni, ale nie jestem pewien. Tom could be in the kitchen, but I don't know. Tom might be in the kitchen, but I'm not sure. >>eng<< Dlužíš mi službičku. You owe me a favor. You owe me a maid. >>eng<< Tom cítil, jak mu někdo poklepal na rameno. Tom felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Tom felt someone knock on his shoulder. >>eng<< W południe jem obiad. I have lunch at noon. I eat lunch at noon. >>eng<< Umí dobře hovořit španělsky. She can speak Spanish well. He can speak Spanish well. >>eng<< Naprawdę powinieneś się więcej uczyć. You really ought to study harder. You really should learn more. >>eng<< Hrají si za domem. They are playing behind the house. They play behind the house. >>eng<< Můžete Toma propustit? Can you dismiss Tom? Can you release Tom? >>eng<< Tom jest w drodze do Bostonu. Tom is on his way to Boston. Tom is on his way to Boston. >>eng<< Wiem, że Tom jest zajęty. I know that Tom is busy. I know Tom's busy. >>eng<< Z gniazdka wylatywały iskry. There are sparks flying out of the electric socket. There were sparks out of the nest. >>eng<< Je mladý a přitažlivý. He's young and attractive. He's young and attractive. >>eng<< Jest doskonałym tenisistą. He's an excellent tennis player. He is a great tennis player. >>eng<< Rád cestoval. He loved to travel. He liked to travel. >>eng<< To już nie stanowi problemu. It's not a problem anymore. This is no longer a problem. >>eng<< Jestli bude pořád takové horko, odstěhuju se někam na sever. If it is always so hot, I will move somewhere to the north. If it's still so hot, I'm going to move to the north. >>eng<< Nie umiem tego w tej chwili wyjaśnić. I can't explain it right now. I can't explain it right now. >>eng<< Máš ráda sladký čaj? Do you like sweet tea? Do you like sweet tea? >>eng<< Tom hladověl, protože byl příliš líný na to, aby si sehnal nějaké jídlo. Tom starved because he was too lazy to get some food. Tom was hungry because he was too lazy to get some food. >>eng<< Nie aprobuję twojego marnowania czasu. I don't approve of your wasting time. I don't approve of your wasting time. >>eng<< Co jsi čekal, že uvidíš? What did you expect to see? What did you expect you to see? >>eng<< Jen přes moji mrtvolu! Over my dead body. Just through my dead body! >>eng<< Možná to někdo chce. Maybe somebody wants that. Maybe someone wants it. >>eng<< Czy mogę skorzystać z toalety? Can I use your toilet, please? Can I use the toilet? >>eng<< To řekl Tom. Tom said that. That's what Tom said. >>eng<< Mary zrychlila krok. Mary quickened her pace. Mary has accelerated the step. >>eng<< Moglibyśmy to zrobić kiedy indziej. We could do this some other time. We could do it some other time. >>eng<< Zwykle robię pranie w pralni samoobsługowej. I usually wash my clothes at a laundrette. I usually do laundry in a self-service laundry room. >>eng<< Ma zwyczaj czytania gazety w czasie posiłków. He has the habit of reading the newspaper during meals. He is used to reading the newspaper during meals. >>eng<< Navštiv své sousedství. Visit your neighbourhood. Visit your neighborhood. >>eng<< Moje szczęście zależy od ciebie. My happiness depends on you. My happiness depends on you. >>eng<< Tom powiedział o tym Mary. Tom told Mary about that. Tom told Mary about it. >>eng<< Tato data jsem dával dohromady tři měsíce. I spent three months compiling this data. I put this data together for three months. >>eng<< Ile to kosztowało? What did it cost? How much did it cost? >>eng<< Mądry przywódca wie, kiedy słuchać. A wise leader knows when to listen. A wise leader knows when to listen. >>eng<< Arogantní lidi urazí negativní odezva. Arrogant people are offended by negative feedback. Arrogant people insult a negative response. >>eng<< Měl váš manžel hodně nepřátel? Did your husband have many enemies? Did your husband have a lot of enemies? >>eng<< On patrzy na kobiety z góry. He looks down on women. He looks at women from above. >>eng<< Nemůžu si dovolit nikomu zaplatit. I can't afford to pay anyone. I can't afford to pay anyone. >>eng<< Víš, jak se tahle věc jmenuje? Do you know what this thing's called? You know what this thing's called? >>eng<< Tom był piosenkarzem country. Tom used to be a country music singer. Tom was a country singer. >>eng<< Poradziłem sobie już z tym. I've already managed to do it. I've done it before. >>eng<< Jak důležitá je pro vás rodina? How important is your family to you? How important is family to you? >>eng<< Tom je moje noční můra. Tom is my nightmare. Tom is my nightmare. >>eng<< Jesteście rodzicami Toma, prawda? You're Tom's parents, aren't you? You're Tom's parents, aren't you? >>eng<< Nemohu vysvětlit, co se stalo. I can't explain what happened. I can't explain what happened. >>eng<< Ona je dívka. She's a girl. She's a girl. >>eng<< Měl bys jít na chvíli ven, Tome. You should go out for a while, Tom. You should go out for a while, Tom. >>eng<< Mně bylo jedno, kde byl Tom. I didn't care where Tom was. I didn't care where Tom was. >>eng<< Tom natáhl brka. Tom kicked the bucket. Tom got out of the way. >>eng<< Jsem kluk z vesnice. I'm a country boy. I'm a village boy. >>eng<< Nigdy bym nie pocałował Toma. I would never kiss Tom. I would never kiss Tom. >>eng<< Tom myślał, że jesteś w Bostonie. Tom thought you were in Boston. Tom thought you were in Boston. >>eng<< Budżet filmu był bardzo ograniczony. The budget of the film was very limited. The film budget was very limited. >>eng<< Tom byl překvapen když viděl Mary jíst maso, protože mu řekla, že je vegetariánka. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary eating meat because she'd told him that she was a vegetarian. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary eat meat because she told him she was a vegetarian. >>eng<< To je jeho dom. This is his house. That's his house. >>eng<< I když budík zazvonil, nevzbudil jsem se. Even though the alarm clock went off, I didn't wake up. Even when the alarm rang, I didn’t wake up. >>eng<< Naprawdę chcę, żeby ta praca była skończona. I really want to get this work done. I really want this job done. >>eng<< Chcę mówić po niemiecku. I want to speak German. I want to speak German. >>eng<< Tom odpowiedział. Tom answered. Tom answered. >>eng<< Nie ćwiczyłeś? Have you not practised? You didn't practice? >>eng<< Nikdo kromě Toma neodevzdal zprávu. No one but Tom handed in the report. No one but Tom sent a message. >>eng<< Nauczyciel napisał coś na tablicy w języku, którego nie znałam. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard in a language I didn't know. The teacher wrote something on the board in a language I didn’t know. >>eng<< Není to moc, ale je to lepší, než nic. It isn't much, but it's better than nothing. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. >>eng<< Robisz wielki hałas o nic. You're making a big fuss about nothing. You're making a lot of noise about nothing. >>eng<< Nechtěli jsme, aby se to stalo. We didn't want that to happen. We didn't want it to happen. >>eng<< Jeho dcera je zdravotní sestra. His daughter is a nurse. His daughter is a nurse. >>eng<< Ufa byla postavena na příkaz Ivana IV. (známějšího jako Ivan Hrozný) roku 1547. Ufa was built on the orders of Ivan IV (more commonly known as Ivan the Terrible) in 1547. Ufa was built on the order of Ivan IV (known as Ivan Hrozny) in 1547. >>eng<< Tomovi se muselo něco zaplatit, takže jsem mu dal všechno, co jsem měl. Tom needed to be paid something, so I gave him everything I had. Tom had to pay something, so I gave him everything I had. >>eng<< Její strach z létání je vážný handicap v její kariéře. Her fear of flying is a serious handicap in her career. Her fear of flying is a serious handicap in her career. >>eng<< Mała dziewczynka przytuliła swojego pluszowego misia. The little girl hugged her teddy bear. The little girl hugged her plush mission. >>eng<< Lhal jsem ti někdy? Have I ever lied to you? Have I ever lied to you? >>eng<< Potrzebuję tej pracy. I need this job. I need this job. >>eng<< Znamy się od wielu lat. We have known each other for many years now. We've known each other for many years. >>eng<< Stanu se americkým občanem. I will become an American citizen. I will become an American citizen. >>eng<< Właśnie miałem wychodzić, kiedy zadzwonił telefon. I was just about to go out, when the bell rang. I was just about to leave when he called the phone. >>eng<< Je to otázka života a smrti. It is a matter of life or death. It's a matter of life and death. >>eng<< Nechceš si se mnou zatančit? Would you like to dance with me? Don't you wanna dance with me? >>eng<< Tom se spřátelil s lidmi z celého světa. Tom made friends with people from all over the world. Tom made friends with people from all over the world. >>eng<< Měla jsem se skvěle minulý víkend. I had a great time last weekend. I had a great weekend. >>eng<< Četl jsem, že prezidentem Brazílie je žena. Jmenuje se Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman named Dilma. >>eng<< Co tě napadne, když vidíš tento obrázek? What do you think of when you see this picture? What happens to you when you see this picture? >>eng<< Tom mi to poslal. Tom sent me that. Tom sent it to me. >>eng<< Biblioteka znajduje się na drugim piętrze. The library is on the second floor. The library is on the second floor. >>eng<< Tom jest moim chłopakiem. Tom is my boyfriend. Tom's my boyfriend. >>eng<< Tom spóźnił się na ostatni pociąg i spędził noc w kafejce internetowej. Tom missed the last train and spent the night at an Internet cafe. Tom was late on the last train and spent the night in an internet cafe. >>eng<< Mój sąsiad całkowicie odnowił swój dom. My neighbour has renovated his house completely. My neighbor completely restored his home. >>eng<< Zklamal jsi Toma. You let Tom down. You disappointed Tom. >>eng<< Opowiedz, jak to wszystko było. Tell me all about how it went. Tell me how it all was. >>eng<< Tom má rád košíkovou. Tom likes basketball. Tom likes basketball. >>eng<< Brzy bude umět plavat. He will be able to swim soon. He'll be able to swim soon. >>eng<< Skorpion to jeden ze znaków zodiaku. The Scorpion is one of the signs of the zodiac. Scorpion is one of the signs of the zodiac. >>eng<< Tom zostanie zwolniony. Tom will get fired. Tom will be released. >>eng<< Tom se zdá osamělý. Tom seems lonely. Tom seems lonely. >>eng<< Spotkałyśmy się potajemnie. We had a secret meeting. We met secretly. >>eng<< Pamiętam, że spotkałem ich gdzieś. I remember meeting them somewhere. I remember meeting them somewhere. >>eng<< Odmítla moji prosbu. She rejected my request. She refused my request. >>eng<< Vycházíme spolu velmi dobře. We got along quite well. We're getting along very well. >>eng<< Tom odešel z vysoké školy a založil si vlastní firmu. Tom dropped out of college and founded his own company. Tom left college and started his own business. >>eng<< Linda powstała aby zaśpiewać. Linda stood up to sing. Linda was created to sing. >>eng<< Ve Spojených státech mluví anglicky. They speak English in the United States. He speaks English in the United States. >>eng<< Tom ještě pořád píše básně. Tom still writes poems. Tom still writes poems. >>eng<< Rozumiem, po co Tom chce jechać do Bostonu. I can see why Tom wants to go to Boston. I understand why Tom wants to go to Boston. >>eng<< Pozoroval, jak se děti koupají. He was watching how the children were swimming. He watched the kids bathe. >>eng<< Nie mam nic do powiedzenia Tomowi. I don't have anything I need to say to Tom. I have nothing to say to Tom. >>eng<< Leze mi to na nervy. It's getting on my nerves. It's on my nerves. >>eng<< Kocham chodzić boso po trawie. I love walking barefoot on the grass. I love walking barefoot on the grass. >>eng<< Jesteś słodki. You're sweet. You're sweet. >>eng<< Tom svoje děti rozmazlil. Tom has spoiled his children. Tom spoiled his children. >>eng<< Tom i ja, jesteśmy przyjaciółmi. Tom and I are friends. Tom and I, we're friends. >>eng<< Tom je člověk, kterému věřím. Tom is the person I trust. Tom is the person I believe in. >>eng<< Nechápu, na co je Tom tolik pyšný. I cannot understand what is Tom so proud of. I don't know what Tom's so proud of. >>eng<< Mary tě má ráda. Mary likes you. Mary loves you. >>eng<< Prověř to znovu. Check it again. Check it out again. >>eng<< Zasloužíte si dobré věci. You deserve good things. You deserve good things. >>eng<< Dziś chyba zarwę nockę. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. I think I'm gonna break up tonight. >>eng<< Připadlo mi to jako hra. It seemed like a game to me. It seemed like a game to me. >>eng<< Je nutné dělat takový hluk? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Is it necessary to make such noise? >>eng<< Tom mówi, że jesteś dobra w tenisa. Tom says you're good at tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. >>eng<< Musím si půjčit tvůj deštník. I need to borrow your umbrella. I have to borrow your umbrella. >>eng<< Naprawdę muszę dzisiaj w którymś momencie porozmawiać z Tomem. I really need to talk to Tom sometime today. I really need to talk to Tom at some point. >>eng<< Vyrostl jsi poblíž pláže? Did you grow up near a beach? Did you grow up near the beach? >>eng<< Tak naprawdę to trochę się boję. I'm actually a little afraid. In fact, I'm a little scared. >>eng<< Nie mogę prosić cię o podjęcie takiego ryzyka. I can't ask you to take that sort of risk. I can't ask you to take this risk. >>eng<< Jakými jazyky se mluví na Filipínách? What languages are spoken in the Phillipines? What languages are spoken in the Philippines? >>eng<< Nezapomeň, že Tom je slepý. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Don't forget Tom's blind. >>eng<< Vyprávějte o něčem, co chcete v blízké budoucnosti změnit. Tell us about something you want to change in the near future. Tell us about something you want to change in the near future. >>eng<< Impreza trwała ponad 3 godziny. The party lasted more than three hours. The event lasted more than 3 hours. >>eng<< Hodně věcí nechápu. There's so much that I don't understand. I don't understand a lot. >>eng<< Kdo je Tom? Who is Tom? Who's Tom? >>eng<< Tom powiedział mi, że jest bardzo głodny. Tom told me that he's very hungry. Tom told me he was very hungry. >>eng<< W czajniku się gotuje. The kettle is boiling. It's cooking in the kettle. >>eng<< Nemáme s nimi nic společného. We have nothing to do with them. We have nothing to do with them. >>eng<< Nemám rád jablka. I don't like apples. I don't like apples. >>eng<< Ona bardziej kocha Toma niż mnie. She loves Tom more than she loves me. She loves Tom more than I do. >>eng<< Nie zgub się. Don't get lost. Don't get lost. >>eng<< Řekli mi, že to dělat nemůžu. I was told I couldn't do that. They told me I couldn't do it. >>eng<< Nemůžu tě vinit z porušení tvého slibu. I can't blame you for breaking your promise. I can't blame you for breaking your promise. >>eng<< Můžete mluvit pomaleji? Could you speak a bit more slowly? Can you speak more slowly? >>eng<< Nie musisz tego robić dzisiaj. You don't have to do that today. You don't have to do this today. >>eng<< Upewnię się, że nic się nie dzieje z Tomem. I'll make sure nothing happens to Tom. I'll make sure there's nothing wrong with Tom. >>eng<< Málem jsem zapomněla udělat si domácí úkoly. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my homework. >>eng<< Wczoraj wyrwali mi ząb. I had a tooth pulled out yesterday. My tooth was cut yesterday. >>eng<< Nikdy bych to pro tebe neudělal. I'd never do that for you. I'd never do that for you. >>eng<< Jestem bardzo przywiązany do matki. I'm really attached to my mother. I'm very attached to my mother. >>eng<< Żaden z kolegów Toma z klasy nie zaoferował mu pomocy. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. None of Tom’s classmates offered him any help. >>eng<< Alžírsko má nového prezidenta. Algeria has a new president. Algeria has a new president. >>eng<< Lubię matematykę. I like math. I like mathematics. >>eng<< Jsem příliš unavený, abych běžel. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. >>eng<< Nie mogła się pozbierać po śmierci męża. She could not get over her husband's death. She couldn't get married after her husband's death. >>eng<< Koho podporuješ? Who do you support? Who do you support? >>eng<< Tamten dopis je adresován tobě. That letter is addressed to you. That letter is addressed to you. >>eng<< Neříkej mu, že jsem tu byl. Don't tell him that I was here. Don't tell him I was here. >>eng<< Idź się umyć. Go clean yourself up. Go wash up. >>eng<< Doufám, že už to nebudeme muset dělat. I hope we won't have to do this again. I hope we don't have to do this anymore. >>eng<< Co to oznacza, gdy dziewczyna do ciebie mruga? What does it mean when a girl winks at you? What does that mean when a girl mutters at you? >>eng<< Lešení, které stavěl Tom, se zřítilo. The scaffolding that Tom had built collapsed. The scaffolding Tom had collapsed. >>eng<< Zejdźmy tą ścieżką. Let's take this path down. Let's get down that path. >>eng<< Musimy sporo zrobić, zanim będziemy mogli iść do domu. We have a lot more to do before we can go home. We have a lot to do before we can go home. >>eng<< Wspomniano twoje nazwisko. Your name was mentioned. Your name was mentioned. >>eng<< Tom neustoupí. Tom won't back down. Tom won't give up. >>eng<< Ta zkouška byla velmi těžká a nedokázal jsem zodpovědět ani jednu otázku. The exam was very hard, and I couldn't answer a single question. The test was very difficult and I couldn’t answer a single question. >>eng<< Możemy to naprawić. We can fix that. We can fix it. >>eng<< Doufal jsem, že tomu Tom zabrání. I hoped that Tom would prevent it from happening. I was hoping Tom would stop it. >>eng<< Pozwolisz mi się odprowadzić? Will you allow me to accompany you home? Will you let me get away? >>eng<< Moja córka ma ledwo piętnaście lat. My daughter is barely fifteen. My daughter is barely fifteen years old. >>eng<< Ráda čtu. I like reading. I like reading. >>eng<< Udělali chyby. They've made mistakes. They made mistakes. >>eng<< Tom je stíhán za podvod. Tom is being prosecuted for fraud. Tom is being prosecuted for fraud. >>eng<< Nie widziałem cię od lat. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't seen you in years. >>eng<< Proszę tędy. Please come this way. This way. >>eng<< Potřebuji silnější lék na bolest. I need a stronger painkiller. I need a stronger cure for pain. >>eng<< Měla ho ráda moc málo na to, aby ji zajímala jeho chvála. She liked him too little to care for his approbation. She loved him too little to be interested in his praise. >>eng<< Nezáviď ostatním jejich štěstí. Don't envy others for their good luck. Do not envy the rest of their happiness. >>eng<< Pár let jsem trpěl anorexií. I suffered from anorexia for a couple of years. I've been suffering from anorexia for a few years. >>eng<< Kot śpi na krześle. The cat is sleeping on the chair. The cat sleeps in the chair. >>eng<< Teď už vím, co je to láska. Now I know what love is. Now I know what love is. >>eng<< Kogo jeszcze znasz w Bostonie? Who else do you know in Boston? Who else do you know in Boston? >>eng<< Jutro będzie nowy dzień. Tomorrow will be a new day. Tomorrow will be a new day. >>eng<< Tom je stále upoután na lůžko. Tom is still confined to bed. Tom's still stuck on the bed. >>eng<< Lubię intelektualne rozmowy. I enjoy intellectual conversations. I like intellectual conversations. >>eng<< Ona ma bogate słownictwo z angielskiego. She has a rich vocabulary of English words. She has rich vocabulary from English. >>eng<< Nie mieszaj się do nieswoich spraw! Mind your own business! Don't mix up on your business! >>eng<< To si nenechám líbit. I won't tolerate it. I'm not gonna like that. >>eng<< Wróciłem, żeby pogadać z tobą. I came back to talk to you. I came back to talk to you. >>eng<< Strusie nie potrafią latać. Ostriches can't fly. Strasses can't fly. >>eng<< Chcę adwokata. I want a lawyer. I want a lawyer. >>eng<< Kam pojede o Vánocích? Where is he going for Christmas? Where's he going at Christmas? >>eng<< Som knigły z wjele wobrazami pytał. I searched for a book with many pictures. I have been searching for books with many images. >>eng<< Víte, co to je? Do you know what it is? You know what that is? >>eng<< Mieszkam tutaj od 10 lat. I've lived here for 10 years. I've lived here for 10 years. >>eng<< Co přesně tohle slovo znamená? What exactly does this word mean? What exactly does this word mean? >>eng<< Su w knigłowni. They're in a library. They're in the library. >>eng<< Hledal jsem Andyho. Nevíš, kde je? I was looking for Andy. You don't know where he is? I was looking for Andy. >>eng<< Nenech mě takhle čekat. Don't make me wait like this. Don't let me wait like this. >>eng<< Tom mi pomohl najít práci. Tom helped me find a job. Tom helped me find a job. >>eng<< Je zapotřebí skutečná změna. Real change is needed. A real change is needed. >>eng<< Matka Jezusa była tam. Jesus' mother was there. Jesus’ mother was there. >>eng<< Tom przyznał, że był wystraszony. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom admitted he was scared. >>eng<< Co chceš dát Tomovi? What do you want to give Tom? What do you want to give Tom? >>eng<< On nas sprzedał. He sold us out. He sold us. >>eng<< Tak? Yes? Yeah? >>eng<< Co Tom ma do powiedzenia? What has Tom got to say? What does Tom have to say? >>eng<< Má psa? Does he have a dog? Does he have a dog? >>eng<< Podążał za nią. He followed in her wake. He followed her. >>eng<< Jaké změny bychom měli udělat? What changes should we make? What changes should we make? >>eng<< Teď musím jít, ale vrátím se. Now I must go, but I will come back. Now I have to go, but I'll be back. >>eng<< Mary vynesla odpadky. Mary took the garbage out. Mary brought out the garbage. >>eng<< Prosím tě, zapiš, co říká. Please write down what he says. Please, write down what he's saying. >>eng<< Neudělali jsme nic. We didn't do anything. We didn't do anything. >>eng<< Ty jsi moje dcera. You are my daughter. You're my daughter. >>eng<< Podepsal jsem všechny dokumenty. I signed all the documents. I signed all the documents. >>eng<< Czy posiadasz kartę kredytową? Do you have a credit card? Do you have a credit card? >>eng<< Proč jsi mě opustil? Why have you abandoned me? Why did you leave me? >>eng<< Tom poszedł z Mary do kościoła. Tom went to church with Mary. Tom went from Mary to church. >>eng<< Poděkoval jsem Tomovi za dárek. I thanked Tom for the present. I thanked Tom for the gift. >>eng<< Lubimy grać w piłkę nożną. We like playing soccer. We like to play football. >>eng<< Kde je sejf? Where's the safe? Where's the safe? >>eng<< Mám ti zavolat taxi? Should I call you a taxi? Should I call you a taxi? >>eng<< Proč sis koupil želvu? Why did you buy a turtle? Why did you buy a turtle? >>eng<< To je naše škola. This is our school. That's our school. >>eng<< Měl bys odstranit tento plevel. You should get rid of these weeds. You should remove this weed. >>eng<< Napiszę recenzję tej książki. I will write a review of that book. I will write a review of this book. >>eng<< Jsi má jediná opravdová kamarádka. You're my only real friend. You're my only real friend. >>eng<< Tady býval strom. There used to be a tree here. There was a tree. >>eng<< Tom si dělal z Mary legraci. Tom was messing with Mary. Tom made Mary fun. >>eng<< On kłamie. He is telling a lie. He's lying. >>eng<< Nepřeháněj. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. >>eng<< Ja muszę zdążyć na tamty pociąg. I have to catch that train. I have to get on that train. >>eng<< Tom si zapálil cigaretu přestože byl na místě, kde platí přísný zákaz kouření. Tom lit a cigarette despite being at place where smoking is strictly prohibited. Tom smoked a cigarette even though he was in a place where there was a strict smoking ban. >>eng<< Nevím jistě, jestli jsem to přeložil správně. I’m not sure if I translated that right. I'm not sure I translated it correctly. >>eng<< Tom si myslel, že učitel mu dal na jeden den příliš domácích úkolů. Tom thought the teacher had given him way too much homework to finish in one day. Tom thought the teacher gave him too many homework for one day. >>eng<< Tom znalazł klucz, którego szukał. Tom found the key he had been looking for. Tom found the key he was looking for. >>eng<< Zítra budu pracovat na zahradě. Tomorrow, I am going to work in the garden. I'll work in the garden tomorrow. >>eng<< Jel jsem tam vlakem. I went there by train. I went there by train. >>eng<< Tom měl znepokojený výraz. Tom had a worried look on his face. Tom had a worried expression. >>eng<< Jaka jest pogoda? How is the weather? What's the weather like? >>eng<< Maria pali świeczki w swoim pokoju. Mary lights the candles in her room. Maria smokes candles in her room. >>eng<< Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Muiriele! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! >>eng<< Bardzo było ciekawie. I had a fine old time. It was very interesting. >>eng<< Navzdory všem svým úspěchům nebyla pyšná. Despite all her achievements, she was not proud. Despite all her successes, she was not proud. >>eng<< Cały czas płakała. She kept crying all the time. She was crying all the time. >>eng<< Po dvouhodinové debatě jsme nakonec souhlasili. After arguing for two hours, we eventually agreed. After a two-hour debate, we finally agreed. >>eng<< Myję ręce. I wash my hands. I'm washing my hands. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že se asi zblázní. Tom said that he would probably go crazy. Tom said he's probably going crazy. >>eng<< Jakiego koloru jest twój samochód? What color is your car? What color is your car? >>eng<< Myję ręce przed lunchem. I wash my hands before lunch. I wash my hands before lunch. >>eng<< Liška je divoké zvíře. A fox is a wild animal. The fox is a wild animal. >>eng<< Nechci jít do zimního povětří. I don't want to go out into the winter air. I don't want to go to the winter wind. >>eng<< Ještě to bude nějakou dobu fungovat. It will still be working for some time. It's gonna work for a while. >>eng<< To jídlo až tak strašně nechutnalo. The food didn't taste all that bad. The food was so detestable. >>eng<< Kde je? V kuchyni. Where is she? She is in the kitchen. Where is she? >>eng<< Ufasz mi, prawda? You trust me, don't you? You trust me, don't you? >>eng<< Nie zabijaj. Thou shalt not kill. Don't kill. >>eng<< Wyjeżdżam jutro do Kanady. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'm going to Canada tomorrow. >>eng<< Okamžitě odešli. They left immediately. They left immediately. >>eng<< Proč jsi Tomem tak posedlá? Why are you so obsessed with Tom? Why are you so obsessed with Tom? >>eng<< Proč ses rozhodl zůstat tady? Why did you decide to stay here? Why did you choose to stay here? >>eng<< Przegapiłem mój przystanek. Jak daleko jest do następnego? I missed my stop. How long does it take to reach the next stop? I missed my stop. How far is it to the next one? >>eng<< Čekal jsem až přijede autobus. I waited for a bus to come. I waited for the bus to arrive. >>eng<< Už jsi to udělal. You've already done that. You already did it. >>eng<< Tom vyprovodil Mary do jejího bytu. Tom walked Mary to her flat. Tom brought Mary to her apartment. >>eng<< Nie marnuj czasu Tom'a. Don't waste Tom's time. Don't waste Tom's time. >>eng<< Myslím, že máš horečku. I think you have a fever. I think you're having a fever. >>eng<< Člověk musí pořád studovat. One must always study. A man has to study all the time. >>eng<< Jest bardzo łatwo brzmieć naturalnie w swoim ojczystym języku i bardzo łatwo brzmieć nienaturalnie w obcym. It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language. It is very easy to sound naturally in your native language and very easy to sound unnaturally in a foreign language. >>eng<< Nevěděl jsi, že jsem schopen to udělat, že? You didn't know that I was able to do that, did you? You didn't know I could do it, did you? >>eng<< Máte rádi francouzská vína? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wines? >>eng<< Padało przez pięć dni. The rain lasted five days. It fell for five days. >>eng<< Tom vystoupil z auta a otevřel kufr. Tom got out of his car and opened the trunk. Tom got out of the car and opened the trunk. >>eng<< Líbí se jí můj klobouk? Does she like my hat? Does she like my hat? >>eng<< Proč Tom lhal? Why did Tom lie? Why did Tom lie? >>eng<< Kiedy zacząłeś uczyć się angielskiego? When did you begin studying English? When did you start learning English? >>eng<< Herbata, którą tam wypiliśmy, była wyśmienita. The tea we had there was excellent. The tea we drank there was delicious. >>eng<< Stej w knihowni. They are in the library. I'm in the library. >>eng<< Pies ugryzł ją w nogę. The dog bit her leg. The dog bit her leg. >>eng<< Tom je stydlivý. Tom is bashful. Tom's shy. >>eng<< Podajcie mi swoje nazwiska. Give me your names. Give me your names. >>eng<< Chce Ci cos powiedziec takze I want to talk to you about something else. He wants to tell you something like that. >>eng<< Język suahili posługuje się pismem łacińskim. Swahili is written using the Roman writing system. The Suahili language is used in Latin. >>eng<< Proč Tom nechce odpovědět na otázky Mary? Why won't Tom answer Mary's questions? Why doesn't Tom want to answer Mary's questions? >>eng<< Nerozbij zrcadlo. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. >>eng<< Můj dům je příhodně blízko nádraží. My house is conveniently close to the station. My house is conveniently near the station. >>eng<< Naprawdę w to wierzysz? Do you really believe this? Do you really believe that? >>eng<< Nerad cestuje letadlem. He doesn't like traveling by plane. He doesn't like to travel by plane. >>eng<< Oni wszyscy umieją prowadzić. They all can drive. They all know how to drive. >>eng<< Cožpak nemůžeš Tomovi pomoct? Can't you help Tom? Can't you help Tom? >>eng<< Jaký je v tom tentokrát rozdíl? What makes this time different? What's the difference this time? >>eng<< Proč to všechno nevysvětlíš Tomovi? Why don't you explain it all to Tom? Why don't you explain all this to Tom? >>eng<< Porażka jest możliwa. Failure is possible. Failure is possible. >>eng<< Zapomniałem ci powiedzieć, jak ta opiekunka do dzieci się nazywa. I forgot to tell you the babysitter's name. I forgot to tell you what this baby caregiver's name is. >>eng<< Toho muže vyhodili minulý týden. That man was fired last week. The man was fired last week. >>eng<< Nie ma dzisiaj gwiazd na niebie. There are no stars in the sky tonight. There are no stars in the sky today. >>eng<< Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought would work. I thought it would work. >>eng<< Nigdy nie zrobisz ze mnie Sherlocka Holmesa. You'll never make a Sherlock Holmes out of me. You'll never make me Sherlock Holmes. >>eng<< Mary má zájem o politiku. Mary is interested in politics. Mary is interested in politics. >>eng<< Słyszałam to wiele razy. I've heard that many times. I've heard it many times. >>eng<< Jak twoja noga? How's your leg? How's your leg? >>eng<< Tom pomalował płot. Tom painted the fence. Tom painted the fence. >>eng<< Tom se skutečně dost podobá svému otci. Tom really does look a lot like his father. Tom is very similar to his father. >>eng<< Carol se vrátila do svého hotelu. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol returned to his hotel. >>eng<< Byl to náš pes, který se ztratil, ne Tomův. It was our dog that got lost, not Tom's. It was our dog who was lost, not Tom's. >>eng<< Proč je láska tak těžká? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? >>eng<< Wybielanie zębów jest drogie. Teeth whitening is expensive. Teeth whitening is expensive. >>eng<< Myslím, že se ti ten piknik bude líbit. I think you'll enjoy the picnic. I think you'll like that picnic. >>eng<< Kdybych si tak byl přinesl počítač. I wish I had brought my computer. If only I had a computer. >>eng<< Chléb je čerstvý. The bread is fresh. Bread is fresh. >>eng<< Pij ten sok. Drink this juice. Drink that juice. >>eng<< Neměli jsme v úmyslu z plánu vynechat Mary. We didn't mean to leave Mary out of the plan. We didn’t want to miss Mary. >>eng<< Som žurnalist. I am a journalist. I'm a journalist. >>eng<< Czy trzeba kotom obcinać pazurki? Do cats' claws need trimming? Should cats be cut off? >>eng<< Myślę, że to twoje. I think this is yours. I think it's yours. >>eng<< Druga wojna światowa skończyła się w 1945 roku. World War Two ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. >>eng<< Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy z tego, co robiłam. I didn't realize what I was doing. I didn't realize what I was doing. >>eng<< Její vysvětlení nebylo přesvědčivé. Her explanation was not convincing. Her explanation was not convincing. >>eng<< Tom chodzi do przedszkola. Tom goes to kindergarten. Tom goes to kindergarten. >>eng<< Přišel se svými rodiči. He came with his parents. He came with his parents. >>eng<< Tom analyzoval výsledky. Tom analyzed the results. Tom analyzed the results. >>eng<< Możesz polegać na tym słowniku. You can depend on this dictionary. You can rely on this dictionary. >>eng<< Rychlost policie nás překvapila. The police officers' speed surprised us. The speed of the police surprised us. >>eng<< Co robiłeś rano? What did you do this morning? What were you doing in the morning? >>eng<< Nie można być za ostrożnym podczas przechodzenia ulicy. You cannot be too careful in crossing a street. You cannot be too careful while walking the street. >>eng<< Jěš. You eat. You're right. >>eng<< Tom včera nevečeřel. Tom didn't have dinner last night. Tom didn't have dinner last night. >>eng<< Tom se nezúčastnil té párty z rodinných důvodů. Tom didn't attend the party for family reasons. Tom didn't attend the party for family reasons. >>eng<< Tenkrát mi to nedávalo žádný smysl. It didn't make any sense to me then. That didn't make any sense to me at the time. >>eng<< Řekl jsem, mlč! I said be quiet! I said, shut up! >>eng<< Tohle je věta, která má správný počet slabik na haiku. This is a sentence that has the syllable count of a haiku. This is a sentence that has the right number of weaknesses on the haik. >>eng<< Nemám náladu Toma poslouchat. I am not in the mood to listen to Tom. I'm not in the mood to listen to Tom. >>eng<< Chci abys věděla, že si můžeme přestat dělat starosti. I want you to know we can stop worrying. I want you to know that we can stop worrying. >>eng<< Tom začíná být nudný. This is getting boring. Tom is getting boring. >>eng<< Co za tím je? What's behind this? What's behind it? >>eng<< Odpověď zná pouze Tom. Only Tom knows the answer. Only Tom knows the answer. >>eng<< Jěztej pólewanku. Eat soup. Consume soup. >>eng<< Klínové písmo vynalezené Sumery bylo používáno mnoha jazyky na starověkém Blízkém východě. The cuneiform alphabet invented by the Sumerians was used by many languages in the ancient Near East. Clinic fonts invented by Sumera were used in many languages in the ancient Middle East. >>eng<< Vyhrožoval mi, že mě potrestá, když se nebudu chovat slušně. He threatened to punish me if I didn’t behave myself. He threatened to punish me if I didn't behave decently. >>eng<< Zde je obrázek mé školy. Here's a picture of my school. Here is a picture of my school. >>eng<< Spodziewasz się kogoś? Are you expecting someone? Are you expecting someone? >>eng<< Snad ten vlak nezmeškáme. Let's hope that we don't miss the train. I hope we don't miss the train. >>eng<< Myślę, że to najlepsza chińska restauracja w Bostonie. I think this is the best Chinese restaurant in Boston. I think it's the best Chinese restaurant in Boston. >>eng<< Jesteś perfekcyjny. You're perfect. You're perfect. >>eng<< Zamierzam z nimi porozmawiać. I'm going to speak to them. I'm gonna talk to them. >>eng<< Skutečně jsi tu nehodu viděl? Did you actually see the accident? Did you really see the accident? >>eng<< Jego imię jest mi znane. His name is known to me. His name is known to me. >>eng<< Tohle lidé normálně neříkají. That isn't what people normally say. This is not what people normally say. >>eng<< Padají kroupy. It's hailing. They're falling off the shells. >>eng<< Podívej se, co ti Tom přinesl. See what Tom brought you. Look what Tom brought you. >>eng<< To mi k ničemu není. That is of no use to me. It's nothing to me. >>eng<< Práce šlechtí člověka. Work ennobles man. The work honors man. >>eng<< Tom znał zasady. Tom knew the rules. Tom knew the rules. >>eng<< Co udělal, bylo proti lidskosti. What he did was against humanity. What he did was against humanity. >>eng<< Proč to Tom dělal? What did Tom do that for? Why did Tom do that? >>eng<< Co bude s Tomem? What will happen to Tom? What's going on with Tom? >>eng<< Spędziłam tydzień w szpitalu. I spent a week in hospital. I spent a week in the hospital. >>eng<< Tomáš žije blízko u jezera. Tom lives near a lake. Thomas lives close to the lake. >>eng<< Chcę wiedzieć, kto pomógł ci z zadaniem domowym. I want to know who helped you do your homework. I want to know who helped you with your homework. >>eng<< Bozi se na Toma rozzlobili. The gods got angry with Tom. The gods were angry with Tom. >>eng<< Tom jest teraz niezwykle zajęty. Tom is extremely busy now. Tom is extremely busy now. >>eng<< Oni nepomáhají. They don't help. They don't help. >>eng<< Myślę, że zjadł jakieś 10 ostryg. I think he ate about 10 oysters. I think he ate some 10 sharps. >>eng<< Chciałbym nauczyć się kontrolować swój apetyt. I wish I could figure out how to control my appetite. I would like to learn to control my appetite. >>eng<< On jest jednocześnie uczonym i muzykiem. He is a scholar and a musician simultaneously. He is a scientist and a musician at the same time. >>eng<< Mary chybí její manžel a děti. Mary misses her husband and children. Mary lacks her husband and children. >>eng<< Nejsem Čech. I am not Czech. I'm not Czech. >>eng<< Řekni Tomovi, aby přišel. Tell Tom to come. Tell Tom to come. >>eng<< Czy to prawda? Is that true? Is that true? >>eng<< Nie mogłem poprosić Toma o pieniądze. I couldn't ask Tom for money. I couldn't ask Tom for the money. >>eng<< Dzieci troszczyły się o siebie nawzajem. The children were left to fend for themselves. The children took care of each other. >>eng<< Tom zemřel ve věku třiceti let. Tom passed away at the age of thirty. Tom died at the age of 30. >>eng<< Zjistili jste, kam Tom šel? Did you find out where Tom went? Did you find out where Tom went? >>eng<< Tato kniha je pouze k nahlédnutí. This book is only for reference. This book is just to look at. >>eng<< Hlavní město Mexika je největším městem v Latinské Americe. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. >>eng<< Powiedział mi jak się gra w szachy. He told me how to play chess. He told me how to play chess. >>eng<< Je to jen slabé mrholení. It's just a little drizzle. It's just a weak waste. >>eng<< Strata wyniosła 100 dolarów. The loss amounted to 100 dollars. The loss was $100. >>eng<< Mám dvě dcery a dva syny. I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. >>eng<< Tom nedokázal dokončit, co začal. Tom couldn't finish what he'd started. Tom couldn’t finish what he started. >>eng<< Vyrušujeme vás? Are we disturbing you? Are we disturbing you? >>eng<< Mogę tutaj zapalić? May I smoke here? Can I smoke here? >>eng<< Według przewodnika to najlepsza restauracja w tej okolicy. According to the guidebook, this is the best restaurant around here. According to the guide, this is the best restaurant in this area. >>eng<< Chudoba je příčina smrti, které lze zabránit. Poverty is a preventable cause of death. Poverty is the cause of death that can be prevented. >>eng<< Tom našel dinosauří vejce. Tom found a dinosaur egg. Tom found a dinosaur egg. >>eng<< Tom musel na svoji popravu čekat pět let. Tom had to wait for his execution for five years. Tom had to wait five years for his execution. >>eng<< Obawiam się tego, że się zgubi. I'm worried that he'll get lost. I'm afraid he'll be lost. >>eng<< Myslím že se svými sousedy bude vycházet. I think she will get along with her neighbors. I think he'll be hanging out with his neighbors. >>eng<< Myślę, że wyróżniałbyś się z brodą. I think you'd look distinguished with a beard. I think you'd stand out with your beard. >>eng<< Rozbaluje svůj dárek k narozeninám. She is unwrapping her birthday present. He's unfolding his birthday present. >>eng<< Jakiś pan Brown przyszedł się z tobą zobaczyć, kiedy ciebie nie było. A Mr Brown came to see you when you were out. Some Mr. Brown came to see you when you weren't here. >>eng<< Byla to lež. It was a lie. It was a lie. >>eng<< Tvoje dcera je vysoká. Your daughter is tall. Your daughter's tall. >>eng<< V té knihovně je hodně knih. The library has many books. There are a lot of books in the library. >>eng<< Jak si přeješ. As you wish. As you wish. >>eng<< Udělali jste to naschvál? Did you do that on purpose? Did you do it on purpose? >>eng<< Jaká pravidla jsem porušil? What laws have I broken? What rules did I break? >>eng<< Tom chciałby się przenieść. Tom wishes to relocate. Tom wants to move. >>eng<< Canberra je hlavní město Austrálie. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. >>eng<< Tom neumí plavat a Mary také ne. Tom can't swim, and Mary can't, either. Tom can't swim and Mary can't either. >>eng<< Nečekal jsem, že nás navštíví. I didn't expect them to visit us. I didn't expect him to visit us. >>eng<< Neodolala. She did not resist. She didn't. >>eng<< Tom říká, že jezdí rád do práce na kole. Tom says that he likes cycling to work. Tom says he likes to go to work on a bike. >>eng<< Cítím se mnohem lépe, než před chvílí. I'm feeling so much better than I did before. I feel much better than before. >>eng<< Tom se vrátil do tělocvičny. Tom went back to the gym. Tom went back to the gym. >>eng<< Byl jsem jí zklamán. I was disappointed in her. I was disappointed with her. >>eng<< Mięso jest drogie obecnie. Meat is expensive nowadays. Meat is expensive now. >>eng<< Szczerze mówiąc, nie chcę z tobą iść. Frankly speaking, I don't want to go with you. To be honest, I don't want to go with you. >>eng<< Tom ledwie cokolwiek wie o Bostonie. Tom knows hardly anything about Boston. Tom barely knows anything about Boston. >>eng<< Sądzę, że ją kochasz. I suppose you love her. I think you love her. >>eng<< Tom wyniósł pudło do samochodu. Tom carried the box out to the car. Tom took the box to the car. >>eng<< To jest moje miejsce. This is my seat. This is my place. >>eng<< Tom trval na tom, abychom navštívili jeho rodiče. Tom insisted that we visit his parents. Tom insisted on visiting his parents. >>eng<< Nemám rád plavání v bazénu. I don't like swimming in pools. I don't like swimming in the pool. >>eng<< Drewno pływa, a żelazo tonie. Wood floats, but iron sinks. The wood swims, and the iron sinks. >>eng<< Codziennie tego używam. I use it every day. I use it every day. >>eng<< Jesteś uziemiony. You're grounded. You're grounded. >>eng<< Sy Etiopijaŕka? Are you Ethiopian? Are you an Ethiopia? >>eng<< Tom je imbecil. Tom is an imbecile. Tom's an imbecile. >>eng<< To njejo slobro. That's not silver. This is not free. >>eng<< Była gotowa oddać mu wszystkie jego pieniądze. She was ready to give him back all his money. She was ready to give him all his money. >>eng<< Už to udělal. He already did that. He already did. >>eng<< Přídavná jména v angličtině se často užívají jako příslovce v neměnné formě. Adjectives in English are often used as adverbs with no change in form. In English, adjectives are often used as proverbs in immutable form. >>eng<< Esperantem se mluví ve 120 zemích. Esperanto is spoken in 120 counties. Esperanto is spoken in 120 countries. >>eng<< Przynieś portfel. Bring your wallet. Get the wallet. >>eng<< Co chcesz, żebym teraz zrobił? What is it that you want me to do now? What do you want me to do now? >>eng<< Nechávám si v autě zbraň. I keep a gun in my car. I keep a gun in my car. >>eng<< Niektórzy ludzie mają alergię na pszenicę. Some people are allergic to wheat. Some people have a wheat allergy. >>eng<< Nevím, jestli mám Tomovi říct pravdu, nebo ne. I don't know whether I should tell Tom the truth or not. I don't know if I should tell Tom the truth or not. >>eng<< Tohle sucho trvá již dlouho. This drought has been going on for a long time. This drought has been going on for a long time. >>eng<< Cítil jsem její parfém. He could smell her perfume. I felt her perfume. >>eng<< Jego żona jest naszą nauczycielką od języka włoskiego. His wife is our Italian teacher. His wife is our teacher from the Italian language. >>eng<< Věříval jsem všemu, co říkáš. I used to believe everything you said. I believed everything you said. >>eng<< Na to jsem zvyklý. I'm used to that. I'm used to it. >>eng<< Dělají to, protože jim to dovolíme. They do it because we let them. They're doing it because we'll let them. >>eng<< Tom šel špatným směrem. Tom was going in the wrong direction. Tom went in the wrong direction. >>eng<< Na tuhle otázku nemusíte odpovídat. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer this question. >>eng<< Tom chce zacząć brać lekcje pływania w te lato. Tom is going to start taking swimming lessons this summer. Tom wants to start taking swimming lessons this summer. >>eng<< Tom nemohl z té dívky spustit oči. Tom couldn't take his eyes off the girl. Tom couldn't get his eyes off that girl. >>eng<< Co mógłbym dla Ciebie zrobić? What could I do for you? What could I do for you? >>eng<< Żółwie nié mają zãbòw. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have any matches. >>eng<< Jestem pewien, że Tom jest zajęty. I'm sure that Tom is busy. I'm sure Tom's busy. >>eng<< Řekla, že ji Tom odpuzuje. She said that Tom repels her. She said Tom was repulsing her. >>eng<< Přestaň tlouct na ty dveře! Stop beating on the door! Stop hitting the door! >>eng<< Nevím, proč si Tom pořád stěžuje. I don't know why Tom is always complaining. I don't know why Tom's always complaining. >>eng<< Omezením spotřeby masa můžeme zlepšit životní prostředí. By reducting meat consumption, we can improve the environment. By reducing meat consumption, we can improve the environment. >>eng<< Učil jsi někdy francouzštinu cizince? Have you ever taught French to foreigners? Have you ever taught a French foreigner? >>eng<< To není tvůj nůž. That's not your knife. It's not your knife. >>eng<< Hraje na xylofon? Does he play the xylophone? Is he playing xylophone? >>eng<< Udělali jsme sochy ze dřeva. We made statues out of wood. We made a statue of wood. >>eng<< Tomovi řeknou, že je moc malý. Tom will be told he's too short. They'll tell Tom that he's too small. >>eng<< Čaj podporuje trávení. Tea helps digestion. Tea supports digestion. >>eng<< Który chcesz? Which one do you want? Which one do you want? >>eng<< Je to snadné vítězství. It's an easy victory. It's an easy victory. >>eng<< Nespavost je civilizační porucha. Insomnia is a lifestyle disease. Insomnia is a civilization disorder. >>eng<< Už ho mám dost! I'm fed up with him! I've had enough of it! >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom si zaslouží lepší postavení. I think that Tom deserves a better position. I think Tom deserves a better position. >>eng<< Dla świata jesteś kimś, ale dla kogoś jesteś światem. For the world, you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world. For the world, you are someone, but for someone you are the world. >>eng<< Jsem rád, že jsem zase zpátky. I am glad to be back again. I'm glad I'm back. >>eng<< Nie musisz do mnie dzwonić. You need not telephone me. You don't have to call me. >>eng<< Mam prawidłową temperaturę. My temperature is normal. I have the right temperature. >>eng<< Ještě nevím, jestli půjdu nebo ne. I'm not yet sure whether I'll go or not. I don't know yet if I'm going or not. >>eng<< Piętnaście nie jest liczbą pierwszą. Fifteen is not a prime number. Fifteen is not the first number. >>eng<< Nevím, zda to ví. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. >>eng<< Nuže, budeš toho litovat. Well, you'll regret it. Well, you'll regret it. >>eng<< Kolik skladeb Mozart napsal? How many pieces did Mozart write? How many songs did Mozart write? >>eng<< Nemohla odpovědět na tu otázku. She couldn't answer the question. She couldn't answer that question. >>eng<< Nemyslíš, že si zasloužíme Tomův respekt? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? >>eng<< Nie powinno być pomiędzy nami żadnych tajemnic. There should be no secrets between us. There should be no secrets between us. >>eng<< Tom a Marie mají finanční problémy. Tom and Mary are having money problems. Tom and Marie have financial problems. >>eng<< Je mi do úsměvu. I feel like smiling. I'm into a smile. >>eng<< Jeszcze nie wiemy. We don't know just yet. We don't know yet. >>eng<< Zadaniem filozofii jest odzyskanie całości przesłoniętej przez wybiórczość. The task of philosophy is to recover the totality obscured by the selection. The task of philosophy is to recover the whole obscured by selectivity. >>eng<< Choćbyś biegł jak zając, losowi nie umkniesz. Flee never so fast you cannot flee your fortune. Even if you run like shit, you won't miss fate. >>eng<< Byl jsem velice překvapen. I was very surprised. I was very surprised. >>eng<< Muszę coś sprawdzić. I've got to check something out. I need to check something. >>eng<< Napsali jste tuhle knihu? Did you write this book? Did you write this book? >>eng<< Siostry się nienawidzą. The sisters hate each other. Sisters hate each other. >>eng<< Možná toho máme společného více, než si myslíš. We may have more in common than you think. Maybe we have more in common than you think. >>eng<< Nie pozwalają nam chodzić na dyskoteki. They don't allow us to go to disco. They don't let us go to discos. >>eng<< W ogóle nie uważam, że to jest śmieszne. I don't think it's funny at all. I don't think that's funny at all. >>eng<< Proč musíme čekat na Toma? Why must we wait for Tom? Why do we have to wait for Tom? >>eng<< Musíš napravit tyhle chyby. You must put these mistakes right. You have to fix these mistakes. >>eng<< Mary nemůže rozmotat sluchátka. Mary can't get her headphones untangled. Mary can't shake the headphones. >>eng<< Kdo vám řekl, že vám pomůžu? Who told you that I'd help you? Who told you I'd help you? >>eng<< Netušíš, kam Tom mohl dát ten foťák? Do you have any idea where Tom might have put his camera? You don't know where Tom could put the camera? >>eng<< Někdy opravuji věty s drobnými chybami bez toho, aniž bych někoho informoval. Sometimes I correct sentences with small errors without notifying anybody. Sometimes I fix sentences with minor errors without informing anyone. >>eng<< Nakonec všechno pochopíte. You will understand everything in the end. In the end, you'll understand everything. >>eng<< Nigdy więcej jej nie posłucham. I'll never listen to her again. I'll never listen to her again. >>eng<< Proč nepočkáš do rána? Why don't you wait till morning? Why don't you wait till morning? >>eng<< Není snadné vycházet s idioty. Někdy je to dokonce nemožné. It isn't easy to get along with idiots. Sometimes it is even impossible. It's not easy to deal with idiots, sometimes it's impossible. >>eng<< Tomasz jest zawsze śpiący. Tom is always sleepy. Thomas is always sleeping. >>eng<< Lidé, přestaňte se zabíjet. People, stop killing each other. People, stop killing yourself. >>eng<< Tom postavil nový kurník. Tom has built a new henhouse. Tom built a new chicken. >>eng<< Nie obchodzi mnie kto wygrał. I don't care who won. I don't care who won. >>eng<< Ostatnio, Tom i Mary prawie się nie widują. Tom and Mary never see each other nowadays. Recently, Tom and Mary are hardly seeing each other. >>eng<< Zúčastnil jsem se toho pátrání. I participated in the search. I took part in the search. >>eng<< Když se ráno probudili a podívali se z okna, uviděli venku sníh. When they woke up and looked out the window in the morning, they saw snow outside. When they woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, they saw snow outside. >>eng<< Evidentně tady nežijete. You obviously don't live here. You obviously don't live here. >>eng<< Už nebudu Toma obhajovat. I won't advocate Tom anymore. I will no longer defend Tom. >>eng<< Kniha je na stole. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. >>eng<< Myślę, że nie miałeś racji. I think you were wrong. I don't think you were right. >>eng<< Tom nie musi iść jutro do szkoły. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. >>eng<< To znamená, že jsem měl pravdu. That means I was right. That means I was right. >>eng<< Tom přestal sledovat televizi. Tom stopped watching TV. Tom stopped watching TV. >>eng<< Jest bardzo miły, to dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's very nice, which is why I like working with him. He's very nice, that's why I like working with him. >>eng<< Co nám chceš říct? What do you want to tell us? What are you gonna tell us? >>eng<< Vzpomínáš si na Toma? Do you remember Tom? Do you remember Tom? >>eng<< Tomův dům nebyl tak velký, jak jsem si myslel. Tom's house wasn't as large as I thought it would be. Tom's house wasn't as big as I thought. >>eng<< Okrucieństwo, jakiego dopuszczono się na tym komisariacie, jest niewyobrażalne. The cruelty of the torture in the police station is beyond description. The cruelty that has been committed to this commission is unimaginable. >>eng<< Musíme zpomalit. We have to slow down. We need to slow down. >>eng<< Przyjemnie się z tobą rozmawia, lecz naprawdę muszę już iść. It's been nice talking to you, but I really must go now. It's nice to talk to you, but I really have to go. >>eng<< Czy jest tu ktoś? Anybody here? Is there anyone here? >>eng<< Nedávej mi to! Don't give me that! Don't give it to me! >>eng<< W literaturze amerykańskiej czuje się jak w domu. He is at home in American literature. In American literature, it feels like home. >>eng<< Svému synovi dali jméno John. They named their son John. They named their son John. >>eng<< Právě ti ujel. You just missed it. You just ran away. >>eng<< Może zawrócimy? Why don't we head back? Why don't we go back? >>eng<< Zwyczajnie nie mam tego czegoś. I just don't have what it takes. I usually don't have anything. >>eng<< Jak dużo zarabiają policjanci? How much do police officers make? How Much Do Police Make? >>eng<< Tom zrobił to tak, jak zaproponowałem. Tom did that the way I suggested. Tom did it as I suggested. >>eng<< Lato to moja ulubiona pora roku. Summer is my favorite season. Summer is my favorite time of year. >>eng<< Učitelka vyzvala Toma, aby přečetl svou slohovou práci nahlas. The teacher asked Tom to read his essay aloud. The teacher asked Tom to read his style work out loud. >>eng<< Przekonał mnie. He convinced me. He convinced me. >>eng<< Budu Toma bránit. I'm going to defend Tom. I'll defend Tom. >>eng<< Czy twoim zdaniem Mary jest ładna? Don't you think Mary's cute? Do you think Mary is pretty? >>eng<< Vrátím se během dvou hodin. I'll be back within two hours. I'll be back in two hours. >>eng<< Určitě se s Tomem dnes uvidíš? Are you sure you'll see Tom today? Are you sure you'll see Tom today? >>eng<< Ten vlak měl skoro hodinu zpoždění. The train was almost an hour behind time. The train was almost an hour late. >>eng<< Čí je ten notebook? Whose notebook is that? Who's the notebook? >>eng<< Dále čekat se zdá být ztrátou času. It seems a waste of time to wait any longer. Further, waiting seems to be a waste of time. >>eng<< Štítná žláza je endokrinní žlázou. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. >>eng<< Nadal wątpisz w to co powiedziałem? Are you still in doubt about what I have said? Do you still doubt what I said? >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, co się jej stało. I wonder what has happened to her. I wonder what happened to her. >>eng<< Czy to ty narobiłeś tego bałaganu? Are you responsible for this mess? Did you make this mess? >>eng<< Máš chytrý telefon? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a smart phone? >>eng<< Jaké bylo počasí, když jsi byl v Bostonu? How was the weather when you were in Boston? What was the weather like when you were in Boston? >>eng<< Mary jest zniesmaczona ludźmi którzy oglądają porno. Mary is disgusted with people who watch porn. Mary is tired of people watching porn. >>eng<< Musisz jeść więcej warzyw. You need to eat more vegetables. You need to eat more vegetables. >>eng<< Trochu se o Toma bojím. I'm slightly worried about Tom. I'm a little worried about Tom. >>eng<< Hrdinové tohle nedělají. Heroes don't do that. Heroes don't do this. >>eng<< Kto opiekuje się tym psem? Who looks after this dog? Who's taking care of this dog? >>eng<< Byl jsem ve svém snu motýlem. I was a butterfly in my dream. I was a butterfly in my dream. >>eng<< Dzięki! Thanks! Thanks! >>eng<< Tom neměl nárok na odstupné. Tom wasn't eligible for redundancy payment. Tom wasn't entitled to step back. >>eng<< Dneska je středa. Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. >>eng<< Nechystám to říkat dvakrát. I'm not going to say this twice. I'm not gonna say it twice. >>eng<< Nemohl jsem přijít, protože jsem musel odklízet sníh. I couldn't come because I had to clear the snow. I couldn't come because I had to clean up the snow. >>eng<< Kto jest twoim ulubionym reżyserem? Who is your favourite director? Who is your favorite director? >>eng<< W Grecji jest dużo wysp. There are many islands in Greece. There are many islands in Greece. >>eng<< Bojím se smrti. I'm afraid of death. I'm afraid of death. >>eng<< Zamek musi być zepsuty. The lock must be broken. The castle must be broken. >>eng<< Po wzięciu tego lekarstwa ból brzucha znacznie zelżeje. After you take the medicine, your stomachache will be much relieved. After taking this remedy, the abdominal pain will get a lot worse. >>eng<< Kolik máš sester? Kolik bratrů? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers? How many sisters do you have? >>eng<< Nasi goście siedzą w salonie. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. Our guests are sitting in the living room. >>eng<< Cóż ja mam począć? Whatever shall I do? What am I supposed to do? >>eng<< Může se to odložit na potom. It can be postponed. It can be delayed then. >>eng<< Mám průjem. I have diarrhea. I've got diarrhea. >>eng<< Kiedy przechodziliśmy przez przejście, wziąłem młodszą siostrę za rękę. I took my little sister by the hand when we crossed the street. When we went through the passage, I took my younger sister by the hand. >>eng<< Z domova jsme odešli brzy ráno. We left home early in the morning. We left home early in the morning. >>eng<< Z powodu nadmiernej ochrony wielorybów maleje pogłowie ryb stanowiących pożywienie wielorybów, więc ryby takie też powinny podlegać ochronie. Fish stocks are declining due to over-protection of whales, so fish that whales can eat should also be protected. Due to the excessive protection of whales, the heads of fish that feed whales are reduced, so such fish should also be protected. >>eng<< Jest tylko jeden sklep na całej wyspie. There is only one store on the whole island. There is only one store on the entire island. >>eng<< Nie wkładają butów. They aren't putting on shoes. They don't put on shoes. >>eng<< Muszę pomówić z tobą osobiście. I have to speak to you personally. I need to talk to you personally. >>eng<< Mam rady zajacy. I like hares. I like to start. >>eng<< Na, vem si můj klíč. Here, use my key. Here, take my key. >>eng<< To jo dobre měso. This is good meat. It's a good month. >>eng<< Napełniłam dzbanek wodą. I've filled the jug with water. I filled the pot with water. >>eng<< Někdo nás špehuje. Somebody has been spying on us. Someone's spying on us. >>eng<< Nikt cię nie rozumie. Nobody gets you. No one understands you. >>eng<< Proszę idź sobie! Please go away! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go >>eng<< Pes je na dvoře. The dog is in the yard. The dog is in the yard. >>eng<< Tato kniha je nudná. This book is boring. This book is boring. >>eng<< Musím napsat nějaké dopisy. I must write some letters. I have to write some letters. >>eng<< Jsi ze Španělska? Are you from Spain? Are you from Spain? >>eng<< Nie jedź do Chuck's Diner. Jest zamknięte. Don't plan to eat at Chuck's Diner. It's closed. Don't go to Chuck's Diner. >>eng<< Zobaczyli mysz. They saw a mouse. They saw the mouse. >>eng<< Uběhly tři dny. Three days have passed. Three days have passed. >>eng<< Tylko kilka osób przyszło wczoraj na spotkanie. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. >>eng<< Nadal jestem tutaj szefem. I'm still the boss around here. I'm still the boss here. >>eng<< Náš pes se jmenuje Cookie. Our dog's name is Cookie. Our dog's name is Cookie. >>eng<< Budu to muset udělat bez přípravy. I'll have to wing it. I'll have to do it without preparation. >>eng<< Jsem tak unaven, že nemohu pokračovat. I'm so tired that I can't go on. I'm so tired that I can't continue. >>eng<< Tento rotoped byl dárek od mého fanklubu. That exercise bike was a gift from my fan club. This rotoped was a gift from my fan club. >>eng<< Zaprosiłeś Toma na obiad? Did you invite Tom to dinner? Did you invite Tom for dinner? >>eng<< 40 euro za szal? Nie ma nic tańszego? Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? There's nothing cheaper? >>eng<< Tomova matka je velmi přísná. Tom's mom is very strict. Tom's mother is very strict. >>eng<< Nie otrzymasz ode mnie żadnego współczucia. You won't get any sympathy from me. You won't get any compassion from me. >>eng<< Jsme novináři. We're journalists. We're journalists. >>eng<< Rozmawiałem z nią przez telefon. I talk to her on the phone. I talked to her on the phone. >>eng<< To njeje moja dźowka. That's not my daughter. This isn't my thank you. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem Mary miloval. I used to love Mary. I used to love Mary. >>eng<< Jednou vyřčené slovo nemůže být odvoláno. A word once spoken can never be recalled. One spoken word cannot be revoked. >>eng<< Děvče se bálo vlastního stínu. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. >>eng<< Zadał mi pytanie. He asked me a question. He asked me a question. >>eng<< Jak dlouho na mě čekáte? How long have you been waiting for me? How long are you waiting for me? >>eng<< Věděl jsi, že Tom dříve žil v Bostonu? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? >>eng<< Tom zařval na Mary. Tom shouted at Mary. Tom screamed at Mary. >>eng<< Krása je jen povrchní. Beauty is only skin deep. Beauty is only superficial. >>eng<< Vše, co Tom předpověděl, se splnilo. Everything Tom predicted came true. Everything Tom predicted was fulfilled. >>eng<< Jak się czuje twoja córka? How is your daughter? How's your daughter feeling? >>eng<< Nemysli, že si dělám srandu. Don't think I'm joking. Don't think I'm kidding. >>eng<< Proszę, trzymaj to w tajemnicy. Please keep this secret. Please keep it a secret. >>eng<< Wszyscy się ze mnie śmieją! Everybody laughs at me! They're all laughing at me! >>eng<< Nepochybuji, že se bojíš. I don't doubt that you're afraid. I don't doubt you're scared. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že se musí hned vrátit domů. Tom said that he must return home at once. Tom said he had to go home right away. >>eng<< Sklízíme to, co zasejeme. We reap what we sow. We will harvest what we sow. >>eng<< Usuń ten komentarz, proszę. Delete the comment, please. Delete this comment, please. >>eng<< Právě píši dopis své učitelce čínštiny. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. I am writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. >>eng<< Vlez mi na záda! Bite me! Get on my back! >>eng<< Tom nakoupil. Tom did the shopping. Tom bought it. >>eng<< Kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele. First come, first serve. The one who's coming earlier, the one who's done it before. >>eng<< Učitel mi řekl, že bych si měl dát ostřihat vlasy. The teacher told me that I should have my hair cut. The teacher told me I should cut my hair. >>eng<< Všechny tyto věci zabavil Tom. All these things were confiscated by Tom. All these things are amused by Tom. >>eng<< Zaczekam tu. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. >>eng<< Provdala se za bohatého muže. She got married to a rich man. She married a rich man. >>eng<< Ona przyjaźni się ze wszystkimi kolegami z klasy. She is in harmony with all her classmates. She's friendly with all her classmates. >>eng<< Proszę się odsunąć do tyłu. Stand back, please. Please move back. >>eng<< Tom nelhal. Tom wasn't lying. Tom didn't lie. >>eng<< Dal mi chléb a mléko. He gave me bread and milk. He gave me bread and milk. >>eng<< Chyba mam zły numer. I seem to have the wrong number. I think I have a bad number. >>eng<< Tom je pro mě opravdu jedinečný člověk. Tom is really special to me. Tom is a very unique person for me. >>eng<< Ich styl życia różni się od naszego. Their lifestyle is different to ours. Their lifestyle is different from ours. >>eng<< Štó je waš wučer? Who's your teacher? Who is your teacher? >>eng<< Lubię podróżować statkiem. I like to travel by ship. I like to travel by ship. >>eng<< Včera jsem viděl Bila v knihovně. I saw Bill in the library yesterday. I saw Bill in the library yesterday. >>eng<< Tom nic mi nie obiecywał. Tom didn't promise me anything. Tom didn't promise me anything. >>eng<< Ten zwyczaj jest specyficzny dla Japonii. The practice is peculiar to Japan. This custom is specific to Japan. >>eng<< Ona dała swojemu ojcu krawat. She gave her father a tie. She gave her father a tie. >>eng<< Nie mogłem znaleźć jego domu. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. >>eng<< Kupiłem to za 10 dolarów. It cost me 10 dollars. I bought it for $10. >>eng<< Mój wuj odwiedza mnie od czasu do czasu. My uncle comes to see me from time to time. My uncle visits me from time to time. >>eng<< Dala mu pěkný dárek. She gave him a nice present. She gave him a nice gift. >>eng<< Wiemy, co wydarzyło się potem. We know what happened next. We know what happened later. >>eng<< Niech ktoś coś powie. Somebody say something. Somebody say something. >>eng<< Zavolej záchranku! Call an ambulance. Call the ambulance! >>eng<< Je úplně vyčerpaný. He is totally exhausted. He's totally exhausted. >>eng<< Oni to Tomovi nedovolí udělat. They won't allow Tom to do it. They won't let Tom do it. >>eng<< Jak nazywa się ten ptak? What's the name of this bird? What's the name of this bird? >>eng<< Zwykle jak ustalasz, co będziesz jeść? How do you usually decide what to eat? Usually, as you determine, what are you going to eat? >>eng<< Mary řekla, že bude stát při Tomovi. Mary said that she would stand by Tom. Mary said she'd be standing by Tom's side. >>eng<< To doprawdy straszne. It's really horrible. It's really terrible. >>eng<< Přijď, prosím, domů co nejrychleji. Please come home as quickly as possible. Please come home as soon as possible. >>eng<< Może to się wydawać znaczącą sumą, ale to dobrze ulokowane pieniądze. It may seem like an awful lot of money, but it'll be money well spent. It may seem like a significant amount, but it's well-placed money. >>eng<< Pożyczyłem mu książkę, ale on jeszcze jej nie oddał. I lent him a book but he still hasn't returned it. I borrowed a book for him, but he hasn't given it to her yet. >>eng<< Kupiłem książkę za dziesięć dolarów. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought a book for $10. >>eng<< Člověk nemůže být úspěšný, pokud se nemá k práci. You can't succeed if you don't work. You can’t be successful if you don’t have to work. >>eng<< Mluvila se mnou španělsky. She spoke to me in Spanish. She spoke Spanish to me. >>eng<< Zbladł słysząc wiadomości. He turned pale at the news. He faded when he heard the news. >>eng<< Chcemy po prostu zabrać Toma do domu. We just want to take Tom home. We just want to take Tom home. >>eng<< Znowu? Again? Again? >>eng<< Rano muszę wypić kawę. I must have a cup of coffee in the morning. I have to drink coffee in the morning. >>eng<< Jim uczy się prowadzenia samochodu. Jim is learning how to drive a car. Jim is learning to drive a car. >>eng<< Navštívím Toma, až se vrátím. I'll see Tom after I get back. I'll visit Tom when I get back. >>eng<< Jestem detektywem. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. >>eng<< Tom zdědil po otci farmu. Tom inherited a farm from his father. Tom inherited the farm from his father. >>eng<< Pojechał do Londynu, aby uczyć się angielskiego. He went to London to study English. He went to London to learn English. >>eng<< Jak bylo na pláži? How was the beach? How was the beach? >>eng<< Byla to tvoje volba. That was your choice. It was your choice. >>eng<< Ten problém se týká vnímání. The problem is perceptual. The problem is about perception. >>eng<< Nie mogę iść dalej. I can't go any farther. I can't keep going. >>eng<< Ten modrý batoh je těžký. This blue backpack is heavy. The blue backpack is heavy. >>eng<< Nikdo se o mě nezajímá. Nobody cares about me. No one cares about me. >>eng<< Prawie się nie zmieniłeś. You've hardly changed. You almost haven't changed. >>eng<< To já dostal Toma z té bryndy. It was me who got Tom out of that mess. I got Tom out of that brynda. >>eng<< Myslí si, že tu zkoušku udělal. He thinks he's passed the exam. He thinks he's done the exam. >>eng<< Co kdybychom se podívali, jak to Tom dělá? Why don't we see how Tom is doing? Why don't we look at Tom's doing this? >>eng<< Město má staré ulice. The city has old streets. The city has old streets. >>eng<< Má noční můry. She has nightmares. He has nightmares. >>eng<< Dobry wieczór, co słychać u pana? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, what's up with you? >>eng<< Był chory przez tydzień. He was ill for a week. He was sick for a week. >>eng<< Někdo by něco měl říct. Someone ought to say something. Someone should say something. >>eng<< Taková věc se nikdy předtím nestala. Such a thing has never happened before. Such a thing never happened before. >>eng<< Máme splnit úkol. We have a mission to accomplish. We're supposed to do the job. >>eng<< Nezakopávejte to moc hluboko. Don't bury it too deep. Don't bury it too deep. >>eng<< Zarówno odpowiednia dieta, jak i ćwiczenia, są ważne dla zdrowia. Proper diet and exercise are both important for health. Both proper diet and exercise are important for health. >>eng<< Towarzyszyła jej matka. She was accompanied by her mother. Her mother accompanied her. >>eng<< Niczego przed tobą nie ukrywam. I'm not hiding anything from you. I'm not hiding anything from you. >>eng<< Ta szkoła wygląda jak więzienie. That school looks just like a prison. This school looks like a prison. >>eng<< Mohl bych dostat rozvrh hodin? May I have a class schedule? Can I get a schedule of hours? >>eng<< Tom řekl, že potřebujeme více pracovních pozic. Tom said we need more jobs. Tom said we needed more jobs. >>eng<< Francouzština je moc těžká, nechci se ji učit. French is too hard. I don't want to learn it. French is hard, I don’t want to learn it. >>eng<< Firma planuje sprzedawać nowy produkt po 1000 dolarów. The company plans to sell the new product for $1,000. The company plans to sell a new product for $1000. >>eng<< Idę do studni po wodę. I'm going to the well to get water. I'm going to the well for water. >>eng<< Proč jsi to začal dělat? Why did you start doing that? Why did you start doing this? >>eng<< Tomovo třetí manželství bylo nešťastné a on tak zvažoval další rozvod. Tom's third marriage was unhappy and he was considering yet another divorce. Tom's third marriage was unfortunate and he was considering another divorce. >>eng<< Złapałem okropne przeziębienie. I've caught a terrible cold. I caught a terrible cold. >>eng<< Potkala jsem je jen třikrát. I only met them three times. I only met them three times. >>eng<< To mám ráda. I like that. I like that. >>eng<< To prostě není pravda. That's simply not true. That's just not true. >>eng<< Niektórzy ludzie chcą zmienić konstytucję. Some people want to amend the constitution. Some people want to change the constitution. >>eng<< Chciałbym tam iść któregoś dnia. I'd like to go there someday. I'd like to go there one day. >>eng<< Nerad bych, aby se ti to stalo. I'd hate to see that happen to you. I don't want it to happen to you. >>eng<< To przysłowie brzmi tak: The proverb runs as follows. This proverb sounds like this: >>eng<< Jej mąż je wszystko, co ona przed nim postawi. Her husband eats everything she puts in front of him. Her husband eats everything she puts before him. >>eng<< Její dcera je zdravotní sestra. Her daughter is a nurse. Her daughter is a nurse. >>eng<< Sejdu se s Tomem opět příští týden. Tom and I'll meet again next week. I'll meet Tom again next week. >>eng<< Odmítl to zvíře zabít. He refused to kill the animal. He refused to kill the animal. >>eng<< Zjadłam pożywne śniadanie. I ate a nutritious breakfast. I ate a nutritious breakfast. >>eng<< Sami byl ožralý. Sami was just pissed. He was drunk himself. >>eng<< Gdzie są buty? Where're the shoes? Where are the shoes? >>eng<< Tom si koupil knížku o plazech. Tom bought a book about reptiles. Tom bought a book about flippers. >>eng<< Nie potrzebuję twoich pieniędzy. Potrzebny mi twój czas. I don't need your money. I just need your time. I don't need your money. >>eng<< Právě mě povýšili! I just got promoted! I just got promoted! >>eng<< Źle Cię osądziłem. I misjudged you. I didn't judge you. >>eng<< To twoja książka. This is your book. This is your book. >>eng<< Wszyscy jesteśmy z Bostonu. We're all from Boston. We're all from Boston. >>eng<< Jakim mydłem myjesz ręce? What soap do you wash your hands with? What soap do you wash your hands with? >>eng<< Řekli nám, abychom Toma nerušili. They told us not to disturb Tom. They told us not to disturb Tom. >>eng<< Tom odmítá platit výživné. Tom refuses to pay alimony. Tom refuses to pay maintenance. >>eng<< Nie napisałem tego listu. I didn't write this letter. I didn't write that letter. >>eng<< Kiedy słuchowisko się skończyło, wyłączyliśmy radio. When the program finished, we switched the radio off. When the hearing aid was over, we turned off the radio. >>eng<< Tom má přátele v Německu. Tom has friends in Germany. Tom has friends in Germany. >>eng<< Zginął na polu chwały. He was slain in battle. He died in the field of glory. >>eng<< Hrával jsem tady. I used to play here. I was playing here. >>eng<< Jestem oburzony. I'm disgusted. I'm outraged. >>eng<< Musicie zebrać fundusze na pomoc humanitarną. You have to raise funds for the relief work. You have to raise funds for humanitarian aid. >>eng<< Jaká je vaše oblíbená část toho příběhu? What's your favorite part of the story? What is your favorite part of the story? >>eng<< Jestem szczęśliwy, ponieważ nie dotyczy mnie ten problem. I feel happy because I am quit of that trouble. I am happy because I am not affected by this problem. >>eng<< Nahrabal jsem si nějaké peníze. I had some money squirreled away. I made some money. >>eng<< Ten mężczyzna jest pijany. This man is drunk. This man is drunk. >>eng<< Tom nic nie jadł i nie pił przez trzy dni. Tom had no food or water for three days. Tom didn't eat anything and he didn't drink for three days. >>eng<< Tom se nabídl, že nám připraví oběd. Tom offered to prepare lunch for us. Tom offered us lunch. >>eng<< Ještě to nikdo nemá. No one has gotten it yet. No one's got it yet. >>eng<< Naše téma pro tento týden je intolerance. Our topic of the week is intolerance. This week’s theme is intolerance. >>eng<< Vzhlédl jsem k obloze. I looked up to the sky. I looked up to the sky. >>eng<< Bombaj to dawna nazwa Mumbaju, nadana przez Anglików. Bombay is the former name of Mumbai and was given to it by the English. Mumbai is a long name given to Mumbai by the English. >>eng<< Uwielbiam pizzę z serem. I love pizza with cheese. I love pizza with cheese. >>eng<< Rób, nie gadaj. Act. Don't talk. Do not talk. >>eng<< Tom wrzucił swój śpiwór do namiotu. Tom tossed his sleeping bag into the tent. Tom threw his sleeping bag into the tent. >>eng<< Tom zasadil semínka a pak čekal, až vyrostou. Tom planted the seeds and then waited for them to grow. Tom planted the seeds and then waited for them to grow up. >>eng<< Czułem się całkiem nieźle. It felt pretty good. I felt pretty good. >>eng<< Tom nemá asistenta. Tom doesn't have an assistant. Tom doesn't have an assistant. >>eng<< Tom nemá hlad. Tom isn't hungry. Tom's not hungry. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl, proč se Tomovi tak líbí tahle škola. I wonder why Tom likes this school so much. I'd like to know why Tom likes this school so much. >>eng<< Zaprowadziła starą kobietę do kościoła za rękę. She led the old woman to the church by the hand. She led an old woman to church by the hand. >>eng<< Zemdlałam. I passed out. I fainted. >>eng<< To jest moje, a to jest twoje. This is mine, and that's yours. It's mine, and it's yours. >>eng<< Stárnutí nic nestojí. Aging doesn't cost anything. Ageing costs nothing. >>eng<< Tom políbil všechny v té místnosti. Tom kissed everyone in the room. Tom kissed everyone in that room. >>eng<< Proč si nevzpomínáš? Why don't you remember? Why don't you remember? >>eng<< Vím, že to je velký požadavek. I know this is a lot to ask. I know that's a big requirement. >>eng<< W pokoju było dwieście osób. There were two hundred people in the room. There were two hundred people in the room. >>eng<< Přízrak házel předměty v pokoji. The poltergeist was throwing objects around the room. The ghost threw objects in the room. >>eng<< Bardzo ciężko jest mówić o tym co się stało. It is very difficult to talk about what happened. It's very hard to talk about what happened. >>eng<< Pokud vím, tak žádná taková funkce není. As far as I know, there is no such function. As far as I know, there is no such function. >>eng<< Mary je Tomova ex-manželka. Mary is Tom's ex-wife. Mary is Tom's ex-wife. >>eng<< Ktoś otruł Toma. Somebody poisoned Tom. Someone poisoned Tom. >>eng<< Jakou barvu měly Tomovy ponožky? What color were Tom's socks? What color was Tom's socks? >>eng<< Kupiłem w tym sklepie czerwony sweter. I bought a red sweater at that shop. I bought a red sweater in this store. >>eng<< Nemohu být něco, co nejsem. I can't be something I'm not. I can't be something I'm not. >>eng<< Rozhodčí ten gól neuznal kvůli ofsajdu. The referee disallowed a goal for offside. The referee didn't recognize the goal because of the charge. >>eng<< Pracuji na směny. I work in shifts. I'm working on shifts. >>eng<< Ile lat uczysz się angielskiego? How long have you been studying English? How many years have you been learning English? >>eng<< Tom wie co ma powiedzieć, aby Mary mu wybaczyła. Tom knows what to say to make Mary forgive him. Tom knows what to say for Mary to forgive him. >>eng<< Byłem raz w Bostonie. I've been to Boston once. I was in Boston once. >>eng<< Sami może sam się sobą zająć. Sami can take care of himself. He can take care of himself. >>eng<< Tom vypadal jaksi povědomě. Tom looked somewhat familiar. Tom looked familiar. >>eng<< Nebyli nemocní. They weren't sick. They weren't sick. >>eng<< Wszystko będzie musiało być zdezynfekowane. Everything will have to be sterilized. Everything will have to be disinfected. >>eng<< Jesteś racjonalny. You're rational. You're rational. >>eng<< To, co člověk vydrží, má své hranice. There is a limit to how much one can tolerate. What one can endure has its limits. >>eng<< Všichni účastníci se musí zaregistrovat. All participants must be registered. All participants must register. >>eng<< Oni běží. They run. They're running. >>eng<< Możesz być pewny, że ta historia jest przejaskrawiona. You may depend upon it that the story is exaggerated. You can be sure that this story is overjoyed. >>eng<< Kdo za to bude platit? Who's going to pay for this? Who's going to pay for this? >>eng<< To nie było drogie. It wasn't expensive. It wasn't expensive. >>eng<< Chyba znalazłem coś Twojego. I think I've found something of yours. I think I found yours. >>eng<< Mám špatný pocit, když ublížím někomu, koho miluji. I feel very bad when I hurt someone I love. I feel bad when I hurt someone I love. >>eng<< Tom určitě nepřestal. I'm sure Tom didn't just stop. I'm sure Tom didn't stop. >>eng<< Tom si lámal hlavu nad odpovědí na otázku Mary. Tom racked his brain to come up with an answer to Mary's question. Tom broke his head over the answer to Mary's question. >>eng<< Kto ci powiedział, że wróciłem? Who told you I was back? Who told you I was back? >>eng<< On nigdy się nie pojawia przed dziewiątą. He never appears before nine o'clock. He never shows up before 9. >>eng<< Sym samodruha. I am pregnant. I'm a self-defence. >>eng<< Novomanželé vychází z kostela. The newlyweds are leaving the church. The newlyweds come from the church. >>eng<< Napsali jsme jim. We wrote to them. We wrote to them. >>eng<< Nikdo si tady na Toma nevzpomíná. Nobody here recalls Tom. Nobody remembers Tom here. >>eng<< Policja aresztowała wczoraj podejrzanego. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Police arrested the suspect yesterday. >>eng<< Matka čeká. Mother is waiting. Mother's waiting. >>eng<< Nie wyglądasz dobrze. You don't look so good. You don't look good. >>eng<< Jestem tylko klientem. I'm only a customer. I'm just a client. >>eng<< O której jest przerwa? What time is the break? What time is the break? >>eng<< Někdy je lepší být zticha. Sometimes it's better to keep quiet. Sometimes it's better to be silent. >>eng<< Tenhle stůl je čistý. This table is clean. This table is clean. >>eng<< Martwię się o nich. I'm worried about them. I'm worried about them. >>eng<< Czy to nie może poczekać do jutra? Can't this wait until tomorrow? Can't it wait until tomorrow? >>eng<< Zastanawiam się co Tom by o tym pomyślał. I wonder what Tom would think about this. I wonder what Tom would think about it. >>eng<< Věřím, že tento lék bude na tvoji nemoc účinný. I believe that this kind of medicine will be effective for your illness. I believe this medicine will be effective for your illness. >>eng<< Navštívíte nás brzy? Will you visit us soon? Will you visit us soon? >>eng<< Wszystkie androidy to roboty. All androids are robots. All androids are robots. >>eng<< Rentowność przedsiębiorstwa poprawiła się. The company's profitability improved. The profitability of the company has improved. >>eng<< Szkoda, że to się nie dzieje częściej. I wish it would happen more often. It's a pity that this doesn't happen more often. >>eng<< Víc o tom teď nemohu říci. I can't say any more about that now. I can't say more about it now. >>eng<< Nemám manželku. I don't have a wife. I don't have a wife. >>eng<< Nie rozumiem. I don't understand. I don't get it. >>eng<< Jutro rano wyjeżdżam do Londynu. I leave for London tomorrow morning. I'm going to London tomorrow morning. >>eng<< On jest popularny wśród nas. He is popular among us. He is popular among us. >>eng<< Chciała, by mąż już wrócił do domu. She yearned for her husband to come home. She wanted her husband to come home. >>eng<< Wczoraj w nocy ktoś się włamał do sklepiku koło mnie. Last night someone broke into the small shop near my house. Someone broke into a store next to me last night. >>eng<< Guus Hiddink jest Holendrem. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hiddink is a Dutchman. >>eng<< Tyto rostliny vypěstoval Tom. These plants were raised by Tom. These plants were grown by Tom. >>eng<< Uczyniłaś mnie najszczęśliwszym mężczyzną na świecie. You've made me the happiest man in the world. You made me the happiest man in the world. >>eng<< Kochałem pływanie, kiedy byłem dzieckiem. I used to love swimming when I was a kid. I loved swimming when I was a child. >>eng<< Na co se rádi díváte v televizi? What do you like to watch on TV? What do you like watching on TV? >>eng<< Budeme z toho mít potíže? Are we going to have a problem? Are we going to have trouble with that? >>eng<< Dostal ses sem brzo. You got here early. You got here early. >>eng<< Jsem moc zklamaný tím, jak to dopadlo. I'm very disappointed with the way things turned out. I'm too disappointed at how it went. >>eng<< Betty zabila svou matku. Betty killed her mother. Betty killed her mother. >>eng<< Zraniłeś uczucia Toma. You've hurt Tom's feelings. You hurt Tom's feelings. >>eng<< Nikdo si nevšiml, že chybí. Nobody noticed her absence. No one noticed that he was missing. >>eng<< Czy Tom jest na łodzi? Is Tom on the boat? Is Tom on the boat? >>eng<< Powinienem to powtórzyć? Should I repeat that? Don't you think I should repeat it? >>eng<< Neodcházejte pryč. Jste tu vítáni. Don't go away. You're welcome here. Don't go away, you're welcome here. >>eng<< Není to špatné. That isn't so bad. It's not bad. >>eng<< To nie miało sensu. It didn't make sense. That didn't make sense. >>eng<< Nezdráhej se. Promluv. Don't hesitate. Speak out. Don't hesitate. >>eng<< Co udělají, aby Toma zachránili? What will they do to save Tom? What will they do to save Tom? >>eng<< Člověk jako ty mě nemůže urazit. A person like you cannot insult me. A man like you can't insult me. >>eng<< Nie widzę w tym nic złego. I see nothing wrong with it. I don't see anything wrong with that. >>eng<< Tom se rozhodl začít nový život. Tom decided to start a new life. Tom decided to start a new life. >>eng<< To się nie zdarzy. That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. >>eng<< Budu pít čaj. I will drink the tea. I'll drink tea. >>eng<< Kdy to udělají? When will they do that? When will they do that? >>eng<< Wón jo mój nan. He is my father. It is my Nan. >>eng<< Mógł to zrobić! He could've done it! He could have done it! >>eng<< Nechci zažít umírání. I don't want to experience dying. I don't want to experience dying. >>eng<< Větě je možné přiřknout dva významy, z nichž je jeden přesným opakem druhého. The sentence is capable of two interpretations, of which the first is the exact opposite of the other. The sentence can be attributed to two meanings, one of which is the exact opposite of the other. >>eng<< Květiny umřou bez vody. Without water, the flowers die. Flowers die without water. >>eng<< Nie chciało mi się zapisywać tego w kalendarzu. I neglected to note it in my calendar. I didn't want to save it on my calendar. >>eng<< Dej mi pokoj! Give me a break! Leave me alone! >>eng<< Tom jest winny. Tom is guilty. Tom's guilty. >>eng<< Spodobałaś się Tomowi. Tom liked you. You liked Tom. >>eng<< Co byste udělal vy? What would you do? What would you do? >>eng<< Specializuje se na převoz dobytka. He's specialized in the transport of cattle. He specializes in the transport of cattle. >>eng<< Wyszedł z pokoju jak tylko weszłam. He left the room as soon as I entered it. He left the room as soon as I got in. >>eng<< Tom pracuje na celnici. Tom works at customs. Tom works at the customs office. >>eng<< Jak poszło ostatniej nocy? How did it go last night? How'd it go last night? >>eng<< Pověsím svůj kabát za dveře. I'll hang my coat up behind the door. I'll hang my coat behind the door. >>eng<< Masz pełne prawo być zły. You have every right to be angry. You have the right to be angry. >>eng<< Tom má obavy o matčino zdraví. Tom is anxious about his mother's health. Tom's worried about her mother's health. >>eng<< Jesteś nieuczciwi. You're dishonest. You're unfair. >>eng<< Potřebuju to víc než ty. I need this more than you. I need it more than you do. >>eng<< To může být opravdu dobrá myšlenka začít právě teď. Actually it might be a good idea to start right now. This can be a really good idea to start right now. >>eng<< Jest zależny finansowo od swej żony. He relies on his wife financially. He is financially dependent on his wife. >>eng<< Ken nie biegał. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. >>eng<< Říká Tom pravdu? Is Tom telling the truth? Does Tom say the truth? >>eng<< Vždycky tě budu podporovat. I will always support you. I'll always support you. >>eng<< Mám dvě květiny. I have two flowers. I have two flowers. >>eng<< Nic z toho, co Tom řekl, nedává smysl. Nothing of what Tom said makes any sense. Nothing that Tom said makes sense. >>eng<< To powinno wystarczyć. This should be plenty. That should be enough. >>eng<< Gdy jesteś w grupie niezdecydowanych, stanowczo zaproponuj coś, na co nikt by się nie zgodził. When you are with an indecisive group, confidently propose something that no one would agree to. When you are in a group of indecisives, definitely propose something that no one would agree to. >>eng<< Są takie dni, które wydają się nie mieć końca. Some days seem to just drag on and last forever. There are days that seem to have no end. >>eng<< Řekla mi, abych se jí nedotýkal. She told me not to touch her. She told me not to touch her. >>eng<< W Japonii, jest teraz trzecia nad ranem. In Japan, it's now 3:00 a.m. In Japan, it's the third in the morning. >>eng<< Jeszcze nie wiem, co zrobię. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. >>eng<< Brian šel do školy s Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. >>eng<< Tom kdysi prodával auta. Tom used to sell cars. Tom used to sell cars. >>eng<< Nenávidí mě. They hate me. He hates me. >>eng<< Pamiętam, że gdzieś już ją spotkałem. I remember meeting her somewhere. I remember seeing her somewhere. >>eng<< Jsem prostě normální člověk. I'm just a normal person. I'm just a normal person. >>eng<< Może istnieje lepszy sposób, żeby to zrobić. Maybe there's a better way to do this. Maybe there's a better way to do that. >>eng<< To teď není podstatné. That isn't important now. That's not important right now. >>eng<< Ještě nedodělal svoji práci. He still has some work unfinished. He hasn't done his job yet. >>eng<< Tom vykazuje známky demence. Tom is showing signs of dementia. Tom shows signs of dementia. >>eng<< Po prostu cieszmy się tą ciszą i spokojem. Let's just enjoy this peace and quiet. Just enjoy the peace and quiet. >>eng<< Tom i Mary walczyli jak kot z psem. Tom and Mary fought like cat and dog. Tom and Mary fought like a cat with a dog. >>eng<< Stále pracuji v jejím domě. I'm still working at her house. I'm still working in her house. >>eng<< Jeden, dva, tři, čtyři, pět, šest, sedm, osm, devět, deset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >>eng<< Jestem gotowy, by zrobić dla Ciebie wszystko. I am ready to do anything for you. I'm ready to do everything for you. >>eng<< Tom viděl vlka. Tom saw a wolf. Tom saw the wolf. >>eng<< V mé zemi se lidé obvykle vítají podáním rukou. People generally greet each other by shaking hands in my country. In my country, people usually welcome by hand. >>eng<< Myślisz, że jestem szczęśliwy? Do you think I'm happy? You think I'm happy? >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že asi chodíš s Tomem. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought you were probably dating Tom. >>eng<< Nikdy se to nebude prodávat. It will never sell. It will never be sold. >>eng<< Vyhrožovali, že mu zapálí auto. They threatened to set his car on fire. They threatened to light his car. >>eng<< Zrobiliśmy, co mogliśmy, żeby pomóc. We've done what we can to help. We did what we could to help. >>eng<< Dzień był piękny, ani jednej chmurki na niebie. The day was bright, nor were there clouds above. The day was beautiful, not one cloud in the sky. >>eng<< Nie powiedziała mi jak ma na imię. She didn't tell me her name. She didn't tell me her name. >>eng<< Tlumočil jsem Tomovi. I interpreted for Tom. I've interpreted Tom. >>eng<< Błogosławieni, którzy się smucą, albowiem oni będą pocieszeni. Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. Blessed are those who are sad, for they will be comforted. >>eng<< Tom nesl Marii na ramenou. Tom carried Mary on his shoulders. Tom was carrying Mary on his shoulder. >>eng<< Tom už neloví. Tom doesn't hunt anymore. Tom doesn't hunt anymore. >>eng<< Zůstaňte doma. Stay home. Stay home. >>eng<< Můj spolubydlící je příliš ukecaný. My roommate is too talkative. My son-in-law is too bleak. >>eng<< Pořád se zajímáš o Toma? Are you still interested in Tom? Are you still interested in Tom? >>eng<< Můj otec je teď v nemocnici. My father is in the hospital now. My father's in the hospital now. >>eng<< Ona jest rannym ptaszkiem. She is an early riser. She's a wounded bird. >>eng<< Sprawdziłem komputer Toma. I checked Tom's computer. I checked Tom's computer. >>eng<< Tom ti zkontroluje domácí úkol. Tom will check your homework. Tom's gonna check your homework. >>eng<< Był zły na swoją żonę. He was angry with his wife. He was angry with his wife. >>eng<< Mój samochód jest niemiecki. My car is German. My car is German. >>eng<< Toto muzeum vystavuje fascinující sbírku Keltských pedmětů. This museum displays a fascinating collection of Celtic objects. This museum exhibits a fascinating collection of Celtic pedestals. >>eng<< Sam šel rovnou do postele. Sam went directly to bed. Sam went straight to bed. >>eng<< Znów się zaczyna. It's starting again. It starts again. >>eng<< Potrzebuję twojej asysty. I require your assistance. I need your assistance. >>eng<< Chcę, żebyśmy zostali razem. I want us to stay together. I want us to stay together. >>eng<< Mogłabym cię uszczęśliwić. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. >>eng<< Ten pies nie gryzie. This dog doesn't bite. This dog is not biting. >>eng<< Tuhle peněženku jsem našel v parku. I found this wallet in the park. I found this wallet in the park. >>eng<< Nie czytam książek. I do not read books. I don't read books. >>eng<< Tony mówi po angielsku tak jak ty. Tony speaks English as well as you. Tony speaks English like you. >>eng<< Jesteś niesamowity. You're amazing. You're amazing. >>eng<< Nechal jsem ti na stole knihu, kterou jsem si od tebe nedávno vypůjčil. I left on your table the book I borrowed from you the other day. I left you on the table a book I recently borrowed from you. >>eng<< Počkejme, až přestane pršet. Let's wait until it stops raining. Let's wait until it stops raining. >>eng<< Bolelo jí celé tělo. She was aching from head to foot. Her whole body hurt. >>eng<< Dnes jsem nebyl v práci. I wasn't at work today. I wasn't at work today. >>eng<< Ani radost ani smutek netrvají věčně. Happiness and sadness only last for a time. Neither joy nor sadness last forever. >>eng<< Idź pomóc Tomowi. Go help Tom. Go help Tom. >>eng<< Im więcej tłumaczysz, tym mniej rozumiem. The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it. The more you explain, the less I understand. >>eng<< Přestaň. Ztrapňuješ mě. Stop it. You're embarrassing me. You're botherin' me. >>eng<< V mém skleníku pěstuji orchideje. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. >>eng<< Zamienił swoją krowę na dwa konie. He exchanged his cow for two horses. He turned his cow into two horses. >>eng<< Ten deser powinien być serwowany na zimno. This dessert must be served cold. This dessert should be served cold. >>eng<< Bojíš se, že tě vyhodí z práce? Are you afraid of being fired? Are you afraid of being fired from work? >>eng<< Je po uši v dluzích. He is up to his ears in debt. His ears are in debt. >>eng<< Wszystkie drogi prowadzące do miasta pełne były samochodów. All the roads leading into the city are full of cars. All roads leading to the city were full of cars. >>eng<< Czy dzisiaj są twoje urodziny? Is today your birthday? Is your birthday today? >>eng<< K řezníkovi jsem šel už dnes ráno. I already went to the butcher's shop this morning. I went to the butcher this morning. >>eng<< Vstup volný. Entrance is free of charge. Entrance free. >>eng<< Gdyby nie pas bezpieczeństwa byłbym martwy. But for the safety belt, I wouldn't be alive today. If I wasn't for the safety belt, I'd be dead. >>eng<< Tahle kniha se mi moc nelíbila. I didn't really like this book. I didn't like this book much. >>eng<< Nevypadáš příliš šťastná, že mě vidíš. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't look too happy to see me. >>eng<< Vím, že tě má moc ráda. I know she loves you very much. I know he likes you very much. >>eng<< Opravdu Tom zemřel následkem očkování? Did Tom really die as a result of vaccination? Did Tom really die as a result of vaccination? >>eng<< Tom to nejspíš nikdy nezjistí. Tom will probably never know. Tom's probably never gonna find out. >>eng<< Nevíte, kdo tam bude? Do you know who's going to be there? You don't know who's going to be there? >>eng<< Právě začali topit. They have just started heating. They're just starting to melt. >>eng<< Namaloval psa. He painted a picture of a dog. He painted a dog. >>eng<< Nevím, proč není v mých snech. Možná, že tam nechce být proto, aby mě nerušila. I don't know why she isn't in my dreams. Maybe she doesn't want to be there in order not to disturb me. I don't know why she's not in my dreams. >>eng<< Kwiaty wydają się bardziej kolorowe, a trawa bardziej zielona. The flowers seem more colourful, and the grass greener. The flowers seem more colorful, and the grass is greener. >>eng<< Jsme dobří přátelé už deset let. We have been good friends for ten years. We've been good friends for 10 years. >>eng<< Nie mam czasu. I have no time. I don't have time. >>eng<< Je jasné, že Tom ví, co dělá. Tom obviously knows what he's doing. It's clear Tom knows what he's doing. >>eng<< Wszystcy tak myślą. Everybody thinks so. Everyone thinks so. >>eng<< Kilka razy poszła do tamtego domu. She went to the house several times. She went to that house several times. >>eng<< Oboje mama i tata poszli do pracy. Both mom and dad went to work. Both mom and dad went to work. >>eng<< Jak dlouhá je tato řeka? How long is this river? How long is this river? >>eng<< Trudno w to uwierzyć. It's hard to believe. It's hard to believe. >>eng<< Zeptal jsem se Toma, kde ho mám vysadit. I asked Tom where I should drop him off. I asked Tom where to put him. >>eng<< Wyglądasz dużo lepiej. You look much better. You look a lot better. >>eng<< Je to tvůj kufr? Is this your suitcase? Is that your suitcase? >>eng<< Państwa były ciągle w stanie wojny. The states were constantly at war. States were still in a state of war. >>eng<< Bohužel, nebyl v tom moc dobrý. Unfortunately, he wasn't very good at it. Unfortunately, he wasn't very good at it. >>eng<< Budu zase překládat filmy. I am going to translate movies again. I'll translate the movies again. >>eng<< Byłam w domu. I was at home. I was home. >>eng<< Žízní po slávě. He is thirsty for fame. He thirsts for glory. >>eng<< Šli jsme spát před půlnocí. We went to bed before midnight. We went to bed before midnight. >>eng<< Łóżko w pokoju Toma było niezrobione. The bed in Tom's room was unmade. The bed in Tom's room was not made. >>eng<< Funguje ten stroj ještě? Does the machine still work? Does the machine still work? >>eng<< Mój wuj nie żyje od trzech lat. My uncle has been dead for three years. My uncle has been dead for three years. >>eng<< Wiem, że muszę się wiele nauczyć. I know I have a lot to learn. I know I need to learn a lot. >>eng<< Mamy wielu klientów w Australii. Many of our customers are in Australia. We have many customers in Australia. >>eng<< Długa choroba wpędziła go w długi. His long sickness ran him into debt. A long illness has pushed him into debt. >>eng<< Tom a Mary znají náš plán. Tom and Mary know our plans. Tom and Mary know our plan. >>eng<< Na tej wyspie jest ciepło przez cały rok. The island is warm all year. There is warmth on this island all year round. >>eng<< Tom spravuje ledničku. Tom is fixing the refrigerator. Tom manages the refrigerator. >>eng<< Wypchnęła go za drzwi. She pushed him out the door. She pushed him outside the door. >>eng<< Musimy poważnie porozmawiać. We've got to talk seriously. We need to talk seriously. >>eng<< Nechoď k Tomovi, prosím. Don't go to Tom's place, please. Don't go to Tom, please. >>eng<< Jak se řekne "borovicové šišky" ve vašem jazyce? How do you say 'pine cones' in your native language? What is the name of the "borough necks" in your language? >>eng<< Kdo vám může pomoct s učením se němčině? Who can help you guys learn German? Who can help you learn German? >>eng<< Život je pěkný. Life is beautiful. Life is nice. >>eng<< Na nic się zda próba przekonania go. It is no use trying to persuade him. There's no point in trying to convince him. >>eng<< Nie wiem wiele o Finlandii, oprócz tego że jest tam bardzo zimo. I don't know much about Finland, except that it's very cold. I don't know much about Finland, except it's very cold. >>eng<< V kolik se ráno probouzíš? What time do you wake up in the morning? How much do you wake up in the morning? >>eng<< Klepnął swojego brata po ramieniu. He patted his brother on the shoulder. He clicked on his brother's shoulder. >>eng<< To moje. That's mine. It's mine. >>eng<< Nigdy nie wyjawię ci jej tajemnic! Never will I tell you her secret! I'll never tell you her secrets! >>eng<< Tom je naštvaný, protože ho nechali čekat. Tom is mad because he was kept waiting. Tom is angry because they let him wait. >>eng<< Můj švagr se přestal učit německy a začal se učit anglicky. My brother-in-law stopped learning German and started to learn English. My brother-in-law stopped learning German and began to learn English. >>eng<< Není větší bídy, nežli nespravedlnost vůči druhým. There is no greater poverty than injustice toward others. There is no greater poverty than injustice against others. >>eng<< Oczywiście, że plezjozaur potrafił pływać. Of course, plesiosaurs were able to swim. Of course, Plezjozaur was able to swim. >>eng<< Znovu si to přečtu. I'm going to read this again. I'll read it again. >>eng<< Nepozvali je dokonce ani na svatbu. They didn't even invited them to their wedding. They didn't even invite them to the wedding. >>eng<< Tyhle hodinky se vyrábí ve Švýcarsku. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. This watch is made in Switzerland. >>eng<< V jeho životě jsou dvě ženy. He has two women in his life. There are two women in his life. >>eng<< Na tuto otázku nemohu odpovědět. I can't answer this question. I cannot answer this question. >>eng<< Připravují se na válku? Are they preparing for a war? Are they preparing for war? >>eng<< Nie wiem, co powiedziałam lub zrobiłam, żeby pomyślał, że jesteśmy bliskimi przyjaciółmi. I don't know what I said or did to make him think that we're close friends. I don't know what I said or did to think we were close friends. >>eng<< Tom pracował na pół etatu. Tom was working part-time. Tom worked half-time. >>eng<< Jsou tyto brýle Toma? Are those Tom's glasses? Are these Tom's glasses? >>eng<< Zřídka vídám tebe a Toma. I seldom see you and Tom. I rarely see you and Tom. >>eng<< Tom obdržel ovace vstoje. Tom received a standing ovation. Tom got the sheep standing. >>eng<< Tady mám mapu. Here I have the map. Here's the map. >>eng<< Proč máš tolik na spěch? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you in such a hurry? >>eng<< Są siostrami? Are they sisters? Are they sisters? >>eng<< "Jak dobrze znasz Toma?" "Spotkałam go tylko raz." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." "How well do you know Tom?" "I only met him once." >>eng<< Drž je dál od Toma. Keep them away from Tom. Keep them away from Tom. >>eng<< Tom ma przekłute ucho. Tom has a pierced ear. Tom's got a cunning ear. >>eng<< Trápí mě to. It worries me. I'm worried. >>eng<< Žádal jsem Toma, aby to nedělal. Stejně to udělal. I asked Tom not to do it. He did it anyway. I asked Tom not to do it. >>eng<< Řekla, že je šťastná. She said that she was happy. She said she was happy. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem Toma neslyšel nadávat. I've never heard Tom swear. I've never heard Tom swear. >>eng<< Musel jsem se zabavit hračkama. I had to amuse myself with toys. I had to have fun with toys. >>eng<< Tom wygląda na złego. Tom looks angry. Tom looks bad. >>eng<< Sedí vedle svého bratra. He's sitting next to his brother. He's sitting next to his brother. >>eng<< Tom to naprawi. Tom will fix this. Tom's gonna fix it. >>eng<< Všechno jsem Tomovi vysvětlil, ale on to nechtěl pochopit. I explained everything to Tom, but he wouldn't understand. I explained everything to Tom, but he didn't want to understand. >>eng<< Kdo ti řekl, že Toma nemám rád? Who told you that I dislike Tom? Who told you I didn't like Tom? >>eng<< Tom spojrzał podejrzliwie na Mary. Tom looked at Mary suspiciously. Tom looked suspiciously at Mary. >>eng<< Tohle je moje kolo, ne Tomovo. This is my bicycle, not Tom's. This is my bike, not Tom's. >>eng<< Ve Spojeném království je každý rok odhadem nahlášeno 112 853 dětí jako pohřešovaných. In the United Kingdom, an estimated 112,853 children are reported missing every year. In the United Kingdom, 112,853 children are reported missing each year. >>eng<< Pewnie! Sure! Sure! >>eng<< Zajímalo by mě, jestli je Tom zaujatý. I wonder if Tom is biased. I wonder if Tom is interested. >>eng<< Připadalo nám to jako hra. It seemed like a game to us. It seemed like a game to us. >>eng<< Jakou zeleninu chceš koupit? What vegetables do you want to buy? What vegetables do you want to buy? >>eng<< Kocham Hitomi. I love Hitomi. I love Hitomi. >>eng<< Możesz to zobrazować? Can you picture it? Can you show it? >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom stále ještě spí. I think Tom is still sleeping. I think Tom's still asleep. >>eng<< Tom by nikdy nikomu neublížil. Tom would never hurt anybody. Tom would never hurt anyone. >>eng<< Tom se bude zlobit. Tom will be angry. Tom will be angry. >>eng<< Ty musíš být blázen. You must be a fool. You must be crazy. >>eng<< Přijdu k tobě. I'll come to your place. I'll come to you. >>eng<< Nevěděl bych, co říct Tomovi. I wouldn't know what to say to Tom. I wouldn't know what to tell Tom. >>eng<< Nigdy nie jeździłem na nartach. I've never been skiing. I've never been skiing. >>eng<< Byl překvapen, když slyšel tu zprávu. He was surprised to hear the news. He was surprised when he heard the message. >>eng<< Zítra jedu do Paříže. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. >>eng<< Mary si myslí, že její vztah s Tomem nemá budoucnost. Mary thinks that her relationship with Tom has no future. Mary thinks her relationship with Tom has no future. >>eng<< Tom dużo się rusza. Tom moves a lot. Tom is moving a lot. >>eng<< To jest pańska córka? Is this your daughter? Is this your daughter? >>eng<< Krążyły pogłoski o porażce. Rumors of defeat were circulating. There were rumors of failure. >>eng<< Nie obchodzi mnie dlaczego spóźniłeś się. I don't care why you're late. I don't care why you're late. >>eng<< Zwariowany! Crazy! You're crazy! >>eng<< Prowadzi szczęśliwe życie w swoim rodzinnym mieście. He leads a happy life in his hometown. He has a happy life in his hometown. >>eng<< S věkem ochabl. He has become weaker with age. With age, he's faltered. >>eng<< Myślałem, że będziesz sam. I thought you'd be alone. I thought you'd be alone. >>eng<< Tom nechtěl nic slyšet. Tom didn't want to hear anything. Tom didn't want to hear anything. >>eng<< Bez trudności wyjaśnił tajemnicję. He had no difficulty explaining the mystery. Without difficulty he explained the mystery. >>eng<< Dal bych si jedno pivo. I'd like a glass of beer. I'd like one beer. >>eng<< Když Tom zemřel, všem se ulevilo. Everyone was relieved after Tom had died. When Tom died, everyone was relieved. >>eng<< Jabłonie kwitną na wiosnę. The apple trees bloom in the spring. Apples bloom in the spring. >>eng<< Będę trzymał za ciebie kciuki. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll hold my thumbs for you. >>eng<< Myla nádobí. She was washing the dishes. She's washing dishes. >>eng<< Podpoř se. Speak up for yourself. I'll help you. >>eng<< Tom musiał się widzieć z Mary dziś po południu. Tom must have seen Mary this afternoon. Tom had to see Mary this afternoon. >>eng<< Proč nás nenávidíš? Why do you hate us? Why do you hate us? >>eng<< Nechápu to. I don't understand it. I don't understand. >>eng<< Tom přestal pracovat a teď má nedostatek peněz. Tom stopped working and he lacks money now. Tom stopped working and now he has a lack of money. >>eng<< Zaproponowano mi herbatę lub kawę. I was offered the choice of tea or coffee. I was offered tea or coffee. >>eng<< Tom křičel na Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom shouted at Mary. >>eng<< Lidé na to nepřestanou umírat. People won't stop dying from this. People won't stop dying. >>eng<< Przyjdź i złap mnie jeżeli się odważysz. Come and catch me if you dare. Come and catch me if you dare. >>eng<< Kiedy będziesz miał czas, powinieneś przeczytać tę książkę. When you have time you should read this book. When you have time, you should read this book. >>eng<< Při první návštěvě u vás jsem zabloudil. I got lost when I visited you for the first time. I lost my first visit to you. >>eng<< Tom byl doopravdy znechucený. Tom was really frustrated. Tom was really discouraged. >>eng<< Přísahal, že už jí nikdy nebude věřit. He swore never to trust her again. He swore he'd never trust her again. >>eng<< Wón ma tśi źowki. He has three daughters. It has three thanks. >>eng<< Musím tohle jíst? Do I have to eat this? Do I have to eat this? >>eng<< Dwoje ludzi zginęło w wypadku samochodowym. Two people were killed in the traffic accident. Two people were killed in a car accident. >>eng<< Jde si pro nás Tom. Tom is coming for us. Tom's coming for us. >>eng<< Proč to děláš, když tě to nebaví? If you don't enyoy it, why are you doing it? Why are you doing this if you don't like it? >>eng<< Je těžké pomoci lidem, kteří o tvoji pomoc nestojí. It's difficult to help people who don't want your help. It's hard to help people who don't care about your help. >>eng<< Byl rozdrcen k smrti. He was crushed to death. He was crushed to death. >>eng<< Abys dostal nový průkaz, musíš odevzdat ten starý. You must turn in your old license in order to get a new one. To get a new card, you have to hand over the old one. >>eng<< Zakradła się do niego od tyłu. She sneaked up behind him. She stole it from the back. >>eng<< Tom tu vlastně bydlí. Tom actually lives here. Tom actually lives here. >>eng<< Jô nje mëslił, co nasze karno je pò prôvdze tak lëché. I didn't think our team was really this bad. There was no idea what our group was first. >>eng<< Tom Mary přesvědčil, aby si Johna nebrala. Tom convinced Mary not to marry John. Tom Mary persuaded you not to marry John. >>eng<< Nedomnívám se, že dnes odpoledne bude pršet. I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's going to rain this afternoon. >>eng<< Zabiłem go. I killed him. I killed him. >>eng<< Masz ochotę na coś mocniejszego? Fancy a drink? Do you want something stronger? >>eng<< Brian zostawił drzwi otwarte. Brian left the door open. Brian left the door open. >>eng<< Je mi do breku. I feel like crying. I'm in the river. >>eng<< Mám rád zahradničení. I love gardening. I like gardening. >>eng<< Moje sestra se naučila jezdit na kole dřív, než já. My sister learned to ride a bike earlier than me. My sister learned to ride a bike before I did. >>eng<< Tohle všechno sníst nezvládneme. We won't be able to eat all this. We can't eat all this. >>eng<< Jak starý je tvůj mladší syn? How old is your younger son? How old is your younger son? >>eng<< Bezcitnost u mladých lidí je podporována násilnými filmy a počítačovými hrami. Cruelty in young people is fostered by violent movies and PC games. Sensitivity in young people is supported by violent films and computer games. >>eng<< Miluji jí z celého srdce. I love her from the bottom of my heart. I love her with all my heart. >>eng<< Od czasu do czasu myślę żeby się z nim rozwieść. Now and then I think of divorcing him. From time to time, I think I should divorce him. >>eng<< Chciałabym poznać jego ojca. I would like to meet his father. I'd like to know his father. >>eng<< Pierwszy odjeżdża o 17.30 i dociera o 20.25. The first one leaves at 17.30 and arrives at 20.25. The first leaves at 17.30 and reaches at 20:25. >>eng<< Zimą musimy dokarmiać ptaki. In winter, we need to feed the birds. In winter we have to feed the birds. >>eng<< Przyzwyczaiłem się do bycia ignorowanym przez rodziców. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I used to be ignored by my parents. >>eng<< Populacja Osaki jest liczniejsza niż Kobe. The population of Osaka is larger than of Kobe. The population of Osaka is more numerous than Kobe. >>eng<< Tom spytał mnie czy lubię łowić ryby. Tom asked me whether I liked fishing. Tom asked me if I liked fishing. >>eng<< Řekl, že teď je devět hodin. He said that it was nine o'clock at that time. He said it's nine o'clock now. >>eng<< Škoda, že netančíš. It's a pity you don't know how to dance. Too bad you don't dance. >>eng<< Kogo tu znasz? Who do you know here? Who do you know here? >>eng<< Někteří lidé porušují karanténu. Some people break the quarantine. Some people violate quarantine. >>eng<< Hned vám dám vědět. I'll get right back to you. I'll let you know right away. >>eng<< Diskutovali jste dlouho? Did you discuss for a long time? Have you been discussing for a long time? >>eng<< Dlaczego pozwalamy naszym studentom to robić? Why do we allow our students to do that? Why do we allow our students to do this? >>eng<< Zavolej otci, a zeptej se ho. Call your father and ask him. Call your father, and ask him. >>eng<< Tom se balí. Tom's packing. Tom's packing. >>eng<< Jediné volné místo, které zbylo, bylo vedle Mary. The only free seat left was the one next to Mary. The only free space left was next to Mary. >>eng<< Dlaczego jest ważne oszczędzanie pieniędzy? Why is it important to save money? Why is it important to save money? >>eng<< Nie potrzebuję rozmawiać z Tom'em. I don't need to talk to Tom. I don't need to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Ať Toma varujete jakkoliv, je to marná snaha. No matter how much warning you give to Tom, it is wasted effort. Whatever you're warning Tom, it's a wasteful effort. >>eng<< Oglądałem ten film w sobotę. I saw that film on Saturday. I watched this movie on Saturday. >>eng<< Tento film stojí za vidění. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth seeing. >>eng<< Trošku váhám tam jít sama. I'm a little hesitant to go there by myself. I'm a little hesitated to go alone. >>eng<< Przyjść. Come over. Come here. >>eng<< Wiem, kiedy nie jestem mile widziany. I know when I'm not wanted. I know when I'm not welcome. >>eng<< Mnoho současných filmů je brak. Many current movies are trash. Many contemporary films are missing. >>eng<< Proszę, zamknij okno. Please close the window. Please close the window. >>eng<< Tom ví, jak postupovat. Tom knows how to get things done. Tom knows how to proceed. >>eng<< Rozdělali oheň, aby se zahřáli. They made a fire to warm up. They broke the fire to warm up. >>eng<< Tańczyła przez całą imprezę. She kept on dancing all through the party. She danced all over the party. >>eng<< Moja starsza córka to Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. My older daughter is Magdalena Zarębowna. >>eng<< Nie zatrzymała się ani jedna taksówka. Not even one taxi stopped. Not one taxi stopped. >>eng<< Tom próbował sobie przypomnieć, gdzie odłożył paszport. Tom tried to remember where he had put his passport. Tom tried to remember where he put his passport. >>eng<< To jest to co w nim kocham. That's what I love about him. That's what I love about him. >>eng<< Helena ráda hraje tenis. Helena likes to play tennis. Helena likes to play tennis. >>eng<< Ile masz? How many do you have? How much do you have? >>eng<< Nemám tě rád natolik, abych s tebou chodil. I'm not fond enough of you to date you. I don't like you enough to date you. >>eng<< Čeho se Tom tak bojí? What's Tom so afraid of? What is Tom so afraid of? >>eng<< Terroryści uwolnili zakładników. The terrorists released the hostages. Terrorists freed hostages. >>eng<< Tom a Mary byli jako děti nejlepšími přáteli. Tom and Mary were best friends when they were kids. Tom and Mary were the best friends as children. >>eng<< Nie masz pojęcia, ile to dla mnie znaczy. You have no idea how much that means to me. You have no idea how much that means to me. >>eng<< Tom říkal, že se nudí. Tom said he was bored. Tom said he was bored. >>eng<< Nie mogę powiedzieć, kto przyjedzie pierwszy. I can't tell who will arrive first. I can't tell who's coming first. >>eng<< Vyjadřujeme upřímnou soustrast. Our sincere condolences. We are very sorry. >>eng<< Tom se konečně dočkal. At last Tom's time came. Tom was finally waiting. >>eng<< Każdy chce żyć długo, ale nikt nie chce być stary. Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old. Everyone wants to live long, but nobody wants to be old. >>eng<< Tom nemluví francouzsky a Mary také ne. Tom doesn't speak French, and neither does Mary. Tom doesn't speak French and Mary doesn't either. >>eng<< Řekl jsem Tomovi, že by si měl odpočinout. I told Tom that he should relax. I told Tom he should rest. >>eng<< Kim jest Emily? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? >>eng<< Nie pamiętasz, prawda? You don't remember, do you? You don't remember, do you? >>eng<< Przepraszam... Sorry... I'm sorry... >>eng<< Řekla mu, že nesnáší vaření. She told him that she hates cooking. She told him she hated cooking. >>eng<< Lhala. She lied. She lied. >>eng<< Jeśli ta tendencja się utrzyma, osoby powyżej 65 roku życia będą za 30 lat stanowiły czwartą część populacji. If these tendencies continue, those aged 65 or more will account for a quarter of the population within 30 years. If this trend persists, people over the age of 65 will be the fourth part of the population in 30 years. >>eng<< To mój kot. This is my cat. That's my cat. >>eng<< Dała mi dobrą radę. She gave me a piece of good advice. She gave me good advice. >>eng<< Stařenka upadla a nemohla vstát. The old woman fell and could not get up. The old woman fell and couldn't get up. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem vědět, kdy se vrátí. I was wondering when she would come back. I wanted to know when he was coming back. >>eng<< Dám Tomovi tu knihu zítra. I'll give Tom the book tomorrow. I'll give Tom the book tomorrow. >>eng<< Ostrzegłem cię, co się stanie, jeśli to zrobisz. I warned you what would happen if you did that. I warned you what would happen if you did. >>eng<< Lidé se probouzí. People are waking up. People wake up. >>eng<< Mezi pomocnými slovesy je jen velmi malý rozdíl. There is very little difference between the auxiliary verbs. There is little difference between auxiliary verbs. >>eng<< Neseď na té židli. Don't sit on that chair. Don't sit on that chair. >>eng<< Byłem zbyt szybki. I was too fast. I was too fast. >>eng<< Mają kilka alternatyw. They have several options. They have several alternatives. >>eng<< Nie wierz mu. Don't trust him. Don't believe him. >>eng<< Liczyłem, że wyzdrowieje. I had hoped that he would recover. I was hoping he'd recover. >>eng<< Możesz odwołać? Can you cancel? Can you cancel? >>eng<< Zdráhám se s ní nakousnout tohle téma. I hesitate to broach the subject with her. I'm reluctant to share this subject with her. >>eng<< Drugi semestr dobiegł końca. The second term came to an end. The second semester is over. >>eng<< Staraliśmy się, żeby były cicho. We kept them quiet. We tried to keep them quiet. >>eng<< Wiesz, co jedzą twoje dzieci? Do you know what your kids are eating? Do you know what your kids are eating? >>eng<< Olovo je měkký, hustý, kujný a tavitelný kov. Lead is a soft, dense, malleable and fusible metal. Lead is soft, dense, forging and meltable metal. >>eng<< Máme rádi naše sousedy. We like our neighbors. We love our neighbors. >>eng<< To nám způsobí škodu. It will do harm to us. That'll hurt us. >>eng<< Proč mě neposloucháš? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? >>eng<< Nečekal jsem, že to bude stát tolik. I didn't expect it to cost so much. I didn't expect it to cost so much. >>eng<< Pobudził ogień machaniem. He fanned the fire into flame. He stimulated the fire with smothering. >>eng<< Koho Tom napadl? Who did Tom attack? Who did Tom attack? >>eng<< Řekl jste mi to minulý týden. You said that to me last week. You told me last week. >>eng<< Właśnie przyjechałem. I've just arrived. I just got here. >>eng<< Nie otwieraj okna. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. >>eng<< Požádám Toma o vysvětlení. I'll ask Tom for an explanation. I'll ask Tom for an explanation. >>eng<< Jego pensja nie nadąża za inflacją. His salary can't keep pace with inflation. His salary does not keep up with inflation. >>eng<< Nikl je tvrdý, jasně stříbrný kov. Nickel is a hard, bright silver metal. Nickel is a hard, bright silver metal. >>eng<< Máš s tím nějaký problém? Do you have any problem with that? Do you have a problem with that? >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że nie chce nic do picia. Tom said he didn't want anything to drink. Tom said he didn't want anything to drink. >>eng<< W wierze chrześcijańskiej, wierzący myślą, że jest tylko jeden Bóg, a Jezus Chrystus to syn Boży. In the Christian faith, followers believe that there is only one God, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In the Christian faith, believers think that there is only one God, and Jesus Christ is the son of God. >>eng<< Mój weterynarz nie daje swemu psu komercyjnej karmy. My vet won't feed his dog commercial dog food. My veterinarian doesn't give his dog commercial karma. >>eng<< Tom wszedł do pokoju. Tom came into the room. Tom entered the room. >>eng<< Nie zawsze jest łatwo odróżnić dobrą książkę od złej. It isn't always easy to know a good book from a bad one. It is not always easy to distinguish a good book from a bad one. >>eng<< Znowu się zaczyna. It's starting again. It starts again. >>eng<< Tom nás požádal o radu. Tom has asked for our advice. Tom asked for advice. >>eng<< Nešlapej na rozbité sklo. Don't step on the broken glass. Don't fall into broken glass. >>eng<< Chcesz coś do jedzenia? Would you like to eat? You want something to eat? >>eng<< Vyrobili malé papírové letadlo. They made a little paper plane. They made a small paper plane. >>eng<< On jest szanowany przez wszystkich. He is respected by everyone. He is respected by everyone. >>eng<< Tom vlastní slepičí farmu. Tom owns a chicken farm. Tom owns a chicken farm. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem na to nepřišel. I never did figure it out. I never found out. >>eng<< Podejrzewałem, że to się może stać. I thought this might happen. I suspected it could happen. >>eng<< Víš, před kým se Tom schovává? Do you know who Tom is hiding from? You know who Tom's hiding from? >>eng<< Byla v žalostném stavu. She was in a piteous state. She was in a sad state. >>eng<< Mieszkamy niedaleko dużej biblioteki. We live near the large library. We live near a large library. >>eng<< Wszystko już wyjaśniłem. I've got it all sorted. I've already explained everything. >>eng<< Tom stále usiluje o tvůj souhlas. Tom still seeks your approval. Tom's still trying to get your consent. >>eng<< Nevrátíme se do normálního stavu, protože normální stav byl problém. We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem. We are not going back to normal because normal condition was a problem. >>eng<< Możesz to zreperować? Can you repair it? Can you do this again? >>eng<< Tom zrenovoval starou stodolu. Tom restored an old barn. Tom restored the old barn. >>eng<< Zajímalo by mě, kde je teď Tom. I wonder where Tom is now. I wonder where Tom is now. >>eng<< Nie mówmy nikomu, że jesteśmy małżeństwem. Let's not tell anybody that we're married. Don't tell anyone we're married. >>eng<< Přečti tohle. Read this. Read this. >>eng<< Mary neváhala. Mary didn't hesitate. Mary did not hesitate. >>eng<< Z nějakého důvodu se cítím živější v noci. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. >>eng<< Umíš ten akord zahrát na klávesách? Can you play that chord on the keyboard? Can you play the chord on the keys? >>eng<< Nemyslím si, že by nás byli spatřili. I don't think they've seen us. I don't think they'd see us. >>eng<< Tom má rád hokej. Tom likes hockey. Tom likes hockey. >>eng<< Překvapil svého protivníka. He surprised his opponent. He surprised his opponent. >>eng<< Kéž bys to řekla dřív. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd said that earlier. >>eng<< Chci tam pracovat. I want to work there. I want to work there. >>eng<< Tento hrnek je Tomův. This cup is Tom's. This cup is Tom's. >>eng<< Czy to stacja kolejowa? Is that the railroad station? Is it a railway station? >>eng<< Kogo obchodzi, gdzie był Tom? Who cares where Tom was? Who cares where Tom was? >>eng<< Jaka jest tam pogoda? How's the weather there? What's the weather like? >>eng<< Může za to Tom, ne Mary. It's Tom's fault, not Mary's. It's Tom, not Mary. >>eng<< On kupuje komputer. He buys a computer. He's buying a computer. >>eng<< Powinniśmy podejść do tego problemu w inny sposób. We should approach this problem from different angles. We should approach this problem in a different way. >>eng<< Powiedz to tym borsukom. Tell that to those badgers. Tell these borsuks. >>eng<< Przygotuj się. Get ready. Get ready. >>eng<< Tyto kalhoty jsou Toma. These trousers are Tom's. These pants are Tom. >>eng<< Chci se stát baletním tanečníkem. I want to become a ballet dancer. I want to be a ballet dancer. >>eng<< Chcete, abych odešla? Do you want me to leave? You want me to leave? >>eng<< Občas pochybuji o tvé inteligenci. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. >>eng<< Na vdávání jste příliš mladá. You're too young to marry. You're too young to marry. >>eng<< Tak si to stručně shrneme. Let's do a quick recap. So let's sum it up briefly. >>eng<< Blíží se další bouřka. Another storm is coming. Another storm is coming. >>eng<< Kroužil nad námi vrtulník. A helicopter circled over us. We were hit by a helicopter. >>eng<< Pomoz mi. Give me a hand. Help me. >>eng<< Nerad učím malé děti plavat. I don't enjoy teaching young children to swim. I don’t like to teach children to swim. >>eng<< Tom szeptał. Tom whispered. Tom whispered. >>eng<< Nie rób ze mnie głupka. Don't make a fool of me. Don't make me a fool. >>eng<< Tom se stal šéfkuchařem. Tom became a chef. Tom became a chef. >>eng<< Zejdź mi z drogi, chłopcze. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, boy. >>eng<< Powiedz to, proszę, jeszcze raz po francusku. Please say that once again in French. Please say it again in French. >>eng<< Spoléhám na tebe. I count on you. I rely on you. >>eng<< Tom se svou prací nudil. Tom was bored with his job. Tom was bored with his work. >>eng<< Nie będziesz tego więcej potrzebować. You won't need it anymore. You won't need it anymore. >>eng<< Měl jsi přijít. Bylo to super. You should have come. It was great. You should've come. >>eng<< Ani na chvíli toho nelituji. I don't regret it for a second. I don't even regret it for a moment. >>eng<< Nie lubiła swojego męża. She didn't like her husband. She didn't like her husband. >>eng<< Nemůžu vám říct to, co vím. I can't tell you what I know. I can't tell you what I know. >>eng<< Nie otwieraj tych okien. Do not open those windows. Do not open these windows. >>eng<< Chciałem, żeby Tom zobaczył mnie w tym stroju. I wanted Tom to see me in this suit. I wanted Tom to see me in this outfit. >>eng<< Snažíš se Toma převychovat? Are you trying to reeducate Tom? Are you trying to raise Tom? >>eng<< Jsme na naši školu pyšní. We're proud of our school. We are proud of our school. >>eng<< Zabere to hodně času. This will take a lot of time. It'll take a lot of time. >>eng<< Vůbec si nepamatuji, že bych to dělal. I don't have any memory of doing that. I don't remember doing this at all. >>eng<< Tom nám pomůže, až se vrátí. Tom will help us when he comes back. Tom will help us when he comes back. >>eng<< Na pewno wszystko w porządku? Are you sure you're all right? Are you sure you're all right? >>eng<< Ściany mają uszy. The walls have ears. The walls have ears. >>eng<< Nepolepšil se a skončil zpátky ve vězení. He didn't mend his ways and ended back in jail. He didn't get better and ended up in prison. >>eng<< Pocałuj mnie, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. >>eng<< Myślę, że to pewne, że osiągnie sukces jako piosenkarka. I think it certain that she will succeed as a singer. I think it is certain that he will succeed as a singer. >>eng<< Czy ktoś już ją widział? Has anyone seen it yet? Has anyone seen her? >>eng<< Tvůj dům je na prodej. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. >>eng<< Moje sestra se právě baví s kamarádkami. My sister is having a conversation with her friends. My sister is having fun with her friends. >>eng<< Staniki zawsze piorę ręcznie. I always hand wash my bras. The stations are always hand-held. >>eng<< Ahoj, to je Mike. Hello, this is Mike. Hi, it's Mike. >>eng<< Musím připustit, že to byla moje chyba. I must admit that it was my fault. I have to admit, it was my fault. >>eng<< Był zmęczony, więc poszedł wcześniej spać. He was tired, so he went to bed early. He was tired, so he went to bed early. >>eng<< Tom se smál, když jsem mu řekl, co se stalo. Tom laughed when I told him what had happened. Tom laughed when I told him what happened. >>eng<< Proč nechceš jít na ten pohřeb? Why don't you want to go to the funeral? Why don't you go to the funeral? >>eng<< Arogantní lidé nikdy nemotivují ostatní lidi. Arrogant people never motivate other people. Arrogant people never motivate other people. >>eng<< Nemám rád budovy. I don't like buildings. I don't like buildings. >>eng<< Kto pomógł Tomowi to zrobić? Who helped Tom do that? Who helped Tom do this? >>eng<< Prezident odložil návštěvu Japonska. The president put off visiting Japan. The president postponed his visit to Japan. >>eng<< Tom to neudělal tak, jak měl. Tom didn't do it the way he was supposed to. Tom didn't do it the way he should. >>eng<< Staj w knihowni. You're in the library. Stand in the library. >>eng<< Nigdy nie zmuszę mojego syna do jedzenia warzyw. I can never make my son to eat any vegetables. I'll never make my son eat vegetables. >>eng<< Tom nebyl doma. Tom wasn't at home. Tom wasn't home. >>eng<< Tom často v opilosti brečí. Tom often cries when he's drunk. Tom often cries in drunkness. >>eng<< Tom nie był dzisiaj w swojej skórze. Tom wasn't his usual self today. Tom wasn't in his skin today. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že už se k Mary nevrátí. Tom said that he wouldn't return to Mary. Tom said he wouldn't come back to Mary. >>eng<< Zcela nesouhlasím, aby se se mnou takhle zacházelo. I have a strong objection to being treated like this. I totally do not agree to be treated like this. >>eng<< Bez váhání zalhal. He lied, without hesitation. He failed without hesitating. >>eng<< Ona napisała wiele wierszy. She wrote a lot of poems. She wrote many poems. >>eng<< Víš, co budeš dělat příští rok? Do you know what you're going to do next year? You know what you're gonna do next year? >>eng<< Na horko jsem zvyklý. I'm used to the heat. I'm used to hot. >>eng<< Uwierz w siebie. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. >>eng<< Píšu dopis. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. >>eng<< Jak możesz o to pytać? Why would you ask that? How can you ask that? >>eng<< Všichni by byli šťastni, kdyby Tom odešel a už se nevrátil. Everyone would be happy if Tom left and never came back. Everyone would be happy if Tom left and didn't come back. >>eng<< Przyjdzie czas, że będziesz tego żałował. The time will come when he will regret this. It's time you regret it. >>eng<< Je dobré, že můžete svoje věty opravovat. It is good that you can correct your sentences. It is good that you can correct your sentences. >>eng<< Przetłumacz ten tekst. Translate this text. Translate this text. >>eng<< Někdo na Toma donáší. Somebody informs on Tom. Someone's reporting to Tom. >>eng<< Tento film přeložil Tom. Tom translated this movie. This film was translated by Tom. >>eng<< Přiznávám, že jsem byl zvědavý. I admit that I was curious. I admit I was curious. >>eng<< Tom má dost těžkopádnou chůzi. Tom's walk is rather ungainly. Tom has a hard time walking. >>eng<< Moja babcia miała operację w Niemczech. My grandmother had an operation in Germany. My grandmother had an operation in Germany. >>eng<< Na víkend jedu na venkov. I'm going to the country for the weekend. I'm going to the countryside for the weekend. >>eng<< Tom nebude moci tento měsíc zaplatit všechny své účty. Tom won't be able to pay all his bills this month. Tom won't be able to pay all his bills this month. >>eng<< Czy one są nowe? Are they new? Are they new? >>eng<< Kolik známek máte? How many stamps do you have? How many signs do you have? >>eng<< Nyní je to jen otázka času. Now it's only a matter of time. Now it's just a matter of time. >>eng<< Gdzie się urodził Tom? Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? >>eng<< Faktem je, že jsem dneska nešla do školy. The fact is I didn't go to school today. The fact is, I didn't go to school today. >>eng<< Nemám kočku. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. >>eng<< Kto to rozbił? Who broke it? Who broke it? >>eng<< Vlak byl vykolejen kusem železa na kolejích. The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the track. The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the tracks. >>eng<< Pij to mléko! Drink the milk! Drink that milk! >>eng<< Pštrosi jsou největší ptáci na světě. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Pstrosses are the largest birds in the world. >>eng<< Tankowiec to statek przewożący ropę naftową. A tanker is a ship carrying oil. Tanker is a ship carrying oil. >>eng<< Když jsem se vrátil domů z práce zjistil jsem, že nám někdo vykradl byt. When I returned home from my work, I found out that somebody had robbed our flat. When I got home from work, I found out that someone stole our apartment. >>eng<< Jedině Tom jim může pomoct. Only Tom can help them. Only Tom can help them. >>eng<< Tom býval s Mary rád. Tom used to enjoy being with Mary. Tom used to be with Mary. >>eng<< Jak się pan nazywa? What is your name, sir? What's your name? >>eng<< Chováš se arogantně. You are being arrogant. You're being arrogant. >>eng<< Sy w knihowni. You're in the library. You're in the library. >>eng<< Jestem prawie pewien. I'm almost sure. I'm almost sure. >>eng<< Nie mów do mnie jak do dziecka. Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Don't talk to me like a child. >>eng<< A historie se navždy změnila. And history was changed forever. History has changed forever. >>eng<< Próbowałem wymazać wspomnienie jej płaczu. I tried to erase the memory of her crying. I tried to erase the memory of her crying. >>eng<< Nikdo nechce být v Tomově týmu. No one wants to be on Tom's team. Nobody wants to be on Tom's team. >>eng<< Aniołowie mają harfy, a diabły - bodhrany. Angels have harps, devils have bodhráns. Angels have harps, and devils - bodhranes. >>eng<< Tom koupil své dceři dárek. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Tom bought his daughter a gift. >>eng<< Míval jsem tentýž problém. I used to have the same problem. I had the same problem. >>eng<< Chciałbym abyś poznał mojego kuzyna. I want you to meet my cousin. I want you to meet my cousin. >>eng<< Tom okamžitě zamířil ke dveřím. Tom immediately headed for the door. Tom immediately headed to the door. >>eng<< Drzewo prawie sięga dachu. The tree is about as high as the roof. The tree almost reaches the roof. >>eng<< Naše firma se zabývá výrobou malířského náčiní. Our firm deals with manufacturing of painting tools. Our company is engaged in the production of painting tools. >>eng<< Powinieneś być w łóżku. You should be in bed. You should be in bed. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem být novinářem. I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to be a journalist. >>eng<< Tom nigdy ponownie się nie ożenił. Tom never remarried. Tom never got married again. >>eng<< Mieliśmy pewne niezałatwione sprawy. We had some unfinished business. We had some uneasy things. >>eng<< Pozbądź się broni. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun. >>eng<< Na tohle chladné počasí jsem zvyklý. I'm used to this cold weather. I'm used to this cold weather. >>eng<< Czekali na niego godzinami. They waited for him for hours. They waited for him for hours. >>eng<< Mój nauczyciel francuskiego jest w tym samym wieku co ja. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is the same age as me. >>eng<< Chyběl jsem ti? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? >>eng<< Gdzie mogę taki dostać? Where can I get one of those? Where can I get this? >>eng<< Pomohl jsem Tomovi jak nejlépe jsem dovedl. I helped Tom the best I could. I helped Tom as best I could. >>eng<< Neboj. Neublížím jí. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Don't worry, I won't hurt her. >>eng<< Fadil mě nemiluje. Fadil doesn't love me. Falil doesn't love me. >>eng<< V této místnosti není žádný nábytek. There isn't any furniture in this room. There is no furniture in this room. >>eng<< Artyści malowali ściany w miesiącach wiosennych. Artists painted the wall in the spring months. Artists painted walls in the spring months. >>eng<< Našel jsem svoji ztracenou kreditní kartu. I found my lost credit card. I found my lost credit card. >>eng<< To był pracowity dzień. It's been a busy day. It was a busy day. >>eng<< Bývalo to pěkné místo k bydlení. This used to be a nice place to live. It used to be a nice place to live. >>eng<< Jsem ochoten mu pomoci. I'm willing to help him. I'm willing to help him. >>eng<< Tom pohostil svého psa. Tom gave his dog a treat. Tom hosted his dog. >>eng<< Skąd pochodzisz, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where do you come from, Karen? >>eng<< Tato stránka není vaše osobní hřiště. This website isn't your personal playground. This page is not your personal playground. >>eng<< A ty? And you? And you? >>eng<< Přišel brzy ráno. He came early in the morning. He arrived early in the morning. >>eng<< Někdo by měl Tomovi vysvětlit, jak se má chovat. Somebody should explain to Tom how to behave. Someone should tell Tom how to behave. >>eng<< Vyniká Tom něčím? Is Tom someone special? Does Tom stand out for something? >>eng<< Twój ojciec się nie zna. Your father knows nothing. Your father doesn't know each other. >>eng<< Ktoś właśnie dzwonił. Somebody just called. Someone just called. >>eng<< Býval jsem štíhlý. I used to be thin. I used to be slim. >>eng<< Konečně to Tomovi došlo. Tom has finally got it into his head. It finally happened to Tom. >>eng<< Tom nedostal to, co potřeboval. Tom wasn't given what he needed. Tom didn't get what he needed. >>eng<< Strč prst skrz krk! Stick your finger through your throat! Put your finger through your neck! >>eng<< Coś jest źle? Is anything wrong? Something wrong? >>eng<< Je hrubý a nevzdělaný a lidé se ho straní. He is rude and ignorant and people avoid him. He's rude and illiterate, and people are sided with him. >>eng<< Tom žije na lodi. Tom lives on a boat. Tom lives on the boat. >>eng<< Chyť si mě. Catch me. Grab me. >>eng<< Tom ma brata architekta. Tom has a brother who is an architect. Tom has an architect's brother. >>eng<< Tom je hrdina. Tom is a hero. Tom is a hero. >>eng<< Měla se vrátit včera, ale onemocněla. She was to have returned yesterday, but she fell ill. She was supposed to come back yesterday, but she got sick. >>eng<< Przykro mi, ale Tom nie chce z tobą rozmawiać. I'm afraid Tom doesn't want to talk to you. I'm sorry, but Tom doesn't want to talk to you. >>eng<< Szczękałem zębami z zimna. My teeth chattered with cold. I bit my teeth cold. >>eng<< V této rybě není jed. There's no poison in this fish. There is no poison in this fish. >>eng<< To je zvláštní otázka. That's a strange question. That's a strange question. >>eng<< Jô jem té vjarë, że lëdze bë mjelë cãżkò robjic. I believe that people should be hardworking. It does not appear to be something else to do. >>eng<< Kontynuowała mówienie. She went on speaking. She continued talking. >>eng<< Já bych to snad mohl zvládnout. Perhaps I could handle that. I think I can handle it. >>eng<< Tom będzie tego żałował. Tom will regret this. Tom will regret it. >>eng<< Myslím, že to nestačí. I don't think this is enough. I don't think that's enough. >>eng<< Je Tom doma? Is Tom at home? Is Tom home? >>eng<< On nie zna angielskiego. He doesn't know English. He doesn't know English. >>eng<< Přicházela jedna obtíž za druhou. One difficulty after another arose. One difficulty came after another. >>eng<< Jě. She eats. She did. >>eng<< Jakość ryżu się pogarsza. The quality of rice is getting worse. The quality of rice is getting worse. >>eng<< Slepici určitě zabila tamta liška. That fox must have killed the hen. The hen must have killed that fox. >>eng<< Vidím, že to tu všechno máš na háku. I can see that you don't give a damn about anything here. I see you've got it all on your hook. >>eng<< Budynek runął podczas trzęsienia ziemi. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The building was destroyed during the earthquake. >>eng<< Ta hra byla tak nezáživná, že jme oba s Tomem usnuli. The play was so boring Tom and I both fell asleep. The game was so innocuous that they both slept with Tom. >>eng<< Uważam. I'm being careful. I think so. >>eng<< Jsem pořád tady. I'm still right here. I'm still here. >>eng<< Teď nemůžu řídit. I can't drive right now. I can't drive now. >>eng<< Tom se oženil s dcerou starší sestry své bývalé manaželky. Tom married his ex-wife's older sister's daughter. Tom married his older sister's daughter. >>eng<< Co zamierzasz zrobić z tymi karaluchami? What're you going to do about these cockroaches? What are you going to do with these cockroaches? >>eng<< Nie mogłem ani jeść, ani pić. I could neither eat nor drink. I could neither eat nor drink. >>eng<< Nie, to nie ja. To ty! No, it's not me. It's you! No, it's not me. >>eng<< Takový příběh se mi líbí. That kind of story appeals to me. I like this story. >>eng<< Nigdy nie paliłam. I've never smoked. I never smoked. >>eng<< Jsi si jistá, že to nechceš udělat? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? >>eng<< Tom był złym chłopcem. Tom was a bad boy. Tom was a bad boy. >>eng<< Lidé ve Spojených Státech mluví anglicky. People in the United States speak English. People in the United States speak English. >>eng<< Tom býval bohatý. Tom used to be wealthy. Tom was rich. >>eng<< Co si chceš koupit? What do you want to buy? What do you want to buy? >>eng<< Abych pravdu řekl, Toma nemám rád. The truth is I don't like Tom. To tell you the truth, I don't like Tom. >>eng<< Hodně turistů navštíví v létě Maďarsko. A lot of tourists will visit Hungary in the summer. Many tourists visit Hungary in the summer. >>eng<< Řekl jsem to jen abych si Toma udobřil. I said it only to placate Tom. I just told Tom to make it. >>eng<< Od té doby je to jiné. It's changed since then. It's been different since then. >>eng<< Tom se rozvedl před třemi měsíci. Tom got divorced three months ago. Tom divorced three months ago. >>eng<< To mój własny rower. This is my own bike. It's my own bike. >>eng<< Nevzdávej se! Don't give up! Don't give up! >>eng<< Chcesz mi wmówić, że gorąco nie przeszkadza ci grać w piłkę, ale uniemożliwia ci pracę? You mean to say that the heat does not prevent you from playing football, but that it does prevent you from working? You want to tell me that it doesn't bother you to play football, but it doesn't stop you from working? >>eng<< Má velmi rád zvířata. He loves animals a lot. He likes animals very much. >>eng<< Jsem si docela jistý. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. >>eng<< Raději se omlouvám, než žádám o svolení. I prefer to apologise than ask for permission. I'd rather be sorry than asking permission. >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že to možná je složité. I thought it might be complicated. I thought maybe it was complicated. >>eng<< Ve srovnání s Tokiem je Londýn malý. In comparison with Tokyo, London is small. Compared to London, London is small. >>eng<< Tato slova znamenají odlišné věci, takže si je nepleťte. These words mean different things, so don't mix them up. These words mean different things, so don’t confuse them. >>eng<< Ty toho moc nenaspíš, že? You really don't sleep much, do you? You're not gonna sleep much, are you? >>eng<< Jaka jest dzisiejsza data? What is the date today? What's the date today? >>eng<< Tom nepsal tak často. Tom didn't write so often. Tom didn't write so often. >>eng<< Promiňte, ale tohle jsme si neobjednali. Sorry, but this is not what we ordered. Sorry, but we didn't order this. >>eng<< Může se přátelit s kým chce. He can be friends with whoever he wants. He can make friends with who he wants. >>eng<< Když se ho zeptali proč to udělal, mlčel jako ryba. When he was asked why he had done that, he maintained a stony silence. When they asked him why he did it, he was silent like a fish. >>eng<< Szukam kogoś, kto mówi po francusku. I'm looking for someone who can speak French. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. >>eng<< Řekl, že se stěhuje do Maďarska. He said he was moving to Hungary. He said he was moving to Hungary. >>eng<< Mary otrzymała nagrodę za swoją kompozycję nazwaną "Sekretna miłość". Mary received an award for her composition called "Secret love". Mary received the award for her composition called "Secret Love". >>eng<< Co má ten kluk za problém? What is that boy's problem? What's the problem with the kid? >>eng<< To modré auto je drahé. The blue car is expensive. The blue car is expensive. >>eng<< Kde je ten pes? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? >>eng<< Naše zahrada je plná barevných květin. Our garden is full of colorful flowers. Our garden is full of colorful flowers. >>eng<< Mohl jsem to udělat bez vaší pomoci. I could've done this without your help. I could have done it without your help. >>eng<< Ta bunda je mi velká. The jacket's big on me. That jacket's big for me. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že se domnívá, že Mary rozumí. Tom said that he thought Mary understood. Tom said he thought Mary understood. >>eng<< Tom jest praworęczny. Tom is right-handed. Tom is right-handed. >>eng<< Zrobił to, co obiecał. He did what he promised to do. He did what he promised. >>eng<< Nechám si auto a psa. I'm keeping the car and the dog. I'll keep my car and my dog. >>eng<< Tom si neuvědomil, že ho podvedli. Tom didn't realize that he'd been conned. Tom didn't realize he was cheating on him. >>eng<< Daję ci słowo honoru. I give you my word of honour. I'm giving you the word of honor. >>eng<< Gdy jest mi gorąco, szklanka chłodnej wody bardzo mnie orzeźwia. When I'm hot, a glass of cool water really refreshes me. When I'm hot, a glass of cool water refreshes me very much. >>eng<< Tom je velmi zaneprázdněný svojí prací. Tom is very busy with his work. Tom is very busy with his work. >>eng<< Tom nedělá pokroky. Tom isn't making progress. Tom doesn't make any progress. >>eng<< Přišel jsem, viděl jsem, zvítězil jsem. I came, I saw, I conquered. I came, I saw, I won. >>eng<< To błąd. It's a mistake. It's a mistake. >>eng<< Chci koupit své mámě nějaké květiny ke Dni matek. I plan to buy my mother some flowers for Mother's Day. I want to buy my mom some flowers for Mother's Day. >>eng<< Tom přestal zdravit. Tom stopped saying hello. Tom stopped healthy. >>eng<< Tom vyzvednul kanystr benzínu a dal se do chůze zpět ke svému automobilu. Tom picked up the can of gasoline and started walking back to his car. Tom picked up the gas canister and walked back to his car. >>eng<< Tom miał problem w szkole. Tom had a problem at school. Tom had a problem at school. >>eng<< Tom je zvyklý vyhrávat. Tom is accustomed to winning. Tom is used to winning. >>eng<< Kolejna pielęgniarka weszła do pokoju. Another nurse came into the room. Another nurse entered the room. >>eng<< Syriusz jest gwiazdą jaśniejszą od Słońca. Sirius is a star brighter than the sun. Sirius is the brighter star than the sun. >>eng<< Popel byl ještě teplý. The ash was still warm. The ash was still warm. >>eng<< Paní Woodová umí moc dobře vařit. Mrs. Wood cooks very well. Mrs. Wood can cook very well. >>eng<< Sym student. A ty? I'm a student. And you? I'm a student. >>eng<< Nawet mądre dzieci tego nie zrozumieją. Even an intelligent child cannot understand. Even wise children won’t understand. >>eng<< Czekaliśmy z pewną niecierpliwością. We waited with a faint expectation. We waited with some impatience. >>eng<< Przegrywamy. We're losing. We're losing. >>eng<< Myslím, že minulé pondělí se Tom dostal domů sám. I think Tom got home by himself last Monday. I think Tom got home alone last Monday. >>eng<< Czy oni są nowi? Are they new? Are they new? >>eng<< Muž, který utíká, může bojovat znovu. The man who runs may fight again. The man who escapes can fight again. >>eng<< Tomovi nebylo do řeči. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom wasn't talking. >>eng<< Usiądź Kate. Sit down, Kate. Come on, Kate. >>eng<< Historia rozwoju lotnictwa jest fascynująca. The history of the development of aviation is fascinating. The history of aviation development is fascinating. >>eng<< Jego ojciec je tam dwa razy w tygodniu. His father eats there twice a week. His father is there twice a week. >>eng<< Nemůžeš mít tohoto psa. You can't have this dog. You can't have this dog. >>eng<< Otrok zůstane otrokem. A slave remains a slave. The slave will remain a slave. >>eng<< Při té zprávě se rozplakala. She burst into sobs at the news. The report made her cry. >>eng<< Tom jest z kimś. Tom is with somebody. Tom's with someone. >>eng<< Mám radši červenou. I prefer red. I prefer red. >>eng<< Mluvil jsi s nimi v poslední době? Have you talked to them lately? Have you talked to them lately? >>eng<< Nie zawiodę cię. I won't let you down. I'm not gonna let you down. >>eng<< Na vrcholek hory jsme neviděli. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. We didn’t see the top of the mountain. >>eng<< Chci rozumět lidem. I want to understand people. I want to understand people. >>eng<< Nie powinieneś wychodzić. You shouldn't go out. You shouldn't leave. >>eng<< Souhlasil, že s námi udělá rozhovor. He agreed to give us an interview. He agreed to have a conversation with us. >>eng<< Rěču hornjoserbsce. I speak Upper Sorbian. Language above. >>eng<< W porządku. That is all right. All right. >>eng<< Umíš hrát na hudební nástroj? Can you play an instrument? Can you play a musical instrument? >>eng<< O tohle se snažím už dlouho. This is what I've been after for a long time. I've been trying to do this for a long time. >>eng<< Dokážete Toma dostat pod kontrolu? Can you bring Tom under control? Can you get Tom under control? >>eng<< Evidentně je načase, abychom odešli. Evidently, it's time for us to leave. Obviously, it's time we left. >>eng<< Hranice mohou zůstat dva roky zavřené. The borders can remain closed for two years. Borders may remain closed for two years. >>eng<< Tom ma dziesiątki kochanek. Tom has dozens of mistresses. Tom has dozens of lovers. >>eng<< Nie wierzę, że czarny kot przynosi pecha. I don’t believe that black cats cause bad luck. I don't believe that a black cat brings bad luck. >>eng<< Nic neslibuji. I make no promises. I promise nothing. >>eng<< Vidíte své vlastní chyby? Can you see your own mistake? Do you see your own mistakes? >>eng<< Tom jest geniuszem? Is Tom a genius? Tom is a genius? >>eng<< Na rozcestí odboč vlevo. Turn left when you get to the fork in the road. On the left side of the road. >>eng<< Chcę tam iść samemu. I want to go there by myself. I want to go alone. >>eng<< Všichni vstoupili. They all entered. They're all in. >>eng<< Czy jedzenie karaluchów to zły pomysł? Is eating cockroaches a bad idea? Is eating cockroaches a bad idea? >>eng<< Koupil jsem si kožené boty. I bought a pair of leather shoes. I bought leather shoes. >>eng<< Romeo ożenił się z Julią. Romeo marries Juliet. Romeo married Julia. >>eng<< Náboženství upíra Armanda je henoteistické. Armand the vampire's religion is henotheistic. The religion of the vampire Armand is henoteistic. >>eng<< Ta státní hymna je krásná píseň. The national anthem is a beautiful song. The National Anthem is a beautiful song. >>eng<< Jestem bezwzględny. I'm strict. I'm absolute. >>eng<< Musíme se zlepšit. We need to step up our game. We need to improve. >>eng<< Ze všech sil se snažil na ni už nemyslet. He did his best not to think about her any more. He tried not to think of her anymore. >>eng<< K tomu, co Tom řekl, se nebudu vyjadřovat. I won't comment on what Tom said. I'm not going to comment on what Tom said. >>eng<< Celý svět se změní. The whole world will be changed. The whole world will change. >>eng<< Kentucky křičí "kurva". Kentucky screams "fuck". Kentucky's screaming "cuckoo." >>eng<< To był tylko koszmar. It was only a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. >>eng<< Budit jste mne nemuseli. You need not have woken me up. You didn't have to wake me up. >>eng<< Myślę, więc jestem. I think, therefore I am. I think, so I am. >>eng<< Szkoda. It's a pity. Too bad. >>eng<< Jsme s Tomem přátelé již od školky. Tom and I've been friends since kindergarten. Tom and I have been friends since high school. >>eng<< Tom objednal pití. Tom ordered drinks. Tom ordered a drink. >>eng<< Mississippi to najbiedniejszy stan w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. >>eng<< Tom to přijal bez výhrad. Tom accepted it without hesitation. Tom accepted it without reservation. >>eng<< Mieszka z dala od swego rodzinnego miasta. He lives far away from his hometown. He lives away from his hometown. >>eng<< Uciekli we wszystkie możliwe kierunki. They fled in all possible directions. They fled in all possible directions. >>eng<< To jest projekt rządowy. This is a government project. This is a government project. >>eng<< Tom to lubi. Tom likes this. Tom likes it. >>eng<< Tom nie chciał zapraszać Mary. Tom didn't want to invite Mary. Tom didn't want to invite Mary. >>eng<< Nemohu otevřít link, který jsi mi poslal. I can't open the link you sent to me. I can't open the link you sent me. >>eng<< Tom leží v tomto hrobě. Tom lies in this grave. Tom is in this grave. >>eng<< Tom je swoju wučbnicu francošćiny zhubił. Tom lost his French textbook. Tom lost his teaching job. >>eng<< Tom přišel domů o tři hodiny dříve, než Mary. Tom got home three hours earlier than Mary. Tom came home three hours before Mary. >>eng<< Ja po prostu chcę iść do domu i trochę pospać. I just want to go home and get some sleep. I just want to go home and sleep a little. >>eng<< Jestem gotowy na śmierć. I am ready for death. I'm ready to die. >>eng<< Kwiaty ją uszczęśliwiają. Flowers make her happy. Flowers make her happy. >>eng<< Tom dnes večer nikam nejde. Tom isn't going out tonight. Tom's not going anywhere tonight. >>eng<< Nemůže mít hlad, právě jedl. He can’t be hungry, he just ate. He can't be hungry, he just ate. >>eng<< Używam fiszek do nauki francuskich słówek. I use flashcards to study French vocabulary. I'm using porridges to learn French words. >>eng<< Dítě plakalo celou noc. The child cried all night long. The baby was crying all night. >>eng<< Ona bardzo lubi swoją szkołę. She likes her school a lot. She really likes her school. >>eng<< Byl bych to dopověděl, kdybys mě nepřerušil. I would have finished the sentence, if you hadn't interrupted me. I'd have told you if you didn't interrupt me. >>eng<< Angličtina se líbí jim. They like English. English likes them. >>eng<< Jsi moje dcera. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. >>eng<< Przepraszam. Excuse me. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Takhle vím, že miluješ Toma. That's how I know that you love Tom. That's how I know you love Tom. >>eng<< Doporučila mi, abych tu práci nebral. She advised me not to take the job. She advised me not to take the job. >>eng<< Proszę, usiądź. Please sit down. Please, sit down. >>eng<< Tom jest najprzystojniejszym aktorem na świecie. Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. >>eng<< Tom je tady jen na obtíž. Tom is only a burden here. Tom's just in trouble here. >>eng<< Zásady neutralizují kyseliny. Alkalis neutralize acids. The principles neutralize acids. >>eng<< Leo vaří maso. Leo is cooking meat. Leo's cooking meat. >>eng<< Som student. A ty? I'm a student. And you? I'm a student. >>eng<< Już powiedziałem, że nie znam odpowiedzi. I've already said I don't know the answer. I've already said I don't know the answer. >>eng<< Může se to stát znova. It can happen again. It can happen again. >>eng<< Tom zapomněl zaplatit za zboží. Tom forgot to pay for the goods. Tom forgot to pay for the goods. >>eng<< Mohu ti dát autogram, jestli chceš. I can give you an autograph if you want. I can give you an autograph if you want. >>eng<< Tom zaczął kaszlać. Tom started to cough. Tom started coughing. >>eng<< Rób co chcesz. Do whatever you want to do. Do whatever you want. >>eng<< Ještě pracuješ na letišti? Do you still work at the airport? Are you still working at the airport? >>eng<< Toto je slovník. This is a dictionary. This is a dictionary. >>eng<< Myślę, że to zrobię. I guess that's what I'll do. I think I'll do it. >>eng<< Ta książka odpowiada twoim potrzebom. This book is suitable for your needs. This book meets your needs. >>eng<< Grecja jest starym krajem. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. >>eng<< Powiedział, że sprawa jest pilna i że nie ma ani chwili do stracenia. He said that the matter was urgent, and that there was not a moment to lose. He said the case was urgent and that there was no time to lose. >>eng<< Pochybuji, že to Toma potěší. I doubt that it'll please Tom. I doubt Tom will be pleased. >>eng<< Můj lékař mi řekl, že musím pít víc vody. My doctor told me that I should drink more water. My doctor told me I had to drink more water. >>eng<< Wczoraj wieczorem napisałem list miłosny. I wrote a love letter last night. I wrote a love letter last night. >>eng<< Slyšel jsem, že Boston je velmi nákladné místo k životu. I've heard Boston is a very expensive place to live. I've heard Boston is a very expensive place to live. >>eng<< Bardzo się starali zdobyć przewagę nad sobą nawzajem. They tried very hard to gain an advantage over one another. They tried very hard to gain an advantage over each other. >>eng<< Dobry z niej kierowca. She's a good driver. A good driver. >>eng<< Domácí násilí je vážný problém. Domestic violence is a serious problem. Domestic violence is a serious problem. >>eng<< Sekretarka nie dość, że zna angielski to jest piękna. The secretary is good at English in addition to being beautiful. The secretary is not enough to know English is beautiful. >>eng<< Tom měl zájem. Tom cared. Tom was interested. >>eng<< Těším se na pařenici. I'm looking forward to the party. I'm looking forward to the steam room. >>eng<< To się nie zdarza często. That doesn't happen often. This doesn't happen often. >>eng<< Je zhruba stejně vysoká jako ty. She's about the same height as you. It's about as tall as you. >>eng<< Tom trpí výkyvy nálad. Tom is prone to mood swings. Tom is suffering from mood swings. >>eng<< Uwaga na spadające kamienie. Beware of falling rocks! Watch out for falling stones. >>eng<< Pewnie. Co to? Sure. What is it? Sure, what's that? >>eng<< Jakuba tu nie ma. Jack isn't there. Jacob's not here. >>eng<< Chodívala s ním. She used to date him. She walked with him. >>eng<< Některé květiny kvetou na jaře a jiné zase na podzim. Some flowers bloom in the spring and other flowers bloom in the fall. Some flowers bloom in spring and others again in autumn. >>eng<< Udělal jsem hloupou chybu. I made a stupid mistake. I made a stupid mistake. >>eng<< To říkala ona. That's what she said. That's what she said. >>eng<< Mogła powiedzieć mi kłamstwo. She may have told me a lie. She could have told me a lie. >>eng<< Nestojím o její soucit. I don't need her sympathy. I don't care about her compassion. >>eng<< Kto idzie ze mną? Who's coming with me? Who's coming with me? >>eng<< Vykázali ho z tanečního sálu, protože byl opilý, ale on se tam vrátil. He was banished from the dance hall because he was drunk but he returned there. They threw him out of the dance hall because he was drunk, but he came back there. >>eng<< Tom hledá vetřelce. Tom is looking for the intruder. Tom's looking for an alien. >>eng<< Ta chmura ma kształt ryby. That cloud is in the shape of a fish. This cloud has the shape of fish. >>eng<< Někdo tady byl. Someone's been here. Someone was here. >>eng<< Mimo, że ma wielu przyjaciół, jest samotny. Although he has many friends, he is lonely. Although she has many friends, she is lonely. >>eng<< Tom se mnou nikdy nemluví francouzsky. Tom never speaks French with me. Tom never speaks French to me. >>eng<< To najwspanialsze urodziny, jakie pamiętam! This is the best birthday dinner ever. This is the greatest birthday I remember! >>eng<< Nie wiemy dlaczego jest więcej materii niż antymaterii. We don't know why there's more matter than antimatter. We don’t know why there is more matter than antimatter. >>eng<< Powiedzieli, że potrzebują pomocy. They say they need help. They said they needed help. >>eng<< Nie mógł uwierzyć w jej historię. He couldn't bring himself to believe her story. He couldn't believe her story. >>eng<< To jest najgorsza książka jaką kiedykolwiek czytałem. This is the worst book I've ever read. This is the worst book I’ve ever read. >>eng<< Všichni víme, že psi rádi ohryzávají kosti. We all know dogs like to gnaw on bones. We all know that dogs like to bite bones. >>eng<< Každý má jméno. Everyone has a name. Everyone has a name. >>eng<< Co cyniš? What are you doing? What are you doing? >>eng<< Dotarłem na lotnisko taksówką. I went to the airport by taxi. I got to the airport by taxi. >>eng<< To není ten důvod, proč to chce Tom udělat. That's not the reason that Tom wants to do that. That's not why Tom wants to do it. >>eng<< Kocham sport. I love sport. I love sports. >>eng<< Vstávám v sedm hodin. I get up at 7:00. I get up at seven o'clock. >>eng<< Nikt wcześniej tego nie próbował. No one has tried this before. No one's tried it before. >>eng<< Chlapec hraje na klavír. The boy plays the piano. The boy plays piano. >>eng<< Nerozumíme tomu. We don't understand it. We don't understand. >>eng<< Máš povolení tady být? Do you have permission to be here? Do you have permission to be here? >>eng<< Hulákali. They yelled. They were hulping. >>eng<< Mám narozeniny v listopadu. My birthday is in November. It's my birthday in November. >>eng<< Oddał krew, aby ocalić swojego brata. He gave blood in order to save his brother. He gave blood to save his brother. >>eng<< Szpital, do którego zwykle chodzę, jest zamknięty z powodu remontu. The hospital I usually go to is closed for renovations. The hospital I usually go to is closed because of the renovation. >>eng<< Celé nám to trvalo jen tři hodiny. It only took us three hours to do all this. It only took us three hours. >>eng<< Coventry to betonowa dżungla pełna dresiarzy. Coventry is a concrete jungle full of chavs! Coventry is a concrete jungle full of dressings. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że też jesteś szczęśliwy. I hope you're happy, too. I hope you're happy too. >>eng<< Přemýšlel jsi někdy o spáchání sebevraždy? Have you ever thought about commiting suicide? Have you ever thought about committing suicide? >>eng<< Musíš pracovat. You must work. You have to work. >>eng<< Przechwala się swoimi sukcesami. He is boastful of his success. She boasts of her successes. >>eng<< Cieszę się, że to zrobiliśmy. I'm glad we did that. I'm glad we did it. >>eng<< W Związku Radzieckim to zdanie pisze ciebie. In Soviet Russia, sentence writes you! In the Soviet Union, this sentence is written by you. >>eng<< Nie pozwól Tomowi tego zjeść. Don't let Tom eat this. Don't let Tom eat it. >>eng<< Nie piła wystarczająco dużo mleka matki. She doesn't drink enough breast milk. She didn’t drink enough mother’s milk. >>eng<< Nie czytałem tej książki. I have never read that book. I didn't read this book. >>eng<< Nigdy wcześniej nie byłam taka szczęśliwa. I've never been this happy before. I've never been so happy before. >>eng<< Rozhlédl se a pak se posadil na židli. He looked around, then he sat on the chair. He looked around and then sat down on the chair. >>eng<< Věřil bys, že je říjnu skoro konec? Can you believe that October is almost over? Would you believe October is almost over? >>eng<< Widzisz, ten chłopak jest moim synem. The boy, you see, is my son. You see, this boy is my son. >>eng<< Zjedliśmy zupę pomidorową. We ate potato soup. We ate tomato soup. >>eng<< Jeśli chce, potrafi dotrzymać tajemnicy. He is capable of keeping a secret when he wants to. If he wants, he can keep secrets. >>eng<< Nigdy nie poprosiłem nikogo o pomoc. I've never asked anyone for help. I never asked anyone for help. >>eng<< Drž ten provaz. Hold the rope. Hold the rope. >>eng<< Przerzuciła czasopismo. She glanced through the magazine. She dropped the magazine. >>eng<< Tom wszedł do pokoju konferencyjnego. Tom went into the conference room. Tom entered the conference room. >>eng<< Nikomu se to nelíbí. Nobody likes it. No one likes it. >>eng<< Nie mówiłeś Tomowi, prawda? You haven't told Tom, have you? You didn't tell Tom, did you? >>eng<< Ryż uprawiany jest w wielu częściach światach. Rice is cultivated in several parts of the world. Rice is grown in many parts of the worlds. >>eng<< Gdybym o tym wiedział, powiedziałbym ci. Had I known it, I'd have told you about that. If I knew that, I'd tell you. >>eng<< Všichni jsou na tebe velmi pyšní. Everyone is very proud of you. They're all very proud of you. >>eng<< Je vaše firma přísná na pravidla oblékání? Is your company's dress code strict? Is your company strict on dress rules? >>eng<< Pamatuješ, kdy jsem tě viděl naposled? Do you remember when I saw you last? Remember when I last saw you? >>eng<< Rozléval jsem polévky v té kuchyni za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I poured soups in the kitchen around the corner. >>eng<< Tom si myslí, že labutě jsou ještě útočnější, nežli husy. Tom thinks swans are even more vicious than geese. Tom thinks the swans are even more aggressive than the Huss. >>eng<< Tom na ulici potkal svého bývalého spolužáka a dělal, že ho nezná. Tom met his former schoolmate in the street and acted as if he hadn't known him. Tom met his former classmate on the street and did not know him. >>eng<< Próbowaliśmy odczytać litery napisane na murze. We tried to make out the letters written on the wall. We tried to read letters written on the wall. >>eng<< Jego matka była kiedyś piosenkarką. His mother used to be a singer. His mother was once a singer. >>eng<< Nie lubię wina. I don't like wine. I don't like wine. >>eng<< Tom už o všem ví. Tom already knows about everything. Tom knows everything. >>eng<< Na pewno nie pójdę na zakupy dziś rano. I definitely won't go shopping this morning. I'm sure I'm not going shopping this morning. >>eng<< Mnoho sexuálních útoků není nahlášeno. Many sexual attacks aren't reported. Many sexual attacks are not reported. >>eng<< Tom se vzbudil před svítáním. Tom woke up way before dawn. Tom woke up before dawn. >>eng<< Pojďme tady žít. Let's live here. Let's live here. >>eng<< Máš dnes dobrou náladu. Stalo se něco dobrého? You're in a good mood today. Did something nice happen? You're in a good mood today. >>eng<< Jenom žárlíš! You're just jealous! You're just jealous! >>eng<< Tom jen dál hulákal. Tom just kept yelling. Tom just kept whining. >>eng<< Nikdo další nedokázal Toma najít, ale já přesně věděl, kde je. Nobody else could find Tom, but I knew exactly where he was. No one else could find Tom, but I knew exactly where he was. >>eng<< Podniósł słuchawkę. He picked up the phone. He picked up the headphone. >>eng<< Do zobaczenia w sobotę. I'll see you Saturday. See you on Saturday. >>eng<< Uniklo mi ještě něco? Did I miss anything else? Did I miss anything else? >>eng<< Jaké je největší letiště na světě? What's the largest airport in the world? What is the largest airport in the world? >>eng<< Niekiedy tłumaczenia naprawdę wprowadzają dwuznaczności. Sometimes translations do create ambiguity. Sometimes translations really introduce ambiguity. >>eng<< Moja ciotka pokazała mi, jak zrobić dobrą kawę. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. >>eng<< Tom je rád, že se zase vidí s rodinou. Tom is glad to see his family again. Tom is glad to see his family again. >>eng<< Potřebujete sanitku? Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? >>eng<< Nie wiem, czy to jest prawda. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. >>eng<< Byłem wczoraj w domu. I was at home yesterday. I was home yesterday. >>eng<< Dodaj do kolejki kolejną piosenkę. Queue the next song. Add another song to the queue. >>eng<< Rád plavu. I like to swim. I like to swim. >>eng<< Ona jest w toalecie. She's in the restroom. She's in the toilet. >>eng<< Zelená ti sekne. Green suits you. Green for you. >>eng<< Pan Pryor zemdlał z powodu krwotoku podpajęczynówkowego, którego doznał podczas próby przed występem w Paryżu. Został przewieziony do miejscowego szpitala, lecz zmarł o 16:23. Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm. Mr. Pryor fainted because of a pancreatic he suffered during the trial before his performance in Paris. He was taken to a local hospital, but died at 16:23. >>eng<< Złowił trzy ryby. He caught three fish. He caught three fish. >>eng<< Tom změnil přístupový kód. Tom changed the access code. Tom changed the access code. >>eng<< To njejo mója źowka. That's not my daughter. This isn't my thank you. >>eng<< Tom uciekał przed policją. Tom was running from the police. Tom ran away from the police. >>eng<< Powinnam odpowiadać? Should I reply? Should I answer? >>eng<< Państwowa flaga USA nazywana jest "Stars and Stripes". The national flag of the USA is called the Stars and Stripes. The U.S. flag is called Stars and Stripes. >>eng<< Uporajmy się z tym. Let's just get it done. Let's get this over with. >>eng<< Ty si na to vzpomínáš? You remember it? You remember that? >>eng<< Uczymy się esperanto. We're learning Esperanto. We're learning Esperanto. >>eng<< Učím se od osmi do jedenácti. I study from eight to eleven. I'm learning from eight to eleven. >>eng<< On uformował miskę z gliny. He formed the clay into a bowl. He formed a bowl of clay. >>eng<< Dlaczego Tom nie lubi Mary? Why doesn't Tom like Mary? Why doesn't Tom like Mary? >>eng<< Poszedłem zobaczyć swoją starszą siostrę w zeszłym tygodniu. I went to see his older sister last week. I went to see my older sister last week. >>eng<< Dítě se ztratilo v tábořišti. The children got lost at the campground. The child was lost in the camp. >>eng<< Byl jsem v lese. I was in the forest. I was in the woods. >>eng<< Tom věděl, co by následovalo, kdyby to neudělal. Tom knew what would happen if he didn't do it. Tom knew what would follow if he didn't. >>eng<< Asi bys raději měl jít se mnou. Perhaps you'd better come with me. I think you'd better come with me. >>eng<< Tom se nezmění. Tom won't change himself. Tom won't change. >>eng<< Co kdybychom jeli vlakem? Why don't we go by train? Why don't we go by train? >>eng<< Tom, powiedz coś. Tom, say something. Tom, say something. >>eng<< Neumím rusky. I don't know Russian. I can't Russian. >>eng<< Snažím se splatit půjčky. I'm trying to pay off my loans. I'm trying to pay back my loans. >>eng<< Holky se navzájem kritizují. Girls criticize each other. Girls criticize each other. >>eng<< Tom pożyczył mi swój komputer. Tom lent me his computer. Tom borrowed my computer. >>eng<< Přemýšlel jsem o tom. I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it. >>eng<< Jaką dyscyplinę sportu lubisz? What kind of sport do you like? What sport do you like? >>eng<< Jsem Tomovi moc vděčný za záchranu svého života. I am very grateful to Tom for saving my life. I'm so grateful to Tom for saving my life. >>eng<< Nikdo tu nechce Tomovi ublížit. Nobody here wants to hurt Tom. Nobody wants to hurt Tom here. >>eng<< Mají s tím něco společného. They have something to do with that. They have something to do with it. >>eng<< Przyznaję, to prawda. I acknowledge it to be true. I admit, it's true. >>eng<< Tom beze slova odešel. Tom walked away without saying a word. Tom left without a word. >>eng<< Tom może być zazdrosny. Tom may become jealous. Tom can be jealous. >>eng<< Zvědavost nade mnou zvítězila. My curiosity got the better of me. Curiosity over me has won. >>eng<< Nechci se zastavit. I don't want to stop. I don't want to stop. >>eng<< Wiesz może, dlaczego Tom pomógł? Do you have any idea why Tom helped? Do you know why Tom helped? >>eng<< Jestem teraz nieco zakłopotany. I'm quite embarrassed now. I'm a little embarrassed now. >>eng<< Kolik ti dosud platili? How much have you been paid so far? How much have they paid you so far? >>eng<< Učili jsme se, že olej na vodě plave. We learned that oil floats on water. We learned that oil was floating on water. >>eng<< Tohle musíme udělat. This is what we have to do. We have to do this. >>eng<< Tom se Mary zeptal na pár věcí ohledně její rodiny. Tom asked Mary a few questions about her family. Tom asked Mary a few questions about her family. >>eng<< Někteří lidé odmítají dát se očkovat. Some people refuse to get vaccinated. Some people refuse to get vaccinated. >>eng<< Tom tego nie wziął. Tom didn't take it. Tom didn't take it. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, gdzie są lody. Myślisz, że Tom mógł zjeść wszystkie? I wonder where the ice cream is. Do you think Tom could've eaten it all? I'm wondering where the ice creams are. >>eng<< Tom stále čeká na odpověď. Tom is still waiting for an answer. Tom is still waiting for an answer. >>eng<< Pes je nejvěrnější zvíře. The dog is the most faithful animal. A dog is the most faithful animal. >>eng<< Ona nigdy nie będzie o tym rozmawiać. She will never talk about it. She'll never talk about it. >>eng<< Míra utrpení zažitého na této planetě je nesmírná. Rate of suffering experienced on this planet is enormous. The extent of suffering experienced on this planet is enormous. >>eng<< Mój dom nie jest zbyt daleko stąd. My house isn't so far from here. My house isn't too far away. >>eng<< Tom spí na lavičce. Tom is asleep on the bench. Tom's sleeping on the bench. >>eng<< Myslíte si, že zítra bude pěkné počasí? Do you think tomorrow's weather will be good? Do you think the weather will be nice tomorrow? >>eng<< Potrafią naprawiać komputery. They can repair computers. They can fix computers. >>eng<< Mój dziadek wcześnie wstaje. My grandfather gets up early. My grandfather wakes up early. >>eng<< To puste słowa. Those are empty words. It's empty words. >>eng<< Tom velmi přemýšlel. Tom has been doing a lot of thinking. Tom was thinking very much. >>eng<< Buď opatrný! Be careful. Be careful! >>eng<< Měl jsi mi to říct dřív. You should have told me sooner. You should have told me earlier. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem neřekl, že jsi nudná. I never said you were boring. I never said you were boring. >>eng<< Tom opuścił przyjęcie o drugiej trzydzieści. Tom left the party at 2:30 a.m. Tom left the party at the second thirty. >>eng<< Tom vylezl na knihovnu a odtud na vrch šatní skříně, aby skočil na postel. Tom climbed the bookshelf onto the top of the wardrobe in order to jump on the bed. Tom went out to the library and from there on top of the wardrobe to jump on the bed. >>eng<< Jadłeś już obiad? Have you eaten your lunch yet? Have you had dinner yet? >>eng<< Nikt ze mną nie rozmawia. No one speaks with me. No one's talking to me. >>eng<< Tamty kot naprawdę był niebieski. That cat really was blue. That cat was really blue. >>eng<< Zeszłego lata użądliła mnie osa i musiałem jechać na pogotowie. Last summer, a wasp stung me and I had to go to the emergency room. Last summer, I had to go to the emergency room. >>eng<< Má dlouhý nos. She has a long nose. He has a long nose. >>eng<< To tylko kot. It's just a cat. It's just a cat. >>eng<< Tom a Mary zrušili své schůzky. Tom and Mary have canceled their appointments. Tom and Mary canceled their meetings. >>eng<< Jsou mimozemšťané skuteční? Are aliens real? Are aliens real? >>eng<< Jesteśmy ze sobą wystarczająco długo. We've been together long enough. We've been together long enough. >>eng<< Tom přijel domů aby zjistil, že Mary si sbalila věci a odešla. Tom arrived home to find that Mary had packed her things and left. Tom came home to find out that Mary had packed up her stuff and left. >>eng<< Nechtěl jsem zpívat, ale Tom mě o to požádal, a tak jsem zazpíval. I didn't want to sing, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I didn't want to sing, but Tom asked me to do it, so I sang. >>eng<< Tom pečuje o zraněného soba. Tom is taking care of a wounded reindeer. Tom takes care of the injured self. >>eng<< Jak duża jest Alaska? How large is Alaska ? How big is Alaska? >>eng<< Toma vychovala jeho starší sestra poté, co jejich rodiče zahynuli při nehodě. Tom was raised by his older sister after their parents died in an accident. Tom raised his older sister after their parents died in an accident. >>eng<< Wszystko jest takie dziwne. Everything is so strange. Everything's so weird. >>eng<< Słońce wyszło zza chmur. The sun came out from behind the clouds. The sun came out of the cloud. >>eng<< Tom dnes vynechal všechny vyučovací hodiny. Tom skipped all of his classes today. Tom missed all his classes today. >>eng<< Na pewno będziesz się dobrze bawić grając w karty ze mną i moimi przyjaciółmi. I can't believe that you wouldn't enjoy playing cards with me and my friends. I'm sure you'll have fun playing cards with me and my friends. >>eng<< Budeme muset návštěvu Toma odložit. We will have to postpone Tom's visit. We're gonna have to postpone Tom's visit. >>eng<< Občas váhá, než odpoví. She sometimes hesitates before answering. Sometimes he hesitates before he responds. >>eng<< Nikdo nežije věčně. Nobody lives forever. No one lives forever. >>eng<< Raczej powinna przyjść. She is likely to come. Rather, she should come. >>eng<< Ten vlak má zpoždění. The train is delayed. The train is late. >>eng<< Odletěla nám střecha. We had our roof blown off. Our roof flew away. >>eng<< To może się nie zdarzyć. That may not happen. This may not happen. >>eng<< Na morzu są wyspy. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. >>eng<< Viděla jsi moje pero? Have you seen my pen? Did you see my pen? >>eng<< Tom mi vrátil všechny učebnice kromě slovníku. Tom returned me all the textbooks apart from a dictionary. Tom gave me all the textbooks except the dictionary. >>eng<< Tom nikdy svoji chybu neuzná. Tom never admits his mistake. Tom will never recognize his fault. >>eng<< Panebože, co se stalo? Good Lord, what happened? Oh, my God, what happened? >>eng<< Tom věděl, že přijde postih. Tom knew that the penalty would come. Tom knew there was going to be a punishment. >>eng<< Ať se ti tvé sny vyplní! May all your dreams come true! Make your dreams come true! >>eng<< Wszystko się zmienia. Everything's changing. Everything's changing. >>eng<< Tom często prowadzi samochód swojego ojca. Tom often drives his father's car. Tom often drives his father’s car. >>eng<< Ptak śpiewa. Słyszysz? The bird is singing. Can you hear it? The bird sings. >>eng<< Czy skończył Pan składanie zamówienia? Have you finished ordering? Have you finished placing an order? >>eng<< Toto vejce je prasklé. This egg is cracked. This egg is broken. >>eng<< Líbíš se jí! She likes you! You like her! >>eng<< Mám rád ryby. I like fish. I like fish. >>eng<< Tom kupił trzy bochenki chleba. Tom bought three loaves of bread. Tom bought three loaves of bread. >>eng<< Uvidíme se za půl hodiny. We'll see each other in half an hour. I'll see you in half an hour. >>eng<< Proszę powtarzać za mną. Please repeat after me. Please repeat after me. >>eng<< Nie chciała mnie zauważyć. She refused to notice me. She didn't want to see me. >>eng<< Mamy dużo więcej mocy, niż może ci się spodziewać. We have a lot more power than you might think. We have a lot more power than you can expect. >>eng<< Te wiadomości są dla nas ważne. This news is important to us. These messages are important to us. >>eng<< Widzieliśmy to. We have seen it. We saw it. >>eng<< Nie mogę już tego znieść. I can't put up with this any longer. I can't stand it anymore. >>eng<< Czy ktoś pomyślał, żeby zapytać Tomka? Did anyone think to ask Tom? Did anyone think to ask Tom? >>eng<< Mluvili jsme o sportu. We talked about sports. We talked about sport. >>eng<< On potrafi bardzo szybko pływać. He is able to swim very fast. He can swim very quickly. >>eng<< Pozwól, że jej to wytłumaczę. Let me explain it to her. Let me explain this to her. >>eng<< Tom je velice nešťastný člověk. Tom is a very unhappy man. Tom is a very unhappy person. >>eng<< Obávám se, že bude pršet. I am afraid that it will rain. I'm afraid it'll rain. >>eng<< Czy jesteś ciekawy? Are you curious? Are you curious? >>eng<< Tom a Mary přijeli do Bostonu se mnou. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. Tom and Mary came to Boston with me. >>eng<< Líbilo se jí to. She liked it. She liked it. >>eng<< To jedzenie nie było dobre, ale przynajmniej było tanie. The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap. This food was not good, but at least it was cheap. >>eng<< Je tak hlučný! How noisy he is! He's so noisy! >>eng<< Zítra do práce autem jet nemohu. I cannot drive my car to work tomorrow. I can't go to work by car tomorrow. >>eng<< Čeká nás pozitivní změna. We are in for some positive change. We have a positive change. >>eng<< Prędzej czy później skończy mu się szczęście. Sooner or later, he will run out of luck. Sooner or later, his happiness will end. >>eng<< Wygląda perfekcyjnie. It looks perfect. It looks perfect. >>eng<< Chcę wiedzieć, gdzie to znalazłeś. I want to know where you found that. I want to know where you found it. >>eng<< Tom poinformował Mary o swojej decyzji sprzedaży domu. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Tom told Mary about his decision to sell the house. >>eng<< Králíci se množí rychle. Rabbits breed quickly. Rabbits multiply quickly. >>eng<< Mamo, będzie ok jak pójdę popływać? Mama, is it okay if I go swimming? Mom, will you be okay when I go swimming? >>eng<< Tom nechce od té myšlenky ustoupit. Tom won't abandon the idea. Tom doesn't want to give up on that idea. >>eng<< Wakacje? Co to jest? Holidays? What are they? What is it? >>eng<< Už jsi to měl mít udělané. You should've already done that. You should've done it. >>eng<< Nie potrafię zrozumieć, czemu Tom mógłby chcieć to zrobić. I can't understand why Tom would want to do that. I can't understand why Tom might want to do that. >>eng<< Nikdo vás už volit nebude. Nobody will vote for you again. No one will vote for you anymore. >>eng<< Myślisz, że zachowuję się nierozsądnie? Do you think I'm being unreasonable? Do you think I'm acting unwise? >>eng<< Přijel jsem domů autobusem. I came home by bus. I came home by bus. >>eng<< Tom dal Mary kopačky. Tom ditched Mary. Tom gave Mary a kick. >>eng<< Żadne z nas nie chce się pobierać. Neither of us wants to get married. None of us wants to get married. >>eng<< Większość ludzi jedzących sztućcami żyje w Europie i obu Amerykach, Północnej i Południowej; ludzie jedzący pałeczkami żyją w Afryce, Indonezji, Indiach i na Bliskim Wschodzie. Most people who eat with a fork live in Europe, North America, and South America; people who eat with chop sticks live in Africa, the Near East, Indonesia, and India. Most people who eat cutlery live in Europe and both Americas, North and South; people who eat batons live in Africa, Indonesia, India and the Middle East. >>eng<< Dlatego potrzebuję pomocy. This is why I need help. That's why I need help. >>eng<< Někteří lidé upřednostňují práci z domova. Some people prefer working from home. Some people prefer to work from home. >>eng<< Tom jest zmęczony i głodny. Tom is tired and hungry. Tom is tired and hungry. >>eng<< Pronásleduje vás někdo? Is someone chasing you? Are you being persecuted? >>eng<< Poradili Tomovi, aby resetoval heslo. Tom was advised to reset the password. They advised Tom to reset his password. >>eng<< Čekám na to, abych si s tebou promluvil. I've been waiting to speak with you. I'm waiting to talk to you. >>eng<< Właśnie dlatego kazałem ci nie iść samej. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl, jestli to Tom pochopí. I wonder if Tom will understand it. I'd like to know if Tom will understand. >>eng<< Wiatr zdmuchnął naszą ostatnią świeczkę. That wind blew out our last candle. The wind blew our last candle. >>eng<< Wiatr pod wieczór uspokoił się. The wind calmed down in the evening. The wind calmed down in the evening. >>eng<< Dám ti všechno, co budeš chtít. I will give you whatever you want. I'll give you everything you want. >>eng<< S čím nám má Tom pomoct? What is Tom supposed to help us with? What's Tom supposed to help us with? >>eng<< Próbowałeś zagrać tę piosenkę na gitarze? Did you try playing that song on your guitar? Did you try to play this song on the guitar? >>eng<< Czy Niemcy mają jeszcze jakieś troski w życiu oprócz konsumpcji? Do the Germans have any other concerns in life apart from consumerism? Does Germany have any more concern in life than consumption? >>eng<< Jak jste Toma přesvědčili, aby vám pomohl? How did you persuade Tom to help you? How did you convince Tom to help you? >>eng<< To tak nie działa. It doesn't work like that. That's not how it works. >>eng<< Czytałem z nudów czasopisma. I read a magazine to kill time. I read the journal's boredoms. >>eng<< Je ve vaší zemi přijatelné chodit pozdě na schůze? Is it acceptable to be late for meetings in your country? Is it acceptable to attend a meeting late in your country? >>eng<< Vím, co Tom míval rád. I know what Tom used to like. I know what Tom liked. >>eng<< Baw się dobrze. Enjoy yourself! Have fun. >>eng<< Życzę jej szczęścia. I wish her happiness. I wish her luck. >>eng<< Prosím, zalij květiny. Please water the flowers. Please pour flowers. >>eng<< Každopádně to, že tě chce policie, neznamená, že jsi zločinec. In any case, just being wanted by the police isn't enough to make you "a criminal." Anyway, the fact that you're wanted by the police doesn't mean you're a criminal. >>eng<< Nejsem zvyklý vstávat brzy. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. >>eng<< Nikdo tu nechce Tomovi ublížit. No one here wants to hurt Tom. Nobody wants to hurt Tom here. >>eng<< Tom nikomu nie powiedział. Tom didn't tell anyone. Tom didn't tell anyone. >>eng<< Nie ma sensu z nim rozmawiać, on nigdy nie słucha. It is no use talking to him. He never listens. It makes no sense to talk to him, he never listens. >>eng<< Jestem dziennikarką. I am a journalist. I'm a journalist. >>eng<< Jakiego koloru jest ten kot? What colour is this cat? What color is this cat? >>eng<< Tomův plán nevyšel. Tom's plan has gone awry. Tom's plan didn't work out. >>eng<< Spóźniłem się na pociąg o jedną minutę. I missed the train by a minute. I left for the train in one minute. >>eng<< On był dżihadystą. He was a jihadist. He was a jihadist. >>eng<< Ani nevím, jak je to možné. I don't even know how that's possible. I don't even know how that's possible. >>eng<< Můžu vidět svého syna? Can I see my son? Can I see my son? >>eng<< To vypadal, jakože se mu ulevilo. Tom looked like he was relieved. It looked like he was relieved. >>eng<< Pierdol się! Fuck off! Shut up! >>eng<< Jěstaj. They eat. Let's go. >>eng<< Oglądałeś kiedyś sumo? Have you ever watched sumo wrestling? Have you ever seen the sumo? >>eng<< Tom ani neví, proč ho vyloučili ze školy. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom doesn't even know why he was excluded from school. >>eng<< - Co jim Tom ukradl? - Nějaké peníze. - What did Tom steal from them? - Some money. - What did Tom steal from them? >>eng<< Tomovo mrtvé tělo je teď v márnici. Tom's corpse is in the mortuary now. Tom's dead body is now in the van. >>eng<< Nasza jedność może być doskonała. Our union can be perfected. Our unity can be perfect. >>eng<< Ilu z nas tam było? How many of us were there? How many of us were there? >>eng<< Jego głowa została roztrzaskana przez wściekły czas jakąś ciężką bronią. His head had been shattered by a savage blow from some heavy weapon. His head was shattered for an angry time with some heavy weapon. >>eng<< Nazywam go Mike. I call him Mike. My name is Mike. >>eng<< Tom i Mary myślą o założeniu rodziny. Tom and Mary are thinking about starting a family. Tom and Mary are thinking about setting up a family. >>eng<< Tom se omluvil za to, že usnul při vyučování. Tom apologized for falling asleep in class. Tom apologized for falling asleep while teaching. >>eng<< Počet turistů se zvýšil. The number of tourists has increased. The number of tourists has increased. >>eng<< Myślisz, że jestem za wysoki? Do you think I'm too tall? You think I'm too tall? >>eng<< V jakém věku děti obvykle začínají chodit? At what age do children usually start to walk? At what age do children usually start dating? >>eng<< Chceš, abych zhasnul? Do you want me to turn off the lights? You want me to turn off? >>eng<< Tohle je nůž na maso. This knife is used to cut meat. This is a meat knife. >>eng<< Jesteś zaproszony. You're invited. You're invited. >>eng<< Mějte prosím s Tomem trpělivost. Be patient with Tom, please. Please have patience with Tom. >>eng<< Wciąż bardzo lubię ten rower. I still love this bicycle. I still like this bike very much. >>eng<< Jsem svobodný. I am single. I'm free. >>eng<< To nieważne. It's not important. It doesn't matter. >>eng<< Czy chodzisz do szkoły w soboty? Do you have school on Saturdays? Are you going to school on Saturday? >>eng<< Tom bardzo dobrze gra na gitarze. Tom is very good at guitar. Tom plays very well on the guitar. >>eng<< Tom je stále nemocný. Tom is still sick. Tom's still sick. >>eng<< Tom a Mary se oba chichotali. Tom and Mary both giggled. Tom and Mary both chichoted. >>eng<< Nauczyciel przez chwilę zastanawiał się nade mną. The teacher contemplated me for a while. The teacher was thinking about me for a moment. >>eng<< To wspaniały dzień. It's a great day. It's a great day. >>eng<< Został zabity w trzęsieniu ziemi. He was killed in the earthquake. He was killed in an earthquake. >>eng<< Ten obraz nie jest wart ceny, którą pan proponuje. The painting is not worth the price you are asking. This picture is not worth the price you offer. >>eng<< Nevěděl jsem co mám dělat jako první. I didn't know what to do first. I didn't know what to do first. >>eng<< Czasami słyszę o niej plotki. I sometimes hear rumors about her. Sometimes I hear rumors about her. >>eng<< Nigdy nie miał już zobaczyć ojczyzny. He was never to see his native land again. He should never have seen his country again. >>eng<< Voják byl poraněn na noze. The soldier was wounded in the leg. The soldier was injured on his leg. >>eng<< Żeby cokolwiek zrobić, potrzebujemy pieniędzy. We need money to do anything. To do anything, we need money. >>eng<< Dołącz do nas. Follow us. Join us. >>eng<< Suché dříví hoří rychle. Dry wood burns quickly. Dry wood burns quickly. >>eng<< Tom nie zrozumiał pytania. Tom didn't understand the question. Tom didn't understand the question. >>eng<< To była hańba. It was a disgrace. It was a shame. >>eng<< Ten závod jsem vyhrál. I won the race. I won that race. >>eng<< Nechtějí, aby jejich děti chodily do školy. They don't want their children to go to school. They don't want their kids to go to school. >>eng<< Škoda, že nemáme víc času. I wish we had more time. Too bad we don't have more time. >>eng<< Pracuję dla mojej rodziny. I work for my family. I work for my family. >>eng<< Widzisz ten obraz? Can you see the picture? You see that picture? >>eng<< Powinieneś kiedyś tego spróbować. You should try it sometime. You should try it once. >>eng<< Obvykle se budím v šest. I usually wake up at six. I usually wake up at six. >>eng<< Můj doktor mi řekl, že musím zhubnout. My doctor told me that I needed to lose some weight. My doctor told me I had to lose weight. >>eng<< Nenapsal jsi nic. You didn't write anything. You didn't write anything. >>eng<< Tom se pokoušel sehnat nějaké jídlo. Tom was trying to get some food. Tom tried to get some food. >>eng<< Nie musisz do mnie dzwonić. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. >>eng<< Myslím, že se přibližujeme. I think that we're getting closer. I think we're getting closer. >>eng<< Czekałem trzy godziny. I waited three hours. I waited three hours. >>eng<< Nebojte se Toma opravit. Don't be afraid to correct Tom. Don't be afraid to fix Tom. >>eng<< Kolik vypil piv? How many beers did he drink? How much beer did you drink? >>eng<< Máte asi žízeň. You're probably thirsty. I guess you're thirsty. >>eng<< Dostaje niezłą pensję. He earns a good salary. He's getting a good salary. >>eng<< V té době Tom neměl moc přátel. Tom didn't have many friends at that time. Tom didn't have much friends at the time. >>eng<< Tom se mě zeptal, kde jsem byl. Tom asked me where I had been. Tom asked me where I was. >>eng<< To, co Tom udělal, bylo vážně nechutné. What Tom did was really disgusting. What Tom did was really disgusting. >>eng<< Nebyla dost rychlá. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. >>eng<< Překládat český text je velice těžké. To translate a Czech text is very difficult. Translation of Czech text is very difficult. >>eng<< Ann nie ma siostry. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Ann has no sisters. >>eng<< Tom se pohádal se svým šéfem. Tom had an argument with his boss. Tom had a fight with his boss. >>eng<< Czy jest zdrowy? Is he healthy? Is she healthy? >>eng<< Mówiłeś komuś o tym problemie? Have you told anyone about this problem? Did you tell anyone about this problem? >>eng<< Myślisz, że Tom planuje to zrobić? Do you think Tom is planning to do that? You think Tom's planning on doing this? >>eng<< Lepiej z nim nie zadzierać. You're better off not getting in his way! It's better not to mess with him. >>eng<< Tom se není schopen sám uživit. Tom isn't able to support himself. Tom is unable to feed himself. >>eng<< Jěz zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables. >>eng<< Tom nám lhal. Tom lied to us. Tom lied to us. >>eng<< To jest dla przyjaciela. It's for a friend of mine. It's for a friend. >>eng<< Komu patří to auto? Who is the owner of the car? Who owns the car? >>eng<< Tom si vybral mě. Tom chose me. Tom chose me. >>eng<< Tomovi je sedm, Mary je jedenáct. Za kolik let se Tom stane starším než Mary? Tom is seven, Mary is eleven. How many years will it be until Tom becomes older than Mary? Tom's seven, Mary's eleven, how many years will Tom become older than Mary? >>eng<< Proč se učíš anglicky? What do you learn English for? Why do you learn English? >>eng<< Zamával na ní. He waved at her. He was staring at her. >>eng<< Nie wiem, jak to powiedzieć I don't know how to say that. I don't know how to say that. >>eng<< Kdo zničil tu zahradu? Who destroyed the garden? Who destroyed the garden? >>eng<< Proč vypadáš povědomý? Why do you look familiar? Why do you look familiar? >>eng<< Hledají místo, kam Tom ukryl hotovost. They're looking for where Tom hid the cash. They're looking for a place where Tom hid the cash. >>eng<< Zatáhli ji do sklepa a znásilnili. They dragged her into the cellar and raped her. They took her to the basement and raped her. >>eng<< Mary si nemá s kým povídat, ale osamělá se necítí. Mary does not have anyone to talk to, but she does not feel lonely. Mary has no one to talk to, but she doesn't feel lonely. >>eng<< Tom se nedokázal na nic soustředit. Tom couldn't concentrate on anything. Tom couldn't focus on anything. >>eng<< Radím vám, abyste přestal kouřit. I advise you to stop smoking. I advise you to stop smoking. >>eng<< Musíš to říct srozumitelně. You have to say it clearly. You have to say it intelligibly. >>eng<< Poděkovala mu za jeho užitečnou radu. She thanked him for his helpful advice. She thanked him for his helpful advice. >>eng<< Stalo se ti to? Has that happened to you? Did it happen to you? >>eng<< Jak dlouho byl Tom nemocný? How long was Tom ill? How long was Tom sick? >>eng<< Navštívím Toma jindy. I'll visit Tom some other time. I'll visit Tom another time. >>eng<< Nevyznám se tu. I don't know my way around here. I don't know here. >>eng<< Měli bychom se řídit zákony. We ought to obey the law. We should follow the laws. >>eng<< Przyjdź, jeśli to możliwe. Come if possible. Come, if possible. >>eng<< Okazał się inny niż myślałem. He was otherwise than I thought. He turned out to be different than I thought. >>eng<< To psát neměli. They shouldn't have written that. They shouldn't have written that. >>eng<< Tom chtěl, abychom tam byli s ním. Tom wanted us to be there with him. Tom wanted us to be there with him. >>eng<< Postav se tamhle a uvidíš to lépe. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Get up there and you'll see it better. >>eng<< Nie mogę znaleźć mojego aparatu ortodontycznego. I can't find my braces. I can't find my orthodontic camera. >>eng<< Nie potrzebuję tak dużej walizki. I don't need a suitcase that big. I don't need that big suitcase. >>eng<< Zanotuj to proszę. Please write it down. Please record it. >>eng<< Tato svíčka není bílá. This candle is not white. This candle is not white. >>eng<< Mamy nadzieję, że Tom wkrótce wyzdrowieje. We hope Tom gets well soon. We hope Tom will recover soon. >>eng<< To jest chiński wentylator. This is a Chinese fan. This is a Chinese fan. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že přesně neví, kdy se sem dostane. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he didn't know exactly when he'd get here. >>eng<< Všichni jsme chtěli vědět, proč Tom nemůže přijít. We all wanted to know why Tom couldn't come. We all wanted to know why Tom couldn't come. >>eng<< Ten opasek je mi moc těsný. This belt is too tight on me. The belt's too tight for me. >>eng<< Před obchodem stojí kočárek. A stroller is standing in front of the store. There's a stroller in front of the store. >>eng<< Obiecałeś, że będziesz tam zeszłej nocy. You promised that you would be there last night. You promised you'd be there last night. >>eng<< Molekula vody má dva atomy vodíku a jeden atom kyslíku. A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. >>eng<< Twój nauczyciel historii byłby dumny. Your history teacher would be proud. Your history teacher would be proud. >>eng<< Věděl jsem, že se stane něco zlého. I knew something bad was going to happen. I knew something bad was going to happen. >>eng<< Těmto zprávám se dá věřit. This news can be trusted. These messages can be trusted. >>eng<< Co kdybychom to nechali udělat Toma? Why don't we get Tom to do that? Why don't we let Tom do it? >>eng<< Tomovi nabídli náhradní domov, ale on to odmítl. Tom was offered a surrogate home, but he refused it. They offered Tom a replacement home, but he refused. >>eng<< Sami robjił jakò Laylin privatni mechanjik. Sami worked as Layla's private mechanic. He used to act like Laylin's private mechanjik. >>eng<< Tom był zakłopotany. Tom was embarrassed. Tom was embarrassed. >>eng<< Tom nie mówił po francusku na tyle dobrze, aby zostać zrozumianym. Tom wasn't able to speak French well enough to be understood. Tom did not speak French well enough to be understood. >>eng<< Co się zdarzyło na tym skrzyżowaniu? What happened at that crossing? What happened at this crossroads? >>eng<< Jak ci minęły wakacje? How was your holiday? How'd your vacation go? >>eng<< Modleme se za Tomovu hříšnou duši. Let's pray for Tom's guilty soul. We pray for Tom's sinful soul. >>eng<< Niewielu studentów było obecnych na spotkaniu. Not many students attended the meeting. Few students were present at the meeting. >>eng<< On zabił jego. He killed him. He killed him. >>eng<< Telewizor był tak głośno, że nie mogłem się skupić na czytaniu. The TV was so noisy that I couldn't concentrate on my reading. The TV was so loud that I couldn’t focus on reading. >>eng<< Zneužíváte svoji autoritu. You are abusing your authority. You abuse your authority. >>eng<< Tom jest już dużym chłopcem. Tom is a big boy now. Tom's already a big boy. >>eng<< Možná to jednou pochopíš. Maybe someday you'll understand that. Maybe one day you'll understand. >>eng<< Ještě jsem neudělal to, oč jsi mě žádal, protože jsem doteď neměl čas. I haven't done yet what you asked me to do since I haven't had time till now. I haven't done what you asked me to do yet because I haven't had time. >>eng<< Je lepší se probudit za ptačího zpěvu, nežli budíkem. It's much better to wake up to birds singing than to an alarm clock. It is better to wake up as a bird singer than an alarm clock. >>eng<< Spróbujmy więcej tego nie robić. Let's try not to do that again. Let's try not to do this again. >>eng<< Hned jak přestalo pršet, objevila se krásná duha. No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. As soon as the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared. >>eng<< Ve sportu nejsem dobrá. I am not good at sports. I'm not good at sports. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że musi iść na spotkanie. Tom said he had to go to a meeting. Tom said he had to go to the meeting. >>eng<< Vyžádal si ode mě velký peněžní obnos. He demanded a large sum of money from me. He asked me to pay a lot of money. >>eng<< Je škoda, že jsi nemohl přijít. It's a pity you couldn't come. It's a shame you couldn't come. >>eng<< Tom naprawdę lubi biedronki. Tom really likes ladybugs. Tom really likes poor girls. >>eng<< Mary to zrobja, bò wona nji mja vibjorë. Mary did that because she had no choice. Mary does this because I love it. >>eng<< Przyjaźnili się jako dzieci. They were all friends as children. They were friends as children. >>eng<< Mam wielu znajomych, którzy mówią płynnie, ale jednak nie na poziomie rodowitego użytkownika. I have many friends who speak fluently, but still don't sound like native speakers. I have many friends who speak fluently, but not at the level of a native user. >>eng<< Przyjdę o ile będę się czuł wystarczająco dobrze. I will come provided I am well enough. I'll come if I feel good enough. >>eng<< V těchto dvou lahvičkách jsou rozdílná množství léků. There are different amounts of medicine in these two bottles. There are different types of drugs in these two bottles. >>eng<< Ví Tom, že Mary je sirotek? Does Tom know Mary is an orphan? Does Tom know Mary is an orphan? >>eng<< Tom powiedział mi, że musi sobie kupić nowy komputer. Tom told me he needed to buy a new computer. Tom told me he had to buy a new computer. >>eng<< Kolik hodin by to trvalo? How many hours would it take to do that? How long would it take? >>eng<< Se schůzí jsme se vypořádali rychle. We got the meeting over with quickly. We dealt with the meetings quickly. >>eng<< Tom usnął przy otwartym oknie. Tom fell asleep with the window open. Tom fell asleep at the open window. >>eng<< Vykrvácel. He was bleeding to death. He was bleeding. >>eng<< Cítím se příliš starý. I feel too old. I feel too old. >>eng<< Wypił piwo. He drank beer. He drank beer. >>eng<< Přijímáte moje podmínky? Do you accept my terms? Do you accept my terms? >>eng<< Radiátor je studený. The radiator is cold. The radiator is cold. >>eng<< Słucham najnowszą piosenkę Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to the latest song by Björk. >>eng<< On jí pomalu. He eats slowly. He's slowly eating. >>eng<< Moje auto má velkou spotřebu. My car burns a lot of gas. My car has a lot of consumption. >>eng<< Dosud nevím, kde je Tom. I still don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is yet. >>eng<< To moje majtki. These are my underpants. It's my pants. >>eng<< Tom je prý tím nejchytřejším v družstvu. They say that Tom is the smartest one on the team. Tom is the smartest in the team. >>eng<< Chodíte s Tomem na procházky? Do you ever take walks with Tom? Are you walking with Tom? >>eng<< Kto umarł? Who died? Who died? >>eng<< Tom pronikl do našich životů. Tom permeated our lives. Tom got into our lives. >>eng<< Tři muži byli zraněni. Three men were injured. Three men were injured. >>eng<< Zdanie musi mieć orzeczenie. The sentence must have a predicate. He must have a judgment. >>eng<< Někdy je lépe uvažovat o řešení malých problémů které jsou řešitelné, nebo se dají překonat, nežli plýtvat časem na velké problémy, se kterými se nedá nic dělat. Sometimes thinking about dealing with the minor issues that can be solved or improved is better than wasting time on the main issues that nothing can be done for them. Sometimes it is better to think about solving small problems that are solveable or can be overcome than to waste time on big problems that nothing can be done about. >>eng<< Tom nemá bratra. Tom doesn't have a brother. Tom doesn't have a brother. >>eng<< Je vážně skvělé znovu tě vidět. It's really wonderful seeing you again. It's really great to see you again. >>eng<< Kdyby ten doktor býval přijel včas, mohl Tomovi zachránit život. If the doctor had come in time, he could have saved Tom's life. If the doctor had come in time, he could have saved Tom's life. >>eng<< Już to kupiłem. I already bought it. I already bought it. >>eng<< Válka trvala dva roky. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. >>eng<< Wierzę w Kylie Minogue od 12 czerwca 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I have believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. >>eng<< Budeš šťastný. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. >>eng<< Uczę się. I am studying. I'm learning. >>eng<< Nie zgasiłem światła. I didn't turn off the light. I didn't turn off the light. >>eng<< Tochtli lubi królicze mięso. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. >>eng<< Víš, jak jsi pro mě důležitá. You know how important you are to me. You know how important you are to me. >>eng<< Kłócą się przy każdej rozmowie. Every time they talk, they argue. They argue with every conversation. >>eng<< Už se sem nevrátím. I won't ever come back here. I'm not coming back here. >>eng<< Tom byl první, kdo mi to řekl. Tom was the first to tell me that. Tom was the first to tell me. >>eng<< Plave jako ryba. He swims like a fish. He swims like a fish. >>eng<< Dnes ráno jsem Tomem mluvil. I spoke with Tom this morning. I spoke to Tom this morning. >>eng<< To śmierdzi serem. That stinks of cheese. That smells like cheese. >>eng<< Tom šel po ulici a vesele si hvízdal. Tom walked down the street whistling a happy tune. Tom went down the street and stared cheerfully. >>eng<< Tom lubi meksykańskie jedzenie. Tom likes Mexican food. Tom likes Mexican food. >>eng<< Často jsem ho slyšel to říkat. I have often heard him say that. I often heard him say it. >>eng<< Czy już się gdzieś wcześniej nie spotkaliśmy? Haven't we met somewhere before? Have we ever met before? >>eng<< Tohle není stříbro. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. >>eng<< Moja najlepsza przyjaciółka pochodzi z Kanady. My best friend comes from Canada. My best friend comes from Canada. >>eng<< Nie w tym problem. That's not the problem. Not the problem. >>eng<< Drzewa wydzielają tlen i pochłaniają dwutlenek węgla. Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Trees secrete oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. >>eng<< Plavete rádi? Do you like to swim? Do you like swimming? >>eng<< Bycie samotnikiem wymaga wewnętrznej walki z samym sobą. Being a loner requires inner struggle with yourself. Being a loner requires an inner struggle with oneself. >>eng<< Jěsće poliwku. Eat soup. You're caught up. >>eng<< Tom má starosti se svým vlastním životem. Tom has his own life to worry about. Tom is worried about his own life. >>eng<< Poszedłem w kierunku parku. I walked toward the park. I went to the park. >>eng<< Zeptejme se Toma. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. >>eng<< Sledují vás. They're watching you. They're following you. >>eng<< Napraw to, proszę. Please repair this. Fix it, please. >>eng<< Včera nám doma z vodovodu tekla rezavá voda. Yesterday, there was rusty water coming from the faucets in our house. There was cutting water at home yesterday. >>eng<< Co kdybychom se teď vrátili? Why don't we go back now? Why don't we come back now? >>eng<< Kéž bych byl génius! I wish I was a genius. I wish I was a genius! >>eng<< To ryzyko. It's a gamble. It's a risk. >>eng<< Ona nie jest dobrym człowiekiem. She is not a good person. She's not a good man. >>eng<< Nie masz może tu aspiryny? Do you have any aspirin on hand? You don't have aspirin here, do you? >>eng<< Nie wyrzucaj tego magazynu. Nie czytałem go jeszcze. Don't throw out this magazine. I haven't read it yet. I haven't read it yet. >>eng<< Jak to często bywa u młodych ludzi, nie myślał o pieniądzach. As is often the case with young people, he was indifferent to money. As often happens in young people, he did not think about money. >>eng<< Mary mi nevadí, ale Toma nemohu vystát. I don't mind Mary but I cannot stand Tom. I don't mind Mary, but I can't stand Tom. >>eng<< Tom má nad postelí plakát sebe nahého. Tom has a naked poster of himself above his bed. Tom has a naked poster over his bed. >>eng<< Nie jestem nawet pewien czy to jest mój klucz. I'm not even sure if this is my key. I'm not even sure it's my key. >>eng<< Podjąłem się tego wbrew mojej woli. I unwillingly undertook it. I took it against my will. >>eng<< Ja też lubię malarstwo. I also like painting. I like painting too. >>eng<< Tom chvíli váhal. Tom hesitated for a moment. Tom hesitated for a while. >>eng<< Jsem Holanďan. I'm Dutch. I'm Dutch. >>eng<< Tom se vymočil za stodolou. Tom took a leak behind the barn. Tom's wetting himself out of the barn. >>eng<< Prezident má večer promluvit v televizi. The President is to speak on television this evening. The president has to talk on TV tonight. >>eng<< My o Tomových podrazech víme. We know about Tom's dirty tricks. We know about Tom's pitfalls. >>eng<< Pravidelně začínám při sledování filmů usínat. I regularly start to fall asleep while watching a movie. I start to sleep regularly while watching movies. >>eng<< Nie spodziewałeś się, że się tak szybko zobaczymy, co? I bet you didn't expect to see me again so soon. You didn't expect us to see each other so soon, did you? >>eng<< Drží dietu, neboť má mírnou nadváhu. She's on a diet because she is a little overweight. It holds a diet because it is lightly overweight. >>eng<< Tom chwycił gaśnicę i ugasił ogień. Tom grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. Tom caught the fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire. >>eng<< Všichni na tebe čekají. Everybody is waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. >>eng<< Dostal jsi stejnou příležitost, ale tys ji promarnil. You were given the same opportunity, but you wasted it. You got the same opportunity, but you wasted it. >>eng<< Nie można było otworzyć tych drzwi. The door could not be opened. It was impossible to open this door. >>eng<< Jesteś przewidywalny. You're predictable. You're predictable. >>eng<< To było nieoficjalne przyjęcie. It was only an informal party. It was an unofficial party. >>eng<< Tom nemohl uvěřit, že právě vyhrál v loterii. Tom couldn't believe that he had just won the lottery. Tom couldn't believe he just won the lottery. >>eng<< Tom lubi koty. Tom likes cats. Tom likes cats. >>eng<< Tomova prababička byla služka. Tom's great-grandmother was a servant. Tom's great-grandmother was a servant. >>eng<< Tomovi se líbí blondýny. Tom likes blondes. Tom likes blondes. >>eng<< Nie mógł powiedzieć tego bardziej wprost. He couldn't have put it more plainly. He couldn't have said it more directly. >>eng<< Raději bych Toma na oběd nezval. I would rather not invite Tom to lunch. I'd rather not give Tom lunch. >>eng<< Zdaje się, że Tom nie rozumiał co się działo. Tom didn't seem to understand what was going on. Looks like Tom didn't understand what was going on. >>eng<< Tak ona pracuje v továrně, jo? So she works at this factory, huh? That's how she works in the factory, okay? >>eng<< Naše sousedka už zase byla u holiče. Our neighbour has been at the hairdresser’s again. Our neighbor was at the barber's again. >>eng<< Odmawiam pójścia. I refuse to go. I refuse to go. >>eng<< Myślisz, że jestem głupi? Do you think I'm stupid? You think I'm stupid? >>eng<< Spadli jste. You fell. You fell. >>eng<< - Które słowo? - zapytałem. "Which word?" I asked. - What word? - I asked. >>eng<< Nie możesz sobie przypomnieć, prawda? You can't remember, can you? You can't remember, can you? >>eng<< Jest coś, czego nie rozumiem. There is one thing I don't understand. There's something I don't understand. >>eng<< Mnoho vojáků bylo zabito. Many soldiers have been killed. Many soldiers were killed. >>eng<< Kiedy mam migreny, to aspiryna nie uśmierza bólu. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me. When I have migraines, aspirin does not kill pain. >>eng<< Krokodýli, hadi, ještěrky a želvy jsou plazi. Crocodiles, snakes, lizards and turtles are reptiles. Crocodiles, snakes, sparrows and turtles are plasm. >>eng<< Lhala jste mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. >>eng<< Tom vstoupil do zasedací místnosti. Tom walked into the conference room. Tom entered the meeting room. >>eng<< Myslím, že Toma podceňuješ. I think you're underestimating Tom. I think you underestimate Tom. >>eng<< Tom kupił drogą gitarę. Tom bought an expensive guitar. Tom bought a guitar by the way. >>eng<< Tony neznal jejich jména. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their names. >>eng<< Měli jste přijet alespoň o pět minut dřív. You should arrive at least five minutes early. You should have arrived at least five minutes earlier. >>eng<< Oddam tę książkę Tomowi jutro. I'll give this book back to Tom tomorrow. I'll give this book to Tom tomorrow. >>eng<< Obiecaliśmy sobie spotkać się w następnym tygodniu. We made a promise to meet the next week. We promised to meet next week. >>eng<< Niebieskie róże są bardzo piękne. The blue roses are very beautiful. Blue roses are very beautiful. >>eng<< Tom, co mam zrobić? What do you want me to do, Tom? Tom, what am I supposed to do? >>eng<< Zvykl jsem si bydlet sám. I've gotten used to living alone. I used to live alone. >>eng<< Šel jsem vyvenčit svého psa. I walked my dog. I went to get my dog out. >>eng<< Dáš si něco k pití? Would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink? >>eng<< Zmierzamy donikąd. We're getting nowhere. We're going nowhere. >>eng<< Tutaj? Here? Here? >>eng<< Zawsze wstaję wcześnie. I always get up early. I always get up early. >>eng<< Rád jezdím na koni. I like riding horses. I like riding a horse. >>eng<< Málo močím. I do not urinate much. Little urine. >>eng<< Dřív jsem hodně pil. I used to drink a lot. I've been drinking a lot before. >>eng<< Tom ví, že Mary neumí řídit. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tom knows Mary can't drive. >>eng<< Někdy má depresivní náladu. She sometimes goes into a mood of depression. Sometimes he has a depressive mood. >>eng<< Jesteśmy do tego przyzwyczajeni. We're used to that. We're used to it. >>eng<< Ilu osobom powiedziałeś? How many people did you tell? How many people did you tell? >>eng<< Pociliśmy się w upale. We were sweating in the heat. We sweated in the heat. >>eng<< Czy Tom się bardzo zmienił? Has Tom changed much? Has Tom changed a lot? >>eng<< Podejrzany pozostaje na wolności. The suspect remains at large. The suspect is free. >>eng<< Proč Toma provokujete? Why do you provoke Tom? Why are you provoking Tom? >>eng<< Sáňkování je velká zábava. Sledding is a lot of fun. Sledging is a lot of fun. >>eng<< Tys nám lhal! You lied to us! You lied to us! >>eng<< Chci zabít Toma ještě předtím, než zabije on mě. I want to kill Tom before he kills me. I want to kill Tom before he kills me. >>eng<< Trudno jest utrzymać rozmowę z kimś, kto mówi tylko „Tak” i „Nie”. It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". It’s hard to keep a conversation with someone who says ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. >>eng<< Według mnie Tom nie śpiewa zbyt dobrze. I think that Tom isn't a very good singer. I don't think Tom's singing too well. >>eng<< Spałem długo? Was I asleep for long? Did I sleep long? >>eng<< Myślę, że to by bardzo pomogło. I think that would be very helpful. I think that would help a lot. >>eng<< Bývala jsem tu učitelkou. I used to be a teacher here. I used to be the teacher. >>eng<< Má průměrnou výšku. She's of average height. It's average height. >>eng<< Przystawił mu broń do głowy. He put the gun to his head. He put the gun in his head. >>eng<< Tak czy nie? Yes or no? Yes or no? >>eng<< Tom kòżden dzénj zjé do frisztëkù tã jistnõ rzecz. Tom eats the same thing for breakfast every day. Tom of every day wants to keep this important thing in mind. >>eng<< Miałem ochotę roześmiać się, ale nie odważyłem się. I felt like laughing, but I didn't dare. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t dare. >>eng<< Nie wiem o czym mówisz. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. >>eng<< Řeknu ti, až se vrátím. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll tell you when I get back. >>eng<< Czy mogę skorzystać z telefonu? May I use the telephone? Can I use the phone? >>eng<< Zdá se, že Tomovi důvěřuje čím dál méně lidí. It seems that less and less people trust Tom. He seems to trust fewer and fewer people. >>eng<< Jestem tu tylko, żeby obserwować. I'm just here to observe. I'm just here to watch. >>eng<< Určitě je něco, čím mohu pomoci. I'm sure there must be something I can do to help. I'm sure there's something I can help. >>eng<< Kvůli čemu hulákáš? What are you yelling about? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Vím, jak se jmenuje. I know what his name is. I know what his name is. >>eng<< Ken jest szczęśliwy. Ken is happy. Ken's happy. >>eng<< Není zač. You're welcome. You're welcome. >>eng<< Chcę tego spróbować. I want to try this. I want to try it. >>eng<< On patrzy na ciebie. Znasz go? He's looking at you. Do you know him? He's looking at you. >>eng<< Ceny rosną z dnia na dzień. Prices raise from day to day. Prices are rising from day to day. >>eng<< Późno wróciłem do domu. I came back home late. I returned home later. >>eng<< Tom všechno zabavil. Tom confiscated everything. Tom amused everything. >>eng<< Sierść naszego kota straciła połysk. Our cat's fur has lost its luster. The hair of our cat has lost its gloss. >>eng<< Trval na tom, aby tam byli. He insisted that they should be there. He insisted they were there. >>eng<< Wiem kim ona jest. I know who she is. I know who she is. >>eng<< Slyšel jsi ten hluk? Did you hear the noise? Did you hear the noise? >>eng<< Tom nemusel jít na vojnu. Tom didn't have to join the military service. Tom didn't have to go to war. >>eng<< To się wymyka spod kontroli. It's getting out of control. It's getting out of control. >>eng<< Czuję, że nie powinniśmy tego robić. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. I feel like we shouldn't do that. >>eng<< Můžeš aktualizovat moje programové vybavení? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? >>eng<< Jestem w związku. I'm in a relationship. I'm in a relationship. >>eng<< Dali vám něco k jídlu? Did they give you anything to eat? Did they give you something to eat? >>eng<< Jestem pewien, że masz sporo pytań odnośnie tego, co się stało. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about what happened. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about what happened. >>eng<< Widziałam tam mego kumpla, pijącego wino. I saw my mate there, drinking wine. I saw my friend drinking wine. >>eng<< Nasza rakiete jest budowana. Our rocket is being built. Our rockets are built. >>eng<< Kot mnie przestraszył. The cat scared me. The cat scared me. >>eng<< Tom si myslel, že to bude bezpečné. Tom thought it would be safe. Tom thought it would be safe. >>eng<< Překonal jsem svůj strach. I have overcome my fear. I've overcome my fear. >>eng<< Tom je pro Mary hrdinou. Tom is Mary's hero. Tom is a hero for Mary. >>eng<< Tom dneska ráno zaspal. Tom overslept this morning. Tom fell asleep this morning. >>eng<< Tom by měl zakročit. Tom should intervene. Tom should take action. >>eng<< Tom chciał się ożenić z Mary. Tom wanted to get married to Mary. Tom wanted to marry Mary. >>eng<< Celá třída zírala na Toma. The whole class stared at Tom. The whole class looked at Tom. >>eng<< Masz swojego ulubionego pisarza i ulubioną książkę? Do you have a favourite writer and a favourite book? Do you have a favorite writer and a favorite book? >>eng<< Běž, než bude příliš pozdě. Go, before it's too late. Go before it's too late. >>eng<< Wierzę w Mohameda. I believe in Muhammad. I believe in Muhammad. >>eng<< Snažím se to spravit. I've been trying to fix that. I'm trying to fix it. >>eng<< Sázíš tykve? Do you plant pumpkins? You bets? >>eng<< Hipster skręcał wąsy. The hipster was twirling his moustache. Hipster was twisting the moustaches. >>eng<< Hrozně to tady smrdí. It smells terrible here. It smells terrible here. >>eng<< Cześć. Hey. Hey. >>eng<< Měl výrazný vliv na lidi kolem sebe. He had great influence on those around him. He had a significant influence on the people around him. >>eng<< Začínal jsem být v předstihu. I was getting ahead of myself. I started to be in advance. >>eng<< Potřebuješ něco? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? >>eng<< Když prší, je sklíčená. When it rains, she feels blue. When it rains, it's down. >>eng<< Poslouchám všechny žánry hudby. I listen to all kinds of music. I listen to all genres of music. >>eng<< Sól się skończyła. The salt ran out. The salt is over. >>eng<< Ten plan jest trudny do przeprowadzenia. It is hard to carry out this plan. This plan is difficult to carry out. >>eng<< Zamierzam iść pogadać z Tomem. I'm going to go talk to Tom. I'm gonna go talk to Tom. >>eng<< Rozčílil jsem se tak, že jsem nemohl mluvit. I got so mad I wasn't able to speak. I was so angry that I couldn't talk. >>eng<< Táta mě požádal, abych otevřel dveře. Dad asked me to open the door. Dad asked me to open the door. >>eng<< Co se stane, pokud nás chytí? What happens if we get caught? What happens if they catch us? >>eng<< Nemůžu zapomenout to, co jsi mi včera řekl. I can't forget what you said to me last night. I can't forget what you told me yesterday. >>eng<< Umiem kochać. I can love. I can love. >>eng<< Ten účet jsi platit neměla. You shouldn't have paid the bill. You shouldn't have paid that bill. >>eng<< Ráda bych ho učinila šťastným. I would like to make him happy. I'd like to make him happy. >>eng<< Ta postel zabrala hodně místa. The bed took up a lot of space. That bed took up a lot of space. >>eng<< Umyvadlo je plné vlasů! The washbasin was full of hair! The sink is full of hair! >>eng<< Ještě se to nerozhodlo. It hasn't been decided yet. It hasn't decided yet. >>eng<< Nie znaleźliśmy Toma. We didn't find Tom. We didn't find Tom. >>eng<< Podívej se na své kalhoty! Zapni si je na zip. Look at your trousers! Zip them up. Look at your pants! >>eng<< Všechny dívky z Tomovy třídy jsou krásné. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. All the girls in Tom's class are beautiful. >>eng<< We Francji panuje zdrowa demokracja. France is a vibrant democracy. There is a healthy democracy in France. >>eng<< Japonia jest liderem światowego przemysłu high-tech. Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. Japan is the leader of the world high-tech industry. >>eng<< Mógłbyś patrzeć w inną stronę, podczas gdy ja się przebiorę? Would you mind looking the other way while I change my clothes? Could you look in the other direction while I'm getting dressed? >>eng<< Światło paliło się całą noc. The lights have been burning all night. The light was burning all night. >>eng<< Nic mi nevysvětluj. Don't explain anything to me. Don't explain anything to me. >>eng<< Święta są niedługo, nieprawdaż? Christmas is soon, isn't it? Christmas is soon, isn't it? >>eng<< Můžu to prodat za vás, jestli chcete. I can sell this for you if you want me to. I can sell it for you if you want. >>eng<< Nie wysiadać kiedy pojazd jest w ruchu. Don't get off while the vehicle is in motion. Do not get out when the vehicle is on the move. >>eng<< Czujesz coś do niej? Do you have a crush on her? Do you feel anything about her? >>eng<< Pójdę, jak mi nos podpowiada. I should follow my nose. I'll go as my nose tells me. >>eng<< Mój wujek mieszkał w Waszyngtonie przez dwa lata. My uncle lived in Washington, D. C. for two years. My uncle lived in Washington for two years. >>eng<< Problém byl v tom, že Tom chtěl všechno pro sebe. The problem was that Tom wanted everything for himself. The problem was that Tom wanted everything for himself. >>eng<< Děje se to každý den. It happens every day. It happens every day. >>eng<< Tohle je přesný překlad. This is an accurate translation. This is an accurate translation. >>eng<< Co jste se naučili? What did you learn? What have you learned? >>eng<< Neobjevilo se to z ničeho nic. It didn't show up out of nowhere. It didn't come out of anything. >>eng<< Co na to říkáš, Tome? What do you say to that, Tom? What do you think, Tom? >>eng<< Říká se, že pátek třináctého je nešťastný den. It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It is said that Friday 13th is an unfortunate day. >>eng<< Nechápeme to. We don't understand it. We don't understand. >>eng<< On jest naprawdę uroczy, dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's really cute, and so I like working with him. He's really cute, so I like working with him. >>eng<< Już wygrali. They've already won. They've already won. >>eng<< Nie mam pojęcia, dlaczego Tom tak wybrał. I don't know why Tom chose that. I don't know why Tom chose that. >>eng<< Wysłałem jej lalkę. I sent her a doll. I sent her a doll. >>eng<< Zruinovaly mi život. They ruined my life. They ruined my life. >>eng<< Nikdy neměla vlastní dítě. She never had a child of her own. She never had her own child. >>eng<< Tom by měl být potrestán za to, co udělal. Tom should be punished for what he did. Tom should be punished for what he did. >>eng<< Ile miałeś lat, kiedy nauczyłeś się zawiązywać sobie sznurówki? How old were you when you learned to tie your own shoes? How old were you when you learned to tie your cords? >>eng<< Byłam w drodze do domu. I was on my way home. I was on my way home. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že Mary je v nemocnici. Tom said that Mary's in the hospital. Tom said Mary was in the hospital. >>eng<< Zítra je svátek. Tomorrow's a holiday. Tomorrow is a holiday. >>eng<< Nasze ciała zbudowane są z komórek. Our bodies are made of cells. Our bodies are made of cells. >>eng<< Kéž bych byl kamenem. I wish I were a stone. I wish I was a stone. >>eng<< Proč musíme čekat na Toma? Why do we have to wait for Tom? Why do we have to wait for Tom? >>eng<< Nechtěla, abych vstoupil do armády. She didn't want me to join up the army. She didn't want me to join the army. >>eng<< Połóż się na swojej prawej stronie. Lie on your right side. Put yourself on your right side. >>eng<< Šla jsem si zaplavat k řece. I went swimming in the river. I went swimming to the river. >>eng<< Tom się tego nie spodziewał. Tom wasn't expecting that. Tom wasn't expecting it. >>eng<< V kolik se ráno probouzíte? What time do you wake up in the morning? How much do you wake up in the morning? >>eng<< Spánek je potřebný pro dobré zdraví. Sleep is necessary to good health. Sleep is needed for good health. >>eng<< Tom má s tím problémy. Tom is having trouble with this. Tom's in trouble with that. >>eng<< To je vše? Is that all? That's it? >>eng<< Kde jsi sehnal tuhle motorku? Where did you get this motorcycle? Where did you get this motorcycle? >>eng<< Tohle je vydírání. This is blackmailing. This is blackmail. >>eng<< Tom poděkoval Mary za její péči o něj. Tom thanked Mary for taking care of him. Tom thanked Mary for taking care of her. >>eng<< Je to můj bývalý student. He's a former student of mine. He's my former student. >>eng<< Bardzo tęskni za swoją rodziną. He misses his family very much. He miss his family very much. >>eng<< Nikdo by to takhle asi neřekl. Nobody would probably say it like this. No one would say that. >>eng<< Wiesz może gdzie jesteśmy? Do you have any idea where we are? Do you know where we are? >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že tě zabili. Jsem rád, že jsem se zmýlil. I thought you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong. I thought they killed you, I'm glad I was wrong. >>eng<< Nezklamej ji. Don't disappoint her. Don't disappoint her. >>eng<< Už mě nic nevzrušuje. I can't get excited about anything anymore. I'm not excited anymore. >>eng<< Nie mógłbym tego zrobić bez twojej pomocy. I couldn't have done this without your help. I couldn't do this without your help. >>eng<< Tom uparł się, żeby Mary poszła tam sama. Tom insisted that Mary go there by herself. Tom insists that Mary go alone. >>eng<< Jeszcze nie czas wracać do domu. It's not time to go home yet. It's not time to go home yet. >>eng<< Tom měl oblečené bílé triko. Tom was wearing a white T-shirt. Tom was wearing a white t-shirt. >>eng<< Ma alergię na latex. He's allergic to latex. She's allergic to latex. >>eng<< Zůstanu s ní. I'll stay with her. I'll stay with her. >>eng<< Dlaczego to ukradłeś? Why did you steal that? Why did you steal it? >>eng<< Tom řekl, že chce zůstat v posteli. Tom said he wants to stay in bed. Tom said he wanted to stay in bed. >>eng<< Květiny uvadly, protože je nikdo nezaléval. The flowers wilted as nobody watered them. The flowers were stunned because no one was watering them. >>eng<< Hiszpańska tortilla różni się od meksykańskiej. A spanish tortilla is different from a Mexican one. Spanish Tortilla is different from Mexican. >>eng<< Mary požádala Toma, aby na ni počkal před školou. Mary asked Tom to wait for her outside school. Mary asked Tom to wait for her before school. >>eng<< Polož pistoli na stůl. Put the gun on the table. Put the gun on the table. >>eng<< Já jen doufám, že tentokrát se nic zlého nepřihodí. I just hope nothing goes wrong this time. I just hope nothing bad happens this time. >>eng<< Po co uczysz się angielskiego? What do you learn English for? Why are you learning English? >>eng<< Obdivoval jsem jeho velkorysost. I admired his generosity. I admired his generosity. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem Toma obdivoval. I used to admire Tom. I once admired Tom. >>eng<< Kdo to nechal Toma udělat? Who has let Tom do it? Who let Tom do that? >>eng<< Tom stał się sławny, bo poślubił sławną aktorkę, która wcześniej była wiele razy zamężna. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times before. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times before. >>eng<< Robię się głodny. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. >>eng<< Tom je vyděsil. Tom scared them. Tom scared them. >>eng<< Darwin zmienił wszystko. Darwin changed everything. Darwin changed everything. >>eng<< Dlôcz të płaczesz, mùlkù? What are you crying about, sweetheart? Why are you crying, baby? >>eng<< Nigdy nie słyszałam żeby narzekał na swoje jedzenie. I've never heard him complaining about his meals. I never heard him complain about his food. >>eng<< Nechci nic měnit. I don't want to change anything. I don't want to change anything. >>eng<< Tom je možná trochu nemotorný, ale není to žádný imbecil. Tom might be a bit clumsy, but he isn't an imbecile. Tom might be a little clumsy, but he's not an imbecile. >>eng<< Dokážeš to sám? Can you do it yourself? Can you do it yourself? >>eng<< Nemohli tohle místo najít. They couldn't find this place. They couldn't find this place. >>eng<< Kdysi jsem pracoval s Tomem. I used to work with Tom. I used to work with Tom. >>eng<< Tom musel běžet. Tom had to run. Tom had to run. >>eng<< Pan Smith jest lubiany przez wszystkich studentów. Mr. Smith is liked by all the students. Mr. Smith is loved by all the students. >>eng<< Jaki jest twój ulubiony napój? What's your favorite drink? What is your favorite drink? >>eng<< Naprawdę chcesz zostać? Do you really want to stay? Are you sure you want to stay? >>eng<< Tom dal kopačky své přítelkyni. Tom dumped his girlfriend. Tom kicked his girlfriend. >>eng<< Je Tom hotov? Is Tom finished? Is Tom ready? >>eng<< Ani jedna z těchto knih není zajímavá. Neither of those books is interesting. None of these books are interesting. >>eng<< Koně mají tři způsoby chůze: Chození, klus a trysk. Horses have three gaits: Walking, trotting and galloping. Horses have three ways of walking: walking, clumps and jets. >>eng<< Pocałował ją w policzek. He kissed her on the cheek. He kissed her in his cheek. >>eng<< Nebudu potřeba. I won't be needed. I won't be needed. >>eng<< Rodiče Toma vydědili. Tom was disinherited by his parents. Tom's parents have inherited. >>eng<< Tom se stal rychle závislým na Tatoebě. Tom has quickly become addicted to Tatoeba. Tom quickly became dependent on Tatoeb. >>eng<< Chciałem spotkać prawdziwą dojrzałą kobietę. I wanted to meet a really mature woman. I wanted to meet a real mature woman. >>eng<< Tom ma Jackson na nazwisko. Tom's surname is Jackson. Tom has a name for Jackson. >>eng<< To nie trwało długo. It didn't last long. It didn't take long. >>eng<< Nebojím se Toma požádat. I'm not afraid to ask Tom. I'm not afraid to ask Tom. >>eng<< Czy Ty pijesz mrożoną wodę? Do you drink iced water? Do you drink frozen water? >>eng<< Od té doby Toma nikdo neviděl. No one has seen Tom since. No one has seen Tom since. >>eng<< Prosím, nepoužívej víc tuto rtěnku. Please, don't wear this lipstick again. Please don't use this cloth any more. >>eng<< Do kostela chodím v neděli. I go to the church on Sundays. I go to church on Sunday. >>eng<< Nesmíš tam chodit. You mustn't walk there. You can't go there. >>eng<< Brzy si na to zvykneš. You'll get used to it soon. You'll get used to it soon. >>eng<< Toto je jeden z těch slovníků, o kterém jsem ti včera říkal. This is one of the dictionaries that I told you about yesterday. This is one of the dictionaries I told you about yesterday. >>eng<< Zostaw mnie. Leave me. Leave me alone. >>eng<< Tom je příliš líný na to, aby večer venčil psa, takže ho venčí jeho žena. Tom is too lazy to walk his dog in the evening, so his wife takes the dog for a walk. Tom's too lazy to walk a dog in the evening, so his wife comes in. >>eng<< Bude pracovat. She will be working. He'll work. >>eng<< Nie ma sensu winić się nawzajem, musimy znaleźć rozwiązanie. It's no use blaming each other, we need to find solutions. It makes no sense to blame one another, we need to find a solution. >>eng<< Piszę, aby wyrazić moje niezadowolenie. I write to express my discontent. I write to express my dissatisfaction. >>eng<< Volala ti Mary. Mary called you. Mary called you. >>eng<< Nikdy bych se Tomovi nesvěřil. I would never confide in Tom. I would never trust Tom. >>eng<< Tom neviděl nic mimořádného. Tom didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Tom didn't see anything special. >>eng<< Później do ciebie przedzwonię. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. >>eng<< Znásilnění je příšerný zločin. Rape is a horrible crime. Rape is a terrible crime. >>eng<< Jego torba jest tutaj, to nie mógł on jeszcze pójść do szkoły. His bag is right here, so he cannot have gone to school yet. His bag is here, he couldn't go to school yet. >>eng<< Tom przedawkował leki i teraz ma straszną gorączkę. Tom overdosed his medication and now he has a severe fever. Tom overdosed drugs and now he has a terrible fever. >>eng<< Co jste udělali proto, aby se to nestalo? Odpovím za vás. Neudělali jste nic. What did you do to prevent it from happening? I will answer for you. You did nothing. What did you do to make it happen? >>eng<< Nie mogłem uwierzyć, kiedy to zobaczyłem. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. >>eng<< Jím ráda hrušky. I like to eat pears. I like pears. >>eng<< Zdálo se, že si Tom nevšiml, že tam Mary je. Tom didn't seem to notice that Mary was there. Tom didn't seem to notice Mary was there. >>eng<< Meksykanin nauczył go hiszpańskiego. A Mexican taught him Spanish. The Mexican taught him Spanish. >>eng<< W całym mieście było pozbawione wody. The whole city was deprived of water. There was no water in the whole city. >>eng<< Tom jest najszybszym biegaczem w klasie. Tom is the fastest runner in his class. Tom is the fastest runner in class. >>eng<< Neměli byste za to nic platit. You shouldn't pay anything for that. You shouldn't pay anything for it. >>eng<< Ludzie boją się wojny. People are afraid of war. People are afraid of war. >>eng<< Není dokonalá. She's not perfect. She's not perfect. >>eng<< Koupil jsem knihu. I bought a book. I bought a book. >>eng<< Tyto překlady se přibližují originálnímu textu. These translations are close to the original text. These translations are closer to the original text. >>eng<< Monitor wyświetla sygnał graficzny, ruchomy i nieruchomy, wytworzony przez komputer lub urządzenie podobne. A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device. The monitor displays a graphic, movable and fixed signal, produced by a computer or a similar device. >>eng<< Blýská se. There is lightning. He's flashing. >>eng<< Nikdy jsme nezjistili, na co Tom zemřel. We never found out what Tom died of. We never found out what Tom died of. >>eng<< Mrzí mě, že jsem to nevysvětlil dobře. I'm sorry that I didn't explain it well. I'm sorry I didn't explain it well. >>eng<< Narodil jsem se ve Skotsku. I was born in Scotland. I was born in Scotland. >>eng<< Tom netuší, co mohl způsobit. Tom has no idea what he could have caused. Tom doesn't know what he could have done. >>eng<< Jsem v Londýně. I am in London. I'm in London. >>eng<< Kto ci kazał powiedzieć mi to? Who told you to say that to me? Who told you to tell me? >>eng<< Nemám počítač. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. >>eng<< To się niedługo stanie. It'll happen soon. It'll happen soon. >>eng<< Popatrz na to. Look at this stuff. Look at that. >>eng<< Bzdury! Rubbish! Bzdura! >>eng<< Gdybym był naprawdę bogaty, nigdy nie pracowałbym w miejscu takim jak to. If I were really rich, I would never work in a place like this. If I were really rich, I would never work in a place like that. >>eng<< Vyšel ven zadním východem, aby ho nikdo neviděl. He came out by rear exit so that nobody could see him. He went out the back exit so no one could see him. >>eng<< Hned ji zavolám. I'll call her immediately. I'll call her right away. >>eng<< Víte, proč jsem k vám přišel? Do you guys know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? >>eng<< Nechtěla s ním mít nic společného. She wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't want anything to do with him. >>eng<< Nie ma go w biurze. He is out of the office. He's not in the office. >>eng<< Chodź tu. Come this way. Come here. >>eng<< Skąd pochodzę? Where am I from? Where do I come from? >>eng<< Czy wszyscy zdrowieją? Is everyone recovering? Are they all healthy? >>eng<< Opravdu sis myslel, že to je to, co Tom chce? Did you really think that was what Tom wanted? You really think that's what Tom wants? >>eng<< Tom nedostal za svoji práci zaplaceno. Tom wasn't paid for his work. Tom was not paid for his job. >>eng<< Ktoś mi to mówił. Someone told me that. Someone told me. >>eng<< Tom poszedł do fryzjera obciąć sobie włosy. Tom has gone to the barber shop to get his hair cut. Tom went to the barber shop to cut his hair. >>eng<< Tom ma w portfelu tylko trzydzieści dolarów. Tom has only thirty dollars in his wallet. Tom only has thirty dollars in his wallet. >>eng<< Dejte Tomovi, co potřebuje. Give Tom what he needs. Give Tom what he needs. >>eng<< Tom mě nežádal, což jsem preferoval. Tom didn't ask me which I preferred. Tom didn't ask me what I preferred. >>eng<< Kde se potkají? Where are they meeting? Where do they meet? >>eng<< Kocham baseball. I love baseball. I love baseball. >>eng<< On ten problém chápe. He understands the problem. He understands the problem. >>eng<< Samozřejmě to přeložit můžu, neboť pevně věřím, že všechno, i nepřeložitelné, se dá přeložit; a co nedokáže přeložit mozek — to snad přeloží srdce. Obviously I can translate that, since I strongly believe that everything is translatable, even what is untranslatable; and what the brain cannot translate - maybe the heart can. Of course I can translate it, because I firmly believe that everything, even untranslatable, can be translated; and what cannot translate the brain, perhaps it will translate the heart. >>eng<< Těžká práce mu dala úspěch. Hard work has brought him success. Hard work has given him success. >>eng<< Chystá se zvýšit daně. He is going to raise the taxes. They are going to raise taxes. >>eng<< Możesz na to liczyć. You can bank on that. You can count on it. >>eng<< Jak vnímáte svůj život? How do you view your life? How do you perceive your life? >>eng<< Abyste věřili v Boha, nemusíte být pobožní. You don't need to be religious to believe in God. To believe in God, you don’t have to be religious. >>eng<< Potrafisz zrobić sernik? Do you know how to make cheesecake? Can you make a cheesecake? >>eng<< Nejdu do školy. I'm not going to school. I'm not going to school. >>eng<< Mary uwielbiała Boston. Mary loved Boston. Mary loved Boston. >>eng<< Wyszedł z domu, nawet się nie żegnając. He left the house without even saying goodbye. He left home without even saying goodbye. >>eng<< Jestli to pomůže, zapíši si to. If it helps, I'll write it down. If it helps, write it down. >>eng<< To jest naprawdę dziwne. That's really weird. It's really weird. >>eng<< Je mladý, ale zkušený. He's young but experienced. He's young, but experienced. >>eng<< Tom se měl nasnídat víc. Tom should've eaten more for breakfast. Tom was supposed to have breakfast more. >>eng<< Měl jsem zavřené oči, ale nespal jsem. My eyes were closed but I didn't sleep. I had my eyes closed, but I didn't sleep. >>eng<< Tom zasnął na lekcji. Tom dozed off in class. Tom fell asleep in class. >>eng<< Teraz czuję się dobrze. I'm feeling fine now. Now I'm feeling good. >>eng<< Tom rád vařil. Tom loved cooking. Tom liked to cook. >>eng<< Kapitán řídí svojí loď a posádku. A captain controls his ship and its crew. Captain manages his ship and crew. >>eng<< Tom řekl Mary, že stráví Vánoce v Bostonu. Tom told Mary that he would be spending Christmas in Boston. Tom told Mary he was spending Christmas in Boston. >>eng<< Je to velmi ostrý nůž! That is a very sharp knife! It's a very sharp knife! >>eng<< Takhle to dělat nechci. That's not the way that I want to do that. That's not how I want to do it. >>eng<< Minulý týden Tom navštívil Mary. Tom visited Mary last week. Tom visited Mary last week. >>eng<< Tom vylezl po knihovně na vrch skříně, aby skočil na postel. Tom climbed the bookshelf onto the top of the wardrobe in order to jump on the bed. Tom went out to the library on the top of the closet to jump on the bed. >>eng<< Tom spędził popołudnie paprząc się w swoim garażu. Tom spent the afternoon messing around in his garage. Tom spent the afternoon in his garage. >>eng<< Tato zahrada je stinná. This is a shady garden. This garden is dark. >>eng<< Tohle je to nejlepší, co jsi kdy udělal. That's the best that you've ever done. This is the best thing you've ever done. >>eng<< Chce abych žárlila, ale nedokáže to. He wants to make me jealous, but he isn't able to. She wants me to be jealous, but she can't. >>eng<< Nie mieści mi się w głowie, że się dostałeś na Harvard. I can't believe that you actually got into Harvard. I don't think you got to Harvard. >>eng<< Tom jeszcze nie wie. Tom doesn't know yet. Tom doesn't know yet. >>eng<< Śpiące dziecko jest zupełnie jak aniołek. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child is like an angel. >>eng<< Mój pies je winogrona. My dog eats grapes. My dog is terrible. >>eng<< V letadle jsem nespal. I didn't sleep on the airplane. I didn't sleep on the plane. >>eng<< Tom ten výtah opravit nedokáže. Tom cannot repair the lift. Tom can't fix the elevator. >>eng<< Mary nemá ráda, když Tom nechává toaletní prkénko zvednuté. Mary doesn't like it when Tom leaves the toilet seat up. Mary doesn't like it when Tom leaves the toilet board raised. >>eng<< Ksiądz jest ateistą. The priest is an atheist. The priest is an atheist. >>eng<< Tom je velmi zručný řemeslník. Tom is a very skilful craftsman. Tom is a very skilled craftsman. >>eng<< Dochodzi dziesiąta. It is almost ten o'clock. It's ten o'clock. >>eng<< Programy do DTP są stworzone specjalnie do tego celu. Desktop publishing programs are created especially for this purpose. DTP programs are designed specifically for this purpose. >>eng<< Siedzieli na sofie w naszym salonie. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. >>eng<< Byla řada na mně. It was my turn. It was my turn. >>eng<< Możesz poczekać tyle czasu? Can you wait that long? Can you wait so long? >>eng<< Tom našel opuštěné liščí mládě a ujal se ho. Tom found an abandoned young fox and adopted it. Tom found the abandoned fox youth and took it. >>eng<< Ona może znać odpowiedź. She may have known the answer. She might know the answer. >>eng<< Mam trójkę dzieci. I've got three kids. I have three children. >>eng<< Nie jestem przyzwyczajony do picia wody kranowej. I'm not used to drinking water from the tap. I'm not used to drinking tap water. >>eng<< Tahle dívka je Tomova vnučka. This girl is Tom's granddaughter. This girl is Tom's grandson. >>eng<< Tom był zmuszony przejść na emeryturę. Tom was forced to retire. Tom was forced to retire. >>eng<< Rád běhám. I like to run. I like to run. >>eng<< Nikde jsme Toma neviděli. We didn't see Tom anywhere. We didn't see Tom anywhere. >>eng<< Té nehodě se dalo zabránit. The accident could have been prevented. The accident could have been prevented. >>eng<< Przyznaję, to prawda. Indeed, it's true. I admit, it's true. >>eng<< Tom se tváří smutně. Tom has a sad expression on his face. Tom looks sad. >>eng<< Koncert už začal. The concert has already started. The concert has already begun. >>eng<< Planuję kupić nowy samochód, kiedy tylko na niego zarobię. I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one. I plan to buy a new car as soon as I earn it. >>eng<< Tom pokazał zdjęcia Mary. Tom showed the pictures to Mary. Tom showed pictures of Mary. >>eng<< Tom wyszedł z domu. Tom left the house. Tom got out of the house. >>eng<< Czemu opuściłeś Australię? Why did you leave Australia? Why did you leave Australia? >>eng<< Chciałbym jechać do USA. I would like to go to the USA. I'd like to go to the United States. >>eng<< Ten pokój jest zimny. This room is cold. This room is cold. >>eng<< To przejdzie na emeryturę za rok. Tom will be retiring next year. This will retire in a year. >>eng<< Odkąd ukończył on szkołę średnią nic nie robi. Since he graduated from high school, he hasn't been doing anything. Since he graduated from high school, he has done nothing. >>eng<< Lituji, že jsem ti to řekl. I regret that I told you. I'm sorry I told you. >>eng<< Czy sklepy są dziś otwarte? Are the stores open today? Are stores open today? >>eng<< Nauczyciel był bardzo zdenerwowany i wyrzucił Johnny'ego z klasy. The teacher was really upset and threw Johnny out of class. The teacher was very upset and threw Johnny out of class. >>eng<< Tady jsem si hrával. I used to play here. This is where I played. >>eng<< Kdo mi snědl sendvič? Who ate my sandwich? Who ate my sandwich? >>eng<< Czy ktoś pójdzie ze mną na koncert Lady Gaga? Can anybody come with me to a Lady Gaga concert? Is anyone going to a Lady Gaga concert with me? >>eng<< Bez Toma se budu cítit opuštěná. I'll feel lonely without Tom. Without Tom, I'll feel abandoned. >>eng<< Nenašli mě. They didn't find me. They didn't find me. >>eng<< Tom wrzucił do herbaty dwie kostki cukru. Tom put two sugar cubes in his tea. Tom threw two cubes of sugar into the tea. >>eng<< Učila své děti rusky. She learned her children Russian. She taught her children Russian. >>eng<< Můj otec mi dal jako dárek počítač. My father gave me a computer as a gift. My father gave me a computer as a gift. >>eng<< Dobrze pasuje do twoich spodni. It looks nice with your trousers. It fits your pants well. >>eng<< Zvrtnul jsem si kotník. I've hurt my ankle. I shook my ankle. >>eng<< Tom se zapsal do jazykového kursu. Chce se učit německy. Tom enrolled in a language course. He wants to learn German. Tom signed up for a language course. He wants to learn German. >>eng<< O co tady jde? What is this all about here? What's going on here? >>eng<< Marie je Tomova nevlastní sestra. Mary is Tom's stepsister. Marie is Tom's stepmother. >>eng<< Chápu, o co se snažíš, ale nebude to fungovat. I see what you're trying to do, but it isn't going to work. I understand what you're trying to do, but it won't work. >>eng<< Byłem parę dni w Nowym Jorku. I was in New York for a few days. I was in New York for a few days. >>eng<< Zimą pada śnieg. In winter it snows. Winter is snowing. >>eng<< To Tom zaczął. Tom started it. That's what Tom started. >>eng<< Tom se snaží dostat z dluhů. Tom is trying to get out of debt. Tom's trying to get out of debt. >>eng<< Zaspali jsme. We overslept. We fell asleep. >>eng<< Napisałem list po francusku. I wrote a letter in French. I wrote a letter in French. >>eng<< Doktor vstoupil dovnitř. The doctor came in. The doctor entered. >>eng<< Už ti to Tom vysvětlil? Has Tom already explained that to you? Did Tom explain it to you? >>eng<< Dublin je hlavní město Irska. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin is the capital city of Ireland. >>eng<< Jak ses o ní dozvěděl? How did you get to know about her? How did you know about her? >>eng<< Czasy się zmieniają, lecz natura ludzka pozostaje wciąż ta sama. Times may change, but human nature stay the same. Times change, but human nature remains the same. >>eng<< Tom jest nurkiem głębinowym. Tom is a deep-sea diver. Tom is a deep diver. >>eng<< Nie mogę za Ciebie wyjść. I can't marry you. I can't marry you. >>eng<< Tom wiwatował. Tom cheered. Tom was vivating. >>eng<< Tom má vypnutý telefon. Tom's phone is off. Tom's off the phone. >>eng<< Chodzi spać o ósmej. He goes to bed at eight o'clock. It's going to sleep at eight. >>eng<< Cudowna Wonderful! Miracle >>eng<< Často děláme, co musíme, ne co chceme. We often do what we have to do, not what we want to do. We often do what we need, not what we want. >>eng<< Nemám ti co říct. I have nothing to say to you. I have nothing to say to you. >>eng<< Mogę myśleć o kilku powodach. I can think of several reasons. I can think of a few reasons. >>eng<< Oni są profesorami. They are professors. They are professors. >>eng<< Vypnuli jsme si telefony. We turned off our phones. We turned off our phones. >>eng<< Tom usiadł na przeciwko Mary. Tom sat opposite Mary. Tom sat down against Mary. >>eng<< Dokonaliśmy niemożliwego. We've done the impossible. We've done the impossible. >>eng<< Chceš vědět, kdo to udělal? Do you want to know who did this? Do you want to know who did this? >>eng<< Její muž je obvykle opilý. Her husband is usually drunk. Her husband is usually drunk. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że Tom nigdy tego nie zrobi. I hope Tom never does that. I hope Tom never does. >>eng<< Nie mam ochoty napić się wódki. I don't feel like drinking vodka. I don't want to drink vodka. >>eng<< Jak już wiesz, to się nie wydarzyło. As you know, that didn't happen. As you already know, it didn't happen. >>eng<< Tom wszedł do pokoju, niosąc dwie pizze. Tom entered the room, carrying two pizzas. Tom entered the room carrying two pizzas. >>eng<< Mój szalik jest niebieski. My scarf is blue. My salad is blue. >>eng<< Co si o tom myslíš? What do you think about it? What do you think? >>eng<< Sháním Andyho. Nevíš, kde je? I'm looking for Andy. Do you know where he is? I'm looking for Andy. >>eng<< Sněží hodně v zimě? Does it snow much in winter? Is it snowing much in winter? >>eng<< Nie możesz teraz wyjść. Dlaczego nie? You mustn't go out now. Why not? You can't leave now. >>eng<< Budu v podkroví. I'll be in the attic. I'll be in the attic. >>eng<< Kupiłem to na prezent dla Toma. I bought this as a gift for Tom. I bought it for Tom's present. >>eng<< Rozwodzimy się. We're getting divorced. We're getting divorced. >>eng<< Chce se mi slavit. I feel like celebrating. I want to celebrate. >>eng<< Ona jest brazylijką. She's Brazilian. She's a Brazilian. >>eng<< Tom był zajęty pracą. Tom was busy working. Tom was busy working. >>eng<< Jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz. As you sow, so will you reap. If you're in bed, you'll be in a hurry. >>eng<< Já a Tom jsme na vině. Tom and I are both to blame. Me and Tom are guilty. >>eng<< Měj na paměti, že to dělám pro Toma, ne pro tebe. Bear in mind that I am doing this for Tom, not for you. Keep in mind that I'm doing this for Tom, not for you. >>eng<< Co si dáte? What will you be having? What do you want? >>eng<< "Widzę", powiedział ślepy. "I see," said the blind man. "I see," he said blindly. >>eng<< Moje buty są większe niż Toma. My shoes are bigger than Tom's. My shoes are bigger than Tom. >>eng<< Sereš mě! You piss me off! Fuck me! >>eng<< Nebyl jsem jediný kdo ho viděl, jak bije svoji ženu. I wasn't the only one to see him beating his wife. I wasn't the only one who saw him beat his wife. >>eng<< Táta čeká. Father is waiting. Dad's waiting. >>eng<< Dám Tomovi tuto knihu. I'm going to give Tom this book. I'll give Tom this book. >>eng<< Nie bądź taki poważny. To tylko gra. Don't be so serious. It's only a game. Don't be so serious, it's just a game. >>eng<< Tom rozwiązał zagadkę po tym jak Mary dała mu kilka wskazówek. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few tips. >>eng<< Nezmínil se o tom. He did not mention it. He didn't mention it. >>eng<< Někteří lidé přešli na syrovou stravu. Some people have switched to raw food. Some people went to a raw diet. >>eng<< Dostali jsme ještě jednu šanci. They gave us one last chance. We got another chance. >>eng<< Musimy powstrzymać go przed dalszym piciem. We have to stop him from drinking more alcohol. We need to stop him from drinking again. >>eng<< Nejsem tvořivý. I'm not creative. I'm not creative. >>eng<< Tom se zamyšleně usmíval. Tom smiled thoughtfully. Tom smiled thoughtfully. >>eng<< Tom by měl radost, kdyby nás viděl pohromadě. Tom would be pleased to see us together. Tom would be happy to see us together. >>eng<< Jestem bezrobotny I'm unemployed. I am unemployed >>eng<< Wczoraj słuchałem pięknej piosenki. Yesterday I listened to a very beautiful song. I listened to a beautiful song yesterday. >>eng<< Nestihneme se dostat do banky, než ji zavřou. We won't be able to get to the bank before it closes. We can't get into the bank before they close it. >>eng<< Jestem dentystą. I'm a dentist. I'm a dentist. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że posprząta swój pokój. Tom told me he was going to clean up his room. Tom said he'd clean up his room. >>eng<< Stručně řečeno, jeho názor se tak trošku liší od toho mého. Strictly speaking, his view differs a little from mine. In short, his opinion is so slightly different from mine. >>eng<< Jesteś osobą. You're a person. You're a person. >>eng<< Tom se na mě obořil. Tom snapped at me. Tom took care of me. >>eng<< Nemůžu na to přijít. I can't figure this out. I can't figure it out. >>eng<< Sami był bogatym facetem. Sami was a wealthy guy. He was a rich man himself. >>eng<< Czy jesteś teraz zajęty? Are you busy now? Are you busy now? >>eng<< Ukradli mi peněženku, takže zavolám policii. My wallet has been stolen, so I'm going to call the police. They stole my wallet, so I'll call the police. >>eng<< Zkusila to sama. She tried it herself. She tried it herself. >>eng<< Jě. He eats. She did. >>eng<< To jezioro jest wśród najgłębszych w kraju. This lake is among the deepest in the country. This lake is among the deepest in the country. >>eng<< Nebyl jsem to já, kdo upozornil na jeho chyby. It wasn't me who pointed out his mistakes. It wasn't me who pointed out his mistakes. >>eng<< Doufáme, že to nebudeme muset dělat. We're hoping we won't have to do that. We hope we don't have to do this. >>eng<< Wyjaśniłem, w czym tkwi sprawa. I explained what the matter was. I explained what the matter was. >>eng<< Ciężko było zadowolić Toma. Tom was hard to please. It was hard to please Tom. >>eng<< Do zobaczenia wkrótce. See you soon. See you soon. >>eng<< Nieważne, jak bardzo usiłujesz przekonać ludzi, że czekolada jest wanilią, to wciąż będzie czekoladą, chociaż może ci się udać przekonać siebie i kilkoro innych, że to wanilia. No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla. No matter how hard you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it will still be chocolate, although you may be able to convince yourself and a few others that it is vanilla. >>eng<< Rozhodl jsem se na ten film nedívat. I've decided not to watch that movie. I decided not to watch the movie. >>eng<< Mám rád jaro. I like spring. I love spring. >>eng<< Obawiam się, że będę musiał poprosić cię o wyjście. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. >>eng<< Tom nie miał czasu do stracenia. Tom had no time to waste. Tom didn't have time to lose. >>eng<< Była zajęta od wczoraj. She has been busy since yesterday. She's been busy since yesterday. >>eng<< Masz całkowitą rację. You're quite right. You're absolutely right. >>eng<< Pojď ven. Potřebuješ na čerstvý vzduch. Come outside. You need a little fresh air. You need fresh air. >>eng<< Čínština je vždycky těžší, než jakýkoliv jiný jazyk. Chinese is always harder than any other language. Chinese is always harder than any other language. >>eng<< Dneska mám narozeniny. Today is my birthday. Today's my birthday. >>eng<< Kolik dní v týdnu chodíš do školy? How many days a week do you go to school? How many days a week do you go to school? >>eng<< Nevím, jak dlouho nám potrvá dostat se do Bostonu. I don't know how long it'll take us to get to Boston. I don't know how long it takes to get to Boston. >>eng<< Tom je reakcionář. Tom's a reactionary. Tom is a reactionary. >>eng<< Tom wyjął broń i zastrzelił Mary. Tom drew a gun and shot Mary. Tom took the gun and shot Mary. >>eng<< Tom a Mary spolu tehdy nemohli mluvit, protože neznali společný jazyk. Tom and Mary couldn't talk to each other then because they didn't speak a common language. Tom and Mary couldn't talk to each other at the time because they didn't know the common language. >>eng<< Běžně se má za to, že všechny pohádky jsou příběhy z lidové tradice předávané vypravěči z jedné generace na druhou od počátku dějin. It's commonly supposed that all fairy tales are stories from the folk tradition, passed through the generations by storytellers since the dawn of history. It is commonly believed that all fairy tales are stories from the folk tradition passed on to narrators from one generation to another from the beginning of history. >>eng<< Przyjdź szybko! Come quickly! Come quickly! >>eng<< Obchod zůstává otevřen celý den. The shop stays open all day. The store is open all day. >>eng<< Želvy jsou plazi. Turtles are reptiles. Turtles are plasm. >>eng<< Tom se schoval do prázdné rakve. Tom hid himself in an empty coffin. Tom was hiding in an empty coffin. >>eng<< Musím ji dostat zpět. I have to get her back. I have to get her back. >>eng<< Śpiewam piosenkę. I'm singing a song. I'm singing a song. >>eng<< Jsem žena. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. >>eng<< Słuchaj mnie uważnie. Listen carefully to me. Listen to me carefully. >>eng<< Nie znasz tu nikogo. You don't know anyone here. You don't know anyone here. >>eng<< Oni wszyscy chcą wiedzieć, co się wydarzyło. They all want to know what happened. They all want to know what happened. >>eng<< Czy mogę użyć twojego długopisu? Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? >>eng<< Chyba tak jest w porządku. I guess it's only fair. I think it's okay. >>eng<< To je úžasný nápad. It's a terrific idea. That's an amazing idea. >>eng<< Tom má slepičí farmu. Tom has a chicken farm. Tom has a chicken farm. >>eng<< Náš let byl zrušen kvůli nepříznivému počasí. Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. Our flight was cancelled due to bad weather. >>eng<< Líbí se mi obě. I like both. I like both. >>eng<< S Tomem se ještě nedá počítat. Tom still can't be counted on. You can't count on Tom yet. >>eng<< Nemůžu na tebe přestat myslet. I can't quit thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about you. >>eng<< Tom byl svědek. Tom was a witness. Tom was a witness. >>eng<< Vaše děti jsou tak kouzelné! Your children are so charming! Your kids are so magical! >>eng<< Tom je zrovna ve škole. Tom is at school right now. Tom's in school right now. >>eng<< Je tahle zelenina drahá? Are these vegetables expensive? Is this vegetable expensive? >>eng<< Wybacz Tom. Forgive Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. >>eng<< Teraz będzie myślała o tym, co powiedział, całą noc. Now she'll be thinking all night about what he said. Now she's gonna think about what he said all night. >>eng<< Czy dzisiaj są jej urodziny? Is today her birthday? Is her birthday today? >>eng<< Ciebie to nie dotyczy. It doesn't concern you. It doesn't apply to you. >>eng<< To, co zrobił Tom, bardzo pomogło. What Tom did helped quite a bit. What Tom did helped me a lot. >>eng<< Půjdeme na procházku, pokud nebude pršet. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. We'll take a walk if it doesn't rain. >>eng<< Vzpomínáš, jak jsme se spolu poprvé potkali? Can you remember the first time we met each other? Remember the first time we met? >>eng<< Nepřijedu v sobotu, ale v neděli. I won't come on Saturday, but on Sunday. I'm not coming on Saturday, but Sunday. >>eng<< Możesz przyjść dziś na kolację? Can you come for dinner tonight? Can you come to dinner tonight? >>eng<< Co zrobią z Tomem? What will they do with Tom? What will they do with Tom? >>eng<< Mary má na sobě červený šátek. Mary is wearing a red scarf. Mary's wearing a red scarves. >>eng<< Běžím rychleji, než ty. I'm running faster than you. I'm running faster than you are. >>eng<< Tom nemá rád letní čas. Tom dislikes summer time. Tom doesn't like summer time. >>eng<< Proč si vzala Toma a ne mě? Why did she marry Tom and not me? Why did she marry Tom and not me? >>eng<< Nigdy nie karmicie swego kota psią karmą. Never feed dog food to your cat. You never feed your cat with dog food. >>eng<< Můžeš teď odejít. You may leave now. You can leave now. >>eng<< Odmítli nám pomoct. They refused to help us. They refused to help us. >>eng<< Pijśo čaj. Drink tea. Drink some tea. >>eng<< Pierwszy atak minął w cel. The first attack missed the target. The first attack passed for the purpose. >>eng<< Nie wiesz nawet kto Ci to wysłał. You don't even know who sent this to you. You don't even know who sent it to you. >>eng<< Zbyt wcześnie wyszłam za mąż. I got married too young. I got married too early. >>eng<< Klucz leży na stole. The key is on the table. The key is on the table. >>eng<< Měli jste mi říct, že jdete. You should've told me you were going. You should have told me you were going. >>eng<< Můj otec musel být v mládí pohledný. My father must have been handsome in his youth. My father had to be handsome when he was young. >>eng<< Všem se ulevilo. Everybody was relieved. Everyone was relieved. >>eng<< Czy w ogóle miewasz gorączkę? Do you ever have a fever? Do you even have a fever? >>eng<< Tom i Mary rozbili swój namiot w pobliżu strumyka. Tom and Mary pitched their tent near the stream. Tom and Mary broke their tent near the stream. >>eng<< To moi rodzice. These are my parents. That's my parents. >>eng<< Tom se každý den chodí projít. Tom goes for a walk every day. Tom walks every day. >>eng<< Půjčil jsem Tomu hřeben. I borrowed Tom's hairbrush. I borrowed that comb. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że zadzwoni do ciebie później. Tom said that he'd call you later. Tom said he'd call you later. >>eng<< Czy ty jesteś pewny, że ten mężczyzna nazywa się Tomek? Are you sure that this man is called Tom? Are you sure this man's name is Tom? >>eng<< Zamierza kupić im to na prezent. She's going to buy them that as a gift. He's going to buy it for a present. >>eng<< Tom niczego nie podejrzewa. Tom doesn't suspect a thing. Tom doesn't suspect anything. >>eng<< Wyrzuciłem go z pracy. I sacked him. I fired him from work. >>eng<< Kdybych byl znal její adresu, byl bych ji mohl navštívit. If I had known her address, I could have visited her. If I knew her address, I could visit her. >>eng<< Tomovi se tato fotka nelíbila. Tom didn't like this picture. Tom didn't like this picture. >>eng<< Vrátil jí klíče. He returned the keys to her. She got her keys back. >>eng<< Můžu ti s něčím pomoct? Can I help you with anything? Can I help you with something? >>eng<< Už na loď nastoupili všichni cestující? Have all the passengers got on board yet? Have all passengers boarded the ship? >>eng<< Myślę, że założę ten czerwony sweter. I think I'll wear this red sweater. I think I'll wear this red sweater. >>eng<< Někdo ty dveře otevřel násilím. Somebody forced open the door. Someone opened the door with violence. >>eng<< Ale já byl opatrný. But I was careful. But I was careful. >>eng<< Snížil bych minimální věkovou hranici trestní zodpovědnosti. I would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. I would reduce the minimum age limit for criminal liability. >>eng<< Neznám vlajku této země. I don't know this country's flag. I don't know the flag of this country. >>eng<< Kdo ti dal tolik peněz? Who gave you so much money? Who gave you so much money? >>eng<< Hrozně mě bolí hlava. I have a really bad headache. My head hurts so much. >>eng<< Obsluhoval jsem v té polévkárně za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I served in that soup shop around the corner. >>eng<< Musíš to pro Toma udělat. You must do it for Tom. You have to do it for Tom. >>eng<< Oni ci po prostu nie ufają. They just don't trust you. They just don't trust you. >>eng<< Tom se zabil v říjnu. Tom killed himself in October. Tom was killed in October. >>eng<< Všechna sedadla v tomto vlaku jsou určena pro nekuřáky. All the seats on this train are designated for nonsmokers. All seats on this train are designed for non-smoking people. >>eng<< Nie jest łatwo wyzbyć się złych nawyków. It is not easy to get rid of bad habits. It is not easy to get rid of bad habits. >>eng<< Tady je sedm hodin večer. It is seven p.m. here. It's seven o'clock tonight. >>eng<< Myslím, že to s tím nemá nic společného. I don't think that that has anything to do with it. I think it has nothing to do with it. >>eng<< On ma troje dzieci. He has three children. He has three children. >>eng<< Tom wziął butelkę szkockiej z teczki i dał ją Mary. Tom took the bottle of Scotch from his briefcase and handed it to Mary. Tom took the Scottish bottle out of the box and gave it to Mary. >>eng<< Tom miloval Mary a Mary milovala jeho. Tom loved Mary and Mary loved him. Tom loved Mary and Mary loved him. >>eng<< Tom se stará o mé finance. Tom is in charge of my finances. Tom's taking care of my finances. >>eng<< "Lubie podróżować." "Ja tak samo." "I like traveling." "So do I." "Love to travel." "I'm the same." >>eng<< Moje serce boli. My heart is hurting. My heart hurts. >>eng<< Co jsi dělal včera večer? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? >>eng<< Tom pracował dla nas przez około trzy lata. Tom has been working for us about three years. Tom worked for us for about three years. >>eng<< Jsi Etiopan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? >>eng<< Teď je ten správný čas. The right time is now. Now is the right time. >>eng<< Naprawdę chcesz pomóc? Are you really willing to help? Are you sure you want to help? >>eng<< Jste dobrá kuchařka, že jo? You are a good cook, aren't you? You're a good cook, aren't you? >>eng<< Tomovi řekli, že je příliš malý. Tom was told that he was too short. Tom was told he was too small. >>eng<< Nic jim neunikne. They don't miss a thing. They won't miss anything. >>eng<< Odmítl vzít "ne" jako odpověď. He refused to take no for an answer. He refused to take "no" as an answer. >>eng<< Mám děravou ponožku. There's a hole in my sock. I've got a leaky socks. >>eng<< Vůbec se nezajímá o dívky. He isn't interested in girls at all. She doesn't care about girls at all. >>eng<< Tom neví, kam se jeho život ubírá. Tom doesn't know where his life is heading. Tom doesn't know where his life is going. >>eng<< Jak się powinnam ubrać na tę okazję? What shall I wear when going there? How should I dress for this occasion? >>eng<< Co jí krokodýli? What do alligators eat? What about the crocodiles? >>eng<< Ten, kto urodził się w Armenii, jest Armeńczykiem. Who was born in Armenia is Armenian. He who was born in Armenia is an Armenian. >>eng<< Stával tu kostel. There used to be a church here. There was a church. >>eng<< Musíme věřit ve své vítězství. We must believe we can win. We have to believe in our victory. >>eng<< Z kim chcesz podróżować? Who do you want to travel with? Who do you want to travel with? >>eng<< To nebude poprvé, co se mi to stalo. It won't be the first time it's happened to me. That's not the first time that's happened to me. >>eng<< Nejsi sám sebou. You're not yourself. You're not yourself. >>eng<< Tom ti to přinese. Tom will bring it to you. Tom's gonna bring it to you. >>eng<< Mówiła łagodnym głosem. She spoke in soft tones. She spoke with a gentle voice. >>eng<< Je stávka. There is a strike. There's a bet. >>eng<< Tom by se sem mohl dostat, kdyby chtěl. Tom could get here if he wanted to. Tom could get here if he wanted to. >>eng<< Braki wody są spowodowane pogodą. The water shortage is due to the weather. Water shortages are caused by weather. >>eng<< Tom byl politický vězeň. Tom was a political prisoner. Tom was a political prisoner. >>eng<< Mám tě rád takovou, jaká jsi. I like you just as you are. I love you as you are. >>eng<< Jakiego koloru jest pomarańcza? What colour is orange? What color is orange? >>eng<< Mama kazała mi pracować wbrew mej woli. Mom put me to work against my will. My mom told me to work against my will. >>eng<< Ženy o něj nemají zájem. Women aren't interested in him. Women are not interested in him. >>eng<< Mám práci, tak odprejskni a neotravuj. I've got work to do, so piss off and leave me alone. I've got a job, so get rid of it and don't bother. >>eng<< Przeprowadzałem eksperymenty na zwierzętach. I experimented on animals. I did experiments on animals. >>eng<< Nejí maso. She doesn't eat meat. He doesn't eat meat. >>eng<< Tom odešel z parketu. Tom walked off the dance floor. Tom left the floor. >>eng<< Nenech si od Toma zkazit život. Don't let Tom spoil your life. Don't let Tom ruin your life. >>eng<< W Singapurze przestępstwem jest plucie na ulicę. In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground. In Singapore, a crime is a platoon on the street. >>eng<< Vzbuďte je. Wake them up. Wake them up. >>eng<< Tom nemá pláštěnku. Tom doesn't have a raincoat. Tom doesn't have a mantle. >>eng<< Být na mém místě, co bys udělal? If you were in my place, what would you do? To be in my place, what would you do? >>eng<< Gdzie jest toaleta? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? >>eng<< Tom nikogo nie zastrzelił. Tom didn't shoot anybody. Tom didn't shoot anyone. >>eng<< Mam dziś lekką gorączkę. I have a slight fever today. I have a slight fever today. >>eng<< Pochybuji, že Tom zná telefonní číslo Mary. I doubt that Tom knows Mary's phone number. I doubt Tom knows Mary's phone number. >>eng<< Tom to mądry facet. Tom's a smart guy. Tom's a smart guy. >>eng<< Zlobila ho. She teased him. She's angry with him. >>eng<< Tom to udělal jen aby Mary ztrapnil. Tom did that just to embarrass Mary. Tom just did it to bother Mary. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się nad nauką języka koreańskiego w następnym semestrze. I'm thinking of learning Korean next semester. I am thinking about learning Korean in the next semester. >>eng<< Myślę, że zamek w Malborku jest wspaniały. I think Malbork castle is wonderful. I think the castle in Malbork is great. >>eng<< Rodziców nie ma teraz w domu. My parents aren't home right now. Parents aren't home right now. >>eng<< Varoval jsem tě před ním. I warned you against him. I warned you of him. >>eng<< Tom včera v noci zemřel. Tom passed away last night. Tom died last night. >>eng<< Tom vychází dobře se svými sousedy. Tom gets on well with all his neighbours. Tom goes well with his neighbors. >>eng<< Lhali. They lied. They lied. >>eng<< Smíte tady být? Do you have permission to be here? Are you allowed to be here? >>eng<< Tom lubi włoskie żarcie. Tom likes Italian food. Tom likes Italian food. >>eng<< Líbil se mi Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. >>eng<< On być może nie jest szczęśliwy. He might not be happy. Maybe he's not happy. >>eng<< Gdzie jest najbliższa stacja metra? Where is the nearest subway station? Where is the nearest metro station? >>eng<< Nemají žádnou morální autoritu. They have no moral authority. They have no moral authority. >>eng<< Tom byl jedno ucho. Tom was all ears. Tom was one ear. >>eng<< Kdo má rád hmyz? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? >>eng<< Co myslíš, že udělá? What do you think she is going to do? What do you think he'll do? >>eng<< Tvoje skříň už je přeplněná. Budeš si muset udělat místo na nové oblečení, které sis koupila jinde. Your closet is already packed. You will have to make room for the new clothes you bought somewhere else. Your closet's already overcrowded, you'll have to make room for the new clothes you bought elsewhere. >>eng<< Vezmi mě s sebou! Take me with you! Take me with you! >>eng<< Dovol prosím, abych ti to vynahradil. Please let me make it up to you. Please let me make it up to you. >>eng<< Tos neměl sníst. You shouldn't have eaten that. You shouldn't have eaten that. >>eng<< Nie jedź tak szybko. Wszyscy zginiemy! Don't drive so fast. We're all going to die! Don't go so fast, we'll all die! >>eng<< Tom si nepřál, abych tu byl. Tom didn't wish for me to be here. Tom didn't want me to be here. >>eng<< Nesaháš Tomovi ani po kotníky. You can't even begin to compare with Tom. You don't touch Tom's ankles. >>eng<< Kéž bych byl tak statečný, jako je Tom. I wish I were as brave as Tom is. I wish I was as brave as Tom. >>eng<< Tom założył kamizelkę kuloodporną, dla bezpieczeństwa. Tom put on a bullet-proof vest, just to be safe. Tom set up a bulletproof vest for safety. >>eng<< Koszula, którą mi dałeś, pasuje idealnie. The shirt you gave me fit perfectly. The shirt you gave me fits perfectly. >>eng<< Miluji tuhle knížku. I love this book. I love this book. >>eng<< Dan chtěl, abys věděl, že k tobě nechová nenávist. Dan wanted you to know that he didn't hate you. Dan wanted you to know he didn't hate you. >>eng<< Nie potrafię tańczyć. I can't dance. I can't dance. >>eng<< Je to staré jméno. It's an old name. It's an old name. >>eng<< Musí být hodně zaneprázdněný, protože se s ním nemůžu setkat. He must be very busy because I cannot meet him. He must be very busy because I can't meet him. >>eng<< Zamawiałaś jakieś jedzenie? Did you order any food? Did you order any food? >>eng<< Tom hlídá ten dům. Tom guards the house. Tom's guarding the house. >>eng<< To jsme psát neměly. We shouldn't have written that. We shouldn't have written that. >>eng<< Zwykle mu się udawało. He usually succeeded. He usually did. >>eng<< George jest bardzo entuzjastyczny wobec swojej nowej pracy. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. >>eng<< Můj táta je velmi přísný. My dad is very strict. My dad's very strict. >>eng<< Mohl bych si od tebe vypůjčit žebřík? Would you mind if I borrowed your ladder? Can I borrow a ladder from you? >>eng<< Zastanawiam się jak zareaguje Tom. I wonder what Tom's reaction will be. I wonder how Tom will react. >>eng<< Dzięki chorobie masz przynajmniej świetną wymówkę, aby pozostać w domu i pooglądać filmy. At least being sick gives you the perfect excuse to stay home and watch movies. Thanks to the disease, you have at least a great excuse to stay home and watch movies. >>eng<< Tom vykoupal to dítě. Tom gave the baby a bath. Tom bathed the baby. >>eng<< Spieszysz się? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? >>eng<< Mluvme o čemkoliv, kromě tohodle. Let's talk about anything but that. Let's talk about anything except this one. >>eng<< Ani se to nepokusím vyslovit. I'm not even going to try to pronounce that. I won't even try to say it. >>eng<< Chystám se na nejhorší. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm going for the worst. >>eng<< Chtěla bych být tvoje žena. I'd like to become your wife. I want to be your wife. >>eng<< Ti tři sousedé si navzájem pomohli. The three neighbours helped each other. The three neighbors helped each other. >>eng<< Doktor prohlíží pacienta. The doctor examines the patient. The doctor looks at the patient. >>eng<< Tom jest instruktorem jogi. Tom is a yoga instructor. Tom is a yoga instructor. >>eng<< Byli jsme před všemi ostatními. We were ahead of everybody else. We were in front of all the others. >>eng<< Tom lubi łowić ryby. Tom likes fishing. Tom likes to fish. >>eng<< Rzeczë Tomòvi, won nji mô na Marënã zabavã przinc. Tell Tom he can't go to Mary's party. Tomov, he has fun at the moment. >>eng<< Masz jakieś pojęcie gdzie Tom poszedł? Do you have any idea where Tom went? Do you have any idea where Tom went? >>eng<< Raději by měli říct pravdu. They had better tell the truth. They better tell the truth. >>eng<< Tom przyprowadził mnie do domu. Tom brought me home. Tom brought me home. >>eng<< Tom má na Mary přehnané požadavky. Tom has excessive demands on Mary. Tom has excessive demands on Mary. >>eng<< Nevěřte cizím lidem. Don't trust strangers. Do not trust strangers. >>eng<< Chci se vás zeptat na váš výlet do Bostonu. I want to ask you about your trip to Boston. I want to ask you about your trip to Boston. >>eng<< Mam dość pieniędzy żeby to kupić. I have enough money to buy it. I have enough money to buy it. >>eng<< Tom je pravděpodobně jediný, kdo zná pravdu. Tom is probably the only one who knows the truth. Tom is probably the only one who knows the truth. >>eng<< Já se s ním znám. I am acquainted with him. I know him. >>eng<< Mogę tego dotknąć? Can I touch it? Can I touch it? >>eng<< Ile kosztuje bilet do kina? How much does a cinema ticket cost? How much does a movie ticket cost? >>eng<< Takhle ten příběh skončil. That's how the story ended. That's how the story ended. >>eng<< Wydaje mi się, że to się stało wczoraj w nocy. I think it happened last night. I think it happened last night. >>eng<< Nienawidzę chemii. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. >>eng<< Odpustil své sestře. He forgave his sister. He forgiven his sister. >>eng<< Včera byla neděle. Yesterday was Sunday. It was Sunday yesterday. >>eng<< Hoří! Fire! It's burning! >>eng<< Mówiła szybko. She spoke rapidly. She said fast. >>eng<< Linda tě zabije. Linda is going to kill you. Linda's gonna kill you. >>eng<< Tom se odstěhoval do Maďarska a požádal o maďarské občanství. Tom has moved to Hungary and applied for Hungarian citizenship. Tom moved to Hungary and asked for Hungarian citizenship. >>eng<< Tvoje velkorysost je nekonečná. Your generosity knows no bounds. Your generosity is infinite. >>eng<< Z jednej strony wychwalał moje sprawozdanie a z drugiej strony je krytykował. On one hand he praised my report, but on the other hand he criticized it. On the one hand, he praised my report and criticized it on the other. >>eng<< Zajrzałem do pudełka. I looked into the box. I looked at the box. >>eng<< Mám rád umění. I like art. I like art. >>eng<< Zawsze można znaleźć czas. One can always find time. You can always find time. >>eng<< Tom se vrátil do svého auta a přinesl baterku. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom returned to his car and brought the battery. >>eng<< Jak dlouho spolu Tom a Mary chodili, než se vzali? How long had Mary and Tom been dating before they got married? How long did Tom and Mary date before they got married? >>eng<< Yoshino je místo proslavené svými třešňovými květy. Yoshino is a place famous for its cherry blossoms. Yoshino is a place famous for its cherry flowers. >>eng<< Bojím se, že tady budu vězet věčně. I'm afraid I'll be stuck in this place forever. I'm afraid I'll be in here forever. >>eng<< Odkud jste? Where are you from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Tom postanowił się nie odzywać, dopóki wszyscy pozostali nie wygłoszą swoich opinii. Tom decided to say nothing until everyone else had given their opinions. Tom decided not to speak until everyone else gave their opinions. >>eng<< Vzpomínám si, že jsem ho potkal v Paříži. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. >>eng<< Musisz być bardziej agresywny. You've got to be more aggressive. You must be more aggressive. >>eng<< To sprawiło, że zmieniłam zdanie. That made me change my mind. That made me change my mind. >>eng<< Kam šla? Where was she going? Where did she go? >>eng<< Daj mi to! Give it to me! Give it to me! >>eng<< Tom jel moc rychle a měl nehodu. Tom drove too quickly and had an accident. Tom went too fast and had an accident. >>eng<< Popatrz mi w oczy. Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eye. >>eng<< Je to pro vaši bezpečnost. It is for your safety. It's for your safety. >>eng<< Radujte se z Tomovy přítomnosti. Enjoy Tom's presence. Rejoice in Tom's presence. >>eng<< Je to tak jednoduché. It's so simple. It's so simple. >>eng<< Nerozumí tomu. They do not understand. He doesn't understand. >>eng<< Tom nie zgadza się z tym, co powiedziała Mary. Tom doesn't agree with what Mary said. Tom disagrees with what Mary said. >>eng<< Proč nás někteří lidé přitahují a jiní ne? Why are we attracted to some people, but not others? Why do some people attract us and others don’t? >>eng<< Nejste Španělé. You aren't Spaniards. You're not Spanish. >>eng<< Zajęcia w szkole zaczynają się w następny poniedziałek. School will start next Monday. School classes begin on the next Monday. >>eng<< Zatrzymaj samochód. Stop the car. Stop the car. >>eng<< Bohatí někdy nad chudými ohrnují nos. The rich sometimes look down on the poor. Rich people sometimes turn their noses on the poor. >>eng<< Vypadáš jako moje sestra. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. >>eng<< Brad Pitt jest aktorem. Brad Pitt is an actor. Brad Pitt is an actor. >>eng<< Prosím tě, zhasni, než půjdeš spát. Please turn off the light before you go to sleep. Please turn off before you go to sleep. >>eng<< Požadujeme vaši bezpodmínečnou kapitulaci. We demand your unconditional surrender. We demand your unconditional surrender. >>eng<< Co tě nepálí, nehas. Let sleeping dogs lie. What doesn't burn you, don't. >>eng<< Tom je na to poněkud starý. Tom is a little bit too old to do that. Tom's a little old for that. >>eng<< Cięcie! Cut! Cut! >>eng<< Zdecydowanie musimy zatrudnić więcej ludzi. We definitely need to hire more people. We definitely need to hire more people. >>eng<< Měl jsem pokračovat. I should've kept going. I should have continued. >>eng<< Rozdělili jsme si tu kořist mezi nás tři. We split up the loot among the three of us. We split the prey between us three. >>eng<< Tom nikdy nepil tvrdý alkohol. Tom has never drunk a liquor. Tom never drank hard alcohol. >>eng<< Starší dívka pomohla prostřít stůl. The older girl helped set the table. The older girl helped to trim the table. >>eng<< Musím tady počkat na Toma. I have to wait here for Tom. I have to wait here for Tom. >>eng<< Tom je zvyklý být dlouho vzhůru. Tom is accustomed to staying up late. Tom is used to being awake for a long time. >>eng<< Všichni se uklidněte. Everybody, calm down. Everybody calm down. >>eng<< Będę grał po szkole w piłkę nożną. I am going to play soccer after school. I'll play football after school. >>eng<< Mam własne opinie na temat polityki i religii. I have my own opinions concerning politics and religion. I have my own opinions on politics and religion. >>eng<< S Tomem jsme bývali přáteli. We used to be friends with Tom. Tom and I were friends. >>eng<< Musíme se připravit na Tomův příjezd. We have to get ready for Tom's arrival. We need to prepare for Tom's arrival. >>eng<< Plan Toma nie brzmiał głupio. Tom's plan didn't sound stupid. Tom's plan didn't sound stupid. >>eng<< To pjismjono vëchôdô dva raze wob mjesidz. The magazine is issued twice a month. This is the name of the month, two times a month. >>eng<< Máme tě tedy čekat, nebo ne? So should we expect you or not? So we're supposed to wait for you, aren't we? >>eng<< Cholera! Shit! Damn it! >>eng<< Będziesz musiał prowadzić. You'll have to drive. You'll have to drive. >>eng<< Je dobré mít nápady...nemyslíš? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? It's good to have ideas... don't you think? >>eng<< Cítíme se izolovaní. We feel isolated. We feel isolated. >>eng<< Mój ulubiony kolor to czerwony. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. >>eng<< Zajímalo by mě, zdali je Tom stále unavený. I wonder whether Tom is still tired. I wonder if Tom is still tired. >>eng<< Nie, jeszcze z nim nie rozmawiałem. No, I haven't spoken to him yet. No, I haven't talked to him yet. >>eng<< Ta chobotnice se vrátila do moře, aniž by byla snědena. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten. She returned to the sea without being eaten. >>eng<< Zrobienie zadania domowego zabrało Tomowi kilka godzin. It took Tom several hours to finish his homework. It took Tom a few hours to do his homework. >>eng<< Nemyslím si, že Tom lhal. I don't think Tom was lying. I don't think Tom was lying. >>eng<< Tom šel na oběd. Tom left for lunch. Tom went to lunch. >>eng<< Tom podniósł monetę i przyjrzał jej się bliżej. Tom picked the coin up and examined it more closely. Tom raised the coin and looked at it closer. >>eng<< Proč jsi koupil tohle auto? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? >>eng<< Tom si poranil koleno. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. >>eng<< Co dziergasz? What are you knitting? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Myślisz, że on ciągle mnie kocha? Do you think he still loves me? Do you think he still loves me? >>eng<< Tom se sem brzy nastěhuje. Tom will move here soon. Tom's about to move here. >>eng<< Vrátil jsem mu Tomovu knihu. I returned Tom's book to him. I returned Tom's book. >>eng<< Na pokładzie samolotu było 150 pasażerów. There were 150 passengers on the plane. There were 150 passengers on board the plane. >>eng<< Navzdory bolesti v noze odešla do školy. She went to school in spite of the pain in her leg. Despite the pain in her leg, she went to school. >>eng<< Tom byl můj hrdina. Tom was my hero. Tom was my hero. >>eng<< Tom strávil celé odpoledne balením vánočních dárků. Tom spent all afternoon wrapping Christmas presents. Tom spent the whole afternoon packing Christmas gifts. >>eng<< Nevím co to je. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. >>eng<< Rozhodla jsem se stát vědkyní. I decided to become a scientist. I decided to become a scientist. >>eng<< To je ale rozkošná květina, že? This is a beautiful flower, isn't it? That's a lovely flower, isn't it? >>eng<< Tom ma niezły charakterek. Tom has quite a temper. Tom's got a good character. >>eng<< Bylo radostí strávit večer s tak chytrou, vtipnou a krásnou dívkou, jako jsi ty. It was a pleasure to spend the evening with a smart, funny and beautiful girl like you. It was a pleasure to spend the evening with such a smart, funny and beautiful girl as you. >>eng<< Jesteś jedynym człowiekiem prócz mnie, który interesuje się takimi rzeczami. You're the only person I know besides me who is actually interested in this kind of thing. You're the only person except me who's interested in these things. >>eng<< Mój dom jest duży. My house is big. My house is big. >>eng<< Maria Callas była znaną śpiewaczką operową. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. >>eng<< On ma psa. He has a dog. He has a dog. >>eng<< Můj život je skvělý. My life is perfect. My life is great. >>eng<< Słyszałem, że Boston jest niebezpiecznym miejscem. Czy to prawda? I've heard that Boston is a dangerous place. Is that true? I've heard Boston is a dangerous place. >>eng<< Zůstaň doma. Stay home. Stay home. >>eng<< Byliście oboje pijani. You were both drunk. You were both drunk. >>eng<< Liczę ile jest ludzi. I'm counting how many people there are. I count how many people there are. >>eng<< Oto twój kawałek ciasta. Here is your share of the cake. Here's your piece of cake. >>eng<< Jen abys věděl, to byl můj nápad. For your information, that was my idea. Just so you know, that was my idea. >>eng<< W pobliżu naszej szkoły jest przystanek autobusowy. There is a bus stop near our school. There is a bus stop near our school. >>eng<< Popatrz na tego skaczącego psa. Look at the dog jump. Look at this jumping dog. >>eng<< Které metro jezdí do centra města? Which subway goes downtown? Which metro is going to the city centre? >>eng<< Mógłbym przysiąc, że coś widziałem. I could've sworn I saw something. I could swear I saw something. >>eng<< Dohodli se, že tu svatbu odloží. They agreed to postponing the wedding. They agreed to put the wedding down. >>eng<< Nevím, kam to dát. I don't know where to put this. I don't know where to put it. >>eng<< Samochód potrzebuje naprawy. The car needs a service. The car needs a repair. >>eng<< Wygląda na to, że Tom nie wie, co Mary zrobiła. Tom doesn't seem to know what Mary did. Looks like Tom doesn't know what Mary did. >>eng<< Řekni Tomovi, že zavolám později dnes večer. Tell Tom I'll call later this afternoon. Tell Tom I'll call you later tonight. >>eng<< Čím více jíš, tím více chceš. The more you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. >>eng<< Nil je nejdelší řekou světa. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile is the longest river in the world. >>eng<< Ona żyje z dnia na dzień. She is living from hand to mouth. She lives from day to day. >>eng<< Tom dużo się przeprowadza. Tom moves a lot. Tom is doing a lot. >>eng<< Musisz z nią porozmawiać osobiście. You must talk to her in person. You need to talk to her personally. >>eng<< Plaveš každý den? Do you swim every day? You swim every day? >>eng<< Tom chodíval s mojí sestrou a chtěl si ji vzít. Tom used to date my sister and wanted to marry her. Tom was dating my sister and wanted to marry her. >>eng<< Byl tak unavený, že usnul v křesle aniž by ten film vůbec dokoukal. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the armchair without even finishing the movie. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the chair without even watching the movie. >>eng<< Vždyť ani nevíš, kdo je tvůj otec. You don't even know who your father is. You don't even know who your father is. >>eng<< Nie chcę, aby ktokolwiek wiedział gdzie jesteśmy. I don't want anyone to know where we are. I don't want anyone to know where we are. >>eng<< Tomova matka je velmi přísná. Tom's mother is very strict. Tom's mother is very strict. >>eng<< Nie zna swojego ojca. He doesn't know his father. He doesn't know his father. >>eng<< Ty šarlatáne! You charlatan! You charlatans! >>eng<< Jak to jde? How is it going? How's it going? >>eng<< Wychodzę za mąż. I'm getting married. I'm getting married. >>eng<< Kam se spolu můžeme dostat? Where can we get together? Where can we get together? >>eng<< Emperor Penguin jest jednym z moich ulubionych zespołów. Emperor Penguin is one of my favorite bands. Emperor Penguin is one of my favorite bands. >>eng<< Szkolił go ekspert. He was trained by an expert. He was trained by an expert. >>eng<< Vůbec ti nerozumím. I don't understand you at all. I don't understand you at all. >>eng<< Buďme optimisté. Let's be optimists. Let's be optimistic. >>eng<< Tom je jeden z majitelů. Tom is one of the owners. Tom is one of the owners. >>eng<< Nie potrzebuję twojego pozwolenia, żebym to zrobił. I don't need your permission to do this. I don't need your permission to do that. >>eng<< Nie mogę tam wejść. I can't go in there. I can't go in there. >>eng<< Vypadá to na spiknutí proti Tomovi. It looks like a conspiracy against Tom. It looks like a conspiracy against Tom. >>eng<< Co jest piękniejsze od uśmiechu dziecka? What is more beautiful than the smile of a child? What is more beautiful than a child’s smile? >>eng<< Zdálo se mi o cibuli. I had a dream about an onion. I thought it was onion. >>eng<< Tom a Mary hrajou karty. Tom and Mary are playing cards. Tom and Mary are playing cards. >>eng<< Tom mówi, że nie musisz jutro przychodzić. Tom says you may not need to come tomorrow. Tom says you don't have to come tomorrow. >>eng<< Podasz mi sól? Could you pass me the salt? Can I have some salt? >>eng<< W ten sposób to robimy. This is how we do it. That's how we do it. >>eng<< Tom zastanawiał się, co Mary tu robi. Tom wondered what Mary was doing here. Tom was wondering what Mary was doing here. >>eng<< Lhala jsem ti někdy? Have I ever lied to you? Have I ever lied to you? >>eng<< Stej w knihowni. They are in a library. I'm in the library. >>eng<< Co je to za divný zápach? What's that strange smell? What's that weird smell? >>eng<< Ta książka była łatwa. This book was easy. This book was easy. >>eng<< Jakież byłoby nasze życie bez elektryczności? What would our lives be like without electricity? What would our life be without electricity? >>eng<< Rozhodla jsi moudře. You made a wise choice. You've decided wisely. >>eng<< Niestety nie zdążyłem na jego wystąpienie. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Unfortunately, I did not reach his speech. >>eng<< Obawiam się, że muszę już iść. I am afraid I must be going now. I'm afraid I have to go. >>eng<< Opravil jsem několik vět. I have corrected several sentences. I fixed a few sentences. >>eng<< Nie szalej, dobra? Now don't freak out, OK? Don't be crazy, okay? >>eng<< Někdo mi ukradl pas. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. >>eng<< Na tomto případu není nic záhadného. Nothing mysterious about this case. There's nothing mysterious about this case. >>eng<< Věděl jsem, že snažit se přesvědčit Toma je plýtvání časem. I knew that I was wasting my time trying to convince Tom. I knew trying to convince Tom was wasting time. >>eng<< Czy Dan jest świadomy tego, co zrobił? Is Dan aware of what he did? Is Dan aware of what he did? >>eng<< Nie możesz wyjechać. You can't leave. You can't leave. >>eng<< Nebýt pomoci Toma, byl bych neuspěl. If it hadn't been for Tom's help, I'd have failed. If I hadn't helped Tom, I wouldn't have succeeded. >>eng<< Není to konec světa! It's not the end of the world! It's not the end of the world! >>eng<< Tom neví, že je do něj Mary zamilovaná. Tom doesn't know that Mary is in love with him. Tom doesn't know Mary's in love with him. >>eng<< Myslím, že teprve začínáme ten problém chápat. I think that we're just beginning to understand the problem. I think we're just starting to understand the problem. >>eng<< Tom to nezvážil. Tom hadn't considered that. Tom didn't consider it. >>eng<< Postaw to gdzie chcesz. Place it wherever you like. Put it where you want it. >>eng<< Nemůžeme přijít. We cannot come. We can't come. >>eng<< Moja kawa jest mocniejsza niż Jona. My coffee is stronger than John's. My coffee is stronger than Jon. >>eng<< Ona mě zná. She knows me. She knows me. >>eng<< Tom mě učil hrát na kytaru. Tom taught me how to play the guitar. Tom taught me how to play guitar. >>eng<< Budowa rozpoczęła się 20 października 2013 roku. Construction started October 20, 2013. Construction began on October 20, 2013. >>eng<< Wracajmy do środka. Let's go back in. Let's go back inside. >>eng<< Stare przyzwyczajenia trudno zwalczyć. Old habits die hard. Old habits are hard to fight. >>eng<< Ty panty jsou rezavé. The hinges are rusty. Those panties are incisive. >>eng<< Rozmawialiśmy dalej. We continued chatting. We kept talking. >>eng<< Jeszcze nie jestem gotowy. I am not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. >>eng<< Dlaczego mi nie wierzyłeś? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? >>eng<< Nemůžu vám říct, kam Tom šel. I cannot tell you where Tom went. I can't tell you where Tom went. >>eng<< Na věku mi nezáleží. Age doesn't matter to me. I don't care about age. >>eng<< Głośniej. Louder. It's louder. >>eng<< Próbuję. I am trying. I'm trying. >>eng<< Szaleje na punkcie piłki nożnej. He's crazy about soccer. He's crazy about football. >>eng<< Najwidoczniej Tom bardzo lubi Mary. Apparently, Tom likes Mary quite a lot. I think Tom likes Mary a lot. >>eng<< Rozumiem, że czasami mogą wystąpić trudności. I sometimes apprehend that there will be some difficulty. I understand that sometimes difficulties can occur. >>eng<< Vybral jsem si tě! I have chosen you! I chose you! >>eng<< Nepojedu s Tomem autem, protože jezdí moc rychle. I won't go by car with Tom because he drives too fast. I'm not driving a car with Tom because he's driving too fast. >>eng<< Gdybyś przyszedł zaledwie dwie minuty wcześniej, złapałbyś autobus. If you had come only two minutes earlier, you could have caught the bus. If you only came two minutes earlier, you'd catch a bus. >>eng<< To wszystko zmieniło się w 2013. All that changed in 2013. All of this changed in 2013. >>eng<< Lidé nepotřebují politiky, ale politici potřebují lidi. People don't need politicians, but politicians need people. People don’t need politicians, but politicians need people. >>eng<< Tady nás vychovali. This is where we were raised. We were raised here. >>eng<< Tom mě pronásleduje v mých snech. Tom is haunting me in my dreams. Tom's chasing me in my dreams. >>eng<< Mają kilka możliwości. They have several options. They have a few possibilities. >>eng<< Trochę się boję. I am a little scared. I'm a little scared. >>eng<< Lubię czasem pojeździć konno. I like to ride a horse now and then. I like to ride a horse sometimes. >>eng<< Jesteś za duży. You're too big. You're too big. >>eng<< Powiedz Tomowi, że powinien się upewnić, że nie zapomni odnowić paszportu. Tell Tom that he needs to make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Tell Tom he should make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. >>eng<< Tom podrapał się po nosie. Tom scratched his nose. Tom scratched his nose. >>eng<< Potřebuji lidi, na které se mohu spolehnout. I need people I can rely on. I need people I can rely on. >>eng<< Boty máš pod postelí. Your shoes are under the bed. Your shoes are under your bed. >>eng<< Tom wie o czym myśli Maria. Tom knows what Mary is thinking. Tom knows what Maria thinks. >>eng<< Nebylo jí dáno osudem, aby ještě někdy viděla svoje rodné město. Her fate was to never see her city of birth again. She was not given fate to see her hometown again. >>eng<< Nevěděl jsem, kde se to vzalo. I didn't know where it came from. I didn't know where it came from. >>eng<< Nejen Tom musí studovat, ale i já. Not only Tom has to study, but I have to study, too. Not only does Tom have to study, but I do too. >>eng<< Tvá pomoc nebude třeba. Your help won't be needed. Your help won't be needed. >>eng<< Witaj w domu, braciszku! Welcome home, little brother! Welcome home, brother! >>eng<< Powiedziałem ci, że Tom się spóźni. I told you Tom would be late. I told you, Tom's gonna be late. >>eng<< Zatrudnił kilku nowych pracowników. He hired some new workers. He hired several new employees. >>eng<< Vezmu Toma domů. I'm going to take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. >>eng<< Čekají na nás na vlakovém nádraží. They are waiting for us at the railway station. They're waiting for us at the train station. >>eng<< Gdybyś się spóźnił na autobus, mogłoby cię tu teraz nie być. If you had missed that bus, you might not be here now. If you were late for the bus, you wouldn't be here right now. >>eng<< Tom chciał spędzić resztę swojego życia w Ameryce. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. >>eng<< Tahle voda nikdy nezamrzne. This water never freezes. This water will never freeze. >>eng<< Já si myslím, že budete těmi odpověďi ohromeným. I think you will be impressed with the answers. I think you'll be impressed by the answers. >>eng<< Která silnice vede do města? Which road leads to town? Which road leads to the city? >>eng<< Musimy uwzględnić jego młody wiek. We must take his youth into account. We need to take into account his young age. >>eng<< Jesteśmy głodni. We are hungry. We're hungry. >>eng<< Detaily se nezabývám. I'm not concerned with the details. I'm not dealing with the details. >>eng<< Raději byste s tím měli Tomovi pomoct. You'd better help Tom with that. You better help Tom with that. >>eng<< To wspaniały początek. It's a great start. It's a great start. >>eng<< Tatoeba jest słownikiem. Tatoeba is a dictionary. Tatoeba is a dictionaries. >>eng<< Pro Toma nikdy pracovat nebudu. I will never work for Tom. I will never work for Tom. >>eng<< Už jsem začal. I have already started. I've already started. >>eng<< Tom se tu zastavil. Tom stopped here. Tom stopped here. >>eng<< Tom popchnął Mary na drzwi. Tom shoved Mary toward the door. Tom pushed Mary at the door. >>eng<< Nikdy nepláču. I never cry. I never cry. >>eng<< Znam go lepiej niż ktokolwiek. I know him better than anybody. I know him better than anyone. >>eng<< Tom příští týden dělá zkoušku CAE. Tom is taking the CAE exam next week. Tom is taking the CAE exam next week. >>eng<< Hezky jsme si to v Austrálii užili. We had a very interesting time in Australia. We enjoyed it in Australia. >>eng<< Kto spowodował wypadek? Who caused the accident? Who caused the accident? >>eng<< Tom mi jeden poslal. Tom sent one to me. Tom sent me one. >>eng<< Radosław, Marek i Maciej lubią grać na PlayStation 2. Radosław, Marek and Maciej like playing games on the PlayStation 2. Radosław, Marek and Maciej like to play on PlayStation 2. >>eng<< Kvůli totální rusifikaci v Bělorusku je běloruština na okraji zániku. Due to total Russification in Belarus, the Belarusian language is on the brink of extinction. Due to the total Russianization in Belarus, Belarusian is on the verge of extinction. >>eng<< Lwów dla lwów! Lviv for lions! Lions for lions! >>eng<< Takhle se to dělat nemělo. It wasn't supposed to be done like this. It shouldn't have been done that way. >>eng<< Nic neexistuje. There is nothing. There's nothing. >>eng<< Poczekaj tutaj. Wait out here. Wait here. >>eng<< Vlak vjel do stanice. The train pulled into the station. The train entered the station. >>eng<< Czemu jesteś śpiąca? Why are you sleepy? Why are you sleeping? >>eng<< Jogo nan jo wognjowy wobornik. His father is a firefighter. It is a firewall. >>eng<< Neměl jsi jim říci. You shouldn't have told them. You shouldn't have told them. >>eng<< Nevzdoroval. He did not resist. He didn't resist. >>eng<< Některé vztahy jsou disharmonické. Some relationships are disharmonious. Some relationships are disharmonic. >>eng<< Měl mi to vrátit minulý týden. He was supposed to give it back to me last week. He was supposed to give it back to me last week. >>eng<< Opravte chyby, pokud nějaké jsou. Correct the errors if there are any. Fix mistakes if there are any. >>eng<< Přijde? Will she come? Is he coming? >>eng<< Moc by mě nepřekvapilo, kdyby se Tom neobjevil na čas. I wouldn't be too surprised if Tom didn't show up on time. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't show up in time. >>eng<< Tom jest w swoim pokoju, pakuje garnitur. Tom is in his room, packing a suitcase. Tom's in his room, packing a suit. >>eng<< Co uważasz za swoje największe osiągnięcie? What do you consider your greatest achievement? What do you think is your greatest achievement? >>eng<< Bardzo się martwiła o zdrowie swojego męża. She was very worried about her husband's health. She was very worried about her husband’s health. >>eng<< Býval bys to mohl udělat. You could have done it. You'd be able to do that. >>eng<< Tomuto systému nerozumím. I don't understand this system. I don't understand this system. >>eng<< Oddychaj. Breathe. Take a breath. >>eng<< Już je wypróbowałem. I've already tested them. I've already tried them. >>eng<< Naostřila nůž. She sharpened a knife. She sharpened the knife. >>eng<< Můj šéf je opravdu přísný. My boss is really strict. My boss is really strict. >>eng<< W ogóle nie lubię tego miasta. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this city at all. >>eng<< Tom dokončil obraz Mary, na kterém pracoval několik měsíců. Tom has finished painting the picture of Mary that he's been working on for a couple of months. Tom finished the painting Mary, in which he worked for several months. >>eng<< Zastřelím ho. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že se nebojí hadů. Tom said he wasn't afraid of snakes. Tom said he wasn't afraid of snakes. >>eng<< Přečti si tu knihu. Read this book. Read the book. >>eng<< Tom je náš člověk. Tom is our man. Tom is our man. >>eng<< Proč je důležité učit se francouzštinu? Why is it important to study French? Why is it important to learn French? >>eng<< Neznám její jméno. I don't know her name. I don't know her name. >>eng<< Zeptala se mne, jestli tu ženu znám osobně. She asked me if I knew the woman personally. She asked me if I knew this woman personally. >>eng<< Ludzie różnią się od zwierząt tym, że potrafią myśleć i mówić. Men differ from animals in that they can think and speak. People are different from animals by being able to think and speak. >>eng<< Z łatwością dostrzeżesz różnicę. You'll be able to see the difference very easily. You will easily see the difference. >>eng<< Povídá se, že se provdala. There is a rumor that she got married. They say she's married. >>eng<< Pozostała niezamężna aż do śmierci. She remained unmarried until death. She remained unmarried until her death. >>eng<< Będziesz się smażył w piekle. Hell awaits you. You'll be fried in hell. >>eng<< Nemám z tebe strach, Tome. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. >>eng<< Ta věta je bezchybná. The sentence is correct. That sentence is error-free. >>eng<< Mary řekla, že si mě chce vzít. Mary said she wanted to marry me. Mary said she wanted to marry me. >>eng<< Kdybys byl na mém místě, co bys udělal? If you were in my place, what would you do? If you were in my place, what would you do? >>eng<< Děkuji ti za všechno, co jsi pro mě udělal. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for everything you've done for me. >>eng<< To parkoviště je volné. That parking lot is free. The parking lot is free. >>eng<< Tom může mít to, co potřebujete. Tom might have what you need. Tom can have what you need. >>eng<< Nagle miałem pragnienie, żeby zjeść jakąś chrupką, pieczoną skórkę kurczaka I suddenly got a craving to eat some crisp roast chicken skin. Suddenly I had a desire to eat some cartilage, baked chicken peel >>eng<< Tom jest człowiekiem rozsądnym. Tom is a reasonable man. Tom is a reasonable man. >>eng<< Chtěli prodat dům. They wanted to sell the house. They wanted to sell the house. >>eng<< Czy mogę nazywać cię Bob? Can I call you Bob? Can I call you Bob? >>eng<< Cucala jsem si prst. I sucked my finger. I smelled my finger. >>eng<< Hroši milují vodu. Hippopotamuses love water. Humans love water. >>eng<< Prenumeruję ten magazyn od czterech lat. I've been subscribing to that magazine for four years. I've been doing this magazine for four years. >>eng<< Zpackali to. They've messed it up. They fucked it. >>eng<< Je ten hotel odsud daleko? Is the hotel far from here? Is this hotel far from here? >>eng<< Ale neměla jsem strach. But I wasn't afraid. But I wasn't afraid. >>eng<< „Proč?“ — „Proč ne?“ "Why?" "Why not?" "Why?" - "Why not?" >>eng<< Neměl by ses chovat sobecky. You ought not to act selfishly. You shouldn't be selfish. >>eng<< Tom o mě neví všechno. Tom doesn't know everything about me. Tom doesn't know everything about me. >>eng<< Była ostatnią klientką. She was the last customer. She was the last client. >>eng<< Jej dom jest u podnóża góry. Her house is at the foot of a mountain. Her house is at the foot of the mountain. >>eng<< Vyškrtli vás ze seznamu. You were crossed off the list. You've been removed from the list. >>eng<< Ty to zaprojektowałeś? Did you design this? You designed it? >>eng<< Tom není za náma daleko. Tom isn't far behind us. Tom's not far behind us. >>eng<< Zastanawiałem się, kiedy tutaj dotrzesz. I was wondering when you'd get here. I was wondering when you'd get here. >>eng<< Jezero Poyang je největším sladkovodním jezerem Číny. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. Lake Poyang is China’s largest freshwater lake. >>eng<< To przestępstwo zostało popełnione prawdopodobnie przez kobietę. This crime was probably committed by a woman. This crime was probably committed by a woman. >>eng<< To jest za duże. It's too large. It's too big. >>eng<< Fouká severák. A north wind is blowing. He's blowing a northerly. >>eng<< Pojďme do zoo! Let's go to the zoo! Let's go to the zoo! >>eng<< Je to skvělé. It's perfect. It's great. >>eng<< Jsi ještě naživu? Are you still alive? Are you still alive? >>eng<< Wyglądasz tak samo jak twój starszy brat. You look just like your older brother. You look the same as your older brother. >>eng<< Co spiwaś a rejowaś. She wants to sing and dance. What to sing and play. >>eng<< Porovnej svůj překlad s jeho. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation with his. >>eng<< Zdálo se mi, jak jsem bojoval ve válce. I dreamt about fighting in a war. I felt like I was fighting in the war. >>eng<< Jsem schopen napsat padesát slov za minutu. I can type 50 words a minute. I can write 50 words per minute. >>eng<< Maria mě učí Norsky. Maria is teaching me Norwegian. Maria teaches me Norwegian. >>eng<< Umíš řídit? Do you know how to drive? Can you drive? >>eng<< Chléb je hnědý. The bread is brown. Bread is brown. >>eng<< Všechno se stává automatizovaným. Everything is becoming automated. Everything becomes automated. >>eng<< Má bohaté zkušenosti. He has ample experience. He has rich experience. >>eng<< Idziesz czy nie? Are you going or not? Are you or not? >>eng<< Samozřejmě, že rozumím. Of course, I understand. Of course I understand. >>eng<< Rząd powinien zrezygnować z tych przepisów. The government should do away with these regulations. The government should give up these rules. >>eng<< Nie po raz pierwszy widzę to zdanie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I've seen it. >>eng<< Dám to Tomovi. I'll give it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. >>eng<< Znáš mě dost na to, abys věděl, že to bych já neudělal. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. You don't know me enough to know I wouldn't. >>eng<< Musíme si promluvit. We need to speak. We need to talk. >>eng<< To jest świątynia w której mieszkają. That is the temple which they live in. This is the temple where they live. >>eng<< Co je poslední, co si pamatuješ? What's the last thing you remember? What's the last thing you remember? >>eng<< Znám ho, ale nevím, jak se jmenuje. I know him, but I don't know his name. I know him, but I don't know what his name is. >>eng<< Zůstávám s tebou. I'm staying with you. I'm staying with you. >>eng<< Co má s obličejem? What happened to his face? What's with her face? >>eng<< Loď se nachází v přístavu. The ship lies in the harbour. The ship is in the port. >>eng<< Wyczuwam dym w windzie. I smell smoke in the elevator. I smell smoke in the elevator. >>eng<< Nepřekvapilo mě, když mi Tom řekl, proč tam Mary není. I wasn't surprised when Tom told me why Mary wasn't there. I wasn't surprised when Tom told me why Mary wasn't there. >>eng<< Kde jsi ji schoval? Where did you hide her? Where did you hide her? >>eng<< Tomovi se to moc nelíbilo. Tom didn't like it very much. Tom didn't like it very much. >>eng<< Nabruš mi tu sekeru. Sharpen this ax for me. Get me the ax. >>eng<< Při útoku nebyl nikdo zraněn. Nobody was wounded in the attack. No one was injured in the attack. >>eng<< Jestem głodny. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. >>eng<< Doufám, že všechno půjde dobře. I hope that everything goes well. I hope everything goes well. >>eng<< Poprawiać to znaczy zmieniać; Doskonałość to zmieniać często. To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. To improve this means to change; perfection is to change it often. >>eng<< Nesmíš zapomenout ráno mě vzbudit. You must not forget to wake me tomorrow morning. You must not forget to wake me up in the morning. >>eng<< Co jí udělali? What have they done to her? What did they do to her? >>eng<< Budu zvracet. I'm going to puke. I'll turn it back. >>eng<< Věděl jsem, že se Tom bude smát. I knew that Tom would laugh. I knew Tom would laugh. >>eng<< Stavíme dům ze dřeva. We're building wooden houses. We build a house of wood. >>eng<< „Vychladni, tlusťochu.“ — „Neříkej mi kreténe!“ "Chill down, fatty." "Don't call me an idiot!" "Cold, fat." "Don't tell me, asshole!" >>eng<< Epstein se nezabil. Epstein didn't kill himself. Epstein didn't kill himself. >>eng<< Nauczyciel chętnie rozmawiał z niektórymi absolwentami. The teacher enjoyed talking with some of the graduates. The teacher was happy to talk to some graduates. >>eng<< Neumíš si představit, jak je to ponižující. You can't imagine how humiliating this is. You can't imagine how humiliated it is. >>eng<< Tom ma kurczaki. Tom has chickens. Tom has chickens. >>eng<< Ty se bojíš tohoto? You're afraid of this? Are you afraid of this? >>eng<< W takich sytuacjach broń się przydaje. In situations like these, a gun might come in handy. In such situations, weapons are useful. >>eng<< Nie możemy trzymać w domu owcy. Co z nią zrobić? We can't keep a sheep at home. What should we do with it? We can't keep the sheep at home. >>eng<< Biegnij. Run. Run. >>eng<< Powinieneś to wyłączyć. You should turn that off. You should turn it off. >>eng<< Tom čeká na vyjížďku. Tom is waiting for a ride. Tom is waiting for a ride. >>eng<< Jsou ochotni o tom problému mluvit. They're willing to talk about the problem. They're willing to talk about the problem. >>eng<< To, co Tom říká, je možná pravda. What Tom says might be true. What Tom says is probably true. >>eng<< Můžu vám něco říct maďarsky? Can I tell you something in Hungarian? Can I tell you something Hungarian? >>eng<< Jesteś seryjnym mordercą. You're a serial killer. You're a serial killer. >>eng<< Nejlepší je nechat jí, ať se s tím vypořádá. It's best to let her handle it. It's best to let her deal with it. >>eng<< Má krev není o nic červenější než tvá. My blood is no redder than yours. My blood is no more red than yours. >>eng<< Rád bych vydělával více peněz. I'd like to earn more money. I'd like to make more money. >>eng<< Šiještej. They sewed. Sissy. >>eng<< Nejsem na tohle vedro zvyklý. I'm not used to this heat. I'm not used to this heat. >>eng<< Nie mam cierpliwości. I have no patience. I don't have patience. >>eng<< Kéž by mi Tom věřil. I wish Tom would believe me. I wish Tom believed me. >>eng<< Náš matikář na tabuli načrtnul kruh. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our matrix on the board outlined the circle. >>eng<< Chciałbym poprawić swój angielski. I'd like to improve my English skills. I would like to improve my English. >>eng<< Co kdyby to pokračovalo navždy? What if it continued for ever? What if it continued forever? >>eng<< Tomovi se podařilo předstihnout své pronásledovatele. Tom managed to outrun his pursuers. Tom managed to overtake his persecutors. >>eng<< Měls mě kdysi rád. You used to like me. You once liked me. >>eng<< Dejte si pozor, aby vás nepodezírali. Be careful that they don't suspect you. Be careful not to be suspicious. >>eng<< Tom również złamał duży palec prawej stopy. Tom also broke his big toe on his right foot. Tom also broke a big finger on his right foot. >>eng<< Alice nie widziała tego psa. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see that dog. >>eng<< Máme mapu. We have a map. We have a map. >>eng<< To nie był taki zły pomysł. That wasn't such a bad idea. It wasn't such a bad idea. >>eng<< Kolejny dziesięciominutowy spacer doprowadził nas nad brzeg. Another ten minutes' walk brought us to the shore. Another ten-minute walk led us to the shore. >>eng<< Nie wiem, co powinienem powiedzieć Tomowi. I didn't know what I should say to Tom. I don't know what to tell Tom. >>eng<< Tom chce znowu z tobą porozmawiać. Tom wants to talk to you again. Tom wants to talk to you again. >>eng<< Viděli ji, jak vycházela z domu. She was seen coming out of the house. They saw her coming out of the house. >>eng<< Powinnaś zaczekać w środku. You should wait inside. You should've been inside. >>eng<< Andělé mají dvě křídla, ďábel má ocas. Angels have two wings; the Devil has a tail. The angels have two wings, the devil has a tail. >>eng<< V šestém století Anglosasové přejali latinské písmo. In the 6th century, the Anglo-Saxons adopted Roman characters. In the sixth century, the Anglo-Saxon took over the Latin Scriptures. >>eng<< Jich se bojím víc než tebe. I'm more afraid of them than I am of you. I'm more afraid of them than you. >>eng<< Ne, on není můj nový přítel. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, he's not my new friend. >>eng<< Přivedl jsem přítele. I brought a friend. I brought a friend. >>eng<< Budova je vysoká sedm pater. The building is seven stories high. The building is seven floors tall. >>eng<< Tom Mary opravil. Tom corrected Mary. Tom Mary fixed it. >>eng<< Dziękuję za informację. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. >>eng<< Trvalo to skoro tři roky, než jsem si postavil dům. It took close to three years to build my house. It took me almost three years to build a house. >>eng<< Sam rozwiązał problem. He solved the problem on his own. He solved the problem himself. >>eng<< Obchod byl přeplněný mladými lidmi. The shop was crowded with young people. The store was filled with young people. >>eng<< Dzwoń kiedykolwiek. Call me anytime. Don't ever die. >>eng<< Rádi lidem ztrpčují život. They enjoy giving people a hard time. People like to suffer from life. >>eng<< To wszystko jest bardzo niepokojące. This is all very disturbing. It's all very disturbing. >>eng<< Št'astnou cestu! Have a good journey! Happy trip! >>eng<< Tom ma w kieszeni trzy tysiące jenów. Tom has three thousand yen in his pocket. Tom has three thousand yen in his pocket. >>eng<< Problém může být v motoru. The trouble may lie in the engine. The problem can be in the engine. >>eng<< Naciśnij spust. Squeeze the trigger. Press the trigger. >>eng<< Odešla do spojených států. She has gone to the United States. She went to the United States. >>eng<< Tom je opilý. Tom's drunk. Tom's drunk. >>eng<< Můj strýc mi dal knihu. My uncle gave me a book. My uncle gave me a book. >>eng<< Tom si osvojil nový přístup. Tom adopted a new policy. Tom took a new approach. >>eng<< Tom łysieje. Tom is going bald. Tom's balding. >>eng<< Do jutra skończę robotę. The job will be completed before tomorrow. I'll finish my job by tomorrow. >>eng<< Może powinieneś pozwolić Tomowi jechać do Bostonu, tak jak tego chce. Maybe you should let Tom go to Boston like he wants to. Maybe you should let Tom go to Boston the way he wants it. >>eng<< Tom udělal všechno špatně. Tom did everything wrong. Tom did everything wrong. >>eng<< Poszedłem zobaczyć się z rodzicami. I went to see my parents. I went to see my parents. >>eng<< Měl jsem hlad a žízeň. I was hungry and thirsty. I was hungry and thirsty. >>eng<< Nezajímá mě, jestli máš moc práce. Pomoz mi prosím hned. I don't care if you're busy. Please help me now. I don't care if you're busy. >>eng<< Pijeme mléko. We are drinking milk. We drink milk. >>eng<< Tom nepije vodku. Pije víno. Tom isn't drinking vodka. He's drinking wine. Tom doesn't drink vodka, he drinks wine. >>eng<< Mam dwadzieścia pięc lat. I'm 25 years old. I'm twenty-five years old. >>eng<< Bojím se, že o tebe přijdu. I'm afraid of losing you. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you. >>eng<< Wiem, że nie bardzo ci się to podoba. I know you're not very happy about it. I know you don't like it very much. >>eng<< Nie chciałem zostać zobaczony. I don't want to be seen. I didn't want to be seen. >>eng<< Naděje je. There is hope. Hope is. >>eng<< Nikomu innemu o tym nie powiem. I won't tell anybody else. I'm not gonna tell anyone else about this. >>eng<< Těžko se mi dnes soustředí. It's hard for me to concentrate today. It's hard for me to concentrate today. >>eng<< Jsou pečliví. They're careful. They're careful. >>eng<< Stiskni to tlačítko. Push that button. Press the button. >>eng<< Čekal jsem a čekal. I waited and waited. I waited and waited. >>eng<< Můj plán se od vašeho liší. My plan is different from yours. My plan is different from yours. >>eng<< Spotkała swojego chłopaka na ulicy. She met her boyfriend in the street. She met her boyfriend on the street. >>eng<< Vyhodili ho na ulici. They threw him out on the street. He was fired on the street. >>eng<< Teď už vím, proč jsou tady. Now I know why they are here. Now I know why they're here. >>eng<< Studenci z Azji na stypendiach w Japonii mówią zarówno po angielsku, jak i po japońsku. Students from Asia studying abroad speak English too, just as Japanese students do. Students from Asia on scholarships in Japan speak both English and Japanese. >>eng<< Já jsem jen ventiloval. I was just blowing off steam. I was just ventilating. >>eng<< Je nádherný den, že? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's a wonderful day, isn't it? >>eng<< Tohle nám dřív šlo. We used to be good at this. We've been doing this before. >>eng<< Jsem poněkud zaneprázdněný. I'm a bit busy. I'm a little busy. >>eng<< Čekali jsme. We were waiting. We've been waiting. >>eng<< Víte více, než říkáte. You know more than you're saying. You know more than you say. >>eng<< Daj mi trochę luzu. Cut me some slack. Give me a little bit of fun. >>eng<< Nie, proszę siadać. No, sit down. No, please sit down. >>eng<< Nevíte, jaký film chce Tom sledovat? Do you know what movie Tom wants to watch? Do you know what movie Tom wants to watch? >>eng<< Jesteś frajerem Tom. You're a loser, Tom. You're Tom's boyfriend. >>eng<< Chci skončit. I want to quit. I want to quit. >>eng<< Nic nie zrozumiał. He didn't understand anything. He didn't understand. >>eng<< Wiecznie zapominam imiona ludzi. I always forget people's names. I always forget people’s names. >>eng<< Włosy mu posiwiały. His hair has turned grey. His hair grinned. >>eng<< Kto to zaprojektował? Who designed it? Who designed it? >>eng<< Tom nie wiedział, kiedy wróci. Tom didn't know when he'd be back. Tom didn't know when he was coming back. >>eng<< Je tady poblíž veřejná pláž? Is there a public beach around here? Is there a public beach nearby? >>eng<< Tom chciał zadać Mary pytanie. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. >>eng<< Tom možná má to, co potřebuješ. Tom might have what you need. Tom might have what you need. >>eng<< Dobře jsem své peníze zhodnotil. I got my money's worth. I evaluated my money well. >>eng<< Proč Tomovi nadržujete? Why do you side with Tom? Why are you holding on to Tom? >>eng<< Člověk uvažuje, jestli to lze udělat jednodušeji. One wonders if there's an easier way of doing this. People wonder if it can be done more easily. >>eng<< Nie wiem, co Tom ci poradził, ale sugeruję, żebyś nie mówił o tym Mary. I don't know what Tom advised you to do, but I'd suggest that you don't tell Mary about it. I don't know what Tom advised you, but I suggest you don't talk to Mary about it. >>eng<< Niczego nam nie powiedziały. They told us nothing. They didn't tell us anything. >>eng<< Nesnáším tvé kouření. I dislike your smoking. I hate your smoking. >>eng<< Zde je třeba užít spojovník. A hyphen is needed here. Here you need to use a connector. >>eng<< Chociaż lasy deszczowe stanowią jedynie 2 proc. powierzchni Ziemi, to zamieszkuje je ponad połowa gatunków dzikich roślin, zwierząt i owadów. Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there. Although rainforests account for only 2% of the Earth’s surface, they are inhabited by more than half of the species of wild plants, animals and insects. >>eng<< Býval jsem učitelem francouzštiny. I used to be a French teacher. I used to be a French teacher. >>eng<< Kéž bys byl šel s námi. I wish you had come with us. I wish you'd come with us. >>eng<< Tom nemá rád zimu. Tom dislikes winter. Tom doesn't like winter. >>eng<< Mám jednoho syna. I have a son. I have one son. >>eng<< Kim je oděna velice přitažlivým způsobem. Kim is dressed in a very attractive manner. Kim is dressed in a very attractive way. >>eng<< Děje se to několik hodin. It's been happening for several hours. It's been a few hours. >>eng<< Japonec by nikdy nic takového neudělal. A Japanese would never do such a thing. The Japanese would never do anything like that. >>eng<< Jesteś tak miłą osobą! Jesteś tak bardzo uprzejmy dla mnie! Dziękuję. You are such a nice person! You are so kind to me! Thank you. You are such a nice person! You are so kind to me! Thank you. >>eng<< Prenumeruje pan jakąś gazetę? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you have a newspaper? >>eng<< Tohle má Tom rád. Tom likes this. Tom likes this. >>eng<< Svět je ohromné místo. The world is a huge place. The world is a huge place. >>eng<< Tohle je dezinformace. This is misinformation. This is disinformation. >>eng<< Hledám dům. I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. >>eng<< Je nezbytné, aby kolektivní vědomí vyzařovalo vibraci Lásky, Radosti, Laskavosti, Klidu a Světla. It is vital that the collective consciousness is on a vibration that radiates Love, Joy, Kindness, Peace and Light. It is essential that collective consciousness radiate the vibrations of Love, Joy, Grace, Peace and Light. >>eng<< Chutná to výborně. It tastes really good. It tastes great. >>eng<< Mary spaliła na podwórku wszystkie płyty winylowe Toma. Mary burned all of Tom's vinyl records in the backyard. Mary burned all Tom's vinyl plates in the yard. >>eng<< Użyteczne, nieprawdaż? That's useful, isn't it? Useful, isn't it? >>eng<< Je to osina v zadku. It's a pain in the neck. It's an ass in the ass. >>eng<< Mary řekla, že její dům je zamčený. Mary said her house was locked. Mary said her house was locked. >>eng<< Nikt tutaj nie zamawiał pizzy. Nobody here ordered a pizza. No one has ordered pizza here. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že ta pizza je téměř dokonalá. Tom said the pizza was nearly perfect. Tom said the pizza was almost perfect. >>eng<< Nie uważam, że powinieneś. I don't think you ought to. I don't think you should. >>eng<< Nie mogę przestać myśleć że tom powinien być tu z nami. I can't help thinking that Tom should be here with us. I can't stop thinking it should be here with us. >>eng<< Vyber alternativní otázky. Choose alternative questions. Choose alternative questions. >>eng<< Czy angielski jest trudniejszy od japońskiego? Is English more difficult than Japanese? Is English more difficult than Japanese? >>eng<< Proč jsi mě políbil? Why did you kiss me? Why did you kiss me? >>eng<< Tom je opravdu bohatý. Tom is really rich. Tom is really rich. >>eng<< Tom nie musi mówić mi, co się stało, jeśli nie chce. Tom doesn't have to tell me about what happened if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to tell me what happened if he doesn't want to. >>eng<< Nie dotykaj tego, co nie jest twoje. Don't touch what isn't yours. Don't touch what's not yours. >>eng<< Tom nie chce niczego innego, jak tylko powiedzieć wszystko Mary. Tom would like nothing more than to tell Mary everything. Tom wants nothing but to say everything to Mary. >>eng<< Nie chcę z Tobą grać! I don't want to play with you! I don't want to play with you! >>eng<< Wczoraj wybrałem się do zoo. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. >>eng<< Umyłyście ręce? Did you wash your hands? Did you wash your hands? >>eng<< Mam nowy czerwony samochód. I have a new red car. I have a new red car. >>eng<< Prawdziwi mężczyźni piją herbatę. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. >>eng<< Myslel jsem si, že to Tom pro nás udělá. I thought Tom was going to do that for us. I thought Tom would do it for us. >>eng<< Prawo musi być poprawione. The law needs to be amended. The law needs to be corrected. >>eng<< Zatrudniłem przewodnika. I hired a guide. I hired a guide. >>eng<< Ta dívka, co má na sobě šátek, je panna. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl wearing a dress is a virgin. >>eng<< Řekla bys mi pravdu, viď? You'd tell me the truth, wouldn't you? You'd tell me the truth, wouldn't you? >>eng<< Děti už neumí rozeznat slepice od krav. Children can no longer distinguish hens from cows. Children can no longer recognize chickens from cows. >>eng<< Tom se těší na jaro. Tom is looking forward to spring. Tom is looking forward to spring. >>eng<< Tom mógł zostawić parasolkę w samochodzie Mary. Tom might have left his umbrella in Mary's car. Tom could have left an umbrella in Mary's car. >>eng<< Systémy řízení letového provozu jsou v evropském vzdušném prostoru unifikovány. Air traffic control systems are unified within the European airspace. Air traffic control systems are unified in the European airspace. >>eng<< Kolik lidí ví, že žiješ? How many people know you're alive? How many people know you're alive? >>eng<< Měli by bojovat. They should fight. They should fight. >>eng<< Cesarz nie miał telefonu komórkowego. Caesar had no mobile phone. The emperor had no cell phone. >>eng<< Problém je, jak máme nakládat s penězi. The problem is how we should manage the money. The problem is how we deal with money. >>eng<< Wyjął pendrive'a ze swojego komputera. He removed the flash-drive from his computer. He took the pendrive out of his computer. >>eng<< Co chceš k příštím narozeninám? What do you want for your next birthday? What do you want for your next birthday? >>eng<< Moja żona pochodzi z Urumczi. My wife is a native of Ürümqi. My wife comes from Uruma. >>eng<< Myślałem o kupnie nowego aparatu. I was thinking about buying a new camera. I was thinking about buying a new camera. >>eng<< Trawnik musi zostać skoszony. The lawn needs to be mowed. The lawn must be bitten. >>eng<< Chciałbyś jakąś poradę? Would you like some advice? Would you like some advice? >>eng<< Nie chcę słyszeć tego imienia w tym domu! Nigdy więcej! I don't ever want to hear that name in this house! Never again! I don't want to hear that name in this house! >>eng<< Tom dopoledne vysával. Tom did some vacuuming in the morning. Tom was vacuuming in the morning. >>eng<< Jest ciepło. It is warm. It's warm. >>eng<< Nemohu se dočkat až zamrzne rybník, abych mohl bruslit s mými bratranci. I can’t wait for the pond to freeze so that I can ice skate with my cousins. I can't wait to freeze the pond so I can skate with my cousins. >>eng<< Jsem si jistá, že Tom pomůže Marii to udělat. I'm sure Tom is going to help Mary do that. I'm sure Tom's gonna help Maria do this. >>eng<< Bydlíte ve velkém domě? Do you live in a large house? Do you live in a big house? >>eng<< Uważam, że to co mówisz jest prawdą. I think what you're saying is true. I think what you're saying is true. >>eng<< Usmívej se dál. Keep smiling. Keep smiling. >>eng<< Jane wyszła na zakupy. Jane is out shopping. Jane went shopping. >>eng<< Tom si během hodiny psal poznámky. Tom took notes during class. Tom took notes during the hour. >>eng<< Tom dostane padáka, jestli to udělá. Tom will get fired if he does that. Tom's gonna get fired if he does. >>eng<< Maria přečetla celou uživatelskou příručku o 321 stranách bez přestávky. Maria read the entire operation manual of 321 pages without stopping. Maria read the entire user guide on 321 pages without a break. >>eng<< Nemohu spát. I cannot sleep. I can't sleep. >>eng<< Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Tom nepřišel. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come. >>eng<< Tohle je jedna z mnoha věcí, které musíme před odchodem domů udělat. This is just one of many things we have to do before we can go home. This is one of the many things we have to do before we go home. >>eng<< Je tu někdo živý? Is anyone alive here? Is anyone here alive? >>eng<< Ahoj! Hello! Hey! >>eng<< Powinniśmy dać Tomowi szansę. We should give Tom a chance. We should give Tom a chance. >>eng<< Koťátko jsem pojmenoval Tama. I named the kitten Tama. I named the cat Tama. >>eng<< Kdo má dnes narozeniny? Whose birthday is it today? Who's the birthday today? >>eng<< Nám pomoct odmítáš, ale Tomovi bys jistě pomohl. You refuse to help us, but you would certainly help Tom. You refuse to help us, but I'm sure you'd help Tom. >>eng<< Czy Tom uciekł? Did Tom escape? Did Tom escape? >>eng<< Uważam, że to prawda. I think it true. I think it's true. >>eng<< Když jsem byl dítě, plaval jsem každý den. I used to swim every day when I was a child. When I was a child, I was swimming every day. >>eng<< Spotkanie się skończyło. The meeting ended. The meeting is over. >>eng<< Gdyby miał czas, złożyłby nam wizytę. If he had had time, he would have visited us. If he had time, he would have given us a visit. >>eng<< Tohle je poprvé, co vidím svého biologického otce. This is the first time that I've seen my biological father. This is the first time I've seen my biological father. >>eng<< Wóda jo marznuła. The water turned to ice. The water was cold. >>eng<< Tom se bojí. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. >>eng<< Máte mapu? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? >>eng<< Ale ja nie mam pieniędzy. But I don't have money. But I don't have any money. >>eng<< Tom nie wie, co zrobiłby bez Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. >>eng<< Rozumíte, co říkám? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? >>eng<< Někteří rodiče odmítají nechat očkovat svoje děti. Some parents refuse to have their children vaccinated. Some parents refuse to vaccinate their children. >>eng<< Já nevím. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Pomoc druhým nikdy není ztrátou času. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never a waste of time. >>eng<< Masz mi powiedzieć, co mam zrobić. You have to tell me what to do. You're supposed to tell me what to do. >>eng<< Chci s ní mluvit o své budoucnosti. I want to talk with her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. >>eng<< Nie przyznam się do winy. I won't plead guilty. I will not admit the guilt. >>eng<< Vysvětli to prosím. Please explain that. Please explain. >>eng<< Ja nie wiem niczego o ziemniakach. I don't know anything about potatoes. I don't know anything about potatoes. >>eng<< Dívám se, co je na jídelním lístku. I'm looking at what's on the menu. I'm looking at what's on the menu. >>eng<< Nerad prohrávám. I don't like losing. I don't like losing. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, co się wydarzy. I wonder what is going to happen. I wonder what's going to happen. >>eng<< Toma nejspíš vyhodí za to, co udělal. Tom will probably be fired for what he has done. Tom's probably fired for what he did. >>eng<< Víno mi nesedí. Wine makes me sick. Wine doesn't fit me. >>eng<< W końcu jesteśmy sami. We're finally alone. After all, we're alone. >>eng<< Nie zrywaj ze mną. Don't break up with me. Don't break up with me. >>eng<< Toma zabil ruční granát. Tom was killed by a hand grenade. Tom killed the hand pomegranate. >>eng<< Chci vědět, co Vy tu děláte? I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here? >>eng<< Trhni si nohou! Bite me! Take your feet off! >>eng<< Wiesz gdzie mogę to znaleźć? Do you know where I can find it? Do you know where I can find this? >>eng<< Mój album jest tutaj. My album is here. My album is here. >>eng<< To jest zupełnie normalne. That's pretty normal. It's perfectly normal. >>eng<< Jego kapelusz wyglądał bardzo zabawnie. His hat looked very funny. His hat looked very funny. >>eng<< Wszyscy moi znajomi lubią tę samą muzykę co ja. All my friends like the same kind of music that I do. All my friends like the same music as me. >>eng<< Sztuczki magika zadziwiły nas. The magician's tricks surprised us. The magic tricks surprised us. >>eng<< Jsem blízko. I'm close. I'm close. >>eng<< Może Tom miał szczęście. Maybe Tom was lucky. Maybe Tom was lucky. >>eng<< Tom powiedział mi, że w tym roku kończysz szkołę. Tom told me you'll be graduating this year. Tom told me you're out of school this year. >>eng<< Sprawiliśmy się naprawdę dobrze. We've done exceptionally well. We did really well. >>eng<< Tom wszedł, niosąc torby z jedzeniem. Tom came in carrying a grocery bag. Tom came in carrying food bags. >>eng<< Přes léto jsem si vydělal hodně peněz. I made a lot money over the summer. I made a lot of money over the summer. >>eng<< Tito lidé oceňují srozumitelnost. Those people appreciate clarity. These people appreciate clarity. >>eng<< Položte svůj dotaz. Ask your question. Ask your question. >>eng<< Dlaczego Tom jeszcze tu jest? Why's Tom still here? Why is Tom still here? >>eng<< Oženil se s herečkou. He married an actress. He married an actress. >>eng<< Vypadáš směšně. You look ridiculous. You look ridiculous. >>eng<< Tom instaluje nový program. Tom is installing new software. Tom is installing a new program. >>eng<< Co kdybyste ke mně zašli? Why don't you come to my place? Why don't you come to me? >>eng<< Půjdeme to říct Tomovi. We'll go tell Tom. We're gonna go tell Tom. >>eng<< Tom se hodlá stát novinářem. Tom intends to become a journalist. Tom is going to become a journalist. >>eng<< Pójdę do przodu. I will go on ahead. I'll go ahead. >>eng<< Jo. Yes. Yeah. >>eng<< Szykuje się jutro zajęty dzień. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day. A busy day is getting ready tomorrow. >>eng<< Myślę, że mogę zwymiotować. I think I may vomit. I think I can throw it. >>eng<< Staraj się uprościć, co tylko się da. Strive to simplify everything. Try to simplify what you can. >>eng<< Teraz jestem zajęty. I'm busy now. I'm busy now. >>eng<< Dívala se na krásnou květinu. She was looking at a beautiful flower. She looked at a beautiful flower. >>eng<< Nejsem lvem, ale také umím řvát. I am not a lion but I too can roar. I'm not a lion, but I can scream too. >>eng<< Můj úmysl byl čistý. My intention was pure. My intention was clean. >>eng<< Co kdyby ses něčeho napil? Why don't you drink something? What if you drank something? >>eng<< Pořád se rozčiluje kvůli maličkostem. He always gets excited about trivialities. He's still angry because of the little things. >>eng<< Přeložil jsem tu báseň, jak nejlépe jsem dovedl. I translated the poem as best I could. I translated the poem as best I could. >>eng<< Komfort rozleniwia. Czasami dobrze jest pojechać po bandzie. Comfort can spoil you. Once in a while, it can do you good to corner yourself. Comfort sheds. Sometimes it's good to go around the band. >>eng<< Slunce vychází brzy ráno. The sun rises early in the morning. The sun rises early in the morning. >>eng<< Nie sądzę, żeby Tom był aż tak głupi, na jakiego wygląda. I don't think Tom is as stupid as he looks. I don't think Tom's as stupid as he looks. >>eng<< Nebojím se žádné výhrůžky. I don't fear any threat. I'm not afraid of any threats. >>eng<< Bude mi trvat dlouho, než to dokončím. It'll take a long time for me to finish this. It'll take me a long time to finish it. >>eng<< Tom byl jako dítě velmi plachý. Tom was very shy when he was a kid. Tom was very shy as a child. >>eng<< To se mnou pořád jedná jako s děckem. Tom always treats me like a child. That's still happening to me like a kid. >>eng<< Tom wiedział, po co Mary chce jechać do Bostonu. Tom knew why Mary wanted to go to Boston. Tom knew why Mary wanted to go to Boston. >>eng<< Ještě jsem nebyl v Bostonu, ale už jsem se setkal s Tomem. I haven't been to Boston yet, but I've already met Tom. I haven't been to Boston yet, but I've already met Tom. >>eng<< Následující ráno se k naší velké úlevě vrátil domů v pohodě a zdráv. The next morning, to our great relief, he returned home safe and sound. The next morning he returned to our great relief home well and well. >>eng<< Mogę przyjść później? Can I come over later? Can I come back later? >>eng<< W futbolu amerykańskim za touchdown dostaje się sześć punktów. In American football, a touchdown scores six points. There are six points in American football for touchdown. >>eng<< Tom został zwolniony. Tom was made redundant. Tom was fired. >>eng<< To on jest szefem. He's the boss. He's the boss. >>eng<< Coš persišćinu wuknuś? Do you want to learn Persian? Want to learn Persian? >>eng<< Ten zajazd oferuje dobrą obsługę. This inn gives good service. This inn offers good service. >>eng<< Równie dobrze możemy pozostać tam, gdzie jesteśmy. We may as well stay where we are. We can just as well stay where we are. >>eng<< Můžeš zůstat v pokoji. You can stay in a room. You can stay calm. >>eng<< Tom byl tak dojat, že se rozplakal. Tom was so moved that he started crying. Tom was so impressed that he was crying. >>eng<< Opustil ložnici a vstoupil do obývacího pokoje. He left the bedroom and entered the living room. He left the bedroom and entered the living room. >>eng<< Czy lubisz grać w siatkówkę? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like to play volleyball? >>eng<< U vchodu nikdo není. There's nobody at the entrance. There's no one at the entrance. >>eng<< Tom zdjął swoją obrączkę i rzucił ją do stawu. Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Tom took off his ring and threw it into the pond. >>eng<< Moja mama zostawiła mi wiadomość. My mother left me a message. My mom left me a message. >>eng<< Jsou zvyklí na těžkou práci. They are accustomed to hard work. They are used to hard work. >>eng<< Tom je rozmazlené děcko. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom's a spoiled kid. >>eng<< Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought that would work. I thought it would work. >>eng<< Odmítám Toma vézt domů. I refuse to drive Tom home. I refuse to drive Tom home. >>eng<< Dneska se ti ukážu z jiné stránky. Today I'm going to show you another side of me. I'll show you from another side today. >>eng<< Moskva je hlavní město Ruska. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow is the capital city of Russia. >>eng<< Tom s námi nesouhlasí. Tom disagrees with us. Tom disagrees with us. >>eng<< Kde máš klíče od auta? Where are your car keys? Where's your car key? >>eng<< Moja matka nie siedzi w domu przez cały czas. My mother is not always at home. My mother doesn't sit at home all the time. >>eng<< Walczyli z uprzedzeniami. They contended against prejudice. They fought prejudices. >>eng<< Lidé jsou zvláštní. People are weird. People are weird. >>eng<< Co máš v kufru? What's in your suitcase? What's in your trunk? >>eng<< Znenadání kapitán opustil loď. Suddenly, the captain left the ship. The captain suddenly left the ship. >>eng<< Můžu ti to prodat, jestli chceš. I can sell this for you if you want me to. I can sell it to you if you want. >>eng<< Klingonština se mu bude velice hodit při jeho kariéře podnikatele. Learning Klingon will be of great use for his career as a businessman. Clingon will be very useful for his career as an entrepreneur. >>eng<< Je mi skoro dvakrát tolik, co tobě. I'm almost twice your age. I'm almost twice as much as you are. >>eng<< Prý se zbláznil. He is said to go crazy. He said he was crazy. >>eng<< Chcę z tobą przedyskutować coś ważnego. I want to go discuss something important with you. I want to discuss something important with you. >>eng<< Kdy přestalo sněžit? When did it stop snowing? When did it stop snowing? >>eng<< Tom dělá, co může. Tom is doing everything he can. Tom does what he can. >>eng<< Doufám, že mě nevyloučí. I hope I don't get suspended. I hope he doesn't rule me out. >>eng<< Jsem rád, že vás opět vidím. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. >>eng<< Tomův otec je policista. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father is a police officer. >>eng<< Jen bestie nachází potěšení v zabíjení. Only a beast takes pleasure in killing. Only the beast finds pleasure in killing. >>eng<< Próbowałyście już tej nowej sałatki? Have you tried this new salad yet? Have you tried this new salad yet? >>eng<< Proč jsou na mě všichni najednou tak hodní? Why is everyone being nice to me all of a sudden? Why are everyone so nice to me at once? >>eng<< Měsíc byl jediným zdrojem světla. The moon was the only source of light. The moon was the only source of light. >>eng<< Wiem jak to zrobić. I know how to do that. I know how to do that. >>eng<< Z oblohy padal sníh s deštěm. A mixture of snow and rain was falling from the sky. Snow fell from the sky with rain. >>eng<< Tom nechtěl plýtvat časem. Tom didn't want to waste time. Tom didn't want to waste his time. >>eng<< Zgadzam się, że powinniśmy spróbować ponownie. I agree with you that we should try again. I agree that we should try again. >>eng<< Jak okiem sięgnąć, wszędzie piach. It's sand as far as the eye can see. How to reach out, everywhere. >>eng<< Čteš teď něco? Are you reading anything? Are you reading something now? >>eng<< Přišel jsem na vlak pozdě. I was late for the train. I came to the train late. >>eng<< Chtěla bys jedno? Would you like one? Would you like one? >>eng<< Dovolte mi, abych vám pomohl. Let me help you. Let me help you. >>eng<< Znasz jakieś tanie sklepy? Do you know of any cheap shops? Do you know any cheap shops? >>eng<< Někteří lidé se bojí psů. Some people are afraid of dogs. Some people are afraid of dogs. >>eng<< Musisz doprowadzić swój plan do końca. You must go through with your plan. You must bring your plan to an end. >>eng<< Udělám co jsi řekl, pokud k tomu budu mít příležitost. I'll try what you said if I get a chance. I'll do what you said if I have an opportunity to do that. >>eng<< Dávám přednost stříbrným prstenům před zlatými. I prefer silver rings to gold ones. I prefer silver rings to gold. >>eng<< Poznal toho chlapa. He recognized that guy. He met that guy. >>eng<< Proč jsi Tomovi nepomohla? Why did you not help Tom? Why didn't you help Tom? >>eng<< Ona nie goli nóg. She doesn't shave her legs. She didn't shave her legs. >>eng<< Tom a Mary bývali nerozluční. Tom and Mary used to be inseparable. Tom and Mary were inseparable. >>eng<< Tom je houslista. Tom is a violinist. Tom's a violinist. >>eng<< Tisíce dětí zmizí a nikdy se nenajdou. Thousands of children go missing and are never found. Thousands of children will disappear and will never be found. >>eng<< Tom poznał kolegę Mary na lotnisku. Tom met a friend of Mary's at the airport. Tom met a friend of Mary at the airport. >>eng<< Tom neváhal říct Mary pravdu. Tom didn't hesitate to tell Mary the truth. Tom did not hesitate to tell Mary the truth. >>eng<< Když se Tom večer vrátil domů zjistil, že už na něj nezbyla žádná večeře. When Tom returned home in the evening, he found out that there was no supper left for him. When Tom returned home in the evening, he found out there was no dinner left for him. >>eng<< Chcę się samemu zastanowić. I want to think for myself. I want to think about it myself. >>eng<< Nebolelo to. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt. >>eng<< Zawsze chciałem wejść na szczyt Fuji. I've always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji. I always wanted to go to the top of Fuji. >>eng<< To już po prostu nie ma sensu. It just doesn't make sense anymore. It just doesn't make sense anymore. >>eng<< Zdradziłaś mnie? Have you betrayed me? Did you betray me? >>eng<< Firma uzavírá své účetnictví na konci března. The company closes its books at the end of March. The company closes its accounts at the end of March. >>eng<< Czy możesz przestać mnie denerwować? Can you stop annoying me? Can you stop making me nervous? >>eng<< Jíte zeleninu. You are eating vegetables. You eat vegetables. >>eng<< Pravděpodobně na to zapomněl. He probably forgot about it. He probably forgot about it. >>eng<< Nigdy nie odpowiadałeś na moje telefony. You never returned my calls. You've never responded to my phone. >>eng<< Mary si musí před Tomem schovávat svoje peníze. Mary has to hide her money from Tom. Mary must hide her money from Tom. >>eng<< Doradziła mu wizytę u dentysty. She advised him to see the dentist. She advised him to visit the dentist. >>eng<< Jsem na Toma hrdý. I am proud of Tom. I'm proud of Tom. >>eng<< Někdo by nás mohl vidět. Somebody could see us. Someone could see us. >>eng<< Jak se máš? Dobře, díky! "How are you?" "Fine, thank you." How are you? >>eng<< Jaki jest twój ulubiony epizod z sezonu drugiego? What's your favorite episode from season two? What is your favorite second season episode? >>eng<< Jestem teraz w szkole i zostanę tu aż do ósmej. I am at school now and I will stay here until 8 o'clock. I'm in school now and I'll stay here until eight o'clock. >>eng<< Moi znajomi nie są młodzi. My friends aren't young. My friends are not young. >>eng<< Ten hoch je velmi bystrý. That boy is very smart. The boy is very smart. >>eng<< Líbí se mi kočky. I like cats. I like cats. >>eng<< Chłopiec wszedł tylnymi drzwiami. The boy entered by the back door. The boy entered the back door. >>eng<< Tom jest bratem Mary. Tom's Mary's brother. Tom is Mary's brother. >>eng<< Przynieś mi magazyny. Bring me the magazines. Get me the magazines. >>eng<< Všechno není vaše. Everything isn't yours. Everything's not yours. >>eng<< Zůstaň tady a zamkni dveře. Stay here and lock the door. Stay here and close the door. >>eng<< Nikdo se nechce s Tomem přátelit. Nobody wants to be friends with Tom. No one wants to be friends with Tom. >>eng<< Nechci slyšet výmluvy. I don't want to hear excuses. I don't want to hear excuses. >>eng<< Chci na té škole studovat. I want to study in that school. I want to study at that school. >>eng<< Tom bude potřebovat vaší pomoc. Tom will need your help. Tom will need your help. >>eng<< I dítě by dokázalo tuhle otázku zodpovědět. Even a child could answer that question. Even a child could answer this question. >>eng<< Tom nje przëbôcził Mary, co wona bë to zrobja. Tom didn't remind Mary to do that. Tom did not invite Mary to do this. >>eng<< Po večeři Tom usnul. After supper, Tom fell asleep. After dinner, Tom fell asleep. >>eng<< Ten pisarz jest Kanadyjczykiem. This writer is Canadian. This writer is Canadian. >>eng<< Skřeti se příšerně šklebili. The goblins grinned gruesomely. The quails were grinning. >>eng<< Vypadalo to, že Tom se Mary vyhýbá. Tom seemed to be avoiding Mary. Tom seemed to be avoiding Mary. >>eng<< Nevrátí nám naše pasy. They won't give us our passports back. He's not gonna give us our passports back. >>eng<< Učinil jsem strašné rozhodnutí. I made a horrible decision. I made a terrible decision. >>eng<< Někteří lidé tvrdí, že jsou v určitém cizím jazyce pokročilí a přitom dělají základní chyby. Some people claim to be advanced in a foreign language, but in fact they make basic mistakes. Some people claim to be advanced in a foreign language while making basic mistakes. >>eng<< Jestem zmęczona. I'm tired. I'm tired. >>eng<< Zvyk je druhá povaha. Habit is second nature. The habit is the second nature. >>eng<< Tomovi se nechtělo mluvit. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom didn't want to talk. >>eng<< Jeśli chcesz mówić jak rodzimy użytkownik, słuchaj rodzimych użytkowników gdzie tylko możesz. If you want to sound like a native speaker, listen to native speakers whenever possible. If you want to speak like a native user, listen to native users wherever you can. >>eng<< Maďarský jazyk je lepší než esperanto. The Hungarian language is better than Esperanto. The Hungarian language is better than Esperanto. >>eng<< Nie sądziłem, że tak łatwo mi będzie włamać się na waszą stronę. I never thought it'd be this easy to hack into your website. I didn't think it would be so easy for me to break into your side. >>eng<< Pochybuji o tvém zdravém rozumu. I doubt your good sense. I doubt your common sense. >>eng<< Piękne, nie prawdaż? Beautiful, aren't they? Beautiful, isn't it? >>eng<< Jak ses opovážil! How did you dare! How dare you! >>eng<< Kiedy Tom pojechał do Bostonu? When did Tom go to Boston? When did Tom go to Boston? >>eng<< Zdecydowałem się pójść. I've decided to go. I decided to go. >>eng<< Nikt nie zna twoich tajemnic. No one knows your secrets. No one knows your secrets. >>eng<< Tom s tebou držet krok nezvládne. Tom won't be able to keep up with you. Tom can't keep up with you. >>eng<< Już pół do dwunastej. Powinniśmy już iść spać. It's already 11:30. We should turn in. We should go to bed now. >>eng<< Udělal jsi to naschvál? Did you do that on purpose? Did you do it on purpose? >>eng<< Tom je ten, který mne udeřil. Tom is the person who hit me. Tom is the one who hit me. >>eng<< Uważam, że Boston jest najpiękniejszym miastem na świecie. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. >>eng<< Vzpomínáš, když jsi mě prvně políbila? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Remember when you first kissed me? >>eng<< Wczoraj był czwartek. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. >>eng<< Bezpiecznej podróży! Have a safe journey. Safe travel! >>eng<< Kdybych si byl všiml, býval bych ti řekl. If I'd noticed, I would've told you. If I had noticed, I'd have told you. >>eng<< Potrzebuję więcej czasu na skończenie pracy domowej. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time to finish my homework. >>eng<< Chodím pomalu. I walk slowly. I'm going slow. >>eng<< Tom przyznał, że nie miał racji. Tom admitted that he was wrong. Tom admitted he wasn't right. >>eng<< Byl potrestán za své zločiny. He was punished for his crimes. He was punished for his crimes. >>eng<< To pjismjono vëchôdô dva raze wob mjesidz. The magazine is issued twice a month. This is the name of the month, two times a month. >>eng<< Ten telefon se musí dobít. The phone needs to be charged. The phone has to recharge. >>eng<< Měj na paměti, že to dělám pro Toma, ne pro tebe. Bear in mind that I'm doing this for Tom, not for you. Keep in mind that I'm doing this for Tom, not for you. >>eng<< Ta hruška je zelená. That pear is green. That pear is green. >>eng<< "Liszt", příjmení maďarského skladatele Ference Liszta, znamená "mouka" v maďarštině. "Liszt", the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's family name, means "flour" in Hungarian. "Liszt", the name of the Hungarian composer Ference Liszt, means "flour" in Hungarian. >>eng<< Všechny nenávidím a všichni nenávidí mě. I hate everyone, and everyone hates me. I hate everyone and everyone hates me. >>eng<< Měl by ses za svou pitomost stydět. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. You should be ashamed of your stupidity. >>eng<< Tom píše knihu o svém dědečkovi. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tom writes a book about his grandfather. >>eng<< Můj táta koupil krávu. My dad bought a cow. My dad bought a cow. >>eng<< Existují věci, které se nedají koupit penězi. There are some things money can't buy. There are things you can’t buy money. >>eng<< Podobno większość katastrof lotniczych przydarza się na etapie startu lub lądowania. They say most airplane accidents occur at landing or takeoff stages. Most of the air accidents happen at the start or landing stage. >>eng<< Já jsem je nevolil. I didn't vote for them. I didn't choose them. >>eng<< Tom to ukryl za dveřmi. Tom hid it behind the door. Tom was hiding it behind the door. >>eng<< Je mi líto, že pro tebe jsem tak velkým zklamáním. I'm sorry I'm such a big disappointment to you. I'm sorry I'm so disappointed for you. >>eng<< Přirozenou nevýhodou demokracie je, že těm, kdo to s ní myslí poctivě, nesmírně svazuje ruce, zatím co těm, kteří ji neberou vážně, umožňuje téměř vše. The natural disadvantage of democracy is that it very much ties the hands of those who think honestly, while allowing almost everything to those who do not take it earnestly. The natural disadvantage of democracy is that it makes almost everything possible for those who do not take it seriously. >>eng<< Ten muž, který tam stál, nebyl Tom. The man standing there wasn't Tom. The man who stood there wasn't Tom. >>eng<< První skok dopadl špatně. The first jump ended badly. The first jump went wrong. >>eng<< Tom neměl rád děti, dokud neměl své vlastní. Tom didn't like children until he had his own. Tom didn't like children until he had his own. >>eng<< Tom býval právníkem. Tom used to be a lawyer. Tom used to be a lawyer. >>eng<< Znałeś Toma lepiej ode mnie. You knew Tom better than I did. You knew Tom better than I did. >>eng<< Nie mówiłem ci już tego? Haven't I told you this before? Didn't I tell you that again? >>eng<< Už začínám mít Tomova chování dost. I am growing weary of Tom's behaviour. I'm starting to have enough of Tom's behavior. >>eng<< Je to úžasná žena. She is a wonderful woman. She's an amazing woman. >>eng<< Czy Tom płakał? Did Tom cry? Did Tom cry? >>eng<< Tom nepíše často své domácí úkoly před večeří. Tom doesn't often do his homework before dinner. Tom does not often write his homework before dinner. >>eng<< Sejdu se s ní. I'm going to meet her. I'll meet her. >>eng<< Kručí mi v břiše. My stomach is rumbling. He'll fuck me in my belly. >>eng<< Rzuciła się na niego z pięściami. She attacked him with her fists. She threw at him with her fists. >>eng<< Dlatego Tom przyszedł. That's why Tom came. That's why Tom came. >>eng<< Od teraz będę intensywniej uczył się francuskiego. I'll study French harder from now on. From now on, I will learn French more intensively. >>eng<< Mám hodně příbuzných, obvzlášť z matčiny strany. I have a lot of relatives, especially on my mother's side. I have a lot of relatives, especially from my mother's side. >>eng<< Widzę dziewczynę stojącą pod tamtym drzewem. I see a girl standing under that tree. I see a girl standing under that tree. >>eng<< Nie zatrzymają się. They're not going to stop. They won't stop. >>eng<< Umlátila ho golfovou holí. She beat him to death with a golf club. She beat him with a golf ball. >>eng<< Toma neporazíš. You cannot defeat Tom. You won't beat Tom. >>eng<< Kiedy poszedł? When did he go? When did he go? >>eng<< "Wiem, co naprawdę czujesz." "Nieprawda, nie wiesz." "I know how you really feel." "No, you don't!" "I know what you really feel." "True, you don't know." >>eng<< Przeciwko czemu jesteśmy? What are we up against? Why are we against? >>eng<< Wiem, jaka jest różnica między dobrem i złem. I know the difference between right and wrong. I know the difference between good and evil. >>eng<< Nancy wygląda na tak zmęczoną. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy looks like such a change. >>eng<< Tom je podvodník. Tom is a crook. Tom's a fraudster. >>eng<< Księżyc jest za chmurami. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is behind the clouds. >>eng<< Gdzie idziesz dziś po południu? Where are you going this afternoon? Where are you going this afternoon? >>eng<< Te buty nie pasują. These shoes don't fit. These shoes don't fit. >>eng<< Potřebuji si vypláchnout ústa. I need to rinse my mouth. I need to wash my mouth. >>eng<< Tom vyřešil hádanku až po té, co mu Marie dala pár nápověd. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom only solved the puzzle after Marie gave him a few clues. >>eng<< Poradził mi, żebym tam poszedł. He advised me to go there. He advised me to go there. >>eng<< Přestal se snažit, když mohl uspět. He gave up trying, when he might have succeeded. He stopped trying when he could succeed. >>eng<< On lubi grać w piłkę nożną. He likes playing football. He likes to play football. >>eng<< Stále věříte v Tomovu nevinu? Do you still believe that Tom is innocent? Do you still believe in Tom's innocence? >>eng<< Toma pálí dobré bydlo. Tom doesn't know when he is well off. Tom's burning a good place. >>eng<< Tom nosí klobouk zřídkakdy. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. >>eng<< Nakrájejte brambory. Cut the potatoes. Cut the potatoes. >>eng<< Tom jako dítě neměl rád špenát. Tom didn't like spinach when he was a kid. Tom, as a child, didn't like spinaching. >>eng<< Ojciec potrafi pływać, a matka nie. Father can swim, but Mother cannot. My father can swim and my mother can't. >>eng<< Ona je zdravotní sestra. She is a nurse. She's a nurse. >>eng<< Proponowałbym ci zamówić wołowinę w miejsce kurczaka. I'd suggest you order beef instead of chicken. I'd suggest you order beef instead of chicken. >>eng<< Ona nikogo nie kocha i nikt nie kocha jej. She doesn't love anyone, and no one loves her. She doesn’t love anyone and no one loves her. >>eng<< Tom se opil. Tom got drunk. Tom got drunk. >>eng<< Tohle je to město, o kterém jsem ti říkal. This is the town I told you about. This is the city I told you about. >>eng<< Buddyzm pochodzi z Indii. Buddhism came out of India. Buddhism comes from India. >>eng<< Jesteś wiecznie głodny! You're always hungry! You're always hungry! >>eng<< Nevím, co ti říci pro útěchu. I don't know what to say to make you feel better. I don't know what to say for comfort. >>eng<< Moja torba została ukradziona. My bag was stolen. My bag was stolen. >>eng<< Můj otec provozuje restauraci. My father runs a restaurant. My father runs a restaurant. >>eng<< Dupla na brzdy. She slammed on the brakes. It's a brake duffle. >>eng<< Nikdy nepřestal psát. He never stopped writing. He never stopped writing. >>eng<< Nic o tobě nevím. I know nothing about you. I don't know anything about you. >>eng<< Bojíte se ho? Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of him? >>eng<< Tom psával písně. Tom used to write songs. Tom was writing songs. >>eng<< Stávkovali jsme. We were on strike. We were betting. >>eng<< Stanice je na západ od hotelu. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is west of the hotel. >>eng<< Tom chce poznać twoje imię. Tom wants to know your name. Tom wants to know your name. >>eng<< Jaký hudební styl se ti líbí nejvíc? What genre of music do you like the most? What musical style do you like the most? >>eng<< Dzięki, Tom, doceniam to. Thanks Tom, I appreciate it. Thanks, Tom, I appreciate that. >>eng<< Może Tom próbuje mi coś powiedzieć. Maybe Tom is trying to tell me something. Maybe Tom is trying to tell me something. >>eng<< Chová se, jako kdyby mu to patřilo. He acts as though he were the owner. He's acting like he owns it. >>eng<< Powiedziałeś Tomowi? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? >>eng<< Jak mogę wykonać połączenie telefoniczne do Japonii? How can I make a telephone call to Japan? How can I make a phone call to Japan? >>eng<< Wychodzę tylko na spacer. I am just going for a walk. I'm just going for a walk. >>eng<< Po škole se sejdu s přítelem. I'm meeting a friend after school. I'll meet a friend after school. >>eng<< Uczniowie czuli się nieswojo przed egzaminem. The students were ill at ease before the exam. The students felt uncomfortable before the exam. >>eng<< Jakou radu mi můžete dát? What advice can you give me? What advice can you give me? >>eng<< Jsem zvyklý mluvit s cizinci. I'm used to talking to foreigners. I'm used to talking to strangers. >>eng<< Včera jsem si koupil knihu. I bought a book yesterday. I bought a book yesterday. >>eng<< Zdá se, že ví všechno. It seems that he knows everything. He seems to know everything. >>eng<< V lahvi je trochu mléka. There's some milk in the bottle. There's a little milk in the bottle. >>eng<< Czy można dostać tylko herbatę? How to merely get tea? Is it possible to get only tea? >>eng<< Chtěl jsem vidět Tomův pokoj. I wanted to see Tom's room. I wanted to see Tom's room. >>eng<< Neměň téma. Don't change the subject. Don't change the subject. >>eng<< Tom už neví, kdo jsem. Tom no longer knows who I am. Tom doesn't know who I am anymore. >>eng<< W tym tygodniu jestem słomianym wdowcem, bo żona pojechała do brata do Frankfurtu. I'm batching it this weekend because my wife is visiting her brother in Frankfurt. This week, I'm a straw widow, because my wife went to her brother's house in Frankfurt. >>eng<< Existuje důvod, proč se říká, že láska je slepá. There's a reason they say love is blind. There is a reason why it is said that love is blind. >>eng<< Struktura mozku je složitá. The structure of the brain is complicated. The structure of the brain is complex. >>eng<< Jsme na to zvyklí. We're used to it. We're used to it. >>eng<< Měli bychom vyhrát. We ought to win. We should win. >>eng<< Rodzice Toma powiedzieli mi, że wybiera się na Harvard. Tom's parents told me that he would be going to Harvard. Tom's parents told me he was going to Harvard. >>eng<< Wychowała pięcioro dzieci. She has brought up five children. She raised five children. >>eng<< Tom se odvolal proti rozsudku. Tom appealed against the sentence. Tom appealed against the judgment. >>eng<< Pokaż mi. Show me. Show me. >>eng<< Tady je tvoje pití. Here's your drink. Here's your drink. >>eng<< Proč jsi nezavolal o pomoc? Why didn't you call for help? Why didn't you call for help? >>eng<< Tom obawiał się, że zostanie odrzucony. Tom was afraid of being rejected. Tom was afraid he would be rejected. >>eng<< V této místnosti je dvacet jedna lidí. There are twenty-one people in this room. There are 20 people in this room. >>eng<< Nesu talíře. I'm carrying plates. I'm carrying the plates. >>eng<< Prší teď v Bostonu? Is it raining in Boston now? Is it raining in Boston now? >>eng<< Řekl jsi pravdu. You told the truth. You told the truth. >>eng<< Jeden, dwa, trzë, sztërë, piãc, szesc, sétmë, òsmë, dzewiãc, dzesãc. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, rotation, boy, settm, eight, wherever, somewhere. >>eng<< Udało się życie. Life worked out. Life worked out. >>eng<< Trzeba ci wiedzieć, że kiedy się irytuję, robię się spokojny. Something you should know about me is that when I get angry, I get quiet. You need to know that when I'm irritated, I'm calm. >>eng<< Tento pokus byl neúspěšný. This experiment was unsuccessful. This attempt was unsuccessful. >>eng<< Które zwierzę jest duże? Which animal is big? Which animal is large? >>eng<< Mogę już zejść? Can I come down now? Can I come down now? >>eng<< Pracuję teraz w Tokyo. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo now. >>eng<< Nadal mieszkam w Bostonie. I'm still living in Boston. I'm still living in Boston. >>eng<< Zaczynajmy. Let's begin. Let's get started. >>eng<< Nie, dziękuję, jestem pełny. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you, I'm full. >>eng<< Piwo się wygazowało. The beer has gone flat. Beer's out. >>eng<< Darovali jsme školní knihovně přes stovku knížek. We donated more than a hundred books to the school library. We donated over a hundred books to the school library. >>eng<< Včely dělají med. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. >>eng<< Wygląda na to, że była szczęśliwa. She seems to have been happy. Looks like she was happy. >>eng<< Nie jest to oczywiste? Isn't that obvious? Isn't that obvious? >>eng<< Raději půjdu pěšky, než bych čekal na autobus. I'd rather walk than wait for a bus. I'd rather walk than wait for the bus. >>eng<< Tom zrobił to trzy razy. Tom did it three times. Tom did it three times. >>eng<< Wynieś śmieci. Take out the trash. Get the trash out of here. >>eng<< V noci je všechno jiné. Everything looks different at night. Everything is different at night. >>eng<< Nie mogłam pozwolić Tomowi umrzeć. I couldn't let Tom die. I couldn't let Tom die. >>eng<< Nie mogłem powstrzymać śmiechu. I could not help laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. >>eng<< Moc se o vás bojíme. We're very worried about you. We're so worried about you. >>eng<< Tom miluje své kočky. Tom loves his cats. Tom loves his cats. >>eng<< Ty si to pamatuješ? You remember it? You remember that? >>eng<< Tom se snažil nakrájet maso, ale neměl dost ostrý nůž. Tom tried to cut the meat, but his knife wasn't sharp enough. Tom tried to cut the meat, but he didn't have a sharp knife. >>eng<< Tohle nedokáže ani Tom. Not even Tom can do that. Tom can't do this either. >>eng<< Ví Tom, co je to láska? Does Tom know what love is? Does Tom know what love is? >>eng<< Kiedy wróciłeś z Londynu? When did you come back from London? When did you return from London? >>eng<< Tom nechtěl Mary ztratit. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. >>eng<< Zatrzymajmy to dla siebie. Let's keep this a secret. Let's stop it for ourselves. >>eng<< Jakmile jsme uviděli, co má Tom na sobě, dostali jsme záchvat smíchu. As soon as we saw what Tom was wearing, we all burst out laughing. Once we saw what Tom was wearing, we got a laughter attack. >>eng<< Do widzenia, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Good-bye, Sayoko. >>eng<< Wymieniam z nią listy. I exchange letters with her. I'll exchange letters with her. >>eng<< Doufám, že budu schopen vám nějak pomoci. I hope I can be of some help to you. I hope I can help you somehow. >>eng<< Poslední výzva! Last call! The last challenge! >>eng<< Nebudu ti schopen říct o tom, co se stalo. I won't be able to tell you about what happened. I won't be able to tell you what happened. >>eng<< Jego macocha jest moją szwagierką. His stepmother is my sister-in-law. His stepmother is my brother-in-law. >>eng<< Przez myśl by mi to nie przeszło. I wouldn't think of it. I don't think I'd get past it. >>eng<< Zeptali se Toma, jestli se s nimi cítí bezpečně. They asked Tom if he felt secure with them. They asked Tom if he felt safe with them. >>eng<< Je to výzva? Is this a challenge? Is that a challenge? >>eng<< Tom je jediný, kdo nechtěl jít. Tom is the only one who didn't want to go. Tom is the only one who didn't want to go. >>eng<< Tom přišel k nám a plakal. Tom came to us, weeping. Tom came to us and cried. >>eng<< Naposledy jsem vyhrál v šachách před třemi měsíci. The last time I won at chess was three months ago. Last time I won chess three months ago. >>eng<< Ojciec mojego przyjaciela jest sławnym powieściopisarzem. My friend's father is a famous novelist. My friend's father is a famous novelist. >>eng<< Kdo další nesnáší Toma? Who else hates Tom? Who hates Tom? >>eng<< Próbowała. She tried. She tried. >>eng<< Dlaczego ziewasz? Why are you yawning? Why are you singing? >>eng<< Koho se Tom bojí? Who's Tom afraid of? Who is Tom afraid of? >>eng<< Zeptal jsem se Toma, kam odešel. I asked Tom where he had gone. I asked Tom where he went. >>eng<< Nikdo ten telefon nezvedl. Nobody answered the telephone. No one picked up the phone. >>eng<< Tomova smrt se dala čekat. Tom's death was predictable. Tom's death was expected. >>eng<< Kdo jim dal všechny ty peníze? Who gave them all that money? Who gave them all the money? >>eng<< Tom to nemohl zvládnout sám. Tom couldn't have done this by himself. Tom couldn't handle it alone. >>eng<< Miałem drzazgę w palcu, więc poprosiłem Toma, żeby pomógł mi ją wyjąć. I had a splinter in my finger, so I asked Tom to help me get it out. I had a crush in my finger, so I asked Tom to help me take her out. >>eng<< Jak zajímavé! How interesting! How interesting! >>eng<< Miałem nadzieję na coś odrobinę bardziej użytecznego. I was hoping for something a little more useful. I was hoping for something a little more useful. >>eng<< Wojna zjednoczyła Amerykanów. The war had united the American people. The war brought the Americans together. >>eng<< Už začínám mít toho studeného počasí dost. I'm getting tired of this cold weather. I'm starting to have enough cold weather. >>eng<< Tom by měl být zpátky každou vteřinu. Tom should be back any second. Tom should be back every second. >>eng<< Przyniósłbyś mi, proszę, jeszcze jeden? Would you bring me another one, please? Would you bring me another one, please? >>eng<< Każdego roku, w lipcu, kiedy mistrzostwa się kończą, zaczyna przygotowania na następny rok. Each year in July, when the Championships are over, he starts to prepare for the next year. Every year, in July, when the championships are over, they start preparing for the next year. >>eng<< Tom i Mary naprawdę ze sobą chodzą? Is it true that Tom and Mary are dating? Tom and Mary really go with each other? >>eng<< On właśnie teraz pisze książkę. He is writing a book. He is writing a book right now. >>eng<< Tom ma dwóch braci i obaj mieszkają w Bostonie. Tom has two brothers who both live in Boston. Tom has two brothers and they both live in Boston. >>eng<< Tom si dal jedno pivo. Tom had one beer. Tom had one beer. >>eng<< Chceš, abych to položil na stůl? Do you want me to put this on the table? You want me to put it on the table? >>eng<< Vím, že stále Toma miluješ. I know that you still love Tom. I know you still love Tom. >>eng<< Spotkałem ją przez przypadek w sklepie. I met her in the store by accident. I met her by accident at the store. >>eng<< Malarz umarł młodo. The painter died young. The painter died young. >>eng<< Řekl pravdu. He told the truth. He told the truth. >>eng<< Zegar stanął. Potrzebna jest nowa bateria. The clock stopped. It needs a new battery. A new battery is needed. >>eng<< Tom nie bardzo umiał odpowiedzieć. Tom didn't quite know how to answer. Tom couldn’t answer very much. >>eng<< Idź do domu, teraz. Go home now. Go home, now. >>eng<< Bycie łysym ma przynajmniej jedną zaletę - można dużo oszczędzić na szamponie. Being bald has at least one advantage - you save a lot on shampoo. Being bald has at least one advantage - you can save a lot on shampoo. >>eng<< Nie chcę umierać. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. >>eng<< No tak, odejděme odsud. Come on, let's get out of here. Come on, let's get out of here. >>eng<< Vy jste obě hezké a milé. You are both pretty and kind. You're both nice and kind. >>eng<< Nesahej na to. Don't touch this. Don't touch it. >>eng<< Jěstaj zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables. >>eng<< Oba máte pravdu. You both are right. You're both right. >>eng<< Tom prawie nigdy na nic nie narzeka. Tom almost never complains about anything. Tom almost never complains about anything. >>eng<< Byl za námi. He was behind us. He was behind us. >>eng<< Tom cítil potřebu vysvětlovat. Tom felt the need to explain. Tom felt the need to explain. >>eng<< Mogę tu posiedzieć do siódmej? Can I hang out here till seven? Can I sit here at 7 o'clock? >>eng<< Tom poprosił Mary, żeby włożyła niebieską sukienkę. Tom asked Mary to wear a blue dress. Tom asked Mary to put on a blue dress. >>eng<< Jak ses cítil, když to řekla? How did you feel when she said that? How did you feel when she said it? >>eng<< Tome, chci s tebou mluvit. Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I want to talk to you. >>eng<< Když jsem ten dopis dočetl, složil jsem ho a vložil zpět do obálky. When I finished reading the letter, I folded it up and put it back into the envelope. When I read the letter, I put it down and put it back in the envelope. >>eng<< Byl to pro mě velký šok. It was a great shock to me. It was a big shock to me. >>eng<< Kde je trezor? Where's the safe? Where's the safe? >>eng<< Ken si stěžoval na bolest hlavy. Ken complained of a headache. Ken complained about the headache. >>eng<< Tom a Mary byli špinaví. Tom and Mary were both dirty. Tom and Mary were dirty. >>eng<< Ona się uczy grać na pianinie. She is learning the piano. She learns to play piano. >>eng<< Dalej śpiewałem. I continued singing. I continued to sing. >>eng<< Na letišti bylo mnoho lidí. There were a lot of people at the airport. There were many people at the airport. >>eng<< Nienawidzę ich wszystkich. I hate all of them. I hate them all. >>eng<< Tom mluvil v hádankách. Tom spoke in riddles. Tom spoke in puzzles. >>eng<< Przednia szyba pojazdu została rozbita na kawałki. The front windshield of a car was smashed to pieces. The front glass of the vehicle was broken into pieces. >>eng<< Kdo ti to řekl? Who said that to you? Who told you that? >>eng<< To łóżko jest ciężkie. This bed is heavy. This bed is heavy. >>eng<< Tom očekává brzký konec světa. Tom is expecting near crack of doom. Tom is expecting the early end of the world. >>eng<< Tom tylko stał tam, patrząc, jak wszyscy jedzą. Tom just stood there watching everybody eat. Tom just stood there watching everyone eat. >>eng<< Może Tom do nas dołączy. Maybe Tom can join us. Maybe Tom will join us. >>eng<< Tom pečlivě zkontroloval vybavení. Tom inspected the equipment carefully. Tom checked the equipment carefully. >>eng<< Powiedziałem mu o swoich pomysłach ale on z miejsca je odrzucił. I told him about my ideas but he dismissed them out of hand. I told him about my ideas, but he rejected them from the place. >>eng<< Ještě jsem dnes nejedl. I still haven't eaten today. I haven't eaten yet. >>eng<< Začal vysvětlovat, co se stalo. He started to explain what happened. He began to explain what had happened. >>eng<< Mám tady klienta. I'm with a client. I have a client here. >>eng<< Barcelona je ráj Katalánské kuchyně. Barcelona is the heaven of Catalan cuisine. Barcelona is a Catalan cuisine paradise. >>eng<< Tom dał wiele wskazówek, ale żadna z nich mi się nie podobała. Tom gave a lot of suggestions, but I didn't like any of them. Tom gave a lot of tips, but I didn't like either of them. >>eng<< Vypadá to jako kachna. It looks like a duck. It looks like a duck. >>eng<< Kolik ještě musím zaplatit? How much more do I have to pay? How much more do I have to pay? >>eng<< Kwitnięcie wiśni jest bardzo piękne. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. The flowering of the cherry is very beautiful. >>eng<< Czytałaś tę książkę? Have you read this book? Have you read this book? >>eng<< Měli za souseda psychopata a stálo je to život. They had a psychopath as a neighbour and it cost their lives. They had a psychopath as a neighbor, and it cost life. >>eng<< To jest godne uwagi. It's remarkable. That's worthy of attention. >>eng<< Pewnego dnia będę sławny. I'm going to be famous one day. One day I'll be famous. >>eng<< Tom je můj soused. Tom is my neighbour. Tom is my neighbor. >>eng<< Ludzie, jesteście moimi gośćmi. You people are my guests. Guys, you're my guests. >>eng<< Tom se konečně vrátil z Austrálie. Tom is finally back from Australia. Tom finally returned from Australia. >>eng<< Tom jim určitě něco řekl. Tom must have told them something. I'm sure Tom told them something. >>eng<< Tak naprawdę nie jestem zła. I'm not really angry. I'm not really angry. >>eng<< Mary bývala modelkou. Mary used to be a model. Mary used to be a model. >>eng<< Tom je přesvědčen, že mu lidé úmyslně hází klacky pod nohy. Tom believes that people deliberately put obstacles in his way. Tom is convinced that people deliberately throw sticks under his feet. >>eng<< Už mě nebaví Toma pořád napomínat. I am tired of admonishing Tom all the time. I'm tired of telling Tom all the time. >>eng<< Jaké víno máš raději? Which wine do you like better? What wine do you prefer? >>eng<< Każdy z nich posiada element układanki. They each have a piece of the puzzle. Each of them has an element of the puzzle. >>eng<< Tom už se mi dlouho neozval. I haven't heard from Tom for ages. Tom hasn't heard from me in a long time. >>eng<< Dlaczego nie zwróciłeś uwagi Tomowi? Why didn't you say something to Tom? Why didn't you pay attention to Tom? >>eng<< Jsme teď tady, Tome. We're here now, Tom. We're here now, Tom. >>eng<< To moja płyta. That's my CD. That's my record. >>eng<< Znam tę dziewczynę. I know the girl. I know that girl. >>eng<< Nechce se mi teď moc mluvit. I don't feel much like talking right now. I don't want to talk much right now. >>eng<< Najwyższy czas, żebyś poszedł do fryzjera. It's high time you had a haircut. It's time you went to the barber shop. >>eng<< Stej w knihowni. You are in the library. I'm in the library. >>eng<< Zajímalo mě, kdy se vrátíš. I was wondering when you'd get back. I wonder when you'll be back. >>eng<< Tom položil svoje pivo. Tom put down his beer. Tom put his beer. >>eng<< Nevím, jestli se mu podaří přežít. I don't know if he'll manage to survive. I don't know if he can survive. >>eng<< Myslím, že je nevinný. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. >>eng<< Tom potrzebuje Mary. Tom needs Mary. Tom needs Mary. >>eng<< Tom prodloužil svoji smlouvu na další tři roky. Tom renewed his contract for a further three years. Tom extended his contract for the next three years. >>eng<< Tom nie rozumiał mojego francuskiego. Tom didn't understand my French. Tom didn't understand my French. >>eng<< Wkrótce poznamy prawdę. We'll soon know the truth. We'll know the truth soon enough. >>eng<< Poznałem Toma, gdy byłem na drugim roku na Harvardzie. I met Tom when I was a sophomore at Harvard. I met Tom when I was in Harvard the second year. >>eng<< Někteří lidé mají rádi červené víno, jiní ne. Some people like red wine, others do not. Some people like red wine, others don’t. >>eng<< Byl to Tom, kdo ho přivedl na scestí. It was Tom who led him astray. It was Tom who brought him on his way. >>eng<< Je to schované ve sklepě. It's hidden in the basement. It's hidden in the basement. >>eng<< Kdy začalo sněžit? When did it start snowing? When did it start snowing? >>eng<< Budeš mi chybět, až odejdeš. I'll miss you after you've gone. I'll miss you when you leave. >>eng<< Netušil jsem, že Tom je tvůj bratr. I had no idea Tom was your brother. I didn't know Tom was your brother. >>eng<< Varoval jsem ji před Tomem. I warned her against Tom. I warned her about Tom. >>eng<< Islandia jest państwem wyspiarskim na Oceanie Atlantyckim, pomiędzy Grenlandią, Wyspami Owczymi i Norwegią. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Iceland is an island country in the Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland, Faroe Islands and Norway. >>eng<< Tom poczuł się niezręcznie. Tom felt awkward. Tom felt uncomfortable. >>eng<< Masz dziesięć lat? Are you ten years old? You're ten years old? >>eng<< Jak dlouho to budeme muset dělat? How long will we need to do this? How long will we have to do this? >>eng<< Zdálo se mi, jak jsem změnil práci. I dreamed about changing my job. I felt like I was changing my job. >>eng<< Tom šel ven i přes zákaz vycházení. Tom went out despite the curfew. Tom went out despite the ban. >>eng<< Myślałem, że już zawsze będą sam. I thought I'd always be alone. I thought they'd always be alone. >>eng<< Nie ma o czym mówić. There's nothing to talk about. There's nothing to talk about. >>eng<< Szerokiej drogi! Have a nice trip! Wide way! >>eng<< To co udělali, je špatné. Ale to co udělal Tom, je mnohem horší. What they did is bad. However, what Tom did is much worse. What they did is wrong, but what Tom did is much worse. >>eng<< Szkoda, że zmarnowałem czas na czytanie tego. I shouldn't have wasted my time reading that. It's a shame I've wasted my time reading this. >>eng<< Kde jsou teď tvoji rodiče? Where are your parents now? Where are your parents now? >>eng<< Pierwszy raz słyszę to słowo. This is the first time I've heard that word. For the first time I hear this word. >>eng<< Určitě přijď. Be sure to come. I'm sure you're coming. >>eng<< Moja siostra jest wyższa ode mnie o dziesięć centymetrów. My sister is 10 centimetres taller than I am. My sister is ten centimeters taller than me. >>eng<< Tom nienawidzi tego. Tom hates it. Tom hates it. >>eng<< Ještě nikdy nebyla v autě, které by řídil on. She has never been in a car driven by him. She's never been in a car that he's driving. >>eng<< Tom má farmu. Tom has a farm. Tom has a farm. >>eng<< Diskuse s Tomem pro nás byla vyčerpávající. The discussion with Tom was exhausting for us. The discussion with Tom was exhausting for us. >>eng<< Lubię jazz. I like jazz. I like jazz. >>eng<< Úroveň hladiny moře se zvedá. The sea level is rising. The level of sea level rises. >>eng<< Pokud nevíš co děláš, nech to být. If you don't know what you're doing, leave it alone. If you don't know what you're doing, leave it alone. >>eng<< Mohu to dát sem? Could I put this here? Can I put it here? >>eng<< Vystoupíme z vlaku. Let's get off the train. Let's get off the train. >>eng<< Tom se holí denně. Tom shaves every day. Tom shaves every day. >>eng<< Nevím, zdali se mnou chce jít. I don't know if she wants to go with me. I don't know if he wants to come with me. >>eng<< To bys měl spravit. You need to fix it. You should fix that. >>eng<< Tom věděl o všem. Tom knew about everything. Tom knew everything. >>eng<< Naštěstí už jsem je znovu neviděl. Thankfully, I didn't see them again. Fortunately, I have not seen them again. >>eng<< Te kolumny podtrzymują scenę. These pillars support the stage. These columns support the scene. >>eng<< Musíme si určit nové priority. We need a new set of priorities. We need to set new priorities. >>eng<< Bojím se řídit auto na jednosměrných silnicích. I am afraid to drive a car in one-direction streets. I'm afraid to drive a car on one-way roads. >>eng<< Ani jsem tam nebyl. I wasn't even there. I wasn't even there. >>eng<< Tom rzadko pije kawę wieczorem. Tom seldom drinks coffee in the evening. Tom rarely drinks coffee in the evening. >>eng<< Tom vždycky navaří o víkendu. Tom does all the cooking on weekends. Tom always cooks on the weekend. >>eng<< Policja mnie śledzi. The police have been following me. The police are following me. >>eng<< Teče mi z bradavky. I have a discharge from my nipple. I'm going to die. >>eng<< Pokaždé, když čtu tuhle knihu, nalézám něco nového. Every time I read this book, I find something new. Every time I read this book, I find something new. >>eng<< Tomek w dzieciństwie wolno się uczył, więc uczęszczał do szkoły integracyjnej. Tom was a slow learner when he was a child, and attended a special school. As a child, Tom was free to study, so he attended an integration school. >>eng<< Talent nic ci nie da bez ciężkiej pracy. Talent will get you nowhere without hard work. Talent won't give you anything without hard work. >>eng<< Chceš mluvit soukromě? Do you want to speak privately? Do you want to speak privately? >>eng<< Byli to takříkajíc oběti války. They were, so to speak, casualties of war. They were the victims of the war. >>eng<< Tom i Mary muszą być teraz małżeństwem. Tom and Mary must be married by now. Tom and Mary must now be married. >>eng<< Tom přestal plakat. Tom has stopped crying. Tom stopped crying. >>eng<< To je vše, co dostanu. That's all I'm going to get. That's all I get. >>eng<< Znasz jego numer? Do you know his number? You know his number? >>eng<< Našel jsem je. I found them. I found them. >>eng<< Šťastná ta, která si vezme syna mrtvé matky. Happy is she who marries the son of a dead mother. Happy one who will marry the son of a dead mother. >>eng<< Co o nich víte? What do you know about them? What do you know about them? >>eng<< Jestem przywiązana do tej lalki. I have warm feelings for that doll. I'm attached to this doll. >>eng<< Zazwyczaj na nikogo nie czekam. I don't usually wait for anybody. I usually don't wait for anyone. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že tady nikdy předtím nebyl. Tom said that he had never been there before. Tom said he's never been here before. >>eng<< Jesteś jeszcze wyższy niż ja. You're even taller than I am. You're even higher than me. >>eng<< Zostało zorganizowane przyjęcie pożegnalne dla pana Smitha. A farewell party was held for Mr. Smith. A farewell party was organized for Mr. Smith. >>eng<< Nejsi hloupější, protože nechceš. You aren't stupider because you don't want to. You're not stupid because you don't want to. >>eng<< Tomův proslov mě nepřesvědčil. Tom's speech didn't convince me. Tom's speech didn't convince me. >>eng<< Tenhle chléb vypadá výborně. This bread looks delicious. This bread looks great. >>eng<< Moje dcera se bude vdávat. My daughter is getting married. My daughter's getting married. >>eng<< Tohle je jedno z nejlepších řeznictví ve městě. This is one of the best butcher shops in town. This is one of the best carvings in the city. >>eng<< Vyváznul jsi lehce. You got off easy. You got out light. >>eng<< Tady bydlím. That's where I live. I live here. >>eng<< Některé hvězdy se začaly objevovat na noční obloze. Some stars began to appear in the night sky. Some of the stars began to appear in the night sky. >>eng<< Niedługo zacznie padać śnieg. It will begin snowing before long. Soon snow will begin to rain. >>eng<< Przeprowadził się w moje sąsiedztwo. He moved into my neighborhood. He moved into my neighborhood. >>eng<< Tuhle hru jsem prohrál. I lost this game. I lost this game. >>eng<< Tom přežil tři manželky. Tom has outlived three wives. Tom survived three wives. >>eng<< Rozmawialiśmy już. We already talked. We've already talked. >>eng<< Zacząć to połowa sukcesu. Starting is half the battle. Start with half the success. >>eng<< Musíte ji najít. You need to find her. You have to find her. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, jak wy w ogóle weszliście na taki temat. I was just wondering how you guys ever got talking about this topic. I wonder how you were at all about this. >>eng<< Nie ma powodu do narzekań. There's no reason to complain. There is no reason to complain. >>eng<< W torbie jest trochę pieniędzy. There is a little money in the bag. There's some money in the bag. >>eng<< Bude to nějakou dobu trvat. It will take some time. It's gonna take a while. >>eng<< Proč bych se měl zajímat o Tomovy problémy? Why should I care about Tom's problems? Why should I be interested in Tom's problems? >>eng<< Kdyby vám na Tomovi doopravdy záleželo, byli byste mu pomohli. If you really cared about Tom, you would have helped him. If you really cared about Tom, you'd help him. >>eng<< Ten szczypiornista dostanie chyba karę za spóźnienie się na mecz. It seems the volleyball player will be punished for being late for the game. I think he'll be fined for late for the game. >>eng<< Postaram się zdobyć wszystko czego potrzebujemy. I'll try to get everything we need. I'll try to get everything we need. >>eng<< Jsme v zácpě. We're in a jam. We're in constipation. >>eng<< Nauczycielkę zdumiała moją odpowiedź. The teacher marvelled at my response. The teacher was amazed by my answer. >>eng<< Tom nie mógł znaleźć swoich szkieł kontaktowych. Tom couldn't find his contact lens. Tom couldn't find his contact glasses. >>eng<< To co viděla, ji překvapilo. She was surprised by what she saw. What she saw surprised her. >>eng<< Te dzieci są potencjalnymi klientami. Those children are potential customers. These kids are potential customers. >>eng<< Tom nemá rád kuře. Tom doesn't like chicken. Tom doesn't like chicken. >>eng<< Wróciłem zza granicy. I returned from abroad. I came back from across the border. >>eng<< Szybko dostosowywał się do nowych warunków. He quickly adjusted to the new situation. He quickly adapted to new conditions. >>eng<< Stále čekám na to, až přijde Tom. I am still waiting for Tom to come. I'm still waiting for Tom to come. >>eng<< Tom nie tonie. Tom isn't drowning. Tom's not sinking. >>eng<< Vyhrožoval jí po telefonu. He threatened her on the phone. He threatened her on the phone. >>eng<< Nie podoba mi się jego sposób mówienia. I do not like the way he talks. I don't like his way of talking. >>eng<< Wciąż chcesz startować na Harvard? Are you still thinking about applying to Harvard? You still want to start at Harvard? >>eng<< Ti vojáci na lodích by byli snadným cílem. The soldiers on the boats would be easy targets. Those soldiers on the ships would be an easy target. >>eng<< Je to zajímavé, ale vedlejší. That's interesting, but beside the point. It's interesting, but it's side-by-side. >>eng<< Co je to platonická láska? What does platonic love mean? What is Platonic Love? >>eng<< Tyto auta se vyrábí v Japonsku. These cars are made in Japan. These cars are manufactured in Japan. >>eng<< Dowiedziałem się, ze zdziwieniem, że ona nie żyje. I found, to my surprise, that she was dead. I was surprised that she was dead. >>eng<< Učitel viděl někoho opisovat při testu. The teacher saw someone copying on the test. The teacher saw someone describe during the test. >>eng<< K čertu s hranicemi! To hell with borders! Damn the border! >>eng<< Uznałem twoją oferte za żart. I regarded your offer as a joke. I found your offer a joke. >>eng<< Tom si myslí, že ho všichni musí poslouchat. Tom thinks that everybody must obey him. Tom thinks everyone has to listen to him. >>eng<< Líbí se mi ryby. I like fish. I like fish. >>eng<< Nie wiem, jak to powiedzieć po japońsku. I don't know how to say this in Japanese. I don’t know how to say it in Japanese. >>eng<< Určitě máš spoustu práce. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you've got a lot of work to do. >>eng<< Tom a Mary bývali přáteli. Tom and Mary used to be friends. Tom and Mary were friends. >>eng<< Tom žil pár let v Bostonu. Tom lived in Boston for a few years. Tom lived in Boston for a few years. >>eng<< Hraní na anglický roh není snadné. Playing the English horn isn't easy. Playing the English corner is not easy. >>eng<< Příští měsíc tady Tom nebude. Tom won't be here next month. Tom won't be here next month. >>eng<< Jídlo není ještě hotové. The food's not ready yet. The food is not ready yet. >>eng<< Přeložte ten text. Translate this text. Translate the text. >>eng<< Měl bys začít teď. You'd better start now. You should start now. >>eng<< Što? What? What? >>eng<< Co kdybychom to dali do kufru? Why don't we put this in the trunk? Why don't we put it in the trunk? >>eng<< Proč byl Tom zabit zůstává záhadou. Why Tom was killed is still a mystery. Why Tom was killed remains a mystery. >>eng<< Tom to nikdy nedělal a já taky ne. Tom has never done it and neither have I. Tom never did it and I didn't either. >>eng<< Prosiłem cię, żebyś słuchał uważnie. I beg of you to listen carefully. I asked you to listen carefully. >>eng<< Myslím, že bychom si o tom měli promluvit později. I think we should talk about this later. I think we should talk about it later. >>eng<< Byłem w trakcie medytacji, kiedy mój brat nagle wpadł do pokoju. I was just meditating, when my brother suddenly burst into the room. I was in meditation when my brother suddenly fell into peace. >>eng<< Nie mogę wziąść mniej. I cannot take less. I can't take less. >>eng<< Byłem zaskoczony jego podobieństwem do swojego ojca. I was surprised that he really had a strong resemblance to his father. I was surprised by his resemblance to his father. >>eng<< Promeškala uzávěrku. She missed the deadline. She missed the closure. >>eng<< Szkoła znajduje się w odległości pięciu minut marszu od dworca. The school is located within five minutes' walk of the station. The school is within 5 minutes of the station. >>eng<< Minulý týden jsem napsal panu Woodovi a požádal jsem ho, aby ti dal práci na farmě. I wrote last week to Mr. Wood and I asked him to give you a job on the farm. I wrote to Mr. Wood last week and I asked him to give you a job on the farm. >>eng<< Její manžel ji vyděsil k smrti. She was scared to death of her husband. Her husband scared her to death. >>eng<< Tom má několik vlezlých sousedů. Tom has some nosy neighbors. Tom has several insidious neighbors. >>eng<< Gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy. Haste makes waste. When a man is in a hurry, the devil is happy. >>eng<< Dlaczego zawsze spóźniasz się do szkoły? Why are you always late for school? Why are you always late for school? >>eng<< Omlouvám se, ale došla nám zásoba. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. >>eng<< Ne, to jsem nikdy neřekl. No, I never said that. No, I never said that. >>eng<< Powinniśmy podjąć odpowiednie kroki zanim będzie za późno. We should take the necessary steps before it's too late. We should take the right steps before it's too late. >>eng<< Tom neodcházel. Tom wasn't leaving. Tom didn't leave. >>eng<< Setkáme se ve vestibulu. Let's meet in the lobby. We'll meet in the vestibule. >>eng<< Tom mi řekl, že by se rád stal lékařem. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me he'd like to be a doctor. >>eng<< Spokojnie, sprawę psa już wyjaśniłyśmy. Calm down, we've already settled the matter of the dog. Relax, we've already explained the dog's case. >>eng<< Byli jsme v obýváku, když jsme slyšeli ten výstřel. We were in the living room when we heard the gunshot. We were in the living room when we heard the shot. >>eng<< V moři jsou ostrovy. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. >>eng<< Komputer pozwala zaoszczędzić czas. A computer can save time. The computer saves time. >>eng<< Je ten had živý nebo mrtvý? Is the snake alive or dead? Is the snake alive or dead? >>eng<< Mary udělala něco, na co není pyšná. Mary did something of which she's not proud. Mary did something she wasn't proud of. >>eng<< Czemu jesteś tak zdyszany? Why are you out of breath? Why are you so suffocated? >>eng<< Można płacić czekami podróżnymi? Can I pay with a travelers check? Can travel waits be paid? >>eng<< Ten ptak to chyba wróbel. That bird is probably a sparrow. I think this bird is a scoundrel. >>eng<< Za tohle vás Tom potrestá. Tom will punish you for that. Tom will punish you for this. >>eng<< Mary jest podobna do swojej matki. Mary looks like her mother. Mary is similar to her mother. >>eng<< Tento román je nudný. This novel is boring. This novel is boring. >>eng<< Jeho projev mě nudil. His speech bored me. His speech bored me. >>eng<< Zgubiłem się. I'm lost. I'm lost. >>eng<< Światło lampy migotało we mgle. The light of the lamp glimmered in the fog. The light of the lamp flashed in the fog. >>eng<< Vysvětlím to později. I'll explain this later. I'll explain later. >>eng<< Mary nie rozumiała pytania. Mary did not understand the question. Mary didn't understand the question. >>eng<< Co za oryginalny pomysł! What an original idea! What an original idea! >>eng<< Nikdy jsme nevolili. We never voted. We never voted. >>eng<< Pokud nás hledají, jsem si jistá, že nás najdou. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. >>eng<< "Kdo vás tam poslal?" "Byl to Tom, kdo nás tam poslal." "Who sent you there?" "It was Tom who sent us there." "Who sent you there?" "It was Tom who sent us there." >>eng<< Jezero Bajkal v Rusku je nejhlubším jezerem světa. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. >>eng<< Myślisz, że Tom będzie w stanie nam pomóc? Do you think Tom will be able to help us? You think Tom's gonna be able to help us? >>eng<< Souhlasíte? Do you agree? Do you agree? >>eng<< Myślałem, że powinienem zaproponować Tomowi pomoc. I thought I ought to offer Tom some help. I thought I should offer Tom help. >>eng<< Tamás nagyon fáradt volt. Tom was very tired. Tamás Nagy Faradt Volt. >>eng<< Kdy řeknete Tomovi pravdu? When are you going to tell Tom the truth? When will you tell Tom the truth? >>eng<< Zobacz co się dzieje na zewnątrz. See what's going on outside. Look at what's going on outside. >>eng<< Zeszłej nocy oglądaliśmy mecz bejsbolowy w telewizji. We watched the baseball game on TV last night. Last night we watched a baseball game on television. >>eng<< To oczywiste. It's obvious. It's obvious. >>eng<< Rád bych tam někdy jel. I'd love to go there one day. I'd like to go there sometime. >>eng<< Už jsem o tom promluvil s Tomem. I've already spoken to Tom about it. I've already talked to Tom about it. >>eng<< Tom je hrozně nenadaný. Tom is extremely untalented. Tom's very unsustainable. >>eng<< Cudownie! Wonderful! That's great! >>eng<< Właśnie kupiłem te buty. I just bought these shoes. I just bought those shoes. >>eng<< Tom už čekat nebude. Tom won't wait anymore. Tom won't wait. >>eng<< Nie chcę być z nim widziany. I don't want to be seen with him. I don't want to be seen with him. >>eng<< Przepraszam. Bez wasabi proszę. Excuse me, without wasabi, please. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Můžeš mi k narozeninám upéct dort? Can you bake me a cake for my birthday? Can you make me a cake for my birthday? >>eng<< Tom doma nekouří. Tom doesn't smoke at home. Tom doesn't smoke at home. >>eng<< Co możemy z tym zrobić? What can we do about it? What can we do about it? >>eng<< Tom i Mary pochodzą z tego samego miasta. Tom and Mary come from the same town. Tom and Mary come from the same city. >>eng<< Ten obraz wisi krzywo. The picture is hung crooked. This picture hangs a curve. >>eng<< Neměli byste Toma stále něčím zaměstnávat. You shouldn't keep Tom busy. You shouldn't still employ Tom. >>eng<< Ciężko jest zjeść tylko jedną truskawkę. It's hard to eat just one strawberry. It is difficult to eat only one strawberry. >>eng<< Ssij mojego kutasa! Suck my dick! Get my son-in-law! >>eng<< Powiedziałem Tomowi, że pomogę. I told Tom I'd help. I told Tom I'd help. >>eng<< Tom vyhrál losování. Tom won the toss. Tom won the draw. >>eng<< Nemusíš jít tančit, pokud nechceš. You do not have to go to the dance unless you want to. You don't have to go dancing if you don't want to. >>eng<< Jste nudní. You're boring. You're boring. >>eng<< Hej, poczekaj chwilę. Hey, wait a minute. Hey, wait a minute. >>eng<< Maria będzie pracować, mimo że jest chora. Although Mary is sick, she will work. Maria will work even though she is sick. >>eng<< Díváš se rád na filmy? Do you like to watch movies? Do you like watching movies? >>eng<< Yuriko se velmi líbily příležitostné tajné schůzky se svým milencem. Yuriko thoroughly enjoyed her occasional secret meetings with her lover. Yuriko liked the occasional secret meetings with his lover. >>eng<< Nie wyszła za niego z własnej woli. She didn't marry him of her own will. She didn't marry him for her own will. >>eng<< Kiedy powiemy Tomowi? When are we going to tell Tom? When do we tell Tom? >>eng<< Tom nie jest Żydem. Tom isn't a Jew. Tom is not a Jew. >>eng<< Ta szuflada jest pełna różnych rzeczy. That drawer is full of miscellaneous items. This drawer is full of different things. >>eng<< Tom nám chce něco říct. Tom wants to tell us something. Tom wants to tell us something. >>eng<< Mówią, że ten człowiek ma uniwersalny klucz, który otwiera wszystkie drzwi w mieście. They say that that man has a master key which opens all the doors of the city. They say that this man has a universal key that opens all the doors in the city. >>eng<< Co chcesz od Toma? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? >>eng<< Tom uważa, że to trudne być dla niego miłym. Tom found it difficult to please him. Tom thinks it's hard to be nice to him. >>eng<< Dołączę do ciebie później. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. >>eng<< Wiedziałem, że Tom pójdzie z Mary tańczyć. I knew Tom would go to the dance with Mary. I knew Tom was going to dance with Mary. >>eng<< Jsme schopni doručit během týdne. We are able to deliver within a week. We are able to deliver within a week. >>eng<< Tom nevěří na evoluci. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. >>eng<< Czy to jest Twój samochód? Is that your car? Is this your car? >>eng<< Biały koń jest wyższy od czarnego. The white horse is taller than the black one. The white horse is higher than the black horse. >>eng<< Určitě jste zůstaly dlouho vzhůru. You must've stayed up late. I'm sure you've stayed awake for a long time. >>eng<< Zawsze będę cię kochał, niezależnie, co zrobisz. I'll always love you, no matter what you do. I will always love you, no matter what you do. >>eng<< Pracuje ve studené a tmavé kanceláři. He works in a cold dark office. He works in a cold and dark office. >>eng<< Cožpak si na mě nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember me? Don't you remember me? >>eng<< Tom to nemůže udělat. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. >>eng<< Našemu psovi je třináct. Our dog is thirteen. Our dog is thirteen. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, czy zrobiłbyś coś dla mnie. I wonder if you'd do me a favor. I'm wondering if you'd do something for me. >>eng<< Cały obszar był pokryty śniegiem. The whole place was covered in snow. The whole area was covered with snow. >>eng<< Ohrožoval nás zbraní. He threatened us with the gun. He threatened us with weapons. >>eng<< Tom powiedział Mary, żeby przestała tak robić. Tom told Mary to quit doing that. Tom told Mary to stop doing that. >>eng<< Nechceš nějaké ovoce? Would you like some fruit? You want some fruit? >>eng<< Někdo mi dýchá do tváře. Je to odporné. Somebody's breathing on my face. It's disgusting. Someone's breathing in my face. >>eng<< Po nas choćby potop! After us, the Deluge. After us, even the flood! >>eng<< Nevolal bych, kdyby to nebylo důležité. I wouldn't be calling if it weren't important. I wouldn't call if it wasn't important. >>eng<< Z jízdy autobusem se jí udělalo tak špatně, že začala zvracet. The bus ride made her feel so sick that she began to vomit. The bus was so bad that she started to turn back. >>eng<< Tom ma łódkę. Tom has a rowboat. Tom's got a boat. >>eng<< Poznal jsem mnoho nových přátel. I met many new friends. I met many new friends. >>eng<< Nie chciał jechać do Japonii. He didn't want to go to Japan. He didn't want to go to Japan. >>eng<< Uznałem ten film za bardzo ciekawy. I found this film very interesting. I found this film very interesting. >>eng<< Jesteś zły? Are you angry? Are you angry? >>eng<< Leden je obvykle nejchladnější měsíc. January is usually the coldest month. January is usually the coldest month. >>eng<< Z toho bych si legraci nedělal. That isn't something I'd joke about. I wouldn't make fun of that. >>eng<< Nie zostawiaj mnie samego! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! >>eng<< Mrzí mě, že jsem to tak špatně vysvětlil. I'm sorry I explained it so badly. I'm sorry I explained it so badly. >>eng<< Setkal jsem se s jeho ženou na nádraží. Je velmi přitažlivá. I met his wife at the station. She's very attractive. I met his wife at the station, she's very attractive. >>eng<< Já nikam nejdu. I'm not going. I'm not going anywhere. >>eng<< Nie, niczego nie żałuję. No, I don't regret anything. No, I don't regret anything. >>eng<< Jest alkoholiczką. She's an alcoholic. She's an alcoholic. >>eng<< Tom mě stále ještě neodškodnil. Tom still hasn't reimbursed me. Tom still hasn't compensated me. >>eng<< Co się stało na spotkaniu? What happened in the meeting? What happened at the meeting? >>eng<< Mary umí dobře tančit. Mary can dance well. Mary can dance well. >>eng<< Nebudu doma týden. I won't be home for a week. I'm not gonna be home for a week. >>eng<< Jesteś innego zdania? Do you have another opinion? Are you in a different opinion? >>eng<< Zarówno Piotr, jak i Lech, są z Polski. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Both Peter and Lech are from Poland. >>eng<< Začal jsi brečet. You started crying. You started crying. >>eng<< Jebana kurwa. Fucking whore. Fuck. >>eng<< Uwielbiamy Cię, Chryste. Christ, we adore you. We love you, wait. >>eng<< Uwielbiam słuchać muzyki. I love listening to music. I love to listen to music. >>eng<< Pomohl jsem jí s mytím nádobí. I helped her wash the dishes. I helped her wash the dishes. >>eng<< Nie przeczytał jeszcze książki. He hasn't read the book yet. He hasn't read the book yet. >>eng<< Musisz trzymać się diety. You must stick to your diet. You have to stick to the diet. >>eng<< Vždycky tu budeme. We're always going to be here. We'll always be here. >>eng<< Tato cesta je nesjízdná. This road is impassable. This road is inconspicuous. >>eng<< Znáte nejdelší slovo ve vašem jazyce? Do you know the longest word in your language? Do you know the longest word in your language? >>eng<< Kolik myslíš, že Tomovi platí? How much do you think Tom gets paid? How much do you think Tom is paying? >>eng<< Xavier jest młodym studentem studiującym ekonomię na uniwersytecie w Paryżu. Xavier is a young student studying economics at the University of Paris. Xavier is a young student studying economics at the University of Paris. >>eng<< Chcę, żebyś wiedział, co się naprawdę stało. I want you to know what really happened. I want you to know what really happened. >>eng<< Seděla pod stromem. She was sitting under a tree. She was sitting under a tree. >>eng<< Głowa mnie boli. My head hurts. My head hurts. >>eng<< Zrobił się blady ze strachu. He turned pale with fright. He became pale out of fear. >>eng<< Tom w końcu się złamał i przyznał. Tom eventually broke down and confessed. Tom finally broke up and admitted. >>eng<< Je mi toho chlapíka líto. I feel bad for that guy. I'm sorry about that guy. >>eng<< Tom se prý štítí práce. Tom is said to be work-shy. Tom said the job was shielded. >>eng<< Připravoval si věci na ryby. He was setting up things for fishing. He prepared things for the fish. >>eng<< Nechci být vaším přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. >>eng<< Byl Tom zraněn? Has Tom been injured? Was Tom hurt? >>eng<< Vlak vykolejil a způsobil paniku mezi cestujícími, ale nebyly hlášeny žádné oběti. The train derailed causing panic among the passengers, but no casualties were reported. The train derailed and caused panic among passengers, but no victims were reported. >>eng<< Budeme se muset vypořádat s každou překážkou, která se nám postaví do cesty. We'll have to face every obstacle that comes our way. We're going to have to deal with every obstacle that gets us on our way. >>eng<< Potěžkal ten kámen v ruce. He weighed the stone in his hand. He was burdening the stone in his hand. >>eng<< Bardzo się starał, ale w końcu przegrał. He tried his best, but in the end he was defeated. He tried hard, but eventually lost. >>eng<< Kontynuuj, proszę. Please continue. Keep going, please. >>eng<< Proč bych měl žádat Toma o svolení? Why should I ask Tom for permission? Why should I ask Tom for permission? >>eng<< Mary nie odbiera telefonu. Mary isn't answering her phone. Mary doesn't answer the phone. >>eng<< Když jsem byl v Bostonu, bydlel jsem u svého strýce. I stayed at my uncle's while I was in Boston. When I was in Boston, I lived with my uncle. >>eng<< Jednodušší věty se překládají snadněji. It is easier to translate simpler sentences. Simpler sentences are easier to translate. >>eng<< Zwariowałeś? Are you nuts? Are you crazy? >>eng<< Já bydlím v Turecku. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. >>eng<< Tom nie potrafił ukryć przed Mary swoich uczuć. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom couldn’t hide his feelings from Mary. >>eng<< Jak se sem ten bot dostal? How did the bot get here? How did the shoe get here? >>eng<< Pane vrchní, přineste mi trochu vody, prosím. Waiter, please bring me some water. Sir, bring me some water, please. >>eng<< Ona wie, że John ją kochał. She knows that John loved her. She knows John loved her. >>eng<< Bude to někdo překládat? Will anybody translate it? Will anyone translate it? >>eng<< Jeśli nie będziesz jeść, umrzesz. If you don't eat, you'll die. If you don't eat, you'll die. >>eng<< Potřebuji tě zítra. I need you tomorrow. I need you tomorrow. >>eng<< Nie nazywaj mnie kretynem. Don't call me a moron. Don't call me a son of a bitch. >>eng<< Toto je velmi starý obrázek. That's a very old picture. This is a very old picture. >>eng<< Szukam Natsuko. I'm looking for Natsuko. I'm looking for Natsuko. >>eng<< Umím napsat padesát čtyři čínských znaků. I know how to write fifty-four Chinese characters. I can write fifty-four Chinese characters. >>eng<< Chovala se, jako kdyby byla posedlá. She acted like she was possessed. She acted like she was obsessed. >>eng<< Jak byl Tom zraněn? How was Tom injured? How was Tom hurt? >>eng<< Po troše váhání položil knihu na stůl. After some hesitation, he laid the book on the desk. After a while, he put the book on the table. >>eng<< Widziałeś coś tak pięknego? Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Have you seen anything so beautiful? >>eng<< My, Niemcy, boimy się Boga, i nikogo więcej. We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world. We, Germany, fear God, and no one else. >>eng<< Mám na práci nějaké učení. I've got some studying to do. I've got some teaching to do. >>eng<< Tomek woli parkować za domem. Tom prefers to park behind the house. Tomek prefers to park behind the house. >>eng<< Byla v mém pokoji. She was in my room. She was in my room. >>eng<< To já jen ze zdvořilosti. I'm just being polite. I'm just being polite. >>eng<< Tom ty otázky zodpověděl správně. Tom answered the questions correctly. Tom answered the questions correctly. >>eng<< Nie musisz spieszyć się z odpowiedzią. You don't have to answer quickly. You don't have to hurry with the answer. >>eng<< Kto wygrywa? Who's winning? Who wins? >>eng<< Je agresivita přirozená nebo naučená? Is aggression natural, or is it learned? Is aggression natural or learned? >>eng<< Potřebuji mluvit s Tomovým otcem. I needed to talk to Tom's father. I need to talk to Tom's father. >>eng<< Tom trpělivě počkal venku. Tom patiently waited outside. Tom waited patiently outside. >>eng<< Co bych měl v této situaci udělat? What should I do in this situation? What should I do in this situation? >>eng<< Tom za celý život nepřečetl ani jednu knihu. Tom hasn't read a single book in his life. Tom hasn't read a book in a lifetime. >>eng<< Jô rzôdkò robjã felã. I seldom make a mistake. This is a very rare error. >>eng<< Ty nápady byly poslem demokracie. Those ideas were the harbinger of democracy. These ideas were the messenger of democracy. >>eng<< Sytuacja jest gorsza niż myśleliśmy. The situation is worse than we thought. The situation is worse than we thought. >>eng<< Zatrzymamy to dla ciebie do czasu twojego wyjazdu. We will keep it for you until you leave. We'll keep this for you until you leave. >>eng<< Trvá to několik hodin. It's been happening for several hours. It takes a few hours. >>eng<< Tom se omluvil za to, že neudělal, co slíbil udělat. Tom apologized for not doing what he had promised he'd do. Tom apologized for not doing what he promised to do. >>eng<< Zakoupil jsem si nový počítač. I bought myself a new computer. I bought a new computer. >>eng<< Czy masz samochód? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? >>eng<< Kim jesteś? What are you? Who are you? >>eng<< Vystydlo mi kafe. My coffee cooled down. I've got coffee. >>eng<< Tohle bývalo řeznictví. This used to be a butcher shop. This used to be a carnivore. >>eng<< Powinnaś to przeczytać. You should read this. You should read it. >>eng<< Szukałem cię. I have been looking for you. I was looking for you. >>eng<< Ten dům stojí osamocen. The house stands by itself. This house stands alone. >>eng<< Ciekawe pytanie pozostało bez odpowiedzi. An interesting question remained unanswered. An interesting question remained unanswered. >>eng<< Knihy pro mladé se nyní dobře prodávají. Books for young people sell well these days. Books for young people are now being sold well. >>eng<< Umarł w wieku 54 lat. He died when he was 54 years old. He died at the age of 54. >>eng<< Mary se podceňuje. Mary is selling herself short. Mary is underestimating. >>eng<< On nespí. He doesn't sleep. He's not sleeping. >>eng<< Tom nie chce być złapany. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Tom doesn't want to be caught. >>eng<< Nejspíš je mrtev. He's probably dead. He's probably dead. >>eng<< Zjistěte, kam Tom jel. Find out where Tom has gone. Find out where Tom went. >>eng<< Doktor zalecił mi nie pić za dużo. The doctor advised me not to drink too much. The doctor told me not to drink too much. >>eng<< Zapomeň na to. Nestojí to za to. Forget it. It's not worth it. Forget it, it's not worth it. >>eng<< Cítím to stejně, jako ty. I feel the same way you do. I feel it the same way you do. >>eng<< Jaký důkaz máte? What evidence do you have? What evidence do you have? >>eng<< Chci zapomenout, proto piji. I need to forget, therefore I drink. I want to forget, that's why I drink. >>eng<< Měl jsi mi říct, že jedeš. You should've told me you were going. You should have told me you were coming. >>eng<< Mój starszy brat zarządza tą firmą. My older brother manages that company. My older brother manages this company. >>eng<< Jsem si dobře vědom problémů, se kterými se potýkáme. I'm well aware of the problems we face. I am well aware of the problems we face. >>eng<< Nie sądzę, żeby to się kiedykolwiek stało. I don't think that that'll ever happen. I don't think it ever happened. >>eng<< Może to jest powód. Maybe that's the reason. Maybe that's the reason. >>eng<< Oni ho nenávidí, protože jim dává hromadu domácích úkolů. They hate him because he gives them a mountain of homework. They hate him because he gives them a lot of homework. >>eng<< Bojíš se smrti? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? >>eng<< Czyj jest ten rower? Whose bicycle is this? Who is this bike? >>eng<< Toto je poprvé, co jsem si kdy zdřímnul ve třídě. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in the classroom. This is the first time I've ever been in class. >>eng<< Idźcie prosto tą ulicą. Go straight ahead along this street. Go straight to that street. >>eng<< Tom odmítá k tomu lékaři jít. Tom refuses to see the doctor. Tom refuses to go to the doctor. >>eng<< Na tym etapie nie ma wciąż jasnej polityki energetycznej odnośnie dostarczania zdecentralizowanej energii do obszarów rolniczych. At this stage there is still not a clear energy policy for bringing decentralised power to rural areas. At this stage, there is still no clear energy policy regarding the supply of decentralised energy to agricultural areas. >>eng<< Gubernator Teksasu był wściekły. The governor of Texas was furious. Texas's governor was angry. >>eng<< Tom jest słaby z matematyki. Tom is terrible at math. Tom is weak in mathematics. >>eng<< Chorwacja jest krajem w południowo-wschodniej Europie. Croatia is a country in southeastern Europe. Croatia is a country in south-eastern Europe. >>eng<< Měli bychom zvítězit. We ought to win. We should win. >>eng<< Mamy nadzieję, że nikt nie zostanie ranny. We're hoping that no one gets injured. We hope no one gets hurt. >>eng<< Vaše ložnice je vedle kuchyně. Your bedroom is next to the kitchen. Your bedroom is next to the kitchen. >>eng<< Budu u sebe v pokoji. I'm going to be in my room. I'll be in my room. >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že si dáš kousek koláče. I thought you'd like a piece of pie. I thought you'd have a piece of cake. >>eng<< Tato země ma drsné podnebí. This country has a harsh climate. This country has a harsh climate. >>eng<< Někdo ty dveře otevřel násilím. Somebody forced the door open. Someone opened the door with violence. >>eng<< Je Tom přátelský? Is Tom friendly? Is Tom friendly? >>eng<< Przynieś wiadro jabłek. Bring a bucket of apples. Nice bucket of apples. >>eng<< Padało całą noc. It rained all night. It's been all night. >>eng<< Nezval jsem tě. I didn't invite you. I didn't call you. >>eng<< Sto lat, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Hundred years, Muiriel! >>eng<< Stroiła miny do tamtej kobiety. She made faces at that woman. She shot mines to that woman. >>eng<< Jsme tři. There are three of us. We're three. >>eng<< Můžeme prosím jet domů. Can we please go home now? We can go home, please. >>eng<< Niedługo będzie trzecia godzina. It'll soon be three o'clock. It'll be three o'clock soon. >>eng<< Proponuję przełożenie zebrania. I suggest that the meeting be postponed. I'm proposing a transfer of the meeting. >>eng<< Tomův nevlastní syn je narkoman. Tom's stepson is an addict. Tom's stepson is a drug addict. >>eng<< Zainteresowałem się ostatnio szachami. I am interested in chess these days. I've been interested in chess lately. >>eng<< Proto tu nejste. That isn't why you're here. That's why you're not here. >>eng<< Přinesl jsi mi to, co jsi slíbil? Did you bring me what you said you would? Did you bring me what you promised? >>eng<< Nevěděla jsem, že se mu líbím. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. >>eng<< Jestem pewien, że chłopak którego widziałeś, to nie był Tom. I'm sure the guy you saw wasn't Tom. I'm sure the guy you saw wasn't Tom. >>eng<< Rád přispívám do Tatoeby. I enjoy contributing to Tatoeba. I like to contribute to Tatoeba. >>eng<< Jsem si vědom tvého problému. I appreciate your problem. I'm aware of your problem. >>eng<< W zależności od tego, gdzie będziesz siedział, możesz nie widzieć sceny. Depending on where you sit, you might not be able to see the stage. Depending on where you sit, you may not see the scene. >>eng<< Ty nečekej a jdi. Don't wait, just go. Don't wait and go. >>eng<< Promiňte, že jsem vás nechal čekat. Sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm sorry I let you wait. >>eng<< Nie chciałbym być na miejscu Toma. I wouldn't like to be in Tom's shoes. I wouldn't want to be in Tom's place. >>eng<< Trzej ogromni mężczyźni zaatakowali go i okradli z pieniędzy. Three big men attacked him and stole his money. Three huge men attacked him and stole him from the money. >>eng<< Jeszcze nie zaczęliśmy walki. We have not yet begun to fight. We haven't started a fight yet. >>eng<< Tom zajistil, aby jeho děti snědly všechno, co měly talíři. Tom made sure his children ate everything on their plates. Tom made sure his children ate everything they had. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že není jeho povinnost starat se o Mary. Tom said that it wasn't his duty to take care of Mary. Tom said it wasn't his duty to take care of Mary. >>eng<< Jak dlouho jsi čekal? How long have you waited? How long have you been waiting? >>eng<< Tom je můj starší bratr. Tom is my older brother. Tom is my older brother. >>eng<< Zítra mám narozeniny. Tomorrow is my birthday. Tomorrow is my birthday. >>eng<< Pokój ma wielkie znaczenie. Peace is of great importance. Peace is of great importance. >>eng<< Tom utonul. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. >>eng<< Nemá skoro řádné peníze, ale nějak si vystačí. He has hardly any money, but he gets by. He doesn’t have enough money, but he’s enough. >>eng<< Tom se pohádal se svým synem, a od té doby s ním nepromluvil. Tom had an argument with his son and he hasn't spoken to him since then. Tom had a fight with his son, and he hasn't spoken to him since. >>eng<< Chętnie przyjęła jego propozycję. She gladly accepted his proposal. He was happy to accept his proposal. >>eng<< Dala mu všechno své stříbro. She gave him all of her silver. She gave him all her silver. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem to doopravdy neviděl. I've never really seen it. I've never really seen it. >>eng<< Tom na párty Mary ignoroval. Tom ignored Mary at the party. Tom ignored Mary at the party. >>eng<< Jakie jest twoje ulubione imię żeńskie? What's your favorite girl's name? What is your favorite female name? >>eng<< Helsinky jsou hlavní město Finska. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. >>eng<< Angličtina se používá na celém světě. English is used all over the world. English is used all over the world. >>eng<< Nikomu nic nie powiedziałem. I haven't told anyone anything. I didn't tell anyone. >>eng<< Zaraz do was przyjdę. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be right there. >>eng<< Všichni, kteří meč berou, mečem zahynou. All who take up the sword will perish by the sword. All who take the sword will die with the sword. >>eng<< Tom ustąpił. Tom relented. Tom's back. >>eng<< Doufám, že uvidím Toma. I'm hoping to see Tom. I hope to see Tom. >>eng<< Za jakým účelem? For what purpose? For what purpose? >>eng<< Kiedy wychodzisz za mąż? When are you getting married? When are you getting married? >>eng<< Nie widzisz, że rozmawiamy? Can't you see we're talking? Don't you see us talking? >>eng<< Je to tvoje hloupá chyba. It's your own stupid fault. It's your stupid mistake. >>eng<< Sćo w knigłowni. You're in the library. You’re in the book. >>eng<< Už s Tomem nepromluvím. I'm not going to speak to Tom anymore. I'm not talking to Tom anymore. >>eng<< Ilu masz bliskich przyjaciół? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? >>eng<< Přestrojil jsem se za ženu, aby mě Tom nepoznal. I disguised myself as a woman so that Tom couldn't recognise me. I disguised myself as a woman so Tom wouldn't recognize me. >>eng<< Tato rostlina roste nepřirozeně. Vypadá to, že už neví, jak správně růst. This plant has a disproportionate and crazy growth. It's like it doesn't know how to grow anymore. This plant grows unnaturally. It looks like it no longer knows how to grow properly. >>eng<< Miłość nie istnieje. Love doesn't exist. Love does not exist. >>eng<< Kolik je vašemu mladšímu synovi? How old is your younger son? How much is your younger son? >>eng<< Blbec! Fool! Fuck! >>eng<< Vím, že Tom to nechtěl jíst. I know Tom didn't want to eat that. I know Tom didn't want to eat it. >>eng<< Co ja mogę o nim powiedzieć? What can I say about him? What can I say about him? >>eng<< Bylo to vyrobeno ručně. It was handmade. It was made manually. >>eng<< Bóg umarł. I ja też nie czuję się za dobrze. God is dead. And I don't feel so good either. God died, and I don't feel good either. >>eng<< Nemělas sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. >>eng<< Miała na sobie kamizelkę. She wore a vest. She was wearing a vest. >>eng<< Tom mohl být vlídnější. Tom could've been kinder. Tom could have been nicer. >>eng<< Taki ten świat mały! Such a small world! Such a small world! >>eng<< Tom dał swojemu psu kość. Tom gave a bone to his dog. Tom gave his dog his bone. >>eng<< Mějte s Tomem soucit. Have compassion for Tom. Have compassion for Tom. >>eng<< Za Tomovu smrt nenesete odpovědnost. You aren't responsible for Tom's death. You are not responsible for Tom's death. >>eng<< Nejsem si moc jist jak se toto slovo vyslovuje. I'm not too sure how to pronounce that word. I'm not sure how this word is spoken. >>eng<< Powiedziałem jej wszystko. I told her everything. I told her everything. >>eng<< Máš třicet dní. You have thirty days. You've got 30 days. >>eng<< Tom je poslední dobou hodně aktivní. Tom has been very active recently. Tom has been very active lately. >>eng<< Czułam się, jakbym miała zwymiotować. I felt like throwing up. I felt like I was going to throw it out. >>eng<< Budeme doufat, že se k tomu dostaneme. Let's hope that we get to do that. We'll hope to get to it. >>eng<< Widzimy to, co chcemy widzieć. We see what we want to see. We see what we want to see. >>eng<< Założę się, że Tom nawet nigdy nie był w Bostonie. I bet Tom has never even been to Boston. I bet Tom was never even in Boston. >>eng<< Neviděli jsme to přicházet. We didn't see it coming. We didn't see it coming. >>eng<< Jestli se to líbí také Tomovi, není vůbec podstatné. If Tom likes it too, isn't relevant at all. If Tom likes it too, it doesn't matter at all. >>eng<< Kto jest w kuchni? Who is in the kitchen? Who's in the kitchen? >>eng<< Ona robi postępy w chińskim. She is progressing in Chinese. She's making progress in Chinese. >>eng<< Nevím, jestli mě má ráda, nebo ne. I don't know if she likes me or not. I don't know if he likes me or not. >>eng<< Bardzo mnie to cieszy. It brings me great joy. I'm so glad. >>eng<< Pokud nás hledají, jsem si jistý, že nás najdou. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. If they're looking for us, I'm sure they'll find us. >>eng<< Chciałbym mieszkać blisko twojego domu. I'd like to live near your house. I'd like to live close to your house. >>eng<< Měli byste poslouchat, co vám Tom říká. You should listen to what Tom is saying to you. You should listen to what Tom says to you. >>eng<< Odwiedzam swoich dziadków w każdą niedzielę. I visit my grandparents on Sundays. I visit my grandparents every Sunday. >>eng<< Znam trzy języki. I speak three languages. I know three languages. >>eng<< Nie ma powodu do niepokoju. It's nothing to worry about. There's no reason to worry. >>eng<< Nevím, jak se tam dostat. I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to get there. >>eng<< Tom chodí za školu. Tom plays truant. Tom's going to school. >>eng<< Przepraszam, jak mogę dostać się do centrum? Please, how can I get to the center? I'm sorry, how can I get to the center? >>eng<< Igor je špičkový muškař, který se spokojí jen s tím nejlepším. Igor is a high-end fly fisherman who would not settle for anything but the best. Igor is a top flyer who will only be satisfied with the best. >>eng<< Něco takového podporovat nebudu. I won't support such a thing. I will not support such a thing. >>eng<< Myję swoje zęby; czeszę swoje włosy. I brush my teeth; I comb my hair. I wash my teeth; I brush my hair. >>eng<< I kdyby mě Tom býval pozval, nešel bych. Even if Tom had invited me, I wouldn't have gone. Even if Tom used to invite me, I wouldn't go. >>eng<< Javier się czerwieni. Javier is turning red. Javier's red. >>eng<< Właśnie teraz przechodzi przez ulicę. He is crossing the street now. Right now, she's going through the street. >>eng<< Ti kluci tamhle prodávají boty. Those guys over there sell shoes. These guys are selling shoes there. >>eng<< To by Toma nikdy nenapadlo. Tom never would've thought of that. That would never have been thought of by Tom. >>eng<< Před jídlem si umyla špinavé ruce. She washed her dirty hands before the meal. She washed dirty hands before eating. >>eng<< Protože si Toma nevážíte, odvoláme ho. Because you don't respect Tom, we will call him off. Because you don't appreciate Tom, we'll call him off. >>eng<< Dneska Tom spal až do poledne. Tom slept till noon today. Today, Tom slept until noon. >>eng<< Držela ho za rukáv. She held him by the sleeve. She held his sleeve. >>eng<< Tom nesnáší, když se na něj dívají. Tom dislikes being watched. Tom hates looking at him. >>eng<< Jsme v otevřené válce. We're in an open war. We're in an open war. >>eng<< Celý smysl nošení roušek spočívá v ochraně lidí kolem vás. The whole point of wearing a mask is to protect the people around you. The whole point of wearing clothes is to protect people around you. >>eng<< Tom stwierdził, że potrzebuje innego sposobu na zarabianie pieniędzy. Tom said he needs to find another way to make money. Tom said he needed another way to make money. >>eng<< Odmítl si podat ruce. He refused to shake hands. He refused to put his hands. >>eng<< Zostali zamordowani. They were murdered. They were murdered. >>eng<< Nie chcę się z Tobą bawić! I don't want to play with you! I don't want to have fun with you! >>eng<< Podaj mi, proszę, sól i pieprz. Please give me salt and pepper. Please give me salt and pepper. >>eng<< Gdzie są Twoje dzieci? Where are your children? Where are your children? >>eng<< Přišli o hodně. They have lost a lot. They lost a lot. >>eng<< Nancy pochodzi z Londynu. Nancy is from London. Nancy is from London. >>eng<< Lhals mu! You lied to him! You lied to him! >>eng<< Nikdo mě neoklame. Nobody can deceive me. No one's gonna lie to me. >>eng<< Jak se jmenuje tvůj táta? What's your father's name? What's your dad's name? >>eng<< Kurwa, dopiero co kupiłam nowy dywan, a kot już na niego narzygał. Fuck, I just bought a new rug and the cat already puked on it. Damn, I've just bought a new carpet, and the cat has already pointed at it. >>eng<< Teraz jest dla nas oczywiste, że nie powinniśmy byli palić śmieci tak blisko domu. In retrospect, it may seem obvious that we shouldn't have been burning our trash so close to our house. Now it's obvious to us that we shouldn't have smoked trash so close to home. >>eng<< Ta holka se před svojí matkou chovala jako zkažený spratek. That girl behaved like a spoiled child towards her mother. The girl in front of her mother behaved like a spoiled spatula. >>eng<< Já nechci. I don't want to. I don't want to. >>eng<< On jest bardzo dobrym nauczycielem, więc jego dzieci rzeczywiście go słuchają. He's a very good teacher, so his children really listen to him. He is a very good teacher, so his children really listen to him. >>eng<< Kura zniosła jako dziś rano. The chicken laid an egg this morning. She took the chicken as she did this morning. >>eng<< Příště až příjdeš, přiveď svého bratra. When you come next time, bring your brother. The next time you come, bring your brother. >>eng<< Stůj zpříma a buď zticha. Stand still and keep silent. Stay straight and be quiet. >>eng<< Co říkají? What are they saying? What do they say? >>eng<< Jsem to já, kdo obvykle vaří pro rodinu. I am the one who usually cooks for the family. It's me who usually cooks for the family. >>eng<< Proszę opowiedzieć nam o swojej rodzinie. Please tell us about your family. Tell us about your family. >>eng<< Tom lže. Tom lies. Tom's lying. >>eng<< Už nevím nic. I don't know anything anymore. I don't know anything anymore. >>eng<< Nigdy nie znałem swego ojca. I never knew my father. I never knew my father. >>eng<< Pták odletěl a zmizel z dohledu. The bird flew away and was lost to sight. The bird flew away and disappeared from sight. >>eng<< Jak se jmenuje tvá žena? What's your wife's name? What's your wife's name? >>eng<< Proč by si Tom přál vaši smrt? Why would Tom wish for your death? Why would Tom want your death? >>eng<< W czasie przerwy poszedłem do toalety. I went to the restroom during the intermission. I went to the bathroom during the break. >>eng<< Pytanie brzmi: co robić dalej? What to do next is the question. The question is, what to do next? >>eng<< Zróbmy sobie zdjęcie. Let's get our photograph taken. Let's take a picture. >>eng<< Tento lék je jed ze své podstaty. This medicine is a poison by nature. This drug is a poison of its nature. >>eng<< Kontaktował się z wami Tom? Did Tom contact you? Did Tom contact you? >>eng<< Potrzebuję wazonu, żeby wstawić do niego kwiaty. I need a vase to put these flowers in. I need a vase to put flowers in it. >>eng<< Nie chcę obciążać cię moimi problemami. I don't want to burden you with my problems. I don't want to bother you with my problems. >>eng<< Zralé jablko spadlo ze stromu. A ripe apple dropped from the tree. The apple fell from the tree. >>eng<< Sestra mi píchla injekci do zadku. The nurse gave me an injection in my buttock. My sister gave me an injection in my ass. >>eng<< Tom jest zawsze otwarty na nowe pomysły. Tom is always open to new ideas. Tom is always open to new ideas. >>eng<< To už stačí. That's enough. That's enough. >>eng<< Widziałem ją wczoraj. I saw her yesterday. I saw her yesterday. >>eng<< Ona není dobrý člověk. She is not a good person. She's not a good man. >>eng<< Mary chciała skończyć przygotowywanie śniadania, zanim Tom wstanie. Mary wanted to finish making breakfast before Tom woke up. Mary wanted to stop preparing breakfast before Tom got up. >>eng<< Ja musym se zuby cysćiś. I have to brush my teeth. I need to brush my teeth. >>eng<< Doktor řekl, aby sis neškrábal rány. The doctor said you shouldn't scratch your wounds. The doctor told you not to scratch your wounds. >>eng<< Nie kłam. Don't lie. Don't lie. >>eng<< Naprawdę zaplanowałeś to wszystko sam? Did you really plan this all yourself? Did you really plan it all yourself? >>eng<< Straciłem nadzieję, że ona schudnie. I've already lost hope of her losing weight. I've lost hope that she'll lose weight. >>eng<< Všechny tyhle věci jsou k ničemu. All of this stuff is useless. All these things are useless. >>eng<< Rodzimi użytkownicy robią czasem błędy, ale są to innego rodzaju błędy niż użytkownicy nienatywni. Native speakers sometimes make mistakes, but not usually the same kind of mistakes that non-native speakers make. Parental users make mistakes sometimes, but these are different kinds of mistakes than non-native users. >>eng<< Ztratit práci, kterou tak milovala — to pro ni bylo těžkou ranou. Losing the job she loved so much was a severe blow for Mary. Losing the job she loved so much was a tough blow to her. >>eng<< Miesiąc miodowy planujemy spędzić za granicą. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. We plan to spend the honey month abroad. >>eng<< Bude těžké dostat ji zpět. It'll be hard to get her back. It'll be hard to get her back. >>eng<< W każdym razie dzięki. Thanks anyway. Anyway, thanks. >>eng<< Neměj obav. Don't worry. Don't worry. >>eng<< Počkejte tady, prosím. Please wait here. Wait here, please. >>eng<< To ciasto jest za słodkie. This cake tastes too sweet. This cake is too sweet. >>eng<< Sherlock Holmes na pewno byłby z ciebie dumny. Sherlock Holmes would have certainly been proud of you. Sherlock Holmes would be proud of you. >>eng<< Czy ojciec dużo cię przytulał, kiedy byłeś dzieckiem? Did your father hug you much when you were a kid? Did your father hug you a lot when you were a child? >>eng<< Ten sen byl pro mě záhadou. The dream was a mystery to me. That dream was a mystery to me. >>eng<< "Mogę użyć twojego samochodu?" "Pewnie. Śmiało." "Can I use your car?" "Sure. Go ahead." "Can I use your car?" >>eng<< Chtěli, abych Toma provedl po fabrice. They wanted me to show Tom round the factory. They wanted me to do Tom after the factory. >>eng<< Czemu nigdy nie gotujesz? Why don't you ever cook? Why don't you ever cook? >>eng<< Jesteś nielojalny. You're disloyal. You're disloyal. >>eng<< Przyjechał pan tu pociągiem czy autobusem? Did you come here by train or by bus? Did you come here by train or bus? >>eng<< Szczur zrobił dziurę w ścianie. The rat made a hole in the wall. The bitch made a hole in the wall. >>eng<< Je mi z tebe zle. You make me sick. I'm sick of you. >>eng<< Są duże szanse, że zostanie wybrany. There's a good chance that he'll be elected. There's a good chance he'll be elected. >>eng<< Je to stará Irská tradice. It's an old Irish tradition. It's an old Irish tradition. >>eng<< Dla mnie, żal jest najcięższą karą. For me, regret is the harshest punishment. For me, regret is the most severe punishment. >>eng<< Bezbarvé zelené nápady spí šíleně. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep crazy. >>eng<< Ráda tě vidím. Nice to see you. It's good to see you. >>eng<< Dokonce i ty nejdůkladněji udělané plány často končí nezdarem. Even the most carefully made plans frequently result in failure. Even the most thoroughly executed plans often end in failure. >>eng<< Ten samochód jest używany przez mojego ojca. This car is used by my father. This car is used by my father. >>eng<< Ještě jsem toto video neupravil. I haven't yet edited this video. I haven't changed this video yet. >>eng<< Zvykneš si na všechno. You can get used to anything. You'll get used to everything. >>eng<< Teraz pada śnieg. It's snowing now. Now it's snowing. >>eng<< Vypadají překvapeně. They seem surprised. They look surprised. >>eng<< Tom je příliš lakomý na to, aby se s někým o něco dělil. Tom is too mean to share something with somebody. Tom's too lazy to share something with someone. >>eng<< Powróć natychmiast. Return immediately. Come back immediately. >>eng<< Mam masę pracy domowej. I've got a ton of homework. I've got a lot of housework. >>eng<< Mary se šla projít. Mary went for a walk. Mary went for a walk. >>eng<< To był rachunek na sto dolarów. It was a one hundred dollar bill. It was a hundred dollars bill. >>eng<< Nemyslím, že bych s tebou mohl strávit šest hodin o samotě. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. >>eng<< Jak se jmenuje tato ulice? What's this street called? What's the name of this street? >>eng<< Chceš mě zabít? Do you want to kill me? You want to kill me? >>eng<< Paczka dotarła trzy godziny temu. The package arrived three hours ago. The package arrived three hours ago. >>eng<< Můj otec je na zahradě. My father's in the garden. My father's in the garden. >>eng<< To prodat nemůžeš. You can't sell it. You can't sell it. >>eng<< Chci pomoct, ale momentálně jsem zaneprázdněn. I want to help, but I'm too busy right now. I want to help, but I'm busy right now. >>eng<< On jest wielkim naukowcem. He is a great scientist. He is a great scientist. >>eng<< Získal jsem si hodně nových přátel. I made a lot of new friends. I made a lot of new friends. >>eng<< Tom si vydělává na živobytí pronajímáním bytů. Tom earns his living by renting apartments. Tom earns a living by renting apartments. >>eng<< Dobra! Fine! All right! >>eng<< Snad jsem Toma napálil. I hope I managed to trick Tom. I think I burned Tom. >>eng<< Tom čekal ve frontě s Mary. Tom waited in line with Mary. Tom was waiting in front with Mary. >>eng<< Próbował mnie oszukać. He tried to trick me. He tried to deceive me. >>eng<< Je to velmi starý strom. That's a very old tree. It's a very old tree. >>eng<< Jesteś żonaty? Are you married? Are you married? >>eng<< Možná má jiné plány? Maybe she has other plans? Maybe he has other plans? >>eng<< Kto sieje wiatr, zbiera burzę. What goes around comes around. He who sows the wind gathers the storm. >>eng<< Możliwe, że to prawda. It could be true. Maybe it's true. >>eng<< Tom se rozzlobil, když mě uviděl s tou dívkou. Tom got angry when he saw me with that girl. Tom was angry when he saw me with that girl. >>eng<< Jesteś nieustraszony. You're fearless. You're fearless. >>eng<< Auto budoucnosti nepotřebuje řidiče. The car of the future doesn't need a driver. The car of the future does not need a driver. >>eng<< Jmenuje se Anna? Is her name Anna? Her name is Anna? >>eng<< Rada jěm kšuški. I like to eat pears. I like to eat fingers. >>eng<< Chcę wiedzieć, jaką Tom ma grupę krwi. I want to know what Tom's blood type is. I want to know what a group of blood Tom has. >>eng<< Niedelikatne uwagi mogą być przykre. Insensitive remarks can be hurtful. Sensitive attention can be unpleasant. >>eng<< Starałem się ją uratować. I tried to save her. I tried to save her. >>eng<< Neuspěli jsme. We have failed. We didn't succeed. >>eng<< Cathy mówi po francusku i niemiecku. Cathy can speak French and German. Cathy speaks French and German. >>eng<< Moja żona urodziła wcześniaka - półtorakilogramową córeczkę. My wife gave birth prematurely to a 1500-gram baby girl. My wife gave birth to an early child, a half-torakilogram daughter. >>eng<< Oni się boją Tom'a. They're afraid of Tom. They're afraid of Tom. >>eng<< Marie a já pracujeme společně. Mary and I work together. Marie and I work together. >>eng<< Došli jsme až na vrchol toho kopce. We went all the way to the top of the hill. We reached the top of the hill. >>eng<< Tajemnica pozostaje nierozwiązana. The mystery remains unsolved. The secret remains unsolved. >>eng<< Miała na sobie czerwoną spódniczkę. She was wearing a red skirt. She was wearing a red skirt. >>eng<< To je starý ruský zvyk. That's an old Russian custom. This is an old Russian custom. >>eng<< Nikdo v tom není dokonalý. No one is perfect at it. No one's perfect at this. >>eng<< Ty mi to zrobiłeś. You did this to me. You did it to me. >>eng<< Popełnił pięć morderstw. He committed five murders. He committed five murders. >>eng<< Chciałbym posłuchać muzyki pop. I'd like to listen to pop music. I would like to listen to pop music. >>eng<< Něco Mary koupil. He bought something for Mary. Something Mary bought. >>eng<< Proč chceš být pořád sám? Why do you want to be alone all the time? Why do you want to be alone all the time? >>eng<< Hodně úspěchů v práci! Good luck with your work! A lot of success at work! >>eng<< Wiem, że jest ładna. I know that she is pretty. I know she's pretty. >>eng<< Proszę rzuć mi piłkę. Please throw me the ball. Please throw me the ball. >>eng<< Budu Tomovi ten film vyprávět, až ho zhlédnu. I will tell Tom about the movie when I have seen it. I'll tell Tom the movie when I see it. >>eng<< Bývala bych ráda jela do Bostonu s tebou. I would've loved going to Boston with you. I'd like to go to Boston with you. >>eng<< Ken přivede Toma. Ken will bring Tom. Ken will bring Tom. >>eng<< Nie jestem pewien, czy potrafię to zrobić. I'm not sure I can do it. I'm not sure I can do this. >>eng<< Máš dobrou intuici. You have good instincts. You have good intuition. >>eng<< Vzbuď se! Wake up! Wake up! >>eng<< Liška je moje oblíbené zvíře. Foxes are my favorite animal. The fox is my favorite animal. >>eng<< Ludzie często kłamią o tym, co robili w weekend, by ich przyjaciele nie wiedzieli, jak nudne życie prowadzą. People often lie about what they did on the weekend, so their friends won't realize how boring they really are. People often lie about what they did on weekends so their friends don’t know how boring their lives are. >>eng<< Ještě hraješ šipky? Do you still play darts? Are you still playing arrows? >>eng<< Tom nie będzie sprawiał problemów. Tom won't be a problem. Tom won't cause any problems. >>eng<< Prawie zapomniałem paszportu. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. >>eng<< Wszystkim wam zimno? Are you all cold? Are you all cold? >>eng<< Wiem jak bardzo lubisz Toma. I know how much you like Tom. I know how much you like Tom. >>eng<< Ve Francii v té době vládl Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at that time. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled in France at the time. >>eng<< Jsi bez fantazie. You're unimaginative. You're no fantasy. >>eng<< Řekl jsem jí, ať se od Toma drží dál. I told her to stay away from Tom. I told her to stay away from Tom. >>eng<< Dostihy jsou kruté a nehumánní. Horse racing is cruel and inhumane. The races are cruel and inhumane. >>eng<< Za chwilkę się spotkamy. I'll see you in a bit. We'll see you soon. >>eng<< Co się dziś dzieje? What's happening today? What's going on today? >>eng<< Tom poprosil otce o peníze na oběd. Tom asked his father to give him some money for lunch. Tom asked his father for lunch. >>eng<< Tom už vás dál nebude obtěžovat. Tom won't be bothering you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. >>eng<< Jeden zbyl. There's one left. There's one left. >>eng<< Nic takového neřekl. He didn't say anything like that. He didn't say anything like that. >>eng<< Jen ji chci držet za ruku. I just want to hold her hand. I just want to hold her hand. >>eng<< Najgorsze już minęło. The worst is over. The worst is over. >>eng<< Tom może wrócić. Tom may come back. Tom can come back. >>eng<< Nie graj w piłkę w tym pokoju. Don't play ball in this room. Don't play football in this room. >>eng<< Tom byl můj manžel. Tom was my husband. Tom was my husband. >>eng<< Czemu powiedziałeś mu coś takiego? Why did you say such a thing to him? Why did you tell him something like that? >>eng<< Zacznij biegać. Start running. Start running. >>eng<< Už jste někdy potkali někoho slavného? Have you ever met someone famous? Have you ever met someone famous? >>eng<< Ona już była w nim zakochana. She was already in love with him. She was already in love with him. >>eng<< Nic nie zostało zmienione. Nothing's been changed. Nothing's changed. >>eng<< Můžeme se sejít na zastávce. I can meet you at the station. We can meet at the stop. >>eng<< Na szczęście żaden z pasażerów nie ucierpiał. Fortunately, no passengers were injured. Fortunately, none of the passengers suffered. >>eng<< Tom ma trzy długopisy w kieszeni. Tom has three pens in his pocket. Tom has three pens in his pocket. >>eng<< Chciałbym wiedzieć, czemu jesteś nieszczęśliwy. I'd like to know why you're unhappy. I'd like to know why you're unhappy. >>eng<< Tom si všiml, že jsou otevřené dveře. Tom noticed that the door was open. Tom noticed that the door was open. >>eng<< Spędziłem trzy godziny, naprawiając samochód. I spent three hours repairing the car. I spent three hours repairing the car. >>eng<< Kde je jeho kniha? Je na stole. Where is his book? It's on the table. Where's his book? >>eng<< Už to nemohu ignorovat. I can't ignore it anymore. I can't ignore it anymore. >>eng<< To by mohl být můj učitel. That could be my teacher. That could be my teacher. >>eng<< Tom je hvězdou Tatoeby. Tom is the star of Tatoeba. Tom is Tatoeby's star. >>eng<< Tento zámek je hezký. This castle is nice. This castle is nice. >>eng<< Vím, proč jsi dal Tomovi tolik peněz. I know why you gave Tom so much money. I know why you gave Tom so much money. >>eng<< Tom cofnął się do mieszkania. Tom stepped back into the house. Tom went back to the apartment. >>eng<< Nemůžeš se s Tomem přátelit. You cannot be friends with Tom. You can't make friends with Tom. >>eng<< Běžte Toma pozdravit. Go say hi to Tom. Go say hello to Tom. >>eng<< Moje děti si rády zpívají v autě. My children like to sing in the car. My kids like to sing in the car. >>eng<< Wróciliśmy do Honolulu drugiego kwietnia. We returned to Honolulu on April 2. We returned to Honolulu on the second of April. >>eng<< Tom poczuł, że kolana mu się trzęsą. Tom felt his knees tremble. Tom felt his knees were shaking. >>eng<< Na co Tom ještě čeká? What is Tom still waiting for? What is Tom waiting for? >>eng<< Jak dlouho jsi zamilovaná do Toma? How long have you been in love with Tom? How long have you been in love with Tom? >>eng<< Nikdy jsem Toma neviděl nic jíst. I've never seen Tom eat anything. I've never seen Tom eat anything. >>eng<< Poprawiłem to. I corrected it. I fixed it. >>eng<< Tom má špatnou reputaci. Tom has a bad reputation. Tom has a bad reputation. >>eng<< Tom siedzi w samochodzie obok Mary. Tom is sitting in the car beside Mary. Tom sits in the car next to Mary. >>eng<< Jeżu klątw, spłódź Finom część gry hańb. Hedgehog of curses, generate a part of the game of disgraces to the Finns. Ježu curses, falsify Finom part of the game of shame. >>eng<< Listí opadalo. The leaves fell. The leaves have fallen. >>eng<< Děti vyrůstají tak rychle. Children grow up so quickly. Children grow up so fast. >>eng<< Prostě musíš čekat. You just have to wait. You just have to wait. >>eng<< Hluší lidé mohou konverzovat ve znakovém jazyce. Deaf people can converse in sign language. Deaf people can speak in a sign language. >>eng<< Tom zůstal naprosto nehybný. Tom remained perfectly still. Tom remained motionless. >>eng<< Patří mu. They belong to him. It belongs to him. >>eng<< Co się z Tobą dzieje? What's up with you? What's going on with you? >>eng<< Tom wydaje na ubrania sporo pieniędzy. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. >>eng<< Zločincům se podařilo utéct. The criminals managed to escape. The criminals managed to escape. >>eng<< Kdyby vám na Tomovi doopravdy záleželo, pomohli byste mu. If you really cared about Tom, you would help him. If you really cared about Tom, you'd help him. >>eng<< Koszty życia poszybowały w górę w ciągu ostatniego roku. The cost of living has shot through the ceiling in the last year. The cost of living has gone up during the last year. >>eng<< Myslíš, že by jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think Tom could hurt them? You think Tom could hurt them? >>eng<< Kde přesně by měl být? Where exactly should it be? Where exactly should he be? >>eng<< Pomiędzy ich poglądami zarysowywała się subtelna różnica. There was a subtle difference between their views. There was a subtle difference between their views. >>eng<< Proszę, podaj mi sól i pieprz. Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Please give me salt and pepper. >>eng<< Mimo, że jest biedny, jest szczęśliwy. Although he is poor, he is happy. Even though he's poor, he's happy. >>eng<< Czas leczy rany. Time heals all wounds. Time heals wounds. >>eng<< Powinniśmy chwilę poczekać. We should wait a little. We should wait a minute. >>eng<< Naše poslední zastávka byla u Toma. Our last stop was at Tom's place. Our last stop was at Tom's. >>eng<< Czy to jest francuskie? Is that French? Is this French? >>eng<< Nie zniosę pracy z nim. I can't bear to work with him. I can't work with him. >>eng<< Wybacz, czy mówisz po angielsku? Pardon me, do you speak English? I'm sorry, do you speak English? >>eng<< Szczerość jest ważna w związku. Honesty is important in a relationship. Sincerity is important in a relationship. >>eng<< I když Tom trval na tom, abychom to udělali, odmítli jsme. Even though Tom insisted that we do that, we refused to do it. Even though Tom insisted on doing it, we refused. >>eng<< Vrátil jsem to, kam to patří. I put it back where it belonged. I went back to where it belongs. >>eng<< Chodź tutaj. Come over here. Come here. >>eng<< Nejsem žádný násilník. I'm not a bully. I'm not a violent man. >>eng<< Nie wiedziałem, że to mogło cię zawstydzić. I didn't know that would embarrass you. I didn't know it might have ashamed you. >>eng<< Buď ke všem zdvořilý. Be polite to everyone. Be polite to everyone. >>eng<< Nikdy Tomovi nevěř. Never trust Tom. Never trust Tom. >>eng<< Jestem pewny, że twoje wysiłki przyniosą sukces. I'm sure your efforts will result in success. I'm sure your efforts will be successful. >>eng<< Kterým vlakem pojedeš? What train you are going to take? Which train are you going to take? >>eng<< Také jste noví? Are you new, too? Are you new too? >>eng<< Co za zdanie! What a sentence! What a sentence! >>eng<< Wielu Amerykanów protestowało przeciw zakupowi Alaski. Many Americans protested the purchase of Alaska. Many Americans protested against buying Alaska. >>eng<< Zaciekawiła mnie ta kolumna. I found this column interesting. I was interested in this column. >>eng<< Líbí se ti tvoje jméno? Do you like your name? Do you like your name? >>eng<< Když jsem byl malý, nosil jsem pouze kalhoty. As a child, I’d only wear trousers. When I was a kid, I only wore my pants. >>eng<< Tom čeká, až uschne podlaha. Tom is waiting for the floor to dry up. Tom is waiting for the floor to dry. >>eng<< Tom mi kdysi posílal dárky k narozeninám. Tom used to send me birthday gifts. Tom once sent me gifts for my birthday. >>eng<< Musel být hospitalizován. He had to be hospitalized. He must have been hospitalized. >>eng<< Nie mam kota. I do not have a cat. I don't have a cat. >>eng<< Grywałem w zespole z Tomem. I used to play in a band with Tom. I was playing with Tom. >>eng<< Chtěl bych cestovat a navštívit nová místa. I would like to travel and visit new places. I would like to travel and visit new places. >>eng<< Nieprawdopodobne, nieprawdaż? That was incredible, wasn't it? It's improbable, isn't it? >>eng<< Nie wiedziałem, że Tom mówi po francusku. I didn't know that Tom speaks French. I didn't know Tom was speaking French. >>eng<< Víme, že za to můžeme my. We know it's our own fault. We know we can do that. >>eng<< Jak se jmenuje ta osoba, která vám pomohla? What's the name of the person who helped you? What is the name of the person who helped you? >>eng<< Proszę o śrubokręt. Could I have a screwdriver? I'm asking for a bolt. >>eng<< Tom nás slyší. Tom can hear us. Tom can hear us. >>eng<< Może przyjdzie dziś wieczorem. Maybe he will arrive tonight. Maybe he'll come tonight. >>eng<< Dlaczego chcesz mieszkać w Australii? Why do you want to live in Australia? Why do you want to live in Australia? >>eng<< Tom powinien przyjść z tobą. Tom should've come with you. Tom should come with you. >>eng<< Já to nechápu. I don't get it. I don't understand. >>eng<< Chcę zostać piosenkarzem. I want to become a singer. I want to be a singer. >>eng<< Po tym szaleńcu można się wszystkiego spodziewać! You can't put anything past this lunatic! After this madman you can expect everything! >>eng<< Czułem, że powinienem jej pomóc. I felt that I should help her. I felt like I should help her. >>eng<< Jest wykształconą dziewczyną. She is an educated girl. She's an educated girl. >>eng<< Musela to udělat všechno sama. She had to do it all by herself. She had to do it all herself. >>eng<< Jeden čas tady stával dům. There used to be a house here at one time. One day the house was here. >>eng<< Tu Mike. Jest Hiroshi? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Is this Mike. >>eng<< Chodź do naszego stołu. Come over to our table. Come to our table. >>eng<< Co ještě o Tomovi nevíme? What else do we not know about Tom? What else do we know about Tom? >>eng<< Kodaň je hlavní město Dánska. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark. >>eng<< Můžu ji požádat o pomoc. I can ask her to help. I can ask her for help. >>eng<< Nemusíš dělat nic. You don't need to do anything. You don't have to do anything. >>eng<< Gdzie znajdę bibliotekę? Where is the library? Where can I find the library? >>eng<< One już zapomniały. They've already forgotten. They've forgotten. >>eng<< Chcę, żebyś zostawił moją rodzinę w spokoju. I want you to leave my family alone. I want you to leave my family alone. >>eng<< Jsi tady učitel nebo student? Are you a teacher here or a student? Are you a teacher or a student? >>eng<< Podobne události se udály v Evropě během 60. a 70. let, ovšem v menším měřítku. During the 60s and 70s, similar events occurred in Europe, although on a lesser scale. Similar events occurred in Europe during the 1960s and 1970s, but on a smaller scale. >>eng<< Anorexie stále ovládala její život. Anorexia continued to dominate her life. Anorexia was still in control of her life. >>eng<< Powiedziałem Mary, że chcę, byśmy byli tylko przyjaciółmi. I told Mary I just want to be friends. I told Mary I wanted us to be just friends. >>eng<< Je ten deštník váš? Is the umbrella yours? Is that umbrella yours? >>eng<< Pójdę już do domu. I'm going to head home. I'll go home. >>eng<< Tom nám to přinesl včera. Tom brought it to us yesterday. Tom brought it to us yesterday. >>eng<< Nezlakomni. Don't get greedy. Don't touch it. >>eng<< Czy dużo jest Afrykańczyków w Niemczech? Are there many Africans in Germany? Are there many Africans in Germany? >>eng<< Také bych to nekoupil. I wouldn't buy that either. I wouldn't buy it either. >>eng<< Tom mógł mieć dom w Bostonie. Tom might possibly have a house in Boston. Tom might have had a house in Boston. >>eng<< Vyvolá zabití Solejmáního válku? Will Soleimani killing spark war? Will the war bring about the killing of Soleimani? >>eng<< To je jejich problém. This is their problem. That's their problem. >>eng<< Nechci myslet na cenu benzínu. I don't want to think about the price of gasoline. I don't want to think about the price of gasoline. >>eng<< Ještě nikdy nepřišel do školy pozdě. He has never been late for school. He never came to school late. >>eng<< Tentokrát nemám co ztratit. This time, I have nothing to lose. This time I have nothing to lose. >>eng<< To może być nasza jedyna szansa, żeby porozmawiać z Tomem. This may be our only chance to talk to Tom. This could be our only chance to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Rád bych si koupil půlku koláče. I'd like to buy half a cake. I'd like to buy half a cake. >>eng<< Nie chce mi się pić. I'm not thirsty. I don't want to drink. >>eng<< Vylezli jsme na vrchol hory Fuji. We climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji. We went up to the top of Mount Fuji. >>eng<< Czy to jest gorące? Is it hot? Is it hot? >>eng<< Monocykl ma jedno koło. A unicycle has one wheel. The monocycle has one wheel. >>eng<< Tom mi řekl, že mě nechá vyhodit. Tom told me that he would have me fired. Tom told me he'd let me shoot. >>eng<< Wspięliśmy się wyżej, żeby mieć lepszy widok. We climbed higher so that we might get a better view. We supported ourselves higher to have a better view. >>eng<< Tom je talentovaný zpěvák. Tom is a talented singer. Tom is a talented singer. >>eng<< Vrátím se dnes večer. I'll be back tonight. I'll be back tonight. >>eng<< Jě. He eats. She did. >>eng<< Cestování vlakem bývalo levnější, než cesta autobusem. Travelling by train used to be cheaper than travelling by bus. Travelling by train was cheaper than traveling by bus. >>eng<< Pani Thomas uczy nas historii. Miss Thomas teaches us history. Mrs. Thomas teaches us history. >>eng<< Tom ukłonił mi się, jak wyszedł z pokoju. Tom bowed to me as he left the room. Tom bowed down when he left the room. >>eng<< Byłem bardzo głodny. I was pretty hungry. I was very hungry. >>eng<< Sýr nám došel. We don't have any more cheese. We're out of cheese. >>eng<< Nebudu Toma krýt. I won't cover up for Tom. I won't cover Tom. >>eng<< Czy jej historia jest prawdziwa? Is her story true? Is her story real? >>eng<< Szukaliśmy tego wszędzie. We looked for it here and there. We've been looking for it everywhere. >>eng<< Miło mi się z nią rozmawiało. I enjoyed talking to her. It was nice to talk to her. >>eng<< Sklo se vyrábí z písku. Glass is made from sand. Glass is made of sand. >>eng<< Czy pamiętasz co ona powiedziała? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? >>eng<< Tom to stejně neocení. Tom won't appreciate it anyway. Tom won't appreciate it anyway. >>eng<< Na Tomovy výlevy už jsme zvyklí. We are already used to Tom's outbursts. We're used to Tom's trip. >>eng<< Fakt ho nenávidím. I really do hate him. I really hate him. >>eng<< Dam jej kwiaty. I'll give her some flowers. I'll give her flowers. >>eng<< Tom siedzi za Marysią na lekcjach francuskiego. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom sits behind Mary in French lessons. >>eng<< Jupiter je z většiny tvořen plyny. Jupiter is made mostly of gases. Jupiter is mostly made up of gases. >>eng<< Ptak je w njebju. The bird is in the sky. The bird is in the sky. >>eng<< Ila lat może mieć Twój ojciec? How old might your father be? How old can your father be? >>eng<< Ruština není lehký jazyk. Russian is not an easy language. Russian is not a light language. >>eng<< Jest dobrym pływakiem, a także świetnie gra w tenisa. He is a good swimmer and also plays tennis well. He is a good swimmer and also a great tennis player. >>eng<< Tom chyba sugeruje, że powinniśmy wyjść. I think Tom is suggesting that we should leave. Tom seems to suggest we should leave. >>eng<< Nesesmilníš. You shall not commit adultery. You won't. >>eng<< Pokáceli jsme třešeň. We cut down a cherry tree. We cut down the cherry. >>eng<< Tom na tebe čeká vevnitř. Tom is waiting for you inside. Tom's waiting for you inside. >>eng<< Tom tróšku rěči francošćinu. Tom knows some French. A few French languages. >>eng<< Ta dívka není pro tebe. That girl is not for you. That girl isn't for you. >>eng<< Potřebuje deštník. He needs an umbrella. He needs an umbrella. >>eng<< Obávám se, že jsme uvedli špatný příklad. I'm afraid I've set a bad example. I'm afraid we set a bad example. >>eng<< Mohli bychom Tomovi pomoct. We could help Tom. We could help Tom. >>eng<< Ta historia jest dobra, oprócz tego, że jest trochę zbyt długa. The story is good except that it is a little too long. This story is good, except it's a little too long. >>eng<< Spotkajmy się o 6:30. Let's meet at 6:30. Let's meet you at 6:30. >>eng<< Bolí mě pravé rameno. My right shoulder hurts. My right shoulder hurts. >>eng<< Jakou barvu mají ty jablka? What color are the apples? What color are the apples? >>eng<< Byl jedním z nich. He was one of them. He was one of them. >>eng<< Přestala kouřit. She quit smoking. She stopped smoking. >>eng<< Tom nás přinutil stát. Tom made us stand. Tom forced us to stand. >>eng<< Pamatuješ, jak jsme se potkali? Do you remember how we met? Remember how we met? >>eng<< Kdysi jsem tomu věřil. I used to believe that. I used to believe it. >>eng<< Vaše reklamy mě otravují. Your advertisements bother me. Your ads bother me. >>eng<< Je to snadné udělat? Is it easy to do that? Is it easy to do? >>eng<< Cieszę się, że mogę ci pomóc. I'm glad to help you. I'm glad I can help you. >>eng<< Pořád tě hledá. She is still searching for you. He's still looking for you. >>eng<< Musím si na to zvyknout. I have to get used to it. I have to get used to it. >>eng<< Tom nikdy nepláče. Tom never cries. Tom's never crying. >>eng<< Tom je přesvědčený, že něčeho v životě dosáhl. Tom is confident that he achieved something. Tom believes he has achieved something in his life. >>eng<< Zrobiliśmy poważny błąd. We made a huge mistake. We made a serious mistake. >>eng<< Mary, biedne dziecko, gdzie byłaś? Co się z tobą stało? Mary, you poor child, where have you been? What happened to you? Mary, poor child, where have you been? >>eng<< Odwiedziła męża w więzieniu. She visited her husband in prison. She visited her husband in prison. >>eng<< Tom chodíval do práce pěšky. Tom used to walk to work. Tom was walking to work. >>eng<< Tom se ukazuje v práci opilý. Tom has been showing up to work drunk. Tom is drunk at work. >>eng<< Pro Toma nebude nic z toho, oč jsme ho žádali, těžké udělat. Nothing that we asked Tom to do will be hard for him to do. For Tom, it's not going to be any of the things we asked him to do. >>eng<< Mnoho lidí jí na Hod boží krůtu. Many people eat turkey on Christmas Day. A lot of people eat a turkey of God. >>eng<< Wyszła z pokoju. She left the room. She left the room. >>eng<< Czy wszyscy są gotowi? Is everybody ready? Are they all ready? >>eng<< Nepřišel jsem se sem prát. I didn't come here to fight. I didn't come here to fight. >>eng<< Kontroloval jsem svoje věty, našel nějaké chyby a opravil je. I checked my sentences, found some mistakes and corrected them. I checked my sentences, found some mistakes, and fixed them. >>eng<< Wona pije wino. She drinks wine. She drinks wine. >>eng<< Podrž tohle. Hold this. Hold this. >>eng<< Robimy, co chcemy. We do anything we want. We do what we want. >>eng<< To by se v mojí rodině nestalo. That wouldn't happen in my family. That wouldn't happen in my family. >>eng<< To je vyjímečná situace. This is an unusual situation. This is an exceptional situation. >>eng<< Kdy jedete domů? When are you going home? When are you going home? >>eng<< O kom mluvíte? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? >>eng<< Czytanie jest równoznaczne myśleniu głową kogoś innego zamiast swoją własną. Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone else's head instead of with one's own. Reading is tantamount to thinking someone else’s head instead of your own. >>eng<< Tom, kim chcesz zostać w przyszłości? Tom, what do you want to be in the future? Tom, who do you want to stay in the future? >>eng<< Jaký je opravdu důvod, že tohle nechceš udělat? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? >>eng<< Hotel je plný cizinců. The hotel's full of foreigners. The hotel is full of strangers. >>eng<< Nějaký Sioux dal tomu starému traperovi zlatý nuget. A Sioux gave that old trapper a golden nugget. Some Sioux gave the old Traper a golden nuget. >>eng<< Je dobré, že mám dceru. It's good that I have a daughter. It's good to have a daughter. >>eng<< Udělal jsem to tak rychle, jak to jen šlo. I did that as quickly as I could. I did it as fast as I could. >>eng<< Tom si vybavuje, že byl jako dítě unesen mimozemšťany. Tom recalls being abducted by aliens as a child. Tom remembers being kidnapped by aliens as a child. >>eng<< Ukradli mi auto. My car has been stolen. They stole my car. >>eng<< Narciarstwo to mój ulubiony sport. Skiing is my favorite sport. Skiing is my favorite sport. >>eng<< Znám jí podle jména. I know her by name. I know her by name. >>eng<< Dělání chyb je běžné. Making mistakes is normal. Making mistakes is common. >>eng<< Je chudá. She's poor. She's poor. >>eng<< Wszyscy krzyczeli. Everyone screamed. Everyone was screaming. >>eng<< Bezdomovci nemají peníze, ale jsou neradi, když se jim to připomíná. Homeless people have no money but they do not like having that fact thrown in their face. Homeless people don't have money, but they don't like it when they're reminded. >>eng<< V Kanazawě občas bývají sněhové bouře. There are sometimes blizzards in Kanazawa. There are sometimes snowstorms in Kanazawa. >>eng<< Większość moich książek w miękkich okładkach jest w obwolutach, więc póki się każdej nie otworzy, nie będzie wiadomo, co to za książka. Most of my paperbacks are in covers so you don't know what they are until you open them. Most of my books in soft covers are in the envelopes, so until everyone opens, it won’t be known what kind of book it is. >>eng<< Narodil jsem se v Sovětském svaze. I was born in the Soviet Union. I was born in the Soviet Union. >>eng<< Tom by měl jít domů a odpočívat. Tom should go home and rest. Tom should go home and rest. >>eng<< Zabiję was oboje. I'll kill the both of you. I'll kill you both. >>eng<< Jesteś pewien, że powinniśmy to robić? Are you sure we should be doing this? Are you sure we should do this? >>eng<< Nakrmil jsi psy? Did you feed the dogs? Did you feed the dogs? >>eng<< Až se najím, tak si zdřímnu. I'll take a nap after I eat. When I eat, I'll take a nap. >>eng<< Podlaha byla velmi studená. The floor was very cold. The floor was very cold. >>eng<< Všichni to pochopili, až na Toma. Everybody understood it except for Tom. Everyone understood it except Tom. >>eng<< Uvidíš-li chybu, tak ji oprav, prosím. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, please correct it. >>eng<< Weź to krzesło. Jest solidne. Take this chair. It's sturdy. Take this chair. It's solid. >>eng<< Książka spadła z półki. A book dropped from the shelf. The book fell from the shelf. >>eng<< Zgaś światło. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. >>eng<< Tom sedí na gauči a čte si časopis. Tom is sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine. Tom sits on the couch and reads the magazine. >>eng<< Ona wraca z powrotem do Ameryki. She's going back to America. She's coming back to America. >>eng<< Kot wyszedł spod samochodu. A cat got out from under the car. The cat came out of the car. >>eng<< Ty ses úplně zbláznil. Are you completely mad? You're totally crazy. >>eng<< Był przerażony na widok nauczyciela. He was confounded at the sight of the teacher. He was scared of seeing the teacher. >>eng<< Pracuj dalej. Keep working. Keep working. >>eng<< Hej, spójrz na to. Hey, look at this. Hey, look at this. >>eng<< Tom wziął list, zmiął go i włożył do kieszeni. Tom took the letter, crumpled it and put it in his pocket. Tom took the letter, took it and put it in his pocket. >>eng<< Zróbmy tak, jak mówi Tom. Let's do what Tom says. Let's do as Tom says. >>eng<< Bałem się. I was scared. I was scared. >>eng<< Které jazyky se učíte? What languages are you learning? Which languages do you learn? >>eng<< Czy zadzwoniłem do ciebie o złej porze? Have I called you at a bad time? Did I call you at the wrong time? >>eng<< Má ušpiněný obličej. She has a dirty face. He's got a dirty face. >>eng<< Kdy jsi naposledy bydlel v hotelu? When was the last time you stayed at a hotel? When was the last time you stayed in a hotel? >>eng<< Czy potrafisz kierować autem? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? >>eng<< Nalegamy, aby ten projekt został wprowadzony w życie jak najprędzej. We insist that this project be carried out immediately. We insist that this project be implemented as soon as possible. >>eng<< Nienawidzę patrzeć na to, jak marny jesteś. I hate to see you so miserable. I hate to see how poor you are. >>eng<< Nie ma innego wyjścia. There is no other choice. There's no other way out. >>eng<< To je moje rodina. This is my family. That's my family. >>eng<< Je nezdvořilé mluvit s plnými ústy. It is rude to talk when your mouth is full. It's rude to talk to your mouth. >>eng<< Kawy bywają różne. There is coffee, and...coffee. Coffee is different. >>eng<< Jak se jmenuje ten člověk, co ti pomohl? What's the name of the person who helped you? What's the name of the man who helped you? >>eng<< Tom ma na sobie okulary przeciwsłoneczne. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom's wearing sunglasses. >>eng<< Dam ci znać. I'll let you know. I'll let you know. >>eng<< Tento spisovatel je Kanaďan. This writer is Canadian. This writer is Canadian. >>eng<< Můj nůž je rozbitý. My knife is broken. My knife is broken. >>eng<< Zrušte tu poradu. Cancel the meeting. Cancel the meeting. >>eng<< V práci se mu nedařilo a tak odešel. He wasn't getting on well in his job, so he quit. He didn't manage to work, so he left. >>eng<< Tom nie zwraca uwagi na telewizję. Tom's not paying attention to the TV. Tom doesn't pay attention to television. >>eng<< Widzę krzyż z drewna. I see a cross made of wood. I see the cross of wood. >>eng<< Víte, proč tom lhal? Do you know why Tom lied? Do you know why he lied? >>eng<< Není místa na Zemi, kde bych byl raději. There's nowhere on earth I'd rather be. There's no place on Earth where I'd rather be. >>eng<< Wiesz, czego chcą? Do you know what they want? You know what they want? >>eng<< Vrátím vše, kam to patří. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'll go back to where it belongs. >>eng<< Otevři oči. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. >>eng<< Nie zapominaj, że palenie szkodzi twojemu zdrowiu. Don't forget smoking is bad for your health. Don’t forget that smoking is harmful to your health. >>eng<< Vyplňte prosím tyto formuláře. Please fill out these forms. Please fill in these forms. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że nie sądzi, aby Mary mi na to pozwoliła. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary would let me do that. Tom said he didn't think Mary would let me do that. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że ma trzydzieści lat. Tom said he was thirty. Tom said he was thirty years old. >>eng<< Lubię grać w piłkę. I like to play football. I like to play football. >>eng<< Musimy uważać. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. >>eng<< Tom sroloval lano a uložil ho do kufru svého auta. Tom rolled up the rope and put it in the trunk of his car. Tom rolled the rope and put it in his car's trunk. >>eng<< Nikdo o tom nikdy nebyl slyšel. Nobody had ever heard of it. No one's ever heard of it. >>eng<< Wszyscy lubią puszyste ręczniki. Everyone loves fluffy towels. Everyone likes fluffy towels. >>eng<< Ta szkoła została założona w roku 1650. The school was established in 1650. This school was founded in 1650. >>eng<< Nie idź tak szybko. Please don't walk so fast. Don't go so fast. >>eng<< Tom je ostrygi. Tom is eating oysters. Tom's sharp. >>eng<< Tom se omluvil za to, že Mary nechal čekat. Tom apologized for making Mary wait. Tom apologized for letting Mary wait. >>eng<< Czy uczysz się angielskiego codziennie? Do you study English every day? Do you learn English every day? >>eng<< Vezměte si co potřebujete a vypadněte odsud. Grab what you need and get out of here. Take what you need and get out of here. >>eng<< Tom powiedział, że to był wypadek. Tom said it was an emergency. Tom said it was an accident. >>eng<< Problem był dla mnie za trudny do rozwiązania. The problem was too difficult for me to solve. The problem was too difficult for me to solve. >>eng<< Je hezké vidět tolik jazyků pohromadě. Těžko to uvidíte někde jinde mimo Tatoebu. It is nice to see so many languages together. You will hardly see it anywhere else outside Tatoeba. It's nice to see so many languages together. >>eng<< Tom nemohl najít zápalky, což ho velmi rozčililo. Tom couldn't find a box of matches, which made him very angry. Tom couldn't find matches, which made him very upset. >>eng<< Slon má krátký ocas. The elephant has a short tail. The elephant has a short tail. >>eng<< Tom je pravděpodobně jediný, kdo dokáže vyřešit tento problém. Tom may be the only one who can solve this problem. Tom is probably the only one who can solve this problem. >>eng<< Nikdo mi nebude říkat, co mám, nebo nemám dělat. Nobody will tell me what I should or shouldn't do. No one's gonna tell me what I'm supposed to do or I'm not supposed to do. >>eng<< Starszy człowiek na wózku inwalidzkim powiedział mi, że poznał moją mamę, kiedy był nastolatkiem. The old man in the wheelchair told me that he knew my mother when she was a teenager. The old man in the wheelchair told me he met my mom when he was a teenager. >>eng<< Všude jsou mravenci. There are ants everywhere. There are ants everywhere. >>eng<< Nauki ścisłe są nomotetyczne, a humanistyczne - idiograficzne. The natural sciences are nomothetic, whereas the humanities are idiographic. Strict sciences are nomothetical, and humanistic - idiography. >>eng<< Jana byla šťastná jak blecha, když dostala nahrávací smlouvu. Jane was on top of the world when she got a record contract. Jane was as happy as she was when she got a recording contract. >>eng<< Obdarzyła mnie wspaniałym uśmiechem. She gave me a wonderful smile. She gave me a great smile. >>eng<< Nienawidzę walki. I hate fighting. I hate fighting. >>eng<< Kiedy je kupiliście? When did you buy them? When did you buy them? >>eng<< Byl bych vám velmi vděčný, kdybyste mi zítra pomohli. I'd be very grateful if you could help me tomorrow. I'd be very grateful if you could help me tomorrow. >>eng<< Wiem, jak to brzmi. I know how that sounds. I know what it sounds like. >>eng<< Nie robią nic złego. They aren't doing anything wrong. They're not doing anything wrong. >>eng<< Zneužívají mě. I'm being exploited. They're abusing me. >>eng<< Mám v moči krev. There's blood in my urine. I have blood in my urine. >>eng<< Nikdy nebudu sám. I'll never be alone. I'll never be alone. >>eng<< Už jste se Toma ptali? Have you asked Tom yet? Have you asked Tom yet? >>eng<< Mary umie pływać. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. >>eng<< Wysiadamy na następnej stacji. We're getting off at the next station. We're off at the next station. >>eng<< Tom si konečně přiznal, že to nikdy nedokáže udělat. Tom finally admitted to himself that he was never going to be able to do that. Tom finally admitted he could never do it. >>eng<< Vím přesně, co bych dělal, kdybych byl Tomem. I know exactly what I'd want to do if I were Tom. I know exactly what I would do if I was Tom. >>eng<< Ať se z toho poučíš. Let this be a lesson for you. Let's learn from it. >>eng<< Gdybym zobaczył Ancę, pewnie bym jej nie poznał. If I saw Anca, I would probably not recognize her. If I had seen Anca, I probably wouldn't have met her. >>eng<< Jsem rád, že se Tom o sebe stará. I'm glad Tom is taking care of himself. I'm glad Tom takes care of himself. >>eng<< Dlaczego jesteś taki skryty? Why are you so secretive? Why are you so hidden? >>eng<< Nastal čas popřát dobrou noc. Now it's time to say good night. It's time to say good night. >>eng<< Peru prádlo. I'm doing my laundry. Peru's laundry. >>eng<< To nie tak, że ja nie chcę ci pomóc. It's not that I don't want to help you. It's not like I don't want to help you. >>eng<< Ona godzinami leży, myśląc o nim. She lay awake for hours thinking about him. She's been lying for hours thinking about him. >>eng<< Říkej vždy pravdu. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. >>eng<< Nareszcie ktoś się odezwał. Finally, someone spoke. Finally, someone spoke. >>eng<< Przyjechałem do Tokio dwa miesiące temu. I came to Tokyo two months ago. I came to Tokyo two months ago. >>eng<< Je mi třicet let. I'm thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. >>eng<< Dříve či později se to stane. Sooner or later, it'll happen. Sooner or later it will happen. >>eng<< Budu ti držet palce. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll hold your fingers. >>eng<< Tom nedokázal pořádně vysvětlit, co se stalo. Tom had trouble explaining what happened. Tom couldn’t quite explain what had happened. >>eng<< Jesteś fajny. You're cool. You're cool. >>eng<< Na Tomovu hlavu vypsali odměnu. They put a bounty on Tom's head. They made a reward on Tom's head. >>eng<< Moje zdrowie to mój jedyny kapitał. My health is my only capital. My health is my only capital. >>eng<< Starszy mężczyzna wysiadł z autobusu. The old man got off the bus. The older man got off the bus. >>eng<< Gdzie jest skrzynka pocztowa? Where is the mailbox? Where's the mailbox? >>eng<< Niech pan nie próbuje mnie rozzłościć. Don't try to make me angry. Don't try to make me angry. >>eng<< Všechny naše snahy zklamaly. All our attempts failed. All our efforts have failed. >>eng<< Chci se ujistit, že jste ten, kdo říkají, že jste. I want to make sure you are who you say you are. I want to make sure you're the one who says you're. >>eng<< Musím nabiflovat fyziku. I have to bone up on my physics. I have to figure out physics. >>eng<< Co se to tam dělo? What was going on there? What's going on there? >>eng<< Dzisiaj nie ma nic do robienia. There is nothing to do today. There's nothing to do today. >>eng<< Jak daleko je odsud knihovna? How far is the library from here? How far is the library from here? >>eng<< Nie mogę już na to patrzeć. I can't look at this anymore. I can't look at it anymore. >>eng<< Víte, co znamená výraz "falešní přátelé" ? Do you know what the term "false friends" means? Do you know what the term “fake friends” means? >>eng<< Tom letí v pátek do Bulharska. Tom is flying to Bulgaria on Friday. Tom flies to Bulgaria on Friday. >>eng<< Rozvedla se s manželem. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. >>eng<< Poproszę jeszcze jedną szkocką z wodą. Another Scotch and water, please. I'd like another Scottish with water. >>eng<< Burdż Chalifa je dzisôdnja nôwikszim bùdinkã na swiece. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Burj Chalifa is today’s first follower. >>eng<< Możesz mi powiedzieć, co się stało? Can you tell me about what happened? Can you tell me what happened? >>eng<< A kiedy próżnia wybucha, nazywa się to czarną dziurą. And if the vacuum explodes, it is called a black hole. And when the vacuum explodes, it's called a black hole. >>eng<< Oszukiwał na teście poprzez przepisywanie od dziewczyny z przodu. He cheated on the test by copying from the girl in front. He was cheating on the test by recipeing from the girl in the front. >>eng<< Máš v úmyslu jíst ovoce a zeleninu každý den? Do you tend to eat fruit and vegetables daily? Do you want to eat fruits and vegetables every day? >>eng<< Tom se dožadoval pozornosti. Tom called for attention. Tom asked for attention. >>eng<< Tom od té doby s Mary nemluvil. Tom hasn't talked to Mary since then. Tom hasn't spoken to Mary since. >>eng<< Odpowiedz! Answer! Answer me! >>eng<< Chlapec přitlačil svůj obličej na výlohu. The boy pressed his face against the shop window. The boy pushed his face to the high ground. >>eng<< Jego samochód był długi na trzy metry. His car was three metres long. His car was three meters long. >>eng<< Jesteś fotogeniczny. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. >>eng<< Zůstaňte doma a nikam nechoďte. Stay at home and don't go anywhere. Stay home and don't go anywhere. >>eng<< Więc, dlaczego się śmiejesz? Well then why are you laughing? So, why are you laughing? >>eng<< Otrokyně zkusila utéct. The slave tried to escape. The slave tried to escape. >>eng<< Tom zemřel na bitevním poli. Tom died on the battlefield. Tom died on the battlefield. >>eng<< Věřím na duchy. I think that ghosts exist. I believe in ghosts. >>eng<< On sprawuje. Tom exercises. He's working. >>eng<< Nevím, kam to položit. I don't know where to put this. I don't know where to put it. >>eng<< Może powinieneś spróbować tego. Maybe you should try it. Maybe you should try it. >>eng<< Tom martwi się tym co robi Mary. Tom is worried about what Mary is doing. Tom's worried about what Mary's doing. >>eng<< Niedługo wszystko wróci do poziomu sprzed kryzysu. It will not be long before business returns to normal. Soon everything will return to the pre-crisis level. >>eng<< To jedzenie jest bardzo słone. This food is too salty. The food is very salty. >>eng<< Tom si všiml, že Mary má na ruce škrábance. Tom noticed scratches on Mary's hands. Tom noticed that Mary had scratches on her hands. >>eng<< Nesnáším pozornost. I dislike attention. I don't understand the attention. >>eng<< Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji rocznicy! Happy anniversary! All good on the occasion of the anniversary! >>eng<< Nie znam nikogo o imieniu Tom. I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know anyone named Tom. >>eng<< Přijali Toma za vlastního. They took Tom into their own family. They accepted Tom as their own. >>eng<< Co kdybys šel dál a promluvíme si o tom. Why don't you come in and we'll talk about it. Why don't you come in and talk about it. >>eng<< Měl by ses předem poradit s advokátem. You'd better consult an attorney beforehand. You should consult a lawyer in advance. >>eng<< To nebude poprvé, co se Tom opozdil. It won't be the first time that Tom's been late. That's not the first time Tom's been late. >>eng<< To je nejošklivější čepice, co jsem kdy viděl. That's the ugliest hat I've ever seen. That's the worst hat I've ever seen. >>eng<< V Anglii se nás číšník zeptal ''Kolik piva byste si dali, půl pinty, nebo celou?'' Jelikož jsme neměli ponětí, kolik by to mohlo být, požádali jsme ho, aby nám ukázal sklenice. In England the waiter asked us, "How much beer would you like, a half pint or a pint?" Having no idea how much that would be, we asked him to show us the glasses. In England, the waiter asked us “How much beer would you like, half a pint or the whole?” Since we had no idea how much it could be, we asked him to show us the glasses. >>eng<< Zatkli jste Toma? Did you arrest Tom? Did you arrest Tom? >>eng<< Tom nie był aż tak zajęty, jak Mary powiedziała, że będzie. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary told me he would be. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary said she'd be. >>eng<< Wiedziałeś, że Tom jest żonaty. Didn't you know that Tom was married? You knew Tom was married. >>eng<< Tom nie wiedział, gdzie Mary chciała, żeby odłożył jej walizki. Tom didn't know where Mary wanted him to put her suitcases. Tom didn't know where Mary wanted her to put her suitcases down. >>eng<< Tom a Mary se setkali s Johnem. Tom and Mary met with John. Tom and Mary met John. >>eng<< Nie będę pożyczał pieniędzy od tamtych ludzi. I will not borrow money from those people. I won't borrow money from those people. >>eng<< Tyto dvě košile jsou vyrobeny ze stejného materiálu. These two shirts are made from the same material. These two shirts are made of the same material. >>eng<< Doceniam twoją współpracę. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. >>eng<< Tom miał ciężki tydzień. Tom has had a bad week. Tom was a tough week. >>eng<< To je dobre mjaso. This is good meat. It's a good month. >>eng<< Jesteś cała mokra. You're soaking wet. You're all wet. >>eng<< Jest abstynentem. He's a teetotaller. He's an abstinent. >>eng<< Jak masz na imię? What is your first name? What's your name? >>eng<< Nie potrzebuję tłumaczeń. I don't need an explanation. I don't need translations. >>eng<< Te dwie dziewczyny ubrały take same suknie na tańce. The two girls wore the same dress to the dance. These two girls wore the same dance dresses. >>eng<< Tom mi dal modrou košili. Tom gave me a blue shirt. Tom gave me a blue shirt. >>eng<< Chodźmy na zewnątrz i popatrzmy w gwiazdy. Let's go outside and look at the stars. Let's go outside and look at the stars. >>eng<< Chcemy być sławni! We want to become famous. We want to be famous! >>eng<< Přestaň si stěžovat a začni něco dělat! Stop complaining and get weaving! Stop complaining and start doing something! >>eng<< Nevěřil jsem Tomovi ani slovo. I didn't believe a single word Tom said. I didn't believe Tom's word. >>eng<< Já ho znám, ale on mě ne. I know him but he doesn't know me. I know him, but he's not me. >>eng<< X nie należy do zbioru B, ponieważ należy do zbioru A. x does not belong to the set B because it belongs to the set A. X does not belong to the collection B, because it belongs to the file A. >>eng<< Napsal jsi tuhle knihu? Did you write this book? Did you write this book? >>eng<< Myślałem, że rozpoznaję ten samochód. I thought I recognized this car. I thought I'd recognize this car. >>eng<< Nemyslel jsem si, že Tom je velmi šťastný. I didn't think that Tom was very happy. I didn't think Tom was very happy. >>eng<< Słyszałeś może, czy Tom dostał tą pracę? Have you heard whether Tom got the job? Have you heard of Tom getting this job? >>eng<< Tom zauważył coś w oddali. Tom noticed something in the distance. Tom noticed something in the distance. >>eng<< Nie bądźcie naiwni. Don't be naive. Don't be naive. >>eng<< Vyžehli tu košili, prosím. Please iron the shirt. They ironed the shirt, please. >>eng<< Rozumiem jak rozwiązać ten problem. I understand how to solve the problem. I understand how to solve this problem. >>eng<< Budu pokračovat v opravování svých chyb. I will continue with correcting my mistakes. I will continue to correct my mistakes. >>eng<< Kto to połamał? Who broke it? Who broke it? >>eng<< Tohle si na sebe nevezmu. I won't wear this. I'm not wearing this. >>eng<< Bogaci ludzie szpanują drogimi zegarkami. Rich people show off with their expensive watches. Rich people are cracking with expensive watches. >>eng<< Zastosował się do wskazówek lekarza. He followed the doctor's suggestions. He followed the advice of the doctor. >>eng<< Posłuchaj! Grają moją ulubioną muzykę. Listen! They're playing my favorite music. Listen, they're playing my favorite music. >>eng<< Tom říká, že se cítí lépe. Tom says that he's feeling better. Tom says he feels better. >>eng<< Mike nie jest zawodnikiem drużyny siatkarskiej. Mike is not a member of the volleyball team. Mike's not a volleyball team player. >>eng<< Jsi v tom až po uši, Tome. You're in this up to your neck, Tom. You're in it all the way to the ears, Tom. >>eng<< Vypadá to, že Tom si vyvrtnul kotník. Tom seems to have sprained his ankle. Looks like Tom's out of his ankle. >>eng<< Překonal jsem svůj strach. I overcame my fear. I've overcome my fear. >>eng<< To, co umiem po norwesku, nauczyłem się sam. What I know of Norwegian I have learned on my own. I learned what I know in Norwegian by myself. >>eng<< Bylo štěstí, že jsi tam byl a pomohl mi. It was lucky you were there to help me. It was lucky that you were there and helped me. >>eng<< Pochopil jsem skoro všechno. I have understood nearly everything. I understood almost everything. >>eng<< Tom zadzwonił, żeby powiedzieć, że jest już w drodze. Tom phoned to say he was on his way. Tom called to say he was on his way. >>eng<< Człowiek jadł chleb. The man was eating bread. Man ate bread. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że Tom wygra. I hope Tom wins. I hope Tom wins. >>eng<< Tenhle rok chci přečíst tolik anglických knížek, kolik jen budu moct. I want to read as many English books as possible this year. This year I want to read as many English books as I can. >>eng<< Jeśli ktoś, kto nas nie zna, mówi, że mówimy jego językiem jak rodzimy użytkownik, oznacza to, że pewnie zauważył u nas coś, co uświadomiło mu, że tym użytkownikiem nie jesteśmy. Innymi słowy, że nie mówimy jak rodzimy użytkownik. If someone who doesn't know your background says that you sound like a native speaker, it means they probably noticed something about your speaking that made them realize you weren't a native speaker. In other words, you don't really sound like a native speaker. If someone who does not know us says that we speak his language as a native user, it means that he probably noticed something in us that made him realize that we are not that user. In other words, we do not say how we are born a user. >>eng<< Gdzie do cholery go poznałeś? Where on earth did you meet him? Where the hell did you get to know him? >>eng<< Nezajímá je to. They don't care. They don't care. >>eng<< Tom neviděl jiné východisko. Tom saw no other way out. Tom didn't see another way out. >>eng<< Jsi ta nejhezčí holka, jakou jsem kdy viděl. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You're the nicest girl I've ever seen. >>eng<< Nikdo nám nevěří. No one trusts us. No one believes us. >>eng<< Nie lubię, gdy matematycy, którzy wiedzą o wiele więcej niż ja, nie potrafią się jasno wyrazić. I don't like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can't express themselves explicitly. I don’t like it when mathematicians who know much more than I do can’t express themselves clearly. >>eng<< Juliana mi řekla, že jste ze São Paulа. Juliana told me you're from São Paulo. Juliana told me you were from São Paulo. >>eng<< Jsou nějaké z těchto člunů na prodej? Are any of these boats for sale? Are any of these boats for sale? >>eng<< Všichni byli šokováni. Everybody was appalled. They were all shocked. >>eng<< Ta dívka je Mary. That girl is Mary. That girl is Mary. >>eng<< Promluvil jsem si s dcerou. I spoke to my daughter. I talked to my daughter. >>eng<< Tom mi včera řekl to samé. Tom told me the same thing yesterday. Tom told me the same thing yesterday. >>eng<< Petr se narodil duševně zaostalý. Peter was born mentally retarded. Peter was born mentally late. >>eng<< Prosím, nemluvte tak rychle. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. >>eng<< Už se neměli rádi a proto se rozešli. They no longer loved each other, therefore, they split up. They didn't like each other anymore, and that's why they broke up. >>eng<< Tomovi nechybí Austrálie tolik, jako Mary. Tom doesn't miss Australia as much as Mary does. Tom doesn't miss Australia as much as Mary does. >>eng<< Mam dwa samochody. I have two cars. I have two cars. >>eng<< Znaczki możesz kupić w każdej poczcie. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy the stamps in every post. >>eng<< Svět je velmi velký. The world is very big. The world is very big. >>eng<< Byłem z nimi cały dzień. I was with them all day. I've been with them all day. >>eng<< Mrzí mě, že jsem to nevysvětlil dobře. I'm sorry I didn't explain it well. I'm sorry I didn't explain it well. >>eng<< Jakie jest najpotężniejsze zdanie na świecie? What is the most powerful sentence in the world? What is the most powerful sentence in the world? >>eng<< Jak dlouho snídáš? How long does it take you to eat breakfast? How long are you having breakfast? >>eng<< Míval jsem tři sekretářky. I used to have three secretaries. I had three secretary. >>eng<< Bůh existuje, ale zapomněl heslo. God exists, but he forgot the password. God exists, but he forgot his password. >>eng<< Tom se zajímá o hodně věcí. Tom is interested in many things. Tom is interested in a lot of things. >>eng<< Głód jest jednym z największych społecznych nieszczęść. Hunger is one of the greatest social miseries. Hunger is one of the greatest social unhappiness. >>eng<< Tom vypadá unavený. Tom looks fatigued. Tom looks tired. >>eng<< Jakich jest pięć pierwszych liter twojego adresu emailowego? What are the five first letters of your e-mail address? What is the first five letters of your email address? >>eng<< Máte rádi kari? Do you like curry? Do you like kari? >>eng<< Máme dost času udělat jen jednu z těch věcí. We only have enough time to do one of those things. We only have time to do one of those things. >>eng<< Pojďme tady bydlet. Let's live here. Let's live here. >>eng<< Ona chodzi do szkoły wieczorowej. She goes to night school. She's going to school tonight. >>eng<< Dokonce i Tom lhal. Even Tom lied. Even Tom lied. >>eng<< Wczoraj Tom mi powiedział, że nigdy nie był w Bostonie. Yesterday, Tom told me that he'd never been to Boston. Yesterday, Tom told me he was never in Boston. >>eng<< Niosła dziecko na plecach. She was carrying the baby on her back. She carried a child on her back. >>eng<< Dáváme ti šanci se zapojit. We're giving you a chance to participate. We give you a chance to get involved. >>eng<< Učí se německy. She's learning German. He learns German. >>eng<< Podejrzany chciał uniknąć aresztowania. The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested. The suspect wanted to avoid arrest. >>eng<< Koupil jsem si novou tiskárnu. I bought a new printer. I bought a new printer. >>eng<< Czy język międzynarodowy jest potrzebny? Do we need a universal language? Is international language needed? >>eng<< Jesteś pewien, że nie znasz Toma? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Are you sure you don't know Tom? >>eng<< Łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. It came easily, it went easy. >>eng<< Dorazili jsme trochu pozdě. We've arrived a little late. We arrived a little late. >>eng<< Potrzebuję japońsko-angielski słownik. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. >>eng<< Můžeš aktualizovat naše programové vybavení? Can you update our software? Can you update our software? >>eng<< Nigdy nie wybieraj zawodu tylko dlatego, że godziny pracy są krótkie. Never choose a vocation just because the hours are short. Never choose a profession just because the working hours are short. >>eng<< Nedívám se na televizi. I'm not watching the TV. I don't watch TV. >>eng<< Na drzewie było wiele ptaków. There were a lot of birds in the tree. There were many birds on the tree. >>eng<< Bydlíme blízko řeky. We live near a river. We live near the river. >>eng<< Musisz przestać palić papierosy. You must quit smoking cigarettes. You have to stop smoking cigarettes. >>eng<< Nikdo to za tebe neudělá. Nobody will do it on your behalf. No one's gonna do it for you. >>eng<< Za wszelką cenę postanowił wytrwać w milczeniu. He intended to persist in his silence. At all costs, he decided to remain silent. >>eng<< Byli tam chwilę. They've been there for a while. They were there for a while. >>eng<< Tom to celou dobu věděl. Tom knew that all along. Tom knew it all the time. >>eng<< Lilky umyjte a odřízněte vršky. Wash the eggplants and cut off the ends. Wash the lilies and cut off the tops. >>eng<< Powiedziałeś, że tego nie chciałeś. You said you didn't want that. You said you didn't want that. >>eng<< Jsem Tomášův dědeček. I am Tom's grandfather. I'm Thomas' grandfather. >>eng<< Musisz wziąć to pod uwagę. You have to take that into account. You have to take this into account. >>eng<< Ken rád táboří. Ken likes camping. Ken likes camping. >>eng<< Kupiłem sobie bardzo szybką maszynę do popcornu jako świąteczny prezent. I bought myself this superfast popcorn machine as a Christmas present. I bought myself a very fast Popcorn machine as a Christmas present. >>eng<< Být milován je asi ten nejskvělejší pocit na světě. Being loved is perhaps the greatest feeling in the world. Being loved is probably the most wonderful feeling in the world. >>eng<< Czekała, żeby iść z nim pożeglować. She was looking forward to going sailing with him. She was waiting to go sail with him. >>eng<< Tom był pochłonięty problemami w domu, co nie pozwoliło mu się skoncentrować na pracy. Tom was preoccupied with problems at home, and found it hard to concentrate at work. Tom was in trouble at home, which did not allow him to focus on his work. >>eng<< Tom ostrzegł mnie, że może być tu głośno. Tom warned me it would be noisy here. Tom warned me he could be here loudly. >>eng<< Tak, możemy jechać. Yes, we can go. Yes, we can go. >>eng<< Tom prý nevychází moc dobře s ostatními lidmi. Tom is said not to get along too well with other people. Tom doesn't work very well with other people. >>eng<< Tom jest dobrym pilotem. Tom is a good pilot. Tom is a good pilot. >>eng<< On zamknął drzwi. He closed the door. He closed the door. >>eng<< Tom pracoval v továrně. Tom worked in a factory. Tom worked at the factory. >>eng<< Chceme zpět naši svobodu. We want our freedom back. We want our freedom back. >>eng<< Cena ropy klesá. The oil price is falling. The price of oil is falling. >>eng<< Tom je flákač. Tom's a deadbeat. Tom's a floater. >>eng<< Wszystkie swetry tego rodzaju są wyprzedane. All sweaters of this type are out of stock now. All sweaters of this kind are sold out. >>eng<< On ma wspaniałą osobowość. He has a wonderful personality. He has a great personality. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem nebyl zrovna dobrý v matematice. I have never been particularly strong in mathematics. I've never been very good at mathematics. >>eng<< To njejo jedła. That's not a fir tree. This is not food. >>eng<< Jeśli mi pomożesz, spróbuję jeszcze raz. If you help me, I'll try it again. If you help me, I'll try again. >>eng<< Tom je čestný muž a jako takový se nedá podplatit. Tom is an honest man and as such, he cannot be bribed. Tom is an honest man and cannot be bribed as such. >>eng<< Můžu ti sehnat lístky. I can get the tickets for you. I can get you tickets. >>eng<< Starałem się nakłonić Toma do pomocy Mary. I tried to get Tom to help Mary. I tried to get Tom to help Mary. >>eng<< Nie sądzę, żeby ktokolwiek z nas był szczęśliwy z powodu tego, co się stało. I don't think any of us are happy about what happened. I don't think any of us are happy about what happened. >>eng<< Řekni Tomovi, ať si trochu odpočine. Tell Tom to get some rest. Tell Tom to rest a little. >>eng<< Myslíš, že Tom přijde? Do you think Tom will come? You think Tom's coming? >>eng<< Nie jesteśmy w dżungli. We're not in the jungle. We're not in the jungle. >>eng<< Tom mě obvykle vozí z práce domů autem. Tom usually drives me home from work. Tom usually drives me home by car. >>eng<< Być albo nie być, oto jest pytanie. To be, or not to be, that is the question. To be or not to be, this is the question. >>eng<< To jest rysunek. This is a picture. This is a drawing. >>eng<< Mam siostrę. I have a sister. I have a sister. >>eng<< Nemohli jsme tu krabici otevřít. We couldn't get the box open. We couldn't open the box. >>eng<< Wiecznie narzekasz. You are always complaining. You complain forever. >>eng<< Tady je účet. Here's the bill. Here's the bill. >>eng<< Nemám rád běh. I don't like to run. I don't like running. >>eng<< Jam jest Latający Potwór Spaghetti. Nie będziesz miał innych potworów przede Mną (za Mną mogą być, tylko się zabezpiecz). Jedynym potworem zasługującym na wielką literę jestem Ja! Inne potwory są fałszywymi potworami, niezasługującymi na wielką literę. I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization. I am the Flying Monster of Spaghetti. You will not have other monsters before Me (they can be behind Me, they can only be safe). The only monster worthy of a capital letter is I! Other monsters are false monsters who do not deserve a capital letter. >>eng<< Ukaž mi, co máš v levé ruce. Show me what you have in your left hand. Show me what you have in your left hand. >>eng<< Našel jsem ho, jak pracuje na zahradě. I found him working in the garden. I found him working in the garden. >>eng<< Ptak leci. The bird flies. The bird's flying. >>eng<< Neboj se mluvit na veřejnosti. Don't be afraid of speaking in public. Don't be afraid to speak in public. >>eng<< Změnil adresu. He changed his address. He changed the address. >>eng<< Už se ti někdy zdálo o Tomovi? Have you ever dreamed about Tom? Have you ever thought of Tom? >>eng<< W razie potrzeby zawsze możesz na niego liczyć. You can always count on him in any emergency. If necessary, you can always count on it. >>eng<< Wszystko mi jedno czy nasza drużyna wygra czy nie. I don't care if our team wins or not. I don't care if our team wins or not. >>eng<< Mám rád fazole. I like beans. I like beans. >>eng<< Opowiadanie kończy się wraz z jego śmiercią. The story ends with his death. The story ends with his death. >>eng<< Vyšetřujeme vraždu Toma. We're investigating Tom's murder. We're investigating Tom's murder. >>eng<< Mój mąż zawsze czyta w łóżku. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always reads in bed. >>eng<< Nemusel sis tolik pospíšit. You need not have come in such a hurry. You didn't have to hurry so fast. >>eng<< Vypadá to, že ti není dobře. You don't look like you're feeling well. Looks like you're not well. >>eng<< Nie chcę się ożenić. I don't want to get married. I don't want to marry. >>eng<< Myślisz, że kiedy Tom tu dotrze? When do you think Tom is going to get here? You think when Tom gets here? >>eng<< Rostliny nás činí šťastnými. Plants make us happy. Plants make us happy. >>eng<< Nie dam rady przejść 10 mil w tym upale. I can't bear to tramp ten miles in this heat. I can't walk 10 miles in this heat. >>eng<< To był poruszający widok. It was a moving sight. It was a moving view. >>eng<< To są melony. They are melons. These are melons. >>eng<< Vypadáš stejně jako před třemi lety. You look like you did three years ago. You look the same as you did three years ago. >>eng<< Powedz: "aaa". Say 'ahhh'. Overtake: "aaaa". >>eng<< To ciekawe. That's interesting. That's interesting. >>eng<< Tom není můj typ. Tom isn't my type. Tom's not my type. >>eng<< Kdy tam bude Tom? When will Tom be there? When will Tom be there? >>eng<< Dziś prawdopodobnie nie pójdę do szkoły na piechotę. I probably won't walk to school today. I’m probably not going to school today. >>eng<< Chris, jesteś przemoczony do suchej nitki! Chris, you're completely wet! Chris, you're wet on a dry thread! >>eng<< Tohle jsem se snažil říct již předtím. That's what I was trying to say earlier. I've been trying to say this before. >>eng<< Tom zaczął zakładać buty. Tom began putting on his shoes. Tom started wearing shoes. >>eng<< Nepřerušujte mě prosím. Nechte mě dokončit to, co říkám. Please don't interrupt me. Let me finish what I'm saying. Please don't interrupt me, let me finish what I say. >>eng<< Proč nechceš přijít? Why don't you want to come? Why don't you come? >>eng<< Jsem úplně plný. I'm so full. I'm full. >>eng<< Oto dom, w którym mieszka. This is the house where he lives. This is the house where he lives. >>eng<< To jest sprzeczne z rozsądkiem. It is contrary to reason. This is contrary to reason. >>eng<< Ulice są zaśnieżone. The streets are covered with snow. The streets are snowy. >>eng<< Gra najprawdopodobniej zostanie odwołana. A game will be probably called off. The game is likely to be cancelled. >>eng<< Posaď se támhle. Sit over there. Sit down there. >>eng<< Neměl bys mít strach z budoucnosti. You shouldn't be afraid of the future. You shouldn't be afraid of the future. >>eng<< Nikdy jsem nejedl tučňáka. I'd never eat a penguin. I've never eaten a penguin. >>eng<< Tragiczne wiadomości doprowadziły jego matkę do szaleństwa. The tragic news drove his mother mad. The tragic news led his mother to madness. >>eng<< Chci tě držet za ruku. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. >>eng<< Celá země o tom mluví. The whole country is talking about it. The whole country is talking about it. >>eng<< Tom nám nechtěl říct, co se děje. Tom wouldn't tell us what was going on. Tom didn't want to tell us what was going on. >>eng<< Dużo podróżujesz? Do you travel much? Are you traveling a lot? >>eng<< To pro ně není dost dobré. That isn't good enough for them. That's not good enough for them. >>eng<< Ta polévka by snesla více česneku. The soup needs more garlic. That soup would have eaten more garlic. >>eng<< Widziałeś mojego kota? Did you see my cat? Have you seen my cat? >>eng<< Ludzie muszą przestać nienawidzić. People need to stop hating. People have to stop hating. >>eng<< Drželi se za ruce. They held hands. They held hands. >>eng<< Řekni mi jediný důvod, proč bych měl Tomovi věřit potom, co mi udělal. Tell me one reason why I should trust Tom after what he's done to me. Tell me one reason why I should trust Tom after he did. >>eng<< Prawdopodobnie przyjdzie. He's likely to come. He'll probably come. >>eng<< Sejdu se s Tomem na autobusové zastávce. I'll meet Tom at the bus stop. I'll meet Tom at the bus stop. >>eng<< Tom umí vařit. Tom can cook. Tom can cook. >>eng<< Je přehnaně čistotný. He has an obsession with cleanliness. He's too clean. >>eng<< Tomova matka je velmi přísná. Tom's mum is very strict. Tom's mother is very strict. >>eng<< Zdajesz sobie sprawę, co musimy zrobić, prawda? You realize what we have to do, don't you? You realize what we have to do, don't you? >>eng<< Zaczęłam tłumaczyć zdanie wyświetlone na stronie głównej na mój język ojczysty i pół godziny oraz dwa tuziny zdań później musiałam namówić samą siebie aby przestać. I sat down to translate the sentence shown on the main page into my native language, and half an hour and two dozen sentences later I had to convince myself to stop. I started translating the sentence displayed on the main page into my native language and half an hour and two dozen sentences later I had to persuade myself to stop. >>eng<< Vypadá to, že jaro přijde velmi brzy. It seems that spring will come very soon. Spring seems to be coming very soon. >>eng<< On to zapře, tak si ho nevšímej. He will deny it, so don't pay him attention. He's gonna deny it, so don't pay attention to it. >>eng<< Nasza krowa w ogóle nie daje mleka. Our cow doesn't give us any milk. Our cow doesn't give milk at all. >>eng<< Dałem Tomowi kolejną szansę. I gave Tom another chance. I gave Tom another chance. >>eng<< Chcesz się ożenić? Do you want to get married? You want to get married? >>eng<< Mám na starosti oddělení literatury. I'm in charge of the book department. I'm in charge of the literature department. >>eng<< Niestety wszędzie jest tak samo. Unfortunately, it's the same everywhere. Unfortunately, it is the same everywhere. >>eng<< Chciałbym odtwarzacz MP3! I want an MP3 player! I would like an MP3 player! >>eng<< Czytanie to zwyczaj, który raz nabyty, nie zanika nigdy. Reading is the kind of habit that once acquired is never lost. Reading is a habit that once acquired, never disappears. >>eng<< Nehraj si s jejími city. Don't play with her feelings. Don't play with her feelings. >>eng<< W okolicy nie ma żywej duszy. There's not a living soul around here. There is no living soul in the area. >>eng<< Pomozte nám zachránit Toma. Help us to rescue Tom. Help us save Tom. >>eng<< Tom niedokładnie zrozumiał, co Mary od niego chciała. Tom didn't understand exactly what Mary wanted him to do. Tom didn’t understand exactly what Mary wanted from him. >>eng<< Tom udělal všechno, co po něm Mary chtěla. Tom has done everything that Mary said he should do. Tom did everything Mary wanted. >>eng<< Nie musisz być sarkastyczny. You don't have to be sarcastic. You don't have to be sarcastic. >>eng<< Miał za dużo kontroli nad moim życiem. He had too much control over my life. He had too much control over my life. >>eng<< Masz jakieś pomysły odnośnie tego tematu? Do you have any ideas about it? Do you have any ideas about this topic? >>eng<< Jestli Toma vyhodíte, tak tady končím. If you fire Tom, I will quit here. If you throw Tom out, I'm done here. >>eng<< Podczas naszej wycieczki nie przydarzyły nam się żadne nieprzewidziane wypadki. We had no unexpected incidents during our trip. No unexpected accidents occurred during our trip. >>eng<< Vcházejte prosím po jednom. Please come in one by one. Please come in one. >>eng<< W budynku są kamery. There are cameras inside the building. There are cameras in the building. >>eng<< Nejsem šťastná s tím, jak vypadám. I'm not happy with my looks. I'm not happy with how I look. >>eng<< Kde je najdeme? How can we find them? Where can we find them? >>eng<< Pomohl Tomovi s útěkem z vězení. He helped Tom escape from the prison. He helped Tom escape from prison. >>eng<< Dlaczego się zatrzymaliśmy? Why did we stop? Why did we stop? >>eng<< Jesteś szczery. You're sincere. You're honest. >>eng<< Każdy z nich ma swój własny samochód. Each of them has his own car. Each of them has their own car. >>eng<< Na celém světě mizí lidé beze stopy. People disappear without leaving a trace anywhere in the world. All over the world, people disappear without a trace. >>eng<< Ktoś to wie. Somebody knows that. Someone knows. >>eng<< Město bylo pokryto sněhem. The city was blanketed with snow. The city was covered with snow. >>eng<< Nehoda způsobila dopravní zácpu. The accident created a traffic jam. The accident caused traffic jams. >>eng<< Neseď na slunci. Don't sit in the sun. Don't sit in the sun. >>eng<< To jest dom w którym mieszkali kiedy byli dziećmi. This is the house in which they lived when they were children. This is the house where they lived when they were children. >>eng<< Kde Tom odpočívá? Where does Tom rest? Where does Tom rest? >>eng<< Są tacy, co twierdzą, że nie powinno się zaczynać dnia od sprawdzania e-maila. Some people say that you shouldn't check your email first thing in the morning. There are those who say that the day should not start with checking the email. >>eng<< Tom to nikdy nikomu neřekl. Tom has never told anyone. Tom never told anyone. >>eng<< Interpunkcja pomaga ukazać zależności gramatyczne i, przynajmniej w angielskim, jest także używana do zaznaczenia intonacji. Punctuation helps to show grammatical relationships and, at least in English, is also used to indicate intonation. Intervention helps to show grammatical dependence and, at least in English, is also used to select intonation. >>eng<< Zaufaj mi, jestem lekarzem. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Trust me, I'm a doctor. >>eng<< Byl to ohromný a skutečný posun. That was a huge and real breakthrough. It was a huge and real shift. >>eng<< Ćwiczę na siłowni dwa, trzy razy w tygodniu. I work out in a gym two or three times a week. I practice in the gym two or three times a week. >>eng<< Zkušenost přináší moudrost. Experience brings wisdom. Experience brings wisdom. >>eng<< Udělám to, když mi zaplatí. I'll do it if they pay me. I'll do it if he pays me. >>eng<< Podej mi sůl. Pass me the salt. Give me salt. >>eng<< Tom se zdál být trochu uražený. Tom seemed a little offended. Tom seemed a little insulted. >>eng<< Tom je na útěku a ozbrojený. Tom is on the run and armed. Tom's on the run and armed. >>eng<< Tom umístil na sociální síť svojí obscéní fotku. Tom posted a lewd photo of himself on social media. Tom put his obscene photo on the social network. >>eng<< Kocham cię, mój pająku. I love you, my spider. I love you, my spider. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že ho ta práce nebaví. Tom said that he didn't enjoy the work. Tom said he didn't like the job. >>eng<< Přines to sem dovnitř. Bring it in here. Bring it in here. >>eng<< Myślę, że on jest szczęśliwy. I think he's happy. I think he's happy. >>eng<< Nie miałem żadnego powodu, żeby to zrobić. I had no reason to do that. I had no reason to do that. >>eng<< To wszystko, co widziałem. That's all I saw. That's all I've seen. >>eng<< Wombat to typowe zwierze australijskie. Wombat is a typical australian animal. Wombat is a typical Australian animal. >>eng<< Ktoś zajął moje miejsce. Someone took my place. Someone took my place. >>eng<< No pewnie! Certainly! Of course! >>eng<< Nie zrobisz nic takiego. You'll do no such thing. You're not gonna do anything like that. >>eng<< „Na zachodzie bez zmian”. "All Quiet on the Western Front" “No change in the West.” >>eng<< Zapomniałem twojego imienia. I've forgotten your name. I forgot your name. >>eng<< Założyłem płaszcz na lewą stronę. I put my coat on inside out. I put my coat on the left. >>eng<< Nie mam nikogo, kto by mnie wysłuchał. I don't have anybody who'll listen to me. I don't have anyone to listen to me. >>eng<< Rozpětí křídel u orla je přes metr. The wingspan of an eagle is more than a meter. The span of the wings at the eagle is over a meter. >>eng<< Grupa ludzi czekała na zewnątrz. A bunch of people were standing outside waiting. A group of people were waiting outside. >>eng<< Zapomniałam ci powiedzieć, jak ta opiekunka ma na imię. I forgot to tell you the babysitter's name. I forgot to tell you what that nurse's name is. >>eng<< Proszę mnie źle nie zrozumieć. Please don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. >>eng<< Przynieść czasopismo? Shall I bring a magazine? Import the magazine? >>eng<< Lvi se živí masem. Lions feed on flesh. Lion feeds on meat. >>eng<< Přiměli ji věřit jejich lžím. They made her believe their lies. They made her believe their lies. >>eng<< Odpálili ohňostroje. They set off fireworks. They fired fireworks. >>eng<< Proszę, postaw kilka świeczek na urodzinowym torcie. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Please put a few candles on your birthday cake. >>eng<< Chcecie je? Do you guys want these? Do you want them? >>eng<< Persišćina njeje ćežka rěč. Persian is not a difficult language. Persian is not a hard language. >>eng<< Nepochopil jsem jeho vysvětlení. I haven't understood his explanations. I didn't understand his explanation. >>eng<< Mogę pożyczyć twój rower? May I borrow your bicycle? Can I borrow your bike? >>eng<< Prezident byl zvolen na čtyři roky. The president was elected for four years. The president was elected for four years. >>eng<< Neslyšel jsem, co Tom řekl. I wasn't able to hear what Tom said. I didn't hear what Tom said. >>eng<< Tom věděl, co se děje. Tom knew what was happening. Tom knew what was going on. >>eng<< Musíme se toho zbavit. We need to get rid of that. We have to get rid of it. >>eng<< Życzę wesołych świąt. Have a good Christmas. I wish you a happy Christmas. >>eng<< Neudělám nic, co by mohlo Toma rozrušit. I won't do anything that might disturb Tom. I'm not gonna do anything that could upset Tom. >>eng<< Kdo mám říct, že to volá? Who should I say is calling? Who should I say he's calling? >>eng<< Hovoříte slovinsky? Do you speak Slovene? Do you speak Slovenian? >>eng<< Může sedět tam. He can sit there. He can sit there. >>eng<< On opuścił dom o 8.00 He left home at 8:00. He left the house at 8 p.m. >>eng<< Lhal jsi mi. You lied to me. You lied to me. >>eng<< Twój zegarek jest na biurku. Your watch is on the desk. Your watch is on the desk. >>eng<< V této lekci se naučíme abecedu. We'll learn the alphabet in this lesson. In this lesson we learn the alphabet. >>eng<< Zpod psacího stolu přišla kočka. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came from under the desk. >>eng<< První přítel Mary se jmenoval Tom. Mary's first boyfriend's name was Tom. Mary's first friend was Tom. >>eng<< Chystají se Toma zatknout. They are going to arrest Tom. They're going to arrest Tom. >>eng<< Tom by si měl učesat vlasy. Tom should comb his hair. Tom should brush his hair. >>eng<< Našel jsi ten deštník, o kterém jsi říkal, že jsi ho nedávno ztratil? Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day? Did you find the umbrella you said you recently lost it? >>eng<< Učitel mě začal zasypávat otázkami. The teacher began to shoot questions at me. My teacher started to ask me questions. >>eng<< Potřebuju něco vymyslet. I need to invent something. I need to figure something out. >>eng<< Ve skle je prasklina. There is a crack in the glass. There's a crack in the glass. >>eng<< Tom kdysi příliš pil. Tom used to drink too much. Tom once drank too much. >>eng<< Děkuju mnohokrát! Thank you very much. Thank you so much! >>eng<< Spytała czy u mnie wszystko w porządku. She asked me whether I was all right. She asked me if I was okay. >>eng<< Uniezależnił się finansowo. He became financially independent. It was financially dependent. >>eng<< Chce s tebou ihned mluvit. She wants to talk to you right now. He wants to talk to you right away. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom si zaslouží lepší postavení. I think Tom deserves a better position. I think Tom deserves a better position. >>eng<< Nikdo nemá takové štěstí. No one is that lucky. No one's so lucky. >>eng<< Život bankéře je těžký. A banker's life is difficult. The life of a banker is hard. >>eng<< Wiatr staje się coraz silniejszy i silniejszy. The wind grew stronger and stronger. The wind is getting stronger and stronger. >>eng<< Věděl jsem, že Tom neuspěl. I knew that Tom had failed. I knew Tom had failed. >>eng<< Co víš? What do you know? What do you know? >>eng<< Co bys udělala, kdybys byla na mém místě? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? >>eng<< Jězće zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables. >>eng<< To bardzo hojna propozycja, ale muszę ją odrzucić. That's a very generous offer, but I have to turn it down. It's a very generous proposal, but I have to reject it. >>eng<< Od teraz obiecuję być punktualna. From now on, I promise to be punctual. From now on, I promise to be punctual. >>eng<< Mluvit s Tomem je těžké. It's hard to talk to Tom. Talking to Tom is hard. >>eng<< Nie wiesz, czy on ma dziewczynę? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? You don't know if he has a girlfriend? >>eng<< Nečekala to. She had not been expecting this. She wasn't expecting it. >>eng<< W zimie słońce zachodzi około czwartej po południu. The sun goes down by 4 p.m. in the winter. In winter, the sun rises about four o'clock in the afternoon. >>eng<< Nechápu tě. I can't follow you. I don't understand you. >>eng<< Tom pojede příští léto do Bostonu. Tom will go to Boston next summer. Tom's going to Boston next summer. >>eng<< Zlato je těžší než železo. Gold is heavier than iron. Gold is harder than iron. >>eng<< Nechal jsem doma peněženku. Můžeš mi půjčit nějaké peníze? I left my wallet at home. Could you lend me some money? I left my wallet at home. >>eng<< Mary mówi, że kocha Toma, ale tak naprawdę chce tylko jego pieniędzy. Mary says she loves Tom, but really she's just after his money. Mary says she loves Tom, but she really wants his money. >>eng<< Měď i stříbro jsou kovy. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and silver are metals. >>eng<< Tom chce mít stejného psa, jako máme my. Tom wants to have the same kind of dog as we have. Tom wants to have the same dog as us. >>eng<< Obloha je zatažená. The sky is cloudy. The sky is covered. >>eng<< Jaka jest najostrzejsza rzecz jaką w życiu jadłeś? What's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten? What's the toughest thing you've ever eaten? >>eng<< Rozejrzyj się wokoło. Look around. Look around. >>eng<< Pamatuješ se na to lépe než já. You remember it better than I do. You remember better than me. >>eng<< Zająłem się tym. I took care of that. I took care of it. >>eng<< Tom si uvědomil, že to nezmění. Tom realised that he couldn't change it. Tom realized it wouldn't change. >>eng<< Tom zaplatil mýtné. Tom paid the toll. Tom paid the toll. >>eng<< Už jsi s ním mluvil? Have you spoken with him yet? Have you talked to him yet? >>eng<< Nechtěli jsme jít s Tomem nikam. We didn't want to go anywhere with Tom. We didn't want to go anywhere with Tom. >>eng<< Nie wiem, gdzie dokładnie zostawiłem moje klucze, ale myślę, że są na stole w jadalni. I don't know exactly where I left my keys, but I think they're on the dining room table. I don't know exactly where I left my keys, but I think they're on the table in the dining room. >>eng<< Taro, obiad na stole. Taro, dinner is ready. Taro, dinner on the table. >>eng<< Bojovali za svobodu. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. >>eng<< Pochopil jsem správně, že nechceš na to téma mluvit? Did I understand correctly that you don't want to talk about that subject? Did I understand correctly that you don't want to talk about it? >>eng<< Rěču delnjoserbsce. I speak Lower Sorbian. Language delnj. >>eng<< Je čas, aby ses nechal ostříhat. It is time you had a haircut! It's time for you to be cut. >>eng<< Chwycił mnie za nadgarstek. He seized me by the wrist. He caught my wrist. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom si to povýšení nezasluhuje. I don't think that Tom deserves the promotion. I don't think Tom deserves the promotion. >>eng<< Nikt nie wie dokładnie, ilu ludzi uważało się za hippisów. No one knows exactly how many people considered themselves hippies. No one knows exactly how many people thought they were hippies. >>eng<< Musel jsem je chránit. I had to protect them. I had to protect them. >>eng<< Tom zastał zamknięte drzwi do biura. Tom found the office door locked. Tom found a closed door to the office. >>eng<< Už dlouho jsem se takhle nepobavil. It's been a while since I had so much fun. I haven't had this much fun for a long time. >>eng<< Nie można wiecznie trzymać tego w tajemnicy. That secret can't be kept forever. You can't keep it a secret forever. >>eng<< Język angielski jest używany przez wielu ludzi. English is used by many people. English is used by many people. >>eng<< Nie wiem jak zlikwidować swój ostatni wpis. I can't figure out how to delete what I just posted. I don’t know how to delete my last post. >>eng<< Pes stáhl ocas. The dog tucked its tail. The dog pulled his tail. >>eng<< Oni pobiorą się, gdy ona dojrzeje. When she comes of age, they are going to get married. They get married when she matures. >>eng<< Tom snědl malou porci ryby. Tom ate a small portion of fish. Tom ate a small portion of fish. >>eng<< Wiesz, kto zabił Toma? Do you know who killed Tom? You know who killed Tom? >>eng<< Wsadził słomkę w mrowisko. He stuck a straw into an anthill. He put the straw in an ant. >>eng<< Myslím, že se nám Tomovo pomoc bude hodit. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think Tom's help will be useful. >>eng<< Jsou tlačeni do bídy. They are pushed into misery. They're being pushed into poverty. >>eng<< Nie winiłem cię za uderzenie go. I didn't blame you for hitting him. I didn't blame you for hitting him. >>eng<< Głosowałem na Toma. I voted for Tom. I voted for Tom. >>eng<< Musel jsem všechno dělat sám. I had to do everything by myself. I had to do everything myself. >>eng<< Vaří bez soli. They cook without adding salt. They cook without salt. >>eng<< Nechci tomu věřit. I don't want to believe that. I don't want to believe it. >>eng<< To miecz obosieczny. It's a double-edged sword. It's a double-edged sword. >>eng<< Tom a Mary si byli navzájem velmi blízcí. Tom and Mary were very close to each other. Tom and Mary were very close to each other. >>eng<< Jaki jest twój ulubiony samochód? What's your favorite car? What's your favorite car? >>eng<< Nagle uświadomiłam sobie, że muszę nauczyć się polskiego. All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish. Suddenly I realized that I had to learn Polish. >>eng<< Včera jsem uklízel byt. I was cleaning my flat yesterday. I cleaned the apartment yesterday. >>eng<< Cožpak nevidíte, že námi pohrdají? Don't you see that they despise us? Do you not see that they despise us? >>eng<< Tomowi się to podoba. Tom likes that. Tom likes it. >>eng<< Mám je rád. I like them. I like them. >>eng<< Wiem, że jesteś zmieszany. I know you're confused. I know you're mixed. >>eng<< Tom Jackson nie został ponownie wybrany gubernatorem. Tom Jackson wasn't reelected governor. Tom Jackson was not re-elected governor. >>eng<< Udělám pro tebe cokoliv. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. >>eng<< Řekni mi jméno devátého měsíce. Tell me the name of the ninth month. Tell me the name of the ninth month. >>eng<< Králíci mají rádi mrkev. Rabbits like carrots. Rabbits like carrots. >>eng<< Tom nie może tego zrobić. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. >>eng<< Ta kobieta mówi po hiszpańsku. The woman speaks Spanish. This woman speaks Spanish. >>eng<< Chci být slavný. I want to be famous. I want to be famous. >>eng<< Tento kbelík přinesl Tom. Tom brought this bucket. This bucket was brought by Tom. >>eng<< Tom ovinul paži kolem Marie. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom wrapped his arms around Marie. >>eng<< Usiadła przy niej. She sat down near her. She sat by her side. >>eng<< Wszystkie te jabłka są bardzo słodkie. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. >>eng<< Tom zaczął rozumieć. Tom began to understand. Tom began to understand. >>eng<< Tom čekal ve svém domě. Tom was waiting in his house. Tom was waiting in his house. >>eng<< Nie byłem na to przygotowany. I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't prepared for that. >>eng<< Moje dítě vůbec není jako vaše dítě. My kid is nothing like your kid. My child is not like your child. >>eng<< Bądź ostrożny. Be careful. Be careful. >>eng<< Naprawdę powinienem już iść. I really should go. I really should go. >>eng<< Zastanawiałem się, kiedy tam dotrzesz. I wondered when you'd get here. I was wondering when you'd get there. >>eng<< Mary měla pocit, jakoby jí Tom svlékal očima. Mary felt like Tom was undressing her with his eyes. Mary felt like Tom was taking her eyes off. >>eng<< Będziemy musieli pomyśleć o czymś innym. We'll have to think of someone else. We'll have to think about something else. >>eng<< Hlavním městem Maďarska je Budapešť. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się co malarz chciał przekazać. I wonder what the painter wanted to convey. I wonder what the painter wanted to convey. >>eng<< Tom pracoval pro Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Tom worked for Mary. >>eng<< Nenecháš mě tady, že? You're not going to leave me here, are you? You're not leaving me here, are you? >>eng<< Tenkrát jsem nemohl nic dělat. There was nothing I could do at that time. I couldn't do anything at the time. >>eng<< Je v Bostnu horko? Is it hot in Boston? Is it hot in Bostna? >>eng<< Nie mogę pozwolić, żeby to się stało. I can't let that happen. I can't let this happen. >>eng<< Ne každé zvíře se bojí ohně. Not all animals are scared of fire. Not every animal is afraid of fire. >>eng<< Czy twoja dziewczyna lubi kwiaty? Does your girlfriend like flowers? Does your girl like flowers? >>eng<< Zgubiłem klucz. I have lost the key. I lost my key. >>eng<< Vypadá to, že tom se snaží neplakat. Tom seems to be trying not to cry. Looks like he's trying not to cry. >>eng<< Řekl, že obědval, i když ve skutečnosti měl hlad. He said he'd had lunch, though he was in fact hungry. He said he was having lunch, even though he was really hungry. >>eng<< Aoi tańczy. Aoi dances. Aoi's dancing. >>eng<< Napoj žíznivé a nakrm hladové. Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Drink the thirsty and feed the hungry. >>eng<< Gdzie jest dział dziecięcy? Where's the children's section? Where's the children's department? >>eng<< Powinieneś był zaryglować, albo przynajmniej zamknąć, wszystkie drzwi. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should've clocked, or at least shut up, all the doors. >>eng<< Tomovy plány se konečně začaly plnit. Tom's plans were finally coming to fruition. Tom's plans have finally begun to come true. >>eng<< Přestaňte Toma ihned rušit! Stop disturbing Tom now! Stop breaking Tom right away! >>eng<< Tom se nám celkem dlouho neozve. We won't be hearing from Tom for quite some time. Tom won't talk to us for a long time. >>eng<< V jakých situacích použijete tuto větu? In what kind of situations would you use that sentence? In what situations will you use this sentence? >>eng<< Hlupáci se považují za chytré, a chytří lidé si myslí, že jsou hloupí. Dumb people think they're smart, and smart people think they're dumb. Fools think they're smart, and smart people think they're stupid. >>eng<< Má tři dcery. She has got three daughters. She has three daughters. >>eng<< Jego dowcipy słyszałem już wiele razy. I've heard his jokes many times already. I've heard his jokes many times. >>eng<< Nie boję się śmierci. I don't fear death. I'm not afraid of death. >>eng<< Běh událostí se zrychluje. The pace of events is accelerating. The course of events is accelerating. >>eng<< Obaj moi bracia mają żony. Both of my brothers are married. Both my brothers have wives. >>eng<< Tom rád poslouchá klasickou hudbu. Tom loves listening to classical music. Tom likes to listen to classical music. >>eng<< John przyszedł i przesunął część pudełek. John came and moved some of the boxes. John came and moved part of the box. >>eng<< Chłopiec ma na sobie okulary. The boy is wearing glasses. The boy's wearing glasses. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že nepotřebuje tolik spánku. Tom said that he didn't need much sleep. Tom said he didn't need that much sleep. >>eng<< Tomův stav zůstává vážný. Tom's condition remains serious. Tom's condition remains serious. >>eng<< Pokud vím, tento je nejlepší. As far as I know, this is the best one. As far as I know, this one is the best. >>eng<< Tom ví, že s tím moc nenadělá. Tom knows that there won't be much that he'll be able to do about it. Tom knows he won't do much about it. >>eng<< Nebudu to jíst. I won't eat this. I'm not gonna eat it. >>eng<< Ból jest zbyt wielki do zniesienia. The pain is too much to bear. The pain is too great to endure. >>eng<< Byli jsme unaveni a hladoví. We were tired and hungry. We were tired and hungry. >>eng<< Powiedzieli, że Mary nie żyje. They said Mary was dead. They said Mary was dead. >>eng<< Měl bys o mně vědět, že ráno rád dlouho spím. Something you should know about me is that I sleep late in the morning. You should know about me that I like to sleep for a long time in the morning. >>eng<< Zacząłem uczyć się francuskiego. I've started learning French. I started learning French. >>eng<< Mam z Tobą na pieńku. I have a bone to pick with you. I've got a pen with you. >>eng<< Nechci, aby Tom pracoval pro naši firmu. I don't want Tom to work for our company. I don't want Tom to work for our company. >>eng<< Ptak lubi ryż. The bird likes rice. The bird likes rice. >>eng<< Tom si přivlastnil naši půdu. Tom has appropriated our land. Tom took our land. >>eng<< Wątpię w to. I doubt it. I doubt it. >>eng<< Chcesz mojej rady? Do you want some advice? You want my advice? >>eng<< Tohle bývala pekárna. This used to be a bakery. This used to be a bakery. >>eng<< Na čem záleží je ta zkušenost. What's important is the experience. What matters is the experience. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że Tom to załatwi. I hope Tom can get that sorted out. I hope Tom can handle it. >>eng<< Wona je Japanka. She is Japanese. She's a Japanese woman. >>eng<< Mecz odłożono do przyszłego tygodnia. The game was put off until next week. The game was set until next week. >>eng<< Zemřeli v boji. They died in battle. They died in battle. >>eng<< Je to tvoje konečné rozhodnutí? Is that your final decision? Is that your final decision? >>eng<< Musíme je navštívit. We have to see them. We have to visit them. >>eng<< Je Tom v práci? Is Tom at work? Is Tom at work? >>eng<< Uhlí a zemní plyn jsou přírodní paliva. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Carbon and natural gas are natural fuels. >>eng<< To budete mít nejlepší. This will be the best. You'll have the best. >>eng<< Nie sadziłem, że tak ciężko będzie wybrać kolor do pomalowania kuchni. I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen. I didn’t think it would be so hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen. >>eng<< W pokoju nie było nikogo. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. >>eng<< Odmítla se mnou mluvit. She refused to talk to me. She refused to talk to me. >>eng<< Jsou tato sedadla obsazená? Are these seats reserved? Are these seats occupied? >>eng<< Dívky, které jsem dnes potkal, byly studentky. The girls whom I met today were students. The girls I met today were students. >>eng<< Czy też pójdziesz? Are you going, too? Will you go, too? >>eng<< Czemu zabiłeś Toma? Why did you kill Tom? Why did you kill Tom? >>eng<< Sytuacja ekonomiczna tego kraju zmienia się z dnia na dzień. That country's economic situation changes from day to day. The economic situation of this country is changing from day to day. >>eng<< Udělal kouli z hlíny. He formed the clay into a bowl. He made a ball of clay. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl, jestli je Tom svobodný. I wonder whether Tom is unmarried or not. I'd like to know if Tom's free. >>eng<< Daję Janowi jabłko. I give John the apple. I'm giving John an apple. >>eng<< Naprawdę nie pamiętam. I can't really remember. I really don't remember. >>eng<< Proszę po południu wpaść do mnie do biura. Please come to my office in the afternoon. Please come to my office this afternoon. >>eng<< Ty růže voněly. The roses were fragrant. The roses smelled. >>eng<< Tom nie szanuje Marii. Tom doesn't respect Mary. Tom doesn't respect Mary. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že s tím nemůže souhlasit. Tom said that he couldn't agree with it. Tom said he couldn't agree. >>eng<< Może Tom mógłby pomóc. Maybe Tom could help. Maybe Tom could help. >>eng<< Tom byl ve své rodině první, kdo se stal kanadským občanem. Tom was the first in his family to become a Canadian citizen. Tom was in his family the first to become a Canadian citizen. >>eng<< Co je větší, Slunce nebo Země? Which is larger, the sun or the Earth? What is greater, the sun or the earth? >>eng<< Tom je opravdu fešák. Tom is a really good-looking man. Tom's really nice. >>eng<< Tysiące satelitów okrąża Ziemię. Thousands of satellites orbit around the earth. Thousands of satellites are orbiting Earth. >>eng<< Nemám rád chladné počasí. I dislike cold weather. I don't like cold weather. >>eng<< Nie mogę zmienić tego, kim jestem i co zrobiłem. I can't change who I am or what I've done. I can't change who I am and what I've done. >>eng<< Myslíš, že to Tom přežije? Do you think that Tom will survive it? You think Tom's gonna survive? >>eng<< Proč neslavíme? Why don't we celebrate? Why don't we celebrate? >>eng<< Není to tak těžké, jak si myslíš. It is not so difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think. >>eng<< Lekarz nalegał, by leżał w łóżku. The doctor insisted that he stay in bed. The doctor insisted on lying in bed. >>eng<< Sće Etiopjan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? >>eng<< Tom tady opravdu žije. Tom actually lives here. Tom really lives here. >>eng<< Ukradli mi butelkę wina! They stole my wine bottle! They stole my bottle of wine! >>eng<< Mogłybyśmy być tu szczęśliwe. We could be happy here. We could be happy here. >>eng<< Szkoda, że nie mogę opowiedzieć ci wszystkich szczegółów, ale szef mi zabronił. I wish I could tell you all the details, but my boss told me not to. I'm sorry I can't tell you all the details, but my boss banned me. >>eng<< Miejmy nadzieję, że dotrzemy tam na czas. Let's hope that we get there on time. Let's hope we get there in time. >>eng<< Odbiło ci? Are you nuts? Did you miss it? >>eng<< Dla każdego jest oczywiste, że się zakochał. It's evident to everybody that he's in love. For everyone, it is obvious that he fell in love. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že Mary najde. Tom said that he'd find Mary. Tom said she'd find Mary. >>eng<< Marnie sypiam. I do not sleep well. I'm sleeping in vain. >>eng<< Nebylo tam moc kluků. Not very many boys were there. There weren't too many boys. >>eng<< Cítíš to napětí? Can you feel the tension? Do you feel the tension? >>eng<< Oni są zajęci. They are busy. They're busy. >>eng<< Zmniejsz to. Make it smaller. Cut it down. >>eng<< Jesteś gotowy na rywalizację? Are you ready to compete? Are you ready for competition? >>eng<< Královna byla uvězněna v londýnském Toweru. The queen was imprisoned in the Tower of London. The Queen was imprisoned in the Tower of London. >>eng<< Vezmi si něco k jídlu. Have something to eat. Take something to eat. >>eng<< Możemy czerpać radość ze spotykania ludzi w książkach albo dlatego, że przypominają przyjaciół, których cenimy w prawdziwym życiu, albo dlatego, że są nam nieznani i miło nam ich poznać. The people we meet in books can delight us either because they resemble the friends we hold dear in real life, or because they are unfamiliar people that we are pleased to get to know. We can enjoy meeting people in books, either because they remind us of the friends we value in real life, or because they are unknown to us and we are happy to know them. >>eng<< Czytam ekscytującą powieść. I read an exciting story. I read an exciting novel. >>eng<< Zamilovala se do ruského přistěhovalce. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. >>eng<< Pij s mírou. Drink responsibly. Drink with peace. >>eng<< Czy jedzenie świńskich oczu jest bezpieczne? Is it safe to eat a pig's eyeball? Is eating pig eyes safe? >>eng<< On dobrze gotuje. He is good at cooking. He's cooking well. >>eng<< Tomovo chování je nevyzpytatelné. Tom's behaviour is unpredictable. Tom's behavior is unquestionable. >>eng<< Co sądzisz o tej sytuacji? What do you think about this situation? What do you think of this situation? >>eng<< Lubię przyrodę. I love nature. I like nature. >>eng<< Ani trochu to nebolelo. It didn't hurt a bit. It didn't hurt at all. >>eng<< Zdobyłem to. I acquired it. I got it. >>eng<< Mohl bys mít pravdu. You might be right. You could be right. >>eng<< Zúčastnil jsem se té debaty. I participated in the debate. I took part in the debate. >>eng<< Máme s Tomem dobrý vztah. We have a good relationship with Tom. We have a good relationship with Tom. >>eng<< Nie testuj Bożej cierpliwości! Don't try God's patience. Do not test God’s patience! >>eng<< Za dobre odpowiedzi daje dobrą ocenę. I give good grades for good answers. For good answers, it gives a good rating. >>eng<< Kam šel táta? Where did father go? Where'd Dad go? >>eng<< Twoje życie jest odbiciem twojego nastawienia. Your life is the echo of your mindset. Your life is a reflection of your attitude. >>eng<< Kdyby měli svědomí, nechovali by se takhle. If they had a conscience, they wouldn't behave like this. If they had a conscience, they wouldn't be like that. >>eng<< Ta książka jest dla Ciebie. This book is for you. This book is for you. >>eng<< Nedostatek slunečního světla vyvolává u některých lidí depresi. A lack of sunlight causes depression in some people. The lack of sunlight causes depression in some people. >>eng<< Má velké kozy. She has big boobs. He's got big goats. >>eng<< Antibiotika ničí bakterie, ale neúčinkují na viry. Antibiotics kill bacteria, but won't do anything against viruses. Antibiotics destroy bacteria, but do not affect viruses. >>eng<< Zvoní mi telefon! My phone is ringing! My phone's ringing! >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že Tom je nekuřák. I thought Tom was a nonsmoker. I thought Tom was a non-smoking. >>eng<< Prožili jsme si to. We got through it. We've been through it. >>eng<< Tutaj jest zbyt wiele osób. Pójdźmy gdzieś indziej. There are too many people here. Let's go somewhere else. There's too many people here, let's go somewhere else. >>eng<< Odpoledne se budu učit francouzštinu. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'll learn French this afternoon. >>eng<< Czy lubi pan deszcz? Do you like rain? Do you like the rain? >>eng<< Tom mě napadl. Tom assailed me. Tom attacked me. >>eng<< Tom jest specjalistą kontroli jakości. Tom is a quality control specialist. Tom is a quality control specialist. >>eng<< Tom mówi, że wy dwoje macie sporo ze sobą wspólnego. Tom says the two of you have a lot in common. Tom says you two have a lot in common. >>eng<< Oboje to wiemy. We both know that. We both know that. >>eng<< Coś jest nie tak. Something is wrong. Something's wrong. >>eng<< Zkus si to sám. Try it for yourself. Try it on your own. >>eng<< Slyšel jsem zvuk zvláštního syčení. I heard a strange hissing sound. I heard the sound of a strange saturation. >>eng<< Znam Tomka od prawie dziesięciu lat. I've known Tom for almost ten years. I've known Tom for almost ten years. >>eng<< Jak naciśniesz ten przycisk, drzwi się otworzą. If you push this button, the door will open. When you press this button, the door opens. >>eng<< Nie poszła do szkoły, ponieważ była chora. She didn't go to school because she was ill. She didn’t go to school because she was sick. >>eng<< Když bylo Tomovi třináct, utekl z domova. When Tom was thirteen, he ran away from home. When Tom was thirteen, he fled home. >>eng<< Tom położył duży kosz piknikowy na miejscu pasażera obok siebie. Tom put the large picnic basket on the passenger seat next to him. Tom put a large picnic basket on the passenger's spot side by side. >>eng<< Co Toma tak podráždilo? What irritated Tom so much? What made Tom so irritated? >>eng<< Tom a Mary bývali manželé. Tom and Mary used to be married. Tom and Mary were married. >>eng<< Nic nie mówiłeś. You didn't say anything. You didn't say anything. >>eng<< Je třetího října. It's October the third. It's the third of October. >>eng<< Tom není archeolog. Je architekt. Tom isn't an archaeologist. He's an architect. Tom's not an archaeologist. >>eng<< Měl by ses stydět. You ought to be ashamed. You should be ashamed. >>eng<< Výsledek dělení obvodu kruhu jeho průměrem se rovná pí. The result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi. The result of dividing the circumference of the circle by its diameter is equal to pi. >>eng<< Ten mladík jí připravil o tašku. The young man robbed her of her bag. The young man lost his bag. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl, kdy jsem se naposledy zranil. I wonder when was the last time I got hurt. I'd like to know when I last hurt myself. >>eng<< Čti tuhle knihu! Read this book! Read this book! >>eng<< Alkohol neřeší žádné problémy. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. >>eng<< Požádám Toma o vysvětlení. I will ask Tom for an explanation. I'll ask Tom for an explanation. >>eng<< Otevřu to víno a nechám ho dýchat. I'm going to open the wine and let it breathe. I'll open the wine and let it breathe. >>eng<< Jím tohle ovoce poprvé. I'm eating this fruit for the first time. I eat this fruit for the first time. >>eng<< Hlavní město Polska je Varšava. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital city of Poland is Warsaw. >>eng<< Jesteś uparty jak zawsze. You're as stubborn as ever. You're stubborn as always. >>eng<< Skaleczyłam się. I've injured myself. I'm rocking. >>eng<< Hledám místo k bydlení v Bostonu. I'm looking for a place to stay in Boston. I'm looking for a place to live in Boston. >>eng<< Byl jsem naprosto ohromen. I was absolutely amazed. I was totally impressed. >>eng<< Chciałem, żeby wygrała. I wanted her to win. I wanted her to win. >>eng<< W moim sercu nie ma wątpliwości, że ty jesteś tą kobietą, którą mam poślubić. I have no doubt in my mind you are the woman I'm going to marry. There's no doubt in my heart that you're the woman I'm supposed to marry. >>eng<< Řekl jsem Tomovi, že by si měl odpočinout. I told Tom he should relax. I told Tom he should rest. >>eng<< Hlavní město Spojených států amerických je Washington. The capital of the United States of America is Washington, D.C. The capital of the United States is Washington. >>eng<< Czy coś musimy przedyskutować? Is there anything we need to discuss? Do we have to discuss something? >>eng<< Tom zapečetil obálku. Tom sealed the envelope. Tom sealed the envelope. >>eng<< Jesteś spostrzegawczy. You're observant. You're observant. >>eng<< Tom je někdo, komu se nedá věřit. Tom is someone who can't be trusted. Tom is someone you can't believe. >>eng<< Pokazywałeś to zdjęcie Tomowi? Have you shown this picture to Tom? Did you show this picture to Tom? >>eng<< Myslím, že se možná pozvracím. I think I may vomit. I think maybe I'm going to invite myself. >>eng<< Je vaše kočka vykastrovaná? Is your cat spayed? Is your cat castrated? >>eng<< Wreszcie udało mi się dostać pożądaną książkę. I finally got hold of that book I wanted. I finally managed to get the desired book. >>eng<< Muszę mniej wydawać w tym miesiącu. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I have to spend less this month. >>eng<< Musíš nechat kouření. You must give up smoking. You have to quit smoking. >>eng<< Lubi podróżować sam. He likes to travel by himself. He likes to travel alone. >>eng<< Chcę ci coś powiedzieć. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. >>eng<< Pieniądze rujnują wiele. Money ruins many. Money is ruining a lot. >>eng<< K smrti jsem se nudil. I was bored to death. I was bored to death. >>eng<< Je jedenáct hodin. It's eleven o'clock. It's 11 o'clock. >>eng<< Tom a Mary kráčeli po ulici a drželi se za ruce. Tom and Mary walked down the street holding hands. Tom and Mary walked on the street and held hands. >>eng<< Jô rzôdkò robjã felã. I seldom make a mistake. This is a very rare error. >>eng<< Jestem ostatnio bardzo zajęty! I'm very busy these days! I'm very busy lately! >>eng<< Chci se učit srbsky. I want to learn Serbian. I want to learn Serbian. >>eng<< Tom si nemyslí, že to bude fungovat. Tom doesn't think that it'll work. Tom doesn't think it's gonna work. >>eng<< Staj w knihowni. You're in a library. Stand in the library. >>eng<< Únosci dali Tomovi roubík. The kidnappers gagged Tom. The hijackers gave Tom a gag. >>eng<< Můžeš tomu věřit. You can believe it. You can believe it. >>eng<< Co napsal? What did he write? What did he write? >>eng<< Nechci být tvým přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. >>eng<< Nasza szkoła jest znana z zajęć pozalekcyjnych. Our school is famous for its club activities. Our school is known for its extracurricular activities. >>eng<< Nienawidzę być sam o tej porze roku. I hate being alone this time of year. I hate being alone at this time of year. >>eng<< Mary to dziewczyna Toma. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. >>eng<< Jsou likvidováni. They are being eliminated. They're being liquidated. >>eng<< Czuję się znacznie lepiej. I feel much better. I feel much better. >>eng<< Nie mogą spać. They can't sleep. They can't sleep. >>eng<< Později navštívíme akvapark. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. We will visit the aquarium later. >>eng<< Moją ulubioną dyscypliną jest piłka nożna. My favourite sport is football. My favorite discipline is football. >>eng<< Mamy tutaj, czego potrzebujemy. We've got what we need here. We have what we need here. >>eng<< Díval jsem se všude, ale nebylo to tam. I looked and looked, but it wasn't there. I looked everywhere, but it wasn't there. >>eng<< Przynieś pieniądze. Bring your money. Get the money. >>eng<< Jakie masz stanowisko? What's your occupation? What's your position? >>eng<< Továrna, ve které Tom pracuje, bude zavřena. The factory where Tom works is going to be closed down. The factory in which Tom works will be closed. >>eng<< Dívá se na tebe. She's looking at you. He's looking at you. >>eng<< Tom doufal, že někdo koupí jeho staré kolo. Tom hoped somebody would buy his old bicycle. Tom hoped someone would buy his old bike. >>eng<< Pra-pradziad Toma był piratem. Tom's great-great-grandfather was a pirate. Tom's great-grandfather was a pirate. >>eng<< Jsem černá ovce rodiny. I'm the black sheep of the family. I'm a black sheep family. >>eng<< Na tu párty nepůjdu. - Proč? - Protože tam nechci potkat Toma. I won't go to the party. - Why? - Because I don't want to encounter Tom there. I'm not going to that party. >>eng<< Nemůžeš pohřbít pravdu. You can't bury the truth. You can't bury the truth. >>eng<< Nie winię ciebie. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. >>eng<< Sundejte si kalhoty. Take your trousers off. Take off your pants. >>eng<< Můžeme snížit svou spotřebu energie. We can cut down on our use of energy. We can reduce our energy consumption. >>eng<< Zabilo ho přepracování. Overworking was the death of him. He was killed by rework. >>eng<< Wygląda na to, że ona ma wielu przyjaciół. It looks like she has a lot of friends. She seems to have many friends. >>eng<< Nie chcę widzieć się z Tomem. I don't want to see Tom. I don't want to see Tom. >>eng<< Čtu noviny. I read newspapers. I'm reading the paper. >>eng<< Tom nie ma australijskiego akcentu. Tom doesn't have an Australian accent. Tom has no Australian accent. >>eng<< Můj otec jezdí do práce na kole. My father goes to work by bike. My dad's going to work on a bike. >>eng<< Jego nowa dziewczyna wygląda atrakcyjnie, ale niestety jest bardzo głupia. His new girlfriend looks attractive, but she's unfortunately very stupid. His new girlfriend looks attractive, but unfortunately she's very stupid. >>eng<< Momentálně žiji v Dublinu. I live in Dublin right now. I currently live in Dublin. >>eng<< Kolik chapadel má chobotnice? How many tentacles does an octopus have? How much do you have? >>eng<< Tom pro vaši zemi udělal více, než vůbec kdy vy. Tom has done more for your country than you ever have. Tom has done more for your country than you have ever done. >>eng<< Pokażesz mi książkę? Will you show me the book? Can you show me a book? >>eng<< (One) nie uregulowały rachunku. They didn't settle the bill. (One) did not regulate the account. >>eng<< Tom má strach. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. >>eng<< Určitě doufám, že přijdete znova. I sure hope you'll come again. I'm sure you'll come back. >>eng<< Czy chcesz iść pierwszy? Do you want to go first? Do you want to go first? >>eng<< Czy zdrowe jedzenie jest droższe? Is it costlier to eat healthily? Is healthy food more expensive? >>eng<< Jeho ponožka je děravá. There is a hole in his sock. His socks are leaky. >>eng<< Už jsem s tebou o svém bratrovi více nemluvil. I never spoke to you again about my brother. I didn't talk to you about my brother anymore. >>eng<< Raději by ses měl naučit dodržovat pravidla. You'd better learn to follow the rules. You better learn to follow the rules. >>eng<< My všichni chceme změny. We all want changes. We all want change. >>eng<< Protože prší,tak by bylo lépe,kdybyste zůstali doma. Since it's raining, it would be better it you stayed at home. Because it rains, it would be better if you stayed home. >>eng<< Dwudolarowe banknoty to rzadkość w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Two-dollar bills are rare in the United States. Two-dollar banknotes are rare in the United States. >>eng<< Hlemýždi jsou hermafroditi. Snails are hermaphrodites. The hermaphrodites are hermaphrodites. >>eng<< Tom býval neporazitelný. Tom used to be unbeatable. Tom used to be unbeatable. >>eng<< Tato velikost je pro mě příliš velká. This size is too large for me. This size is too big for me. >>eng<< Zase jsem poslední, kdo se dozvídá pravdu. And again I'm the last to learn the truth. I'm the last one to find out the truth. >>eng<< Tom sapał. Tom gasped. Tom sat down. >>eng<< Co udělají pro záchranu Toma? What'll they do to save Tom? What will they do to save Tom? >>eng<< Dlaczego nie pójdziecie ich zobaczyć? Why don't you go see them? Why don't you go see them? >>eng<< Ani se neomluvil. He didn't even apologize. He didn't even apologize. >>eng<< Nikdo tady Toma nechce. Nobody wants Tom here. No one wants Tom here. >>eng<< Když se budete držet Tomových pokynů, nic se vám nemůže stát. If you follow Tom's instructions, nothing can happen to you. If you follow Tom's instructions, nothing can happen to you. >>eng<< Tom poszedł do szkoły. Tom went to school. Tom went to school. >>eng<< Bude to někdo překládat? Is anyone going to translate that? Will anyone translate it? >>eng<< Není pro mě větší zábavy, nežli povídat si s Tomem. There's nothing more fun for me to do than to talk with Tom. There's no more fun for me than talking to Tom. >>eng<< To je dárek od mé švagrové. That is a present from my sister-in-law. That's a gift from my brother-in-law. >>eng<< Rěča Marsowi wobydlerjo jendźelsce? Do Martians speak English? Use language from Mars to English? >>eng<< Te dzieci były zadbane. Those children were well looked after. These children were taken care of. >>eng<< Snažím se na něco přijít. I'm trying to figure out something. I'm trying to figure something out. >>eng<< Ráda bych ovocnou šťávu. I would like fruit juice. I'd like fruit juice. >>eng<< Kdybych to tak býval mohl udělat sám. I wish I could've done that myself. If only I could do it myself. >>eng<< Zapomniałem, co miałem powiedzieć. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot what to say. >>eng<< Neztratil jsem rozum; prodal jsem ho na eBayi. I did not lose my mind, I sold it on eBay. I didn't lose my mind; I sold it on eBay. >>eng<< Nie udusiłem go. I didn't strangle him. I didn't suffocate him. >>eng<< To njeje jědla. That's not a fir tree. That's not good. >>eng<< Medvěd se dokáže vyšplhat na strom. A bear can climb a tree. A bear can climb a tree. >>eng<< Turcja zablokowała dostęp do Twittera. Turkey has blocked access to Twitter. Turkey has blocked Twitter. >>eng<< Budu se vám ještě muset ozvat. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'll have to call you back. >>eng<< Pokażę ci miasto. I will show you around the city. I'll show you the city. >>eng<< Zabočím doleva. I turn to the left. I'll turn left. >>eng<< Nejsem zvyklý pracovat s někým, jako je Tom. I am not used to working with somebody like Tom. I'm not used to working with someone like Tom. >>eng<< Mohl bych tě líbat a objímat celý den. I could spend the whole day kissing and hugging you. I could kiss you and hug you all day. >>eng<< Tomovi vypadla zbraň z ruky. The gun fell out of Tom's hands. Tom got the gun out of his hand. >>eng<< Měl jsem tu být ve tři hodiny, ale můj vlak měl zpoždění. I was supposed to be here at three o'clock, but my train was delayed. I was supposed to be here at three o'clock, but my train was late. >>eng<< Tom dopiero co przeprowadził się do miasta. Tom just moved to town. Tom just moved to town. >>eng<< Mají jedno dítě. They have one child. They have one child. >>eng<< Wiewiórki szybko się poruszają. Squirrels move quickly. Squirrels are moving fast. >>eng<< Děkuji, to je vše. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. >>eng<< Jedną z najtrudniejszych rzeczy na świecie jest wybaczyć. One of the toughest things in the world to do is forgive. One of the most difficult things in the world is to forgive. >>eng<< Tom se mnou špatně zacházel. Tom mistreated me. Tom treated me badly. >>eng<< Nie ma innego wytłumaczenia. There is no other explanation. There's no other explanation. >>eng<< Tom neslyší na levé ucho. Tom is deaf in the left ear. Tom can't hear on his left ear. >>eng<< Nedívej se skrze klíčovou dírku. Don't look through the keyhole. Don't look through the keyhole. >>eng<< To pomieszczenie jest za małe na 50 osób. This room is too small to contain 50 men. This room is too small for 50 people. >>eng<< Nie wie jak grać w golfa. He doesn't know how to play golf. He doesn’t know how to play golf. >>eng<< Netroufám si ji oslovit. I don't dare to approach her. I don't think I can reach her. >>eng<< Musí odtamtud vypadnout. He has to get out of there. He's gotta get out of here. >>eng<< Po zápase šel rovnou domů, aby nakrmil svého psa. After the game, he went straight home to feed his dog. After the match, he went straight home to feed his dog. >>eng<< Tom przyszedł do mnie pogadać dziś po południu. Tom came to talk to me this afternoon. Tom came to talk to me this afternoon. >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że jej się polepszyło. I hope she's gotten better. I hope she's getting better. >>eng<< Na pravé oko nic nevidím. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything on the right eye. >>eng<< Pewnego razu był sobie krasnolud, mieszkający w lesie. Once upon a time there was a dwarf that lived in the forest. Once upon a time, there was a dwarvest living in the forest. >>eng<< Díval se, jak děti plavou. He was watching how the children were swimming. He watched the kids swim. >>eng<< Jste workoholik. You are a workaholic. You're a workaholic. >>eng<< Nikdo nepřišel včas. Nobody has come in time. No one came in time. >>eng<< Dobře víš, že jsem neměl čas udělat to, oč jsi mě žádal. Nevím, proč se mě pořád ptáš, jestli je to hotové. You do know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to. I don't know why you keep asking me all the time whether it's ready. You know, I didn't have time to do what you asked me to do, and I don't know why you keep asking me if it's done. >>eng<< Na té adrese kdysi bydlel Tom. Tom used to live at that address. Tom used to live at that address. >>eng<< Tom podrazil Mary. Tom tripped Mary. Tom beat Mary. >>eng<< On stał w kolejce. He was in the queue. He stood in line. >>eng<< Volám jí každý den. I call her every day. I call her every day. >>eng<< Mój pokój jest bardzo mały. My room is very small. My room is very small. >>eng<< Tom nikdy nebyl tak zlý. Tom was never that bad. Tom was never so bad. >>eng<< Tato věta je chybná. This sentence is incorrect. This sentence is wrong. >>eng<< Naše ženy jsou Kanaďanky. Our wives are Canadians. Our women are Canadians. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem si otevřít vlastní restauraci. I wanted to open my own restaurant. I wanted to open my own restaurant. >>eng<< Kde přesně by měl být? Where exactly is it supposed to be? Where exactly should he be? >>eng<< Nikdo se se mnou nesešel. No one met me. No one's dating me. >>eng<< Lubisz tenis? Do you like tennis? Do you like tennis? >>eng<< Ona je hysterka. She is a hysterical woman. She's hysterical. >>eng<< Snažila se jak mohla, aby mu pomohla. She tried her best to help him. She tried how she could help him. >>eng<< Jsme s Tomem přátelé už od základní školy. Tom and I have been friends since grade school. Tom and I have been friends since primary school. >>eng<< Nie miałbym nic przeciwko wypiciu drinka. I wouldn't mind a drink. I wouldn't mind drinking a drink. >>eng<< Tom se chystá navštívit svého bratra ve vězení. Tom is going to visit his brother in prison. Tom is going to visit his brother in prison. >>eng<< Existuje další způsob. There is another way. There's another way. >>eng<< Pomiędzy lękiem niszczącym a konstruktywnym isnieje tylko cienka granica,ale ta granica istnieje.Naszym zadaniem jest znalezienie i przekroczenie jej. There exists a fine line between helpful and destructive fears. But there is a line. Our job is to find it and walk it. Between the destructive and constructive fears there is only a thin border, but this border exists. Our task is to find and cross it. >>eng<< K mému překvapení byly dveře otevřené. To my surprise, the door was open. To my surprise, the door was open. >>eng<< Nie widzisz, co teraz robimy? Can't you see what we're doing? Don't you see what we're doing now? >>eng<< Řekni, co chceš. Say whatever you want. Say what you want. >>eng<< Máte nějaká zavazadla, pane? Do you have any baggage, sir? Do you have any luggage, sir? >>eng<< Nie wstąpiłeś do tego klubu, prawda? You didn't join that club, did you? You didn't join this club, did you? >>eng<< Znovu budeš šťastná. You'll be happy again. You'll be happy again. >>eng<< Lubię moje mieszkanie. I like my apartment. I like my apartment. >>eng<< Tom i Mary spotkali się w pralni samoobsługowej. Tom and Mary met at the launderette. Tom and Mary met in a self-service laundry room. >>eng<< Tom věří, že vše co Mary dělá, je zbytečné. Tom believes that everything that Mary does is pointless. Tom believes that everything Mary does is unnecessary. >>eng<< Tom si vzal půjčku. Tom took out a loan. Tom took a loan. >>eng<< Nie jestem w stanie ich pokonać. I can't beat them. I can't beat them. >>eng<< Tom netušil, co se stane. Tom has no idea what's going to happen. Tom didn't know what was going to happen. >>eng<< Czy kiedykolwiek słyszałeś kogoś mówiącego po francusku? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard someone speak French? >>eng<< Nie jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni, że mówi do nas obcokrajowiec. We aren't used to being spoken to by a foreigner. We are not used to talking to foreigners. >>eng<< Budeš zaostávat, jestliže budeš stále chybět na hodinách. You'll fall behind if you keep missing class. You'll be late if you're still missing in class. >>eng<< Nechápu tuhle písničku. I don't understand this song. I don't understand this song. >>eng<< Nerozuměl jsem ničemu z toho, co řekla. I didn't understand anything of what she said. I didn't understand anything about what she said. >>eng<< Wszystko mnie boli. I'm sore all over. Everything hurts me. >>eng<< Je dobrý jako jakýkoliv hráč v našem týmu. He is as good as any player on our team. He's as good as any player on our team. >>eng<< Mieszkam w małym mieście. I live in a small town. I live in a small town. >>eng<< Tom říká, že přemýšlí o tom, že neudělá to, oč ho Mary požádala. Tom says he's thinking about not doing what Mary asked him to do. Tom says he thinks he won't do what Mary asked him to do. >>eng<< Zastřelil se kvůli nešťastné lásce. He shot himself because of unrequited love. He shot himself for unhappy love. >>eng<< Molekula se skládá z atomů. A molecule is made up of atoms. The molecule consists of atoms. >>eng<< Był żołnierzem w czasie wojny. He was a soldier during the war. He was a soldier during the war. >>eng<< Oslepl. He went blind. He's blind. >>eng<< Tom wyznał. Tom confessed. Tom confesses. >>eng<< Pojď se seznámit s Tomem. Come meet Tom. Come and meet Tom. >>eng<< Zapytała mnie czy umiem szyć. She asked me if I could sew. She asked me if I could sew. >>eng<< Ve Velké Británii se každý rok pohřešuje asi 112 853 dětí. In the United Kingdom, an estimated 112,853 children are reported missing every year. In the UK, about 112,853 children are missing each year. >>eng<< Je středa, ne? Today's Wednesday, innit? It's Wednesday, isn't it? >>eng<< Cožpak si nevzpomínáš na Toma? Don't you remember Tom? Don't you remember Tom? >>eng<< Vím, co to je. I know what that is. I know what it is. >>eng<< Kontynuował, jak gdyby nigdy nic. He went on talking as though nothing had happened. He continued as if he had never done anything. >>eng<< Ukrył swoje ubóstwo przed moim wzrokiem. He concealed his poverty from my eyes. He has hidden his poverty from my sight. >>eng<< Mój dziadek pochodzi z Osaki. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather comes from Osaka. >>eng<< Tom se schoval pod stůl. Tom hid under the table. Tom was hiding under the table. >>eng<< Dokážeš rozbít vejce jednou rukou? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you break the eggs with one hand? >>eng<< Ten smrad nás znechutil. The bad smell disgusted us. The smell made us feel sad. >>eng<< Kolik znáš leváků? How many left-handed people do you know? How many leftists do you know? >>eng<< Byli překvapeni tím, co viděli. They were surprised by what they saw. They were surprised by what they saw. >>eng<< Tamten inny ołówek jest mój. That other pencil is mine. That other pencil is mine. >>eng<< Měli by začít topit. They should start to heat up. They should start to melt. >>eng<< Dávám přednost vlaku před autobusem. I prefer the train to the bus. I prefer the train to the bus. >>eng<< Tom zawiódł mnie i zawiódł też Marię. Tom let me down and he also let Mary down. Tom failed me and also failed Maria. >>eng<< Seděl jsem vedle řidiče. I sat next to the driver. I was sitting next to the driver. >>eng<< To wstyd, że tego nie wiesz. A shame that you don't know that. It's a shame you don't know that. >>eng<< Můj otec prosil, abych ty dveře otevřel. My father begged me to open the door. My father asked me to open the door. >>eng<< Můžu si zítra od tebe půjčit motorovou pilu? Can I borrow your chainsaw tomorrow? Can I borrow an engine saw from you tomorrow? >>eng<< "Tak naprawdę to boję się wysokości." "Jesteś tchórzem!" "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "I'm really afraid of height." "You're a coward!" >>eng<< Nikdo se nepostavil. Nobody stood up. No one stood up. >>eng<< Chceme to zpět. We want it back. We want it back. >>eng<< Po drodze na stację spotkałem nauczyciela. I met my teacher on the way to the station. On the way to the station, I met a teacher. >>eng<< Tom usiadł w fotelu. Tom settled himself in the armchair. Tom sat in the chair. >>eng<< Tom pozval Mary na svoji párty. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. >>eng<< Jsem zvyklá jíst sama. I'm used to eating alone. I'm used to eating alone. >>eng<< Teorie je obecně přijata. The theory is generally accepted. The theory is generally accepted. >>eng<< Książka spadła z półki. The book fell from the shelf. The book fell from the shelf. >>eng<< Masz szczęście. You're in luck. You're lucky. >>eng<< To jsi jednou udělal. You did that once. You did that once. >>eng<< Nečekal jsem, že řekneš něco takového. I didn't expect you to say something like that. I didn't expect you to say something like that. >>eng<< Nic nie widziałem, nic nie słyszałem. I neither heard nor saw anything. I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything. >>eng<< Tom chyba poszedł do domu. I guess Tom went home. Tom must have gone home. >>eng<< Nemohu uvěřit, že spolu spali. I can't believe that they slept together. I can't believe they slept together. >>eng<< To mogło się przydarzyć każdemu. It could happen to anyone. That could have happened to everyone. >>eng<< Nikdo Toma poslední dobou neviděl. No one has seen Tom recently. No one's seen Tom lately. >>eng<< Nevěděla, co má dělat. She was at a loss what to do. She didn't know what to do. >>eng<< Musimy być ostrożni. We have to be careful. We need to be careful. >>eng<< Mimo, że padało, wszyscy dobrze się bawili. Although it rained, everyone had a good time. Although it rained, everyone was having fun. >>eng<< Žonglování je další z věcí, ve kterých nejsem moc dobrý. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Juggling is another thing that I'm not very good at. >>eng<< Publikowanie pornografii jest sprzeczne z zasadami. Jeśli zostanie to wykryte, zostaniesz zablokowany. Posting porn is against the rules and when discovered will get you blocked. The publication of pornography is contrary to the rules. If it is detected, you will be blocked. >>eng<< Používání nové technologie přitahuje více zákazníků. The use of new technology is attracting more customers. Using new technology attracts more customers. >>eng<< Tom musí být varován. Tom has to be warned. Tom must be warned. >>eng<< Tom jest najwyższym człowiekiem jakiego znam. Tom is the tallest man I know. Tom is the highest man I know. >>eng<< Jaká je Lybie? What's Libya like? What's Lybie like? >>eng<< Jak na to? How to do it? How's that? >>eng<< Tom si stěžoval učitelce. Tom complained to the teacher. Tom complained to his teacher. >>eng<< Jsem Tvá minulost. I'm your past. I'm your past. >>eng<< Kde jsi byl? Where have you been? Where have you been? >>eng<< Tom se zasmál a zavrtěl hlavou. Tom laughed and shook his head. Tom laughed and shook his head. >>eng<< Ugotujesz mi coś? Will you cook something for me? Can you cook me something? >>eng<< Ta brama jest zbyt wąska dla samochodu. The gate is too narrow for the car. This gate is too narrow for the car. >>eng<< Chciałabym przymierzyć tę sukienkę. I would like to try this dress on. I'd like to wear this dress. >>eng<< Co zamierzacie robić z Tomem? What are you planning to do with Tom? What are you going to do with Tom? >>eng<< Nikdy jsem si nemyslel, že to skončí takhle. I never thought it would end like this. I never thought it would end like this. >>eng<< Proč Toma tolik nesnáší? Why does she dislike Tom so much? Why does Tom hate so much? >>eng<< Je útlá. She's petite. She's tired. >>eng<< Tom se snažil ten spor urovnat. Tom tried to settle the dispute. Tom was trying to settle the dispute. >>eng<< Tom nie chce z nikim rozmawiać. Tom doesn't want to talk to anybody. Tom doesn't want to talk to anyone. >>eng<< Máte štěstí. Letadlo přistálo včas. You're lucky. The plane arrived on time. You're lucky, the plane landed in time. >>eng<< Počítač hraje významnou roli při nabývání vědomostí. The computer plays an important role in gaining knowledge. The computer plays a significant role in the acquisition of knowledge. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že nepomůže nikomu. Tom said that he wouldn't help anyone. Tom said he wouldn't help anyone. >>eng<< Nie wiadomo, ilu z nich przetrwało. How many of them survived is not known. It is not known how many of them survived. >>eng<< Tom se narodil do dysfunkční rodiny. Tom was born into a dysfunctional family. Tom was born into a dysfunctional family. >>eng<< Każda osoba powinna przynieść własny obiad. Every person is expected to bring their own lunch. Every person should bring their own dinner. >>eng<< Jej uśmiech wskazuje, że mi wybaczyła. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. Her smile indicates she forgives me. >>eng<< Nemám rád odpadlíky. I don't like renegades. I don't like to get out of here. >>eng<< Nie bardzo wierzę w jego historię. I can hardly believe his story. I don't believe in his story very much. >>eng<< To nie jest bezpieczne. That's not safe. It's not safe. >>eng<< Co kdybychom vystoupili z auta? Why don't we get out of the car? Why don't we get out of the car? >>eng<< Někde jsem nechal brýle. I forgot my glasses somewhere. I left my glasses somewhere. >>eng<< Jak vypadám? How do I look? What do I look like? >>eng<< Niełatwo rzucić palenie. It's not easy to quit smoking. It's not easy to quit smoking. >>eng<< Jsi stále příliš mladý. You're still too young. You're still too young. >>eng<< Trudno powiedzieć co Tom zamierza zrobić. It's hard to tell what Tom is going to do. It’s hard to say what Tom is going to do. >>eng<< Wiedziałeś to wcześniej? Did you know that before? Did you know that before? >>eng<< Rychlý příjezd policisty nás překvapil. The policeman's quick arrival surprised us. The speedy arrival of the police surprised us. >>eng<< Už se s Tomem nemusíte vidět. You don't have to see Tom again. You don't have to see Tom anymore. >>eng<< Otrávila svého manžela. She poisoned her husband. She poisoned her husband. >>eng<< Ona potrzebuje od nas pomocy. She needs our help. She needs help from us. >>eng<< Věřil jsem v Toma. I believed in Tom. I believed in Tom. >>eng<< Jest niski, ale silny. He is short but strong. It's low, but strong. >>eng<< Nie mogę się do niej dodzwonić. I can't get through to her. I can't call her. >>eng<< Ta rakieta należy do mnie. This racket belongs to me. This rocket belongs to me. >>eng<< Tři pizzy budou stačit. Three pizzas will be enough. Three pizzas will be enough. >>eng<< Zabrania się wyrzucania rzeczy przez okno. It is forbidden to throw things out of the window. It is forbidden to throw things through the window. >>eng<< Přesně tohle si Tom přál. This is exactly what Tom wished for. That's what Tom wanted. >>eng<< Przeprosił za spóźnienie. He apologized to us for being late. He apologized for the delay. >>eng<< Kobieta nosiła naszyjnik z pereł. The lady wore a necklace of pearls. The woman wore a pearl necklace. >>eng<< Ryga jest stolicą Łotwy. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Riga is the capital of Latvia. >>eng<< Bill był w swojej sypialni. Bill was in his bedroom. Bill was in his bedroom. >>eng<< Kupovala noviny. She was buying a newspaper. She bought a newspaper. >>eng<< Zmieniłeś się bardziej, niż myślałem. You've changed more than I thought. You've changed more than I thought. >>eng<< Přemýšlím o tom, že si vezmu pár dní volna. I'm thinking I'll take a few days off. I'm thinking about taking a few days off. >>eng<< Měl bys Tomovi napsat zprávu. You should write Tom a note. You should write Tom a message. >>eng<< Tom a Mary na to mají stejný názor. Tom and Mary both feel the same way about that. Tom and Mary have the same opinion. >>eng<< Sy w knihowni. You are in a library. You're in the library. >>eng<< Tom nie uważał, że łamie jakieś prawo. Tom didn't think he was violating any laws. Tom didn't think he was breaking a law. >>eng<< Tom chtěl střílet na policisty, ale my jsme mu to rozmluvili. Tom wanted to shoot at the policemen but we talked him out of it. Tom wanted to shoot the cops, but we talked to him. >>eng<< Nie traktuj zwierząt jak osoby! Don't personify animals! Don’t treat animals like people! >>eng<< Ufam swoim przyjaciołom. I trust my friends. I trust my friends. >>eng<< Je ošklivá. She is ugly. She's ugly. >>eng<< Musíte pracovat. You must work. You have to work. >>eng<< Czemu już mnie nie lubisz? How come you don't like me anymore? Why don't you like me anymore? >>eng<< Sen Mary jet do zahraničí se konečně uskutečnil. Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality. Mary’s dream to go abroad was finally realized. >>eng<< Nevěděl jsem, že ona má dítě. I did not know that she has a child. I didn't know she had a baby. >>eng<< Sekunda je měrná jednotka času. The second is the unit of measure for time. A second is a unit of time. >>eng<< Nie jestem w ciąży. I'm not pregnant. I'm not pregnant. >>eng<< Nenosil jsem klobouk. I wasn't wearing a hat. I didn't wear a hat. >>eng<< Tom planuje jechać do Bostonu najwcześniej, jak to możliwe, po rozpoczęciu wakacji letnich. Tom plans to go to Boston as soon as he can after his summer vacation begins. Tom plans to go to Boston as early as possible after the summer holidays. >>eng<< Tomovi by se mělo říct, aby to už nedělal. Tom should be told not to do that anymore. Tom should be told not to do it again. >>eng<< Ničí lidem životy. They destroy people's lives. It destroys people's lives. >>eng<< Zjedzmy coś teraz. Umieram z głodu. Let's eat now. I'm starving. Let's eat something now. >>eng<< Chcemy tylko zadać mu kilka pytań na temat tego, co zrobił w ostatni weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. >>eng<< Město se zdálo být prosperující. That town looked prosperous. The city seemed prosperous. >>eng<< Poproszę piwo. A beer, please. I'd like a beer. >>eng<< Tom má rád zvířata. Tom likes animals. Tom likes animals. >>eng<< Tom ma dosyć drżących się idiotów. Tom had enough of screaming idiots. Tom's got a lot of fucking idiots. >>eng<< Oslo je hlavní město Norska. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. >>eng<< Uczą chińskiego jako drugiego języka narodowego w Singapurze. They teach Chinese as a second national language in Singapore. They teach Chinese as the second national language in Singapore. >>eng<< Kniha je běła. The book's white. The book is white. >>eng<< Proszę przestać. Please stop. Stop it. >>eng<< Dobře mi platí. I've been well paid. Good for me. >>eng<< Řekněte mi, až budete připraveni. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. >>eng<< Kdo brzy vstává, rychleji se unaví. He who gets up early gets tired quicker. Those who get up early will get tired faster. >>eng<< Nemusíš mi radit. You don't need to advise me. You don't have to advise me. >>eng<< Tomův pes se jmenuje Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. >>eng<< To kompletnie irracjonalne. It's completely irrational. It's completely irrational. >>eng<< Co tu sakra děláš, Tome? What the hell are you doing here, Tom? What the hell are you doing here, Tom? >>eng<< Běžel, co nejrychleji mohl. He ran at full speed. He ran as fast as he could. >>eng<< Nebyly nemocné. They weren't ill. They weren't sick. >>eng<< Zaslechl jsem někoho mluvit. I heard somebody talking. I heard someone talking. >>eng<< Tohle prozkoumej. Examine this. Check this out. >>eng<< Uczę się na pamięć. I learn by heart. I'm learning to remember. >>eng<< Va vszëtcë nji móżeta pò francëzkú, doch jo? You all don't speak French, do you? You can all speak French, right? >>eng<< Sy w knigłowni. You're in the library. You're in the library. >>eng<< Baterie u auta se vybila. The car battery has run down. The battery at the car broke out. >>eng<< Naprawdę nie mam szczęścia. I really am unlucky! I'm really not lucky. >>eng<< Prohráli, ale nechtějí to uznat. They lost but they refuse to admit that. They lost, but they don't want to recognize it. >>eng<< Napíšu knihu. I'll write a book. I'll write a book. >>eng<< Spieprzaj! Fuck off! Fuck you! >>eng<< Nie zamierzają mu pomagać. They aren't going to help him. They're not going to help him. >>eng<< Koho sem Tom pozval? Who did Tom invite here? Who did Tom invite? >>eng<< Co robi Ciarán? What is Ciarán doing? What is Ciaran doing? >>eng<< Prvně jsme nevěděli, co máme dělat. We didn't know what to do first. At first, we didn't know what to do. >>eng<< Wrzuć na luz. Loosen up. Put it down. >>eng<< Nie mów mi, nie muszę wiedzieć. Don't tell me. I don't need to know. Don't tell me, I don't need to know. >>eng<< Pobiliśmy się z Tomem. Tom and I had a fight. We beat Tom. >>eng<< Ciężko pracują. They work hard. They work hard. >>eng<< Každou neděli máme hodinu angličtiny. We have English lesson every Sunday. Every Sunday we have an English class. >>eng<< Tom byl tak hrubý, že ho museli vykázat z místnosti. Tom was so rude that they had to banish him from the room. Tom was so rough they had to take him out of the room. >>eng<< Kdo to píská? Who's whistling? Who's whining? >>eng<< Někdo má potíže. Someone's in trouble. Someone's in trouble. >>eng<< Moi rodzice wysłali mi pocztówkę. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. >>eng<< Znáš tu každého, že? You know everyone here, don't you? You know everybody here, don't you? >>eng<< Doufáme, že uspěješ. We hope you'll succeed. We hope you succeed. >>eng<< Máš to všechno špatně. You have it all wrong. You're all wrong. >>eng<< Obudź mnie. Wake me up. Wake me up. >>eng<< Sami to zahodil do velkého kontejneru na odpad. Sami dumped that into the big trash can. He threw it into a big waste container himself. >>eng<< Tom nie jest żołnierzem. Tom isn't a soldier. Tom is not a soldier. >>eng<< Chcę cię z powrotem. I want you back. I want you back. >>eng<< Jestem pierwszy. I'm first. I'm the first. >>eng<< Tom życzył Mary dobrej nocy i wyszedł. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Tom wished Mary a good night and left. >>eng<< Proč jste prostě neodešli? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? >>eng<< Czy mogę pomóc ci sprzątać? Can I help you clean up? Can I help you clean up? >>eng<< Tom i Mary nie lubią się nawzajem. Tom and Mary don't like each other. Tom and Mary don't like each other. >>eng<< Otevřu si benzinku. I'm going to open a gas station. I'll open the gas. >>eng<< Tom nje dozvòli Mary to zôs zrobjic. Tom won't allow Mary to do that again. Tom will not allow Mary to do this. >>eng<< Je to odplata za špatné skutky v předchozím životě. It's payback for wrongdoing in a previous life. It is a reward for bad deeds in previous life. >>eng<< Każdy ma jakieś powody do niezadowolenia, ale niewielu podchodzi do tego filozoficznie. Everyone seems to have a bone to pick with someone, but only a few people can be philosophical about it. Everyone has reasons for dissatisfaction, but few approach it philosophically. >>eng<< Zamilovat se je jedna věc, někoho si vzít je věc druhá. To fall in love is one thing, to get married is another. To fall in love is one thing, someone to marry is the other thing. >>eng<< Jedna žena plakala. One woman was crying. One woman was crying. >>eng<< Kdy jsi naposledy viděl Toma? When did you last see Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? >>eng<< Jsou vtipní. They're funny. They're funny. >>eng<< Jenom se dívám. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. >>eng<< Tom se rozzlobil, když mě uviděl se svojí přítelkyní. Tom got angry when he saw me with his girlfriend. Tom was angry when he saw me with his girlfriend. >>eng<< Musíme se naučit žít s tím, co máme. We need to learn to live with what we have. We need to learn to live with what we have. >>eng<< Tím bych si nebyl tak jistý. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure about that. >>eng<< Čeká na tebe tvůj bratr, Charlesi. Your brother is waiting for you, Charles. Your brother's waiting for you, Charles. >>eng<< Proszę przyjść z żoną. Please come over with your wife. Come with your wife. >>eng<< Tom si bude stěžovat určitě. I'm sure Tom will complain. Tom will complain for sure. >>eng<< Už jste to měli mít hotové. You should've already done that. You should've done it. >>eng<< Už nikoho nepotřebuji. I no longer need someone. I don't need anyone anymore. >>eng<< Jak si přejete. As you wish. As you wish. >>eng<< Tom przetłumaczył dla mnie list na francuski. Tom translated the letter into French for me. Tom translated the letter into French for me. >>eng<< Bardzo dziękuję! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! >>eng<< Odpovíš na mé otázky pravdivě? Do you intend to answer all my questions truthfully? Will you answer my questions truthfully? >>eng<< Láska miluje lásku. Love loves love. Love loves love. >>eng<< Kto wie? Who knows? Who knows? >>eng<< Mnoho básníků ztotožňuje smrt se spánkem. Many poets equate death with sleep. Many poets identify death with sleep. >>eng<< Jaké místnosti jsou ve tvém domě? What rooms are there in your house? What are the rooms in your house? >>eng<< Dávej si pozor na cizí lidi. Be careful with strangers. Watch out for strangers. >>eng<< Nedokázal jsem s ní mluvit. I couldn't talk to her. I couldn't talk to her. >>eng<< Je to datum. It's a date. It's a date. >>eng<< Jest dziś wietrznie. It is windy today. It's windy today. >>eng<< Moc ji miluji! I am very much in love with her! I love her so much! >>eng<< Po prostu chodźmy do niego. Let's just go see him. Let's just go to him. >>eng<< Na stole jsou ručníky. There are some towels on the table. There are towels on the table. >>eng<< Šetři vodou. Save water. Save the water. >>eng<< Możemy użyć siły, jeśli musimy. We can use force if we have to. We can use force if we need to. >>eng<< Tom ma zamiar przejść przez rzekę. Tom is going to cross the river. Tom is going to cross the river. >>eng<< Nikdy to nedělej! I never do that! Never do it! >>eng<< Montana graniczy z Kanadą. Montana borders Canada. Montana is bordering Canada. >>eng<< Życie - śmiertelna choroba przenoszona drogą płciową. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life - a fatal disease transmitted by sex. >>eng<< Doufal jsem, že to Toma rozptýlí. I'd hoped this would cheer Tom up. I was hoping Tom would dissipate it. >>eng<< Czy oni dobrze się bawili na urlopie w Szkocji? Did they enjoy their holiday in Scotland? Did they have fun on vacation in Scotland? >>eng<< Po jakiego grzyba dałeś mu tak na imię? Why on earth did you give him such a name? What kind of fungus did you give him that name for? >>eng<< Kdysi jsem tě nenáviděl. I used to hate you. I used to hate you. >>eng<< Nikdo tady už Tomovi nevěří. No one here believes Tom anymore. No one believes Tom anymore. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom i Mary jsou chytří. I think both Tom and Mary are smart. I think Tom and Mary are smart. >>eng<< Możemy chwilkę porozmawiać? Can we talk a second? Can we talk for a while? >>eng<< Čí je to auto? Who is the owner of the car? Whose car is it? >>eng<< Kolik lidí žije v tomhle městě? How many people live in this town? How many people live in this city? >>eng<< Už týden jsem si nedal pivo. I haven't drunk beer for a week. I haven't had a beer for a week. >>eng<< Tom nie musi iść dzisiaj do szkoły. Tom doesn't have to go to school today. Tom doesn't have to go to school today. >>eng<< Text je nejdůležitější část této písně. The lyrics are the most important part of this song. The lyrics are the most important part of this song. >>eng<< Jsme přátelé. We're friends. We're friends. >>eng<< Nie bądź nieśmiały, kiedy podróżujesz. Don't be self-conscious when you travel. Don’t be shy when you travel. >>eng<< To właśnie tego słownika szukałem. This is the very dictionary I've been looking for. That's what I was looking for. >>eng<< Mężczyzna został ugryziony przez psa. The man was bitten by a dog. The man was bitten by a dog. >>eng<< Žádal si mě někdo? Has anyone asked for me? Did someone ask me? >>eng<< Sy w knigłowni. You are in the library. You're in the library. >>eng<< Toma na párty upoutala rozkošná dívka. A cute girl caught Tom's eye at the party. Tom caught a cute girl at the party. >>eng<< Czy kupowałeś ostatnio jakieś nowe ubrania? Have you bought any new clothes lately? Have you bought any new clothes lately? >>eng<< Prześcieradło jest na łóżku. The sheet is on the bed. The sheet is on the bed. >>eng<< Doświadczenie pokazało, że pieniądze nie przynoszą szczęścia. Experience has shown that money does not bring happiness. Experience has shown that money does not bring happiness. >>eng<< Do zobaczenia wkrótce. See you soon! See you soon. >>eng<< Byłeś wtedy taki młody. You were so young then. You were so young then. >>eng<< Chcã sã havajszczëznë wuczëc. I want to learn Hawaiian. I need to hear more than that. >>eng<< Kráva je užitečné zvíře. A cow is a useful animal. Cow is a useful animal. >>eng<< Vše závisí na tom, zdali uděláte tu zkoušku. Everything depends on whether you pass the examination. It all depends on whether you're going to take the exam. >>eng<< Zachraňovali Toma dvě hodiny. They were rescuing Tom for two hours. They saved Tom for two hours. >>eng<< Největší překvapení teprve přijde. The biggest surprise is yet to come. The biggest surprise is yet to come. >>eng<< Poprosil jsem ho, aby otevřel okno. I asked him to open the window. I asked him to open the window. >>eng<< Nezdáš se být příliš šťastná, že mě vidíš. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. >>eng<< Život je tvrdý a obtížný. Life is hard and difficult. Life is hard and difficult. >>eng<< Neulehčují si to. They don't make it easy for themselves. They don't make it easy. >>eng<< Tom se snaží otevřít dveře. Tom is trying to open the door. Tom is trying to open the door. >>eng<< John zapalił zapałkę. John lit a match. John lit the match. >>eng<< Tom zemřel, když mu bylo třicet. Tom passed away at the age of thirty. Tom died when he was thirty. >>eng<< Ja chcę narty wodne. I want to water ski. I want water skiing. >>eng<< Ja tylko chcę aby ludzie mnie lubili. I just want people to like me. I just want people to like me. >>eng<< Nikdo se mě neptal, jestli se mi to líbí, nebo ne. Nobody asked me if I liked it or not. Nobody asked me if I liked it or not. >>eng<< To nie zdarza się bardzo często. That doesn't happen very often. It doesn't happen very often. >>eng<< Chodíval jsem do školy. I used to go to school. I went to school. >>eng<< Jsme středoškolští učitelé. We're high school teachers. We are high school teachers. >>eng<< Myslím, že Tom to nezvládne. I don't think that Tom can handle it. I don't think Tom can handle it. >>eng<< Chceš, abych zavolal záchranku? Do you want me to call an ambulance? You want me to call the ambulance? >>eng<< Zaczęło się pocałunkiem. It started with a kiss. It started with a kiss. >>eng<< Tom a Mary dnes musí odjet. Tom and Mary have to leave today. Tom and Mary have to leave today. >>eng<< Zamówiliśmy parę nowych książek z zagranicy. We ordered some new books from abroad. We ordered a few new books from abroad. >>eng<< Jsi si jistá, že jsme se ještě nikdy nepotkali? Are you sure we've never met before? Are you sure we've never met before? >>eng<< Mam nadzieję, że się zdrowo odżywiasz. I hope that what you are eating is healthy. I hope you're eating healthy. >>eng<< Czy Tom nie jest wspaniały? Isn't Tom great? Isn't Tom great? >>eng<< Jsem si celkem jistý, že Tom nevyhrál. I'm quite certain Tom didn't win. I'm pretty sure Tom didn't win. >>eng<< Všichni se zmýlili. Everyone was wrong. Everyone was wrong. >>eng<< Ona obvykle spí osm hodin. She usually sleeps for eight hours. She usually sleeps eight hours. >>eng<< Nejsi sám. You're not alone. You're not alone. >>eng<< Nechal jsi otevřené dveře. You left the door open. You left the door open. >>eng<< Na toho učitele bylo vždy snadné se obrátit ohledně rady. That teacher was always easy to approach for advice. It has always been easy for that teacher to turn about advice. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się, co powie Tom. I wonder what Tom will say. I wonder what Tom will say. >>eng<< Co rád sleduješ v televizi? What do you like to watch on TV? What do you like watching on TV? >>eng<< Bubeník je také hlavní zpěvák té skupiny. The drummer is also the lead singer in that band. The drummer is also the lead singer of the band. >>eng<< Tom zbliżył się. Tom approached. Tom got close. >>eng<< Nerad uklízím. I don't like cleaning. I don't like cleaning up. >>eng<< Zapomněl jsem o tom všechno. I forgot all about it. I forgot all about it. >>eng<< Nie powinienem był tego robić. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that. >>eng<< Proč ses pokoušel Toma zastavit? Why did you try to stop Tom? Why did you try to stop Tom? >>eng<< Objasnit to může pouze Tom. Only Tom can clarify it. Only Tom can explain it. >>eng<< Stále tomu nevěřím. I'm still not buying it. I still don't believe it. >>eng<< Tom opuścił Boston w październiku 2013 roku. Tom left Boston in October of 2013. Tom left Boston in October 2013. >>eng<< Polscy specjaliści pracują w Afryce. Polish specialists work in Africa. Polish specialists work in Africa. >>eng<< Budeš tam muset asi hodinu čekat. You will have to wait there about an hour. You'll have to wait for about an hour. >>eng<< Jezioro zamarzło, więc przeszliśmy po lodzie. The lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice. The lake was frozen, so we walked through the ice. >>eng<< Mówisz po niemiecku? Do you speak German? You speak German? >>eng<< Vypadáš nějak zkormouceně. You look kind of down. You look kind of sad. >>eng<< Musíš to dokončit. You've got to finish doing that. You have to finish it. >>eng<< Tom se rozčílil a uhodil Mary. Tom got angry and hit Mary. Tom got angry and hit Mary. >>eng<< Jest poetą i politykiem. He is a poet and statesman. He is a poet and a politician. >>eng<< Zdá se, že mne neberete vážně. It seems you are not taking me seriously. You don't seem to take me seriously. >>eng<< Ten człowiek jest bandytą. This guy is an outlaw. This man is a bandit. >>eng<< Tom tam chodil každý den. Tom went there every day. Tom went there every day. >>eng<< Smrt není triviální záležitost. Death is not a trivial matter. Death is not a trivial matter. >>eng<< Teraz jest godzina ósma rano. It's eight a.m. right now. It's 8 o'clock in the morning. >>eng<< Musimy spodziewać się najgorszego. We have to expect the worst. We have to expect the worst. >>eng<< Objevilo se stádo jaků. A herd of yaks came into view. A herd of worms appeared. >>eng<< Nech mě dojíst, prosím. Let me finish eating, please. Let me eat, please. >>eng<< Nasza krowa nie daje nam żadnego mleka. Our cow doesn't give us any milk. Our cow doesn't give us any milk. >>eng<< Porządnie się wystraszył, kiedy zobaczył tego wielkiego węża. He was very scared when he saw that large snake. He was scared when he saw this great snake. >>eng<< Vím, proč je lepší se Tomovi vyhnout. I know why it is better to avoid Tom. I know why it's better to avoid Tom. >>eng<< Chci být první, kdo to udělá. I want to be the first to do that. I want to be the first to do it. >>eng<< Názor Toma nikoho nezajímal. Nobody cared about Tom's opinion. Tom was not interested in anyone. >>eng<< Tom mi slíbil, že už to víckrát neudělá. Tom promised me he wouldn't do it again. Tom promised me he wouldn't do it again. >>eng<< Pojď si se mnou promluvit. Come talk with me. Come and talk to me. >>eng<< Kočka snědla myš. The cat ate the mouse. The cat ate the mouse. >>eng<< Poprosiłem, żeby mi nie przeszkadzał. I asked him not to bother me. I asked him not to bother me. >>eng<< Przestań śledzić Toma. Quit following Tom. Stop following Tom. >>eng<< Také si tím nejsem jistý. I'm not sure of it either. I'm not sure about that either. >>eng<< Zostawił swój bagaż na stacji. He left his luggage at the station. He left his luggage at the station. >>eng<< Musisz iść na pocztę? Must you go to the post office? Do you have to go to the mail? >>eng<< Ukaž mi svojí knihovnu a já ti řeknu, kdo jsi. Show me the content of your book shelves and I will tell you who you are. Show me your library and I'll tell you who you are. >>eng<< Nie mogę znaleźć swoich kluczy. I can't find my keys. I can't find my keys. >>eng<< Jej śmiech rozniósł się echem po domu. Her laughter echoed through the house. Her laughter spread the echo around the house. >>eng<< Policii se nedá věřit. You can't trust the police. The police can't be trusted. >>eng<< Tom jest pilnym uczniem. Tom is a diligent student. Tom is an urgent student. >>eng<< Ta książka odmieni twoje życie. This book will transform your life. This book will change your life. >>eng<< Zgubiłem portfel. I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. >>eng<< Tom nikdy nebyl v autě jako je to, které má Mary. Tom has never been in a car like the one Mary owns. Tom's never been in a car like Mary's. >>eng<< Ty nechceš spát? Don't you want to sleep? You don't want to sleep? >>eng<< Czy mogę ugryźć? Can I have a bite? Can I bite? >>eng<< Musisz iść do domu i pobyć ze swoją rodziną. You need to go home and be with your family. You have to go home and stay with your family. >>eng<< Zajmę się twoim kotkiem podczas twojej nieobecności. I will care for your kitten during your absence. I'll take care of your cat during your absence. >>eng<< Tom chciał mieć miejsce w kraju, które mógłby nazwać domem. Tom wanted a place in the country he could call home. Tom wanted a place in a country he could call home. >>eng<< Jestem bezdomny. I'm homeless. I'm homeless. >>eng<< Gdzie byłyście? Where were you? Where have you been? >>eng<< Jdeš s náma? Are you coming with us? Are you coming with us? >>eng<< Na vstávání je příliš brzy. It is too early to get up. It's too early to get up. >>eng<< Już ich przetestowałem. I've already tested them. I've already tested them. >>eng<< Nazywamy naszego psa Johnnie. We call our dog Johnnie. We call our dog Johnnie. >>eng<< Není zač se omlouvat. There is nothing to apologize for. There's no one to apologize. >>eng<< Hólc je jabłuko jědł. The boy ate the apple. The child ate the apple. >>eng<< Nie lubię, gdy każe mi się czekać. I don't like to be kept waiting. I don't like it when he tells me to wait. >>eng<< Tom je nemocný člověk. Tom is a sick man. Tom is a sick man. >>eng<< Všichni děti jsou v bezpečí. All children are safe. All children are safe. >>eng<< To je opravdu moc smutné. It's indeed very sad. That's really very sad. >>eng<< Tom to musel opakovat. Tom had to repeat it. Tom had to do it again. >>eng<< Tom hledal práci, a já jsem ho najal. Tom was looking for some job and I hired him. Tom was looking for a job, and I hired him. >>eng<< Nikdo nebyl připraven na to, co Tom předvedl. Nobody was prepared for what Tom had demonstrated. No one was prepared for what Tom had shown. >>eng<< Boli kiedy oddychasz? Does it hurt when you breathe? Does it hurt when you breathe? >>eng<< Nigdy nie było dobrej wojny, ani złego pokoju. There never was a good war nor a bad peace. There was never a good war or a bad peace. >>eng<< Jaké je vaše datum narození? What is your date of birth? What is your date of birth? >>eng<< Tom mi bude chybět a vše, co představoval. I'll miss Tom and everything he stood for. I'm gonna miss Tom and everything he meant. >>eng<< Słónco je žołte. The sun is yellow. The sun is yellow. >>eng<< Nebylo by rozumné Toma úplně ignorovat. It wouldn't be wise to ignore Tom completely. It would not be reasonable to ignore Tom completely. >>eng<< Byl to chladný den. It was a cold day. It was a cold day. >>eng<< Prodáváme pomerančový džus. We sell orange juice. We sell orange juice. >>eng<< Dáme si aperitiv? Shall we have an aperitif? Do you want an aperitif? >>eng<< Překládal jsem Tomovi. I interpreted for Tom. I've translated to Tom. >>eng<< Tomáš s někým je. Tom is with somebody. Thomas is with someone. >>eng<< Kiedy ostatni raz robiłeś coś pierwszy raz? When was the last time that you did something for the first time? When was the last time you did something for the first time? >>eng<< Tom ti lhal. Tom lied to you. Tom lied to you. >>eng<< Nie brzmisz wesoło. You don't sound happy. You don't sound funny. >>eng<< Chciałem cię pocałować od momentu, gdy cię ujrzałem. I have been wanting to kiss you since the moment I saw you. I've wanted to kiss you since I saw you. >>eng<< Nasz plan nie zadziałał w praktyce. Our plan didn't work in practice. Our plan did not work in practice. >>eng<< Toto je nejlepší indická restaurace v celém Tokiu. This is the best Indian restaurant anywhere in Tokyo. This is the best Indian restaurant in Tokyo. >>eng<< Znasz tego chłopca, który płacze? Do you know that boy who's crying? Do you know the boy who's crying? >>eng<< Tom s námi dnes obědvat nebude. Tom won't have lunch with us today. Tom won't have lunch with us tonight. >>eng<< Tom je nejcennějším hráčem v našem týmu. Tom is the most valuable player on our team. Tom is the most valuable player on our team. >>eng<< Dobře se pamatuji toho dne, kdy ses narodil. Well do I remember the day you were born. I remember the day you were born. >>eng<< Tom robi wszystko co może żeby zaoszczędzić pieniądze. Tom does everything he can to save money. Tom does everything he can to save money. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že ten seminář byl velmi zajímavý. Tom said that the workshop had been very interesting. Tom said the seminar was very interesting. >>eng<< Můžu se tě zeptat na pár otázek o tvém jméně? May I ask you some questions about your name? Can I ask you a few questions about your name? >>eng<< Kam chcete cestovat? Where do you intend to travel to? Where do you want to travel? >>eng<< Teď už je mi všechno jasné! It's all clear to me now! It's all clear to me now! >>eng<< Už jsem odpadky vynesl. I've already taken out the garbage. I've already taken the garbage out. >>eng<< Říkáš to pokaždé. You say that every time. You say it every time. >>eng<< Každý slyšel, co Tomáš říká. Everyone could hear what Tom said. Everyone heard what Thomas was saying. >>eng<< Mam kilka piór. I have a few pens. I've got a few pens. >>eng<< Musíme zabojovat. We need to step up our game. We have to fight. >>eng<< Tom tvrdě pracuje a hodně vydělává. Tom works hard and earns a lot. Tom works hard and makes a lot of money. >>eng<< Pijomy mloko. We are drinking milk. We drink milk. >>eng<< Tom věří, že cesty na Měsíc byly podvržené. Tom believes that the moon landings were faked. Tom believes that the journeys to the moon have been undermined. >>eng<< Czy twój wujek nadal jest zagranicą? Is your uncle still abroad? Is your uncle still abroad? >>eng<< Tom je rád venku. Tom loves being outside. Tom likes to go outside. >>eng<< Chci tady zůstat tři dny. I plan to stay here for three days. I want to stay here for three days. >>eng<< Rad jěm kšuški. I like to eat pears. I'd like to get my hands on it. >>eng<< Krab jest zwierzęciem żyjącym nad morzem. The crab is an animal that lives at sea. Crab is an animal living by the sea. >>eng<< Czekałam miesiąc. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. >>eng<< Skrytykował mnie za to, co zrobiłem. He censured me for what I had done. He criticized me for what I did. >>eng<< Byłem za szybki. I was too fast. I was too quick. >>eng<< Můj bratr žil deset let v Paříži, než se vrátil zpátky do Prahy. My brother had been living in Paris for ten years before he returned to Prague. My brother lived in Paris for ten years before he returned to Prague. >>eng<< Tom je nejhloupěší student ve třídě. Tom is the dumbest student in the class. Tom is the stupidest student in class. >>eng<< Tom je určitě osamělý. Tom must be lonely. Tom is definitely lonely. >>eng<< Zabierz mnie do domu. Take me home. Take me home. >>eng<< Prodávám kávu. I sell coffee. I'm selling coffee. >>eng<< Bunkr vás před viry neochrání. A bunker won't protect you from viruses. The cell will not protect you from viruses. >>eng<< Ktoś zjadł wszystkie ciastka. Somebody ate all the biscuits. Someone ate all the cakes. >>eng<< Masz dla mnie jakieś wiadomości? Do you have any messages for me? Do you have any news for me? >>eng<< Musisz wyjechać z Bostonu. You have to leave Boston now. You have to leave Boston. >>eng<< Kdo nám krade? Who's been stealing from us? Who's stealing from us? >>eng<< Nikdo normální se tím řídit nebude. Nobody sane will follow that. No one will normally follow that. >>eng<< Zastanawia mnie, co Tom ma przez to na myśli. I wonder what Tom means by that. I wonder what Tom means. >>eng<< Nie wiem jak ona to robi. I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she does it. >>eng<< Chtěl jsem se s Tomem opět setkat. I wanted to meet Tom again. I wanted to meet Tom again. >>eng<< Zdraví je ten nejlepší dar. Health is the greatest gift. Health is the best gift. >>eng<< Wybuchnęła płaczem. She burst into tears. She exploded crying. >>eng<< Tom má rád jahodový džem. Tom likes strawberry jam. Tom likes strawberry jam. >>eng<< Jestem pewien, że Tom nie lubi Mary. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't like Mary. I'm sure Tom doesn't like Mary. >>eng<< Nie wyglądasz zbyt dobrze. You don't look so good. You don't look very good. >>eng<< Proč je můj otec v kuchyni? Why is my father in the kitchen? Why is my father in the kitchen? >>eng<< Mary je porodní asistentka. Mary is a midwife. Mary is a midwife. >>eng<< Mary ma wielkie cycki. Mary has huge tits. Mary has a big dick. >>eng<< Volá tě. He's calling you. He's calling you. >>eng<< Tom chce ještě kávu. Tom wants more coffee. Tom wants some more coffee. >>eng<< Takový je život! So goes life! That's life! >>eng<< Tom jest żonglerem. Tom is a juggler. Tom's a jongler. >>eng<< Musiałem zapłacić dodatkowo pięć dolarów. I had to pay 5 dollars in addition. I had to pay five extra dollars. >>eng<< Dlužíš mi pivo. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. >>eng<< Tom zapaluje svíčku zapalovačem. Tom lights the candle with a lighter. Tom lights the candle with a lighter. >>eng<< Zobaczymy czy będziemy mogli to zrobić bez żadnej pomocy. Let's see if we can do it without any help. We'll see if we can do it without any help. >>eng<< Od minulého čtvrtka prší. It's been raining since last Thursday. It rains from last Thursday. >>eng<< Chci sedět mezi tebou a Tomem. I want to sit between you and Tom. I want to sit between you and Tom. >>eng<< Tom uháněl moji sestru. Tom was running after my sister. Tom was chasing my sister. >>eng<< Sklep znajdziesz między bankiem a szkołą. You'll find the shop between a bank and a school. You will find a shop between the bank and the school. >>eng<< Tom nie chciał mówić Mary, że stracił wszystkie jej pieniądze. Tom didn't want to tell Mary that he had lost all her money. Tom didn't want to tell Mary he lost all her money. >>eng<< Předpokládám, že odešel domů. I suppose he's gone home. I guess he went home. >>eng<< Tom miluje knihy. Tom loves books. Tom loves books. >>eng<< Nevíme, co má za sebou. We don't know what she's been through. We don't know what's behind him. >>eng<< Tom určitě nezastavil. I'm sure Tom didn't just stop. I'm sure Tom didn't stop. >>eng<< Tom poszedł za daleko. Tom went too far. Tom went too far. >>eng<< Wasza szkoła jest dobra, skoro funduje wam bilety w obie strony. Your school is great, since it reimburses you for the return tickets. Your school is good when you fund tickets on both sides. >>eng<< Paul nie jest tak szybki jak ja. Paul is not as fast as me. Paul is not as fast as me. >>eng<< To je zastaralý model. That's an obsolete model. This is an outdated model. >>eng<< Odrobiłeś swoją pracę domową. You did your homework. You did your homework. >>eng<< Víme, že dokážeme zvítězit. We know that we can win. We know we can win. >>eng<< Zbrojní průmysl přináší zisky, ale také utrpení. Arms industry yelds a profit but also suffering. The arms industry brings profits, but also suffering. >>eng<< Zítra půjdu na pohřeb. I am going to attend a funeral tomorrow. I'll go to the funeral tomorrow. >>eng<< Nie został ani jeden. There was nothing left over. There's no one left. >>eng<< Neměli jste sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. >>eng<< Tom už je možná tam. Tom might already be there. Tom may already be there. >>eng<< Hledáte něco konkrétního? Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? >>eng<< Musisz być ponad takie podłe zagrania. You must be above such mean conduct. You have to be more than such a bad game. >>eng<< Uvěřím, že Tom je naživu teprve až ho uvidím. I will believe that Tom is alive only when I see him. I'll believe Tom's alive until I see him. >>eng<< Oskarżyła mnie o włamanie się na jej konto. She accused me of hacking into her account. She accused me of breaking into her account. >>eng<< Nech mě zaplatit tvoje kafe. Let me pay for your coffee. Let me pay your coffee. >>eng<< Obloha je pokrytá černými mraky. The sky is full of dark clouds. The sky is covered with black clouds. >>eng<< Vidí to každý den. He can see it every day. He sees it every day. >>eng<< Nevíš, co nám přinesl? Do you know what he brought us? You don't know what he brought us? >>eng<< Čas zmizet. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to go. >>eng<< Wschód słońca był niewiarygodnie piękny. Sun rise was incredibly beautiful. The sunrise was incredibly beautiful. >>eng<< Já jsem se po celou dobu nudil. I was bored the entire time. I was bored all the time. >>eng<< Henryk chciałby się z tobą widzieć. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. >>eng<< Jesteśmy ludźmi, nie bogami. We are people, not gods. We are people, not gods. >>eng<< Jeździliśmy na nartach po sztucznym śniegu. We skied on artificial snow. We used to ski in artificial snow. >>eng<< Ona kocha koty. She loves cats. She loves cats. >>eng<< Dziś są wybory w Polsce. Today is election day in Poland. There are elections in Poland today. >>eng<< Praga jest przepiękna. Prague is very beautiful. Prague is beautiful. >>eng<< Co si od tebe Tom půjčil? What did Tom borrow from you? What did Tom borrow from you? >>eng<< Tom nie działał sam. Tom didn't work alone. Tom didn't work alone. >>eng<< Ćwicz poza domem. Exercise outdoors. Exercising outside the house. >>eng<< Tomowi wyrwano jego ząb mądrości. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. Tom's tooth was pulled out of wisdom. >>eng<< On bardzo dobrze gra w szachy. He plays chess very well. He's playing chess very well. >>eng<< Tom vás povede. Tom will guide you. Tom will guide you. >>eng<< Mám zmrzlé konečky prstů. My fingertips are frozen. I have frozen fingertips. >>eng<< Mowa jest srebrem, ale milczenie złotem. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Speech is silver, but silence is gold. >>eng<< Tom se probral v márnici. Tom came around in the morgue. Tom woke up in the marina. >>eng<< Tom zawsze tutaj będzie. Tom will always be here. Tom will always be here. >>eng<< Patří ti to. It serves you right. It belongs to you. >>eng<< Nie wiem. Sprawdźmy! I don't know. Let's find out! I don't know. >>eng<< Uvažoval jsi o bydlení na ubytovně? Have you considered staying in a hostel? Have you thought about living in a hostel? >>eng<< Ja też nic nie zrozumiałem. I didn't understand anything, either. I didn't understand either. >>eng<< Můžeš aktualizovat naše programy? Can you update our software? Can you update our programs? >>eng<< Tom určitě umí dost francouzsky na to, aby si vystačil. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom can do enough French to do it. >>eng<< U telefonu. Speaking. On the phone. >>eng<< Myślałem, że Tom wini mnie o to, co się wydarzyło. I thought Tom blamed me for what happened. I thought Tom blamed me for what happened. >>eng<< Tom próbował być zabawny. Tom was trying to be funny. Tom tried to be funny. >>eng<< Czy Tom był na prochach? Was Tom on drugs? Was Tom on the dust? >>eng<< Bydlíme blízko pošty. We live near a post office. We live near the post office. >>eng<< To jsou zvířata. These are animals. These are animals. >>eng<< Czy pomóc ci z tym pudłem? Shall I help you with this box? Can I help you with this box? >>eng<< On zawsze żartuje. He is always joking. He's always kidding. >>eng<< Nie mogą się pocieszyć nawzajem. They can't comfort each other. They can't comfort each other. >>eng<< Jakie było twoje pierwsze wrażenie o mnie? What was your first impression of me? What was your first impression of me? >>eng<< Osiemnaście minut później bitwa była zakończona. Eighteen minutes later, the battle was over. Eighteen minutes later, the battle was completed. >>eng<< My mu věříme. We trust him. We believe him. >>eng<< Dasz sobie radę sam w ten weekend? Can you manage alone this weekend? Can you handle it yourself this weekend? >>eng<< Neříkej Tomovi, že se známe. Don't tell Tom that we know each other. Don't tell Tom we know each other. >>eng<< Netušil jsem, že je takový idiot. I didn't know that he was such an idiot. I didn't know he was such an idiot. >>eng<< Prezydent jest gotowy iść na całość, żeby postawić na swoim bez względu na koszty. The President is prepared to go all out to get his way at any cost. The president is ready to go to the whole place to bet on his own no matter what the cost. >>eng<< Strojové překlady nejsou vždy přesné. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translation is not always accurate. >>eng<< Tom nie potrafi znaleźć odpowiednich słów, żeby opisać swoje uczucia do Mary. Tom can't find the right words to describe his feelings for Mary. Tom can't find the right words to describe his feelings to Mary. >>eng<< Tom spędził całe popołudnie, grając w tenisa. Tom spent the whole afternoon playing tennis. Tom spent the afternoon playing tennis. >>eng<< Jaké je dnes počasí? What's the weather like today? What's the weather today? >>eng<< Potřebujeme více deště. We need more rain. We need more rain. >>eng<< Tato vejce jsou naměkko. These eggs are soft-boiled. These eggs are soft. >>eng<< Ten lek jest dobry na ból głowy. This medicine is good for headaches. This medicine is good for headaches. >>eng<< Zostaniesz ze mną. You will stay with me. You'll stay with me. >>eng<< Nie wiedziałem, w którym pociągu mógł być Tom. I didn't know which train Tom would be on. I didn't know which train Tom was on. >>eng<< Jezdíš do školy vlakem? Do you go to school by train? Are you going to school by train? >>eng<< Tom vám moc nepomohl, že? Tom didn't help you much, did he? Tom didn't help you much, did he? >>eng<< Ile kosztuje sok pomarańczowy? How much does the orange juice cost? How much does orange juice cost? >>eng<< Proč nerad mluvíš francouzsky? Why do you hate speaking French? Why don't you like to speak French? >>eng<< Zapomeň na tuto smutnou událost. Forget this sad event. Forget about this sad event. >>eng<< Tom chce, abychom trpěli. Tom wants us to suffer. Tom wants us to suffer. >>eng<< Kdo je ta žena, která tancuje s Tomem? Who's that woman dancing with Tom? Who's the woman dancing with Tom? >>eng<< Volba je pouze na vás. The choice is entirely yours. The choice is up to you. >>eng<< Nemohu ty dveře zamknout. I can't get the door locked. I can't lock the door. >>eng<< Tom musi być wściekły na Mary. Tom must be furious with Mary. Tom must be angry with Mary. >>eng<< Nemůžu o Tomovi říct nic špatného. I can't say anything bad about Tom. I can't say anything wrong about Tom. >>eng<< Jesteś oburzający. You're outrageous. You're indignant. >>eng<< Chciałbym wszystko wyjaśnić, ale myślę, że nie mamy tyle czasu. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have enough time. I'd like to explain everything, but I don't think we have that much time. >>eng<< Bob i Tom to bracia. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. >>eng<< Mam rację. I'm right. I'm right. >>eng<< Tom i Mary biegli między drzewami, gdy Mary nagle wystawiła swoją stopę, Tom przewrócił się i wpadł wprost do kałuży. Tom and Mary were running through the trees when Mary suddenly stuck her foot out, and Tom tripped and fell right into a puddle. Tom and Mary ran between the trees when Mary suddenly set her foot, Tom turned over and fell straight into a puddle. >>eng<< Tom zemřel ve stejný den, kdy se nám narodil syn. Tom died on the same day that our son was born. Tom died the same day our son was born. >>eng<< A co jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak? What if things don't work out? What if something goes wrong? >>eng<< Nepoletím za Tomem. I'm not going to run after Tom. I'm not going to see Tom. >>eng<< Zostawiony sam, chłopiec nie wiedział, co ze sobą zrobić. Being left alone, the boy didn't know what to do. Left alone, the boy didn't know what to do with himself. >>eng<< Kopejte trochu rychleji. Dig a little faster. Kick a little faster. >>eng<< Chtěl bych být teď v Paříži. I wish I were in Paris now. I want to be in Paris now. >>eng<< Twój ojciec o niczym nie wie. Your father knows nothing. Your father doesn't know anything. >>eng<< Tom vždycky najde nějaké řešení. Tom always finds a solution. Tom always finds a solution. >>eng<< Je zapotřebí, abys to spravil. You need to fix it. You need to do it. >>eng<< Nebuď stydlivý. Don't be coy. Don't be shy. >>eng<< Naše zájmy jsou v rozporu s jejich zájmy. Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests are contrary to their interests. >>eng<< Tom je docela rozrušený. Tom is quite upset. Tom's pretty upset. >>eng<< Ne, že bych nechtěl, ale já prostě nemohu. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't. Not that I don't want to, but I just can't. >>eng<< Jíme večeři? Are we eating dinner ? Are we eating dinner? >>eng<< Ich rozwód okazał się całkowitym zaskoczeniem. Their divorce came as a complete surprise. Their divorce turned out to be a complete surprise. >>eng<< Kreslí další obrázek. He's drawing another picture. He's drawing another picture. >>eng<< Praca trwa. Work is in progress. Work's on. >>eng<< Zdá se, že našetřil hodně peněz. He seems to have saved a lot of money. He seems to have saved a lot of money. >>eng<< Počkejme do října. Let's wait until October. Let's wait until October. >>eng<< Została złapana na gorącym uczynku przy kradzieży naszyjnika. She was caught red-handed trying to steal a necklace. She was caught doing a hot job stealing a necklace. >>eng<< Szybko zapomniano o skandalu politycznym i wszyskto wróciło do codzienności. The political scandal blew over in no time and everything was back to business as usual. Political scandals were quickly forgotten and everything returned to everyday life. >>eng<< Učíš se Irsky jako samouk? Are you learning Irish on your own? Are you learning Irish as a self-taught? >>eng<< Buďme šťastni. Let's be happy. Let's be happy. >>eng<< Nevzpomíná si, jestli zhasla světlo. She doesn't remember whether she turned off the light. He doesn't remember if the light went out. >>eng<< Jaki jest temat? What's the topic? What's the subject? >>eng<< Nedávejte prosím Tomovi falešnou naději. Don't give Tom false hope, please. Please don't give Tom a false hope. >>eng<< Řekl, že nemá ženu. He said that he didn't have a wife. He said he didn't have a wife. >>eng<< Kolik chleba zbývá? How much bread is left? How much bread is left? >>eng<< Tom poprosił Mary, by zadzwoniła do niego później. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Mary to call him later. >>eng<< Tom visí na stromě. Oběsil se. Tom is hanging from a tree. He hanged himself. Tom hangs on the tree. >>eng<< W iPadzie nie lubię tego, że nie da się łatwo zainstalować aplikacji, których nie ma w AppStore Apple'a. One thing I don't like about the iPad is that you can't easily install apps that aren't available through Apple's App Store. On the iPad, I don’t like the fact that you can’t easily install apps that aren’t on Apple’s AppStore. >>eng<< Tom je epidemiolog. Tom is an epidemiologist. Tom is an epidemiologist. >>eng<< Je to naše rozhodnutí. That's our decision. It's our decision. >>eng<< Proč brečíš? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? >>eng<< Tom se zeptal Mary, jestli zná Johnovu ženu. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's wife. Tom asked Mary if he knew John's wife. >>eng<< To twoja odpowiedzialność. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. >>eng<< Nie mogę pić mleka. I can't drink milk. I can't drink milk. >>eng<< On je v Tokiu. He's in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. >>eng<< Takhle řešíš všechny svoje problémy? Is this how you handle all of your problems? Is this how you solve all your problems? >>eng<< Nevěděla jsi, že Tom je gay? You didn't know Tom was gay? You didn't know Tom was gay? >>eng<< Tom ma wrócić do domu przed 2:30. Tom has to be back home by 2:30. Tom has to go home before 2:30. >>eng<< Dělám hodně hloupých rozhodnutí. I make a lot of stupid decisions. I make a lot of stupid decisions. >>eng<< Zero to wyjątkowa liczba. Zero is a special number. Zero is an exceptional number. >>eng<< Ale co když řekne ne? But what if he says no? But what if he says no? >>eng<< Tom nie znał żadnych szczegółów planu Mary. Tom didn't know any of the details of Mary's plan. Tom didn't know any details of Mary's plan. >>eng<< Wszystko się może zdarzyć. Anything might happen. Everything can happen. >>eng<< Mary řekla, že je Tom pro ni na chození příliš ošklivý. Mary said that Tom was too ugly for her to date him. Mary said Tom was too ugly for her to walk. >>eng<< Wrócił do domu po raz pierwszy od dziesięciu lat. He returned home for the first time in ten years. He returned home for the first time in 10 years. >>eng<< Tom a Mary mají okolo dvaceti dětí, ale přesným počtem si nejsou jistí. Tom and Mary have about 20 children, but they're not quite sure of the exact number. Tom and Mary have about 20 children, but the exact number is uncertain. >>eng<< Tom byl až do odvolání suspendován. Tom was suspended until further notice. Tom was suspended until the appeal. >>eng<< Vím, že ta změna nebude snadná. I know that that change won't be easy. I know the change won't be easy. >>eng<< Podziękowałem mu za miły prezent. I thanked him for the nice present. I thanked him for a nice gift. >>eng<< Tom wyrzucił śmieci. Tom took out the rubbish. Tom threw the trash away. >>eng<< Protože jsem nevěděl co říct, neřekl jsem nic. Not knowing what to say, I didn't say anything. Because I didn't know what to say, I didn't say anything. >>eng<< Możemy zrobić to w tym tygodniu? Can we do it this week? Can we do this this week? >>eng<< Chyběla ve škole pět dní. She's been absent from school for five days. She missed five days at school. >>eng<< Rozmawialiśmy o nich. We were talking about them. We talked about them. >>eng<< Sami se spřátelil se svým spolubydlícím. Sami became friends with his roommate. He made his own friends with his grandfather. >>eng<< Rozstřihl jsem ten papír nůžkami. I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. I cut the paper with knives. >>eng<< Wyszedł z domu nie żegnając się nawet. He left the house without so much as saying goodbye. He left the house without even saying goodbye. >>eng<< Nie jestem tego pewien. I am not certain about that. I'm not sure. >>eng<< On żyje z dnia na dzień, ani grosza nie oszczędzi. He lives hand to mouth and never saves a cent. He lives day by day, neither saves a penny. >>eng<< Rád bych šel navštívit Toma, ale k čemu to bude dobré? I'd like to go and see Tom, but what good will it do? I'd like to visit Tom, but why would it be good? >>eng<< Napsal knihu o ženě svých snů. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. >>eng<< Oczywiście! Of course! Of course! >>eng<< Potřebuješ ho. You need him. You need him. >>eng<< Mój bagaż został uszkodzony. My luggage has been damaged. My luggage was damaged. >>eng<< Jedna, dvě, tři, čtyři, pět, šest, sedm, osm, devět, deset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >>eng<< Mohu vidět svojí dceru? May I see my daughter? Can I see my daughter? >>eng<< O co ci chodzi? What are you getting at? What's your point? >>eng<< Nikomu nie udało się przeżyć. Nobody managed to survive. No one was able to survive. >>eng<< Máme jen jedna ústa. We have one mouth only. We only have one mouth. >>eng<< Nejsem čistý, ale špinavý. Opravoval jsem auto. I am not clean but dirty. I have been repairing a car. I'm not clean, but dirty. >>eng<< Mají rádi angličtinu. They like English. They like English. >>eng<< Czekasz na kogoś? Are you waiting for someone? Are you waiting for someone? >>eng<< Překládání pro Tatoebu je dobrý způsob, jak trávit volný čas. Translating for Tatoeba is a good way of spending your leisure time. Translation for Tatoeb is a good way to spend your free time. >>eng<< To je přesně ten stůl, kterého se Tom chce zbavit. This is exactly the table that Tom wants to get rid of. That's exactly the table Tom wants to get rid of. >>eng<< Neměly jste sem chodit samy. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. >>eng<< Někdo musel Tomovi říct pravdu. Somebody had to tell Tom the truth. Someone had to tell Tom the truth. >>eng<< Przyślę ci rachunek. I'll send you the bill. I'll send you a bill. >>eng<< Tomovi se podařilo utéct z gulagu na Sibiři. Tom managed to escape from a gulag in Siberia. Tom managed to escape from the gulag in Siberia. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že v sobotu do práce nepůjde. Tom said that he wouldn't go to work on Saturday. Tom said he wouldn't go to work on Saturday. >>eng<< Tom staví zeď. Tom is building a wall. Tom's building a wall. >>eng<< Požádal své přátele o pomoc. He asked his friends for help. He asked his friends for help. >>eng<< Prosím, přestaňte se prát. Please stop fighting. Please stop fighting. >>eng<< Z czego jest zbudowany ten dom? What is that house built out of? What is this house built from? >>eng<< Kočka jí chleba. The cat eats bread. The cat eats bread. >>eng<< Nikdy nezažil doopravdovou bolest. To samé se ale nedá říci o jeho ženě. He had never experienced real pain. The same could not, however, be said for his wife. He's never experienced real pain, but the same can't be said about his wife. >>eng<< Utkniesz. You're stuck. You'll be stuck. >>eng<< Ztratil jsem deštník, který mi dal Tom k narozeninám. I lost the umbrella that Tom gave me for my birthday. I lost the umbrella that Tom gave me for my birthday. >>eng<< Tom spytał Mary, czy piła piwo. Tom asked Mary if she drank beer. Tom asked Mary if she had been drinking beer. >>eng<< Tom věří, že Země je dutá. Tom believes that Earth is hollow. Tom believes the Earth is hollow. >>eng<< Koukni se. Have a look. Take a look. >>eng<< Kolik knih jsi přečetl? How many books did you read? How many books have you read? >>eng<< Uważamy jego zachowanie za dziecinne. We consider his behavior childish. We regard his behavior as childlike. >>eng<< Ta schůze nepotrvá dlouho. The meeting won't last long. That meeting won't take long. >>eng<< Toto je moje vysvědčení. This is my report card. This is my testimony. >>eng<< Do města je to daleko. It is long way to the town. It's far to the city. >>eng<< Musíš dělat, co ti řeknou. You must do as you are told. You have to do what they tell you. >>eng<< Nie rozumiem matematyki. I don't understand the math. I don't understand mathematics. >>eng<< To po ciebie przyszedłem. I came for you. That's what I came for you. >>eng<< Běžel jsi tak rychle, jak to šlo. You ran as fast as you could. You ran as fast as you could. >>eng<< Tom se stále dokáže domluvit španělsky. Tom is still able to make himself understood in Spanish. Tom can still speak Spanish. >>eng<< To działa mi na nerwy. It is getting on my nerves. It's working on my nerves. >>eng<< Mám rád operu. I like opera. I like opera. >>eng<< Kdy odešla na nákup? When did she go shopping? When did she go shopping? >>eng<< Powiedziałem Tobie, że nie wiem jak to zrobić. I told you I don't know how to do that. I told you, I don't know how to do that. >>eng<< Měl s sebou jen sto jenů. He had only one hundred yen with him. He only had a hundred yen with him. >>eng<< Po zemi se válelo několik kýblů. Several buckets were scattered around the floor. There were several buckets on the ground. >>eng<< Účastnil se toho Tom také? Was Tom involved in it too? Did Tom participate too? >>eng<< Tihle muži jsou na těžkou práci zvyklí. These men are used to hard work. These men are used to hard work. >>eng<< Všichni to dělají. Everyone does it. They're all doing it. >>eng<< Nic nie podpisywałem. I didn't sign anything. I didn't sign anything. >>eng<< Jaki jest twój ulubiony napój zimą? What's your favorite drink in the winter? What is your favorite drink in the winter? >>eng<< Vážně se ti Austrálie líbila? Did you really like Australia? Did you really like Australia? >>eng<< Ten dom jest piękny. The house is beautiful. This house is beautiful. >>eng<< Dej mi svůj nůž. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. >>eng<< Monika naprawdę dużo się uczy. Monica does study a lot. Monica is really learning a lot. >>eng<< Ptát se je nejlepší způsob, jak se učit. Asking questions is the best way to learn. Asking is the best way to learn. >>eng<< Wiem, kim jest ten gość. I know who that guy is. I know who this guy is. >>eng<< Nie sądzę, aby Tom nas usłyszał. I don't think Tom is going to hear us. I don't think Tom can hear us. >>eng<< To je příběh, který musíme vyprávět. This is the story we need to tell. This is a story that we have to tell. >>eng<< Kam jel minulý pátek? Where did he go last Friday? Where did he go last Friday? >>eng<< Pokojně jsme demonstrovali. We demonstrated peacefully. We showed peacefully. >>eng<< Myślisz, że by mi wybaczył? Do you think he would forgive me? Do you think he would forgive me? >>eng<< Nestíhám tě. I can't follow you. I'm not chasing you. >>eng<< Udělám všechno, co bude třeba. I'll do whatever is necessary. I'll do everything I need. >>eng<< Kolekcjonuję pocztówki. I collect postcards. I collect postcards. >>eng<< Wolałabym porozmawiać z tobą na osobności. I would prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather talk to you in private. >>eng<< Nesnáší mytí nádobí, ale praní prádla jí nevadí. She hates washing up but she does not mind laundering. She hates washing dishes, but she doesn't mind washing her laundry. >>eng<< Lije jako z konve. It's raining hard. He's like a horse. >>eng<< Tom zatwierdza. Tom approves. Tom approves. >>eng<< W jakim języku chcesz zobaczyć nazwy zwierząt? In which language do you want to see names of animals? In what language do you want to see animal names? >>eng<< Tom mluvil o Mary za jejími zády. Tom talked about Mary behind her back. Tom spoke about Mary behind her back. >>eng<< Nemá odvahu odmítnout můj plán. He doesn't have the guts to say no to my plan. He has no courage to reject my plan. >>eng<< Dostali jsme se do situace, ze které již není návratu. We've reached the point of no return. We are in a situation where there is no more return. >>eng<< Říkali jste, že nekouříte. You said you didn't smoke. You said you didn't smoke. >>eng<< Zjistěte, kam Tom jel. Find out where Tom went. Find out where Tom went. >>eng<< Kdo je ten host? Who is the guest? Who's the guest? >>eng<< Po raz pierwszy zagrała w sztuce. She acted in a play for the first time. It was the first time she played art. >>eng<< Měl jsem štěstí, že jsem tu práci dostal. I was lucky to get that job. I was lucky I got the job. >>eng<< Nie jestem plotkarą. I'm not one to gossip. I'm not a liar. >>eng<< Jen málo lidí má psací stroj. Few people have a typewriter. Few people have a machine. >>eng<< Tom tylko trolluje. Tom is just trolling. Tom's just trolling. >>eng<< Hiroko siedziała tam zupełnie sama. Hiroko sat there all alone. Hiroko was sitting there alone. >>eng<< Ktoś tam jest. There's someone out there. There's someone in there. >>eng<< To są moje pieniądze. That's my money. That's my money. >>eng<< Narkoman zemřel na předávkování drogou. The addict died from a drug overdose. The drug addict died of an overdose. >>eng<< Tom potrzebował pracy. Tom needed work. Tom needed a job. >>eng<< Ukázal mi své nové auto. He showed me his new car. He showed me his new car. >>eng<< Všechny dívky plakaly. All the girls were crying. All the girls were crying. >>eng<< Vyndal z peněženky jednu starou fotku a podal mi ji. He took an old photograph out of his wallet and handed it to me. He took an old photo out of his wallet and gave it to me. >>eng<< Problem, który można rozwiązać przy pomocy pieniędzy to nie problem. Problem w tym, że jestem biedny. Any problem that can be resolved with money isn't a problem, but the problem is that I'm poor. The problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, the problem is that I'm poor. >>eng<< Uvažuji o změně zaměstnání. I am considering changing my job. I'm thinking about changing jobs. >>eng<< Nie pozwalam moim dzieciom oglądać telewizji w dni szkolne wieczorami. I don't allow my kids to watch TV on school nights. I don't let my kids watch TV on school days at night. >>eng<< Nigdy nie noszę zegarka. I never wear a watch. I never wear a watch. >>eng<< Jsou dobré důvody k tomu věřit, co říká. There are good reasons to believe what he says. There are good reasons to believe what he says. >>eng<< Mluvíš se svými přáteli francouzsky? Do you speak to your friends in French? Do you speak French to your friends? >>eng<< Czy ktoś tu może mi pomóc? Can somebody give me a hand here? Can anyone help me here? >>eng<< Když sem tam dorazil, Tom už byl pryč. By the time I got there, Tom was already gone. When I got there, Tom was gone. >>eng<< Bawełna absorbuje wodę. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton absorbs water. >>eng<< Nie będą mieli nic przeciwko. They won't mind. They won't mind. >>eng<< Tom proběhl kolem Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Tom ran around Mary. >>eng<< Przepracowawszy cały dzień, musisz być wykończony. Having worked all day, you must be exhausted. When you work all day, you have to be finished. >>eng<< Železo je užitečný kov. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. >>eng<< Proszę nie zapomnieć paragonu. Don't forget the receipt. Don't forget the receipt. >>eng<< Je to jako zlý sen. It's like a bad dream. It's like a bad dream. >>eng<< Tom o tom problému pečlivě přemýšlel. Tom considered the problem carefully. Tom thought about the problem carefully. >>eng<< Jestem zszokowany. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. >>eng<< Je to nekonečná práce. The job never ends. It's an endless job. >>eng<< Kdy jste to dělali naposledy? How long has it been since you've done that? When was the last time you did it? >>eng<< Bály se tě. They were afraid of you. They were afraid of you. >>eng<< Dziś nie ma nic do przetłumaczenia. There is nothing to translate today. There is nothing to translate today. >>eng<< Chci, abys líp pracoval I want you to work better. I want you to work better >>eng<< Mamy jenož čaj. We only have tea. We only have tea. >>eng<< Zastanawiam się czy Tom lubi to robić. I wonder if Tom enjoys doing that. I wonder if Tom likes to do it. >>eng<< Mohl bys mi půjčit své růžové pero, prosím? Could you lend me your pink pen, please? Can you lend me your pink pen, please? >>eng<< Vím, jak zašít ránu. I know how to stitch a wound. I know how to sew a wound. >>eng<< Chceš si koupit kachnu? Do you want to buy a duck? You want to buy a duck? >>eng<< Zostaw to. Leave it. Leave it. >>eng<< Mám zavirovaný počítač. My computer is infected. I have a computer infected. >>eng<< Moment... One moment... Wait... >>eng<< Tohle je okno, které ten kluk rozbil. This is the window that boy broke. This is the window that the boy broke. >>eng<< Nepokoušej se žít věčně. Neuspěješ. Do not try to live for ever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. >>eng<< Z počátku mě nepřitahovala. I wasn't attracted to her at the beginning. It didn't attract me from the beginning. >>eng<< Skončil citací z bible. He ended by quoting the Bible. He ended up citing the Bible. >>eng<< Musím si nechat odstranit tetování. I had to get my tattoo removed. I've got to get my tattoo removed. >>eng<< Přeprava povozem taženým koňmi je už zastaralá. Transport with horse-drawn carriages became obsolete. The transport by horse-drawn transport is obsolete. >>eng<< Nie masz nic przeciwko jeśli wyjdziemy trochę wcześniej? Do you mind our leaving a little earlier? You don't mind if we leave a little early? >>eng<< Rád bych vám poděkoval za spolupráci. I would like to thank you for your cooperation. I would like to thank you for your cooperation. >>eng<< Seřvala ho. She yelled at him. She set him up. >>eng<< Jakiego rozmiaru szukasz? What size are you looking for? What size are you looking for? >>eng<< Ależ cudowna rodzina! What a marvelous family! A wonderful family! >>eng<< Nie mamy czasu na przetworzenie wszystkich tych danych. We don't have time to process all this data. We don't have time to process all this data. >>eng<< Tom czuje się lepiej. Tom is feeling better. Tom feels better. >>eng<< Przyszłam. I came. I'm here. >>eng<< Obchodování s lidmi je vážný problém. Human trafficking is a serious problem. Trafficking with people is a serious problem. >>eng<< Nauczył się grać w golfa obserwując innych i podążając za ich przykładem. He learned golf by watching others and following their example. He learned to play golf watching others and following their example. >>eng<< Jak dlouho ještě musíme čekat na Toma? How much longer do we have to wait for Tom? How long do we have to wait for Tom? >>eng<< Ona je mou profesorkou. She's my professor. She's my professor. >>eng<< Pokusil jsem se to opravit. I tried to fix it. I tried to fix it. >>eng<< Najbardziej pomocne jest dodawanie zdań w swoim ojczystym języku. The best way to help us is to contribute in your own native language. It is most helpful to add sentences in your native language. >>eng<< Kdo ti řekl, že Tom měl nehodu? Who told you that Tom had had an accident? Who told you Tom had an accident? >>eng<< Bude to dlouhá cesta. It'll be a long journey. It'll be a long way. >>eng<< Kněz Ricardo jo wjelgin dobry wucabnik. Mr. Ricardo is a very good teacher. Priest Ricardo is a very good teacher. >>eng<< Tom si posunul čas dopředu. Tom has set the clock forward. Tom took the time forward. >>eng<< Stej w knigłowni. You're in the library. They're in the library. >>eng<< Tom je věřící. Tom is a believer. Tom is a believer. >>eng<< Co to za gadka? What kind of talk is that? What kind of talk is that? >>eng<< Mary není hezká, ale není ani ošklivá. Mary's not pretty, but she isn't ugly, either. Mary is not beautiful, but she is not ugly. >>eng<< Tom měl sestru, která zemřela když jí byli tři roky. Tom had a sister who died when she was three. Tom had a sister who died when she was three years old. >>eng<< Ta písnička byla velmi oblíbená před třemi lety. That song was very popular three years ago. The song was very popular three years ago. >>eng<< Myslím, že Toma dokážu najít. I think that I can find Tom. I think I can find Tom. >>eng<< Čemu z toho, co Tom řekl, věříš? How much of what Tom said do you believe? What did Tom say, do you believe? >>eng<< Toma uvrhli do vězení. Tom was thrown into prison. Tom was put in jail. >>eng<< Byli podekscytowani meczem. They were excited at the game. They were excited about the match. >>eng<< Załóż płaszcz, inaczej się przeziębisz. Put on a coat. If you don't, you'll catch a cold. Put on your coat, otherwise you'll get cold. >>eng<< Zavolám zpátky o něco později. I'll call back a bit later. I'll call you back a little later. >>eng<< Vyhrál jsem jackpot. I've hit the jackpot. I won the jackpot. >>eng<< Tom má žaludek z litiny. Může sníst skoro cokoliv. Tom has a cast iron stomach. He can eat just about anything. Tom's got a stomach made of cast iron, he can eat almost anything. >>eng<< Ta polívka, co jsem měl, byla tak horká, že jsem ji nemohl jíst. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't eat it. >>eng<< Mój młodszy brat głośno krzyczy. My younger brother is yelling loudly. My younger brother screams loudly. >>eng<< Neudělali nic. They didn't do anything. They didn't do anything. >>eng<< Nebyla bys o nic šťastnější, kdybych ti pověděl. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. You wouldn't be happier if I told you. >>eng<< Gdzie ja teraz jestem? Where am I now? Where am I now? >>eng<< Rozšiřuji si vědomosti četbou knih. I expand my knowledge by reading books. I am expanding my knowledge by reading books. >>eng<< Nezbylo žádné kafe. There is no coffee left. There's no coffee left. >>eng<< Ty jsi Tomův kamarád, že? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? >>eng<< Rozuměli jste všemu, co Tom řekl? Did you understand everything that Tom said? Did you understand everything Tom said? >>eng<< Koupil jsem si nové sluneční brýle. I've bought a new pair of sunglasses. I bought new sunglasses. >>eng<< Tomovi se zvedne tlak, kdykoliv si odpoledne zdřímne. Tom's blood pressure rises whenever he takes a nap. Tom gets pressure whenever he wakes up in the afternoon. >>eng<< Nie chcecie tam iść. You don't want to go there. You don't want to go there. >>eng<< Przebywałam na zwolnieniu lekarskim. I've been on sick leave. I was in a medical release. >>eng<< Z przyjemnością to zrobimy. We were happy to do it. We'll be happy to do it. >>eng<< Mary je starší, než Tom. Mary is older than Tom. Mary is older than Tom. >>eng<< Jsem tlustá? Am I fat? Am I fat? >>eng<< Bill, Chodź ze mną, tez się uniesiesz. Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float, too. Bill, come with me, you'll get carried away, too. >>eng<< Zostaw wiadomość po sygnale. Leave your message after the beep. Leave a message after the signal. >>eng<< Turečtina je blízko k tomu, stát se druhým nejužívanějším jazykem na Tatoebě, překonaná pouze angličtinou. Turkish is about to become the second most used language in Tatoeba, surpassed only by English. Turkish is close to becoming the second most spoken language in Tatoeba, overcome only by English. >>eng<< Tom kdysi jedl maso. Tom used to eat meat. Tom once ate meat. >>eng<< Obloha nad námi je jasně modrá. The sky above us is real blue. The sky above us is blue. >>eng<< Máte z něho strach. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. >>eng<< On był na froncie przez trzy miesiące. He was at the front for three months. He was on the front for three months. >>eng<< Zkus to Tomovi vysvětlit. Try to explain it to Tom. Try to explain it to Tom. >>eng<< Všechna moje nastavení se ztratila. All my settings were lost. All my settings have been lost. >>eng<< Ile wydałeś na swój nowy samochód? How much money did you spend on your car? How much did you spend on your new car? >>eng<< Tom je zlomyslný člověk. Tom is a malicious person. Tom is a mean man. >>eng<< Zatrzymaj ich. Stop them. Stop them. >>eng<< Potřebuji si s někým promluvit. I need someone to talk with. I need to talk to someone. >>eng<< Tady je všechno v pořádku. Everything's in order here. It's all right here. >>eng<< Pamatuješ si, jak jsme jeli do Paříže? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Remember how we went to Paris? >>eng<< Nie idę dopóki Tom nie pójdzie. I'm not going unless Tom goes. I'm not going until Tom goes. >>eng<< Jestem szczęśliwy. I'm happy. I'm happy. >>eng<< Jutro zostaję w domu. I'll stay at home tomorrow. I'm staying home tomorrow. >>eng<< Nečtu. I don't read. I don't read. >>eng<< On jest człowiekiem rozumu. He is a man of reason. He is a man of reason. >>eng<< Tento pokrm je skvělý. This dish is terrific. This food is great. >>eng<< Kdyby to neudělal Tom, byl by to udělal někdo jiný. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would've done it. If Tom hadn't done it, someone else would've done it. >>eng<< Sy Etiopjan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you Ethiopian? >>eng<< Tom opatrně smazal otisky svých prstů z nože. Tom carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. Tom carefully deleted his fingerprints from the knife. >>eng<< Możesz iść pływać albo na ryby. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. >>eng<< Tom má rád jak maso, tak i ryby. Tom likes both meat and fish. Tom likes both meat and fish. >>eng<< Dobrze być z powrotem. It's nice to be back. It's good to be back. >>eng<< Autobus přijel včas. The bus arrived on time. The bus arrived in time. >>eng<< Mój brat mnie zabije. My brother will kill me. My brother's gonna kill me. >>eng<< Kam by Tom šel? Where would Tom go? Where would Tom go? >>eng<< Měli si koupit nový vysavač. They should have bought a new hoover. They should have bought a new vacuum cleaner. >>eng<< Mám hodně knih o astronomii. I have a lot of books about astronomy. I have a lot of books about astronomy. >>eng<< Ztratíte čas. You'll lose time. You'll lose your time. >>eng<< Zase lžeš. You're lying again. You're lying again. >>eng<< Skandal był zgubny dla jego przyszłości w polityce. The scandal was fatal to his political future. The scandal was lost to his future in politics. >>eng<< Kupię forda. I'll buy a Ford. I'll buy a Ford. >>eng<< Vím, že jsi čekala dlouho, ale mohla bys počkat ještě chvilku? I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer? I know you've waited a long time, but could you wait a little longer? >>eng<< Nemusíme zabíjet, týrat, zneužívat a vykořisťovat zvířata, abychom měli všechny potřebné živiny k plnohodnotnému životu. We don't need to kill, torture, abuse and exploit animals to have all necessary nutrients for adequate lives. We don’t have to kill, torture, abuse, and exploit animals to have all the nutrients we need to live a full life. >>eng<< Nebudu tě učit, jak se máš chovat, Tome. I won't be teaching you how to behave, Tom. I'm not gonna teach you how to behave, Tom. >>eng<< To żałosna wymówka. That's a pathetic excuse. It's a regrettable excuse. >>eng<< Chcę zjeść mango. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat mango. >>eng<< Protože jsem byl ten, koho viděli, mohou si myslet, že jsem byl ten, kdo to udělal. Since I was the one they saw, they might think I was the one who did that. Because I was the one they saw, they might think I was the one who did it. >>eng<< Jsem tady kvůli tobě. The reason I am here is you. I'm here for you. >>eng<< Věděl jsem, že Mary bude muset zůstat v Bostonu déle, než plánovala. I knew Mary would have to stay in Boston longer than she'd planned to. I knew Mary would have to stay in Boston longer than she planned. >>eng<< Všichni vědátoři jsou trošku pošetilí. All scientists are a bit childish. All scientists are a little foolish. >>eng<< Moje sestra je ošetřovatelka. My sister is a nurse. My sister's a nurse. >>eng<< Je to skutečné, že? It's real, isn't it? It's real, isn't it? >>eng<< Zvolil jsem cestu nejmenšího odporu. I took the path of least resistance. I chose the path of the least resistance. >>eng<< Nebyla to párty. It wasn't a party. It wasn't a party. >>eng<< Tom zavřel knížku. Tom closed the book. Tom closed the book. >>eng<< Není tak hloupý, aby to nevěděl. He is not such a fool that he doesn't know it. He's not stupid enough not to know. >>eng<< Zavřeli Toma do sklepa, aby nemohl utéct. They locked Tom into the cellar so that he couldn't escape. They closed Tom in the basement so he couldn't escape. >>eng<< Šel jsem pěšky. I went on foot. I was walking. >>eng<< Slyšel jsi, že se zloděj vloupal do domu mého souseda? Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house? Did you hear the thief broke into my neighbor's house? >>eng<< Tom zrobił mi herbatę. Tom made tea for me. Tom made me some tea. >>eng<< Emilia ogląda swój ulubiony program telewizyjny. Emily is watching her favourite TV programme. Emilia is watching her favorite TV show. >>eng<< Sama můžu potvrdit, že to je pravda. I can verify that that's the truth myself. I can confirm by myself that this is true. >>eng<< Ještě nedodělal svoji práci. He hasn't finished his work yet. He hasn't done his job yet. >>eng<< Koupil jsem dvě krabičky zápalek. I bought two boxes of matches. I bought two boxes of matches. >>eng<< Gdzie boli? Where is the pain? Where are they? >>eng<< Ktoś zaatakował go. Someone attacked him. Someone attacked him. >>eng<< Czyje to jest? Who does this belong to? Who's that? >>eng<< Chcę, żebyś mnie kochała. I want you to love me. I want you to love me. >>eng<< Proč se to dělo? Why was that happening? Why did this happen? >>eng<< Štó je twój wučer? Who's your teacher? Who is your teacher? >>eng<< Podpis Toma jest nieczytelny. Tom's signature is illegible. Tom's signature is unreadable. >>eng<< Jsme svobodné matky. We're single moms. We're single mothers. >>eng<< Tomův život visí na vlásku. Tom's life trembles in the balance. Tom's life is hanging in his hair. >>eng<< Jak chceš. As you wish. Whatever you want. >>eng<< Dzwoniłeś do Toma? Did you phone Tom? Did you call Tom? >>eng<< Je chytřejší než Mary, ale ne tak krásná jako Mary. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful as Mary. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful as Mary. >>eng<< Mám podezření, že Tom říká pravdu. I suspect Tom is telling the truth. I suspect Tom's telling the truth. >>eng<< Právě jsi mi šlápl na nohu. You just stepped on my foot. You just broke my leg. >>eng<< Cena jest rozsądna. The price is reasonable. The price is reasonable. >>eng<< Fortepian był z pięknego, ciemnobrązowego drewna. The piano was made of beautiful, dark brown wood. Fortepian was made of beautiful, dark brown wood. >>eng<< Kde jsi seděl? Where did you do time? Where were you sitting? >>eng<< Byłem bardzo dumny z mojego syna. I was very proud of my son. I was very proud of my son. >>eng<< Tom je zaneprázdněný přípravou snídaně pro svojí rodinu. Tom is busy making breakfast for his family. Tom is busy preparing breakfast for his family. >>eng<< Vážně se to stalo? Did it actually happen? Did it really happen? >>eng<< Počkejme, co řekne Tom. Let's wait what Tom will say. Let's see what Tom says. >>eng<< Uwielbiałam szkołę średnią. I loved high school. I loved high school. >>eng<< Wychodząc z pokoju, zgasił światło. Leaving the room, he turned off the light. Coming out of the room, the light went out. >>eng<< Tom měl na sobě tričko. Tom was wearing a T-shirt. Tom was wearing a shirt. >>eng<< Nie jestem aż tak głupi, żeby w to uwierzyć. I am not so simple as to believe that. I'm not stupid enough to believe it. >>eng<< To se Tomovi lehko řekne. That's easy for Tom to say. That's easy for Tom to say. >>eng<< Čekám na tebe přes hodinu. I've been waiting for you for over an hour. I've been waiting for you for over an hour. >>eng<< Co mogę dla was zrobić? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? >>eng<< Tom zavřel oči a vyslovil přání. Tom closed his eyes and made a wish. Tom closed his eyes and said a wish. >>eng<< Uvědomuješ si to? Are you aware of it? Do you realize that? >>eng<< Moje nehty jsou příliš krátké. My nails are too short. My nails are too short. >>eng<< Nie zrobiliśmy tego. We didn't do it. We didn't do it. >>eng<< Vím, že Tom je o něco menší, než Mary. I know that Tom is a bit shorter than Mary. I know Tom's a little smaller than Mary. >>eng<< Je jedno jak se mi omlouvá, nemůžu mu odpustit. It doesn't matter what excuse he gives me, I can't forgive him. It doesn't matter if I apologize, I can't forgive him. >>eng<< Następnego ranka byliśmy bardzo śpiący. We were very sleepy the next morning. The next morning we were very sleeping. >>eng<< Poznałem po akcencie, że to Australijczyk. He was an Australian, as I knew by his accent. I knew it was Australian. >>eng<< Pokud vyhrajeme, budu šťastný. As long as we win, I'll be happy. If we win, I'll be happy. >>eng<< Tom pozwolił, żebyśmy pomogli Mary. Tom allowed us to help Mary. Tom let us help Mary. >>eng<< Bądź ostrożny, gdy przekraczasz drogę. Be careful when you cross a road. Be careful when you cross the road. >>eng<< Na dveřích byl visací zámek. There was a padlock on the door. There was a padlock on the door. >>eng<< Tom nikomu nic nedluží. Tom doesn't owe anything to anybody. Tom owes nothing to anyone. >>eng<< Te nylonowe skarpetki dobrze się pierze. These nylon socks wash well. These nylon socks are good. >>eng<< Tos říkal posledně. You said that last time. That's what you said last time. >>eng<< Omlouvám se, že jsem ti tak dlouho nenapsal. I'm sorry that I haven't written to you for such a long time. I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. >>eng<< V říjnu mi bude třicet. I'll be thirty in October. I'll be 30 in October. >>eng<< Picie szkodzi zdrowiu. Drinking is bad for your health. Drinking is harmful to health. >>eng<< Budeme bydlet spolu. We're going to live together. We'll live together. >>eng<< Neměl by to být problém. It should be no problem. It shouldn't be a problem. >>eng<< Lubię filmy. I like movies. I like movies. >>eng<< Tom se zeptal Marie, jestli je doma. Tom asked Mary if she was home. Tom asked Marie if she was home. >>eng<< Nie jesteś tego ciekaw? Aren't you curious about it? Aren't you curious? >>eng<< Tom pustil Mary domů brzy. Tom let Mary go home early. Tom let Mary home early. >>eng<< Proč před Tomem utekli? Why did they run away from Tom? Why did they escape Tom? >>eng<< Nezbláznila se. She didn't go mad. She's not crazy. >>eng<< Co dělá tvůj otec? What does your father do? What's your father doing? >>eng<< Spóźniłem się na pociąg. Powinienem był przyjść wcześniej. I missed the train. I should have come earlier. I missed the train, I should've come before. >>eng<< Czy możesz mi podać swoje nazwisko i numer telefonu? Could you tell me your name and your number? Can you give me your name and phone number? >>eng<< Dívky byly proti našemu plánu. The girls were against our plan. The girls were against our plan. >>eng<< Tom jí pouze ryby. Tom only eats fish. Tom only eats fish. >>eng<< Vyměnili jsme si s Tomem směnu. We swapped the shift with Tom. We exchanged the exchange with Tom. >>eng<< Potřebujeme tam hodně lidí. We need a lot of people there. We need a lot of people there. >>eng<< Tom jest trochę zwariowany. Tom is a little crazy. Tom's a little crazy. >>eng<< Ile godzin dziennie uczysz się francuskiego? How many hours a day do you study French? How many hours a day do you learn French? >>eng<< Moje hobby to słuchanie muzyki. My hobby is listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. >>eng<< Próbowałem ostrzec Toma. I tried to warn Tom. I tried to warn Tom. >>eng<< Nie szedłbym tam. I wouldn't go in there. I wouldn't go there. >>eng<< Ta košile potřebuje vyžehlit. The shirt needs ironing. The shirt needs to be ironed. >>eng<< Čekajíc na autobus, potkala jsem svého přítele. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend. Waiting for the bus, I met my friend. >>eng<< Tom to udělal na naší žádost. Tom did that at our request. Tom did it at our request. >>eng<< To jest kanarek Toma. This is Tom's canary. This is Tom's canary. >>eng<< Museli čekat dva roky, než ten byt dostali. They had to wait two years to get the flat. They had to wait two years before they got the apartment. >>eng<< Já chci vědět, co ty tu děláš. I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here. >>eng<< Mamy tylko godzinę. We've only got an hour. We only have an hour. >>eng<< Nemyslím, že si někdo všimnul, co jsi provedl. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. >>eng<< Jsem Tomův nevlastní otec. I'm Tom's stepdad. I'm Tom's stepfather. >>eng<< Lincoln sprzeciwiał się niewolnictwu. Lincoln opposed slavery. Lincoln opposed slavery. >>eng<< Věří, že je před Tomem ochráníme. They believe that we will protect them from Tom. They believe we will protect them from Tom. >>eng<< On w końcu doprowadzi się do ruiny. He will eventually ruin himself. He will eventually lead to ruin. >>eng<< Mohl byste mi donést něco k jídlu? Could you bring me something to eat? Can you get me something to eat? >>eng<< Vystupuju na příští zastávce. I get off at the next station. I'm going to the next stop. >>eng<< Tohle je překvapivý objev. This is a surprising discovery. This is a surprising discovery. >>eng<< Děti se snaží poučovat své rodiče, jak nejlépe umí. Children try to educate their parents as best they can. Children try to teach their parents how best they can. >>eng<< Miałem upiec ciastka dla Toma. I was going to make cookies for Tom. I had to bake the cake for Tom. >>eng<< Te puzzle mają 500 elementów. This puzzle has 500 pieces. These puzzles have 500 elements. >>eng<< Myslel jsem, že Tom je nekuřák. I thought that Tom was a nonsmoker. I thought Tom was a non-smoking. >>eng<< Tom je profesionál. Tom is a professional. Tom is a professional. >>eng<< Nevím určitě, co Tom koupil. I'm not sure what Tom bought. I don’t know what Tom bought. >>eng<< Mógłbym nic nie robić. I could do nothing. I could do nothing. >>eng<< Není američan, ale miluje Ameriku. He is not an American, but he loves America. He's not an American, but he loves America. >>eng<< Je tam nějaký obchod? Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? >>eng<< Ten vyšší z těch dvou mužů odešel dříve. The taller of the two men went out first. The taller of the two men left earlier. >>eng<< Tohle bývala kavárna. This used to be a cafe. This was a coffee shop. >>eng<< Chciała uciec od życia codziennego. She wanted to get away from everyday life. She wanted to escape from everyday life. >>eng<< Tom je ideální kandidát. Tom is the ideal candidate. Tom is the ideal candidate. >>eng<< Co pan dzisiaj zrobił? What have you done today? What did you do today? >>eng<< Tom sprzedaje samochody. Tom sells cars. Tom sells cars. >>eng<< Ta holka je hezká. The girl is pretty. That girl's pretty. >>eng<< Czy on będzie wstanie złapać pociąg? Will he be able to catch the train? Will he get the train? >>eng<< Tom poprosił o paragon. Tom asked for a receipt. Tom asked for a paragon. >>eng<< Tom mi všechno přeložil. Tom translated everything for me. Tom translated everything. >>eng<< Moje máma pracovala v továrně. My mum used to work in a factory. My mom worked at the factory. >>eng<< Vrátíš se zítra? Will you come back tomorrow? Will you come back tomorrow? >>eng<< Vydavatel nemá o moji knihu zájem. The publisher isn't interested in my book. The publisher is not interested in my book. >>eng<< Nepil jsem mléko. I didn't drink milk. I didn't drink milk. >>eng<< Stojí za tím dlouhý příběh. There's a long story surrounding it. There's a long story behind it. >>eng<< Ona mówi po angielsku. She speaks English. She speaks English. >>eng<< Nehoda se stala kvůli Tomově neopatrnosti. The accident happened because of Tom's carelessness. The accident happened because of Tom's carelessness. >>eng<< Szkoda, że nie mogę tańczyć codziennie. I wish I could dance every day. It's a shame I can't dance every day. >>eng<< Donald Trump varoval, že pokud nezvítězí, stane se ze Spojených států druhá Argentina nebo Venezuela. Donald Trump warned that if he does not win, the United States could turn into "Argentina or Venezuela." Donald Trump warned that if he did not win, the United States would become the second Argentina or Venezuela. >>eng<< Všimli si toho. They noticed that. They noticed it. >>eng<< Kto powinien iść pierwszy? Who should go first? Who should go first? >>eng<< Jakou funkci má klávesnice F5? What does the F5 key do? What is the function of the F5 keyboard? >>eng<< Zadzwoń do mnie jak tylko wrócisz. Call me once you've arrived. Call me as soon as you get back. >>eng<< Co dnes Tom dělal? What's Tom done today? What did Tom do today? >>eng<< Jak vysoká je Eiffelova věž? How tall is the Eiffel Tower? How tall is the Eiffel Tower? >>eng<< Powiedział: "Żegnajcie, moi przyjaciele" i odszedł. He said, "So long, my friends," and left us. He said, "Good-bye, my friends," and left. >>eng<< Vánoce nejsou světským svátkem. Christmas is not a secular holiday. Christmas is not a holiday. >>eng<< Tom i Mary wyglądali na zawstydzonych, gdy John przyłapał ich na pocałunku. Tom and Mary looked embarrassed when John caught them kissing. Tom and Mary looked ashamed when John caught them at the kiss. >>eng<< Zawsze zaliczałem cię do moich przyjaciół. I always counted you as a friend. I've always put you in my friends. >>eng<< Mam dzisiaj mnóstwo roboty. I have much work today. I've got a lot of work to do today. >>eng<< Já chci k jídlu sýr. I want to eat the cheese. I want cheese to eat. >>eng<< Tom je v kuchyni a krájí zeleninu. Tom is in the kitchen, cutting up some vegetables. Tom's in the kitchen and he's cutting vegetables. >>eng<< On ma głęboki głos. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. >>eng<< Nie wydaje mi się to sprawiedliwe. I don't think it's fair. I don't think that's fair. >>eng<< Chci, aby to Tom udělal, ale on mi řekl, že to neudělá. I want Tom to do that, but he told me he wouldn't do it. I want Tom to do it, but he told me he wouldn't do it. >>eng<< Niebo pełne jest gwiazd. The sky is full of stars. The sky is full of stars. >>eng<< Chtěl bych si přečíst vaši novou knihu. I'd like to read your new book. I would like to read your new book. >>eng<< Bolest byla strašná. The pain was terrible. The pain was terrible. >>eng<< Udělal jsem nějaké chyby. I made some mistakes. I made some mistakes. >>eng<< Chtěla by vědět, kdo poslal ty kytky. She'd like to know who sent the flowers. She'd like to know who sent the flowers. >>eng<< Pracujete pro Toma? Do you work for Tom? Are you working for Tom? >>eng<< Tom s Mary se na můj vkus příliš sbližují. Tom and Mary are becoming too close for my liking. Tom and Mary are getting too close to my taste. >>eng<< Všichni se musí snažit. Everyone has to make an effort. Everyone has to try. >>eng<< Ona nienawidziła swojego męża. She hated her husband. She hated her husband. >>eng<< Tohle je opravdová noční můra. This is a real nightmare. This is a real nightmare. >>eng<< Kdy začínají vánoční svátky? When do the Christmas holidays begin? When will Christmas begin? >>eng<< Je těžké pro Toma vařit, protože je moc vybíravý. It is hard to cook for Tom because he is too picky. It's hard for Tom to cook because he's too picky. >>eng<< Bylo to náročné. It was difficult. It was hard. >>eng<< Zkus si to tolik nebrat. I'd suggest you take it easy. Try not to take it so much. >>eng<< Tom powiedział mi, żebym tego nie robił. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to. >>eng<< Lituješ toho? Do you regret that? Are you sorry about that? >>eng<< Dávám přednost českým potravinám před těmi dováženými. I prefer Czech food to imported. I prefer Czech food to those imported. >>eng<< Kiedyś umrzesz. You'll be dead someday. You'll die one day. >>eng<< Musisz mnie nauczyć, jak to się robi. You must teach me how to do it. You have to teach me how to do it. >>eng<< Nechci kupovat tuhle košili. I don't want to buy this shirt. I don't want to buy this shirt. >>eng<< Nařezej to maso na tenké plátky. Cut the meat into thin slices. Cut the meat into thin slices. >>eng<< Všechny děti potřebují podněty. All children need stimulation. All children need incentives. >>eng<< Začněme! Let's get started. Let's get started! >>eng<< Já mám vždy žízeň. I'm always thirsty. I always have thirst. >>eng<< Zesil trošku rádio. Turn the radio up a little. He's got a little radio. >>eng<< Nie lubię żadnego sportu. I just do not like any kind of sports. I don't like any sport. >>eng<< Nebudu se do ničeho nutit. I won't force myself to anything. I'm not going to force myself to do anything. >>eng<< Nemohl jsem najít vypínač. I couldn't find the off switch. I couldn't find the switch. >>eng<< Dlaczego pomalował pan ławkę na czerwono? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench in red? >>eng<< Czemùż të płaczesz, mùlkù? What are you crying about, sweetheart? Why are you crying, baby? >>eng<< Wielka szkoda. What a shame. It's a shame. >>eng<< Proszę częstować się pizzą. Please help yourself to the pizza. Frequent with pizza. >>eng<< Radím ti, abys přestala kouřit. I advise you to stop smoking. I advise you to stop smoking. >>eng<< Możemy to zakończyć. We can end it. We can end it. >>eng<< Ještě Tom hledá práci? Is Tom still looking for a job? Is Tom still looking for a job? >>eng<< Włożył w to całą duszę i serce. He put all his heart and soul into it. He put all his soul and heart into it. >>eng<< Jestem twoim najlepszym przyjacielem. I'm your best friend. I'm your best friend. >>eng<< Proč ukazuješ na Toma? Why do you point at Tom? Why are you pointing to Tom? >>eng<< Proč se to Tomovi stalo? Why did it happen to Tom? Why did this happen to Tom? >>eng<< Dnes se zdá být tepleji. It feels warmer today. Today it seems warmer. >>eng<< Nenechám to Toma udělat. I won't let Tom do this. I won't let Tom do it. >>eng<< Cožpak nechápete, že Tom musí odpočívat? Can't you understand that Tom needs some rest? Don't you understand that Tom has to rest? >>eng<< Podnieś rękę. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. >>eng<< Dodała mnie na Facebooku. She added me on Facebook. She added me on Facebook. >>eng<< Na ścianie wisi kalendarz. There's a calendar hanging on the wall. The calendar hangs on the wall. >>eng<< Tom už Mary nikdy neuvidí. Tom will never see Mary again. Tom will never see Mary again. >>eng<< Mary pozwoliła Tomowi grać na swojej gitarze. Mary let Tom play her guitar. Mary let Tom play his guitar. >>eng<< Moje matka vždy vstává brzy ráno. My mother always gets up early in the morning. My mother always wakes up early in the morning. >>eng<< Pro Toma už bylo pozdě. It was already late for Tom. It was too late for Tom. >>eng<< Máš ošklivý otřes mozku. You have a nasty concussion. You've got an ugly brain shock. >>eng<< Policie si myslí, že Tom mohl Mary otrávit. The police think that Tom might've poisoned Mary. The police think Tom could poison Mary. >>eng<< Je čas spát. It's time to sleep. It's time to sleep. >>eng<< S tou událostí nemám nic společného. I had nothing to do with that incident. I have nothing to do with this event. >>eng<< Teď je to dokonalé. Now it's perfect. Now it's perfect. >>eng<< V angličtině můžete mluvit o budoucnosti, a obvykle se tomu říká budoucí čas. Ale mnoho lingvistů (lidí, kteří studují jazyky) vám řekne, že angličtina ve skutečnosti budoucí čas nemá. You can speak about the future in the English language, and this is usually called the future tense. But many linguists (people who study languages) will tell you that the English language does not actually have a future tense. In English, you can talk about the future, and it is usually called the future time. But many linguists (people who study languages) will tell you that English actually does not have a future time. >>eng<< Ktoś zgubił psa. Somebody missed the dog. Someone lost a dog. >>eng<< Stworzyli rząd. They created a government. They created the government. >>eng<< Tom chodí pravidelně do kostela. Tom is a regular churchgoer. Tom goes to church regularly. >>eng<< Můžete doporučit jiný hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? >>eng<< Jak si tím můžeš být jistý? How can you be sure of that? How can you be sure of that? >>eng<< On boi się powiedzieć rodzicom, że jest homoseksualistą. He's afraid of telling his parents that he's homosexual. He's afraid to tell his parents he's gay. >>eng<< Vyčisti si zuby, jakkoli jsi ospalý. Brush your teeth, however sleepy you are. Clean your teeth, however sleepy you are. >>eng<< Tom je pořád s něčím nespokojený. Tom is always dissatisfied with something. Tom is still dissatisfied with something. >>eng<< Sprzedaje owoce. He sells fruit. He sells fruit. >>eng<< Tom byl svou prací znuděn. Tom was bored with his job. Tom was bored with his work. >>eng<< Bardzo interesuję się piłką nożną. I am really into soccer. I am very interested in football. >>eng<< Zakłopotanie Toma rosło. Tom's confusion grew. Tom’s confusion grew. >>eng<< Kdysi žila z ruky do huby. She used to live hand to mouth. She used to live from hand to mouth. >>eng<< Možná budou potřebovat výpomoc. They may need assistance. Maybe they'll need some help. >>eng<< Tom seděl potmě, když jsem vstoupil do místnosti a rozsvítil. Tom was just sitting in dark when I entered the room and turned on the lights. Tom sat in the dark when I entered the room and lit up. >>eng<< Tom opowiada historię. Tom is telling a story. Tom tells the story. >>eng<< Wrócę wieczorem. I'll be back by evening. I'll be back tonight. >>eng<< Nie wiem czemu i nie interesuje mnie to. I don't know why and I don't care. I don't know why, and I don't care. >>eng<< Ciekawe, czy masz jeszcze jakieś doświadczenia, którymi chciałbyś się z nami podzielić. I was just wondering if you have any experiences you would like to share with us. I wonder if you have any other experiences you would like to share with us. >>eng<< Jsme v lese. We're in the forest. We're in the woods. >>eng<< Na Zemi přistanou mimozemšťané. Aliens will land on Earth. Aliens will land on Earth. >>eng<< Jsem tak ráda, že jsi tady. I'm so happy you're here. I'm so glad you're here. >>eng<< Ananase majõ v se enzim nazvóni bromelina, jacji rozkłôdô njejednë bjôłtka. Pineapples contain an enzyme denominated bromelain that decomposes some proteins. Ananase is commonly known as bromelins, which do not appear to be separated. >>eng<< Mají právo a moc jednat na základě svých představ. They have the right and power to act on their ideas. They have the right and the power to act on their own ideas. >>eng<< Albo jesteś ze mną albo przeciwko mnie. You're either with me or you're against me. Either you're with me or against me. >>eng<< Oto mój portfel. Here's my wallet. Here's my wallet. >>eng<< Uważam, że rozwiązanie tego problemu jest łatwe. I found it easy to solve the problem. I think the solution to this problem is easy. >>eng<< Myślę, że Tom jest zirytowany. I think Tom is irritated. I think Tom is annoyed. >>eng<< Chceš-li, můžeš přijít. You may come if you like. If you want, you can come. >>eng<< Tomův dům vyhořel. Tom's house burned down. Tom's house burned out. >>eng<< Widziałem, jak przechodziła przez ulicę. I saw her crossing the street. I saw her walk through the street. >>eng<< Hej, poczekaj! Hey, wait up! Hey, wait! >>eng<< V mém domě není příliš mnoho nábytku. There isn't much furniture in my house. There's not much furniture in my house. >>eng<< Nemusí to být tak těžké, jak si myslíte, že bude. That might not be as heavy as you think it's going to be. It doesn't have to be as hard as you think it will be. >>eng<< Chci vědět o každém Tomově kroku. I want to know Tom's every move. I want to know about every step of Tom. >>eng<< Oni są tutaj. They are here. They're here. >>eng<< Požádal mne, abych tam počkal, než se vrátí. He asked me to wait there until he came back. He asked me to wait there before he came back. >>eng<< Výsledky vašeho testu obdržíte poštou. You'll be receiving the results of your test in the mail. You will receive the results of your test by mail. >>eng<< Tenhle Tom je jiný. This Tom is different. This Tom is different. >>eng<< Na nikogo nie czekam. I'm not waiting for anyone. I'm not waiting for anyone. >>eng<< Na litość boską, nie wziąłem twojego cholernego samochodu. I didn't take your bloody car, for crying out loud! For God's sake, I didn't take your damn car. >>eng<< Muszę się ciężko uczyć, żeby dotrzymać mu tempa. I must study hard in order to keep up with him. I have to learn hard to keep pace. >>eng<< Bez souhlasu Toma bych nic neudělal. I wouldn't do anything without Tom's consent. Without Tom's consent, I wouldn't do anything. >>eng<< Była nieobecna w szkole z powodu choroby. She was absent from school because she was sick. She was absent from school due to illness. >>eng<< Budu jíst pomeranč. I will eat the orange. I'll eat orange. >>eng<< Potřebuji odpočinek. I need to rest. I need some rest. >>eng<< Gdybym o tym wiedział z wyprzedzeniem, prawdopodobnie bym w tym uczestniczył. I probably would've participated if I'd known about it in advance. If I knew in advance, I would probably be involved. >>eng<< Jak się nazywa autor piszący książki lub przemówienia za inne osoby? What's the name for an author who writes books or speeches for other people? What is the name of the author writing books or speaking for others? >>eng<< Vůbec jsem nečekal, že přijedete. I didn't expect at all that you would come. I didn't expect you to come. >>eng<< Tom zdaje się być okropnie smutny, nieprawda? Tom seems awfully sad, doesn't he? Tom seems so sad, doesn't he? >>eng<< Tom musí být blázen. Tom must be nuts. Tom must be crazy. >>eng<< Téměř tři tisíce lidí zahynulo. Almost three thousand people died. Nearly 3,000 people died. >>eng<< Byłem zaskoczony, że wygrałeś główną nagrodę. I was surprised that you won the prize. I was surprised you won the main prize. >>eng<< Děti jsou stále vzhůru. The kids are still awake. The children are still awake. >>eng<< Byl jsem dlouho pryč. I've been away for a long time. I've been away for a long time. >>eng<< Tom je povrchní a materialistický. Tom is shallow and materialistic. Tom is superficial and materialistic. >>eng<< Tom možná říká pravdu. Maybe Tom is telling the truth. Tom might be telling the truth. >>eng<< Tom řekl, že mě jednou zastřelí. Doufám, že to nemyslel vážně. Tom said that he would shoot me dead someday. I hope that he wasn't serious about it. Tom said they'd shoot me one day, I hope he didn't mean it. >>eng<< Zavři ty zkurvený dveře! Close the fucking door! Open the fucking door! >>eng<< Tom nesnědl zmrzlinu celou. Tom didn't eat all of ice cream. Tom didn't eat all the ice cream. >>eng<< Tichá voda břehy mele. Still waters run deep. Quiet water shores mele. >>eng<< Chyba nie naprawi mi tego urządzenia. I can't seem to get him to fix this machine. I don't think I can fix this device. >>eng<< Byl jsem velmi překvapen, když mi Tom řekl, že Mary odešla z Bostonu. I was very surprised when Tom told me Mary had left Boston. I was very surprised when Tom told me Mary left Boston. >>eng<< Vidíš tamhle toho chlapíka, co má na sobě černou bundu? To je Tom. Do you see the guy wearing the black jacket over there? That's Tom. You see that guy wearing a black jacket over there? >>eng<< K čemu je tohle? What is this for? What's this for? >>eng<< Wielu zagranicznych stypendystów chciałoby mówić jak rodowici użytkownicy. Many foreign language students dream of speaking like a native. Many foreign scholarships would like to speak like native users. >>eng<< To nie dużo. That isn't much. That's not much. >>eng<< Znałem kiedyś gościa, który dorastał w Bostonie. I used to know a guy that grew up in Boston. I once knew a guy who grew up in Boston. >>eng<< Tom nigdy nie dowie się, że to ty mi to powiedziałeś. Tom will never know it was you who told me. Tom's never gonna know you told me that. >>eng<< Ne, nejsem ospalý. No, I'm not sleepy. No, I'm not sleepy. >>eng<< Rád bych to vyzkoušel. I'd like to try it. I'd like to try. >>eng<< Dovolte, abych vám vzal ten kufr. Let me carry your suitcase for you. Let me take your suitcase. >>eng<< Jesteśmy wam wdzięczni za całą waszą pomoc. We're grateful to you for all your help. We are grateful for all your help. >>eng<< Później dam ci znać. I'll let you know later. I'll let you know later. >>eng<< Podzim přešel do zimy. Fall turned into winter. Autumn went to winter. >>eng<< Našel v lese opuštěného psa. He found a dog abandoned in the wood. He found a abandoned dog in the forest. >>eng<< Zatrzymuję się w Hiltonie. I'm staying at the Hilton. I'm stopping at the Hilton. >>eng<< Mohu jít dovnitř? May I go inside? Can I come in? >>eng<< Co Tom křičel na dav? What did Tom shout at crowd? What did Tom scream at the crowd? >>eng<< Musiałem popełnić błąd. I must have made a mistake. I had to make a mistake. >>eng<< Co můžeš říct o sobě? What can you tell about yourself? What can you say about yourself? >>eng<< Cały świat może być zniszczony w wojnie atomowej. The whole world could be destroyed by an atomic war. The whole world can be destroyed in a nuclear war. >>eng<< Tom jest zaklinaczem węży. Tom is a snake charmer. Tom is a snake speller. >>eng<< Znič své nepřátele: udělej z nich své přátele. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. Destroy your enemies: make them your friends. >>eng<< Jutro odwiedzę pana Browna. I'll visit Mr. Brown tomorrow. I'll visit Mr. Brown tomorrow. >>eng<< Kdo pozdě chodí, sám sobě škodí. He who hesitates is lost. Those who walk late do harm to themselves. >>eng<< Ano, jmenuji se Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. My name is Karen Smith. >>eng<< Toma pozvali na vstupní pohovor. Tom was invited for an entrance interview. Tom was invited to an interview. >>eng<< Wielu uchodźców stara się dotrzeć do Europy. Many refugees are trying to reach Europe. Many refugees are trying to reach Europe. >>eng<< Tom wie dokładnie, co musi być zrobione. Tom knows exactly what needs to be done. Tom knows exactly what has to be done. >>eng<< Jak jest w Szkocji latem? What's Scotland like in summer? How is Scotland Summer? >>eng<< Dovol mi, abych to pro tebe udělal. Permit me to do that for you. Let me do this for you. >>eng<< Gdzie znajduje się najbliższa stacja metra? Where is the nearest metro station? Where is the nearest metro station? >>eng<< Wracam do domu. I'm heading back home. I'm going home. >>eng<< Zamierzam odpuścić sobie lunch. I plan on skipping lunch. I'm going to let go of my lunch. >>eng<< Podoba Ci się muzyka? Do you like music? Do you like music? >>eng<< Czy jedzenie mięsa jest niemoralne? Is it morally wrong to eat meat? Is eating meat immoral? >>eng<< Zrób co możesz! Do what you can. Do what you can! >>eng<< Tom ukryl zlaté mince na takové místo, kde myslel, že je nikdo nenajde. Tom hid the gold coins where he thought no one would find them. Tom was hiding gold coins in a place where he thought no one would find them. >>eng<< Strojvůdce projel na červenou. The train driver went through a red light. The machine went red. >>eng<< Dejte to na účet, prosím. Put it on one bill, please. Put it in your account, please. >>eng<< Tom a Mary jsou v Tomově autě. Tom and Mary are in Tom's car. Tom and Mary are in Tom's car. >>eng<< Jsi hnusný! You're disgusting! You're awful! >>eng<< Zkoušel jsem všechno. I've tried everything. I tried everything. >>eng<< Mám rád četbu. I am fond of reading. I like reading. >>eng<< Nie możemy żyć bez jedzenia. We can't exist without food. We can't live without food. >>eng<< Tom musiał to zrobić, nawet jeżeli nie chciał. Tom had to do it even though he didn't want to. Tom had to do it, even if he didn't want to. >>eng<< Będąc bardzo bogatym myślał, że może wszystko. Being very rich, he thought he could do anything. Being very rich, he thought he could do anything. >>eng<< Nechoď ke psům blízko. Don't go near the dogs. Don't go close to dogs. >>eng<< Moja rodzina przywitała mojego nowego chłopaka z otwartymi rękami. My family welcomed my new boyfriend into their home with open arms. My family welcomed my new boyfriend with open hands. >>eng<< Tom jest tam z Mary i Johnem. Tom is in there with Mary and John. Tom's there with Mary and John. >>eng<< Ještě nevědí. They don't know yet. They don't know yet. >>eng<< Wciąż jem tę potrawkę, którą ugotowaliśmy kilka dni temu. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I'm still eating this dish we cooked a few days ago. >>eng<< Na dziś już kończymy. Let's call it a day. We're done for today. >>eng<< Mój długopis jest nowy. My pen is new. My pen is new. >>eng<< Musím někam zajít, ale hned budu zpátky. I've got to go somewhere, but I'll be right back. I have to go somewhere, but I'll be right back. >>eng<< No weźcie, chłopaki. To już nie jest śmieszne. Come on, guys. This is not funny anymore. Come on, guys, that's not funny anymore. >>eng<< Nie wyszła za tego człowieka. She did not marry the man. She didn't marry this man. >>eng<< Ta książka była pierwszy raz opublikowana rok temu. This book was first published in the previous year. This book was first published a year ago. >>eng<< Kde jsou vaše zavazadla? Where are your suitcases? Where's your luggage? >>eng<< Tom się wstydzi tego co zrobił. Tom is embarrassed by what he did. Tom is ashamed of what he did. >>eng<< Gra została przełożona z powodu deszczu. The game was put off because of the rain. The game was translated due to rain. >>eng<< Souhlasil jsem s rozsudkem. I agreed with the verdict. I agreed to the judgment. >>eng<< Po prostu je tam zostaw. Just leave them there. Just leave them there. >>eng<< Są małżeństwem od czterech lat. They have been married for four years. They have been married for four years. >>eng<< On zgadza się z moją opinią. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with my opinion. >>eng<< Bojí se létat letadlem. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. They are afraid to fly by plane. >>eng<< Tom mi ukázal fotky jídla, které jedli na hostině. Tom showed me a picture of the food they ate at the banquet. Tom showed me pictures of the food they ate at the feast. >>eng<< Jěs poliwku. Eat soup. It's a soup. >>eng<< Ubrus je v kredenci. The tablecloth is in the cupboard. The tablecloth is in the creed. >>eng<< Chovejte se slušně. Behave yourself. Take good care of yourself. >>eng<< Tom dovolil Mary ho políbit. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom let Mary kiss him. >>eng<< Požádal jsem svého otce, aby vám pomohl. I asked my father to help you. I asked my father to help you. >>eng<< Jak nazywa się ta wieś? What is the name of this village? What's the name of this village? >>eng<< Nemohu už déle čekat. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. >>eng<< Řekl jsem jim, ať to nedělají sami. I told them not to do it by themselves. I told them not to do it themselves. >>eng<< Wszędzie na podłodze leżały płatki. There are petals all over the floor. There were petals everywhere on the floor. >>eng<< Tom souhlasí s mým nápadem. Tom agrees with my idea. Tom agrees with my idea. >>eng<< Tom byl zhypnotizován. Tom was hypnotized. Tom was hypnotized. >>eng<< Nie tęsknisz za nimi? Don't you miss them? Don't you miss them? >>eng<< Rozbieram się. I'm undressing. I'm getting dressed. >>eng<< Je mi do tance. I feel like dancing. I'm into dancing. >>eng<< Stalo se to, když Tom spal. It happened while Tom was sleeping. It happened when Tom slept. >>eng<< Jediné volné místo které zbylo, bylo vedle Toma. The only free seat left was the one next to Tom. The only place left was next to Tom. >>eng<< Poradził jej, żeby natychmiast wróciła. She was advised by him to come back at once. He advised her to come back immediately. >>eng<< Tom będzie tęsknił za dziećmi. Tom will miss the kids. Tom will miss the kids. >>eng<< To nie moja wina! It's not my fault! It's not my fault! >>eng<< Kiedy będziemy jeść? When are we going to eat? When will we eat? >>eng<< Czy rozważysz kiedyś wyjście razem ze mną? Do you think you would ever consider going out with me? Will you ever consider going out with me? >>eng<< Tom váží asi 60 kilo. Tom weighs about 60 kilos. Tom weighs about 60 kilos. >>eng<< Zjistili jsme, kde žije. We found out where he lives. We found out where he lives. >>eng<< Ty boty se vyrábí v Itálii. The shoes are manufactured in Italy. The shoes are made in Italy. >>eng<< Tom mi to dal před svou smrtí. Tom gave this to me before he died. Tom gave it to me before he died. >>eng<< Zawsze jestem głodny. I'm always hungry. I'm always hungry. >>eng<< To je v pořádku! That's fine! It's okay! >>eng<< Każdy popełnia błędy. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. >>eng<< Plánujeme zůstat na týden. We plan to stay a week. We plan to stay for a week. >>eng<< Tohle nikdo nemůže znát. Nobody can know that. No one can know this. >>eng<< Víte, odkud pochází váš otec? Do you know where your father went? Do you know where your father comes from? >>eng<< Raději kávu nepiju. I prefer not to drink coffee. I prefer not to drink coffee. >>eng<< Rád bych věděl, proč ženy žijí déle než muži. I'd like to know why women live longer than men. I would like to know why women live longer than men. >>eng<< Tom napsal knihu o svém životě ve vězení. Tom wrote a book about his life in prison. Tom wrote a book about his life in prison. >>eng<< Mówię po angielsku. I speak English. I speak English. >>eng<< Emily uwielbia słodycze. Emily loves sweets. Emily loves sweets. >>eng<< Usiadła i zapaliła. She sat and lit a cigarette up. She sat down and lit up. >>eng<< Většina lidí má velkou nechuť časně vstávat, i když musí. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. Most people don’t want to get up early, even if they have to. >>eng<< On chwycił jej rękę. He caught her hand. He took her hand. >>eng<< Dać znać, kiedykolwiek. Say the word any time. Let me know, ever. >>eng<< Tom letí příští pondělí do Austrálie. Tom is flying to Australia next Monday. Tom is flying to Australia next Monday. >>eng<< Więzień poprosił o ciasto. The prisoner asked for a piece of cake. The prisoner asked for a cake. >>eng<< Przyjadę do ciebie kiedyś. I will come to your country some day. I'll come to you one day. >>eng<< Jesteśmy tylko przestraszeni. We're just scared. We're just scared. >>eng<< Pan Kowalski ustalił zasadę, aby chodzić na spacer każdego poranka. Mr Smith made it a rule to take a walk every morning. Mr. Kowalski set a rule to walk every morning. >>eng<< Šla jsem na ten večírek jenom proto, abych se ukázala ve společnosti. I attended the party just to be sociable. I went to the party just to show up in society. >>eng<< Czy to jest Twój samochód? Is it your car? Is this your car? >>eng<< To dobry pomysł, żeby pograć w shogi po obiedzie. It is a good idea for us to play shogi after dinner. It's a good idea to play Shogi after lunch. >>eng<< Czy myślisz, że oni nie żyją? Do you think they're dead? Do you think they're dead? >>eng<< Film byl v porovnání s knihou zklamáním. The movie was disappointing after reading the book. The film was a disappointment compared to the book. >>eng<< Powiedz mi, co powiedział Tom. Tell me what Tom said. Tell me what Tom said. >>eng<< Je po schůzi. The meeting is over. It's over. >>eng<< Japonština je má mateřština. Japanese is my mother tongue. Japanese is motherly. >>eng<< Myślę, że wszyscy powinni uczyć się jakiegoś języka obcego. I think that everyone should study a foreign language. I think everyone should learn a foreign language. >>eng<< Když se budeš dobře učit, můžeš v létě navštívit Toma. If you are doing well at school, you can visit Tom in the summer. If you learn well, you can visit Tom in the summer. >>eng<< Tohle by mělo ulevit od bolesti. This should relieve the pain. This should relieve pain. >>eng<< Nie miałeś nic do powiedzenia Tomowi. You didn't have anything to say to Tom. You had nothing to say to Tom. >>eng<< Tobě se to říká. That's easy for you to say. You're being told. >>eng<< Sami nigdy się nie goli. Sami never shaves. They never shave themselves. >>eng<< Ano, bohužel. Yes, I'm afraid so. Yes, unfortunately. >>eng<< Uznají to? Will they accept it? Do they recognize that? >>eng<< Desperacko potrzebowała pieniędzy. She needed money desperately. She desperately needed money. >>eng<< Do jaké strany patříte? Which party do you belong to? Which side do you belong to? >>eng<< Říkal jsi, že nekouříš. You said you didn't smoke. You said you didn't smoke. >>eng<< Robi się ciemno. It's getting dark. It's getting dark. >>eng<< Nic tutaj nie jest nigdy zrobione bez sporów. Nothing is ever done here without dispute. Nothing is ever done here without any disputes. >>eng<< Je Tom v ohrožení života? Is Tom in danger of life? Is Tom in danger of life? >>eng<< Mary chytili. Mary got caught. Mary was caught. >>eng<< Jedna věc, kterou na zimě nemám rád, je vylézání z teplé postele. One thing I don't like about winter is climbing out of a warm bed. One thing I don’t like about winter is to climb out of a warm bed. >>eng<< Zajímalo by mě, jestli se s ní Tom vyspal. I wonder if Tom slept with her. I wonder if Tom slept with her. >>eng<< Tom próbuje odkryć, dlaczego Mary jest na niego zła. Tom is trying to figure out why Mary is mad at him. Tom tries to figure out why Mary is angry with him. >>eng<< Tom viděl Mary, jak mrká na Toma. Tom saw Mary wink at John. Tom saw Mary stare at Tom. >>eng<< Wątpliwe, by nasza firma w tym roku osiągnęła zyski. It's unlikely that our company will make a profit this year. It is doubtful that our company will make profits this year. >>eng<< Wyglądasz nie najlepiej. You don't look so good. You look not the best. >>eng<< Czy masz jakąś rodzinę? Do you have any family? Do you have a family? >>eng<< Tom nečekal, že mu dají padáka. Tom didn't expect to be fired. Tom didn't expect him to be fired. >>eng<< Bill jest graczem baseballa. Bill is a baseball player. Bill is a baseball player. >>eng<< Ta sprawa będzie omawiana na kolejnym spotkaniu. The matter will be brought up at the next meeting. This will be discussed at the next meeting. >>eng<< Chci se dívat na tento film! I want to watch this film! I want to watch this movie! >>eng<< Chciałbym iść z wami. I would like to go with you. I'd like to go with you. >>eng<< Tomův dům nemá garáž. Tom's house doesn't have a garage. Tom's house doesn't have a garage. >>eng<< Čím se Tom liší od svých vrstevníků? What distinguishes Tom from his peers? What makes Tom different from his peers? >>eng<< Naše škola není ošklivá tak, jako vaše. Our school isn't ugly like yours is. Our school is not as ugly as yours. >>eng<< Nie przypuszczałem, że tak trudno będzie zrobić stół ogrodowy. I never thought it'd be this hard to build a picnic table. I didn't think it would be so hard to make a garden table. >>eng<< Jest otwarty. He is outgoing. It's open. >>eng<< Jsem vězeň? Am I a prisoner? Am I a prisoner? >>eng<< Przypadkiem wiem, że Tom sprzedał w zeszłym tygodniu swój samochód. I happen to know that Tom sold his car last week. I know Tom sold his car last week. >>eng<< Tom dopiero co przyszedł do domu. Tom has just come home. Tom just came home. >>eng<< Masz pomysł, kim on jest? Do you have any idea who he is? Do you have any idea who he is? >>eng<< Tom musi wcześnie wstać. Tom must get up early. Tom must get up early. >>eng<< Lidé lžou každý den. People lie every day. People lie every day. >>eng<< Milovat a být milován je největší štěstí. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness. To love and be loved is the greatest happiness. >>eng<< Spotkałem na ulicy jego ojca. I met his father on the street. I met his father on the street. >>eng<< Bardzo przepraszam, nie wiedziałem że to twoje miejsce. I beg your pardon. I didn't think this was your seat. I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your place. >>eng<< Jsi odsouzený. You're all doomed. You're convicted. >>eng<< Wszyscy wstaliśmy natychmiast. We all stood up at once. We all got up immediately. >>eng<< Já nepůjdu. I won't go. I'm not going. >>eng<< Ne, nebyla to ona. No, it wasn't her. No, it wasn't her. >>eng<< Benzín už není levné palivo. Gasoline is no longer a cheap fuel. Gasoline is no longer cheap fuel. >>eng<< Snaž se tu sklenici nesvalit. Try not to knock over the drink. Try not to use the glass. >>eng<< Odrzuciła moją propozycję. She rejected my proposal. She rejected my proposal. >>eng<< Odszedł zbyt szybko, żebym mógł go dogonić. He walked away too quickly for me to catch up with him. He's gone too fast to catch up with him. >>eng<< Tom chtěl seskočit s padákem ale jeho rodina mu to rozmluvila. Tom wanted to parachute but his family talked him out of it. Tom wanted to jump down with a parachute, but his family talked to him. >>eng<< Ta věta je v pořádku. The sentence is correct. That sentence's okay. >>eng<< Naprzeciwko mnie jest żółty samochód. There's a yellow car in front of me. There's a yellow car opposite me. >>eng<< Proč o tom nikdo nechce mluvit? Why won't anybody talk about this? Why doesn't anyone want to talk about it? >>eng<< Rozmraz to maso, než ho začneš vařit. Thaw out the meat before cooking it. Defrost the meat before you start cooking it. >>eng<< Je tady někdo, kdo hovoří japonsky? Is there anyone here who speaks Japanese? Is there anyone who speaks Japanese? >>eng<< Dals jí pusu, ne? You kissed her, didn't you? You gave her a kiss, didn't you? >>eng<< Žádné řešení neexistuje. There is no solution. There is no solution. >>eng<< Mój garnitur jest szary. My suit is gray. My suit is grey. >>eng<< Kupiłem nożyczki. I bought a pair of scissors. I bought a knife. >>eng<< Policja podejrzewa, że Tom próbował otruć Mary. The police suspect that Tom was trying to poison Mary. Police suspect Tom tried to poison Mary. >>eng<< Jeje nan je wohnjowobornik. Her father is a firefighter. Hers is a firewall. >>eng<< Budu čekat na vás oba. I'll be waiting for both of you. I'll be waiting for both of you. >>eng<< Tomovi bylo doporučeno, aby přestal kouřit. Tom was advised to give up smoking. Tom was advised to stop smoking. >>eng<< To, co Tom řekl, mi nedává žádný smysl. What Tom said makes no sense to me. What Tom said doesn't make any sense to me. >>eng<< Co zapomínám? What am I forgetting? What do I forget? >>eng<< Něco takového jsem nečekal. I did not expect something like that. I didn't expect anything like that. >>eng<< Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy. I didn't realise. I didn't realize. >>eng<< Może dla ciebie to dobry pomysł, ale jak dla mnie to trochę ryzykowne. It may seem like a good idea to you, but I think it's a little dangerous. Maybe it's a good idea for you, but it's a little risky for me. >>eng<< Nikdo z nás neplánoval tady být. None of us plan on being there. None of us planned to be here. >>eng<< Tom nechtěl studovat v cizině. Tom didn't want to study abroad. Tom didn't want to study abroad. >>eng<< Tom nie miał zbyt wiele do powiedzenia. Tom didn't have a whole lot to say. Tom didn't have much to say. >>eng<< Své problémy utápí v alkoholu. He drowns his sorrows in alcohol. He has a problem with alcohol. >>eng<< Czy nie chcesz spotkać się z Tomem? Don't you want to meet Tom? Don't you want to meet Tom? >>eng<< Jaki jest sens zjawiać się punktualnie, kiedy wszyscy inni się spóźniają? What's the point of showing up on time if everyone else shows up late? What is the point of appearing punctually when everyone else is late? >>eng<< Nie wolno mi rozmawiać z Tomem. I'm not allowed to speak to Tom. I'm not allowed to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Četl jsem několik knih o masových vrazích. I've read several books about serial killers. I've read a few books about mass assaults. >>eng<< Nemáte žádný důvod Toma vyhazovat. Je to dobrý pracovník. You have no reason to fire Tom. He is a good worker. You don't have any reason to throw Tom out, he's a good worker. >>eng<< Umím běhat. I can run. I can run. >>eng<< Jěsćo. You eat. You did. >>eng<< Tom przesadza. Tom exaggerates. Tom's exaggerating. >>eng<< Nie umiem sobie wyobrazić, jak Tom się teraz czuje. I can't imagine what Tom is feeling now. I can't imagine how Tom feels right now. >>eng<< To bylo opravdu nudné. That was really boring. That was really boring. >>eng<< Potrzebuję przyjaciela. I need a friend. I need a friend. >>eng<< Tohle už potřebovat nebudeš. You won't be needing this anymore. You won't need this anymore. >>eng<< Mám rád zvuk piána. I like the sound of the piano. I like the sound of the piano. >>eng<< Nedovolí mi jít. They won't let me go. They won't let me go. >>eng<< Pozwól, że coś powiem. Let me say one thing. Let me say something. >>eng<< Tom se utopil. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. >>eng<< Snadź wón znaje tutu stawiznu. Perhaps he knows this story. It may be known as this story. >>eng<< Gólc jo jabłuko jědł. The boy ate the apple. A child has ate apples. >>eng<< Dnes sem ji ještě neviděl. Today, I haven't seen her yet. I haven't seen her yet. >>eng<< Co kdybys jen tak pro sichr přinesl deštník? Why don't you bring an umbrella, just in case? Why don't you just bring an umbrella for the schr? >>eng<< Výbor je skupina lidí, kteří jednotlivě nemohou udělat nic, ale jako skupina se mohou sejít a rozhodnout, že nic udělat nelze. A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done. The Committee is a group of people who can do nothing individually, but as a group they can meet and decide that nothing can be done. >>eng<< Napsal jsem jim o svém problému, ale ještě mi neodpověděli. I wrote them about my issue but they haven't answered me yet. I wrote them about my problem, but they haven't answered me yet. >>eng<< Tom ukázal Marii cestu. Tom showed Mary the way. Tom showed Maria the way. >>eng<< Moje improwizacje są całkiem dobre. My improvisations are pretty good. My improvisations are pretty good. >>eng<< Otevíráme v osm. We open at eight. We're opening at eight. >>eng<< To był zły tydzień. It's been a bad week. It was a bad week. >>eng<< Proč lžete? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? >>eng<< Wygląda na to, że te dane na komputerze utraciłeś już bezpowrotnie. It looks like the data you lost on your computer is irretrievable. It looks like you've lost this data on your computer forever. >>eng<< Oto moja córka. This is my daughter. Here's my daughter. >>eng<< Krowy dają nam mleko, a kury dają nam jajka. Cows give us milk and chickens give us eggs. Cows give us milk, and chickens give us eggs. >>eng<< Nepřijď do školy zase pozdě. Don't be late to school again. Don't go to school again. >>eng<< Kiedyś byłem w wojsku. I was in the army once. I used to be in the military. >>eng<< Polecił mi ten słownik. He recommended this dictionary to me. He told me the dictionary. >>eng<< Nikdo vás nenutí to překládat. Nobody forces you to translate that. No one makes you translate. >>eng<< Naprawdę przepraszam! I'm really sorry! I'm really sorry! >>eng<< Stej w knigłowni. You are in a library. They're in the library. >>eng<< Hej, czego słuchasz? Hey, what're you listening to? Hey, what are you listening to? >>eng<< Neznal jsem správnou odpověď a tak jsem střílel od boku. I didn't know the correct answer, so I made a random guess. I didn't know the correct answer, so I shot from the side. >>eng<< Tom ma kolekcję winyli. Tom has a vinyl collection. Tom has a vinyl collection. >>eng<< On jest Anglikiem. He is English. He's an Englishman. >>eng<< Muž střílel ze svého balkonu. A man was shooting from his balcony. A man shot from his balcony. >>eng<< Policja uważa go za głównego podejrzanego. He is considered the prime suspect by the police. The police consider him the main suspect. >>eng<< Nic nie robię. I don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. >>eng<< Wracam do łóżka. I'm going back to bed. I'm going back to bed. >>eng<< Ktoś odpowiedział. Somebody answered. Someone answered. >>eng<< Neztrácejte s Tomem čas. Don't waste time on Tom. Don't waste time with Tom. >>eng<< Plezjozaur zobaczył parę parostatków i jego szaleństwom nie było końca. Plesiosaurus saw a few steamboats and there was no end to his madness. Plezjozaur saw a couple of parasites and his madness was not over. >>eng<< Tuto větu shledávám poměrně originální. I find this sentence relatively original. I find this phrase quite original. >>eng<< Nemiluji ho. I don't love him. I don't love him. >>eng<< Lidé se dost zlobili. People were very angry. People got mad enough. >>eng<< Má špatnou náladu. He is in a bad mood. He's in a bad mood. >>eng<< Tomovi se nesvěřuj. Don't confide in Tom. Don't trust Tom. >>eng<< Magie se nemusíte bát. You don't have to fear magic. You don’t have to worry about magic. >>eng<< Všichni zaměstnanci podali výpověď, až na jednoho. All the employees gave in their notices but for one. All employees died except for one. >>eng<< Mám rád hudbu. I like music. I like music. >>eng<< Tom nemůže vždy dostat to, co chce. Tom can't always get what he wants. Tom can't always get what he wants. >>eng<< Napíšu si tvoje jméno a adresu. I will write down your name and address. I'll write your name and address. >>eng<< Tom był chory. Tom was sick. Tom was sick. >>eng<< Siedział z założonymi rękami. He was sitting with his arms folded. He sat with his hands. >>eng<< Książka leży na półce. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. >>eng<< Tom nezhasnul. Tom didn't turn off the lights. Tom didn't turn it off. >>eng<< Už jsi dojedl? Have you finished eating? Have you eaten yet? >>eng<< Znasz chłopca z tej fotografii? Do you know the boy in the picture? Do you know a boy in this photo? >>eng<< Poszedł do dentysty. He went to the dentist. He went to the dentist. >>eng<< Je Tom dobrý kuchař? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom a good cook? >>eng<< Nebyl to můj záměr. That wasn't my intention. It wasn't my intention. >>eng<< Połowa studentów była nieobecna. Half the students were absent. Half of the students were absent. >>eng<< Musisz przestrzegać prawa. You have to abide by the laws. You have to obey the law. >>eng<< Ona za dużo imprezuje. She parties too much. She's partying too much. >>eng<< Co si myslí většina? What does the majority think? What do most people think? >>eng<< Codziennie uczymy się francuskiego w szkole. We study French at school every day. Every day we learn French at school. >>eng<< Měl jsem strach, co by se mohlo stát. I was afraid of what might happen. I was afraid of what could happen. >>eng<< Wkurzasz mnie. You are getting on my nerves. You're making me angry. >>eng<< Ta cena jest rozsądna. This price is reasonable. This price is reasonable. >>eng<< Vy už chcete odejít? Do you intend to leave already? You want to leave now? >>eng<< Alžírsko prodává ropu a plyn. Algeria sells oil and gas. Algeria sells oil and gas. >>eng<< Jak długi jest ten ołówek? How long is this pencil? How long is this pencil? >>eng<< Dej mi prosím pět žetonů. Give me five tokens, please. Please give me five chips. >>eng<< Jesteśmy zakochani. We're in love. We're in love. >>eng<< Wygląda na szczęśliwą, ale w głębi duszy cierpi. She looks happy, but deep down, she suffers. He looks happy, but in the depths of his soul he suffers. >>eng<< Tom si koupil nové auto a v ten samý den ho zdemoloval. Tom bought a new car and he destroyed it on the same day. Tom bought a new car and on the same day he demolished it. >>eng<< On leży w szpitalu. He's in hospital. He's in the hospital. >>eng<< Jestem zamężna. I am married. I'm married. >>eng<< Chcę się dowiedzieć, dlaczego Tom uderzył Mary. I want to find out why Tom hit Mary. I want to find out why Tom hit Mary. >>eng<< Jedzenie ryb jest dobre dla twego zdrowia. Eating fish is good for your health. Eating fish is good for your health. >>eng<< Uczyniliście mnie bardzo szczęśliwą. You've made me very happy. You made me very happy. >>eng<< Muzeum jest otwarte dla zwiedzających. The museum is open to the public. The museum is open to visitors. >>eng<< Prezident Trump říká lidem pravdu. President Trump tells the truth to people. President Trump is telling people the truth. >>eng<< Tom to nevěděl. Tom didn't know it. Tom didn't know. >>eng<< Dnes jsem měl první hodinu s Tomem. Today I had my first lesson with Tom. I had my first class with Tom today. >>eng<< Když budu mluvit francouzsky, většina lidí v místnosti mi neporozumí. If I speak French, most of the people in the room won't understand me. When I speak French, most people in the room don't understand me. >>eng<< Dlaczego nie rzucimy monetą? Why don't we flip a coin? Why don't we throw the coin? >>eng<< Zranil jsem se. I hurt myself. I got hurt. >>eng<< Pamatuješ, jaká byla? Do you remember what she was like? Remember what she was like? >>eng<< Staję się zapominalski. I'm becoming forgetful. I'm becoming forgetful. >>eng<< Mary je Tomova matka. Mary is Tom's mother. Mary is Tom's mother. >>eng<< Czy czujesz się winny? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? >>eng<< Interesuje mnie muzyka. I'm interested in music. I'm interested in music. >>eng<< Já tě nepozval. I didn't invite you. I didn't invite you. >>eng<< Když se sem podíváš, uvidíš to. If you look here, you'll see it. If you look here, you'll see. >>eng<< Počkej, říkals „přítelkyně“ nebo „přítel“? Wait, did you say girlfriend or boyfriend? Wait, did you say "friend" or "friend"? >>eng<< Masz całkiem rację. You are quite right. You're quite right. >>eng<< Koupím nové. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy a new one. >>eng<< Mému otci bude v květnu čtyřicet pět let. My father will be forty-five in May. My father will be forty-five in May. >>eng<< Proč je vždycky všechno tak složité? Why is everything always so complicated? Why is everything always so complicated? >>eng<< Tom zaplatil za oběd. Tom paid for lunch. Tom paid for lunch. >>eng<< Ach tak. I see. Oh, yeah. >>eng<< Nebudeš věřit tomu, co jsem právě našel. You won't believe what I just found. You won't believe what I just found. >>eng<< Dobrze się bawiła. She had a good time. She was having a good time. >>eng<< Tom wyraził podobne obawy. Tom expressed similar concerns. Tom expressed similar concerns. >>eng<< Jsou v televizi. They're on television. They're on TV. >>eng<< Tom mi ještě neslíbil, že to udělá. Tom hasn't yet promised me that he'd do that. Tom hasn't promised me he'd do it yet. >>eng<< Tom je tělesně postižený. Tom is physically handicapped. Tom is physically disabled. >>eng<< Gdzie trenujesz? Where do you train? Where are you training? >>eng<< Všichni si oddechli. Everyone was relieved. They all breathed. >>eng<< Nasze przeżycie zależy od tego, czy znajdziemy zaraz pitną wodę. Our survival depends on finding drinking water soon. Our experience depends on whether we can find drinking water right away. >>eng<< Přes tři sta lidí přišlo toho dne o život. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. More than 300 people lost their lives that day. >>eng<< Tom jest w porze lunchu. Tom is at lunch. Tom's at lunchtime. >>eng<< Tom nie mógł całkowicie wykluczyć możliwości, że to, co Mary powiedziała, było prawdą. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that what Mary said was true. Tom could not completely rule out the possibility that what Mary said was true. >>eng<< Jak dlouho zvracíš? How long have you been vomiting? How long have you been turning? >>eng<< To nebudu tolerovat. I won't tolerate it. I won't tolerate that. >>eng<< Od dzieciństwa nie chorowałem. After my childhood, I was never sick again. I haven't been sick since childhood. >>eng<< Dnes podává jídlo Tom. Tom is serving the food today. Today, Tom serves food. >>eng<< Benzín je hořlavější než mazut. Gasoline is more flammable than fuel oil. Gasoline is more flammable than grease. >>eng<< Tom już wydał wszystkie pieniądze które zostawił my ojciec. Tom has already spent all the money that his father left him. Tom has already spent all the money our father left. >>eng<< Nechoď moc daleko. Don't wander too far. Don't go too far. >>eng<< Tomovi je zle. Tom's sick. Tom's wrong. >>eng<< Tom i Mary się nie znoszą. Tom and Mary detest each other. Tom and Mary hate each other. >>eng<< Tom postawił na stole szarlotkę i dzbanek z kawą. Tom put the apple pie and the pot of coffee on the table. Tom put a pot and a cup of coffee on the table. >>eng<< Tom i Mary są za starzy, żeby robić to sami. Tom and Mary are too old to be doing that on their own. Tom and Mary are too old to do it themselves. >>eng<< Obawiam się, że musisz nauczyć się żyć z bólem. I'm afraid you'll have to learn to live with the pain. I'm afraid you have to learn to live with pain. >>eng<< Oni już poszli. They already left. They've already gone. >>eng<< Nie ma powodu do histerii. There's no need to get hysterical. There is no reason for hysteria. >>eng<< Gram na skrzypcach. I play the violin. I play violin. >>eng<< Ben trochę od nich odstaje, ale wkrótce nadgoni. Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them. Ben's leaving them a little bit, but he'll catch up soon. >>eng<< Mam bzika na punkcie piłki nożnej. I'm crazy about football. I'm a football bristle. >>eng<< Toma to hodně poznamenalo. It affected Tom a lot. Tom said a lot. >>eng<< Tom nemá televizi. Tom doesn't have a TV. Tom doesn't have TV. >>eng<< Oboje cię widzieliśmy. We both saw you. We both saw you. >>eng<< Mary jest mądrzejsza od Toma. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary is smarter than Tom. >>eng<< Čekám na vás. I've been waiting for you guys. I'm waiting for you. >>eng<< Tom nie zauważył różnicy. Tom didn't notice the difference. Tom didn't notice the difference. >>eng<< Někdo musí uklidit laboratoř. Someone needs to clean the laboratory. Someone has to clean up the lab. >>eng<< Tom wygrał darmową wycieczkę do Bostonu. Tom won a free trip to Boston. Tom won a free trip to Boston. >>eng<< Kdysi jsme tu bydleli. We used to live here. We used to live here. >>eng<< Zostawiłem swoją parasolkę w autobusie. I left my umbrella on the bus. I left my umbrella on the bus. >>eng<< Ślub odbędzie się w sobotę. The wedding will take place on Saturday. The wedding will take place on Saturday. >>eng<< Mary si začala balit věci. Mary started packing her things up. Mary started packing things. >>eng<< Všichni unikli. Everyone escaped. They've all escaped. >>eng<< Tom będzie sławny. Tom will be famous. Tom will be famous. >>eng<< Byl jsem to ale idiot. What a fool I was. I was an idiot. >>eng<< Kdy začne ten kurs italštiny? When will the Italian classes start? When will the Italian course begin? >>eng<< Przeczytaj to wieczorem! Read this in the evening. Read it tonight! >>eng<< Netušil jsem, že je to tvoje žena. I had no idea that she was your wife. I didn't know she was your wife. >>eng<< Wszystko szło zgodnie z planem. Everything went according to plan. Everything went as planned. >>eng<< Co dla ciebie oznacza bycie dobrą matką? What does being a good mother mean to you? What does it mean for you to be a good mother? >>eng<< Nemám si s kým procvičovat francouzštinu. I don't have anybody to practice French with. I don't have anyone to practice French with. >>eng<< Je mi jedno, co chceš. I don't care about what you want. I don't care what you want. >>eng<< Tom se nedávno rozvedl. Tom has got divorced recently. Tom recently divorced. >>eng<< Tom zemřel rok před svojí ženou. Tom died a year before his wife. Tom died a year before his wife. >>eng<< Jak dojść do NHK? How do I get to NHK? How to get to NHK? >>eng<< To dlatego wciąż żyję. That's why I'm still alive. That's why I'm still alive. >>eng<< O wiele lepiej! So much better! Much better! >>eng<< Zróbmy to jeszcze raz. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. >>eng<< Ucz się pilnie. Study hard. Learn urgently. >>eng<< Poslali Toma odklidit sníh. They sent Tom to clear the snow. They sent Tom to clean up the snow. >>eng<< Będą się bić? Are they going to fight? Will they fight? >>eng<< Nemyslím to vážně. I'm not serious. I'm not serious. >>eng<< Není pravda, že Tom zemřel v nemocnici. It's not true that Tom died in the hospital. It is not true that Tom died in the hospital. >>eng<< Tom tají svoji nemoc. Tom hides his illness. Tom is hiding his illness. >>eng<< Řekni mi, až budeš připraven. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. >>eng<< Nigdy nie mów nigdy. Never say never. Never say never. >>eng<< Zostawiłem to na stole. I left it on the table. I left it on the table. >>eng<< Tom to neudělá, dokud ho nepožádáte. Tom won't do that until you ask him. Tom won't do it until you ask him. >>eng<< Tom byl ten, kdo mi to vysvětlil. Tom was the one who explained it to me. Tom was the one who explained it to me. >>eng<< Myslím, že se navzájem potřebujeme. I think we need each other. I think we need each other. >>eng<< Jsme stálí hosté. We're regulars. We're regular guests. >>eng<< Poradili Tomovi, aby resetoval heslo. They advised Tom to reset the password. They advised Tom to reset his password. >>eng<< Zacząłem uczyć się układania kwiatów dopiero miesiąc temu, więc wciąż jestem początkującym I just started learning flower arrangement last month, so I'm still a beginner. I started learning how to lay flowers only a month ago, so I'm still a beginner. >>eng<< Nebudeš věřit, co jsem našel. You won't believe what I found. You won't believe what I found. >>eng<< Jestem teraz zdenerwowany. I'm nervous now. I'm nervous right now. >>eng<< Tom se může vrátit až zítra. Tom doesn't have to be back until tomorrow. Tom can come back tomorrow. >>eng<< Může se vám to stát. It might happen to you. It can happen to you. >>eng<< Jsou draci skuteční? Are dragons real? Are dragons real? >>eng<< Jak jsi došel k tomu, že jsi Tomův manažer? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How did you know you were Tom's manager? >>eng<< Zůstaneš, nebo odejdeš? Will you stay or leave? Will you stay or leave? >>eng<< Jak se říká tomuhle ptákovi? What is this bird called? What's the name of this bird? >>eng<< On potrafi grać w bejsbola. He can play baseball. He can play baseball. >>eng<< Pogratulowała mi sukcesu. She congratulated me on my success. Congratulations on my success. >>eng<< Pomožte mi někdo, prosím. Someone, please help me. Somebody help me, please. >>eng<< Vrátí se až za rok. He is coming back this time next year. He'll be back in a year. >>eng<< Tom zgubił swoje kluczyki od samochodu. Tom lost his car key. Tom lost his car keys. >>eng<< V neděli si uklidil svůj pokoj. He cleaned his room on Sunday. He cleaned his room on Sunday. >>eng<< Obydwoje zaczęli śmiać się. Both of them started laughing. Both started laughing. >>eng<< Tom a Marie seděli spolu na gauči, když jsem vešel do pokoje. Tom and Mary were sitting together on the couch when I came into the room. Tom and Marie sat on the couch together when I entered the room. >>eng<< Mám na seznamu dvanáct lidí. I have twelve people on my list. I have 12 people on my list. >>eng<< Ćwiczę. I'm exercising. I'm practicing. >>eng<< Byli lepší, než jsem očekával. They were better than I expected. They were better than I expected. >>eng<< Lidé starověku uctívali mnoho bohů a bohyní. Ancient people worshipped many gods and goddesses. People of ancient times worshiped many gods and goddesses. >>eng<< Musimy się spieszyć. We've got to hurry. We have to hurry. >>eng<< Dobre! Nice one! All right! >>eng<< Porouchalo se ti auto? Did your car break down? Did your car break? >>eng<< Szpital został otwarty w zeszłym miesiącu. The hospital opened last month. The hospital was opened last month. >>eng<< Tom o tom něco říkal. Tom said something about that. Tom said something about it. >>eng<< Neviděl jsem, co je uvnitř. I couldn't see what was inside. I didn't see what was inside. >>eng<< Nikdo mě tady nezná. Nobody here knows me. No one knows me here. >>eng<< Nie ciągnij mnie za rękaw. Don't pull my sleeve. Don't pull my sleeves. >>eng<< Je to už rok, co tu byla naposledy. A year has passed since she came here. It's been a year since she was here. >>eng<< Zupa była wodnista. The soup was watery. The soup was watery. >>eng<< Jesteś ubrany? Are you dressed? Are you dressed? >>eng<< Co tady roste? What grows here? What's growing here? >>eng<< Nikt nie zna powodu. No one knows the reason. No one knows the reason. >>eng<< Poinformował mnie o zmianach planu. He informed me about the changes in the plan. He informed me of the changes to the plan. >>eng<< Je deset minut po čtvrté. It's ten past four now. It's ten minutes after four. >>eng<< Je jedním z největších vědců v Japonsku. He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan. He is one of the largest scientists in Japan. >>eng<< Učila hudbu třicet let. She taught music for thirty years. She taught music for 30 years. >>eng<< Krvácí vám při čištění zubů dásně? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Is it bleeding when you brush your gums? >>eng<< Dziewczyno, jakie masz cudowne włosy. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. The girl you have wonderful hair. >>eng<< Tom zřejmně nikdy nebyl v Austrálii. Tom has probably never been to Australia. Tom was probably never in Australia. >>eng<< Co muszę zrobić, żebyś zwróciła na mnie uwagę? What have I got to do so that you'll pay attention to me? What do I have to do to draw attention to me? >>eng<< Lidi jsou divný. People are weird. People are weird. >>eng<< Mówisz płynną angielszczyzną. You speak fluent English. You speak fluent English. >>eng<< My jsme architekti. We're architects. We are architects. >>eng<< Znám jeho jméno. I know his name. I know his name. >>eng<< Wieczorem chodzę spać około dziesiątej. In the evening, I go to bed at ten. In the evening I go to bed about 10. >>eng<< Pocałował ją. She was kissed by him. He kissed her. >>eng<< Orzeł jest królem ptaków. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the king of birds. >>eng<< Jestem dzisiaj w Bostonie. I'm in Boston today. I'm in Boston today. >>eng<< Wiem, że to niełatwe. I know it's not easy. I know it's not easy. >>eng<< Jaký člověk je Tom? What kind of a person is Tom? What kind of person is Tom? >>eng<< S pláčem vysvětlila, jak odhalila pravdu. Crying, she explained how she uncovered the truth. With crying, she explained how she revealed the truth. >>eng<< Jestem nieśmiały. I'm shy. I'm shy. >>eng<< To jest pierwsze zdanie, które dodałem. That's the first sentence I've added. This is the first sentence I added. >>eng<< Proč jsi nesnědl snídani? Why didn't you eat breakfast? Why didn't you eat breakfast? >>eng<< Jedz więcej warzyw. Eat more vegetables. Eat more vegetables. >>eng<< Tom se vyhnul úklidu koupelny. Tom got out of cleaning the bathroom. Tom avoided cleaning the bathroom. >>eng<< Tom jeszcze nie zadzwonił. Tom hasn't called yet. Tom hasn't called yet. >>eng<< Pańskie uwagi były nie na miejscu. Your remarks were out of place. Your attention was out of place. >>eng<< Co studiuje sowietolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a Soviet student study? >>eng<< Njerěču japanšćinu. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. >>eng<< Chciałbym zamówić stolik na jutro na czwartą po południu. I'd like to book a table for four for tomorrow night. I'd like to order a table tomorrow afternoon for the fourth afternoon. >>eng<< Budeš mít řeč s Tomem? Will you have a talk with Tom? Are you gonna talk to Tom? >>eng<< Nechali Toma, ať si s tím poradí. They left Tom to it. They left Tom to deal with it. >>eng<< Také jsem navštívil Boston. I've visited Boston, too. I also visited Boston. >>eng<< V té továrně vyrábí hračky. In that factory they build toys He's making toys in that factory. >>eng<< Tom jest najlepszym przyjacielem Mary. Tom is Mary's best friend. Tom is Mary's best friend. >>eng<< Jdete špatně. You're going in the wrong direction. You're going wrong. >>eng<< Vzal si moc hezkou holku. He married a very pretty girl. He married a very nice girl. >>eng<< Ale tobě se to líbí! But you like it! But you like it! >>eng<< Jadę do Bostonu wiosną przyszłego roku. I'm going to Boston next spring. I'm going to Boston in the spring of next year. >>eng<< Lubicie surfing? Do you like surfing? Do you like surfing? >>eng<< Dlaczego to się stało? Why did this happen? Why did this happen?