Svi pokušavamo da pobedimo. We're all trying to win. We're all trying to win. Забелязах, че не си беше у вас снощи. I noticed you weren't at home last night. I noticed you weren't at your place last night. Јас сум ти новиот партнер. I'm your new partner. I'm your new partner. Ми се приспива. I'm beginning to get sleepy. I'm getting some sleep. Škola bola založená v roku 1650. The school was established in 1650. School of pain pawned within 1650. Том внимава с бюджета си. Tom is paying attention to his budget. Tom's careful with his budget. Пука ми. I don't give a damn about it. I don't give a shit. Nisam znao da si tako bogata. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. Ти си шефът! You're the boss! You're the boss! Познавам човек, който може да говори френски добре. I know a man who can speak French well. I know a man who can speak French well. Tom je probao da nam pomogne. Tom tried to help us. Tom tried to help us. Не е безполезно да ходиш в университета. It isn't futile to go to university. It's not useless to go to university. Што е со тебе и него? What is it with you and him? What about you and him? On ne govori engleski. He does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Súhlasím úplne. I agree completely. Súhlasím úplne. Не беше толкова силна. It wasn't that loud. She wasn't that strong. Го пребродив шокот. I'm over the shock. I've been through the shock. Kome si napisao pismo? Who did you write a letter to? Who did you write the letter to? Buć-buć je primer ideofona. Splish-splash is an example of an ideophone. Butt-butt is an example of an ideophone. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителен. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Имаше трийсет свидетели. There were 30 witnesses. There were 30 witnesses. Направете две редици. Form two lines. Make two lines. Имаш ли подчинени, които говорят френски? Do you have any employees who speak French? Do you have any subordinates who speak French? Том не ја погледна Мери. Tom didn't look at Mary. Tom didn't look at Mary. Тя често се простудяваше. She caught colds often. She used to freak out a lot. Студентският съвет обсъждаше плановете за деня на дипломирането. The student council discussed plans for the graduation. The student council discussed the plans for graduation day. Радвам се, че се познавам с вас. I'm glad to make your acquaintance. I'm glad I know you. Стој! Freeze! Stop! Тоа ми беше тактиката. That was my strategy. That was my tactics. Oprostite, ampak iščem pošto. Excuse me, but I'm looking for the post office. I'm sorry, but I'm looking for mail. Prečo je sneh biely? Why is snow white? It's snowy, isn't it? Nema razloga za paniku. There's no reason to panic. There's no reason to panic. Да речеме сега засега дека си во право. Let's say for the moment that you're right. Let's just say for now you're right. Postaješ neobazriv. You're getting careless. You're getting reckless. Тя дори не би се изпикала върху мен, ако се запаля. She wouldn't even piss on me if I were on fire. She wouldn't even piss on me if I caught fire. Ќе те фатам. I'm going to get you. I'll get you. Веома сте лепа жена. You're a very beautiful woman. You're a very beautiful woman. Ја стави главата кај мене на рамо. She put her head on my shoulder. He put his head on my shoulder. Това беше просто случайност. It was nothing more than an accident. It was just a coincidence. Ja sam taj koji treba da radi to. I'm the one who should be doing that. I'm the one who should be doing it. Го познавав Том многу добро. I knew Tom very well. I knew Tom very well. Nikada ranije nisam opazio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Го повлече јажето. He pulled the rope. He pulled the rope. On ne trpi takšnega načina obnašanja. He doesn't tolerate that type of behaviour. He doesn't suffer that kind of behavior. Bez vode je nemoguće živjeti. You can't live without water. Without water, it's impossible to live. Imamo majhno hišo. We have a small house. We have a small house. Tom je zatvorio ogradu. Tom hurdled the fence. Tom closed the fence. Ovaj grad nije dovoljno velik za nas dvoje. This town ain't big enough for the two of us. This town isn't big enough for the two of us. Ова е занимлива, смешна и дури потресна приказна. This is an interesting, funny and even moving story. This is an interesting, funny, even shaken story. Ќе го прашам во твое име. I'll ask him for you. I'll ask him on your behalf. Нека внимава купувачот. Let the buyer beware. Make sure the buyer's careful. Те нападна ли тој човек? Was that man harassing you? Did that man attack you? Не се бори. Don't fight. Don't fight. Koga briga? Who cares? Who cares? Требаше да бидам покултурен. I should've been more polite. I should have been more cultured. Šta proučava sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a Soviet scientist study? Искрено сум среќен за Том. I'm genuinely happy for Tom. I'm truly happy for Tom. Кървят ли ви венците? Do your gums bleed? Are your gums bleeding? Той ще бъде зает утре. He will be busy tomorrow. He'll be busy tomorrow. Имаме физическо. We have PE class. We've got physical. Сонцете само што изгреа. The sun has just come up. The sun just came up. Състоянието им се влошава. They're getting worse. Their condition is getting worse. Щеше ли да ме обичаш, ако не бях върколак? Would you still love me if I wasn't a werewolf? Would you love me if I wasn't a werewolf? Ќе одам да најдам друг. I'll go find another one. I'm gonna go find another one. Sad razumijemo. Now we understand. Now we understand. Имам два апарата. I have two cameras. I've got two machines. Не съм ли те срещал по-рано? Haven't I seen you before? Haven't I met you before? Zašto si to uradila? What did you do it for? Why did you do that? Ja sam vrlo tužan čovjek. I am a very sad man. I'm a very sad man. Мислам дека доволно помогна. I think you've helped enough. I think you've helped enough. Ме боли работо. My shoulder hurts. My job hurts. Не бих си помислил, че тофуто има толкова добър вкус. I wouldn't have thought that tofu tastes this good. I wouldn't think tofu tastes so good. Oprosti. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Миловидна бев. I was lovely. I was kind. Svi su čekali. Everybody waited. Everyone was waiting. Дајте ми кључ, и ја ћу откључати свемир. Give me a key, and I will unlock the universe. Give me the key, and I'll unlock the universe. Том имаше модринка на раката. Tom had a bruise on his arm. Tom had a bruise on his arm. Nemam mnogo prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Ќе стане наставничка. She will be a teacher. She's going to be a teacher. Заборавам каде го ставам. I forgot where I put it. I forget where I put it. Болката којашто ја предизвикува љубовта е послатка од кое било задоволство. The pain caused by love is much sweeter than any pleasure. The pain of love is sweeter than any pleasure. Зарем не е тоа добра вест? Isn't that good news? Isn't that good news? Pa šta ako je to tačno? So what if that's true? So what if that's true? Одам да го проверам Том. I'm going to check in on Tom. I'm gonna go check on Tom. Том беше спасен от един случаен минувач. Tom was rescued by a passer-by. Tom was saved by a random passerby. Glava me ne boli več. My head doesn't ache anymore. My head doesn't hurt anymore. Това се превръща в проблем. That's becoming a problem. This is turning into a problem. Том рече дека треба да разговарам со некого за тоа што се беше случило. Tom said I should talk to someone about what had happened. Tom said I needed to talk to someone about what happened. Ова не е заебанција. This isn't a game. This isn't a joke. Još jedna prodavnica će se uskoro otvoriti u Bostonu. Another store will be opened in Boston soon. Another store is about to open in Boston. Nisam dobar plivač. I'm not a good swimmer. I'm not a good swimmer. Jesi li mogla da je pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? Pojdi na avtobus proti Badstraße in izstopi pri Seestraße. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Badstraße and get out of Seestraße. Prišiel som peši. I came on foot. I sewed som on foot. Тој веќе си ја завршил работата. He has already finished his work. He's already done his job. Просто прави, каквото Том казва. Just do what Tom says. Just do what Tom says. Не Ви ли е студено? Aren't you cold? Aren't you cold? Имам три чеда. I've got three kids. I have three children. Том се беше прибрал вкъщи. Tom has gone home. Tom was home. Беше по полноќ. It was after midnight. It was after midnight. Аз бих могла да ви направя щастливи. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Зафатени сме сега. We're busy right now. We're busy now. Odbranite se. Defend yourself. Defend yourselves. Том се върна да си вземе палтото. Tom went back inside to get his coat. Tom's back to get his coat. Какво искате да ми кажете? What is it you want to tell me? What do you want to tell me? Ja sam prevoditelj. I am a translator. I'm an interpreter. Деца се играју напољу. The children are playing outside. The kids are playing outside. Аз не обичам снега. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Stvarno sam radoznao. I'm really curious. I'm really curious. Баща ѝ е японец. Her father is Japanese. Her father's Japanese. Svi imamo cenu. We all have a price. We all have a price. Каде сме се упатиле? Where are we heading? Where are we headed? Си ги рекламираме производите на телевизија. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. Zaboravljam gde ostavim šešir. I forget where I put my hat. I forget where I leave my hat. Девојката заспа. The girl went to sleep. The girl's asleep. Desilo se upravo ovde. It happened right here. It happened right here. Вчера ме изписаха. I was discharged from hospital today. I was released yesterday. Баща ми ще ми сготви вкусна гозба утре сутринта. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My father will make me a delicious feast tomorrow morning. Том изгледаше малку изненадено. Tom looked a little surprised. Tom seemed a little surprised. Добре, да тръгваме. Okay, let's go. All right, let's go. Не таиме ништо. We have no secrets. We're not hiding anything. Моля те, кажи ми защо беше уволнен Том. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Каква корист има од тоа? What help is that? What good is that? Једва смо преживели. We barely survived. We barely survived. Меѓународен јазик би бил мошне корисен за човештвото. An international language would be most useful for humanity. An international language would be very useful to mankind. Имав хрчак по име Куки. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Кейт говори английски много бързо. Kate speaks English very fast. Kate speaks English very quickly. Ние карахме, като се сменяхме. We took turns driving. We used to drive when we changed. Zašto si ćutao svo vreme? Why were you silent all the time? Why did you keep your mouth shut all the time? Може ли да дојдам. Can I come? Can I come? Тъкмо се върнахме и започна да вали. We had scarcely returned when it began raining. We just got back and it's starting to rain. Neki kažu da ako nagaziš na kišnu glistu, da će početi da pada kiša. Some people say stepping on a worm makes it rain. Some say that if you step on the rainworm, it will start to rain. Том не е такъв. Tom isn't like that. Tom's not like that. Он ништа не пропушта. He doesn't miss a beat. He's not missing anything. Кен може да плува, нали? Ken can swim, can't he? Ken can swim, right? Тя само пазарува. She is just going shopping. She's just shopping. Sada moram da idem. I must go now. Now I have to go. Pokušaću da ubedim Toma da nam pomogne. I'll try to persuade Tom to help us. I'll try to convince Tom to help us. Патриотите се изправиха в защита на правата на своята нация. The patriots stood up for the rights of their nation. The patriots stood up for their nation's rights. Шта ја радим овде? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Pođite sa nama, molim vas. Come with us, please. Come with us, please. Това е готино. That's cool. That's cool. Надявам се, че Том може да ме вмести в натоварения си график. I hope Tom can fit me into his tight schedule. I hope Tom can get me into his busy schedule. Sigurna sam da ćeš dobro da prođeš. I'm sure you'll do well. I'm sure you'll have a good time. Vlada je pala nakon glasanja u parlamentu. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after the vote in parliament. Можам да го остварам тоа. I can make it happen. I can make that happen. Ne kasnim, zar ne? I'm not late, am I? I'm not late, am I? Интелектуалецът е човек, който казва нещо просто по сложен начин; творецът е човек, който казва нещо сложно по прост начин. An intellectual is a man who says a simple thing in a difficult way; an artist is a man who says a difficult thing in a simple way. The intellectual is a person who says something simply in a complex way; the artist is a person who says something complex in a simple way. Prinesel sem ti malo vode. I brought you some water. I brought you some water. Velika je vjerojatnost da će sutra kišiti. Tomorrow there's a high probability it will rain. It's very likely it'll rain tomorrow. В Северна Америка,когато човек свие раменете си това означава "не знам". In North America when a person shrugs his shoulders it means "I don't know". In North America, when a man bends his shoulders, that means "I don't know." Будите стрпљиви. Be patient. Be patient. Извадете го стегачот. Remove the tourniquet. Take out the clamp. Pretpostavila sam da ste zauzeti. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Има ли некој таму внатре? Is anybody in there? Is there anyone in there? Poprisredi malo. Clean up a little. Why don't you clean it up a little bit? Posrećilo nam se, zar ne? We're lucky, aren't we? We got lucky, didn't we? Šta je to, mala maco? Želela bi malo krema? What's that, little cat? Would you like some sour cream? What's that, little kitty? Зошто си испржил само два колбаса? Why did you fry two sausages only? Why did you only fry two sausages? Uvek sam se pitao ovo. I've always wondered about this. I've always wondered this. Том облеков само еден чевел. Tom only has one shoe on. Tom, I only wore one shoe. Што е одговорот? What's the answer? What's the answer? Трябва да си намериш истинска работа. You need to get a real job. You need to get yourself a real job. Ne zaboravi da se namažeš kremom za sunčanje. Don't forget to put on sunscreen. Don't forget to put sunscreen on. Emily će me iznenaditi. Emily will surprise me. Emily will surprise me. Ајде да се уозбилиме. Let's get serious. Let's get serious. Чух, че Том целунал Мери. I heard that Tom kissed Mary. I heard Tom kissed Mary. Том сакаше рано да си оди дома. Tom wanted to go home early. Tom wanted to go home early. Tom i Frank su dobri prijatelji. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Не бев свесен дека Том го сторил тоа. I wasn't aware Tom had done that. I wasn't aware that Tom did it. Moram da planiram sve. I have to plan everything. I have to plan everything. Одговорот беше „да“. The answer was yes. The answer was yes. Колико дуго сте наставник? How long have you been a teacher? How long have you been a teacher? Таа му помага. She is helping him. She's helping him. Дали ѝ пишуваш пораки на Мери? Are you texting Mary? Are you texting Mary? Ali si Ujgur? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uygur? Той стоя буден до късно. He stayed up late. He's staying up late. Ајде да почнеме! Let's start! Let's get started! Той мина през всичко това за нищо. He has taken all this trouble for nothing. He went through all this for nothing. Зини докрај. Open your mouth wide. Zini, finish up. Бях отпуск. I was on vacation. I was on leave. Kako sam propustila to? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? Разбрах за твоето парти. I heard about your party. I heard about your party. Що за човек би направил нещо такова? What kind of person would do that kind of thing? What kind of person would do something like that? Pajác! Buffoon! Paiác! Малко ме боли вратът. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. Го немаме видено Том. We haven't seen Tom. We haven't seen Tom. Žena je mladá. The woman is young. The woman is young. Tom je uspeo da pobegne tačno na vreme. Tom managed to escape just in time. Tom managed to escape just in time. Решив да си одам со аџиите. I decided to go away with the pilgrims. I've decided to go with the pilgrims. Reci mi gde živiš. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. Као у добра стара времена. This is just like old times. Just like old times. Ще бъда наказан. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Ona je izašla u šetnju. She went out for a walk. She went for a walk. Ми стана незгодно од хетеронормативната пропаганда. The heteronormative propaganda made me uncomfortable. I was embarrassed by heteronormal propaganda. Момчета, много сте зле. You guys suck. You guys are so bad. Je vaša žena ešte v Amerike? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife in America? Оценявам съдействието ви. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Već sam bila tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. Čujem da je Tom zainteresovan. I hear Tom is interested. I hear Tom's interested. Slavim. I'm celebrating. I'm celebrating. Тя се освежи преди вечеря. She freshened herself up before supper. She refreshed herself before dinner. Миналата неделя гледахме един смешен филм. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. Last Sunday we saw a funny movie. Том не иска да признае, че не знае как да го направи. Tom doesn't want to admit that he doesn't know how to do it. Tom won't admit he doesn't know how to do it. Šta ste vas dvojica uradili? What did both of you do? What did you two do? Том ми е маж. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Том беше в моя автобус. Tom was on the same bus with me. Tom was on my bus. Бурж Халифа е понастоящем най-високият небостъргач в света. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Bourge Khalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Nemojte da se svađate. Don't fight. Don't fight. Имам други планове за Том. I have other plans for Tom. I have other plans for Tom. Приготвих списък. I've prepared a list. I made a list. Ne volim da se iznenadim. I don't like to be surprised. I don't like to be surprised. Ne mogu da odgovorim na Vaše pitanje sa bilo kakvom sigurnošću. I can't answer your question with any certainty. I can't answer your question with any certainty. Само аз ги познавам. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. Лагао те је. He lied to you. He lied to you. Няма да можем да се измъкнем от тази килия. We won't be able to get out of this cell. We won't be able to get out of this cell. Сакам да си го одржиш ветувањето. I want you to keep your promise. I want you to keep your promise. Том делува изнервирано. Tom seems flustered. Tom seems pissed off. Треба да одиме да ги најдеме. We'd better go find them. We should go find them. Možda im treba nešto da jedu. They may need something to eat. Maybe they need something to eat. Она је учитељица. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Том даде на Мери целенасочено грешната книга. Tom gave Mary the wrong book deliberately. Tom gave Mary the wrong book. Том каза, че вероятно няма да отнеме твърде много време. Tom said that it probably wouldn't take too much time. Tom said it probably won't take too long. Puno toga se dogodilo. A lot has happened. A lot's happened. Tom je htjeo vidjeti Marynu sobu. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Не се надявай много. Don't get your hopes up. Don't get your hopes up. Moj ujak ima veliku porodicu. My uncle has a large family. My uncle has a big family. Ние играхме за победа. We played to win. We played to win. Tom je ugovorio termin. Tom made an appointment. Tom made an appointment. Остани со нас на неколку дена. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Тоа е добар одговор. That's a good answer. That's a good answer. Levy sú zvieratá. Lions are animals. Levy sú zvieratá. Ko je Tom? Je li to tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is that your new boyfriend? To smo već odlučili. We've already settled that. We've already decided that. Додека имав запаление на белите дробови, само чемреев во својата соба, чекајќи да се опоравам. While I had pneumonia, I just languished in my room, waiting to recover. While I had pneumonia, I was just checking into my room, waiting to recover. Не донесовме никаков заклучок. We didn't reach any conclusions. We've come to no conclusion. Тази камера е на Том, нали? This camera is Tom's, isn't it? This camera belongs to Tom, right? Opet buljiš u TV umesto da radiš svoj domaći zadatak! You're watching the idiot box again instead of doing your homework! You're staring at TV again instead of doing your homework! Само толку ми требаше. That's all I needed. That's all I needed. Ми преостануваат уште неколку минути. I've some minutes left. I've got a few minutes left. Пия вода. I'm drinking water. I'm drinking water. Казвал съм ти толкова пъти да не го правиш. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I've told you so many times not to. Тоа не беше баш точно. That wasn't exactly true. That wasn't exactly true. Video sam mačku. I saw the cat. I saw the cat. Je päť. It's five o'clock. It's pää. Аз дори не мога да чета френски, а какво остава да го говоря. I can't even read French, much less speak it. I can't even read French. What's left to say? Оди кај другите. Get with the others. Go to the others. Морално ли е тоа? Is this ethical? Is that moral? Толку ли беше очигледно? Was it that obvious? Was it that obvious? Ja sam ovdje. I'm here. I'm here. Не съм бил тук много. I haven't been around much. I haven't been here much. Колко епизода на One Piece си гледал? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many One Piece episodes have you seen? A lahko kakam v miru? Please let me poop in peace. Can I have some peace? Искрено, Том не се трудеше доволно. Frankly, Tom didn't try hard enough. Honestly, Tom wasn't trying hard enough. Той беше принуден да подпише договора. He was compelled to sign the contract. He was forced to sign the contract. Не искам да ходя на училище. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Već imaju jednog. They already have one. They already have one. Različit si. You're different. You're different. Подозирам дека Том го скршил прозорецот. I suspect it was Tom who broke the window. I suspect Tom broke the window. Ова ми се родителите. These are my parents. These are my parents. Стани кога ми се обраќаш. Stand up when you talk to me. Stop when you talk to me. Тя написа писмо. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. „Времето не е пари.“ „Времето е живот.“ Time is not money. - Time is life. "Time is not money." "Time is life." Не можам да добијам асален одговор од Том. I can't get a straight answer from Tom. I can't get an asal answer from Tom. Не смееш вака да постапуваш со мене. You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like this. Zadatak odvjetnika je dokazati nevinost njenog klijenta. The lawyer's job is to prove that her client is innocent. The lawyer's task is to prove her client's innocence. Честита Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Сега е време за надоместок. Now it's time to make amends. Now it's time to make up for it. Не е тајна дека Том не се согласува со тебе. It's no secret that Tom doesn't agree with you. It's no secret that Tom disagrees with you. Нашето мнение - това е някаква представа, която ние притежаваме; нашето убеждение - това е представа, която притежава нас. Our opinion is an idea which we have; our conviction an idea which has us. Our opinion - this is some idea that we have; our belief - this is an idea that owns us. Заварих момчето дълбоко заспало. I found the boy sound asleep. I found the boy deeply asleep. Јас сум соседот на Том. I'm Tom's neighbor. I'm Tom's neighbor. Сакам крстословки. I like crossword puzzles. I like crosswords. Джак Никълсън е израснал в Ню Джърси. Jack Nicholson was raised in New Jersey. Jack Nicholson grew up in New Jersey. Никога повече не казвай това. Don't ever say that again. Don't ever say that again. Ima mleka u frižideru. There is milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Забранявам пушенето в моята стая. I forbid smoking in my room. I forbid smoking in my room. Треба да зборуваат. They need to talk. They need to talk. Možeš li mi sačuvati nekoliko kolačića. Could you save me a couple of cookies? Can you save me some cookies? Jesi li spremna da preuzmeš odgovornost? Are you prepared to take responsibility? Are you ready to take responsibility? Знам как се чувстваш. I know how you feel. I know how you feel. Изчакай само за момент. Wait just a moment. Wait a minute. Том даде отпор. Tom put up a fight. Tom resisted. Не ни знам кое е кое. I don't even know which one is which. I don't even know which one. Пишувај му на Том. Write Tom. Write to Tom. Promenio si moj život. You changed my life. You changed my life. Ти ли ја предизвика сообраќајката? Are you the one who caused the accident? Did you cause the accident? Свакако, хвала. Thanks anyway. Sure, thanks. Neću da te napinjem. I don't mean to nag you. I don't want to piss you off. Sve je pogrešno. Everything's wrong. It's all wrong. Kul! Cool! Cool! Населениците на островот се пријателски настроени. The inhabitants of the island are friendly. The island’s inhabitants are friendly. Не гледам да се жалат муштерии. I don't see any customers complaining. I don't see customers complaining. Не говориш ли английски? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Каква е минималната заплата в Англия? What's the minimum salary in England? What's the minimum wage in England? Том не помръдна повече от час. Tom hasn't budged for over an hour. Tom hasn't moved in over an hour. Има слабо срце. He has a bad heart. He's got a weak heart. Dokle ćeš da se ljutiš i vičeš na nas? Until when shall you tell us off? How long are you gonna be mad and yell at us? Veoma si hrabra, zar ne? You're very brave, aren't you? You're very brave, aren't you? Том очигледно е исфрустриран и депримиран. Tom is clearly frustrated and desperate. Tom's obviously frustrated and depressed. Тоа беше многу глупаво. That was so stupid. That was so stupid. Завъртях дръжката на вратата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the handle on the door. Ще ме научиш ли някои френски фрази, които може да ми потрябват? Could you teach me some French phrases that I might need? Can you teach me some French phrases I might need? Не мешај работа и задоволство. Don't mix business with pleasure. Don't mix business with pleasure. Том излъга къде е бил миналата нощ. Tom lied about where he'd been last night. Tom lied about where he was last night. Еден час до настанот. One hour until the event. One hour until the event. Зошто ме праша за тоа? Why do you ask me that? Why did you ask me about that? Имам намера да го користам. I intend to use it. I intend to use it. Neću da uradim to! I'm not going to do that! I won't do it! Nekoliko muškaraca se naljutimo na Toma u baru i Tom im je rekao da ga nije strah da se suoči sa njima. Several men got angry with Tom in the bar and Tom told them he wasn't afraid to take them on. A few men get mad at Tom at the bar and Tom tells them he's not afraid to face them. Govorim švedsko. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Gdje su naši kišobrani? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? Наскоро ќе бидам со тебе. I'll soon be with you. I'll be with you soon. Не знам какво да кажа. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. U ovom rečniku se napisane 1000 reči uz to da sve one moraju biti zapamćene do jula. There are 1,000 English words written down in this vocabulary book, and they all have to be memorized by July. This dictionary contains 1,000 words, all of which must be remembered by July. Ѝ дале седатив. They have her sedated. They've given her a sedative. Мери е бремена. Mary is eating for two now. Mary's pregnant. Хайде да тръгваме! Let's go. Let's go! Ja sam mlad. I'm young. I'm young. "Ako P, onda Q" je logički ekvivalentno sa "Ako ne Q, onda ne P." "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "If not Q, then not P". "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "If not Q, then not P." Те молам, седи внатре. Please stay inside. Please, sit inside. Што е тоа, да му се невиди? What on earth is it? What is it to be invisible to him? Tom mi je pomogao u pisanju ovog sastava. Tom helped me write this essay. Tom helped me write this paper. Фала однапред. Thanks in advance. Thank you in advance. Umeš li da čuvaš tajne? Are you good at keeping secrets? Can you keep secrets? To je naše. It's ours. That's ours. Том знае как да направи Мери щастлива. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Nikad se nisam pokajala. I've never regretted it. I've never repented. Сигурно сум си ја паркирал колата другде. I must have parked my car elsewhere. I must have parked my car somewhere else. Vrijeme nema kraja. Beskrajno je. Time has no end. It's endless. Time doesn't end, it's endless. Očakával si, že sa stane niečo iné? Did you expect something else to happen? You've been expecting it already with nothing and nothing? Какво би могло да му се е случило на Том? What could've happened to Tom? What could have happened to Tom? За што се работи текстот? What's the text about? What's the text? Túto knihu som kúpila v kníhkupectve pred stanicou. I bought this book at the bookshop in front of the station. Túto kniu som kúpila in kníhkupecje in front of the station. Nadamo se da će se dopasti ljudima. We hope people like it. We hope people like it. Ovo su moji najbolji prijatelji. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Попълнете този формуляр, ако обичате. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out this form. Да, во секој случај. Yes, by all means. Yeah, anyway. Това е, което казах. That's what I said. That's what I said. Утре ќе ѝ помогнам. I'll help her tomorrow. I'll help her tomorrow. Ja sam protiv rata. I am against war. I'm against war. Što je brzo to je i kuso. More haste, less speed. As fast as it gets, it's cute. Мислам дека сме блиску до решение. I think we're close to a solution. I think we're close to a solution. Drago mi je što si pronašla novac koji si izgubila. I'm glad that you found the money you lost. I'm glad you found the money you lost. Put je direktan. The path is direct. The road is direct. Без майтап? No kidding? No kidding? Ne vole da rade to. They don't like to do that. They don't like to do that. Децата беа толку возбудени по забавата што не можеа да заспијат. The children were so excited after the party that they couldn't sleep. The children were so excited after the party that they couldn't sleep. Ne stavljaj laktove na sto. Keep your elbows off the table. Don't put your elbows on the table. Опитах се да спра Том по всякакъв начин. I've tried everything to stop Tom. I tried to stop Tom in any way. Том го проба виното. Tom tasted the wine. Tom tried the wine. Kadiaľ pôjdeme? Which way will we go? You're smoking, aren't you? Има малка вероятност да не успея да дойда на заседанието. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's little chance I can't make it to the meeting. On nije tip osobe koja krade. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person who steals. Това е всичко за днес. That's all for today. That's all for today. Јави им се. Call them. Call them. Тебе повеќе те сакам. I like you better. I love you more. Veverička, čo tu žije, žerie všetky naše kamélie. Our resident squirrel eats all our camellias. Hey, squirrel, what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen, is our kamélie. Šta je ovo? What is this? What's this? Стана чукунбаба само неколку дена пред да наполни деведесет и девет години. She became a great-great-grandmother just days before turning ninety-nine. He became a chukunbaba just days before he was ninety-nine years old. To mi Tom kaže. That's what Tom tells me. That's what Tom tells me. Том не примети дека Мери не е на забавата. Tom didn't notice that Mary wasn't at the party. Tom didn't notice Mary wasn't at the party. Siguran sam da ćete se vas dvojica složiti. I'm sure the two of you will agree. I'm sure you two will agree. Онзи човек имаше странна усмивка на лицето си за малко.Какво смяташ,че се крие зад това. That person has had an odd grin on his face for a while. What do you suppose is behind it? That guy had this weird smile on his face for a while. What do you think he's hiding behind this? Ima li nekih drugih hotela koje možeš preporučiti? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Video sam mačora. I saw the cat. I saw a cat. Ќе застанеме по пат. We'll stop along the way. We'll stop on the way. Том ме помоли да остана. Tom asked me to stay. Tom asked me to stay. Едисън е изобретил електрическата лампа. Edison invented the electric lamp. Edison invented the electric lamp. Ne smeš da ulaziš u tu sobu. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. Вали, но въпреки това ще отидем. It's raining, but we'll go anyway. It's raining, but we're still going. Трябва да се срещна с Том. I have to meet Tom. I need to meet with Tom. Знам дека Том не играл чесно. I know Tom cheated. I know Tom didn't play fair. Пациентът беше изписан от болницата. The patient was discharged from hospital. The patient was taken out of the hospital. Kuća je sagrađena od cigle. The house was built of bricks. The house was built out of bricks. Те вече са тук. They're already here. They're already here. Нема преживеани. There are no survivors. No survivors. Jebem na to. I don't give a fuck. Fuck that. Няма да мога да ти кажа какво е станало. I won't be able to tell you about what happened. I won't be able to tell you what happened. Не очаквай всеки да те харесва. Don't expect everyone to like you. Don't expect everyone to like you. Voliš li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Назначиха Том за председател. They appointed Tom chairman. Tom's been appointed president. Musím zistiť, kedy Tom plánuje odísť. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. Musím zista, Kedy Tom sails away. Колко ти дължа? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Би ми интересирало да ја видам куќата во којашто си живеел порано. I'd be interested in seeing the house you used to live in. I'd be interested to see the house you used to live in. Bronzové výrobky sa zväčša robia zo zliatin mosadze a cínu. Bronze-ware is largely made from alloys of brass and tin. Bronzové výrobky with zvèće robia zo zliatin mosadze a cínu. Том и Мери не говореха на френски. Tom and Mary weren't speaking French. Tom and Mary didn't speak French. Нали няма проблем? It's not a problem, is it? It's okay, isn't it? Изглежда, че ще трябва да почакам още малко. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a little longer. Како се каже „Хвала“ на јапанском? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? Svesrdno podržavam tvoje komentare. I support your comments wholeheartedly. I heartily support your comments. Том је присвојио руску реченицу. Tom adopted a Russian sentence. Tom won the Russian sentence. Колкото повече тичаш, толкова повече се изморяваш. The more you run the tired you become. The more you run, the more tired you get. Кен бяга по-бързо от теб. Ken runs faster than you. Ken's running faster than you. Не сме поканети. We're not invited. We're not invited. Ićiću na more sutra ako bude lepo. I will go to the sea if it is fine tomorrow. I'll go to the sea tomorrow if it's nice. Сакам репете. I want a second helping. I want some tails. Тој е многу љубезен, исто како и ти. He is very kind, just like you. He's very kind, just like you. Ти заслужаваш да бъдеш щастлив, скъпи. You deserve to be happy dear. You deserve to be happy, honey. Децата цртаа слики на тротоарот со креда. The children drew pictures on the sidewalk with chalk. The children drew pictures on the sidewalk with chalk. Kdo je že buden? Who is already awake? Who's awake already? Остави ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you tip? Jesam li te zvala? Did I invite you? Did I call you? Тој е строг критичар. He is a harsh critic. He's a strict critic. Качете се в автобуса. Get on the bus. Get on the bus. Темелно ја испитав ситуацијата. I have made a careful examination of the situation. I thoroughly examined the situation. Naporno sam učio dok sam bio u školi. I studied hard when I was in school. I studied hard when I was in school. Oprosti mi, moja ljubavi. Forgive me, my love. Forgive me, my love. Што ти текнало да дојдеш во Бостон? What brings you to Boston? What did you think of coming to Boston? Odjebi! Fuck off! Fuck off! Nimalo mi se ne dopada. I don't like it one bit. I don't like it at all. Znam tko ga je ubio. I know who killed them. I know who killed him. Тоа е наредба, Томе. That's an order, Tom. That's an order, Tom. Някой от вашия офис говори ли френски? Does anyone in your office speak French? Anybody in your office speak French? Volim ovu pesmu. I love this song. I love this song. Kakav ti je bio dan? How was your day? How was your day? Тој си ја сушеше мократа облека крај огнот. He dried his wet clothes by the fire. He was drying his wet clothes by the fire. Таа работи во банка. She works in a bank. She works at a bank. Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта Ви. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I need your help. Мерисол и Џони јадат пица. Marisol and Johnny are eating some pizza. Marisol and Johnny are eating pizza. Tom e pravi džentlmen. Tom is a real gentleman. Tom's a gentleman. Му помагаш ли? Are you helping him? Are you helping him? Pokupila je lijepa kamenja. She picked up beautiful stones. She picked up some nice rocks. Још ниси завршио? Haven't you finished yet? You're not done yet? Pitate me pitanja na koja već znate odgovore. You're asking me questions you already know the answers to. You're asking me questions you already know the answers to. Том знае да направи се. Tom knows how to make everything. Tom can do anything. Upravo smo ju vidjeli. We just saw her. We just saw her. Молим те, додај ме на Фејсбуку. Please add me on Facebook. Please, pass me on Facebook. Том делува смотано. Tom appears awkward. Tom seems silly. Impresionirana sam tobom. I'm impressed with you. I'm impressed with you. Покажи ми това. Show me that. Show me this. Ne možemo da ga pozovemo kao svedoka. We can't call him as a witness. We can't call him as a witness. Той се предаде. He threw in the towel. He gave up. Ќе го натерам Том да го испита. I'll have Tom look at it. I'll get Tom to examine him. Če prideš v Rio me ne pozabi poklicat za vodiča! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me for a guide! Da li bi želeli još krompir pirea? Would you like more mashed potatoes? Would you like some more mashed potatoes? Изгледаш дезориентирано. You seem disoriented. You look disoriented. Том едва не припадна. Tom almost passed out. Tom almost passed out. Hajde u kamion. Let's get in the truck. Get in the truck. Том бил тука. Tom has been here. Tom was here. Sjajno! Terrific! Great! Тогава какво означава? Then what does it mean? Then what does it mean? Как върви работата? How is your work going? How's work going? Том е многу недозреан. Tom is very immature. Tom's very immature. Някои хора умеят да говоят добре, а други са добри слушатели. Some people are good talkers and others good listeners. Some people can talk well and others are good listeners. Bilo je ozbiljno. It was serious. It was serious. Не сакам да те засенам. I wouldn't want to show you up. I don't want to overshadow you. Никогаш не ги мразам луѓето; ги оставам да се мразат самите себеси. I never hate people; I let them hate themselves. I never hate people; I let them hate themselves. Сакаш ли да играш? Do you want to play? Do you want to dance? Imam srečo. I am lucky. I'm lucky. Том дошол да помогне. Tom is here to help. Tom's here to help. Сега никогаш нема да дознаеме. Now we'll never know. Now we'll never know. Ако бях на твое място, бих подал молба за тази работа. Were I you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for this job. Мојата мачка е гладна. My cat is hungry. My cat is hungry. Slatki snovi! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! Дома ли беше во десет? Were you home at ten? Were you home at 10:00? Kakva tragedija! How tragic! What a tragedy! Мислам дека кутијата е празна. I think the box is empty. I think the box is empty. Чајов убаво мириса. This tea smells good. This tea smells good. Дај да ти зготвам нешто. Let me cook something for you. Let me cook you something. Имаш мали гради. You have a small chest. You have small breasts. Pogrešila sam jutros. I was off this morning. I made a mistake this morning. Том ми каза, че знае къде живее Мери. Tom told me he knew where Mary lived. Tom told me he knows where Mary lives. Ova je baš kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's really cool. Том и Мери можеби ќе се сложат. Tom and Mary might agree. Tom and Mary might agree. Vrijeme je tako lijepo! The weather is so nice! The weather is so beautiful! Би ли ми го прочела? Could you read this for me? Would you read it to me? Дай ми книгата си, моля те. Lend me your book, please. Give me your book, please. Той е удовлетворен от резултата. He is satisfied with the result. He's satisfied with the result. Ne stoji. Don't stand. It's not standing. Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata. Speak of the devil. We talk about the wolf and the wolf at the door. Нанси изглежда като сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Дори да загубя работата си, ще мога да се издържам от спестяванията си. I can fall back on my savings if I lose my job. Even if I lose my job, I'll be able to resist my savings. Нарекувај го како сакаш. Call it what you like. Call it what you want. Това можеше да бъде предотвратено. That could've been prevented. That could have been prevented. Веома сам импресионирана. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Ще взема моята кола. I'll take my car. I'll take my car. Аз съм стара приятелка. I'm an old friend. I'm an old friend. Не ми се допаѓаат големите кучиња. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Би сакал да можам да им го кажувам своето право име на луѓето. I'd like to be able to tell people my real name. I wish I could tell people my real name. Trebalo bi da nabaviš novi auto sada. You should get yourself a new car now. You should get a new car now. Граматиката ми е слаба. My grammar is poor. My grammar is weak. Том взе грешния автобус. Tom took the wrong bus. Tom took the wrong bus. Епа, ете објаснување. Well, that explains it. Well, there's an explanation. Ми треба музички инструмент. I need a musical instrument. I need a musical instrument. Какав си то човек! What a man you are! What a man you are! Izvinite što toliko kasnim. I'm sorry I'm so late. Sorry I'm so late. Одговорот е потврден. The response is affirmative. The answer is confirmed. Не можем да отложим събранието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Хобито ѝ е да колекционира пощенски марки. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Her hobby is to collect stamps. Možeš li da razbiješ jaje sa jednom rukom? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you break an egg with one hand? Spati bi moral. You should sleep. You should sleep. Трябва да работиш усърдно. You should work hard. You have to work hard. Се омажила за нула од човек. She has married a nobody. She's married to nothing from a man. Tom je jutros stigao. Tom arrived this morning. Tom arrived this morning. Nemoj da si zucnuo. Don't you say a word. Don't say a word. Кој ја освои наградата? Who won the prize? Who won the prize? Mislim da tvoj plan nije realističan. I think your plan is not realistic. I don't think your plan is realistic. Som si celkom istá. I'm pretty sure. You're in the middle of nowhere. Том не би доверил никому да го направи тоа. Tom doesn't trust anyone else to do it. Tom wouldn't trust anyone to do that. Приятелката ми не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girlfriend doesn't know. Чух те да пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Oni su poboljšali bezbednosne provere, i pripremljeni su za najgore. They have enhanced security checks and are prepared for the worst. They've improved security checks, and they've been prepared for the worst. Това може и да е било вярно, когато си била дете, но вече не е. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not true anymore. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not anymore. Демократијата ја охрабрува слободата. Democracy encourages freedom. Democracy encourages freedom. Dođite da se igrate sa nama. Come play with us. Come play with us. Кой ден почиваш обикновено? At what day are you off, usually? What day do you usually rest? Mislim da je tvoj rad veoma dobar. I think your work is very good. I think your work is very good. Том носеше капа на којашто сѐ уште стоеше цената. Tom was wearing a hat which still had the price tag attached. Tom wore a hat that still cost money. Премногу е стар за да оди брзо. He is too old to walk quickly. He's too old to go fast. Трябва да използвам телефона. I have to use the phone. I have to use the phone. Трябва да наблегнеш на този факт. You should emphasize that fact. You have to stress on that fact. На Том многу му се допаѓаше Мери. Tom liked Mary very much. Tom really liked Mary. Той се върна вкъщи след като беше отсъствал десет месеца. He returned home after being away for ten months. He came home after he had been away for ten months. Ова е баш добро место. This is quite a place. This is such a good place. Solarna energija je čist izvog energije. Solar power is a clean source of energy. Solar energy is pure from energy. Многу добро ме плаќаш. You pay me very well. You pay me very well. Том пере пари. Tom launders money. Tom launders money. Не са ли сладки? Aren't they adorable? Aren't they cute? Да, ангеле мој. Yes, my angel. Yes, my angel. Тие ми се братучеди. They are my cousins. They're my cousins. Шта си ми то урадила? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Искам пълен списък на твоите книги. I want a complete list of your books. I want a full list of your books. Беше ли со некого? Were you with anyone? Were you with anyone? Том добро го познава Бостон. Tom knows Boston well. Tom knows Boston well. Том ни помогна да избегаме. Tom helped us escape. Tom helped us escape. Можеби Том би можел да ни пее на свадба. Perhaps Tom can sing at our wedding. Maybe Tom could sing at our wedding. Тук сте в опасност. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. Ти кажав да ја отвориш вратата. I said open the door. I told you to open the door. Тоа беше подмолен трик. That was a dirty trick. That was a sneaky trick. Тя се бъзика с теб. She's making fun of you. She's messing with you. Zašto da kažem Tomu? Why should I tell Tom? Why should I tell Tom? Nemoj da se razvlačiš. Don't slouch. Don't hang out. Tom je otvorio novi restoran, ali nije uspeo da zaradi od njega tokom prvih dvanaest meseci. Tom opened a new restaurant, but it didn't turn a profit in the first twelve months. Tom opened a new restaurant, but he couldn't make money from it during the first 12 months. Японската икономика се разви бързо. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. The Japanese economy has developed quickly. Това ведро е пробито. There's a hole in this bucket. This bucket's been breached. Верата подразбира да се надеваш на она на коешто разумот не може да се надева. Faith consists in believing what reason cannot. Faith implies that you hope for something that reason cannot hope for. Krave daju mlijeko. Cows give milk. Cows give milk. Тој е исто толку висок колку и таа. He is as tall as her. He's just as tall as she is. Изберете си карта, напишете името си върху нея и я върнете обратно в тестето. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Choose a card, write your name on it and put it back in the dough. Вечераћу у седам. I will eat supper at seven. I'll have dinner at 7:00. Се блицнаа. He pecked her on the lips. They flashed. Том ја пропушти забавата. Tom missed the party. Tom missed the party. Ona ima dobro srce. She has a good heart. She's got a good heart. Докторите откриха някои стряскащи факти. Doctors have discovered some startling facts. The doctors found some ghastly facts. Еве ми го албумот. Here's my album. Here's my album. Tom će da razgovara. Tom'll talk. Tom's gonna talk. Намерио се јунак на јунака. Diamond cuts diamond. He found himself a hero of a hero. Ще ти дам този диск, при условие, че не го заемаш на никой друг. I will lend you this CD on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else. I'll give you this disk, provided you don't lend it to anyone else. Мисля да стигна до края въпреки нейното несъгласие. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. I think I'll get to the end despite her disagreement. Ти вече си забравил. You've already forgotten. You've already forgotten. Том фушерски работи. Tom does sloppy work. Tom fusher stuff. Јас не сум како тебе! I'm not like you! I'm not like you! Koliko krvi je povređeni izgubio? How much blood has the injured lost? How much blood did the injured lose? Само наглас размишљам. I'm just thinking out loud. I'm just thinking out loud. Орао је цар птица. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the emperor of birds. Вчера таа остана до доцна. She sat up late last night. She stayed late yesterday. Гледај ги облацине. Look at those clouds. Look at the clouds. Tom nije mogao da priča sa Meri i na to nije mogao uticati. Tom couldn't talk to Mary and there was nothing he could do about it. Tom couldn't talk to Mary, and he couldn't affect it. Треба добро да се наспиеш. You should get a good night's sleep. You should get a good night's sleep. Демократа е свободен гражданин който се поддава на волята на мнозинството. A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority. Democracy is a free citizen who submits to the will of the majority. Istražite ovo. Examine this. Look into this. Тя е жената, на която дадох подаръка. She is the woman to whom I gave the gift. She's the woman I gave the gift to. Ќе го замолам Том да одвои време за тебе утре сабајле. I'll ask Tom to make some time for you tomorrow morning. I'll ask Tom to take the time for you tomorrow morning. Аз вече не залагам. I don't gamble anymore. I don't bet anymore. Ovo su moji najbolji drugari. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Доаѓа стражар. There's a guard coming. There's a guard coming. Том сака да го види. Tom wants to see it. Tom wants to see it. Връщай се в леглото. Go back to your bed. Go back to bed. Рече ли нешто Том? Did Tom say anything? Did you say anything to Tom? Tom misli da ne znam što je rekao. Tom thinks that I don't know what he said. Tom thinks I don't know what he said. Чух, че са ги хванали. I heard they caught them. I heard they got caught. Том нема чај. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom doesn't have any tea. Pjevali smo glasno koliko smo mogli. We sang as loudly as we could. We sang as loud as we could. Забавувај го Том. Keep Tom entertained. Have fun, Tom. Том је одиграо на најјачу карту. Tom played his highest card. Tom played the strongest card. Том ти се потсмева. Tom is making fun of you. Tom's making fun of you. Том се ожени за Мери лани. Tom married Mary last year. Tom married Mary last year. Трябва да използвам този шанс. I have to take the chance. I have to take this chance. Мисля, че отговорът ви е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is true. Том е със светла кожа. Tom has a light complexion. Tom's got bright skin. Šta si uradio ovde? What have you done here? What did you do here? Tom se smejao ideji. Tom laughed at the idea. Tom laughed at the idea. Нека ни помогнат. Get them to help us. Let them help us. Не се возбудувај толку. Don't get so excited. Don't get so excited. Šetali su se uz plažu. They strolled along the beach. They were walking down the beach. Niektorí ľudia veria, že číslo trinásť prináša smolu. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. Niktorí Žudia vera, already èslo trinásísás prináša smora. С Том няма проблеми. There's no problem with Tom. There's no problem with Tom. Chce pracovať v nemocnici. She wants to work at the hospital. Chuck's great-grandmother at the impotence. Немој да дојдам по тебе, Том. Don't make me come after you, Tom. Don't make me come get you, Tom. Трябва да вземете автобус номер пет. You should take the number 5 bus. You need to take bus number five. Nebola to moja vina. It wasn't my fault. It doesn't hurt my wine. Им го украдов. I stole it from them. I stole it from them. Moja deca se oslanjaju na mene. My children rely on me. My children rely on me. Najgore glavobolje su uzrokovane nedovoljno shvaćenim idejama. The most dangerous headaches are caused by deficiently digested ideas. The worst headaches are caused by insufficiently understood ideas. Z čoho je robený aspirín? What's aspirin made of? Is Robený aspirín with the dog? Mislim da treba da ne nagliš ni sa čim ovih nekoliko dana. I think you're going to want to take it easy for a few days. I don't think you should be hasty with anything these few days. Zaista sam ponosna na to. I'm real proud of that. I'm really proud of it. Няма да повярваш какво намерих. You won't believe what I found. You won't believe what I found. Молим вас, идите. Please leave. Please go. Водя си дневник на френски. I keep a diary in French. I keep my diary in French. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom in a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Прстенот е проколнат. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. Те всъщност не се интересуват. They don't really care. They're not really interested. Za sve je Tom bio kriv. It was all Tom's fault. It was all Tom's fault. Зарем мислиш дека ќе можеш да ме спречиш? Do you think you're going to be able to stop me? Do you think you can stop me? Поставивме шатор. We put up a tent. We've set up a tent. Sad je jednostavnije. That makes it easier. It's simpler now. Губитак памћења је више психолошки него физички. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. Memory loss is more psychological than physical. NIje mi bilo važno. It wasn't important to me. It didn't matter to me. Било како било, ниси у праву. Be that as it may, you are wrong. Anyway, you're wrong. Ако се съди по страхотния ти тен, изглежда си прекарала по-голямата част от ваканцията си на плажа. Judging by that great tan, it looks like you spent most of your vacation on the beach. If he's judging by your great tan, it looks like you spent most of your vacation on the beach. Metak je probušio kacigu. A bullet pierced the helmet. The bullet punctured the helmet. Много е вероятно Том да не е разбрал какво направи Мери. There's a good chance that Tom doesn't know what Mary has done. It's very likely Tom didn't know what Mary did. Знаеш ли нещо за детството на Том? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Потисната ли си? Are you depressed? Are you depressed? Koliko je pokrivača na krevetu? How many blankets are there on the bed? How many blankets are on the bed? Това не променя нищо. That doesn't change a thing. That doesn't change anything. Bol Tom prekvapený? Was Tom surprised? The pain of Tom prevapený? Може ли да јадам нешто? May I eat something? Can I have something to eat? Pokušala si. You've tried. You tried. Не ми се верува дека не ме препозна! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! Pokušala sam da prestanem da radim više stvari istovremeno. I've tried to stop multitasking. I tried to stop doing more stuff at the same time. Премногу е впечатливо. It's too conspicuous. It's too impressive. Аз едва съм започнала. I've only just begun. I've barely started. Не ме прекъсвай! Don't interrupt me! Don't interrupt me! Заради вас го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. Када је твој рођендан? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Просто не искам да те видя разочарован. I just don't want to see you get disappointed. I just don't want to see you disappointed. Kako je ovo tvoja greška? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? Ако не го направиш, си мъртъв. If you don't do that, you will be a dead man. If you don't, you're dead. Иска ми се да бях продължил с френския. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I had continued with French. Je li on doktor? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? Вели дека претходниот забар му рекол дека ќе му ги отстрани флеките од никотин ако престане да пуши. He said that his previous dentist told him that he'd remove nicotine stains if he stopped smoking. He says the previous dentist told him that he would remove the stains from his nicotine if he stopped smoking. Том сака да ме заштити. Tom wants to protect me. Tom wants to protect me. To nije prijetnja. It isn't a threat. That's not a threat. FIFA se sastoji od 209 udruženja. FIFA is composed of 209 member associations. FIFA consists of 209 associations. Те молам, нахрани ја мачката. Please feed the cat. Please feed the cat. Sutra je test iz matematike. There's going to be a math test tomorrow. Tomorrow's math test. Alisa se nasmejala. Alice smiled. Alice laughed. Nadam se da mogu da napišem dve ili tri pesme tokom vikenda. I'm hoping that I can write two or three songs over the weekend. I hope I can write two or three songs at the weekend. Volela bih da znam da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like that. Том стигна до асансьорите и натисна копчето за третия етаж. Tom got on the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. Tom reached the elevators and pressed the third floor button. Открих, че той е гений на химията. I found him a genius at chemistry. I found out he's a chemistry genius. Сѐ уште сакам коњ. I still want a horse. I still want a horse. Спремен ли си за одење? Are you ready to go? You ready to go? Том носи нови чевли. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. Забрави ли да ме поздравиш? Did you forget to greet me? Did you forget to say hello? Том ми пиша и ми раскажа за своето патување. Tom wrote to me, telling me about his trip. Tom wrote me and told me about his trip. Днес машините могат да правят много неща за хората. Machines can do a lot of things for people today. Today machines can do a lot of things for people. Oprostite, imam vprašanje. Excuse me, I have a question. Excuse me, I have a question. Imam dve mački. I have two cats. I got two cats. Том не мисли, че Мери го лъже, но аз знам, че тя лъже. Tom doesn't think Mary lies to him, but I know she does. Tom doesn't think Mary's lying, but I know she's lying. Kladim se da znaš ko mi je rekao to. I bet you know who told me that. I bet you know who told me that. Том е доста силен. Tom is quite strong. Tom's pretty strong. Gotovo da nema nasilja u tom gradu. There is almost no violence in that city. There's almost no violence in that town. Nenadoma me je zaprosil. All of a sudden, he proposed to me. Suddenly he asked me to marry him. Войниците отказаха да се подчинят на заповедта. The troops refused to obey the command. The soldiers refused to obey the order. Da li to znači da me volite? Does this mean that you love me? Does that mean you love me? Наистина ли не можеш да плуваш? Can you really not swim? You really can't swim? Моля те, не започвай отново. Please don't start that again. Please don't start again. Нема жив човек во училницата. There's no one in the classroom. There's no living man in the classroom. Те молам повтори. Please repeat. Please repeat. Многу е ретко. It's extremely rare. It's very rare. Да вечераме сите. Let's all have supper. Let's all have dinner. Мисля, че ще ти хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Ovo je početak nove ere. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Nenávidím teroristické organizácie. I hate terrorist organizations. Nenávidím terroristské organizácie. Бях зает тази седмица. I was busy this week. I've been busy this week. Ispekao sam pitu od jabuka. I baked an apple pie. I baked apple pie. Ти знаеше ли, че Том напусна града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Tek je pet ujutru, a već je svetlo napolju. It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out. It's only 5:00 in the morning, and it's already light outside. U koju si školu išao? What school did you go to? What school did you go to? Šta vi možete učiniti? What should you do? What can you do? Има сентиментална вредност. It has sentimental value. It's got sentimental value. Во Лондон сум. I am in London. I'm in London. Това колело принадлежи на мен. This bicycle belongs to me. This bike belongs to me. Благодаря ви за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. Ľudia budú hovoriť. People will talk. - What's going on? - What's going on? Той с какво се занимава днес? What did he do today? What does he do today? Ja nisam liječnik. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. "Да ли имаш надимак?" "Да, Рик." "Do you have a nickname?" "Yes, it's Rick." "Do you have a nickname?" "Yes, Rick." Нищо не съм крала. I didn't steal anything. I'm not the king. Би можел ништо да не правам. I could do nothing. I could do nothing. Ме боцна нешто. I got stung. You stabbed me with something. Ja sam heroj. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Он је зависан од Старбак кафе. He's addicted to Starbucks coffee. He's addicted to Starbuck coffee. Kada si tačno to uradio? When exactly did you do that? When exactly did you do that? Том работи там. Tom is working there. Tom works there. Je li tvoj? Is it yours? Is it yours? Moramo da manje trošimo! We must consume less! We have to spend less! Čuješ li ti nešto? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Да се качим горе и да поговорим. Let's go upstairs and talk. Let's go upstairs and talk. Том умря, докато беше в Бостън. Tom died during his stay in Boston. Tom died while in Boston. Мисля, че сте абсолютно прави. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Odlično ćemo se zabaviti. We'll have so much fun. We're gonna have a great time. Različita si. You're different. You're different. Ще ти дам назаем тази книга. I'll lend you this book. I'll lend you that book. Имам неколку прашања за нив. I have some questions for them. I have a few questions for them. Запознах се с него миналата година. I got acquainted with him last year. I met him last year. Се или ништо. All or nothing. All or nothing. Том знае нешто што не ни го кажува. Tom knows something he's not telling us. Tom knows something he's not telling us. Изглежда Том реши да остане. It looks like Tom decided to stay. Looks like Tom decided to stay. Яж много зеленчуци. Eat a lot of vegetables. Eat a lot of vegetables. Niekto je v tejto izbe. There is someone in this room. Nicto's in the current escape. Бил може да бяга по-бързо от Боб. Bill can run faster than Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Значи, не бе не. It can't be! So, no, no. Fadil nije bio u kući. Fadil wasn't inside the house. Fadil wasn't in the house. Tom možda ne stigne na sastanak. Tom may not make it to the meeting. Tom might not make it to the meeting. Това е малко разфокусирано. That's a little out of focus. That's a little disfocused. Pazi na mene, i ja ću paziti na tebe. Watch over me, I will watch over you. Take care of me, and I'll look after you. To je bilo malo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was a little weird. Ќе ги следам твоите упатства. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Смешен си. You're ridiculous. You're funny. Што има да се грижиш? What's there to worry about? What's to worry about? Ми бевте одличен ментор. You have been a great mentor to me. You've been a great mentor to me. Ај после ќе ти се јавам. Let me call you back. I'll call you later. Zini! Open your mouth! Zini! Jednostavno se tako dešava. It's just what happens. It's just how it happens. Това е моят стол. That's my chair. That's my chair. Pracujte na zadaní v malých skupinách. Work on the assignment in small groups. Track to defaultí in malých groupách. Da li je neko već rekao Tomu za ovo? Has Tom already been told about this? Has anyone told Tom about this yet? Парите не се критериум за успех. Money is not a criterion of success. Money is not a criterion for success. Взе изпита. He passed the exam. He took a test. Otac moje žene je moj punac. My wife's father is my father-in-law. My wife's father is my girlfriend. Мислех, че не харесвате Том. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Од Том ми е тоа. I got that from Tom. It's from Tom. Вистината е цел, а не одредиште. Truth is a goal, not a destination. Truth is purpose, not destination. Не си тръгвайте, преди да сте приключили с работата. Be sure to complete the work before you go home. Don't leave before you're done with the job. Денес е сончево, но и студено. Today it's sunny but cold. It's sunny today, but it's cold. Влажни климатски услови не се својствени за полустровот. A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula. Wet climate conditions are not relevant to the peninsula. Утре е рожденият ми ден. Ставам на 17. Tomorrow is my birthday; I will be seventeen. Tomorrow's my birthday. Jawbreaker je okrugla višeslojna bombona slično kao što je biser. A jawbreaker is a round candy, multi-layered like a pearl. Jawbreaker is a round multilayer candy similar to a pearl. Роден съм в годината, в която е умрял дядо ми. I was born the year my grandfather died. I was born the year my grandfather died. Успокой се. Chill out. Calm down. Sve je laž. It's all fake. It's all a lie. Делува многу поспано. He seems very sleepy. He seems very sleepy. Търся някъде място, където да хапна. I'm looking for a place to eat. I'm looking for somewhere to eat. Иска ми се да бях по-висок. I wish I were taller. I wish I was taller. Закъснях с един час. I'm an hour late. I'm an hour late. Кога се случила пљачката? When did the robbery happen? When did the robbery happen? Сигурен ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Не сакам свинско. I don't like pork. I don't like pork. Zaboravi ga. Forget him. Forget him. Treba li da kažemo nekome? Should we tell anybody? Should we tell someone? Не си тръгвай, Том. Don't go, Tom. Don't leave, Tom. Nerozumiem mu. I can't make him out. I don't understand. Како ќе побегнеш? How will you get away? How are you gonna get away? Zašto ne svratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? Може би трябва да кажем на Том,че е противен. Maybe we should tell Tom that he's being obnoxious. Maybe we should tell Tom he's against it. Уча френски сам. I'm learning French on my own. I'm learning French. Крадците ограбиха музея. Thieves plundered the museum. The thieves robbed the museum. Изговара се овако: The pronunciation is as follows: It's pronounced like this: Том веднаш ѝ одговори на прашањето на Мери Tom immediately answered Mary's question. Tom immediately answered Mary’s question Не си сваляй палтото. Keep your coat on. Don't take your coat off. Не треба ли да одиме да ја бараме? Shouldn't we go look for her? Shouldn't we go look for her? Том се записа на курс по френски. Tom signed up for a French class. Tom signed up for a French class. Седнала си ми на мястото. You're in my seat. You sat in my seat. Ne nameravam da idem u Bustom s tobom za ovaj vikend. I don't intend to go to Boston with you this weekend. I don't intend to go to Bustom with you this weekend. Nisam se trebao žuriti. I needn't have hurried. I shouldn't have been in such a hurry. Тие се моите ствари. Those are my things. They're my things. Се испостави дека нема аир од Дан. Dan proved to be of no help. Turns out there's no air from Dan. Марко мисли дека вешто пишува. Marco thinks he writes well. Marco thinks it's skillful. Настави да се трудиш. Keep trying. Keep trying. Vidim. I can see that. I see. Јас го склопив. I assembled it. I put it together. Майк кръсти кучето си Спайк. Mike named his dog Spike. Mike named his dog Spike. Том счупи прозореца. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window. Правете добро на тия, които ви мразят. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Ti si najlepša žena koju sam ikada video. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Nadamo se da je Tom OK. We hope Tom is OK. We hope Tom's okay. Meni se sviđa pješačiti. I like to walk. I like walking. Zakryla její zklamání úsměvem. She covered up her disappointment with a smile. Zakryla její sllamání úsmávem. Nosila je nametljivu odeću. She wore suggestive clothing. She was wearing intrusive clothes. Колко захар използваш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? Скрените лево на следећем углу. Turn left at the next corner. Turn left on the next corner. Две негације поништавају једна другу. The two negatives cancel each other out. Two negatives cancel out each other. Prestani da brineš toliko. Stop worrying so much. Stop worrying so much. Върни се в леглото си. Go back to your bed. Go back to bed. Svi su tihi. Everyone's quiet. They're all quiet. Добив квалитетен. I got a good one. I got quality. Moja deca nemaju svoje lične sobe. My children don't have their own rooms. My kids don't have their own rooms. Почео је да виче. He began to shout. He started yelling. Postalo je mračno. It's gotten dark. It's getting dark. Какъв цвят е косата на Том? What color is Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Ќе ја натерам да ти го искоси тревникот. I'll have her mow your lawn. I'm gonna make her cut your lawn. Можеш ли да го направиш сама? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Идеме накај Бостон. We're on our way to Boston. We're on our way to Boston. Не е тешко да се истакнеш ако си опкружен со глупаци. It's not hard to stand out when you're surrounded by idiots. It's not hard to stand out if you're surrounded by fools. Je skoro šesť hodín. It's almost six o'clock. It's almost a walkin'. Колкото и да остаряваш, винаги можеш да се учиш. It doesn't matter how old you get, you can learn. As old as you get, you can always learn. Хоћу да се удам. I want to get married. I want to get married. V desni roki drži zajemalko. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. He's holding a blanket in his right hand. Убаво е и свежо. It's nice and cool. It's nice and fresh. Novac govori. Money talks. The money's talking. Наистина съм уморена и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired, and I want to go to bed early. Лекарството го излекува от болестта му. The medicine cured him of his illness. The medicine cured him from his illness. Не е нужно. It's not necessary. You don't have to. Дори умните хора понякога са разсеяни. Even smart people are sometimes absent-minded. Even smart people sometimes get distracted. Тази е моя. Не знам неговата къде е. That is mine. I don't know where his is. I don't know where he is. Вклучи светло. Turn on the lights. Turn on the light. Vzemi eno jajce iz hladilnika. Take an egg from the fridge. Take one of the eggs out of the fridge. Počeo sam da učim engleski kada mi je bilo dvanaest. Tada sam bio zainteresovan za jezike, ali ne u toj meri. Sada govorim engleski, francuski, špnaski i portugalski; dakle, vreme je da naučim latinski. I began to study English when I was twelve years of age. At that time I was interested in languages, but not excessively so. Now I can speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese; and so it is time to learn Latin. I started learning English when I was 12, then I was interested in languages, but not to that extent. Now I speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese; so it's time to learn Latin. Том е свикнал да работи на открито. Tom is accustomed to working outside. Tom's used to working in the open. Каде ти е оружјето? Where's your weapon? Where's your weapon? Ќе ѝ се јавам утре. I'll call her tomorrow. I'll call her tomorrow. Сите навивавме за неа. We were all rooting for her. We all cheered for her. Двапати сум одел во Бостон. I've gone to Boston twice. I went to Boston twice. Се запознавме лани во Бостон. We met last year in Boston. We met last year in Boston. Vy ste študovali. You guys were studying. You studied Vy. Куќата на Том е тука некаде. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Na reci ima puno narandžastih pecaroša. There are many orange fishes in the river. There's a lot of orange fishermen on the river. Канцеларијата на Том е. It's Tom's office. It's Tom's office. Kada smo se poslednji put sreli? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? To su vrlo stare knjige. These are very old books. It's very old books. Том е паркирал отпред. Tom is parked out front. Tom parked in front. Никога не давайте кучешка храна на котката си. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never give dog food to your cat. Знаеш ли некои асални јапонски филмови? Do you know of any good Japanese movies to watch? Do you know any Assal Japanese movies? Odlično ćemo se zabavljati. We'll have so much fun. We're gonna have a great time. Црните мачки носат лоша среќа. Black cats are bad luck. Black cats bring bad luck. Аз не съм искал да нараня ничии чувства. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Život je krátky. Life is short. Life is a crátky. Сега најверојатно не е погодно време за ова. This is probably not a good time to be doing this. It's probably not a good time for this right now. Posao je već bio završen. The job has already been done. The job's already been done. Съжалявам. Не разполагам с много време. I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of time. I'm sorry, I don't have much time. Тоа беше многу немарно од страна на Том. That was very careless of Tom. That was very negligent of Tom. Ти прозборе Том? Is Tom talking to you yet? Did Tom talk to you? Том сам дојде тука. Tom came here alone. Tom came here alone. Имаш ли пари изобщо? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money at all? Имаме ли шанс? Do we have a chance? Do we have a chance? Obećajem, neću ti više lagati. I promise I won't lie to you again. I promise, I won't lie to you anymore. Zašto si obrijao bradu? Why did you shave off your beard? Why'd you shave your beard? Da li se vole? Are they in love? Do they love each other? Тука ќе се симнам. I'll get off here. I'll come down here. Meri izgleda slatko šta god da nosi. Mary looks cute no matter what she wears. Mary looks cute whatever she's wearing. Srećna sam što smo pobedili. I'm happy we won. I'm happy we won. Дај ми неколку минути и ќе откријам што се случува. Give me a few minutes and I'll find out what's going on. Give me a few minutes and I'll find out what's going on. Времето се развали. The weather turned bad. The weather's broken. Платих 30 долара за това. I paid 30 dollars for that. I paid 30 bucks for it. Шефката е много разстроена. The boss is very upset. The boss is very upset. Ајде да се вратиме дома. Let's head back home. Let's go home. Вие говорите френски много добре. You speak French very well. You speak French very well. Proterali smo ga iz zemlje. We banished him from the country. We kicked him out of the country. Пази малку, Том. Watch it there, Tom. Watch it, Tom. Това е болницата, в която се е родил Том. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital where Tom was born. Той е на диета, понеже е с леко наднормено тегло. He's on a diet because he is a little overweight. It is on a diet because it is slightly overweight. Ali si bil v Kjoto? Have you been to Kyoto? Have you been to Kyoto? Тоа е лек во прав. That's powdered medicine. It's a powdered drug. Сигурен бев дека можеме да му веруваме на Том. I was sure we could trust Tom. I was sure we could trust Tom. To je už dosť! That's quite enough! It's tight! Tom i ja smo veoma bliski drugari. Tom and I are very close friends. Tom and I are very close friends. Ние изтичахме след котката. We ran after the cat. We ran after the cat. dok je Sami stario, postao je zainteresiranim u islam. As Sami grew older, he became interested in Islam. As Sami grew old, he became interested in Islam. Фала ти многу, Том. Thanks a lot, Tom. Thank you very much, Tom. В коя ситуация би го направил? In what kind of situations would you do that? What situation would you do that in? Том не трябва да бъде тук. Tom can't be here. Tom shouldn't be here. Предобро ме знаеш. You know me too well. You know me too well. Том твърди, че може да говори на френски. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom says he can speak French. Studiram američku dramu. I'm studying the American drama. I'm studying American drama. Vrtlarenje je zabavno. Gardening is fun. Gardening is fun. Това е улика. This is evidence. It's a clue. Тоа лекарство го смири пациентот. That medication calmed the patient. That drug calmed the patient. Не можете да влезете в музея. В момента е в реконструкция. You cannot enter the museum. It is currently under repair. You can't go into the museum, it's in reconstruction right now. Tom više nije član ovog kluba. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Трябваше да откажа поканата, защото бях болна. I had to decline the invitation because I was ill. I had to cancel the invitation because I was sick. Kajenje je prepovedano v vsakem delu restavracije. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is forbidden in every part of the restaurant. Ovo će naš posao učiniti mnogo lakšim. This will make our job much easier. This will make our work a lot easier. Изглежда, че Том харесва новата си работа. It looks like Tom likes his new job. Looks like Tom likes his new job. Том е доста популарен. Tom is quite popular. Tom's pretty popular. Jedla si. You were eating. You ate. Том читаше книга. Tom was reading a book. Tom was reading a book. Само затворете очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Типов е бандит. That guy is a bandit. This guy's a bandit. Dvadsať-osem hlasov bolo za a dvadsať bolo proti. The vote was twenty-eight for and twenty against. Two-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa pain for a two-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa. Ти също може да дойдеш. You may also come. You can come too. Полетът ви е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight's been canceled. Кой е при Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's with Tom now? Состанокот почна пред повеќе од еден час. The meeting started over an hour ago. The meeting started over an hour ago. Tokom vedrih dana, vidimo planinu Fuđi u daljini. On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. During the clear days, we see Mount Fuji in the distance. Zaključano je. It's locked. It's locked. Том сака да пишува. Tom likes writing. Tom wants to write. Все още съм малко зает. I'm still a little busy. I'm still a little busy. Не можам да навлегувам во тоа. I can't go into that. I can't get into it. Вие не помните, а аз никога няма да забравя. You don't remember, I'll never forget. You don't remember, and I'll never forget. Rýchlo sa nahnevá. He's quick to anger. Róchlo with Nahnevá. Не смееш да се откажеш. You must not give up. You can't give up. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да се обадя на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Махайте се! Go away! Get out! Ti si gazda. You're the boss. You're the boss. Imam glavobolju. I have a headache. I have a headache. Da se sad pojaviš i kažeš takvo nešto, samo bi nadolilo ulje na vatru. For you to come out and say that kind of thing now would just be pouring oil on the fire. If you showed up right now and said something like that, you'd just put oil on fire. Ме дисквалификуваа. I was disqualified. I was disqualified. Samo se čuvaj Toma. Just be careful of Tom. Just take care of yourself, Tom. Мислам дека Том знае кој ми го украл паричникот. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. Том забележа како Мери го гледа. Tom noticed Mary looking at him. Tom noticed how Mary was looking at him. Tom je došao da me vidi juče u podne. Tom came to meet me yesterday afternoon. Tom came to see me yesterday at noon. Притежавам 30 акра земя на около 3 мили извън града. I own 30 acres of land about 3 miles out of town. I own 30 acres of land about three miles outside of town. Разбираш, нали? You understand, don't you? You understand, don't you? Желиш ли да научиш нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you want to learn? Do you want to learn something specific? Мери обича романтичните комедии. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary loves romantic comedy. Ова се единствените правила коишто треба да ги запамтиш. These are the only rules you need to remember. These are the only rules you have to remember. Какво е времето? How's the weather? What's the weather? Најверојатно ќе дојдат со кола. They'll probably come by car. They'll probably come by car. Спази обещанието си. He kept his promise. Keep your promise. Сѐ уште ли љубомориш? Are you still jealous? Are you still jealous? Da li bi moglo da bude živo? Could it be alive? Could it be alive? Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come and see me after work. Come see me after work. Се подобрило. It's gotten better. It's getting better. Том порано пристигна. Tom arrived early. Tom's arrived early. Мислам дека веќе не треба да чекаме. I don't think we should wait any longer. I don't think we should wait any longer. Он ништа не пропушта. He doesn't miss anything. He's not missing anything. Bi li volio da pogledam tvoju kuću? Would you like me to see you home? Would you like me to look at your house? Том мислеше дека Мери ќе биде на забавата на Том. Tom thought that Mary would be at John's party. Tom thought Mary was gonna be at Tom's party. Оној што ги плаќа сметките има право да се господари. The one who pays the bills calls the shots. The one who pays the bills has the right to be masters. Kako se zove tvoj prijatelj? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znao? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? Дан беше во врска со Линда многу кратко време. Dan dated Linda for a very short period of time. Dan was about Linda for a very short time. Ме удри по глава. He hit me on the head. He hit me on the head. Повечето хора ме мислят за луд. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Osećajte se kao kod kuće! Make yourself at home! Make yourself at home! Uskoro idemo. We'll be leaving soon. We're leaving soon. Ostanite u kući. Stay home. Stay in the house. Това е мястото, където Том работи. This is the place where Tom works. This is where Tom works. Tom nije baš fin. Tom isn't very nice. Tom's not very nice. Netko mu je vjerojatno rekao, ali to nisam bio ja. Someone must have told him, but it wasn't me. Someone probably told him, but it wasn't me. Истинското приятелство е завинаги. A true friendship will last forever. True friendship is forever. Сакаш ли кампување? Do you like camping? Do you like camping? Многу беше храбар. You were very brave. He was very brave. Той живее някъде наоколо. He lives somewhere about here. He lives around here somewhere. Rozprával som sa s poľským veľvyslancom. I have spoken with the Polish ambassador. Rozprával som with posèský vezvyslanca. Добар осећај. It feels good. Feels good. Това няма нищо общо. That has nothing to do with it. That's got nothing to do with it. Знам да чувам тајни. I can keep a secret. I know how to keep secrets. Не ми треба сега. I don't need it now. I don't need it now. Харесва ли ти този цвят? Do you like this color? Do you like that color? Колко тежи дъщеря ти? How much does your daughter weigh? How much does your daughter weigh? Той съвсем изперка. He's totally lost it. He's out of his mind. Най-щастливите жени, подобно на най-щастливите нации, нямат история. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it away? Том је штребер. Tom is a nerd. Tom's a nerd. Umalo da zaboravim pasoš. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Винаги вървя пеша до училище. I always walk to school. I always walk to school. Том не можел да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Ще те гледам. I'll be watching you. I'll watch you. Naoružan sam. I'm armed. I'm armed. Kod kuće pričamo samo francuski. At home, we speak only French. We only speak French at home. Спомням си, че бях заключил вратата. I remember locking the door. I remember locking the door. Никога няма да бъдете сами. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Няма да се огънем под натиска на тиранина. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not fire under the pressure of a tyrant. Donesi mi njenu glavu. Bring me her head. Bring me her head. Која је твоја прича? What's your story? What's your story? Тя знае ли ви? Does she know you? Does she know you? Добро ти е сеќавањето. Your memory is good. It's a good memory. Дотолку ли ни требаат? Do we need them that badly? Do we need that much? Moram da idem. I must get going. I have to go. Преварант си. You're a fraud. You're a fraud. Том ја напишал таа книга. Tom wrote that book. Tom wrote that book. Oni su poboljšali bezbednosne procedure i sada su bolje pripremljeni nego ranije. They have improved safeguards and they are now better prepared than before. They've improved security procedures and are now better prepared than before. Jesi li završio sa pranjem suđa? Have you finished washing the dishes? Are you done washing the dishes? Предлагам да си одиме дома. I suggest we go home. I suggest we go home. Da li sam dobio otkaz? Am I being fired? Did I get fired? Дали Том ја поткупи Мери? Did Tom bribe Mary? Did Tom bribe Mary? Будилникот заѕвони. The alarm started ringing. The alarm's ringing. Ќе те убијам. I'm going to kill you. I'm gonna kill you. Ne znam imam li vremena. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Lizbona je glavno mesto Portugalske. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Tom je pitao Mary da mu kaže gdje je sakrila dijamante. Tom asked Mary to tell him where she had hidden the diamonds. Tom asked Mary to tell him where she hid the diamonds. Tom nije uspeo da iznese nijedan dokaz koji bi podržao njegovu izjavu. Tom was unable to produce any evidence to support his statement. Tom failed to present any evidence to support his statement. Имам главоболие. I have a headache. I have a headache. Дано да е вярно. I hope it's true. I hope that's true. To možda ne bude lako. That might not be easy. That might not be easy. Ова е еден од најпопуларните ресторани во Бостон. This is one of the most popular restaurants in Boston. This is one of Boston's most popular restaurants. Не бих те обвинила. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Petorica braće je zajedno radila na farmi. Five brothers worked together on the farm. Five brothers worked together on a farm. Želim da budem sa tobom. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Nisam mogla da prestanem da plačem. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. Stretneme sa zajtra? Are we meeting tomorrow? The strategists from the morning? Мисля, че си била тук твърде дълго. I think you've been here too long. I think you've been here too long. Подготвен ли си? Are you prepared? You ready? Макар че Джейн имаше с един куфар по-малко от мен, тя все пак твърдеше, че багажът ѝ е твърде много. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Even though Jane had a suitcase smaller than me, she still claimed her luggage was too much. Nemojte da brzgate. Don't rush. Don't rush. Тя носеше кожено палто. She was wearing a fur coat. She was wearing a leather coat. Имаш красиви ръце. You have beautiful hands. You have beautiful hands. Tuča! Fight! Fight! Ова е грешка. This is a mistake. This is a mistake. Ще ни изпееш ли песен на френски? Would you sing us a song in French? Can you sing us a song in French? Mi smo ono što jesmo. We are what we are. We are who we are. Ali Tom umira? Is Tom dying? Is Tom dying? Откако ќе умрам, сакам тука да ме погребат. When I die, I want to be buried here. After I die, I want to be buried here. Не воли да јој се каже шта да ради. She doesn't like being told what to do. She doesn't like to be told what to do. Може ли сега да му се јавиме? Can we call him now? Can we call him now? Впечатлив си. You're impressive. You're impressive. Ептен е забавно. It's a lot of fun. It's so much fun. Той направи това от ревност. Jealousy made him do that. He did this out of jealousy. Ми се допадна како танцуваш. I liked your dancing. I liked the way you dance. Жена једе хлеб. The woman eats bread. A woman eats bread. Той даде на всеки от тях по един молив. He gave each of them a pencil. He gave each one of them a pencil. Свесен ли е Дан што направил? Is Dan aware of what he did? Is Dan aware of what he's done? Мога ли да ви помогна? Can I help you? Can I help you? Часът е вече единайсет. It is already eleven. It's eleven o'clock. Аз нямам ли права? Don't I have any rights? Don't I have rights? Мисля, че трябва да провериш под леглото. I think you should check under the bed. I think you should check under the bed. Баща ми ще заминава за чужбина следващата седмица. My father is going to go abroad next week. My father's going abroad next week. Не го поднесувам тој тип. I can't stand that bloke. I can't stand that guy. Slažem se. I'd agree. I agree. Нека лае како куче. Let him bark like a dog. Let him bark like a dog. Том ја заврте кваката. Tom turned the knob. Tom turned the doorknob. Го учам англиски. I teach him English. I'm learning English. Позволи ми да танцувам с теб. Let me dance with you. Let me dance with you. Съжалявам, но ще се окаже, че през този ден съм зает. Sorry, but it looks like I'm booked up on that day. I'm sorry, but it's gonna turn out like I'm busy this day. Хайде да се съберем отново! Let's get together again! Let's get back together! Сила, мъдрост, търпение и иновации. Притежаваш ли всичко това? Ти, който искаш да носиш короната, ще понесеш нейния товар. Power, wisdom, patience and innovation. Do you possess all these? Thou who wishes to wear the crown shall bear its burden. Strength, wisdom, patience and innovation, do you own all this? Можеш ли да погодиш што е ова? Can you guess what this is? Can you guess what this is? Том ја плукна мастиката. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spat on the gum. Познавам твоя баща. I know your father. I know your father. Je v skvelej forme. He is in perfect shape. It's in square form. Uređaj koristite dok vas ne upozori da napunite bateriju i onda je punite 5 sati da bi postigli maksimalni kapacitet. Use the device until it warns you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to reach the maximum capacity. Use the device until it warns you to charge the battery and then charge it for 5 hours to achieve maximum capacity. Sedenje po ceo dan i gledanje u ekran računara je loše za tebe. Sitting down all day and looking at a computer screen is bad for you. Sitting around all day looking at your computer screen is bad for you. Smisliću nešto. I'll make something up. I'll think of something. Се одвиваше војна. There's a war going on. There was a war going on. Том не може да го има. Tom can't have it. Tom can't have it. Веќе се чувствувам значително подобро. I already feel much better. I'm feeling much better already. Где је музеј? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? Моля те, събуди ме в шест утре сутринта. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me up at six in the morning. Тука престојува откако стигна од Канада. He has stayed here since he arrived from Canada. He's been staying here since he got here from Canada. Пуштете ги луѓево. Let these people go. Let these people go. Zbilja sam srećan zbog toga. I'm really happy about it. I'm really happy about that. Жалам, но не ми е до тоа сега. I'm sorry, but I don't feel up to this right now. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like it right now. Kišna sezona počinje juna. Rainy season begins in June. Rainy season starts in June. Ne volim učiti po ovakvoj vrućini. I don't like studying in this heat. I don't like to learn in this heat. Не бих их повредио. I wouldn't hurt them. I wouldn't hurt them. Видях гъбата в мивката. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the mushroom in the sink. Mala by si prísť. You should come over. It's small by itself. Злобен си. You're being mean. You're mean. Срещата ми е в 2:30. My appointment is at 2:30. My meeting's at 2:30. Не свиря на обой. I don't play the oboe. I don't play paint. Plašila sam se da pitam jer nisam htela da izgledam glupo. I was scared to ask questions because I didn't want to look stupid. I was afraid to ask because I didn't want to look stupid. Многу зборува. He has a big mouth. He talks a lot. Dopala nam se hrana, naročito riba. We liked the food, especially the fish. We liked the food, especially the fish. Je li ovo mjesto gdje Tom sjedi? Is this where Tom sits? Is this where Tom sits? Imaš li knjigu? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? Би требало да погледам. I should take a look. I should take a look. Ветар је јефтин и чист извор енергије. Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy. The wind is a cheap and clean source of energy. Zopakuj svoje meno! Repeat your name! Pack your menu! Треба да проведувам повеќе време на работа. I need to spend more time at work. I have to spend more time at work. Искам само пералня. All I want is a washing machine. All I want is a washing machine. Том пие од три до шест кафиња дневно. Tom drinks between three and six coffees a day. Tom drinks from three to six coffees a day. Не съм се нахранил съвсем I haven't quite finished eating. I didn't eat much. Puno očekujemo od njega. We expect much of him. We expect a lot from him. Том цврсто спие. Tom is fast asleep. Tom's sleeping tight. Nikad je prije nisam vidio. I've never seen her before in my life. I've never seen her before. Не е само нагаѓање. It's not just a guess. It's not just a guess. Не могу то да преболим. I can't get over it. I can't get over it. Наскоро тој ќе го напушти домот на своите родители. He will soon leave his parents' home. Soon he will leave his parents ’ home. Сакав да ти кажам првин тебе. I wanted to tell you first. I wanted to tell you first about you. Všeč mi je okcitanščina. I like the Occitan language. I like occitanism. Páči sa ti New York? Do you like New York? How about New York? Mogao bih da budem osumnjičeni. I could be a suspect. I could be a suspect. Би направил сѐ за да заработи пари. He would do whatever it takes to make money. He'd do anything to make money. Zalil je rožni grm. He watered the rose bush. He watered a rose bush. Заинтересиран ли е Том? Is Tom interested? Is Tom interested? Još uvek želiš ovo? Do you still want this? You still want this? Nikad se nećemo vratiti tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. Nemam nameru da odgovorim na sva pitanja. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering any questions. Том ја знаеше Мери. Tom knew Mary. Tom knew Mary. Това вероятно е ключът, който Том търси. This is probably the key that Tom is looking for. That's probably the key Tom's looking for. Nič to nebolo. That was nothing. It doesn't hurt. Бактерията няма да се размножава в алкохол. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. The bacteria won't reproduce in alcohol. Иска ми се да можех да отида в Япония. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I could go to Japan. Учителят ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. Лицето му изразява радост. His face expresses joy. His face expresses joy. Јас сум незаменлив. I'm irreplaceable. I'm irreplaceable. Това са моите гащи. Those are my pants. These are my pants. Побързай! Hurry up. Hurry! Има нещо, за което трябва да се погрижа. I have some business to take care of. There's something I have to take care of. Тя прекара много дни, плетейки пуловер за него. She spent many days knitting a sweater for him. She spent many days kniting sweaters for him. Juče sam dobio mejl napisan na francuskom. I got an email yesterday that was written in French. Yesterday I got an e-mail written in French. Volim kabilsku kuhinju. I love Kabyle cooking. I like cable kitchen. Имам мнение. I have an opinion. I have an opinion. Мораме да чекаме тука. We have to wait here. We have to wait here. Емили е тинејџер. Emily is a teenager. Emily's a teenager. Защо винаги си толкова зъл? Why are you always so evil? Why are you always so mean? Майк говори добър японски. Mike speaks good Japanese. Mike speaks Japanese. Во шумата, мајмуни слегуваа од крошните. In the forest, monkeys were climbing down from the canopies. In the woods, monkeys came down from the treetops. Tom je samo lenj. Tom is just plain lazy. Tom's just lazy. Виждала съм Том тука наоколо. I've seen Tom around. I've seen Tom around here. Къде можем да ядем? When can we eat? Where can we eat? Bilo kako bilo, nisi u pravu. Be that as it may, you are wrong. Anyway, you're wrong. Иска ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. Ich šťastie malo korene v ich priemysle. Their happiness was rooted in their industry. Ich stustie a little root in ich priemysle. За среќа шупава е стабилна, инаку бурата синоќа бездруго ќе ја урнеше. Fortunately this shed is stable, or else it'd have surely fallen down due to the storm last night. Luckily, this shed is stable, or last night the storm would've knocked her out. Не говори такива неща. Don't say things like that. Don't say that kind of thing. Jesi li jela nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? На три ќошка бев. I was in a bad mood. I was on three corners. Може ли ишта бити романтичније? Could anything be more romantic? Can anything be more romantic? Многумина го прават ова. Many people do this. A lot of people do this. Тогаш шумата беше тивка. The forest was silent then. That's when the forest was quiet. On naozaj miluje jazyky. He really likes languages. He's in the back caressing jazyky. Това е същата болница, където работи Том. This is the same hospital where Tom works. It's the same hospital where Tom works. И ти ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you a bachelor, too? Tom je skočio. Tom jumped. Tom jumped. Ne držim se moje dijete. I'm not on track with my diet! I'm not sticking to my baby. Tom zna šta sledi. Tom knows what's coming. Tom knows what's coming. Nisam tinejdžer. I'm not a teenager. I'm not a teenager. Докато съм жив аз, ти няма да бъдеш лишена от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I'm alive, you won't be deprived of anything. Подобро оди си. You'd better leave. You'd better go. Nisi rekao ništa pogrešno. You said nothing wrong. You didn't say anything wrong. Све остало је неважно. The rest doesn't matter. Everything else is irrelevant. Колку си очаен? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? Момчето мълчеше. The boy was silent. The boy kept his mouth shut. И двамата родители на Том бяха преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Tom's parents were both teachers. Ова е многу тежок испит. This is a very difficult exam. This is a very difficult test. Имао / имала сам неке ствари да обавим пре састанка. I had some things to do before the meeting. I had/I had some things to do before the meeting. Tom je akýsi unavený. Chce ísť domov. Tom is kind of tired. He wants to go home. Tom's akýsi unvený. Животниве се загрозени. These animals are on the verge of extinction. These animals are at risk. Jednostavno nisam mnogo srećan. I'm just not very happy. I'm just not very happy. On má tiež dvanásť rokov, ale stále je mladší ako ona. He is also twelve years old but he is still younger than her. He má tiješ dunásó rock, but stále is young if she. Пречите. You're in the way. You're in the way. Приятелите ми твърдят, че говоря по-добър френски, когато съм пиян. My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk. My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk. Potcenjuješ me. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. Слушај внимателно. Треба да го знаеш ова. Listen carefully. You need to know this. Listen carefully, you need to know this. Том си тръгна, но Мери е още тук. Tom has left, but Mary is still here. Tom's gone, but Mary's still here. Сигурни ли сте? Are you sure? Are you sure? За това ще трябва да платитш допълнително. That'll cost you extra. That's why you're gonna have to pay extra. Radila je toliko naporno da se na kraju razbolela. She worked so hard that eventually she became ill. She worked so hard, she eventually got sick. Тоа се на Том кучиња. Those are Tom's dogs. They're Tom's dogs. Тя ми подари един хубав подарък. He gave a nice present to me. She gave me a nice gift. Закъсняхте. You are late. You're too late. За греота е тоа. That's so pathetic. It's for the heat. Imaš li stabilnu vezu sa dečkom? Do you have a steady boyfriend? Do you have a stable relationship with your boyfriend? Можеш ли да направиш да престане тоа? Can you make it stop? Can you make it stop? Интернетот не е твоја лична војска. The Internet is not your personal army. The Internet is not your personal army. Вратата зачкрипе. The door creaked. The door's shut. Govor mu je bio, blago rečeno, katastrofa. His speech was an unmitigated disaster. His speech was, to say the least, a disaster. Mislim da će biti lijep dan. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think it's gonna be a nice day. Juče je padao sneg. It snowed yesterday. It was snowing yesterday. Kam chcú ísť? Where do they want to go? Where's the chcú ísís? Колку сестри имаш? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? Том протрча покрај Мери. Tom ran past Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Чаках я вече един час. I've been waiting for her for an hour. I've been waiting for her for an hour. Той беше във Франция. He was in France. He was in France. По-късно пак ще говорим. Talk to you later. We'll talk again later. Ова е баш топ. This is really great. That's quite a cannon. Ако огладниш, има храна во ладилникот. If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. Какво је данас време? What is the weather like today? How's the weather today? Počivao u miru! May he rest in peace! Rest in peace! Се повреди ли некој? Was anyone injured? Did anyone get hurt? Šta si upravo napisao u svesci? What did you just write in your notebook? What did you just write in your notebook? Nikad nećemo da znamo razlog. We'll never know the reason. We'll never know the reason. Opušten sam. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. Някога чувал ли си някой да говори на френски? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard anyone speak French? Mogu li da te ispratim kući? Can I walk you home? Can I walk you home? Можеш да я видиш сутринта. You can see her in the morning. You can see her in the morning. Уби ме прејака реч! - рече песник. "I was killed by too powerful a word!" said the poet. You killed me too strong a word! Марила имаше проблеми с белите си дробове. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Тя ми предостави достъп до записите си. She gave me access to her records. She gave me access to her records. Nemáme čas. We have no time. There's no time. Реших, че може да си ми сърдит. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Си го правел ли некогаш тоа? Have you ever done it? Have you ever done that? Тоа е жално. That's sad. That's sad. Ne mogu da odobrim ovaj projekat. Ima puno nedostataka. I can't approve the project. It leaves much to be desired. I can't approve this project. Мислите, че сте забавни ли? You think you're funny? You think you're funny? Не се чувствам болен. I don't feel sick. I don't feel sick. Сестра ти спие. Your sister's sleeping. Your sister's asleep. Том бутна Мери от ръба на скалата. Tom pushed Mary off the edge of the cliff. Tom pushed Mary off the edge of the rock. Želim da te vidim. I wanna see you. I want to see you. Ми треба крем за сонце. I need sun block. I need some sunscreen. Som v dôchodku. I'm retired. I'm in dôchodka. Когато аз ти кажа: "Скачай", ти скачаш! When I tell you 'jump', you jump! When I say jump, you jump! Nije bilo ništa da se jede. There was nothing to eat. There was nothing to eat. Kad god te vidim, srce mi govori da sam zaljubljen. Whenever I see you, my heart tells me that I'm in love. Whenever I see you, my heart tells me I'm in love. Сега го унакази. Now you've ruined it. Now you've mutilated him. Ovo bi trebalo da upali. This should do the trick. This should work. Дори децата могат да четат тази книга. Even children can read this book. Even kids can read this book. Besede moraš preurediti. The words need rearranging. You have to redecorate the words. Сакам да знам како си го направил тоа. What I want to know is how did you do that. I want to know how you did it. Том бил брутално убиен на 20-ти октомври, 2013. Tom was brutally murdered on October 20, 2013. Tom was brutally killed on October 20th, 2013. Рано ли стана Том утрово? Did Tom get up early this morning? Did Tom get up early this morning? Изглежда, че ще вали. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Той пострада в мача вчера. He got hurt in the game yesterday. He got hurt in the game yesterday. Казах ти да не ме търсиш, Том. I've told you not to call me, Tom. I told you not to look for me, Tom. Том мислеше, че Мери е свободна, но не беше съвсем сигурен. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't really sure. Tom thought Mary was free, but he wasn't quite sure. Povie ti iba to, čo si myslí, že chceš počuť. She's only going to tell you what she thinks you want to hear. You don't give a shit what you think you're gonna do. To som nebol já. It wasn't me. That's the sky. Ponosna sam na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Да ли мислиш да вреди сачувати ова писма? Do you think these letters are worth saving? Do you think it's worth saving these letters? Не ме бива за ова. I'm not cut out for this. I'm not good at this. Мисля, че Том го направи. I think Tom did it. I think Tom did it. Zašto si ljut na mene? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Ти кажувам дека би можел да бидеш професионален тапанар. I'm telling you could be a professional drummer. I'm telling you, you could be a professional drummer. Svi su sedeli za stolom. Everyone was sitting at the table. Everyone was sitting at the table. Је ли ово прави дијамант? Is this diamond real? Is this the real diamond? Им веруваш ли? Do you believe them? Do you trust them? Tom ne želi da podijeliš ovu informaciju s bilo kime. Tom doesn't want you to share this information with anyone. Tom doesn't want you sharing this information with anyone. Почти стана. It was pretty close. It's almost over. Том заврши со садовите. Tom finished doing the dishes. Tom's done with the dishes. Том рече дека е време за јадење. Tom said it was time to eat. Tom said it was time to eat. Tekst je jako prerađen. The text has been heavily edited. The text is highly processed. На пръв поглед въпросът изглеждаше лесен. At first sight, the question seemed easy. At first glance, the question seemed easy. Imaš li za mene vijesti? Do you have news for me? Do you have news for me? Денес е затворено. They're closed today. It's closed today. Zakaj vprašaš? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Забрањено воће је увек најслађе. Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. The forbidden fruit is always the cutest. Не ми прави мили очи. Don't get cute with me. Don't make my eyes nice. Ona je moja profesorica. She's my professor. She's my teacher. Отворих си чекова сметка. I opened a checking account. I opened my checkbook. Всички са гладни. Everybody's hungry. Everyone's hungry. Няма да повярваш колко популярен е станал Том. You won't believe how popular Tom has become. You're not gonna believe how popular Tom is. Mnogo smo se brinuli o tebi. We worried a lot about you. We took a lot of care of you. Др Џексон има добар однос према пацијенту. Dr. Jackson has a good bedside manner. Dr. Jackson has a good relationship with the patient. Toto je ten dom. This is the house. Toto is ten home. Времето е на моя страна. Time's on my side. Time's on my side. Тези книги на Кенджи ли са? Are these books Kenji's? Are those Kenji's books? Када одлазиш? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? Незнаењето секогаш создава страв. Ignorance always creates fear. Ignorance always creates fear. Мислех, че е забавно. I thought it was fun. I thought it was fun. Те сакам повеќе отколку што те сакал било кој досега. I love you more than anybody else ever did love you. I love you more than anyone has ever loved you. Ako vyzeráš? What do you look like? What if you winzerás? Da li stižeš uskoro? Are you almost here? Are you coming soon? Ти се дивам на смелоста. I admire your bravery. I admire your courage. Жалко, че той не може да се ожени за нея. It's a pity that he can't marry her. Too bad he can't marry her. Mislim da smo dovoljno jeli. I think we've had enough to eat. I think we've eaten enough. Ne daj Tomi da spava. Don't let Tom sleep. Don't let Tommy sleep. Ne staj. Don't stop. Don't stop. Можете ли да ми препоръчате хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Цвеќињата привлекуваат пчели. Flowers attract bees. Flowers attract bees. Prestani tražiti princa na bijelom konju, ta oni ne postoje. Stop looking for a prince on a white horse; there's no such thing. Stop looking for a prince on a white horse, they don't exist. Kad se vraćaš natrag u Italiju? When are you going back to Italy? When are you going back to Italy? Nechcem sa s tebou hádať. I do not want to argue with you. I don't want to talk to you. Донео сам шољицу кафе. I've brought a cup of coffee. I brought a cup of coffee. Том и Мери се държаха като деца. Tom and Mary acted like children. Tom and Mary were acting like kids. Това са кучетата на Том. Those are Tom's dogs. These are Tom's dogs. Пада снег. It snows. It's snowing. Čo je to? What's this? What's that? Duše ne postoje. Souls don't exist. There are no souls. Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water from the dirty glass! Obe moje sestre su učiteljice. Both of my sisters are teachers. Both my sisters are teachers. Си го остави клучот на бирото, како што му беше навика. He left his key on the desk, as he usually did. He left the key to his desk, just like he used to. Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажете. I think you'd better give up. I think you'd better give up. Сите го одбија Том. Everyone told Tom no. They all turned Tom down. Сите посетители мора да бидат испитани. All visitors are subject to inspection. All visitors must be examined. Хоби јој је био сакупљање старих новчића. Her hobby was to collect ancient coins. Her hobby was collecting old coins. На глава ми се качи. I've had it with you. It's on my head. Правило ли ти е впечатление, че дясното ухо на Том е много по-голямо от лявото му ухо? Have you ever noticed that Tom's right ear is much larger than his left ear? Did it give you the impression that Tom's right ear is much bigger than his left ear? Какви езици се говорят в Америка? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Каква бубалица си. You're such a nerd. You're such a nerd. Питай Том сама. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Tom se ranije bojao od mene. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom was scared of me before. Кучето се вика Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Може ли пак да го видам? Can I see it again? Can I see him again? Станете, ако обичате. Stand up, please. Stand up, please. Musíme brať do úvahy želania celej rodiny v plánovaní výletu. We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip. Musíme braó to úvahy jelania to the whole family in plánování inýlet. Той сам го направи. He himself did it. He did it himself. Nemate dozvolu da uđete u tu sobu. You are not allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. Птицата го крена гранчето со клунот и одлета кон своето гнездо. The bird picked up the twig with its beak and flew to its nest. The bird raised the branch with its beak and flew to its nest. Што има под покривачот? What's under the blanket? What's under the covers? Това не го помня. I have no memory of that. I don't remember that. Каде е најблиската работилница за поправка на диџеридуа? Where is the nearest didgeridoo repair shop? Where's the nearest service repair shop? Ručaćemo zajedno u pola jedan. We'll eat lunch together at 12:30. We'll have lunch together at half past one. Не ги замолив да дојдат тука. I didn't ask them to come here. I didn't ask them to come here. Ovako je trebalo da bude. This is how it should have been. This is how it was supposed to be. Морам да позборувам со тебе. I must talk with you. I need to talk to you. Го превезов. I gave him a ride. I gave him a ride. Dođi, sedi pored mene. Come, sit by me. Come sit next to me. Imali smo danas ispit iz matematike. We had an examination in mathematics today. We had a math exam today. Sad je vreme da deca idu u krevet. It is time for kids to go to sleep. Now it's time for the kids to go to bed. Postajem dobar u tome. I'm getting good at it. I'm getting good at it. On je čovek sa mnogo talenata. He's a man of many talents. He's a man of many talents. Ovo neće boleti nimalo. This won't hurt at all. This won't hurt at all. Том и кажа на Марија дека никогаш не го запознал Џон. Tom told Mary he'd never met John. Tom told Maria he never met John. Som hladný. Kedy do čerta budeme jesť? I'm starving. When the hell do we eat. I'm cold. Želeli su da me kazne. They wanted to punish me. They wanted to punish me. Сега живееме заедно. We live together now. We live together now. Зарем не сте банкар? Aren't you a banker? Aren't you a banker? Не чувам нищо. I don't hear anything. I can't hear anything. Не знам той кога ще дойде. I don't know when he'll come. I don't know when he'll be here. Мисля, че трябва да изпратиш Том в Бостън. I think you should send Tom to Boston. I think you should send Tom to Boston. Tom mi je rekao šta da radim. Tom told me what to do. Tom told me what to do. Dievča pije čaj. The girl is drinking tea. A dieter drinks tea. Шта ми то заправо тражимо? What exactly are we looking for? What exactly are we looking for? Мора да купам цвеќе за своето либе. I have to buy flowers for my love. I have to buy flowers for my libe. Том отсекогаш сакал син. Tom had always wanted a son. Tom always wanted a son. Може пък да не съм прав. I may indeed be wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Još uvek oplakujem smrt svog najstarijeg sina. I'm still grieving from the death of my eldest son. I still mourn the death of my eldest son. Mogao bih da pođem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Алгебрата е любимият ми предмет. Algebra is my favorite subject. Algebra is my favorite subject. Remodeliram. I'm remodeling. I'm remodeling. Имаш прљаву машту. You've got a dirty mind. You have a dirty imagination. "Što učiš?" "Povijest." "What are you studying?" "History." "What are you learning?" "History." Искам MP3 плеър! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3 player! Очевидно е, че той излъга. It's obvious that he lied. Obviously, he lied. Jesu li ovo vaše torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? Biće ovo zabavan vikend. It'll be a fun weekend. It's gonna be a fun weekend. Той говори японски добре. He speaks Japanese well. He speaks Japanese well. Не исках да подслушвам, но чух какво казахте. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I did overhear you. I didn't want to listen, but I heard what you said. Пет сати је ујутру у Бразилу. It's 5:00 a.m. here in Brazil. It's five o'clock in the morning in Brazil. Ko hoće da razgovara sa mnom? Who wants to talk to me? Who wants to talk to me? Daj mi još jedan razlog. Give me another reason. Give me one more reason. Бях изненадана, че Том говори френски толкова добре. I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well. I was surprised Tom spoke French so well. Да се качиме горе. Let's go upstairs. Let's go upstairs. Волела бих да те пољубим. I'd like to kiss you. I'd like to kiss you. Volim te. I love you! I love you. Цел град го свртев барајќи го Дом. I've been all over town looking for Tom. I turned the whole town around looking for Dom. Еве ми ја членската картичка. Here's my membership card. Here's my membership card. Она се развела од мужа. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. Минаха 6 години, откакто започнах да уча английски. It is six years since I started to study English. It's been six years since I started learning English. Usudio se ignorirati moj savjet. He dared ignore my advice. He dared ignore my advice. Tom kaže da nije bio ovde. Tom says he wasn't here. Tom says he wasn't here. Da li ovo znači da me više ne volite? Does this mean that you don't love me anymore? Does this mean you don't love me anymore? Морам да одам да им помогнам. I have to go help them. I have to go help them. Той умее да чете. He can read. He can read. Zašto se ponašaš kao dete? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? Мислам дека те излажале. I think you've been lied to. I think they lied to you. Ponudili smo pomoć. We offered to help. We offered to help. Tom cijelo vrijeme prigovara. Tom complains all the time. Tom complains all the time. Ko ne reskira, ne dobija. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Anyone who doesn't take any chances doesn't win. Пилешкото е сирово. The chicken is raw. Chicken's raw. Смртта на баба ми беше голем шок. The death of my grandmother was a great shock. My grandmother's death was a shock. Većina naučnika je odbacila teoriju pomeranja kontinenata, jer je bilo tako teško da se zamisli da su pokreti ploča uopšte i mogući. Most scientists had rejected the continental-drift theory because it had been so difficult to imagine that plate movements were even possible. Most scientists rejected the theory of moving continents, because it was so hard to imagine that plate movements were even possible. До после. See you later! I'll see you later. Liječnici gledaju rendgensku sliku. The doctors are looking at an x-ray. The doctors are looking at an X-ray. Том не може да ја најде Мери. Tom can't find Mary. Tom can't find Mary. Нѐ мамат. We're being conned. They're baiting us. Nerozumiem tomu slovu. I can't understand that word. I don't understand that letter. Izgledalo je tako ukusno. It looked so delicious. It looked so delicious. Ta tvrtka je na klimavim nogama zbog loših dugova. That company is on the rocks because of bad debts. That company's on flimsy feet because of the bad debts. Иди го посрещни и междувременно пусни това писмо. Go and meet him, and while you're about it mail this letter. Go meet him and release this letter in the meantime. Ти кажав дека татко ми умре кога имав тринаесет години. I told you that my dad died when I was thirteen. I told you my father died when I was 13. Аз съм по-умен от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Umivam si roke. I'm washing my hands. I wash my hands. Рибата може да плува. The fish can swim. The fish can swim. Виждал съм ги преди. I've seen them before. I've seen them before. Nemám rada ten nápad pracovať cez víkendy. I don't like the idea of working on the weekends. Nemám likes tan nápad pracovadní cez íkendy. Má brata, ktorý žije v Tokiu. He has a brother who lives in Tokyo. Má brother, who lives in Tokyo. Защо те не са притеснени? Why aren't they worried? Why aren't they worried? To je Tomu dalu ideju. That gave Tom an idea. That's Tom's idea. Upoznala sam neke divne ljude. I've met some wonderful people. I've met some wonderful people. Том и Мери не се ни познаваат. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Том го нема затоа што е болен. Tom is absent because he's sick. Tom's gone because he's sick. Претпоставив дека си зафатен. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Nimam nobenih sester. I have no sisters. I don't have any sisters. Би требало да го тужам. I should sue him. I should sue him. Комарци у Минесоти су велики као роде. Mosquitoes in Minnesota are as big as storks. The mosquitoes in Minnesota are as big as the storks. Ќе почнам. I'll start. I'll get started. За жал тоа ги прекршува сите правила. I'm afraid that violates every rule in the book. Unfortunately, it violates all the rules. On je liječnik, a osim toga i pisac. He is a doctor and also a novelist. He's a doctor, and besides, he's a writer. Пребрзо се случи. It happened too fast. It happened too fast. Когато бях малък ходех пеш на училище. I walked to school when I was young. When I was a kid, I used to walk to school. Вече опитах по този начин. I've already tried doing it that way. I've already tried it this way. Popraskaj me po hrbtu Rub my back. Slap me on the back. Не съм те обиждал на "глупак". I didn't call you stupid. I didn't insult you to "stupid." Помогни ни колку што можеш. Give us any help you can. Help us as much as you can. Gdje je vatra, tu je i dim. Where there is smoke there is fire. Where there's fire, there's smoke. Всеки трети в този град има кола. One out of three people in this city owns a car. Every third in this town has a car. Напиши адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write down your address here. Odsedaću u hotelu Hilton. I'm going to be staying at the Hilton Hotel. I'm staying at the Hilton Hotel. Juče sam upoznala neke od Tomovih prijatelja. I met some of Tom's friends yesterday. I met some of Tom's friends yesterday. Ispalo je da je istina. It turned out to be true. Turns out it's true. Том веќе не се гледа. Tom is now out of sight. You can't see Tom anymore. Можеме да работиме на отворено, доколку е светло. We can work outdoors only as long as it's light. We can work in the open, if it's light. Нисам јој рекао да си овде. I didn't tell her you're here. I didn't tell her you were here. Изгубих представа за времето. I lost track of time. I've lost track of time. Том не изгледа многу добро. Tom isn't looking very well. Tom doesn't look very good. В училище беше много интересно. School was exciting. It was very interesting at school. Намерих ключа. I've found the key. I found the key. Мислат дека е прекубројно. They think it's superfluous. They think it's too many. Дрехите му винаги миришат. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell. Има твърде много неща, които не знам как да готвя. I don't know how to cook too many things. There are too many things I don't know how to cook. Од неа беше. It was from her. It was from her. To je njihova knjiga. That book is theirs. It's their book. Това не е изкуство. Това е вагина със зъби. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. It's not art, it's a vagina with teeth. Качихме се на рейса в Шинджуку. We got on the bus at Shinjuku. We boarded a race in Shinjuku. Аз се считам за късметлийка. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. Tom je prošle nedelje proslavljao godišnjicu mature. Tom went to his high school reunion last week. Tom celebrated his reunion last week. Ги победи. You've defeated them. You beat them. Ти студент по обмен ли си? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? Просто сум изненаден. I'm just surprised. I'm just surprised. Smračilo se. It's become dark. It's getting dark. Vreme je da se pozdravimo. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. Ова не е сино туку виолетово. This is not blue; it is violet. This isn't blue. This is purple. Той е по-нисък от Том. He's shorter than Tom. He's shorter than Tom. Сигурнa съм, че си много заетa. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. До нови срещи. See you around. To new meetings. Том е паметен тип. Tom is a smart guy. Tom's a smart guy. Мислам дека Том е богат. I think Tom is rich. I think Tom's rich. Още не съм се разсънил напълно. I'm not wide awake yet. I haven't completely had a dream yet. Сѐ би направил за да му помогнам на Том. I'd do anything to help Tom. I'd do anything to help Tom. Иска ми се да живея близо до твоята къща. I wish I could live near your house. I wish I could live near your house. Обявиха го за изчезнал. He was counted as lost. They called it missing. Ko želi da priča sa mnom? Who wants to talk to me? Who wants to talk to me? Pozajmiću ti radnu svesku ako mi obećaš da nećeš ništa pisati po njoj. I'll lend you my textbook if you promise not to write anything in it. I'll loan you the workbook if you promise me you won't write anything on it. Настана тишина. There was silence. There's been a silence. Tom bi mogao da se izgubi. Tom might get lost. Tom could get lost. Некако сѐ уште не ми се верува. I still can't really believe it. Somehow, I still can't believe it. Nisi odgovorila na pitanje. You didn't answer the question. You didn't answer the question. Цял живот съм чакала този ден. I've waited all my life for this day. I've waited my whole life for this day. Том падна по стълбите. Tom fell down the stairs. Tom fell down the stairs. Притежавам яхта. I own a yacht. I own a yacht. Jesi li me videla kako plešem? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me dance? Само измислено е. It's just imaginary. It's just made up. Vej, da me ne strašiš. Know that you're not scaring me. Just know you're not scaring me. Не беше забавен. You weren't funny. He wasn't funny. Ни фалевте. You've been missed. We missed you. Ја нећу ништа рећи. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not gonna say anything. Шофьорите трябва да слагат предпазни колани. Drivers should wear seat belts. Drivers should wear seat belts. Красива червеношийка кацна на перваза на моята стая. A pretty robin landed on my room's windowsill. A beautiful redhead landed on the side of my room. Сигурни ли сме, че искаме да назначим Том? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Chcem sa oženiť s Martinou. I want to marry Martyna. Checam is married to Martinou. Том штотуку го откачија. Tom just got dumped. Tom just got dumped. Том винаги спи, прегърнал мечето си. Tom always sleeps hugging his teddy bear. Tom always sleeps, hugs his bear. Da li je ovo tvoja čaša, ili tvoje sestre? Is this your glass or your sister's? Is this your glass or your sisters? Ne znamo zasigurno. We don't know for sure. We don't know for sure. Ламјата ја здогледа. The dragon saw her. The llama saw it. Тя се взря за кратко във вестника. She glanced briefly at the newspaper. She looked into the paper for a while. Знам дека знаеш. I know that you know. I know you do. Вие не можете да четете на френски, нали? You can't read French, can you? You can't read French, can you? На г-н Тейлър му се искаше да не беше идвал на партито. Mr. Taylor wishes he hadn't come to the party. Mr. Taylor wished you hadn't come to the party. Том на сите им тури за пиење. Tom poured everyone a drink. Tom's having drinks all over the place. Човешката кожа е много чувствителна към промени в температурата. Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Human skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Ще мина да те видя. I'll come see you. I'll come and see you. Правете добро на тези, които ви мразят. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Детето не е съд, който трябва да бъде напълнен, а огън, който трябва да се запали. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. The child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit. Реченицата не е точна граматички. The sentence is not grammatically accurate. The sentence isn't exactly grammatical. Класот подиве. The class went wild. The class is going wild. Не знам како ме здогледале. I don't know how they spotted me. I don't know how they saw me. Jeste li spremni? Are you about ready? Are you ready? Защо просто не ни кажеш какво те тормози? Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you just tell us what's bothering you? Том прошепна на Мери нещо на ухо. Tom whispered something into Mary's ear. Tom whispered something in Mary's ear. Tom je došao na Marynu rođendansku zabavu. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Nikad nećeš hodati sama. You'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone. Твоје ципеле су овде. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Том има мал кур. Tom has a small dick. Tom's got a little dick. Оваа девојка е најинтелигентна. This girl is the most intelligent. This girl is the most intelligent. Нисам још спреман. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Ноќниот живот е подобар во Њу Јорк. The nightlife is better in New York. Nightlife is better in New York. И двете изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. Tom nije napisao nijedno pismo Meri dok nije bio tu. Tom didn't even write one letter to Mary while he was away. Tom didn't write any of Mary's letters while he was away. Pesem "I Am Woman" Helene Reddy je postala neuradna himna ženskega osvobodilnega gibanja. The song "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement. The song "I Am Woman" by Helena Reddy became the informal anthem of the women's liberation movement. Hej, opusti se. Hey, relax. Hey, relax. Mnogo ti hvala za ovu informaciju! Thank you a lot for this information. Thank you so much for this information! Съмнява ме, че Том ще остане. I doubt Tom will stick around. I doubt Tom will stay. Посрещнаха ни топло. They greeted us warmly. They've welcomed us warmly. Што е фората со капава? What's with the hat? What's with the hat? Ne bih ga povredila. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Знаеш дека не јадам месо. You know I don't eat meat. You know I don't eat meat. Ранените се възстановяват. The wounded are getting better. The wounded are recovering. Алкохол е одговорот. Додуша не ми текнува што беше прашањето. Alcohol is the answer. I can't remember the question. Alcohol is the answer, but I don't remember what the question was. Не смееме да се откажеме. We must not give up. We can't give up. Toma će pogledati. Tom will take a look at it. Tom's gonna take a look. Забравих ти номера. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Иди и виж сам. You should go and see for yourself. Go and see for yourself. Не смете дирати. You mustn't touch it. You can't touch it. Можете ли да го направите сама? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Никој не го сака Том. No one likes Tom. No one wants Tom. Том си ја сака работата. Tom likes his job. Tom likes his job. Имаме ли избор? Do we have a choice? Do we have a choice? Кметството е в центъра на града. The city hall is in the center of the city. The town hall is downtown. Какво искаш да ми кажеш? What is it you want to tell me? What do you want to tell me? Том е облечен с шлифер. Tom is wearing a trench coat. Tom's wearing a helmet. Samo gubite vreme. You're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. Liječnik ju je temeljito pregledao. The doctor gave her a thorough check-up. The doctor examined her thoroughly. Доручекот е од седум до девет часот. Breakfast is served between 7 and 9. Breakfast is from seven to nine o'clock. В каква ситуация ще го направиш? In what kind of situations would you do that? What kind of situation are you gonna do that in? Почетник сам. I'm a beginner. I'm a rookie. Upoznala sam ga dan ranije. I met him the day before. I met him the day before. Завърших американска литература в колежа. I majored in American literature at college. I graduated from American literature in college. Том ја препрочита белешката. Tom read the note again. Tom rereads the note. Мажите имаат околу седум или осум пати повеќе тестостерон од жените. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Men have about seven or eight times more testosterone than women. Radim u Milanu. I work in Milan. I work in Milan. Ta riba je neužitna. That fish is not edible. That fish is inedible. Защо Том не е тук? Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? Hvala vam svima na dolasku! Vidimo se na sljedećem/idućem času! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thank you all for coming! See you at the next hour/next! Zar se ne sećaš pitanja? Don't you remember the question? Don't you remember the question? Том разбира каквото вие не разбирате. Tom understands what you don't. Tom understands what you don't understand. Аз още не съм си написал цялото домашно. I haven't finished all my homework yet. I haven't done my whole homework yet. Ne mogu a da se ne osećam delimično odgovornim. I can't help but feel partly responsible. I can't help feeling partially responsible. Jesu li oni prijatelji? Are they friends? Are they friends? Со какви симптоми се одликува труењето со печурки? What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning? What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning? Това близо ли е до вас? Is it near your house? Is that close to you? Какво сирене искате? What cheese do you want? What cheese do you want? Заспах с дрехите си. I slept with my clothes on. I fell asleep with my clothes. Teško izražavam riječima ono što mislim. I find it difficult to express my meaning in words. I'm having a hard time expressing what I think I'm saying. Може ли да се погрижиш за тоа Том да стигне дома? Can you see that Tom gets home? Can you make sure Tom gets home? Не изхвърляй нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything away. Това е за теб. This is for you. This is for you. Права штета е. It's really unfortunate. It's a shame. Сложи си палтото. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Том изгледаше како да му е малку неудобно. Tom looked a little uncomfortable. Tom seemed a little uncomfortable. Целта на интерпункциските знаци е да му помогне на читателот. The purpose of punctuation is to help the reader. The purpose of the interpunctional signs is to help the reader. Јадењата можат да бидам зачинети без да бидат лути. A dish can be seasoned without becoming spicy. Eats can be spicy without being angry. Сенфов навистина жеже. This mustard really bites the tongue. This mustard is really hot. Dal by som si šálku kávy. I would like a cup of coffee. You gave by som to Šalku kávy. Danas nemam nikakav domaći. I don't have any homework today. I don't have any homework today. Лекот делуваше. That medicine worked. The cure worked. Му дадов јаболко. I gave him an apple. I gave him an apple. Каде би можел да биде Том? Where could Tom be? Where could Tom be? Мораме сите да одиме да го најдеме Том. We must all go and find Tom. We all have to go find Tom. Obojica nismo bogati koliko bismo želeli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're both not as rich as we'd like. Ќерка ми пее во хор. My daughter sings in the choir. My daughter sings in choir. Да ли је твој? Is it yours? Is it yours? Остани каде што си, те молам. Stay where you are, please. Stay where you are, please. Не е нужно да учиш теология, за да бъдеш вярващ. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. Том започна да учи френски преди три години. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started learning French three years ago. Том не е подготвен. Tom isn't prepared. Tom's not ready. Prestala je govoriti. She stopped to talk. She stopped talking. Да ли смо спремни за полазак? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Страх ме е да пресека улицата в Пекин, понеже там шофьорите не се съобразяват с пешеходците. I'm afraid to cross the street in Beijing since drivers don't respect pedestrians there. I'm afraid to cross the street in Beijing because that's where drivers don't fit in with pedestrians. Сакам да купам ананаси. I want to buy pineapples. I want to buy pineapples. Ќе кажам што год сакаш. I'll say anything you want me to. I'll say whatever you want. Ona mi vždy telefonovala. She was always telephoning me. She's the one who phoned me. Predvideo sam da će se ovo dogoditi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I assumed this would happen months ago. Bili smo jedini gosti. We were the only guests. We were the only guests. Оди помогни им. Go and help them. Go help them. Тешко ни беше. We had a rough time. It's been hard for us. Том делува потресено. Tom seems disturbed. Tom seems shaken. Крис не можа да скрие тъгата си когато чу,че Бет не може да намери ценният си часовник. Chris could not conceal his sadness when he heard that Beth had been unable to find his valuable watch. Chris couldn't hide his grief when he heard Beth couldn't find her precious watch. Na chodbě je telefon. There's a telephone in the hall. There's a phone on the street. Исто сум квалификуван како Том. I'm about as qualified as Tom. I'm just as qualified as Tom. Дојдов по нив. I've come for them. I came for them. Той все още не е дошъл. He hasn't come yet. He hasn't come yet. Можеш ли да го преведеш? Can you translate it? Can you translate it? Уреден сум. I'm tidy. I'm all set. Zaglavilo se. It's stuck. It's stuck. Hvala vam svima na tome. Thank you all for that. Thank you all for that. Дали той ще се провали на изпита? Will he fail the examination? Will he fail the exam? Treba da budem ovde celo popodne. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. Ще се свържа с теб веднага щом мога. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll contact you as soon as I can. Работя с Том от три години. I've worked with Tom for three years. I've been working with Tom for three years. Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water from the dirty glass! Можеш да учиш тук. You can study here. You can study here. Vypol som počítač. I turned the computer off. Vypol som trigger. Можеш ли да ми го покажеш местово на мапа? Can you locate this place on the map for me? Can you show me this place on a map? Помина на црвено. You ran a red light. He's gone red. Кога треба да си го обновиш пасошот? When does your passport need to be renewed? When do you have to renew your passport? Има ли оцелели? Are there survivors? Any survivors? Bila je obučena u crveno. She was dressed in red. She was dressed in red. Tom će uspeti. Tom'll manage. Tom's gonna make it. Ништа нећу рећи. I'm not going to say anything. I won't say anything. Обичам да говоря на френски. I like speaking in French. I like to speak French. Muka mi je od njegovog propovijedanja. I'm sick and tired of his lecture. I'm sick of his preaching. На мен ми харесва всякаква музика. I have an eclectic taste in music. I like all kinds of music. U ruskom jeziku ne postoji reč "sloboda". There is no word for liberty in the Russian language. There is no word "freedom" in Russian. Houdini je bol slávny eskapológ. Houdini was a famous escapologist. Houdini is a pain of slávny eskapológ. Тя купи играчка за детето. She bought a toy for the kid. She bought a toy for the kid. Кога последен пат си си ја исчистил собата? When was the last time you cleaned your room? When was the last time you cleaned your room? Tom ne ume da piše dobro. Tom can't write very well. Tom can't write well. Kažnjena sam. I'm grounded. I'm grounded. Вторият му син се ожени и се установи. His second son married and settled down. His second son got married and set himself up. Нищо от това което Том каза не беше истина. None of what Tom said was true. None of what Tom said was true. Ovi tanjiri su ručno obojani. These plates are hand painted. These plates are hand-painted. Том врескајќи се разбуди од ноќна мора. Tom woke from his nightmare, screaming. Tom screaming, he woke up from a nightmare. Трябва да взема сина си в 2:30. I have to pick up my son at 2:30. I have to pick up my son at 2:30. Skoči! Jump. Jump! Аз просто искам да те направя толкова щастлив! I just want to make you so happy! I just want to make you so happy! Гледам како стојат работите. I can see which way the wind's blowing. I see how things are. Откога сте в България? How long have you been in Bulgaria? How long have you been in Bulgaria? За неа беше. It was for her. It was for her. Tom me je odbacio do aerodroma. Tom dropped me off at the airport. Tom dropped me off at the airport. Сѐ уште не сум спремен. I'm still not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Ме немаше само еден час. I was only gone an hour. I've only been gone an hour. Činite dobro onima koji vas mrze. Do good to those who hate you. You do well to those who hate you. Потпишите овде. Sign here. Sign here. Pomozite nam da pronađemo ovu karticu. Please help us track this card. Help us find this card. Mŕtveho neoživíš. You can't reanimate the dead. You don't live. Том си закопча ризата и после си сложи вратовръзката. Tom buttoned up his shirt and then put on his tie. Tom buttoned his shirt and then put his tie on. Koji kurac si rekao? What the fuck did you say? What the fuck did you say? Когато пътувам, предпочитам да пътувам по въздух. When I travel, I prefer to travel by air. When I travel, I prefer to travel in the air. Videl som psa. I saw a dog. I saw the dog. Тука е бучно. It's noisy in here. It's loud in here. Срећан мајчин дан! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Том продължи да говори. Tom went on talking. Tom kept talking. Tom stvarno deluje poznato. Tom does seem familiar. Tom really looks familiar. Не е нужно да си тръваш. You don't have to leave. You don't have to poison yourself. Kuća je izgorela do temelja pre nego što su stigli vatrogasci. The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived. The house burned to the ground before the firemen arrived. Ще ти го дам безплатно. I'll give it to you for free. I'll give it to you for free. Генералът разпореди всички затворници да бъдат избити. The general ordered the massacre of all war prisoners. The General ordered all prisoners killed. Някой от вас виждал ли е Том някога? Have any of you ever met Tom? Have any of you ever seen Tom? Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that will happen. I hope that happens. On nije doktor. He is not a doctor. He's not a doctor. Modlil si sa. You were praying. You're molding with. Bilo je pomalo nezgodno. It was a little tricky. It was kind of awkward. И двата метода сработиха добре. Both methods worked well. Both methods worked well. Reci mi gde si. Tell me where you are. Tell me where you are. Често разговарам со неа. I often converse with her. I talk to her a lot. Братята му, сестрите му или пък той самият ще отиде до гарата да посрещне баща си. His brothers, sisters or he himself is to go to the station to meet their father. His brothers, his sisters, or he himself will go to the station to meet his father. Не требаше да одам кај Том. I shouldn't have gone to Tom's house. I shouldn't have gone to Tom. Немавме ни скршена пара. We were broke. We didn't even have any broken money. Каквото ще да става, ще ги накараме да говорят. We'll get them to talk no matter what it takes. Whatever happens, we make them talk. Клетките се основнита составни единици на живите суштества. Cells are the building blocks of life. Cells are the basic constituents of living things. Том искаше да си ходи, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Ова личи на свила. This looks like silk. This looks like silk. Možemo li ovo kasnije? Could we do this later? Can we do this later? Мислиш ли дека ќе стигнеме до станицата навреме? Do you think we'll make it to the station in time? Do you think we'll make it to the station in time? Možeš li da razgovaraš sa mnom? Can you talk to me? Can you talk to me? Вечито је незадовољан. He's always dissatisfied. He's always dissatisfied. Том не беше многу зафатен. Tom wasn't very busy. Tom wasn't too busy. Том и јас се бевме договориле. Tom and I had a deal. Tom and I had a deal. Кога последен пат дошол Том на посета? When was the last time Tom came to visit? When was the last time Tom came to visit? Не взимам наркотици. I'm not on drugs. I don't do drugs. Tom se nekada plašio mene. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom used to be afraid of me. Ни требаат упатства. We need instructions. We need directions. Трябва да го сваля. I have to take it off. I have to take it off. Зошто не си матурирал? Why didn't you graduate from high school? Why didn't you graduate? Просто гледам на нещата реалистично. I'm just being realistic. I'm just looking at things realistic. Добро. А ви? Good. And you? Okay, what about you? Vy ste originálna. You're original. You're a source. Zaljubio sam se u nju na prvi pogled. I fell in love with her at first sight. I fell in love with her at first sight. Таа е бубалица. She's a nerd. She's a nerd. Триъгълниците нямат четири ъгъла. Triangles don't have four angles. The triangles don't have four angles. Molim vas, napišite. Please write it down. Please write it down. Moramo se naučiti živeti v sožitju z naravo. We must learn to live in harmony with nature. We must learn to live together with nature. Ветерот дува. The wind is blowing. The wind's blowing. Најпрвин, имам нешто што сакам да ти го покажам. First, there's something I'd like to show you. First of all, I have something I want to show you. Kako Tom radi to? How does Tom do it? How does Tom do that? Затворете си учебниците. Close your books. Close your books. Še nikoli nisem bil tukaj. I've never been here before. I've never been here before. Том се почувства добре. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. Той отиде на разходка. He's out taking a walk. He went for a walk. Mislio sam da ćete da budete zauzeti. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Не сакам да пливам. I don't like swimming. I don't want to swim. Tom nije prava osoba za posao. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right person to work with. Мислев дека си смешен. I thought you were funny. I thought you were funny. Nemamo nimalo hrane. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. Ispričaj nam priču o duhovima! Tell us a ghost story! Tell us a ghost story! Видео сам Тома како умире. I saw Tom die. I saw Tom die. Mária sa zabávala. Mary had fun. Mária from fun. Аз съм по-умен от теб. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Еха, това е яко. Wow, that's cool. Wow, that's cool. То је чисти ескапизам. It's pure escapism. It's pure escapism. Не искам да си продавам душата. I don't want to sell my soul. I don't want to sell my soul. Истушираћу се. I'll take a shower. I'll take a shower. Nazovi me. Call me. Call me. Грози ни заплаха. We're all at risk. He's threatening us. Сите се исконтролираа. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone was in control. Това е най-тъпото нещо, което някога съм казвал. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I've ever said. Мораш да ми простиш. You must forgive me. You have to forgive me. Спя с два юргана през зимата. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. I sleep with two turganes in the winter. Sve što imaš će jednog dana imati tebe. Everything you have will have you someday. Everything you've got will one day have you. Učitelj je podijelio učenike u grupe. The teacher split the students into groups. The teacher divided the students into groups. Не ти судам. I'm not judging you. I'm not judging you. Ајде! Come on! Come on! Mumlala si. You mumbled. You were mumbling. Покажи ми. Show me. Show me. "Da li si ozbiljan?" "Sasvim sam ozbiljan." "Are you serious?" "I'm absolutely serious." "Are you serious?" "I'm quite serious." Том гласно ждригна. Tom burped loudly. Tom's gnawing loudly. Обично што е причината за болката? What is usually the cause for the pain? Usually, what is the cause of the pain? Мислам дека ќе можам да го решам проблемов сам. I don't think that I'll be able to solve this problem by myself. I think I can solve this problem on my own. Želim da te vidim iza rešetaka. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. Той си вдигна ръцете. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Со Том сме сега во брак. Tom and I are married now. Tom and I are married now. Том доби на лотарија. Tom won the lottery. Tom won the lottery. Многу е просто за сфаќање. It's very simple to understand. It's very simple to understand. Skoraj vse je bilo izboljšano. Almost everything has been improved. Almost everything was improved. Как се казва хотелът в Бостън, в който беше отседнал миналата година? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What's the name of the hotel in Boston that you stayed in last year? Баща ми обожава пица. My father loves pizza. My dad loves pizza. Ovo je sigurno pripadalo njoj. This must've belonged to her. This must have belonged to her. Како мислиш дека прошло? How do you think it went? How do you think it went? Ето я болницата, в която съм се родила. Here is the hospital where I was born. Here's the hospital I was born in. Da li mi se pričinjava? Am I seeing things? Is it me? Прав човекомрзец си. You're a complete misanthrope. You're such a hater. Da li sam osumnjičena? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? На мен не ми пречи. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Сакам да ти купам подарок. I want to buy a gift for you. I want to buy you a present. Ще можете ли да изчакате секунда? Hold on just a second, would you, please? Can you hold on a second? Той рядко ходи на църква. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Izneverila si me. You let me down. You let me down. Ahoj všetci! Hello, world! Ahoy walk! Том ќе ти каже кога ќе посака. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom will tell you whenever he wants. Ја запознав девојка ти. I met your girlfriend. I met your girlfriend. Ова е баба ми. This is my grandmother. This is my grandmother. По дяволите! Darn! Damn it! Гледај ми ги прстите. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Забравих ПИН кода. I forgot the PIN number. I forgot the PIN code. Обичаш ли френските вина? Do you like French wines? Do you like French guilt? Hovoríš po macedónsky? Do you speak Macedonian? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Виждала съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. I meni se stvarno sviđao Tom. I really liked Tom, too. I really liked Tom, too. Сите гуштери несат јајца. All lizards can lay eggs. All lizards carry eggs. Иска ми се да ми го беше казал по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd told me earlier. To je bila kap koja je prelila čašu. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. That was the drop that spilled the glass. Vreme je da ustaneš. It's time for you to get up. It's time to get up. Ako rýchlo! How fast! If rýchlo! Се знаеме. We know each other. We know each other. Обичаш ли да пътуваш? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Bolje razmišljaš kad zatvoriš oči. Closing your eyes helps you think better. You think better when you close your eyes. Тоа време, Том пливаше. At that time, Tom was swimming. That time, Tom was swimming. Кажи му да сам невина. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Най-накрая дойде денят, в който той трябваше да се раздели с нея. The day came at last when he had to part from her. Finally came the day he had to part with her. Може би можем да помогнем на Том. Maybe we can help Tom. Maybe we can help Tom. Какво ще кажеш да спрем колата и да си починем? How about stopping the car and taking a rest? How about we stop the car and get some rest? Имам информации на оваа тема. I have some information regarding this. I have information on this subject. Спрял ли е Майк да пие? Has Mike quit drinking? Did Mike stop drinking? Sovražniki smo. We're enemies. We're enemies. Tom je instalirao solarne panele na krovu svoje kuće. Tom had solar panels installed on the roof of his house. Tom installed solar panels on the roof of his house. Šta si rekao Tomu? What have you told Tom? What did you tell Tom? Кен ме вика всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Америка има нужда от вас. America needs you. America needs you. Защо го казваш? Why do you say that? Why do you say that? Брука си. You're a disgrace. You're a mess. Трудно ли е да се научи френски? Is it difficult to learn French? Is it hard to learn French? Това не е игра. It's not a game. This isn't a game. Sve ste pogrešno shvatili. You have it all wrong. You've got it all wrong. Ne bih je povredio. I wouldn't hurt her. I wouldn't hurt her. Prošla je prstima kroz kosu. She ran her fingers through her hair. She ran her fingers through her hair. Ne poznajemo naše komšije. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. Говорете бавно и ясно. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. Мини сукње су се вратиле у моду. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. Mini skirts are back in fashion. Тя още ли е тук? Is she still here? Is she still here? Тя си сложи пуловера. She pulled her sweater on. She put on her sweater. Prišiel som pešo. I came on foot. I sewed som on foot. Изпратих Том вкъщи. I sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Смрди. It stinks. It stinks. Ostavi knjigu na gornju policu. Put the book on the top shelf. Leave the book on the top shelf. Molim te, ne teraj me da jedem to. Please don't make me eat that. Please don't make me eat that. Дали Мери му се допаѓа на Том? Does Tom like Mary? Does Mary like Tom? Това може да се окаже малко натоварващо. This could be a little tough. That might be a little burdensome. Niko ne zna šta se zbiva iza tih vrata. Nobody knows what goes on behind those doors. No one knows what's going on behind that door. На Том родителите не му дојдоа на свадба. Tom's parents didn't attend his wedding. Tom's parents didn't come to the wedding. Лицето на Шоичи побледня. Shoichi's face turned pale. Shoichi's face is pale. Том пружи рака во вреќата и извлече неколку парички. Tom reached into the sack and pulled out some coins. Tom put his hand in the bag and pulled some coins. Го мислам тоа. I mean it. I mean it. Tražio sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Ще ви съдя. I'll sue you. I'll sue you. Oduvek sam mrzeo da radim to. I've always hated doing that. I've always hated doing that. В по-голямата си част студентите бяха от Западния бряг. The students were for the most part from the West Coast. Most of the students were from the West Coast. Чаках месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Da li stvarno misliš da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Стига си си правил майтапи. Stop joking around. Stop making fun of yourself. Ти испеков колачиња. I baked some cookies for you. I made you some cookies. Мојот глас на снимки не звучи како мојот природен гласот. My recorded voice does not sound like my natural voice. My voice on the tape doesn't sound like my natural voice. Речи нису потребне. No words are necessary. Words are not needed. Ако не работиш, не можеш да ядеш. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. Почекај една секунда. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Ќе имаме друштво. We're having company. We'll have company. Prošla su dva tjedna otkad je otišao na Havaje. It's been two years since he went Hawaii. It's been two weeks since he went to Hawaii. Stane na jedan floppy disk. It fits on a single floppy disk. It stops on a flippy disk. Izvini što ja nisam odgovorio na vaše pismo ranije. Sorry I haven't replied to your letter earlier. I'm sorry I didn't answer your letter earlier. Сакам да легнам и малку да се одмор. I want to lie down and rest for a while. I want to lie down and get some rest. Не умирај. Don't die. Don't die. Те хванаха лисицата в капан. They trapped the fox. They caught the fox in a trap. Volám sa Emily. My name is Emily. I'm with Emily. Собери ме во 2:30 од пред главната капија. Pick me up 2:30 in front of the main gate. Pick me up at 2:30 from the main gate. Не се мотай с Том. Don't hang out with Tom. Don't hang out with Tom. Собуј се. Take off your shoes. Take off your clothes. Tom hoče biti slaven. Tom wants to be famous. Tom wants to be famous. Milujem Francúzsko. I love France. I like French. Тој е будалест. He is foolish. He's a fool. Roštiljamo. We're having a barbecue. We're grilling. Мисля, че ви стига толкова. I think you've had enough. I think you've had enough. Немаме куче. We don't have a dog. We don't have a dog. Poklical jih bom jutri, ko se vrnem. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Голямата ѝ дъщеря е омъжена. Her older daughter is married. Her big daughter's married. On je moj prijatelj. He is my friend. He's my friend. Pobeda ili smrt! Victory, or death! Victory or death! На сите ни се допаѓаш. We all like you. We all like you. Какво правиш през уикенда? What sort of things do you do on weekends? What are you doing this weekend? Tom uvek napravi nered od stvari. Tom is always making a mess of things. Tom always makes a mess of things. Život je kratak. Life is short. Life is short. Чудно се однесуваш. You're acting weird. You're acting weird. Tom nikad nije rekao ništa o tome. Tom never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about it. Pojeo sam kutiju čokolada. I ate a box of chocolates. I ate a box of chocolate. Spavam čvrsto. I'm a sound sleeper. I sleep tight. Мислех да отида да кажа "здрасти" на Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hi to Tom. Да погледаме телевизия. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. Ќе дојдам со Том. I'll come with Tom. I'll go with Tom. Мени одговара. It works for me. It suits me. Джейн е болна на легло. Jane is sick in bed. Jane's sick in bed. Тя живее в Ню Йорк. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. Mary nije bila vrijedna tvog povjerenja. Mary was not worthy of your trust. Mary wasn't worthy of your trust. Ono što je Tom uradio je dosta pomoglo. What Tom did helped quite a bit. What Tom did was very helpful. Защо се изнесе? Why did you move out? Why did you move out? Poskytnem vám všetky potrebné informácie. I will provide you all the necessary information. Poskytnem vätky needené informácie. Миналата нощ не можах да мигна. Last night I did not get a wink of sleep. I couldn't blink last night. Сѐ уште ли си во кревет? Are you still in bed? Are you still in bed? Ќе ти напишам белешка. I'll write you a note. I'll write you a note. Том ја виде Мери на другата страна од собата и и пријде за да и се обрати. Tom saw Mary across the room and went over to talk to her. Tom saw Mary on the other side of the room and approached her to talk to her. Той пристигна в Токио вчера. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Бих искала да преведа това на френски. Би ли ми помогнал? I'd like to get this translated into French. Could you help me? I'd like to translate this into French. Ветерот продолжи да дува. The wind continued. The wind kept blowing. Том купи палто. Tom bought a coat. Tom bought a coat. Тя каза: "Не е смешно! Много ли щеше да ти хареса, ако някой беше постъпил така с тебе - ти какво щеше да направиш?" She said, "It's not funny! How would you like it if someone did that to you - what would you do?" She said, "It's not funny! Would you have liked it if someone had done so to you, what would you have done?" Možeš li razlikovati srebro od kositra? Do you know the difference between silver and tin? Can you tell silver from tin? Том навистина умее да се бори. Tom can really fight. Tom can really fight. Тази рокля ми стои много добре. This dress fits me very well. That dress looks really good on me. Može li se uživati u ovoj knjizi? Is this book enjoyable? Can you enjoy this book? Voliš li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? To je bilo nekako čudno. It was kind of strange. That was kind of weird. То тъкмо излезе. It just came out. That just came out. Da li ćemo opet videti Toma? Will we see Tom again? Are we gonna see Tom again? Не можеш за све да кривиш Тома. You can't blame it all on Tom. You can't blame Tom for everything. Не сме го правеле тоа никогаш досега. We have never done it before. We've never done that before. Не заслужавам съчувствие. I don't deserve sympathy. I don't deserve sympathy. Го барам веќе некое време. I've been looking for him. I've been looking for him for a while. Prestani s pričom. Stop talking. Stop talking. Имаш ли доволно? Do you have enough? Do you have enough? На Том му извадиха зъб миналата седмица. Tom had a tooth pulled out last week. Tom got his tooth pulled last week. Имам прашања на тони. I've got lots of questions. I've got a ton of questions. Ovo su današnje novine. This is today's newspaper. This is today's paper. В този квартал ли живееш? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? Том не би го направил тоа. Tom wouldn't do it. Tom wouldn't do that. Том го посети Бостон. Tom visited Boston. Tom visited Boston. Изгубио сам ток мисли. I lost my train of thought. I've lost track of thought. Не сакаме нови незгоди. We don't want any more accidents. We don't want any new accidents. Isprike na greškama. Sorry for all the typos. Sorry about your mistakes. Беше ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It's been a terrible day. Сакам да одиш во Бостон со Том. I want you to go to Boston with Tom. I want you to go to Boston with Tom. Том, мисля, че трябва да помогнем на Мери. Изглежда тя е в беда. Tom, I think we need to help Mary. It looks like she's in trouble. Tom, I think we should help Mary. Мојот совет е да не му даваш никаков подарок на Том. My suggestion is that you not give Tom any kind of gift. My advice is not to give Tom any gifts. Законите се како пајажина - ловат мушички, но пуштаат осите и стршлените да се пробијат. Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. Laws are like web-hunting flies, but they let wasps and hornets break through. Možeš li da nas pokupiš? Can you give us a lift? Can you pick us up? Тук мирише на тоалетна. It smells like a toilet in here. It smells like toilets in here. Mislim da je to skroz smešno. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. I think that's all funny. Том защити съпругата си. Tom protected his wife. Tom protected his wife. Мисля, че Том се справи наистина добре. I think Tom did a really nice job. I think Tom did really well. Забравих да го питам. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Скршив ваза денес. I broke a vase today. I broke a vase today. Rád to počujem. I am glad to hear it. That's what I'm hearing. Sapleo sam se. I tripped. I tripped. Може ли някой да отговори на въпроса ми? Can anyone answer my question? Can anyone answer my question? Може ли да ти взема палтото? May I take your coat? Can I take your coat? Moraću da razmislim o tom pitanju, I'll have to take that question on notice. I'll have to think about it. Те плуваха. They swam. They were swimming. Pazi! Watch out! Look out! Том сака да мислиме дека е побогат одошто всушност е. Tom wants us to think he's richer than he really is. Tom wants us to think he's richer than he actually is. Kako mogu znati da me nećeš prijaviti nakon što ti pomognem? How do I know you won't turn me in after I help you? How do I know you won't report me after I help you? Аз се чувствам много по-добре днес. I'm feeling much better today. I feel much better today. Тражио сам те. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Не ме интересува. Мразя я. I don't care. I hate her. I don't care. Стопли го. Heat it up. Keep it warm. Tom je verovatno rođen u Australiji. Tom was probably born in Australia. Tom was probably born in Australia. Какво те ядоса? What are you angry about? What made you angry? Не треба сѐ да ти се допаѓа. You do not need to like everything. You don't have to like everything. Желео бих да искористим ову прилику да се захвалим свима вама на указаном поверењу. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the trust you've placed in us. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your trust. Ще се срещна с него някой друг път. I will meet him some other time. I'll meet him some other time. To mi je imalo smisla. That made perfect sense to me. That made sense to me. Не можам да ги гледам. I can't look at them. I can't see them. Баш је било добро. That was very good. That was good. Кенеди зборуваше за проблемот. Kennedy spoke about the issue. Kennedy was talking about the problem. Upravo se opet desilo. It just happened again. It just happened again. Чувствах се изолиран. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Imao sam sreće, što sam preživeo nesreću. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. I was lucky to survive the accident. Тя изпра блузата набързо. She gave the blouse a quick wash. She washed her shirt in a hurry. Собава е преполна. This room is cramped. This room is full. Bol som v Paríži. I have been in Paris. I'm in pain in Paría. Ме мавна кола. I got hit by a car. I got hit by a car. Ќе ти раскажам сѐ за тоа подоцна. I'll tell you all about it later. I'll tell you all about it later. Ме гризе совест. My conscience bothers me. I have a guilty conscience. Ти си панда. You're a panda. You're a panda. Ne prilazi mojoj ženi. Stay away from my woman. Stay away from my wife. Как може да не Ви харесва Том? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Той не знае нито френски, нито немски. He knows neither French nor German. He knows neither French nor German. Том не се среща с Мери. Tom isn't seeing Mary. Tom doesn't date Mary. Помогни ми, Том. Help me out here, Tom. Help me, Tom. Том ја отру Мери. Tom poisoned Mary. Tom poisoned Mary. Пристигна друго множество туристи. Another lot of tourists arrived. Another crowd of tourists arrived. Имам претчуство дека претставата ќе се откаже; не продале нешто многу карти. I have a hunch that the show will be cancelled; they haven't sold many tickets. I got a feeling the show's gonna quit; they haven't sold a lot of cards. Slovensko je krásna krajina. Slovakia is a beautiful country. Slovensko is a karst landscape. Malo smo zauzete ovde. We're sort of busy here. We're a little busy here. Тоа ќе биде тешко. That'll be difficult. That's gonna be tough. Не сме престапници. We're not criminals. We're not criminals. От сутринта няма ток. The power has been off since this morning. There's been no power since morning. Цело време одам во Бостон. I go to Boston all the time. I go to Boston all the time. Tom je rekao u redu. Tom said all right. Tom said okay. Da mogu razumjeti, rekako bih ti tako. If I could understand it, I would tell you so. If I could understand, I would tell you so. Мисля, че те ни познават. I think they know us. I think they know us. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдем с тебе? Are you sure you don't want us to go with you? Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Bob ima navado, da gre v posteljo ob 10:00. Bob has the habit of going to bed at 10:00. Bob's used to going to bed at 10:00. Hajde, probaj odmah. Go ahead, try it now. Come on, try it now. Любимият ми превод е този. My favorite translation is this one. My favorite translation is this one. Ти си седнал на моето място. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. On má dvoch psov. He has two dogs. He má dvoch dogs. Не боли толкова много. It doesn't hurt so much. It doesn't hurt that much. Da li ti živiš tamo? Do you live there? Do you live there? Мислам дека не сакам да го направам тоа баш сега. I don't think I want to do that right now. I don't think I want to do that right now. То је временско такмичење. It's a timed competition. It's a time contest. Knjiga je suhoparna. The book is a dry read. The book is dry. Аз си искам ризата обратно. I want my shirt back. I want my shirt back. Том веќе за ништо не ми разговара. Tom doesn't talk to me about anything anymore. Tom's not talking to me about anything anymore. Погледаа наоколу. They looked around. They looked around. Том се наведе към Мери. Tom leaned towards Mary. Tom went after Mary. Мисля, че си идиотка. I think you're an idiot. I think you're an idiot. Ti pamtiš stvari mnogo lakše nego ja. You remember things more easily than me. You remember things a lot easier than I do. Боли те глава? Does your head hurt? Is your head sore? Predpostavljam da si gladan. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Radim kao slobodni prevodilac. I work as a freelancer translator. I work as a free translator. Учудвам се, че тази сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building is still standing. Ја испитуваме целата област. We're checking the whole area. We're investigating the entire area. От всичко, което Том е правил миналия уикенд, той казва, че уиндсърфингът му е бил най-забавен. Of all the things Tom did last weekend, he says that windsurfing was the most fun. From everything Tom did last weekend, he said his Windserfing was the funniest. Ovo je moj kompjuter. This is my computer. This is my computer. Купих няколко книги от книжарницата. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought some books from the bookstore. Том порано го мразеше Бостон. Tom used to hate Boston. Tom used to hate Boston. Ti si sve za mene. You are everything to me. You're everything to me. Навистина? Really? Really? Тоа не претставува проблем. That's no problem. That's not a problem. Pauk me golica. The spider tickles me. The spider tickles me. Получихме една интересна информация. We got an interesting piece of information. We got some interesting information. Къде отиваме? When do we go? Where are we going? Мисля, че не разбирате най-важното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you understand what's important. Том пръв забеляза музикалната дарба на Мери. Tom was the first one to recognize Mary's musical talent. Tom first noticed Mary's musical gift. Не сме слободни. We're not available. We're not free. Бихте ли ми прочели това? Could you read this for me? Could you read that for me? Tom je stavio kartu na sto. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the card on the table. Няма ли да е хубаво? Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be nice? Да ли је мачка на столици или под столицом? Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Is the cat in the chair or under the chair? Je to pre teba príliš ťažké? Is that too heavy for you? Is that what you're talking about before? Znao sam da ne treba da se petljam u tvoja ćaknuta posla. I knew I should never have gotten involved with your harebrained scheme. I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved in your tricky business. Том не беше вплеткан. Tom wasn't involved. Tom wasn't involved. Аз вече си свърших работата. I've already finished my work. I've already done my job. Трудно е да се откаже човек от един лош навик, след като веднъж вече се е оформил. A bad habit, once formed, is difficult to get rid of. It's hard to give up a man of a bad habit once he's already formed. Треба да го пробаш. You should try it. You should try it. Postaraću se da Tom ima sve što mu je potrebno. I'll make sure Tom has everything he needs. I'll make sure Tom has everything he needs. Treba mi još pet minuta. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. Тоа е сосема неточно. That's totally false. That's completely incorrect. Mislim da Tom krije nešto. I think that Tom is hiding something. I think Tom's hiding something. Ne pokušavaj se igrati sa mnom. Don't try to play games with me. Don't try to play with me. Тоя пич е стабилен. This guy's tough. This guy's stable. Бети го уби. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Chcel som sa s tebou o niečom porozprávať. I wanted to talk to you about something. Chcel som with you about nothing porozpráva. Koncentrirao se na to. He concentrated on that. He's focused on it. Tom je već ovde, ali Meri još nije stigla. Tom is already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. Tom's already here, but Mary hasn't arrived yet. Ukrao je veoma dragocen dijamantski prsten. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. Невиноста е најчесто благослов а не доблест. Innocence, most often, is a blessing and not a virtue. Innocentness is often a blessing, not virtue. Още ли не си приключил с домашното по френски? Have you finished your French homework yet? Haven't you finished your French homework yet? Да пием. Let's drink. Let's drink. Ќе биде во ред. It'll be okay. It's gonna be okay. Джейн понякога тича до училище. Jane sometimes runs to school. Jane sometimes runs to school. Ме известија. I've been briefed. I've been briefed. Том беше првиот младич што ми го скрши срцето. Tom was the first boy who broke my heart. Tom was the first young man to break my heart. Го праша ли Том зошто доцнел? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Изгледа да у последње време ниси сав свој. You don't seem to be yourself these days. Looks like you haven't been yourself lately. Тргај се од патот. Move out of the way. Get out of the way. Секој народ има свој јазик. Every nation has its own language. Every nation has its own language. Мислам дека најдовме еден. I think we've found one. I think we found one. Мило ми е што се видовме, Том. Good to see you, Tom. Nice to see you, Tom. Од каде знаеш за него? How do you know about him? How do you know about him? Немам име. I have no name. I don't have a name. Mislio sam da je to moj posao. I thought that was my job. I thought it was my job. Moja starija sestra dobro pjeva. My older sister is good at singing. My older sister sings well. Da li ste zauzete ovde? Are you busy here? Are you busy here? Кивна сам на Тома. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. На кой плаж обичате да ходите? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you like to go to? Навистина ли да јадеме пица олку рано наутро? Do we really want to eat pizza this early in the morning? Should we really eat pizza this early in the morning? Ne otvaraj prozor. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. Единият от чорапите му беше наопаки. He had one of his socks on inside out. One of his socks was upside down. Направих кафе. I made coffee. I made coffee. Приятелите ми не играят тенис. My friends don't play tennis. My friends don't play tennis. Имам грип и уморен сум. I have flu and I'm tired. I've got the flu, and I'm tired. Tom je spremio omlet. Tom made an omelet. Tom made an omelet. Не можам да го барам тоа од него. I can't ask him to do that. I can't ask him to do that. Tomu se to ne bi dopalo. Tom wouldn't have liked that. He wouldn't like that. Аз съм опасен. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Свободен ли си утре вечер? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Мислев дека Том ќе биде тука. I thought Tom was going to be here. I thought Tom was gonna be here. Не е нищо сериозно. It's nothing serious. It's nothing serious. Не си дотолку стар, Том. You're not that old, Tom. You're not that old, Tom. Той образова децата си добре. He gave his children a good education. He educated his children well. Много ми харесва. I like it a lot. I love it. Чиј ракопис е ова? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? Tom ima visoke moralne standarde. Tom has high moral standards. Tom has high moral standards. Том трубеше. Tom honked the horn. Tom was honking. А што има врска? Why does it matter anyway? What difference does it make? Uvijek problemi kada se radi o mome djetetu. When it comes to my child, the trouble never ends. It's always trouble when it comes to my child. Му ги испеков колачињава. I baked these cookies for him. I made him these cookies. Dopustite mi da vam pomognem. Please let me help you. Let me help you. Drago mi je da si pronašao novac koji si izgubio. I'm glad that you found the money you lost. I'm glad you found the money you lost. Он ради на баш лудим пројектима. He works on some really crazy projects. He's working on some crazy projects. Niko ne ide nigde. Nobody's going anywhere. No one's going anywhere. Печатачот не работи. The printer doesn't work. The printer doesn't work. Trebalo je da mi budeš prijateljica! You were supposed to be my friend! You were supposed to be my friend! Многу си паметен. You're very clever. You're very smart. Да си разделим сметката. Let's split the bill. Let's split up the bill. Mislio sam da ćemo ići negdje. I thought we were going to go somewhere. I thought we were going somewhere. Си ги фрлив парите во вода. I've wasted my money. I threw my money in the water. Hovorí sa, že pôjde do zahraničia. It is said that he will go abroad. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Том ме принуди да отворя кутията. Tom forced me to open the box. Tom forced me to open the box. Не се согласувам баш. I don't quite agree. I don't think so. Трябва да се хващам пак за работа. I have to go back to work. I have to get back to work. Gde ti je prijateljica? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Bila sam svuda u Evropi. I've been everywhere in Europe. I've been all over Europe. Заборавив да му кажам на Том кој ќе го собере од аеродром. I forgot to tell Tom who was going to pick him up at the airport. I forgot to tell Tom who's picking him up from the airport. Наставник нам је објаснио значење речи. The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us. The teacher explained the meaning of the word. Нема одговор. There's no answer. There's no answer. Tvoji roditelji su samo zabrinuti za tvoju sigurnost. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are just concerned about your safety. Da li stižemo uskoro? Are we nearly there? Are we on our way soon? Том го бива за тоа. Tom is good at it. Tom's good for it. Muškarci imaju oko 7 do 8 puta više testosterona od žena. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Впечатлена съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Ще се срещна с него на автобусната спирка. I will meet him at the bus stop. I'll meet him at the bus stop. Нямам нищо против горещото време. I don't mind hot weather. I don't mind the hot weather. Благодаря, че обърнахте внимание на това. Thanks for pointing this out. Thank you for paying attention to that. Само ќе си седам тука. I'll just sit here. I'm just gonna sit here. Може ли да почнам да јадам? May I begin to eat? Can I start eating? Ovo će možda malo zaboliti. This may hurt a little. This might hurt a little bit. Тетка му јаде јаболко или банана? Is his aunt eating an apple or a banana? His aunt eats apples or bananas? Trudimo se. We're trying. We're trying. Джон се бори с Том. John is wrestling with Tom. John's fighting Tom. Zaintrigirana sam. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. Напоследък не съм се чувала с нея. I have not heard from her recently. I haven't heard from her lately. Търся подарък за баща си. I'm looking for a gift for my father. I'm looking for a gift for my father. Сѐ уште не ваља. It's still not right. It's not good yet. Подобро да не излегуваме на ваква бура. I think we'd better not go out in this storm. We'd better not go out in a storm like this. Тој флертува толку нападно што жените на крај бегаат од него. He flirts so forcefully that he ends up pushing women away. He flirts so aggressively that women eventually run away from him. Tom peva. Tom is singing. Tom's singing. Твојата иднина почнува денес. Your future begins today. Your future begins today. Трябва да се обадим на полицията. We should call the police. We need to call the police. Špajz je prazan. The pantry is empty. The pantry's empty. Пред колку време било? How long ago was it? How long ago was it? Обикновено кога свършваш работа? When do you usually get off work? When do you usually do your job? Книгите са наши. The books are ours. The books are ours. Papier je biely. The paper is white. Papier's biely. Това цвете е най-красивото от всички цветя. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Том не разбира нищо от програмиране. Tom doesn't know anything about computer programming. Tom doesn't understand any of the programming. Те поканив ли тебе? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? Таа седеше на клупата. She sat on the bench. She was sitting on the bench. Želim tvoje mišljenje. I want your opinion. I want your opinion. Навистина е чудно. It's really weird. It's really weird. Како би можел да го мразам Том? How could I hate Tom? How could I hate Tom? Той ми даде това, от което се нуждаех. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. Kaj manjka? What is missing? What's missing? Dođi ranije da bismo mogli da razgovaramo o planovima. Come early so we can discuss the plans. Come early so we can talk about the plans. Къде сте ги изхвърлили? Where did you throw them away? Where did you dump them? Той отказа предложението. Аз също. He declined the offer and so did I. He refused the offer. Вярвам, че Земята се наблюдава от извънземно разузнаване. I believe that an alien intelligence is watching the Earth. I believe the Earth is being monitored by extraterrestrial intelligence. Тој е лакомец. He is a glutton. He's a greedy man. 2001 е годината, с която започва 21-ви век. 2001 is the year when the 21st century begins. 2001 is the year of the 21st century. Морав да го штитам Том. I had to protect Tom. I had to protect Tom. Ова им е многу тешко. This is very difficult for them. This is very difficult for them. Мама је пресадила цвеће у башту. Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden. Mom planted flowers in the garden. To je skroz normalno. That's perfectly normal. That's perfectly normal. Том е под лекарска нега. Tom is under a doctor's care. Tom's under medical care. Ono je sto. It is a table. That's the table. Ne mogu da se složim sa tobom. I cannot agree with you. I can't agree with you. Дали си станал ангел? Have you become an angel? Have you become an angel? Na mizi so knjige o umetnosti. There are books about art on the table. There are art books on the table. Извинете, мислам дека Ви падна нешто. Excuse me, I think you've dropped something. Sorry, I think you dropped something. То је приличан проблем. That's quite a problem. It's a similar problem. Tom mi je jutros rekao da se on i Meri sele u Boston. Tom told us this morning that he and Mary were moving to Boston. Tom told me this morning that he and Mary were moving to Boston. Da li ste upoznati sa dotičnim čovekom? Are you acquainted with the man? Are you familiar with the man in question? Bez muke nema nauke. No pain, no gain. No trouble, no science. Однесете ме до хотелот Хилтон. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Поривът на вятъра духаше дъжда директно в лицето ми. A gust of wind blew a shower of rain directly into my face. The flood of the wind blew the rain directly into my face. Každá osoba má práva a povinnosti. An individual has rights and responsibilities. Kazdá persona má práva a penitentiary. Трябва ли да отговоря на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Ја ценам твојата помош со ова. I appreciate your help on this. I appreciate your help with this. Zrejme. Of course. Zrayme. Не го прекинувај Том. Don't interrupt Tom. Don't interrupt, Tom. Навистина ми недостигаше. I really missed you. I really missed you. Tom je govorio o muzici. Tom talked about music. Tom was talking about music. Ти го правиш сега. You're doing it now. You're doing it now. Ни ја не могу. I can't do it either. I can't either. Посилен си од Том. You're stronger than Tom. You're stronger than Tom. Чух те как го окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage him. Баш тоа му се случи и на еден мој добар пријател. That very thing happened to a good friend of mine. That's exactly what happened to a good friend of mine. Дечко ми е новинар. My boyfriend is a journalist. My boyfriend's a journalist. Каква е причината за вашето крещене. What was the cause of your quarrel? What's the reason for your screaming? Какви са шансовете на Том? What are Tom's chances? What are Tom's chances? Том дойде тичешком с писмо от Джуди. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Толкова ме е срам. I'm so ashamed. I'm so embarrassed. To je dobrý nápad. It's a good idea. It's a good nápad. Трябва да учиш повече. You must study more. You need to learn more. Тука не сме на безбедно. We're not safe here. We're not safe here. Том няма да ни помага утре. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom's not gonna help us tomorrow. Ти си моје сунце. You are my sunshine. You're my sun. Taj je lažnjak, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? That's a fake, isn't it? Konobar je došao do njegova stola. The waiter came up to his table. The waiter came to his desk. Излгежда, че тази нощ ще вали. It looks like it is going to rain tonight. Looks like it's gonna rain tonight. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да я задържиш? Are you sure you don't want to keep it? Are you sure you don't want to keep her? Опитът е най-добрият учител. Experience is the best teacher. Experience is the best teacher. Zar to nije crno? Is it not black? Isn't that black? Той завърши голямото си начинание най-накрая. He accomplished the great undertaking at last. He finished his great endeavor at last. Теоријата ќе им ја препуштиме на математичарите. We'll leave theory to the mathematicians. We'll leave the theory to the mathematicians. Трябва да тръгвам. I have to take off. I have to go. Току-що дадох кръв. I just gave blood. I just gave blood. Изглежда той ще ходи в Кашгар. It sounds like he is going to Kashgar. Looks like he's going to Kashgar. Брой до десет. Count to ten. Count to ten. Имам проблеми с немската граматика. I'm having a hard time with German grammar. I'm having trouble with German grammar. Дебел сум. I'm fat. I'm fat. Мога само да се чудя дали това е същото за всички останали. I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else. I can only wonder if it's the same for everyone else. Таа дојде. She came. She's here. Какъв е адресът на Том? What's Tom's address? What's Tom's address? Лъжеш ли? Are you lying? Are you lying? Го замолив Том да не вози пребрзо. I asked Tom not to drive too fast. I asked Tom not to drive too fast. Живеам на најдолниот спрат. I live on the bottom floor. I live on the bottom floor. Това е доста екстремно. This is pretty extreme. That's pretty extreme. Победивме. We are victorious. We won. Stigli smo na vreme. We made it on time. We're just in time. Том не можеше да повярва какво се случва. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. Морам да одам да ги најдам. I have to go find them. I have to go find them. Za to je potrebna hrabrost. It takes courage. That takes courage. Nema smisla pokušavati bilo što drugo. It's no use trying anything. There's no point trying anything else. Имам куп прашања. I've got lots of questions. I have a lot of questions. Želiš da se uključiš? Do you want in on this? You want to get involved? Imamo direktan pristup informacijama. We have direct access to the information. We have direct access to information. Мисля, че беше права. I think you were right. I think you were right. Znam da nisam savršena. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Церемонията по завършването се състоя на първи март сутринта. The graduation ceremony took place on the morning of the first of March. The graduation ceremony took place on the first March of the morning. Пушењето значи самоубиство. Smoking means suicide. Smoking means suicide. Имам домашни за писане. I have some homework to finish. I have homework to write. Počisti malo. Clean up a little. Clean it up. Имате ли някакви подобни изрази във френския? Do you have any similar expressions in French? Do you have any such expressions in French? Скинула сам перику. I took off my wig. I took off my wig. Најверојатно се уште е достапно. It's probably still available. It's probably still available. Мора да се направи разлика. One must distinguish. There's got to be a difference. Tom i ja smo bili zauzeti. Tom and I've been busy. Tom and I were busy. Не мога да го направя точно сега. I can't do it right now. I can't do this right now. Ќерамидите што паднаа од покривот се распарчија. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces. The pyramids that fell off the roof were torn apart. Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлива. A hug from you would make me happy. One hug from you will make me happy. Одакле вам та идеја? Whatever gave you that idea? Where did you get that idea? Свършихме работата, така че можем да си ходим. We've finished the work, so we may as well go home. We've done our job, so we can go. Мисля, че ще познаваш всички на паритито. I think you'll know everybody at the party. I think you'll know everyone in the money. Danas je sunčano, ali hladno. Today it's sunny but cold. It's sunny today, but it's cold. От какво се интересуваш? What are you interested in? What are you interested in? Том е доволен. Tom is satisfied. Tom's happy. Бог ми дава щастие. God gives me happiness. God gives me happiness. Ukrali ste mi ideju. You stole my idea. You stole my idea. Карайте направо по пътя и като подминете светофара, сте там. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Drive straight on the road and once you pass the light, you're there. Možda ne budem spavala večeras. I might not sleep tonight. Maybe I won't sleep tonight. Доаѓам по неа. I'm coming for her. I'm coming for her. Тази шапка не ми става. This hat doesn't fit me. I don't fit that hat. Ova reklama je veoma uvredljiva. That ad is incredibly offensive. This commercial is very offensive. Том порано беше мршав. Tom used to be thin. Tom used to be skinny. Bila je luda godina. It's been a crazy year. It's been a crazy year. Ne volim da ujutru jedem beli luk. I don't like to eat garlic in the morning. I don't like eating garlic in the morning. Весников чини еден долар. This newspaper costs a dollar. Vesnikov's costing one dollar. Тој се навикна на работење во градината по два часа на ден. He got used to working two hours every day in the garden. He got used to working in the garden two hours a day. Овој пат победивме. This time we won. We won this time. Nisam bogat čovek. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. Ja sam iz Turske. I'm from Turkey. I'm from Turkey. Това ти е единственият шанс, Том. This is your one chance, Tom. It's your only chance, Tom. Pravi genij. Vsa tvoja družina umira zaradi kajenja, ampak ti še vedno kadiš. Pure genius. Your whole family is dying from smoking, but you still smoke. Your whole family is dying of smoking, but you're still smoking. Том се ожени когато беше на 30 години. Tom got married when he was 30 years old. Tom got married when he was 30. Мисля, че имате право да не пускате Том да отиде. I think you're right not to let Tom go. I think you have the right not to let Tom go. Odvážiš sa zavolať jej? Dare you call her? Unleash with love? Ko je Tom? Da li je on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? Martyna je rodáčka z Wrocławu. Martyna is a native of Wrocław. Martyna is a cousin of Wrocław. On dobro zarađuje. He gets a good salary. He makes good money. Не паничи премногу. Don't be too alarmed. Don't panic too much. Naravno! Of course! Of course! Навистина те бива. You really are good. You're really good. Дан се преправаше дека не ја познава Линда. Dan pretended not to know Linda. Dan pretended he didn't know Linda. Спри да си задаваш безполезни въпроси. Stop asking yourself useless questions. Stop asking yourself useless questions. Чух те как пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Това твоята стая ли е? Is that your room? Is this your room? Ti bo uspelo do roka? Can you make the deadline? Are you gonna make it to your arm? Не беше ли уморен? Weren't you tired? Weren't you tired? Ти си правиш шеги! You're kidding! You're making jokes! Naravni logaritem e-ja je 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logo of the e-mail is 1. Преди да отида да тичам, винаги си връзвам обувките стегнато. I always tie my shoes tightly before I go jogging. Before I go running, I always tie my shoes tightly. Си си го шинал глуждот. You sprained your ankle. You pulled your ankle off. Някой казвал ли ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Did anyone ever tell you that? Янките победиха Доджърс. The Yankees got the better of the Dodgers. The Yankees beat the Dodgers. Виждал съм Ви някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you around. Japončina je môj materinský jazyk. Japanese is my mother tongue. The Japanese name is môminský jazyk. Ne krivim te. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Ќе го следиме. We'll follow him. We'll follow him. Tom je uštedeo 300 dolara. Tom saved three hundred dollars. Tom saved 300 bucks. Tom se potpisao na koricama svog novog dnevnika. Tom wrote his name on the cover of his new diary. Tom signed off on the cover of his new diary. Nestašan sam. I'm restless. I'm naughty. Z desno roko drži zajemalko. She is holding a ladle with her right hand. He's holding a blanket with his right hand. Преглътни го. Deal with it. Swallow it. Zapisao sam njegov broj na komadiću papira. I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper. I wrote his number down on a piece of paper. Сигурен съм, че Том не може да говори френски. I'm pretty sure Tom can't speak French. I'm sure Tom can't speak French. Gdje si rođena? Where were you born? Where were you born? Ovo je adresa. This is the address. This is the address. Тој не е како нас. He's not like us. He's not like us. Teško je. It's difficult. It's hard. Мисля, че подценявате Том. I think you underestimate Tom. I think you underestimate Tom. Карлос почака за момент. Carlos waited a moment. Carlos, wait a minute. Каков вкус сакаш? What flavor do you want? What kind of taste do you want? Никой не дойде освен Мери. No one came except Mary. No one came except Mary. Всичко, което не е завинаги, е завинаги остаряло. All that is not eternal is eternally out of date. Everything that isn't forever is forever old. Никој не направи ништо друго. No one did anything else. No one else did anything. Ако не е расипано, не го поправај. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Više nisam uznemirena. I'm not upset anymore. I'm not upset anymore. Шта ће се сада десити? What will happen now? What happens now? Ќе го направат тоа. They're going to do it. They'll do it. Се чувствуваш ли виновно? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Имам роднини в Бостън. I have relatives in Boston. I have relatives in Boston. Očigledno si pijan. You're obviously drunk. You're obviously drunk. Ще ти се обадя утре сутринта. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Tom je strastven biciklista. Tom is an avid cyclist. Tom's a passionate cyclist. To je izdaja. That's treason. It's treason. Svojih šolskih dni se spominjam zelo dobro. I remember my school days very well. I remember my school days very well. Možete li da mi objasnite? Could you explain it to me? Can you explain it to me? Ми се привидуваат духови. I'm seeing ghosts. I'm seeing ghosts. Затова ли не искаше да дойдеш с мен? Is this the reason you didn't want to come with me? Is that why you didn't want to come with me? Мразя я, но не зная защо. I hate her, but I don't know why. I hate her, but I don't know why. Автобусът закъснява. The bus is behind time. The bus is late. Сакам да вежбам. I want to workout. I want to practice. Ще го ядеш ли това кексче? Are you going to eat that cupcake? Are you going to eat that cookie? Том сакаше Мери да оди во пошта со него. Tom wanted Mary to go to the post office for him. Tom wanted Mary to go to the post office with him. Том не беше единствениот преживеан по масакрот. Tom wasn't the only survivor of the massacre. Tom wasn't the only survivor of the massacre. И двамата изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. На колко изглеждам? How old do I look? How old do I look? Се надевам дека ние сме последните. I hope we are the last. I hope we're the last ones. Кен събира стари монети. Ken collects old coins. Ken collects old coins. Никад се не зна шта ће се догодити сутра. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Треба да се чувствуваш поласкано. You should feel flattered. You should feel flattered. Nema smisla čekati. There's no point in waiting. There's no point in waiting. Да не си пушела? Have you been smoking? Did you smoke? Не носам провокативна облека. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I don't wear provocative clothes. Мъглата попречи на самолетите да излетят. The fog prevented the planes from taking off. The fog prevented the planes from taking off. Potrebno je da se sruši nekoliko starih kuća. A few old buildings need to be demolished. It's necessary to tear down several old houses. Как може Том да не Ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could Tom not like you? Oš se kladit? Wanna bet? You bet? Зошто некој би сакал да го повреди Том? Why would anyone want to hurt Tom? Why would anyone want to hurt Tom? Mogu li da idem? May I go? Can I go? Tom je vprašal Mary, če bi to želela početi danes. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do that today. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do it today. Дошла је сама. She came alone. She came alone. Stvarno je toliko prosto. It really is that easy. It's really that simple. Таа грешка е многу честа. That error is very common. That mistake is very common. Nehanbí sa za to, že je chudobný. He is not ashamed of being poor. Nehanbí's for it, it's already a miracle. Mislim da Tomu ne treba da kažeš to. I don't think you should tell Tom that. I don't think you should tell Tom that. Полетът ти е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight's been canceled. Žao mi je, nisam zapamtio vaše ime. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm sorry, I didn't remember your name. Želim živjeti u Italiji. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. Инаку, Мајк, те молам кажи ми како да стигнам до кај тебе. By the way, Mike, please tell me how to get to your house. Otherwise, Mike, please tell me how to get to you. Децата трябва да се подчиняват на родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Се надевам дека имало сведоци. I hope there were some witnesses. I hope there were witnesses. Том го дигна знамето. Tom raised the flag. Tom raised the flag. Ќе мора да побрзаме. We'll have to hurry. We'll have to hurry. Къде каза Том, че трябва да отидем? Where did Tom say we should go? Where did Tom say we should go? Той е герой. He's a hero. He's a hero. Vozi polak. Drive slowly. Drive the pole. Ние учим френски заедно. We study French together. We learn French together. Elementarno, dragi moj Votsone. Elementary, my dear Watson. Elemental, my dear Watson. Не съм свикнал да ям люто. I'm not used to spicy food. I'm not used to eating angry. Не ви ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Doesn't it interest you? Zaparkoval som na ulici pred tvojím domom. I parked on the street in front of your house. Parked som in the street in front of your home. Не можем да отложим събирането. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't delay the reunion. Оној што сака цвеќиња не може да е лош човек. One who loves flowers cannot be a bad person. A person who loves flowers can't be a bad man. Дођи. Желим нешто да ти покажем. Come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you something. Знаем, че не си глупава. We know you're not stupid. We know you're not stupid. To nije prava stvar. It's not the real thing. It's not the right thing to do. Да заборавиме засега. Let's forget it for now. Let's forget it for now. Требаше прво да те прашам. I should've asked you first. I should have asked you first. Колко ти дължа? How much money do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Ne poznaješ me. You don't know me. You don't know me. Кого познаваш во Бостон? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Уча френски вкъщи. I study French at home. I'm learning French at home. Когато бях на твоята възраст, трябваше да вървим пеша нагоре по склона до училище, и в двете посоки. When I was your age, we had to walk uphill to school, both ways. When I was your age, we had to walk up the slope to school, both directions. Nismo još završili. We're not finished yet. We're not done yet. Никој нема да нѐ најде. No one's going to find us. No one will find us. Inače, koja je tvoja adresa? By the way, what's your address? By the way, what's your address? Донеси си го компјутерот. Bring your computer. Get your computer. U potpunosti se ne slažem sa tobom. I totally disagree with you. I completely disagree with you. Мисля, че това е добър план. I think that's a good plan. I think that's a good plan. Направи да го сакам џезот. He made me love jazz. Make me love jazz. Инвестицията му донесе 6%. The investment now yields him 6%. His investment brought him 6%. Ona se pita kako je to moguće. She's asking how that's possible. She wonders how it's possible. Радвам се, че това те прави щастлив. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad that makes you happy. Ne puštaj nikoga unutra! Don't let anybody in. Don't let anyone in! Мисля, че трябва да отидеш на погребението на Том. I think you should go to Tom's funeral. I think you should go to Tom's funeral. Владивосток је град у Русији. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Да сам бар знао. I wish I had known. I wish I knew. Се врати во шест часот. He got back at six. He came back at six o'clock. Počeću sa pivom. I'll start with a beer. I'll start with a beer. Žedna sam. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Ne vidim razliku. I don't see the difference. I don't see the difference. Проучване показва, че 53 000 американци умират всяка година в резултат от това, че са пасивни пушачи. A study reports that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of secondhand smoke. A study shows that 53,000 Americans die every year as a result of being passive smokers. Знам кого штитиш. I know who you're protecting. I know who you're protecting. Дръж си устата затворена. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut. Ofanziva je najefektivnija defanziva. The most effective defense is offense. The offensive is the most effective defensive. Той беше прав да откаже пушенето. He was right to give up smoking. He was right to refuse smoking. Napustila je svoju djecu. She left her children. She left her children. Това е най- интерената исторая която съм чел някога. This is the most interesting story that I have ever read. It's the most internal history I've ever read. Na Tomovoj sam strani. I'm siding with Tom. I'm on Tom's side. Том прави склекови. Tom is doing pushups. Tom's doing push-ups. Nie som chorý. I'm not sick. Nie som chorý. Вуйчо ми ми даде часовника. My uncle gave me the watch. My uncle gave me my watch. Том сѐ уште е заврзан. Tom is still tied up. Tom's still tied up. Она пије као смук. She drinks like a fish. She drinks like a sound. Nihče dejansko ne doživlja resničnosti zahvaljujoč oligarhiji miljarderjev. No one is actually experiencing reality thanks to the oligarchy of billionaires. No one actually experiences reality thanks to the oligarchy of billionaires. Задоволство би ми било да дојдеш и ти. I'd be happy to have you along. It would be a pleasure for you to come. To baš i nije moj posao. That's not really my job. That's not really my job. Тревожиш ли се? Are you worried? Are you worried? Аз съм преподавател. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. Da li zaista mislite da sam sebična? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Kako je ime tom restoranu? What's that restaurant's name? What's the name of that restaurant? Седнали сте ми на мястото. You're in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Морам да го поправам ова. I have to fix this. I have to fix this. Може ли аз да я видя тази? Can I see this one? Can I see her? Tom je namignuo. Tom winked. Tom winked. Точно това искам. That's exactly what I want. That's exactly what I want. Том продолжи да работи. Tom kept on working. Tom kept working. Da li si odlučio šta ćeš da radiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're going to do? Pričao sam sa Tomom juče. I talked to Tom yesterday. I talked to Tom yesterday. Том не може да го търпи. Tom can't stand it. Tom can't stand it. Све има своју цену. Everything has a price. Everything has its price. Няма да сме тук след 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. We won't be here in 2:30. Nemam nameru da se promenim. I have no intention of changing. I have no intention of changing. Имам работа, която трябва да свърша. I have work that must be done. I have a job to do. Мег понякога дразни Кен. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Јас те мотивирав. I motivated you. I motivated you. Dolazim da te spasem! I'm coming to your rescue! I'm coming to save you! Хайде да се поупражняваме. Let's practice. Let's practice. Postoji li razlog zbog kojeg čuvaš ove stare boce? Is there some reason you're saving these old bottles? Is there a reason you keep these old bottles? Бурџ Калифа је тренутно највиши облакодер на свету. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Bourge Califa is currently the world's highest skyscraper. Имам проблеми с гърба. I have back problems. I'm having trouble with my back. Трябва да се обадя на Том. I have to call Tom. I have to call Tom. Da li si napisao izveštaj? Have you written your report? Did you write the report? Го чекам да се врати. I'm waiting for him to return. I'm waiting for him to come back. Ќе те проверам после. I'll check in with you later. I'll check on you later. Повеќето пари си ги чувам во банката што е во близина на мојата канцеларија. I keep most of my money at the bank near my office. I keep most of my money in a bank that's near my office. Накараха ни да работим цяла нощ. They made us work all night. They made us work all night. Daj mi sve pare. Give me all your money. Give me all the money. Odločil se je, da bo nehal kaditi. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit smoking. Просто си върви в стаята. Just go to your room. Just go to your room. Iznenađena sam što nisi znala da Tom ne zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom couldn't speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom didn't speak French. Idemo u šetnju. We're going on a hike. Let's go for a walk. Kako mi je promaklo ovo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? Зошто да не нарачаме пица? Why don't we order the pizza? Why don't we order pizza? Tom će da zapamti. Tom'll remember. Tom will remember. Сепак, количеството не е точно. However, the quantity is not correct. However, the quantity is not true. Знаеше ли, че носиш различни чорапи? Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? Did you know you're wearing different socks? Конечно те најдов. I've finally found you. I finally found you. Дан побесне. Dan flew into a rage. Dan's pissed off. Обичаш ли да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like to play volleyball? Вкусно ли е? Does that taste good? Is it delicious? Поздрави Джими от мене. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy for me. Тоа беше изненадување. It was a surprise. It was a surprise. В началото Том мислеше, че френският е труден, а сега мисли, че е лесен. At first, Tom thought French was difficult, but now he thinks it's easy. At first, Tom thought French was tough, and now he thinks he's easy. Јас сум од Пекинг. I come from Beijing. I'm from Beijing. Хайде да си поговорим сериозно за твоето бъдеще. Let's have a serious talk about your future. Let's talk seriously about your future. Не съм виждала Том с месеци. I haven't seen Tom in months. I haven't seen Tom in months. Prestani da pokušavaš da me napraviš krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Надявам се да ми дадете разрешение да го ползвам. I'd like your permission to use it. I hope you'll give me permission to use it. Ќе се обидеш, зарем не? You'll give it a shot, won't you? You'll try, won't you? Не сме терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Nemojte da se derete. Don't scream. Don't yell. Том рече дека куќата е проколната. Tom said that the house was haunted. Tom said the house was cursed. Мили яде хляб. Millie is eating bread. Milly eats bread. Načinila sam prvi korak. I took the first step. I took the first step. Spadla z rebríka. She fell down the ladder. It fell off a rib. Нема да го направам тоа што ми го бараш. I'm not going to do what you ask. I'm not gonna do what you're asking me to do. Tom krváca. Tom is bleeding. Tom's bleeding. Baš tako. That's exactly right. That's right. Тези контейнери се затварят херметично. These containers are airtight. These containers are closing hermetically. Koje godine je napravljen tvoj automobil? What year was your car made? What year was your car built? Ми треба кутија клинци. I need a box of nails. I need a box of kids. Tom je nešto šapnuo Meri i ona se nasmešila. Tom whispered something to Mary and she smiled. Tom whispered something to Mary and she smiled. Том не го поднесува тоа. Tom can't stand it. Tom can't stand it. Разчитам на теб. I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. Čekala sam. I waited. I've been waiting. За жал, системот е корумпиран. Unfortunately, the system is corrupted. Unfortunately, the system is corrupt. Развија зависност. They got addicted. He's developing addiction. Можеби ќе најдеме нешто. We might find something. Maybe we'll find something. Ме тревожи. It makes me nervous. I'm worried. Защо си толкова умен? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Tom je probao da ubedi Meri da ne uradi to. Tom tried to convince Mary not to do that. Tom tried to convince Mary not to. Видяхме детето да се качва на автобуса. We saw the child get on the bus. We saw the kid get on the bus. To ima smisla. That makes sense. That makes sense. Neko treba da zaposli Toma. Somebody needs to hire Tom. Someone needs to hire Tom. Dve trećine studenata je bilo na sastanku. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Two-thirds of the students were in a meeting. Не зная. I don't know. I don't know. Tko je otkrio taj otok? Who discovered the island? Who discovered this island? Шумата е мојот дом. The woods are my home. The forest is my home. Кућа је саграђена од цигле. The house was built of bricks. The house was built out of bricks. Том е невработен веќе три месеца. Tom has been unemployed for three months now. Tom's been unemployed for three months. To sam već probala. I've tried that already. I've tried that before. Том си го сака животот. Tom likes his life. Tom loves his life. Čo povieš na raňajky v McDonalde? What do you think about having breakfast at McDonald's? What do you do for Rañajky in McDonald's? Претпоставувам дека папагалот побегнал од кафезот. Presumably, the parrot escaped from the cage. I assume the parrot escaped from the cage. Stvarno su mislili to. They did mean that. They really meant it. Билетите ти са у мене. I have your tickets. Tickets are in me. Еве ти го денешниот распоред. Here's your schedule for the day. Here's your schedule today. Те молам, прашај ме што било. Please ask me anything. Please ask me what it was. Tom se ranije bojao zmija. Tom used to be scared of snakes. Tom used to be afraid of snakes. On je bio strašno mršav. He was awfully skinny. He was terribly skinny. Како можеш да ѝ помогнеш? How can you help her? How can you help her? Sa slobodom dolazi odgovornost. With freedom comes responsibility. With freedom comes responsibility. Upalio je baklju pre nego što je ušao u pećinu. He had lit the torch before he entered the cave. He lit the torch before he entered the cave. Možete li da nam kažete još? Could you tell us more? Can you tell us more? Uopšte nisam ogorčena. I'm not bitter at all. I'm not bitter at all. Не съм ви виждал почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in almost three years. Си го отворив чадорот. I put up my umbrella. I opened my umbrella. Da li sam toliko drugačiji? Am I so different? Am I that different? Жедан сам. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Млякото се вкисна. The milk turned sour. The milk got wet. Замоли ја да објасни. Ask her to explain it. Ask her to explain. Татко се прибира утре. Father is coming home tomorrow. Dad's coming home tomorrow. Том користеше недолични изрази. Tom used inappropriate language. Tom used inappropriate expressions. Те не говореха. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Siguran sam da si učinio najbolje što si mogao. I'm sure you did your best. I'm sure you did the best you could. Istražite ih. Examine them. Look into them. Не е по вина на Том. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Moj francuski još uvek nije toliko dobar. My French still isn't very good. My French isn't that good yet. Том винаги се усмихва. Tom is always smiling. Tom always smiles. Jesmo li svi tu? Are we all here? Are we all here? Ще те закарам вкъщи. I'll give you a ride home. I'll drive you home. Veoma sam ponosan na to. I'm very proud of that. I'm very proud of it. Millie jede jabuku. Millie is eating an apple. Millie eats apples. Имах трудности при разрешаването на този проблем. I had difficulty in solving this problem. I've had trouble solving this problem. Mislim da je Tom prilično ljut. I think Tom is pretty angry. I think Tom's pretty mad. Postajaš zaspan. You are getting sleepy. You're getting sleepy. Да ли захтевам превише? Am I too demanding? Do I require too much? Tom je mislio da je Meri slatka. Tom thought Mary was cute. Tom thought Mary was cute. Само се обидувај да го најдам. I'm just trying to find him. Just try to find him. Баш сам размишљао о теби. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Том ти е добар пријател, зарем не? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom's a good friend of yours, isn't he? Оди дома кај жена ти, Том. Go home to your wife, Tom. Go home to your wife, Tom. Дошао је у поноћ. He arrived at midnight. He came at midnight. Postoje li duše? Do souls exist? Are there souls? На растојание од три часа сум. I'm three hours away. I'm three hours away. Предпочитам грейпфрутите пред портокалите. I prefer grapefruits to oranges. I prefer the grapefruits over the oranges. Си ја излекував настинката со овој лек. I cured my cold with this medicine. I cured my cold with this medicine. Обичам партита. I love parties. I love parties. Познавам някой, който говори френски много добре. I know somebody who speaks French very well. I know someone who speaks French very well. Сам ли е Том таму? Is Tom there alone? Is Tom there alone? Таа го изгаси компјутерот. She switched off the computer. She shut down the computer. Морам нешто да признаам. I need to confess something. I have a confession to make. Не забравяй да заключиш вратата. Remember to lock the door. Don't forget to lock the door. Не одам и точка. I'm not going, and that's that. I'm not going to the point. Bude búrka. There is going to be a storm. She'll be a wuss. Združte sa. Band together. Come with me. Bojíš sa psov? Are you afraid of dogs? You're afraid of dogs? Мери дори не може да чете на френски, камо ли да го говори. Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can't even read French, let alone speak it. Мисля, че наистина ще ви хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добър. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. I just started learning French, so I'm not very good. На основу чега знамо да је недужан? How do we know that he's innocent? On what grounds do we know he's innocent? Kje si? Where are you? Where are you? Mogao bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Том отиде во Бостон минатата недела. Tom went to Boston just last week. Tom went to Boston last week. Poslužite se. Help yourself. Help yourself. Како можеш да речеш така? How can you say that? How can you say that? Нямаш никакво основание да мислиш по този начин. You have no good reason for thinking as you do. You have no reason to think that way. Она је учитељица јоге. She's a yoga teacher. She's a yoga teacher. Ще сляза тук. I'll get off here. I'm going down here. Тој е зависен од порнографија. He's addicted to porn. He's addicted to pornography. Хоћу да се женим. I want to get married. I want to get married. Юнко е хубаво момиче. Junko is a pretty girl. Junko's a pretty girl. Хванах ужасна настинка. I've caught a terrible cold. I caught a terrible cold. Той извади паспорта си. He took out his passport. He took out his passport. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да изгорим тези документи? Are you sure you want us to burn these documents? Are you sure you want us to burn these papers? Тази книга е твоя. This book is yours. This book is yours. Ще отида, ако Том отива. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. Те молам, зборувај ми. Please talk to me. Please, talk to me. Веднаш ќе се фатиме за тоа. We'll get right to it. We'll get right to it. Математиката ми е любимият предмет. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Math is my favorite subject. Трябваше да работим по-сериозно. We should've worked harder. We had to work more seriously. Chceš to počuť? Do you want to hear it? You want that? Čini se da Taro nema djevojku. It seems that Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. It looks like Taro doesn't have a girlfriend. Čudno je što poštar još nije došao. It's weird that the mailman hasn't come yet. It's weird that the mailman hasn't come yet. Том рече дека може да се случи ова. Tom said this could happen. Tom said this could happen. Той е фотогеничен. He's photogenic. He's photogenic. Zapnite si pásy. Buckle your seatbelts. Put your pásy on. Nenapadlo ti zavrieť okná? Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? You didn't attack the window? Скоро протестиращата тълпа стана неуправляема. After a while, the protesting mob became disorderly. Soon the protesting crowd became uncontrollable. Живеам близу до брана. I live next to a dam. I live near the dam. Nemamo izbora, no ubiti. I have no choice but to kill. We have no choice but to kill. Извинете нѐ на момент. Excuse us for a moment. Excuse us a moment. Potrudiću se da ih nađem. I'll try to find them. I'll try to find them. Već sam se navikao. I'm used to it now. I'm used to it already. Том побара храна. Tom asked for food. Tom asked for food. Таа има уши како едра. She has sail-like ears. She has ears like sails. Во колку почнува час? What time does class begin? What time does it start? Мисля, че ще стане. I think this will work. I think it'll work. Siguran sam da Tom dolazi na žurku. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom's coming to the party. Зошто е толку битно да бидеме таму денес? Why is it so important to be there today? Why is it so important to be there today? Не съм неин тип. I'm not her type. I'm not her type. Звучи интересно. It sounds interesting. Sounds interesting. Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you're out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Čo je otázka? What's the question? What's that? Не се тревожи за мен. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Vsaka je bila šokirana nad pogledom. Every woman was shocked at the sight. Everyone was shocked by the view. Търпението на Том се изчерпа. Tom's patience was exhausted. Tom's patience has run out. Jesi li pisao u dvnenik danas? Have you written in your diary today? Did you write in your diary today? Мерак ми е да поранувам. I like to be early. I'm supposed to be early. Всичко е невъзможно на теория, докато не бъде направено. Everything is theoretically impossible until it's done. Everything is impossible in theory until it's done. Mostar je vrlo lijep grad. Mostar is a very beautiful city. Mostar is a very beautiful city. Обясни я още веднъж, Джери. Explain it once more, Jerry. Explain it one more time, Jerry. Ова е велелепно. This is magnificent. This is magnificent. Питай го за пътя до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him about the train to the station. Го уапсивме. We arrested him. We arrested him. Ти си толкова отзивчива. You're so helpful. You're so responsive. Da li zaista želiš da naučiš još jedan jezik? Do you really want to learn another language? Do you really want to learn another language? Отсекогаш сум пазел да не кажам премногу. I've always been careful to not say too much. I've always been careful not to say too much. Jesi li otišao da vidiš Toma? Did you go to see Tom? Did you go see Tom? Dođi mojoj kući. Come to my house. Come to my house. Prepao si nas. You startled us. You scared us. Treba da dođeš kući. You need to come home. You should come home. Priznajem da sam umoran. I admit that I'm tired. I admit I'm tired. Том заборави. Tom forgot. Tom, forget it. Мери се метнала на мајка си. Mary takes after her mother. Mary threw herself at her mother. Probala si. You tried. You tried. Ние му викаме Майк。 We call him Mike. We call him Mike. Ти знаш своја права. You know your rights. You know your rights. Това отчасти е вярно. That's partly true. That's partly true. Дај ми ги тие листови. Hand me those papers. Give me those sheets. Донеси ми един стол, моля. Get me a chair, please. Bring me a chair, please. Девојката ја ослободи птицата. The girl let the bird loose. The girl released the bird. Obaveštajni satelit je vojni satelit sposoban da nadzire mnoge aktivnosti na zemlji, prisluškuje komunikacione linije, registruje radnu frekvenciju radarskih sistema... A reconnaissance satellite is a military satellite capable of monitoring many activities on earth, eavesdropping on lines, registering the operating frequency of the radar systems... The intelligence satellite is a military satellite capable of monitoring many activities on Earth, listening to communications lines, registering radar frequency... Хайде да се сприятелим. Let's be friends. Let's make friends. Не знам каде отишло. I don't know where it went. I don't know where it went. Некој ми го кажа тоа. Someone told me that. Someone told me that. Zbog njenih fizičkih nedostataka, Meri koristi štap za hodanje kada je napolju. Because of her physical disability Mary now uses a walking stick when she has to go outdoors. Because of her physical defects, Mary uses a walking stick when she's outside. Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev. He finally fulfilled my request. He finally met my request. Ми треба мир и тишина по напорниот ден на работа. I need peace and quiet after a busy day at work. I need peace and quiet after a hard day's work. Том има план за се. Tom has a plan for everything. Tom has a plan for everything. Ali Tom sanja? Is Tom dreaming? Is Tom dreaming? Tom in Mary sta rekla da John noče jesti ničesar, kar skuhata. Tom and Mary said John wouldn't eat anything they made. Tom and Mary said John didn't want anything you cooked. Nadam se da neće primetiti moju grešku. I hope my mistake will escape his notice. I hope he doesn't notice my mistake. Како сме денес? How are we feeling today? How are we today? Општо е познато дека не ти е драг Том. It's common knowledge that you don't like Tom. It's common knowledge that you don't like Tom. Vieš hrať na nejaký hudobný nástroj? Can you play any musical instrument? You're hanging on to Nejaký badný nástruj? Гајле ми е за нив. I care about them. I don't care about them. Не ли те предупредив за неа? Didn't I warn you about her? Didn't I warn you about her? Сграбчих котката за врата. I seized the cat by the neck. I grabbed the cat by the door. Нямам представа защо. I have no idea why. I have no idea why. Seniori treba da plate svoje kape i haljine. Seniors need to pay for their caps and gowns. Seniors should pay for their hats and dresses. Pozdravio nas je i otišao. He bade us farewell, and went away. He said hello and left. Сакам да чујам уште за Том. I want to hear more about Tom. I want to hear more about Tom. Честността ѝ е неоспорима. Her honesty is beyond question. Her honesty is indisputable. Нито Том, Нито Мери ги бива в готвенето. Both Tom and Mary aren't very good at cooking. Neither Tom nor Mary are good at cooking. Избери си карта, напиши си името върху нея и я върни обратно в тестето. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the dough. To bi bilo sve zasad. That'll be all for now. That'll be all for now. Джейн нямаше представа кога трябва да отиде, нито къде трябва да отиде. Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go. Jane had no idea when she had to go or where she had to go. V skutočnosti sa Tomáš takmer nikdy neučí. Tom actually hardly ever studies. In curtsy with Tomás the competitor never learns. Ne znaš ni kako se on zove, zar ne? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Линда цело време носеше скромни фустани. Linda wore modest dresses all the time. Linda was wearing humble dresses all the time. Ти трепериш. You're shivering. You're shaking. Tiste plaže so daleč od tu. Those beaches are far from here. Those beaches are far from here. Шта ћеш да радиш данас? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? Tom je zatvorio vrata. Tom slid the door shut. Tom closed the door. Пусти ме унутра. Let me in. Let me in. Дали Том умира од рак? Is Tom dying of cancer? Is Tom dying of cancer? U napad! Attack! Attack! Бришачите не помагаат против мраз. Windscreen wipers haven't any utility against ice. The wipers don't help against the ice. Влязла си в печеливша серия. You're on a roll. You're on a winning streak. Том упорно зјапаше. Tom stared intently. Tom kept staring. Това не е сън. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Някой тук говори ли френски? Can anyone here speak French? Anybody here speak French? Речиси нема преостанато кафе во ѓезвето. There's hardly any coffee left in the pot. There's almost no coffee left in the pot. Држи се до планот. Stick to your plan. Stick to the plan. Тръгнах към парка. I walked toward the park. I'm on my way to the park. Jako je važno odmoriti se kako treba. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to rest properly. Ko je pojeo zadnju krofnu? Who ate the last donut? Who ate the last doughnut? Том не можеше да прави како што сака. Tom couldn't do what he wanted. Tom couldn't do what he wanted. Соколите имаат остар вид. The falcon has sharp eyes. The Falcons have a sharp vision. Аз притежавам тази собственост. I own this property. I own this property. Како беше вчера? How was yesterday? How was yesterday? Ti si učitelj. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. Ајде да не бидеме вообразени. Let's not get cocky. Let's not get cocky. Се надевам дека има сосем доволна количина воздух тука. I hope there's plenty of air in here. I hope there's quite enough air here. Нейното хоби е да събира пощенски марки. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Her hobby is to collect stamps. Насекаде имаше момчиња поделени во групи. Некои играа џамлии, некои плочка, некои со топка. Другите возеа точак или јаваа дрвени коњчиња. Everywhere groups of boys were gathered together. Some played at marbles, at hopscotch, at ball. Others rode on bicycles or on wooden horses. There were guys in groups everywhere, some playing jamleys, some tile, some with a ball, others riding a wheel or riding wooden horses. Tom i ja smo bili prijatelji. Tom and I were friends. Tom and I were friends. Sutra ću da kupim šta mi treba. Tomorrow I'll buy what I need. I'll buy what I need tomorrow. Проблемът беше, че нямах какво да му кажа. The problem was that I had nothing to say to him. The problem was, I had nothing to say to him. Robím to, pretože to chcem. I do it because I want to. Robím it, he's suing it. Одговорот е зезнат. The answer's tricky. The answer's a mess. Ни го откажаа летот поради неповолните временски услови. Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. They canceled our flight due to unfavourable weather conditions. Всичко е перфектно, защото ти съществуваш. Everything is perfect because you exist. Everything is perfect because you exist. Има ли проблем? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? За пиене искам нещо топло. I want something hot to drink. I want something hot to drink. Извинете, че Ви прекъсвам. Excuse me for interrupting you. Sorry to interrupt. Не ни се сомневав во тоа. I never doubted that. I never doubted that. Зошто е вселената црна? Why is space black? Why is space black? Več ljudi je stalo pred obvestilom. Several people were standing in front of the notice. There were more people standing in front of the notice. Он није више дете. He is no longer a child. He's not a child anymore. Това не е нещо, което съм искал да правя. This isn't something I wanted to do. It's not something I wanted to do. Какъв е домашният ви адрес? What's your home address? What's your home address? Участваш ли в някаква обществено полезна дейност? Do you take part in any community activities? Are you involved in some kind of community service? Том имаше уште неколку работи за кажување. Tom had a few more things he wanted to say. Tom had a few more things to say. Досега не бях виждал затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a blackout before. Што не излеземе заедно? Why don't we go out? Why don't we go out together? Разчитаме на теб за финансова помощ. We are counting on you for financial help. We're counting on you for financial help. Мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Razmišljam se da i ja odem do Australije. I'm thinking of going to Australia, too. I'm thinking of going to Australia myself. Sú niektoré knihy na stole. There are some books on the table. Sú niktoré knhy on chairs. Koju da uzmem? Which one should I get? Which one should I take? On si nemôže dovoliť dovolenku. He cannot afford a holiday. He lets a German woman do it. Postigla je svoj cilj. She achieved her goal. She has achieved her goal. Имам ручек напладне. I have lunch at noon. I have lunch at noon. Чух какво се е случило. I heard about what happened. I heard what happened. Верувај ѝ на својата интуиција. Trust your intuition. Trust your intuition. Фурната е гореща, така че гледай да не се изгориш. The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself. The oven's hot, so make sure you don't get burned. Kje sta knjiga in svinčnik? Where are the book and the pencil? Where's the book and pencil? Ne zalazimo u to. Let's not get into that. We're not getting into this. V kino je šla sama. She went to the movies alone. She went to the movies alone. Том ќе ме убие кога ќе дознае што сум сторил. Tom's going to kill me when he finds out what I did. Tom's gonna kill me when he finds out what I did. Сакам да останам жив. I want to stay alive. I want to stay alive. Дойдох да ти пожелая късмет. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you luck. Vidjeli smo još jedan brod u daljini. We saw another ship far away. We saw another ship in the distance. Тоа не беше точно. That wasn't right. That wasn't true. Delujem li obično srećno? Do I usually seem happy? Do I usually seem happy? Универзумот не ти е ни пријател ни душман. Просто е безразличен. The universe is neither friend nor foe. It is simply indifferent. The universe isn't your friend or your soul mate, it's just indifferent. Можно е некој да ги следел. Somebody might've followed them. They could have been followed. Вкусно ли е? Does it taste good? Is it delicious? Ќе го однесам Том дома. I'll take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Съвсем скоро ще знаем. We'll know soon enough. We'll know soon enough. Tom nije bio osuđen. Tom hasn't been indicted. Tom wasn't convicted. Реков дека ќе го донесам. I said I'll get it. I said I'll get it. Храната ни свършва. We're running short of food. We're running out of food. Само затвори очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Не сакам да изгледам будалесто. I don't want to look foolish. I don't want to look stupid. На Том му беше тешко да ги голтне апчињата. Tom had trouble swallowing the pills. Tom had a hard time swallowing his pills. Postao sam umirovljenik nakon četrdestpet godina rada u uredu. I became a retiree after working for forty-five years in a cubicle. I became a pensioner after four hundred and five years of office work. Пушти го Том да зборува. Let Tom do the talking. Let Tom talk. Ова е производ за мажи. This is a product for men. This is a product for men. Слушна ли тропање? Did you hear a knock? Did you hear the knock? Искам отново да съм млада. I wish that I were young again. I want to be young again. Да видам што можам да направам. Let me see what we can do. Let me see what I can do. Šta ćeš da uradiš sa Tomom? What do you want to do about Tom? What are you gonna do with Tom? Той говори бързо. He talks fast. He's talking fast. Нашият отбор беше с червени фланелки. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team was wearing red shirts. Майк не играе бейзбол добре. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't play baseball well. Дайте си домашните. Hand in your homework. Give me your homework. Рекао сам Тому да сачека. I told Tom to wait. I told Tom to wait. Овој пат можам да победам. I can win this time. I can win this time. Аз дори не мога да сложа водата да кипне, камо ли да опека пуйка. I cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey. I can't even get the water to boil, let alone burn a turkey. Баба ми живееше со нас. My grandmother lived with us. My grandmother used to live with us. Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo novca. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Upravo sam je dovršio. I just finished doing it. I just finished it. Много обичам филмите. I like movies a lot. I love movies so much. Јави се ако има проблем. Call if there's trouble. Call me if there's a problem. Няма да се поддам на заплахите. I won't be intimidated. I'm not going to give in to threats. Žao mi je što sam uopšte probao. I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. Који језик говориш? What language do you speak? What language do you speak? Свако то може урадити? Can anybody do it? Anyone can do that? Сакам да си ја чешлам косата. I like to comb my hair. I want to comb my hair. Мислев дека веќе си нашол место за престој. I thought that you already had a place to stay. I thought you'd already found a place to stay. Името на сестра ми е Патриша. My sister's name is Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. Възнамерявам да спечеля. I plan on winning. I intend to win. Сѐ уште ја немам решено таа загатка. I haven't solved the puzzle yet. I still haven't solved that riddle. Радвам се, че си доволен. I'm happy you're happy. I'm glad you're happy. Sad se pomalo brinem. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried right now. Jeste li spremni za još? Are you ready for more? Are you ready for more? Нема веќе ни збор да кажам. I won't say another word. I won't say another word. Пробај да бидеш храбар, Том. Try to be brave, Tom. Try to be brave, Tom. Влезте вътре. Go inside. Get inside. Položio sam svaki test. I passed every single test. I passed every test. Nikad ranije nisam probao da uradim ovo. I've never tried doing this before. I've never tried this before. Tom je uznemiren zbog ovoga. Tom is upset about this. Tom's upset about this. Mogu li da ti pogledam kartu? Can I see your ticket? Can I take a look at your ticket? Том не искаше Мери да държи ръката му. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Tom didn't want Mary holding his hand. Треба да го преболам Том. I need to get over Tom. I need to get over Tom. Не сум сигурен каде да го ставам ова. I'm not sure where I should put this. I'm not sure where to put this. Том издржа без храна цела недела. Tom went without food for a whole week. Tom's been out of food all week. Kad god pronađem nešto što mi se dopadne, to je uvek preskupo. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. Whenever I find something I like, it's always too expensive. Един и половина е. It's half past one. It's one and a half. Многу ми се допаѓа! I love it! I love it! Това вече не е на мода. That has fallen out of style. This is no longer fashionable. Nadam se da nisam jedina koja će biti tamo. I hope I'm not the only one who'll be there. I hope I'm not the only one who'll be there. Imam ideju. I have an idea. I have an idea. Je pre mňa ťažké pomenovať moje myšlienky slovami. It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words. It's too much of a meaning for my mschelenky letters. To je Tom mislio. That's what Tom thought. That's what Tom thought. Ovaj sam se put suzdržao od komentarisanja mog voljenog prijatelja. I restrained myself from commenting on my beloved friend this time. This time I abstained from commenting on my beloved friend. Карол се върна в хотела си. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol's back at his hotel. Том го затвори багажникот. Tom closed the trunk. Tom closed the trunk. Ми успеа. I nailed it. I did it. Sigurni je. It's safer. She's safe. Сега спокойно. Now keep calm. Now take it easy. Тя му даде парите. She handed him the money. She gave him the money. Ще ми се да можех да говоря френски като тебе. I wish I could speak French like you. I wish I could speak French like you. Hovoríš po albánsky? Do you speak Albanian? Hovorís after Albánsky? Пешки ли ќе одиш? Are you going to walk? Are you going on foot? Ќе одам да ги барам. I'll go and look for them. I'm gonna go look for them. Идната седмица се местим в Бостън. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Накарахме ги да запазят тишина. We kept them quiet. We made them keep quiet. Том е изключително срамежлив. Tom is extremely shy. Tom's very shy. Mislila sam da si udata. I thought you were married. I thought you were married. Ела да ми помогнеш. Come help me. Come help me. Bila sam u školi. I was at school. I was at school. Odlučili su da se venčaju. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. Този автобус ходи ли до музея? Does this bus go to the museum? Is this bus going to the museum? Од каде го знаеш ти тоа? How do you know that? How do you know that? Какво означава абревиатурата USB? What does USB stand for? What does "usb" abreviation mean? Като стигнеш до светофара, завий надясно. After you get to the traffic lights, turn right. When you get to the warp, turn right. Hoćemo li ponovo da vidimo Toma? Will we see Tom again? Shall we see Tom again? Той се облегна на лактите си. He leaned on his elbows. He leaned on his elbows. Той има силно тяло. He has a strong body. He has a strong body. Сакам да јадам ананас за доручек. I like eating pineapple for breakfast. I want to eat pineapple for breakfast. Мисля, че ще останеш доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. Ešte stále pracuješ? Are you still working? What are you following? Уча по френски всеки ден. I study French every day. I learn French every day. Това не е номер. It's not a trick. That's not a number. Как може Том да не ти харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Samo hoćemo da odemo kući. We just want to go home. We just want to go home. Той се счита за изчезнал. He is regarded as missing. He's considered missing. Дали тоа звучи глупаво? Does that sound stupid? Does that sound stupid? Имах среща в 2:30, но попаднах в задръстване и не можах да стигна навреме. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had a meeting at 2:30, but I got into a traffic jam and couldn't make it in time. Не съм ти казала всичко. I haven't told you everything. I didn't tell you everything. Ne možete da sedite pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. Je pol deviatej. It's half past eight. It's half deviating. Nemoj da se predaješ tek tako. Don't give up like that. Don't give up like that. Том нешто виде. Tom saw something. Tom saw something. Не е право време сега. Now isn't the time. It's not a good time now. Том си ја соли салатата. Tom is shaking salt on his salad. Tom's salting his salad. То је ново. It's new. That's new. Развратен си. You're unscrupulous. You're dirty. Колко си гладна? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Vaša kuća je velika. Your house is big. Your house is big. Том за малку ќе се судреше со Мери. Tom almost bumped into Mary. Tom almost got in a fight with Mary. Што ќе се случи наредно? What'll happen next? What happens next? Том никого не целуна. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Тој направи тоа да изгледа лесно. He made it look easy. He made it look easy. Tom žije v Bostone. Tom is living in Boston. Tom's in Boston. Готова ли си за игра? Are you ready to play? You ready to play? Ќе ја користам мечтата. I'll use my imagination. I'll use my dream. Jeste li umešani u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? Ходя на кино средно веднъж седмично. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. I go to the movies on average once a week. Сложи си халат. Put on a robe. Put on your robe. Това е интригуващо. That is intriguing. That's intriguing. Imam biljke. I have plants. I have plants. Ima li Tom ikakvog iskustva? Does Tom have any experience? Does Tom have any experience? Той постигна целта си. He achieved his goal. He has achieved his goal. Ние гледаме зеленчуци в градината. We grow vegetables in our garden. We look at vegetables in the garden. Бев преуморен за да продолжам. I was too tired to go on. I was too tired to go on. Ја само добро,хвала што питате! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm just fine, thanks for asking! Тој има огромен потенцијал. He has enormous potential. He has tremendous potential. Мислам дека Том можеби има дечко. I think Tom might be seeing someone. I think Tom might have a boyfriend. Duplo sam starija od Toma. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Ова е оправдано. This is justified. This is justified. Негов приятел е бивш сенатор. His friend is an ex-Senator. His friend is a former senator. Tom nemôže uveriť, aké má šťastie. Tom can't believe his luck. Tom is convinced, aké má šastie. Uopšte nisam bila samouverena. I wasn't confident at all. I wasn't confident at all. Мисля, че трябва да разберем на кого Том планира да го даде. I think we need to find out who Tom plans to give that to. I think we need to find out who Tom is planning to give it to. Ево кључа од мог стана. Here's the key to my apartment. Here's the key to my apartment. Никогаш нема да те примат во тој клуб. You'll never get in that club. They'll never take you to that club. Niko od nas nije video da Tom radi to. None of us saw Tom do that. None of us saw Tom do it. Tom je barem iskren. At least Tom is honest. At least Tom's honest. Аз познавам тези момичета. I know those girls. I know these girls. Сѐ би направил да му помогнам. I'd do anything to help him. I'd do anything to help him. По-умна съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Dom je veľmi studený. The house is too cold. Home is already Novemberý. Ме нервираат. They're bothering me. They piss me off. Том и Бил достигнаха до края независимо един от друг. Tom and Bill arrived at the conclusion independently of each other. Tom and Bill reached the end regardless of each other. Му го поставив истото прашање. I asked him the same question. I asked him the same question. Колко години си учил френски? How many years have you studied French? How many years have you studied French? Јадев пристоен оброк. I had a decent meal. I had a decent meal. Tom ponekad uradi to. Tom does that sometimes. Tom does that sometimes. Na prvi pogled izgleda lako. At a first glance it seems easy. At first glance, it looks easy. Sami nam je jedina nada. Sami is our only hope. It's our only hope. Tom i Mary su odlučili posvojiti Johna. Tom and Mary decided to adopt John. Tom and Mary decided to adopt John. Тя стана на двайсет и една. She turned eighty-one. She's twenty-one. Čo sa deje? What is happening? What's going on? Неговата температура спадна. His fever subsided. His temperature's down. Не кажем ништа. I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything. Ahoj, Chicago! Hello, Chicago! Ahoy, Chicago! Той не яде нищо освен плодове. He eats nothing but fruit. He eats nothing but fruit. Ти си моят живот и всичко, което искам и от което имам нужда. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life and everything I want and what I need. Svatko čini pogreške s vremena na vrijeme. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Ти давам една последна шанса. I'm giving you one last chance. I'm giving you one last chance. Говориш ли индонезийски? Can you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Da, nije li odlično? Yeah, isn't that great? Yeah, isn't it great? Кој ги напишал поракиве? Who wrote these messages? Who wrote these messages? Той преплува реката. He swam across the river. He's swimming the river. Сънувах те. I dreamt about you. I've been dreaming about you. Није баш тако лако. It's not that easy. It's not that easy. Том е книговодител. Tom is a bookkeeper. Tom's a bookkeeper. Губи се! Get lost! Get out! Ta tkanina nije iz Indije, zar ne? Its fabric didn't come from India, did it? That fabric's not from India, is it? Ko će poći sa nama? Who will come with us? Who's coming with us? Искам да си оправиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to fix your room. Том пушти греење. Tom turned on the heat. Tom, let the heat go. Том не беше на купона. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Говоря на френски почти всеки ден. I speak French almost every day. I speak French almost every day. Што е намерата? What's the intention? What's the point? Идването ви тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Your coming here was a mistake. Как си днес ? How are you doing today? How are you today? Том би уживал во ова. Tom would enjoy doing this. Tom would enjoy this. Dođite ovamo. Come here. Come here. Nemojte da gurate. Don't push. Don't push. Дан немаше никакво сочувство кон ниедно човечко суштество. Dan didn't have any empathy whatsoever to any human being. Dan had no sympathy for any human being. Ще бъда там. That's where I'll be. I'll be there. Шпајз је празан. The pantry is empty. Speiss is empty. Urobili sme početné vylepšenia na našom dome, odkedy sme ho kúpili. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. We can capture the initial vylepsenia at our home, from where we can ho kúpila. Неспособен е да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He's incapable of doing that. Мислам дека нешто крие? I think he's hiding something. I think he's hiding something. Ти се јавувам само колку да те чујам. I'm just calling to say hi. I'm only calling to hear from you. За какво става въпрос всъщност? What's it really about? What exactly is this about? Можам сам да сфатам. I can figure it out myself. I can figure it out. Тоа е циркус! That is a circus! It's a circus! Не бих ви обвинявал. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Што сакаш да ги прашам? What do you want me to ask them? What do you want me to ask them? Мислам подобро да му помогнам. I think I'd better help him. I think I'd better help him. Не беше моя грешка. This wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Nasilni kriminalci su često bili siledžije u detinjstvu. Violent criminals were often bullies in childhood. Violent criminals were often rapists in childhood. Би требало да му дадеш малку простор. You should give him some space. You should give him some space. Му ја купив таа книга. I bought that book for him. I bought him that book. Dobrú noc! Good night! Good night! Skinula sam periku. I took off my wig. I took off my wig. Tom je pružao veliku podršku. Tom was very supportive. Tom was very supportive. Не би ли отишъл? Won't you go? Wouldn't you have gone? Очекувам повик од нив. I'm expecting a call from them. I expect a call from them. Bila je to loša situacija. It was a bad situation. It was a bad situation. Вие сте зъл. You're evil. You're evil. Аз следвам музика в един университет в Бостън. I study music at a university in Boston. I'm following music at a university in Boston. Закарай ни до центъра. Give us a ride downtown. Take us downtown. Малку ме болат мускулите. I feel a little sore. My muscles hurt a little. Остани смирена. Stay calm. Stay calm. Iracionalne ste. You're being irrational. You're irrational. Хората са все по-загрижени за този проблем. People are getting more concerned about the matter. People are getting more worried about this problem. Пола час пројде. Half an hour passed. It's been half an hour. Sumnjam da će vam biti teško da dobijete vozačku dozvolu. I doubt it'll be very hard for you to get your driver's license. I doubt it'll be hard for you to get your driver's license. Не се лути толку. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Том има запишано се некаде. Tom has got it all written down somewhere. Tom's got everything written down somewhere. Том само делумно се шегуваше. Tom was only half joking. Tom was just a little bit of a joke. Zauzeo si mi mesto. You are in my spot. You took my place. Казвала си ми това и друг път. You've told me that before. You've told me this before. Ми паѓа косата. I'm losing my hair. My hair is falling. Tog jutra Marija je obišla celo selo. That morning Mary went round the whole village. That morning, Mary visited the entire village. Спи ли ти се, скъпа? Are you sleepy, honey? Do you want some sleep, honey? Можел ли воопшто да ни помогнеш? Are you able to help us at all? Can you help us at all? Може ли да отида до тоалетната? May I go to the bathroom? Can I go to the bathroom? Том е безопасен. Tom's harmless. Tom's safe. Не можам да издржам уште долго. I can't hold out much longer. I can't take much longer. Tom je uspeo da uđe u kuću kroz prozor. Tom was able to get into the house through a window. Tom managed to get into the house through the window. Френският е един от езиците, които винаги съм искал да науча. French is one of the languages I've always wanted to learn. French is one of the languages I've always wanted to learn. Том не почека. Tom didn't wait. Tom's waiting for us. Морам да се одморам. I must rest. I need to rest. Бях груб. I was impolite. I was rude. Ако лажеле за тоа, тогаш имаме многу поголем проблем. If they lied about that, we've got a much bigger problem. If they lied about it, then we have a much bigger problem. Toto je naš hlavný cieĺ. This is our main goal. Toto's our club. Това ми е любимият стол. That's my favorite chair. That's my favorite chair. Веќе не е онакво срамежливо момче какво што беше. He is no longer the shy boy he was. He's not as shy as he used to be. Водата е извор на животот. Water is a source of life. Water is the source of life. Постапив како што требаше. I did what was right. I did the right thing. Сакам да ѝ помогнеш. I want you to help her. I want you to help her. Ovo je moj treći brak. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Моравме да бараме каде да отседнеме додека ни се реновира куќата. We had to look for a place to stay while our house is under renovation. We had to look for a place to stay while our house was being renovated. Спушти го тој пиштол. Put down that gun. Put that gun down. Зови обезбеђење! Call security! Call security! Треба да поставиме замка. We should set a trap. We need to set a trap. Можеби би било најдобро да им се јавиш. Maybe you'd better call them. Maybe it'd be best if you called them. Nisam star. I'm not old. I'm not old. Имаш многу продорни очи. You have very piercing eyes. You've got a lot of penetrating eyes. Това трябва да е приятно за всички. That should be pleasing to anyone. That must be nice for everyone. Stari učitelj je počeo nostalgično govoriti o dobrim, starim vremenima. The old teacher began to talk about the good old days. The old teacher began to talk nostalgically about good old times. Кога си зафатен? When are you busy? When are you busy? Том го пратија во психијатриска болница. Tom was sent to a mental hospital. Tom was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Mani se, Tome. Knock it off, Tom. Leave it alone, Tom. Ne spavaj s upaljenim svjetlom. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep with the light on. Кога последен пат си зборувал со Том? When did you last talk to Tom? When was the last time you talked to Tom? Да, лут сум. Yup, I am angry. Yeah, I'm angry. Tom nije bio u pravu za to. Tom wasn't right about that. Tom was wrong about that. Учам француски од тринаесетгодишна возраст. I've been studying French since I was thirteen. I've been learning French since I was 13. Това ми е работата. It's my job. That's my job. To moram da kažem Tomu. I must tell Tom that. That's what I have to tell Tom. Jej správanie je konzistentné s jej slovami. Her behavior is consistent with her words. Jej správanie is a consistencyné with eating letters. Fajčenie zabíja. Smoking kills. Oh, that's nice of you to say. Слушнав дека се разболел Том. I heard Tom is sick. I heard Tom got sick. Макар че знам малко френски, мисля, че трябва да разговаряме на английски. Even though I know a little French, I think we should speak in English. Although I do know some French, I think we should speak English. Mislim da si bio veoma darežljiv. I think you've been very generous. I thought you were very generous. Knjiga je rasprodata. The book is out of print. The book's been sold out. Ще се наложи да не спим. We'll have to pull an all-nighter. We're gonna have to stay out of bed. Bil je idol. He was an idol. He was an idol. Prestanite sa pušenjem. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Не мислам дека ме следеле. I don't think I was followed. I don't think they were following me. "Boston Globe" je dao filmu lošu kritiku. The Boston Globe gave the film an unfavorable review. Boston Globe gave the movie a bad review. Взела съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken everything into account. Том не се зеза. Tom isn't kidding. Tom's not kidding. Трябва да продължа да се опитвам. I have to keep trying. I have to keep trying. Накосо го пресеков сендвичот. I sliced the sandwich diagonally. I cut the sandwich apart. Том не беше доволно висок да ја достигне најгорната полица. Tom wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. Tom wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. On môže hovoriť trochu po čínštiny. He can speak Chinese a little. He's hovering the chastity. Том нема пријатели. Tom has no friends. Tom doesn't have any friends. Това съобщение беше на френски. The message was in French. That message was in French. Na ovoj planini ima snega cele godine. This mountain is covered in snow all-year-round. There's snow on this mountain all year long. Saosam bila prezauzeta. I've just been too busy. I was too busy. Počul som ju spievať v jej izbe. I heard her singing in her room. I could feel them sleeping in their eat-outs. Ан слезе. Ann came downstairs. Anne came down. Ама си паметен. You're one sharp cookie. But you're smart. Том все още живее с родителите си. Tom still lives with his parents. Tom's still living with his parents. Колко дължиш на Том? How much money do you owe Tom? How much do you owe Tom? Мораме да им помогнеме. We have to help them. We have to help them. Tom je želeo da ima lepšu mačku od svog suseda. Tom wanted to have a nicer car than his neighbors. Tom wanted to have a nicer cat than his neighbor. Порано те мразев. I used to hate you. I used to hate you. Моралните вредности се важни во општеството. Moral values are important in society. Moral values are important in society. Ne sviđa mi se Tomov stil pisanja. I don't like the way Tom writes. I don't like Tom's writing style. Litva vstopi v Evropsko unijo. Lithuania enters the European Union. Lithuania enters the European Union. Odbio sam Toma. I turned Tom down. I turned down Tom. Podľa môjho názoru, esperanto je veľmi ťažké. In my opinion, Esperanto is very difficult. Underneath the môjho názor, Esperanto is a résumé à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à lé. Мисля, че е станала грешка. I think there's been some mistake. I think there's been a mistake. Ще ви застрелям и двамата. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Не ми говори сега. Don't talk to me now. Don't talk to me now. Издувај ги свеќите и замисли си желба. Blow out the candles and make a wish! Blow out the candles and make a wish. Sve je u redu s tobom. Nothing is wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you. Греалка на струја ги топли керамичките плочки од подот на купатилото. An electric heater warms up the ceramic tiles of the bathroom floor. The electric heater warms the ceramic tiles from the bathroom floor. Посетителите се редиха на дълга опашка, за да влязат в музея. The visitors waited in a long line to get into the museum. Visitors lined up in a long line to get into the museum. Čemu sva ova zbrka? What's this commotion all about? What's all the fuss about? Мери прилича на майка си. Mary looks like her mother. Mary looks like her mother. On govori engleski. He speaks English. He speaks English. Da li je Tom obavešten? Has Tom been informed? Is Tom notified? Говориш ли грчки? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? Ќе одам да го прашам. I'll go ask him. I'm gonna go ask him. Баба ми беше оперирана в Германия. My grandmother had an operation in Germany. My grandmother was in Germany. Толку ли го мразиш? Do you hate him that much? Do you hate him that much? Tom vyzerá stále nespokojný. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. Tom vyzerá stále restlessý. Да. Точно така. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. Вали сняг. It's snowing. It's snowing. Имаме две ќерки и еден син. We have two girls and one boy. We have two daughters and one son. Всеки мъж е свободен да прави това което иска,като се грижи да не наруши свободата на някой друг мъж. Every man is free to do that which he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man. Every man is free to do what he wants, making sure he doesn't violate the freedom of another man. Ne bi nas pratili. They wouldn't follow us. They wouldn't follow us. Нешто не би ме усреќило повеќе. Nothing could please me more. Something wouldn't make me happier. Тези истински ли са? Are these real? Are these real? Този тип беше кретен. That dude was a jerk. That guy was a jerk. Има уште малку чај во чајникот. There's a little tea left in the pot. There's some more tea in the teapot. Шта пишу новине? What do the papers say? What do the papers say? Не вярвай на всичко, което чуеш. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you hear. Radšej by si mal začať teraz. You'd better start now. I'd rather you had a little tangled-up terrace. Аз съм герой. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Sve se menja. Everything changes. Everything changes. Беше ли искрен? Were you sincere? Was he honest? Svi vole to mjesto. Everyone loves that place. Everybody loves that place. Ne verujem. I'm not buying it. I don't think so. Prepoznao sam ga na prvi pogled. I recognized him at first glance. I recognized him at first sight. Памтам дека беше во Бостон кратко време. I do remember you were in Boston for a short while. I remember you were in Boston for a short time. Tom sada radi za Meri. Tom now works for Mary. Tom's working for Mary now. Mislim da niko ne zna. I think no one knows. I don't think anyone knows. Трябват повече проучвания. More research is needed. They need more research. Tom je izgledao jako zbunjeno. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom seemed very confused. Знам дека тоа звучи наивно. I know that sounds naive. I know that sounds naive. Събуйте си чорапите, ако обичате. Take off your socks, please. Take off your socks, please. Можеби Том не ја кажува вистината. Maybe Tom isn't telling the truth. Maybe Tom's not telling the truth. Дајте ми други пример. Give me another example. Give me another example. Môžem behať. I can run. I don't know. Proverio sam. I've checked. I checked. Велат дека старата капела е проколната. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. They say the old chapel is cursed. Živimo na šestom spratu. We live on the sixth floor. We live on the sixth floor. Ти си най-добрата ми приятелка. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Се дешава. It happens. It's happening. Ајде да се санкаме. Let's go sledding. Let's get a sledgehammer. Ne želim da me Tom vidi golu. I don't want Tom to see me naked. I don't want Tom to see me naked. Majka mi je bila alkoholičarka. My mother was an alcoholic. My mother was an alcoholic. Тука сме за да помогнеме. We're here to help. We're here to help. Auto je žlté. The car is yellow. The car's dead. Чувал ли си за него? Have you heard from him? You ever heard of him? Праведно е. It's fair. It's fair. Зает съм в момента. I'm busy at the moment. I'm busy right now. Svi smo puno plakali. We all cried a lot. We've all cried so much. Ja sam srećan. I'm happy. I'm happy. Svi su ili prošli ili prolaze kroz to. Everyone either went through it is going through it right now. Everyone's either going through it or going through it. Том не беше поспан. Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't asleep. Изгледа дека овие двајца се смириле. It looks like those two have made up. These two seem to have calmed down. Том ја извлече тапата од шишето. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Ni kod babe nema džabe. Nothing's free. There's no free time at Grandma's. Јел чисто? Is it clean? Is it clean? Да можев да останам, ќе останев. If I could stay, I would. If I could've stayed, I would've stayed. Том има дъщеря на твоята възраст. Tom has a daughter about your age. Tom has a daughter at your age. Мисля си за това от време на време. I think about that from time to time. I think about it from time to time. Ovo su korisne informacije. This is useful information. This is useful information. На Том мајка му му кажа да не зборува со полна уста. Tom's mother told him not to talk with his mouth full. Tom's mom told him not to talk with his mouth full. Луд је ко струја. He is as nutty as a fruitcake. He's crazy as hell. Беше прилично одвратно. It was pretty disgusting. It was pretty disgusting. Ja sam monah. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Том има оръжие. Tom has a gun. Tom's got a gun. Вратата щракна и се затвори. The door clicked shut. The door clicked and closed. Чух, че Том ти е дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. Одбивам да работам. I refuse to work. I refuse to work. Не бих те повредила. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. Сградата е почти на приключване. This building is near completion. The building's almost finished. Дали ти пречам? Am I bothering you? Do I bother you? Tom bi mogao da ima poentu. Tom could have a point. Tom could have a point. Каква е минималната заплата в Ямайка? What's the minimum salary in Jamaica? What's the minimum wage in Jamaica? Njegovi romani su omiljeni među mladim osobama. His novels are popular among young people. His novels are popular among young people. Pokrij usta dok kašlješ, kijaš ili zevaš. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth while coughing, sneezing or yawning. Момичета от провинцията обичат да изрязват прасковени и сливови цветчета от червена хартия и да ги лепят по врати и прозорци. Country girls like to cut red paper into peach and plum blossoms and paste them onto doors and windows. Girls from the countryside like to cut peach and plum flowers out of red paper and stick them on doors and windows. Послушай съвета ми и говори с нея. Take my advice and talk to her. Take my advice and talk to her. Том го препозна ракописот на Мери. Tom recognized Mary's handwriting. Tom recognized Mary's handwriting. За што сакаше да зборуваш со мене? What did you want to talk with me about? What did you want to talk to me about? Koliko ste stvarno stari? How old are you really? How old are you really? Той има ли голяма къща? Does he have a big house? Does he have a big house? Врати се штом ќе смогнеш. Come back as soon as you can. Come back as soon as you can. Напокон смо стигли! At last, we have arrived! We're finally here! Мислам дека е време да почнеме да се спремаме. I think it's time to start getting ready. I think it's time we started getting ready. Ova je dosta kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. И јас сум учител. I, too, am a teacher. I'm a teacher, too. Изаберите једно. Choose one. Pick one. Ideš li na Tomovo i Merino venčanje? Are you going to Tom and Mary's wedding? Are you going to Tom and Mary's wedding? Том винаги е искал да учи френски и най-накрая му се отдаде случай да го направи. Tom had always wanted to study French and he finally got his chance to. Tom always wanted to learn French, and he finally got a case to do it. „Таа сака музика, зарем не?“ „Да, сака.“ "She likes music, doesn't she?" "So she does." "She loves music, doesn't she?" "Yes, she does." Таа купи векна леб. She bought a loaf of bread. She bought a loaf of bread. Това е твоята книга. This is your book. This is your book. Се онесвестив. I fainted. I passed out. Не ни знаев дека Том и Мери порано биле во брак. I didn't even know Tom and Mary used to be married to each other. I didn't even know Tom and Mary were married before. Имаше повеќе од сто души на забавата. There were more than a hundred people at the party. There were over a hundred people at the party. Не се обесхрабрувај сега. Don't lose heart now. Don't be discouraged now. Тя не може да кара ски. She can't ski. She can't ski. Не се откажувам сега. I'm not quitting now. I'm not giving up now. Само пази со тоа. Just be careful with that. Just be careful with that. Ne izgledaš baš najbolje. Jesi li bolestan? You don't look very well. Are you sick? You don't look so good. Veoma je verovatno da je FIFA trula do srži. It's quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the core. It's very likely that FIFA is rotting to the core. Чух версията на Том за това, какво се е случило. I heard Tom's side of the story. I heard Tom's version of what happened. Конят прескочи над оградата. The horse jumped over the fence. The horse jumped over the fence. Koju si prvu pesmu ikad napisala? What was the first song you ever wrote? What's the first song you ever wrote? Стаорецот направи дупка во ѕидот. The rat made a hole in the wall. The rat made a hole in the wall. Не обичам математиката, а пък физиката съвсем. I don't like math, much less physics. I don't like math, I like physics. Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom's one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Том е сега полнолетен. Tom is an adult now. Tom's a full-aged man now. Ko živi u komšiluku? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives next door? Nisam znao puno o Australiji. I don't know much about Australia. I didn't know much about Australia. Може да успея да намеря време да ти помогна. I might be able to find the time to help you. I might be able to find time to help you. Тя става все по-хубава. She is getting prettier and prettier. She's getting better. Moj pas je slijep, ali voli ići van i šetati se. My dog is blind, but he loves to go out for a walk. My dog is blind, but he likes to go out and walk. Не се и съмнявам в това. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that. Ne verujem pričljivim ljudima. I don't trust talkative people. I don't trust talkative people. Сигурен съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Ќе го преживееме ова. We'll survive this. We're gonna survive this. Nový zákon obmedzil občianske slobody. The new law has deprived the citizens of their liberty. Nový zákon medzil municipal freedom. Той не е бил във Франция. He has not been to France. He wasn't in France. Ајде де. Go on ahead. Come on. Претпоставувам дека тоа е во ред. I suppose that's OK. I guess that's okay. Трябва да разбера какво уби Том. I have to find out what killed Tom. I need to know what killed Tom. Кажи на Том да ти обясни. Ask Tom to explain it. Tell Tom to explain. Jesi li video Tomovu sobu? Have you seen Tom's room? Have you seen Tom's room? Nisam radio mnogo godina. I haven't worked for many years. I haven't worked in many years. Ja imam pištolj. I have a gun. I have a gun. Он је познат као велики сликар. He is known as a great painter. He's known as a great painter. Што држиш? What are you holding? What are you holding? Jesi li sigurna da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? Им испеков торта. I've baked a cake for them. I baked them a cake. Ne dopada mi se kada radiš kod kuće. I don't like it when you bring work home. I don't like it when you work at home. Tom je uzeo svoj ukulele i počeo da peva. Tom picked up his ukulele and started to sing. Tom took his ukulele and started singing. Оди најди го. Go and find him. Go find him. Kakvo hranu obično kuvaš? What kind of food do you usually cook? What kind of food do you usually cook? Ще ми се обадиш ли довечера? Could you call me tonight, please? Will you call me tonight? Моля те, внимавай повече в бъдеще. Please take more care in the future. Please be more careful in the future. На мен ли говориш? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Ја бива за тенис. She's good at tennis. She's good for tennis. Се откажав од пушење преклани. I quit smoking two years ago. I gave up smoking throats. Kakav šok! What a shock! What a shock! Това малко ужаси Том. Tom was a bit freaked out by it. That's a little scary, Tom. A nisi ti tisti, ki je zakuhal tole? Aren't you the one who caused this mess? Aren't you the one who cooked this? Naravno, Tom voli svoju decu. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Плажът е иделно място за игра за децата. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. The beach is an ideal place to play for children. Татко ми е многу строг. My dad is very strict. My father's very strict. Slanje ovih pisama neće trajati dugo. The sending of these letters won't take long. Sending these letters won't take long. Безцветни зелени идеи яростно спят. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Не искам да разочаровам родителите си. I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents. I don't want to disappoint my parents. Престани да ме наричаш "Том". Stop calling me Tom. Stop calling me "Tom." Je to žrebec alebo kobyla? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a foal of coby? Кейт едва говори китайски. Kate can hardly speak Chinese. Kate barely speaks Chinese. Още не съм ти казала, нали? I haven't told you yet, have I? I haven't told you yet, have I? Не го спомнавме тоа. It didn't come up. We didn't mention that. Umem da pišem veoma brzo. I can write very fast. I can write very fast. Веќе напишав сѐ што требаше да се напише. I've already written everything that needs to be written. I've already written everything that's supposed to be written. Тези стари закони бяха отменени. Those old laws were all done away with. These old laws were repealed. Том замина в чужбина да учи френски. Tom went abroad to study French. Tom went abroad to learn French. В Сасаяма ли живееш? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasayama? Tom je uključio migavac. Tom put on his blinker. Tom turned on the blinker. Сѐ застана. Everything stopped. Everything stopped. Имаш ли кибритче? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? Sedite, molim Vas. Sit back down, please. Sit down, please. Искаш ли да дойда в Япония да те видя? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Do you want me to come to Japan and see you? Баща ѝ я накара да му каже всичко. Her father made her tell him everything. Her father made her tell him everything. Pas je mrtav. The dog is dead. The dog is dead. Ти забавлява ли се вчера? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? Did you have fun yesterday? Може да и се верува. You can believe her. She can be trusted. Бих искала да науча нещо повече за музеите. I would like some information about museums. I'd like to learn more about museums. Том е разјарен. Tom is infuriated. Tom's pissed off. Ja dobro pevam. I sing well. I sing well. Знам малко френски. I know a little French. I know some French. Ne znam zašto me boli glava. I don't know why my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts. Си ги сакам сите деца подеднакво. I love all my children equally. I love all my children equally. Tom je zamolio Meri da ga odveze do aerodroma. Tom asked Mary to drive him to the airport. Tom asked Mary to take him to the airport. Познаваш ли го изобщо? Do you know him at all? Do you even know him? Смешно изгледаше. It looked funny. He looked funny. Povedz mi viac. Tell me more. Tell me a joke. Тоа е прекрасна алка. That's a beautiful bracelet. That's a beautiful ring. Jesi li me video kako plešem? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me dance? Nastavi s radom. Continue working. Keep working. Ne zovi me kad sam u kancelariji. Don't call me when I'm at the office. Don't call me when I'm in the office. Ona svako jutro džogira pre doručka. She jogs every morning before breakfast. She's juggling before breakfast every morning. Навака. This way. This way. Ще Ви се обадя утре сутринта. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Tom uopće nije toliko pametan koliko misli da jest. Tom certainly isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Tom's not as smart as he thinks he is. Том не беше параноичен. Tom wasn't paranoid. Tom wasn't paranoid. Мислам дека си испаничил. I think you panicked. I think you panicked. Изабери једну. Choose one. Pick one. Da li si zauzeta ovde? Are you busy here? Are you busy here? Сол веќе нема. There's no salt left. Saul's gone. Tom je ohrabrivao Meri da piše o svojim iskustvima. Tom encouraged Mary to write about her experiences. Tom encouraged Mary to write about her experiences. Харесвам всякаква музика. I have an eclectic taste in music. I like all kinds of music. Мъжът я избута настрани. The man shoved her aside. The man pushed her aside. Môj rodný jazyk je najkrajší dar, ktorý som získal od mojej matky. My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother. Mój rodný jasyk is the shortest gift, čorý som whaled by my matky. Izgleda da je žrtva pokušala da napiše ime ubice sopstvenom krvlju. It appears that the victim tried to write the murderer's name with his own blood. Looks like the victim tried to write the killer's name in her own blood. Готова ли е куќата? Is the house ready? Is the house ready? Том чу нещо и се зачуди какво ли може да е. Tom heard something and wondered what it was. Tom heard something and wondered what it might be. Чух всичко, което ти току-що каза. I heard everything you just said. I heard everything you just said. Анализирай резултатите от експеримента, и ги съобщи. I'm going to analyze the experimental results, and write a report. Analyze the results of the experiment, and report them. „Да ли си ти наставник?“ „Да, јесам.“ "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." “Are you a teacher?” “Yes, I am.” Те престъпници ли са? Are they criminals? Are they criminals? Puno puta sam video Toma kako igra. I've seen Tom dance many times. I've seen Tom play a lot of times. Мисля, че трябва да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you should get out. Сега трябва да тръгвам. I've got to go now. I have to go now. Од неговите погледи заклучив дека ми се лути. I gathered from his looks he was angry with me. From his point of view, I concluded that he was angry with me. Имам нарачка за Том. I have a delivery for Tom. I have an order for Tom. Kad možeš doći? What time can you come? When can you come? Пингвинов е многу сладок. This penguin is really cute. This penguin is so cute. Мъжът беше среден на ръст. The man was of normal height. The man was medium in height. Ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Мислев дека сум ги изгубил сите пари, ама изгледа сум згрешил. I thought I'd lost all my money, but apparently I was wrong. I thought I'd lost all my money, but I guess I was wrong. Сам го направих. I did it myself. I did it myself. Tom se sagnuo da se sakrije. Tom ducked for cover. Tom ducked to hide. Обичам своите врагове. I love my enemies. I love my enemies. Затворниците бяха освободени. The prisoners were set free. The prisoners were released. Што не одиш да го собереш? Why don't you go get him? Why don't you go pick him up? Молњите обично ги придружуваат громовите. Lightning normally accompanies thunder. The lightning is usually accompanied by thunder. Заради усърдието си той успя. Diligence enabled him to succeed. Because of his rage, he did it. Том преподава спортна психология. Tom teaches sport psychology. Tom teaches sports psychology. Mraz je naneo veliku štetu usevima. The frost did much harm to the crops. The cold has caused great damage to the crops. Добро работи. It works fine. It's good work. Том набрзо се врати. Tom wasn't gone long. Tom came back soon. Volim plažu. I like the beach. I love the beach. Hajde da sačekamo malo. Let's wait a while. Let's wait a minute. Ще кажа, че аз съм го направил. I'll say I did it. I'll say I did it. Мислехме да те поканим да се присъединиш към нашата компания. We were thinking of asking you to join our company. We were thinking of inviting you to join our company. Nikad ne gubimo nadu. Let's never lose hope. We never lose hope. Nisam nosio nametljivu odeću. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I didn't wear intrusive clothes. Šta si mi to uradila? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Život u Tokiju je jako skup. Life in Tokyo is very expensive. Life in Tokyo is very expensive. Том е нагъл. Tom is insolent. Tom's in a hurry. Nedostaje mi razgovor sa Sally. I miss talking with Sally. I miss talking to Sally. Војната траеше две години. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Се надевам дека ќе успее. I hope it works out. I hope it works. От двайсет студенти само един е прочел книгата. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of the twenty students, only one read the book. Ti si nas to naučila. You taught us that. You taught us that. Zavlačevanje: to je resen posel. Procrastination: It's serious business. Dragging: this is a serious business. Том ги собу чорапите. Tom removed his socks. Tom's room socks. Умирам от глад! I'm starving. I'm starving! Сега не можеме да ѝ помогнеме. We can't help her now. We cannot help her now. Tome, potrebna mi je tvoja pomoć. Tom, I need your help. Tom, I need your help. Нещо изглеждаше ли не както трябва? Did something seem wrong? Did something not look right? Ja nisam kao bilo ko drugi. I'm not like anybody else. I'm not like anyone else. Знам дека го спакував. I know I packed it. I know I packed it. Мора од некаде да се створило. It had to come from somewhere. It must have come from somewhere. Те молам, одржувај контакт. Please keep in touch. Please keep in touch. Нема да ти помогнам. I won't assist you. I'm not gonna help you. Tom je veoma bezobrazan. Tom is quite mean. Tom's very rude. Ne čitam romane. I don't read novels. I don't read novels. Шта он ради? What does he do? What's he doing? Аз ще ви дам пет долара. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five bucks. Треба ми још пет минута. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. Tento muž je opitý. This man is drunk. Tento's husband is an experiment. Сакам да пливам. I like swimming. I want to swim. Hodil sem domov I walked home. I was walking home. Никој не дојде овде. No one came up here. No one came here. Treba nam vaša pomoć. We need you to help us. We need your help. Па нели не ја сакаше наградата? I thought you didn't want the reward. Didn't you want the prize? Танцуваа. They danced. They were dancing. Tom zna da je gotovo. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's over. Хайде да ходим на кино. Let's go to a movie. Let's go to the movies. Po prirodi je nježan. He is gentle by nature. He's kind by nature. Ајде само да одиме да ги најдеме. Let's just go find them. Let's just go find them. Ću te osloboditi. I'm going to release you. I'll set you free. Имате ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Не ви ли е страх? Aren't you scared? Aren't you afraid? Сметката, моля. The check, please. The bill, please. Kontaktirajte Toma. Contact Tom. Contact Tom. Zaista sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really happy about that. Не мога да си позволя да поддържам кола. I can not afford to keep a car. I can't afford to have a car. Nikada više neću pomenuti ovo. I won't ever mention this again. I'll never mention this again. Скрени налево. Turn left. Turn left. Мисля, че заинтригувахме Том. I think we got Tom's attention. I think we were intrigued by Tom. Motivisan sam. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. Tom zna imena svih svojih mušterija. Tom knows the names of all his customers. Tom knows the names of all his customers. Изглежда, че те са доволни от резултата. It looks like they're satisfied with the result. Looks like they're happy with the score. Кога се разбудивме сабајлево се соочивме со ужасна вест. We woke to terrible news this morning. When we woke up this morning, we faced terrible news. Usadili sa v Kanade. They settled in Canada. They planted it in Canada. Сигурен съм, че Том знае достатъчно френски да се оправи. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get better. Имам неколико пријатеља. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. Връщам го. I'm giving it back. I'm returning it. Uzmite još jednu. Have another. Take another one. То је био само почетак. That was just the beginning. It was just the beginning. Keď ťa všetci milujú, niekde robíš chybu. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. Keña whispers miluú, nowhere robíš chybu. Мој водењак је пукао у вечерњним сатима предвиђеног датума. My water broke on the evening of the predicted birth date. My water broke in the evening of the scheduled date. Аз се предавам. I surrender. I give up. Gubim. I'm losing. I'm losing. За него е невозможно да се откаже од пушењето. It's impossible for him to give up smoking. It's impossible for him to give up smoking. Vždy budem mladší než ty. I will always be younger than you are. I'll be younger than you. Това е моята къща. This is my house. This is my house. Ме знаеш подобро одошто ти се чини. You know me better than you realize. You know me better than you think. Novi ustav neće rešiti probleme Egipta. The new constitution will not solve the problems of Egypt. The new constitution will not solve Egypt's problems. Slepa sam. I'm blind. I'm blind. Nemam pojima o čemu ti pričaš. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. Сум пробал. I've tried. I've tried. Не толкова болестта го повали, колкото мързелът. It is not his illness that ruined him so much as his idleness. Not as bad as the laziness. Напълно ли си сигурна, че искаш да го направиш? Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Не съм свикнал с такова отношение. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to that kind of attitude. Дај ми го тој коверт. Give me that envelope. Give me that envelope. Nerozbi zrkadlo. Don't break a mirror. I don't get it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. Ова баш опушта. This is so relaxing. This is so relaxing. Треба да им побараш помош. You should ask them to help. You need to ask them for help. Ја сам професорка. I am a professor. I'm a teacher. Пробај ја кошулана. Try on that shirt. Try your shirt. Какво бихте искали? What would you like? What would you like? Ne želim raditi pod ovim uvjetima. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Том отиде до пощата да изпрати едно писмо. Tom went to the post office to mail a letter. Tom went to the post office to send a letter. Те направиха дупка в стената. They made a breach in the wall. They made a hole in the wall. Сѐ уште имам многу за учење. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have much to learn. Го гасеа пожарот. They fought the fire. They put out the fire. Луѓе, дојдете ваму. Everybody, come here. Guys, come here. Не сум сигурен дека Том бил оној што го сторил тоа. I'm not sure it was Tom who did that. I'm not sure Tom was the one who did it. Ѝ ѕвонам. I'm calling her. I'm calling her. On vie tiež hovoriť po francúzsky. He can also speak French. He's a teeny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny-tiny Jumi je jedan od mojih prijatelja. Yumi is one of my friends. Yumi is one of my friends. Budi tolerantan. Be tolerant. Be tolerable. Plašim se visine. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Паркирала сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my place. Stvarno? Really? Really? На Том няма да му се плати. Tom won't be paid. Tom's not gonna get paid. Том мисли, че съм прав. Tom thinks I'm right. Tom thinks I'm right. Още ли събираш пощенски марки? Are you still collecting stamps? Are you still collecting postage stamps? Кен играе футбол всеки ден. Ken plays soccer every day. Ken plays football every day. Tražila sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Том отсекогаш го добивал она што го сакал. Tom has always been able to get what he wants. Tom always got what he wanted. Мисля, че трябва да разберем на кого Том планира да даде това. I think we need to find out who Tom plans to give that to. I think we need to find out who Tom is planning to give this to. Том претерано пцуе. Tom swears too much. Tom swears too much. Видях я как пресича улицата. I saw her crossing the street. I saw her cross the street. Том е лут и уплашен. Tom is angry and afraid. Tom's angry and scared. Бягаш. You run. You're running. Не го е направил Том. Tom didn't do it. He didn't do it, Tom. На Том навистина му се свиѓа Бостон. Tom really does like Boston. Tom really likes Boston. Во скапоцени камења спаѓаат аквамаринот, аметистот, смарагдот, кварцот и рубинот. Rare gems include aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz and ruby. Valuable stones include aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz, and ruby. Imam knjigu. I have a book. I have a book. Венчелистчетата на тази роза са много крехки. The petals of this rose are very tender. The petals of this rose are very fragile. Ne pomeraj se! Don't move! Don't move! Хората, които не работят, няма да бъдат хранени. People who don't work, won't be fed. People who don't work won't be fed. Двапут сам био тамо. I've been there twice. I've been there twice. Bol som na horách. I was in the mountains. I'm a pain in the horách. Не забравяйте празненството довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget the party tonight. Mislim da mi je nešto promaklo. I think I missed something. I think I missed something. Ništa se ne dešava ako mu ne prethodi san. Nothing happens unless preceded by a dream. Nothing happens unless his dream precedes him. Трябва да предупредя Том. I've got to warn Tom. I have to warn Tom. Znamo da to nije istina. We know that's not true. We know that's not true. Знаеш ли дали Том може да говори френски? Do you know whether Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French? Нешто ја мачи. Something's bothering her. Something's bothering her. Што има јазици а не осеќа вкус? What has tongues, but not cannot taste? What's tongues and doesn't taste? Tom i ja samo napisali nekoliko knjiga zajedno Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I just wrote a few books together. Prišiel do Ameriky cez Kanadu. He came to America via Canada. He sewed up America's cess Canada. Nisam siguran kada će se Tom vratiti. I'm not sure when Tom will get back. I'm not sure when Tom will be back. Том не е уплашен. Tom isn't frightened. Tom's not scared. Не љути се. Don't get angry. Don't be mad. Tom samo kafu bez kofeina pije. Tom only drinks decaffeinated coffee. Tom's just a decaf drinker. Го ставиле во затвор. He was put in prison. They put him in jail. Най-накрая взех шофьорска книжка. I got a driver's license at last. I finally got a driver's license. Таа истрча надвор полугола. She ran outside half-naked. She ran out half-naked. Не слушай този човек. Don't listen to this man. Don't listen to this guy. Доцнам на школо. I'm running late for school. I'm late for school. Ahoj. Hi. Ahoy. Ова не е лесна одлука. This isn't an easy decision. This isn't an easy decision. Ja nie som manažér. I'm not a manager. It's not som manažér. Ние веднага станахме приятели. We immediately became friends. We immediately became friends. Този джиесем е доста скъп. This cell phone is really expensive. This jam is very expensive. Вече е единадесет. It's already eleven. It's eleven already. Тргај го оттука. Get him away from here. Get him out of here. Pedro má motorku a rád na nej jazdí. Pedro has a motorcycle and loves to ride it. Pedro má motorku a rád na her jadí. Tomáš dá na intuíciu. Tom goes with his gut. Tomáš dá na intuíciu. To je veoma neljubazno pitanje. That's a very rude question. That's a very unkind question. Навистина ќе се венчам. I really am getting married. I'm really getting married. Nebuď smutný. Don't be sad. The sky is cloudy. Том имаше сомнежи. Tom was dubious. Tom had doubts. Би сакал да разговарам со Том. I'd like to talk to Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Той трябва да е директорът на училището. He must be the principal. He must be the headmaster of the school. Неговото присуство е важно за мене. Its presence is important for me. His presence is important to me. Да ли си некада помузао краву? Have you ever milked a cow? Have you ever milked a cow? Том скочи в студената вода. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped into the cold water. Се насмевнаа. They smiled. They smiled. Ме игнорираат. They're ignoring me. They're ignoring me. Овој портокал е навистина превкусен. This orange is really delicious. This orange is really delicious. On ima veliku porodicu. He has a big family. He's got a big family. Насмевни му се. Give him a smile. Smile at him. Nije zločin ponekad preskočiti doručak. It's no crime to skip breakfast once in a while. Sometimes it's not a crime to skip breakfast. Защо не пораснеш? Why don't you grow up? Why don't you grow up? Ubio se. He killed himself. He killed himself. Мислех, че Том ще се разплаче. I thought Tom was going to cry. I thought Tom was gonna cry. U spavaćoj sobi imam ogledalo od poda do plafona. I have a full-length mirror in my bedroom. I have a mirror in my bedroom from floor to ceiling. Не можам да го чекам. I can't wait for him. I can't wait for him. Мисля, че този ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Аз ходя като пингвин. I walk like a penguin. I walk like a penguin. Имаш ли някаква дъвка? Do you have any gum? Do you have any gum? Том отиде там да учи френски. Tom went there to learn French. Tom went there to learn French. Kako si ovih dana? How have you been doing? How are you these days? Преди започването на този вид терапия,желанията на пациентката трябва да бъдат взети под внимание. Before embarking on this type of therapy, the wishes of the patient herself must be carefully taken into consideration. Before initiating this type of therapy, the patient’s wishes should be taken into account. Купих няколко румънски книги за студентите. I bought some Romanian books for the students. I bought some Romanian books for the students. Мисля, че това ще го запомниш. I think you'd remember that. I think you'll remember that. Може ли да те видя за момент? Can I see you a moment? Can I see you for a second? Гласав за тебе. I voted for you. I voted for you. Мисля, че трябва да се откажете. I think you should quit. I think you should give up. Da li je sve rešeno sada? Is it all resolved now? Is everything settled now? Ne, ne radi to. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. Буш ги почитува човековите права. Bush respects human rights. Bush respects human rights. Zastavili vlaky kvôli hustému lejaku. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. We've set up a train to match the Husté laureate. Hladno mi je. I'm cold. I'm cold. Учам клавир. I'm learning piano. I'm studying the piano. Tom uči da programira. Tom is learning programming. Tom's learning to program. Neću da se trudim da predvidim budućnost. I won't try to predict the future. I'm not trying to predict the future. Моја је, није његова. It's mine, not his. It's mine. It's not his. Не зборувам француски толку добро колку што мислиш ти. I don't speak French as well as you think I can. I don't speak French as well as you think. Kupio bih taj. I'd like to buy that one. I'd buy that one. Nikad nismo bili razdvojeni. We've never been apart. We were never separated. Razmisli ponovo. Think again. Think again. Voli da od komarca pravi magarca. He loves to make a mountain out of a molehill. He likes to make mosquito ass out of mosquitoes. Со кого живееш? Who do you live with? Who do you live with? Samo traćite vreme. You're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. Danas sam ustao na levu nogu. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I got up on my left leg today. Veoma sam ponosna na to. I'm very proud of that. I'm very proud of it. Ovih dana imam probleme sa pamćenjem. Lately I've been having trouble with my memory. I'm having memory problems these days. Мислех да отида да поздравя Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hi to Tom. Кога последен пат си морал да ме потсетиш да направам нешто? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? Ona nikdy nevie udržať tajomstvo. She can never keep a secret. She's never kept a secret. Зашто би Том желео то? Why would Tom want that? Why would Tom want that? Ništa nisam video. I haven't seen a thing. I didn't see anything. Къде е баща ви? Where is your father? Where's your father? Rodio se u Ohiu. He was born in Ohio. He was born in Ohio. Не знам каде е тоа. I don't know where that is. I don't know where that is. Направих на Ан кукла. I made Ann a doll. I made Anne a doll. Mogao bih da popričam s Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Майка ми не може да дойде. My mother can't come. My mother can't come. Hvala! Thank you! Thank you! Ne očekujem ništa od tebe. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Сите имаат пијалаци. They all have drinks. Everybody's got drinks. Зинуо сам од чуда. My jaw dropped. I went out of my mind. Америка е много голяма. America is very large. America is very big. Гледај го броилото. Look at the meter. Look at the count. Изядохме по няколко ябълки. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Децата трябва да слушат родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should listen to their parents. Тя отказа поканата му. She turned down his invitation. She refused his invitation. Какви спортове обичаш? What sports do you like? What kind of sports do you like? Ja živim na ovom planetu. I live on this planet. I live on this planet. Аз не разбрах последната дума. I didn't catch the last word. I didn't get the last word. Риђокосе ме излуђују! Redheads drive me crazy! The redheads are driving me crazy! Том се заврте да си оди. Tom turned to leave. Tom turned around to leave. Не можев да го сторам тоа. I couldn't do that. I couldn't do it. Том ѝ бил првиот учител на Мери. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Tom was Mary’s first teacher. Cena nije bitna. The price isn't important. The price doesn't matter. Яжте повече плодове. Eat more fruit. Eat more fruit. Каква марка на шампон користиш? What brand of shampoo do you use? What kind of shampoo do you use? Том ми ја даде сликата што е закачена на оџакот. It was Tom who gave me the painting hung on the chimney. Tom gave me the picture that was attached to the chimney. Tom je slučajno napravljan. Tom was made by accident. Tom was accidentally built. Плувците бяха вцепенени от студа. The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers were ingested by the cold. Това са очилата на Том. These are Tom's glasses. These are Tom's glasses. Нејзиниот шарм е неопислив. Her charm exceeds all description. Her charm is indescribable. Ако гласуването променяше нещо,те щяха да го отменят. If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it. If the vote had changed anything, they would have canceled it. Видео сам аутобус. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. А утре да се состанеме? How about we meet tomorrow? How about we meet tomorrow? Оставам детелини да растат на ивиците. I am allowing clover to grow on the edges. I'll let the detlins grow on the edges. Кутията беше пълна с книги. The box was full of books. The box was full of books. U pravu si skroz. You're right on the money. You're right. Сѐ уште не си спремен, нели? You're not ready yet, are you? You're not ready yet, are you? Sigurna sam da ću pobediti na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis match. Vlakovi u Srbiji su strašno spori. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Ko smo mi? Who are we? Who are we? Даме имају предност. Ladies first. Ladies have the advantage. Zašto se ne igraš sa ostalima? Why don't you play with the others? Why don't you play with the others? Odmah mi odgovori. Answer me right now. Answer me right now. Дан најверојатно ја убил Линда со тоа што ја задушил. Dan likely smothered Linda until she died. Dan probably killed Linda by suffocating her. Šta kažeš da uradim to? How about I do that? What do you say I do that? Аз бях първият приятел на майка ти. I was your mother's first boyfriend. I was your mother's first friend. Ние вече знаем. We already know. We already know. Не ги знам. I don't know them. I don't know them. Кој е таму со тебе? Who's there with you? Who's there with you? Тоа и сакаше да го каже Том. That's what Tom meant. That's what Tom was gonna say. Внасянето на редки диви животни в тази страна е строго забранено. The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited. The introduction of rare wild animals into this country is strictly prohibited. Ајде да дознаеме повеќе за него. Let's find out more about him. Let's find out more about him. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да отидеш на лекар? Are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor? Are you sure you don't want to go to a doctor? Забавлявах се снощи. I had fun last night. I had fun last night. Тоа е детска игра. It's a game for children. It's a kid's game. Сигурен сум дека Том ќе знае како е најдобро. I'm sure Tom will know what's best. I'm sure Tom will know how best it is. Никой не знае какво ще донесе бъдещето. No one knows what'll happen in the future. No one knows what the future will bring. Доведете го. Bring him in. Bring him in. Секогаш ми се јаде. I always feel hungry. I always feel like eating. Джейн чакаше, опряла гръб в дървото. Jane was waiting with her back against the tree. Jane was waiting, brushed her back in the tree. Nitko nije primijetio da je odsutna sve dok sastanak nije završio. Nobody noticed that she was absent until the meeting ended. No one noticed she was away until the meeting was over. Сакав да го сопрам Том. I wanted to stop Tom. I wanted to stop Tom. Kako si ovo uspio? How did you accomplish this? How did you do this? Премногу си паметен за тоа. You're too smart for that. You're too smart for that. Не съм бил във връзка с него от много време. I haven't got in touch with him for a long time. I haven't been in touch with him in a long time. Jesi li doneo fen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the hairdryer? Том не ти е приятел. Tom isn't your friend. Tom's not your friend. Написах си домашното. I have finished my homework. I did my homework. Криво ми падна. I felt bad. I'm sick of it. Ти ја кажав вистината. I told you the truth. I told you the truth. Брановите ги создава ветерот. Waves are generated by wind. The waves create the wind. Ne mogu da verujem da si me lagao. I can't believe you lied to me. I can't believe you lied to me. Ovde sam da pomognem. I'm here to help. I'm here to help. Никога не съм те виждала толкова нервен. I've never seen you look so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Муахахахаха! Душата ти ще бъде моя! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine! Your soul will be mine! Имам триесет години. I'm thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Чини се превише добро да би било истинито. That seems almost too good to be true. It seems too good to be true. Puščavnik je oseba, ki živi preprosto in v samoti, zlasti iz verskih nagibov. A hermit is a person who lives in a simple way apart from others especially for religious reasons. The deserter is a person who lives simply and in loneliness, especially from religious tendencies. Том седеше на биро. Tom sat at his desk. Tom was sitting on the desk. Гледал съм този филм преди много време. I saw this movie a very long time ago. I've seen this movie a long time ago. Pitam se da li bi neko mogao da mi pomogne. Imam mobilni telefon koji samo pokazuje poruku o grešci. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a mobile phone that only displays an error message. I've got a cell phone that just shows the error message. Ако не си доволен от обслужването, не оставяй бакшиш. If you don't like the service, don't leave a tip. If you're not happy with the service, don't tip. Једем овде. I'm eating here. I'm eating here. Trebalo je da ih ubiješ dok si imao priliku. You should have killed them when you had the chance. You should have killed them when you had the chance. Poj z menoj. Sing with me. Sing with me. Imam potpuno poverenje u tebe. I have complete confidence in you. I have complete confidence in you. Nije trebalo da skinem to. I shouldn't have downloaded that. I shouldn't have taken that off. So ljudje, ki imajo radi poletje, in ljudje, ki imajo zadi zimo. There are people who like the summer and people who like the winter. There are people who love summer and people who have a winter. Motor se pregreva. The engine's starting to overheat. The engine's overheating. Многу се добри. They're very well. They're very good. Любимият ми отбор загуби вчера. My favorite team lost yesterday. My favorite team lost yesterday. Ti znaš da ja ne volim jaja. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Ти предлагам да пратиш некого надвор да види што се случува. I suggest you send someone outside to see what's going on. I suggest you send someone out to see what's going on. Tom stalno prigovara. Tom complains all the time. Tom complains all the time. Попитай Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Започвам да разбирам, че ще бъде невъзможно. I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible. I'm starting to realize it's gonna be impossible. Моля те, покажи ми още. Please show me more. Please show me more. Трябва да реша какво да правя. I have to decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. Се откажав. I quit. I gave up. Винаги си била малко странна. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Njegov je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Volio bih kad bi pripazio na mog psa dok sam vani. I'd like you to look after my dog while I'm out. I wish you'd keep an eye on my dog while I'm out. Том беше во колибата. Tom was in the cabin. Tom was in the cabin. Отсекогаш сум сакал да патувам со Мери. I always wanted to travel with Mary. I've always wanted to travel with Mary. Пиеш ли? Are you drinking? Do you drink? Добро ќе ги плаќаат. They'll be well paid. They'll pay good money. По војна, победниците секогаш се во право, а поразените се виновните. After a war, always, the victorious side is right and the vanquished side is wrong. After the war, the winners are always right, and the defeated are the guilty. Той може да чете достатъчно добре. He can read well enough. He can read well enough. Oni nisu moji. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Не съм виждала Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom for a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. On je len dieťa. He is but a child. He's len dieña. Не познавам никој таков. I don't know anyone like that. I don't know anybody like that. Ова има вкус на чај. This tastes like tea. This tastes like tea. Bio si u pravu da treba da brineš. You were right to worry. You were right to worry. Вредеше да се проба. It was worth a try. It was worth a try. Ne možeš da nas nateraš da odemo. You can't make us leave. You can't make us leave. Той няма велосипед. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Nije baš tako strašno. It's not all that bad. It's not that bad. Tom je rekao da niko nije bio povređen. Tom said nobody was hurt. Tom said no one was hurt. Дали го измисли тоа, Том? Did you make that up, Tom? Did you make that up, Tom? Го исклучив телевизорот. I turned the TV off. I turned off the TV. Da li možeš da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Не е скапо. It isn't expensive. It's not expensive. Денес е потопло од вчера. It is warmer today than yesterday. It's warmer than yesterday. Депресијата му заврши кога таа го бакна. His depression came to an end when she kissed him. His depression ended when she kissed him. Закопчайте си ризата. Button up your shirt. Close your shirt. Samo želimo da idemo kući. We just want to go home. We just want to go home. И Том, и Мери се обърнаха да гледат. Tom and Mary both turned around to watch. And Tom, and Mary turned to watch. Oni će znati. They'll know. They'll know. Том смени тема. Tom changed subjects. Tom changed the subject. Pjevaj, molim te. Please sing. Sing, please. Морам да ѝ помогнам. I've got to help her. I have to help her. Treba da kupim novi kaput jer mi se stari izlizao. Because I've worn out my old coat I need to buy a new one. I'm supposed to buy a new coat because my old man went out. Ах, сум бил тука и претходно! Ah, I have been here before! Ah, I've been here before! Точно си слушнал. You heard correctly. You heard exactly. Знам некои работи. I know a few things. I know some things. Jeden krok a budeš mŕtvy! Move a step, and you'll be a dead man! One croquet and you're a m'tweet! To su lijepe cipele. Those are nice shoes. Those are nice shoes. Дан реши да го напушти градот. Dan decided to leave town. Dan decided to leave town. Изучаваме френски. We're studying French. We're studying French. Свиря малко на китара. I play a little guitar. I'm playing a little guitar. Том е кълбо нерви. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's a nerve ball. Аз бих могъл да те направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Той уби онзи човек. He killed that man. He killed that man. Sigurna sam da Tom nije želeo da te povredi. I'm sure that Tom didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sure Tom didn't want to hurt you. Тя ядоха енчилада. They ate some enchiladas. She ate enchilada. Книгата на Том беше преведена на френски. Tom's book was translated into French. Tom's book was translated into French. Том е сочувствителен. Tom is compassionate. Tom's compassionate. Sedeli su na travi, svirali ukulele i pevali. They sat on the grass, playing ukulele and singing. They sat on the grass, played ukulele and sang. Твое ли е ова, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is this yours, Tom? Mislim da je Tom oprezan. I think Tom is careful. I think Tom's careful. Бев во спална. I was in my bedroom. I was in the bedroom. Ще бъдеш ли там? Will you be there? Will you be there? Каде му се стварите на Том? Where's Tom's stuff? Where's Tom's stuff? Da li mi se priviđa? Am I seeing things? Do I see it? Povedi me kući sa sobom. Take me home with you. Take me home with you. Немам турска тастатура. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. Мислев дека би било убаво да ти купам пар обетки. I was thinking I'd like to buy you a pair of earrings. I thought it might be nice to buy you some earrings. Не само аз мисля, че Том не трябва да прави това. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom shouldn't be doing that. Not only do I think Tom shouldn't do that. Dočítal si ten román? Have you finished reading that novel? Did you see the tan roman? Трябва да приемеш неизбежното. You have to accept the inevitable. You have to accept the inevitable. Ти си власникот. You're the owner. You're the owner. Сакаш ли колаче? Do you want a cookie? Do you want a cookie? Така треба! That's the spirit! That's right! Што ли намерил Том сега? What's Tom up to now? What did Tom find now? Президента държеше отговорен себе си за спада на бизнеса и напусна поста си. The president held himself responsible for the slump in business, and left his post. The president held himself responsible for the downfall of business and left his post. Не ја наоѓам равенката. I'm not finding the equation. I don't find the equation. Не знаев дека починал татко ти. I didn't know your father had passed away. I didn't know your father died. Имате ли нещо против да отворим прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind if we open the window? Kočnice su zaškripale. The tires squealed. The brakes are on. Мисля, че ще ти бъде интересна. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll find it interesting. Ги познавам двајцата. I know both of them. I know both of them. Съжалявам, че обърках плановете ти. I'm sorry to upset your plans. I'm sorry I messed up your plans. Да дадеме сѐ од себе. Let's do our best. Let us do our best. В оптимално състояние е. It's in peak condition. He's in optimal condition. Песимист си. You're pessimistic. You're a pessimist. Просто се чувствам ужасно. I just feel awful. I just feel terrible. Nismo ponosni na to. We're not proud of it. We're not proud of it. Том призна, че е бил уплашен. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom admitted he was scared. Ako dodjes u Rio, ne zaboravi me nazvati da ti budem vodic! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! Немам планови за утре. I have no plans for tomorrow. I don't have plans for tomorrow. Морам да нађем Тома. I have to go find Tom. I need to find Tom. Posmatram te. I've got my eye on you. I'm watching you. Dođite da me pokupite. Come pick me up. Come pick me up. Uvidím ťa zajtra? Will I see you tomorrow? Do I see breakfast? Vremenska prognoza kaže da će sutra popodne da pada kiša. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. Weather forecast says it's gonna rain tomorrow afternoon. U pravu si potpuno. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. Знају те. They know you. They know you. Треба ми твој потпис. I need your signature. I need your signature. Том си закопча униформата. Tom buttoned up his uniform. Tom buttoned his uniform. Вие обичате ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Не се връзвайте на тази ловка пропаганда. Don't swallow that slick propaganda. Don't commit to this hunting propaganda. Бихте ли били така любезна да затворите онзи прозорец? Would you be so kind as to shut that window? Would you be so kind as to close that window? Всушност, повторно сум во врска со бившиот дечко. As a matter of fact, I've gotten back with my old boyfriend. Actually, I'm back about my ex-boyfriend. Složila sam se da kupim to. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy that. Успях да го видя от рейса. I caught a glimpse of him from the bus. I was able to see him from the race. Prosim, govorite razločno. Please speak as clearly as possible. Please speak clearly. Треньорът чакаше играчите да започнат да плуват. The coach was waiting for the players to swim. The coach was waiting for the players to start swimming. Имахме своите проблеми. We've had our problems. We had our own problems. Ти си мечтател. You're the dreamer. You're a dreamer. Добив отказ. I was fired. I got fired. Možda grešiš. You could be mistaken. Maybe you're wrong. Най-накрая спря да вали сняг и времето се затопли. It has finally stopped snowing and has warmed up. Finally, it stopped snowing and the weather was warm. Не съм Ви виждала от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Спремни смо да идемо. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Знамо. We know. We know. Тоа му беа последните зборови на Том. Those were Tom's last words. Those were Tom's last words. Няма нужда да се извиняваш. There's no need to apologize. You don't have to apologize. V každom prípade, ak chceš vedieť viac o mojej krajine, pošlem ti list, keď budem u seba doma. Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home. As it goes, if you're going to tell me about my landscape, I'm going to go to your list, I'm going to be in your house. В твоите ръце е, Том. It's in your hands, Tom. It's in your hands, Tom. Јас и ти ќе летаме со ист авион. You and I'll be on the same flight. You and I are flying the same plane. Siguran sam da ću pobediti na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis match. Том не може да намери. Tom can't find one. Tom can't find it. Rad bi ostal. I want you to stay. I want to stay. Tom uživa u ribolovu. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom enjoys fishing. Беше ми тежко. I had a hard time. It was hard for me. Sviđa mi se šta si napisao. I like what you've written. I like what you wrote. Пејачите користат микрофони за да си ги направат гласовите погласни. Singers use microphones to make their voices louder. The singers use microphones to make their voices louder. Ti si moja majka. You are my mother. You're my mother. Бебето спеше дълбоко. The baby was fast asleep. The baby slept deep. Ние слизаме на следващата гара. We are getting off at the next station. We're going down to the next station. С удоволствие ще гледам филма. I'd love to see the movie. I'd love to watch the movie. Аз ще почистя. I'll clean it up. I'll clean up. Том вероятно ще бъде изписан от болницата утре. Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Tom will probably be taken out of the hospital tomorrow. Гостите трябва да започнат да идват скоро. The guests should be arriving soon. The guests have to start coming soon. Играме во недела. We play on Sunday. We're playing Sunday. Sledeći put će sigurno biti bolje. The next time will be surely better. Next time, I'm sure it'll be better. Доста бев зафатен. I've been quite busy. I've been busy a lot. Svi znaju da ne volim Toma. Everyone knows that I don't like Tom. Everyone knows I don't like Tom. Том не ти се лутеше. Tom wasn't mad at you. Tom wasn't mad at you. Tom má spoločenskú povahu. Tom has an outgoing personality. Tom má sporaskú navazu. Myslel som, že Tom o tom chce vedieť. I thought Tom would want to know about that. Myslel som, it's Tom about this chce vediè. Никой не ме харесва. Аз никога не съм бил харесван, защото не съм красив. Nobody likes me. I have never been liked by anybody, because I am not beautiful. I've never been liked because I'm not beautiful. Не мога да разбера защо Джеймс винаги връзва кусури на жена си. I can't understand why James always finds fault with his wife. I can't figure out why James always ties his wife's change. Якето ми е в колата. My jacket's in the car. My jacket's in the car. Žao mi je. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Дури ни Том сѐ уште не знае. Even Tom doesn't know it yet. Even Tom doesn't know yet. Веќе го расчистивме тоа. We've already settled that. We've already cleared that up. Сѐ уште ли си таму? Are you still here? Are you still there? Ustani i predstavi se, molim te. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Се надевам дека ова е добро. This better be good. I hope this is good. Kvôli bezpečnosti našich detí, nenavštevujte porno stránky. For the safety of our children, please do not enter porn sites. Codes of insecureness najch detí, do not encourage porn stránky. Кажи дека ме разбираш. Say you understand me. Say you understand me. Што имаш во чинијата? What's on your plate? What do you have on your plate? Том си ја покри главата со перница. Tom covered his head with his pillow. Tom covered his head with a pillow. Бесен съм ти. I'm mad at you. I'm pissed at you. Nemoj da gledaš. Don't look. Don't look. Je Tom doma? Is Tom at home? Is Tom home? To nam puno pomaže. That helps us a lot. That helps us a lot. Бебето ја лапа ѕвечалката. The baby is putting the rattle in its mouth. The baby's biting the rattle. Не разумем Немачки. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Brod je nestao bez traga. The ship disappeared without a trace. The ship disappeared without a trace. Не можам да си го најдам пенкалото. I can't find my pen. I can't find my pen. Сакам да живеам во Бразил. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Ќе ги вратам. I'll give them back. I'll get them back. Tako sam debeo. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Не е толку згоден колку Том. He is not as handsome as Tom. He's not as handsome as Tom. Тяхната къща е точно срещу автобусната спирка. Their house is just opposite the bus stop. Their house is right in front of the bus stop. Том изгледа запрепастено. Tom looks astonished. Tom seems startled. Том не сака тенис. Tom doesn't like tennis. Tom doesn't like tennis. Ne laži. Don't lie. Don't lie. Ne preteruj. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. Мери се откажа од моралните вредности и стана нихилистка. Mary renounced her moral values and became a nihilist. Mary gave up moral values and became nihilist. Не спиев како што треба. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well. Kažite mi šta je to. Tell me what that is. Tell me what it is. Да запалиме оган. Let's build a fire. Let's light a fire. Реших, че сте си тръгнали. I thought you'd left. I thought you'd left. Vypol som rádio. I turned off the radio. Vypol som rádio. Ракетата полета. The rocket went up. Missile's flying. Се согласивме да им помогнеме. We agreed to help them. We agreed to help them. Том сѐ повеќе се чудеше. Tom's confusion grew. Tom was more and more surprised. Сите му се кезат. They're all grinning at him. Everybody's crying to him. Tom je išao na plažu. Tom went to the beach. Tom went to the beach. Што гледа маж како тебе во жена како мене? What does a man like you see in a woman like me? What does a man like you see in a woman like me? Imamo šta nam je potrebno. We've got what we need. We have what we need. Том отново включи лампата. Tom turned the light back on. Tom, turn the lamp back on. Том има брановита коса. Tom has wavy hair. Tom's got the wooly hair. Желиш да је упознаш? Would you like to meet her? You want to meet her? Не съм толкова уморена. I'm not so tired. I'm not that tired. To je rešitev, ali ne? That's the solution, isn't it? That's the answer, isn't it? Јадам со децата секоја недела. I eat with the kids every week. I eat with the kids every week. Oduvek sam mislio da je to čudno. I always thought it was weird. I always thought it was weird. Da li je Tom još uvek tamo? Is Tom still there? Is Tom still there? Ја слушнав таа приказна. I heard that story. I heard that story. Gde je Teheran? Where's Tehran? Where's Tehran? Том сака да се откаже. Tom wants to let it go. Tom wants to quit. Утре ще отсъствам. I'll be absent tomorrow. I'll be gone tomorrow. Колку вреди? What's it worth? How much is it worth? Ово превазилази све границе. That is going too far. This goes beyond all limits. Том отрча да и помогне на Мери. Tom ran to help Mary. Tom ran to help Mary. Очите му светнаа со гнев. His eyes flashed with anger. His eyes flashed with anger. Ова е бесмислица. This is utter nonsense. This is nonsense. Чудно е како луѓето во тропските зони јадат зачинета храна како кари. It's strange that people in hot climate zones eat spicy things like curry. It's funny how people in tropical zones eat spicy foods like curry. Odreagovao sam instiktivno. I reacted instinctively. I acted instinctively. Вярваш ли във феи? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in fairies? Не съм си взимал душ от три дена. I haven't taken a shower in three days. I haven't had a shower in three days. Da više nikad nisi uradio ovo ovako. Never ever do it like this again. Don't you ever do this again. Njihovo prijateljstvo se postepeno pretvorilo u ljubav. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Това не го бях виждал през живота си никога. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen that before in my life. To sam navikla da radim. It's what I'm used to doing. That's what I'm used to doing. Ona je Argentinka. She's Argentinian. She's an Argentinean. Колку години имаш, Том? How old are you, Tom? How old are you, Tom? Всички освен мен бяха поканени. Everyone except me was invited. Everyone but me was invited. Няма да се справиш без мен. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do this without me. Не се опитвам да те притискам. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm not trying to push you. Каква храна сакаш да готвиш? What kind of food do you like to cook? What kind of food do you like to cook? Radim. I'm working. I'm working. Tom je uspio pronaći posao u Bostonu. Tom was successful in finding a new job in Boston. Tom managed to find a job in Boston. Тя направи същата грешка отново. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. Доаѓај ваму веднаш, Том. Get over here right now, Tom. Get over here right now, Tom. Da li su ovo vaše torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? Бих искала да купя колата, която продаваш, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. Том беше обѕирен. Tom was considerate. Tom was thoughtful. Колку е богат Том? How well off is Tom? How rich is Tom? Јуче сам купио ово. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. Skamarátili sme sa. We became friends. Skamarátili with. To si lepo skapirao. You've got that right. That's what you get. Любимият ми танц е танго. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. Престани да зборуваш за мене. Stop talking about me. Stop talking about me. Да опитаме отново. Let's try again. Let's try it again. Tom je skoro poginuo u pokušaju da me spase. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom almost died trying to save me. Није било повређених. There've been no injuries. There were no injuries. Tom je nameravao da pita svog šefa za povišicu, ali je promenio mišljenje. Tom intended to ask his boss for a raise, but he reconsidered. Tom was going to ask his boss for a raise, but he changed his mind. Том се самоуби на својот триесетти роденден. Tom killed himself on his thirtieth birthday. Tom killed himself on his 30th birthday. Имаме нужда от помощ. We're in need of help. We need help. Секаде побарав. I looked everywhere. I've looked everywhere. Имаш ли домашни миленици? Do you have any pets? Do you have pets? Трябва да му бъде дадено преимущество пред останалите. He should be given preference over the others. He must be given the advantage in front of the others. Znaš li kog je ubio Tom? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who killed Tom? Ne znam ko su. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Мисля, че си в опасност. I think you're in danger. I think you're in danger. Ти си проблем. You're a problem. You're the problem. Чујеш ли ти нешто? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Ne mogu ga učiniti sretnim. I can't make him happy. I can't make him happy. Му кажа на Том за тоа, така? You did tell Tom about that, right? You told Tom about that, right? Радвам се, че си успял. I am glad that you have succeeded. I'm glad you made it. Oni vas poznaju. They know you. They know you. Веќе е седум часот. It's already 7:00. It's seven o'clock. Съществува ли свободната воля? Does free will exist? Is there free will? Том не се враќа. Tom isn't returning. Tom's not coming back. Никој не дојде. Nobody came. No one's here. Секој ден мислам на него. I think about him every day. I think about him every day. Може ли да ме запознаеш с адвокат, който говори френски? Can you introduce me to a lawyer who speaks French? Can you introduce me to a French-speaking lawyer? Позвъних на звънеца. I rang the doorbell. I called the bell. На Том му е топло. Tom is warm. Tom's hot. Уживавме во пливањето во езерото. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. We enjoyed swimming in the lake. Том ни на секунда не помисли да се обиде да ја убеди Мери да го направи тоа. Tom never for one instant thought of trying to convince Mary to do that. Tom didn't think for a second to try to convince Mary to do it. Зарем не треба да им помагаме? Shouldn't we be helping them? Shouldn't we be helping them? Какво ще ми препоръчаш? What do you recommend to me? What do you recommend? Mačke navadno mijavkajo. Cats usually meow. Cats usually wash. Da li imate primerak? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Вярвам в редовните упражнения. I believe in exercising regularly. I believe in regular exercises. Не те прашував тебе. I wasn't asking you. I wasn't asking you. Zakasnio sam, zar ne? I am too late, right? I'm too late, aren't I? Treba da uradimo bolje. We should do better. We should do better. Milujem syr. I love cheese. I like syr. Тя отсъства от училище пет дена. She's been absent from school for five days. She's been out of school for five days. Откъде да знам? How should I know? How should I know? Ovo je bilo ugodno iskustvo. That was a good experience. This has been a pleasant experience. Можда им затреба нешто новца. They may need some money. Maybe they need some money. Ние сме му родители на Том. We're Tom's parents. We're Tom's parents. Tom je jedan od najinteresantnijih momaka sa kojima sam ikad radio. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever worked with. Tom's one of the most interesting guys I've ever worked with. Извинете, колко е това? Excuse me, how much is this? Excuse me, how much is that? И двајцата треба да одиме. We should both go. We both have to go. Сите станаа. They all rose. Everyone's up. Да си го заштитиме мирот! Let us protect our peace! To protect our peace! Защо реши да се занимаваш с френски? Why did you decide to study French? Why did you decide to do French? Траеше многу повеќе отколку што мислев дека ќе трае. It took a lot longer than I thought it would take. It took a lot more than I thought it would last. Ни јас не можам да ја најдам. I can't find her either. I can't find her either. Том ќе те убие. Tom will kill you. Tom's gonna kill you. Хайде да си починем тук. Let's rest here. Let's get some rest here. Da li su zrele ove banane? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas mature? Mislila sam da je hrana odlična. I thought the food was excellent. I thought food was great. Ne smeš da ulaziš u tu prostoriju. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. Identifikuj se. Identify yourself. Identify yourself. Oni su ti koji žele da odu. They are the ones who want to go. They're the ones who want to leave. Na tebi je da izabereš. It's for you to choose. It's up to you to choose. Da li si video nekog tamo? Did you see anybody there? Have you seen anyone there? Железото е поцврсто од златото. Iron is harder than gold. The iron is stronger than gold. Som príliš lenivý. I am too lazy. I'm sorry, I'm lazy. To je začetek nove dobe. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Дај му го целото. Give him all of it. Give him the whole thing. Беше по-евтино, отколкото си мислех. It was cheaper than I thought. It was cheaper than I thought. Том го пресече јаболкото на пола. Tom cut the apple in two. Tom cut the apple in half. Кој и да се јави, кажи му дека сум излезен. Whoever telephones, tell him I'm out. Whoever calls, tell them I'm out. Ще поканя Мери да излезем. I'll ask Mary out. I'm gonna ask Mary out. Том ја носи маицата на Џон. Tom is wearing John's T-shirt. Tom's wearing John's shirt. Moram nešto popiti. I need something to drink. I need a drink. Не ме карай да стоя тук. Don't make me stand here. Don't make me stay here. Мисля, че още си влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Питер воли Џејн. Peter loves Jane. Peter loves Jane. Видов како игра карти со сите нив. I saw him playing cards with all of them. I saw him play cards with all of them. Том не знае кой цвят да избере. Tom doesn't know which colour to choose. Tom doesn't know which color to choose. Тя в хотел ли остава? Is she staying at a hotel? Is she staying at a hotel? Ne razgovaraj sa njim dok vozi. Don't speak to him while he is driving. Don't talk to him while he's driving. Своја кућица, своја слободица. A man's home is his castle. Your house, your freedom. Po načinu na koji je Meri zalupila vrata, Tom je shvatio da je tužna. Tom could tell by the way Mary slammed the door that she was upset. The way Mary slammed the door, Tom realized she was sad. Полицијата го фрли Дан во затвор. The police threw Dan in jail. The police threw Dan in jail. Каква храна обичате да ядете? What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you like to eat? Квадратите имаат по четири агла. A square has four angles. The squares have four angles. Tom je pružio veliku podršku. Tom was very supportive. Tom provided great support. Том рече дека не знае што Мери сака тој да купи. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted to buy. Buter se pravi od mleka. Butter is made from milk. Butter's made of milk. Nikad mi nije palo na pamet da će neko izmisliti tako nešto. It never occurred to me that someone would make up such a thing. It never occurred to me that someone would come up with something like that. Koliko je to zaista bitno? How much does it really matter? How important is that? Daj im tek toliko hrane koliko im je potrebno svaki dan. Give them just enough food every day. Give them just as much food as they need every day. Kako može biti da je matematika, koja je ipak samo proizvod ljudske misli nezavisne od iskustva, tako zadivljujuće prilagođena objektima u stvarnosti? How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality? How can it be that mathematics, which is yet merely a product of human thought, is independent of experience, so amazingly adapted to objects in reality? Ja ću se pobrinuti za ostatak. I'll handle the rest. I'll take care of the rest. Линкълн бил против робството. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. Съгласни сме. We agree. We agree. Никаде не можам да одам. I can't go anywhere. I can't go anywhere. Том е смешен. Tom's funny. Tom's funny. Малку сум жеден. I'm a little thirsty. I'm a little thirsty. Koliko pari čarapa imaš? How many pairs of socks do you have? How many pairs of socks do you have? Отворила је врата. She opened the door. She opened the door. Nadam se da ne pričate o meni. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Potrebujem tridsať minút. I need 30 minutes. I need a tridsawhat minút. Tom me pitao da mu nacrtam mapu. Tom asked me to draw a map. Tom asked me to draw him a map. Търся банка. Има ли някоя наблизо? I'm looking for a bank. Is there one near here? I'm looking for a bank. Želiš li da uđeš? Did you want to come in? Do you want to come in? Извинете, къде са тоалетните? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where are the toilets? Môžeš mi, prosím, urobiť láskavosť? Could you please do me a favor? Do you mean to say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Iskavos" ? Тя мисли ли да ходи до Америка тази година? Is she going to go to America this year? Is she thinking of going to America this year? Добро сам. I'm OK. I'm fine. Опитвам се да спестя пари. I'm trying to save money. I'm trying to save money. On ho považuje za čestného človeka. He considers him to be an honest man. He wants to talk about a man's honor. Полицијата не најде ништо да го сврзе Дан со грабежот. The police found nothing to link Dan to the robbery. The police found nothing to link Dan to the robbery. На пат е. He's away on a trip. He's on his way. Niko joj nije poverovao. Nobody believed her. No one believed her. Не знам дали ќе имам време да го направам тоа. I don't know if I have the time to do it. I don't know if I'll have time to do that. Што правевте со Том вчера? What did you and Tom do yesterday? What were you doing with Tom yesterday? Очакваш ли някого? Are you expecting anybody? Are you expecting someone? Един съсед се погрижи за котката, докато ние бяхме на почивка. While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat. A neighbor took care of the cat while we were on vacation. Веќе ја знаеме вистината. We already know the truth. We already know the truth. Tomu se nije dopadao izgled svog nosa, pa je uradio operaciju nosa. Tom didn't like the look of his nose, so he had a nose job. He didn't like the look of his nose, so he did a nose surgery. Ово ће трајати читаву вечност. This is going to take forever. This is going to take forever. Ne znamo šta donosi sutra. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. We don't know what he's bringing tomorrow. Селаните жнеат жетва. The peasant reaps the harvest. The villagers reap harvest. Джейн искаше фунийка сладолед. Jane wanted an ice cream cone. Jane wanted a bowl of ice cream. У сваком случају, ниси у праву. Anyway, you're wrong. Anyway, you're wrong. Ние наистина се забавлявахме. We really enjoyed ourselves. We were really having fun. Pokušala sam da ubedim Toma da dođe kući. I tried to persuade Tom to come home. I tried to convince Tom to come home. Зошто бил Том во Бостон минатата недела? Why was Tom in Boston last week? Why was Tom in Boston last week? Дојдов да се грижам за тебе. I'm here to take care of you. I'm here to take care of you. Molim vas, šutnite najjače što možete. Please kick as hard as you can. Please kick as hard as you can. Књиге имају своју судбину. Books have a fate of their own. Books have their destiny. Как може Том да не ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How could Tom not like you? Treba da uhvatim voz. I have a train to catch. I need to catch a train. Danas mi ništa ne polazi za rukom. Nothing's working out for me today. There's nothing going on with my hand today. Качвам се в автобуса. I'm getting on the bus. I'm getting on the bus. Volim Francusku. I love France. I love France. U teškoj smo situaciji. We have our backs to the wall. We're in a difficult situation. Prihodi su mi se smanjili za deset procenata. My income has decreased ten percent. My income has dropped by ten percent. Том изглежда ли да е зает? Does Tom look like he's busy? Does Tom seem busy? Том веднаш се загрижи. Tom was immediately concerned. Tom was worried right away. Трябва да те видя. I've got to see you. I need to see you. Не излизам с тях. I don't hang out with them. I'm not going out with them. Моето име е Роберто. My name is Roberto. My name is Roberto. Коя е приятелката на Том? Who's Tom's girlfriend? Who's Tom's girlfriend? Ѝ се јави ли? Did you call her? Did you call her? Moj motocikl je nov. My motorcycle is new. My bike's new. Това е фотоапаратът на сестра ми. This is my sister's camera. This is my sister's camera. Довиђења! Good-bye! Goodbye! Престани да бринеш. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. Želim mač kao ovaj! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! To nije povezano. That's unrelated. It's not connected. Pevam. I sing. I'm singing. Oprostiću, ali neću zaboraviti. I'll forgive, but I won't forget. I'll forgive you, but I won't forget. Mnogo ljudi se moli pre jela. Many people pray before eating. A lot of people pray before they eat. Беше предоцна. It was far too late. It was too late. Ти си добър лекар. You're a good doctor. You're a good doctor. Мисля, че ти трябва една ваканция. I think you need a vacation. I think you need a vacation. Ще ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? Can you tell me what to do? Svi su se smešili. Everybody smiled. They all smiled. Tom se mora držati naših pravila. Tom has to follow our rules. Tom has to stick to our rules. Ще уча по френски този следобед. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm going to study French this afternoon. Винаги си добър. You're always good. You're always good. Том воопшто не е сличен на брат му. Tom isn't at all like his brother. Tom is nothing like his brother. Мисля, че имам начин да ти спестя известно време. I think I have a way to save you some time. I think I have a way of saving you some time. Ова е големото. This is the big one. This is the big one. Platím v hotovosti. I pay in cash. I pay in heat. Dania je nastavila slijediti Fadilov primjer. Dania continued to follow Fadil's lead. Denmark continued to follow Fadil’s example. Vyzeráš úžasne! You look stunning! Vyzeráš! Никој нема да добие отказ. No one will be fired. No one's getting fired. Kde je tvoja čapica? Where is your cap? Where's your stocking? Ne želim nikakav pasulj. I don't want any beans. I don't want any beans. Каква е минималната заплата в Ирландия? What's the minimum salary in Ireland? What is the minimum wage in Ireland? Mogli bi smo postići to što smo pre započeli. We could accomplish what we had started before. We could have achieved what we started sooner. Всички те чакат. Everybody is waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. Можеби треба да завртиме и да се вратиме. Maybe we should turn back. Maybe we should turn around and come back. Nisam znao odakle sam. I didn't know where it came from. I didn't know where I came from. Му го виде ли лицето? Did you see his face? Did you see his face? Јас сум студент. I am a student. I'm a student. Ги знаеш ли правите зборови? Do you know the right words? Do you know the right words? Ванг Лао Ђи није пиво. Чај је. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. Том си ја става раката околу Мери. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom puts his hand around Mary. Безбеден ли е мостот? Is the bridge safe? Is the bridge safe? Скоро ще се върна. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Виждала съм ги наоколо. I've seen them around. I've seen them around. Моето намерение не беше такова. That wasn't my intention. My intention wasn't like that. Мисля, че трябва да се върнеш в Бостън. I think you should come back to Boston. I think you should go back to Boston. O text piesne sa postaral Kamil Peteraj, hudbu zložil Martin Kavulič. The text of the song is provided by Kamil Peteraj, music is composed by Martin Kavulič. About the text pesna from the old Camille Peteraj, the heinous congealed by Martin Kavulich. Ispekla sam jezik. I burnt my tongue. I baked my tongue. Фала ти што ми даде толку време колку што ми требаше за да го довршам ова. Thank you for giving me the time I needed to finish this. Thank you for giving me as much time as it took to finish this. Радиото не работи. The radio doesn't work. The radio's not working. Докторката ѝ даде седатив. The doctor gave her a sedative. The doctor gave her a sedative. Da li ćeš ovo poslati kao poštanska pošiljka? Are you going to send this by parcel post? Are you going to send this as a mail shipment? Не ти казвам да отидеш сам. I'm not telling you to go alone. I'm not telling you to go alone. Кажи на Том, че не може да отиде. Tell Tom he can't go. Tell Tom he can't go. Drago mi je da smo bili tamo. I'm glad we were there. I'm glad we were there. Тоа не е мојот потпис. That's not my signature. That's not my signature. Не говориш ли френски? Can't you speak French? Don't you speak French? Obično ne kupujem ništa sa interneta. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I don't usually buy anything off the Internet. Upravo se opet dogodilo. It just happened again. It just happened again. Да се упражняваме. Let's practice. Let's practice. Мислев дека подобро играш шах од мене. I thought you were a better chess player than me. I thought you played chess better than me. Мейнфрейм компютрите днес са загубили онова значение, което имаха, когато никой работен компютър не можеше да се побере на едно бюро. Mainframes are much less important now than they were when no working computer would fit on a desk. The mainstream computers today lost what they had when no working computer could fit into a desk. Nadam se da nije tako. Hopefully, that's not the case. I hope not. Спазихме думата си. We kept our word. We kept our word. Научих доста. I learned quite a bit. I've learned a lot. Том ме плаши. Tom freaks me out. Tom scares me. Морав пак да лажам. I had to lie again. I had to lie again. Da li si odlučila šta ćeš da radiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're going to do? Том има опсесивно-компулсивно пореметување. Tom has OCD. Tom has an obsessive-compressive disorder. Nismo spremni da odustanemo. We're not ready to quit. We're not ready to give up. Иди събуди Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake up, Tom. Задоволително ли е тоа? Is that satisfactory? Is that satisfactory? Добро јутро свима. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone. Siguran sam da postoji bolji način da se to uradi. I'm sure there's a better way to do that. I'm sure there's a better way to do that. Ne odgovarajte. Don't respond. Don't answer that. Аз продължих да пея. I continued singing. I kept singing. Том сака ти да го направиш тоа, за да не мора да го прави самиот. Tom wants you to do it so he doesn't have to do it himself. Tom wants you to do it so he doesn't have to do it himself. Да му се јавиме ли? Should we call him? Should we call him? Киднаперите им ги врзаа очите. The kidnappers blindfolded them. The kidnappers tied their eyes. Малко чай, моля. I'd like some tea, please. Some tea, please. Ќе се симнете ли? Are you coming down? Will you get off? Земјотресот го предизвика пожарот. The earthquake caused the fire. The earthquake caused the fire. Комарците уживаат во човечко друштво. Mosquitoes enjoy the company of humans. The mosquitoes enjoy human society. Сакам стрипови. I like comic books. I like comics. Tom nemá rád mrkvu. Tom doesn't like carrots. Tom nemád carrot. Oduvek sam mislio kako je to čudno. I always thought that was weird. I always thought it was weird. Možda će se Tom složiti da uradi to. Maybe Tom would be willing to do that. Maybe Tom will agree to do it. Том фатил две места. Tom's double-parked. Tom's got two seats. Тоа не ме изненадува. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Tom je rekao da nas neće čekati. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Не поправяй това, което не е развалено. Let well enough alone. Don't fix what's not broken. Много хора смятат,че ретро автомобилите са доста скъпи. Many people think that antique cars are overpriced. A lot of people think retro cars are pretty expensive. Postavljamo pitanja učetelju svakog dana. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask the student questions every day. Tako je življenje, žal. That's life, unfortunately! That's life, I'm sorry. Не си видел таков, нели? You haven't seen one, have you? You haven't seen one, have you? Порано баш го сакаше Бостон. You used to love Boston. You used to love Boston. Тивко! Keep quiet! Quiet! Moram reći da vam zavidim. I have to say I envy you guys. I must say, I envy you. Не знам всичко. I don't know everything. I don't know everything. Znatiželjan sam. I'm curious. I'm curious. Zaslužuješ da ti čestitam. You deserve to be congratulated. You deserve me to congratulate you. Да ли Том једе рибу? Does Tom eat fish? Does Tom eat fish? Tom mi je rekao da ne radim to. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to do that. Sve je priznala. She confessed everything. She confessed to everything. Не можете ли да направите нещо? Can't you do something? Can't you do something? Реката минува низ долината. The river runs through the valley. The river passes through the valley. Kartu, molim. Ticket, please. Card, please. Еден ден отидов да шетам во шумата. One day I strolled into the woods. One day I went for a walk in the woods. Кой е твоят учител? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Зошто не можеш да земеш? Why can't you get one? Why can't you take it? Не можат да си го приуштат. They can't afford it. They can't afford it. Колико то кошта? How much is this? How much is it? Недей да взимаш никакви решения тази нощ. Don't make any decisions tonight. Don't make any decisions tonight. Ставете го во психијатриска болница! Put him in a psychiatric hospital! Put him in a psychiatric hospital! Да му ставиме крај на ова. Let's end this. Let's end this. Доби ли нешто од нив? Did you get anything from them? Did you get anything from them? Не те дупам. I'm not messing with you. I'm not fucking you. Тук храненето навън излиза доста скъпо. The cost of eating out is quite high here. There's a lot of expensive food out here. Едно кафе, ако обичате. Coffee, please. One coffee, please. Toma nije briga šta radim. Tom doesn't care what I do. Tom doesn't care what I do. Vozite brže. Drive faster. Drive faster. Седмицата се состои од седум дена: понеделник, вторник, среда, четврток, петок, сабота и недела. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The week consists of seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ti si najdosadnija osoba koju znam. You are the most boring person I know. You're the most boring person I know. Nastavi s kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. Ме повреди и ме нарече шупак. He has offended me and called me an ass. You hurt me and you called me an asshole. Да не се караме, може? Let's not fight, OK? Let's not fight, okay? Ти беше уплашен. You were scared. You were scared. Дај му нешто за јадење. Give him something to eat. Give him something to eat. To sam navikao da radim. It's what I'm used to doing. That's what I'm used to doing. В "Деня на майката" подарих на майка ми деветнайсет цветя. I gave my mother 19 flowers on Mother's Day. On Mother's Day, I gave my mother nineteen flowers. Ostat ću doma s bakom i djedom za vikend. I'll stay at home with my grandparents this weekend. I'm gonna stay home with my grandparents for the weekend. Тоа е баш блиску. That's pretty close. That's close. Američania ju nazývajú vietnamská vojna; Vietnamci ju nazývajú americká vojna. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American War. U.S.A. Nazúvaiú vietnamská war; Vietnamese called it the American War. Како беше игранката? How was the dance? How was the dance? Копнеам по него. I'm pining for him. I long for him. Сбърках ли? Was I wrong? Am I wrong? Mi mu se ne sviđamo. He does not like us. He doesn't like us. Da li je tom stvarno izvršio samoubistvo? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Did he really commit suicide? Najgore tek stiže. The worst comes afterwards. The worst is yet to arrive. To ćemo uvijek pamtiti. We'll always remember that. We'll always remember that. Mačka je pod stolom. The cat is under the table. There's a cat under the table. Ајде да зборуваме за Том. Let's talk about Tom. Let's talk about Tom. Knjiga je koštala pet dolara. The book costs five dollars. The book cost five bucks. Што би сакал принцот? What would the prince like? What would the prince want? Би можел ли да ми ја извлечеш стрелава од нога? Can you get this arrow out of my leg? Could you get this arrow out of my leg? Том свири во бенд и е многу згоден. Tom plays in a band, and is very good looking. Tom plays the band and he's very handsome. Къде е асансьорът? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Бях зает тази седмица. I have been busy this week. I've been busy this week. Не сум стручњак. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. Што е она? What's that stuff? What's that? Кјото е исклучително убав град. Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city. Kyoto is an extremely beautiful city. Sedi mirno na sekund. Sit tight for a second. Sit tight for a second. За жал ќе мора да го извршиш ова без туѓа помош. I'm afraid you're going to have to do this without any help. Unfortunately, you'll have to do this without other people's help. Ќе преземеме нешто. We'll do something. We'll do something. Nisam sigurna kada će Tom stići. I'm not sure when Tom will arrive. I'm not sure when Tom's gonna make it. Том е единственият тук, който не познава Мери. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom's the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Преобладаващото мнозинство гласува да се забрани бруталното насилие. An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. The overwhelming majority voted to ban brutal violence. Наистина го оценявам, Том. I really appreciate it, Tom. I really appreciate it, Tom. Той направи важно откритие. He made an important discovery. He made an important discovery. Том включи десния мигач. Tom turned on the right blinker. Tom turned on the right blinker. Не сакам да ги деранжирам. I don't want to bother them. I don't want to derange them. Не съм казала на никого за нас. I haven't told anyone about us. I haven't told anyone about us. Не би те лажел. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Pretpostavio sam da ste zauzete. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Прашај го Том каде е. Ask Tom where he is. Ask Tom where he is. Pokaži mi slike! Show me the pictures! Show me the pictures! Майка ми е учителка. My mother is a teacher. My mother's a teacher. Боб прав ли е? Is Bob right? Is Bob right? Odlično izgledaš. You're looking very well. You look great. Bojim se da ne mogu da ti dopustim da uradiš to. I'm afraid I can't let you do that. I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Čo je také výnimočné na Marike? What's so special about Marika? What's the matter with Marike? Го вклучив вентилаторот и го усмерив накај ѕидот. I turned on the fan and directed it to the wall. I turned the fan on and pointed it at the wall. Pokušaj raditi jednu po jednu stvar. Try to do one thing at a time. Try to do one thing at a time. Strašno je ovdje dolje. It's scary down here. It's awful down here. Ќе бидам кај своето биро. I'll be at my desk. I'll be at my desk. Umoran sam od prepirki. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. Јогата потекнува од Индија. Yoga comes from India. Yoga comes from India. Против насилието сме. We dislike violence. We're against violence. Мислев дека тој е таму. I thought he was there. I thought he was there. Moja manželka je lekárka. My wife is a doctor. My muffler is a doctor. Je v tvojom záujme ísť. It's in your interest to go. It's in your íujme ísí. Том не сака журка. Tom doesn't want a party. Tom doesn't want a party. Сакаш ли куглање? Do you like bowling? Do you like bowling? Uvek radite. You're always working. You always do. Mislim da je Tom veoma pametan. I think Tom is very smart. I think Tom's very smart. Tom mi je rekao da je izgubio svesku. Tom told me that he had lost his textbook. Tom told me he lost his notebook. Brak između osoba istog pola je sada legalan u 20 zemlja, uključujući Irsku od juče. Same sex marriage is now legal in 20 countries worldwide, including Ireland as of yesterday. Marriage between the same sex is now legal in 20 countries, including Ireland since yesterday. Chcem stráviť viac času s tebou osamote. I want to spend more time alone with you. Chcem straví viac time with you secluded. Zezam se. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Оценявам съдействието ти. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Тоа што Том го направил било грешка. What Tom did was a mistake. What Tom did was a mistake. Може ли да ти викам Боб? Can I call you Bob? Can I call you Bob? Želim da budem sa njom. I want to be with her. I want to be with her. Naše oči ne mogu vidjeti infracrvene zrake. Our eyes can't see infrared light. Our eyes can't see infrared rays. Той е завършил Кеймбридж с отличие. He graduated from Cambridge with honors. He graduated from Cambridge with a medal. Том воопшто не е срамежлив. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom's not shy at all. Той обича географията и историята. He likes geography and history. He loves geography and history. Ова ѝ е тешко. This is difficult for her. This is hard for her. То је добар одговор. That's a good answer. That's a good answer. Едно дете не е съд за запълване, а е огън за запалване. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. One child is not a vessel to fill, but a fire to burn. Чаша чай, моля. A cup of tea, please. A cup of tea, please. Том полицијата веќе го испраша. Tom has already been questioned by the police. Tom, the police already questioned him. Мислам дека би можел да се навикнам да те гледам секој ден. I think I could get used to seeing you every day. I think I could get used to seeing you every day. Предрасудите ти заштедуваат многу време. Можеш да формираш мислења без да ти требаат фактите. Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts. Your prejudice saves you a lot of time, you can form opinions without needing facts. Da li se Tom vraća? Is Tom coming back? Is Tom coming back? Аз съм тази, която спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Том изгледа ужива. Tom seemed to be enjoying himself. Tom seems to be enjoying himself. Знаеше ли дека Том ќе биде тука? Did you know that Tom would be here? Did you know Tom was gonna be here? Ne trebaš se bojati. You don't need to be afraid. You don't have to be afraid. Том свиреше на клавир. Tom played the piano. Tom played the piano. Pomozi mi. Help me. Help me. Всеки път, когато се появи Том, вали дъжд. Every time Tom shows up, it rains. Every time Tom shows up, it rains. Nemojte da preterate. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. Том не знае да сочувстува. Tom lacks empathy. Tom can't feel for himself. Jane bola za mladi letuška. Jane was a stewardess when she was young. Jane's in pain for a young flier. Къде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? Знам дека ќе ми вратиш кога ќе имаш пари. I know you'll pay me back when you have the money. I know you'll pay me back when you have the money. Nikto s ňou nesúhlasil. No one agreed with her. Nicto with íou nesúlásil. Според мен френският е език, труден за научаване. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. In my opinion, French is a language that's hard to learn. Мисля, че това е Том. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Непромислен бев. I've been careless. I was reckless. Видов неидентификуван летечки објект. I saw a UFO. I saw an unidentified flying object. Изпратих Том вкъщи. I've sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Той обича да слуша радио. He likes to listen to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. Mrzim matematiku. I hate maths. I hate math. Hvala bogu. Thank God. Thank God. Да откриеме што сака Том. Let's find out what Tom wants. Let's find out what Tom wants. Budi pažljiv: mi pišemo narodnosti, dane u tjednu i jezike velikim slovom u engleskome. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Be careful: we write nationalities, weekdays and languages with a capital letter in English. Изчаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Ovo je Kopakabana! This is Copacabana! This is Kopacabana! Аз се отказах. I gave up. I gave up. Muž mi je izgubio posao. My husband lost his job. My husband lost his job. Emily je bila iznenađena. Emily was surprised. Emily was surprised. Том обично победува во расправии. Tom usually wins arguments. Tom usually wins a fight. Знам как се чувствате. I know how you must be feeling. I know how you feel. Мисля, че това е ваше. I think this is yours. I think that's yours. Не трябва да се поддаваш на желанието да пиеш. You must not yield to your desire to drink. You shouldn't give in to the desire to drink. Da li ti se sviđa ili ne? Do you like it or not? Do you like it or not? Том е недоверлив. Tom is untrustworthy. Tom's untrustworthy. Izgleda da je taj dijamant pravi. It seems that the diamond is real. Looks like that diamond's real. Том крадеше од мене. Tom stole from me. Tom was stealing from me. Не мисля, че Том знае френски. I don't think Tom knows French. I don't think Tom knows French. Може би ни убягва очевидното. Maybe we're overlooking the obvious. Maybe he's avoiding the obvious. Лесно ми е со нив да разговарам. I find them very easy to talk to. It's easy for me to talk to them. Стој настрана. Stand aside. Stay back. Том закачил настинка. Tom has got a cold. Tom hooked up with a cold. Dosta je dobra. It's a pretty good one. She's pretty good. Том вели дека Мери би требало да биде среќна. Tom says Mary should be happy. Tom says Mary should be happy. Това не ти ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Is that not enough for you? Motivisana sam. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. Ќе се вратам во шест и пол. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at six and a half. На Том нема да му се допадне тоа. Tom won't like it. Tom's not gonna like that. И Том е од Бостон. Tom is also from Boston. And Tom's from Boston. Липсвахте ми. I missed you. I missed you. Баш сега го видов. I saw him just now. I just saw him. Безработна съм. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Зарем не треба да му помогнеме? Shouldn't we help him? Shouldn't we help him? Имам няколко идеи. I have some ideas. I have a few ideas. Що не си траеш, а? Какво, боя ли си търсиш? You just can't stand still, huh? What are you, looking for a fight? What are you looking for? Би сакал ли бомбона со ментол? Would you like a mint? Would you like a mint? Ќе ни фалиш, Том. We'll miss you, Tom. We're gonna miss you, Tom. Том ти остави порака. Tom left a message for you. Tom left you a message. Том живее в същата част на града, в която живее Мери. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary does. Tom lives in the same part of town that Mary lives in. Postojala je lista dostupnih kandidata. There was a list of available candidates. There was a list of available candidates. Pretpostavila sam da si zauzeta. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Знам дека си лут. I know you're angry. I know you're angry. Том търчи наоколо като пиле без глава. Tom is running around like a headless chicken. Tom runs around like a chicken with no head. Затоа што автобусот се беше задржал, долго чекавме на дождот. Since the bus had been delayed, we had a long wait in the rain. Because the bus was delayed, we waited a long time in the rain. Виждала ли си Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Previše sam star za ovako nešto. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for something like this. С удоволствие бих останала. I'd love to stay. I'd love to stay. Чух го да слиза по стълбите. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him coming down the stairs. На Том му се подкосиха коленете. Tom's knees buckled. Tom got his knees cut off. Той се втурна в трафика. He ran out into traffic. He got into traffic. Вие наистина сте чудесни. You're really wonderful. You guys are really great. Кой вярва в Бог? Who believes in God? Who believes in God? Пушти го шишето. Let go of the bottle. Let go of the bottle. Всичко мина по план. Everything went according to plan. Everything went as planned. Nemoj se bojati pasa koji laju. Don't be afraid of barking dogs. Don't be afraid of barking dogs. Моля, направете три копия на тази страница. Please make three copies of this page. Please make three copies of this page. Обядвах набързо. I quickly ate lunch. I had a quick lunch. Приятен апетит! Have a nice meal! Bon appétit! Samo hoću da se sklonim odavde. I just want to get away. I just want to get out of here. Tom me je zamolio da nikome ne kažem, tako da nisam. Tom asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Tom asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Trudim se da provetrim futon barem dvaput nedeljno. I try to air my futon at least twice a week. I'm trying to get through the futon at least twice a week. Не мисля, че мога да изкарам шест часа насаме с тебе. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I can spend six hours alone with you. Ja nisam bogat čovek. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. Том ја крена капата. Tom raised his hat. Tom picked up the hat. Мамка му, забравих си камерата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Shit, I forgot my camera! Môžeš opraviť moje anglické vety? Can you correct my English sentences? You can do my English vety? Колко пари искате? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Бил ли си някога в Нара? Have you ever been to Nara? Have you ever been to Nara? Ne možeš da pojedeš samo jedan. You can't eat just one. You can't eat just one. Том продолжи да се пакува. Tom kept packing. Tom kept packing. Тој дишеше длабоко. He breathed deeply. He was breathing deeply. Закален сум. I'm tough. I'm smitten. Том си го избриша челото. Tom wiped his forehead. Tom wiped his forehead. Nikada ranije nisam primetila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Većina se plaši da postavi sebi veliki cilj iz straha da ga nikada neće dostići. Most people are afraid to set a high goal for fear of not achieving it. Most of them are afraid to set themselves a great goal out of fear of never reaching it. Те гледат само светлата страна на американската икономика They are looking at only the sunny side of the American economy. They only see the bright side of the American economy Им го покажа фалсификатот на моите пријатели. He showed the forgery to my friends. You showed my friends the forgeries. Имаш ли малку време? Do you have a minute? Do you have a minute? Tom je najbolji učenik u razredu. Tom is the best student in our class. Tom's the best student in the class. Никад нема да го заборавам. I'll never forget him. I'll never forget him. Никогаш не те лажев. I never lied to you. I never lied to you. Може ли да отхапя малко? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Той ми създава големи трудности. He is giving me a hard time. He's causing me a lot of trouble. Защо не пробва роклята, преди да я купиш? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why don't you try the dress before you buy it? Том не отиде. Tom didn't go. Tom didn't go. Имаш ли виолина? Do you have a violin? Do you have a violin? Tom i dalje ima malo vremena. Tom still has some time. Tom's still got a little time. Kako si? How are you? How are you? Моля те веднага да започнеш. Please begin immediately. Please begin immediately. Някой може ли да вдигне телефона? Can someone answer the telephone? Can someone pick up the phone? Лопов је побегао. The thief ran away. The thief escaped. Trudim se najviše što mogu ovde. I'm trying my best here. I'm trying as hard as I can here. Вие идвате от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You're from Sweden. Велика је вероватноћа да ће сутра падати киша. Tomorrow there's a high probability it will rain. There's a good chance it's going to rain tomorrow. Zaboravi da sam to rekao. Please forget I said that. Forget I said that. Когато бях студентка в университета, никога не спях в нощта преди изпита. When I was a university student, I always pulled an all-nighter before a test. When I was a college student, I never slept the night before the exam. Не сум сигурен дека токму Том го направил ова. I'm not sure that it was Tom who made this. I'm not sure Tom just did this. U šahu postoje situacije u kojima se isplati da se žrtvuje figura da se stekne prednost na dugi rok. In chess, there are situations where it pays off to sacrifice a piece to gain an advantage over the long term. In chess, there are situations where it's worth sacrificing a figure to gain advantage over the long term. Hvala vam što me volite. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me. Vedel som, že dnes bude zábava. I knew that today would be fun. I knew it. It's gonna be fun today. To je moj posao, a ne Tomov. That's my job, not Tom's. It's my job, not Tom's. Som detektív. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. Както обикновено, учителят по физика закъсняваше за час. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. Той успяваше да свърже двата края. He managed to make both ends meet. He was able to connect both ends. Сложих ръка на рамото ѝ. I put my hand on her shoulder. I put my hand on her shoulder. Получих писмото ѝ вчера. I received her letter yesterday. I got her letter yesterday. Веднага щом свърши работа, Том се прибра вкъщи. As soon as Tom finished work, he went home. As soon as it's done, Tom's home. Imam dobar vid. I have good eyesight. I've got good eyesight. Што не ни помогна? Why didn't you help us? Why didn't you help us? Те хванаха пет пеперуди. They caught five butterflies. They caught five butterflies. Можеш и да заминеш и да останеш - како сакаш. You can go or stay, as you wish. You can go and stay whatever you want. Каде треба да се предадат овие документи? Where should these documents be submitted? Where should these documents be handed over? Tako sam zauzet da ti ne mogu pomoći. I am so busy that I can't help you. I'm so busy I can't help you. Аз се разбирах с всички. I got along with everybody. I got along with everyone. Часовника ми май изостава. My watch must be slow. My watch seems to be lagging out. Сам няма сили да завърши маратона. Sam doesn't have the stamina to finish a marathon. Sam doesn't have the strength to finish the marathon. Ќе откријам кој го сторил ова. I'm going to figure out who did this. I'm gonna find out who did this. Дај му долар. Give him a dollar. Give him a dollar. Изгледаш замислено. You look troubled. You look imaginary. Том не беше съвършен. Tom wasn't perfect. Tom wasn't perfect. Takav je projekat naravno zahtevao rebalans budžeta. Such a project has of course demanded a revised budget. Such a project, of course, required budget rebalancing. Јаболката се здрави. Apples are good for you. The apples are healthy. Кога последен пат си ја видел таа мачка? When was the last time you saw that cat? When was the last time you saw that cat? Говорих с него за това по телефона. I talked with him about it over the telephone. I talked to him about it on the phone. Ајде да го сработиме ова. Let's get this done. Let's do this. Нема да ги најдеш. You're not going to find them. You won't find them. Подобро и двајцата да се наспиеме. We'd both better get some sleep. We'd better get some sleep. Jedva sam izašo iz kuće kad je počela da pada kiša. I had hardly left home when it began raining. I barely got out of the house when it started to rain. Бях приел за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. I took it for granted that Tom could speak French. I was accepted that Tom could speak French. Tom je presekao traku. Tom cut the tape. Tom cut the tape. Sramotiš ga. You're embarrassing him. You're embarrassing him. Казвам се Ичиро Танака. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. Имам доста приятели, които говорят френски добре. I have quite a few friends who speak French well. I have a lot of friends who speak French well. Дочух разговора ти с Том. I overheard your conversation with Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Всички са гладни. Everyone's hungry. Everyone's hungry. Том веднаш дојде. Tom came right over. Tom came right up. Мислев дека Том можеби нема да сака да оди со нас. I thought Tom might not want to go with us. I thought Tom might not want to go with us. Том во последно време е прилично зафатен. Tom has been quite busy recently. Tom's been pretty busy lately. Ne čuješ često da je neko kupio šešir za hiljadu dolara. It's not very often that someone buys a thousand dollar hat. You don't often hear that someone bought a thousand-dollar hat. Robí niečo Tom? Does Tom do anything? Robí nicho Tom? Razumete li šta hoću da kažem? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Аз вчера рано станах. I got up early yesterday. I got up early yesterday. Želim da se osećam bitnim. I want to feel important. I want to feel important. Събранието беше отложено. The meeting has been postponed. The meeting was postponed. Imam belog konja. I've got a white horse. I got a white horse. Mislim da je Tom bio odličan. I think Tom is awesome. I think Tom was great. Том е популарен тип. Tom is a popular guy. Tom's a popular guy. Не знам коя е жената на Том. I don't know who Tom's wife is. I don't know who Tom's wife is. Koliko ću primiti? How much will I receive? How much am I gonna take? Тя отиде там вчера. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Nemá cenu plakať. Nikto ťa nebude počuť. There is no use in crying. No one will hear you. There's no price for crying, there's no price for crying, and there's no price for crying, and there's no price for crying. Важно ли е кое од овие ќе го одберам? Does it really matter which one of these I choose? Does it matter which one of these I choose? Изедоа. They finished eating. They ate it. Той се възмути,че е наричан глупак. He resented being called a coward. He was angry that he was called a fool. Abeceda esperanta pozostáva z 28 písmen: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. Alphabeta esperanta zostáva with 28 písmen: a, b, c, c, c, d, e, f, g, à, h, h, i, j, j, ï, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, Õ, t, u, Õ, v, z. Fantastično! Fantastic! Fantastic! Нешто знаат. They know something. They know something. Уча френски всеки ден. I study French every day. I learn French every day. Tom je u garaži, radi na svom motoru. Tom is in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Tom's in the garage, working on his bike. To je Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. It's Brian Rock. Том е бърз. Tom is fast. Tom's fast. Сви кажу тако. Everyone says that. Everyone says so. Треба да го правиш тоа на друго место. You need to do that somewhere else. You should do it somewhere else. Решението не беше мое. It wasn't my decision. It wasn't my decision. Mogu li da čujem još jedan? Can I have another one? Can I hear another one? Дъщеря му е станала хубава жена. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter has become a beautiful woman. Обожавам голф. I love golf. I love golf. Voz je stigao na vreme danas, kao i uvek. The train was on time today, as always. The train arrived on time today, as always. Сакаш ли да те однесеме дома? Do you want us to take you home? Do you want us to take you home? Браќа ли се? Are they brothers? Is he brothers? Природата не знае граници. Nature knows no boundaries. Nature knows no bounds. Мушнах си ръцете в джобовете . I shoved my hands into my pockets. I put my hands in my pockets. Не сакавме да ја исклучиме Мери од планот. We didn't mean to leave Mary out of the plan. We didn't want to exclude Mary from the plan. Tvoj konec je blizu. Your end is near. Your end is near. Šta si zaključila? What have you concluded? What'd you figure out? Moja žena, koja je odrasla u Norveškoj, mi je od prvog momenta stavila do znanja da nije više aktuelno da žena trčkara oko muža po ceo dan. My wife, who grew up in Norway, made it very clear, from the first moment, that it wasn't practice to be of service to the husband at all times. My wife, who grew up in Norway, made it clear to me from the first moment that it was no longer relevant for a woman to run around with her husband all day long. Том е учтив. Tom is courteous. Tom's polite. Къде е тоалетната? Where's the washroom? Where's the bathroom? Jedan moj prijatelj studira u inozemstvu. A friend of mine is studying abroad. A friend of mine is studying abroad. Nastavi sa kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добра. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. I just started learning French, so I'm not very good. Дупло сам старији од Тома. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Пусни ме. Please let me go. Let go of me. Да ти го пофатам ќесите? Can I take your bags? You want me to grab your bags? Не ли сакаш да го задржиш? Don't you want to keep it? Don't you want to keep it? Tom štedi da bi mogao da ide u inostranstvo. Tom is saving money so he can go abroad. Tom's saving so he can go abroad. Се распрашав за нив. I asked around about them. I asked about them. Mária sa približovala. Mary was approaching. Mária's approaching. Хоћеш ли ми то учинити? Will you do it for me? Will you do that to me? Ще уча френски този следобед. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm going to study French this afternoon. On je učiteľ v našej škole. He is a teacher at our school. He's a teacher at our school. Празан је. It's empty. It's empty. Моля ви, прочетете го още веднъж. Please read it once more. Please read it again. Imam nekoliko prijatelja. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. Главнот град на Франција е Париз. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital of France is Paris. Къде са книгата и моливът? Книгата е на масата, а моливът е на перваза. Where are the book and pencil? The book's on the table, and the pencil's on the windowsill. Where's the book and pencil? Смее ли да одам со вас? May I walk with you? Can I go with you? Кулата беше разбита на пух и прах. The tower was blown to atoms. The tower was broken to dust and dust. Щастлив ли сте? Are you happy? Are you happy? Скрените лево. Turn left. Turn left. Том поминува премногу време пред компјутер. Tom spends too much time on the computer. Tom spends too much time in front of a computer. Филџанот беше празен. The cup was empty. The filter was empty. Ќе направиме да работи. We'll make it work. We'll make it work. Moraš da me naučiš ovih dana. You must teach me, one of these days. You have to teach me these days. Daj sebi malo vremena. Give yourself some time. Give yourself some time. Mislim da je Tomu potrebna pomoć. I think Tom needs help. I think Tom needs help. Не ме гледай така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Beduíni žijú v púšti. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouíni Žiú in the wheat. Учих френски три години с носител на езика. I studied French for three years with a native speaker. I studied French for three years with a language bearer. Лимун је кисео. Lemon is sour. Lemon's sour. Modlila si sa. You were praying. You've been moddling with. Svi znamo da je Tom kriv. We all know that Tom is guilty. We all know it's Tom's fault. Една красива жена беше настанена един ред пред мен. A beautiful woman was seated one row in front of me. A beautiful woman was placed in front of me. Тя обича да бяга. She likes to run. She likes to run. Ще звънна на някого. I'll call someone. I'll call someone. Sve ima svoju cenu. Everything has a price. Everything has its price. Том не беше на празненството. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Мораме веднаш да си одиме одовде. We need to leave here at once. We need to get out of here now. Tom deluje malo gadljivo. Tom looks a bit queasy. Tom seems a little distasteful. Само малку патници ја преживеаја несреќата. Few passengers survived the accident. Only a few passengers survived the accident. Веома сам импресиониран. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Šta sam upravo uradio? What did I just do? What did I just do? To diši kot sir. This smells like cheese. That smells like cheese. Ne pričaj. Don't talk. Don't talk. Обичате ли да пътувате? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Da li zaista mislite da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Dávame si cukor do čaju. We put sugar in our tea. You're a dog to tea. Mislio sam da ćeš da budeš zauzeta. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Когато баща ми разбра, че излизам с Нимрод Ник, той много се ядоса. When my father found out that I've been going out with Nimrod Nick, he got very angry. When my father found out I was dating Nimrod Nick, he got very angry. Какво правиш? What are you doing? What are you doing? Президентът Артур наложи вето върху закона. President Arthur vetoed the bill. President Arthur vetoed the law. Мислам дека можеш да ни кажеш каде да го најдеме. We think you can tell us where to find him. I think you can tell us where to find him. Таа има десет деца. She has ten children. She has ten children. Ти личи ли Том на човек што се плаши од некого? Does Tom seem like he's afraid of anyone? Does Tom look like a man who's afraid of someone? Идването ни тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Our coming here was a mistake. Той често закъснява. He often comes late. He's often late. Stvari nisu uvek onakve kakve se čine. Things are not always what they seem. Things aren't always what they seem. С малко добра воля от двете страни нашите проблеми би трябвало да могат да бъдат разрешени. With a bit of good will on both sides, our problems should be able to be resolved. With a little goodwill on both sides, our problems should be resolved. Том има долга брада. Tom has a long beard. Tom's got a long beard. Можеш ли да пазиш тайна? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Hiti počasi. Hasten slowly. Hit it slowly. Играј поопуштено. Play in a more relaxed manner. Play it cool. И Том, и Мери могат да говорят френски. Tom and Mary are both able to speak French. And Tom, and Mary can speak French. Том си го бива, нали? Tom is neat, isn't he? Tom's good, isn't he? Том беше нахален. Tom was brash. Tom was a pain in the ass. Не им придиряй толкова. Cut them some slack. Don't touch them so much. Винаги ми изневеряват. I am always cheated on. They're always cheating on me. Том ја гаѓаше Мери со скапано јајце. Tom threw a rotten egg at Mary. Tom was throwing a fucking egg at Mary. Tom će da pričeka. Tom'll wait. Tom will wait. Може ли да го видам извештајот? Can I see the report? Can I see the report? Сѐ имаме. We have everything. We got everything. Какво ти попречи да дойдеш вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What stopped you from coming yesterday? Gdje ti je glava? Where's your head at? Where's your head? Páčilo by sa vám to. You'd like it. Páchilo by sám it. Това е кучето на Мери. This is Mary's dog. That's Mary's dog. Ona nastavlja da kuka kako nema vremena. She keeps moaning that she has no time. She keeps complaining that she doesn't have time. Искам да ям нещо. I want to eat something. I want to eat something. Не го збеснувај Том. Don't antagonize Tom. Don't piss him off, Tom. Колко бързо тича той? How fast does he run? How fast does he run? Vrlo si hrabar. You are very brave. You're very brave. Што вели Том? What's Tom saying? What does Tom say? Ono što sam videla je bilo obeshrabrujuće. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was discouraging. Reći ću vam sada istinu. I'll tell you the truth now. I'll tell you the truth now. Plaše me se. They're afraid of me. They're scared of me. Nisam siguran gde je Tom. I'm not sure where Tom is. I'm not sure where Tom is. Ne želim da diskutujem ovo sada. I don't want to discuss this now. I don't want to discuss this right now. Svi su zabinuti. Everybody's worried. They're all messed up. Не сум бил среќен откако си замина Том. I haven't been happy since Tom left. I haven't been happy since Tom left. Ne razmišljam o tome. I'm not thinking about it. I'm not thinking about it. Ја имам неколико дарова. I have some gifts. I have a few gifts. Jedan je senator nazvao predsednika druge zemlje, oficirem stare obaveštajne službe koji bi želeo da povrati staru imperiju te zemlje. One senator has called a president of another country, an officer of the old intelligence service which would like to restore that country's old empire. One senator called the president of another country, an old intelligence officer who would like to restore the country's old empire. На Том не му се допаѓам. Tom doesn't like me. Tom doesn't like me. Gde si našla ovaj nož? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? Ќе ти го најдам Том. I'll find Tom for you. I'll find you Tom. Хайде да станем приятелки. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. Да вечеряме. Let's have dinner. Let's have dinner. Nama to ovdje ne treba. We don't need this here. We don't need that here. Ten pes krváca. The dog is bleeding. Ten dog's bleeding. Можете да останете тука внатре. You can stay in here. You can stay in here. Таа е добродушна. She has a kind heart. She's kind. Цената на мудроста е поголема од таа на бисерите. The price of wisdom is above pearls. The price of wisdom is greater than that of pearls. Ne treba ti moje dopuštenje. You don't need my permission. You don't need my permission. Днес влакът закъснява с десет минути. The train is 10 minutes late today. The train is ten minutes late today. Nisam specijalista. I'm not a specialist. I'm not a specialist. Taman sam krenula. I was just heading out. I was just on my way. Пчеларите го отстрануваат саќето за да го соберат медот. Beekeepers remove the honeycomb to collect the honey. Beekeepers remove the honey to collect the honey. Не галами. Don't make any noise. Don't make a fuss. Ќе се вратам за помалку од секунда. I won't be a second. I'll be back in less than a second. Кога последен пат си го посетил Бостон? When was the last time you visited Boston? When was the last time you visited Boston? Том се онесвестил. Tom is passed out. Tom passed out. Мисля, че това е вярно. I think that it's true. I think that's true. Том си изпържи яйца. Tom fried himself some eggs. Tom fried his eggs. Drago mi je što si se vratio. I'm glad you've come back. I'm glad you're back. Tom je jako idiosinkrazijski. Tom is very idiosyncratic. Tom's very idiosic. Разочарован съм, че него го няма. I'm disappointed that he's not here. I'm disappointed he's not here. Не постои добра вест. No news is a good news. There's no good news. Ајде да славиме. Let's celebrate. Let's celebrate. Как е в Шотландия през лятото? What's Scotland like in summer? How's Scotland in the summer? Ниеден дел од свињата не пропадна. No part of the pig is wasted. No part of the pig has failed. Daj Tomu piće. Give Tom a drink. Give Tom a drink. Daj nam malo prostora. Give us some room here. Give us some space. Не ни ја упропастувај забавата. Don't ruin our fun. Don't ruin the party. Днес плаках. I cried today. I cried today. Одам и крај. I'm going and that's that. I'm going to the end. Njegova devojka nije pružala podršku. His girlfriend was not supportive. His girlfriend didn't support it. Ми било и многу полошо. I've been a lot worse. I've been a lot worse. Фокусът е върху статистически значими лексико-граматически особености използвани в специфични подмножества от текстове свързани с дадена дисциплина. The focus is on statistically significant features of lexico-grammar used within particular sub-sets of texts associated with a particular discipline. The focus is on statistically significant lexico-grammatic features used in specific subsets of texts related to a particular discipline. Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта ти. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I need your help. Si dobrý novinár. You are a good journalist. You're good. Ето тук една книга. Here is a book. Here's a book. Toto je dom Márie, jej brata a ich rodičov. This is the house of Mary, her brother and their parents. Toto is home to Márie, eat brother and ich cousin. Том би сфатил. Tom would understand. Tom would understand. To ne liči na tebe. That's not like you. That doesn't look like you. Jesi li slobodan u nedelju? Are you open on Sunday? Are you free on Sunday? Том е дојден само на посета. Tom is just visiting. Tom's just visiting. Том знае да направи речиси се. Tom knows how to make almost anything. Tom can do almost anything. Том ми каза, че иска да живее на усамотен плаж. Tom told me he wanted to live on a secluded beach. Tom told me he wanted to live on a lonely beach. Волим да те гледам док играш. I love watching you dance. I love watching you dance. Špijunirao si me. You've been spying on me. You were spying on me. Ще дойда с Том. I'll come with Tom. I'll go with Tom. Ме киднапираа. They kidnapped me. I've been kidnapped. Го преполови јаболкото. She cut the apple in two. You cut the apple. Всички делегати знаеха, че трябва да го обсъдят. All the delegates knew they must discuss it. All the delegates knew they had to discuss it. Ne živim u ovom gradu. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. Никогаш не си барам рачки. I never pick fights. I never ask for handles. Живеам во близина. I live pretty close to here. I live nearby. Donesi vino. Bring wine. Bring the wine. Konja bih mogao da pojeden. I could eat a horse. A horse I could eat. Molim vas, ponovite? Could you repeat that? Please repeat? Ще спечели със сигурност. He'll win for sure. He'll win for sure. Šalio sam se prije. I was kidding before. I've been kidding before. Tom je rekao da si kul. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. Допуши па влези внатре. Finish the cigarette and then come inside. Why don't you smoke and go inside? Какво правиш там? What're you doing there? What are you doing there? Од почеток си во право. You've been right all along. You're right from the start. Platon je prijatelj, ali istina je veći prijatelj. Plato is a friend, but the truth is a greater friend. Plato is a friend, but the truth is a bigger friend. Убаво ли беше патувањето? Was it a nice trip? Was it a nice trip? Том учи френски всеки ден. Tom studies French every day. Tom learns French every day. В колко музея бяхте? How many museums did you visit? How many museums were you in? Сѐ е тивко пак. All is quiet again. It's all quiet again. Završio je u zatvoru. He ended up in jail. He ended up in prison. Kupio sam ti ih. I bought them for you. I bought them for you. Явно си в грешка. Clearly you are mistaken. I guess you're wrong. Дојди во куќата. Come over to the house. Come to the house. Hteo sam da ti pomognem. I wanted to help you. I wanted to help you. Nemoj da si pisnuo! Don't say a word. Don't say a word! Probaću da ubedim Toma da uradi to. I'll try to persuade Tom to do that. I'll try to convince Tom to do it. Pijete li kavu? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? Tom nije mogao da kaže ništa drugo. Tom couldn't say anything else. Tom couldn't say anything else. Том конечно се насмеа. Tom finally smiled. Tom finally smiled. Temperatura površine sunce je oko 6000°C. The surface temperature of the sun is around 6000°C. The temperature of the surface of the sun is about 6000 degrees Fahrenheit [6,000 ° C]. Boli sme niekde inde. We were somewhere else. It can't hurt anywhere. Ludost je prešla granicu. The craziness has crossed a line. The madness has crossed the line. Федерот од часовникот се скрши. The watch spring broke. The fed in the watch broke. Не говори за хората зад гърба им. Don't talk about people behind their backs. Don't talk about the people behind their backs. Том ја развитка мапата. Tom unfolded the map. Tom developed the map. Среќен ли си, Том? Are you happy, Tom? Are you happy, Tom? Tom ne može da se obuzda. Tom can't help himself. Tom can't help himself. Tom je Amerikanac koji živi u Parizu. Tom is an American living in Paris. Tom's an American living in Paris. Пробај да се ставиш во негова кожа. Try to put yourself in his shoes. Try to put yourself in his shoes. Ne možeš za sve kriviti Toma. You can't blame it all on Tom. You can't blame everything for Tom. Позволете ми да Ви разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about myself. Не искам да бъда обезпокояван. I don't want to be disturbed. I don't want to be upset. Stojiš mi na prolazu. You are in my way. You're standing in my way. Tom je mehaničar. Tom is a mechanic. Tom's a mechanic. Волите ли јабуке? Do you like apples? Do you like apples? Къде е гарата? Where is the station? Where's the station? Яж повече пресни зеленчуци. Eat more fresh vegetables. Eat more fresh vegetables. Можам да одам. I can go. I can go. Таа роди близначки. She gave birth to twin girls. She gave birth to twins. Това не е ли изненадващо? Isn't that a surprise? Isn't that surprising? Поговорките ли ги пишуваш? Are you writing the proverbs? Are you writing your sayings? Си ја сакам татковината. I love my homeland. I love my country. Skinuo se. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. Trebalo je da donesemo još jednu flašu vina. We should have bought another bottle of wine. We should have brought another bottle of wine. Više nisam previše uznemiren. I'm not too upset anymore. I'm not too upset anymore. Моля те, не плачи. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Ja sam srećna. I'm happy. I'm happy. Те ще правят парти за Сам. They are going to throw a party for Sam. They're having a party for Sam. Том беше првиот што постави прашање. Tom was the first one to ask a question. Tom was the first person to ask a question. Sada mi lažeš. You're lying to me now. Now you're lying to me. Извинете, имате ли нещо против да отворя прозореца? Excuse me but, would you mind if I opened the window? Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window? Каква е минималната заплата във Франция? What's the minimum salary in France? What is the minimum wage in France? Pucaj u noge! Shoot for the legs! Shoot the legs! Върви бавно и аз ще те настигна. Walk slowly, and I will catch up with you. Go slow and I'll catch up with you. Какви са условията? What're the terms? What are the conditions? Свалете ме от тази страна на светофара, ако обичате. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Get me off this side of the lighthouse, please. Izlazi van! Get out! Get out! Не очајувај. Don't despair. Don't despair. Би ли сложил чиниите в мивката. Would you put the dishes in the sink? Would you put the dishes in the sink? Zar nisi učinio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? Одевме меѓу дрвата. We walked among the trees. We went between the trees. Сакаме да знаеме за нив. We want to know about them. We want to know about them. Харесва ли ти колчето? Do you like the rod? Do you like the stake? Ќе го направиш ли истото? Will you do the same? Will you do the same? Snažna posvećnost životnoj sredini nije kompatibilna sa velikim investicijama u naftu i gas. Strong commitment to the environment is not compatible with large investments in oil and gas. Strong commitment to the environment is not compatible with large investments in oil and gas. Том е чуден. Tom is odd. Tom's weird. Аз съм мъж. I'm a man. I'm a man. Полицията претърси къщата и намери 2 килограма хероин. The police searched the house and seized 2 kilograms of heroin. The police searched the house and found two kilos of heroin. Taliansko nie je Grécko. Italy isn't Greece. The Italian nie is Greek. Вероятно не трябваше да го правя. I probably shouldn't have done that. I probably shouldn't have done that. Nikto o tom nikdy nepočul. Nobody had ever heard of it. Nothing about that nindy never heard of. Študovala si. You were studying. You went to college. Ma koliko razmatrao, i dalje ne razumem. No matter how much I consider it I do not understand. No matter how much I consider it, I still don't understand. Той събра нещата си и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He's got his things together and he's gone. Išiel som do nemocnice. I went to the hospital. Ishield the catfish to the helpless. Сето тоа беше моја идеја. It was all my idea. It was all my idea. С всяка седмица финансовата ситуация се влошава. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. Every week, the financial situation deteriorates. To je predstavlja investicioni savet. It does not constitute an investment advice. It's an investment advice. Vidim vrtnico. I see a rose. I see a rose. Čemu sva ova zbrka? What is this commotion all about ? What's all the fuss about? Položila sam svaki test. I passed every single test. I passed every test. Знам дека сѐ уште го сакаш Том. I know you still love Tom. I know you still love Tom. Ти обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Da li smo svi ovde? Are we all here? Are we all here? Ако Джон беше дошъл, нямаше да се налага аз да идвам. If John had come, I wouldn't have had to come. If John had come, I wouldn't have to come. Увезуваме жито од САД. We import grain from the United States. We're importing wheat from the United States. Том е алергичен на мувла. Tom is allergic to mould. Tom's allergic to mold. Čvrsto sam protiv kompromisa. I'm strongly opposed to a compromise. I'm adamant against compromise. Мораш да си одиш дома. You have to go home. You have to go home. Том никогаш не се откажува. Tom never gives up. Tom never gives up. Не беше толкова тежка. It wasn't that heavy. It wasn't that hard. Нека да го видя. Let me see it. Let me see it. Радваме се, че идваш в нашата група. We are glad to have you in our class. We're glad you're coming to our group. Мисля, че има нещо, което не ми казваш. I think there's something you're not telling me. I think there's something you're not telling me. Хайде да ядем суши. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Всички цветя в градината увехнаха. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden are inhaled. Pamätám si to. I remember that. Pamätám that. На нас ни беше приятно да играем бейзбол. We enjoyed playing baseball. It was nice playing baseball for us. Том носи очила с черни рамки. Tom is wearing glasses with black frames. Tom's wearing glasses with black frames. Nisam imao ništa zajedničko sa njima. I had nothing in common with them. I had nothing to do with them. Том ужива во играњето тенис. Tom enjoys playing tennis. Tom enjoys playing tennis. Bohatí niekedy opovrhujú chudobnými. The rich sometimes despise the poor. Bohatí niekedy repeatú wonderbnými. Што ти текна да ги исконтактираш? What made you contact them? What did you think of contacting them? Kje je tvoj oče? Where is your father? Where's your father? Успя ли да свършиш всичко, което искаше? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Did you manage to do everything you wanted? Што има во тој орман? What's in that closet? What's in that closet? Том е безнадежен случај. Tom is beyond hope. Tom's a hopeless case. Tom kaže da će jednog dana uraditi to. Tom says that someday he'll do that. Tom says one day he'll do it. Том штотуку си замина. Tom has just left. Tom just left. За малку го пропушти. You just missed it. You almost missed it. Dat ću ti novac sutra. I will give you the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. Той напъха писмото в джоба си. He shoved the letter into his pocket. He put the letter in his pocket. Тези чорапи имат дупки на петите. There are holes in the heels of these socks. These socks have holes in their heels. Тя запази тайната за себе си. She kept the secret to herself. She kept the secret to herself. Можеби Том ќе оди во Бостон со Мери. Tom might go to Boston with Mary. Maybe Tom will go to Boston with Mary. Том е џентлмен. Tom has been a gentleman. Tom's a gentleman. Зошто Том мора да оди во Бостон? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? Какво има в куфарчето? What's in the briefcase? What's in the case? Той ще дойде скоро. He will come soon. He'll be here soon. Ево њене слике. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. Tom je u garaži, radi na svom motociklu. Tom is in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Tom's in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Той е футболист. He is a soccer player. He's a football player. Zajtra môžem začať. I can start tomorrow. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Таа ја лизна лажицата. She licked the spoon. She slipped the spoon. Можеш да излезеш на крај. You can handle it. You can handle it. Мислев дека Том нема да сака да оди со нас. I thought Tom wouldn't want to go with us. I didn't think Tom would want to go with us. Трябва ли да отворя прозореца? Do I have to open the window? Do I have to open the window? Пробај го џемперов. Try on this sweater. Try this sweater. Што се реши? What did you decide? What's the solution? Могу и затворених очију. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can keep my eyes closed. Коя е любимата Ви топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Том тврди дека сака да научи француски. Tom says that he wants to learn French. Tom claims he wants to learn French. Полицијата ќе го истражи случајот. The police will investigate that case. The police will investigate the case. Она што не ме убива ме прави посилен. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Мери остави Том да я целуне. Mary let Tom kiss her. Mary let Tom kiss her. Му веруваш ли сега на Том? Do you trust Tom now? Do you trust Tom now? Ona je mlada studentkinja. She is a young student. She's a young student. Том няма да се откаже. Tom isn't giving up. Tom won't give up. Ще го пробвам пак. I will try it again. I'll try it again. Gašpar! Buffoon! Gaspar! Никој нема да те замара. No one will bother you. No one's gonna bother you. Ја презираме. We detest her. We despise her. Ми треба една минута. I just need a minute. I need a minute. Татко ми купи фотоапарат. Dad bought me a camera. My dad bought a camera. Чесен збор. I give you my word. That's an honest word. Ќе дојдат да ја бараат. They'll come looking for her. They'll come looking for her. Врати ми го тоа. Give it back to me. Give it back to me. Сам успя да влезе в училищния отбор по баскетбол. Sam made the school basketball team. Sam made it to the school basketball team. Утре вечерта свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Daj da ti pokažem gde da staviš to. Let me show you where to put that. Let me show you where to put it. Budi se u sedam ujutru. She gets up at seven in the morning. Wake up at seven in the morning. Ispekao sam hleb. I baked bread. I baked bread. Мисля, че ти си тази, която има нужда от помощ. I think you're the one who needs help. I think you're the one who needs help. Том сфаќа. Tom gets it. Tom understands. Нисам му рекао да си овде. I didn't tell him you're here. I didn't tell him you were here. Каде е тоалетот? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Mislim da sam debela. I think I'm fat. I think I'm fat. Nosi zlatno lanče oko vrata. She is wearing a gold necklace around her neck. He's wearing a gold chain around his neck. Отидоха ли си? Are they gone? Are they gone? Том делува поуздано. Tom seems dependable. Tom seems more reliable. Ne treba mi ništa. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Том је био веома уплашен. Tom was good and scared. Tom was very scared. Том не е като Мери. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom's not like Mary. С Майк сме приятели. I am friends with Mike. Mike and I are friends. Тој ја избегна опасноста. He avoided danger. He avoided the danger. Šta znaš o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? Том, мора да станеш. Tom, you've got to get up. Tom, you have to stop. Nisu potrebne reči. No words are necessary. You don't need words. Ќе ти треба помош. You're going to need help. You're gonna need help. Малко съм зает. I'm a little bit busy. I'm a little busy. Том не е баш закален. Tom isn't very tough. Tom's not a bad guy. Budi fin. Be nice. Be nice. Nemoj da prestaneš. Don't stop. Don't stop. Мери купи миризливи ќеси за ѓубре. Mary bought scented garbage bags. Mary bought a smelly garbage bag. Том ги собра срчите. Tom picked up the broken glass. Tom's got his hearts together. Kada povrediš druge, povređuješ i sebe. When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself. When you hurt others, you hurt yourself. Това е фазан. That's a pheasant. It's a pheasant. Klamal mi. Už mu nemôžem dôverovať. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. I don't know what he's talking about. Сигурен сум дека ќе го положи испитот што се ближи. I'm sure he'll pass the coming exam. I'm sure he'll pass the test that's coming up. Kupio sam neke knjige od knjižare. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought some books from the bookstore. Том збиваше. Tom is panting. Tom was a pain in the ass. Том што ќе прави сега? What'll Tom do now? Tom, what's he gonna do now? Ko želi da razgovara sa mnom? Who wants to talk to me? Who wants to talk to me? Мисля, че трябва да изчакаме, докато Том дойде тук. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. Том е седиран. Tom has been sedated. Tom's sedated. Ова е нов модел. This is a new model. This is a new model. Kuća je u njegovom posjedstvu. The house is owned by him. The house is in his possession. Ќе ве запознаам. I'll introduce you. I'll introduce you. Няма да сте само вие там. You won't be the only one there. It's not just you out there. Glava ga boli. He has a headache. His head hurts. Zar još nisi završio? Haven't you finished yet? Haven't you finished yet? Директорите не бяха склонни да поемат такъв риск. The directors were reluctant to undertake so risky a venture. The directors were not willing to take such a risk. Какво откри? What have you discovered? What'd you find? Používanie len "Tom" a "Mike" v mnohých vetách je veľmi čudné. Using only "Tom" and "Mike" in many sentences is very strange. It is known as the "Tom" and the "Mike" of the "Mike" of the "Mike" of the "Mich vetách". Обзалагам се, че ще стигна там преди теб. I bet I get there before you. I bet I'll get there before you do. Француски је тежак језик. French is a difficult language. French is a tough language. Каде отидовте со Том? Where did you go with Tom? Where did you and Tom go? Јеси ли срећан? Are you happy? Are you happy? On je čovek koji štedi na rečima. He is a man of few words. He's a man who saves on words. Mislila sam da si se već postarao za to. I thought you'd already taken care of that. I thought you already took care of it. Doprineo sam. I contributed. I've contributed. Tom je pokupio Meri. Tom picked Mary up. Tom picked up Mary. Не сум задоволен. I'm not satisfied. I'm not happy. Невъзможна си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Ништо не ми пречи тука. I don't mind it here. Nothing bothers me here. Da li si uspeo da uradiš to sam? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? Виждала съм ви преди. I've seen you before. I've seen you before. Чух Том и Мери да си говорят. I overheard Tom and Mary talking. I heard Tom and Mary talking. Опитах се да се държа човешки. I've tried to be reasonable. I tried to act human. Можеш ли то да докажеш? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? Tista ura je zelo lepa. That watch is very cool. That watch is very beautiful. Ja sam početnik. I'm a beginner. I'm a beginner. Има ли нешто специфично што сакаш да го видиш? Is there something in particular that you want to see? Is there anything specific you'd like to see? Имам други работи што би требало да ги правам. I have other things I need to be doing. I have other things I should be doing. Svi sem Toma znaju zašto ga je ostavila žena. Everybody but Tom knows why his wife left him. Everyone but Tom knows why his wife left him. Ова е дрвена маса. This is a wooden table. This is a wooden table. Pôjdeme pešo. We'll go on foot. Let's go on foot. Тој има много долгови. He has a lot of debts. He's got a lot of debts. Нанси се усмихна щастливо. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happy. Туѓинци се. They are outsiders. They're aliens. Разбра ли ме? Am I understood? Do you understand me? Полицията ще разследва престъплението. The police are going to investigate the crime. The police will investigate the crime. Bolje da uđemo unutra. We'd better get inside. We'd better get inside. Да си говорим честно. Let's talk turkey. Let's talk straight. Имам неща, за които трябва да се погрижа. I have things to attend to. I have things to take care of. Аз вземам пари назаем. I borrow money. I borrow money. Tom nam je stavio do znanja da ne želi da radi za nas. Tom made it clear that he didn't want to work for us. Tom made it clear he didn't want to work for us. Остави го ова тука. Leave this here. Leave this here. Беше несправедливо. It was unjust. It was unfair. Ќе се жалам ако ми се сака. I'll complain if I want to. I'll complain if I want to. Ми о вуку, а вук на врата. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. We're talking about the wolf and the wolf at the door. Млад човек је често непромишљен. The young man is often foolhardy. A young man is often thoughtless. Policija nije odbacila mogućnost samoubistva. The police haven't ruled out suicide. The police haven't ruled out the possibility of suicide. Би се согласил со тоа. I'd agree with that. I'd agree with that. Не се издржува жештинава. It's unbearably hot. You can't hold on to this heat. Том не ми кажал дека не знае да плива. Tom never told me he didn't know how to swim. Tom didn't tell me he couldn't swim. Се прашувам зошто се зедовме. I wonder why we got married. I wonder why we got married. Имате ли нещо против да отворите прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind opening the window? Hočeš li ugasiti svjetlo? Will you turn on the light? Will you turn off the light? Zoološki vrt je zatvoren ponedeljkom. The zoo is closed on Mondays. The zoo is closed on Mondays. Не реагирам добро на закани. I don't respond well to threats. I don't respond well to threats. Не сакам да го вмешаме Том во ова. I don't want Tom involved in this. I don't want Tom involved in this. Obaveštavaću te. I'll keep you updated. I'll keep you posted. Може би греша. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Колкото и да е богата, тя не е щастлива. For all her riches, she's not happy. No matter how rich she is, she's not happy. Той вдигна ръцете си. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Ништо не ми изгледа вистинско. Nothing seems real. Nothing seems real to me. Не ме бива за математика. I'm not good at math. I'm not good at math. Само погледни се. Just look at yourself. Just look at you. Дали сѐ беше само сон? Was it all a dream? Was it all just a dream? Мислиш ли да ходиш в Токио утре? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Are you going to Tokyo tomorrow? Никой не заслужава това. Nobody deserves that. No one deserves that. Ne mogu naći svoj kofer. I can't find my suitcase. I can't find my suitcase. Изговорот ти е горе-долу точен. Your pronunciation is more or less correct. Your excuse is right up and down. Почео је да се дере. He began to shout. He started yelling. Раде заједно. They work together. They work together. Bio je to dobar šešir. That was a good hat. It was a good hat. Има три различни вида хора по света: тези, които могат да броят, и тези, които не могат. There are three different types of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't. There are three different kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't. Косата ти е лом. You hair is a mess. Your hair is broken. Мисля, че сте перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Добро би ми дошла помош со ова. I'd love some help on this. I could use some help with this. Том ја фати топката. Tom caught the ball. Tom's got the ball. Мисля, че и двете трябва да си тръгнем. I think we both should leave. I think we should both leave. Само гласно размишљам. I'm just thinking out loud. I'm just thinking loudly. Тя не ми върна парите. She didn't give me my money back. She didn't give me my money back. Няма да трае повече от два или три часа. I won't be more than two or three hours. It won't take more than two or three hours. Ova karta vrijedi mjesec dana. This ticket holds good for a month. This map is worth a month. Tom je pokrenuo automobil. Tom started the car. Tom started the car. Беше завършена. It's been completed. It was finished. Напук на нея реших да го направя. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. I decided to do it to her. Том си замина на точак. Tom took off on his bike. Tom's gone to the wheel. Можеме да ти најдеме помош. We can get you help. We can get you help. Не сум пациент. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. Ќе одиш со мене и точка! You'll go with me. Full stop! You'll come with me and dot! Има некој во мојата соба. Someone's in my room. There's someone in my room. Ја замолив да игра со мене. I asked her to dance. I asked her to dance with me. Какви биле твоите наставници? What were your teachers like? What were your teachers like? Dosta mi je svega. I've had enough. I've had enough of this. Том не го виде. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see him. Някой трябва да отиде за помощ. Somebody has to go for help. Someone's got to go get help. Невин си. You're innocent. You're innocent. Тужан си. You're sad. You're sad. Дај ѝ малку приватност. Give her some privacy. Give her some privacy. Izađi odatle. Come out of there. Get out of there. Виждал съм го това. I've seen that. I've seen this. Да говориш на френски е голяма забава. Speaking French is a lot of fun. Talking in French is a big party. Ќе одам во Бостон идната недела. I'm going to Boston next week. I'm going to Boston next week. Otvori vrata! Open the door! Open the door! Един момент. Не съм решил. Just a moment. I haven't made up my mind. Wait a minute, I haven't decided. Zbunjen sam. I'm baffled. I'm confused. Vodim te na ples. I'm taking you dancing. I'm taking you dancing. Знам за това изследване. I know about that research. I know about this research. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. Том каза, че ще дойдете. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Keďže nevieme nájsť nič lepšie, spravme to najlepšie z toho, čo máme. Since we can't find a better one, let's make the best of what we have. Kége ne veyème nájsä no more beautiful, make this the most beautiful with toho, ème. Ne brini, mogu ja to. Don't worry, I can take it. Don't worry, I can do it. Bio je golih prsa i bos. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was naked and barefoot. Kakvu hranu voliš da kuvaš? What kind of food do you like to cook? What kind of food do you like to cook? Камоли да ја имав камерата со себе. I just wish I had my camera. Let alone if I had the camera with me. Ханако е израсла по-висока от майка си. Hanako grew taller than her mother. Hanako grew taller than her mother. Eno veliko porcijo riža prosim. I'd like a large portion of rice, please. One large portion of rice, please. Не мораш да ми кажеш два пута. You don't have to tell me twice. You don't have to tell me twice. Тоа е наша тајна. That's our secret. It's our secret. Том го пропушти. Tom missed it. Tom missed it. Димот се крева во воздухот. The smoke is rising in the air. The smoke rises in the air. Јас всушност работам тука. I actually work here. I actually work here. Том примами мишката от дупката на стената с парченце хляб. Tom coaxed the mouse out of the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom lured the mouse from the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Neću da pitam Toma da uradi to. I'm not going to ask Tom to do that. I'm not gonna ask Tom to do that. Moja staršia dcéra je Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. My parents dcéra is Magdalen Zaróbówn. Не разбирам какво имаш предвид. I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. Тази сутрин е твърде студена за юни месец. It is a cold morning for June. This morning it's too cold for June. Тя е най-скучното момиче което някога съм познавал. She is the most boring girl I ever knew. She's the most boring girl I've ever known. Том се задави. Tom started to choke. Tom choked. Pokušaćemo na vaš način. We'll try it your way. We'll try it your way. Iskreno se nadam da će se Tomova predviđanja ostvariti. I sincerely hope that Tom's predictions are going to come true. I sincerely hope Tom's predictions come true. Гледај го димон. Look at that smoke. Look at the diamond. Дрвото плови. Wood floats. The tree sails. Tom ima dobrog mentora. Tom had a good mentor. Tom's got a good mentor. Боб ми е приятел. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. У мом почетку је мој крај. In my beginning is my end. In my beginning, it's my end. Vývoz stoupl o třicet miliard dolarů. The exports increased by 30 billion dollars. It's a buy-in of a billion dollars. Казвам се Емили. My name is Emily. My name's Emily. Oslobođen je vojne službe. He is exempt from the military service. He's been released from military service. Може ли да отворя прозореца? May I open the window? Can I open the window? Му се улизува на шефот. He sucks up to his boss. He's licking his boss. Тоа е просто глупаво. That's just stupid. It's just stupid. Дано за тебе нещата да се оправят, Том. I hope it works out for you, Tom. I hope things work out for you, Tom. За мен една среща следобед е по-добър вариант. An afternoon appointment is more convenient for me. For me, an afternoon meeting is a better option. Зарем никогаш не ѝ се јавуваш? Don't you ever call her? Don't you ever call her? Tom će pozvati. Tom'll call. Tom's gonna call. Ja nisam napisao ovo. I wasn't the one who wrote this. I didn't write this. Том още не може да пише. Tom can't write yet. Tom can't write yet. Навистина сме добри. We're really good. We're really good. Многу луѓе ловат. Many people hunt. A lot of people hunt. Voleo bih da odem. I'd love to go. I'd like to leave. Iznenađena sam što nisi znao da Tom zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom could speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom knew French. Си го читал ли ова? Have you read this yet? Have you read this? Ние не сме сигурни какво се е случило. We're not sure what happened. We're not sure what happened. Нямаха друг избор, освен да я чакат. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. They had no choice but to wait for her. Сите беа толку зафатени. Everyone was so busy. They were all so busy. Сакам да бидам таксист. I want to be a taxi driver. I want to be a cab driver. Nikad se ne zna šta će se dogoditi sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Носиш ли оръжие? Are you armed? Are you carrying a gun? Кошницата беше пълна с ягоди. The basket was filled with strawberries. The hive was full of strawberries. Naoko živi u bijeloj kući. Naoko lives in the white house. He lives in the white house. Си требал прво да ја прашаш. You should've asked her first. You should have asked her first. Samo mi reci da si dobro. Just tell me you're OK. Just tell me you're okay. Погорд си и од паун. You are prouder than a peacock. You're prouder than a spider. Ухваћена је на делу. She was caught red handed. She's caught in the act. Šest je mongolskih rečenica na Tatoebi zasada. There are six sentences in Mongolian in Tatoeba as of now. There are six Mongolian sentences on Tatoeba for now. Сакам да бидеш со мене. I want you with me. I want you to be with me. Mogao bih da te ubijem sada. I could kill you now. I could kill you now. Skoro smo gotovi. We're almost done. We're almost done. Нико ником више не верује. No one trusts anyone anymore. No one trusts anyone anymore. Prestanite da pokušavate da me napravite krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Добро увек побеђује зло. Good always wins over evil. Good always wins evil. Да престанеме да се залажуваме. Let's stop fooling ourselves. Let's stop fooling around. Tom neće moći da odgovori na ova pitanja. Tom won't be able to answer those questions. Tom won't be able to answer these questions. Tom je zahtevao povećanje. Tom put in for a raise. Tom demanded an increase. Трябва да купя една от тези. I must buy one of these. I have to buy one of these. Želim ići kući i zato plačem I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. Kde sa stretneme? Where are we going to meet? Where do you think you're going? Готов сум со тоа. I'm finished with it. I'm done with that. Защо не вдигнеш? Why don't you answer? Why don't you pick it up? Ја нисам заборавио. I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten. Сакам да знам што преземаш за да го најдеш Том. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. On često citira Shakespeara. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quotes Shakespeare. Имате ли някакви френски списания? Do you have any French magazines? Do you have any French magazines? Не ми се допаѓа вкусот на кромид. I don't like the taste of onions. I don't like the taste of onions. Мислам дека Том не знае како се прави тоа. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. Не ни беше лесно. It hasn't been easy for us. It wasn't easy for us. Повторно ми ја повишија платата. They gave me another raise. They raised my salary again. Майк обича да играе баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Tom je ranije vozio autobus. Tom used to drive a bus. Tom used to drive a bus. Да, па? Yes, so? Yeah, well? Brokula je jedna od najzdravijih vrsta povrća. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. Broccoli is one of the healthiest kind of vegetables. Da li si pojela nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Tomovo samopouzdanje je razbijeno kada ga je šef skinuo pred njegovim kolegama. Tom's self-confidence was shattered after his boss dressed him down in front of his workmates. Tom's confidence was shattered when his boss took it off in front of his colleagues. Plávam v oceáne. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm swimming in my eyes. Znaš li da je Tom ikada slagao? Have you ever known Tom to lie? Did you know Tom ever lied? Како би ја опишал? How would you describe her? How would you describe her? Каква е температурата сега? What's the temperature now? What's the temperature now? Moj je, nije njegov. It's mine, not his. It's mine. It's not his. Dođi ovamo. Come here. Come here. Правилата се следниве. These are the rules. The rules are as follows. Прегладнет сум. I'm starved. I'm starving. Zasad sam video dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough so far. Не си заслужава много да се обсъжда. It is hardly worth discussing. It's not worth much to discuss. Том е навистина раздразнет. Tom is really peeved. Tom's really upset. Мислев дека би можеле да ти помогнеме. I thought we could help you. I thought we could help you. Бев во полусон. I was half asleep. I was half asleep. Пешачиме до школо заедно. We walk to school together. We walk to school together. Nikad ranije nisam primetila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Това животно е много интелигентно. This animal is very intelligent. This animal is very intelligent. Ќе одиш ли? Will you go? Will you go? Не би требало да биде претешко да го завршиме извештајот до 2:30. Finishing the report by 2:30 shouldn't be too difficult. It shouldn't be too hard to finish the report by 2:30. Dekleta so se naglas zasmejala. The girls laughed loudly. The girls laughed out loud. Прочел съм много най-различни книги. I've read many kinds of books. I've read a lot of different books. Nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Се уште не знам како се прави тоа. I still don't know how to do that. I still don't know how to do that. Винаги си добра. You're always good. You're always good. Ти ли си новият асистент? Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? Teška je. It's difficult. It's heavy. Moje celé meno je Ricardo Vernaut, mladší. My full name is Ricardo Vernaut, Junior. My cello is Ricardo Vernaut, Jr. И потоа се случи нешто чудесно. And then something amazing happened. And then something wonderful happened. Tom ne bi bio zadovoljan. Tom wouldn't be pleased. Tom wouldn't be pleased. Nemirna sam. I'm restless. I'm restless. Цената на живота се покачва. The cost of living is rising. The cost of life rises. Imaš li parfem? Are you wearing perfume? Do you have perfume? Do Turecka sa dováža veľa tovaru z Poľska. There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey. To Tureck with more binding cargo than Požeska. Александър написа няколко изречения на берберски. Alexander wrote some sentences in Berber. Alexander wrote a few sentences in barberish. Да им дадеме отказ. Let's fire them. Let's fire them. Том је сигурно имао кључ. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had a key. Никогаш ништо не велам, иако ме нервира. I never say anything, even though it gets on my nerves. I never say anything, even though it pisses me off. Tom se predstavio. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Седемте въпроса, които трябва да си зададе един инженер, са: кой, какво, кога, къде, защо, как и колко. The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much. The seven questions to be asked by an engineer are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how. Moraćete da pitate Toma. You'll have to ask Tom. You'll have to ask Tom. Еве ти го пудингот. Here's your pudding. Here's your pudding. Дотук добре. So far, so good. That's good. Tom me je pitao da li može da koristi moj računar. Tom asked me if he could use my computer. Tom asked me if he could use my computer. Каква е минималната заплата във Финландия? What's the minimum salary in Finland? What's the minimum wage in Finland? Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Том ја навреди Мери. Tom insulted Mary. Tom insulted Mary. Зошто накривнуваш? Why are you limping? Why are you making such a big deal out of it? Можеби ќе биде тешко. It may be hard. Maybe it'll be hard. Trčaćemo u parku. We'll run in the park. We'll run in the park. Šta doktor misli da nije u redu sa tvojim ramenom? What does the doctor think is wrong with your shoulder? What does the doctor think is wrong with your shoulder? Том, дали сѐ уште ме љубиш? Tom, do you still love me? Tom, do you still love me? Имаш ли някакво вино? Do you have some wine? Do you have any wine? Da li si pričao o meni? Were you talking about me? Did you talk about me? Da li si bio u nezgodi? Were you in an accident? Were you in an accident? Veliki broj reči pozajmljene su iz stranih jezika. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. A large number of words are borrowed from foreign languages. Невероятно! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Имам своја теорија. I have my own theory. I have my own theory. Треба да се спакувам. I should get packed. I need to pack. Без алата нема заната. You can't make bricks without straw. No tools, no craft. U Africi ima puno lavova. In Africa there are many lions. There's a lot of lions in Africa. Никой не знае обича ли я той, или не. No one knows if he loves her or not. No one knows whether he loves her or not. Sada sam pomalo zabrinuta. I'm a bit worried now. Now I'm a little worried. Aviokompanija će se pobrinuti da pošalje Vaš prtljag sve do konačnog odredišta što pre, ili kasnije ako tako želi putnik. The airline makes sure to send luggage all the way to the final destination as soon as possible, or at a later date, at the passenger's choice. The airline will make sure to send your luggage all the way to the final destination as soon as possible, or later if that's what the passenger wants. Не ми го зашеќерувај кафето. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't sugar my coffee. Што те доведе тука? What brought you here? What brings you here? Пушти ми ја косата. Let go of my hair. Let go of my hair. Преподава ли се френски в началните училища? Is French taught in elementary schools? Is French taught in primary schools? Том е веќе таму. Tom is there already. Tom's already there. Настојувам. I'm putting my foot down. I insist. На сладки ли ми мирише? Do I smell cookies? Do I smell sweets? Какво те кара да мислиш, че няма да мога да го направя? What makes you think I won't be able to do it? What makes you think I won't be able to do that? Имам многу за правење. I've got plenty to do. I've got a lot to do. Си го исеков прстот. I've cut my finger. I cut my finger. Дан го посети ресторанот минатото лето. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Предварително ви благодаря за съдействието. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Тя носи красива рокля. She got a beautiful dress on. She's wearing a beautiful dress. Nikoli ne vem, kaj reči ljudem, ki ne poznajo niti najosnovnejših dejstev, a se tega sploh ne zavedajo. I never know what to say to people who have absolutely no grasp of the basic facts and are too ignorant to realise it. I never know what to say to people who don't even know the most basic facts, but they don't even realize it. Vjerujem znanosti. I trust science. I believe in science. Razumijem. I understood. I understand. Ќе бидам во својата лабораторија. I'll be in my lab. I'll be in my lab. Донесе ли фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a fan? Ja som ten, kto je chorý. I'm the one who's sick. I am tan, which is chorý. Vy ste originálni. You're original. You're a source. Нямам никаква представа какво правя тук. I have no idea what I'm doing here. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Треба да ги нахранам. I need to feed them. I need to feed them. Tom je počeo da uči Francuski prošle godine. Tom started learning French last year. Tom started learning French last year. Това отново ще ти потрябва. You'll need this again. You're gonna need that again. Нямам представа пред какво съм изправен. I have no idea what I'm up against. I have no idea what I'm up against. Sekretar Sjedinjenih država Džon Keri polomio je desnu butnu kost u biciklističkoj nezgodi u nedelju u Francuskoj. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. Secretary of the United States John Carrie broke his right femur in a cyclist accident in France on Sunday. Olej nie je všetko, Charley! Oil is not everything, Charley! It's not a waste of time, Charley! Смешно е. It's funny. It's funny. Недостаје ми. I miss him. I miss him. Сега го прават тоа. They're doing it now. They're doing it now. Vrijeme ostaje loše. The weather stayed bad. Time stays bad. Ta torba je moja. That bag is mine. That bag is mine. Gledaš AnnoZero, eh? You're watching AnnoZero, eh? You're watching AnnoZero, eh? Изглежда си си вързвърнал самообладанието. It looks like you've regained your confidence. You seem to have regained your self-control. Той вдигна ръце. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Том го интересира француска историја. Tom is interested in French history. Tom is interested in French history. Би требало рано да си легнеш. You should go to bed early. You should go to bed early. Trajalo je oko godinu dana. It lasted about a year. It took about a year. Разбојниците му ја врзаа устата. The bandits put a gag in his mouth. The bandits tied his mouth. Не ви мразя. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Што пиеш? What're you drinking? What are you drinking? Те не можаха да убият Том. They couldn't kill Tom. They couldn't kill Tom. Лажна трага е тоа. It's a red herring. It's a false clue. Том е најпаметниот човек што го познавам. Tom is the smartest person I know. Tom is the smartest man I know. Да започваме. Let's start. Let's get started. Kupio sam knjigu. I bought a book. I bought a book. Nemal som obed. I didn't have lunch. He didn't have a catfish meal. Znam. I know. I know. Не обичам филмите. I don't like movies. I don't like movies. Има ли някакви въпроси? Are there any questions? Any questions? Tom se trudi da pomogne. Tom is trying to be helpful. Tom's trying to help. Sreća je bila na našoj strani. Luck was on our side. Luck was on our side. Брайън остави вратата отворена. Brian left the door open. Brian left the door open. Ревнувате ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Трябваше да отхвърлиш едно толкова несправедливо предложение. You should've rejected such an unfair proposal. You should have rejected such an unfair proposal. Blázon! Lunatic! Blázon! Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да се обадя на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Јави ни се. Call us. Call us. Мисля, че Том е сериозен. I think Tom is serious. I think Tom's serious. Направих се, че не знам кой е Том. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. I thought I didn't know who Tom was. Водата светка на сонце. Water glitters in the sunlight. The water shines in the sun. Krvácala som. I was bleeding. Bleeding catfish. Тя ѝ е приятелка. She is her friend. She's a friend of hers. Те обзаведоха библиотеката с нови книги. They furnished the library with new books. They built the library with new books. Kto je váš obľúbený kanadský hudobník? Who's your favorite Canadian musician? What is your name? Sramotiš je. You're embarrassing her. You're embarrassing her. To nije važno. That's unimportant. It doesn't matter. Няма да кажа на никого. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. Ќе помагам во потрагата по Том. I'll help find Tom. I'm gonna help find Tom. Прекарах си хубаво. That was a good time. I had a good time. Mora da sam pojeo nešto loše. I must've eaten something bad. I must have eaten something bad. Izgledaš vrlo blijedo. You look very pale. You look very pale. Достатъчно горещо ли е за плуване? Is it hot enough to go swimming? Is it hot enough to swim? Видях, че Джеси беше застанал там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. Musíš poslúchať len pár pravidiel, aby si sa vyhla nepríjemným dôsledkom. You have to follow a few rules to avoid unpleasant results. Musíš poslúchañ len pár pradiel, aby with vyhla nepremním dôdek. Tom zostal v Austrálii. Tom stayed in Australia. Tom left in Austrália. В гимназията френският ми беше любимият предмет. In high school, French was my favorite subject. In high school, French was my favorite subject. Човекът е единственото животно, използващо огън. Man is the only fire-using animal. The man is the only animal using fire. Този вид грешки са неизбежни. These kinds of mistakes are inevitable. This kind of mistake is inevitable. To je bilo nešto što je dovelo do bujice novih ideja. It was something which brought a stream of new ideas. It was something that led to a series of new ideas. Оваа реченица може да се протолкува на повеќе различни начини, коишто требаше да ги земам предвид при преведувањето. This sentence allows for multiple interpretations that I had to consider when translating. This sentence can be interpreted in many different ways, which I should have taken into account in translation. Какво искаше Том? What did Tom want? What did Tom want? Odlično mi je. I'm having a blast. I'm doing great. Једноставност је највиши ниво префињености. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity is the highest level of refinement. Виждам съм това момиче преди. I have seen that girl before. I've seen this girl before. Не трябва ли да тръгваш? Shouldn't you be going? Don't you have to go? Том не беше дома кога јас навратив. Tom wasn't at home when I dropped by. Tom wasn't home when I came by. Kto zostal? Who stayed? What's left? Јас сум токму со оној со когошто сакам да бидам. I'm with exactly who I want to be with. I'm with exactly who I want to be with. Мисля, че сме роднини. I think we're related. I think we're related. Je to biele ako sneh. It is white as snow. Is that a bile if I'm snowing. Arabčina je krásny jazyk. Arabic is a beautiful language. The Arab is a krásny jasyk. В училище учим френски всеки ден. We study French at school every day. At school, we learn French every day. Така се случи, че я познавах лично. It happened that I knew her by sight. That's how it happened that I knew her personally. Го мразам училиштево. I hate this school. I hate this school. Како се каже XXX на холандском језику? How do you say XXX in Dutch? How do you say XXX in Dutch? Погоди што правев синоќа. Guess what I did last night. Guess what I did last night. Tom je to čuvao kao tajnu. Tom kept it a secret. Tom kept it a secret. Разбрах защо Том беше закъснял. I found out why Tom was late. I figured out why Tom was late. Колку време има откако умре Том? How long's it been since Tom died? How long since Tom died? Недей да напълняваш. Don't get fat. Don't fill it up. Pýtaš sa nesprávnu otázku. You're asking the wrong question. You're with an unprepared island. Нямахте друг избор, освен да я чакате. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. You had no choice but to wait for her. Ko je ovaj čovjek? Who is this person? Who is this man? Колко години си учила френски? How many years have you studied French? How many years have you studied French? Ја отвори вратата, иако му бев кажал да не ја отвора. He opened the door, though I told him not to. He opened the door, even though I told him not to open it. Купувах книги от книжарницата. I was buying some books from the bookstore. I was buying books from the bookstore. Ignorišite ih. Ignore them. Ignore them. Тук се чувствам по-сигурна. I feel safer here. I feel safer here. Учудвам се, че Том не спомена Мери. I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary. I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary. Мисля, че Том беше роден в Бостън. I think Tom was born in Boston. I think Tom was born in Boston. Сакавме да зборуваме за него. We wanted to talk about him. We wanted to talk about him. Някои жени изглеждат по-скоро мъжествено, отколкото женствено. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Децата често са нетърпеливи и неспокойни. Children are often impatient and restless. Children are often impatient and restless. Отсега нататък ще уча по френски по-сериозно. I'll study French harder from now on. From now on, I'm going to learn French more seriously. Мојата душа не е човечка, бидејќи е од друга димензија. My soul is not human as it is from another dimension. My soul is not human, because it's from another dimension. Ќе те почекам тука. I'm going to wait here for you. I'll wait for you here. На Том му беше наистина студено. Tom was really cold. Tom was really cold. Тие не сакаат народот да биде независен. They do not want the people to be independent. They don't want the people to be independent. Би сакал ли да гледаме телевизија? Would you like to watch TV? Would you like to watch TV? Испекла сам језик. I burnt my tongue. I baked my tongue. Ne mogu da se zamislim dok radim to. I can't imagine doing that. I can't imagine doing that. Истинския учен не би изопачил фактите. A true scientist would not distort facts. A real scientist wouldn't distort the facts. Tretiraju me kao da sam dete. They're treating me like a child. They treat me like I'm a child. Филмът не беше толкова интересен, колкото книгата. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. Той е роден и израснал в Токио. He was born and raised in Tokyo. He was born and raised in Tokyo. Няколко човека посетиха срещата. Few people attended the meeting. A few people visited the meeting. Nemoj da piješ vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Videćeš nju. You'll see her. You'll see her. Samo hoću da jedem nešto. I just want to get something to eat. I just want to eat something. Plašim se. I'm afraid. I'm scared. Том ми најде работа. Tom found me a job. Tom got me a job. Трябва да си плащаш наема предварително. You should pay your rent in advance. You have to pay your rent in advance. Всичките им тайни бяха разкрити. All their secrets have been revealed. All their secrets were revealed. Щастлив е онзи мъж, който се ожени за добра жена. Happy is a man who marries a good wife. Happy is that man who married a good woman. Добро, ја сфаќам замислата. OK, I get the idea. Okay, I get the idea. Nisu svi mogli da čuju šta je Tom rekao. Not everyone could hear what Tom said. Not everyone could hear what Tom said. Бетер беше. It was worse. It was Peter. То баш не личи на тебе. That doesn't sound like you. That doesn't look like you. Trgovina igračaka je zatvorena. The toy store is closed. The toy store is closed. Веќе не сум сигурен. I'm not sure anymore. I'm not sure anymore. Том, който беше работил цял ден, искаше да си почине. Tom, having worked all day, wanted to take a rest. Tom, who'd been working all day, wanted to rest. Ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. Къде е входът за музея? Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? Hej! Hey! Hey! Molim te, zapisuj sve što budem rekao. Please write down everything I say. Please write down everything I say. Уназаден си. You've been demoted. You're backwards. Това не може да се случи. That won't happen. That can't happen. Зашто се понашаш овако? Why are you acting this way? Why are you acting like this? Ne mogu da se suzdržim. I can't help myself. I can't help it. Том и Мери се ожениха три години, след като се запознаха. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Tom and Mary got married three years after they met. Снегът беше до коляно. The snow was knee deep. The snow was up to its knees. Tom i Meri uživaju u šetnji duž puta hodočašća u Francuskoj. Tom and Mary are enjoying a walk along the pilgrims' trail in France. Tom and Mary enjoy a walk along the pilgrimage to France. Ti si me lagao, zar ne? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Baš je svetlo. It's really bright. It's so bright. Ги поткупив. I bribed them. I bribed them. Мисля, че Том може да е болен. I think Tom may be sick. I think Tom might be sick. Като порасна, ще се омъжа за Том. When I grow up, I'm going to get married to Tom. When I grow up, I'm gonna marry Tom. Изгелда имаш инфекција. You seem to have an infection. You seem to have an infection. Hajde da popijemo nešto! Let's drink something. Let's have a drink! Том много чита. Tom is a bookworm. Tom reads a lot. Те баравме. We were looking for you. We've been looking for you. Imao sam viziju. I had a vision. I had a vision. Знаев дека е вистинско. I knew it was real. I knew it was real. Јас ја направив салатата. Ти се допаѓа ли? I made the salad. Did you like it? I made the salad. Странно, нали? Трябваше вече да сме пристигнали. Odd, isn't it? We should have already arrived. That's weird, isn't it? Моля, напиши го. Please, write it down. Please write it down. Tom je mogao da objasni to. Tom could explain that. Tom could explain that. Дали си вегетаријанец? Are you vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Ќе можевме да се снајдеме. We could've managed. We could've gotten by. Тоа ми е планот. That's my plan. That's my plan. Вие не можете да говорите английски, нали? You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? Ватра се проширила на суседну зграду пре него што су пристигли ватрогасци. The fire had spread to the next building before the firemen came. The fire spread to the next building before the firemen arrived. Tom brzo misli. Tom is a fast thinker. Tom thinks fast. Аз наистина го искам. I really do want that. I really want it. Dođi ostani sa mnom. Come stay with me. Come stay with me. Zdravo. Hi. Hello. Той възрази срещу плана ѝ. He objected to our plan. He objected to her plan. Ljudi su nekada pisali knjige kucaćim mašinama. People used to write books using typewriters. People used to write books on typewriters. Линијарот е краток. The ruler is short. Liner's short. Опитвала ли си всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Многу ли знаеш за нас? Do you know much about us? Do you know much about us? Влези и седни. Come in and sit down. Come in and sit down. Решихте ли какво искате да поръчате? Have you decided what you want to order? Have you decided what you'd like to order? Изглежда дъждовният сезон ще започне по-следващата седмица. It looks like the rainy season is going to start after next week. Looks like the rainy season's about to start next week. Šta nije u redu sa tobom? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Svi su se smijali. Everybody laughed. Everyone laughed. Tom je i dalje frustriran. Tom is still frustrated. Tom's still frustrated. Нямаше забавяне. There was no delay. There was no delay. Je dvanásť hodín. It's twelve o'clock. It is a dunásó walkín. Kako čudno! How strange! How strange! Не се сити. Don't gloat. It's not City. Tom je rekao da mu treba novac. Tom said that he needed the money. Tom said he needed the money. Може ли да отчетеш всички пари, които си похарчил по време на пътуването си? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Опаковай го, ако обичаш? Please wrap it up. Pack it, please? Njegovo mišljenje je razumno. His opinion is reasonable. His opinion is reasonable. Преди в този район имаше музей на изкуствата. There used to be an art museum in this neighborhood. There was a museum of art in this area before. Nepozeráš sa! You are not looking! You don't suck! Све се одиграло муњевитом брзином. Everything happened at lightning speed. It all happened at lightning speed. Тази земя е на Том. This land belongs to Tom. This land belongs to Tom. Ти се верува ли тоа? Can you believe that? Do you believe that? Мисля, че трябва да извикаме Том. I think we should call Tom. I think we should call Tom. Том држеше пијалак во рака. Tom had a drink in his hand. Tom had a drink in his hand. Јас не овулирам. I don't ovulate. I'm not ovulating. Том е човекът, който ми показа как да го направя. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's the guy who showed me how to do it. Бих искала да преведеш този документ на френски. I'd like you to translate this document into French. I'd like you to translate this document into French. Том пека за внимание. Tom craves attention. Tom bakes for attention. Том е водачот. Tom is the leader. Tom's the leader. Приключихме ли? Are we finished? Are we done? Том е човекът, който ми каза за него. Tom is the one who told me about it. Tom's the guy who told me about him. To je treći grad, po veličini, u Srbiji. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. It is the third city, by size, in Serbia. Да не прекъснах нещо важно? Did I interrupt something important? Did I interrupt something important? Позволи ми да ти помогна. Let me help you out. Let me help you. Не го повредив Том јас. I'm not the one who hurt Tom. I didn't hurt Tom. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Таа го купи тоа во месарница. She bought it at the butcher's. She bought it in a butcher shop. У том случају, идемо. In that case, let's go. In that case, let's go. Изгледа не доаѓа во обѕир да го прашаме Том. I guess asking Tom to help is out of the question. I guess it's not like we're asking Tom. Том мислеш дека би претпочитал сина. Tom thought you'd prefer a blue one. Tom, you think I'd rather have a son. Във френския има ли подобен израз? Does French have a similar expression? Is there a similar expression in French? Забравих да заключа вратата. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. На борбата навидум не и се ближи крајот. The battle doesn't seem to be nearing an end. The struggle doesn't seem to end. Да или не? Yes or no? Yes or no? Hajde, daj mi to. Come on, give it to me. Come on, give me that. Изнервирао сам га. I pissed him off. I pissed him off. Не треба да го убедам. I don't need to convince him. I don't need to convince him. Treba da budemo realistični. We need to be realistic. We need to be realistic. Така вели Том. That's what Tom says. That's what Tom says. Bio bih nesrećan, ali ne bih počinio samoubistvo. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't commit suicide. Том остави Мери да го целуне. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom let Mary kiss him. Това е моята книга. That's my book. That's my book. Том обичаше да пее, но никой не искаше да го слуша как пее. Tom loved to sing, but nobody wanted to listen to his singing. Tom liked to sing, but nobody wanted to hear him sing. Надявам се да е добро. I hope it's good. I hope he's okay. Реших, че може да си ми ядосана. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Nekoliko stabala je palo za vreme oluje u našoj okolini. Several trees blew down in our neighborhood during the storm. A few trees fell during a storm in our area. Tom se odlučio za "protiv". Tom decided against it. Tom opted for "against." Zašto? What for? Why? Каков пар се! What a pair they make! They're such a couple! Još se nisu probudili. They still haven't woken up. They haven't woken up yet. Каде купува Том? Where does Tom shop? Where does Tom buy it? Том е ранен! Повикайте линейка! Tom is hurt! Call an ambulance! Tom's hurt! Stratil sa bezostopy. He's disappeared without a trace. Stratil with imposterity. Тези не ги пипай! Don't touch these. Don't touch those! Bojim se. I'm afraid. I'm scared. Da li si videla Tomovu sobu? Have you seen Tom's room? Did you see Tom's room? Кой град е това? Which town is this? What city is this? Познаваш ли брат му? Do you know his brother? Do you know his brother? Vreme je sončno. The weather is sunny. It's sunny weather. Не съм Ви виждал няколко седмици. I haven't seen you in weeks. I haven't seen you in weeks. Какво Ви накара да мислите така? What made you think so? What made you think that? Подозирам, че сте прави. I guess you are right. I suspect you're right. Защо не отговаряш? Why don't you answer? Why aren't you answering? Моля те, запази тази тайна. Please keep this secret. Please keep that secret. Hajde da porazgovaramo o mogućnostima. Let's discuss our options. Let's talk about options. Tko te napravio? Who created you? Who made you? Pozvao sam ga. I called him. I called him. Ovo će nam mnogo olakšati psoao. This will make our job a lot easier. This will make our dog so much easier. Дали това е жребец, или кобила? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a stallion or a mare? Тој и неговите сестри јадеа сладолед додека радиото беше пуштено. He and his sisters ate ice cream while the radio was on. He and his sisters ate ice cream while the radio was playing. Ми требаш на секунда. I need you for just a second. I need you for a second. Мисля, че не беше права. I think you were wrong. I don't think you were right. Бегај! Run for it! Run! Не ме гледай така, нищо лошо не съм направил. Don't look at me that way, I haven't done anything bad. Don't look at me like that. I didn't do anything wrong. Помеѓу мене и Том е свршено. I'm through with Tom. Between me and Tom, it's over. To više ne igra nikakvu ulogu. It's not important anymore. It doesn't play any part anymore. Забравих да питам. I forgot to ask. I forgot to ask. Изглеждаш добре, Том. You look fine, Tom. You look good, Tom. Изглежда, че ще вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. Looks like it's gonna snow. Веома је образован. He is very learned. He's very educated. Нема му равног. He is second to none. There's no match for him. Zašto Tom nosi mantil? Why is Tom wearing a coat? Why is Tom wearing a coat? "Da li ti je bolje?" "Ne, lošije mi je." "Are you feeling better?" "No, I feel worse." "Are you feeling better?" "No, I'm getting worse." Моля напуснете незабавно. Please leave right away. Please leave immediately. Какво искаш? What do you want? What do you want? Не се ли радваш да ме видиш? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you happy to see me? Pracoval tak veľa, že si zničil zdravie. He worked so hard that he ruined his health. You've been practicing such a relationship, you've already run out of health care. Опитът ни учи, че хората никога не научават нищо от опита си. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. Experience teaches us that people never learn anything from their experience. Не можеше да ги избегнат. There was no avoiding them. They couldn't have been avoided. Иако Џејн имаше еден куфер помалку од мене, се пожали дека имала премногу за носење. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Even though Jane had one case smaller than me, she complained that she had too much to carry. Аз имам кестеняви коси. I have brown hair. I've got brown hair. Някои хора казват, че френски се учи лесно. Some people say French is easy to learn. Some people say French is easy to learn. Бићеш славна. You're going to be famous. You'll be famous. Кој го донел ова? Who brought this? Who brought this? Може ли да го видя? Can I see that? Can I see him? Hajde da ručamo ovde. Let's have lunch here. Let's have lunch here. Гнасно беше. It was disgusting. It was disgusting. Кога за последен път ходи на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When's the last time you went to the beach? Том ќе те фати. Tom will catch you. Tom's gonna get you. Mary je umirovljena medicinska sestra. Mary is a retired nurse. Mary's a retired nurse. Какво ще стане, когато свършим водата? What happens when we run out of water? What happens when we finish the water? Вие замесен ли сте? Are you involved? Are you involved? Rekao sam joj o svom uspehu. I informed her of my success. I told her about my success. Том беше изхвърлен от вкъщи от родителите си, когато призна, че е атеист. Tom was kicked out of his house by his parents when he confessed to being an atheist. Tom was kicked out of his parents' house when he admitted to being an atheist. Сосем си безбеден. You're quite safe. You're perfectly safe. Том ја исмеваше Мери. Tom made fun of Mary. Tom was making fun of Mary. Жива душа немаше во градот. Not a soul was to be seen in the town. There was no living soul in the city. Соученици сме. We are classmates. We're classmates. Zvoní zvonček. The bell is ringing. Bell bell. Можеби е веќе предоцна. It may be too late already. Maybe it's too late. Prelepa plavuša sunčala se na plaži. The beautiful blonde was sunbathing on the beach. The beautiful blonde was sunbathing on the beach. Сфаќаш? Get it? You know what I mean? Moramo da budemo tihi. We've got to be quiet. We need to be quiet. Zašto pitaš? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Zavri dvere keď odídeš. Close the door when you leave. You're out of here. You're out of here. Mogu li da te pozovem oko 2:30? May I call around 2:30? Can I call you around 2:30? Мисля, че е най-добре да се махнем от тук. I think we'd better get out of here. I think it's best to get out of here. Pokušala si. You tried. You tried. Da li ste u Parizu? Are you in Paris? Are you in Paris? Предавањево нема крај! This lesson is endless! This lecture doesn't end! Правете това, което ви прави щастливи. Do whatever makes you happy. Do what makes you happy. Не можев да ѝ помогнам. I couldn't help her. I couldn't help her. Тоа е во ред. That's okay. That's okay. To bi Tom želeo da uradimo. It's what Tom would want us to do. That's what Tom would want us to do. Trebalo je da mi budeš prijatelj! You were supposed to be my friend! You were supposed to be my friend! Opet idemo napolje. We're going out again. We're going out again. Molio sam se za vas. I've been praying for you. I prayed for you. Знаеш ли што се случило? Do you know what's happened? You know what happened? Защо той изглежда ядосан? Why does he look so black? Why does he look angry? Kriminálnici! Criminals! Criminals! Том спиеше надвор. Tom slept outside. Tom was sleeping outside. Том не ја видел Мери како го прави тоа. Tom didn't see Mary do that. Tom didn't see Mary do it. Какво Ви кара да мислите така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? Нямам нищо да ти казвам по въпроса. I have nothing to say about that. I have nothing to say to you about this. Večeras imam zakazan sastanak. I have an appointment tonight. I have an appointment tonight. Hajde da probamo. Let's give this a shot. Let's try it. Som trochu zaneprázdnený. I'm a bit busy. I am trochu zaneprázdný. Таа е учителка. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Том го најде она што го бараше. Tom has found what he's been looking for. Tom found what he was looking for. Мери е книжен червей. Mary is a bookworm. Mary's a bookworm. Obožavam ovu radnju. I love this store. I love this store. Не го направих нарочно. I didn't mean it. I didn't do it on purpose. Ако не говориш английски, вероятността да заемеш добра позиция, е много по-малка. You're much less likely to get a good position if you don't speak English. If you don't speak English, the probability of taking a good position is much less. Фала ти што ме пушти да зборувам со Том. Thank you for letting me speak with Tom. Thanks for letting me talk to Tom. Ми требаат нови звучници за компјутерот. I need new speakers for my PC. I need new speakers for the computer. Том ја наполни кофата до врв. Tom filled the bucket to the top. Tom filled the bucket to the top. Ако не беше заради мен, Том не би бил тук. Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. If it wasn't for me, Tom wouldn't be here. Knjizi nedostaju drugo, peto i trinaesto poglavlje. The book is missing the 2nd, 5th, and 13th chapters. The books are missing chapter two, chapter five and chapter thirteen. Dobro ohranja svojo mladost. She keeps her youth very well. He keeps his youth well. Мораме да му купиме подарок. We have to get him a present. We have to buy him a present. Vrlo si nevaspitana. You're very rude. You're very rude. Каква е минималната заплата в ЮАР? What's the minimum salary in South Africa? What's the minimum wage in Juar? Sada je veoma zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's very busy right now. Molim vas, ne derite se. Please don't shout. Please don't yell. Сложи го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it where you got it. Том погледна надвор. Tom looked outside. Tom looked outside. Maslo je mäkké. Butter is soft. Butter is mäkké. Сигурно Том го додал името на Мери на списокот. Tom must've been the one who added Mary's name to the list. I'm sure Tom added Mary's name to the list. Аз съм нощна птица. I'm a night owl. I'm a night bird. Не трябва да излизаш. You shouldn't go out. You don't have to go out. Изнајмивме филм. We rented a movie. We rented a movie. Никога повече няма да я видя. I'll never see her again. I'll never see her again. Не знам къде съм оставил ключовете. I don't know where I've left the keys. I don't know where I left my keys. Ќе соработувам. I'll cooperate. I'll cooperate. Нищо не съм пипала. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. Reći ću Tomu ako ne zaboravim. I'll tell Tom if I don't forget. I'll tell Tom if I don't forget. Не съм виждал тези снимки преди. I haven't seen these pictures before. I've never seen these pictures before. Не искам да те задържам. Don't let me keep you. I don't want to keep you. Може ли да разговараме за нив? Can I talk to you about them? Can we talk about them? Зошто не можеш да дојдеш? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? Слушна ли за него? Did you hear about him? Did you hear about him? Сѐ уште не сум ѝ се јавил. I haven't called her yet. I haven't called her yet. Oformirali su plivački tim. They formed a swim team. They've formed a swim team. Je l' neko za pivo? Anybody want a beer? Anybody want a beer? Бъди много внимателна с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. U potpunosti se ne slažem sa tim. I completely disagree with that. I totally disagree with that. Немојте пити воду. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Идвате ли? Are you coming? Are you coming? Ще ви се! In your dreams! You'll love it! Ko je prišel sem bral/a pismo. I was reading a letter when he entered. When he came here, I read a letter. Може да нарачаме пица. We can order a pizza. We can order pizza. Тя помни колата на господин Блек. She remembers the car of Mr. Blek She remembers Mr. Black's car. Ајде да одиме во трговски центар. Let's go to the mall. Let's go to the mall. Кој те научил како се прави тоа? Who taught you how to do that? Who taught you how to do that? Знаеш ли колку е касно? Do you realize how late it is? Do you know how late it is? Беше ми изключително приятно! It was a great pleasure! It was very nice to meet you! To se dešava samo povremeno. That only happens occasionally. It only happens occasionally. Bojim se višine. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Направих се, че не ме притеснява. I pretended that it didn't bother me. I thought it didn't bother me. Sviđa mi se kad je hladno. I like it when it's cold. I like it when it's cold. Музеят е затворен в неделя. The museum is closed Sundays. The museum is closed on Sunday. Diétuje. She is on a diet. He's diétuating. Pregoreo je osigurač. The fuse has blown. The fuse's on fire. Šta ja tražim ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Том седна да работи. Tom started working. Tom sat down to work. Maja Keuc je dobra pevka. Maja Keuc is a good singer. Maya Keuc is a good singer. Времето лети. Time flies. Time flies. Jedného dňa navštívim tvoju krajinu. I will come to your country some day. One-ho-o-o-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u- Мисля, че се държите наивно. I think you're being naive. I think you're being naive. Мудар човек си. You're a wise man. You're a wise man. Той няма да си промени мнението. There was no budging him. He won't change his mind. Odvešću te kod Toma. I'll take you to Tom. I'll take you to Tom. Том не е многу среќен. Tom isn't very happy. Tom's not very happy. Не можам да одредам кое го сака бебето, затоа што покажува кон двете. I cannot really say which one the baby wants, since he's pointing at both. I can't tell who loves the baby because it points to both. Da li se slažeš sa onim što je Tom napisao u svom izveštaju? Do you agree with what Tom wrote in his report? Do you agree with what Tom wrote in his report? Имам много пријатеља. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Je li tvoj sat točan? Is your watch correct? Is your watch accurate? Масако обикновено върви пеша до училище. Masako usually walks to school. Masako usually walks to school. Мајка ти ли е тоа? Is she your mother? Is that your mother? Том изглежда страхотно. Tom looks cool. Tom looks great. On klamie. He is telling a lie. He's chlamie. Каква е минималната заплата в Лихтенщайн? What's the minimum salary in Liechtenstein? What's the minimum wage in Liechtenstein? Ето къде си. Here you are. There you are. Не бих могла да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done this without you. Те слушнав што кажуваш. I heard what you were saying. I heard what you're saying. Dobro me plaćate. You pay me well enough. You pay me well. То не е ли черно? Isn't it black? Isn't that black? Z njim je šla v kino. She went with him to the movies. She went to the movies with him. Много време мина от последната толкова хубава изненада за мен. It's been a long time since I had such a pleasant surprise. It's been such a long time since the last such a nice surprise for me. И двете произношения са правилни. Both pronunciations are correct. Both excuses are correct. Полицијата најде отпечатоци од чевли на местото на злосторството. The police found shoe impressions at the crime scene. Police found footprints at the crime scene. Аз съм вдовица. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Bog zna. God knows. God knows. Том показа на Мери няколко ефективни начина да учи френски. Tom gave Mary advice on effective ways to study French. Tom showed Mary several effective ways to learn French. Няма да се опитвам да избягам. I won't try to escape. I'm not trying to escape. Kupujem mnogo stvari u toj prodavnici. I buy loads of stuff at that store. I buy a lot of stuff at that store. Не видим разлику. I don't see the difference. I don't see the difference. Ne razgovaram sa Tomom. I'm not talking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Синоптикът казва, че следобед ще вали. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. The synoptic says it's gonna rain this afternoon. Рейсовете се движеха почти празни. The buses ran back and forth almost empty. The Rays were moving almost empty. Том го фатила страшна настинка. Tom has a bad cold. Tom caught a terrible cold. Не ѝ кажувај на мајка ми. Don't tell my mother. Don't tell my mother. В коя страна сте роден? What country were you born in? What country were you born in? Мислам да ми помогнеш. I think you should help me. I think you're gonna help me. Сакаме да им помогнеме. We want to help them. We want to help them. Ona ne govori engleski. She does not speak English. She doesn't speak English. Piotra zanima nogomet. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotra's interested in football. Реших, че е най-добре да не казвам нищо по въпроса. I found it best to say nothing about the matter. I thought it best if I didn't say anything about it. Tom je se umešao među ljude sa kojima nikad nije trebalo da se meša. Tom got involved with people he should never have gotten involved with. Tom got involved with people he should never have interfered with. Хвала вам пуно на свему! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything! Трябва да видя Том. I've got to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Neplač nad rozliatym mliekom. Don't cry over spilled milk. Necessary over a pink milliek. Тя се омъжи за един богат старец. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Нека те гризе совест сега. Suffer pangs of conscience. Let your conscience bite you now. Некако ми се допаѓа. I sort of like him. I kind of like it. Работиш твърде много. Давай го по-полека за известно време. You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You work too hard, take it easy for a while. Mogao bih da krenem s tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Зошто немаш доверба во мене? Why do you distrust me? Why don't you trust me? Това е изненадващо. This is surprising. That's surprising. Тя е французойка. She is French. She's French. Послужен е доручекот. Breakfast is served. Breakfast is served. Не ме гъделичкайте! Don't tickle me! Don't tickle me! Tom mi je rekao da pokucam na vrata. Tom told me to knock on the door. Tom told me to knock on the door. Останите позитивни. Stay positive. Stay positive. Не пцуј или ќе ти ја исперам устата со сапун. Don't curse or I'll wash your mouth out with soap. Don't swear or I'll wash your mouth with soap. Какви ти се плановите? What are your plans? What are your plans? Денес е досадна телевизијата. TV's boring today. It's boring TV today. Kako lepa kola! What a nice looking car! What a beautiful car! Јабуке су црвене. Apples are red. Apples are red. Uskoro će pola tri. It's nearly half past two. It's almost half past three. Мари е била в Унгария. Mari has been in Hungary. Marie was in Hungary. О Господи. Закъснявам за уроци. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. Oh, my God, I'm late for class. Прашав каде е Том. I asked where Tom was. I asked where Tom was. Свако се мења. Everyone changes. Everyone changes. Палатата има висока кула. The palace has a tall tower. The palace has a tall tower. „Ќе ги измијам садовите.“ „Добро, јас ќе ги бришам.“ "I'll wash the dishes." "OK, I'll dry then." "I'll wash the dishes." "Okay, I'll wipe them." Не мораш да вичеш. Нисам глув! You don't need to shout. I'm not deaf. You don't have to yell. Виждала съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen him before. Не е битно што не сакаш да го направиш тоа; во секој случај мораш. It doesn't matter that you don't want to do it; the fact is that you have to. It doesn't matter that you don't want to do it; you have to anyway. Pomoc je už na ceste. Help is already on the way. Help is a rope on the road. Најголема амбиција ми е да станам оперски пеач. My greatest ambition is to be an opera singer. My greatest ambition is to become an opera singer. Не ни знаев дека имаш такво. I didn't even know that you had one. I didn't even know you had one. Том беспотребно дига џева. Tom is overreacting. Tom doesn't have to pick up any jews. Мораме да му се јавиме на Том. We have to call Tom. We need to call Tom. Ne vježbam. I don't exercise. I'm not practicing. Можеме да го направиме ова. We can do this. We can do this. Том колко време е учил френски? How long has Tom studied French? Tom, how long has he studied French? Nemojte da stanete. Don't stop. Don't stop. Заклучено е. It's locked. It's locked. Видях баща му да му се кара. I saw him scolded by his father. I saw his father fighting. Ти си и сладка, и мила. You are both cute and nice. You're cute and sweet. Том нерадо појде. Tom reluctantly went. Tom didn't want to go. Лименкава е празна. This can is empty. This can is empty. Tom je odlučio prodati automobil. Tom has decided to sell his car. Tom decided to sell the car. Ти имаш ли? Do you have one? Do you? Готова съм да поръчам. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to order. Ти си никој и ништо. You're a nobody. You're nothing. Чија слика е ова? Whose photo is this? Whose picture is this? Ти испеков векна леб. I baked you a loaf of bread. I baked you a loaf of bread. Носиш ли пари у себе си? Do you have any money with you? Do you have money in you? Da li si već čuo da se on konačno vratio kući? Have you heard already that he has finally returned home? Have you heard that he's finally back home? Том изгледа вџашено. Tom looked horrified. Tom seems delighted. Situacija je hitna. The situation is dire. The situation is urgent. Том не е пијан, ама има пиеше. Tom isn't drunk, but he's been drinking. Tom's not drunk, but he's had a drink. On je zgolj gledalec. Father is still in bed. He's just a viewer. Тој си игра. He is playing. He's playing. Kako je ona izgledala? What did she look like? What did she look like? Чудо е што си преживеал. It's a miracle you survived. It's a miracle you survived. Знаел ли Том? Was Tom in on it? Did Tom know? Къде се намира Париж? Where is Paris? Where is Paris? Можеби звучело како предлог, но наредба беше. It may have sounded like a suggestion, but it was an order. It may have sounded like a suggestion, but it was an order. Том може да говори френски. Tom can speak French. Tom can speak French. Нема ти мене да ми командаш, човече. I'm not having you boss me around, man. You're not gonna command me, man. Размина се за малко. It was pretty close. It's been a while. Đus od pomorandže je najpopularniji sok u Americi. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. Nemam neko visoko mišljenje o njemu kao muzičaru. I don't think much of him as a musician. I don't have a high opinion of him as a musician. Pošalji Toma da uđe. Send Tom in, please. Send Tom in. Kažu da je ljubav slepa. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Сигурен съм, че сте много зает. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Топло е тука во пеколот. It's hot down here. It's warm here in hell. Toto je koniec. This is the end. Toto's a cavalry. Аз бях в отпуск. I was on vacation. I was on vacation. Učiteljica mi je dodijelila najduže poglavlje. The teacher allotted the longest chapter to me. The teacher assigned me the longest chapter. О, па тоа е одлично. Wow, that's great. Oh, well, that's great. Том сакаше да се распакува. Tom wanted to unpack. Tom wanted to unpack. Ми треба дозвола. I need authorization. I need permission. Възстановен ли съм на длъжност? Am I reinstated? Am I restored to office? Viem, že je tažké uveriť tomu. I know it's difficult to believe. Viem, he's already convinced that. Ќе продолжам да работам тука колку можам подолго. I'll continue working here as long as I can. I'll keep working here as long as I can. Том говори френски добре като Мери. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Как мина? How did it go? How'd it go? Toma zamalo da uhvate. Tom almost got caught. Tom almost got caught. Таа е нерасположена. She is in a bad mood. She's in a bad mood. Sve je normalno. Everything's normal. Everything's normal. Секогаш ли си зафатен? Are you always busy? Are you always busy? Nitko nije umro. Nobody died. No one died. Многу ми студи. I feel very chilly. I'm so cold. Zašto sam ovde? What am I here for? Why am I here? Pušenje ubija. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Имамо озбиљан проблем. We have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. Им дадов уште една шанса. I gave them another chance. I gave them one more chance. Ni to nisam uradila. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. Колку направи? How much did you make? How much did you do? Директорът обмисли възможността да уволни Том, но реши да не го прави. The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it. The director considered firing Tom, but decided not to. Ајде да го сториме тоа. Let's do it. Let's do it. Ѝ тргнало. She's on a roll. She's on her way. Мисля, че Том е хубаво име. I think Tom is a nice name. I think Tom's a nice name. Njihova bliskost je bila tajanstvena, obzirom na to da su se upoznali pre samo tri dana. Their propinquity was uncanny, as they'd met only three days ago. Their closeness was mysterious, since they only met three days ago. Роден съм в годината, когато войната свърши. I was born the year the war ended. I was born the year the war ended. Пробај да бидеш оптимист. Try to be optimistic. Try to be optimistic. Тя отново закъсня. She was late once again. She's late again. Том е дебел. Tom is fat. Tom's fat. Филмов вреди да се гледа. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth watching. Gospodin Wood je došao na vrata i govorio Tonijevoj mati. Mr Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. Mr. Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. Plivanje je oblik vežbe. Swimming is a form of exercise. Swimming is a form of exercise. Мислам дека е подобро да не ја пиеме водава. I think we'd better not drink this water. I think it's better if we don't drink water. Тоа оружје не е играчка, момче! That weapon is not a toy, boy! That weapon is not a toy, boy! Loše vreme me je sprečilo da odem. The bad weather prevented me from leaving. Bad weather stopped me from leaving. Те не ми предложиха нищо за ядене. They didn't offer me anything to eat. They didn't offer me anything to eat. Искам да стана учителка по френски. I want to become a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Најлошиот вид на мамурлук е емоционалниот мамурлук. The worst kind of hangover is emotional hangover. The worst kind of hangover is the emotional hangover. Ona je reagovala na to. She reacted to that. She reacted to it. Таа си ја повреди ногата кога падна од велосипед. She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle. She hurt her leg when she fell off a bike. Vreme je. It's time. It's time. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да го продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Ne razgovarajte. Don't talk. Don't talk. Разполагам с доказателство, че Том е убиецът на Мери. I have proof that Tom is the one who killed Mary. I have proof that Tom is Mary's killer. Зошто нѐ мразиш толку? Why do you hate us so much? Why do you hate us so much? Очекувам посетители. I was expecting Tom. I'm expecting visitors. Кој би сакал Том да умре? Who would want Tom dead? Who would want Tom dead? Слонът е сив. The elephant is grey. The elephant is gray. Се е многу чудно. It's all very strange. It's all very strange. Ona jednog dana želi studirati u inozemstvu. Her wish is to study abroad someday. She wants to study abroad one day. Вярно е! It's true! It's true! Въпросите й показват че тя разбира темата много добре. Her questions indicate that she understands the subject very well. Her questions show that she understands the subject very well. Сметам дека прилично добро пишувам. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a pretty good writer. Не ми врти грб. Don't turn your back. Don't turn your back on me. Бъди внимателен. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt. Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back off. Tom won't back down. Molim te, ne viči. Please don't shout. Please don't yell. Nadam se da ne pričaš o meni. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. На бюрото има чанта. There is a bag on the desk. There's a bag on the desk. Баш ќе се потрудам да стигнам навреме. I'm going to try real hard to get there on time. I'll make sure I get there in time. Мисля, че имаш нужда от сън. I think you need some sleep. I think you need a dream. Сите имаме своја цена. We all have a price. We all have our own price. Никога не си споменавал колко е красива сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. Ostao sam. I stayed. I stayed. Ќе ти ги дадам малкуте пари што ги имам. I will give you what little money I have. I'll give you the little money I have. Зошто не одиш по него? Why aren't you going after him? Why don't you go get him? Ако имаш дъвка в устата си, изплюй я. If you have gum in your mouth, spit it out. If you have gum in your mouth, spit it out. Не харесвам Алис. I don't like Alice. I don't like Alice. Зошто го нема името на Том на списокот? Why is Tom's name not on the list? Why isn't Tom's name on the list? Тя е популярна сред другите момичета. She is popular with other girls. She's popular with other girls. Може ли да ти покажам нешто? May I show you something? Can I show you something? Внимавај! Look out! Watch out! Носам лоша вест. I have some bad news. I bring bad news. Всички къщи в този квартал толкова си приличат, че не мога да ги различа. All the houses in this neighborhood look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. All the houses in this neighborhood look so alike, I can't tell them apart. Чорапите ми не са тук. My socks aren't here. My socks aren't here. Тя е мило момиче. She is a kind girl. She's a nice girl. Јас сум исто толку силен колку и ти. I'm as strong as you. I'm just as strong as you are. Защо боядиса пейката в червено? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench in red? Таа изгледаше возбудено. She looked excited. She seemed excited. Разходите ми нарастват с всяка изминала година. My living expense is rising year by year. My expenses are increasing every year. Carl mi je pokazao zlatnu medalju. Carl showed me the gold medal. Carl showed me the gold medal. To je tačno. It's correct. That's right. Таа вечера. She is having dinner. That dinner. Рече дека ќи ми пишеш порака приквечер, ама ме излажа, очигледно. You said you would text me in the evening, but you lied, evidently. You said you were gonna text me at night, but you lied to me, obviously. Хората твърде много се оплакват. People complain too much. People complain too much. Тръгваш ли си? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Пиеме вода. We drink water. We're drinking water. Затова съм заета. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. Не разумем ову реч. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. Proverite opet. Check again. Check again. Toma je lako uplašiti. Tom gets scared easily. It's easy to scare Tom. To je moja mačka. That's my cat. That's my cat. Nebo je bivalo tamnije i tamnije. The sky became darker and darker. The sky was darker and darker. Искаме да наемем апартамент в града. We want to rent an apartment in the city. We want to rent an apartment in the city. Vypni to, a potom to opäť zapni. Turn it off, then turn it back on. Tap that, and then tap that. Намини кога било. Stop by anytime. Come by anytime. За глупаци ли ни взимаш? Do you think we're stupid? Are you taking us for fools? Kaži Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. Сега како се чувствуваш во врска со неа? How do you feel about her now? Now how do you feel about her? Го расклопија. It's been dismantled. They broke it down. Почувствах се изолиран. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Загубите бяха тежки и за двете страни. Losses were heavy on both sides. The losses were heavy for both sides. U tvojim sam rukama. I'm in your hands. I'm in your hands. Това не е оръжие. It's not a weapon. It's not a weapon. Vrata se ne odprejo. The door won't open. The door doesn't open. Nadajmo se da je Tom pametan. Let's hope Tom is smart. Let's hope Tom's smart. Откакто комунизмът стана неактуален и диктатурата на пролетариата остаря, капитализмът се оказва най-добрият вариант засега, въпреки че той самият също е заплаха за човечеството. Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity. Since communism has become inactive and the dictatorship of proletaria has grown old, capitalism has turned out to be the best option for now, although it itself is also a threat to humanity. Не те повикав поради тоа, Том. That's not why I called you in here, Tom. That's not why I called you, Tom. Siguran sam Tom nije nameravao da ti povredi osećanja. I'm sure Tom didn't intend to hurt your feelings. I'm sure Tom wasn't going to hurt your feelings. Не сум чудовиште. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. Ми се укочи компјутерот. My computer has frozen. My computer's dead. Той окачи сакото си на закачалка, защото не искаше да се измачка. He hung his blazer on a hanger because he didn't want it to get wrinkled. He hung his jacket on the hanger because he didn't want to get dirty. Тоа го стеснува изборот. That narrows it down. That narrows it down. Nikad nisam pomislio na to. I have never thought of that. I never thought of that. Не си Јапонец. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Njezino je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Му удрив бокс во вилица. I punched his jaw. I hit him in the jaw. Vivaldi je napisao mnogo muzičkih dela za fagot. Vivaldi wrote a lot of music for the bassoon. Vivaldi wrote a lot of music pieces for the phagot. Трябваше да обърна повече внимание на това, което говореше Том. I should've paid more attention to what Tom was saying. I had to pay more attention to what Tom was saying. Забравих да ти кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Аз съм този, който спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Беше баш прекрасно. It was absolutely amazing. It was so beautiful. Зошто никогаш не победувам? Why don't I ever win? Why don't I ever win? Ти си газда. You're the boss. You're the boss. Том може да дойде тук. Tom may come here. Tom can come here. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да напуснеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to leave? Автобуса се тресеше по неравният път. The bus jolted over the rough road. The bus was shaking on the wrong path. Toma je napala Merijina sestra. Tom was attacked by Mary's sister. Thomas attacked Mary's sister. Da li se bojiš pacova? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of rats? Smorio se od čitanja. He got tired of reading. He's tired of reading. Внимавай с него. Be careful with it. Be careful with him. Јас треба да им помагам. I'm supposed to be helping them. I have to help them. Да се върнем. Let's come back. Let's go back. Ako sa máš? How are you? What if I'm with you? Лека нощ, мамо. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. Свет је неправедан. The world is unjust. The world is unjust. Срцето му беше скршено од невозвратена љубов. He was heartbroken from unrequited love. His heart was broken by unrequited love. Шта ће сада да се деси? What will happen now? What happens now? Zaista mi je žao zbog ovoga. I'm very sorry about this. I'm really sorry about this. Така ми се допаѓа. I like it that way. That's how I like it. Rezultati su bili neverovatni. The results were amazing. The results were amazing. Джиесемът на Том звънна и той вдигна. Tom's cellphone rang and he answered it. Tom's jam called and he picked up. И ти какво си помисли? So what did you think? What did you think? Не ја забележа промената. He didn't notice the change. You haven't noticed the change. Телефонът е нещо, без което не можеш. A telephone is something you can't do without. The phone is something you can't do without. Не можам да им се јавам дома. I can't call them at home. I can't call them at home. Дај ни малку време. Give us some time. Give us some time. Dođi u moju kuću. Come to my house. Come to my house. Не ја направив таа грешка повторно. I didn't make that mistake again. I didn't make that mistake again. Upravo si ustreljen. You've just been shot. You just got shot. Те всички познаваха Том. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Въпреки че аз съм стар, вие сте все още млади. Though I am old, you are still young. Even though I'm old, you're still young. Само треба да ми веруваш. All you have to do is believe me. All you have to do is trust me. Том вешто пишува. Tom can write well. Tom's skillfully writing. Još nisi završio? Haven't you finished yet? You haven't finished yet? Koliko nam je novca potrebno? How much money do we need? How much money do we need? Зошто сите го мразат? Why does everyone hate him? Why does everyone hate him? Надявам се, че виното е по вкуса Ви. I hope the wine is to your taste. I hope your wine tastes good. Том не ја отпушти Мери. Tom didn't fire Mary. Tom didn't fire Mary. Tom najviše voli to. Tom likes that best. Tom loves it the most. Nisam nosila nametljivu odeću. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I didn't wear intrusive clothes. Том не можа да си намери работа. Tom couldn't find work. Tom couldn't get a job. Сакам вртипоп. I want a camomile. I want a spinpop. Гарата е в центъра на града. The station is the middle of the city. The station is downtown. Dobro. A vi? Fine. And you? Okay, what about you? Jesmo li sada bezbedne? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Погласно. Louder. Louder. Јас не би одел во тој правец. I wouldn't go that way. I wouldn't go that way. Da li si ikada poželeo da živiš na ostrvu? Have you ever wanted to live on an island? Have you ever wanted to live on an island? Мери го претставуваше својот тим во натпреварот. Mary represented her team in the competition. Mary represented her team in the game. Како се повредил Том? How did Tom get hurt? How did Tom get hurt? Момчето влезе през прозореца. The boy got in through the window. The boy came in through the window. Tom je ranije bio fudbaler. Tom was a footballer. Tom used to be a football player. Шта хоћеш тиме да кажеш? What are you trying to say? What do you mean by that? Каде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? Мисля, че е по-добре да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you better get out. Uradila je ono što joj je rečeno. She did what she was told. She did what she was told. Трошиме време. We're wasting time. We're wasting time. Кондурите ме жуљаат. My shoes are chafing my feet. My shoes are wrinkling. Толку многу имаш направено. You've done so much. You've done so much. Шта ћеш да урадиш са Томом? What do you want to do about Tom? What are you gonna do with Tom? Може ли да Ви попитам нещо? Could I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Okrenula sam se. I turned around. I turned around. Том го отвори параванот. Tom pushed open the screen door. Tom opened the cover. Prežila si všetko, čo sa ti zatiaľ stalo. You have survived everything that has happened to you so far. You've been through a lot since you've been quieted down. Како се наоѓа волумен на цилиндар? How do you find the volume of a cylinder? How's the cylinder volume? Том претпостави дека Мери уловила риба. Tom assumed Mary caught a fish. Tom assumed Mary caught a fish. Том је откључао врата. Tom unlocked the door. Tom unlocked the door. Mrzim komarce. I hate mosquitoes. I hate mosquitoes. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не гласуваха. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery did not vote. Напълно съм съгласен с твоето мнение. I agree with you absolutely. I completely agree with your opinion. Sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Nisam bila preterano iznenađena. I wasn't too surprised. I wasn't too surprised. Си скокнал едно копче. You've missed a button. You jumped a button. Том вели дека не знае ништо за Бостон. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Oko toga se i učeni prepiru. On that point the learned disagree. That's what the learned argue about. Samo ti ostani sa mnom. You just stay with me. Just stay with me. Те молам извести го Том. Please inform Tom. Please let Tom know. Не те ли е срам? Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed? Благодаря за поканата. Thanks for the invite. Thank you for inviting me. Sastanak je trajao sat vremena. The meeting lasted one hour. The meeting lasted an hour. Всъщност, Том, аз съм малко зает. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Видећеш њу. You'll see her. You'll see her. Истог смо соја. We are cut from the same cloth. We're the same soybeans. Што да правиме наредно? What should we do next? What do we do next? Tom je nosio crne farmerke. Tom wore black jeans. Tom was wearing black jeans. Имаше ли костим за капење? Do you have a bathing suit? Did you have a bathing suit? Твърде дълго чаках този момент. I've waited too long for this. I've waited too long for this moment. Том е фин човек. Tom is a nice man. Tom's a nice guy. Тази задача е толкова лесна, че всеки студент може да я реши. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This task is so easy that any student can solve it. Кој ти е шеф? Who's your boss? Who's your boss? Ги прекршија правилата. They broke the rules. They broke the rules. Sjednimo tu na travu. Let's sit here on the grass. Let's sit on the grass. Toliko toga ste me naučili. You've taught me so much. You've taught me so much. Kako se zvao hotel u Bostonu u kojem si bio prošle godine? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What was the name of the hotel in Boston you were in last year? Oni prodaju ribu i meso. They sell fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. Покажи ни го. Show it to us. Show us. Не, дома бев! No, I was at home! No, I was home! Том одржа говор. Tom gave a speech. Tom gave a speech. Sve se vremenom menja. Everything changes over time. Everything changes over time. Напълно го изтрих от паметта си. I forgot all about him. I completely erased it from my memory. Каква е минималната заплата в Египет? What's the minimum salary in Egypt? What is the minimum wage in Egypt? Ти не ни сакаш риби. You don't even like fish. You don't even like fish. Нямам представа защо бях избран аз. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have no idea why I was chosen. Той е предубеден против евреите. He has a prejudice against Jews. He's preconvinced against the Jews. Evo tvoje torbe. Here's your bag. Here's your bag. Drago mi je da je Tom pobedio. I'm glad that Tom won. I'm glad Tom won. Bol som niekde inde. I was somewhere else. The pain is nowhere to be found. Тоа беше фантастично. That was fantastic. That was fantastic. Трябва да сложа край на това. I have to stop this. I have to put an end to this. Videl som ju plakať. I saw her crying. I saw them crying. Долазим да те спасем! I'm coming to your rescue! I'm coming to save you! Znam da nisam savršen. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Brojala sam do dvjesto. I counted to two hundred. I counted to 200. Джак се интересува от рисуване. Jack is interested in painting. Jack's interested in painting. Уозбили се. Be serious. They're serious. Можеш да се послужиш со мојата кола. You can use my car. You can use my car. Нека биде кратко, Том. Make it brief, Tom. Make it short, Tom. Ще ми покажеш ли фотоалбума си, моля те? Would you please show me your photo album? Can you show me your photo album, please? Не го беспокој Том. Don't disturb Tom. Don't worry, Tom. Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin is Austrian. Ljudi su komplicirani organizmi. People are complicated organisms. People are complicated organisms. Ќе го чекам Том. I'll wait for Tom. I'll wait for Tom. Не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото Том. I can't speak French as well as Tom can. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Niste racionalni. You're being irrational. You're not rational. Дојди и погледај. Come and take a look. Come and have a look. Тетка му е сосем сама во Лондон. His aunt is all alone in London. His aunt is all alone in London. Ja nisam filolog. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philosopher. Това не е за тебе. It's not for you. This isn't for you. Проблемът не е в това. The problem isn't that. That's not the problem. Им купив нешто. I got something for them. I bought them something. V mori sú ostrovy. There are islands in the sea. In the sea sú ostroy. Намерих една бележка на бюрото си, но не знам от кого е. I found a note on the table, but I don't know who it's from. I found a note on my desk, but I don't know who it's from. Tko je kupio ovo? Who bought this? Who bought this? Pridrži mi ruksak. Hold my backpack. Hold my backpack. Hoće li neko da mi kaže šta da radim? Will someone please tell me what to do? Will someone please tell me what to do? Што пеевте? What did you sing? What were you singing? Да не би нещо да те плаши? Are you afraid of something? Is something scaring you? Devojke su nosile suknje od trave i imale su cveće oko vrata. The girls wore grass skirts and had flowers around their necks. The girls wore weed skirts and had flowers around their necks. Mučili su Toma. They tortured Tom. They tortured Tom. Наистина съм уморен и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired, and I want to go to bed early. Тоа успеа. That worked. That worked. Kaj se je zgodilo z ostalo hrano? What happened to the rest of the food? What happened to the rest of the food? Bili smo na poslednjem mestu. We were in last place. We were in the last place. Те молам, излези надвор. Please step outside. Please, get out. Може ли да подпишеш тук, ако обичаш? Could you sign here, please? Can you sign here, please? Добро ти оди ова. You're good at this. You're doing great. Ај погоди. Why don't you guess? Guess what. Те молам, излуфтирај ја собата. Please air the room. Please evacuate the room. Bil je dve godine mlađi od mene. Bill is my junior by two years. He was two years younger than me. Том не се осмелува да и ја каже вистината на г-ѓа Вајт. Tom dares not tell Mrs. White the truth. Tom doesn't dare tell Mrs. White the truth. Извинете, сум се јавил на грешен број. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. I'm sorry, I called the wrong number. Той също може да говори руски. He can speak Russian, too. He can speak Russian, too. Често ли плива Том? Does Tom swim often? Does he swim often, Tom? Скоро след това започна да вали. Soon after, it began to rain. Soon after, it started to rain. Аз никога не съм го виждал с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him with jeans. Tom radi za kompaniju svog oca. Tom works for his father's company. Tom works for his father's company. Neki prijatelji su me pozvali na večeru. Some friends invited me to dinner. Some friends invited me to dinner. Odustajem. I'm resigning. I give up. Това месо е развалено. This meat has gone bad. This meat is broken. Ќе ја соберам сега. I'm going to go get her now. I'll pick her up now. Твоите желби се мојата заповед. Your wishes are my commands. Your wishes are my command. Nismo ovo imali u planu za vas. This isn't what we envisioned for you. We didn't have this planned for you. На Том денес не му е добро. Tom isn't well today. Tom's not feeling well today. Ја брукаме. We're embarrassing her. I'm a mess. Кад је Маркус дошао, спавала сам. When Marcus arrived, I was sleeping. When Marcus came, I slept. Том е извонреден. Tom is extraordinary. Tom's amazing. Трябва да зная. I have to know. I need to know. Твои ли се ќесиве? Are these bags yours? Are these your bags? Zašto ne skineš kaput? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take off your coat? Изгледам ли нормално? Do I look normal? Do I look normal? Ан ми подари този подарък. Ann gave me this present. Anne gave me this gift. Ги добив овие менѓуши од баба ми. I got these earrings from my grandmother. I got these earrings from my grandmother. Ајде кај Том. Let's go to Tom's. Let's go to Tom's. Няма тоалетна хартия. There is no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Ќе чекаме стрпливо. We'll wait patiently. We'll wait patiently. Da li biste želeli još jednu čašu vode? Would you like another glass of water? Would you like another glass of water? Том изгледаше изнервирано. Tom seemed annoyed. Tom seemed pissed off. Доаѓај ваму! Get your butt over here! Get over here! Tom će se potruditi da stigne na vreme. Tom will try to be there on time. Tom will make sure he gets there in time. Pojeb sa! Fuck you! Fuck off! Изглежда, че си права. Действително Том е откраднал цигулката на Мери. It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin. Actually, Tom stole Mary's violin. Tom je postao heroj. Tom became a hero. Tom became a hero. Стварно си мил. You're really cute. You're really nice. Том го намамија во стапица. Tom was lured into a trap. Tom was lured into a trap. Iznervirala sam ga. I pissed him off. I pissed him off. Му верувам на учителот. I trust the teacher. I trust the teacher. Мисля, че бензинът ни е свършил. I think we're out of gas. I think we're out of gas. Ню Йорк е борсовият център на САЩ. New York is the center of America's stock exchange. New York is the US stock exchange center. Biću odmah tu. I'll be right in there. I'll be right there. Sve je drugačije. Everything's different. Everything's different. Обичам да слушам класическа музика. I'm fond of listening to classical music. I love listening to classical music. Тоа значи „да“ или „не“? Is that a yes or no? Does that mean “yes ” or“ no ”? Još uvek nisam spreman. I'm still not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Tom se bori kao lud. Tom is fighting mad. Tom's fighting like crazy. Znaš li kakva je to stvar? Do you know what kind of thing that is? Do you know what that thing is? Мисля, че си наистина удивителна. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Таро, можеш ли да ми помогнеш? Taro, could you help me? Taro, can you help me? За него не се знаеше нищо, откакто беше заминал за Америка. Nothing has been heard from him since he left for America. He hasn't known anything since he left for America. Му праќа пораки на дечко си. She's texting her boyfriend. He's texting his boyfriend. Тайландският е официалният език на Тайланд. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. За съжаление, случаят не е такъв. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Ti koji nikada nisu mislili o vrijednosti života, ne bi trebali studirati medicinu. Those who have never thought about the value of life should not study medicine. Those who never thought of the value of life should not study medicine. Ne viči. Don't scream. Don't yell. Тешко ли ти беше? Was it difficult for you? Was it hard for you? Дай да изясним кое е правилно и кое - грешно. Let's make clear which is right and which is wrong. Let's figure out what's right and what's wrong. Дай му ги. Give them to him. Give it to him. Pričaću o tome sa Tomom. I'll speak to Tom about that. I'll talk to Tom about it. Danas ću ranije otići s posla. I'm going to leave work early today. I'm leaving work early today. Kako to? How come? How's that? Луѓето често се жалат како другите ги третираат неправедно, а не согледуваат дека и нивното сопствено однесување е непожелно. People often complain of how others treat them unjustly, failing to perceive that their own behaviour is quite objectionable. People often complain about how others treat them unfairly, and they do not realize that their own conduct is undesirable. Тоа беше воодушевувачко. That was impressive. That was amazing. Кој бил крадецот? Who was the thief? Who was the thief? Imam oštar nož. I have a sharp knife. I've got a sharp knife. Kde sú kniha a ceruzka? Where are the book and the pencil? Where's Sú Knua and Ceruzka? Вече си написах домашното. I've already finished my homework. I've already done my homework. Niko se ne slaže sa tobom. Not everyone agrees with you. No one agrees with you. Аз не мразя нищо. I don't hate anything. I don't hate anything. Poznam vse detajle. I know all the details. I know all the details. Tom je izašao iz limuzine. Tom got out of the limo. Tom's out of the limo. Ona je trudna. She is pregnant. She's pregnant. Dođeš li u Rio, nemoj me zaboraviti zvati da ti budem vodič. If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide. Не искам да уча днес. I don't want to study today. I don't want to study today. Klimnuo sam jednom. I nodded once. I nodded once. Prišli sme do Ruska. We went to Russia. We're on our way to Russia. Јас сум прв. I'm first. I'm first. Одустајем. I resign. I give up. Спушти го тука. Put it down right here. Put it down here. Извонредно беше. It was remarkable. It was amazing. Мисля, че тази ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Želim živjeti u gradu. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Da li je istina da je Tom pobedio na trci? Is it true that Tom won the race? Is it true Tom won the race? Вчера стана ужасна злополука. An awful accident happened yesterday. There was a terrible accident yesterday. Не очекувај сите да ги делат твоите мислења. Don't expect everyone to think the same way you do. Don't expect everyone to share your opinions. Той си издейства усмивка от бебето. She coaxed a smile from the baby. He makes his baby smile. Ела долу. Come downstairs. Come down. Што смо старији, то нас сећање слабије служи. The older we grow, the poorer our memory becomes. The older we are, the weaker that memory serves us. Боб го видя отново. Bob saw him again. Bob saw it again. Май не ме вземаш на сериозно. It seems you aren't taking me seriously. I don't think you're taking me seriously. Nechcem ísť do Talianska. I don't want to go to Italy. Neccessí to Talian. Никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Mnogi turisti posjećuju Kyoto. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Many tourists visit Kyoto. Тя къпе бебето. She is giving the baby a bath. She bathes the baby. Реков дека сме затворени. I said we're closed. I said we're closed. Taj članak je bio napsan na engleskom. That article was written in English. That article was infused in English. Да танцуваме. Let's dance. Let's dance. Bolje da krenem s Tomom. I'd better go with Tom. I'd better go with Tom. Го грабнав Том за лакт. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. Ајде да си ги вратиме. Let's get them back. Let's get them back. Која је твоја крвна група? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? Nové známky budú vydané budúci mesiac. New stamps will be issued next month. Nové známky Budú vydané budúci mesiac. Може ли да ти взема ножа? May I borrow your knife? Can I take your knife? Tom je vrlo inteligentan. Tom is highly intelligent. Tom's very intelligent. "Chceš vedieť, ako to urobil?" "Som samé ucho." "Do you want to know how he did it?" "I'm all ears." "You'll see, if you urinate?" "I'm alone." Лесно му се връзвах на сладките приказки. I was easily taken in by his smooth talk. I was easily attached to the sweet stories. Шия си ризата. I am sewing my shirt. I'm sewing my shirt. Волен сум да ти платам многу пари за да го извршиш тоа. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. Велелепен си. You're magnificent. You're magnificent. Pao sam na zemlju. I fell to the ground. I fell to the ground. Да ли је свет неправедан? Is the world unjust? Is the world unfair? Како дошло, тако и отишло. Easy come, easy go. As it came, so it went. Da li si nekad koristio neki od ovih? Have you ever used one of these? Have you ever used one of these? Немаше што да пијам. There was nothing for me to drink. I had nothing to drink. Не сакам тој да знае каде живеам. I don't want him to know where I live. I don't want him to know where I live. Видях мръсното куче да влиза в двора. I saw the dirty dog go into the yard. I saw that dirty dog walk into the yard. Molim vas, budite iskreni prema meni. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. Čime se bavi? What does he do? What does he do? Може ли да го видам она? Can I see that one? Can I see that? Можете да подобрите английския си, ако поискате. You can improve your English if you try. You can improve your English if you want. Nadam se da to nije tačno. I hope that isn't true. I hope that's not true. Не искам Том да ме види гол. I don't want Tom to see me naked. I don't want Tom to see me naked. Студи ли надвор? Is it cold outside? Is it cold out there? Не очаквах да те видя на място като това. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I didn't expect to see you in a place like this. Трябва да решиш, и при това - веднага. You must make up your mind, and that at once. You have to decide, and you have to do it now. Си ја полеваше бавчата со црево. He was watering his garden with a hose. He was watering his garden with this hose. Sneží v Paríži. It's snowing in Paris. Snow in Paríja. Татко ми е дома. My father is home. My dad's home. Одамна не сум јадел млечни производи. I haven't eaten dairy products for a while. I haven't eaten dairy in a long time. Затекао сам празан кавез. I found the cage empty. I found an empty cage. Имам проблеми с френската граматика. I'm having a hard time with French grammar. I'm having trouble with French grammar. Да ли можете да дођете? Can you come? Can you come? Naseci sir na tanke parčiće ili na male kocke. Cut the cheese into thin slices or into little cubes. Cut the cheese into thin slices or little cubes. Hoćeš li mi pomoći? Are you going to help me? Will you help me? Може ли да отворя една консерва? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open a can? Pogrešno si napisao moje ime. You've misspelled my name. You spelled my name wrong. Орасположи се! Cheer up! Cheer up! Јесте ли спремни? Are you ready? Are you ready? Брани се! Defend yourself! Defend yourself! Не можам да ти верувам. I can't believe you. I can't believe you. To su ohrabrujuće vesti. That's encouraging news. That's encouraging news. Това е предупреждение, което трябва да вземем на сериозно. This is a warning that we must take seriously. It's a warning we need to take seriously. Само една чаша испив. I had only one drink. I only had one glass. Никой не е объркан. No one's confused. No one's confused. Pokušavam. I try. I'm trying. Kad si došao kući? When did you get home? When did you get home? Немој се упецати. Don't take the bait. Don't get caught. Zar sam zaista bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? Заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? Are you busy? Чела съм тая история в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I've read this story in some book. Какъв цвят е колата на Том? What color is Tom's car? What color is Tom's car? Желите ли да чујете истину о том догађају? Would you like to know the truth about this fact? Do you want to hear the truth about that event? Tom je bogat i slobodan. Tom is rich and single. Tom's rich and free. Morao sam da donesem neke teške odluke. I've had to make some tough choices. I had to make some tough decisions. A boš navijal zame? Will you cheer for me? Are you gonna cheer for me? Таа е жизнерадосна девојка. She is a lively girl. She's a lifesaving girl. Преди няколко дена компютърът ми спря да работи. My computer stopped working a few days ago. A few days ago, my computer stopped working. Това е твоят дом. It's your home. This is your home. Давам сѐ од себе. I'm trying my best. I'm doing my best. Том ја испрати Мари до врата. Tom escorted Mary to the door. Tom sent Marie to the door. Cela država o tome bruji! The whole country is talking about it. The whole country's talking about it! Na čiju inicijativu je ovo urađeno? Who has initiated this? Whose initiative was this done? U boljoj si formi nego što sam ja. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Nikdar ne napiši besedi "boršč" in "šči" v nemščini! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Don't ever write the word "borscht" and "sh" in German! Мислам дека треба да го вработиме. I think we should hire him. I think we should hire him. На Том не му трябва да знае това. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom nije pravi čovek za taj posao. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right man for the job. Облякох си сакото наопаки. I put my coat on inside out. I put my jacket on backwards. Од кожа е изработено. It's made of leather. It's made of leather. Veoma si lepa. You're very beautiful. You're very pretty. Dođi ovamo na sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Сакото и вратовръзката ти не си отиват. Your jacket and tie don't go together. Your jacket and tie are not leaving. Том је бивши робијаш. Tom is an ex-con. Tom's an ex-con. Уау, т'ва не е ли страхотно? Wow, isn't that amazing? Wow, isn't that great? Ne mogu sama da popravim auto. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix the car by myself. Ne mogu da zamislim život bez knjiga. Life without books is unimaginable. I can't imagine life without books. Том искаше да си тръгне, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom je želeo da uzme Merin broj telefona, ali ona je odbila da mu ga da. Tom wanted Mary's phone number, but she refused to give it to him. Tom wanted to take Mary's phone number, but she refused to give it to him. Molim te, zapisuj sve što kažem. Please write down everything I say. Please write down everything I say. Dogodilo se nešto neočekivano. Something incredible happened. Something unexpected happened. Ние трябва да вземем този автобус. We need to take that bus. We have to take this bus. Легни на каучот. Lay down on the couch. Get on the couch. Strahoviti su. They're dreadful. They're scary. Hajde da pričamo u hodniku. Let's talk in the hall. Let's talk in the hallway. Свали си очилата. Take off your glasses. Take off your glasses. В наши дни никой не вярва в призраци. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. No one believes in ghosts these days. To nie je umenie. To je vagína so zubami. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. It's not a good fit, it's a vagina with teeth. Кога ще напуснеш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Никогаш не сум се чувствувал олку љубено. I've never felt so loved. I've never felt this loved. Каква друга причина би можело да има? What other reason could there be? What other reason could there be? Одолговлекуваат. They're stalling. They're stalling. Музиката е общият език на човечеството. Music is a common speech for humanity. Music is the common language of humanity. Не сакам да направам да ти биде незгодно. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Пациентите често умират просто защото се огъват пред техните болести. Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases. Patients often die simply because they bend to their diseases. Можеби ќе најдеме помош во најблиското село. Maybe we'll find succor in the nearest village. We may find help in the nearest village. Сакав да се замијам. I wanted to wash up. I wanted to take a bath. Тя не харесваше съпруга си. She disliked her husband. She didn't like her husband. Едно по едно, момчињата доаѓаа да видат што читам. One by one, the boys came to see what I was reading. One by one, the boys came to see what I was reading. Tom još uvek zna da izrecituje pesmu koju je napisao kada je imao trinaest godina. Tom can still recite a poem he wrote when he was thirteen. Tom still knows how to recite a song he wrote when he was 13. Не позволявай на Том да те заплашва. Don't let Tom intimidate you. Don't let Tom threaten you. Niko me ne zna u Bostonu. Nobody knows me in Boston. Nobody knows me in Boston. Аз никога не съм ходил там, но мисля, че е след светофара. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's after the lights. Ти стрчи молив од џебот. A pencil is sticking out of your pocket. Run a pencil out of your pocket. Новините ни въодушевиха. We are excited at the news. We were thrilled by the news. Bilo je baš tako. It was just like that. It was just like that. Иска ми се, когато бях млад, да бях учил френски по-сериозно. I wish I had studied French harder when I was younger. I wish when I was young, I could have studied French more seriously. Никого не убив. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. Vitajte na Tatoebe. Welcome to Tatoeba. Bend on Tatoebe. Verujem da ste iskreni. I believe you're honest. I believe you're being honest. Съществуват 340 вида колибри. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. There are 340 types of hummingbirds. Том одеше со Мери. Tom walked with Mary. Tom went with Mary. Том е многу наивен. Tom is very naive. Tom's very naive. Днес открих, че има филм, който се казва "Руснаците идват! Руснаците идват!" Today I discovered that there's a movie called "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" Today I found out there's a movie called "The Russians are coming! Таа навистина сака да озборува. She really likes gossiping. She really likes to talk. Opustil miestnosť. He left the room. Relaxed myestnosous. Многу сум добар со животни. I'm really good with animals. I'm very good with animals. Kada su doživeli Francusku revoluciju, građani su postali slobodni ljudi, oslobođeni tradicija i crkve, hvalili su slobodu, jednakost i bratstvo. When they experienced the French Revolution, citizens became free people, detached from their traditions and the church; they praised Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. When they experienced the French Revolution, citizens became free people, freed traditions and churches, praised freedom, equality and brotherhood. Еден од моите другари студира во странство. One of my friends is studying abroad. One of my friends is studying abroad. Добре дошла в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Povedz komukoľvek kto príde, že som vonku. Tell whoever comes that I'm out. The story of the comedian as far as I can tell, I'm already out. Imate li vremena da mi pomognete? Do you have time to help me? Do you have time to help me? Moja majka voli muziku. My mother loves music. My mother loves music. Том помогна на Мери да си облече палтото. Tom helped Mary put her coat on. Tom helped Mary put on her coat. Dođite brzo! Come quickly! Come quickly! Modlili sa. They were praying. Modley with. Време е да тръгваш за училище. It's about time you went to school. It's time to go to school. Сите покажаа кон неа. Everyone pointed at her. Everyone pointed at her. Том не можеше да се воздржи. Tom couldn't contain himself. Tom couldn't help himself. С кого ходиш на плажа? Who did you go to the beach with? Who are you going to the beach with? Hľadáš niečo? Are you looking for something? Can I get you anything? Биди машко. Be a man. Be a man. Твой ред е. It's your turn. It's your turn. Ние сме тим! We're a team! We're a team! Најде ли некој да го чува детето? Did you get someone to look after the child? Did anyone find the kid? На мен не ми звучи толкова зле. It doesn't sound too bad to me. Doesn't sound so bad to me. Том не е многу фотогеничен. Tom isn't very photogenic. Tom's not very photogenic. Не ходи в онази сграда. Don't go in that building. Don't go to that building. Ona je plakala. She cried. She was crying. Mogla bih da pođem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Nabavićemo ti jednu. We can get one for you. We'll get you one. Што му е намената? What is its purpose? What's his purpose? Том го премина полето. Tom walked across the field. Tom crossed the field. Няма да имат шанс. They won't get the chance. They won't have a chance. Могу ли да користим твој речник? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your vocabulary? Nemohol som dýchať kvôli dymu. I was unable to breathe because of the smoke. I can't help it. Тогаш бевме толку млади. We were so young at that time. We were so young back then. Това изисква внимателно обсъждане. That requires careful consideration. This requires careful discussion. Взимате ли в момента някакви лекарства? Are you currently using any medication? Are you taking any medications right now? Кажи ми каде да го најдам. Tell me where I can find him. Tell me where to find him. Не мога да забравя Том. I can't forget Tom. I can't forget, Tom. Máme čas. We have time. My time. Паркирали сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my place. Мислех, че ще бъдете доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. Сложих си палтото на масата. I put my coat on the table. I put my coat on the table. Tom i ja nismo prijatelji. Samo smo kolege s posla. Tom and I aren't friends. We're just coworkers. Tom and I are not friends. Се согласив да ѝ помогнам. I agreed to help her. I agreed to help her. Tom je potpisao račun. Tom signed the bill. Tom signed the bill. Šta pije ona? What is she drinking? What's she drinking? Том делува запрестатено. Tom seems stunned. Tom seems to have stopped. Стари пријатели сме. We're old friends. We're old friends. Мислев дека нема да бидеш зафатен. I thought you wouldn't be busy. I didn't think you'd be busy. Бас ловя, че го знаеш. I bet you know this. I bet you know that. Merin entuzijazam za kurs je opao kada se njen omiljeni predavač odselio. Mary's enthusiasm for her course deteriorated when her favourite lecturer transferred interstate. Mary's enthusiasm for class went down when her favorite lecturer moved out. Volim da vas gledam kako igrate. I love watching you dance. I love watching you dance. Той нахлу в стаята с без да сваля палтото си. He rushed into the room with his coat on. He broke into the room without taking off his coat. Ситуацијата е напната. The situation is tense. The situation is tense. Душо, можам да објаснам. Honey, I can explain. Honey, I can explain. Priđi bliže. Come closer. Come closer. Тя прекара повече от половин час, скубейки веждите си! She spent over half an hour plucking her eyebrows! She spent more than half an hour scrambling her eyebrows! Одмавнав со главата. I shook my head. I waved my head off. Някои от учениците на Том говорят френски много добре. Some of Tom's students speak French very well. Some of Tom's students speak French very well. Донирај колку што сакаш да донираш. Donate what you're willing to donate. Donate as much as you want to donate. Немој каснити. Don't be late. Don't be late. Она је инструкторка јоге. She's a yoga instructor. She's a yoga instructor. Šta treba da uradiš? What should you do? What do you have to do? Не улази. Keep out. Don't come in. Баш би сакал парче пита. I'd love a slice of pie. I'd love a piece of pie. Francuska je u Zapadnoj Evropi. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Не се сами. They're not alone. They're not alone. Днес чух един добър виц. I heard a good joke today. I heard a good joke today. Тивок сум. I'm quiet. I'm quiet. Je jedenásť. It's eleven o'clock. It's one-on-one. Sakrio sam se ispod stola. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Бродот смени правец. The ship changed its course. The ship has changed course. Ovo mora da je mesto. This must be the place. This must be the place. Slušanje muzike je moj omljeni način opuštanja. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my lonely way of relaxing. Klima uređaj je pokvaren. The air conditioner is broken. The air conditioning's broken. Том сака реванш. Tom wants a rematch. Tom wants a rematch. Ja neviem, kde je Tom. I don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is. Наредната ноќ, не спиев добро. The next night, I did not sleep well. The next night, I didn't sleep well. Провери дали си изключила телевизора, преди да заспиш. Be sure to switch off the television before you go to sleep. Make sure you turn off the TV before you go to sleep. Мисля, че си губиш времето. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Ukrcaj se. Come aboard. Get on board. Том не може да ходи. Tom can't walk. Tom can't walk. Крећи се тихо. Move quietly. Move quietly. Том го искастри дрвото. Tom pruned the tree. Tom cut the tree. Не се ли радвате да ме видите? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you happy to see me? Том се оближа. Tom licked his lips. Tom's licking himself. Nikad nisam stvarno bio nigde. I've never really been anywhere. I've never really been anywhere. Дребнавият съдия развали реда. A fussy referee can ruin a bout. The judge broke the line. Само нека ми се јави таа, добро? Just have her call me, OK? Just let her call me, okay? Ja ne znam ko su oni. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Не ме туркај. Don't push me around. Don't push me. Преди не съм говорила с тебе, нали? I haven't spoken to you before, have I? I haven't talked to you before, have I? Што мисли лекарот дека не е во ред. What does the doctor think is wrong? What the doctor thinks is wrong. Чувствах се много некомфортно, понеже не говорех френски. I was ill at ease because I didn't speak French. I felt very uncomfortable because I didn't speak French. Kaži mi gde živiš. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. По-добре си сложи пуловер под якето. You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket. You'd better put a sweater under your jacket. Osjećam se dobro sada. I'm feeling fine now. I feel good now. Не можев да го трпам. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand him. Danes so šole zaprte. The schools are closed today. Schools are closed today. Страхувах се, че няма да успея да го направя като хората. I was afraid I might not be able to do it correctly. I was afraid I couldn't do it like people. Мен ме е страх от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Nisam mogao skinuti pogled s tebe od trenutka kada sam ušao u tu sobu. I couldn't take my eyes off of you from the minute I entered this room. I couldn't take my eyes off you from the moment I walked into that room. Най-добрият начин да предскажете бъдещето е да го изобретите. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Naoko živi u bijeloj kući. Naoko lives in the white house. He lives in the white house. Викендичката беше целосно опремена, со базен, скара, фудбалско игралиште и маса за билијард. The country house was complete, with a swimming pool, a barbecue, a soccer field and a pool table. The weekend girl was fully equipped, with a pool, barbecue, a football field and a pool table. Извештајов е многу фушерски напишан. This report is very sloppily written. This report is very fucherically written. Нашата работа никога не свършва. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. Том така и не се отказа. Tom never gave up. Tom never gave up. Том е пак при себе. Tom is himself again. Tom's back with him. Зошто би им верувал? Why would you believe them? Why should I trust them? Пътуващите през южна Германия ще видят ферми със слънчеви панели накъдето и да обърнат поглед. People driving through southern Germany will see farmhouses with solar panels everywhere they look. Travelers across southern Germany will see farms with solar panels wherever they look. Жена ми е целомудра и набожна. My wife is chaste and pious. My wife is all wise and blasphemous. Толку е очигледно што не ни требаат докази. It's so obvious we don't need proof. It's so obvious we don't need any evidence. Šta mogu da učinim? What can I do? What can I do? Ovaj vikend imamo besplatne pozive. We can call for free on the weekend. We've got free calls this weekend. Medzi očami a ušami je vzdialenosť päť prstov. There is a distance of four fingers between the eyes and the ears. Between the eyes of the ears is a sighing päña toes. Колку трае патот? How long is the ride? How long is the road? Искам въже за скачане с дървени дръжки. I want a jump rope with wooden handles. I want a rope to jump with wooden handles. Tek sam stigao. I've only just arrived. I just got here. Најстара ќерка на Том не е мажена. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married. Том не говори френски толкова добре, колкото Мери. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary does. Ова беше арен ден. It was a good day. It's been a long day. Ни го отфрлија првиот предлог. Our first proposal was turned down. They rejected our first proposal. Pa, to je lijepa naslovnica. Well, that is a nice cover page. Well, that's a nice cover. Другите девојчиња ја задеваа неа поради нејзината облека. The other girls teased her about her clothes. The other girls were teasing her because of her clothes. Може ли да загасиш светлината? Could you turn off the lights? Can you turn off the light? Tom je zamolio Meri da se javi na telefon. Tom asked Mary to answer the telephone. Tom asked Mary to answer the phone. Мислех, че ще бъдеш доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. To mi deluje nehumano. That seems inhumane to me. That seems inhumane to me. Reformirana sam. I'm reformed. I've been reformed. Познанията ми по френски не са кой знае какави. My knowledge of French doesn't amount to much. My French skills aren't who knows what they're like. Ne otvarajte to. Don't open it. Don't open that. Moramo da nađemo Toma. We've got to find Tom. We need to find Tom. Je li ovo tvoj telefon? Is this your phone? Is this your phone? Алгебрата е раздел в математиката. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Algebra is a section in mathematics. Пластмасовата магнитна карта, на която е запаметен банковият номер, дебитна карта ли се нарича? Is the magnetic card made of plastic which stores your bank account called a cash card? The plastic magnetic card on which the bank number is memorized, is it called a debit card? Чух, че било доста вълнуващо. I heard it was pretty exciting. I heard it was pretty exciting. Аз съм атеист. I'm atheist. I'm an atheist. Вклучени ли се оброците во цената? Are any meals included? Are the meals included in the price? Когато сме заедно, времето изглежда спряло. When we are together, time seems to stand still. When we're together, time seems to have stopped. Не стой навън до много късно. Don't stay out too late. Don't stay out too late. Više volim gladovati, nego krasti. I would rather starve than steal. I prefer to starve than steal. Беше предизвикателство. It was a challenge. It was a challenge. Участниците се подготвят за последния кръг на състезанието. The contestants are gearing up for the final round of competition. The participants are preparing for the final round of the race. Том отказа да отиде в болницата. Tom refused to go to the hospital. Tom refused to go to the hospital. Jesi li slobodna u nedelju? Are you open on Sunday? Are you free on Sunday? Допуснах грешка. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Он те је лагао. He lied to you. He lied to you. Tom je malo zabrinut. Tom is a little worried. Tom's a little worried. Три месеца преди Том да завърши колежа, той умря. Three months before Tom was to graduate from college, he died. Three months before Tom graduated college, he died. Може ли само да ми дадеш една минута? Can you just give me a minute? Can you just give me a minute? Благодаря ти за всичко. Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything. Пиши скоро! Write soon! Write soon! Аз ти вярвам. I believe you. I believe you. Казах ти да не ме наричаш Том. I've told you not to call me Tom. I told you not to call me Tom. Те сакам веќе долго време. I've loved you for a long time. I've loved you for a long time. Веднага си сложих обувките. I put on my shoes at once. I put my shoes on right away. Котките сънуват ли? Do cats dream? Do cats dream? Не се оставяй да бъдеш използван. Don't let yourself be used. Don't let yourself be used. Ѝ се јавив вчера. I called her yesterday. I called her yesterday. Многу филозофи биле од Грција. Many philosophers come from Greece. Many philosophers were from Greece. Бил може да кара колело. Bill can ride a bicycle. Bill can ride a bike. Ja sam žena. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Том бил професор по клавир. Tom was a piano teacher. Tom was a piano teacher. Временните мерки няма да имат никакъв ефект върху наркотичната зависимост. Stopgap measures won't make a dent in drug addiction. Temporary measures will have no effect on drug addiction. Pojma nimam. I don't have a clue. I have no idea. Те молам врати ми се. Please come back to me. Please come back to me. Туристите не беа задоволни. The tourists were not happy. The tourists weren't happy. Запазете го до по-късно. Save it till later. Keep it until later. Том полага много усилия да подобри френския си. Tom is working hard to improve his French. Tom's making a lot of efforts to improve his French. Очевидно Том е бил известен още преди да издаде този албум. Apparently, Tom was already famous before he released that album. Apparently Tom was famous before he published that album. Vreme je za istinu. It's time for the truth. It's time for the truth. Том си ги врза врвците. Tom tied his laces. Tom tied his cords. Каква е минималната заплата в Нова Зеландия? What's the minimum salary in New Zealand? What's the minimum wage in New Zealand? Данас имам главобољу. I have a headache today. I have a headache today. Пријателствата се волшебни. Friendship is magic. Friendships are magical. Што ти реков? What did I tell you? What did I tell you? Зошто се плашат? Why are they afraid? Why are they afraid? Том говори френски добре, но не толкова добре, колкото английския. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as he speaks English. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as English. Zar nećeš još jednu čašu mleka? Won't you have another glass of milk? Don't you want another glass of milk? Kaži Tomu da sam spremna. Tell Tom that I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready. Pomalo sam nov u ovome. I'm kind of new at this. I'm a little new at this. Tom ima mlađu sestru Meri. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Стотици хора са умрели от глад в този район. Hundreds of people have starved to death in that district. Hundreds of people have starved to death in this area. Мисля, че Том се крие от Мери. I think Tom is hiding from Mary. I think Tom's hiding from Mary. Автоматските автомобиле сега се распространети. Driverless cars are now widely in use. Automatic cars are now spread out. Удобно ли ви е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Мислам дека Том е прекрасен. I think Tom is great. I think Tom's wonderful. Баш вчера те мислев. I was just thinking about you yesterday. Just yesterday I was thinking about you. Никогаш не сум бил поротник досега. I've never been on a jury before. I've never been a juror before. Pokušao si. You've tried. You tried. Том си отвори раницата. Tom unzipped his backpack. Tom opened his backpack. Колка е длабока провалијата? How deep is the abyss? How deep is the break-in? Znam skijati. I'm able to ski. I can ski. На Том му се зафатени рацете. Tom's hands are full. Tom's hands are tied. Ovde pušenje nije dozvoljeno. Tovi svoj rak negde drugde! Smoking is not allowed here. Please feed your cancer outside! There's no smoking allowed here. Izgleda mlad za svoje godine. He looks young for his age. He looks young for his age. Къде е баща Ви? Where's your father? Where's your father? Паркирал сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my place. "Това е първият ми полет. Нервен съм", каза Хироши. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," says Hiroshi. "This is my first flight. I am nervous," Hiroshi said. Повеќето девици имаат читав химен. Most virgins have an intact hymen. Most virgins have a whole hymen. Posjetiti ću ga u za nekoliko tjedana. I'll pay him a visit within a few weeks. I'll visit him in a few weeks. Tom misli da nešto nije u redu sa nekim političarima. Tom thinks there is something wrong with some politicians. Tom thinks there's something wrong with some politicians. Мисля, че това ще проработи. I think this is going to work. I think that'll work. Марија не го разбра предавањето. Оратор требал да зборува побавно. Mary did not understand the lecture. The speaker should have spoken more slowly. Maria didn't understand the lecture. Znaš li šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? Ona je Ukrajinka. She's Ukrainian. She's Ukrainian. Том не пишува добро. Tom isn't a good writer. Tom doesn't write well. Znaš li da kuvaš? Can you cook? Do you know how to cook? Mrmlal si. You mumbled. You were mumbling. Ubijeno je nekoliko ljudi. Several people were killed. A few people were killed. Дан го мавна Мет и го принуди да ѝ се извини на Линда. Dan hit Matt and forced him to apologize to Linda. Dan waved Matt and forced him to apologize to Linda. Не трябва да нарушаваме обещанието си. We must not break our promise. We shouldn't break our promise. Milujem meno Bella, znamená to krásna, nie? I love the name Bella, it means pretty, right? I'm sorry, Bella. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Се токмиме да почнеме. We're about to start. We're trying to get started. Овие се исто толку добри колку и тие. These are as good as those. These are just as good as they are. Sadol si a čítal kým jeho žena varila pri ohni. He sat down and read while his wife was cooking by the fire. You planted a book of Jehoi's women welding at the ohna. Nehaj govoriti. Stop talking. Stop talking. Диамантите са най-добрите приятели на момичето. Diamonds are a girl's best friends. Diamonds are girl's best friends. Музеят днес отворен ли е? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Ще се омъжиш ли за мен? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Ja volim Leanne. I love Leanne. I love Leanne. Во подрум е. It's in the basement. He's in the basement. Можеш да ме оковеш, да ме мачиш, и дури да ми го уништиш телово, но никогаш нема да ми го заробиш умот. You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. You can chain me, torture me, and even destroy my body, but you'll never capture my mind. Блиски смо пријатељи. We're close friends. We're close friends. Као ќе ги најдеме? How are we going to find them? How are we gonna find them? Нейното палто е с обърната кожа. Her coat is fur on the inside. Her coat's covered in leather. Том е човекът, който ми каза защо трябва да отида в Бостън. Tom is the one who told me why I needed to go to Boston. Tom's the guy who told me why I had to go to Boston. Jeste li spremni? Are you ready? Are you ready? Играат одбојка. They are playing volleyball. They're playing volleyball. Шта да кажем? What am I supposed to say? What can I say? Буди реалан! Be realistic! Be realistic! Том иде. Tom is on his way. Tom's going. Kupio sam automobil za 10% popusta. I bought the car at a 10% discount. I bought a car for 10% discount. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Помислих си, че Том може да го направи. I thought Tom might do that. I thought Tom could do it. Желим да будем са њом. I want to be with her. I want to be with her. Ан няма сестри. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Anne doesn't have any sisters. Правила сам се да не видим. I looked the other way. I pretended not to see. На Том му снема вода. Tom ran out of water. Tom ran out of water. Све се одиграло брзином светлости. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything happened at the speed of light. Том не е дарежлив. Tom isn't generous. Tom's not generous. U teoriji moguće je, ali u praksi vrlo teško je. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory, it's possible, but in practice it's very difficult. Сѐ уште работи. It's still functioning. It's still working. Зошто никој не сака да ни помогне? Why won't anyone help us? Why won't anyone help us? Сакаш ли да одиш на вечера со мене вечерва? Would you have dinner with me tonight? Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? Седни. Take a seat. Sit down. Том не благодари на Мери за помощта ѝ. Tom didn't thank Mary for her help. Tom didn't thank Mary for her help. Трябва да спазваш обещанията си. You should keep your promise. You have to keep your promises. Ништо не наликува повеќе на лудак од пијаница. Nothing is more like a madman than a drunk. Nothing looks more like a lunatic than a drunk. Добро, ќе го нарачам. OK, I'll order it. All right, I'll order it. Nikad ne stižeš na vreme. You never arrive on time. You're never on time. Мораш да побрзаш за да го фатиш последниот воз. You have to hurry up so you'd catch the last train. You have to hurry to catch the last train. Тоа не се толку многу. That's not so many. That's not so much. Би можеле да зборуваме за Том. We could talk about Tom. We could talk about Tom. Върнах се вкъщи с влака. I returned home by train. I came home on the train. Poklonici Višnua nazivaju se Višnuanci; poklonici Šive su Šivanci. The devotees of Vishnu are called Vaishnavas; the devotees of Shiva are Shaivites. The idolaters of Vishnu are called Vishnuan (Vishnuan). The idols of Shiva (Sivan) are the Shivan (Sivan). Аои е добър танцьор. Aoi is a good dancer. Oh, he's a good dancer. Мисля, че този ще ти хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Muškarci sve vreme pričaju o ženama. Men talk about women all the time. Men talk about women all the time. Книгиве се нови. These books are new. These books are new. Brak je glavni uzrok svih razvoda. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znala? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin is Austrian. Ne živim u tom gradu. I don't live in that city. I don't live in that town. Ќе си ги измијам рацете. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'll wash my hands. Još sam tu. I'm still around. I'm still here. Обърквам се. I'm getting confused. I'm confused. Том почна да вреска. Tom began screaming. Tom started screaming. Нема постоји правило без изузетка. There is no rule without exception. There is no rule without exception. Niko drugi nije bio povređen. No one else was hurt. No one else was hurt. Кой зъб те боли? Which tooth hurts? What tooth hurts? Ме поканија на нивната свадба. I was invited to their wedding. They invited me to their wedding. Rekla si mi da nećeš biti ovdje danas. You told me you wouldn't be here today. You told me you wouldn't be here today. Сите умираат кога-тогаш. Everybody dies eventually. Everyone dies every once in a while. Том продолжи да вежба. Tom kept practicing. Tom kept practicing. Да ли верујеш у вечни живот? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in eternal life? Јави се на бројот што ти го дадов. Call the number I gave you. Call the number I gave you. Морав да ѝ помагам. I had to help her. I had to help her. Чух, че Том се жени. I hear Tom is getting married. I heard Tom's getting married. Tom je previše siromašan da unajmi advokata. Tom is too poor to hire a lawyer. Tom's too poor to hire a lawyer. Kto je zodpovedný za tento problém? Who's responsible for this problem? What's the story behind the tento problem? Зошто зајците имаат големи уши? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have big ears? Това не е буквален превод, това е направо грешно. That isn't a literal translation, it's just plain wrong. It's not a literal translation, it's just wrong. Могу ли да те испратим кући? Can I walk you home? Can I walk you home? Detektivi i dalje istražuju. Detectives are still investigating. Detectives are still investigating. Choď si za svojím, a nech si ľudia rozprávajú. Follow your own path and let people talk. You're on your own, but you're on your own. Каква е минималната заплата в Индия? What's the minimum salary in India? What's the minimum wage in India? Отидов на патување во Бостон. I took a trip to Boston. I went on a trip to Boston. То је оружје. It's a weapon. It's a weapon. Илјада години сочинуваат едно илјадалетие. A thousand years makes up a millenium. Thousands of years make up a millennium. Влези внатре. Step inside. Get inside. Nije trebalo da kupiš to. You shouldn't have bought that. You shouldn't have bought that. Upucala sam medveda. I shot a bear. I shot a bear. Ме навреди со тоа што ме нарече магаре. He insulted me by calling me a donkey. He insulted me by calling me a donkey. Што да правиме денес? What should we do today? What do we do today? Желанието му най-накрая се изпълни. He finally got his wish. His wish has finally come true. Bio si veoma tih. You've been very quiet. You were very quiet. Подхождаш към това по неправилен начин. You're going about it in the wrong way. You're looking at this the wrong way. Те се разбират добре със съседите си. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They get along well with their neighbors. Гледай да не натиснеш грешното копче. Don't hit the wrong button. Make sure you don't push the wrong button. Možemo da uštedimo malo vremena ako uradimo ono što predlaže Tom. We can save a little time if we do what Tom suggests. We can save a little time if we do what Tom proposes. Том не се засрами. Tom didn't feel embarrassed. Tom's not ashamed. Той обикаляше страната. He traveled around the country. He was going around the country. Iznenađen sam što nisi znala da Tom ne zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom couldn't speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom didn't speak French. Том ја спушти пушката. Tom lowered his rifle. Tom put the gun down. Hvala vam puno! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Dodajte još vode. Add more water. Add more water. Том може ли да дойде утре? Can Tom come tomorrow? Can Tom come tomorrow? Ukrcajte se. Come aboard. All aboard. Više nisam uznemiren. I'm not upset anymore. I'm not upset anymore. Krojačica kroji i kuhar peče. A seamstress sews, and a cook bakes. The tailor's making and the cook's burning. Колко дълго трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? Каде може да се паркирам? Where can I park? Where can I park? Tomu je potreban doktor. Tom needs a doctor. That needs a doctor. Vraćam se uskoro. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Често прекарвам свободното си време слушайки музика. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my free time listening to music. Се шетам со неа. I'm walking with her. I'm walking with her. Излезли са ми пришки по краката. I've got blisters on my feet. My legs are all over the place. Brinuo se za dijete. He looked after the baby. He took care of the kid. Собата беше хаос. The room is a mess. The room was a mess. Не биди смешен! Не сме настанале од мајмуните, туку имаме заеднички предок. Don't be ridiculous! We are not descended from apes, we only have a common ancestor. Don't be ridiculous, we didn't come from monkeys, we have a common ancestor. Brod je iskrcan u luci. The ship was unloaded at the port. The ship has been disembarked at the port. Можам да го направам тоа за нив. I can do that for them. I can do it for them. Том почна да ја брка Мери околу игралиштето. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. To je Tom. It's Tom. That's Tom. Da li si ikad video jednog? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever seen one? Meri je na trenutak bila tiha. Mary was quiet for a moment. Mary was quiet for a moment. Нејзино е. It's hers. It's hers. Това е мотоциклетът на Том, струва ми се. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. Том е на абсолютно сигурно място. Tom is perfectly safe. Tom's in an absolutely safe place. Просто многу се гордеам со тебе. I'm just so proud of you. I'm just so proud of you. Hajde da napravimo neke slike. Let's get some pictures. Let's take some pictures. Аз съм дъщерята на Хелън Картрайт. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. Искам да знам говорила ли си с Том. I want to know if you've been talking to Tom. I want to know if you talked to Tom. Samo votka iz Rusije je prava ruska votka! Only vodka from Russia is genuine Russian vodka! Only vodka from Russia is real Russian vodka! Никој нема да ти досаѓа. No one will bother you. No one's gonna bother you. Фернандо е побрз од тебе. Можеш ли да потврдиш дека ја разбираш таа порака? Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understand that message? Fernando's faster than you, can you confirm that you understand that message? Срећан васкрс! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Ukoliko pronađem tvoju putovnicu, smjesta ću te nazvati. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If I find your passport, I'll call you right now. Почти всички студенти обичат английския. Almost all the students like English. Almost all students love English. Дај ми ја лопатата. Give me the shovel. Give me the shovel. Том е најдобриот. Tom is the greatest. Tom's the best. Миналата година се отказах. I retired last year. I gave up last year. Дали навистина ми треба ова? Do I really need this? Do I really need this? Том говореше на френски доста свободно. Tom spoke French quite fluently. Tom spoke French quite freely. Дан и напиша на Линда уште еден чек. Dan wrote another check for Linda. Dan wrote Linda another check. Mi probamo. We're trying. We try. Ништо нема да ја смени мојата љубов кон тебе. Nothing's going to change my love for you. Nothing will change my love for you. Тя говори добре английски, но не колкото брат си. She is good at speaking English, no less so than her brother. She speaks good English, but not as good as her brother. Да видиме што ќе се случи ако му дозволиме на Том да прави што сака. Let's see what happens if we let Tom do what he wants. Let's see what happens if we let Tom do what he wants. Потпуно си у праву. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Аз не искам да си продавам душата на дявола. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. Je jedenásť hodín. It's eleven o'clock. It's a one-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'- Какви са новините? What is the news? What's the news? Хайде на работа. Let's work. Let's get to work. Помислих, че може да отидем до музея заедно. I thought we could visit the museum together. I thought we could go to the museum together. Si dobrý novinár. You're a good journalist. You're good. "Благодаря." "Няма защо." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Корабът беше претърсен основно, но наркотици не бяха открити. The ship was searched thoroughly, but no illegal drugs were found. The ship was searched mainly, but the drugs weren't found. Dobro. A ti? Fine. And you? Okay, what about you? Било је заиста инспиришуће. It was really inspiring. It was really inspiring. Белким не предлагаш да му ги дадеме сите пари на Том, така? You're not suggesting we give all the money to Tom, are you? You're not suggesting we give all the money to Tom, are you? Danas imam puno toga za obaviti. Today I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot to do today. Моля те, не питай. Please don't ask. Please don't ask. Zato sam ga otpustio. This is why I fired him. That's why I fired him. Дај им шанса. Give them a chance. Give them a chance. Том няма да успее навреме. Tom won't make it in time. Tom won't make it in time. Не съм спал от три дена. I haven't slept in three days. I haven't slept in three days. На нея ѝ беше студено. I feel cold. She was cold. Samo pokušavaju da pomognu. They're only trying to help. They're just trying to help. Защо сте дошли толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why are you here so early? Не ми харесва вкусът на доматите. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. Baš je vruće ovde. It's really hot there. It's hot in here. Том ѝ ѕврцна на Мери. Tom gave Mary a call. Tom called Mary. Ще се обадиш ли на Том, или искаш аз да го направя? Are you going to call Tom or do you want me to? Are you gonna call Tom, or do you want me to do it? Сите сме загрозени. We're all at risk. We're all at risk. Имам ли право да Ви придружавам? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Možete li da mi kažete kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Tvoja tajna je sigurna s nama. Your secret's safe with us. Your secret is safe with us. Том ме победи. Tom beat me. Tom beat me. Tom ima mračnu tajnu. Tom has a dark secret. Tom has a dark secret. Ko zna šta će se dogoditi sutra? Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow? Штотуку имав визија. I just had a vision. I just had a vision. Неговите мислења се безвредни. His opinions are worthless. His opinions are worthless. Загризуваат ли пастрмките? Are the trout biting? Do the trout bite? Kaj se mu je zgodilo? What happened to him? What happened to him? Том би возвратил. Tom would fight back. Tom would fight back. Стани. Hold on. Stop. Том те предал. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Утре ще уча в библиотеката. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I'll study in the library tomorrow. Слободен сум вечерва. I'm free this evening. I'm free tonight. Том вели дека нешто друго видел. Tom says he saw something else. Tom says he saw something else. Държа ти палтото. I have your coat. I got your coat. Накратко, ти си крив. To put it briefly it's your fault. In short, it's your fault. Од каде се појави? Where did you come from? Where did you come from? Povuci se unazad. Step back. Pull back. Hrvatska je bila tako lijepa. Croatia was so beautiful. Croatia was so beautiful. Мојот интерес за политиката е чисто академски. My interest in politics is strictly academic. My interest in politics is purely academic. Ček', ček', ne idi još. Wait, wait, don't go yet. Wait, wait, don't go yet. Kaži mu da sam nevina. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Не съм те виждала Том от рождения му ден насам. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. I haven't seen you since his birthday. Том беше многу изнервиран. Tom was extremely annoyed. Tom was so pissed off. Том се мачеше да се ослободи. Tom struggled to get free. Tom was struggling to get rid of it. Какво ще похапнем? What are we going to eat? What are we going to eat? Казах на Том защо няма да мога да отида. I told Tom the reason why I wouldn't be able to go. I told Tom why I couldn't go. Не ми треба превоз. I don't need a ride. I don't need a ride. Дрехите му винаги миришат лошо. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Тук не трябва да говорите. You shouldn't talk here. You don't have to talk here. Značilo bi mi ako bi to mogao da mi uradiš. It would be helpful if you could do that for me. It would mean something to me if you could do that to me. Току-що свърших да правя домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished doing my French homework. Kako si spravil tale rjaveč kup šare preko tehničnega pregleda? How did you get this rusty junk approved by the Technical Inspection Association? How did you get this brown pile of patterns through a technical examination? Ne možeš pobeći od prošlosti. You can't run from the past. You can't get away from the past. Рано или късно късметът му ще свърши. He'll run out of luck sooner or later. Sooner or later, his luck will end. Ja volim grožđe. I love grapes. I like grapes. Мислев дека Том ќе биде зафатен. I thought Tom would be busy. I thought Tom was gonna be busy. Kako znate toliko? How do you know so much? How do you know so much? Чај со лимун, ќе Ве молам. A tea with lemon, please. Lemon tea, please. Дървото гори. Wood burns. The tree's on fire. Živjet ću u Kambodži. I'll live in Cambodia. I'll live in Cambodia. Zašto ne navratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? Mislim da ćete moći da uradite to. I think you'll not be able to do that. I think you'll be able to do that. Утре свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Драго ми је да те опет видим. Nice to see you again. It's good to see you again. Не взимам никакви лекарства. I don't take any medicine. I'm not taking any medication. Moramo poštovati saobraćajna pravila. We must obey the traffic regulations. We need to follow traffic rules. Da li si besan zbog toga? Does that make you angry? Are you mad about that? Аз не обичам изкуствените цветя. I don't like artificial flowers. I don't like artificial flowers. Daću otkaz. I'll quit. I'll quit. Вземи един от тези. Take one of these. Take one of these. Најдоа изолирана плажа па таму го проведоа денот. They found a secluded beach where they spent the day. They found an isolated beach and spent the day there. Том получи похвала за смелостта си, спасявайки жена от горяща къща. Tom received a commendation for bravery for rescuing a woman from a burning house. Tom got credit for his courage, saving a woman from a burning house. Виж черните облаци,ще вали. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. Look at the black clouds, it's gonna rain. Цените паднаха напоследък. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have fallen lately. Играхме тенис вчера. We played tennis yesterday. We were playing tennis yesterday. Може ли да поразговарам со тебе, Том? Could I talk to you, Tom? Can I talk to you for a second, Tom? Ще следвам твоите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Nisam bila nervozna zbog toga. I wasn't nervous about it. I wasn't nervous about it. Аз ще дойда у вас. I'll come to your place. I'll come to your house. Нема да се подобри. It doesn't get better. It's not gonna get any better. Odluči se. Make your choice. Make up your mind. Mary je primijetila da jedna od Tomovih stolica nedostaje. Mary noticed that one of Tom's chairs was missing. Mary noticed one of Tom's chairs was missing. Повика ли брза помош веќе? Have you called an ambulance yet? Did you call an ambulance yet? Samo polako! Easy does it. Take it easy! Зошто ме сакаш? Why do you love me? Why do you love me? Сега ти го направи. Now you do it. Now you do it. Тоа обично не е добра идеја. That's usually not a good idea. That's usually not a good idea. Возови у Србији су ужасно спори. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Кучетата са разрешени. Dogs are permitted. Dogs are allowed. Той изчезна без следа. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Не знаех, че е трябвало да го направим. I didn't know we were supposed to do that. I didn't know we had to do this. Осъдени на смърт. Condemned to death. Convicted of death. Помолих Боб за помощ. I asked for Bob's help. I asked Bob for help. Том беше добар човек. Tom was a good man. Tom was a good man. Spremiću Toma. I'll get Tom ready. I'll get Tom ready. Том не хареса името му. Tom didn't like his name. Tom didn't like his name. Не можеш да ме контролираш, Том. You can't control me, Tom. You can't control me, Tom. Аз написах домашната си работа. I did my homework. I wrote my homework. Се заљубив во тебе првиот ден кога те запознав. I fell in love with you the first day we met. I fell in love with you the first day I met you. Работих усърдно през последния месец. I worked hard last month. I've been working hard for the last month. Колико је далеко одавде? How far is it from here? How far is it from here? Odlučili su da stupe u brak. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. Покажи ми фотке! Show me the photos! Show me the photos! Том си направил список со работите што треба да ги извршиме. Tom has written down a list of things we need to do. Tom made a list of the things we need to do. Bila sam veoma uzbuđena. I was very excited. I was very excited. Дојди на прошетка со мене. Take a walk with me. Come for a walk with me. Том не го мислеше тоа. Tom didn't mean it. Tom didn't mean that. Ja samo vršim svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Таа работа е завршена. That job's finished. That job's done. Накъде е плажът. Which way is the beach? Where's the beach? Ne ide mi plesanje. I'm no good at dancing. I'm not good at dancing. Tom je izgledao besno. Tom seemed a bit angry. Tom seemed angry. Какъв е твоят проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Том едвај знае да оди. Tom can barely walk. Tom can barely walk. Спиев во автобус. I slept on the bus. I slept on a bus. Како беше аудицијата? How was the audition? How was the audition? Никогаш нема да ја најдеш. You'll never find her. You'll never find her. Ќе се справиме со тоа. We'll deal with it. We'll deal with it. Изведнъж пред тях изскочи някакъв мъж. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them. Suddenly a man came up in front of them. On ima veliku porodicu. He's got a large family. He's got a big family. On je visok dečak. He's a tall boy. He's a tall boy. Ako nalog već postoji, funkcionisaće sistem kojim možete da primate i šaljete email. If there is already an account, there is a system by which you are able to send and receive email. If the account already exists, the system you can receive and send an email will be functioning. Kaži mi šta je ono. Tell me what that is. Tell me what it is. Значи все пак успя. You managed it after all. So you did it anyway. Каде ќе се користи производов? Where will this product be used? Where will this product be used? Старата куќарка има извесен шарм. The old cottage has a certain charm about it. The old housewife has a certain charm. Тоа е грозно. That's disgusting. That's awful. Том погледна во другиот правец. Tom looked the other way. Tom looked the other way. Том почна да се соблекува. Tom started taking his clothes off. Tom started taking his clothes off. Той излиза с групата деца, с които не трябва. He hangs around with the wrong group of kids. He's dating a group of kids he shouldn't be with. Той би ми дал да му помогна. He would let me help him. He'd let me help him. Не ми треба кревет. I don't need a bed. I don't need a bed. Обожавам сончогледи. I love sunflowers. I love sunflowers. Не съм искала да нараня ничии чувства. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Всички това казват. They all say that. That's what they all say. Гледай да не закъсняваш. Now, don't be late. Don't be late. Виждал съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Daj mi broj. Give me the number. Give me the number. Не бих си помислил, че тофуто е толкова вкусно. I wouldn't have thought that tofu tastes this good. I wouldn't think tofu was so delicious. Том је отпуштен. Tom has been fired. Tom's been fired. Внимавайки в клас може да води до високи оценки. Paying attention in class may lead to high marks. Being careful in class can lead to high grades. Кен е добър в плуването. Ken is good at swimming. Ken's good at swimming. Ставите ме болят. My joints ache. Put me in pain. Косата и тоа како си ја држи главата ме потсеќаат на Марија. Her hair and the way she holds her head remind me of Maria. The hair and how it holds its head reminds me of Mary. Tom hovorí hlasno. Tom has a loud voice. Tom hovorí cold. Имам добра причина да не го сакам Том. I've got a good reason not to like Tom. I have good reason not to love Tom. Површината на месечината е неправилна. The surface of the moon is irregular. The surface of the moon is irregular. Сакам да знам зошто ќе доцниш. I want to know why you're late. I want to know why you're late. Том грабна апарат за гасење пожар и почна да шприца. Tom grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying. Tom grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying. Имаш ли мапа од Бостон? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map from Boston? Bývam v hoteli. I live in a hotel. I'm going to the hotels. Моля те, премисли го. Please think it over. Please think about it. Одустао је. He gave in. He gave up. Не ми пречи да помагам. I don't mind helping. I don't mind helping. Zacrtao je sebi da mora da radi u bašti dva sata dnevno. He makes it a rule to work in the garden for two hours every day. He wrote himself that he had to work in the garden for two hours a day. Скучно ми е. I am bored. I'm bored. Имам трима сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Изглежда, че си променила цялата стая. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you changed the whole room. Том всушност не сакаше да живее во Бостон. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Tom didn't actually want to live in Boston. Bila sam spremna za to. I was prepared for that. I was ready for that. Ще си правим парти в костюми от осемнайсти век. We're going to the party in eighteenth century costumes. We're having a costume party from the 18th century. Как се казва твоят баща? What's your dad's name? What's your father's name? Му се смеевме на Том. We laughed at Tom. We laughed at Tom. Ty nepočúvaš. You're not listening. Ty, you're missing. Само се забавувам малку. I'm just having a little fun. I'm just having a little fun. Kako mogu da mrzim Toma? How could I hate Tom? How can I hate Tom? Знам за работата. I know about the job. I know about the job. Sme špeciálni. We're special. We're special. Поврзи се со неа. Contact her. Get in touch with her. Ја сакаме убавината. We love beauty. We love beauty. Tom je bio đubretar. Tom was a junkman. Tom was a garbage man. Jedva sam uspeo da sakrijem svoje ogorčenje zbog njene drskosti. I could barely contain my indignation at her impudence. I barely managed to hide my indignation because of her insolence. Radim svoj posao. I'm doing my job. I'm doing my job. Juče sam kupio ovo. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. Твојата пропаганда не е интересна. Your propaganda is not interesting. Your propaganda is not interesting. Приятелката на Том заплаши, че ще го напусне. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom je umro u snu. Tom died in his sleep. Tom died in his sleep. Ти би била одлична мајка. You'd be a great mother. You'd make a great mother. Nećemo da vas izneverimo. We won't let you down. We won't let you down. Toma je spasila Meri. Tom was rescued by Mary. Tom saved Mary. Един човек дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. A man came to see me yesterday. Вараш се. You are wrong. You're wrong. Tom je jasno stavio do znanja da neće da uradi to. Tom made it clear that I shouldn't do that. Tom made it clear that he wouldn't do it. Tvrdoglava sam. I'm stubborn. I'm stubborn. Кравата заборави дека некогаш била теле. The cow forgot that it once was a calf. The cow forgot it was once a calf. Tom je nosio crni šešir. Tom was wearing a black hat. Tom was wearing a black hat. Аз не мисля, че е вярно. I don't think it's true. I don't think that's true. Kako je Tomu na poslu? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom doing at work? Хвала ти пуно.Ти би такође требало да се осетиш слободним и затражиш помоћ у будућности. Thank you very much. You should also feel free to ask me for help in the future. Thank you very much. You should also feel free and ask for help in the future. Pokúsim sa, ale neviem, či sa mi to podarí. I will try but don't know if I will succeed. I'll take care of it, but I'll give it to me. Похвалихме го за добрата му работа. We commended him for his good work. We commended him for his good work. Къде е моята стая? Where's my room? Where's my room? Imate tri mačke. You have three cats. You have three cats. Въпреки че Том ми го обясни подробно, все още не съм сигурен, че наистина разбирам. Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand it. Although Tom explained it to me in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand. По-добре да отида да видя какво е открил Том. I'd better go see what Tom found out. I'd better go see what Tom found. Јао ми је жао Тома. I really feel sorry for Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Каде сакаш да одиме? Where do you want us to go? Where do you want to go? Како би ти то превео? How would you translate it? How would you translate that? Извинете, не е грешка? Excuse me, it's not a mistake? I'm sorry, isn't it a mistake? Колкото книги има той, толкова имам и аз. I have as many books as he does. As many books as he has, so do I. Гладан сам као вук. I'm hungry like the wolf. I'm as hungry as a wolf. Mnogi jezici eumefizmima opisuju smrt i umiranje. Most languages have euphemistic expressions to describe death and dying. Many languages describe death and death in euphisms. Румънците от Трансилвания говорят много бавно. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Луд си! You're nuts! You're crazy! Не могу му веровати. I can't trust him. I can't trust him. Сви ми кажу да сам чудна. I'm told by everybody that I am strange. Everyone tells me I'm weird. Nezabudnite na nás. Don't forget us. Don't wake up on nás. Tom je taj koga želiš. Tom is the one you want. Tom's the one you want. Много е кратък. It's very short. It's very short. Kakvo je vrijeme u New Yorku? What's the weather like in New York? How's the weather in New York? Nemoćni moraju biti zaštićeni pred moćnima. The powerless must be protected against the powerful. The powerless must be protected from the powerful. Tom će da ide. Tom'll go. Tom's gonna go. Кога се пресели во Бостон? When did you move to Boston? When did you move to Boston? Ataturk je rođen 1881, u Solunu. Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki Ataturk was born in 1881, in Thessaloniki. Више волим торте и слаткише од алкохола, али пијем. I prefer cakes or candies to alcohol, but I do drink. I prefer cakes and candy than alcohol, but I drink. Vi ste dobra ekipa. You guys make a great team. You're a good team. Тоа беше лично. That was personal. That was personal. Той е гимназист. He's a high school student. He's a high school kid. Том најде детелина со четири листа. Tom found a four-leaf clover. Tom found a four-listed kid. Doktor je rekao Tomu da treba da pije više vode. The doctor told Tom that he should drink more water. The doctor told Tom he should drink more water. Тя сама е прочела всичките ми книги. She read all my books by herself. She read all my books herself. Ja som niečo povedal. I said something. I didn't say anything. Не би можел да го замислам светов без музика. I can't imagine a world without music. I couldn't imagine a world without music. Благодаря ти, че дойде! Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming! Умало да заборавим пасош. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Зошто би ѝ верувал? Why would you believe her? Why should I trust her? Заради проблема със замърсяването на въздуха, някой ден колелото би могло да измести автомобила. Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile. Because of the air pollution problem, one day the bike could move the car. Мачът беше отложен за неизвестно време. The game has been indefinitely postponed. The sword was delayed for an unknown time. Lekar radi u bolnici. The doctor works in a hospital. The doctor works at the hospital. Ako ne radiš, ne možeš jesti. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. Иранците се мирољубив народ. Iranian people are peace loving. Iranians are a peaceful people. Otišao je na more da bi plivao. He went to sea to swim. He went to the sea to swim. Jeste važno za mene. For me, it is important. It is important to me. Hoću njegovu glavu. I want his head. I want his head. Веруваш ли во хороскоп? Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe in horoscopes? Svi su bolesni. Everyone's sick. They're all sick. Samozrejme že napíšem ten list po anglicky. Of course I'll write the letter in English. I've already written a tin leaf after Englishy. Mislim da smo se upoznali ranije. I think we've met before. I think we've met before. Ni sam ljuta ni na koga. I'm not mad at anybody. I'm not mad at anyone. Potpiši se iznad ove crte. Sign above this line. Sign above this line. Мисля, че си направила грешка. I think you've made a mistake. I think you made a mistake. Говориш ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Том ли го предложил ова? Was Tom the one who suggested this? Did Tom suggest this? Стаята му е бъркотия. His room's a mess. His room is a mess. Гледам дека си буден. I see you are awake. I see you're awake. Го видов Том. I saw Tom. I saw Tom. Jesi li ti umešana u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? Се запознавме во меана. We met in an inn. We met in a monk. Неспособен си. You're incompetent. You're incompetent. Nije mi bilo zabavno, pa sam rano otišao kući. I wasn't having fun, so I went home early. I didn't have any fun, so I went home early. Reci Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. В началото местните каубои му се изсмяха. At first, the local cowboys laughed at him. At first, the local cowboys laughed at him. Някой от вас някога да е разговарял с Том? Have any of you ever talked to Tom? Any of you ever talk to Tom? Токму со мене сакаше да се запознае Том. I'm the one Tom wanted to meet. I'm the one you wanted to meet, Tom. Термити једу дрво. Termites eat wood. Termites eat wood. Nekupuj mi nič! Don't buy me anything! Don't buy me anything! Jesi li primio paket koji sam ti poslao? Did you get the package I sent you? Did you receive the package I sent you? Учила съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I've studied French for three years. Избери което ти харесва. Choose whichever you like. Choose what you like. Мисля, че ще останете доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. Трябва им някаква посока. They need some direction. They need some direction. Ние няма да се преклоним пред волята на един тиранин. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not bow to the will of a tyrant. Мисля, че Том го направи. I think Tom did this. I think Tom did it. Остави ме да се сосредоточам. Let me concentrate. Let me focus. Obično nisam ovoliko zauzet ponedeljkom. I'm not usually this busy on Mondays. I'm not usually this busy on Mondays. Нема да бидам осамен тука. It won't be lonely here. I won't be lonely here. Не наказвай Том за това. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't punish Tom for that. Meri se vratila iz škole u suzama jer su je drugari zadirkivali. Mary came home from school in tears because her friends had teased her. Mary came back from school in tears because her friends were teasing her. Toma slušaju zato što je ubedljiv. Tom is listened to because of his persuasive power. They listen to Tom because he's convincing. Еве како ние го правиме тоа. Here's how we do it. Here's how we do it. Не можев да го издржам. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't take it. Ako se muškarac unapredi ispred žene - to se naziva favorizovanje. Ako ona bude unapređena, ispred muškarca, to se naziva jednakost. If a man is promoted before a woman, it's called favoritism. If she gets promoted before a man, it's called equality. If a man advances in front of a woman, it's called favoring, if she's promoted, in front of a man, it's called equality. Сторил чуда. He has done marvels. He did wonders. Америка има нужда от теб. America needs you. America needs you. Tom je stvarno fino dete. Tom is a really nice kid. Tom's a really nice kid. Повеќето луѓе имаат голем отпор кон станувањето рано, дури и кога се мора. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. Most people have a strong resistance to getting up early, even when it has to. Том одбива да работи. Tom refuses to work. Tom refuses to work. Jeste li se potpuno oporavili? Are you fully recovered? Have you fully recovered? Pazi! Look out! Look out! Силният дъжд ми попречи да отида. The heavy rain prevented me from going. The heavy rain prevented me from going. Мислех, че Том не ви харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Rat stoji 2 000 milijuna dolara mjesečno. The war cost 2,000 million dollars every month. The war costs 2,000 million dollars a month. Тој има мала става. He has a small frame. He's got a little attitude. Какви книги на френски си прочел? What books have you read in French? What kind of books did you read in French? Изглежда на Том му харесва просто да си седи на пристанището и да наблюдава чайките. Tom seems to enjoy just sitting on the dock and watching the seagulls. Looks like Tom just likes to sit at the dock and watch the tea. Осъзнах какво се случваше. I realized what was happening. I realized what was going on. Можеш ли да ме научиш да свирам на гајда? Can you teach me how to play the bagpipes? Can you teach me how to play the bagpipe? Evo jedne male tajne. Here's a little secret. Here's a little secret. Не знаев кого друг да прашам. I didn't know who else to ask. I didn't know who else to ask. Исплукав крв. I coughed up blood. I spit out blood. Pravda mora biti potpuno zadovoljena. Justice must be done. Justice must be fully served. Жената седеше помеѓу двајца мажи. The woman was sitting between two men. The woman was sitting between two men. Безопасно ли е? Are we safe? Is it safe? Stvarno je. It's real. It's real. I ja tako mislim. I think so, too. That's what I think. Имам много способности. I have many abilities. I have a lot of abilities. Том е употребявал наркотици в миналото. Tom has a history of drug abuse. Tom used drugs in the past. Спремни бевме. We were ready. We were ready. Това е снимката, която направих на къщата на Том. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. Nemam nikoga osim nje. I don't have anybody except her. I have no one but her. Мери му шепна нешто на Том во уво. Mary whispered something in Tom's ear. Mary whispered something in Tom's ear. Да бев на твое место, ќе го избегнував Том некое време. If I were you, I'd stay away from Tom for a while. If I were you, I'd avoid Tom for a while. Престанах да се надявам. I gave up hope. I stopped hoping. Nisam želeo da razočaram svoje roditelje. I didn't want to disappoint my parents. I didn't want to disappoint my parents. Виждала съм Том да свири на китара с групата си. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. Данас ме боли глава. I have a headache today. My head hurts today. Извикай ме, ако ти трябвам за нещо. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me for anything. Да отидем на закрито. Let's go indoors. Let's go undercover. Том бездруго грешеше. Tom was invariably wrong. Tom made no mistake. Sa kime razgovaraju? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? Том и кажа на Мери за Џон. Tom told Mary about John. Tom told Mary about John. Спремен сум. I am ready. I'm ready. Možda je Tom bio umešan. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. Не морам да го следам. I don't have to follow him. I don't have to follow him. Кен боядиса колелото си в бяло. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken painted his bike in white. Те описаха момичето като малко. They described the girl as being small. They described the girl as a little. Дошло је до жучне свађе. It came to a heated exchange of words. There was a bile fight. Razgovarali smo o tome celu noć. We talked about it all night. We talked about it all night. Da li sam sad bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Не можем ли да направим нещо? Can't we do anything? Can't we do something? Тези Ваши ли са? Are those yours? Are those yours? Том е доста мршав. Tom is quite thin. Tom's pretty skinny. Ще отида да донеса малко. I'll go get some. I'll go get some. Volimo da igramo fudbal. We like to play soccer. We like to play football. Трябва да отложим честването. We need to postpone the celebration. We have to postpone the celebration. Môžeme vyrábať obuv. We can make shoes. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Tom će se postarati za ovo. Tom can handle this. Tom's gonna take care of this. Искам да отида в Австрия, за да уча музика. I would like to go to Austria in order to study music. I want to go to Austria to study music. Ostajem. I'm staying. I'm staying. Попитах го направо. I asked him point-blank. I asked him straight. Не дојдовме тука по нив. We didn't come here for them. We didn't come here for them. Сега ти си надлежен. You're in charge now. Now you're in charge. Jesi li video moje kuče? Have you seen my dog? Have you seen my dogs? Те объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are you confused? Komentari moraju da budu u vezi sa temom. Comments must be relevant to the topic. The comments must be about the subject. Не работиш тука. You don't work here. You don't work here. Tom ešte stále nie je tu. Tom is still not here. Tom's still not here. Трябва ми нов USB кабел. I need a new USB cable. I need a new USB cable. Mislim otići u inozemstvo. I am thinking of going abroad. I'm thinking of going abroad. Тоа е повеќефазен процес. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multiphase process. Адвокатот ми доаѓа. My lawyer is on his way. My lawyer's coming. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Сите ли се зафатени? Is everybody busy? Is everyone busy? На 14 февруари американците празнуват Свети Валентин. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. On February 14, Americans celebrate Valentine's Day. Kam želita iti? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойда с теб? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Svjetlo je nestalo samo od sebe. The light went out by itself. The light is gone by itself. Bio sam veoma umoran tako da sam rano otišao da spavam. Since I was really tired I went to sleep early. I was very tired so I went to sleep early. Ставете крај на насилството; борете се за мир. End violence; pursue peace. Put an end to violence; fight for peace. Rekao si mi to prije. You told me that before. You told me that before. Не знам какво да правя по-нататък. I don't know what I'm going to do next. I don't know what to do next. Том има многу добри качества. Tom has many good qualities. Tom's got a lot of good qualities. Ајде веќе еднаш. Let's just get on with it. Let's do this one time. То је њихова књига. That book is theirs. It's their book. On je Amerikanac. He is American. He's American. Инцидентът му попречи да дойде. The accident prevented him from coming. His incident prevented him from coming. Няма проблеми. There are no problems. No problem. Полицията намери тяло, изхвърлено на брега недалече от тук. The police found a body washed up on the beach near here. The police found a body dumped on the shore not far from here. Качвайте се в автобуса един по един. Get on the bus one by one. Get on the bus one by one. С Том имаме среща в мола. I have to go meet Tom at the mall. Tom and I have a meeting at the mall. Tamo je. It's there. It's over there. Ne razumem. I don't understand. I don't understand. Внимавај кога ќе се качуваш по скалата. Take care when you climb up the ladder. Be careful when you climb the ladder. Падам си по такива истории. That kind of story appeals to me. I'm into stories like that. Кой го изтегли? Who drew it? Who pulled it? Dođi sedi pored mene. Come sit by me. Come sit next to me. Знаеш ли што се случува моментално. Do you know what's happening right now? You know what's happening right now. Potrudiću se da te ne uznemiravam dok studiraš. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll try not to bother you while you're studying. Живеам во град. I live in the city. I live in the city. Dođi bliže. Come closer. Come closer. Фала што ме примивте. Thanks for seeing me. Thank you for seeing me. Ти си моят живот, всичко, което искам и от което се нуждая. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life, everything I want, and everything I need. Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he found out Mary was missing. On je otvorio vrata. He opened the door. He opened the door. Nemoj da dozvoliš da ti izmakne ovako dobra šansa. Don't let such a good opportunity go by. Don't let him get away with such a good chance. Da li si oprala sudove? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Доведете и него. Bring him along. Bring him in, too. Tom je juče kupio par crnih cipela. Tom bought a pair of black dress shoes yesterday. Tom bought a pair of black shoes yesterday. Просто нема како да го натерам Том да плива. There's just no way to get Tom to swim. I just can't make Tom swim. Томо, морамо узети такси до станице. We must take a taxi to the station, Tom. Tomo, we need to get a cab to the station. Може ли да ми платите предварително? Can you pay me in advance? Can you pay me in advance? Одам и точка. I'm going and that's that. I'm going to the point. Tom je naporno radio kako bi posao završio na vreme. Tom worked hard to get the work done on time. Tom worked hard to get the job done on time. Ходиш на училище, нали? You go to school, don't you? You go to school, right? Ти си вярващ, нали? You're a believer, aren't you? You're a believer, aren't you? Може ли да се користи оваа страница слично како Twitter? Can't you also use this website sort of like Twitter? Can this page be used similar to Twitter? Кой звъня на Ан? Who telephoned Ann? Who's calling Anne? Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú blázniví. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Myslel som, already Tom a Mary sú blázniví. Кърпичките се продават в пакет по десет. Paper napkins are sold in packs of ten. The towels are sold in a pack of ten. Tom nije ovde. Već je otišao. Tom isn't here. He's already left. Tom's not here. Погледни назад. Look back. Look back. Siguran sam da možeš to. I'm sure you can do it. I'm sure you can do it. Им ги купивме тие книги. We bought those books for them. We bought them those books. Završi ovo. Finish this. Finish this. Postoji i etičko pitanje koje je postavljeno o ovome. This also raises an ethical question. There's also an ethical question that's been asked about this. Meri je uzela slobodno zbog putovanja. Mary took some time off to travel. Mary took the liberty of traveling. Трябва да се извиниш. You should apologize. You have to apologize. Biće nam ludo. We'll have so much fun. We're gonna be crazy. Том живна. Tom became animated. Tom's alive. Многу ми се допаѓате. I like you very much. I like you very much. Не съм разговарял с Том от години. I haven't talked to Tom in years. I haven't talked to Tom in years. Ово је добар уџбеник. This is a good textbook. This is a good textbook. Той започна да се оправдава. He began to make excuses. He started to justify himself. Не сакав млеко. I didn't want milk. I didn't want milk. Том е слободен. Tom's free. Tom's free. Ще бъда там до петнайсет минути. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Твърде ниска съм. I am too short. I'm too short. Аз би трябвало да знам, нали? I ought to know, shouldn't I? I should know, right? Колко пъти звъня Том? How many times has Tom called? How many times has Tom called? Znam tvoje ime. I know your name. I know your name. Bio sam u Rimu. I was in Rome. I was in Rome. Том, събуди се. Tom, wake up. Tom, wake up. Som rada, že som tu nebola. I'm glad I wasn't here. I love it. I'm already here. Работи во амбасада од пред три месеца. He has worked in the embassy for three months. He's been working at the embassy since three months ago. Некој пее. Someone's singing. Someone's singing. Да бидеме креативни. Let's be creative. Let's be creative. Tom je bio Džonov venčani kum. Tom was John's best man. Tom was John's best man. Никој не сака да го допре ова. Nobody wants to touch this. Nobody wants to touch this. Ја имам две кћерке. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Всички ли са полудели? Has everyone gone crazy? Is everyone out of their minds? Од чега живи? What does he do for a living? What does he live on? Не му давај свој број. Don't give him your number. Don't give him your number. Чух, че Том бил ранен. I heard Tom was hurt. I heard Tom was hurt. То се стресна от взрива. He was startled by the explosion. It was a shock from the explosion. Се смеевме. We laughed. We laughed. Sjednite na trenutak, molim. Please sit down for a moment. Sit down for a moment, please. Какъв е номерът на стаята ти? What's your room number? What's your room number? Вие откъде го знаете? How do you know? How do you know that? Том не ми е татко. Tom isn't my father. Tom's not my dad. Всеки от тях се опитваше много усърдно да спечели предимство пред другия. They tried very hard to gain an advantage over one another. Each of them tried very hard to gain advantage over the other. Утре летя за Бостън. I'm flying to Boston tomorrow. I'm flying to Boston tomorrow. Ако ти трябва помощ, питай. If you need help, just ask. If you need any help, ask. Утре ќе бидам во Скопје. Tomorrow I'll be in Skopje. I'll be in Skopje tomorrow. Досещам се колко е объркващо това за теб. I know how confusing this must be for you. I can see how confusing this is for you. Ајде вечерва да го направиме тоа. Let's do it tonight. Let's do it tonight. Забравих да ви кажа какво да донесете. I forgot to tell you what to bring. I forgot to tell you what to bring. Музеят днес е затворен. The museum is closed now. The museum is closed today. Všetko je špatné. Everything is bad. It's a spatné. Тргај ги шепите од мене. Get your paws off me. Get your paws off me. Зошто не го замолиш само? Why don't you just ask him? Why don't you just ask him? Moja porodica je jako volela psa. My family liked the dog very much. My family loved the dog very much. Srećna sam. I'm lucky. I'm happy. Mám na linke ďalšiu osobu. I have another person on the line. I'm on a person's links. Няма да можеш да го направиш без мен. You won't be able to do that without me. You won't be able to do it without me. Zašto ne možete da ostanete? Why can't you stay? Why can't you stay? Мисля, че Том е в предния двор. I think Tom is in the front yard. I think Tom's in the front yard. Srećan sam. I'm happy. I'm happy. Том цврсто спие. Tom is a heavy sleeper. Tom's sleeping tight. Jedlo bez vína je ako deň bez slnka. A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine. A meal without wine is if you defecate without saliva. Tom više nije beba. Tom isn't a baby anymore. Tom's not a baby anymore. Ženski šifonjer nije potpun bez male crne haljine. A woman's wardrobe isn't complete without a little black dress. A female chiffon isn't complete without a little black dress. Nekoliko ljudi je ubijeno. Several people were killed. A few people were killed. Секогаш ги мешам тие две имиња. I always get those two names confused. I always mix those two names. Jesu li ti jezici srodni? Are those languages related? Are your tongues related? Ко зна шта ће се догодити сутра? Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow? Има ресторан тука во близина, но не е многу добар. There's a restaurant pretty close to here, but it's not very good. There's a restaurant around here, but it's not very good. Не го направив тоа сам. I didn't do it alone. I didn't do it alone. Го знам мажон што седи онде на другата страна. I know that man who is sitting there on the other side. I know a man sitting there on the other side. Не ме бутай. Don't push me. Don't push me. Мъжете правят къщи, жените – домове. Men make houses, women make homes. Men make houses, women make homes. Svetsku mrežu je izumeo 1989. godine Tom Berners Li. The Worldwide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The world network was invented in 1989 by Tom Berners Lee. Čo je na raňajky? What's for breakfast? Who's on Rañajky? Мислам дека е добра во танцување. I think she is good at dancing. I think she's good at dancing. Го праша ли Том кој му помогнал со домашната? Did you ask Tom who helped him with his homework? Did you ask Tom who helped him with his homework? Pričali smo neko vreme. We talked for a while. We talked for a while. Аз искам да напиша книга. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Zadržite kusur. Keep the change. Keep the change. Сакаме нов тепих. We want a new carpet. We want a new carpet. Potrudiću se da ubedim Toma da uradi to. I'll try to persuade Tom to do that. I'll try to convince Tom to do it. Кажи ми, че имаш добри новини. Tell me you've got good news. Tell me you have good news. Треба да сфатам. I need to understand. I need to understand. Љубовта е посилна од омразата. Love is stronger than hatred. Love is stronger than hate. Ne mrdaj se! Don't move! Don't move! Prazna je. It's empty. It's empty. Том говори френски като да му е роден. Tom speaks French like a native speaker. Tom speaks French like he was born. Се одлучи ли веќе? Have you decided yet? Have you made up your mind yet? Малку ми се лоши. I'm just feeling a little sick. I'm a little sick. Том не си го одржа ветувањето што ми го беше дал. Tom didn't keep his promise to me. Tom didn't keep his promise to me. Докторите все още се опитват да спасят Том. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. Baš na vreme! Just in time! Just in time! Мајката беше сурова кон својот посвоеник. The mother was cruel to her adopted son. The mother was cruel to her foster mother. Те мразеха Том. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Това беше наистина мило. That was really nice. That was really nice. Кутията е твърде тежка за носене. The box is too heavy to carry. The box is too heavy to carry. Том и Мери са пияни. Tom and Mary are drunk. Tom and Mary are drunk. Ja sam Zemljanin. I am an Earthling. I'm a Earther. Не си толкова стар. You're not that old. You're not that old. Ќе ѝ се јавам подоцна. I'm going to call her later. I'll call her later. Кой е любимият ти спорт? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? Той умира да види Сейко. He's dying to see Seiko. He's dying to see Seiko. Том е премногу чувствителен. Tom is overemotional. Tom's too sensitive. Бях изненадан, че Том говори френски толкова добре. I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well. I was surprised Tom spoke French so well. SAD su bacile atomsku bombu na Hirošimu 1945. The USA dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. The U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. U ovom selu nema ništa za raditi. There's nothing to do in this village. There's nothing to do in this village. Imam laptop. I have a laptop. I have a laptop. Тоа е прилично нормално. That's pretty normal. That's pretty normal. Reci Tomu da ga voliš pre nego što bude prekasno. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. Том ми кажа дека планира да оди во Бостон. Tom told me he was planning to go to Boston. Tom told me he was planning to go to Boston. Budite oprezni. Take care. Be careful. Том е клошар. Tom is a bum. Tom's a bum. Гледај да не се грижиш за мене. Try not to worry about me. Don't worry about me. Ne znam zašto je Tom otišao u Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. Не мога да направя това. I can't do this. I can't do this. Tom je v obývačke. Tom is in the living room. Tom's in the earrings. Изглеждаш изморен, затова си легни рано. You look tired, so you should go to bed early. You look tired, so go to bed early. Не сум тука за да те повредам. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. Забравих телефонния му номер. I forgot his phone number. I forgot his phone number. Си ја перам колата еднаш неделно. I wash my car once a week. I wash my car once a week. Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I've studied French for three years. Ostaje da se vidi da li ću moći da stignem tamo na vreme. It remains to be seen if I can get there in time. It remains to be seen if I can make it there in time. Не сум ни уморен. I'm not even tired. I'm not even tired. На какво място живееш ? OK, what kind of place do you live at? What place do you live? Том би се спротивстави. Tom would fight back. Tom would stand up. Сношти бев дома. Last night I was at home. I was home last night. Ona nas ne može zaustaviti. She cannot stop us. She can't stop us. Кога ще заминеш ти? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Je li ovo tvoja bilježnica? Is this your notebook? Is this your notebook? Не е ли времето страхотно! Isn't this weather just great! Isn't the weather great? Вие сте нейни дъщери. You are her daughters. You're her daughters. Том го задржа здивот. Tom held his breath. Tom kept his breath. Отидохме в музея. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. Зошто е таков Том? Why's Tom like that? Why is Tom like that? Не можам да кажам со сигурност. I can't say for sure. I can't say for sure. Истата работа му се има случено и на мој пријател. The exact same thing happened to one of my friends. The same thing happened to a friend of mine. Мисля, че ти си най-великият. I think you're the greatest. I think you're the greatest. Това е чантата на Джейн. This is Jane's bag. It's Jane's bag. За мене, секоја финска реченица е брзозборка. For me, every Finnish sentence is a tongue-twister. For me, every Finnish sentence is a quick talk. Не бях ли прав? Was I wrong? Was I wrong? Том всушност се насмеа. Tom actually laughed. Tom actually laughed. Том знае многу славни луѓе. Tom knows many celebrities. Tom knows a lot of famous people. Мислам дека е можно да кивнам. I think I may sneeze. I think it's possible to sneeze. Svi se smeju. Everyone's laughing. Everybody's laughing. Сутра ћу ти дати новац. I will give you the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. Концертът мина успешно. The concert was successful. The concert went well. Никој никогаш не доаѓа тука. No one ever comes here. No one ever comes here. Виждал съм на какво е способен Том. I've seen what Tom can do. I've seen what Tom's capable of. Máš čas v utorok? Do you have time on Tuesday? You got time on Tuesday? Долго ли остана Том? Did Tom stay long? Is there a long time left, Tom? Простреляха ли те? Were you shot? Did they shoot you? Прекриј своја уста док кашљеш, кијаш или зеваш. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth while coughing, sneezing or yawning. Имам пари. I have cash. I've got money. Ловецот тргна длабоко во шумата и никогаш не се врати. The hunter went deep into the forest, never to return. The hunter went deep into the woods and never came back. Том беше во камионот. Tom was in the truck. Tom was in the truck. Слободно ли е местово? Is this seat vacant? Is this seat available? Ona je nosila crni šešir. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Том беше присутен. Tom was present. Tom was present. Ubeđena sam. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom for a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Колко дълго остана? How long did you stay? How long do you have left? Тази история ме накара да се замисля върху бъдещето на Токио. That story made me think over the future of Tokyo. This story made me think about Tokyo's future. Наистина ли не ги харесваш? Do you really not like them? You really don't like them? Тя получи билета без да дава нищо. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket without giving anything. Zar je toliko jednostavno? Could it be that simple? Is it that simple? Том ме научи да сърфирам. Tom taught me how to surf. Tom taught me how to surf. Tome, da li ste ti i Džom braća? Tom, are you and John brothers? Tom, are you and Jom brothers? Внимание, Ве молам! Attention, please! Attention, please! Tom je veoma poznat i u Australiji. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Rastali smo se na ćošku. We parted at the corner. We split up on the corner. Престанав да му обрнувам внимание на Том. I stopped paying attention to Tom. I stopped paying attention to Tom. Той даде фотоапарата си на неговия приятел. He gave his camera to his friend. He gave his camera to his friend. Може едно? Can I have one? How about one? Ще си остана вкъщи. I'll stay home. I'll stay home. Сакам да сум покрај тебе. I wish I were by your side. I want to be there for you. Луната е направена от сирене. The moon is made out of cheese. The moon is made of cheese. Сите ние сме желни да го гледаме филмот. We are all eager to watch the movie. We're all eager to watch the movie. Замоли го да почека додека да дојдам. Ask him to wait till I come. Ask him to wait till I get there. Samo recite Tomu da sam zvao. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Това е невероятно. This is unbelievable. That's amazing. Koja je šifra Wi-Fi-ja. What's the Wi-Fi password? What's the Wi-Fi code? Тя ще излезе в отпуск по майчинство следващата седмица. She will start her maternity leave next week. She'll be on maternity leave next week. Ще ви застрелям и двете. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Ne bleji. Don't stare. Don't stare. Има нещо в Том, което не ми харесва. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something about Tom I don't like. Дайте ми втори шанс. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Сакам да ги употребам овие. I want to use these. I want to use these. Ти си прониклив човек. You're a very perceptive person. You're a discerning man. Запазил съм най-хубавото за най-накрая. I've saved the best for last. I've saved the best for once. Можеш ли да ја извршиш задачата? Can you get the job done? Can you do the job? Tom bi mogao da ima neke veze s tim. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom could have something to do with it. Всичко е наред. Everything's OK. It's okay. Ништо ти не знаеш. You don't know jack. You don't know anything. Kako je tvoje bosansko ime? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Ме воодушеви твојот дизајн. I'm impressed by your design. I was impressed by your design. Навистина ли остана дома цела ноќ? Did you really stay home all night? Did you really stay home all night? Ja se bojim smrti. I am afraid of death. I'm afraid of death. Oni su učitelji. They are teachers. They're teachers. Предполагам, ти си този Том, за когото всички ми казваха. I assume you're the Tom everybody's been telling me about. I guess you're the Tom everyone told me about. Eterijum i bitkoin su kriptovalute. Ethereum and Bitcoin are cryptocurrencies. Ethium and bitcoin are crypts. Колико времена ми је преостало? How much time do I have left? How much time do I have left? Tom je pravi štreber. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Ни треба помош од Том. We needed Tom's help. We need help from Tom. "Znaš li šta se dešava?" - "Ne. U čemu je stvar?" "Do you know what's going on?" - "No. What's it all about then?" "Do you know what's going on?" "No. Smatraju ga za visoko kvalifikovanog zaposlenog. They consider him a highly qualified employee. He's considered a highly qualified employee. Том преподава френски в една гимназия. Tom teaches French at a high school. Tom teaches French in high school. Не ни трябва това. We don't need that. We don't need this. To je baš ono što je doktor naručio. That's just what the doctor ordered. That's exactly what the doctor ordered. Не спијат сите од нив. Not all of them are asleep. Not all of us sleep. Тој прекар совршено му стои. That nickname fits him perfectly. That nickname is perfect for him. Šta radiš ovde, dole? What are you doing down here? What are you doing down here? Време ли е да си одиме? Is it time to leave? Is it time to go? Ќе го фрлаш ли тоа? Are you going to throw that away? Are you gonna throw that away? Защо решихте да се занимавате с френски? Why did you decide to study French? Why did you decide to do French? Просто не се чувствувам безбедно во врска со тоа. It just doesn't feel safe. I just don't feel safe about it. Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? През ваканцията прочетох всичките трудове на Милтън. In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton. During my vacation, I read all of Milton's work. Моравме да одиме дома пешки по дождот. We had to walk home in the rain. We had to go home on foot in the rain. Kupio sam nov šešir u prodavnici. I bought a new hat at the department store. I bought a new hat at the store. Имаш ли бенд? Did you have a band? Do you have a band? Тоа не ми е право име. That's not my real name. That's not my real name. Веруваме во Господ. We believe in God. We believe in God. Джейн чакаше, подпряна на дървото. Jane was waiting with her back against the tree. Jane waited, backed up on the tree. Ние сме ти комшии. We're your neighbors. We're your neighbors. Той е спал добре последната нощ. He slept well last night. He slept well last night. Чувај си ги цигарите суви. Keep your cigarettes dry. Keep your cigarettes dry. Том е многу строг со себе. Tom is very hard on himself. Tom's very strict with himself. Том се пенсионира на 65. Tom retired at 65. Tom retired at 65. Станува се потешко да се дише. It's getting harder to breathe. It's getting harder to breathe. Навистина се надевам. I certainly hope so. I really hope so. Alo! Čuješ li me? Hello! Can you hear me? Hello, can you hear me? Едвај се спасивме. We barely survived. We barely saved ourselves. Pokušavam da shvatim kako si uradio to. I'm trying to figure out how you managed to do that. I'm trying to figure out how you did it. Samo treba da se vežba. It just takes practice. All he has to do is practice. Штотуку го вработивме Том. We just hired Tom. We just hired Tom. To je deo moje odgovornosti. It's part of my responsibility. It's part of my responsibility. Јадам тестенина. I am eating pasta. I'm eating pasta. Koje je lakše? Which one is easier? Which one's easier? Еден од нив ми се обрати. One of them spoke to me. One of them came to me. Том просто затвори телефона. Tom has just hung up the phone. Tom, just close the phone. Ona ni mlada. She isn't young. She's not young. Дан имаше бурни односи со Линда. Dan had a very stormy relationship with Linda. Dan had a rowdy relationship with Linda. Том учи ли френски в училище? Is Tom studying French at school? Did Tom study French at school? Imate sedmero djece. You have seven children. You have seven children. Си заработил нешто. You made a profit. You've earned something. Какво ти става по дяволите? What the hell's wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Troškovi će uskoro narasti. Fees are about to go up. The cost will soon rise. О, сега разбирам. Oh, now I understand. Oh, now I get it. Можеби те прелажала тебе, но нема и мене! She might have fooled you, but she won't fool me. She may have lied to you, but she won't lie to me! Toliko ljudi je precej starejših od tebe. So many people are much older than you. So many people are much older than you. Той често ходи на кино с нея. He often goes to the cinema with her. He goes to the movies with her a lot. Сакам сите да ги застрелате. I want them all shot. I want them all shot. Koliko to košta? How much does it cost? How much does that cost? Имам информацията, която искаше. I have the information you wanted. I have the information you wanted. Ne sećaš se ničega? Don't you remember anything? You don't remember anything? Мислех, че ще си уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Какво правиш на тъмно място като това? What are you doing in a dark place like that? What are you doing in a dark place like this? Pogledaj to. Check that. Look at that. Баш си убава. You sure are pretty. You're so pretty. Отговорът е верен. The answer is right. The answer is true. Tom je video dosta. Tom has seen enough. Tom's seen enough. Brca me! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! Том не беше воодушевен. Tom wasn't impressed. Tom wasn't thrilled. Небето е чисто. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Mislim da je najbolje da se bude ljubazan. I think it is best not to be impolite. I think it's best to be nice. Нема да ги чекам. I'm not going to wait for them. I won't wait for them. Се гледаат во огледалото. They are looking at themselves in the mirror. They're in the mirror. Вече направи това. You did that already. You already did that. Daj mi dolar za knjigu. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. Dom! A house! Dom! Том си ја исчисти собата. Tom cleaned his room. Tom cleaned his room. Том е уште во кревет. Tom is still in bed. Tom's still in bed. Дошао је. He came. He's here. Том не сакаше да ми помогне. Tom wouldn't help me. Tom wouldn't help me. Mislim da treba da se koncentrišemo na druge stvari. I think we should concentrate on other things. I think we should focus on other things. Не можев да поверувам дека ова навистина ми се случува. I couldn't believe this was really happening to me. I couldn't believe this was really happening to me. Избери си любимата ракета. Choose your favorite racket. Pick your favorite rocket. Već sam je poručio. I've already ordered it. I already ordered it. Зафатен беш. He was busy. You're busy. Заслужуваш медал. You deserve a medal. You deserve a medal. Ovde smo kako bismo igrali golf. We're here to play golf. We're here to play golf. On obožava fudbal. He loves soccer. He loves football. Всичките усилия на лекаря бяха напразни и мъжът скоро почина. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the efforts of the doctor were in vain and the man soon died. Ујутру смо нашли насуканог делфина. In the morning, we found a stranded dolphin. We found a drowsy dolphin in the morning. Hodil sem kako miljo. I walked about a mile. I walked like a mile. Никога не отлагай за утре това, което можеш да свършиш днес. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Never delay tomorrow what you can do today. Това е ново за мен. This is new to me. That's new to me. Девојката што носи шал е девица. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl wearing the scarf is a virgin. Со сигурност ли знаеш дека ова не се прави дијаманти? Do you know for sure that these are real diamonds? Are you sure you know this isn't making diamonds? Nismo to uradili. That's not what we did. We didn't do it. Na žalost, sem izgubil moj potni list. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Пријатна вечер. Enjoy your evening. Have a nice evening. Тя не е и мечтала, че ще го срещне в чужбина. She never dreamed she'd meet him overseas. She never dreamed she'd meet him abroad. Началното училище ще бъде задължително. Elementary education shall be compulsory. The primary school will be mandatory. Прие ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Трябва да си призная, че се бях разтревожила. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to admit, I was worried. Vikaću. I'll scream. I'll yell. Imamo vašu veličinu, ali ne u toj boji. We have your size, but not in that color. We have your size, but not in that color. Том обича сирене. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Внимавай с това, Том. Be careful with that, Tom. Be careful with that, Tom. Tom je tvrdio da je to bila nesreća. Tom claimed that it was an accident. Tom claimed it was an accident. Ние ходим в училище, за да учим. We go to school to study. We go to school to study. Zvao sam ga. I called him. I called him. Зошто не пееш? Why don't you sing? Why don't you sing? Том сакаше Мери да игра тенис со него. Tom wanted Mary to play tennis with him. Tom wanted Mary to play tennis with him. Тој е паметен. He's smart. He's smart. Efekat klimanskih promena je mnogo manje izražen na Antartiku nego u severnim polarnim predelima. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. The effect of climate change is much less expressed in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. Koliko je duga reka Nil? How long is the Nile River? How long is the Nile River? Не е расположен. He's not in the mood. He's not in the mood. Vidimo se u tvojim snovima. See you in your dreams. I'll see you in your dreams. Още не съм казала "да". I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Ако трябва да сме справедливи, той не е мързелив. To do him justice, he is not idle. If we have to be fair, he's not lazy. Tom je rekao da je nevin. Tom said that he was innocent. Tom said he was innocent. Nemám ďalšie veci, ktoré by som mohla študovať. I don't have other things to study. Nemám Åalshie larger, ceré by som mohla studova. Bolje ikad nego nikad. Better late than never. Better late than never. Provjeriti ću sad. I want to check out now. I'll check it out now. Какво има в чантата? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Tom me je pitao neka pitanja o onome što se upravo dogodilo. Tom asked me some questions about what had happened. Tom asked me some questions about what just happened. Кога ќе истуриш вино, прикладно е да го избришеш со лакт, нели? When you spill wine, it's appropriate to wipe it with your elbow, isn't it? When you pour wine, it's appropriate to wipe it with your elbow, isn't it? Ќе ти цитирам пасус од едно од тие писма. I will quote you a passage from one of those letters. I'll quote you a passage from one of those letters. Ова е книгата на Том. This is Tom's book. This is Tom's book. Tom je ispustio šolju. Tom dropped the cup. Tom dropped the cup. Traja psi nasledujú štyri mačky až k bráne. Three dogs are following four cats to the gate. The duration of the dogs succeedsú syrti caty až kbráne. Разкопчай си блузата, моля те. Please unbutton your blouse. Unbutton your shirt, please. Можеби би требало да им помогна. Maybe I should give them a hand. Maybe I should help them. Том ја видел Мери со друг маж. Tom saw Mary with another man. Tom saw Mary with another man. Sve ostalo je nebitno. The rest doesn't matter. Everything else is irrelevant. Getter Jaani je taký úžasný! How great Getter Jaani is! Getter Jaani is Taký úzný! Povabil me je na zabavo. He invited me to a party. He invited me to a party. Чекај го. Wait for him. Wait for him. Jedva da sam oka sklopio. I barely slept a wink. I barely closed my eyes. Няма да се изненадам, ако изхвърлят Том от училище. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got kicked out of school. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom got kicked out of school. Вече свикнах. I'm used to it by now. I'm used to it. Život je lijep. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Probali ste. You've tried. You tried. Престанаа да одат. They stopped walking. They stopped going. Не забравяй да си донесеш кухненски пособия като ножове и съдове за готвене. Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. Don't forget to bring your kitchenware like knives and cooking dishes. Pažnja! Attention! Attention! Што сакаше да види Том? What was it Tom wanted to see? What did he want to see, Tom? Си ја изгубив рачната светилка. I lost my flashlight. I lost my flashlight. Всеки мисли за промяна на света,но никой не мисли за промяна на самият себе си. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Everyone thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing themselves. Zatekao sam prazan kavez. I found the cage empty. I found an empty cage. Jedli ste. You were eating. You ate. Јас можам да те заштитам. I can protect you. I can protect you. Боли ме стомахът, докторе. I have a stomachache, doctor. My stomach hurts, doctor. Црвенокосе ме излуђују! Redheads drive me crazy! The redheads are driving me crazy! Том се натажи. Tom became depressed. Tom's sad. Харесваш ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like that blouse? Да си поиграем на семейство! Let's play house! Let's play family! Ќе мора да преноќам тука. I'll have to stay here for the night. I'm gonna have to spend the night here. Да речеме дека си во право. Let's say you're right. Let's just say you're right. Предполагам, че няма да е проблем. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess it won't be a problem. Няма да предам доверието Ви. I won't betray your trust. I'm not giving up your trust. Нивниот план ми звучи интересно. Their plan sounds interesting to me. Their plan sounds interesting to me. Треба да одам да се пресоблечам. I should go change. I have to go change. Sve što se setiš može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Ovaj gradić, kao i mnogi gradići u Engleskoj, ima prilično dugu povijest. And like many small towns in England, it has quite a long history. This town, like many towns in England, has a pretty long history. Наркотиците са рак на съвременното общество. Drugs are a cancer of modern society. Drugs are the cancer of modern society. Колко дълго ще трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long are you gonna have to wait? Oni mogu govoriti malo španjolskoga. They are able to speak Spanish a little. They can speak a little Spanish. Kalkulator na mizi je moj. The calculator on the table is mine. The calculator on the table is mine. Како пројде, Том? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? Kam ide Tom? Where is Tom going? Where's Tom going? Том се изгуби во Бостон. Tom got lost in Boston. Tom got lost in Boston. Еве, брат, по пола. Here, bro, halfsies. Here, brother, half. Това сако не ми харесва. I don't like this jacket. I don't like that jacket. Том вчера се обиде да се самоубие. Tom tried to kill himself yesterday. Tom tried to kill himself yesterday. Tom kaže da je zdrav. Tom says that he's healthy. Tom says he's healthy. Таа звучеше луто. She sounded mad. She sounded angry. Tom bi mogao da ima neke veze sa tim. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom could have something to do with it. Моля те, върви си. Please leave. Please go away. Ne znam šta nije, još uvek ili samo ranije, bilo dobro, ali više puta kada sam pokušavao da se danas ulogujem na sajt, nisam mogao da to uradim. I don't know what's been going wrong, but several times when I tried to log onto the site today, I couldn't do it. I don't know what it isn't, still or just before, whether it's good, but several times when I tried to be on the site today, I couldn't do it. Том носеше дуксер. Tom wore a hoody. Tom was wearing a hoodie. Ей ме на де съм, ако това е вярно. I'll be damned if it's true. I don't know where I am, if that's true. Da li je Tom stvarno želeo da Meri uradi to? Did Tom really want Mary to do that? Did Tom really want Mary to do that? Не сакам да кажеш нешто што не го мислиш. I don't want you to say anything that you don't mean. I don't want you to say something you don't mean. Жабите се чудесни суштества. Frogs are such amazing creatures. Toads are wonderful creatures. Želim se učiti havajščino. I want to learn Hawaiian. I want to learn Hawaiian. Започвам да свиквам да се храня сам. I'm getting used to eating alone. I'm getting used to eating alone. Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom's one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Опитай се да разбереш кога тръгва влакът. Try and find out when the train leaves. Try to understand when the train leaves. Da li je kafa dobra za tebe? Is coffee good for you? Is coffee good for you? Зошто треба да ја најдеме? Why do we need to find her? Why do we have to find her? V Belgicku, flámsky obyvatelia chcú jedného dňa vyhlásiť nezávislosť. In Belgium, Flemish people want to declare their independence someday. In Belgick, flámsky obyvatelia chcú jedného dęa vyhlásió nezávislosa. Им давам право на своите работници да си одат порано. I authorize my workers to leave early. I give my workers the right to leave early. Стигнах до гарата, след като влакът вече беше тръгнал. I only got to the station after the train had left. I got to the station after the train had already left. Благодаря ти за обяснението. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for the explanation. И јас сакам да играм. I want to play, too. I want to dance, too. Студентите не помнеха какво са чели в тази книга. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. The students didn't remember what they read in this book. Tom živi u centru grada. Tom lives downtown. Tom lives downtown. Том чул сѐ што рекле. Tom heard everything they said. Tom heard everything they said. Си купив чифт чевли. I bought a pair of shoes. I bought a pair of shoes. Tom se umešao među ljude koji su imali jako loš uticaj na njega. Tom got involved with people who had a really bad influence on him. Tom got involved with people who had a very bad influence on him. Параноични сме. We're being paranoid. We're paranoid. Што не одиш да ги најдеш? Why don't you go find them? Why don't you go find them? Siguran sam da će mi Tom mnogo nedostajati. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. I'm sure I'll miss Tom very much. Zašto uopće raspravljamo o ovome? Why are we even discussing this? Why are we even discussing this? Ја очекуваме. We've been expecting her. We're expecting her. Трябва да продължим да работим. We must continue working. We have to keep working. Ja sam žena. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Тъй като не може да реши проблема по този начин, опита по друг. Since he could not work out the problem that way, he tried another way. Since he can't solve the problem that way, he tried it another way. Каква е минималната заплата в Русия? What's the minimum salary in Russia? What's the minimum wage in Russia? Kde je tvoja škola? Where is your school? Where's your school? Мислам дека знаеш кој сум. I think you know who I am. I think you know who I am. Това е вярно отчасти. That's partly true. That's true in part. Той добави малко захар в кафето. He added a little sugar to the coffee. He added some sugar to the coffee. Том погледа околу себе. Tom glanced around. Tom looks around. Том преподава френски. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Камоли да имав доволно пари да си купам таква куќа. I wish I had enough money to buy a house like that. Let alone if I had enough money to buy a house like that. Нещо ново на работа? What's going on at work? Anything new at work? Какво е знаел Том? What did Tom know? What did Tom know? To je bio pogodak na sreću. It was a lucky guess. That was a lucky shot. Виждал съм Том да прави невероятни неща. I've seen Tom do some amazing things. I've seen Tom do amazing things. Не ме карай да го правя. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do this. Новото списание ми се стори много интересно. I found the new magazine very interesting. The new magazine seemed very interesting to me. Kde budeš? Where will you be? Where are you going? Твоја слика ли е ова? Is this your picture? Is this your picture? Ајде да го направиме ова како што треба. Let's do this right. Let's do this right. Това е една от рибите, които хвана Том. This is one of the fish that Tom caught. That's one of the fish that Tom caught. Rozhodnutím sa pre viaceré novoročné predsavzatia som zvýšila pravdepodobnosť, že vo všetkých zlyhám. Choosing multiple New Year's resolutions, I increased the probability of failing them all. Rozdnotím sa pre viaceré novnomèné presavavzatia som svýšila pradezvodnosó, already všetkých zlyhám. Disleksičan sam. I'm dyslexic. I'm dyslexic. Kad nema vesti, to su dobre vesti. No news is a good news. When there's no news, that's good news. Не могу да седим мирно. I can't sit still. I can't sit still. Neće ti pomoći ako brineš. Worrying will do you no good. It won't help if you worry. Твоите синови се доста згодни. Your sons are quite handsome. Your sons are pretty hot. Таму припаѓаш ти. That's where you belong. That's where you belong. Jesu li zaljubljeni? Are they in love? Are they in love? Есента дојде. Autumn is here. It's autumn. Aký je presný čas? What is the exact time? Is it too late? Днес си прекарах много добре. I had a very good time today. I had a really good time today. Ti nisi smiješna. You are not funny. You're not funny. Вятърът вие. The wind is howling. The wind, you. Девојчето отиде на училиште и покрај болеста. The girl went to school in spite of her illness. The girl went to school despite her illness. Дали Том изгледа бесно? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? Имам някаква информация по въпроса. I have some information regarding this. I have some information on this. Може ли да изям този портокал? May I eat this orange? Can I eat that orange? Той се реши да отиде там. He made up his mind to go there. He decided to go there. Искам да си почистиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to clean your room. Те си я искат обратно. They want it back. They want it back. Ѓаволот е верверица. The devil is a squirrel. The devil is a squirrel. Том делува богато. Tom seems to be rich. Tom seems rich. Kaži Tomu šta je Meri uradila. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mary did. Јас ќе кажев „не“. I would've said no. I would have said no. Том треба да се шиша. Tom needs a haircut. Tom needs a haircut. Poznaju vas. They know you. They know you. Надявам се, че не притеснявам никого. I hope I'm not bothering anybody. I hope I'm not bothering anyone. Юми има много книги. Yumi has many books. Yumi's got a lot of books. Не сум неспособен. I'm not incompetent. I'm not incompetent. Не искам да принадлежа към елита изобщо. Вече ми е достатъчно да съм най-добрият. I don't want to belong to the elite at all. It's already enough for me to be the best. I don't want to belong to the elite at all. Ще си намериш. You'll find one. You'll find it. Bergen je drugi najveći grad u Norveškoj. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway. Ја радим у школи за језике. I work at a language school. I work at a language school. Том не знае никого тука. Tom doesn't know anybody here. Tom doesn't know anyone here. Гледай си работата! Mind your own business! Mind your own business! Tom je upravo želeo da kaže nešto. Tom was about to say something. Tom just wanted to say something. На Марија ѝ светнаа очите од задоволство. Maria's eyes lightened with pleasure. Mary’s eyes glowed with pleasure. Хайде да ходим на плаж. Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. Ризата Ви ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Meri je iskoristila jabuke koje joj je Tom dao kako bi napravila puter od jabuka. Mary used the apples that Tom gave her to make apple butter. Mary used the apples that Tom gave her to make apple butter. Би го купил. I'd buy it. I'd buy it. Мисля, че трябва да ме послушаш. I think you should listen to me. I think you should listen to me. Tomova porodica živi u Bostonu. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Том има јак немачки акценат. Tom has a heavy German accent. Tom has a strong German accent. Том пие многу вода. Tom drinks a lot of water. Tom drinks a lot of water. Викнав полиција. I called the police. I called the police. Hoćeš li nam se pridružiti? Will you join us? Will you join us? Нямам рак. I don't have cancer. I don't have cancer. Се слушнав со неа. I've heard from her. I heard from her. Том е вярващ. Tom is a believer. Tom's a believer. При спешен случай, обадете се на сто и деветнайсет. In case of emergency, call 119. In an emergency, call one hundred and nineteen. Харесва ли ти да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Е, какво мислиш? So, what do you think? So, what do you think? Едвај го гледам. I can hardly see him. I can barely see it. Таа купи весник. She bought a newspaper. She bought a newspaper. Ona je Kineskinja. She's Chinese. She's Chinese. Имам впечаток дека врне цел ден. I'm under the impression that it's been raining all day. I get the impression it's raining all day. Нека ми се јави тој. Get him to call me. Let him call me. Моја грешка беше. It was my mistake. It was my fault. Никада ме нећеш ухватити живог! You'll never take me alive! You'll never catch me alive! Колко е часът? What is the time? What time is it? Јас сѐ би направил за неа. I would do anything for her. I'd do anything for her. Nisam baš bio spreman. I was hardly prepared. I wasn't quite ready. Не ми беше лесно да признаам дека сум згрешил. It wasn't easy for me to admit that I was wrong. It wasn't easy for me to admit I was wrong. Малко сме подранили. We're a little early. We're a little early. Зошто би заминал оттука? Why would I leave here? Why would I leave here? Дефинитивно треба да ти купам пијачка. I should certainly buy you a drink. I definitely need to buy you a drink. Бих искал да благодаря на родителите си, Том и Мери. I would like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. I'd like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. Том и Мери слязоха по стълбите заедно. Tom and Mary walked down the stairs together. Tom and Mary went down the stairs together. Ајде да зборуваме за тебе. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about you. Kada sam se probudila, padao je sneg. When I awoke, it was snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. Том не може да се изправи. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Добре ще бъде ако не се бъркаш в личните дела. It's better for you to keep out of private affairs. It'll be fine if you don't get involved in personal matters. Аз не съм студент. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Кога Том беше дете, се опседна со девојката којашто живее на спротивната страна од улицата. When Tom was a kid, he became obsessed with the girl who lived across the street from him. When Tom was a kid, he became obsessed with the girl who lives on the opposite side of the street. Odgodio je njegov odlazak do sutra. He has postponed his departure until tomorrow. He delayed his departure until tomorrow. Tom je dvignil kozarec in naredil velik požirek vina. Tom picked up his glass and took a big sip of wine. Tom raised a glass and made a big sip of wine. Ispostavilo se da je istina. It turned out to be true. Turns out it's true. Би можел да останам со тебе. I could stay with you. I could stay with you. Ти си затвореникот. You're the prisoner. You're the prisoner. Leanne živi u Leicesteru. Leanne lives in Leicester. Leanne lives in Leicester. Останали са само няколко парчета. There are only a couple of pieces left. There's only a few pieces left. Сам набрах тези цветя. I picked these flowers myself. I picked these flowers myself. Не чекам многу долго. I haven't been waiting so long. I don't wait very long. Tomu se sviđaju oba. Tom likes them both. That's what both of them like. Том ме учи да говоря на френски. Tom teaches me French. Tom teaches me to speak French. Ovo je moje računalo. This is my computer. This is my computer. Не прави сцена сега. Don't cause a scene now. Don't make a scene now. Šta imaš na umu? What's on your mind? What do you have in mind? Hoćeš li još čaja? Do you still want tea? Would you like some more tea? Tom sa musí sústrediť. Tom must concentrate. Tom with musí sústredí. Той може да говори и френски. He can also speak French. He can speak French. Идването им тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Their coming here was a mistake. Klaustrofobična sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. Со задоволство би се возел со Том. I'm happy to ride with Tom. I'd love to ride with Tom. Не сте ми дали толкова ресто, колкото трябва. You gave me the wrong change. You didn't give me as much as you should. Воодушевен сум, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm thrilled, Tom. Временската прогноза е дефектна. The weather report is defective. The weather forecast is flawed. Ова е школото на Том. This is Tom's school. This is Tom's school. Nikad ranije nisam opazila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Drugačiji ste. You're different. You're different. Fadil je htio ukrasti Danijin novac. Fadil wanted to steal Dania's money. Fadil wanted to steal Danny's money. Разбирам го прекрасно. I can understand him perfectly. I understand that perfectly. Може ли да отворите прозореца? Can you open the window? Can you open the window? Хайде да се срещнем пак тук утре. Let's meet here again tomorrow. Let's meet again here tomorrow. Probala si. You've tried. You tried. Забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Da li je Tom bio ovde kada smo došli? Was Tom here when we got here? Was Tom here when we got here? Данас је лепо време. The weather is good today. It's a good time today. Не се брзав. I wasn't in any hurry. I wasn't in a hurry. Дај јас да пробам. Let me try. Let me try. Ми се допаѓаат нејзините темни очи. I like her dark eyes. I like her dark eyes. Сауна е тука. It's boiling in here. Sauna's here. Сред ноќна мора си. You're having a nightmare. You're in the middle of a nightmare. Нито пък съм казала това. I didn't say that either. I didn't say that either. Оди пресоблечи се. Go get changed. Go change. Аз съм доста зает. I'm fairly busy. I'm pretty busy. Ja sam ponosan na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Том дојде тука од Бостон. Tom came here from Boston. Tom came here from Boston. Кога ще тръгваш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Остави го на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Држи ја свеќата. Hold the candle. Hold the candle. Neko bi mogao da bude povređen. Someone could be hurt. Someone could get hurt. Не се приближавай до това! Don't go near that! Stay away from that! Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Tom je pokušao zastrašiti Mary. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Tom tried to scare Mary. Myslím, že toto si už niekedy robil. I think you've done this before. Myslím, you've done that before. Samo mi daj novac. Just give me my money. Just give me the money. Tom je zauzet momak. Tom is a busy fellow. Tom's a busy guy. Preuzeo sam svoj prtljag. I claimed my baggage. I've taken over my luggage. Той ще се върне утре. He will be back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Учам историја на уметноста. I study art history. I'm learning art history. Volela bih da sam se ja setila toga. I wish I'd thought of that. I wish I could have remembered that. Не сакам да користам дилда - претпочитам вистински курови. I don't like using dildos, I prefer real cocks. I don't want to use dildo. I prefer real dicks. Da li znaš šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? Чукни на вратата. Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Žao mi je ako sam te razočarao. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I'm sorry if I let you down. Vladivostok je grad u Rusiji. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Na tem milu je las. There is a hair stuck to this soap. There's hair on that soap. Ja verujem u Kajli Minog od 12 juna 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I believe in Kylie Minogue since 12 June 1998. Na pet minuta smo odavde. We're five minutes away. We're five minutes away. Том се согласува со мене. Tom agrees with me. Tom agrees with me. Не е ништо страшно. It's nothing serious. It's no big deal. Budi oprezan. Nož je jako oštar. Be careful. This knife is really sharp. The knife is very sharp. Тя се грижеше за болния си съпруг. She attended on her sick husband. She took care of her sick husband. Veoma sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm very happy about that. Забравих за това. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Jesi li ti Ujgur? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uygur? Си го гризнав јазикот. I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. Тези дрехи ти стоят добре. These clothes suit you. These clothes look good on you. Сум го слушнал тоа од многу луѓе. I've heard that from a lot of people. I've heard that from a lot of people. Zabavno je. It's fun. It's fun. Може ли да поразговарам со тебе? May I talk with you? Can I talk to you for a second? Фрлете ги од палуба. Throw them overboard. Throw them off deck. Навистина не знам. I really don't know. I really don't know. Видях го да бяга от там. I saw him run away. I saw him run away from there. Ще се скрия тук вътре. I'll hide in here. I'll hide in here. Просјаците не можат да пребираат. Beggars cannot be choosers. The beggars can't pick. Nenapadlo vám zavrieť okná? Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Don't you reject the window? Треба пак да го направиме ова некогаш. We should do this again sometime. We should do this again sometime. Препорачливо е да провериш дали може да има некакви негативни ефекти ако пиеш алкохол додека го пиеш лекот што ти го препишале. It's advisable to check whether there'll be any adverse affects if you drink alcohol while taking the medication you've been prescribed. It is recommended that you check for negative effects if you drink alcohol while drinking the medicine they prescribed for you. Zašto samo ne kaže Tomu? Why not just tell Tom? Why doesn't he just tell Tom? Дръж се здраво. Hold on tight. Hold on tight. Те го поправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. Виждал съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. Ето я тук снимката на Том. I have Tom's picture right here. Here's Tom's picture. Šta je tvoj posao? What's your job? What's your job? Отсекогаш сум сакал да бидам наставник. I always wanted to be a teacher. I've always wanted to be a teacher. Погледни отзад. Look behind you. Look in the back. Život teče dalje! So goes life! Life goes on! Da li su zaljubljeni? Are they in love? Are they in love? И јас така се чувствувам. I also feel the same way. I feel the same way. Твоја грешка беше. It was your mistake. It was your fault. Добар дан, како си? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Pa, dešavaju se takve stvari. Well, such things happen. Well, things like that happen. Danes imam bolečine v vratu. Today I have neck pain. I'm having neck pain today. Времето ти изтече. Your time is up. Your time is up. Том се провали на френския миналия семестър. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed in the French semester last year. Попрво би пешачел сам. I prefer walking by myself. I'd rather walk alone. Budite pažljivi. Be watchful. Be careful. Помня, че пуснах писмото. I remember mailing the letter. I remember dropping the letter. Наистина не мисля, че Том възнамерява да отиде. I really don't think Tom is going to go. I really don't think Tom's going to go. Том е на кревет и збори на телефон. Tom is on the bed, talking on the phone. Tom's on the bed and he's on the phone. Чекај малку, готов ми е вешот, одам да го пружам. Wait a minute. The wash is done. I'm going to hang out the laundry to dry. Wait a minute, I'm done with my laundry. I'm gonna go get it. Film je bio inspiriran novelom istog naslova. The film was inspired by the novel of the same title. The film was inspired by the novel of the same title. Кен прескочи стената. Ken jumped over the wall. Ken jumped the wall. Хайде! Ще закъснеем. Come on! We'll be late. Come on, we're gonna be late. Според полицията пожарът беше подпален умишлено. Police think the fire was deliberately lit. According to the police, the fire was deliberately set on fire. Том чу нещо. Tom heard something. Tom heard something. Da li Tom zna za ovo? Is Tom in on this? Does Tom know about this? Она има украјинско држављанство. She has Ukrainian citizenship. She has Ukrainian citizenship. Чух Том да крещи. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom screaming. Том си го намачка тостот со путер. Tom buttered his toast. Tom put butter on his toast. Срещнах я за първи път в Лондон. I met her in London for the first time. I met her for the first time in London. Закараха Том в болницата да му промият стомаха, защото той яде нещо отровно. They took Tom to the hospital to have his stomach pumped because he ate something poisonous. They took Tom to the hospital to wash his stomach because he's eating something poisonous. Може ли да ги провериш оние? Would you please check those? Can you check on those? Nemoj da bleneš. Don't stare. Don't stare. Будите уверени у то. Make no mistake about it. Be sure of that. Започнах да уча френски. I've started learning French. I started learning French. Ти дозволи Том да избега. You let Tom get away. You let Tom get away. Pogrešno sam razumeo. I misunderstood. I got it all wrong. Res škoda, da je ne poznaš. It's a great pity you don't know her. It's too bad you don't know her. Dobro ti ide. Samo se opusti. Budi svoj. You're doing fine. Just relax. Be yourself. You're doing fine, just relax, be yourself. Ti to zaslužuješ. You deserve it. You deserve it. Жешко ли е кафето? Is the coffee hot? Is the coffee hot? On je 7.5 centimetara viši od mene. He's three inches taller than I am. He's seven inches taller than me. Още ли си щастлива? Are you still happy? Are you still happy? Тоа е сосем возможно. That's very possible. That's quite possible. Казах ти да наблюдаваш Том внимателно. I told you to watch Tom carefully. I told you to watch Tom carefully. Kje je najbližja delavnica za popravilo didgeridoo-jev? Where is the nearest didgeridoo repair shop? Where's the nearest repair shop to dogeridoo's? Чист сум. I'm clean. I'm clean. Tom voli sir. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Том ме гаѓаше со камен. Tom threw a rock at me. Tom used to throw rocks at me. Žedan sam. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Тражиш ли нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you're looking for? Are you looking for something specific? Зошто ти се допаѓа? Why do you like it? Why do you like it? Знам за него. I know about him. I know about him. Не брините! Don't worry. Don't worry! Се прашуваш што си се задржал толку. I wondered what was taking you so long. You wonder what took you so long. Išli smo sve do Bostona zajedno. We went as far as Boston together. We went all the way to Boston together. Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom get away. Don't let Tom get away with it. Tvoji rezultati ispita su odlični. Your examination results are excellent. Your test results are excellent. Смееш да останеш само ако си тивок. You can stay only if you are quiet. You can only stay if you're quiet. Това не е ли твоята риза? Isn't that your shirt? Isn't that your shirt? Počisti ovaj nered. Clean up this mess. Clean up this mess. Ти обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Не можам да спијам со вклучено светло. I can't sleep if the lights are on. I can't sleep with the lights on. Мисля, че той е невинен. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. Ќе дојдат наскоро. They'll be here soon. They'll be here soon. Ми пукна крвен сад во окото. A blood vessel broke in my eye. I had a blood vessel in my eye. Музиката на Ења е убава. Enya’s music is good. Anja's music is beautiful. Пак ли си го заборавил тоа? Did you forget that again? Did you forget that again? Тата је рекао не. My dad said no. Dad said no. Ova se knjiga ne radi o lingvistici. This book is not about linguistics. This book isn't about linguistics. Škole i putevi su usluge koje se plaćaju porezom. Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes. Schools and roads are services paid by taxes. В този град са добивали желязо 350 години. They mined iron in this town for 350 years. In this city, they've been getting iron for 350 years. Ja sam veliki obožavatelj fudbala. I'm a big football fan. I'm a big fan of football. Платив казна. I paid a fine. I paid the fine. Те са чудесни. They're wonderful. They're great. Ти фали нешто? Do you need anything? Is there something wrong with you? Obavićemo posao. We'll get the job done. We'll do the job. Idemo po Toma. We'll go get Tom. Let's go get Tom. Bill bol zastrelený. Bill was killed with a gun. Bill's gonna get shot. Sami je pitao mnogo pitanja o Islamu Sami was asking a lot of questions about Islam. Sami asked many questions about Islam Дали е Том во Бостон? Is Tom in Boston? Is Tom in Boston? Neki religiozni ljudi mogu da budu veoma osuđujući. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Забављај се док можеш. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Предоцна стигнав. I arrived too late. I'm too late. Tom krváca. Tom's bleeding. Tom's bleeding. Никогаш нема да работам за нив. I'll never work for them. I'll never work for them. Vreme da se rastanemo. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to split up. Още не съм закусвал. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Не бих се изненадала. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Vi to možete ako probate. You guys can do it if you try. You can do it if you try. Да обядваме! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! Се погрижив за тоа. I took care of that. I took care of it. Zasad sam videla dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough so far. Pokušavam postavljati pitanja na Francuskom. I am trying to ask my questions in French. I'm trying to ask questions in French. Ни беше од голема полза. You've been quite helpful. It was of great use to us. Mogu ja to kao od šale. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can do it as a joke. Ќе го пратам Том да се погрижи за тоа. I'll have Tom take care of it. I'll send Tom to take care of it. Тргај ги рацете од Том. Get your hands off of Tom. Get your hands off Tom. Nisam siguran da li Tom želi da priča sa mnom. I'm not sure whether Tom wants to talk to me. I'm not sure Tom wants to talk to me. Ходи говори с Том. Go talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Da li verujete u ljubav na prvi pogled? Do you believe in love at the first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight? Синът ни се жени и искаме да понаправим главите. Our son is getting married and we want to get a bit drunk. Our son's getting married, and we want to make our heads straight. Како е мајка ти? How is your mother? How's your mom? Том се опоравува. Tom is in recovery. Tom's recovering. Uplašena sam nasmrt. It scared me to death. I'm scared to death. Drago mi je. I'm glad. Nice to meet you. Mi lahko poveste, kako se uporablja telefon. Could you tell me how to use the telephone? You can tell me how to use the phone. Január je zvyčajne najchladnejší mesiac. January is usually the coldest month. Január is the most artistic messianic. Она не говори енглески, а камоли француски. She doesn't speak English, let alone French. She doesn't speak English, let alone French. Zapravo sam fin momak. I'm actually a nice guy. I'm actually a nice guy. Ябълките са червени. Apples are red. Apples are red. Дадох книгата на моята приятелка. I gave the book to my friend. I gave the book to my friend. Тоа ли е последната лекција? Is it the last lesson? Is that the last lesson? Том пътуваше в първа класа. Tom traveled first class. Tom was in first class. Ќе се чувствуваш подобро. You'll feel better. You'll feel better. Maďarsko a Slovensko sú susedi. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. Makarska and Slovensko sú neighbours. Vrata su se zbog nečega zaglavila. Something is making the door stick. The door's stuck for something. Sovražim teroristične organizacije. I hate terrorist organizations. I hate terrorist organizations. Nisam naviknut na to. I'm not used to that. I'm not used to it. Stále si myslíš, že si vymýšľam? You still think I'm bluffing? You're myslísh, are you sure? Загубих се в гората. I've got lost in the forest. I got lost in the woods. Аз не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change these plans. Имам три сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Koliko ima džamija u Istanbulu? How many mosques are there in Istanbul? How many mosques are there in Istanbul? Tom je sam u dnevnoj sobi. Tom is alone in the living room. Tom's alone in the living room. Го направив ова за тебе. I made this for you. I did this for you. Не си дотолку ужасен. You're not so horrible. You're not that terrible. Доблесноста без злато е подобра од златото без чест. Virtue without gold is better than gold without honour. Virtue without gold is better than gold without honor. Ta je lažnjak, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? That's a fake, isn't it? Šta tražiš? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Той лесно се уморява. He gets tired easily. He's getting tired. Том пије као смук. Tom drinks like a fish. Tom drinks like a sound. Мери го премота филмот. Mary fast-forwarded the movie. Mary rewinded the movie. Изчезвайте. Get lost. Get out of here. Лукот испушта силна миризба. Garlic gives off a strong odor. The bow makes a strong smell. Svako se menja. Everyone changes. Everyone changes. Таа звучи разочарано. She sounds disappointed. She sounds disappointed. Kiša je tako jako padala da smo odlučili posjetiti ga neki drugi dan. It rained so hard that we decided to visit him on another day. It rained so hard that we decided to visit him the other day. Виждала съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you with Tom. Imuna sam. I'm immune. I'm immune. Нямам намерение да правя нищо такова. I have no intention of doing that. I have no intention of doing anything like this. Tom je brisao pod. Tom mopped the floor. Tom was erasing the floor. Ептен те бива. You're really good. You're really good. Toto je najhoršia vec, aká sa mi kedy stala! This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me! Toto's the most chorsia I've ever had! Шифра је "Мјуриел". The password is "Muiriel". The code is Muriel. Мислам дека Том си замина. I think Tom has gone. I think Tom's gone. Не одобрявам решението ти. I don't approve your decision. I don't approve of your decision. Jesi li ljut zbog toga? Does that make you angry? Are you mad about that? Само што го фрлив во ѓубре. I just threw it away. I just threw it in the trash. Naoružali su se pištoljima. They armed themselves with guns. They armed themselves with guns. Мислам дека Том нема да биде на училиште утре. I don't think Tom will be at school tomorrow. I don't think Tom's going to be at school tomorrow. Ќути или ќе те исфрлат. Shut up or you'll get thrown out. Shut up or they'll kick you out. Napravit ćemo ono što uvijek napravimo. We'll do what we always do. We'll do what we always do. Има извештаи за пишување. I've got some reports to write. There's written reports. Мислев дека ќе живееш со нас. I thought you were going to live with us. I thought you were gonna live with us. Он трчи. He runs. He's running. Tom je pritisnuo prekidač. Tom flipped the switch. Tom pressed the switch. Ako razgovarate sa čovekom na jeziku koji on razume, to ide u njegovu glavu. Ako razgovarate sa njim na njegovom jeziku, to ide do njegovog srca. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. If you talk to a man in a language that he understands, it goes into his head, if you talk to him in his language, it goes to his heart. Том напишал две книги. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. Не се случи тоа баш така. It's not exactly how it happened. That's not exactly what happened. To je bilo strašno. That was terrible. That was terrible. Evo malo dobrih vesti. Here's some good news. Here's some good news. Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Том не ти се срди. Tom isn't mad at you. Tom's not mad at you. Htio bih iznajmiti vaše najjeftinije auto na tjedan dana. I'd like to rent your most inexpensive car for a week. I'd like to rent your cheapest car for a week. Sviđa mi se Tom, no ja se ne sviđam njemu. I like Tom, but he doesn't like me. I like Tom, but he doesn't like me. Кажи ми каде е Том. Tell me where Tom is. Tell me where Tom is. Тој одеднаш се појави. Tom appeared suddenly. He showed up all of a sudden. „Зошто ми ја скрши вазната?“ „Мило за драго.“ "Why did you break my vase?" "Tit for tat." "Why did you break my vase?" "It's nice to meet you." Ме боли стомакот по оброци. My stomach hurts after meals. My stomach hurts after meals. Бил съм в Бостън само веднъж. I've only been to Boston once. I've only been to Boston once. Obe moje sestre su nastavnice. Both of my sisters are teachers. Both my sisters are teachers. Како сте вие двајца? How are you two doing? How are you two doing? Мисля, че твоят отговор е правилен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is right. Ајде да направиме торта. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. Тези ръкавици принадлежат на Том. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. Da li bi mogao da dobijem jedan zagrljaj? Would you mind giving me a hug? Could I have a hug? Pretpostavila sam da si zauzet. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Том нямаше желание да се мести в Бостън. Tom had no desire to move to Boston. Tom didn't want to move to Boston. Се изненадив што е толку лесно. I'm surprised it was that easy. I was surprised it was so easy. Не нѐ познаваат. They don't know us. They don't know us. Нямаш сърце. You don't have a heart. You don't have a heart. На колко години са братовчедите Ви? How old are your cousins? How old are your cousins? Kako Tom uspeva? How does Tom do it? How's Tom doing? Каде можам да најдам болница. Where can I find a hospital? Where I can find a hospital. Том престана да зборува. Tom stopped speaking. Tom stopped talking. Već sam pokušala. I've already tried. I've tried. Най-добре работя под напрежение. I work best under pressure. I work best under pressure. Те вдигнаха голям купон за мен. They gave a big party for me. They raised a big party for me. Моля, извинете ме за закъснението. Please pardon me for coming late. Please excuse my delay. Почни одново. Start over. Start again. Внимавай да не разбиеш сърцето на Том. Be careful you don't break Tom's heart. Be careful not to break Tom's heart. Механичарите би требало да се разбираат во масла и подмачкувачи за мотори. Mechanics should know a lot about oils and lubricants for engines. Mechanics should be understood in oils and submersibles for motors. Не си спиен цела ноќ, нели? You were up all night, weren't you? You haven't slept all night, have you? Защо не вземем такси? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we take a cab? Том се нарани. Tom hurt himself. Tom got hurt. Толкова е тъжно да гледаш как Том проси пари на улицата, след като загуби всичките си пари на хазарт. It's so sad to see Tom begging for money in the streets after he lost all his savings gambling. It's so sad watching Tom ask for money on the street after losing all his gambling money. Ne smijemo dopustiti da naše emocije narušavaju naše djelovanje. We cannot allow our emotions to interfere with our actions. We must not allow our emotions to interfere with our actions. Том ѝ ја даде на Мери пораката од Џон. Tom gave Mary John's message. Tom gave Mary a message from John. Заодивме. We started to walk. We're out of here. Dnes je tu veľa ľudí. There are a lot of people here today. There's a lot of zudí here today. Poslao sam mapu Tomu faksom. I faxed a map to Tom. I sent a map to Tom by fax. Той даде да се разбере, че е против плана. He made it clear that he was against the plan. He made it clear he was against the plan. Всички знаят, че Том може да говори добре на френски. Everybody knows Tom can speak French well. Everyone knows Tom can speak very well in French. Da li si oprao suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Зависи од твојата одлука. It hangs on your decision. It depends on your decision. Zašto je slikanje vozova toliko interesantno? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Да си поръчаме суши. Let's have sushi. Let's order sushi. Tom se duplo parkirao. Tom's double-parked. Tom double-parked. Сара има 31 пенкало. Sara has 31 pens. Sarah has 31 pens. Často som spával na lavičke, keď som bol bezdomovec. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. The honor of som slept on the lioness, the som pain of the homeless. Те си разменят подаръци. They give presents to one another. They exchange gifts. Тя напредва с английския. She is making progress with her English. She's making progress with English. А ако не ги најдеме? What if we don't find them? What if we don't find them? Той е с руса коса. He has blond hair. He's got blond hair. Stari prijatelj sam. I'm an old friend. I'm an old friend. Марта е отличен пианист. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha's a great pianist. Пак е време за тоа. It's that time again. It's time for that again. Много търговци бяха ограбени по време на размириците. Many businesses were plundered during the riots. Many merchants were robbed during the riots. Том не нѐ слуша. Tom can't hear us. Tom can't hear us. Мисля, че трябва да се махнем от тук. I think we should get out here. I think we should get out of here. Не сум знаел дека играш шах. I didn't know you played chess. I didn't know you played chess. Nisam uvek u pravu. I'm not always right. I'm not always right. Ќе ми дадат отказ, затоа што многу доцнам на работа. I'm being fired because I've been late to work a lot. They're gonna fire me because I'm so late for work. Том беше доволен. Tom was contented. Tom was happy. Завежи и кидај! Go jump in the lake. Shut up and rip it! Hovorte pomalšie, prosím. Please speak more slowly. Hovorte malchie, please. То ти је цела мудрост! Bob's your uncle. That's all your wisdom! Утре сум на работа. I'm working tomorrow. I'm at work tomorrow. Лесно можеш да ги разликуваш. It's easy to tell them apart. You can easily tell them apart. Nisam loš student. I'm not a bad student. I'm not a bad student. Тя си сложи новата рокля за парито. She put on her new dress for the party. She put on a new dress for the money. Треба да бидам сам. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Njegovo je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Бяхме разочаровани, че тя не дойде. We were disappointed at her absence. We were disappointed that she didn't come. Нейния чар е смес от веселие и доброта. Her charm is compounded by her gaiety and kindness. Her charm is a mix of joy and goodness. Многу дуваше. It was really windy. He was smoking a lot. Им помогнавме еднаш. We helped them once. We helped them once. Том седеше зад воланот. Tom sat down behind the steering wheel. Tom was sitting behind the wheel. Какви книги ти требаат? What kind of books do you need? What kind of books do you need? Он је добар. He is nice. He's good. Му се исполни пророштвото. His prophecy was fulfilled. His prophecy came true. Постоји много тајни у животу. There are many mysteries in life. There are many secrets in life. Том вчера си отиде од Бостон. Tom left Boston yesterday. Tom left Boston yesterday. Лодката преминава през джунглата. This boat goes through the jungle. The boat is passing through the jungle. Стаорците се мали. Rats are small. Rats are small. Ostaň s nami! Stay with us. Stay with us! Probaj. Try it. Try it. Tom još ne ume ni da napiše sopstveno ime. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Znaju te. They know you. They know you. Bol som mladý a nevinný. I was young and innocent. I'm young and I'm innocent. Изглежда дойдох тук малко рано. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I got here a little early. В дънките ми има дупка. I got a hole in my jeans. There's a hole in my jeans. Имам ключовете. I have the keys. I have the keys. Ще те привикам утре. I'll call you up tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Не ми стана съвсем ясно, но ще се опитам да направя каквото мога. I don't understand it completely, but I'll try to do what I can. It didn't make any sense to me, but I'll try to do what I can. Tom je često dolazio ovde kao student. Tom often came here as a student. Tom used to come here a lot as a student. Lice joj je bilo jarko crvene boje bijesa. Her face was bright red with anger. Her face was bright red with rage. Няколко минути по-късно, телефонът звънна. Several minutes later, the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Šta si mi to uradio? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Том не е свикнал да живее в града. Tom isn't used to living in the city. Tom's not used to living in town. Том се опитва да получи отговор от Мери. Tom tried to elicit a response from Mary. Tom's trying to get an answer from Mary. Ne ostavljaj me samog. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Има овошје и месо во маркетов. There's fruit and meat in this market. There's fruit and meat in this market. Да ли грешим? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Каде ми отиде шоферот? Where did my driver go? Where'd my driver go? Заглавен сум тука во Бостон. I'm stuck here in Boston. I'm stuck here in Boston. Nemoj da govoriš. Don't speak. Don't talk. Мисля, че тичането е добро упражнение. I think jogging is good exercise. I think running is a good exercise. Треба да ни најдам помош. I need to get us some help. I need to get us some help. Овие не се вистински. These aren't real. These aren't real. Ништо такво се нема случено претходно. Nothing like that ever happened here. Nothing like that has ever happened before. Остави на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Šetali smo kroz park. We strolled through the park. We walked through the park. На Том му се прави нешто. Tom wants something to do. Tom's got something to do with it. Tom je bio moj sin jedinac. Tom was my only child. Tom was my only son. Umeš li da žongliraš? Can you juggle? Can you juggle? Морав да го оставам Том да победи. I had to let Tom win. I had to let Tom win. Голям град е. It's a big city. It's a big city. Утре ще ставам рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll be up early tomorrow. Apríl je štvrtý mesiac v roku. April is the fourth month of the year. Apríl is a cvrtý messicac within the deadline. Dostupan sam. I'm available. I'm available. Регистрирана ли си? Are you registered? Are you registered? Нямам представа къде е Том. I have no idea where Tom is. I have no idea where Tom is. Той ти е много ядосан. He's very angry with you. He's very angry with you. Всички кажете "сирене". Everyone, say cheese. Everybody say cheese. Том е многу немарен. Tom is very careless. Tom's very careless. Платил ли Том станарина? Has Tom paid the rent? Did Tom pay the rent? Ние закусваме вътре. We're eating breakfast inside. We're having breakfast inside. Сишао сам на погрешној аутобуској станици. I got off at the wrong bus stop. I got off at the wrong bus stop. Земи го Том со себе. Take Tom with you. Take Tom with you. Ali bi lahko eno kumarico? May I have a pickle? Could I have one of those pickles? Volim da te gledam kako plešeš. I love watching you dance. I love watching you dance. Пера си чорапите. I wash my socks. He's washing his socks. Сигурен съм, че докато ти стигнеш до тук, ние ще сме готови. I'm sure that by the time you get here, we'll be ready. I'm sure by the time you get here, we'll be ready. Imamo dvoje dece. We have two children. We have two children. Бих искал да науча нещо повече за музеите. I would like some information about museums. I'd like to learn more about museums. Присъствието за всички членове е задължително. Attendance is compulsory for all members. The presence of all members shall be mandatory. Се онерасположувам кога го гледам со девојка му. Seeing him with his girlfriend puts me in a bad mood. I get upset when I see him with his girlfriend. Премногу се зафатени со тоа што се борат еден против друг за да мислат на заеднички идеали. They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. They're too busy fighting each other to think of common ideals. Da li krivite mene? Are you blaming me? Do you blame me? Жал ми е што воопшто им кажав нешто. I'm sorry I told them anything at all. I'm sorry I ever said anything to them. Какво прави твоят приятел напоследък? What has your friend been doing recently? What's your friend been doing lately? Не му поверував. I didn't believe him. I didn't believe him. Знам, че мога да го направя. I know I can do it. I know I can do it. Имам информация за Том. I have some information for Tom. I have information about Tom. Морам да го предупредам Том. I have to warn Tom. I have to warn Tom. Само што се истуширав. I just took a shower. I just took a shower. От теб зависи. It is up to you. It's up to you. Rekao si da si spreman. You said you were ready. You said you were ready. Веќе предолго го одложуваш ова. Има вечерва да го завршиш! You've put this off for far too long. You will finish it tonight! You've been putting this off too long. Сакам да го користам ова. I want to use this. I want to use this. Што е таа миризба? What's that smell? What's that smell? Kutija je prazna. The box is empty. The box is empty. Том не знае нищичко за Мери. Tom doesn't know squat about Mary. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary. Daj da ponovim to. Let me say that again. Let me do it again. Мислам дека сѐ уште немаат измислено лек за тоа. I don't think they've found a cure for that yet. I don't think they have a fake cure for that yet. Колку сум ретардиран! I'm such a retard! I'm so retarded! Gadno smo se posvađali. We had a terrible fight. We had a hell of a fight. Тоа беше најлошата журка на којашто сум бил во животот. That was the worst party I've ever been to. It was the worst party I've ever been to. Кој може да го скршил аквариумот? Who could've broken the fishbowl? Who could have broken the aquarium? Odbila sam toma. I turned Tom down. I turned down Tom. Mogu li da vas pitam nešto? Can I ask you a question? Can I ask you something? Budi oprezan sa željama. Možda ti se i ostvare. Be careful what you wish for. It just might come true. Be careful with your wishes. Мајка ѝ зборува италијански. Her mother speaks Italian. Her mother speaks Italian. Од каде знаеше каде ги сокрил Том дијамантите? How did you know where Tom hid the diamonds? How did you know where he hid Tom's diamonds? Сум слушнал за тоа. I've heard of it. I've heard of it. Том се разјарува. Tom is getting angry. Tom's getting mad. Рибу, молићу. Fish, please. Fish, please. Том често користи ту реч. Tom uses that word a lot. Tom often uses that word. Tom nima kreditne kartice. Tom doesn't have a credit card. Tom doesn't have a credit card. Срам да ти е! Shame on you! Shame on you! Таа торта е калорична. That cake is fattening. That cake is calorie. U šta ti veruješ? What do you believe in? What do you believe in? Nemojte da stajete. Don't stop. Don't stop. Прекрасен си. You're fascinating. You're beautiful. Том не е многу зборлест. Tom isn't very talkative. Tom's not very eloquent. Kad je ova knjiga objavljena? When was this book published? When was this book published? Не можеш за све кривити Тома. You can't blame it all on Tom. You can't blame everything for Tom. Од што е кратенка? What's it stand for? What's a shortcut for? Ти го правиш в момента. You're doing it now. You're doing it right now. Tom i Meri će otići danas. Tom and Mary will leave today. Tom and Mary are leaving today. Само стави го на моја сметка. Just put it on my tab. Just put it on my tab. Nisam odavde. I'm not from here. I'm not from around here. Къде е ключът? Where's the key? Where's the key? Той може да те е разбрал неправилно. He may have misunderstood you. He may have misunderstood you. Где је музеј? Where's the museum? Where's the museum? Da li bi moglo da se uradi? Could it be done? Could it be done? Утре почнувам. I begin tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Том си се послужи со шолја чај и крофна. Tom helped himself to a cup of coffee and a donut. Tom used a cup of tea and a doughnut. Idite gore. Get upstairs. Go upstairs. Том преведе един френски роман на английски. Tom translated a French novel into English. Tom translated a French novel in English. Mnogo je lepih parkova u Londonu. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are lots of nice parks in London. Автобусът пристигна празен. The bus arrived empty. The bus has arrived empty. Зошто е музиката толку забавна за слушање? Why is music so fun to listen to? Why is music so fun to listen to? Не, не ти се лутам. No, I'm not angry with you. No, I'm not mad at you. Приличаш на сестра ми. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. И двајцата сме го виделе. We've both seen it. We've both seen him. Пробувавме да го сокриеме тоа. We tried to keep it a secret. We were trying to hide it. Ja sam beskućnik. I'm homeless. I'm homeless. Птиците пяха. The birds sang. The birds sang. Тя слезе по стълбите. She went down the stairs. She went down the stairs. Зборуваше ли со Том? Did you talk to Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Дръж Том под око. Keep a good eye on Tom. Keep an eye on Tom. Кој го нацртал? Who drew it? Who drew it? Превише сам стара за овако нешто. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for something like this. Останах с впечатлението, че ти също не повярва на Том. I got the impression you didn't believe Tom either. I was under the impression that you didn't believe Tom either. Ништо не е пожалосно од глупавоста и безразличноста. Nothing is more sad than stupidity and apathy. Nothing is more regrettable than stupidity and indifference. Sećam se nečeg u vezi s tim. I remember something about that. I remember something about that. Кой иска да бъде милионер? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? Днес не съм разговарял с никого, освен с Том. I haven't talked to anyone but Tom today. I haven't talked to anyone today except Tom. Нямам дребни в мен. I have no small change on me. I don't have any change in me. Децата дуваат меурчиња. The children are blowing bubbles. The kids are blowing bubbles. Имаш ли други въпроси? Do you have any other questions? Do you have any other questions? На следећој раскрсници скрените десно. Turn right at the next intersection. At the next intersection, turn right. Ste veľmi krásna. You are very beautiful. You're very fragile. Знам дека си зафатен. I know you're busy. I know you're busy. Подранил съм. I'm early. I'm early. Водата е живот. Water is life. Water is life. Том не даде отпор. Tom didn't resist. Tom didn't resist. Му го презирам грубиот став. I resent his rude attitude. I despise his rude attitude. Njezine su ga riječi razljutile. Her words angered him. Her words made him angry. Таман на време стигнавме. We were just in time. We're just in time. Nie je až taký dobrý spisovateľ a myslím, že to vie. He's not such a great writer and I think he knows it. Nie is such a good writer, myslím, already. Му го поправив радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. Можно е Том да ја вработи Мери, но не знам со сигурност. Tom might hire Mary, but I don't really know for sure. It's possible Tom could hire Mary, but I don't know for sure. Ne ide dalje od Glavne Ulice, ali odatle možeš da hvataš broj 31. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there. It doesn't go any further than Main Street, but you can catch number 31 from there. Ne mogu da verujem u sve ovo. I can't believe all this. I can't believe all this. Просто не можех да кажа "не". I just couldn't say no. I just couldn't say no. Карито во прав е мешавина од повеќе зачини. Curry powder is composed of several spices. The powdered carito is a mixture of more spices. Том размисли за тоа. Tom considered it. Tom, think about it. Njegov način govorenja mi dosađuje. His way of speaking annoys me. His way of talking bothers me. Nevjerovatno! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Ножът ми е остър. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Не можеме да го докажеме тоа. We can't prove it. We can't prove it. Том сликаше. Tom took a picture. Tom took pictures. Кога почнува претставата? When does the performance begin? When does the show start? Том не знаеше кои се родителите на Мери. Tom didn't know who Mary's parents were. Tom didn't know who Mary's parents were. Водили су љубав целе ноћи. They made love all night long. They've been making love all night. Виждала ли си ми фотоапарата? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? Чувствам се толкова самотен. I feel so alone. I feel so alone. Винаги не се съгласяваш с твоят шеф . You're always disagreeing with your boss. You always disagree with your boss. Много е вкусно. It tastes very good. It's delicious. Zašto bi se Tom predao? Why would Tom give up? Why would Tom turn himself in? Не съм се сещала за Том от години. I haven't thought about Tom in years. I haven't thought about Tom in years. Дали мислиш дека знам што се случува? Do you think I don't know what's going on? Do you think I know what's going on? Такива неща се случват постоянно. Such things happen all the time. These things happen all the time. Не знам зашто ме боли глава. I don't know why my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts. Камоли да остануваше. I wish you were staying. Let alone stay. Тези кучета са големи. These dogs are big. These dogs are big. Si res naredil to zastonj? Did you really do that for free? Did you really do it for free? Искам да ти покажа нещо в моя офис. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. Ona je moja prva ljubav. She's my first love. She's my first love. Можеш ли да решиш тази задача? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this problem? Не можемо ићи. We can't go. We can't go. Ponosna sam na ovaj tim. I'm proud of this team. I'm proud of this team. Ќе бидам добро. I'll be OK. I'll be fine. Ќе станам посилен. I'll become stronger. I'm gonna get stronger. Можно е да не дипломирам. I may not graduate. It's possible I don't graduate. Покажи ми ја раката. Show me your hand. Show me your hand. Ko jim poveš se probaj ne smejati. Try not to smile when you tell them. When you tell them, try not to laugh. Ти си мојата среќа. You are my happiness. You're my luck. Дали Татоеба е навистина многу бавна денес, или мене ми се чини? Is it just me, or is Tatoeba extremely slow today? Is Tataba really very slow today, or is it me? Не ние атакувахме първи. We didn't start the fire. We didn't attack first. Puno si mi pomogao. You've been a big help. You've helped me a lot. Не разбрах смешката. I didn't get his joke. I didn't get the smile. Nisam se navikao na to. I'm not used to that. I'm not used to it. Не сте ли нервни? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Френският на Том е доста добър. Tom's French is quite good. Tom's French is pretty good. Zaista sam srećam zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really lucky about that. Покажете ни го. Show it to us. Show us. Nadam se da će biti dobro. I hope it will be good. I hope she's okay. Се обиде да се искачи на далечната планина. He tried climbing the distant mountain. He tried to climb a mountain far away. Ангелите не чуваат и не водат. Angels guard and guide us. Angels protect us and lead us. Bila je velika eksplozija. It was a big explosion. There was a big explosion. Dobio je šta je hteo. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да те закарам вкъщи? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Те ходиха до морския музей. They went to the maritime museum. They went to the sea museum. Од што е направено ова? What's this made of? What's this made of? Kako ti je prošao dan? How was your day? How was your day? Ти си всичко, което имат те. You're all they have. You're all they have. Imam jednog brata. I have one brother. I have one brother. Том и помогна на Мери да избега од затвор. Tom helped Mary escape from jail. Tom helped Mary escape from prison. Сфингата почна да кружи околу него. The Sphinx began to walk around him. The sphinx started to circle around him. Aimee je trenutno zelo utrujena. Aimee is very tired at the moment. Aimee is very tired right now. Се уште е темница надвор. It's still dark outside. It's still dark out there. Поројниот дожд во ноќта ги отежни обидите да се спасат преживеаните од соборениот траект. Heavy rain throughout the night has hampered efforts to rescue survivors from the stricken ferry. The torrential rain in the night made it hard to save survivors of the downed ferry. Ветар је попустио. The wind has abated. The wind's down. Daj ovu knjigu komugod tko je hoće. Give this book to whoever wants it. Give this book to whoever wants it. Не знам што бараш тука. I don't know why you're here. I don't know what you're doing here. Фрлајте го оружјето наземи. Throw down your weapons. Drop your weapons. Няма да я видя пак. I won't see her again. I won't see her again. Ne viči na mene. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Том навидум се обидуваше да ја убеди Мери да преземе нешто. Tom seemed to be trying to convince Mary to do something. Tom was apparently trying to convince Mary to do something. Заборавите! Forget it! Forget it! Mora da je zastrašujuće. It must be frightening. It must be scary. Сега оди напред. Now go forward. Now go ahead. Мораш да им купиш подарок. You have to get them a present. You have to buy them a gift. Том е често непредвидлив. Tom tends to be unpredictable. Tom's often unpredictable. Той си обърна палтото наопаки. He turned his coat inside out. He turned his coat upside down. Како би го поправил? How would you fix it? How would you fix it? Ајде да не го упропастиме тоа. Let's not spoil it. Let's not ruin that. Všetci ľudia sa rodia slobodní a sebe rovní , čo sa týka ich dostojnosti a práv. Sú obdarení rozumom a majú navzájom jednať v bratskom duchu. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Všetci žudia with progeny freeí a se revní , è with tóka ich dignity a práv. Sú obdarení rozum a mayú nazá one in the brotherly soul. Stvarno sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really happy about that. Кой сте вие? Who are you? Who are you? Том отиде до бюрото. Tom walked over to the desk. Tom went to the desk. Kaoru išiel do Ameriky. Kaoru has gone to America. Kaoru went to America. Кога беше последният път, когато се случи? When was the last time that happened? When was the last time it happened? Предчувствам една добра ваканция. I anticipate a good vacation. I'm feeling a good vacation. Идвате ли? Aren't you coming? Are you coming? Чуваме две кози. We keep two goats. We hear two goats. Беше ли ви казано за проблема? Have you been told about the problem? Were you told about the problem? Сакам да си го вратам стариот живот. I want my life back. I want my old life back. Никога не бих ви излъгал. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Вампирите живеат вечно. Vampires live forever. Vampires live forever. Може и да не е достатъчно. It might not be enough. Maybe it's not enough. Имаш много приятели, които се тревожат за теб. You have many caring friends. You have a lot of friends who worry about you. Седи си един човек в кухнята. A man is sitting in his kitchen. Sit down. There's a man in the kitchen. Ovaj je baš kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's really cool. Том ја удри Мери по глава со тава. Tom hit Mary on the head with a skillet. Tom hit Mary over the head with this one. Не. Искам да платя в брой. No. I want to pay in cash. No, I want to pay cash. Мисля, че зададе достатъчно въпроси. I think you've asked enough questions. I think you've asked enough questions. Джон счупи прозореца вчера. John broke the window yesterday. John broke the window yesterday. Кога почнува претставава? When does this play start? When does this show start? Волим да те гледам док радиш. I love watching you work. I love watching you work. Имаш ли медицинска застраховка? Do you have medical insurance? Do you have medical insurance? Nie, ďakujem. No, thank you. Nie, I do. Дан извлече поука на потешкиот начин. Dan learnt a lesson the hard way. Dan learned a lesson the hard way. Sada je dosta zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's pretty busy right now. Сѐ уште ли боли? Does it still hurt? Is it still hurting? Питайте Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. To je veľmi dobre. That's very good. That's pretty good. Може ли да ме погледнеш? Can you look at me? Can you look at me? Том отхвърли молбата. Tom denied the request. Tom rejected the application. Се стреми кон тоа да стане глумица. She aspired to become an actress. She's trying to become an actress. Što si odgovorio? What did you answer? What did you say? Šta je u prirodi večno, kada je sve tako prolazno? What is eternal in nature when everything is so ephemeral? What's in nature forever, when everything is so fleeting? Избегао је опасност. He avoided danger. He avoided danger. Мојот ласерски принтер знае и да се скенира слики. My laser printer can also scan an image. My laser printer can also scan images. Интересен си. You're interesting. You're interesting. Da li si jeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Тој има јако алиби. He had a strong alibi. He has a very strong alibi. Пред да си легнам, испив три апчиња против настинка. Before going to bed, I took three pills to stop a cold. Before I went to bed, I had three cold pills. Затоа те доведов тука. That's why I brought you here. That's why I brought you here. Кой ви каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Tom je mislio da sam ja ti. Tom thought I was you. Tom thought I was you. Момчето, на което му се бяха скарали, хлипаше. The scolded boy was sobbing. The guy they had a fight with, he wanted to. U kom pravcu ideš? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? Пробвах всичко, което ми е известно. I've tried everything I know of. I've tried everything I know. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We discussed whether to cancel the reservation. Той често върви пеша до училище. He often walks to school. He often walks to school. Máš životný cieľ? Do you have a life goal? You have a life-form? Таа е луда по него. She's crazy about him. She's crazy about him. Скъпи, знам, че бюджетът ни е ограничен, но какво ще кажеш малко да се поглезим и да отидем в някой скъп ресторант този уикенд? Honey, I know the budget is tight, but do you think we could splurge a bit and have a night out at a fancy restaurant this weekend? Honey, I know our budget's limited, but how about we go down a little bit and go to some expensive restaurant this weekend? Љубезно беше од тебе што ми дозволи да останам тука сношти. It was nice of you to let me stay here last night. It was kind of you to let me stay here last night. Благодарение на хемијата имаме пластика. Chemistry gave us plastics. Thanks to chemistry, we have plastic. Nesreča se je zgodila včeraj zjutraj. The accident occurred yesterday morning. The accident happened yesterday morning. Џејн лежи болесна у кревету. Jane is sick in bed. Jane's lying sick in bed. Ručao sam sa njim. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. Се надевам дека ќе го најдеме. I hope we find him. I hope we find him. Не знам ко су. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Нямам никакъв избор. I have no choice at all. I don't have a choice. Svi su stajali. Everyone stood. They were all standing. Bez pýtania sa! No question! No pútania with! Tom je uspeo da pobegne taman na vreme. Tom managed to escape just in time. Tom managed to escape just in time. Grem v Los Angeles. I'm going to LA. I'm going to Los Angeles. Ние имаме нещо за теб. We've got something for you. We have something for you. Хайде да гласуваме. Let's vote. Let's vote. Не се случува баш често некој да купи шапка од илјада долари. It's not very often that someone buys a thousand dollar hat. It's not often that someone buys a thousand-dollar hat. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да помолиш Том за помощ? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom to help? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom for help? Пациентът оздравяваше малко по малко. The patient got better little by little. The patient was healing a little bit. Тя отсъства, защото е болна. She's absent because she's sick. She's gone because she's sick. Том нищо ли не каза за това? Didn't Tom say something about that? Tom didn't say anything about that? Никогаш не сум видел дебел веган. I've never seen a fat vegan. I've never seen a thick vegan. Strom je zelený. The tree is green. Strom is greený. Izgleda neudobno. It looks uncomfortable. It looks uncomfortable. Не знам зошто секогаш мора да бидам јас. I don't know why it always has to be me. I don't know why I always have to be me. Те молам, застани. Please stop walking. Please stop. Мирисите на јасмин и на лаванда ми се омилени. Jasmine and lavender are my favorite scents. The scents of jasmine and lavender are my favorite. Том не го доживува тоа така. Tom doesn't see it that way. Tom doesn't see it that way. Джейн носеше същата панделка като майка си. Jane wore the same ribbon as her mother did. Jane wore the same ribbon as her mother. Учителят ни накара да повторим думата. The teacher made us repeat the word. The teacher made us repeat the word. Ще трябва да откажа тази молба. I have to deny that request. I'm gonna have to refuse that application. Sviđa li joj se moj šešir? Does she like my hat? Does she like my hat? Том има слаб вид. Tom has bad eyesight. Tom has weak eyesight. Da li sam pitao tebe? Did I ask you? Did I ask you? Иззад хладилника излиза хлебарка. From behind the fridge, a roach comes out. There's a loave behind the fridge. Тој е доста непријатен човек! He's quite an unpleasant fellow! He's a very unpleasant man! Фала ти за сѐ што направи за нас. Thank you for all you've done for us. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Hej, pruži mi priliku. Hey, give me a chance. Hey, give me a chance. Dolaziš li, Tome? Are you coming, Tom? Are you coming, Tom? "Hoćeš li razmisliti?" "Da, hoću." "Will you think about it?" "Yes, I will." "Will you think about it?" "Yes, I will." Oni mi nezaplatili. They didn't pay me. They didn't pay me. Тома је луд за Маријом. Tom is crazy about Mary. Tom's crazy about Maria. Тоа е за нив. That's for them. It's for them. Аз ще ви покажа пътя до там. I'll show you the way. I'll show you the way there. Имам работа за Том. I have work for Tom. I have work for Tom. Volela bih da te poljubim. I'd like to kiss you. I'd like to kiss you. Jaz sem tako nesrečen fant. I'm such an unlucky guy. I'm such a miserable boy. Mnoga se predviđanja ne ostvare. Many predictions fail. Many predictions don't come true. Vi ste nas to naučili. You taught us that. You taught us that. Sicília je v lete horúca. Sicily is hot in summer. Sicília is in the flight of the Horúca. Не прикривай как се чувстваш заради това. Don't conceal what you feel about it. Don't cover up how you feel about this. Повеќе сакам козјо сирење од кравјо. I prefer goat cheeses to cheeses from cow milk. I prefer goat cheese from cow. Том грабна оружје. Tom grabbed a weapon. Tom grabbed a weapon. Прочитајте ово. Read this. Read this. Мисля, че правите грешка. I think you're making a mistake. I think you're making a mistake. Извини, но мојот одговор е одречен. I'm sorry, but the answer's no. I'm sorry, but my answer is denied. Нашиот чун се доближуваше до малиот остров. Our boat approached the small island. Our Chun was approaching the small island. Всички мъже бяха арестувани. The men were all arrested. All the men were arrested. Molio me da mu pomognem. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. Izgledalo mi je da Tom ne radi to što treba da radi. It appeared to me that Tom wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing. I thought Tom wasn't doing what he was supposed to do. Изглеждаш уморен. You look tired. You look tired. Мораш да се обидеш, Том. You have to try, Tom. You have to try, Tom. Аз купих червена вратовръзка. I bought a red tie. I bought a red tie. Možeš ti bolje od toga. You can do better than that. You can do better than that. Трябва да я върна тази вечер. I have to give it back tonight. I have to bring her back tonight. Stvari bi možda ispale bolje da nisi otišao tamo. Things might've turned out better if you hadn't gone there. Things might have worked out better if you hadn't gone there. Боље врабац у руци, него голуб на грани. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Better a sparrow in his hand than a pigeon on a branch. Tom mi nije dozvolio da odgovorim na Merino pitanje. Tom didn't let me answer Mary's question. Tom wouldn't let me answer Mary's question. Jesam proverio neke stvari. I did do some checking. I did check some things out. Zašto si tako pametan? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Отново трябва да тръгвам. I have to leave again. I have to go again. Живеам тука веќе долги години. I've been living here for many years. I've lived here for many years. Сва права задржана. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Čini se da je to prilično veliki muzej. Looks like that's a pretty big museum. Looks like it's a pretty big museum. Šta ja radim ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Категорично не трябва да лижеш пода. You must absolutely not lick the floor. You certainly shouldn't lick the floor. Хей, вали сняг. Hey, it's snowing. Hey, it's snowing. Dovrši ovo. Finish this. Finish this. Не си одам. I'm not going away. I'm not leaving. Во која држава се наоѓа Бостон? What state is Boston in? What country is Boston in? Мери каза на Джон тайната. Mary told John the secret. Mary told John the secret. Jesi li ikad probala? Have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried? Pravila sam se da ne znam šta se dešava. I pretended that I didn't know what was happening. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. Tom ide u školu za grafički dizajn. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Том се мачеше да остане сконцентриран. Tom struggled to stay focused. Tom struggled to stay focused. Много е рано да го обсъждаме сега. It is premature to discuss it now. It's too early to discuss it now. Завиждах му за новата му къща. I envied his new house. I was jealous of him for his new house. Ќе вреди. It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it. Tom će umreti. Tom'll die. Tom's gonna die. Том застана одеднаш. Tom suddenly stopped. Tom stopped at once. Айнщайн е обичал да свири на цигулка. Einstein loved playing the violin. Einstein used to play a violin. Bolje đavo kog znaš nego đavo kog ne znaš. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Той си закачи палтото. He hung up his coat. He's got his coat on. Френският не е моят първи език. French isn't my first language. French is not my first language. Том, отворен ти е патентот. Tom, your fly's open. Tom, your patent's open. Френският на Том е наистина доста добър. Tom's French is really quite good. Tom's French is really pretty good. По-умен съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Това е имитация. That's an imitation. It's an imitation. Italija je daleko od Brazila. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Има око за уметност. He has an eye for art. There's an eye for art. Том сурово ја погледна Мери. Tom gave Mary an icy stare. Tom took a hard look at Mary. Драго ми е за тоа. I'm glad of that. I'm happy for that. Го осеќам тоа во твојот допир. I can feel it in your touch. I can feel it in your touch. Trenutno sam potpuno sam. I'm all alone right now. I'm all alone right now. Направиха ДНК анализ, за да видят дали тялото е на Том. They did a DNA comparison to see if the body was Tom's. They did a DNA analysis to see if Tom's body was found. Моля Ви да отговаряте на френски. Please answer in French. Please respond in French. Gdje je plaža? Where's the beach? Where's the beach? Žao mi je što te uvek ometam. I'm sorry to always be bothering you. I'm sorry to bother you all the time. Trebamo više brašna. We need more flour. We need more flour. Tovar prišiel nepoškodený. The goods arrived undamaged. The cargo sewed intactý. Роденденот ми е во јули. My birthday is in July. My birthday's in July. Вчера беше забавно. It was fun yesterday. Yesterday was fun. Мисля да уча довечера. I'm planning to study tonight. I'm thinking about studying tonight. Том звучи тажно. Tom sounds sad. Tom sounds sad. Аз ли съм първа? Am I first? Am I first? Това просто трябва да е шапката на Том. This just has to be Tom's hat. This just has to be Tom's hat. Ве молиме, не додавајте коментари. Please do not add comments. Please don't add any comments. Немам поплаки. I have no complaints. I don't have any complaints. Искате ли да купите риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? Would you like to buy a shirt? Помислих, че играта е свършила. I thought the game was over. I thought the game was over. Те молам, најди ја. Please find her. Please, find her. Čitam ovu knjigu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Джон винаги се опитваше да следва примера на Линкълн. John always tried to live up to the example of Lincoln. John always tried to follow Lincoln's example. Počkaj! Hold on! Do it! Do it! Do it! Морам да се вратам по нив. I have to go back for them. I have to go back for them. Това е камерата, с която Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. This is the camera Tom took the pictures with. Ne bleni. Don't stare. Don't stare. Треба да носиш шлем додека возиш мотор. You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. You should wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle. Мери често носи дълги поли. Mary often wears long skirts. Mary often wears long skirts. Ходя на работа с колело. I go to work by bicycle. I'm going to work on a bike. Мала птичица ми је рекла. A little bird told me. A little birdie told me. Много английски думи произлизат от латински. Many English words derive from Latin. Many English words come from Latin. Не съм бил тук много. I have not been around much. I haven't been here much. Iako sam govorio Tomu da ne otvara vrata, on ih je otvorio. Despite me telling Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Even though I told Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Tom je nagovjestio da će Mary to napraviti. Tom predicted that Mary would do that. Tom suggested Mary would do it. Сите се лажливци. They're all liars. They're all liars. Аз съм много по-голям от тебе. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I'm much bigger than you. Pravi takvu grimasu da poželiš da ga udariš. He's making the kind of face you want to punch. He's making such a face to want you to hit him. Зарем не беше ужасно? Wasn't it awful? Wasn't that awful? Заборавио сам уређај за надгледање беба. I forgot the baby monitor. I forgot the baby monitor. Том почна да јаде. Tom started eating. Tom started eating. Мразя немите филми. I hate silent movies. I hate silent movies. Ljudje so bili željni miru. People were eager for peace. People were eager for peace. Прочете ли тази книга вече? Have you read this book already? Have you read this book yet? Нема да се откажам додека не откријам кој бил одговорен. I won't quit until we find out who's responsible. I'm not giving up until I find out who was responsible. Подоцна ќе се позанимаваме со ова. We'll do this later. We'll deal with this later. Сънуваш ли на френски? Do you dream in French? Do you dream in French? Твојата нова гитара има добар звук. Your new guitar sounds good. Your new guitar sounds good. Kedy je ďalšia prehliadka so sprievodcom? When is the next guided tour? Cady's had a cold with a sprawl? Можеби треба да одам. Maybe I should go. Maybe I should go. Светлината избледе. The light faded out. The light faded. Zašto si još uvek budna? Treba da ideš u krevet. Why are you still up? You should get to bed. Why are you still awake? Той е известен като велик поет. He is known as a great poet. He's known as a great poet. Тие седеа и молчеа. They sat in silence. They sat there and kept their mouth shut. Konečne zistil, ako to spraviť. He finally found out how to make it. Finally lived, if that's what it does. Тоа се случи пред скоро триесет години. That happened almost thirty years ago. That happened almost thirty years ago. Што да им кажам сега на децата? What should I tell the kids now? What am I supposed to tell the kids now? Още не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken with Tom yet. I haven't talked to Tom yet. Dobio sam 100 poena na ispitu iz matematike. I scored 100 on the maths exam. I got 100 points on my math exam. Dovedi pomoć. Bring help. Get help. На Том нозете му беа ладни. Tom's feet were cold. Tom's legs were cold. Том наистина го мразя. I really do hate Tom. Tom, I really hate him. Računalnik zna povezati na internet. He knows how to connect his computer to the Internet. The computer can connect to the Internet. Мрзела га је. She hated him. She hated him. Nemôžem. I can't. I don't know. Го дискутиравме ова. We've discussed this. We discussed this. Ќе чекам во колата. I'll wait in the car. I'll wait in the car. Аз плаках днес. I cried today. I cried today. На водата и требаат само три минути да зоврие. It takes only three minutes for the water to boil. It only takes three minutes for the water to boil. Tom će pomoći bilo kome tko zatraži pomoć. Tom will help whoever asks him to help. Tom will help anyone who asks for help. Се грижевме. We've been worried. We were worried. Tom i ja smo išli u istu srednju školu. Tom and I went to the same high school. Tom and I went to the same high school. Kúpil auto. He bought a car. Kúpil car. Да ли се слажете са тим? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? Затичахме се надолу по хълма. We ran down the hill. We ran down the hill. Vožnja do posla od sat i po smara. Driving for one and a half hours to get to work is a bear. It's an hour-and-a-half drive to work. Таа правеше чај. She was making tea. She made tea. Kakav vam je materijalni status? What's your marital status? What's your material status? Жена в инвалидна количка се крие в супермаркет. Woman in a wheelchair holes up in supermarket. A woman in a wheelchair is hiding in a supermarket. Одакле ти та идеја? Whatever gave you that idea? Where did you get that idea? Ona se razvela od muža. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. Мисля, че Том спи. I think Tom is sleeping. I think Tom's asleep. Nisam tip koji prati modu. I'm not the trendy type. I'm not the fashion guy. Кога нивниот водач умре, му го положија телото во голем гроб. When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb. When their leader died, they laid his body in a large grave. Trudila sam se da budem ljubazna. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Тоа не е грешка. It's not a mistake. That's not a mistake. Освен това безработицата се увеличава. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. In addition, unemployment is increasing. Не могу. I can't. I can't. Вие приехте ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Ќе дојдеш ли во Бостон со нас следната година? Will you be going to Boston with us next year? Will you come to Boston with us next year? Опасявам се, че няма да стане. I'm afraid it won't work. I'm afraid it won't work. Довиждане! Goodbye! Goodbye! Веројатно е тешко. It's probably hard. It's probably hard. На Том навидум не му пречеше да седи сам. Tom didn't seem to mind sitting by himself. Tom didn't seem to mind sitting alone. Харесвам френския. I like French. I like French. Chcem knihu. I want the book. I'm looking for a kniche. Tom je ostao kod nas nekoliko dana. Tom stayed with us for several days. Tom stayed with us for a few days. Сѐ уште не сфаќам. I still don't get it. I still don't get it. To je baš ono što sam rekla da će se dogoditi. That's exactly what I said would happen. That's exactly what I said was gonna happen. Се колнам дека не бев јас. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. Водата од дождот испарува кога е топло. The rainwater evaporates on a hot day. The water from the rain evaporates when it's warm. Stihol si ten vlak? Did you catch the train? Did you catch the tin train? Dobre su šanse da ćemo pobediti. There's a good chance that we'll win. It's a good chance we're gonna win. Мери иска една дузина яйца. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Neću prepustiti ovo. I'm not giving this up. I'm not gonna let this go. kada se dosadim, prosto se kosim sa svojom ženom When I get bored, I just contradict my wife. When I get bored, I just cut my wife's hair. Го видов сунѓерот во мијалникот. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the sponge in the sink. Звао сам га. I called him. I called him. Што би можело тоа да значи? What could that mean? What could that possibly mean? Немам намеру да одговорим на сва питања. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering any questions. Имаш ли штоперица? Do you have a stopwatch? Do you have a stopwatch? Ne staj Tomu na put. Keep out of Tom's way. Don't get in the way of Tom. Ќе ѝ кажам на жена ми. I'll tell my wife. I'll tell my wife. Още не ми е минал световъртежът. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't had my vertigo yet. Кой говори френски по-добре, Том или Мери? Who can speak French better, Tom or Mary? Who speaks French better, Tom or Mary? Още не ми е минало замайването. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't had my dizziness yet. Тоа е баш корисно. That's quite helpful. That's very useful. Ova zgrada je plava. This building is blue. This building is blue. Том излезе надвор. Tom stepped outside. Tom went out. Разликата между правилната дума и почти правилната дума е като между светкавицата и светулката. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. The difference between the right word and the almost right word is like a flash and a light bulb. Аои танцува добре. Aoi dances well. Aoi dances well. Ovo nije tvoja kapa, zar ne? This isn't your hat, is it? This isn't your hat, is it? Rađe ne bih da budem uključen u to u ovom trenutku. I'd rather not get involved at the moment, thanks. I'd rather not be involved in this right now. Не сакав да се фалам. I didn't want to brag. I didn't mean to brag. Сакаш ли да се тркаме? Do you want to race? Do you want to race? Слободно можеш да чекаш тука. You're welcome to wait here. You're welcome to wait here. Каде беше лани? Where were you last year? Where were you last year? Uzmi malo. Have some. Have some. Премногу стискаш кога се ракуваш. Your handshake is too tight. You shake too much when you shake hands. Zašto misliš da bi Tom to učinio? Why do you think Tom would do that? What makes you think Tom would do that? Те опиле. You've been drugged. They've been drinking you. Те молам, не мумлај. Please don't mumble. Please don't mumble. Не можевме да го видиме врвот на планината. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. Том почна да се смее. Tom began laughing. Tom started laughing. Си му кажал ли на Том за болките во грбот што ги имаш? Have you told Tom about your back pain? Did you tell Tom about the back pain you had? Всички са съгласни с теб. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. Нема шансе! Fat chance. No way! Том изгледа малку потресено. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shaken up. Ми се лоши. I'm feeling nauseous. I'm sick. Го добив овој факс од неа. I received this fax from her. I got this fax from her. Том няма да ни повярва. Tom won't believe us. Tom won't believe us. Nemám sestru. I do not have a sister. I don't have a sister. Nisam uspeo. I've failed. I didn't make it. Секоја држава има свој јазик. Every nation has its own language. Every country has its own language. Този е ок. That one's OK. This one's okay. Јажево е издржливо. This rope is sturdy. This rope is durable. Учев факултет четири години и недобив ништо освен беднава диплома. I went to college for four years and all I got was this lousy diploma. I studied college for four years and got nothing but a poor diploma. Само за себе ли готвиш? Do you cook just for yourself? Are you just cooking for yourself? Tom je potrčao niz ulicu. Tom ran down the street. Tom ran down the street. Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the subject. Let's change the subject. Той винаги излиза от вкъщи в седем. He always leaves home at seven. He always leaves home at 7:00. Мислев на тебе. I thought about you. I was thinking about you. Predvideo sam da će ovo da se dogodi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I assumed this would happen months ago. Ovaj izveštaj je loše napisan i pun je grešaka. This report is badly written and is full of mistakes. This report is misspelled and full of mistakes. Pokušaj ponovo. Try again. Try again. Tom se brine da će se izgubiti. Tom is worried that he'll get lost. Tom's worried he's gonna get lost. Том не ми одговори на прашањето. Tom never answered my question. Tom didn't answer my question. Как се казва неговата по-голяма сестра? What is his older sister's name? What's his big sister's name? Том се прашуваше колку добра пеачка е Мери. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary really was. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary was. Спри. Боли. Stop. It hurts. It hurts. Сакам да верувам дека Том беше среќен. I wanted to believe Tom was happy. I want to believe Tom was happy. Замало да заборавим пасош. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Том работи в Бостън. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. Подај ми ги клештите. Hand me the pliers. Hand me the pliers. Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He split the apples between the five of us. Том јаде сѐ. Tom eats anything. Tom eats everything. Том се приближи. Tom stepped forward. Tom's getting close. Не намериха Том. They haven't found Tom. They didn't find Tom. Том си ја зеде флејтата и почна да свири. Tom picked up his flute and began to play. Tom took his flute and started playing. Би сакал да те честам вечера. I'd like to buy you dinner. I'd like to buy you dinner. Нямам пари. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Къде е автобусният терминал? Where is the bus terminal? Where's the bus terminal? Значи, што да му кажам? So, what should I tell him? So, what do I tell him? Том не е баш стар. Tom isn't really old. Tom's not very old. Колку склекови правиш дневно? How many push-ups do you do every day? How many pushups do you do a day? Получих писмото ти вчера. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Mám pomalé internetové pripojenie. I have a slow Internet connection. Mám pomalé internetové attachment. Вежбам. I work out. I'm practicing. Том се крије испод стола. Tom is hiding under the table. Tom's hiding under the table. Том не знаеше дека се случило тоа. Tom didn't know that happened. Tom didn't know that happened. Винаги съм се чудела дали ще се върнеш. I always wondered whether you'd come back. I always wondered if you'd come back. В центъра на града се строи нов музей. A new museum is being built in the center of the city. A new museum is being built in the center of town. Stavi ruke na glavu! Put your hands on your head! Put your hands on your head! Том го проголта бивото. Tom downed his beer. Tom swallowed the bull. На Том му се смееја. Tom was laughed at. Tom was laughing. Заврти се. Turn around. Turn around. Мора да бидам казнет. I have to be punished. I have to be punished. Мери се исплаши. Mary was afraid. Mary was scared. Вие така решихте. That was your decision. That's what you decided. Те говореха твърде бързо, за да разбера какво казват. They spoke too quickly for me to understand. They were talking too fast to figure out what they were saying. Napísal včera list. He wrote a letter yesterday. Napísal yesterday's paper. Hajde da prodiskutujemo tvoju ideju. Let's discuss your idea. Let's discuss your idea. To je lijep džemper. That's a nice sweater. That's a nice sweater. Možeš da popričaš sa Tomom. You could talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. Šta tvoja deca obično doručkuju? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your kids usually do for breakfast? Kakva sramota! How embarrassing! What a shame! Šta planiraš da radiš ovog leta? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning on doing this summer? Дай ми едно парче тебешир. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a piece of yours. Винаги закъсняваш. You are always late. You're always late. Ова бил злочин со предумисла. This was a premeditated crime. This was a premeditated crime. Казах им да ми изпратят още един билет. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Аз няма да дойда. I will not come. I'm not coming. Гледај ги девојките. Look at the girls. Look at the girls. Iracionalna si. You're being irrational. You're irrational. Gledaj koliko je! Look at the size of it! Look at the size of that! Molim, ispunite taj formular. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out that form. Бих искала да благодаря на родителите си, Том и Мери. I would like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. I'd like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. Treba da se zahvališ Tomu pismom. You should write Tom a thank-you letter. You should thank Tom with a letter. Siguran sam da Tom nije želeo da te povredi. I'm sure that Tom didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sure Tom didn't want to hurt you. На Том този цвят не му харесва. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like that color. TV nije uključen u struju. The TV isn't plugged in. The TV isn't on the power. Мисля, че трябва да дойдеш тук долу. I think you should come down here. I think you should come down here. Požar je zahvatio prvi sprat. The fire was on the first floor. The fire hit the first floor. Няма как да знам това. I have no way of knowing that. I wouldn't know that. Том рече дека веќе никогаш нема да ме види. Tom said he'd never see me again. Tom said he'd never see me again. Сами је био Лејлин плесни партнер. Sami was Layla's dance partner. Sami was Laylin's dance partner. Дали некој ти го кажал тоа? Did someone tell you that? Did anyone tell you that? И двајцата ве излажав. I lied to both of you. I lied to you both. Чух те да разговаряш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Как се казва синът ти? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? To uopće ne utječe na njega. This doesn't affect him at all. It doesn't affect him at all. Исках да си поговорим за оценките ти. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. Знам, че си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Това, което казват, няма много смисъл. They don't make much sense. What they say doesn't make much sense. Децата вече са уморени. The children are already tired. The kids are already tired. Loše vreme mi nije dalo da odem. The bad weather kept me from leaving. Bad time didn't let me leave. Морам повторно да си заминам. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. Jesam li stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? Му прочитав приказна на Том. I read Tom a story. I read Tom's story. Не съм единствената, която харесва Том. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. Сигурно многу ти олесна. You must be deeply relieved. You must be so relieved. Гледај го цртежон. Look at that drawing. Watch the drawing. Voleo vih da moja žena zna da kuva. I wish my wife could cook. I wish my wife could cook. Многу ми недостигаше. I've missed you a lot. I missed you so much. Почнав да се гледам со него. I started dating him. I started seeing him. Един човек се обърна към мен на френски, но не можах да го разбера. Someone spoke to me in French, but I couldn't understand him. A man turned to me in French, but I couldn't understand it. Мисля, че Том ще умре. I think Tom is going to die. I think Tom's gonna die. Трябва да знам. I have to know. I need to know. И живели су срећно до краја живота. And they all lived happily ever after. And they lived happily ever after. Майка ми купи на брат ми жълт чадър. My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella. Još se nismo upoznali. We haven't met yet. We haven't met yet. Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открил. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I just haven't found it yet. Poglej nas! Look at us! Look at us! Maria ni Tomova sovražnica. Maria isn't Tom's enemy. Maria is not Tom's enemy. Reci mi šta si napisao. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Спиевме во шатор. We slept in a tent. We slept in a tent. Колку категории има? How many categories are there? How many categories are there? Не искам Том да влоши нещата още повече. I don't want Tom to make the situation any worse than it already is. I don't want Tom to make things worse. Том е лишен от амбиция. Tom has no ambition. Tom is devoid of ambition. Со тебе сме исто силни. I'm as strong as you. We're also strong with you. Вдигни ръка преди да отговориш. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hand before you answer. Нямам си на идея кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Што правеле досега? What have they been doing? What have they been up to now? Сигурна ли си наистина, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you still sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Šta imaš tamo? What do you have there? What do you got there? Глава или писмо? Heads or tails? A head or a letter? Берн е столицата на Швейцария. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Не трябва да ходите. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. Има нешто под маса. There's something under the table. There's something under the table. Tom je skakao gore-dole. Tom jumped up and down. Tom jumped up and down. Изјавава е грешна: одам на пазар затоа што колата е расипана. This statement is false: I go to the market because the car is broken. The statement is wrong: I'm going to the market because the car is broken. Скиташ. You are wandering. You're wandering. Tom je dovoljno mudar da ne uradi nešto tako. Tom is wise enough not to do such a thing. Tom's smart enough not to do anything like that. Колата му е на две години. His car is two years old. His car's two years old. Кога ще тръгвате? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Imaš li papir po kom mogu da pišem? Do you have a piece of paper I can write on? Do you have the paper I can write on? Шта бих требао да видим? What should I see? What am I supposed to see? Според това, което тя каза, той е виновен. According to what she said, he's culpable. According to what she said, it's his fault. Можеби ќе умрам утре. I may die tomorrow. Maybe I'll die tomorrow. Danas sam kupio tuce olovaka. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pens today. Не говоря японски. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Том е веќе тука. Tom is here already. Tom's already here. Том купи два билета и ќеса пуканки. Tom bought two tickets and a bag of popcorn. Tom bought two tickets and a bag of popcorn. Дълбокото дишане е здравословно. It's healthy to breathe deeply. Deep breath is healthy. Му ја кажав на Том вистината. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Очите на Том са сини. Tom's eyes are blue. Tom's eyes are blue. Май е по-добре да си тръгваме. It looks like we'd better leave. I think we'd better get out of here. Твоите престапи ги обесчестија гробовите на твоите предци. Your crimes have desecrated your ancestor's graves. Your transgressions defiled the graves of your ancestors. Dođi unutra. Come inside. Come inside. Кой е жаден? Who's thirsty? Who's thirsty? Важно е да ги намерим. It's important we find them. It's important that we find them. Том не знае да вози. Tom doesn't know how to drive. Tom can't drive. Така по-добре ли е? Does that feel better? Is that better? Složila sam se da je kupim. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. Ceremonija je započela njegovim govorom. The ceremony began with his speech. The ceremony began with his speech. Тој нежно ја допре. He softly touched her. He touched her gently. Претпоставувам дека треба да одам да зборувам со Том. I suppose I should go talk to Tom. I guess I should go talk to Tom. Едвај чекам да ти кажам. I can't wait to tell you. I can't wait to tell you. Ме пали кога ја носи таа облека. He turns me on when he wears those clothes. She turns me on when she's wearing those clothes. Tom je bio lud, znaš. Tom was crazy, you know. Tom was crazy, you know. Modlili ste sa. You were praying. You've been moddling with. Том имаше нужда от помощта на Мери. Tom needed Mary's help. Tom needed Mary's help. Vang Lao Dži nije pivo. Čaj je. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. Се расправавме. We were having an argument. We had a fight. Ovde je velika količina manjih grešaka i sitnog nerazumevanja koji iskrivljuju značenje originalne rečenice. There are many minor mistakes and tiny misunderstandings here that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Here is a large amount of minor errors and petty misunderstandings that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Никой не можа да работи. No one could work. No one could work. Ty si dobrá mačka. You're a good cat. Ty's a good cat. Ти си в шок. You're in shock. You're in shock. Това са дърветата, върху чиито листа живеят копринените буби. These are the trees on the leaves of which silkworms live. These are the trees on which the silk beetles live. Lozinka je "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is Muriel. Мисля, че Том иска да се самоубие. I think Tom wants to kill himself. I think Tom wants to kill himself. За жал немам доволно пари на мене во моментов. I'm afraid I don't have enough money on me at this time. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money on me right now. Каде го стави? Where did you put it? Where'd you put it? Може ли да те попитам нещо? Could I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Като стана дума за пътешествия, бил ли си някога в Кобе? Speaking about trips, have you ever been to Kobe? Speaking of trips, have you ever been to Kobe? Моля ви, не го правете. Please don't do it. Please don't do this. Uništeno je. It was destroyed. It's ruined. Napíš to! Write it down! That's what you're getting at. Взех му чаша кафе. I took him a cup of coffee. I got him a cup of coffee. Това е началото на нова ера. This is a beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Радвам се, че успя да се върнеш. I'm glad you finally made it back. I'm glad you made it back. Meri je stavila prsten na prst. Mary put the ring on her finger. Mary put the ring on her finger. Ty si tu. You're here. Ty, you're here. Šta znate o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? Ще се съгласим само при едно условие. We will only consent on that condition. We'll only agree on one condition. Не говоря френски добре. I don't speak French well. I don't speak French well. Сега застани мирно. Now stand still. Now stand still. Би ли ми помогнал да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Can you help me translate this? Дали е тоа нужно? Is that necessary? Is that necessary? Tom je zadremao. Tom was half asleep. Tom's taking a nap. Ti nisi ta koja je umrla. You're not the one who died. You're not the one who died. Zašto si još uvek budan? Treba da ideš u krevet. Why are you still up? You should get to bed. Why are you still awake? Добро. А ти? Fine. And you? Okay, what about you? Ti sve vidiš u crnom. You see everything in black colours. You see everything in black. Ще разгледам обстойно доклада ти. I'll study your report. I'll take a closer look at your report. Отидох на италианска пицария. I went to an Italian pizzeria. I went to an Italian pizza place. Никогаш не ги вработил. I'd never hire them. He never hired them. Да ли се бавиш неким спортом? Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? Том извади шрафцигер од кутијата со алати. Tom took a screwdriver out of the tool chest. Tom took the screwdriver out of the toolbox. Том е стручњак. Tom's an expert. Tom's an expert. Ме остави во очај. You left me in despair. You left me in despair. Ако ви трябва помощ, не се притеснявайте да ме потърсите. If you need help, feel free to call me. If you need help, don't worry about looking for me. Се согласија ли сите? Did everyone agree? Did everyone agree? Ще остана до вдругиден. I'll stay until the day after tomorrow. I'll stay the next day. Ми го спаси животот. You saved my life. You saved my life. Он је висок скоро шест стопа. He's almost six feet in height. He's almost six feet tall. Туристи из целог света долазе овамо. Tourists from all over the world come here. Tourists from all over the world come here. С кого ходите на плажа? Who did you go to the beach with? Who are you going to the beach with? Volela sam da idem na plažu. I loved going to the beach. I loved going to the beach. Всичко, което искам, си ти. All I want is you. All I want is you. Da li si uradio domaći? Is your homework done? Did you do your homework? Девојката избега од дома и се ослободи од контролата на родителите. The girl ran away from home and cut loose from her parents' control. The girl ran away from home and got rid of her parents' control. Mogao bih da porazgovaram s Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Нели е тоа необично? Isn't that curious? Isn't that unusual? Svi su ostali. Everybody stayed. They're all left. Таа изгледаше како да е длабоко потресена од прашањето. She seemed surprised by the question. She seemed deeply shaken by the question. Бъдете по-точни. Be more precise. Be more specific. Aké sú minimálne požiadavky? What are the minimum requirements? Aké sú minimal pojadavky? Том ме послуша. Tom listened to me. Tom listened to me. Treba da krenemo opet. We need to start over. We should go again. Глутница вълци нападна пътника. A pack of wolves attacked the traveler. A pack of wolves attacked the passenger. Да ја оставиме темава. Let's drop the subject. Let's leave this topic alone. Обзалагам се, че ще бъдете чудесен баща. I bet you'll be a great father. I bet you'll make a great father. Би сакал чаша вино. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Mislim da on ne zna da ja volim tebe. I don't think he knows I love you. I don't think he knows I love you. Мисля, че ни е нужен лекар. I think we need a doctor. I think we need a doctor. Ти рече дека ќе помогнеш. You said you'd help. You said you'd help. Къде е вашият баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Затворена ли беше банката? Was the bank closed? Was the bank closed? Ужасно ме боли овде. It hurts tremendously here. I'm in a terrible pain here. Том живее во странство. Tom is living abroad. Tom lives abroad. Tom a Mary boli obaja veľmi nervózni. Both Tom and Mary were very nervous. Tom a Mary hurts both of you nervous. Ne deluje na mene. It doesn't work for me. It doesn't work on me. Се стига ли таму со кола? Can you get there by car? Is everything getting there in a car? Mogla sam da iskoristim to. I could have used that. I could've used that. Том прескочи плета. Tom jumped over the hedge. Tom skips the braid. Mal by si sa riadiť jeho radou. You should follow his advice. Mal by the way you're with a ridia Jehoi grada. Солта свърши. There's no more salt. Salt's over. Dobro radiš. You're doing all right. You're doing good. Римляните нямаше да имат никакъв шанс да завладеят света, ако първо им беше наложено изискване да научат латински. The Romans would never have had the chance to conquer the world if they had first been required to study Latin. The Romans would not have had a chance to conquer the world if they were first required to learn Latin. Ти можеш да говориш френски, нали? You can speak French, can't you? You can speak French, can't you? Том сигурно е се уште на школо. Tom must still be at school. Tom must still be at school. Той седна на пейката си. He sat on the bench. He sat on his bench. Čečenci majú sklon k nezávislosti. Chechens have inclinations towards independence. Chechens mayú tend to be independent. Сам ли беше дома? Was he home alone? Were you home alone? Няма да повярвате какви неща изхвърлят хората. You wouldn't believe the stuff people throw away. You won't believe what people throw away. Падао је снег. It snowed. It was snowing. Морав да платам во готовина. I had to pay in cash. I had to pay cash. Кога им давам храна на сиромасите ме нарекуваат светец. Кога прашувам зошто сиромасите немаат храна, ме нарекуваат комунист. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint, when I ask why the poor don't have food, they call me a Communist. Je mŕtvy. He's dead. It's mötvy. Znamo da si kukavica. We know you're a coward. We know you're a coward. Да ли си спреман? Are you ready? Are you ready? Би сакал да го видам, по можност. If possible, I'd like to see him. I'd like to see him, preferably. Da li su Tom i Meri stvarno oženjeni? Are Tom and Mary really married? Are Tom and Mary really married? To je izuzetak. That is an exception. It's an exception. Му помагам. I'm helping him. I'm helping him. Не зборувај за неа. Don't talk about her. Don't talk about her. Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. The prices have been down lately. Том беше единствениот во собата што не знаеше француски. Tom wasn't the only one in the room that couldn't speak French. Tom was the only one in the room who didn't speak French. Том сакаше Мери да му помага малку повеќе со децата. Tom just wanted Mary to help him a little more with the children. Tom wanted Mary to help him out a little more with the kids. Тоа е незначителна грешка. It's a minor glitch. It's a minor mistake. Prispeli so na cilj. They reached their destination. They've reached the finish line. Не мога да говоря на френски, без да допусна няколко грешки. I can't speak French without making some mistakes. I can't speak French without making a few mistakes. Имаш право на еден телефонски повик. You get one phone call. You're entitled to a phone call. Pozdravite svoje prijatelje. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your friends. Им ги спакувавме куферите. We packed their suitcases for them. We packed their bags. Ми требаат хартија, моливи, мастило и така натаму. I need some paper, pencils, ink and so on. I need paper, pencils, ink and so on. Ги посетивме замоците на Лоара. We visited the castles of the Loire. We visited Laura's castles. Том ја презираше Мери. Tom despised Mary. Tom despised Mary. Аз съм го срещал и преди. I have met him before. I've met him before. Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you are out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. U teoriji je to moguće, ali je u praksi to jako teško. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory it's possible, but in practice it's very difficult. Pravidiel musí byť málo, a, čo je dôležitejšie, musia byť jednoduché. The rules must be few, and more importantly, simple. Pradiel musí byó málo, a, is dôleženje, musia byó enduèé. Ispravno je. It's right. It's right. Той игра бейзбол след училище. He played baseball after school. He plays baseball after school. Jesi li iskren? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? Том и Мери са имали средновековна сватба. Tom and Mary had a medieval wedding. Tom and Mary had a medieval wedding. Каде рече Том дека отишол? Where did Tom say he'd gone? Where did Tom say he went? Sad sam pomalo zabrinut. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried right now. Помислих си, че може Том да ти е гадже. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. Този вид е застрашен. It is an endangered species. This species is endangered. Ще ти дам една книга. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Онази молба беше отхвърлена. That request was denied. That application was rejected. Пичове, заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? You guys busy? Da čujemo tvoj izgovor. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. Siguran sam da si veoma zauzet. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Скроз си у праву. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. Трябва да видя Том. I have to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Kaže se da je sagrađen novi restoran. It is said that a new restaurant was constructed. It's said a new restaurant was built. Daj mi šancu! Give me a chance! Give me the bar! Stražar je napolju. A guard is outside. The guard's outside. Пак го мавнав Том. I hit Tom again. I waved Tom again. Шајка ја дупнала гумата. A nail punctured the tire. Shaka's got a flat tire. Musíme brať do úvahy skutočnosť, že je stará. We must take into account the fact that she is old. Musíme bradní do úvahy skutočnosó, is already stará. Jednom nogom je u grobu He's got one foot in the grave. One foot in the grave Ме порази. You've defeated me. You defeated me. Ко си ти заиста? Who are you really? Who are you really? Мислам дека ме видоа. I think they saw me. I think they saw me. Tom zostal v Bostone. Tom stayed in Boston. Tom stayed in Boston. Ona je trpezlivá žena. She's a patient woman. She's a patient woman. Sutra se vraćam kući. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll be home tomorrow. Ti si tužna. You're sad. You're sad. Kad je on rekao "voda," dala mu je vodu. When he said "water," she gave him water. When he said "water," she gave him water. Nemoj mi dati taj pištolj. Ne želim to učiniti. Don't give me that gun. I don't want to do this. Don't give me that gun. Gde ima dima, ima i vatre. Where there's smoke there's fire. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Jesam to uradio, zar ne? I did do that, didn't I? I did it, didn't I? Hajde da razmotrimo najgore što se može desiti. Let's consider the worst that could happen. Let's consider the worst that can happen. Татоеба: не идвайте тук в петък вечер, деца. Tatoeba: Don't cum here on Friday nights, kids. Tataba: Don't come here on Friday night, kids. Това е най-сладкото кутре, което някога съм виждал. This is the cutest puppy I've ever seen. That's the sweetest puppy I've ever seen. Од што е клучов? What's this key for? What's this key for? Той се разбира добре с г-н Браун. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He gets along well with Mr. Brown. Ona ma zná. She knows me. She doesn't know. Не съм го взимала. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Бих искал да купя колата, която продавате, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. Jedan jezik nikad nije dovoljan. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Патник бев. I was a passenger. I was a passenger. Uživali smo zajedno pjevati. We enjoyed singing songs together. We enjoyed singing together. Мисля, че френският ти се е подобрил значително. I think your French has improved a lot. I think your French has improved significantly. Barman, dal by som si drink. Barman, I need a drink. Bartender, you gave by som yourself a drink. Нанси се бои от кучета. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Prestani da vrištiš. Stop screaming. Stop screaming. Да не мислиш, че съм дошъл тук, само за да си изгубя времето? Did you think I came here just to pass the time of day? You think I came here just to waste my time? На нея и се придряма след вечеря. She became drowsy after supper. It's her and she's napping after dinner. Промишљање је веома потребно. Consideration is very necessary. Thinking is very necessary. Mogu li da vam pogledam kartu? Can I see your ticket? Can I take a look at your ticket? Во согласност со нашиот договор, престана да ми поставува лични прашања. In accordance with our agreement, he stopped asking me personal questions. In accordance with our agreement, he stopped asking me personal questions. Знам колико и ти. Your guess is as good as mine. I know as much as you do. Баба ми е наглува. Со други зборови, малку е глува. My grandmother is hard of hearing. In other words she is slightly deaf. In other words, she's a little deaf. Kaži mi šta će se desiti. Tell me what'll happen. Tell me what's gonna happen. Ten muž je nahý. The man is naked. Ten husband is Nahý. Никога не съм се гордял толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Ми се заглави песнава во глава. I can't get this song out of my head. I got this song stuck in my head. Всичко се постига с желание. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Everything is achieved with desire. Том вели дека не е предоцна за надомест. Tom says it's not too late to make amends. Tom says it's not too late to make up for it. Том оди во град. Tom is going to town. Tom's going to town. Сишла сам са воза. I got off the train. I got off the train. Oni su dobri ljudi. They're good people. They're good people. Danas nemam domaći. I don't have any homework today. I don't have homework today. Том 'рчи. Tom snores. Tom's roaring. Ела възможно най-бързо. Come as soon as possible. Come as fast as you can. Надам се да неће приметити моју грешку. I hope my mistake will escape his notice. I hope he doesn't notice my mistake. Историјата ја пишуваат победниците. History is written by the victors. History is written by winners. Gospod Jackson je nekako vedel, da je Tom naredil mojo nalogo. Mr. Jackson somehow knew that Tom had done my homework for me. Mr Jackson somehow knew that Tom had done my job. Отивам в провинцията за уикенда. I'm going to the country for the weekend. I'm going to the country for the weekend. On ima dva automobila. He has two cars. He's got two cars. Кога завршила војната? When did the war end? When did the war end? Tom zna da je završeno. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's over. Okreni se na trenutak, hoćeš li? Turn around for a second, will you? Turn around for a second, will you? Том ја промучка супата. Tom stirred the soup. Tom stabbed the soup. Не можем да отложим съвещанието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Надявам се да е от полза. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. Postalo je mračno. It's become dark. It's getting dark. Юми учи английски усърдно. Yumi studies English hard. Yumi learns English hard. Многу сакам да се шетам покрај реката наутро. I love to walk along the river in the mornings. I love walking down the river in the morning. Заборавив да ти кажам кога почнува состанокот. I forgot to tell you what time the meeting's going to start. I forgot to tell you when the meeting starts. Pokušavamo. We try. We're trying. Mal si pravdu? Were you right? You're a little bit of justice? Sve čega se setiš može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Никога не си споменавала колко красива е сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. Под заклетвом сте. You are under oath. You're under oath. Може ли да използвам твоя телефон? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Sa zadovoljstvom ću pristati. I'll be happy to comply. I'd be happy to say yes. Možemo li ju nagovoriti da napusti? Can't we just get her to leave? Can we get her to leave? Rozine so posušeno grozdje. Raisins are dried grapes. Roses are dried grapes. Вие можете ли да дойдете утре? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come tomorrow? Ова е класифицирано. This is classified. This is classified. И двамата родители на Том бяха учители. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Tom's parents were both teachers. Проблемът не е в парите. Money isn't the problem. It's not about money. Не си чувствам левия крак. I have no feeling in my left leg. I can't feel my left leg. Не можам да се сконцентрирам со сева оваа галама. I can't concentrate with all this commotion going on. I can't concentrate on all this noise. Том не те видя. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Просто го приеми. Just deal with it. Just accept it. Тогаш имавме по осумнаесет години. We were eighteen at that time. Then we were eighteen years old. Nadam se da je to istina. I hope that's the truth. I hope that's true. Том и даде на Мери рачен часовник. Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Mary a wristwatch. Накрая спрях пред старата къща и зърнах още веднъж града. At last he stopped before an old house, and caught another glimpse of the town. Finally, I stopped at the old house, and I saw the city one more time. Да ли си успела да урадиш то сама? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? Това са приятели на Том. These are Tom's friends. They're Tom's friends. Тоа баш и не е опција. That's hardly an option. That's not really an option. Радваме се, че сив нашия клас. We are glad to have you in our class. We're glad to have our class grey. Stvarno mi se sviđa tvoja muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. Така може да продължаваме до безкрай. This is never going to end. That way we can go on forever. Тачно када си то урадио? When exactly did you do that? Exactly when did you do that? Том изгледа осамено. Tom seems lonely. Tom looks lonely. Ясен ли съм? Am I clear? Am I clear? Ona će platiti najviše 50 dolara. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay 50 bucks tops. Сосем е возможно Том воопшто да не ни помогне. It's quite possible that Tom won't help us at all. It's entirely possible that Tom won't help us at all. Не хабя амуниции. I don't waste ammunition. I don't waste any ammo. Nikada više neću da pomenem ovo. I won't ever mention this again. I'll never mention this again. Сигурна съм, че Том не мисли така. I'm sure Tom doesn't think that. I'm sure Tom doesn't think so. Tom želi da otplati novac koji duguje. Tom wants to pay back the money he owes. Tom wants to pay off the money he owes. Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to napraviti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do it. Koji od vas će poći sa mnom? Which of you will come with me? Which one of you will come with me? Tom je sedeo na klupi celi dan, pišući razglednice. Tom sat on the beach all day, writing postcards. Tom sat on the bench all day writing postcards. Не ни остана за какво да говорим. We've got nothing left to talk about. There's nothing left to talk about. Што точно се случи меѓу нас? What exactly happened between us? What exactly happened between us? Ništa nisam videla. I haven't seen a thing. I didn't see anything. Не сакаш да одиш, нели? You don't want to go, do you? You don't want to go, do you? Kako ga zovu? What do they call him? What do they call him? Poišči Boga, če ga lahko Find God, if you can. Find God If You Can Зашто то одмах ниси рекао? Why didn't you say that in the first place? Why didn't you say so right away? Napunio sam čašu. I filled the glass. I filled a glass. Вампирите живеат вечно, освен ако некој не ги убие. Vampires live forever, unless they're killed. Vampires live forever unless someone kills them. Tom je pitao Meri kako joj se dopada novi posao. Tom asked Mary how she liked her new job. Tom asked Mary how she liked her new job. Moramo da radimo naporno. We have to work hard. We have to work hard. Tome, ovo je moj brat, Džon. Tom, this is my brother, John. Tom, this is my brother, John. Това безмитен магазин ли е? Is this a duty-free shop? Is that a free shop? Момичето яде хляб. The girl is eating bread. The girl eats bread. Дан ѝ даде на Линда пари за абортус. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Амебите се праживотни. The amoeba is a protozoan. Amoebes are life-long. Това основно училище има силен футболен отбор. That primary school has a strong soccer team. This primary school has a strong football team. Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come to see me after work. Come see me after work. Том не сака да дојде со нас. Tom doesn't want to come with us. Tom doesn't want to come with us. Ходи си! Go away! Go away! Имаме налог да те уапсиме. We have a warrant for your arrest. We have a warrant to arrest you. Само полако! Easy does it. Take it easy! Tom je imao malu pomoć. Tom had a little help. Tom had a little help. Ona ne govori engleski. She doesn't speak English. She doesn't speak English. Просто ми треба одмор. I just need a break. I just need a break. Цела ноќ не можев да спијам. I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep all night. Тя е много красиво момиче. She's a very beautiful girl. She's a very beautiful girl. Čisto vse sem ti povedal. I've told you everything. I told you everything. Мисля, че имаме проблем. I think we have a problem. I think we have a problem. Hoću da budem slađi. I wanna be cuter. I want to be sweeter. Prisilili so me, da zapojem pesem. They forced me to sing a song. They made me sing a song. Загубих си чадъра. Трябва да си купя нов. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I lost my umbrella. Učinio si ono što si morao. You've done what you needed to do. You did what you had to do. Можеби треба да застанеме. Maybe we should stop. Maybe we should stop. Ona je iba dievčatko. She is just a little girl. She's iba dievchtko. Аз разбирам малко френски. I understand French a little. I understand a little French. Мрзим те из дна душе. I hate your guts. I hate you from the bottom of my soul. Toliko sam umoran da jedva držim oči otvorene. I'm so tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Pravda u ovoj zemlji ima dvostruke standarde: pravda za siromašne i pravda za bogate. Justice in this country is a bit of a double standard: there is the justice of the poor and the justice of the rich. Justice in this country has double standards: justice for the poor and justice for the rich. Bio sam u planinama. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Ништо не е свето. Nothing is holy. Nothing is sacred. Добавете този сайт към "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this website to "Preferred". Само тоа ли прави Том? Is that all Tom does? Is that all Tom does? Ништо од ова што се случи тука нема смисла. Nothing that's happened here makes any sense. None of what happened here makes sense. Tom je v garáži. Tom is in the garage. Tom's in the garage. Никога не съм виждал подобен. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen anything like it. Upoznajmo se! Let's get to know each other. Let's get to know each other! Кажи ни, каквото знаеш за проблемите на Том. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Uprednostil by si hovoriť po francúzsky? Would you prefer to speak in French? Advantage by your hovoriña per francúzsky? Том верува во чудни работи. Tom believes in strange things. Tom believes in strange things. Niko nas ne želi zaista. Nobody really wants us. No one really wants us. В този магазин се занимават с кухненски пособия. At that shop they deal in kitchen utensils. They do kitchen supplies in this store. Не ме гледай така тъжно. Don't give me that sad look. Don't look at me so sad. Ovo je moj pisaći sto. This is my desk. This is my desk. Таа реши да не ја плати глобата. She resolved not to pay the fine. She decided not to pay the fine. Той не е толкова прост, колкото изглежда. He is not as simple as he seems. He's not as simple as he looks. Платих видеото на пет вноски. I paid for the video in five installments. I paid the video for five contributions. Имам домашна. I have homework to do. I've got homework. Možda ne budem spavao večeras. I might not sleep tonight. Maybe I won't sleep tonight. Nadam se da će Tom uraditi to. I hope Tom does that. I hope Tom does it. Италианският език умира по малко всеки път, когато някой англофон поръча 'едно панини'. The Italian language dies a little every time an anglophone orders "a panini". The Italian language dies a little every time an Anglophone orders 'one panini'. Ne pomerajte se! Don't move! Don't move! Tom često koristi tu reč. Tom uses that word a lot. Tom often uses that word. Цела вечер траеше. It took all evening. It lasted all night. Molim te, budi iskren prema meni. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. Дали е тоа реторско прашање? Is that a rhetorical question? Is that a rhetorical question? Tom se nekada plašio pasa. Tom used to be scared of dogs. Tom used to be afraid of dogs. Какво открихте? What have you discovered? What did you find? Виждал ли си нецензурираната версия? Have you seen the uncensored version? Have you seen the uncensored version? И аз така. Me, too. So do I. Не зборувам брзо. I don't speak fast. I don't talk fast. Ајде пешки. Let's walk. Come on, walk. Мисля, че трябва да почакаме. I think we should wait. I think we should wait. Da li si mogao da pročitaš to? Could you read it? Could you read that? Сметам дека Том е злобен. I think Tom is mean. I think Tom's mean. Аз мисля така. I think so. I think so. Моля разбъркайте картите внимателно. Please shuffle the cards carefully. Please mix the cards carefully. Не можеш да го спреш да не пие. You can't prevent him from drinking. You can't stop him from drinking. Počúvame keltskú hudbu. We're listening to Celtic music. We're breaking the keltskú hell. Моментът на слава за Ханшин не продължи дълго. Те набързо бяха изместени от първото място. Hanshin's moment of glory didn't last. They fell out of first place in a hurry. The moment of glory for Hanshin did not last long. They were quickly removed from the first place. Ще излезем ли? Shall we go out? Shall we go out? Ako ne razumeš, moraš da kažeš to. If you don't understand, you need to say so. If you don't understand, you have to say it. Nađite sebi mesto. Find yourselves a seat. Find yourself a place. Мислиш ли дека ова би му се допаднало на Том? Do you think Tom would like this? Do you think Tom would like this? У овој фази светске историје, у Америци не постоји једна таква ствар као што је независна штампа. Ви то знате и ја то знам. Међу вама нема ни једног који се усуђује да напише своје искрено мишљење, и кад би га написао, већ унапред би знао да се то никада неће појавити у штампи. Ја сам добијао редовно своју плату како бих држао своје искрено мишљење изван новина за које радим. Многи од вас су такође слично плаћени за сличне ствари, и било ко од вас ко би био толико луд да пише оно што искрено мисли, нашао би се напољу, на улици, у потрази за неким другим послом. Да сам ја дозволио да се моје право мишљење појави само у једном издању новина за које радим, добио бих отказ с посла за мање од 24 часа. (...) There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. In this stage of world history, there is not one such thing in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is none among you that dares to write your honest opinion, and if you wrote it, you would know in advance that it will never appear in the press. I have received a regular salary to keep my honest opinion outside the papers I work for. Many of you have also been paid similarly for similar things, and any of you who would be so crazy to write what he honestly thinks would be out there, on the street, looking for some other job. If I had allowed my true opinion to appear only in one newspaper issue that I do, I would get fired from work in less than 24 hours. (...) Ова време утре ќе бидеме во Бостон. This time tomorrow, we'll be in Boston. This time tomorrow we'll be in Boston. Дано е ок. I hope it's OK. I hope it's okay. Не зборуваме многу. We don't talk much. We don't talk much. Мука ми је од твог цмиздрења. I'm tired of your whining. I'm sick of your whining. Sedeli smo zajedno u tišini neko vreme. We sat together in silence for some time. We sat together in silence for a while. Jesmo li sada na sigurnom? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Трябва да прибера нещо мое. I have to get something of mine. I have to pick up something of mine. Никогаш нема да капитулирам. I'll never surrender. I'll never capitulate. Počnimo odmah. Let's start right away. Let's start right now. Máš sýrsky pas? Do you have a Syrian passport? You sýrsky dog? Отидохме там за седмица. We went there for a week. We went there for a week. Разбудете ме штом ќе се раздени. Wake me up as soon as it's light. Wake me up as soon as it's dawn. Не мога да повярвам на очите си. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes. Jej znalosť angličtiny je skvelá. Her knowledge of English is great. It is known as “anglictiny”. Чија куќа е ова? Whose house is this? Whose house is this? Том сега изгледа многу уморно. Tom is now looking very tired. Tom seems very tired now. Той пи бира. He drank beer. He drank beer. Карол посети Бостън миналия месец. Carol visited Boston last month. Carol visited Boston last month. Три недели поминаа откако Том се пресели во Бостон. It's been three weeks since Tom moved to Boston. It's been three weeks since Tom moved to Boston. Знам га добро. I know him well. I know him well. Откъде знаете? How do you know? How do you know? Том зеде колаче. Tom took a cookie. Tom took a cookie. Забавляваш ли се? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having fun? Изречение номер 888 888 ще донесе на собственика си щастие за години напред. Sentence Number 888,888 will bring its owner years of happiness. Proverbs 888 888 will bring its owner happiness for years ahead. Не се зафркавај со Том. Don't mess with Tom. Don't mess with Tom. Мислам дека ова е завршено. I thought this was over. I think this is over. Sumnjam da će Tom da ti da ključeve. I don't think Tom will give you the keys. I doubt Tom will give you the keys. Том ќе нѐ исфрлеше надвор. Tom would've thrown us out. Tom would have kicked us out. Што е среќата? What is happiness? What's luck? Мисля, че си лъжец. I think you're a liar. I think you're a liar. Не сакам ни да знам. I don't want to know either. I don't even want to know. Многу дрва се срушија. Many trees fell down. A lot of trees collapsed. Страхувам се, че това не е възможно. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that's not possible. Tom je oduglovačio. Tom was playing for time. Tom's stalled. Заспах, докато четях книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep reading a book. Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water from the dirty glass! Би го ставил ли ова во колата за мене? Would you put this in the car for me? Would you put this in the car for me? Ох! Прекрасно! Oh! Marvelous! Oh, great! Uzaludno je. It's futile. It's for nothing. Можно е некој да ја следел. Somebody might've followed her. It's possible someone was following her. Приемам предложението ти. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Tom mi povedal, že by sa rád stal lekárom. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me, already by rád stood a doctor. Да пресечем тук. Let's cross here. Let's cross over here. Svakog koga upoznaš vodi bitku, o kojoj ti ne znaš ništa. Budi ljubazan. Uvek. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always. Everyone you meet leads a battle that you don't know anything about. Tom je sam. Tom is by himself. Tom's alone. Tvrtka je poznata po svojim visoko kvalitetnim proizvodima. The firm is known for its high-quality products. The company is known for its high quality products. Ајде да доручкуваме. Let's have breakfast. Let's have breakfast. Том знаеше дека Мери ќе му помогне. Tom knew Mary would help him. Tom knew Mary would help him. Што мајка бараш тука? Зошто не си дома? What are you doing here? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? Да се качваме в автобуса. Let's get on the bus. Let's get on the bus. Да импровизираме. Let's improvise. Let's improvise. Ако ние не го направиме тоа, тогаш кој? If we don't do it, who will? If we don't do it, then who? Том не може да се справи с това. Tom can't handle this. Tom can't handle this. Мисля, че ще ви хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Събуй си чорапите, ако обичаш. Take off your socks, please. Take off your socks, please. Том е фризер. Tom is a hairdresser. Tom's a hairdresser. Никога няма да направя същата грешка. I'll never make that mistake again. I'll never make the same mistake. Што се случило тука? What happened here? What happened here? Мисли дека старите весници се сѐ уште корисни. He thinks old newspapers are still useful. He thinks old newspapers are still useful. Той излезе да се разходи. He's out taking a walk. He went out for a walk. Аз не мога да говоря английски, а пък за немски да не говорим. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English. I can't speak German. Прати ѝ моите поздрави. Send her my regards. Send her my regards. Neće je uzeti. They won't take it away. They won't take it. Том не оди на пазар. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom's not going shopping. Tom te mrzi iz dna duše. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you from the bottom of his soul. Том вече си тръгна. Tom already left. Tom's already gone. Italija se nalazi u Europi. Italy is in Europe. Italy is located in Europe. Текстот е предолг. The text is too long. The text is too long. Зошто ме бркаше? Why were you chasing me? Why were you chasing me? То је моја мачка. That's my cat. That's my cat. Фала, драга. Thank you, dear. Thank you, dear. Kada se obično ustaješ? What time do you often lay down? When do you usually get up? Дај Боже! God willing! Oh, my God! Reci mi šta je ono. Tell me what that is. Tell me what it is. Ni ja ne mogu. I can't do it either. I can't either. Prosečni ste studenti. You're average students. You're average students. Шта радиш овде? What are you doing down here? What are you doing here? Da li sam dobrodošao ovde? Am I welcome here? Am I welcome here? Том ќе се покори. Tom will obey. Tom will obey. Веб је изумео 1989. године Том Бернерс Ли. The Worldwide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Webb invented Tom Berners Lee in 1989. Кажи му на Том дека е итно. Tell Tom it's urgent. Tell Tom it's urgent. Давай да взимаме рейс. Let's take a bus. Let's go get a ride. Не сакам да готвам. I don't like to cook. I don't want to cook. Му се јавив од болница. I called him from the hospital. I called him from the hospital. Zapanjena sam. I'm astonished. I'm amazed. Сада представите себе користећи ове Реченице! Now introduce yourself using these sentences! Now present yourselves using these sentences! Животът е пълен с възможности. Life is full of chances. Life is full of possibilities. Не съм сигурен, че искам да видя това. I'm not sure I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see this. Dobro sam, hvala. I am fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Защо Том още стои отвън на дъжда? Why is Tom still standing outside in the rain? Why is Tom still out there in the rain? Да ги прашаме нешто друго. Let's ask them something else. Let's ask them something else. Gde je Avis šalter? Where is the Avis counter? Where's the Avis counter? Ситуацијата е безнадежна. The situation is hopeless. The situation is hopeless. Сите знаат дека ја мразам. Everybody knows I hate her. Everyone knows I hate her. Tom je rekao Meri da prestane. Tom told Mary to stop. Tom told Mary to stop. Takvo stanje stvari se ne može tolerisati. Such a state of things cannot be put up with. Such a state of affairs cannot be tolerated. Знаеш ли защо се случва това? Do you know why this is happening? Do you know why this is happening? Беше твърде лесно. It was just too easy. It was too easy. Всяко човешко същество е част от цялото, наречено от нас Вселена - част, ограничена във времето и пространството. То възприема себе си, своите мисли и чувства като нещо отделено от останалото - един вид оптическа илюзия за неговото съзнание. Тази илюзия е своеобразен затвор за нас, ограничавайки ни в рамките на нашите лични желания и привързаността към най-близките ни хора. Наша задача трябва да бъде да се освободим от този затвор, разширявайки кръга на нашето състрадание, така че да обхване всички живи същества и природата в цялата и красота. A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Every human being is part of the whole, called by us the universe - part limited in time and space. It perceives itself, its thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical illusion of its consciousness. This illusion is a form of prison for us, limiting us within our personal desires and attachment to our nearest people. Our task must be to get rid of this prison, expanding the circle of our compassion, so that it covers all living beings and nature throughout and beauty. Какво имаш да правиш? What's on your plate? What do you have to do? Обичам да пиша на френски. I like to write in French. I love writing in French. Неговите чувства не беа возвратени. His feelings were not reciprocated. His feelings were not reciprocated. Само тргни ми се од патот. Just get out of my way. Just get out of my way. Делфинът е бозайник. A dolphin is a mammal. The dolphin is the community. Може ли да ти имам доверие? Are you trustworthy? Can I trust you? Ne kričite. Don't scream. Don't scream. Том изглежда обективен. Tom seems objective. Tom seems objective. Погодија ли некого? Has anybody been shot? Did they hit anyone? Кен обича да ходи на лагер. Ken likes camping. Ken likes to go to camp. Пациента припадна от гледката на кръвта. The patient fainted at the sight of blood. The patient fainted from the sight of the blood. Баба му изглежда здрава. His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother looks healthy. Тези снимки винаги ми напомнят за миналите дни. These pictures always remind me of the old days. These pictures always remind me of the past days. Додати још воде! Add more water to it. Add more water! Дядо Коледа живее на Северния полюс. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa lives on the North Pole. Da li ste očekivali da se dogodi nešto drugo? Did you expect something else to happen? Did you expect anything else to happen? Тука сум да ја барам. I'm here looking for her. I'm here to look for her. Melani pije mleko. Melanie is drinking milk. Melanie drinks milk. Многу си страстен. You're so intense. You're very passionate. Ох, забравих си ключовете. Oh, I forgot my keys. Oh, I forgot my keys. Зависни сме од работа. We're workaholics. We're addicted to work. Испаѓа дека си неочекувано красноречив. It turns out that you are unexpectedly eloquent. Turns out you're unexpectedly eloquent. Da li tvoja deca imaju svoje sobe? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own rooms? Не изпускай Том от поглед. Don't let Tom out of your sight. Don't let Tom out of your sight. Neću biti kući sledeće nedelje. I won't be home next Sunday. I won't be home next week. Може ли да Ви взема палтото? May I take your coat? May I take your coat? Ще съжаляваш за това! You'll regret that! You're gonna regret this! Dima je spavao sa 25 muškaraca u toku jedne noći i onda ih je ubio. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Smoke slept with 25 men one night and then killed them. Не съм искал да нараня чувствата на Том. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. Мисля, че тук ще бъдем в безопасност. I think we'll be safe here. I think we'll be safe here. Това няма да промени нищо. It won't make any difference. That won't change anything. Ова беше на врвот на купот. This one was on top of the pile. This was on top of the pile. Мора да се соочиме со фактите. We must face the facts. We have to face facts. Онова, което не искам да изгубя, е любовта. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don't want to lose is love. Tom je trenutno v redu. Tom is all right at the moment. Tom's fine right now. Метак је прошао кроз његово тело. The bullet went through his body. The bullet went through his body. Реков ли дека сум завршил? Did I say I was finished? Did I say I'm done? Том пренасяше нещо. Tom was carrying something. Tom was carrying something. Ti si to trebao reći Tomu. You were supposed to tell Tom that. You should have told Tom. Dobovala je prstima po stolu. She drummed her fingers on the table. She got her fingers on the table. Што се случи потем? Then what happened? What happened next? Мислев дека планираш да останеш во кревет цел ден. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. Том поправи се. Tom fixed everything. Tom, fix everything. Им се восхитувам. I admire them. I admire them. Znaće oni šta da urade. They'll know what to do. They'll know what to do. Ми ћемо победити. We'll win. We're gonna win. Том е танцьор. Tom is a dancer. Tom's a dancer. Прав ли съм? Am I correct? Am I right? Kako bi se osećao ako bi te napustila žena? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if your wife left you? Samo ćemo da te pratimo. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. Zajemalko drži v njeni desni roki. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. She's holding the cap in her right hand. Ми се чинеше уморен. I thought you looked tired. He seemed tired. Ама ја прелажа. You really fooled her. But you lied to her. Сите се крадци. They're all thieves. They're all thieves. Те са умрели млади. They died young. They died young. На Том му е много по-лесно да говори на английски, отколкото на френски. Tom finds it much easier to speak English than French. Tom is much easier to speak in English than in French. Jesi li se potpuno oporavila? Are you fully recovered? Have you fully recovered? Pravio sam se da ne znam šta se dešava. I pretended that I didn't know what was happening. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. Ušlo mi je u naviku da radim to. It's what I'm used to doing. I'm used to doing it. Што има наум Том? What does Tom have in mind? What's up, Tom? Ти винаги пееш. You always sing. You always sing. Не мисля, че Том е себичен. I don't think Tom is selfish. I don't think Tom's selfish. Трябва да ядеш повече зеленчуци. You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. Том очевидно много го бива с ръцете. Tom is obviously very good with his hands. Tom's obviously doing very well with his hands. Секаде ли побара? Have you looked everywhere? You've been looking everywhere? Бев заборавил колку знаеш да бидеш паметен. I forgot just how clever you can be. I'd forgotten how smart you can be. Celé mesto bolo pod vodou. The entire town was under water. The whole town hurts underwater. Jesi li iskrena? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? Zmena je strašidelná. Change is scary. The date's a frightful one. Пробао си некада? Have you ever tried it? You ever tried it? Том пие вода. Tom is drinking water. Tom's drinking water. Не ми пипай фотоапарата. Leave my camera alone. Don't touch my camera. Не зборувај толку брзо. Don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast. Након дугог разматрања, на крају сам насумице правио ствари. After long reflection, I decided to take things as they come. After a long discussion, I ended up making things at random. Немаш веќе алкохол. You're out of booze. You're out of alcohol. Мисля, че Том говори френски добре. I think Tom speaks French well. I think Tom speaks French well. Том вети дека ќе помогне. Tom promised to help. Tom promised he'd help. Nemojte da se svađate. Don't argue. Don't fight. Играчката е изработена од дрво. The toy is made of wood. The toy is made of wood. Мама је управо отишла у куповину. Mother has just gone out shopping. Mom just went shopping. Дугујем вам извињење. I owe you an apology. I owe you an apology. Bez sumnje! Without a doubt! No doubt! Виждал съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you with Tom. On je zadržavao vazduh. He held his breath. He was holding the air. Батлерот ја отвори вратата. The butler opened the door. Butler opened the door. Mislim da te razumem. I think I understand you. I think I understand. Дайте ми едно питие, моля. Give me a drink, please. Give me a drink, please. Оваа е најдобриот ресторан во нашава област. This is the best restaurant in our area. This is the best restaurant in our area. Том се испијани со текила. Tom got drunk on tequila. Tom's drunk with tequila. Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznao. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom's one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Рибу, молим. Fish, please. Fish, please. Da li si ikad napisao program za računar? Have you ever written a computer program? Have you ever written a computer program? Sretan sam kao mačka u pidžami. I am as happy as a cat in pajamas. I'm as happy as a cat in pajamas. Том ми кажа дека би сакал да му дојдам на гости утре попладне. Tom told me that he would like me to come over tomorrow afternoon. Tom told me I'd like to come visit him tomorrow afternoon. Tom je na tajnom zadatku. Tom is on a top secret mission. Tom's undercover. Nacrtaj skicu svoje kuće. Make a sketch of your house. Draw a sketch of your house. Ја предпочитам црната. I prefer the black one. I prefer the black one. Zbláznim sa? Will I go crazy? Get away with it? Ќе ја пратам да остане со тебе. I'll get her to stay with you. I'll send her to stay with you. Majka i ćerka su predstavljale dve generacije. The mother and daughter represented two generations. Mother and daughter represented two generations. Том е по-нисък от средния ръст. Tom is shorter than average. Tom's lower than the average height. Ubiti ću te! I will kill you! I'll kill you! Ко у породици носи панталоне? Who wears the pants in your family? Who's wearing pants in the family? Otišao sam vidjeti moje roditelje. I went to see my parents. I went to see my parents. Marija je sjela na kauč s prekriženim nogama. Mary sat cross-legged on the couch. Maria sat on the couch with her legs crossed. Ти си ми гордост и радост. You are my pride and joy. You are my pride and joy. Звука на ужасния писък го накара да се разтрепери. The sound of an awful scream made him shudder. The sound of the terrible scream made him shake. Moj oče mi je povedal o svojih izkušnjah med vojno. My father told me about his experiences during the war. My father told me about his experiences during the war. Регистриран ли си? Are you registered? Are you registered? Ќе направиме список. We'll make a list. We'll make a list. Не разбирам. I don't understand. I don't understand. Не зборувам германски. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. Пробај да се опреш. Try to resist. Try to wash up. Беше делотворно. It was effective. It was effective. Наставите да слушате. Keep listening. Keep listening. Прочети ми го. Read it to me. Read it to me. Денес за вечера имаме риба. We have fish for dinner today. We've got fish for dinner today. Те се отправиха направо към целта си. They made straight for their destination. They're headed straight for their goal. Мисля, че пропускаш нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. Стисни ми ръката. Shake my hand. Hold my hand. Земи ја со нас. Bring her along. Take her with us. Аз винаги ще те обичам. I will love you always. I will always love you. Тези портокали са развалени. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are broken. Tom kaže da je ovo normalno. Tom says this is normal. Tom says this is normal. При крај сум. I'm almost through. I'm almost done. Proćićemo kroz džunglu nekako. We'll get through the jungle somehow. We'll go through the jungle somehow. Том има куп време. Tom has lots of time. Tom's got a lot of time. Да, донеси ми каша. Yes, bring me gruel. Yeah, bring me some porridge. Завъртях бравата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the lock. Вие двете нямате нищо общо. You two have nothing in common. You two have nothing to do with it. Нема потреба од тоа. That's uncalled for. There's no need for that. Krvare mi desni. My gums are bleeding. They're bleeding to my right. Гледај само право. Look straight ahead. Look straight ahead. Што им е целта? What's their purpose? What's their goal? Едвај чекам да дознаам каков подарок ми приготвил Том. I can't wait to find out what Tom has made for me as a present. I can't wait to find out what kind of gift Tom has prepared for me. Трябва да наема някой, който може да говори френски. I need to hire somebody who can speak French. I have to hire someone who can speak French. Мислев да поседиме тука некое време и да разговараме. I thought we could sit here for a while and just talk. I thought we'd sit here for a while and talk. Мисля, че Том вероятно вече знае за това. I think Tom probably knows about it already. I think Tom probably already knows about this. Cena zlata se svakodnevno menja. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The price of gold changes every day. Stižemo li uskoro? Are we nearly there? Are we coming soon? Би бил скршен. I'd be devastated. I'd be broken. Имам само две деца. I only have two children. I only have two kids. Убаво ми е кога сум сам. I like being alone. I'm glad to be alone. Nadam se da mogu da uradim to. I hope that I can do that. I hope I can do that. Мислам дека можеби можам да ѝ помогнам. I think perhaps I can help her. I think maybe I can help her. Тя забрави да нахрани кучето си. She forgot to feed her dog. She forgot to feed her dog. Чудя се дали ще можете да ми помогнете. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you could help me. Си го гледал ли? Have you watched it? Have you seen it? Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti. I hope you and Tom have a good time. I hope you and Tom have a good time. Том ја насмеа Мери. Tom made Mary laugh. Tom made Mary laugh. Šta ste oboje uradili? What did you both do? What have you both done? Majú radi jablká. They like apples. Mayú does appleká. Изобщо не съм ти длъжен! I don't owe you squat! I don't owe you anything! Зоната беше тиха. The area was quiet. The zone was quiet. Ти си еден од нас. You are one of us. You're one of us. Možemo li da razgovaramo napolju? Can we talk outside a little? Can I talk to you outside? Готови сме да тръгваме. We're ready to leave. We're ready to go. Не можат да излезат. They can't get out. They can't get out. Зарем не е превосходно ова? Isn't this amazing? Isn't this a little too good for you? Трябва ли да слагам масата? Do I need to set the table? Do I have to put the table on? Som v reštaurácii. I'm at the restaurant. I'm at the restaurant. Jesi li završio? Have you finished it? Are you done? Той беше толкова тъжен, че почти полудя. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad, he almost went crazy. Том си ги повлече парите од банка. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom pulled his money out of the bank. Da li je istina da ćeš da studiraš u Bostonu? Is it true that you're going to study in Boston? Is it true you're going to study in Boston? Сигурен сум дека можам да го најдам. I'm sure I can find him. I'm sure I can find him. Том навидум беше навикната на вакви проблеми. Tom seemed to be used to these kinds of problems. Tom was apparently used to this kind of problem. Сигурен ли си? Are you sure? Are you sure? Pomôžem ti utiecť. I'll help you escape. I'm helping you. Това е мой проблем. That's my problem. That's my problem. Имаш ли фотоапарат? Do you have a camera? Do you have a camera? Мисля, че трябва да носиш вратовръзка. I think you should wear a tie. I think you should wear a tie. Не им ги проколнувам децата. I'm not casting a spell over their children. I don't curse their children. Никога през живота си нищо не съм откраднал. I've never stolen anything in my life. I've never stolen anything in my life. Вистина ли е? Is it true? Is it true? Има ли шеќер? Is there any sugar? Is there any sugar? Policija je pronašla ukraden novac. The police recovered the stolen money. The police found the stolen money. V sobi je bila tišina. The room was quiet. There was silence in the room. Нели ќе си одевте? Weren't you leaving? Wouldn't you be leaving? Моля Ви, покажете ми още. Please show me more. Please show me more. Tom nam neće dati da uradimo to. Tom won't let us do that. Tom won't let us do it. Никога нямам почивка. I never get a break. I never have a break. Само најди ги. Just find them. Just find them. Това е всичко, което трябва да направи Том. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. Koliko si pesama napisao? How many songs have you written? How many songs did you write? Ma šta radio, nemoj da se smeješ. No matter what you do, don't laugh. No matter what you do, don't laugh. Ubrzao je. He accelerated. He's accelerated. Тайфун наближава Япония. A typhoon is approaching Japan. The typhoon is approaching Japan. Можеби им се восхитувам на другите, но никогаш не сум се јагмел да бидам нешто друго освен тоа што сум. I may admire others but I have never aspired to be like anyone, other than myself. I may admire others, but I've never had the guts to be anything but who I am. Те молам, остави ме да довршам. Please let me finish. Please, let me finish. Mnoge stvari mi dobro idu. I'm good at many things. I'm good at a lot of things. Хоћеш ли воћни ђус? Do you want fruit juice? Would you like a fruit juice? Samo napred. Go ahead. Go ahead. Неко је дошао. Someone came. Someone's here. И ти ли чу? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? Ме опаучи по глава. He hit me on the head. He's got me all over my head. Ќе ти ја викнам. I'll call her for you. I'll call you. Ми смо Аустралијанци. We are Australians. We're Australians. Не можев да ги најдам. I couldn't find them. I couldn't find them. Učinimo nekome uslugu. Let's do someone a favor. Let's do someone a favor. Imam dve ćerke. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Dogodiće se loše stvari. Bad things will happen. Bad things are gonna happen. Зошто се состануваме тука? Why are we meeting here? Why are we meeting here? Често го слушав како ја свири мелодијата на труба. I often listened to him playing the melody on the trumpet. I often listened to him play the trumpet tune. Danas je veliki dan, sinko! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son! Трябва да занеса нещо на Том. I have to take something to Tom. I need to get something to Tom. Лемонадата е ладна. The lemonade is cold. Lemonade's cold. Ne tuci se. Don't fight. Don't fight. Ја не знам шта је то. I don't know what it is. I don't know what that is. Zvala se Marija. Her name was Mary. Her name was Maria. Pošto što su te novine bile pisale o tome da ni jedan zemljoradnik ne želi da radi kao zakupac u Vestfoldu, interesovanje je naglo poraslo. After that newspaper wrote that no farmer wanted to work as a tenant in Vestfold, interest has skyrocketed. Since the paper said that no farmer wanted to work as a tenant in Westfold, interest grew rapidly. И ти, Бруте? You too, Brutus? And you, Brutus? Tomu treba san. Tom needs his sleep. That's what a dream needs. Добив на лотарија. I've won the lottery. I won the lottery. Вие сте жесток. You're cruel. You're cruel. Том ти ги украде парите. Tom stole your money. Tom stole your money. Имам проблем. Трябва ми Вашата помощ. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I need your help. Човекот во прашање моментално е во Америка. The person in question is now staying in America. The man is currently in America. Аз ще ям тук. I'll eat here. I'll eat here. Ти можеш да четеш на френски, нали? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, can't you? Ko si ti zaista? Who are you really? Who are you really? Том не остана тука долго. Tom didn't stay there long. Tom didn't stay here long. Прашањето е што ќе правиш. The question is what are you going to do. The question is, what are you gonna do? Мораш да престанеш да пушиш. You must give up smoking. You have to stop smoking. Таа се чувствуваше доста осамено. She felt quite alone. She felt pretty lonely. Кога наминав сабајлево, Том сѐ уште беше по пижами. When I stopped by this morning, Tom was still in his pajamas. When I came by this morning, Tom was still after pajamas. Kdo bi me rad videl? Who wants to see me? Who wants to see me? Ти знаеш малко френски, нали? You know some French, don't you? You know a little French, don't you? Как мога да продължа? How can I go on? How can I go on? Бързаме. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Trier е най-старият град в Германия. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Штета што не возев со точак тука. I wish I had ridden my bicycle here. Too bad I didn't ride a bike in here. Пробај да го сфатиш ова. Try to understand this. Try to figure this out. Се случува во моментов, нели? It's happening now, isn't it? It's happening right now, isn't it? Заключих се пред стаята ми. I have locked myself out of my room. I locked myself in front of my room. Моля, напишете го. Please, write it down. Please write it down. Винаги получавах високи оценки по френски. I always got good grades in French. I always got high marks in French. Мислам дека би требало да зборуваме за ова сега. I don't think we should be talking about this right now. I think we should talk about this now. Много съм щастлив. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. Тези условия приемливи ли са за теб? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Той самият го направи. He himself did it. He did it himself. Слободата на израз била строго ограничена. The freedom of expression was strictly limited. Freedom of expression was strictly limited. Vedno. Always. Always. Psi sovražijo mačke. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Не ги отпуштај. Don't fire them. Don't fire them. Вечераме. We are having dinner. We're having dinner. Nemoj da blejiš. Don't stare. Don't stare. Ne potrebuješ mojega dovoljenja. You don't need my permission. You don't need my permission. Кавалер никогаш не би направил нешто такво. A gentleman would never do something like that. Cavalier would never do anything like that. Тоа е толку ужасно. That's so terrible. That's so awful. Он је Американац. He is American. He's American. И Том, и Мери извадиха оръжията си. Tom and Mary both drew their guns. And Tom, and Mary pulled out their guns. Затоа ми се допаѓа Том. That's why I like Tom. That's why I like Tom. Свако лаже. Everybody lies. Everyone's lying. Ako to robíš? How do you do that? What if it's a slave? Ќе му пренесам на Том. I'll send word to Tom. I'll pass it on to Tom. Алкохолот му влијаеше. Alcohol influenced him. The alcohol affected him. Плескав со рацете. I clapped my hands. I was clapping my hands. Вали дъжд. It's raining. It's raining. Hajde, vas dvojica. Come on, you two. Come on, you two. Тука сум за да учам. I'm here to learn. I'm here to study. Том е сѐ уште зафатен. Tom is still busy. Tom's still busy. Трябва да се свържа с Том. I have to get in touch with Tom. I need to get in touch with Tom. Doktor je na putu. The doctor's on his way. The doctor's on his way. Готово ли е? Is it done? Is it over? Оваа книга целосно ја опфаќа темата. This book covers the subject completely. This book fully covers the subject. Tom je pokušao da ubedi Meri da ne ode. Tom tried to persuade Mary not to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. Опитвам се да науча английски. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Ja mrzim matematiku. I hate mathematics. I hate math. Банкротиравме. We're bankrupt. We went bankrupt. Волим да вас гледам док радите. I love watching you work. I like to watch you work. Често позајмљујем књиге од Тома. I often borrow books from Tom. I often borrow books from Tom. Добив петка по француски. I got an A in French. I got a "A" in French. Бягахме след котката. We ran after the cat. We ran after the cat. Само треба да ги најдам. I just need to find them. I just need to find them. Мисля, че ще ти бъде интересно. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll find it interesting. Нейният пуловер е лилав. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Ѝ помогнав да ја исчисти кадата. I helped her clean the bathtub. I helped her clean the tub. Bio sam prisutan u školi juče. I was present at school yesterday. I was present at school yesterday. Том е страстен. Tom is passionate. Tom's passionate. Koji ti je kurac? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with you? Ще ти върна парите следващата седмица. I'll pay you back next week. I'll pay you back next week. Харесва ли ти френския? Do you like French? Do you like French? Бићеш потпуно безбедан. You'll be absolutely safe. You'll be perfectly safe. Откъде купи цветя? Where did you buy flowers? Where'd you get the flowers from? Тој дел не ми се допаѓа. That's the part I don't like. I don't like that part. Няма да дойда с тебе. I won't be coming with you. I'm not going with you. Вчера си купих този фотоапарат. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. Bývam tu. I live here. I'm right here. Тој смени работа. He changed his job. He changed jobs. Môj byt leží na prvom poschodí. My flat is located on the first floor. Môj byt lazí na first posthodí. Ан обича шоколад. Ann loves chocolate. Anne loves chocolate. Какво каза тя? What did she say? What did she say? Прекъсвам ли ви? Am I interrupting? Am I interrupting? Ми треба коверт. I need an envelope. I need an envelope. Moj šal je plav. My scarf is blue. My scarf is blue. Куќата е црвена. The house is red. The house is red. Нанси прилича на сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Nisam video ništa. I haven't seen a thing. I didn't see anything. Как чу за това? How did you come to hear that? How did you hear about that? Мој отац је увек говорио да небо помаже онима који помажу сами себи. My father always said that heaven helps those who help themselves. My father always said that heaven helps those who help themselves. Moj instruktor za vožnju kaže da treba da budem strpljiviji. My driving instructor says I should be more patient. My driving instructor says I should be more patient. Том си откопча якето. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Istražite je. Examine it. Look into it. Още не съм говорил с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. I haven't talked to Tom yet. Еленът бягаше сам. The deer was running by itself. The deer ran off alone. Том беше мотивиран. Tom was motivated. Tom was motivated. Želim da upoznam Toma. I want to meet Tom. I want to meet Tom. Bol som naozaj hladný. I was really hungry. The pain in the back is cold. Не ме карайте да го правя. Don't ask me to do that. Don't make me do this. Майка ми се чувства по-добре. My mother's feeling better. My mom's feeling better. Сакам нешто ново. I want something new. I want something new. Веќе не сум поспан. I'm not sleepy anymore. I'm not sleepy anymore. Нашите продажби спадат. Our sales are decreasing. Our sales are down. Ne očekujem da Tom bude ovde danas. I don't expect Tom to be here today. I don't expect Tom to be here today. Денес напладне ќе јадеме црешни од Италија. Today, at midday, we shall eat cherries from Italy. This afternoon we'll be eating cherry from Italy. Ma koliko da je Tom zauzet, nikad ne zaboravlja da našie mejl svojoj majici barem jednom nedeljno. No matter how busy Tom gets, he never forgets to write an email to his mother at least once a week. As busy as Tom is, he never forgets that our e-mail to his shirt at least once a week. Не удуших Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. Том почна да 'рчи. Tom started to snore. Tom started snorkeling. Ајде да ѝ помогнеме. Let us help her. Let's help her. На Том чорапите му се распар. Tom's socks don't match. Tom's stockings are torn apart. Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. Tráva is greená. Не сакам да чекам. I don't want to wait. I don't want to wait. Ги надвика своите соученици. He outshouted his classmates. He called his classmates. Може ли да се истетовирам? Can I get a tattoo? Can I get a tattoo? Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го чуеш? Are you sure you want to hear about this? Are you sure you want to hear it? Може ли да го потпишете ова? Could you sign this? Can you sign this? Svi njihovi napori su bili uzaludni. All their efforts were in vain. All their efforts were in vain. Smanjujemo. We're downsizing. We're shrinking. Трипати ме ограбија месецов. I've been burgled three times this month. I've been robbed three times this month. Трябва да съм станала до 6:30. I have to be up by 6:30. I must have been up by 6:30. Hvala! Thank you! Thank you! Čo si mal na obed? What did you have for lunch? What are you doing for lunch? Трудила сам се да будем љубазна. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Dobrá mačka. You're a good cat. Good cat. Моля, предайте моите поздрави на Вашето семейство. Please send my regards to your family. Please give my regards to your family. Ja to govorim stalno. I say that all the time. I say that all the time. Pamtim. I remember. I remember. Nadam se da se ovo više nikada neće ponoviti. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. Ne mogu da zamislim da radim to. I can't imagine doing that. I can't imagine doing that. Градът е голям. The city is big. It's a big city. По-добре би било да се уверим. We'd better make sure. We'd better make sure. Sami je postao vrlo zainteresiranim u Islam Sami became very interested in Islam. Sami became very interested in Islam Zapravo mi se stvarno sviđa. I actually really like it. I actually really like it. Моята сестра живее близо до Йокохама. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. Tom je svojemu sinu zapustil veliko denarja. Tom left his son a lot of money. Tom left his son a lot of money. To ga čini jednostanijim. That makes it easier. That makes him more single. Наистина съм уморен. I'm really tired. I'm really tired. Znamo ga. We know him. We know him. Не можев да утврдам што точно е проблемот. I couldn't quite tell exactly what the problem was. I couldn't determine exactly what the problem was. Šta nameravaš sa sa svim ovim? What're you going to do with all this? What are you going to do with all this? Čija je ovo gitara? Whose guitar is this? Whose guitar is this? Noćas smo se sreli. We met last night. We met last night. Teroristi su oslobodili taoce. The terrorists released the hostages. The terrorists have freed the hostages. Tom je već znao o tome. Tom already knew about it. Tom already knew about it. Spremna sam. I'm prepared. I'm ready. Нив ги бараме. We're looking for them. They're the ones we're looking for. Kje je moja pisarna? Where is my office? Where's my office? Тя иска да се разведе. She wants a divorce. She wants a divorce. Bojim se da sam dislocirao desno rame. I'm afraid that I dislocated my right shoulder. I'm afraid I've dislocated the right shoulder. Ја обиле вратата. The door has been forced. They've cleared the door. Спите ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Trudi se. He tries. He's trying. Ќе се дограбам до твоето бебе. I'll have your baby. I'm gonna grab your baby. Почти свършихме. We're almost finished. We're almost done. Никој не се пожали за тоа. No one complained about it. No one complained about it. Ќе го носам Том на шетање. I'm taking Tom for a walk. I'll take Tom for a walk. Ацуши може да е бил болен. Atsushi may have been sick. Atushi may have been sick. Честно казано, не мисля, че става дума за плагиатство. Honestly, I don't believe it's a matter of plagiarism. To be honest, I don't think it's plagiarism. Ще пее ли Джейн? Will Jane sing? Is Jane gonna sing? Не фрлај ѓубре на земја. Don't litter! Don't throw garbage on the ground. Не улази! Гола сам. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in! Има три браќа. He has three brothers. He's got three brothers. Tko? Who? Who? Како се твоите? How are your parents? How are yours? Mogli bismo i da odemo. We may as well all go. We might as well leave. Поспан сум. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Teším sa na to. I look forward to it. I'm really looking forward to it. Том как смята да се справи с проблема? How does Tom plan to cope with the problem? Tom, how is he going to deal with the problem? Tom može da radi šta mu je volja, što se mene tiče. Tom can do whatever he likes as far as I'm concerned. Tom can do whatever he wants, as far as I'm concerned. Nikada nije kasno za učenje. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Не трябва да се предаваш. You must not give up. You don't have to give up. Ми даде шест ленени шамивчиња. He gave me a half dozen linen handkerchiefs. He gave me six lazy headscarfs. Ножот имаше многу остар врв. The knife had a very sharp point. The knife had a very sharp tip. Вие двајца сте се ујдисале против мене! The two of you are in cahoots against me! You two came in against me! Срещнах Мери вчера. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. Том работи във винарна. Tom works at a winery. Tom works at the wine shop. Времето е вечно. Time is eternal. Time is eternal. Сакам да се оженам за неа. I want to marry her. I want to marry her. Около 29% от жителите на Окинава доживяват до 100 години. Around 29% of Okinawans live to be a 100. About 29% of people in Okinawa live to be 100 years old. Budi oprezna. Take care. Be careful. Тоа е добар систем. It's a good system. That's a good system. Tom će ponovo razmisliti. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will reconsider. Том умре три недели пред да излезам од затвор. Tom died three weeks before I got out of prison. Tom died three weeks before I got out of prison. Среќен бев тука. I've been happy here. I was happy here. Не знаех, че готвиш. I didn't know you cooked. I didn't know you were cooking. Som si istý, že Tom na nás nezabudol. I'm sure Tom hasn't forgotten about us. I'm just like you, Tom at nás unwittingly. Том е на моја возраст. Tom is just my age. Tom's my age. А да пробаш малку суши? How about trying some sushi? Why don't you try some sushi? Ја не говорим јапански. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Не беше толкова тежък. It wasn't that heavy. It wasn't that heavy. Tom nije mogao da završi svoj ručak. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Ти си побъркан. You're a lunatic. You're crazy. Мери обича да гледа телевизия. Mary likes watching TV. Mary loves watching TV. Kde bolo tam bolo, bol raz jeden muž a jeho žena. Nemali žiaden dom. Bývali na poli a spávali pod stromom. Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife. They had no house. They were living in the fields and sleeping at the foot of a tree. Where it hurt there, the pain of one husband and the echo of a woman. They didn't have a jade home. Прилично сме добри. We're pretty good. We're pretty good. Књига је распродата. The book is out of print. The book was sold out. Градоначелник је лично уручио награде. The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor gave the awards himself. Izvini. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Jesmo li svi ovde? Are we all here? Are we all here? Bolje da sad počistim. I'd better clean up now. I'd better clean up now. Веќе го прочитав. I've already read it. I've already read it. Лекарят се приведе над болното момче. The doctor bent over the sick boy. The doctor brought himself over the sick boy. Мислам дека треба уште малку да почекаме. I think we should wait a little longer. I think we should wait a little longer. Postajete neobazrivi. You're getting careless. You're getting reckless. Gde si našla ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? Ptica je visoko letjela nebom. A bird was flying high up in the sky. The bird flew high in the sky. Koliko košta flaša piva? How much does a bottle of beer cost? How much is a bottle of beer? Не знам кой кой е. I don't know which is which. I don't know who he is. Kdo je to naslikal? Who painted it? Who painted that? Ще ти се обадя веднага щом стигна на летището. I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport. I'll call you as soon as I get to the airport. Kako se to sastavlja? How is it put together? How do you put it together? Кога за последно ходи на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? Тя изгледа младежа срамежливо. She glanced shyly at the young man. She seems shy. Gde je toalet? Where is the latrine? Where's the bathroom? Той има три по-големи сестри. He has three older sisters. He's got three older sisters. Им дадовме седатив. We have them sedated. We gave them a sedative. Окренула сам се. I turned around. I turned around. Нищо друго не свърши работа. Nothing else has worked. Nothing else worked. Зарем не можеш да останеш тука со нас? Can't you stay here with us? Can't you stay here with us? Baš je loše rapoložena. She is in a bad mood. She's in a bad mood. „Ќе размислиш ли?“ „Да.“ "Will you think about it?" "Yes, I will." "Will you think about it?" "Yes." Ме немаше три недели. I've been gone three weeks. I was gone for three weeks. Не ја наоѓам формулата. I don't find the formula. I can't find the formula. Том и Мери те чекаат на тремот. Tom and Mary are waiting for you on the porch. Tom and Mary are waiting for you on the porch. Obe nism bogate koliko bismo želele. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. I'm not as rich as we'd like. Телефонът е едно удобство. The telephone is a convenience. The phone is a comfort. Повече да не си повторила тази дума. Don't say that word again. Don't you ever say that word again. Без твоето съгласие,нищо не може да се направи. Without your consent, nothing can be done about it. Without your consent, nothing can be done. Том си ја откопча јакната. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Се забавувам. I'm having a good time. I'm having fun. Изглежда пак са се захванали. It looks like they are at it again. Looks like they're back in business. Мисля, че сте перфектен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Купила сам цвеће. I bought flowers. I bought flowers. Мислев дека нема да ти се допадне Том. I thought you wouldn't like Tom. I thought you wouldn't like Tom. Radiš previše. Sjedni i odmori malo. You are working too hard. Sit down and take it easy for a while. You work too hard. Već sam pisao Tomu. I've already written to Tom. I've already written to Tom. Obljubim, da te ne bom obsojal. I promise not to judge you. I promise I won't judge you. Мислам дека можеме да го фатиме. I think we can catch him. I think we can catch him. To je ceruzka. This is a pencil. It's a ceruzka. Mer je pružala veliku podršku. Mary was very supportive. Mer was very supportive. Samo ne žurim. I'm just taking my time. I'm just in no hurry. Играта ме изтощи. The game exhausted me. The game has exhausted me. Tek sam stigla. I've only just arrived. I just got here. Tom je uključio grejanje. Tom turned on the heat. Tom turned on the heat. Ti nisi smiješan. You are not funny. You're not funny. Не спиј во кадата. Don't sleep in the bathtub. Don't sleep in the tub. Не можем да се върнем там. We can't go back there. We can't go back there. Том е само обичен човек. Tom is just an ordinary man. Tom's just a regular guy. От доста време не съм го правила. It's been a while since I've done this. I haven't done that in a while. Когато бях дете, живеех в Бостън. I lived in Boston when I was a kid. When I was a kid, I lived in Boston. Треба ти новац. You need money. You need money. Gledaj kolika je! Look at the size of it! Look at the size of it! Чудя се, какъв е смисъла да се задават такива въпроси на учениците? I wonder: What is the point of asking such questions of the students? I wonder what the point of asking such questions to the students is? Том треба да се опушти. Tom needs to relax. Tom needs to relax. Ще ви помоля да преведете това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'd like to ask you to translate this letter into French. Oni žive na visokoj nozi. They're eating high on the hog. They live on a high foot. Секогаш ќе бидеме тука. We'll always be here. We'll always be here. Том няма куче. Tom doesn't have a dog. Tom doesn't have a dog. Закажи си. Make an appointment. Make an appointment. Аз ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Me zanima če bo moral Tom narediti to. I wonder if Tom will need to do that. I wonder if Tom's gonna have to do this. Meri je koristila štapove za hodanje koje su joj pomogle pri usponima i padovima na putovanju. Mary used walking poles to assist her with the uphill and downhill sections of the journey. Mary used walking sticks that helped her ups and downs on her journey. Ти си панда. You are a panda. You're a panda. Тя е достигнала зряла възраст. He has attained to years of discretion. She's a grown-up. Da li idemo kući? Are we going home? Are we going home? Том изгледаше бесно. Tom looked furious. Tom seemed angry. Еве Ви ја платата. Here's your paycheck. Here's your pay. Опитах се да споря с Том. I've tried to reason with Tom. I tried to argue with Tom. Njegov gubitak pamćenja je više psihički nego fizički problem. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. His memory loss is more psychological than physical. Не искам да се отказвам точно сега. I don't want to give up right now. I don't want to give up right now. Том нема да ме фати. Tom won't catch me. Tom's not gonna catch me. Бети я уби. Betty killed her. Betty killed her. Ma, ostavi me na miru. Give me a break. Oh, leave me alone. To su ti izbori. Those are your options. It's your choice. Ова не му е прво доцнење на Том. This isn't the first time Tom has been late. This isn't Tom's first delay. Когато се опитвате да докажете нещо би било от помощ за вас да знаете, че то е вярно. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true. When you're trying to prove something, it would be helpful for you to know that it's true. Познају вас. They know you. They know you. Ей, момчета, айде запазете тишина! Hey guys, please be quiet. Hey, guys, keep your voice down! Ваша кућа је велика. Your house is big. Your house is big. Gde mogu da nađem kancelariju za turiste? Where can I find the tourist's office? Where can I find a tourist office? Къде е музеят? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? Само сакаме да бидеме сакани. We just want to be loved. We just want to be loved. Заклучени се внатре. They're locked in. They're locked inside. Зашто је љубав тако тешка? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? Reci mi šta znaš. Tell me what you know. Tell me what you know. Fer je. It's fair. It's fair. Прво морамо да их нађемо. We've got to find them first. We have to find them first. Широките якета са последния писък на модата. Loose jackets are the latest fad. The big jackets are the last scream of fashion. Во право сум. I'm correct. I'm right. Знам, че това е трудно. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Ѝ соопштив на полицијата дека Том тоа време бил со мене. I told the police that Tom was with me at that time. I told the police that Tom was with me at the time. Имаат добар апетит утрово. They've got a good appetite this morning. They have a good appetite this morning. Престани с тим! Stop that! Stop that! Чакахме с слабо очакване. We waited with a faint expectation. We've been waiting with low expectations. Том набрзо се изгуби во толпата. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom was soon lost in the crowd. Беа толку среќни заедно. They were so happy together. They were so happy together. Ние се редувахме да караме. We took turns driving. We used to drive. Линда го набеди Дан дека ја демнел. Linda accused Dan of stalking her. Linda convinced Dan that he was stalking her. Со Том си, така? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, right? Почти не ни остана време за вечеря. We hardly had time to eat our dinner. We almost didn't have time for dinner. Само зборови се. They're only words. It's just words. Koji ti je vrag? What the hell is it with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Како је прошао час француског? How was the French class? How'd the French class go? Мислам дека би било грешка да му позајмиш на Том пари. I think it would be a mistake to lend Tom any money. I think it would be a mistake to lend Tom money. Chce ju pobozkať. He wants to kiss her. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Тргува со половни коли. He deals in used cars. He trades in half-cars. On živi blizu plaže. He lives near the beach. He lives near the beach. Хайде да играем баскетбол след училище. Let's play basketball after school. Let's play basketball after school. Таа не се појави. She failed to appear. She didn't show up. Не сфаќам зошто сите мислат дека книгава е толку добра. I don't see why everyone thinks this book is so good. I don't understand why everyone thinks this book is so good. Doktor ispituje pacijenta. The doctor examines the patient. The doctor's interrogating the patient. Ајде просто да не зборуваме веќе. Let's just not talk anymore. Let's just not talk anymore. Pevali su havajske pesme. They sang Hawaiian songs. They were singing Hawaiian songs. Том и јас сме другари за пиење. Tom and I are drinking buddies. Tom and I are drinking buddies. Защо френският ти е толкова добър? How come you speak French so well? Why is your French so good? Tom bi mogao da bude ovde. Tom might be there. Tom could be here. Kada dobijete Vaš telefon, baterija je unapred napunjena. When you get your phone, the battery is precharged. When you get your phone, the battery is pre-charged. За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за теб. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be my pleasure to sing for you. Знам какво не е наред. I know what's wrong. I know what's wrong. Каде рече Том дека сакал да оди? Where did Tom say he wanted to go? Where did Tom say he wanted to go? Том седна на един дънер. Tom sat on a log. Tom sat down on a diver. Том и Мери изглежда навсякъде ходят заедно. Tom and Mary always seem to be hanging out together. Tom and Mary seem to be going everywhere together. Може ли да им дадеш една минута? Could you give them a minute? Can you give them a minute? Воопшто не сум бил во право. I was totally wrong. I wasn't right at all. Криво ми е што не ти се јавив. I wish I'd called you. I'm sorry I didn't call you. Mali ste pravdu? Were you right? You're a little bit of justice, aren't you? On je biolog. He's a biologist. He's a biologist. I Tom je prodavac. Tom is a salesman, too. And Tom's a salesman. Štiglić je veoma zanimljiva ptica. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. Stiglic is a very interesting bird. Дори не си прави труда да идваш. Don't even bother coming. Don't even bother coming. Джак изчетка прахта от палтото си. Jack brushed the dust off his coat. Jack brushes the dust out of his coat. Tom je moral v vrsti čakati tri ure. Tom had to wait in line for three hours. Tom had to wait in line for three hours. Мисля, че ще си промените мнението. I think you'll change your mind. I think you'll change your mind. Говоря със служителите си на френски. I speak French to my staff. I speak to my servants in French. Русија је нападнута. Russia is under attack. Russia was attacked. Река која тече кроз Париз назива се Сена. The river that flows through Paris is called the Seine. A river flowing through Paris is called Sena. Вчера беше моят рожден ден. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Molim te, dođi da me vidiš sutra. Please come to see me tomorrow. Please come see me tomorrow. Не сме ни сигурни дека Том е виновен за нешто. We're not even sure Tom is guilty of anything. We're not even sure Tom's guilty of anything. Немаат избор. They have no choice. They don't have a choice. Томов ауто има сто коњских снага. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Tom's car has a hundred horsepowers. Divno! Terrific! Wonderful! Позајмуваш книги. You borrow books. You're borrowing books. Аз имам три пораснали сина. I have three grown sons. I have three grown sons. На Том многу му се допаѓаш. Tom likes you a lot. Tom likes you very much. Тоа е случајност. That's a coincidence. It's a coincidence. Ponosan sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I'm proud of my family. Насекаде ги баравме. We looked all over for them. We've been looking all over for them. Защо не си с Том? Why aren't you with Tom? Why aren't you with Tom? Tom je odbio da ode u krevet. Tom refused to go to bed. Tom refused to go to bed. Дано това да помогне. I hope that helps. I hope that helps. Želiš da se priključiš? Do you want in on this? You want to join? Hoćeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom umesto mene? Would you talk to Tom for me? Will you talk to Tom for me? Tom me uči francuski. Tom is teaching me French. Tom teaches me French. Сложете морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Кој го скршил? Who broke it? Who broke it? Не бих те повредио. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. Monasi su umeli da igraju tenis u manastirima. Monks used to play tennis in monasteries. The monks used to play tennis in monasteries. Како тоа си направил таква грешка? How come you made such a mistake? How come you made such a mistake? Mojim roditeljima se ne sviđa moja devojka. Kažu da je sa mnom samo zbog noca. My parents don't like my girlfriend. They say that she's a gold digger. My parents don't like my girlfriend, they say she's only with me for the night. Koji je dan sutra? What day is tomorrow? What day is tomorrow? Ovo mora da je važno. This must be important. This must be important. Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски като носител на езика. I wish I could speak French like a native speaker. I wish I could speak French as a language bearer. Tom razmišlja na isti način. Tom thinks the same way. Tom thinks the same way. Виждала съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Šta hoćete time da kažete? What are you trying to say? What do you mean? Том не сакаше Мери да плаче. Tom didn't want Mary to cry. Tom didn't want Mary to cry. Znaš li zašto sam ovdje? Do you know why I'm here? Do you know why I'm here? Pogosto mislim na svojo pokojno mati. I frequently think about my mother who passed away. I often think of my late mother. Ми требаш малку. I need you a second. I need you a little bit. Дали сакаш да кажеш дека не сакаш Том да ти дојде на забавата? Are you saying you don't want Tom to come to your party? Are you saying you don't want Tom to come to your party? Ne mogu da popravim auto sama. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix the car by myself. Šta je sа tobom? What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? Tom veoma dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Срећна Нова Година! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Што припремаш? What are you making? What are you up to? Nadamo se da će se ljudima dopasti. We hope people like it. We hope people like it. Ѝ оставив порака. I left a message for her. I left her a message. Ne vem kaj bo iz tebe. I don't know what will become of you. I don't know what's gonna come out of you. Trenirao sam mesecima. I've trained for months. I've been training for months. Ne pričam sa Tomom. I'm not talking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Конташ? Get it? You know what I mean? On je prvo uradio preliminarni test sa novim elektronskim alko-testom, pre nego što je poslat na laboratorijsko testiranje. He was first subjected to a preliminary test with the new electronic breathalyzer before he was sent for a laboratory test. He first did a preliminary test with a new electronic alcohol test before it was sent for laboratory testing. Можеш ли да објасниш зошто? Can you explain why? Can you explain why? Usrećio ju je. He made her happy. He made her happy. Сестра ти каде е? Where's your sister? Where's your sister? Žene su ono najlepše u životu muškarca. Women are the most beautiful part of a man's life. Women are the most beautiful thing in a man's life. Kupila sam kaktus. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Това е прекалено голямо. This is too big. It's too big. Дан беше сѐ уште жив. Dan was still alive. Dan was still alive. Под нејзино ниво си. You're not in her league. You're below her level. Stigao sam ovde nekoliko minuta pre tebe. I arrived here a few minutes before you. I got here a few minutes before you did. Била је то љубав на први поглед. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. Сигурен ли си напълно, че искаш да го направиш? Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Тие ја зголемија територијата на царството. They increased the territory of the empire. They have increased the realm's territory. Вкъщи ли си си? Are you at home? Are you home? Можеше да кажеш "не". You could've said no. You could have said no. Toma je bio besan kao ris. Tom began to feel hot under the collar. Tom was as angry as a lynx. Добив асален. I got a good one. I got an asal. Samo što nisam krenuo da te tražim. I was about to go look for you. I was about to look for you. Не скачай! Don't jump! Don't jump! Предпочитам да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Siguran sam da si im potrebna. I'm sure they need you. I'm sure they need you. Nestalo je svjetla i ostali smo u mraku. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The lights are gone and we're stuck in the dark. Знам што ти е важно тебе и ќе дадам сѐ од себе да го уништам. I know what you love and I'll do everything I can in order to destroy it. I know what's important to you, and I will do my best to destroy it. Ми досаѓаат. They're bothering me. I'm bored. Страв ми е дека Том ќе залута. I'm worried that Tom will get lost. I'm afraid Tom will go astray. Recite mi zašto ste uradili to. Tell me why you did it. Tell me why you did it. Ще се върнем рано или късно. We will return sooner or later. We'll be back sooner or later. Жадна съм. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Možeš izbeći mnogo problema ako samo uradiš kako valja već iz prvog puta. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by just doing it right the first time. You can avoid a lot of problems if you just do the right thing from the first time. To se dogodi svakomu prije ili poslije. It happens to everyone sooner or later. It happens to everyone sooner or later. Ako deti sme všetci mali sny. We all had dreams as children. If it's okay for kids to walk around with a little snowflake. Трябва да бутам колелото си, защото едната от гумите е спаднала. I have to push my bike because one of the tyres is flat. I have to push my bike because one of the tires is down. Во Индија има многу реки. There are many rivers in India. There are plenty of rivers in India. Okrenuo sam se. I turned around. I turned around. Ова да го купиме. Let's buy this one. Let's buy this. Bila je iznenađena čuvši vijesti. She was amazed to hear the news. She was surprised to hear the news. Дядо ми е роден през 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. Видя ли, нали ти казах, че Том не може да плува. See, I told you Tom couldn't swim. See, I told you Tom can't swim. Stvarno hoću da nađem da jedem nešto. I really want to get something to eat. I really want to find something to eat. Devojka vidi dečaka. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. За тебе го направих. I made this for you. I did it for you. Мисля, че там ще ти хареса. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. On uvek polazi na posao u 8 ujutru. He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. He always goes to work at 8:00 in the morning. Том беше разочарован, че не успя да влезе в Харвард. Tom was disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Tom was disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Не сакам да трчам. I don't like to run. I don't want to run. Бях много жаден и исках да пия нещо студено. I was very thirsty and I wanted to drink something cold. I was very thirsty and wanted to drink something cold. Fadil je zahtijevao da mu Danija dan novac. Fadil demanded that Dania give him the money. Fadil demanded that Danny give him money. On je chorý. He is sick. He's a chorý. Кучето го лаеше. The dog barked at him. The dog barked at him. Африка е континент, но Гренландия не е. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. Napisao sam neke pesme prošle nedelje. I wrote some poems last weekend. I wrote some songs last week. Stvarno jeste dosta loše. It really is quite bad. It really is pretty bad. Том го закопаа жив. Tom was buried alive. Tom was buried alive. Šta uopšte jedeš? What do you eat, anyway? What are you eating anyway? Volim hleb. I love bread. I love bread. Ја лае ли твоето куче? Does your dog bark at her? Is your dog barking? Hajde da prodiskutujemo opcije. Let's discuss our options. Let's discuss options. Престаните да се крећете! Stop moving! Stop moving! Том рече дека си сакал вода. Tom said you wanted water. Tom said you wanted water. Девојка је пустила птице из кавеза. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl let the birds out of the cage. Da li imaš nešto da saopštiš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to say? Какво питаш? What're you asking? What are you asking? Кога беше последният път, когато пътува с влак? When was the last time you travelled by train? When was the last time he was on a train? Том не е мој тип. Tom isn't my type. Tom's not my type. Дебел сум. I'm obese. I'm fat. Јас плаќам. It is on me. I'm paying. Случи се между осем и десет часа. It happened between eight and ten. It happened between eight and ten hours ago. Све је спремно. All systems are go. Everything's ready. Това не ви ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Том има две деца. Tom has two children. Tom's got two kids. Нямам никакво намерение да ловя риба в мътни води. I have no intention of fishing in troubled waters. I have no intention of fishing in muddy waters. Magdalena i Ania su dobre prijateljice. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdalene and Anya are good friends. Има ли таа куче? Does she have a dog? Does she have a dog? Том пожеби никогаш повеќе нема да се врати тука. Tom might never come back here again. Tom's never coming back here again. Не ми е гајле и дваесет женски да има. I don't care if he has twenty girlfriends. I don't care if there's 20 girls. Постои можност дека ќе убијат. There's a possibility that I'll be killed. There's a chance they'll kill. Plakal nad smrťou svojej dcéry. He wept over his daughter's death. He cried over his dcéry. Кој е губитникот? Who's the loser? Who's the loser? Tom mora da je pokušavao ovo očistiti bez sapuna. Tom must've tried cleaning this without using soap. Tom must have been trying to clean this up without soap. Sumnjam da je Tom uopće zainteresiran da pokuša naučiti ruski. I doubt that Tom is even interested in trying to learn Russian. I doubt Tom's even interested in trying to learn Russian. Ќе бидете во ред. You'll be all right. You'll be fine. Читајте ово. Read this. Read this. Otrava kadmiom je na juhu veľmi častou príčinou smrti. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. There's cadmium poisoning on the soup with the honor of death. Mogu li uzeti tvoj rječnik? Can I use your dictionary? Can I take your dictionary? Мисля, че направи правилния избор. I think you made the right choice. I think you made the right choice. Не мисля, че ти наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. Мисля, че ще ви хареса. I think you'll like it. I think you'll like it. Том беше со мене цело утро. Tom was with me all morning. Tom was with me all morning. Джон наследи голямо състояние. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great fortune. Дан пушеша марихуана со Линда. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. Dan smokes marijuana with Linda. Tom je smoren. Tom is bored stiff. Tom's bored. Започвам да те харесвам. I'm starting to like you. I'm starting to like you. Ne ulazi u tu prostoriju. Don't go in that room. Don't go in that room. Пихме доста. We drank a lot. We had a lot to drink. Nihče ne želi priznati. No one wants to admit it. No one wants to admit it. Мисля, че грешиш. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. Obećao si da ćeš mi pomoći. You promised you would help me. You promised to help me. По един мистериозен начин чувството за хумор е свързано с националните особености. The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. In a mysterious way, the sense of humor is related to national specialities. Тоа смрди на сирење. That stinks of cheese. That smells like cheese. Ела с нас. Come with us. Come with us. Drago mi je što je Tom otišao. I'm glad Tom left. I'm glad Tom's gone. Земи му го оружјето на Том. Take Tom's weapon. Get Tom's weapon. Трябва да отивам до болницата. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Ovo možda ne bude dovoljno. This might not be enough. This may not be enough. David Beckham je Anglež. David Beckham is English. David Beckham is English. Еден е животот. You only live once. One is life. Nikdy som nemal rád biológiu. I never liked biology. Nicky sum had no rád biológiu. Почти десет часа е. It is almost ten o'clock. It's almost ten o'clock. Не си ли нервна? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? On vyzerá šťastne. He looks happy. He vyzerá shingles. To bi bilo uživanje. That would be a treat. That would be a pleasure. To je doktor naredio. That's what the doctor ordered. That's what the doctor ordered. Сѐ уште не си отишле. They haven't left. They haven't left yet. Това е мястото, на което се състоя битката . This is the place where the battle took place. This is where the battle took place. Какво те питаше Том? What kind of questions did Tom ask you? What did Tom ask you? Том пије само кафу без кофеина. Tom only drinks decaffeinated coffee. Tom only drinks decaf. Моля, сипете му чаша бира. Please pour him a glass of beer. Please pour him a glass of beer. Pretpostavio sam da si zauzeta. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Tom je danas bolestan. Tom is out sick today. Tom's sick today. Во право бевте, дечки. You guys were right. You were right, guys. Samo dajte sekund Tomu. Just give Tom a second. Just give Tom a second. Надявам се това да е достатъчно. I hope that's enough. I hope that's enough. Grozen teden je bil. It was a terrible week. It's been a terrible week. Ona traži hotel. She's looking for a hotel. She's looking for a hotel. Конечно го победив. I finally beat him. I finally beat him. Защо питаш? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Grem domov. I go home. I'm going home. Там ја посети Мери вчера. Tom visited Mary yesterday. That's where you visited Mary yesterday. Въпросът сега е "как". The question now is how. The question is, "How?" Роднини ли сте вие двајца? Are you two related? Are you two related? Ни снемува масло. Oil is running short. We're running out of oil. Какво сме направили? What have we done? What have we done? Мојот сосед повикал пожарна. My neighbor called the fire department. My neighbor called the fire department. Том не беше гладен. Tom wasn't hungry. Tom wasn't hungry. Мери зарађује за живот шијући. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary makes a living sewing. Какво става там горе? What's going on up there? What's going on up there? Izlazi. Get out. Get out. Dobro veče. Good evening. Good evening. Spreman sam da te dobro platim da uradiš to. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. I'm willing to pay you well to do that. Тя е на диета. She's dieting. She's on a diet. Moj broj telefona je 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Аз не схванах неговия вица. I didn't get his joke. I didn't get his joke. Tom je utrčao unutra. Tom ran back inside. Tom ran in. Možda mi zatreba pomoć. I might need some help. I might need some help. On je bogat. He's rich. He's rich. Čekam mamu. I'm waiting for my mother. I'm waiting for my mom. Oboje nismo bogati koliko bismo hteli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're both not as rich as we'd like. To nije istina, zar ne? That isn't true, is it? That's not true, is it? Piotr ima crnu, a Lech plavu kosu. Piotr has black hair but Lech has blond hair. Piotr's got black and Lech's got blond hair. Мери реши да купи син фустан. Mary decided to buy a blue dress. Mary decided to buy a blue dress. Пази се од искрите што летаат од огништето. Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace! Watch out for sparks flying from the hearth. To je vynikajúci nápad. That's a great idea. It's vinikajúci nápad. Мисля, че си достатъчно възрастна. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Том не е дружељубив. Tom isn't friendly. Tom's not friendly. Не е големо чудо. It's no big thing. It's not a big miracle. Прегледай тези документи. Look through these papers. Take a look at these papers. Зашто ми га дајеш сада? Why give it to me now? Why are you giving it to me now? Ще се изненадаш какво мислят хората. You'd be surprised what people think. You'll be surprised what people think. Vratite mi moju flašu. Give me back my bottle. Give me back my bottle. Вревата ќе го разбуди бебето. The noise is going to wake the baby. The noise will wake the baby. Ако не искаш да бъдеш сама, мога да ти правя компания. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Той е бил боядисан като клоун. He was painted like a clown. He was painted like a clown. Колико си дуго овде? How long have you been here? How long have you been here? Толку е сложено. It's so complicated. It's so complicated. Часовникът изостава. The clock is slow. The clock's behind. Математика најдобро му оди. Mathematics is his strongest subject. He's doing his maths best. Ме оставија намира. They left me alone. They left me alone. Грци такође често једу рибу. The Greeks also eat fish often. Greeks also often eat fish. Како се користи камерава? How do you use this camera? How do you use this camera? Сите се свртеа да ја гледаат. They all turned to look at her. Everyone turned around to watch her. Каква колекција! What a collection! What a collection! Kakvo pitanje! What a question! What a question! Samo sam ti veoma zahvalan. I'm just so grateful for you. I'm just very grateful. Ti više ne možeš da kupuješ jabuke! You can't buy apples any more! You can't buy apples anymore! Мисля, че Том си забрави камерата. I think Tom forgot his camera. I think Tom forgot his camera. Тој е љубител на леб. He's a bread lover. He's a bread lover. Јас не разбирам англиски, а не па германски. I don't understand English, let alone German. I don't understand English, not German. Nazvaću te malo kasnije. I'll call back a bit later. I'll call you back. Морам да останам тука. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Им требаат парите. They need the money. They need the money. Том ми е асистент. Tom is my assistant. Tom's my assistant. Знаеш ли, смешно е. It's funny, you know. You know, it's funny. Evropljani su stekli prednost nad drugim civilizacijama pre 500 godina. Europeans gained an advantage over all other civilizations 500 years ago. Europeans took advantage of other civilizations 500 years ago. Ако се очакваше от нас да говорим повече, отколкото да слушаме, щяха да ни бъдат дадени по две усти и едно ухо. If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. If we were expected to talk more than to listen, we would be given two mouths and one ear. Невинаги съм си вкъщи в неделя. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sunday. Понеже е написано на опростен френски, мога да го разбера. Since it's written in easy French, I can understand it. Because it's written in simple French, I can understand it. Добави този сайт в "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this site to "Preferred". Губите си времето. You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time. Не взимай прибързани решения. Don't make any quick decisions. Don't make hasty decisions. Зарем не мислиш дека Куки би било добро име за куче? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Možda su odustali. Maybe they've given up. Maybe they gave up. Ти печеш леб во своите фурни. You bake bread in your ovens. You bake bread in your ovens. Djeca su cvijeće našeg života. Children are the flowers of our lives. The children are the flowers of our lives. Nije baš tako jednostavno. It's not quite as simple as that. It's not that simple. Nechcem pracovať za týchto podmienok. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Шта ћеш радити данас? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? Никада није касно за учење. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Tom in Mary ne hodita na isto šolo. Tom and Mary don't go to the same school. Tom and Mary don't go to the same school. Kakva besmislica! What nonsense! What nonsense! Мисля, че ще ти бъде много интересен. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Не ми треба кардиограм. I don't need a cardiogram. I don't need a cardiogram. Положението е смешно. This situation is funny. The situation is ridiculous. Rekao sam ti da je Tom zauzet. I told you Tom was busy. I told you Tom was busy. Som v záhrade. I am in the garden. I'm in storage. "Aké slovo?" spýtala som sa. "Which word?" I asked. "If it's a good-bye?" I slept with. Кокаинот е дрога. Cocaine is a drug. Cocaine is a drug. Чух телефона да звъни. I heard the telephone ringing. I heard the phone ringing. Том си ги одврза очите. Tom took off the blindfold. Tom untied his eyes. Навистина ли сакаш да останеш до понеделник? Do you really want to stay until Monday? Do you really want to stay till Monday? Лин бяга бързо. Lynn runs fast. Lin's running fast. Не можех да го оставя да умре. I couldn't leave him to die. I couldn't let him die. Ќе врескам. I'm going to scream. I'm gonna scream. Ова е воздушесто тесто е популарно на Филипините. This puff pastry is popular in the Philippines. This is an air test popular in the Philippines. Тя ме попита дали ще бъда свободен следващата неделя. She asked me if I would be free next Sunday. She asked me if I'd be free next Sunday. Не мораме да ја следиме. We don't have to follow her. We don't have to follow her. Том је поцрвенео. Tom blushed. Tom's blushing. Њен је, зар не? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Ако да не го поканам Том кај мене на забава? Would it be OK if I didn't invite Tom to my party? Should I not invite Tom to my party? Trebamo li te čekati. Do we need to wait for you? We need you to wait for you. Момичето, с което той разговаря, е Нанси. The girl he's speaking to is Nancy. The girl he's talking to is Nancy. На всеки студент беше зададен по един въпрос. Every student was asked one question. Each student was asked one question. Hoćeš li voćni đus? Do you want fruit juice? Would you like some fruit juice? Зошто си отиде така ненадејно? Why did he leave so suddenly? Why did you leave so suddenly? Bio je golih prsa i bosonog. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was naked and barefoot. Завршили смо за данас. We're done for today. We're done for today. Винаги ще помня добрината ти. I'll always remember your kindness. I'll always remember your kindness. Ќе те преболам. I'll get over you. I'm gonna get over you. Нисам желео да те повредим. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Mi se približimo, pokušavati razumjeti jedni drugog, ali samo povrijedimo jedni drugog i plačemo. We get closer, trying to understand each other, but just hurt each other and cry. We get close, try to understand each other, but we just hurt each other and cry. Заради тебе го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. Nećemo da se nasukamo. We're not going ashore. We don't want to get wet. Tom je umro skoro istog trena. Tom died almost instantly. Tom died almost instantly. Би можел ли да ми препорачаш добра книга? Could you recommend a good book? Could you recommend a good book? Не можев да му помогнам на Том да го направи тоа. I couldn't help Tom do that. I couldn't help Tom do it. Почти няма вода в кофата. There's hardly any water in the bucket. There's almost no water in the bucket. Силен съм колкото Вас. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you are. Tom je bio u publici. Tom was in the audience. Tom was in the audience. Том го чу шумот. Tom heard the noise. Tom heard the woods. Некако сум гладен. I'm sort of hungry. I'm kind of hungry. Линкът ви не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link doesn't work. Čo to znamená? What does this stand for? What's the sign? Kde si? Where are you? Where are you? Тази риза трябва да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. This shirt has to be washed. Почнавме да зборуваме. We started talking. We started talking. Зарем е возможно само ова да го има? Can this be all there is? Is it possible that this is all he has? Тешко е за објаснување. It's difficult to explain. It's hard to explain. Trudila sam se da budem fina. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Таму бев со Том. I was there with Tom. I was there with Tom. Што гледаш тука? What do you see here? What are you looking at here? Има хора, с които имам нужда да говоря. I have people I need to talk to. There are people I need to talk to. Разправиите няма да решат нищо. Fighting won't settle anything. The argument won't solve anything. Самолетът ми отлита в шест часа. My plane leaves at six o'clock. My plane leaves at six o'clock. Hrochy milujú vodu. Hippopotamuses love water. Horochy caress the water. Pa, šta ćemo? So, what's it gonna be? So, what do we do? U Parizu pada sneg. It's snowing in Paris. It's snowing in Paris. Има нещо у Том, което не ми харесва. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something about Tom I don't like. Тоа е скандалозно. That's an outrage. That's scandalous. Hvala ti puno! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Какви книги на френски си прочела? What books have you read in French? What kind of books did you read in French? Съвсем добре си се справяш. You're doing just fine. You're doing just fine. On je Amerikanac. He is American. He's American. Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We're not hanging out. Колку врем бевте во Бостон? How long were you in Boston? How long were you in Boston? Том не одговори. Tom didn't answer. Tom didn't answer. Том ме научи да пеам. Tom taught me to sing. Tom taught me how to sing. Дан ова добро го разбра. Dan understood this well. Dan got this right. Мери не измила садови. Mary hasn't washed the dishes. Mary didn't wash the dishes. Na moru su otoci. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. Nitko ne može otvoriti vrata. Nobody can open the door. No one can open the door. Poglej me v oči. Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eye. Mislio sam da nećeš umeti da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I didn't think you'd be able to do that. Нейното име е известно на всички. Her name is known to everyone. Her name is known to everyone. Trebam još kave. I need more coffee. I need more coffee. Ќе одам со Том. I'm going with Tom. I'm going with Tom. Том можеби е малку дебел. Tom might be a little overweight. Tom might be a little fat. Istina se mora reći. The truth must be told. The truth must be told. Мисля, че трябва да слушате Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Јас сум хомосексуалец. I'm a homosexual. I'm a homosexual. Том носи стетоскоп. Tom is wearing a stethoscope. Tom's wearing a stethoscope. Лошото време ни попречи да тръгнем. Bad weather prevented us from departing. Bad weather stopped us from leaving. Пускането на хвърчила може да бъде опасно. Flying kites can be dangerous. The launch of a kite can be dangerous. Том и Мери отидоха в лунапарка. Tom and Mary went to the Luna Park. Tom and Mary went to the fair. Преместих се в Англия от Германия, когато бях на девет. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. Chcem pracovať s vašou spoločnosťou. I want to work with your company. Chec's great-grandfather with your sex. Драго ми да те опет видим. I'm glad to see you again. Good to see you again. Чу ли како татнат громовите? Did you hear the thunder rumbling? Did you hear those thunderbolts? Мислите ли да ходите някъде това лято? Are you going to go anywhere this summer? Are you thinking of going somewhere this summer? Pročitao sam oko sto knjiga dosad. I've read about a hundred books so far. I've read about a hundred books so far. Дали го замоли да си оди? Did you ask him to leave? Did you ask him to leave? Река од пот почна да ми се лее по лицето. A waterfall of sweat began to pour down my face. The river of sweat started pouring on my face. Това е къщата, в която Том е бил отгледан. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house where Tom was raised. Том има работа. Tom has a job. Tom's got work to do. Това аз не мога да го направя. That's impossible for me. That's what I can't do. Том често симнува филмови. Tom often downloads movies. Tom often takes down movies. Ќе се вратам за еден миг. I'll only be a moment. I'll be back in a moment. Том току-що се прибра вкъщи. Tom came home just now. Tom just got home. Небото се разведри. The sky cleared up. The sky has cheered up. Измислихме го. We figured it out. We made it up. Treba da napišeš novelu. You should write a novel. You should write a novel. По този въпрос имам много за казване. I have much to say about it. I've got a lot to say on this one. Го презеде бизнисот. He took over the business. You took over the business. Ще го намериш. You'll find one. You'll find him. Въоръжен ли си? Are you armed? Are you armed? Skoro je pola tri. It's nearly half past two. It's almost half past three. Честит рожден ден! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! Koja je najduža reka na svetu? What's the longest river in the world? What's the longest river in the world? Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Idemo nešto pojesti. Let's get something to eat. Let's go get something to eat. Pil som víno. I drank the wine. I've been drinking wine. Videla sam Toma kako igra puno puta. I've seen Tom dance many times. I've seen Tom play many times. Hovoríš dobre po francúzsky! You speak good French! You're good for Frenchúzsky! Се надевам не. I hope not. I hope not. Slovenska pevka Maja Kevc je bila rojena leta 1992. Slovenian singer Maja Keuc was born in 1992. Slovenian singer Maja Kevc was born in 1992. Мораме нешто да испитаме. We need to check something out. We need to look into something. Koga pokušavaš da nasamariš? Who are you trying to kid? Who are you trying to fool? Том ќе биде тука неколку дена. Tom will be here several days. Tom's gonna be here for a couple of days. На седлото е самотно, откакто конят умря. It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died. The saddle has been lonely ever since the horse died. Вашият план е в разрез с нашата политика. Your plan is not in line with our policy. Your plan is in line with our policy. Tom se nekada plašio zmija. Tom used to be scared of snakes. Tom used to be afraid of snakes. Се трудевме. We've been trying. We tried. Не ти побарав мислење. I didn't ask you for your opinion. I didn't ask for your opinion. Da li si završio domaći zadatak? Is your homework finished? Did you finish your homework? Ovaj put vodi u grad. This road goes to the city. This time it leads to the city. Готов съм да говоря. I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to talk. Мојот кутар вујко беше таму, испружен на окрвавениот кревет, со бодеж зариен длабоко во срцето. My poor uncle was there, lying on his bloody bed, with a dagger lodged deeply in his heart. My poor uncle was there, stretched out on a bloody bed, daggered deep into the heart. Отиваме на кино. Ела с нас. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the movies. Када смо се последњи пут срели? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? Се имам опоравено целосно. I'm fully recovered. I've got everything fully recovered. Повеќето луѓе мораат да работат за да се издржуваат. Most people have to work for their livelihood. Most people have to work to support themselves. Родителите ти говорят ли френски? Do your parents speak French? Do your parents speak French? Му го даде на Том списокот, нели? You gave Tom the list, didn't you? You gave Tom the list, didn't you? Prirodna sam. I'm neutral. I'm natural. Ne vem niti, če ima punco. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. I don't even know if she has a girlfriend. Meni to zvuči kao izdaja. That sounds like treason to me. Sounds like treason to me. Можеш ли да вземеш това, ако обичаш. Could you take this, please? Can you take this, please? Том ја замоли Мери да му дозволи да се погрижи за тоа самиот. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it himself. Навистина сакам да знам што се дешава тука. I really want to know what's happening here. I really want to know what's going on here. Мислам дека Том е бездушен. I think Tom is callous. I think Tom's soulless. Тя е малко срамежлива. She is a little shy. She's a little shy. Volela bih da probam ovo. Gde su kabine? I'd like to try this on. Where are the fitting rooms? I'd like to try this. Treba popraviti moj sat. My clock needs to be fixed. I need you to fix my watch. Pitao sam šefa za povišicu. I asked my boss for a pay rise. I asked the chief for a raise. Планирам да одам во Бостон за Божиќ. I'm thinking of going to Boston for Christmas. I plan on going to Boston for Christmas. Prekini! Shut up! Stop it! Nemám ťa rád. I do not like you. Nemám áa rád. Том бе обзет от пристъп на паника. Tom had a panic attack. Tom was obsessed with a panic attack. Том си ја изеде вечерата. Tom ate his dinner. Tom ate his dinner. Кой браузър използваш? What browser are you using? Which browser are you using? Tom piše bolje od mene. Tom writes better than I do. Tom writes better than I do. Алис може би ще дойде. Alice may possibly come. Alice might be coming. G. Džekson je naš učitelj. Mr. Jackson is our teacher. Mr. Jackson is our teacher. Познавам Том от едва няколко месеца. I've only known Tom for a few months. I've known Tom for a few months. Том се гои. Tom is getting fat. Tom's getting fat. Том ја чу Мери како вика. Tom heard Mary shout. Tom heard Mary scream. По-висок съм от теб. I'm taller than you. I'm taller than you. Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work in a hospital. She wants to work at the hospital. Тој знае да свири клавир. He plays the piano. He can play piano. Не ни придиряй толкова. Cut us some slack. Don't bother us so much. Няма да съм тук толкова време. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Tom je opet slomio nešto. Tom has broken something again. Tom broke something again. Sunce je sijalo, a ipak je bilo hladno. The sun was shining, yet it was cold. The sun was shining, and it was still cold. Ponosna sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I'm proud of my family. Soba je bila mračna. The room was dark. The room was dark. Taj dečak priča kao odrasla osoba. That boy speaks like an adult. That boy talks like an adult. Трябва ли да наемеш кола? Do you have to rent a car? Do you have to rent a car? Го дорасипав. I've made it worse. I've got him. Тоа би било многу смешно. That would be very funny. That would be very funny. Možda nije trebalo da to kažeš Tomu. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Како го изведе тоа? How did you do that? How did you do that? Izgleda da će Tom početi raditi ovdje. It looks like Tom is going to start working here. Looks like Tom's gonna start working here. Ha? Gde sam zaturio ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I put the keys? Nemoj piti vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Da li je Tom u blizini? Is Tom nearby? Is Tom around? Не забравяйте за купона довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget about the party tonight. На Том му е забрзан пулсот. Tom's pulse is fast. Tom's heart rate's up. Uradili smo sve što smo mogli. We did all we could do. We did everything we could. Moja rodina je veľká. My family is a large one. My birth is higher. Znam tu devojku od negde. I know that girl from somewhere. I know that girl from somewhere. Том се приближува. Tom is getting close. Tom's getting closer. Moraš da se fokusiraš na svoje vrline. You need to focus on your strengths. You need to focus on your virtues. Сосем грешно сум ја проценил. I was so wrong about her. I misjudged her entirely. Прекарах си отпуската в Хаконе. I spent my vacation in Hakone. I spent my vacation in Hakone. Той се научи да плува. He learned how to swim. He learned to swim. U tome je poenta. That was my point. That's the point. Това е кучето на Том. This is Tom's dog. That's Tom's dog. Dogodila se nova snežna lavina na putu u Ećeskaretu u Oda opštini u Hordalandu u utorak uveče i nije poznato da li je neko zarobljen u lavini. There was another avalanche on the road to Ekkjeskaret in Odda municipality in Hordaland on Tuesday night. It is unknown whether anyone was caught in the avalanche. There was a new snow avalanche on the way to Eceskaret in Oda municipality in Hordaland on Tuesday night and it is not known if anyone is trapped in an avalanche. Што те натажи? What made you sad? What makes you sad? Ајде, побрзај! Итно е. Come on, hurry up! It's urgent. Come on, hurry up, it's an emergency. Táto páska sa nelepí. This tape doesn't stick. Táto páska with nelepí. Ne želim da odrastem. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to grow up. Што добивам јас од тоа? What's in it for me? What's in it for me? Otac mi je kupio knjigu. Father bought me the book. My father bought me a book. Всъщност не исках да те питам нищо. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Utrnula mi je desna šaka. My right hand is numb. My right hand is numb. Изгледа будала сум бил што сум очекувал дека нешто ќе направиш. I guess I was stupid to expect you to do anything. I guess I was a fool to expect you to do something. Сам питай Том. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Не може да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He can't do that. Nisam stvarno htela da uradim to. I didn't really want to do that. I didn't really want to do that. Том не беше сигурен. Tom wasn't sure. Tom wasn't sure. Pitam se što Tom namjerava učiniti. I wonder what Tom is up to. I wonder what Tom's going to do. Што не ти се допаѓа? What don't you like? What don't you like? Таа малку поцрвене. She blushed slightly. She's a little red. Pokupi Toma da pođemo. Get Tom to leave. Pick up Tom and let's go. Фолиото се прави от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The film is made of polyethylene. Ја све знам. I know everything. I know everything. Том знаеше дека не зборува француски толку добро колку Мери. Tom knew that he couldn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom knew he didn't speak French as well as Mary did. Стани, ако обичаш. Stand up, please. Stand up, please. Tom je detaljno objasnio, ali i dalje ne razumem. Tom explained it in detail, but I still don't understand it. Tom explained it in detail, but I still don't understand. Том продаје аутомобиле. Tom sells cars. Tom sells cars. Превише си млад. You're too young. You're too young. Зјапаат во тебе. They're staring at you. They're staring at you. Prilično sam iskren momak., I'm a pretty honest guy. I'm a pretty honest guy. Беспотребно драмиме. We're overreacting. We don't need drama. Вината не е в Том. Tom isn't to blame. It's not Tom's fault. Sviđa li se Tomu ovde? Does Tom like it there? Does Tom like it here? Видях Том преди той да ме види. I saw Tom before he saw me. I saw Tom before he saw me. Z vtáčej perspektívy, Los Angeles vyzerá ako kockovaný koberec. From a bird's-eye view, Los Angeles looks like a chequered carpet. With vtvaj perspectívy, Los Angeles vyzerá if cubedý coberec. Ni ja to nisam uradila. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. Том сака да знае кога можеш да дојдеш кај нас да ни помогнеш да го преместиме клавирот. Tom wants to know when you can come over to our place and help us move our piano. Tom wants to know when you can come to our house and help us move the piano. Има ли още свободни места? Are any seats still available? Is there any more openings? Се исплаши ли? Were you frightened? Are you scared? Само седи таму. It's just sitting there. Just sit there. Градот ја реставрирал тоа старо, историско здание. The town restored this old historic building. The city restored that old historic building. Vozi brže. Drive faster. Drive faster. Мислам дека Том веќе не дише. I think Tom has stopped breathing. I don't think Tom's breathing anymore. Той ми се обади от Токио. He called me up from Tokyo. He called me from Tokyo. Esperanto se učim zelo hitro. I am learning Esperanto very quickly. I'm learning Esperanto very quickly. Една дума подкрепа, когато се проваляш, струва повече от цял час хвалби, когато си успял. A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success. One word of support when you fail costs more than an hour of praise when you succeed. Banány sú žlté. Bananas are yellow. Banány sú srté. Не си ли нервен? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Не сакам загатки. I don't enjoy riddles. I don't like riddles. Минатиот месец имав инфекција на мочниот меур. I had a bladder infection last month. Last month, I had a bladder infection. Аз никога не бих ги наранил. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Није баш тако. That's not exactly right. It's not like that. Vjenčali su se u tajnosti. They married in secret. They got married in secret. Tom je bio jako nervozan. Tom felt very nervous. Tom was very nervous. Bol som v práci. I was at work. Pain in the bow. Ти си после нив. You're after them. You're after them. Пак си подранила. You're early again. You're early again. Што ти требаше? What did you need? What did you need? Трябваше да си отворя куфара. I had to open my suitcase. I had to open my suitcase. Pokušao sam da budem agresivan. I tried to be aggressive. I tried to be aggressive. Греалката престана да работи. The heater has quit working. The heater stopped working. Porodica je večerala u podne. The family had its dinner at noon. The family had dinner at noon. On obožava rituale. He loves rituals. He loves rituals. Šta će biti sledeći put? What happens next time? What happens next time? Том не знаеше каде е. Tom didn't know where it was. Tom didn't know where he was. О, моля те, недей толкова бързо. Oh please, not so fast. Oh, please, don't go so fast. Се задевам. I'm teasing. I'm in the middle of something. Има нещо в Том, което ме изнервя. There's something about Tom that gets on my nerves. There's something about Tom that makes me nervous. Moja majka je bila bijesna. My mother was furious. My mother was angry. Најверојатно е точно. It's probably right. It's probably true. Treba da donesemo još jednu bocu vina. We should bring another bottle of wine. We need to get another bottle of wine. ''Tom, kako je ime tvojemu psu?'' je vprašal njegov sosed. "Tom, what is your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. "Tom, what's your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. Нема време за објасненија. There's no time for explanations. There's no time to explain. Ова звучи сосема валидно. This sounds totally legit. That sounds perfectly valid. Напълно съм изтощен. I'm completely exhausted. I'm totally exhausted. Зашто тако мислите? Why do you think so? Why do you think that? Не изглеждаш твърде изненадана. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Ponosan sam na ovaj tim. I'm proud of this team. I'm proud of this team. Чичо ми даде колата си на мен. My uncle yielded his car to me. Uncle gave me his car. Hrvatska se zove "Hrvatska" na hrvatskom jeziku. Croatia is called "Hrvatska" in Croatian. Croatia is called "Croatia" in Croatian. Svaki dan čitaj nešto što nitko drugi ne čita. Svaki dan misli nešto što nitko drugi ne misli. Svaki dan učini nešto što nitko drugi ne bi bio lud to učiniti. Loše je za duh uvijek biti uravnotežen. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Every day read something that no one else reads. Every day thinks something no one else thinks. Every day do something that no one else would be crazy to do. It's bad for a ghost to always be balanced. Kući sam. I'm home. I'm home. Да дадам ли знак? Should I give the signal? Should I give you a sign? Поискай експерт. Ask an expert. Ask for an expert. Каква кукавица сум. I'm such a chicken. I'm such a coward. Položila sam sve testove. I passed all my tests. I passed all the tests. Očigledno je u pitanju greška u kucanju. It's obviously a typo. It's obviously a typing mistake. По принцип бягам всяка суртрин. I make it a rule to jog every morning. I usually run every surrin. Отворете тетратки. Open your notebooks. Open the notebooks. Ромео е оној што го сака Јулија. Romeo is the man Juliet loves. Romeo is the one who loves Juliet. Mary je Tomova sestra blizanka. Mary is Tom's twin sister. Mary's Tom's twin sister. Jutri bom boljši. Tomorrow I'll be better. I'll be better tomorrow. Том рече дека било итно. Tom said it was urgent. Tom said it was urgent. To je Alina knjiga. This book is Ali's. It's Ali's book. Moram ići u džamiju. I have to go to the mosque. I have to go to the mosque. Ќе морам внимателно да размислам за ова. I have to think this over carefully. I'm gonna have to think about this carefully. Аз съм по-възрастен от него с три години. I am older than he by three years. I'm older than him by three years. Била съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Том не кажа многу. Tom didn't say much. Tom didn't say much. Grem v LA. I'm going to LA. I'm going to LA. Книгава ќе ти помогне да пишуваш вешто. This book will help you write effectively. The book will help you write skillfully. Mark promoval na Harvarde v roku 1991. Mark graduated from Harvard in 1991. Mark went to Harvards in 1991. Смее ли да те допрам? Can I touch you? Can I touch you? Том не и ја прифати поканата на Мери. Tom didn't accept Mary's invitation. Tom didn't accept Mary's invitation. Не мога да изчистя двора сам. I cannot clear the backyard by myself. I can't clear the yard alone. Не знам дали да се радувам или не. I don't know whether to be happy or not. I don't know if I should be happy or not. Много ви благодаря! Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Ужасно съм гладна. I'm terribly hungry. I'm so hungry. Tom je ostavio svoj ključ na stolu, kao što često radi. Tom left his key on the desk, as he usually does. Tom left his key on the table, as he often does. Престани да се одупиреш! Stop resisting! Stop resisting! По-добре е да даваш, отколкото да взимаш. It is better to give than to take. It's better to give than to take. Тя имаше уговорен час при лекаря. She had an appointment with the doctor. She had an appointment with the doctor. Изненаден ли е некој? Is anyone surprised? Is anyone surprised? Tožili so nas. They took us to court. We were sued. U boljoj sam formi od tebe. I'm in better shape than you are. I'm in better shape than you are. Бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Kada ćemo da počnemo da jedemo? When are we going to start eating? When are we gonna start eating? Drago nam je što smo ovde. We're glad to be here. We're glad to be here. Кучето обикаляше около масата. The dog is walking around the table. The dog was walking around the table. Zapravo, nisam sigurna. I'm not sure actually. Actually, I'm not sure. Ти ми рече да се јавам кога било. You said to call anytime. You told me to call anytime. Sami je znao pričati s mladim ženama. Sami knew how to talk to young women. He used to talk to young women himself. Не съм виждал Том от няколко дена. I haven't seen Tom in days. I haven't seen Tom in a few days. Вината не е наша. It's not our fault. It's not our fault. Харесвам тениса и голфа. I like tennis and golf. I like tennis and golf. Имам многу малку пари. I have very little money. I have very little money. Ама тоа е сосема друга приказна. But that's another story entirely. But that's a completely different story. Те го правят сега. They're doing it now. They're doing it now. Аз не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото си мислиш. I don't speak French as well as you think I do. I don't speak French as well as you think. Војниците пукаа. The soldiers fired. The soldiers fired. Оставихте ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Da, nije li fantastično? Yeah, isn't that great? Yeah, isn't it fantastic? Никој нема да ме најде. No one's going to find me. No one's gonna find me. Весела Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Се фокусирам. I'm concentrating. I'm focusing. Имам разни неща, които трябва да свърша. I have things to do. I have things I have to do. Той има добро чувство за хумор. He has a good sense of humor. He's got a good sense of humor. On je poplavio od hladnoće. He was blue from the cold. He's flooded from the cold. Том е направил някои грешки на контролното. Tom made some mistakes in the test. Tom made some mistakes at the control room. Некогаш сум во право а некогаш не. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I don't. Не реков дека сум го сторил тоа. I didn't say I did that. I didn't say I did it. Кој му прави доручек? Who makes breakfast for him? Who's making him breakfast? Obično nisam u kancelariji ponedeljkom. I'm not usually in the office on Mondays. I'm usually not in my office on Mondays. Том ѝ побара помош на Мери. Tom asked Mary for some help. Tom asked Mary for help. Том ја дигна кутијата. Tom lifted the box. Tom picked up the box. Премало беше. It was too small. It was too small. Samo daj sekund Tomu. Just give Tom a second. Just give Tom a second. Бих искала да преведете този документ на френски. I'd like you to translate this document into French. I'd like you to translate this document into French. Idemo u bioskop. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. Тази кутия е много тежка и не мога да я пренеса. This box is very heavy, so I can't carry it. This box is very heavy, and I can't carry it. Sanj je konec. The dream is over. Dream's over. Следното утро, тој најде рачно напишано писмо во поштенското сандаче. The next morning he found a handwritten letter in the letterbox. The next morning, he found a handwritten letter in the mailbox. Изчакайте докато светне зелено. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait till it's green. Зошто Том беше таму внатре? Why was Tom in there? Why was Tom in there? Мислам дека Том е суров. I think Tom is harsh. I think Tom's being cruel. To je oblast sa puno novih kuća. It's an area with a lot of new houses. It's an area with lots of new houses. Ми беше чест. It was an honor. It's been an honor. Ќе го проверам списокот. I'll check the list. I'll check the list. Боях се да не заспя, както карам. I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving. I was afraid of falling asleep like I was driving. Kako bih mogla da mrzim Toma? How could I hate Tom? How could I hate Tom? Гледай да не се случи отново. Don't let it happen again. Make sure it doesn't happen again. To je izguba časa. It's a waste of time. It's a waste of time. Da li si gladan? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Веројатно си видел и многу полошо. You've probably seen a lot worse. You've probably seen a lot worse. Dobro došli u svoj novi dom. Welcome to your new home. Welcome to your new home. Možda Tom nije gladan. Tom might not be hungry. Maybe Tom's not hungry. Том сакаше да проведува повеќе време со своето семејство. Tom wanted to spend more time with his family. Tom wanted to spend more time with his family. У чему је разлика? What is the difference? What's the difference? Ова е Јупитер или бик? Is this Jupiter or a bull? Is this Jupiter or the bull? Тоа е добар тренинг. It's good training. That's good training. Марс е црвената планета. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is the red planet. Mini suknje su se vratile u modu. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. Mini skirts are back in fashion. Не съм добре със спортовете. I'm bad at sports. I'm not good with sports. Си доживеал сообраќајка, но ќе бидеш во ред. You've been in an accident, but you're going to be all right. You've been in a car accident, but you're gonna be okay. Жао ми је, веза је још увек заузета. I'm sorry, the line is still busy. I'm sorry, the connection is still busy. Tom je izgubio osećaj. Tom has lost his touch. Tom's lost his touch. Мисля, че трябва да кажеш на Том къде си. I think you should tell Tom where you are. I think you should tell Tom where you are. Svi tapšu. Everybody claps. Everybody's clapping. Da li možete da zasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Tom nije siguran šta želi da radi sa životom. Tom isn't sure what he wants to do with his life. Tom's not sure what he wants to do with his life. Dođi u moju četvrt. Come to my quarters. Come to my neighborhood. Има ли публичен плаж тук наблизо? Is there a public beach around here? Is there a public beach around here? Един мъж трябва да работи. A man must work. A man has to work. Ме плаќаат да ти помагам. I'm being paid to help you. They pay me to help you. Samo hoću da se sklonim. I just want to get away. I just want to get out of the way. Gledali su ga kao kolovođu slučaja ubojstva. They regarded him as the ringleader of the murder case. They saw him as the ringleader of a murder case. Напълно прав си. You are quite right. You're absolutely right. Kralj je mrtav, živio kralj! The king is dead, long live the king! The king is dead! Long live the king! Jesi li ručala? Have you had any lunch? Did you have lunch? Не сакам да го вознемирам. I don't want to disturb him. I don't want to upset him. Не биди блесав. Don't be such a fool. Don't be silly. Как беше плажа? How was the beach? How was the beach? Jesi li ovo rekla Tomu? Have you told Tom this? Did you tell Tom this? Dogodek je vplival na njegovo prihodnost. The event affected his future. The event affected his future. Навистина ми се допаѓа виново. I really like this wine a lot. I really like this wine. Plaćam nekoga da mi čisti kuću. I pay someone to clean my house. I pay someone to clean my house. Им кажав кога ги видов. И нему му кажав. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. I told them when I saw them, and I told him. Том е во својата спална и зборува на телефон. Tom is in his bedroom talking on the phone. Tom's in his bedroom talking on the phone. Nikada ranije nismo igrali fudbal. I've never played soccer before. We've never played football before. Razmisli o smrti. Think about death. Think about death. Не фалат камења. There's no shortage of rocks. They don't praise stones. Imao je strah mraka. He was afraid of the dark. He had a fear of darkness. Tom razgovara samo sa Meri. Tom only talks to Mary. Tom only talks to Mary. Робин Худ ги пљачкал богатите. Robin Hood robbed the rich. Robin Hood robbed the rich. Това е съвсем различно. This is completely different. That's completely different. Дали ме задираш? Are you teasing me? Are you teasing me? Не искаме да се чувстваш длъжен. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel obliged. Не го очекував тоа. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect that. Ще ти се обадя пак после. I'll call you back later. I'll call you back later. Сакам да знам зошто ти и Том не се слагате. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. Се чувствувам несигурно. I'm feeling insecure. I feel insecure. Имаш среќа што не те каснав. You're lucky because he didn't bite you. You're lucky I didn't bite you. Мислам дека би било најдобро да останам тука извесно време. I think it's best if I stay here for a while. I think it'd be best if I stayed here for a while. Мисля, че Том се предаде твърде лесно. I think Tom gave up too easily. I think Tom gave up too easily. Имам някакви книги на френски. I have some French books. I have some books in French. Сакав да ти го донесам ова што е можно побрзо. I wanted to get this to you ASAP. I wanted to bring you this as soon as possible. Najveći izazov sa kojim će se projekat suočiti jeste dostupnost radnika sa sposobnostima koje su potrebne da bi projekat doživeo procvat. The biggest challenge to the project will be the availability of workers with the skills required to bring it to fruition. The biggest challenge facing the project is the availability of workers with the skills needed to see the project flourish. Da li možete da mi objasnite kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you explain to me how I can get to the airport? Can you explain to me how to get to the airport? Ništa nisam potrošio. I didn't spend anything. I didn't spend anything. Том се къпе. Tom is taking a bath. Tom's taking a bath. Mojim roditeljima se ne sviđa moja devojka. Misle da nije dovoljno dobra za mene. My parents don't like my girlfriend. They think that she's not good enough for me. My parents don't like my girlfriend, they don't think she's good enough for me. Няма за какво да се тревожа. I have nothing to be worried about. There's nothing to worry about. Saosećajna sam. I'm not unsympathetic. I'm compassionate. Сите ја мразевме. We all hated her. We all hated her. Dođi ovamo. Želim da ti pokažem nešto. Come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you something. Доста съм заета. I'm quite busy. I'm pretty busy. Не виждам къде е проблемът. I see nothing wrong with this. I don't see where the problem is. Tom kuva krompir da napravi salatu od krompira. Tom is boiling the potatoes to make potato salad. Tom cooks potatoes to make potato salad. Ми прија твоето друштво. I enjoy your company. I liked your company. Problem je što je preskupo. The problem is in that it's too expensive. The problem is it's too expensive. Том попита Мери дали тя може да говори френски. Tom asked Mary if she could speak French. Tom asked Mary if she could speak French. Възхищавам се на културата и учтивостта на германците. I admire the culture and the politeness of the Germans. I admire the culture and courtesy of the Germans. Бихте ли ми помогнали да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Can you help me translate this? Мислех, че излизаш сериозно с Том. I thought you were going steady with Tom. I thought you were serious about Tom. Nemusí byť nevyhnutne lepšie, ale môže, keď si to takým spravíme. It does not necessarily get better, but it can if we make it. Nemusí by any unsuspecting beauty, but more so, makes it so. Том беше зафатен со работа. Tom was busy working. Tom was busy with work. Имах тежка нощ. I had a rough night. I had a rough night. Защо не си вземеш чадър за всеки случай? Just to be on the safe side, why don't you take an umbrella with you? Why don't you get an umbrella just in case? Kam by si chcel ísť? Where would you like to go? Where do you think you're going? Da ili ne? Yes or no? Yes or no? Казах истината на Том. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Сега уча френски. I'm studying French now. I'm learning French now. Сметката, моля. Check, please. The bill, please. Никогаш не го менувам распоредот на спиење. I never change my sleep cycle. I never change my sleep schedule. Никога преди не съм те виждала тук. I've never seen you here before. I've never seen you here before. Kiša jako pada. It is raining hard. It's raining so bad. Да ли си ти Ујгур? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uygur? Сѐ уште расте. It's still rising. It's still growing. Trebalo bi da može da se promeni. It should be possible to change that. He should be able to change. Врзани ми се рацете. My hands are tied. My hands are tied. Koliko si puta bio ovde? How many times have you been there? How many times have you been here? Koliko imaš knjiga? How many books do you have? How many books do you have? Имам уште многу да ти кажам. There's so much more I need to say to you. I've got a lot more to tell you. Свободен ли си в сряда? Are you free on Wednesday? Are you free on Wednesday? Том се сложи со мене. Tom agreed with me. Tom agreed with me. Smutné vidieť ťa ísť. Sad to see you go. Smutné vidie ía ísí. Никога не съм те виждал да плачеш. I've never seen you cry. I've never seen you cry. Да одиме и да видиме што ќе се случи. Let's go and see what's happening. Let's go and see what happens. Želi te vidjeti neki gospodin Itoh. A Mr. Itoh wants to see you. There's a Mr. Itoh here to see you. Не сакаме нови несреќи. We don't want any more accidents. We don't want any new accidents. Направи го вместо мене. Do it for me. You did it for me. Nie. No. Nie. Мисля, че трябва да дойдеш да го видиш. I think you should come and see it. I think you should come see him. Svi su zadržali dah. Everyone's holding their breath. They've all held their breath. Това никога преди не съм го виждал. I've never seen this before. I've never seen that before. Кен се оплакваше от главоболие. Ken complained of a headache. Ken was complaining of headaches. Dođi ovamo dole. Come on down here. Come down here. Шиењето е рачна работа. Sewing is manual work. Sewing is a manual matter. Jaz nisem; ti si! No I'm not; you are! I'm not; you are! Дозволи ми да се грижам за тебе. Let me take care of you. Let me take care of you. Големото прашање за коешто никој не нашол одговор, вклучувајќи ме и мене, и покрај триесет години истражување на женската душа, е „Што сакаат жените?“ The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?" The big question for which no one has found an answer, including me, despite a 30 - year study of the female soul, is “What do women want? ” Бедуините живеят в пустинята. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Ta kuća pripada njemu. That house belongs to him. That house belongs to him. Samozrejme, že rozumiem. Of course, I understand. Look at me, I'm pink. Tomu se sviđaju oboje. Tom likes them both. That's what both of them like. Претпочитам јајца од потполошка. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer eggs from a sub-deck. Истовремено си и тежок и лесен, и пријатен и горок; не можам да живеам ни со ни без тебе. You are difficult and easy, pleasant and bitter at the same time; I can't live with or without you. At the same time, you are heavy and easy, and pleasant and bitter; I can't live without you. Aké zaujímavé! How interesting! Aké zajímavé! Úplne som zabudol spraviť nám niečo na jedenie. I completely forgot to make something for us to eat. The sum of the som is mixed with nám nieje na jedenie. Том ја замоли Мери да му донесе шолја кафе. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Mary to bring him a cup of coffee. Tom nije ekspert. Tom is no expert. Tom's not an expert. Още няма и помен от Том. There's still no sign of Tom. There's still no mention of Tom. Ова очигледно му беше тешка одлука на Том. This was clearly a difficult decision for Tom. This was obviously a difficult decision for Tom. Пази да не претераш. You should be careful not to do too much. Be careful not to overdo it. Никога не съм чувала Том да говори френски. I've never heard Tom speak French. I've never heard Tom speak French. Не вичи на мене. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Как мога да спя? How can I sleep? How can I sleep? Prečo nejdeme domov? Why don't we go home? On the other side of the house? Остани с мен,Том. Stay with me, Tom. Stay with me, Tom. Ljudi se ne ponašaju uvek racionalno. People don't always behave rationally. People don't always behave rationally. На Том му вибрираше телефонот. Tom's phone vibrated. Tom was vibrating his phone. Predlažemo da se kvalitet vode proverava jednom godišnje u cevima, dvaput u bunaru. We recommend that mains water have a water-quality test carried out once a year, well water twice a year. We suggest that the quality of the water is checked once a year in the pipes, twice in the well. On je len dieťa. He is just a child. He's len dieña. Možeš li da da javiš Tomu da sam navratio? Could you tell Tom that I stopped by? Can you let Tom know I stopped by? Това не е твоята къща. This isn't your house. This isn't your house. Том ќе ѝ помогне на Мери. Tom is going to help Mary. Tom will help Mary. Ti si bil, kajne? It was you, wasn't it? It was you, wasn't it? Можно е да врне денес. It might rain today. It could rain today. Кој е власникот на овој имот? Who's the owner of this property? Who owns this property? Ja ne mogu vjerovati mojim očima. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes. Има ли нещо за мене? Is there anything for me? Is there anything for me? Можам да го земам од нив. I can get it from them. I can take it from them. Сите го знаеме Том. We all know Tom. We all know Tom. Тоа беше обѕирно. That was considerate. That was thoughtful. Вчера хванах три риби. I caught three fish yesterday. I caught three fish yesterday. Имам само една минута. I only have a minute. I only have one minute. Какъв силен вятър! What a strong wind! What a strong wind! Ја сам преводилац. I'm a translator. I'm an interpreter. Ще се радвам да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd be happy to help. Благодаря Ви предварително за съдействието. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Том беше фин човек. Tom was a nice man. Tom was a nice man. Да ли Том једе јаја? Does Tom eat eggs? Does Tom eat eggs? Тој се избричи. He shaved. He shaved. Ako pokušaš, uspećeš. If you try, you'll succeed. If you try, you'll make it. Той учеше френски сам. He taught himself French. He studied French alone. Мисля, че ще бъдеш изненадана. I think you'd be surprised. I think you'll be surprised. Оцени ли контролните? Did you grade the tests? Did you evaluate the controls? Uradiću to sa zadovoljstvom. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll do it with pleasure. Тя винаги отделя толкова време, колкото ѝ е нужно за избирането на рокля. She always takes her time in choosing her dress. She always takes as much time as she needs to pick a dress. V Ankare sú všetky ročné obdobia ako zima. In Ankara, all the seasons are like winter. In Ankara sú všetky handné periods if winter. Uštedeli bi vreme da smo se spustili kroz Park Street. We'd save time if we drove down Park Street. We'd save time if we went down Park Street. Još uvek grešim. I still make mistakes. I'm still wrong. Том беше малку зашеметен. Tom was a bit woozy. Tom was a little dazzled. Той не може да каже и дума на френски, но пък затова говори английски сякаш му е роден. He can't say one word of French, but then again he speaks English like a native. He can't even say a word in French, but that's why he speaks English like he was born to him. Ану занимају рачунари. Ania is interested in computers. Anna is interested in computers. Си ги најде родителите. He found his parents. You found your parents. Ми се натопија чевлите. I got my shoes wet. My shoes are soaked. Като говорим за пътешествия, бил ли си някога в Австралия? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of trips, have you ever been to Australia? Prilično se dobro umem da radim više stvari istovremeno. I'm pretty good at multitasking. I'm pretty good at doing more stuff at the same time. Том не се е срещал с мене преди. Tom has never met me before. Tom hasn't met me before. Čini se da Cathy voli glazbu. It seems that Cathy likes music. It looks like Cathy likes music. "Gde da sednem?" "Bilo gde." "Where should I sit?" "Anywhere is OK." "Where shall I sit?" "Anywhere." Prva lekcija je laka. The first lesson is easy. The first lesson is easy. Nemoj da pričaš. Don't talk. Don't talk. Няма ли да отидеш? Won't you go? Aren't you going? Мъглата му пречеше да вижда надалеч. He couldn't see very far because of the fog. The fog kept him from seeing far away. Ne pričajte. Don't talk. Don't talk. Tom je jedan od najinteresantnijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom's one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Францускиот јазик прво бил сленг. Originally, French was slang. The French language was first slang. Била сам љута. I was angry. I was angry. Току-що разбрах, че Том е мъртъв. I just found out Tom is dead. I just found out Tom's dead. Сите ли се среќни? Is everybody happy? Everybody happy? Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm marrying. Јеси ли донео фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a fan? Запалив кибрит во темницата. I struck a match in the darkness. I lit a match in the dark. Заспах, докато четях една книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep reading a book. Dopustite nam da vam pomognemo. Please let us help you. Let us help you. Цевките се запушени. The tubes are clogged. The pipes are clogged. Радвам се на нейната компания. I am glad to have her company. I'm happy for her company. Едноставно не ми се допаѓа. I just don't like it. I just don't like it. Том им намигна на девојките. Tom winked at the girls. Tom winked at the girls. Том не слуша. Tom isn't listening. Tom's not listening. Ja sam student. I am a student. I'm a student. Чух, че било хубаво. I heard it was nice. I heard it was nice. Том е лош. Tom is bad. Tom's bad. Teško je odreknuti se dugoročne ljubavi od jednom. It is difficult to give up a long love suddenly. It's hard to give up long-term love from once. Ne želim meso. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. Dobio sam novi bicikl za rođendan. I got a new bike for my birthday. I got a new bike for my birthday. Том заработува 300,000 долари годишно. Tom earns $300,000 a year. Tom makes $300,000 a year. Njegova žena mu je zakrpila košulju. He got his shirt mended by his wife. His wife patched up his shirt. Това е старо писмо. This is an old letter. It's an old letter. Љут сам на Тома. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Тоа е се засега. That's all for now! That's all for now. Къде беше? Where were you? Where have you been? Miljaža zavisi od uslova na putu. Mileage varies with driving conditions. The mileage depends on the conditions on the way. Планирам да го посетам Том во Бостон следниот викенд. I plan to visit Tom in Boston next weekend. I'm planning on visiting Tom in Boston next weekend. Ти ветувам дека нема да направам ништо што ќе ти наштети. I promise you I won't do anything to harm you. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you. Таа почна да ги зарива прстите во косата. She started running her fingers through her hair. She started sticking her fingers in her hair. Сигурен съм, че Том не те мрази. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Морав да останам. I had to stay behind. I had to stay. Ние се събираме по веднъж седмично. We gather here once a week. We get together once a week. Već smo odlučili da ne radimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to. Жедна сам. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Вие виждали ли сте Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Nemoj da stojiš. Don't stand. Don't stand there. Jа сам равноземљаш. I'm a flat-earther. I'm an even-earther. Значим брой тежки и неочаквани жертви сред програмистите на C++ всяка година са причинени от грешки в сегментацията. Numerous violent and sudden casualties among C++ developers are caused by segmentation faults every year. A significant number of heavy and unexpected victims among C++ programmers each year are caused by segmentation errors. Треба да купиш малку шеќер. You need to buy some sugar. You should buy some sugar. Престани да се коцкаш. Quit gambling. Stop gambling. Никој не пешачи во Лос Анџелес. Nobody walks in LA. No one walks in Los Angeles. Ќе пробам да се обуздам. I'll try to control myself. I'll try to contain myself. Prvo moram da se naviknem. I have to get used to it first. I have to get used to it first. Da li misliš da mi je nešto promaklo? Do you think I missed something? Do you think I missed something? Da li sam ja to ispustio? Did I drop that? Did I drop it? Няма да повярваш кой се отби у нас днес. You won't believe who came by today. You're not gonna believe who stopped by our house today. Те молам пушти ме да останам. Please let me stay. Please let me stay. Imam stari bicikl. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Zar ne bi trebalo da se spremaš za školu? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school? Верувај во правдата! Believe in justice! Believe in justice! Мама каза същото. Е, и какво? Това няма нищо общо с мене. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. Mom said the same thing. Preklinjem te da ponovo razmisliš. I beg you to reconsider. I beg you to reconsider. Брза е услугата. The service is fast. It's a quick favor. Не го купи тоа, нели? You didn't buy that, did you? You didn't buy that, did you? Днес просто е много студено. It's simply too cold today. It's just too cold today. Kako mogu zaboraviti te dane? How can I forget those days? How can I forget those days? Те не са мои врагове. They're not my enemies. They're not my enemies. "Да живееш е най-рядкото нещо на света. Повечето хора съществуват, това е всичко." "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." "Living is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that's all." Г-жа Юнг не би имала нищо против да я посетя без предизвестие. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Jung wouldn't mind if I visited her without notice. Отворен сум кон сѐ. I'm open to anything. I'm open to everything. Докажано е дека болвите што живеат на кучиња скокаат повисоко од оние што живеат на мачки. It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. It has been proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than cats. Potnikom je pokazala, kako si pripeti pas. She showed the passengers how to fasten their seat belts. She showed the passengers how to attach your dog. Том често оди на прошетка пред вечера. Tom often takes a walk before dinner. Tom often goes for a walk before dinner. Мисля, че френският е труден език. I think French is a difficult language. I think French is a tough language. Има ветер. It's windy. There's wind. Ќе научиш да си го цениш здравјето кога ќе се разболиш. You learn to appreciate your health when you are ill. You will learn to appreciate your health when you get sick. Какво е това? What's this? What's this? Мувата е на таван. The fly is on the ceiling. The fly's in the attic. Pravila sam se da ne znam šta se događa. I pretended that I didn't know what was going on. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. Насабајле си ги мачкам тостовите со мед. I like to spread honey on my toast in the morning. I'm making my honey toast in the morning. Мисля, че трябва да послушате Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Тоа ми даде идеја. That gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. Нема шанси да бил Том. It could've been Tom. There's no way it could have been Tom. Skoro nikad nisam kući tokom dana. I'm almost never at home during the day. I'm almost never home during the day. Hajde da saznamo zasigurno. Let's find out for sure. Let's find out for sure. Казах ти, каквото знам. I've told you what I know. I told you what I know. Караницата развали нашето единство. Quarrelling spoiled our unity. The fight has ruined our unity. Тече ти кръв. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. To je rizikovao. Tom took a chance. He risked it. Том сакаше да може да и каже на Мери се за тоа. Tom wished he could tell Mary all about it. Tom wanted to be able to tell Mary everything about it. Привлекателен си. You're attractive. You're attractive. Mislim da smo možda bili previše agresivni. I think maybe we've been too aggressive. I think maybe we were too aggressive. Том се однесуваше како кавалер. Tom behaved like a gentleman. Tom was acting like a gentleman. Oni sede za stolom. They are sitting at the table. They're sitting at the table. Odlučila je da ne ide. She decided not to go. She decided not to go. Tom nikad nije morao da uradi to. Tom never had to do that. Tom never had to do that. Чух да спира кола. I heard a car pull up. I heard him stop the car. Сѐ уште беше таму. It was still there. He was still there. Potreban ti je privremeni most. You'll need a temporary bridge. You need a temporary bridge. Том няма да изнася реч днес. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom's not giving a speech today. Следващия въпрос, моля. Next question, please. Next question, please. Ще се видим довечера! До скоро! See you tonight! See you soon! I'll see you tonight. Тя подреди цветята прекрасно. She arranged the flowers beautifully. She arranged the flowers beautifully. Ще остана до обяд. I stay until midday. I'll stay for lunch. Možeš li mi reći nešto o sebi? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Не би ми пречело да им помагам. I wouldn't mind helping them. I wouldn't mind helping them. Она води рачуна о својој старој мајци. She takes care of her old mother. She takes care of her old mother. Rozpad Britského impéria bol pomerne pokojný. The dismantling of the British Empire was relatively peaceful. Rospad Britského impéria pain movable deceasedý. Vitajte v projekte Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. Bend into the Tatoeba projects. Možeš li da mi daš znak? Can you give me a sign? Can you give me a sign? Го погубија. They executed him. He's been executed. Той е много добре запознат с международните дела. He knows a lot about foreign affairs. He's very familiar with international affairs. Мисля, че ще имате нужда от това. I think you're going to need this. I think you'll need this. Отпрвин, ништо не разбирав. At first, I couldn't understand anything. At first, I didn't understand anything. Се извинувам. I apologize. I'm sorry. Том се јави за да каже дека не може да дојде да помогне. Tom called to say he can't come to help. Tom called to say he couldn't come to help. Спушти го телефонот. Put the phone down. Put the phone down. Jej oči prebehli po zozname, aby zistila, či je tam aj jej meno. Her eyes ran over the list to see if her name was on it. Eat your eyes too white for me, aby, who's there to eat me. Добро, ме убеди. OK, I'm convinced. Okay, you convinced me. Линкът ти не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link doesn't work. Почни с бројањем. Start counting. Start counting. Не ризикувај. Don't take chances. Don't take any chances. Нямам интерес да го правя. I have no interest in doing that. I have no interest in doing that. Ne vičite. Don't yell. Don't yell. Ovo je bilo prefinjeno i oličeno u ličnosti tako čudnoj, krutoj i tvrdoglavoj da se malo ko usuđivao da blisko sarađuje sa njim. This was refined and embodied in a personality so weird, rigid and stubborn that very few dared to closely work with him. This was sophisticated and decorated in a person so strange, cruel and stubborn that few people dared to work closely with him. Nebo je modré. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Voleo bih da nisam uradio to. I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't done that. Забравих да си сложа колан. I forgot to wear a belt. I forgot to wear my belt. Не знам какво имаш предвид. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Tom nije bio zgodan koliko je Mari rekla da će biti. Tom wasn't as handsome as Mary said he was. Tom wasn't as handsome as Marie said he would be. Njezin je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Tom me je pitao da li želim u Boston s njim. Tom asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him. Tom asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him. Da li ste videli moje kuče? Have you seen my dog? Have you seen my dogs? Това всички го знаят. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. Толкова се радвам да те видя отново. I'm so happy to see you again. It's so good to see you again. Па, добро е тоа. Well, that's all right. Well, that's good. Ќе можам да те видам следната година. I'll be able to see you next year. I'll be able to see you next year. Glasali su. They voted. They voted. Малко е мазно. It's a bit greasy. It's a little smooth. Колку пари ти должи Том? How much money does Tom owe you? How much money does Tom owe you? Бих искал да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. На што се смееја? What were they laughing at? What were they laughing at? Проста работа е. It's a simple job. It's a simple matter. Се надевам дека ти и Том нема да бидете премногу разочарани. I hope you and Tom won't be too disappointed. I hope you and Tom aren't too disappointed. Нямам желание да излизам тази вечер. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't want to go out tonight. Nije jednostavan sport. It's not an easy sport. It's not a simple sport. Стареца го бяха оставили да умре от глад. The old man was starved to death. The old man had let him starve to death. Ќе правам како што сакаш. I'll do as you wish. I'll do whatever you want. Meri radi kao konobarica u obližnjem kafiću. Mary works as a waitress at a local cafe. Mary works as a waitress at a nearby bar. Том ми помогна малку. Tom gave me a hint. Tom helped me out a little bit. Какви са фактите? What're the facts? What are the facts? Nikada ranije nisam spazio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never seen that before. Той стреля в мен. He shot at me. He shot me. Pred dvoma dňami som dal výpoveď v práci. Two days ago I quit my job. Before I knew it, I put it in my bow. Не свађај се са мном. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Таа има почнато да се однесува чудно. She has started acting strangely. She's got started acting weird. Твојата куќа е многу убава. Your house is very nice. Your house is very beautiful. Tom sťahuje hry. Tom is downloading games. Tom's smitten with shrubs. Би ми направил ли услуга? Would you do me a favour? Would you do me a favor? Keď to zlomíš, kúpiš to. You break it, you buy it. You break it, you fuck it. Том преподава френски в същото училище, където ходи Мери. Tom teaches French at the school Mary goes to. Tom teaches French at the same school where Mary goes. Какво се опитва да постигне Том? What's Tom after? What's he trying to achieve, Tom? Може ли да ми отвориш вратата? Can you open the door for me? Can you open the door for me? Mislila sam da ćeš da budeš zauzeta. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Мога да спя навсякъде. I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. Том му стави стетоскоп на пациентот на гради. The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient's chest. Tom put a stethoscope on the patient's chest. Многу си осамен. You're very lonely. You're so lonely. Tom nije bio debeo. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Ne volim zadrte ljude. I don't like stubborn people. I don't like stuffy people. Taj mi se sviđao. That's the one I liked. I liked that one. Tom će platiti. Tom'll pay. Tom will pay. Виж го! Check it out! Look at him! Mnogo hvala za komentar koji inspiriše. Thank you very much for an inspiring comment. Thank you so much for the comment that inspires. Който сее ветрове, ще жъне бури. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. He who sows winds will reap storms. Посеаја семе, го израснаа, и го ожнеаја; обагрената река вртеше воденица. Crops were sown, and grew up, and were gathered in; the stream that had been crimsoned, turned a watermill. They sowed seed, and raised it up, and harvested it; and the overrun river turned water. Онази вратовръзка наистина ти стои добре. That tie really suits you. That tie really looks good on you. Здраво. Hello! Hello. On ima veliko iskustvo i njegova kompententnost se razgranala u nekoliko oblasti. He has extensive experience and his competence has branched out into several fields. He has great experience and his competence has spread in several areas. Банката си иска парите обратно. The bank wants its money back. The bank wants its money back. Можеш да го срещнеш. You might meet him. You can meet him. Морам да ја викнам. I have to get her. I have to call her. Nikad se nisam pokajao zbog toga. I've never regretted it. I've never regretted it. Da li imaš primerak? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Već sam ga poručila. I've already ordered it. I already ordered it. Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I get nervous thinking about it. Мисля, че мога да ти спестя известно време. I think I can save you some time. I think I can save you some time. Зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. Depends on the context. Те няма да ти помогнат. They aren't going to help you. They won't help you. Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work at the hospital. She wants to work at the hospital. Srela sam tvog tatu jučer. I met your dad yesterday. I met your dad yesterday. To bi trebalo da nam uštedi nešto para. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. Нисам га заборавио. I haven't forgotten him. I haven't forgotten him. Чувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Вештерките не плачат. Witches don't cry. Witches don't cry. Тоа е една причина. That's one reason. That's one reason. Аз не взех участие в разговора. I didn't take part in the conversation. I didn't take part in the conversation. Немарен бев. I've been careless. I was careless. Загрижени сме за него. We're concerned about him. We're worried about him. Mi imamo neke mogućnosti. We do have some options. We have some options. Мислам дека ќе бидам во ред. I think I’m going to be okay. I think I'll be fine. Već imaju jednu. They already have one. They already have one. Mogla bih da krenem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Аз нямам деца. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Stvarno mi je žao Toma. I really feel sorry for Tom. I'm really sorry, Tom. Šta si radio? What've you been doing? What were you doing? Тома је био потпуно пијан. Tom was good and drunk. Tom was completely drunk. Tek sam se okupao. I just took a bath. I just took a bath. Dobio sam samo 20 poena na ispitu iz matematike. I scored 20 on the maths exam. I only got 20 points on my math exam. Сви лажу. Everybody lies. They're all lying. Ми се скинаа панталоните. I tore my pants. My pants are off. Најверојатно се лажеме. We're probably wrong. We're probably lying to each other. Изобщо не съм толкова зает. I'm not all that busy. I'm not that busy at all. Иска ми се да имах приятел като теб. I wish I had a friend like you. I wish I had a friend like you. Моје име је Џејмс,али молим те зови ме Џим. My name is James, but please call me Jim. My name is James, but please call me Jim. Da li mi, ljudi, možemo da varimo travu i da izvlačimo hranjive sastojke iz nje? Can we humans digest grass and obtain nourishment from it? Can we, people, weld grass and extract nutrients from it? Фати ме за рако само. Just take my hand. Just grab my hand. Ovo mjesto je zaista prekrasno. This place is really beautiful. This place is really beautiful. Тя усети, че коленете ѝ треперят. She felt her knees tremble. She felt her knees were shaking. По бурата, океанот беше мирен. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. С автобус ли ходиха до музея? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take a bus to the museum? Жените сакаат мажи со бркови. Women like men with moustaches. Women like men with mustaches. Tomu se može vjerovati donekle. Tom can be trusted to some degree. That's something you can trust. Ништо тука не е мое. Nothing here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Аз имам две братовчедки. I have two cousins. I have two cousins. Го однесов Том на ручек. I took Tom to lunch. I took Tom to lunch. Лошо ја сврши работата. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. Том је хладнокрван. Tom is unfazed. Tom's cold-blooded. Оде наш аутобус. There goes our bus. There goes our bus. Se tvoj pes dovoli božati ? Does your dog allow itself to be petted? Is your dog allowed to blaspheme? Том е трпелив човек. Tom is a patient man. Tom's a patient man. Ти заслужаваш наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. Не познавам нито едното, нито другото момче. I don't know either boy. I don't know either of them, or the other boy. Tom želi da radi u istoj bolnici gde radi Meri. Tom wants to work at the same hospital where Mary works. Tom wants to work at the same hospital where Mary works. Во многу погледи, жените и мажите се сосем различни. In many respects, women and men are totally different. In many ways, women and men are quite different. От Бразилия съм. I come from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. U ovom razredu ima 40 učenika. There are 40 pupils in this class. There are 40 students in this class. Сигурно Том го направил тоа. Tom must've done it. I'm sure Tom did. Som rád, že som tu nebol. I'm glad I wasn't here. Som rád, I'm already here in the sky. Казах ти какво трябва да направиш. I've told you what you must do. I told you what to do. Jesu li već stigli? Have they arrived yet? Have they arrived yet? Благодарение на победата, тој стана херој. Because of the victory, he became a hero. Thanks to victory, he became a hero. Jesi li se naspavao? Did you get any sleep? Did you get any sleep? Kada je bila u Los Angelesu, imala je najmanje 6 različitih poslova. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. Нека биде по мое. Let's do it my way. Let's do this my way. Pas je lizao zdjelicu svojim jezikom. The dog licked the plate with its tongue. The dog licked the bowl with his tongue. Слушам дека си се распрашувал за мене. I hear you've been asking questions about me. I hear you've been asking about me. Том насети опасност. Tom sensed danger. Tom felt the danger. Kako sam propustio to? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? Сложи си якето на закачалката до вратата. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Put your jacket on the hanger by the door. Том заборава. Tom is forgetful. Tom forgets. Прво мораш да ги прашаш. You have to ask them first. You have to ask them first. Spreman sam da govorim. I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to talk. Ќе си ги најдеш играчките и книгите. You will find your toys and books. You'll find your toys and your books. Мостът е безопасен; може да шофирате по него. The bridge is safe; you can drive across. The bridge is safe; you can drive on it. Том дефинитивно не е среќен. Tom is definitely not happy. Tom's definitely not happy. Том пиеше во тишина. Tom drank in silence. Tom drank in silence. Зошто застануваме? Why are we stopping? Why are we stopping? Siguran sam da ću da pobedim na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis match. Тя беше висока, стройна блондика. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a tall, building blonde. За кого преведе това? Who did you translate this for? Who did you translate this for? Ono što sam video je bilo depresivno. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was depressing. Tom obično dolazi u školu pre bilo kog drugog studenta iz odeljenja. Tom usually gets to school earlier than any other student in his class. Tom usually comes to school before any other student in the class. Това би било твърде лесно. That would be too easy. That would be too easy. Нема да успееш. You won't succeed. You're not gonna make it. Напамет да не ти паднало. Don't even think it. Don't even think about it. Не изглежда толкова зле. It doesn't look so bad. Doesn't look so bad. Етеријум и биткоин су криптовалуте. Ethereum and Bitcoin are cryptocurrencies. Ethium and bitcoin are kryptocurrencies. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! За нив ли размислуваш? Are you thinking about them? Are you thinking about them? И какво? Мене това не ме интересува. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care about that. Не го сфаќај тоа пребуквално. Don't take it too literally. Don't take it too literally. Нема оштета. There's no damage. There's no damage. Мисля, че сте го правили и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done it before. Не искам да бъда твой враг. I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want to be your enemy. Tom se bio napio i utopio je svoju tugu, posle te jedne noći pijančenja. Tom got drunk and drowned his sorrows in that one night of intemperance. Tom got drunk and drowned his grief after that one night of drinking. Teším sa na to. I am looking forward to it. I'm really looking forward to it. Никој ова не го знае. Nobody knows this. No one knows this. За да го повикаш лифтот, притисни го копчето. To call the elevator, push the button. To call the elevator, press the button. Da li je meni to ispalo? Did I drop that? Did I drop that? Това семейството ти ли е? Is this your family? Is that your family? Ти недостига ли Бостон? Do you miss Boston? Do you miss Boston? Том мисли дека не сакаме да одиме. Tom thinks we don't want to go. Tom thinks we don't want to go. Не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom. I haven't talked to Tom. Моля те, дай ми един плик. Please give me an envelope. Please, give me an envelope. Тя е сестрата на Том. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. Трябваше да се обадиш предварително. You should have telephoned in advance. You should have called in advance. Studenti nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how they should answer. The students didn't know how to answer. Hovoríš po rusky? Do you speak Russian? How do you feel about Rusky? Сишли смо са воза. We got off the train. We got off the train. Този път изглежда аз греша. This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong. This time it looks like I'm wrong. Da li mislite da mi je nešto promaklo? Do you think I missed something? Do you think I missed something? Том обича да носи бели чорапи със сандалите си. Tom likes wearing white socks with his sandals. Tom likes to wear white socks with his sandals. TWiiNS oslavovali moje narodeniny prostredníctvom Twitteru 12. júna. TWiiNS celebrated my birthday via Twitter on June 12th. TWinns celebrated my nationality with the promotion of Twitter 12. jún. Видлива ли е разликата? Can one see the difference? Is there a difference? Юмико се омъжи миналия юни за приятел от детските си години. Yumiko married a childhood friend last June. Yumiko got married last June to a friend from his childhood. Јеси ли спреман? Are you ready? Are you ready? Uopšte nije iskren. He is not honest at all. It's not honest at all. Той беше смел. He was brave. He was brave. Tom možda proba da ubedi Meri da uradi to. Tom might try to convince Mary to do that. Tom might try to convince Mary to do it. На него му беше трудно да диша. He had trouble breathing. It was hard for him to breathe. Можеби ќе заврне вечерва. It may rain tonight. Maybe it'll rain tonight. Не искаш ли да отидеш? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go? Izabrao si lepog. You picked a nice one. You picked a nice one. Никогаш нема да погодиш. You'll never guess. You'll never guess.