>>eng<< Идемо у биоскоп. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. >>eng<< Sećam se nečeg u vezi s tim. I remember something about that. I remember something about it. >>eng<< Е, какво мислиш? So, what do you think? Well, what do you think? >>eng<< Rozprával som sa s poľským veľvyslancom. I have spoken with the Polish ambassador. Rosprával catfish with pozhský vezvyslanc. >>eng<< Tom je najmlađi. Tom is the youngest. Tom's the youngest. >>eng<< Нисмо потпуно изгубили. It wasn't a total loss. We haven't completely lost. >>eng<< Tom bi voleo da zna da li bi želeo da dođeš na ovu žurku. Tom would like to know whether you would like to come to his party. Tom would like to know if you'd like to come to this party. >>eng<< Rozhodnutím sa pre viaceré novoročné predsavzatia som zvýšila pravdepodobnosť, že vo všetkých zlyhám. Choosing multiple New Year's resolutions, I increased the probability of failing them all. Roshodnutím with pre-viaceré novohandné pre-savzatia som zvýštovnost, already vosetkých zlyhám. >>eng<< Već smo odlučili da ne radimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to do that. >>eng<< Той няма да напредне. He is not going to get ahead. He's not going to make any progress. >>eng<< Прекрасно је, зар не? That's awesome, right? It's beautiful, isn't it? >>eng<< To je nepovezano. That's unrelated. It's unrelated. >>eng<< Опасно! Високо напрежение! Danger! High voltage. It's dangerous! >>eng<< Ја презираме. We detest her. We despise her. >>eng<< Ona je Argentinka. She's Argentinian. She's Argentine. >>eng<< Направи три чекора па скокни. Take three steps and jump. Take three steps and jump. >>eng<< Том е незаборавен. Tom is unforgettable. Tom is unforgettable. >>eng<< Чувал съм слухове. I've heard rumors. I've heard rumors. >>eng<< Том ѝ ги фрли на Мери документите на биро. Tom tossed the documents on Mary's desk. Tom threw the papers at Mary's desk. >>eng<< Може ли да ѝ се доверим? Can we trust her? Can we trust her? >>eng<< Tom ga je sâm napravio. Tom made it himself. Tom made it himself. >>eng<< Може ли да поразговарам со тебе, Том? Could I talk to you, Tom? Can I talk to you, Tom? >>eng<< Ајде да зборуваме со Том. Let's talk to Tom. Let's talk to Tom. >>eng<< Том не е палав. Tom isn't naughty. Tom's not naughty. >>eng<< Зошто мора да си оди Том? Why does Tom have to leave? Why does Tom have to go? >>eng<< Da li si siguran da si spreman za ovo? Are you sure you're ready for this? Are you sure you're ready for this? >>eng<< Tom je rekao da nas neće čekati. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Tom said he wouldn't be waiting for us. >>eng<< Ako ne postoji pornić sa tim, pornić će biti napravljen sa tim. If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. If there is no porn with it, porn will be made with it. >>eng<< Сигурни ли сте, че искате да я продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want to sell it? >>eng<< Pozvao sam ga. I called him. I invited him. >>eng<< Hovoríš po sinhalsky? Do you speak Sinhalese? You're going to get Sinhalsky? >>eng<< Подозирам, че в тая кръчма сипват вода в бирата. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect that in this pub they pour water into the beer. >>eng<< Moraš da doneseš odluku. You need to make a decision. You have to make a decision. >>eng<< Да пием. Let's drink. Let's drink. >>eng<< Порано мечтаев да станам балерина. I used to dream about being a ballerina. I used to dream of becoming a ballerina. >>eng<< Tom me je pitao neka pitanja o onome što se upravo dogodilo. Tom asked me some questions about what had happened. Tom asked me some questions about what just happened. >>eng<< Не дејствуваа брзо. They didn't act quickly. They didn't act fast. >>eng<< Тя ще отседне в хотел ли? Is she staying at a hotel? She's staying at a hotel? >>eng<< Млякото вкисна. The milk turned sour. The milk is soaked. >>eng<< Работам. I'm working. I'm working. >>eng<< Mi smo brat i sestra. We are brother and sister. We're brother and sister. >>eng<< Нямаш никакво основание да мислиш по този начин. You have no good reason for thinking as you do. You have no reason to think that way. >>eng<< To je lijep džemper. That's a nice sweater. That's a nice sweater. >>eng<< Teraj se. Beat it. Go ahead. >>eng<< dok je Sami stario, postao je zainteresiranim u islam. As Sami grew older, he became interested in Islam. As Sami grew older, he became interested in Islam. >>eng<< Майка ми не може да дойде. My mother can't come. My mother can't come. >>eng<< Tom mrzi strance. Tom hates foreigners. Tom hates strangers. >>eng<< Престани! Stop that! Stop it! >>eng<< Повеќето китови се хранат со планктони. Most whales feed on plankton. Most whales are fed with Planktons. >>eng<< Многу сакам германски крофни. I like German doughnuts a lot. I love German donuts. >>eng<< Stvarno sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really happy about that. >>eng<< Pitam se šta Tom planira da uradi. I wonder what Tom is planning to do. I wonder what Tom's planning to do. >>eng<< Не взимам наркотици. I'm not on drugs. I don't take drugs. >>eng<< Он ће ускоро завршити. He'll be done soon. He'll be done soon. >>eng<< Niko ne zna u šta se pretvorila. Nobody knows what has become of her. No one knows what she's turned into. >>eng<< Всичко е наред. Everything is alright. It's okay. >>eng<< Зборувајте во свое име. Speak for yourselves. Speak for yourself. >>eng<< Ko je ovaj čovjek? Who is this person? Who is this man? >>eng<< Ако работиме како тим, ќе можеме да постигнеме се. If we work as a team, we can achieve anything. If we work as a team, we can achieve everything. >>eng<< Направиха ДНК анализ, за да видят дали тялото е на Том. They did a DNA comparison to see if the body was Tom's. They ran a DNA test to see if Tom's body was on it. >>eng<< Ti si nas to naučio. You taught us that. You taught us that. >>eng<< Tom nije mogao da podnese to. Tom couldn't handle it. Tom couldn't handle it. >>eng<< Moramo poštovati saobraćajna pravila. We must obey the traffic regulations. We have to follow the traffic rules. >>eng<< Том не ти е приятел. Tom isn't your friend. Tom's not your friend. >>eng<< Позвао сам га. I called him. I invited him. >>eng<< Нисам разумео шта је рекао. I didn't understand what he said. I didn't understand what he said. >>eng<< Том работи во еден ресторан во близина. Tom works at a nearby restaurant. Tom works at a restaurant nearby. >>eng<< On vie tiež hovoriť po francúzsky. He can also speak French. He's more of a hovori named after francúzsky. >>eng<< Хубаво пътуване ли беше? Was it a nice trip? Was it a nice trip? >>eng<< Mnogo vremena je prošlo. It's taken a long time. It's been a long time. >>eng<< Tom je imao malu pomoć. Tom had a little help. Tom had a little help. >>eng<< Яд ме е на себе си. I'm mad at myself. I'm fed up with myself. >>eng<< Важно ми е што мислиш за Том. It's important to me what you think of Tom. I care what you think of Tom. >>eng<< Muzika je njegova strast. Music is his passion. Music is his passion. >>eng<< Neuspjeh je začin koji daje okus uspjehu. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. Failure is a spice that gives taste to success. >>eng<< Не мути кашу! Don't rock the boat. Don't mumble the porridge! >>eng<< Izračunali smo da možemo da dođemo do tog mesta u roku od dve nedelje. We calculated that we could reach the place within two weeks. We calculated that we could get to that place within two weeks. >>eng<< Stvarno je pametan. He is clever indeed. He's really smart. >>eng<< Секогаш ми се јаде. I always feel hungry. I always like to eat. >>eng<< Искам да живея в града. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. >>eng<< Skúšali ste niekedy mätový čaj? Have you ever tried mint tea? Did you make niekedy mätový tea? >>eng<< Едва го чувах. I could hardly hear him. I could barely hear him. >>eng<< Бринула се о свом сину. She cared for her son. She took care of her son. >>eng<< Určite si nezabudnite dáždnik. Make sure you don't forget the umbrella. Get yourself an unwakeable walnut. >>eng<< Марија се закикотала. Mary giggled. Mary was horrified. >>eng<< Срећом, преживео сам несрећу. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. Fortunately, I survived the accident. >>eng<< Само се плашиш дека ќе треба да го бакнеш Том. You're just afraid you'll have to kiss Tom. You're just afraid you're gonna have to kiss Tom. >>eng<< Кажу, љубав је слепа. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. >>eng<< Brod je iskrcan u luci. The ship was unloaded at the port. The ship is landed at the port. >>eng<< Кой град е това? Which town is this? What city is this? >>eng<< Snažni vetrovi su sinoć odlomili mnogo grana sa stabala. The strong winds knocked down a lot of tree branches last night. The strong winds broke a lot of branches off the trees last night. >>eng<< Ще бъда там. That's where I'll be. I'll be there. >>eng<< Klaustrofobičan sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. >>eng<< Добри сме. We're OK. We're good. >>eng<< Къде са душовете? Where are the showers? Where are the showers? >>eng<< Не трябва да се вреш в работата на другите. You shouldn't interfere in other people's business. You don't have to go back to the work of others. >>eng<< Sme špeciálni. We're special. We're allowed to do something special. >>eng<< Pevne verím, že človek nemôže byť hrdinom bez skromnosti. Arogancia je rezervovaná pre zloduchov. I firmly believe that one cannot play any sort of hero without humility. Arrogance is reserved for the villains. The singers believe, but the man is already a German with no modesty. Argancia is reserved before the villains. >>eng<< Тоа беше многу убаво. That was really nice. That was very nice. >>eng<< Обратите в сценария бяха предсказуеми. The plot twists were predictable. Returns to the script were predictable. >>eng<< Што правиш обично во слободно време? What do you usually do in your free time? What do you usually do in your free time? >>eng<< Имам изненадување за неа. I have a surprise for her. I have a surprise for her. >>eng<< Си легнувам во десет и пол. I go to bed at 10.30. I'm going to bed at ten-and-a-half. >>eng<< Без майтап? No kidding? No kidding? >>eng<< Том вешто ги прикри сите свои грешки. Tom carefully covered up all his mistakes. Tom skillfully covered up all his mistakes. >>eng<< Tom je kupio hulahop. Tom bought a hula hoop. Tom bought a hulahop. >>eng<< Може да успея да дойда да те взема. I might be able to come and pick you up. I might be able to come pick you up. >>eng<< Da li bi to mogla da bude istina? Could it be true? Could that be true? >>eng<< Някой тук знае ли френски? Does anyone here know French? Does anyone here know French? >>eng<< Tom je na poslovnom putovanju. Tom is away on business. Tom's on a business trip. >>eng<< Той извади паспорта си. He took out his passport. He took out his passport. >>eng<< Kad mačke nema, miševi kolo vode. When the cat's away, the mice do play. When cats are gone, mice cycle water. >>eng<< Аз мисля така. I think so. I think so. >>eng<< Tako se pravi važan. He is such a show off. That's how it plays out. >>eng<< Ko je Tom? Je li on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? >>eng<< Искам да знам повече за тебе, Том. I want to know more about you, Tom. I want to know more about you, Tom. >>eng<< Не могу то да преболим. I can't get over it. I can't get over it. >>eng<< Zašto ne svratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? >>eng<< Vozi polak. Drive slowly. He's driving a pole. >>eng<< Mnoge stvari mi idu od ruke. I'm good at many things. A lot of things come out of my hand. >>eng<< Том се усмихна, когато Мери влезе в стаята. Tom smiled when Mary entered the room. Tom smiled when Mary walked into the room. >>eng<< Не можеш да си представиш колко щастлива беше тя. You can't imagine how happy she was. You can't imagine how happy she was. >>eng<< Tom više nije beba. Tom isn't a baby anymore. Tom's not a baby anymore. >>eng<< Mogu li da pozovem oko 2:30? May I call at around 2:30? Can I call around 2:30? >>eng<< Krvarim. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. >>eng<< Памтам дека беше во Бостон кратко време. I do remember you were in Boston for a short while. I remember you were in Boston for a short time. >>eng<< Мисля, че имаме проблем. I think we have a problem. I think we have a problem. >>eng<< Ги бркам веќе долго време. I've been after them for a long time. I've been chasing them for a long time. >>eng<< Ne znam dobro Latinski. I'm not good at Latin. I don't know Latin very well. >>eng<< Тако мислиш? Do you think so? Is that what you think? >>eng<< Не мога да си намеря очилата. Може да съм ги оставила във влака. I can't find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train. I can't find my glasses. >>eng<< Тоа не баш изгледа возможно. That really doesn't seem possible. That doesn't seem very possible. >>eng<< Си играме со компјутерот. We're playing with the computer. We're playing with the computer. >>eng<< Voleo vih da moja žena zna da kuva. I wish my wife could cook. I loved that my wife knew how to cook. >>eng<< Da li sam stvarno bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? >>eng<< Какво имаш да правиш? What's on your plate? What do you have to do? >>eng<< Možemo li da probamo ovo? Can we give this a try? Can we try this one? >>eng<< Не. Прекалено са малки. No. They are too small. No, they're too small. >>eng<< Iskrena da budem, ne znam baš. To be honest, I really don't know. To be honest, I don't know. >>eng<< Pil som víno. I drank the wine. I was drinking wine. >>eng<< Том е вундеркинд. Tom is a child prodigy. Tom's a wunderkind. >>eng<< Nije trebalo da kupiš to. You shouldn't have bought that. You shouldn't have bought that. >>eng<< Том знаеше дека Мери ќе му помогне. Tom knew Mary would help him. Tom knew Mary would help him. >>eng<< Tom je pomalo ekscentričan. Tom is a bit eccentric. Tom's a little eccentric. >>eng<< Вечераме. We are having dinner. We're having dinner. >>eng<< Da li si gadno povređen? Are you badly hurt? Are you badly hurt? >>eng<< Дан беше мошне грижлив татко. Dan was a very caring father. Dan was a very caring father. >>eng<< Том е мокар. Tom is wet. Tom's wet. >>eng<< Šta je to? What is this? What's that? >>eng<< Ранена ли сте? Are you injured? Are you hurt? >>eng<< Това е предупреждение, което трябва да вземем на сериозно. This is a warning that we must take seriously. This is a warning we need to take seriously. >>eng<< Оди кај другите. Get with the others. Go to the others. >>eng<< Тоа ни е најдобрата шанса. That's our best hope. That's our best chance. >>eng<< Имам три тинејџера. I have three teenagers. I have three teenagers. >>eng<< Tom je nemilosrdan. Tom is unmerciful. Tom's ruthless. >>eng<< Odgovorna sam osoba. I'm a responsible person. I'm a responsible person. >>eng<< Stvarno bih volela opet da te vidim. I really want to see you again. I really wish I could see you again. >>eng<< Не могу чекати. I can't wait. I can't wait. >>eng<< Nemoj ni da pisneš! Don't you say a word. Don't even make a sound! >>eng<< Ja nisam prorok. I am not a prophet. I'm not a prophet. >>eng<< Tom zna odakle vetar duva. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Tom knows where the wind blows from. >>eng<< Кувам ручак. I am cooking the lunch. I'm cooking lunch. >>eng<< Tom nepozná svojich susedov. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. >>eng<< Можеш да учиш тук. You can study here. You can study here. >>eng<< 2001 е годината, с която започва 21-ви век. 2001 is the year when the 21st century begins. 2001 is the year with which the 21st century begins. >>eng<< Колку чини она онаму? How much is that over there? How much does it cost in there? >>eng<< Koje godine je napravljen tvoj automobil? What year was your car made? What year was your car made? >>eng<< Moja majka voli muziku. My mother loves music. My mother loves music. >>eng<< Jesi li se potpuno oporavio? Are you fully recovered? Are you fully recovered? >>eng<< Ne možeš da kriješ tajne od mene. You can't keep secrets from me. You can't keep secrets from me. >>eng<< On se ne može podmititi. He can't be bribed. He can't be bribed. >>eng<< Možda im treba nešto da jedu. They may need something to eat. Maybe they need something to eat. >>eng<< Svi su se nasmešili. Everybody smiled. Everyone smiled. >>eng<< Те молам дај се од себе. Please do your best. Please give yourself up. >>eng<< Искаш да си тръгнеш в последния момент? Want to leave at the last minute? You want to leave at the last minute? >>eng<< Nećemo dozvoliti da umreš. We won't let you die. We're not gonna let you die. >>eng<< Istuširaću se. I'll take a shower. I'm gonna take a shower. >>eng<< Таа е млада студентка. She is a young university student. She is a young student. >>eng<< Те преминаха реката. They made their way across the river. They crossed the river. >>eng<< Том правеше како што му беше кажала Мери. Tom did what Mary told him to do. Tom did as Mary told him. >>eng<< Leopard nedokáže zmeniť svoje škvrny. The leopard can't change its spots. Leopard doesn't change his skurny. >>eng<< Том го проголта бивото. Tom downed his beer. Tom swallowed the bee. >>eng<< Трябва да го махна. I have to take it off. I have to get him out of here. >>eng<< "Благодаря." "Моля." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Please." >>eng<< Ty si originálny. You're original. You're Ty's original. >>eng<< Ovo prevazilazi sve granice. That is going too far. This goes beyond all limits. >>eng<< Том сака Мери да направи шпагети за вечера. Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner. Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner. >>eng<< Tom radi kao kelner, ali traži bolji posao. Tom is working as a waiter, but he's looking for a better job. Tom works as a waiter, but he's looking for a better job. >>eng<< Чинеше многу повеќе одошто очекував. It cost a lot more than I thought it would. It was much more than I expected. >>eng<< Da li su mi uši crvene? Are my ears red? Are my ears red? >>eng<< Да се прошетаме низ пазарот! Let's stroll around the bazaar! Let's take a walk through the market! >>eng<< Trebaš mi. I need you. I need you. >>eng<< Што пиете? What're you drinking? What are you drinking? >>eng<< Какво е това? What is that? What's that? >>eng<< Tom mi je kupio VIP kartu. Tom bought a VIP pass. Tom bought me a VIP card. >>eng<< Dobro radiš. You're doing all right. You're doing fine. >>eng<< Том је молио Мери да му пружи још једну шансу. Tom begged Mary to give him one more chance. Tom begged Mary to give him another chance. >>eng<< Ајде да зборуваме. Let's talk. Let's talk. >>eng<< Tom je uznemiren zbog ovoga. Tom is upset about this. Tom's upset about this. >>eng<< Целта на интерпункциските знаци е да му помогне на читателот. The purpose of punctuation is to help the reader. The purpose of the punctuation signs is to help the reader. >>eng<< Да го уапсиме ли Том? Should we arrest Tom? Should we arrest Tom? >>eng<< Той носи дрехи в китайски стил. He wears Chinese-style clothes. He wears Chinese-style clothes. >>eng<< Харесва ми да си говоря с теб. I like talking to you. I like talking to you. >>eng<< Ako izlaziš, molim te zatvori vrata. If you're leaving, please close the door. If you're going out, please close the door. >>eng<< Беа ѕверови облечени во човечка кожа а воопшто не беа вистински луѓе. They were beasts in human skins and not true man at all. There were animals dressed in human skin and they weren’t real people at all. >>eng<< Ти треба ли ренде? Do you need a grater? Do you need a X-ray? >>eng<< Да вървят по дяволите. To hell with them. Let's go to hell. >>eng<< Dobro je građen. He's well built. It's well built. >>eng<< Iznenađena sam Tomovim odgovorom. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I'm surprised at Tom's answer. >>eng<< За што се работи текстот? What's the text about? What is the text about? >>eng<< Какво правиш сега? What're you doing now? What are you doing now? >>eng<< Uvek ću pamtiti tvoj savet. I'll always remember your advice. I will always remember your advice. >>eng<< Možeš da sedneš pored mene. You can sit next to me. You can sit next to me. >>eng<< Недостаје ми. I miss him. I miss him. >>eng<< Milujem syr. I love cheese. I love syr. >>eng<< On ima dugačak jezik. He has a big mouth. He has a long tongue. >>eng<< Том продължи да говори. Tom went on talking. Tom kept talking. >>eng<< Глупаците тичат там, където ангелите ги е страх да стъпят. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Fools run where angels are afraid to step. >>eng<< Dobri ste prema svima. You're nice to everyone. You're good to everyone. >>eng<< Tom ima tri odrasla sina. Tom has three adult sons. Tom has three grown-ups. >>eng<< Molim te, primi ovaj mali dar. Please accept this little gift. Please accept this little gift. >>eng<< Го наместија за убиство. He was framed for murder. They set him up for murder. >>eng<< On je znanstvenik. He is a scientist. He's a scientist. >>eng<< Јадам со децата секоја недела. I eat with the kids every week. I eat with my kids every week. >>eng<< Смее ли да го изедам јаболково? May I eat this apple? Can I eat an apple? >>eng<< Миналата година вносът надхвърли износа. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports exceeded exports. >>eng<< Морам да им помогнам. I have to help them. I have to help them. >>eng<< Šta ja radim ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? >>eng<< Защо не си вземем такси? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we get a cab? >>eng<< Aviokompanija će se pobrinuti da pošalje Vaš prtljag sve do konačnog odredišta što pre, ili kasnije ako tako želi putnik. The airline makes sure to send luggage all the way to the final destination as soon as possible, or at a later date, at the passenger's choice. The airline will make sure to send your luggage all the way to the final destination as soon as possible, or later if the traveler so wishes. >>eng<< Ја могу да трчим. I can run. I can run. >>eng<< Чух някой да казва, че Том бил болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom was sick. >>eng<< Moram da idem. I must get going. I gotta go. >>eng<< Podeli karte, Tome. Deal the cards, Tom. Share the cards, Tom. >>eng<< Знаеш ли кой е нарисувал тази рисунка? Do you know who painted this picture? Do you know who drew this drawing? >>eng<< Nechcem pracovať za týchto podmienok. I don't want to work under these conditions. Nechtzem pracová for týchto submyenok. >>eng<< Тя иска развод. She wants a divorce. She wants a divorce. >>eng<< Tom jednostavno nije mogao da uradi to. Tom just couldn't do it. Tom just couldn't have done it. >>eng<< Umrijet ćemo. We are going to die. We're gonna die. >>eng<< Том не изгледа многу добро. Tom isn't looking very well. Tom doesn't look very good. >>eng<< Švorc sam. I don't have any money. I'm broke. >>eng<< Не казвай на никого. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. >>eng<< Да живее СССР! Long live the USSR! Long live the USSR! >>eng<< Nadam se da neće primetiti moju grešku. I hope my mistake will escape his notice. I hope he doesn't notice my mistake. >>eng<< Се блицнаа. He pecked her on the lips. They were flashing. >>eng<< Tko je ona? Who is she? Who is she? >>eng<< Тексас е почти два пъти по-голям от Япония. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Texas is almost twice as big as Japan. >>eng<< Том до Мери седеше. Tom sat next to Mary. Tom next to Mary was sitting. >>eng<< Писна ми. I've had enough. I'm sick of it. >>eng<< Той не е толкова нетърпелив, колкото баща си. He is less impatient than his father. He's not as impatient as his father. >>eng<< Бихте ли ми казали името си, ако обичате? May I have your name, please? Would you tell me your name, please? >>eng<< Најверојатно, нема да ги отплатат парите. In all probability, the money will not be paid. They probably won't pay the money back. >>eng<< Stvarno je iznenađujuće. That's really surprising. It's really surprising. >>eng<< И двајцата се насмеаја. They both laughed. They both laughed. >>eng<< Letom tu často pršieva. It often rains here in summer. We've been spraying in the summer. >>eng<< Nitko nije umro. Nobody died. No one died. >>eng<< Spadli ste. You fell. You're down. >>eng<< Rat stoji 2 000 milijuna dolara mjesečno. The war cost 2,000 million dollars every month. The war is worth 2,000 million dollars a month. >>eng<< Brian kúpil Katke nejaký rúž. Brian has bought Kate some lipstick. Brian kúpil Katke nejaký rúž. >>eng<< Видях гъбата в мивката. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the mushroom in the sink. >>eng<< Том беше намерен за виновен и осъден на смърт. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom was found guilty and sentenced to death. >>eng<< Таа сака кратки сукњи. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. >>eng<< Tokom vedrih dana, vidimo planinu Fuđi u daljini. On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. During the bright days, we see Mount Fuji in the distance. >>eng<< Hoćemo li opet videti Toma? Will we see Tom again? Shall we see Tom again? >>eng<< Сигурен сум дека Том ќе се снајде вака-така. I'm sure Tom will manage it somehow. I'm sure Tom will do it this way. >>eng<< To je najbolje od svega što sam do sada čuo. This is the best thing I've heard so far. That's the best thing I've ever heard. >>eng<< Lidia má blondové rovné vlasy. Lidia has blonde straight hair. Lidia má blondové rovné vlasy. >>eng<< Stvarno volim da vežbam. I really love working out. I really like to exercise. >>eng<< Да ли можете да дођете? Can you come? Can you come? >>eng<< Президентът Артур наложи вето върху закона. President Arthur vetoed the bill. President Arthur vetoed the law. >>eng<< Дојди сам. Come alone. Come alone. >>eng<< Neki religiozni ljudi znaju da budu jako osuđujući. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Some religious people know how to be very judgmental. >>eng<< Дали имаш намера да ми помогнеш? Do you intend to help me? Do you intend to help me? >>eng<< Moram reći da vam zavidim. I have to say I envy you guys. I have to tell you, I envy you. >>eng<< Том и Мери са пияни. Tom and Mary are drunk. Tom and Mary are drunk. >>eng<< Немаме толку пари. We don't have that kind of money. We don't have that kind of money. >>eng<< Radi. It's working. It works. >>eng<< Sada nam treba istina. We need the truth now. Now we need the truth. >>eng<< Pitao sam te sinoć. I asked you last night. I asked you last night. >>eng<< Учих френски три години с носител на езика. I studied French for three years with a native speaker. I studied French for three years with a language holder. >>eng<< Шта ја тражим овде? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? >>eng<< Imate li jeftinijih soba? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Do you have cheaper rooms? >>eng<< Англискиот ми стана омилен предмет. English has become my favorite subject. English has become my favorite subject. >>eng<< Hoćeš li me prijaviti? Are you going to turn me in? Will you report me? >>eng<< Няма да съм си вкъщи една седмица. I won't be home for a week. I won't be home for a week. >>eng<< Нико није ништа рекао. No one said anything. Nobody said anything. >>eng<< Те сакам каков што си. I love you the way you are. I love you as you are. >>eng<< Мамка му, забравих си камерата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Fuck, I forgot my camera! >>eng<< Pogledaj ove. Take a look at these. Look at these. >>eng<< Da li sam stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? >>eng<< Изнервирала сам га. I pissed him off. I pissed him off. >>eng<< Той е човекът, който оглавява маркетинга на парфюмите. He's the one who heads the marketing of the perfumes line. He is the person who heads the marketing of perfumes. >>eng<< Moramo da krenemo. We've got to take off. We gotta go. >>eng<< Bolje da se spremimo. We'd better get ready. We'd better get ready. >>eng<< Daj mi broj. Give me the number. Give me the number. >>eng<< Каде живее воопшто? Во некој дел од источна Европа. Where does he live, generally? In some part of Eastern Europe. Where does he live at all, in some part of Eastern Europe? >>eng<< Pajác! Buffoon! Pajác! >>eng<< Treba da krenemo ispočetka. We need to start over. We should start over. >>eng<< Mislim da će biti lijep dan. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think it's gonna be a nice day. >>eng<< Како се зовете? What is your name? What's your name? >>eng<< To ne može biti istina. This can't be true. That can't be true. >>eng<< Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic beverages? >>eng<< Сакам да си со мене. I wish you were with me. I want you to be with me. >>eng<< Sve je počelo prije godinu dana kada se on vratio doma. It all began a year ago when he returned home. It all started a year ago when he came home. >>eng<< Ми бевте одличен ментор. You have been a great mentor to me. You were a great mentor. >>eng<< Мислех, че ще бъдете доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. >>eng<< Mogu ja to kao od šale. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can do it as a joke. >>eng<< Помня, че сме се срещали преди. I remember meeting you before. I remember we met before. >>eng<< Замало да заборавим пасош. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. >>eng<< Jesi li primio paket koji sam ti poslao? Did you get the package I sent you? Did you get the package I sent you? >>eng<< Stvarno bih volela opet da te vidim. I really want to see you again. I really wish I could see you again. >>eng<< Том ме ишиша. Tom cut my hair. Tom cut me. >>eng<< Muškarci ostaju deca celog života. Men are children their whole life. Men remain children all their lives. >>eng<< Kojim putem ideš? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? >>eng<< Връщащите се войници бяха поздравени за тяхната смелост в битката. The returning soldiers were commended for their bravery in battle. The returning soldiers were congratulated for their courage in the battle. >>eng<< Oprosti mi. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that. >>eng<< Varaš se. You are wrong. You're wrong. >>eng<< Сериозната турбуленция и лошото обслужване в самолета направиха началото на нашата почивка не особено приятно. Severe turbulence during the flight and very poor cabin service didn't make for an enjoyable start to our holiday. Serious turbulence and poor service on the plane made the beginning of our vacation not particularly pleasant. >>eng<< Како може некој да биде дотолку глупав? How can anyone be so stupid? How can anyone be so stupid? >>eng<< Опитах се да спра Том по всякакъв начин. I've tried everything to stop Tom. I tried to stop Tom in every way. >>eng<< Том отрча да и помогне на Мери. Tom ran to help Mary. Tom ran to help Mary. >>eng<< Ne možete da sednete pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. >>eng<< Од нив беше. It was from them. It was from them. >>eng<< Probaj ovo. Take a sip of this. Try this. >>eng<< Ќе бидам во својата лабораторија. I'll be in my lab. I'll be in my lab. >>eng<< Nič ne skrbi. Don't worry. Don't worry. >>eng<< Nešto je upravo iskrslo. Something just came up. Something just came up. >>eng<< В по-добра форма си от мен. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. >>eng<< Ja nisam liječnik. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. >>eng<< Zašto samo ne kaže Tomu? Why not just tell Tom? Why doesn't he just tell Tom? >>eng<< Je li je sada sve to rešeno? Is it all resolved now? Is it all resolved now? >>eng<< Имаш ли кибритче? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? >>eng<< Ајде пешки. Let's walk. Let's go on foot. >>eng<< Му ја знам тајната на Том. I know Tom's secret. I know Tom's secret. >>eng<< On uopće ne zna francuski. He doesn't know French at all. He doesn't know French at all. >>eng<< Спремам вечера. I'm fixing dinner. I'm making dinner. >>eng<< Леля ми, която живее в Токио, ми изпрати красива блуза. My aunt, who lives in Tokyo, sent me a beautiful blouse. My aunt, who lives in Tokyo, sent me a beautiful blouse. >>eng<< Том је назвао свог хрчка Куки. Tom named his hamster Cookie. Tom called his hamster Cookie. >>eng<< Ако ме бакнеш, ќе бидам среќен. If you'd kiss me, I'd be happy. If you kiss me, I'll be happy. >>eng<< Tom je bio prilično dobar. Tom was pretty good. Tom was pretty good. >>eng<< Не успях да ги накарам да ме разберат. I couldn't make myself understood. I couldn't get them to understand me. >>eng<< Обичам френския. I love French. I love French. >>eng<< Понеже обикновено могат да се намерят много уебсайтове на дадена тема, обикновено кликвам бутона "Назад", когато попадна на някоя уебстраница с изскачащи реклами. Просто отивам на следващата страница, която ми предлага Google, и се надявам тя да дразни по-малко. Since there are usually multiple websites on any given topic, I usually just click the back button when I arrive on any webpage that has pop-up advertising. I just go to the next page found by Google and hope for something less irritating. Because many websites can usually be found on a topic, I usually click the "Back" button when I hit a webpage with pop-up ads. I'm just going to the next page that Google offers me, and I hope it annoys less. >>eng<< U pravu si potpuno. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. >>eng<< Наистина съм доста заета. I'm really quite busy. I'm really busy. >>eng<< Uvidíme sa v Japonsku. I'll see you in Japan. He sees from Japan. >>eng<< Mađarski jezik nije lak, ali je divan. The Hungarian language is not simple, but wonderful. Hungarian is not easy, but it is beautiful. >>eng<< Питам се чија је ово реченица. I wonder who this sentence belongs to. I wonder whose sentence this is. >>eng<< Мртов ли е Том? Is Tom dead? Is Tom dead? >>eng<< "Jesi li vidio moj mobitel?" "Na stolu je." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my phone?" "It's on the table." >>eng<< Uđite unutra. Get inside. Come on in. >>eng<< Tom je odložio svoje piće. Tom put down his drink. Tom put aside his drinking. >>eng<< Sve je velika šala. It's all a big joke. It's all a big joke. >>eng<< Можам сам да сфатам. I can figure it out myself. I can see for myself. >>eng<< Danas imam puno toga za obaviti. Today I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot to do today. >>eng<< Иди разбери. Go figure. Go figure it out. >>eng<< Dovršite ovo. Finish this. Finish this. >>eng<< Tom je moj stariji brat. Tom is my oldest brother. Tom's my older brother. >>eng<< Чудесен ден беше. It was a wonderful day. It's been a great day. >>eng<< Debeo sam. I'm fat. I'm fat. >>eng<< Tek stigoh. I've only just arrived. I'm just getting there. >>eng<< Tom ima svoje razloge. Tom has his reasons. Tom has his reasons. >>eng<< Не сум невработен. I'm not unemployed. I'm not unemployed. >>eng<< Nisu mogli da pobegnu. They couldn't escape. They couldn't escape. >>eng<< Možda Tom zna da priča francuski. Maybe Tom can speak French. Maybe Tom can speak French. >>eng<< Da li zaista mislite da sam sebična? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? >>eng<< Tom kaže da sam karizmatičan. Tom says I have charisma. Tom says I'm charismatic. >>eng<< Ova zgrada bit će sagrađena u gradu. This building will be built in the city. This building will be built in the city. >>eng<< Da li misliš da su igre i učenje spojivi? Do you think that games and learning are compatible? Do you think games and learning are compatible? >>eng<< Tom ima loš dan. Tom is having a bad day. Tom's having a bad day. >>eng<< Koje godište je tvoj automobil? What year was your car made? What year is your car? >>eng<< Не одам па што сака нека биде. I'm not going, and that's that. I'm not going to what he wants to be. >>eng<< Vetu nemôžeš preložiť doslovne. You cannot translate the sentence word-for-word. You can't put the veto down literally. >>eng<< Веќе имам планови за викендов. I already have plans for this weekend. I already have plans for this weekend. >>eng<< Не се чувствувам многу добро денес! I am not feeling very well today! I don't feel so good today! >>eng<< Mojim roditeljima se ne sviđa moja devojka. Kažu da je sa mnom samo zbog noca. My parents don't like my girlfriend. They say that she's a gold digger. My parents don't like my girlfriend. >>eng<< Том отиде во Бостон со авион. Tom went to Boston by plane. Tom went to Boston on a plane. >>eng<< Разликата в годините ни не е голяма. The difference in our ages is not significant. The difference in our years is not great. >>eng<< Пушење је забрањено у сваком делу ресторана. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is prohibited in every part of the restaurant. >>eng<< Идете събудете Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake Tom up. >>eng<< Nisam uspeo da vidim o kome se radi. I didn't manage to see who it was. I haven't been able to see who this is about. >>eng<< Hoću da razgovaram sa Tomom o tome. I want you to talk to Tom about that. I want to talk to Tom about it. >>eng<< Вчера получих писмото ти. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. >>eng<< Твой ред е. It's your turn. It's your turn. >>eng<< Вземи един от тези. Take one of these. Take one of these. >>eng<< Dobro bi mi došla pomoć. I could use a hand. I could use some help. >>eng<< Je čas zabaliť to. It's time to wrap it up. It's time to slow this down. >>eng<< Previše je lako na taj način. It's too easy that way. It's too easy that way. >>eng<< Дали станува збор за Том? Is this about Tom? Is it about Tom? >>eng<< Mraz je naneo veliku štetu usevima. The frost did much harm to the crops. The ice has done a lot of damage to the crops. >>eng<< Tražio je da mu pomognem. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. >>eng<< Vreme je sončno. The weather is sunny. The weather is sunny. >>eng<< Изглежда Том ще го изяде всичкото. It looks like Tom will eat the whole thing. Looks like Tom's gonna eat it all. >>eng<< Je jedna. It's one o'clock. It's one. >>eng<< Da li si spreman za još? Are you ready for more? Are you ready for more? >>eng<< Том, ако има проблем, сакам да знам. Tom, if there's a problem, I want to hear about it. Tom, if there's a problem, I want to know. >>eng<< Това е най-тъпото нещо, което някога съм казвал. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I've ever said. >>eng<< Mislim da je to gubljenje vremena. I think it's a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time. >>eng<< Ja njega smatram za neprijatelja. I regard him as an enemy. I consider him an enemy. >>eng<< Таа е секогаш бездушна. She is always cold-hearted. She is always heartless. >>eng<< Daj Tomu piće. Give Tom a drink. Give Tom a drink. >>eng<< Потпуно си у праву. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. >>eng<< Това е изненадващо. This is surprising. That's surprising. >>eng<< Ова е воздушесто тесто е популарно на Филипините. This puff pastry is popular in the Philippines. This air dough is popular in the Philippines. >>eng<< Ја мразев. I hated her. I hated her. >>eng<< Љубовта е посилна од омразата. Love is stronger than hatred. Love is stronger than hate. >>eng<< Том не можеше да се воздржи. Tom couldn't contain himself. Tom couldn't help it. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da te pitam. Tom said to ask you. Tom said to ask you. >>eng<< Вие не говорите френски, нали? You don't speak French, do you? You don't speak French, do you? >>eng<< Можеш ли да се поврзеш со него? Can you contact him? Can you connect with him? >>eng<< Вратен ли е Том? Is Tom back? Is Tom back? >>eng<< Knjizi nedostaju drugo, peto i trinaesto poglavlje. The book is missing the 2nd, 5th, and 13th chapters. The books lack the second, fifth and thirteenth chapters. >>eng<< Колко бързо тича той? How fast does he run? How fast is he running? >>eng<< Siguran sam da si veoma zauzet. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. >>eng<< Zadržite kusur. Keep the change. Keep the change. >>eng<< Ja ne znam ko su oni. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. >>eng<< Камо ли да имав доволна сила на волја за да држам диета. I wish I had the will power to stay on a diet. I wish I had enough strength to keep a diet. >>eng<< Bajkalsko jezero u Rusiji je najdublje jezero na svijetu. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. >>eng<< Мислат дека е прекубројно. They think it's superfluous. They think it's too numerous. >>eng<< Много ли хора посещават музея? Is the museum visited by many people? Do many people visit the museum? >>eng<< Линијарот е краток. The ruler is short. The line is short. >>eng<< Taj bicikl treba popraviti. This bike needs to be repaired. That bike needs to be repaired. >>eng<< Г-дине Горбачов, срушете го ѕидов! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Mr. Gorbachev, knock down this wall! >>eng<< Нема потреба да паничиш. You don't need to panic. You don't need to panic. >>eng<< Том не е тук днес. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. >>eng<< Nikad ranije nisam opazio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. >>eng<< Grešim li ikad? Am I ever wrong? Am I ever wrong? >>eng<< Покажете ни го. Show it to us. Show us. >>eng<< Той побеля от ужас. He turned pale with fright. He was terrified. >>eng<< Prispeli so na cilj. They reached their destination. They've reached their destination. >>eng<< Tvoj konec je blizu. Your end is near. Your end is near. >>eng<< Том е уште во кревет. Tom is still in bed. Tom's still in bed. >>eng<< Tom je stoički podnosio bol. Tom bore the pain stoically. Tom couldn't stand the pain. >>eng<< Molimo Vas, ostavite ovo mesto čistim koliko biste biste želeli da ga pronađete. Please leave this place as clean as you would like to find it. Please leave this place as clean as you would like to find it. >>eng<< Нямам представа кой е това. I have no idea who that is. I have no idea who this is. >>eng<< Tom je sedeo veoma mirno. Tom sat very still. Tom was sitting very still. >>eng<< Ništa nas ne može zaustaviti. There's nothing to stop us. Nothing can stop us. >>eng<< Mislio sam da ću imati još jednu priliku za to. I thought I'd have another chance to do that. I thought I'd have another chance at that. >>eng<< Мислиш ли, че съм красива? Do you think that I'm handsome? Do you think I'm pretty? >>eng<< Чичо ми ми подари подарък. My uncle gave me a present. Uncle gave me a present. >>eng<< Ne bi trebao sada da izlaziš. Skoro je jedanest sati. You had better not go out now. It's almost 11. You shouldn't be going out now, it's almost 11:00. >>eng<< To su ti izbori. Those are your options. It's your election. >>eng<< Имате ли някакви френски вестници? Do you have any French newspapers? Do you have any French newspapers? >>eng<< Том и Мери не се ни познаваат. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. >>eng<< Moramo da saznamo. We've got to find out. We need to find out. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da mogu da ostanem. Tom said I could stay. Tom said I could stay. >>eng<< Súhlasím úplne. I agree completely. Súhlasím úplne. >>eng<< Jesi li doneo fen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the fan? >>eng<< Мисля, че грешиш. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. >>eng<< Тази фабрика прави играчки. That factory makes toys. This factory makes toys. >>eng<< Руке су ми хладне. My hands are cold. My hands are cold. >>eng<< Mliječna staza je ogroman pojas udaljenih zvijezda sličnih našem suncu. The Milky Way is a vast belt of distant stars, each similar to our sun. The Milky Way is a huge belt of distant stars similar to our sun. >>eng<< Ще го посетя утре. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. >>eng<< Темелно ја испитав ситуацијата. I have made a careful examination of the situation. I thoroughly examined the situation. >>eng<< Veoma sam ponosna na to. I'm very proud of that. I'm very proud of it. >>eng<< Щастлива ли си? Are you happy? Are you happy? >>eng<< Заспа додека возеше па предизвика сообраќајка. He fell asleep while he was driving and caused an accident. He fell asleep while driving and caused a car accident. >>eng<< Nemoj piti vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. >>eng<< Kako varvarski! How barbaric! How barbarous! >>eng<< Том се опита да го направи. Tom tried to do it. Tom tried to do it. >>eng<< Nisam bila zabrinuta zbog toga. I wasn't worried about it. I wasn't worried about that. >>eng<< Се надевам дека ти се допаѓа тоа што ти го дадов. I hope you like what I gave you. I hope you like what I gave you. >>eng<< Nitko nema dušu. No one has a soul. No one has a soul. >>eng<< To je kristalno jasno. It's as clear as crystal. It's crystal clear. >>eng<< Боб се прибра много късно. Bob came home very late. Bob's home very late. >>eng<< Môj brat vie šoférovať. My brother can drive a car. My brother is a driver. >>eng<< Отворила је врата. She opened the door. She opened the door. >>eng<< Jadan sam. I'm miserable. I'm pathetic. >>eng<< Kaži Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. >>eng<< Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. >>eng<< Том току-що успя. Tom just did it. Tom just did it. >>eng<< Tomu se veoma dopao svoj posao. Tom liked his job very much. That's what he really liked about his job. >>eng<< Не съм виждал нищо, което може да се сравнява с това. I've never seen anything quite like this before. I haven't seen anything that compares to that. >>eng<< У сваком случају, ниси у праву. Anyway, you're wrong. Anyway, you're wrong. >>eng<< Том нешто џвака. Tom is chewing something. Tom's got some gum. >>eng<< Bira sam između dve mogućnosti. I chose between two options. I choose between two options. >>eng<< Ние разрешихме проблема. We've resolved the problem. We solved the problem. >>eng<< Tom je verovatno rođen u Australiji. Tom was probably born in Australia. Tom was probably born in Australia. >>eng<< Nisam uvek u pravu. I'm not always right. I'm not always right. >>eng<< Ako se muškarac unapredi ispred žene - to se naziva favorizovanje. Ako ona bude unapređena, ispred muškarca, to se naziva jednakost. If a man is promoted before a woman, it's called favoritism. If she gets promoted before a man, it's called equality. If a man improves in front of a woman - it is called favoring. If she is promoted, in front of a man, it is called equality. >>eng<< Baš je vruće ovde. It's really hot there. It's hot in here. >>eng<< Precizno je. It's accurate. It's accurate. >>eng<< Само им дадов. I just gave them one. I just gave it to them. >>eng<< Koliko imaš knjiga? How many books do you have? How many books do you have? >>eng<< Imali smo puno toga da popijemo. We had a lot to drink. We had a lot to drink. >>eng<< Ни ја не могу. I can't do it either. Neither can I. >>eng<< Овај чај је добар. This tea is good. This tea is good. >>eng<< Vojnik je udarcem probudio Laylu. The soldier kicked Layla awake. The soldier hit Layla with a blow. >>eng<< Ќе соработувам. I'll cooperate. I'll cooperate. >>eng<< Hovorím tiež francúzsky. I speak French, too. Hovoríj francúzsky. >>eng<< Pozvaću. I'll call. I'll call. >>eng<< Proverite ovo. Check this. Check this out. >>eng<< Какви книги на френски си прочел? What books have you read in French? What books did you read in French? >>eng<< Tom nije bio debeo. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. >>eng<< Доста ми је свега! I'm sick of it! I've had enough! >>eng<< Ме изгреба мачка. A cat scratched me. I was scratched by a cat. >>eng<< Том пелтечи. Tom is stuttering. Tom's singing. >>eng<< За това ще трябва да платитш допълнително. That'll cost you extra. That's why you're gonna have to pay extra. >>eng<< Tom sada radi za Meri. Tom now works for Mary. Tom's working for Mary now. >>eng<< Bez sumnje! Without a doubt! No doubt! >>eng<< Idi pravo. Go straight. Go straight. >>eng<< Ножът ми е остър. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. >>eng<< Тя стана известна. She became famous. She became famous. >>eng<< Ovo nije voda za piće. This isn't drinking water. This isn't drinking water. >>eng<< Сите покажаа кон неа. Everyone pointed at her. Everyone pointed to her. >>eng<< Ќе ѝ се јавам подоцна. I'm going to call her later. I'll call her later. >>eng<< Имаш многу среќа. You're really lucky. You're very lucky. >>eng<< Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We discussed whether to cancel the reservation. >>eng<< Neću nikome da kažem da si to uradio. I won't tell anybody that you did that. I'm not telling anyone you did it. >>eng<< Том изгледаше изнервирано. Tom seemed annoyed. Tom seemed upset. >>eng<< Мини сукње су се вратиле у моду. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. The mini-skirts are back in fashion. >>eng<< Sačuvaću ti mesto u prvom redu. I'll save you a seat in the front row. I'll keep your seat in the front row. >>eng<< Ништо од ова што се случи тука нема смисла. Nothing that's happened here makes any sense. None of what happened here makes sense. >>eng<< Това отне един час. It took an hour. That took an hour. >>eng<< Tom je star koliko i Meri. Tom is as old as Mary. Tom's as old as Mary. >>eng<< Ќе му кажам на Том дека си овде. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. >>eng<< Плажът е иделно място за игра за децата. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. >>eng<< Pogledaću. I'll check. I'll take a look. >>eng<< Tom je otvorio novi restoran, ali nije uspeo da zaradi od njega tokom prvih dvanaest meseci. Tom opened a new restaurant, but it didn't turn a profit in the first twelve months. Tom opened a new restaurant, but failed to make money on it during the first twelve months. >>eng<< Nemamo nimalo hrane. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. >>eng<< Спаси човек. Изяж канибал. Save a human. Eat a cannibal. Save a man, eat a cannibal. >>eng<< Često osećam podrhtavanje srca. I often experience palpitations of the heart. I often feel a tremor in my heart. >>eng<< Istražite ovo. Examine this. Look into this. >>eng<< Зашто баш ја? Why me of all people? Why me? >>eng<< Не сум неспособен. I'm not incompetent. I'm not incapacitated. >>eng<< Това е същата болница, където работи Том. This is the same hospital where Tom works. This is the same hospital where Tom works. >>eng<< Жирафе имају веома дугачке вратове. Giraffes have very long necks. The giraffes have very long necks. >>eng<< Ти ли ја предизвика сообраќајката? Are you the one who caused the accident? Did you cause the traffic? >>eng<< Nechcem sa s tebou hádať. I do not want to argue with you. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Ние се запознахме в Лондон. We got to know each other in London. We met in London. >>eng<< To možda ne bude lako. That might not be easy. That might not be easy. >>eng<< Hvala! Thank you! Thank you! >>eng<< Защо не извършиш това, което вече си решил да направиш? Why don't you carry out what you've set out to do? Why don't you do what you've already decided to do? >>eng<< Повеќето пари си ги чувам во банката што е во близина на мојата канцеларија. I keep most of my money at the bank near my office. I keep most of my money in a bank near my office. >>eng<< О чему причаш? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Stvarno treba da se istuširaš. You do need to take a shower. You really need to take a shower. >>eng<< Bez sumnje! Without a doubt! No doubt! >>eng<< Требаше да го направам тоа вчера. I should've done that yesterday. I should have done it yesterday. >>eng<< Tom je jutros stigao. Tom arrived this morning. Tom got in this morning. >>eng<< Ja sam građanin sveta. I am a citizen of the world. I am a citizen of the world. >>eng<< Дојден сум тука со Том. I came here with Tom. I came here with Tom. >>eng<< Nočem v šolo. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. >>eng<< Nema utvrđene politike. There's no set policy. There's no policy set. >>eng<< Не треба да бидеш ненормален за да работиш тука. You don't have to be crazy to work here. You don't have to be crazy to work here. >>eng<< Подобро да умреш на нозе отколку да живееш на колена. Better to die standing than to live on your knees. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. >>eng<< Žartuješ? Are you kidding? Are you lusting? >>eng<< Шта ћу ја овде? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? >>eng<< Стварно ми се допаѓаш. I really do like you. I really like you. >>eng<< Neki kažu da ako nagaziš na kišnu glistu, da će početi da pada kiša. Some people say stepping on a worm makes it rain. Some say that if you step on the raindrop, it will start to rain. >>eng<< Някой трябва да ти е откраднал часовника. Someone must've stolen your watch. Someone must have stolen your watch. >>eng<< „Зошто го правиш тоа?“ „Ми се може.“ "Why did you do it?" "Because I can." “Why are you doing this?” he said. >>eng<< Кутията беше пълна с книги. The box was full of books. The box was full of books. >>eng<< Kriv sam. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. >>eng<< О чему се ради? What's this all about? What's this about? >>eng<< Pravila sam se da ne znam šta se događa. I pretended that I didn't know what was going on. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. >>eng<< Jesi li ovo rekla Tomu? Have you told Tom this? Did you tell Tom this? >>eng<< Nemám nič viac než desať anglických učebníc. I have no more than ten English textbooks. I don't want to go to school. >>eng<< Предомислила сам се. I had second thoughts. I changed my mind. >>eng<< Smračilo se. It's gotten dark. It's getting dark. >>eng<< Nije trebalo da kupiš to. You shouldn't have bought that. You shouldn't have bought that. >>eng<< Kako znate toliko? How do you know so much? How do you know so much? >>eng<< Lažeš! You're lying! You're lying! >>eng<< Том е послушен, па дури и покорен. Tom is obedient, almost submissive. Tom is obedient and even obedient. >>eng<< Ne mogu da se koncentrišem od ove pometnje. I can't concentrate with all this commotion going on. I can't concentrate on this mess. >>eng<< Отиваш ли? Are you going? Are you coming? >>eng<< Том никогаш не кажал никому каде ги скрил златниците. Tom never told anyone where he hid the gold coins. Tom never told anyone where he hid the gold coins. >>eng<< Složio sam se da kupim to. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da će Tom doći na zabavu. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom will come to the party. >>eng<< Ja sam odgovorna osoba. I'm a responsible person. I'm a responsible person. >>eng<< Tom misli na isti način. Tom thinks the same way. Tom thinks the same way. >>eng<< Той седна на пейката си. He sat on the bench. He sat on his bench. >>eng<< Започваше да вали сняг. It was beginning to snow. It was starting to snow. >>eng<< Ponosna sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I am proud of my family. >>eng<< Dodaj mi šećer, molim te. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me the sugar, please. >>eng<< Tom me izluđuje. Tom is driving me crazy. Tom's driving me crazy. >>eng<< Заседа беше. It was an ambush. It was an ambush. >>eng<< Том не е многу уреден. Tom isn't very neat. Tom's not very well-ordered. >>eng<< Идната неделя нали заминаваш за Лондон? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? Are you going to London next week? >>eng<< Децата некогаш се плашат од темнината. Children are sometimes afraid of the dark. Sometimes children are afraid of darkness. >>eng<< Исках да я изненадам. I wanted to surprise her. I wanted to surprise her. >>eng<< Да ли си некада помузао краву? Have you ever milked a cow? Have you ever milked a cow? >>eng<< Подранила си. You are early. You're early. >>eng<< Zemlja je planeta. Earth is a planet. Earth is a planet. >>eng<< Pitam se da li bi neko mogao da mi pomogne. Imam mobilni telefon koji samo pokazuje poruku o grešci. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a mobile phone that only displays an error message. I wonder if someone could help me. I have a cell phone that just shows a message about a mistake. >>eng<< Ми личат познато. They look familiar. They look familiar. >>eng<< Му ја заборавив адресата. I forgot his address. I forgot his address. >>eng<< Ако бях на твое място, бих подал молба за тази работа. Were I you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd ask for this job. >>eng<< Тој ја избегна опасноста. He avoided danger. He avoided the danger. >>eng<< Том најде докази. Tom found evidence. Tom found evidence. >>eng<< Juče je padao sneg. It snowed yesterday. It was snowing yesterday. >>eng<< Nemoj mi dati taj pištolj. Ne želim to učiniti. Don't give me that gun. I don't want to do this. Don't give me that gun. >>eng<< Prestani gunđati. Stop grumbling. Stop snorkeling. >>eng<< Што мислиш дека направил Том? What do you think Tom did? What do you think Tom did? >>eng<< Dokle ćeš da se ljutiš i vičeš na nas? Until when shall you tell us off? How long will you be angry and yelling at us? >>eng<< On je Kinez. He's Chinese. He's Chinese. >>eng<< Сѐ имаме. We have everything. We got it all. >>eng<< Nikad nikom ne pozajmljujem knjige ili CD-ove. I never lend books or CDs to anyone. I never lend books or CDs to anyone. >>eng<< Kaži mi gde živite. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. >>eng<< Нисам га заборавила. I haven't forgotten him. I didn't forget him. >>eng<< Нямаше забавяне. There was no delay. There was no delay. >>eng<< Ovaj kandidat je značajno bolji u poređenju sa njegovim prethodnikom. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. >>eng<< Избери което ти харесва. Choose whichever you like. Choose what you like. >>eng<< Кен боядиса колелото си в бяло. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken paints his bike in white. >>eng<< Внимавай да не паднеш. Take care not to fall. Be careful not to fall. >>eng<< Môžete zdvihnúť túto nohu? Can you lift this leg? Do you know what you're talking about? >>eng<< Proverite opet. Check again. Check again. >>eng<< Питайте Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. >>eng<< Том пивна од шишето вино. Tom took a drink from a bottle of wine. Tom was drinking a bottle of wine. >>eng<< Samo ne žurim. I'm just taking my time. I'm just in no hurry. >>eng<< Том се придржува до строга веганска исхрана. Tom follows a strict vegan diet. Tom adheres to a strict vegan diet. >>eng<< Мисля, че не схващаш основното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you realize the basics. >>eng<< Не съм филолог. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. >>eng<< Том ме заплаши. Той каза, че ако не му дам парите, ще ми отреже един от пръстите. Tom threatened me. He said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. He said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. >>eng<< Ono je sto. It is a table. That's the table. >>eng<< Трябва да наема някой, който може да говори френски. I need to hire somebody who can speak French. I have to hire someone who can speak French. >>eng<< Ја волим математику. I love math. I love mathematics. >>eng<< Izgubio sam sve. I've lost everything. I lost everything. >>eng<< Krojačica kroji i kuhar peče. A seamstress sews, and a cook bakes. The tailor makes and the cook bakes. >>eng<< Знаеш што ми треба. You know what I need. You know what I need. >>eng<< Той си закачи палтото. He hung up his coat. He hung his coat. >>eng<< Той използва възможността добре. He made good use of the opportunity. He uses the opportunity well. >>eng<< Престани. Ставаш смешен. Stop it. You're being ridiculous. You're getting ridiculous. >>eng<< "Mislim da je završenstvo ružno", rekao je. "Negde u stvarima koje ljudi prave želim da vidim ožiljke, neuspeh, nered, distorziju." "I think perfection is ugly", he said. "Somewhere in the things that humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion." "I think the ending is ugly," he said. "Somewhere in the things that people make I want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion." >>eng<< Не може да ги отпуштиме тукутака. We can't just fire them. We can't just fire them. >>eng<< Беше по-евтино, отколкото си мислех. It was cheaper than I thought. It was cheaper than I thought. >>eng<< Том славеше. Tom was celebrating. Tom was celebrating. >>eng<< Različit si. You're different. You're different. >>eng<< Отпрвин, ништо не разбирав. At first, I couldn't understand anything. At first, I didn't understand anything. >>eng<< Селфи стиковете са забранени в много музеи и галерии. Selfie sticks are banned in many museums and galleries. Selfie Sticks are banned in many museums and galleries. >>eng<< Дебел сум. I'm fat. I'm fat. >>eng<< Potrebno je mnogo mašte kad se pokušava da se ovde doda nova rečenica. A lot of imagination is needed to try to add new sentences here. It takes a lot of imagination when trying to add a new sentence here. >>eng<< Това не е лошо нещо. This isn't a bad thing. That's not a bad thing. >>eng<< Достатъчно горещо ли е за плуване? Is it hot enough to go swimming? Is it hot enough to swim? >>eng<< Nismo dobro igrali. We didn't play well. We didn't play well. >>eng<< Odustajem. I'm resigning. I give up. >>eng<< Samozrejme že napíšem ten list po anglicky. Of course I'll write the letter in English. I'm already writing a tan leaf after angleky. >>eng<< Бев спремен за војната. I'm ready for the war. I was ready for the war. >>eng<< Sve je laž. It's all fake. It's all a lie. >>eng<< Ten muž je vysoký. The man is tall. Ten's husband is vysoký. >>eng<< Ти си единствениот што се запознал со Том. You're the only one who's met Tom. You're the only one who's met Tom. >>eng<< Nemoj da se razvlačiš. Don't slouch. Don't pull out. >>eng<< Навистина? Really? Oh, really? >>eng<< Vrlo si nevaspitan. You're very rude. You're very rude. >>eng<< Tom nemože ostati. Tom can't stay. Tom can't stay. >>eng<< Zašto je slikanje vozova toliko interesantno? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? >>eng<< Можеби не бев јасен. Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. Maybe I wasn't clear. >>eng<< Vtáci majú ostrý zrak. Birds have sharp vision. Váci Mayú Ostrý air. >>eng<< Tom možda bude iskren. Tom may be sincere. Tom might be honest with you. >>eng<< Не мога да поправя хладилникът. I cannot repair this refrigerator. I can't fix the fridge. >>eng<< Prilagodljiv sam. I'm adaptable. I'm flexible. >>eng<< Akú máš prezývku? What's your nickname? Akú máš prezývka? >>eng<< Dogodiće se loše stvari. Bad things will happen. Bad things are going to happen. >>eng<< Zar sam zaista bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Have I really been so happy? >>eng<< Верувај во правдата! Believe in justice! Believe in justice! >>eng<< Фолклора на острова още разказва историята на сала. Island folklore still recounts the story of the raft. Folklore on the island still tells the story of the hall. >>eng<< Не отваряй още подаръка. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the gift yet. >>eng<< Можам да одам. I can go. I can go. >>eng<< Kakvo je vrijeme u New Yorku? What's the weather like in New York? What's the weather in New York? >>eng<< Jelen je brži nego jači. The deer is faster than it is strong. The deer is faster than the stronger. >>eng<< Врати ми ја книгата. Пак ми треба. Give me back my book. I need it again. Give me back my book, I need it again. >>eng<< Аз идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. >>eng<< Stvarno mi se sviđa tvoja muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. >>eng<< Htio bih da Bog postoji. I wish God did exist. I wish God existed. >>eng<< Pitam se da li Tom voli plesanje koliko Marija. I wonder if Tom likes dancing as much as Mary. I wonder if Tom likes dancing as much as Mary does. >>eng<< Пет сати је ујутру у Бразилу. It's 5:00 a.m. here in Brazil. It's five o'clock in the morning in Brazil. >>eng<< Moja budućnost je u vašim rukama. My future is in your hands. My future is in your hands. >>eng<< Многу ли патуваш? Do you travel a lot? Are you traveling too much? >>eng<< Mnogo ti hvala za ovu informaciju! Thank you a lot for this information. Thank you so much for this information! >>eng<< Не се среќни. They aren't happy. They're not happy. >>eng<< Дојди и разговарај со мене, Том. Come out and talk to me, Tom. Come and talk to me, Tom. >>eng<< Ide mi sve bolje. I'm getting good at it. I'm getting better. >>eng<< Кога рече Том дека ќе му почне забавата? What time did Tom say his party was going to start? When did Tom say his party was about to start? >>eng<< Волим да студирам стране језике. I like to study foreign languages. I like to study foreign languages. >>eng<< Ovde je nekad bilo mirno. It used to be peaceful here. It used to be quiet here. >>eng<< Таа е жената којашто ја посакувам. She's the woman I desire. She's the woman I want. >>eng<< Смее ли да го употребам ова пенкало? May I use this pen? Can I use this pen? >>eng<< Želim da znam razlog. I want to know the reason. I want to know the reason. >>eng<< Тя ме порица, че не отговорих на писмото. She reproached me for not answering the letter. She denied me that I didn't answer the letter. >>eng<< Му ја купив таа книга. I bought that book for him. I bought him that book. >>eng<< Том е сега полнолетен. Tom is an adult now. Tom's an adult now. >>eng<< Pite čaj. Drink tea. Have some tea. >>eng<< Веќе се спакував. I've already packed. I've already packed. >>eng<< Колко ти върви! How lucky you are! How you doing! >>eng<< Превише сам стара за овако нешто. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for something like this. >>eng<< Том изгледаше изненадено кога му кажав дека Мери не е тука. Tom seemed surprised when I told him Mary wasn't here. Tom seemed surprised when I told him Mary wasn't here. >>eng<< Зафатен беш. He was busy. It's a busy bet. >>eng<< Няма от какво да те е срам. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. You have nothing to be ashamed of. >>eng<< Томов ауто има сто коњских снага. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Tom's car has a hundred horsepower. >>eng<< Ne treba se gađati kamenjem u staklenoj kući. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. You don't need to shoot stones in a glass house. >>eng<< Tom nije bio jako dobar. Tom wasn't very good. Tom wasn't very good. >>eng<< Управо сам устао. I just got up. I just got up. >>eng<< Tom je ponovo slomio nešto. Tom has broken something again. Tom broke something again. >>eng<< Нямам време за посетители. I have no time for visitors. I don't have time for visitors. >>eng<< To svakako nije razlog za brigu. That's certainly nothing to worry about. That's certainly no reason to worry. >>eng<< Tom je uspeo da bez poteškoća pronađe Merinu kuću. Tom was able to find Mary's house without any problem. Tom managed to find Mary's house without difficulty. >>eng<< Што е тој звук? What is that sound? What is that sound? >>eng<< Престани да се однесуваш како дете. Quit acting like a child. Stop acting like a child. >>eng<< Току-що изпусна влака. He just missed the train. You just missed the train. >>eng<< Ne pravi budalu od sebe! Don't make a fool of yourself! Don't make a fool of yourself! >>eng<< Никой не може да ме спре да говоря с Марика. Nobody can stop me from talking to Marika. No one can stop me from talking to Marika. >>eng<< Ќе одам во парк. I'll go to the park. I'm going to the park. >>eng<< Čo si kúpila? What did you buy? Who did you buy? >>eng<< Никогаш нема да ја заборавам. I'll never forget her. I'll never forget it. >>eng<< Da li su vam rekli razlog? Did they give a reason? Did they tell you the reason? >>eng<< Чекај да проверам во прирачникот. Let me check the manual. Let me check the manual. >>eng<< Тој прекар совршено му стои. That nickname fits him perfectly. That nickname is perfect for him. >>eng<< В някои отношения то приличало на футбола, който се играе в наши дни. It was similar in some ways to soccer which is played today. In some ways, it was like playing football these days. >>eng<< Није било повређених. There've been no injuries. There were no injuries. >>eng<< Виждал съм те по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. >>eng<< Ти студент по обмен ли си? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? >>eng<< Том беше бос. Tom was barefoot. Tom was a boss. >>eng<< Никој нема да ме најде. No one's going to find me. No one will find me. >>eng<< Сакаш ли колаче? Do you want a cookie? Would you like a cookie? >>eng<< Искрен човек е. He is an honest man. He's an honest man. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том трябва да бъде зашит. I think Tom needs stitches. I think Tom needs to be sewn up. >>eng<< Зборувањето со него секогаш ме орасположува. Talking to him always puts me in a good mood. Talking to him always makes me feel better. >>eng<< Bio je golih prsa i bosonog. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was naked chest and boson. >>eng<< Moraću da razmislim o tom pitanju, I'll have to take that question on notice. I'm going to have to think about this. >>eng<< Пречиш ми. You are in my way. You're holding me back. >>eng<< Изгледа едноставно не мислев. I guess I just wasn't thinking. I guess I just didn't mean it. >>eng<< Pa gde je Tom otišao? So where did Tom go? So where did Tom go? >>eng<< Мислиш ли да ће се ситуација побољшати? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? >>eng<< Tom je već ovde. Tom is here already. Tom's already here. >>eng<< Mnogo hvala za komentar koji inspiriše. Thank you very much for an inspiring comment. Thank you very much for the comment that inspires you. >>eng<< Voleo bih da znam da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I knew how to paint like that. >>eng<< Моят вуйчо никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never writes letters. >>eng<< U dobrim je rukama. It's in good hands. He's in good hands. >>eng<< Iker Casillas je najlepší brankár na svete. Iker Casillas is the best goalie in the world. Iker Casillas is the most beautiful brandar in the world. >>eng<< То възкръсна даже по-жизнено от преди. It revived with even greater vigor. He was raised even more alive than before. >>eng<< Гладан мушкарац је љут мушкарац. A hungry man is an angry man. A hungry man is an angry man. >>eng<< Не би било разлике. It wouldn't have made any difference. There would be no difference. >>eng<< Imamo dva televizora. We have two television sets. We have two TVs. >>eng<< Muškarci imaju oko 7 do 8 puta više testosterona od žena. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. >>eng<< Том попита Мери дали може да заеме учебника ѝ по френски. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her French textbook. Tom asked Mary if she could borrow her French textbook. >>eng<< Ова е малце потешко. This one's a little harder. This is a little harder. >>eng<< Tvoji rezultati ispita su odlični. Your examination results are excellent. Your exam results are great. >>eng<< Том вели дека не е предоцна за надомест. Tom says it's not too late to make amends. Tom says it's not too late for compensation. >>eng<< Čo počuješ? What do you hear? Who are you listening to? >>eng<< Трябва да се справим с този проблем веднага. We must deal with this problem right away. We need to deal with this problem right now. >>eng<< Vrtlarenje je zabavno. Gardening is fun. Gardening's fun. >>eng<< Spavaj nekoliko sati. Get a few hours sleep. Sleep for a few hours. >>eng<< Знае ли Том да плива? Is Tom able to swim? Does Tom know how to swim? >>eng<< U ovom gradu nema ništa za raditi. There's nothing to do in this town. There's nothing to do in this town. >>eng<< Ќе се вратам за еден миг. I'll only be a moment. I'll be back in a minute. >>eng<< Zasad sam video dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen a lot so far. >>eng<< Zakryla její zklamání úsměvem. She covered up her disappointment with a smile. Zacryla sklamání úsmëvem. >>eng<< Дупло сам старија од Тома. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice as old as Tom. >>eng<< Майк не играе бейзбол добре. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't play baseball well. >>eng<< Разбират ли и Том, и Мери френски? Do both Tom and Mary understand French? Do they understand Tom and Mary French? >>eng<< Moramo da nađemo Toma. We've got to find Tom. We need to find Tom. >>eng<< Мога да поставя длани на пода, без да сгъвам коленете си. I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can put my hands on the floor without bending my knees. >>eng<< Loše vreme mi nije dalo da odem. The bad weather kept me from leaving. The bad weather didn't allow me to leave. >>eng<< Трябва да говоря с Том сега. I have to talk to Tom now. I need to talk to Tom now. >>eng<< Том ја потсети Мери да си ја обнови возачката дозвола. Tom reminded Mary to renew her driver's license. Tom reminded Mary to renew her driver's license. >>eng<< Нисам задовољан овом ситуацијом. I'm not happy with this situation. I am not satisfied with this situation. >>eng<< Treba da budemo realistični. We need to be realistic. We should be realistic. >>eng<< мислим, дакле постојим. I think, therefore I am. I mean, I exist. >>eng<< Oduvek sam voleo horor-filmove. I've always liked horror movies. I've always loved horror movies. >>eng<< Možeš nam jednostavno reći istinu. You may as well tell us the truth. You can just tell us the truth. >>eng<< Тие патуваа накај исток. They travelled eastwards. They traveled east. >>eng<< Откъде да знам? How should I know? How should I know? >>eng<< Кажи ми каде да го најдам. Tell me where I can find him. Tell me where to find him. >>eng<< Френският по-труден ли е от английския? Is French more difficult than English? Is French harder than English? >>eng<< Juče sam završio učenje esperanta na Duolingu. Yesterday I finished learning Esperanto on Duolingo. Yesterday I finished teaching Esperanto at Duoling. >>eng<< Ова беше моја грешка. This was my mistake. This was my mistake. >>eng<< Recite mi zašto ste uradili to. Tell me why you did it. Tell me why you did it. >>eng<< Она му спрема оброке. She cooked him meals. She's making his meals. >>eng<< Pomerite se. Step aside. Move aside. >>eng<< Meri je stavila prsten na prst. Mary put the ring on her finger. Mary put a ring on her finger. >>eng<< Vesolje je skrivnost. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a secret. >>eng<< Тоа звучи итно. That sounds urgent. That sounds urgent. >>eng<< Нищо никога не става така, както си го мислил. Things never turn out the way you thought they would. Nothing ever happens the way you thought it was. >>eng<< Ти можеш да говориш френски, нали? You can speak French, can't you? You can speak French, right? >>eng<< Mám dve mačky. I have two cats. Two cats. >>eng<< Шта хоћеш тиме да кажеш? What are you trying to say? What do you mean by that? >>eng<< Neophodno je. It's necessary. It's necessary. >>eng<< On je bio sin bogatoga trgovca. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. He was the son of a rich merchant. >>eng<< Dođi da pogledaš. Come and take a look. Come and look at this. >>eng<< Zakasnio sam, zar ne? I am too late, right? I'm too late, aren't I? >>eng<< Сѐ уште не си спремен, нели? You're not ready yet, are you? You're not ready yet, are you? >>eng<< Том беше обѕирен. Tom was considerate. Tom was considerate. >>eng<< Том е таткото. Tom is the father. Tom's the father. >>eng<< Тој тип ме нервира. That guy annoys me. That guy's pissing me off. >>eng<< Заради усърдието си той успя. Diligence enabled him to succeed. Because of his zeal, he succeeded. >>eng<< Da li se sada vraćaš nazad? Are you going back now? Are you going back now? >>eng<< Недей да напълняваш. Don't get fat. Don't fill it up. >>eng<< Том си ја покри главата со перница. Tom covered his head with his pillow. Tom covered his head with a pillow. >>eng<< Просјаците не можат да пребираат. Beggars cannot be choosers. The beggars can't understand. >>eng<< Том пие од три до шест кафиња дневно. Tom drinks between three and six coffees a day. Tom drinks from three to six cafes a day. >>eng<< Ne brini, mogu ja to. Don't worry, I can take it. Don't worry, I can do it. >>eng<< Tom je morao da ponovo napiše sastav. Tom had to rewrite his essay. Tom had to re-write the band. >>eng<< Тук някъде го сложих. I put it here somewhere. I put it in here somewhere. >>eng<< Том беше наполно понижен. Tom was utterly humiliated. Tom was totally humiliated. >>eng<< Tom je otpušten. Tom has been fired. Tom was fired. >>eng<< Не кажем ништа. I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything. >>eng<< Времето се развали. The weather turned bad. Time's broken. >>eng<< Tom će možda morati da ostane ovde nekoliko dana. Tom might have to stay here for a couple of days. Tom may have to stay here for a few days. >>eng<< Učitelj je podijelio učenike u grupe. The teacher split the students into groups. The teacher divided the students into groups. >>eng<< Мисля, че е по-добре да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you better get out. >>eng<< Се кладам дека Том платил многу за својата нова кола. I bet Tom paid a lot for his new car. I bet Tom paid a lot for his new car. >>eng<< Зошто работиш за нив? Why are you working for them? Why do you work for them? >>eng<< Jesi li se potpuno oporavio? Are you fully recovered? Are you fully recovered? >>eng<< Ako sa volajú tvoje mačky? What are your cats' names? What about your cat's will? >>eng<< Човекот гладува. The man is starving. The man is starving. >>eng<< Tom ima lepu baštu. Tom has a beautiful garden. Tom has a nice garden. >>eng<< Ima mnogo hotela u gradskom poslovnom distriktu. There are many hotels in the city's business district. There are a lot of hotels in the city business district. >>eng<< Mogao bih da pojedem konja. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. >>eng<< Ќе направам пуканки. I'll make popcorn. I'll make popcorn. >>eng<< Защо това е толкова смешно? Why is this funny? Why is that so funny? >>eng<< Kako došlo, tako prošlo. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. The way it came, the way it went. >>eng<< Samo votka iz Rusije je prava ruska votka! Only vodka from Russia is genuine Russian vodka! The vodka from Russia is a true Russian vodka! >>eng<< Juče sam bio srećan. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. >>eng<< Не съм те виждал откакто бяхме студенти. I haven't seen you since college. I haven't seen you since we were students. >>eng<< Nabavićemo ti jednog. We can get one for you. We'll get you one. >>eng<< Gdje je votka? Where's the vodka? Where's the vodka? >>eng<< On ima jednog sina i dvije kčeri. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. >>eng<< Трябваше да работиш по-усърдно. You should have worked harder. You had to work harder. >>eng<< Не могу да седим мирно. I can't sit still. I can't sit still. >>eng<< Би можеле да зборуваме за неа. We could talk about her. We could talk about her. >>eng<< Планирам да го посетам Том во Бостон следниот викенд. I plan to visit Tom in Boston next weekend. I'm planning on visiting Tom in Boston next weekend. >>eng<< Smanji televizor. Turn down the television. Turn the TV down. >>eng<< Мислам дека ќе одам да го посетам Том и да видам како е. I think I'll go visit Tom and see how he's doing. I think I'm gonna go see Tom and see how he's doing. >>eng<< On nije naučnik, ali on jeste naš prijatelj. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. He's not a scientist, but he's our friend. >>eng<< Molim te, dodaj mi so. Pass me the salt, please. Please, pass me the salt. >>eng<< Оди си. Go away. Go away. >>eng<< И какво да правя сега? So what do I do now? So what do I do now? >>eng<< Со пријател како тебе, не ми требаат непријатели. With a friend like you, one doesn't need enemies. With a friend like you, I don't need enemies. >>eng<< To nie je také jednoduché. It's not that simple. It's nie's one-duché. >>eng<< Тука е топло. Можеш да го соблечеш палтото. Here it is warm. You could put away your coat. You can take your coat off. >>eng<< Ne morem ti poslati vabila. I cannot send you the invitation. I can't send you an invitation. >>eng<< Ne mogu da verujem da sam zaboravila. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. >>eng<< Том не се опита да скрие истината. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. >>eng<< Мислам дека не можам да се движам. I don't think I can move. I don't think I can move. >>eng<< Том не ми кажа кој му е учител по француски. Tom didn't tell me who his French teacher was. Tom didn't tell me who his French teacher was. >>eng<< Оттам пътеката се качва стръмно нагоре. The path ascends steeply from there. From there, the path rises steeply upwards. >>eng<< Šta predlažeš? What is it you propose? What are you suggesting? >>eng<< Što namjeravaš raditi od sada? Imaš li neki ciilj? What do you intend to do from now on? Do you have an objective? What are you going to do from now on? >>eng<< Казвам ти, тя прилича на майка си. She looks like her mother, I tell you. I'm telling you, she looks like her mother. >>eng<< Отложихме заминаването за утре. We put off the departure till tomorrow. We've postponed our departure for tomorrow. >>eng<< Нейната коса е дълга. Her hair is long. Her hair is long. >>eng<< Той може да те е разбрал неправилно. He may have misunderstood you. He may have misunderstood you. >>eng<< Zid je izgledao glatko i neprobojno. The wall appeared to be smooth and impenetrable. The wall looked smooth and impenetrable. >>eng<< On hovorí príliš rýchlo. He speaks too fast. He hovorí príš rýchlo. >>eng<< Tom se nekada plašio zmija. Tom used to be scared of snakes. Tom used to be afraid of a snake. >>eng<< Ќе бидеш во опасност. You'll be in danger. You'll be in danger. >>eng<< Bitkoin je kriptovaluta. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. >>eng<< Šta ti je na umu? What's on your mind? What's on your mind? >>eng<< Камоли да беше тој тука. I wish he were here. I wish he was here. >>eng<< Tom je znalac. Tom is a connoisseur. Tom's a know-it-all. >>eng<< Moj otac je popravio polomljenu stolicu. My father fixed a broken chair. My father fixed a broken chair. >>eng<< Tom može da bude opasan. Tom may be dangerous. Tom can be dangerous. >>eng<< Trebao bi se stidjeti. You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be ashamed. >>eng<< Zaglavilo se. It's stuck. It's stuck. >>eng<< Том не говори френски толкова добре, колкото Мери. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary does. >>eng<< Tom nema takve probleme. Tom has no such problem. Tom doesn't have that kind of problem. >>eng<< Трябва да те видя. I've got to see you. I need to see you. >>eng<< Не съм се къпал от три дена. I haven't showered in three days. I haven't bathed in three days. >>eng<< Tom me je pitao treba li da pomogne Meri ili ne. Tom asked me whether he should help Mary or not. Tom asked me if he should help Mary or not. >>eng<< Иска ми се да имах приятел като теб. I wish I had a friend like you. I wish I had a friend like you. >>eng<< Имам важни новини. I have some important news. I have important news. >>eng<< Muzika je ponovo počela. The music started again. The music started again. >>eng<< Jednostavno se tako dešava. It's just what happens. It just happens that way. >>eng<< Устани! Stand up! Get up! >>eng<< Добар син си. You're a good son. You're a good son. >>eng<< Jaz sem tako nesrečen fant. I'm such an unlucky guy. I'm such an unhappy boy. >>eng<< Спазарявам се с него за цената. I make a bargain with him over the price. I'm saving myself with him for the price. >>eng<< Том е бездруго лут. Tom must be angry. Tom's mad. >>eng<< Došli smo po tebe. We've come to get you. We're here to get you. >>eng<< Ništa ne možemo da uradimo po tom pitanju. Nothing could be done about that. There's nothing we can do about it. >>eng<< Той обича да ходи на пътешествия. He loves taking trips. He likes to travel. >>eng<< Nemal som v úmysle rušiť ťa. I didn't mean to interrupt you. He had no som in the úmysle ruins. >>eng<< Том не беше разочаран. Tom wasn't disappointed. Tom was not disappointed. >>eng<< Trenutno sam lociran u Bostonu. I'm currently located in Boston. I'm currently located in Boston. >>eng<< Всичките усилия на лекаря бяха напразни и мъжът скоро почина. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the efforts of the doctor were in vain and the man soon died. >>eng<< Скоро сме стигнати. We are almost there. We're almost there. >>eng<< Ти си премлада. You're too young. You're too young. >>eng<< Той може да говори и френски. He can also speak French. He can speak French as well. >>eng<< Този, който пита, става глупак за пет минути, но този, който не пита, става глупак завинаги. He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. The one who asks becomes a fool for five minutes, but the one who does not ask becomes a fool forever. >>eng<< Испеков пита од јаболко. I baked an apple pie. I made an apple pie. >>eng<< Na koje ime? Under what name? In what name? >>eng<< Слизам на следващата гара. I am getting off at the next station. I'm going down to the next station. >>eng<< Бях изненадана, че Том говори френски толкова добре. I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well. I was surprised Tom spoke French so well. >>eng<< Da li misliš da bi Tom hteo da ide sa nama na kampovanje sledećeg vikenda? Do you think that Tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? Do you think Tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? >>eng<< Nevideli sme nič divného. We saw nothing strange. You can't see anything wonderful. >>eng<< Imam povratnu kartu za Tokio. I have a return ticket to Tokyo. I have a return ticket to Tokyo. >>eng<< Френски ли учиш? Are you studying French? Do you learn French? >>eng<< Опитвам се да спестя пари. I'm trying to save money. I'm trying to save money. >>eng<< Používanie len "Tom" a "Mike" v mnohých vetách je veľmi čudné. Using only "Tom" and "Mike" in many sentences is very strange. Poživanie len "Tom" and "Mike" in mnohých vetách is more strange. >>eng<< Cigare koštaju dve Marke. The cigars cost two Marks. Cigarettes cost two brands. >>eng<< Гледай си работата! Mind your own business! Mind your own business! >>eng<< Porodica je večerala u podne. The family had its dinner at noon. The family had dinner at noon. >>eng<< Tom ne ume da piše dobro. Tom can't write very well. Tom can't write well. >>eng<< Правила сам се да не видим. I looked the other way. I pretended I didn't see it. >>eng<< Къде е ключът? Where's the key? Where's the key? >>eng<< Sigurna sam da si im potreban. I'm sure they need you. I'm sure they need you. >>eng<< Hvala! Thanks! Thank you! >>eng<< Наистина го оценявам. I really do appreciate it. I really appreciate it. >>eng<< Само малку патници ја преживеаја несреќата. Few passengers survived the accident. Only a few passengers survived the accident. >>eng<< Том сака да прави се сам. Tom likes to do everything himself. Tom wants to do it all by himself. >>eng<< Da li si pojeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? >>eng<< По своја волја сум тука. I'm here by choice. I'm here at will. >>eng<< Предоцна е да ти помогнам. It's too late to help you. It's too late to help you. >>eng<< Му го виде ли лицето? Did you see his face? Did you see his face? >>eng<< Voleo bih da nisam uradio to. I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't done that. >>eng<< Ja sam gnevan. I'm angry. I'm angry. >>eng<< Nije mi se baš svidelo. I didn't enjoy it very much. I didn't like it very much. >>eng<< Čekam mamu. I'm waiting for my mother. I'm waiting for my mom. >>eng<< Kupil je nov par rokavic. He bought a pair of new gloves. He bought a new pair of gloves. >>eng<< Животът е труден. Life is hard. Life is hard. >>eng<< Само тргни ми се од патот. Just get out of my way. Just get out of my way. >>eng<< Досега не бях виждала затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a blackout before. >>eng<< Tom to videl tiež. Tom saw that, too. Tom saw it. >>eng<< Ustala je i prišla prozoru. She stood and walked toward the window. She got up and came in the window. >>eng<< Адвокатот ми доаѓа. My lawyer is on his way. My lawyer's coming. >>eng<< On rijetko odustaje. He rarely gives up. He rarely gives up. >>eng<< Изисква се да се направят още изпитания. Further testing is required. More testing is required. >>eng<< Tom ne skriva svoje osjećaje baš najbolje. Tom isn't very good at concealing the way he really feels. Tom's not hiding his feelings very well. >>eng<< Tom će se potruditi da stigne na vreme. Tom will try to be there on time. Tom will do his best to get there in time. >>eng<< Не мога да разбера защо той не каза истината. I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth. I can't understand why he didn't tell the truth. >>eng<< Као ќе ги најдеме? How are we going to find them? How do we find them? >>eng<< Том не беше поспан. Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't asleep. >>eng<< Том треба да си оди сега. Tom should leave now. Tom needs to leave now. >>eng<< Pazi se. You'd better watch out. Be careful. >>eng<< Морам да им купам подароци. I've got to get them presents. I have to buy them gifts. >>eng<< Moja mačka je lačna My cat is hungry. My cat is hungry. >>eng<< Френският ти става все по-добър. Your French is improving. Your French is getting better. >>eng<< Гледај го броилото. Look at the gauge. Look at the number. >>eng<< Морам да нађем Тома. I have to go find Tom. I need to find Tom. >>eng<< Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлив. A hug from you would make me happy. A hug from you will make me happy. >>eng<< Тоа е бездруго една опција. That's certainly one possibility. That's another option. >>eng<< Римљани, идите кући! Romans, go home! Romans, go home! >>eng<< Трябваше да ви послушам. I should've listened to you. I should have listened to you. >>eng<< Мислех, че ще се задуша в претъпкания влак. I thought I was going to suffocate on the crowded train. I thought I'd choke on the crowded train. >>eng<< Утре ще ставам рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll be up early tomorrow. >>eng<< Vreme je za istinu. It's time for the truth. It's time for the truth. >>eng<< Nesľubuj, čo nemôžeš splniť. Don't make promises that you cannot keep. Don't worry, you can't sleep. >>eng<< Čime se bavi? What does he do? What does he do? >>eng<< Rád športujem. I like playing sports. I'm sporting Rád. >>eng<< V sobi je bila tišina. The room was quiet. There was silence in the room. >>eng<< Не мога да си позволя да поддържам кола. I can not afford to keep a car. I can't afford to have a car. >>eng<< Magdalenu zanima zemljopis. Magdalena is interested in geography. Magdalene is interested in geography. >>eng<< Имах тежка нощ. I had a rough night. I've had a rough night. >>eng<< Сложих го в чекмеджето. I put it in the drawer. I put it in the drawer. >>eng<< Šalim se. I'm joking. I'm kidding. >>eng<< Zašto se ponašaš kao dete? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? >>eng<< Овој лек ќе ја ублажи болката. This medicine will reduce the pain. This medication will relieve the pain. >>eng<< Той съвсем изперка. He's totally lost it. He's out of his mind. >>eng<< Том издржа без храна цела недела. Tom went without food for a whole week. Tom's been without food for a week. >>eng<< Reci mi šta si napisala. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. >>eng<< Рекао ми је да сам слатка. He told me I was cute. He told me I was cute. >>eng<< Baš je lako pisati ovom olovkom. This pen is very easy to write with. It’s easy to write this pen. >>eng<< Като основно ястие ядем риба. We are having fish for our main course. As a main dish, we eat fish. >>eng<< Не сакам да го вознемирам. I don't want to disturb him. I don't want to bother him. >>eng<< Kako mogu da mrzim Toma? How could I hate Tom? How can I hate Tom? >>eng<< Treba da napišeš novelu. You should write a novel. You should write a novel. >>eng<< Zašto se mi smijemo? Why are we laughing? Why are we laughing? >>eng<< Разбра ли како се вика? Did you get his name? Do you understand his name? >>eng<< Италијански полицајци ме излудуваат. Italian politicians make me mad. Italian police are driving me crazy. >>eng<< Сигурен сум. I'm sure. I'm sure. >>eng<< Moramo da budemo tihi. We've got to be quiet. We have to be quiet. >>eng<< Nađite sebi mesto. Find yourselves a seat. Find yourself a place. >>eng<< Престани да се мрдаш! Stop moving! Stop moving! >>eng<< Защо го правят? Why did they do that? Why are they doing this? >>eng<< Никој не го слушаше Том. No one was listening to Tom. No one listened to Tom. >>eng<< Ова време утре ќе бидеме во Бостон. This time tomorrow, we'll be in Boston. This time tomorrow we'll be in Boston. >>eng<< Том имаше нужда от помощта на Мери. Tom needed Mary's help. Tom needed Mary's help. >>eng<< Нозете му беа утрнале. His feet were asleep. His legs were flattened. >>eng<< Većina ljudi me smatra ludim. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. >>eng<< Зошто би им верувал? Why would you believe them? Why would I trust them? >>eng<< Biće ovo zabavan vikend. It'll be a fun weekend. It's gonna be a fun weekend. >>eng<< Možete li da me odvezete do aerodroma sutra ujutru? Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow morning? Can you take me to the airport tomorrow morning? >>eng<< Toliko sam umoran da jedva držim oči otvorene. I'm so tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. >>eng<< Шта ћеш да радиш данас? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? >>eng<< Kada ćeš doći na stanicu? What time will you get to the station? When are you gonna get to the station? >>eng<< Odgovori mi smesta. Answer me right now. Answer me right now. >>eng<< Mislim da svi troje znamo što treba napraviti. I think all three of us know what needs to be done. I think all three of us know what to do. >>eng<< Tom danas ne može da dođe na posao jer se ne oseća dobro. Tom can't come to work today because he doesn't feel well. Tom can't come to work today because he's not feeling well. >>eng<< On nevie plávať. He cannot swim. He's not swimming. >>eng<< Jedz zeleninu. Eat vegetables. Jedz green. >>eng<< Zaista mi se dopada vaša muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. >>eng<< To je bilo nefer. It was unjust. That was unfair. >>eng<< Učenici nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how they should answer. The students did not know how to respond. >>eng<< Tom je uspeo da pobegne tačno na vreme. Tom managed to escape just in time. Tom managed to escape just in time. >>eng<< Većina ljudi voli piletinu. Most people like chicken. Most people love chicken. >>eng<< Tom sa mal spýtať. Tom should've asked. Tom with a little spýta. >>eng<< Izgleda neudobno. It looks uncomfortable. He looks uncomfortable. >>eng<< Поступамо непристрасно. We act without fear or favor. We act impartially. >>eng<< Изневерили сте ме. You let me down. You failed me. >>eng<< Trebalo je da mi kažeš. You should have told me. You should have told me. >>eng<< Video sam autobus. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. >>eng<< To je sve o čemu brinem. That's all I worry about. That's all I care about. >>eng<< Том говори с френски акцент. Tom speaks with a French accent. Tom speaks with a French accent. >>eng<< Schytala to za to, že prišla neskoro. She caught it for coming late. Schytala for this, it's been a while. >>eng<< Никой не можеше да работи. No one could work. No one could work. >>eng<< Tom je zamolio Meri da se javi na telefon. Tom asked Mary to answer the telephone. Tom asked Mary to answer the phone. >>eng<< Drugi svjetski rat je započeo 1939. World war two broke out in 1939. World War II began in 1939. >>eng<< На Том не му кажаа зошто Мери не е таму. Tom wasn't told why Mary wasn't there. They didn't tell Tom why Mary wasn't there. >>eng<< Šta ste sad uradili? What have you done now? What have you done now? >>eng<< Море носи се! Go jump in the lake. Wear the sea! >>eng<< Znanje nas čini slobodnim i boljim ljudima. Knowledge makes us free and better people. Knowledge makes us free and better people. >>eng<< Мисля, че това ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like that. >>eng<< Tom je odveo decu u park. Tom took the children to the park. Tom took the kids to the park. >>eng<< Znaš li nekoga tamo ko govori Urdu? Do you know anyone who speaks Urdu over here? Do you know anyone out there who's talking to Urda? >>eng<< Ostajem. I'm staying. I'm staying. >>eng<< Том е во болница и се опоравува од што се предозирал. Tom is in the hospital, recovering from a drug overdose. Tom's in the hospital and recovering from what he overdosed. >>eng<< Моля, предайте моите поздрави на Вашето семейство. Please send my regards to your family. Please send my congratulations to your family. >>eng<< Tom je juče kupio par crnih cipela. Tom bought a pair of black dress shoes yesterday. Tom bought a couple of black shoes yesterday. >>eng<< Върши страхотна работа. It works incredibly well. He's doing a great job. >>eng<< Чувал ли си се скоро със сестра си? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister recently? >>eng<< Крис не можа да скрие тъгата си когато чу,че Бет не може да намери ценният си часовник. Chris could not conceal his sadness when he heard that Beth had been unable to find his valuable watch. Chris couldn't hide his sadness when he heard that Beth couldn't find his precious watch. >>eng<< Osećaj se kao kod kuće. Make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. >>eng<< U ovom razredu ima 40 učenika. There are 40 pupils in this class. There are 40 students in this class. >>eng<< Се сакаа. They love each other. They loved each other. >>eng<< Ne bih je povredio. I wouldn't hurt her. I wouldn't hurt her. >>eng<< Bilo kako bilo, nisi u pravu. Be that as it may, you are wrong. Either way, you're wrong. >>eng<< На момчето му беше невозможно да ја преплива реката. For the boy to swim across the river was impossible. It was impossible for the boy to swim the river. >>eng<< Ja nisam uradio to. I'm not the one who did that. I didn't do it. >>eng<< Што повеќе јадам, толку повеќе ми расте апетитот. The more I eat the bigger my appetite gets. The more I eat, the more my appetite grows. >>eng<< Ne guraj. Don't push. Don't push. >>eng<< Том си облече пижамата и си легна. Tom put on his pajamas and climbed into bed. Tom put on his pajamas and went to bed. >>eng<< Mislila sam da si oženjen. I thought you were married. I thought you were married. >>eng<< След изпита забравих всичко. After the exam, I forgot everything. After the exam, I forgot everything. >>eng<< Stoj pokonci, ko se pogovarjam s teboj. Stand upright when I'm talking to you. Stand up when I talk to you. >>eng<< Той беше тук по това време. He was here at that time. He was here at the time. >>eng<< Da li je ispunio svoje ciljeve? Did he accomplish his goals? Did he meet his goals? >>eng<< Moramo da odemo u kupovinu. We have to do the shopping. We have to go shopping. >>eng<< Da li je neophodno da praviš toliku galamu? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Is it necessary to make such a noise? >>eng<< Imam jednog brata. I have one brother. I have a brother. >>eng<< Sve su obmanuli. They deceived all. They've deceived everything. >>eng<< Той ходи там всеки ден. He goes there every day. He goes there every day. >>eng<< Кој му ги дал сите тие пари? Who gave him all that money? Who gave him all that money? >>eng<< Том престана да се бричи. Tom stopped shaving. Tom stopped shaving. >>eng<< Tom je stavio mapu na sto. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the map on the table. >>eng<< Тачно када си то урадио? When exactly did you do that? Exactly when did you do that? >>eng<< Da, nije li odlično? Yeah, isn't that great? Yeah, isn't it great? >>eng<< Da li si ručala? Have you had any lunch? Did you have lunch? >>eng<< Mali by sme brať do úvahy meškanie vlaku. We should take into account that the train was delayed. Little by can bra? Up to úvahy meskanie train. >>eng<< Već sam rekla Tomu to. I've already told Tom that. I already told Tom that. >>eng<< Tom se nije ponudio da plati. Tom didn't offer to pay. Tom didn't offer to pay. >>eng<< Той не вярва в Бог. He doesn't believe in God. He does not believe in God. >>eng<< Svi plaču. Everyone's crying. Everyone's crying. >>eng<< Трябва да дам на Том това, което той иска. I have to give Tom what he wants. I have to give Tom what he wants. >>eng<< Се изненадив што е толку лесно. I'm surprised it was that easy. I was surprised it was so easy. >>eng<< Tento muž je opitý. This man is drunk. Tento's husband is opia. >>eng<< DNA test ukázal, že bol nevinný. A DNA test showed he was innocent. DNA test ukázal, already pain innocent. >>eng<< Gde si video Toma? Where did you see Tom? Where did you see Tom? >>eng<< Баш вчера те мислев. I was just thinking about you yesterday. I was thinking about you yesterday. >>eng<< Често скијам. I often ski. I ski often. >>eng<< Da li je sve rešeno sada? Is it all resolved now? Is everything settled now? >>eng<< Jedite supu dok je vruća. Eat your soup while it's warm. Eat soup while it's hot. >>eng<< Kaj je ta neznosen hrup? What is that awful noise? What is this unbearable noise? >>eng<< Питай Том дали говори френски. Ask Tom if he can speak French. Ask Tom if he speaks French. >>eng<< Зошто прашуваш? Why are you asking? Why do you ask? >>eng<< Kako mogu biti od pomoći? How can I be of service? How can I be of help? >>eng<< Ljudje so bili željni miru. People were eager for peace. People wanted peace. >>eng<< Kaži Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. >>eng<< Tom je izgulio automobil. Tom totaled his car. Tom lost the car. >>eng<< Opušten sam. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. >>eng<< Slažeš li se? Is that agreeable? Do you agree? >>eng<< Овој кауч е многу удобен. This couch is very comfortable. This couch is very comfortable. >>eng<< Не буди друмски силеџија. Don't hog the road. Don't be a road bully. >>eng<< Ona je reagovala na to. She reacted to that. She reacted to it. >>eng<< Ајде да одиме во трговски центар. Let's go to the mall. Let's go to the mall. >>eng<< Ако човечеството не се грижи за околната среда, околната среда ще унищожи човечеството. If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. If humanity does not take care of the environment, the environment will destroy humanity. >>eng<< Кејт е многу шармантна. Kate is very charming. Kate is very charming. >>eng<< Počinjemo li uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we starting soon? >>eng<< Ќе му се јавам подоцна. I'll call him later. I'll call him later. >>eng<< Da li ovo znači da me više ne volite? Does this mean that you don't love me anymore? Does this mean you no longer love me? >>eng<< Искам една стая от задната страна. I'd like a room in the back. I want a room on the back. >>eng<< Този пуловер струва над петдесет долара. This sweater costs more than fifty dollars. This sweater costs over $50. >>eng<< V poslednom čase robíš priveľa chýb. You've been making too many mistakes recently. In the last hour, the slave attaches chýb. >>eng<< Забравих ѝ името. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. >>eng<< Možete li da me odvedete kući? Could you please take me home? Can you take me home? >>eng<< Zavlačevanje: to je resen posel. Procrastination: It's serious business. Seizure: This is a serious business. >>eng<< Тя е упорита жена. She's a stubborn woman. She's a stubborn woman. >>eng<< Што содржи? What does it contain? What does it contain? >>eng<< Он је одустао. He gave in. He gave up. >>eng<< Добро ќе бидеме. We're going to be OK. We'll be fine. >>eng<< Том грабна апарат за гасење пожар и почна да шприца. Tom grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying. Tom grabbed the fire extinguisher and started spraying. >>eng<< Šta tvoja deca obično doručkuju? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your kids usually eat breakfast? >>eng<< Какво правиш? What are you doing? What are you doing? >>eng<< On stalno gubi njegov mobilni telefon. He's always losing his mobile. He's always losing his cell phone. >>eng<< Убиецът можеше да бъде спрян. The killer could have been stopped. The killer could have been stopped. >>eng<< Samo recite Tomu da sam zvao. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. >>eng<< Tom se onesvestio. Tom's out cold. Tom passed out. >>eng<< Том ќе се врати за неколку минути. Tom will be back in a few minutes. Tom'll be back in a few minutes. >>eng<< Jesi li sarkastična? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? >>eng<< Том не слуша. Tom doesn't listen. Tom's not listening. >>eng<< Добив петка по француски. I got an A in French. I got five in French. >>eng<< Том си ги повлече парите од банка. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom withdrew his money from the bank. >>eng<< Volela bih da sam znala da Tom ne zna da govori francuski. I wish I'd known that Tom couldn't speak French. I wish I knew Tom couldn't speak French. >>eng<< Не живеам во Бостон. I don't live in Boston. I don't live in Boston. >>eng<< Макар че Джейн имаше с един куфар по-малко от мен, тя все пак твърдеше, че багажът ѝ е твърде много. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane had a suitcase less than me, she still claimed that her luggage was too much. >>eng<< Том е тука единствениот што не разбира француски. Tom is the only one here who doesn't understand French. Tom is the only one who doesn't understand French. >>eng<< Много ви благодаря за подробното обяснение. Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. >>eng<< Nosila je nametljivu odeću. She wore suggestive clothing. She was wearing intrusive clothes. >>eng<< Napisao sam pesmu o Tatoebi. I wrote a song about Tatoeba. I wrote a song about Tatoeba. >>eng<< Никој нема да добие отказ. No one will be fired. No one gets fired. >>eng<< Ubijeno je nekoliko ljudi. Several people were killed. A few people were killed. >>eng<< Тя не обръща много внимание на това, как се облича. She doesn't pay much attention to how she dresses. She doesn’t pay much attention to how she dresses. >>eng<< Stalno govorim to. I say that all the time. I keep saying that. >>eng<< Трчаше најбрзо што можеше. You ran as fast as you could. He ran as fast as he could. >>eng<< U tome je poenta. That was my point. That's the point. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da mu treba novac. Tom said that he needed the money. Tom said he needed some money. >>eng<< On je nestao bez traga. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. >>eng<< Шта ћеш радити данас? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? >>eng<< Složio bih se. I'd agree. I'd agree. >>eng<< Би ми било задоволство да го зачувам. I'd be happy to keep it. It would be my pleasure to save it. >>eng<< Посеаја семе, го израснаа, и го ожнеаја; обагрената река вртеше воденица. Crops were sown, and grew up, and were gathered in; the stream that had been crimsoned, turned a watermill. The seed was sown, it was grown, and it was reaped; the heated river was turning water. >>eng<< Те дозволувам да ме фатиш. I let you catch me. I'm letting you get me. >>eng<< Mogu da napišem poruku Tomu ako želiš. I could write Tom a note if you want me to. I can write a message to Tom if you want. >>eng<< Изглежда вкъщи няма никого. It looks like no one's home. Looks like nobody's home. >>eng<< Mnogo puta sam igrala golf sa Tomom. I've played golf with Tom many times. I've played golf with Tom many times. >>eng<< Не можам тукутака да се откажам. I can't simply give up. I can't just give up. >>eng<< Човекот когошто си го сретнал кај станицата бил татко ми. The man you met at the station is my father. The man you met at the station was my father. >>eng<< Познаваш ли това момиче? Do you know this girl? Do you know this girl? >>eng<< Niko ne bi razgovarao sa mnom. Nobody would talk to me. No one would talk to me. >>eng<< Дали мислиш дека си допадлив? Do you think you're likeable? Do you think you like it? >>eng<< Какво целите? What're you after? What goals? >>eng<< Postoje indicije da će prijem, koji je poznat po svojim luksuznim jelima, ove godine biti nešto skromniji. There are some indications that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will be a bit more subdued this year. There are indications that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will be somewhat more modest this year. >>eng<< Когато бях студентка в университета, никога не спях в нощта преди изпита. When I was a university student, I always pulled an all-nighter before a test. When I was a college student, I never slept the night before the exam. >>eng<< Hvala svima na dolasku! Vidimo se sljedeći put. Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! I'll see you next time. >>eng<< Želim da budem plivačica. I want to be a swimmer. I want to be a swimmer. >>eng<< Само сакав да се расчисти ситуацијата. I just want the situation resolved. I just wanted to clear up the situation. >>eng<< То не може бити истина. That can't be true. It can't be true. >>eng<< Ходя на работа с колело. I go to work by bicycle. I'm going to work on a bike. >>eng<< Ми се лоши. I'm feeling nauseous. I feel bad. >>eng<< Zarazni ste. You're contagious. You're contagious. >>eng<< Аз не бих го направила. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do that. >>eng<< То је било врло добро. That was very good. That was very good. >>eng<< Том те предал. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. >>eng<< Нали няма проблем? It's not a problem, is it? It's not a problem, is it? >>eng<< Аз дори не мога да сложа водата да кипне, камо ли да опека пуйка. I cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey. I can't even get the water boiling, let alone bake a turkey. >>eng<< Ne znam. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Nikad ranije nisam opazila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. >>eng<< Тя натисна копчето. She pressed the switch. She pushed the button. >>eng<< Ko je Tom? Je li on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? >>eng<< Môžem sa na to pozrieť? May I have a look at it? Is that what I'm talking about? >>eng<< Ne trebaju mi uputstva. I don't need the user manual. I don't need instructions. >>eng<< Moja mati je Grkinja. My mother is Greek. My mother is Greek. >>eng<< Pazi se ovde, Tome. Watch it there, Tom. Watch out here, Tom. >>eng<< Da li si napisala pismo Tomu? Have you ever written a letter to Tom? Did you write a letter to Tom? >>eng<< Sedite, molim Vas. Sit back down, please. Have a seat, please. >>eng<< Začuđena sam. I'm astonished. I'm surprised. >>eng<< Той пренебрегна задълженията си. He neglected his duties. He ignored his duties. >>eng<< Odužiću se Tomu. I'll make it up to Tom. I'll make it up to Tom. >>eng<< Не мислиш ли, че всичките ни политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? >>eng<< Конечно го победив. I finally beat him. I finally beat him. >>eng<< Наставник нам је објаснио значење речи. The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us. The teacher explained the meaning of the word. >>eng<< Možemo da gledamo Toma u odelu, za crnim velikim klavirom sa dramatičnim potezima prstiju, stvarajući muziku koja je vrlo prijatno slušati. We can look at a suit-clad Tom at a black grand piano, moving his fingers dramatically, creating music that is very pleasant to listen to. We can look at Tom in a suit, behind a black big piano with dramatic fingertips, creating music that's very pleasant to listen to. >>eng<< Вие учите френски, нали? You study French, don't you? You're learning French, aren't you? >>eng<< Много е кратък. It's very short. It's very short. >>eng<< Тој се избричи. He shaved. He shaved. >>eng<< Имаме многу за правење. We have lots to do. We have a lot to do. >>eng<< Наредната ноќ, не спиев добро. The next night, I did not sleep well. The next night, I didn’t sleep well. >>eng<< Ова беше на Том идеја. This was Tom's idea. This was Tom's idea. >>eng<< Nemamo drugog izbora. We don't have any other options. We have no other choice. >>eng<< Ушао сам у њену собу. I entered her room. I went into her room. >>eng<< Тя не ме разбира. She doesn't understand me. She doesn't understand me. >>eng<< Nije me interesovalo. I wasn't interested in it. I wasn't interested. >>eng<< Посетителите се добредојдени. Visitors are welcome. Visitors are welcome. >>eng<< Nastavnica nam je objasnila šta je pesnik hteo da kaže. The teacher explained to us the meaning of the poem. The teacher explained to us what the poet wanted to say. >>eng<< Loše vreme mi nije dalo da odem. The bad weather kept me from leaving. The bad weather didn't allow me to leave. >>eng<< Му ги испеков колачињава. I baked these cookies for him. I baked his cookies. >>eng<< Francuzi su naši prijatelji. The French are our friends. The French are our friends. >>eng<< Zavolám ti za pár minút. I will call you in a few minutes. I'd like to thank you for your pár minút. >>eng<< Nisam oprao kosu. I haven't washed my hair. I didn't wash my hair. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da nije video ništa čudno. Tom said he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Tom said he didn't see anything weird. >>eng<< Samo što smo večerali. We just ate dinner. We just had dinner. >>eng<< Ти си най-добрата ми приятелка. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. >>eng<< Hvala bogu. Thank God. Thank God. >>eng<< Сосем е возможно Том воопшто да не ни помогне. It's quite possible that Tom won't help us at all. It’s possible Tom won’t help us at all. >>eng<< Ne guraj. Don't push. Don't push. >>eng<< Праведен си. You're fair. You're just. >>eng<< Која је твоја крвна група? What is your blood type? What is your blood type? >>eng<< Ајде да си ги вратиме. Let's get them back. Let's get them back. >>eng<< Можеш ли да ги стигнеш оние? Can you reach those? Can you get those? >>eng<< To je začetek nove dobe. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new age. >>eng<< Ова ми е омилениот предмет. This is my favourite subject. This is my favorite subject. >>eng<< Конкуренцијата за тоа работно место е голема. Competition for the position is very intense. Competition for this job is great. >>eng<< Мислиш ли дека Том си ја сака работата? Do you think Tom likes his job? Do you think Tom likes his job? >>eng<< Posao policije je da sprečava i istražuje kriminal. The police's job is to prevent and investigate crime. It's the police's job to prevent and investigate crime. >>eng<< Казват, че е хубаво. I hear it's nice. They say it's nice. >>eng<< Навън съм,карам колелото си. I'm out riding my bike. I'm out, I'm taking my bike. >>eng<< Ovde smo da bismo igrali golf. We're here to play golf. We're here to play golf. >>eng<< Они копају рупу. They're digging a hole. They dig a hole. >>eng<< On je siromašan ali previše ponosan da traži pomoć. He is poor but is too proud to ask for help. He's poor, but he's too proud to ask for help. >>eng<< Ne možemo da ga pozovemo kao svedoka. We can't call him as a witness. We can't call him a witness. >>eng<< Кой е малчуганът? Who's the little guy? Who's the kid? >>eng<< Хайде да играем. Let's play. Let's play. >>eng<< Ne mogu da zaboravim to. I can't forget that. I can't forget that. >>eng<< On je jablko. He's eating an apple. He's an apple. >>eng<< Той си обърна палтото наопаки. He turned his coat inside out. He turned his coat upside down. >>eng<< Би можел ли да ми препорачаш добра книга? Could you recommend a good book? Could you recommend a good book to me? >>eng<< Planiranje treba da prepustiš meni. You should leave the planning to me. You should leave the planning to me. >>eng<< Veru, hovorím vám: Čokoľvek ste urobili jednému z týchto mojich najmenších bratov, mne ste urobili. Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Faith, howorím vám: You have besieged a man with týchto my nymenschích brothers, you have taken me captive. >>eng<< Знаех си, че ще се ядосаш. I knew you'd be mad. I knew you'd get angry. >>eng<< Што му е намената? What is its purpose? What's his purpose? >>eng<< Том си направил список со работите што треба да ги извршиме. Tom has written down a list of things we need to do. Tom made a list of the things we need to do. >>eng<< Većina se plaši da postavi sebi veliki cilj iz straha da ga nikada neće dostići. Most people are afraid to set a high goal for fear of not achieving it. Most are afraid to set a great goal for themselves out of fear that they will never reach it. >>eng<< Zadatak odvjetnika je dokazati nevinost njenog klijenta. The lawyer's job is to prove that her client is innocent. It's her lawyer's job to prove her client's innocence. >>eng<< За него не се знаеше нищо, откакто беше заминал за Америка. Nothing has been heard from him since he left for America. Nothing has been known about him since he left for America. >>eng<< Máš desať rokov? Are you ten years old? You got your hands on it? >>eng<< Nemám bicykla. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bicycle. >>eng<< Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú blázniví. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Myslel som, it's Tom a Mary sú blázniví. >>eng<< Prestravljen sam. I'm terrified. I'm terrified. >>eng<< Наемате ли се? Are you volunteering? Are you hired? >>eng<< Многу ми се допаѓа! I love it! I like it so much! >>eng<< Демократијата ја охрабрува слободата. Democracy encourages freedom. Democracy promotes freedom. >>eng<< Vang Lao Đi nije pivo. Čaj je. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea. Wang Lao Ji's not a beer. >>eng<< Zašto reći Tomu bilo šta? Why tell Tom anything? Why tell Tom anything? >>eng<< Trudim se da budem pažljiva. I'm trying to be cautious. I'm trying to be careful. >>eng<< To je jako osjetljivo. It's very sensitive. It's very sensitive. >>eng<< Spreman sam, buraz. Da te vidim! I'm ready, man. Bring it! I'm ready, bro. >>eng<< Би требало да погледам. I should take a look. I should take a look. >>eng<< Sledeći put će sigurno biti bolje. The next time will be surely better. Next time I'm sure it'll be better. >>eng<< Мери често носи дълги поли. Mary often wears long skirts. Mary often wears long skirts. >>eng<< Tom je zamolio Meri da se javi na telefon. Tom asked Mary to answer the telephone. Tom asked Mary to answer the phone. >>eng<< Дупло сам старији од Тома. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice as old as Tom. >>eng<< Tom ima dvoje dece. Tom has two children. Tom has two kids. >>eng<< Том је присвојио руску реченицу. Tom adopted a Russian sentence. Tom adopted the Russian sentence. >>eng<< On ima nekoliko prijatelja. He has a few friends. He has a few friends. >>eng<< Šta si uradio ovde? What have you done here? What did you do here? >>eng<< Благодаря ви за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. >>eng<< Той самият каза така. He himself said so. He said so himself. >>eng<< Тажен сум. I'm sad. I'm sad. >>eng<< To je dobro. That's good. That's good. >>eng<< Vrijeme leti. Time flies. Time flies. >>eng<< Во шест часот ли стануваш? Do you get up at six? Are you up at six o'clock? >>eng<< Snažan zemljotres jačine 8.8 je danas pogodio japanske otoke. A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today. A strong 8.8 earthquake struck the Japanese islands today. >>eng<< Том сакаше Мери да ги покани Џон и Алис на вечера. Tom wanted Mary to invite John and Alice over for dinner. Tom wanted Mary to invite John and Alice to dinner. >>eng<< Хайде да си починем малко под дървото. Let's take a little rest under the tree. Let's rest a little under the tree. >>eng<< Gde je Teheran? Where's Tehran? Where's Tehran? >>eng<< Nemojte da gurate. Don't push. Don't push. >>eng<< Žilaviji sam nego što izgledam. I'm tougher than I look. I'm tougher than I look. >>eng<< Ме немаше само еден час. I was only gone an hour. I've only been gone an hour. >>eng<< Том порано пишуваше стихотворби. Tom used to write poems. Tom used to write poems. >>eng<< Idi gore. Get upstairs. Go upstairs. >>eng<< Тивок сум. I'm quiet. I'm quiet. >>eng<< Konobar je došao do njegova stola. The waiter came up to his table. The waiter came to his table. >>eng<< Pušenje je zabranjeno u svakom dijelu restorana. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is prohibited in every part of the restaurant. >>eng<< Босилокот, жалфијата, рузмаринот, тимијанот и ориганото се популарни билки. Basil, sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano are popular herbs. The basil, sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano are popular herbs. >>eng<< Mislio sam da nećeš moći da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. >>eng<< В Германия призраците не плащат данъци. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany, ghosts do not pay taxes. >>eng<< Никогаш во животот не сум носела спавача. I've never worn a sleeping gown in my life. I've never worn a sleeper in my life. >>eng<< Говорете ясно, за да могат да Ви чуват всички. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak clearly so that everyone can hear you. >>eng<< Не се отказвам. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. >>eng<< Падам си по такива истории. That kind of story appeals to me. I fall for stories like that. >>eng<< Tom uči programiranje. Tom is learning programming. Tom's learning programming. >>eng<< Pravda u ovoj zemlji ima dvostruke standarde: pravda za siromašne i pravda za bogate. Justice in this country is a bit of a double standard: there is the justice of the poor and the justice of the rich. Justice in this country has double standards: justice for the poor and justice for the rich. >>eng<< Ќе се вратам за кратко време. I'll be back in a little bit. I'll be back in a little while. >>eng<< Том беше единствениот на бродот кога експлодира. Tom was the only one on the ship when it exploded. Tom was the only one on board when it exploded. >>eng<< Račun, molim. Check, please. Bill, please. >>eng<< Извинете, може ли да ми стесните тази блуза? Could I have this blouse taken in, please? Excuse me, can you narrow this blouse down for me? >>eng<< Да вечеряме. Let's eat supper. Let's have dinner. >>eng<< С малко добра воля от двете страни нашите проблеми би трябвало да могат да бъдат разрешени. With a bit of good will on both sides, our problems should be able to be resolved. With a little good will on both sides, our problems should be solved. >>eng<< Moj oče mi je povedal o svojih izkušnjah med vojno. My father told me about his experiences during the war. My father told me about his experiences during the war. >>eng<< Ne mogu da čekam do ponedeljka. I can't wait until Monday. I can't wait till Monday. >>eng<< Той пие средно голямо количество кафе. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks an average amount of coffee. >>eng<< Мислев дека Том ќе биде тука. I thought Tom was going to be here. I thought Tom was gonna be here. >>eng<< То је Снешко Белић. It's a snowman. It's Snow White. >>eng<< Том не беше вплеткан. Tom wasn't involved. Tom wasn't involved. >>eng<< Umete li da deaktivirate bombu? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? Can you deactivate the bomb? >>eng<< Разбираш, нали? You understand, don't you? You understand, don't you? >>eng<< Táto bábika má veľké oči. This doll has big eyes. Táto bábika má vezké eyes. >>eng<< Няма да сте само вие там. You won't be the only one there. You're not the only one there. >>eng<< Мислам дека не сакам да го направам тоа баш сега. I don't think I want to do that right now. I don't think I want to do that right now. >>eng<< Не биди смешен! Не сме настанале од мајмуните, туку имаме заеднички предок. Don't be ridiculous! We are not descended from apes, we only have a common ancestor. We didn't come from monkeys, we have a common ancestor. >>eng<< Ne možemo nego misliti da je bio mrtav. We couldn't help but think that he was dead. We can't just think he was dead. >>eng<< Убава бев. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. >>eng<< Šta mi to zapravo tražimo? What exactly are we looking for? What exactly are we looking for? >>eng<< Gde si, pobogu, bio dosad? Where on earth have you been all this time? Where in the hell have you been? >>eng<< Зошто сите го мразат? Why does everyone hate him? Why does everyone hate him? >>eng<< Svi se smeju. Everyone's laughing. Everyone laughs. >>eng<< Можеби ова ќе ти помогне. This may help you. Maybe this will help you. >>eng<< Остави на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. >>eng<< Da li neko od tvojih prijatelja svira gitaru? Do any of your friends play guitar? Do any of your friends play guitar? >>eng<< Това твоето семейство ли е? Is this your family? Is that your family? >>eng<< Том отвори кутията и погледна вътре. Tom opened the box and looked inside. Tom opened the box and looked inside. >>eng<< Trenutno živim u Bostonu. I currently live in Boston. I live in Boston right now. >>eng<< Ще се обадиш ли на Том, или искаш аз да го направя? Are you going to call Tom or do you want me to? Are you gonna call Tom, or do you want me to do it? >>eng<< Премногу си паметен за тоа. You're too smart for that. You're too smart for that. >>eng<< Обичате ли да се разхождате по плажа? Do you enjoy walking on the beach? Do you like to walk on the beach? >>eng<< Мисля, че си способна на всичко. I think you're capable of anything. I think you're capable of anything. >>eng<< Мисля, че вие трябва да се присъедините към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. >>eng<< Меѓу што можам да бирам? What are my choices? What can I choose from? >>eng<< Том го чу шумот. Tom heard the noise. Tom heard the noise. >>eng<< Jesi li jela nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? >>eng<< Koľko rokov má Tony? How old is Tony? The hands of Má Tony? >>eng<< Што мајка бараш тука? Зошто не си дома? What are you doing here? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? >>eng<< Това беше просто случайност. It was nothing more than an accident. It was just a coincidence. >>eng<< Šta god misliš? Whatever do you mean? What do you think? >>eng<< Tom ima tri odrasla sina. Tom has three adult sons. Tom has three grown-ups. >>eng<< Мери току-що дойде. Mary has just come home. Mary just came. >>eng<< Dosta je zasad. That's enough for now. That's enough for now. >>eng<< Том делува шокирано. Tom seems shocked. Tom seems shocked. >>eng<< Морам да го предупредам Том. I have to warn Tom. I have to warn Tom. >>eng<< Уназаден си. You've been demoted. You're backwards. >>eng<< Odkiaľ si? Where are you from? You broke up? >>eng<< Beduini žive u pustinji. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. >>eng<< Камион събори улична лампа и светофар. A truck knocked over a light pole and a traffic light. Truck shoots down street lamp and traffic lights. >>eng<< Odakle vam ta ideja? Whatever gave you that idea? Where did you get that idea? >>eng<< Sinoć sam bio kući. Last night I was at home. I was home last night. >>eng<< Шта кажеш на мало чоколадног сира? How about some chocolate cheese? How about some chocolate cheese? >>eng<< Не можев да ја најдам. I couldn't find her. I couldn't find her. >>eng<< Povrchová gravitácia na Marse je viac než tretina zemskej. The surface gravity on Mars is more than a third of Earth's. Pljenchová gravitácia on Marse is a joke of a gentle third of the earth. >>eng<< To je baš velika tajna. That's quite a secret. That's a very big secret. >>eng<< Том е завършил японска филология. Tom majored in Japanese literature in college. Tom has completed Japanese philology. >>eng<< Verujem da si iskrena. I believe you're honest. I believe you're being honest. >>eng<< Šta ti ono beše radiš? What is it you do again? What were you doing? >>eng<< Тебе ли ти зборував? Was I talking to you? Did I talk to you? >>eng<< Ona je moja profesorica. She's my professor. She's my teacher. >>eng<< Имаме време до утре сутринта. We have until tomorrow morning. We have until tomorrow morning. >>eng<< Čiji je ovo rukopis? Whose handwriting is this? Whose manuscript is this? >>eng<< Zašto je to tako komplikovano? Why is it so complicated? Why is it so complicated? >>eng<< Nikad nisam bio na kampovanju. I've never been camping. I've never been camping. >>eng<< Том ми даде добър съвет. Tom gave me good advice. Tom gave me good advice. >>eng<< Loše vreme me je sprečilo da odem. The bad weather prevented me from leaving. Bad weather stopped me from leaving. >>eng<< Току-що свърших да правя домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished doing my homework in French. >>eng<< Том не треба секогаш да верува во она што го велат другат. Tom shouldn't always believe what others say. Tom doesn’t always have to believe what others say. >>eng<< Све се дешава с разлогом. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. >>eng<< Smeta mi tvoj odnos prema poslu! Your attitude towards work bothers me! I don't mind your attitude to work! >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Дания? What's the minimum salary in Denmark? What is the minimum wage in Denmark? >>eng<< Tom je rekao da si kul. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. >>eng<< Znaš li kog je ubio Tom? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who killed Tom? >>eng<< Сега свободен ли си ? Are you free now? Are you free now? >>eng<< Краве једу траву. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. >>eng<< Прстенот е проколнат. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? >>eng<< Том седеше на двоседот со Мери и гледаше телевизија. Tom was sitting on the couch with Mary watching TV. Tom sat on the couch with Mary and watched TV. >>eng<< Сакам да си го одржиш ветувањето. I want you to keep your promise. I want you to keep your promise. >>eng<< Ne brini, mogu ja to. Don't worry, I can take it. Don't worry, I can do it. >>eng<< Sve je prestalo. Everything stopped. It's all stopped. >>eng<< Imam dve mačke. I have two cats. I have two cats. >>eng<< Definitivno si lud. You're definitely crazy. You're definitely crazy. >>eng<< Управо сам мислио на тебе. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. >>eng<< Zašto si to uradila? What did you do it for? Why did you do it? >>eng<< То је по величини трећи град у Србији. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. It is the third largest city in Serbia. >>eng<< Solarna energija je čist izvog energije. Solar power is a clean source of energy. Solar energy is pure energy. >>eng<< Da li si uspela da uradiš to sama? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? >>eng<< Нека ти разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about me. >>eng<< Изведнъж пред тях изскочи някакъв мъж. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them. Suddenly there was a man in front of them. >>eng<< Денес сме дома. We're at home today. We're home today. >>eng<< Девојката ништо не рече. The girl didn't say anything The girl didn't say anything. >>eng<< Студи тука. It's cold in here. Stay here. >>eng<< Таман на време стигнавме. We were just in time. We just got here in time. >>eng<< Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I studied French for three years. >>eng<< Том ја слушаше Мери. Tom listened to Mary. Tom listened to Mary. >>eng<< Obe nism bogate koliko bismo želele. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. I'm not as rich as I'd like to be. >>eng<< Tom nije bio jako dobar. Tom wasn't very good. Tom wasn't very good. >>eng<< Verovatno ću biti ovde celo popodne. I'm likely to be here all afternoon. I'll probably be here all afternoon. >>eng<< Није готово док се не заврши. It ain't over till it's over. It's not over until it's over. >>eng<< Какво му става на Том? What's with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? >>eng<< Ona šeta. She walks. She's walking. >>eng<< Ovo je najgluplja stvar koju sam ikada izgovorio. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the dumbest thing I've ever said. >>eng<< Uzmi novac. You take the money. Take the money. >>eng<< Марила имаше проблеми с белите си дробове. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marilla had problems with her lungs. >>eng<< Као да ја то не знам! Tell me about it! It's like I don't know that! >>eng<< Mislio sam da idete u Boston autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. >>eng<< Наред съм. I'm OK. I'm fine. >>eng<< Živimo na šestom spratu. We live on the sixth floor. We live on the sixth floor. >>eng<< Cirih se smatra jednim od velikih finansijskih centara. Zurich is considered to be a major financial hub. Zurich is considered one of the major financial centers. >>eng<< Чудно се однесуваш. You're acting weird. You're acting weird. >>eng<< Бдеев цела ноќ. I was up all night. I've been up all night. >>eng<< Obyčajne používa nožničky na nechty. She usually uses nail scissors. It's usually a foot thing on the nichty. >>eng<< Какви са плановете ти за Коледа? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your plans for Christmas? >>eng<< Наистина ли не можеш да плуваш? Can you really not swim? Can't you really swim? >>eng<< Nikad se nisam pokajala zbog toga. I've never regretted it. I never regretted it. >>eng<< Ти го заборавив бројот. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. >>eng<< За да го повикаш лифтот, притисни го копчето. To call the elevator, push the button. To call the elevator, press the button. >>eng<< Ако мирът не може да бъде поддържан с чест, той престава да бъде мир. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it ceases to be peace. >>eng<< Той настива лесно. He catches colds easily. He's getting cold. >>eng<< Devojčice vole da se igraju kuće. Girls like to play house. Girls like to play houses. >>eng<< Штотуку ми заврши работното време. I just got off duty. I just finished my work hours. >>eng<< Той пие твърде много бира. He drinks too much beer. He drinks too much beer. >>eng<< Не говориш ли английски? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? >>eng<< Том беше единствениот во собата што не знаеше француски. Tom wasn't the only one in the room that couldn't speak French. Tom was the only one in the room who didn't know French. >>eng<< Da li se to događa često? Does that happen a lot? Does this happen often? >>eng<< Letom tu často pršieva. It often rains here in the summer. We've been spraying in the summer. >>eng<< Zbog mećave naš vlak je kasnio jedan sat. Our train was an hour late because of the heavy snow. Due to the storm, our train was an hour late. >>eng<< Той пи бира. He drank beer. He's been drinking beer. >>eng<< Отпрвин ништо не гледав. At first, I couldn't see anything. I didn't see anything at first. >>eng<< Том размисли. Tom gave it some thought. Tom, think about it. >>eng<< Identifikujte se. Identify yourself. Identify yourself. >>eng<< Nemoj da izlaziš večeras. Don't go out tonight. Don't go out tonight. >>eng<< Uređaj koristite dok vas ne upozori da napunite bateriju i onda je punite 5 sati da bi postigli maksimalni kapacitet. Use the device until it warns you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to reach the maximum capacity. Use the device until it warns you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to reach maximum capacity. >>eng<< Вие решихте така. That was your decision. That's what you decided. >>eng<< Не сакам загатки. I don't enjoy riddles. I don't like puzzles. >>eng<< Брат ми твърди, че не се страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother says he's not afraid of the dark. >>eng<< Mladi čovjek je liječnik. The young man is a doctor. A young man is a doctor. >>eng<< Том најде нова работа. Tom got a new job. Tom found a new job. >>eng<< Ne volim tvroglave ljude. I don't like stubborn people. I don't like hard-boiled people. >>eng<< Веома сте лепа жена. You're a very beautiful woman. You're a very beautiful woman. >>eng<< Prestani da brineš toliko. Stop worrying so much. Stop worrying so much. >>eng<< Takáto šanca už druhý raz nepríde. The lost chance will never come again. Takáto bar narrow druhý ras nepríde. >>eng<< Po načinu na koji je Meri zalupila vrata, Tom je shvatio da je tužna. Tom could tell by the way Mary slammed the door that she was upset. In the way Mary slams the door, Tom realizes she's sad. >>eng<< Може ли да разговараме за нив? Can I talk to you about them? Can we talk about them? >>eng<< Zašto pitaš? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? >>eng<< Беше уморен и въпреки това отиде да им помогне. He was tired, and yet he went to help them. He was tired and still went to help them. >>eng<< Čo napísal? What did he write? What's up? >>eng<< Само најди ги. Just find them. Just find them. >>eng<< Da li voliš da pišeš? Do you like writing? Do you like writing? >>eng<< Не смееш да ја отпуштиш. You can't fire her. You can't fire her. >>eng<< Мислам дека тој хотел ќе ти биде малку скап. I think that hotel is going to be a little pricey for you. I think that hotel's gonna be a little expensive for you. >>eng<< Slomljeni su. They're broken. They're broken. >>eng<< U dobrim je rukama. It's in good hands. He's in good hands. >>eng<< Не съм те виждал тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I haven't seen you around here before. >>eng<< Том изгледа навредено. Tom looks indignant. Tom seems offended. >>eng<< Учителят ни обърка имената. The teacher mixed up our names. The teacher confused our names. >>eng<< Оди најди го. Go and find him. Go find him. >>eng<< Трябва да говоря с вас. I have to talk to you. I need to talk to you. >>eng<< Възприемам мълчанието ти като съгласие. I interpreted your silence as consent. I take your silence as an agreement. >>eng<< Прилично се добри. They're pretty good. They're pretty good. >>eng<< Tek smo stigli ovde danas. We just got here today. We just got here today. >>eng<< Kada si tačno to uradio? When exactly did you do that? When exactly did you do that? >>eng<< Том отиде во Бостон да работи. Tom has gone to Boston to work. Tom went to Boston to work. >>eng<< Тетка ми ме замоли да ѝ купам музичка кутија од Италија. My aunt asked me to buy her a music box from Italy. My aunt asked me to buy her a music box from Italy. >>eng<< Ja niečo viem! I know something! I don't know! >>eng<< Не можам да ја отворам теглава. I can't open this jar. I can't open my head. >>eng<< Kupio sam neke namirnice. I bought some groceries. I bought some groceries. >>eng<< Tom je u neprestanom bolu. Tom is in constant pain. Tom's in constant pain. >>eng<< Што му значи тоа? What does that mean for him? What does that mean? >>eng<< Ти оди собери го Том па врати се. You go and get Tom and then come back here. You go get Tom and come back. >>eng<< Има ли някакви въпроси? Are there any questions? Any questions? >>eng<< Сфатив дека се уште немав јадено. I realized I still hadn't eaten anything. I realized I hadn’t eaten yet. >>eng<< Том го стави дневникот во фиока. Tom put the diary in the drawer. Tom put the diary in the drawer. >>eng<< Dom je veliký, ale záhrada maličká. The house is big, but the garden is tiny. Home is big, ale záhrada maličká. >>eng<< Oni su dobri ljudi. They're good people. They're good people. >>eng<< Једног дана ћеш разумети. One day you'll understand. One day you will understand. >>eng<< Imam plan. Ne brini. I have a plan. Don't worry. I have a plan. >>eng<< Hvala ti puno! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! >>eng<< Предлагам да се сосредоточиме на барањето излез од пештерава. I suggest we concentrate on finding a way out of this cave. I suggest we focus on finding a way out of this cave. >>eng<< Ќе останам во кола. I'll stay in the car. I'll stay in the car. >>eng<< Фабриката произведува играчки. The factory manufactures toys. The factory produces toys. >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. >>eng<< мислим, дакле јесам. I think, therefore I am. I mean, I did. >>eng<< Том обожаваше банани. Tom loved bananas. Tom loved bananas. >>eng<< Ti nisi smiješan. You are not funny. You're not funny. >>eng<< Da li je u cenu uključen doručak? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? >>eng<< Дојден сум да зборувам за неа. I came to talk about her. I'm here to talk about her. >>eng<< Од каде го знаеш ти тоа? How do you know that? How do you know that? >>eng<< Чекај го. Wait for him. Wait for him. >>eng<< Това няма да промени нищо. It won't make any difference. That won't change anything. >>eng<< Не ям свинско. I don't eat pork. I don't eat pork. >>eng<< Елементарно, мој драги Вотсоне. Elementary, my dear Watson. Elementally, my dear Watson. >>eng<< Прекалено е голямо. It's too big. It's too big. >>eng<< Мудроста е проклетство кога не му помага на оној што ја поседува. Wisdom is a curse when wisdom does nothing for the man who has it. Wisdom is a curse when it does not help the one who owns it. >>eng<< Опитвам се да науча английски. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. >>eng<< Том је умро у својим тридесетим. Tom died in his thirties. Tom died in his 30s. >>eng<< Макар това да значеше, че ще се изложи на опасност, той се реши да отиде там. Even though it meant risking danger, he decided to go there. Although this meant he would be in danger, he decided to go there. >>eng<< Време е за станување. It's time to get up. It's time to get up. >>eng<< Пази го в тайна. Keep it to yourself. Keep it a secret. >>eng<< Толку ли го мразиш? Do you hate him that much? Do you hate him so much? >>eng<< Не ме оставяйте да умра тук. Don't let me die here. Don't let me die here. >>eng<< Uvek je tako. It's always like that. It's always like that. >>eng<< Žao mi je. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to hear that. >>eng<< Koliko će ovo da me košta? How much is this going to cost me? What's this gonna cost me? >>eng<< Hajdemo sada u bar. Let's go to the bar now. Let's go to the bar now. >>eng<< Nisam se dobro proveo sinoć. I didn't have a good time last night. I didn't have a good time last night. >>eng<< Delujem li obično srećno? Do I usually seem happy? Do I usually look happy? >>eng<< Policajac ga je uhapsio zbog vožnje u pijanom stanju. The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. A cop arrested him for driving in drunk condition. >>eng<< Не се притеснявай. Don't worry. Don't worry. >>eng<< Можете ли да ми препоръчате хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? >>eng<< Салонът беше украсен с японски картини. The hall was decorated with Japanese paintings. The salon was decorated with Japanese paintings. >>eng<< Tom se ukrcao na autobus. Tom boarded the bus. Tom got on the bus. >>eng<< Той ти е ядосан. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. >>eng<< Ето ни и нас! Here we are! Here we are! >>eng<< Tom riskira sve. Tom is going for broke. Tom's risking everything. >>eng<< Ова е помеѓу мене и Том. This is between me and Tom. This is between me and Tom. >>eng<< Том ми е сосед. Tom is a neighbor. Tom's my neighbor. >>eng<< Pošto je poruka bila na francuskom, lako sam je pročitao. Since the note was written in French, it was easy for me to read. Since the message was in French, I read it easily. >>eng<< Сакаме да се видиме со Том. We want to see Tom. We want to see Tom. >>eng<< Dež trka po strehi. The rain is pitter-pattering against the roof. Rain racing on the roof. >>eng<< Sada su stvari mnogo drugačije. Things are quite different now. Things are so different now. >>eng<< Trier je najstariji grad u Njemačkoj. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. >>eng<< Tom želi da otplati novac koji duguje. Tom wants to pay back the money he owes. Tom wants to pay off the money he owes. >>eng<< Тромесечни раст од 1,2% значи годишњи раст од 4,9%. The quarterly growth of 1.2% means an annual growth rate of 4.8%. Three-month growth of 1.2% means annual growth of 4.9%. >>eng<< I dalje pravim greške. I still make mistakes. I'm still making mistakes. >>eng<< Dođem kad mogu. I come when I can. I'll be there when I can. >>eng<< Ти си прониклив човек. You're a very perceptive person. You're an insightful man. >>eng<< Том је на тајном задатку. Tom is on a top secret mission. Tom's on a secret mission. >>eng<< Када је твој рођендан? When is your birthday? When is your birthday? >>eng<< Однесете ме до хотелот Хилтон. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. >>eng<< Кого познаваш во Бостон? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? >>eng<< Šta doktor misli da ne valja? What does the doctor think is wrong? What does the doctor think is wrong? >>eng<< Том го интересира француска историја. Tom is interested in French history. Tom is interested in French history. >>eng<< Tom je probao dugme. Tom tried the knob. Tom tried the button. >>eng<< Ukrao je veoma dragocen dijamantski prsten. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. >>eng<< Той използва талантите си добре. He makes good use of his talents. He uses his talents well. >>eng<< Nemojte da preterate. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. >>eng<< Tom radi za kompaniju svog oca. Tom works for his father's company. Tom works for his father's company. >>eng<< Това ти е единственият шанс, Том. This is your one chance, Tom. It's your only chance, Tom. >>eng<< Događaće se loše stvari. Bad things will happen. Bad things are going to happen. >>eng<< Три мисионера беа убиени и изедени од страна на човекојадци. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by humans. >>eng<< Možete da sedite pored mene. You can sit next to me. You can sit next to me. >>eng<< Сакам да знам зошто ти и Том не се слагате. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. >>eng<< To se ne zgodi pogosto. That doesn't happen often. This doesn't happen often. >>eng<< Pošto je poruka bila na francuskom, lako sam je pročitao. Since the note was written in French, it was easy for me to read. Since the message was in French, I read it easily. >>eng<< Том длабоко се заинтересира за историјата на уметноста. Tom became deeply interested in art history. Tom is deeply interested in the history of art. >>eng<< Ako i provodiš mnogo vremena unutra možeš vježbati dižući koljena koliko god visoko možeš dok hodaš ili dok hodaš u mjestu. Even if you spend most of your time indoors, you can do some exercise by raising your knees as high as you can while walking or walking in place. If you spend a lot of time inside, you can practice lifting your knees as high as you can while walking or walking in the city. >>eng<< Зошто не почекате неколку дена? Why don't you give it a few days? Why don't you wait a few days? >>eng<< Drago mi je da smo bili tamo. I'm glad we were there. I'm glad we were there. >>eng<< Закаснићу. I will be late. I'm gonna be late. >>eng<< Da li si siguran da si spreman za ovo? Are you sure you're ready for this? Are you sure you're ready for this? >>eng<< Том ретко излегува. Tom rarely goes out. Tom rarely comes out. >>eng<< То се не учи у школи. They don't teach you that in school. This is not taught at school. >>eng<< Да ли би могао да преведеш ово за мене? Would you mind translating this for me? Could you translate this for me? >>eng<< Искашлав крв. I coughed up blood. I wanted blood. >>eng<< Тоа е всушност добар аргумент. That's actually a good point. That's actually a good argument. >>eng<< Da li možeš da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? >>eng<< Не яж само риба. Яж и някакво друго месо. Don't just eat fish. Eat some meat, too. Don't just eat fish, eat some other meat. >>eng<< Нема шанси да бил Том. It could've been Tom. There's no way it was Tom. >>eng<< Идва кола. There's a car coming. There's a car coming. >>eng<< Tim je jak koliko njegov najslabiji član. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. The team is as strong as its weakest member. >>eng<< Након дугог разматрања, на крају сам насумице правио ствари. After long reflection, I decided to take things as they come. After a long discussion, I ended up doing things at random. >>eng<< Ще ми кажете ли пътя до гарата? Will you tell me the way to the station? Will you tell me the way to the station? >>eng<< Kupujem mnogo stvari u toj prodavnici. I buy a lot of stuff at that store. I buy a lot of stuff at that store. >>eng<< To je bio pogodak na sreću. It was a lucky guess. That was a lucky shot. >>eng<< Želiš da se priključiš? Do you want in on this? You want to join the campaign? >>eng<< Да ли си донео фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a fan? >>eng<< Obe moje sestre su nastavnici. Both of my sisters are teachers. Both my sisters are teachers. >>eng<< Всушност е баш често. It's quite common actually. It's actually very common. >>eng<< Tom će se potruditi da stigne na vreme. Tom will try to be there on time. Tom will do his best to get there in time. >>eng<< Зарем не можеш барем малку да ми помогнеш? Can't you help me just a little bit? Can't you at least help me out a little? >>eng<< Том ѕирна внатре. Tom peeked inside. Tom's staring inside. >>eng<< Hvala vam puno! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! >>eng<< Hvala na ispravci. Thanks for the correction. Thanks for the correction. >>eng<< Da sam znao tvoju mejl adresu, pisao bih ti. If I had known your email address, I would've written. If I'd known your e-mail address, I'd have written to you. >>eng<< Pretpostavila sam da ste zauzeti. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. >>eng<< Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come see me after work. Come see me after work. >>eng<< Предлагам да си одиме дома. I suggest we go home. I suggest we go home. >>eng<< Што има да го правам ова? Why should I do this? What do I have to do this for? >>eng<< Закопчайте колана си, моля. Fasten your seat belt, please. Fasten your seat belt, please. >>eng<< Ste v knižnici. You are in the library. You're in the library. >>eng<< Тома је био бесан као рис. Tom began to feel hot under the collar. Thomas was furious as a lynx. >>eng<< Nemamo nimalo hrane. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. >>eng<< Никога не съм обичал биологията. I never liked biology. I've never loved biology. >>eng<< Samo obavljam svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том ни излъга. I think Tom lied to us. I think Tom lied to us. >>eng<< Кралот не го предвиде падот на монархијата. The king did not see the end of the monarchy coming. The king did not predict the fall of the monarchy. >>eng<< Мери сака да пие врело кафе, а Том млако. Mary likes her coffee steaming hot, while Tom likes his lukewarm. Mary wants to drink hot coffee, and Tom wants to drink hot coffee. >>eng<< Obično ne pišem ovakve pesme. I don't usually write this kind of song. I don't usually write songs like this. >>eng<< Дупло сам старији од Тома. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice as old as Tom. >>eng<< Надявам се да е от полза. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. >>eng<< Шта сам требао учинити? What else could I have done? What was I supposed to do? >>eng<< Ne treba se gađati kamenjem u staklenoj kući. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. You don't need to shoot stones in a glass house. >>eng<< Животот е смртоносна полово пренослива болест. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. >>eng<< Затова съм зает. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. >>eng<< Zašto je slikanje vozova toliko zanimljivo? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? >>eng<< Мери го раскина нашето пријателство. Mary terminated our friendship. Mary broke up our friendship. >>eng<< Nemoj da pričaš. Don't talk. Is that so? >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да тръгваме. I think we should go. I think we should go. >>eng<< Pomalo sam nov u ovome. I'm kind of new at this. I'm a little new at this. >>eng<< Video sam nilskog konja u zoološkom vrtu. I saw a hippopotamus at the zoo. I saw a hippo in the zoo. >>eng<< Ово ће трајати читаву вечност. This is going to take forever. This will last forever. >>eng<< Името на сестра ми е Патриша. My sister's name is Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. >>eng<< Прочел съм много книги. I have read a lot of books. I've read a lot of books. >>eng<< Това не е от мене. It's not from me. It's not from me. >>eng<< Тоа е навистина одлично. That's really great. That's really great. >>eng<< Многу опушта. It's very relaxing. It's very relaxing. >>eng<< Како тоа сѐ уште не спиеш? How come are you still not sleeping? How come you're still not sleeping? >>eng<< Knjigu možemo uporediti s prijateljem. A book can be compared to a friend. We can compare the book to a friend. >>eng<< Не би било разлике. It wouldn't have made any difference. There would be no difference. >>eng<< Ти си и сладка, и мила. You are both cute and nice. You're both cute and sweet. >>eng<< Ona živi sretan život sa svojim suprugom blizu mora u Kamakuri. She's leading a happy life with her husband near the sea in Kamakura. She lives a happy life with her husband near the sea in Kamakura. >>eng<< Da li si završio domaći zadatak? Is your homework finished? Did you finish your homework? >>eng<< Ovo nije sto. This is not a table. This isn't a table. >>eng<< Latinski je jezik budućnosti! Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future. >>eng<< Većina znanstvenika smatra da je ovo uzrokovano čovjekovim djelovanjem, kroz ispuštanje metana, ugljičnog dioksida i drugih staklenjačkih plinova, od vremena industrijalizacije. Ali ipak, nekolicina drugih znanstvenika sumnja u ovo. Most scientists believe that this has been caused by man, through the release of methane, of carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases since industrialization. A few other scientists doubt this, however. Most scientists think this is caused by human action, by the discharge of methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, from the time of industrialization, but still, a few other scientists suspect this. >>eng<< Ne prepiri se sa mnom. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. >>eng<< Ovaj je jedinstven. This is one of a kind. This one's unique. >>eng<< Нещо имам проблем да си го представя. I have trouble picturing that. I have a problem imagining it. >>eng<< Tom je bio siguran u sebe. Tom was sure of himself. Tom was certain of himself. >>eng<< То издавачко предузеће је солвентно. That publishing company is in the black. This publishing company is solvent. >>eng<< Кучето се вика Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. >>eng<< Volim te. I love you! I love you. >>eng<< Ma koliko razmatrao, i dalje ne razumem. No matter how much I consider it I do not understand. As far as we're concerned, I still don't understand. >>eng<< Ovo je moj kompjuter. This is my computer. This is my computer. >>eng<< В каква ситуация ще го направиш? In what kind of situations would you do that? What kind of situation are you gonna do that in? >>eng<< Вие откъде го знаете? How do you know? How do you know that? >>eng<< Uspeli smo da pobegnemo taman na vreme. We managed to escape just in time. We managed to escape just in time. >>eng<< Pođi s nama. Come along. Come with us. >>eng<< Predvidela sam da će se ovo dogoditi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I expected this to happen months ago. >>eng<< I ja želim da vidim okean. I also want to see the ocean. And I want to see the ocean. >>eng<< Брани се! Defend yourself! Defend yourself! >>eng<< Mislio sam da idete u Boston autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. >>eng<< Што јадат китовите? What do whales eat? What do whales eat? >>eng<< Баш на време! Just in time! Just in time! >>eng<< Вревата ќе го разбуди бебето. The noise is going to wake the baby. The noise will wake the baby. >>eng<< Da li sam zaista bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Have I really been so happy? >>eng<< Uvek sam se pitao ovo. I've always wondered about this. I've always wondered this. >>eng<< Отивам в провинцията за уикенда. I'm going to the country for the weekend. I'm going to the province for the weekend. >>eng<< Nikad nisam naučio da pišem. I never learned to write. I never learned to write. >>eng<< Музиката е универзална. Music is universal. Music is universal. >>eng<< Том не оди на пазар. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom's not going to the market. >>eng<< Не се приближавай до това! Don't go near that! Don't come any closer to that! >>eng<< В Северна Америка,когато човек свие раменете си това означава "не знам". In North America when a person shrugs his shoulders it means "I don't know". In North America, when a person bends his shoulders, it means “I don’t know.” >>eng<< Imala sam problema tokom rešavanja tog problema. I had problems solving that problem. I had problems solving this problem. >>eng<< Докато съм жив аз, ти няма да бъдеш лишен от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I'm alive, you won't be deprived of anything. >>eng<< To su ohrabrujuće novosti. That's encouraging news. That's encouraging news. >>eng<< Обикновено кога свършваш работа? When do you usually get off work? When do you usually finish your job? >>eng<< Не се издржува жештинава. It's unbearably hot. I can't stand the heat. >>eng<< Smešne ste. You're being ridiculous. You're funny. >>eng<< Uđi. Come in. Come on in. >>eng<< Dojčíš svoje dieťa? Are you breastfeeding your child? Are you breastfeeding your diet? >>eng<< Biegam rano. I jog in the morning. I'm making a run for it. >>eng<< Da li biste želeli još jednu čašu vode? Would you like another glass of water? Would you like another glass of water? >>eng<< Kuća je izgorela do temelja pre nego što su stigli vatrogasci. The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived. The house burned to the ground before the firemen arrived. >>eng<< Da li si već čuo da se on konačno vratio kući? Have you heard already that he has finally returned home? Have you ever heard of him finally coming home? >>eng<< Твоје ципеле су овде. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. >>eng<< Kišna sezona počinje u junu. Rainy season begins in June. The rainy season begins in June. >>eng<< Зошто ги нападна? Why did you attack them? Why did you attack them? >>eng<< Što je brzo to je i kuso. More haste, less speed. What's fast is short. >>eng<< Ćao! Bye! Hey! >>eng<< Ништо не можете да докажете. You can't prove a thing. There's nothing you can prove. >>eng<< Макар че знам малко френски, мисля, че трябва да разговаряме на английски. Even though I know a little French, I think we should speak in English. Although I know a little French, I think we should speak English. >>eng<< Imali smo danas ispit iz matematike. We had an examination in mathematics today. We had a math exam today. >>eng<< Всички знаят, че Том може да говори добре на френски. Everybody knows Tom can speak French well. Everyone knows Tom can speak French well. >>eng<< Зарем нема ништо да правиш? Aren't you going to do something? Aren't you gonna do anything? >>eng<< Не смееш да се откажеш. You must not give up. You can't give up. >>eng<< Трябва да решиш, и при това - веднага. You must make up your mind, and that at once. You have to decide, right now. >>eng<< Meri je uzela slobodno zbog putovanja. Mary took some time off to travel. Mary took the liberty of travel. >>eng<< Mislio sam da sam dobro odglumio. I thought that I performed well. I thought I did a good job. >>eng<< Prodaju šećer u radnji. They sell sugar at the store. They sell sugar in the store. >>eng<< Kako se zvao hotel u Bostonu u kojem si bio prošle godine? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What was the name of the hotel in Boston you were at last year? >>eng<< Ще се видим пак. I'll be seeing you. I'll see you again. >>eng<< За малку ќе добиев инфаркт. I nearly had a heart attack. I almost had a heart attack. >>eng<< Zašto je slikanje vozova interesantno? Why is taking pictures of trains interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains interesting? >>eng<< Ovo je moj brat, Tom. This is my brother, Tom. This is my brother, Tom. >>eng<< Ne izgledaš baš najbolje. Jesi li dobro? You don't look very well. Are you OK? You don't look so good. >>eng<< Том вели дека Мери би требало да биде среќна. Tom says Mary should be happy. Tom says Mary should be happy. >>eng<< Зошто е толку битно да бидеме таму денес? Why is it so important to be there today? Why is it so important to be there today? >>eng<< Том още не е разбрал какво направи Мери. Tom hasn't found out yet what Mary did. Tom hasn't figured out what Mary did yet. >>eng<< Том е многу трпелив. Tom is very patient. Tom's very patient. >>eng<< Том протрча покрај Мери. Tom ran past Mary. Tom ran past Mary. >>eng<< Лицето на Шоичи побледня. Shoichi's face turned pale. Shoichi's face faded. >>eng<< Je zelo velik. He is very tall. It's very big. >>eng<< Možda je Tom bio umešan. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. >>eng<< Сиромаштијата те учи да јадеш леб без путер. Poverty teaches you to eat bread without butter. Poverty teaches you to eat bread without butter. >>eng<< Kako se zoveš? What is your name? What's your name? >>eng<< Том не се отказа. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. >>eng<< Tekst je jako prerađen. The text has been heavily edited. The text is very revised. >>eng<< Mora da je bilo užasno. It must've been awful. Must have been horrible. >>eng<< Остани тука и чувај ја. Stay here and look after her. Stay here and keep her safe. >>eng<< Моля ви, дайте ми възглавница и одеяло. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me a pillow and blanket. >>eng<< Mislila sam da ne bi želeo to. I thought you wouldn't want that. I thought you wouldn't want that. >>eng<< To govori dosta o tebi. That says a lot about you. That says a lot about you. >>eng<< Нема топла вода. There is no hot water. There is no hot water. >>eng<< Му должам на Том за ова. I owe Tom for this. I owe Tom for this. >>eng<< Том ме удри. Tom hit me. Tom hit me. >>eng<< Зошто морам да одам? Why do I have to go? Why do I have to go? >>eng<< Том изјави дека сака да појадува во кревет. Tom said he wanted to eat breakfast in bed. Tom said he wanted to have breakfast in bed. >>eng<< Това би било твърде лесно. That would be too easy. That would be too easy. >>eng<< Ja sam užasan pisac. I'm a terrible writer. I'm a terrible writer. >>eng<< Ja sam protiv rata. I am against war. I'm against the war. >>eng<< Da li bi mogao da baciš pogled i vidiš da li ima dovoljno hleba za naše ručkove sutradan? Could you have a look and see if there's enough bread for our lunches tomorrow? Could you take a look and see if there's enough bread for our lunches the next day? >>eng<< Sad sam pomalo zabrinut. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried now. >>eng<< Tom je otišao umjesto Mary. Tom went instead of Mary. Tom left instead of Mary. >>eng<< Znam. I know. I know that. >>eng<< Tom je vođa tima. Tom is the leader of the team. Tom's team leader. >>eng<< Ще ви обърна внимание след малко. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll pay attention in a little while. >>eng<< Сега имаш, нели? You've got one now, don't you? You do now, don't you? >>eng<< Тя заплака горчиво. She cried bitterly. She cried bitterly. >>eng<< Том го посети Бостон. Tom visited Boston. Tom visited Boston. >>eng<< Би сакал ли да дојдам со тебе? Would you like me to go with you? Would you like me to come with you? >>eng<< Da li si nekad koristio neki od ovih? Have you ever used one of these? Have you ever used one of these? >>eng<< Stretol som ho. I met him. Sagittarius som ho. >>eng<< Ја сам студент. I am a student. I'm a student. >>eng<< Hočem kupiti nov avto. I want to buy a new car. I want to buy a new car. >>eng<< Živo je biće, pa naravno da sere. It's a living being, so of course it shits. She's a living creature, so of course she's full of shit. >>eng<< Pobedila si! You've won! You won! >>eng<< Svaki drugi dan Bill odlazi na pecanje. Every other day Bill goes fishing. Every other day, Bill goes fishing. >>eng<< Трябва да си събуя чорапите. I have to take off my socks. I have to wake up my socks. >>eng<< Tom uči programiranje. Tom is learning programming. Tom's learning programming. >>eng<< Tom se ugojio. Tom has put on weight. Tom's getting fat. >>eng<< Не съм свикнал да ям люто. I'm not used to spicy food. I'm not used to eating hot. >>eng<< Том се има борено со депресија во повеќе периоди од својот живот. Tom has battled depression at various periods in his life. Tom has struggled with depression for many periods of his life. >>eng<< Сакам живот. I want a life. I want a life. >>eng<< Nikad nećeš hodati sama. You'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone. >>eng<< Не съм удушила Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. >>eng<< Ти можеш да четеш на френски, нали? You can read French, can't you? You can read in French, right? >>eng<< Не бевме гладни. We weren't hungry. We weren't hungry. >>eng<< Nikdy nepíš slov "boršč" a " šči" po nemecky! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Nicky doesn't write the word "borsch" and "shi" after "nomecky!" >>eng<< Беше перфектен ден. It was a perfect day. It was a perfect day. >>eng<< Tom će se oporaviti. Tom'll recover. Tom's gonna recover. >>eng<< Tom je bar iskren. At least Tom is honest. At least Tom's honest. >>eng<< Mogli smo da spasemo Toma samo da smo stigli koji minut ranije. We could've saved Tom if we'd arrived just a few minutes earlier. We could've saved Tom if we'd just arrived a few minutes earlier. >>eng<< Zašto ne skineš kaput? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take your coat off? >>eng<< Надам се да се ово више никада неће поновити. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. >>eng<< Той е дружелюбен човек. He is a friendly person. He's a friendly man. >>eng<< Отдалече прилича на човек. Seen from a distance, it looks like a man. It looks like a man from afar. >>eng<< Баш сега го видов. I saw him just now. I just saw him. >>eng<< Ne znam šta da mislim o ovome. I don't know what to think of this. I don't know what to think about this. >>eng<< Ne živim da bi jeo, jedem da bi živeo. I do not live to eat, but eat to live. I don't live to eat, eat to live. >>eng<< Немам намеру да одговорим на сва питања. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering all the questions. >>eng<< Koliko vremena je prošlo otkako si prestao podučavati u toj školi? How long has it been since you gave up teaching at that school? How long has it been since you stopped teaching at that school? >>eng<< Това не го бях виждал през живота си никога. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen it in my life. >>eng<< Том сакаше да знае каде да оди. Tom wanted to know where to go. Tom wanted to know where to go. >>eng<< Смееш да останеш само ако си тивок. You can stay only if you are quiet. You can only stay quiet. >>eng<< Da li sam te pitala? Did I ask you? Did I ask you? >>eng<< Вараш се. You are wrong. You're wrong. >>eng<< Sve devojke vole Toma. All the girls love Tom. All the girls love Tom. >>eng<< Jumi će biti učiteljica. Yumi will become a teacher. Jumi will be a teacher. >>eng<< Влечеа ждрепка за да видат кој ќе оди прв. They drew lots to see who would go first. They pulled a draw to see who was going first. >>eng<< Беше завършено. It's been completed. It was over. >>eng<< Апартаментът ми е в тази сграда. My apartment is in that building. My apartment is in this building. >>eng<< Том ги напушти. Tom abandoned them. Tom left them. >>eng<< Još uvek oplakujem smrt svog najstarijeg sina. I'm still grieving from the death of my eldest son. I still mourn the death of my eldest son. >>eng<< Полицията намери тяло, изхвърлено на брега недалече от тук. The police found a body washed up on the beach near here. The police found a body thrown off the coast not far from here. >>eng<< Videla sam autobus. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. >>eng<< Едисън е изобретил електрическата лампа. Edison invented the electric lamp. Edison invented the electric lamp. >>eng<< Река која тече кроз Париз назива се Сена. The river that flows through Paris is called the Seine. The river flowing through Paris is called the Seine. >>eng<< Veľmi ľutujem Toma. I'm very sorry about Tom. I'm talking about Tom. >>eng<< Ne stavljaj laktove na sto. Keep your elbows off the table. Don't put your elbows on the table. >>eng<< Oni veruju u Boga. They believe in God. They believe in God. >>eng<< Малко съм зает в момента. I'm a little busy here. I'm a little busy right now. >>eng<< To je po veličini treći grad u Srbiji. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. It is the third largest city in Serbia. >>eng<< Ovo je moj treći brak. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. >>eng<< Инвестицията му донесе 6%. The investment now yields him 6%. His investment brought him 6%. >>eng<< Ja sam taj koji treba da radi to. I'm the one who should be doing that. I'm the one who's supposed to do it. >>eng<< Требаше да знам дека ќе бидеш тука. I should've known you'd be here. I should've known you'd be here. >>eng<< Hvala na imejlu! Thanks for your email! Thanks for the e-mail! >>eng<< Птице певају. Birds sing. The birds sing. >>eng<< Тој гестикулира додека зборува. He gestures when he speaks. He gestured while he was talking. >>eng<< Файлът ти е у мене. I have your file. Your file's on me. >>eng<< Jej vlasy sa pekne vlnili. Her hair hung in neat coils. Eat a hairy with roasted waffles. >>eng<< Zahtevali su povećanje plate. They demanded a salary increase. They demanded an increase in wages. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да изчакаш Том? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? Are you sure you don't want to wait for Tom? >>eng<< Kakav otac, takav sin. Like father, like son. What a father, such a son. >>eng<< Ајде да одиме на ручек. Let's go get lunch. Let's go to lunch. >>eng<< Ko to ne radi? Who doesn't do that? Who doesn't? >>eng<< Том се върна вкъщи целят покрит с кал. Tom came back home covered in mud. Tom came home with a mud-covered target. >>eng<< Това е добър план. That's a good plan. That's a good plan. >>eng<< Tom i dalje ima malo vremena. Tom still has some time. Tom still has a little time. >>eng<< Želim živjeti u gradu. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. >>eng<< Не разумем зашто су тако добри пријатељи. Једва да имају нешто заједничко. I can't understand why they're such good friends. They have hardly anything in common. I don't understand why they're such good friends. >>eng<< Da li si mogla da ga pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? >>eng<< Z vtáčej perspektívy, Los Angeles vyzerá ako kockovaný koberec. From a bird's-eye view, Los Angeles looks like a chequered carpet. With vtáj perspectiveívy, Los Angeles vyzerá if the cubevaný coberec. >>eng<< Том и Мери слязоха по стълбите заедно. Tom and Mary walked down the stairs together. Tom and Mary went down the stairs together. >>eng<< Той взима пет процента от продаденото. He makes five per cent on what he sells. He's got five percent of what he's selling. >>eng<< Нямаме лаборатория. We don't have a lab. We don't have a lab. >>eng<< Hoćemo u Boston i Čikago. We want to go to Boston and Chicago. We want to go to Boston and Chicago. >>eng<< Том е безнадежен случај. Tom is beyond hope. Tom is a hopeless case. >>eng<< Аз чух какво каза Том. I heard what Tom said. I heard what Tom said. >>eng<< Нещо ново на работа? What's going on at work? Anything new at work? >>eng<< Izlazi van! Get out! Get out! >>eng<< Moja baka po ocu uživa u ceremoniji čaja. My paternal grandmother enjoys tea ceremonies. My father-in-law enjoys the tea ceremony. >>eng<< Том ти се потсмева. Tom is making fun of you. Tom's making fun of you. >>eng<< Ја имам две кћерке. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. >>eng<< Усилията ти са напразни. Your efforts are futile. Your efforts are in vain. >>eng<< И Том, и Мери си покриха очите. Tom and Mary both covered their eyes. And Tom and Mary covered their eyes. >>eng<< Ќе врескам. I'll scream. I'll scream. >>eng<< Jesi li otišao da vidiš Toma? Did you go to see Tom? Did you go to see Tom? >>eng<< Pršalo celý týždeň. It rained for a week. Sprinkled celý týzhde. >>eng<< Kao većina osamnaestogodšnjaka, Tom nije siguran šta želi da radi sa životom. Like most eighteen-year-olds, Tom isn't sure what he wants to do with his life. Like most eighteen-year-olds, Tom is not sure what he wants to do with his life. >>eng<< Сега сум спремен за него. I'm ready for him now. I'm ready for him now. >>eng<< Мисис Томсън иска да скрие факта, че е милионер. Mrs. Thompson wants to conceal the fact that she is a millionaire. Miss Thomson wants to hide the fact that he's a millionaire. >>eng<< Кивна сам на Тома. I'm angry with Tom. I'm sneezing at Tom. >>eng<< Platiti unapred Pay it forward Pay in advance >>eng<< Благоразумието на зрителите е препоръчително. Viewer discretion is advised. The wisdom of the viewers is recommended. >>eng<< Voliš li roler-kostere? Do you like roller coasters? Do you like roller-costers? >>eng<< Утре сум на работа. I'm working tomorrow. I'm at work tomorrow. >>eng<< Той беше толкова тъжен, че почти полудя. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad that I almost went crazy. >>eng<< Сакав да го повредам Том. I wanted to hurt Tom. I wanted to hurt Tom. >>eng<< Ne plašim se starenja. I'm not afraid of growing old. I'm not afraid of aging. >>eng<< На које име? Under what name? What name? >>eng<< На нас ни е известна легендата за Робин Хууд. We are familiar with the legend of Robin Hood. We know the legend of Robin Hood. >>eng<< Не сме всички толкова глупави. We're not all that stupid. We're not all that stupid. >>eng<< Зарем не сакаш да играш тенис? Aren't you fond of playing tennis? Don't you want to play tennis? >>eng<< Da li ste zauzete ovde? Are you busy here? Are you busy here? >>eng<< Братята близнаци си приличат напълно. The twin brothers look exactly alike. The twin brothers look just like each other. >>eng<< Дали изгледот ти одговара на возраста? Do you look your age? Does your appearance fit your age? >>eng<< Iskrena da budem, ne znam baš. To be honest, I really don't know. To be honest, I don't know. >>eng<< Imaš li ti ikakvu predstavu o mom životu? Do you have any idea what my life is like? Do you have any idea about my life? >>eng<< Koliko ona ima telefonskih brojeva? How many phone numbers has she got? How many phone numbers does she have? >>eng<< To bi morali prepovedati z zakonom. There should be a law against that. This should be prohibited by law. >>eng<< Na zdarvlje! Bless you. To your health! >>eng<< Koliko često čistiš svoju sobu? How often do you clean your room? How often do you clean your room? >>eng<< To je završeno. That's over. It's over. >>eng<< Сигурно сум заборавил. I must've forgotten. I must have forgotten. >>eng<< Какво искаш ? What do you want? What do you want? >>eng<< Imaš li Fejsbuk? Do you have Facebook? Do you have Facebook? >>eng<< Обади ми се утре сутринта в девет. Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning at 9:00. >>eng<< Također Piotr i Lech su dobri prijatelji. Also Piotr and Lech are good friends. Piotr and Lech are also good friends. >>eng<< Вкусно ли е? Does that taste good? Is it delicious? >>eng<< Kako se to sastavlja? How is it put together? How does it come together? >>eng<< Njihovo je pravo da glasaju. It is their right to vote. It is their right to vote. >>eng<< Stvarno je pametan. He is clever indeed. He's really smart. >>eng<< Трябва да си призная, че съм малко нервен. I have to admit I'm a little anxious. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. >>eng<< Obe moje sestre su nastavnice. Both of my sisters are teachers. Both my sisters are teachers. >>eng<< Можам подобро од тоа. I can do better than that. I can do better than that. >>eng<< Ako probaš, uspećeš. If you try, you'll succeed. If you try, you'll succeed. >>eng<< Играј поопуштено. Play in a more relaxed manner. Play more relaxed. >>eng<< Ти оддавам почит. You have my respect. I respect you. >>eng<< Тоа е уцена. That's blackmail. It's blackmail. >>eng<< Атеист е. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. >>eng<< Prvo moram da se naviknem. I have to get used to it first. I have to get used to it first. >>eng<< Започни да пишеш. Start writing. Start writing. >>eng<< Смяташ ли че е слабост да се поддаваш на изкушението? Ще ти кажа,че има ужасни изкушения за които се изисква сила,сила и кураж за да не се поддадеш. Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to. Do you think it's a weakness to succumb to temptation? >>eng<< Tom je progovorio skoro plačući. Tom spoke with tears in his voice. Tom spoke almost crying. >>eng<< Sve se dogodilo munjevitom brzinom. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything happened at lightning speed. >>eng<< Maja Keuc je dobra pevka. Maja Keuc is a good singer. Maya Keuc is a good singer. >>eng<< Тужна си. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< Uspeli smo da pobegnemo tačno na vreme. We managed to escape just in time. We managed to escape just in time. >>eng<< Sve su obmanuli. They deceived all. They've deceived everything. >>eng<< To jednostavno mora da bude tako. That's just the way it's got to be. It just has to be that way. >>eng<< Децата играят доджбол. The kids are playing dodgeball. The kids play dodgeball. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да избереш Том. I think you should choose Tom. I think you should choose Tom. >>eng<< Predvideo sam da će ovo da se desi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I thought this would happen months ago. >>eng<< Mogla bih da pođem s tobom. I could go with you. I could go with you. >>eng<< Том се потеше. Tom was sweating. Tom was sweating. >>eng<< Nemoj ni da pisneš! Don't you say a word. Don't even make a sound! >>eng<< Колико је сати, молим? What time is it please? What time is it, please? >>eng<< Nije mi bilo lako. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for me. >>eng<< Јадат сендвичи. They are eating a sandwich. They eat sandwiches. >>eng<< Планът ти се провали. Your plan failed. Your plan failed. >>eng<< Говорите ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? >>eng<< Депресијата му заврши кога таа го бакна. His depression came to an end when she kissed him. His depression ended when he kissed him. >>eng<< Čas hojí zlomené srdcia. Time heals broken hearts. Time to break the heart. >>eng<< Отивайки си към вкъщи,я видях отново. Going home last night, I saw her again. Going home, I saw her again. >>eng<< Дан реши да го напушти градот. Dan decided to leave town. Dan decided to leave town. >>eng<< Да продължаваме. Let's proceed. Let's keep going. >>eng<< Има фосфор во нашата ДНК. The element phosphorus is present in our DNA. There's phosphorus in our DNA. >>eng<< Znam da ne želiš da razgovaraš sa mnom. I know that you don't want to talk to me. I know you don't want to talk to me. >>eng<< Мислев дека би можеле да ти помогнеме. I thought we could help you. I thought we could help you. >>eng<< Ти треба ли помош со нешто? Do you need help with anything? You need some help with something? >>eng<< Зошто не испечеме торта од капини? Why don't we make a blackberry cake? Why don't we bake a cake of caps? >>eng<< Сви су били једном млади. Everyone was young once. They were all young once. >>eng<< Имам един съвет към тебе, Том. I have some advice for you, Tom. I have some advice for you, Tom. >>eng<< Svila je skupa. Silk is expensive. Silk is expensive. >>eng<< Виждала съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. >>eng<< Ne živim u tom gradu. I don't live in that city. I don't live in that city. >>eng<< Nećemo dozvoliti da umrete. We won't let you die. We're not gonna let you die. >>eng<< Той не е толкова прост, колкото изглежда. He is not as simple as he seems. He's not as simple as he looks. >>eng<< Mogu li da te ispratim kući? Can I walk you home? Can I walk you home? >>eng<< Taj je lažnjak, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? That's a fake, isn't it? >>eng<< Tom stvarno izgleda poznato. Tom does seem familiar. Tom really looks familiar. >>eng<< Не го слушај шефот слепо. Don't obey your boss blindly. Don't listen to your boss blindly. >>eng<< Вие двајца сте се ујдисале против мене! The two of you are in cahoots against me! You two are inhaling against me! >>eng<< Никога няма да бъдете сами. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. >>eng<< Možeš da učiš, nezavisno od starosti. You can learn, no matter your age. You can learn, regardless of your age. >>eng<< Jesi li donijela kavu? Did you bring coffee? Did you bring coffee? >>eng<< Хвала на имејлу! Thanks for your email! Thanks for the email! >>eng<< Tom još ne ume ni da napiše sopstveno ime. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom can't even write his own name yet. >>eng<< Švajcarskoj trebaju bolje jabuke. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. >>eng<< Znam da je ilegalno. I know it's illegal. I know it's illegal. >>eng<< Трябва да реша какви са ми приоритетите. I have to prioritize. I have to decide what my priorities are. >>eng<< Имав ниски очекувања од него. I had little expectation for him. I had low expectations of him. >>eng<< Tom veoma dobro imitira način na koji Meri govori. Tom is very good at imitating the way Mary talks. Tom emphatically imitates the way Mary talks. >>eng<< Само ти велам да бидеш внимателен. All I'm saying is be careful. I'm just saying be careful. >>eng<< Просто затворете очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. >>eng<< Govoriti engleski je zabavno. Speaking in English is fun. Speaking English is fun. >>eng<< Не ми пука какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. >>eng<< Му направив услуга. I did him a favor. I did him a favor. >>eng<< Dat ću ti sve što želiš. I'll give you anything that you want. I'll give you anything you want. >>eng<< Неспособен е да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He's incapable of doing that. >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najinteresantnijih momaka sa kojima sam ikad radila. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever worked with. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever worked with. >>eng<< Nije lak sport. It's not an easy sport. It's not an easy sport. >>eng<< Том отпатува до Бостон. Tom took a trip to Boston. Tom's on his way to Boston. >>eng<< Svetsku mrežu je izumeo 1989. godine Tom Berners Li. The Worldwide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The World Wide Web was invented in 1989 by Tom Berners Lee. >>eng<< Izgleda da je Tom iskrena osoba. Tom seems to be an honest person. Tom seems to be an honest person. >>eng<< Tom je prebrojao kusur. Tom counted his change. Tom counted the change. >>eng<< Тук има ли човек, който познава Том? Is there anyone here who knows Tom? Is there anyone here who knows Tom? >>eng<< Това е твърде малко. This is too small. That's too little. >>eng<< To je bilo malo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was a little off. >>eng<< Kako ti je? How are you doing? How's it going? >>eng<< Nestašan sam. I'm restless. I'm naughty. >>eng<< Zaista sam srećna što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really happy to be here. >>eng<< Децата дуваат меурчиња. The children are blowing bubbles. The kids are blowing bubbles. >>eng<< Аз не съм искал да нараня ничии чувства. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. >>eng<< Сакам да ги најдеш ти. I want you to find them. I want you to find them. >>eng<< Да ли си спреман? Are you ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Morala sam te vidjeti. I had to see you. I had to see you. >>eng<< Го видов Том со Мери. I saw Tom with Mary. I saw Tom with Mary. >>eng<< On spava ko beba. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. >>eng<< U našem monogamnom dijelu svijeta, vjenčati se znači prepoloviti svoja prava i udvostručiti svoje obveze. In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one’s rights and double one's duties. In our monogamous part of the world, getting married means halving your rights and doubling your obligations. >>eng<< Naučiću te da pišeš. I'll teach you how to write. I'll teach you how to write. >>eng<< Moliću se za tvoju porodicu. I'll pray for your family. I'll pray for your family. >>eng<< Трябва да учиш френски, независимо дали ти харесва или не. You have to study French whether you like it or not. You have to learn French, whether you like it or not. >>eng<< Тоа беше навистина трогателно. It was really touching. That was really touching. >>eng<< Не знаех от какво се отказвам. I didn't know what I was giving up. I didn't know what I was giving up on. >>eng<< Која је твоја националност? What's your nationality? What is your nationality? >>eng<< Budi obazriv. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Том носи јакна. Tom is wearing a jacket. Tom wears a jacket. >>eng<< Da pogledamo. Let's see. Let's have a look. >>eng<< Taj bicikl treba popraviti. This bike needs to be repaired. That bike needs to be repaired. >>eng<< Дополнително, умеам да летам. Moreover, I can fly. In addition, I know how to fly. >>eng<< Том полага много усилия да подобри френския си. Tom is working hard to improve his French. Tom is trying hard to improve his French. >>eng<< Накарахме ги да запазят тишина. We kept them quiet. We got them to keep quiet. >>eng<< Nemoj da se pomeraš! Don't move! Don't move! >>eng<< Trgovina igračaka je zatvorena. The toy store is closed. Toy shop is closed. >>eng<< Naučiću te da pišeš. I'll teach you how to write. I'll teach you how to write. >>eng<< Вечерала сам са њим. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. >>eng<< То чия книга? Whose is that book? Whose book? >>eng<< Tom ťa nezastaví. Tom won't stop you. Tom's off the hook. >>eng<< Тужна си. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< Още не съм се съгласил. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't agreed yet. >>eng<< Ќе те проверам после. I'll check in with you later. I'll check you out later. >>eng<< Не искам да разочаровам родителите си. I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents. I don't want to disappoint my parents. >>eng<< Niko ne može da zna sve. Nobody can know everything. No one can know everything. >>eng<< Том си свали вратовръзката и започна да си разкопчава ризата. Tom took off his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt. Tom took off his tie and began to unassemble his shirt. >>eng<< Таа е нерасположена. She is in a bad mood. She's in a bad mood. >>eng<< Том веќе замина. Tom has left already. Tom's already gone. >>eng<< Само сврши ја оваа работа. Let's just get this done. Just do this job. >>eng<< Тя може да говори френски. She can speak French. She can speak French. >>eng<< За нас е огромно удоволствие да гледаме бейзболни мачове. We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games. It is a great pleasure to watch baseball games. >>eng<< Reformirana sam. I'm reformed. I've been reformed. >>eng<< Тази шапка не ми става. This hat doesn't fit me. This hat doesn't work for me. >>eng<< Те гризе совест, нели? You have a guilty conscience, don't you? It bites your conscience, doesn't it? >>eng<< Tom izgleda potpuno uništeno. Tom looks totally wiped out. Tom seems totally destroyed. >>eng<< Том не беше на купона. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. >>eng<< Попитах го направо. I asked him point-blank. I asked him straight. >>eng<< Оние коишто ги мешаат глаголските завршетоци „-тся“ и „-ться“ ги чека посебно местенце во пеколот. For those who confuse the verb endings "-тся" and "ться", there's a special little place in Hell prepared just for you. Those who mix verb endings “tsya” and “tsya” are waiting for a special place in hell. >>eng<< Umem da pišem veoma brzo. I can write very fast. I can write very quickly. >>eng<< Голям град е. It's a big city. It's a big city. >>eng<< Tom je bogat i slobodan. Tom is rich and single. Tom's rich and free. >>eng<< Jesu li ovo tvoje torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? >>eng<< Ох, забравих си ключовете. Oh, I forgot my keys. Oh, I forgot my keys. >>eng<< Рекоа дека се жедни. They said they're thirsty. They said they were thirsty. >>eng<< Mám miliardy dolárov. I have billions of dollars. Mám billion dolárov. >>eng<< Mary si je s čela obrisala znoj. Mary wiped the sweat from her forehead. Mary wiped the sweat off her forehead. >>eng<< Väzni utiekli z koncentračného tábora. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. Väzny influences with a concentrationého tábora. >>eng<< Не можам да умрам тука. I can't die here. I can't die here. >>eng<< Би ли вдигнал телефона? Answer the telephone, will you? Would you pick up the phone? >>eng<< Ја сам студент. I am a student. I'm a student. >>eng<< Drže me kao taoca. I'm being held hostage. They're holding me hostage. >>eng<< Spavam čvrsto. I'm a sound sleeper. I'm sleeping tight. >>eng<< Uradiću to sam. I'm not doing it alone. I'll do it myself. >>eng<< Загризуваат ли пастрмките? Are the trout biting? Do they bite the trout? >>eng<< Тоа е неправилното. That's what's wrong. That's the wrong thing to do. >>eng<< Защо не искате да носите вратовръзка? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you want to wear a tie? >>eng<< Tom nije napisao nijedno pismo Meri dok nije bio tu. Tom didn't even write one letter to Mary while he was away. Tom didn't write a single letter to Mary until she was here. >>eng<< Сви лажу. Everybody lies. Everybody's lying. >>eng<< Чух те да говориш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. >>eng<< На безбедно ли е Том? Is Tom safe? Is Tom safe? >>eng<< Bratia! Brothers! Bratia! >>eng<< Примила је четири имејла. She received four e-mails. She received four emails. >>eng<< Ne mogu sam da popravim auto. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix the car on my own. >>eng<< Биће вам боље за неколико дана. You'll get better in a few days. You'll be better in a few days. >>eng<< Виж черните облаци,ще вали. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. Look at the black clouds, it's gonna rain. >>eng<< Том је Мерин деда. Tom is Mary's grandfather. Tom is Mary's grandfather. >>eng<< Може да се одмориме. We can rest. We can rest. >>eng<< Tom je izvadio neku ličnu kartu. Tom pulled out some ID. Tom pulled out an I.D. card. >>eng<< Nije mogao da razume nešto mnogo od onoga šta su oni rekli jedno drugom. He couldn't understand much of what they said to each other. He couldn’t understand much of what they said to each other. >>eng<< Шта си ми то урадио? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Áno, prosím. Yes, please. Áno, I beg you. >>eng<< Следващия път ще положа повече усилия. I'll try harder next time. Next time I'll make more effort. >>eng<< Tom je ostao skeptičan. Tom remained skeptical. Tom's been skeptical. >>eng<< Бил съм в Индия. I have been to India. I've been to India. >>eng<< Tom je polupao prozor. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window. >>eng<< Tom je odličen govorec. Tom is an excellent speaker. Tom's a great talker. >>eng<< Одавно га нисам видела. I haven't seen him for ages. I haven't seen him in a while. >>eng<< Úplne som zabudol, že Tom má narodeniny. I totally forgot it was Tom's birthday. It's Tom Má narodiny. >>eng<< Нямам представа как се е случило. I have no idea how this happened. I have no idea how it happened. >>eng<< Tom je najbolji pjevač u mom razredu. Tom is the best singer in my class. Tom is the best singer in my class. >>eng<< Ova tužna priča je napisana u vreme kada je Tom bio u izgnanstvu. This sad story was written at a time when Tom was in exile. This sad story was written at a time when Tom was in exile. >>eng<< Mám pomalé internetové pripojenie. I have a slow Internet connection. Mám pomalé internet connections. >>eng<< Том е многу скржав. Tom is very stingy. Tom's a lot of cobblestones. >>eng<< On je 7.5 centimetara viši od mene. He's three inches taller than I am. He's 7.5 centimeters taller than me. >>eng<< Том се однесува како размазено дериште. Tom was behaving like a spoiled brat. Tom's acting like a spoiled brat. >>eng<< Да се преместиме на онаа маса. Let's move over to that table. Let's move to that table. >>eng<< Slnko je žlté. The sun is yellow. Slinka's jaundice. >>eng<< Previše sam zauzet na poslu. I'm too busy at work. I'm too busy at work. >>eng<< Автомобилите имаат четири тркала. An automobile has four wheels. The cars have four wheels. >>eng<< Ne možeš pobeći od prošlosti. You can't run from the past. You can't run away from the past. >>eng<< Не съм казала на никого за нас. I haven't told anyone about us. I didn't tell anyone about us. >>eng<< Мора да го вардиш детето. You must keep an eye on the child. You have to protect the child. >>eng<< Беше доста студено. It was quite cold. It was pretty cold. >>eng<< Не се ли радваш, че Том ни даде достатъчно пари да си купим нещо за ядене? Aren't you glad Tom gave us enough money to buy something to eat? Aren't you glad Tom gave us enough money to buy something to eat? >>eng<< Ако храната се оладила, загреј ја во микробрановата печка. If the food's cold, put it in the microwave. If the food has cooled, heat it in the microwave. >>eng<< Трябва да отидеш на лекар. You need to see a doctor. You need to see a doctor. >>eng<< Razorena sam. I'm devastated. I'm devastated. >>eng<< Зоната беше тиха. The area was quiet. The area was quiet. >>eng<< Naš učitelj će se vratiti iz inozemstva u kolovozu. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. >>eng<< Остави ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you drop the tip? >>eng<< Može biti teško obići nepoznati teren. Unfamiliar terrain can be difficult to traverse. It can be hard to get around an unknown terrain. >>eng<< Da li sam dobio otkaz? Am I being fired? Did I get fired? >>eng<< Govori li Tom stvarno francuski? Can Tom really speak French? Does Tom really speak French? >>eng<< Tom je spremio vegetarijanski čili. Tom made vegetarian chili. Tom made a vegetarian chili. >>eng<< Ја знам вдовицата на Том. I know Tom's widow. I know Tom's widow. >>eng<< Neće je uzeti. They won't take it away. They won't take it. >>eng<< Poverio sam ti svoju tajnu a ti si me izdao. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. >>eng<< Кен не тичаше. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. >>eng<< Ќе дојдам со метро. I'll come by subway. I'll take the subway. >>eng<< Ne znam zašto više obraćam pažnju uopšte. I don't know why I even bother anymore. I don't know why I'm paying more attention at all. >>eng<< Защо не пробва роклята, преди да я купиш? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why don't you try the dress before you buy it? >>eng<< Moje ime je Janez. My name is Janez. My name is Janez. >>eng<< Da li si uživao u gledanju noćne utakmice sinoć? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Did you enjoy watching a night game last night? >>eng<< Svi stoje. Everyone's standing. Everybody stands. >>eng<< Postajem dobar u tome. I'm getting good at it. I'm getting good at it. >>eng<< Odkiaľ ste? Where are you from? Are you broke? >>eng<< Джак говори английски. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. >>eng<< Мери току-що изпусна влака. Mary just missed the train. Mary just dropped the train. >>eng<< Bývam v hoteli. I live in a hotel. Bývam at the hotel. >>eng<< Той започна да се оправдава. He began to make excuses. He began to justify himself. >>eng<< Мрзлив сум. I'm lazy. I'm lazy. >>eng<< Postoji samo jedan izlaz. There's only one way out. There's only one way out. >>eng<< Дан побесне. Dan flew into a rage. It's a day of rage. >>eng<< Ме киднапираа. They kidnapped me. I was kidnapped. >>eng<< Šta ćeš danas raditi? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? >>eng<< Ko je tom? Da li ti je on novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? >>eng<< Немам ништо друго. I have nothing else. I have nothing else. >>eng<< Tomu se veoma dopao svoj posao. Tom liked his job very much. That's what he really liked about his job. >>eng<< Ова е сѐ што можам. This is all I can do. This is all I can do. >>eng<< Влажни климатски услови не се својствени за полустровот. A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula. Wet climate conditions are not the property of the peninsula. >>eng<< Zasad sam videla dovoljno. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough so far. >>eng<< Pijete kávu s cukrom alebo bez? Do you drink coffee with sugar or without? You're drinking káva with a cougar allabo without? >>eng<< Pitao sam se da li možda sanjam. I wondered if I could be dreaming. I was wondering if I might be dreaming. >>eng<< Zašto da kažem Tomu? Why should I tell Tom? Why should I tell Tom? >>eng<< Ona je pokušala. She tried. She tried. >>eng<< Не може да бъде. You don't say! It can't be. >>eng<< Може ли мени? Can we have a menu, please? Can I have it? >>eng<< Dođi unutra. Come inside. Come on in. >>eng<< Znam kako se to radi. I know how to do that. I know how to do it. >>eng<< Ti si tako pometan. You're so smart. You're so distracted. >>eng<< Отиде да јаде. He went out to eat. He went to eat. >>eng<< Poverio sam ti svoju tajnu a ti si me izdala. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. >>eng<< Кој живее во собата под оваа? Who lives in the room below? Who lives in this room? >>eng<< Баща ми ходи да тича всяка сутрин. My father goes jogging every morning. My father goes running every morning. >>eng<< Zašto ljudi idu u kino? Why do people go to the movies? Why do people go to the movies? >>eng<< Том се размрмори. Tom started mumbling. Tom's getting tired. >>eng<< Јуче цео дан нисам била код куће. Yesterday I was not at home the whole day. I haven’t been home all day. >>eng<< Nisam znao puno o Australiji. I don't know much about Australia. I didn't know much about Australia. >>eng<< От магазина до вкъщи носех тежкия багаж и си подвиквах хо-о-оп-хоп. I carried the heavy bags back from the store chanting yo-hee-ho all the way home. From the store to the house, I carried heavy luggage and called myself a ho-op-hop. >>eng<< Tom je detaljno objasnio, ali i dalje ne razumem. Tom explained it in detail, but I still don't understand it. Tom explained in detail, but I still don't understand. >>eng<< Mogla bih da izgubim penziju. I could lose my pension. I could lose my pension. >>eng<< Borićemo se do zadnjeg. We'll fight to the last. We'll fight to the last. >>eng<< Виждала съм те някъде преди. I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you somewhere before. >>eng<< Се обидов да му објаснам, но не копча. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. I tried to explain it to him, but I didn't touch it. >>eng<< Никой няма да узнае. No one will know. No one will know. >>eng<< Ne nameravam da se menjam. I have no intention of changing. I don't intend to change. >>eng<< Том е истински каубой. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom's a real cowboy. >>eng<< Сакаш ли да гласаш? Do you want to vote? Do you want to vote? >>eng<< Мило ми е што ве гледам сите пак. It's good to see you all again. I'm glad to see you all again. >>eng<< Не сум мештанин. I'm not from here. I'm not a local. >>eng<< Не го створивме. We didn't create it. We didn't create it. >>eng<< Вечераћу у седам. I will eat supper at seven. I'll have dinner at seven. >>eng<< Kakvu hranu voliš da kuvaš? What kind of food do you like to cook? What kind of food do you like to cook? >>eng<< Tom se baš razboleo. Tom got really sick. Tom got really sick. >>eng<< Djeca su cvijeće našeg života. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. >>eng<< Јави се на бројот што ти го дадов. Call the number I gave you. Call the number I gave you. >>eng<< Zbog laži je upao u nevolju kada je njegov šef saznao istinu. The lie got him in trouble when his boss found out the truth. He got into trouble for lying when his boss found out the truth. >>eng<< Немој да доцниш на состанокот утре. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. >>eng<< Сакам да го користам ова. I want to use this. I want to use this. >>eng<< Зошто плаче Том? Why is Tom crying? Why is Tom crying? >>eng<< Ви работи ли се уште замрзнувачот? Is your freezer still working? Is the freezer still working? >>eng<< Slanje ovih pisama neće trajati dugo. The sending of these letters won't take long. Sending these letters won't take long. >>eng<< Сакав Том да дојде. I wanted Tom to come. I wanted Tom to come. >>eng<< Трябва да предложим на децата безплатни билети за кино като стимул да посещават училище. We should offer children free movie tickets as an incentive to attend school. We have to offer children free cinema tickets as an incentive to attend school. >>eng<< Pročitao sam oko sto knjiga dosad. I've read about a hundred books so far. I've read about a hundred books so far. >>eng<< Птице лете. Birds fly. Birds fly. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да се прибирате. I think you should go home. I think you should go home. >>eng<< Само сакам да ми се вратиш. I just want you back. I just want you to come back to me. >>eng<< Му го украле мобилниот. His mobile has been stolen. They stole his cell phone. >>eng<< Da li je Tom obavešten? Has Tom been informed? Is Tom notified? >>eng<< Nevstupuj! Don't come in. Don't come in! >>eng<< Колку сестри имаш? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? >>eng<< Нико није бесмртан. No one is immortal. No one is immortal. >>eng<< Кажи ми причу од почетка до краја. Tell me a story from beginning to end. Tell me a story from the beginning to the end. >>eng<< Ми упати заводлив поглед. She gave me a sexy look. He gave me a seductive look. >>eng<< Ne prepiri se sa mnom. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. >>eng<< Tom se umešao među ljude koji su imali jako loš uticaj na njega. Tom got involved with people who had a really bad influence on him. Tom got involved with people who had a very bad impact on him. >>eng<< Hej, pruži mi priliku. Hey, give me a chance. Hey, give me a chance. >>eng<< Не спомнувај ништо за ништо. Don't say anything about anything. Don't mention anything about anything. >>eng<< Tom piše lepše od mene. Tom writes better than I do. Tom writes better than me. >>eng<< Pitate me pitanja na koja već znate odgovore. You're asking me questions you already know the answers to. You ask me questions you already know the answers to. >>eng<< Престани с тим! Stop that! Stop it! >>eng<< Да влеземе внатре и да разговараме. Let's go inside and talk. Let's go inside and talk. >>eng<< Твоје време ће убрзо доћи. Your time will come soon. Your time will come soon. >>eng<< Напишано му е на лицето. It is written in his face. It's written on his face. >>eng<< Eva je dala Adamu jabuku znanja. Eve gave Adam the apple of knowledge. Eve gave Adam an apple of knowledge. >>eng<< Elbrus je najviša planina Evrope. Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. >>eng<< Zašto mene? Why me? Why me? >>eng<< Mogao bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. >>eng<< Postoje indicije da će prijem, koji je poznat po svojim luksuznim jelima, ove godine biti nešto skromniji. There are some indications that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will be a bit more subdued this year. There are indications that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will be somewhat more modest this year. >>eng<< Ne treba mi ništa. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. >>eng<< On je pre bio član društvene elite, nego predstavnik širokih masa. He was a member of a social elite rather than the masses. He was a member of the social elite rather than a representative of the masses. >>eng<< Ох! Прекрасно! Oh! Marvelous! Oh, beautiful! >>eng<< Знаеш ли што се случило? Do you know what's happened? You know what happened? >>eng<< Budem dole, ak ma budeš potrebovať. I'll be downstairs if you need me. I'll be downstairs if you need me. >>eng<< Mary je napravila face-lift. Mary had a face-lift. Mary made a face-lift. >>eng<< Želim da znam razlog. I want to know the reason. I want to know the reason. >>eng<< Tom možda nema izbora. Tom may have no choice. Tom may not have a choice. >>eng<< Нямам нищо против горещото време. I don't mind hot weather. I have nothing against hot weather. >>eng<< On je bio častan čovek. He was an honest man. He was an honorable man. >>eng<< Ahoj, ja som Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Ahoy, I am Som Nancy. >>eng<< Тоа не е доволна добра причина. That's not a good enough reason. That's not a good enough reason. >>eng<< Ме излудуваш. You drive me crazy. You're driving me crazy. >>eng<< На срещата Том говори на френски. Tom spoke in French at the meeting. At the meeting, Tom speaks French. >>eng<< Не го е направил Том. Tom didn't do it. He didn't do it, Tom. >>eng<< Ќе застанеме по пат. We'll stop along the way. We'll stand in the way. >>eng<< Ништо не ми купувај. Don't buy me anything. Don't buy me anything. >>eng<< Molim vas, šutnite najjače što možete. Please kick as hard as you can. Please, kick as hard as you can. >>eng<< Da sam samo znala. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. >>eng<< Požičaj mi dvadsať eur. Lend me twenty euros. I want you to give me a twodsa eur. >>eng<< Jesi li ikad video jednog? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever seen one? >>eng<< Da li si čitao Svetu Bibliju. Have you read the Holy Bible? Have you read the Holy Bible? >>eng<< Tom nije sklapao prijateljstva lako kao Meri. Tom didn't make friends as easily as Mary. Tom didn't make friends as easily as Mary did. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че не искаш нищо? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? >>eng<< Можеби не треба да се обидуваме да го направиме ова без помош од Том. Perhaps we shouldn't be trying to do this without Tom's help. Maybe we shouldn't be trying to do this without Tom's help. >>eng<< Pogledajte to. Check that. Look at that. >>eng<< Шта ће се сада десити? What will happen now? What's going to happen now? >>eng<< Treba li da kažemo nekome? Should we tell anybody? Should we tell someone? >>eng<< Тръгваш ли? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? >>eng<< Ние определено се потрудихме здраво. We definitely worked hard. We definitely did our best. >>eng<< Htele su da me kazne. They wanted to punish me. They wanted to punish me. >>eng<< Kto zostal? Who stayed? Who's sick? >>eng<< Da li sumnjaju na mene? Am I under suspicion? Do they doubt me? >>eng<< Nemamo drugog izbora. We have no other option. We have no other choice. >>eng<< Прочетете го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. >>eng<< Šta ste obojica uradili? What did both of you do? What have you both done? >>eng<< Одам и точка. I'm going and that's that. I'm on my way. >>eng<< Nemojte da vičete. Don't yell. Don't yell. >>eng<< Телефонските именици се фасцинантни. Phonebooks are fascinating. The phone books are fascinating. >>eng<< Hoću njegovu glavu. I want his head. I want his head. >>eng<< Нисам могла а да га не сажаљевам. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. >>eng<< Трябва да обсъдя нещо лично с Вас. I have something personal to discuss with you. I have something personal to discuss with you. >>eng<< Бродот смени правец. The ship changed its course. The ship has changed direction. >>eng<< Ако трябва да избираш между пиано и цигулка, кое би избрала? If you had to choose between piano and violin, which would you prefer ? If you had to choose between a piano and a violin, which one would you choose? >>eng<< Фернандо е побрз од тебе. Можеш ли да потврдиш дека ја разбираш таа порака? Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understand that message? Fernando's faster than you, can you confirm that you understand that message? >>eng<< Koliko ja znam, nikada nije došao na vrijeme. He has never come on time that I know of. As far as I know, he never showed up on time. >>eng<< Ќе му се јавиме. We'll call him. We'll call him back. >>eng<< Moja mačka rozumie fancúzsky, ale tvári sa, že nie. My cat understands French, but she pretends not to. My cat rosemie fancúzsky, ale tvári with, already nie. >>eng<< Nikad ne znaš šta će biti sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. >>eng<< Brod se nasukao. The ship ran aground. The ship went wrong. >>eng<< Грешим ли? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? >>eng<< Možeš li da zamoliš Toma da me pozove? Could you ask Tom to call me? Can you ask Tom to call me? >>eng<< То је по величини трећи град у Србији. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. It is the third largest city in Serbia. >>eng<< Колко ни дължите? How much money do you owe us? How much do you owe us? >>eng<< Го уапсивме. We arrested him. We arrested him. >>eng<< Šta ste vas dve uradile? What did both of you do? What did you two do? >>eng<< Bez svake sumnje. Without a doubt! I have every confidence. >>eng<< Tom je sam pojeo celu kutiju čokolada. Tom ate a whole box of chocolates by himself. Tom ate the whole box of chocolate himself. >>eng<< Неговите заклучоци се заснови врз недокажани претпоставки. His conclusions are based on unproven assumptions. His conclusions are based on unproven assumptions. >>eng<< Радвам се, че се познавам с вас. I'm glad to make your acquaintance. I'm glad to know you. >>eng<< Оженио ју је због новца. He married her for her money. He married her for money. >>eng<< Наклонет сум кон тоа да ти верувам. I'm inclined to believe you. I'm inclined to believe you. >>eng<< Те всъщност не се интересуват. They don't really care. They're not really interested. >>eng<< Имахме своите проблеми. We've had our problems. We had our own problems. >>eng<< Študovala si. You were studying. You studied. >>eng<< Морав да платам во готовина. I had to pay in cash. I had to pay in cash. >>eng<< Погоден сум! I'm hit! I'm hit! >>eng<< Кога ти е полетът? What time's your flight? When's your flight? >>eng<< Tom još uvijek izgleda iznenađeno. Tom still looks surprised. Tom still seems surprised. >>eng<< Nikad nisam stvarno bio nigde. I've never really been anywhere. I've never really been anywhere. >>eng<< Mnogo smo se brinuli o tebi. We worried a lot about you. We took care of you a lot. >>eng<< Probaj ovo. Try this. Try this. >>eng<< Niko ne ide nigde. Nobody's going anywhere. Nobody's going anywhere. >>eng<< Prestanite da pokušavate da me napravite krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. >>eng<< Tom mi više ne piše. Tom doesn't write to me anymore. Tom's not writing to me anymore. >>eng<< Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажете. I think you'd better give up. I think it's better if you give up. >>eng<< Ne možeš da sediš pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. >>eng<< Želim da upoznam Mariju. I want to meet Mary. I want to meet Maria. >>eng<< Том го задржа здивот. Tom held his breath. Tom kept his breath. >>eng<< Nemojte da prestanete. Don't stop. Don't stop. >>eng<< Бих искал да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. >>eng<< Никога преди не съм срещала Том. I'd never met Tom before. I've never met Tom before. >>eng<< Чекмеджето не се отваря. The drawer won't open. The drawer doesn't open. >>eng<< Opet se našikao. He had once again drunk one over the eight. He got laid again. >>eng<< Може ли да ме погледнеш? Can you look at me? Can you look at me? >>eng<< Не мога да ви купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you this dress. >>eng<< Italija je jako lijepa država. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Том не го направи она што тој му го побара. Tom didn't do what he was asked. Tom didn't do what he asked. >>eng<< Той е пред вратата. He is in front of the door. He's at the door. >>eng<< Zašto misliš da bi Tom ovo učinio? Why do you think Tom would do this? What makes you think Tom would do this? >>eng<< Том седи позади Мери на часот по француски. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. >>eng<< U poslednje vreme imam probleme sa pamćenjem. Lately I've been having trouble with my memory. I've been having some memory problems lately. >>eng<< Том не е склон кон драмење. Tom isn't fussy. Tom is not prone to drama. >>eng<< Sve je ovde. Everything's here. It's all here. >>eng<< Треба да ѝ помогнеме. We need to help her. We need to help her. >>eng<< Ти върви напред, аз ще те настигна по-късно. You walk on and I'll catch up with you later. You go ahead, I'll catch up with you later. >>eng<< Не беше толкова силно. It wasn't that loud. It wasn't that strong. >>eng<< Имам това, което ми е нужно. I have what I need. I have what I need. >>eng<< Најбоље предавање ком можеш присуствовати је оно које не разумеш. The best lecture that you can attend is the one you won't understand. The best lesson you can attend is the one you don’t understand. >>eng<< Во право бевте, дечки. You guys were right. You were right, boys. >>eng<< Не ми се верува дека не ме препозна! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! >>eng<< Dosta mi je svađe. I'm tired of arguing. I'm done fighting. >>eng<< Ова им е навистина тешко. This is extremely hard for them. This is really hard for them. >>eng<< Ти винаги си бил малко странен. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. >>eng<< Nag sam. I'm naked. I'm naked. >>eng<< Днес ми се говори на френски. I feel like speaking French today. I speak French today. >>eng<< Izbrojali smo godove na stablu koje smo oborili i otkrili da je staro trideset godina. We counted the growth rings on the tree that we cut down and found out that it was thirty years old. We counted the gooses on the tree we knocked down and found out it was thirty years old. >>eng<< Мајуко је уснила чудан сан. Mayuko had a strange dream. Maiko's had a strange dream. >>eng<< Данас ми ништа не иде од руке. Nothing's going my way today. Nothing comes out of my hand today. >>eng<< Oboje nismo bogati koliko bismo želeli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're not as rich as we'd like to be. >>eng<< Tom će verovatno i dalje da bude ljut. Tom will probably still be angry. Tom will probably still be angry. >>eng<< Nikoga nije briga za mene. Nobody cares for me. Nobody cares about me. >>eng<< Možda nešto nije u redu sa tobom. There may be something wrong with you. Maybe something's wrong with you. >>eng<< На Том многу му се допаѓаше Мери. Tom liked Mary very much. Tom liked Mary very much. >>eng<< Ѝ помогнаш еднаш. I helped her once. You help me once. >>eng<< То је ново. It is new. That's new. >>eng<< Tako je previše lako. It's too easy that way. It's too easy. >>eng<< Moj pas je slijep, ali voli ići van i šetati se. My dog is blind, but he loves to go out for a walk. My dog is blind, but he likes to go out and walk around. >>eng<< Žao mi je što te uvek ometam. I'm sorry to always be bothering you. I'm sorry to always bother you. >>eng<< On je jedan zločinac, znaš li to? He is an evildoer, are you aware of that? He's one bad guy, you know that? >>eng<< Те не можаха да убият Том. They couldn't kill Tom. They couldn't kill Tom. >>eng<< Siguran sam da Tom nije želeo da te povredi. I'm sure that Tom didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sure Tom didn't want to hurt you. >>eng<< Zato mi se sviđao Tom. That's why I liked Tom. That's why I liked Tom. >>eng<< My sme šialení. We're crazy. My may be Shialení. >>eng<< Biele ruže sa mi páčia väčšmi než červené. I like white roses more than red ones. White roses with me páchia väči žje chervené. >>eng<< Том ли го предложил ова? Was Tom the one who suggested this? Did Tom propose this? >>eng<< По-умна съм от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. >>eng<< Джейн нямаше представа кога трябва да отиде, нито къде трябва да отиде. Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go. Jane had no idea when to go or where to go. >>eng<< Nemoj da govoriš. Don't speak. Don't talk. >>eng<< Да ли би могао да преведеш ово за мене? Would you mind translating this for me? Could you translate this for me? >>eng<< Мисля, че това ще ти хареса. I think you'll like this. I think you're gonna like that. >>eng<< Треба да ми е жал за нив. I should feel bad for them. I should be sorry about them. >>eng<< Не искаш ли да отидеш? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go? >>eng<< Kopile jedno! Bastard! You bastard! >>eng<< Ама е јако! It's so cool! But it's strong! >>eng<< Ne deluje na mene. It doesn't work for me. It doesn't work on me. >>eng<< Том би можел да се повреди. Tom could get hurt. Tom could get hurt. >>eng<< Šta ti mami osmeh? What makes you smile? What makes you smile? >>eng<< Изчисти си стаята. Clean your room. Clean your room. >>eng<< Ne preteruj. Don't exaggerate. Don't push it. >>eng<< Moja majka je kupila dve flaše soka od pomorandže. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. >>eng<< Треба да одиш на стоматолог. You ought to see a dentist. You should go to the dentist. >>eng<< Няма да е толкова трудно да убедим Том. Tom won't be that hard to convince. It won't be so hard to convince Tom. >>eng<< Ko zna šta je to bilo? Who knows what it was? Who knows what that was? >>eng<< Сѐ би направил за да му помогнам на Том. I'd do anything to help Tom. I would do anything to help Tom. >>eng<< Poglej me v oči. Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eye. >>eng<< Што смо старији, то нас сећање слабије служи. The older we grow, the poorer our memory becomes. The older we get, the weaker our memory serves us. >>eng<< Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to učiniti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do it. >>eng<< Господ го создал семирот. God created the universe. God created the Semir. >>eng<< Секој има свој стил. Everyone has their own style. Everyone has their own style. >>eng<< Том носи очила. Tom wears glasses. Tom wears glasses. >>eng<< Знам за него. I know about him. I know about him. >>eng<< Tom je probao da ubedi Meri da ne uradi to. Tom tried to convince Mary not to do that. Tom tried to convince Mary not to do it. >>eng<< Сѐ изгледаше во ред. Everything seemed OK. Everything seemed fine. >>eng<< Umoran sam od prepirki. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of fighting. >>eng<< Človeku nemožno žiť bez vody. Man cannot live without water. It's impossible for a man to live without a leader. >>eng<< Mislila sam da si se već postarao za to. I thought you'd already taken care of that. I thought you'd already taken care of it. >>eng<< Наистина изглеждаш добре. You do look nice. You really look good. >>eng<< Kako lepa kola! What a nice looking car! What a nice car! >>eng<< Ako im ne smetaš, ni oni tebi neće smetati. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. If you don't mind, they won't bother you either. >>eng<< Da li stižemo uskoro? Are we nearly there? Are we coming soon? >>eng<< Не смееш да се венчаш со Том. You can't marry Tom. You can't marry Tom. >>eng<< Да вечеряме. Let's eat dinner. Let's have dinner. >>eng<< Tom sumnja da Meri i ja smerano nešto. Tom suspects that Mary and I are plotting something. Tom suspects that Mary and I were up to something. >>eng<< Излегување на дождов не доаѓа во обѕир. Going out in this rain is out of the question. Rainfall does not come into consideration. >>eng<< Hoćeš li još čaja? Do you still want tea? Would you like some more tea? >>eng<< Tomu se ne sviđam. Tom doesn't like me very much. That's not what I like. >>eng<< Мисля, че френският ми е наистина лош. I think my French is really bad. I think my French is really bad. >>eng<< Reci Tomu da ga voliš pre nego što bude prekasno. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. >>eng<< Когато слънцето на културата е ниско,дори и джуджетата хвърлят голяма сянка. When the sun of culture hangs low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows. When the sun of culture is low, even dwarfs cast a great shadow. >>eng<< Je li ovaj posao pretežak za tebe? Is the job too much for you? Is this job too hard for you? >>eng<< Том је на тајном задатку. Tom is on a top secret mission. Tom's on a secret mission. >>eng<< Многу луѓе ловат. Many people hunt. A lot of people hunt. >>eng<< Stratil sa bezostopy. He's disappeared without a trace. Stratil with nostopy. >>eng<< Želiš da se uključiš? Do you want in on this? You want to get involved? >>eng<< Svi pokušavamo da pobedimo. We're all trying to win. We're all trying to win. >>eng<< Zašto samo ne kaže Tomu? Why not just tell Tom? Why doesn't he just tell Tom? >>eng<< Напоследък Том се държи странно. Tom has been acting strange lately. Tom's been acting weird lately. >>eng<< Baš na vreme! Just in time! Just in time! >>eng<< Doktor je obavio šta je trebao, a da se mala princeza nije ni čula. The doctor did what he was supposed to, and the little princess was very quiet. The doctor did what he needed to do without the little princess being heard. >>eng<< Зошто Том мора да оди во Бостон? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? >>eng<< Ovde samo ja mogu to. I'm the only one here who can do that. Only I can do it here. >>eng<< Сите зборуваат за мене. Everyone is talking about me. Everyone's talking about me. >>eng<< Volio bih kad bi pripazio na mog psa dok sam vani. I'd like you to look after my dog while I'm out. I wish you'd keep an eye on my dog while I'm out. >>eng<< Tom misli na isti način. Tom thinks the same way. Tom thinks the same way. >>eng<< Чувам, че ще се жениш. I hear you're getting married. I hear you're getting married. >>eng<< Прави каквото искаш; но аз ще го възпрепятствам, ако мога. Do what you want, but I'll stop it, if I can. Do whatever you want; but I will prevent it if I can. >>eng<< Svi osim Toma znaju zašto ga je ostavila žena. Everybody but Tom knows why his wife left him. Everybody but Tom knows why his wife left him. >>eng<< Ona je baš izvan moje lige. She's way out of my league. She's just out of my league. >>eng<< Koncentrirao se na to. He concentrated on that. He's focused on it. >>eng<< Tvoj je bio bolji. Yours was better. Yours was better. >>eng<< Чекор по чекор, тој се симнува по скалите. Step by step, he descends the stairs. One step at a time, he goes down the stairs. >>eng<< Разбрахте ли ме? Am I understood? Do you understand me? >>eng<< Ne zaboravi da pošalješ ovo pismo. Don't forget to send this letter. Don't forget to send this letter. >>eng<< Том е безрбетник. Tom is a pushover. Tom's a spineless man. >>eng<< Tom povedal Mary, že bude pravdepodobne snežiť celý deň. Tom told Mary that it would probably snow all day. Tom told Mary, he's going to be a just snowman. >>eng<< Не видов дух. I didn't see a ghost. I didn't see a ghost. >>eng<< Попитай Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. >>eng<< Нисте одговорили на питање. You didn't answer the question. You didn't answer the question. >>eng<< Кучето не можеше да лае. The dog couldn't bark. The dog couldn't bark. >>eng<< Том беше многу изнервиран. Tom was extremely annoyed. Tom was very upset. >>eng<< Zašto mi ne kažeš šta te zaista muči? Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you? Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you? >>eng<< Написах си домашното. I have finished my homework. I wrote my homework. >>eng<< Вие не можете да говорите английски, нали? You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? >>eng<< Во скапоцени камења спаѓаат аквамаринот, аметистот, смарагдот, кварцот и рубинот. Rare gems include aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz and ruby. The gemstones include the aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz, and ruby. >>eng<< Кажи му на Том дека не ја познавам Мери. Tell Tom I don't know Mary. Tell Tom I don't know Mary. >>eng<< Това палто няма джобове. This coat hasn't pockets. This coat has no pockets. >>eng<< Музеят е отворен за посетители. The museum is open to the public. The museum is open to visitors. >>eng<< Jesi li ikad dobio kaznu za brzu vožnju? Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Have you ever received a speeding ticket? >>eng<< Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata. Speak of the devil. We about the wolf, and the wolf on the door. >>eng<< Pucaj u noge! Shoot for the legs! Shoot the legs! >>eng<< Мисля, че си луда. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. >>eng<< Nemoj da se pomeraš! Don't move! Don't move! >>eng<< Майка ми преподава аранжиране на цветя. My mother teaches flower arranging. My mother teaches flower arrangements. >>eng<< Ова е еден од најпопуларните ресторани во градот. This is one of the most popular restaurants in town. This is one of the most popular restaurants in the city. >>eng<< Му прочитав приказна на Том. I read Tom a story. I read Tom's story. >>eng<< Tomov pas je legao. Tom's dog lay down. Tom's dog was lying down. >>eng<< Том имаше само петки на школо. Tom got straight A's in school. Tom only had fives at school. >>eng<< Tom je veoma pametan dečak. Tom is a very clever boy. Tom is a very smart boy. >>eng<< Не е важно кой университет си завършил, а какво си научил, докато си бил там. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. It's not who you graduated from, it's what you learned when you were there. >>eng<< По-умна съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. >>eng<< Kajenje je prepovedano v vsakem delu restavracije. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is prohibited in every part of the restaurant. >>eng<< Da li si odlučio šta ćeš da uradiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're gonna do? >>eng<< Робин Худ ги пљачкал богатите. Robin Hood robbed the rich. Robin Hood robbed the rich. >>eng<< Радвам се, че се познавам с вас. I am glad to make your acquaintance. I'm glad to know you. >>eng<< Том ќе чека. Tom will be waiting. Tom's gonna be waiting. >>eng<< Имам разни неща, които трябва да свърша. I have things to do. I have a lot of things to do. >>eng<< Video sam Markusovu kuću. I saw Marcus' house. I saw Marcus' house. >>eng<< Tom je bio prilično dobar. Tom was pretty good. Tom was pretty good. >>eng<< Čo potrebuješ? What do you need? What do you need? >>eng<< Най-добрият начин да предскажете бъдещето е да го изобретите. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. >>eng<< Znam tu devojku od negde. I know that girl from somewhere. I know that girl from somewhere. >>eng<< Posetićemo vas nekad. We'll visit you sometime. We'll visit you sometime. >>eng<< мислим, дакле јесам. I think, therefore I am. I mean, I did. >>eng<< Ovo nije važno. This is not important. This doesn't matter. >>eng<< Tvrdá práca mu umožnila dostávať dobré známky. Hard work enabled him to get good marks. He said he was able to do a good job. >>eng<< Чувствам се така, сякаш познавам Том от години. I feel as if I've known Tom for years. I feel like I've known Tom for years. >>eng<< Том е голем песимист. Tom is very pessimistic. Tom is a great pessimist. >>eng<< Том купи капут. Tom bought a coat. Tom buys a coat. >>eng<< Nisam nimalo iznenađena. I'm not surprised one bit. I'm not the least bit surprised. >>eng<< Какво имаш в чинията? What's on your plate? What do you have in your plate? >>eng<< Со Том се прашувавме дали би сакал да ни се придружиш. Tom and I were wondering if you'd like to join us. Tom and I were wondering if you'd like to join us. >>eng<< Той се успа сутринта. He overslept this morning. He slept in the morning. >>eng<< Sú tri hodiny. It's three o'clock. Sú three walky. >>eng<< Liječnici gledaju rendgensku sliku. The doctors are looking at an x-ray. Doctors are looking at an X-ray. >>eng<< Не си Јапонец. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. >>eng<< В това езерце някога имаше много жаби. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. There were a lot of frogs in this pond. >>eng<< Тя живее в Лондон. She lives in London. She lives in London. >>eng<< Ќе се забавувавме да отидевме на забавата. We would have had fun if we had gone to the party. We'd have fun going to the party. >>eng<< Imate li problema s razumijevanjem onog što vam žene ili mala djeca kažejo? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Are you having trouble understanding what women or young children are telling you? >>eng<< Tražila sam te. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. >>eng<< Кој ти е омилен лак за нокти? What's your favorite nail polish? What is your favorite nail polish? >>eng<< Том ми запрети. Tom threatened me. Tom threatened me. >>eng<< Mogu li da čujem još jednog? Can I have another one? Can I hear another one? >>eng<< Този чифт обувки не ми става. This pair of shoes doesn't fit me. That pair of shoes don't work for me. >>eng<< Мери беше прекрасна невеста. Mary was such a lovely bride. Mary was a beautiful bride. >>eng<< Tom čuva preko 80% od onoga što zaradi. Tom saves over 80% of what he earns. Tom saves over 80% of what he makes. >>eng<< Napustiću školu. I'm going to leave school. I'm going to leave school. >>eng<< Не можем да отложим съвещанието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't delay the meeting. >>eng<< Том фушерски работи. Tom does sloppy work. Tom Fuscher's stuff. >>eng<< Ne stidim se toga. I'm not ashamed of that. I'm not ashamed of that. >>eng<< Koja je tvoja omiljena TV zvijezda? Who is your favorite TV star? What's your favorite TV star? >>eng<< Tom mi je danas rekao da me voli. Tom told me today that he loved me. Tom told me he loved me today. >>eng<< То није добар знак. That's not a good sign. That's not a good sign. >>eng<< Бришачите не помагаат против мраз. Windscreen wipers haven't any utility against ice. The wipers don't help against the ice. >>eng<< Добре дошъл в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. >>eng<< Na prvoj godini fakulteta je. He is in his first year at college. She's in her first year of college. >>eng<< Таа изгледаше возбудено. She looked excited. She looked excited. >>eng<< Ќе биде во ред. It'll be okay. It's gonna be okay. >>eng<< Iznenađen sam što nisi znao da Tom ne zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom couldn't speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom didn't speak French. >>eng<< Ne treba da jedeš odmah pre odlaska u krevet. You shouldn't eat just before going to bed. You should not eat immediately before going to bed. >>eng<< Oluja ne bi trebala da utiče na naše planove. The storm shouldn't affect our plans. The storm should have no effect on our plans. >>eng<< Nitko nije primijetio da je odsutna sve dok sastanak nije završio. Nobody noticed that she was absent until the meeting ended. No one noticed she was away until the meeting was over. >>eng<< Том учи френски. Tom studies French. Tom's learning French. >>eng<< To ty si zavrela dvere? Were you the one who shut the door? Is that what you've been doing? >>eng<< Svi učitelji su bili mladi i voljeli podučavati. All our teachers were young and loved teaching. All the teachers were young and loved to teach. >>eng<< Он је добар. He is nice. He's good. >>eng<< Том отрча. Tom ran off. Tom ran. >>eng<< Не биди педер. Don't be a dick. Don't be gay. >>eng<< Том изгледа сомнително. Tom looks dubious. Tom looks suspicious. >>eng<< Том не прави грешки често. Tom doesn't often make mistakes. Tom doesn't make mistakes often. >>eng<< Tom je ispustio šolju. Tom dropped the cup. Tom dropped the cup. >>eng<< Da li je to ono što je potrebno? Is that what it takes? Is that what it takes? >>eng<< Da li ste očekivali da se dogodi nešto drugo? Did you expect something else to happen? Did you expect anything else to happen? >>eng<< В малката стая бяха наблъскани десет човека. Ten people were packed into the small room. There were ten people in the small room. >>eng<< Ovo nije važno. This is not important. This doesn't matter. >>eng<< Драго ми да те опет видим. I'm glad to see you again. Good to see you again. >>eng<< Тя е със среден ръст. She is of average height. It is medium-sized. >>eng<< Obe nism bogate koliko bismo želele. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. I'm not as rich as I'd like to be. >>eng<< Паднав од точак. I fell off my bike. I fell from a wheel. >>eng<< Kontaktirajte Toma. Contact Tom. Contact Tom. >>eng<< Mnogo smo se brinuli o tebi. We worried a lot about you. We took care of you a lot. >>eng<< Ostavi knjigu na gornju policu. Put the book on the top shelf. Leave the book on the top shelf. >>eng<< Zašto se ponašaš detinjasto? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting childish? >>eng<< Ќе се вратам за половина час. I'll come back in half an hour. I'll be back in half an hour. >>eng<< Тука го поминувам поголемиот дел од денот. This is where I spend most of the day. I spend most of the day here. >>eng<< Испекао сам језик. I burnt my tongue. I baked my tongue. >>eng<< Tom je uspeo da uđe u kuću kroz prozor. Tom was able to get into the house through a window. Tom managed to get into the house through the window. >>eng<< Не очаквах Том да бъде там. I didn't expect Tom to be there. I didn't expect Tom to be there. >>eng<< Niko kog znam više ne ide tamo jer je velika gužva. Nobody I know goes there anymore because it's too crowded. Nobody I know is going there anymore because it's a big crowd. >>eng<< Волим да вас гледам док радите. I love watching you work. I like to watch you work. >>eng<< Mi smo ono što jesmo. We are who we are. We are who we are. >>eng<< Žao mi je što sam propustio tvoj rođendan. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. >>eng<< Više volim šator sa olujnim pokrivačem, zajedno sa ukrštenim šipkama zbog stabilnosti na vetru i snežnih nanosa, i ovo mora da bude dvoslojni šator. I prefer a tent with storm flaps and intersecting tent poles to provide stability against wind and resistance against the weight of snow, and it must be a two-layer tent. I prefer a tent with a storm cover, along with crossed bars for wind stability and snow applications, and this must be a two-layer tent. >>eng<< Šta ne možete da mi kažete? What can't you tell me? What can't you tell me? >>eng<< Svi su zadržali dah. Everyone's holding their breath. They all held their breath. >>eng<< Најголема амбиција ми е да станам оперски пеач. My greatest ambition is to be an opera singer. My biggest ambition is to become an opera singer. >>eng<< Možeš li da mi dodaš daljinski? Could you pass me the remote? Could you hand me the remote? >>eng<< Moj otac je rekao ne. My dad said no. My father said no. >>eng<< Можеби е време за промена. Maybe it's time for a change. Maybe it's time for a change. >>eng<< Јажево е издржливо. This rope is sturdy. The rope is durable. >>eng<< Pas zove se Ken. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. >>eng<< Deca spavaju. The children are asleep. The kids are sleeping. >>eng<< Vozite sporo. Drive slowly. Drive slow. >>eng<< Drago mi je da su ljudi videli to. I'm glad people saw it. I'm glad people saw that. >>eng<< Уви! Alas! Uws! >>eng<< Učiteljica mi je dodijelila najduže poglavlje. The teacher allotted the longest chapter to me. The teacher gave me the longest chapter. >>eng<< Трябва да го върна тази вечер. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get him back tonight. >>eng<< Tom stalno prigovara. Tom complains all the time. Tom's complaining all the time. >>eng<< Jutros sam išao u crkvu. I went to church this morning. I went to church this morning. >>eng<< Oni su poboljšali bezbednosne provere, i pripremljeni su za najgore. They have enhanced security checks and are prepared for the worst. They've improved security checks, and they're prepared for the worst. >>eng<< Mislim da ti plan nije realističan. I think your plan is not realistic. I don't think your plan is realistic. >>eng<< Том целуна Мери за сбогом. Tom kissed Mary goodbye. Tom kissed Mary for good-bye. >>eng<< To mi je puno značilo. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. >>eng<< Tom zna da se više od 91 odsto Norveškog stanovništva snadbeva pijaćom vodom iz površinskih izvora. Tom knows that more than 91 per cent of the Norwegian population is supplied with potable water from surface water sources. Tom knows that more than 91% of the Norwegian population is supplied with drinking water from surface sources. >>eng<< Срам ме е, че постъпих така. I am ashamed of having done so. I'm ashamed I did that. >>eng<< Tvoji roditelji su samo zabrinuti za tvoju sigurnost. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are just worried about your safety. >>eng<< Тоа не се толку многу. That's not so many. That's not so much. >>eng<< Bilježnica nije tvoja, njegova je. The notebook is not yours. It's his. It's not your notebook. It's his. >>eng<< Iste. Of course. It's the same. >>eng<< Мразя да летя. I hate flying. I hate flying. >>eng<< Не сме готови. We're not done. We're not done. >>eng<< Jaz sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Чили? What's the minimum salary in Chile? What is the minimum wage in Chile? >>eng<< Osećam oštar bol u stomaku. I have a sharp pain in the stomach. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. >>eng<< Ja nisam kao bilo ko drugi. I'm not like anybody else. I'm not like anyone else. >>eng<< Ти ги најдов папучите под креветот. I found your slippers under the bed. I found your slippers under the bed. >>eng<< Koja je cijena ovoga kišobrana? What's the price of this umbrella? What is the price of this umbrella? >>eng<< Том рече дека знае да игра тенис, но дека не сака. Tom said he knows how to play tennis, but he doesn't like to. Tom said he can play tennis, but he doesn't want to. >>eng<< Не правя така. I don't do that. I don't do that. >>eng<< Kako mi je ovo promaklo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? >>eng<< Nisam znala da se brineš. I didn't know you cared. I didn't know you were worried. >>eng<< Niko ne zna šta se dešava iza tih vrata. Nobody knows what goes on behind those doors. Nobody knows what's going on behind that door. >>eng<< Tvoje potovanje se začne tukaj. Your journey starts here. Your journey begins here. >>eng<< Uništeno je. It was destroyed. It's destroyed. >>eng<< Му удрив бокс во вилица. I punched his jaw. I hit a box in his jaw. >>eng<< Ko si ti zaista? Who are you really? Who are you really? >>eng<< Je l' mogu da te nađem na Fejsu? Can I find you on Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? >>eng<< Водили су љубав целе ноћи. They made love all night long. They made love all night. >>eng<< Чух стъпки, но не видях никой. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. >>eng<< Само сакам да разговарам со Том. All I want is to talk to Tom. I just want to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Треба ми твој потпис. I need your signature. I need your signature. >>eng<< През зимата шосетата са покрити с лед. In winter, the roads are covered with ice. In winter, the roads are covered with ice. >>eng<< Samo što sam stigla. I just arrived. I just got here. >>eng<< Аз не хабя амуниции. I don't waste ammunition. I don't wear ammunition. >>eng<< Господине, забравили сте си запалката на масата. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, you forgot your lighter on the table. >>eng<< Siguran sam da će Tom doći na zabavu. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom will come to the party. >>eng<< Gde će Tom spavati? Where's Tom going to sleep? Where will Tom sleep? >>eng<< Dođite da me pokupite. Come pick me up. Come and pick me up. >>eng<< Ќе се чувствуваш подобро. You'll feel better. You're gonna feel better. >>eng<< Tom je mogoa da bude bolji. Tom could be better. Tom could have been better. >>eng<< Камоли да можев да бидам така среќен како што си ти. I wish I could be as happy as you. I wish I could be as happy as you are. >>eng<< Да не мислиш, че съм дошъл тук, само за да си изгубя времето? Did you think I came here just to pass the time of day? Do you think I came here just to waste my time? >>eng<< Gubite. You're losing. You're losing. >>eng<< Tom spieva. Tom is singing. Tom's asleep. >>eng<< Sve pesme koje sam ti pevao danas sam sâm napisao. All the songs I sang for you today were written by me. I wrote all the songs I sang to you today. >>eng<< Večeras imam zakazan sastanak. I have an appointment tonight. I have an appointment tonight. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да те закарам вкъщи? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Are you sure you don't want me to take you home? >>eng<< Bio sam već tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. >>eng<< Што беше таа врева? What was that noise? What was that noise? >>eng<< Dosta je dobra. It's a pretty good one. It's pretty good. >>eng<< Da li se Tom vraća? Is Tom coming back? Is Tom coming back? >>eng<< Sranja se događaju. Shit happens. Shit happens. >>eng<< Аз обичам тениса. I like tennis. I love tennis. >>eng<< Немам појма. I had no idea. I have no idea. >>eng<< Зошто не може Том да дојде кај нас? Why can't Tom come to us? Why can't Tom come to us? >>eng<< Срећна Нова Година! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! >>eng<< Odmorimo se na pet minuta. Let's rest for five minutes. Let's rest for five minutes. >>eng<< Ще бъда там до петнайсет минути. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. >>eng<< Vrlo si hrabar. You are very brave. You're very brave. >>eng<< Малку сум зарѓал. I'm a little rusty. I've been rusting a little bit. >>eng<< Мисля, че може да си бъдем от помощ. I think we could help each other. I think we can be helpful. >>eng<< Nikto o tom nikdy nepočul. Nobody had ever heard of it. Nicko didn't hear about that Nicky. >>eng<< Istoriju pišu pobednici. History is written by the winners. History is written by the winners. >>eng<< Не е толку мало. It's not so little. It's not that small. >>eng<< U čemu je razlika između imitacije i pravih dijamanata? What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds? What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds? >>eng<< Kupio bih taj. I'd like to buy that one. I'd buy that one. >>eng<< Ne živim ovdje. I don't live here. I don't live here. >>eng<< Nisam ni to uradio. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. >>eng<< Kada ste došli u Pariz? When did you come to Paris? When did you get to Paris? >>eng<< Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti. I hope you and Tom have a good time. I hope you and Tom can have a good time. >>eng<< Tom je jako idiosinkrazijski. Tom is very idiosyncratic. Tom's very idiosyncratic. >>eng<< Том бил професор по клавир. Tom was a piano teacher. Tom was a piano teacher. >>eng<< Штотуку јадев, така што не сум гладен. I've just eaten so I'm not hungry. I just ate, so I'm not hungry. >>eng<< Им дадов уште една шанса. I gave them another chance. I gave them another chance. >>eng<< Може ли Ваше име и телефонски број? Can I have your name and telephone number? Can I have your name and phone number? >>eng<< Сите се исконтролираа. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone was in control. >>eng<< Той с часове чакаше нейното обаждане. He would wait for hours for her call. He waited hours for her call. >>eng<< Најверојатно се лажеме. We're probably wrong. We're probably lying to each other. >>eng<< Том знае дека Мери знае. Tom knows Mary knows. Tom knows Mary knows. >>eng<< Не дискриминирам. I don't discriminate. I'm not discriminating. >>eng<< Исправићу домаћи задатак сутра. I'm going to correct the homework tomorrow. I'll fix my homework tomorrow. >>eng<< Нисам још спреман. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. >>eng<< Не вярвай на всичко, което чуеш. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you hear. >>eng<< Treba nam vaša pomoć. We need you to help us. We need your help. >>eng<< Тоа ме зачуди. That was surprising. That surprised me. >>eng<< A čudiš se zašto ne možemo da podnesemo tvoje društvo? And you wonder why we can't stand being around you anymore? And you're surprised why we can't stand your company? >>eng<< Bezpečnú cestu. Safe journey. Freeway. >>eng<< Само сакам да се свртиш и да ме погледнеш. I just want you to turn around and look at me. I just want you to turn around and look at me. >>eng<< Винаги ми изневеряват. I am always cheated on. They always cheat on me. >>eng<< Tom se boji smrti. Tom is afraid of death. Tom's afraid of death. >>eng<< Моля те, имай търпение. Please have patience. Please have patience. >>eng<< Дима спа с 25 мъже за една нощ и след това ги уби. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Dima slept with 25 men for one night and then killed them. >>eng<< В никакъв случай! No way! By no means! >>eng<< Може и да не е достатъчно. It might not be enough. Maybe it's not enough. >>eng<< To je ceruzka. This is a pencil. It's a daughter-in-law. >>eng<< Би можел да ти ја олеснам работата. I could make things easier for you. I could make your job easier. >>eng<< Заборавеноста и мрзата обично одат во пар. Forgetfulness and laziness are siblings. Forgetfulness and hate usually go in pairs. >>eng<< Желим да живим у граду. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. >>eng<< Аз винаги съм искал да уча френски. I've always wanted to study French. I always wanted to learn French. >>eng<< Не може да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He can't do that. >>eng<< Ще се върнем рано или късно. We will return sooner or later. We'll be back sooner or later. >>eng<< Този автобус ходи ли до музея? Does this bus go to the museum? Is this bus going to the museum? >>eng<< Будите реални! Be realistic! Be real! >>eng<< Познах го веднага, защото съм го виждала и преди. I recognized him at once, because I had seen him before. I knew him right away because I've seen him before. >>eng<< Баш је било добро. That was very good. That was good. >>eng<< Изгледа не доаѓа во обѕир да го прашаме Том. I guess asking Tom to help is out of the question. It doesn't seem like it's up to us to ask Tom. >>eng<< Ајде, Том. Go on ahead, Tom. Come on, Tom. >>eng<< Komentari moraju da budu u vezi sa temom. Comments must be relevant to the topic. Comments must be on the subject. >>eng<< Имаме работа за нив. We have work for them. We have work to do for them. >>eng<< Те го оправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. >>eng<< Лав је краљ џунгле. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. >>eng<< Примаме и чекови. We accept checks. We also receive checks. >>eng<< Тя си сложи пуловера. She pulled her sweater on. She put on her sweater. >>eng<< О, сега разбирам. Oh, now I understand. Oh, I get it now. >>eng<< Proverite svakoga. Check everyone. Check everyone. >>eng<< Нико не ради. Сви гледају Светско првенство. No one is working. Everyone's watching the World Cup. Nobody's working, everybody's watching the World Cup. >>eng<< Zašto si toliko paranoična? Why are you so paranoid? Why are you so paranoid? >>eng<< Tom i Marija igraju šah sa skupom ručno izrezbarenih šahovskih figura navodno od slonovače. Tom and Mary are playing chess with a set of hand-carved chess pieces supposedly made of ivory. Tom and Maria play chess with a set of hand-cut chess figures supposedly ivory. >>eng<< Govorim bosanski. I speak Bosnian. I speak Bosnian. >>eng<< Историята е много интересна за мен. The story is very interesting to me. The story is very interesting to me. >>eng<< Всичките съм ги пробвала. I've tried them all. I've tried them all. >>eng<< Познају те. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Musíte odísť. You must leave. Musíte odíső. >>eng<< Na žalost, sem izgubil moj potni list. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. >>eng<< Već sam bio tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. >>eng<< Врх планине је био прекривен снегом. The top of the mountain was covered with snow. The top of the mountain was covered in snow. >>eng<< Ще ме научиш ли някои френски фрази, които може да ми потрябват? Could you teach me some French phrases that I might need? Will you teach me some French phrases I might need? >>eng<< Zapravo nikad nisam upoznala toma. I've never actually ever met Tom. I've never actually met Tom. >>eng<< Bez pýtania sa! No question! No pýtania with! >>eng<< Не таиме ништо. We have no secrets. We're not doing anything. >>eng<< В този район няма плажове. There are no beaches in this area. There are no beaches in this area. >>eng<< Ne da mi se izaći večeras. I can't be bothered to go out tonight. I don't want to get out tonight. >>eng<< Те молам, кажи ми. Please, tell me. Please tell me. >>eng<< Tom je stoički podnosio bol. Tom bore the pain stoically. Tom couldn't stand the pain. >>eng<< U prozorskom staklu vidim odraz mog lica. I see my reflection in the window. I see a reflection of my face in the window glass. >>eng<< Объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are they confused? >>eng<< Свет је неправедан. The world is unjust. The world is unfair. >>eng<< Тргува со половни коли. He deals in used cars. He trades in used cars. >>eng<< Šta želi on da uradi? What does he mean to do? What does he want to do? >>eng<< Брой до десет. Count to ten. Number to ten. >>eng<< Не съм сигурен, че това е правилно. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure that's right. >>eng<< Силният дъжд ми попречи да отида. The heavy rain prevented me from going. The rain prevented me from going. >>eng<< Som si celkom istá. I'm pretty sure. You're all the same. >>eng<< Pričao sam sa Tomom juče. I talked to Tom yesterday. Um, I spoke to Tom yesterday. >>eng<< Šta ćeš da radiš danas? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? >>eng<< Не гледай Том. Don't look at Tom. Don't look at Tom. >>eng<< Тук съм неофициално. I'm here unofficially. I'm off the record here. >>eng<< Има нещо, за което трябва да се погрижа. I have some business to take care of. There's something I need to take care of. >>eng<< Пилешкото е сирово. The chicken is raw. Chicken is raw. >>eng<< Конференција није баш била успешна. The conference was not a complete success. The conference was not very successful. >>eng<< Ovo nije rečenica. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. >>eng<< Možeš li to da dokažeš? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? >>eng<< Rekao sam da ću te čekati. I said I'd wait for you. I said I'd wait for you. >>eng<< Сепак, количеството не е точно. However, the quantity is not correct. However, the amount is not true. >>eng<< Ќе бидете во ред. You'll be all right. You're gonna be all right. >>eng<< Девојчињата трчаат и си играат. The girls run and play. Girls run and play. >>eng<< Desetci tisuća slonova godišnje su ubijeni zbog njihove bjelokosti. Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Tens of thousands of elephants were killed annually for their proteinity. >>eng<< Ова ми звучи познато. This sounds familiar. This sounds familiar. >>eng<< Nemojte da gledate. Don't look. Don't look. >>eng<< Ona nosi zlatno lanče oko vrata. She is wearing a gold necklace around her neck. She's wearing a gold chain around her neck. >>eng<< Kúpil auto. He bought a car. Kúpil car. >>eng<< Превкусни се. They're delicious. They're delicious. >>eng<< Zemlja je premala. The Earth is too small. The earth is too small. >>eng<< Како се ти зовеш? What is your name? What's your name? >>eng<< Meri se vratila iz škole uplakana jer su je drugari zadirkivali. Mary came home from school in tears because her friends had teased her. Mary came back from school crying because her friends teased her. >>eng<< Емоциите се заразни. Emotions are contagious. Emotions are contagious. >>eng<< С нея се чувствам неловко. I feel ill at ease with her. She makes me feel awkward. >>eng<< Преподава ли се френски в началните училища? Is French taught in elementary schools? Is French taught in primary schools? >>eng<< Тя носеше кожено палто. She was wearing a fur coat. She was wearing a leather coat. >>eng<< Voleo bih da sam znao da Tom ne zna da govori francuski. I wish I'd known that Tom couldn't speak French. I wish I knew Tom couldn't speak French. >>eng<< Možeš li da mi dodaš vodu, molim te? Could you pass me the water, please? Could you hand me the water, please? >>eng<< Ne volim učiti po ovakvoj vrućini. I don't like studying in this heat. I don't like to learn in this heat. >>eng<< Ручао сам са њим. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. >>eng<< Ако постои неопростлив чин, тоа е чинот да одбиеш да простиш. If there is such a thing as an unforgivable act, it is the act of not forgiving. If there is an inexcusable act, it is the act of refusing to forgive. >>eng<< Сѐ изгледаше во ред. Everything looked OK. Everything seemed fine. >>eng<< Отворих вратата и я задържах отворена за Мери. I opened the door and held it open for Mary. I opened the door and kept it open for Mary. >>eng<< Je li ovo vaš telefon? Is this your phone? Is this your phone? >>eng<< Аз не му казах всичко. I didn't tell him everything. I didn't tell him everything. >>eng<< Možeš li da nas pokupiš? Can you give us a lift? Can you pick us up? >>eng<< Имам ли право да те придружа? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have a right to accompany you? >>eng<< Том е фин човек. Tom is a nice person. Tom's a nice guy. >>eng<< Tom još uvek izgleda zabrinuto. Tom still seems anxious. Tom still looks worried. >>eng<< Може ли да ползвам колата ти днес? May I use your car today? Can I use your car today? >>eng<< Том не може да ти помогне. Tom can't help you. Tom can't help you. >>eng<< Не ме гледай така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. >>eng<< Виждала ли си ми фотоапарата? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? >>eng<< Зафатени сме сега. We're busy right now. We're busy now. >>eng<< Jedan moj prijatelj studira u inozemstvu. A friend of mine is studying abroad. A friend of mine is studying abroad. >>eng<< Ne možete da sednete pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. >>eng<< Da li si jeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? >>eng<< Nikad nećemo da se vratimo tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. >>eng<< Znamo da to nije istina. We know that's not true. We know it's not true. >>eng<< Одиме да ги собереме. We're going to go get them. Let's go get 'em. >>eng<< To je izdaja. That's treason. It's treason. >>eng<< Zvuči kao da si naučio važnu lekciju. It sounds like you learned a valuable lesson. Sounds like you learned an important lesson. >>eng<< Približno koliko knjig imaš? About how many books do you have? About how many books do you have? >>eng<< Imam tetu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. >>eng<< Toma je bio besan kao ris. Tom began to feel hot under the collar. Tom was furious like a lynx. >>eng<< Имаат добар апетит утрово. They've got a good appetite this morning. They have a good appetite this morning. >>eng<< Бев преуморен за да продолжам. I was too tired to go on. I was too tired to continue. >>eng<< Artur glumi negativca. Arthur is playing the bad guy. Arthur's a bad guy. >>eng<< Зарем не си воодушевен? Aren't you impressed? Aren't you thrilled? >>eng<< Imaš jako prodorne oči. You have very piercing eyes. You have very pervasive eyes. >>eng<< Radim u Milanu. I work in Milan. I work in Milan. >>eng<< Откраднаха ми телефона. My mobile has been stolen. They stole my phone. >>eng<< Ти фали нешто? Do you need anything? You're missing something? >>eng<< Доста ми е од тоа што ме нарекуваат лажливец. I'm sick of being called a liar. I'm sick of being called a liar. >>eng<< Не ме изненадва. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. >>eng<< V záhrade sú pekné kvety. There are pretty flowers in the garden. In the záhrade sú pepené kvety. >>eng<< Таа правеше чај. She was making tea. She made tea. >>eng<< Tom će ići. Tom'll go. Tom will be going. >>eng<< Prevedite ovo na engleski, molim vas. Translate this into English, please. Translate this into English, please. >>eng<< Verovatno do periodičnog pojavljivanje besnila dolazi jer plutajući led sa Sibira može da nosi polarne lisice na njima. Rabies is probably introduced periodically by polar foxes on drift ice from Siberia. Probably to the periodic appearance of rabies comes because floating ice from Siberia can carry polar cuffs on them. >>eng<< Трябва да се занимаваш с френски по-сериозно. You should study French harder. You have to deal with French more seriously. >>eng<< Не добив одговор од неа. I never got an answer from her. I didn't get an answer from her. >>eng<< Imam osećaj da će da pada kiša. I have a hunch that it will rain. I feel like it's going to rain. >>eng<< Није проблем. No problem. It's not a problem. >>eng<< Том работи за една голяма фирма. Tom works for a large firm. Tom works for a big company. >>eng<< Ова е добра серија. This is a good show. This is a good series. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е ситничав. I think Tom is petty. I think Tom's being petty. >>eng<< Sramim se što je moj sin učinio takvo što. I am ashamed of my son having done so. I'm ashamed my son did such a thing. >>eng<< Беше почистен. It's been cleaned. It was cleaned. >>eng<< Orao je car ptica. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the king of birds. >>eng<< Nikad mi nije palo na pamet da će neko izmisliti tako nešto. It never occurred to me that someone would make up such a thing. It never occurred to me that someone would invent such a thing. >>eng<< Как беше последният уикенд, Нанси? How was last weekend, Nancy? How was your last weekend, Nancy? >>eng<< Днес за пръв път ядох оризови спагети. I ate noodles for the first time today. I ate rice spaghetti for the first time today. >>eng<< И двамата родители на Том бяха преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom’s parents were teachers. >>eng<< Snívam o tom, že odídem a budem žiť v Litve. I dream of going to Lithuania and living there. I'm dreaming about it, I'm already going and I'm going to live in Lithuania. >>eng<< Можда им затреба нешто новца. They may need some money. Maybe they need some money. >>eng<< Nije zločin ponekad preskočiti doručak. It's no crime to skip breakfast once in a while. It's not a crime to skip breakfast sometimes. >>eng<< Жените сакаат мажи со бркови. Women like men with moustaches. Women love men with mustaches. >>eng<< Dodajte još vode. Add more water. Add more water. >>eng<< Na Tomovoj sam strani. I'm siding with Tom. I'm on Tom's side. >>eng<< Pravda zvíťazí. Truth will always prevail. Justice, Zviíazí. >>eng<< Nada se gubi kada doživljavaš tešku situaciju i besmislenu zakočenost. Moraš biti jak. Hope quickly fades when you encounter a difficult situation and a pointless deadlock. You must be strong. Hope is lost when you're experiencing a difficult situation and a meaningless congestion, and you have to be strong. >>eng<< Aký je presný čas? What is the exact time? Aký is a pressný time? >>eng<< Тебе те бркаа. They were after you. You were being chased. >>eng<< Имаше много хора от двете страни на улицата. There were a lot of people on both sides of the street. There were a lot of people on both sides of the street. >>eng<< Кој те научил како се прави тоа? Who taught you how to do that? Who taught you how to do that? >>eng<< Kaži Tomu da sam spreman. Tell Tom that I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready. >>eng<< Naoko živi u bijeloj kući. Naoko lives in the white house. He lives in a white house. >>eng<< Обрни му внимание на овој проблем. Pay attention to this problem. Pay attention to this problem. >>eng<< Најдобро би било да не зборуваш толку. It's best not to talk so much. It's best you don't talk that much. >>eng<< Budi fin. Be nice. Be nice. >>eng<< Само се опусти. Just relax. Just relax. >>eng<< Na moru su ostrva. There are islands in the sea. There are islands on the sea. >>eng<< Hajde na piće sa mnom. Have a drink with me. Come and have a drink with me. >>eng<< Не съм злопаметен. I don't hold grudges. I'm not being malicious. >>eng<< Искам да се оженя за нея. I want to marry her. I want to marry her. >>eng<< Може ли квитанция? I'd like a receipt, please. Can I have a quota? >>eng<< Kiša jako pada. It is raining hard. It's raining really hard. >>eng<< Sedeli su na travi, svirali ukulele i pevali. They sat on the grass, playing ukulele and singing. They sat on the grass, played ukulele and sang. >>eng<< Тръгвам след един час. I leave in an hour. I'll be out in an hour. >>eng<< Uživala je na jučerašnjoj zabavi. She enjoyed herself at the party yesterday. She enjoyed yesterday's party. >>eng<< Grem v Los Angeles. I'm going to LA. I'm going to Los Angeles. >>eng<< Nechceli, aby Mária umrela. They didn't want Mary to die. Nechceli, aby Mária died. >>eng<< Nećeš me ostaviti, zar ne? You aren't going to leave me, are you? You're not gonna leave me, are you? >>eng<< Том има опсесивно-компулсивно пореметување. Tom has OCD. Tom has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. >>eng<< Nisam naviknut na to. I'm not used to that. I'm not used to it. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da postoji bolji način da se to uradi. I'm sure there's a better way to do that. I'm sure there's a better way to do this. >>eng<< Зеленото Ви отива. Green suits you. Your green goes. >>eng<< Mogla sam da iskoristim to. I could have used that. I could've used that. >>eng<< Samo mu daj malo vremena. Just give it some time. Just give him some time. >>eng<< Гледав француски филм со англиски превод. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I watched a French film with an English translation. >>eng<< Том не беше там вчера. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. >>eng<< Policajac ga je uhapsio zbog vožnje u pijanom stanju. The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. A cop arrested him for driving in drunk condition. >>eng<< Колко висока е тази планина? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? >>eng<< Ostavili su problem neriješen. They left the problem unsolved. They left the problem unresolved. >>eng<< Поряза ли се? Are you cut? Did you cut yourself? >>eng<< Zapravo nikad nisam upoznao Toma. I've never actually ever met Tom. I've never actually met Tom. >>eng<< Tom i Marija se razlikuju kao nebo i zemlja. Tom and Mary are as different as night and day. Tom and Mary differ as heaven and earth. >>eng<< Някога чел ли си някакви френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read any French poems? >>eng<< Kada odlaziš? When will you leave? When do you leave? >>eng<< Požuri. Hurry up. Hurry. >>eng<< On ima dosta para, čak i višak. He has money enough and to spare. He's got a lot of money, even too much money. >>eng<< Oh, ne! Oh no! Oh, no! >>eng<< Da li si dobro pogledala? Did you get a good look? Did you take a good look? >>eng<< Без бира преди четири! No beer before four! No beer before four! >>eng<< Ti to zaslužuješ. You deserve it. You deserve it. >>eng<< Уопште није искрен. He is not honest at all. He's not being honest at all. >>eng<< Tom danas ne može da dođe na posao jer se ne oseća dobro. Tom can't come to work today because he doesn't feel well. Tom can't come to work today because he's not feeling well. >>eng<< Tomov deda je poznavao mog dedu. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. >>eng<< Влязъл си в печеливша серия. You're on a roll. You got into a winning series. >>eng<< Učím sa západofrízsky. I'm learning West Frisian. I'm studying with Západofrízsky. >>eng<< Аз притежавам тази собственост. I own this property. I own that property. >>eng<< Джордж е много ентусиазиран за новата си работа. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. >>eng<< Kad mačke nema, miševi kolo vode. When the cat's away, the mice will play. When cats are gone, mice cycle water. >>eng<< Interabilnost je kompatibilnost sa drugim sistemima. Interoperability means compatibility with other systems. Interactive is compatibility with other systems. >>eng<< Ти кажав дека татко ми умре кога имав тринаесет години. I told you that my dad died when I was thirteen. I told you my father died when I was 13. >>eng<< Која је твоја крвна група? What is your blood type? What is your blood type? >>eng<< Какво ли би могъл да прави Том там? What could Tom be doing there? What could Tom do there? >>eng<< Ще ме научиш ли да говоря френски? Can you teach me French? Will you teach me how to speak French? >>eng<< Potrebujem aspirín. I need an aspirin. I need an aspirin. >>eng<< Detektivi i dalje istražuju. Detectives are still investigating. Detectives are still investigating. >>eng<< Nema razloga za paniku. There's no reason to panic. There's no reason to panic. >>eng<< Idite gore. Get upstairs. Go upstairs. >>eng<< Кога дојде во Бостон? When did you come to Boston? When did you get to Boston? >>eng<< Nećemo se vratiti u Boston. We won't go back to Boston. We're not going back to Boston. >>eng<< Nikad mi ništa ne daješ da uradim. You never let me do anything. You never let me do anything. >>eng<< Moramo razmotriti sve opcije. We must consider all options. We need to consider every option. >>eng<< Не позволявай на Том да го извърши. Don't let Tom do it. Don't let Tom do this. >>eng<< Sve je u redu sa mojim sluhom. There's nothing wrong with my hearing. It's all right with my hearing. >>eng<< Italija se nalazi u Europi. Italy is in Europe. Italy is located in Europe. >>eng<< Tofu dobro ide uz Sake. Tofu goes well with sake. Tofu's going well with Sake. >>eng<< Máš ceruzku? Do you have a pencil? You mean your daughter-in-law? >>eng<< Димот се крева во воздухот. The smoke is rising in the air. The smoke rises in the air. >>eng<< Не те обвинявам. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. >>eng<< Hajde, vas dvojica. Come on, you two. Come on, you two. >>eng<< Моля те, събуди ме в 6:30. Please wake me up at 6:30. Please wake me up at 6:30. >>eng<< Sinoć smo morali da pozovemo policiju. Last night, we had to call the police. We had to call the police last night. >>eng<< Tom nie je cvičiteľ zvierat. Tom isn't an animal trainer. Tom Nie is a flowering beast. >>eng<< Ти си шеф. You're the boss. You're the boss. >>eng<< Гледала сам Тома како умире. I watched Tom die. I watched Tom die. >>eng<< Бъди по-винателен. Ти често пропускаш някое писмо. Be more careful. You often leave out some letter or other. You often miss a letter. >>eng<< Можеш ли да ми кажеш защо Том прави това? Can you tell me why Tom is doing that? Can you tell me why Tom's doing this? >>eng<< Mislim da tvoj plan nije realističan. I think your plan is not realistic. I don't think your plan is realistic. >>eng<< Том е над трийсетгодишен. Tom is in his thirties. Tom's over thirty years old. >>eng<< Ona je mladší ako jeho dcéra. She's younger than his daughter. She's a young man if she eats dcéra. >>eng<< Француски је тежак језик. French is a difficult language. French is a difficult language. >>eng<< Не наказвай Том за това. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't punish Tom for this. >>eng<< Тука нема доволно светло за читање. It's not light enough in here to read. There is not enough light to read here. >>eng<< Моля, фокусирай го. Please just focus it. Please focus it. >>eng<< Reci mi šta kaže ovde. Tell me what this says. Tell me what he says here. >>eng<< Pazi! Look out! Watch it! >>eng<< Те молам, најди ја. Please find her. Please find her. >>eng<< To je zastaralé. It's obsolete. It's outdated. >>eng<< Pao sam na zemlju. I fell to the ground. I fell to the ground. >>eng<< Том заборава. Tom is forgetful. Tom forgets. >>eng<< Том нема надеж. Tom isn't hopeful. Tom has no hope. >>eng<< Чувствувам дека сум слободен. I feel that I am free. I feel free. >>eng<< Počelo je. It's started. It's on. >>eng<< Da li bi moglo da se uradi? Could it be done? Could it be done? >>eng<< Ti i ja imamo istoriju. You and I go way back. You and I have a history. >>eng<< Svako ima svoju cenu. We all have a price. Everyone has a price. >>eng<< Tom štedi da kupi jahtu. Tom has been saving up to buy a yacht. Tom's saving to buy a yacht. >>eng<< Želim da te vidim. I wanna see you. I want to see you. >>eng<< Осигурач је прегорео. The fuse has blown. The insurance guy's overrun. >>eng<< От това Том няма да разбере нищо. Tom won't be able to understand any of this. Tom won't know anything about it. >>eng<< U koju si školu išao? What school did you go to? What school did you go to? >>eng<< Опитах се да се свържа с Том. I've tried to contact Tom. I tried to contact Tom. >>eng<< Том си разкопча ризата. Tom unbuttoned his shirt. Tom dug up his shirt. >>eng<< Том не знае нищичко за Мери. Tom doesn't know squat about Mary. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary. >>eng<< Знам дека сѐ уште го сакаш Том. I know you still love Tom. I know you still love Tom. >>eng<< Всички ученици в нашето училище учат френски. All of the students at our school study French. All students in our school learn French. >>eng<< Не сакам да ги деранжирам. I don't want to bother them. I don't want to buy them. >>eng<< Ti si razlog zbog koga sam došao. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I came. >>eng<< Имаш ли пасош? Do you have your passport? Do you have a passport? >>eng<< Daj mi mač. Give me the sword. Give me the sword. >>eng<< Nemoj da preteruješ. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. >>eng<< Pravio sam se da ne znam Toma. I pretended that I didn't know Tom. I pretended I didn't know Tom. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да помолиш Том за помощ? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom to help? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom for help? >>eng<< Da li možete da nasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? >>eng<< Šta si zaključila? What have you concluded? What do you have in mind? >>eng<< Tom je bio prijateljski nastojen prema meni. Tom was friendly to me. Tom was friendly to me. >>eng<< Планирам да одам во Бостон за Божиќ. I'm thinking of going to Boston for Christmas. I'm planning on going to Boston for Christmas. >>eng<< Nikad nikom ne pozajmljujem knjige ili CD-ove. I never lend books or CDs to anyone. I never lend books or CDs to anyone. >>eng<< Bilo je potrebno četiri kilograma zlata da se pozlate pobedničke medalje. Nine pounds of gold was needed to gild the victory medals. It took four pounds of gold to win the medals. >>eng<< Какво е това? What's this? What's that? >>eng<< Камоли да ја запознаев. I wish I'd met her. Let's get to know her. >>eng<< Ne čitam romane. I don't read novels. I don't read novels. >>eng<< Имам многу малку пари. I have very little money. I have very little money. >>eng<< Ова ми се моливите. These are my pencils. These are my pencils. >>eng<< Жена в инвалидна количка се крие в супермаркет. Woman in a wheelchair holes up in supermarket. A woman in a wheelchair is hiding in a supermarket. >>eng<< Stani! Stop! Stop! >>eng<< Така треба! That's the spirit! That's right! >>eng<< Jesi li ti Ujgur? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uighur? >>eng<< Da li će to skoro rešiti stvar? Does that about do it? Will it solve the matter soon? >>eng<< Някой тук говори ли френски? Can anyone here speak French? Does anyone speak French here? >>eng<< Naša galaksija se zove Mliječni put. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. >>eng<< Не ме гледайте така! Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that! >>eng<< Jedan je senator nazvao predsednika druge zemlje, oficirem stare obaveštajne službe koji bi želeo da povrati staru imperiju te zemlje. One senator has called a president of another country, an officer of the old intelligence service which would like to restore that country's old empire. One senator called the president of another country, an old intelligence officer who would like to restore the country's old empire. >>eng<< Hoću novi bicikl. I want a new bike. I want a new bike. >>eng<< Uzmi sve. Get everything. Take it all. >>eng<< Не. Искам да платя в брой. No. I want to pay in cash. No, I want to pay in cash. >>eng<< Тешко ми е да го замислам тоа. I have trouble picturing that. It's hard for me to imagine. >>eng<< Да ли си ти студенткиња? Are you a student? Are you a student? >>eng<< Најде ли некој да го чува детето? Did you get someone to look after the child? Did you find someone to take care of the child? >>eng<< Лодката преминава през джунглата. This boat goes through the jungle. The boat passes through the jungle. >>eng<< Stojiš mi na prolazu. You are in my way. You're standing in my way. >>eng<< Dali sme si dole rukavice. We took our gloves off. Can you get your gloves down? >>eng<< Moraćete da pitate Toma. You'll have to ask Tom. You're going to have to ask Tom. >>eng<< Iracionalni ste. You're being irrational. You're irrational. >>eng<< И Том, и Мери се обърнаха да гледат. Tom and Mary both turned around to watch. And Tom, and Mary turned to watch. >>eng<< No a? Yeah, and? Well? >>eng<< Ti si moj prijatelj. You are my friend. You're my friend. >>eng<< Želiš li da ga zadržiš? Do you want to keep it? You want to keep it? >>eng<< Се очекува дека облакодерот ќе потоне во мочуриштето. The skyscraper is expected to sink into the bog. The skyscraper is expected to sink in the swamp. >>eng<< Девојка види дечака. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. >>eng<< Аз уча в един университет в Бостън. I study at a university in Boston. I study at a university in Boston. >>eng<< Svi su tamo. Everyone's there. They're all there. >>eng<< Том е монах. Tom is a monk. Tom's a monk. >>eng<< Dobar sam s decom. I'm good with children. I'm good with kids. >>eng<< Ще ти кажа истината. I'm gonna tell you the truth. I'll tell you the truth. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da Tom dolazi na žurku. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom's coming to the party. >>eng<< Дај ми ги тие листови. Hand me those papers. Give me those sheets. >>eng<< Znam da te je Tom izneverio. I know Tom let you down. I know Tom let you down. >>eng<< Той не успя да получи работата. He couldn't get the job. He failed to get the job. >>eng<< Тези твърдения са смехотворни. These allegations are ridiculous. These claims are ridiculous. >>eng<< Не пиј претерано. Don't drink to excess. Don't drink too much. >>eng<< Ova je dosta kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. >>eng<< Обећао си да ћеш ми помоћи. You promised you would help me. You promised you'd help me. >>eng<< Уживај у томе док још можеш! Enjoy it while you can. Enjoy it while you still can! >>eng<< Тоа ќе ги научи на ред. That'll show them. That will teach them their turn. >>eng<< Мисля, че е станала грешка. I think there's been some mistake. I think it's a mistake. >>eng<< Sva mesta za parkiranje su puna. All the parking lots were full. All parking spaces are full. >>eng<< Ako bi uradila to za mene, mnogo bi pomoglo. If you did that for me, it would help a lot. If you would do that for me, it would help a lot. >>eng<< За нив ли ги купи овие? Did you buy these for them? Did you buy these for them? >>eng<< Не сум сигурен дека токму Том го направил ова. I'm not sure that it was Tom who made this. I'm not sure Tom did this. >>eng<< Тоа го стеснува изборот. That narrows it down. It narrows down the choice. >>eng<< Jesi li spavao? Have you been sleeping? Did you sleep? >>eng<< Tom je uspeo da bez poteškoća pronađe Merinu kuću. Tom was able to find Mary's house without any problem. Tom managed to find Mary's house without difficulty. >>eng<< Следвай моя пример и си вземи чаша вино. Be like me and have a glass of wine. Follow my example and take a glass of wine. >>eng<< Това беше един ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. >>eng<< Ne želim da živim sa tobom. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. >>eng<< Бъдете много внимателни с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with this. >>eng<< От какво се страхува Том? What's Tom afraid of? What is Tom afraid of? >>eng<< Riba je dobra za tebe. Fish is good for you. Fish is good for you. >>eng<< Nastavite da radite. Continue working. Keep working. >>eng<< Въпреки че животът на хората в Китай сега става все по-добър и по-добър, все още има много какво да се желае. Although the life of Chinese people is getting better and better now, there is still room for improvement. Although the lives of people in China are now getting better and better, there is still much to be desired. >>eng<< Ispričaj nam priču o duhovima. Tell us a ghost story. Tell us a story about ghosts. >>eng<< Nervozna sam. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. >>eng<< Изговорот ти е горе-долу точен. Your pronunciation is more or less correct. Your pronunciation is up and down correct. >>eng<< Kažu da je ljubav slepa. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. >>eng<< Брза е услугата. The service is fast. The service is fast. >>eng<< Кога затворате? When do you close? When do you close? >>eng<< Imamo dovoljno ovde. We've got enough here. We've got enough here. >>eng<< Тој разви чувства кон неа. He developed feelings for her. He developed feelings for her. >>eng<< Da li imaš nešto da saopštiš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to say? >>eng<< Koji kurac se događa ovdje? What the fuck is going on here? What the fuck is going on here? >>eng<< Моля Ви, елате добре облечена. Please come dressed up. Please come well dressed. >>eng<< Tom je već znao o tome. Tom already knew about it. Tom already knew about it. >>eng<< Ja nisam kao bilo ko drugi. I'm not like anybody else. I'm not like anyone else. >>eng<< Izneverio si me. You let me down. You let me down. >>eng<< Tom je izvukao zapušač iz flaše. Tom uncorked the bottle. Tom pulled the stopper out of the bottle. >>eng<< Siguran sam da ću pobediti na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis match. >>eng<< Nisam tip koji prati modu. I'm not the trendy type. I'm not the guy who follows fashion. >>eng<< Шта треба да урадиш? What should you do? What do you have to do? >>eng<< Моји родитељи су умрли. My parents are dead. My parents died. >>eng<< Том го дигна знамето. Tom raised the flag. Tom raised the flag. >>eng<< Objektivna sam. I'm objective. I'm objective. >>eng<< Моля заключете сейфа. Please lock the safe. Please lock the safe. >>eng<< Tvrdoglava sam. I'm stubborn. I'm stubborn. >>eng<< Той какво прави днес? What did she do today? What is he doing today? >>eng<< Mračno je. It's dark. It's dark. >>eng<< Нема да го искористам Том. I'm not going to take advantage of Tom. I'm not gonna use Tom. >>eng<< Ispričaj nam priču o duhovima! Tell us a ghost story! Tell us a story about ghosts! >>eng<< Аргументот му беше логичен. His argument was logical. His argument was logical. >>eng<< Tom štedi da bi mogao da ide u inostranstvo. Tom is saving money so he can go abroad. Tom saves so he can go abroad. >>eng<< Hovoríš dobre po francúzsky! You speak good French! You're good at Francúzsky! >>eng<< Том е книговодител. Tom is a bookkeeper. Tom's a bookkeeper. >>eng<< On će po svoj prilici osvojiti prvenstvo. He is likely to win the championship. He is likely to win the championship. >>eng<< След вечеря, си написах домашното. After dinner, I did my homework. After dinner, I wrote my homework. >>eng<< Da li mogu da te nazovem za 20 minuta? Can I call you back within twenty minutes? Can I call you back in 20 minutes? >>eng<< Да ли је доручак урачунат у цену? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? >>eng<< Честно казано, скъпи, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! To be honest, dear, I don't care! >>eng<< Imali smo danas ispit iz matematike. We had an examination in mathematics today. We had a math exam today. >>eng<< Том не изгледаше зафатено. Tom didn't seem busy. Tom didn't seem busy. >>eng<< Javiću ti se čim stignem. I will contact you as soon as I arrive. I'll get back to you as soon as I get there. >>eng<< Nemoj da piješ vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. >>eng<< Пробај само. Just give it a shot. Just try it. >>eng<< Никого не убив. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. >>eng<< Nisam nimalo zabrinut. I'm not worried at all. I'm not worried at all. >>eng<< Pomerite se. Step aside. Move aside. >>eng<< Тази е моя. Не знам неговата къде е. That is mine. I don't know where his is. I don't know where he is. >>eng<< Ќе се видиме утре, добро? See you tomorrow, OK? I'll see you tomorrow, okay? >>eng<< Работи бавно и няма да правиш грешки. Work slowly, and you won't make mistakes. Work slowly and you won't make mistakes. >>eng<< Njihovo je pravo da glasaju. It is their right to vote. It is their right to vote. >>eng<< Марија је била бесна као рис. Mary began to feel hot under the collar. Mary was angry like a lynx. >>eng<< Bit ćete poznat. You will be famous. You'll be famous. >>eng<< Tom je bio potpuno sam. Tom was all by himself. Tom was completely alone. >>eng<< Da li mi se priviđa? Am I seeing things? Do I see it? >>eng<< Karta, molim. Ticket, please. Ticket, please. >>eng<< А што ако кажат „не“? What if they say no? What if they say no? >>eng<< Веруваш ли во хороскоп? Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe in the horoscope? >>eng<< Аз нямам билет. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. >>eng<< Не можам да им се јавам дома. I can't call them at home. I can't call them at home. >>eng<< Угаси го. Turn it off. Turn it off. >>eng<< Riki, ovo je moj prijatelj Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. >>eng<< Hajde ustani, Tome. Come on up, Tom. Come on, get up, Tom. >>eng<< Няма нищо между Том и Мери. There's nothing going on between Tom and Mary. There's nothing between Tom and Mary. >>eng<< Накрая той се пречупи. At last he yielded. Finally, he broke. >>eng<< Она се развела од мужа. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. >>eng<< Понеже той не отговаряше, аз отново му писах. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again. Because he didn't answer, I wrote to him again. >>eng<< Mnogo ptica je na grani. Many birds are on the branch. There's a lot of birds on the branch. >>eng<< Ove informacije su poverljive. This information is confidential. This information is confidential. >>eng<< Влијателен си. You're influential. You're influential. >>eng<< Сѐ уште размислувам за него. I'm still thinking about him. I'm still thinking about him. >>eng<< To je veľký pes. It's a big dog. It's a vezký dog. >>eng<< Ovo nije tvoja kapa, zar ne? This isn't your hat, is it? This isn't your hat, is it? >>eng<< Nikad nisam imala problema da zaspim. I've never had trouble falling asleep. I've never had any trouble sleeping. >>eng<< Май е по-добре да си тръгваме. It looks like we'd better leave. I think we better get out of here. >>eng<< Možda ne možeš da me čuješ. Maybe you can't hear me. Maybe you can't hear me. >>eng<< Борсата е в продължителен спад. The stock market is in a prolonged slump. The stock market is in a prolonged decline. >>eng<< Moramo razmotriti sve opcije. We must consider all options. We need to consider every option. >>eng<< Pozdravi svoje prijatelje. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your friends. >>eng<< Ще ти се обадя веднага щом стигна на летището. I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport. I'll call you as soon as I get to the airport. >>eng<< Сите бевме шокирани. We were all shocked. We were all shocked. >>eng<< Kupio sam nov šešir u prodavnici. I bought a new hat at the department store. I bought a new hat at the store. >>eng<< Zašto si ljuta na mene? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? >>eng<< Ключовете са на масата. The keys are on the table. The keys are on the table. >>eng<< Ljudi mi govore stvari. People tell me things. People tell me things. >>eng<< Da li su zrele ove banane? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas mature? >>eng<< Имаш ли подчинени, които говорят френски? Do you have any employees who speak French? Do you have subordinates who speak French? >>eng<< Hrana ni bila preveč okusna. The food didn't taste very good. The food was not too delicious. >>eng<< Баба ми е наглува. Со други зборови, малку е глува. My grandmother is hard of hearing. In other words she is slightly deaf. My grandmother's deaf, in other words, a little deaf. >>eng<< Танковете не се страхуват от калта. Tanks aren't afraid of dirt. Tanks are not afraid of mud. >>eng<< Той също може да говори руски. He can speak Russian, too. He can also speak Russian. >>eng<< Bilo bi teško. It would be difficult. It'd be hard. >>eng<< Ја дадов таа наредба пред шест часа. I gave that order six hours ago. I gave that order six hours ago. >>eng<< Si si istý, že hovorí po portugalsky? Are you sure she's speaking Portuguese? Are you Eastý, already hovorí by Portuguese? >>eng<< Да гласуваме. Let's vote. Let's vote. >>eng<< Многи велики мислиоци који су током живота били непознати су постали славни након смрти. Many great thinkers who were unknown while alive became famous after death. Many great thinkers who were unknown throughout their lives became famous after death. >>eng<< Da čujemo tvoj izgovor. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. >>eng<< Zašto je ovo naš problem? Why is this our problem? Why is this our problem? >>eng<< Baš sam razmišljao o tebi. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. >>eng<< Moramo da radimo naporno. We have to work hard. We have to work hard. >>eng<< Каде му се клучевите на Том? Where are Tom's keys? Where are Tom's keys? >>eng<< Абсолютно прав си. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. >>eng<< Не сакав да ме мразиш. I didn't want you to hate me. I didn't want you to hate me. >>eng<< Trebam još kave. I need more coffee. I need more coffee. >>eng<< Konačno je zaspala. She finally fell asleep. She finally fell asleep. >>eng<< Какво ще кажеш да си починеш? How about taking a rest? How about you get some rest? >>eng<< Що за човек би направил нещо такова? What kind of person would do that kind of thing? What would a man do such a thing? >>eng<< Više nisam previše uznemiren. I'm not too upset anymore. I'm not too upset anymore. >>eng<< Испоставило се да је тачно. It turned out to be true. It turned out to be true. >>eng<< Позвала сам га. I called him. I invited him. >>eng<< Šta znači ova reč? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? >>eng<< Nimam časa zate. I don't have time for you. I don't have time for you. >>eng<< Кога е премногу? How much is too much? When is it too much? >>eng<< Vyskočila z okna. She jumped out of the window. He jumped out of the window. >>eng<< Том никога не говори за чувствата си. Tom never talks about his feelings. Tom never talks about his feelings. >>eng<< Није то ништа страшно. It's not a big deal. It's no big deal. >>eng<< Šta doktor misli da ne valja? What does the doctor think is wrong? What does the doctor think is wrong? >>eng<< Ne smeš da uđeš u tu sobu. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. >>eng<< Da li ti se sviđa ili ne? Do you like it or not? Do you like it or not? >>eng<< Класот подиве. The class went wild. The class went up. >>eng<< Nemirna sam. I'm restless. I'm restless. >>eng<< Netko mu je vjerojatno rekao, ali to nisam bio ja. Someone must have told him, but it wasn't me. Someone probably told him, but it wasn't me. >>eng<< Dobro kuhaš? Are you a good cook? Do you cook well? >>eng<< Ручао сам на брзину. I ate a hasty lunch. I had lunch at a speed. >>eng<< Teško je da ono što smo rekli primenimo u praksi. It is difficult to put what we said in practice. It's hard to apply what we said in practice. >>eng<< Pomáhať druhým nikdy nie je stratou času. Helping others is never a waste of time. Pomáhař druhým nikdy nie is a strato time. >>eng<< Ovde sam da bih igrala bejzbol. I'm here to play baseball. I'm here to play baseball. >>eng<< Тоа ли е последната лекција? Is it the last lesson? Is that the last lesson? >>eng<< Том победи во кавгата. Tom won the fight. Tom won the fight. >>eng<< Mogao bih sada da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there now. >>eng<< Ovo je moja e-mail adresa. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. >>eng<< Рибу, молићу. Fish, please. Fish, please. >>eng<< Chce bojovať proti rasizmu. He wants to fight racism. Chce fights racism. >>eng<< Тя яде ябълка. She's eating an apple. She's eating an apple. >>eng<< Musím ísť. I have to go. Musím ís. >>eng<< To bi bilo sve zasad. That'll be all for now. That'll be all for now. >>eng<< Tom je mislio da ima vremena. Tom thought he had time. Tom thought he had time. >>eng<< Who sent me a telegram? Who sent me a wire? Who sent me a telegram? >>eng<< Не ѝ побарав да оди таму. I didn't ask her to go there. I didn't ask her to go there. >>eng<< Не може да говориш сериозно. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. >>eng<< Ne mogu da odlučim gde da se parkiram. I'm having trouble deciding where to park. I can't decide where to park. >>eng<< Nemoj da blejiš. Don't stare. Don't fade. >>eng<< Човекът е единственото животно, използващо огън. Man is the only fire-using animal. Man is the only animal using fire. >>eng<< Сишао сам на погрешној аутобуској станици. I got off at the wrong bus stop. I got off at the wrong bus station. >>eng<< Jogurt je izrađen od mlijeka i kreme. Yogurt is made from milk and cream. Yogurt is made of milk and cream. >>eng<< Не можам да спијам. Премногу сум возбуден што наскоро ќе стигнеме до Плутон. I cannot sleep. I am just electrified by the knowledge of our imminent approach toward Pluto. I'm too excited to get to Pluto soon. >>eng<< I Piotr i Lech su iz Poljske. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. >>eng<< Je li tvoja? Is it yours? Is it yours? >>eng<< Те нападна ли тој човек? Was that man harassing you? Did that man attack you? >>eng<< Имам верба во себеси. I believe in myself. I have faith in myself. >>eng<< Dešava se. It happens. It happens. >>eng<< Da li je ovo mesto zauzeto? Is this seat taken? Is this place busy? >>eng<< Одлучив да и кажам дека го сакам. I decided to tell her that I love him. I decided to tell her I loved him. >>eng<< Тя се поддаде на изкушението да купи бижуто. She gave way to the temptation to buy the jewel. She was tempted to buy the jewelry. >>eng<< Sakrio sam se ispod stola. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. >>eng<< Моје име је Рикардо.Како се ти зовеш? My name's Ricardo. What's yours? My name is Ricardo. What's your name? >>eng<< Zbabral to. He messed up. Got it. >>eng<< Sesija je završena. The session has been prorogued. The session is over. >>eng<< Позволи ми да танцувам с теб. Let me dance with you. Let me dance with you. >>eng<< Ти си после нив. You're after them. You're after them. >>eng<< Колико времена ми је преостало? How much time do I have left? How much time do I have left? >>eng<< Имаш ли си хоби, Том? Do you have a hobby, Tom? Do you have a hobby, Tom? >>eng<< Naším problémom je pravý opak. Our problem is the opposite. Our problem is real bad. >>eng<< Том е добряк. Tom is easygoing. Tom's a good guy. >>eng<< Kada si tačno to uradio? When exactly did you do that? When exactly did you do that? >>eng<< Мислам дека нема да живеам уште долго. I don't think I have much longer to live. I don't think I'm going to live much longer. >>eng<< Švajcarskoj trebaju bolje jabuke. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. >>eng<< Няма да позволя на Том да го направи. I won't let Tom do that. I'm not gonna let Tom do this. >>eng<< Bio si u pravu što si briuo. You were right to worry. You were right to shave. >>eng<< То не е ли черно? Isn't it black? Isn't that black? >>eng<< Jesi li zauzet ovde? Are you busy here? Are you busy here? >>eng<< Idem u crkvu samo iz poštovanja prema mojoj majci. I only go to church out of duty to my mother. I'm only going to church out of respect for my mother. >>eng<< Сакам торти. I like eating cake. I want cakes. >>eng<< Том ја презира твојата дрскост. Tom hates your guts. Tom despises your impudence. >>eng<< Помислих си, че има нещо странно. I thought something was odd. I thought there was something strange. >>eng<< Videl som psa. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. >>eng<< Upomoć! Policija! Upomoć! Help! Police! Help! Help! >>eng<< Veľa čítam. I read a lot. I'm reading. >>eng<< Том и Мери не зборуваа со Џон. Tom and Mary didn't speak to John. Tom and Mary didn't talk to John. >>eng<< Vjerujem znanosti. I trust science. I believe in science. >>eng<< Надявам се това да направи по-лесно разбирането на смисъла и запаметяването на новонаучените думи. I hope this will make it easier to get a grasp of the meaning and to memorize the newly learnt words. I hope this makes it easier to understand the meaning and memory of the newly learned words. >>eng<< Da li Tom sedi ovde? Is this where Tom sits? Is Tom sitting here? >>eng<< Urobili sme početné vylepšenia na našom dome, odkedy sme ho kúpili. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. He may enslave the beginner vylepšenia at our home, from which he may take a ho kúpili. >>eng<< Sve je ovde. Everything's here. It's all here. >>eng<< Не изглеждаш твърде изненадан. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. >>eng<< Tom će ponovo razmisliti. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will think about it again. >>eng<< Всушност дојдов да ти помогнам. I'm here to help you, actually. Actually, I'm here to help you. >>eng<< Strom je zelený. The tree is green. Strom's green. >>eng<< Njezino je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? >>eng<< Том знаеше дека Мери не зборува француски. Tom knew Mary couldn't speak French. Tom knew Mary didn't speak French. >>eng<< Чувствам се объркан. I feel lost. I feel confused. >>eng<< Da li imaš psa? Do you have a dog? Do you have a dog? >>eng<< Том остава твърд. Tom remains obstinate. Tom's still hard. >>eng<< Открихме къде живее той. We found out where he lives. We found out where he lives. >>eng<< Otišli smo u potragu za zlatom. We went in search of gold. We went looking for gold. >>eng<< Имаме да ти поставиме неколку прашања, Том. We need to ask you a few questions, Tom. We have a few questions to ask you, Tom. >>eng<< Том се пенсионира на 65. Tom retired at 65. Tom retired at 65. >>eng<< Обядвах набързо. I quickly ate lunch. I had a quick lunch. >>eng<< Zašto si tako pametna? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? >>eng<< Proveri to. Check that. Check it out. >>eng<< Jaz plačujem vse račune. I'm the one who pays all the bills. I pay all the bills. >>eng<< Трябва ли ми вратовръзка? Do I need a tie? Do I need a tie? >>eng<< Развали всичко. You ruined everything. You ruined everything. >>eng<< Prihvatila bih. I'd accept. I'd take it. >>eng<< Da li je kafa dobra za tebe? Is coffee good for you? Is coffee good for you? >>eng<< Трябваше да вземем предвид графика. We should have taken the schedule into consideration. We should have taken the schedule into account. >>eng<< Чест ми е. It's an honor. It's an honor. >>eng<< Миналата година се отказах. I retired last year. Last year I gave up. >>eng<< Želim ići. I want to go. I want to go. >>eng<< Ще бъдеш ли там? Will you be there? Will you be there? >>eng<< Том се упражнява да говори френски при всяка възможност. Tom practices speaking French every chance he gets. Tom is trying to speak French at every opportunity. >>eng<< Още не съм казала на децата, че се развеждаме. I haven't told the kids yet that we're getting divorced. I haven't told the kids we're getting a divorce yet. >>eng<< Онези кучета са големи. Those dogs are big. These dogs are big. >>eng<< "Може ли да паркирам тук?" "Не, не можете." "May I park here?" "No, you can't." "Can I park here?" "No, you can't." >>eng<< Том го сликаше ова. Tom was the one who took this picture. Tom took this picture. >>eng<< Мораме нешто да им дадеме. We've got to give them something. We have to give them something. >>eng<< Не сфаќам зошто не сакаш да помогнеш. I don't see why you won't help. I don't understand why you don't want to help. >>eng<< Nedostaje mi. I miss him. I miss her. >>eng<< Секогаш си запишувам. I always take notes. I always write down. >>eng<< Да се сменим. Let's switch. Let's change. >>eng<< Шифра је "Мјуриел". The password is "Muiriel". The code is "Muriel". >>eng<< Nadam se da ću naći Toma. I'm hoping to find Tom. I hope I can find Tom. >>eng<< Muzika mi je važna. Music is important to me. Music is important to me. >>eng<< Немаше никого таму. There wasn't anybody there. There was no one there. >>eng<< Dođi u moju četvrt. Come to my quarters. Come to my neighborhood. >>eng<< Очекује од нас да јој помогнемо. She expects us to help her. She expects us to help her. >>eng<< Ситуацијата е безнадежна. The situation is hopeless. The situation is hopeless. >>eng<< Не може да са излезли, защото вътре свети. They can't have gone out because the light's on. They cannot come out because they are holy inside. >>eng<< Още не съм започнала. I haven't started yet. I haven't started yet. >>eng<< Навистина би било убаво да молчиш. I really wish you'd be quiet. It would be really nice if you kept your mouth shut. >>eng<< Од каде ти е тоа? И јас сакам такво. Where did you buy that? I want one too. Where did you get that? >>eng<< Сакам печени костени. I like roasted chestnuts. I like roasted bones. >>eng<< Imam mnogo prijatelja. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. >>eng<< Kad god pričamo, zbog njega mi proradi adrenalin. Whenever we talk, he gets my adrenaline going. Every time we talk, he makes my adrenaline work. >>eng<< Преподавам френски. I teach French. I teach French. >>eng<< Това е колелото на Мишо. This is Mike's bicycle. This is Misho's wheel. >>eng<< Ti si ljubav mog života. You're the love of my life. You're the love of my life. >>eng<< Трябва да се обадим на полицията. We should call the police. We need to call the police. >>eng<< Том је натерао Мери да то уради. Tom made Mary do that. Tom made Mary do it. >>eng<< Том е еден од најистакнатите амерички песнописци. Tom is one of the greatest American songwriters. Tom is one of the most prominent American poets. >>eng<< Може да и се верува. You can believe her. She can be trusted. >>eng<< Те баравме. We were looking for you. We've been looking for you. >>eng<< Стисни ми ръката. Shake my hand. Hold my hand. >>eng<< Зови обезбеђење! Call security! Call security! >>eng<< To nije glavno pitanje. That's not the main issue. That's not the main question. >>eng<< Ќе те фатам. I'm going to get you. I'll catch you. >>eng<< Zdravlje je bogatstvo. Health is wealth. Health is wealth. >>eng<< Idemo nešto pojesti. Let's get something to eat. Let's go get something to eat. >>eng<< Završit ću s čitanjem ove knjige. I'll finish reading this book. I'm gonna finish reading this book. >>eng<< Том носи столици. Tom is carrying some chairs. Tom wears chairs. >>eng<< Навистина требаше да ме пуштиш да викнам такси. You really should've let me call a cab. You really should've let me call a cab. >>eng<< Tento stôl je čistý. This table is clean. Tento stôl is pure. >>eng<< Том е буден. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. >>eng<< Како се случи ова? How did this happen? How did this happen? >>eng<< Том имаше едно-единствено желание. Tom had one wish. Tom had a single wish. >>eng<< Тој е лакомец. He is a glutton. He's a coward. >>eng<< Nije trebalo da skinem to. I shouldn't have downloaded that. I shouldn't have taken that off. >>eng<< Srećan rođendan! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! >>eng<< Ovo su moji najbolji prijatelji. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. >>eng<< To je bila lažna uzbuna. It was a false alarm. It was a false alarm. >>eng<< Nisam sigurna kada će Tom stići. I'm not sure when Tom will arrive. I'm not sure when Tom's gonna be here. >>eng<< В твоите ръце е, Том. It's in your hands, Tom. It's in your hands, Tom. >>eng<< Изненадени се. They're surprised. They're surprised. >>eng<< И двете изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. >>eng<< Ona je priateľka? Is she a friend? She's a tough one? >>eng<< Igrali smo na plaži. We played on the beach. We played on the beach. >>eng<< Веќе верувам. I already believe it. I already believe it. >>eng<< Шта бих ја без тебе? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? >>eng<< Хајде, признај. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. >>eng<< Nisam baš toliko pametan. I'm not all that smart. I'm not that smart. >>eng<< Da li počinjemo uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we starting soon? >>eng<< Да отидем да я питаме. Let's go and ask her. Let's go ask her. >>eng<< Тоа не е разумно. That's not rational. That's not reasonable. >>eng<< Ovde smo kako bismo igrali golf. We're here to play golf. We're here to play golf. >>eng<< Свари ли кафе? Did you make coffee? Did you make coffee? >>eng<< Devet od deset birača smatraju da je Marija najpogodniji kandidat za novog vođu. Ali Tom neće glasati na ovim izborima. Nine out of ten voters believe Maria is best suited to take over as leader. But Tom will abstain from voting. Nine out of ten voters consider Mary to be the most suitable candidate for a new leader, but Tom won't vote in this election. >>eng<< Може ли да се користи оваа страница слично како Twitter? Can't you also use this website sort of like Twitter? Can this page be used like Twitter? >>eng<< Томов ауто има сто коњских снага. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Tom's car has a hundred horsepower. >>eng<< Ne, ne čini to. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. >>eng<< Момчето си изцапа ръцете. The boy got his hands dirty. The boy got his hands dirty. >>eng<< Leanne ima plave oči. Leanne has got blue eyes. Leanne has blue eyes. >>eng<< Pogledaj to. Take a look at that. Look at that. >>eng<< Dovedite pomoć. Bring help. Get some help. >>eng<< Mislim da će Tom moći da nam pomogne da savladamo ovo. I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out. I think Tom will be able to help us work this out. >>eng<< Кой говори френски по-добре, Том или Мери? Who can speak French better, Tom or Mary? Who speaks French better, Tom or Mary? >>eng<< Ќе се гледаме со тебе. We'll be seeing you. I'll see you later. >>eng<< Da li me voli? Does she love me? Does she love me? >>eng<< Tužna sam što odlazim. I'm sad to be leaving. I'm sad to be leaving. >>eng<< Книгата што ми ја даде е мошне занимлива. The book you gave me is very interesting. The book you gave me is very interesting. >>eng<< Драго ми е што не ми го направи ова ти. I'm just glad it wasn't you who did this to me. I'm glad you didn't do this to me. >>eng<< Обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? >>eng<< Сега колко е часът? What time is it now? Now what time is it? >>eng<< Не те повикав поради тоа, Том. That's not why I called you in here, Tom. I didn't call you about that, Tom. >>eng<< Трябва да го сваля. I have to take it off. I have to take it off. >>eng<< Беше ужасна глетка. It was an awful sight. It was a terrible sight. >>eng<< Netko je potrošio mnogo novca da bi ukrasio ovaj stan. Somebody spent a lot of money to decorate this place. Someone spent a lot of money to decorate this apartment. >>eng<< Ме исчеличи. It made me strong. Rinse me. >>eng<< Gde je Lori? Where is Laurie? Where's Lori? >>eng<< Tom ťa naozaj nemá rád. Tom really doesn't like you. Tom's back on German rád. >>eng<< Dođi da nas vidiš. Come and see us. Come and see us. >>eng<< Šta sam zaboravio da kažem? What did I forget to say? What did I forget to say? >>eng<< Odustajem. I'm resigning. I give up. >>eng<< Ne pokušavaj se igrati sa mnom. Don't try to play games with me. Don't try to play with me. >>eng<< Проблемът не е в парите. Money isn't the problem. The problem is not the money. >>eng<< Sve je jednako pred zakonom. Everyone is equal before the law. Everything is the same before the law. >>eng<< Последните нововъведения в медицината са забележителни. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. The latest advances in medicine are remarkable. >>eng<< Sve ili ništa. All or nothing. It's all or nothing. >>eng<< Nije to bila moja greška. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. >>eng<< Možeš li mi pomoći da prevedem ove rečenice na kineski? Can you help me to translate these sentences into Chinese? Can you help me translate these sentences into Chinese? >>eng<< To je njegov auto. That is his car. It's his car. >>eng<< Tom nije kao ostali dečaci. Tom isn't like the other boys. Tom's not like the other boys. >>eng<< Sve pesme koje sam ti pevao danas sam ja napisao. All the songs I sang for you today were written by me. All the songs I've been singing to you today I've written. >>eng<< Lekove uglavnom ne treba mešati sa alkoholom. Medication and alcohol often don't mix. Drugs should not be mixed with alcohol. >>eng<< Ще трябва да се справя с това сам. I have to deal with this myself. I'll have to deal with it myself. >>eng<< Том е винаги отнесен. Tom is always daydreaming. Tom's always taken away. >>eng<< Taj mit nam nudi uvid u drevnu civilizaciju. The myth offers insights into the ancient civilization. That myth offers us an insight into ancient civilization. >>eng<< Ще изчакам още пет минути. I'll wait another five minutes. I'll wait another five minutes. >>eng<< Прво мораш да се покажеш. You must first prove yourself. You have to show yourself first. >>eng<< Разноврсност је зачин живота. Variety is the spice of life. Diversity is a spice of life. >>eng<< Имам неколико пријатеља. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. >>eng<< Stvarno sam ponosna na Toma. I'm real proud of Tom. I'm really proud of Tom. >>eng<< Vlada je pala nakon glasanja u parlamentu. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after the vote in parliament. >>eng<< Promeniću. I'll change. I'll change. >>eng<< На Том само му треба малку одмор. Tom just needs a little rest. Tom just needs some rest. >>eng<< Мрачно је. It's dark. It's dark. >>eng<< Том не е ял все още, нали? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? >>eng<< Сва права задржана. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. >>eng<< Зашто се понашаш као дете? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? >>eng<< Се немам слушнато со нив. I haven't heard from them. I haven't heard from them. >>eng<< Mogu li da koristim tvoj rečnik? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? >>eng<< Аз бях осъдена. I was convicted. I was convicted. >>eng<< Nije ostalo ništa. There was nothing left. There's nothing left. >>eng<< Koji ti je vrag? What the hell is it with you? What the hell is wrong with you? >>eng<< Што го праша Том? What did you ask Tom? What did you ask Tom? >>eng<< Мисля, че Том може да е болен. I think Tom may be sick. I think Tom might be sick. >>eng<< Bet je rekla Krisu da se okupa ili ona neće izaći sa njim na sastanak. Beth told Chris to bathe or she will not agree to date him. Beth told Chris to take a bath or she wouldn't go out with him on a date. >>eng<< Ужасен бев. I was terrible. I was terrible. >>eng<< Gde si pronašla ovaj nož? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? >>eng<< Ćorsokak. It's a dead give-away. Dead end. >>eng<< Колко захар използваш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? >>eng<< On mnogo voli fudbal. He likes soccer a lot. He loves football a lot. >>eng<< Искам да разговарям с тебе за нещо друго. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. >>eng<< Ne smijemo im dopustiti da nam to rade. We can't let them do this to us. We can't let them do this to us. >>eng<< Ovo su korisne informacije. This is useful information. This is useful information. >>eng<< Mislim da je Tom veoma pametan. I think Tom is very smart. I think Tom is very clever. >>eng<< Видела сам мачора. I saw the cat. I saw the cat. >>eng<< Svjetlosni valovi prolaze kroz prostor i različite materijale. Light waves travel through space and various kinds of materials. Light waves pass through space and different materials. >>eng<< Tom će da uspe. Tom'll succeed. Tom's gonna make it. >>eng<< U mojoj obitelji je četvero ljudi. There are four people in my family. There are four people in my family. >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. >>eng<< Šta ćeš raditi danas? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? >>eng<< Ja sam u banci. I'm at the bank. I'm at the bank. >>eng<< Danas joj je prvi dan škole. Today is her first day of school. Today is her first day of school. >>eng<< Eva je dala Adamu jabuku znanja. Eve gave Adam the apple of knowledge. Eve gave Adam an apple of knowledge. >>eng<< Burj Kalifa je danas najvišlji oblakoder na svetu. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is today the tallest cloud in the world. >>eng<< Švorc sam. I don't have any money. I'm broke. >>eng<< Tom je knjiški moljac. Tom is a bookworm. Tom's a book moth. >>eng<< Da li želiš da živiš u Mumbaiju? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Do you want to live in Mumbai? >>eng<< Ne znaš ni kako se on zove, zar ne? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? >>eng<< Со тебе сме исто силни. I'm as strong as you. We are strong with you. >>eng<< Што не одиш да ги најдеш? Why don't you go find them? Why don't you go find them? >>eng<< Извади ја маската. Take off your mask. Take off your mask. >>eng<< Тоа може да се изведе. That can be done. That can be done. >>eng<< Uzmi sve. Get everything. Take it all. >>eng<< Već sam rekao da ne znam kako se to radi. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do that. >>eng<< Gadno smo se posvađali. We had a terrible fight. We had a hell of a fight. >>eng<< Oni vas poznaju. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Ни мене не ми е толку топло. I'm not feeling so hot myself. I don't feel so warm either. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ми помогнеш? Are you sure you don't want to help me out? Are you sure you don't want to help me? >>eng<< Stvarno sam srećna što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really happy to be here. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том казва истината. I think Tom is telling the truth. I think Tom's telling the truth. >>eng<< Том, събуждай се. Tom, wake up. Tom, wake up. >>eng<< Сите продавници се затворени. All the stores are closed. All stores are closed. >>eng<< Ево њене слике. Here's a photo of her. Here's her picture. >>eng<< Разчитах на нея. I called on her. I was counting on her. >>eng<< Polica je spala pa su se sve knjige prevrnule na Vasju. The shelf fell off and all the books went tumbling down on Vasya. The shelf fell asleep, so all the books turned on Vasya. >>eng<< Том нема да биде дома за ручек. Tom won't be home for lunch. Tom won't be home for lunch. >>eng<< Таа беше отишла на училиште. She had gone to school. She went to school. >>eng<< Не ми одговори на писмото. He didn't reply to my letter. You didn't answer my letter. >>eng<< Tom je bio lud, znaš. Tom was crazy, you know. Tom was crazy, you know. >>eng<< Оди најди го. Go find him. Go find him. >>eng<< Изглеждаш като сестра ми. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. >>eng<< Uspostavili su Vazduhoplovnu Zajedničku Komandu gde su direktor i načelnik štaba bili, respektivno, iz Mornarice i Vojske. They have established an Air Force Joint Command where the manager and chief of staff come respectively from the Navy and the Army. They established an Air Force Joint Command where the Director and Chief of Staff were, respectively, from the Navy and the Army. >>eng<< Мислат дека сме банда. They think we're a gang. They think we're a gang. >>eng<< Том е најпаметниот човек што го познавам. Tom is the smartest person I know. Tom is the smartest man I know. >>eng<< Nemaš dozvolu da uđeš u tu prostoriju. You are not allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. >>eng<< Изговорот му е далеку од совршен. His pronunciation is far from perfect. His pronunciation is far from perfect. >>eng<< Трябва да видя Том. I need to see Tom. I need to see Tom. >>eng<< Беше твърде лесно. It was just too easy. It was too easy. >>eng<< Том стана насилен. Tom became violent. Tom got violent. >>eng<< Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? >>eng<< Не ми се подигравай. Don't make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. >>eng<< Наистина не знам за какво говориш. I really don't know what you're talking about. I really don't know what you're talking about. >>eng<< Počúvate? Are you listening? Are you listening? >>eng<< Tom nije bio zadovoljan rezultatima. Tom was unsatisfied with the results. Tom wasn't happy with the results. >>eng<< Нив ги бараме. We're looking for them. We're looking for them. >>eng<< Mám pravdu? Am I right? My justice? >>eng<< Имам пуно пријатеља. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. >>eng<< Том призна дека го истурил црвеното вино. Tom admitted to spilling the red wine. Tom admitted that he poured the red wine. >>eng<< Ще ти дам една книга. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. >>eng<< Аз те харесвам много. I like you very much. I like you very much. >>eng<< Извинете, колко струват тези? Excuse me, how much do these cost? Excuse me, how much are these? >>eng<< Ustani i predstavi se, molim te. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself, please. >>eng<< Дръж здраво ракетата. Hold the racket tight. Hold the rocket tight. >>eng<< Това е моят приятел Том. This is my friend, Tom. This is my friend Tom. >>eng<< U ovom gradu nema ništa za raditi. There's nothing to do in this town. There's nothing to do in this town. >>eng<< Tom je imao malu pomoć. Tom had a little help. Tom had a little help. >>eng<< Вярно е! It's true! It's true! >>eng<< Тоа не пројде баш најдобро. That didn't go very well. That didn't go very well. >>eng<< Nebo je modré. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том може да споделя твоите чувства. I think Tom might feel the same way you do. I think Tom can share your feelings. >>eng<< Afrika je kolevka čovečanstva. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of humanity. >>eng<< Doktor je rekao Tomu da treba da pije više vode. The doctor told Tom that he should drink more water. The doctor told Tom he needed to drink more water. >>eng<< Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not tired at all. I'm not tired at all. >>eng<< Oni prodaju ribu i meso. They sell fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. >>eng<< Преподавам френски на възрастни. I teach French to adults. I teach French to adults. >>eng<< Kad si došao kući? When did you get home? When did you get home? >>eng<< Svi mi primismo blagoslov za blagoslovom od svemoguće njene milosti. We have all received one blessing after another from the fullness of his grace. We all received a blessing for the blessing of her almighty mercy. >>eng<< Plastična čaša je bolja od one koja je napravljena od pravog stakla. A plastic glass is better than one made of real glass. A plastic glass is better than one made of real glass. >>eng<< Zašto Tom nosi mantil? Why is Tom wearing a coat? Why is Tom wearing a coat? >>eng<< Единственото, което трябва да направите, е да натиснете това копче. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is push this button. >>eng<< Джим ходи на училище с рейс. Jim goes to school by bus. Jim goes to school with a race. >>eng<< Ne privlači pažnju. Keep a low profile. It doesn't attract attention. >>eng<< Не е атрактивно. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. >>eng<< Бићеш славна. You're going to be famous. You'll be famous. >>eng<< Tom je nestao bestraga. Tom disappeared without leaving a trace. Tom's gone missing. >>eng<< Мисля, че френският ти се е подобрил значително. I think your French has improved a lot. I think your French has improved significantly. >>eng<< Той разказа неговите необикновени преживявания. He recounted his unusual experiences. He told his extraordinary experiences. >>eng<< Ме фаќаше дремка. I was getting sleepy. I had a nap. >>eng<< Кога ще се жените? When will you get married? When will they get married? >>eng<< Тези стари закони бяха отменени. Those old laws were all done away with. These old laws were repealed. >>eng<< Стига си си правил майтапи. Stop joking around. Stop messing around. >>eng<< Sâm sam naučio francuski. I taught myself French. I learned French myself. >>eng<< Конечно се среќаваме, Том. We meet at last, Tom. We're finally meeting, Tom. >>eng<< Plivam u okeanu. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. >>eng<< On je samo muškarac. He is only a man. He's just a man. >>eng<< Што мисли лекарот дека не е во ред. What does the doctor think is wrong? What does the doctor think is wrong? >>eng<< Ја испитуваме целата област. We're checking the whole area. We're examining the whole area. >>eng<< Gubite. You're losing. You're losing. >>eng<< Хайде да играем тенис днес следобед. Let's play tennis this afternoon. Let's play tennis this afternoon. >>eng<< Толкова съм щастлив. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. >>eng<< Upravo si mi uštedeo mnogo vremena. You just saved me a lot of time. You just saved me a lot of time. >>eng<< Смрди. It stinks. It stinks. >>eng<< Daj mi dolar za knjigu. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. >>eng<< Имам три въпроса към вас. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. >>eng<< Том је нестао. Tom disappeared. Tom's gone. >>eng<< Nemám rada ten nápad pracovať cez víkendy. I don't like the idea of working on the weekends. Nemám likes ten nápad pracová zu víkendy. >>eng<< Изглеждаш много блед. You look very pale. You look very pale. >>eng<< Pripravljen sem, da vam pomaga. I am ready to help you. I'm ready to help you. >>eng<< Teško je raditi sa tobom. It's difficult to work with you. It's hard to work with you. >>eng<< Пробавме да ги натераме да дојдат. We tried to get them to come. We tried to get them to come. >>eng<< Jesi li planirala nešto specijalno? Were you planning something special? Did you plan something special? >>eng<< Бих искала да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. >>eng<< Jeste važno za mene. For me, it is important. You're important to me. >>eng<< Отворите уста! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! >>eng<< Ваше е. It's yours. It's yours. >>eng<< Контролирај се. Get control of yourself. Control yourself. >>eng<< Пази да не претераш. You should be careful not to do too much. Make sure you don't overdo it. >>eng<< Вклучи го радиото, те молам. Put the radio on, please. Turn on the radio, please. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще останете доволни. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. >>eng<< Tom neće moći da odgovori na ova pitanja. Tom won't be able to answer those questions. Tom won't be able to answer these questions. >>eng<< Zbog tebe sam došao. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I came. >>eng<< Аз съм новата секретарка на Том. I'm Tom's new secretary. I'm Tom's new secretary. >>eng<< Tom je sačuvao sva pisma koja mu je Meri poslala. Tom saved all of the letters Mary sent him. Tom kept all the letters that Mary had sent him. >>eng<< Ще дойдеш ли на партито, което организирам на плажа тази вечер? Would you like to come to my beach party this evening? Will you come to the party I'm having on the beach tonight? >>eng<< Gde je Teheran? Where's Tehran? Where's Tehran? >>eng<< Nismo još završili. We're not finished yet. We're not done yet. >>eng<< Немам никакво пенкало. I haven't got any pen. I don't have a pen. >>eng<< Мери почувствува како и се загрева лицето. Mary felt her face grow hot. Mary felt her face warm. >>eng<< Chceš si naozaj kúpiť počítač v tom obchode? Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store? You want to go back to that obchode? >>eng<< Još uvek radim. I'm still on the clock. I'm still working. >>eng<< Том секогаш е тука. Tom is always here. Tom's always here. >>eng<< Смртта, во кој било облик, е одвратна. Death, in whatever form, is repulsive. Death, in any form, is disgusting. >>eng<< Smračilo se. It's gotten dark. It's getting dark. >>eng<< Овако је требало да буде. This is how it should have been. This is how it was supposed to be. >>eng<< Дај ми уште една шајка. Give me another nail. Give me another handful. >>eng<< Том дојде да престојува кај нас неколку дена минатата пролет. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. >>eng<< Не сакам да загинам. I don't want to end up dead. I don't want to die. >>eng<< Srećan sam. I'm happy. I'm happy. >>eng<< Tom je bio više nego spreman. Tom was more than ready. Tom was more than ready. >>eng<< Чух някой да влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone come in. >>eng<< Аз се чувствам много по-добре днес. I'm feeling much better today. I feel much better today. >>eng<< Odsedaću u hotelu Hilton. I'm going to be staying at the Hilton Hotel. I'm staying at the Hilton Hotel. >>eng<< Tek sam danas počeo da radim ovde. I just started working here today. I just started working here today. >>eng<< Imamo problem. We have a problem. We got a problem. >>eng<< Сега те препознавам. Now I recognize you. I recognize you now. >>eng<< Tom nije taj koji je popio sve mleko. Tom wasn't the one who drank all the milk. Tom's not the one who drank all the milk. >>eng<< Zakažimo sastanak. Let's set up a meeting. Let's schedule a meeting. >>eng<< Добив на лотарија. I've won the lottery. I won the lottery. >>eng<< Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? >>eng<< Имаш ли запалка? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a light? >>eng<< Мора да купи сину нови бицикл. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. He's got to buy his son a new bike. >>eng<< Samo trenutak, molim. Just one moment, please. Just a moment, please. >>eng<< Hajde da se pravimo da smo vanzemaljci. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're aliens. >>eng<< Том е човекът, който ми каза какво да правя. Tom is the one who told me what to do. Tom is the guy who told me what to do. >>eng<< Glasnije! Speak up! Louder! >>eng<< Да ли се слажете са тим? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? >>eng<< Собирам поштенски марки. I collect postcards. I'm collecting postage stamps. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da ćeš dobro da prođeš. I'm sure you'll do well. I'm sure you'll be fine. >>eng<< Том се помачи да остане спокоен. Tom did his best to stay calm. Tom's trying to stay calm. >>eng<< Da li je on nekad pre otsedao ovde? Has he stayed here before? Did he ever stay here before? >>eng<< Više volim gladovati, nego krasti. I would rather starve than steal. I prefer to starve, rather than steal. >>eng<< Trebalo je da donesemo još jednu flašu vina. We should have bought another bottle of wine. We should have brought another bottle of wine. >>eng<< Ние се качваме и слизаме от автобуса тук. We get on and off the bus here. We get on and off the bus here. >>eng<< Je l' neko za pivo? Anybody want a beer? Anyone for a beer? >>eng<< Mislio sam da ćeš da budeš zauzeta. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. >>eng<< Това сако не ми харесва. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. >>eng<< Върнах се у дома с влака. I returned home by train. I came home by train. >>eng<< Имате ли нещо против да отворим прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind opening the window? >>eng<< Дај ми млеко. Give me the milk. Give me the milk. >>eng<< Сигурна съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. >>eng<< Ще се върна навреме за вечеря. I'll make it back in time for supper. I'll be back in time for dinner. >>eng<< Bolest iz djetinjstva ju je oslijepila. A childhood illness left her blind. A childhood illness blinded her. >>eng<< Не се занимавам с това. I don't do that. I'm not dealing with this. >>eng<< Noćas smo se sreli. We met last night. We met last night. >>eng<< Živijo. Hi. Hey. >>eng<< Možeš li to da dokažeš? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? >>eng<< Наеха хамалска фирма, за да си пренесат нещата на новия адрес. They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home. They hired a Hamal company to move things to their new address. >>eng<< Том отскочи назад тъкмо навреме. Tom jumped back just in time. Tom jumped back just in time. >>eng<< Slikaj ovo. Get a picture of this. Take a picture of this. >>eng<< Утре е неделя. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. >>eng<< Tom je sam pojeo celu kutiju čokolada. Tom ate a whole box of chocolates by himself. Tom ate the whole box of chocolate himself. >>eng<< To je moja mačka. That's my cat. That's my cat. >>eng<< Немој да се упецаш. Don't take the bait. Don't get caught. >>eng<< Sve moram da isplaniram. I have to plan everything. I have to plan everything. >>eng<< Šta ti znaš o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? >>eng<< Кад је Маркус дошао, спавала сам. When Marcus arrived, I was sleeping. When Marcus came, I was asleep. >>eng<< Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че той е носител на езика. Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker. Many people, hearing Tom speak French, decide that he is the bearer of the language. >>eng<< Niko nije gledao. Nobody was watching. No one was looking. >>eng<< Život se nastavlja! So goes life! Life goes on! >>eng<< Дали мислиш дека знам што се случува? Do you think I don't know what's going on? Do you think I know what's going on? >>eng<< Одбивам да работам. I refuse to work. I refuse to work. >>eng<< Този филм го гледах преди много време. I saw this movie a very long time ago. I watched this movie a long time ago. >>eng<< Odlično! Awesome! Great! >>eng<< Той ме нарече Ичиро. He called me Ichiro. He called me Ichiro. >>eng<< Репутацијата му беше загрозена. His reputation was at stake. His reputation was threatened. >>eng<< Želiš li još malo soka od rajčice? Would you like more tomato juice? Would you like some more tomato juice? >>eng<< Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagala Tomu? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? You want to know why I lied to Tom? >>eng<< Щастлив е онзи мъж, който се ожени за добра жена. Happy is a man who marries a good wife. Happy is that man who married a good woman. >>eng<< Nije to bila moja greška. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. >>eng<< Moj otac je toliko star da ne može da radi. My father is so old that he can't work. My father's so old he can't work. >>eng<< Подобро оди си. You'd better leave. You better go. >>eng<< Не е привлечно. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. >>eng<< Reci mi gde živiš. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. >>eng<< Најстара ќерка на Том не е мажена. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married. Tom's oldest daughter is not married. >>eng<< Нема потреба да си со одбранбен став. There's no need to be so defensive. You don't have to be defensive. >>eng<< Знам. I know. I know. >>eng<< Том хвърли камък по дървото. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone at the tree. >>eng<< Пазарувам всяка сутрин. I do the shopping every morning. I shop every morning. >>eng<< Hajde da prodiskutujemo tvoju ideju. Let's discuss your idea. Let's discuss your idea. >>eng<< Не съм получил дори и едно писмо от нея. I didn't even receive one letter from her. I didn't even get one letter from her. >>eng<< Би сакал да можам да им го кажувам своето право име на луѓето. I'd like to be able to tell people my real name. I wish I could tell people my real name. >>eng<< Ќе биде ѕверско. It's going to be brutal. It's gonna be beastly. >>eng<< Da li si videla mog psa? Have you seen my dog? Did you see my dog? >>eng<< On je ovisnik o heroinu. He is a heroin addict. He's a heroin addict. >>eng<< Nyamal šla k rieke po vodu. Nyamal went to fetch some water from the river. Nyamal went to the river for water. >>eng<< Дясната ми ръка е изтръпнала. My right hand is numb. My right hand is numb. >>eng<< Иако Џејн имаше еден куфер помалку од мене, се пожали дека имала премногу за носење. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane had a suitcase less than me, she complained that she had too much to carry. >>eng<< Поново бих урадио исто без размишљања. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. I would do the same again without thinking. >>eng<< Protegnimo noge. Let's stretch our legs. Let's stretch our legs. >>eng<< Nisu me znali. They didn't know me. They didn't know me. >>eng<< Той има висока заплата. He gets a high salary. He has a high salary. >>eng<< Прочети секцията за обяви ако търсиш работа. Read the advertisement section if you're looking for a job. Read the ad section if you're looking for a job. >>eng<< Tom je trenutno v redu. Tom is all right at the moment. Tom's fine right now. >>eng<< Радвам се, че това не ми трябва. I'm glad I don't need that. I'm glad I don't need that. >>eng<< Одевме меѓу дрвата. We walked among the trees. We walked between the trees. >>eng<< Kada su doživeli Francusku revoluciju, građani su postali slobodni ljudi, oslobođeni tradicija i crkve, hvalili su slobodu, jednakost i bratstvo. When they experienced the French Revolution, citizens became free people, detached from their traditions and the church; they praised Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. When they experienced the French Revolution, the citizens became free people, liberated traditions and churches, praised freedom, equality and brotherhood. >>eng<< Том отиде во Бостон минатата недела. Tom went to Boston just last week. Tom went to Boston last week. >>eng<< Izgledalo je da je Tom zauzetiji nego obično. Tom seemed busier than usual. Tom seemed more busy than usual. >>eng<< И това съм виждала. I've seen that, too. And that's what I've seen. >>eng<< Takav je projekat naravno zahtevao rebalans budžeta. Such a project has of course demanded a revised budget. Such a project, of course, required a budget rebalancing. >>eng<< Moraš da ideš u školu. You must go to school. You have to go to school. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Литва? What's the minimum salary in Lithuania? What is the minimum wage in Lithuania? >>eng<< Neviem, čo sa mu stalo. I don't know what happened to him. Neviem, who cares. >>eng<< Благодаря за пицата. Thanks for the pizza. Thanks for the pizza. >>eng<< Mi znamo ko je on. We know who he is. We know who he is. >>eng<< Da li imaš psa? Do you have a dog? Do you have a dog? >>eng<< Чух изстрели. I heard shots being fired. I heard shots. >>eng<< Каква е истинската причина да не искаш да го правиш? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do it? >>eng<< Uvek sam nervozan na pasoškoj kontroli. I get nervous at immigration. I'm always nervous about passport control. >>eng<< Dali sme si dole rukavice. We took off our gloves. Can you get your gloves down? >>eng<< Чух за теб и Том. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. >>eng<< Dođite ovde. Come here. Come here. >>eng<< Ručala sam sa njim. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. >>eng<< Сега е малко след единадесет без четвърт. It is a little after a quarter to eleven. Now it's a little after eleven without a quarter. >>eng<< Mi imamo neke mogućnosti. We do have some options. We have some options. >>eng<< Имам поверење у тебе. I have confidence in you. I have confidence in you. >>eng<< Želim da te vidim iza rešetaka. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. >>eng<< Кога се случило тоа? When did that happen? When did that happen? >>eng<< Не взимай прибързани решения. Don't make any quick decisions. Don't make any rash decisions. >>eng<< Počnimo odmah. Let's start right away. Let's start now. >>eng<< Kriv sam. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. >>eng<< Том го фатила страшна настинка. Tom has a bad cold. Tom caught a terrible cold. >>eng<< Tom je najstarší. Tom is the oldest. Tom's the oldest. >>eng<< Том ме засмејава. Tom makes me laugh. Tom made me laugh. >>eng<< Carl mi je pokazao zlatnu medalju. Carl showed me the gold medal. Carl showed me a gold medal. >>eng<< Da li si sarkastičan? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? >>eng<< Всъщност аз не обичам толкова много да пътувам. I don't like traveling all that much. Actually, I don't like to travel that much. >>eng<< Tom je bio uhićen tri puta. Tom has been arrested three times. Tom was arrested three times. >>eng<< Трябва да науча Том на това. I have to teach Tom that. I have to teach Tom about this. >>eng<< Učinila sam prvi korak. I took the first step. I took the first step. >>eng<< Mogu li da pozajmim tvoju olovku nakratko? Can I borrow your pencil for a bit? Can I borrow your pen for a second? >>eng<< Мисля, че още си влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. >>eng<< Već sam pisao Tomu. I've already written to Tom. I've already written to Tom. >>eng<< Svjetlosni valovi prolaze kroz prostor i različite materijale. Light waves travel through space and various kinds of materials. Light waves pass through space and different materials. >>eng<< Prihvatila bih. I'd accept. I'd take it. >>eng<< Сградата е почти на приключване. This building is near completion. The building is almost finished. >>eng<< Никой не го интересува кого е взел Том на работа. Nobody cares who Tom hired for the job. No one cares who took Tom to work. >>eng<< Той уби онзи човек. He killed that man. He killed that man. >>eng<< Razveseli se! Cheer up! Cheer up! >>eng<< Том зеде колаче. Tom took a cookie. Tom took a cookie. >>eng<< Tomovi chýba Boston. Tom misses Boston. Tom's chýba Boston. >>eng<< Мисля, че е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think it's terrible. >>eng<< Сутра се враћам кући. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'm going home tomorrow. >>eng<< Маргарет, с чийто баща се срещнахте миналата неделя, е много добър играч на тенис. Margaret, whose father you met last Sunday, is a very good tennis player. Margaret, whose father you met last week, is a very good tennis player. >>eng<< Kako sam dospela ovde? How did it get here? How did I get here? >>eng<< Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znao? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? >>eng<< Тя умря от шок. She died of shock. She died of shock. >>eng<< В Сасаяма ли живееш? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasayama? >>eng<< Ова нема да успее. This isn't going to work. This isn't gonna work. >>eng<< Всичко ще бъде наред. Everything will be fine. It's gonna be okay. >>eng<< Само да проверим. Let me check. Let's just check it out. >>eng<< Се состанавме околу пладне. I met him about noon. We met around noon. >>eng<< Карай бавно. Drive slowly. Take it slow. >>eng<< Таа има десет деца. She has ten children. She has ten children. >>eng<< Јас сум социјален работник. I'm a social worker. I'm a social worker. >>eng<< Време е да се фатиш за работа. It's time for you to get to work. It's time to get to work. >>eng<< Невин си. You're innocent. You're innocent. >>eng<< Promeniću. I'll change. I'll change. >>eng<< Том свиреше на цигулката си. Tom played his violin. Tom played his violin. >>eng<< Прозор је од стакла. The window is made of glass. The window is made of glass. >>eng<< Мораћу да кажем, да. I would have said yes. I'll have to say, yes. >>eng<< Želim da idem na Bali. I want to go to Bali. I want to go to Bali. >>eng<< Просто е да се реши оваа задача. Solving this problem is simple. It’s just to solve this task. >>eng<< Го замотавме тепихот. We rolled up the rug. We wrapped the carpet. >>eng<< Tom je dovoljno mudar da ne uradi nešto tako. Tom is wise enough not to do such a thing. Tom's smart enough not to do anything like that. >>eng<< То је био само шлаг на торти. That was just icing on the cake. It was just cream on the cake. >>eng<< Uvek sam se pitao ovo. I've always wondered about this. I've always wondered this. >>eng<< Можно е да грешиш. You could be wrong. You may be wrong. >>eng<< Всички те чакат. Everybody is waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. >>eng<< Работил съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I worked with Tom for a long time. >>eng<< Това не ти ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? >>eng<< Дан можеби се скарал со Линда. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. >>eng<< Го знам твојот сој. I know your kind. I know your strain. >>eng<< Plašim se da si me pogrešno razumeo. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I'm afraid you misunderstand me. >>eng<< Mysleli ste to vážne? Were you guys serious? Mysled this important? >>eng<< Тоа е грозно. That's disgusting. That's awful. >>eng<< Дела говоре више од речи. Actions speak louder than words. Works speak more than words. >>eng<< Най-накрая се видяхме.Чакал съм дълго за този момент. So, we finally meet! I've waited so long for this moment. We finally saw each other. I've been waiting a long time for this moment. >>eng<< Ona se ne može podmititi. She can't be bribed. She can't be bribed. >>eng<< Том је изгубио посао. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. >>eng<< Како така не знаеш? What do you mean, you don't know that? How come you don't know? >>eng<< To sam navikao da radim. It's what I'm used to doing. That's what I'm used to doing. >>eng<< Iznenađen sam što nisi znao da je Tom upao na Harvard. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom got into Harvard. I'm surprised you didn't know that Tom broke into Harvard. >>eng<< Тези ръкавици принадлежат на Том. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. >>eng<< Том говори френски добре като Мери. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. >>eng<< Можете ли да го доставите тоа? Can you deliver that? Can you deliver that? >>eng<< Не ги чекавме. We didn't wait for them. We didn't wait for them. >>eng<< Postaješ neobazriv. You're getting careless. You're getting reckless. >>eng<< Som optimista. I'm an optimist. I'm an optimist. >>eng<< Изглежда тя малко не се чувства добре. It looks like she is a little under the weather. She doesn't seem to feel well. >>eng<< Želiš li da znaš nešto određeno? Is there something in particular that you want to know? You want to know something in particular? >>eng<< Ovaj sam se put suzdržao od komentarisanja mog voljenog prijatelja. I restrained myself from commenting on my beloved friend this time. This time I refrained from commenting on my beloved friend. >>eng<< Им го украдов. I stole it from them. I stole it from them. >>eng<< Pažnja! Attention! Attention! >>eng<< Мерак ми е да читам книги. I like to read books. I want to read books. >>eng<< Gdje su naši kišobrani? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? >>eng<< Како е жена ти? How is your wife doing? How's your wife? >>eng<< Те молам, застани. Please stop walking. Please stop. >>eng<< Том си ги врза врвките. Tom tied his shoelaces. Tom tied his cords. >>eng<< Том се возеше на задното седиште. Tom was riding in the back seat. Tom was driving in the back seat. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да отидеш на лекар? Are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor? Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor? >>eng<< Onda je naš rukovodilac došao na dobru ideju i napravili smo odličan plan. Then our chairman came up with a good idea, which we have made into a great plan. Then our manager came up with a good idea and we made a great plan. >>eng<< Не ходи в онази сграда. Don't go in that building. Don't go to that building. >>eng<< Навистина ли ни треба олку храна? Do we really need this much food? Do we really need this much food? >>eng<< Ко си ти? Who are you? Who are you? >>eng<< Šta si mi to uradila? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Би го ставил ли ова во колата за мене? Would you put this in the car for me? Would you put this in the car for me? >>eng<< Stvarno hoću da nađem da jedem nešto. I really want to get something to eat. I really want to find something to eat. >>eng<< Том има голема уста. Tom has a big mouth. Tom has a big mouth. >>eng<< Чух какво казаха. I heard what was said. I heard what they said. >>eng<< Най-лошото е, че не винаги беше така. The worst part is, it wasn't always like this. The worst part is that it wasn’t always like that. >>eng<< Govoriš angleško? Do you speak English? You speak English? >>eng<< Стани, ако обичаш. Stand up, please. Stop, if you like. >>eng<< Дан многу добро си ја вршеше работата. Dan was very good at his job. Dan was doing his job very well. >>eng<< Kto upovedomil Mary? Who notified Mary? Who told Mary? >>eng<< Поздравете Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. >>eng<< Zaboravio sam uređaj za nadgledanje beba. I forgot the baby monitor. I forgot my baby monitoring device. >>eng<< Mnogo mi je pomoglo. It's been a great help. She was a big help. >>eng<< Zašto ste svi šokirani? Why are you all shocked? Why are you all shocked? >>eng<< Hrvatska je zemlja u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe. Croatia is a country in the southeastern part of Europe. Croatia is a country in the southeastern part of Europe. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще останете доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. >>eng<< Ona ima dvadeset djecu. She has twenty children. She has twenty children. >>eng<< Полетът ви е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight has been cancelled. >>eng<< Мораш да си одиш дома. You have to go home. You have to go home. >>eng<< Какъв цвят са очите на Том? What color are Tom's eyes? What color are Tom's eyes? >>eng<< Rekli su mi da sačekam ovde. They told me to wait here. They told me to wait here. >>eng<< Chcel som sa s tebou o niečom porozprávať. I wanted to talk to you about something. Chcel som with you about nothing porospráva. >>eng<< Nemojte da prestajete. Don't stop. Don't stop. >>eng<< Tom je želeo da ima veći brod od svog brata. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Tom wanted to have a bigger ship than his brother. >>eng<< Nemam nameru da se promenim. I have no intention of changing. I have no intention of changing. >>eng<< Том застенка од болка. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom's pain trap. >>eng<< Цела држава о томе бруји! The whole country is talking about it. The whole country about this storm! >>eng<< Имам чорапи, но нямам обувки. I have socks, but I have no shoes. I have socks, but I don't have shoes. >>eng<< To je oveľa lepšie. That's much better. That's more beautiful. >>eng<< Pa, imam neke vesti. Well, I have some news. Well, I have some news. >>eng<< Moj broj telefona je 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. >>eng<< Da li imate pitanja? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? >>eng<< Хайде да гласуваме. Let's vote. Let's vote. >>eng<< Това е глупав въпрос. That's a stupid question. That's a stupid question. >>eng<< Što je znanost ikad napravila za nas? What has science ever done for us? What has science ever done for us? >>eng<< Знам дека си шпион. I know you're a spy. I know you're a spy. >>eng<< Купио сам књигу. I bought a book. I bought a book. >>eng<< Не виждам какво друго има за обсъждане. I don't know what else there is to discuss. I don't see what else to discuss. >>eng<< "Da, đus od pomorandže, molim", reče Majk. "Yes, orange juice please," says Mike. "Yes, orange juice, please," Mike said. >>eng<< U šta ti veruješ? What do you believe in? What do you believe in? >>eng<< Ja sam se smejao. I laughed. I laughed. >>eng<< Rozbúrené vody sa náhle utíšili. Troubled waters suddenly calmed down. Rosbúrené vody from náhle drowned. >>eng<< Život mi je bio dobar. My life has been good. My life was good. >>eng<< Върни се в леглото си. Go back to your bed. Go back to bed. >>eng<< Grozen teden je bil. It was a terrible week. It's been a terrible week. >>eng<< Том ме дружеше. Tom kept me company. Tom was hanging out with me. >>eng<< Slijedi me. Follow me. Follow me. >>eng<< Odgovor na ovo pitanje je jednostavan. The answer to this question is simple. The answer to this question is simple. >>eng<< Не трябва да говориш такива неща когато наоколо има деца. You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around. You don't have to say things like that when there's kids around. >>eng<< Извадете го стегачот. Remove the tourniquet. Pull out the clamp. >>eng<< Елате ни на гости. Come and see us. Come to our guests. >>eng<< Трябваше да вървя, понеже нямаше никакви таксита. I had to walk because there were no taxis. I had to go because there were no taxis. >>eng<< Порано баш го сакаше Бостон. You used to love Boston. He used to love Boston. >>eng<< Какво държите в дясната си ръка? What do you have in your right hand? What are you holding in your right hand? >>eng<< Да не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about this anymore. >>eng<< Ово ће трајати читаву вечност. This is going to take forever. This will last forever. >>eng<< Sada je dosta zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's busy now. >>eng<< Želim ići kući i zato plačem I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. >>eng<< Moj francuski još uvek nije toliko dobar. My French still isn't very good. My French isn't that good yet. >>eng<< Ona je ponosna na svoj talenat. She prides herself on her talent. She's proud of her talent. >>eng<< Том вчера си отиде од Бостон. Tom left Boston yesterday. Tom left Boston yesterday. >>eng<< Познавам един човек, с когото трябва да се запознаеш. I have someone you should meet. I know a man you need to meet. >>eng<< Ne pričajte. Don't talk. Don't talk. >>eng<< Videl Máriu ešte niekto iný okrem Toma? Did anyone other than Tom see Mary? Did you see Máriu este niekto iný okrem Toma? >>eng<< Zaista sam srećna zbog toga. I'm really happy about it. I'm really happy about that. >>eng<< Мисля, че беше права. I think you were right. I think you were right. >>eng<< Mislim da te razumem. I think I understand you. I think I understand you. >>eng<< Коя е любимата Ви птица? What is your favourite bird? What is your favorite bird? >>eng<< Sve je u redu sa mnom. Nothing's wrong with me. Everything's fine with me. >>eng<< Desilo se baš ovde. It happened right here. It happened right here. >>eng<< Како се каже „довиђења“ на немачком језику? How do you say "good bye" in German? What do you call “good-bye” in German? >>eng<< On popravlja elektronske uređaje. He repairs the electrical devices. He's repairing electronic devices. >>eng<< Šta si rekao Tomu? What have you told Tom? What did you tell Tom? >>eng<< Не разговаряй с мен. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. >>eng<< Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. It's green. >>eng<< Obojica nismo bogati koliko bismo želeli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're not as rich as we'd like to be. >>eng<< Ovo je bilo prefinjeno i oličeno u ličnosti tako čudnoj, krutoj i tvrdoglavoj da se malo ko usuđivao da blisko sarađuje sa njim. This was refined and embodied in a personality so weird, rigid and stubborn that very few dared to closely work with him. This was refined and personified in person so strange, cruel and stubborn that few people dared to work closely with him. >>eng<< On često jede krumpir. He often eats potatoes. He eats potatoes a lot. >>eng<< Безработицата те я създават. They created the unemployment. Unemployment creates it. >>eng<< Том се крије испод стола. Tom is hiding under the table. Tom is hiding under the table. >>eng<< Имам само един въпрос. I have only one question. I only have one question. >>eng<< Што е она? What's that stuff? What's that? >>eng<< Hvala vam što me volite. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me. >>eng<< Познају вас. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Moramo da štedimo novac da kupimo nov automobil. We need to save up money to buy a new car. We have to save money to buy a new car. >>eng<< Кога за последен път ходи на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? >>eng<< Posmatram te. I've got my eye on you. I'm watching you. >>eng<< Слава Богу аз съм атеист. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I am an atheist. >>eng<< Već sam je naručila. I've already ordered it. I ordered it already. >>eng<< Џејн лежи болесна у кревету. Jane is sick in bed. Jane is sick in bed. >>eng<< Том рече дека тука живеел порано. This is where Tom said he used to live. Tom said he lived here before. >>eng<< Има некој зад неа. There's someone behind her. There's someone behind her. >>eng<< Не можам да го барам тоа од него. I can't ask him to do that. I can't ask him for that. >>eng<< Някога чели ли сте френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read French? >>eng<< Možete li da mi kažete kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? >>eng<< Сакам да играм голф. I like to play golf. I want to play golf. >>eng<< Скроз е грешно. It's totally wrong. It's all wrong. >>eng<< Tom je skoro poginuo u pokušaju da me spase. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom almost died trying to save me. >>eng<< Пребрзо се случи. It happened too fast. It happened too soon. >>eng<< Не можам да влезам таму. I can't go in there. I can't go in there. >>eng<< Спот също ли отиде? Did Spot go, too? Is the video gone, too? >>eng<< Кога беше последният път, когато пътува с влак? When was the last time you travelled by train? When was the last time you traveled by train? >>eng<< Жива душа немаше во градот. Not a soul was to be seen in the town. There was no soul in the city. >>eng<< Tom je moj cimer. Tom is my roommate. Tom's my roommate. >>eng<< Gde su krenuli? Where are they off to? Where are they going? >>eng<< Marija je odbila ponudu, jer je mislila da će joj biti bolje u banci. Mary refused the offer because she thought she could find a better place for herself in the bank. Maria refused the offer, because she thought she'd be better at the bank. >>eng<< Имам неколико пријатеља. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. >>eng<< Tamna čokolada je zdrava. Dark chocolate is healthy. Dark chocolate is healthy. >>eng<< Том се смееше на шегите на Мери. Tom laughed at Mary's jokes. Tom laughed at Mary's jokes. >>eng<< Tom je umro skoro istog trena. Tom died almost instantly. Tom died almost immediately. >>eng<< Moj prijatelj može tečno da govori Hindi. A friend of mine can speak Hindi fluently. My friend can speak fluently to Hindi. >>eng<< Не спијат сите од нив. Not all of them are asleep. Not all of them sleep. >>eng<< Не знаш ни како се он зове, зар не? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? >>eng<< На основу података које сам вам изнео, са којом причом би сте изашли? Based on the information that I've given you, what story would you come up with? Based on the data I gave you, what story would you go out with? >>eng<< Izgleda da je Tom iskrena osoba. Tom seems to be an honest person. Tom seems to be an honest person. >>eng<< Ne možeš da sediš sa mnom. You can't sit with me. You can't sit with me. >>eng<< Том веќе ми кажа. Tom already told me. Tom already told me. >>eng<< Моля Ви, говорете ми на френски. Please speak to me in French. Please speak French. >>eng<< Какво направи с фотоапарата? What did you do with the camera? What did you do with the camera? >>eng<< Treba vam jedan od ovih. You need one of those. You need one of these. >>eng<< Novac priča. Money talks. The money's talking. >>eng<< Malo smo zauzete ovde. We're sort of busy here. We're a little busy here. >>eng<< Grécko je stará krajina. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. >>eng<< Данас ме боли глава. I have a headache today. My head hurts today. >>eng<< Šta ste zaključili? What have you concluded? What do you have in mind? >>eng<< Чичо ми даде колата си на мен. My uncle yielded his car to me. Uncle gave me his car. >>eng<< Гледај напред. Look ahead. Look ahead. >>eng<< Том не требаше да се ожени за Мери. Tom shouldn't have married Mary. Tom wasn't supposed to marry Mary. >>eng<< Nisu uspeli da nastave tako i u drugom poluvremenu. They did not manage to keep it up in the second half. They failed to continue the same in the second half. >>eng<< Закажи си. Make an appointment. Make an appointment. >>eng<< Reci mi šta si napisao. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. >>eng<< Не ти кажав да примиш мито. I didn't tell you to take a bribe. I didn't tell you to take a bribe. >>eng<< Што има под покривачот? What's under the blanket? What's under the blanket? >>eng<< Ni ja ne mogu. I can't do it either. Neither can I. >>eng<< Кога се пресели во Бостон? When did you move to Boston? When did you move to Boston? >>eng<< Budite oprezni. Be vigilant. Be careful. >>eng<< Кутијава е направена од калај. This box is made of tin. The box is made of tin. >>eng<< Ко рано рани, две среће граби. The early bird catches the worm. Who's early, two lucky predators. >>eng<< Ne mogu da odgovorim na Vaše pitanje sa bilo kakvom sigurnošću. I can't answer your question with any certainty. I cannot answer your question with any certainty. >>eng<< Мислам дека ќе мора да им помогнеш. I think you'll have to help them. I think you're gonna have to help them. >>eng<< Kući sam. I'm home. I'm home. >>eng<< Пръстите на ръката са пет: палец, показалец, среден пръст, безименен и кутре. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. The fingers of the hand are five: thumb, index finger, middle finger, nameless and puppy. >>eng<< U teoriji je to moguće, ali je u praksi to jako teško. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory, this is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. >>eng<< Том ги испита предметите на масата. Tom examined the objects on the table. Tom examined the items on the table. >>eng<< Ще взема моята кола. I'll take my car. I'll take my car. >>eng<< Кога започнахте да учите френски? When did you begin learning French? When did you start learning French? >>eng<< Изаберите једну. Choose one. Choose one. >>eng<< Забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. >>eng<< Okreni se na trenutak, hoćeš li? Turn around for a second, will you? Turn around for a second, will you? >>eng<< Tom voli Meri. Tom loves Mary. Tom loves Mary. >>eng<< Имаш среќа. You're lucky. You're lucky. >>eng<< Колко дълго ще трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long will you have to wait? >>eng<< Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znala? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? >>eng<< Mislim da ćemo stići u Boston prije mraka. I think we'll probably reach Boston before dark. I think we'll get to Boston before dark. >>eng<< Изчакай ме да довърша, моля те. Bear with me. Wait for me to finish, please. >>eng<< Živjeli! Cheers! Cheers! >>eng<< Neću da te napinjem. I don't mean to nag you. I don't want to push you. >>eng<< Nikad se nisam pokajala što sam uradila to. I've never regretted doing that. I never regretted doing that. >>eng<< Том не е старолик. Tom doesn't look old. Tom's not an old man. >>eng<< Verujete li u ljubav na prvi pogled? Do you believe in love at the first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight? >>eng<< Naporan rad se isplatio. The hard work paid off. Hard work paid off. >>eng<< Като допълнение са се сформирали много групи, за да може възрастните да се социализират помежду си и да останат активни участници в Американският живот. In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life. In addition, many groups have formed so that adults can socialize with each other and remain active participants in American life. >>eng<< Свесен ли е Дан што направил? Is Dan aware of what he did? Is Dan aware of what he did? >>eng<< Няма да трае повече от два или три часа. I won't be more than two or three hours. It won't take more than two or three hours. >>eng<< Сега никој не може да ми помогне. No one can help me now. No one can help me now. >>eng<< Tom je mehaničar. Tom is a mechanic. Tom's a mechanic. >>eng<< Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I get nervous thinking about it. >>eng<< Зјапаат во тебе. They're staring at you. They're staring at you. >>eng<< Виждала съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. >>eng<< Абониран ли си за някакви списания? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you subscribe to any magazines? >>eng<< Пробувам да ти го објаснам ова на таков начин што ќе го сфатиш. I'm trying to explain this to you so you can understand it. I'm trying to explain this to you in a way you'll understand. >>eng<< Защо не сте тук? Why aren't you here? Why aren't you here? >>eng<< Очите на Том са сини. Tom's eyes are blue. Tom's eyes are blue. >>eng<< Bila je nametljiva. She came on strong. She was intrusive. >>eng<< On je bogat. He's rich. He's rich. >>eng<< Собите во хотелов очигледно многу лошо пригушуваат звуци. Слушам како тој во соседната соба џвака мастика! The rooms in this hotel are really very bad at muffling sounds. I can hear my neighbor chewing his gum! I can hear him in the next room chewing gum! >>eng<< Mislila sam da ne bi želeo to. I thought you wouldn't want that. I thought you wouldn't want that. >>eng<< Ja sam iz Japana. I'm from Japan. I'm from Japan. >>eng<< Не ми надничай в килера. Don't look in my closet. Don't look in my closet. >>eng<< Покажи ми това. Show me that. Show me this. >>eng<< Том се качи горе. Tom walked upstairs. Tom's up there. >>eng<< Точно си слушнал. You heard correctly. You just heard. >>eng<< Имаш навика што не ми се допаѓа. You have a habit that I'm happy about. You have a habit that I don't like. >>eng<< Možeš li da mi speluješ svoje ime? Can you spell your name for me? Can you spell your name for me? >>eng<< Аз си искам ризата обратно. I want my shirt back. I want my shirt back. >>eng<< И двајцата треба да одиме. We should both go. We both have to go. >>eng<< Nadam se da će Tom ostati ovde. I hope Tom sticks around. I hope Tom stays here. >>eng<< Čisto je. It's clear. It's clear. >>eng<< Немој да си се осмелил да ги прашаш за тоа. Don't you dare ask them that. Don't dare ask them about it. >>eng<< Danas mi ništa ne polazi za rukom. Nothing's working out for me today. Nothing goes by my hand today. >>eng<< Zašto si tako dobra u objašnjavanju stvari? Why are you so good at explaining things? Why are you so good at explaining things? >>eng<< Ще отида да донеса малко. I'll go get some. I'll go get some. >>eng<< Skinula sam periku. I took off my wig. I took off my wig. >>eng<< Ќе одам во Бостон идната недела. I'm going to Boston next week. I'm going to Boston next week. >>eng<< Nedeľa je posledný deň v týždni. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. >>eng<< Том ме плаши. Tom freaks me out. Tom scares me. >>eng<< Што ти реков? What did I tell you? What did I tell you? >>eng<< Минатиот месец имав инфекција на мочниот меур. I had a bladder infection last month. I had a bladder infection last month. >>eng<< Стаклото лесно се крши. Glass breaks easily. The glass is easily broken. >>eng<< Не можам да го чекам. I can't wait for him. I can't wait for him. >>eng<< Ти си човек. You are human. You're a man. >>eng<< Nikad se nisam pokajala. I've never regretted it. I've never regretted it. >>eng<< Tom je bio prijateljski nastojen prema meni. Tom was friendly to me. Tom was friendly to me. >>eng<< Каролина је тужна, јер не може да затрудни. Carolina is sad because she cannot conceive. Caroline's sad because she can't get pregnant. >>eng<< Шта си ми то урадила? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Дай си ми я! Give it back! Give it to me! >>eng<< Ти не яде от тортата, която направих; а сестра ти яде. You didn't eat the cake I made; your sister did. You don't eat the cake I made; your sister eats. >>eng<< Môj rodný jazyk je najkrajší dar, ktorý som získal od mojej matky. My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother. Môj rhodný jazyk is the shortest gift,ktorý som získal from my matky. >>eng<< Metak je probušio kacigu. A bullet pierced the helmet. The bullet pierced the helmet. >>eng<< Толкова съм дебела. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. >>eng<< Predvideo sam da će ovo da se dogodi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I thought this would happen months ago. >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da ubedi Meri da uradi to. Tom might be able to convince Mary to do that. Tom could convince Mary to do it. >>eng<< Da li si besan zbog toga? Does that make you angry? Are you angry about that? >>eng<< Хайде да играем бейзбол! Let's play baseball! Let's play baseball! >>eng<< Беше му казано да се стане, и той така и направи. He was told to stand up, and he did so. He was told to do it, and so he did. >>eng<< Глутница вълци нападна пътника. A pack of wolves attacked the traveler. A pack of wolves attacked the passenger. >>eng<< Poznaju te. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Твоја жеља је за мене заповест. Your wish is my command. Your wish is my command. >>eng<< Всички тук сме приятели. We're all friends here. We're all friends here. >>eng<< Ono što Tom predlaže bi svima nama moglo da uštedi vreme. What Tom suggested should save us all a little time. What Tom suggests could save us all time. >>eng<< Придържай се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stick to the facts. >>eng<< Želim da se osećam važnim. I want to feel important. I want to feel important. >>eng<< Би сакал да си купам софа. I would like to buy a sofa. I'd like to buy a sofa. >>eng<< Виждал съм на какво е способен Том. I've seen what Tom can do. I've seen what Tom is capable of. >>eng<< Чајов е многу вкусен. This tea tastes good. Tea is delicious. >>eng<< Полицията ще разследва престъплението. The police are going to investigate the crime. The police will investigate the crime. >>eng<< Ovaj šešir je iz Australije. This hat is from Australia. This hat is from Australia. >>eng<< Ај погоди. Why don't you guess? Well, guess what. >>eng<< Зошто не се јави пред да дојдеш? Why didn't you phone before coming? Why didn't you call before you came? >>eng<< Bez svake sumnje. Without a doubt! I have every confidence. >>eng<< Tom uživa u ribolovu. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom enjoys fishing. >>eng<< Дај ми млеко. Give me the milk. Give me the milk. >>eng<< Трябва да отида на среща. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go to a meeting. >>eng<< Zar sam stvarno bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? >>eng<< Да пробаме да се слагаме. Let's try to get along. Let's try and get along. >>eng<< Ципът на панталона ти е разкопчан. Your pants are unzipped. Your coat's wide open. >>eng<< Моля те, внимавай повече в бъдеще. Please take more care in the future. Please be more careful in the future. >>eng<< Tom ide u školu za grafički dizajn. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom's going to graphic design school. >>eng<< Tom i Meri su zajedno gledali zalazak sunca. Tom and Mary watched the sunset together. Tom and Mary watched the sunset together. >>eng<< Брзо учиш. You learn quickly. You're a quick learner. >>eng<< Tom ne može da se obuzda. Tom can't help himself. Tom can't control himself. >>eng<< Njegov pes je starejši od mene. His dog is older than me. His dog is older than me. >>eng<< Pusti me da spavam još deset minuta. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep another ten minutes. >>eng<< Tom se stalno žali. Tom complains all the time. Tom complains all the time. >>eng<< Tom je na putovanju. Tom is away on a trip. Tom's on a trip. >>eng<< Čudno je što niko ne zna žrtvu. It's strange that no one knows the victim. It's strange that no one knows the victim. >>eng<< Одавно га нисам видела. I haven't seen him for ages. I haven't seen him in a while. >>eng<< Никогаш, ама баш никогаш, не би можело да се случи тоа тука. It could never, ever happen here. Never, never, ever, could have happened here. >>eng<< Izgubila sem uro, ki mi jo je dal oče. I lost the watch Father had given me. I lost the watch my father gave me. >>eng<< Tom je napisao dugačko pismo Meri, ali joj ga nije poslao. Tom wrote Mary a long letter, but he didn't send it to her. Tom wrote a long letter to Mary, but he didn't send it to her. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е бездушен. I think Tom is callous. I think Tom's heartless. >>eng<< Je Číňanka? Is she Chinese? Is it Chianka? >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е досетлив. I think Tom is witty. I think Tom's sensitive. >>eng<< Јас сум тој што ќе му помага, а не ти. I'll be the one helping him, not you. I'm the one who's gonna help him, not you. >>eng<< Ne bih mogao da uradim ovo bez tvoje pomoći. I couldn't have done it without your help. I couldn't have done this without your help. >>eng<< Prisilili so me, da zapojem pesem. They forced me to sing a song. They forced me to sing a song. >>eng<< Treba popraviti moj sat. My clock needs to be fixed. I need my watch fixed. >>eng<< Vlakovi u Srbiji su strašno spori. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Trains in Serbia are extremely slow. >>eng<< Zlato je u zelenim šumama. There is gold in green forests. Gold is in the green forests. >>eng<< Da li si gladan? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? >>eng<< Дръж се здраво. Hold on tight. Hold on tight. >>eng<< Oduvek sam mislio kako je to čudno. I always thought that was weird. I always thought it was weird. >>eng<< Pogledaj u šta sam izrastao! Look at what's become of me! Look what I've grown into! >>eng<< Сендвич без пршуте није сендвич. A sandwich without ham is not a sandwich. A sandwich without a prosciutto is not a sandwich. >>eng<< Upucala sam medveda. I shot a bear. I shot a bear. >>eng<< Tom je oduševljen. Tom's delighted. Tom's thrilled. >>eng<< Од почеток си во право. You've been right all along. You're right from the start. >>eng<< Bilo je zabavno proslavljati zajedno. It was fun to celebrate together. It was fun to celebrate together. >>eng<< Hoćeš li još soka od jabuke? Would you like some more apple juice? Would you like some more apple juice? >>eng<< Никој не сака да го допре ова. Nobody wants to touch this. No one wants to touch this. >>eng<< Tom obično dolazi u školu pre bilo kog drugog studenta iz odeljenja. Tom usually gets to school earlier than any other student in his class. Tom usually comes to school before any other student in the department. >>eng<< Preveo sam pesmu najbolje što sam mogao. I translated the poem as well as I could. I translated the song as best I could. >>eng<< Том го искастри дрвото. Tom pruned the tree. Tom took out the tree. >>eng<< Всушност, доста е досадно. Actually, it was pretty boring. Actually, it's pretty boring. >>eng<< Не им ги проколнувам децата. I'm not casting a spell over their children. I don't curse their children. >>eng<< Ne deri se na mene. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. >>eng<< Питай го как да стигнеш до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him how to get to the station. >>eng<< Ne želim da budem okrutan. I don't want to be cruel. I don't want to be cruel. >>eng<< Тоа и сакаше да го каже Том. That's what Tom meant. That's what Tom wanted to say. >>eng<< Tom je nosio crne farmerke i belu majicu. Tom wore black jeans and a white T-shirt. Tom wore black jeans and a white shirt. >>eng<< Da li si gladan? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? >>eng<< Би можел ли да ја изгасиш цигарата? Would you please put out your cigarette? Could you turn off the cigarette? >>eng<< Čekaju te nevolje. You're in for trouble. There's trouble waiting for you. >>eng<< Tom je namignuo. Tom winked. Tom blinked. >>eng<< Previše kasno. Too late. Too late. >>eng<< Tom mi je rekao da će on to uraditi. Tom told me he'd do it. Tom told me he was going to do it. >>eng<< Може ли да им викнеш помош? Can you get help for them? Can you get them help? >>eng<< Още много има да се прави. Much still remains to be done. There's still a lot to do. >>eng<< За следећи час, хоћу да препишете текст од било ког певача који је на енглеском језику. For next class, I want you guys to transcribe the lyrics from any singer as long as it's in English. For the next hour, I want you to copy the text from any singer who is in English. >>eng<< Zahvalna sam. I'm grateful. I'm grateful. >>eng<< Моля, напишете адреса си за контакт тук. Please write your contact address here. Please write your contact address here. >>eng<< Jesam to uradio, zar ne? I did do that, didn't I? I did it, didn't I? >>eng<< Još uvek sam pospan. I'm still half asleep. I'm still sleepy. >>eng<< Već sam pisao Tomu. I've already written to Tom. I've already written to Tom. >>eng<< Рекао сам Тому да сачека. I told Tom to wait. I told Tom to wait. >>eng<< Руке увис! Put your hands up! Hands up! >>eng<< Ponosim se ovim timom. I'm proud of this team. I'm proud of this team. >>eng<< Ще трябва да откажа. I have to say no. I'm gonna have to turn it down. >>eng<< Ne radim to ponovo. I'm not doing it again. I'm not doing it again. >>eng<< Кога ќе се видиме? When will we meet? When will I see you? >>eng<< Том е изключително срамежлив. Tom is extremely shy. Tom is very shy. >>eng<< Ова е Јупитер или бик? Is this Jupiter or a bull? Is this Jupiter or a bull? >>eng<< Янките победиха Доджърс. The Yankees got the better of the Dodgers. The Yankees beat the Doggers. >>eng<< Том собира поштенски марки. Tom collects stamps. Tom collects postage stamps. >>eng<< Pokušavamo. We try. We're trying. >>eng<< Tom píše list. Tom is writing a letter. Tom's writing a list. >>eng<< Več ljudi je stalo pred obvestilom. Several people were standing in front of the notice. There were more people before the notice. >>eng<< To je drugačije, nego ono što sam ja očekivao. That is different than what I had expected. That's different than what I expected. >>eng<< Не съм те виждала няколко седмици. I haven't seen you in weeks. I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks. >>eng<< Ми даде шест ленени шамивчиња. He gave me a half dozen linen handkerchiefs. He gave me six linens. >>eng<< Tom ima težak posao. Tom has a difficult job. Tom's got a tough job. >>eng<< Imate li slobodnih soba? Do you have any vacancies? Do you have free rooms? >>eng<< Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. >>eng<< Што правеа? What were we doing? What were they doing? >>eng<< Не занима ме шта он каже. I don't care what he says. I don't care what he says. >>eng<< Samiju fali neka daska u glavi. Sami is not right in the head. Sami's missing a board in his head. >>eng<< Molim te, dođi. Please come. Please, come here. >>eng<< Си го запознал ли Том? Have you met Tom? Have you met Tom? >>eng<< Не мораш да вичеш. Нисам глув! You don't need to shout. I'm not deaf. You don't have to yell, I'm not deaf! >>eng<< Рано ли стана Том утрово? Did Tom get up early this morning? Did you get Tom early this morning? >>eng<< Kde je Tom zadržiavaný? Where is Tom being held? Where's Tom? Where's Tom? >>eng<< На кој колеџ си учел? What college do you study in? What college did you study at? >>eng<< Получихме добра цена за това. We got a good price for that. We got a good price for that. >>eng<< Tom nikad nije pitao zašto. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. >>eng<< Тоа е скандалозно. That's an outrage. That's scandalous. >>eng<< Gde je krenula? Where was she going? Where's she going? >>eng<< Днес просто е много студено. It's simply too cold today. It's just so cold today. >>eng<< Ова е баш добро место. This is quite a place. This is a good place. >>eng<< Nikad nisam voljela biologiju. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. >>eng<< Разполагам с доказателство, че Том е убиецът на Мери. I have proof that Tom is the one who killed Mary. I have proof that Tom is Mary's killer. >>eng<< Ne uzimam posao. I'm not taking the job. I'm not taking the job. >>eng<< Jeste li primili paket koji sam vam poslala? Did you get the package I sent you? Did you receive the package I sent you? >>eng<< Не бих те повредио. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da ubedi Meri da uradi to. Tom might be able to convince Mary to do that. Tom could convince Mary to do it. >>eng<< Сакаме уште пари. We want more money. We want more money. >>eng<< Носът ми е запушен. My nose is stuffed up. My nose is clogged. >>eng<< Pričaj u svoje ime, Tome. Speak for yourself, Tom. Speak for yourself, Tom. >>eng<< Šta uopšte jedeš? What do you eat, anyway? What are you even eating? >>eng<< Како бисте ви то превели? How would you translate it? How would you translate that? >>eng<< Ајде вечерва да го направиме тоа. Let's do it tonight. Let's do it tonight. >>eng<< Сето тоа е завршено сега. That's all over now. It's all over now. >>eng<< Hajde da sačekamo malo. Let's wait a while. Let's wait a minute. >>eng<< Kupio bih taj. I'd like to buy that one. I'd buy that one. >>eng<< Том никогаш нема да ја доврши работата што ја почнал. Tom is never going to finish the job he started. Tom will never finish the job he started. >>eng<< Stigli smo u hotel u Rimu. We arrived at a hotel in Rome. We arrived at a hotel in Rome. >>eng<< Някога чувал ли си някой да говори на френски? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard anyone speak French? >>eng<< Slon je šedý. The elephant is grey. The elephant is a shedý. >>eng<< Ще имаме изпит по английски утре. We are going to have an examination in English tomorrow. We'll have an English exam tomorrow. >>eng<< Мама каза същото. Е, и какво? Това няма нищо общо с мене. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. Mom said the same thing. >>eng<< Благодаря ти за всичко. Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything. >>eng<< Том ни побара да му го чуваме детето. Tom requested that we take care of his child. Tom asked us to take care of his child. >>eng<< Интернет връзката ми е бавна. My internet connection is slow. My internet connection is slow. >>eng<< Proći ću. I'll pass. I'll pass. >>eng<< Том лошо се разболе. Tom got really sick. Tom got sick. >>eng<< Sa kime razgovaraju? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? >>eng<< Ќе дојдат наскоро. They'll be here soon. They'll be here soon. >>eng<< Многу си драматичен. You're so dramatic. You're very dramatic. >>eng<< Някои хора имат непоносимост към пътуване по море. Some people cannot bear traveling by sea. Some people have an intolerance to travel by sea. >>eng<< Osigurač je pregoreo. The fuse has blown. The fuse's overrun. >>eng<< Vrijeme ostaje loše. The weather stayed bad. Time stays bad. >>eng<< Moramo ih vidjeti. We have to see them. We need to see them. >>eng<< Он је прави аристократа. He's a genuine aristocrat. He's a true aristocrat. >>eng<< Преди колко време започнахте да учите френски? How long ago did you start studying French? How long ago did you start learning French? >>eng<< Tom stvarno izgleda poznato. Tom does seem familiar. Tom really looks familiar. >>eng<< Moja majka voli muziku. My mother loves music. My mother loves music. >>eng<< Велат дека старата капела е проколната. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. They say the old chapel is cursed. >>eng<< Vrti mi se. I'm dizzy. I feel dizzy. >>eng<< Имаш ли някакви пари? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money? >>eng<< Не съм сигурен, че искам да видя това. I'm not sure I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see this. >>eng<< Мисля, че ти трябва една ваканция. I think you need a vacation. I think you need a vacation. >>eng<< Мисля, че си съвършен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. >>eng<< Ова е прекрасно. This is wonderful. This is beautiful. >>eng<< Специфичен си. You're particular. You're specific. >>eng<< Погледајте тамо. Look there. Look over there. >>eng<< Duplo sam se parkirao. I'm double-parked. I parked twice. >>eng<< Децата ми често искат пари от мене. My children often ask me for money. My kids often want money from me. >>eng<< Аз мога да скачам. I can jump. I can jump. >>eng<< Според мен френският е език, труден за научаване. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. In my opinion, French is a language that is difficult to learn. >>eng<< Ќе се случи што ќе се случи. What will happen will happen. It'll happen what happens. >>eng<< Децата имаат домашна работа. The kids have homework. Kids have homework. >>eng<< Том има колекција од бабушки. Tom has a collection of Matryoshka dolls. Tom has a collection of midwives. >>eng<< Tom nije napisao nijedno pismo Meri dok nije bio tu. Tom didn't even write one letter to Mary while he was away. Tom didn't write a single letter to Mary until she was here. >>eng<< Тийнейджърите напуснаха. The teenagers left. The teenagers have left. >>eng<< To baš i nije moj posao. That's not really my job. That's not really my job. >>eng<< Просто ќе купам уште еден. I'll just buy you another one. I'm just gonna buy another one. >>eng<< Исклучи го светлото. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. >>eng<< Da li je u cenu uključen doručak? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? >>eng<< О, не! Oh no! Oh, no! >>eng<< Би сакал да си се вратам во Бостон. I'd like to go back to Boston. I'd like to go back to Boston. >>eng<< Том продължи да натиска клаксона. Tom continued to honk the horn. Tom continued to press the clexon. >>eng<< Мисля, че те ме познават. I think they know me. I think they know me. >>eng<< Взех си стая в хотел и веднага легнах да спя. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I took a room in a hotel and immediately went to bed. >>eng<< Koliko ti je Tom dolžan? How much does Tom owe you? How much does Tom owe you? >>eng<< Изпратих Том вкъщи. I've sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. >>eng<< Tom razmišlja na isti način. Tom thinks the same way. Tom's thinking the same way. >>eng<< Би сакал да те прашам за нив. I'd like to ask you about them. I'd like to ask you about them. >>eng<< Много английски думи произлизат от латински. Many English words derive from Latin. Many English words come from Latin. >>eng<< Svaki brod treba kapetana. Every ship needs a captain. Every ship needs a captain. >>eng<< Okrenuo sam se. I turned around. I turned around. >>eng<< Naravno, Tom voli svoju decu. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Of course, Tom loves his kids. >>eng<< Чат-пат си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. I've been thinking about it for a while. >>eng<< Какво изпусна? What did you miss? What did you miss? >>eng<< Tom je sedeo na travi ispod kokosovog drveta. Tom sat on the grass under a coconut tree. Tom was sitting on the grass under the coconut tree. >>eng<< Tražila sam te. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. >>eng<< Tom je strastven biciklista. Tom is an avid cyclist. Tom is a passionate cyclist. >>eng<< Бъдете там тази вечер. Be there tonight. Be there tonight. >>eng<< Ovaj brončani kip je prekriven patinom. This bronze statue is coated with patina. This bronze statue is covered in patina. >>eng<< Това отново ще ти потрябва. You'll need this again. You're gonna need this again. >>eng<< Кое е најдоброто? Which one is the best? Which is the best? >>eng<< Ne možeš da se oslanjaš na Toma. You can't rely on Tom. You can't rely on Tom. >>eng<< Колку билки купи? How many plants did you buy? How many herbs did you buy? >>eng<< Каквото и да кажеш, няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. >>eng<< Res škoda, da ga ne poznaš. It's a great pity you don't know him. It's a shame you don't know him. >>eng<< Nemoj da si zucnuo. Don't you say a word. Don't make a sound. >>eng<< Jutros sam išao u crkvu. I went to church this morning. I went to church this morning. >>eng<< Тръгнете по това шосе и като стигнете до светофар, завийте наляво. Go down this road until you get to a traffic light and then turn left. Go on this road and when you get to the traffic lights, turn left. >>eng<< Му верувам на учителот. I trust the teacher. I trust the teacher. >>eng<< Jesi li sretna? Are you happy? Are you happy? >>eng<< Brak je glavni uzrok svih razvoda. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. >>eng<< Како се снаоѓаш? How do you get on? How are you doing? >>eng<< Da li sam stvarno bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? >>eng<< Добро дошли назад. Welcome back. Welcome back. >>eng<< Nisam spreman da idem. I'm not ready to go. I'm not ready to go. >>eng<< Boli sme niekde inde. We were somewhere else. It's not supposed to hurt anywhere. >>eng<< Том отиде во Бостон со Мери. Tom went with Mary to Boston. Tom went to Boston with Mary. >>eng<< Нямам нищо напротив. I don't mind. I don't mind. >>eng<< To jednostavno mora da bude tako. That's just the way it's got to be. It just has to be that way. >>eng<< Колко си гладна? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? >>eng<< Pokušala si. You've tried. You tried. >>eng<< Днес два пъти имаше фалшива тревога. Today, we had two false alarms. There was a false alarm twice today. >>eng<< Ne pomeraj se! Don't move! Don't move! >>eng<< Tom me je pitao da li želim u Boston s njim. Tom asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him. Tom asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him. >>eng<< Tom je voleo Meri. Tom loved Mary. Tom loved Mary. >>eng<< Iako sam bila bolesna, dala sam sve od sebe. Although I was sick, I did my best. Although I was sick, I did my best. >>eng<< Можеш ли обратно? Can you do it in reverse? Can you go back? >>eng<< Свако има право на заштиту моралних и материјалних интереса који проистичу из било ког научног, књижевног или уметничког дела чији је он творац. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to protect the moral and material interests arising from any scientific, literary or artistic work of which he is a creator. >>eng<< Том е често непредвидлив. Tom tends to be unpredictable. Tom is often unpredictable. >>eng<< To se dogodi svakomu prije ili poslije. It happens to everyone sooner or later. It happens to everyone sooner or later. >>eng<< Tom je ostao kod nas nekoliko dana. Tom stayed with us for several days. Tom stayed with us for a few days. >>eng<< U napad! Attack! A I'attaque! >>eng<< Dobar osećaj. It feels good. It feels good. >>eng<< Kada smo se poslednji put sreli? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? >>eng<< Тебе повеќе те сакам. I like you better. I love you more. >>eng<< Ne stoji. Don't stand. It doesn't stand. >>eng<< Ти си единствениот што умее да ме насмее. You're the only one who can make me laugh. You're the only one who can make me laugh. >>eng<< Казах ти всичко, което ти трябва да знаеш. I've told you all you need to know. I told you everything you need to know. >>eng<< Jesu li već stigli? Have they arrived yet? Have they arrived yet? >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da ima neke veze s tim. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom might have something to do with it. >>eng<< Ne brini. Ja ću to prevesti za tebe. Don't worry, I'll translate that for you. Don't worry, I'll translate it for you. >>eng<< Може ли да седна до теб? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? >>eng<< Puši mi kurac. Suck my dick. Suck my dick. >>eng<< Пардон, да ли говорите енглески? Pardon me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? >>eng<< Tom je sam. Tom is by himself. Tom's alone. >>eng<< Трябва да разбера къде е ходил Том вчера. I have to find out where Tom went yesterday. I need to find out where Tom was going yesterday. >>eng<< Казвал съм ви за това преди. I've told you about it before. I've told you about this before. >>eng<< Вклучени ли се оброците во цената? Are any meals included? Are the meals included in the price? >>eng<< Daj mi dan ili dva. Give me a day or two. Give me a day or two. >>eng<< Hvala bogu. Thank God. Thank God. >>eng<< Јесте ли спремни? Are you ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Tom je već ovde, ali Meri još nije stigla. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. Tom's already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. >>eng<< Ataturk je rođen 1881, u Solunu. Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki Ataturk was born in 1881 in Thessaloniki. >>eng<< Nemoguće je reći sa sigurnošću. It's impossible to tell for certain. It's impossible to say with certainty. >>eng<< И живели су срећно до краја живота. And they all lived happily ever after. They lived happily ever after. >>eng<< Prestani da gledaš TV i kreni s učenjem. Stop watching TV and start studying. Stop watching TV and start learning. >>eng<< Nema svrhe samo čekati da se nešto dogodi; moraš odmah nešto da preduzmeš. It's no good waiting for something to happen; you must take action at once. There’s no point just waiting for something to happen; you have to do something right away. >>eng<< Сигурен сум дека си видел се што треба. I'm sure you've seen everything you need to. I'm sure you've seen everything you need. >>eng<< Хвала на имејлу! Thanks for your email! Thanks for the email! >>eng<< Nisam izbirljiva. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. >>eng<< Твое е да прашаш, Том. It's yours for the asking, Tom. It's yours to ask, Tom. >>eng<< Зарем мислиш дека ќе можеш да ме спречиш? Do you think you're going to be able to stop me? Do you think you can stop me? >>eng<< Sve mu je pošto naopako. Everything went wrong for him. It's all wrong with him. >>eng<< Najbolji način da izgubiš kilažu je da manje jedeš i više vežbaš. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. >>eng<< Учествовао сам на конкурсу. I took part in the contest. I participated in the competition. >>eng<< Том дъвче дъвка. Tom is chewing bubble gum. Tom's gum. >>eng<< Знају те. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Изаберите једну. Choose one. Choose one. >>eng<< Šetali smo se sve do iduće stanice. We walked together as far as the next station. We walked all the way to the next station. >>eng<< Како се однесуваше Том? How did Tom behave? How was Tom? >>eng<< Погледни назад. Look back. Look back. >>eng<< Tom je nosio crni šešir. Tom was wearing a black hat. Tom was wearing a black hat. >>eng<< Кога последен пат си си ја исчистил собата? When was the last time you cleaned your room? When was the last time you cleaned your room? >>eng<< Je li on doktor? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? >>eng<< Тој ја премина улицата. He crossed the street. He crossed the street. >>eng<< Tom razmišlja isto. Tom thinks the same way. Tom's thinking the same thing. >>eng<< Нищо не беше смешно. Nothing was funny. Nothing was funny. >>eng<< Moramo to da uradimo. We have to do that. We have to do this. >>eng<< Odakle ti taj ožiljak? How did you get that scar? Where did you get that scar? >>eng<< Ситуацията се е подобрила осезаемо спрямо това което беше. The situation has improved considerably compared with what it was. The situation improved significantly from what it was. >>eng<< Предчувствам една добра ваканция. I anticipate a good vacation. I feel a good vacation. >>eng<< To nie je striebro. That's not silver. That's nie's striebro. >>eng<< Ovaj gradić, kao i mnogi gradići u Engleskoj, ima prilično dugu povijest. And like many small towns in England, it has quite a long history. This town, like many towns in England, has a rather long history. >>eng<< Сите бараат среќа. Everybody seeks happiness. Everyone is looking for happiness. >>eng<< Moškima so sodili pred vojaškim sodiščem. The two men were tried by a military court. The men were tried in front of a military court. >>eng<< Reci mi gde si. Tell me where you are. Tell me where you are. >>eng<< Од чега живи? What does he do for a living? What does he live on? >>eng<< Престани! Stop that! Stop it! >>eng<< Том търчи наоколо като пиле без глава. Tom is running around like a headless chicken. Tom runs around like a chicken without a head. >>eng<< Моля ви, имайте търпене. Please have patience. Please have patience. >>eng<< Sve je u redu s tobom. Nothing is wrong with you. It's all right with you. >>eng<< Како пројде, Том? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? >>eng<< Нема ни ронка висина во неговата приказна. There is not a grain of truth in his story. There is no height in his story. >>eng<< Снощи беше забавно. Last night was fun. Last night was fun. >>eng<< Tom in Mary sta neločljiva več kot tri leta. Tom and Mary have been inseparable for over three years. Tom and Mary have been inseparable for over three years. >>eng<< Имам други приоритети. I have other priorities. I have other priorities. >>eng<< Pričaću s Tomom o tome. I'll speak to Tom about that. I'll talk to Tom about it. >>eng<< Радвам се, че съм приятелка на Том. I'm glad I'm Tom's friend. I'm glad I'm Tom's friend. >>eng<< Prijateljstvo im se postepeno pretvaralo u ljubav. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Their friendship gradually turned into love. >>eng<< Луѓе пробуваат да јадат тука. People are trying to eat around here. People are trying to eat here. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том нема да биде на училиште утре. I don't think Tom will be at school tomorrow. I don't think Tom's gonna be at school tomorrow. >>eng<< Niko od nas nije video Toma kako radi to. None of us saw Tom do that. None of us saw Tom do it. >>eng<< Какви са другите варианти? What other options are there? What are the other options? >>eng<< Казаха ми, че работата ми седнал с часове на компютъра се отразява зле на гърба ми. I've been told that sitting for hours working on my computer is bad for my back. I was told that my work sat for hours on my computer had a bad effect on my back. >>eng<< Mislio sam da sam mogao da se pouzdam u Toma. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could rely on Tom. >>eng<< Учителят твърдеше, че за три месеца ще направи така, че всички да проговорим френски без запъване. The teacher claimed that he'd have us all speaking fluent French in three months. The teacher claimed that in three months he would make all of us speak French without clogging. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще ти хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you're gonna like it there. >>eng<< Ja probam. I'm trying. I'm trying. >>eng<< Ако обичате, звъннете ми в 9 сутринта. Please call me at nine AM. If you like, call me at 9:00 in the morning. >>eng<< Дојдов да му донесам подарок. I've come to bring him a gift. I'm here to get him a present. >>eng<< Това е хотелът, в който Том обикновено отсяда. This is the hotel where Tom usually stays. This is the hotel where Tom usually stays. >>eng<< Ова не чини. This one's no good. This doesn't work. >>eng<< Video sam kuče. I have seen a dog. I saw the dogs. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си дека не треба прво да закажеме? Are you sure we don't need an appointment? Are you sure we don't have to make an appointment first? >>eng<< On je bio čovek koji nikada nije oklevao da se suprotstavi. He was a man who never hesitated to disagree. He was a man who never hesitated to stand up. >>eng<< Ми се допаѓа твоето ланче. I like your necklace. I like your chain. >>eng<< Naoružali su se pištoljima. They armed themselves with guns. They were armed with guns. >>eng<< Со Том си, така? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, right? >>eng<< Danas sam ustao na levu nogu. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I got up on my left leg today. >>eng<< Nemyslíš, že je to zlá vec? Don't you think it a bad thing? Nemyslís, is that already evil? >>eng<< Ушао сам у њену собу. I entered her room. I went into her room. >>eng<< Događa li se to često? Does that happen a lot? Does that happen often? >>eng<< Не ми се допаѓа воопшто. I don't like it one bit. I don't like it at all. >>eng<< Ha? Gde sam ostavio ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I leave my keys? >>eng<< Том смята, че ще вали. Tom thinks that it's going to rain. Tom thinks it's gonna rain. >>eng<< Мислам дека ќе имаш работа до гуша. I thought you'd be hard at work. I think you're gonna have to work up your ass. >>eng<< Aké je to byť vydatá? How does it feel being married? Is this a pronunciation of vydatá? >>eng<< Мислев дека Том ќе биде зафатен. I thought Tom would be busy. I thought Tom would be busy. >>eng<< Da čujemo tvoj izgovor. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. >>eng<< Том, брзо си пораснал. Tom, you've grown so fast. Tom, you grew up fast. >>eng<< Том даде отпор. Tom put up a fight. Tom resisted. >>eng<< To ne zvuči baš ubedljivo, ali ja ti verujem. That doesn't sound really convincingly, but i trust you. That doesn't sound very convincing, but I believe you. >>eng<< Имам три чеда. I've got three kids. I have three children. >>eng<< Ще го имам предвид. I'll take it into consideration. I'll mean it. >>eng<< Се обидуваме да му помогнеме. We're trying to help him. We're trying to help him. >>eng<< Da li si sigurna da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? >>eng<< Moraš da pustiš to. You need to let go. You have to let it go. >>eng<< Lastnikova razlaga je jasna. The owner's explanation is clear. The owner's explanation is clear. >>eng<< Istražite je. Examine it. Look into her. >>eng<< Koje su vaše ambicije? What are your ambitions? What are your ambitions? >>eng<< Norveška je moja nova domovina. Norway is my new homeland. Norway is my new home. >>eng<< Толку многу имаш направено. You've done so much. You've done so much. >>eng<< Jesi li iskrena? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? >>eng<< Чел съм тая история в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I read this story in a book. >>eng<< Желим да вам се лично захвалим. I want to personally thank you. I want to thank you personally. >>eng<< Каде ни се парите? Where's our money? Where's our money? >>eng<< Zašto si tako dobra u objašnjavanju stvari? Why are you so good at explaining things? Why are you so good at explaining things? >>eng<< Боли ме стомахът, докторе. I have a stomachache, doctor. My stomach hurts, doctor. >>eng<< Често им помага на другите. He often helps others. It often helps others. >>eng<< Гледај да не се грижиш за мене. Try not to worry about me. Make sure you don't take care of me. >>eng<< Tom je bio bolji od mene. Tom was better than me. Tom was better than me. >>eng<< Дан никогаш немаше намера да ги остави Линда и децата сами. Dan never intended to leave Linda and her children alone. Dan never intended to leave Linda and the children alone. >>eng<< Sada je dosta zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's busy now. >>eng<< Izgleda da je žrtva pokušala da napiše ime ubice sopstvenom krvlju. It appears that the victim tried to write the murderer's name with his own blood. Looks like the victim tried to write the killer's name with her own blood. >>eng<< Nadam se da će ti se svideti. I hope that you like it. I hope you like it. >>eng<< Stvarno je iznenađujuće. That's really surprising. It's really surprising. >>eng<< Presvuci se. Get changed. Change your clothes. >>eng<< Само се опусти. Just relax. Just relax. >>eng<< Voleo bih da možeš da prespavaš. I wish you could stay the night. I wish you could sleep over. >>eng<< Šta ako sam u pravu? What if I'm right? What if I'm right? >>eng<< Том нема да го сака. Tom won't want it. Tom won't love him. >>eng<< Pýtaš sa nesprávnu otázku. You're asking the wrong question. Pýtaš with an indisputable otázka. >>eng<< Ме чекаат сите овие работи. I have all this work to do. All these things are waiting for me. >>eng<< Нямах друг избор, освен да я чакам. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. I had no choice but to wait for her. >>eng<< Da li ti je Tom ikad odgovorio? Did Tom ever answer you? Did Tom ever answer you? >>eng<< Мислам подобро да им помогнам. I think I'd better help them. I think I better help them. >>eng<< Rezultati su bili neverovatni. The results were amazing. The results were amazing. >>eng<< Zaista mi se dopada vaša muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. >>eng<< Пријателствата траат подолго од сеќавањата. Friendship lasts longer than memories. Friendships last longer than memories. >>eng<< Пандата е национално съкровище на Китай. The panda is China's national treasure. The Panda is the national treasure of China. >>eng<< Samo polako! Easy does it. Take your time! >>eng<< Tom posluša Mary. Tom listens to Mary. Tom listens to Mary. >>eng<< Hvala! Thank you! Thank you! >>eng<< В онзи магазин нямаше шапки, които да ми станат. There were no hats in that store that fit me. There were no hats in that store that I could get. >>eng<< To je veoma neljubazno pitanje. That's a very rude question. That's a very rude question. >>eng<< Тази миризма и друг път съм я усещала. I've smelled this smell somewhere before. I could smell it and I could feel it another time. >>eng<< Hovorím hornolužickou srbčinou. I speak Upper Sorbian. Hovorím hornolushikou Serbinou. >>eng<< Ја све знам. I know everything. I know everything. >>eng<< Poišči Boga, če ga lahko Find God, if you can. Find God if you can. >>eng<< Том ѝ побара на Мери да го вработи. Tom asked Mary for a job. Tom asked Mary to hire him. >>eng<< Molim te, ne teraj me da jedem to. Please don't make me eat that. Please don't make me eat that. >>eng<< Daj si dole ponožky. Take off your socks. Put yourself down at night. >>eng<< Nisam dobar plivač. I'm not a good swimmer. I'm not a good swimmer. >>eng<< Da li ćemo ponovo videti Toma? Will we see Tom again? Will we see Tom again? >>eng<< Nimam kolesa. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. >>eng<< Не ради превише! Don't work too hard! Don't work too hard! >>eng<< Не само аз мисля, че Том не трябва да прави това. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom shouldn't be doing that. It's not just me that I don't think Tom should do this. >>eng<< Ќе мора да учиш повредно следната година. You'll have to study harder next year. You'll have to learn more valuable next year. >>eng<< Това не е за тебе. It's not for you. It's not for you. >>eng<< Това не е за теб, Том. This isn't for you, Tom. It's not for you, Tom. >>eng<< Тези няколко месеца не съм го чувала. I haven't heard from him these several months. I haven't heard from him in a few months. >>eng<< Каже се да је љубав слепа. They say love is blind. It is said that love is blind. >>eng<< Jednostavno neću da uradim to. I just won't do that. I'm just not going to do it. >>eng<< On često jede krumpir. He often eats potatoes. He eats potatoes a lot. >>eng<< Nikada ranije nisam primetio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. >>eng<< ŠEst podeljeno sa dva je tri. Six divided by two equals three. Six divided by two is three. >>eng<< Šta ste vas dvojica uradili? What did both of you do? What did you two do? >>eng<< Дали Том изгледаше вознемирено? Did Tom seem upset? Did Tom seem upset? >>eng<< Koliko ljudi je bilo tamo? How many people were there? How many people were there? >>eng<< Беше предизвикателство. It was a challenge. It was a challenge. >>eng<< Косата ти има нужда от подстригване. Your hair needs cutting. Your hair needs a haircut. >>eng<< Том има трийсет години и повече. Tom is in his thirties. Tom is thirty years old and more. >>eng<< Siguran sam da sam već negde video tog momka. I'm sure I've seen that guy somewhere before. I'm sure I've seen that guy somewhere before. >>eng<< Едвај се спасив да не ме фатат. I barely escaped getting caught. I could barely save myself from being caught. >>eng<< Можам да те замислам во брак со Том. I could see you marrying Tom. I can imagine you getting married to Tom. >>eng<< Nikad te nisam savetovao da uradiš to. I never advised you to do that. I never advised you to do that. >>eng<< Zašto je ljubav tako komplikovana? Why is love so complicated? Why is love so complicated? >>eng<< Видео сам Маркусову кућу. I saw Marcus' house. I saw Marcus's house. >>eng<< To je pomalo bilo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was a little weird. >>eng<< Лимун је кисео. Lemon is sour. Lemon is sour. >>eng<< Се вратив со автобус. I took the bus back. I came back by bus. >>eng<< Не бих га повредила. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. >>eng<< Ne želim ništa od tebe. I don't want anything from you. I don't want anything from you. >>eng<< Da li si oprala suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? >>eng<< Знам што се случи на училиште денес. I know what happened at school today. I know what happened at school today. >>eng<< Imao sam devet godina kad sam pitao mamu da li djed Božićnjak zaista postoji. I was nine years old when I asked my mother whether Father Christmas really existed. I was nine years old when I asked my mom if Santa really existed. >>eng<< Детето не е съд, който трябва да бъде напълнен, а огън, който трябва да се запали. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit. >>eng<< Ovo je život. This is the life. This is life. >>eng<< Oni će znati šta da rade. They'll know what to do. They'll know what to do. >>eng<< Tom obećava Skotima brda i doline. Tom promises the Scots the moon. Tom promises Scott hills and valleys. >>eng<< Имаме едно правило тука. We've got one rule around here. We have a rule here. >>eng<< Ко у породици носи панталоне? Who wears the pants in your family? Who wears pants in the family? >>eng<< Prosečni ste studenti. You're average students. You're an average student. >>eng<< Tom je voleo Meri. Tom loved Mary. Tom loved Mary. >>eng<< Ubeđen sam. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. >>eng<< Том ја праша Мери дали сака да оди на прошетка. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to go for a walk. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to go for a walk. >>eng<< Volim te! I love you! I love you! >>eng<< Zovem se Sally. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. >>eng<< Какво има в плажната чанта, дето ти е в багажника на колата? What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? What's in the beach bag that's in your trunk? >>eng<< Vjenčali su se u tajnosti. They married in secret. They were married in secret. >>eng<< To nam mnogo pomaže. That helps out a lot. That helps us a lot. >>eng<< Жени; вероломството им няма граници. Women, their treachery knows no limits. Women; their religion has no limits. >>eng<< Ги нападнале. They were attacked. They were attacked. >>eng<< Tom je već ovde, ali Meri još nije stigla. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. Tom's already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. >>eng<< Изобщо не съм ти длъжен! I don't owe you squat! I don't owe you anything! >>eng<< Moja deca se oslanjaju na mene. My children rely on me. My kids rely on me. >>eng<< To je bilo užasno. That was terrible. That was terrible. >>eng<< Sviraj to ponovo, Sem Play it again, Sam. Play it again, Sam. >>eng<< Iznenadio me je Tomov odgovor. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I was surprised by Tom's answer. >>eng<< Том не слуша. Tom isn't listening. Tom's not listening. >>eng<< Том сакаше да има поголем брод од брат му. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Tom wanted to have a bigger ship than his brother. >>eng<< Ja sam debeo. I'm fat. I'm fat. >>eng<< Точно под носа ти е. It's right under your nose. It's right under your nose. >>eng<< On nije tip osobe koja krade. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person who steals. >>eng<< Трудио сам се да будем љубазан. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be kind. >>eng<< Кажи ми зошто не го праша. Tell me why you didn't ask him. Tell me why you didn't ask him. >>eng<< Gdje si bio cijelo popodne? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? >>eng<< Том се прашуваше дали Мери веќе се разбудила. Tom wondered if Mary were awake yet. Tom wondered if Mary had already woken up. >>eng<< Том не беше дебел. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. >>eng<< Цял живот съм се занимавал със спорт. I've played sports all my life. I've been in sports all my life. >>eng<< Како би го поправил? How would you fix it? How would you fix it? >>eng<< Ќе ти цитирам пасус од едно од тие писма. I will quote you a passage from one of those letters. I'll quote you a passage of one of those letters. >>eng<< Кой слуша Том? Who listens to Tom? Who's listening to Tom? >>eng<< Навистина зборуваш многу. You sure do talk a lot. You really talk a lot. >>eng<< Udobno je. It's comfortable. It's comfortable. >>eng<< Имам информация за Том. I've got some information for Tom. I have information about Tom. >>eng<< Ова е тешкичко. This is tricky. This is heavy. >>eng<< Samo hoću da se sklonim. I just want to get away. I just want to get out of the way. >>eng<< Колку пати треба јас да го повторам тоа. How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I have to repeat that? >>eng<< Имаш ли доволно? Do you have enough? Do you have enough? >>eng<< Така мисля. I think so. I think so. >>eng<< Žao mi je što sam uopšte probao. I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. >>eng<< Imam mnogo toga planirano za sutra. I have a lot of stuff planned for tomorrow. I have a lot planned for tomorrow. >>eng<< Овој свеќник е многу тежок. This candlestick is very heavy. This candlestick is very difficult. >>eng<< Odmah počnite. You are to start at once. Get started now. >>eng<< Неки људи без обзира на своје године, не губе лепоту. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. Some people, regardless of their age, do not lose their beauty. >>eng<< Tom je. It's Tom. It's Tom. >>eng<< И двајцата сме го виделе. We've both seen it. We've both seen him. >>eng<< Ne verujem pričljivim ljudima. I don't trust talkative people. I don't trust talkative people. >>eng<< Как се казва неговата по-голяма сестра? What is his older sister's name? What's his big sister's name? >>eng<< Он не зна где би требао бити. He doesn't know where he should be. He doesn't know where he's supposed to be. >>eng<< Лондон е бомбардиран няколко пъти. London was bombed several times. London has been bombed several times. >>eng<< Видях Джеси да стои там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. >>eng<< В Китай ние слагаме отпред първо фамилията, а после името. In China, we put our family name first, then our name. In China, we put first the family and then the name. >>eng<< Не можеме да ги заборавиме. We can't forget them. We can't forget them. >>eng<< Том е зол. Tom is evil. Tom's mean. >>eng<< У почетку Бог је створио небо и Земљу. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. >>eng<< Някой видя ли те? Anybody see you? Has anyone seen you? >>eng<< Idem u crkvu samo iz poštovanja prema mojoj majci. I only go to church out of duty to my mother. I'm only going to church out of respect for my mother. >>eng<< Какво харесваше? What do you like? What did you like? >>eng<< Odlično izgledaš. You're looking very well. You look great. >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da laže. Tom could be lying. Tom could lie. >>eng<< Ovde sam ja jedini koji može to. I'm the only one here who can do that. I'm the only one here who can do it. >>eng<< Тя искаше да отложи сватбата. She wanted to postpone the wedding. She wanted to postpone the wedding. >>eng<< На сите ни се допаѓаш. We all like you. We all like you. >>eng<< Tom je govorio o muzici. Tom talked about music. Tom was talking about music. >>eng<< Није проблем. No problem. It's not a problem. >>eng<< Pogledaj u šta sam izrastao! Look at what's become of me! Look what I've grown into! >>eng<< Spievala som. I sang. I was sleeping catfish. >>eng<< To sam već radio. I've already done that. I've done that before. >>eng<< Koje ti je godište auto? What year was your car made? What's your age car? >>eng<< Vaša kuća je velika. Your house is big. Your house is big. >>eng<< Rekli su mi da sačekam ovde. They told me to wait here. They told me to wait here. >>eng<< Proveri okolo. Check around. Check around. >>eng<< Kako sam propustio to? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? >>eng<< Koliko je godina prošlo otkad sam te poslednji put video? How many years has it been since I last saw you? How long has it been since I last saw you? >>eng<< Kada je izbio požar, on je uveliko spavao. When the fire broke out, he was dead asleep. When the fire broke out, he slept heavily. >>eng<< Ona je probala. She tried. She tried. >>eng<< Ukoliko pronađem tvoju putovnicu, smjesta ću te nazvati. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If I find your passport, I'll call you right away. >>eng<< Зборувај во свое име. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. >>eng<< Отвори на деветта страница. Open at page nine. Open on page 9. >>eng<< Когато почувствам песимизъм за бъдещето на света, аз просто се подсещам колко много се е променило дори само през времето, което аз помня. Whenever I'm feeling pessimistic about the future of the world, I just think of how much has changed even in the time that I can remember. When I feel pessimism for the future of the world, I just remember how much has changed even over time that I remember. >>eng<< Чакахме с слабо очакване. We waited with a faint expectation. We waited with little expectation. >>eng<< Zalil je rožni grm. He watered the rose bush. He watered a pink bush. >>eng<< Ti uvijek pjevaš. You always sing. You always sing. >>eng<< Uhvatili smo Toma na delu. We caught Tom red-handed. We caught Tom at work. >>eng<< Досега не бях виждал нищо подобно. I've never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it before. >>eng<< Малко ме боли вратът. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. >>eng<< Том сѐ уште не е вратен. Tom hasn't come back yet. Tom hasn't been back yet. >>eng<< Том не е толку млад. Tom isn't that young. Tom's not that young. >>eng<< Минал ли е той на изпита? Did he pass the exam? Did he pass the exam? >>eng<< Ne mogu ga razveseliti. I can't make him happy. I can't cheer him up. >>eng<< Možete li da nam kažete još? Could you tell us more? Can you tell us more? >>eng<< Neki religiozni ljudi znaju da budu jako osuđujući. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Some religious people know how to be very judgmental. >>eng<< Виждал съм те с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I saw you with Tom. >>eng<< Njegov gubitak pamćenja je više psihički nego fizički problem. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. His memory loss is more of a mental problem than a physical one. >>eng<< Hteo sam da ti pomognem. I wanted to help you. I wanted to help you. >>eng<< Не ми треба советување. I don't need any counseling. I don't need advice. >>eng<< Јакнава ми е премала. This jacket is too small for me. My jacket is too small. >>eng<< Ti si jako strpljiv učitelj. You are a very patient teacher. You're a very patient teacher. >>eng<< Tu smo. We're here. Here we are. >>eng<< Odgodio je njegov odlazak do sutra. He has postponed his departure until tomorrow. He delayed his departure until tomorrow. >>eng<< Krajnje je vrijeme da se ošišaš. It's high time you had a haircut. It's high time you cut your hair. >>eng<< Ме боли стомакот по оброци. My stomach hurts after meals. My stomach hurts after meals. >>eng<< Molila sam se za vas. I've been praying for you. I have been praying for you. >>eng<< Том е многу детинест. Tom is very childish. Tom's very childish. >>eng<< Том израсна, говорейки на френски и английски. Tom grew up speaking both French and English. Tom grew up speaking French and English. >>eng<< Vetar se smirio. The wind has abated. The wind calmed down. >>eng<< Сега тоа е завршено. That's over now. It's over now. >>eng<< Да ли ми се привиђа? Am I seeing things? Do I like it? >>eng<< Ovo nije tvoja kapa, zar ne? This isn't your hat, is it? This isn't your hat, is it? >>eng<< Внатре сум. I'm inside. I'm in. >>eng<< Ona je bila jedina koja me je razumela. She was the only one who understood me. She was the only one who understood me. >>eng<< Počisti ovaj nered. Clean up this mess. Clean up this mess. >>eng<< Готова ли е куќата? Is the house ready? Is the house ready? >>eng<< Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открил. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. >>eng<< Никого не видов. I didn't see anyone. I didn't see anyone. >>eng<< Prečo je to ešte stále problém? Why is that still a problem? Is this a problem? >>eng<< Ей, току-що дойдох тук. Hey, I just got here. Hey, I just got here. >>eng<< Kúpila som desať vajec. I bought ten eggs. It's a som desa's drill. >>eng<< Posvađali su se. They quarreled. They had a fight. >>eng<< То је апсолутна истина! That's the absolute truth. That is the absolute truth! >>eng<< Ne možete da nas naterate da odemo. You can't make us leave. You can't make us leave. >>eng<< Mi mu se ne sviđamo. He does not like us. He doesn't like us. >>eng<< Говориш ли ромски? Do you speak Romani? Do you speak Romani? >>eng<< Imamo četiri časa francuskog svake nedelje. We have four French classes a week. We have four French lessons every week. >>eng<< Крушката изгоря. The light bulb burned out. The bulb burned down. >>eng<< Hej! Hey! Hey! >>eng<< Жалосно беше. It was tragic. It was sad. >>eng<< Da li me voli? Does she love me? Does she love me? >>eng<< Се разликуваат. They're different. They're different. >>eng<< Не видим разлику. I don't see the difference. I don't see the difference. >>eng<< От Бразилия съм. I come from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. >>eng<< Mám nesmierne rád tvoju staršiu sestru. I'm extremely fond of your older sister. I'm ridiculously rád your parent's sister. >>eng<< Môžeš to zopakovať? Could you repeat that? Are you kidding me? >>eng<< Той дойде след като ти си тръгна. He came after you left. He came after you left. >>eng<< И двајцата кашлаа. They both coughed. They both coughed. >>eng<< Сакаш ли да играш? Do you want to play? Do you want to play? >>eng<< Му дадов јаболко. I gave him an apple. I gave him an apple. >>eng<< Баща ми обожава пица. My father loves pizza. My dad loves pizza. >>eng<< Bio sam u više od deset stranih država do sada. I've been to more than ten foreign countries so far. I've been to more than ten foreign countries so far. >>eng<< Не ми сметај, Том. Stay out of my way, Tom. Don't bother me, Tom. >>eng<< Uništićeš vid ako stalno igraš igrice. You're going to wreck your eyesight if you play games all the time. You'll ruin your sight if you keep playing games. >>eng<< Простите числа са като живота, те са напълно логични, но правилата за тях не могат да бъдат открити, дори и да отделяте цялото си време, за да мислите за тях. Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it. Simple numbers are like life, they are completely logical, but the rules for them cannot be found, even if you spend all your time thinking about them. >>eng<< Забравих вашия номер. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. >>eng<< Da li možeš da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? >>eng<< Tom nije pravi čovek za taj posao. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right man for the job. >>eng<< Siguran sam da će Tom doći na žurku. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom will come to the party. >>eng<< Malo sam utučena. I'm a little bummed. I'm a little beat up. >>eng<< Том го закопаа жив. Tom was buried alive. Tom was buried alive. >>eng<< Този нов модел има ли го на пазара? Is this new model available on the market? Is this new model on the market? >>eng<< Tom je bio sa devojkom, ali nije uspeo da vidi ko je. Tom was with a girl, but I didn't manage to see who it was. Tom was with a girl, but he couldn't see who he was. >>eng<< Ne znaš ni kako se on zove, zar ne? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? >>eng<< Може ли да отворя една консерва? May I open a can? Can I open a can? >>eng<< Keď som bol dieťa, plával som každý deň. I used to swim every day when I was a child. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. >>eng<< Radio sam na tome dan za danom. I worked on it day after day. I was working on that day after day. >>eng<< On se trudi. He tries. He's trying. >>eng<< Postoji li razlog zbog kojeg čuvaš ove stare boce? Is there some reason you're saving these old bottles? Is there a reason you keep these old bottles? >>eng<< А сендвич? How about a sandwich? What about a sandwich? >>eng<< Можам да работам каде год сакам. I can work anywhere I want. I can work anywhere I want. >>eng<< Pita koju je Tom napravio je bila ukusna. The pie that Tom made was delicious. The question Tom made was delicious. >>eng<< Мисля, че не беше права. I think you were wrong. I don't think he was right. >>eng<< Уште се загреваме. We're just starting. We're still warming up. >>eng<< Нека хвърлим картите на масата. Let's put our cards on the table. Let's throw the cards at the table. >>eng<< Като стигнете до светофара, завийте надясно. After you get to the traffic lights, turn right. When you get to the traffic lights, turn right. >>eng<< Не мога да вървя повече. I can't walk any further. I can't go anymore. >>eng<< Je deväť. It's nine o'clock. He's a virgin. >>eng<< Том не е сам. Tom is with somebody. Tom's not alone. >>eng<< Не ви ли е страх? Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid? >>eng<< Човеков карактер је његова судбина. A man's character is his fate. The character of man is his destiny. >>eng<< Svi radimo previše naporno. We all work too hard. We're all working too hard. >>eng<< Не сум музикален, ама си пеам под туш. I am not musical, but I like to sing in the shower. I'm not musical, but I sing in the shower. >>eng<< Ќе го земам овоа. I'll take this one. I'll take this. >>eng<< Мисля за теб. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. >>eng<< Мисля, че сте перфектен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. >>eng<< Съжалявам, че ти създадох толкова много проблеми. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I caused you so many problems. >>eng<< Страхотно е, че се срещаме. It's great to meet you. It's great to meet you. >>eng<< Том свири во бенд. Tom plays in a band. Tom plays in a band. >>eng<< Што можеме да направиме за неа? What can we do for her? What can we do for her? >>eng<< Той ми извика такси. He called a cab for me. He called me a taxi. >>eng<< Mačka je izašla ispod stola. A cat came out from under the desk. The cat came out under the table. >>eng<< Видях, че Джеси беше застанал там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. >>eng<< Математиката не е кофти, ти си кофти. Math doesn't suck, you do. Mathematics isn't cheap, you're cheap. >>eng<< Том делува ефикасно. Tom seems efficient. Tom is effective. >>eng<< Нейното име е известно на всички. Her name is known to everyone. Her name is known to everyone. >>eng<< Bilo je malo čudno. It was kind of strange. It was a little off. >>eng<< Том не е легнал на земята. Tom isn't lying down. Tom didn't lie on the ground. >>eng<< "Znaš li šta se dešava?" - "Ne. U čemu je stvar?" "Do you know what's going on?" - "No. What's it all about then?" "Do you know what's going on?" "No. What's the matter?" >>eng<< Troškovi će uskoro narasti. Fees are about to go up. The cost will rise soon. >>eng<< Poverio sam ti svoju tajnu a ti si me izdala. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. >>eng<< Voda je tekućina. Water is a fluid. Water is liquid. >>eng<< Pjevaj! Sing! Sing! >>eng<< Ще застрелям и двама ви. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. >>eng<< Tom radi to ponekad. Tom does that sometimes. Tom does that sometimes. >>eng<< Kako zovete to? What do you call this? What do you call that? >>eng<< Не сме го правеле тоа никогаш досега. We have never done it before. We've never done that before. >>eng<< Nemojte da lažete. Don't lie. Don't lie. >>eng<< Ne odgovaraj. Don't respond. Don't answer that. >>eng<< Не ни знам кое е кое. I don't even know which one is which. I don't even know who it is. >>eng<< Кажи ни каде се. Tell us where they are. Tell us where they are. >>eng<< Ѓаволот е верверица. The devil is a squirrel. The devil is a squirrel. >>eng<< Čuo sam da je Tom odustao od fakulteta. I've heard that Tom has dropped out of college. I understand that Tom dropped out of college. >>eng<< Далеку ли е Бостон? Is Boston far away? Is Boston far away? >>eng<< Сложи си още един чифт чорапи в багажа. You should pack an extra pair of socks. Put another pair of socks in your luggage. >>eng<< Ние тръгваме към плажа. Ти искаш ли да дойдеш с нас? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We're going to the beach. >>eng<< Dolazim da te spasem! I'm coming to your rescue! I'm coming to save you! >>eng<< Iako je postojanje ovog fenomena puka spekulacija moguće je da će u budućnosti biti dokaza koji će ga podupirati. Though the existence of this phenomenon is currently mere speculation, it is possible that there will be evidence in the future to support it. Although the existence of this phenomenon is mere speculation, it is possible that in the future there will be evidence to support it. >>eng<< Тогаш има проблем... Then there is a problem... Then there's a problem... >>eng<< Нема врска со среќа. It has nothing to do with luck. It's not about luck. >>eng<< Том работеше многу вредно, но не успеа. Tom worked very hard, but he didn't make it. Tom worked very hard, but he didn't make it. >>eng<< Predomislila sam se. I had second thoughts. I've changed my mind. >>eng<< Уште една шанса ќе им дадам. I'll give them one more chance. I'll give them another chance. >>eng<< Nadamo se da će se dopasti ljudima. We hope people like it. We hope people like it. >>eng<< Те се караха. They quarreled. They were fighting. >>eng<< Аз вчера рано станах. I got up early yesterday. I got up early yesterday. >>eng<< Опитът ни учи, че хората никога не научават нищо от опита си. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. Experience teaches us that people never learn anything from their experience. >>eng<< Таман почнавме. We've barely begun. We just started. >>eng<< Idemo u šetnju. We're going on a hike. Let's go for a walk. >>eng<< Igrali smo na plaži. We played on the beach. We played on the beach. >>eng<< Трябва да се срещна с Том. I have to meet with Tom. I need to meet Tom. >>eng<< Vy ste originálna. You're original. You're original. >>eng<< Мислехме да те поканим да се присъединиш към нашата компания. We were thinking of asking you to join our company. We thought we'd invite you to join our company. >>eng<< Otvori. Open up. Open it. >>eng<< Се надевам дека си спремен за предизвик. I hope you're up to the challenge. I hope you're ready for a challenge. >>eng<< Да започнем да превеждаме! Let's start translating! Let's start translating! >>eng<< Dokument je dospeo u neprijateljske ruke. The document passed into the enemy's hands. The document came into enemy hands. >>eng<< Нисам желео да те повредим. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. >>eng<< Čekam mamu. I'm waiting for my mother. I'm waiting for my mom. >>eng<< Само през трупа ми! Over my dead body! Only through my body! >>eng<< Не можеш денес да си одиш од Бостон. You can't leave Boston today. You can't leave Boston today. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойда с теб? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? >>eng<< Мислам дека те сакам. I think I love you. I think I love you. >>eng<< Том е красив мъж. Tom is a handsome guy. Tom is a beautiful man. >>eng<< Не трчи пред руду! Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't run in front of the ore! >>eng<< Беше завършен. It's been completed. It was finished. >>eng<< Ona je iba malé dievča. She is just a little girl. She's an iba little diocese. >>eng<< Ja sam slobodan čovek. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. >>eng<< Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo novca. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. >>eng<< Тие бе поларни спротивности: едниот беше искрен и доверлив а другиот непредвидлив и неодговорен. They were polar opposites: one was honest and reliable, whilst the other was unpredictable and irresponsible. They were polar opposites: one was sincere and confidential and the other unpredictable and irresponsible. >>eng<< Не се опитвам да те притисна. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm not trying to push you. >>eng<< Юми ще стане учител. Yumi will become a teacher. Yumi will become a teacher. >>eng<< Osećam oštar bol u stomaku. I have a sharp pain in the stomach. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. >>eng<< Сѐ уште му се лутам на Том. I'm still mad at Tom. I'm still mad at Tom. >>eng<< Ја могу да скијам. I can ski. I can ski. >>eng<< Добро. А ти? Good. And you? Okay, what about you? >>eng<< Biti moćan je slično biti damom. Ako imaš potrebu reći ljudima da jesi, onda to nisi. Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. Being powerful is like being a lady, and if you have a need to tell people that you are, then you're not. >>eng<< Ešte jeden! Another! There's one more! >>eng<< Зошто не ни помага Том? Why isn't Tom helping us? Why isn't Tom helping us? >>eng<< Ne vem kaj bo iz tebe. I don't know what will become of you. I don't know what's coming out of you. >>eng<< Джейн излезе да пазарува. Jane is out shopping. Jane went shopping. >>eng<< Том има батлер. Tom has a butler. Tom's got a butler. >>eng<< Луси е от Америка. Lucy is from America. Lucy's from America. >>eng<< На Хаваите можеш да крстариш цела година. In Hawaii, you can cruise all year round. You can cruise in Hawaii for a year. >>eng<< Moje tečno poznavanje jezika je dovoljno za mnoge situacije, ali ne i za iskazivanje mojih, često međusobno kontradiktornih, emocija. My fluency is sufficient for many situations, but not for expressing my — often contradictory — emotions. My fluent language knowledge is enough for many situations, but not for expressing my often contradictory emotions. >>eng<< Прибрах се, Том. I'm home, Tom. I'm home, Tom. >>eng<< Хайде да не говорим за работа, става ли? Let's not talk shop, OK? Let's not talk about work, okay? >>eng<< Би ли извикал Том? Could you call Tom? Would you call Tom? >>eng<< Това не е наш проблем. That's not our problem. That's not our problem. >>eng<< Duplo sam starija od Toma. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice as old as Tom. >>eng<< Това значеше много за мен. It meant a lot to me. That meant a lot to me. >>eng<< Може ли да попитам кой сте Вие? May I ask who you are? May I ask who you are? >>eng<< Hovorte pomalšie, prosím. Please speak more slowly. Hovorte pomalshie, I beg you. >>eng<< Децата мислеха, че родителите им са направени от пари. The children thought that their parents were made of money. The kids thought their parents were made of money. >>eng<< Том делуваше толку среќно. Tom seemed so happy. Tom seemed so happy. >>eng<< Ме навреди со тоа што ме нарече магаре. He insulted me by calling me a donkey. It offended me by calling me an ass. >>eng<< Ona jednog dana želi studirati u inozemstvu. Her wish is to study abroad someday. One day she wants to study abroad. >>eng<< Trenutno je bolnik izven nevarnosti. At the moment the patient is out of danger. At the moment, the patient is out of danger. >>eng<< Meri je iskoristila jabuke koje joj je Tom dao kako bi napravila puter od jabuka. Mary used the apples that Tom gave her to make apple butter. Mary used the apples Tom gave her to make apple butter. >>eng<< Limun i limeta su citrusna voća. Lemon and lime are citrus fruits. Lemon and lime are citrus fruits. >>eng<< Siguan sam da sam je već ranije video negde. I'm sure I've seen her before somewhere. I'm sure I've seen her somewhere before. >>eng<< Внимавай, идва кола! Be careful, there's a car! Be careful, the car's coming! >>eng<< Не можеш да ми го одземеш тоа. You can't take that away from me. You can't take that away from me. >>eng<< Kiša konačno prestaje. The rain is finally clearing up. The rain finally stops. >>eng<< Том не можеше да повярва какво се случва. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. >>eng<< Аз съм идеалист. Не знам къде отивам, но вървя по своя път. I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. >>eng<< Učitelj je napisao nešto na tabli, ali nisam mogao da pročitam jer je bilo premalo. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard, but it was too small for me to read. The teacher wrote something on the board, but I couldn't read it because it was too little. >>eng<< Котките сънуват ли? Do cats dream? Do cats dream? >>eng<< Зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. It depends on the context. >>eng<< Postavio sam Toniju jedno pitanje. I asked Tony a question. I asked Tony one question. >>eng<< Ne mogu sama da popravim auto. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix the car on my own. >>eng<< Имам три хиляди долара в брой. I have three hundred dollars in cash. I have $3,000 in cash. >>eng<< Честността ѝ е неоспорима. Her honesty is beyond question. His honesty is indisputable. >>eng<< Znaju te. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Том одеше на прошетка секој ден. Tom used to take a walk every day. Tom went for a walk every day. >>eng<< Ne primam mito. I don't take bribes. I don't take bribes. >>eng<< To je doktor naredio. That's what the doctor ordered. That's what the doctor ordered. >>eng<< Тя отказа поканата му. She turned down his invitation. She refused his invitation. >>eng<< Jesi li me videla kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? >>eng<< Мери имаше цвеќе во косата. Mary had a flower in her hair. Mary had flowers in her hair. >>eng<< Dvojica muškaraca su bili partneri u biznisu. The two men were business partners. Two men were partners in the business. >>eng<< Треба да го правиш тоа на друго место. You need to do that somewhere else. You have to do it somewhere else. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва сама да го прочетеш. I think you should read it yourself. I think you should read it yourself. >>eng<< Mislim da je moguće uraditi to. I think it's doable. I think it's possible to do that. >>eng<< Ти забавлява ли се вчера? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? Did you have fun yesterday? >>eng<< Љут сам на Тома. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. >>eng<< Tom je angažovao privatnog detektiva da prati Meri. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. >>eng<< Tom će razumeti. Tom'll understand. Tom will understand. >>eng<< Следващата година ще учим в колеж. We'll be starting college next year. Next year we will be studying at college. >>eng<< После тишине, оно што најпрецизније исказује неизрециво, јесте музика. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. After silence, what the most accurate expression is inexpressible is music. >>eng<< Сметам дека прилично добро пишувам. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I write pretty well. >>eng<< Одлучив да ти дозволам да се вратиш на работа. I've decided to let you come back to work. I decided to let you go back to work. >>eng<< Заради вас го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. >>eng<< Том много добре свири на пиано. Tom plays the piano very well. Tom plays piano very well. >>eng<< Da li je ovo tvoj kofer? Is this your suitcase? Is this your suitcase? >>eng<< Pa, to je lijepa naslovnica. Well, that is a nice cover page. Well, that's a nice cover. >>eng<< Дан ги украси ѕидовите од својата соба со расистички симболи. Dan decorated the walls of his room with racist symbols. Dan decorated the walls of his room with racist symbols. >>eng<< Моля те, не започвай отново. Please don't start that again. Please don't start again. >>eng<< Мислам дека проведуваш премногу време со Том. I think you've been spending too much time with Tom. I think you're spending too much time with Tom. >>eng<< Шта да кажем? What am I supposed to say? What can I say? >>eng<< To je samo lični stav. That's just a personal opinion. It's just a personal attitude. >>eng<< Чух, че пленили Том. I heard Tom was captured. I heard they captured Tom. >>eng<< Не се случува тоа тука. That's not what's happening here. It's not happening here. >>eng<< Сакам да купам ананаси. I want to buy pineapples. I want to buy pineapples. >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da ima neke veze sa tim. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom might have something to do with it. >>eng<< Tom je znao šta je hteo. Tom knew what he wanted. Tom knew what he wanted. >>eng<< За колко време стига шатълът до летището? How long does the airport shuttle take to get to the airport? How long does the shuttle get to the airport? >>eng<< Том сакаше Мери да го одвезе Џон до библиотека. Tom wanted Mary to drive John to the library. Tom wanted Mary to take John to the library. >>eng<< Ponovo ćemo preći preko svega. We'll go over it again. We'll get over it again. >>eng<< Na stole je rádio. There is a radio on the table. He worked on the tables. >>eng<< Аз съм единствената, която ги познава. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. >>eng<< Da li misliš da su igre i učenje spojivi? Do you think that games and learning are compatible? Do you think games and learning are compatible? >>eng<< Videćeš je. You'll see her. You'll see her. >>eng<< Тя прочете писмото. She finished reading the letter. She read the letter. >>eng<< Jediný, kto ťa naozaj pozná, je Boh. The only one who really knows you is God. The only one who knows it is Boh. >>eng<< Tom samo kafu bez kofeina pije. Tom only drinks decaffeinated coffee. It's just coffee without caffeine. >>eng<< Не го гледай в очите. Don't make eye contact. Don't look him in the eye. >>eng<< Јас сум лудакот. I'm the insane one. I'm the lunatic. >>eng<< Сите те чекаат тебе. Everybody's waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. >>eng<< Ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. >>eng<< Те вработија ли? Did you get the job? Did they hire you? >>eng<< Мисля, че заинтригувахме Том. I think we got Tom's attention. I think we're interested in Tom. >>eng<< Tom je sad van vidokruga. Tom is now out of sight. Tom's out of sight now. >>eng<< Ne podržavaš me baš nešto mnogo. You're not being very supportive. You don't support me very much. >>eng<< Кој им дал толку пари? Who gave them all that money? Who gave them so much money? >>eng<< Побързай! Остават само трийсет минути до тръгването на влака. Hurry up! There's only 30 minutes left before the train leaves. There's only thirty minutes left until the train leaves. >>eng<< Тя в хотел ли остава? Is she staying at a hotel? Is she staying at a hotel? >>eng<< Jesi li planirao nešto specijalno? Were you planning something special? Did you plan something special? >>eng<< Том е веќе тука. Tom is here already. Tom's already here. >>eng<< Това е къщата, в която се роди Том. That's the house where Tom was born. This is the house where Tom was born. >>eng<< Da li imate kopiju? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? >>eng<< Таа секогаш вредно работи. She is always hard at work. She always works hard. >>eng<< Па нели рече дека знаеш да пливаш? I thought you said you could swim. Didn't you say you could swim? >>eng<< Кучињата се бели. Dogs are white. The dogs are white. >>eng<< Ta povijest nam govori zanimljive činenice. This story tells us an interesting fact. That story tells us interesting facts. >>eng<< Ами ти? How about you? What about you? >>eng<< Tom još uvek deluje potreseno. Tom still seems shaken. Tom still seems shaken. >>eng<< Том не сака да ми биде пријател. Мисли дека е премногу кул за мене. Tom doesn't want to be my friend. He thinks that he's too cool for me. Tom doesn't want to be my friend, he thinks he's too cool for me. >>eng<< Мило ни е што те гледаме. We are happy to see you. We're glad to see you. >>eng<< Upravo sam mislio na tebe. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. >>eng<< Jeste li spremni za još? Are you ready for more? Are you ready for more? >>eng<< Машта је битнија од знања. Знање је ограничено. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. >>eng<< На Марија ѝ светнаа очите од задоволство. Maria's eyes lightened with pleasure. Mary’s eyes shone with pleasure. >>eng<< Zlepšilo sa to. It got better! It's glued to it. >>eng<< Той сложи ските върху покрива на колата. He put the skis on top of the car. He put the skis on the roof of the car. >>eng<< Не ликувај толку за тоа. Don't look so happy about it. Don't yell so much about it. >>eng<< Нека погледнем реалността в очите. Let's face reality. Let’s look reality in the eyes. >>eng<< Ајде да бидеме реалистични. Let's be realistic. Let's be realistic. >>eng<< Ne volim da ujutru jedem beli luk. I don't like to eat garlic in the morning. I don't like to eat garlic in the morning. >>eng<< Žene su ono najlepše u životu muškarca. Women are the most beautiful part of a man's life. Women are the most beautiful in a man's life. >>eng<< Tom mi povedal, že by sa rád stal lekárom. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me, already by the rád stopped medicine. >>eng<< Не вичи на мене. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. >>eng<< Се обидував да го најдам. I was trying to find him. I was trying to find him. >>eng<< Тоа би било многу смешно. That would be very funny. That would be very funny. >>eng<< Аз ще уча Том. I'll teach Tom. I'll teach Tom. >>eng<< Gimnastika je njegova jaka strana. He is good at gymnastics. Gymnastics is his strong side. >>eng<< Какво става тук? What's going on? What's going on here? >>eng<< Tom će ostati. Tom'll stay. Tom's gonna stay here. >>eng<< Нанси обича игрите на закрито. Nancy enjoys indoor games. Nancy loves indoor games. >>eng<< Искаш ли да го опиташ? Do you want to try it? Do you want to try it? >>eng<< Ona je moja profesorka. She's my professor. She's my teacher. >>eng<< Izađi sa nama. Come out with us. Come out with us. >>eng<< Чувал съм, че френският е труден език. I've heard that French is a difficult language. I have heard that French is a difficult language. >>eng<< Има сентиментална вредност. It has sentimental value. It has sentimental value. >>eng<< Молим Вас, наставите. Please continue. Please continue. >>eng<< Птиците запяха. The birds sang. The birds are singing. >>eng<< Трагам по храна. I'm searching for food. I'm looking for food. >>eng<< Taman sam krenuo da ti predložim da uradiš to. I was just going to suggest that you do that. I was just about to suggest you do it. >>eng<< Да си поиграем на семейство! Let's play house! Let's play family! >>eng<< Многу лошо ми звучи таа труба. I hate that trumpet. That trumpet sounds so bad to me. >>eng<< Не захваљуј ми. Do not thank me. Don't thank me. >>eng<< Bolest iz djetinjstva ju je oslijepila. A childhood illness left her blind. A childhood illness blinded her. >>eng<< Ајде. Немој да се срамиш. Come on. Don't be shy. Come on, don't be shy. >>eng<< Те се разбират добре със съседите си. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They get along well with their neighbors. >>eng<< Би сакал да се чујам со него. I'd like to hear from him. I'd like to talk to him. >>eng<< Така е, народе! That's right, folks! That's right, folks! >>eng<< Želim tvoje mišljenje. I want your opinion. I want your opinion. >>eng<< Аз черпя. The drink is on me. I'm buying it. >>eng<< Ko ti je rekao da pišeš levom rukom? Who told you to write with your left hand? Who told you to write with your left hand? >>eng<< Ни треба твојата помош. We need your help. We need your help. >>eng<< Cirih se smatra jednim od velikih finansijskih centara. Zurich is considered to be a major financial hub. Zurich is considered one of the major financial centers. >>eng<< Очите ми бяха заслепени от слънцето. My eyes are dazzled by the sun. My eyes were blinded by the sun. >>eng<< Jesmo li završili? Are we done yet? Are we done here? >>eng<< Александър написа няколко изречения на берберски. Alexander wrote some sentences in Berber. Alexander wrote several sentences in Berber. >>eng<< Tom i Meri uživaju u šetnji duž puta hodočašća u Francuskoj. Tom and Mary are enjoying a walk along the pilgrims' trail in France. Tom and Mary enjoy a walk along the route of pilgrimage to France. >>eng<< Не е нужно да учиш теология, за да бъдеш вярващ. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. You don’t have to study theology to be a believer. >>eng<< Ubeđena sam. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. >>eng<< Zašto je ljubav tako teška? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? >>eng<< Не бой се, ще се справиш. Don't worry. You'll make it. Don't be afraid, you'll be fine. >>eng<< Nije bio jeo cijeli dan i bio je gladan. He hadn't eaten all day long and was very hungry. He didn't eat all day and he was hungry. >>eng<< Тя обожава цвета на своята тениска. She loves the color of her T-shirt. She loves the color of her t-shirt. >>eng<< Tom je zamolio Meri da ga počeša na deo leđa koji nije mogao da dosegne. Tom got Mary to scratch the part of his back he couldn't reach. Tom asked Mary to scratch him on the back he couldn't reach. >>eng<< Možeš da počneš odmah. You can start right now. You can start now. >>eng<< Znanje nas oslobađa i čini nas boljim ljudima. Knowledge sets us free and makes us better people. Knowledge frees us and makes us better people. >>eng<< Нико ником више не верује. No one trusts anyone anymore. No one trusts anyone anymore. >>eng<< Направи го по-малко. Make it smaller. Make it less. >>eng<< Gdje si bila cijelo popodne? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? >>eng<< Danas sam kupio tuce olovaka. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pencils today. >>eng<< On će razumeti. He'll understand. He'll understand. >>eng<< Мораш да се обидеш, Том. You have to try, Tom. You have to try, Tom. >>eng<< Той се възмути,че е наричан глупак. He resented being called a coward. He was outraged that he was called a fool. >>eng<< Будите разумни. Be reasonable. Be reasonable. >>eng<< Pokupi Toma da pođemo. Get Tom to leave. Pick Tom up and let's go. >>eng<< Ептен те бива. You're really good. You're fine. >>eng<< Одлази! Go away! Go! Go! >>eng<< Vy ste študovali. You guys were studying. You've been studying. >>eng<< Ја сам Томов деда. I'm Tom's grandfather. I'm Tom's grandfather. >>eng<< Niektoré veci je ľahšie povoliť zákonom ako nájsť na ne zdôvodnenie. Certain things are easier to legalize than legitimize. Niektoré is bigger than Jahshie's if we don't get it. >>eng<< Там ја посети Мери вчера. Tom visited Mary yesterday. That's where she visited Mary yesterday. >>eng<< Nisam vlasnik. I'm not the owner. I'm not the owner. >>eng<< Мисля, че направихте достатъчно. I think you've done enough. I think you've done enough. >>eng<< Мисля, че си перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. >>eng<< Tom se odlučio za "protiv". Tom decided against it. Tom decided against it. >>eng<< Том настапи, а толпата ракоплескаше. Tom performed and the crowd applauded. Tom performed, and the crowd applauded. >>eng<< Јас не ја разбирам оваа песна. I don't understand this song. I don’t understand this song. >>eng<< Odbio je da komentariše. He declined to comment. He refused to comment. >>eng<< Ябълката падна! The apple fell! The apple fell! >>eng<< Molim te, bude iskrena sa mnom. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. >>eng<< „Ми се лутиш ли?“ „Е ај да не!“ "Are you angry at me?" "You bet I am!" “Are you mad at me?” he said. >>eng<< Tom je star koliko i Meri. Tom is as old as Mary. Tom's as old as Mary. >>eng<< Máme tri deti: dvoch chlapcov a jedno dievča. We have three kids: two boys and one girl. Máme three children: dvach klepcov and one divča. >>eng<< Jesi li rekla Tomu ovo? Have you told Tom this? Did you tell Tom this? >>eng<< Макар че нямаме много пари, искам да купя тази картина. Although we don't have much money, I want to buy this painting. Although we don't have much money, I want to buy this painting. >>eng<< Той обича кафето без захар. He likes coffee without sugar. He loves coffee without sugar. >>eng<< Da li si disleksičan? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? >>eng<< Том е стручњак. Tom's an expert. Tom is an expert. >>eng<< Ризата ти ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. >>eng<< За глупаци ли ни взимаш? Do you think we're stupid? Are you taking us for fools? >>eng<< Upomoć! Help! Help! >>eng<< Том е слободен. Tom's free. Tom's free. >>eng<< Чекај малку, готов ми е вешот, одам да го пружам. Wait a minute. The wash is done. I'm going to hang out the laundry to dry. Wait a minute, I'm done with my laundry, I'm going to give it to you. >>eng<< Ne znam. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Imao sam sreće, što sam preživeo nesreću. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. I was lucky to have survived the accident. >>eng<< Tom će odustati. Tom'll quit. Tom's going to drop the case. >>eng<< Ova zgrada bit će sagrađena u gradu. This building will be built in the city. This building will be built in the city. >>eng<< Ty si moja dcéra. You're my daughter. You're my dcéra. >>eng<< Том вели дека и тој сака да го направи тоа. Tom says he also wants to do that. Tom says he wants to do it, too. >>eng<< Kuća je u njegovom posjedstvu. The house is owned by him. The house is in his possession. >>eng<< Ова е стаклен мозаик. This is a glass mosaic. This is a glass mosaic. >>eng<< To je moj problem, ne tvoj. That's my problem, not yours. That's my problem, not yours. >>eng<< Потпишите овде. Sign here. Sign here. >>eng<< Poľsko je veľká krajina. Poland is a big country. Požsko is a landscape. >>eng<< Това е мястото, където Том работи. This is the place where Tom works. This is where Tom works. >>eng<< Misliš li da je Tom slomio prozor? Do you think Tom is the one who broke the window? Do you think Tom broke the window? >>eng<< Те го поправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. >>eng<< Тома те мрзи из дна душе. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you from the bottom of his soul. >>eng<< Прилично сум сигурен дека Том не направил ништо такво претходно. I'm fairly certain that Tom has never done anything like that before. I'm pretty sure Tom hasn't done anything like that before. >>eng<< Всеки може да се опита. Anybody can try. Anyone can try. >>eng<< Том не трябваше да прави това. Tom shouldn't have done that. Tom shouldn't have done this. >>eng<< Вчера беше ужасно студено. It was terribly cold yesterday. Yesterday was so cold. >>eng<< Obucite se. Get dressed. Get dressed. >>eng<< Мораме да му се јавиме на Том. We have to call Tom. We need to call Tom. >>eng<< Da li imaš nešto da saopštiš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to say? >>eng<< Делува многу поспано. He seems very sleepy. She seems a lot sleepy. >>eng<< Samo nam daj priliku. Just give us a chance. Just give us a chance. >>eng<< За партито си облякох любимата рокля. I put on my favorite dress for the party. I put on my favorite dress for the party. >>eng<< Slepa sam. I'm blind. I'm blind. >>eng<< Znati je ništa, mašta je sve. Knowing is nothing, imagination is everything. To know is nothing, imagination is everything. >>eng<< Tom je govorio veoma glasno. Tom spoke very loudly. Tom spoke very loudly. >>eng<< Не си ли омъжена? Aren't you married? Aren't you married? >>eng<< Тя беше висока, стройна блондика. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a tall, slender blonde. >>eng<< Ме воодушеви учтивоста на Том. I was impressed by Tom's courtesy. I was impressed by Tom's politeness. >>eng<< Ще го видиш. You'll see it. You'll see it. >>eng<< Ako rýchlo! How fast! If rýchlo! >>eng<< Да ли ме волиш? – упитао је. He asked, "Do you love me?" Do you love me? he asked. >>eng<< Pokušavam da shvatim kako si uradila to. I'm trying to figure out how you managed to do that. I'm trying to figure out how you did it. >>eng<< Veoma si hrabra, zar ne? You're very brave, aren't you? You're very brave, aren't you? >>eng<< Tom je odlučio uzeti slobodan dan. Tom decided to take the day off. Tom decided to take the day off. >>eng<< Trenutno sam lociran u Bostonu. I'm currently located in Boston. I'm currently located in Boston. >>eng<< Трябва ли да отварям всичко? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? >>eng<< Пробав да го најдам Том. I tried to find Tom. I tried to find Tom. >>eng<< Но не пред хорот. But not in front of the choir. But not in front of the choir. >>eng<< Moraš da me naučiš ovih dana. You must teach me, one of these days. You have to teach me these days. >>eng<< Не мога да говоря английски, да не говорим за испански. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English, I can't speak Spanish. >>eng<< Táto káva je prislabá. This coffee is too weak. Táto káva is weak. >>eng<< Aké zaujímavé! How interesting! Aké zauímavé! >>eng<< Би направил сѐ за да заработи пари. He would do whatever it takes to make money. I would do anything to make money. >>eng<< Nisam bogat čovek. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. >>eng<< Ne smeš da ulaziš u tu prostoriju. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. >>eng<< Насмевни му се. Give him a smile. Smile at him. >>eng<< Možeš li da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? >>eng<< Tom hoče biti slaven. Tom wants to be famous. Tom wants to be famous. >>eng<< Pobjegao je. He ran. He ran away. >>eng<< Tom je prigušio osmeh. Tom suppressed a smile. Tom choked his smile. >>eng<< Чух, че Том ти дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. >>eng<< Заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? Are you busy? >>eng<< Ала бала ница, турска паница, ой гиди Ванчо, наш капитанчо. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. But bala nica, Turkish panic, oi gidi Vancho, our captain. >>eng<< Ама баш ништо не видов. I saw nothing at all. But I didn't see anything at all. >>eng<< Tom je radio veoma naporno i razadio puno novca. Tom worked very hard and earned a lot of money. Tom worked very hard and broke up a lot of money. >>eng<< Molim vas, budite iskreni prema meni. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. >>eng<< Училището започва в осем и половина. School begins at eight-thirty. The school starts at eight and a half. >>eng<< Утре ќе ѝ помогнам. I'll help her tomorrow. I'll help her tomorrow. >>eng<< Така пишуваше во весник. That's what the papers said. That's what the newspaper said. >>eng<< Ова звучи сосема валидно. This sounds totally legit. This sounds totally valid. >>eng<< У чему је разлика? What is the difference? What's the difference? >>eng<< Имаш ли гъдел? Are you ticklish? Do you have a string? >>eng<< Tom se nekada plašio zmija. Tom used to be scared of snakes. Tom used to be afraid of a snake. >>eng<< Oprosti, tko je ova žena? Excuse me, who is this woman? I'm sorry, who is this woman? >>eng<< Kuća je u njegovom posjedstvu. The house is owned by him. The house is in his possession. >>eng<< Stižemo li uskoro? Are we nearly there? Are we coming soon? >>eng<< Мислам дека требаше да побарам помош. I think I should've asked for help. I think I should have asked for help. >>eng<< Zato mi se sviđao Tom. That's why I liked Tom. That's why I liked Tom. >>eng<< Отпечатоците од прсти на ножот ја утврдуваат нејзината вина. The fingerprints on the knife attest to her guilt. The fingerprints on the knife determine her guilt. >>eng<< Nisam se unervozila zbog toga. I wasn't nervous about it. I didn't get nervous about it. >>eng<< Ne živim u ovom gradu. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. >>eng<< Kaži mu da sam nevin. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. >>eng<< To nije istina, zar ne? That isn't true, is it? That's not true, is it? >>eng<< To je baš ono što je doktor naručio. That's just what the doctor ordered. That's exactly what the doctor ordered. >>eng<< Moja porodica je jako volela psa. My family liked the dog very much. My family loved the dog very much. >>eng<< Нямам представа какво да очаквам. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. >>eng<< Това е Томовото куче. This is Tom's dog. This is Tom's dog. >>eng<< Имам недовршена работа со Том. Tom and I have some unfinished business. I have unfinished business with Tom. >>eng<< Hovorí, že ovdovel, ale nie je to pravda. He says he's widowed, but it's not true. Hovorí, he's already here, but it's not justice. >>eng<< Čestitam! Congratulations! Congratulations! >>eng<< Ona retko, možda i nikada, ne ide u krevet pre 11 sati. She rarely, perhaps never, goes to bed before eleven o'clock. She rarely, perhaps never, goes to bed 11 hours ago. >>eng<< Зошто треба да ме интересира што правиш ти? Why should I be interested in what you're doing? Why do I need to know what you're doing? >>eng<< Ona troši tri dolara dnevno na ručak i večeru. She spends three dollars a day for lunch and dinner. She spends three dollars a day at lunch and dinner. >>eng<< Да сликам со или без блиц? Should I take the picture with or without flash? Should I paint with or without a flash? >>eng<< Vi to možete ako probate. You guys can do it if you try. You can do it if you try. >>eng<< Мистеријава е решена. This mystery is solved. The mystery is solved. >>eng<< Ak padne strom v lese a nik to nepočul, stalo sa to? Ak muž povie čo ma na mysli a žiadna žena ho nepočuje, ešte stále nemá pravdu? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it happen? If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong? If he falls down into the wood and Nick doesn't hear it, does he care about it? If the husband turns ma on mysli and the jealous woman ho doesn't hear, what is the state of German justice? >>eng<< Твојата улога тука е толку важна. Your role here is so important. Your role here is so important. >>eng<< Спя с два юргана през зимата. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. I slept with two yurgans in the winter. >>eng<< U pitanju je zvaničan posao. It's official business. It's an official job. >>eng<< Jedného dňa ťa to bude mrzieť. You will be sorry for it some day. One day I hate it. >>eng<< Mogla bih sad da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. >>eng<< Том знае многу славни луѓе. Tom knows many celebrities. Tom knows a lot of famous people. >>eng<< Nisam odavde. I'm not from here. I'm not from around here. >>eng<< Кен може да плува, нали? Ken can swim, can't he? Ken can swim, right? >>eng<< Кой го изтегли? Who drew it? Who pulled it? >>eng<< Tom i Mary su odlučili posvojiti Johna. Tom and Mary decided to adopt John. Tom and Mary decided to adopt John. >>eng<< Мислиш ли да ходиш в Токио утре? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Are you going to Tokyo tomorrow? >>eng<< Prestani s pričom. Stop talking. Stop talking. >>eng<< Radi polako. Work slowly. Take it easy. >>eng<< Поръчах ти питие. I ordered you a drink. I ordered you a drink. >>eng<< Том вели дека може да направи која било жена да се заљуби во него. Tom says he can make any woman fall in love with him. Tom says he can make any woman fall in love with him. >>eng<< Njegova je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? >>eng<< Rozhodli sa pre nové zásady. He had decided on a new policy. Roshodli from before novne zásady. >>eng<< Готова ли си за игра? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? >>eng<< Tom je ispustio prigušeni uzdah. Tom stifled a groan. Tom's had a stuffy breath. >>eng<< Poišči svojo višjo moč. Find your higher power. Find your higher power. >>eng<< Няма да мога да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to take Tom to the other side of the bridge. >>eng<< Volela bih da znam šta se događa ovde. I'd like to know what's happening here. I'd like to know what's going on here. >>eng<< Jesi li sigurna da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? >>eng<< Izađite odatle. Come out of there. Get out of there. >>eng<< Toliko ljudi je precej starejših od tebe. So many people are much older than you. So many people are much older than you. >>eng<< Сега ова е твоја куќа. This is your house now. Now this is your house. >>eng<< Не могу. I can't. I can't. >>eng<< Каде ти е училиштето? Where is your school? Where's your school? >>eng<< Имам два цвета. I have two flowers. I have two flowers. >>eng<< Nije mi bilo lako. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for me. >>eng<< Баш минатава недела го видов Том. I just saw Tom last week. Last week I saw Tom. >>eng<< Кой ден почиваш обикновено? At what day are you off, usually? What day do you usually rest? >>eng<< Можеш ли то да докажеш? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? >>eng<< Ne smemo da stanemo ovde. We must not stop here. We can't stop here. >>eng<< Dom je veľmi studený. The house is too cold. Home is already November. >>eng<< Daj da ponovim to. Let me say that again. Let me do it again. >>eng<< Учим френски в училище. We learn French at school. We're learning French at school. >>eng<< To je bila teška odluka. It was a hard decision. It was a tough decision. >>eng<< Ti si tužna. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< To ti mora biti vrlo teško. It must be hard for you. That must be very difficult for you. >>eng<< Хайде да отидем до някои храмове утре. Let's visit some temples tomorrow. Let's go to some temples tomorrow. >>eng<< On stalno gubi njegov mobilni telefon. He's always losing his mobile. He's always losing his cell phone. >>eng<< Ще ми се да можех да говоря френски като тебе. I wish I could speak French like you. I wish I could speak French like you. >>eng<< Се имам опоравено целосно. I'm fully recovered. I've recovered completely. >>eng<< Budeš pracovať na pláži. You will work on the beach. You're gonna be a praco on the beach. >>eng<< Мала птичица ми је рекла. A little bird told me. The little bird told me. >>eng<< Tom zna da je završeno. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's done. >>eng<< Uvek sam nervozan na pasoškoj kontroli. I get nervous at immigration. I'm always nervous about passport control. >>eng<< Ako želiš da razgovaraš sa mnogo ljudi, treba da naučiš Esperanto. Zašto ovaj jezik? Jer je istovremeno lep i stimuliše naše učenje. Međunarodni jezik je veoma važan jer ima tako mnogo ljudi iz različitih zemalja širom sveta. Uostalom, Esperanto nije samo koristan već i lak za učenje. Ako naučiš Esperanto, možeš da putuješ mnogim zemljama. Dođi i nauči! If you wish to speak with many people, you ought to learn Esperanto. Why this language? Because it is both beautiful and stimulates our study. An international language is of great moment because there are so many people in the various countries of the world. And besides, Esperanto is not only useful but easy to learn. If you speak Esperanto you can travel in many countries. Come and learn it! If you want to talk to many people, you need to learn Esperanto. Why this language? Because at the same time it is beautiful and stimulates our learning. International language is very important because there are so many people from different countries around the world. After all, Esperanto is not only useful but also easy to learn. If you learn Esperanto, you can travel to many countries. Come and learn! >>eng<< To je tako tužno. That's so sad. It's so sad. >>eng<< Против насилието сме. We dislike violence. We are against violence. >>eng<< Šta bih dobio ovime? What would this buy me? What would I get with this? >>eng<< Што не ти се допаѓа? What don't you like? What don't you like? >>eng<< Том не направи опит да убеди Мери, че е невинен. Tom made no attempt to convince Mary that he was innocent. Tom didn't try to convince Mary he was innocent. >>eng<< Само го довршувам извештајот. I'm just finishing up the report. I'm just completing the report. >>eng<< Што можеш да очекуваш? What can you expect? What can you expect? >>eng<< Не можемо ићи. We can't go. We can't go. >>eng<< Би могъл да помогнеш. You could help. You could help. >>eng<< Samo traćite vreme. You're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. >>eng<< Може ли да зборуваме горе? Can I talk to you upstairs? Can I talk to you upstairs? >>eng<< Нема да ти помогнам. I won't assist you. I'm not gonna help you. >>eng<< Упуцала сам медведа. I shot a bear. I shot a bear. >>eng<< Види ја бандерана на плоштадот. Look at that pole in the square. Look at the banderana in the square. >>eng<< Да ли си слободан вечерас? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? >>eng<< Ste z Ázie? Are you from Asia? Are you with Ázie? >>eng<< Кога започна да изучаваш френски? When did you begin studying French? When did you start studying French? >>eng<< Не си ли нервна? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? >>eng<< Koja je šifra Wi-Fi-ja. What's the Wi-Fi password? What's the Wi-Fi code? >>eng<< Прекрасна бев. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. >>eng<< Том не отговори веднага. Tom didn't answer right away. Tom didn't answer right away. >>eng<< Поздрави Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. >>eng<< Treba mi još pet minuta. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. >>eng<< Том запали двигателя. Tom started the engine. Tom set the engine on fire. >>eng<< Не искам да продавам душата си. I don't want to sell my soul. I don't want to sell my soul. >>eng<< Tom riskira sve. Tom is going for broke. Tom's risking everything. >>eng<< Nedostaje mi. I miss him. I miss her. >>eng<< Праските се благи. Peaches are sweet. The peaches are nice. >>eng<< Полесно е да не завршиш во затвор отколку потоа да избегаш. It's easier to stay out of jail than to get out of jail. It's easier not to end up in prison than then to escape. >>eng<< Защо Том не е на училище? Why isn't Tom at school? Why isn't Tom at school? >>eng<< Желите ли да чујете истину о том догађају? Would you like to know the truth about this fact? Do you want to hear the truth about this event? >>eng<< Tom neće biti srećan kada čuje to. Tom isn't going to be happy to hear that. Tom won't be happy to hear that. >>eng<< Том је откључао врата. Tom unlocked the door. Tom unlocked the door. >>eng<< Nisam nimalo iznenađena. I'm not surprised one bit. I'm not the least bit surprised. >>eng<< Напълни го с обикновен, ако обичаш. Fill it with regular, please. Fill it with ordinary, if you like. >>eng<< Tom je ubedio Meri da pozove Džona na žurku. Tom persuaded Mary to invite John to the party. Tom convinced Mary to invite John to the party. >>eng<< Шта вам се највише допало успут? What did you like best on the trip? What do you like most about it along the way? >>eng<< Боб ми е приятел. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. >>eng<< Надявам се Джон да дойде. I hope that John comes. I hope John comes. >>eng<< Šećer se rastvara u toploj kafi. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. Sugar is dissolved in hot coffee. >>eng<< Том мораше да го прескокне утринското пливање, затоа што беше ладно времето. Tom had to forgo his morning swim, on account of it being too cold. Tom had to skip the morning swim, because it was cold weather. >>eng<< Само тоа ли прави Том? Is that all Tom does? Is that all Tom does? >>eng<< Znamo ju. We know him. We know her. >>eng<< Колко време ще отнеме? How long will it take? How long will it take? >>eng<< Он ради на баш лудим пројектима. He works on some really crazy projects. He works on crazy projects. >>eng<< Koga pokušavaš da prevariš? Who are you trying to kid? Who are you trying to fool? >>eng<< Назначиха Том за председател. They appointed Tom chairman. They appointed Tom as President. >>eng<< Имаше пожар в този град миналата нощ. Не можем да кажем точно кога започна. There was a fire in this city last night. We can't tell exactly what time it broke out. There was a fire in this town last night. >>eng<< Върхът на планината е покрит със сняг. The top of the mountain is covered in snow. The top of the mountain is covered with snow. >>eng<< I sad, kad se setim svega što sam iskusio, zaista sam naučio puno toga. And now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. And now that I remember everything I've experienced, I've really learned a lot. >>eng<< Трябва ми нов USB кабел. I need a new USB cable. I need a new USB cable. >>eng<< Мислиш ли да дойдеш с нас да пийнем по нещо после? Do you plan to join us for a drink afterwards? Are you going to come with us and have a drink later? >>eng<< Rád počúvam dobrú hudbu. I like listening to good music. Rád, I'm trying my best. >>eng<< Имам пролив. I have diarrhea. I have diarrhea. >>eng<< Тој и неговите сестри јадеа сладолед додека радиото беше пуштено. He and his sisters ate ice cream while the radio was on. He and his sisters ate ice cream while the radio was released. >>eng<< Pomozi mi. Help me. Help me. >>eng<< Чух те как се смееш. I heard you laughing. I heard you laughing. >>eng<< Nema besplatnog ručka. There's no free lunch. No free lunch. >>eng<< Штотуку си купив чамец. I just bought a boat. I just bought a boat. >>eng<< To nije prava stvar. It's not the real thing. That's not the right thing to do. >>eng<< Meri se vratila iz škole u suzama jer su je drugari zadirkivali. Mary came home from school in tears because her friends had teased her. Mary came back from school in tears because her friends teased her. >>eng<< Ще дойда с Том. I'll come with Tom. I'll come with Tom. >>eng<< Da li ti živiš tamo? Do you live there? Do you live there? >>eng<< Svečena večera se održala u Beloj kući. The official dinner took place at the White House. The dinner was held at the White House. >>eng<< Učím sa angličtinu v priemere dve hodiny denne. I study English two hours a day on an average. I'm studying with English for two walking dens. >>eng<< Изсмях се. I laughed. I laughed. >>eng<< Града е разположен в подножието на планината. This city lies at the base of a mountain. The city is located at the foot of the mountain. >>eng<< Не ме оставај да чекам! Don't make me wait! Don't let me wait! >>eng<< Како му оди на Том на работа? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom doing at work? >>eng<< Chceli sme sa len zabaviť. We just wanted to have fun. She's allowed to go with Len's party. >>eng<< Жао ми је, нисам запамтила твоје име. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm sorry, I didn't remember your name. >>eng<< Da li si ti muškarac ili žena? Are you a man or a woman? Are you a man or a woman? >>eng<< Ако утре времето е хубаво, ще играем бейзбол. If it is fine tomorrow, we will play baseball. If tomorrow's good weather, we'll play baseball. >>eng<< Susjedi na katu iznad mene su jako glasni. My upstairs neighbors are very noisy. The neighbors on the floor above me are very loud. >>eng<< Имам проблеми с немската граматика. I'm having a hard time with German grammar. I have problems with German grammar. >>eng<< Чудех се кога ще се върнеш. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. >>eng<< Ispod crteža, napisao je "Ugrabite viršle!". Under the cartoon, he wrote "Get your hot dogs!" Under the drawing, he wrote, "Take the hot dogs!" >>eng<< Ако може, овој викенд. If possible, this weekend. If possible, this weekend. >>eng<< Шта кажу новине? What do the papers say? What do the newspapers say? >>eng<< Vse kar si želim je, da utihneš. I just want you to shut up. All I want is for you to shut up. >>eng<< Увезуваме жито од САД. We import grain from the United States. We import grain from the United States. >>eng<< Нема кој друг. There's nobody else. There's no one else. >>eng<< Ni kod babe nema džabe. Nothing's free. There's no such thing as a grandmother. >>eng<< Том е кълбо нерви. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's a nerve ball. >>eng<< Nevystavujte to dažďu! Don't expose it to the rain. Don't put it on the line! >>eng<< Том е само обичен човек. Tom is just an ordinary man. Tom's just an ordinary man. >>eng<< On spava ko beba. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. >>eng<< Igra može biti odgođena do sljedećeg tjedna. The game may have been put off till next week. The game can be postponed until next week. >>eng<< Доста! Stop that! Enough! >>eng<< Не се ли радвате да ме видите? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you happy to see me? >>eng<< Том фати магла. Tom made a run for it. Tom caught the fog. >>eng<< Marija je pročitala celo uputstvo za rad od 321 strane u dahu. Maria read the entire operation manual of 321 pages without stopping. Mary read the full manual for work from 321 sides in her breath. >>eng<< Napísal včera list. He wrote a letter yesterday. Napisal yesterday's sheet. >>eng<< Motivisana sam. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. >>eng<< Кажу да је љубав слепа. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. >>eng<< Da teži da maksimizira sopstveni interes, sreću ili sigurnost izgleda veoma prirodno za jedno ljudsko biće. To strive for maximization of self interest, happiness or security seems very natural for a human being. To strive to maximize his own interest, happiness, or security seems very natural to a human being. >>eng<< Zasad sam video dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen a lot so far. >>eng<< Том не е дружељубив. Tom isn't friendly. Tom's not friendly. >>eng<< Каква беше забавата вчера? How was the party yesterday? What was the party yesterday? >>eng<< Том го крена носот. Tom was indignant. Tom raised his nose. >>eng<< Той се опита да не бие на очи. He tried to be less obtrusive. He tried not to beat his eyes. >>eng<< Ѝ дадов лажна адреса. I gave her a fake address. I gave you a false address. >>eng<< Завршили смо за данас. We're done for today. We're done for today. >>eng<< Pedeset obitelji živi u ovom malom selu. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this small village. >>eng<< Ta je veoma retka. That one is very rare. It's very rare. >>eng<< Функционират и двете. They both work. They both work. >>eng<< Би сакал ли бомбона со ментол? Would you like a mint? Would you like a mint with a mint? >>eng<< Изглежда пак са се захванали. It looks like they are at it again. Looks like they got caught up again. >>eng<< Воли да од комарца прави магарца. He loves to make a mountain out of a molehill. He likes to make a donkey out of a mosquito. >>eng<< Tom mi je rekao da je izgubio svesku. Tom told me that he had lost his textbook. Tom told me he lost his notebook. >>eng<< More je zeleno. The sea is green. The sea is green. >>eng<< Vedno. Always. Always. >>eng<< Да не си пушел? Have you been smoking? Did you smoke? >>eng<< Храната ни е на свършване. We're running short of food. Our food is at an end. >>eng<< И покрај нашите очекувања, не дојде до никакви оптужби. Unlike what we expected, the accusations were not made. Despite our expectations, no charges have been made. >>eng<< On želi da se otarasi bolnih sećanja. He wishes to erase bad memories. He wants to get rid of painful memories. >>eng<< Ова е одбивно. This is revolting. This is disgusting. >>eng<< U šta gledaš? What're you looking at? What are you looking at? >>eng<< Tom má spoločenskú povahu. Tom has an outgoing personality. Tom Má polochenskú pov. >>eng<< Любимият ми танц е танго. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. >>eng<< Ovo će naš posao učiniti mnogo lakšim. This will make our job much easier. This will make our work much easier. >>eng<< Никой човек не може да има двама господари. No man can serve two masters. No man can have two masters. >>eng<< Знам некои работи. I know a few things. I know some things. >>eng<< Moja staršia dcéra je Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. My parent dcéra is Magdalena Zaríbówna. >>eng<< Днес научих много испански думи и сега знам как да кажа "буза", "брадичка" и "коляно". Today I learned a lot of Spanish words and now I know how to say "cheek," "chin," and "knee." Today I have learned many Spanish words and now I know how to say "buza", "breast" and "knee". >>eng<< Том прие поканата да посети празненството на Мери. Tom accepted the invitation to attend Mary's party. Tom accepted the invitation to visit Mary's party. >>eng<< Способен си ама забушаваш. You're competent but you're slacking. You're capable, but you're kidding. >>eng<< Još nismo popili dovoljno. I haven't had enough to drink yet. We haven't had enough yet. >>eng<< Prihvatio bih. I'd accept. I'd take it. >>eng<< Kažu da je ljubav slepa. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. >>eng<< Том си замина на точак. Tom took off on his bike. Tom went on a wheel. >>eng<< Моето куче също гледа телевизия. My dog is also watching TV. My dog is also watching TV. >>eng<< Nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. The knife is not sharp. >>eng<< Не беше моя грешка. This wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. >>eng<< Зошто не можеш да ми помогнеш? Why can't you help me? Why can't you help me? >>eng<< Reci Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. >>eng<< Lekove uglavnom ne treba mešati sa alkoholom. Medication and alcohol often don't mix. Drugs should not be mixed with alcohol. >>eng<< Мисля, че може да имаш нужда от помощ. I think you might need some help. I think you might need some help. >>eng<< Počkám tu, kým príde. I wait here until she comes. I'm starting here, Kým Príd. >>eng<< Дан реши да патува по светот. Dan decided to travel the world. Dan decided to travel the world. >>eng<< Pogledajmo to ponovo. Let's watch that again. Let's look at it again. >>eng<< Заспах, докато четях книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep while reading a book. >>eng<< Jesu li već stigli? Have they arrived yet? Have they arrived yet? >>eng<< Том ја разгневи Мери. Tom made Mary angry. Tom pissed Mary off. >>eng<< Гледай как аз го правя. Watch how I do it. Watch me do it. >>eng<< Не вярвам в Бог. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. >>eng<< Ne želim meso. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. >>eng<< Da li bismo mogli da naručimo sad? Could we order now? Could we order now? >>eng<< Jesi li umešan u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? >>eng<< Не знам баш. I don't quite know. I don't know about that. >>eng<< Slnko v noci nesvítí. The sun doesn't shine at night. Slink on the night of nesvítí. >>eng<< Ja sam vegetarijanac. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. >>eng<< Он је слободни мислилац. He is a freethinker. He's a free thinker. >>eng<< През последните два месеца Том непрекъснато се мести от място на място. Tom has been living out of a suitcase for the past two months. In the last two months, Tom has been constantly moving from place to place. >>eng<< Дано това да помогне. I hope that helps. I hope that helps. >>eng<< Това беше просто тъпо. That was just plain stupid. That was just stupid. >>eng<< Том носи тиранти. Tom is wearing suspenders. Tom's wearing tyrants. >>eng<< Kako se zove taj restoran? What's the name of that restaurant? What's the name of this restaurant? >>eng<< Ей, гледай да не му се мяркаш днеска на шефа, че нещо яко го е разлютило. Hey, steer clear of the boss today, he seems really ticked off about something. Hey, make sure you don't take it out on your boss today that something really pissed him off. >>eng<< Znaš li šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? >>eng<< Ние карахме, като се сменяхме. We took turns driving. We were driving when we changed. >>eng<< Grešim li ja ikada? Am I ever wrong? Am I ever wrong? >>eng<< Už je toho dosť! Enough is enough! It's too cold! >>eng<< Da bi promenio crveno meso, skuvao sam ćureće grudi u sosu od pečuraka za večeras. For a bit of a change from red meat, for tonight I've cooked turkey breasts in mushroom sauce. To change red meat, I cooked turkey breasts in mushroom sauce for tonight. >>eng<< Одавно је нисам видео. I haven't seen her for ages. I haven't seen her in a while. >>eng<< Хайде да ходим на плаж. Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. >>eng<< Не говорете такива неща. Don't say things like that. Don't say such things. >>eng<< Ona je bila jedina koja me je razumela. She was the only one who understood me. She was the only one who understood me. >>eng<< Имаш ли медицинска застраховка? Do you have medical insurance? Do you have medical insurance? >>eng<< Ќе стигнеме. We'll make it. We'll make it. >>eng<< Možda Tom nije gladan. Tom might not be hungry. Maybe Tom's not hungry. >>eng<< Tom je mislio da sam slagao. Tom thought I was lying. Tom thought I was lying. >>eng<< Той самият така каза. He himself said so. He said so himself. >>eng<< Ja živim na ovom planetu. I live on this planet. I live on this planet. >>eng<< Да ли сте видели неког тамо? Did you see anybody there? Have you seen anyone there? >>eng<< Zašto si toliko paranoična? Why are you so paranoid? Why are you so paranoid? >>eng<< Smješak. Smile. Smile. >>eng<< Мораме да го пронајдеме. We've got to find him. We need to find him. >>eng<< Ponosan sam na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. >>eng<< Никој не сакаше да стане од маса. Nobody wanted to get up from the table. No one wanted to get out of the table. >>eng<< Веруј ми. Trust me. Trust me. >>eng<< Hej, opusti se. Hey, relax. Hey, relax. >>eng<< Tek je pet ujutru, a već je svetlo napolju. It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out. It's only 5:00 in the morning, and it's already light outside. >>eng<< Pisac knjige "Poslednji mohikanac", Džejms Fenimor Kuper je bio prvi borac za zaštitu prirode. The author of "The Last of the Mohicans", James Fenimore Cooper, was the first environmentalist. The author of The Last Mohican, James Fenimore Cooper, was the first fighter for nature conservation. >>eng<< Pauk me golica. The spider tickles me. The spider tickles me. >>eng<< Веќе не е онакво срамежливо момче какво што беше. He is no longer the shy boy he was. He's not the shy guy he used to be anymore. >>eng<< Добро си се снаоѓам. I manage just fine. I'm good at it. >>eng<< Том е със светла кожа. Tom has a light complexion. Tom's got bright skin. >>eng<< Sviđa li se Tomu ovde? Does Tom like it there? Does Tom like it here? >>eng<< Preveo sam pesmu najbolje što sam mogao. I translated the poem as well as I could. I translated the song as best I could. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще останеш доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. >>eng<< Мили яде хляб. Millie is eating bread. Honey's eating bread. >>eng<< Ima li Tom ikakvog iskustva? Does Tom have any experience? Does Tom have any experience? >>eng<< Родителите ти говорят ли френски? Do your parents speak French? Do your parents speak French? >>eng<< Da li si bio u nezgodi? Were you in an accident? Were you in an accident? >>eng<< Станете, ако обичате. Stand up, please. Stand up, please. >>eng<< Zar ne bi trebalo da se spremaš za školu? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? >>eng<< Неговите зборови звучат разумно. His words sound reasonable. His words sound reasonable. >>eng<< Tom je bio više nego spreman. Tom was more than ready. Tom was more than ready. >>eng<< Ja nisam napisao ovo. I wasn't the one who wrote this. I didn't write this. >>eng<< Не мислиш дека вреди, така? You don't think it's worth it, do you? You don't think it's worth it, do you? >>eng<< Нищо не виждам. I can't see anything. I can't see anything. >>eng<< Većina se plaši da postavi sebi veliki cilj iz straha da ga nikada neće dostići. Most people are afraid to set a high goal for fear of not achieving it. Most are afraid to set a great goal for themselves out of fear that they will never reach it. >>eng<< Ево њене слике. Here's a photo of her. Here's her picture. >>eng<< Da li misliš da mi je nešto promaklo? Do you think I missed something? Do you think I missed something? >>eng<< Станав адвокат за да им помагам на луѓето. I became a lawyer to help people. I became a lawyer to help people. >>eng<< Dođi ovde. Come here. Come here. >>eng<< Mayuko je izbjegavala težak posao. Mayuko avoided doing hard work. Mayuko avoided hard work. >>eng<< Някой от вашия офис говори ли френски? Does anyone in your office speak French? Does anyone in your office speak French? >>eng<< Od trenutka kada ga je video, srce mu je stalo. From the moment he saw him, his heart stopped. From the moment he saw him, his heart stopped. >>eng<< Луси обича да играе тенис. Lucy likes playing tennis. Lucy likes to play tennis. >>eng<< Napunio sam čašu. I filled the glass. I filled the glass. >>eng<< Tom je angažovao privatnog detektiva da prati Meri. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. >>eng<< Дали Том изгледа бесно? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? >>eng<< Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have fallen lately. >>eng<< Никој не појде со мене. Nobody went with me. No one comes with me. >>eng<< Не смееш да дозволиш тоа да се згоди. You can't let that happen. You can't let that happen. >>eng<< Chlapec prišiel domov. The boy has come home. Clapek sewed it home. >>eng<< Зашто то одмах ниси рекао? Why didn't you say that in the first place? Why didn't you just say that? >>eng<< Ima lijep cvijet, ali ne rađa plodove. Its flower is beautiful, but it bears no fruit. It has a beautiful flower, but it does not bear fruit. >>eng<< Липсвахте ми. I missed you. I missed you. >>eng<< Том тркна да својата кола. Tom ran to his car. Tom ran to his car. >>eng<< Ne smemo da stanemo ovde. We must not stop here. We can't stop here. >>eng<< Јеси ли вратио књигу у библиотеку? Did you take the book back to the library? Did you return the book to the library? >>eng<< Мразя съквартиранта си. I hate my roommate. I hate my roommate. >>eng<< Прекарахме си стрхотно вакнцията в Швеция. We had a fantastic holiday in Sweden. We had a great time in Sweden. >>eng<< Ha? Gde ostavih ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I leave my keys? >>eng<< Зарем не се радуваш што ме гледаш? Aren't you glad to see me? Aren't you glad to see me? >>eng<< "Gde da sednem?" "Bilo gde." "Where should I sit?" "Anywhere is OK." "Where should I sit?" "Whereever." >>eng<< Топло ми е. I'm warm. I'm warm. >>eng<< Казах ти какво трябва да направиш. I've told you what you must do. I told you what to do. >>eng<< Kdaj greste na poletne počitnice? When are you going on summer vacation? When are you going on a summer vacation? >>eng<< Днес работят все по-малко тинейджъри. Fewer teenagers are working nowadays. There are fewer and fewer teenagers working today. >>eng<< Никога няма да те нараня. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. >>eng<< Tom je ostal miren. Tom remained calm. Tom stayed calm. >>eng<< Аз съм по-умна от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. >>eng<< Аз мисля, че си луда. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. >>eng<< To su ohrabrujuće vesti. That's encouraging news. That's encouraging news. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da ćeš dobro da prođeš. I'm sure you'll do well. I'm sure you'll be fine. >>eng<< Pacijent je izdahnuo. The patient breathed his last. The patient breathed out. >>eng<< To treba vežbati. It needs exercise. It needs to be practiced. >>eng<< Маштала је да постане медицинска сестра. She dreamed of becoming a nurse. She dreamed of becoming a nurse. >>eng<< Hajde da ne budemo emotivni. Let's not get emotional. Let's not be emotional. >>eng<< Engleski je pun romanskih riječi. English is full of Romance words. English is full of Romance words. >>eng<< Prozor je od stakla. The window is made of glass. The window is made of glass. >>eng<< Той обича влаковете. He loves trains. He loves trains. >>eng<< Majka mi je umrla istog dana kada sam se oženio. My mother died the same day I got married. My mother died the day I married her. >>eng<< През зимата стават много пожари. There are a lot of fires in the winter. There are a lot of fires in the winter. >>eng<< Сите имаме своја цена. We all have a price. We all have our own price. >>eng<< Те повече няма да те притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. >>eng<< Preuzeo sam svoj prtljag. I claimed my baggage. I took over my luggage. >>eng<< Nezabudnite na nás. Don't forget us. Don't wake up to us. >>eng<< Еве ми го албумот. Here's my album. Here's my album. >>eng<< Ти си съгласен с Том, нали? You agree with Tom, don't you? You agree with Tom, right? >>eng<< Kako bi ti to preveo? How would you translate it? How would you translate that? >>eng<< Nemoj da vičeš. Don't scream. Don't yell. >>eng<< Пингвинов е многу сладок. This penguin is really cute. Penguin is very sweet. >>eng<< У башти има свакакве врсте цвећа. There are all kinds of flowers in that garden. There are all kinds of flowers in the garden. >>eng<< Можеби наскоро ќе бидам спремен да тргнам. I might be ready to go soon. Maybe I'll be ready to go soon. >>eng<< Znam koliko i ti. Your guess is as good as mine. I know as much as you do. >>eng<< Не мислиме така. We don't think so. We don't think so. >>eng<< Ние сме сродни души. We're soul mates. We are soul mates. >>eng<< Данас имам главобољу. I have a headache today. I have a headache today. >>eng<< Изключи телевизора. Turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. >>eng<< Je to mäkké. That's soft. It's mäkké. >>eng<< Той има добро чувство за хумор. He has a good sense of humor. He has a good sense of humor. >>eng<< Nisu moje. They aren't mine. They're not mine. >>eng<< Lav je kralj džungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. >>eng<< Морам да одам да им помогнам. I have to go help them. I have to go help them. >>eng<< Том сакаше Мери да му купи роденденски подарок на Џон. Tom wanted Mary to buy John a birthday present. Tom wanted Mary to buy John a birthday present. >>eng<< То није оно што покушавам да кажем. That isn't what I'm trying to say. That's not what I'm trying to say. >>eng<< A ko si ti? And just who might you be? And who are you? >>eng<< Кој ти дал дозвола да го направиш тоа? Who gave you permission to do that? Who gave you permission to do that? >>eng<< Трябва да видя Том. I have to see Tom. I need to see Tom. >>eng<< Hoćeš li mi pomoći? Are you going to help me? Will you help me? >>eng<< Postavio sam mu mnogo pitanja o ekologiji. I asked him many questions about ecology. I asked him a lot of questions about ecology. >>eng<< SAD su bacile atomsku bombu na Hirošimu 1945. The USA dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. >>eng<< Стари пријатели сме. We're old friends. We're old friends. >>eng<< Кен играе футбол всеки ден. Ken plays soccer every day. Ken plays football every day. >>eng<< Обичаш ли мексиканска храна? Do you like Mexican food? Do you like Mexican food? >>eng<< Poranila sam. I'm early. I'm early. >>eng<< Нося важни новини. I have some important news. I have important news. >>eng<< Чух те да пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. >>eng<< Тетка му е сосем сама во Лондон. His aunt is all alone in London. His aunt is all alone in London. >>eng<< Навистина е гадно. It's really gross. It's really bad. >>eng<< Мисля, че това, което Том направи, беше много глупаво. I think what Tom did was very stupid. I think what Tom did was very stupid. >>eng<< Živećemo kao kraljevi. We'll live like kings. We'll live like kings. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще откриеш, че вината е на Том. I think you'll find it's Tom's fault. I think you'll find it Tom's fault. >>eng<< Опет буљиш у ТВ уместо да радиш домаћи! You're watching the idiot box again instead of doing your homework! You're looking at TV again instead of doing homework! >>eng<< Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin is Austrian. >>eng<< Климнуо сам једном. I nodded once. I nodded once. >>eng<< Ona je premijerka Finske. She is the Prime Minister of Finland. She's the Prime Minister of Finland. >>eng<< По-добре да се връщам вкъщи. I'd better get back home. I'd better get home. >>eng<< Где ви живите? Where do you live? Where do you live? >>eng<< Джайънтс играят ли довечера? Are the Giants playing tonight? Are the Giants playing tonight? >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да разберем защо Том не беше тук вчера. I think we need to find out why Tom wasn't here yesterday. I think we need to understand why Tom wasn't here yesterday. >>eng<< Oni su evakuisani u Američku poljsku bolnicu. They have been evacuated to an American field hospital. They were evacuated to the American Polish Hospital. >>eng<< Nadam se da će se Tom vratiti bezbedno. I hope Tom gets back safely. I hope Tom gets back safe. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е прекрасен. I think Tom is great. I think Tom's beautiful. >>eng<< Nepoznám vlajku tejto krajiny. I don't know this country's flag. I don't know my uncle tatto krajiny. >>eng<< Си ја исчаши клучната коска додека играше. He dislocated his collarbone while playing. He cut off his key bone while he was playing. >>eng<< Nebola to moja vina. It wasn't my fault. It doesn't hurt my wine. >>eng<< Kartu, molim. Ticket, please. Ticket, please. >>eng<< Одбери си омилена палка. Pick your favorite bat. Pick your favorite stick. >>eng<< Kad možeš doći? What time can you come? When can you get here? >>eng<< Mer je pružala veliku podršku. Mary was very supportive. Mary was very supportive. >>eng<< Не буди дрзак са мном! Don't be fresh with me. Don't be rude to me! >>eng<< Som rád, že som tu nebol. I'm glad I wasn't here. I'm rád, I'm already out here. >>eng<< Ko ne može biti ponosan što je Srbin, sa njihovim istorijskim najvišljim dostignućima - pokoljem poglavara i genocidima? Who can't be proud of being Serbian, part of a group whose greatest historical achievements have been slaughtering authority figures and genocides? Who can not be proud of being a Serb, with their historical highest achievements - the slaughter of leaders and genocides? >>eng<< Samo treba da vežbaš. It just takes practice. All you have to do is practice. >>eng<< Toma je spasila Meri. Tom was rescued by Mary. Tom saved Mary. >>eng<< Nisam dovoljno mlad da bih sve znao. I am not young enough to know everything. I'm not young enough to know everything. >>eng<< Иска ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. >>eng<< Pogrešno si napisao moje ime. You've misspelled my name. You spelled my name wrong. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том направи голяма грешка. I think Tom made a big mistake. I think Tom made a big mistake. >>eng<< Добар си одбрал. You picked a nice one. You made a good choice. >>eng<< Том си изплю дъвката. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spits out the gum. >>eng<< Već smo odlučili da ne uradimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to do that. >>eng<< Šta čitaš? What are you reading? What are you reading? >>eng<< Otvorite. Open up. Open it. >>eng<< Изгледаш многу згодно, Том. You look very handsome, Tom. You look very handsome, Tom. >>eng<< Той е известен като велик поет. He is known as a great poet. He is known as a great poet. >>eng<< Učinio sam prvi korak. I took the first step. I took the first step. >>eng<< Ти ми рече да се јавам кога било. You said to call anytime. You told me to call anytime. >>eng<< Tiber je rieka v Taliansku. The Tiber is a river in Italy. Tiber is a river in Italian. >>eng<< Ще стигнем там до час. We'll arrive there within an hour. We'll be there in an hour. >>eng<< Мисля, че сте наистина удивителна. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. >>eng<< Sami nam je jedina nada. Sami is our only hope. It's our only hope. >>eng<< Се чувствуваш ли виновно? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? >>eng<< Не добавяйте изречения от източници със запазени авторски права. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add sentences from copyrighted sources. >>eng<< Tom zna da kuca veoma brzo. Tom can type very fast. Tom knows he's knocking very fast. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си дека не си заборавил нешто? Are you sure you didn't forget anything? Are you sure you haven't forgotten something? >>eng<< Порано те чував. I used to babysit you. I used to watch over you. >>eng<< Jesi li video moje kuče? Have you seen my dog? Have you seen my dogs? >>eng<< Познавате ли г-н Браун? Do you know Mr. Brown? Do you know Mr. Brown? >>eng<< Сакав да ти кажам првин тебе. I wanted to tell you first. I wanted to tell you first. >>eng<< Легни на дясната си страна. Lie on your right side. Get on your right side. >>eng<< Том не знае да прифати пораз. Tom is a sore loser. Tom can't accept defeat. >>eng<< Дойде ми идея. An idea came to me. I had an idea. >>eng<< То је ново. It is new. That's new. >>eng<< Sinoć mi je rekla sve. Last night, she told me everything. She told me everything last night. >>eng<< Tom želi da zna da li planiraš da dođeš na njegovu žurku. Tom wants to know if you're planning to come to his party. Tom wants to know if you're planning on coming to his party. >>eng<< Климатикът не работи. The air conditioner doesn't work. The climate doesn't work. >>eng<< Обичам да говоря на френски. I like speaking in French. I like to speak French. >>eng<< Oslo je prosto jedinstveno. Oslo is just unique. The wasp is simply unique. >>eng<< Dođi! Come! Come on! >>eng<< Tom je u skladištu. Tom is in the warehouse. Tom's in the storage unit. >>eng<< Аз имам чудесни новини. I have wonderful news. I have great news. >>eng<< Дођи. Желим нешто да ти покажем. Come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you something. >>eng<< Ahoj všetci! Hello, world! Ahoy's ass! >>eng<< Имаше очевидци. There were witnesses. There were eyewitnesses. >>eng<< Nemoj da govoriš. Don't talk. Don't talk. >>eng<< Zadovoljan se smijao. Satisfied, he smiled. He laughed happy. >>eng<< Pusti Toma da se zabavi. Let Tom have some fun. Let Tom have fun. >>eng<< Дај ѝ малку приватност. Give her some privacy. Give her some privacy. >>eng<< Златни кључ све отвара. A golden key opens all doors. The golden key opens everything. >>eng<< Отворен сум кон сѐ. I'm open to anything. I am open to everything. >>eng<< Мисля, че сгрешихте. I think you were wrong. I think you've made a mistake. >>eng<< Fascinantno je koliko rečenica možeš da napraviš sa pet reči. It's fascinating how many sentences you can create with five words. It's fascinating how many sentences you can make with five words. >>eng<< Sve će biti u redu na kraju. Ako nije u redu, onda nije ni kraj. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. >>eng<< Bol som na hore. I was on the mountain. I'm sore at choirs. >>eng<< Понеделник е првиот ден, вторник вториот, и така натаму. Monday is the first day, Tuesday is the second day, and so on. Monday is the first day, Tuesday the second, and so on. >>eng<< Kdo je že buden? Who is already awake? Who's awake already? >>eng<< Немаше што да пијам. There was nothing for me to drink. I had nothing to drink. >>eng<< Го обожавам ритамот на погребните маршеви. I love the rhythm of funeral marches. I love the rhythm of the funeral marches. >>eng<< Njegov način govorenja mi dosađuje. His way of speaking annoys me. His way of talking bores me. >>eng<< Том не ми е братучед. Tom isn't my cousin. Tom's not my cousin. >>eng<< Ќе тргнам за Бостон утре. I'll drive to Boston tomorrow. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. >>eng<< Напълно прав си. You are quite right. You're absolutely right. >>eng<< Njegovo je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? >>eng<< Стани. Hold on. Stop. >>eng<< Кен ме вика всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. >>eng<< Nikada nećemo da se tamo vratimo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. >>eng<< Том живее сам в голяма къща. Tom lives in a large house by himself. Tom lives alone in a big house. >>eng<< Išiel som do nemocnice. I went to the hospital. I sewed some som to the powerlessness. >>eng<< Изглежда всичките момичета са влюбени в Том. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. Looks like all the girls are in love with Tom. >>eng<< Си ги рекламираме производите на телевизија. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. >>eng<< Јеси ли икада пробала? Have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried it? >>eng<< Заврти се. Turn around. Turn around. >>eng<< Звучи на Том. It sounds like Tom. Sounds like Tom. >>eng<< Том посъветва Мери как да учи френски ефективно. Tom gave Mary advice on effective ways to study French. Tom advises Mary how to learn French effectively. >>eng<< Многу би било нормално да му се лутиш на Том. It would be very normal for you to be angry with Tom. It would be very normal to be angry with Tom. >>eng<< Том как смята да се справи с проблема? How does Tom plan to cope with the problem? How does Tom deal with the problem? >>eng<< Еден од нив ми се обрати. One of them spoke to me. One of them came to me. >>eng<< Magdalena i Ania su dobre prijateljice. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdalene and Annie are good friends. >>eng<< Da li obično delujem srećno? Do I usually seem happy? Do I usually look happy? >>eng<< Тръгнахме на пътешествие пълни с надежда. We set out on our journey full of hope. We went on a journey full of hope. >>eng<< Ne mogu da zaboravim to. I can't forget that. I can't forget that. >>eng<< Ќе помогнеш ли? Will you lend a hand? Will you help? >>eng<< То је чисти ескапизам. It's pure escapism. This is pure escapism. >>eng<< Търсите ли нещо? Are you looking for something? Looking for something? >>eng<< Од исте смо сорте. We are cut from the same cloth. We're from the same variety. >>eng<< Зашто тако мислите? Why do you think so? Why do you think that? >>eng<< Какав је осећај? What does it feel like? How does it feel? >>eng<< Hodila sta po plaži, držeč se za roke. They walked down the beach, holding hands. They were walking around the beach holding hands. >>eng<< Oboje nismo bogati koliko bismo želeli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're not as rich as we'd like to be. >>eng<< Ako to Tom prežil? How did Tom survive that? If Tom survived it? >>eng<< Jedno od vas dvoje je u krivu. Either you or he is wrong. One of you is wrong. >>eng<< Често прекарвам свободното си време слушайки музика. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my free time listening to music. >>eng<< Никога не съм виждал дъга. I've never seen a rainbow. I've never seen a rainbow. >>eng<< Тя изпра блузата набързо. She gave the blouse a quick wash. She washed the blouse quickly. >>eng<< Šta? Još ne znaš da voziš? What? You still don't know how to drive a car? You still don't know how to drive? >>eng<< Том заостана. Tom remained behind. Tom's behind. >>eng<< Tom te je prevario. Tom has tricked you. Tom cheated on you. >>eng<< Хайде да обядваме. Let's eat lunch. Let's have lunch. >>eng<< On uvek nosi tamnu odeću. He always wears dark clothes. He always wears dark clothes. >>eng<< "Hoćeš li razmisliti?" "Da, hoću." "Will you think about it?" "Yes, I will." "Will you think about it?" "Yes, I will." >>eng<< Књиге имају своју судбину. Books have a fate of their own. Books have their own destiny. >>eng<< Драго ми е што си на безбедно. I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad you're safe. >>eng<< Plašila sam se da pitam jer nisam htela da izgledam glupo. I was scared to ask questions because I didn't want to look stupid. I was afraid to ask because I didn't want to look stupid. >>eng<< Jesi li se potpuno oporavila? Are you fully recovered? Are you fully recovered? >>eng<< Da li planiraš da odeš na Tomovo i Merino venčanje? Are you planning to be at Tom and Mary's wedding? Are you planning on going to Tom's and Mary's wedding? >>eng<< Koľko vankúšov využívate pri spánku? How many pillows do you use when sleeping? Do you keep your skin close to the spánka? >>eng<< Той идва тук два пъти седмично. He comes here twice a week. He comes here twice a week. >>eng<< Potcenjujete me. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. >>eng<< Aj Tom šiel do Bostonu. Tom went to Boston, too. Ay Tom Shiel to Boston. >>eng<< Čekam autobus. I'm waiting for the bus. I'm waiting for the bus. >>eng<< Позволи ми да ти помогна. Let me help you out. Let me help you. >>eng<< Останах с впечатлението, че ти също не повярва на Том. I got the impression you didn't believe Tom either. I felt like you didn't trust Tom either. >>eng<< Odakle si? Where are you from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Бездомна ли си? Are you homeless? Are you homeless? >>eng<< Поздравяваше винаги с поклон. He always bowed when he greeted someone. He always greeted me with a gift. >>eng<< Mrzimo Toma. We hate Tom. We hate Tom. >>eng<< Jeste li spremni? Are you about ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Rekao sam ti da je Tom zauzet. I told you Tom was busy. I told you Tom was busy. >>eng<< Трябва да има нещо друго за ядене. There must be something else to eat. There must be something else to eat. >>eng<< Koliko si ostao? How long did you stay? How long have you been here? >>eng<< Разказах на Том всичко за Мери. I've told Tom all about Mary. I told Tom everything about Mary. >>eng<< Защо не си свалите палтото? Why not take your coat off? Why don't you take your coat off? >>eng<< За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за вас. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be a pleasure to sing for you. >>eng<< Сѐ уште не е пролет. It's not spring yet. It's not spring yet. >>eng<< Не добив одговор од нив. I never got an answer from them. I didn't get an answer from them. >>eng<< В Лондон всичко е скъпо. Everything is expensive in London. Everything is expensive in London. >>eng<< Ovo je najgluplja stvar koju sam ikada izgovorio. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the dumbest thing I've ever said. >>eng<< Ja sam u banci. I'm at the bank. I'm at the bank. >>eng<< Седиш ми на мястото. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. >>eng<< Том сака да пишува. Tom likes writing. Tom wants to write. >>eng<< Koliko si puta bio ovde? How many times have you been there? How many times have you been here? >>eng<< Фала ти за сѐ што направи за нас. Thank you for all you've done for us. Thank you for everything you've done for us. >>eng<< Nech väčšinu práce odvedú stroje. Let the technology do most of the work. Nech väčina práce take away the machines. >>eng<< Можеби сме роднини. Maybe we're related. Maybe we're related. >>eng<< Postalo je mračno. It's become dark. It's getting dark. >>eng<< Состаноците се одржуваа на интервали. The meetings were held at intervals. Meetings were held at intervals. >>eng<< Нема да те следам. I won't follow you. I'm not following you. >>eng<< Том се стреми кон тоа да стане учител. Tom aspires to be a teacher. Tom strives to become a teacher. >>eng<< Kada je Markus stigao, spavala sam. When Marcus arrived, I was sleeping. When Marcus arrived, I was asleep. >>eng<< Трябва да говоря с тебе за Том. I have to talk to you about Tom. I need to talk to you about Tom. >>eng<< Кој го скршил? Who broke it? Who broke it? >>eng<< Морам итно да го видам Том. It's urgent that I see Tom. I need to see Tom urgently. >>eng<< Не буди безобразан према мени! Don't be fresh with me. Don't be rude to me! >>eng<< Ne znam hoću li imati vremena. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I'll have time. >>eng<< У коју си школу ишао? What school did you go to? What school did you go to? >>eng<< Се обиде ли да разговараш со Том? Did you try to talk to Tom? Have you tried talking to Tom? >>eng<< Već sam plaćen. I've already been paid. I'm already paid. >>eng<< Koji kurac? What the fuck? What the fuck? >>eng<< Имаш ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? >>eng<< Ja sam prevoditelj. I am a translator. I'm a translator. >>eng<< Чувај се! Take care! Take care! >>eng<< Ни даде сомнителен одговор. She gave us a dubious answer. He gave us a suspicious answer. >>eng<< Danas je hladno. It's cold today. It's cold today. >>eng<< Знаеш ли дали Том може да говори френски? Do you know whether Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French? >>eng<< Hajde da prodiskutujemo tvoju ideju. Let's discuss your idea. Let's discuss your idea. >>eng<< Био је голих прса и босоног. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was a naked chest and a boson. >>eng<< Nadam se da ću naći Toma. I'm hoping to find Tom. I hope I can find Tom. >>eng<< Pravio sam se da ne znam Toma. I pretended that I didn't know Tom. I pretended I didn't know Tom. >>eng<< Значи Отец е Бог, Синът Му е Бог и Светият Дух е Бог. И въпреки това те не са трима богове, а един Бог. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not Three Gods, but One God. So the Father is God, His Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet they are not three gods, but one God. >>eng<< Дан пушеша марихуана со Линда. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. >>eng<< Когато Том се събуди, откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he found out that Mary had disappeared. >>eng<< Бях в планината. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. >>eng<< Делфинът е бозайник. A dolphin is a mammal. The dolphin is a mammals. >>eng<< Kupio sam ti ih. I bought them for you. I bought them for you. >>eng<< Том ѝ бил првиот учител на Мери. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Tom was Mary's first teacher. >>eng<< Zastavili vlaky kvôli hustému lejaku. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. They set up a train to square the Hustém's layman. >>eng<< To govori mnogo o tebi. That says a lot about you. That says a lot about you. >>eng<< Veoma si bled. Jesi li dobro? You look really pale. Are you all right? You're very pale. >>eng<< Ќе донесам мраз. I'll get some ice. I'll get some ice. >>eng<< Tom više nije član ovog kluba. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. >>eng<< Tom je najmlađi. Tom is the youngest. Tom's the youngest. >>eng<< Možeš izbeći mnogo problema ako samo uradiš kako valja već iz prvog puta. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by just doing it right the first time. You can avoid a lot of trouble if you just do the right thing from the first time. >>eng<< Дали некој го удри Том? Did somebody hit Tom? Did anyone hit Tom? >>eng<< Трябва да стигна до болницата. I have to get to the hospital. I need to get to the hospital. >>eng<< На Том му пукна филмот. Tom lost his temper. Tom broke the movie. >>eng<< Зошто не одиш по него? Why aren't you going after him? Why don't you go after him? >>eng<< Трябва да се размърдам. I have to get moving. I have to move. >>eng<< Sami je bio Lejlin plesni partner. Sami was Layla's dance partner. Sami was Laila's dance partner. >>eng<< Da li sam te zvala? Did I invite you? Did I call you? >>eng<< Продавачот го измами. He was taken in by the salesman. The seller cheated on him. >>eng<< Prosím ťa, zapísaj, čo hovorí. Please write down what he says. I'm begging you, shut up, man. >>eng<< On je Francuz. He is French. He's French. >>eng<< Poranio sam. I'm early. I'm early. >>eng<< Желиш ли да учиш нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you want to study? Do you want to learn something specific? >>eng<< Той напредва. He's making progress. He's making progress. >>eng<< Не вярвам в съвпаденията. I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe in coincidences. >>eng<< Вдигни ръка преди да отговориш. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hand before you answer. >>eng<< Се надевам дека Том ќе најде среќа во животот. I hope Tom finds happiness in his life. I hope Tom finds happiness in life. >>eng<< Том ти е учител. Tom is your teacher. Tom's your teacher. >>eng<< Био сам хладан као шприцер. I was as cool as a cucumber. I was cold as a syringe. >>eng<< Како то могу да кажем на твом језику? How can I say that in your language? How can I say that in your language? >>eng<< Не се враќам. I'm not going back. I'm not coming back. >>eng<< Колите ги заменија кочиите. Automobiles replaced carriages. The cars replaced the cars. >>eng<< Ово је реченица. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. >>eng<< Татко ми ме носеше тука кога бев млад. My father used to take me here when I was young­. My father carried me here when I was young. >>eng<< Bio je golih prsa i bos. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was naked chest and boss. >>eng<< Postalo je jasno, kakšen je življenski stil osumljenca Miure v zaporu. It has become clear what murder-suspect Miura's jail lifestyle is like. It became clear what the lifestyle of the suspect Miura is in prison. >>eng<< Drago mi je da ste odgovorili. I'm glad you replied. Well, I'm glad you answered. >>eng<< Би сакал да ти бидам дечко. I'd like to be your boyfriend. I'd like to be your boyfriend. >>eng<< Ти също може да дойдеш. You may also come. You can come too. >>eng<< Не ви ли е любопитно? Aren't you curious? Aren't you curious? >>eng<< Том излъга Мери, когато каза, че не познава Джон. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. >>eng<< Razmisli o smrti. Think about death. Think about death. >>eng<< Забравих ти номера. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. >>eng<< Сонцето и ноќе сјае. The sun shines also at night. The sun shines at night. >>eng<< Не благодаря, просто разглеждам. No, thank you. I'm just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. >>eng<< Риђокосе ме излуђују! Redheads drive me crazy! Redheads drive me crazy! >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да разберем на кого Том планира да даде това. I think we need to find out who Tom plans to give that to. I think we need to figure out who Tom's planning to give this to. >>eng<< Многу ми се допаѓате. I like you very much. I like you very much. >>eng<< Изчисти огледалото. Clean the mirror. Clear the mirror. >>eng<< Kog brata si video? Which brother did you see? What brother did you see? >>eng<< Jesi li napisao izveštaj? Have you written your report? Did you write the report? >>eng<< Том се одмора. Tom is having a rest. Tom's resting. >>eng<< Татко ми е дома. My father is home. My dad's home. >>eng<< To si lepo skapirao. You've got that right. That's what you figured out. >>eng<< Izgleda dobro za svoje godine. He looks good for his age. He looks good for his age. >>eng<< Добре, да тръгваме. Okay, let's go. All right, let's go. >>eng<< Devojke su nosile suknje od trave i imale su cveće oko vrata. The girls wore grass skirts and had flowers around their necks. The girls wore weed skirts and had flowers around their necks. >>eng<< Сѐ е минливо, но убавите спомени остануваат. Everything is perishable, but the good memories live. Everything is temporary, but beautiful memories remain. >>eng<< Tom je napravio svoju zadaću u kuhinji. Tom did his homework in the kitchen. Tom did his homework in the kitchen. >>eng<< Tom zna da je gotovo. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's over. >>eng<< I to je bilo samo uz velike muke. And it was only with great difficulty. And it was only with great pain. >>eng<< Zvjezde su svjetlucale na nebu. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars flashed in the sky. >>eng<< Dopala nam se hrana, naročito riba. We liked the food, especially the fish. We liked the food, especially the fish. >>eng<< Tom se nekada plašio pasa. Tom used to be scared of dogs. Tom used to be afraid of dogs. >>eng<< Не би сакал да зборувам за неа. I'd rather not discuss her. I wouldn't want to talk about her. >>eng<< Sve je drugačije. Everything's different. Everything is different. >>eng<< Tom dolazi ovde tri ili četiri puta mesečno. Tom comes here three or four times a month. Tom comes here three or four times a month. >>eng<< Nemoj da preteruješ. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. >>eng<< Prizadeti ljudje prizadenejo ljudi. Hurt people hurt people. Injuries affect people. >>eng<< Čvrsto sam protiv kompromisa. I'm strongly opposed to a compromise. I am firmly against compromise. >>eng<< Кой е собственика на тази кола? Who is the owner of this car? Who owns this car? >>eng<< Што ти требаше? What did you need? What did you need? >>eng<< Razočarao si me. You disappointed me. You disappoint me. >>eng<< По дяволите! Darn! Damn it! >>eng<< Nijedna polemika nije zauvek završena. Uvek će ponovo isplivati na površinu. No controversy is ever over for good. It will always resurface at some point. No controversy is ever over, it'll always come out to the surface again. >>eng<< Какъв е смисълът да се идва навреме, ако всички останали закъсняват? What's the point of showing up on time if everyone else shows up late? What is the point of coming in time if everyone else is late? >>eng<< Videla sam Toma kako igra puno puta. I've seen Tom dance many times. I've seen Tom play a lot of games. >>eng<< Dao sam im malo hrane. I gave them some food. I gave them some food. >>eng<< Секогаш се перчи со своето познавање од англискиот. He always parades his knowledge of English. He is always confused with his knowledge of English. >>eng<< Честно казано, той греши. Frankly speaking, he's wrong. Honestly, he's wrong. >>eng<< On će doći uskoro. It will not be long before he comes. He'll be here soon. >>eng<< Prelepa plavuša sunčala se na plaži. The beautiful blonde was sunbathing on the beach. A beautiful blonde sunbathed on the beach. >>eng<< Libuša žije v Poznani. Libusza lives in Poznań. Libusha is jeopardizing in Poznana. >>eng<< О, много лошо! Oh! That's too bad. Oh, very bad! >>eng<< Čvrsto sam protiv ovoga. I'm firmly opposed to this. I'm firmly against this. >>eng<< Той ми даде властта да ги уволня. He gave me authority to fire them. He gave me the power to fire them. >>eng<< Го посматрав Том. I was watching Tom. I've been watching Tom. >>eng<< Новото колело ми струва 50 000 йени. The new bicycle cost me as much as 50,000 yen. My new bike costs me 50,000 yen. >>eng<< Том је најбољи ученик у разреду. Tom is the best student in our class. Tom is the best student in the class. >>eng<< Какви езици се говорят в Америка? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? >>eng<< Reci im da dolazimo. Tell them we're coming. Tell them we're coming. >>eng<< Vrijeme je da odeš spavati. It is time for you to go to bed. It's time for you to go to sleep. >>eng<< Тоа не е грешка. It's not a mistake. It's not a mistake. >>eng<< Njezin je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? >>eng<< Molim te, pošalji mi tvoju sliku. Please send me your picture. Please send me your picture. >>eng<< Tom piše veoma dobro. Tom writes very well. Tom writes very well. >>eng<< Idi da potražiš Toma. Go and look for Tom. Go look for Tom. >>eng<< Da li smo svi ovde? Are we all here? Are we all here? >>eng<< Hneď by ste to mali urobiť. You should do that immediately. You're a little infatuated. >>eng<< Želim ti prijatan dan, Tome. Have a nice day, Tom. Have a good day, Tom. >>eng<< Тя се опита да плува. She tried to swim. She tried to swim. >>eng<< Често ли плива Том? Does Tom swim often? Does Tom swim often? >>eng<< Не разбирам. I don't understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< Изчезвайте. Get lost. Get out of here. >>eng<< Šta je veće, Sunce ili Zemlja? Which is larger, the sun or the earth? What's bigger, the sun or the earth? >>eng<< Аз ще ти разхождам кучето, ако искаш. I'll walk your dog for you if you like. I'll walk your dog if you want. >>eng<< Што да купам? What should I buy? What should I buy? >>eng<< Nefajči! Don't smoke. Nephews! >>eng<< Том е нов во градов и му треба работа. Tom's new in town and needs a job. Tom's new to this town, and he needs a job. >>eng<< Tista ura je zelo lepa. That watch is very cool. That watch is very beautiful. >>eng<< Морам да го натерам да помогне. I've got to get him to help. I have to get him to help. >>eng<< Veľa ľudí sa cíti tak, ako ty. A lot of people feel the same way you do. I'll talk to you like that, if that's what you're saying. >>eng<< Zaboravite ga. Forget him. Forget about him. >>eng<< Радиото не работи. The radio doesn't work. The radio doesn't work. >>eng<< Том вели дека не знае ништо за Бостон. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. >>eng<< Зошто да се секирам за нив? Why should I worry about them? Why should I worry about them? >>eng<< Том ќе ме убие кога ќе дознае што сум сторил. Tom's going to kill me when he finds out what I did. Tom's gonna kill me when he finds out what I did. >>eng<< Naozaj si ma milovala? Did you truly love me? Did you caress yourself? >>eng<< Budi pažljiv: mi pišemo narodnosti, dane u tjednu i jezike velikim slovom u engleskome. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Be careful: we write nationalities, days in a week, and languages in English. >>eng<< Никой не дойде освен Мери. No one came except Mary. No one came except Mary. >>eng<< Што те доведе тука? What brought you here? What brought you here? >>eng<< Да речеме сега засега дека си во право. Let's say for the moment that you're right. Let's just say for now that you're right. >>eng<< Mary je primijetila da jedna od Tomovih stolica nedostaje. Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing. Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing. >>eng<< Tom je nepodoban. Tom is a misfit. Tom's uncomfortable. >>eng<< Još se nismo upoznali. We haven't met yet. We haven't met yet. >>eng<< Tom nikad ne bi priznao to. Tom would never admit that. Tom would never admit it. >>eng<< По-добре е да даваш, отколкото да взимаш. It is better to give than to take. It's better to give than to take. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том се крие от Мери. I think Tom is hiding from Mary. I think Tom's hiding from Mary. >>eng<< Tom je bio više nego darežljiv. Tom has been most than generous. Tom was more than generous. >>eng<< Stvarno? Really? Oh, really? >>eng<< Je li Tom poludio? Has Tom gone insane? Has Tom gone mad? >>eng<< Имаат семејства. They have families. They have families. >>eng<< FIFA se sastoji od 209 udruženja. FIFA is composed of 209 member associations. FIFA consists of 209 associations. >>eng<< Konja bih mogao da pojeden. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. >>eng<< Šta će mi ovo kupiti? What will this buy me? What's this gonna buy me? >>eng<< Da li si odlučila šta ćeš da radiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're gonna do? >>eng<< Свършихме чая. We've run out of tea. We're done with the tea. >>eng<< Когато детето искаше последната версия на софтуера за PlayStation,то се държеше като разглезено дете. When the kid wanted the latest PlayStation software, he acted like a spoiled child. When the child wanted the latest version of the PlayStation software, he was acting like a spoiled child. >>eng<< Закопчай си палтото. Button up your overcoat. Fasten your coat. >>eng<< Ја мразам исто колку и ти. I hate her as much as you do. I hate her just as much as you do. >>eng<< Pogrešam Michaela Jackosna I miss Michael Jackson. I miss Michael Jackosno >>eng<< Tom će da se oporavi. Tom'll recover. Tom's going to recover. >>eng<< Nemoj piti vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. >>eng<< Имаме ли некаква храна? Do we have any food? Do we have any food? >>eng<< Kakšne barve je ta riba? What colour is this fish? What color is this fish? >>eng<< Избери си любимата ракета. Choose your favorite racket. Choose your favorite rocket. >>eng<< Тя получи билета без да дава нищо. She got the ticket for nothing. She got a ticket without giving anything. >>eng<< Pretpostavio sam da si zauzeta. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. >>eng<< Кърпичките се продават в пакет по десет. Paper napkins are sold in packs of ten. Towels are sold in a package of ten. >>eng<< О чему причаш? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Ги прекршија правилата. They broke the rules. They broke the rules. >>eng<< Трябва да проведем допитване относно дата на изпита. We need to make inquiries about the date of the examination. We need to conduct an examination on the date of the exam. >>eng<< Нещо мърда там долу. There's something moving down there. Something's moving down there. >>eng<< Da li je tačno to da Tom ne ume da čita i piše? Is it true Tom can't read or write? Is it true that Tom can't read or write? >>eng<< Таа истрча надвор полугола. She ran outside half-naked. She ran out half naked. >>eng<< Mislim, dakle jesam. I think, therefore I am. I mean, so I did. >>eng<< Čokoľvek povie, neverte mu. Whatever he says, do not trust him. The man's moving, you can't believe him. >>eng<< Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you are out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. >>eng<< Već sam rekla da ne znam kako se to radi. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do that. >>eng<< Stvarno si me učinio ponosnim. You really made me proud. You have made me really proud. >>eng<< Nestalo je svjetla i ostali smo u mraku. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The lights went out and we stayed in the dark. >>eng<< Za mene je ovde previše bučno. It's too noisy here for me. It's too noisy for me here. >>eng<< Едва го разбирах. I could hardly understand him. I barely understood that. >>eng<< Не се чувствам болен. I don't feel sick. I don't feel sick. >>eng<< Tom nije dobar pisac. Tom isn't a good writer. Tom's not a good writer. >>eng<< Тогаш бев дома. I was at home then. That's when I was home. >>eng<< Бяхме започнали да губим надежда. We were starting to lose hope. We were beginning to lose hope. >>eng<< Той помоли за малко пари. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. >>eng<< Mydlová bublina praskla. The soap bubble burst. Mydlová pimple scratch. >>eng<< Ovo treba da upali. This should do the trick. This should work. >>eng<< Nada se gubi kada doživljavaš tešku situaciju i besmislenu zakočenost. Moraš biti jak. Hope quickly fades when you encounter a difficult situation and a pointless deadlock. You must be strong. Hope is lost when you're experiencing a difficult situation and a meaningless congestion, and you have to be strong. >>eng<< Очекувам посетители. I was expecting Tom. I expect visitors. >>eng<< Imam kućne duhove. I've got some brownies. I have house ghosts. >>eng<< Koliko vremena mi je ostalo? How much time do I have left? How much time do I have left? >>eng<< Tom je rastrojen. Tom's distracted. Tom's disassembled. >>eng<< Сам ли дойде тук? Did you come here alone? Did you come here alone? >>eng<< Мисля, че ще ни трябва повече време. I think we're going to need more time. I think we're gonna need more time. >>eng<< Том се прашуваше што ќе се случи ако го притисне синото копче. Tom wondered what would happen if he pressed the blue button. Tom wondered what would happen if he pressed the blue button. >>eng<< Ceremonija je započela njegovim govorom. The ceremony began with his speech. The ceremony began with his speech. >>eng<< Tom se povukao Tom sat back down. Tom has retired. >>eng<< Ќе дојдеш ли во Бостон со нас следната година? Will you be going to Boston with us next year? Will you come to Boston with us next year? >>eng<< Želeo sam da ti pišem, ali sam zaboravio. I was going to write to you, but I forgot. I wanted to write to you, but I forgot. >>eng<< Da li biste želeli još jednu čašu vode? Would you like another glass of water? Would you like another glass of water? >>eng<< Заспа додека возеше па предизвика сообраќајка. He fell asleep while driving and caused an accident. He fell asleep while driving and caused a car accident. >>eng<< Ne mogu da se koncentrišem od ove pometnje. I can't concentrate with all this commotion going on. I can't concentrate on this mess. >>eng<< Нямам никакво намерение да отстъпвам за малко тоя часовник, а въобще да не говорим да се разделям с него окончателно. I have no intention of lending this watch to anyone, much less parting with it. I have no intention of giving up on that clock for a little while, and I don't want to talk about breaking up with it at all. >>eng<< Proverite ovo. Check this. Check this out. >>eng<< Ne pričam sa Tomom. I'm not talking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. >>eng<< Защо не ме последваш? Why don't you follow me? Why don't you follow me? >>eng<< Том си ги крена клучевите. Tom picked up his keys. Tom picked up his keys. >>eng<< Чии се овие? Whose are these? Whose are these? >>eng<< Da li sam zaista bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Have I really been so happy? >>eng<< Неспособен си. You're incompetent. You're incompetent. >>eng<< Nisam nosio nametljivu odeću. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I didn't wear intrusive clothes. >>eng<< Будите разумни. Be reasonable. Be reasonable. >>eng<< Со задоволство ќе го направам тоа. I'm glad to do it. I'd be happy to do that. >>eng<< Nitko ne može otvoriti vrata. Nobody can open the door. No one can open the door. >>eng<< Ќе го преживееме ова. We'll survive this. We're gonna survive this. >>eng<< Нема да чекам да откријам. I'm not waiting to find out. I won't wait to find out. >>eng<< Možeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom? Could you speak to Tom? Can you talk to Tom for me? >>eng<< Тужан си. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< Хтео сам да вам помогнем. I wanted to help you. I wanted to help you. >>eng<< Како сте? How are you? How you doing? >>eng<< Dešava li se to često? Does that happen a lot? Does that happen often? >>eng<< On se ne može podmititi. He can't be bribed. He can't be bribed. >>eng<< После Вас. After you. After you. >>eng<< Tehnologija može pomoći. Technology can help. Technology can help. >>eng<< Том изгледа збунето. Tom looks baffled. Tom looks confused. >>eng<< Том заборави. Tom forgot. Tom, forget it. >>eng<< Том изгледаше како да му е малку неудобно. Tom looked a little uncomfortable. Tom seemed a little uncomfortable. >>eng<< Nećeš verovati šta mi se danas desilo. You won't believe what happened to me today. You're not gonna believe what happened to me today. >>eng<< Толкова съм го чакала. I've waited so long for this. I've been waiting for him so long. >>eng<< Ne deluje na mene. It doesn't work for me. It doesn't work on me. >>eng<< Алис може би ще дойде. Alice may possibly come. Alice might come. >>eng<< Онази част е добра. That part is good. That part's good. >>eng<< Hiti počasi. Hasten slowly. Take it easy. >>eng<< Немам време денес. I don't have time today. I don't have time today. >>eng<< Белка е. She's Caucasian. It's white. >>eng<< Со задоволство би помогнал. I'd be happy to help. I'd be happy to help. >>eng<< Том е многу досаден. Tom is very annoying. Tom's very boring. >>eng<< Том ужасно се однесуваше со мене во средно. Tom was horrible to me in high school. Tom treated me terribly in high school. >>eng<< Разочарала си ме. You disappointed me. You disappoint me. >>eng<< Nisi li uradila dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? >>eng<< Zdravo, prijatelju! Hello, my friend! Hello, my friend. >>eng<< Ako pokušaš, uspećeš. If you try, you'll succeed. If you try, you'll make it. >>eng<< Ima mnogo saobraćaja na auto-putu. There's a lot of traffic on the freeway. There's a lot of traffic on the highway. >>eng<< Ние изтичахме след котката. We ran after the cat. We ran after the cat. >>eng<< Да се вратиме во Бостон. Let's go back to Boston. Let's go back to Boston. >>eng<< Ne živim sa Tomom. I don't live with Tom. I don't live with Tom. >>eng<< Ta je lažnjak, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? That's a fake, isn't it? >>eng<< Ne vidim ništa sumnjivo. I don't see anything suspicious. I don't see anything suspicious. >>eng<< Tom ne živi ovdje, je li tako? Tom doesn't live here, does he? Tom doesn't live here, does he? >>eng<< Джейн попълни едно заявлени. Jane filled out an application. Jane filled out an application. >>eng<< Трябва ли да слагам масата? Do I need to set the table? Do I have to put the table? >>eng<< И аз ще дойда. I'll come, too. I'll come too. >>eng<< Taj dečak priča kao odrasla osoba. That boy speaks like an adult. That boy talks like an adult. >>eng<< Možete li doći? Can you come? Can you come? >>eng<< Нашиот сончев систем е постојано во движење. Our solar system is always in motion. Our solar system is constantly on the move. >>eng<< Моля ви, кажете истината. Please tell the truth. Please tell the truth. >>eng<< Oduvek sam mislio da je to čudno. I always thought it was weird. I always thought it was weird. >>eng<< Том ѝ побара помош на Мери. Tom asked Mary for some help. Tom asked for Mary's help. >>eng<< Беше много трудно. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. >>eng<< Можеш ли да чуваш тајну? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? >>eng<< Oslobodite robove! Free the slaves! Free the slaves! >>eng<< Tom izgleda kao devojčica. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom looks like a girl. >>eng<< Nikad ranije nisam probao da uradim ovo. I've never tried doing this before. I've never tried this before. >>eng<< По време на престоя си в Индия останах без пари. I ran out of money during my stay in India. During my stay in India, I ran out of money. >>eng<< Мислев дека планираш да останеш во кревет цел ден. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. >>eng<< Smatraju ga za visoko kvalifikovanog zaposlenog. They consider him a highly qualified employee. He is considered a highly qualified employee. >>eng<< Дали имаш десет години? Are you ten? Are you ten years old? >>eng<< Промишљање је веома потребно. Consideration is very necessary. Thinking is very necessary. >>eng<< Zaboravljam gde ostavim šešir. I forget where I put my hat. I forget where I leave my hat. >>eng<< Може ли да заќутиш? Shut up, will you? Can you shut up? >>eng<< Почти нямам френски книги. I have hardly any French books. I don't have any French books. >>eng<< Ne treba da jedeš odmah pre nego što legneš da spavaš. You shouldn't eat just before you go to bed. You don't have to eat right before you go to bed. >>eng<< Зарем мислиш дека ми е гајле што мислиш за мене? Do you think I care what you think of me? Do you think I care what you think of me? >>eng<< Говорих с него за това по телефона. I talked with him about it over the telephone. I talked to him about it on the phone. >>eng<< Odana sam. I'm loyal. I'm loyal. >>eng<< Samo recite Tomu da sam zvala. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. >>eng<< Puši mi kurac. Suck my dick. Suck my dick. >>eng<< Usrećio ju je. He made her happy. He made her happy. >>eng<< Токму со мене сакаше да се запознае Том. I'm the one Tom wanted to meet. He wanted to meet me, Tom. >>eng<< Линда стана да пее. Linda stood up to sing. Linda's up to sing. >>eng<< Neki religiozni ljudi mogu da budu jako osuđujući. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Some religious people can be very judgmental. >>eng<< To je dobro. That's fine. That's good. >>eng<< Харесва ли ти музиката на Моцарт? Do you like Mozart's music? Do you like Mozart's music? >>eng<< Имам работа за Том. I have work for Tom. I have a job to do for Tom. >>eng<< Ne želim da živim sa tobom. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. >>eng<< Априли-ли-ли! April fools! April-li-li! >>eng<< Zajtra odchádzame. We are leaving tomorrow. Zaitra odchádzam. >>eng<< Samo želim da stignem kući. I just want to get home. I just want to get home. >>eng<< Ko danas vodi sastanak? Who's chairing the meeting today? Who's running the meeting today? >>eng<< Krećemo li uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we leaving soon? >>eng<< Рики, ово је мој пријатељ Сузуки. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. >>eng<< Živimo u kući. We live in a house. We live in a house. >>eng<< Šta ste vas dvojica uradili? What did you both do? What did you two do? >>eng<< Не исках да подслушвам, но чух какво казахте. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I did overhear you. I didn't want to listen, but I heard what you said. >>eng<< Ujesen mnoge ptice sele se na jug. In the fall, many birds head for the south. Many birds move south. >>eng<< Насекаде имаше свеќи. Candles were everywhere. There were candles everywhere. >>eng<< Том няма да дойде на време. Tom won't be in time. Tom won't be here in time. >>eng<< Mogao bih sada da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there now. >>eng<< Никогаш нема да ја најдеш. You'll never find her. You'll never find her. >>eng<< Tražila sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. >>eng<< Том не може да го порекне тоа. Tom can't deny that. Tom can't deny it. >>eng<< Том ми испече торта. Tom baked me a cake. Tom baked me a cake. >>eng<< Ще се върна следващата седмица. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. >>eng<< Izgubi se. Get lost. Get lost. >>eng<< Шта сам требао учинити? What else could I have done? What was I supposed to do? >>eng<< Ти оставив порака. I left you a message. I left you a message. >>eng<< Питай Том отново. Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again. >>eng<< Никој нема да биде повреден. No one will be hurt. Nobody gets hurt. >>eng<< Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открила. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. >>eng<< Vreme je. It's time. It's time. >>eng<< Говори по-високо, ако обичаш. Please speak more loudly. Speak higher, if you like. >>eng<< Ništa se nije desilo. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. >>eng<< Чух, че било доста вълнуващо. I heard it was pretty exciting. I heard it was pretty exciting. >>eng<< Svratićemo večeras. We'll come by tonight. We'll stop by tonight. >>eng<< To mi je bilo naporno. That was tough for me. That was hard for me. >>eng<< Љут сам. I'm furious. I'm angry. >>eng<< Зашто је љубав тако тешка? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? >>eng<< Моје име је Рикардо.Како се ти зовеш? My name's Ricardo. What's yours? My name is Ricardo. What's your name? >>eng<< Ubrzao je. He accelerated. He speeded up. >>eng<< Аои танцува. Aoi dances. Aoi's dancing. >>eng<< Mogla bih da popričam sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. >>eng<< Već sam znao istinu. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. >>eng<< Сигурен сум дека ќе бидеш во ред. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll be fine. >>eng<< Tom je bio veoma pospan. Tom was very sleepy. Tom was very sleepy. >>eng<< Mislila sam na svoju porodicu. I thought about my family. I've been thinking about my family. >>eng<< Učestvovao sam na konkursu. I took part in the contest. I participated in the competition. >>eng<< Ona nastavlja da kuka kako nema vremena. She keeps moaning that she has no time. She keeps screaming like there's no time. >>eng<< Biljke rastu. Plants grow. Plants grow. >>eng<< Бев заборавил колку знаеш да бидеш паметен. I forgot just how clever you can be. I've forgotten how smart you can be. >>eng<< Nemôžeme nič urobiť. We can do nothing. There's nothing trapped. >>eng<< Том има брановита коса. Tom has wavy hair. Tom has wave hair. >>eng<< I da sam bogata, ne bih mu dala novac. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. And if I was rich, I wouldn't give him any money. >>eng<< Nismo bili dovoljno oprezni. We weren't cautious enough. We weren't careful enough. >>eng<< Toma će pogledati. Tom will take a look at it. Tom will look at it. >>eng<< Том имаше една ќерка. Tom had one daughter. Tom had a daughter. >>eng<< Da li je sad sve rešeno? Is it all resolved now? Is it all settled now? >>eng<< Под негово ниво си. You're not in his league. You're under his level. >>eng<< Той ѝ купи пуловер. He bought her a sweater. He bought her a sweater. >>eng<< Том сакаше да оди во Бостон, но татко му не му дозволи. Tom wanted to go to Boston, but his father wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to go to Boston, but his father wouldn't let him. >>eng<< Влада је пала након гласања у парламенту. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after the vote in parliament. >>eng<< Може ли да говоря с вас насаме за секунда? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a second? >>eng<< Го презеде бизнисот. He took over the business. He took over the business. >>eng<< Мислиш ли дека ова би му се допаднало на Том? Do you think Tom would like this? Do you think Tom would like this? >>eng<< Nikad se ne zna šta će se dogoditi sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what will happen tomorrow. >>eng<< Някой от твоя екип говори ли френски? Does anyone on your team speak French? Does anyone in your team speak French? >>eng<< Том повърна кръв. Tom vomited blood. Tom threw up blood. >>eng<< Ne znam skoro ništa o tebi. I know almost nothing about you. I don't know much about you. >>eng<< Šta ste sad uradili? What have you done now? What have you done now? >>eng<< Samo daj sekund Tomu. Just give Tom a second. Just give Tom a second. >>eng<< Дела говоре више од речи. Actions speak louder than words. Works speak more than words. >>eng<< Седеше пред мене. He sat in front of me. He was sitting in front of me. >>eng<< Што е приказната? What is the story? What's the story? >>eng<< Potrebno je da se sruši nekoliko starih kuća. A few old buildings need to be demolished. Some old houses need to be destroyed. >>eng<< Внимавайте къде стъпвате. Be careful where you step. Watch your step. >>eng<< Tom kaže istu stvar. Tom says the same thing. Tom says the same thing. >>eng<< Немаш жену, зар не? You don't have a wife, do you? You don't have a wife, do you? >>eng<< Дојдов да ти посакам среќа. I came to wish you good luck. I'm here to wish you luck. >>eng<< Dobro je. It's fine. He's fine. >>eng<< Някой забеляза ли това? Did anybody notice this? Did anyone notice that? >>eng<< По това се разбира неговото невежество. This fact accounts for his ignorance. That is why his ignorance is understood. >>eng<< Ми тече гној од десното уво. Pus is coming out of my right ear. I'm running pus from my right ear. >>eng<< Шта бих без тебе? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? >>eng<< Не разбрах смешката. I didn't get his joke. I didn't understand the joke. >>eng<< Сакаш ли кампување? Do you like camping? Do you want to camp? >>eng<< Дошао је у поноћ. He arrived at midnight. He came at midnight. >>eng<< Какво искате да ми кажете? What is it you want to tell me? What are you trying to tell me? >>eng<< Telefone pustite zunaj Leave your phones outside. Leave Your Phones Out >>eng<< Tom je popio svoje piće i naručio još jedno. Tom finished his drink and asked for another one. Tom drank his drink and ordered another one. >>eng<< Том не разликува помеѓу стварноста и фантазијата. Tom cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. Tom does not distinguish between reality and fantasy. >>eng<< Tom je otpio gutljaj vina. Tom sipped his wine. Tom took a sip of wine. >>eng<< Ветар дува као блесав. The wind is blowing like crazy. The wind blows like a fool. >>eng<< Možda sam i antisocijalan, ali to ne znači da ne pričam sa ljudima. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. Maybe I'm antisocial, but that doesn't mean I don't talk to people. >>eng<< Благодарен сум ти. I'm grateful to you. I'm grateful to you. >>eng<< Таа и самата се обиде. She tried it herself. She tried it herself. >>eng<< Аз мия дрехите ми. I wash my clothes. I'm washing my clothes. >>eng<< Одвео сам га у најскупљи ресторан у кампусу. I took him to the most expensive restaurant on campus. I took him to the most expensive restaurant on campus. >>eng<< Нема да ме најдеш. You're not going to find me. You won't find me. >>eng<< Колко епизода на One Piece си гледал? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? >>eng<< Влада је пала након гласања у парламенту. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after the vote in parliament. >>eng<< Воопшто не го сакав тоа. I never wanted that. I didn't want that at all. >>eng<< Каде ти е паричникот? Where's your wallet? Where's your wallet? >>eng<< Radim. I'm working. I do. >>eng<< Моментът на слава за Ханшин не продължи дълго. Те набързо бяха изместени от първото място. Hanshin's moment of glory didn't last. They fell out of first place in a hurry. The moment of fame for Hanshin did not last long. They were quickly moved from the first place. >>eng<< Каде да се паркирам? Where should I park? Where do I park? >>eng<< Voliš li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? >>eng<< Веома је образован. He is very learned. He's very educated. >>eng<< O čemu sam se brinuo? What was I worrying about? What was I worried about? >>eng<< Vstopi, prosim. Please step inside. Come in, please. >>eng<< Prosledite mi šećer, molim vas. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me the sugar, please. >>eng<< Imaš dobre instikte. You have good instincts. You have good instincts. >>eng<< Danas je brod bio iznad Srednjeatlanskog Grebena - planinskog venca koji se nalazi na dnu okeana, na dubinama do 4500 metara. Today, the ship remained over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - a mountain range located on the bottom of the ocean at depths of up to 3 miles. Today the ship was above the Central Atlantic Greben - a mountain range located at the bottom of the ocean, at depths of up to 4500 meters. >>eng<< Jesi li siguran da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? >>eng<< Još uvek želiš ovo? Do you still want this? You still want this? >>eng<< Том делуваше малку дезориентирано. Tom seemed a little disoriented. Tom seemed a little disoriented. >>eng<< Регистрирана ли си? Are you registered? Are you registered? >>eng<< За ова ли беше сета возбуда? Is this what all the hype was about? Was that all the excitement? >>eng<< Daj Tomu piće. Give Tom a drink. Give Tom a drink. >>eng<< Mačke navadno mijavkajo. Cats usually meow. Cats usually wash. >>eng<< И двата плана бяха отхвърлени. Both plans were rejected. Both plans were rejected. >>eng<< Ќе се видиме попосле. I'm going to see you later. I'll see you later. >>eng<< Здравето и веселбата благоприятстват за красотата. Health and gaiety foster beauty. Health and joy favor beauty. >>eng<< Здравейте всички! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! >>eng<< Kako se zove? What's its name? What's his name? >>eng<< Upoznao si moju sestru, zar ne? You met my sister, didn't you? You met my sister, didn't you? >>eng<< Meri ne može da podnese Tomovog šefa jer je muška šovinistička svinja. Mary can't stand Tom's boss, because he's a male chauvinist pig. Mary can't stand Tom's boss because he's a man's chauvinist pig. >>eng<< Ми се одмора. I feel like a rest. I'm getting some rest. >>eng<< Sad je jednostavnije. That makes it easier. It's simpler now. >>eng<< Hej ty, poď sem! Hey you, come here! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, >>eng<< Ovo je moj kompjuter. This is my computer. This is my computer. >>eng<< Не те прашував тебе. I wasn't asking you. I wasn't asking you. >>eng<< Imam alergiju na mleko. I have an allergy to milk. I'm allergic to milk. >>eng<< Сѐ би направил да му помогнам. I'd do anything to help him. I'd do anything to help him. >>eng<< Потресен сум. I'm shaken. I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... >>eng<< Ni ja to nisam uradila. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. >>eng<< Джейн винаги се държеше така, сякаш е много богата. Jane always behaved like she was very rich. Jane always acted like he was very rich. >>eng<< Имам много пријатеља. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. >>eng<< Znaš li da je Tom ikada slagao? Have you ever known Tom to lie? Do you know that Tom was ever lying? >>eng<< Došlo je niotkuda. It came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere. >>eng<< Просечан животни простор у Америци је двоструко већи него у Јапану. The average American living space is twice as large as the living space in Japan. The average living space in America is twice as large as in Japan. >>eng<< Мисля, че знаеш защо не мога да го направя. I think you know why I can't do that. I think you know why I can't do that. >>eng<< Што не излеземе заедно? Why don't we go out? Why don't we go out together? >>eng<< Зашто ти треба тако пуно ципела? Why do you need so many shoes? Why do you need so many shoes? >>eng<< Видях една червена кола и една бяла. Червената изглеждаше по-добре от бялата. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white one, and the red one looked better than the white one. >>eng<< Možda nešto nije u redu sa vama. There may be something wrong with you. Maybe something's wrong with you. >>eng<< Том е развалина. Tom is a nervous wreck. Tom's a wreck. >>eng<< Никога повече няма да я видя. I'll never see her again. I'll never see her again. >>eng<< Недейте да играете бейзбол тук. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. >>eng<< Tom nije u formi. Tom is out of practice. Tom's out of shape. >>eng<< Zašto uvek moraš da se umešaš? Why do you always have to get involved? Why do you always have to get involved? >>eng<< Neću nikome da kažem da si uradio to. I won't tell anybody that you did that. I'm not telling anyone you did it. >>eng<< Tom uopće nije toliko pametan koliko misli da jest. Tom certainly isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Tom's not as smart as he thinks he is. >>eng<< Ќе ја најдам. I'll find her. I'll find her. >>eng<< Като говорим за пътешествия, бил ли си някога в Австралия? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of traveling, have you ever been to Australia? >>eng<< На Том му истече пасошот. Tom's passport has expired. Tom's passport expired. >>eng<< Bila je to prezentacija koja godi publici. It was the type of presentation which appeals to the audience. It was a presentation to the public. >>eng<< Doprinela sam. I contributed. I made a contribution. >>eng<< Ајде, ќе те превезам. Come on, I'll give you a ride. Come on, I'll take you. >>eng<< Za neke čudne ljude znanje nekog jezika se drži u tajnosti. Some strange people keep knowledge of a language secret. For some strange people, knowledge of a language is kept secret. >>eng<< Srela sam tvog tatu jučer. I met your dad yesterday. I met your dad yesterday. >>eng<< Кое би го избрал Том? Which would Tom choose? Who would choose Tom? >>eng<< Vraćam se uskoro. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. >>eng<< Моля те, върви си. Please leave. Please, go away. >>eng<< Некако смо преживели. Somehow we survived. Somehow we survived. >>eng<< Толпата се откачи. The crowd went wild. The crowd went crazy. >>eng<< Том ходи подире ми навсякъде напоследък. Tom has been following me around. Tom's been walking me all over the place lately. >>eng<< Том беше мотивиран. Tom was motivated. Tom was motivated. >>eng<< Сигурно знаеш, че си изправен пред криза. You must know you're faced with a crisis. You must know you're facing a crisis. >>eng<< Трябваше да се подчиним на тяхната молба. We had to yield to their request. We had to obey their request. >>eng<< Hneď by si to mal urobiť. You should do that immediately. You're a little infatuated. >>eng<< Ima jednog sina i dvije kčeri. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. >>eng<< Večni sneg ne izgleda više tako večno. The eternal snow seems not so eternal anymore. The eternal snow doesn’t look like that forever. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da postoji bolji način da se to uradi. I'm sure there's a better way to do that. I'm sure there's a better way to do this. >>eng<< Merauke je najistočniji grad Indonezije. Merauke is the easternmost city in Indonesia. Merauke is the easternmost city of Indonesia. >>eng<< Ајде кај Том. Let's go to Tom's. Let's go to Tom's. >>eng<< Къде е входът за музея? Where's the entrance to the museum? Where is the entrance to the museum? >>eng<< Он је све, само није поштен. He is not honest at all. He's everything, he's just not fair. >>eng<< Osećajte se kao kod kuće! Make yourself at home! Make yourself at home! >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че искаш да го чуеш? Are you sure you want to hear about this? Are you sure you want to hear it? >>eng<< Da li bi moglo da bude živo? Could it be alive? Could she be alive? >>eng<< Звучи баш јако. It sounds really cool. Sounds pretty strong. >>eng<< To je lijep džemper. That's a nice sweater. That's a nice sweater. >>eng<< Требаше прво да те прашам. I should've asked you first. I should have asked you first. >>eng<< Правевме квиз денес. We had a quiz today. We made a quiz today. >>eng<< Френският ми не е добър. I'm not good at French. My French is not good. >>eng<< Се надевам дека ми е точно тоа. I hope I got that right. I hope that's exactly what I'm thinking. >>eng<< Това е изключено! It's out of the question! That's off! >>eng<< Мораш да учиш вредно. You must study hard. You have to learn hard. >>eng<< Jao mi je žao Toma. I really feel sorry for Tom. I'm so sorry, Tom. >>eng<< Sramotite je. You're embarrassing her. Shame on her. >>eng<< Пътниците в автобуса бяха петдесет. There were fifty passengers on board the bus. The passengers on the bus were 50. >>eng<< Сви кажу да личим на оца. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like a father. >>eng<< Redovna upotreba agruma će smanjiti pore i osvežiti kožu. Regular use of citrus fruit will shrink pores and make the skin feel fresh. Regular use of citrus fruits will reduce pores and refresh the skin. >>eng<< Той всеки път си пие кафето чисто. He drinks his coffee black every time. He drinks coffee every time. >>eng<< Oni će znati šta da urade. They'll know what to do. They'll know what to do. >>eng<< Не сум некој голем морнар. I'm not much of a sailor. I'm not much of a sailor. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще ни трябва всичко. I think we're going to need it all. I think we're gonna need everything. >>eng<< Последен пат бев дома во петок навечер кога имав тринаесет години. I haven't been home on a Friday night since I was thirteen. The last time I was home was Friday night when I was 13. >>eng<< Trebamo li te čekati. Do we need to wait for you? Should we wait for you? >>eng<< Prekrila je svoje razočaranje smiješkom. She covered up her disappointment with a smile. She covered her disappointment with a smile. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Северна Ирландия? What's the minimum salary in Northern Ireland? What is the minimum wage in Northern Ireland? >>eng<< Мајко, ти благодарам што си ме родила. Mom, thank you for giving birth to me. Mother, thank you for giving birth to me. >>eng<< Не си слушал. You didn't listen. You weren't listening. >>eng<< Трябва да откажеш пушенето. You should quit smoking. You have to stop smoking. >>eng<< Том винаги се усмихва. Tom is always smiling. Tom always smiles. >>eng<< Lepo je biti potreban nekome. It's nice to be needed. It's nice to be in need of someone. >>eng<< Том е накурчен. Tom is frustrated. Tom's a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Ovaj gradić, kao i mnogi gradići u Engleskoj, ima prilično dugu povijest. And like many small towns in England, it has quite a long history. This town, like many towns in England, has a rather long history. >>eng<< Шта ће сада бити? What will happen now? What's going to happen now? >>eng<< Тя винаги отделя толкова време, колкото ѝ е нужно за избирането на рокля. She always takes her time in choosing her dress. She always spends as much time as she needs to choose a dress. >>eng<< И защо ще го правиш? Why would you want to do something like that? And why would you do that? >>eng<< Спаваћа соба је на спрату. The bedroom is upstairs. The bedroom is on the floor. >>eng<< Testiranje novog motora će se obaviti danas. The test of the new engine takes place today. Testing the new engine will be done today. >>eng<< Го имам со мене. I've got him with me. I have it with me. >>eng<< Da li imaš nešto da prijaviš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? >>eng<< Готов сум со тоа. I'm finished with it. I'm done with that. >>eng<< Да пази Господ! God forbid! For God's sake! >>eng<< Napušteno je. It's deserted. It's abandoned. >>eng<< Da li je Tom izvukao deblji kraj? Is Tom getting a raw deal? Did Tom pull out a thicker ending? >>eng<< Stretneme sa zajtra? Are we meeting tomorrow? You're having a hard time with your breakfast? >>eng<< Вече е единадесет. It's already eleven. It's already eleven. >>eng<< Bolje razmišljaš kad zažmuriš. Closing your eyes helps you think better. You think better when you close your eyes. >>eng<< Влюбваш ли се в Том? Are you falling for Tom? Are you in love with Tom? >>eng<< Promenio sam se. I've changed. I've changed. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da je nevin. Tom said that he was innocent. Tom said he was innocent. >>eng<< Мислех, че Том има почивен ден. I thought Tom had a day off. I thought Tom had a day off. >>eng<< Tom će da se seti. Tom'll remember. Tom will remember. >>eng<< Zašto uopće raspravljamo o ovome? Why are we even discussing this? Why are we even discussing this? >>eng<< Dobra si prema svima. You're nice to everyone. You're good to everyone. >>eng<< Nadam se da se ovo više nikada neće ponoviti. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. >>eng<< Hoćeš li je pozvati na zabavu? Are you going to invite her to the party? Will you invite her to the party? >>eng<< Сум видел како се одвива. I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen. >>eng<< Vymeniť žiarovku je jednoduché. It's easy to change a light bulb. Vymení ziarovka is a one-duché. >>eng<< Zašto se ponašaš detinjasto? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting childish? >>eng<< Sada moram da idem. Well, I have to go now. I have to go now. >>eng<< Identifikuj se. Identify yourself. Identify yourself. >>eng<< Том не се враќа. Tom isn't returning. Tom's not coming back. >>eng<< Къщата, в която преди живеехме, е съборена. The house we used to live in was torn down. The house we used to live in was destroyed. >>eng<< Една од нив може да е таа. One of those people may be her. One of them might be her. >>eng<< Samo hoću da se sklonim. I just want to get away. I just want to get out of the way. >>eng<< Дали ги спомна резултатите од испитот? Did she mention the results of the exam? Did you mention the exam results? >>eng<< Vidím ružu. I see a rose. I see a rose. >>eng<< Toma je lako uplašiti. Tom gets scared easily. Tom's easy to scare. >>eng<< Zavrij mleko Boil the milk. Sniffing milk >>eng<< Samo ozbiljna pitanja, molim. Serious inquiries only, please. Just serious questions, please. >>eng<< Сакаш ли да седнеш? Do you want to sit? Do you want to sit down? >>eng<< Nema posledica. It's of no consequence. No consequences. >>eng<< Nancy se boji pasa. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. >>eng<< Спите ли? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? >>eng<< On je možda već otišao. He may have gone already. He may have already left. >>eng<< Въпреки че днес Том тръгна рано от вкъщи, той закъсня за работа. Even though Tom left home early today, he was late for work. Although Tom left home early today, he was late for work. >>eng<< Nemojte da varate. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. >>eng<< Znatiželjan sam. I'm curious. I'm curious. >>eng<< Какво сирене искате? What cheese do you want? What kind of cheese do you want? >>eng<< Овај пут води у град. This road goes to the city. This time it leads to the city. >>eng<< Спремен сум да го направам тоа. I'm ready to do it. I'm ready to do that. >>eng<< Не по-малко от 100 души присъстваха на срещата. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. >>eng<< Očistiće mi sobu. She will clean my room. She's going to clean my room. >>eng<< Познавам човек, който може да говори френски добре. I know a man who can speak French well. I know a man who can speak French well. >>eng<< Drago mi je da si pronašao novac koji si izgubio. I'm glad that you found the money you lost. I'm glad you found the money you lost. >>eng<< Том је откључао врата. Tom unlocked the door. Tom unlocked the door. >>eng<< У овој фази светске историје, у Америци не постоји једна таква ствар као што је независна штампа. Ви то знате и ја то знам. Међу вама нема ни једног који се усуђује да напише своје искрено мишљење, и кад би га написао, већ унапред би знао да се то никада неће појавити у штампи. Ја сам добијао редовно своју плату како бих држао своје искрено мишљење изван новина за које радим. Многи од вас су такође слично плаћени за сличне ствари, и било ко од вас ко би био толико луд да пише оно што искрено мисли, нашао би се напољу, на улици, у потрази за неким другим послом. Да сам ја дозволио да се моје право мишљење појави само у једном издању новина за које радим, добио бих отказ с посла за мање од 24 часа. (...) There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. At this stage of world history, in America there is no such thing as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is no one among you who dares to write his honest opinion, and if he wrote it, he would already know in advance that it would never appear in the press. I was getting my salary regularly to keep my honest opinion out of the newspapers for which I work. Many of you are also similarly paid for similar things, and any of you who would be so crazy to write what he honestly thinks, would find yourself outside, on the street, looking for some other job. If I had allowed my real opinion to appear only in one edition of the newspapers for which I work, I would have been fired from work in less than 24 hours. (...) >>eng<< Готови ли сте за игра? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? >>eng<< Чух какво се е случило миналата нощ. I heard what happened last night. I heard what happened last night. >>eng<< Искам да бъда учителка по френски. I'd like to be a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. >>eng<< Svi su seli. Everyone sat back down. They all sat down. >>eng<< Това изглежда ли ти познато? Does this look familiar to you? Does that look familiar to you? >>eng<< Само маки ми нанесе. It's been nothing but trouble. It's just a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Опитвали ли сте всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried it? >>eng<< Zaboravite Toma. Forget Tom. Forget about Tom. >>eng<< Обичм те повече от всичко. I love you more than anything. I love you more than anything. >>eng<< Мислиш ли? Do you think so? You think so? >>eng<< Том разбира каквото ти не разбираш. Tom understands what you don't. Tom understands what you don't understand. >>eng<< Съдията го осъди на смърт. The judge condemned him to death. The judge sentenced him to death. >>eng<< Spoznal som ju v momente, ako som ju uvidel. I recognized her the moment I saw her. I met them in moments if I saw them. >>eng<< Преди започването на този вид терапия,желанията на пациентката трябва да бъдат взети под внимание. Before embarking on this type of therapy, the wishes of the patient herself must be carefully taken into consideration. Before starting this type of therapy, the patient's wishes should be taken into account. >>eng<< Zaveži! Shut up! Shut up! >>eng<< Bol som prekvapený. I was surprised. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Хоби јој је био сакупљање старих новчића. Her hobby was to collect ancient coins. Her hobby was collecting old coins. >>eng<< Nikad nećemo da se vratimo tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. >>eng<< Ispekao sam hleb. I baked bread. I made bread. >>eng<< Tom je uvek jako fin. Tom is always very nice. Tom's always very nice. >>eng<< Мисля, че вероятно си права. I think you're probably right. I think you're probably right. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да видиш това. I think you'd better look at this. I think you should see this. >>eng<< Jako je važno odmoriti se kako treba. It's very important to get enough rest. It is very important to rest properly. >>eng<< Da li je zgodan muškarac Arap ili Hindi? Is the handsome man an Arab or an Indian? Is a handsome man Arab or Hindi? >>eng<< Da li si video ko je to bio? Did you see who it was? Did you see who it was? >>eng<< Не спаси ѕвончето. We were saved by the bell. You didn't save the bell. >>eng<< Не бях ли прав? Was I wrong? Wasn't I right? >>eng<< Нищо не съм видял. I haven't seen anything. I didn't see anything. >>eng<< Зошто ме праша за тоа? Why do you ask me that? Why did you ask me about that? >>eng<< Знам дека тоа звучи наивно. I know that sounds naive. I know that sounds naive. >>eng<< Da, prosim. Yes, please. Yes, please. >>eng<< Това много ме ядосва. This makes me very angry. That makes me very angry. >>eng<< Сомнежите го уништуваат пријателството. Suspicion is destructive of friendship. Suspiciousness destroys friendship. >>eng<< Nisam se unervozio zbog toga. I wasn't nervous about it. I didn't get nervous about it. >>eng<< Не ми се сърди за това. Don't hold it against me. I don't mind that. >>eng<< Сѐ уште не си отишле. They haven't left. They haven't left yet. >>eng<< Želi te vidjeti neki gospodin Itoh. A Mr. Itoh wants to see you. There's a Mr. Itoh who wants to see you. >>eng<< Не бих те повредила. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. >>eng<< Tom je bio vidno potresen. Tom was visibly shaken. Tom was clearly shaken. >>eng<< Немој да ме допираш. Don't ever touch me. Don't touch me. >>eng<< Наостри си го моливот. Sharpen your pencil. Sharpen your pencil. >>eng<< Прашањето е кој ќе ја донесе таа одлука. The question is who will make the decision. The question is who will make that decision. >>eng<< Radna grupa koja se bavi transferom podataka, vodjena od strane Bena Manija, će održati sastanak 14 januara 1999. The working group on data transfer, led by Ben Manny, will hold a meeting on Jan 14, 1999. A working group dealing with data transfer, led by Ben Manny, will hold a meeting on 14 January 1999. >>eng<< Имам проблеми со синусите. I have sinus trouble. I have sinus problems. >>eng<< Вие братя ли сте? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? >>eng<< Зошто би го сторил тоа Том? Why would Tom do it? Why would I do that, Tom? >>eng<< Искам да знам говорила ли си с Том. I want to know if you've been talking to Tom. I want to know if you've talked to Tom. >>eng<< Не можеше да си ги соблече панталоните. He couldn't get his trousers off. He couldn't take off his pants. >>eng<< Војниците пукаа. The soldiers fired. The soldiers shot. >>eng<< Ne volim da se socijalizujem. I don't like socializing. I don't like socializing. >>eng<< Samo mi daj novac. Just give me my money. Just give me the money. >>eng<< Neće ti pomoći ako brineš. Worrying will do you no good. It won't help you if you're worried. >>eng<< Mačka je izašla ispod stola. A cat came out from under the desk. The cat came out under the table. >>eng<< Нямаш сърце. You don't have a heart. You don't have a heart. >>eng<< Crkva je samo preko puta. The church is just across the street. The church is just across the street. >>eng<< Имам со што да се занимавам. It gives me something to do. I have something to do with it. >>eng<< To je veľmi tmavý. It's very dark. It's a larger tmavý. >>eng<< Нив ги имаше многу повеќе од нас. We were outnumbered. They had a lot more of them than us. >>eng<< Ја имам две кћерке. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. >>eng<< Да имав крилја, ќе ти долетав. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If I had wings, I'd fly. >>eng<< Избери този, който харесваш. Choose the one you like. Choose the one you like. >>eng<< Šta ste oboje uradili? What did both of you do? What have you both done? >>eng<< Ja sam tek prva godina. I'm only a freshman. I'm just the first year. >>eng<< Koji je tvoj najomiljeniji youtube-video? What's your favorite YouTube video? What's your favorite YouTube video? >>eng<< Оваа птица не знае да лета. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. >>eng<< Mislila sam da ćeš da budeš zauzeta. I thought you'd be busy. I figured you'd be busy. >>eng<< Сигурно ти недостаје домовина. You must be homesick. You must be missing your homeland. >>eng<< Това е за Том. It's for Tom. This is for Tom. >>eng<< Занимавај го Том. Keep Tom entertained. Get Tom involved. >>eng<< Няма да учствам в това. I won't be a party to this. I'm not going to take part in this. >>eng<< Bilježnica nije tvoja, njegova je. The notebook is not yours. It's his. It's not your notebook. It's his. >>eng<< Том ми кажа тајна. Tom told me a secret. Tom told me a secret. >>eng<< Категорично не трябва да лижеш пода. You must absolutely not lick the floor. You definitely don't have to lick the floor. >>eng<< Може ли да ти използвам молива? May I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? >>eng<< Ова е Нина, внука ти. This is Nina, your granddaughter. This is Nina, your granddaughter. >>eng<< Izvini, nisam ispratio. Sorry, I don't follow. I'm sorry, I didn't walk out. >>eng<< Кажи ми причу од почетка до краја. Tell me a story from beginning to end. Tell me a story from the beginning to the end. >>eng<< Том фушерски ја сврши работата. Tom did a lousy job. Tom Fusherski did the job. >>eng<< Само те задевав. I was just teasing. I was just harassing you. >>eng<< Tom je odmah otišao. Tom took off right away. Tom left immediately. >>eng<< Dajem ti šta želiš. I'm giving you what you want. I'll give you what you want. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да се срещнете с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. >>eng<< Какво ви пречи да направите едно изследване? What's stopping you from doing a study? What prevents you from doing one study? >>eng<< On se pokušao ubiti. He tried to kill himself. He tried to kill himself. >>eng<< Мисля, че това е ваше. I think this is yours. I think it's yours. >>eng<< Том се обиде да избега. Tom tried to escape. Tom tried to escape. >>eng<< Stvarno nisam imao novca. I really didn't have any money. I really didn't have any money. >>eng<< On se ubrzo oporavio od šoka. He soon recovered from the shock. He soon recovered from shock. >>eng<< Можете ли да броите до сто на френски? Can you count to one hundred in French? Can you count to 100 in French? >>eng<< Буди у приправности. Be on your guard. Be on alert. >>eng<< Kome si u skorije vreme pomogao? Who have you helped recently? Who have you been helping lately? >>eng<< Kad si došao kući? When did you get home? When did you get home? >>eng<< Мразя го, но не знам защо. I hate him, but I don't know why. I hate it, but I don't know why. >>eng<< Ако ми дадете пари назаем, ще ви бъда много задължен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'll be very obliged. >>eng<< Инцидентът причини смъртта на много хора. The accident has caused many deaths. The incident caused the death of many people. >>eng<< Кажи му. Tell him. Tell him. >>eng<< Znam skijati. I'm able to ski. I can ski. >>eng<< Навистина беше мило. It was really sweet. It was really nice. >>eng<< Научници то тумаче на другачији начин. Scientists interpret it differently. Scientists interpret this in a different way. >>eng<< Nikad ranije nisam spazila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. >>eng<< През нощта родителите грижливо завиват децата си. At night, parents tuck their children into bed. At night, the parents carefully wrapped their children. >>eng<< Том не беше човек со којшто е лесно да се слагаш. Tom wasn't an easy person to get along with. Tom wasn't the one easy to get along with. >>eng<< Морам да се одморам. I must rest. I need to rest. >>eng<< Milujete svoju matku? Do you love your mother? Are you caressing your mother? >>eng<< Ни снемува масло. Oil is running short. We're running out of oil. >>eng<< Tom greši u vezi toga. Tom is wrong about that. Tom's wrong about that. >>eng<< Немам веќе пари. I'm all out of money. I don't have any more money. >>eng<< Tom je upravo želeo da kaže nešto. Tom was about to say something. Tom just wanted to say something. >>eng<< Носот му е најдоброто одличие. His nose is his best feature. His nose is the best. >>eng<< Tom záhadne zmizol. Tom mysteriously disappeared. Tom's making a big deal out of it. >>eng<< Том погледна надоле. Tom glanced down. Tom looked down. >>eng<< Imate li problema s razumijevanjem onog što vam žene ili mala djeca kažejo? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Are you having trouble understanding what women or young children are telling you? >>eng<< Луѓето во Мадрид се луди. The people from Madrid are lunatics. People in Madrid are crazy. >>eng<< Мораш да ме пуштиш да си одам дома. You've got to let me go home. You have to let me go home. >>eng<< Жена једе хлеб. The woman eats bread. A woman eats bread. >>eng<< Не съм виждал Том от няколко дена. I haven't seen Tom in days. I haven't seen Tom in a few days. >>eng<< Никога не съм си давал сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never knew Tom was interested in French. >>eng<< Da li misliš da je Tom polomio prozor? Do you think Tom is the one who broke the window? Do you think Tom broke the window? >>eng<< Mogu li da uzmem tvoj rečnik? Can I use your dictionary? Can I have your dictionary? >>eng<< Dođi bliže. Come closer. Come closer. >>eng<< Сит сум. My stomach is full. I'm full. >>eng<< Нисам могао а да га не сажаљевам. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. >>eng<< Verujem da je Elvis još živ. I believe Elvis is still alive. I believe Elvis is still alive. >>eng<< Не можем да се върнем там. We can't go back there. We can't go back there. >>eng<< Štedi energiju. Trebaće ti posle. Save your energy. You're going to need it later. Save your energy, you'll need it later. >>eng<< Забравих как му беше името. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. >>eng<< Ги фати ли? Did you catch them? Did you catch them? >>eng<< Не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото Том. I can't speak French as well as Tom can. I don't speak French as well as Tom. >>eng<< Jesi li ikad probala? Have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried it? >>eng<< Radimo na pravima žena. We're working on women's rights. We're working on women's rights. >>eng<< Без мамец, тешко ќе ми биде да ловам риби. Without bait, it'll be hard to catch any fish. Without bait, it's gonna be hard for me to fish. >>eng<< Понякога ги виждаме. We sometimes see them. Sometimes we see them. >>eng<< Da li mogu da te nazovem za 20 minuta? Can I call you back within twenty minutes? Can I call you back in 20 minutes? >>eng<< Možete li mi, molim vas, reći kako da stignem do aerodroma? Could you please tell me how to get to the airport? Can you please tell me how to get to the airport? >>eng<< Том ради за компанију свог оца. Tom works for his father's company. Tom works for his father's company. >>eng<< Триъгълниците нямат четири ъгъла. Triangles don't have four angles. The triangles don't have four angles. >>eng<< Тоа не може да е точно. That can't be true. That can't be right. >>eng<< U blizini naše škole je autobuska stanica. There's a bus stop close to our school. There's a bus stop near our school. >>eng<< Джон счупи прозореца вчера. John broke the window yesterday. John broke the window yesterday. >>eng<< Možemo da uštedimo malo vremena ako uradimo ono što predlaže Tom. We can save a little time if we do what Tom suggests. Well, we can save up time if we do what Tom suggests. >>eng<< Ste Etiópčan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you an Ethiopian? >>eng<< Иди го посрещни и междувременно пусни това писмо. Go and meet him, and while you're about it mail this letter. Go greet him and in the meantime release this letter. >>eng<< Nastavi sa radom. Continue working. Keep working. >>eng<< Том беше арестуван за шофиране в нетрезво състояние. Tom was arrested for driving while drunk. Tom was arrested for driving off guard. >>eng<< От време на време си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. I think about it from time to time. >>eng<< Nadam se da će Tom ostati ovde. I hope Tom sticks around. I hope Tom stays here. >>eng<< Мала птичица ми је рекла. A little bird told me. The little bird told me. >>eng<< Sviđa li joj se moj šešir? Does she like my hat? Does she like my hat? >>eng<< Umeš li da žongliraš? Can you juggle? Can you juggle? >>eng<< Харесвам всякаква музика. I have an eclectic taste in music. I like all music. >>eng<< Uhvati ga. Grab him. Get him. >>eng<< Мило ми е што се видовме, Том. Good to see you, Tom. Nice seeing you, Tom. >>eng<< Како е тоа различно? How is it different? How is that different? >>eng<< To nie je ich vina. That isn't their fault. It's nie Ich wine. >>eng<< Вече опитах. I've already tried. I already tried. >>eng<< Trenutno pišem poruku Tomu. I'm writing a message to Tom right now. I'm writing a message to Tom right now. >>eng<< Не треба да го убедам. I don't need to convince him. I don't need to convince him. >>eng<< Daj ovu knjigu komugod tko je hoće. Give this book to whoever wants it. Give this book to whoever wants it. >>eng<< Izviniću se. I'll apologize. I'll apologize. >>eng<< Пајаците прават пајажина. Spiders spin webs. Spiders make spiders. >>eng<< Истог смо соја. We are cut from the same cloth. We're the same soy. >>eng<< Той се научи да плува. He learned how to swim. He learned how to swim. >>eng<< Морав да ѝ помагам. I had to help her. I had to help her. >>eng<< Том ја насмеа Мери. Tom made Mary laugh. Tom smiled at Mary. >>eng<< Stvarno volim članove svog tima. I really like my teammates. I really love my team members. >>eng<< Такси је скуп. A taxi is expensive. Taxi's expensive. >>eng<< Meri je sama napravila haljinu za venčanje. Mary made her own wedding dress. Mary made her own wedding dress. >>eng<< Ми треба морско оревче. I need some nutmeg. I need a walnut. >>eng<< Том не беше со мене. Tom wasn't with me. Tom wasn't with me. >>eng<< Жал ми е што воопшто им кажав нешто. I'm sorry I told them anything at all. I'm sorry I even told them something. >>eng<< Ние си прекарваме добре в Рим. We are having a nice time in Rome. We have a good time in Rome. >>eng<< Tom skoro nikada ne pravi greške kada piše na francuskom. Tom almost never makes mistakes when writing in French. Tom almost never makes mistakes when he writes in French. >>eng<< Njegovi romani su omiljeni među mladim osobama. His novels are popular among young people. His novels are popular among young people. >>eng<< На Том следниот злочин ќе му биде и последен. Tom's next crime will be his last. Tom's next crime will be his last. >>eng<< Ги лае ли твоето куче? Does your dog bark at them? Does your dog bark? >>eng<< Што гледаш тука? What do you see here? What are you looking at here? >>eng<< Beduíni žijú v púšti. Bedouins live in the desert. Baduíni jjuú in the pust. >>eng<< Dobio sam 100 poena na ispitu iz matematike. I scored 100 on the maths exam. I got 100 points in the math exam. >>eng<< Том получи шестица. Tom got an A. Tom got six. >>eng<< Nesreća se dogodila u nedjelju oko 3:00. The accident happened on Sunday at about 3:00. The accident happened on Sunday around 3:00. >>eng<< Вампирите живеат вечно. Vampires live forever. Vampires live forever. >>eng<< Da li smo završili? Are we done yet? Are we done here? >>eng<< Bezbojne zelene ideje spavaju bijesno. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. >>eng<< Bez tebe se osećam izgubljeno. I feel lost without you. Without you, I feel lost. >>eng<< Сложих го в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. >>eng<< Тя носи красива рокля. She got a beautiful dress on. She's wearing a beautiful dress. >>eng<< Očividne je to tvoja vina. It's obviously your fault. Obviously, it's your wine. >>eng<< Mogu li da ti napravim jaja? Can I make you some eggs? Can I make you eggs? >>eng<< Те молам, помогни ми да го пречекам Том. Please help me in welcoming Tom. Please help me to welcome Tom. >>eng<< Ona nas ne može zaustaviti. She cannot stop us. She can't stop us. >>eng<< Danas je rođendan tvojoj kćeri. Today is your daughter's birthday. It's your daughter's birthday today. >>eng<< Nisam imao ništa zajedničko sa njima. I had nothing in common with them. I had nothing in common with them. >>eng<< Не беше лесно да се реши овој проблем. It wasn't easy to solve this problem. It was not easy to solve this problem. >>eng<< Той използва възможностите си по най-добрия начин. He makes the most of his opportunities. He uses his opportunities in the best possible way. >>eng<< Позвъних на звънеца. I rang the doorbell. I called the bell. >>eng<< Mogao bih da stignem tamo do 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. I could get there by 2:30. >>eng<< Umoran sam. I'm tired. I'm tired. >>eng<< Jane je prerasla svojo mati. Jane grew taller than her mother. Jane has outgrown her mother. >>eng<< И самиот сум изненаден. I'm surprised myself. I'm surprised myself. >>eng<< Аз бях първото гадже на майка ти. I was your mother's first boyfriend. I was your mother's first boyfriend. >>eng<< Ово је књига. It is a book. This is a book. >>eng<< Knjiga je rasprodata. The book is out of print. The book was sold out. >>eng<< Точно е десет часот. It's exactly 10:00. It's ten o'clock. >>eng<< Pogledaj opet. Check again. Look again. >>eng<< Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We're not hanging out. >>eng<< Tom se udebljao. Tom has gotten fat. Tom's getting fat. >>eng<< Дали даде сѐ од себе? Did you do your best? Did he do his best? >>eng<< Da li voliš kostime? Do you like costumes? Do you like costumes? >>eng<< Mora da postoji bolji način da se ovo uradi. There must be a better way to do this. There must be a better way to do this. >>eng<< Ќе водиме дискусија во врска со прогнозата. We will have a discussion concerning the prognosis. We're gonna have a discussion about the forecast. >>eng<< Казах на Том защо няма да мога да отида. I told Tom the reason why I wouldn't be able to go. I told Tom why I couldn't go. >>eng<< Ги прашав што не е во ред. I asked them what was wrong. I asked them what was wrong. >>eng<< Какав отац, такав син. Like father, like son. What a father, such a son. >>eng<< Mogu li da uzmem tvoj rečnik? Can I use your dictionary? Can I have your dictionary? >>eng<< Бедуините живеят в пустинята. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. >>eng<< Koliko ona ima telefonskih brojeva? How many phone numbers has she got? How many phone numbers does she have? >>eng<< Da li ih je Tom našao? Did Tom find them? Did Tom find them? >>eng<< Прав ли съм? Am I correct? Am I right? >>eng<< Ne smejte se. Don't smile. Don't laugh. >>eng<< Виждала съм други хора да го правят. I've seen other people do it. I've seen other people do it. >>eng<< Tom nije ekspert. Tom is no expert. Tom's not an expert. >>eng<< Bela porodica će doći u Tokijo u pola jedanaest. The White family will arrive in Tokyo at ten thirty. The white family will arrive in Tokyo at half an hour. >>eng<< Бев во театар. I was at the theater. I was in the theater. >>eng<< "Boston Globe" je dao filmu lošu kritiku. The Boston Globe gave the film an unfavorable review. Boston Globe gave the film bad reviews. >>eng<< Идвам. I'm coming. I'm on my way. >>eng<< Знам, че мога да го направя. I know I can do it. I know I can do it. >>eng<< Те всички познаваха Том. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. >>eng<< Том има куче. Tom has a dog. Tom has a dog. >>eng<< Ni ja nisam to uradio. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. >>eng<< Нема одговор од него. There is no response from him. There's no answer from him. >>eng<< Italija je daleko od Brazila. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. >>eng<< Srećna sam zbog toga. I'm happy about that. I'm happy for that. >>eng<< Какво си видял? What have you seen? What did you see? >>eng<< То је твој проблем. That's your problem. That's your problem. >>eng<< Slepa sam. I'm blind. I'm blind. >>eng<< Видях много туристи на плажа. I saw many tourists on the beach. I saw a lot of tourists on the beach. >>eng<< Аз не съм го виждал от около три години. I haven't seen him for about three years. I haven't seen him in about three years. >>eng<< Претпоставувам дека си ми го прочитал извештајот. I assume you've read my report. I assume you read my report. >>eng<< Да не имаш случајно клуч? You don't have a key, do you? Do you happen to have a key? >>eng<< Da li je istina da ćeš da studiraš u Bostonu? Is it true that you're going to study in Boston? Is it true you're going to study in Boston? >>eng<< Безсмислено е да се опитваш да убедиш Том. It's no use trying to convince Tom. It makes no sense to try to convince Tom. >>eng<< Možeš li da rešiš ovaj problem? Can you solve this problem? Can you solve this problem? >>eng<< Нејзиниот шарм е неопислив. Her charm exceeds all description. Her charm is indescribable. >>eng<< Brak je glavni uzrok svih razvoda. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. >>eng<< До какви изводи стигнаха? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions have they come up with? >>eng<< Том е прекрасен. Tom's great. Tom's beautiful. >>eng<< Hoćemo li ponovo da vidimo Toma? Will we see Tom again? Shall we see Tom again? >>eng<< Имаш ли пасош? Do you have your passport? Do you have a passport? >>eng<< Što podučavaš? What do you teach? What are you teaching? >>eng<< Колкото книги има той, толкова имам и аз. I have as many books as he does. As many books as he has, so do I. >>eng<< Nazovi me bilo kada. Na mom ramenu, uvek se možeš isplakati. Call me anytime. I always have a shoulder to cry on. You can always cry on my shoulder. >>eng<< Том чу како му ѕвони телефонот. Tom heard his telephone ringing. Tom heard his phone ring. >>eng<< Siguran sam da bi Tom najradije ostao. I'm sure Tom would rather stay. I'm sure Tom would rather stay. >>eng<< Ona ističe da ovaj poslednji potez vlade ima višestruko značenje. She points out that this latest gesture of the government has multiple meanings. She points out that this last move by the government has multiple meanings. >>eng<< Гледам на него като на най-добрия ми приятел. I look on him as my best friend. I look at him as my best friend. >>eng<< Ќе одржуваме контакт. We'll be in touch. We'll keep in touch. >>eng<< Gimnastika je njegova jaka strana. He is good at gymnastics. Gymnastics is his strong side. >>eng<< Той и аз сме приятели. He and I are friends. He and I are friends. >>eng<< Стави ги каде било. Just put them anywhere. Put them anywhere. >>eng<< Какво ще кажеш да спрем колата и да си починем? How about stopping the car and taking a rest? How about we stop the car and get some rest? >>eng<< Imaš pravo biti sretan. You've got the right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. >>eng<< Većina naučnika je odbacila teoriju pomeranja kontinenata, jer je bilo tako teško da se zamisli da su pokreti ploča uopšte i mogući. Most scientists had rejected the continental-drift theory because it had been so difficult to imagine that plate movements were even possible. Most scientists rejected the theory of the movement of continents, as it was so difficult to imagine that the motions of the plate were even possible. >>eng<< Da li ste jeli nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? >>eng<< Кажи му дека сме зафатени. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. >>eng<< Хоћу да се удам. I want to get married. I want to get married. >>eng<< Спремен сум. I am ready. I'm ready. >>eng<< Колко пъти годишно ходите до брега? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year do you go to the coast? >>eng<< Živim u Čileu. I live in Chile. I live in Chile. >>eng<< Ми се чини дека тоа е единствениот возможен заклучок. It seems like the only possible conclusion. It seems to me that this is the only possible conclusion. >>eng<< Dozvoli mi da ti pomognem da izbegneš neke probleme. Let me save you some trouble. Let me help you avoid some problems. >>eng<< Имам планови за вечера со Том. I have dinner plans with Tom. I have plans for dinner with Tom. >>eng<< Не смее така. That would be wrong. You can't do that. >>eng<< Те ще играят баскетбол след училище. They are going to play baseball after school. They will play basketball after school. >>eng<< Ќе си ги најдеш играчките и книгите. You will find your toys and books. You'll find your toys and books. >>eng<< Трудът не е само необходимост, но и удоволствие. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work is not only a necessity, but also a pleasure. >>eng<< Tom je tu v tomto hoteli. Tom is here in this hotel. Tom's here at the totto hotels. >>eng<< Изгледа будала сум бил што сум очекувал дека нешто ќе направиш. I guess I was stupid to expect you to do anything. I guess I was a fool to expect you to do something. >>eng<< Пред да си легнам, испив три апчиња против настинка. Before going to bed, I took three pills to stop a cold. Before I went to bed, I took three cold pills. >>eng<< Сишао сам на погрешној аутобуској станици. I got off at the wrong bus stop. I got off at the wrong bus station. >>eng<< Бетовен е бил велик музикант. Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven was a great musician. >>eng<< Sve je prestalo. Everything stopped. It's all stopped. >>eng<< Той самият го опита. He himself tried it. He tried it himself. >>eng<< Bol chorý, ale teraz už nie je. He has been ill, but is not ill now. Pain chorý, ale terraz is narrowly nie. >>eng<< Ne možete da sedite pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. >>eng<< Tom se nije ponudio da plati. Tom didn't offer to pay. Tom didn't offer to pay. >>eng<< Pomozi mi. Help me. Help me. >>eng<< Niko od nas nije video Toma kako radi to. None of us saw Tom do that. None of us saw Tom do it. >>eng<< Скинуо се. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. >>eng<< Pogledajte okolo. Check around. Look around. >>eng<< Ходиш на училище, нали? You go to school, don't you? You're going to school, aren't you? >>eng<< Гледай да не се случи отново. Don't let it happen again. Make sure it doesn't happen again. >>eng<< Tom je otišao prije nego sam došao. Tom left before I arrived. Tom was gone before I could get here. >>eng<< Мислев да му побарам помош. I thought I'd ask him for help. I thought I'd ask for his help. >>eng<< Том няма да се откаже. Tom isn't giving up. Tom won't give up. >>eng<< Малку сум болен. I'm a little sick. I'm a little sick. >>eng<< On je poplavio od hladnoće. He was blue from the cold. He flooded from the cold. >>eng<< Толико ми недостајеш. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. >>eng<< Стигнах до гарата, след като влакът тръгна. I only got to the station after the train had left. I got to the station after the train left. >>eng<< Tom je v garáži. Tom is in the garage. Tom's in the garage. >>eng<< Zvoní zvonček. The bell is ringing. The bell bell. >>eng<< Za mene je ovde preglasno. It's too noisy here for me. It's too loud for me here. >>eng<< Kam by si chcel ísť? Where would you like to go? Where are you? >>eng<< Човечкиот ум е величествен. The human mind is magnificent. The human mind is magnificent. >>eng<< Како прво, немаш право да донесуваш заклучоци. Како второ, аргументот ти беше заснован врз невалидна претпоставка. First of all, you have no right to make conclusions. Second of all, your argument was based on an invalid assumption. First of all, you have no right to draw conclusions. Second, your argument was based on an invalid assumption. >>eng<< Можда им затреба нешто новца. They may need some money. Maybe they need some money. >>eng<< Znaće oni šta da urade. They'll know what to do. They will know what to do. >>eng<< Што значи сето тоа? What's it all mean? What does all this mean? >>eng<< Кога почнува? When does it begin? When does it start? >>eng<< Moj je, nije njegov. It's mine, not his. It's mine, it's not his. >>eng<< Treba da razgovaramo o ovome privatno. We should discuss this in private. I need to talk to you about this privately. >>eng<< Mnogo vremena je prošlo. It's taken a long time. It's been a long time. >>eng<< За греота е тоа. That's so pathetic. That's for the heating. >>eng<< Не му поверував. I didn't believe him. I didn't believe him. >>eng<< Idi da potražiš Toma. Go and look for Tom. Go look for Tom. >>eng<< Ovo nije rečenica. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. >>eng<< Забрањено воће је увек најслађе. Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. >>eng<< Poklanjaju se jabuke i kruške, a ne zlato i zelene šume. One gives away apples and pears, and not gold and green forests. Apples and pears are given, not gold and green forests. >>eng<< Elbrus je najviša planina Evrope. Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. >>eng<< Jesmo li sada na sigurnom? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? >>eng<< Шта ћеш да радиш данас? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? >>eng<< On radi u velike gradske bolnice. He works in a big city hospital. He works at big city hospitals. >>eng<< To miriše ukusno. That smells delicious. That smells delicious. >>eng<< Neko mi je rekao za to. Someone told me about that. Someone told me about this. >>eng<< Nikoli ne bomo vedeli. We'll never know. We'll never know. >>eng<< Треба да им побараш помош. You should ask them to help. You should ask them for help. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да дойдете да го видите. I think you should come and see it. I think you should come and see him. >>eng<< Нели ќе си одевте? Weren't you leaving? Didn't you leave? >>eng<< Никој не може да се спаси од смртта. No one is saved from death. No one can be saved from death. >>eng<< Možeš li da stigneš na vreme? Can you make it in time? Can you make it in time? >>eng<< Том ја плукна гумата за џвакање. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spits the chewing gum. >>eng<< Oni se ne čini sretnim. They don't seem happy. They don't seem happy. >>eng<< Pauk me golica. The spider tickles me. The spider tickles me. >>eng<< Priđite. Come forward. Come. >>eng<< Овие се многу незрели. These guys are very immature. These are very immature. >>eng<< Го гонеше крадецот. He chased the thief. He was after the thief. >>eng<< Tom uvek izgleda nezadovoljno. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. Tom always seems dissatisfied. >>eng<< Moja soba ima dve okni. My room has two windows. My room has two windows. >>eng<< Samo što nisam krenuo da te tražim. I was about to go look for you. I'm just about to start looking for you. >>eng<< On se ubrzo oporavio od šoka. He soon recovered from the shock. He soon recovered from shock. >>eng<< Kad je ovakvo vreme, najbolje je da sediš kući i ne ideš napolje. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. When it's like this, it's best to sit home and not go out. >>eng<< Трудила сам се да будем љубазна. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be kind. >>eng<< Не ги изхвърляй. После ще ти потрябват. Don't throw them away. You'll need them later. Don't throw them away, then you'll need them. >>eng<< Ponestalo ti je sreće, Tome. You're out of luck, Tom. You're out of luck, Tom. >>eng<< Можеби Том знае француски. Tom might know how to speak French. Maybe Tom knows French. >>eng<< Njegov je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? >>eng<< Застанаа. They stopped walking. They stopped. >>eng<< Vraćam se uskoro. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. >>eng<< To je njihova knjiga. That book is theirs. It's their book. >>eng<< Ovaj put vodi u grad. This road goes to the city. This time he's taking you into town. >>eng<< Uči se tako što se radi. One learns by doing. Learn how to do it. >>eng<< Си го прекинавме разговорот. We broke off our conversation. We stopped our conversation. >>eng<< Svi smo mi to radili. We all have done that. We all did. >>eng<< Niektorí zo študentov radi hrajú na gitare. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Niektorí zo students love hrajú on guitars. >>eng<< Gde si kupio to? I ja želim jedan. Where did you buy that? I also want one. Where did you buy that? >>eng<< Nisam rekao da sam to uradio. I didn't say I did that. I didn't say I did it. >>eng<< Izvoli, pitaj Toma. Go ahead and ask Tom. Here, ask Tom. >>eng<< Čime se bavi? What does he do? What does he do? >>eng<< Nisam znala da si tako bogata. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. >>eng<< Je to napísané bengálsky. It's written in Bengali. That's napísané bengálsky. >>eng<< I ja želim da vidim okean. I also want to see the ocean. And I want to see the ocean. >>eng<< Želeli su da me kazne. They wanted to punish me. They wanted to punish me. >>eng<< Videla sam mačku. I saw the cat. I saw a cat. >>eng<< Tom je štedeo novac da bi kupio automobil. Tom has been saving money to buy a car. Tom was saving money to buy a car. >>eng<< Imam dve ćerke. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. >>eng<< Једног дана биће мој. One day he will be mine. One day it will be mine. >>eng<< Не съм спал от три дена. I haven't slept in three days. I haven't slept in three days. >>eng<< Каква кукавица сум. I'm such a chicken. What a coward I am. >>eng<< Kako je ovo tvoja greška? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? >>eng<< Протерали смо га из земље. We banished him from the country. We drove him out of the country. >>eng<< Всички правила трябва да бъдат съобразени с политиката на компанията. All of the rules must be in line with company policy. All rules must be in line with the company’s policy. >>eng<< Скрени лево. Turn left. Turn left. >>eng<< Al je živeo u Sovjetskom savezu, onom velikom i višenarodnom, u velikom regionu Tver, po veličini jednakim nekoliko engleskih zemalja. Al lived in the Soviet Union, huge and multinational one, at the large Tver Region equal to several English counties in size. Al lived in the Soviet Union, that great and multi-national, in the great Tver region, by the size of several English countries. >>eng<< Šetali smo parkom. We walked in the park. We were walking around the park. >>eng<< Не беше многу добро. It wasn't very good. It wasn't very good. >>eng<< Treba da razgovaraš sa mnom. You need to talk to me. I need you to talk to me. >>eng<< Криво ми е што не им се јавив. I wish I'd called them. I'm sorry I didn't call them back. >>eng<< Не съм виждал такова от години. I haven't seen one of these in years. I haven't seen one like that in years. >>eng<< Среде градот има фонтана. In the middle of the city, there is a fountain. There's a fountain in the middle of town. >>eng<< Volontirala sam. I volunteered. I volunteered. >>eng<< Никој не дојде овде. No one came up here. No one came here. >>eng<< Нејзината долга коса беше костенливо кафеава. Her long hair was chestnut brown. Her long hair was very brown. >>eng<< On gleda olimpijadu. He's watching the Olympics. He's watching the Olympics. >>eng<< Bolje je. It's better. It's better. >>eng<< Можам да се справам со неа. I can handle her. I can handle her. >>eng<< Немаат шупа. They don't have a shed. They don't have a shed. >>eng<< Том видел и полошо. Tom has seen worse. Tom saw worse. >>eng<< Stari učitelj je počeo nostalgično govoriti o dobrim, starim vremenima. The old teacher began to talk about the good old days. The old teacher began to talk nostalgic about good old times. >>eng<< Ќе бидам кај своето биро. I'll be at my desk. I'll be at my desk. >>eng<< Во право сум. I'm correct. I'm right. >>eng<< Sada je odličan trenutak za kupovinu takvog. Now is a great time to buy one of those. Now is a great time to buy one. >>eng<< Ova je nezgodna. This one's a tough one. This one's awkward. >>eng<< Јас имам голема фамилија. I have a large family. I have a big family. >>eng<< Имаш ли бенд? Did you have a band? Do you have a band? >>eng<< Tom je bogat i slobodan. Tom is rich and single. Tom's rich and free. >>eng<< Nisam dovoljno mlad da bih sve znao. I am not young enough to know everything. I'm not young enough to know everything. >>eng<< Не ми прави мили очи. Don't get cute with me. Don't make my kind eyes. >>eng<< Leti nosim majice na kratke rukave. I wear short-sleeve shirts in the summer. I'm wearing short-sleeved T-shirts in summer. >>eng<< Изглежда повечето хора се предават, преди да са осъзнали своите възможности. It looks like most people give up before realizing their abilities. Most people seem to surrender before they realize their possibilities. >>eng<< Зошто Том го прави ова? Why is Tom doing this? Why is Tom doing this? >>eng<< Какви са фактите? What're the facts? What are the facts? >>eng<< Надам се да се ово више никада неће поновити. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. >>eng<< Stvarno se ponosim time. I'm real proud of that. I'm really proud of it. >>eng<< Tom zna šta sledi. Tom knows what's coming. Tom knows what's coming. >>eng<< Vyrástol si tu? Did you grow up here? Vyrástol are you here? >>eng<< Ovo je moj kompjuter. This is my computer. This is my computer. >>eng<< Извикай ме, ако ти трябвам за нещо. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need anything. >>eng<< On se pokušao ubiti. He tried to kill himself. He tried to kill himself. >>eng<< Това добър френски ли е? Is this good French? Is that good French? >>eng<< Nosim flanelsku pižamu. I wear flannel pajamas. I'm wearing flannel pajamas. >>eng<< Мама је пресадила цвеће у башту. Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden. Mom transplanted flowers into the garden. >>eng<< Vozi sporo. Drive slowly. Drive slow. >>eng<< Nikad nećemo znati razlog. We'll never know the reason. We'll never know the reason. >>eng<< Проектът беше пълен провал. The project was a complete failure. The project was a complete failure. >>eng<< Izgubi se. Get lost. Get lost. >>eng<< Veren sam. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. >>eng<< Nie som smädná. I'm not thirsty. Nie som smädná. >>eng<< Тој е многу срамежлив. Вели дека сака да те види. He's very shy. He says he wants to see you. He's very shy, he says he wants to see you. >>eng<< Каква марка на шампон користиш? What brand of shampoo do you use? What kind of shampoo brand do you use? >>eng<< Знаеш ли некои француски песни? Do you know any French songs? Do you know any French songs? >>eng<< To je sjajno! That's wonderful! That's great! >>eng<< На всеки студент беше зададен по един въпрос. Every student was asked one question. Each student was asked a question. >>eng<< Том е џуџе. Tom is a dwarf. Tom's a dwarf. >>eng<< Ще бъда до теб, ако тръгнеш да го правиш. I'll stand behind you if you are going to do it. I'll be next to you if you go do it. >>eng<< Da li si uopšte pitao Toma da se posluži? Have you ever asked if Tom wants one? Did you even ask Tom to serve himself? >>eng<< Това е интригуващо. That is intriguing. That's intriguing. >>eng<< Не е моја вина тоа. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. >>eng<< Не се согласувам со тоа. I disagree with that. I don't agree with that. >>eng<< Получих ролковите кънки без да давам нищо. I got the roller skates for nothing. I got the roller coasters without giving anything. >>eng<< Пиел ли Том? Has Tom been drinking? Did you drink tom? >>eng<< Uči se tako što se radi. One learns by doing. Learn how to do it. >>eng<< Ова е Том, мојот помошник. This is Tom, my assistant. This is Tom, my assistant. >>eng<< Това не е ли шапката на Том? Isn't that Tom's hat? Isn't that Tom's hat? >>eng<< Жената седеше помеѓу двајца мажи. The woman was sitting between two men. The woman was sitting between two men. >>eng<< Собава личи на кочина. This room looks like a pigsty. It looks like a cognac. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da nije ekspert. Tom said he's no expert. Tom said he wasn't an expert. >>eng<< Мирно смо протестовали. We demonstrated peacefully. We peacefully protested. >>eng<< Не мога да говоря на френски, без да допусна няколко грешки. I can't speak French without making some mistakes. I can't speak French without making a few mistakes. >>eng<< Последвайте го. Follow him. Follow him. >>eng<< V januári prichádza noc skoro. Night comes early in January. On January pechádza night almost. >>eng<< To je mačka. It is a cat. It's a cat. >>eng<< Zbožňujem to! I love that! I love it! >>eng<< Пушти ме оттука. Let me out of here. Let me out of here. >>eng<< Bi lahko ti peljal psa na sprehod? Could you walk the dog? Can I take your dog for a walk? >>eng<< Tom će razgovarati. Tom'll talk. Tom will talk. >>eng<< Da te ne znam dobro, pomislila bih nešto kriješ. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were hiding something. If I didn't know you well, I'd think you were hiding something. >>eng<< Не съм туристка. I'm not a tourist. I'm not a tourist. >>eng<< Ајде да отпатуваме до Бостон. Let's take a trip to Boston. Let's go to Boston. >>eng<< Трябва ми молив. I need a pencil. I need a pencil. >>eng<< Vi ste tužan. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< Да се обидеме ли пак? Should we try again? Shall we try again? >>eng<< Том вели дека и се допаѓаш на Мери. Tom says Mary likes you. Tom says she likes Mary. >>eng<< „Таа сака музика, зарем не?“ „Да, сака.“ "She likes music, doesn't she?" "So she does." “She loves music, doesn’t she?” >>eng<< Muž pracuje vo svojej kancelárii. The man works in his office. The husband follows in his cancelarii. >>eng<< Predvideo sam da će ovo da se dogodi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I thought this would happen months ago. >>eng<< Исках да си поговорим за оценките ти. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. >>eng<< Tom ima jak nemački akcenat. Tom has a heavy German accent. Tom has a strong German accent. >>eng<< Prestani sa samosažaljevanjem. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. >>eng<< Иди се приготви да си лягаш. Go get ready for bed. Go get ready to go to bed. >>eng<< Често позајмљујем књиге од Тома. I often borrow books from Tom. I often borrow books from Tom. >>eng<< Къде е автобусният терминал? Where is the bus terminal? Where is the bus terminal? >>eng<< Gde ti je prijateljica? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? >>eng<< Доволно си оптеретен со грижи. You've got enough to worry about. You're worried enough. >>eng<< Само што ми се јави тој. I just got a call from him. He just called me. >>eng<< Iznervirala sam ga. I pissed him off. I pissed him off. >>eng<< Не заборавите да урадите ваш домаћи задатак, у реду? Don't forget to do your homework, okay? Don’t forget to do your homework, okay? >>eng<< Želim mač kao ovaj! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! >>eng<< Тайфун наближава Япония. A typhoon is approaching Japan. Typhoon is approaching Japan. >>eng<< Dobri ste prema svima. You're nice to everyone. You're good to everyone. >>eng<< Ще сложа обратно нещата там, където им е мястото. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'll put things back where they belong. >>eng<< Било је вруће у сваком смислу те речи. It was hot in every sense of the word. It was hot in every sense of that word. >>eng<< Трябва да учите усърдно. You must study hard. You have to study hard. >>eng<< Lovi jo kojot. She is being chased by a coyote. It's a coyote hunt. >>eng<< Морам повторно да си заминам. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. >>eng<< Мисля, че това, което Том направи, беше много смело. I think what Tom did was very brave. I think what Tom did was very brave. >>eng<< Sednimo. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. >>eng<< Mislim da je ovo početak jednog divnog prijateljstva. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship. >>eng<< Nisam znala da si tako bogat. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. >>eng<< Danas izgledaš malo bolje. You look a bit better today. You look a little better today. >>eng<< По-добре да не отиваш. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. >>eng<< Tom je dosta tajanstven. Tom is quite secretive. Tom's pretty secretive. >>eng<< Samo što sam stigla. I just arrived. I just got here. >>eng<< Навистина ли си среќен? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? >>eng<< Ne znam zašto me boli glava. I don't know why my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts. >>eng<< Tom je presekao traku. Tom cut the tape. Tom cut the tape. >>eng<< Не се колебай да задаваш въпроси. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask questions. >>eng<< Ако не сме внимателни, истото ќе ни се случи и нам. If we're not careful, the same thing will happen to us. If we are not careful, the same will happen to us. >>eng<< Daj mi tu drugu kutiju. Give me that other box. Give me that other box. >>eng<< Imaš pravo biti sretna. You've got the right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. >>eng<< Жена ми била тука еднаш. My wife has been here once. My wife was here once. >>eng<< Stavi to cvijeće gdjegod ga možemo dobro vidjeti. Put those flowers wherever we can see them well. Put those flowers wherever we can see him well. >>eng<< Mogu li te odvesti kući? Can I drive you home? Can I take you home? >>eng<< Скочи колкото се може по-високо. Jump as high as you can. Jump as high as you can. >>eng<< Том не умее да се преправа. Tom isn't good at pretending. Tom can't pretend. >>eng<< On se izvinio, pa ja nisam želeo da tome pridajem poseban značaj. He apologized, so I didn't want to make a big deal about that. He apologized, so I didn't want to give it any special importance. >>eng<< Kuća mi je daleko. My home is far away. My house's a long way from home. >>eng<< Могу ли узети твој речник? Can I use your dictionary? Can I take your dictionary? >>eng<< Том се прибра с автобус. Tom came home by bus. Tom came home by bus. >>eng<< Успори. Slow down. Slow down. >>eng<< Лепота лежи у очима посматрача. Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. Beauty lies in the eyes of the observer. >>eng<< Uštedećete vreme ako pažljivo slušate moje instrukcije. If you listen carefully to my instructions, it'll save you some time. You will save time if you listen to my instructions carefully. >>eng<< Gde sam pogrešio? Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong? >>eng<< Това е всичко, което Том трябва да свърши. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. >>eng<< Trebam nove cipele. I need new shoes. I need new shoes. >>eng<< Том не се среща с Мери. Tom isn't seeing Mary. Tom's not meeting Mary. >>eng<< Ако луѓето доволно се уплашат, сѐ може да се случи. If people get scared enough, anything could happen. If people get scared enough, anything can happen. >>eng<< Hrvatska je bila tako lijepa. Croatia was so beautiful. Croatia was so beautiful. >>eng<< Лекарот го прегледува пациентот. The doctor examines the patient. The doctor examines the patient. >>eng<< Danas ću da odem ranije. I'm going to leave early today. I'll leave early today. >>eng<< Направих кафе. I made coffee. I made coffee. >>eng<< Тој е премногу горделив. He has too much pride. He's too proud. >>eng<< Sad nam treba istina. We need the truth now. Now we need the truth. >>eng<< Сама ли си в момента? Are you alone right now? Are you alone right now? >>eng<< Аз ще почистя. I'll clean it up. I'll clean it up. >>eng<< Тази кокошка напоследък не е снесла нито едно яйце. That chicken hasn't laid any eggs recently. This chicken has not laid a single egg. >>eng<< Том изгледа осамено. Tom looks lonely. Tom looks lonely. >>eng<< Мислиш ли, че ще вали днес? Do you think it'll rain today? Do you think it's gonna rain today? >>eng<< Šta pije ona? What is she drinking? What's she drinking? >>eng<< Najlepši cvetovi imaju najoštrije trnje. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. >>eng<< Зошто никогаш не победувам? Why don't I ever win? Why do I never win? >>eng<< Nedelja ima sedam dana: ponedeljak, utorak, sreda, četvrtak, petak, subota i nedelja. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. >>eng<< Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znala? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? >>eng<< Delujem li obično srećno? Do I usually seem happy? Do I usually look happy? >>eng<< Тя има прекрасен почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She's got a lovely drawing. >>eng<< Бихте ли ми помогнали да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Could you help me translate this? >>eng<< Се колнам, не би се фатил со тебе ни да горам а ти да си последната кофа вода. I swear, I wouldn't date you if I was on fire and you were the last bucket of water. I swear, I wouldn't get caught up in the fire with you if you were the last bucket of water. >>eng<< To ne može biti istina. That can't be true. That can't be true. >>eng<< Poznam vse detajle. I know all the details. I know all the details. >>eng<< "Ви говорите превише", рекао је он. "You talk too much," he said. “You talk too much,” he said. >>eng<< Nikad mi nije palo na pamet da će neko izmisliti tako nešto. It never occurred to me that someone would make up such a thing. It never occurred to me that someone would invent such a thing. >>eng<< Измислихме го. We figured it out. We made it up. >>eng<< Ja sam heroj. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. >>eng<< Което е наше, е наше. What's ours is ours. What is ours is ours. >>eng<< Reci mi šta da pišem i napisaću. Tell me what to write and I'll write it for you. Tell me what to write and I'll write. >>eng<< Govoriš li Italijanski? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? >>eng<< Koliko duboko je to jezero? How deep is the lake? How deep is that lake? >>eng<< Уби ли някого? Did you kill anybody? Did you kill someone? >>eng<< Сакам крстословки. I like crossword puzzles. I want crusades. >>eng<< Не говориш ли френски? Can't you speak French? Don't you speak French? >>eng<< Би сакал да те честам вечера. I'd like to buy you dinner. I'd like to buy you dinner. >>eng<< Том е женет човек. Tom is a married man. Tom is a married man. >>eng<< Треба да јадеш помалку црвено месо. You should eat less red meat. You should eat less red meat. >>eng<< Да ти го пофатам ќесите? Can I take your bags? You want me to grab your bags? >>eng<< Verovatno bi trebalo da pričaš malo sporije. You should probably speak a little bit slower. You should probably talk a little slower. >>eng<< Stavi na Tomov račun. Put it on Tom's tab. Put it on Tom's account. >>eng<< Бевме под напад. We were under attack. We were under attack. >>eng<< Moja noga! My foot! My leg! >>eng<< Ги сакам. I want them. I love them. >>eng<< Oduvek sam mislila da je to čudno. I always thought it was weird. I always thought it was weird. >>eng<< Dobro jutro! Good morning! Morning! >>eng<< Tom je izgledao veoma zbunjeno. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom seemed very confused. >>eng<< Odsedaću u hotelu Hilton. I'm going to be staying at the Hilton Hotel. I'm staying at the Hilton Hotel. >>eng<< Tom ima starijeg brata Džona. Tom has an older brother named John. Tom has an older brother, John. >>eng<< Šta ne možete da mi kažete? What can't you tell me? What can't you tell me? >>eng<< Тя е мило момиче. She is a kind girl. She's a nice girl. >>eng<< Бях много изненадан да видя ученици, които чистят класната си стая след училище. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. >>eng<< Mislim da je to sasvim sjajno. I think that's absolutely fabulous. I think it's just fantastic. >>eng<< Штотуку го вработивме Том. We just hired Tom. We just hired Tom. >>eng<< Той си свали палтото. He took off his coat. He took off his coat. >>eng<< Обикновено разговаряме на френски. We usually speak to each other in French. We usually speak in French. >>eng<< Къде ти е училището? Where is your school? Where's your school? >>eng<< Da li je istina da je Tom izvršio samoubistvo? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? >>eng<< Се стреми кон тоа да стане глумица. She aspired to become an actress. She strives to become an actress. >>eng<< Ќе си го вратам од нив. I'll get it back from them. I'll get it back from them. >>eng<< Није касно доћи на посао у четири сата. Coming to work at 4 p.m. is not late. It's not too late to get to work at four o'clock. >>eng<< Няма никой вкъщи. There's no one home. There's no one at home. >>eng<< Имаме нужда от помощ. We're in need of help. We need help. >>eng<< Jesam li stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? >>eng<< Besplatna biblioteka Haskel i Opera haus sagrađeni su na granici između Kanade i Sjedinjenih država. The Haskell Free Library and Opera House was built on the border between Canada and the United States. The free Haskel Library and Opera House are built on the border between Canada and the United States. >>eng<< Tom još uvek izgleda potresen. Tom still seems shaken. Tom still looks shaken. >>eng<< Šta pišu novine? What do the papers say? What do newspapers say? >>eng<< Просидба је била дивна. It was a beautiful marriage proposal. The request was wonderful. >>eng<< Upravo smo ju vidjeli. We just saw her. We just saw her. >>eng<< Том сам дојде тука. Tom came here alone. Tom came here on his own. >>eng<< Tom je išao na plažu. Tom went to the beach. Tom went to the beach. >>eng<< To sam oduvek znala. I've always known that. I've always known that. >>eng<< Mislio sam da sam mogao da se pouzdam u Toma. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could rely on Tom. >>eng<< Nema smisla pokušavati bilo što drugo. It's no use trying anything. There's no point in trying anything else. >>eng<< Том почина од рак. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. >>eng<< To ima smisla. That makes sense. That makes sense. >>eng<< Мисля, че имаш нужда от някой, с когото да говориш. I think you need someone to talk to. I think you need someone to talk to. >>eng<< Колку трае патот? How long is the ride? How long is the road? >>eng<< Ќе ни требаат приближно три часа да се симнеме од планинава. Getting down this mountain will take about three hours. It'll take us about three hours to get off this mountain. >>eng<< Ujesen mnoge ptice sele se na jug. In the fall, many birds head for the south. Many birds move south. >>eng<< Jesam li sada bezbedan? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? >>eng<< Samo se kloni ovoga. Just stay out of this. Just stay away from this. >>eng<< Пробај да сфатиш. Try to understand. Try to understand. >>eng<< Italija je poluotok. Italy is a peninsula. Italy is a peninsula. >>eng<< Со какви симптоми се одликува труењето со печурки? What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning? What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning? >>eng<< U teoriji moguće je, ali u praksi vrlo teško je. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. >>eng<< Изгубив осет за време. I lost track of time. I lost my sense of time. >>eng<< Kako je ovo tvoja greška? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? >>eng<< Да ли говориш грчки? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? >>eng<< Nikad nisam kampovao. I've never been camping. I've never camped. >>eng<< Мислам дека го познаваш Том. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. >>eng<< Je niekto doma? Is anybody home? Is Nietzsche at home? >>eng<< Къде е асансьорът? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? >>eng<< Šta ste sada uradili? What have you done now? What did you do now? >>eng<< Тоа е наша тајна. That's our secret. That's our secret. >>eng<< Го препознавам типон. I recognize that guy. I recognize the tipon. >>eng<< Лекциите му са много дълги. His lectures are very long. His lessons are very long. >>eng<< Molim vas, pošaljite mi doktorov račun. Please send me the doctor's bill. Please send me the doctor's bill. >>eng<< Да се качиме горе. Let's go upstairs. Let's get up there. >>eng<< Nisam ni to uradila. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. >>eng<< I Tom je prodavac. Tom is a salesman, too. And Tom's a salesman. >>eng<< Да погледаме од поблизу. Let's take a closer look. Let's take a closer look. >>eng<< Zovem se Sally. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. >>eng<< Хей, вали сняг. Hey, it's snowing. Hey, it's snowing. >>eng<< Siguran sam da ćete se vas dvoje složiti. I'm sure the two of you will agree. I'm sure you two will agree. >>eng<< Погледни ме. Look at me. Look at me. >>eng<< Otišao sam vidjeti moje roditelje. I went to see my parents. I went to see my parents. >>eng<< Да ли је он наставник? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? >>eng<< Би можел ништо да не правам. I could do nothing. I could do nothing. >>eng<< Ще си остана вкъщи. I'll stay home. I'll stay home. >>eng<< Некој пее. Someone's singing. Someone's singing. >>eng<< Еве како ние го правиме тоа. Here's how we do it. Here's how we do it. >>eng<< Не знам дали знаеш или не, ама тука во Америка се очекува да му оставиш бакшиш на келнерот. I don't know if you know or not, but here in America you're expected to tip the waiter. I don't know if you know it or not, but here in America, you're expected to tip off the waiter. >>eng<< Nacrtaj skicu svoje kuće. Make a sketch of your house. Draw a sketch of your house. >>eng<< Tvar je dovoljno lagana da pluta na vodi. The substance is light enough to float on the water. The creature is light enough to float on water. >>eng<< Том го бива за тоа. Tom is good at it. That's what Tom's up to. >>eng<< Ще го изям тук. I'll eat it here. I'll eat it here. >>eng<< Јави ми се ако ја најдеш. Call me if you find her. Call me if you find her. >>eng<< Лошо ја сврши работата. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. >>eng<< Spavaj nekoliko sati. Get a few hours sleep. Sleep for a few hours. >>eng<< Tom je stvarno fino dete. Tom is a really nice kid. Tom's a really nice kid. >>eng<< Mislim da je to zaista važno. I think that's really important. I think that's really important. >>eng<< Koliko je pokrivača na krevetu? How many blankets are there on the bed? How many blankets are on the bed? >>eng<< Уозбили се. Be serious. They got serious. >>eng<< Испекао сам хлеб. I baked bread. I made bread. >>eng<< Небото набрзо ќе се разведри. The sky will soon clear. The sky will soon light up. >>eng<< Mnogo je mogućih odgovora na to pitanje. There are many possible answers to that question. There are many possible answers to this question. >>eng<< Ако не сте платили поради недоглеждане, моля изпратете дължимата сума и ни позволете да отстраним проблема незабавно. If an oversight is the reason why you have not paid, please send us the amount due, and let us solve the problem immediately. If you have not paid for the lack of access, please send the amount due and allow us to remove the problem immediately. >>eng<< Не јадам по ресторани многу често. I don't eat out very often. I don't eat at restaurants very often. >>eng<< Jesi li završio? Have you finished it? Are you done? >>eng<< Baš sam mislila na tebe. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. >>eng<< Tom stratil svoj kľúč od domu. Tom lost his house key. Tom was strategizing his house. >>eng<< Kako je Tomu na poslu? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom doing at work? >>eng<< Ми ћемо победити. We'll win. We will win. >>eng<< Daj mi sve pare. Give me all your money. Give me all the money. >>eng<< Не продаваме алкохолни пијалаци и цигари на малолетници. We do not sell alcoholic drinks or cigarettes to people under the age of eighteen. We don't sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to minors. >>eng<< Zašto si toliko paranoičan? Why are you so paranoid? Why are you being so paranoid? >>eng<< Шта је ово? What's that? What is this? >>eng<< Не сакам да му кажам на дечко ми. I don't want to tell my boyfriend. I don't want to tell my boyfriend. >>eng<< Не съм толкова глупав. I'm not that stupid. I'm not that stupid. >>eng<< Gde si našao ovaj nož? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? >>eng<< Tom se mora držati naših pravila. Tom has to follow our rules. Tom has to stick to our rules. >>eng<< Мора да се соочиме со фактите. We must face the facts. We have to face the facts. >>eng<< Том казва, че той е гладен. Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. >>eng<< Го нахрани ли кучето? Have you fed the dog? Did you feed the dog? >>eng<< Со Том сме вљубени еден во друг. Tom and I are in love with each other. Tom and I are in love with each other. >>eng<< Ти приятел на Том ли си? Are you Tom's friend? Are you Tom's friend? >>eng<< Им верував. I believed them. I trusted them. >>eng<< Tom i ja smo bili zauzeti. Tom and I've been busy. Tom and I were busy. >>eng<< Bob ima navado, da gre v posteljo ob 10:00. Bob has the habit of going to bed at 10:00. Bob has a habit of going to bed at 10:00. >>eng<< Baš sam uživao. I enjoyed it very much. I was just enjoying it. >>eng<< Данас ме боли глава. I have a headache today. My head hurts today. >>eng<< Krivica je naša. We're to blame. It's our fault. >>eng<< Верувам дека сешто може да се случи. I believe anything can happen. I believe anything can happen. >>eng<< Govori glasnije! Speak up! Speak louder! >>eng<< Jesam to uradio, zar ne? I did do that, didn't I? I did it, didn't I? >>eng<< Dođite ponovo. Come again. Come again. >>eng<< Виждал съм Ви някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. >>eng<< За да те штити е. It's for your protection. It's to protect you. >>eng<< Дрехите му винаги миришат лошо. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. >>eng<< Аз не обичам лекарите. I don't like doctors. I don't like doctors. >>eng<< Јесте ли спремни? Are you ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Ja nisam filolog. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. >>eng<< Спасавала је живу главу. She ran for dear life. She saved the living head. >>eng<< Беше ми тежко. I had a hard time. It was hard for me. >>eng<< Ни фрлија клетва. They cursed us. They gave us a curse. >>eng<< Kde máš školu? Where is your school? Where are you going to school? >>eng<< Ljudi su nekada pisali knjige kucaćim mašinama. People used to write books using typewriters. People used to write books with typewriters. >>eng<< Аз съм просто човек, който обича знанието. I am just a person who loves knowledge. I'm just a man who loves knowledge. >>eng<< Имаш мали гради. You have a small chest. You have small breasts. >>eng<< Niko od nas nije pogodio metu. We all missed the target. None of us hit the target. >>eng<< Права штета е. It's really unfortunate. It's a real shame. >>eng<< Моля те, кажи ми защо беше уволнен Том. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Please tell me why Tom was fired. >>eng<< Tom još uvek deluje potreseno. Tom still seems shaken. Tom still seems shaken. >>eng<< Ако не искаш да бъдеш сам, мога да ти правя компания. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can make you a company. >>eng<< Со кого беше? Who were you with? Who were you with? >>eng<< To je stvarno lepo. That's really beautiful. That's really nice. >>eng<< Чух някой да казва, че Том е болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom was sick. >>eng<< Нели е тоа необично? Isn't that curious? Isn't that unusual? >>eng<< Izglačao je svoje hlače. He ironed his pants. He ironed his pants. >>eng<< Само што му ја искречивме собата на Том минатата недела. We just had Tom's room painted last week. We just cut Tom's room off last week. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е смешен. I think Tom is funny. I think Tom's funny. >>eng<< Готвам супа во големо тенџере. I cook soup in a big pot. I'm cooking soup in a big pot. >>eng<< Не забравяйте, че утре е рождения ден на Том. Don't forget that it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Don’t forget that tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. >>eng<< Чух те как ме окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage me. >>eng<< Състоянието на ранените се подобрява. The wounded are getting better. The condition of the wounded is improving. >>eng<< Изобщо нямам представа защо. I have absolutely no idea why. I have no idea why. >>eng<< Odgovori mi smesta. Answer me right now. Answer me right now. >>eng<< Може ли да му кажеш на Том дека сме вратени? Would you tell Tom we're back? Can you tell Tom we're back? >>eng<< Кен ми се обажда всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. >>eng<< Знаеш ли зошто Том не дојде на состанокот попладнево? Do you know why Tom wasn't at the meeting this afternoon? Do you know why Tom didn't come to the meeting this afternoon? >>eng<< Наша школа је основана 1990. године. Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. >>eng<< Posvađali su se. They quarreled. They had a fight. >>eng<< Валеше на потоп. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining in the flood. >>eng<< Кучево зјапа во мене како да сака да ме изеде. This dog is staring at me as if it wanted to eat me. The dog stares at me like he wants to eat me. >>eng<< Koji kurac se događa ovdje? What the fuck is going on here? What the fuck is going on here? >>eng<< Те са умрели млади. They died young. They died young. >>eng<< Nikad nisam imao problema da zaspim. I've never had trouble falling asleep. I've never had any trouble sleeping. >>eng<< Da se sad pojaviš i kažeš takvo nešto, samo bi nadolilo ulje na vatru. For you to come out and say that kind of thing now would just be pouring oil on the fire. If you showed up now and said something like that, it would only add oil to the fire. >>eng<< Je li tvoje? Is it yours? Is it yours? >>eng<< Pozdravite prijatelje. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your friends. >>eng<< Страхувам се, че няма да мога да се обясня на френски. I'm afraid I won't be able to make myself understood in French. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain myself in French. >>eng<< Presvucite se. Get changed. Change your clothes. >>eng<< Dođi sedi pored mene. Come sit by me. Come sit next to me. >>eng<< Денес напладне ќе јадеме црешни од Италија. Today, at midday, we shall eat cherries from Italy. Today we will eat cherry from Italy. >>eng<< Ти не помниш, а аз никога няма да забравя. You don't remember, I'll never forget. You don't remember, and I'll never forget. >>eng<< Том сака секаков зеленчук освен зелка. Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage. Tom wants all kinds of vegetables except cabbage. >>eng<< Mogla bih da izgubim posao. I could lose my job. I could lose my job. >>eng<< To su vrlo stare knjige. These are very old books. These are very old books. >>eng<< Може ли да загасиш светлината? Could you turn off the lights? Can you turn off the light? >>eng<< Činite dobro onima koji vas mrze. Do good to those who hate you. You do good to those who hate you. >>eng<< Ќе те убијам. I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you. >>eng<< Ne mogu ni ja. I can't do it either. Neither can I. >>eng<< Pusti mašti na volju. Let your imagination run wild. Let the imagination go. >>eng<< Том не е мој тип. Tom isn't my type. Tom's not my type. >>eng<< Отидох до пазара. I went to the market. I went to the market. >>eng<< Хайде стига толкова. Let's call it a day. Come on, that's enough. >>eng<< Многу сме далеку од дома. We are very far from home. We're so far from home. >>eng<< Том чу нещо. Tom heard something. Tom heard something. >>eng<< Имах толкова много неща за правене, че се почувствах депресиран. Having much to do, I felt depressed. I had so many things to do that I felt depressed. >>eng<< Kako biste se osećali ako bi Vas napustila supruga? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if your husband left you? >>eng<< Изглежда си си вързвърнал самообладанието. It looks like you've regained your confidence. You seem to have regained your self-control. >>eng<< Тоа беше многу глупаво. That was so stupid. That was very stupid. >>eng<< Ne znači da je nešto dobra ideja samo zato što je moguće. Just because something is possible doesn't make it a good idea. It does not mean that something is a good idea just because it is possible. >>eng<< To sem ti že povedal. I already told you that. I told you that before. >>eng<< Време је да се опростимо. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. >>eng<< Многу ми студи. I feel very chilly. A lot of my studies. >>eng<< Не желим да будеш повређена. I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt. >>eng<< Svi su stajali. Everyone stood. They're all standing. >>eng<< Тя вярва, че синът ѝ е още жив. She believes her son is still alive. She believes her son is still alive. >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najinteresantnijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. >>eng<< Tom je tvrdio da je to bila nesreća. Tom claimed that it was an accident. Tom claimed it was an accident. >>eng<< Как се научи да говориш френски? How did you learn French? How did you learn to speak French? >>eng<< Na to sam se navikao. It's what I'm used to. That's what I'm used to. >>eng<< Ova reklama je veoma uvredljiva. That ad is incredibly offensive. This advertisement is very offensive. >>eng<< Ѝ завидувам. I envy her. I envy her. >>eng<< Kaži Tomu da sam spremna. Tell Tom that I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready to talk to you. >>eng<< Луд си! You're nuts! You're crazy! >>eng<< Они су се смејали због његове грешке. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed because of his mistake. >>eng<< Večeras ću je pozvati telefonom. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her on the phone tonight. >>eng<< Със сигурност се нуждаем от помощта на Том. We definitely need Tom's help. I'm sure we need Tom's help. >>eng<< Ja ću se pobrinuti za ostatak. I'll handle the rest. I'll take care of the rest. >>eng<< Том ја посетуваше Мери еднаш годишно. Tom visited Mary once a year. Tom visited Mary once a year. >>eng<< Lagao nas je. He lied to us. He lied to us. >>eng<< Tom je stigao na vreme uprkos oluji. Tom arrived on time in spite of the storm. Tom arrived on time despite the storm. >>eng<< Imam tetu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. >>eng<< Koliko dugo živiš ovde? How long have you lived here? How long have you lived here? >>eng<< Šta proučava sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does the Soviets study? >>eng<< Danas ću ranije otići s posla. I'm going to leave work early today. I'll leave work early today. >>eng<< Го наместив Том. I framed Tom. I set Tom up. >>eng<< Kaži mi zašto si uradio to. Tell me why you did it. Tell me why you did it. >>eng<< Тоа ми даде идеја. That gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. >>eng<< Ми треба да знам кој ѝ помогнал. I need to know who helped her. I need to know who helped her. >>eng<< Пресметај колку пари ќе ни требаат следната година. Calculate how much money we will need next year. Find out how much money we will need next year. >>eng<< Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He split the apples between the five of us. >>eng<< Tom je sakrio jedan rezervni ključ u njegovoj bašti. Tom keeps a spare key hidden in his garden. Tom hid one spare key in his garden. >>eng<< Том малку куца. Tom limps slightly. Tom knocks a little. >>eng<< Какъв е номерът? What's the number? What's the number? >>eng<< Не забравяй да заключиш вратата. Remember to lock the door. Don't forget to lock the door. >>eng<< Девојка Пица и господин каша шетали су у шуми. Miss Pizza and Mr Porridge were walking in the woods. The pizza girl and Mr. porridge were walking in the woods. >>eng<< Prosečni ste studenti. You're average students. You're an average student. >>eng<< Да ли могу да добијем твој имејл, молићу? May I have your email, please? Can I have your e-mail, please? >>eng<< През лятото аз нося ризи с къс ръкав. In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts. In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts. >>eng<< Oprosti mi. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that. >>eng<< Престани да зборуваш за мене. Stop talking about me. Stop talking about me. >>eng<< Мораш да побрзаш за да го фатиш последниот воз. You have to hurry up so you'd catch the last train. You have to hurry to catch the last train. >>eng<< Ја заменувам. I'm filling in for her. I'm replacing her. >>eng<< Зарем не мислиш дека Куки би било добро име за куче? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? >>eng<< Postigla je svoj cilj. She achieved her goal. She has achieved her goal. >>eng<< Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm gonna marry. >>eng<< Dan je za rođendan dobio figuricu mačke za sreću od kolege s posla. Dan got a lucky cat figurine from a co-worker for his birthday. For his birthday, he received a cat figure for happiness from a colleague from work. >>eng<< Смееш тука да спиеш. You may sleep here. You can sleep here. >>eng<< Не препири се са мном. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. >>eng<< Той даде фотоапарата си на своя приятел. He gave his camera to his friend. He gave his camera to his friend. >>eng<< Žestoko smo se posvađali. We had a terrible fight. We had a hard time fighting. >>eng<< Том се къпе. Tom is taking a bath. Tom's taking a bath. >>eng<< Ова е слика од Том. This is Tom's photograph. This is a picture of Tom. >>eng<< Ovo je početak jedne nove ere. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. >>eng<< Požiar bol uhasený po tom, ako hasiči dorazili k domu. The fire was put out after the firefighters arrived at the house. Fire the pain of the earsený after that, if the hassichs reach home. >>eng<< Ko smo mi? Who are we? Who are we? >>eng<< Има градина пред къщата. There is a garden in front of the house. There's a garden in front of the house. >>eng<< Звукот на твојот глас е како песна на сирена за мене. The sound of your voice is like siren's song to me. The sound of your voice is like a siren song to me. >>eng<< Trebali smo učiniti to što si nam savjetovao. We should've done what you advised. We should have done what you advised us to do. >>eng<< Ширите есперанто! Spread Esperanto! Wide Esperanto! >>eng<< Мисля, че само на тебе ти пука. I think you're the only one who cares. I think you're the only one who cares. >>eng<< Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink water from a dirty glass! >>eng<< Ću te osloboditi. I'm going to release you. I'll set you free. >>eng<< Той си свали палтото и се захвана за работа. He took his coat off and set to work. He took off his coat and got a job. >>eng<< Да проверим. Let's check. Let's check it out. >>eng<< Летището беше затворено заради мъглата. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed because of the fog. >>eng<< В края на филма тя е много различна. She's very different at the end of the film. At the end of the film, it is very different. >>eng<< Не искам да бъда твой враг. I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want to be your enemy. >>eng<< Mislim da tvoj plan nije realističan. I think your plan is not realistic. I don't think your plan is realistic. >>eng<< Koju si prvu pesmu ikad napisala? What was the first song you ever wrote? What was your first song you ever wrote? >>eng<< Nikad se tamo nećemo vratiti. We'll never go back there again. We'll never get back there. >>eng<< Том беше љубезен со сите пријателки на Мери. Tom was nice to all Mary's friends. Tom was kind to all Mary's friends. >>eng<< Kde si? Where are you? Where are you? >>eng<< Chcem sa naučiť tancovať. I would like to learn how to dance. Chczem's learning to dance. >>eng<< Им носиме лоши вести. We have bad news for them. We bring them bad news. >>eng<< Može da se leči. It's treatable. It can be treated. >>eng<< Nije loše. Not bad. Not bad. >>eng<< Свали оръжието! Put the gun down. Put the gun down! >>eng<< Том се самоуби, скачайки от една скала. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Tom killed himself, jumping off a rock. >>eng<< Tomova porodica živi u Bostonu. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. >>eng<< Не ми се верува дека Том бил оној што и го украл точакот на Мери. I can't believe that Tom is the one who stole Mary's bicycle. I can't believe Tom was the one who stole Mary's wheel. >>eng<< Pijem vitamine svaki dan. I take vitamins every day. I drink vitamins every day. >>eng<< Идването ви тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Your coming here was a mistake. >>eng<< Какво преследваш? What're you after? What are you after? >>eng<< U Kini postoji izreka da ne možeš suditi čovjeka po izgledu. In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. There's a saying in China that you can't judge a man by appearance. >>eng<< Hoću novi bicikl. I want a new bike. I want a new bike. >>eng<< Potrudiću se da te ne uznemiravam dok studiraš. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to bother you while you're studying. >>eng<< Мораме да ги пикнеме во кревет. We've got to get them to bed. We have to put them to bed. >>eng<< Не проявявате ли интерес? Aren't you interested? Are you not interested? >>eng<< Мисля, че пропускаш нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. >>eng<< Ti si najdosadnija osoba koju znam. You are the most boring person I know. You're the most boring person I know. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да размислите. I think you should reconsider. I think you should think about it. >>eng<< Pitam se kako se Toma oseća. I wonder how Tom feels. I wonder how Tom feels. >>eng<< Znamo da si kukavica. We know you're a coward. We know you're a coward. >>eng<< Ја лае ли твоето куче? Does your dog bark at her? Does your dog bark? >>eng<< Moj francuski i dalje nije baš dobar. My French is still not very good. My French is still not very good. >>eng<< Jeste li spremni? Are you about ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Том знае премногу. Tom knows too much. Tom knows too much. >>eng<< Не го осеќам. I can't feel it. I can't feel it. >>eng<< To me nije zanimalo. I wasn't interested in it. I wasn't interested in that. >>eng<< Dođi ranije da bismo mogli da razgovaramo o planovima. Come early so we can discuss the plans. Come early so we can talk about the plans. >>eng<< Tom je dej-trejder. Tom's a day trader. Tom's a day trader. >>eng<< Није болело. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt. >>eng<< Dođite da me pokupite. Come pick me up. Come and pick me up. >>eng<< Где си научио енглески? Where did you learn English? Where did you learn English? >>eng<< Логика је очигледно твоја јача страна. Logic is obviously your strong point. Logic is obviously your strength. >>eng<< Би можеле да ме отпуштат поради ова. I could get fired for this. They could fire me for this. >>eng<< Како се зовете? What's your name? What's your name? >>eng<< Molim Vas, dajte mi meni. Please give me the menu. Please, give it to me. >>eng<< Няма да ме има известно време. I won't be back for a while. I won't be around for a while. >>eng<< Онзи висок мъж е г-н Смит. That tall man is Mr. Smith. That tall man is Mr. Smith. >>eng<< Том лошо ја процени Мери. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom misjudged Mary. >>eng<< Položila sam sve testove. I passed all my tests. I passed all the tests. >>eng<< Tom kuva za nas. Tom cooks for us. Tom's cooking for us. >>eng<< Сите се свртеа да ја гледаат. They all turned to look at her. Everyone turned to see her. >>eng<< Кой ти каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? >>eng<< Grci također jedu mnogo ribe. The Greeks also eat fish often. Greeks also eat a lot of fish. >>eng<< Никогаш нема да погодиш. You'll never guess. You'll never guess. >>eng<< То је твој проблем. That's your problem. That's your problem. >>eng<< Otišao sam tamo svojom voljom. I went there on my own free will. I went there on my own volition. >>eng<< Да ти честитам за венчавката. Let me congratulate you on your marriage. Congratulations on the wedding. >>eng<< Ќе си ги измијам рацете. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'll wash my hands. >>eng<< Nemojte da gledate. Don't look. Don't look. >>eng<< Šta si mi to uradio? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Нищо ѝ няма на паметта ми. There's nothing wrong with my memory. There's nothing in my memory. >>eng<< Ne zovi me dok sam u kancelariji. Don't call me when I'm at the office. Don't call me when I'm in the office. >>eng<< В училище ни учеха как да четем френски, но не ни научиха как да го говорим. We learned how to read French in school, but didn't really learn how to speak it. At school, they taught us how to read French, but they didn’t teach us how to speak it. >>eng<< Zelo hitro se učimo esperanto. We're learning Esperanto very quickly. We learn Esperanto very quickly. >>eng<< Naozaj chcem, aby si prestal. I really want you to quit. Keep waiting, Abby, you've stopped. >>eng<< Моля Ви да отговаряте на френски. Please answer in French. Please respond to French. >>eng<< Samo reci Tomu da sam zvao. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. >>eng<< Децата Ви колко са големи? How old are your children? How big are your children? >>eng<< Pušenje ubija. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. >>eng<< To je bezopasna laž. It is a white lie. It's a harmless lie. >>eng<< Знам што го растревожува Том толку. I know what's making Tom so nervous. I know what upsets Tom so much. >>eng<< Znaš li da deaktiviraš bombu? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? >>eng<< Mogla bih da te ubijem sad. I could kill you now. I could kill you now. >>eng<< Том ще отсъства една седмица. Tom won't be back for a week. Tom's gonna be away for a week. >>eng<< Bez vode je nemoguće živjeti. You can't live without water. Without water, it is impossible to live. >>eng<< Варди го затвореникот. Watch the prisoner. Vardy the prisoner. >>eng<< Koliko stvarno imaš godina? How old are you really? How old are you? >>eng<< Някой казвал ли ти го е? Did anyone tell you? Did anyone tell you that? >>eng<< O čemu se radi? What's this all about? What's this about? >>eng<< Мъже сме. We are men. We're men. >>eng<< Gdje je Tony? Where's Tony? Where's Tony? >>eng<< Китовите се вид на цицачи. A whale is a sort of mammal. The whales are a species of mammals. >>eng<< Ужасно съм гладна. I'm terribly hungry. I'm so hungry. >>eng<< Тя говори добре английски, но не колкото брат си. She is good at speaking English, no less so than her brother. She speaks English well, but not as much as her brother. >>eng<< Някога пял ли си на френски? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sung in French? >>eng<< Дай му ги. Give them to him. Give them to him. >>eng<< Ništa nisam videla. I haven't seen a thing. I didn't see anything. >>eng<< Znam na šta verovatno misliš. I know what you're probably thinking. I know what you're probably thinking. >>eng<< Uradila je ono što joj je rečeno. She did what she was told. She did what she was told. >>eng<< Samo traćite vreme. You're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. >>eng<< Зар си већ завршио? Have you already finished? Are you done yet? >>eng<< Prilično sam šokirana ovime. I'm quite shocked by this. I'm pretty shocked by this. >>eng<< Ne spavaj s upaljenim svjetlom. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep with the light on. >>eng<< Одлепуваат. They're going crazy. They're freaking out. >>eng<< Мој рођендан се приближава. My birthday approaches. My birthday is approaching. >>eng<< Том треба да се шиша. Tom needs a haircut. Tom needs to get a bottle. >>eng<< Бъди внимателен. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt. >>eng<< Ќе ти го пратам рецептот. I'll send you the recipe. I'll send you the recipe. >>eng<< Том купи сламен шешир. Tom bought a straw hat. Tom bought a straw hat. >>eng<< Не зборувам брзо. I don't speak fast. I don't talk fast. >>eng<< Још ниси завршио? Haven't you finished yet? You're not done yet? >>eng<< Мисля, че знаеш, че това е неуместно. I think you know that's inappropriate. I think you know that's inappropriate. >>eng<< Косата ти е лом. You hair is a mess. Your hair is broken. >>eng<< Качете се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слезте на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Badstrasse and get down to Zeestrasse. >>eng<< Fasciniran sam. I'm fascinated. I'm fascinated. >>eng<< Ona je mlada studentkinja. She is a young student. She's a young student. >>eng<< To neće imati nikakvog efekta. That won't have an effect. It won't have any effect. >>eng<< Бети може да свири на пиано. Betty can play the piano. Betty can play the piano. >>eng<< Крећи се тихо. Move quietly. Move quietly. >>eng<< Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink water from a dirty glass! >>eng<< Ja ne mogu vjerovati mojim očima. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes. >>eng<< Потпиши овде. Sign here. Sign here. >>eng<< Љубазан је. He is kind. He's kind. >>eng<< Помислих си, че може да се окаже сложно. I thought it might be complicated. I thought it might be complicated. >>eng<< Том може да се възпротиви. Tom might object. Tom might object. >>eng<< Тя усети, че коленете ѝ треперят. She felt her knees tremble. She felt her knees trembling. >>eng<< Hodili sta po plaži, držeč se za roke. They walked down the beach, holding hands. They walked around the beach holding hands. >>eng<< Всеки мъж е свободен да прави това което иска,като се грижи да не наруши свободата на някой друг мъж. Every man is free to do that which he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man. Every man is free to do what he wants to do to ensure that he does not violate the freedom of another man. >>eng<< Polica je spala pa su se sve knjige prevrnule na Vasju. The shelf fell off and all the books went tumbling down on Vasya. The shelf fell asleep, so all the books turned on Vasya. >>eng<< Niko joj nije poverovao. Nobody believed her. No one believed her. >>eng<< Imalo je dosta drugačiji efekat od nameravanog. It had an effect very different from the one intended. It had a very different effect than intended. >>eng<< Как може Том да не ти харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? >>eng<< Трябва да спазиш обещанието си. You should keep your promise. You must keep your promise. >>eng<< Počeo je da se dere. He began to shout. He started yelling. >>eng<< Da te ne znam dobro, pomislila bih nešto kriješ. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were hiding something. If I didn't know you well, I'd think you were hiding something. >>eng<< Više je umetnost, a ne nauka. It's an art more than a science. It's more art, not science. >>eng<< Колко пари искате? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? >>eng<< Ние трябва да вземем този автобус. We need to take that bus. We need to take this bus. >>eng<< В Япония често стават земетресения. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Earthquakes often occur in Japan. >>eng<< Том ме победи. Tom beat me. Tom beat me. >>eng<< Da li je to ta žena koja zna odgovor? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Is that the woman who knows the answer? >>eng<< Оваа зграда има громобран. This building has a lightning rod. This building has lightning. >>eng<< Imam 30. I'm thirty. I'm 30. >>eng<< Увек је незадовољан. He's always dissatisfied. He is always dissatisfied. >>eng<< Како ти је прошао дан? How was your day? How was your day? >>eng<< Досещам се колко е объркващо това за теб. I know how confusing this must be for you. I can see how confusing this is for you. >>eng<< Zovi ga kako hoćeš. Call it what you like. Call him whatever you want. >>eng<< Da li su zaljubljeni? Are they in love? Are they in love? >>eng<< Mogla bih sada da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. >>eng<< Зошто го купи ова? Why did you buy this? Why did you buy this? >>eng<< Tom mrzi Meri. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. >>eng<< Набрах ти малко цветя. I picked you some flowers. I picked you some flowers. >>eng<< С автобус ли ходиха до музея? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take the bus to the museum? >>eng<< Том ще учи френски догодина. Tom will study French next year. Tom will be studying French next year. >>eng<< Това е предизвикателство за мен и научавам много. It is challenging and I am learning a lot. This is a challenge for me and I learn a lot. >>eng<< Ona je nosila crni šešir. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. >>eng<< На први поглед изгледа лако. At a first glance it seems easy. At first glance, it looks easy. >>eng<< Ne mogu odmah da ti odgovorim. I can't give you an immediate answer. I can't answer you right now. >>eng<< Tom je bio đubretar. Tom was a junkman. Tom was a garbage man. >>eng<< Tom je bio pomalo ošamućen. Tom was a bit woozy. Tom was a little lightheaded. >>eng<< Решив да им простам. I've decided to forgive them. I decided to forgive them. >>eng<< Ќе преземеме нешто. We'll do something. We'll do something. >>eng<< Закопчай си ризата. Button up your shirt. Fasten your shirt. >>eng<< Директорите не бяха склонни да поемат такъв риск. The directors were reluctant to undertake so risky a venture. The directors were not willing to take such a risk. >>eng<< Том мрази да трча. Tom hates running. Tom hates running. >>eng<< Riki, ovo je moj prijatelj Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. >>eng<< Nežijeme v Bostone. We don't live in Boston. I live in Boston. >>eng<< Kladim se da znaš ko mi je rekao to. I bet you know who told me that. I bet you know who told me that. >>eng<< Meri je uzela slobodno zbog putovanja. Mary took some time off to travel. Mary took the liberty of travel. >>eng<< Толкова е лесно. This is so easy. It's so easy. >>eng<< Можам да ти склучам договор. I can get you a deal. I can make you a deal. >>eng<< Једног дана биће мој. One day he will be mine. One day it will be mine. >>eng<< Син ми не е сноб. My son is not a snob. My son's not a snob. >>eng<< Том ќе те фати. Tom will catch you. Tom's gonna catch you. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Англия? What's the minimum salary in England? What is the minimum wage in England? >>eng<< Том и Мери најверојатно никогаш нема да се видат пак. Tom and Mary aren't likely to ever see each other again. Tom and Mary will probably never see each other again. >>eng<< Имам информацията, която искаше. I have the information you wanted. I have the information you wanted. >>eng<< To uopće ne utječe na njega. This doesn't affect him at all. That doesn't affect him at all. >>eng<< Том носи шлифер. Tom is wearing a trench coat. Tom's wearing a helmet. >>eng<< Volal som vás. I called you. Volal som vas. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да кажеш на Том къде си. I think you should tell Tom where you are. I think you should tell Tom where you are. >>eng<< Ta reka izlgeda plitko, zar ne? That river seems shallow, doesn't it? That river looks shallow, doesn't it? >>eng<< Таа носи хулахопки. She's wearing tights. She's wearing tights. >>eng<< Све или ништа. All or nothing. All or nothing. >>eng<< Пофалбите ги поттикнуваат учениците да работат повредно. Praise stimulates students to work hard. Compliments encourage students to work harder. >>eng<< Духу, таму ли си? Spirit, are you there? Ghost, are you there? >>eng<< Tko te napravio? Who created you? Who made you? >>eng<< Пластмасовата магнитна карта, на която е запаметен банковият номер, дебитна карта ли се нарича? Is the magnetic card made of plastic which stores your bank account called a cash card? The plastic magnetic card on which the bank number is remembered, is the debit card called? >>eng<< Си го заборавив шалот. I forgot my scarf. I forgot my scarf. >>eng<< Не искам да работя при тези условия. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. >>eng<< Немам меч. I don't have a sword. I don't have a sword. >>eng<< Време је да се опростимо. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. >>eng<< Можеш да тръгваш. You may go. You can go. >>eng<< Šta ću ja ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? >>eng<< Ще ви помоля да преведете това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I will ask you to translate this letter into French. >>eng<< Том си удари коляното. He banged his knee. Tom hit his knee. >>eng<< Том смени тема. Tom changed subjects. Tom changed the subject. >>eng<< Радвам се на нейната компания. I am glad to have her company. I'm happy with her company. >>eng<< Тя направи куклата за мен. She made the doll for me. She made the doll for me. >>eng<< Нема да ти треба тоа. You won't need that. You won't need that. >>eng<< Понякога падам, но никога не се предавам. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but I never give up. >>eng<< И за кого работиш деновиве? And who are you working for these days? And who are you working for these days? >>eng<< Нема причина да се плашиш. You have no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid. >>eng<< Da li imate psa? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? >>eng<< Tom veoma dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. >>eng<< Prestani tražiti princa na bijelom konju, ta oni ne postoje. Stop looking for a prince on a white horse; there's no such thing. Stop looking for a prince on a white horse, they don't exist. >>eng<< Том се задави. Tom started to choke. Tom choked. >>eng<< Tom je uspeo da pobegne taman na vreme. Tom managed to escape just in time. Tom managed to escape just in time. >>eng<< Не мајмуниши се! Don't play the ape! Don't be a monkey! >>eng<< To govori mnogo o tebi. That says a lot about you. That says a lot about you. >>eng<< Volela bih da sam znala da Tom ne zna da govori francuski. I wish I'd known that Tom couldn't speak French. I wish I knew Tom couldn't speak French. >>eng<< Защо трябва да уча френски? Why should I learn French? Why should I learn French? >>eng<< Zašto ste sami? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? >>eng<< Пробао си некада? Have you ever tried it? Have you tried it before? >>eng<< И двајцата повторно се насмеаја. They both laughed again. They both laughed again. >>eng<< Da, volim to! Yes, I love it. Yeah, I love it! >>eng<< Meri je na trenutak bila tiha. Mary was quiet for a moment. Mary was quiet for a moment. >>eng<< Možda su negde oko jezerca. Maybe they are somewhere around the pond. Maybe they're around the pond somewhere. >>eng<< Како може да сакаш да ми бидеш пријател? Не гледаш ли каков бедник сум? How can you want to be my friend? Can't you see that I'm a wretch? How can you want to be my friend? >>eng<< Можеш да избегнеш вакви проблеми ако ги имаш овие совети наум. You can avoid this kind of problem if you bear these tips in mind. You can avoid such problems if you have these tips in mind. >>eng<< Той не каза нищо, което я ядоса. He said nothing, which made her angry. He didn't say anything that angered her. >>eng<< Slobodna sam. I'm available. I'm free to go. >>eng<< Свако то може урадити? Can anybody do it? Anyone can do that? >>eng<< Kuća je hladna. The house is cold. The house is cold. >>eng<< Gréci sú dobrí kuchári. Greeks are good cooks. Gréci sú dobrí kuchári. >>eng<< Ne pomerajte se! Don't move! Don't move! >>eng<< Carl mi je pokazao zlatnu medalju. Carl showed me the gold medal. Carl showed me a gold medal. >>eng<< Ги замолив да престанат. I asked them to stop. I asked them to stop. >>eng<< Aj keď sa hodnota parametra môže meniť, správame sa k nemu ako ku konštante, nie ako k premennej. Even though a parameter's value can change, it is treated as a constant, not as a variable. A.K. from the hodnot's parameter to the menu, we're dealing with it if the constants, not if they change. >>eng<< Ljudje so pohlepni. Humans are greedy. People are greedy. >>eng<< Da li imate pitanja? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? >>eng<< Можеби би било најдобро да им се јавиш. Maybe you'd better call them. Maybe you should call them. >>eng<< Nemamo takav primer. We have no such example. We don't have that kind of example. >>eng<< Živjeli su sretno do kraja života. They lived happily ever after. They lived happily ever after. >>eng<< Колко пъти съм ти казвал да не правиш така. I've told you over and over again not to do that. How many times have I told you not to do that? >>eng<< Ne znamo šta donosi sutra. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. We don't know what he's bringing tomorrow. >>eng<< Priviđa nam se. We're imagining things. We're seeing each other. >>eng<< Раде заједно. They work together. They work together. >>eng<< Не чекај. Don't wait. Don't wait. >>eng<< Сложи го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it where you got it from. >>eng<< Том прескочи плета. Tom jumped over the hedge. Tom skips the knit. >>eng<< Тя няма да повярва. She won't believe it. She won't believe it. >>eng<< Искаш ли да го намаля малко? Would you like to turn it down a little? You want me to cut it down a little bit? >>eng<< Треската отслабна. The fever has abated. The fever has weakened. >>eng<< Губите си времето, опитвайки се да го убедите. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. >>eng<< Govoril je v polomljeni angleščini, ki jo je bilo težko razumeti. He spoke in a broken English that was hard to understand. He spoke in broken English, which was difficult to understand. >>eng<< Tom je opet zaspao. Tom fell back to sleep. Tom's asleep again. >>eng<< Tom se ne uklapa ovde. Tom doesn't fit in here. Tom doesn't fit in here. >>eng<< Tom nije video ništa. Tom couldn't see anything. Tom didn't see anything. >>eng<< Tom je uzeo svoj ukulele i počeo da peva. Tom picked up his ukulele and started to sing. Tom took his ukulele and started singing. >>eng<< Гледаше ли? Were you watching? Did you see that? >>eng<< Svima vam hvala na tome. Thank you all for that. Thank you all for that. >>eng<< Не харесвам Алис. I don't like Alice. I don't like Alice. >>eng<< Ти реков дека не можам. I told you I couldn't do it. I told you I can't. >>eng<< Тогава не бях болен. I wasn't sick then. I wasn't sick at the time. >>eng<< Pod kojim imenom? Under what name? Under what name? >>eng<< Трябваше да откажа поканата, защото бях болна. I had to decline the invitation because I was ill. I had to cancel the invitation because I was sick. >>eng<< Ще трябва да откажа тази молба. I have to deny that request. I'm going to have to cancel this request. >>eng<< Mary je primijetila da jedna od Tomovih stolica nedostaje. Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing. Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing. >>eng<< Tvoj francuski se definitivno poboljšao. You've definitely gotten better at French. Your French has definitely improved. >>eng<< Да ли је све у реду између нас? Is everything OK between us? Is everything okay between us? >>eng<< Мисля, че ти си страхотна. I think you're swell. I think you're great. >>eng<< Падао је снег. It snowed. It was snowing. >>eng<< Мисля, че е по-добре да останеш с Том. I think you'd better stick with Tom. I think you better stay with Tom. >>eng<< Мисля, че бъркаш. I think you must be mistaken. I think you're confusing. >>eng<< Галамата ќе го разбуди бебето. The noise is going to wake the baby. The noise will wake the baby. >>eng<< Posećivaćemo vas s vremena na vreme. We will visit you occasionally. We will visit you from time to time. >>eng<< Доволен ли си от новата си бас китара? Are you happy with your new bass guitar? Are you happy with your new bass guitar? >>eng<< To je bio pogodak na sreću. It was a lucky guess. That was a lucky shot. >>eng<< Заслужујеш награду. You deserve the prize. You deserve a reward. >>eng<< Da li ti je ovo prvi ispit? Is this your first examination? Is this your first exam? >>eng<< Godine su prošle. Years passed. It's been years. >>eng<< Jesmo li sad bezbedni? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? >>eng<< Kako se kaže "mačka" na španjolskom? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? >>eng<< Това е ново за мен. This is new to me. This is new to me. >>eng<< Да бев на твое место, ќе го избегнував Том некое време. If I were you, I'd stay away from Tom for a while. If I were you, I'd be avoiding Tom for a while. >>eng<< Късите поли вече не са на мода. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts are no longer fashionable. >>eng<< Не знам какво да правя по-нататък. I don't know what I'm going to do next. I don't know what to do next. >>eng<< Požar je zahvatio prvi sprat. The fire was on the first floor. The fire hit the first floor. >>eng<< Да делиме такси. Let's share a cab. Let's share a taxi. >>eng<< Gdje je vatra, tu je i dim. Where there is smoke there is fire. Where there's fire, there's smoke. >>eng<< To je kristalno jasno. It's as clear as crystal. It's crystal clear. >>eng<< Ја сам спавао од десет увече. I slept from ten in the evening. I've been sleeping since ten o'clock in the evening. >>eng<< Не напрежи се! Don't strain yourself! Don't bother! >>eng<< Obrati pažnju na školska pravila. You should observe the school rules. Pay attention to school rules. >>eng<< Ти си проблемот. You're the problem. You're the problem. >>eng<< Mesto spalo. The town slept. The city slept. >>eng<< Tom je mislio da ima vremena. Tom thought he had time. Tom thought he had time. >>eng<< Molim te, sačekaj dok ne budem spreman. Please wait until I'm ready. Please wait until I'm ready. >>eng<< Том не може да намери. Tom can't find one. Tom can't find it. >>eng<< За него го правам тоа. I'm doing it for him. I'm doing it for him. >>eng<< През пролетта дните стават по-дълги. In spring, the days get longer. In the spring, the days become longer. >>eng<< Navika mi je da radim to. It's what I'm used to doing. I'm used to doing that. >>eng<< Вечерао сам са њим. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. >>eng<< Tom zabudol urobiť svoje domáce úlohy. Tom forgot to do his homework. Tom's insinuating his domáce úlohy. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том прилича на Джон. I think Tom looks like John. I think Tom looks like John. >>eng<< Не желим да ме видиш голу. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. >>eng<< Пробај да се опреш. Try to resist. Try to wash yourself. >>eng<< Баш је било добро. That was very good. That was good. >>eng<< Tom se smejao ideji. Tom laughed at the idea. Tom laughed at the idea. >>eng<< На одмор сум овде. I'm here on holiday. I'm on vacation here. >>eng<< То је сјајно! That's wonderful! That's great! >>eng<< Бях удивена от това колко добре говори Том френски. I was amazed at Tom's fluency in French. I was amazed at how well Tom spoke French. >>eng<< Онова, което не искам да изгубя, е любовта. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don’t want to lose is love. >>eng<< Поначало японците са стеснителни. Generally, Japanese people are shy. At first, the Japanese are narrow. >>eng<< Генерално, деца воле слаткише. In general, children are fond of candy. In general, children love sweets. >>eng<< Дано да си прав. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. >>eng<< Какво ще е времето утре? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What's the weather tomorrow? >>eng<< Качвам се в автобуса. I'm getting on the bus. I'm getting on the bus. >>eng<< Том не те игнорира. Tom isn't ignoring you. Tom doesn't ignore you. >>eng<< Не съм единственият, който харесва Том. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. >>eng<< Budi kući do pola sedam. Be home by half past six. Be home by 6:30. >>eng<< Том го раниле. Tom has been wounded. Tom got hurt. >>eng<< Колку направи? How much did you make? How much did you do? >>eng<< Ти предлагам да учиш повеќе. I suggest that you study harder. I suggest you learn more. >>eng<< Малко съм подранил. I'm a little early. I'm a little early. >>eng<< Všetko dobré k narodeninám! Happy birthday to you! They come to the people. >>eng<< Klaustrofobičan sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. >>eng<< Том завари две цевки. Tom welded the two pipes together. Tom welds two pipes. >>eng<< Защо трябва да си взема куче? Why should I get a dog? Why do I have to get a dog? >>eng<< Наистина ли не ги харесваш? Do you really not like them? You really don't like them? >>eng<< Bolje da krenem s Tomom. I'd better go with Tom. I'd better go with Tom. >>eng<< "Što učiš?" "Povijest." "What are you studying?" "History." "What are you learning?" "History." >>eng<< "Ako P, onda Q" je logički ekvivalentno sa "Ako ne Q, onda ne P." "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "If not Q, then not P". "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "If not Q, then not P." >>eng<< Брат ми е излезен. My brother is out. My brother's out. >>eng<< Danas je veliki dan, sine! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son! >>eng<< Сѐ уште има малку простор во ормарот. There's still some room in the closet. There's still a little space in the closet. >>eng<< Том им намигна на девојките. Tom winked at the girls. Tom winked at the girls. >>eng<< Chcem knihu. I want the book. Chem knihu. >>eng<< Reci im da dolazimo. Tell them we're coming. Tell them we're coming. >>eng<< Нагло је престао да пуши. He quit smoking cold turkey. He stopped smoking abruptly. >>eng<< Ще те помоля да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'm going to ask you to translate this letter into French. >>eng<< Том скочи в студената вода. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped into the cold water. >>eng<< Кога ще заминеш ти? When will you leave? When are you leaving? >>eng<< На целия остров има само един магазин. There is only one store on the whole island. There is only one store on the whole island. >>eng<< Мука ми је од твог цмиздрења. I'm tired of your whining. I'm sick of your cmizzling. >>eng<< Trolovski zid je najvišlji evropski vertikalni planinski zid koji ima 1700 metara do dna, od kojih je 1000 metara vertikalne litice. Troll Wall is the tallest European vertical rock wall. It rises a mile from the ground, of which 3,300 feet is a vertical cliff. The Troll wall is the highest European vertical mountain wall, which has 1700 meters to the bottom, of which 1000 meters is a vertical cliff. >>eng<< Не ми пречи. It doesn't bother me. I don't mind. >>eng<< Те молам, нахрани ја мачката. Please feed the cat. Please feed the cat. >>eng<< Beseda "злой" je edini ruski pridevnik z le enim zlogom. The word "злой" is the only monosyllabic Russian adjective. The word “evil” is the only Russian adjective with only one evil. >>eng<< Tom može da radi šta mu je volja, što se mene tiče. Tom can do whatever he likes as far as I'm concerned. Tom can do as he will, as far as I'm concerned. >>eng<< Не съм разговарял с Том от години. I haven't talked to Tom in years. I haven't talked to Tom in years. >>eng<< Tom je uradio to na stari način. Tom did it the old way. Tom did it the old way. >>eng<< Ovaj novac će stvarno pomoći. This money will really help. This money will really help. >>eng<< Мисля, че си била тук твърде дълго. I think you've been here too long. I think you've been here too long. >>eng<< Том го бива за математика. Tom is good at math. Tom makes it about mathematics. >>eng<< Vozi sporo. Drive slowly. Drive slow. >>eng<< Том си го спушти пијалакот. Tom put down his drink. Tom dropped his drink. >>eng<< Ќе одам да го прашам Том. I'll go and ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. >>eng<< Том бараше по фиоките во кујнатас. Tom searched the kitchen drawers. Tom was looking for the drawers in the kitchen. >>eng<< Тази земя е собственост на Том. This land belongs to Tom. This land is owned by Tom. >>eng<< Моля те, дай ми възглавница и одеяло. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me a pillow and blanket. >>eng<< Опасявам се, че това няма да е достатъчно. I'm afraid that won't be enough. I'm afraid that won't be enough. >>eng<< Не ѝ кажувај на мајка ми. Don't tell my mother. Don't tell my mother. >>eng<< Колку далеку отидовте? How far did you go? How far did you go? >>eng<< Уморих се да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. >>eng<< Писна ми да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. >>eng<< Би сакал да разговарам со Том. I'd like to talk to Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Трябваш ми. I need you. I need you. >>eng<< Ty si originálna. You're original. Ty, you're original. >>eng<< Се имам навикнато да зборувам во јавност. I've got accustomed to speaking in public. I'm used to talking in public. >>eng<< Možeš li preporučiti hotel u blizini zračne luke? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? >>eng<< Том винаги си слага колан. Tom always wears his seatbelt. Tom always wears a belt. >>eng<< Кажи што сакаш. Say what you want. Say what you want. >>eng<< Зошто не би ме пуштил да помогнам? Why wouldn't you let me help? Why don't you let me help? >>eng<< Не фалат камења. There's no shortage of rocks. They don't boast stones. >>eng<< Мисля, че тя е над четирийсетгодишна. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's over 40 years old. >>eng<< Добър съм на тенис. I'm good at tennis. I'm good at tennis. >>eng<< Nadam se da će Tom da se vrati bezbedno. I hope Tom gets back safely. I hope Tom gets back safe. >>eng<< Помня, че пуснах писмото. I remember mailing the letter. I remember dropping the letter. >>eng<< На тези хора много им провървя. These people were very lucky. These people have a lot to do with it. >>eng<< Одолговлекуваат. They're stalling. They're stalling. >>eng<< Dugo je prošlo otkad sam ikome poslao pismo. It's been a long time since I've written anyone a letter. It's been a long time since I sent a letter to anyone. >>eng<< Този климатик харчи много ток. This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. This air conditioner spends a lot of electricity. >>eng<< Той се предаде. He threw in the towel. He gave up. >>eng<< Зошто не го замолиш само? Why don't you just ask him? Why don't you just ask him? >>eng<< Viem, že je tažké uveriť tomu. I know it's difficult to believe. Viem, she's already made sure of that. >>eng<< Сѐ уште не сум го гледал тој филм. I haven't seen that movie yet. I haven’t seen that movie yet. >>eng<< Bolje poljubac u šumi nego deset u ruku. A kiss in the woods is better than ten in hand. Better kiss in the woods than ten in the hand. >>eng<< На Том му е русвај собата. Tom's room is messy. Tom's broken room. >>eng<< Je li to tvoj automobil? Is that your car? Is that your car? >>eng<< Тој некогаш чудно се однесува. His behaviour is sometimes weird. Sometimes he behaves strangely. >>eng<< Преди никога не съм имал такива проблеми. I've never had this kind a problem before. I've never had such a problem before. >>eng<< Divno! Terrific! That's great! >>eng<< Kako si? How are you? How you doing? >>eng<< Пикасо је чувени уметник. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. >>eng<< Je tvoja mama doma? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? >>eng<< Том навидум знае се. Tom seems to know everything. Tom seems to know everything. >>eng<< Напълно го изтрих от паметта си. I forgot all about him. I completely deleted it from my memory. >>eng<< U pitanju je zvaničan posao. It's official business. It's an official job. >>eng<< Ja sam u pošti. I'm in the post office. I'm in the mail. >>eng<< Pozvaću je telefonom večeras. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her on the phone tonight. >>eng<< Tebi treba nešto više od kave. You need more than a coffee. You need something more than coffee. >>eng<< Ukrali ste mi ideju. You stole my idea. You stole my idea. >>eng<< Може ли да му дадеш една минута? Could you give him a minute? Can you give him a minute? >>eng<< Не можам јас да донесам таква одлука. That's not my call. I can't make that decision. >>eng<< Том знае ли защо не си бил на партито му? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? >>eng<< Tom misli da nešto nije u redu sa nekim političarima. Tom thinks there is something wrong with some politicians. Tom thinks there's something wrong with some politicians. >>eng<< Покажете ми този списък. Show me that list. Show me this list. >>eng<< Ја сметаш за чудна само затоа што не е белка. You think that she is strange because she is not just Caucasian. You think she's weird just because she's not white. >>eng<< Poznaju te. They know you. They know you. >>eng<< Tom odišiel na pláž. Tom went to the beach. Tom went to the beach. >>eng<< Mislim da je Tom bio odličan. I think Tom is awesome. I think Tom was great. >>eng<< Nikad nećemo uhvatiti Toma. We'll never catch Tom. We'll never catch Tom. >>eng<< Da li je išta od ovoga tačno? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? >>eng<< Poznám skutočný dôvod, prečo nechceš ísť. I know the real reason you don't want go. Poznám skutochný dôvod, through nechceš ísø. >>eng<< Ovde bismo mogli da budemo srećni. We could be happy here. We could be happy here. >>eng<< Том ми кажа дека треба да се погрижи за некои ствари. Tom told me he has a few things to take care of. Tom told me he needed to take care of some things. >>eng<< Ако те ја волим, шта се то тебе тиче? What's it to you if I love you? If I love you, what does it matter to you? >>eng<< Поддържай стаята си чиста и спретната. Keep your room neat and tidy. Keep your room clean and clean. >>eng<< Tražio je da mu pomognem. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. >>eng<< Gde si našla ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? >>eng<< Koliko nam je novca potrebno? How much money do we need? How much money do we need? >>eng<< Treba mi iskrena devojka. I need a sincere girlfriend. I need an honest girl. >>eng<< Трябва да стигна обратно в Бостън. I have to get back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. >>eng<< Ѝ веруваа. They believed her. They believed it. >>eng<< Ти купив змеј. I bought you a kite. I bought you a dragon. >>eng<< Jesi li spavao? Have you been sleeping? Did you sleep? >>eng<< On je čovek koji štedi na rečima. He is a man of few words. He's a man who saves on words. >>eng<< Ќе се случи набрзо. It's going to happen soon. It'll happen soon. >>eng<< Ja ne mogu vjerovati mojim očima. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes. >>eng<< Харесвате ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like this shirt? >>eng<< Zopakuj svoje meno! Repeat your name! Pack your own menu! >>eng<< Сигурен сум дека Том баш би сакал да те види. I'm sure Tom would love to see you. I'm sure Tom would love to see you. >>eng<< Немојте пити воду. Don't drink the water. Do not drink water. >>eng<< Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin is Austrian. >>eng<< Той е само на четири минути от тук с влак. It's only four minutes from here by train. He's only four minutes away from here by train. >>eng<< Ми требаа парите. I needed the money. I needed the money. >>eng<< Да ли се слажете са тим? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? >>eng<< Bilo bi drugačije. It would be different. It would be different. >>eng<< Невозможно ми е да одговорам на прашањето. It is impossible for me to answer the question. I can't answer the question. >>eng<< Кажи на Том, че не може да отиде. Tell Tom he can't go. Tell Tom he can't go. >>eng<< On ima veliku porodicu. He has a big family. He's got a big family. >>eng<< Миналия месец се простудих. I caught a cold last month. I got mad last month. >>eng<< Odišiel som pozrieť mojich rodičov. I went to see my parents. Odishel som pozrie? my relatives. >>eng<< Моля те, не позволявай това да се повтори. Please don't let this happen again. Please don't let this happen again. >>eng<< Почео је да урла. He began to shout. He began to scream. >>eng<< Бъди точна. Be on time. Be exact. >>eng<< Чувала ли си се скоро със сестра си? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister recently? >>eng<< Трябва да сме справедливи. We must be fair. We have to be fair. >>eng<< Къде беше онова? Where was that? Where was that? >>eng<< Moja práca je výučba angličtiny. My job is teaching English. My práca is a tutorial of Englishtiny. >>eng<< Dolaziš li, Tome? Are you coming, Tom? Are you coming, Tom? >>eng<< Заключих се пред стаята ми. I have locked myself out of my room. I locked myself in front of my room. >>eng<< Složio sam se da ga kupim. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. >>eng<< Том няма да ни повярва. Tom won't believe us. Tom won't believe us. >>eng<< Takvo stanje stvari se ne može tolerisati. Such a state of things cannot be put up with. Such a state of affairs cannot be tolerated. >>eng<< Duguješ mi mnogo. You owe me big time. You owe me a lot. >>eng<< Паричникот што го најдов беше полн со готовина. The wallet I found was full of cash. The money I found was full of cash. >>eng<< Daj ovu knjigu komugod tko je hoće. Give this book to whoever wants it. Give this book to whoever wants it. >>eng<< Si Etiópčan? Are you Ethiopian? Are you an Ethiopian? >>eng<< Ono što sam video je bilo obeshrabrujuće. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was discouraging. >>eng<< Дълга история е. That's a long story. It's a long story. >>eng<< Ne razumem problem. I don't understand the problem. I don't understand the problem. >>eng<< Kje imaš ključe? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? >>eng<< Трябва да си взема нещо за ядене. I have to get something to eat. I need to get something to eat. >>eng<< Еве, брат, по пола. Here, bro, halfsies. Here, brother, half. >>eng<< Управо сам мислио на тебе. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. >>eng<< Защо те не са притеснени? Why aren't they worried? Why aren't they worried? >>eng<< Tom je uvek jako fin. Tom is always very nice. Tom's always very nice. >>eng<< Zar ne misliš da treba da kažeš Tomu za ovo? Don't you think you should tell Tom about this? Don't you think you should tell Tom about this? >>eng<< Кулата беше разбита на пух и прах. The tower was blown to atoms. The tower was broken into smoke and dust. >>eng<< Ме плаќаат да му ја чистам гаражата на Том. I got paid to clean Tom's garage. I'm being paid to clean Tom's garage. >>eng<< Na stole je jablko. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. >>eng<< Mislim da si u pravu. I think you're right. I think you're right. >>eng<< Tom je nezadovoljan. Tom is displeased. Tom's unhappy. >>eng<< Tom je prošao prstima kroz kosu. Tom ran his fingers through his hair. Tom went through his hair with his fingers. >>eng<< Pokušaću. I'll try. HE TELLS YOU TO BE TRUE. >>eng<< Мојот стар учител по англиски сега сигурно се превртува во гроб. My old English teacher is certainly rolling in her grave right now. My old English teacher is now turning into a grave. >>eng<< Вчера се натъкнах на Том. I ran into Tom yesterday. I ran into Tom yesterday. >>eng<< Obično nisam ovoliko zauzet ponedeljkom. I'm not usually this busy on Mondays. I'm usually not this busy on Mondays. >>eng<< Том може малко да говори френски. Tom can speak French a little. Tom can speak French for a while. >>eng<< Той знае как да плени публиката си. He knows how to captivate his audience. He knows how to capture his audience. >>eng<< Koliko je duga reka Nil? How long is the Nile River? How long is the Nile River? >>eng<< Ко је овај човек? Who is this person? Who is this man? >>eng<< Немаме цела недела. We don't have a week. We don't have a whole week. >>eng<< Казахме си сбогом. We've said our goodbyes. We said goodbye. >>eng<< Какво има в тази чанта? What's in this bag? What's in that bag? >>eng<< Njezine su ga riječi razljutile. Her words angered him. Her words angered him. >>eng<< Сакам да живеам во Бразил. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. >>eng<< Je v tvojom záujme ísť. It's in your interest to go. It's in your pocket. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го чуеш? Are you sure you want to hear about this? Are you sure you want to hear it? >>eng<< Nemoj da piješ vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. >>eng<< Искаш да купиш тази пола. You want to buy this skirt. You want to buy this pole. >>eng<< Невъзможен си. You're impossible. You're impossible. >>eng<< Ima lijep cvijet, ali ne rađa plodove. Its flower is beautiful, but it bears no fruit. It has a beautiful flower, but it does not bear fruit. >>eng<< Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. There's always a finta. >>eng<< Imam blagu bol ovdje. I have a mild pain here. I have a slight pain here. >>eng<< Том е употребявал наркотици в миналото. Tom has a history of drug abuse. Tom used drugs in the past. >>eng<< Jako sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm very happy about that. >>eng<< Ja ću se pobrinuti za ostatak. I'll handle the rest. I'll take care of the rest. >>eng<< Можев да познаам дека Том е навистина уморен. I could tell that Tom was really tired. I could tell Tom was really tired. >>eng<< Том пресече улицата. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. >>eng<< Кажи ми одново што се случило. Tell me again what happened. Tell me again what happened. >>eng<< Treba nam tvoja pomoć. We need you to help us. We need your help. >>eng<< Още един път. One more time. One more time. >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da nam kaže kako da uradimo to. Tom might be able to tell us how to do that. Tom could tell us how to do it. >>eng<< Зависи од твојата одлука. It hangs on your decision. It depends on your decision. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш малко? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Are you sure you don't want some? >>eng<< Odlazi. Go away. Leave. >>eng<< Шта ти је на уму? What's on your mind? What's on your mind? >>eng<< Не, дома бев! No, I was at home! No, I was home! >>eng<< Том почна да ја брка Мери околу игралиштето. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. >>eng<< Том отсекогаш го добивал она што го сакал. Tom has always been able to get what he wants. Tom always got what he wanted. >>eng<< Kúpil som si Microsoftovskú myš. I bought a Microsoft mouse. You're a Microsoft mysh. >>eng<< U potpunosti se ne slažem sa tobom. I totally disagree with you. I totally disagree with you. >>eng<< Ученето на английски е трудна работа. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. >>eng<< Дајте ми кључ, и ја ћу откључати свемир. Give me a key, and I will unlock the universe. Give me the key, and I'll unlock the universe. >>eng<< Ко си ти заиста? Who are you really? Who are you really? >>eng<< Ще ми се наложи да се свържа с вас. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'm gonna need to contact you. >>eng<< Ja sam profesorica. I am a professor. I'm a teacher. >>eng<< Daj mi broj. Give me the number. Give me the number. >>eng<< Nosim flanelsku pižamu. I wear flannel pajamas. I'm wearing flannel pajamas. >>eng<< Моето куче навистина сака портокали. My dog really likes oranges. My dog really likes oranges. >>eng<< Никога не съм те виждал да плачеш. I've never seen you cry. I've never seen you cry. >>eng<< Govorite li engleski? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? >>eng<< В кой клуб членуваш? Which club do you belong to? Which club do you join? >>eng<< Mala djeca ne znaju mnogo riječi. Very young children don't know many words. Little kids don't know a lot of words. >>eng<< Neću reći nikom drugom. I won't tell anybody else. I won't tell anyone else. >>eng<< Добив отказ. I was fired. I got fired. >>eng<< Ne komplikuj, Tome. Keep it simple, Tom. Don't complicate it, Tom. >>eng<< To je Alina knjiga. This book is Ali's. It's Ali's book. >>eng<< Срећом, преживео сам несрећу. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. Fortunately, I survived the accident. >>eng<< Фолиото се прави от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The film is made of polyethylene. >>eng<< Možeš li da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? >>eng<< Сишли смо са воза. We got off the train. We got off the train. >>eng<< Бях принуден да напусна училище. I was compelled to leave school. I was forced to leave school. >>eng<< On je čovek s velikim iskustvom. He is a man of wide experience. He's a man with a lot of experience. >>eng<< Ti si jako strpljiv učitelj. You are a very patient teacher. You're a very patient teacher. >>eng<< Naoko živi u beloj kući. Naoko lives in the white house. He lives in a white house. >>eng<< Tom štedi novac da bi mogao da ide u Boston. Tom has been saving up money so he can go to Boston. Tom saves money so he can go to Boston. >>eng<< Да вечераме сите. Let's all have supper. Let's all have dinner. >>eng<< Pitam se što Tom namjerava učiniti. I wonder what Tom is up to. I wonder what Tom's up to. >>eng<< Имам список од неа. I have a list from her. I have a list of her. >>eng<< On je pre bio član društvene elite, nego predstavnik širokih masa. He was a member of a social elite rather than the masses. He was a member of the social elite rather than a representative of the masses. >>eng<< Тивко! Keep quiet! Quiet! >>eng<< Пут до мушког срца води преко његовог стомака. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The path to the male heart leads through his stomach. >>eng<< Знам дека Том кога-тогаш ќе излезе од затвор. I know Tom will eventually get out of prison. I know Tom's gonna be out of jail when he's gonna be out of jail. >>eng<< Смит поиска заплатата си. Smith demanded payment. Smith asked for his salary. >>eng<< Оди најди ги. Go find them. Go find them. >>eng<< Почти всички студенти обичат английския. Almost all the students like English. Almost all students love English. >>eng<< Фала. Thank you. Thank you. >>eng<< Сакам правда. I want justice. I want justice. >>eng<< Луд съм по футбола. I'm crazy about football. I'm crazy about football. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ти помогна? Are you sure you don't want me to help you out? Are you sure you don't want me to help you? >>eng<< Прочети го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. >>eng<< Том нема речено дека ќе ни помогне. Tom never said he would help us. Tom didn't say he'd help us. >>eng<< Едвај чекам да си отидам дома. I can't wait to get home. I can't wait to go home. >>eng<< Мислех да отида да кажа "здрасти" на Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hello to Tom. >>eng<< Откога Тоим учи френски? How long has Tom been studying French? How long has Tom been learning French? >>eng<< Emily je bila iznenađena. Emily was surprised. Emily was surprised. >>eng<< Кажу да је љубав слепа. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. >>eng<< Budem nablízku zajtra poobede, takže prosím zastav sa. I'm going to be around tomorrow afternoon, so please drop in. I'm about to eat lunch, so I'm begging the flag. >>eng<< Сега ајде да бегаме оттука. Let's get out of here now. Now let's get out of here. >>eng<< Ще съжаляваш за това! You'll regret that! You'll regret it! >>eng<< Изглежда той ще ходи в Кашгар. It sounds like he is going to Kashgar. Looks like he's going to Kashgar. >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da nam kaže kako da uradimo to. Tom might be able to tell us how to do that. Tom could tell us how to do it. >>eng<< Naša galaksija se zove Mliječni put. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. >>eng<< Не искам да купувам този килим. I don't want to buy this carpet. I don't want to buy this carpet. >>eng<< Той ми даде това, от което се нуждаех. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. >>eng<< Кажи ми каде е Том. Tell me where Tom is. Tell me where Tom is. >>eng<< Не ми треба превоз. I don't need a ride. I don't need a ride. >>eng<< Ела с мен да се поразходим. Take a walk with me. Come with me for a walk. >>eng<< Možda ne budem spavala večeras. I might not sleep tonight. Maybe I won't sleep tonight. >>eng<< Как е времето. How is the weather? How's the weather? >>eng<< Volim ga, ali je dosta često preosjetljiv. I like him but he cries into his beer way too often. I love him, but he's sensitive a lot. >>eng<< Potrudiću se da ih nađem. I'll try to find them. I will do my best to find them. >>eng<< Bili smo ispunjeni radosnim iščekivanjem. We were filled with joyful expectation. We were filled with joyous anticipation. >>eng<< Gdje si pronašao ovaj dokaz? Where did you find this evidence? Where did you find this evidence? >>eng<< Video sam mačora. I saw the cat. I saw the cat. >>eng<< Tom se ponudio da pomogne kada je izgledalo da je sve krenulo potpuno pogrešno. Tom lends a helping hand when everything seems to be going completely wrong. Tom offered to help when it seemed like everything was going completely wrong. >>eng<< Дечко и личи на мајмун. Her boyfriend looks like a monkey. He looks like a monkey. >>eng<< Najveći izazov sa kojim će se projekat suočiti jeste dostupnost radnika sa sposobnostima koje su potrebne da bi projekat doživeo procvat. The biggest challenge to the project will be the availability of workers with the skills required to bring it to fruition. The biggest challenge the project will face is the availability of workers with the skills needed to make the project flourish. >>eng<< Ще ви подкрепя. I'll back you up. I'll support you. >>eng<< Добро сам. I'm OK. I'm fine. >>eng<< Јас сум хомосексуалец. I'm a homosexual. I'm gay. >>eng<< Monasi su umeli da igraju tenis u manastirima. Monks used to play tennis in monasteries. The monks were able to play tennis in monasteries. >>eng<< Аз не мога да говоря английски, а пък за немски да не говорим. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English, I can't speak German. >>eng<< Ги бојадисаа рамките од прозорците жолти. They painted the window frames yellow. They painted the frames of the yellow windows. >>eng<< Имам трима тинейджъри. I have three teenagers. I have three teenagers. >>eng<< Не можам да поднесам да го гледам. I can't bear to look at him. I can't stand to see him. >>eng<< To neće imati nikakvog efekta. That won't have an effect. It won't have any effect. >>eng<< Tom je kričal. Tom was screaming. Tom was screaming. >>eng<< Koľko tajomstiev dokážeš udržať? How many secrets can you keep? What time are you holding up? >>eng<< Свикнал съм родителите ми да не ми обръщат внимание. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents not paying attention. >>eng<< Најверојатно ме сметаш за изопаченик. You probably think I'm a creep. You probably think I'm a pervert. >>eng<< Ne zaboravi da napišeš poštanski broj. Don't forget to write the zip code. Don't forget to write the postal number. >>eng<< Da li bi mogao da uradiš to? Could you do that? Could you do that? >>eng<< To jazero vyzerá ako more. That lake looks like the sea. It's a jazero vyzerá if it can. >>eng<< Ти посакувам среќен пат. Have a good trip. I wish you a happy journey. >>eng<< Ние нямаме часове в сряда следобед. We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons. We don't have hours on Wednesday afternoon. >>eng<< Zar nisi uradila dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Didn't you do enough? >>eng<< Том воопшто не е срамежлив. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom is not shy at all. >>eng<< Ми треба дозвола. I need authorization. I need permission. >>eng<< Računalnik zna povezati na internet. He knows how to connect his computer to the Internet. The computer can connect to the Internet. >>eng<< Plašim se da si me pogrešno razumeo. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I'm afraid you misunderstand me. >>eng<< Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin is Austrian. >>eng<< Къде е тоалетната? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? >>eng<< Сѐ уште ли си таму? Are you still here? Are you still there? >>eng<< Намерио се јунак на јунака. Diamond cuts diamond. He was a hero on a hero. >>eng<< Морам да одам да се видам со Том. I have to go see Tom. I have to go see Tom. >>eng<< Почни с бројањем. Start counting. Start counting. >>eng<< Просто искам да си седя на плажа и да си почина една седмица. I just want to sit on the beach and relax for a week. I just want to sit on the beach and die for a week. >>eng<< Tom je žestoko prebijen. Tom was severely beaten. Tom's been hit hard. >>eng<< Njoj su propisali medicinski kanabis radi ublažavanja neželjenih dejstava hemoterapije. She has been prescribed medical cannabis to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy. It has been prescribed medical cannabis for the purpose of alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy. >>eng<< Ukraden joj je pasoš. Her passport was stolen. Her passport was stolen. >>eng<< Da li si video nekog tamo? Did you see anybody there? Did you see anyone there? >>eng<< Toto je to najlepšie, čo sme za celý rok hrali. This is the best that we've played all year. Toto is the most beautiful man who can feed his whole hand. >>eng<< Správa o jeho náhlej smrti nás veľmi prekvapila. We were greatly surprised at the news of his sudden death. We're talking about the death of us. >>eng<< Наша работа е да им помагаме. It's our job to help them. Our job is to help them. >>eng<< Той ще стигне до Хакодате довечера. He will reach Hakodate tonight. He'll get to Hakodate tonight. >>eng<< Оваа куќа е подобра од онаа другата. This is a better house than the other one. This house is better than the other one. >>eng<< Неко је дошао. Someone came. Someone's here. >>eng<< Zašto bi Tom hteo to? Why would Tom want that? Why would Tom want that? >>eng<< Ти пречи ли? Do you mind? Do you mind? >>eng<< Това е една от рибите, които хвана Том. This is one of the fish that Tom caught. This is one of the fish that caught Tom. >>eng<< Mislila sam da je patetično. I thought it was pathetic. I thought it was pathetic. >>eng<< Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! >>eng<< Ićiću na more sutra ako bude lepo. I will go to the sea if it is fine tomorrow. I'll go to the sea tomorrow if it's nice. >>eng<< Ти си вярващ, нали? You're a believer, aren't you? You're a believer, aren't you? >>eng<< Мисля, че ти трябва да си пуснеш брада. I think you should grow a beard. I think you need to let go of your beard. >>eng<< Hajde da pogledamo. Let's see. Let's have a look. >>eng<< Знаеш дека би направил сѐ за твоите красни очи. You know I'd do anything for your beautiful eyes. You know I would do anything for your beautiful eyes. >>eng<< Ќе се разведам. I'm getting divorced. I'm getting a divorce. >>eng<< Pokušavam postavljati pitanja na Francuskom. I am trying to ask my questions in French. I'm trying to ask questions in France. >>eng<< Те молам пушти ме да останам. Please let me stay. Please let me stay. >>eng<< Ti si tužna. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< Не съм искала да нараня чувствата на Том. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't want to hurt Tom's feelings. >>eng<< Sviđa mi se kako si uredio stan. I love what you've done with the place. I like the way you set up the apartment. >>eng<< Всичко, което искам, е една пералня. All I want is a washing machine. All I want is a washing machine. >>eng<< Донеси ми списанията. Bring me the magazines. Get me the magazines. >>eng<< Момичетата танцуваха в салона. The girls danced in the gym. The girls danced in the salon. >>eng<< Činilo se kao da znaju šta traže. They seemed to know what they wanted. They seemed to know what they were looking for. >>eng<< Забравих книгата. I forgot the book. I forgot the book. >>eng<< Uspeli smo da pobegnemo tačno na vreme. We managed to escape just in time. We managed to escape just in time. >>eng<< Jesam li osumnjičena? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? >>eng<< Њујорк је велики град. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. >>eng<< Време е да си вземем "довиждане". It's time to say goodbye. It's time to get a goodbye. >>eng<< Tom je nepodoban. Tom is a misfit. Tom's uncomfortable. >>eng<< Nikad nismo bili ovde. We've never been there. We've never been here. >>eng<< Не се връзвайте на тази ловка пропаганда. Don't swallow that slick propaganda. Don't get attached to this hunting propaganda. >>eng<< Мери дори не може да чете на френски, камо ли да го говори. Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can't even read in French, let alone speak it. >>eng<< To je problem koji sam moraš da rešiš. This is a problem you have to solve by yourself. That's a problem you have to solve yourself. >>eng<< Том се извини што задоцнил. Tom excused himself for being late. Tom apologized for being late. >>eng<< Том само си гледа. Tom is just looking. Tom's just watching. >>eng<< Drži se, Tome. Hang in there, Tom. Hang in there, Tom. >>eng<< Zašto bi Tom došao sad? Why would Tom come now? Why would Tom come here now? >>eng<< Имаш симпатични очи. You have cute eyes. You have cute eyes. >>eng<< Sada moram da idem. I must go now. I have to go now. >>eng<< Сакај ме малку, сакај ме долго. Love me little, love me long. Love me a little, love me a long time. >>eng<< Те не са гладни. They're not hungry. They're not hungry. >>eng<< Това е книга. That's a book. It's a book. >>eng<< Видео сам Маркусову кућу. I saw Marcus' house. I saw Marcus's house. >>eng<< Зошто никој не сака да му помогне? Why won't anyone help him? Why doesn't anyone want to help him? >>eng<< Ne želim meso. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. >>eng<< Dođi opet bilo kada. Come again any time. Come back anytime. >>eng<< Мисля, че това е чудесно. I think this is perfect. I think that's great. >>eng<< Poj z menoj. Sing with me. Sing with me. >>eng<< Jesi li napisao izveštaj? Have you written your report? Did you write the report? >>eng<< Ай стига бе! You don't say! Oh, come on! >>eng<< To teraz nie je dôležité. That isn't important right now. It's a terraz nie. >>eng<< Ne mogu ni da zamislim to. I can't even imagine that. I can't even imagine. >>eng<< Зошто ме праша мене? Why did you ask me? Why did you ask me? >>eng<< Том харесва катерици. Tom likes squirrels. Tom likes Catherine. >>eng<< Ти треба ли помош со ова? Do you need help doing this? Do you need any help with this? >>eng<< Duplo sam se parkirao. I'm double-parked. I parked twice. >>eng<< Šta je tu problem? What's the harm in that? What's the problem? >>eng<< Možeš li da mi speluješ svoje ime? Can you spell your name for me? Can you spell your name for me? >>eng<< Bol Tom prekvapený? Was Tom surprised? The pain of Tom prevapený? >>eng<< Том не е старец. Tom isn't an old man. Tom's not an old man. >>eng<< Трупот на бродот е поделен на повеќе водонепропустливи делови. The ship hull is divided into watertight compartments. The body of the ship is divided into more watertight parts. >>eng<< Те говореха твърде бързо, за да разбера какво казват. They spoke too quickly for me to understand. They spoke too quickly to find out what they were saying. >>eng<< Си го солам омлетот. I am shaking salt on my omelette. I'm salting my omelet. >>eng<< Tom nije uspeo da nagovori Meri da spremi tortu za Džonovu rođendansku žurku. Tom wasn't able to talk Mary into baking a cake for John's birthday party. Tom couldn't get Mary to make a cake for John's birthday party. >>eng<< Istražite ih. Examine them. Investigate them. >>eng<< Samo ti ostani sa mnom. You just stay with me. You stay with me. >>eng<< Gledaš AnnoZero, eh? You're watching AnnoZero, eh? You're watching AnnoZero, eh? >>eng<< Опитай да се успокоиш. Try and take it easy. Try to calm down. >>eng<< Nemojte da stanete. Don't stop. Don't stop. >>eng<< Izdahnuo je. He breathed his last breath. He's exhaled. >>eng<< Tom zna šta dolazi. Tom knows what's coming. Tom knows what's coming. >>eng<< Молим вас, седите. Please sit. Please, sit down. >>eng<< Tom je previše siromašan da unajmi advokata. Tom is too poor to hire a lawyer. Tom's too poor to hire a attorney. >>eng<< Stvarno je. It's real. It's real. >>eng<< Došao je juče da te poseti. He came yesterday to see you. He came to see you yesterday. >>eng<< Koliko duboko? How deep? How deep? >>eng<< Već imaju jedno. They already have one. They already have one. >>eng<< Jesi li pojela nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? >>eng<< На основу података које сам вам изнео, са којом причом би сте изашли? Based on the information that I've given you, what story would you come up with? Based on the data I gave you, what story would you go out with? >>eng<< Možeš da počneš odmah. You can start right now. You can start now. >>eng<< Neka knjiga koja opisuje čuda prirode. A book descriptive of the wonders of nature. A book that describes the wonders of nature. >>eng<< Живи сам у шуми. He lives in the forest alone. I live in the woods. >>eng<< Том се нарани. Tom hurt himself. Tom's hurt. >>eng<< Много добре я познавам. I know her very well. I know her very well. >>eng<< Tom je izašao na binu. Tom walked out on stage. Tom's out on stage. >>eng<< Môj starší syn je Lech Zaręba. My elder son is Lech Zaręba. My parents son is Lech Zaryba. >>eng<< Коледа е на 25 декември. Christmas is December 25th. Christmas is December 25th. >>eng<< Znaš li šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? >>eng<< Очакваш ли някого? Are you expecting anybody? Are you expecting someone? >>eng<< Zvrchovanosť bezpodmienečne patrí národu. Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation. Zvrchovanoső unsubmitted patrí národu. >>eng<< Sa kime dolaziš? Who will you be coming with? Who are you coming with? >>eng<< Колико то кошта? How much is this? How much does it cost? >>eng<< Метода му на преподаване е и добър и лош. His teaching method is both good and bad. His teaching method is both good and bad. >>eng<< Povabil me je na zabavo. He invited me to the party. He invited me to the party. >>eng<< Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to napraviti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do it. >>eng<< Svatko čini pogreške s vremena na vrijeme. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. >>eng<< Trebamo biti tolerantni prema svemu i svakome, samo ne prema netoleranciji. We should practice tolerance toward each and everyone, just not toward intolerance. We need to be tolerant of everything and everyone, just not of intolerance. >>eng<< Многу е забавно. It's great fun. It's so much fun. >>eng<< Vie po francúzsky, nehovoriac o angličtine. She speaks French, not to speak of English. Vie by francúzsky, non-hovorian about English. >>eng<< Táto šálka je moja. This cup is mine. Tato shalka is mine. >>eng<< Šta vi možete učiniti? What should you do? What can you do? >>eng<< Морам да идем. I need to go. I gotta go. >>eng<< Све се дешава с разлогом. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. >>eng<< Не искам Том да влоши нещата още повече. I don't want Tom to make the situation any worse than it already is. I don't want Tom to make things any worse. >>eng<< Samo pokušavaju da pomognu. They're only trying to help. They're just trying to help. >>eng<< Мразам патлиџани. I hate tomatoes. I hate eggplants. >>eng<< Једног дана ћеш разумети. One day you'll understand. One day you will understand. >>eng<< Што е на дневен ред? What's on the agenda? What's on the agenda? >>eng<< Uvredio si se zbog toga, iako to uopšte nije imalo to značenje, i to je trebalo da bude nešto smešno sa moje strane, ali ti to nisi video tako. You took it as offensive, even though that was not at all my intention. I meant it as something funny, but you didn't see it like that. You were offended by that, even though it didn't mean anything at all, and it was supposed to be something funny on my part, but you didn't see it that way. >>eng<< Daj mi dvigalo v vašem avtu. Give me a lift in your car. Give me the elevator in your car. >>eng<< Trebala bi mi večnost da sve objasnim. It would take forever for me to explain everything. I'd need eternity to explain everything. >>eng<< Си бил ли некогаш во пештерава? Have you ever been inside this cave? Have you ever been to this cave? >>eng<< Време е да поразсъждаваш върху миналото си. It is time to reflect on your past. It’s time to think about your past. >>eng<< Nisam uspeo da sednem u vozu, jer je bilo tako mnogo ljudi. The train was so packed that I had to stand up during the whole trip. I couldn’t get on the train because there were so many people. >>eng<< Cijela kuća je izgorjela. The entire house has burnt down. The whole house is burned down. >>eng<< Чекај ги. Wait for them. Wait for them. >>eng<< Кој ги зел парите? Who took the money? Who took the money? >>eng<< Jesu li ovo vaše torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? >>eng<< Pracuje nausilovnejšie z triedy. He works hardest in his class. He's following the most violent with the triedy. >>eng<< Jesi li ti manijak? Are you a maniac? Are you a maniac? >>eng<< Šećer je zamenio med kao zaslađivač. Sugar replaced honey as a sweetener. Sugar was replaced by honey as a sweetener. >>eng<< Им се смеевме. We laughed at them. We laughed at them. >>eng<< Po močnem deževju je reka poplavila bregove. After the heavy rains, the river overflowed its banks. After heavy rain, the river flooded the banks. >>eng<< Ја мрзим математику. I hate mathematics. I hate mathematics. >>eng<< Tomove roletne su spuštene. Tom's blinds are closed. Tom's blinds are down. >>eng<< Tko je ovaj čovjek? Who is this person? Who is this man? >>eng<< Šta bi Tom mislio? What would Tom think? What would Tom think? >>eng<< Ќе седам онде. I'll sit over there. I'll sit there. >>eng<< Máš jednu šancu. You have one chance. One more chance. >>eng<< Телефонът е нещо, без което не можеш. A telephone is something you can't do without. The phone is something you can't do without. >>eng<< Ne sjećam se našeg prvog susreta. I don't remember the first time I met him. I don't remember our first meeting. >>eng<< Možeš da popričaš sa Tomom. You could talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. >>eng<< Войниците са свикнали с опасностите. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are used to the dangers. >>eng<< Končno je petek. It's finally Friday. It's finally Friday. >>eng<< Воопшто не би и верувал на Мери. I wouldn't trust Mary an inch. I wouldn't believe Mary at all. >>eng<< Imam tridest godina. I'm thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. >>eng<< Тогаш имавме по осумнаесет години. We were eighteen at that time. Then we were 18 years old. >>eng<< Ајде да го следиме. Let's follow him. Let's follow him. >>eng<< Nemam nikoga osim nje. I don't have anybody except her. I have no one but her. >>eng<< Koliko si očajan? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? >>eng<< Ovo je adresa. This is the address. This is the address. >>eng<< Никога не бих ви излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. >>eng<< Složila sam se da kupim to. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. >>eng<< Samo polako! Easy does it. Take your time! >>eng<< Каква е причината за вашето крещене. What was the cause of your quarrel? What is the reason for your screaming? >>eng<< Рекла сам Тому да сачека. I told Tom to wait. I told Tom to wait. >>eng<< Једем овде. I'm eating here. I'm eating here. >>eng<< Ljutim se na tebe. I'm angry with you. I'm mad at you. >>eng<< Voleo bih da nisam uradio to. I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't done that. >>eng<< Рокот за извештаите е следниот понеделник. The deadline for the reports is next Monday. The deadline for the reports is next Monday. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да я задържиш? Are you sure you don't want to keep it? Are you sure you don't want to keep it? >>eng<< Ovu kuću je izgradio poznati arhitekt. A famous architect built this house. This house was built by a famous architect. >>eng<< Сестра ти каде е? Where's your sister? Your sister, where is she? >>eng<< Сакам специфични информации. I want specific information. I want specific information. >>eng<< Budućnost izgleda mračno za Edmond Dantesa, pošto je postao žrtva zavere, on je osuđen za izdaju i poslat doživotno u zatvor. The future looked bleak for Edmond Dantes after he became the victim of a conspiracy, and he was convicted for treason and imprisoned for life. The future looks dark for Edmund Dantes, having become a victim of the conspiracy, he was convicted of treason and sent to prison for life. >>eng<< Ko bi želeo Toma mrtvog? Who would want Tom dead? Who would want Tom dead? >>eng<< Том си го одра коленото. Tom skinned his knee. Tom cuts his knee. >>eng<< Со таква бујна мечта, ќе стане или прочуен писател или лудак. With such a vivid imagination he'll become either a world-famous novelist or a lunatic. With such a lush dream, he will become either a famous writer or a lunatic. >>eng<< Си го сакаш животот, нели? You like your life, don't you? You love your life, don't you? >>eng<< Том те пратил ваму, нели? Tom sent you here, didn't he? Tom sent you here, didn't he? >>eng<< Kto je váš obľúbený kanadský hudobník? Who's your favorite Canadian musician? Who do you think is Canadian? >>eng<< Звънецът звъни в осем часа. The bell rings at eight. The bell rings at eight o'clock. >>eng<< Pomozi nam da dosegnemo svoj cilj. Help us reach our goal. Help us reach our goal. >>eng<< Вече опитах по този начин. I've already tried doing it that way. I've already tried it that way. >>eng<< Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you're out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. >>eng<< Пробај да му го објасниш тоа на Том. Try explaining that to Tom. Try to explain that to Tom. >>eng<< Ние отложихме събитието. We postponed the event. We postponed the event. >>eng<< Čo spieval Jano na pódiu? What did John sing on the stage? Who slept Jano on pódio? >>eng<< Mislio sam da ideš u Bostom autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going on the Bosto bus. >>eng<< Няма ми го портмонето. I don't have my purse. I don't have my wallet. >>eng<< Чаках ви да се върнете. I was waiting for you to get back. I was waiting for you to come back. >>eng<< Не ми харесва как се държиш. I don't like the way you're acting. I don't like the way you behave. >>eng<< Јас одречно ќе одговорев. I would've said no. I would have denied it. >>eng<< Баба му изглежда здрава. His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother looks healthy. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Австралия? What's the minimum salary in Australia? What is the minimum wage in Australia? >>eng<< Каде ми отиде шоферот? Where did my driver go? Where did my driver go? >>eng<< Volela bih da mogu da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like that. >>eng<< Тази пола ми харесва. Може ли да я пробвам? I like this skirt. May I try it on? Can I try it? >>eng<< Fadil nije bio u kući. Fadil wasn't inside the house. Fadil wasn't in the house. >>eng<< Grad je oštećen tokom rata. The city was damaged during the war. The city was damaged during the war. >>eng<< Ti više ne možeš da kupuješ jabuke! You can't buy apples any more! You can't buy apples anymore! >>eng<< Tom je delovao dosta nervozno. Tom seemed rather nervous. Tom seemed pretty nervous. >>eng<< Растящите цени подхранват тревогата на потребителите. Rising costs are fueling anxieties among consumers. The rising prices feed consumers’ concerns. >>eng<< Би сакал ли уште леб? Would you like some more bread? Would you like some more bread? >>eng<< Imaš li stabilnu vezu sa dečkom? Do you have a steady boyfriend? Do you have a stable relationship with your boyfriend? >>eng<< Sramotiš je. You're embarrassing her. You embarrass her. >>eng<< Изгаси светлината. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. >>eng<< Мисля, че трябва да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you need to get out. >>eng<< Prepoznala sam ga na prvi pogled. I recognized him at first glance. I recognized him at first sight. >>eng<< Не бих те повредила. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. >>eng<< Zgurali su se zajedno. They squeezed together. They pushed together. >>eng<< Риђокосе ме излуђују! Redheads drive me crazy! Redheads drive me crazy! >>eng<< Мери иска една дузина яйца. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Mary wants a dozen eggs. >>eng<< Чудя се дали Том още ме помни. I wonder if Tom still remembers me. I wonder if Tom still remembers me. >>eng<< Da li si je upravo srela? Did you just meet her? Did you just meet her? >>eng<< Кондурите ме жуљаат. My shoes are chafing my feet. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. >>eng<< Svi tapšu. Everybody claps. Everybody's patting. >>eng<< Водя си дневник на френски. I keep a diary in French. I keep a diary in French. >>eng<< Volela bih da sam se ja setila toga. I wish I'd thought of that. I wish I'd remembered that. >>eng<< Tu smo. We're here. Here we are. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е суетен. I think Tom is vain. I think Tom's vain. >>eng<< Миналата събота ходих на шопинг. I went shopping last Saturday. Last Saturday I went shopping. >>eng<< Аз разбирам малко френски. I understand French a little. I understand a little French. >>eng<< Где има траве, нема воде. Где има воде, нема траве. Where there is grass, there is no water. Where there is water, there is no grass. Where there's grass, there's no water, where there's water, there's no grass. >>eng<< Бићеш потпуно безбедна. You'll be absolutely safe. You'll be completely safe. >>eng<< Шта бисте волели да знате? What would you like to know? What would you like to know? >>eng<< Мисля, че Том е в градината. I think Tom is in the garden. I think Tom's in the garden. >>eng<< Том много чита. Tom is a bookworm. Tom reads a lot. >>eng<< Još uvek grešim. I still make mistakes. I'm still wrong. >>eng<< Мени одговара. It works for me. It suits me. >>eng<< Nisam tip koji prati modu. I'm not the trendy type. I'm not the guy who follows fashion. >>eng<< Посрещнаха ни топло. They greeted us warmly. They welcomed us warmly. >>eng<< Не ставај толку бибер во супата. Don't put so much pepper in the soup. Don't put that much pepper in the soup. >>eng<< И ти, Бруте? You too, Brutus? You, too, Brutus? >>eng<< Aimee je trenutno zelo utrujena. Aimee is very tired at the moment. Aimee is very tired right now. >>eng<< Istražite ovo. Examine this. Look into this. >>eng<< Všetci ľudia sa rodia slobodní a sebe rovní , čo sa týka ich dostojnosti a práv. Sú obdarení rozumom a majú navzájom jednať v bratskom duchu. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Vjetci žudia from the birth of free and self rovní , cho from týka ich dignity a práv. Sú giftedí rozum and Mayú navázá one in the brotherly duch. >>eng<< Виж го! Check it out! Look at him! >>eng<< Mnogo ptica je na grani. Many birds are on the branch. There's a lot of birds on the branch. >>eng<< Ha? Gde sam ostavio ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I leave my keys? >>eng<< Voleo bih da si uz mene. I wish you were here with me. I wish you were with me. >>eng<< Наистина не мислех, че ще се стигне дотук. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I really didn't think it would get this far. >>eng<< Има ли некој друг? Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else? >>eng<< Miljaža zavisi od uslova na putu. Mileage varies with driving conditions. The mile depends on the conditions on the road. >>eng<< Nag sam. I'm naked. I'm naked. >>eng<< Njena je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? >>eng<< Не слушай този човек. Don't listen to this man. Don't listen to this man. >>eng<< Koje vino imaš? What kind of wine do you have? What kind of wine do you have? >>eng<< Vrijeme leti. Time flies. Time flies. >>eng<< Je päť. It's five o'clock. It's pä? >>eng<< Сакам да станам и да играм. I want to get up and dance. I want to get up and play. >>eng<< Volimo da igramo fudbal. We like to play soccer. We like to play football. >>eng<< Sve je bila samo nezgoda. It was all an accident. It was all just an accident. >>eng<< Мери е прав експерт. Mary's a real expert. Mary's a real expert. >>eng<< Гледај нѐ. Look at us. Look at us. >>eng<< Марта е отличен пианист. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha is an excellent pianist. >>eng<< Ще те изпратя. I'll walk you out. I'll send you. >>eng<< Вашата вера е гадна. Your religion is ugly. Your faith is bad. >>eng<< Arheolog istražuje stare rimske ruševine. The archaeologist is studying old Roman ruins. An archaeologist explores ancient Roman ruins. >>eng<< Pas je mrtav. The dog is dead. The dog is dead. >>eng<< Hoda. She walks. He walks. >>eng<< Toliko toga ste me naučili. You've taught me so much. There's so much you've taught me. >>eng<< Неговото глумење во никој случај не е совршено. His acting is far from being perfect. His acting is not perfect at all. >>eng<< Съдията обяви затворника за виновен. The prisoner was found guilty by the judge. The judge found the prisoner guilty. >>eng<< Музеят днес отворен ли е? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? >>eng<< Обещавам да я донеса обратно. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise to bring it back. >>eng<< Nemoj da preuveličavaš. Don't exaggerate. Don't exaggerate. >>eng<< Том е два пъти по-стар от Мери. Tom is twice Mary's age. Tom is twice as old as Mary. >>eng<< Просто не го разбирам това. I simply don't understand this. I just don't understand that. >>eng<< Това е мястото, където Том е роден. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. >>eng<< Tom je u garaži, radi na svom motoru. Tom is in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Tom's in the garage, working on his bike. >>eng<< Затоа не можам да ти помогнам. That's why I can't help you. That's why I can't help you. >>eng<< Da li bi mogao da uradiš to? Could you do that? Could you do that? >>eng<< Ми успеа. I nailed it. I did it. >>eng<< Napisao sam neke pesme prošle nedelje. I wrote some poems last weekend. I wrote some songs last week. >>eng<< Сите така прават. Everybody does that. Everybody does that. >>eng<< Победили су. They won. They won. >>eng<< Јел' ово има смисла? Does this make sense? Does this make sense? >>eng<< Во тропските предели има само две годишни времиња. There are only two seasons in the tropics. There are only two seasons in the tropics. >>eng<< Sve što trebamo je voda. All we need is water. All we need is water. >>eng<< Тази камера е на Том, нали? This camera is Tom's, isn't it? This camera's Tom's, isn't it? >>eng<< Tom voli sir. Tom likes cheese. Tom loves cheese. >>eng<< Prevela je svoju rečenicu. She translated her own sentence. She translated her sentence. >>eng<< Zašto uvek moraš da se umešaš? Why do you always have to get involved? Why do you always have to get involved? >>eng<< Umoran sam toliko da ne mogu više ni korak. I am so tired that I can't walk another step. I'm so tired I can't take a step anymore. >>eng<< Той учеше френски сам. He taught himself French. He studied French alone. >>eng<< Kada sam se probudila, padao je sneg. When I awoke, it was snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. >>eng<< Navika mi je da radim to. It's what I'm used to doing. I'm used to doing that. >>eng<< Кој бил крадецот? Who was the thief? Who was the thief? >>eng<< Дај да помогнам. Let me help. Let me help. >>eng<< Osjećam se dobro sada. I'm feeling fine now. I feel good now. >>eng<< Сандвичите с шунка бяха наистина добри. The ham sandwiches were really good. The ham sandwiches were really good. >>eng<< Myslel som, že Tom o tom chce vedieť. I thought Tom would want to know about that. Myslel som, it's Tom about that chce vedie. >>eng<< Шта кажеш на мало чоколадног сира? How about some chocolate cheese? How about some chocolate cheese? >>eng<< Tom pati od hroničkih bolova. Tom suffers from chronic pain. Tom's suffering from chronic pain. >>eng<< Krećemo li uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we leaving soon? >>eng<< Kanada je zemlja-majka hokeja na ledu. Canada is the motherland of ice hockey. Canada is an ice hockey country. >>eng<< Ova je kuća a ona je džamija. This is a house and that is a mosque. It's a house and it's a mosque. >>eng<< Kažite mi šta je to. Tell me what that is. Tell me what that is. >>eng<< Треба да направиш ова да проработи. You need to make this work. You need to make this work. >>eng<< Imam dušu. I have a soul. I have a soul. >>eng<< Не ти е ли ладно по кратки ракави? Aren't you cold in short sleeves? Aren't you cold on short sleeves? >>eng<< Има ли вода в тенджерата? Is there any water in the pot? Is there water in the pot? >>eng<< Miza v tej sobi zavzame veliko prostora. The table takes up a lot of space in this room. The table in this room takes up a lot of space. >>eng<< Znamo da smo bolji od toga. We know we're better than that. We know we're better than that. >>eng<< Ne volim da pišem. I don't like writing. I don't like to write. >>eng<< Da li su zaljubljene? Are they in love? Are they in love? >>eng<< Треба да одиш да му помогнеш. You should go help him. You should go help him. >>eng<< Mislila sam da je bilo užasno. I thought it was terrible. I thought it was horrible. >>eng<< Siguran sam da možeš to. I'm sure you can do it. I'm sure you can do that. >>eng<< Те здоболе, така? You don't give a shit, do you? You got sick, didn't you? >>eng<< Сигурен ли си, че не искаш сок? Are you sure you don't want some juice? Are you sure you don't want some juice? >>eng<< Къде е тоалетната? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? >>eng<< Sigurna sam da će Tom mnogo da mi nedostaje. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. I'm sure Tom will miss her very much. >>eng<< Том сака ти да го направиш тоа, за да не мора да го прави самиот. Tom wants you to do it so he doesn't have to do it himself. Tom wants you to do it so he doesn't have to do it himself. >>eng<< Ne možeš si pomoći, zar ne Tome? You can't help yourself, can you, Tom? You can't help yourself, can you, Tom? >>eng<< On govori engleski. He speaks English. He speaks English. >>eng<< Máte tri mačky. You have three cats. Máte three cats. >>eng<< Барът е пълен с хора. The bar is crowded. The bar is full of people. >>eng<< Како ти е новата работа? How's your new job? How's your new job? >>eng<< Днес е малко студено. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. >>eng<< Можеш ли да ги мрдаш ушите? Can you wiggle your ears? Can you move your ears? >>eng<< Том не сака да дојде со нас. Tom doesn't want to come with us. Tom doesn't want to come with us. >>eng<< Veoma si nepristojan. You're very rude. You're very rude. >>eng<< Želim ti prijatnu sedmicu! Have a good week! Have a nice week! >>eng<< Бил је две године млађи од мене. Bill is my junior by two years. He was two years younger than me. >>eng<< Вечното мълчание на тези безкрайни пространства ме ужасява. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. >>eng<< Без алата нема заната. You can't make bricks without straw. Without the tools, there is no trade. >>eng<< Том зна да је дошао крај. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's over. >>eng<< U ovom rečniku se napisane 1000 reči uz to da sve one moraju biti zapamćene do jula. There are 1,000 English words written down in this vocabulary book, and they all have to be memorized by July. In this dictionary, 1000 words are written, and all of them must be remembered by July. >>eng<< Какво донесе Том със себе си? What did Tom bring with him? What did Tom bring with him? >>eng<< Потисната ли си? Are you depressed? Are you depressed? >>eng<< Ta tvrtka je na klimavim nogama zbog loših dugova. That company is on the rocks because of bad debts. That company's on slippery feet because of bad debts. >>eng<< Твое ли е ова, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is this yours, Tom? >>eng<< Си го правел ли некогаш тоа? Have you ever done it? Have you ever done that? >>eng<< To je bilo malo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was a little off. >>eng<< Не съм се нахранил съвсем I haven't quite finished eating. I didn’t eat very much. >>eng<< Возови у Србији су ужасно спори. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Trains in Serbia are extremely slow. >>eng<< Imam knjigu. I have a book. I have a book. >>eng<< Аз не съм управителят. I'm not the manager. I'm not the manager. >>eng<< Том се освести. Tom became conscious. Tom's regaining consciousness. >>eng<< Gospodin Wood je došao na vrata i govorio Tonijevoj mati. Mr Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. Mr. Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. >>eng<< Томо, морамо узети такси до станице. We must take a taxi to the station, Tom. Tomo, we need to take a taxi to the station. >>eng<< Човекојадци се. They're cannibals. They're human beings. >>eng<< Няма да виждаш нищо без фенерче. You won't be able to see anything without a flashlight. You won't see anything without a flashlight. >>eng<< Zaista sam uživao. I enjoyed myself a lot. I really enjoyed it. >>eng<< Urobil skúšku. He passed the exam. He's taken a squish. >>eng<< Да откриеме што сака Том. Let's find out what Tom wants. Let's find out what Tom wants. >>eng<< Položila sam svaki test. I passed every single test. I passed every test. >>eng<< Доста се брлавиш. Stop playing around. You're getting a lot of blasphemy. >>eng<< Sreća je bila na našoj strani. Luck was on our side. Happiness was on our side. >>eng<< Tom je vrlo inteligentan. Tom is highly intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. >>eng<< От теб зависи. It is up to you. It's up to you. >>eng<< Она не говори енглески, а камоли француски. She doesn't speak English, let alone French. She does not speak English, let alone French. >>eng<< Том казва, че може да се свързва с мъртвите. Tom says that he is able to communicate with the dead. Tom says he can connect with the dead. >>eng<< О, што е ова? Oh, what is this? Oh, what's this? >>eng<< Nije sam esej problem, već sva ova pogubna pitanja i objašnjenja reči me strašno izluđuju! The essay itself isn't a problem, but all these pernicious questions and glossary make me awfully mad! It's not the essay itself, it's all these disastrous questions and explanations of words that drive me crazy! >>eng<< Puščavnik je oseba, ki živi preprosto in v samoti, zlasti iz verskih nagibov. A hermit is a person who lives in a simple way apart from others especially for religious reasons. The hermit is a person who lives simply and in solitude, especially from religious inclinations. >>eng<< Има нешто што треба да те прашам. There's something I need to ask you. There's something I need to ask you. >>eng<< Nikad ne stižeš na vreme. You never arrive on time. You never make it in time. >>eng<< Јадев пристоен оброк. I had a decent meal. I ate a decent meal. >>eng<< Имам роднини в Бостън. I have relatives in Boston. I have relatives in Boston. >>eng<< Добре дошъл у дома. Welcome home. Welcome home. >>eng<< Вие сте нейни дъщери. You are her daughters. You're her daughters. >>eng<< Tom mi je dao nekoliko knjiga. Tom gave me several books. Tom gave me a few books. >>eng<< Uzaludno je. It's futile. It's in vain. >>eng<< Том ќе нѐ исфрлеше надвор. Tom would've thrown us out. Tom would have thrown us out. >>eng<< Внимание, Ве молам! Attention, please! Attention, please! >>eng<< Združeni narodi so leto 2015 razglasili za mednarodno leto luči. 2015 has been declared the International Year of Light by the United Nations. The United Nations declared 2015 the International Year of Lights. >>eng<< Това твоята стая ли е? Is that your room? Is this your room? >>eng<< Tom je skakao gore-dole. Tom jumped up and down. Tom was jumping up and down. >>eng<< Той излиза с групата деца, с които не трябва. He hangs around with the wrong group of kids. He's dating a group of kids he shouldn't be with. >>eng<< Mis Kolumbije je bolj privlačna in lepša od mis Venezuele. Miss Colombia is sexier and more beautiful than Miss Venezuela. Miss Colombia is more attractive and beautiful than Miss Venezuela. >>eng<< Днес влакът закъснява с десет минути. The train is 10 minutes late today. The train is ten minutes late today. >>eng<< Прибери колата в гаража. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. >>eng<< Леля ми ми даде един албум. My aunt gave me an album. My aunt gave me an album. >>eng<< Da li sam sad bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? >>eng<< Lav je kralj džungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. >>eng<< Požuri! Nemamo puno vremena. Be quick! We haven't much time. We don't have much time. >>eng<< Tom stvarno deluje poznato. Tom does seem familiar. Tom really looks familiar. >>eng<< Ајде де, отвори го. Go ahead and open it up. Come on, open it. >>eng<< Да, во секој случај. Yes, by all means. Yeah, anyway. >>eng<< Нашето училище е използвало неговите методи на обучение. Our school adopted his teaching methods. Our school has used its training methods. >>eng<< Што не ѝ е потаман? What's bugging her? What's wrong with her? >>eng<< Obojica nismo bogati koliko bismo želeli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're not as rich as we'd like to be. >>eng<< Да ли је ово место заузето? Is this seat taken? Is this place busy? >>eng<< Nemam pojma o čemu on to priča. I have no idea what he's talking about. I have no idea what he's talking about. >>eng<< Тяхната къща е точно срещу автобусната спирка. Their house is just opposite the bus stop. Their house is right against the bus stop. >>eng<< Том разбира каквото вие не разбирате. Tom understands what you don't. Tom understands what you don't understand. >>eng<< Паркирала сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my place. >>eng<< Те носам на школо. I'm taking you to school. I'm taking you to school. >>eng<< Zakaj ne bi šli v gore ta konec tedna? Why don't we go to the mountains this weekend? Why don't we go to the mountains this weekend? >>eng<< Da li tvoja deca imaju svoje sobe? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own rooms? >>eng<< Не му кажувај на Том што си видел тука. Don't tell Tom what you've seen here. Don't tell Tom what you saw here. >>eng<< Том беше спасен от един случаен минувач. Tom was rescued by a passer-by. Tom was rescued by an accidental passerby. >>eng<< Пикасо је чувени уметник. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. >>eng<< Mislim da je Tom oprezan. I think Tom is careful. I think Tom is careful. >>eng<< Nič nové pod slnkom. Nothing new under the sun. There's no money under the sled. >>eng<< Taj elegantni pozlaćeni lančić sa srcima je ogrlica koja će "uzdrmati tvoj svet". That elegant gold plated chain with hearts is a necklace that will "rock your world". This elegant gold chain with hearts is a necklace that will "shake your world". >>eng<< Неговата шега сите не насмеа. His joke made us all laugh. His jokes made us all laugh. >>eng<< Зошто не го послуша Том? Why didn't you listen to Tom? Why didn't you listen to Tom? >>eng<< Svi moramo umreti. We all have to die. We all have to die. >>eng<< Сакам класот да молчи. I want the class to be silent. I want the class to be quiet. >>eng<< Нешто ја мачи. Something's bothering her. Something's bothering her. >>eng<< Ти си луд да си купиш такова скъпо колело. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. >>eng<< Mama je presadila cveće u baštu. Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden. Mom transplanted flowers in the garden. >>eng<< Мисля, че се държите наивно. I think you're being naive. I think you're being naive. >>eng<< Šanse su protiv mene. The odds are against me. The chances are against me. >>eng<< Кој и да се јави, кажи му дека сум излезен. Whoever telephones, tell him I'm out. Whoever called, tell him I'm out. >>eng<< Morate da ostanete sa mnom. You must stay with me. I need you to stay with me. >>eng<< Мислам дека ќе можам да го решам проблемов сам. I don't think that I'll be able to solve this problem by myself. I think I can solve this problem myself. >>eng<< Волела бих да те пољубим. I'd like to kiss you. I'd love to kiss you. >>eng<< Moraš da ležiš mirno. You need to lie still. You have to lie still. >>eng<< Нас двоје смо толико различити. The two of us are so different. The two of us are so different. >>eng<< Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? >>eng<< Čak i deca znaju to. Even children know that. Even the kids know that. >>eng<< Stvarno se ponosim time. I'm real proud of that. I'm really proud of it. >>eng<< Nisam noćna ptica. I'm not a night person. I'm not a night bird. >>eng<< Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo para. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. >>eng<< Ја не знам ко су они. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. >>eng<< Може ли да пусна телевизора? Can I turn on the TV? Can I put on the TV? >>eng<< Hoćemo li aperitiv? Shall we have an aperitif? Shall we have an aperitif? >>eng<< Том няма да преуспее. Tom won't be successful. Tom's not gonna make it. >>eng<< Затворете книгите си. Close your books. Close your books. >>eng<< Zapni si pásy. Buckle your seatbelts. Close your pásy. >>eng<< Dan je lingvist. Dan is a linguist. Dan's a linguist. >>eng<< Тя написа писмо. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. >>eng<< Možeš si vybrať čo chceš. You may choose whichever you want. You can vybra? You can. >>eng<< Никад нисам видео Тома овако заузетог. I've never seen Tom so busy. I've never seen Tom so busy. >>eng<< Био је голих прса и бос. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was naked chest and boss. >>eng<< Сите работи ти се тука. Your things are all here. All your stuff's here. >>eng<< Ovo nije sto. This is not a table. This isn't a table. >>eng<< Ако те ја волим, шта се то тебе тиче? If I love you, what business is it of yours? If I love you, what does it matter to you? >>eng<< Не мораш да ми кажеш два пута. You don't have to tell me twice. You don't have to tell me twice. >>eng<< Ми треба коверт. I need an envelope. I need an envelope. >>eng<< Neki ljudi bez obzira u kom dobu su, ne gube svoju lepotu. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. Some people no matter what age they are, do not lose their beauty. >>eng<< Ponosan sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I am proud of my family. >>eng<< Tom je želeo veću kuću od svog komšije. Tom wanted to have a bigger house than his neighbor. Tom wanted a bigger house than his neighbor. >>eng<< Јуче сам купио ово. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. >>eng<< Имам други работи што би требало да ги правам. I have other things I need to be doing. I have other things to do. >>eng<< Том свири и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom also plays guitar. >>eng<< Môj otec mi pomôže finančne. My father will support me financially. My father is helping me financially. >>eng<< "Човешката глупост е безкрайна", казвам аз, и заради тази си самокритичност, се считам за изключение. "Human stupidity is endless", I say, and for this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception. “Human stupidity is infinite,” I say, and because of this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception. >>eng<< Да гласаме. I call for a vote. Let's vote. >>eng<< Moja žena je Polka. My wife is Polish. My wife is Polka. >>eng<< Спи ли ти се, скъпа? Are you sleepy, honey? Are you asleep, honey? >>eng<< Tom je spremio omlet. Tom made an omelet. Tom made an omelet. >>eng<< I dalje ne razumem ništa. I still do not understand anything. I still don't understand anything. >>eng<< Možeš da sedneš pored mene. You can sit next to me. You can sit next to me. >>eng<< Da li si se potpuno oporavila? Are you fully recovered? Are you fully recovered? >>eng<< Волим да те гледам док плешеш. I love watching you dance. I love watching you dance. >>eng<< Па нели си знаел да свириш клавир? I thought you said you could play the piano. Didn't you know how to play the piano? >>eng<< Бих искала да купя колата, която продаваш, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. >>eng<< Или той, или аз греша. He is wrong or I am. Either he or I'm wrong. >>eng<< Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изгорим тези документи? Are you sure you want us to burn these documents? Are you sure you want to burn these documents? >>eng<< Da li smo ovde sigurni? Are we safe here? Are we safe here? >>eng<< Napísal si túto knihu? Did you write this book? Did you write to Knihu? >>eng<< Од чега живи? What does he do for a living? What does he live on? >>eng<< Naoružana sam. I'm armed. I'm armed. >>eng<< Ovo nije toliko zabavno. This isn't so much fun. This isn't that much fun. >>eng<< Magdalena študuje na japonskej škole v Łódźi. Magdalena is studying at the Lodz Japanese School. Magdalena is studying at the Japanese school. >>eng<< Nema razloga za biti uplašen. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be scared. >>eng<< Кој ја освои наградата? Who won the prize? Who won the prize? >>eng<< Таа работи во банка. She works in a bank. She works in a bank. >>eng<< U boljoj sam formi od tebe. I'm in better shape than you are. I'm in better shape than you are. >>eng<< Ќе ти отворам врата. I'll open the door for you. I'll open the door for you. >>eng<< Покажи ми фотке! Show me the photos! Show me the pictures! >>eng<< Tom je izašao iz toga. Tom was out of it. Tom's out of it. >>eng<< "Ovo je došlo za tebe." "Uh..." "Nego, sećaš li se one koju ti je poslala kada si je zamolio da ti da slike Epldžekovog brata?" "Da." I onda ti je rekla da napišeš kritiku Mekovog fizičkog izgleda." "Da." "Onda je poslala kritiku Meku." "...Da." "Šta si joj rekao da si naučio iz toga?" "Shvatio sam da je Filipsov šrafciger ubedljiv, ali ne zavodljiv; i da Reriti žestoko naplaćuje stvari koje mislim da treba da uradi kao prijatelj." "This came for you." "Urgh..." "So hey, you remember that one that she sent you where she asked you to get her those pictures of Applejack's brother?" "Yeah." "And then she told you to write a critique on Mac's physical appearance." "Yeah." "Then she sent the critique to Mac." "...Yeah." "What did you tell her you learned from that?" "I found that a Phillips screwdriver is persuasive, but not seductive; and also Rarity charges up the butt for stuff I really think she should do as a friend." "This came for you." "Oh..." "Well, do you remember the one she sent you when you asked her to give you pictures of Epldzek's brother?" "Yes." And then she told you to write a critique of Mecca's physical appearance." "Yes." "Then she sent criticism to Mecca." "Yes." "What did you tell her that you learned from it?" "I realized that Phillips's screwdriver was convincing, but not seductive; and that Rerity charged hard for things I think he should do as a friend." >>eng<< Това е къщата, в която Том е израснал. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house Tom grew up in. >>eng<< Konj mora da se sapleo i vitez je pao s konja. The horse must have stumbled and have toppled the knight. The horse must have cleaved and the knight fell off the horse. >>eng<< Това е камерата, с която Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. This is the camera Tom took the photos with. >>eng<< Това е най-добрият ресторант за морска храна в този квартал. This is the best seafood restaurant in the neighborhood. This is the best seafood restaurant in this neighborhood. >>eng<< Imam dvije mačke. I have two cats. I have two cats. >>eng<< Оваа маса има глатка површина. This table has a smooth surface. This table has a smooth surface. >>eng<< Da li si iskrena? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? >>eng<< Не ме гледайте така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. >>eng<< Nadam se da će biti suvo vreme. I hope that the weather will be dry. I hope it'll be dry weather. >>eng<< Дојди внатре. Come inside. Come inside. >>eng<< On je potpuni monarh. He is a complete monarch. He's a complete monarch. >>eng<< Така и се сомневав. I suspected as much. That's how I doubted it. >>eng<< Извини, но мојот одговор е одречен. I'm sorry, but the answer's no. I'm sorry, but my answer is denied. >>eng<< Njezina ljepota je bila neopisiva. Her beauty was beyond description. Her beauty was indescribable. >>eng<< Тата је рекао не. My dad said no. Dad said no. >>eng<< Zašto si obrijao bradu? Why did you shave off your beard? Why did you shave your beard? >>eng<< Zgurali su se zajedno. They squeezed together. They pushed together. >>eng<< Том живее на три пресечки от брега. Tom lives three blocks from the beach. Tom lives three blocks off the coast. >>eng<< Zbog njenih fizičkih nedostataka, Meri koristi štap za hodanje kada je napolju. Because of her physical disability Mary now uses a walking stick when she has to go outdoors. Because of her physical flaws, Mary uses a walking stick when she's out. >>eng<< Повика ли брза помош веќе? Have you called an ambulance yet? Have you called an ambulance yet? >>eng<< Не трябва ли да тръгваш? Shouldn't you be going? Don't you have to go? >>eng<< Имам тук снимката на Том. I have Tom's picture right here. I got Tom's picture right here. >>eng<< Mirišeš lijepo. You smell good. You smell good. >>eng<< Осећам ли сарказам? Do I detect sarcasm? Do I smell sarcasm? >>eng<< Kada ti je vreme za spavanje? When is your bedtime? When's your time to sleep? >>eng<< Дали го употреби мојот нож? Did you use my knife? Did you use my knife? >>eng<< Moj je, nije njegov. It's mine, not his. It's mine, it's not his. >>eng<< Tom je želeo da ima lepšu mačku od svog suseda. Tom wanted to have a nicer car than his neighbors. Tom wanted to have a better cat than his neighbor. >>eng<< David Beckham je Anglež. David Beckham is English. David Beckham is an Englishman. >>eng<< Orao je car ptica. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the king of birds. >>eng<< Gde ima dima, ima i vatre. Where there's smoke there's fire. Where there's smoke, there's fire. >>eng<< Можам да ја натерам да ти помогне. I can get her to help you. I can get her to help you. >>eng<< Proterali smo ga iz zemlje. We banished him from the country. We drove him out of the country. >>eng<< Предавнику! You traitor! You traitor! >>eng<< Šťastný deň matiek! Happy Mother's Day! Shastný deř matica! >>eng<< Сакам Том да ја слушне твојата приказна. I want Tom to hear your story. I want Tom to hear your story. >>eng<< Mislila sam da je šokantno. I thought it was shocking. I thought it was shocking. >>eng<< Želimo kompletne rečenice. We want complete sentences. We want complete sentences. >>eng<< Том ми напиша писмо. Tom wrote me a letter. Tom wrote me a letter. >>eng<< Uvredio si se zbog toga, iako to uopšte nije imalo to značenje, i to je trebalo da bude nešto smešno sa moje strane, ali ti to nisi video tako. You took it as offensive, even though that was not at all my intention. I meant it as something funny, but you didn't see it like that. You were offended by that, even though it didn't mean anything at all, and it was supposed to be something funny on my part, but you didn't see it that way. >>eng<< Јас сум единец. I am an only child. I'm an only child. >>eng<< Всеки път, когато Мери му се усмихва, Том се чувства щастлив. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. >>eng<< Има ли проблем? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? >>eng<< Mode zastarevaju i umiru. Fashions grow old and die. Fashions get old and die. >>eng<< Той трябва да е директорът на училището. He must be the principal. He must be the principal of the school. >>eng<< Морам да мислам на себеси. I have to think of myself. I have to think about myself. >>eng<< Stigli smo na vreme. We made it on time. We're on time. >>eng<< Većina znanstvenika smatra da je ovo uzrokovano čovjekovim djelovanjem, kroz ispuštanje metana, ugljičnog dioksida i drugih staklenjačkih plinova, od vremena industrijalizacije. Ali ipak, nekolicina drugih znanstvenika sumnja u ovo. Most scientists believe that this has been caused by man, through the release of methane, of carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases since industrialization. A few other scientists doubt this, however. Most scientists think this is caused by human action, by the discharge of methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, from the time of industrialization, but still, a few other scientists suspect this. >>eng<< Ко зна шта ће се догодити сутра? Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Who knows what will happen tomorrow? >>eng<< Ви мора да сте нови овде. You must be new here. You must be new here. >>eng<< Volim ovu pjesmu. I love this song. I love this song. >>eng<< Пробај да бидеш оптимист. Try to be optimistic. Try to be optimistic. >>eng<< Лагао те је. He lied to you. He lied to you. >>eng<< Kao u stara lepa vremena. This is just like old times. It's like old times. >>eng<< "Koliko imaš godina?" "Šesnaest." "How old are you?" "Sixteen years old". "How old are you?" "Six." >>eng<< Ne svađajte se. Don't fight. Don't fight. >>eng<< Нико није бесмртан. No one is immortal. No one is immortal. >>eng<< Nemamo mnogo posetilaca ovde dole. We don't get many visitors down here. We don't have many visitors down here. >>eng<< Закъсня с три дни. You're three days late. It's three days late. >>eng<< Ne, ne čini to. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. >>eng<< Kad si imala vremena da uradiš to? When did you have time to do that? When did you have time to do that? >>eng<< Питър и Керол не бяха на едно мнение за това къде да прекарат почивката си. Peter and Carol were at odds with each other over where to spend their vacation. Peter and Carol were not thinking about where to spend their vacation. >>eng<< Jeste li sarkastične? Are you being sarcastic? Are you sarcastic? >>eng<< Да ли можете да дођете? Can you come? Can you come? >>eng<< I da sam bogat, ne bih mu dao pare. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. And if I was rich, I wouldn't give him any money. >>eng<< Ме убедија да се откажам од пушењето. I was persuaded to stop smoking. They convinced me to quit smoking. >>eng<< Том ми каза, че говори френски. Tom told me that he spoke French. Tom told me he spoke French. >>eng<< Би ли сложил чиниите в мивката. Would you put the dishes in the sink? Would you put the dishes in the sink? >>eng<< Време је пролетело. Time flew. Time is running out. >>eng<< Дали ѝ побара пари? Did you ask her for money? Did you ask for money? >>eng<< Да ги прашаме нешто друго. Let's ask them something else. Let's ask them something else. >>eng<< Фолиото е направено от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The foil is made of polyethylene. >>eng<< Не бяхме гладни. We weren't hungry. We weren't hungry. >>eng<< Добар осећај. It feels good. It feels good. >>eng<< Мир дома, мир во светот. Peace at home, peace in the world. Peace at home, peace in the world. >>eng<< Má rada pomaranče? Does she like oranges? Do you like oranges? >>eng<< Nevjerovatno je. It's incredible. It's incredible. >>eng<< Оженио ју је због новца. He married her for her money. He married her for money. >>eng<< Останав без здив. I'm out of breath. I'm out of breath. >>eng<< Не ми се верува дека Том тукушто го направи тоа. I can't believe Tom just did that. I can't believe Tom just did that. >>eng<< Не тостерите пекат филийки, а хората. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. It's not the toasters that bake slices, it's the people. >>eng<< Трудното при биографията е, че тя е отчасти документ, отчасти изкуство. The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art. The difficulty with biography is that it is a partial document, partly art. >>eng<< Будите стрпљиви. Be patient. Be patient. >>eng<< On ima veliku porodicu. He's got a large family. He's got a big family. >>eng<< Ustala je i prišla prozoru. She stood and walked toward the window. She got up and came in the window. >>eng<< Мисля, че Том си почива. I think Tom is taking a nap. I think Tom's resting. >>eng<< Tom je oduglovačio. Tom was playing for time. Tom's out of his mind. >>eng<< Moramo odmah da delujemo. We must act at once. We need to act now. >>eng<< Прашањето е кога. The question is when. The question is when. >>eng<< Krojačica kroji i kuhar peče. A seamstress sews, and a cook bakes. The tailor makes and the cook bakes. >>eng<< Сигурно ти је било тешко. You must have had a hard time. It must have been hard for you. >>eng<< Търся си къща. I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. >>eng<< Hajde da budemo prijatelji. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. >>eng<< Probaj ovo. Get a shot of this. Try this. >>eng<< Mnogo mladih Rimljana su otišli u Grčku. Many young Romans went to Greece. Many young Romans went to Greece. >>eng<< Znam tko ga je ubio. I know who killed them. I know who killed him. >>eng<< Тя мисли ли да ходи до Америка тази година? Is she going to go to America this year? Is she going to America this year? >>eng<< Преди няколко дена се свързах с тях, но не можах да получа отговор. I contacted them the other day, but I was not able to get an answer. I contacted them a few days ago, but I couldn't get an answer. >>eng<< Vrlo ste nepristojni. You're very rude. You're very rude. >>eng<< Kde je autobusová zastávka? Where's the bus stop? Where is the bus? >>eng<< To nie je urážka. That isn't an insult. It's not a watch. >>eng<< Момичета от провинцията обичат да изрязват прасковени и сливови цветчета от червена хартия и да ги лепят по врати и прозорци. Country girls like to cut red paper into peach and plum blossoms and paste them onto doors and windows. Girls in the province love to cut peaches and plums of red paper and glue them on doors and windows. >>eng<< Prosto k'o pasulj. It's a piece of cake. It's as simple as beans. >>eng<< Jučer sam igrao s Tonyjem. Yesterday I played with Tony. I played with Tony yesterday. >>eng<< Iracionalne ste. You're being irrational. You're irrational. >>eng<< Вие говорите френски много добре. You speak French very well. You speak French very well. >>eng<< Држи се до планот. Stick to your plan. Hold on to the plan. >>eng<< Дъждът ми попречи да дойда. The rain prevented me from coming. The rain prevented me from coming. >>eng<< Научих Том на всичко, което знам. I've taught Tom everything I know. I've taught Tom everything I know. >>eng<< To je sasvim normalno. That's perfectly normal. That's perfectly normal. >>eng<< Ko je taj čovjek? Who is that man? Who is this man? >>eng<< Не требаше да изедам толку сладолед. I shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. I shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. >>eng<< Какъв цвят са тези? What color are those? What color are these? >>eng<< Крадецот ги украде скапоцените камења синоќа. The thief stole the jewels last night. The thief stole the precious stones last night. >>eng<< Чашите се во креденецот за чаши. The glasses are in the glass cupboards. The cups are in the cup. >>eng<< Мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. >>eng<< Som veľmi unavený. I'm really tired. I'm already unavený. >>eng<< Могу ли да заменим ово? Can I exchange this? Can I replace this? >>eng<< Дали ги бара Том? Is Tom looking for them? Is he looking for Tom? >>eng<< Потиснат ли си? Are you depressed? Are you depressed? >>eng<< Šta tražiš? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? >>eng<< Ова не му е прво доцнење на Том. This isn't the first time Tom has been late. This isn't Tom's first delay. >>eng<< Navratićemo večeras. We'll come by tonight. We'll stop by tonight. >>eng<< Не мога да изчистя двора сам. I cannot clear the backyard by myself. I can't clean the yard alone. >>eng<< Обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? >>eng<< Славниот критичар и поетот заедно патуваат. The great critic and the poet are traveling together. The famous critic and poet travel together. >>eng<< Съдебните заседатели обвиниха Том в убийство. The grand jury indicted Tom for murder. The jury accused Tom of murder. >>eng<< Се надевам дека е корисно. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. >>eng<< Чух Том да крещи. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom screaming. >>eng<< Има ли уште некои прашања што би сакал да ми ги поставиш? Do you have any other questions you want to ask me? Any more questions you'd like to ask me? >>eng<< Ваша кућа је велика. Your house is big. Your house is big. >>eng<< Сигурен си дека не сакаш да разгледаш друга опција? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? >>eng<< Имамо пет прстију на свакој руци. We have five fingers on each hand. We have five fingers on each hand. >>eng<< Samo hoću kući. I just want to get home. I just want to go home. >>eng<< Сакам да си го вратам стариот живот. I want my life back. I want my old life back. >>eng<< Том е малку блед. Tom is a bit pale. Tom's a little pale. >>eng<< Мрзим те из дна душе. I hate your guts. I hate you from the bottom of my soul. >>eng<< Погледај унаоколо. Look around. Look around. >>eng<< Скрени налево. Turn left. Turn left. >>eng<< Уволнена ли съм? Am I fired? Am I fired? >>eng<< Mislim otići u inozemstvo. I am thinking of going abroad. I'm thinking of going abroad. >>eng<< Ovo bi moglo boljeti. This might hurt. This could hurt. >>eng<< Добар дан, како си? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? >>eng<< Опростите. Excuse me. Excuse me. >>eng<< Осъдена на смърт. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. >>eng<< Не ни знаев дека Том и Мери порано биле во брак. I didn't even know Tom and Mary used to be married to each other. I didn't even know Tom and Mary had been married before. >>eng<< Imam belog konja. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. >>eng<< Беше ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It's been a terrible day. >>eng<< Jesi li mogla da je pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? >>eng<< Tom je iba šaláty. Tom only eats salads. Tom's an iba joke. >>eng<< Не сакав млеко. I didn't want milk. I didn't want milk. >>eng<< Hajde da ostavimo to po strani. Let's give that a rest. Let's put that aside. >>eng<< Тоа беше целата поента. That was the whole idea. That was the whole point. >>eng<< Nikoga nije briga za mene. Nobody cares for me. Nobody cares about me. >>eng<< Не се притеснявай да задаваш въпроси. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't worry about asking questions. >>eng<< Postajaš vedno bolj zaspan. You are getting sleepy. You're getting more and more sleepy. >>eng<< Не сум ѝ доволно добар. I'm not good enough for her. I'm not good enough for her. >>eng<< Тя получи подарък от приятеля си. She got a present from her boyfriend. She got a gift from her friend. >>eng<< Кои се условите? What're the terms? What are the conditions? >>eng<< Chodíš do kostola? Do you go to church? You're walking to the bone? >>eng<< Пушење је забрањено у сваком делу ресторана. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is prohibited in every part of the restaurant. >>eng<< Не. No. No, I don't. >>eng<< Къде е ЖП гарата? Where is the railroad station? Where is the train station? >>eng<< Ме нервираат. They're bothering me. They're making me nervous. >>eng<< Tomu je bilo toliko hladno da su mu zubi cvokotali. Tom was so cold his teeth were chattering. It was so cold that his teeth were urinating. >>eng<< Автомобилните продажби претърпяха влошаване към края на финансовата година. Automobile sales suffered a setback at the end of the financial year. Automobile sales have suffered deterioration by the end of the financial year. >>eng<< Verovatno neću da pročitam Tomov izveštaj. I probably won't read Tom's report. I probably won't read Tom's report. >>eng<< Водата ми дојде до коленици. The water reached my knees. The water came to my knees. >>eng<< Uvek je nezadovoljan. He's always dissatisfied. He's always dissatisfied. >>eng<< Nekako ću naći novac. I'll find the money somehow. Somehow I'll find the money. >>eng<< Дали мислиш дека Том е во неволја? Do you think Tom is in trouble? Do you think Tom's in trouble? >>eng<< Том има плантажа. Tom owns a plantation. Tom has a plantation. >>eng<< Бих искала да преведете това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I would like you to translate this letter into French. >>eng<< Zvali su me i gore. I've been called worse. They called me up. >>eng<< Скинуо се. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. >>eng<< Naoko živi u beloj kući. Naoko lives in the white house. He lives in a white house. >>eng<< To je Alina knjiga. This book is Ali's. It's Ali's book. >>eng<< Svi budući sastanci će biti održani u ovoj sobi. All future meetings will be held in this room. All future meetings will be held in this room. >>eng<< Том вероятно ще бъде изписан от болницата утре. Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Tom's probably gonna be out of the hospital tomorrow. >>eng<< Он је трчао. He ran. He was running. >>eng<< Čo si robil v Bostone? What were you doing in Boston? Who did you rob in Boston? >>eng<< Svi tapšu. Everybody claps. Everybody's patting. >>eng<< Oduvek su mi se sviđali horor-filmovi. I've always liked horror movies. I always liked horror movies. >>eng<< Ајде да славиме. Let's celebrate. Let's celebrate. >>eng<< Mislim da smo možda bili previše agresivni. I think maybe we've been too aggressive. I think we may have been too aggressive. >>eng<< Том изглежда наистина щастлив. Tom seems really happy. Tom looks really happy. >>eng<< Сигурен сум дека ќе го положи испитот што се ближи. I'm sure he'll pass the coming exam. I'm sure he'll pass the exam coming up. >>eng<< Нищо от това, което Том прави, не ми харесва. I don't like anything Tom does. None of what Tom's doing is what I don't like. >>eng<< Gdje je plaža? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? >>eng<< Daj da ti pokažem zašto ne treba da radiš to. Let me tell you why you shouldn't do that. Let me show you why you shouldn't do this. >>eng<< Ова подрачје се наоѓа во долина. This region is located in a valley. This area is located in the valley. >>eng<< Няма да можеш да ни помогнеш. You won't be able to help us. You won't be able to help us. >>eng<< Том не знаеше дека се случило тоа. Tom didn't know that happened. Tom didn't know that happened. >>eng<< Ne znam ko su. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da Tom nije želeo da te povredi. I'm sure that Tom didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sure Tom didn't want to hurt you. >>eng<< Tom će da napreduje. Tom'll improve. Tom's going to make some progress. >>eng<< Čovek snuje, Bog određuje. Man proposes, God disposes. Man dreams, God determines. >>eng<< Moramo da budemo tihi. We've got to be quiet. We have to be quiet. >>eng<< Tom je upucan triput. Tom has been shot three times. Tom was shot three times. >>eng<< Върнете се на мястото си. Go back to your seat. Go back to your place. >>eng<< Tomu se dopadaju obojica. Tom likes them both. That's what both of them like. >>eng<< Ајде само да го баталиме тоа. Let's just drop it. Let's just throw that away. >>eng<< Jedenje brokule je zdravo. Eating broccoli is healthy. Eating broccoli is healthy. >>eng<< Oba odgovora su moguća. Both answers are possible. Both answers are possible. >>eng<< Tvoje meno, prosím. Your name, please. Your menu, I beg you. >>eng<< Ово превазилази све границе. That is going too far. This goes beyond all limits. >>eng<< Tom je izvukao zapušač iz flaše. Tom uncorked the bottle. Tom pulled the stopper out of the bottle. >>eng<< Принцот е згоден. The prince is handsome. The prince is handsome. >>eng<< Моето школо има бенд. My school has a band. My school has a band. >>eng<< Ne govorim engleski. I don't speak English. I don't speak English. >>eng<< Още не мога да повярвам. I'm still not buying it. I still can't believe it. >>eng<< Pamtim. I remember. I remember. >>eng<< Apríl je štvrtý mesiac v roku. April is the fourth month of the year. Apríl is a strtý messiac within the time limit. >>eng<< Ти губиш. It's your loss. You lose. >>eng<< Na reci ima puno narandžastih pecaroša. There are many orange fishes in the river. There's a lot of orange fishermen on the river. >>eng<< Марија је почела да се скида. Mary started taking her clothes off. Mary began to take off. >>eng<< Ljudi se ne ponašaju uvek racionalno. People don't always behave rationally. People don’t always act rationally. >>eng<< Tomu treba istina. Tom needs the truth. That needs to be true. >>eng<< Ти си мечтател. You're the dreamer. You're a dreamer. >>eng<< Хетеронормативноста е во тесна врска со сексизмот. Heteronormativity is closely linked to sexism. Heteronormativeness is closely related to sexism. >>eng<< Da li je istina da se Tom ubio? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Is it true that Tom killed himself? >>eng<< Можеш ли да извадиш шест от десет? Can you subtract six from ten? Can you get six out of ten? >>eng<< Rastali smo se na ćošku. We parted at the corner. We split up on a corner. >>eng<< Вљубен сум и збунет. I'm in love and I'm confused. I'm in love and confused. >>eng<< Šta uopšte jedete? What do you eat, anyway? What are you eating at all? >>eng<< Владивосток је град у Русији. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. >>eng<< Danas je vrijeme u Istanbulu vrlo sunčano. Today, the weather in Istanbul is really sunny. Today, the weather in Istanbul is very sunny. >>eng<< V každom prípade, ak chceš vedieť viac o mojej krajine, pošlem ti list, keď budem u seba doma. Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home. I'll tell you about my landscape, I'll get you a leaf, I'll be in my own home. >>eng<< Ако те интересира, кажи ми па ќе ти дадам негов број. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you his number. If you're interested, tell me and I'll give you his number. >>eng<< Интернетот не е твоја лична војска. The Internet is not your personal army. The Internet is not your personal army. >>eng<< Да вечеряме. Let's have dinner. Let's have dinner. >>eng<< Predvideo sam da će se ovo dogoditi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I thought this was going to happen months ago. >>eng<< Беше страшно, нали? Scary, wasn't it? It was scary, wasn't it? >>eng<< On sliči na svog djeda. He resembles his grandfather. He looks like his grandfather. >>eng<< Oni žive tamo. They live there. They live there. >>eng<< Когато се опитвате да докажете нещо би било от помощ за вас да знаете, че то е вярно. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true. When you are trying to prove something, it would be helpful for you to know that it is true. >>eng<< Naći ću novac nekako. I'll find the money somehow. I'll find the money somehow. >>eng<< Сакам да си ја чешлам косата. I like to comb my hair. I want to comb my hair. >>eng<< Сбърках ли? Was I wrong? Am I wrong? >>eng<< Povezanost između ličnosti i krvne grupe nije naučno potvrđena. A connection between personality and blood type has not been scientifically proven. The connection between the personality and the blood group has not been scientifically confirmed. >>eng<< Всеки трети в този град има кола. One out of three people in this city owns a car. Every third in this city has a car. >>eng<< Искам да отида в Австрия, за да уча музика. I would like to go to Austria in order to study music. I want to go to Austria to learn music. >>eng<< Sišao sam sa voza. I got off the train. I got off the train. >>eng<< Da li si ikad napisao program za računar? Have you ever written a computer program? Have you ever written a computer program? >>eng<< Moral bi se spočiti. You should rest. You should get some rest. >>eng<< Том веќе не ми пишува. Tom doesn't write to me anymore. Tom doesn't write to me anymore. >>eng<< Desiće se loše stvari. Bad things will happen. Bad things are going to happen. >>eng<< Konačno je petak. Finally, it's Friday. It's finally Friday. >>eng<< Jesi ikad slušao tako dobru muziku? Have you ever listened to such a good music? Have you ever listened to such good music? >>eng<< Želiš li čaj ili kavu? Would you like tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? >>eng<< Moram ići u džamiju. I have to go to the mosque. I have to go to the mosque. >>eng<< Zašto radite ovo sebi? Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you doing this to yourself? >>eng<< Uđi, Tome. Come on in, Tom. Come on in, Tom. >>eng<< Som príliš lenivý. I am too lazy. I'm talking Lenivý. >>eng<< Trudila sam se da budem fina. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. >>eng<< Bože me sačuvaj! God beware me! God save me! >>eng<< Том няма да е в банката по това време. Tom wouldn't be at the bank this time of day. Tom won't be in the bank at the time. >>eng<< Ne ostavljaj me samu. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. >>eng<< Čekala sam. I waited. I've been waiting. >>eng<< Je niečo zlé? Is anything wrong? Is it bad? >>eng<< Da li biste radije čaj? Would you prefer tea? Would you rather have tea? >>eng<< Јадев шницла со компири сношти. I had steak and potatoes last night. I ate a steak with potatoes last night. >>eng<< Gde je tvoj otac? Where is your father? Where's your father? >>eng<< Većina ljudi me smatra ludim. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. >>eng<< Том делува учтиво. Tom seems courteous. Tom seems polite. >>eng<< Koja ti je najdraža vrsta sušija? What's your favorite kind of sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? >>eng<< Ще успееш ли? Can you make it on time? Are you gonna make it? >>eng<< Če boš imel družino, ženo in otroke boš razumel. If you'll have a family, a wife and children, you'll understand it. If you have a family, you will understand your wife and children. >>eng<< Neviem, prečo ju nemáte rád. I don't know why you don't like her. Neviem, I'm crossing them. >>eng<< Ми прија твоето друштво. I enjoy your company. I was very comfortable with your company. >>eng<< Тоа што се згоди беше несреќен случај. What happened was an accident. What happened was an accident. >>eng<< Може ли да ти дадам пријателски совет? Can I give you some friendly advice? Can I give you a friendly advice? >>eng<< Моля те, налей ми още една чашка кафе. Please give me another cup of coffee. Please pour me another cup of coffee. >>eng<< Кој би го направил тоа? Who would do that? Who would do that? >>eng<< Misliš li da je moguće položiti sve ispite? Do you think it's possible to pass all the exams? Do you think it's possible to pass all the exams? >>eng<< Резултираше со големи потешкотии. It resulted in great difficulties. It resulted in great difficulties. >>eng<< Том вчера ми напиша повеќе од триесет пораки. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom wrote me more than 30 messages yesterday. >>eng<< Budi pažljiva. Be watchful. Be careful. >>eng<< Не ти побарав мислење. I didn't ask you for your opinion. I didn't ask you for an opinion. >>eng<< Зашто питаш? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? >>eng<< Nemam želju da uradim to. I have no desire to do that. I have no desire to do that. >>eng<< Колико времена ми је преостало? How much time do I have left? How much time do I have left? >>eng<< Vrati se za jedan dan. Come back in a day. Come back in a day. >>eng<< Се согласивме да им помогнеме. We agreed to help them. We agreed to help them. >>eng<< To je bila smešna greška. It was a silly mistake. It was a funny mistake. >>eng<< Imaj hrabrosti. Have courage. Have courage. >>eng<< Sa Tomom je lako družiti se. Tom is an easy guy to get along with. It's easy to hang out with Tom. >>eng<< Сите го приметивме тоа. We all noticed it. We all noticed that. >>eng<< Бићеш потпуно безбедна. You'll be absolutely safe. You'll be completely safe. >>eng<< Не съм го взимала. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. >>eng<< Том е премногу стар за да живее сам. Tom is too old to be living on his own. Tom is too old to live alone. >>eng<< Da li si disleksičan? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? >>eng<< Како се наоѓа волумен на цилиндар? How do you find the volume of a cylinder? How is the cylinder volume located? >>eng<< Сакаш ли да одиш на вечера со мене вечерва? Would you have dinner with me tonight? Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? >>eng<< Писах на учителката си по френски на френски. I wrote to my French teacher in French. I wrote to my French teacher in French. >>eng<< Трябва да разбера Том кога смята да тръгва. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. I need to find out when Tom's about to leave. >>eng<< Да не паничиме. Let's not panic. Let's not panic. >>eng<< Не мислиш ли, че всички наши политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? >>eng<< Качихме се на рейса в Шинджуку. We got on the bus at Shinjuku. We boarded the Reissa in Shinjuku. >>eng<< Ko ima vremena za ovo? Who has time for this? Who has time for this? >>eng<< Това е началото на нова ера. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. >>eng<< Скинула сам перику. I took off my wig. I took off my wig. >>eng<< Тази книга не е собственост на Том. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This book is not owned by Tom. >>eng<< Нямахте друг избор, освен да я чакате. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. You had no choice but to wait for her. >>eng<< Tom zna šta mu se sviđa. Tom knows what he likes. Tom knows what he likes. >>eng<< Това е болницата, в която Том се е родил. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital where Tom was born. >>eng<< Он је Американац. He is American. He's an American. >>eng<< Tom je bio jako nervozan. Tom felt very nervous. Tom was very nervous. >>eng<< Кен има китара. Ken has a guitar. Ken's got a guitar. >>eng<< Какво може да означава това? What can be the meaning of this? What can that mean? >>eng<< Treba da napišeš novelu. You should write a novel. You should write a novel. >>eng<< I živeli su srećno do kraja života. And they all lived happily ever after. They lived happily ever after. >>eng<< Gde mogu da nađem kancelariju za turiste? Where can I find the tourist's office? Where can I find a tourist office? >>eng<< Da li stvarno mislite da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? >>eng<< Ona je došla sama. She came alone. She came alone. >>eng<< Обещавам да я върна. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll get her back. >>eng<< Просто се държах любезно. I was just being polite. I was just being nice. >>eng<< Tom nije kao ostali momci. Tom isn't like the other boys. Tom's not like the other guys. >>eng<< Tom mora više učiti ako misli završiti razred. Tom needs to study more if he hopes to pass this class. Tom needs to learn more if he wants to finish class. >>eng<< Цените паднаха напоследък. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have fallen recently. >>eng<< Няма да го повярвам, докато не го чуя от Том. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. >>eng<< Никой не знаеше колко силно Том обичаше Мери. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. >>eng<< Voliš li kostime? Do you like costumes? Do you like costumes? >>eng<< Току-що изпуснахте влака, нали? You just missed the train, didn't you? You just missed the train, didn't you? >>eng<< Идваш ли? Aren't you coming? Are you coming? >>eng<< Том не го занима. Tom isn't interested. Tom doesn't care. >>eng<< Ta mi se dopala. That's the one I liked. I liked that one. >>eng<< Немам проблем со пиење. I don't have a drinking problem. I have no problem drinking. >>eng<< Ne razumem. I don't understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< Том не спие во мртовечки ковчег, за разлика од повеќето вампири. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin, unlike most vampires. >>eng<< Mislim da ću se vratiti za oko trideset minuta. I think I'll be back in about 30 minutes. I think I'll be back in about 30 minutes. >>eng<< Možeš učiti ovdje. You can study here. You can study here. >>eng<< Treba da razgovaramo o ovome nasamo. We should discuss this in private. I need to talk to you about this privately. >>eng<< Šta žene žele? What do women want? What do women want? >>eng<< Това, което е било вярно, може вече да не е вярно. What used to be true may not still be true. What was true may no longer be true. >>eng<< Внимавай с него. Be careful with it. Take care of him. >>eng<< Rekla mi jedna ptičica. A little bird told me. A bird told me. >>eng<< Tokom vedrih dana, vidimo planinu Fuđi u daljini. On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. During the bright days, we see Mount Fuji in the distance. >>eng<< Tom nije baš fin. Tom isn't very nice. Tom's not very nice. >>eng<< Том говореше на френски доста свободно. Tom spoke French quite fluently. Tom spoke in French quite freely. >>eng<< Кућа је направљена од цигле. The house was built of bricks. The house is made of brick. >>eng<< Није то ништа страшно. It's not a big deal. It's no big deal. >>eng<< FIFA se sastoji od 209 udruženja. FIFA is composed of 209 member associations. FIFA consists of 209 associations. >>eng<< Ti si učitelj. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. >>eng<< Вежбај напољу. Exercise outdoors. Exercise outside. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том може да помогне. I think Tom can help. I think Tom can help. >>eng<< Немам вотка. I don't have vodka. I don't have vodka. >>eng<< Не искаме да се чувстваш притиснат. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel pressed. >>eng<< Ne smete da uđete u tu prostoriju. You may not enter that room. You must not enter that room. >>eng<< Преди не съм говорила с тебе, нали? I haven't spoken to you before, have I? I haven't talked to you before, have I? >>eng<< Седни където искаш. Sit wherever you like. Sit where you want. >>eng<< Očigledno je u pitanju greška u kucanju. It's obviously a typo. Obviously, it's a knock error. >>eng<< Vreme je da idete u krevet. It's about time you went to bed. It's time to go to bed. >>eng<< И двамата родители на Том са били преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom’s parents were teachers. >>eng<< Njezin je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? >>eng<< То је апсолутна истина! That is the absolute truth! That is the absolute truth! >>eng<< Uživali smo zajedno pjevati. We enjoyed singing songs together. We enjoyed singing together. >>eng<< Tom uvek napravi nered od stvari. Tom is always making a mess of things. Tom always makes a mess of things. >>eng<< Svaki dan čitaj nešto što nitko drugi ne čita. Svaki dan misli nešto što nitko drugi ne misli. Svaki dan učini nešto što nitko drugi ne bi bio lud to učiniti. Loše je za duh uvijek biti uravnotežen. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Every day read something that no one else reads. Every day thinks something that no one else thinks. Every day do something that no one else would be crazy to do. It is bad for the spirit to always be balanced. >>eng<< Pas je moj. The dog is mine. The dog is mine. >>eng<< Tom nije prava osoba za posao. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right person for the job. >>eng<< Влезе ли некој друг во собата? Did anyone else come into the room? Has anyone else come into the room? >>eng<< Том је сигурно имао кључ. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had the key. >>eng<< Budi pažljiva. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Не морам никого да викнам. I don't have to call anybody. I don't have to call anyone. >>eng<< Tom se spomni svojega prvega zmenka z Mary. Tom remembers his first date with Mary. Tom remembers his first date with Mary. >>eng<< Čo chceš? What do you want? What do you want? >>eng<< Сакам да легнам и малку да се одмор. I want to lie down and rest for a while. I want to lie down and rest a little. >>eng<< Osnovno, moj dragi Votsone. Elementary, my dear Watson. Basically, my dear Watson. >>eng<< Kočnice su zaškripale. The tires squealed. The brakes are off. >>eng<< Možda grešiš. You could be mistaken. Maybe you're wrong. >>eng<< Doprineo sam. I contributed. I made a contribution. >>eng<< Собата беше купусарник. The room is a mess. The room was a shopper. >>eng<< Tom zna šta mu se sviđa. Tom knows what he likes. Tom knows what he likes. >>eng<< Забарот вгради привремена пломба. The dentist put in a temporary filling. The dentist installed a temporary seal. >>eng<< Dogodilo se nešto neočekivano. Something incredible happened. Something unexpected happened. >>eng<< Izgubio je nadu i ubio se otrovom. He lost hope and killed himself with poison. He lost hope and killed himself with poison. >>eng<< Хедер ми верује. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. >>eng<< Tom radi šta mu se kaže. Tom does what is asked of him. Tom does what he's told. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da je to bila slučajnost. I'm sure it was a coincidence. I'm sure it was a coincidence. >>eng<< Внимавай с Том. Be careful with Tom. Be careful with Tom. >>eng<< Većina naučnika je odbacila teoriju pomeranja kontinenata, jer je bilo tako teško da se zamisli da su pokreti ploča uopšte i mogući. Most scientists had rejected the continental-drift theory because it had been so difficult to imagine that plate movements were even possible. Most scientists rejected the theory of the movement of continents, as it was so difficult to imagine that the motions of the plate were even possible. >>eng<< Ko kuca? Who is knocking? Who's knocking? >>eng<< Кој ти е адвокат? Who's your lawyer? Who's your lawyer? >>eng<< So ljudje, ki imajo radi poletje, in ljudje, ki imajo zadi zimo. There are people who like the summer and people who like the winter. They are people who love summer, and people who have winter behind them. >>eng<< Том е тук с мене. I have Tom here with me. Tom's here with me. >>eng<< Това не е нещо, което съм искал да правя. This isn't something I wanted to do. That's not something I wanted to do. >>eng<< Ne mogu da odgovorim na Vaše pitanje sa bilo kakvom sigurnošću. I can't answer your question with any certainty. I cannot answer your question with any certainty. >>eng<< Млякото се вкисна. The milk turned sour. The milk got wet. >>eng<< Ќе правиш како што ти заповедам. You will do as I say. You will do as I command. >>eng<< Не би сакал да се закачам со Том. I wouldn't want to mess with Tom. I wouldn't want to hang out with Tom. >>eng<< Не сум го видел Том. I haven't seen Tom. I haven't seen Tom. >>eng<< Мария има дълга коса. Maria has long hair. Mary has long hair. >>eng<< Prísahám vernosť vlajke Spojených štátov amerických a republike, ktorú predstavuje (symbolizuje): jednému nedeliteľnému národu, pred Bohom, v slobodne a spravodlivosti pre všetkých. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Prísahám vernosø vlajke Spojených strtov amerických a republic, phorú plays (symbolizes): one undivided národ, before Boh, into free a conciliarity before všetkých. >>eng<< Ќе го најдат. They're going to find him. They'll find him. >>eng<< Hoće li deset tisuća yena biti dovoljno? Will ten thousand yen do? Will 10,000 yen be enough? >>eng<< Сигурен съм, че не си искал да обидиш Том. I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I'm sure you didn't mean to insult Tom. >>eng<< Възрастната жена трудно изкачи стълбите. The old lady climbed the stairs with difficulty. The elderly woman hardly climbs the stairs. >>eng<< Том има јак немачки акценат. Tom has a heavy German accent. Tom has a strong German accent. >>eng<< Надявам се да не е Том. I hope it's not Tom. I hope it's not Tom. >>eng<< Драго ми е што сум готов со тоа. I'm happy to be done with that. I'm glad I'm done with that. >>eng<< Многу ми се допаѓа таа тетоважа. I love that tattoo. I love that tattoo. >>eng<< Polako su se pomerali napred. They moved ahead slowly. They moved slowly forward. >>eng<< Следната недела нема да бидам во градов. I'm out of town next week. I'm not going to be in town next week. >>eng<< Кога ќе стигнам таму? When do I get there? When do I get there? >>eng<< Jesi li video Toma kako je otišao? Did you see Tom leave? Did you see Tom go? >>eng<< Odlučili su da se venčaju. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. >>eng<< Zajedno smo išli u školu. We went to school together. We went to school together. >>eng<< Tom je radio celog života. Tom worked all his life. Tom worked his whole life. >>eng<< Те не ми предложиха нищо за ядене. They didn't offer me anything to eat. They didn't offer me anything to eat. >>eng<< Odreagovao sam instiktivno. I reacted instinctively. I reacted instinctively. >>eng<< Мора да ја баталат идејата. They must abandon the idea. They have to throw away the idea. >>eng<< Oni moraju da piju vodu. They have to drink water. They have to drink water. >>eng<< Толку ли ги мразиш? Do you hate them that much? Do you hate them so much? >>eng<< Razumijem. I understood. I understand. >>eng<< Колико си дуго овде? How long have you been here? How long have you been here? >>eng<< Не можех да го оставя да умре. I couldn't leave him to die. I couldn't let him die. >>eng<< Nikad nisam imao problema da zaspim. I've never had trouble falling asleep. I've never had any trouble sleeping. >>eng<< Зошто си нацртал лице на ѕидот? Why did you draw a face on the wall? Why did you draw a face on the wall? >>eng<< Смятам да завърша този проект. I intend to see the project through. I'm going to finish this project. >>eng<< Mislim da je bilo namerno. I think it was intentional. I think it was intentional. >>eng<< Ovde sam da pomognem. I'm here to help. I'm here to help. >>eng<< Због лошег времена, авион је каснио. Due to bad weather, the plane was late. Because of the bad weather, the plane was late. >>eng<< Не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not so bad. >>eng<< Myslím, že vám niečo spadlo. I think you dropped something. Myslím, I've already dropped nothing. >>eng<< Pitao sam se da li možda sanjam. I wondered if I could be dreaming. I was wondering if I might be dreaming. >>eng<< Тони не знаеше как се казват. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their name. >>eng<< Пијан си! You are drunk! You're drunk! >>eng<< Rozine so posušeno grozdje. Raisins are dried grapes. Roses are dried grapes. >>eng<< Kako ti se dopao Boston? How did you like Boston? How did you like Boston? >>eng<< Какви са условията? What're the terms? What are the terms? >>eng<< Nastavi da kopaš. Continue digging. Keep digging. >>eng<< Чини се превише добро да би било истинито. That seems almost too good to be true. It seems too good to be true. >>eng<< Том сака авантури. Tom likes adventure. Tom likes adventures. >>eng<< Падао је снег. It snowed. It was snowing. >>eng<< Nemam nikoga osim nje. I don't have anybody except her. I have no one but her. >>eng<< Всъщност не исках да те питам нищо. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. >>eng<< Blefiram. I'm bluffing. I'm bluffing. >>eng<< Ми смо истрчали из грађевине. We ran out of the building. We ran out of the building. >>eng<< Казал съм на Том всичко, което съм казал и на тебе. I've told Tom everything I've told you. I told Tom everything I said to you. >>eng<< Jedan, dva, tri, četri, pet, šest, sedam, osam, devet, deset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >>eng<< Hrvatska se nalazi u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe. Croatia is in the southeastern part of Europe. Croatia is located in the southeastern part of Europe. >>eng<< Јас го склопив. I assembled it. I put it together. >>eng<< Znao sam da nećeš moći da uradiš to. I knew you wouldn't be able to do that. I knew you wouldn't be able to do that. >>eng<< Утре свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? >>eng<< Вкараха Том в затвора. They put Tom in jail. They put Tom in jail. >>eng<< Том купи палто. Tom bought a coat. Tom bought a coat. >>eng<< Отворите уста! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! >>eng<< Том нема пријатели. Tom has no friends. Tom has no friends. >>eng<< Mali by ste prísť. You should come over. Little by you're a prís. >>eng<< Napišite svoje ime ovde. Please write your name here. Write your name here. >>eng<< Biele ruže mám radšej než červené. I like white roses more than red ones. White roses please take care of the red. >>eng<< Biću odmah gore. I'll be right upstairs. I'll be right up. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще останеш доволен. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll stay happy. >>eng<< Tom kuva krompir da napravi salatu od krompira. Tom is boiling the potatoes to make potato salad. Tom cooks potatoes to make potato salad. >>eng<< Хубав ден е. It's a nice day. It's a good day. >>eng<< Настави да се трудиш. Keep trying. Keep trying. >>eng<< Tom nemal dosť peňazí. Tom didn't have enough money. Tom didn't have a peñazí. >>eng<< To je bio samo početak. That was just the beginning. It was just the beginning. >>eng<< Том ми иде на нерве. Tom is getting under my skin. Tom's getting on my nerves. >>eng<< Želim ići. I want to go. I want to go. >>eng<< Čuješ li ti nešto? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? >>eng<< Том отиде на риболов. Tom went fishing. Tom went fishing. >>eng<< Efekat je bio dosta drugačiji od onog što smo nameravali. The effect was quite different from what was intended. The effect was quite different from what we intended. >>eng<< Защо не си с Том? Why aren't you with Tom? Why aren't you with Tom? >>eng<< Сонцето е ѕвезда меѓу милијарди други. The sun is just a star amongst zillions of others. The sun is a star among billions of others. >>eng<< Mogla bih da pođem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could go with you. >>eng<< Сменям влака на другата гара. Change trains at the next station. I'm changing the train to the other station. >>eng<< Јас ќе зборувам. I'll talk. I'll talk. >>eng<< Можеби Том игра шах со Мери во моментов. Tom might be playing chess with Mary right now. Maybe Tom's playing chess with Mary right now. >>eng<< Donesi mi ocat i ulje, molim lijepo. Bring me vinegar and oil, please. Bring me vinegar and oil, please. >>eng<< Ne skrbi. Lahko računaš name. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. >>eng<< Uvijek govori o vladi s prijezirom. He always speaks of the government with contempt. He always talks about the government with contempt. >>eng<< Samo traćiš vreme. You're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. >>eng<< Том не го бидува за спорт. Tom is bad at sports. Tom doesn't want to play sports. >>eng<< Кој ќе ти поверува? Who's going to believe you? Who's gonna believe you? >>eng<< Tom te je prevario. Tom has tricked you. Tom cheated on you. >>eng<< Зарем не би почнал да кубеш коси од тоа? Wouldn't that make you tear your hair out? Wouldn't you start making hair out of that? >>eng<< Напротив, никога не съм казвал такова нещо. On the contrary, I've never said such a thing. On the contrary, I have never said such a thing. >>eng<< Pa, takve stvari se dešavaju. Well, such things happen. Well, that's the kind of thing that happens. >>eng<< J. Kepler, astronom i matematičar, je vršio istraživanje o planetama i njihovom kretanju. J. Kepler, astronomer and mathematician, made a study of planets and their movements. J. Kepler, astronomer and mathematician, was investigating the planets and their motion. >>eng<< И така съм си добре. I'm happy where I am. So I'm fine. >>eng<< Веома сам импресионирана. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. >>eng<< Жедан сам. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. >>eng<< Грци такође често једу рибу. The Greeks also eat fish often. The Greeks also often eat fish. >>eng<< Том немаше семејство. Tom had no family. Tom had no family. >>eng<< Той изкарва три пъти повече от мене. He earns three times more than me. He makes three times more than me. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че Том няма да дойде до 2:30? Are you sure Tom won't be here until 2:30? Are you sure Tom's not coming by 2:30? >>eng<< Ще има ли някой на гарата да ме посрещне? Will anybody be at the station to meet me? Will there be anyone at the station to meet me? >>eng<< Šta imaš na umu? What's on your mind? What do you have in mind? >>eng<< Нищо не видях. I haven't seen anything. I didn't see anything. >>eng<< Том има мали шаки. Tom has small hands. Tom's got little hands. >>eng<< Мостът е безопасен; може да шофирате по него. The bridge is safe; you can drive across. The bridge is safe; you can drive on it. >>eng<< Nemam nameru da odgovorim na sva pitanja. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering all the questions. >>eng<< Мислам дека знам како да го најдам. I think I know how to find him. I think I know how to find him. >>eng<< Baš je svetlo. It's really bright. It's so light. >>eng<< Buď na železničnej stanici presne o jedenástej. Be at the train station at eleven sharp. At the railway station, the railway station presses about the edenásteus. >>eng<< Brokula je zelena. Broccoli is green. The broccoli is green. >>eng<< Гледај како правам јас. Watch how I do it. Watch me do it. >>eng<< Не знам коя е жената на Том. I don't know who Tom's wife is. I don't know who Tom's wife is. >>eng<< Том няма да ни помага утре. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom's not gonna help us tomorrow. >>eng<< Na ovoj planini ima snega cele godine. This mountain is covered in snow all-year-round. There's snow all year round on this mountain. >>eng<< Stvarno mi je žao Toma. I really feel sorry for Tom. I'm really sorry, Tom. >>eng<< Малку понапред е. It's just up ahead. It's a little ahead. >>eng<< Nemoj da razgovaraš. Don't talk. Don't talk. >>eng<< Koliko je godina prošlo otkad sam te poslednji put videla? How many years has it been since I last saw you? How long has it been since I last saw you? >>eng<< „Ko je u automobilu?” „Marija.” "Who is in the car?" "Marija." “Who’s in the car?” >>eng<< Dvadsať-osem hlasov bolo za a dvadsať bolo proti. The vote was twenty-eight for and twenty against. Two-way-eight classes of pain for a two-way pain against. >>eng<< Не давай на Том номера си. Don't give Tom your number. Don't give Tom your number. >>eng<< Živite li u gradu? Do you live in the city? Do you live in the city? >>eng<< Ако се отпуснеш и си починеш, ще се почувстваш много по-добре. If you sit back and rest, you will feel much better. If you relax and rest, you will feel much better. >>eng<< Tom je želeo da zna šta radimo. Tom wanted to know what we were doing. Tom wanted to know what we were doing. >>eng<< Nastavi sa kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. >>eng<< Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да те закарам вкъщи? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Are you sure you don't want me to take you home? >>eng<< Prosím, zajtra ma zobuďte o šiestej. Please wake me up at six tomorrow. I beg you, eat your teeth on shiestej. >>eng<< Bilo je zaista inspirišuće. It was really inspiring. It was really inspiring. >>eng<< Predvidela sam da će se ovo dogoditi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I expected this to happen months ago. >>eng<< Штотуку имав визија. I just had a vision. I just had a vision. >>eng<< Тя иска да знае кой изпрати цветята. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. >>eng<< Том је умро у својим тридесетим. Tom died in his thirties. Tom died in his 30s. >>eng<< Kad si imala vremena da uradiš to? When did you have time to do that? When did you have time to do that? >>eng<< Можеш ли да го направиш сам? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? >>eng<< Не мога да го обясня,но смятам,че зърнах разликите между японската и американската култури и техните начини на живот. I can't quite explain it, but I believe I've caught a glimpse of the differences between Japanese and American cultures and lifestyles. I can’t explain it, but I think I’ve seen the differences between Japanese and American cultures and their ways of life. >>eng<< Масако обикновено върви пеша до училище. Masako usually walks to school. I usually walk to school. >>eng<< Умирам да видя Париж. I'm dying to see Paris. I'm dying to see Paris. >>eng<< Имам порака од него. I have a message from her. I have a message from him. >>eng<< To je tačno. It's correct. That's right. >>eng<< И јас така се чувствувам. I also feel the same way. That's how I feel. >>eng<< Kiša je tako jako padala da smo odlučili posjetiti ga neki drugi dan. It rained so hard that we decided to visit him on another day. The rain fell so much that we decided to visit it the other day. >>eng<< Iznenađen sam što nisi znala da je Tom upao na Harvard. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom got into Harvard. I'm surprised you didn't know that Tom broke into Harvard. >>eng<< Предварително ви благодаря за съдействието. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. Thank you in advance for your assistance. >>eng<< Ништо не ни пречи. Nothing bothers us. Nothing bothers us. >>eng<< Naoko živi u bijeloj kući. Naoko lives in the white house. He lives in a white house. >>eng<< Няма да ме принудят да направя това. I won't be bullied into doing that. They won't force me to do this. >>eng<< Ме извиси. He stood me up. Pick me up. >>eng<< To je sjajno! That's wonderful! That's great! >>eng<< Tom ni na trenutak nije pomislio da proba da ubedi Meri da uradi to. Tom never for one instant thought of trying to convince Mary to do that. Tom didn't even think for a moment he was trying to convince Mary to do it. >>eng<< Хайде! Let's go! Come on! >>eng<< Pametan sam. I'm smart. I'm smart. >>eng<< Пречите. You're in the way. You're holding back. >>eng<< Остани с мен,Том. Stay with me, Tom. Stay with me, Tom. >>eng<< Тоа се ловечки кучиња. Those are hounds. They're hunting dogs. >>eng<< Наистина ли го искаш? Do you really want it? Do you really want it? >>eng<< Grešim li ikada? Am I ever wrong? Am I ever wrong? >>eng<< Било како било, ти ниси у праву. Be that as it may, you are wrong. Either way, you're wrong. >>eng<< To je rutinska stvar. This is a straightforward case. It's a routine thing. >>eng<< Vi ste jedan od nas. You are one of us. You're one of us. >>eng<< To nam mnogo pomaže. That helps out a lot. That helps us a lot. >>eng<< Mučili su Toma. They tortured Tom. They tortured Tom. >>eng<< Това зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. >>eng<< Знам дека го спакував. I know I packed it. I know I packed it. >>eng<< Раната испушташе гној. The wound discharged pus. The wound dropped the pus. >>eng<< Ме поканија на нивната свадба. I was invited to their wedding. They invited me to their wedding. >>eng<< Ќе одам со Том. I'm going with Tom. I'll go with Tom. >>eng<< Имав хрчак по име Куки. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. >>eng<< Том работеше много усърдно. Tom worked very hard. Tom worked very hard. >>eng<< Moj auto nije bio dovoljno dobar. My car wasn't good enough. My car wasn't good enough. >>eng<< Поздрави Джими от мене. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy for me. >>eng<< Добро га познајем. I know him well. I know him well. >>eng<< Možemo da razgovaramo o tome u budućnosti. We can talk about it in the future. We can talk about this in the future. >>eng<< Не мислите ли, че всички наши политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all of our politicians are too old? >>eng<< Postajete neobazrivi. You're getting careless. You're becoming inattentive. >>eng<< Харесвам този цвят. I like this color. I like that color. >>eng<< Ветар дува као блесав. The wind is blowing like crazy. The wind blows like a fool. >>eng<< Трябваше да обърна повече внимание на това, което говореше Том. I should've paid more attention to what Tom was saying. I had to pay more attention to what Tom was saying. >>eng<< Prečo si smutná? Why are you sad? You're out of your mind, aren't you? >>eng<< Шта је ово? What is that? What is this? >>eng<< Го сфаќаме тоа. We understand that. We understand that. >>eng<< Ty si policajt? Are you a policeman? Ty, are you a cop? >>eng<< Zar nisi učinio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Didn't you do enough? >>eng<< Mogao sam da odem, ali nisam hteo. I could've gone, but I didn't want to. I could have left, but I didn't want to. >>eng<< Ништо не сме згрешиле. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. >>eng<< Изкарах много пари този месец. I earned a lot of money this month. I spent a lot of money this month. >>eng<< Това се превръща в проблем. That's becoming a problem. This becomes a problem. >>eng<< Тоа беше многу немарно од страна на Том. That was very careless of Tom. That was very reckless by Tom. >>eng<< Kako se osećaš? How've you been feeling? How are you feeling? >>eng<< Ukrcajte se. Come aboard. Get on board. >>eng<< Чух те да разговаряш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. >>eng<< Tom je umro u snu. Tom died in his sleep. Tom died in his sleep. >>eng<< Izađi sa nama. Come out with us. Come out with us. >>eng<< Излъгали са те. You've been deceived. They lied to you. >>eng<< Мислех си, че е богат. I thought that he was rich. I thought he was rich. >>eng<< Moja žena se zove Lidia Zarębowa. My wife's name is Lidia Zarębowa. My wife's name is Lydia Zaribow. >>eng<< Netko je došao. Someone came. Someone's here. >>eng<< Ама тоа е сосема друга приказна. But that's another story entirely. But that's a completely different story. >>eng<< Ти стрчи молив од џебот. A pencil is sticking out of your pocket. You run a pencil out of your pocket. >>eng<< Pozvao sam ga. I called him. I invited him. >>eng<< Šta je sа tobom? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? >>eng<< Защо Том още стои отвън на дъжда? Why is Tom still standing outside in the rain? Why is Tom still standing out in the rain? >>eng<< Том е Британец. Tom is British. Tom's British. >>eng<< Veoma si nepristojna. You're very rude. You're very rude. >>eng<< Ние вярваме в Бог. We believe in God. We believe in God. >>eng<< Се обидувам да му помогнам на Том. I'm trying to help Tom. I'm trying to help Tom. >>eng<< Једите споро. Eat slowly. Eat slowly. >>eng<< Malo smo popili. We drank a little. We had a little drink. >>eng<< Тази вечер свободна ли ти е? Are you free this evening? Are you free tonight? >>eng<< Никога не съм си давала сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never knew Tom was interested in French. >>eng<< Treba mi iskrena devojka. I need a sincere girlfriend. I need an honest girl. >>eng<< Mislim da je to zaista bitno. I think that's really important. I think that's really important. >>eng<< Накратко, ти си крив. To put it briefly it's your fault. In short, it's your fault. >>eng<< Medvedi su veoma opasni. Bears are very dangerous. Bears are very dangerous. >>eng<< Том носи слънчеви очила. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom wears sunglasses. >>eng<< Том читаше книга. Tom was reading a book. Tom was reading a book. >>eng<< Штотуку појадував. I've just eaten breakfast. I just had breakfast. >>eng<< Том винаги е искал да учи френски и най-накрая му се отдаде случай да го направи. Tom had always wanted to study French and he finally got his chance to. Tom always wanted to learn French and finally gave him a chance to do so. >>eng<< Се откажа од идејата. He abandoned the idea. He gave up the idea. >>eng<< Ами, хайде да започваме! Well, let's get going! Well, let's get started! >>eng<< Prišiel som z Číny. I came from China. I sewed some som with Chiny. >>eng<< Ти звучи ли тоа познато? Does that sound familiar? Does that sound familiar? >>eng<< Ovo mesto izgleda dosta drugačije u odnosu na ono kakvo je bilo ranije. It looks quite different around here than it used to. This place looks a lot different from what it used to be. >>eng<< Gde ćemo da se nađemo? Where are we going to meet? Where are we going to meet? >>eng<< Lozinka je "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muriel". >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da se uprpa. Tom may chicken out. Tom could get along. >>eng<< Tom je došao na Marynu rođendansku zabavu. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. >>eng<< Том е дијабетичар. Tom is a diabetic. Tom is diabetic. >>eng<< Живеам тука веќе долги години. I've been living here for many years. I have lived here for many years. >>eng<< Povraća mi se. I feel like vomiting. I'm getting sick. >>eng<< Nema nikog kao ti. There's no one like you. There's no one like you. >>eng<< Брзо се уморува. He gets tired easily. He's getting tired fast. >>eng<< Том беше упорен. Tom was determined. Tom was persistent. >>eng<< Още ли събираш пощенски марки? Are you still collecting stamps? Are you still collecting postage stamps? >>eng<< Става все по-трудно. It keeps getting harder and harder. It's getting harder. >>eng<< I Magdalena i Ania su iz Poljske. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Both Magdalene and Ania are from Poland. >>eng<< Tom će ponovo razmisliti. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will think about it again. >>eng<< Раскажи ми го преостанатиот дел од приказната. Tell me the rest of the story. Tell me the rest of the story. >>eng<< Горещо ли ти е? Are you hot? Are you hot? >>eng<< Ние обичаме крастотата. We love beauty. We love theft. >>eng<< Аз търся Том. I'm looking for Tom. I'm looking for Tom. >>eng<< Ретко одеше таму. He rarely went there. He rarely went there. >>eng<< Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev. He finally fulfilled my request. He finally met my request. >>eng<< Сѐ застана. Everything stopped. Everything stopped. >>eng<< Razgovarali smo o tome celu noć. We talked about it all night. We talked about it all night. >>eng<< Тя ядоха енчилада. They ate some enchiladas. They ate enchilada. >>eng<< Čo to presne je? What exactly is this? Who the fuck is that? >>eng<< Маларията се пренася от комарите. Malaria is carried by mosquitoes. Malaria is carried by mosquitoes. >>eng<< Prirodzene. Of course. It's natural. >>eng<< Многу бев задоволен. I was really pleased. I was very pleased. >>eng<< Znaš li kako se koristi ova mašina? Do you know how to use this machine? Do you know how to use this machine? >>eng<< Татко ще идва у нас утре. Father is coming home tomorrow. Dad will come to us tomorrow. >>eng<< Zvao sam ga. I called him. I called him. >>eng<< Ела веднага щом можеш. Come as soon as you can. Come as soon as you can. >>eng<< Го потцртав зборот „Алис“ за да го истакнам. I put an underline under the word "Alice" to put an emphasis on it. I spelled out the word "Alice" to highlight it. >>eng<< Му се закачи ракавот. He got his sleeve caught. His sleeve's hanging. >>eng<< Tom je znao šta je želeo. Tom knew what he wanted. Tom knew what he wanted. >>eng<< Баба ми е най-възрастната в този град. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. >>eng<< Тоа беше извонредно доживување. It was a remarkable experience. It was an extraordinary experience. >>eng<< Джак се интересува от рисуване. Jack is interested in painting. Jack is interested in painting. >>eng<< Sumnjaš li na mene? Am I under suspicion? Do you suspect me? >>eng<< Ти ставив три кафени лажички шеќер во чајот. I put three teaspoons of sugar in your tea. I put three cups of sugar in your tea. >>eng<< To nebol Tom. That wasn't Tom. That doesn't hurt, Tom. >>eng<< Gdje su leteći auti? Where are all the flying cars? Where are the flying cars? >>eng<< Има премногу киселина во портокалов. There is too much acid in this orange. There's too much acid in orange. >>eng<< U ruskom jeziku ne postoji reč "sloboda". There is no word for liberty in the Russian language. There is no word “freedom” in Russian. >>eng<< Помолих Том да ми дава уроци по френски. I asked Tom to teach me French. I asked Tom to teach me French lessons. >>eng<< Момчето хвърля камък. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a stone. >>eng<< Jurij Gagarin je bio ubijen u zrakoplovnoj nesreći prije nego je mogao drugi puta putovati u svemir. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could travel in space a second time. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could travel to space for the second time. >>eng<< Сигурен съм, че докато ти стигнеш до тук, ние ще сме готови. I'm sure that by the time you get here, we'll be ready. I'm sure by the time you get here, we'll be ready. >>eng<< Не сфаќам зошто Том сака да оди во Бостон. I can see why Tom wants to go to Boston. I don't understand why Tom wants to go to Boston. >>eng<< Ќе дојдам веднаш. I'll come right now. I'll be right there. >>eng<< Таа е добродушна. She has a kind heart. She's kind. >>eng<< Том не сака да го прави тоа. Tom doesn't like doing that. Tom doesn't want to do that. >>eng<< Da li su još uvek tu? Are they still here? Are they still there? >>eng<< Nekoliko ljudi je ubijeno. Several people were killed. A few peoples were killed. >>eng<< Може ли да ми изгладите тези дрехи? Could I have these clothes ironed? Can you smooth out those clothes for me? >>eng<< Ме чуди тоа што Том отишол со Мери. I'm surprised Tom went with Mary. I'm surprised Tom went with Mary. >>eng<< Никой не ме харесва. Аз никога не съм бил харесван, защото не съм красив. Nobody likes me. I have never been liked by anybody, because I am not beautiful. I've never been liked because I'm not beautiful. >>eng<< Navikao sam se da se nikom ne dopadam. I'm used to no one liking me. I'm used to not liking anyone. >>eng<< Moja majka je umrla na dan kada sam se udala. My mother died the same day I got married. My mother died the day I got married. >>eng<< Зошто Том беше таму внатре? Why was Tom in there? Why was Tom in there? >>eng<< Не мога да си позволя да купя кола дори на старо, камо ли нова. I can't afford to buy a used car, much less a new one. I can't afford to buy a car even in an old one, let alone a new one. >>eng<< Vozi oprezno. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. >>eng<< Един мъж трябва да работи. A man must work. A man has to work. >>eng<< Послушаа. They obeyed. They listened. >>eng<< Тебе те барам. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. >>eng<< Јеси ли на Фејсбуку? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? >>eng<< Da li sam toliko drugačiji? Am I so different? Am I that different? >>eng<< Оставих си кредитната карта вкъщи. I left my credit card at home. I left my credit card at home. >>eng<< Ti si zelo elegantna. You are very elegant. You're very elegant. >>eng<< Ne puštaj nikoga unutra! Don't let anybody in. Don't let anyone in! >>eng<< Gde si našao ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? >>eng<< Piotra zanima nogomet. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotra is interested in football. >>eng<< Не се мотай с Том. Don't hang out with Tom. Don't mess with Tom. >>eng<< Линкълн бил против робството. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. >>eng<< Не добавяйте анотации. Don't add annotations. Do not add annotations. >>eng<< Ti si bil, kajne? It was you, wasn't it? It was you, wasn't it? >>eng<< Том ја запали завесата, сосем случајно. Tom, by accident, set the curtain on fire. Tom lit the curtain, just by accident. >>eng<< За што по ѓаволите беше сето тоа? What on earth was all that about? What the hell was that all about? >>eng<< Pregazi preko bilo kakve prepreke sa ovim čudovištem od kamiona! Run over any obstacle with this monster truck! Get over any obstacle with this truck monster! >>eng<< Још увек сам будна. I'm still awake. I'm still awake. >>eng<< Ach, zabudla som kúpiť kapustu. Čo budeme robiť? Oh, I forgot to buy the cabbage. What should we do? Ach, silly som kúpiystu. Who are we slaves? >>eng<< Той е твърде уморен, за да учи. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. >>eng<< Желките долго живеат. Turtles live to a great age. The turtles have been living for a long time. >>eng<< Videl som ju plakať. I saw her crying. I saw them crying. >>eng<< Prelepo! Wonderful! Beautiful! >>eng<< Tom se nekada plašio mene. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom used to be afraid of me. >>eng<< Никога преди не съм чувала Том да се оплаква. I've never heard Tom complain before. I've never heard Tom complain before. >>eng<< Зашто одлазите? Why are you leaving? Why are you leaving? >>eng<< Чајникон е доста валкан. That teapot's pretty dirty. The tea is pretty dirty. >>eng<< Няма да се върна с Том. I won't be coming back with Tom. I'm not coming back with Tom. >>eng<< Хайде да тръгваме! Let's go. Let's go! >>eng<< Треба да ми помогнеш да го најдам. You need to help me find him. I need you to help me find him. >>eng<< Је ли чисто? Is it clean? Is it clean? >>eng<< Грешим ли? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? >>eng<< Nešto je iskrslo. Something came up. Something's come up. >>eng<< Danas je toplo kao i jučer. It is as warm today as yesterday. It's as hot today as yesterday. >>eng<< Danas joj je prvi dan škole. Today is her first day of school. Today is her first day of school. >>eng<< Oni to mysleli vážne? Were they serious? They're myslei important? >>eng<< Možda je Tom bio upleten. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. >>eng<< Одбери го тоа што најмногу ти се допаѓа. Pick the one you like best. Choose what you like best. >>eng<< Ништо не ми е како што треба. Nothing feels right. Nothing's wrong with me. >>eng<< Махайте се! Go away! Get out of here! >>eng<< Напразните му опити да я съблазни, му показаха че е сбъркал адреса; тя беше майка на две дечица. His vain efforts to seduce her showed he was barking up the wrong tree; she was a mother of two tots. His empty attempts to seduce her showed him that he had mistaken the address; she was the mother of two children. >>eng<< Ribe ne mogu živjeti izvan vode. Fish cannot live out of water. Fish can't live outside the water. >>eng<< Вие пиете от моята часа. You're drinking out of my cup. You've been drinking since my class. >>eng<< Smorio se od čitanja. He got tired of reading. He's tired of reading. >>eng<< Спаваћа соба је на спрату. The bedroom is upstairs. The bedroom is on the floor. >>eng<< Otrava kadmiom je na juhu veľmi častou príčinou smrti. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. It's on the soup. It's an honor of death. >>eng<< Već sam se navikao. I'm used to it now. I'm getting used to it already. >>eng<< Рачкава не се врти. This handle will not turn. This handle is not spinning. >>eng<< To ćemo uvijek pamtiti. We'll always remember that. We'll always remember that. >>eng<< Snažan zemljotres jačine 8.8 je danas pogodio japanske otoke. A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today. A strong 8.8 earthquake struck the Japanese islands today. >>eng<< Setite se imena fajla pre nego što pokušate da izvršite povratak obrisanih fajlova. Recall the filename before you try to perform file recovery. Remember the file name before you attempt to restore deleted files. >>eng<< Златото тежи повеќе од железото. Gold is heavier than iron. Gold weighs more than iron. >>eng<< Не разбирам какво имате предвид. I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. >>eng<< Možeš li da mi dodaš daljinac? Could you hand me the remote? Could you hand me the remote? >>eng<< Том одби да си оди. Tom refused to leave. Tom refused to leave. >>eng<< Ona je baš izvan moje lige. She's way out of my league. She's just out of my league. >>eng<< Tom je malo zabrinut. Tom is a little worried. Tom's a little worried. >>eng<< Типов е бандит. That guy is a bandit. This guy's a bandit. >>eng<< Том не е толкова умен. Tom isn't so smart. Tom's not that smart. >>eng<< Tom mora da je pokušavao ovo očistiti bez sapuna. Tom must've tried cleaning this without using soap. Tom must have been trying to clean this up without soap. >>eng<< Личи на јајце. It looks like an egg. Looks like an egg. >>eng<< А ако одбие Том? What if Tom says no? What if Tom refuses? >>eng<< Немавме ни скршена пара. We were broke. We didn't even have any broken money. >>eng<< Tom je nameravao da pita svog šefa za povišicu, ali je promenio mišljenje. Tom intended to ask his boss for a raise, but he reconsidered. Tom was going to ask his boss for a raise, but he changed his mind. >>eng<< Dieťa sa hrá na trávniku. The kid is playing on the lawn. Die's on the market. >>eng<< Ще им кажа, че няма да дойда навреме. I'm going to tell them that I won't be there on time. I'll tell them I'm not coming in time. >>eng<< Не зборувај толку брзо. Don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast. >>eng<< Донесоа заклучок дека бродот бездруго потонал. They came to the conclusion that the ship must have sunk. They came to the conclusion that the ship sank anyway. >>eng<< Том работи там. Tom is working there. Tom works there. >>eng<< То је његова слаба тачка. That's his weak spot. That's his weak spot. >>eng<< Jesi li mogao da ga pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? >>eng<< Kako je Tomu na poslu? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom doing at work? >>eng<< Nisam želeo da te povredim. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. >>eng<< Да ли је у цену укључен доручак? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? >>eng<< Тя ми даде риза. She gave me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. >>eng<< Тя му даде книга. She gave him a book. She gave him a book. >>eng<< Šta si radio danas? What did you do today? What were you doing today? >>eng<< За малку немаше да дојдам. I almost didn't come. I almost didn't come. >>eng<< Тича. He runs. It's running. >>eng<< Зошто се состануваме тука? Why are we meeting here? Why are we meeting here? >>eng<< Трябва да занеса нещо на Том. I have to take something to Tom. I need to get something to Tom. >>eng<< Боях се, че може да съм закъснял. I was afraid I might be late. I was afraid I might be late. >>eng<< Важно е да ги намерим. It's important we find them. It's important that we find them. >>eng<< Nemam mnogo prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. >>eng<< Возеше брзо. You were speeding. He was driving fast. >>eng<< Reci Tomu da ga voliš pre nego što bude prekasno. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. >>eng<< Učitelj je napisao nešto na tabli, ali nisam mogao da pročitam jer je bilo premalo. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard, but it was too small for me to read. The teacher wrote something on the board, but I couldn't read it because it was too little. >>eng<< Том не каза какво планираше да прави. Tom didn't say what he was planning to do. Tom didn't say what he was planning to do. >>eng<< Odmah ćemo se baciti na to. We'll get right on it. We'll get on it right away. >>eng<< Tom me je pozvao da mi kaže da neće biti da današnjem sastanku. Tom called to say he wouldn't be at today's meeting. Tom invited me to tell me there's not going to be a date today. >>eng<< Сега ти го направи. Now you do it. Now you did it. >>eng<< Ručao sam sa njim. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. >>eng<< Треба ти хоби. You need a hobby. You need a hobby. >>eng<< Političar je imao ljepljive prste, jer je 5% od svakog ugovora završilo u njegovom džepu. The politician had sticky fingers, and 5% of every contract ended in his pocket. The politician had sticky fingers, because 5% of each contract ended up in his pocket. >>eng<< Sutra ću da kupim šta mi treba. Tomorrow I'll buy what I need. I'll buy what I need tomorrow. >>eng<< Zašto zečevi imaju velike uši? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have big ears? >>eng<< Ovo je knjiga. It is a book. This is a book. >>eng<< Дали ме исмеваш? Are you mocking me? Are you making fun of me? >>eng<< Тези ядливи ли са? Are these edible? Are they edible? >>eng<< Klima uređaj je pokvaren. The air conditioner is broken. The air conditioner is broken. >>eng<< Той не успя да изпълни заръката ни. He failed to follow our advice. He failed to fulfill our engagement. >>eng<< Žene su ono najlepše u životu muškarca. Women are the most beautiful part of a man's life. Women are the most beautiful in a man's life. >>eng<< Кога треба да почнеме да се грижиме? At what point do we start to worry? When should we start worrying? >>eng<< Съжалявам, трябва да уча. Sorry, I have to study. I'm sorry, I have to study. >>eng<< Си ја завршив работата. I've finished my work. I did my job. >>eng<< Добре дошла в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. >>eng<< Водата е извор на животот. Water is a source of life. Water is the source of life. >>eng<< Samo zatvori oči. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. >>eng<< Дрехите му винаги миришат. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell. >>eng<< To mi je imalo smisla. That made perfect sense to me. That made sense to me. >>eng<< Prelepo! Wonderful! Beautiful! >>eng<< Зашто само не кажеш Тому? Why not just tell Tom? Why don't you just tell Tom? >>eng<< Видях го да спира. I observed him stop. I saw him stop. >>eng<< Neki smatraju da se spontano zapaljenje ljudi stvarno događa, ali ja nisam baš uvjeren. Some regard that spontaneous combastion of human beings occurs, but I am not really convinced. Some people think spontaneous inflammation is really happening, but I'm not really convinced. >>eng<< Това, че е прекалено щедър, е най-големият му недостатък. Being overly generous is his greatest fault. Being too generous is his biggest downside. >>eng<< Планираш ли да седиш тука уште долго време? Are you planning to stay here for a long time? Are you planning on sitting here for a long time? >>eng<< Ne treba učenjak za tumačenje It doesn't require a scholar to interpret. You don't need a student to interpret. >>eng<< Со оглед на тоа што ти готвеше, јас ќе мијам садови. I'll do the dishes, since you cooked. Since you're cooking, I'll wash your dishes. >>eng<< Da li te to čini besnim? Does that make you angry? Does that make you angry? >>eng<< Свършихте ли с вечерята? Have you finished dinner? Are you finished with dinner? >>eng<< Ти си зъл. You're evil. You're evil. >>eng<< Харесва ли ти? Do you like it? Do you like it? >>eng<< Аз ще науча Том. I'll teach Tom. I'll teach Tom. >>eng<< Kakav si to čovek! What a man you are! What a man you are! >>eng<< Počni. Get started. Start. >>eng<< Защо Том искаше да учи френски? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? >>eng<< Какви ти се плановите? What are your plans? What are your plans? >>eng<< Како напредува, Том? How's it coming, Tom? How's it going, Tom? >>eng<< Попрво би одел со метро отколку со воз. I'd rather go by subway than by train. I'd rather take the subway than take the train. >>eng<< Той има три по-големи сестри. He has three older sisters. He has three older sisters. >>eng<< Emili i Melani su Engleskinje. Emily and Melanie are English. Emily and Melanie are English. >>eng<< Може ли да те видя за момент? Can I see you a moment? Can I see you for a second? >>eng<< Oni nisu moji. They aren't mine. They're not mine. >>eng<< Имам голем интерес да научам кинески. I am very interested in learning Chinese. I have a great interest in learning Chinese. >>eng<< Budi oprezan. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Ние ходим в училище, за да учим. We go to school to study. We go to school to study. >>eng<< Том не баш знаеше како да одговори на прашањето. Tom didn't quite know how to respond to the question. Tom didn't really know how to answer the question. >>eng<< Боб беше много щастлив. Bob was very happy. Bob was very happy. >>eng<< Ова е грешка. This is a mistake. This is a mistake. >>eng<< Mnogi turisti posjećuju Kyoto. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Many tourists visit Kyoto. >>eng<< Зошто е Том сѐ уште на училиште? Why is Tom still at school? Why is Tom still at school? >>eng<< Želim tu torbu. I want that bag. I want that bag. >>eng<< Jesi li zauzet ovde? Are you busy here? Are you busy here? >>eng<< Pričao sam sa Tomom juče. I talked to Tom yesterday. Um, I spoke to Tom yesterday. >>eng<< Ne da mi se izaći večeras. I can't be bothered to go out tonight. I don't want to get out tonight. >>eng<< Може ли ишта бити романтичније? Could anything be more romantic? Can anything be more romantic? >>eng<< Тоа е прилично нормално. That's pretty normal. That's pretty normal. >>eng<< Pokušavamo. We try. We're trying. >>eng<< Тоа е прекрасна алка. That's a beautiful bracelet. It's a beautiful alkaline. >>eng<< Tom se sa porodicom odselio u Australiju. Tom and his family emigrated to Australia. Tom and his family moved to Australia. >>eng<< Биди милосрден. Be merciful. Be merciful. >>eng<< Zašto je slikanje vozova toliko zanimljivo? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? >>eng<< Издахнуо је. He breathed his last breath. He's exhaled. >>eng<< Сѐ уште нема ни трага ни глас од Том. There's still no sign of Tom. There is no sign of Tom. >>eng<< Не исках да направя нищо лошо. I meant no harm. I didn't want to do anything wrong. >>eng<< Не сакам да завршам сиромашен. I don't want to end up poor. I don't want to end up poor. >>eng<< Da li bi želeli još krompir pirea? Would you like more mashed potatoes? Would you like some more potatoes? >>eng<< Много от децата бяха почти голи. Many of the children were almost naked. Many of the children were almost naked. >>eng<< Tom greši u vezi toga. Tom is wrong about that. Tom's wrong about that. >>eng<< Работиш твърде много. Давай го по-полека за известно време. You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You work too hard, take it easy for a while. >>eng<< Tom nije pokušao da porekne Merinu osudu. Tom didn't try to deny Mary's accusation. Tom did not try to deny Mary's conviction. >>eng<< Čoveče, da rečenica je izazvala pravu pometnju. Boy, that sentence sure caused a kerfuffle. Man, that sentence caused a real mess. >>eng<< Том и ги објасни на Мери правилата во подробности. Tom explained the rules to Mary in detail. Tom explained the rules to Mary in detail. >>eng<< Си го заборавив пасошот. I forgot my password. I forgot my passport. >>eng<< Часовникот е расипан. The clock is defective. The clock is broken. >>eng<< Замолио ме да му помогнем. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. >>eng<< Jeste li sigurni da je ovo bezbedno? Are you sure this is safe? Are you sure this is safe? >>eng<< Не очекувај сите да ги делат твоите мислења. Don't expect everyone to think the same way you do. Don’t expect everyone to share your opinions. >>eng<< Том поздрави всички. Tom greeted everyone. Say hello to all of you. >>eng<< Мораш да му помогнеш. You have to help him. You have to help him. >>eng<< Том обича сирене. Tom likes cheese. Tom loves cheese. >>eng<< Dođite da se igrate sa nama. Come play with us. Come play with us. >>eng<< Учим сада. I'm studying now. I'm learning now. >>eng<< Каква храна сакаш да готвиш? What kind of food do you like to cook? What kind of food do you want to cook? >>eng<< Vstani in se predstavi prosim. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself. >>eng<< Бих искал да купя колата, която продаваш, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. >>eng<< На Том му казаха съвсем наскоро, че има рак. Tom was told he had cancer just recently. Tom was told recently that he had cancer. >>eng<< Ми личиш познато. You look familiar. You look familiar. >>eng<< Jesi izlazio sinoć? Izgledaš prilično loše danas... Did you go out last night? Because you look pretty bad today ... Did you go out last night? >>eng<< Том сакаше да открие каде била Линда претходната вечер. Dan wanted to find out where Linda had been the previous night. Tom wanted to find out where Linda was last night. >>eng<< Nemam pojima o čemu ti pričaš. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. >>eng<< Vremenska prognoza kaže da će sutra popodne da pada kiša. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow afternoon. >>eng<< Имам три братучеда. I have three cousins. I have three cousins. >>eng<< Бил е доста воздржан. Bill is quite reserved. He's been pretty resuscitated. >>eng<< Добовала је прстима по столу. She drummed her fingers on the table. She got her fingers on the table. >>eng<< Posrećilo mi se. It was a lucky guess. I got lucky. >>eng<< Пробај да бидеш храбар, Том. Try to be brave, Tom. Try to be brave, Tom. >>eng<< Отидоха в парка на следващата сутрин. They went to the park the next morning. They went to the park the next morning. >>eng<< Онази молба беше отхвърлена. That request was denied. That request was rejected. >>eng<< Ще се възстанови ли? Will he recover? Will he recover? >>eng<< Kada Tom može da dođe kući? When can Tom come home? When can Tom come home? >>eng<< Мислам дека можеш да ни кажеш каде да го најдеме. We think you can tell us where to find him. I think you can tell us where to find him. >>eng<< Липсваше ми. I've missed you. I missed you. >>eng<< Stvari su se promijenile nakon toga. Things changed after that. Things changed after that. >>eng<< Mnogo ćeš nam nedostajati ako odeš za Japan. We will miss you terribly if you leave Japan. We'll miss you so much if you go to Japan. >>eng<< Nisi li uradio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? >>eng<< Мисля, че пропускате нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. >>eng<< Možeš li razlikovati srebro od kositra? Can you tell silver and tin apart? Can you distinguish silver from tin? >>eng<< Не ме рецкаш. You're ignoring me. You don't tell me. >>eng<< Mislio sam da si srećan ovde. I thought you were happy here. I thought you were happy here. >>eng<< Ствари нису увек онакве како изгледају. Things are not always what they seem. Things aren’t always what they look like. >>eng<< Kedy to bude hotové? When will it be ready? Kady's gonna be hot? >>eng<< Веома сте лепа жена. You're a very beautiful woman. You're a very beautiful woman. >>eng<< Бих искал да получа Ваша снимка. I would like your picture. I'd like to get your photo. >>eng<< Volim vegetarijansku hranu. I like vegetarian food. I love vegetarian food. >>eng<< Те советувам да си го слушаш лекарот. I advise you to listen to your doctor. I advise you to listen to your doctor. >>eng<< Ако универзумот е одговорот, што е прашањето? If the universe is an answer, what is the question? If the universe is the answer, what is the question? >>eng<< Šta ste vas dvoje uradili? What did you both do? What did you two do? >>eng<< Фала ти пак што дојде. Thanks again for coming. Thank you again for coming. >>eng<< Миналия месец изстинах. I caught a cold last month. I got cold last month. >>eng<< Ova olovka ne radi. This pen doesn't work. This pen doesn't work. >>eng<< Tom spava sve vreme. Tom sleeps all the time. Tom sleeps all the time. >>eng<< Treba da me pustiš da uđem. You need to let me in. You should let me in. >>eng<< Nisam spremna da idem. I'm not ready to go. I'm not ready to go. >>eng<< Duboko sam postiđen. I am deeply ashamed. I'm deeply ashamed. >>eng<< Дан ни дојде во посета вчера. Dan came for a visit yesterday. Dan came to visit us yesterday. >>eng<< Какви други варианти имам? What other options do I have? What other options do I have? >>eng<< Това не е буквален превод, това е направо грешно. That isn't a literal translation, it's just plain wrong. This is not a literal translation, it is quite wrong. >>eng<< Ќе признаам. I'm going to confess. I'll admit it. >>eng<< Pobedili smo! We've won! We won! >>eng<< Никада ниси пожелео да живиш на острву? Have you ever wanted to live on an island? You never wanted to live on an island? >>eng<< Таа има почнато да се однесува чудно. She has started acting strangely. She's starting to act weird. >>eng<< Brinuo se za dijete. He looked after the baby. He took care of the baby. >>eng<< Ѝ дале седатив. They have her sedated. They gave me a sedative. >>eng<< Prestani pušiti. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. >>eng<< Na koje ime? Under what name? In what name? >>eng<< Могу и затворених очију. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can keep my eyes closed. >>eng<< Хайде да пуснем хвърчило. Let's fly a kite. Let's get the thrower out. >>eng<< Ручао сам са њом. I had lunch with her. I had lunch with her. >>eng<< "Къде живееш?" "Аз живея в Токио." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." >>eng<< Срећан васкрс! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! >>eng<< Те молам најди ми зглавје. Please get me a pillow. Please find me a head. >>eng<< Мислим да је ово почетак дивног пријатељства. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship. >>eng<< Трябва да презаредя батериите. I have to recharge the batteries. I need to recharge the batteries. >>eng<< Френският на Том е доста добър. Tom's French is quite good. Tom's French is pretty good. >>eng<< Изпусна си носната кърпичка. You dropped your handkerchief. You missed your nasal towel. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da te pitam. Tom said to ask you. Tom said to ask you. >>eng<< Dovršite ovo. Finish this. Finish this. >>eng<< Том беше претепан. Tom was badly beaten. Tom was beaten. >>eng<< Da li sam sada bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? >>eng<< Ne ulazi u tu prostoriju. Don't go in that room. Don't go in that room. >>eng<< Еден од моите другари студира во странство. One of my friends is studying abroad. One of my friends is studying abroad. >>eng<< Žena je mladá. The woman is young. The woman is young. >>eng<< Obaveštavaću te. I'll keep you updated. I'll let you know. >>eng<< Koliko će dugo Tom da izdrži? How long will Tom last? How long will Tom last? >>eng<< Danas je lijep dan. Today is a beautiful day. Today's a nice day. >>eng<< Kako mogu da se zaštitim? How can I protect myself? How can I protect myself? >>eng<< Се прашувам зошто се зедовме. I wonder why we got married. I wonder why we got married. >>eng<< Pas je lizao zdjelicu svojim jezikom. The dog licked the plate with its tongue. The dog licked the bowl with his tongue. >>eng<< Jesi li siguran da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? >>eng<< Ме боли стомакот. My stomach hurts. My stomach hurts. >>eng<< Том не ги помрдна усните. Tom didn't move his lips. Tom didn't move his lips. >>eng<< Chcem sa oženiť s Martinou. I want to marry Martyna. Chc married Martinou. >>eng<< Том делува растревожено. Tom appears nervous. Tom seems upset. >>eng<< Nije baš tako jednostavno. It's not quite as simple as that. It's not that simple. >>eng<< Заслужуваш медал. You deserve a medal. You deserve a medal. >>eng<< Zašto ne navratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? >>eng<< Изгледа наша работа е да не дозволиме тоа да се случи. I guess our job is not to let that happen. I guess it's our job not to let that happen. >>eng<< Мислех, че ще успеем до 2:30. I thought we could make it by 2:30. I thought we'd make it by 2:30. >>eng<< Ја отвори вратата, иако му бев кажал да не ја отвора. He opened the door, though I told him not to. He opened the door, even though I told him not to open it. >>eng<< Том свиреше на клавир. Tom played the piano. Tom played the piano. >>eng<< Je ženích. He's the groom. He's a woman. >>eng<< Svi su ovde. Everyone's here. They're all here. >>eng<< Том само делумно се шегуваше. Tom was only half joking. Tom was just kidding. >>eng<< Ne mogu da verujem da si me lagala. I can't believe you lied to me. I can't believe you lied to me. >>eng<< Reagovao sam instiktivno. I reacted instinctively. I reacted instinctively. >>eng<< Počas vojny sme mali veľa bolestivých zážitkov. We had many bitter experiences during the war. It's time for the military to have a small vehement disease. >>eng<< Моето бебе сака да зборува. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. >>eng<< Нико му више не верује. No one trusts him any more. No one trusts him anymore. >>eng<< Vývoz stoupl o třicet miliard dolarů. The exports increased by 30 billion dollars. Vývoz Stoupl about třicet billion dollars. >>eng<< Ставете крај на насилството; борете се за мир. End violence; pursue peace. Put an end to violence; fight for peace. >>eng<< Сите станаа. They all rose. They all got up. >>eng<< Овие се исто толку добри колку и тие. These are as good as those. These are as good as they are. >>eng<< Спремен сум за невремето. I am ready for the storm. I'm ready for the storm. >>eng<< Kedy to skončilo? When did it end? Kady, that's over? >>eng<< Том свиреше на клавир три часа без прекин. Tom played the piano for three hours without taking a break. Tom played the piano for three hours without interruption. >>eng<< Не биди дрзок со мене. Don't be fresh with me. Don't be rude to me. >>eng<< Ne daj da Tom sazna to. Don't let Tom know that. Don't let Tom know. >>eng<< Той се простудява много лесно. He catches colds very easily. He shudders very easily. >>eng<< На Том само што му ги извадија протезите. Tom just got his braces off. Tom just got his prosthetics out. >>eng<< Говори по-бавно, ако обичаш. Please speak more slowly. Speak slowly, if you like. >>eng<< Nastavi sa kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. >>eng<< Си го остави клучот на бирото, како што му беше навика. He left his key on the desk, as he usually did. He left his key to the bureau, as he used to. >>eng<< Hvala ti za sve što si uradio za nas. Thank you for all you've done for us. Thank you for everything you've done for us. >>eng<< Том можеби е жив. Tom may be alive. Tom may be alive. >>eng<< Све именице у немачком су капитализоване. All German nouns are written with the first letter capitalized. All the nouns in Germany are capitalized. >>eng<< Не би мислел така. I wouldn't think so. I don't think so. >>eng<< Обичам да ходя на плаж. I love going to the beach. I love going to the beach. >>eng<< Probao si nekada? Have you ever tried it? Have you tried it before? >>eng<< Слободно можеш да чекаш тука. You're welcome to wait here. You're welcome to wait here. >>eng<< Kde je najbližšia reštaurácia? Where's the nearest restaurant? Where's the closest restaurácia? >>eng<< On će doći uskoro. It will not be long before he comes. He'll be here soon. >>eng<< To je tako smiješno. That's so funny. That's so funny. >>eng<< Sjednite na trenutak, molim. Please sit down for a moment. Sit down for a second, please. >>eng<< Na morju so otoki. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. >>eng<< Тоа веќе го знам. I know that already. I already know that. >>eng<< Slovnica je zelo zapletena. Grammar is very complicated. The grammar is very complicated. >>eng<< Vnútri úľa to voňalo medom. Inside the beehive, it smelled like honey. In the meantime, it's a honey ride. >>eng<< А што има врска? Why does it matter anyway? What's the matter? >>eng<< Само остави нѐ на раат. Just let us be. Just leave us to heaven. >>eng<< Da, nije li odlično? Yeah, isn't that great? Yeah, isn't it great? >>eng<< Учителят ми по френски е на същата възраст, на която съм и аз. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My French teacher is the same age I am. >>eng<< Тражила сам те. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. >>eng<< Tom ume da piše lepo. Tom can write well. Tom can write well. >>eng<< На борбата навидум не и се ближи крајот. The battle doesn't seem to be nearing an end. The fight does not seem to end. >>eng<< Imaš li knjigu? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? >>eng<< Получих го за рождения си ден. I got it for my birthday. I got it for my birthday. >>eng<< Zdravo. Moje ime je Sergej. Hi. My name is Sergey. My name is Sergei. >>eng<< Той е много добре запознат с международните дела. He knows a lot about foreign affairs. He is very familiar with international affairs. >>eng<< Moja majka voli muziku. My mother loves music. My mother loves music. >>eng<< Tom se okrenuo da ode. Tom turned to leave. Tom turned around to leave. >>eng<< Samo polako, Tome. Take your time, Tom. Take it easy, Tom. >>eng<< Stvarno sam srećan zbog toga. I'm really happy about it. I'm really happy about that. >>eng<< Molimo Vas, ostavite ovo mesto čistim koliko biste biste želeli da ga pronađete. Please leave this place as clean as you would like to find it. Please leave this place as clean as you would like to find it. >>eng<< Kako mi je promaklo ovo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? >>eng<< Ќе престанам. I'll stop. I'll stop. >>eng<< Samo što sam krenuo. I was just heading out. I'm just on my way. >>eng<< Всеки от тях се опитваше много усърдно да спечели предимство пред другия. They tried very hard to gain an advantage over one another. Each of them tried very hard to gain an advantage over the other. >>eng<< Ovo je moj brat, Tom. This is my brother, Tom. This is my brother, Tom. >>eng<< Moram da se ošišam. I need to get a haircut. I need to get my hair cut. >>eng<< Chceš to počuť? Do you want to hear it? You gonna hear that? >>eng<< Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo para. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. >>eng<< Skamarátili sme sa. We became friends. Skamaratili's allowed. >>eng<< Паркирали сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my place. >>eng<< Търся си ключовете. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for my keys. >>eng<< Познавам онези момичета там доста добре. I know those girls over there quite well. I know those girls out there pretty well. >>eng<< Jesi li me video kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? >>eng<< Тъкмо получихме сведения от Канзас касаещи брат ти. We have just received an inquiry from Kansas concerning your brother. We just got word from Kansas concerning your brother. >>eng<< Не познавам всички. I don't know everybody. I don't know everyone. >>eng<< Тя се съгласи с моята идея. She agreed with my idea. She agreed with my idea. >>eng<< Уништете го храмов. Destroy this temple. Destroy this temple. >>eng<< Не реков дека се сложувам. I didn't say I agreed. I didn't say I agreed. >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznao. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. >>eng<< Пет сати је ујутру у Бразилу. It's 5:00 a.m. here in Brazil. It's five o'clock in the morning in Brazil. >>eng<< Bolje ti je da dođeš istog časa. You'd better come right away. You'd better be there at the same time. >>eng<< Ревнувате ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? >>eng<< Ona ma nepozná. She doesn't know me. She doesn't know. >>eng<< Mi znamo ko je on. We know who he is. We know who he is. >>eng<< Том е грд. Tom's ugly. Tom's ugly. >>eng<< Šta želi on da uradi? What does he mean to do? What does he want to do? >>eng<< Je to zbytočné. It's no use. That's what's going on. >>eng<< Moja starija sestra dobro pjeva. My older sister is good at singing. My older sister sings well. >>eng<< Сложете си палтото. Put on your coat. Put on your coat. >>eng<< Том речиси стигнал. Tom is almost there. Tom's almost there. >>eng<< Ne krivim te. I don't blame you. I don't blame you for being anxious. >>eng<< Мери купи миризливи ќеси за ѓубре. Mary bought scented garbage bags. Mary bought fragrant garbage bags. >>eng<< Това палто е подплатено с кожа. The coat is lined with fur. This coat is covered with leather. >>eng<< Навън светлината беше ослепителна, но вътре беше мрачно. It was as gloomy inside the mansion as the sunlight was dazzling outside. The light outside was blind, but inside it was dark. >>eng<< Веруваме во демократијата. We believe in democracy. We believe in democracy. >>eng<< Том изглежда обективен. Tom seems objective. Tom seems objective. >>eng<< Tom je na spratu. Tom is upstairs. Tom's upstairs. >>eng<< Mislio sam da si udata. I thought you were married. I thought you were married. >>eng<< Koju da uzmem? Which one should I get? Which one should I take? >>eng<< Дайте да ви помогна. Let me help. Let me help you. >>eng<< Niko nas ne želi zaista. Nobody really wants us. No one really wants us. >>eng<< Мери може да говори японски. Mary can speak Japanese. Mary can speak Japanese. >>eng<< Ако времето позволява, тръгваме след час. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time allows, we'll leave in an hour. >>eng<< Нема ништо да речам. I won't say anything. I'm not gonna say anything. >>eng<< По-късно пак ще говорим. Talk to you later. We'll talk again later. >>eng<< Задржите кусур. Keep the change. Keep the change. >>eng<< Da se sad pojaviš i kažeš takvo nešto, samo bi nadolilo ulje na vatru. For you to come out and say that kind of thing now would just be pouring oil on the fire. If you showed up now and said something like that, it would only add oil to the fire. >>eng<< Том пътуваше в първа класа. Tom traveled first class. Tom traveled to first class. >>eng<< Добар дан, како си? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? >>eng<< Мисля, че работите твърде усърдно. I think you're working way too hard. I think you're working too hard. >>eng<< Njeno ime je bilo nepoznato. Her name was unknown. Her name was unknown. >>eng<< Fantastično! Fantastic! Fantastic! >>eng<< Винаги държа няколко плажни кърпи в колата си. I always have a couple of beach towels in my car. I always keep a few beach towels in my car. >>eng<< Ќе одам да го направам тоа. I'll go do that. I'll go do it. >>eng<< Da li će to skoro rešiti stvar? Does that about do it? Will it solve the matter soon? >>eng<< Ќе пробам да се обуздам. I'll try to control myself. I'll try to restrain myself. >>eng<< To je treći grad, po veličini, u Srbiji. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. It is the third largest city in Serbia. >>eng<< Kako se zovete? What's your name? What's your name? >>eng<< Nije ni čuo što nas Tom mrzi. No wonder Tom hates us. He didn't even hear what Tom hated us. >>eng<< Който сее ветрове, ще жъне бури. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. He who sows the winds will reap storms. >>eng<< Ово сам јуче купио. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. >>eng<< Кой е любимият ти композитор? Who is your favorite composer? Who's your favorite composer? >>eng<< Danes so šole zaprte. The schools are closed today. Schools are closed today. >>eng<< Јави ни се. Call us. Call us. >>eng<< Radila je toliko naporno da se na kraju razbolela. She worked so hard that eventually she became ill. She worked so hard she finally got sick. >>eng<< Мораме сите да одиме да го најдеме Том. We must all go and find Tom. We all have to go find Tom. >>eng<< Само погледни се. Just look at yourself. Just look at you. >>eng<< Мери се разведе од сопругот пред неколку години. Mary divorced her husband several years ago. Mary divorced her husband a few years ago. >>eng<< Още не съм го видял. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen him yet. >>eng<< Како бе не спиеш? How are you not sleeping? How come you're not sleeping? >>eng<< Не се искат разрешения. No permits are required. They don't want permits. >>eng<< Том со леснотија го направи тоа. Tom did it easily. Tom did it with ease. >>eng<< Prečo si myslíte, že na vás myslím? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? You're over myslíte, already at vás myslím? >>eng<< Ne želim raditi pod tim uvjetima. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. >>eng<< Тоа не е сосем точно. That's not entirely correct. That's not entirely true. >>eng<< Tom je samo lenj. Tom is just plain lazy. Tom's just lazy. >>eng<< Чел съм тази книга. I've read that book. I've read this book. >>eng<< Nemaš dozvolu da uđeš u tu sobu. You aren't allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. >>eng<< Ќе разбереш кога ќе биде време. You'll understand when the time comes. You'll understand when it's time. >>eng<< Ще се видим довечера! До скоро! See you tonight! See you soon! I'll see you tonight! >>eng<< Си требал прво да ја прашаш. You should've asked her first. You should have asked her first. >>eng<< Proveri da je mačka napolju i da su vrata zaključana kada budeš odlazio. Make sure the cat's out and all the doors are locked when you leave. Make sure the cat is out there and the door is locked when you leave. >>eng<< Нека не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about this anymore. >>eng<< Tata, možeš li da mi pročitaš jednu priču pre nego što odem da spavam? Daddy, can you read me a story before I go to sleep? Dad, can you read me a story before I go to sleep? >>eng<< Čija je ovo gitara? Whose guitar is this? Whose guitar is this? >>eng<< Som hladný. Kedy do čerta budeme jesť? I'm starving. When the hell do we eat. I'm cold. >>eng<< Френският изобщо не е толкова труден за научаване. French is not all that difficult to learn. French is not so hard to learn at all. >>eng<< Potrebna mu je. He needs her. He needs her. >>eng<< Šta treba da uradiš? What should you do? What do you have to do? >>eng<< В един кюп сме! We're on the same boat. We're in one cup! >>eng<< Kolika je maloprodajna cena jaja? What's the retail price of eggs? What is the retail price of eggs? >>eng<< Богатството си натрупа с търговия. He made his fortune from commerce. Wealth has accumulated in trade. >>eng<< По един мистериозен начин чувството за хумор е свързано с националните особености. The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. In a mysterious way, the sense of humor is associated with national features. >>eng<< Jesi li iskrena? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? >>eng<< Мери зарађује за живот шијући. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary makes a living sewing. >>eng<< Platon je prijatelj, ali istina je veći prijatelj. Plato is a friend, but the truth is a greater friend. Plato's a friend, but the truth is a bigger friend. >>eng<< Лека нощ! Good night! Good night! >>eng<< В този квартал ли живеете? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? >>eng<< Doći ću kada završim svoju domaću zadaću. I'll come when I have done my homework. I'll be there when I finish my homework. >>eng<< Želim da budem sa njom. I want to be with her. I want to be with her. >>eng<< Радиото е исклучено. The radio is powered off. Radio's off. >>eng<< Tom je vidio Mary s drugim muškarcem. Tom saw Mary with another man. Tom saw Mary with another man. >>eng<< Gde ima dima, ima i vatre. Where there's smoke there's fire. Where there's smoke, there's fire. >>eng<< Nikto nie je dokonalý. Nobody is perfect. Nikto Nie is a documentary. >>eng<< Ни се брзаше. We were in a hurry. We were in a hurry. >>eng<< Ти ветувам. You've got my word on that. I promise you. >>eng<< Парите не купуват щастие. Money doesn't buy happiness. Money does not buy happiness. >>eng<< Ти и половината не знаеш. You don't know the half of it. You and half don't know. >>eng<< Oni će znati šta da urade. They'll know what to do. They'll know what to do. >>eng<< Слагам ръка на рамото ѝ. I put my hand on her shoulder. I put my hand on her shoulder. >>eng<< Ќе пробам да го најдам Том. I'll try to find Tom. I'm gonna try and find Tom. >>eng<< Hoćeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom za mene? Would you talk to Tom for me? Will you talk to Tom about me? >>eng<< Платих видеото на пет вноски. I paid for the video in five installments. I paid for the video on five contributions. >>eng<< Molim Vas, budite iskreni prema meni. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. >>eng<< Godine su prošle. Years passed. It's been years. >>eng<< Hvala vam svima na tome. Thank you all for that. Thank you all for that. >>eng<< Mislim da je Tomu potrebna pomoć. I think Tom needs help. I think Tom needs help. >>eng<< Том добро го познава Бостон. Tom knows Boston well. Tom knows Boston very well. >>eng<< Да ли могу да добијем твој имејл, молићу? May I have your email, please? Can I have your e-mail, please? >>eng<< Ponosan sam na tebe. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. >>eng<< Ne slažem se. I disagree. I don't think so. >>eng<< Ko je Tom? Da li je to tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is that your new boyfriend? >>eng<< Това е рибата, която хвана той. This is the fish he caught. That's the fish he caught. >>eng<< Gubiš. You're losing. You're losing. >>eng<< Трябва да напуснеш веднага. You should leave immediately. You need to leave right now. >>eng<< Волим вас обоје. I love you both. I love you both. >>eng<< Кен се оплакваше от главоболие. Ken complained of a headache. Ken was complaining about a headache. >>eng<< Koliko te dugo boli glava? How long has your head been hurting? How long has your head been hurting? >>eng<< Možete li mi, molim vas, reći kako da stignem do aerodroma? Could you please tell me how to get to the airport? Can you please tell me how to get to the airport? >>eng<< Тоа е наредба, Томе. That's an order, Tom. That's an order, Tom. >>eng<< Da je bila malo strpljivija, mogla je uspjeti. If she had been a little more patient, she could have succeeded. If she had been a little more patient, she could have made it. >>eng<< Ti i ja treba da porazgovaramo. You and I should talk. You and I need to talk. >>eng<< Svi smo mi to radili. We all have done that. We all did. >>eng<< Вера може да помера планине. Faith can move mountains. Faith can move mountains. >>eng<< Neću plivati. I won't swim. I'm not swimming. >>eng<< Da li si se potpuno oporavila? Are you fully recovered? Are you fully recovered? >>eng<< Тоа личи на чај. That looks like tea. It looks like tea. >>eng<< Аз лично нямам нищо против. I personally don't have anything against it. I personally don't mind. >>eng<< Tom zostal v Bostone. Tom stayed in Boston. Tom's back in Boston. >>eng<< Moramo da pozovemo Toma. We've got to call Tom. We need to call Tom. >>eng<< Pričaj mi o svom učitelju. Please tell me about your teacher. Tell me about your teacher. >>eng<< Вчера посетих Тони. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony yesterday. >>eng<< Izgleda da Tom tako misli. Tom seems to think so. I guess that's what Tom thinks. >>eng<< Бил съм в Бостън само веднъж. I've only been to Boston once. I've only been to Boston once. >>eng<< Ще послушам съвета ви. I'll follow your advice. I'll listen to your advice. >>eng<< Nikad nisam pomislio na to. I have never thought of that. I never thought about it. >>eng<< Аз не вярвам на жените. I don't trust women. I don't trust women. >>eng<< Късмет ти желая. I wish you good luck. Good luck to you. >>eng<< Jeste li umešani u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? >>eng<< Da li imate nešto da prijavite? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? >>eng<< Da li želiš da vidiš totalno pomračenje Sunca koje će ostaviti Svalbard u mraku 20. Marta 2015.? Do you want to see the total solar eclipse that will leave Svalbard in the dark on March 20, 2015? Do you want to see a total solar eclipse that will leave Svalbard in the dark on March 20, 2015? >>eng<< Rekao si da si spreman. You said you were ready. You said you were ready. >>eng<< Nastavite da radite. Continue working. Keep working. >>eng<< Това е твоя отговорност. That's your responsibility. That's your responsibility. >>eng<< Морам нешто попити. I need something to drink. I have to drink something. >>eng<< Аз съм опасна. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. >>eng<< Nisam znao da si tako bogata. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. >>eng<< Добавете този сайт в "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this site to Favorites. >>eng<< Čo sa ti stalo? What happened to you? Who cares? >>eng<< Нема постоји правило без изузетка. There is no rule without exception. There is no rule without exception. >>eng<< Лимун је кисео. Lemon is sour. Lemon is sour. >>eng<< Ми се допаѓа училиштево. I like this school. I like this school. >>eng<< Daj da probam. Let me give it a shot. Let me try. >>eng<< Dochádza nám benzín. We're running out of gas. Dochádza nám benzín. >>eng<< Ona je pevačica. She is a singer. She's a singer. >>eng<< Kako se zove tvoj prijatelj? What is your friend's name? What's your friend's name? >>eng<< Зошто си толку растревожен вечерва? Why are you so nervous tonight? Why are you so upset tonight? >>eng<< Какъв цвят е кучето на Том? What color is Tom's dog? What color is Tom's dog? >>eng<< Ni to nisam uradio. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. >>eng<< Напълно съм изтощен. I'm completely exhausted. I'm completely exhausted. >>eng<< Ти психично болна ли си? Are you psychotic? Are you mentally ill? >>eng<< Ќе прифатам што било. I'll take anything. I'll accept anything. >>eng<< Jeste li spremni? Are you ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Ja sam vrlo tužan čovjek. I am a very sad man. I am a very sad man. >>eng<< Том те памти. Tom remembers you. Tom remembers you. >>eng<< Одговорот беше „да“. The answer was yes. The answer was yes. >>eng<< Ne kasnim, zar ne? I'm not late, am I? I'm not late, am I? >>eng<< Срещали ли сте се и преди? Have you met her before? Have you met before? >>eng<< Безбедно место е. It's in a safe place. It's a safe place. >>eng<< To je bilo strašno. That was terrible. That was terrible. >>eng<< Spadol som, pretože som šiel dole prirýchlo. I fell because I went down too fast. Spadol catfish, sued som shiel down prirýchlo. >>eng<< Dovlači guzicu ovamo! Get your ass over here! Get your ass over here! >>eng<< Volim da vas gledam kako igrate. I love watching you dance. I love watching you play. >>eng<< Денес е сончево, но и студено. Today it's sunny but cold. Today is sunny, but also cold. >>eng<< Mal by si spolupracovať. You should cooperate. You're a half-wit. >>eng<< Просто не се чувствувам безбедно во врска со тоа. It just doesn't feel safe. I just don't feel safe about it. >>eng<< Искам по-подробна информация. I want more detailed information. I want more detailed information. >>eng<< "Učite iz svojih grešaka" i "Iskustvo je najbolji učitelj", kažu, ali na duge staze čak i najbolji učitelj pobesni, ako on ili ona ima previše da predaje u premalo vremena. "Learn from your mistakes" and "Experience is the best teacher" they say, but in the long run even the best teacher gets mad, if he or she has too much to teach in too little time. "Learn from your mistakes" and "Experience is the best teacher," they say, but in the long run even the best teacher gets angry if he or she has too much to teach in too little time. >>eng<< Треба да зборуваме во четири очи. We need to talk face to face. We need to talk in four eyes. >>eng<< Tom i ja smo bili zauzeti. Tom and I've been busy. Tom and I were busy. >>eng<< Ja sam ponosan na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. >>eng<< Пука ми. I don't give a damn about it. I'm sick of it. >>eng<< Zar se ne sećaš pitanja? Don't you remember the question? Don't you remember the question? >>eng<< Планът ви се провали. Your plan failed. Your plan failed. >>eng<< Ha? Gde sam zaturio ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I put the keys? >>eng<< Tom je opet slomio nešto. Tom has broken something again. Tom broke something again. >>eng<< Za to je potrebna hrabrost. It takes courage. That takes courage. >>eng<< Prečo kričís? Why are you yelling? Over the screams? >>eng<< Malo sam utučena. I'm a little bummed. I'm a little beat up. >>eng<< Ja ne mogu da živim takav život. I can't live that kind of life. I can't live such a life. >>eng<< Tom mi je juče napisao preko trideset poruka. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom wrote me over thirty messages yesterday. >>eng<< Том облеков само еден чевел. Tom only has one shoe on. I only put on one shoe. >>eng<< Защо устата ти е отворена? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? >>eng<< Preživljavamo. We're surviving. We're surviving. >>eng<< Може ли да јадам нешто? May I eat something? Can I eat something? >>eng<< Čo čítaš? What are you reading? What are you reading? >>eng<< Ела да ни видиш. Come and see us. Come and see us. >>eng<< Не съм казвал на Том. I haven't told Tom. I didn't tell Tom. >>eng<< Није битно где сам. Where I am doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where I am. >>eng<< Jesi li umešana u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? >>eng<< Том отрча во вецето. Tom rushed into the bathroom. Tom ran into the council. >>eng<< Донаправи ли го? Have you finished it? Did you finish it? >>eng<< Razgovarao sam sa Tomom juče. I talked to Tom yesterday. I spoke to Tom yesterday. >>eng<< Tom će verovatno i dalje da bude besan. Tom will probably still be angry. Tom's probably still going to be pissed. >>eng<< Donesi mi njenu glavu. Bring me her head. Bring me her head. >>eng<< Бостон вреди да се види. Boston is worth seeing. Boston is worth seeing. >>eng<< Започни сега. Start now. Start now. >>eng<< Направив што можев. I did what I could. I did what I could. >>eng<< Събуди се, Том. Wake up, Tom. Wake up, Tom. >>eng<< Tomova porodica se često selila. Tom's family moved around a lot. Tom's family moved out a lot. >>eng<< Stvarno sam srećan što sam ovde. I'm really happy I'm here. I'm really happy to be here. >>eng<< Тортана убаво изгледа. That cake looks good. The cake looks good. >>eng<< Plivanje je oblik vežbanja. Swimming is a form of exercise. Swimming is a form of exercise. >>eng<< Ne očekujem ništa od tebe. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. >>eng<< Iznenađena sam Tomovim odgovorom. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I'm surprised at Tom's answer. >>eng<< Je li tvoj? Is it yours? Is it yours? >>eng<< Не ми текнува дека сум го купил ова. I don't remember buying this. I don't remember buying this. >>eng<< Tom nije znao koje pitanje da pita. Tom didn't know what question to ask. Tom didn't know what question to ask. >>eng<< Нека те запозная с Том. Let me introduce you to Tom. Let me introduce you to Tom. >>eng<< Moj omiljeni učitelj je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite teacher was Jackson. >>eng<< Том е упорит. Tom is persevering. Tom's stubborn. >>eng<< Tom voli da vozi. Tom loves to drive. Tom likes to drive. >>eng<< Mislim da ćeš moći da uradiš to. I think you'll not be able to do that. I think you're gonna be able to do that. >>eng<< Не трябва да даваш пари назаем на такъв човек. You should not have lent the money to such a person. You don't have to lend money to a man like that. >>eng<< Том не сака да го проведе остатокот од животот во затвор. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. >>eng<< Што си облекол? What are you wearing? What are you wearing? >>eng<< Ne vidim ko je to. I can't see who it is. I don't see who that is. >>eng<< Не знам какво да кажа. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. >>eng<< On ima dva automobila. He has two cars. He's got two cars. >>eng<< Дојди на прошетка со мене. Take a walk with me. Come for a walk with me. >>eng<< Като порасна, ще се омъжа за Том. When I grow up, I'm going to get married to Tom. When I grow up, I'll marry Tom. >>eng<< Том е учител по френски. Tom is a French teacher. Tom is a French teacher. >>eng<< Kakav ti je bio dan? How was your day? How was your day? >>eng<< Tom je na putu na ovamo. Tom is on his way over. Tom's on his way here. >>eng<< Дури ни Том сѐ уште не знае. Even Tom doesn't know it yet. Even Tom doesn't know yet. >>eng<< Мислам дека. I think so. I think so. >>eng<< Ти си безобзиран. You're inconsiderate. You're reckless. >>eng<< Tom će uspeti. Tom'll manage. Tom's gonna make it. >>eng<< Не е толкова дълбок. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. >>eng<< Винаги си добра. You're always good. You're always good. >>eng<< Том иска повече пари. Tom wants more money. Tom wants more money. >>eng<< Koliko je duga reka Nil? How long is the Nile River? How long is the Nile River? >>eng<< Може ли тука да ги чекам? Can I wait for them here? Can I wait for them here? >>eng<< Защо не си свалиш палтото? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take your coat off? >>eng<< Nemoj da se uplašiš. Now don't be frightened. Don't be scared. >>eng<< Нищо не съм пипала. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. >>eng<< Треба ти новац. You need money. You need money. >>eng<< Таман ми е. It fits perfectly. It's just me. >>eng<< Prestanite da pokušavate da me napravite krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. >>eng<< A teraz sa porozprávajme o vážných záležitostiach! Now let us talk about serious matters! A teraz with porospráj o vázných záležitostiach! >>eng<< Keď to zlomíš, kúpiš to. You break it, you buy it. You're breaking it, you're buying it. >>eng<< Те не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not so bad. >>eng<< Da nadogradite firmver, idite na stranicu za preuzimanje i dovucite najnoviju verziju. To upgrade the firmware, you must go to the download page and download the latest version. To upgrade the firmware, go to the download page and drag the latest version. >>eng<< Tom je upucan triput. Tom has been shot three times. Tom was shot three times. >>eng<< Spreman sam da te dobro platim da uradiš to. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. I'm willing to pay you well to do it. >>eng<< Ќе бидеш известен со време. You'll be notified in due course. You'll be notified in time. >>eng<< Ispekao sam pitu od jabuka. I baked an apple pie. I baked apple pie. >>eng<< Кому зборува Дан? Who is Dan talking to? Who's Dan talking to? >>eng<< Ne poznajemo naše komšije. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. >>eng<< Може ли само да поразговарам со тебе? Could I just talk with you? Can I just talk to you? >>eng<< Ти вече си забравил. You've already forgotten. You've already forgotten. >>eng<< Živimo v miru. We live in peace. We live in peace. >>eng<< Сосема заборавив на него. I completely forgot about him. I completely forgot about him. >>eng<< Това ли би искал Том? Is that what Tom would want? Is that what Tom would want? >>eng<< Oni žive na visokoj nozi. They're eating high on the hog. They live on a high leg. >>eng<< Nisam vlasnik. I'm not the owner. I'm not the owner. >>eng<< Povedali, že chcú byť právnikmi. They said they want to be lawyers. They said, "Chcú by" právnikmi. >>eng<< Том не сакаше да ми помогне. Tom wouldn't help me. Tom didn't want to help me. >>eng<< Том напишал две книги. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. >>eng<< Мен ме е страх от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I am afraid of earthquakes. >>eng<< Удобно ли ви е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? >>eng<< Ще разгледам обстойно доклада ти. I'll study your report. I'll take a closer look at your report. >>eng<< Ček-ček festival se održao u Latviji. A ‘chek-chek’ festival took place in Latvia. The festival was held in Latvia. >>eng<< Земи марамче, ти тече носот. Take a tissue, your nose is running. Take a scarf, your nose is running. >>eng<< Осъден на смърт. Condemned to death. Sentenced to death. >>eng<< Zainteresovana sam. I'm interested. I'm interested. >>eng<< Немој да дозволиш да ти измакне овако добра шанса. Don't let such a good opportunity go by. Don't let it get away with this good chance. >>eng<< Посетили смо хиподром. Посетили смо тркалиште за коње. We visited the hippodrome. We visited the horse racecourse. We've visited the Hippodrome. >>eng<< Otvori vrata! Open the door! Open the door! >>eng<< Gubiš. You're losing. You're losing. >>eng<< Nismo bile dovoljno oprezne. We weren't cautious enough. We weren't careful enough. >>eng<< Се консултирав со него. I consulted him. I consulted him. >>eng<< Не очаквах да те видя на място като това. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I didn't expect to see you in a place like this. >>eng<< Pokušaj. Try it. Try it. >>eng<< Сите сте плашливци. You're all cowards. You're all cowards. >>eng<< Мислам дека би можел да се навикнам да те гледам секој ден. I think I could get used to seeing you every day. I think I could get used to seeing you every day. >>eng<< Како е мајка ти? How is your mother? How's your mother? >>eng<< Денес е затворено. They're closed today. It's closed today. >>eng<< Зашто ми га дајеш сада? Why give it to me now? Why are you giving it to me now? >>eng<< Dali sme si slnečné okuliare. We put on our sunglasses. Do you mind if I take a snowy eyeliar? >>eng<< Jesam li stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? >>eng<< Vidimo se u tvojim snovima. See you in your dreams. See you in your dreams. >>eng<< Mám rád kávu. I like coffee. Mám rád kávu. >>eng<< Nemoj da vičeš. Don't yell. Don't yell. >>eng<< Био сам веома узбуђен. I was very excited. I was very excited. >>eng<< Zostávam doma. I'm staying at home. I'm staying home. >>eng<< Ентусиазиран започна неговото заслужаващо уважение начинание. He enthusiastically engaged himself in this honorable undertaking. Enthusiasmous began his venerable endeavor. >>eng<< Аз не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото си мислиш. I don't speak French as well as you think I do. I don't speak French as well as you think. >>eng<< Мислев да ти кажам. I meant to tell you. I thought I'd tell you. >>eng<< Играх с Тони вчера. I played with Tony yesterday. I played with Tony yesterday. >>eng<< Тврдокрилците, пеперутките и лебарките се инсекти. Beetles, butterflies and cockroaches are insects. Forthers, butterflies and cockroaches are insects. >>eng<< Ja som ju ignoroval. I ignored her. I ignored them. >>eng<< Аз живея в Япония. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. >>eng<< Vidličky boli používané veľa rokov v Európe a na Blízkom východe, ale len na varenie. Forks were used for many years in Europe and the Near East, but only for cooking. Vidličky pains pugívané larger arms in Európe a on Blízko východe, ale len on varenie. >>eng<< Том е пак при себе. Tom is himself again. Tom's back. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще се оправим. I think we'll be OK. I think we're gonna be okay. >>eng<< Reci Tomu šta je Meri uradila. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mary did. >>eng<< Odvešću te kod Toma. I'll take you to Tom. I'm gonna take you to Tom's. >>eng<< Иззад хладилника излиза хлебарка. From behind the fridge, a roach comes out. Behind the refrigerator comes a cockroach. >>eng<< Kad se vraćaš natrag u Italiju? When are you going back to Italy? When are you going back to Italy? >>eng<< Остани миран. Stay calm. Stay calm. >>eng<< Уморни ми се очите. My eyes are tired. I'm tired of my eyes. >>eng<< Няма да се опитвам да избягам. I won't try to escape. I'm not trying to escape. >>eng<< Znam da je ovo čudno. I know that this is strange. I know this is weird. >>eng<< Koji ti je kurac? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with you? >>eng<< Би сакал да го направам тоа. I'd like to do that. I'd like to do that. >>eng<< Претпоставив дека е бесплатно. I assumed that it was free. I assumed it was free. >>eng<< Жива душа немаше на паркиралиштето. Not a soul was to be seen in the parking lot. There was no soul in the parking lot. >>eng<< Ovo je komunizam. This is communism. This is communism. >>eng<< Том е прочуен диригент. Tom is a world-famous conductor. Tom is a famous conductor. >>eng<< Kako da se otarasite krtica u bašti? How do you get rid of moles in the garden? How to get rid of moles in the garden? >>eng<< Уби ме прејака реч! - рече песник. "I was killed by too powerful a word!" said the poet. “You killed me too much!” said the poet. >>eng<< Фатив сипаници. I came down with measles. I caught some measles. >>eng<< Toma je bio besan kao ris. Tom began to feel hot under the collar. Tom was furious like a lynx. >>eng<< Сега го унакази. Now you've ruined it. Now you've disfigured him. >>eng<< Mary je Tomova kći jedinica. Mary is Tom's only daughter. Mary is Tom's only daughter. >>eng<< Veliki dečaci ne plaču. Big boys don't cry. Big boys don't cry. >>eng<< Не те дупам. I'm not messing with you. I don't touch you. >>eng<< Види го саатот. Look at the clock. Look at the clock. >>eng<< Не съм ученик. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. >>eng<< Да ядем суши. Let's eat sushi. Let's eat sushi. >>eng<< Dlho som na vás čakala. I waited for you a long time. I've been waiting for you. >>eng<< Ще те привикам утре. I'll call you up tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom voli sir. Tom likes cheese. Tom loves cheese. >>eng<< Skinuo se. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. >>eng<< Mogla bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. >>eng<< Ја сам навикао. I'm used to it. I'm used to it. >>eng<< Помогни ми, Том. Help me out here, Tom. Help me, Tom. >>eng<< Ne vičite. Don't scream. Don't yell. >>eng<< Тоа ми е планот. That's my plan. That's my plan. >>eng<< Sneži. It's snowing. Snow. >>eng<< Koliko ću da primim? How much will I receive? How long will I take it? >>eng<< Как може Том да не Ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How can you not like Tom? >>eng<< Родителите ми ти пращат специални поздрави. My parents send you their best regards. My parents send you special greetings. >>eng<< Што е со тебе и него? What is it with you and him? What about you and him? >>eng<< Rada športujem. I like playing sports. I love sports. >>eng<< Сѐ уште не сум го поправил тоа. I haven't fixed that yet. I haven't fixed it yet. >>eng<< Само затвори очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. >>eng<< Tom je takođe prodavac. Tom is also a salesman. Tom's also a salesman. >>eng<< Iznenađena sam što nisi znao da Tom zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom could speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom was French. >>eng<< Študovali ste. You were studying. You studied. >>eng<< Zabavi se. Have fun. Have fun. >>eng<< Ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. >>eng<< Tom kaže da želi da se promijeni. Tom says he wants to change. Tom says he wants to change. >>eng<< Не можеш за све да кривиш Тома. You can't blame it all on Tom. You can't blame Tom for everything. >>eng<< Дай да изясним кое е правилно и кое - грешно. Let's make clear which is right and which is wrong. Let's figure out what's right and what's wrong. >>eng<< Nadajmo se da si u pravu. Let's hope you're right. Let's hope you're right. >>eng<< Просто прави, каквото Том казва. Just do what Tom says. Just do what Tom says. >>eng<< Tom mi je rekao da je izgubio svesku. Tom told me that he had lost his textbook. Tom told me he lost his notebook. >>eng<< Можеш ли да дойдеш в неделя вечерта? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come on Sunday night? >>eng<< Kad nema vesti, to su dobre vesti. No news is a good news. When there's no news, that's good news. >>eng<< Имате ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? >>eng<< Искам да ми кажеш всичко, което знаеш за Том. I want you to tell me everything you know about Tom. I want you to tell me everything you know about Tom. >>eng<< Том и Мери изгледа се совршени еден за друг. Tom and Mary seem perfect together. Tom and Mary seem perfect for each other. >>eng<< Je li on doktor? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? >>eng<< Máš vodičský preukaz? Do you have your driver's license? Máš guideský predication? >>eng<< Пак си правел бели! You've been up to mischief again! You've made white again! >>eng<< Баш сам то хтео да кажем. I was just about to say that. That's exactly what I was going to say. >>eng<< Imao sam mnogo loš dan. I've had a real bad day. I've had a very bad day. >>eng<< Tom te mrzi iz dna duše. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you from the bottom of his soul. >>eng<< Možeš da ideš da se igraš sa drugarima kada završiš pospremanje kuće. You can go play with your friends when your chores are done. You can go play with your friends when you're done cleaning the house. >>eng<< Neko je bio ovde. Someone has been here. Someone was here. >>eng<< Предполагам, че не ти си купил това. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy this. >>eng<< Vy všetci ste skončili. You're all done. You're done. You're done. >>eng<< Желим да живим у граду. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. >>eng<< Чух, че може да завали сняг. I heard it might snow. I heard it could snow. >>eng<< Дали сакаш да кажеш дека не сакаш Том да ти дојде на забавата? Are you saying you don't want Tom to come to your party? Are you saying you don't want Tom to come to your party? >>eng<< Завъртях бравата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the lock. >>eng<< Мери е в отпуск по майчинство. Mary is on maternity leave. Mary's on maternity leave. >>eng<< Но той не е ли над закона? But isn't he above the law? But isn't he above the law? >>eng<< Ја нећу ништа рећи. I'm not going to say anything. I won't say anything. >>eng<< Значителен брой студенти искат да учат в университета. A considerable number of students want to go to college. A large number of students want to study at the university. >>eng<< Saosećajan sam. I'm not unsympathetic. I'm sympathetic. >>eng<< To su ohrabrujuće vesti. That's encouraging news. That's encouraging news. >>eng<< Да, ангеле мој. Yes, my angel. Yes, my angel. >>eng<< Няма да повярваш. You wouldn't believe it. You won't believe it. >>eng<< Сега ти си надлежен. You're in charge now. You're in charge now. >>eng<< Каква свиња си. You're such a pig. What a pig you are. >>eng<< Bolje da uđemo unutra. We'd better get inside. We'd better get inside. >>eng<< Biću bolje sada. I'll be better now. I'll be better now. >>eng<< Nie, ďakujem. No, thank you. Nie, I'm waiting. >>eng<< Je skoro šesť hodín. It's almost six o'clock. It's almost a six-step walk. >>eng<< Повече да не си повторила тази дума. Don't say that word again. Don't say that again. >>eng<< Том е интересен човек. Tom is an interesting guy. Tom is an interesting man. >>eng<< Видов како игра карти со сите нив. I saw him playing cards with all of them. I saw him playing cards with all of them. >>eng<< Многу бевме блиски. We were really tight. We were very close. >>eng<< Доволна ли си? Are you happy about this? Are you happy? >>eng<< Na samo nekoliko minuta odavde je. It is only a few minutes away. It's just a few minutes from here. >>eng<< Мојот одговор е сѐ уште потврден. My answer is still yes. My answer is still confirmed. >>eng<< Ti si tužan. You're sad. You're sad. >>eng<< Том рече дека си во Бостон. Tom said you were in Boston. Tom said you were in Boston. >>eng<< Tom je bio u publici. Tom was in the audience. Tom was in the audience. >>eng<< Ljubim te z vsem srcem. I love you with all my heart. I love you with all my heart. >>eng<< Tom je štedeo novac da bi kupio automobil. Tom has been saving money to buy a car. Tom was saving money to buy a car. >>eng<< Какво е времето днес? How is the weather today? What's the weather today? >>eng<< Tom nije toliko star kao Mary. Tom isn't as old as Mary is. Tom's not as old as Mary. >>eng<< Zbog njenih fizičkih nedostataka, Meri koristi štap za hodanje kada je napolju. Because of her physical disability Mary now uses a walking stick when she has to go outdoors. Because of her physical flaws, Mary uses a walking stick when she's out. >>eng<< Мора да купи сину нови бицикл. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. He's got to buy his son a new bike. >>eng<< Ovu kuću je izgradio poznati arhitekt. A famous architect built this house. This house was built by a famous architect. >>eng<< Nemaš dozvolu da uđeš u tu sobu. You aren't allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. >>eng<< О Боже! Good heavens! Oh, my God! >>eng<< Prosledi mi šećer, molim te. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me the sugar, please. >>eng<< Pričaću s Tomom o tome. I'll speak to Tom about that. I'll talk to Tom about it. >>eng<< Da li bi mogao da dobijem jedan zagrljaj? Would you mind giving me a hug? Could I have a hug? >>eng<< Uvidím ťa zajtra? Will I see you tomorrow? Can I see the breakfast? >>eng<< На систему је завршена поправка после три године волонтерског рада. After three years of work by volunteers, the system has been fully repaired. The system completed the repair after three years of volunteer work. >>eng<< Oni su takođe otkrili da se ista pogrešna procena napravila i u nekim drugim slučajevima. They have also found that the same miscalculation was made in some other cases. They also found that the same miscalculation was made in some other cases. >>eng<< Nešto je upravo iskrslo. Something just came up. Something just came up. >>eng<< Най-голямото щастие в живота е да обичаш и да бъдеш обичан. It is the greatest happiness in life to love and to be loved. The greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved. >>eng<< Колко си гладен? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? >>eng<< Том е јунак. Tom is a hero. Tom's a hero. >>eng<< Том ја симна сликата од ѕидот и закачи друга на тоа место. Tom took off the picture on the wall and hung another there. Tom took the picture off the wall and hung another one in that place. >>eng<< Kažu da zmije hipnotiziraju male životinje i ptice. Snakes are said to mesmerize small animals and birds. They say that snakes hypnotize small animals and birds. >>eng<< Tom obično dolazi u školu pre bilo kog drugog studenta iz odeljenja. Tom usually gets to school earlier than any other student in his class. Tom usually comes to school before any other student in the department. >>eng<< Се знаеме. We know each other. We know each other. >>eng<< Тя е нейна приятелка. She is her friend. She's her friend. >>eng<< Имам информацията, която поискахте. I have the information you requested. I have the information you requested. >>eng<< Претпоставувам дека треба да одам да зборувам со Том. I suppose I should go talk to Tom. I guess I should go talk to Tom. >>eng<< Времето е на наша страна. Time's on our side. Time is on our side. >>eng<< Glasina se proširila celim gradom. The rumor's all over town. The rumor spread throughout the city. >>eng<< Devojka je pustila ptice iz kaveza. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl let the birds out of the cage. >>eng<< В "Деня на майката" подарих на майка ми деветнайсет цветя. I gave my mother 19 flowers on Mother's Day. In Mother's Day, I gave my mother nineteen flowers. >>eng<< Том понякога пее на френски. Tom sometimes sings in French. Tom sings in French sometimes. >>eng<< Jeho zuby sú biele ako perly. His teeth are white like a pearl. Yeho teethy sú beele if perly. >>eng<< Ne izgledaš baš najbolje. Jesi li bolestan? You don't look very well. Are you sick? You don't look so good. >>eng<< Том не е многу млад. Tom isn't very young. Tom's not very young. >>eng<< Reci Tomu šta je Meri uradila. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mary did. >>eng<< Боли те глава? Does your head hurt? You got a headache? >>eng<< Не ми беше лесно да признаам дека сум згрешил. It wasn't easy for me to admit that I was wrong. It was not easy for me to admit I was wrong. >>eng<< Ova je taška koju sam kupila u Italiji. This is the handbag I bought in Italy. This is the bag I bought in Italy. >>eng<< Бих искала да ви задам още няколко въпроса. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. >>eng<< Не съм виждала Том близо месец. I haven't seen Tom in a month. I haven't seen Tom in a month. >>eng<< Aj Tom išiel do Bostonu. Tom went to Boston, too. A.T. Ishiel to Boston. >>eng<< Ko dam revnim hrano, mi pravijo svetnik. Ko vprašam, zakaj revni nimajo hrane, mi pravijo komunist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give poor food, they call me a saint, and when I ask why the poor don't have food, they call me a communist. >>eng<< Мора од некаде да се створило. It had to come from somewhere. It must have come from somewhere. >>eng<< Том и Мери оставаа отпечатоци од раце во течниот цемент. Tom and Mary made handprints in the wet cement. Tom and Mary left handprints in the liquid cement. >>eng<< Šta si sada uradila? What have you done now? What did you do now? >>eng<< Ja i dalje mislim da internet nije mesto za decu. I still believe the Internet is not a place for children. I don’t think the internet is a place for kids. >>eng<< Dođite brzo! Come quickly! - Go fetch a physician. >>eng<< Napravljen je video snimak intervjua i objavljen je širom interneta. The interview was recorded on video and shared all over the Internet. A video of the interview was made and it was published all over the Internet. >>eng<< Tomu je sada bolje nego što mu je bilo ranije. Tom is now better off than he was before. That's better now than it used to be. >>eng<< Koliko imaš knjiga? How many books do you have? How many books do you have? >>eng<< Том не протестираше. Tom didn't protest. Tom did not protest. >>eng<< Прекрасно је, зар не? That's awesome, right? It's beautiful, isn't it? >>eng<< Sve ostalo je nebitno. The rest doesn't matter. Everything else is irrelevant. >>eng<< Мисля, че ме излъга. I think you lied to me. I think you lied to me. >>eng<< Ne slažemo se dobro sa komšijama. We don't get along well with our neighbors. We don't get along well with our neighbors. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Словакия? What's the minimum salary in Slovakia? What is the minimum wage in Slovakia? >>eng<< Trudimo se. We're trying. We're trying. >>eng<< Дарих кръв този следобед. I donated blood this afternoon. I gave blood this afternoon. >>eng<< Другом ти то! You know better than that. Other than that! >>eng<< Немој да зборуваш така. Don't talk that way. Don't talk like that. >>eng<< Той се реши да отиде там. He made up his mind to go there. He decided to go there. >>eng<< Опитай се да разбереш кога тръгва влакът. Try and find out when the train leaves. Try to find out when the train is leaving. >>eng<< Tom je pao sa kamiona, dok je hranio irvase. Tom fell off the truck while he was feeding the reindeer. Tom fell off the truck while he was feeding the reindeer. >>eng<< On pokušava. He tries. He's trying. >>eng<< To nije prijetnja. It isn't a threat. That's not a threat. >>eng<< Том пливаше во базенот. Tom swam in the pool. Tom was swimming in the pool. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Мексико? What's the minimum salary in Mexico? What is the minimum wage in Mexico? >>eng<< Повеќето луѓе мораат да работат за да се издржуваат. Most people have to work for their livelihood. Most people have to work to support themselves. >>eng<< Сакам да знам од кого бил тој телефонски повик. I'd like to know who that phone call was from. I want to know who that phone call came from. >>eng<< Виждал съм ги преди. I've seen them before. I've seen them before. >>eng<< Колку треба да чекам? How long should I wait? How long do I have to wait? >>eng<< Почео је да виче. He began to shout. He started yelling. >>eng<< Том пије пиво. Tom drinks beer. Tom's drinking beer. >>eng<< Nemam kartu. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. >>eng<< Ne znam imam li vremena. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. >>eng<< V tejto budove nikto nežije. No one lives in this building. In the Tato Buddhas of Nietzsche. >>eng<< Ma šta radio, nemoj da se smeješ. No matter what you do, don't laugh. Whatever you do, don't laugh. >>eng<< Ние ще посетим вуйчо си идната неделя. We are going to visit our uncle next Sunday. We're going to visit our uncle next Sunday. >>eng<< Зарем не би било штета тоа? Wouldn't that be a shame? Wouldn't that be a shame? >>eng<< Виждал съм ви преди. I've seen you before. I've seen you before. >>eng<< Infracrveni i ultraljubičasti zraci su vrste svetlosti nevidljive ljudskom oku. Infrared and ultra-violet rays are types of light invisible to the human eye. Infrared and ultraviolet rays are a kind of light invisible to the human eye. >>eng<< Јас сум зомби! I'm a zombie! I'm a zombie! >>eng<< Сите сме исти. We're all the same. We're all the same. >>eng<< Uč sa! Study! Teach off! >>eng<< Ние използваме градския транспорт. We use public transportation. We use city transport. >>eng<< Moja sestra se igra sa lutkama. My sister is playing with dolls. My sister's playing with dolls. >>eng<< Елате долу. Come downstairs. Come down. >>eng<< Помислих си, че може да се отметнеш. I thought you might back out. I thought you might turn away. >>eng<< Nisam znao. I didn't know. I didn't know. >>eng<< Искам да подобря произношението си по френски. I'd like to improve my French pronunciation. I want to improve my French pronunciation. >>eng<< Z njim je šla v kino. She went with him to the movies. She went to the movies with him. >>eng<< Мъдрецът ме боли. My wisdom tooth hurts. The wise man hurts me. >>eng<< Nie som si istý. I'm not certain. Nie som you're east. >>eng<< Nemam nameru da se menjam. I have no intention of changing. I have no intention of changing. >>eng<< Сѐ уште не сме го нашле Том. We haven't found Tom yet. We haven't found Tom yet. >>eng<< Svi su bolesni. Everyone's sick. They're all sick. >>eng<< Šta znate o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? >>eng<< Mary je Tomova kći jedinica. Mary is Tom's only daughter. Mary is Tom's only daughter. >>eng<< Изглежда всичко, което Том иска, са пари. All Tom seems to want is money. Everything Tom wants seems to be money. >>eng<< Дадох на всеки поотделно подарък. I bought them each a present. I gave each one a gift. >>eng<< Ovo bi trebalo da upali. This should do the trick. This should work. >>eng<< Колко епизода на One Piece сте гледали? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you seen? >>eng<< Možeš li da navučeš zavese? Can you close the drapes? Can you draw the curtains? >>eng<< Мислам дека веќе не треба да чекаме. I don't think we should wait any longer. I don't think we should wait anymore. >>eng<< Мисля, че си направила грешка. I think you've made a mistake. I think you made a mistake. >>eng<< С какви пари разполагате? How much money do you have? What kind of money do you have? >>eng<< Не ми се допаѓа вкусот на кромид. I don't like the taste of onions. I don't like the taste of onions. >>eng<< Што правевте со Том вчера? What did you and Tom do yesterday? What were you doing with Tom yesterday? >>eng<< Solarna energija je čist izvog energije. Solar power is a clean source of energy. Solar energy is pure energy. >>eng<< Odmori se, Tome. Take a break, Tom. Rest, Tom. >>eng<< Stvorena si za mene. You were meant for me. You were made for me. >>eng<< Епа, тука сум за тебе. Well, I'm here for you. Well, I'm here for you. >>eng<< Могу и затворених очију. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can keep my eyes closed. >>eng<< Заборави на тоа, добро? Forget about it, OK? Forget about it, okay? >>eng<< Ja som majiteľ. I'm the owner. I'm a Mayan. >>eng<< Danas si užasno poranila. You're here awfully early today. You're terribly early today. >>eng<< Не ми пречи да помагам. I don't mind helping. I don't mind helping. >>eng<< Crkni! Die! Die! >>eng<< Za mene je ovde previše bučno. It's too noisy here for me. It's too noisy for me here. >>eng<< Ludost je prešla granicu. The craziness has crossed a line. Madness crossed the line. >>eng<< Velika grupa ljudi se okupila. A large crowd of people gathered. A large group of people gathered. >>eng<< Това е нещо доста различно. That's quite another thing. It's something quite different. >>eng<< Понякога той е много странен. Sometimes, he's very strange. Sometimes he's very strange. >>eng<< Nadamo se da će se dopasti ljudima. We hope people like it. We hope people like it. >>eng<< Posao je već bio završen. The job has already been done. The job was already done. >>eng<< Поставивме шатор. We put up a tent. We set up a tent. >>eng<< Зошто би му помогнал? Why should I help him? Why would you help him? >>eng<< Прие ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? >>eng<< Искам да говоря френски гладко. I'd like to speak French fluently. I want to speak French smoothly. >>eng<< Radi što želiš. Uopće me ne zanima. Do whatever you want. I don't care. I don't care at all. >>eng<< Malo smo popili. We drank a little. We had a little drink. >>eng<< Najdi boga, če ga lahko. Find God, if you can. Find God if you can. >>eng<< Ги победи. You've defeated them. He beat them. >>eng<< Tom će da progovori. Tom'll speak. Tom will talk. >>eng<< Tom je rekao da ostanemo ovde. Tom said to stay here. Tom said to stay here. >>eng<< Том беше неодолив. Tom was irresistible. Tom was irresistible. >>eng<< Не, не аз. По-малкият ми брат. No, not me. It's my younger brother. No, not me, my little brother. >>eng<< Отсвири ја пак таа песна. Play that song again. Play that song again. >>eng<< Селаните жнеат жетва. The peasant reaps the harvest. Peasants reap harvest. >>eng<< U kuhinji je mačka. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. >>eng<< Том је нестао. Tom disappeared. Tom's gone. >>eng<< To je juče pokvarilo raspoloženje za stolom. That ruined the mood at the dinner table yesterday. That broke the mood at the table yesterday. >>eng<< Делфините са много интелигентни. The dolphins are very intelligent. Dolphins are very intelligent. >>eng<< Želim da te vidim. I wanna see you. I want to see you. >>eng<< Tom ima dobrog mentora. Tom had a good mentor. Tom has a good mentor. >>eng<< Това е моят стол. That's my chair. This is my chair. >>eng<< Drago nam je što smo ovde. We're glad to be here. We're glad to be here. >>eng<< Čuo sam čudni zvuk koji je dolazio iz garaže. I heard a strange sound coming from the garage. I heard a strange sound coming from the garage. >>eng<< Tom je odlučio prodati automobil. Tom has decided to sell his car. Tom decided to sell the car. >>eng<< Ko živi u komšiluku? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives in the neighborhood? >>eng<< По кое време ходите до пазара? What time do you go to the market? What time do you go to the market? >>eng<< Хайде да делим наградата петдесет на петдесет. Let's split the reward fifty-fifty. Let's split the fifty-fifth prize. >>eng<< Ако имах избор, нямаше да правя това. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't be doing this. If I had a choice, I wouldn't do that. >>eng<< Не се притеснявайте, Г-н Президент: с толкова лоши венци, тя едва ли даже ИМА зъби. Don't worry Mr. President: with gums that bad, I doubt she even HAS teeth. Don't worry, Mr. President: with so many bad gums, she hardly even has teeth. >>eng<< Danas je veliki dan, sinko! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son! >>eng<< Ах, колко жалко! What a pity it is! Ah, that's too bad! >>eng<< Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to obaviti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do it. >>eng<< Tom in Mary ne hodita na isto šolo. Tom and Mary don't go to the same school. Tom and Mary don't go to the same school. >>eng<< Sve je prolazno, ali lepe uspomene žive. Everything is perishable, but the good memories live. Everything is temporary, but beautiful memories live. >>eng<< Reci mu da sam nevina. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. >>eng<< Jedva sam izašo iz kuće kad je počela da pada kiša. I had hardly left home when it began raining. I barely got out of the house when it started to rain. >>eng<< Том ја отру Мери. Tom poisoned Mary. Tom poisoned Mary. >>eng<< Nikoli ne bom pozabil trenutka, ko sem v mojih rokah držal delfina. I'll never forget the moment I held a dolphin in my hands. I will never forget the moment I held the dolphin in my hands. >>eng<< Voleo bih da prespavaš. I wish you could stay the night. I'd like you to sleep over. >>eng<< Plašim se zmija. I'm scared of snakes. I'm afraid of snakes. >>eng<< Каде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? >>eng<< Postoji očigledna razlika između dobrih i najboljih. There is an obvious distinction between the good and the best. There is an obvious difference between the good and the best. >>eng<< Затворете си учебниците. Close your books. Close your textbooks. >>eng<< Dole sam. I'm downstairs. I'm downstairs. >>eng<< Dogodilo se upravo ovde. It happened right here. It happened right here. >>eng<< Документ је доспео у непријатељске руке. The document passed into the enemy's hands. The document came into enemy hands. >>eng<< Da li neko od tvojih prijatelja svira gitaru? Do any of your friends play guitar? Do any of your friends play guitar? >>eng<< То је био само почетак. That was just the beginning. It was just the beginning. >>eng<< Кој му прави доручек? Who makes breakfast for him? Who's making his breakfast? >>eng<< Сега е различно. It's different now. It's different now. >>eng<< Некој се обидува да нѐ убие. Someone's trying to kill us. Someone's trying to kill us. >>eng<< Да се говори френски е забавно. Speaking in French is fun. Speaking French is fun. >>eng<< Beskorisno je. It's pointless. It's useless. >>eng<< Iznenadio me je Tomov odgovor. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I was surprised by Tom's answer. >>eng<< Sad razumijemo. Now we understand. Now we understand. >>eng<< To je bila lažna uzbuna. It was a false alarm. It was a false alarm. >>eng<< Никога не съм се гордяла толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. >>eng<< Pretpostavila sam da si zauzeta. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. >>eng<< Kad je ovakvo vreme, najbolje je da sediš kući i ne ideš napolje. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. When it's like this, it's best to sit home and not go out. >>eng<< Не отваряй прозореца. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. >>eng<< Oni kopaju rupu. They're digging a hole. They dig a hole. >>eng<< Трудила сам се да будем љубазна. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be kind. >>eng<< Никой друг не предложи да помогне. Nobody else offered to help. No one else offered to help. >>eng<< Згодните жени стареат многу подобро од убавите жени. Handsome women age far better than pretty women. Pretty women age much better than beautiful women. >>eng<< Не сакам кога ме пипаат. I don't like to be touched. I don't like being touched. >>eng<< Tom mi je pomogao da uštedim koji dinar tako što mi je rekao za jeftinije mesto gde se to može kupiti. Tom helped save me a few bucks by telling me about a cheaper place to buy one. Tom helped me save some money by telling me about a cheaper place to buy it. >>eng<< Взела съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken everything into account. >>eng<< Нема веќе ни збор да кажам. I won't say another word. I don't have another word to say. >>eng<< Том се самоуби. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. >>eng<< Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo novca. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. >>eng<< Се исплаши ли? Were you frightened? Are you scared? >>eng<< Защо не пораснеш? Why don't you grow up? Why don't you grow up? >>eng<< Prečo si myslíš, že na teba myslím? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? You're over myslím, you're over myslím? >>eng<< Всичко се нарежда, точно както го предсказа Том. Everything is working out just as Tom predicted. It all works out just like Tom predicted. >>eng<< Мораме да чекаме тука. We have to wait here. We have to wait here. >>eng<< Teško mi je da razumem francuski kada ga brzo govore. It's difficult for me to understand French when it's spoken quickly. It's hard for me to understand French when they speak it quickly. >>eng<< Не можеш да го порекнеш тоа. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. >>eng<< Стави го сето ѓубре во бурето. Put all the rubbish in the barrel. Put all the trash in the barrel. >>eng<< Pogledaj to. Take a look at that. Look at that. >>eng<< Ме лажеш. You're lying to me. You're lying to me. >>eng<< Verovatno bi trebalo da pričaš malo sporije. You should probably speak a little bit slower. You should probably talk a little slower. >>eng<< Том дори не трепна. Tom didn't even flinch. Tom didn't even blink. >>eng<< Мери си стави кармин. Mary put on some lipstick. Mary put on her lipstick. >>eng<< Можеш ли да препоръчаш друг хотел? Could you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? >>eng<< Зошто мораше баш ти? Why did it have to be you? Why did you have to? >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznao. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. >>eng<< Къде трябва да се подпиша? Where is it that I must sign? Where should I sign? >>eng<< Да поиграем бейзбол. Let's play baseball. Let's play baseball. >>eng<< Том дойде тук да учи френски. Tom came here to study French. Tom came here to learn French. >>eng<< Том не е пијан, ама има пиеше. Tom isn't drunk, but he's been drinking. Tom's not drunk, but he's been drinking. >>eng<< Да видиме со што си имаме работа. Let's see what we're up against. Let's see what we're dealing with. >>eng<< Върви си! Go away! Go away! >>eng<< Mária vyhrala. Mary has won. Mária vyhrala. >>eng<< Мајка ти ти го стави колажот во најгорната фиока. Your mother put your collage in the top drawer. Your mother put your collage in the top drawer. >>eng<< Možete vi bolje od toga. You can do better than that. You can do better than that. >>eng<< Postoji li ikakav dokaz? Is there any proof? Is there any evidence? >>eng<< Nisi počinio ozbiljan prekršaj. You didn't commit a serious crime. You didn't commit a serious offense. >>eng<< Odlazim. I'm going to go. I'm leaving. >>eng<< Danas ću da odem ranije. I'm going to leave early today. I'll leave early today. >>eng<< Камоли да се не омажев за Том. I wish I hadn't married Tom. Let's not get married to Tom. >>eng<< Gde je išla? Where was she going? Where'd she go? >>eng<< Наистина не очаквах Том да успее. I really didn't expect Tom to succeed. I really didn't expect Tom to succeed. >>eng<< Oni prodaju ribu i meso. They sell fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. >>eng<< Ќе почнам. I'll start. I'll get started. >>eng<< Том го потврди исказот на Мери. Tom confirmed what Mary said. Tom confirmed Mary's statement. >>eng<< Dođi ovamo. Želim da ti pokažem nešto. Come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you something. >>eng<< Duplo sam starija od Toma. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice as old as Tom. >>eng<< Tom je delovao starije i zrelije od ostalih dečaka. Tom seemed older and more mature than the other boys. Tom seemed older and more mature than the other boys. >>eng<< Tom je napisao nekoliko stotina članaka i nekoliko knjiga. Tom has written hundreds of articles and several books. Tom wrote several hundred articles and several books. >>eng<< Ще ти предоставя цялата необходима информация. I will provide you all the necessary information. I'll give you all the information you need. >>eng<< Mal by si prísť. You should come over. Mal by you prís. >>eng<< Мора да одговориш на прашањето. You have to answer the question. You have to answer the question. >>eng<< Možeš li da nasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? >>eng<< Tom je nosio crne farmerice i belu majicu. Tom wore black jeans and a white T-shirt. Tom wore black jeans and a white shirt. >>eng<< Zašto se ne igraš sa ostalima? Why don't you play with the others? Why don't you play with the others? >>eng<< Злобен си и одбивен. You're evil and disgusting. You're mean and rejected. >>eng<< Учителят ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. >>eng<< Чајов убаво мириса. This tea smells good. Tea smells good. >>eng<< Той се прибира вкъщи в пет и половина. He comes home at five-thirty. He's going home at five-and-a-half. >>eng<< Prosto k'o pasulj. It's a piece of cake. It's as simple as beans. >>eng<< Ни понестана храна. We ran short of food. We're not out of food. >>eng<< Тој е исто толку висок колку и таа. He is as tall as her. He's just as tall as she is. >>eng<< Баш си штребер. You're a real nerd. You're such a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Можеш и да заминеш и да останеш - како сакаш. You can go or stay, as you wish. You can go and stay as you please. >>eng<< Bilo bi teško. It would be difficult. It'd be hard. >>eng<< Neko bi mogao da bude povređen. Someone could be hurt. Someone might get hurt. >>eng<< „Подобро е умреш на нозе отколку да живееш на колена.“ „Тогаш зошто си ти сѐ уште жив?“ "It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." "Then why are you still alive?" "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." "Then why are you still alive?" >>eng<< Сите му се кезат. They're all grinning at him. They're all complaining to him. >>eng<< Не заслужавам нищо. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve anything. >>eng<< Си пукал ли со пиштол досега? Have you ever shot a gun before? Have you fired a gun before? >>eng<< Чудя се дали родителите на Том ще му позволят да дойде с нас. I wonder if Tom's parents will allow him to go with us. I wonder if Tom's parents will let him come with us. >>eng<< Не сакам да останам тука ни минута подолго одошто морам. I don't want to stay here a minute longer than I have to. I don't want to stay here a minute longer than I have to. >>eng<< Пиеме вода. We drink water. We drink water. >>eng<< Možda odu sutra. They may leave tomorrow. Maybe they'll leave tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom se smeje Meri. Tom is laughing at Mary. Tom laughs at Mary. >>eng<< Ајде да зборуваме за тоа. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. >>eng<< Tom je samo lenj. Tom is just plain lazy. Tom's just lazy. >>eng<< „Зошто ми ја скрши вазната?“ „Мило за драго.“ "Why did you break my vase?" "Tit for tat." “Why did you break my vase?” >>eng<< Tom je izgledao veoma zbunjeno. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom seemed very confused. >>eng<< Еј, не смееш да спиеш таму. Hey, you can't sleep there. Hey, you can't sleep there. >>eng<< Имам някъде адреса на Том. I have Tom's address somewhere. I've got Tom's address somewhere. >>eng<< Тя е доста по-висока от мен. She's way taller than me. She's much taller than me. >>eng<< Той учеше икономика в колежа. He studied economics at college. He studied economics in college. >>eng<< Таа има уши како едра. She has sail-like ears. She has ears like a sail. >>eng<< Otkazao je sastanak u poslednjem trenutku. He canceled the appointment at the last moment. He canceled the meeting at the last minute. >>eng<< Кој го предизвикал пожарот? Who started the fire? Who caused the fire? >>eng<< Нема преживеани. There are no survivors. There are no survivors. >>eng<< Tom je proveo cijelo popodne igrajući tenis. Tom spent the whole afternoon playing tennis. Tom spent the whole afternoon playing tennis. >>eng<< Vjetar je jeftin i čist izvor energije Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy. Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy >>eng<< Што можеш да ни кажеш за него? What can you tell us about him? What can you tell us about him? >>eng<< Падна од дрвото. He fell from the tree. He fell from the tree. >>eng<< Bio si u pravu da treba da brineš. You were right to worry. You were right to worry. >>eng<< Том го вработија. Tom was hired. Tom got hired. >>eng<< Ti koji nikada nisu mislili o vrijednosti života, ne bi trebali studirati medicinu. Those who have never thought about the value of life should not study medicine. Those who never thought of the value of life should not study medicine. >>eng<< Tog mrzim. That's the one I hate. I hate that one. >>eng<< Как мина? How did it go? How'd it go? >>eng<< Ono što je Tom uradio je dosta pomoglo. What Tom did helped quite a bit. What Tom did was very helpful. >>eng<< Излъгали са ви. You've been deceived. They lied to you. >>eng<< Не захваљуј мени. Do not thank me. Don't thank me. >>eng<< Moja manželka je lekárka. My wife is a doctor. My mantel is a doctor. >>eng<< Се има свои граници. There is a limit to everything. Everything has its limits. >>eng<< Дебел сум. I'm obese. I'm fat. >>eng<< Том примами мишката от дупката на стената с парченце хляб. Tom coaxed the mouse out of the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom lures the mouse out of the hole of the wall with a piece of bread. >>eng<< Казвам се Ичиро Танака. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. >>eng<< Mogao bih da izgubim penziju. I could lose my pension. I could lose my pension. >>eng<< Da li zaista mislite da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? >>eng<< Волен сум да помогнам. I'm willing to help. I'm willing to help. >>eng<< Замоли го да почека додека да дојдам. Ask him to wait till I come. Ask him to wait until I get there. >>eng<< Сигурен съм, че това няма да е необходимо. I'm sure that won't be necessary. I'm sure that won't be necessary. >>eng<< Neću da pitam Toma da uradi to. I'm not going to ask Tom to do that. I'm not going to ask Tom to do it. >>eng<< Reci mi šta si napisao. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. >>eng<< Боље врабац у руци, него голуб на грани. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Better a sparrow in his hand than a pigeon on a branch. >>eng<< Ne možeš da sediš sa mnom. You can't sit with me. You can't sit with me. >>eng<< Nemoj da staješ. Don't stop. Don't stop. >>eng<< Zatekao sam prazan kavez. I found the cage empty. I found an empty cage. >>eng<< Odgovori mi odmah. Answer me right now. Answer me now. >>eng<< Da li si uradio nešto? Did you do anything? Did you do something? >>eng<< Ne morem zaspati ali dihati. I can't fall asleep or breathe. I can't sleep or breathe. >>eng<< Да ли си спреман? Are you ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Имаме само един шанс. We've only got one chance. We only have one chance. >>eng<< Jedenje brokule je zdravo. Eating broccoli is healthy. Eating broccoli is healthy. >>eng<< Том сака Мери да се погрижи за тоа Џон да си ја напише домашната работа. Tom wants Mary to make sure John does his homework. Tom wants Mary to make sure John writes his homework. >>eng<< Kuća je izgorela do temelja pre nego što su stigli vatrogasci. The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived. The house burned to the ground before the firemen arrived. >>eng<< Jesi li primio paket koji sam ti poslao? Did you get the package I sent you? Did you get the package I sent you? >>eng<< Tom bi mogao da bude ovde. Tom might be there. Tom could be here. >>eng<< Не сум му пријатен. He dislikes me. I'm not comfortable with him. >>eng<< Dao sam svojoj majci devetnaest cvijetova za Majčin dan. I gave my mother 19 flowers on Mother's Day. I gave my mother nineteen flowers for Mother's Day. >>eng<< Ona ide. She is going. She's going. >>eng<< Сѐ уште сум загрижен за неа. I'm still worried about her. I'm still worried about her. >>eng<< Nikad se nisam pokajao zbog toga. I've never regretted it. I never regretted it. >>eng<< Ще остана още три дена. I'll stay for three more days. I'll stay three more days. >>eng<< Това, което казват, няма много смисъл. They don't make much sense. What they say doesn't make much sense. >>eng<< За какво? For what purpose? For what? >>eng<< Ona je Ukrajinka. She's Ukrainian. She's Ukrainian. >>eng<< Многу сакам да научам француски. I really want to learn French. I love learning French. >>eng<< Не съм виждала Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom in a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. >>eng<< Ja som ten, kto je chorý. I'm the one who's sick. I'm tan, who's chorý. >>eng<< Sve su životinje jednake. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. >>eng<< Го учам англиски. I teach him English. I teach English. >>eng<< Definitivno sam imao sreće. I was certainly lucky. I was definitely lucky. >>eng<< Не биди блесав. Don't be such a fool. Don't be silly. >>eng<< Безработна съм. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. >>eng<< Da li imate nešto da saopštite? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to say? >>eng<< Možda su odustali. Maybe they've given up. Maybe they gave up. >>eng<< Da li ću samo ja ići na žurku? Will I be the only one going to the party? Am I the only one going to a party? >>eng<< Мисля, че френският е труден език. I think French is a difficult language. French is a difficult language. >>eng<< Щастливи ли сме всички? Are we all happy? Are we all happy? >>eng<< Желанието му най-накрая се изпълни. He finally got his wish. His desire is finally fulfilled. >>eng<< Uskoro idemo. We'll be leaving soon. We'll be going soon. >>eng<< Želim da budem plivačica. I want to be a swimmer. I want to be a swimmer. >>eng<< Nikad se nisam pokajala zbog toga. I've never regretted it. I never regretted it. >>eng<< Tom je postao heroj. Tom became a hero. Tom became a hero. >>eng<< Mi bismo dali sve kako se to ne bi desilo. We would have given anything for this not to have happened. We'd do anything to make sure that didn't happen. >>eng<< Da li bi mogao da dobijem jedan zagrljaj? Would you mind giving me a hug? Could I have a hug? >>eng<< Никој не заслужува да умре. Nobody deserves to die. No one deserves to die. >>eng<< Мисля, че номерът на Том не е в указателя. I think Tom's number is unlisted. I don't think Tom's number is in the book. >>eng<< Zašto ne skineš kaput? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take your coat off? >>eng<< Сигурни ли сте, че искате да го продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want to sell it? >>eng<< Voleo bih da te poljubim. I'd like to kiss you. I'd like to kiss you. >>eng<< Той стреля в мен. He shot at me. He shot me. >>eng<< Čo navrhuje Tom? What does Tom suggest? Who's on top of Tom? >>eng<< Hrvatska je zemlja u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe. Croatia is a country in the southeastern part of Europe. Croatia is a country in the southeastern part of Europe. >>eng<< Vratila se iz bolnice. She returned from the hospital. She's back from the hospital. >>eng<< Спази обещанието си. He kept his promise. Keep your promise. >>eng<< Ти давам една последна шанса. I'm giving you one last chance. I'm giving you one last chance. >>eng<< Сакаме да бидеме славни. We want to become famous. We want to be famous. >>eng<< Ovaj izveštaj je loše napisan i pun je grešaka. This report is badly written and is full of mistakes. This report is poorly written and is full of errors. >>eng<< Правихме статуи от дърво. We made statues out of wood. We made statues of wood. >>eng<< Ja sam vegetarijanac. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. >>eng<< Da li Tom stvarno govori francuski? Can Tom really speak French? Does Tom really speak French? >>eng<< Nikad ne znaš šta će biti sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. >>eng<< Баш је било тако. It was just like that. That's how it was. >>eng<< Навистина ќе се венчам. I really am getting married. I'm really getting married. >>eng<< Берн е столицата на Швейцария. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. >>eng<< Мери му ги собра на Том сите пари. Mary took Tom for every cent he had. Mary raised Tom all the money. >>eng<< Прочети го отново, ако обичаш. Read it again, please. Read it again, if you like. >>eng<< Dajte mi šancu! Give me a chance! Give me the bar! >>eng<< Забављајте се док можете. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. >>eng<< Спремен сум да надоместам. I'm ready to make amends. I'm ready to make up for it. >>eng<< Bio je dobar dan. It was a good day. It was a good day. >>eng<< Том беше нетърпелив и нервен. Tom was impatient and restless. Tom was impatient and nervous. >>eng<< Meri zna sve o najnovijim modnim trendovima. Mary knows everything about the latest fashion trends. Mary knows all about the latest fashion trends. >>eng<< Pobedili smo. We won the match. We won. >>eng<< Моля те, гледай този филм. Please watch this movie. Please watch this movie. >>eng<< Liječnik ju je temeljito pregledao. The doctor gave her a thorough check-up. The doctor examined it thoroughly. >>eng<< Tom je najbolji učenik u razredu. Tom is the best student in our class. Tom's the best student in the class. >>eng<< Radi polako. Work slowly. Take it easy. >>eng<< Svi njihovi napori su bili uzaludni. All their efforts were in vain. All their efforts were in vain. >>eng<< Боље милом него силом. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Better than force. >>eng<< Ja sam Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. >>eng<< Je tam iba jeden vankúš. There is only one pillow there. There's an Iba out there. >>eng<< Не можам да ја оправдам. I can't excuse her. I can't justify it. >>eng<< Единият от чорапите му беше наопаки. He had one of his socks on inside out. One of his socks was upside down. >>eng<< Това е храна. This is food. It's food. >>eng<< Многу се добри. They're very well. They're very good. >>eng<< Прашањето е дали ќе ни дојде на посета следниот месец. The question is whether he will come to visit us next month. The question is whether we will visit next month. >>eng<< И потоа се случи нешто чудесно. And then something amazing happened. Then something wonderful happened. >>eng<< Всеки ден ли говориш френски? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? >>eng<< Tom je još uvek na poslu. Tom is still on the job. Tom's still at work. >>eng<< Имам документация за оформяне. I have paperwork to finish up. I have documentation for the layout. >>eng<< E, sad je dosta! I've had enough already! That's enough! >>eng<< Samo se kloni ovoga. Just stay out of this. Just stay away from this. >>eng<< Ти очевидно не искаш да направиш това за мене. It's quite apparent that you don't want to do this for me. You obviously don't want to do this for me. >>eng<< Тој е претерано дарежлив. He is generous to excess. He's too generous. >>eng<< Ти треба пријател. You need a friend. You need a friend. >>eng<< Забравих за това. I forgot about it. I forgot about that. >>eng<< "Aké slovo?" spýtala som sa. "Which word?" I asked. "Aké letter?" spýtala som s. >>eng<< Koloseum je korišćen do 217. godine, ali onda ga je pogodila munja i izgoreo je. The Coloseum was used until the year 217, when it was struck by lightning and burnt. The Colosseum was used until 217, but then it was hit by lightning and burned. >>eng<< Почеркът на Том не е много красив, но е четлив. Tom's handwriting isn't very good, but it's easy to read. Tom's handwriting isn't very beautiful, but it's readable. >>eng<< Pod kojim imenom? Under what name? Under what name? >>eng<< Vidi ga! Koja lenština! Look at that one there. He's such a lazy bum! Look at him! >>eng<< Idemo u šetnju. We're going on a hike. Let's go for a walk. >>eng<< Сигурно си силен. You must be strong. You must be strong. >>eng<< Čo si mal na raňajky? What did you have for breakfast? Who's the kid on Rajaki? >>eng<< Трябва да отида да се видя с Том. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go see Tom. >>eng<< Nisam mogla da prestanem da plačem. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. >>eng<< Заборавив да ти кажам за нив. I forgot to tell you about them. I forgot to tell you about them. >>eng<< Оставете ни, ако обичате. Leave us alone, please. Leave us, please. >>eng<< Кога се враќаш во Бостон? When are you coming back to Boston? When are you going back to Boston? >>eng<< Podcjenjuješ Toma. You underestimate Tom. You underestimate Tom. >>eng<< Zadirkujem te. I'm teasing. I tease you. >>eng<< Možeš li da mi ih objansiš? Could you explain them to me? Can you explain them to me? >>eng<< Историите, които ще прочетете в тази книга, се занимават с някои от многото проблеми, пред които са изправени младите хора. The stories which you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems which face young people. The stories you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems that young people face. >>eng<< Том и Мери се забавуваа заедно. Tom and Mary had fun together. Tom and Mary had fun together. >>eng<< Ние сме манекени. We're models. We're models. >>eng<< Таа е луда по него. She's crazy about him. She's crazy about him. >>eng<< Imam utisak da je on prilično arogantan. I have the impression that he is quite arrogant. I think he's pretty arrogant. >>eng<< Очигледно, била сам превише оптимистична. Clearly, I was overly optimistic. Obviously, I was too optimistic. >>eng<< Те сакам веќе долго време. I've loved you for a long time. I've loved you for a long time. >>eng<< Му го презирам грубиот став. I resent his rude attitude. I despise his rude attitude. >>eng<< Аз бих могъл да ви направя щастливи. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. >>eng<< Аз му поправих радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. >>eng<< Тя нямаше много пари. She didn't have much money. She didn't have much money. >>eng<< Učí sa nemecky. She's learning German. Learn from Nemecky. >>eng<< Danas nemam nikakav domaći. I don't have any homework today. I don't have any homework today. >>eng<< Дрво сум. I'm wasted. I'm a tree. >>eng<< Ти си мелем за душу. You're a sight for sore eyes. You're a mellow for the soul. >>eng<< Evo jedne tajne. Here's a little secret. Here's a secret. >>eng<< Том не го одобри планот. Tom opposed the plan. Tom didn't approve of the plan. >>eng<< Budi obazriv. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Ако ти трябва помощ, питай. If you need help, just ask. If you need help, ask. >>eng<< Vi ste prosečni studenti. You're average students. You are average students. >>eng<< Tom je instalirao solarne panele na krovu svoje kuće. Tom had solar panels installed on the roof of his house. Tom installed solar panels on the roof of his house. >>eng<< Nikad pre nisam video nešto tako. I had never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it before. >>eng<< Днес ще си взема патица. I'll choose duck today. I'm gonna get my duck today. >>eng<< Ne komplikuj, Tome. Keep it simple, Tom. Don't complicate it, Tom. >>eng<< Ќе го прашам во твое име. I'll ask him for you. I'll ask him on your behalf. >>eng<< Можеби си во прав. Perhaps you're right. Maybe you're right. >>eng<< Упознај ме са Томом. Introduce me to Tom. I want you to introduce me to Tom. >>eng<< Moraću da razmislim o tom pitanju, I'll have to take that question on notice. I'm going to have to think about this. >>eng<< Sramim se što je moj sin učinio takvo što. I am ashamed of my son having done so. I'm ashamed my son did such a thing. >>eng<< Не ни се лути. Don't get mad at us. We don't get angry. >>eng<< Изедоа. They finished eating. They ate. >>eng<< Можеби можам да ја најдам. I may be able to find her. Maybe I can find her. >>eng<< Ovo je moja e-mail adresa. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. >>eng<< Колку дена се обично потребни да се стигне таму? How many days do you usually need to get there? How many days are it usually necessary to get there? >>eng<< Ќе се жалам ако ми се сака. I'll complain if I want to. I'll complain if I like. >>eng<< Докторката ѝ даде седатив. The doctor gave her a sedative. The doctor gave her a sedative. >>eng<< Tom zna da kuca jako brzo. Tom can type very fast. Tom knows he's knocking real fast. >>eng<< Том се ожени на 26 години. Tom got married at 26. Tom got married at the age of 26. >>eng<< Nisam nosila nametljivu odeću. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I didn't wear intrusive clothes. >>eng<< Ja volim grožđe. I love grapes. I like grapes. >>eng<< Том знае да направи се. Tom knows how to make everything. Tom can do anything. >>eng<< Тоа ли мисли Том дека се случило? Is that what Tom thinks happened? Is that what Tom thinks happened? >>eng<< Изгледа ќе треба повеќе да се потрудиме. I guess I'll have to try harder. Looks like we're gonna have to work harder. >>eng<< И двамата са живи. Both are alive. They're both alive. >>eng<< Ima mleka u frižideru. There is milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. >>eng<< Šta si mi to uradila? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Tom me je pitao za dozvolu da koristi moj računar. Tom asked for my permission to use my computer. Tom asked me about permission to use my computer. >>eng<< Ми требаш да ми ја отвориш вратата. I need you to open the door for me. I need you to open the door for me. >>eng<< Jesam li ja ispustio to? Did I drop that? Did I drop that? >>eng<< Presvucite se. Get changed. Change your clothes. >>eng<< Šta kriješ sada? Where are you hiding now? What are you hiding now? >>eng<< Oni se razlikuju kao nebo i zemlja. They are as different as day and night. They differ like heaven and earth. >>eng<< Muškarci sve vreme pričaju o ženama. Men talk about women all the time. Men talk about women all the time. >>eng<< Го гледам Том секој ден. I see Tom every day. I see Tom every day. >>eng<< To teško može da bude u vezi strasti, možda je samo seks u pitanju. It can hardly be a matter of passion. Perhaps it's just about sex. It can be hard about passion, maybe it's just sex. >>eng<< Какво има в тази кутия? What's in this box? What's in this box? >>eng<< Не съм ходил при лекар. I haven't seen a doctor. I didn't see a doctor. >>eng<< Аз никога не съм го виждал с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him with jeans. >>eng<< Вали, но въпреки това ще отидем. It's raining, but we'll go anyway. It's worth it, but we'll go anyway. >>eng<< За малко да го забравя. I almost forgot it. I almost forgot it. >>eng<< Да ли је то чиста случајност? Is it purely coincidence? Is this a pure coincidence? >>eng<< Vi ste nas to naučili. You taught us that. You taught us that. >>eng<< Svi budući sastanci će biti održani u ovoj prostoriji. All future meetings will be held in this room. All future meetings will be held in this room. >>eng<< Neki ljudi vole putovati sami. Some people like to travel alone. Some people like to travel alone. >>eng<< Страх ли те е от нещо? Are you scared of something? Are you afraid of something? >>eng<< Ovo se nikada neće završiti. This is never going to end. This is never gonna end. >>eng<< Може би в това е проблемът. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe that's the problem. >>eng<< Том си ги врза врвците. Tom tied his laces. Tom tied his cords. >>eng<< Tom bol unavený. Tom was tired. Tom pain unavený. >>eng<< Sigurna sam da je Tom imao neke veze sa tim. I'm sure Tom had something to do with that. I'm sure Tom had something to do with it. >>eng<< То је њихова књига. That book is theirs. That's their book. >>eng<< Предајте ги составите. Hand in your papers. Hand over the compositions. >>eng<< Bol som na dovolenke. I was on vacation. I'm a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Мисля, че слагате твърде много захар. I think you're putting in too much sugar. I think you put too much sugar. >>eng<< Девојката избега од дома и се ослободи од контролата на родителите. The girl ran away from home and cut loose from her parents' control. The girl ran away from home and got rid of parental control. >>eng<< Сигурен ли си? Are you sure? Are you sure? >>eng<< Trebao bi znati bolje. You should know better. You should know better. >>eng<< Videla sam mačora. I saw the cat. I saw the cat. >>eng<< Ми се укочи компјутерот. My computer has frozen. My computer's dead. >>eng<< Чух, че някой влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone's coming in. >>eng<< Ово није истина. This is not true. This isn't true. >>eng<< Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom walk away. Don't let Tom get away with it. >>eng<< Том сака да стане богат. Tom wants to become rich. Tom wants to be rich. >>eng<< Stići ćemo te. We'll catch up to you. We'll catch up. >>eng<< Том е нюйоркчанин, но няма нюйоркски акцент. Tom is a New Yorker, but he doesn't have a New York accent. Tom's a New Yorker, but he doesn't have a New York accent. >>eng<< Днес ми е трудно да се концентрирам. It's hard for me to concentrate today. I find it hard to concentrate today. >>eng<< Siguan sam da sam je već ranije video negde. I'm sure I've seen her before somewhere. I'm sure I've seen her somewhere before. >>eng<< Učiću marljivije. I'm going to study harder. I'll learn more diligently. >>eng<< Evo tvoje torbe. Here's your bag. Here's your bag. >>eng<< Шта си ми то урадио? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? >>eng<< Tom je bio lud, znaš. Tom was crazy, you know. Tom was crazy, you know. >>eng<< Tom je bio teško povređen. Tom was badly hurt. Tom was badly hurt. >>eng<< Hoćeš li voćni đus? Do you want fruit juice? Would you like some fruit juice? >>eng<< Voz je stigao na vreme danas, kao i uvek. The train was on time today, as always. The train arrived on time today, as always. >>eng<< Šta proučava sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does the Soviets study? >>eng<< Това не беше моя грешка. It was not my mistake. It wasn't my fault. >>eng<< Не трябва да чакаш тук. You shouldn't wait here. You don't have to wait here. >>eng<< Том е долу. Tom is downstairs. Tom's downstairs. >>eng<< Мислам дека доволно помогна. I think you've helped enough. I think you've helped enough. >>eng<< Nije došao na posljednji sastanak. He didn't come to the last meeting. He didn't come to the last meeting. >>eng<< Budi oprezna. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Тој во се наоѓа мана. He criticizes everything. He is in a flaw. >>eng<< Имам много способности. I have many abilities. I have a lot of skills. >>eng<< Том претрча по удолницата. Tom ran down the hill. Tom ran down the limb. >>eng<< Не сакам работа во Бостон. I don't want a job in Boston. I don't want a job in Boston. >>eng<< Не сакам пролет. I don't like spring. I don't want spring. >>eng<< Po načinu na koji je Meri zalupila vrata, Tom je shvatio da je tužna. Tom could tell by the way Mary slammed the door that she was upset. In the way Mary slams the door, Tom realizes she's sad. >>eng<< Одавно је нисам видео. I haven't seen her for ages. I haven't seen her in a while. >>eng<< Не ѝ остава време за друго, освен да се грижи за бебето. Her hands are full taking care of the baby. She has no time for anything but taking care of the baby. >>eng<< Или тој греши или јас. Either he is wrong or I am. Either he's wrong or I'm wrong. >>eng<< Pazi! Watch out! Watch it! >>eng<< Можете подоцна да разговарате. You can talk later. You can talk later. >>eng<< Беше решено. It's been decided. It was settled. >>eng<< Лут сум ти. I'm angry at you. I'm mad at you. >>eng<< Sami je pitao mnogo pitanja o Islamu Sami was asking a lot of questions about Islam. He asked many questions about Islam. >>eng<< Баща ми отиде за риба. My father went fishing. My father went for a fish. >>eng<< Глава или писмо? Heads or tails? A head or a letter? >>eng<< Говориш ли грчки? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? >>eng<< Во какви ситуации би го правел тоа? In what kind of situations would you do that? In what situations would you do that? >>eng<< Приемам всякакви предложения. I'm wide open for suggestions. I accept any suggestions. >>eng<< Radim svoj posao. I'm doing my job. I'm doing my job. >>eng<< Не се лути толку. Don't get so angry. Don't get so angry. >>eng<< Ja nisam filolog. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. >>eng<< Той си свали очилата. He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. >>eng<< Vyzuli sme sa. We took our shoes off. Vyzuli can come with. >>eng<< Hvala ti što me voliš. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me. >>eng<< Колку време поминуваш пред компјутер? How much time do you spend on a computer? How long do you spend in front of a computer? >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в твоята страна? What's the minimum salary in your country? What is the minimum wage in your country? >>eng<< Како беше вчера? How was yesterday? How was yesterday? >>eng<< Tom živi u centru grada. Tom lives downtown. Tom lives in the city center. >>eng<< Не си заслужава много да се обсъжда. It is hardly worth discussing. It is not worth much to discuss. >>eng<< Не ти искам нито златото, нито среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want your gold or your silver. >>eng<< Umorn sam od svađanja. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of fighting. >>eng<< Веднаш да си ги донел овде. Get them over here right away. You should have brought them here right away. >>eng<< Jedan student iz Osla koji je falsifikovao svoju diplomu da se upiše na fakultet je bio osuđen na zatvor. A student from Oslo who falsified his diploma to get into college has been sentenced to prison. A student from Oslo who forged his degree to enroll in college was sentenced to prison. >>eng<< Не разумем ову реч. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. >>eng<< Pretpostavio sam da ste zauzete. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. >>eng<< Nisam mogao skinuti pogled s tebe od trenutka kada sam ušao u tu sobu. I couldn't take my eyes off of you from the minute I entered this room. I couldn't take my eyes off you from the moment I walked into that room. >>eng<< Том е вистинскиот херој. Tom is the real hero. Tom is the real hero. >>eng<< Веќе е отворено. It's already open. It's already open. >>eng<< Гладна съм. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. >>eng<< Нестало нам је хране. We ran out of food. We're out of food. >>eng<< Učinio si ono što si morao. You've done what you needed to do. You did what you had to do. >>eng<< Počni s brojanjem. Start counting. Start counting. >>eng<< Толкова съм щастлив, че дойде. I'm so happy you came. I'm so happy you came. >>eng<< Виждала съм Том да свири на китара с групата си. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. I've seen Tom play the guitar with his band. >>eng<< Nije imao niti jednu kemijsku olovku. He didn't have a single pen. He didn't have a single pen. >>eng<< Мислам дека Том е дебел. I think Tom is obese. I think Tom's fat. >>eng<< Продадох книгите. I sold the books. I sold the books. >>eng<< Tom je bio pola u pravu. Tom was half right. Tom was half right. >>eng<< Viď, čo ľudia dokážu! See what the humans can do! You're the devil! >>eng<< Više volim šator sa olujnim pokrivačem, zajedno sa ukrštenim šipkama zbog stabilnosti na vetru i snežnih nanosa, i ovo mora da bude dvoslojni šator. I prefer a tent with storm flaps and intersecting tent poles to provide stability against wind and resistance against the weight of snow, and it must be a two-layer tent. I prefer a tent with a storm cover, along with crossed bars for wind stability and snow applications, and this must be a two-layer tent. >>eng<< Мисля, че ще познаваш всички на паритито. I think you'll know everybody at the party. I think you'll know everyone on the money. >>eng<< Ми дојде преку глава. I lost my patience. It came over my head. >>eng<< Ne želim raditi pod tim uvjetima. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. >>eng<< Нанси се усмихва. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy smiles. >>eng<< Држи го! Hold it! Hold him! >>eng<< Трябва да докладвам това. I have to report this. I have to report this. >>eng<< Má Tom kľúče? Does Tom have a key? Má Tom's daughter? >>eng<< Idemo po Toma. We'll go get Tom. Let's go get Tom. >>eng<< Radšej by si mal začať teraz. You'd better start now. Radsej by you're a little conceived terrace. >>eng<< Postoje li duše? Do souls exist? Are there souls? >>eng<< Одличен беше. You were terrific. It was great. >>eng<< Том се насмевна. Tom started smiling. Tom smiled. >>eng<< Bog zna. God knows. God knows. >>eng<< Teško je. It's difficult. It's hard. >>eng<< Свикнал съм родителите ми да ме игнорират. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents ignoring me. >>eng<< Гледај ги облацине. Look at those clouds. Look at the clouds. >>eng<< Толку беше очигледно. It was so obvious. It was so obvious. >>eng<< Облякох си сакото наопаки. I put my coat on inside out. I put my jacket back on. >>eng<< On je biolog. He's a biologist. He's a biologist. >>eng<< Želi te vidjeti neki gospodin Itoh. A Mr. Itoh wants to see you. There's a Mr. Itoh who wants to see you. >>eng<< Никога не давайте кучешка храна на котката си. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never give dog food to your cat. >>eng<< Svesrdno podržavam tvoje komentare. I support your comments wholeheartedly. I absolutely support your comments. >>eng<< Том го нема затоа што е болен. Tom is absent because he's sick. Tom's not here because he's sick. >>eng<< Под заклетва си. You are under oath. You're under oath. >>eng<< Tom je presekao traku. Tom cut the tape. Tom cut the tape. >>eng<< Каква е минималната заплата в Швеция? What's the minimum salary in Sweden? What is the minimum wage in Sweden? >>eng<< Dobro veče. Good evening. Good evening. >>eng<< Исплакнав една. I rinsed one. I cried one. >>eng<< Nisam mu rekla da si ovde. I didn't tell him you're here. I didn't tell him you were here. >>eng<< On govori engleski. He speaks English. He speaks English. >>eng<< Том даде на Мери целенасочено грешната книга. Tom gave Mary the wrong book deliberately. Tom gave Mary the wrong book. >>eng<< Тази седмица работих през цялото време. I worked all this week. This week I worked all the time. >>eng<< Ne možeš da sedneš pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. >>eng<< Никого не обвинявам. I'm not placing blame. I don't blame anyone. >>eng<< Zanimljivo. That's curious. Interesting. >>eng<< Ženski šifonjer nije potpun bez male crne haljine. A woman's wardrobe isn't complete without a little black dress. A woman's chiffoner isn't complete without a little black dress. >>eng<< Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. >>eng<< Преживели смо некако. Somehow we survived. We survived somehow. >>eng<< Ne znam zašto više obraćam pažnju uopšte. I don't know why I even bother anymore. I don't know why I'm paying more attention at all. >>eng<< Ubrzao je. He accelerated. He speeded up. >>eng<< Nikto mi nerozumie. Nobody understands me. Nikto my nerosumie. >>eng<< Tom nam je stavio do znanja da ne želi da radi za nas. Tom made it clear that he didn't want to work for us. Tom has made it clear he doesn't want to work for us. >>eng<< Nikad se nećemo vratiti tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never get back there. >>eng<< Македонскиот има четири глаголски начина: исказен, условен, заповеден и прекажан. Macedonian has four verbal moods: indicative, conditional, imperative, and renarrative. The Macedonian has four verbic ways: expressive, conditional, commanding and retelling. >>eng<< Budi obazriva. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Млякото се е вкиснало. The milk turned sour. The milk is soaked. >>eng<< Претпоставувам дека повеќето од нив си отишле дома. I guess most of them went home. I guess most of them went home. >>eng<< Му побара ли пари на Том? Did you ask Tom for money? Did you ask Tom for money? >>eng<< Ataturk je rođen 1881, u Solunu. Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki Ataturk was born in 1881 in Thessaloniki. >>eng<< Изглежда, че водата ни е на свършване. It looks like we're running out of water. Looks like our water's over. >>eng<< Мислам дека би било грешка да му позајмиш на Том пари. I think it would be a mistake to lend Tom any money. I think it would be a mistake to lend Tom money. >>eng<< С удоволствие ще гледам филма. I'd love to see the movie. I'd love to watch the movie. >>eng<< Настојувам. I'm putting my foot down. I'm trying. >>eng<< Виждала съм Том да прави невероятни неща. I've seen Tom do some amazing things. I've seen Tom do amazing things. >>eng<< Mora da ima preko šezdeset godina. He must be over sixty. She must be over 60 years old. >>eng<< Той е безраличен към страданието на другите. He is indifferent to the suffering of others. He is harmless to the suffering of others. >>eng<< Хвала ти пуно.Ти би такође требало да се осетиш слободним и затражиш помоћ у будућности. Thank you very much. You should also feel free to ask me for help in the future. Thank you very much. You should also feel free and ask for help in the future. >>eng<< Биди безмилосен. Be ruthless. Be ruthless. >>eng<< Tom prolazi kroz krizu srednjih godina. Tom is going through a midlife crisis. Tom's going through a midlife crisis. >>eng<< На Том навидум не му се брзаше. Tom seemed to be in no hurry. Tom didn't seem to be in a hurry. >>eng<< Da li je sve u redu između nas? Is everything OK between us? Is everything okay between us? >>eng<< Šta ću ja ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? >>eng<< Obaveštajni satelit je vojni satelit sposoban da nadzire mnoge aktivnosti na zemlji, prisluškuje komunikacione linije, registruje radnu frekvenciju radarskih sistema... A reconnaissance satellite is a military satellite capable of monitoring many activities on earth, eavesdropping on lines, registering the operating frequency of the radar systems... An intelligence satellite is a military satellite capable of monitoring many activities on the ground, listening to communication lines, registering the operating frequency of radar systems... >>eng<< Том ја усреќува Мери. Tom makes Mary happy. Tom makes Mary happy. >>eng<< Иска ми се Том да ми даде още един шанс. I wish that Tom would give me another chance. I wish Tom could give me another chance. >>eng<< Zvyčajne kŕmi svojho psa lacným psím krmivom. He usually fed his dog cheap dog food. Zviykani kami your dog lakným psím feed. >>eng<< Nenávidím tie slová. I hate these words. Nenávidím tie slá. >>eng<< Ќе треба да му побараме дозвола на Том. We'll need to ask Tom for permission. We're gonna have to ask Tom's permission. >>eng<< Некако си груб. You're sort of rude. You're kind of rude. >>eng<< Umalo da ans uhvate nekoliko puta. We almost got caught a few times. I almost got ans caught a few times. >>eng<< Ja sve znam. I know everything. I know everything. >>eng<< Tomi je rekao da ne treba da razgovaram sa Meri. Tom told me I shouldn't talk to Mary. Tommy said I shouldn't talk to Mary. >>eng<< Ово је моја жена Едита. This is my wife Edita. This is my wife Edith. >>eng<< Ni ja nisam to uradio. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. >>eng<< Na pet minuta smo odavde. We're five minutes away. We're five minutes from here. >>eng<< Ne smejte se. Don't smile. Don't laugh. >>eng<< Къде е твоята детегледачка? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? >>eng<< Почнимо одмах. Let's start right away. Let's start now. >>eng<< Гласав за тебе. I voted for you. I voted for you. >>eng<< Samo reci Tomu da sam zvala. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. >>eng<< Знам дека не зборуваш француски. I know you can't speak French. I know you don't speak French. >>eng<< Ovde je preglasno za mene. It's too noisy here for me. It's too loud for me here. >>eng<< Tom nije bio veoma energetičan. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't very energetic. >>eng<< Tom je znalac. Tom is a connoisseur. Tom's a know-it-all. >>eng<< Чул ли си Том да говори на френски? Have you heard Tom speaking French? Have you heard Tom speak French? >>eng<< Mislim da ću izaći napolje da jedem. I think I'll go out to eat. I think I'm gonna go out and eat. >>eng<< Палтото е обложено со крзно. The coat is lined with fur. The coat is covered with fur. >>eng<< Zašto ne svratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? >>eng<< Отложихме събитието. We postponed the event. We postponed the event. >>eng<< Навистина ли го направил тоа Том? Did Tom really do that? Did Tom really do that? >>eng<< Нема да нѐ најдеш. You're not going to find us. You won't find us. >>eng<< Не си сваляй палтото. Keep your coat on. Don't take your coat off. >>eng<< Има ли намаление за деца? Is there a discount for children? Is there a reduction for children? >>eng<< Аз лично ще те посетя. I'll personally visit you. I'll see you myself. >>eng<< Той успя при втория опит. He succeeded on his second try. He succeeded in the second attempt. >>eng<< Je hladná. She is hungry. It's cold. >>eng<< Ne skači! Don't jump! Don't jump! >>eng<< Сите го одбија Том. Everyone told Tom no. Everyone turned down Tom. >>eng<< Tom nám nič nepovedal. Tom didn't tell us anything. Tom didn't tell us anything. >>eng<< Том си нарани коляното. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. >>eng<< Виждал съм това и преди. I've seen that before. I've seen this before. >>eng<< Не можев да му побарам пари. I couldn't ask him for money. I couldn't ask him for money. >>eng<< Колико времена имам? How much time do I have? How much time do I have? >>eng<< Мислев дека ќе живееш со нас. I thought you were going to live with us. I thought you'd live with us. >>eng<< Ако нема порнографија со тоа, ќе биде направена. If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. If there is no pornography, it will be done. >>eng<< Престаните да се крећете! Stop moving! Stop moving! >>eng<< Ова Том ѕвони. This is Tom calling. This Tom's ringing. >>eng<< Ми прости ли веќе? Have you forgiven me? Have you forgiven me yet? >>eng<< Тома је ишао на годишњицу матуре прошле недеље. Tom went to his high school reunion last week. Tom went to prom last week. >>eng<< Moje narodeniny sú 12. júna. Magdalena sa narodila v rovnaký deň a rok ako ja. My birthday is June 12. Magdalena was born on the same day and year as me. My peopleiny sú 12. jún. Magdalena from the people of Rovnaký deř and the deadline if I do. >>eng<< На Том око не му трепна. Tom didn't flinch. He didn't blink at Tom's eye. >>eng<< Svi su preživeli. Everyone survived. They all survived. >>eng<< Неко је звао. Someone called. Someone called. >>eng<< Želi vas vidjeti neki gospodin Itoh. A Mr. Itoh wants to see you. There's a Mr. Itoh here to see you. >>eng<< Moja žena, koja je odrasla u Norveškoj, mi je od prvog momenta stavila do znanja da nije više aktuelno da žena trčkara oko muža po ceo dan. My wife, who grew up in Norway, made it very clear, from the first moment, that it wasn't practice to be of service to the husband at all times. My wife, who grew up in Norway, has made it clear from the very first moment that it is no longer up to me that a woman is running around her husband all day long. >>eng<< Tom je brisao pod. Tom mopped the floor. Tom wiped the floor. >>eng<< Тя преведе писмото от японски на френски. She translated the letter from Japanese into French. She translated the letter from Japanese to French. >>eng<< Том има друг план. Tom has another plan. Tom has another plan. >>eng<< Престани да хленчиш. Stop whining. Stop sneezing. >>eng<< Си ја изгубив рачната светилка. I lost my flashlight. I lost my handlight. >>eng<< Коя е столицата на Гърция? What is the capital of Greece? Who is the capital of Greece? >>eng<< Што те спречува? What's keeping you? What's stopping you? >>eng<< Гледав телевизија кога дојде Том. I was watching TV when Tom came. I watched TV when Tom came. >>eng<< Posjetiti ću ga u za nekoliko tjedana. I'll pay him a visit within a few weeks. I'll see him in a few weeks. >>eng<< Ovo selo je dosadno. This village is boring. This village is boring. >>eng<< Nećemo da se nasukamo. We're not going ashore. We're not gonna run into each other. >>eng<< Sve će biti u redu na kraju. Ako nije u redu, nije kraj. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. >>eng<< Šta ste mi to uradili? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? >>eng<< Камо ли да разбирав. I wish I understood. Let me get this straight. >>eng<< Tom je u pidžami. Tom is in his pajamas. Tom's in his pajamas. >>eng<< Отново трябва да напусна. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. >>eng<< Noč čarovnic je praznoval v oktobru. Halloween's celebrated in October. Halloween was celebrated in October. >>eng<< Чух, че да седиш изправен, е лошо за гърба ти. I've heard that sitting up straight is bad for your back. I heard sitting up is bad for your back. >>eng<< Mislim da Tomu treba pomoć. I think Tom needs help. I think Tom needs help. >>eng<< Постои ли воопшто тој збор? Is that even a word? Is there even that word? >>eng<< Да го разделим. Let's split it. Let's split it up. >>eng<< Ne mogu da se setim šta sam juče jeo. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. I can't remember what I ate yesterday. >>eng<< Ja sam smrt. I am Death. I am death. >>eng<< Ја мразам таа труба. I hate that trumpet. I hate that trumpet. >>eng<< Tom voli da se hvali. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to brag. >>eng<< Tom nije ovde. Već je otišao. Tom isn't here. He's already left. Tom's not here. >>eng<< Mislio sam da nećeš umeti da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. >>eng<< Някои жени изглеждат по-скоро мъжествено, отколкото женствено. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Some women look more masculine than feminine. >>eng<< Сите те сакаме. We all love you. We all love you. >>eng<< Знаел ли Том? Was Tom in on it? Did he know Tom? >>eng<< Морам да одам да ѝ помогнам. I have to go help her. I have to go help her. >>eng<< Том е добар танчер. Tom is a good dancer. Tom's a good dancer. >>eng<< Inače, koja je tvoja adresa? By the way, what's your address? Otherwise, what's your address? >>eng<< Zar je toliko jednostavno? Could it be that simple? Is it that simple? >>eng<< Ostajem. I'm staying. I'm staying. >>eng<< Kto je tvoj učiteľ? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? >>eng<< Аз изобщо не говоря френски. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak French at all. >>eng<< Postavljamo pitanja učiteljici svakog dana. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask questions to teachers every day. >>eng<< Не сакаш да направиш нешто што ќе ги потсети дека всушност не си доволно голем за да бидеш тука. You don't want to do anything to remind them that you're not really old enough to be here. You don't want to do something that reminds them that you're not really big enough to be here. >>eng<< Дали сѐ беше само сон? Was it all a dream? Was it all just a dream? >>eng<< Трябва да науча истината. I have to find out the truth. I have to learn the truth. >>eng<< Zelo bi bil vesel, če bi on prišel. I would be very happy that he came. I'd be very happy if he came. >>eng<< Ona je moja prva ljubav. She's my first love. She's my first love. >>eng<< Mogu li da ti pogledam kartu? Can I see your ticket? Can I take a look at your ticket? >>eng<< Рече дека ќи ми пишеш порака приквечер, ама ме излажа, очигледно. You said you would text me in the evening, but you lied, evidently. You said you'd text me at night, but you lied to me, obviously. >>eng<< Nevstupujte! Don't come in. Get out of the way! >>eng<< Mari je sa prozora skočila u reku. Marie jumped from the window into the river. Marie jumped out of the window into the river. >>eng<< Nemam kartu. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. >>eng<< Ти трябва да останеш да нощуваш. You must stay the night. You have to stay the night. >>eng<< Budi pažljiv. Take care. Be careful. >>eng<< Tom će da zove. Tom'll call. Tom's going to call. >>eng<< Не ја добив работата. I didn't get the job. I didn't get the job. >>eng<< Тоа ќе заврши работа. That'll do. That'll do it. >>eng<< Не се обесхрабрувај сега. Don't lose heart now. Don't be discouraged now. >>eng<< Svi imamo cenu. We all have a price. We all have a price. >>eng<< Ще ми се да знаеше френски. I wish you spoke French. I wish I knew French. >>eng<< Treba mi taksi. I need a taxi! I need a cab. >>eng<< Povedala, že bol pekný. She said that he was handsome. She said it was a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Значи, што да му кажам? So, what should I tell him? So, what do I tell him? >>eng<< Меѓу другари си. You're with friends. You're among the comrades. >>eng<< Он је мој ривал у послу. He is my rival in business. He's my rival in business. >>eng<< Mini suknje su se vratile u modu. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. The miniskirts are back in fashion. >>eng<< Можеби е тој. It might be him. Maybe it's him. >>eng<< Kdo je tvoj najljubši youtuber? Who is your favourite YouTuber? Who is your favorite YouTuber? >>eng<< Očigledno se radi o greški u kucanju. It's obviously a typo. Obviously it's a knock error. >>eng<< Ще отворя виното и ще го оставя да подиша. I'm going to open the wine and let it breathe. I'll open the wine and let it breathe. >>eng<< Каква колекција! What a collection! What a collection! >>eng<< Одамна не сум ве видел, дечки. I haven't seen you guys in a while. I haven't seen you guys in a while. >>eng<< Конечно си заминаа. They finally left. They finally left. >>eng<< Том има тенки усни. Tom has thin lips. Tom has thin lips. >>eng<< Tom určite nehovorí za nás všetkých. Tom certainly doesn't speak for all of us. Tom, you're involuntarily uás všetkých. >>eng<< Том отиде на рехабилитиција. Tom went into rehab. Tom went to rehab. >>eng<< Нямам нищо да ти казвам по въпроса. I have nothing to say about that. I have nothing to say about it. >>eng<< Чекам да се смени семафорот. I'm waiting for the light to change. I'm waiting for the traffic lights to change. >>eng<< Насабајле си ги мачкам тостовите со мед. I like to spread honey on my toast in the morning. I'm making my toasts with honey. >>eng<< И Том, и Мери бяха облечени с шлифери. Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats. And Tom and Mary were all dressed up. >>eng<< Gde ti je prijateljica? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? >>eng<< Kiež by som ťa mohol objať. I wish I could hug you. Kiež by som ?a mohal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? >>eng<< Само дај му го на Том. Just give it to Tom. Just give it to Tom. >>eng<< Плачеше од среќа. He cried for joy. He was crying with happiness. >>eng<< Пияна си. You're drunk. You're drunk. >>eng<< Tom je jedan od najinteresantnijih momaka sa kojima sam ikad radila. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever worked with. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever worked with. >>eng<< Dobro. A ti? Fine. And you? Okay, how about you? >>eng<< Том е човекът, който ми даде това колело. Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle. Tom is the man who gave me this bike. >>eng<< Ќе ми дадат отказ, затоа што многу доцнам на работа. I'm being fired because I've been late to work a lot. They're gonna fire me because I'm so late for work. >>eng<< Pes je zadovoljen/srečen The dog is happy. The dog is happy/satisfied >>eng<< Може ли тука да ги чекаме? Can we wait for them here? Can we wait for them here? >>eng<< Tom misli da ne znam što je rekao. Tom thinks that I don't know what he said. Tom doesn't think I know what he said. >>eng<< Često osećam podrhtavanje srca. I often experience palpitations of the heart. I often feel a tremor in my heart. >>eng<< Светлината се одбива од вода. Water reflects light. The light bounces away from the water. >>eng<< Da li treba da kažemo nekome? Should we tell anybody? Should we tell someone? >>eng<< Нищо друго не свърши работа. Nothing else has worked. Nothing else is done. >>eng<< С екипаж, изгубен в открито море, Христофор Колумб успял да спаси всички, като извадил от шапката си 100 заека. With his crew stranded at sea, Christopher Columbus was able to save them from starvation by pulling 100 rabbits out of his hat. With a crew lost in the open sea, Christopher Columbus managed to save everyone by extracting 100 rabbits from his hat. >>eng<< Tomu ide pisanje. Tom is good at writing. That's what writing goes for. >>eng<< Tom voli ekstremne sportove. Tom likes extreme sports. Tom likes extreme sports. >>eng<< Земи го Том. Take Tom. Take Tom. >>eng<< Pravio sam se da ne vidim. I looked the other way. I pretended I didn't see it. >>eng<< Dođi ovamo. Želim da ti pokažem nešto. Come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you something. >>eng<< Том го чу звукот. Tom heard the sound. Tom heard the sound. >>eng<< Джейн си купи пола и блуза. Janet bought a skirt and a blouse. Jane bought herself a half and a blouse. >>eng<< Jesi li videla Tomovu sobu? Have you seen Tom's room? Did you see Tom's room? >>eng<< Ќе ти треба помош. You're going to need help. You're gonna need some help. >>eng<< Заборавио сам уређај за надгледање беба. I forgot the baby monitor. I forgot the baby monitoring device. >>eng<< Све се одиграло муњевитом брзином. Everything happened at lightning speed. It all happened at lightning speed. >>eng<< Му ја предаде ли белешката на Том? Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you give Tom his note? >>eng<< Том играе футбол. Tom plays football. Tom plays football. >>eng<< Ќе се справам со Том. I'll deal with Tom. I'll deal with Tom. >>eng<< Nemam puno prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. >>eng<< Чух Том да влиза. I heard Tom come in. I heard Tom come in. >>eng<< Ја сам вас тражио. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. >>eng<< Најверојатно е точно. It's probably right. It's probably true. >>eng<< Nismo bili dovoljno oprezni. We weren't cautious enough. We weren't careful enough. >>eng<< Tom je mogao bolje. Tom could do better. Tom could have done better. >>eng<< Том воздивна. Tom sighed. Tom exhilarating. >>eng<< Том се обвиняваше за смъртта на Мери. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Tom blamed Mary's death. >>eng<< Kakve probleme imaš? What kind of problems do you have? What kind of problems do you have? >>eng<< Чучнаа покрај неа. They crouched down beside her. They were side by side with her. >>eng<< Samo tiho, Tome. Keep it down, Tom. Keep your mouth shut, Tom. >>eng<< Дадох книгата на моя приятел. I gave the book to my friend. I gave my friend's book. >>eng<< Sastanak je trajao sat vremena. The meeting lasted one hour. The meeting lasted an hour. >>eng<< Не сум тука за да те повредам. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. >>eng<< Jesmo li sad bezbedne? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? >>eng<< Дай ми книгата. Give me the book. Give me the book. >>eng<< Како ќе помогне тоа? How does that help? How will that help? >>eng<< Tom misli da nešto nije u redu sa nekim političarima. Tom thinks there is something wrong with some politicians. Tom thinks there's something wrong with some politicians. >>eng<< Населението на Япония е по-голямо от това на Нова Зеланция. The population of Japan is larger than that of New Zealand. The population of Japan is larger than that of New Zealand. >>eng<< Lažem. I'm lying. I'm lying. >>eng<< Загрижен ли си за неа? Are you worried about her? Are you worried about her? >>eng<< Не ни трябва това. We don't need that. We don't need this. >>eng<< Галилео го осудиле на доживотна затворска казна во 1633. Сепак, поради неговата возраст и кревко здравје, му дозволиле да ја одлежи таа казна во домашен притвор. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. Because of his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under house arrest. Galileo was sentenced to life in prison in 1633. However, due to his age and fragile health, he was allowed to serve that sentence in house arrest. >>eng<< Да ги следиме другите. Let's follow the others. Let's follow the others. >>eng<< Мажите и жените се луѓе од спротивен пол. A man and a woman are people of different genders. Men and women are opposite-sex people. >>eng<< Nisam sto posto sigurna. I'm not a hundred percent sure. I'm not 100% sure. >>eng<< Ubrzavao je. He accelerated. He was speeding up. >>eng<< Бил ли си някога в Бостън? Have you ever been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? >>eng<< Još nisi završio? Haven't you finished yet? You're not done yet? >>eng<< Ovaj je baš kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's so cool. >>eng<< Човек трябва да се труди. A man must work. A man has to work hard. >>eng<< Виждала съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you with Tom. >>eng<< Вие сте ми другари. You are my friends. You're my friends. >>eng<< Želim živjeti u Brazilu. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. >>eng<< Ispostavilo se da je cijena niža nego što sam mislio. The price turned out to be lower than I thought. The price turned out to be lower than I thought. >>eng<< Само сакам да можам да го издржувам своето семејство, како и себе си. I just want to be able to support my family and myself. I just want to be able to support my family as well as myself. >>eng<< Том е свесен дека не бил добар татко па се обидува да се искупи. Tom is aware that he hasn't been a good father and is trying to make amends. Tom is aware that he wasn't a good father, so he's trying to make amends. >>eng<< Добила је четири имејла. She received four e-mails. She received four emails. >>eng<< Zaista mi se sviđa vaša muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. >>eng<< Го унесреќи Том. You've made Tom unhappy. You hit Tom. >>eng<< Postavljamo pitanja učiteljici svakog dana. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask questions to teachers every day. >>eng<< Беше права катастрофа! It's a complete disaster! It was a disaster! >>eng<< Том мисли дека сум во право. Tom thinks I'm right. Tom thinks I'm right. >>eng<< Врати се на своето седиште. Return to your seat. Go back to your seat. >>eng<< Ne mislim da će se Tom ikad vratiti. I don't think that Tom will ever come back. I don't think Tom will ever come back. >>eng<< Ова му е тешко. This is difficult for him. This is hard for him. >>eng<< Zaista se radujem što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really looking forward to being here. >>eng<< Том размисли за тоа. Tom considered it. Tom, think about it. >>eng<< Tom nas se ne boji. Tom isn't afraid of us. Tom's not afraid of us. >>eng<< Изгледа ќе имаме снежен Божиќ годинава. It looks like we're going to have a white Christmas this year. Looks like we're gonna have a snow Christmas this year. >>eng<< Izgleda da je taj dijamant pravi. It seems that the diamond is real. Looks like that diamond's real. >>eng<< Той си събра нещата и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He got his stuff together and left. >>eng<< Starám sa o svojho starého otca. I take care of my grandfather. I'm getting old with my father's old man. >>eng<< Kako to ide? How does that work? How's that going? >>eng<< Не бих си помислил, че тофуто има толкова добър вкус. I wouldn't have thought that tofu tastes this good. I wouldn't think tofu tastes so good. >>eng<< Най-важното нещо, което можеш да направиш сега, е да запазиш спокойствие. The most important thing you can do now is to remain calm. The most important thing you can do now is to keep calm. >>eng<< Nestrpljiv sam. I'm impatient. I can't wait. >>eng<< Зарем не треба да му помогнеме? Shouldn't we help him? Shouldn't we help him? >>eng<< Položio sam sve testove. I passed all my tests. I passed all the tests. >>eng<< Топотот од копитата на коњот го успокои. The clatter of the horse's hooves soothed him. The horse's cannon calms him down. >>eng<< Viem, ako ti pomôcť. I know how to help you. Viem, if I help you. >>eng<< Tko je otkrio taj otok? Who discovered the island? Who discovered that island? >>eng<< Таа ги знае поважните главни градови. She knows the main capital cities. They know the most important cities. >>eng<< Токму тоа се случи и преттоа. It's exactly what happened before. That’s what happened and that’s what happened. >>eng<< Nemojte da odgovorite. Don't respond. Don't answer. >>eng<< Днес не ми се говори френски. I don't feel like speaking French today. I don't like French today. >>eng<< Jednostavno nisam mnogo srećna. I'm just not very happy. I'm just not very happy. >>eng<< Изгледа вчера премногу испив. Ми пука главата. Ептен сум мамурен. It looks like I drank too much yesterday. My head is pounding. I'm completely hungover. I guess I drank too much yesterday. >>eng<< Jesi li bio u nezgodi? Were you in an accident? Were you in an accident? >>eng<< Studenti nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how they should answer. The students didn't know how to respond. >>eng<< Тука ли да ја почекаме? Should we wait for her here? Should we wait here? >>eng<< Oženio se njom zbog novca. He married her for her money. He married her for money. >>eng<< Voleo bih da znam šta se dešava ovde. I'd like to know what's happening here. I'd like to know what's going on here. >>eng<< Мери реши да купи син фустан. Mary decided to buy a blue dress. Mary decided to buy a blue dress. >>eng<< Toma je bio skroz preplašen. Tom was good and scared. Tom was totally scared. >>eng<< Rađe ne bih da budem uključen u ovoj fazi, hvala ti. I'd prefer not to get involved at this stage, thank you. I'd rather not be involved at this stage, thank you. >>eng<< Не сум сигурен дека баш тоа беше. I'm sure that's what it was. I'm not sure that's exactly what it was. >>eng<< Просто ми треба одмор. I just need a break. I just need a break. >>eng<< Хайде да пием чай в 3:00. Let's have tea at 3:00. Let's have tea at 3:00. >>eng<< Rodio se u Ohiu. He was born in Ohio. He was born in Ohio. >>eng<< Je to zaslúžené víťazstvo. It's a well-deserved victory. It's a joke. >>eng<< Svadobné oznámenia, poslali ste ich? The wedding announcements, did you mail them? You've sent me ich, haven't you? >>eng<< On je posjedovao mnogo zemlje, nekad davno. He once owned a lot of land. He owned a lot of lands, a long time ago. >>eng<< Imaj hrabrosti. Have courage. Have courage. >>eng<< Немам турска тастатура. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. >>eng<< Речи нису потребне. No words are necessary. Words are not needed. >>eng<< Птиците пеят. Birds sing. Birds sing. >>eng<< Можеби треба да завртиме и да се вратиме. Maybe we should turn back. Maybe we should turn around and get back. >>eng<< Možeš li preporučiti hotel u blizini zračne luke? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? >>eng<< Том почина вчера. Tom passed away yesterday. Tom died yesterday. >>eng<< Jesi li slobodna u nedelju? Are you open on Sunday? Are you free on Sunday? >>eng<< Poštujem takve ljude. I respect people like that. I respect people like that. >>eng<< Ще отложа пътуването си до Шотландия, докато се затопли. I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it's warmer. I'll delay my trip to Scotland until it's warmed. >>eng<< А, аз бях болна. Oh, I was ill. And I was sick. >>eng<< Возил ли се се наскоро с експресен влак? Have you been on an express train recently? Have you ever been on an express train? >>eng<< Моля, подпишете тук. Please sign here. Please sign here. >>eng<< Tom je bio nervozan dok je počinjao novi posao. Tom was nervous starting his new job. Tom was nervous when he started his new job. >>eng<< Што си се дотерал толку? Why are you so dressed up? What'd you get all dressed up for? >>eng<< Chcem stráviť viac času s tebou osamote. I want to spend more time alone with you. Chcem Scarecrow Vic time with you being lonely. >>eng<< Daj mi olovku. Give me the pencil. Give me the pen. >>eng<< Znam da nisam savršen. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. >>eng<< Тази риза вече не ми става. This shirt doesn't fit me anymore. This shirt doesn't work anymore. >>eng<< Odlučila je da ode i studira u SAD-u. She decided to go and study in the USA. She decided to go and study in the United States. >>eng<< Готови ли сме? Are we ready? Are we ready? >>eng<< Imam stari bicikl. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. >>eng<< Tom kaže da nije bio ovde. Tom says he wasn't here. Tom says he wasn't here. >>eng<< Някои от вас няма да успеят. Some of you won't make it. Some of you will not succeed. >>eng<< Един от навиците на служителите е да се съберат в някой бар или ресторант в края на работния ден, за да се напият и да забравят мизерния си живот до следващия ден. One of the employees' habits is to gather in some bar or restaurant at the end of the workday to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day. One of the habits of employees is to gather at a bar or restaurant at the end of the working day to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day. >>eng<< Внимавай къде стъпваш. Be careful where you step. Watch your step. >>eng<< Кој те фризирал? Who did your hair? Who cut your hair? >>eng<< Как е това на френски? How do you say that in French? How's that in French? >>eng<< Том је молио Мери да му пружи још једну шансу. Tom begged Mary to give him one more chance. Tom begged Mary to give him another chance. >>eng<< Може ли да видя шофьорската Ви книжка? Could I see your driver's license? Can I see your driver's license? >>eng<< На основу чега знамо да је недужан? How do we know that he's innocent? What do we know that he is innocent? >>eng<< Koniec hry. Game over. Koniec hry. >>eng<< Tom će da napreduje. Tom'll improve. Tom's going to make some progress. >>eng<< Poskušam prebrati vsaj nekaj strani na dan. I try to read at least a few pages a day. I try to read at least a few pages a day. >>eng<< Јавнете ги своите коњи. Get on your horses. Send out your horses. >>eng<< Izvini što sam uopšte probao. I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. >>eng<< Жалам, но не ми е до тоа сега. I'm sorry, but I don't feel up to this right now. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like it right now. >>eng<< Da li imaš psa? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? >>eng<< Gde ti je prijatelj? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? >>eng<< Ne mogu da živim bez televizora. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without a TV. >>eng<< Јеси ли спреман? Are you ready? Are you ready? >>eng<< Postojao je samo jedan mali problem. There was only one small problem. There was only one small problem. >>eng<< Predlažemo da se kvalitet vode proverava jednom godišnje u cevima, dvaput u bunaru. We recommend that mains water have a water-quality test carried out once a year, well water twice a year. We suggest that the quality of the water is checked once a year in the pipes, twice in the well. >>eng<< Razvedena sam. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. >>eng<< Ne znam ništa o njoj. I don't know anything about her. I don't know anything about her. >>eng<< Не мога да те чакам. I can't wait for you. I can't wait for you. >>eng<< Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм бил в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I was in Boston. >>eng<< Може ли да го потпишете ова? Could you sign this? Can you sign this? >>eng<< Rýchlo sa nahnevá. He's quick to anger. Rýchlo's nahnevá. >>eng<< Очевидно. Obviously. Obviously. >>eng<< Ja sam heroj. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. >>eng<< I sad, kad se setim svega što sam iskusio, zaista sam naučio puno toga. And now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. And now that I remember everything I've experienced, I've really learned a lot. >>eng<< Šargarepe koštaju tri dolara. Carrots cost three dollars. Carrots cost three dollars. >>eng<< Ideš li na Tomovo i Merino venčanje? Are you going to Tom and Mary's wedding? Are you going to Tom's and Mary's wedding? >>eng<< Како браќа сме. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. >>eng<< Tom je knjiški moljac. Tom is a bookworm. Tom's a book moth. >>eng<< Molim te, ne viči. Please don't shout. Please don't yell. >>eng<< Ќе ја користам мечтата. I'll use my imagination. I'll use the dream. >>eng<< Celé mesto bolo pod vodou. The entire town was under water. The whole town hurts under the water. >>eng<< Пробај ја кошулана. Try on that shirt. Try the shirt. >>eng<< Neko je bio ovde. Someone has been here. Someone was here. >>eng<< Tražio sam te. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. >>eng<< Ovo je baš moralo da se desi danas! This just had to happen today of all days! This had to happen today! >>eng<< Nemoj da pričaš. Don't talk. Is that so? >>eng<< Tom je kupio piće za sve. Tom bought drinks for everybody. Tom bought a drink for everyone. >>eng<< Nikada ranije nismo igrali fudbal. I've never played soccer before. We've never played football before. >>eng<< Tom je pozvao mariju na večeru. Tom invited Mary to supper. Tom invited Maria to dinner. >>eng<< Rozveďme sa. Let's get divorced. Rosveme with. >>eng<< Ще го намериш. You'll find one. You'll find him. >>eng<< Život mi je bio dobar. My life has been good. My life was good. >>eng<< Тези две ризи са направени от един и същи материал. These two shirts are made from the same material. These two shirts are made of the same material. >>eng<< Pomalo sam nova u ovome. I'm kind of new at this. I'm a little new at this. >>eng<< Тој ме искористи. He took advantage of me. He used me. >>eng<< Се омажила за нула од човек. She has married a nobody. She married a zero man. >>eng<< Каквото и да кажа, то няма да накара Том да промени решението си. There's nothing I could ever say that would make Tom change his mind. Whatever I say, it won't make Tom change his mind. >>eng<< Том е веќе таму. Tom is there already. Tom's already there. >>eng<< Човешката кожа е много чувствителна към промени в температурата. Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Human skin is very sensitive to changes in temperature. >>eng<< Tom je probao da nam pomogne. Tom tried to help us. Tom tried to help us. >>eng<< Обичам да се занимавам с градинарство. I love gardening. I love gardening. >>eng<< Не можете да влезете в музея. В момента е в реконструкция. You cannot enter the museum. It is currently under repair. You can't get into the museum. >>eng<< Преди няколко дена компютърът ми спря да работи. My computer stopped working a few days ago. A few days ago, my computer stopped working. >>eng<< Така би било логично. That's the logical thing to do. That would be logical. >>eng<< Šta bih trebao da vidim? What should I see? What am I supposed to see? >>eng<< Tom je rekao da sam neobziran. Tom said that I was reckless. Tom said I was reckless. >>eng<< Няма да повярвате кой се отби у нас днес. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who came to our house today. >>eng<< Šest je mongolskih rečenica na Tatoebi zasada. There are six sentences in Mongolian in Tatoeba as of now. There are six Mongolian sentences on the Tatoeba for now. >>eng<< Има ли некога у кући? Anybody home? Is there anyone in the house? >>eng<< Том почна да се смее. Tom began laughing. Tom started laughing. >>eng<< Moja majka kuva za mene. My mother is cooking for me. My mother cooks for me. >>eng<< Tomu se sviđaju oba. Tom likes them both. That's what they both like. >>eng<< Postoje li duše? Do souls exist? Are there souls? >>eng<< Не съм виждал Том, откакто бях на тринайсет. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. >>eng<< Како дошло - така прошло. Easy come, easy go. How it came - that's how it went. >>eng<< Нямам представа. I have no clue. I have no idea. >>eng<< Ајде да направиме торта. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. >>eng<< Да,това е правилният отговор. Yes, that's the right answer. Yeah, that's the right answer. >>eng<< Одам на пауза за ручек. I'm taking my lunch break. I'm taking a break for lunch. >>eng<< Taman sam krenula. I was just heading out. I was just on my way. >>eng<< Nemojte da blejite. Don't stare. Don't fade. >>eng<< Забављај се док можеш. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. >>eng<< Ne možeš da sedneš pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. >>eng<< Ne diraj lava dok spava. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don't touch the lion while he's sleeping. >>eng<< Те вероятно са пияни. They're probably drunk. They're probably drunk. >>eng<< Rekao si mi to prije. You told me that before. You told me that before. >>eng<< Опет се нацврцао. He had once again drunk one over the eight. He's napped again. >>eng<< Тя прекара много дни, плетейки пуловер за него. She spent many days knitting a sweater for him. She spent many days knitting sweater for him. >>eng<< Взимате ли в момента някакви лекарства? Are you currently using any medication? Are you currently taking any medications? >>eng<< Логика је очигледно твоја јача страна. Logic is obviously your strong point. Logic is obviously your strength. >>eng<< Знам што ти е важно тебе и ќе дадам сѐ од себе да го уништам. I know what you love and I'll do everything I can in order to destroy it. I know what matters to you and I will do my best to destroy it. >>eng<< Posluži se. Help yourself. Help yourself. >>eng<< Reci joj. Tell her. Tell her. >>eng<< Ne zaboravi da treba da uradimo domaći. Don't forget we have to do our homework. Don't forget to do our homework. >>eng<< Кога почнува претставата? When does the performance begin? When does the show start? >>eng<< Pazi! Watch out! Watch it! >>eng<< Чувај си ги цигарите суви. Keep your cigarettes dry. Keep your cigarettes dry. >>eng<< Tom je izgledao zaprepašćeno. Tom looked stunned. Tom seemed amazed. >>eng<< Наистина ли искаш да плуваш? Can you really swim? Do you really want to swim? >>eng<< Tom prodaje automobile. Tom sells cars. Tom's selling cars. >>eng<< Ona je iskrena. She's honest. She's honest. >>eng<< Možda je Tom bio umešan. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. >>eng<< Samozrejme, že rozumiem. Of course, I understand. Self-harm, I'm already a rosemie. >>eng<< Ti uvijek pjevaš. You always sing. You always sing. >>eng<< Стана произшествие. There's been an accident. It was an accident. >>eng<< Том се врати во Бостон. Tom returned to Boston. Tom's back in Boston. >>eng<< Tom sada ima porodicu. Tom has a family now. Tom has family now. >>eng<< Ne voli da joj se govori šta da radi. She doesn't like being told what to do. She doesn't like being told what to do. >>eng<< Zakladateľ Facebooku, Mark Zuckerberg, je skoro casanova. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is almost a casanova. Facebook's foundation, Mark Zuckerberg, is almost an honor. >>eng<< Тој страсно ја бакна во уста. He kissed her passionately on the lips. He kissed her passionately in the mouth. >>eng<< Da li se sada vraćaš? Are you going back now? Are you coming back now? >>eng<< Затоа што орбитата е овална, растојанието помеѓу планетите и сонцето постојано варира. Since it is the oval track, the distance between the planets and the sun differs at times. Because the orbit is oval, the distance between planets and the sun constantly varies. >>eng<< Presvuci se. Get changed. Change your clothes. >>eng<< Има само еден начин да се реши ова. There's only one way to settle this. There is only one way to solve this. >>eng<< Добро. А ти? Fine. And you? Okay, what about you? >>eng<< Първоначално,не бяхме близки,с времето се опознахме. At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. At first, we weren't close, we got to know each other in time. >>eng<< Vrištaću. I'll scream. I'll scream. >>eng<< Къде е вашият баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? >>eng<< Prestani da pušiš. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. >>eng<< Je li ovo tvoja bilježnica? Is this your notebook? Is this your notebook? >>eng<< Imaš li pravog? Do you have a real one? Do you have a real one? >>eng<< Прво мораш да ги прашаш. You have to ask them first. You have to ask them first. >>eng<< Svi su otišli. Everybody left. They're all gone. >>eng<< Избегнувај ја. Stay away from her. Stay away from her. >>eng<< Тя не е висока. She is not tall. She's not tall. >>eng<< Govori li Tom stvarno francuski? Can Tom really speak French? Does Tom really speak French? >>eng<< Iskren da budem, nisam ni siguran da sam u pravu. I'm not even sure that I'm right, truth be told. To be honest, I'm not even sure I'm right. >>eng<< U kom pravcu ideš? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? >>eng<< Моля те, недей. Please don't do it. Please don't. >>eng<< Заборавив да ти кажам кога почнува состанокот. I forgot to tell you what time the meeting's going to start. I forgot to tell you when the meeting started. >>eng<< То је лош знак. That's a bad sign. That's a bad sign. >>eng<< Nemamo izbora, no ubiti. I have no choice but to kill. We have no choice but to kill. >>eng<< Svečena večera se održala u Beloj kući. The official dinner took place at the White House. The dinner was held at the White House. >>eng<< Извињавам се. Excuse me. Excuse me. >>eng<< Се осеќам како глупак. I felt like an idiot. I feel like a fool. >>eng<< Забравих как се казва. I forgot what his name was. I forgot her name. >>eng<< Pravi takvu grimasu da poželiš da ga udariš. He's making the kind of face you want to punch. He's making a face like that to make you want to hit him. >>eng<< Той закъсня заради снега. He was late because of the snow. He was late for the snow. >>eng<< Da li je Tom obavešten? Has Tom been informed? Is Tom notified? >>eng<< Никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. >>eng<< Тя се отказа от всичко заради децата си. She gave up everything for her children. She gave up everything for her children. >>eng<< Грейс изглеждаше ядосана. Grace looked angry. Grace seemed angry. >>eng<< Da li imaš primerak? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? >>eng<< Mani se, Tome. Knock it off, Tom. Get out of the way, Tom. >>eng<< Имам мал подарок за него. I have a small gift for him. I have a little gift for him. >>eng<< Ali ni zoprno? Isn't that annoying? Isn't it weird? >>eng<< Obojica smo bogati. We're both rich. We're both rich. >>eng<< To je veoma lepo od tebe. That is very nice of you. That's very nice of you. >>eng<< Го изгласале за градоначалник на Бостон. He was elected mayor of Boston. He was elected Mayor of Boston. >>eng<< Си го читал ли ова? Have you read this yet? Have you read this? >>eng<< Кога последен пат го надои бебето? When was the last time you breast-fed your baby? When was the last time you got your baby? >>eng<< Таа го изгаси компјутерот. She switched off the computer. She shut down the computer. >>eng<< Ако искаш нещо, не се колебай да ми кажеш. If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. If you want something, don't hesitate to tell me. >>eng<< Том си закопча униформата. Tom buttoned up his uniform. Tom's got his uniform fastened. >>eng<< Бъди по-конкретна. Be more precise. Be more specific. >>eng<< Претпоставувам дека тоа е во ред. I suppose that's OK. I guess that's okay. >>eng<< Не знам ништо за иднината. I don't know anything about the future. I don't know anything about the future. >>eng<< Lažete! You're lying! You're lying! >>eng<< Možeš li da me probudiš u sedam sutra ujutru? Can you wake me up at seven o'clock tomorrow morning? Can you wake me up at 7:00 tomorrow morning? >>eng<< Добро ќе ги плаќаат. They'll be well paid. They'll pay them well. >>eng<< Da li si ga upravo srela? Did you just meet him? Did you just meet him? >>eng<< Sreća je bila na našoj strani. Luck was on our side. Happiness was on our side. >>eng<< Не е сега право време. Now's not the time. It's not a good time. >>eng<< On uvek nosi tamnu odeću. He always wears dark clothes. He always wears dark clothes. >>eng<< Той е по-нисък от Том. He's shorter than Tom. He's shorter than Tom. >>eng<< Koja je najduža reka na svetu? What's the longest river in the world? What is the longest river in the world? >>eng<< Tom je uključio grejanje. Tom turned on the heat. Tom turned on the heating. >>eng<< Ovo je bilo na listi. This was on the list. This was on the list. >>eng<< To je bio samo početak. That was just the beginning. It was just the beginning. >>eng<< Едно, две, три, четири, пет, шест, седем, осем, девет, десет. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >>eng<< Моята сестра живее близо до Йокохама. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. >>eng<< Tom ne može svirati gitaru. Tom can't play the guitar. Tom can't play guitar. >>eng<< Донеси ми днешния вестник, моля. Bring me today's paper, please. Bring me today's paper, please. >>eng<< Том сака реванш. Tom wants a rematch. Tom wants a rematch. >>eng<< Ти вероятно вече знаеш за нашата компания. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know about our company. >>eng<< Nešto se dogodilo. Something happened. Something's happened. >>eng<< Остави ме да се сосредоточам. Let me concentrate. Let me focus. >>eng<< Siguran sam da je Tom imao neke veze s tim. I'm sure Tom had something to do with that. I'm sure Tom had something to do with it. >>eng<< Ме измами. He deceived me. You cheated on me. >>eng<< Къде каза Том, че трябва да отидем? Where did Tom say we should go? Where did Tom say we should go? >>eng<< Изглежда, че парите ни свършват. It looks like we're running out of money. Looks like our money's over. >>eng<< Върви бавно и аз ще те настигна. Walk slowly, and I will catch up with you. You go slow and I'll catch up with you. >>eng<< Одеа на богослужба секој ден. She went to mass every day. They went to worship every day. >>eng<< Radšej by som umrel, než by som sa mal vzdať. I would rather die than surrender. Radsey by som died, care by som with a little puff. >>eng<< Това е в разрез с принципите ми. It's against my principles. This is contrary to my principles. >>eng<< Stvarno mi je muka od ovoga. I'm really sick of this. I'm really sick of this. >>eng<< Predsednik je umro neočekivano. The President died unexpectedly. The president died unexpectedly. >>eng<< Skupština je raspuštena. Parliament has been dissolved. The assembly is dissolved. >>eng<< Том ќе биде тука неколку дена. Tom will be here several days. Tom will be here for a few days. >>eng<< Зошто отиде таму? Why did you go there? Why did you go there? >>eng<< Predvidela sam da će ovo da se desi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I expected this to happen months ago. >>eng<< Nisam razumeo pitanje. I didn't understand the question. I didn't understand the question. >>eng<< Verujem da ste iskreni. I believe you're honest. I believe you are honest.