Мисля, че злоупотребих с вашето гостоприемство. I think I've overstayed my welcome. I think I abused your hospitality. Da li sam te zvala? Did I invite you? Did I call you? Живееме на планетата Земја. We live on planet Earth. We live on planet Earth. Не можев да утврдам што точно е проблемот. I couldn't quite tell exactly what the problem was. I couldn't determine exactly what the problem was. Тоа не ми е право име. That's not my real name. That's not my real name. Сѐ уште сакаме да помогнеме. We still want to help. We still want to help. Беше баш величествено. It was quite spectacular. It was so grand. Мисля, че трябва да съобщим на родителите на Том. I think we should notify Tom's parents. I think we should call Tom's parents. Сѐ изгледаше во ред. Everything seemed OK. Everything seemed fine. Nisam želeo da razočaram svoje roditelje. I didn't want to disappoint my parents. I didn't want to disappoint my parents. Hajde da se nađemo na piće. Let's meet for a drink. Let's meet for a drink. Nemam dovoljno vremena da ti detaljno objašnjavam to. I don't have enough time to explain that to you in detail. I don't have enough time to explain it to you in detail. Vrlo si hrabar. You are very brave. You're very brave. Obećao si da ćeš mi pomoći. You promised you would help me. You promised to help me. Помислих си, че може да се отметнеш. I thought you might back out. I thought you might turn away. Том беше во колибата. Tom was in the cabin. Tom was in the cabin. Рибу, молићу. Fish, please. Fish, please. Ние сме от една кръв, вие и аз! We be of one blood, thou and I. We're from one blood, you and me! Работихме здраво, за да вържем двата края. We worked hard to make ends meet. We worked hard to tie both ends. Не вичи на мене. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Tom uči da programira. Tom is learning programming. Tom's learning to program. Напоследък съм много избухлив.Моят любим футболен отбор запада. I'm really irritable lately. My favorite soccer team is in a slump. I've been very hot lately. My favorite football team is going down. On ima veliku porodicu. He has a big family. He has a big family. Мислам дека нешто крие? I think he's hiding something. I think he's hiding something? Ne želim da diskutujem ovo sada. I don't want to discuss this now. I don't want to discuss this right now. Dragi Bože, ljudima je zaista teško kada moraju da ti skrenu pažnju na jednu ili drugu stvar o tebi, tvojim stavovima ili tvom izgledu, na primer. Dear God, people really find it difficult when they have to point out one thing or another about you, such as your attitudes or your appearance. Dear God, it's really hard for people when they have to pay attention to one thing or another about you, your attitudes or your appearance, for example. To je izdaja. That's treason. It's treason. Врати ми го тоа. Give it back to me. Give it back to me. Многу си паметен. You're very clever. You're so smart. Нанси обича игрите на закрито. Nancy enjoys indoor games. Nancy loves the games indoors. Таа погледна наоколу. She looked around. She looked around. Kaži mu da sam nevin. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Šta žene žele? What do women want? What do women want? Том е џентлмен. Tom has been a gentleman. Tom is a gentleman. Imamo majhno hišo. We have a small house. We have a small house. Zemlja je planeta. Earth is a planet. Earth is a planet. Poľsko je veľká krajina. Poland is a big country. Posije is a much bigger landscape. Дошло је до жучне свађе. It came to a heated exchange of words. There's been a gallbladder. Môžeme Tomovi pomôcť. We can help Tom. Tom's help. Ова не е ничија вина. This is no one's fault. This isn't anyone's fault. Ma koliko da je Tom zauzet, nikad ne zaboravlja da našie mejl svojoj majici barem jednom nedeljno. No matter how busy Tom gets, he never forgets to write an email to his mother at least once a week. No matter how busy Tom is, he never forgets to e-mail his shirt at least once a week. Не можев да му помогнам на Том да го направи тоа. I couldn't help Tom do that. I couldn't help Tom do it. Искам нещо сладко. I want something sweet. I want something sweet. Ne otimajte se. Don't struggle. Don't get carried away. Samo budite tihi, molim vas. Just please be quiet. Just be quiet, please. Ништо не ѝ дадов. I didn't give her anything. I didn't give her anything. Dovedi pojačanje. Bring backup. Get some reinforcements. Том беше забавен лик. Tom was fun. Tom was a funny guy. Немаш веќе алкохол. You're out of booze. You're out of alcohol. Danas imam puno toga za obaviti. Today I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot to do today. Се уште е темница надвор. It's still dark outside. It's still dark outside. Sada sam prilično srećan. I'm quite happy now. I'm pretty happy now. To je višefazni proces. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multi-phase process. Том най-накрая отиде. Tom has finally gone. Tom's finally gone. Ти звучи ли тоа познато? Does that sound familiar? Does that ring a bell? Носам вреќа ориз. I carry a bag of rice. I'm carrying a bag of rice. Се прејадов денес. I ate too much today. I ate too much today. Све ће бити у реду на крају. Ако није у реду, онда није ни крај. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. Ще те закарам вкъщи. I'll give you a ride home. I'll take you home. Kto som? Who am I? What are you talking about? Муахахахаха! Душата ти ще бъде моя! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine! Your soul will be mine! Ne daj da ti uđe u glavu. Don't let it go to your head. Don't let him get inside your head. To je bezopasna laž. It is a white lie. It's a harmless lie. Како да избере човек само едно? How can you pick just one? How do you choose a man only one? "Riž in kvinoja sta varni žiti" je rekla Mary. "Rice and quinoa are safe grains," said Mary. "What? Why?" said Tom. "The rice and quinoa are safe corn" said Mary. Idem da dremnem za oko sat vremena. I'm gonna go take a nap for an hour. I'm gonna go take a nap in about an hour. Da li je čisto? Is it clean? Is it clear? Ja nisam kao bilo ko drugi. I'm not like anybody else. I'm not like anyone else. Možda će doći da nas vidi večeras. He may come and see us tonight. Maybe he'll come see us tonight. Никој ништо не рече. No one said anything. Nobody said anything. Таа се плаши да не изгуби пари. She's afraid of losing money. She's afraid of losing money. Добро, ќе го нарачам. OK, I'll order it. Okay, I'll order it. Nemoj da si pisnuo! Don't say a word. Don't make a sound! Imam dve mačke. I have two cats. I've got two cats. Tom uvek izgleda nezadovoljno. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. Tom always seems dissatisfied. Zaista je vruće. It's really hot. It's really hot. Šta ste rekli Tomu? What have you told Tom? What did you tell Tom? Ти си газда. You're the boss. You're the boss. Vodim te na ples. I'm taking you dancing. I'm taking you dancing. Нямам представа пред какво съм изправен. I have no idea what I'm up against. I have no idea what I'm up against. Решив да си купам нов чадор. I decided to buy a new umbrella. I decided to buy a new umbrella. Не ме озборувај. Don't talk about me. Don't talk to me. Музиката е универзална. Music is universal. The music is universal. Мисля, че си в опасност. I think you're in danger. I think you're in danger. Стаята му е бъркотия. His room's a mess. His room is a mess. Том пливаше во базенот. Tom swam in the pool. Tom was swimming in the pool. Не знам ко су. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Oprosti. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that. Сега трябва да тръгвам. I have to go now. I have to go now. Том најде нова работа. Tom got a new job. Tom's got a new job. Да не дава Господ! God forbid! God forbid! Mogao bih da pojedem konja. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. Тя беше висока, стройна блондика. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a tall, fancy blonde. Сега го унакази. Now you've ruined it. Now you've disfigured him. Не разбирам тази дума. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. Том призна, че е бил уплашен. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom admitted he was scared. Треба да го пуштиме Том да се врати на работа. We should let Tom get back to work. We should let Tom get back to work. Не съм свикнал да ям люто. I'm not used to spicy food. I'm not used to eating hot. Мачка није човек! A cat is not a person! Cat's not human! мислим, дакле јесам. I think, therefore I am. I mean, so I did. Най-накрая спечелих сърцето му. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Чухме се по-рано с Том. I heard from Tom earlier. We heard from Tom earlier. Pa, dešavaju se takve stvari. Well, such things happen. Well, that kind of thing happens. Питър и Керол не бяха на едно мнение за това къде да прекарат почивката си. Peter and Carol were at odds with each other over where to spend their vacation. Peter and Carol were not on the same page as where to spend their vacation. Jedan student iz Osla koji je falsifikovao svoju diplomu da se upiše na fakultet je bio osuđen na zatvor. A student from Oslo who falsified his diploma to get into college has been sentenced to prison. A student from Oslo who forged his diploma to get into college was sentenced to prison. Ще се свържа с теб веднага щом мога. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll contact you as soon as I can. Mode zastarevaju i umiru. Fashions grow old and die. Fashions get old and die. Čekaju te nevolje. You're in for trouble. You're in trouble. Ti si tako pometan. You're so smart. You're so messed up. Želim vidjeti što imaš u kući. I want to see what you have inside your house. I want to see what's in your house. Ovo će nam mnogo olakšati psoao. This will make our job a lot easier. This is gonna make this a lot easier for us, you son of a bitch. Това е къщата, в която се роди Том. That's the house where Tom was born. This is the house Tom was born in. Želim da se osećam važnim. I want to feel important. I want to feel important. Tom je zamolio Mary da opovrgne rečeno. Tom asked Mary to take back what she said. Tom asked Mary to disprove it. Svi budući sastanci će biti održani u ovoj prostoriji. All future meetings will be held in this room. All future meetings will be held in this room. Šta god uradiš, ne ostavljaj dasku dignutu na WC-u. Whatever you do don't leave the lid up on the toilet! Whatever you do, don't leave the toilet seat up. Не троши речи узалуд. Save your breath. Don't waste your words for nothing. Надявам се да не е вярно. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Сећам се свега. I remember everything. I remember everything. Сигурна ли си, че наистина искаш да го направиш? Are you sure you really want to do that? Are you sure you really want to do this? Чаках ви да се върнете. I was waiting for you to get back. I was waiting for you to come back. Мушнах си ръцете в джобовете . I shoved my hands into my pockets. I put my hands in my pockets. Хайде, бейби, бий се с моя лъжец! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Come on, baby, fight my liar! Dobrodošla na Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeb. Мисля, че трябва да изчакаш. I think you should wait. I think you should wait. Gde je tvoj otac? Where is your father? Where's your father? Гладен сум. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Грци такође често једу рибу. The Greeks also eat fish often. Greeks also often eat fish. Подај ми ги клештите. Hand me the pliers. Hand me the pliers. Tvrdoglava sam. I'm stubborn. I'm stubborn. Тя избродира инициалите си върху една бяла кърпичка. She embroidered her initials on a white handkerchief. She boated her initials on a white tissue. Том ще учи френски догодина. Tom will study French next year. Tom's gonna study French next year. Да ли си добро? Are you OK? Are you okay? Znotraj se je počutil praznega. He felt empty inside. He felt empty inside. Благодаря ви за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. Moja majka nije kao druge majke. My mother isn't like other mothers. My mother's not like other mothers. Nisam nimalo zabrinuta. I'm not at all worried. I'm not worried at all. Svako zna. Everybody knows. Everyone knows. Ово је књига. This is a book. This is a book. Кога завршува учебната година? When is school over? When does the school year end? Една од работите на коиште се пожали Том е храната. One of Tom's complaints is the food. One of the things Tom's ever complained about is food. Da li mogu da te nazovem za 20 minuta? Can I call you back within twenty minutes? Can I call you back in 20 minutes? Svjetlo je nestalo samo od sebe. The light went out by itself. The light is gone by itself. Bola vo Francúzsku tri krát. She has been to France three times. The pain of the French three kráts. Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti. I hope you and Tom have a good time. I hope you and Tom have a good time. Не им ги проколнувам децата. I'm not casting a spell over their children. I don't curse their children. Мери е книжен червей. Mary is a bookworm. Mary's a literary worm. Da li se Tom vraća? Is Tom coming back? Is Tom coming back? Milujem Francúzsko. I love France. I love French. Том само што беше овде. Tom was just here. Tom was just here. Криво ми падна. I felt bad. It's my fault. Твое ли е това, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is this yours, Tom? Заборавив да ти кажам кога почнува состанокот. I forgot to tell you what time the meeting's going to start. I forgot to tell you when the meeting started. Никога не давайте кучешка храна на котката си. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never feed your cat dog food. Бурџ Калифа је тренутно највиши облакодер на свету. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burge Califa is currently the world's highest skyscraper. Том поправи се. Tom fixed everything. Tom, fix yourself. Таа ме полудува. She's driving me crazy. She's driving me crazy. Mislim da je ona iz Austrije. I think she's from Austria. I think she's from Austria. Slobodna sam. I'm available. I'm free. Sa kime dolaziš? Who will you be coming with? Who are you coming with? Tom mi je pokazao kako da čitam. Tom taught me how to read. Tom showed me how to read. Внимавай къде стъпваш. Be careful where you step. Watch your step. Ме удри по глава. He hit me on the head. He hit me on the head. Da li si pričao o meni? Were you talking about me? Did you talk about me? Том искаше Мери да научи френски. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Sve je veoma jeftino. Everything's dirt-cheap. It's all very cheap. Огледах се, но не видях никого. I looked around, but saw nobody. I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. Malo sam utučena. I'm a little bummed. I'm a little down. Не бих га повредила. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Това е модел с кодово заключване, който може да използвате и в преддверието. This is a code lock type that you can use on the entranceway as well. This is a model with a code lock that you can also use in the lobby. Je li išta od ovoga stvarno? Is any of this real? Is any of this real? Ne buljite. Don't stare. Don't stare. Veoma sam optimističan u vezi s ovim. I'm very optimistic about this. I'm very optimistic about this. Šta si upravo napisao u svesci? What did you just write in your notebook? What did you just write in the book? Сфингата почна да кружи околу него. The Sphinx began to walk around him. The sphinx began to circle around him. Jeste važno za mene. For me, it is important. It's important to me. Film je bio inspiriran novelom istog naslova. The film was inspired by the novel of the same title. The film was inspired by a novel of the same title. Da bi se pridužio horu, neophodno je da umeš da čitaš note. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. To join the choir, it is necessary that you know how to read notes. Ova će zgrada biti sagrađena u gradu. This building will be built in the city. This building will be built in the city. Преглътни го. Deal with it. Just swallow it. Mnogo hvala za komentar koji inspiriše. Thank you very much for an inspiring comment. Thank you so much for the comment that inspires. Nisam nimalo iznenađena. I'm not surprised one bit. I'm not the least bit surprised. Ништо не издадов. I didn't give anything away. I didn't betray anything. To ti je cela mudrost! Bob's your uncle. That's all your wisdom! Čo navrhuje Tom? What does Tom suggest? Who's up to Tom? Казах истината на Том. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Treba mi pivo. I could use a beer. I need a beer. Зошто ти се допаѓа? Why do you like it? Why do you like it? Задлъжнял ли си вече? Are you in debt yet? Are you in debt yet? Се спрема да заврне. It's about to rain. He's about to roll. Prezauzet sam na poslu. I'm too busy at work. I'm too busy at work. Можеш ли да ја извршиш задачата? Can you get the job done? Can you complete the task? Tek sam stigla. I've only just arrived. I just got here. Ти трябва да останеш да нощуваш. You must stay the night. You're supposed to stay the night. Попрво би пешачел сам. I prefer walking by myself. I'd rather walk alone. Некој мора да ги засадил. Someone must have planted them. Somebody must have planted them. Недей да взимаш никакви решения тази нощ. Don't make any decisions tonight. Don't make any decisions tonight. Том бе победен. Tom was defeated. Tom was beaten. Опростите. Excuse me. Excuse me. Tom kaže da nije bio ovde. Tom says he wasn't here. Tom says he wasn't here. Mi smo bliski prijatelji. We're close friends. We're close friends. Inzistirala je da on ode u bolnicu. She insisted that he should go to the hospital. She insisted he go to the hospital. Plašila sam se da pitam jer nisam htela da izgledam glupo. I was scared to ask questions because I didn't want to look stupid. I was afraid to ask because I didn't want to look stupid. Можно е Том да ја вработи Мери, но не знам со сигурност. Tom might hire Mary, but I don't really know for sure. Tom may have hired Mary, but I don't know for sure. Šanse su bile protiv mene. The odds were against me. The odds were against me. Пополни го формуларот. Fill out the form. Fill out the form. Не ми стана съвсем ясно, но ще се опитам да направя каквото мога. I don't understand it completely, but I'll try to do what I can. I didn't quite get it, but I'm gonna try to do what I can. Вербално ги малтретираа. They verbally abused them. They were verbally harassed. Tom zna šta mu se dopada. Tom knows what he likes. Tom knows what he likes. Управо сам устао. I just got up. I just got up. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш една? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Sigurno je ta lisica ubila kokoš. That fox must have killed the hen. That fox must have killed the chicken. Просто има нешто во неа. There's just something about her. There's just something about her. Мисля, че това е Ваше. I think this is yours. I think that's yours. Купих го за 10 долара. I bought it for ten dollars. I bought it for $10. Иска ми се нещата да са пак както си бяха. I wish things could get back to normal. I wish things were back to the way they were. Том насети опасност. Tom sensed danger. Tom's in danger. Tvoj odgovor je točan. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. Ja sam se smejao. I laughed. I laughed. Već sam se navikla. I'm used to it now. I'm used to it already. Razumete li šta hoću da kažem? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Tom je izašao na binu. Tom walked out on stage. Tom's out on stage. Ти си млад. Аз, обаче, съм много стар. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, but I'm very old. И двајцата кашлаа. They both coughed. They were both coughing. Дан порасна во сиропиталиште. Dan grew up at an orphanage. Dan grew up in an orphanage. Тоа ми даде идеја. That gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. Možda nije trebalo da to kažeš Tomu. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Prosto ne znam šta da kažem. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. Ми стана незгодно од хетеронормативната пропаганда. The heteronormative propaganda made me uncomfortable. I got uncomfortable with heteronormative propaganda. Тя къпе бебето. She is giving the baby a bath. She's bathing the baby. Tvoja knjiga je dvostruko veća od moje. Your book is double the size of mine. Your book is twice as big as mine. Музеят е отворен за посетители. The museum is open to the public. The museum is open to visitors. Том откри, че Мери краде от парите в касата. Tom found out Mary was stealing from the cash register. Tom found out that Mary was stealing money from the cash register. Никому не му е гајле. No one really cares. Nobody cares. Ми се допадна како танцуваш. I liked your dancing. I loved the way you dance. Да ли можете да дођете? Can you come? Can you come? В този магазин се занимават с кухненски пособия. At that shop they deal in kitchen utensils. In this store, they do kitchen equipment. Brak je glavni uzrok svih razvoda. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. Marriage is the main cause of all divorces. Tom mi je rekao da ne radim to. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to. Tom je knjiški moljac. Tom is a bookworm. Tom's a bookworm. Лошото време ни попречи да тръгнем. Bad weather prevented us from departing. Bad weather has prevented us from leaving. On si nemôže dovoliť dovolenku. He cannot afford a holiday. He won't allow himself permission. Imaš pravo biti sretan. You've got the right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Умирем од глади. I'm starving. I'm starving. Užasno pišem. I'm a terrible writer. I'm a terrible writer. Tom mi nikad nije oprostio što sam uradila to. Tom never forgave me for doing that. Tom never forgave me for doing that. Баща ми е тук. My father is here. My dad's here. Možemo da razgovaramo o tome u budućnosti. We can talk about it in the future. We can talk about this in the future. Tom ne želi da podijeliš ovu informaciju s bilo kime. Tom doesn't want you to share this information with anyone. Tom doesn't want you sharing this information with anyone. Тоа беше преубаво. That was beautiful. That was beautiful. Къде е твоята детегледачка? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? Tvoje vrijeme je isteklo. Your time is up. Your time is up. Ovaj je baš kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. Nemojte da blenete. Don't stare. Don't look. U teoriji moguće je, ali u praksi vrlo teško je. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. Тя е популярна, но не защото е красива, а защото се държи добре с всички. She's popular, not because she's beautiful, but because she's kind to everyone. She's popular, but not because she's beautiful, but because she's good with everyone. Možeš izbeći mnogo problema ako samo uradiš kako valja već iz prvog puta. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by just doing it right the first time. You can avoid a lot of problems if you just do the right thing from the first time. Ќе се гледаме со тебе. We'll be seeing you. I'll see you. Прилично сум гладен! I'm pretty hungry! I'm pretty hungry! Ги сакам. I want them. I love them. Од каде го знаеш ти тоа? How do you know that? How do you know that? Nisam bio preterano iznenađen. I wasn't too surprised. I wasn't overly surprised. Fer je. It's fair. It's fair. Всеки ден ли се занимаваш с френски? Do you study French every day? Do you do French every day? Nisi počinio ozbiljan prekršaj. You didn't commit a serious crime. You didn't commit a serious offense. Не сум сигурен дека Том бил оној што го сторил тоа. I'm not sure it was Tom who did that. I'm not sure Tom was the one who did it. Da li si oprao suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Колку јазика зборуваш? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? Потемнува. It's getting darker. It's getting dark. Рибу, молим. Fish, please. Fish, please. Кои ти се омилени француски вина? What are some of your favorite French wines? What are your favorite French wines? Ja samo vršim svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Tom je pravi štreber. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Току-що го съобщиха по радиото. They just announced that on the radio. He's just been reported on the radio. Том рече дека е време за јадење. Tom said it was time to eat. Tom said it's time to eat. Meni to zvuči kao izdaja. That sounds like treason to me. Sounds like a betrayal to me. Том знае дека Мери знае. Tom knows Mary knows. Tom knows Mary knows. Сви кажу тако. Everyone says that. Everybody says so. U Kini postoji izreka da ne možeš suditi čovjeka po izgledu. In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. There's a saying in China that you can't judge a man by his looks. Жаден съм. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Празна је. It's empty. It's empty. Нека ми се јават. Have them call me. Let them call me. Ona pravi od komarca slona. She is making a mountain out of a molehill. She's making out with an elephant mosquito. Tom spieva. Tom is singing. Tom and I are sleeping. Свежите плодове са полезни за теб. Fresh fruit is good for you. Fresh fruit is useful to you. Ne znam hoću li imati vremena. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I'll have the time. Се токмиме да почнеме. We're about to start. Let's get started. Tom je odmah otišao. Tom took off right away. Tom left right away. Може Том веќе го направил она што требало да го направи. Maybe Tom has already done what he was supposed to do. Maybe Tom already did what he had to do. Том свиреше на клавир три часа без прекин. Tom played the piano for three hours without taking a break. Tom played the piano for three hours straight. Pravio sam se da ne znam Toma. I pretended that I didn't know Tom. I pretended I didn't know Tom. Ова речиси работи. This almost works. This is almost working. Tom je nervozno dobovao prstima po stolu. Tom drummed his fingers on the table nervously. Tom was nervous about getting his fingers all over the table. Ja sam ta koja je rešila problem. I'm the one who handled the problem. I'm the one who solved the problem. Volal som vám. I called you. Volal som. Da li si uživao u gledanju noćne utakmice sinoć? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Том се опита да убеди Мери, че е време да си тръгват. Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary it was time for them to leave. Svi budući sastanci biće održani u ovoj prostoriji. All future meetings will be held in this room. All future meetings will be held in this room. Mogao bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Г-жа Юнг нямаше нищо против, че я посетих неочаквано. Mrs. Young didn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Jung didn't mind that I visited her unexpectedly. Tom će se potruditi da stigne na vreme. Tom will try to be there on time. Tom'll make sure he gets there in time. Еве ти го пудингот. Here's your pudding. Here's your pudding. Том збесна. Tom became furious. Tom's pissed off. Нямах намерение да те поставям в неудобно положение. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position. Mislim da Tom krije nešto. I think that Tom is hiding something. I think Tom's hiding something. Това не е от мене. It's not from me. That's not from me. Том няма куче. Tom doesn't have a dog. Tom doesn't have a dog. Се вратив со автобус. I took the bus back. I'm back on the bus. Da li ste videli moje kuče? Have you seen my dog? Have you seen my dogs? Živim u Sarajevu. I live in Sarajevo. I live in Sarajevo. Знам да одам. I can walk. I can go. Biće ovo zabavan vikend. It'll be a fun weekend. It's gonna be a fun weekend. Iracionalna si. You're being irrational. You're irrational. Daj Tomu piće. Give Tom a drink. Give Tom a drink. On je poplavio od hladnoće. He was blue from the cold. He's flooded with the cold. Zašto si tako pametna? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Желаете ли да станете доверен потребител? Would you like to become a trusted user? Do you want to become a trusted user? Майтапиш се! You're kidding! You're kidding! Том и Мери се ожениха три години, след като се срещнаха за първи път. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Imam stari bicikl. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Вампирите не можат да го пречекорат прагот на извесна куќа без да бидам поканети. Vampires cannot cross the threshold of a house without having been invited. Vampires cannot cross the threshold of a certain house without being invited. Книгата беше интересна. That book was interesting. The book was interesting. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш малко от това? Are you sure you don't want some of this? You sure you don't want some of this? Ептен беше ефтино. It was really cheap. It was really cheap. Би требало да погледам. I should take a look. I should take a look. Изчаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Вклучени ли се оброците во цената? Are any meals included? Is the price included? I taj je za mene. That one's for me, too. And that's for me. Volim kabilsku kuhinju. I love Kabyle cooking. I love the cabin kitchen. Neću da se trudim da predvidim budućnost. I won't try to predict the future. I'm not gonna try to predict the future. Voleo bih da te upoznam sa Tomom. I'd like to introduce you to Tom. I'd like to introduce you to Tom. Интересни луѓе се. They're interesting people. They're interesting people. Купио сам књигу. I bought a book. I bought a book. Bilo je potrebno četiri kilograma zlata da se pozlate pobedničke medalje. Nine pounds of gold was needed to gild the victory medals. It took four kilos of gold to golden the medals. Meri je veoma individualistična devojka. Mary is a very individualistic girl. Mary is a very individualist girl. Мисля, че ще ти бъде много интересен. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Такав је живот! So goes life! That's life! Ona je pevačica. She is a singer. She's a singer. Нанси изглежда като сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Bio sam jedini muškarac u turističkoj grupi. Ostatak su činile arapkinje koje žive u Istanbulu. I was the only man in the tour group. The others were 7 Arab women who live in Istanbul. I was the only man in the tourist group, and the rest were Arabs living in Istanbul. Веднага си сложих обувките. I put on my shoes at once. I put my shoes on right away. Свършват ми парите. I am running short of money. I'm out of money. Pripomína mi to staré dobré časy. It reminds me of the good old times. It reminds me of this old time. Том е незаборавен. Tom is unforgettable. Tom is unforgettable. Той сложи ските върху покрива на колата. He put the skis on top of the car. He put the skis on the roof of the car. Tom je stara škola. Tom is old school. Tom's old school. Nemojte da razgovarate. Don't talk. Don't talk to me. Ovo su moji najbolji prijatelji. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. И аз те обичам. I love you, too. I love you, too. Koliko dugo si ovde? How long have you been here? How long have you been here? Grécko je stará krajina. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old landscape. Каквото и да кажете, няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. Njegovi romani su omiljeni među mladim osobama. His novels are popular among young people. His novels are popular among young people. Лятото свърши. Summer has ended. Summer's over. Шта си радио данас? What did you do today? What were you doing today? Mogu li da vam pogledam kartu? Can I see your ticket? Can I take a look at your ticket? Придържайте се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stick to the facts. Той с часове чакаше нейното обаждане. He would wait for hours for her call. He waited hours for her call. Roke si opiram krivde. I'm washing my hands of the guilt. I hold my hands to blame. Трябва да отговоря на това повикване. I have to take this call. I have to respond to that call. Том го повлече јажето. Tom pulled the rope. Tom pulled the rope. Koje je lakše? Which one is easier? Which one's easier? Tom će da zna. Tom'll know. I'll let Tom know. Tom je otvorio novi restoran, ali nije uspeo da zaradi od njega tokom prvih dvanaest meseci. Tom opened a new restaurant, but it didn't turn a profit in the first twelve months. Tom opened a new restaurant, but he couldn't make money from it during the first twelve months. Nemojte da se svađate. Don't fight. Don't fight. Мислам дека си во право. I think that you are right. I think you're right. Учите ли френски в училище? Do you study French at school? Do you study French at school? Gdje je Laurie? Where is Laurie? Where's Laurie? Познавате ли г-н Браун? Do you know Mr. Brown? Do you know Mr Brown? Том ќе дојде. Tom'll come. Tom's coming. Неговата температура спадна. His fever subsided. His temperature's down. Не беше многу добро. It wasn't very good. It wasn't very good. Траеше многу повеќе отколку што мислев дека ќе трае. It took a lot longer than I thought it would take. It took a lot more than I thought it would last. Том говори малко френски. Tom knows some French. Tom speaks a little French. Светот го осветлува сонцето. The world is lightened by the sun. The world lights up the sun. Том је одиграо на најјачу карту. Tom played his highest card. Tom played the strongest card ever. Ak padne strom v lese a nik to nepočul, stalo sa to? Ak muž povie čo ma na mysli a žiadna žena ho nepočuje, ešte stále nemá pravdu? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it happen? If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong? If he falls steeply into the corpses and no one hears it, stop it? If the husband lifts up any on mysli and the jealous woman faileth, the law of the German? Parlament je raspušten. Parliament has been dissolved. Parliament is dissolved. Ми се чинеше уморен. I thought you looked tired. I thought he was tired. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш сок? Are you sure you don't want some juice? Are you sure you don't want a soda? Znam ga dobro. I know him well. I know him well. Прашај стручно лице. Ask an expert. Ask a professional. И Том, и Мери се обърнаха да гледат. Tom and Mary both turned around to watch. And Tom, and Mary turned to watch. Ела веднага щом можеш. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Htio bih da Bog postoji. I wish God did exist. I wish God existed. Ona živi sretan život sa svojim suprugom blizu mora u Kamakuri. She's leading a happy life with her husband near the sea in Kamakura. She lives a happy life with her husband near the sea in Kamakura. Dopustila mi je da krenem. She allowed me to go. She let me go. Не искам да бъда част от проблема. I don't want to be part of the problem. I don't want to be part of the problem. Nitko nema dušu. No one has a soul. No one has a soul. Том намери историята на Мери за интересна. Tom found Mary's story interesting. Tom found Mary's story interesting. Беше ми тежко. I had a hard time. It's been tough on me. Таа е млада студентка. She is a young university student. She's a young student. Он није више дете. He is no longer a child. He's not a kid anymore. Nisam mogao skinuti pogled s tebe od trenutka kada sam ušao u tu sobu. I couldn't take my eyes off of you from the minute I entered this room. I haven't been able to take my eyes off you since I walked into that room. Кога почнува? When does it begin? When does it start? Знаеш ли колку е касно? Do you realize how late it is? Do you know how late it is? Tom nije bio debeo. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Izvini što ja nisam odgovorio na vaše pismo ranije. Sorry I haven't replied to your letter earlier. I'm sorry I didn't answer your letter earlier. Chceš si naozaj kúpiť počítač v tom obchode? Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store? You think you're on your way back to the area? Tom će ići. Tom'll go. Tom will be going. To svatko zna. Anybody knows it. Everybody knows that. Ima li drugih mogućnosti? Are there any other possibilities? Is there any other options? Том и кажа на Мери дека го видел Џон со Елис. Tom told Mary that he'd seen John with Alice. Tom told Mary he saw John with Ellis. Во брак сум со Лори. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Ne zalazimo u to. Let's not get into that. We're not getting into that. Poď s nami! Come with us. Come with us! Френският на Том е много добър. Tom speaks very good French. Tom's French is very good. Da li imaš nešto da saopštiš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have something to say? Oko toga se i učeni prepiru. On that point the learned disagree. That's what learners argue about. Muškarci sve vreme pričaju o ženama. Men talk about women all the time. Men talk about women all the time. Ne zaboravi da produžiš pasoš. Remember to renew your passport. Don't forget to extend the passport. Ти си най-добрият ми приятел. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Да ли је у цену укључен доручак? Does that price include breakfast? Is the price included breakfast? Какъв е вашият проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Девојките нема да играат тенис утре. The girls will not play tennis tomorrow. The girls won't play tennis tomorrow. Sada moram da idem. I must go now. Now I have to go. Nećemo da vas izneverimo. We won't let you down. We won't let you down. Tom misli na isti način. Tom thinks the same way. Tom thinks the same way. Samo te zezam. I'm only pulling your leg. I'm just messing with you. Moj omiljeni predavač je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite lecturer was Jackson. Искам да стана учителка по френски. I want to become a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Желиш ли да учиш нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you want to study? Do you want to learn something specific? Молим те, склони се. Please step aside. Please, get out of the way. Труди се да не му обрнуваш внимание на Том. Try to ignore Tom. Try not to pay attention to Tom. Колико то кошта? How much is this? How much does that cost? On želi raditi u bolnici. He wants to work in a hospital. He wants to work at the hospital. Спасавала је живу главу. She ran for dear life. She saved her life. On se trudi. He tries. He's trying. После тишине, оно што најпрецизније исказује неизрециво, јесте музика. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. After silence, what most accurate indicates unspoken is music. Tom je zauzet momak. Tom is a busy fellow. Tom's a busy guy. Дома ли беше во десет? Were you home at ten? Were you home at ten? Kako se osećaš? How've you been feeling? How are you feeling? Имам грип и уморен сум. I have flu and I'm tired. I have the flu and I'm tired. Къде се научи да говориш френски? Where did you learn to speak French? Where did you learn to speak French? Престани да се мрдаш! Stop moving! Stop moving! Да ли је твој ауто плав? Is your car blue? Is your car blue? Tomu se ne sviđam. Tom doesn't like me very much. I don't like that. Врата канцеларије су жута. The door of the office is yellow. The door of the office is yellow. Мука ми је од твог цмиздрења. I'm tired of your whining. I'm sick of your whining. Tom i Meri se lepo slažu. Tom and Mary get along. Tom and Mary get along just fine. Начинила сам први корак. I took the first step. I took the first step. Заспах, докато четях книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep reading a book. Том е единственият ученик в нашия клас, който може да говори френски. Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French. Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French. Mogla sam da iskoristim to. I could have used that. I could have used that. Oprostiću, ali neću zaboraviti. I'll forgive, but I won't forget. I'll forgive you, but I won't forget. Kako bi se osećao ako bi te napustila žena? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if a woman left you? Те го правят сега. They're doing it now. They're doing it now. Jesi li planirala nešto specijalno? Were you planning something special? Did you plan something special? Правило ли ти е впечатление, че дясното ухо на Том е много по-голямо от лявото му ухо? Have you ever noticed that Tom's right ear is much larger than his left ear? Did it ever impress you that Tom's right ear is much bigger than his left ear? Kada si počeo da pišeš pesme? When did you start writing songs? When did you start writing songs? Седни. Take a seat. Sit down. Морате да работите заедно. You've got to work together. You have to work together. Лъвът е царят на джунглата. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Очекував да бидат тука. I was expecting them to be here. I expected them to be here. Kaži mi šta ste napisali. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Ќе одам да најдам друг. I'll go find another one. I'm gonna go find someone else. Nikad nisam kampovao. I've never been camping. I've never camped. Да заборавиме засега. Let's forget it for now. Let's forget it for now. Da li možeš da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Трябва да се справим с каквото имаме. We have to make do with what we have. We have to deal with what we have. Сакаш ли да играш? Do you want to play? Do you want to dance? Кравата заборави дека некогаш била теле. The cow forgot that it once was a calf. The cow forgot it was a calf once. Този местен вестник се публикува веднъж седмично. This local newspaper is published once a week. This local paper is published once a week. Знаеш ли како можело тоа да се случи? Do you know how that could've happened? Do you know how that could have happened? Ништо не може да ти се случи. Nothing can happen to you. Nothing can happen to you. Kako mi je promaklo to? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you are right. I guess you're right. Tom je pričao o muzici. Tom talked about music. Tom was talking about the music. Reci mi šta si napisao. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Молим вас, напишите то. Please write it down. Please write that down. Ми личат познато. They look familiar. They look familiar. Колку вреди? What's it worth? What's it worth? Uspavala sam se. I overslept. I fell asleep. Добро си се снаоѓам. I manage just fine. I'm doing just fine. Која е твојата порака? What's your message? What's your message? Душо, можам да објаснам. Honey, I can explain. Honey, I can explain. Bio si zaista dobar prema meni. You've been really good to me. You've been really good to me. Женени сме един за друг. We're married to each other. We're married to each other. Ама тоа е сосема друга приказна. But that's another story entirely. But it's a completely different story. Njegov mlađi brat je poznati fudbaler. His little brother is a famous soccer player. His younger brother is a famous football player. Već sam ga poručila. I've already ordered it. I already did. Prestani da se trudiš da me napraviš krivom. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Tom često nosi crno. Tom often wears black. Tom often wears black. Završi ovo. Finish this. Finish this. Pretpostavio sam da ste zauzete. I assumed you were busy. I just assumed you were busy. Том би можел да ти каже. Tom could tell you. Tom could tell you. Покажи ми това. Show me that. Show me that. Прекарахме си стрхотно вакнцията в Швеция. We had a fantastic holiday in Sweden. We had a hell of a shot in Sweden. Не сум некој голем морнар. I'm not much of a sailor. I'm not some big sailor. Морам да си го стегнам појасот. I have to tighten my belt. I need to tighten my seat belt. Мислам дека проведуваш премногу време со Том. I think you've been spending too much time with Tom. I think you spend too much time with Tom. Tom neće biti srećan kada čuje to. Tom isn't going to be happy to hear that. Tom won't be happy to hear that. Jesmo li se složili? Do we have an agreement? Do we have a deal? Почекај една минута, Том. Wait a minute, Tom. Wait a minute, Tom. Бях удивен от това колко добре говори Том френски. I was amazed at Tom's fluency in French. I was amazed at how well Tom spoke French. To som nebol já. It wasn't me. I don't give a shit. Децата спијат горе. The children are asleep upstairs. Kids sleep upstairs. Tom nije imao pojma da ću da budem tamo. Tom had no idea that I'd be here. Tom had no idea I was going to be there. Motivisana sam. I'm motivated. I'm motivated. Znaš li da je Tom ikada slagao? Have you ever known Tom to lie? Did you know Tom ever lied? Šta si radio danas? What did you do today? What were you doing today? Sapleo sam se. I tripped. I tripped. Ако времето позволява, тръгваме след час. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time allows, we leave in an hour. Това не е много забавно. This isn't much fun. That's not very funny. Špijunirala si me. You've been spying on me. You were spying on me. Svetsku mrežu je izumeo 1989. godine Tom Berners Li. The Worldwide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The world network was invented in 1989 by Tom Berners Lee. Не мога да го направя точно сега. I can't do it right now. I can't do it right now. Малку луѓе го разбираат тоа. Few people understand that. Few people understand that. Tom e pravi džentlmen. Tom is a real gentleman. Tom's a gentleman. Ако желиш, научићу те да свираш укулеле. I'll teach you how to play the ukulele if you want me to. If you want, I'll teach you how to play the ukules. Potcenjujete me. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. Uradiću to sam. I'm not doing it alone. I'll do it myself. On je bio strašno mršav. He was awfully skinny. He was awfully skinny. Не збори. Don't talk. Don't talk. Identifikuj se. Identify yourself. I.D.'d yourself. Протерали смо га из земље. We banished him from the country. We kicked him out of the country. Još uvek nisam spreman. I'm still not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Некој се обидува да нѐ убие. Someone's trying to kill us. Someone's trying to kill us. Зафатени сме сега. We're busy right now. We're busy now. Може да има дискусии за тоа. There may be discussions about it. There could be discussions about that. Той използва талантите си добре. He makes good use of his talents. He uses his talents well. Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznao. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. U kom pravcu ideš? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? Zakasnio sam, zar ne? I am too late, right? I'm too late, aren't I? Tom je nestao bestraga. Tom disappeared without leaving a trace. Tom's gone to hell. Možeš li da razgovaraš sa mnom? Can you talk to me? Can you talk to me? Moj oče mi je povedal o svojih izkušnjah med vojno. My father told me about his experiences during the war. My father told me about his experiences during the war. Gde je Avis šalter? Where is the Avis counter? Where's the Avis Shatter? Obukao se kao žena. He dressed up as a woman. He dressed like a woman. Uzet ću tvoj prijedlog u obzir. I'll consider your suggestion. I'll take your proposal into consideration. Защо знаеш това? Why do you know that? Why do you know that? Тоа е најверојатно добра работа. That's probably a good thing. That's probably a good thing. Телевизора ми е счупен. My television is broken. My TV's broken. Това е невероятно. This is unbelievable. That's amazing. Ајде, Том. Go on ahead, Tom. Come on, Tom. To su ohrabrujuće novosti. That's encouraging news. That's encouraging news. Би се согласил со тоа. I'd agree with that. I'd agree to that. Kako je ovo tvoja krivica? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? To je samo lični stav. That's just a personal opinion. It's just a personal attitude. Imaš li knjigu? Do you have a book? Do you have a book? Боље врабац у руци, него голуб на грани. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Better a sparrow in his hand than a pigeon on a branch. Ovde smo da bismo igrali golf. We're here to play golf. We're here to play golf. Имам планове за тази вечер. I have plans tonight. I have plans tonight. Опитай се да разбереш кога тръгва влакът. Try and find out when the train leaves. Try to understand when the train leaves. Завършил съм Университета Киото. I graduated from Kyoto University. I've graduated from Kyoto University. Махмуд не поднесува да денгуби. Mahmud abhors being idle. Mahmud can't stand to lose. Stvarno je prilično loše. It really is quite bad. It's really pretty bad. Том отиде до пощата да изпрати едно писмо. Tom went to the post office to mail a letter. Tom went to the post office to send a letter. Кога ќе стигнам таму? When do I get there? When do I get there? Драга моја, не будите стидљиви! My dear, don't be shy! My dear, don't be shy! Ранените се възстановяват. The wounded are getting better. The wounded are recovering. Битката беше кратка. The battle was short. The battle was short. Не съм бил във връзка с него от много време. I haven't got in touch with him for a long time. I haven't been in touch with him in a long time. Prošla su dva tjedna otkad je otišao na Havaje. It's been two years since he went Hawaii. It's been two weeks since he went to Hawaii. Вали. It's raining. It's raining. Želim živjeti u gradu. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Tom bi mogao da se uprpa. Tom may chicken out. Tom could blow his mind. Читателот брзо ќе сфати дека анализата ми е прецизна и дека нејзините резултати се поуздани. The reader will quickly realise that my analysis is precise and that her results are reliable. The reader will quickly realize that my analysis is accurate and that her results are reliable. Ја бива за тенис. She's good at tennis. She's good at tennis. Побързай и ще можеш да хванеш влака си. Hurry up and you can still catch your train. Hurry up and you can catch your train. Žena je mladá. The woman is young. The woman is young. Харесваш ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like that shirt? On je šutnuo loptu u gol! He kicked the ball into the goal. He kicked the ball in the goal! Tom ponekad uradi to. Tom does that sometimes. Tom does that sometimes. Danas sam kupio tuce olovaka. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pens today. Жена в инвалидна количка се крие в супермаркет. Woman in a wheelchair holes up in supermarket. A woman in a wheelchair is hiding in a supermarket. Не се лути толку. Don't get so angry. Don't get so angry. Јас бев оној што ја ископа оваа дупка. I was the one who dug this hole. I was the one who dug this hole. Reći ću samo: ti si predivna. But I will say this: You are gorgeous. I'll just say, you're beautiful. Meri se vratila iz škole uplakana jer su je drugarice zadirkivale. Mary came home from school in tears because her friends had teased her. Mary came back from school crying because her friends were teasing her. Ponovo ćemo preći preko svega. We'll go over it again. We'll get over it again. Kje si? Where are you? Where are you? Otac mi je dao puno novca. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Оној што ја мие колата е г-дин Џонс. The one washing the car is Mr. Jones. The one who washes the car is Mr. Jones. To se ne zgodi pogosto. That doesn't happen often. This doesn't happen very often. Вам ли ви припаѓа ова? Does this belong to you? Does this belong to you? Oni se ne čini sretnim. They don't seem happy. They don't seem happy. Загризуваат ли пастрмките? Are the trout biting? Do the trout bite? Trebalo je da mi budeš prijatelj! You were supposed to be my friend! You were supposed to be my friend! Ме немаше само еден час. I was only gone an hour. I was only gone an hour. Тоа беше основната идеја. That was the basic idea. That was the basic idea. Môžem sa na to pozrieť? May I have a look at it? Do you mind if I take a look at that? Том дојде да престојува кај нас неколку дена минатата пролет. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. Je li je sada sve to rešeno? Is it all resolved now? Is all that settled now? За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за теб. I'd be happy to sing for you. I'd love to sing for you. Tom se nikad ne bi složio sa tim. Tom never would agree to that. Tom would never agree to that. Том јаде сѐ. Tom eats anything. Tom eats everything. Moram reći da vam zavidim. I have to say I envy you guys. I have to say I envy you. Да ли Том једе јаја? Does Tom eat eggs? Does Tom eat eggs? Imam 30. I'm thirty. I'm 30. Moj otac živi i radi u Tokiju. My father lives and works in Tokyo. My father lives and works in Tokyo. Izgleda da većina ljudi roštilja samo ljeti. It seems that most people only barbeque in the summer. I guess most people only barbecue in summer. Спремни смо да идемо. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Jednom nogom je u grobu He's got one foot in the grave. He's got one foot in his grave. Имам само един въпрос. I have only one question. I only have one question. Vstani in se predstavi prosim. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself, please. Не е нималку ладно. It isn't a bit cold. It's not cold at all. Kako to funkcioniše? How does that work? How does that work? Том го примија во болница. Tom was hospitalized. Tom was admitted to the hospital. Da li ste jeli nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Ne svađaj se. Don't fight. Don't fight. Ќе останеме. We're staying. We'll stay. Вратата щракна и се затвори. The door clicked shut. The door clicked and closed. Debeo sam. I'm fat. I'm fat. С удоволствие ще гледам филма. I'd love to see the movie. I'd love to watch the movie. Нали заминаваш за Лондон следващата неделя? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, right? Къде е асансьорът? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Da li sam sada bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Веома сам импресиониран. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Daj da ti pokažem gde da staviš to. Let me show you where to put that. Let me show you where to put it. Stigli smo na vreme. We made it on time. We're on time. Môžete mi zameniť päťdolárovú bankovku? Can you change a five-dollar bill? Are you replacing me with a pädolórovú wallet? Можам да устројам тоа да се случи. I could make that happen. I can make that happen. Kakva besmislica! What nonsense! What nonsense! Tom je htjeo vidjeti Marynu sobu. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Том нема да го сака. Tom won't want it. Tom won't like him. Da li si video nekog tamo? Did you see anybody there? Did you see anyone there? Тој направи тоа да изгледа лесно. He made it look easy. He made it look easy. Не трябва да чакаш тук. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. Svi tapšu. Everybody claps. Everybody taps. Направивме сѐ што можевме за неа. We've done what we can for her. We did everything we could for her. Правила сам се да не видим. I looked the other way. I pretended I didn't see it. Директорът обмисли възможността да уволни Том, но реши да не го прави. The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it. The director considered firing Tom, but decided not to. Бяха им наложени тежки данъци. They were burdened with heavy taxes. They were subjected to heavy taxes. On vodi buran život. He leads a hectic life. He's leading a busy life. Том мрази зелени пиперки. Tom hates green peppers. Tom hates green peppers. Ono što je Tom rekao se ne može primeniti na ovu situaciju. What Tom said doesn't apply in this situation. What Tom said can't be applied to this situation. Da li preskačeš doručak ujutru? Do you skip breakfast in the mornings? Do you skip breakfast in the morning? Моите предци се од Германија. My ancestors are from Germany. My ancestors are from Germany. Том не беше воодушевен. Tom wasn't impressed. Tom wasn't thrilled. Pravda u ovoj zemlji ima dvostruke standarde: pravda za siromašne i pravda za bogate. Justice in this country is a bit of a double standard: there is the justice of the poor and the justice of the rich. Justice has double standards in this country: justice for the poor and justice for the rich. Doktor je rekao Tomu da treba da pije više vode. The doctor told Tom that he should drink more water. The doctor told Tom he should drink more water. Samouverena sam. I'm confident. I'm confident. Можеш ли да препоръчаш друг хотел? Could you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Потпуно си у праву. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Ne krijem se ni od kog. I'm not hiding from anybody. I'm not hiding from anyone. Nećemo dozvoliti da umreš. We won't let you die. We're not gonna let you die. Tom samo kafu bez kofeina pije. Tom only drinks decaffeinated coffee. It's just coffee without caffeine. Елементарно, мој драги Вотсоне. Elementary, my dear Watson. Extremely, my dear Watson. Poišči svojo višjo moč. Find your higher power. Find your higher power. Седи до мене. Sit by me. Sit next to me. Мисля, че и двете знаем защо съм тук. I think we both know why I'm here. I think we both know why I'm here. Натиснете бутон Shift. Press the Shift button. Press Shift button. Како се зовете? What's your full name? What's your name? Sam sam. I'm alone. I'm alone. Волим да студирам стране језике. I like to study foreign languages. I like to study foreign languages. Previše je lako na taj način. It's too easy that way. It's too easy that way. Imamo li neku takvu? Do we have one like it? Do we have one of those? Koliko često čistiš svoju sobu? How often do you clean your room? How often do you clean your room? Mi mu se ne sviđamo. He does not like us. He doesn't like us. Da li bi moglo da se uradi? Could it be done? Could it be done? Водата светка на сонце. Water glitters in the sunlight. The water shines in the sun. Не е ништо итно. There's no urgency. It's no big deal. Нема да се откажам додека не откријам кој бил одговорен. I won't quit until we find out who's responsible. I won't give up until I find out who was responsible. Како се ти зовеш? What is your name? What's your name? Том е невработен веќе три месеца. Tom has been unemployed for three months now. Tom's been unemployed for three months. Том не ги послуша родителите. Tom didn't obey his parents. Tom didn't listen to his parents. Gde si našla ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where'd you find the keys? Това е изненадващо. This is surprising. That's surprising. Том почина пред неколку години. Tom died a few years ago. Tom died a few years ago. Мразот се стопил. The ice has melted. The ice has melted. Drago mi je što si našla novac koji si izgubila. I'm glad that you found the money you lost. I'm glad you found the money you lost. Razmišljam o Tomu ponekad. I think about Tom sometimes. I think about it sometimes. Ти ја кажав вистината. I told you the truth. I told you the truth. Istražite ovo. Examine this. Look into this. Он је Американац. He is American. He's American. Мисля, че имате право да не пускате Том да отиде. I think you're right not to let Tom go. I think you have a right not to let Tom go. Требао бих о томе разговарати с оцем‎. I should discuss it with my father. I should talk to my father about this. Разбрах за твоето парти. I heard about your party. I heard about your party. Tekst je jako prerađen. The text has been heavily edited. The text is very well processed. Ja njega smatram za neprijatelja. I regard him as an enemy. I consider him an enemy. Още ли си щастлива? Are you still happy? Are you still happy? Чух, че да седиш изправен, е лошо за гърба ти. I've heard that sitting up straight is bad for your back. I hear sitting up, it's bad for your back. Kažite mi šta ste napisali. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Udovi trnu od hladnoće. Cold numbs the limbs. The limbs of a cold thorn. Ние отложихме събитието. We postponed the event. We postponed the event. Не ти искам нито златото, нито среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want your gold or your silver. В каква ситуация ще го направиш? In what kind of situations would you do that? What kind of situation are you gonna do that in? Навистина ми се допаѓа како ти изгледа косата. I really like the way your hair looks. I really like the way your hair looks. Ризата ѝ беше изцапана със сос. Her shirt was stained with sauce. Her shirt was stained with sauce. Reci Tomu šta je Meri uradila. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mary did. Том сега изгледа многу уморно. Tom is now looking very tired. Tom seems very tired right now. Večerao sam sa njom. I had dinner with her. I had dinner with her. Не си сваляй палтото. Keep your coat on. Don't take your coat off. Често разговарам со неа. I often converse with her. I talk to her a lot. On je bio sin bogatoga trgovca. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. За мен една среща следобед е по-добър вариант. An afternoon appointment is more convenient for me. For me, a meeting this afternoon is a better option. Reci mi šta kaže ovde. Tell me what this says. Tell me what he says here. Те ще играят баскетбол след училище. They are going to play baseball after school. They're gonna play basketball after school. Върши страхотна работа. It works incredibly well. She's doing a great job. Кажи му на Том дека наскоро ќе се вратам дома. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. Исплакнав една. I rinsed one. I got one. Izvrštaj o sastanku je spreman. The report on the meeting is ready. The briefing on the meeting is ready. Moj otac je popravio polomljenu stolicu. My father fixed a broken chair. My father fixed a broken chair. В мазето е. It's in the basement. It's in the basement. Во тоа време, титулата „дама“ се користела само за благороднички. At that time, the title of lady was only used for noblewomen. At that time, the title “lady ” was used only for the nobles. Tom je zabrinut zbog onoga što bi se moglo dogoditi. Tom is worried about what might happen. Tom's worried about what might happen. On nije dovoljno pametan da sabere brojeve u glavi. He isn't smart enough to add up numbers in his head. He's not smart enough to add numbers to his head. Ne puštaj nikoga unutra! Don't let anybody in. Don't let anyone in! Ќе биде во ред. It'll be okay. It's gonna be okay. Ова е твојата победа. This is your victory. This is your victory. Том је унајмио приватног детектива да прати Мери. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Tom hired a private investigator to follow Mary. Svi su čekali. Everybody waited. Everyone's been waiting. Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú šialení. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Myslel som, already Tom a Mary sú shialení. Стварно ми је жао Тома. I really feel sorry for Tom. I'm really sorry, Tom. Hoće li neko da mi kaže šta da radim? Will someone please tell me what to do? Will someone please tell me what to do? Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to talk to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Вчера го извиках. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. Ќе го натерам да оди. I will make him go. I'm gonna make him go. Zaboravi da sam to rekao. Please forget I said that. Forget I said that. Им испековме торти. We've baked some cakes for them. We baked them cakes. To je njegov auto. That is his car. It's his car. Odlučili su da se venčaju. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. On uvek polazi na posao u 8 ujutru. He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. He always leaves for work at 8 a.m. U pitanju je oblast sa puno novih kuća. It's an area with a lot of new houses. It's the area with a lot of new houses. Ko zna šta je to bilo? Who knows what it was? Who knows what that was? Дојди и разговарај со мене, Том. Come out and talk to me, Tom. Come and talk to me, Tom. Da li ću samo ja ići na žurku? Will I be the only one going to the party? Am I just gonna go to the party? Том сакаше да останам. Tom wants me to stay. Tom wanted me to stay. Fascinantno je koliko rečenica možeš da napraviš sa pet reči. It's fascinating how many sentences you can create with five words. It's fascinating how many sentences you can make with five words. To je naše. It's ours. That's ours. Da li sam zaista bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? Verovatno neću gledati TV večeras. I probably won't watch TV tonight. I probably won't be watching TV tonight. Litva je članica Evropske unije. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Като си в Рим, прави като римляните. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. As in Rome, do as the Romans do. Отидох да плувам в реката. I went swimming in the river. I went swimming in the river. Сакам да го користам ова. I want to use this. I want to use this. Pomozite nam da pronađemo ovu karticu. Please help us track this card. Help us find this card. Том е на бюрото си, пише нещо. Tom is at his desk writing something. Tom's on his desk. He's writing something. Zašto ne bismo dijelili sobu? Why don't we share a room? Why don't we share a room? Не пипай топката на вратата. Don't touch that doorknob. Don't touch the ball on the door. Чух какво се е случило с Том. I heard about what happened to Tom. I heard what happened with Tom. Sudija je lupio čekićem. The judge banged his gavel. Judge was hammering. Tom je v garáži. Tom is in the garage. Tom's in the garage. Скинуо се. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. Hajde da krenemo negde, Tome. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Том делуваше растроено. Tom seemed agitated. Tom seemed distracted. Nastavi s radom. Continue working. Keep working. Reci mi šta je ovo. Tell me what this is. Tell me what this is. Neću ići u školu sutra. I won't go to school tomorrow. I'm not going to school tomorrow. Gdje mogu kupiti kupaći kostim? Where can I buy a bathing suit? Where can I buy a bathing suit? Колкото и да остаряваш, винаги можеш да се учиш. It doesn't matter how old you get, you can learn. No matter how old you get, you can always learn. Затнати ми се ушите. My ears feel stuffy. I don't mind my ears. В училище ни учеха как да четем френски, но не ни научиха как да го говорим. We learned how to read French in school, but didn't really learn how to speak it. At school, they taught us how to read French, but they didn't teach us how to speak it. Би ли извикал Том? Could you call Tom? Would you call Tom? Treba da krenemo ispočetka. We need to start over. I think we should start over. Hvala svima na dolasku! Vidimo se sljedeći put. Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! I'll see you next time. Мислам дека Том е дебел. I think Tom is obese. I think Tom's fat. Постоји много тајни у животу. There are many mysteries in life. There are a lot of secrets in life. Дај ни малку време. Give us some time. Give us some time. Samo što nisam krenuo da te tražim. I was about to go look for you. I'm about to start looking for you. Можда ће им затребати мало пара. They may need some money. They might need some money. Tom piše veoma dobro. Tom writes very well. Tom's writing very well. Koji je tvoj nacionalnosti? What's your nationality? What's your nationality? Ne možemo nazad. We can't go back. We can't go back. Daj mi olovku. Give me the pencil. Give me the pen. Mi se približimo, pokušavati razumjeti jedni drugog, ali samo povrijedimo jedni drugog i plačemo. We get closer, trying to understand each other, but just hurt each other and cry. We get close, try to understand each other, but we just hurt each other and we cry. Треба да ги прашаме. We should ask them. We should ask them. Svesrdno podržavam tvoje komentare. I support your comments wholeheartedly. I wholeheartedly support your comments. Здрасти. Hi. Hey. Ne želim više da ga vidim. I don't want to see him anymore. I don't want to see him again. U pravu si skroz. You're right on the money. You're right, you're right. Купих хляб, кафе, захар и други такива неща. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and the like. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and stuff like that. Сепак, количеството не е точно. However, the quantity is not correct. Yet, the amount is not true. Том отсекогаш го добивал она што го сакал. Tom has always been able to get what he wants. Tom always got what he wanted. Мора да го отстранат куршумот што му се беше заглавил до 'рбетот. They had to remove a bullet lodged near his spine. They need to remove the bullet that was stuck in his spine. Том беше работлив. Tom was hardworking. Tom was busy. Što više poznajem ljude to se više divim psima. The more I know men, the more I admire dogs. The more I know people, the more I admire dogs. Tom je stavio kartu na sto. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the card on the table. Не искаш ли да отидеш? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go? Трябва да се обадя на Том. I have to call Tom. I have to call Tom. Ме нервираат. They're bothering me. They're pissing me off. Фернандо е побрз од тебе. Можеш ли да потврдиш дека ја разбираш таа порака? Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understand that message? Fernando's faster than you, can you confirm that you understand that message? Джейн искаше фунийка сладолед. Jane wanted an ice cream cone. Jane wanted a cup of ice cream. Jesi li video Toma kako je otišao? Did you see Tom leave? Did you see Tom leave? Блузата е чиста. The blouse is clean. The blouse's clean. Мислев дека би можеле да ти помогнеме. I thought we could help you. I thought we could help you. Utrnula mi je desna ruka. My right hand is numb. My right hand's numbed. Свиря малко на китара. I play a little guitar. I play a little guitar. Plaše me se. They're afraid of me. They're afraid of me. Veoma si nepristojna. You're very rude. You're very rude. Nastavite sa kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. Се надевам дека ќе ја најдеме. I hope we find her. I hope we find her. Tom je rekao da nije ekspert. Tom said he's no expert. Tom said he wasn't an expert. Ako probaš, uspećeš. If you try, you'll succeed. If you try, you'll make it. Ne želim da budem okrutan. I don't want to be cruel. I don't want to be cruel. Да се диша дълбоко е здравословно. It's healthy to breathe deeply. Deep breath is healthy. Ta obično upali. That one usually works. That usually works. Не ми беше жал за нив. I don't feel sorry for them. I didn't feel sorry for them. Stvarno sam ponosna na Toma. I'm real proud of Tom. I'm really proud of Tom. А јас повеќе сакам кафе од чај. Me, I prefer coffee to tea. And I'd rather have a cup of tea. Bitkoin je kriptovaluta. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin's a cryptocurrency. Ѕидов е ладен на допир. This wall feels cold. The wall is cold to touch. Не сме ни сигурни дека Том е виновен за нешто. We're not even sure Tom is guilty of anything. We're not even sure Tom's guilty of anything. Tom je uspeo da uđe u kuću kroz prozor. Tom was able to get into the house through a window. Tom managed to get in the house through the window. To je Saturn. That's Saturn. It's Saturn. Свако лаже. Everybody lies. Everyone's lying. Нямам дребни в мен. I have no small change on me. I don't have any change in me. Том је на тајном задатку. Tom is on a top secret mission. Tom's undercover. Знам ова што е. I know what this is. I know what it is. Pevali su havajske pesme. They sang Hawaiian songs. They were singing Hawaiian songs. Ne možemo nazad. We can't go back. We can't go back. Тази книга беше лесна. This book was easy. That book was easy. Да се говори френски е забавно. Speaking in French is fun. Speaking French is fun. Ovaj je baš kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. Reci mi gde si. Tell me where you are. Tell me where you are. Naučiću puno od tebe. I am going to learn a lot from you. I'll learn a lot from you. Не буди дрзак са мном! Don't be fresh with me. Don't be impertinent with me! Блиски смо пријатељи. We're close friends. We're close friends. Не ни остана за какво да говорим. We've got nothing left to talk about. There's nothing left to talk about. Зарем не е тоа прекумерно? Isn't that excessive? Isn't that excessive? Koliko je stara ova knjiga? How old is this book? How old is this book? Da li ste zauzete ovde? Are you busy here? Are you busy here? Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic beverages? Treba mi tvoja pomoć. I need your help. I need your help. Зашто си обријао браду? Why did you shave off your beard? Why did you shave your beard? Da li si odlučila šta ćeš da radiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're going to do? Всички ученици в нашето училище учат френски. All of the students at our school study French. All the students in our school learn French. Tvrtka je poznata po svojim visoko kvalitetnim proizvodima. The firm is known for its high-quality products. The company is known for its high quality products. Седнимо. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. О, не! Oh no! Oh, no! Ne znam ništa o njoj. I don't know anything about her. I don't know anything about her. Секогаш си го оставаш точакот валкан. You always leave your bike filthy. You always leave your wheel dirty. Možete li, molim vas, da ugasite radio za mene? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Качете се в автобуса. Get on the bus. Get on the bus. Moj francuski i dalje nije baš dobar. My French is still not very good. My French is still not very good. Samo mi reci da si dobro. Just tell me you're OK. Just tell me you're okay. Ми паѓа косата. I'm losing my hair. My hair's falling off. Она обично касни. She tends to be late. She's usually late. Ne čuješ često da je neko kupio šešir za hiljadu dolara. It's not very often that someone buys a thousand dollar hat. You don't often hear someone buy a thousand-dollar hat. Откраднаха ми телефона. My mobile has been stolen. They stole my phone. Mislim da je to gubljenje vremena. I think it's a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time. Morao sam da donesem neke teške odluke. I've had to make some tough choices. I had to make some tough decisions. Гледав француски филм со англиски превод. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I saw a French film with an English translation. Сите го доживуваме нејзиното однесување како одбивно. We all find her behaviour abhorrent. We all experience her behavior as repulsive. Nemám radosť z toho, čo si spravil. I am not pleased with what you have done. I'm not happy with the tone you've brought. Ne dopada mi se kada radiš kod kuće. I don't like it when you bring work home. I don't like it when you work at home. Molim vas, dođite. Please come. Please come. Беше ли ви казано за проблема? Have you been told about the problem? Were you told about the problem? Книгиве се нови. These books are new. These books are new. Ona troši tri dolara dnevno na ručak i večeru. She spends three dollars a day for lunch and dinner. She spends three dollars a day at lunch and dinner. И двете сме од Бостон. We're both from Boston. We're both from Boston. Plašim se da si me pogrešno razumeo. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. Том е доста безопасен. Tom is quite harmless. Tom's pretty harmless. Tom se povukao Tom sat back down. Tom's retired. Том ће купити нов компјутер. Tom will buy a new computer. Tom's gonna buy a new computer. Голяма къща ли има? Does he have a big house? Is there a big house? Ty nie si naša priateľka. You are not our friend. Ty isn't our problem. Ako dodjes u Rio, ne zaboravi me nazvati da ti budem vodic! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me your guide! Ko ne reskira, ne dobija. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Whoever doesn't take risks doesn't get it. Zakasniću. I will be late. I'm gonna be late. Skinuo se. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. Da li su ovo vaše torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? Nisam prepoznao melodiju. I didn't recognise the tune. I didn't recognize the melody. Старата куќарка има извесен шарм. The old cottage has a certain charm about it. The old cabin has a certain charm. Не се враќам. I'm not going back. I'm not coming back. Še nikoli nisem bil tukaj. I've never been here before. I've never been here before. Tom je primljen u bolnicu. Tom was admitted into the hospital. Tom's been admitted to the hospital. Той не вярва в Бог. He doesn't believe in God. He doesn't believe in God. Господинът най-добре знае стойността на собствения си живот. The gentleman best knows himself the value of his own life. The gentleman knows best the value of his own life. Том беше во камионот. Tom was in the truck. Tom was in the truck. To je njegova slaba tačka. That's his weak spot. That's his bad spot. Ако трябва да сме справедливи, той не е мързелив. To do him justice, he is not idle. If we have to be fair, he's not lazy. Тој лежеше во болница една недела. He was in the hospital for a week. He was in the hospital for a week. Resno, ne pripravi me do tega, da ti prdnem na juho. Seriously, don't make me fart on your soup. Seriously, don't make me fart in your soup. Izgovara se ovako: The pronunciation is as follows: It's pronounced like this: Вземи което искаш. Take whichever you want. Take whatever you want. Паркирала сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Дайте ми още една възможност. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. Малку сум загрижен за неа. I'm a little worried about her. I'm a little worried about her. Sutra je Božić. Tomorrow is Christmas. Tomorrow's Christmas. Том не би могъл да бъде по-мил. Tom couldn't be nicer. Tom couldn't have been nicer. Къде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? Реших, че може да ти е любопитно. I thought you might be curious. I thought you might be curious. Zbog lošeg vremena, avion je kasnio. Due to bad weather, the plane was late. Because of the bad weather, the plane was late. Аз не разбрах последната дума. I didn't catch the last word. I didn't get the last word. Objektivan sam. I'm objective. I'm objective. Mislim da ćete moći da uradite to. I think you'll not be able to do that. I think you'll be able to do that. Вампирите живеат вечно. Vampires live forever. Vampires live forever. Nisam te pitao da ne uradiš to. I didn't ask you not to do that. I didn't ask you not to do that. Ja ne znam ko su oni. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Probudi se! Wake up! Wake up! Čítam túto knihu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading the túto kneu. Stražar je napolju. A guard is outside. There's a guard outside. Виждал съм Том да прави невероятни неща. I've seen Tom do some amazing things. I've seen Tom do amazing things. Budi obazriva. Take care. Be careful. Ме чекаат сите овие работи. I have all this work to do. All these things are waiting for me. Има ли музей в този град? Is there a museum in this town? Is there a museum in this town? Замоли го да објасни. Ask him to explain it. Ask him to explain. Sada nam treba istina. We need the truth now. We need the truth now. Oktopod Pol je bio u pravu. Octopus Paul was right. Octopus Paul was right. Не беше толкова силно. It wasn't that loud. It wasn't that strong. Извикайте ме, ако имате нужда от мене. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me. Не трябва да носиш кожено палто. You should not wear a fur coat. You shouldn't wear a leather coat. Веома сам импресионирана. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Той пътуваше по работа. He traveled on business. He was traveling on business. Миналата вечер ми позвъни стар приятел от университета, когото не бях чувал от години. Last evening I was rung up by an old college friend whom I had not heard from for years. Last night, I got a call from an old friend from the university I haven't heard from in years. Тома је ишао на годишњицу матуре прошле недеље. Tom went to his high school reunion last week. Tom went to prom last week. Situacija je bila krajnje opasna; bilo je pitanje života i smrti. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. "Učite iz svojih grešaka" i "Iskustvo je najbolji učitelj", kažu, ali na duge staze čak i najbolji učitelj pobesni, ako on ili ona ima previše da predaje u premalo vremena. "Learn from your mistakes" and "Experience is the best teacher" they say, but in the long run even the best teacher gets mad, if he or she has too much to teach in too little time. "Learn from your mistakes" and "The experience is the best teacher," they say, but in the long run even the best teacher angry, if he or she has too much to teach in too little time. Мислам дека Том си замина. I think Tom has gone. I think Tom's gone. Da li mi, ljudi, možemo da varimo travu i da izvlačimo hranjive sastojke iz nje? Can we humans digest grass and obtain nourishment from it? Can we, people, boil grass and extract nutrients from it? Си го прекинавме разговорот. We broke off our conversation. We broke up the conversation. Skoro nikad nisam kući tokom dana. I'm almost never at home during the day. I'm almost never home during the day. Mogao bih da krenem s tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Nisam izbirljiv. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. Никад није преболео смрт сина. He never recovered from the death of his son. He never got over his son's death. Jesu li Amerikanci zaista tako individualni? Are Americans really so individualistic? Are Americans really that individual? Том се потруди да изгледа зафатено, за Мери да не му побара да ѝ помогне. Tom tried to look busy, so Mary wouldn't ask him to help her. Tom tried to seem busy, so that Mary did not ask him to help her. Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water out of the dirty glass! Сигурен бев дека можеме да му веруваме на Том. I was sure we could trust Tom. I was sure we could trust Tom. Едноставно прашање е де. It's just a simple question. It's a simple question. Jesu li mi crvene uši? Are my ears red? Are my red ears? Imamo direktan pristup informacijama. We have direct access to the information. We have direct access to information. Реци му да сам невина. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Ona je Ukrajinka. She's Ukrainian. She's Ukrainian. Не може да е таа. That can't be her. It can't be her. Обичаш ли да пътуваш? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Той отказа предложението. Аз също. He declined the offer and so did I. He refused the proposal, so did I. Vie po francúzsky, nehovoriac o angličtine. She speaks French, not to speak of English. Vie per francúzsky, non-hoovorian about anglechtin. Probala si. You've tried. You tried. Аз ли съм първа? Am I first? Am I first? Kaži Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. И така съм си добре. I'm happy where I am. I'm fine anyway. Volim da te gledam dok igraš. I love watching you dance. I love watching you dance. Како изгледаш? What do you look like? How do you look? Tom je bio tih na trenutak. Tom was quiet for a moment. Tom was quiet for a second. Страшно съм зает. I have my hands full. I'm awfully busy. Не искам Том да ме види гол. I don't want Tom to see me naked. I don't want Tom to see me naked. Прво морамо да их нађемо. We've got to find them first. We have to find them first. Опитай да се успокоиш. Try and take it easy. Try to calm down. Naučiti sve ove rečenice napamet ne dolazi u obzir. It is out of the question to learn all these sentences by heart. To learn all these sentences is not an option. Moraš da govoriš glasnije. You've got to speak up. You have to speak louder. Ден ја извлече Линда на безбедно. Dan pulled Linda to safety. Dan got Linda out safely. Koja je tvoja omiljena TV zvijezda? Who is your favorite TV star? What's your favorite TV star? Упознај ме са Томом. Introduce me to Tom. I want you to introduce me to Tom. Майка ми ми премери температурата. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured the temperature. Tko ide sa mnom? Who will come with me? Who's coming with me? Nemoj da preteruješ. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. Волим хлеб. I love bread. I like bread. Трябваше да се подчиним на тяхната молба. We had to yield to their request. We had to obey their request. Ти личи ли Том на човек што се плаши од некого? Does Tom seem like he's afraid of anyone? Does Tom look like he's afraid of someone? Зданиево е чудовишна градба. The building is a monstrous structure. This building is a monster structure. Какво бихте искали? What would you like? What would you like? Шта ти је на уму? What's on your mind? What's on your mind? Postalo je mračno. It's become dark. It's gotten dark. Уназаден си. You've been demoted. You're in the back. Hvala ti puno! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Кућа је направљена од цигле. The house was built of bricks. The house is made of bricks. Том ли го предложил ова? Was Tom the one who suggested this? Did Tom propose this? Rekla sam ti da će da radi. I told you it would work. I told you this would work. Tom svako veče zapiše nešto u dnevnik, koliko god da je umoran. Tom writes something in his diary every evening, no matter how tired he is. Tom writes something in his diary every night, however tired he is. Съществуват 340 вида колибри. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. There are 340 type of hummingbirds. Аз не ревнувам. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Pivo je dobro. Beer's good. Beer's good. Toma je bio besan kao ris. Tom began to feel hot under the collar. Tom was as angry as a lynx. Danas ću ranije otići s posla. I'm going to leave work early today. I'm leaving work early today. Hoda. She walks. He's walking. Може ли да си тръгна сега? May I leave now? Can I leave now? Ona ni mlada. She isn't young. She's not young. Всеки ден ли говориш френски? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? Шта ће сада бити? What will happen now? What happens now? Danas si užasno poranila. You're here awfully early today. You're a hell of an early day today. Biću odmah tu. I'll be right in there. I'll be right there. Odvešću te kod Toma. I'll take you to Tom. I'll take you to Tom. Majka mi je bila alkoholičarka. My mother was an alcoholic. My mother was an alcoholic. Алармот заѕвони. The alarm started ringing. The alarm rang. Тоа е беспоговорен факт. That's an unquestionable fact. It's a non-negotiable fact. Ни треба твојата помош. We need your help. We need your help. Сите мои обиди пропаднаа. All of my attempts have failed. All my attempts have failed. Те имат друг план. They have another plan. They have another plan. Plivanje je vrste vežbe. Swimming is a form of exercise. Swimming is a type of exercise. Danas je toplo kao i jučer. It is as warm today as yesterday. It's as warm today as yesterday. Тражим посао. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. Ако ще ходиш във Франция, трябва да си опресниш френския. If you're going to go to France, you should brush up on your French. If you're going to France, you need to refresh your French. Том винаги изглеждаше щастлив. Tom always looked happy. Tom always seemed happy. Том няма да успее навреме. Tom won't make it in time. Tom's not gonna make it in time. Да си побъбрим. Let's chat. Let's talk. Том пропи. Tom started drinking. Tom drank it. Без алата нема заната. You can't make bricks without straw. Without the tools, there is no trade. Мислев дека го нашле. I thought they found him. I thought they found him. Моля заключете сейфа. Please lock the safe. Please lock the safe. Mogla bih sad da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. Svi stoje. Everyone's standing. Everybody's standing. Imali smo danas ispit iz matematike. We had an examination in mathematics today. We had a math exam today. Izdahnuo je. He breathed his last breath. He's out. Ne razgovarajte. Don't talk. Don't talk. Добави този сайт в "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this site to "Prefered". Imamo direktan pristup informacijama. We have direct access to the information. We have direct access to information. Да ја оставиме темава. Let's drop the subject. Let's leave the subject. Tom je rekao da je Mary vozila auto. Tom said Mary was driving the car. Tom said Mary was driving the car. Нищо от това, което Том прави, не ми харесва. I don't like anything Tom does. None of what Tom's doing, I don't like it. Голямото куче ги плаши. The big dog is frightening them. The big dog scares them. Da li možete da nasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Тези стават ли за ядене? Are these edible? Are these ready to eat? Том го бива с френския. Tom is good at French. Tom's good with the French guy. Poďme na prechádzku, keď prestane pršať. Let's go for a walk after it stops raining. He moves on to prechádzka, he stops spraying. Том е многу скржав. Tom is very stingy. Tom's very cheap. Da li je meni to ispalo? Did I drop that? Did it work out for me? Не сум сосем задоволен со објаснението на Том. I'm not completely satisfied with Tom's explanation. I'm not entirely satisfied with Tom's explanation. Аз ще помня тази вечер. I'll remember this evening. I'll remember tonight. Срещнах трудности, когато се занимавах с проблема. I had difficulty working out the problem. I met difficulties when I was dealing with the problem. Не те виня. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. И аз искам да го поздравя. I want to greet him, too. I'd like to congratulate him, too. Трябваше да я сграбча, за да не падне. I had to grab her to keep her from falling. I had to grab her so she wouldn't fall. Mnoga se predviđanja ne ostvare. Many predictions fail. A lot of predictions don't come true. Moram ići u Istanbul. I must go to Istanbul. I have to go to Istanbul. Не съм казал нищо. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. Biću pozadi. I'll be around back. I'll be in the back. Hajde u kamion. Let's get in the truck. Get in the truck. Da li si očekivao da se dogodi nešto drugo? Did you expect something else to happen? Did you expect anything else to happen? Није битно где сам. Where I am doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where I am. Мери му ги собра на Том сите пари. Mary took Tom for every cent he had. Mary got Tom all the money. Свършваме храната. We're running short of food. We're finishing the food. Виждал ли си ми фотоапарата? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? Въпреки че Том ми го обясни подробно, все още не съм сигурен, че наистина разбирам. Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand it. Although Tom explained it to me in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand. Тој си ја сушеше мократа облека крај огнот. He dried his wet clothes by the fire. He was drying his wet clothes by the fire. Како се каже „мачка“ на шпанском? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? How do you say “cat ” in Spanish? Dođi ovde. Come here. Come here. Posuđujem knjige iz gradske knjižnice. I borrow books from the city library. I'm borrowing books from the city library. Том се преобрази во врколак. Tom transformed himself into a werewolf. Tom turned into a werewolf. Da li je ovo tvoj kofer? Is this your suitcase? Is this your suitcase? Идеята която обсъждахме в клас вчера наистина привлече вниманието ми. That idea we were discussing in class yesterday really piqued my interest. The idea we discussed in class yesterday really got my attention. Какво ще бъде времето утре? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What's the time tomorrow? Овој пат победивме. This time we won. This time we won. Работи во амбасада од пред три месеца. He has worked in the embassy for three months. He's been working at the embassy three months ago. Тоа е една причина. That's one reason. That's one reason. To mi Tom kaže. That's what Tom tells me. That's what Tom tells me. Ćao! Bye! Bye! Ћао, Томе. Hello, Tom. Hi, Tom. Zabavno je. It's fun. It's fun. Епа, не ни се брза. Well, we are not in a hurry. Well, we're in no hurry. Мисля, че няма да стане. I think it won't succeed. I don't think so. Ми треба морско оревче. I need some nutmeg. I need a walnut. Daj mi dvigalo v vašem avtu. Give me a lift in your car. Give me the elevator in your car. Наостри си го моливот. Sharpen your pencil. Sharpen your pencil. Немој да одиш таму доле. Don't go down there. Don't go down there. Защо френският ти е толкова добър? How come you speak French so well? Why is your French so good? То не може бити истина. That can't be true. That can't be true. Трябва да спазваш обещанията си. You should keep your promise. You have to keep your promises. Он ће ускоро завршити. He'll be done soon. He'll be done soon. Ги бркам веќе долго време. I've been after them for a long time. I've been chasing them for a long time. Нестало нам је хране. We ran out of food. We're out of food. Ниси лош. You're not bad. You're not bad. Ako čovek ima prava na život, onda treba da ima i prava na smrt. Ako nema, onda život nije pravo, već obaveza. If one has the right to live, then one should also have the right to die. If not, then living is not a right, but an obligation. If a man has the right to live, then he should have the right to die. If not, then life is not the right thing, but the obligation. Možda je Tom bio umešan. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. Секогаш ми се јаде. I always feel hungry. I always like to eat. На Том многу му се допаѓаше Мери. Tom liked Mary very much. Tom loved Mary very much. Kontrolišite se. Control yourselves. Control yourself. Мисля, че то няма да успее. I think it won't succeed. I don't think that's gonna work. Колико времена имам? How much time do I have? How much time do I have? Čak i deca znaju to. Even children know that. Even kids know that. Jesi li ikad video jednu? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever seen one? Rekao sam Tomu da si u Australiji. I told Tom that you were in Australia. I told Tom you were in Australia. Не познавам никој таков. I don't know anyone like that. I don't know anyone like that. Том никогаш не ја изгуби надежта. Tom never lost hope. Tom never lost hope. Нисам још спреман. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Iskreno se nadam da će se Tomova predviđanja ostvariti. I sincerely hope that Tom's predictions are going to come true. I sincerely hope Tom's predictions come true. Гледањето телевизија е забавно. It's fun to watch TV. Watching TV is fun. Ti si tužan. You're sad. You're sad. Чашите се во креденецот за чаши. The glasses are in the glass cupboards. The glasses are in the glass cabinet. Hajde, vas dvojica. Come on, you two. Come on, you two. Ќе ја користам мечтата. I'll use my imagination. I'll use my dream. Му тргнало. He is on a roll. He's on his way. Преподава ли се френски в началните училища? Is French taught in elementary schools? Is French taught in primary schools? Онази част е добра. That part is good. That's a good part. Глупаво правило е. It's a stupid policy. It's a stupid rule. Dopusti nam da ti pomognemo. Please let us help you. Let us help you. Знам. I know. I know. Го кривам него. I blame him. I'm hiding him. Да си кажем нещата честно! Let's talk turkey! Let's face it! Изглеждаш уморен. You look tired. You look tired. Не мога да поправя хладилникът. I cannot repair this refrigerator. I can't fix the fridge. Имам дванаесет години. I'm twelve. I'm 12 years old. Во Лондон сум. I am in London. I'm in London. Pobedio si! You've won! You win! Сакам да ги донесам овде. I want to bring them here. I want to bring them here. Студа скоро проникна през неговото подплатено яке. The cold soon penetrated his quilted jacket. The cold soon broke through his underpaid jacket. Том знаеше дека нема да ја види Мери никогаш повеќе. Tom knew he'd never see Mary again. Tom knew he'd never see Mary again. Винаги закъснява за училище. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Boš navijal zame? Will you cheer for me? You gonna cheer for me? Ponosan sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I'm proud of my family. To sam već radio. I've already done that. I've done this before. Моравме да бараме каде да отседнеме додека ни се реновира куќата. We had to look for a place to stay while our house is under renovation. We had to look for a place to stay while our house was being renovated. Ти си много смела. You are very brave. You're very brave. Том си няма идея какво си мисли Мери. Tom doesn't have any idea what Mary is thinking. Tom has no idea what Mary thinks. Možda grešiš. You could be mistaken. Maybe you're wrong. Postajete neobazrivi. You're getting careless. You're becoming careless. Možeš da učiš, nezavisno od starosti. You can learn, no matter your age. You can learn, regardless of age. Skok. Jump. Jump. Трябва да откажеш пушенето. You should quit smoking. You have to stop smoking. Том беше спасен от един случаен минувач. Tom was rescued by a passer-by. Tom was rescued by a random passerby. Život u Tokiju je jako skup. Life in Tokyo is very expensive. Life in Tokyo is very expensive. Том живее на същата улица като Мери. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Već sam znao istinu. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. Jesi li napisao izveštaj? Have you written your report? Did you write the report? Кућа је саграђена од цигле. The house was built of bricks. The house is made of bricks. Не всяко дете харесва ябълки. Not every child likes apples. Not every kid likes apples. Био сам веома узбуђен. I was very excited. I was very excited. Molim vas, budite iskreni prema meni. Please be honest with me. Please, be honest with me. Добро е. It's good. That's good. Радвам се да го чуя. I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad to hear it. Чух те да говориш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Никој не го слушаше Том. No one was listening to Tom. Nobody listened to Tom. Kako se zove taj restoran? What's that restaurant's name? What's the name of this restaurant? Tom poznaje državnog tajnika. Tom knows the Secretary of State. Tom knows the secretary of state. Najdi boga, če ga lahko. Find God, if you can. Find God if you can. Забравих го в гаража. I forgot it in the garage. I left it in the garage. Скршено дрво го попречуваше патот. A fallen tree blocked the path. A broken tree was blocking the road. Нанси се страхува от кучета. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Ми се смачи од војнава. I'm sick of this war. I'm sick of this war. Kako ti se dopao Boston? How did you like Boston? How did you like Boston? Томо, морамо узети такси до станице. We must take a taxi to the station, Tom. Tomo, we need to take a cab to the station. Požuriću. I'll hurry. I'll hurry. Sami je vidio Lejlinu reakciju Sami saw Layla's reaction. Sami saw Leila's reaction. Istražite je. Examine it. Look into her. Trudim se da budem pažljiva. I'm trying to be cautious. I'm trying to be careful. Моля, предайте моите поздрави на Вашето семейство. Please send my regards to your family. Please give my regards to your family. Върни я! Give it back! Give it back! Tom je odbio da ode u krevet. Tom refused to go to bed. Tom refused to go to bed. Мислам дека можеш да ни кажеш каде да го најдеме. We think you can tell us where to find him. I think you can tell us where to find him. Не забравяй да си донесеш кухненски пособия като ножове и съдове за готвене. Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. Don't forget to bring your kitchen tools like knives and cooking dishes. Идването ѝ тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Her coming here was a mistake. Гледав телевизија кога дојде Том. I was watching TV when Tom came. I was watching TV when Tom came in. Тоа баш и може да успее. That just might work. That could work. Тя изглежда много болна. She seems to be very ill. She looks very sick. За што се возбудуваш толку? What are you getting so excited about? What are you getting so excited about? Те повече няма да ви притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Mama, gladan sam. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Ne bih mogao da uradim ovo bez tvoje pomoći. I couldn't have done it without your help. I couldn't do this without your help. Obriši usne salvetom. Clean your lips with the napkin. Wipe your lips with a napkin. Сериозната турбуленция и лошото обслужване в самолета направиха началото на нашата почивка не особено приятно. Severe turbulence during the flight and very poor cabin service didn't make for an enjoyable start to our holiday. Serious turbulence and poor service on board made the beginning of our vacation not particularly pleasant. Mogu li te odvesti kući? Can I drive you home? Can I take you home? Когато отидеш в Румъния, ще посетиш замъка на Дракула. When you go to Romania, you will visit Dracula's Castle. When you go to Romania, you will visit Dracula's castle. Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come and see me after work. Come see me after work. Imam utakmicu koju treba da igram. I have a match to play. I got a game to play. Том не сакаше да седи до Мери. Tom didn't want to sit next to Mary. Tom didn't want to sit next to Mary. Спри. Боли. Stop. It hurts. Stop it. lt hurts. Имам изненадување за неа. I have a surprise for her. I have a surprise for her. Треба да купиш малку шеќер. You need to buy some sugar. You should buy some sugar. Ja sam Zemljanin. I am an Earthling. I'm an Earthman. Da li Tom ima ključ? Does Tom have a key? Does Tom have the key? Tom se povukao Tom sat back down. Tom's retired. Дојден сум да зборувам за неа. I came to talk about her. I'm here to talk about her. Не съм спал от три дена. I haven't slept in three days. I haven't slept in three days. Американците харесаха това, което чуха от Франклин Рузвелт. Americans liked what they heard from Franklin Roosevelt. The Americans liked what they heard from Franklin Roosevelt. Neophodno je. It's necessary. It's necessary. Благодарам. Thank you. Thank you. Mačka nije čovjek! A cat is not a person. Cat's not human! Znala sam da nećeš umeti da uradiš to. I knew you wouldn't be able to do that. I knew you couldn't do it. Кога почина Том? When did Tom pass away? When did Tom die? Uđi unutra. Get inside. Come inside. Това все още не съм го проумял. I haven't really figured that out yet. I haven't figured that out yet. Разбираш, нали? You understand, don't you? You understand, right? Обичаш ли френските вина? Do you like French wines? Do you like French guilt? Lastnikova razlaga je jasna. The owner's explanation is clear. The owner's explanation is clear. Дај им ја сликава. Give them this picture. Give them this picture. Nastavite sa radom. Continue working. Keep working. Tom je rekao da ostanemo ovde. Tom said to stay here. Tom said to stay here. Imamo četiri časa francuskog svake nedelje. We have four French classes a week. We have four hours of French every week. Mali ste pravdu? Were you right? You're a little justice, aren't you? Камо докази? Where's your proof? Where's the evidence? Mogla bih sada da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. Аз трябва да тръгвам сега. I must be leaving now. I have to go now. Neki od mojih prijatelj puše. Some of my friends smoke. Some of my friends are smoking. Nisam nimalo zabrinut. I'm not worried at all. I'm not worried at all. Radio sam na tome dan za danom. I worked on it day after day. I was working on that day after day. Безбеден сум. I'm safe. I'm safe. Nemoj da se razvlačiš. Don't slouch. Don't stretch. Работата не е срамна. Work isn't shameful. It's not a shame. До какви изводи стигнаха? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions have they come up with? Няма ли да дойдеш? Aren't you coming? Aren't you coming? Kupila je hleb. She bought bread. She bought bread. И двамата родители на Том бяха учители. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Tom's parents were both teachers. Da li je sve rešeno sada? Is it all resolved now? Is everything settled now? Да ли разумете шта говорим? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Не е можно! It can't be! It can't be! Искашлав крв. I coughed up blood. It's blood. It's blood. It's blood. Ручао сам са њом. I had lunch with her. I had lunch with her. Сигурна ли си, че Том няма да дойде до 2:30? Are you sure Tom won't be here until 2:30? Are you sure Tom won't be here until 2:30? Том и кажа на Мери да не оди. Tom told Mary not to go. Tom told Mary not to go. Мислам дека Том е луд. I think Tom is crazy. I think Tom's crazy. Това безмитен магазин ли е? Is this a duty-free shop? Is this a free shop? Сакав да ти кажам првин тебе. I wanted to tell you first. I wanted to tell you first. Reci mi gde živiš. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. О, не! Забравих си камерата. Oh no! I forgot my camera. Oh, no, I forgot my camera. Нисам га заборавио. I haven't forgotten him. I haven't forgotten it. Kada ćemo da počnemo da jedemo? When are we going to start eating? When are we gonna start eating? Som hladný. Kedy do čerta budeme jesť? I'm starving. When the hell do we eat. I'm cold. Как се казва тази река? What's the name of this river? What is the name of this river? Sovražniki smo. We're enemies. We're enemies. Mislio sam da sam dobro odglumio. I thought that I performed well. I thought I did a good job. Dođi ranije da bismo mogli da razgovaramo o planovima. Come early so we can discuss the plans. Come early so we can talk plans. Какво би искала? What would you like? What would you like? Иако Џејн имаше еден куфер помалку од мене, се пожали дека имала премногу за носење. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane had one case less than me, she complained that she had too much to wear. Знаете ли дали Том може да говори френски? Do you know whether Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French? Фали ли нешто? Is anything missing? Is there anything missing? Došli smo u London pogledati komediju. We went to see a comedy in London. We came to London to look at comedy. Подозирам, че в тая кръчма сипват вода в бирата. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect in this pub they pour water into the beer. Имаш ли обувки и чорапи? Do you have shoes and socks? Do you have shoes and socks? Sarajevo je glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Govorim bosanski. I speak Bosnian. I speak Bosnian. Още ли не си приключил с домашното по френски? Have you finished your French homework yet? Haven't you finished your homework in French yet? Боб ми е приятел. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Tvoj plan zvuči odlično. Your plan sounds great. Your plan sounds great. Вечерата беше ептен добра! The dinner was so good! It was such a good dinner! Обичаш ли да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Да не би нещо да те плаши? Are you afraid of something? Is there anything that scares you? Ne pomeraj se! Don't move! Don't move! Што е толку лут Том? What's Tom so mad about? What's so angry about Tom? Знаеш ли да пишуваш? Can you write? Can you write? Proverio sam. I've checked. I checked. Надявам се да намерим Том. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Zalil je rožni grm. He watered the rose bush. He's watering the pink bush. Pokušavam. I try. I'm trying. Zbog lošeg vremena, avion je kasnio. Due to bad weather, the plane was late. Because of the bad weather, the plane was late. Дали мислиш дека тоа ни пречеше? Do you think that bothered us? Do you think that bothered us? Камоли да ја запознаев. I wish I'd met her. I wish I'd met her. Не го гледам крајот. I can't see the end. I don't see the end. Тоа е сосем возможно. That's very possible. That's quite possible. Скрените улево. Turn left. Turn left. Ко чека, дочека. Everything comes to him who waits. Who's waiting, he's waiting. Jedan čovek je uhapšen i optužen za namerno ubistvo iz nehata 25-godišnje Marije Tomson. One man has been arrested and charged with the voluntary manslaughter of 25-year-old Mary Tomson. A man has been arrested and charged with deliberately murdering a 25-year-old Mary Thompson. Том ми е маж. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Ти знаеше ли, че Том напусна града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Френският по-труден ли е от английския? Is French more difficult than English? Is French harder than English? Ја имам две кћерке. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Момичето е ирландка. The girl is Irish. The girl's Irish. Lažnjak je, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? He's a fake, isn't he? Hjustone, imali smo problem. Houston, we've had a problem here. Houston, we had a problem. Ти виждал ли си Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? У мом почетку је мој крај. In my beginning is my end. In my beginning, it's my end. Ајде да ѝ помогнеме. Let us help her. Let's help her. Стори ми се, че чух нещо. I thought I heard something. I thought I heard something. Пушти го Том да зборува. Let Tom do the talking. Let Tom talk. Gde se krio Tom? Where has Tom been hiding? Where was Tom hiding? Nikad ranije nismo igrale fudbal. I've never played soccer before. We've never played football before. Ta je veoma retka. That one is very rare. That's very rare. Том не требаше да се ожени за Мери. Tom shouldn't have married Mary. Tom wasn't supposed to marry Mary. Мери живи од шивења. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary lives by sewing. Drago mi je što si se vratio. I'm glad you've come back. Glad to have you back. От какво се страхува Том? What's Tom afraid of? What's Tom afraid of? Мислам дека нема да живеам уште долго. I don't think I have much longer to live. I don't think I'm gonna live much longer. Това не би трябвало да е проблем. That shouldn't be a problem. That shouldn't be a problem. Molim vas, ne fotografirajte tu. Please do not take photos here. Please don't take pictures. Malo smo zauzete ovde. We're sort of busy here. We're a little busy here. Това не го бях виждал през живота си никога. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen that in my life. Том ја навреди Мери. Tom insulted Mary. Tom insulted Mary. Ко си ти? Who are you? Who are you? Ukrcajte se. Come aboard. All aboard. Том треба да си оди сега. Tom should leave now. Tom needs to leave now. Том полицијата веќе го испраша. Tom has already been questioned by the police. Tom P.D. already questioned him. Da li tvoja deca imaju svoje sobe? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your kids have their rooms? Твоите престапи ги обесчестија гробовите на твоите предци. Your crimes have desecrated your ancestor's graves. Your transgressions have disgraced the graves of your ancestors. Mal si pravdu? Were you right? You're a little justice, aren't you? Нищо не чувствам. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. По-добре да се захващам за работа. I'd better get back to work. I'd better get to work. Трябва да си почина. I have to take a break. I need to rest. Том не примети дека Мери не е на забавата. Tom didn't notice that Mary wasn't at the party. Tom didn't notice Mary wasn't at the party. Фред винаги лъже. Fred is always telling lies. Fred's always lying. Нема да се мрднам. I won't move. I'm not moving. Скъпа моя, ако яденето не е готово до седем часа, ще отида на ресторант. My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant. My dear, if eating is not ready in seven hours, I will go to the restaurant. Voliš li kostime? Do you like costumes? Do you like costumes? По-добре да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd better stay home. Jesam li sada bezbedan? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Kdaj se boste poročili? When will you get married? When are you getting married? Psi su pametni. Dogs are smart. Dogs are smart. Uradiću sve za tebe. I'll do everything for you. I'll do anything for you. Напиши нешто. Write something. Write something down. Kakvo je vrijeme u New Yorku? What's the weather like in New York? What's the weather like in New York? Остави го на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. За мене ли го купи ова? Did you buy this for me? Did you buy this for me? Отсекогаш ми помагал некој. I've always had help. I've always been helped by someone. Решив да одам. I've decided to go. I decided to go. Том делуваше малку дезориентирано. Tom seemed a little disoriented. Tom seemed a little disoriented. Ne možeš da sediš sa mnom. You can't sit with me. You can't sit with me. Ако го запознаам Исус, ќе му ги испитам стомачните. If I met Jesus, I'd check out his abs. If I meet Jesus, I'll examine his stomach. Спремни сме за борба. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. Не си ли омъжена? Aren't you married? Aren't you married? Život teče dalje! So goes life! Life goes on! Tom nikad nije rekao ništa o tome. Tom never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about it. Rezignirala sam. I resigned. I directed it. Не обичам да се бия. I don't enjoy fighting. I don't like fighting. Више волим торте и слаткише од алкохола, али пијем. I prefer cakes or candies to alcohol, but I do drink. I prefer cakes and alcohol candy, but I drink. To su lijepe cipele. Those are nice shoes. Those are nice shoes. Мислам дека преризично без никаква помош. I think it's a little risky to do that without some help. I think it's risky without any help. Šta ste vas dvojica uradili? What did you both do? What did you two do? Той изчезна безследно. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Bit ćete poznat. You will be famous. You'll be famous. Ustani i predstavi se, molim te. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself, please. Има цреша пред мојата куќа. There is a cherry tree in front of my house. There's cherry in front of my house. Kto zostal? Who stayed? Who's sick? Ќе го пратам Том да се погрижи за тоа. I'll have Tom take care of it. I'll send Tom to take care of it. Vozi polak. Drive slowly. He's driving a Polack. Bio si veoma tih. You've been very quiet. You've been very quiet. Tom ima pravi stav. Tom has the right attitude. Tom's got a good bet. Ова не е нормално. This is not normal. This isn't normal. Niko ne zna u šta se pretvorila. Nobody knows what has become of her. No one knows what she's become. Da li su to nove cipele? Are those new shoes? Are those new shoes? Идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. На Том му е топло. Tom is warm. Tom's warm. Нагло је престао да пуши. He quit smoking cold turkey. He stopped smoking abruptly. Drago mi je da su ljudi videli to. I'm glad people saw it. I'm glad people saw it. Утре ќе бидам зафатен. I will be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Не си спомням името му. I can't remember his name. I don't remember his name. Не гледам да се жалат муштерии. I don't see any customers complaining. I don't see customers complaining. Zvučiš veoma mlad. You sound very young. You sound very young. Избегнувај лоши друштва. Avoid bad company. Avoid bad societies. Аз съм нощна птица. I'm a night owl. I'm a night bird. Odana sam. I'm loyal. I'm loyal. Ќе ти го најдам Том. I'll find Tom for you. I'll find Tom for you. Obožavam ovu radnju. I love this store. I love this store. Ne bih ga povredio. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Kruh mi se sviđa. I like bread. I like the bread. Тя ми е съученичка. She's my classmate. She's my classmate. Proveri svakoga. Check everyone. Check everyone. Мразам опера. I hate opera. I hate opera. Тој флертува толку нападно што жените на крај бегаат од него. He flirts so forcefully that he ends up pushing women away. He flirts so aggressively that women eventually run away from him. Ние няма да се преклоним пред волята на един тиранин. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not bow before the will of a tyrant. Някои от учениците на Том говорят френски много добре. Some of Tom's students speak French very well. Some of Tom's students speak French very well. Отсекогаш сум сакал да патувам со Мери. I always wanted to travel with Mary. I've always wanted to travel with Mary. Kako se kaže XXX na nizozemskom jeziku? How do you say XXX in Dutch? How do you say XXX in Dutch? Лодката преминава през джунглата. This boat goes through the jungle. The boat is moving through the jungle. Те ще вземат контрол над ситуацията. They'll take control of the situation. They'll take control of the situation. Ko si ti? Who are you? Who are you? Тука ли работат? Do they work here? Do they work here? Закопчай си палтото. Button up your overcoat. Put your coat on. Няма ли да отидеш? Won't you go? Aren't you going? Не е обратно. It's not backwards. It's not back. Drugom ti to! You know better than that. I'll give you the other one! Говорят много бързо. They talk very fast. They're talking too fast. Без мамец, тешко ќе ми биде да ловам риби. Without bait, it'll be hard to catch any fish. Without bait, I find it hard to fish. Мисля, че това ще ти хареса. I think you'd like that. I think you'll like that. Тази риза е стандартен размер. This shirt is the standard size. This shirt is standard size. Мисля, че Мери е една от най-красивите жени, които съм срещал. I think Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. I think Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Чуваме две кози. We keep two goats. We hear two goats. Šta misliš, koliko se dugo Tom spremao za ispit? What do you think, how long has Tom been preparing for the exam? How long do you think Tom's been getting ready for the exam? Tom je oklevao na trenutak. Tom hesitated for a second. Tom hesitated for a moment. Da li smo svi ovde? Are we all here? Are we all here? Мислех си, че е богат. I thought that he was rich. I thought he was rich. Hajde da to razjasnimo. Let's be clear. Let's get that straight. Ponovo sam bio toliko dugo zauzet Tatoebom da sam umalo dehidrirao. I was again continually so busy with Tatoeba that I almost became dehydrated. I was so busy with Tatoeb again, I almost dehydrated it. Го расклопија. It's been dismantled. He disassembled it. Ѝ ја покажав својата соба. I showed her my room. I showed her my room. Tom je izgubio osećaj. Tom has lost his touch. Tom lost his touch. Tom je bio Marijina prva ljubav. Tom was Mary's first love. Tom was Maria's first love. Tom je uspeo da pobegne tačno na vreme. Tom managed to escape just in time. Tom managed to escape right on time. Асансьорът е с автоматична врата. The lift has an automatic door. The elevator is with an automatic door. Ne treba da jedeš odmah pre nego što legneš da spavaš. You shouldn't eat just before you go to bed. You don't have to eat right before you go to sleep. Стварно ми се допаѓаш. I really do like you. I really like you. Изгубих си билета. I've lost my ticket. I lost my ticket. Ako ti treba pomoć, reci mi. If you need help, let me know. If you need help, tell me. Jedva da sam oka sklopio. I barely slept a wink. I barely slept my eyes. Nadam se da će ti se sviđati. I hope that you like it. I hope you like it. Настави да се трудиш. Keep trying. Keep trying. Pogledajte to. Check that. Look at that. Ona ima dobro srce. She has a good heart. She has a good heart. Аз вече не залагам. I don't gamble anymore. I don't gamble anymore. Chcem žiť v meste. I want to live in the city. I'm burning up in the cities. Јаде ли Том грозје? Does Tom eat grapes? Does Tom eat the grapes? Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I'm shaking when I think about it. Gde je toalet? Where is the latrine? Where's the bathroom? Се смеевме. We laughed. We laughed. Obično ne pišem ovakve pesme. I don't usually write this kind of song. I don't usually write songs like this. Том не беше най-младият. Tom wasn't the youngest. Tom wasn't the youngest. Можеби треба да завртиме и да се вратиме. Maybe we should turn back. Maybe we should turn around and come back. Želim vidjeti što imaš u kući. I want to see what you have inside your house. I want to see what's in your house. Можеби би можел да позборувам со Том. Maybe I could talk to Tom. Maybe I could talk to Tom. Три месеца преди Том да завърши колежа, той умря. Three months before Tom was to graduate from college, he died. Three months before Tom graduated from college, he died. Доколкото знам, той трябва да е роден в Италия. For all I know, he was born in Italy. As far as I know, he must have been born in Italy. Nisam siguran u koje vreme treba da budem tamo. I'm not certain what time I'm supposed to be there. I'm not sure what time I'm supposed to be there. Možeš li doći? Can you come? Can you come? Tom izgleda kao devojčica. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom looks like a little girl. Koliko god malo znamo o njenom poreklu, bar možemo biti sigurni da je pilot Evangeliona. Little as we know about her origins, we can at least be sure that she is a pilot of Evangelion. As little as we know about her background, at least we can be sure she's pilot of the Gospel. Погоди што ми кажа. Guess what he told me. Guess what you told me. Завъртях бравата. I turned the doorknob. I was turning the lock. Ja sam pospan. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Мини сукње су се вратиле у моду. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. The mini skirts are back in fashion. Šta je u prirodi večno, kada je sve tako prolazno? What is eternal in nature when everything is so ephemeral? What's in nature forever, when it's all so fleeting? Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He split the apples between the five of us. Tom izgleda potpuno uništeno. Tom looks totally wiped out. Tom seems totally destroyed. To je zaista prelepo. That's really beautiful. That's really beautiful. Tvar je dovoljno lagana da pluta na vodi. The substance is light enough to float on the water. The plant is light enough to float on the water. Извинете, сум се јавил на грешен број. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. I'm sorry, I called the wrong number. Руке увис! Put your hands up! Hands up! Ми треба ли адвокат? Should I have a lawyer? Do I need a lawyer? Таа не ја прифати поканата. She didn't accept the invitation. She didn't accept the invitation. Аз не мисля, че наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. Никога не бих те излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Koje te oko boli? Which eye is hurting you? What eye hurts? Какво означава абревиатурата USB? What does USB stand for? What does USB abreviation mean? Mama je presadila cveće u baštu. Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden. Mom planted flowers in the garden. Ma šta radio, nemoj da se smeješ. No matter what you do, don't laugh. No matter what you do, don't laugh. Podeli karte, Tome. Deal the cards, Tom. Deal the cards, Tom. Шта је то са тобом? What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? Saporo je peti najveći grad u Japanu. Sapporo is the fifth largest city in Japan. Soporo is the fifth largest city in Japan. Knjiga je na stolu. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Možete li da me odvedete kući? Could you please take me home? Can you take me home? Не мога да ти купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you that dress. Izgledaš vrlo blijedo. You look very pale. You look very pale. Tom je odlučio prodati auto. Tom has decided to sell his car. Tom decided to sell the car. Звао сам га. I called him. I called him. Обичаш ли мексиканска храна? Do you like Mexican food? Do you like Mexican food? To bi bilo sve zasad. That'll be all for now. That'll be all for now. Ќе го однесам Том дома. I'll take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Имаш ли други въпроси? Do you have any other questions? Do you have any other questions? Pedro má motorku a rád na nej jazdí. Pedro has a motorcycle and loves to ride it. Pedro má motorma a rád on her jad. Студено ли ти е? Are you cold? Are you cold? On ima dobro pamćenje. He has a good memory. He has a good memory. Ајде да го оставиме малку сам. Let's give him some privacy. Let's leave him alone for a while. Личи на нејзиниот стил. It seems like her style. Looks like her style. Аз съм по-умен от теб. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. To je norma. This is the norm. It's the norm. Како се каже „Хвала“ на јапанском? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? Лузните се едвај видливи. The scars are barely visible. The scars are barely visible. Odgovori mi smesta. Answer me right now. Answer me right now. Bol prekvapený, že jeho otec predal farmu. He was surprised his father had sold the farm. The pain of the bastard, the father had already handed over the farm. Htio sam to napraviti. I wanted to do it. I was gonna do it. Трябва да си призная, че се бях разтревожила. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to admit, I was worried. Пера си чорапите. I wash my socks. He's washing his socks. Том искаше да узнае причината Мери да не го харесва. Tom wanted to know the reason Mary didn't like him. Tom wanted to know why Mary didn't like him. Зошто не пееш? Why don't you sing? Why don't you sing? Само го довршувам извештајот. I'm just finishing up the report. I'm just finishing the report. Някои хора имат непоносимост към пътуване по море. Some people cannot bear traveling by sea. Some people have an intolerance to sea travel. Верувам дека сешто може да се случи. I believe anything can happen. I believe anything can happen. Моля Ви, говорете ми на френски. Please speak to me in French. Please speak to me in French. Je to mäkké. That's soft. It's meäké. Uvek ću pamtiti vaš savet. I'll always remember your advice. I'll always remember your advice. Ще ми се да съм млад като теб. I wish I were as young as you. I wish I was young like you. Той отиде на разходка. He's out taking a walk. He went for a walk. Proverite okolo. Check around. Check around. Ти трябва да учиш усърдно. You must study hard. You have to study hard. Ponosan sam na ovaj tim. I'm proud of this team. I'm proud of this team. Sada je dosta zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's busy now. Tom mrzi svoju malu spavaću sobu. Tom hates his tiny bedroom. Tom hates his little bedroom. Tom je rekao da ste kul. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. Danas imam puno toga za obaviti. Today I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot to do today. Минаха 6 години, откакто започнах да уча английски. It is six years since I started to study English. It's been six years since I started studying English. Kaoru išiel do Ameriky. Kaoru has gone to America. Kaoru Ishiel to America. По-умна съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Baš me zanima. I'm really curious. I'm so curious. Divno! Terrific! Wonderful! Siguran sam da će mi Tom mnogo nedostajati. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. I'm sure I'll miss Tom very much. Tom je otišao prije nego što sam došao. Tom left before I arrived. Tom left before I could get here. Tom je izgledao ljuto. Tom seemed a bit angry. Tom looked angry. Posvađali su se. They quarreled. They had a fight. Не можеш да ме контролираш, Том. You can't control me, Tom. You can't control me, Tom. Не го взимайте навътре. Don't take it so hard. Don't take it in. Сите го забележавме тоа. We all noticed it. We all noticed that. Том се сложи со мене. Tom agreed with me. Tom agreed with me. Žao mi je što sam uopšte probao. I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. Kako sam propustio ovo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? Godine su prošle. Years passed. It's been years. Какво е надвор? How is the weather? What's out there? Voleo bih da te poljubim. I'd like to kiss you. I'd like to kiss you. Vjerujem znanosti. I trust science. I believe science. Upravo sam video da je ambasador Saudi Arabije dao ostavku. I've seen just now that the ambassador of Saudi Arabia has resigned. I just saw Ambassador Saudi Arabia resign. Trebali smo učiniti to što si nam savjetovao. We should've done what you advised. We should have done what you advised us to do. Не позволявай на Том да те заплашва. Don't let Tom intimidate you. Don't let Tom threaten you. Tom je rekao da mu treba novac. Tom said that he needed the money. Tom said he needed the money. Smijao sam se. I laughed. I laughed. Veoma si nepristojna. You're very rude. You're very rude. Желим да те видим иза решетака. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. Мери влезе. Mary came in. Mary came in. Još uvek grešim. I still make mistakes. I'm still wrong. Uzećemo sledećeg. We'll get the next one. We'll take the next one. Alkohol ne reši nobenega problema. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Взех му чаша кафе. I took him a cup of coffee. I got him a cup of coffee. Не можам да го изгасам. I can't shut it down. I can't turn it off. Činilo se kao da znaju šta traže. They seemed to know what they wanted. They seemed to know what they were looking for. Колку долгу ќе престојуваш кај нас? How long will you be staying with us? How long are you staying with us? Што е намерата? What's the intention? What is the intention? Imam pištolj. I have a gun. I have a gun. Овај модел се може комбиновати са било којом бојом. This model can be combined with any color. This model can be combined with any color. Том се возеше на задното седиште. Tom was riding in the back seat. Tom was driving in the back seat. Казах, че ще отида. I said I'd go. I said I'd go. Тој сака шунка со јајца. He likes ham and eggs. He likes ham with eggs. Јеси ли завршио? Have you finished? Are you done? Tom i Meri uživaju u šetnji duž puta hodočašća u Francuskoj. Tom and Mary are enjoying a walk along the pilgrims' trail in France. Tom and Mary enjoy a walk along the way to France. Може ли да говоря с вас насаме за секунда? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a second? Osećam oštar bol u stomaku. I have a sharp pain in the stomach. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Má tri deti. He has three children. Má three children. Ona se pita kako je to moguće. She's asking how that's possible. She wonders how that's possible. По-добре да не отиваш. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. Sve pesme koje sam ti pevao danas sam sâm napisao. All the songs I sang for you today were written by me. All the songs I sang to you today, I wrote myself. Батлерот ја отвори вратата. The butler opened the door. The butler opened the door. Идемо у биоскоп. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. Без навреда! No offense! No offense! Кога пристигна Том? When did Tom arrive? When did Tom arrive? Ako želiš da razgovaraš sa mnogo ljudi, treba da naučiš Esperanto. Zašto ovaj jezik? Jer je istovremeno lep i stimuliše naše učenje. Međunarodni jezik je veoma važan jer ima tako mnogo ljudi iz različitih zemalja širom sveta. Uostalom, Esperanto nije samo koristan već i lak za učenje. Ako naučiš Esperanto, možeš da putuješ mnogim zemljama. Dođi i nauči! If you wish to speak with many people, you ought to learn Esperanto. Why this language? Because it is both beautiful and stimulates our study. An international language is of great moment because there are so many people in the various countries of the world. And besides, Esperanto is not only useful but easy to learn. If you speak Esperanto you can travel in many countries. Come and learn it! If you want to talk to a lot of people, you need to learn Esperanto. Why is this language? Because it is beautiful and stimulates our learning. International language is very important because there are so many people from different countries around the world. After all, Esperanto is not only useful but also easy to learn. If you learn Esperanto, you can travel many countries. Come and learn! "Boston Globe" je dao filmu lošu kritiku. The Boston Globe gave the film an unfavorable review. Boston Globe gave a bad review. Zašto je slikanje vozova interesantno? Why is taking pictures of trains interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains interesting? Търся работа. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job. Истрела трипати. He fired three shots. Shots fired three times. Treba da uradimo bolje. We should do better. We should do better. Ne zaboravi da pošalješ ovo pismo. Don't forget to send this letter. Don't forget to send this letter. Зайците имат дълги уши и къси опашки. Rabbits have long ears and short tails. Rabbits have long ears and short tails. Одлично се чувствувам. I'm feeling great. I feel great. Слободата на говор е ограничена во извесни земји. Freedom of speech is restricted in some countries. Freedom of speech is limited in certain countries. Никогаш не би го прифатил. I'd never take it. I would never accept it. Вероятността за валеж е голяма. There is a high chance of precipitation. It's a long shot. Strahoviti su. They're dreadful. They're scary. Не съм носил тази вратовръзка почти три години. I haven't worn this tie in almost three years. I haven't worn that tie in almost three years. Viď, čo ľudia dokážu! See what the humans can do! You, the hudias do! Къде е Вашият баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Doktori još uvek pokušavaju da spasu Toma. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. Nemam kartu. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Том и Мери не се ни познаваат. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Samo sam ti veoma zahvalan. I'm just so grateful for you. I'm just very grateful. Съдията го осъди на смърт. The judge condemned him to death. The judge sentenced him to death. Da li imate nešto da prijavite? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? Znaš li da deaktiviraš bombu? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? Ne znamo zasigurno. We don't know for sure. We don't know for sure. Ще сляза тук. I'll get off here. I'm coming down here. Povređen sam. I'm hurt. I'm hurt. Možeš li, molim te, da ugasiš radio za mene? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Не требаше да го направам тоа без тебе. I shouldn't have done that without you. I shouldn't have done it without you. Tom neće biti srećan kada čuje to. Tom isn't going to be happy to hear that. Tom won't be happy to hear that. Nadam se da ću naći Toma. I'm hoping to find Tom. I hope I find Tom. Ja nisam uradio to. I'm not the one who did that. I didn't do it. Какво става там горе? What's going on up there? What's going on up there? Tom je bio odličan menadžer. Tom was a great manager. Tom was a great manager. Хайде да обядваме. Let's eat lunch. Let's have lunch. Je li tvoja? Is it yours? Is it yours? Ручао сам са њим. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. Je li ovo tvoj telefon? Is this your phone? Is this your phone? Nemojte da se svađate. Don't fight. Don't fight. Zapravo, nisam sigurna. I'm not sure actually. Actually, I'm not sure. Emily će me iznenaditi. Emily will surprise me. Emily will surprise me. Osećam se loše jer sam lagala. I feel bad about lying. I feel bad because I lied. Търся си ключовете. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for my keys. Избърши си носа. Wipe your nose. Wipe your nose. Дајте ми један пример. Give me an example. Give me an example. Budite oprezni. Take care. Be careful. Imao sam problema tokom rešavanja tog problema. I had problems solving that problem. I've had problems solving this problem. Не можем да отложим събранието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Без съмнение ще закъснее. He will doubtless be late. No doubt he'll be late. Svi cijene Henrya. Everybody looks up to Henry. Everybody appreciates Henry. Ljuta sam. I'm furious. I'm angry. Kupio bih taj. I'd like to buy that one. I'd buy that one. Виждала съм те как играеш тенис. I've seen you play tennis. I've seen you play tennis. Pođite sa nama, molim vas. Come with us, please. Come with us, please. Всичките съм ги виждала. I've seen them all. I've all seen them. Razočarali ste me. You disappointed me. You disappoint me. Nadam se da će biti dobro. I hope it will be good. I hope she'll be all right. Защо трябва да си взема куче? Why should I get a dog? Why do I have to get a dog? Tom je rekao da te pitam. Tom said to ask you. Tom told me to ask you. Ова да го купиме. Let's buy this one. Let's buy this. Отворите уста! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Ko je ostavio otvorena vrata? Who left the door open? Who left the door open? Tomu se dopadaju oboje. Tom likes them both. That's what they both like. Том изгледа нервозно. Tom looks frustrated. Tom looks nervous. Мислев на тебе. I thought about you. I've been thinking about you. Učestvovao sam na konkursu. I took part in the contest. I took part in the competition. Коя е любимата ти топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Odbio je da komentariše. He declined to comment. He refused to comment. Напоследък Том се държи странно. Tom has been acting strange lately. Tom's been acting weird lately. Майка ми ми направи една много симпатична пола. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mother made me a very nice sex. Би бил скршен. I'd be devastated. I'd be broken. Том и помогна на Мери да избега од затвор. Tom helped Mary escape from jail. Tom helped Mary escape from prison. Те закъсняха заради бурята. They arrived late because of the storm. They're late because of the storm. Сигурен съм, че не си искал да обидиш Том. I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I'm sure you didn't mean to insult Tom. Се извинувам. I apologize. Excuse me. Знам што ти е важно тебе и ќе дадам сѐ од себе да го уништам. I know what you love and I'll do everything I can in order to destroy it. I know what's important to you, and I'll do my best to destroy it. Гаден си. You're disgusting. You're nasty. Ovaj je jedinstven. This is one of a kind. This one's unique. Тя беше млада. She was young. She was young. Каква боја му беа чорапите на Том? What color were Tom's socks? What color was Tom's socks? Kako bi ti to prevela? How would you translate it? How would you translate that? Нарекувај го како сакаш. Call it what you like. Call it what you want. Не знам дали ќе имам време да го направам тоа. I don't know if I have the time to do it. I don't know if I'll have time to do that. Аз не искам да си продавам душата на дявола. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. Obično ne kupujem ništa sa interneta. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I don't usually buy anything off the Internet. Ponosna sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I'm proud of my family. Ovu kuću je izgradio poznati arhitekt. A famous architect built this house. This house was built by a famous architect. Може би можем да помогнем на Том. Maybe we can help Tom. Maybe we can help Tom. Да, портокалов сок, моля. Yes, orange juice, please. Yes, orange juice, please. Трябва да отида на среща. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go on a date. Том е нагъл. Tom is insolent. Tom's a pain in the ass. Ne prepiri se sa mnom. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Таа се чувствуваше доста осамено. She felt quite alone. She was feeling pretty lonely. Koji je lakši? Which one is easier? Which one's easier? Навистина ли мораат луѓето да се мразат еден со друг? Do people really have to hate one another? Do people really have to hate each other? Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да се обадя на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Къде отиваш? Where are you going? Where are you going? Tom je promijenio svoje ime. Tom has changed his name. Tom changed his name. Том пије само кафу без кофеина. Tom only drinks decaffeinated coffee. Tom only drinks caffeine-free coffee. Konačno imamo sva imena polja na norveškom i to će biti od velike pomoći našim korisnicima. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. Finally we have all the field names in Norwegian and this will be of great help to our users. Ne znam što si je Tom mislio. I don't know what Tom was thinking. I don't know what you meant, Tom. Том знае да направи речиси се. Tom knows how to make almost anything. Tom can do almost anything. Ne slažem se. I disagree. I don't think so. Puno si mi pomogao. You've been a big help. You've helped me a lot. Vrijeme je tako lijepo! The weather is so nice! The weather is so beautiful! Да отидем да говорим в другата стая. Let's go talk in the other room. Let's go talk in the other room. Zostávam doma. I'm staying at home. I'm staying at home. Ти ще пееш ли? Are you going to sing? Will you sing? Na samo nekoliko minuta odavde je. It is only a few minutes away. It's just a few minutes from here. Поръчах ти питие. I ordered you a drink. I ordered you a drink. В повечето случаи модернизацията се отъждествява с уестернизацията. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases, modernisation is saddened by Westernisation. Sumnjaš li na mene? Am I under suspicion? Do you suspect me? Телефон је једна чудесна направа. The telephone is one wonderful device. The phone is a wonderful device. Том звучеше вознемирено. Tom sounded upset. Tom sounded upset. Он ништа не пропушта. He doesn't miss anything. He doesn't miss anything. Станав адвокат за да им помагам на луѓето. I became a lawyer to help people. I became a lawyer to help people. Uđi. Come in. Come in. Nikada ranije nisam probala da uradim ovo. I've never tried doing this before. I've never tried this before. Караш ме да се чувствам толкова виновен. You make me feel so guilty. You make me feel so guilty. Kdo bo vročo čokolado? Who wants hot chocolate? Who's gonna make the hot chocolate? Том воли да се хвали. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to brag. Videla sam Toma kako umire. I saw Tom die. I saw Tom die. Gde mogu da nađem kancelariju za turiste? Where can I find the tourist's office? Where can I find the tourist office? Ovo nije tvoj problem, već moj. This is not your problem, it is mine. This isn't your problem. This is mine. My to zoberieme. We'll take it. Oh, my God. Treba da budemo razboriti. We need to be prudent. We need to be reasonable. Човек има много жеља које заправо ни не жели да се остваре, и било би погрешно претпоставити супротно.Он жели да оне остану само жеље; оне имају вредност само у његовој машти; њихово остваривање било би за њега горко разочарење.Таква једна жеља је и жеља за вечним животом. Да је била испуњена, човек би постао потпуно болестан од бесконачног живота, и желео би смрт. Man has many wishes that he does not really wish to fulfil, and it would be a misunderstanding to suppose the contrary. He wants them to remain wishes, they have value only in his imagination; their fulfilment would be a bitter disappointment to him. Such a desire is the desire for eternal life. If it were fulfilled, man would become thoroughly sick of living eternally, and yearn for death. Man has many desires that he doesn't really want to be realized, and it would be wrong to assume the opposite.He wants them to remain only desires; they have value only in his imagination; their achievement would have been bitter disappointment for him. Such is one desire and desire for eternal life. If it had been fulfilled, man would become completely sick of infinite life, and he would want death. Да се върнем. Let's come back. Let's go back. Екваторът разделя Земята кълбо на две полукълба. The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres. The Equator divides the Earth into two chandeliers. Imam tri prelepe unuke. I have three beautiful granddaughters. I have three beautiful grandchildren. Учила съм френски. I've studied French. I've studied French. Ova knjiga je suhoparna. This book is a dry read. This book is dry. Какво е знаел Том? What did Tom know? What did Tom know? Mi imamo neke mogućnosti. We do have some options. We have some options. Tom mi je dao nekoliko knjiga. Tom gave me several books. Tom gave me a few books. „Ko je u automobilu?” „Marija.” "Who is in the car?" "Marija." “Who's in the car?” “Maria.” Тишина, будало! Silence, you fool! Quiet, you fool! Molim Vas, dajte mi meni. Please give me the menu. Please, give it to me. Имам уште многу да ти кажам. There's so much more I need to say to you. I still have a lot to tell you. Moram ići u Istanbul. I must go to Istanbul. I have to go to Istanbul. Децата мислеха, че родителите им са направени от пари. The children thought that their parents were made of money. The kids thought their parents were made of money. Секогаш ќе бидеме тука. We'll always be here. We'll always be here. Bilo je nekako nadrealno. It was kind of surreal. It was kind of surreal. Kupi litar mleka, i ako imaju jaja, kupi dvanaest jaja. Buy a liter of milk, and if there are eggs, buy a dozen eggs. Buy a liter of milk, and if they have eggs, buy twelve eggs. Mačka nije čovjek! A cat is not a person. Cat's not human! Том изостави семейството си и потъна в нелегалност. Tom abandoned his family and went into hiding. Tom left his family and went underground. Се вклучи црвено светло. The light turned red. Red light's on. Жирафе имају веома дугачке вратове. Giraffes have very long necks. Giraffes have very long necks. Тези снимки винаги ми напомнят за миналите дни. These pictures always remind me of the old days. These pictures always remind me of the past few days. Oni sa neboja bohov. They are afraid of the gods. The ones from the sky bohoves. Мисля, че тук ще бъдем в безопасност. I think we'll be safe here. I think we'll be safe here. Не им го галам кучето. I'm not petting their dog. I'm not yelling at their dog. Мислев дека би било убаво да ти купам пар обетки. I was thinking I'd like to buy you a pair of earrings. I thought it'd be nice to buy you a pair of earrings. Sedeli smo zajedno u tišini neko vreme. We sat together in silence for some time. We sat together in silence for a while. Том настапи, а толпата ракоплескаше. Tom performed and the crowd applauded. Tom came along, and the crowd clapping. Как се научи да говориш френски? How did you learn French? How did you learn to speak French? Môj byt leží na prvom poschodí. My flat is located on the first floor. I am byt lying on the first poschodoí. Том работи за мен. Tom works for me. Tom works for me. Daj mi sve pare. Give me all your money. Give me all the money. Mis Kolumbije je bolj privlačna in lepša od mis Venezuele. Miss Colombia is sexier and more beautiful than Miss Venezuela. Miss Colombia is more attractive and beautiful than Miss Venezuela. Ćorsokak. It's a dead give-away. Dead end. Tom deluje pomalo gadljivo. Tom looks a bit queasy. Tom seems a little squeamish. Колку е длабока јамата? How deep is the hole? How deep is the pit? Ne smemo da izgubimo nadu. We must not lose hope. We can't lose hope. Kad sam išao u srednju školu, ustajao sam u 6 svako jutro. Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning. When I went to high school, I got up at 6:00 every morning. Има ли още свободни места? Are any seats still available? Are there any more seats available? Da sam samo znala. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. Sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. On trči svako jutro. He goes running every morning. He runs every morning. Oh, kako pozno je! Oh, how late it is! Oh, it's late! Ја не знам ко су они. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Том ме дружеше. Tom kept me company. Tom was hanging out with me. Мислам дека тоа не ми се допаѓа. I don't think I like that. I don't think I like that. Ќе направам се за доброто на човештвото. I'll do anything in the interests of humanity. I'll do anything for the good of humanity. Треба да зборуваме во четири очи. We need to talk face to face. We need to speak in four eyes. Том ги собу чорапите. Tom removed his socks. Tom's room socks. Тивок сум. I'm quiet. I'm quiet. Зошто не можеш да земеш? Why can't you get one? Why can't you take it? Mučili su Toma. They tortured Tom. They tortured Tom. Nikad ranije nisam spazila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never seen that before. Moj auto je u garaži. My car is in the garage. My car's in the garage. Можеш ли да яздиш кон? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Kde budeš? Where will you be? Where are you? Затворете си учебниците. Close your books. Close your textbooks. Ovde je. It's here. He's here. Изглежда, че Том харесва новата си работа. It looks like Tom likes his new job. Looks like Tom likes his new job. Pogledaj opet. Check again. Look again. Neki od nas smatraju da su takvi pogledi čisto ludilo. Some of us find such views to be sheer madness. Some of us believe that such views are pure madness. Bili smo na poslednjem mestu. We were in last place. We were in the last place. Том преподава френски в същото училище, където ходи Мери. Tom teaches French at the school Mary goes to. Tom teaches French at the same school Mary goes to. Ne morem zaspati ali dihati. I can't fall asleep or breathe. I can't sleep or breathe. Zaista sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really happy about that. Imala sam mnogo loš dan. I've had a real bad day. I've had a very bad day. Би сакал ли да дојдам со тебе? Would you like me to go with you? Would you like me to go with you? Изчакайте докато светне зелено. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait till the green light comes. Svi su tražili Toma. Everybody was looking for Tom. Everyone was looking for Tom. Приключи ли със закуската вече? Have you finished breakfast yet? Are you done with breakfast yet? Samo recite Tomu da sam zvao. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Ме пуштија да си одам. They let me go. They let me go. Том изгледа толку среќно. Tom looks so happy. Tom looks so happy. Tom ima mračnu tajnu. Tom has a dark secret. Tom has a dark secret. Пробувавме да го сокриеме тоа. We tried to keep it a secret. We tried to hide it. Da li možete da zasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Послужен е доручекот. Breakfast is served. Breakfast is served. Дали Том изгледа вознемирено? Does Tom look upset? Does Tom look upset? Го притиснав копчето за да го вклучам радиото. I pushed the button to turn on the radio. I pressed the button to turn the radio on. Бегај! Run for it! Run! Какъв цвят са тези? What color are those? What color are these? Čuo sam da je Tom odustao od fakulteta. I've heard that Tom has dropped out of college. I heard Tom quit college. Užasan sam pisac. I'm a terrible writer. I'm a terrible writer. Деси се. Stuff happens. It happens. Изглежда, че водата ни е на свършване. It looks like we're running out of water. Looks like our water's running out. Prestani tražiti princa na bijelom konju, ta oni ne postoje. Stop looking for a prince on a white horse; there's no such thing. Stop looking for a prince on a white horse, they don't exist. Gde ima dima, ima i vatre. Where there's smoke there's fire. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Той напъха писмото в джоба си. He shoved the letter into his pocket. He put the letter in his pocket. On má tri dcéry. He has three daughters. He má three dcéry. On uopće ne zna francuski. He doesn't know French at all. He doesn't know French at all. Кој би го знаел тоа? Who would know that? Who would know that? Го дорасипав. I've made it worse. I messed it up. На мен не ми пречи. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Zašto bi Tom došao sada? Why would Tom come now? Why would Tom come now? Тя ме порица, че не отговорих на писмото. She reproached me for not answering the letter. She denied me I didn't answer the letter. Кой ти каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Ќе ни фалиш, Том. We'll miss you, Tom. We're gonna miss you, Tom. Obe moje sestre su nastavnici. Both of my sisters are teachers. Both my sisters are teachers. Tom je još na poslu. Tom is still on the job. Tom's still at work. Internet nije tvoja lična armija. The Internet is not your personal army. The Internet is not your personal army. Mislio sam da si srećna ovde. I thought you were happy here. I thought you were happy here. Не ние атакувахме първи. We didn't start the fire. We didn't attack first. Веруваме во Господ. We believe in God. We believe in God. Морам да позборувам со тебе. I must talk with you. I need to talk to you. Da li smo sada bezbedne? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Том је изгледао много другачије након шишања. Tom looked so different after his haircut. Tom looked a lot different after the haircut. Nisam siguran da li Tom želi da priča sa mnom. I'm not sure whether Tom wants to talk to me. I'm not sure if Tom wants to talk to me. Šetali smo kroz park. We strolled through the park. We were walking through the park. Dom! A house! Dom! Ја сам спавао од десет увече. I slept from ten in the evening. I've been sleeping since ten o'clock. Той напредва. He's making progress. He's making progress. Znam tvoje lice. I know your face. I know your face. Чел съм тази книга. I've read that book. I've read this book. Ova zgrada je plava. This building is blue. This building is blue. Dobré ráno! Good morning! Good Ráno! On ima dubok glas. He has a deep voice. He's got a deep voice. Можеш ли да разрешиш този проблем? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this problem? Те идват от Швеция. They come from Sweden. They come from Sweden. Трябва ли да отговоря на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all my questions? Остани тука и чувај ја. Stay here and look after her. Stay here and keep her safe. Той изглеждаше сякаш някога е бил богат. He seemed to have been rich. He looked rich once. Френският определено не е най-лесният език за научаване. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. Аз съм изключително заета. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Всички цветя в градината увехнаха. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden have gone down. Том не ни и понуди филџан кафе на Мери. Tom didn't even offer Mary a cup of coffee. Tom didn't even offer Mary a cup of coffee. Šta je tu problem? What's the harm in that? What's the problem? Svi učesnici su se okupili u glavnom holu. All the participants gathered in the main hall. All the participants gathered in the main hall. То је мали пас. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Никога не съм се гордяла толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Ofanziva je najefektivnija defanziva. The most effective defense is offense. The offensive is the most effective defensive. Uzmi sve. Get everything. Take it all. Ќе откријам кој го сторил ова. I'm going to figure out who did this. I'm gonna find out who did this. Хипохондрикот измислува болести каде што ги нема. A hypochondriac imagines maladies where none exist. The hypochondriac makes up diseases where there are none. Čekam na svoj red. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting on my turn. Starám sa o svojho starého otca. I take care of my grandfather. I'm getting old with about my father's old man. Tom je uradio to na stari način. Tom did it the old way. Tom did it the old way. Още не е завършено. It's not done yet. It's not finished yet. Šta pije ona? What is she drinking? What does she drink? Легни на каучот. Lay down on the couch. Get on the couch. Ovde samo ja mogu to. I'm the only one here who can do that. I'm the only one here who can do it. Mnogo je mogućih odgovora na to pitanje. There are many possible answers to that question. There are many possible answers to that question. Не го купи тоа, нели? You didn't buy that, did you? You didn't buy that, did you? Искате ли тази тениска? Do you want this T-shirt? You want that shirt? Pokušavam da shvatim kako si uradio to. I'm trying to figure out how you managed to do that. I'm trying to figure out how you did it. Све има своју цену. Everything has a price. Everything has its price. Bez svake sumnje. Without a doubt! I have every confidence. Не дејствуваа брзо. They didn't act quickly. They didn't act fast. Ona je plakala. She cried. She was crying. Uradili smo sve što smo mogli. We did all we could do. We did everything we could. Вечното мълчание на тези безкрайни пространства ме ужасява. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. The eternal silence of these endless spaces terrifies me. Надявам се това да направи по-лесно разбирането на смисъла и запаметяването на новонаучените думи. I hope this will make it easier to get a grasp of the meaning and to memorize the newly learnt words. I hope this will make it easier to understand the meaning and memory of the new words learned. Ушао сам у њену собу. I entered her room. I walked into her room. Премногу е ризично да се бориме со нив на место по нивен избор. It's too risky to fight them at a place they choose. It's too risky to fight them at a place of their choice. Безработицата расте. Unemployment is rising. Unemployment is growing. Морам да нађем Тома. I have to go find Tom. I need to find Tom. Jesi li i dalje ljubomoran? Are you still jealous? Are you still jealous? Tom nije baš fin. Tom isn't very nice. Tom's not very nice. Većina ljudi voli piletinu. Most people like chicken. Most people like chicken. Сега можеш да седнеш. You can sit down now. Now you can sit down. Koliko dugo živiš ovde? How long have you lived here? How long have you lived here? Tom je želeo da dâ veoma poseban poklon svojoj devojci. Tom wanted to give a very special present to his girlfriend. Tom wanted to give a very special gift to his girlfriend. Gde si, pobogu, bio dosad? Where on earth have you been all this time? Where on earth have you been? Ne čitam romane. I don't read novels. I don't read novels. Том не може да го има. Tom can't have it. Tom can't have it. Ћао, Томе. Hello, Tom. Hi, Tom. Донесувам многу глупави одлуки. I make a lot of stupid decisions. I make a lot of stupid decisions. Той си събра нещата и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He put his things together and left. Stižemo li uskoro? Are we nearly there? Are we coming soon? Какви биле твоите наставници? What were your teachers like? What were your teachers like? Volim te. I love you! I love you. Што вели Том? What's Tom saying? What's Tom saying? Мораћемо да сачекамо и видимо. We'll have to wait and see. We'll have to wait and see. Tom je promašio cilj. Tom missed the target. Tom missed the target. Колку е стар телевизоров? How old is this TV? How old is this TV? Počeo sam da učim engleski kada mi je bilo dvanaest. Tada sam bio zainteresovan za jezike, ali ne u toj meri. Sada govorim engleski, francuski, špnaski i portugalski; dakle, vreme je da naučim latinski. I began to study English when I was twelve years of age. At that time I was interested in languages, but not excessively so. Now I can speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese; and so it is time to learn Latin. I started learning English when I was 12. I was interested in languages, but not to that extent. Now I speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese; therefore, it is time to learn Latin. Tom i Mary bi bili prekrasan par. Tom and Mary would make a lovely couple. Tom and Mary would make a beautiful couple. Kam by si chcel ísť? Where would you like to go? Where are you going? Том се одмора. Tom is having a rest. Tom's resting. To je povukao ručicu. Tom pulled a lever. That's what pulled the handle. Ако работиме како тим, ќе можеме да постигнеме се. If we work as a team, we can achieve anything. If we work as a team, we can do anything. Няма да учствам в това. I won't be a party to this. I'm not gonna take part in this. Заключи портата. Lock the gate. Lock the gate. Тези ръкавици са на Том. These gloves are Tom's. These gloves are Tom's. Побъркахме се от притеснение за тебе. You had us worried sick. We've lost our mind about you. Ti otvaraš vrata. You open the door. You're opening the door. Limun sadrži limunsku kiselinu. Lemons contain citric acid. Lemon contains lemon acid. Ko je Tom? Da li je on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? Hajde da se pravimo da smo vanzemaljci. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're aliens. Мери направи сандвичи с яйце. Mary made some egg sandwiches. Mary made an egg sandwich. Tom nije toliko star kao Mary. Tom isn't as old as Mary is. Tom's not as old as Mary. Мразам патлиџани. I hate tomatoes. I hate eggplants. Има нещо друго, което трябва да направя. There's something else I need to do. There's something else I have to do. Боб го видя отново. Bob saw him again. Bob saw him again. Желео бих да искористим ову прилику да се захвалим свима вама на указаном поверењу. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the trust you've placed in us. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your confidence. Ne želim da budem bezobrazan. I didn't mean to be rude. I don't want to be rude. Odlično izgledaš. You're looking very well. You look great. Ubeđena sam. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Аз ходя като пингвин. I walk like a penguin. I'm walking like a penguin. Није готово док се не заврши. It ain't over till it's over. It's not over until it's over. Сутра ћу бити заузета. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Jesi li završio? Have you finished it? Are you done? Kako avanturistički! How adventurous! How fantastic! Zovi ga kako hoćeš. Call it what you like. Call it what you want. Сигурни ли сме, че искаме да наемем Том? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Are we sure we want to hire Tom? Този чифт обувки не ми става. This pair of shoes doesn't fit me. That pair of shoes doesn't suit me. Том няма да повярва на нито една твоя дума. Tom won't believe a word you tell him. Tom won't believe a word you say. Сви лажу. Everybody lies. Everyone's lying. Защо го правят? Why did they do that? Why are they doing this? Dobro radiš. You're doing all right. You're doing good work. Можеби си во прав. Perhaps you're right. Maybe you're right. Ја слушнав таа приказна. I heard that story. I heard that story. Ispostavilo se da je cijena niža nego što sam mislio. The price turned out to be lower than I thought. Turns out the price is lower than I thought. Кејт е многу шармантна. Kate is very charming. Kate's very charming. За ова не сакам да зборувам. I don't want to talk about this. This is not what I want to talk about. Мислам дека Том е закален. I think Tom is tough. I think Tom's screwed. Kontradiktorni ste sami sa sobom. You're contradicting yourselves. You're controversial on your own. Nikada nećemo da se tamo vratimo. We'll never go back there again. We're never going back there. Kako mi je ovo promaklo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? Znam da je ilegalno. I know it's illegal. I know it's illegal. Том внимателно изкачи паянтовата стълба. Tom carefully climbed up the rickety staircase. Tom carefully climbed the spider pole. Нема да биде во ред. It will not be fine. It's not gonna be okay. Добро, ме убеди. OK, I'm convinced. Okay, convince me. Bitkoin je kriptovaluta. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin's a cryptocurrency. Не галами. Don't make any noise. Don't shout. Мисля, че това е добър план. I think that's a good plan. I think that's a good plan. Ако гласуването променяше нещо,те щяха да го отменят. If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it. If the vote changed anything, they'd cancel it. Заради вас го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. Juče sam bila srećna. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Ние сме најдобрите. We're still the best. We're the best. Отиваш ли някъде? Are you going anywhere? Are you going somewhere? Том бездруго грешеше. Tom was invariably wrong. Tom was wrong no matter what. Zašto mene? Why me? Why me? Том штотуку си замина. Tom has just left. Tom just left. Кажи му. Tell him. Tell him. Да танцуваме. Let's dance. Let's dance. Мислам дека треба да му се јавиш. I think you need to call him. I think you should call him back. Radim na svom projektu. I'm working on my project. I'm working on my project. То баш не личи на тебе. That doesn't sound like you. That doesn't sound like you. Доста! Stop that! Enough! Tom piše veoma dobro. Tom writes very well. Tom's writing very well. Тя ме попита дали ще бъда свободен следващата неделя. She asked me if I would be free next Sunday. She asked me if I'd be free next Sunday. Том не беше на празненството. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Том застенка од болка. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom's pain trap. Odmah ćemo se baciti na to. We'll get right on it. We'll get right on it. Не можеш да ми го одземеш тоа. You can't take that away from me. You can't take that away from me. Немам пиштол. I don't have a gun. I don't have a gun. Mary je Tomova sestra blizanka. Mary is Tom's twin sister. Mary's Tom's twin sister. Тя е нейна приятелка. She is her friend. She's her friend. Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back off. Tom won't back down. Môj brat vie šoférovať. My brother can drive a car. My brother's a driver's man. Grad je bio uništen tokom rata. The city was destroyed during the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Защо решихте да се занимавате с френски? Why did you decide to study French? Why did you decide to do French? Oženio se njom zbog novca. He married her for her money. He married her for money. Има многу да се каже. There's so much to say. There's a lot to say. Ми спушти слушалка. He hung up. He hung up on me. Присуствувај на состанокот. Attend the meeting. At the meeting. Ме боли палецот на десната нога. The big toe on my right foot hurts. My toe hurts. Ти си човек. You are human. You're human. Pokušavam da budem pažljiv. I'm trying to be cautious. I'm trying to be careful. Дојди внатре. Come inside. Come inside. Jesi li me videla kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? Učili smo cijelo poslijepodne. We were studying all afternoon. We've been studying all afternoon. Ovo možda ne bude dovoljno. This might not be enough. This might not be enough. Том е сега полнолетен. Tom is an adult now. Tom's a minor now. Јавићу ти се чим стигнем. I will contact you as soon as I arrive. I'll call you as soon as I get there. Bio sam odlično raspoložen. I was in a great mood. I was in a great mood. Имаш многу среќа. You're really lucky. You're very lucky. Том знае многу славни луѓе. Tom knows many celebrities. Tom knows a lot of famous people. Том отсекогаш бил тврдоглав. Tom has always been stubborn. Tom's always been stubborn. Ti nisi smiješan. You are not funny. You're not funny. Mora da su znali svo vreme. They must have known it all along. They must have known all along. Tom može da bude opasan. Tom may be dangerous. Tom could be dangerous. Том почна да вреска. Tom began screaming. Tom started screaming. Tom je veoma poznat i u Australiji. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Ме викаат капетан. They call me captain. They call me Captain. Tom je sedeo na travi ispod kokosovog drveta. Tom sat on the grass under a coconut tree. Tom was sitting on the grass under a coconut tree. Те не говорят ли френски? Can't they speak French? Don't they speak French? Tko se mača laća, od mača i pogiba. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. Who takes the sword, makes the sword go away. Da li ih je Tom našao? Did Tom find them? Did Tom find them? Pošto je poruka bila na francuskom, lako sam je pročitao. Since the note was written in French, it was easy for me to read. Since the message was in French, I easily read it. Науката не е фантазија. Science is not fantasy. Science is not a fantasy. Мисля, че сте достатъчно възрастни. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Нещо странно се случи миналата нощ. A strange thing happened last night. Something strange happened last night. Не стой в леглото, освен ако не можеш да изкарваш пари от леглото. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't stay in bed unless you can make money out of bed. On živi blizu plaže. He lives near the beach. He lives near the beach. Денес падна првиот снег. The first snow fell today. First snow fell today. Не сакам свинско. I don't like pork. I don't want pork. Drago mi je da si odgovorila. I'm glad you replied. I'm glad you answered. U tom momentu, eksplodiralo je sa velikim praskom. At that instant it exploded with a great noise. At that moment, it exploded with a big bang. Што се случи потем? Then what happened? What happened then? Не може всички новини да са лоши. The news can't all be bad. Not all news can be bad. Jesam li ja ispustio to? Did I drop that? Did I drop that? Заинтересиран ли е Том? Is Tom interested? Is Tom interested? Пак сме заедно. We're back together. We're back together. Ќе кажам што год сакаш. I'll say anything you want me to. I'll say whatever you want. Moramo poštovati saobraćajna pravila. We must obey the traffic regulations. We have to follow traffic rules. Mislim da Tomu treba pomoć. I think Tom needs help. I think Tom needs help. Не пуцај! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! To je moja mačka. That's my cat. That's my cat. Šta vi uopšte jedete? What do you eat, anyway? What are you eating anyway? Студенти су се вратили. The students have returned. The students are back. Би можеле да ме отпуштат поради ова. I could get fired for this. I could get fired for this. Не одобрявам решението ти. I don't approve your decision. I don't approve of your decision. Tom je došao na Marynu rođendansku zabavu. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Ova tužna priča je napisana u vreme kada je Tom bio u izgnanstvu. This sad story was written at a time when Tom was in exile. This sad story was written at a time when Tom was in exile. Не би ли отишъл? Won't you go? Wouldn't you go? Meseci sa najviše kiše su maj, jun, jul i avgust. The months with the most rain are May, June, July and August. Months with the highest rain are May, June, July and August. Teraz musím ísť. I've got to go now. Teresa musím ísí. Том не го рекол тоа. Tom never said that. Tom didn't say that. Не треба да се коментира. One should not make comments. You don't need to comment. Кучето умира. The dog is dying. The dog is dying. Пристигнах по-късно от обичайното. I arrived later than usual. I arrived later than usual. Šta kažeš da uradim to? How about I do that? What do you say I do that? Не ме гледай така тъжно. Don't give me that sad look. Don't look at me so sad. Slažem se sa onim što si napisao. I agree with what you've written. I agree with what you wrote. Том има куче. Tom has a dog. Tom has a dog. Tom mnogo čita. Tom is a bookworm. Tom reads a lot. Очите на Том са сини. Tom's eyes are blue. Tom's eyes are blue. Вчера бев дома. I was at home yesterday. I was home yesterday. Том ја повлече Мери за репчето. Tom yanked Mary's ponytail. Tom pulled Mary's tail. Da li si završio domaći zadatak? Is your homework finished? Did you finish your homework? Tom voli da vozi. Tom loves to drive. Tom likes to drive. Виждал съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. Каква е твоята фамилия, Том? What's your last name, Tom? What's your last name, Tom? Kako znaš toliko? How do you know so much? How do you know so much? Tom je izgledao veoma zbunjeno. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom looked very confused. Напълно те изтрих от паметта си. I forgot all about you. I completely erased you from my memory. Ste veľmi krásna. You are very beautiful. You're quite close. Baš sam razmišljao o tebi. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Da li se Tom stvarno preselio u Boston? Did Tom really move to Boston? Did Tom really move to Boston? Bolje ti je da dođeš istog časa. You'd better come right away. You'd better be there right now. Той не може да си позволи елементарни неща, да не говорим за луксозни стоки. He cannot afford the common comforts of life, not to mention luxuries. He can't afford elementary things, not to talk about luxury goods. Môj otec chodí v nedeľu do kostola. My father goes to church on Sunday. My father choí in the Sunday to the bone. Се прашувам зошто него го одбрале. I wonder why they chose him. I wonder why they chose him. Докторите все още се опитват да спасят Том. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. Аз ти вярвам. I believe you. I believe you. Флашката ми има вирус. My pen-drive has a virus. My flash drive has a virus. Тргај ги рацете од Том. Get your hands off of Tom. Get your hands off Tom. Zašto reći Tomu bilo šta? Why tell Tom anything? Why tell Tom anything? Život nikad ne ostaje isti. Life never stays the same. Life never stays the same. Želim te jebati. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. Защо не пораснеш? Why don't you grow up? Why don't you grow up? Не се чувствувам многу добро денес! I am not feeling very well today! I don't feel so good today! Не пуцај! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Koje te oko boli? Which eye is hurting you? What eye hurts? Nemusí byť nevyhnutne lepšie, ale môže, keď si to takým spravíme. It does not necessarily get better, but it can if we make it. Nemusí by unintentional beauty, ale maje, so help yourself to such a device. Drago mi je što je Tom pobedio. I'm glad Tom won. I'm glad Tom won. Uspeli so. They succeeded. They did it. Той за малко да бъде убит. He narrowly escaped being killed. He almost got himself killed. Го сфаќаме тоа. We understand that. We get that. Ema je bila veoma upadljiva na zabavi. Emma was much in evidence during the party. Emma was very attractive at the party. Večera je o šiestej. Dinner's at six. Dinner's about Shistei. Ще ми дадеш ли огънче? Will you give me a light? Can you give me a light? Том ми иде на живце. Tom is getting under my skin. Tom's getting on my nerves. Ne želim da me Tom vidi golu. I don't want Tom to see me naked. I don't want Tom to see me naked. Внимавай с нея. Be careful with it. Be careful with her. Не ја добив работата. I didn't get the job. I didn't get the job. Nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. The knife is not sharp. Силният дъжд ми попречи да отида. The heavy rain prevented me from going. The heavy rain stopped me from going. Spolčite sa. Band together. Pull it off. Volela bih da znam šta se dešava ovde. I'd like to know what's happening here. I'd like to know what's going on here. Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че френският му е роден. Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker. Many people, hearing Tom speak French, decide his French was born. Ovo je računar moje majke. This is my mother's computer. This is my mother's computer. Не очекувам ништо помалку од совршенство. I expect nothing less than perfection. I expect nothing less than perfection. Ќе одам ако оди и Том. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes too. Umorio sam se dosta, ali dobro sam. I got very tired, but I felt good. I'm tired enough, but I'm fine. Зошто ми се јавуваш? Why are you calling me? Why are you calling me? То не е ли черно? Isn't it black? Isn't that black? Toma nije briga šta radim. Tom doesn't care what I do. Tom doesn't care what I do. Volela bih da sam znala da Tom ne zna da govori francuski. I wish I'd known that Tom couldn't speak French. I wish I'd known Tom couldn't speak French. Има ли тука лекар што знае англиски? Is there a doctor here who speaks English? Is there a doctor here who knows English? Možeš li da zamoliš Toma da me pozove? Could you ask Tom to call me? Can you ask Tom to call me? Не ме интересува защо. I don't care why. I don't care why. Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znao? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? Nisam uspeo da vidim o kome se radi. I didn't manage to see who it was. I couldn't see what it was about. Nisam siguran gde je Tom. I'm not sure where Tom is. I'm not sure where Tom is. Тогаш имавме по осумнаесет години. We were eighteen at that time. We were 18 years old then. Poslat ću pismo svome bratu koji živi u Sapporu. I will send a letter to my brother who lives in Sapporo. I'll send a letter to my brother who lives in Sappor. Da li Tom ima advokata? Does Tom have an attorney? Does Tom have a lawyer? Новото списание ми се стори много интересно. I found the new magazine very interesting. The new magazine seemed very interesting to me. Ne smiješ razgovarati s njom. You're not allowed to talk to her. You can't talk to her. Аз не обичам снега. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Tom je hteo da bude dobar. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be good. Tom je postao vrlo bogat preko noći. Tom became rich overnight. Tom got very rich overnight. Том не може да го търпи. Tom can't stand it. Tom can't stand it. Искам нови визитки. I want new business cards. I want new cards. Tomu treba pomoć. Tom needs to be helped. That needs help. Postavljamo pitanja učetelju svakog dana. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask questions to the teacher every day. Страшно се искаравме. We had a terrible fight. We had a hell of a time. Нищо не съм казал. I haven't said anything. I didn't say anything. Tom prodaje kola. Tom sells cars. Tom's selling the car. На Том не му трябва да знае това. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Том си ја сака работата. Tom likes his job. Tom wants his job. Ne čuješ često da je neko kupio šešir za hiljadu dolara. It's not very often that someone buys a thousand dollar hat. You don't often hear someone buy a thousand-dollar hat. Pogrešam te. I miss you. I miss you. Nisam želeo da te povredim. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Винаги си добър. You're always good. You're always good. Носиш ли пари у себе си? Do you have any money with you? Do you have money in you? Tom mnogo pije. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. Мистър Сато говори добре английски. Mr. Sato speaks English well. Mr. Sato speaks good English. Svjetlosni valovi prolaze kroz prostor i različite materijale. Light waves travel through space and various kinds of materials. Light waves pass through space and different materials. Viem, že musíš ísť. You know I have to go. Viem, you're already muse. Sem utrujen! I am tired! I'm tired! Те повече няма да те притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Искате ли кафе? Would you like some coffee? Would you like some coffee? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да чакам тук с Том? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? You sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Teško mi je da razumem francuski kad se brzo govori. I find it difficult to understand French when it's spoken quickly. I find it hard to understand French when you speak fast. Vyšiel z izby. He left the room. Vishiel with a canopy. Тя става все по-хубава. She is getting prettier and prettier. She's getting better and better. Колико је далеко одавде? How far is it from here? How far is it from here? Но той не е ли над закона? But isn't he above the law? But isn't he above the law? Изчаках възможно най-дълго. I've waited as long as possible. I waited as long as I could. Казах им да ми изпратят още един билет. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. To uopće ne utječe na njega. This doesn't affect him at all. That doesn't affect him at all. Изгледа будала сум бил што сум очекувал дека нешто ќе направиш. I guess I was stupid to expect you to do anything. I guess I was a fool to expect you to do something. Tom je napravio budalu od sebe kada je bio pijan sinoć. Tom made a fool of himself when he was drunk last night. Tom made a fool of himself when he was drunk last night. Може ли да ѝ се јавиш? Could you call her? Can you call her back? Не знаев кого друг да прашам. I didn't know who else to ask. I didn't know who else to ask. Том ја плукна гумата за џвакање. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spit on the chewing gum. В девет от десет класа той би заел първо място. In nine cases out of ten he will take the first place. In nine of the ten classes, he'd take first place. Тоа не беше точно. That wasn't right. That wasn't true. Мора да биде совршено симетрично. It needs to be perfectly symmetrical. It has to be perfectly symmetrical. Ništa neću reći. I'm not going to say anything. I won't say anything. Зарем не си воодушевен? Aren't you impressed? Aren't you thrilled? Oboje nismo bogati koliko bismo želeli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're both not as rich as we'd like. Къде каза Том, че трябва да отидем? Where did Tom say we should go? Where did Tom say we should go? Впечатлен съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Зарем не доби? Didn't you get one? Didn't you get it? On i dalje nema iskustva za ovaj posao. He still has no experience for this job. He still has no experience for this job. Си ја избриша мократа коса со пешкир. She wiped her wet hair with a towel. You wiped your wet hair with a towel. Poišči Boga, če ga lahko Find God, if you can. Find God If You Can Čemu sva ova zbrka? What is this commotion all about ? Why all this mess? Znanje nas oslobađa i čini nas boljim ljudima. Knowledge sets us free and makes us better people. Knowledge releases us and makes us better people. Djeca su bila željna pažnje. The children were hungry for affection. The children were eager to pay attention. Tom je klimnuo glavom. Tom nodded his head. Tom's nodding his head. До после. See you later! See you later. Neću prepustiti ovo. I'm not giving this up. I'm not leaving this behind. Том ништо не би дофрлил. Tom wouldn't comment. Tom wouldn't do anything. Da li si gadno povređen? Are you badly hurt? Are you badly hurt? Джон няма да отговори на въпроса. John will not answer the question. John won't answer the question. Како би било да направимо групу на фејсбуку тако да можемо да дискутујемо о учењу страних језика? What about putting together a group on Facebook so we can discuss studying foreign languages? How about we build a group on Facebook so we can discuss learning foreign languages? Не се мразам. I don't hate myself. I don't hate myself. Ајде веќе еднаш. Let's just get on with it. Let's do it already. Uvek je nezadovoljan. He's always dissatisfied. He's always unhappy. Ќе те известам што се случува. I'll let you know what's going on. I'll let you know what's going on. Kravy dávajú mlieko. Cows give milk. Kravy dáviú milk. Сега не можеме да ѝ помогнеме. We can't help her now. Now we can't help her. Би сакал да се чујам со него. I'd like to hear from him. I'd like to speak to him. Mogla bih da te ubijem sad. I could kill you now. I could kill you now. Може ли да им се јавиш? Can you call them? Can you call them back? Ne govorite. Don't speak. Don't talk. Da li je kafa dobra za tebe? Is coffee good for you? Is coffee good for you? Kako zovete to? What do you call this? What do you call that? Сигурно си силен. You must be strong. You must be strong. Pes utekal za králikom. The dog ran after the rabbit. Dog ran after a breadcrumb. Аз съм за твоето предложение. I am in favour of your proposal. I'm up for your offer. Др Џексон има добар однос према пацијенту. Dr. Jackson has a good bedside manner. Dr. Jackson has a good relationship with the patient. Имам болка во градите. I have a chest pain. I've got chest pain. Обичам да спортувам. I like playing sports. I love sports. Што е со тебе и него? What is it with you and him? What about you and him? Веќе ѝ го дадов твојот број. I already gave her your number. I already gave her your number. Obavićemo posao. We'll get the job done. We'll do the job. Pisac knjige "Poslednji mohikanac", Džejms Fenimor Kuper je bio prvi borac za zaštitu prirode. The author of "The Last of the Mohicans", James Fenimore Cooper, was the first environmentalist. The writer of the book "Last Mohican", James Fennimore Cooper was the first natural fighter. Нека ми се јави тој. Get him to call me. Let him call me. Ти забавлява ли се вчера? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? Did you have fun yesterday? Koliko je godina prošlo otkad sam te poslednji put videla? How many years has it been since I last saw you? How many years has it been since I last saw you? Не ми сметаше. It didn't bother me. I didn't mind. Том бил уволнен. Tom was fired. Tom was fired. Просто ми се иска да мога да говоря френски малко по-добре. I just wish I could speak French a little better. I just wish I could speak French a little better. Нанси се усмихва. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy's smiling. Nie je nič dôležitejšie ako zdravie. Nothing is more important than health. Nie's nothing more delicate if she's healthy. Nema koristi da ga se pokuša nagovoriti. There's no use trying to persuade him. It's no use trying to talk him into it. Баща ми управлява ресторант. My father runs a restaurant. My father runs a restaurant. Hajde na piće sa mnom. Have a drink with me. Let's have a drink with me. Je to veľmi jednoduché. It is very simple. It's a major one-legged. Беше завършен. It's been completed. It was finished. Брайън накара Кейт да го чака. Brian kept Kate waiting. Brian made Kate wait. Pacijent je izdahnuo. The patient breathed his last. Patient's out. Всъщност те искат да ни платят. Actually, they want to pay us. Actually, they want to pay us. Видях го да спира. I observed him stop. I saw him stop. Ta povijest nam govori zanimljive činenice. This story tells us an interesting fact. This history tells us interesting facts. Sve je normalno. Everything's normal. Everything's normal. Kako si saznao gde je Tom? How did you find out where Tom was? How did you find out where Tom was? Dječak je mršav. The boy is thin. The boy is thin. Donio sam ti kavu. I brought you coffee. I brought you some coffee. Ljubim te z vsem srcem. I love you with all my heart. I love you with all my heart. Новото колело ми струва 50 000 йени. The new bicycle cost me as much as 50,000 yen. The new bike costs me 50,000 yen. Tom izgleda kao bankar. Tom looks like a banker. Tom looks like a banker. Екранот испушта зелена светлина. The screen is giving off green light. The screen releases green light. Brod je iskrcan u luci. The ship was unloaded at the port. The ship is off at the port. Cena nije bitna. The price isn't important. The price doesn't matter. Već sam je naručila. I've already ordered it. I ordered it already. To bi bilo OK. That would've been OK. That'd be okay. Остави ме да спя още десет минути. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep for ten more minutes. Мислам дека треба да го вработиме. I think we should hire him. I think we should hire him. Nikad nisam imao problema da zaspim. I've never had trouble falling asleep. I've never had any trouble sleeping. Naj bo kratko in sladko. Make it short and sweet. Keep it short and sweet. Момчињата и девојчињата читаат. Boys and girls read. Boys and girls read. Kto je zodpovedný za tento problém? Who's responsible for this problem? What is the negativity for tento problem? Да ти кажа, вината е моя. It's my fault, you know. Let me tell you, it's my fault. Отецът е атеист. The priest is an atheist. Father's an atheist. Kad si zadnji put razljutila svoju majku. When was the last time you angered your mother? The last time you pissed off your mother. Трябва да стигна до болницата. I have to get to the hospital. I need to get to the hospital. Nemoćni moraju biti zaštićeni pred moćnima. The powerless must be protected against the powerful. The powerless must be protected against the mighty. Svi radimo previše naporno. We all work too hard. We're all working too hard. Ајде да пееме и да танцуваме. Let's sing and dance. Let's sing and dance. Ma koliko da je Tom zauzet, nikad ne zaboravlja da našie mejl svojoj majici barem jednom nedeljno. No matter how busy Tom gets, he never forgets to write an email to his mother at least once a week. No matter how busy Tom is, he never forgets to e-mail his shirt at least once a week. Доручкуваше ли денес? Did you eat breakfast today? Did you have breakfast today? Кога купи това? Where did you buy that? When did you buy this? Kdo bi me rad videl? Who wants to see me? Who wants to see me? Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том в Бостън. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. Dve države su ispregovarale mirovni sporazum. The two countries negotiated a peace treaty. Two countries have negotiated a peace treaty. On je posjedovao mnogo zemlje, nekad davno. He once owned a lot of land. He owned a lot of land once upon a time. Вие братя ли сте? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? Има грозје во ладилникот. There are some grapes in the refrigerator. There's grapes in the fridge. Kaži joj. Tell her. Tell her. Не ти ща ни златото, ни среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want our gold or your silver. Косата ти е лом. You hair is a mess. Your hair's a wreck. Искам отново да съм млада. I wish that I were young again. I want to be young again. Страхотно е да се работи тук. It's great working here. It's great to work here. Koji je tvoj najomiljeniji youtube-video? What's your favorite YouTube video? What's your favorite YouTube-video? Гледам дека никому не сум потребен тука. I can see I'm not needed here. I see no one needs me here. Опет се нацврцао. He had once again drunk one over the eight. He's on again. Nismo dobro igrali. We didn't play well. We didn't play well. Внимавај кога ќе се качуваш по скалата. Take care when you climb up the ladder. Watch your step on the ladder. To nie je umenie. To je vagína so zubami. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. That's the vagina with the teeth. Zlomil si je roko. He broke his arm. He broke his arm. Имаш ли домашни миленици? Do you have any pets? Do you have pets at home? Ja ne pjevam. I don't sing. I don't sing. Е ај да не. Duh. Oh, don't be. Vi ste prosečni studenti. You're average students. You're average students. Се чувствувам како сосем нов човек. I feel like a brand new person. I feel like a whole new man. Не захваљуј мени. Do not thank me. Don't thank me. Том още не е разбрал какво направи Мери. Tom hasn't found out yet what Mary did. Tom hasn't figured out what Mary's done yet. Radim u Milanu. I work in Milan. I work in Milan. Nag sam. I'm naked. I'm naked. Какво яде Кен? What is Ken eating? What does Ken eat? Одустао је. He gave in. He gave up. Ne verujem pričljivim ljudima. I don't trust talkative people. I don't trust chatty people. Няма да работя тук за дълго. I won't be working here long. I won't be working here long. Sve što se setite može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Tom živi u centru grada. Tom lives downtown. Tom lives downtown. Том трябва да получи смъртна присъда. Tom should be given the death penalty. Tom needs to get a death sentence. Tom je besan. Tom sees red. Tom's furious. Pogledaću. I'll check. I'll take a look. Ona retko, možda i nikada, ne ide u krevet pre 11 sati. She rarely, perhaps never, goes to bed before eleven o'clock. She rarely, perhaps never goes to bed 11 hours ago. Кажи ми ги деталите. Tell me the details. Give me the details. Nemám sestru. I do not have a sister. I don't have a sister. Няма никакви. There aren't any. There's nothing. Това е глупава традиция. It's a stupid tradition. It's a stupid tradition. Не взимай прибързани решения. Don't make any quick decisions. Don't make any hasty decisions. Zašto ne skinete kaput? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take your coat off? Tom je strog ali fer. Tom is strict but fair. Tom's tough or fair. Bila sam ljubomorna. I was jealous. I was jealous. Није проблем. No problem. It's no problem. Нема отров во рибава. There's no poison in this fish. There's no poison in this fish. Môj rodný jazyk je najkrajší dar, ktorý som získal od mojej matky. My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother. Mônà jayk is the shortest gift, ktorí som wringed from my maty. Извикай ме, ако ти трябвам за нещо. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me for anything. Не съм виждал нищо, което може да се сравнява с това. I've never seen anything quite like this before. I've never seen anything like it. Glupa si. You're stupid. You're stupid. Jesi li mogla da je pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? Останавме будни цела ноќ, обидувајќи се да смислиме план. We stayed up all night trying to come up with a plan. We stayed up all night trying to come up with a plan. Аз те харесвам много. I like you very much. I like you very much. Ајде да направиме торта. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. Navikao sam se da se nikom ne dopadam. I'm used to no one liking me. I'm used to not liking anybody. Ja samo vršim svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Никад се не зна шта ће се догодити сутра. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Пеперутките се убави. Butterflies are beautiful. The butterflies are beautiful. Oni kopaju rupu. They're digging a hole. They're digging a hole. To me nije zanimalo. I wasn't interested in it. I wasn't interested in that. Нема да чекам вечно. I don't have all day. I won't wait forever. Tom je jedini koji ovo može. Tom is the only one who can do this. Tom is the only one who can do this. Nesreća se dogodila u nedjelju oko 3:00. The accident happened on Sunday at about 3:00. An accident happened on Sunday around 3:00. Чух, че ме търсиш. I hear you've been looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Исках да си поговорим за оценките ти. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. Гладна съм. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Nesúhlasíte? Don't you agree? Nesúhlasíte? Загрижен ли си за неа? Are you worried about her? Are you worried about her? Има ли некој друг тука? Is there anyone here? Is there anyone else here? Čína hraničí s Pakistanom, Indiou, Afganistanom, Tadžikistanom, Kirgizstanom, Kazachstanom, Severnou Kóreou, Laosom, Vietnamom, Nepálom, Bhutánom, Mjanmarskom, Mongolskom a Ruskom. China shares borders with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Mongolia and Russia. Chiña mestoreí with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Kóreou, Laos, Vietnam, Neptune, Bhután, Myanmar, Mongolian and Russia. Tom je spremio omlet. Tom made an omelet. Tom made an omelet. Нема да дозволиме да умреш. We're not about to let you die. We're not gonna let you die. Задоволни беа. They were satisfied. They were happy. Tom poznaje državnog tajnika. Tom knows the Secretary of State. Tom knows the secretary of state. Той свири добре на китара. He plays the guitar well. He plays guitar well. Na stolu je šalica čaja i jaje. There is a small teacup and an egg on the table. There's a cup of tea and an egg on the table. Уште малку ќе треба да си оди таа. It's almost time for her to go. She's gonna have to leave for a while. Tom je nosio crne farmerice i belu majicu. Tom wore black jeans and a white T-shirt. Tom was wearing black jeans and a white shirt. Шта бих требао да видим? What should I see? What am I supposed to see? Ручао сам на брзину. I ate a hasty lunch. I had a quick lunch. Devojčice vole da se igraju kuće. Girls like to play house. Girls like to play houses. Možeš li razlikovati srebro od kositra? Can you tell silver and tin apart? Can you tell silver from tin? Ma koliko razmatrao, i dalje ne razumem. No matter how much I consider it I do not understand. As far as we're concerned, I still don't understand. Jesi li sretna? Are you happy? Are you happy? Znaš li šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? Поп-музиката ми е омилениот вид на музика. My favorite music is pop music. Pop music is my favorite kind of music. Pokušavam. I try. I'm trying. Tom zna proceduru. Tom knows the drill. Tom knows the drill. Ako im ne smetaš, ni oni tebi neće smetati. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. If they don't mind, they won't bother you either. Miliarda ľudí hovorí po anglicky. One billion people speak English. Miliarda Judí hovorí by anglicky. Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Volim ga, ali je dosta često preosjetljiv. I like him but he cries into his beer way too often. I love him, but he's hypersensitive enough. Америка има нужда от вас. America needs you. America needs you. Жестока сте. You're cruel. You're hot. Ја погледнав. I looked at her. I looked at her. Okej je. It's okay. It's okay. То ти је цела мудрост! Bob's your uncle. That's your whole wisdom! Dobro. A vi? Fine. And you? Okay, how about you? Мъжът кара кола. The man is driving a car. A man drives a car. Мери се гордееше со својата лиџба. Mary prided herself on her beauty. Mary prided herself on her own. On se pokušao ubiti. He tried to kill himself. He tried to kill himself. Ko živi u komšiluku? Who lives in the house next door? Who lives in the neighborhood? Часовникът изостава. The clock is slow. The clock's running out. Сигурна ли си, че Том знае какво трябва да направи? Are you sure Tom knows what he's supposed to do? Are you sure Tom knows what to do? Duboko sam postiđen. I am deeply ashamed. I'm deeply ashamed. Том е навистина богат. Tom is really rich. Tom's really rich. Спушти го тука. Put it down right here. Put it down here. Само толку ли виде? Was that all you saw? Is that all you've seen? Тази книга не е на Том. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This book isn't Tom's. Том не се опита да скрие истината. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. To nije dobar znak. That's not a good sign. That's not a good sign. Plašim se zmija. I'm scared of snakes. I'm scared of snakes. Nevjernici su se ismijavali biskupovoj interpretaciji. The irreligious scoffed at the bishop's interpretation. The infidels made fun of the bishop's interpretation. Političar je imao ljepljive prste, jer je 5% od svakog ugovora završilo u njegovom džepu. The politician had sticky fingers, and 5% of every contract ended in his pocket. The politician had sticky fingers, because 5% of every contract ended in his pocket. On dobro zarađuje. He gets a good salary. He makes a good living. Prestravljen sam. I'm terrified. I'm terrified. Vrh te planine je ravan. The top of that mountain is flat. The top of that mountain is flat. Žuri mi se. I am in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. Teroristi su oslobodili taoce. The terrorists released the hostages. The terrorists freed the hostages. Oprosti, tko je ova žena? Excuse me, who is this woman? I'm sorry, who is this woman? Sada nije najbolji trenutak. Now is not a very good time. Now is not the best time. Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev. He finally fulfilled my request. He finally met my request. Ветар је попустио. The wind has abated. The wind's down. On je možda već otišao. He may have gone already. He may have already left. Приемам предложението ви. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Не очекував дека ќе го направиш тоа за Том. I wasn't expecting you to do it for Tom. I didn't expect you to do that for Tom. Mode zastarevaju i umiru. Fashions grow old and die. Fashions get old and die. Това е всичко, което наистина можеш да направиш. It's all you can really do. That's all you can really do. Tom ne želi da podijeliš ovu informaciju s bilo kime. Tom doesn't want you to share this information with anyone. Tom doesn't want you sharing this information with anyone. Nastavite da radite. Continue working. Keep working. Няма да повярвате. You wouldn't believe it. You're not gonna believe this. Možeš li da stigneš na vreme? Can you make it in time? Can you make it in time? Žedna sam. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Mám rád čaj. I like tea. Mám rád tea. Tom radi to ponekad. Tom does that sometimes. Tom does that sometimes. Soba je tamna. The room is dark. The room is dark. Veľa ľudí sa cíti tak, ako ty. A lot of people feel the same way you do. I'll tie you to that if you do. Што е среќата? What is happiness? What's happiness? Tom nije želeo da piše o onome što se dogodilo. Tom didn't want to write about what had happened. Tom didn't want to write about what happened. Мога ли да ви задам един личен въпрос? Can I ask you a personal question? Can I ask you a personal question? Некогаш се плашам од темнината. Sometimes I'm scared of the dark. Sometimes I fear the darkness. Pozajmiću ti radnu svesku ako mi obećaš da nećeš ništa pisati po njoj. I'll lend you my textbook if you promise not to write anything in it. I'll lend you a workbook if you promise me you won't write anything on it. Том се соблече и си легна. Tom undressed and got into bed. Tom took off his clothes and went to bed. Страхувам се, че няма да мога да се обясня на френски. I'm afraid I won't be able to make myself understood in French. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain myself in French. Ona mu sprema obroke. She cooked him meals. She's making him meals. Един и половина е. It's half past one. It's one and a half. Чух някой да казва, че Том е болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom was sick. Не успях да ги накарам да ме разберат. I couldn't make myself understood. I couldn't get them to understand me. To menije interesovalo. I wasn't interested in it. That's what interests me. Uvijek smo bili bliski. We had always been close. We were always close. Любимият ми превод е този. My favorite translation is this one. My favorite translation is this one. Честно казано, скъпи, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! Кога е премногу? How much is too much? When is it too much? Сум го видел лично. I've seen it myself. I've seen it myself. Наскоро ќе бидам со тебе. I'll soon be with you. I'll be with you soon. Това бяло палто много ще Ви отива. This white coat will look very nice on you. That white coat will do you a lot of good. Том побара храна. Tom asked for food. Tom asked for food. Да се вратиме во Бостон. Let's go back to Boston. Let's go back to Boston. Он је мој ривал у послу. He is my rival in business. He's my rival in business. Се собув. I took my shoes off. I'm in a room. Mogla sam da iskoristim to. I could have used that. I could have used that. Следвай моя пример и си вземи чаша вино. Be like me and have a glass of wine. Follow my example and take a glass of wine. Па нели рече дека сакаш да одиш со нас? I thought you said you wanted to go with us. Well, didn't you say you wanted to come with us? Не дојдов да повредувам луѓе. I'm not here to hurt anybody. I didn't come here to hurt people. Мислех да отида да поздравя Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hi to Tom. Јеси ли то намерно урадила? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? Mislim da je Tom izvukao deblji kraj. I think Tom got a raw deal. I think Tom pulled the fatter end out. Nadam se da ćemo da shvatimo ovo. I hope we can figure this out. I hope we can understand some of this. Кой го изтегли? Who drew it? Who pulled it? Zamolio sam Toma da me probudi u 2:30. I asked Tom to wake me up at 2:30. I asked Tom to wake me up at 2:30. Nema razloga za paniku. There's no reason to panic. There's no reason to panic. Том може да се възпротиви. Tom might object. Tom can resist. Како се каже „Хвала“ на јапанском? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? Хайде да се срещнем в 2:30 Let's meet at 2:30. Let's meet at 2:30. Samo obavljam svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Pričali smo neko vreme. We talked for a while. We talked for a while. Това е камерата, с която Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. This is the camera that Tom took the photos with. Мораш да учиш вредно. You must study hard. You have to learn valuables. Jesi li jeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Tom ima lepu baštu. Tom has a beautiful garden. Tom has a nice garden. Hvala na ispravci. Thanks for the correction. Thanks for the correction. Нямаше да мога да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done this without you. Том ја усреќува Мери. Tom makes Mary happy. Tom makes Mary happy. Ne znam šta da mislim o ovome. I don't know what to think of this. I don't know what to think about this. Станаа зависни. They got addicted. They got addicted. Закъде бързаш, Том? What's your hurry, Tom? What's your hurry, Tom? Sve ću jednom probati. I'll try anything once. I'll try anything once. To nije važno. That's unimportant. That's- it doesn't matter. To je sve što možemo. We can only do so much. That's all we can do. Tom je divno dete. Tom is a wonderful kid. Tom's a wonderful kid. ''Tom, kako je ime tvojemu psu?'' je vprašal njegov sosed. "Tom, what is your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. "Tom, what's your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. Ne lažite. Don't lie. Don't lie. Просто прави, каквото Том казва. Just do what Tom says. Just do what Tom says. Porastao si. You've grown. You've grown. Излегов од дома во седум. I left home at seven. I left home at seven. Ne volim učiti po ovakvoj vrućini. I don't like studying in this heat. I don't like learning in this heat. За малку ќе им се јавев. I almost called them. I almost called them. Аз едва съм започнал. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Možete li da nam pomognete? Can you give us a hand? Can you help us? Sve moram da isplaniram. I have to plan everything. I have to plan everything. Budi pažljiv: mi pišemo narodnosti, dane u tjednu i jezike velikim slovom u engleskome. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Be careful: we write nationalities, day by week, and language by capital letter in English. Усети ли земетресението тая нощ? Did you feel the earth shake last night? Did you feel the earthquake that night? To je okno. This is a window. It's a window. Каде се беше заакал Том? Where was Tom going? Where was Tom? Това е нещо, което просто трябва да направя. This is just something I have to do. It's something I just have to do. Одевме меѓу дрвата. We walked among the trees. We were walking between the trees. Животниве се загрозени. These animals are on the verge of extinction. These animals are threatened. Svi su zabinuti. Everybody's worried. They're all stuck. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ми помогнеш? Are you sure you don't want to help me out? Are you sure you don't want to help me? Govor mu je bio, blago rečeno, katastrofa. His speech was an unmitigated disaster. His speech was, to say the least, a disaster. Hoću njenu glavu. I want her head. I want her head. А, аз бях болен. Oh, I was ill. And I was sick. Tom će živeti. Tom'll live. Tom will live. Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открила. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. Том је на ивици живаца. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's on the edge of his nerves. On ima dobru memoriju. He has a good memory. He has a good memory. Том је натерао Мери да то уради. Tom made Mary do that. Tom forced Mary to do it. Meri je sama napravila haljinu za venčanje. Mary made her own wedding dress. Mary made her own wedding dress. Pas je moj. The dog is mine. The dog is mine. Том вероятно ще бъде изписан от болницата утре. Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Tom's probably gonna be out of the hospital tomorrow. Nisam sigurna kada će Tom stići. I'm not sure when Tom will arrive. I'm not sure when Tom's gonna be here. Да ли је Том извукао дебљи крај? Is Tom getting a raw deal? Did Tom pull the fatter end? Niko joj nije poverovao. Nobody believed her. No one believed her. Том рече дека не е заинтересиран. Tom said he wasn't interested. Tom said he wasn't interested. Nisam znao da si tako bogata. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. Том многу троши. Tom is a big spender. Tom spends a lot of money. Настинах лошо. I've caught a bad cold. I've had a bad cold. Мораш да ги надминеш потешкотиите. You must overcome the difficulties. You've got to get through all the trouble. Направи го по-малко. Make it smaller. Make it less. Imam glavobolju. I have a headache. I have a headache. Камо ли да разбирав. I wish I understood. I wish I understood. Ta lisica je zasigurno ubila kokoš. That fox must have killed the hen. That fox must have killed a chicken. Zahvalna sam. I'm grateful. I'm grateful. Samo sam oduglovačio. I was just playing for time. I was just stalling. Какво правиш там? What're you doing there? What are you doing there? Таа е искомплексирана. She's insecure. She's complicated. Naši rodičia bývajú hneď naproti cez ulicu. Our parents live right across the street from us. Our cousin would like to go across the street. Ja sam Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Том всушност го нема направено тоа. Tom hasn't actually done that. Tom didn't actually do it. Сѐ уште ли сакаш да одиме во зоолошка во понеделник? Do you still want to go to the zoo on Monday? Do you still want to go to the zoo on Monday? Jebem na to. I don't give a fuck. Fuck on that. Всички знаят името му. Everybody knows his name. Everybody knows his name. Претседателот најави дека САД ќе лансираат сателит во орбита. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite into orbit. The president has announced that the United States will launch a satellite into orbit. Мисля, че трябва да излезете. I think you should leave now. I think you should get out. On će po svoj prilici osvojiti prvenstvo. He is likely to win the championship. He'll probably win the championship. Nikad se nećemo vratiti tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. Ja sam profesorica. I am a professor. I'm a professor. За какво? For what purpose? For what? Nemám bicykla. I don't have a bicycle. Nemám bicycle. Nije gotovo dok se ne završi. It ain't over till it's over. It's not over until it's over. Том си го истри лицето. Tom rubbed his face. Tom shaved his face. Не съм се сещала за Том от години. I haven't thought about Tom in years. I haven't thought about Tom in years. Skupština je raspuštena. Parliament has been dissolved. The assembly is disbanded. Стафидите са изсушени гроздови зърна. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. The staphides are dried grape beans. Той използва времето си добре. He makes good use of his time. He's using his time well. Каде е купатилото? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Сите сме исти. We're all the same. We're all the same. Tri puta pet je petnaest. Multiply three by five to get fifteen. Three times five is fifteen. Имаш телефон. You have a telephone. You have a phone. Идея нямам как става. I have no idea how it works. I have no idea how it works. На која возраст си почнала да менструираш? At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you start menstruating? Бях много изненадан да видя ученици, които чистят класната си стая след училище. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. Може ли да го разгледам менито? May I look at the menu? Can I see the menu? Anatomski implanti za grudi, međutim, takođe mogu da dovedu do deformacije oblika grudi ako rotiraju na bok. Anatomical breast implants, however, can also deform the shape of the breast if they rotate sideways. Anatomal breast implants, however, can also lead to a deformation of the breast shape if they rotate on the hip. Koga opisuješ? Who are you describing? Who are you describing? Погодно време ли е ова за разговор? Is this a good time to talk? Is this a good time to talk? Влада је пала након гласања у парламенту. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after the parliament vote. Њена је, зар не? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Njegov način govorenja mi dosađuje. His way of speaking annoys me. His manner of speech bothers me. Da li stvarno mislite da sam sebična? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Нема да го кажам тоа пак. I won't say it again. I'm not gonna say that again. Побараа да им се покачи платата. They demanded a salary increase. They asked their salary to go up. Mogu li dobiti čašu vina? Could I have a glass of wine? Can I have a glass of wine? Тя ми даде риза. She gave me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Ајде да не паничиме. Let's just stay calm. Let's not panic. Малко остава. Little remains to be done. There's not much left. Dobre su nam šanse za pobedu. We have a good chance of winning. We have a good chance of winning. Той следва Английска литература. He majors in English literature. He follows English literature. Tom je zamolio Meri da ga odveze do aerodroma. Tom asked Mary to drive him to the airport. Tom asked Mary to take him to the airport. Danas sam ustao na levu nogu. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I got up on my left foot today. Тоа е баш корисно. That's quite helpful. That's very helpful. Nije sam esej problem, već sva ova pogubna pitanja i objašnjenja reči me strašno izluđuju! The essay itself isn't a problem, but all these pernicious questions and glossary make me awfully mad! It's not an essay problem, it's all these terrible questions and explanations that drive me crazy! Ja dobro pevam. I sing well. I sing well. Mogu li da čujem još jednog? Can I have another one? Can I hear another one? Тя каза: "Не е смешно! Много ли щеше да ти хареса, ако някой беше постъпил така с тебе - ти какво щеше да направиш?" She said, "It's not funny! How would you like it if someone did that to you - what would you do?" She said, "That's not funny! would you have loved it if someone had done this to you? What would you have done?" Немам вотка. I don't have vodka. I don't have vodka. Том е истински зубър. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Бурята не спираше, напротив, ставаше все по-силна. Far from stopping, the storm became much more intense. The storm didn't stop, on the contrary, it was getting stronger. Той нахлу в стаята с без да сваля палтото си. He rushed into the room with his coat on. He broke into the room with his coat off. Zaboga miloga! For the love of God! For God's sake! Шта си купио? What did you buy? What did you buy? Не бих га повредио. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Кой може да ми помогне? Who will help me? Who can help me? Piotra zanima nogomet. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotra's interested in football. To je rutinska stvar. This is a straightforward case. It's a routine thing. Том е ОК, нали? Tom is OK, isn't he? Tom's OK, right? Мачът беше отложен за неизвестно време. The game has been indefinitely postponed. The sword was delayed for some time. Umeš li da čuvaš tajne? Are you good at keeping secrets? Can you keep secrets? Том је одугловачио. Tom was playing for time. Tom's been stalling. Тешкото прашање е како. The difficult question is how. The hard question is how. Biti moćan je slično biti damom. Ako imaš potrebu reći ljudima da jesi, onda to nisi. Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. If you need to tell people that you are, then you're not. Всички ли са полудели? Has everyone gone crazy? Are they all out of their minds? Зошто ме бркаше? Why were you chasing me? Why were you chasing me? Naoružana sam. I'm armed. I'm armed. Tom se ugojio. Tom has put on weight. Tom's put on weight. Učinio si ono što si morao. You've done what you needed to do. You did what you had to do. Ne otvaraj to. Don't open it. Don't open that. Том стоеше и молчеше. Tom stood silently. Tom was standing and he was quiet. Мачките имаат способност да гледаат во темница. Cats have the ability to see in the dark. Cats have the ability to look into the dark. Сънувам кошмари. I have nightmares. I'm having nightmares. Той и аз сме приятели. He and I are friends. He and I are friends. Tom je nezadovoljan. Tom is displeased. Tom's unhappy. Нисам желео да те повредим. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Nikad nismo bili razdvojeni. We've never been apart. We've never been apart. Лошо ми е. I feel sick. I'm sick. Рики, ово је мој пријатељ Сузуки. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. На Том му се допаѓа таа идеја. Tom likes that idea. Tom likes that idea. Биће вам боље за неколико дана. You'll get better in a few days. You'll be better in a few days. Mogu li da pitam zašto? Could I ask why? May I ask why? Sve se vremenom menja. Everything changes over time. Everything changes over time. Šta je tu problem? What's the harm in that? What's the problem? Koje su tvoje ambicije? What are your ambitions? What are your ambitions? Zaključao sam bicikl. I locked my bike. I locked the bike. Verovatno neću da pročitam Tomov izveštaj. I probably won't read Tom's report. I probably won't read Tom's report. Izgubili smo se, zar ne? We're lost, aren't we? We're lost, aren't we? Cveće je u potpunosti uvelo. The flowers have all withered. The flowers came in completely. Можам да дојдам утре. I can come tomorrow. I can come tomorrow. Djevojka ima bijela konja. The girl has a white horse. The girl has a white horse. Тогаш шумата беше тивка. The forest was silent then. The forest was quiet then. Nadam se da ne pričate o meni. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Палтото ти залепна. This coat fits you perfectly. Your coat's stuck. Čo ste počuli? What did you hear? Who did you hear? Нема да чекам да откријам. I'm not waiting to find out. I won't wait to find out. Си пукал ли со пиштол досега? Have you ever shot a gun before? Have you ever fired a gun before? Položio sam svaki test. I passed every single test. I've passed every test. Toliko toga ste me naučili. You've taught me so much. You've taught me so much. Prvi polazi u 17:30 i stiže u 20:25. The first one leaves at 17.30 and arrives at 20.25. The first leaves at 5:30 and arrives at 8:25 p.m. Da li si oprao suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Тетка му е сосем сама во Лондон. His aunt is all alone in London. His aunt's all alone in London. Obezbeđenje je povećano u gradu. Security was increased in the city. Security has increased in the city. Tom mnogo pije. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. Gde si sada? Where are you based now? Where are you now? Ne mogu da odgovorim na Vaše pitanje sa bilo kakvom sigurnošću. I can't answer your question with any certainty. I cannot answer your question with any certainty. Tom je skoro poginuo u pokušaju da me spase. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom almost died trying to save me. Можеш ли да ядеш сурови стриди? Can you eat raw oysters? Can you eat raw oysters? Probaću da ubedim Toma da uradi to. I'll try to persuade Tom to do that. I'll try to convince Tom to do it. Току-що обядвах. I have just eaten lunch. I just had lunch. Već sam rekao da ne znam kako se to radi. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do it. Znamo da to nije istina. We know that's not true. We know that's not true. Правам снежен човек. I'm making a snowman. I'm making a snowman. Usrećio ju je. He made her happy. He made her happy. Многу дрва се срушија. Many trees fell down. A lot of wood collapsed. Zadržite kusur. Keep the change. Keep the change. Tom je kupio novine i pročitao ih u vozu. Tom bought a newspaper and read it on the train. Tom bought the paper and read it on the train. Какво има в бутилката? What's in the bottle? What's in the bottle? Ја сакам сината боја. I like blue. I love blue. Не. No. No, I don't. Zašto se ne odmorimo nakratko? Why don't we take a short break? Why don't we get some rest for a while? Zašto je ljubav tako komplikovana? Why is love so complicated? Why is love so complicated? Đus od pomorandže je najpopularniji sok u Americi. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. The orange juice is the most popular juice in America. Nemamo izbora. We have no options. We don't have a choice. Potreban ti je jedan od ovih. You need one of those. You need one of these. Naozaj sneží. It's really snowing. Keep the snow on. Pogledaj u šta sam izrastao! Look at what's become of me! Look what I've grown into! Марко мисли дека вешто пишува. Marco thinks he writes well. Marco thinks he's writing skillfully. Možda mi nešto fali ovde. Maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe I'm missing something here. Meri je iskoristila jabuke koje joj je Tom dao kako bi napravila puter od jabuka. Mary used the apples that Tom gave her to make apple butter. Mary used the apples Tom gave her to make apple butter. Volal som vás. I called you. Volal som vas. Шта је ово? What is that? What is this? Једног дана ћеш разумети. One day you'll understand. One day you'll understand. Trajalo je oko godinu dana. It lasted about a year. It took about a year. Pretpostavila sam da si zauzeta. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Трудио сам се да будем љубазан. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Zadirkujem te. I'm teasing. I'm teasing you. Moraćete da pitate Toma. You'll have to ask Tom. You'll have to ask Tom. Това е мястото, на което се състоя битката . This is the place where the battle took place. This is the place where the battle took place. Мораше да се направи. It had to be done. It had to be made. O čemu sam se brinuo? What was I worrying about? What was I worried about? Ataturk je rođen 1881, u Solunu. Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki Ataturk was born in 1881 in Thessaloniki. Студент је оптимиста, а његов саветник песимиста. The student is optimistic, but his advisor is a pessimist. The student is an optimist and his counsellor is a pessimist. Neviem, čo sa mu stalo. I don't know what happened to him. I don't think he cares. Том делува поуздано. Tom seems dependable. Tom seems reliable. Spreman sam da govorim. I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to talk. Ќе ти го пратам рецептот. I'll send you the recipe. I'll send you the recipe. Престаните да се мрдате! Stop moving! Stop moving! Каде е маж ми? Where's my husband? Where's my husband? Ne mogu da verujem da nisi prepoznao rođenog brata. I can't believe you didn't recognize your own brother. I can't believe you didn't recognize your own brother. Zaujímal sa o to? Was he interested in it? Is that what you're talking about? Плажът е недалеч от тук. The beach isn't far from here. The beach is not far from here. To govori dosta o tebi. That says a lot about you. That says a lot about you. Вежбај напољу. Exercise outdoors. Practice outside. Може да е опасно. It may be dangerous. It could be dangerous. Vedel som, že dnes bude zábava. I knew that today would be fun. I knew it. It's gonna be fun today. Nemam pojma. I have no idea. I have no idea. Много ви благодаря! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Тома је био бесан као рис. Tom began to feel hot under the collar. Tom was as angry as a lynx. Hajde da saznamo zasigurno. Let's find out for sure. Let's find out for sure. Може ли да го потпишете ова? Could you sign this? Can you sign this? Divno! Wonderful! Wonderful! Da li se danas osećaš OK? Do you feel OK today? Are you feeling okay today? Ja to stalno govorim. I say that all the time. I say that all the time. Tom je sačuvao sva pisma koja mu je Meri poslala. Tom saved all of the letters Mary sent him. Tom saved all the letters that Mary sent him. Експериментът беше успешен. The experiment was successful. The experiment was successful. Gdje ti živiš, Tome? Where do you live, Tom? Where do you live, Tom? Ne mogu ti odgovoriti odmah. I can't give you an answer right away. I can't answer you right now. На Том не сум му баш најдраг. Tom doesn't like me very much. Tom doesn't like me very much. Pokušavam da shvatim kako si uradio to. I'm trying to figure out how you managed to do that. I'm trying to figure out how you did it. Môžeme vyrábať obuv. We can make shoes. Man's wyrába's shoe. Мисля, че Том е заспал. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom's asleep. Правев торта. I was making a cake. I was making a cake. Koje su mu bile prve reči? What were his first words? What were his first words? Тоа е многу интересно. That's very curious. That's very interesting. Том не мисли, че Мери го лъже, но аз знам, че тя лъже. Tom doesn't think Mary lies to him, but I know she does. Tom doesn't think Mary's lying to him, but I know she's lying. У башти има свакакве врсте цвећа. There are all kinds of flowers in that garden. There are all kinds of flowers in the garden. Žilavija sam nego što izgledam. I'm tougher than I look. I'm tougher than I look. Мразя нямото кино. I hate silent movies. I hate the silent cinema. Ќе ја донесам дома. I'll bring her home. I'll bring her home. Подобро оди помогни му. You'd better go help him. You better go help him. U našem svetu obrazovanje je razočaravajuće. Education in this world disappoints me. In our world, education is disappointing. Budi oprezna. Take care. Be careful. Tom se odlučio za "protiv". Tom decided against it. Tom has decided against it. Тука е топло. It's warm in here. It's warm in here. Той си издейства усмивка от бебето. She coaxed a smile from the baby. He triggered a smile from the baby. Som tučný. I'm fat. I'm beatní. Зарем би те лажел? Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you? Vo vesmíre sú miliardy hviezd. There are billions of stars in the universe. In vesmíre sú billiony wviezd. Нощем Роджър ходеше по музикалните клубове и локали, където свиреха кънтри и уестърн групи. На тези места той получаваше музикалното си образование. At night, Roger went to music clubs and drinking places where country and western bands played. These places provided him with a music education. At night Roger went to music clubs and locals, where country and Western groups played, where he received his musical education. Ми даваат совет. I'm getting advice from them. They're giving me advice. Јеси ли то намерно урадила? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? Време је да се опростимо. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. Очаквам помощта ти. I expect your help. I'm expecting your help. Том не се зеза. Tom isn't kidding. Tom's not kidding. To je veoma lepo od Vas. That is very nice of you. That's very kind of you. Том ја затвори фиоката. Tom shut the drawer. Tom closed the drawer. Upoznajmo se! Let's get to know each other. Let's get to know each other! Ja sam Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Juče sam otišao u krevet bez pranja zuba. Yesterday I went to bed without brushing my teeth. Yesterday I went to bed without washing my teeth. Не ми се заблагодарувај уште сега. Don't thank me now. Don't thank me yet. Tko će biti prvi? Who is going to be the first? Who's gonna be first? Povedal som Tomovi, aby išiel na stretnutie. I told Tom that he should go to the meeting. Told the som toms, aby sewn up the stratagem. Той беше напълно изтощен. He was completely fagged out. He was completely exhausted. Се чувствувам како да сум те изневерил. I feel like I let you down. I feel like I've failed you. Све је спремно. All systems are go. It's all set. Аз не съм управителят. I'm not the manager. I'm not the manager. Твоите жалби ме вознемирија. Your complaints upset me. Your complaints upset me. Beduini živijo v puščavi. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Том е доста мршав. Tom is quite thin. Tom's pretty skinny. Ела с мен да се поразходим. Take a walk with me. Come take a walk with me. Tom je pozvao mariju na večeru. Tom invited Mary to supper. Tom invited Maria to dinner. Ще бъда там до петнайсет минути. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Svi plaču. Everyone's crying. Everybody's crying. Ќе можам да те видам следната година. I'll be able to see you next year. I'll be able to see you next year. Tom i Mary bi bili prekrasan par. Tom and Mary would make a lovely couple. Tom and Mary would make a beautiful couple. Том ја избегнува Мери кога му се може. Tom avoids Mary whenever possible. Tom avoids Mary when he can. Moja majka nije kao druge majke. My mother isn't like other mothers. My mother's not like other mothers. Ne znam hoće li to biti dovoljno novca za mene. I don't know if that will be enough money for me. I don't know if it'll be enough money for me. Tom má spoločenskú povahu. Tom has an outgoing personality. Tom má ferocenskú lauded. Само ти велам да бидеш внимателен. All I'm saying is be careful. I'm just saying be careful. Не играйте бейзбол тук. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. Ќе го испратам Том дома. I'm sending Tom home. I'll send Tom home. Študovali ste. You were studying. You were studying. Това е ключът ти. This is your key. That's your key. Том е многу наивен. Tom is very naive. Tom's very naive. Том не нѐ слуша. Tom can't hear us. Tom can't hear us. Кен боядиса колелото си в бяло. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken painted his bike white. On će doći uskoro. It will not be long before he comes. He'll be here soon. Mislim da ćemo stići u Boston prije mraka. I think we'll probably reach Boston before dark. I think we'll get to Boston before dark. Том току-що се върна от Бостън. Tom just got back from Boston. Tom just got back from Boston. Oni nisu mogli da putuju, jer se dogodio problem. They couldn't travel because a problem occurred. They couldn't travel because there was a problem. Пускането на хвърчила може да бъде опасно. Flying kites can be dangerous. Dropping a set of germs can be dangerous. Може ли да се видиме подоцна? Can I see you later? Can I see you later? Prestani da gledaš TV i kreni s učenjem. Stop watching TV and start studying. Stop watching TV and start learning. Том не мога да го разбера. I can't figure Tom out. Tom, I can't understand it. Не гледай Том. Don't look at Tom. Don't look at Tom. Още един скоч и вода, моля. Another Scotch and water, please. Another scotch and water, please. Каде оди волот? Where is the ox going? Where's the ox going? Јаболката се здрави. Apples are good for you. Apples are healthy. Svaki dan čitaj nešto što nitko drugi ne čita. Svaki dan misli nešto što nitko drugi ne misli. Svaki dan učini nešto što nitko drugi ne bi bio lud to učiniti. Loše je za duh uvijek biti uravnotežen. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Every day read something that no one else reads; every day thinks something that no one else thinks; every day do something that no one else would be crazy to do; it is bad for the spirit to always be balanced. Šta si upravo napisao u svesci? What did you just write in your notebook? What did you just write in the book? Кислородът е необходим за горенето. Oxygen is necessary for combustion. Acid is necessary for burning. Важно ли е кое од овие ќе го одберам? Does it really matter which one of these I choose? Does it matter which one of these I choose? Не кажувам пакосни работи за нивните деца. I don't say nasty things about their children. I don't say bad things about their kids. Му ја предаде ли белешката на Том? Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you give Tom your note? Каролина је тужна, јер не може да затрудни. Carolina is sad because she cannot conceive. Caroline's sad because she can't get pregnant. Променио си мој живот. You changed my life. You changed my life. Се успокоивме. We calmed down. We calmed down. Празно е. It's empty. It's empty. Тој е лакомец. He is a glutton. He's greedy. Това е чантата на Джейн. This is Jane's bag. It's Jane's bag. Не удуших Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. Том ги собра срчите. Tom picked up the broken glass. Tom picked up the hearts. Testiranje novog motora će se obaviti danas. The test of the new engine takes place today. Testing the new engine will take place today. Postoji samo jedan izlaz. There's only one way out. There's only one way out. Nema potrebe da se brine o tome. There is nothing to worry about. There's no need to worry about that. Не знам той кога ще дойде. I don't know when he'll come. I don't know when he'll be here. Том си го избриша челото. Tom wiped his forehead. Tom wiped his forehead. Máte nejaké voľné miesta? Do you have any vacancies? You didn't drive myest? Zar nije to ono što si želela? Isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that what you wanted? Победили су. They won. They won. Postavio sam Toniju jedno pitanje. I asked Tony a question. I asked Tony one question. Ќе се вратам за кратко време. I'll be back in a little bit. I'll be back in a little while. Не съм ви давал разрешение да напуснете. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Не ми пипай фотоапарата. Leave my camera alone. Don't touch my camera. Изгледа да у последње време ниси сав свој. You don't seem to be yourself these days. Looks like you haven't been yourself lately. Зарем не ја поправи пумпата? Didn't you fix the pump? Didn't you fix the pump? Ще остана още три дена. I'll stay for three more days. I'll stay three more days. Они су урадили незамислив посао. They did an unimaginable job. They did an unimaginable job. Kad je ova knjiga objavljena? When was this book published? When was this book published? Котката изсъска срещу Том. The cat hissed at Tom. The cat went up against Tom. Ispekao sam pitu od jabuka. I baked an apple pie. I baked an apple pie. Слободен си. You're free. You're free to go. Навистина беше добро. It was really good. It was really good. Ми о вуку, а вук на врата. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. We about the wolf, and the wolf to the door. To je njegov auto. That is his car. It's his car. Je niekto doma? Is anybody home? Is there anything at home? Da li je napolju još uvek svetlo? Is it still light out? Is it still light outside? Fadil nije bio u kući. Fadil wasn't inside the house. Fadil wasn't in the house. Dođi i sedi. Come and sit down. Come and sit down. Američki engleski nije bolje od britanskog engleskog. American English isn't better than British English. American English is no better than British English. Ти треба ли помош со ова? Do you need help doing this? Do you need any help with this? Ne poznaješ me. You don't know me. You don't know me. Javiću ti se čim stignem. I will contact you as soon as I arrive. I'll call you as soon as I can. Моля те, обясни ми правилата във футбола. Please explain the rules of soccer to me. Please explain the rules in football. Прилично се добри. They're pretty good. They're pretty good. Том не сака тенис. Tom doesn't like tennis. Tom doesn't like tennis. Том не го бива за спорт. Tom is bad at sports. Tom's not good at sports. Sve je prestalo. Everything stopped. It's all stopped. Ko ima vremena za ovo? Who has time for this? Who's got time for this? Bolje poljubac u šumi nego deset u ruku. A kiss in the woods is better than ten in hand. Better a kiss in the woods than ten in the hand. Не јади како стока. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like cattle. Всички животни са равни. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Prihodi su mi se smanjili za deset procenata. My income has decreased ten percent. My income is down ten percent. Одавно је нисам видео. I haven't seen her for ages. I haven't seen her in a long time. С малко добра воля от двете страни нашите проблеми би трябвало да могат да бъдат разрешени. With a bit of good will on both sides, our problems should be able to be resolved. With a little goodwill on both sides, our problems should be solved. Остави го Том. Leave Tom. Leave Tom alone. Moj otac ne voli fudbal. My father doesn't like football. My father doesn't like football. На пат е. He's away on a trip. He's on his way. Nisam se dobro proveo sinoć. I didn't have a good time last night. I didn't have a good time last night. Колко дълго трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? Ne otvarajte to. Don't open it. Don't open that. Najlepši cvetovi imaju najoštrije trnje. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. Имаш ли пасош? Do you have your passport? Do you have a passport? Претпоставувам дека треба да одам да зборувам со Том. I suppose I should go talk to Tom. I guess I should go talk to Tom. Том не е палав. Tom isn't naughty. Tom's not naughty. Toliko sam umoran da jedva držim oči otvorene. I'm so tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Отвори се, Сезаме! Open Sesame! Open, Sesame! Хвала вам пуно на свему! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything! Hovoríš po rusky? Do you speak Russian? You're going for Russian? Гледајте наваму. Look this way. Look this way. Мисля, че тя е над четирийсетгодишна. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's over 40. Мислев дека Том ќе биде зафатен. I thought Tom would be busy. I thought Tom was gonna be busy. Ako želiš, naučiću te da sviraš ukulele. I'll teach you how to play the ukulele if you want me to. If you want, I'll teach you how to play ukulele. Tom nas je jučer posjetio. Tom visited us yesterday. Tom came to see us yesterday. Kompas pokazuje na sever. Compasses point north. The compass points north. Sve će biti u redu na kraju. Ako nije u redu, onda nije ni kraj. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not right, it's not the end. Замалко да я прегази кола. She came very near to being run over by a car. She almost got run over by a car. Istražite je. Examine it. Look into her. Tom je žestoko prebijen. Tom was severely beaten. Tom's been beat up pretty bad. Девојката ме поздрави со насмевка. The girl greeted me with a smile. The girl said hello to me with a smile. Nabavite sve. Get everything. Get everything. Да играем на канадска. Let's arm wrestle. Let's play Canadian. Играчката е изработена од дрво. The toy is made of wood. The toy is made of wood. Nemoj da staješ. Don't stop. Don't stop. Ljudi su nekada pisali knjige kucaćim mašinama. People used to write books using typewriters. People used to write books with typewriters. Som vyčerpaný. I'm exhausted. I'm Vycherpaní. Šta ćeš danas raditi? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? Zaključano je. It's locked. It's locked. Извинете, че Ви прекъсвам. Excuse me for interrupting you. Sorry to interrupt. То је ново. It's new. That's new. Срещнахме се на един летен лагер. We met at summer camp. We met at a summer camp. Дај ми ги тие листови. Hand me those papers. Give me those sheets. Мисля, че ще бъдете приятно изненадани. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Tom je pružao veliku podršku. Tom was very supportive. Tom was very supportive. Ja som vysoký. I am tall. I'm vysoký. Izgubio sam tok misli. I lost my train of thought. I've lost my mind course. Želim ići. I want to go. I want to go. Tom nije mogao da podnese to. Tom couldn't handle it. Tom couldn't handle that. Ta torba je moja. That bag is mine. That bag's mine. Nechcem pracovať za týchto podmienok. I don't want to work under these conditions. I'm Nechczevá for tíchto submijenok. Mal by si sa riadiť jeho radou. You should follow his advice. Little by you're with riadié jehjo rado. Како се образува множина од именки? How do you form the plural of nouns? How do you form a plural of names? Веќе не е онакво срамежливо момче какво што беше. He is no longer the shy boy he was. He's not as shy as he used to be. Svi su ovde. Everyone's here. They're all here. Она изгледа добро за своје године. She looks good for her age. She looks good for her age. Ќе го замолам Том да ти се придружи. I'll ask Tom to join you. I'm gonna ask Tom to join you. Как си? Добре ли пътува? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How's it going? Evakuišu ih. They're being evacuated. They're evacuating them. Том доживеал несреќа. Tom had an accident. Tom was in an accident. Da li imate kopiju? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Се испостави дека нема аир од Дан. Dan proved to be of no help. It turns out there's no air from Dan. Држи се, Том. Hang in there, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Нема надеж. There's no hope. There's no hope. И двете произношения са правилни. Both pronunciations are correct. Both statements are correct. Vojnik je udarcem probudio Laylu. The soldier kicked Layla awake. The soldier woke up Layla with a blow. Тек смо почели. We're just getting started. We're just getting started. Она пије као риба. She drinks like a fish. She drinks like a fish. Том рече дека веќе ја видел Мери сабајлево. Tom said he saw Mary earlier this morning. Tom said he'd seen Mary this morning. Денес дознав дека постои филм што се вика „Русите доаѓаат! Русите доаѓаат!“ Today I found that there's a movie called "The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!" Today I learned that there is a film called "The Russians Are Coming!" Ne, ne radi to. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. Том помоли Мери да вземе паста за зъби и тоалетна хартия от супера. Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. Tom asked Mary to pick up toothpaste and toilet paper from the super. Već smo odlučili da ne radimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to do that. Nisam uvek u pravu. I'm not always right. I'm not always right. Ima li Tom ikakvog iskustva? Does Tom have any experience? Does Tom have any experience? Само Том може да одговори на тоа прашање. Tom is the only one who can answer that question. Only Tom can answer that question. Моля прости ми. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Луси обича да играе тенис. Lucy likes playing tennis. Lucy likes to play tennis. Нико му више не верује. No one trusts him any more. No one trusts him anymore. Ne, hvala. Sit sam. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you, I'm tired. Тя ми даде този компактдиск. She gave me this compact disc. She gave me this compactdisc. Morala sam te vidjeti. I had to see you. I had to see you. Имам много способности. I have many abilities. I've got a lot of skills. Том је хладнокрван. Tom is unfazed. Tom's cold-blooded. Какво је данас време? What is the weather like today? What's the weather like today? Неговиот ранг не е доволно висок за таа позиција. His rank isn't high enough for that position. His rank is not high enough for that position. Оваа реченица има пет збора. This sentence has five words. This sentence has five words. Изглежда пак са се захванали. It looks like they are at it again. Looks like they're back on track. Моравме да му помогнеме на Том. We had to help Tom. We had to help Tom. Naravno, zakasnio je u školu, kao i obično. Needless to say, he was late for school as usual. Of course, he was late for school, as usual. Moja sestra má pekné piano. My sister has a nice piano. My sister má baked piano. Наистина го оценявам, Том. I really appreciate it, Tom. I really appreciate it, Tom. Никој не те слуша. Nobody can hear you. Nobody's listening to you. Jedna generácia postaví ulicu, po ktorej bude druhá chodiť. One generation builds the street that the next will travel on. One generácia set up the street, according to the pectory be druhá chodi. Том има два избора. Tom has two choices. Tom has two choices. Zašto bih ja želeo sve da vas ubijem? Why would I want to kill you all? Why would I want to kill you all? Tom me je odbacio do aerodroma. Tom dropped me off at the airport. Tom dropped me off at the airport. Том не се качи на автобуса. Tom didn't get on the bus. Tom didn't get on the bus. Мени одговара. It works for me. It suits me. Чорапите ми не са тук. My socks aren't here. My socks aren't here. Svatko čini pogreške s vremena na vrijeme. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Zaista sam srećam zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really happy about that. Дали Мери му се допаѓа на Том? Does Tom like Mary? Does Mary like Tom? Trenutno sam lociran u Bostonu. I'm currently located in Boston. I'm currently located in Boston. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадан. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Jazbec je ugriznil fanta. The badger bit the boy. The badger bit the boy. Чух Том да влиза. I heard Tom come in. I heard Tom come in. Шта сам требао учинити? What else could I have done? What was I supposed to do? Том и Мери најверојатно никогаш нема да се видат пак. Tom and Mary aren't likely to ever see each other again. Tom and Mary are probably never gonna see each other again. Mogao bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Той прегледа доклада ми. He looked over my report. He reviewed my report. Tom je najbolji pjevač u mom razredu. Tom is the best singer in my class. Tom's the best singer in my class. Мисля, че не трябва да го правим. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. I don't think we should do that. Зашто тако мислите? Why do you think so? Why do you think that? Ne govoriš engleski. You do not speak English. You don't speak English. Том не можеше да се воздржи. Tom couldn't help it. Tom couldn't help himself. Ќе те почекам тука. I'm going to wait here for you. I'll wait here for you. Се трудевме. We've been trying. We tried. Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo para. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Mislio sam da je hrana odlična. I thought the food was excellent. I thought the food was great. Всеки път, когато Мери му се усмихва, Том се чувства щастлив. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Da li smo spremni za polazak? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Tamo je. It's there. He's over there. Мислиш ли да ће се ситуација побољшати? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Јас бев единствениот што знаеше каде отишол Том. I was the only one who knew where Tom had gone. I was the only one who knew where Tom went. Том е тука за да ме штити. Tom is here to protect me. Tom's here to protect me. Да ли је то чиста случајност? Is it purely coincidence? Is that just a coincidence? Živim u Istanbulu. I live in Istanbul. I live in Istanbul. Sretan sam kao mačka u pidžami. I am as happy as a cat in pajamas. I'm happy as a cat in my pajamas. Не захваљуј мени. Do not thank me. Don't thank me. Треба да му помогнам на Том. I need to help Tom. I need to help Tom. То је мали пас. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Нашиот сончев систем е постојано во движење. Our solar system is always in motion. Our solar system is constantly on the move. Чувал съм, че френският е език, труден за научаване. I've heard French is a difficult language to learn. I've heard French is a hard language to learn. Koliko ujni i ujaka imate? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many aunts and uncles do you have? Он је зависан од Старбак кафе. He's addicted to Starbucks coffee. He's addicted to Starbuck's coffee. Не ме интересува какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Пробај да го сфатиш ова. Try to understand this. Try to understand this. Знам дека треба да спијам сега. I know I have to sleep now. I know I have to sleep now. U šta gledaš? What're you looking at? What are you looking at? Tom je nagovjestio da će Mary to napraviti. Tom predicted that Mary would do that. Tom suggested Mary would do it. Погледајте тамо. Look there. Look over there. Tom će ponovo razmisliti. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will reconsider. Ona je trpezlivá žena. She's a patient woman. She's a patient woman. Не морам да го следам. I don't have to follow him. I don't have to follow him. Да, го реков тоа, но не бев во право. Yes, I said that, but I was wrong. Yeah, I said that, but I was wrong. Kaži joj da sam nevin. Tell her I'm innocent. Tell her I'm innocent. Може ли да дойда да те видя в офиса утре сутринта ? May I come to see you at your office tomorrow morning? Can I come see you in the office tomorrow morning? Jesam li osumnjičena? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? Dala sam im poklon za godišnjicu. I gave them a present for their anniversary. I gave them an anniversary present. Recite mi zašto ste uradili to. Tell me why you did it. Tell me why you did it. Potpuno sam zaboravio da uradim to. I had completely forgotten to do that. I completely forgot to do it. Истата работа му се има случено и на мој пријател. The exact same thing happened to one of my friends. Same thing happened to my friend. За да ја спремиш почвата за садење, мораш да ја изораш. In order to get the soil ready for planting you must plow it. To prepare the soil for planting, you must exorcise it. Како можеш да ѝ помогнеш? How can you help her? How can you help her? Zvučite kao da se ne zabavljate. You sound like you're not having any fun. You sound like you're not having fun. Не е право време сега. Now isn't the time. It's not a good time right now. Ne staj. Don't stop. Don't stop. Дали си ме лажел? Have you lied to me? Have you lied to me? Draže mi je biti siromašan nego bogat. I'd rather be poor than rich. I'd rather be poor than rich. Ovde je velika količina manjih grešaka i sitnog nerazumevanja koji iskrivljuju značenje originalne rečenice. There are many minor mistakes and tiny misunderstandings here that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Here is a large amount of minor errors and petty misunderstandings that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Той мисли да продаде къщата си. He is thinking of disposing of his house. He's thinking of selling his house. Не съм те виждала от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Дали Том има опавче? Does Tom have ponytail? Does Tom have a tail? Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work in a hospital. She wants to work at the hospital. Obe moje sestre su nastavnice. Both of my sisters are teachers. Both my sisters are teachers. Mislim da Tom krije nešto. I think that Tom is hiding something. I think Tom's hiding something. Trebao si to znati. I should have known that. You should have known that. Уште што ќе добијам? What more will I get? What else do I get? Да наблюдаваш диви птици е много забавно. Watching wild birds is a lot of fun. Watching wild birds is so much fun. Трябва да има нещо друго за ядене. There must be something else to eat. There must be something else to eat. Изчисти масата вече! Clean the table already! Clean the table now! По-добре да тръгваш. You'd better go. You'd better go. Загубих си чадъра. Трябва да си купя нов. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I lost my umbrella. Mogla sam da odem, ali nisam želela. I could've gone, but I didn't want to. I could have left, but I didn't want to. Учествовао сам на конкурсу. I took part in the contest. I was in the competition. Има алги во морето. There are algae in the sea. There's algae in the sea. Тие знаат што се случило. They know what happened. They know what happened. Майк обича да играе баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Ne pokušavaj se igrati sa mnom. Don't try to play games with me. Don't try to play with me. Mogu da napišem poruku Tomu ako želiš. I could write Tom a note if you want me to. I can write a message to Tom if you want. Ще ти го дам назаем. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. Не могу чекати заувек. I can't wait forever. I can't wait forever. Мислех си, че е богат. I thought he was rich. I thought he was rich. Тя иска развод. She wants a divorce. She wants a divorce. То су за мене шпанска села. It's all Greek to me. Those are Spanish villages to me. Начисто бевме збунети. We were dumbfounded. We were totally confused. Tom je potrčao niz ulicu. Tom ran down the street. Tom ran down the street. Не ми давай нищо. Don't give me a thing. Don't give me anything. Zacrtao je sebi da mora da radi u bašti dva sata dnevno. He makes it a rule to work in the garden for two hours every day. He planned for himself that he had to work in the garden for two hours a day. Да го питаме. Let's ask him. Let's ask him. Tom je dosta tajanstven. Tom is quite secretive. Tom's pretty secretive. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. Moja majka je umrla na dan kada sam se oženio. My mother died the same day I got married. My mother died the day I got married. Znam da je ovo čudno. I know that this is strange. I know this is weird. Том продължи да натиска клаксона. Tom continued to honk the horn. Tom kept pushing the keypad. Не сакам да те засенам. I wouldn't want to show you up. I don't want to overshadow you. На Том гласот едвај му се слушаше. Tom's voice was hardly audible. Tom's voice was barely heard. Gde god da odem, tamo sam. Anywhere I go, I am there. Everywhere I go, I'm there. Още нищо не съм започнала. I haven't started anything yet. I haven't started anything yet. Како го прават тоа? How do they do that? How do they do that? Нека ни помогнат. Get them to help us. Let them help us. Moja soba ima dve okni. My room has two windows. My room has two windows. Toma je lako uplašiti. Tom gets scared easily. Tom's easy to scare. Се надевам дека си спремен за предизвик. I hope you're up to the challenge. I hope you're ready for a challenge. Gde si našao ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? Забављај се док можеш. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Да бидеме креативни. Let's be creative. Let's be creative. Никада ниси пожелео да живиш на острву? Have you ever wanted to live on an island? You never wanted to live on an island? Ја нисам заборавио. I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten. Репутацијата му беше загрозена. His reputation was at stake. His reputation was threatened. Посети нѐ утре. Visit us tomorrow. Why don't you come visit us tomorrow? Срећом, преживео сам несрећу. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. Fortunately, I survived the accident. Stižemo li uskoro? Are we nearly there? Are we coming soon? Tom je još na poslu. Tom is still on the job. Tom's still at work. Nikada me nećeš uhvatiti živog! You'll never take me alive! You'll never catch me alive! Ја замолив да го опише. I asked her to describe it. I asked her to describe it. Никогаш во животот не сум носела спавача. I've never worn a sleeping gown in my life. I've never worn a nightgown in my life. Том не ми прозборел од кога се испокаравме. Tom hasn't talked to me since we had that argument. Tom hasn't spoken to me since we left. Martyna je rodáčka z Wrocławu. Martyna is a native of Wrocław. Marty's cousin is Wrocław. Koliko ste stvarno stari? How old are you really? How old are you really? Том накара Мери да преведе писмото на френски. Tom had Mary translate the letter into French. Tom made Mary translate the letter in French. Рекао ми је да сам слатка. He told me I was cute. He told me I was cute. Това е другият проблем. That's the other problem. That's the other problem. Dobrodošli na Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeb. Pokažite mi vaša dokumenta! Show me your papers! Show me your papers! Немам ништо да ти дадам. I don't have anything to give you. I have nothing to give you. Razveseli se! Cheer up! Lighten up! Опитвали ли сте всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Дан ѝ даде на Линда пари за абортус. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Dan gave Linda money for abortion. Не мога да ви купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you this dress. Всичко, което не е завинаги, е завинаги остаряло. All that is not eternal is eternally out of date. Everything that is not forever is forever old. Тук не трябва да говориш. You shouldn't talk here. You don't have to talk here. Da li me voli? Does she love me? Does she love me? Си ја завршив работата. I've finished my work. I've done my job. Nismo spremni da odustanemo. We're not ready to quit. We're not ready to give up. Чајов убаво мириса. This tea smells good. This tea smells good. От кога ги осеќаш движењата на фетусот? Since when have you been able to feel the movement of the fetus? Since when do you feel the fetal movements? Sve je u redu s tobom. Nothing is wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you. Týždeň má sedem dní. A week has seven days. Tíjde má seven days. Tako se pravi važan. He is such a show off. That's how you play it important. Оваа куќа не е доволно голема за нашето семејство. This house isn't big enough for our family. This house isn't big enough for our family. Чух, че Том бил ранен. I heard Tom was hurt. I heard Tom was hurt. Djevojka vidi dječaka. The girl sees the boy. A girl sees a boy. "Aké slovo?" spýtala som sa. "Which word?" I asked. "What letter?" spítala som. Ta je lažnjak, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? That's a fake, isn't it? Zaista sam srećna što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really happy to be here. „Да ли си ти наставник?“ „Да, јесам.“ "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." Извините, ко је ова жена? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this woman? Баща ми има ресторант. My father runs a restaurant. My dad owns a restaurant. Nemoj da bleneš. Don't stare. Don't look. Pozvaću. I'll call. I'll make the call. Вашето предложение изглежда разумно. Your suggestion seems reasonable. Your proposal seems reasonable. Трябва да се преместя в друго училище. I have to transfer schools. I have to move to another school. Има хора, с които имам нужда да говоря. I have people I need to talk to. There are people I need to talk to. Želim da pomognem. I want to help out. I want to help. Malo sam utučena. I'm a little bummed. I'm a little down. Klingončina je určite najmenej užitočný jazyk. Klingon has to be the most useless language. Klingontina is a class for pleasure jayk. Тука е топло. Можеш да го соблечеш палтото. Here it is warm. You could put away your coat. You can take your coat off. Тя раздаде всичките си кукли. She gave away all her dolls. She gave away all her dolls. Том никогаш не бил злобен. Tom never was mean. Tom was never mean. Така треба! That's the spirit! That's right! Мисля, че си достатъчно възрастна. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Довиђења! Good-bye! Good-bye! Hrana je neophodna za opstanak. Food is essential for survival. Food is necessary for survival. Vodim te na ples. I'm taking you dancing. I'm taking you dancing. Ništa nisam izabrao. I didn't pick anything. I didn't choose anything. Том не беше свесен дека Мери се надева дека ќе ја бакне. Tom wasn't aware that Mary was hoping he'd kiss her. Tom was unaware that Mary was hoping to kiss her. Ова не е твојот дом, Том. This isn't your home, Tom. This isn't your home, Tom. Ако лажеле за тоа, тогаш имаме многу поголем проблем. If they lied about that, we've got a much bigger problem. If they lied about it, then we have a much bigger problem. Дрвото е зелено. The tree is green. The tree is green. Наблизо ли живеете? Do you live around here? Do you live around here? Това беше просто тъпо. That was just plain stupid. That was just stupid. Hajde da idemo negde, Tome. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Сигурен ли си дека си бил сам во куќата? Are you sure you were the only one in the house? Are you sure you were alone in the house? Tom nechcel pracovať v Bostone. Tom didn't want to work in Boston. Tom nechcel praková in Boston. Аз живея наблизо. I live near here. I live nearby. Залепи бележка на дъската. Stick a notice on the board. Stick a note on the board. То чия книга? Whose is that book? Whose book? Dobro. A ti? Good. And you? Okay, how about you? Mnogo mi je pomoglo. It's been a great help. It's been very helpful. Nemamo drugog izbora. We have no other option. We have no other choice. Moj muž kaže da je treba. My husband says he needs her. My husband says you need it. Нисам могла а да га не сажаљевам. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. Kišna sezona počinje u junu. Rainy season begins in June. Rain season starts in June. Том беше оној што ми кажа за незгодата на Мери. Tom was the one who told me about Mary's accident. Tom was the one who told me about Mary's accident. Ima li drugih mogućnosti? Are there any other possibilities? Is there any other options? Šta je veće, Sunce ili Zemlja? Which is larger, the sun or the earth? What's bigger, sun or earth? Няма да повярвате кой се отби у нас днес. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who stopped by our house today. Tom povedal Mary, že bude pravdepodobne snežiť celý deň. Tom told Mary that it would probably snow all day. Tom told Mary, there's already gonna be a fair amount of snow. Не съм виждал Том от рождения му ден насам. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. Мери је изгубила кључ. Mary has lost her key. Mary lost the key. Облечи си пижами. Put on your pajamas. Put your pajamas on. Mislim da su svi spremni. I think everybody is ready. I think everyone's ready. Telefón. Call. Telephon. Tom i ja smo jako bliski prijatelji. Tom and I are very close friends. Tom and I are very close friends. Често им помага на другите. He often helps others. He often helps others. Ovo neće boleti nimalo. This won't hurt at all. This won't hurt at all. Том живее сам в голяма къща. Tom lives in a large house by himself. Tom lives alone in a big house. Мајка ѝ зборува италијански. Her mother speaks Italian. Her mother speaks Italian. Bojiš li se smrti? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? Може ли да отворите прозореца? Can you open the window? Can you open the window? Tvoj je bio bolji. Yours was better. Yours was better. Би можеле да зборуваме за неа. We could talk about her. We could talk about her. Da li ćemo opet videti Toma? Will we see Tom again? Are we gonna see Tom again? Сигурен ли си, че Том стои зад всичко това? Are you sure that Tom is behind this? Are you sure Tom's behind all this? Вече е много късно. It's very late now. It's too late. Gledali smo kako ptica hrani svoje mlade. We watched a bird feed its little ones. We watched the bird feed its young. Искаш ли да купиш риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? Do you want to buy a shirt? Puno očekujemo od njega. We expect much of him. We expect a lot from him. Знаев дека не можеш да ме повредиш. I knew you couldn't hurt me. I knew you couldn't hurt me. Tom voli Meri. Tom loves Mary. Tom loves Mary. Када је твој рођендан? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Kako mogu znati da me nećeš prijaviti nakon što ti pomognem? How do I know you won't turn me in after I help you? How do I know you won't report me after I help you? Mislila sam da nećeš moći da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I thought you couldn't do that. Алгебрата е любимият ми предмет. Algebra is my favorite subject. algebra is my favorite subject. Добре ли говориш френски? Do you speak French well? Do you speak French well? Мери току-що дойде. Mary has just come home. Mary just got here. Том продолжи да вежба. Tom kept practicing. Tom kept practicing. В коя част има грешка? What part is wrong? What part of it is there a mistake? Фала, драга. Thank you, dear. Thank you, dear. Имаш осип. You've got a rash. You have a rash. Утре ќе им помогнеме. We'll help them tomorrow. We'll help them tomorrow. Тој пешки оди на школо. He walks to school. He's on foot to school. Učim nekoliko jezika. I'm studying several languages. I'm learning a few languages. Как може Том да не ти харесва? How can you not like Tom? How can you not like Tom? Единият от чорапите му беше наопаки. He had one of his socks on inside out. One of his socks was upside down. Се распрашав за него. I asked around about him. I asked about him. Нямаше как да откажа. I couldn't refuse. I couldn't say no. Tom ne bi bio zadovoljan. Tom wouldn't be pleased. Tom wouldn't be pleased. Том не разликува помеѓу стварноста и фантазијата. Tom cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. Tom doesn't distinguish between reality and imagination. Трябва да намеря друга. I have to find another one. I need to find another one. Сѐ уште ли е жив Том? Is Tom still alive? Is Tom still alive? Tom je moral v vrsti čakati tri ure. Tom had to wait in line for three hours. Tom had to wait three hours. Само сакам да ми се вратиш. I just want you back. I just want you to come back to me. Изглежда, че си сам. It looks like you're on your own. Looks like you're alone. Той се катери по дърветата без проблеми. He has no trouble climbing trees. He's climbing the trees without a problem. Љубазан је. He is kind. He's kind. Тя сама му помогна. She herself helped him. She helped him herself. Ja bih se uključio. I'd be up for that. I'd get involved. Već sam čuo ovaj vic ranije. I've heard this joke before. I've heard this joke before. Учев факултет четири години и недобив ништо освен беднава диплома. I went to college for four years and all I got was this lousy diploma. I've studied college for four years, and I've never had anything but a poor degree. Pokušao si. You tried. You tried. Je päť. It's five o'clock. Yes, it is. Na stole je jablko. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the chairs. Къде е гарата? Where is the station? Where's the station? Влязъл си в печеливша серия. You're on a roll. You're in the winning series. Nisam jedini kome se taj film nije dopao. It wasn't just me who didn't like that movie. I'm not the only one who didn't like that movie. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойда с теб? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? Mnogo ljudi te već mrzi. A lot of people hate you already. A lot of people already hate you. Мир дома, мир во светот. Peace at home, peace in the world. Peace at home, peace in the world. Приготвих списък. I've prepared a list. I've prepared a list. Ona ponekad piše svome sinu. She writes to her son every now and then. She sometimes writes to her son. Сакав да ти го донесам ова што е можно побрзо. I wanted to get this to you ASAP. I wanted to get you this as soon as possible. А, бях болна. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. Дај да го позајмам тоа. Let me borrow that. Let me borrow that. Imao sam mnogo loš dan. I've had a real bad day. I've had a very bad day. Da li se sada vraćate nazad? Are you going back now? Are you coming back now? Накъде е плажът. Which way is the beach? Where's the beach? Da li bi mogla da uradiš to? Could you do that? Could you do that? Спремен сум за невремето. I am ready for the storm. I'm ready for the storm. Zainteresovan sam. I'm interested. I'm interested. Работев за него. I worked for him. I worked for him. Никој не зборува за нив. Nobody talks about them. Nobody talks about them. Da, živio sam tamo puno godina. Yes, I lived there for many years. Yes, I've lived there for many years. Канада произведува добра пченица. Canada produces good wheat. Canada produces good wheat. Stvarno? Really? Really? Ти реков дека ќе биде тешко да се изведе. I told you it was going to be hard to do. I told you it'd be hard to get it out. Одлично си поминав ноќва. I had a lovely night. I had a great night. Има нещо, което трябва да обясня. There's something I need to explain. There's something I need to explain. Това ли е правилната посока за музея? Is this the right way to the museum? Is that the right way for the museum? Som si celkom istá. I'm pretty sure. You're all alone. Успях да се обясня на френски. I managed to make myself understood in French. I was able to explain myself in French. Како бе не спиеш? How are you not sleeping? How come you're not sleeping? Ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. Том ми пиша и ми раскажа за своето патување. Tom wrote to me, telling me about his trip. Tom wrote to me and told me about his journey. Ne znam zašto je Tom otišao u Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. I don't know why Tom went to Boston. Пробај да му го објасниш тоа на Том. Try explaining that to Tom. Try explaining that to Tom. Mislila sam da je patetično. I thought it was pathetic. I thought it was pathetic. Изисква се да се направят още изпитания. Further testing is required. More tests are required. Kako si spravil tale rjaveč kup šare preko tehničnega pregleda? How did you get this rusty junk approved by the Technical Inspection Association? How did you get this brown pile of patterns through a technical examination? Мисля, че те ни познават. I think they know us. I think they know us. Znam tvoje ime. I know your name. I know your name. Момчете, не вдигайте никакъв шум. Boys, don't make any noise. Guys, don't make any noise. Кога дојде и ме најде, целото тело му корнеше на алкохол. When he came and found me, his whole body reeked of alcohol. When he came and found me, his whole body was rotting on alcohol. Ти гледа ли играта? Did you watch the game? Did you watch the game? Oprosti, nisam te htio uvrijediti. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Одувек је било тако. It's always been like that. It's always been like that. Ne bi pomislio po njenom izgledu, ali priča o detetu koje je pojelo dve torte je iz njenog detinjstva. You couldn't tell it by looking, but she has the legendary tale of having eaten two whole cakes when a child. I wouldn't have thought of her looks, but the story of a child who ate two cakes was from her childhood. Го видов сунѓерот во мијалникот. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the sponge in the sink. Mi smo u teškoj situaciji. We have our backs to the wall. We're in a difficult situation. Имам три малки деца. I have three young kids. I have three little children. По-умна съм от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Беше несправедливо. It was unjust. It was unfair. Ne smijemo dopustiti da naše emocije narušavaju naše djelovanje. We cannot allow our emotions to interfere with our actions. We can't let our emotions get in the way of our actions. Таа песна ме прогонуваше со години. That song hunted me for years. That song's been haunting me for years. Moj otac je toliko star da ne može da radi. My father is so old that he can't work. My father's so old he can't work. Вешто плива. He's good at swimming. He's always swimming. Той изчезна без следа. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Филмът не беше толкова интересен, колкото книгата. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. Zainteresovan sam. I'm interested. I'm interested. Секој јазик различно гледа на светот. Every language sees the world in a different way. Every language views the world differently. Се надевам дека Том ќе најде среќа во животот. I hope Tom finds happiness in his life. I hope Tom finds happiness in his life. Samo ćemo vas pratiti. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. Uzeću pirinač za svoj kolaž. I'm going to use rice for my collage. I'll get some rice for my collage. Dobro jutro! Good morning! Good morning! Той не обичаше да пее, но те го накараха. He didn't like to sing but they made him sing. He didn't like to sing, but they made him sing. Македонскиот има четири глаголски начина: исказен, условен, заповеден и прекажан. Macedonian has four verbal moods: indicative, conditional, imperative, and renarrative. Macedonia has four Glagolitic ways: expressed, adopted, in command and reproved. Дај му го целото. Give him all of it. Give him the whole thing. Jesu li ti jezici srodni? Are those languages related? Are your tongues related? Да се упражняваме. Let's practice. Let's practice. През лятото той излизаше на дълги разходки. He would go to out for a long walk in summer. In the summer, he was going out for long walks. Tom kaže da je ovo apsurdno. Tom says this is absurd. Tom says this is absurd. Мисля, че трябва да го погледнеш още един път. I think you should look at this once more. I think you should take another look at it. Това не ви ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Го знам мажон што седи онде на другата страна. I know that man who is sitting there on the other side. I know a man sitting over there on the other side. Не буди друмски силеџија. Don't hog the road. Don't be a street thug. Ти вероятно вече знаеш за нашата компания. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know about our company. Говориш ли грчки? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? Том одбива да работи. Tom refuses to work. Tom refuses to work. Da sam bar znala. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. Не могу чекати заувек. I can't wait forever. I can't wait forever. Nemám ďalšie veci, ktoré by som mohla študovať. I don't have other things to study. Nemám Åalshie greater, ktoré by som mohala studies. Веќе не ни треба Том. We don't need Tom anymore. We don't need Tom anymore. Sramim se što je moj sin učinio takvo što. I am ashamed of my son having done so. I am ashamed that my son has done such a thing. Знаеш ли, смешно е. It's funny, you know. You know, it's funny. Той току-що е станал директор. He has just become a principal. He just became director. Nisam znao puno o Australiji. I don't know much about Australia. I didn't know much about Australia. Da li su mi uši crvene? Are my ears red? Are my ears red? Трябва да се обадим на полицията. We should call the police. We need to call the police. Што си се дотерал толку? Why are you so dressed up? What'd you get all dressed up for? Kupila je hleb. She bought bread. She bought bread. Оттогава не съм разговарял с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom since. I haven't talked to Tom since. To mora da je bilo teško. That must've been hard. That must have been hard. Она има украјинско држављанство. She has Ukrainian citizenship. She has Ukrainian citizenship. Nećeš biti sposoban podnijeti ovaj posao. You won't be able to handle this job. You won't be able to handle this job. Tom kaže da će jednog dana uraditi to. Tom says that someday he'll do that. Tom says he's gonna do it someday. Hvala vam svima na tome. Thank you all for that. Thank you all for that. Tatoeba je príklad vzájomnej pomoci. Tatoeba is an example of mutual aid. Tatoeba is a premarital aid. Онази книга за кабуки може да е скъпа. That book on kabuki might be expensive. That kabuki book could be nice. Šta je Vaš posao? What's your job? What's your job? Сите се лажливци. They're all liars. They're all liars. Искаш ли деца? Do you want kids? You want kids? Ти си премлад. You're too young. You're too young. Тука не сум ти од корист. I'm of no use to you here. I'm not here to help you. Mlada deca bi trebalo da nauče da se saosećaju sa životinjama. Young children ought to learn empathy for animals. Young children should learn to empathize with animals. Том е многу строг со себе. Tom is very hard on himself. Tom's very hard on himself. Otvori. Open up. Open it. Ги познавам двајцата. I know both of them. I know them both. Том је климнуо главом. Tom nodded. Tom nodded. Znam gospodina. I know the gentleman. I know, sir. Hľadám klobúk, čo sa hodí k hnedým šatám. I'm looking for a hat to match a brown dress. Hudám clobúk, co with walk to hedím shatám. Па нели го мразиш? I thought you hated him. Well, don't you hate him? Всички са гладни. Everyone's hungry. Everybody's hungry. To nam puno pomaže. That helps us a lot. That helps us a lot. Ние сме тим! We're a team! We're a team! Баш сега го видов. I saw him just now. I just saw him. Том пије пиво. Tom drinks beer. Tom's drinking beer. Не трябваше да те оставям да носиш това сама. I should never have let you carry that by yourself. I shouldn't have let you wear this alone. Свинското е исечено на коцки и испржено. The pork is diced and fried. The pork is cut to pieces and fried. Možete pisati na bilo kom jeziku. Na Tatoebi su svi jezici ravnopravni. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language. In Tatoeb all languages are equal. Не ми е безбедно тука. I'm not safe in here. I'm not safe here. Том ужива во играњето тенис. Tom enjoys playing tennis. Tom enjoys playing tennis. Дали сакаш да зборуваш со мене? Do you wish to speak to me? Do you want to talk to me? Първо добрият Бог направи Мъжа, а после направи Жената. След това, Той се смили над Мъжа, и му даде тютюна. First the good God made Man, then He made Woman. After this, He took pity on Man, and gave him tobacco. First the good God made the man and then made the woman. Then, he had pity on the man, and gave him tobacco. Vse kar si želim je, da utihneš. I just want you to shut up. All I want is for you to shut up. Tom je odneo stolice u susednu sobu. Tom carried the chairs to the next room. Tom took the chairs to the next room. Piotr ima crnu, a Lech plavu kosu. Piotr has black hair but Lech has blond hair. Piotr has black and Lech has blond hair. Tom nije kao ostali dečaci. Tom isn't like the other boys. Tom's not like the other boys. Је ли чисто? Is it clean? Is it clear? Ovde sam da bih igrala bejzbol. I'm here to play baseball. I'm here to play baseball. Никој не направи ништо друго. No one did anything else. Nobody did anything else. Francuska je u Zapadnoj Evropi. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. За малку немаше да дојдам. I almost didn't come. I almost didn't come. Никад не губи наду. Never give up hope. Never lose hope. Взела съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken everything into account. Само стискай палци. Just keep your fingers crossed. Just stick your fingers in. Bola zima? Was it cold? Winter pain? Преместих се в Англия от Германия, когато бях на девет. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. Sviđaju mi se tvoje naočale. I like your glasses. I like your glasses. Няма да позволя на Том да направи това. I won't let Tom do that. I'm not gonna let Tom do this. Трябва да започнете веднага. You are to start at once. You need to start now. Veoma je prirodno za ljudsko biće da uvek daje sebi prednost nad interesima drugih. It is very natural for a human being that one always give himself precedence over the interests of others. It is very natural for a human being to always take advantage of the interests of others. To me ne iznenađuje. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Biću odmah tu. I'll be right in there. I'll be right there. Просто използвай моето засега. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for now. Šta nameravaš sa sa svim ovim? What're you going to do with all this? What are you going to do with all this? Zgurali su se zajedno. They squeezed together. They pushed together. Jesi li završio sa pranjem sudova. Have you finished washing the dishes? Are you done washing dishes? Ovde je nekad bilo mirno. It used to be peaceful here. It used to be quiet in here. Ova zgrada bit će sagrađena u gradu. This building will be built in the city. This building will be built in the city. Miliarda dospelých je negramotná. A billion adults are illiterate. Miliarda arrived in negramotná. Жал ми е што те лажев преттоа. I'm sorry I lied to you before. I'm sorry I lied to you about that. Боях се да не заспя, както карам. I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving. I was afraid I'd fall asleep like I'm driving. Следната недела нема да бидам во градов. I'm out of town next week. I won't be in town next week. Се прашувам што прави Том во моментов. I wonder what Tom is doing now. I wonder what Tom's doing right now. Зборуваш ли француски? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? Živeo je jednostavnim životom. He lived a simple life. He lived a simple life. Ти в комисията ли си? Are you on the committee? Are you on the committee? Ovo je najgluplja stvar koju sam ikada izgovorio. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the stupidest thing I've ever said. Не се глупави. They aren't stupid. They're not stupid. Zbunjen sam. I'm baffled. I'm confused. Оценявам съдействието ти. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Не можам да добијам асален одговор од Том. I can't get a straight answer from Tom. I can't get an asal answer from Tom. Musím ísť. I have to go. Musim ísí. Сакам да се оженам за неа. I want to marry her. I want to marry her. Nikad se nisam pokajao zbog toga. I've never regretted it. I never regretted it. Започна да вали вечерта. It began to rain in the evening. It started raining in the evening. Треба да ѝ помогнеш. You need to help her. You need to help her. Sve će ti nedostajati. You'll miss everything. You're gonna miss everything. Prestani da pušiš. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Ще бъда в офиса си. I'll be in my office. I'll be in my office. Tvrdá práca mu umožnila dostávať dobré známky. Hard work enabled him to get good marks. The prodá práca mated him well námky. Много ми липсваше. I've really missed you. I missed you so much. Zašto bi te trebao slušati? Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to you? Tom miluje psov. Tom loves dogs. Tom caresses dogs. Zašto ne navratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? Svim stvarima dođe kraj. All things must pass. All things come to an end. Баш на време! Just in time! Just in time! Да ли је све у реду између нас? Is everything OK between us? Is everything okay between us? Situacija je bila krajnje opasna; bilo je pitanje života i smrti. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. Много мислих за това. I've thought a lot about it. I've been thinking about this a lot. Знам, че сте в отпуска. I know you're on vacation. I know you're on vacation. Никој не сака да си игра со неа. Nobody wants to play with her. Nobody wants to play with her. Младото момиче избухна в сълзи. The young girl burst into tears. The young girl burst into tears. On je možda već otišao. He may have gone already. He may have already left. Sramotite ga. You're embarrassing him. Shame on him. Ne mogu da verujem da me je Tom poljubio. I can't believe that Tom kissed me. I can't believe Tom kissed me. Видях една червена кола и една бяла. Червената изглеждаше по-добре от бялата. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white one, and the red one looked better than the white one. Ако не бях забелязал, щях да ти кажа. If I hadn't noticed, I would have told you. If I hadn't noticed, I would have told you. Da je bila malo strpljivija, mogla je uspjeti. If she had been a little more patient, she could have succeeded. If she had been a little more patient, she could have done it. Кой ден обикновено си свободен? What day are you usually free? What day are you usually free? Ne znam. I don't know. I don't know. Аз се чувствам много по-добре днес. I'm feeling much better today. I'm feeling much better today. Карън ми е сърдита. Karen is angry with me. Karen's mad at me. Никога не съм обичал биологията. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Dobro kuhaš? Are you a good cook? Are you cooking well? Брат ми живее в едно малко село. My brother lives in a small village. My brother lives in a small village. Ona je reagovala na to. She reacted to that. She reacted to it. Толико ми недостајеш. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. Verovatno neću da pročitam Tomov izveštaj. I probably won't read Tom's report. I probably won't read Tom's report. Познанията ми по френски не са кой знае какави. My knowledge of French doesn't amount to much. My French knowledge is not such a big deal. Борсовите инвестиции не винаги носят печалба. Stock investments do not always yield profit. Stock investments don't always make a profit. Ima li Tom ikakvog iskustva? Does Tom have any experience? Does Tom have any experience? Слаб му е видот. He has poor eyesight. His eyesight is weak. Легни на дясната си страна. Lie on your right side. Get on your right side. Rađe ne bih da budem uključen u ovoj fazi, hvala ti. I'd prefer not to get involved at this stage, thank you. I'd rather not be involved at this stage, thank you. Шпајз је празан. The pantry is empty. Space is empty. Това може и да е било вярно, когато си била дете, но вече не е. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not true anymore. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not anymore. Ти си после нив. You're after them. You're after them. Ja sam gnevan. I'm angry. I'm angry. Беше твърде лесно. It was just too easy. It was too easy. Življenjepis je samo reklama. A resume is just an advertisement. Life is just an ad. Том немаше храброст да се обиде да го направи тоа пак. Tom didn't have the courage to try doing it again. Tom didn't have the guts to try to do it again. Ne da mi se izaći večeras. I can't be bothered to go out tonight. Not that I'm getting out tonight. Ne živim ovdje. I don't live here. I don't live here. Тя е на диета. She's dieting. She's on a diet. To je Alina knjiga. This book is Ali's. It's Ali's book. Волим да те гледам док радиш. I love watching you work. I love watching you work. Svi ćemo umreti. We are all going to die. We're all gonna die. Разчитам на теб. I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. Uzmi malo. Have some. Have some. Gde da se nađemo sutra? Where should we meet tomorrow? Where do we meet tomorrow? Ама ја прелажа. You really fooled her. But you lied to her. Възрастен мъж с бастун помоли Том да му помогне да пресече улицата. An old man walking with a cane asked Tom to help him across the street. A grown man with a cane asked Tom to help him cross the street. Не сакам да те мразам. I don't want to hate you. I don't want to hate you. Прекоси Тихия океан за тридесет дни. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. Across the Pacific in 30 days. Molim te, sačekaj dok ne budem spreman. Please wait until I'm ready. Please wait until I'm ready. Zvao si? You called? McCLAREN: Tvoj plan zvuči odlično. Your plan sounds great. Your plan sounds great. Не изпускай тази възможност! Don't let the chance slip! Don't miss this opportunity! Филџанот беше празен. The cup was empty. The Philcan was empty. Какво ти попречи да дойдеш вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What prevented you from coming here yesterday? Imamo dvoje dece. We have two children. We have two kids. Какъв ти е никнеймът? What's your nickname? What's your Nicnemum? Tom je zapisao Merin broj telefona. Tom wrote down Mary's phone number. Tom wrote down Mary's phone number. Tom je taj koji je napisao ovu priču. Tom was the one who wrote this story. It's Tom who wrote this story. Bez tvoje suglasnosti, ništa se ne može učiniti u vezi toga. Without your consent, nothing can be done about it. Without your consent, nothing can be done about it. Tu smo. We're here. We're here. Можеш ли да ми кажеш защо Том прави това? Can you tell me why Tom is doing that? Can you tell me why Tom's doing this? Tom veoma dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Сигурен си дека не сакаш да разгледаш друга опција? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? You sure you don't want to consider any other options? Ona je došla sama. She came alone. She came alone. Ова е школото на Том. This is Tom's school. This is Tom's school. Nadam se da će biti suvo vreme. I hope that the weather will be dry. I hope it's dry weather. To je tako tužno. That's so sad. It's so sad. Ďalší! Another! Åalshí! Umoran sam. I'm tired. I'm tired. Dešava li se to često? Does that happen a lot? Does that happen often? Тази книга е твърде трудна за мене. This book is too difficult for me to understand. This book is too hard for me. U budućnosti, mnogi radnici će biti zamenjeni robotima. In the future, many workers will be replaced by robots. In the future, many workers will be replaced by robots. Те молам најди ми зглавје. Please get me a pillow. Please find me a head. Зашто баш ја? Why me of all people? Why me? Децата ти колко са големи? How old are your children? How big are your kids? Potpisaću. I'll sign it. I'll sign it. Том вели дека нешто друго видел. Tom says he saw something else. Tom says he saw something else. Не знам каде отишло. I don't know where it went. I don't know where it went. Je to nezávislý film. It's an indie movie. It's a nezavislí film. Reci mi šta sam propustio. Tell me what I missed. Tell me what I missed. Tom je uzeo svoj ukulele i počeo da peva. Tom picked up his ukulele and started to sing. Tom took his ukulele and started singing. Урадићу то са задовољством. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll do it with pleasure. Това сте искали винаги. That's what you've always wanted. That's what you've always wanted. Tom je takođe prodavac. Tom is also a salesman. Tom's also a salesman. Idem na put. I'm going on a trip. I'm going on a trip. Siguran sam da ćete se vas dvojica složiti. I'm sure the two of you will agree. I'm sure you two will agree. Tom je rekao da te pitam. Tom said to ask you. Tom told me to ask you. Ѝ пишува писмо на мајка си. He's writing his mother a letter. She writes a letter to her mother. Voliš li roler-kostere? Do you like roller coasters? Do you like roller coasters? Tom će biti ovde nekoliko dana. Tom will be there for a few days. Tom's gonna be here for a few days. Tko se mača laća, od mača i pogiba. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. Who makes a sword go away from a sword and dies. Брат ми казва, че не се страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother says he's not afraid of the dark. Нямам представа къде е бил Том миналата нощ. I have no idea where Tom was last night. I have no idea where Tom was last night. Колко е сложно? How complex is it? How complicated is it? Ja sam veliki obožavatelj fudbala. I'm a big football fan. I'm a big football fan. Tom će se oporaviti. Tom'll recover. Tom's gonna be okay. Тя ми даде няколко книги. She gave me several books. She gave me some books. Том не може да те понася. Tom can't stand you. Tom can't stand you. Biću u svojoj četvrti. I'll be in my quarters. I'll be in my neighborhood. Не смеш то да дираш. You mustn't touch it. You can't touch that. Svi su se smejali. Everybody laughed. Everyone laughed. To je bio smešan film. That was a funny movie. That was a funny movie. Tom bi mogao da ima neke veze s tim. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom could have something to do with this. Koliko dugo si ovde? How long have you been here? How long have you been here? Govorili su ružno o kapetanu dok ga nije bilo. They spoke ill of the captain in his absence. They spoke ill of the captain while he was gone. Докажано е дека болвите што живеат на кучиња скокаат повисоко од оние што живеат на мачки. It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. It has been proven that the fleas that live on dogs jump higher than the ones that live on cats. Bilo je tako puno ljudi u vozu, da sam morao da stojim. The train was so packed that I had to stand up during the whole trip. There were so many people on the train that I had to stand. Изглеждаш изморен, затова си легни рано. You look tired, so you should go to bed early. You look tired, so get to bed early. Kaži Tomu šta je Meri uradila. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tom nije dobar radnik. Tom isn't a good worker. Tom's not a good worker. Тоа е сосем точно. That's exactly right. That's quite true. Той е написал писмо. He has written a letter. He wrote a letter. Ќе го натерам да ти го искоси тревникот. I'll have him mow your lawn. I'm gonna make him use your lawn. Ta knjiga košta 3000 jena. That book costs 3,000 yen. That book costs 3,000 yen. Кажи му на Том да ми пише. Tell Tom to write me. Tell Tom to write to me. Ето я болницата, в която съм се родил. Here is the hospital where I was born. Here's the hospital I was born in. Ti pamtiš stvari mnogo lakše nego ja. You remember things more easily than me. You remember things a lot easier than I do. Proveri okolo. Check around. Check around. Взе изпита. He passed the exam. You took the test. Tom mrzi strance. Tom hates foreigners. Tom hates strangers. Evo jedne male tajne. Here's a little secret. Here's a little secret. Nemoj da se zaneseš. Don't get carried away. Don't get carried away. Томов деда је познавао мог деду. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Каде рече Том дека отишол? Where did Tom say he'd gone? Where did Tom say he went? Венчелистчетата на тази роза са много крехки. The petals of this rose are very tender. The wreaths of this rose are very fragile. Glasba je ljubezen. Music is love. Music is love. Tom će da se poboljša. Tom'll improve. Tom'll get better. Zvučite začuđeno. You sound surprised. You sound surprised. Ако трябва да кажа истината, карах колата на баща ми без негово позволение. To tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. If I have to tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. Има ли некога у кући? Anybody home? Is there anyone in the house? Том се паркира. Веднаш ќе дојде. Tom is parking the car. He'll be right in. Tom's parked, he'll be right there. Мислех, че е забавно. I thought it was fun. I thought it was fun. Мислиш ли да ходиш в Токио утре? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Do you think you're going to Tokyo tomorrow? Nismo ponosni na to. We're not proud of it. We're not proud of it. Nikad nisam bila na kampovanju. I've never been camping. I've never been on a camping trip. Gde si bio u Japanu? Where did you go to in Japan? Where were you in Japan? Книгава ќе ти помогне да пишуваш вешто. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write skillfully. Ljudi greše. People make mistakes. People make mistakes. Mislim da je Tom oprezan. I think Tom is careful. I think Tom's being careful. Сигурен ли си дека не си заборавил нешто? Are you sure you didn't forget anything? Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? Зеленото ти отива. Green suits you. Your green's fine. Том ја пресече лентата. Tom cut the tape. Tom cut the tape. Kupujem mnogo stvari u toj prodavnici. I buy a lot of stuff at that store. I buy a lot of stuff in that store. Da li misliš da su igre i učenje spojivi? Do you think that games and learning are compatible? Do you think games and learning are compatible? Мисля, че Том може да е болен. I think Tom may be sick. I think Tom might be sick. Морав да ѝ помагам. I had to help her. I had to help her. Знаех, че ще бъдеш заета. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Тя мразеше съпруга си. She hated her husband. She hated her husband. Било је заиста инспиришуће. It was really inspiring. It was really inspiring. Той си свали очилата. He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. Jedina reč napisana na stranici bila je "žaba". The only word written on the page was the word "frog." The only word written on the page was "Toad." Не вярвам в съвпаденията. I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe in coincidences. Slnko je žlté. The sun is yellow. The sleek is yellow. Утре свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Da svet nije u stanju u kakvom je sada, mogao bih da verujem svakome. If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone. If the world weren't in what it is now, I could trust anyone. Къщата на Том изгоря. Tom's house burned down. Tom's house burned down. Коя е любимата ти анимация? What's your favorite cartoon? What's your favorite animation? Medvedi su veoma opasni. Bears are very dangerous. Bears are very dangerous. Nedostaje mi. I miss him. I miss him. Tom mrzi Meri. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Danas je ponedjeljak. It is Monday today. It's Monday. Том реши да отложи съвещанието. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Луѓе, дојдете ваму. Everybody, come here. Guys, come here. Sigurna sam da si veoma zauzeta. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Možete li da mi kažete kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Заљубен сум во девојка му на Том. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. Kaži joj da sam nevin. Tell her I'm innocent. Tell her I'm innocent. Викнула га је, али је није чуо. She shouted to him, but he didn't hear her. She called him, but he didn't hear it. Том веднаш се загрижи. Tom was immediately concerned. Tom's worried right away. Teší ma, že ťa spoznávam. Nice to meet you. I already know you. Svi su ili prošli ili prolaze kroz to. Everyone either went through it is going through it right now. They're either going through it or going through it. Беспотребно драмиме. We're overreacting. Needless drama. Имаше трийсет свидетели. There were 30 witnesses. He had 30 witnesses. Vlakovi u Srbiji su strašno spori. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Не изхвърляйте нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything out. Tom će platiti. Tom'll pay. Tom's gonna pay. Мислам дека би требало да зборуваме за ова сега. I don't think we should be talking about this right now. I think we should talk about this now. Voda je život. Water is life. Water is life. Tom je gore. Tom is upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Mogu da izgubim dozvolu. I could lose my license. I can lose my license. Си ја изгубив рачната светилка. I lost my flashlight. I lost my handlight. Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin's an Austrian. To je jedan od najvećih ljetnih muzičkih festivala. It is one of the biggest summer music festivals. It's one of the biggest summer music festivals. Kako se zovete? What's your name? What's your name? Nevjerovatno je. It's incredible. It's incredible. Ne mogu da odobrim ovaj projekat. Ima puno nedostataka. I can't approve the project. It leaves much to be desired. I can't approve this project. Харесвам този цвят. I like this color. I like that color. Oni probaju. They're trying. They try. Poklical jih bom jutri, ko se vrnem. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Направив што можев. I did what I could. I did what I could. Не знам къде съм оставил ключовете. I don't know where I've left the keys. I don't know where I left my keys. Nesúhlasím. I don't agree. Nesúhlám. Da li je to ta žena koja zna odgovor? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Ne možeš da nas nateraš da odemo. You can't make us leave. You can't make us leave. Ще ти дам една книга. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Tom je otišao prije nego što sam došao. Tom left before I arrived. Tom left before I could get here. Обичам да слушам класическа музика. I'm fond of listening to classical music. I like to listen to classical music. Това колело е мое. This bicycle is mine. This bike is mine. Koliko ću dobiti? How much will I receive? How much do I get? Тој е многу љубезен, исто како и ти. He is very kind, just like you. He's very kind, just like you. Desilo se upravo ovde. It happened right here. It happened right here. Одгледувам орхидеи во својот стакленик. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. Nikada nije kasno za učenje. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to study. Kde je tvoja čapica? Where is your cap? Where's your little girl? Каде одиш? Where're you going? Where are you going? Навистина ја сакам твојата постара сестра. I really love your eldest sister. I really want your older sister. Том је куповао време. Tom was playing for time. Tom was buying time. Učenici nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how to give an answer. The students didn't know how to answer. Ovaj dokaz ne ostavlja mjesta sumnji, ovo nikako ne može biti orginalno Picassovo djelo. The evidence leaves no room for doubt; this can't be an original Picasso. This evidence leaves no doubt, this cannot possibly be the original Picasso's work. Nemoj da razgovaraš. Don't talk. Don't talk. Страв ми е дека Том ќе залута. I'm worried that Tom will get lost. I'm afraid Tom's gonna stray. Го изградив. I built it. I built it. Човечкиот ум е величествен. The human mind is magnificent. The human mind is magnificent. Кой е твоят учител? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had disappeared. When Tom woke up, he found out Mary was missing. Фала што нѐ покани. Thanks for inviting us. Thanks for inviting us. Imaš li pravog? Do you have a real one? Do you have a real one? Zar se ne sećaš pitanja? Don't you remember the question? Don't you remember the question? Bolje pogledaj. You'd better look at it. You'd better take a look. Da li si dovoljno spavao sinoć? Did you sleep enough last night? Did you sleep enough last night? Не ѝ кажувај на мајка ми. Don't tell my mother. Don't tell my mother. Не мешај работа и задоволство. Don't mix business with pleasure. Don't mix business and pleasure. Već sam rekla Tomu to. I've already told Tom that. I already told Tom that. Ne deri se. Don't scream. Don't yell. Mnoge stvari mi dobro idu. I'm good at many things. There's a lot of things going well with me. Не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Uzmite sve. Get everything. Take it all. Završili smo za danas. We're done for today. We're done for the day. Мразя го, но не знам защо. I hate him, but I don't know why. I hate him, but I don't know why. Може ли мени? Can we have a menu, please? Can I have it? Teško izražavam riječima ono što mislim. I find it difficult to express my meaning in words. It's hard to put into words what I think. Idi gore. Get upstairs. Go upstairs. Той винаги казва истината. He always tells the truth. He's always telling the truth. Обећао си да ћеш ми помоћи. You promised you would help me. You promised to help me. Žestoko su se sudili na sudu. They fought the measures in the courts. They tried hard in court. Помня, че пуснах писмото. I remember mailing the letter. I remember dropping the letter. Том още стои. Tom is still standing. Tom's still standing. On je hodao ulicom. He walked along the street. He was walking down the street. Позволи ми да танцувам с теб. Let me dance with you. Let me dance with you. Заврши ли со пакувањето? Have you finished packing? Are you done packing? Том би можел да се повреди. Tom could get hurt. Tom could get hurt. Šta radiš ovde, dole? What are you doing down here? What are you doing down here? Параноични сме. We're being paranoid. We're paranoid. Какво ще кажеш да играем шах довечера? How about playing chess tonight? How about we play chess tonight? Картагина мора бити разорена! Carthage must be destroyed. The carthage must be destroyed! Tom dolazi ovde tri ili četiri puta mesečno. Tom comes here three or four times a month. Tom comes here three or four times a month. Хайде да играем. Let's play! Let's play. Njegova neljubaznost ju je razljutila. His unkindness made her angry. His unkindness angered them. Bezbednije je. It's safer. It's safer. Том се сеќаваше на разноразни работи на коишто не се сеќаваше никој друг. Tom remembered all kinds of things which no one else could remember. Tom remembered all sorts of things he didn't remember. Тя ми вика Кенджи. She calls me Kenji. She calls me Kenji. Дај да разговараме. Let me talk to you. Let's talk. Той ми благодари че съм дошъл. He thanked me for coming. He thanked me for coming. Играл ли си Майнкрафт? Have you played Minecraft? Have you played Mykraft? Аз изобщо не разбирам немски. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. На Том му е забрзан пулсот. Tom's pulse is fast. Tom's heart rate's up. Дојде време да се збогуваме. The time has come to say goodbye. The time has come to say goodbye. Марс е црвената планета. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is the red planet. Таму бев со Том. I was there with Tom. I was there with Tom. Брука си. You're a disgrace. You're a freshman. Том пренасяше нещо. Tom was carrying something. Tom was carrying something. Том запали двигателя. Tom started the engine. Tom, start the engine. Бебето спие. The baby's sleeping. The baby's asleep. Gdje si pronašao ovaj dokaz? Where did you find this evidence? Where did you find this evidence? На Том този цвят не му харесва. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like that color. Том отказа да говори на френски. Tom refused to speak French. Tom refused to speak French. Трябва ли да отворя всичко? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? Това, което най-много ме е изненадало, откакто съм в Япония, е огромният брой вендинг машини. The thing that most surprised me since coming to Japan is how many vending machines there are. What surprised me the most since I was in Japan was the huge number of vending machines. Том си ги испружи рацете. Tom put his arms out. Tom, put your hands out. Разбирам го прекрасно. I can understand him perfectly. I understand it wonderful. Želim piti malo vode. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. Tek stigoh. I've only just arrived. I'm just coming. Тя натисна копчето. She pressed the switch. She pressed the button. Ти чул ли си нещо за вчерашния пожар? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear anything about yesterday's fire? Ti si jedan od nas. You are one of us. You're one of us. Не бих се изненадала. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Posrećilo nam se, zar ne? We're lucky, aren't we? We got lucky, didn't we? To sam oduvek znala. I've always known that. I've always known that. Бях изненадан, че Том говори френски толкова добре. I was surprised that Tom spoke French so well. I was surprised Tom spoke French so well. Последната седмица бях на легло с грип. I've been laid up with flu for the last week. Last week I was in bed with the flu. Трябва да работиш усърдно. You should work hard. You have to work hard. Moraš se kontrolirati. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. Аз съм просто човек, който обича знанието. I am just a person who loves knowledge. I'm just a man who loves knowledge. Proterali smo ga iz zemlje. We banished him from the country. We drove him out of the country. Том стоеше на располагање. Tom was available. Tom was at his disposal. Hovoríš dobre po francúzsky! You speak good French! You're good at francúzsky! Knjiga je rasprodata. The book is out of print. The book is sold out. Krajnje je vrijeme da se ošišaš. It's high time you had a haircut. It's about time you cut your hair. Не се прејадувај. Don't eat too much. Don't overeat yourself. Teška je. It's difficult. It's heavy. Da li si već čuo da se on konačno vratio kući? Have you heard already that he has finally returned home? Have you heard yet that he has finally returned home? Da li si zatvorenik? Are you a prisoner? Are you a prisoner? Vozi oprezno. Drive carefully. Drive safe. Čija je ovo gitara? Whose guitar is this? Whose guitar is this? Този е ок. That one's OK. This one's okay. Нисте одговорили на питање. You didn't answer the question. You didn't answer the question. Ovo je lako. This is easy. This is easy. "Написано е: само Линк може да надвие Генън." "Защо Линк?" "Така е написано тук!" "Кой го е написал?" "Не е твоя работа!" "It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon." "Why Link?" "It is written here!" "Who wrote it?" "That is of no concern of yours." "It's written: only Linc can overcome Genon." "Why Link?" "It's written here!" "Who wrote it?" "It's none of your business!" Da li je sve u redu između nas? Is everything OK between us? Is everything okay between us? Jesu li ikada doživeo saobraćajnu nesreću? Have you ever been in a car accident? Have they ever had a car accident? Американците са много дружелюбни хора. Americans are very friendly people. Americans are very friendly people. Јапонија како земја има многу различни одлики. Japan has many different characteristics. Japan as a country has many different features. Prekini! Shut up! Stop it! Kuća je mala ali lepa. The house is small but beautiful. The house is small but beautiful. Аргументот му беше логичен. His argument was logical. His argument was logical. Спри да бъдеш така наивен. Stop being so naive. Stop being so naive. Джил е сгодена за Джак. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill's engaged to Jack. Том ја фрли стрелата. Tom threw the dart. Tom threw the arrow. Претставата заврши. The play is over. The show's over. Се надевам дека ова е добро. This better be good. I hope this is good. Том ја отвори кутијата. Tom opened the box. Tom opened the box. Ги очекуваш ли? Are you expecting them? Are you expecting them? Ne želim nikakvo zlo. I didn't mean any harm. I don't want any harm. Zašto se ponašaš detinjasto? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you being childish? Ja som nevedel, či flirtoval. I didn't know if he was flirting. I didn't know if he flirted. Oni nisu moji. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Том отрча да и помогне на Мери. Tom ran to help Mary. Tom ran to help Mary. Voleti i biti voljen je najveća sreća. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness. Love and love is the greatest happiness. Сигурно ти је било тешко. You must have had a hard time. It must have been hard for you. Ovi tanjiri su ručno obojani. These plates are hand painted. These plates are hand-painted. Трябва да предложим на децата безплатни билети за кино като стимул да посещават училище. We should offer children free movie tickets as an incentive to attend school. We have to offer the kids free tickets to the movies as an incentive to go to school. Трябва да си върша работата. I have to do my job. I have to do my job. Прекрасна идеа е, но ќе треба многу работа. It's a wonderful idea, but it'll take a lot work. It's a beautiful idea, but it's gonna take a lot of work. Не им ги коментирам статиите. I don't comment on their articles. I'm not commenting on the articles. Novac govori. Money talks. The money's talking. Тука никой никога нищо не ми казва. No one ever tells me anything around here. Nobody ever tells me anything around here. На Силвија многу и се допаднаа концертите. Sylvia loved the concerts. Sylvia liked the concerts very much. Мисля, че си била тук твърде дълго. I think you've been here too long. I think you've been here too long. Мисля, че ще се справиш отлично. I think you're going to do great. I think you're gonna do great. Не сакам работа во Бостон. I don't want a job in Boston. I don't want a job in Boston. Tom je želeo da dâ veoma poseban poklon svojoj devojci. Tom wanted to give a very special present to his girlfriend. Tom wanted to give a very special gift to his girlfriend. Той се опита да не бие на очи. He tried to be less obtrusive. He tried not to beat his eyes out. Majka mi je umrla istog dana kada sam se oženio. My mother died the same day I got married. My mother died the same day I was married. Нямам представа защо бях избрана аз. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have no idea why I was chosen. Претпоставувам дека повеќето од нив си отишле дома. I guess most of them went home. I guess most of them went home. Som Berlínčan. I am a Berliner. Sam Berlínchan. Ми се натопија чевлите. I got my shoes wet. My shoes are soaking. Каде ми отиде шоферот? Where did my driver go? Where'd my driver go? Ќе средам да разговараш со Том. I'll make arrangements for you to speak with Tom. I'll arrange for you to talk to Tom. Да му ставиме крај на ова. Let's end this. Let's put an end to this. Мора да се соочиме со фактите. We must face the facts. We must face the facts. Многу сум збунет. I'm very confused. I'm very confused. Најверојатно е точно. It's probably right. It's probably true. Се надевам дека ти се допаѓа тоа што ти го дадов. I hope you like what I gave you. I hope you like what I gave you. Човек трябва да се труди. A man must work. A man needs to work hard. Препорачливо е да провериш дали може да има некакви негативни ефекти ако пиеш алкохол додека го пиеш лекот што ти го препишале. It's advisable to check whether there'll be any adverse affects if you drink alcohol while taking the medication you've been prescribed. It is recommended to check for any negative effects if you drink alcohol while taking the medicine you have been prescribed. Не можам да го убедам Том. I can't convince Tom. I can't convince Tom. Možda ne budem spavao večeras. I might not sleep tonight. Maybe I won't sleep tonight. Sve ste pogrešno shvatili. You have it all wrong. You got it all wrong. Da li imate nešto da prijavite? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? Ne kasnim, zar ne? I'm not late, am I? I'm not late, am I? Не звучи како којзнае што. It doesn't sound like much. Doesn't sound like God knows what. Baš je vruće ovde. It's really hot there. It's hot in here. Есперанто не припаѓа никому. Esperanto is no one's property. Esperanto doesn't belong to anyone. Това е старо писмо. This is an old letter. It's an old letter. Оставихте ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Možemo li da odemo negde da porazgovaramo? Could we go somewhere and talk? Can we go somewhere and talk? Jedného dňa navštívim tvoju krajinu. I will come to your country some day. One way or another, I'm teaching your landscape. Одеше пред мене. He walked ahead of me. He was walking in front of me. Nismo sigurni. We don't know for sure. We're not sure. Juče sam upoznala neke od Tomovih prijatelja. I met some of Tom's friends yesterday. I met some of Tom's friends yesterday. Tom je američan žijúci v Paríži. Tom is an American living in Paris. Tom is an American Jew in Paríža. Мислам дека си го сторил тоа намерно. I think you did that intentionally. I think you did it on purpose. Tom je instalirao solarne panele na krovu svoje kuće. Tom had solar panels installed on the roof of his house. Tom installed solar panels on the roof of his house. Бев спремен за војната. I'm ready for the war. I was ready for the war. Японската икономика се разви бързо. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. The Japanese economy has developed rapidly. Pogledao sam unaokolo. I've had a look around. I looked around. Бъди внимателен! Be careful! Be careful! И двамата са живи. Both are alive. They're both alive. Bila je nesrečna. She was miserable. She was unhappy. Аз получих това. This is what I got. I got this. Не ми го попречувај патот. Don't get in my way. Don't get in my way. Daću otkaz. I'll quit. I'll quit. Krećemo li uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we leaving soon? Siguran sam da Tom nije želeo da te povredi. I'm sure that Tom didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sure Tom didn't mean to hurt you. Чувај се! Take care! Take care! Тази тоалетна хартия е като шкурка. This toilet paper is like sandpaper. This toilet paper is like corn. Часовникот е расипан. The clock is defective. The clock is broken. Од исте смо сорте. We are cut from the same cloth. We're from the same sort. Тоа не е разумно. That's not rational. That's not reasonable. Govoriš li grčki? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? Хайде да се сприятелим. Let's be friends. Let's make friends. Ламјата ја здогледа. The dragon saw her. Lama saw her. Не трябва да се отказваш от английския. You shouldn't quit English. You don't have to give up English. Тази история завършва щастливо. The story ends happily. This story ends happily ever after. Разбираш ли ме? Did you understand me? Do you understand me? Seniori treba da plate svoje kape i haljine. Seniors need to pay for their caps and gowns. Seniors should pay for their hats and dresses. Urobil skúšku. He passed the exam. He's been robbed by a locust. Шта сам требао урадити? What else could I have done? What was I supposed to do? Том е фризер. Tom is a hairdresser. Tom's a hairdresser. Vezmem ťa tam. I'll take you there. I mean, that's where I'm supposed to be. Јас им го напишав тоа. I wrote that for them. I wrote them that. Svi su ovde. Everyone's here. They're all here. Ako ti treba pomoć, reci mi. If you need help, let me know. If you need help, tell me. Во меѓувреме, будалестиот чичко седеше во дневната. Meanwhile, the foolish uncle was sitting in the living room. Meanwhile, the foolish uncle sat in the living room. Kome si u skorije vreme pomogao? Who have you helped recently? Who have you been helping lately? Zašto si obrijao bradu? Why did you shave off your beard? Why did you shave your beard? Том не одговори веднаш. Tom didn't reply at once. Tom didn't answer right away. Том е човекът, който ми каза за него. Tom is the one who told me about it. Tom is the guy who told me about him. Ќе му кажам да оди веднаш. I'll have him go right away. I'll tell him to go now. Така ми се допаѓа. I like it that way. That's how I like it. Не волим да радим. I don't like to work. I don't like to work. Muka mi je od tvog cmizdrenja. I'm tired of your whining. I'm sick of your whining. Ovaj kandidat je značajno bolji u poređenju sa njegovim prethodnikom. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. This candidate is significantly better compared to his predecessor. Том купи сламен шешир. Tom bought a straw hat. Tom bought a straw hat. Човекот гладува. The man is starving. The man is starving. Šta god uradiš, ne ostavljaj dasku dignutu na WC-u. Whatever you do don't leave the lid up on the toilet! Whatever you do, don't leave the toilet seat up. Сега не можеш да ни помогнеш. You can't help us now. You can't help us now. Аз съм от Гърция. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. Jesi li zapisao broj? Did you write down the number? Did you write down the number? Прав ли съм? Am I correct? Am I right? Dobro, shvatam. OK, I get the picture. Okay, got it. Prečo si smutná? Why are you sad? Are you out of your mind? On često citira Shakespeara. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quotes Shakespeare. Том ми каза да се срещна с него там. Tom told me to meet him there. Tom told me to meet him there. Krećemo li uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we leaving soon? Šta da napišem ovde? What should I write here? What do you want me to write here? Račun, molim. Check, please. Check, please. Плачевме во дует. We cried together. We cried in a duet. Искам да отида там още веднъж. I want to go there once more. I want to go there one more time. Честно казано, скъпа, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Dođite brzo! Come quickly! - Go fetch a physician. Това ще бъде някакво начало. It'll be a start. It's gonna be a start. Ona ima sto godina. She is 100 years old. She's 100 years old. Това твоето семейство ли е? Is this your family? Is that your family? Dan je naučio slavenske jezike svih zemalja Istočne Europe koje je posjetio. Dan learned the Slavic languages of all the Eastern European countries he visited. Dan learned the Slavic languages of all the Eastern European countries he visited. Svi mi kažu da sam čudna. I'm told by everybody that I am strange. Everyone tells me I'm weird. Pa, takve stvari se dešavaju. Well, such things happen. Well, that kind of thing happens. Едвај можам да се движам. I can barely move. I can barely move. Казах на Том защо няма да мога да отида. I told Tom the reason why I wouldn't be able to go. I told Tom why I couldn't go. Mogli bi smo postići to što smo pre započeli. We could accomplish what we had started before. We could have achieved what we started before. Daj da probam. Let me give it a shot. Let me try. Том не можа да повярва какво става. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. Tom je oduglovačio. Tom was playing for time. Tom's been stalling. Nancy se boji pasa. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Ona ima sto godina. She is 100 years old. She's 100 years old. Мислам дека треба уште малку да почекаме. I think we should wait a little longer. I think we should wait a little longer. Uopšte nisam ogorčena. I'm not bitter at all. I'm not bitter at all. Ne izgledaš baš najbolje. Jesi li dobro? You don't look very well. Are you OK? You don't look so good. Јеси ли на Фејсбуку? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Često osećam podrhtavanje srca. I often experience palpitations of the heart. I often feel a tremor of the heart. U koje vrijeme možeš doći? What time can you come? What time can you be here? Тогаш бевме само неколку души сред група горили. That time we were just a few men in the middle of a group of gorillas. Back then, we were just a couple of gorillas. Тук ли живееш? Do you live here? Do you live here? Ništa nisam potrošio. I didn't spend anything. I didn't spend anything. Samo treba da napišeš nekoliko rečenica o onome što si radio juče. All you have to do is write a few sentences about what you did yesterday. All you have to do is write a few sentences about what you did yesterday. Ти какво яде, риба или месо? Which did you eat, fish or meat? What do you eat, fish or meat? Jumi će biti učiteljica. Yumi will become a teacher. Juma will be a teacher. За мен има други по-важни неща. I have other priorities. There are other things more important to me. Аз вече си свърших работата. I've already finished my work. I've already done my job. Војната траеше две години. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Будите уверени у то. Make no mistake about it. Be assured of that. Сигурен съм, че има нещо, с което мога да помогна. I'm sure there must be something I can do to help. I'm sure there's something I can help with. Hajde da sednemo. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Защо не си сложиш рокля? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you put on a dress? Руке су ми хладне. My hands are cold. My hands are cold. Malo smo popili. We drank a little. We had a little drink. Djevojke su zauzete kao pčele. The girls are as busy as bees. Girls are taken as bees. Изглежда, че си права. Действително Том е откраднал цигулката на Мери. It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin. Looks like you're right, actually Tom stole Mary's violin. Имаме ли го вече този текст? Do we already have that text? Do we already have this text? Да ли могу да добијем твој имејл, молићу? May I have your email, please? Can I have your e-mail, please? Зграпчи го јажето. Grab the rope. Grab the rope. Можеш да се справиш со ова. You can handle this. You can handle this. Пазете тоалетната чиста. Keep the toilet clean. Keep the toilet clean. Ne viči na mene. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Riba je dobra za tebe. Fish is good for you. The fish is good for you. Da li je neophodno da praviš toliku galamu? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Is it necessary to make such a noise? Сакам да бидам таксист. I want to be a taxi driver. I want to be a cab driver. Каква беше забавата вчера? How was the party yesterday? How was the party last night? Сакаш ли газирана вода? Do you like carbonated water? Would you like some soda? Давам сѐ од себе. I'm trying my best. I'm doing my best. Ne gubim nadu. I am hoping against hope. I'm not losing hope. Moje nove cipele su napravljene od kože. My new shoes are made of leather. My new shoes are made of skin. Bila sam u školi. I was at school. I was at school. Каде е поштенското сандаче? Where is the mailbox? Where's the mailbox? Не съм виждала Том, откакто бях тринайсетгодишна. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. Том не го занима. Tom isn't interested. Tom doesn't care. Том отрча во вецето. Tom rushed into the bathroom. Tom ran to the bathroom. Ja sam mlad. I'm young. I'm young. Има премногу киселина во портокалов. There is too much acid in this orange. There's too much acid in the orange. Те са най-добри приятели. They're best friends. They're best friends. Ne bojim se starenja. I'm not afraid of growing old. I'm not afraid of getting old. Ubio se. He killed himself. He killed himself. Usvojena sam. I'm adopted. I'm adopted. Trudim se da budem pažljiv. I'm trying to be cautious. I'm trying to be careful. Svi znamo da je Tom kriv. We all know that Tom is guilty. We all know Tom's fault. Još jedna prodavnica će se uskoro otvoriti u Bostonu. Another store will be opened in Boston soon. Another store is about to open in Boston. Аз много обичам тенис. I like tennis very much. I love tennis so much. Се вратив дома и ѝ кажав на жена ми за работата во Бостон. I went home and told my wife about the job in Boston. I went home and told my wife about the Boston job. Сега нема никого во училницата. Nobody's in the classroom now. Now there's no one in the classroom. Šargarepe koštaju tri dolara. Carrots cost three dollars. The carrots cost three dollars. Том го одбија. Tom was rejected. Tom said no. Не съм искал да нараня чувствата на Том. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. Том се лизна на ледот. Tom slipped on the ice. Tom slipped on the ice. Каква е минималната заплата във Франция? What's the minimum salary in France? What is the minimum wage in France? Položila sam sve testove. I passed all my tests. I passed all the tests. Niko ne zna šta se dešava iza tih vrata. Nobody knows what goes on behind those doors. Nobody knows what's going on behind that door. Tomova porodica se često selila. Tom's family moved around a lot. Tom's family moved around a lot. Том го ставија во затвор за шпионажа. Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage. Tom was put in prison for espionage. Večni sneg ne izgleda više tako večno. The eternal snow seems not so eternal anymore. Everlasting snow doesn't seem like forever. Hľadáš niečo? Are you looking for something? You want something? Таа му го даде. She gave it to him. She gave it to him. Мрзела га је. She hated him. She hated him. Tom zostal v Austrálii. Tom stayed in Australia. Tom matured in Austrália. Upravo se opet desilo. It just happened again. It just happened again. Tom nije imao pojma da ću ja biti tamo. Tom had no idea that I'd be here. Tom had no idea I'd be there. Spievala som. I sang. I was sleeping catfish. Том је поцрвенео. Tom blushed. Tom's blushing. Šta doktor misli da ne valja? What does the doctor think is wrong? What does the doctor think is wrong? Не би го препорачал тоа. I wouldn't advise it. I wouldn't recommend it. Спите ли? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Никад не знаш шта ће бити сутра. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what'll happen tomorrow. Том беше единствениот на бродот кога експлодира. Tom was the only one on the ship when it exploded. Tom was the only one on the ship when it exploded. Баща ми ще заминава за чужбина следващата седмица. My father is going to go abroad next week. My father's going abroad next week. V Ankare sú všetky ročné obdobia ako zima. In Ankara, all the seasons are like winter. In Ankare sú vètky ročné there will be during the winter. Tom je buljio u stopala. Tom stared at his feet. Tom was staring at his feet. Tom je samo lenj. Tom is just plain lazy. Tom's just lazy. Трябва да уча през цялото време. I have to study all the time. I have to study all the time. Вампирите живеат вечно, освен ако некој не ги убие. Vampires live forever, unless they're killed. Vampires live forever unless someone kills them. Drago mi je što si pronašla novac koji si izgubila. I'm glad that you found the money you lost. I'm glad you found the money you lost. Някой от вашия офис говори ли френски? Does anyone in your office speak French? Has anyone in your office spoken French? Da li smo sad bezbedne? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Внимателно обмислих проблема. I gave careful consideration to the problem. I've thought this through. Идва му отвътре да говори на френски. It comes natural to him to speak French. He comes from inside to speak French. Промишљање је веома потребно. Consideration is very necessary. Thinking is very necessary. Аз имам твоето разписание тук. I have your schedule here. I have your schedule here. Tom je pitao Mary da mu kaže gdje je sakrila dijamante. Tom asked Mary to tell him where she had hidden the diamonds. Tom asked Mary to tell him where she hid the diamonds. Tom je nervozno dobovao prstima po stolu. Tom drummed his fingers on the table nervously. Tom was nervous about getting his fingers all over the table. Baš si se brzo ugojio. You sure got fat fast. You're getting fat real fast. Milujem tvoju tašku. I love your bag. I'm treating your mother-in-law. Kupio bih taj. I'd like to buy that one. I'd buy that one. Кубев коси. I was worried sick. Kub's hair. Тя получи добри оценки по английски. She got good grades in English. She got good grades in English. Čemu sva ova zbrka? What's this commotion all about? Why all this mess? Чух как някой влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone come in. Zdravo. Moje ime je Sergej. Hi. My name is Sergey. My name is Sergei. Не можеше да ги избегнат. There was no avoiding them. He couldn't avoid them. Uvek sam mrzovoljan. I'm always moody. I'm always lazy. Никой не считаше неговите думи за важни. No one conceived his words to be important. No one considered his words important. Ti znaš svoja prava. You know your rights. You know your rights. Той е един от съседите ми. He is one of my neighbors. He's one of my neighbors. Ja imam poverenje u tebe. I have confidence in you. I have confidence in you. Вознемирен сум. I'm upset. I'm upset. Pozvala sam ga. I called him. I invited him. Недей да се тревожиш за това. Don't you worry about it. Don't worry about it. Tom je mogoa da bude bolji. Tom could be better. Tom could have been better. Баба ми живееше со нас. My grandmother lived with us. My grandmother lived with us. Ispričaj nam priču o duhovima! Tell us a ghost story! Tell us a ghost story! Съгласен съм с мнението му. I agree with his opinion. I agree with his opinion. Možeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom? Could you speak to Tom? Can you talk to Tom? Ти си тужна. You're sad. You're sad. Карлос почака за момент. Carlos waited a moment. Carlos, wait a minute. Тоа е многу паметно. That's very clever. That's very clever. Надявам се да ми дадете разрешение да го ползвам. I'd like your permission to use it. I hope you give me permission to use it. Fokusiraj svoj fotoaparat na cvijet. Focus your camera on the flower. Focus your camera on the flower. Од што се кочат веб-сајтовите? What causes websites to lag? What's with the websites? Наситих се. I'm full. I'm smiling. Imam oštar nož. I have a sharp knife. I have a sharp knife. Dole sam. I'm downstairs. I'm down here. Што друго може да направи Том? What else can Tom do? What else can Tom do? Сите се смешкаа. Everyone was smiling. Everybody was smiling. Дај ми ја лопатата. Give me the shovel. Give me the shovel. Моля Ви да отговаряте на френски. Please answer in French. Please respond in French. Iznenađena sam što nisi znao da Tom ne zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom couldn't speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom didn't speak French. Те преминаха реката. They made their way across the river. They crossed the river. Srećan sam. I'm happy. I'm happy. Всички къщи в този квартал толкова си приличат, че не мога да ги различа. All the houses in this neighborhood look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. All the houses in this neighborhood look so much alike, I can't tell them apart. Ова совршено пасува. This fits perfectly. This fits perfectly. Том беше присутен. Tom was present. Tom was there. Син ми секогаш ме прекинува додека зборувам. My son always interrupts me when I'm talking. My son always interrupts me as I speak. Planiranje treba da prepustiš meni. You should leave the planning to me. You should leave the planning to me. Daj ovu knjigu komugod tko je hoće. Give this book to whoever wants it. Give this book to whoever wants it. Samo hoću kući. I just want to get home. I just want to go home. Danas je veliki dan, sine! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son! Planiram da sinu dam kompjuter krajem meseca. I plan to give my son a computer at the end of the month. I'm planning on giving my son a computer at the end of the month. Мисля, че съм доста добър с френския. I'm pretty good at French, I think. I think I'm pretty good with French. Je li ovo vaš telefon? Is this your phone? Is this your phone? Preživljavamo. We're surviving. We're surviving. Има много начини да се направи едно нещо. There are a lot of ways of doing it. There are many ways to do one thing. Правилната дума би могла да бъде ефективна, но никоя дума никога не е била толкова ефективна, колкото поставената на място пауза. The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. The correct word could be effective, but no word was ever as effective as it was placed on the spot. Дълбокото дишане е здравословно. It's healthy to breathe deeply. Deep breathing is healthy. Познавам онези момичета там доста добре. I know those girls over there quite well. I know those girls there pretty well. Samo polako, Tome. Take your time, Tom. Take your time, Tom. Го направив ова за тебе. I made this for you. I did this for you. Da teži da maksimizira sopstveni interes, sreću ili sigurnost izgleda veoma prirodno za jedno ljudsko biće. To strive for maximization of self interest, happiness or security seems very natural for a human being. To strive to maximise his own interest, happiness, or security seems very natural to a human being. Няма да си единствения там. You won't be the only one there. You won't be the only one there. Тя е французойка. She is French. She's French. Imamo dva sina. We have two sons. We have two sons. Забравих за това. I forgot about it. I forgot about that. Hoćemo u Boston i Čikago. We want to go to Boston and Chicago. We're going to Boston and Chicago. Многу повеќе би сакал да одам сам. I'd much rather go by myself. I'd much rather go alone. Ona je Japanka. She's Japanese. She's Japanese. Zamalo da zaboravim pasoš. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Няма да мога да ти помогна. I won't be able to help you. I can't help you. Она изгледа као грчка богиња. She looks like a Greek goddess. She looks like a Greek goddess. Том те прелажал. Tom has tricked you. Tom lied to you. Мораме да го пронајдеме. We've got to find him. We need to find him. Може ли да погледна това? Can I see that? Can I take a look at this? Zar nisi učinio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? Mislim da treba da razgovaraš sa Tomom o tome. I think you might need to talk to Tom about that. I think you should talk to Tom about that. Кажи на Том, че няма да имам нужда от неговата помощ. Tell Tom I won't need his help. Tell Tom I won't need his help. Понеже е написано на опростен френски, мога да го разбера. Since it's written in easy French, I can understand it. Since it's written in simple French, I can understand it. Само да проверим. Let me check. Let me check. Ko zna šta je to bilo? Who knows what it was? Who knows what that was? Nemam puno prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Koliko ona ima telefonskih brojeva? How many phone numbers has she got? How many phone numbers does she have? Сѐ е во собата. It's all in the room. It's all in the room. Не е толку лошо. It isn't that bad. It's not that bad. Nemal som v úmysle rušiť ťa. I didn't mean to interrupt you. He had no som in úmysle ruins. Том изгледа вџашено. Tom looked horrified. Tom seems appalled. Каде работел Том? Where did Tom work? Where did Tom work? Da li misliš da je Tom polomio prozor? Do you think Tom is the one who broke the window? Do you think Tom broke the window? Том е одличен доктор. Tom is an excellent physician. Tom's a great doctor. Sada je dosta zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's busy now. Hoću piti. I'm thirsty. I want a drink. Се надевам дека ќе го најдеш. I hope you find him. I hope you find him. Možeš da sedneš pored mene. You can sit next to me. You can sit next to me. Том прекара уикенда в къщата си на брега. Tom spent the weekend at his beach house. Tom spent the weekend at his house on the beach. Primila je četiri imejla. She received four e-mails. She received four e-mails. Da li su Tom i Meri stvarno oženjeni? Are Tom and Mary really married? Are Tom and Mary really married? Том рече дека ако освои на лото, ќе си купи нова куќа. Tom said that if he won the lottery, he'd buy a new house. Tom said if he won the lottery, he'd buy a new house. Том го сторил ова. Tom has done this. Tom did this. Тоа е многу сувопарно објаснување. That's a very dry explanation. That's a very dry explanation. To je bila lažna uzbuna. It was a false alarm. It was a false alarm. Можеш да ме прашаш што сакаш. You can ask me anything you like. You can ask me what you want. Ne možemo nazad. We can't go back there. We can't go back. Voleo bih da možeš da prespavaš. I wish you could stay the night. I wish you could sleep over. Би можел ли да не однесеш? Can you give us a lift? Could you take us? Ľúbim ťa. I love you. I'm sorry. Moja mačka je lačna My cat is hungry. My cat is hungry. Кога ќе стигнам во Бостон? When will I get to Boston? When do I get to Boston? Nikad ranije nisam primetio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Nedostaje mi. I miss him. I miss him. Току-що приключих със закуската. I've just finished breakfast. I just finished breakfast. Какво има в кошницата? What's in the basket? What's in the basket? Не отваряй прозореца. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. Meri je katolik, ali njen dečko je ateista. Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. Mary's a Catholic, but her boyfriend's an atheist. Ide mi na živce svaka riječ koju izgovoriš. Every little thing you say gets on my nerves. Every word you say gets on my nerves. Толкова дълго чаках. I've waited so long. I've waited so long. Iste. Of course. Same. Mislio sam da nećeš umeti da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I thought you couldn't do that. Срећом, преживео сам несрећу. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. Fortunately, I survived the accident. Kakav vam je materijalni status? What's your marital status? What's your material status? Da li si rekla Tomu ovo? Have you told Tom this? Did you tell Tom this? Том не знаеше што да каже наредно. Tom didn't know what to say next. Tom didn't know what to say next. Ставете го во психијатриска болница! Put him in a psychiatric hospital! Put him in a psychiatric hospital! Зашто питаш? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Ja som majiteľ. I'm the owner. I'm a Mayan. Го потцртав зборот „Алис“ за да го истакнам. I put an underline under the word "Alice" to put an emphasis on it. I underlined the word “Alice ” to highlight it. Дай аз да ти се обадя. Let me call you back. Let me call you back. Винаги не се съгласяваш с твоят шеф . You're always disagreeing with your boss. You don't always agree with your boss. Брой до десет. Count to ten. Count to ten. Те са доста важни. They're rather important. They're pretty important. Тя ми подари една хубава кукла. She gave me a pretty doll. She gave me a nice doll. Тој има јако алиби. He had a strong alibi. He's got a lot of alibis. Тази седмица съм във ваканция. I am on holiday this week. I'm on vacation this week. U spavaćoj sobi imam ogledalo od poda do plafona. I have a full-length mirror in my bedroom. I have a mirror in my bedroom from the floor to the ceiling. Tom je prebrojao kusur. Tom counted his change. Tom counted the change. Примаме и чекови. We accept checks. We take checks, too. Ne očekujem da danas Tom bude ovde. I don't expect Tom to be here today. I don't expect Tom to be here today. Не ме карай да го правя. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do this. Vrata se ne odprejo. The door won't open. The door doesn't open. Gašpar! Buffoon! Gaspar! Danas nemam nikakav domaći. I don't have any homework today. I don't have any homework today. U koju školu si išao? What school did you go to? What school did you go to? Koliko stvarno imaš godina? How old are you really? How old are you really? Мораме да го пикнеме во кревет. We've got to get him to bed. We gotta put him to bed. Не разбирам френски. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Бях укорен строго от онзи учител. I got scolded severely by that teacher. I was reproved strictly by that teacher. Studenti nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how they should answer. The students didn't know how to answer. Това зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. Ja ne pevam. I don't sing. I don't sing. Bojim se da sam dislocirao desno rame. I'm afraid that I dislocated my right shoulder. I'm afraid I've dislocated my right shoulder. Netko joj je vjerojatno rekao, ali to nisam bio ja. Someone must have told her, but it wasn't me. Someone probably told her, but it wasn't me. Bela porodica će doći u Tokijo u pola jedanaest. The White family will arrive in Tokyo at ten thirty. The white family will arrive in Tokyo in 30 minutes. Videćete je. You'll see her. You'll see her. Защо реши да се занимаваш с френски? Why did you decide to study French? Why did you decide to do French? Том ни побара да му го чуваме детето. Tom requested that we take care of his child. Tom asked us to look after his kid. Volim pse. I like dogs. I love dogs. Tom je položio svoje piće. Tom put his drink down. Tom passed his drink. Ne deri se na mene. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Je osem. It's eight o'clock. It's eight. Защо не би ме пуснал да ида на партито на Том? Why wouldn't you let me go to Tom's party? Why don't you let me go to Tom's party? Не е нужно да си тръваш. You don't have to leave. You don't have to rot. To je bilo nekako čudno. It was kind of strange. That was kind of weird. Koliko novca nam treba? How much money do we need? How much money do we need? Skinula sam periku. I took off my wig. I took my wig off. Не искам да работя при тези условия. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Pogledajte ono. Check that. Look at that. V nemščina, zloženke se napisane kot eno besedo! In German, compound words are written as one word! In German, pads are written as one word! Од чега живи? What does he do for a living? What does he live on? Като допълнение са се сформирали много групи, за да може възрастните да се социализират помежду си и да останат активни участници в Американският живот. In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life. In addition, many groups have been formed so that adults can socialize and remain active participants in American life. I sad, kad se setim svega što sam iskusio, zaista sam naučio puno toga. And now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. And now that I remember everything I experienced, I really learned a lot. Kako bih mogao da uradim to? How could I do that? How could I do that? Се обиде да се искачи на далечната планина. He tried climbing the distant mountain. He tried to climb the far mountain. Стварно си мил. You're really cute. You're really sweet. Това не е проблем на Том. It's not Tom's problem. That's not Tom's problem. Сега изобщо не съм заета. I'm not at all busy now. I'm not even busy right now. Апартаментът ми е в тази сграда. My apartment is in that building. My apartment is in this building. Какво прави това лято? What did you do this summer? What's he doing this summer? Немам таква желба. I have no such desire. I don't have that kind of desire. Ništa nije besplatno. Nothing's free. Nothing's free. Јас ја сакам слободата. Не сакам и не можам да служам во политичка партија. I am a lover of liberty. I will not and I cannot serve a party. I don't want to, and I can't serve as a political party. Да ли смо спремни за полазак? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Zatvori usta i sjedni. Shut up and sit down. Shut your mouth and sit down. Hajde da protegnemo noge. Let's stretch our legs. Let's stretch our legs. Би ми било задоволство да го зачувам. I'd be happy to keep it. It would be my pleasure to keep it. Bolje ikad nego nikad. Better late than never. Better late than never. Едно е сигурно, никой не може да ме спре! One thing's for sure: nobody can stop me! One thing's for sure, no one can stop me! Волен сум да ти платам многу пари за да го извршиш тоа. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do it. Tom mi nije odgovorio. Tom didn't answer me. Tom didn't answer me. Сакам да ги употребам овие. I want to use these. I want to use these. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да се преместиш в Бостън? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? You sure you don't want to move to Boston? Ova zgrada bit će sagrađena u gradu. This building will be built in the city. This building will be built in the city. Се обидував да го најдам. I was trying to find him. I was trying to find him. Том не знаеше каде се скитала Мери. Tom didn't know where Mary had been. Tom didn't know where Mary was wandering. Легни на пода! Get down on the floor! Get down on the floor! Mislila sam da idete u Boston autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going on the Boston bus. Spremni su da razgovaraju o problemu. They are willing to talk about the problem. They're ready to talk about the problem. Možeš li pročitati onaj znak ispred nas? Can you read that sign ahead of us? Can you read that sign right in front of us? Што направил Том тука? What did Tom do here? What did Tom do here? За сите е очигледно дека тој е вљубен. It's obvious to everyone that he is in love. It's obvious to everyone that he's in love. Пустио нас је. He let us go. He let us go. Какви роднини сте? How are you related? What kind of relatives are you? Postavili smo naše šatore prije mraka. We set up our tents before dark. We set up our tents before dark. Bolje da kažemo ostalima. We better tell the others. We better tell the others. Како је твоје босанско име? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Обърка го с някой друг. She mixed him up with someone else. You confused him with someone else. Станал съм кожа и кости. I wasted away to skin and bone. I've become skin and bones. Как се казва неговата по-голяма сестра? What is his older sister's name? What's his big sister's name? Очевидно гладът е най-добрата подправка. It goes without saying that hunger is the best sauce. Obviously, hunger is the best spice. Tom živi u Parizu. Tom lives in Paris. Tom lives in Paris. Auto je žlté. The car is yellow. It's a yellow car. Mnogo ljudi se moli pre jela. Many people pray before eating. A lot of people pray before they eat. On je čovek moći. He is a man of power. He's a man of power. Već sam ga naručila. I've already ordered it. I ordered it already. Mogao bih da pođem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could go with you. Ko će da čita tako debelu knjigu? Who's gonna read such a thick book? Who's gonna read such a fat book? Kako da se otarasite krtica u bašti? How do you get rid of moles in the garden? How do you get rid of the mole in the garden? Том още не може да пише. Tom can't write yet. Tom can't write yet. Той пристигна два дни по-рано. He arrived two days previously. He arrived two days early. Nisam tinejdžer. I'm not a teenager. I'm not a teenager. Daj sebi malo vremena. Give yourself some time. Take your time. Dajte mi šancu! Give me a chance! Give me the bar! Најверојатно ќе дојдат со кола. They'll probably come by car. They'll probably come by car. Мисля, че ще имате нужда от това. I think you're going to need this. I think you're gonna need this. Mislim da smo imali sreće. We've been lucky, I think. I think we got lucky. Се колнам дека беа тие. I swear it was them. I swear it was them. Mi smo brat i sestra. We are brother and sister. We're brother and sister. Говорете ясно, за да могат да Ви чуват всички. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak plainly so that they can hear you all. Не забравяйте за купона довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget about the party tonight. Смрди. It stinks. It stinks. Neki od nas mrze to. Some of us hate it. Some of us hate that. Кога ще се жените? When will you get married? When are they getting married? Кога затворате? When do you close? When do you close? Mnogo hvala! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Викнав полиција. I called the police. I called the police. Не сакав да ме видат. I didn't want to be seen. I didn't want them to see me. Призна дека морал да лаже. He confessed he had to lie. He admitted he had to lie. Том сѐ уште не знае да плива. Tom can't swim yet. Tom still can't swim. Norveški zatvori su najluksuzniji na svetu. Norwegian prisons are the most luxurious in the world. Norwegian prisons are the most luxurious in the world. Изглежда на Том му се спи. It looks like Tom is sleepy. Looks like Tom's getting some sleep. Ovo bi trebalo da upali. This should do the trick. This should work. Stvarno se nadam da grešim. I really hope I'm wrong. I really hope I'm wrong. Не скачай! Don't jump! Don't jump! Дојди да нѐ посетиш во блиска иднина. Come visit us soon. Come visit us in the near future. Може ли да ѝ се доверим? Can we trust her? Can we trust her? Том ме насърчи да уча френски. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to study French. Иска се кураж да направиш такова нещо. It takes courage to do such a thing. It takes courage to do such a thing. Ja se ne predajem! I'm not giving up. I don't give up! Играв тенис. I was playing tennis. I played tennis. Кажи ми, че имаш добри новини. Tell me you've got good news. Tell me you have some good news. Изкачвал съм връх Фуджи два пъти. I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice. I've climbed top Fuji twice. Погледајте тамо. Look there. Look over there. Том се бореше. Tom fought. Tom fought. Ložim se na nju. I have a hard-on for her. I'm lying to her. Posvađali su se. They quarreled. They had a fight. Не съм ви виждала почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in almost three years. Jeste li spremni? Are you ready? Are you ready? Имам недовршена работа со Том. Tom and I have some unfinished business. I have unfinished business with Tom. Не ви ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Doesn't he interest you? Почувствах се изолиран. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Ne brzgaj. Don't rush. Don't rush. Kada smo se poslednji put sreli? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? Том не истиот човек од пред три години. Tom isn't the same man he was three years ago. Tom's not the same guy three years ago. Ti si moja princeza. You're my princess. You're my princess. Дозволете ми да ви го претставам г-дин Танака. Let me introduce you to Mr. Tanaka. Allow me to introduce Mr. Tanaka. Вечерао сам са њим. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. За малку си го пропуштил Том. You just missed Tom. You almost missed Tom. Kada si tačno to uradio? When exactly did you do that? When exactly did you do it? Bilo je točno tam, kje je Tom rekel da bo. It was right where Tom said it would be. It was right where Tom said it would be. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадана. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Карайте внимателно. Drive safely. Drive carefully. Чух те как я окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage her. Трябва ли да нося вратовръзка? Do I need to wear a tie? Do I have to wear a tie? Tom izgleda pomalo ošamućeno. Tom looks a bit dazed. Tom seems a little distracted. Старата куќа беше во лоша состојба. The old house was in bad shape. The old house was in bad shape. Имам мал подарок за него. I have a small gift for him. I have a little gift for him. Мислам дека ќе можам да го решам проблемов сам. I don't think that I'll be able to solve this problem by myself. I think I can solve this problem on my own. Počni s brojanjem. Start counting. Start counting. Ti si moja majka. You are my mother. You're my mother. Как мога да те намеря? How can I reach you? How can I find you? Bol si niekedy v tej dedine? Have you ever been to that village? Are you sick, niekedy in this grandfather? Zašto si to uradila? What did you do it for? Why did you do that? Јави им се. Call them. Call them. Том можеби ќе каже нешто што ние не сакаме да го чуеме. Tom might possibly say something we don't want to hear. Tom might say something we don't want to hear. Губите си времето, опитвайки се да го убедите. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. Bolje da kažemo ostalima. We better tell the others. We better tell the others. Маюко сама си прави дизайна на дрехите. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Mauko makes her own clothes design. Tom ima dvoje dece. Tom has two children. Tom's got two kids. To si lepo skapirao. You've got that right. You got that right. Пих кафе. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Tom je otišao prije nego sam došao. Tom left before I arrived. Tom left before I could get here. Качи се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слез на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Budstrasse and get down to Zeestrasse. Сите коментари се излишни. All the comments are superfluous. All comments are unnecessary. Jesi li ti student? Are you a student? Are you a student? Почео је да виче. He began to shout. He started yelling. Говоря френски. I speak French. I speak French. Tom je nemilosrdan. Tom is unmerciful. Tom is ruthless. To moram da kažem Tomu. I must tell Tom that. That's what I have to tell Tom. Аз съм опасна. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Да ли је доручак урачунат у цену? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? Da li možeš da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Вчера срещнах баща ти. I met your father yesterday. I met your father yesterday. Tom je napustio svoju ženu i decu. Tom abandoned his wife and children. Tom abandoned his wife and children. Не хабя амуниции. I don't waste ammunition. I don't need ammunition. Сметам дека Том е злобен. I think Tom is mean. I think Tom's mean. U ruskom jeziku ne postoji reč "sloboda". There is no word for liberty in the Russian language. There's no word "freedom" in Russian. Mož je šel mimo njega. A man walked past him. My husband went past him. Mi ograničavamo prtljag na deset kilograma po komadu. We limit baggage to ten kilograms each. We limit the luggage to 10 kilos per piece. Плачеше од среќа. He cried for joy. You were crying for luck. Желим да те видим иза решетака. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. На шта циљате? What are you driving at? What are you getting at? Френският ти се е подобрил значително. Your French has improved a lot. Your French has improved considerably. Ja sam pospan. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Само гласно размишљам. I'm just thinking out loud. I'm just thinking loudly. Moja obitelj ide svake godine u Italiju. My family goes to Italy every year. My family goes to Italy every year. Nije to uradio namjerno. He didn't do it on purpose. He didn't do it on purpose. On nije doktor. He's not a doctor. He's not a doctor. Piotra zanima nogomet. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotra's interested in football. Ty a Tom musíte byť šťastní. You and Tom must be happy. Ty a Tom musíte by châstní. Се плашам од смртта. I am afraid of dying. I'm afraid of death. Овај пут води у град. This road goes to the city. This time it leads to the city. Мораме сите да одиме да го најдеме Том. We must all go and find Tom. We have to all go find Tom. Не свађај се са мном. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Nadam se da se ovo više nikada neće ponoviti. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. Bacimo se na posao. Let's just get to work. Let's get to work. Ќе почекаш ли една минута? Will you wait a minute? Will you wait a minute? Tako je prelako. It's too easy that way. It's too easy. Казахме си сбогом. We've said our goodbyes. We said goodbye. Кој спие со кучиња се буди со болви. He who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas. Who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas. Знаеш ли зошто Том не дојде на состанокот попладнево? Do you know why Tom wasn't at the meeting this afternoon? Do you know why Tom didn't come to the meeting this afternoon? Долазим да те спасем! I'm coming to your rescue! I'm coming to save you! Učenici nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how they should answer. The students didn't know how to answer. Можеби им се восхитувам на другите, но никогаш не сум се јагмел да бидам нешто друго освен тоа што сум. I may admire others but I have never aspired to be like anyone, other than myself. I may admire others, but I've never tried to be anything but who I am. Koliko je star ovaj avion? How old is this airplane? How old is this plane? Uvek je tako. It's always like that. It's always like that. Ostavljam ti to. I'm leaving it to you. I'll leave it to you. Nastavnica nam je objasnila šta je pesnik hteo da kaže. The teacher explained to us the meaning of the poem. The teacher explained what the poet wanted to say. Знам, че това е важно. I know that this is important. I know this is important. Gde će Tom spavati? Where's Tom going to sleep? Where's Tom gonna sleep? Sišao sam sa busa. I got off the bus. I got off the bus. Moramo da nađemo Toma. We've got to find Tom. We need to find Tom. Никогаш нема да знаеш. You'll never know. You'll never know. Не смееме да се откажеме. We must not give up. We can't give up. Знаеш, веќе не ми значиш ништо, Мери! You know, you are nothing to me now, Mary! You know, you don't mean anything to me anymore, Mary! Ne razumem to besedo. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. Имаш миловидни очи. You have cute eyes. You have kind eyes. Штотуку имав визија. I just had a vision. I just had a vision. Ona ne koristi sol kada kuha. She doesn't use salt when cooking. She doesn't use salt when she cooks. Забрането зборување за време на тестот, луѓе. No talking during the test, people. No talking during the test, people. I što ako sam homoseksualac? Zar je to zločin? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? And what if I'm a homosexual? Вярно е! It's true! It's true! Аз съм единствената, която ги познава. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. Будите разумни. Be reasonable. Be reasonable. Това номер 223-1374 ли е? Is this 223-1374? Is that 223-1374? Tom nas posećuje s vremena na vreme. Tom comes to visit us every now and then. Tom visits us from time to time. Нема му равног. He is second to none. He's not even. Парализата му се влошува и наскоро, нема да може да стане од кревет. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralysis is getting worse, and soon, he won't be able to get out of bed. Tom mi je rekao šta da radim. Tom told me what to do. Tom told me what to do. Мисля, че сте били тук твърде дълго. I think you've been here too long. I think you've been here too long. Бях груб. I was impolite. I was rude. Tom je izvadio neku ličnu kartu. Tom pulled out some ID. Tom took out some ID. Можеш ли да решиш тази задача? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this assignment? Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Tom će uspeti. Tom'll manage. Tom's gonna make it. Излизам. I'm going out. I'm going out. Stvarno nisam imao novca. I really didn't have any money. I really didn't have any money. Том много чита. Tom is a bookworm. Tom reads a lot. Ние всички сме готови. We're all ready. We're all ready. Си го исеков прстот. I've cut my finger. I cut my finger. Она је дошла сама. She came alone. She came alone. Нешто не би ме усреќило повеќе. Nothing could please me more. Something wouldn't make me happier. Помножено три са пет добије се петнаест. Multiply three by five to get fifteen. Multiply three times five is fifteen. Том ужива во тоа да јаде по ресторани. Tom enjoys eating out. Tom enjoys eating at restaurants. Том нерадо појде. Tom reluctantly went. Tom doesn't like to go. Da li si sigurna da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? Ona mi vždy telefonovala. She was always telephoning me. She phoned me. Šta si uradio ovde? What have you done here? What did you do here? Ова им е навистина тешко. This is extremely hard for them. This is really hard for them. Изглежда, че ще трябва да почакам още малко. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a little longer. Ослободила је птицу из кавеза. She set the bird free from the cage. She freed the bird from the cage. Тези чорапи не се разпускат при пране. These socks don't stretch when you wash them. These socks don't relax when they're doing laundry. Tom dolazi ovde tri ili četiri puta mesečno. Tom comes here three or four times a month. Tom comes here three or four times a month. Истинското приятелство е завинаги. A true friendship will last forever. True friendship is forever. Той често върви пеша до училище. He often walks to school. He often walks to school. Bićeš poznat. You will be famous. You'll be famous. Није баш тако лако. It's not that easy. It's not that easy. Poštujem takve ljude. I respect people like that. I respect people like that. To je začetek nove dobe. This is the beginning of a new era. It's the beginning of a new age. Вратете се на своите места. Go back to your seats. Go back to your seats. Том се откажа од помислата да оди во Бостон. Tom gave up the idea of going to Boston. Tom gave up the thought of going to Boston. Mária pomohla mame s varením. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Mária helped mom with the safe. Емили е тинејџер. Emily is a teenager. Emily's a teenager. Янките победиха Доджърс. The Yankees got the better of the Dodgers. The Yankees beat the Dodgers. Мислам дека тоа е блесаво. I think that's ridiculous. I think that's silly. Poznáš mesto kde on žije? Do you know the town where he lives? You know the place where he eats? Musíme brať do úvahy želania celej rodiny v plánovaní výletu. We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip. Musíme braí do úvahy žlania whole rhodany in plánovaní välet. Sesija je završena. The session has been prorogued. Session complete. Том и даде на Мери рачен часовник. Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Mary a wristwatch. Искате ли да го опитате? Do you want to try it? Would you like to try it? Mora da ima preko šezdeset godina. He must be over sixty. He must be over 60. Је ли чисто? Is it clean? Is it clear? Zlepšilo sa to. It got better! Stick to that. Зафатен си, нели? You're busy here, aren't you? You're busy, aren't you? Беше приятно. It felt nice. It was nice. Што има под покривачот? What's under the blanket? What's under the covers? Možete pisati na bilo kom jeziku. Na Tatoebi su svi jezici ravnopravni. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language. In Tatoeb all languages are equal. Hajde, sedi. Go ahead and sit down. Come on, sit down. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure. I wouldn't be so sure. Jesi li se naspavao? Did you get any sleep? Did you get a good night's sleep? Како можеш да речеш така? How can you say that? How can you say that? Niko ne može da zna sve. Nobody can know everything. No one can know everything. Dobio sam 100 poena na ispitu iz matematike. I scored 100 on the maths exam. I got 100 points in the math exam. Imaš li papir po kom mogu da pišem? Do you have a piece of paper I can write on? Do you have any paper I can write on? Uvek sam nervozan na pasoškoj kontroli. I get nervous at immigration. I'm always nervous about passport control. Трябва да вземете автобус номер пет. You should take the number 5 bus. You need to take bus number five. Гледај ми ги прстите. Watch my fingers. Watch my fingers. Един човек дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. A man came to see me yesterday. Моля те, премисли го. Please think it over. Please think about it. Какво ще похапнем? What are we going to eat? What are we going to have? Сећам се свега. I remember everything. I remember everything. Лъжеш, нали? You're lying, aren't you? You're lying, aren't you? Kakvo iskustvo! What an experience! What an experience! Плете волнен џемпер. She knits a wool sweater. Wear a wool sweater. Lav je kralj džungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is king of the jungle. Није болело. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt. Такав је живот! So goes life! That's life! Том делува малку потиштено сабајлево. Tom seems a bit depressed this morning. Tom seems a little down this morning. Био бих вам захвалан ако бисте остали до сутра. I would be thankful to you if you stayed until tomorrow. I'd appreciate it if you'd stay here until tomorrow. Soba je tamna. The room is dark. The room is dark. Никога не съм виждал нещо подобно. I've never seen anything quite like this. I've never seen anything like it. Tom nije uradio to. Tom hasn't done that. Tom didn't do it. Da li sam zaljubljen? Am I in love? Am I in love? Тя си направи дупка в блузата. She tore a hole in her blouse. She put a hole in her shirt. Netko je potrošio mnogo novca da bi ukrasio ovaj stan. Somebody spent a lot of money to decorate this place. Someone spent a lot of money to decorate this apartment. Ptica je visoko letjela nebom. A bird was flying high up in the sky. The bird flew high in the sky. Једнога дана би требало да покушаш. Someday you should give it a try. You should try it someday. Знаел ли Том? Was Tom in on it? Did Tom know? Том погледна надоле. Tom glanced down. Tom looked down. Ей ме на де съм, ако това е вярно. I'll be damned if it's true. Hey, I'm on if that's true. Те всички познаваха Том. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Vidi ga! Koja lenština! Look at that one there. He's such a lazy bum! Look at him! Готов съм с поръчката. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to order. Pitao sam se da li možda sanjam. I wondered if I could be dreaming. I was wondering if maybe I was dreaming. Нико није ништа рекао. No one said anything. No one said anything. Ще се видим пак. I'll be seeing you. I'll see you again. Nikad nije preboleo smrt svog sina. He never recovered from the death of his son. He never got over his son's death. Није битно где сам. Where I am doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where I am. To je za dobrodelne namene. It's for charity. It's for charity. Следващата година ще учим в колеж. We'll be starting college next year. Next year we're going to college. Изобщо не трябваше да те оставям да го правиш сам. I should never have let you do that by yourself. I never should have let you do this alone. Gde si videla Toma? Where did you see Tom? Where'd you see Tom? Да ли говориш грчки? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? Kde je najbližšia reštaurácia? Where's the nearest restaurant? Where's the nearest restaurant? Јадев шницла со компири сношти. I had steak and potatoes last night. I had a steak with potatoes last night. Не бих те повредила. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. Gde si sada? Where are you based now? Where are you now? Tomu je potreban razlog. Tom needs a reason. That takes a reason. Da li ste obe pijane? Are you both drunk? Are you both drunk? Nisam tip koji prati modu. I'm not the trendy type. I'm not the fashion follower. Mislila sam da je Tomu išlo dobro. I thought Tom did well. I thought Tom was doing just fine. Той самият каза така. He himself said so. He said so himself. Читајте ово. Read this. Read this. Има сентиментална вредност. It has sentimental value. It has sentimental value. Шиењето е рачна работа. Sewing is manual work. Sewing is a handiwork. Време нема крај. Оно је бескрајно. Time has no end. It's endless. Time doesn't end, it's endless. Пациентът оздравяваше малко по малко. The patient got better little by little. The patient was getting better a little bit. Мисля, че трябва да избереш Том. I think you should choose Tom. I think you should choose Tom. Човекот во прашање моментално е во Америка. The person in question is now staying in America. The man in question is currently in America. Насекаде имаше момчиња поделени во групи. Некои играа џамлии, некои плочка, некои со топка. Другите возеа точак или јаваа дрвени коњчиња. Everywhere groups of boys were gathered together. Some played at marbles, at hopscotch, at ball. Others rode on bicycles or on wooden horses. There were guys all over the place divided into groups, some playing jamleys, some slabs, some with a ball, others driving a wheel or riding a wooden horse. Tom je želeo da zna šta radimo. Tom wanted to know what we were doing. Tom wanted to know what we were doing. Naučiću te da pišeš. I'll teach you how to write. I'll teach you how to write. Požar je zahvatio prvi sprat. The fire was on the first floor. The fire hit the first floor. Сите сте плашливци. You're all cowards. You're all cowards. На Петар можеби му треба нова пелена. Peter may need a new diaper. Peter may need a new diaper. Том е бездруго лут. Tom must be angry. Tom's mad at me anyway. Dosta! Stop! Enough! Том и Мери се немаат слушнато со Џон веќе долго време. Tom and Mary haven't heard from John in a long time. Tom and Mary haven't heard from John in a long time. Želiš da se uključiš? Do you want in on this? You want to get involved? Она не говори енглески, а камоли француски. She doesn't speak English, let alone French. She doesn't speak English, let alone French. On trči svako jutro. He goes running every morning. He runs every morning. Na zdarvlje! Bless you. Let's get out of here! Се плаши да не добие рак на белите дробови. He is afraid of getting lung cancer. He's afraid of getting lung cancer. Како ти је прошао дан? How was your day? How was your day? Kada odlaziš? When will you leave? When are you leaving? On je otvorio vrata. He opened the door. He opened the door. Kako si? How are you? How are you? Това не е игра. It's not a game. It's not a game. Да ядем суши. Let's eat sushi. Eat sushi. Сакам репете. I want a second helping. I want the tails. Аз ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Не поправяй това, което не е развалено. Let well enough alone. Don't fix what's not broken. Го унесреќи Том. You've made Tom unhappy. It's bad luck, Tom. Nikad nisam volio biologiju. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Е па тогаш ќе одам кај Том. I guess I'll just go over to Tom's. Well, then I'm going to Tom's. През лятото се къпя всяка сутрин. I take a bath every morning in the summer. I shower every morning in the summer. George me otpratio kući. George accompanied me home. George took me home. Ти си добър човек. You're a nice person. You're a good man. Beseda "злой" je edini ruski pridevnik z le enim zlogom. The word "злой" is the only monosyllabic Russian adjective. The word "evil" is the only Russian adjective with only one glob. Dobrú noc a sladké sny. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night a sweet night. Том е мокар. Tom is wet. Tom's wet. Zarazni ste. You're contagious. You're contagious. Zapisao sam njegov broj na komadiću papira. I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper. I wrote his number down on a piece of paper. Očigledno se radi o greški u kucanju. It's obviously a typo. It's obviously a knock error. Napokon smo stigli! At last, we have arrived! We're finally here! Glasina se proširila celim gradom. The rumor's all over town. The rumor has spread throughout the city. Мене ме истепаа. I'm the one who got beat up. I got beat up. Tom nije imao pojma da ću biti tamo. Tom had no idea that I'd be here. Tom had no idea I'd be there. Pošten čovek to ne može da uradi. A man worthy of his salt cannot do such a thing. An honest man can't do that. Валя пет дни подред. It rained five successive days. I'm five days in a row. На публиката навидум и е досадно. The audience seems to feel bored. It seems to be boring to the audience. Аз ще почистя. I'll clean it up. I'll clean it up. Objektivna sam. I'm objective. I'm objective. Предпочитам да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Чаках час и половина. I waited for an hour and a half. I waited an hour and a half. On je inteligentan koliko i njegov brat. He is as intelligent as his brother. He's as intelligent as his brother. Када идеш кући? When are you going home? When are you going home? Всички напрегнато очакваха да научат какво се беше случило. Everybody was anxious to know what had happened. Everyone was anxiously expecting to know what happened. Koji je lakši? Which one is easier? Which one's easier? Vlada je pala nakon glasanja u parlamentu. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after the parliament vote. Мисля, че тази ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Nije bio jeo cijeli dan i bio je gladan. He hadn't eaten all day long and was very hungry. He didn't eat all day and he was hungry. Не го оставяйте да го направи. Don't let them do this. Don't let him do this. Језик Европе је превод. Translation is the language of Europe. The language of Europe is translation. Том рече дека било итно. Tom said it was urgent. Tom said it was urgent. Znaš da ne mogu da ti dam takve informacije. You know I can't give out that kind of information. You know I can't give you that kind of information. Том си го затвори шкафот. Tom closed his locker. Tom closed his closet. Nemamo nimalo hrane. We don't have any food. We don't have any food. Volim ovu pjesmu. I love this song. I love this song. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да учиш в моята къща? Are you sure you don't want to study at my house? Are you sure you don't want to study in my house? Samo mu je trebalo malo vremena. It just took some time. He just needed a little time. Kladim se da Tom nikad nije razgovarao sa tobom tako. I bet Tom never spoke to you like that. I bet Tom never talked to you like that. Джейн понякога тича до училище. Jane sometimes runs to school. Jane runs to school sometimes. Не искам да играя. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Mayuko je izbjegavala težak posao. Mayuko avoided doing hard work. Mayuko was avoiding hard work. Šta ste vas dve uradile? What did both of you do? What did you two do? Otroci potrebujejo ljubezen. Children need love. Children need love. Мисля, че ще одобриш. I think you will approve. I think you'll approve. Да не ме обвиняваш за неуспехите си? Are you blaming me for your lack of success? Are you accusing me of your failures? On je bio sin bogatoga trgovca. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. Гледала сам Тома како умире. I watched Tom die. I watched Tom die. Ще се отбия при тебе през някой от следващите дни. I'll call on you one of these days. I'll stop by your place in the next few days. Naučiću te da pišeš. I'll teach you how to write. I'll teach you how to write. Немам никакво пенкало. I haven't got any pen. I don't have any pens. Da li ste disleksični? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? Želim jesti malo sira. I want to eat some cheese. I want to eat some cheese. Станаха три години, откак той почина. He has been dead for three years. It's been three years since he died. Bosna i Hercegovina se zove "Bosna i Hercegovina" na bosanskom jeziku. Bosnia and Herzegovina is called "Bosna i Hercegovina" in Bosnian. Bosnia and Herzegovina is called "Bosnia and Herzegovina" in the Bosnian language. Девојката бавно чекореше. The girl walked slowly. The girl was moving slowly. Nastavite sa kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. Izluđuješ me. You drive me crazy. You're driving me crazy. Prestani da pokušavaš da me napraviš krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Чувствам се много зле. I feel very sick. I feel so bad. Надявам се да не е твърде късно. I hope it's not too late. I hope it's not too late. То тъкмо излезе. It just came out. It just came out. Pogrešila sam jutros. I was off this morning. I was wrong this morning. Нема време за објасненија. There's no time for explanations. There's no time to explain. Ова е вертикална линија. This is a vertical line. This is a vertical line. Размислував за твојот проблем со Том. I've been thinking about your problem with Tom. I've been thinking about your problem with Tom. Je li to ptica? Is that a bird? Is that a bird? Защо искате да станете медицинска сестра? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to become a nurse? Zar nisi učinila dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? To je mačka. It is a cat. It's a cat. Сѐ уште не сум го гледал тој филм. I haven't seen that movie yet. I haven't seen that movie yet. Сънуваш ли на френски? Do you dream in French? Do you dream in French? Има ли некој друг? Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else? Proveri opet. Check again. Check again. Том цврсто спие. Tom is a heavy sleeper. Tom's sleeping tight. Ще прочета книгата. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Dakle, šta misliš? Now, what do you think? So, what do you think? Съжалявам, но не го вярвам. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. I'm sorry, but I don't believe it. Срећан васкрс! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Не му остава много живот. He doesn't have long to live. He doesn't have much life left. Кога нивниот водач умре, му го положија телото во голем гроб. When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb. When their leader died, they laid the body in a large grave. Аз ям хляб. I eat bread. I eat bread. Това е работата, която аз сам избрах. This is the job of my own choice. That's the job I chose. Том ти се потсмева. Tom is making fun of you. Tom's making fun of you. On je nestao bez traga. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Čvrsto sam protiv kompromisa. I'm strongly opposed to a compromise. I'm firmly against compromise. Ако някоя болна жена сгъне хиляда хартиени жерави, желанието ѝ ще се сбъдне. If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. If a sick woman folds a thousand paper cranes, her desire will come true. Ne zaboravi da se namažeš kremom za sunčanje. Don't forget to put on sunscreen. Don't forget to put sunscreen on. Moraš se kontrolirati. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. Аз му поправих радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. Внимавај! Look out! Watch out! Лименкава е празна. This can is empty. This can is empty. Novi ustav neće rešiti probleme Egipta. The new constitution will not solve the problems of Egypt. The new constitution will not solve Egypt's problems. Корабът беше претърсен основно, но наркотици не бяха открити. The ship was searched thoroughly, but no illegal drugs were found. The ship was searched mainly, but the drugs weren't found. Šta ste sad uradili? What have you done now? What have you done now? Dobro mi idu mnoge stvari. I'm good at many things. I'm doing a lot of things. Стопли го. Heat it up. Stop him. Hajde da ostanemo unutra večeras. Let's stay in tonight. Let's stay inside tonight. Няма да се върна с Том. I won't be coming back with Tom. I'm not going back with Tom. Наистина изглеждаш добре. You do look nice. You really look good. Nebo je bivalo tamnije i tamnije. The sky became darker and darker. The sky was darker and darker. Хайде на работа. Let's work. Let's get to work. Тя не може да кара ски. She can't ski. She can't ski. Къде е вашият баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Аз още не съм си написал цялото домашно. I haven't finished all my homework yet. I haven't written my whole homework yet. Което е наше, е наше. What's ours is ours. What's ours is ours. Сакам да се вратиш овде. I want you back here. I want you back here. Тоа е јако. That's cool. That's strong. Moraš mi verovati. You have to trust me. You have to believe me. Заслужујеш награду. You deserve the prize. You deserve a reward. Da li ovo znači da me više ne volite? Does this mean that you don't love me anymore? Does this mean you no longer love me? Оди најди го. Go find him. Go find him. Дали тоа звучи глупаво? Does that sound stupid? Does that sound stupid? Francuzi su naši prijatelji. The French are our friends. The French are our friends. Tom radi u marketingu. Tom works in advertising. Tom works in marketing. Наистина съм уморен. I'm really tired. I'm really tired. I ranije sam grešio. I've been wrong before. I've made mistakes before. Z desno roko drži zajemalko. She is holding a ladle with her right hand. He's holding the cover with his right hand. Някои хора умеят да говоят добре, а други са добри слушатели. Some people are good talkers and others good listeners. Some people know how to work well, and others are good listeners. Том избягваше Мери. Tom avoided Mary. Tom was avoiding Mary. Той събра нещата си и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He put his things together and left. Къде е баща Ви? Where's your father? Where's your father? Ти си в шок. You're in shock. You're in shock. Ракот е голем непријател на човештвото. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Според данните от последното преброяване, общото население на страната е малко над 7 милиона души. Latest census data shows that the total population of the country is slightly above 7 million people. According to the latest census, the population of the country is a little over 7 million people. Што има да го правам ова? Why should I do this? What am I gonna do? Немам име. I have no name. I don't have a name. Zasad sam videla dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough so far. Mogao bi da bude trik. It could be a trick. It could be a trick. Da li tvoja deca imaju svoje sobe? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your kids have their rooms? Можеби мачка било тоа. Maybe it was a cat. Maybe it was a cat. Какво е това нещо? What's this stuff? What is that thing? Ti si me lagao, zar ne? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Ovo je baš moralo da se desi danas! This just had to happen today of all days! This really had to happen today! Кажи ми зошто не го праша. Tell me why you didn't ask him. Tell me why you didn't ask him. Трябва да ходя да си събирам багажа. I have to go pack. I have to go pack my bags. Линда го набеди Дан дека ја демнел. Linda accused Dan of stalking her. Linda convinced Dan he was stalking her. Готово ли е? Is it done? Is it over? Том беше љубезен со сите пријателки на Мери. Tom was nice to all Mary's friends. Tom was kind to all Mary's friends. Том одби да зборува со мене. Tom refused to talk to me. Tom refused to talk to me. Помоли Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Prosim, nehaj. Please stop. Please stop. Mogla bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Добро га знам. I know him well. I know him well. Ti si tužna. You're sad. You're sad. Отпрвин ништо не гледав. At first, I couldn't see anything. I didn't see anything at first. Molim te mi reci da sam u pravu. Please tell me I'm right. Please tell me I'm right. Obećao sam. I promised. I made a promise. Samo mi kaži istinu. Just tell me the truth. Just tell me the truth. Nimalo nisam zadovoljan stanjem. I am not at all pleased with the condition. I'm not happy with my condition. Tom radi šta mu se kaže. Tom does what is asked of him. Tom does what he's told. Излезли са ми пришки по краката. I've got blisters on my feet. I've got hair on my feet. Je dvanásť hodín. It's twelve o'clock. It's a dunás hodín. Скъпи, знам, че бюджетът ни е ограничен, но какво ще кажеш малко да се поглезим и да отидем в някой скъп ресторант този уикенд? Honey, I know the budget is tight, but do you think we could splurge a bit and have a night out at a fancy restaurant this weekend? Honey, I know our budget is limited, but how about we take a little nap and go to some fancy restaurant this weekend? Вети ми дека ќе ни помогнеш. Promise me you'll help us. Promise me you'll help us. Вкусно ли е? Does it taste good? Is it delicious? Ovaj sam se put suzdržao od komentarisanja mog voljenog prijatelja. I restrained myself from commenting on my beloved friend this time. This time I refrained from commenting on my beloved friend. Отказвам се. I give up. I give up. Чест ми е. It's an honor. It's an honor. Не те обвинявам. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Мисля, че вие трябва да се присъедините към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. Мислех, че ще бъдете доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. Не разговаряй с мен. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Това е майка ми. This is my mother. That's my mom. Ќе дојдат наскоро. They'll be here soon. They'll be here soon. Не вдигайте толкова шум, моля ви. Don't be so noisy, please. Don't make so much noise, please. Мој француски је срање. My French is crappy. My French is bullshit. To nie je môj problém. Not my problem. That's not my problem. Ostaje da se vidi da li ću moći da stignem tamo na vreme. It remains to be seen if I can get there in time. It remains to be seen if I can get there in time. Uđi. Come in. Come in. Pokupila je lijepa kamenja. She picked up beautiful stones. She picked up some pretty rocks. I dalje ne razumem ništa. I still do not understand anything. I still don't understand anything. Радвам се да съм от помощ. I'm glad to be of help. I'm glad to be of help. Том је на ивици живаца. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's on the edge of his nerves. Kde? Where? Where? Tom je ostal miren. Tom remained calm. Tom stayed calm. Не си Канаѓанец. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Uradila sam šta sam mogla za njega. I've done what I can for him. I did what I could for him. То је њихова књига. That book is theirs. It's their book. Bio sam u Rimu. I was in Rome. I was in Rome. Помислих си, че вероятно вече си се прибрала вкъщи. I thought you'd probably already gone home. I thought you might be home by now. Tom štedi da kupi jahtu. Tom has been saving up to buy a yacht. Tom's saving up to buy a yacht. Тоа ни е најдобрата шанса. That's our best hope. It's our best chance. Ќе можевме да се снајдеме. We could've managed. We could've done it. Си размислувал ли некогаш да дадеш отказ? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever considered quitting? Трябва да дам на Том това, което той иска. I have to give Tom what he wants. I have to give Tom what he wants. Мислам дека не се кадри за тоа. I don't think they're capable of doing that. I don't think that's what it's all about. Тази година пролетта закъснява. Spring is late this year. This year spring is late. Reci mi šta je ono. Tell me what that is. Tell me what that is. Hoću da saznaš da li Toma i Marija planiraju da budu sami ovde. I want you to find out if Tom and Mary are planning to be here by themselves. I want you to find out if Tom and Mary are planning to be alone here. Кога одиш? What time are you going? When are you leaving? Не е ли времето страхотно! Isn't this weather just great! Isn't the weather great? Nevideli sme nič divného. We saw nothing strange. You can't see anything wonderful. Филмът я разплака. The movie moved her to tears. The movie made her cry. Tomáš sa jednostranne rozhodol, že on a Mária spolu chodia. Tom unilaterally decided that he and Mary were in a relationship. Tomás with one-sided roshodol, already he a Mária sex chodia. Jednog dana biće moj. One day he will be mine. One day it'll be mine. Sarađivaću. I'll cooperate. I'll cooperate. Къде е моята стая? Where's my room? Where's my room? Го гонеше крадецот. He chased the thief. He was after the thief. България е единствената европейска страна, където един бивш монарх е бил избиран за министър-председател. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister. Bulgaria is the only European country where a former monarch has been elected Prime Minister. Zašto si još uvek budna? Treba da ideš u krevet. Why are you still up? You should get to bed. Why are you still up? Nastavi da kopaš. Continue digging. Keep digging. Svaki drugi dan Bill odlazi na pecanje. Every other day Bill goes fishing. Every other day, Bill goes fishing. Tom se udebljao. Tom has gotten fat. Tom was getting fat. Сам ли си в момента? Are you alone right now? Are you alone right now? Molim vas, ne fotografirajte tu. Please do not take photos here. Please don't take pictures. Imam dvije mačke. I have two cats. I have two cats. Supruzi i supruge bi trebali pomagati jedno drugome dokle god žive. Husbands and wives should help each other as long as they live. Husbands and wives should help each other as long as they live. Мостът се строи. The bridge is under construction. The bridge is being built. Треба ми још пет минута. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. Од сите јазици што сум ги учел, францускиот ми беше најлесен. Of all the languages I've studied, French was the easiest. From all the languages I have learned, the French was the easiest. Neki gospodin Itoh želi vas vidjeti. A Mr. Itoh wants to see you. Some Mr. Itoh wants to see you. Ништо нема да ја смени мојата љубов кон тебе. Nothing's going to change my love for you. Nothing will change my love for you. Ti nisi smiješan. You are not funny. You're not funny. Том не знаеше кои се родителите на Мери. Tom didn't know who Mary's parents were. Tom didn't know who Mary's parents were. Зборував со своите советници за тоа кои предмети да ги земам. I talked to my advisors about which classes to take. I talked to my advisors about what items to take. Гледај нѐ. Look at us. Look at us. Можете да пишете на какъвто език искате. В Татоеба всички езици са равни. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in whatever language you want. In Dade, all languages are equal. Potpiši se iznad ove crte. Sign above this line. Sign above this line. Jesi li iskren? Are you being truthful? Are you honest? Juče sam bila srećna. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Нямах представа, че Том е толкова наивен. I didn't realize that Tom was so gullible. I had no idea Tom was so naive. Je li ti to Tom dao? Did Tom give it to you? Did Tom give you that? Зошто ме остави? Why did you dump me? Why did you leave me? E, sad je dosta! Enough, already! That's enough! Вкусно ли е? Does that taste good? Is it delicious? Сложих си дрехите в сушилнята. I put my clothes in the dryer. I put my clothes in the dryer. Том и Мери са имали средновековна сватба. Tom and Mary had a medieval wedding. Tom and Mary had a medieval wedding. Sve će biti u redu na kraju. Ako nije u redu, nije kraj. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not right, it's not the end. Имам нарачка за Том. I have a delivery for Tom. I have an order for Tom. Му дадов едно од тие. I gave him one of those. I gave him one of those. Сите умираат кога-тогаш. Everybody dies eventually. Everyone dies when-then. Можеш да ме оковеш, да ме мачиш, и дури да ми го уништиш телово, но никогаш нема да ми го заробиш умот. You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. You can shackle me, torture me, and even destroy my body, but you will never capture my mind. Šta tvoja deca obično doručkuju? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your kids usually have for breakfast? Някога чел ли си някакви френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read French lyrics? Nestalo nam je para. We ran out of money. We're out of money. To je Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. Боб беше много щастлив. Bob was very happy. Bob was very happy. Tom je rekao da neće da nas čeka. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Videću da li Tom može da nam pomogne. I'll see if Tom can help us. I'll see if Tom can help us. Напоследък той ме укорява. Lately, he reproaches me. He's been scolding me lately. Очевидно. Obviously. Obviously. Verovatno neću gledati TV večeras. I probably won't watch TV tonight. I probably won't be watching TV tonight. Всички те чакат. Everybody is waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. Ne znam dobro Latinski. I'm not good at Latin. I don't know Latin very well. To je veoma lepo od Vas. That is very nice of you. That's very kind of you. Уште малку па ќе биде полноќ во Бостон. It's almost midnight in Boston. It's almost midnight in Boston. Прашањето е дали ќе ни дојде на посета следниот месец. The question is whether he will come to visit us next month. The question is whether he'll come visit us next month. Те не говориха. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Отворите врата за љубав. Open the door for love. Open the door to love. Себеотрицанието е най-доброто нещо, което можеш да направиш за себе си. Selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. Self-denial is the best thing you can do for yourself. To bi trebalo da nam uštedi nešto para. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. Љубопитен сум. I'm curious. I'm curious. Јадеше јагнешки кременадли, компири и супа од печурки за вечера. Tom had lamb chops, potatoes and mushroom soup for dinner. He ate lamb flints, potatoes and mushroom soup for dinner. Potcenjuješ me. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. Хвала на имејлу! Thanks for your email! Thanks for the e-mail! Jesi li sarkastična? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? Това не е ли изненадващо? Isn't that a surprise? Isn't that surprising? Мешунки паѓаат од дрвото. Seed pods keep dropping off the tree. The pots are falling off the tree. Ne možemo nazad. We can't go back there. We can't go back. Мисля, че трябва да изчакаме, докато Том дойде тук. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. I think we should wait until Tom gets here. Ако универзумот е одговорот, што е прашањето? If the universe is an answer, what is the question? If the universe is the answer, what's the question? Кога ти е полетът? What time's your flight? When's your flight? Извонредно беше. It was remarkable. It was amazing. Дали си одиш од Бостон? Are you leaving Boston? Are you leaving Boston? Pokrij usta dok kašlješ, kijaš ili zevaš. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing or sneezing. Това е твоя отговорност. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Двапут сам био тамо. I've been there twice. I've been there twice. Толпата се откачи. The crowd went wild. The crowd's gone crazy. Rád to počujem. I am glad to hear it. Rád, I hear that. Сапунот ми ги изгоре очите. The soap hurt my eyes. The soap burned my eyes out. Мисля, че трябва да се върнеш в Бостън. I think you should come back to Boston. I think you should go back to Boston. Anatomski implanti za grudi, međutim, takođe mogu da dovedu do deformacije oblika grudi ako rotiraju na bok. Anatomical breast implants, however, can also deform the shape of the breast if they rotate sideways. Anatomal breast implants, however, can also lead to a deformation of the breast shape if they rotate on the hip. Mogu li dobiti još jednu čašu piva? Could I have another glass of beer? Can I have another glass of beer? Dobio je ono što je hteo. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Ja sam debeo. I'm fat. I'm fat. Осећај се као код куће. Make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. Той говори също и френски. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Говори по-бавно, ако обичаш. Please speak more slowly. Speak slower, please. Кажи ни, каквото знаеш за проблемите на Том. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Нанси прилича на сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Nikada me nećete uhvatiti živog! You'll never take me alive! You will never take me alive! Tom je presekao traku. Tom cut the tape. Tom cut the tape. Штотуку го видов Том. I've just seen Tom. I just saw Tom. Само слушај го Том. Just listen to Tom. Just listen to Tom. Дали Том изгледа бесно? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? Imamo šta nam je potrebno. We've got what we need. We have what we need. Nebo je bivalo tamnije i tamnije. The sky became darker and darker. The sky was darker and darker. Izginite! Vsi vi! Get out of here! All of you! All of you! Važna je dobra namera. It's the thought that counts. Good intentions are important. Prirodzene. Of course. He's a natural. Reci mi šta ste napisali. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Кучето се беше запъхтяло. The dog was out of breath. The dog was stuck. Tvoja knjiga je duplo veća od moje. Your book is double the size of mine. Your book is twice as big as mine. Ајде да си ги вратиме. Let's get them back. Let's get them back. Том ја поздравува Мери со мавтање. Tom greets Mary by waving his hand. Tom greets Mary with a wave. Този въпрос донякъде го разбирам. I can understand this problem to some extent. That question I kind of understand. Те навредив, нели? I've offended you, haven't I? I insulted you, didn't I? Gotovo da nema nasilja u tom gradu. There is almost no violence in that city. There's almost no violence in that town. Одам и точка. I'm going and that's that. I'm gonna go dot. Том им се претстави на луѓето зад пултот. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Boli te glava? Does your head hurt? Does your head hurt? Мисля, че на Том кракът му е счупен. I think Tom's leg is broken. I think Tom's leg is broken. Станува се потешко да се дише. It's getting harder to breathe. It's getting harder to breathe. Dala sam im poklon za godišnjicu. I gave them a present for their anniversary. I gave them an anniversary present. Не разбирам какво имате предвид. I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. Той реши да отиде в чужбина. He decided to go abroad. He decided to go abroad. Не ги донесов. I didn't bring them. I didn't bring them. Той е безраличен към страданието на другите. He is indifferent to the suffering of others. He is harmless to the suffering of others. Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he found out Mary was missing. Кенеди зборуваше за проблемот. Kennedy spoke about the issue. Kennedy was talking about the problem. Приятелката на Том заплаши, че ще го напусне. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Том ти открадна колелото. Tom stole your bike. Tom stole your bike. Работил съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've worked with Tom for a long time. Je niečo zlé? Is anything wrong? Is it bad? Desilo se. It happened. It happened. Мислиш ли дека Том си ја сака работата? Do you think Tom likes his job? Do you think Tom likes his job? Odpoveď je správna. The answer is right. Denunciation is temporary. Подобро и јас да одам. I'd better go, too. I'd better go, too. Nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. The knife is not sharp. Bol Tom prekvapený? Was Tom surprised? Is it pain, Tom whooppenà? Mislio sam da sam mogao da se pouzdam u Toma. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could rely on Tom. Том ми плати. Tom paid me. Tom paid me. Ти изглеждаш изморен. You look tired. You look tired. Жена једе хлеб. The woman eats bread. A woman eats bread. Da li neko od tvojih prijatelja svira gitaru? Do any of your friends play guitar? Do any of your friends play guitar? Колку тешко беше повреден Том? How badly was Tom hurt? How badly was Tom hurt? To možda ne bude lako. That might not be easy. That might not be easy. Не трчи пред руду! Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't run before the ore! Presvucite se. Get changed. Change your clothes. Изглежда дойдох тук малко рано. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I got here a little early. Vozi pažljivo. Drive carefully. Drive safe. Ispekla sam jezik. I burnt my tongue. I baked my tongue. Znaš li nešto o Tomu? Do you know anything about Tom? Do you know anything about Tom? Дрво сум. I'm wasted. I'm a tree. Печурките содржат значителни количества минерали. Mushrooms contain significant amounts of minerals. The mushrooms contain significant amounts of minerals. Кога последен пат го надои бебето? When was the last time you breast-fed your baby? When was the last time you got to the baby? Bio si veoma tih. You've been very quiet. You've been very quiet. Ony nepomáhajú. They don't help. Ony, don't go. Ние още работим здравата. We're still working hard. We're still working hard. Mislio sam da je to moj posao. I thought that was my job. I thought that was my job. Tom je prigušio osmeh. Tom suppressed a smile. Tom choked his smile. Какви спортове обичаш? What sports do you like? What kind of sports do you like? Ali ni zoprno? Isn't that annoying? Isn't it annoying? Tako sam umoran da ne mogu učiti. I am so tired that I can't study. I'm so tired I can't study. Tom je veoma poznat i u Australiji. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Oni su učitelji. They are teachers. They're teachers. Pitala sam te sinoć. I asked you last night. I asked you last night. Не знам одговор. I don't know the answer. I don't know the answer. Sada je prilično zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's pretty busy right now. Mogao bih da pojedem konja. I could eat a horse. I could eat a horse. Имаш мали гради. You have a small chest. You've got small breasts. Том ги избриша садовите. Tom dried the dishes. Tom wiped out the dishes. Немаш прашано зошто. You never asked why. You haven't asked why. Svi pričaju. Everybody's talking. Everyone's talking. През нощта родителите грижливо завиват децата си. At night, parents tuck their children into bed. At night, parents carefully turn their children. Той не е толкова нетърпелив, колкото баща си. He is less impatient than his father. He's not as impatient as his father. Како би ја опишал? How would you describe her? How would you describe her? Magdalenu zanima zemljopis. Magdalena is interested in geography. Magdalen's interested in geography. Ima lijepu patinu na sebi. It has a nice patina on it. It's got a nice patina on it. Možeš da počneš odmah. You can start right now. You can start right now. Сами је био Лејлин плесни партнер. Sami was Layla's dance partner. Sammy was Leila's dance partner. Това не е ли твоята риза? Isn't that your shirt? Isn't that your shirt? Кој ти го купил ова? Who bought you this? Who bought you this? Променио си мој живот. You changed my life. You changed my life. Не очаквай всеки да те харесва. Don't expect everyone to like you. Don't expect everyone to like you. Децата трябва да се подчиняват на родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should obey their parents. Ti nisi ta koja je umrla. You're not the one who died. You're not the one who died. Jesi izlazio sinoć? Izgledaš prilično loše danas... Did you go out last night? Because you look pretty bad today ... Did you go out last night? Можеби Том ќе умре до сабајле. Tom may be dead before morning. Maybe Tom will die in the morning. Ема је била веома упадљива на журци. Emma was much in evidence during the party. Emma was very perceptive at the party. Koliko imaš bliskih prijatelja? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Da li imate primerak? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Дано да си прав. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Учествовао сам на конкурсу. I took part in the contest. I was in the competition. Той разтърси рамото на сина си. He shook his son by the shoulder. He shook his son's shoulder. Срещнах Мери вчера. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. Da li si video Tomovu sobu? Have you seen Tom's room? Have you seen Tom's room? Том фати да чисти. Tom started cleaning. Tom got caught cleaning. Треба да направиш ова да проработи. You need to make this work. You need to make this work. Pokušao sam da prestanem da radim više stvari istovremeno. I've tried to stop multitasking. I tried to stop doing more at the same time. Kupio sam ti ih. I bought them for you. I bought them for you. Ďakujem za informáciu. Thank you for the information. I'm looking for informationácia. Том ће купити нов рачунар. Tom will buy a new computer. Tom's gonna buy a new computer. Na pet minuta smo odavde. We're five minutes away. We're five minutes out of here. Не трябва да излизаш. You shouldn't go out. You don't have to go out. Мисля, че ще ни трябва помощта на Том. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think we're gonna need Tom's help. Го погубија. They executed him. They executed him. Фадил се предомислио. Fadil had second thoughts. Fadil changed his mind. Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come to see me after work. Come see me after work. Podmitljivi zvaničnici vlade su pobegli iz zemlje. The corrupt government officials fled the country. The government's corrupt officials have fled the country. Tom nije ni u kakvoj opasnosti. Tom's not in any danger. Tom's not in any danger. Не съм ви виждала тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I've never seen you around here before. Da li je Tom obavešten? Has Tom been informed? Has Tom been notified? Том започна да учи френски преди три години. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started studying French three years ago. Зошто мора да си оди Том? Why does Tom have to leave? Why does Tom have to go? Да ли си ти студенткиња? Are you a student? Are you a student? Nemoj da se tučeš. Don't fight. Don't fight. Па нели се согласувавме? I thought we agreed. Well, didn't we agree? I da sam bogata, ne bih mu dala novac. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. If I was rich, I wouldn't give him money. Том е два пъти по-стар от Мери. Tom is twice Mary's age. Tom's twice Mary's age. Им се смеевме. We laughed at them. We laughed at them. Znam da ćeš reći ne. I know you're going to say no. I know you're gonna say no. Čini se da Taro nema djevojku. It seems that Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. I guess Tarro doesn't have a girlfriend. Kuća je sagrađena od cigle. The house was built of bricks. The house is made of brick. Моят вуйчо никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never writes letters. Мислам дека има право. I think he's correct. I think he's right. Том рече дека Мери е тука доле. Tom said Mary was down here. Tom said Mary was down here. Наш јахт клуб има десет чланова. Our yacht club has ten members. Our yacht club has ten members. Шта бих ја без тебе? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Денес е кобниот ден на којшто ќе се обидат да побегнат. Today is the fatal day that they will attempt their escape. Today's the worst day they'll ever try to escape. Gledaj koliki je! Look at the size of it! Look at the size of it! Некогаш сум во право а некогаш не. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong. Tom je sam pojeo celu kutiju čokolada. Tom ate a whole box of chocolates by himself. Tom ate a whole box of chocolate himself. Čo to čítaš? What are you reading? Who are you reading? Аз имам три малки деца. I have three young kids. I have three little children. Зашто бих ја желео све да вас убијем? Why would I want to kill you all? Why would I want to kill you all? Kako ona izgleda? What does she look like? What does she look like? Ľahnite si. Lie down. Give yourself a break. Želim da te vidim. I wanna see you. I want to see you. Srećom, Tom se nije ozbiljno povredio. Fortunately, Tom didn't get seriously hurt. Luckily, Tom didn't get seriously hurt. Samo reci Tomu da sam zvao. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Nepodpisuj dokument, kým si ho neprečítaš. Don't sign the document until you've read it. Don't sign the document. Vitajte! Welcome. Vitt! Umoran sam toliko da ne mogu više ni korak. I am so tired that I can't walk another step. I'm so tired I can't take another step. Кен има китара. Ken has a guitar. Ken's got a guitar. Neću plivati. I won't swim. I'm not swimming. Всичките усилия на лекаря бяха напразни и мъжът скоро почина. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon passed away. Kako si? How are you? How are you? Никой не можа да спи в онази нощ. No one could sleep that night. No one could sleep that night. Što namjeravaš raditi od sada? Imaš li neki ciilj? What do you intend to do from now on? Do you have an objective? What do you intend to do from now on? Роденденот ми е во јули. My birthday is in July. It's my birthday in July. Zabrinut sam za tebe. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about you. Свако је газда у својој кући. Everyone is master in his own house. Everyone's the boss in their house. Мисля, че Том ще умре. I think Tom is going to die. I think Tom's gonna die. Stvarno je. It's real. It's real. Смяхме се на Том. We laughed at Tom. We laughed at Tom. Трябваше да ходя до там пеша, защото колата ми се развали. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car broke down. Не ги чекавме. We didn't wait for them. We weren't waiting for them. Туѓинци се. They are outsiders. They're aliens. Бас ловя, че си зает. I bet you're busy. I bet you're busy. Pravila sam se da ne znam šta se dešava. I pretended that I didn't know what was happening. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. Možda nije trebalo da uradim to. Perhaps I shouldn't have done that. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Komitet preporučuje da oni koji su se žalili treba da budu nadoknađeni sa proporcionalnim delom godišnje naknade sa kamatama. The Committee recommended that those complaining should be reimbursed with a proportionate share of the annual fee with interest. The Committee recommends that those who have complained should be compensated for the proportional part of the annual interest charge. Glupa si. You're stupid. You're stupid. Трябва да разбера Том кога смята да тръгва. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. I need to know when Tom's going to leave. Тази рисунка е прекрасна. That's a beautiful painting. This picture is beautiful. Parti je u Tomovoj kući večeras. There's a party at Tom's house tonight. Party's in Tom's house tonight. Не ми плащат за това. I'm not being paid for this. I don't get paid for it. Da li si ikad bio ovde? Have you ever been there? Have you ever been here? Poslednji put kada sam otišao na plažu, žestoko sam izgoreo. The last time I went to the beach, I got badly sunburned. The last time I went to the beach, I burned badly. Не гледаме. We're not watching. We can't see. По-умен съм от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Vrijeme u Istanbulu je jako hladno. The weather is very cold in Istanbul. The weather in Istanbul is very cold. Твојот докторат мора да биде напишан на англиски. Your PhD thesis has to be written in English. Your doctorate must be written in English. Помислих си, че може да се окаже сложно. I thought it might be complicated. I thought it might be complicated. Počni da brojiš. Start counting. Start counting. Не е нужно. It's not necessary. You don't have to. Radimo na pravima žena. We're working on women's rights. We're working on women's rights. Ove informacije su poverljive. This information is confidential. This information is confidential. Svi tapšu. Everybody claps. Everybody taps. Казано направо, той греши. To put it bluntly, he's mistaken. To put it right, he's wrong. Ne viči. Don't scream. Don't shout. Tom nije želeo da priča sa Meri, ali nije imao izbora. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he didn't have a choice. Mary nije bila vrijedna tvog povjerenja. Mary was not worthy of your trust. Mary wasn't worthy of your trust. Том не треба секогаш да верува во она што го велат другат. Tom shouldn't always believe what others say. Tom shouldn't always believe what they say. Да ли је он наставник? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Oni su dobri ljudi. They are good people. They're good people. Ти си премлада. You're too young. You're too young. Не знам што имам. I don't know what I have. I don't know what I got. Виждала съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen him before. Убаво ли беше патувањето? Was it a nice trip? Was it a nice trip? Mislila sam da je hrana odlična. I thought the food was excellent. I thought the food was great. Tom je znao da je Mary u opasnosti. Tom knew that Mary was in danger. Tom knew Mary was in danger. Samo tiho, Tome. Keep it down, Tom. Quiet, Tom. Ја могу да скијам. I can ski. I can ski. Tome, da li ste ti i Džom braća? Tom, are you and John brothers? Tom, are you and Joe brothers? Том има работа. Tom has a job. Tom's got work to do. Ko ti je rekao da pišeš levom rukom? Who told you to write with your left hand? Who told you to write with your left hand? Da li je istina da se Tom ubio? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Девојчињата влегуваат во пубертет на возраст од десет до единаесет години, а момчињата на возраст од единаесет до дванаесет години. Girls begin puberty around the ages of ten to eleven, and boys around the ages of eleven to twelve. Girls enter puberty between ten and eleven years of age and boys between the ages of eleven and twelve. Бих могъл да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Modlili sme sa. We were praying. Modali's in. Изгледам ли нормално? Do I look normal? Do I look normal? Njegova devojka nije pružala podršku. His girlfriend was not supportive. His girlfriend didn't support it. Vreme leti. Time flies. Time flies. У шта верујеш? What do you believe in? What do you believe in? Не мога да го обясня,но смятам,че зърнах разликите между японската и американската култури и техните начини на живот. I can't quite explain it, but I believe I've caught a glimpse of the differences between Japanese and American cultures and lifestyles. I can't explain it, but I think I've been looking at the differences between Japanese and American cultures and their ways of life. Том постојано ме лаже. Tom lies to me all the time. Tom's always lying to me. Неговите зборови звучат разумно. His words sound reasonable. His words sound reasonable. Ти си и сладка, и мила. You are both cute and nice. You're both sweet and sweet. Том не се осмелува да и ја каже вистината на г-ѓа Вајт. Tom dares not tell Mrs. White the truth. Tom doesn't dare tell Mrs. White the truth. Zna veliko ljudskih plesov. She knows many folk dances. He knows a lot of people's dances. Дядо ми е роден през 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. Аз съм идеалист. Не знам къде отивам, но вървя по своя път. I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. I'm an idealist, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going my own way. Още не съм си сложил якето. I haven't put on the jacket yet. I haven't put my jacket on yet. Otac mi je dao mnogo novca. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Tom je imao trulo leto. Tom had a rotten summer. Tom's had a rotten summer. Dovedite pomoć. Bring help. Get some help. Чия е тази къща? Who owns this house? Whose house is this? Да каснеме нешто. Let's have a bite to eat. Let's get something to eat. Nema utvrđene politike. There's no set policy. There's no policy set. Каква е минималната заплата в ЮАР? What's the minimum salary in South Africa? What is the minimum wage in South Africa? Čekala sam. I waited. I've been waiting. Veliki sam fan fudbala. I'm a big football fan. I'm a big football fan. Няма проблем да създадеш уебстраница, само внимавай да не нарушиш нечие авторско право. It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright. There's no problem creating a website, just be careful not to violate anyone's copyright. Da li bi moglo da bude živo? Could it be alive? Could it be alive? Sveučilište je osnovao njegov otac prije dvadeset godina. The university was founded by his father twenty years ago. The university founded his father twenty years ago. Срећан мајчин дан! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Odlučila sam. I've decided. I've made my decision. Nacrtaj krug. Draw a circle. Draw a circle. Emili i Melani su Engleskinje. Emily and Melanie are English. Emily and Melanie are English. А што има врска? Why does it matter anyway? What does it matter? Dobro je. It's fine. That's good. Пчелите правят мед. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. Tom je to čuvao kao tajnu. Tom kept it a secret. Tom kept it a secret. Хоћу да се удам. I want to get married. I want to get married. Tom ima loš dan. Tom is having a bad day. Tom's having a bad day. Ne možemo više da pratimo tvoj plan. We can't follow your plan any longer. We can't follow your plan anymore. Dođi ovamo na sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Сѐ уште имам многу за учење. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have much to learn. Знаеш ли што се случило? Do you know what's happened? Do you know what happened? Знамо. We know. We know. Марк никога не беше играл на сцена и беше притеснен. Mark had never acted on the stage and he was ill at ease. Mark was never on stage, and he was worried. Овако је требало да буде. This is how it should have been. This is how it's supposed to be. Radi čega? What for? For what? Том сака авантури. Tom likes adventure. Tom likes adventures. Том рече дека не сака да јаде во тој ресторан. Tom said he didn't want to eat at that restaurant. Tom said he didn't want to eat at that restaurant. Tom prolazi kroz krizu srednjih godina. Tom is going through a midlife crisis. Tom's going through a midlife crisis. Ne znači da je nešto dobra ideja samo zato što je moguće. Just because something is possible doesn't make it a good idea. Doesn't mean something's a good idea just because it's possible. Том искаше да си тръгне, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Prečo nejdeme domov? Why don't we go home? Before we go home? Някои от вас няма да успеят. Some of you won't make it. Some of you won't make it. Preklinjem te da ponovo razmisliš. I beg you to reconsider. I beg you to reconsider. Това не е буквален превод, това е направо грешно. That isn't a literal translation, it's just plain wrong. It's not a literal translation, it's wrong. Не може да дојде затоа што е болен. He can't come because he's ill. He can't come because he's sick. Ова не е сино туку виолетово. This is not blue; it is violet. This isn't blue. This is purple. Tom je zapisao Merin broj telefona. Tom wrote down Mary's phone number. Tom wrote down Mary's phone number. Когато се озовеш на страната на болшинството е време за почивка и размишления. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. When you find yourself on the side of the Bolshoi, it's time to rest and think. Красива червеношийка кацна на перваза на моята стая. A pretty robin landed on my room's windowsill. A beautiful red girl landed on a laundromat in my room. Съжалявам за оняден. I'm sorry about the other day. I'm sorry about the other day. Moram da idem. I must get going. I have to go. Кажу, љубав је слепа. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Tek sam stigao. I have only just arrived. I just got here. Не им придиряй толкова. Cut them some slack. Don't touch them that much. Не продаваме алкохолни пијалаци и цигари на малолетници. We do not sell alcoholic drinks or cigarettes to people under the age of eighteen. We don't sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to minors. Je li to tvoj automobil? Is that your car? Is that your car? Nacrtaj skicu svoje kuće. Make a sketch of your house. Draw a sketch of your house. Не си ли нервен? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Ајде да го направиме тоа сега и готово. Let's just do it now. Let's do it now and it's over. Не бојим се смрти, него умирања. I do not fear death, but dying. I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of dying. Том отказа да отиде. Tom refused to go. Tom refused to go. Mnogi jezici eumefizmima opisuju smrt i umiranje. Most languages have euphemistic expressions to describe death and dying. Many languages describe death and death. В този квартал ли живееш? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? Да започнем да превеждаме! Let's start translating! Let's begin to translate! Ľudia budú hovoriť. People will talk. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Kontaktiraj Toma. Contact Tom. Contact Tom. Život se nastavlja! So goes life! Life goes on! Имам уплав од мачки. I'm afraid of cats. I've got cat scare. Izgledaš kao veoma inteligentna osoba. You seem like a very intelligent person. You seem like a very intelligent person. Том купи капут. Tom bought a coat. Tom bought a coat. Želim da znam razlog. I want to know the reason. I want to know the reason. Dođite da se igrate sa nama. Come play with us. Come play with us. Го блокираа. They blocked it. They blocked it. Otac mi je kupio knjigu. Father bought me the book. My father bought me a book. Elektronika obezbeđuje višestepeno i jednostavno prilagođavanje protoka vazduha. A simple multi-stage adjustment of the air flow is provided electronically. Electronics provide multi-degree and simple air flow adjustment. Мисля, че е по-добре да полегнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you better lie down. Прави каквото искаш; но аз ще го възпрепятствам, ако мога. Do what you want, but I'll stop it, if I can. Do what you want, but I'll stop him if I can. Закопчай си ризата. Button up your shirt. Put your shirt on. Kaži Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. Tko je ona? Who's she? Who is she? Пилешкото е сирово. The chicken is raw. Chicken's raw. Molila sam se za vas. I've been praying for you. I prayed for you. Г-жа Суон е нашата учителка по английски. Ms. Swan is our English teacher. Mrs. Swan is our English teacher. Odbrani se. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. Бих искала да преведеш този документ на френски. I'd like you to translate this document into French. I'd like you to translate this document into French. Jesmo li svi ovde? Are we all here? Are we all here? Невъзможна си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Trebalo je da mi budeš prijateljica! You were supposed to be my friend! You were supposed to be my friend! Puno toga se dogodilo. A lot has happened. A lot has happened. Запълни го. Fill it up. Fill it up. Sutra ću ostati kod kuće. I'll stay at home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Dobar si prema svima. You're nice to everyone. You're good to everyone. Ko je prvi? Who's first? Who's first? Tom je sačuvao sva pisma koja mu je Meri poslala. Tom saved all of the letters Mary sent him. Tom saved all the letters that Mary sent him. Vi mora da ste novi ovde. You must be new here. You must be new here. Почео је да урла. He began to shout. He started screaming. Прстенот е проколнат. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. Da li si sarkastičan? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? Том престана да плаче. Tom stopped crying. Tom stopped crying. Тръгвате ли си? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Полиција ме јури. The police are after me. The police are after me. Želim da te vidim iza rešetaka. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. Stvarno jeste toliko prosto. It really is that easy. It's really that simple. Не те ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Doesn't he interest you? То је моја мачка. That's my cat. That's my cat. Идваш ли, или не? Are you coming or not? Are you coming or not? Tom možda ne stigne na sastanak. Tom may not make it to the meeting. Tom might not be able to make it to the meeting. Muškarci sve vreme pričaju o ženama. Men talk about women all the time. Men talk about women all the time. Tom voli da piše. Tom likes writing. Tom likes to write. Da li možete da zasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Sve čega se setiš može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Будизмот е религија или филозофија? Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? Buddhism is religion or philosophy? Správa o jeho náhlej smrti nás veľmi prekvapila. We were greatly surprised at the news of his sudden death. It's about the echo of the death of us that's been cheating on us. Šta ovo znači na arapskom? What does this mean in Arabic? So, what's all this mean in Arabic? Кралот не го предвиде падот на монархијата. The king did not see the end of the monarchy coming. The king did not predict the fall of the monarchy. Hteli su da me kazne. They wanted to punish me. They wanted to punish me. Ще се върнете ли на плажа следобеда? Are you going back to the beach this afternoon? Will you go back to the beach this afternoon? Viem, že povieš nie. I know you're going to say no. Viem, you're already lifting it. Једноставност је највиши ниво префињености. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity is the highest level of refinement. Постоянството се отплаща. Persistence pays off. It pays off all the time. Да ли је твоје? Is it yours? Is it yours? Video sam kuče. I have seen a dog. I saw the dog. Једи споро. Eat slowly. Eat slowly. Ќе ти помогнам да го најдеш. I'll help you find him. I'll help you find him. Moja drugarica je dobila 95 poena na ispitu iz matematike. My friend scored 95 on the maths exam. My friend won 95 in the math exam. Ne smeš nikad da se vratiš. You can never go back. You must never come back. Колко братя имаш? Колко сестри имаш? How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers do you have? Имам право на личен живот. I have a right to my private life. I have the right to a personal life. Нека сум проклет! Well, I'll be damned! I'll be damned! Ako postoji, krosover sa tim će se kad-tad dogoditi. If it exists, a crossover with it will eventually happen. If there is, a crossover with it will happen eventually. Размисли што сакаш. Think about what you want. Think about what you want. Само ќе си седам тука. I'll just sit here. I'm just gonna sit here. Prišiel som peši. I came on foot. He sews a catwalk. Няма никой вкъщи. There's no one home. There's no one home. Nenapadlo vám zavrieť okná? Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Not attacking vám vorié okná? Jeho angličtina je celkom dobrá. His English is quite good. Yeho's anglichtin's all right. Трябва да отида да се видя с Том. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go see Tom. Се изгледа бесцелно. It all seems pointless. It seems aimless. Разликата в годините ни не е голяма. The difference in our ages is not significant. It's not a big difference in our age. Тя успяваше да поддържа вида си. She managed to keep up appearances. She was able to maintain her temper. Том е чуден. Tom is odd. Tom's weird. Можно е да грешиш. You could be wrong. It's possible you're wrong. Заради усърдието си той успя. Diligence enabled him to succeed. Because of his pride, he did it. Штом го зголеда, срцето му застана. From the moment he saw him, his heart stopped. Once he's naked, his heart stops. Ние веднага станахме приятели. We immediately became friends. We became friends right away. Tom nije kao ostali momci. Tom isn't like the other boys. Tom's not like the other guys. Тя си събу старите обувки и обу новите. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She wakes up her old shoes and puts on her new shoes. Spremiću Toma. I'll get Tom ready. I'll get Tom ready for you, then. Realno je. It's real. It's real. Da li si nekad koristio neki od ovih? Have you ever used one of these? Have you ever used one of these? Зошто кравите преживаат? Why do cows ruminate? Why do cows survive? Izađite odatle. Come out of there. Get out of there. „Да ли си ти наставник?“ „Да, јесам.“ "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." Том лаже. Tom's lying. Tom's lying. Да ли се бавиш неким спортом? Do you play any sports? Do you do sports? Svejedno, on će zasigurno doći. He will certainly come, nevertheless. Anyway, he'll be here for sure. Пола од врстата се жени. Half the species are woman. Half the species is getting married. Jedva sam uspeo da sakrijem svoje ogorčenje zbog njene drskosti. I could barely contain my indignation at her impudence. I could barely hide my resentment over her insolence. On je likom pljunuti otac. He resembles his father very much. He's like a spitting father. Момчето хвърля камък. The boy throws a stone. The boy's throwing a rock. Том се оближа. Tom licked his lips. Tom's making out. И още нещо. Ако се опиташ да направиш нещо на Маю, ще ти счупя гръбнака. One more thing. If you try anything on Mayu I'll break your spine. And one more thing, if you try to do something to Maya, I'll break your spine. Почекај уште малку. Wait a bit longer. Wait a minute. Zaboravite Toma. Forget Tom. Forget Tom. Nimam kolesa. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. Čuvaj se! Look out! Take care! Почнувам да се грижам. I'm getting worried. I'm starting to worry. Моли се за неа. Pray for her. Pray for her. Ние още се придържаме към мечтите от младостта си. We are still clinging to the dreams of our youth. We still cling to the dreams of our youth. Никой няма да узнае. No one will know. No one will know. Koje je lakše? Which one is easier? Which one's easier? Делфините се врста на цицачи. A dolphin is a mammal species. The dolphins are kind of on a mammal. Учиш есперанто. You're learning Esperanto. You're learning Esperanto. На среќа го трефнав. I made a lucky guess. I'm lucky I shook him. Сигурни ли сте? Are you sure? Are you sure? Това е един проблем по-малко. That's one problem solved. That's one less problem. Жива душа немаше во градот. Not a soul was to be seen in the town. There was no living soul in town. Превише си млад. You're too young. You're too young. Цената на мудроста е поголема од таа на бисерите. The price of wisdom is above pearls. The price of wisdom is greater than that of pearls. Нищо не съм крал. I didn't steal anything. I'm nothing king. Не љути се. Don't get angry. Don't be mad. Ништо не е доволно добро за Том. Nothing's good enough for Tom. Nothing's good enough for Tom. Telefon će mi se uskoro ugasiti. My phone is about to die. My phone's about to go off. Използвам картончета, за да уча думи на френски. I use flashcards to study French vocabulary. I use the cards to learn the words in French. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We discussed whether or not to cancel the reservation. Искам да отида в Австрия, за да уча музика. I would like to go to Austria in order to study music. I want to go to Austria to study music. Съжалявам за това, което казах. I feel bad about what I said. I'm sorry for what I said. Kako se ti zoveš? What is your name? What's your name? Твоје ципеле су овде. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Da li si umešan u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? Ќе ви помогнам да ја најдете. I'll help find her. I'll help you find her. Йоко ходи да пазарува вчера. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Niektoré veci je ľahšie povoliť zákonom ako nájsť na ne zdôvodnenie. Certain things are easier to legalize than legitimize. Niektoré is bigger than zhshie prefers zákon if nájsé to not dudvodnie. По-добре да не ходите. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. Ići ću automobilom. I'll be taking the car. I'll take the car. Ti nisi ta koja je umrla. You're not the one who died. You're not the one who died. Занимавај го Том. Keep Tom entertained. Keep Tom busy. Gubite. You're losing. You're losing. Секирањето е трошење енергија. Worrying is a waste of energy. Secation is a waste of energy. Морам да се одморам. I must rest. I need to rest. Tom me je zamolio da nikome ne kažem, tako da nisam. Tom asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Tom asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. На колко години беше той? How old was he? How old was he? Избројав до 200. I counted up to 200. I counted to 200. Nema razloga za biti uplašen. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be scared. Том веќе некое време го прави тоа. Tom has been at it a while. Tom's been doing it for a while. Ona je baš izvan moje lige. She's way out of my league. She's just out of my league. Времето е на моя страна. Time's on my side. Time is on my side. Iako sam govorio Tomu da ne otvara vrata, on ih je otvorio. Despite me telling Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Even though I told Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Tom će da uspe. Tom'll succeed. Tom's gonna make it. Може ли да ти използвам молива? May I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? Čuo sam da ne jedeš meso. I heard you don't eat meat. I heard you're not eating meat. Ще ми кажете ли пътя до гарата? Will you tell me the way to the station? Can you tell me the way to the station? Požuri! Nemamo puno vremena. Be quick! We haven't much time. We don't have much time. Можеш ли да пазиш тайна? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Ние си ги цениме муштериите. We value our customers. We value our customers. Том веднаш послуша. Tom promptly obeyed. Tom, listen to me right now. Подранила си. You are early. You're early. Već imaju jedno. They already have one. They already have one. Áno, prosím. Yes, please. I beg your pardon. S takvom cijenom vaš proizvod neće preživjeti konkurenciju na japanskom tržištu. With this price, your product would not be competitive in the Japanese market. With such a price your product will not survive competition on the Japanese market. Моје име је Рикардо.Како се ти зовеш? My name's Ricardo. What's yours? My name is Ricardo. What's your name? Ќе станам посилен. I'll become stronger. I'm gonna get stronger. Всеки проблем може да бъде разрешен, ако си упорит и търпелив. Any problem can be solved if you are persistent and patient. Any problem can be solved if you are persistent and patient. Не ме изненадва. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Под заклетвом сте. You are under oath. You're under oath. По дяволите! Darn! Damn it! Tom mi je rekao da želi da postane doktor. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me he wanted to be a doctor. Том ще отсъства една седмица. Tom won't be back for a week. Tom's gonna be gone for a week. Dođi unutra. Come inside. Come inside. Можеш да я видиш сутринта. You can see her in the morning. You can see her in the morning. Šta je to, mala maco? Želela bi malo krema? What's that, little cat? Would you like some sour cream? What's that, little kitty? Tom je dao sve od sebe. Tom tried his best. Tom did his best. Proglasili su ga kapitenom nogometne ekipe. They made him captain of the team. He was named captain of the football team. Компанията публикува ново списание. The company published a new magazine. The company published a new magazine. В Китай ние слагаме отпред първо фамилията, а после името. In China, we put our family name first, then our name. In China, we put in front of the family and then the name. Мислам да ми помогнеш. I think you should help me. I think you should help me. Том многу се има сменето од лани. Tom has really changed a lot since last year. Tom's changed a lot since last year. Tko je ona? Who's she? Who is she? Стварно бих волела опет да те видим. I really want to see you again. I'd really like to see you again. Dobro. A ti? Fine. And you? Okay, how about you? Bila sam spremna za to. I was prepared for that. I was ready for that. Том ја видел Мери со друг маж. Tom saw Mary with another man. Tom saw Mary with another man. Ne podržavaš me baš nešto mnogo. You're not being very supportive. You don't support me much. Могу и затворених очију. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can do it with my eyes closed. Zapanjena sam. I'm astonished. I'm stunned. Dovoljno je. That's enough. That's enough. Том нема сила на волја. Tom has no will power. Tom doesn't have the power of will. Това не е голяма изненада, нали? It's not much of a surprise, is it? That's not a big surprise, is it? Птице лете. Birds fly. Birds fly. Ima mleka u frižideru. There is milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Днес два пъти имаше фалшива тревога. Today, we had two false alarms. There was a false alarm twice today. Хайде, да вървим. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Зборувајте во свое име. Speak for yourselves. Speak for yourself. Postalo je jasno, kakšen je življenski stil osumljenca Miure v zaporu. It has become clear what murder-suspect Miura's jail lifestyle is like. It became clear what the lifestyle of Miura's suspect is in prison. Том остави Мери да го целуне. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom left Mary to kiss him. Изглежда на Том му харесва просто да си седи на пристанището и да наблюдава чайките. Tom seems to enjoy just sitting on the dock and watching the seagulls. Looks like Tom just likes sitting at the dock watching the teacups. Му го украле мобилниот. His mobile has been stolen. They stole his cell phone. Uštedećete vreme ako pažljivo slušate moje instrukcije. If you listen carefully to my instructions, it'll save you some time. You'll save time if you pay attention to my instructions. Том изгледаше малку изненадено. Tom looked a little surprised. Tom seemed a little surprised. Дојдовме да се извиниме. We came to apologize. We came to apologize. Грбав сум. I have a hump. I'm a hump. Dopustite mi da vam pomognem. Please let me help you. Let me help you. Той се е оправил, затова скоро ще може да излезе от болницата. He has gotten better, so he'll soon be able to leave the hospital. He's fine, so he'll be out of the hospital soon. Климнуо сам једном. I nodded once. I nodded once. Ме предадоа. I've been betrayed. They betrayed me. Том не си го одржа ветувањето што ми го беше дал. Tom didn't keep his promise to me. Tom didn't keep his promise to me. Не гледаме исто на темава, но не сум јас оној што греши. We don't see this eye to eye, but it's not me who is wrong. We don't see the same thing on the subject, but I'm not the one who's wrong. Tko je otkrio taj otok? Who discovered the island? Who discovered that island? Tom splnil, čo sme si mysleli, že nedokáže splniť. Tom accomplished what we thought he wouldn't be able to accomplish. Tom flattened, if you're allowed to missleli, you're already flattened. Tom jako dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Ќе објаснам после. We'll explain later. I'll explain later. Том ни правеше сладки. Tom used to bake us cookies. Tom made us cute. Hovorte pomalšie, prosím. Please speak more slowly. I'm begging you. Дано е ок. I hope it's OK. I hope it's okay. Сега смеете да си одите, господине. You can go now, sir. Now you must leave, sir. Ти дозволи Том да избега. You let Tom get away. You let Tom get away. Дај да поразговарам со Том. Let me talk with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Пак се случи. It happened again. It happened again. Дали мора да јадам со Том? Do I have to eat with Tom? Do I have to eat with Tom? Си го распнаа шаторот на плажа. They pitched their tent on the beach. They crucified their tent on the beach. Uništena sam. I'm ruined. I'm ruined. Efekat klimanskih promena je mnogo manje izražen na Antartiku nego u severnim polarnim predelima. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. The effect of climate change is much less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. Pokušaj raditi jednu po jednu stvar. Try to do one thing at a time. Try to do one thing at a time. Idem se osvježiti. I'll go freshen up. I'm gonna go freshen up. Той с какво се занимава днес? What did he do today? What's he doing today? Носът ми е запушен. My nose is stuffed up. My nose is clogged. Tomova nova djevojka je vrlo mlada. Tom's new girlfriend is very young. Tom's new girlfriend is very young. Случва се. It's happening. It happens. Мојот одговор е сѐ уште потврден. My answer is still yes. My answer is still confirmed. Не можев да го сторам тоа. I couldn't do that. I couldn't do it. Tom zna šta sledi. Tom knows what's coming. Tom knows what's next. Samo ćemo te pratiti. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. U tvojim sam rukama. I'm in your hands. I'm in your hands. Tom je otpio gutljaj vina. Tom sipped his wine. Tom drank a sip of wine. Дугујеш ми извињење. You owe me an apology. You owe me an apology. Врати го седиштето. Put the seat back. Put the seat back on. Некој од нас може да му помогне. One of us could help him. One of us can help him. Том сигурно е се уште на школо. Tom must still be at school. Tom must still be at school. Кај нас е сѐ. We have everything. We have everything. On bol vo Fráncuzsku. He was in France. He's in pain in Fráncuzsk. Каква е цялата история? What's the whole story? What's the whole story? Nikad ranije nisam spazila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never seen that before. U mojoj obitelji je četvero ljudi. There are four people in my family. There are four people in my family. Ostanite pozitivni. Stay positive. Stay positive. Куќата е црвена. The house is red. The house is red. Сакам да ги најдеш ти. I want you to find them. I want you to find them. Bilo bi drugačije. It would be different. It would be different. Англискиот ми стана омилен предмет. English has become my favorite subject. English has become my favorite subject. Da li smo spremni za polazak? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Ona je početnik. She is a beginner. She's a novice. Nisam bio zabrinut zbog toga. I wasn't worried about it. I wasn't worried about that. Mislio sam da nećeš moći da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I thought you couldn't do that. Ko sem o tem osnovnem vprašanju razmislil temeljito, sem prišel do zaključka, da razlika, ki jo priznani ljudje velikokrat opišejo kot "znatno" ali "občutno", med nepogrešljivima besedama "pomemben" in "ključen" ni precejšnja, ampak je kar zanemarljiva. After I had thought about this elementary question fundamentally, I came to the conclusion that the difference, which is often described as "considerable" or "substantial" by distinguished people, between the indispensable words "important" and "essential" isn't significant, but rather is irrelevant. When I thought about this basic question thoroughly, I came to the conclusion that the difference that recognised people often describe as "substantial" or "sensible" between the indispensable words "important" and "key" is not significant, but rather negligible. To je tačno. It's correct. That's right. Том ми ја извитка раката. Tom twisted my arm. Tom called my hand. Moja sestra se igra sa lutkama. My sister is playing with dolls. My sister's playing with dolls. Пет сати је ујутру у Бразилу. It's 5:00 a.m. here in Brazil. It's 5:00 in the morning in Brazil. Drago nam je da vas imamo ovde. We're so glad to have you here. We're glad to have you here. Башо е най-великият поет. Basho was the greatest poet. Baso is the greatest poet. Kupio sam neke namirnice. I bought some groceries. I bought some groceries. Ще те зарадвам. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Veľký rešpekt! Much respect. Vezkà respect! Počeo je da urla. He began to shout. He started screaming. Tom još uvek ima malo vremena. Tom still has some time. Tom still has a little time. Том вели дека може да направи која било жена да се заљуби во него. Tom says he can make any woman fall in love with him. Tom says he can make any woman fall in love with him. Почни с бројањем. Start counting. Start counting. Ja sam Kanađanka. I'm Canadian. I'm Canadian. Idemo u crkvu večeras. Tonight we're going to church. We're going to church tonight. Ovo ne najviši čovjek kojeg sam ikad vidio. This is the tallest man I've ever seen. This is not the tallest man I've ever seen. Позицията на Том по въпроса е добре позната. Tom's position on this matter is well known. Tom's position on the matter is well known. Конечно си заминаа. They finally left. They finally left. Kiša jako pada. It is raining hard. It's raining real bad. В съседната стая се провежда заседание. There's a meeting going on in the next room. There's a meeting in the next room. Je l' su ti to nove cipele? Are those new shoes? Are those new shoes? Направи три чекора па скокни. Take three steps and jump. Take three steps and jump. Той затвори вратата. He closed the door. He closed the door. To mi daje ideju. This gives me an idea. That gives me an idea. Brinuo se za dijete. He looked after the baby. He took care of the baby. Ne znam zašto više obraćam pažnju uopšte. I don't know why I even bother anymore. I don't know why I'm paying any more attention at all. Том няма добър френско-английски речник. Tom doesn't have a very good French-English dictionary. Tom doesn't have a good French-English dictionary. Инаку, Мајк, те молам кажи ми како да стигнам до кај тебе. By the way, Mike, please tell me how to get to your house. Otherwise, Mike, please tell me how to get to you. Прибери колата в гаража. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Тоа не може да е точно. That can't be true. That can't be right. Си му напишал ли некогаш писмо на Том? Have you ever written a letter to Tom? Have you ever written Tom a letter? Многу е возможно да не сум во право. It's quite possible that I'm mistaken. It's very possible I'm wrong. Tom mi je danas rekao da me voli. Tom told me today that he loved me. Tom told me today he loved me. Ne volim tvroglave ljude. I don't like stubborn people. I don't like stubborn people. Tom odišiel v pondelok. Tom left on Monday. Tom's shoe in a pontoon. Той е роден и израснал в Токио. He was born and raised in Tokyo. He was born and raised in Tokyo. Už dlho hľadám novú prácu. I've been looking for a new job for a long time. ♪ I'm new ♪ ♪ now I'm new ♪ Šťastný deň matiek! Happy Mother's Day! Shástní deí marek! Počnimo odmah. Let's start right away. Let's start now. Već imaju jednog. They already have one. They already have one. Каде беше лани? Where were you last year? Where were you last year? Samo recite Tomu da sam zvala. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Plažam nekog da uradi umesto mene. I pay someone to do that for me. I'm swimming someone to do it for me. Da li si slobodan danas popodne? Are you free this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon? Опитах се да те предупредя. I've tried to warn you. I tried to warn you. Ponesite ovo. Carry this. Take this. Ќе одам да ја барам. I'll go look for her. I'm gonna go look for her. Слизам на следващата гара. I am getting off at the next station. I'm coming down to the next station. Рекао си да си спреман. You said you were ready. You said you were ready. Ne vičite. Don't scream. Don't yell. Ти благодарам што му помогна. Thanks for helping him. Thank you for helping him. Овие не се вистински. These aren't real. These aren't real. Môžeš to napísať? Can you write it down? Can you do that? Probaću da ubedim Toma da uradi to. I'll try to persuade Tom to do that. I'll try to convince Tom to do it. Zar nisi uradio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? Том се беше прибрал вкъщи. Tom has gone home. Tom was home. Volontirala sam. I volunteered. I volunteered. Ще си намеря работа. I'll find work. I'll get a job. To je njegov auto. That is his car. It's his car. Том пресече улицата. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. Sjajno! Terrific! Great! Ти приятел на Том ли си? Are you Tom's friend? Are you Tom's friend? Drago mi je što si odgovorio. I'm glad you replied. I'm glad you answered. On je čovek od krvi i mesa sa svim svojim manama. He is a man of flesh and blood with all his flaws. He's a man of blood and flesh with all his flaws. Том сфаќа. Tom gets it. Tom understands. Dosiahla svoje ciele. She has achieved her goals. She's got her helmets. Samo mu je trebalo malo vremena. It just took some time. He just needed a little time. Јеси ли искрен, Кене? Are you on the level, Ken? Are you honest, Ken? Ja sam početnik. I'm a beginner. I'm a novice. Imuna sam. I'm immune. I'm immune. Чел съм тая история в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I read that story in a book. Никој не нѐ сака баш. Nobody really wants us. No one likes us very much. Tog jutra Marija je obišla celo selo. That morning Mary went round the whole village. That morning, Mary visited the whole village. Ризата Ви ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Begunac iz zatvora je brzo uhvaćen ponovo. The prison escapee was quickly recaptured. A fugitive from prison got caught fast again. Tom jako dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Nikad se tamo nećemo vratiti. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. Колку пари мислиш дека можам да добијам за еден бубрег? How much do you think I can get for my kidney? How much money do you think I can get for a kidney? Поискай експерт. Ask an expert. Ask for an expert. О, не! Oh no! Oh, no! Не сум музикален, ама си пеам под туш. I am not musical, but I like to sing in the shower. I'm not musical, but I'm singing in the shower. Мој француски је срање. My French is crappy. My French is bullshit. И купив рачен часовник. I got her a wrist watch. I bought her a wristwatch. Чух, че си много добър с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with the French. Говорите ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Knjiga je na polici. The book is on the shelf. The book's on the shelf. Имам неколку прашања за нив. I have some questions for them. I have a few questions for them. Znam kako se to radi. I know how to do that. I know how to do it. Растящите цени подхранват тревогата на потребителите. Rising costs are fueling anxieties among consumers. The rising prices feed the attention of consumers. Molim, ispunite taj formular. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out that form. И ти ли говориш френски? Can you speak French, too? Do you speak French too? От магазина до вкъщи носех тежкия багаж и си подвиквах хо-о-оп-хоп. I carried the heavy bags back from the store chanting yo-hee-ho all the way home. From the store to the house, I was carrying the heavy luggage and yelling ho-op-hop. Kje je juha? Where is the soup? Where's the soup? Немам доволно време да направам сѐ што треба да се направи. I don't have enough time to do everything that needs to be done. I don't have enough time to do what needs to be done. Всички умират. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. Постоји ли објективна историја? Does objective history exist? Is there an objective history? Сакаш ли кашкавал? Do you like cheese? Would you like a cheese? Gde si pronašao ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? Nemojte da stajete. Don't stop. Don't stop. Dve trećine studenata je bilo na sastanku. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Two-thirds of the students were in a meeting. Sretan Božić! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Изглежда, че ще вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. It looks like it's snowing. Био сам веома узбуђен. I was very excited. I was very excited. Тази риза трябва да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. That shirt needs to be washed out. Tom će razumeti. Tom'll understand. Tom will understand. Usput, gde živiš? By the way, where do you live? By the way, where do you live? Da li i dalje ima temperaturu? Does she still have a temperature? Does he still have a fever? Аз купувам само мека тоалетна хартия. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft toilet paper. Казвам ти истината. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. Когато се срещнах за пръви път с Том, той не можеше да говори френски. Tom couldn't speak French when I first met him. When I first met Tom, he couldn't speak French. Том веднаш дојде. Tom came right over. Tom's here right now. Не можам да влезам таму. I can't go in there. I can't get in there. Том е многу далеку. Tom is miles away. Tom's a long way from here. Зарем мислиш дека ми е гајле што мислиш за мене? Do you think I care what you think of me? Do you think I care what you think of me? Obaveštavaću te. I'll keep you updated. I'll keep you posted. On nije naučnik, ali on jeste naš prijatelj. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. Том излезе да покара. Tom went for a drive. Tom went out for a drive. On želi postati učitelj. He wants to become a teacher. He wants to become a teacher. Uživaš li u poslu? Do you enjoy the work? Are you enjoying your work? Том им пријде. Tom approached them. Tom came to them. Vrištaću. I'll scream. I'll scream. Убијен је на лицу места. He was murdered on the spot. He was killed at the scene. On je ovisnik o heroinu. He is a heroin addict. He's a heroin addict. Ne znam imam li vremena. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Няма да говоря повече за това. I won't mention it again. I'm not talking about this anymore. Ići ću ako ideš ti. I will go if you go. I'll go if you go. Ti si gazda. You're the boss. You're the boss. Извини, немам молив. Sorry, I don't have a pencil. Sorry, I don't have a pencil. Она је моја професорка. She's my professor. She's my teacher. Површината му беше рамна како огледало. Its surface was as flat as a mirror. His surface was as flat as a mirror. Kako se zove tvoj prijatelj? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Винаги получавах високи оценки по френски. I always got good grades in French. I always got high marks in French. Той ми е по-голям брат. He's my older brother. He's my big brother. Nisem ga poljubil jaz. On je poljubil mene. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. Мисля, че трябва да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you should go out. Не можат да си го приуштат. They can't afford it. They can't afford it. Već sam napisao deo izveštaja. I've already written my part of the report. I've already written part of the report. Ovo treba da uspe. This should do the trick. This should work. Postoji samo jedan izlaz. There's only one way out. There's only one way out. Ja sam protiv rata. I am against war. I'm against war. Кој е на смена денес? Who's on duty today? Who's on shift today? Виж какво се случи на Том. Look what happened to Tom. Look what happened to Tom. Всяко човешко същество е част от цялото, наречено от нас Вселена - част, ограничена във времето и пространството. То възприема себе си, своите мисли и чувства като нещо отделено от останалото - един вид оптическа илюзия за неговото съзнание. Тази илюзия е своеобразен затвор за нас, ограничавайки ни в рамките на нашите лични желания и привързаността към най-близките ни хора. Наша задача трябва да бъде да се освободим от този затвор, разширявайки кръга на нашето състрадание, така че да обхване всички живи същества и природата в цялата и красота. A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Every human being is part of all of us called the universe - part limited in time and space. It perceives itself, its thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical illusion of its consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, limiting us within our personal desires and attachment to our nearest people. Our task should be to get rid of this prison, extending the circle of our compassion, so as to capture all living beings and nature throughout and beauty. Во ред ли е сѐ со тебе? Are things OK with you? Is everything okay with you? Potrebno je mnogo mašte kad se pokušava da se ovde doda nova rečenica. A lot of imagination is needed to try to add new sentences here. It takes a lot of imagination to try to add a new sentence here. Iznenađen sam što nisi znala da Tom ne zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom couldn't speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom didn't speak French. Tom obožava sportove. Tom loves sports. Tom loves sports. Том беше првиот младич што ми го скрши срцето. Tom was the first boy who broke my heart. Tom was the first young man to break my heart. Очакваш ли някой? Are you expecting anybody? Are you expecting someone? Stanje se pogoršalo. The situation grew worse. The situation has worsened. Nemôžem si spomenúť. I can't remember. I don't remember you. Voleo bih da odem. I'd love to go. I'd like to leave. Т.е. не искаш да ходиш на партито на Том? Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party? So you don't want to go to Tom's party? Moraš da doneseš odluku. You need to make a decision. You have to make a decision. Доцнам на школо. I'm running late for school. I'm late for school. Сигурен съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Dozvoli mi da ti pomognem da izbegneš neke probleme. Let me save you some trouble. Let me help you avoid any problems. Mogla bih sad da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. Така пишуваше во весник. That's what the papers said. That's what the paper said. Šta ima Tom? What does Tom have? What's up, Tom? Том лапна бонбона. Tom put a piece candy into his mouth. Tom told me about the candy. Направете две редици. Form two lines. Make two lines. Пиеш ли? Do you drink? Are you drinking? Zacrtao je sebi da mora da radi u bašti dva sata dnevno. He makes it a rule to work in the garden for two hours every day. He planned for himself that he had to work in the garden for two hours a day. Ček', ček', ne idi još. Wait, wait, don't go yet. Wait, wait, don't go yet. Аои танцува добре. Aoi dances well. Ai dances well. Šta je uopšte bio plan? Just what was the plan? What was the plan anyway? Možemo li ovo kasnije? Could we do this later? Can we do this later? Kako može biti da je matematika, koja je ipak samo proizvod ljudske misli nezavisne od iskustva, tako zadivljujuće prilagođena objektima u stvarnosti? How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality? How can it be that mathematics, which is yet just a product of human thought independent of experience, is so amazingly adapted to objects in reality? Тој е претерано дарежлив. He is generous to excess. He's too generous. Полицијата ја уапсила. The police have arrested her. The police arrested her. Шумата беше многу мирна. The forest was very still. The forest was very quiet. Часовникът ти верен ли е? Is your watch correct? Is your watch faithful? Ti si nas to naučila. You taught us that. You taught us that. Те прашав како си. I asked how you were. I asked you how you were doing. Вчера си купих този фотоапарат. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. Ti otvaraš vrata. You open the door. You're opening the door. Аз не мисля, че ти наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. Muškarci ostaju deca celog života. Men are children their whole life. Men stay children all their lives. Мери зарађује за живот шијући. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary makes a living sewing. Много от моите приятели могат да говорят френски. Many of my friends can speak French. A lot of my friends can speak French. Nisu svi mogli da čuju šta je Tom rekao. Not everyone could hear what Tom said. Not everyone could hear what Tom said. Pomalo je bilo čudno. It was kind of strange. It was a little weird. Kriva sam. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. Samo tiho, Tome. Keep it down, Tom. Quiet, Tom. Budi fin. Be nice. Be nice. Imam stari bicikl. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Ако ми дадете пари назаем, ще ви бъда много задължен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'll owe you a lot of money. Sjednimo tu na travu. Let's sit here on the grass. Let's sit here on the grass. Ти си правиш шеги! You're kidding! You're making jokes! Tom je upucan triput. Tom has been shot three times. Tom's been shot three times. Има ли деца? Are there kids? Are there any children? Колко музея посетихте? How many museums did you visit? How many museums did you visit? Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti. I hope you and Tom have a good time. I hope you and Tom have a good time. Voleo vih da moja žena zna da kuva. I wish my wife could cook. I used to like my wife to know how to cook. Стана чукунбаба само неколку дена пред да наполни деведесет и девет години. She became a great-great-grandmother just days before turning ninety-nine. Kukunba became only a few days before she was 90 and nine years old. Neću se petljati sa time. I won't tamper with it. I'm not gonna get involved with that. Свиря в една група. I play in a band. I play in a band. Коледата наближава. Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming. Da mogu razumjeti, rekako bih ti tako. If I could understand it, I would tell you so. If I could understand, I'd say so. Da li si disleksičan? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? Не ми го зашеќерувај кафето. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't sugarball my coffee. Sada moram da idem. I must go now. Now I have to go. Късите поли вече не са на мода. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts aren't fashionable anymore. Tom je ostavio svoj ključ na stolu, kao što često radi. Tom left his key on the desk, as he usually does. Tom left his key on the table, as he often does. Štedim da kupim novi saksofon. I've been saving up to buy a new saxophone. I'm saving up to buy a new saxophone. Nemoj ni da pisneš! Don't you say a word. Don't even make a sound! Da li Tom ima ključ? Does Tom have a key? Does Tom have the key? Никога не бих Ви излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Има едно златно правило: у когото е златото, той определя правилата. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. There's a golden rule: where gold is, he sets the rules. Беше баш прекрасно. It was absolutely amazing. It was so beautiful. Treba mi taksi. I need a taxi! I need a cab. Мразя да летя. I hate flying. I hate flying. Ne živim u ovom gradu. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. Nikad pre nisam video nešto tako. I had never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it before. Da li si zapisao broj? Did you write down the number? Did you write down the number? Забравих да заключа шкафчето. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the locker. Сите си личат. They're all alike. They all look alike. Не може да е тој. That can't be him. It can't be him. Знаеш ли нещо за детството на Том? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Što je ovo? What's this? What's this? Да се стремиме кон доблестите и да се откажеме од пороците. Let's strive after virtue and give up vice. Let us pursue virtues and give up vice. Je rasistické povedať to. It's a racist thing to say. It's racisté told you that. Том почина од рак. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. Си ја сакам татковината. I love my homeland. I love my country. Той ми даде това, от което се нуждаех. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. Upravo sam je dovršio. I just finished doing it. I just finished it. Том наистина ли иска да спечели? Does Tom really want to win? Does Tom really want to win? Изговор професора је скоро савршен. The teacher's pronunciation is almost perfect. The teacher's statement is almost perfect. Тоа беше обѕирно. That was considerate. That was considerate. Треба да си ја дофарбам куќата. I need to finish painting my house. I need to paint my house. Губитак памћења је више психолошки него физички. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. Memory loss is more psychological than physical. Тя се взря за кратко във вестника. She glanced briefly at the newspaper. She's seen herself in the paper for a while. Daj mi još jedan razlog. Give me another reason. Give me another reason. Том беше арестуван за шофиране в нетрезво състояние. Tom was arrested for driving while drunk. Tom was arrested for unattended driving. Том живееше баш до мене кога бев мал. Tom lived right next door to me when I was a kid. Tom lived right next to me when I was a kid. Treba da donesemo još jednu bocu vina. We should bring another bottle of wine. We should get another bottle of wine. Tomova najmlađa ćerka je njegova miljenica. Tom's youngest daughter is his favorite. Tom's youngest daughter is his favorite. Zas si pil. You've been drinking again. You've been drinking for a while. Той пие прекалено много бира. He drinks too much beer. He drinks too much beer. Ja som si istý, že budeš spokojný. I am sure that you will be satisfied. I'm sorry, you're already calm. Не сакам да го вмешаме Том во ова. I don't want Tom involved in this. I don't want Tom involved in this. Мисля, че кракът на Том е счупен. I think Tom's leg is broken. I think Tom's leg is broken. Iznenađen sam Tomovim odgovorom. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I'm surprised by Tom's answer. Ona ima dobro srce. She has a good heart. She has a good heart. To ima smisla. That makes sense. That makes sense. Lažem. I'm lying. I'm lying. Тичам. I run. I'm running. Nestašna sam. I'm restless. I'm naughty. Bira sam između dve mogućnosti. I chose between two options. I've chosen between two options. Не можем да живеем със 150 000 йени месечно. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. We can't live with 150,000 yen a month. Томов деда је познавао мог деду. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Već sam ga poručila. I've already ordered it. I already did. Som lekár. I am a doctor. I'm lekár. Къде е детегледачката Ви? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? To je Copacabana! This is Copacabana! It's Copacabana! Познавам Том от едва няколко месеца. I've only known Tom for a few months. I've known Tom for only a few months. Krimilance treba kazniti. Criminals should be punished. Criminals need to be punished. Ајде да го следиме. Let's follow him. Let's follow him. Saosam bila prezauzeta. I've just been too busy. I was too busy. Пада снег. It is snowing. It's snowing. Zašto si toliko paranoična? Why are you so paranoid? Why are you being so paranoid? Tko je kupio ovo? Who bought this? Who bought this? Не съм искала да нараня ничии чувства. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Upoznali smo jedan drugoga u Londonu. We got to know each other in London. We met each other in London. Učim korejski. I'm learning Korean. I'm learning Korean. Tom mi nije to dao. Tom didn't give it to me. Tom didn't give me that. Gdje si bila cijelo popodne? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Горе-долу сме спремни. We're about ready. We're about ready. Tom je zatvorio ogradu. Tom hurdled the fence. Tom closed the fence. Не смеам да ти го кажам тоа што сакаш да го знаеш. I'm not allowed to tell what you want to know. I can't tell you what you want to know. Откъде знаеш френски толкова добре? How come you know French so well? How do you know French so well? Том мами Мери през цялото време. Tom lies to Mary all the time. Tom's been baiting Mary the whole time. Tom je rekao da si sretan. Tom said you were happy. Tom said you were happy. Завъртях дръжката на вратата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the handle on the door. Се надева дека ќе оди во странство. He hopes to go abroad. He's hoping to go abroad. Петдесет семейства живеят в това малко градче. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this small town. Изглежда, че той е бил много добър атлет. He seems to have been a great athlete. Looks like he was a very good athlete. Можно е Том да е осамен. Tom might be lonely. It's possible Tom is lonely. Je li ovo tvoj telefon? Is this your phone? Is this your phone? Това е добър план. That's a good plan. That's a good plan. Da li je Tom stvarno želeo da Meri uradi to? Did Tom really want Mary to do that? Did Tom really want Mary to do that? Jesam li stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? Вараш се. You are wrong. You're wrong. Том е кълбо нерви. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's a nerve ball. Dođi kod mene kući. Come to my house. Come to my house. Ради. It works. It's working. Ne vem niti, če ima punco. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. Moramo da pratimo Toma. We have to follow Tom. We have to follow Tom. Izgleda da je žrtva pokušala da napiše ime ubice sopstvenom krvlju. It appears that the victim tried to write the murderer's name with his own blood. Turns out the victim tried to write the name of a murderer with her own blood. Зошто си толку растревожен вечерва? Why are you so nervous tonight? Why are you so worried tonight? Nije se toliko pogoršalo. It didn't get that bad. It didn't get that bad. Želiš li da vidiš nešto određeno? Is there something in particular that you want to see? You want to see something in particular? Днес не ми се учи по френски. I don't feel like studying French today. I don't want to learn French today. Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come and see me after work. Come see me after work. Си видел ли како работи? Have you seen it work? Have you seen how it works? Сакам да знам како си го направил тоа. What I want to know is how did you do that. I want to know how you did it. Još nisi završio? Haven't you finished yet? You're not done yet? За среќа шупава е стабилна, инаку бурата синоќа бездруго ќе ја урнеше. Fortunately this shed is stable, or else it'd have surely fallen down due to the storm last night. Fortunately, this hole is stable, or the storm last night would have crashed it anyway. Том е само обичен човек. Tom is just an ordinary man. Tom's just a regular guy. Том мавташе со рацете. Tom waved his arms. Tom was waving his hands. Обувката не ми става. Много е малка. The shoe doesn't fit me. It's too small. My shoe's too small. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителен. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Plivam u okeanu. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm swimming in the ocean. Не желим да ме видиш голу. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Напълни го с обикновен, ако обичаш. Fill it with regular, please. Fill it with ordinary, please. Имам малку температура. I have a small fever. I've got a little fever. Не мога да говоря английски, да не говорим за испански. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I can't speak English, not to speak Spanish. Tom će da se seti. Tom'll remember. Tom will remember. Завршивме со зборувањето. We're done talking. We're done talking. Nemam kartu. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Той изглежда силен. He looks strong. He looks strong. Tom je kričal. Tom was screaming. Tom was yelling. Da li je doručak uračunat u cenu? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? Divno! Terrific! Wonderful! Je li to da ili ne? Is that a yes or no? Is that a yes or a no? Sumnjam da je Tom uopće zainteresiran da pokuša naučiti ruski. I doubt that Tom is even interested in trying to learn Russian. I doubt Tom's even interested in trying to learn Russian. Нанси има пиано. Nancy has a piano. Nancy has a piano. Сѐ уште не е готово. It isn't over yet. It's not over yet. Тя се омъжи за един богат старец. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Neće je uzeti. They won't take it away. They won't take it. Potrebno je mnogo mašte kad se pokušava da se ovde doda nova rečenica. A lot of imagination is needed to try to add new sentences here. It takes a lot of imagination to try to add a new sentence here. Ником ни реч. Don't say a word. Not a word to anyone. Том ја отру Мери. Tom poisoned Mary. Tom poisoned Mary. Пусти машти на вољу. Let your imagination run wild. Let the imagination go. Tom je prošle nedelje proslavljao godišnjicu mature. Tom went to his high school reunion last week. Tom was celebrating his graduation last week. I Piotr i Lech su iz Poljske. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Tom zna da kuca jako brzo. Tom can type very fast. Tom knows he's knocking really fast. Ете тој ми се допадна. That's the one I liked. That's what I liked about him. Ако јас можам да разберам, тогаш секој може. If I can understand it, anyone can. If I can understand, then anyone can. Това беше моя грешка. That was my mistake. It was my fault. Кажи ми каде да го најдам. Tell me where to find him. Tell me where to find him. Sigurna sam da ćeš dobro da prođeš. I'm sure you'll do well. I'm sure you'll be fine. Он не зна где би требао бити. He doesn't know where he should be. He doesn't know where he's supposed to be. Za mene je ovde previše bučno. It's too noisy here for me. It's too noisy for me here. Ветар дува као блесав. The wind is blowing like crazy. The wind blows like a fool. Zini! Open your mouth! Zini! Хвала вам пуно на свему! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything! Како му оди на Том на работа? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom doing at work? Tom je posmatrao izbliza. Tom watched from nearby. Tom was watching closely. Чувам, че ме смяташ за луд. I hear you think I'm crazy. I hear you think I'm crazy. Увек држим прозор отвореним док спавам. I always leave the window open while I sleep. I always keep the window open while I sleep. Да не ви става навик. Don't make it a habit. Don't get used to it. Вежбам. I work out. I'm practicing. Многу си добар со деца. You're very good with children. You're very good with kids. Влезе ли некој друг во собата? Did anyone else come into the room? Did anyone else come into the room? Колку си озбилен? How serious are you? How serious are you? Zašto ne možete da ostanete? Why can't you stay? Why can't you stay? Мислех, че ще закусим заедно. I thought we would have breakfast together. I thought we were having breakfast together. Се запознавме лани во Бостон. We met last year in Boston. We met in Boston last year. Koliko duboko? How deep? How deep? Тя продължи да работи. She kept on working. She kept working. Имамо озбиљан проблем. We have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. Где је паста за зубе? Where's the toothpaste? Where's the toothpaste? Kúpil auto. He bought a car. It's a car. It's a car. Убавината не може да се утврди објективно туку зависи од лични естетски критериуми. Beauty cannot be determined objectively but depends on personal aesthetic criteria. Beauty cannot be objectively determined but depends on personal aesthetic criteria. Budi oprezan. Be vigilant. Be careful. Mária plávala. Mary swam. Mária Plávala. Той също може да говори руски. He can speak Russian, too. He can also speak Russian. Želim željeti ono što ti želiš. I want to want what you want. I want to want what you want. Моля ви, кажете истината. Please tell the truth. Please tell the truth. Сакам да знам што преземаш за да го најдеш Том. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. Shvatiću. I'll understand. I'll get that. Треба ти новац. You need money. You need money. Слегувај, Дик. Време е за вечера. Come down, Dick. It is time for dinner. Come on down, Dick, it's dinnertime. Voleo bih da sam lep. I wish I was pretty. I wish I was beautiful. Ja neviem variť. I can't cook. I don't mind. Фала ти пак што дојде. Thanks again for coming. Thanks again for coming. Izvini što sam uopšte probao. I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. То је његова слаба тачка. That's his weak spot. That's his weak spot. Данас имам главобољу. I have a headache today. I have a headache today. Zaboravio sam da napišem ime na ispitu. I forgot to write my name on the exam. I forgot to write my name on the exam. Беше толкова хубав ден, че решихме да се разходим. It was such a pleasant day that we went for a walk. It was such a good day, we decided to take a walk. Tom je odložio svoje piće. Tom put down his drink. Tom delayed his drink. Da li stvarno mislite da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Znaš li koga je Tom ubio? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who Tom killed? Дали е Том во Бостон? Is Tom in Boston? Is Tom in Boston? Sigurna sam da Tom neće hteti da uradi to. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that. I'm sure Tom won't want to do it. Samo recite Tomu da sam zvao. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Tom stvarno deluje poznato. Tom does seem familiar. Tom really looks familiar. Од камен се изградени нивните куќи. Stone was used to build their houses. Their houses were built from stone. Да говориш на френски е голяма забава. Speaking French is a lot of fun. Speaking in French is a big party. Umeš li da žongliraš? Can you juggle? Can you juggle? Одговорот на обете прашање е „не“. The answer to both questions is no. The answer to both questions is “no. ” Можно е да се вратат. They may come back. It's possible they'll come back. Ќе го следиме. We'll follow him. We'll follow him. Къде беше? Where were you? Where have you been? Tom nehovoril s nikým. Tom didn't talk to anyone. Tom didn't talk to anyone. Колку е едно пиво? How much is one beer? How much is one beer? У сваком случају, ниси у праву. Anyway, you're wrong. Anyway, you're wrong. Забравих да изключа лампите. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn off the lights. Usvojena sam. I'm adopted. I'm adopted. Slušanje muzike je moj omljeni način opuštanja. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my fancy way of relaxing. Таа и самата се обиде. She tried it herself. She tried it herself. U napad! Attack! A I'attaque! Ми се допаѓа дискретниот хумор на Том. I like Tom's subtle humor. I like Tom's discreet humor. Ајде да зборуваме за Том. Let's talk about Tom. Let's talk about Tom. Пожури мало! Hurry up a little! Hurry up! To je samo igra. This is just a game. It's just a game. Как е това на френски? How do you say that in French? How's that in French? Ти го правиш сега. You're doing it now. You're doing it now. Želim ići u krevet! I want to go to bed! I want to go to bed! Ni to nisam uradila. I didn't do that either. I didn't do that either. Миналия месец изстинах. I caught a cold last month. Last month I got cold. Mnogo je mogućih odgovora na to pitanje. There are many possible answers to that question. There are many possible answers to that question. Promenio si moj život. You changed my life. You changed my life. Nemoj da si drzak. Don't be presumptuous. Don't be impertinent. Nasmejala se. She smiled. She smiled. Kako se zvao hotel u Bostonu u kojem si bio prošle godine? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What was the name of the hotel in Boston you were in last year? Koliko je godina prošlo otkad sam te poslednji put video? How many years has it been since I last saw you? How many years has it been since I last saw you? Говориш ли английски? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Nisi rekao ništa pogrešno. You said nothing wrong. You didn't say anything wrong. Еве тука ќе бидеме. We'll be right here. This is where we'll be. To sem ti že povedal. I already told you that. I've already told you that. Kako pronicljivo! How perceptive! How insightful! Moja porodica je jako volela psa. My family liked the dog very much. My family loved the dog very much. Лепота је у оку посматрача. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the eye of the observer. Sve su obmanuli. They deceived all. They've fooled everything. Не можат да излезат. They can't get out. They can't get out. Najveći izazov sa kojim će se projekat suočiti jeste dostupnost radnika sa sposobnostima koje su potrebne da bi projekat doživeo procvat. The biggest challenge to the project will be the availability of workers with the skills required to bring it to fruition. The biggest challenge the project will face is the availability of workers with the abilities needed for the project to flourish. Мисля, че ще ти бъде интересна. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll find it interesting. Treba da ostaviš Tomu poruku. You should write Tom a note. I need you to leave a message for Tom. Той ме представи на Сю. He introduced me to Sue. He introduced me to Sue. Drago mi je da smo bile tamo. I'm glad we were there. I'm glad we were there. Кое ти е любимото анимационно? What's your favorite cartoon? What's your favorite animation? Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm gonna marry. Iznervirao sam ga. I pissed him off. I pissed him off. Muzika je njegova strast. Music is his passion. Music is his passion. Pravda mora biti potpuno zadovoljena. Justice must be done. Justice must be fully served. Zabavno je. It's fun. It's fun. Том беше изхвърлен от вкъщи от родителите си, когато призна, че е атеист. Tom was kicked out of his house by his parents when he confessed to being an atheist. Tom was kicked out of his parents' home when he admitted to being an atheist. Мисля, че ще бъдеш приятно изненадан. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Šta ja radim ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? И двамата родители на Том са били преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom's parents were teachers. Mogla sam da odem, ali nisam želela. I could've gone, but I didn't want to. I could have left, but I didn't want to. Мој отац је толико стар да не може да ради. My father is so old that he can't work. My father's so old he can't work. Pobedili smo! We've won! We won! Imaš li novosti? Do you have any news? Any news? Беше почистен. It's been cleaned. It's been cleaned. Jesam li ja ispustio to? Did I drop that? Did I drop that? На мен също ми е приятно да се запознаем. Nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you, too. Не може да са излезли, защото вътре свети. They can't have gone out because the light's on. They can't come out because they're sacred inside. Sarajevo je glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Моля те, не плачи. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Sve je upropašćeno. Everything's ruined. Everything is ruined. Ај погоди. Why don't you guess? Well, guess what. Tom je dovoljno mudar da ne uradi nešto tako. Tom is wise enough not to do such a thing. Tom's wise enough not to do anything like that. Неко је дошао. Someone came. Someone's here. Možete li da me odvezete do aerodroma sutra ujutru? Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow morning? Can you take me to the airport tomorrow morning? Ne zovi me dok sam u kancelariji. Don't call me when I'm at the office. Don't call me when I'm in my office. Izlazi odatle. Come out of there. Get out of there. Obdivujem jeho dôvtip. I admire his wit. I admire the echo davtip. Да не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about this anymore. Sad razumijemo. Now we understand. Now we understand. Защо не е щастлив Том? Why isn't Tom happy? Why isn't Tom happy? Дали некој го удри Том? Did somebody hit Tom? Did somebody hit Tom? Том не можел да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Том отиде на рехабилитиција. Tom went into rehab. Tom went into rehab. Том живее над възможностите си. Tom lives beyond his means. Tom lives beyond his means. Kako mi je promaklo ovo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? Umem da čitam razne strane jezike, ali ne govorim nijedan. I read many foreign languages, but I don't speak any. I can read different foreign languages, but I don't speak any. Немој се упецати. Don't take the bait. Don't get caught. Нямам идея какво може да е това. I have no idea what that could be. I have no idea what this could be. Ова е таткото на маж ми. Тој ми е свекор. He's my husband's dad. He's my father-in-law. This is my husband's father, he's my father-in-law. Неко је звао. Someone called. Someone called. Rušio sam školu. I demolished the school. I broke the school. Том излиза да пие всяка вечер. Tom goes out drinking every evening. Tom goes out drinking every night. Говорих с него за това по телефона. I talked with him about it over the telephone. I talked to him about it on the phone. Том свири во бенд и е многу згоден. Tom plays in a band, and is very good looking. Tom's playing the band, and he's very handsome. Наравно! Of course! Of course! Слаб си. You're thin. You're weak. Tom mi je rekao da pokucam na vrata. Tom told me to knock on the door. Tom told me to knock on the door. Ова е запрепастувачко. This is astounding. This is amazing. Možeš li da razgovaraš sa mnom? Can you talk to me? Can you talk to me? Zaglavilo se. It's stuck. It's stuck. Безцветни зелени идеи яростно спят. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colourless green ideas are furiously asleep. To je správny prístup! That's the right attitude. It's a sprayy fit! Obezbeđenje je povećano u gradu. Security was increased in the city. Security has increased in the city. Pogrešno si napisao moje ime. You've misspelled my name. You spelled my name wrong. Ми досаѓаат. They're bothering me. I'm bored. Ova riba je velika. This fish is big. This fish is big. Тоа би требало да е возможно. It should be possible to do that. That should be possible. Нашият отбор беше с червени фланелки. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team was wearing red flannels. Приятелката ми не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girlfriend doesn't know. Той е завършил Йейл с почести през 1921. He graduated from Yale with honors in 1921. He graduated from Yale with honours in 1921. Rastavili su se nakon godišnjice braka. They split up after a year of marriage. They split up after their wedding anniversary. Той настояваше на своето, въпреки че му казах да не го прави. He stuck to his opinion though I told him not to. He insisted on his own, even though I told him not to. Няма да мога да пренеса Том по моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to get Tom onto the bridge. Не искам да се оженя за теб. I don't want to marry you. I don't want to marry you. Pokušala si. You've tried. You tried. Gdje je tvoj pas? Where is your dog? Where's your dog? Иска ми се да го бях знаела. I wish I'd known. I wish I knew. Токийската фондова борса отбеляза силен ръст в края на деня. The Tokyo Stock Exchange rallied at the end of the day. The Tokyo Stock Exchange saw strong growth at the end of the day. I što ako sam homoseksualac? Zar je to zločin? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? And what if I'm a homosexual? Купио сам цвеће. I bought flowers. I bought flowers. Kada vikanje ne pomaže, viči glasnije! When yelling doesn't work, yell louder! When shouting doesn't help, shout louder! Јас сум тој што ќе му помага, а не ти. I'll be the one helping him, not you. I'm the one who's gonna help him, not you. Tom nije ponudio da plati. Tom didn't offer to pay. Tom didn't offer to pay. Том ти е добар пријател, зарем не? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom's a good friend, isn't he? Никогаш нема да ја најдеш. You'll never find her. You'll never find her. Zar sam zaista bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Have I truly been so happy? Аз наистина го искам. I really do want that. I really want it. Сѐ би направил за да му помогнам на Том. I'd do anything to help Tom. I'd do anything to help Tom. Da li si rekla Tomu da je Meri ovo uradila? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Том бил брутално убиен на 20-ти октомври, 2013. Tom was brutally murdered on October 20, 2013. Tom was brutally killed on October 20, 2013. Се исплаши ли? Were you frightened? Are you scared? Ne sviđa mi se. I didn't like it. I don't like him. Не дојдовме тука по нив. We didn't come here for them. We didn't come here for them. Не буди безобразан према мени! Don't be fresh with me. Don't be rude to me! Трябва да си взема довиждане. I have to say goodbye. I should get a good-bye. Biću tamo. I'll be there. I'll be there. Изневерили сте ме. You let me down. You failed me. Наеха хамалска фирма, за да си пренесат нещата на новия адрес. They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home. They hired a Hamal company to get their stuff to their new address. Govoriš li romski? Do you speak Romani? Do you speak Roma? Потпуно си у праву. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. На Том му се искаше още да е необвързан. Tom wished he were still single. Tom still wanted to be single. Прекриј своја уста док кашљеш, кијаш или зеваш. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth while coughing, sneezing or sneezing. Zašto mene? Why me? Why me? Tom ima mlađu sestru Meri. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has a younger sister, Mary. Nisam se trebao žuriti. I needn't have hurried. I shouldn't have been in such a hurry. Морам да одам. I must run. I have to go. Tomov auto ima sto konjskih snaga. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Пусти машти на вољу. Let your imagination run wild. Let the imagination go. Kako se zove? What's its name? What's his name? Bog zna. God knows. God knows. Празно е. It's blank. It's empty. Боядисал си стените, нали? You've painted the walls, haven't you? You painted the walls, didn't you? Нисам разумео шта је рекао. I didn't understand what he said. I didn't understand what he said. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да се откажеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Mária mala nočnú moru. Mary had a bad dream. Mária little nightmare. Ги чув како липаат. I heard them sobbing. I heard them gibberish. Мисля, че зададохте достатъчно въпроси. I think you've asked enough questions. I think you've asked enough questions. Мисля, че заинтригувахме Том. I think we got Tom's attention. I think we're interested in Tom. Попитай пак по-късно. Ask again later. Ask again later. Da li si ovo rekla Tomu? Have you told Tom this? Is this what you told Tom? Том плува много бързо. Tom swims very fast. Tom's swimming very fast. Внимавай да не разбиеш сърцето на Том. Be careful you don't break Tom's heart. Don't break Tom's heart. Таа има кратка коса. She has short hair. She has short hair. Това не трябва да те спира. Don't let it stop you. This shouldn't stop you. Dobro radiš. You're doing all right. You're doing good work. Тома те мрзи из дна душе. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you from the bottom of your heart. Imamo dovoljno sedišta za sve. We have enough seats for everyone. We've got enough seats for everyone. Povesím svôj kabát za dvere. I'll hang my coat up behind the door. I'll tell all the cabát for the stables. Pokušavam da shvatim kako si uradila to. I'm trying to figure out how you managed to do that. I'm trying to figure out how you did it. Баща ми не ми разрешава да ходя сам на кино. My dad doesn't let me go to the cinema alone. My father won't let me go to the movies alone. Учил съм френски в училище, но не го говоря много добре. I studied French in school, but I'm not very good at it. I studied French at school, but I don't speak it very well. Морам да го посетам Том. I have to visit Tom. I have to visit Tom. To je stvarno lepo. That's really beautiful. That's really nice. Zašto si još budna? Treba da ideš u krevet. Why are you still up? You should get to bed. Why are you still up? Мислам дека сме готови. I think we're done. I think we're done here. Da li je istina da je Tom izvršio samoubistvo? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Това е мотоциклетът на Том, струва ми се. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. It's Tom's motorcycle, I think. Том не сакаше да и го скрши срцето на Мери. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Tom wouldn't break Mary's heart. Предајте ги составите. Hand in your papers. Hand over the compositions. Svako ima svoju cenu. We all have a price. Everyone has a price. Kladim se da Tom nikad nije razgovarao sa tobom tako. I bet Tom never spoke to you like that. I bet Tom never talked to you like that. Tom će da progovori. Tom'll speak. Tom's going to talk. Ivan je ćosav. Ivan is beardless. Ivan's an idiot. Vidimo se u tvojim snovima. See you in your dreams. I'll see you in your dreams. Пак си правел бели! You've been up to mischief again! You've been making whites again! Kako bih mogla da odolim? How could I help it? How could I resist? Възстановен ли съм на длъжност? Am I reinstated? Am I restored to duty? Ja sam sretan. I'm happy. I'm happy. Чукунбаба ни умре еден ден по раѓањето на мојата постара сестра. Our great-great-grandmother died the day after my elder sister was born. Chukunba died one day after my older sister was born. Том дойде тук да учи френски. Tom came here to study French. Tom came here to study French. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не са гласували. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery have not voted. Не одам па што сака нека биде. I'm not going, and that's that. I'm not going, so what does he want to be? Sve je prolazno, ali lepe uspomene žive. Everything is perishable, but the good memories live. Everything is fleeting, but beautiful memories live. Tom nije imao takvih problema. Tom had no such problem. Tom didn't have any problems like that. Vypol som rádio. I turned off the radio. Vypol som rádio. Kako ti ide u životu? How is your life? How's your life going? Много приятели го изпратиха. Many friends saw him off. A lot of friends sent him. Никада га није видела. She has never seen him. She's never seen him before. Da li si oprala suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Vetar se smirio. The wind has abated. The wind has calmed down. Пази го Том. Keep an eye on Tom. Watch Tom. Свеска није твоја, његова је. The notebook is not yours. It's his. The notebook's not yours, it's his. Тръгнахме на пътешествие пълни с надежда. We set out on our journey full of hope. We took a journey full of hope. Собата лошо мирисаше. The room smelled bad. The room smelled bad. Закъснях с един час. I'm an hour late. I was an hour late. Ko želi da razgovara sa mnom? Who wants to talk to me? Who wants to talk to me? Трябва да предупредя Том. I've got to warn Tom. I have to warn Tom. Ко си ти заиста? Who are you really? Who are you really? Може ли да взема ножицата ти назаем? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Ja sam ponosan na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Izviniću se. I'll apologize. I'll apologize. Не ме забравяйте. Don't forget me. Don't forget me. Koji ti je vrag? What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Mudrost je potrebna da bi se mudrost razumela: muzika ne postoji za gluvu publiku. Wisdom is necessary to understand wisdom: music does not exist to a deaf audience. Wisdom is needed to understand wisdom: music does not exist for the deaf audience. Не можам јас да донесам таква одлука. That's not my call. I can't make that decision. Лагите пораѓаат други лаѓи. Lies beget more lies. Lies give birth to other ships. Osećam se loše jer sam lagao. I feel bad about lying. I feel bad because I lied. Китовите се вид на цицачи. A whale is a sort of mammal. The whales are species of mammals. Šta je sve to značilo? What did it all mean? What was all that about? Odreagovao sam instiktivno. I reacted instinctively. I acted instinctively. Tom ga je sâm napravio. Tom made it himself. Tom made it himself. Сите беа исплашени. They were all scared. They were all scared. Малко съм зает в момента. I'm a little busy here. I'm a little busy right now. Качихме се на рейса в Шинджуку. We got on the bus at Shinjuku. We're on the grid in Shinjuku. Tom drži do sebe. Tom is a stand-up guy. Tom's keeping it to himself. Не искам да изгубя Мери. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Mary. Ne živim da bi jeo, jedem da bi živeo. I do not live to eat, but eat to live. I don't live to eat, to eat, to live. Koliko je ljudi bilo tamo? How many people were there? How many people were there? Јас сум тој што ќе ѝ помага, а не ти. I'll be the one helping her, not you. I'm the one who's gonna help her, not you. Njegovo je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Замало да заборавим пасош. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Moj omiljeni učitelj je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite teacher was Jackson. Защо сте дошли толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why did you come so early? On je hodao ulicom. He walked along the street. He was walking down the street. Vozite sporo. Drive slowly. Drive slow. Забравих да затворя вратата. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. Da li ste očekivali da se dogodi nešto drugo? Did you expect something else to happen? Did you expect anything else to happen? Сигурни ли сте, че искате да я продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Tom je bio prilično dobar. Tom was pretty good. Tom was pretty good. Italija je jako lijepa država. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very pretty state. Tom je delovao pomalo bolesno. Tom looked a bit sick. Tom seemed a little sick. To više ne igra nikakvu ulogu. It's not important anymore. That doesn't play any part anymore. Казах ти да не ме търсиш, Том. I've told you not to call me, Tom. I told you not to look for me, Tom. Tom uopće nije toliko pametan koliko misli da jest. Tom certainly isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Tom's not as smart as he thinks he is at all. Добро ќе нѐ плаќаат. We'll be well paid. They'll pay us well. Дајте му сѐ што имаме. Give him everything we've got. Give him everything we got. Da li mi se pričinjava? Am I seeing things? Does it seem like it's happening to me? На основу чега знамо да је недужан? How do we know that he's innocent? Based on what do we know he's innocent? Imaš li Fejsbuk? Do you have Facebook? Do you have Facebook? Nisam toliko zabrinuta. I'm not worried that much. I'm not that worried. Сѐ уште не сум нашол време да го напишам тој извештај. I haven't had time to write the report yet. I still haven't found the time to write that report. Том знаеше дека не зборува француски толку добро колку Мери. Tom knew that he couldn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom knew he didn't speak French as well as Mary. Ще остана още три дни. I'll stay for three more days. I'll stay three more days. Бих искал да благодаря на родителите си, Том и Мери. I would like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. I'd like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. Ме слуша ли некој? Can anybody hear me? Can anyone hear me? Кој ќе биде таму? Who'll be there? Who's gonna be there? Svi znaju da mi se ne dopada Tom. Everyone knows that I don't like Tom. Everyone knows I don't like Tom. Je l' su ti to nove cipele? Are those new shoes? Are those new shoes? Градоначелник је лично уручио награде. The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor personally presented the awards. Boli me stomak. I have a stomachache. My stomach hurts. Kakvo glupo pitanje! What a stupid question! What a stupid question! Tom mi je kupio VIP kartu. Tom bought a VIP pass. Tom bought me a VIP ticket. Том пије као смук. Tom drinks like a fish. Tom drinks like a loofah. Nazvaću te malo kasnije. I'll call back a bit later. I'll call you later. Френският ми не е добър. I'm not good at French. My French is not good. Харесва ли ти? Do you like it? Do you like it? Зар није то оно што си желео? Isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that what you wanted? Ovo su korisne informacije. This is useful information. This is useful information. Сакам да ти раскажам за нив. I want to tell you about them. I want to tell you about them. Naučnici veruju da pronalazak uvek dolazi kao grom iz vedra neba. Researchers believe that discovery always comes like a bolt from the blue. Scientists believe the invention always comes as thunder from the blue sky. Прашај го Том каде е. Ask Tom where he is. Ask Tom where he is. Naoružali su se pištoljima. They armed themselves with guns. They armed themselves with guns. Javićemo vam čim budemo saznali. We will contact you as soon as we know. We'll let you know as soon as we know. Zlato je puno teže od vode. Gold is far heavier than water. Gold is much harder than water. Да говорим на английски. Let's speak English. Let's speak English. Дошло је до жучне свађе. It came to a heated exchange of words. There's been a gallbladder. Том е добро вооружан. Tom is heavily armed. Tom is well armed. Lice joj je bilo jarko crvene boje bijesa. Her face was bright red with anger. Her face was a bright red color of anger. Nema smisla čekati. There's no point in waiting. There's no point in waiting. Ti si razlog zbog koga sam došao. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I came. Нямам време за губене. I have no time to waste. I don't have time to waste. Živimo na šestom spratu. We live on the sixth floor. We live on the sixth floor. Mislim da ti plan nije realističan. I think your plan is not realistic. I don't think your plan is realistic. Само толку барам. That's all I'm asking. That's all I ask. Izgleda kao da si smršao deset funti. It looks like you've lost ten pounds. Looks like you've lost ten pounds. Благодаря на г-н Нагата. Thanks to Mr Nagata. Thank you, Mr. Nagata. Имате ли тази риза в черно? Do you have this shirt in black? Do you have that shirt in black? Том носеше дуксер. Tom wore a hoody. Tom was wearing a hoodie. Се обидов да се преправам дека сум нешто што не сум. I tried to pretend I was something I wasn't. I tried to pretend to be something I wasn't. Ima mnogo loših ljudi na svetu. There are many bad people in the world. There are a lot of bad people in the world. Ја само добро,хвала што питате! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm just fine, thank you for asking! Том има добри оценки по френски. Tom got good grades in French. Tom has good grades in French. Ќе платам што треба. I'll pay anything. I'll pay you whatever it takes. Tomu treba istina. Tom needs the truth. That needs to be true. Губи се! Get lost! Get out! Том пиеше во тишина. Tom drank in silence. Tom was drinking in silence. Tom je jedan od najinteresantnijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Следващия път ще положа повече усилия. I'll try harder next time. Next time, I'll make more effort. Просидба је била дивна. It was a beautiful marriage proposal. It was a lovely proposal. Nadam se da će Tom da se vrati bezbedno. I hope Tom gets back safely. I hope Tom gets back safe. Krvácala som. I was bleeding. Blood-sucking catfish. Uvek je nezadovoljan. He's always dissatisfied. He's always unhappy. Може би ще си по-щастлива на друга работа. Perhaps you would be happier in another job. Maybe you'll be happier at another job. Толку е очигледно што не ни требаат докази. It's so obvious we don't need proof. It's so obvious we don't need evidence. Danas mi ništa ne ide od ruke. Nothing's going my way today. There's nothing going on with me today. Чучнаа покрај неа. They crouched down beside her. They knocked right next to her. Можам да те замислам во брак со Том. I could see you marrying Tom. I can picture you married to Tom. Ova je kuća a ona je džamija. This is a house and that is a mosque. This is a house and she's a mosque. Трябва да викнем полицията. We have to call the police. We need to call the police. Тоа и сакаше да го каже Том. That's what Tom meant. That's what Tom wanted to say. Не можам да читам без очила. I cannot read without glasses. I can't read without glasses. Колка е длабока провалијата? How deep is the abyss? How deep is the break-in? Нямам представа къде е сега Том. I have no idea where Tom is now. I have no idea where Tom is right now. Slika je u ovoj knjizi. The picture is in this book. There's a picture in this book. Latinski je jezik budućnosti! Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future! Том го сака истото како тебе. Tom wants the same thing you do. Tom wants what you want. По кое време ходиш до пазара? What time do you go to the market? What time do you go to the market? Ništa mi nije rečeno. I wasn't told anything. I've been told nothing. Ti si moja inspiracija. You're my inspiration. You're my inspiration. Nadam se da ne pričaš o meni. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Nemojte da pričate. Don't speak. Don't talk. Тужна си. You're sad. You're sad. Preuzeo sam svoj prtljag. I claimed my baggage. I've taken my luggage. Ne znam ko su oni. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. Прекъсваш ни. You're interrupting us. You're interrupting us. Združte sa. Band together. Staple with. Той образова децата си добре. He gave his children a good education. He educated his kids well. Da li se sada vraćaš? Are you going back now? Are you coming back now? Sve što imaš će jednog dana imati tebe. Everything you have will have you someday. Everything you have will one day have you. Sve ima svoju cenu. Everything has a price. Everything has a price. Го закачувам календарот на ѕид. I'm hanging the calendar on the wall. Could not close temporary folder: %s Ona je pokušala. She tried. She tried. Том сакаше да открие каде била Линда претходната вечер. Dan wanted to find out where Linda had been the previous night. Tom wanted to find out where Linda was last night. Nisam uspela. I've failed. I failed. Им носиме лоши вести. We have bad news for them. We bring them bad news. Mám rád med. I like honey. Mám rád honey. Znam. I know. I know. Покажи ми фотографије! Show me the photographs! Show me the photos! Червеният светофар означава "Спри". The red traffic light indicates "stop". Red light means stop. Baš šteta! How unfortunate! That's too bad! Да вечеряме. Let's eat supper. Let's have dinner. To govori mnogo o tebi. That says a lot about you. That says a lot about you. Како да го најдам Том? How can I find Tom? How do I find Tom? Том не ги помрдна усните. Tom didn't move his lips. Tom didn't move his lips. Kada ste došli u Pariz? When did you come to Paris? When did you arrive in Paris? Том мисли дека Мери треба да биде среќна. Tom thinks Mary should be happy. Tom thinks Mary should be happy. Веќе не сум поспан. I'm not sleepy anymore. I'm not asleep anymore. Izgledate debelo. You look fat. - You look fat. Slušaš li? Have you been listening? Are you listening? Razmisli ponovo. Think again. Think again. Вчера доцна јадев. I ate late last night. I ate late yesterday. Tvrtka se namjerava proširiti u Kinu. The company aims to branch out into China. The company intends to expand to China. Нѐ опцуја. They cursed us. He's giving us the benefit of the doubt. Kartu, molim. Ticket, please. Ticket, please. Misliš li da je ono što je rekla laž? Do you think what she said is a lie? Do you think what she said was a lie? Падао је снег. It snowed. It was snowing. Čuo sam čudni zvuk koji je dolazio iz garaže. I heard a strange sound coming from the garage. I heard a strange sound coming from the garage. Точно каквото казах, че може да се случи, се случи. Exactly what I said might happen, happened. Just what I said could happen happened. Doktor je na putu. The doctor's on his way. The doctor's on his way. Дойдох да ти пожелая късмет. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you good luck. Много се безпокоя за теглото си. I'm very worried about my weight. I'm very worried about my weight. Платих 30 долара за това. I paid 30 dollars for that. I paid 30 bucks for that. "Da li ti je bolje?" "Ne, lošije mi je." "Are you feeling better?" "No, I feel worse." "Are you feeling better?" "No, I feel worse." Celú noc jebali. They fucked all night long. Fuck you all night. Hovoril mi to isté. He told me the same thing. That's what I'm talking about. Том има свакакве проблеме. Tom has all kinds of problems. Tom's got all sorts of problems. Празан је. It's empty. It's empty. Njezin je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Mogao bih da porazgovaram s Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could, uh, talk to Tom. Tom ne može da se obuzda. Tom can't help himself. Tom can't help himself. В Америка можем да чуем хор от коментари отдясно, които се присмиват на футбола, всеки път, когато има световно първенство. In America, we can hear a chorus of comments from the right ridiculing soccer every time there's a World Cup. In America we can hear choirs from comments on the right that mock football every time there's a world championship. Том нешто виде. Tom saw something. Tom saw something. Другата неделя ще се женя. I'm getting married next Sunday. I'm getting married next Sunday. Могу ли да користим твој речник? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? U ovom gradu nema ništa za raditi. There's nothing to do in this town. There's nothing in this town to do. Da sam bar znala. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. Таксистка ли е? Is she a taxi driver? Is she a taxi driver? Što si odgovorio? What did you answer? What did you say? Tom zostal v Bostone. Tom stayed in Boston. Tom's stuck in Boston. Смешно е. It's funny. It's funny. Jednostavno neću da uradim to. I just won't do that. I'm just not gonna do it. Da bi bio dobro dijete, trebaš ići u krevet i rano ustajati. To be a good child, you need to go to bed and get up early. To be a good kid, you need to go to bed and get up early. Postavio sam Toniju jedno pitanje. I asked Tony a question. I asked Tony one question. Ako rýchlo! How fast! If Ríchlo! Внимавайте с това. Be careful with that. Be careful with that. Nekako ćemo proći kroz džunglu. We'll get through the jungle somehow. We'll get through the jungle somehow. Слободно. Go ahead. Go ahead. Govori o drugima kako bi voleo da govore o tebi! Speak about others as you would want them to speak about you! He talks about others so he'd like to talk about you! Volela bih da znam da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I'd like to know how to paint like that. Някой тук говори ли френски? Does someone here speak French? Has anyone here spoken French? Da li ste spremni? Are you ready? Are you ready? Том е сега маченик. Tom is a martyr now. Tom's a martyr now. Имаше стапки од пингвин на песокот. There were penguin footprints in the sand. There were penguin feet on the sand. Mogu li da ti pogledam kartu? Can I see your ticket? Can I take a look at your ticket? Gréčtina a latinčina sú užitočné jazyky, preto ich študujem. Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them. Gréètina a Latina su jostnoène jayky, preto ich study. Voz je stigao na vreme danas, kao i uvek. The train was on time today, as always. The train arrived on time today, as always. Možda mi nešto fali ovde. Maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe I'm missing something here. Не се чувствам добре. I don't feel good. I'm not feeling well. Обично што е причината за болката? What is usually the cause for the pain? Usually the cause of pain? Никога не отлагай за утре това, което можеш да свършиш днес. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Never delay for tomorrow what you can do today. Da li možete da nasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Dobio sam novi bicikl za rođendan. I got a new bike for my birthday. I got a new bike for my birthday. Се онерасположувам кога го гледам со девојка му. Seeing him with his girlfriend puts me in a bad mood. I'm in a mood to see him with his girlfriend. Tom je napokon shvatio da je Mary bila u pravu. Tom finally realized that Mary was right. Tom finally realized Mary was right. Зборувам со Том. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. Čitam ovu knjigu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Rozhodli sa pre nové zásady. He had decided on a new policy. Rosodli from before the money Zásady. Прочети го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it one more time. Виждала ли си Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to speak with Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Дан го посети ресторанот минатото лето. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Desiće se loše stvari. Bad things will happen. Bad things are going to happen. Prijateljstvo im se postepeno pretvorilo u ljubav. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Their friendship gradually became love. Bez zraka i vode, ništa ne bi moglo živjeti. Without air and water, nothing could live. Without air and water, nothing could live. Том ја виде Мери како седи во паркот сама. Tom said he saw Mary sitting in the park by herself. Tom saw Mary sitting in the park alone. Колку резервни клучеви имаш за колата? How many spare keys do you have for your car? How many spare keys do you have for the car? Планирам да одам во Бостон за Божиќ. I'm thinking of going to Boston for Christmas. I'm planning on going to Boston for Christmas. Машта је битнија од знања. Знање је ограничено. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited. Ти простив јас веќе. I've forgiven you. I forgave you already. Том е презафатен за да помогне. Tom is too busy to help. Tom's too busy to help. Jurij Gagarin je bio ubijen u zrakoplovnoj nesreći prije nego je mogao drugi puta putovati u svemir. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could travel in space a second time. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could make another trip to space. Koliko dugo ga je Tom imao? How long's Tom had it? How long did Tom have it? Imam dve mačke. I have two cats. I've got two cats. Pitao sam Toma šta je čitao. I asked Tom what he was reading. I asked Tom what he was reading. Tom je imao isti problem. Tom had the same problem. Tom had the same problem. Tom je delovao dosta nervozno. Tom seemed rather nervous. Tom seemed pretty nervous. Бути стрпљива. Be patient. Be patient. Plašim se zmija. I'm scared of snakes. I'm scared of snakes. Zašto nisi dozvolio Tomi da priča sa Marijom? Why didn't you let Tom talk to Mary? Why didn't you let Tommy talk to Maria? Не можам да поверувам дека ова навистина ми се случува. I can't believe this is really happening to me. I can't believe this is really happening to me. Играя една телевизионна игра. I'm playing a TV game. I'm playing a TV game. Ne komplikuj, Tome. Keep it simple, Tom. Don't make this difficult, Tom. Нямам пералня вкъщи, затова трябва да ходя до пералното помещение да пера дрехите си. I don't have a washing machine at home, and so I have to go to the washing room in order to do the laundry. I don't have a laundry at home, so I have to go to the laundry room and wash my clothes. Тивко! Keep quiet! Quiet! Dozvoli mi da objasnim. Allow me to explain. Let me explain. Сигурно Том го направил тоа. Tom must've done it. Tom must have done it. Како тоа сѐ уште не спиеш? How come are you still not sleeping? Why haven’t you been sleeping yet? Бих могъл да я направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make her happy. Јадам тестенина. I am eating pasta. I'm eating pasta. Mogu li da razgovaram sa tobom nasamo? Can I talk to you privately? May I speak with you privately? Voleo bih da si uz mene. I wish you were here with me. I wish you were with me. Добро сам. I'm OK. I'm fine. Ne svađajte se. Don't fight. Don't fight. Тоа се на Том кучиња. Those are Tom's dogs. They're Tom's dogs. Misliš li da je to napravio? Do you think he did it? Do you think he did it? Том се срами од мене. Tom is ashamed of me. Tom's ashamed of me. Kofer mi još nije spakovan. My suitcase isn't packed yet. My suitcase's not packed yet. S tvoje leve strane je. It's to your left. It's on your left. Први корак је најтежи. The first step is the hardest. The first step is the hardest. Той стои на сцената. He is standing on the stage. He's standing on the stage. Tom je sigurno imao ključ. Tom must have had a key. Tom must have had the key. Ще се изгубите. You'll get lost. You're gonna get lost. On je zadržavao vazduh. He held his breath. He kept the air. Brokula je jedna od najzdravijih vrsta povrća. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. Broccoli is one of the most healthy types of vegetables. Tom je skočio u vodu, a nije skinuo odeću. Tom jumped into water without taking off his clothes. Tom jumped into the water and didn't take off his clothes. Ще се радвам, ако можете да дойдете с нас. I'd be happy if you could come with us. I'd be happy if you could come with us. Исках да отида там. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go there. Не ме карай да стоя тук. Don't make me stand here. Don't make me stay here. Učenici nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how to give an answer. The students didn't know how to answer. Фирмата отпушти пет души. The company laid off five people. The firm fired five people. Sviraj to ponovo, Sem Play it again, Sam. Play it again, Sam. Одустао је. He gave in. He gave up. Спијам стоечки. I sleep standing up. I'm sleeping standing up. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Počutil se je prazno. He felt empty inside. He felt empty. Ме праша дали ми се готви нешто. She asked if I felt like cooking something. He asked me if I had anything to cook. Няма да имат шанс. They won't get the chance. They won't have a chance. Danas mi ništa ne ide od ruke. Nothing's going my way today. There's nothing going on with me today. Imam potpuno poverenje u tebe. I have complete confidence in you. I have complete confidence in you. Molim vas, zaustavite ovde. Please stop here. Please stop here. Луд си! You're nuts! You're crazy! Том си откопча якето. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Tom unhooked his jacket. Изгелда имаш инфекција. You seem to have an infection. You seem to have an infection. Muka mi je od njegovog propovijedanja. I'm sick and tired of his lecture. I'm sick of his preaching. Сакам да се однесуваш долично. I want you to behave. I want you to behave yourself. Някой може ли да вдигне телефона? Can someone answer the telephone? Can anyone pick up the phone? Том сакаше да знае каде да оди. Tom wanted to know where to go. Tom wanted to know where to go. Treba da donesemo još jednu bocu vina. We should bring another bottle of wine. We should get another bottle of wine. Не можеш да си представиш колко щастлива беше тя. You can't imagine how happy she was. You can't imagine how happy she was. Да дознаеме повеќе за неа. Let's find out more about her. Let's find out more about her. Зарем не паничиш? Aren't you nervous? Don't you panic? Том не знае да се изрази. Tom is inarticulate. Tom can't express himself. Том се усети, че няма тоалетна хартия. Tom realized there was no toilet paper. Tom felt there was no toilet paper. Једног дана ћеш разумети. One day you'll understand. One day you'll understand. Хайде да изпеем заедно няколко френски песни. Let's sing some French songs together. Let's sing a few French songs together. Tom i Frank su dobri prijatelji. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Njihova bliskost je bila tajanstvena, obzirom na to da su se upoznali pre samo tri dana. Their propinquity was uncanny, as they'd met only three days ago. Their closeness was mysterious, since they met only three days ago. Автобусът закъснява. The bus is behind time. The bus is late. Том гледаше наоколу, небаре очекуваше нешто да се случи. Tom looked around as if waiting for something to happen. Tom was looking around, expecting something to happen. Небото се разведри. The sky cleared up. The sky has lightened. Не можам да ги гледам. I can't look at them. I can't see them. Dala mi je kontradiktoran odgovor. She gave me a conflicting answer. She gave me a contradictory response. Том пръв забеляза музикалната дарба на Мери. Tom was the first one to recognize Mary's musical talent. Tom first noticed Mary's musical gift. Juče sam razgovarala sa Tomom. I talked to Tom yesterday. I spoke to Tom yesterday. Многу е забавно. It's great fun. It's so much fun. Възхищавам ти се за куража. I admire your courage. I admire your courage. Што точно се случи меѓу нас? What exactly happened between us? What exactly happened between us? Zašto su zečije uši velike? Why are rabbits' ears big? Why are the rabbit ears big? Приятен апетит! Have a nice meal! Bon appetit! Днес за пръв път ядох оризови спагети. I ate noodles for the first time today. Today is the first time I've eaten rice spaghetti. Ribe ne mogu živjeti izvan vode. Fish cannot live out of water. Fish can't live outside the water. Много ли хора посещават музея? Is the museum visited by many people? Do many people visit the museum? Сум слушнал за тоа. I've heard of it. I've heard of it. Тоа е незначителна грешка. It's a minor glitch. It's a minor mistake. Дозволи ми да се грижам за тебе. Let me take care of you. Let me take care of you. Desilo se. It happened. It happened. Аз никога няма да те нараня. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. Treba da budemo realistični. We need to be realistic. We need to be realistic. Videla sam mačku. I saw the cat. I saw a cat. Ова е добро место за паркирање. This is a good place to park. This is a good place to park. Грешим ли? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Децата вече са уморени. The children are already tired. The kids are tired already. Mogu li da ti napravim jaja? Can I make you some eggs? Can I make you some eggs? Пластмасовата магнитна карта, на която е запаметен банковият номер, дебитна карта ли се нарича? Is the magnetic card made of plastic which stores your bank account called a cash card? The plastic magnetic map on which the bank number is memorized, is it called a debit card? Ne moreš me poraziti! You cannot defeat me! You can't defeat me! Самоличността му трябва да бъде запазена в тайна. His identity must be kept secret. His personality should be kept secret. Покани го да ни се придружи. Ask him to join us. Invite him to join us. Довиђења! Goodbye! Good-bye! Търся си химикалката. I'm looking for my pen. I'm looking for my pen. Tom je često dolazio ovde kao student. Tom often came here as a student. Tom used to come here a lot as a student. On ho považuje za čestného človeka. He considers him to be an honest man. He wants to be an honest man. Srećan Božić! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. Ne volim da se socijalizujem. I don't like socializing. I don't like socializing. Стаклото лесно се крши. Glass breaks easily. The glass is easily broken. Аристократът се придържа към славата от миналото си. The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past. The Aristotle adheres to the glory of his past. U pitanju je zvaničan posao. It's official business. It's official business. Večeras ću je pozvati telefonom. I'll phone her tonight. I'm calling her on the phone tonight. Може ли да поставам прашање? May I ask a question? Can I ask you a question? Времето во април е непостојано. The weather in April is unstable. The time in April is nonexistent. Е, какво мислиш? So, what do you think? So, what do you think? Imamo problem. We have a problem. We have a problem. Не отидох за риба с Том миналия уикенд. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. Hvala Vam na toplim rečima. Thank you for your warm words. Thank you for your warm words. Користам прилика да ѝ се заблагодарам. I take the opportunity to thank her. I'm taking the opportunity to thank her. Utrnula mi je desna šaka. My right hand is numb. My right hand's numbed. Чајникон е доста валкан. That teapot's pretty dirty. The teapot's pretty dirty. Том е човекът, който ми каза защо трябва да отида в Бостън. Tom is the one who told me why I needed to go to Boston. Tom is the guy who told me why I should go to Boston. Njegova žena mu je zakrpila košulju. He got his shirt mended by his wife. His wife fixed his shirt. Imaš li vremena da dođeš sutra? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Tom se nekada plašio mene. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom used to be afraid of me. Аз пих кафе. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Ја вклучив ламбата. I turned on the lamp. I turned the lamp on. Го натераа повторно да ја изврши работата. They made him do the work again. They got him to do the job again. Он је све, само није поштен. He is not honest at all. He's everything, he's just not fair. Tom štedi novac da bi mogao da ide u Boston. Tom has been saving up money so he can go to Boston. Tom saves money so he can go to Boston. Познаваш ли някой, който говори френски? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Дали виде некого? Did you see someone? Did you see anyone? Многу бевме блиски. We were really tight. We were very close. Nemoj da si zucnuo. Don't you say a word. Don't make a sound. Okrenula sam se. I turned around. I turned around. Јас не реков дека зборувам француски. I didn't say I knew how to speak French. I didn't say I spoke French. Том ја затвори вратата. Tom pulled the door shut. Tom shut the door. Ja i dalje mislim da internet nije mesto za decu. I still believe the Internet is not a place for children. I still don't think the Internet is a place for kids. Moramo da se usredsredimo na naše vrline. We need to focus on our strengths. We need to concentrate on our virtues. Ne sviđa mi se Tomov stil pisanja. I don't like the way Tom writes. I don't like Tom's writing style. Ќе свртиме назад. We're turning back. We'll turn around. Това място е яко. This place is cool. This place is cool. Ще следвам вашите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Той ще се върне утре. He will be back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Zašto ne možete da ostanete? Why can't you stay? Why can't you stay? Tom krváca. Tom is bleeding. Tom Bloodsuckers. Drži ga na oku. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on him. Не би било битно. It wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter. Никога не бих ги наранил. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Не е толку згоден колку Том. He is not as handsome as Tom. Not as handsome as Tom. Не ме карайте да го правя. Don't ask me to do that. Don't make me do this. Той дойде след като ти си тръгна. He came after you left. He came after you left. Tom nije bio debeo. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Не знаш ни како се он зове, зар не? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Кој би сакал Том да умре? Who would want Tom dead? Who would want Tom dead? Odlazi. Go away. Go away. To sam već probala. I've tried that already. I've tried that before. Му понудив да му го испушам курот, но тој ми одговори дека не е расположен. I offered him a blowjob, but he said that he wasn't in the mood. I offered to suck his dick, but he said he wasn't in the mood. Nemoj da preteruješ. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. Том е уште во кревет. Tom is still in bed. Tom's still in bed. Hoćemo li aperitiv? Shall we have an aperitif? Shall we have an aperitif? Ще ви покажа откъде да минете. I'll show you the way. I'll show you where you're going. Не му врши притисок на Том. Don't pressure Tom. He's not putting pressure on Tom. Sve je dobro pripremljeno unapred. Everything was prepared well in advance. All is well prepared in advance. Од каде доаѓаме? Накаде сме тргнале? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Where are we coming from? Znao sam da ne treba da se petljam u tvoja ćaknuta posla. I knew I should never have gotten involved with your harebrained scheme. I knew I shouldn't have anything to do with your wacky work. Na tem milu je las. There is a hair stuck to this soap. There's hair on that soap. Не трябва да даваш пари назаем на такъв човек. You should not have lent the money to such a person. You shouldn't lend money to a guy like that. Da li si doneo fen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the hairdryer? Ја сам Томов деда. I'm Tom's grandfather. I'm Tom's grandfather. Аз съм дъщерята на Хелън Картрайт. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. Zvao sam ga. I called him. I called him. Ovaj dokaz je bio protiv njega. This evidence was against him. This evidence was against him. Nije trebalo da kažem Tomu da uradi to. I shouldn't have told Tom to do that. I shouldn't have told Tom to do that. Многу беше храбар. You were very brave. He was very brave. Повеќето луѓе се десничари. Most people are right-handed. Most people are right-handed. Питер воли Џејн. Peter loves Jane. Peter loves Jane. Најскапата работа е земјата. The most expensive thing is land. The most expensive thing is the land. Прифати го советот на Том. Take Tom's advice. Take Tom's advice. Plastična čaša je bolja od one koja je napravljena od pravog stakla. A plastic glass is better than one made of real glass. A plastic glass is better than the one made of real glass. Не смете дирати. You mustn't touch it. You can't touch it. Хайде да отидем да я питаме. Let's go and ask her. Let's go ask her. Тоа е само привремено решение. It's only a temporary solution. It's just a temporary solution. Не се притеснявайте. Don't worry. Don't worry. Вие виждали ли сте Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Štiglić je veoma zanimljiva ptica. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. Squillic is a very interesting bird. To ne zvuči baš ubedljivo, ali ja ti verujem. That doesn't sound really convincingly, but i trust you. That doesn't sound very convincing, but I believe you. Da li si čitao Svetu Bibliju. Have you read the Holy Bible? Have you read the Holy Bible? Се надеваме дека е добро. We hope it's good. We hope he's okay. Водата е живот. Water is life. Water is life. Ne skači! Don't jump! Don't jump! Да, ангеле мој. Yes, my angel. Yes, my angel. Трета среќа. Third time's the charm. Third time's good luck. Kad se vraćaš natrag u Italiju? When are you going back to Italy? When are you going back to Italy? Том би возвратил. Tom would fight back. Tom would have fought back. Ако те интересира, кажи ми па ќе ти дадам негов број. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you his number. If you're interested, let me know. I'll give you his number. Navika mi je da radim to. It's what I'm used to doing. I'm used to doing that. Pozeráš BBC alebo CNN? Do you watch BBC or CNN? Pozerás BBC alebo CNN? Všetci boli prekvapení. Everyone was surprised. The walkers hurt too bad. Беше во кал до колена. He was knee deep in mud. He was in the mud up to his knees. Всички пееха, освен мен. Everybody was singing except me. Everyone sang except me. Гордея се с теб. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Извињавам се. Excuse me. I'm sorry. On radi u velike gradske bolnice. He works in a big city hospital. He works at a big city hospital. Detaljno je opisao let. He described the flight in detail. He described the flight in detail. Што има за вечера? What's for supper? What's for dinner? Ги фати ли? Did you catch them? Did you catch them? Tom je proveo cijelo popodne igrajući tenis. Tom spent the whole afternoon playing tennis. Tom spent the whole afternoon playing tennis. Kako da upravljamo drugima kada ne možemo da upravljamo sobom? How could we govern others when we cannot govern ourselves? How can we control others when we can't control ourselves? Oni se ne čini sretnim. They don't seem happy. They don't seem happy. Пролетта скоро ще бъде тук. Spring will be here soon. Spring will be here soon. Ti si moja majka. You are my mother. You're my mother. Вие двете нямате нищо общо. You two have nothing in common. You two have nothing in common. Da li smo svi tu? Are we all here? Are we all here? Chcem vedieť kto s nami ide. I want to know who's coming with us. I think he's coming with us. Тя го извади от лошото му настроение. She coaxed him out of his dark mood. She pulled him out of his bad mood. Игравме голф. We were playing golf. We played golf. Da li si rekla Tomu da je Meri ovo uradila? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Тој има огромен потенцијал. He has enormous potential. He has enormous potential. On nije Amerikanac, nego Englez. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American, he's English. Danes je bilo zabavno. Today was fun. It's been fun today. Znaš li kakva je to stvar? Do you know what kind of thing that is? Do you know what kind of thing that is? Zadržite kusur. Keep the change. Keep the change. To je kristalno jasno. It's as clear as crystal. It's crystal clear. Када смо се последњи пут срели? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? Трябва да платя за него. I have to pay for it. I have to pay for it. Prihodi su mi se smanjili za deset procenata. My income has decreased ten percent. My income is down ten percent. Имам документация за оформяне. I have paperwork to finish up. I've got the paperwork. Kde si bol? Where were you? Where's the pain? Idite razgovarajte sa Tomom. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Възнамеряваш ли да вземеш участие в събранието? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Do you intend to take part in the meeting? Често позајмљујем књиге од Тома. I often borrow books from Tom. I often borrow books from Tom. Istražite ovo. Examine this. Look into this. Готов сум со тоа. I'm finished with it. I'm done with that. Не очајувај. Don't despair. Don't despair. Tom je otišao umjesto Mary. Tom went instead of Mary. Tom left instead of Mary. Ти знаеше ли, че Том е напуснал града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Trebalo bi da se suočiš sa stvarnošću. You should face up to the reality. You should face up to that reality. Липсваш ми толкова много! I miss you so much! I miss you so much! Има нешто под маса. There's something under the table. There's something under the table. Трябва да учиш френски, независимо дали ти харесва или не. You have to study French whether you like it or not. You have to learn French whether you like it or not. Това не ми е неприятно. I don't hate this. I don't feel bad about that. Nisam uspeo da sednem u vozu, jer je bilo tako mnogo ljudi. The train was so packed that I had to stand up during the whole trip. I couldn't get on the train, because there were so many people. Trolovski zid je najvišlji evropski vertikalni planinski zid koji ima 1700 metara do dna, od kojih je 1000 metara vertikalne litice. Troll Wall is the tallest European vertical rock wall. It rises a mile from the ground, of which 3,300 feet is a vertical cliff. The trolling wall is the highest European vertical mountain wall that has 1700 meters to the bottom, 1000 meters of vertical cliff. Добро ти е сеќавањето. Your memory is good. It's a good memory. Mislim da ću se usrati. I think I'm gonna shit myself. I think I'm gonna shit myself. To mi Tom kaže. That's what Tom tells me. That's what Tom tells me. Учим сада. I'm studying now. I'm learning now. Dobrá mačka. You're a good cat. Good cat. Всичко е перфектно, защото ти съществуваш. Everything is perfect because you exist. Everything is perfect because you exist. Можете да правите каквото искате, разбира се. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. You can do whatever you want, of course. Moje ime je Janez. My name is Janez. My name is Janez. Ако постои неопростлив чин, тоа е чинот да одбиеш да простиш. If there is such a thing as an unforgivable act, it is the act of not forgiving. If there's an inexcusable act, it's the act of refusing to forgive. Хоћеш ли воћни ђус? Do you want fruit juice? Would you like some fruit juice? Napustiću školu. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. Na to sam se navikla. It's what I'm used to. That's what I'm used to. Ti i ja imamo istoriju. You and I go way back. You and I have history. Odakle ti taj ožiljak? How did you get that scar? Where did you get that scar? Не знам точно кога ще се върна. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. Том вели дека и тој сака да го направи тоа. Tom says he also wants to do that. Tom says he wants to do it, too. Дали е она палтото на Том? Is that Tom's coat? Is that Tom's coat? Спазарявам се с него за цената. I make a bargain with him over the price. I'm saving it for the price. Кой е изобретил телефона? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Da li se Tom vraća? Is Tom coming back? Is Tom coming back? Том одби да ни каже што се случило. Tom refused to tell us what had happened. Tom refused to tell us what happened. Vidjeli smo još jedan brod u daljini. We saw another ship far away. We saw another ship in the distance. Tom je napokon shvatio da je Mary bila u pravu. Tom finally realized that Mary was right. Tom finally realized Mary was right. Го добив она што го сакав. I got what I wanted. I got what I wanted. Као да ја то не знам! Tell me about it! Like I don't know! To menije interesovalo. I wasn't interested in it. That's what interests me. Igra je gotova. The play is over. The game's over. Tom je strastven biciklista. Tom is an avid cyclist. Tom's a passionate cyclist. U čemu je razlika između imitacije i pravih dijamanata? What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds? What's the difference between imitations and real diamonds? Бабурите се обично благи на вкус. Bell peppers generally have a sweet taste. Baburines are usually mild to taste. Video sam kuče. I have seen a dog. I saw the dog. Engleski je pun romanskih riječi. English is full of Romance words. English is full of romantic words. Budi oprezna. Take care. Be careful. Каква е минималната заплата в Белгия? What's the minimum salary in Belgium? What is the minimum wage in Belgium? Taj elegantni pozlaćeni lančić sa srcima je ogrlica koja će "uzdrmati tvoj svet". That elegant gold plated chain with hearts is a necklace that will "rock your world". That elegant gold chain with the hearts is a necklace that will shake your world. Правилно! Correct! Right! U potpunosti se ne slažem sa tim. I completely disagree with that. I don't entirely agree with that. Бих могла да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Bezbol je dosadan. Baseball is boring. The baseball is boring. Том се обиде да избега. Tom tried to escape. Tom tried to escape. Svako ima svoju cenu. We all have a price. Everyone has a price. Харесвам френския. I like French. I like French. Linda je plesala s drugim muškarcima da provocira Dana. Linda danced with other men to provoke Dan. Linda danced with other men to provoke Dan. Odstupi. Back off. Stand down. Казах ти, каквото знам. I've told you what I know. I told you what I know. Той няма да си промени мнението. There was no budging him. He won't change his mind. Ania žije v Gdańsku. Ania lives in Gdańsk. Ania is eating in Gdañsk. Това е фалшиво. That's a fake. That's fake. Nemam mnogo prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Изобщо не съм ти длъжен! I don't owe you squat! I don't owe you one! Планът ви се провали. Your plan failed. Your plan failed. Само като те погледна и виждам, че природата има чувство за хумор. Looking at you, I understand that nature has sense of humor. Just looking at you and seeing that nature has a sense of humor. To je rizikovao. Tom took a chance. That's what he took a chance on. Teším sa na to. I am looking forward to it. I'm comforting you with that. Том не ѝ се јави на Мери. Tom didn't call Mary. Tom didn't call Mary. Mora da je bilo užasno. It must've been awful. Must have been horrible. Вече говоря на френски. I already speak French. I'm speaking French now. Синът ни се жени и искаме да понаправим главите. Our son is getting married and we want to get a bit drunk. Our son is getting married, and we want to make our heads work. Топло ми е. I'm warm. I'm warm. Научното истражување често изискува тешки компромиси. Scientifical research often requires difficult compromises. Scientific research often requires difficult compromises. Rastliny rastú. Plants grow. Rastliny's growing up. Dostupan sam. I'm available. I'm available. Ухваћена је на делу. She was caught red handed. She was caught in the act. Бих искал да купя колата, която продавате, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. Jesi li sarkastična? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? Колко ти дължа? How much money do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Том ќе ти каже кога ќе посака. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom will tell you whenever he wants to. Ќе ти биде подобро. You'll get better. You'll feel better. Nisam sudjelovao u razgovoru. I didn't take part in the conversation. I wasn't involved in the conversation. Топло е тука во пеколот. It's hot down here. It's hot in hell. Го мразам тепихов. I hate this carpet. I hate carpets. Ќе ги донесам пиштолите. I'll get the guns. I'll get the guns. Poďakoval hostiteľovi za veľmi príjemnú oslavu. He thanked the host for the very enjoyable party. Encouraged the hosts for a higher portion of the celebration. Провери дали си изключила телевизора, преди да заспиш. Be sure to switch off the television before you go to sleep. See if you've turned off the TV before you go to sleep. Jesu li oni prijatelji? Are they friends? Are they friends? Отићи ћу. I'm going to leave. I'll go. Том почна да 'рчи. Tom started to snore. Tom started roaring. Бунарот пресуши. The well ran dry. The well's dried up. Neka knjiga koja opisuje čuda prirode. A book descriptive of the wonders of nature. Some book that describes wonders of nature. Sve je u redu. Everything's OK. It's all right. Nabavićemo ti jednog. We can get one for you. We'll get you one. Liječnici gledaju rendgensku sliku. The doctors are looking at an x-ray. Doctors are looking at an X-ray. Ko ima vremena za ovo? Who has time for this? Who's got time for this? Ние не бързаме. We're in no hurry. We're in no hurry. Pravila sam se da ne znam Toma. I pretended that I didn't know Tom. I pretended I didn't know Tom. Сѐ уште го памтам првиот пат кога те видов. I can still remember the first time I saw you. I still remember the first time I saw you. Млякото замръзва и става твърдо. The milk froze and became solid. Milk freezes and becomes solid. "Da, đus od pomorandže, molim", reče Majk. "Yes, orange juice please," says Mike. "Yes, orange juice, please," said Mike. Том се опоравува. Tom is in recovery. Tom's recovering. Никой човек не може да има двама господари. No man can serve two masters. No man can have two masters. Ovo bi trebalo da uspe. This should do the trick. This should work. To je nepovezano. That's unrelated. It's unrelated. Грешиш, Том. You're wrong, Tom. You're wrong, Tom. Pomalo sam nov u ovome. I'm kind of new at this. I'm a little new at this. Никога не бих те излъгал. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Одличен му беше концертот. His concert was great. He had a great concert. Ќе ти кажам тајна којашто ќе ти го смени животот. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. Ами, хайде да започваме! Well, let's get going! Well, let's get started! Том не е подготвен. Tom isn't prepared. Tom's not ready. Ovo je iz Australije. This is from Australia. This is from Australia. Meri se vratila iz škole u suzama jer su je drugari zadirkivali. Mary came home from school in tears because her friends had teased her. Mary came back from school in tears because her friends teased her. Mislila sam da je Tom neverovatan. I thought Tom was awesome. I thought Tom was amazing. Желим да будем са њим. I want to be with him. I want to be with him. Имаш ли бенд? Did you have a band? Do you have a band? Živo je biće, pa naravno da sere. It's a living being, so of course it shits. There's a living thing, so of course it's full of shit. Сама ли си? Are you alone? Are you alone? Ne slažem se sa tobom u potpunosti. I don't completely agree with you. I don't totally agree with you. Izašao je pre par minuta. He went out a few minutes ago. He got out a few minutes ago. Погорд си и од паун. You are prouder than a peacock. You're even prouder than peacocks. Ja som ten, kto je chorý. I'm the one who's sick. I am tan, like chorà. Тука ли живееш? Do you live here? Do you live here? Tomu je potreban razlog. Tom needs a reason. That takes a reason. Imam dovoljno prostora. I've got plenty of room. I've got plenty of room. Том твърди, че може да говори на френски. Tom claims that he can speak French. Tom says he can speak French. Тогава къде е проблемът? So, where's the problem? Then where's the problem? Da li si bio u nezgodi? Were you in an accident? Were you in an accident? Ще ходиш ли? Are you going? Are you going? Какво преследваш? What're you after? What are you after? Повечето хора ме мислят за луд. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Пет дена след като тя завърши, дъщеря ми отлетя от летище Осака към Германия. It was five days after she graduated that my daughter left Osaka Airport for Germany. Five days after she finished, my daughter flew from Osaka Airport to Germany. Чисти ли са ти ръцете? Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? Stani! Stop! Stop! Гледаш ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Do you watch closely? Svi učesnici su se okupili u glavnom holu. All the participants gathered in the main hall. All the participants gathered in the main hall. Мисля, че ти трябва да си пуснеш брада. I think you should grow a beard. I think you should grow a beard. Tom je bio teško povređen. Tom was badly hurt. Tom was badly injured. Siguran sam da si im potrebna. I'm sure they need you. I'm sure they need you. Ти си шефът! You're the boss! You're the boss! Da li ste se potpuno oporavile? Are you fully recovered? Have you made a full recovery? Се обиде ли да разговараш со Том? Did you try to talk to Tom? Have you tried talking to Tom? Taj je lažnjak, zar ne? It's a fake one, right? That's a fake, isn't it? Мери живи од шивења. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary lives by sewing. Prijatelji, mogu li da porazgovaram sa vama na minut? Friends, can I talk with you for a minute? Friends, can I talk to you for a minute? Иска ми се да ми го беше казал по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you had told me earlier. Никој не сака да биде околу него. Nobody wants to be around him. Nobody wants to be around him. Им испеков торта. I've baked a cake for them. I baked them a cake. Tom je zamolio Meri da ga počeša na deo leđa koji nije mogao da dosegne. Tom got Mary to scratch the part of his back he couldn't reach. Tom asked Mary to scratch him on the part of his back that he couldn't reach. Лаура може да е била болна. Laura may have been sick. Laura might have been sick. Не бих могъл да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't have done this without you. Још не. Not yet. Not yet. Tom je želeo da ima veći brod od svog brata. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Tom wanted a bigger boat than his brother. Da li sam stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? Bila je luda godina. It's been a crazy year. It was a crazy year. Каквото и да кажете, аз няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. Аз ще съм с Том. I'll stick with Tom. I'll be with Tom. Ево њене слике. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. Каде купува Том? Where does Tom shop? Where does Tom buy it? Зинуо сам од чуда. My jaw dropped. I knew it was a miracle. Ще съм тук. I'll be over here. I'll be here. Том има болки во увото. Tom has an earache. Tom's got ear pain. Превише сам стар за овако нешто. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for something like this. Да ти кажам нешто друго. Let me tell you something else. Let me tell you something else. Още не съм ти казала, нали? I haven't told you yet, have I? I haven't told you yet, have I? Nisu me znali. They didn't know me. They didn't know me. Том не говори френски толкова добре, колкото Мери. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom doesn't speak French as well as Mary does. Нисам још спремна. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Dajem ti šta želiš. I'm giving you what you want. I'll give you what you want. Jeste li spremni za još? Are you ready for more? Are you ready for more? Трудио сам се да будем љубазан. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Си му кажал ли на Том за болките во грбот што ги имаш? Have you told Tom about your back pain? Have you told Tom about the back pain you've got? Очевидно сработи. Apparently it worked. It's obviously working. Zaključao sam bicikl. I locked my bike. I locked the bike. Целом свету - добро вече, добро дан и добро јутро. To the whole world - good night, good day and good morning. The whole world - good evening, good day and good morning. Немам намеру да одговорим на сва питања. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering all my questions. S koje si ti planete? What planet are you from? What planet are you from? Тоа би било катастрофа. It'd be a disaster. That would be a disaster. Си купив куче. I bought myself a dog. I bought a dog. Da li si mogla da ga pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? Имам прашање за неа. I have a question for her. I have a question for her. Наскоро звукот замре. Soon the sound died away. The sound soon died. Избеглице су добродошле. Refugees are welcome. The refugees are welcome. Ja sam debela. I'm fat. I'm fat. Те ме наричат Боб. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Ова е прекрасно. This is wonderful. This is beautiful. Svi kažu da ličim na tatu. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like Dad. Da li sam ja to ispustio? Did I drop that? Did I drop it? Том е в склада. Tom is in the warehouse. Tom's in the warehouse. Nemojte da buljite. Don't stare. Don't stare. Сѐ ни заврши. It's all over for us. It's over. Мирисите на јасмин и на лаванда ми се омилени. Jasmine and lavender are my favorite scents. The smell of jasmine and lavender is my favorite. Da čujemo tvoj izgovor. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. Искам да живея в града. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. To je skroz normalno. That's perfectly normal. It's totally normal. Ne mogu ti odgovoriti odmah. I can't give you an answer right away. I can't answer you right now. Неговите мислења се безвредни. His opinions are worthless. His opinions are worthless. Kakva tragedija! How tragic! What a tragedy! Добовала је прстима по столу. She drummed her fingers on the table. She had her fingers all over the table. Mislim da smo se upoznali ranije. I think we've met before. I think we've met before. Качвам се в автобуса. I'm getting on the bus. I'm getting on the bus. Njihova bliskost je bila tajanstvena, obzirom na to da su se upoznali pre samo tri dana. Their propinquity was uncanny, as they'd met only three days ago. Their closeness was mysterious, since they met only three days ago. Този автобус ходи ли до музея? Does this bus go to the museum? Is this bus going to the museum? Дај ми ги ракавиците. Give me those gloves. Give me the gloves. И двајцата повторно се насмеаја. They both laughed again. They both laughed again. Каде е блузичката што ти ја купив? Where's the blouse I bought you? Where's the shirt I bought you? Пао сам на земљу. I fell to the ground. I fell to the ground. Да ги следиме другите. Let's follow the others. Let's follow the others. Том често симнува филмови. Tom often downloads movies. Tom takes the movies down a lot. Bio sam bolestan i morao sam ostati u kući I was sick and had to stay indoors. I was sick and had to stay in the house Nemojte da brzgate. Don't rush. Don't rush. Пандата е национално съкровище на Китай. The panda is China's national treasure. The panda is a national treasure of China. Том вети дека ќе помогне. Tom has promised to help. Tom promised to help. Каква е минималната заплата в Англия? What's the minimum salary in England? What's the minimum wage in England? Usvojen sam. I'm adopted. I'm adopted. Ona traži hotel. She's looking for a hotel. She's looking for a hotel. Je jasné, čo musí byť vykonané. It is clear what must be done. It is clearé co musí by a vykonané. Тражио је да му помогнем. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. Не знам како да му помогнам. I don't know how to help him. I don't know how to help him. Ко је твој учитељ? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Tom je ispustio šolju. Tom dropped the cup. Tom dropped the cup. Hajde da popijemo nešto. Let's drink something. Let's have a drink. Ona vodi računa o svojoj staroj majci. She takes care of her old mother. She's taking care of her old mother. Stigao sam ovde nekoliko minuta pre tebe. I arrived here a few minutes before you. I got here a few minutes before you. U pitanju je oblast sa puno novih kuća. It's an area with a lot of new houses. It's the area with a lot of new houses. Da. Yes. Yeah. Je pol deviatej. It's half past eight. It's half a deviate. Моето куче също гледа телевизия. My dog is also watching TV. My dog's watching TV, too. Том беше брутално убиен. Tom was brutally murdered. Tom was brutally murdered. Na mizi so knjige o umetnosti. There are books about art on the table. There are art books on the table. Lepota leži u očima posmatrača. Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. Beauty lies in the eyes of observers. Това е снимката, която направих на Томовата къща. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the photo I took of Tom's house. Дајте ми други пример. Give me another example. Give me another example. Том е сочувствителен. Tom is compassionate. Tom's compassionate. Не го излагайте на дъжд. Don't expose it to the rain. Don't put it in the rain. Мајка је жена. My mother is a woman. Mother's a woman. Dobro me plaćate. You pay me well enough. You pay me well. Možemo da uštedimo malo vremena ako uradimo ono što predlaže Tom. We can save a little time if we do what Tom suggests. Well, we can save a little time if we do what Tom proposes. Ела да ни гледаш как играем. Come to watch us play. Come watch us play. Tom će da ide. Tom'll go. Tom will be going. Oče je prišel domov. Father came home. Dad's home. Tom je postao vrlo bogat preko noći. Tom became rich overnight. Tom got very rich overnight. Da li si zapisao broj? Did you write down the number? Did you write down the number? Samo treba da vežbaš. It just takes practice. All you have to do is practice. Tom se udebljao. Tom has gotten fat. Tom was getting fat. Zezam se. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Аз съм гладен! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Не исках да направя нищо лошо. I meant no harm. I didn't want to do anything wrong. Pokušali ste. You've tried. You tried. Ако луѓето доволно се уплашат, сѐ може да се случи. If people get scared enough, anything could happen. If people are scared enough, everything can happen. To će trajati čitavu večnost. That's going to take forever. It'll take forever. Пронајди ја својата натприродна моќ. Find your higher power. Find your supernatural power. Сега работим заедно. We now work together. We're working together now. Да пази Господ! God forbid! God forbid! Дали имаш десет години? Are you ten? Are you ten years old? Искам много повече. I want a lot more. I want a lot more. Prelepo! Wonderful! Beautiful! Zo sprchy nejde žiadna voda. There's no water coming out of the shower. Zo sprichy doesn't have Jewish water. Ти беше, нали? It was you, wasn't it? It was you, wasn't it? Prijateljica mi je bila šokirana kad sam joj rekla. My friend was shocked when I told her. My friend was shocked when I told her. Он није Американац, него Енглез. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American, he's English. Бев спремен за тебе. I was ready for you. I was ready for you. Мислам дека Том нема многу да ни помогне. I don't think Tom is going to be too much help. I don't think Tom's gonna be much help. Hajde da pobegnemo. Let's make a break for it. Let's get out of here. Tomov lični asistent ima ličnog asistenta. Tom's personal assistant has a personal assistant. Tom's personal assistant has a personal assistant. Не очаквах Том да бъде там. I didn't expect Tom to be there. I didn't expect Tom to be there. Ще застрелям и двама ви. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot both of you. Боље милом него силом. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Better with soap than with force. Отегчен съм. I am bored. I'm bored. Čo chceš? What do you want? What are you doing? Što te ne ubije, čini te jačim. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Валеше като из ведро. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining out of the blue. Ја мразам таа труба. I hate that trumpet. I hate that trumpet. Ne razgovaram sa Tomom. I'm not talking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Nećeš biti sposoban podnijeti ovaj posao. You won't be able to handle this job. You won't be able to handle this job. Ty si originálny. You're original. Ty you originálny. Вчера хванах три риби. I caught three fish yesterday. I caught three fish yesterday. Šta treba da uradiš? What should you do? What do you have to do? Uvijek sam spreman za ono što slijedi. I'm always ready for what comes next. I'm always ready for what's next. Ме фаќаше дремка. I was getting sleepy. I was taking a nap. Можеби би требало да ѝ помогнам. Maybe I should give her a hand. Maybe I should help her. Roditelji su mi umrli. My parents are dead. My parents died. Пожелай ми късмет. Please wish me luck. Wish me luck. Го натерав да ме слика. I got him to take my picture. I made him take a picture of me. "Ako P, onda Q" je logički ekvivalentno sa "(Ne P) i/ili Q". "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "(Not P) and/or Q". "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "Ne P" and/or Q." Moja tetka mi je dala cveće. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt gave me flowers. Koliko knjiga mogu uzeti odjednom? How many books can I take out at one time? How many books can I take at once? Ником ни реч. Don't say a word. Not a word to anyone. Koliko dugo je ostao Tom? How long did Tom stay? How long has Tom been here? Добро ќе ги плаќаат. They'll be well paid. They'll pay well. Da li smo sad bezbedne? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Postaješ neobazriv. You're getting careless. You're getting careless. Kakva sramota! How embarrassing! What a shame! Ништо не е пожалосно од глупавоста и безразличноста. Nothing is more sad than stupidity and apathy. Nothing is sadder than stupidity and indifference. Том е џуџе. Tom is a dwarf. Tom's a dwarf. Tomu je sada bolje nego što mu je bilo ranije. Tom is now better off than he was before. That's better than he ever had before. Оди кај другите. Get with the others. Go to the others. Хедер ми верује. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. Golicljiva sam. I'm ticklish. I'm ticklish. Том се прашуваше колку добра пеачка е Мери. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary really was. Tom was wondering how good a singer Mary was. Odmah ćemo se baciti na to. We'll get right on it. We'll get right on it. Tom pomáha. Tom's helping. Tom Pomáha. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! To je deo moje odgovornosti. It's part of my responsibility. It's part of my responsibility. Ole, najstarija jegulja na svetu, je upravo uginula. Imao je približno 150 godina. Åle, the world's oldest eel, just died. He was approximately 150 years old. Ole, the oldest eel in the world, just died. Ne očekujem ništa od tebe. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. The prices have been down lately. Фурната е гореща, така че гледай да не се изгориш. The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself. The oven's hot, so make sure you don't burn. Баш би сакал парче пита. I'd love a slice of pie. I'd like a piece of pie. Imaš pravo biti sretna. You've got the right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Каква е минималната заплата в Египет? What's the minimum salary in Egypt? What is the minimum wage in Egypt? Tom je veoma pametan dečak. Tom is a very clever boy. Tom is a very smart boy. Ох! Прекрасно! Oh! Marvelous! Oh, beautiful! Nisam imao pojma, šta da napišem. I had no idea what I should write. I had no idea what to write. Не си спомням да съм изпращал писмото. I don't remember mailing the letter. I don't remember sending the letter. Мислам подобро да му помогнам. I think I'd better help him. I think I'd better help him. Том не изглеждаше зает. Tom didn't look busy. Tom didn't seem busy. Трудното при биографията е, че тя е отчасти документ, отчасти изкуство. The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art. The hard part about biography is that it's part document, part art. Донеси ми пијалак. Bring me a drink. Get me a drink. Da li Tom sedi ovde? Is this where Tom sits? Is Tom sitting here? Мери си стави кармин. Mary put on some lipstick. Mary put on her lipstick. Zaista mi se sviđa vaša muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. Nisam te ovdje prije vidio. I haven't seen you in here before. I've never seen you here before. Том је молио Мери да му пружи још једну шансу. Tom begged Mary to give him one more chance. Tom begged Mary to give him another chance. Да ја прашаме нешто друго. Let's ask her something else. Let's ask her something else. Tom posluša Mary. Tom listens to Mary. Tom listens to Mary. Nisam imao nikakvih pritužbi do sada. I haven't had any complaints so far. I didn't have any complaints until now. Искам да си оправиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to fix your room. Трябва да реша какви са ми приоритетите. I have to prioritize. I have to decide what my priorities are. Има нещо, което трябва да ви покажа. There's something I've got to show you. There's something I need to show you. Džon i Marija uvek šetaju držeći se za ruke. John and Mary always walk hand in hand. John and Mary are always walking around holding hands. Добре ли е на вкус? Does it taste good? Does it taste good? Nikad ne znamo zašto umiremo. We never know why we die. We never know why we're dying. Земјата, Марс и Јупитер се планети. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Ljubim svojo družino! I love my family! I love my family! Г-ца Юнг е много добра. Miss Young is very kind. Miss Jung is very good. Том си го побара адвокатот. Tom asked for his lawyer. Tom asked for his lawyer. Неговите заклучоци се заснови врз недокажани претпоставки. His conclusions are based on unproven assumptions. His conclusions are the basis for unprovided assumptions. С какво точно се занимаваш,какъв е обхвата на проучването,твоят главен интерес. What is your field of study, your domain of inquiry, your major interest? What exactly do you do, what is the scope of the study, your main interest. Не би сакал да се закачам со Том. I wouldn't want to mess with Tom. I don't want to mess with Tom. Аз бях осъдена. I was convicted. I was convicted. Том је изгубио посао. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Ќе врескам. I'm going to scream. I'll scream. Viem, kde sú. I know where they are. Viem, where are you? Имаш ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Това не е грешка. It's not a mistake. This isn't a mistake. Možeš li pročitati onaj znak ispred nas? Can you read that sign ahead of us? Can you read that sign right in front of us? Дали Том ја поткупи Мери? Did Tom bribe Mary? Did Tom bribe Mary? Vozio je auto ulicom. He was driving a car along the street. He was driving a car down the street. Той има прекалено много книги. He has too many books. He's got too many books. Мисли дека старите весници се сѐ уште корисни. He thinks old newspapers are still useful. He thinks the old newspapers are still useful. Том делуваше толку среќно. Tom seemed so happy. Tom seemed so happy. Го научив наизуст. I learned it by heart. I learned it all the time. Би можеле да зборуваме за музика. We could talk about music. We could talk about music. Той взе пари назаем при висока лихва. We borrowed money at high interest. He borrowed money at a high rate. To ostavlja loš okus. It leaves a bad aftertaste. That leaves bad taste. Ајде да не го упропастиме тоа. Let's not spoil it. Let's not ruin it. Je deväť. It's nine o'clock. It's a virgin. Ще те гледам. I'll be watching you. I'll watch you. Не сум доволно добар за тебе. I'm no good for you. I'm not good enough for you. Това е къщата, където живеех, когато бях дете. This is the house where I lived when I was a child. This is the house I used to live when I was a kid. Ovo nije tvoja kapa, zar ne? This isn't your hat, is it? This isn't your hat, is it? Možeš li da razgovaraš sa Tomom? Could you speak to Tom? Can you talk to Tom? Пусни радиото. Turn on the radio. Turn on the radio. Šta ste vas dvojica uradili? What did you both do? What did you two do? Кен иска колело. Ken wants a bicycle. Ken wants a bike. И за кого работиш деновиве? And who are you working for these days? And who are you working for these days? Ono što sam video je bilo depresivno. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was depressing. Гледал съм този филм преди много време. I saw this movie a very long time ago. I saw this movie a long time ago. Ќе проверам дали е внатре. I'll see if he is in. I'll see if he's in there. Отидов на патување во Бостон. I took a trip to Boston. I went on a trip to Boston. Gdje je pas? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Кървят ли ви венците? Do your gums bleed? Are your gums bleeding? Skladatelji skladaju glazbu. Composers create music. The composers are putting together music. Moja majica još nije suha. My shirt isn't dry yet. My shirt isn't dry yet. Tom je malo zabrinut. Tom is a little worried. Tom's a little worried. Žao mi je. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Том ја плукна мастиката. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spit gum. Не го слушај! Don't listen to him! Don't listen to him! Koje su vaše ambicije? What are your ambitions? What are your ambitions? Budem nablízku zajtra poobede, takže prosím zastav sa. I'm going to be around tomorrow afternoon, so please drop in. I'm going to be close to breakfast, I'm going to be late for the flag with. Имам информацията, която искаше. I have the information you wanted. I have the information you wanted. Svi su pobegli. Everyone escaped. They've all escaped. Том пешачи. Tom walks. Tom's walking. Не се чувствам болен. I don't feel sick. I don't feel sick. Том ја наговори Мери да донира пари. Tom talked Mary into donating some money. Tom got Mary to donate the money. За тоа ќе мора да го прашаш. You'll have to ask him that. That's what you're gonna have to ask him. Джон ли си? Are you John? Are you John? Postigla je svoj cilj. She achieved her goal. She's achieved her goal. Да ли си донео фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the fan? Аз никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Tom je najmlađi. Tom is the youngest. Tom's the youngest. Никаде не можам да одам. I can't go anywhere. I can't go anywhere. Niti jedan student nije znao odgovor na pitanje. No student was able to answer the question. No student knew the answer to the question. Disleksičan sam. I'm dyslexic. I'm dyslexic. Таа е жизнерадосна девојка. She is a lively girl. She's a feisty girl. Dala mi je kontradiktoran odgovor. She gave me a conflicting answer. She gave me a contradictory response. Šta bi Tom pomislio? What would Tom think? What would Tom think? Na tebi je da izabereš. It's for you to choose. It's up to you to choose. Не могу. I can't. I can't. Bila je velika eksplozija. It was a big explosion. There was a big explosion. Tom bi možda mogao da bude taj koji je uradio to. Tom might possibly have been the one who did that. Tom might be the one who did it. Poglej me v oči. Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eye. Можам и без тоа. I can do without it. I can do without it. Kako ti se dopao Boston? How did you like Boston? How did you like Boston? Moj je, nije njegov. It's mine, not his. He's mine, not his. Siguran sam da ću da pobedim na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis match. Јеси ли то намерно урадио? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? Имаш одлична работа. You have a great job. You have a great job. Знаеш ли некои асални јапонски филмови? Do you know of any good Japanese movies to watch? Do you know any Asian Japanese movies? Някои хора със сигурност биха попитали, защо просто не си съберем нещата и не се изтеглим от Афганистан? Some people are sure to ask, why don't we just pack up and leave Afghanistan? Some people would certainly ask, why don't we just get things together and get out of Afghanistan? Ќе се жалам ако ми се сака. I'll complain if I want to. I'll complain if I want to. Вие сте жесток. You're cruel. You're cruel. Се слушнав со неа. I've heard from her. I heard from her. Kako ti je prošao dan? How was your day? How was your day? Cigare koštaju dve Marke. The cigars cost two Marks. Cigarette costs two Marks. Medzi očami a ušami je vzdialenosť päť prstov. There is a distance of four fingers between the eyes and the ears. Among the glasses a ear is a sprinkling of päł fingertips. Treba da razgovaramo o ovome nasamo. We should discuss this in private. I need to talk to you about this in private. Nikad ne znaš šta će biti sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Koje je tvoje bosansko ime? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Дојдов да се грижам за тебе. I'm here to take care of you. I'm here to take care of you. Ne razvlačite se. Don't slouch. Don't stretch. Nabavićemo ti jednu. We can get one for you. We'll get you one. За малку ќе добиев инфаркт. I nearly had a heart attack. I almost had a heart attack. Кандидатът раздаде доста голяма сума пари по време на изборите. The candidate handed out a great amount of money in the election. The candidate gave out quite a lot of money during the election. Dievča povedalo, že o takej osobe nikdy nepočulo. The girl said that she had never heard of such a person. Dievca told us about such a person as Nicky has never heard of. Mačka je izašla ispod stola. A cat came out from under the desk. Cat's out under the table. On nije dovoljno pametan da sabere brojeve u glavi. He isn't smart enough to add up numbers in his head. He's not smart enough to add numbers to his head. Моля отворете бутилката. Please open the bottle. Please open the bottle. Nemoj da dozvoliš da ti izmakne ovako dobra šansa. Don't let such a good opportunity go by. Don't let it get away with this. Ne interesuje me hoće li naš tim pobediti ili ne. I don't care if our team wins or not. I don't care if our team wins or not. Против проектов сум. I am against this project. I'm against this project. Няма тоалетна хартия. There is no toilet paper. No toilet paper. Prestanite da se trudite da me napravite krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Moram da se ošišam. I need to get a haircut. I need to get a haircut. Kъде е входа ? Where's the entrance? Where's the entrance? Želim meč! I want to fight! I want a match! Тайфунът ни попречи да се върнем в Токио. The typhoon prevented us from returning to Tokyo. The typhoon prevented us from going back to Tokyo. На Том му се прави нешто. Tom wants something to do. Tom's got something to do. Момчета, много сте зле. You guys suck. You guys are so bad. Аз вземам пари назаем. I borrow money. I'm borrowing money. Čija je ovo gitara? Whose guitar is this? Whose guitar is this? Diktátori používajú sociálne vylúčené populácie ako obetných baránkov. Dictators use marginalized populations as scapegoats. Dictátori porusú social vylúchené populácie if the promiseních baránkov. От теб зависи. It is up to you. It's up to you. Едва се оправях със светофарите. I could hardly make out the traffic lights. I could barely handle the luthophars. Он је издахнуо. He breathed his last breath. He's exhaled. Vest je došla kao grom iz vedra neba. The news came out of the blue. The news came like thunder out of the blue. Mačke navadno mijavkajo. Cats usually meow. Cats usually sink. Безбедно место е. It's in a safe place. It's a safe place. Само полако! Easy does it. Take it easy! Хайде! Ще закъснеем. Come on! We'll be late. Come on, we're gonna be late. Забравих да го питам. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Ja ću se pobrinuti za ostatak. I'll handle the rest. I'll take care of the rest. Si dobrý novinár. You are a good journalist. You did good news. Се слага ли Том со соработниците? Does Tom get along with his coworkers? Did Tom agree with the associates? Точно сега не съм заета. I'm not busy right now. I'm not busy right now. Možete li, molim vas, da ugasite radio za mene? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Мисля, че можеш да се справиш. I think you can handle it. I think you can handle it. Pao sam na zemlju. I fell to the ground. I fell to the ground. Някой трябва да ти е откраднал часовника. Someone must've stolen your watch. Somebody must have stolen your watch. U Parizu pada sneg. It's snowing in Paris. Paris is snowing. Вали, но въпреки това ще отидем. It's raining, but we'll go anyway. It's raining, but we're still going. Тя е мило момиче. She is a kind girl. She's a nice girl. Сакам да си со мене. I wish you were with me. I want you to be with me. Tom je zauzet momak. Tom is a busy fellow. Tom's a busy guy. Толку си талентиран. You're so talented. You're so talented. Долазим да те спасем! I'm coming to your rescue! I'm coming to save you! Ова е јаве. This is reality. This is Java. Камион събори улична лампа и светофар. A truck knocked over a light pole and a traffic light. Truck knocks down a street lamp and a light. Том не го одобри планот. Tom opposed the plan. Tom didn't approve of the plan. Doći ću kada završim svoju domaću zadaću. I'll come when I have done my homework. I'll be there when I finish my homework. Kde bolo tam bolo, bol raz jeden muž a jeho žena. Nemali žiaden dom. Bývali na poli a spávali pod stromom. Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife. They had no house. They were living in the fields and sleeping at the foot of a tree. Where it hurts the pain, the pain of a single husband and the jehee of a woman. There was no living home. Leopard nedokáže zmeniť svoje škvrny. The leopard can't change its spots. Leopard doesn't care about his curly. Učiću nemački. I'll learn German. I'll study German. Како је прошао час француског? How was the French class? How was your French class? Ми се допаѓа твоето кафе. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. Навистина ќе се потрудам да бидам љубезен со Том. I'm going to try real hard to be nice to Tom. I'm really gonna try my best to be nice to Tom. Реших, че е най-добре да не казвам нищо по въпроса. I found it best to say nothing about the matter. I thought it best not to say anything about it. Не смееш вака да постапуваш со мене. You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like this. Водата ми дојде до коленици. The water reached my knees. The water came to my knees. Чух какво му се е случило на Том. I heard about what happened to Tom. I heard what happened to Tom. Nemoj mi dati taj pištolj. Ne želim to učiniti. Don't give me that gun. I don't want to do this. Don't give me that gun. Опет је претерао са пићем. He had once again drunk one over the eight. He's out of line again. Казах ти да стоиш настрана. I said stay back. I told you to stay away. Видео сам Маркусову кућу. I saw Marcus' house. I saw Marcus' house. Кой ви каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Не зборувај. Don't speak. Don't talk. Ti si velika ljubav mog života. You are the great love of my life. You are the great love of my life. Разкажи ми за Том. Tell me about Tom. Tell me about Tom. Oni su zaista pobijedili. They did win. They really won. Zvjezde su svjetlucale na nebu. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars flashed in the sky. Ова писмо воопшто не требало да се испрати. This letter was never meant to be sent. This letter should not have been sent at all. Sviđa mi se Tom, no ja se ne sviđam njemu. I like Tom, but he doesn't like me. I like Tom, but he doesn't like me. Da li su ovo vaše torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? Мисля да стигна до края въпреки нейното несъгласие. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. I think I'll get to the bottom of it despite her disagreement. Том не се интересува от политика. Tom is not interested in politics. Tom doesn't care about politics. Помислих, че играта е свършила. I thought the game was over. I thought the game was over. Велелепен си. You're magnificent. You're great. Каква е основната причина да учиш френски? What's your main reason for studying French? What is the main reason to study French? Ima mnogo loših ljudi na svetu. There are a lot of bad people in the world. There are a lot of bad people in the world. Videla sam autobus. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. Trebalo je da mi budeš prijateljica! You were supposed to be my friend! You were supposed to be my friend! Moraš rješavati svoje probleme sam. You have to solve your problems yourself. You have to solve your own problems. Pustiti ću vas tri nasamo. I'm going to leave the three of you alone. I'll let you three go alone. Ne želim nikakvo zlo. I didn't mean any harm. I don't want any harm. Том не е многу љубезен. Tom isn't very polite. Tom's not very kind. Poznaju te. They know you. They know you. Toliko toga ste me naučili. You've taught me so much. You've taught me so much. Kto vie? Who knows? Like what? Не му кажувај на Том што си видел тука. Don't tell Tom what you've seen here. Don't tell Tom what you saw here. Reći ću vam sada istinu. I'll tell you the truth now. I'll tell you the truth now. Tom nije ovde. Već je otišao. Tom isn't here. He's already left. Tom's not here. Никога не се отказвай. Никога не се предавай. Never give up. Never surrender. Never give up, never give up. Том ми побара чаша ладна вода. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Убаво е да чувствуваш дека си му потребен некому. It's nice to feel needed. It's nice to feel someone needs you. Зашто то одмах ниси рекао? Why didn't you say that in the first place? Why didn't you say so in the first place? Ако мирът не може да бъде поддържан с чест, той престава да бъде мир. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace. If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it ceases to be peace. Učinila sam prvi korak. I took the first step. I made a first step. Ајде вечерва да го направиме тоа. Let's do it tonight. Let's do it tonight. Jesi li spremna da preuzmeš odgovornost? Are you prepared to take responsibility? Are you ready to take responsibility? Затворена ли беше вратата? Was the door closed? Was the door closed? Морамо да припремимо терен за преговоре. We have to set the scene for negotiations. We need to prepare the ground for negotiations. Kako je tvoje bosansko ime? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Kolika je maloprodajna cena jaja? What's the retail price of eggs? What's the retail price of eggs? Тако мислиш? Do you think so? Is that what you think? Да разпуснем малко. Let's relax. Let's spread out a little bit. Svako se menja. Everyone changes. Everyone changes. Таа роди близначки. She gave birth to twin girls. She gave birth to twins. Идва кола. There's a car coming. There's a car coming. Nemoj piti vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Nikada nisam imala pritužbi. I've never had any complaints. I've never had any complaints. Не ли те предупредив за неа? Didn't I warn you about her? Didn't I warn you about her? Da li je zgodan muškarac Arap ili Hindi? Is the handsome man an Arab or an Indian? Is he a handsome man, Arab or Hindi? Очевидно Том е бил известен още преди да издаде този албум. Apparently, Tom was already famous before he released that album. Apparently, Tom was already known before he released this album. Da li se sada vraćate? Are you going back now? Are you coming back now? Велат дека старата капела е проколната. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. They say the old chapel is cursed. Ne računam na to. I'm not counting on it. I'm not counting on that. Reformiran sam. I'm reformed. I've been reformed. Ništa se nije desilo. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Možda odu sutra. They may leave tomorrow. Maybe they're leaving tomorrow. Шта пишу новине? What do the papers say? What do the newspapers say? Fer je. It's fair. It's fair. Nisam znao odakle sam. I didn't know where it came from. I didn't know where I was from. Ono je sto. It is a table. That's the table. Си купив чифт чевли. I bought a pair of shoes. I bought a pair of shoes. Няма надежда за неговото възстановяване. There is no hope of his recovery. There's no hope for his recovery. Не разумем Немачки. I don't understand German. I don't understand Germany. Ова е добро место да си го поставиме шаторот. This is a good place to pitch our tent. This is a good place to set up our tent. Кога си го купил тоа од нив? When did you buy that from them? When did you buy that from them? Можеби треба да застанеме. Maybe we should stop. Maybe we should stop. Musíme ísť. We have to go. Musíme ísí. Дај ми неколку минути и ќе откријам што се случува. Give me a few minutes and I'll find out what's going on. Give me a few minutes and I'll find out what's going on. Imam biljke. I have plants. I have plants. Дан и ги даде на Линда сите пари што ги беше заштедил. Dan gave Linda all the money he had saved up. Dan gave Linda all the money he saved. Добио је шта је хтео. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Voleo bih da odem. I'd love to go. I'd like to leave. Sve vidiš u crnom. You see everything in black colours. You see everything in black. Том го затвори багажникот. Tom closed the trunk. Tom closed the trunk. Навистина е гадно. It's really gross. It's really bad. Се согласивме да им помогнеме. We agreed to help them. We agreed to help them. Щом няма живот след смъртта, по-добре направи нещо с този си живот. If there's no life after death, then you'd better make this life count. If there's no life after death, you better do something about this life of yours. Луѓето не можат да творат чуда. Humans can't perform miracles. People can't create miracles. Možda ne možeš da me čuješ. Maybe you can't hear me. Maybe you can't hear me. Када идеш кући? When are you going home? When are you going home? Ние всички сме свързани. We're all related. We're all connected. Какво криеш зад гърба си? What do you have hidden behind your back? What are you hiding behind your back? Не съдете, за да не бъдете съдени. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Don't judge so you won't be tried. Лесно можеш да го препознаеш Том затоа што е многу висок. You can easily identify Tom because he is very tall. You can easily recognize Tom because he's very tall. Харесва ми колата ти. I like your car. I like your car. Се чувствувам некако болно. I feel kind of sick. I feel kind of sick. Том ще бъде там. Tom will be there. Tom will be there. Tako je prelako. It's too easy that way. It's too easy. Не сум ни уморен. I'm not even tired. I'm not even tired. Tom se osećao isključenim. Tom felt excluded. Tom felt disfellowshipped. Гледам како стојат работите. I can see which way the wind's blowing. I see the way things are. Devojka je pustila ptice iz kaveza. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl let the birds out of the cage. Sve je pogrešno. Everything's wrong. It's all wrong. Je li to tvoj automobil? Is that your car? Is that your car? Ne smeta ti, zar ne? You don't mind, do you? You don't mind, do you? Bilo je očigledno da Tom nije htio poljubiti Mariju. It was obvious Tom didn't want to kiss Mary. It was obvious that Tom didn't want to kiss Mary. Mary je udana žena. Mary is a married woman. Mary's a married woman. Kako da se otarasite krtica u bašti? How do you get rid of moles in the garden? How do you get rid of the mole in the garden? Zašto ne navratiš nekad? Why don't you drop around sometime? Why don't you come by sometime? Koliko si očajan? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? Da li misliš da je ono što je rekla laž? Do you think what she said is a lie? Do you think what she said was a lie? Druhým klamať môžeš, ale sám seba neoklameš. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You're talking to Druhím klamámá, but you're not. Hteo sam da ti pomognem. I wanted to help you. I wanted to help you. Čitaoci su bili na mukama, čekajući najmanje tri meseca pre nego što su dobili odgovor. Readers had been waiting in suspense for at least three months before they got an answer. The readers were in trouble, waiting at least three months before they got the answer. Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм бил в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I was in Boston. Ако ние не го направиме тоа, тогаш кој? If we don't do it, who will? If we don't do this, then who does? Kadiaľ pôjdeme? Which way will we go? Do you smoke edema? Просто го приеми. Just deal with it. Just take it. Stvarno sam srećna što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really happy to be here. Pametan sam. I'm smart. I'm smart. Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. There's always a catch. Реката, която тече през Париж, се казва Сена. The river which flows through Paris is the Seine. The river that flows through Paris is called the Sena. Трябва да решиш, и при това - веднага. You must make up your mind, and that at once. You have to decide, and then you have to decide right now. Можеби Том ќе приговори. Tom might object. Maybe Tom will object. Samo su Tom i Meri bili spaseni. Tom and Mary were the only ones who were saved. Only Tom and Mary were saved. Том е баш глупав. Tom is quite stupid. Tom's so stupid. Сакам чај. I like tea. I want some tea. Tom je bio više nego darežljiv. Tom has been most than generous. Tom was more than generous. Ta torba je moja. That bag is mine. That bag's mine. Сосема заборавив на него. I completely forgot about him. I totally forgot about him. Naoružan sam. I'm armed. I'm armed. Не сфаќам зошто не сакаш да помогнеш. I don't see why you won't help. I don't understand why you don't want to help. Мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. To je jako osjetljivo. It's very sensitive. It's very sensitive. Нямам какво друго да добавя. I have nothing else to say. I don't have anything else to say. Чат-пат си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. Chat times, that's what I'm thinking. Ако го игнорираш минатото, ја загрозуваш иднината. If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future. You ignore the past, you endanger the future. Prevođenje nije ni blizu tako lako kako mnogi ljudi misle. Translating is not nearly as easy as many people might think. Translation is not nearly as easy as many people think. На Том чорапите му се распар. Tom's socks don't match. Tom's socks are torn apart. Те молам, помогни ми да го пречекам Том. Please help me in welcoming Tom. Please help me welcome Tom. Иска ми се Том да ми даде още един шанс. I wish that Tom would give me another chance. I wish Tom could give me another chance. Се извини. He made an apology. You apologized. Добив на лотарија. I've won the lottery. I won the lottery. Пут до мушког срца води преко његовог стомака. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The path to a man's heart leads over his stomach. Може да е ризично. It might be risky. It could be risky. Това е много важно. This is a matter of great importance. This is very important. Spava ko beba. He's sleeping like a baby. He's sleeping like a baby. Drago mi je da je Tom pobedio. I'm glad that Tom won. I'm glad Tom won. Kako sam prevideo ovo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? Dođi ovamo. Come here. Come here. Tom je jutros stigao. Tom arrived this morning. Tom arrived this morning. Kasnio je zbog nesreće. He was late as a result of the accident. He was late because of the accident. Ne guraj. Don't push. Don't push. Преувеличуваме. We're overreacting. We're exaggerating. Том носи тиранти. Tom is wearing suspenders. Tom's carrying tyrannicals. Да се преместиме на онаа маса. Let's move over to that table. Let's move to that table. Njegovo mišljenje je razumno. His opinion is reasonable. His opinion is reasonable. Da li si uspeo da uradiš to sam? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznala. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Се согласија ли сите? Did everyone agree? Did everyone agree? Tom se brine da će se izgubiti. Tom is worried that he'll get lost. Tom's worried about getting lost. Mogu li da vas pitam nešto? Can I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question? Надявам се да имам шанс да ти върна услугата. I hope I get a chance to return the favor you've done me. I hope I have a chance to return the favor. Siguran sam da ću da pobedim na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis match. Nikad nismo bili ovde. We've never been there. We've never been here before. Вие не можете да четете на френски, нали? You can't read French, can you? You can't read French, can you? Ona ma nepozná. She doesn't know me. She doesn't even know you. Таа бавно трча. She is a slow runner. She's running slow. Tom nije mogao da završi svoj ručak. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Imali smo puno toga da popijemo. We had a lot to drink. We had a lot to drink. Iako je postojanje ovog fenomena puka spekulacija moguće je da će u budućnosti biti dokaza koji će ga podupirati. Though the existence of this phenomenon is currently mere speculation, it is possible that there will be evidence in the future to support it. Although the existence of this phenomenon is a mere speculation, there may be evidence that will support it in the future. Сѐ уште не смеам да ти кажам. I can't tell you yet. I can't tell you yet. Ветар дува као блесав. The wind is blowing like crazy. The wind blows like a fool. Започвам да те харесвам. I'm starting to like you. I'm starting to like you. Stepenicama ćemo. We'll take the stairs. We'll take the stairs. Da li Tom zna za ovo? Is Tom in on this? Does Tom know about this? Siguran sam da je Tom ponosan. I'm sure Tom is proud. I'm sure Tom's proud. Molim vas, dođite. Please come. Please come. Даме имају предност. Ladies first. Ladies have a head start. Тоа беше ремек-дело за коешто често зборуваа. That was a masterpiece they often talked about. It was a masterpiece they often talked about. Naravno, Tom voli svoju decu. Of course, Tom loves his children. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Гласав за тебе. I voted for you. I voted for you. Niko nije brz kao vi. Nobody's as fast as you. No one's as fast as you are. Реков дека можеби ќе заврне. I said it might rain. I said it might rain down. Ne očekujem da Tom bude ovde danas. I don't expect Tom to be here today. I don't expect Tom to be here today. Можеш ли да ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? Can you tell me what to do? Не отстъпвайте. Don't back off. Don't back down. Nemoj da piješ vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Знаев дека Том ќе паничи. I knew that Tom would panic. I knew Tom would panic. Još ne mogu da se setim gde sam ostavio ključeve. I still can't remember where I put my keys. I still can't remember where I left my keys. To je bilo pre tri meseca. That was three months ago. That was three months ago. Морам да им купам подароци. I've got to get them presents. I have to buy them gifts. Забрави да нахрани кучето. He forgot to feed the dog. Forget to feed the dog. Нив ги бараме. We're looking for them. We're looking for them. Имам добра причина да не го сакам Том. I've got a good reason not to like Tom. I have a good reason not to love Tom. Седмицата се состои од седум дена: понеделник, вторник, среда, четврток, петок, сабота и недела. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The week consists of seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Настави да покушаваш. Keep trying. Keep trying. Том работи там. Tom is working there. Tom works there. Možda im treba nešto da jedu. They may need something to eat. Maybe they need something to eat. Prekvapuje ma, že tvoja rodina má japonské auto. I am surprised that your family has a Japanese car. She's overcomposing, she's already your cousin's má japanské car. Който сее ветрове, ще жъне бури. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. He who sows winds will reap storms. Tom je još uvek besan. Tom is still frustrated. Tom's still pissed. Штотуку доручкував. I just had breakfast. I was just having breakfast. Povie ti iba to, čo si myslí, že chceš počuť. She's only going to tell you what she thinks you want to hear. If you're myslí, you'll hear it. Ще те черпя. I'll treat you. I'll buy you a drink. Нема да биде доста. It won't be enough. It won't be enough. Преку глава ли ти е од мене? Are you sick of me? Are you over your head from me? Имав неколку аудиции, но не добив работа. I had a few auditions, but never got a job. I had a few auditions, but I didn't get a job. Sviđa li se Tomu ovde? Does Tom like it there? Does Tom like it here? Miljaža zavisi od uslova na putu. Mileage varies with driving conditions. The miles depend on the conditions on the road. Рики, ово је мој пријатељ Сузуки. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Dobro bi mi došla pomoć. I could use a hand. I could use some help. Едвај чекам да дознаам каков подарок ми приготвил Том. I can't wait to find out what Tom has made for me as a present. I can't wait to find out what kind of gift Tom has prepared for me. Нема да забушавам. I won't cut corners. I won't shut up. Ponosna sam na to. I'm proud of that. I'm proud of it. Ова ми беше мачна ноќ. I had a rough night. It's been a rough night. Voli da od komarca pravi magarca. He loves to make a mountain out of a molehill. He likes to make a mosquito a donkey. Това те засяга. This concerns you. That's what concerns you. Vreme je sončno. The weather is sunny. It's sunny time. Smrt je slična snu. Death is similar to sleep. Death is like a dream. Otkazao je sastanak u poslednjem trenutku. He canceled the appointment at the last moment. He canceled his last-minute appointment. Samo sam bila previše zauzeta. I've just been too busy. I was just too busy. Sarađivali smo. We've been cooperative. We cooperated. On ima jednog sina i dvije kčeri. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. Ти си тужан. You're sad. You're sad. Тоя пич е стабилен. This guy's tough. That guy's stable. Oni prodaju ribu i meso. They sell fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. Treba vam jedan od ovih. You need one of those. You need one of these. Руке су ми хладне. My hands are cold. My hands are cold. Страхувам се, че това не е възможно. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that's not possible. Tražio sam te. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Какви езици се говорят в Америка? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? I ranije sam grešio. I've been wrong before. I've made mistakes before. Ще ви се! In your dreams! You wish! Греалка на струја ги топли керамичките плочки од подот на купатилото. An electric heater warms up the ceramic tiles of the bathroom floor. The electric heater warms the ceramic tiles from the bathroom floor. Наистина съм уморен и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired and I want to go to bed early. Da li ja ikad grešim? Am I ever wrong? Am I ever wrong? Скрени налево. Turn left. Turn left. Не знам. I don't know. I don't know. Ne idem sa vama. I'm not coming along. I'm not coming with you. Тя е убедена, че синът ѝ е още жив. She is convinced that her son is still alive. She's convinced her son is still alive. Немаш појма, колико си у праву. You've no idea how right you are. You have no idea how right you are. Imam ujnu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have a aunt who lives in Kyoto. Добро дошао назад. Welcome back. Welcome back. Tento stôl je čistý. This table is clean. Tento stôl is clean. Нисам задовољан овом ситуацијом. I'm not happy with this situation. I'm not happy with this situation. Сакаш ли филмови? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Hoćeš li voćni đus? Do you want fruit juice? Would you like a fruit juice? Том е најпаметниот човек што го познавам. Tom is the smartest person I know. Tom is the smartest man I know. Мостът е безопасен; може да шофирате по него. The bridge is safe; you can drive across. The bridge is safe; you can drive on it. Nikada ranije nisam primetio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Tom će pomoći bilo kome tko zatraži pomoć. Tom will help whoever asks him to help. Tom will help anyone who asks for help. Dedina nemá elektrinu. The village has no electricity. A grandfather of nemá electricity. Tom još uvek deluje potreseno. Tom still seems shaken. Tom still seems shaken up. Reci mi šta sam propustio. Tell me what I missed. Tell me what I missed. Ќе се справиме со тоа. We'll deal with it. We'll deal with it. Mislim da je bilo namerno. I think it was intentional. I think it was intentional. Протерали смо га из земље. We banished him from the country. We kicked him out of the country. Те пристигнаха отделно. They arrived separately. They arrived separately. Smešni ste. You're being ridiculous. You're funny. Том не се отказва. Tom isn't giving up. Tom's not giving up. Izlazi. Get out. Get out. Gospodin Wood je došao na vrata i govorio Tonijevoj mati. Mr Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. Mr. Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. Djeca su cvijeće našeg života. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. Не се таму. They aren't there. They're not there. Mary je Tomova kći jedinica. Mary is Tom's only daughter. Mary is Tom's daughter's unit. Той пие средно голямо количество кафе. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks medium-sized coffee. Ne sećaš se ničega? Don't you remember anything? You don't remember anything? Том е мој проблем. Tom is my problem. Tom is my problem. Не ми е убаво во пензија. I don't like being retired. I don't enjoy retirement. Treba da razgovaraš sa mnom. You need to talk to me. I need you to talk to me. Той е с ново палто. He's wearing a new coat. He's wearing a new coat. Molim te, bude iskrena sa mnom. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. Tom možda ne stigne na sastanak. Tom may not make it to the meeting. Tom might not be able to make it to the meeting. Никога преди не съм срещала Том. I'd never met Tom before. I've never met Tom before. Ako ne radiš, ne možeš jesti. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. Том се молеше. Tom was praying. Tom was praying. Prisilili so me, da zapojem pesem. They forced me to sing a song. They forced me to sing a song. Glasali su. They voted. They voted. Sada je veoma zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's very busy right now. Том не говореше френски много добре. Tom didn't speak French very well. Tom didn't speak very well in French. Zašto se ne odmorimo nakratko? Why don't we take a short break? Why don't we get some rest for a while? Ne trebaju mi uputstva. I don't need the user manual. I don't need instructions. Девојката ја ослободи птицата. The girl let the bird loose. The girl set the bird free. Kanada je zemlja-majka hokeja na ledu. Canada is the motherland of ice hockey. Canada is a land-mother hockey on ice. Той какво прави днес? What did she do today? What's he doing today? Не мути кашу! Don't rock the boat. Don't mess up the porridge! Том продаје аутомобиле. Tom sells cars. Tom sells cars. Те копнеят за градския живот. They are longing for city life. They yearn for the city's life. Он није Американац, него Енглез. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American, he's English. Zapravo mi se stvarno sviđa. I actually really like it. I actually like her, actually. Том размисли за тоа. Tom considered it. Tom, think about it. Ми се укочи компјутерот. My computer has frozen. My computer's dead. Zvoní zvonček. The bell is ringing. Ring a bell. Tom želi znati kad ćete biti gotovi. Tom wants to know when you'll be finished. Tom wants to know when you're gonna be done. Кой ден е днес? What day is it today? What day is it? To b moglo biti oružije. It could be a weapon. It could be a weapon. Tretiraju me kao da sam dete. They're treating me like a child. They treat me like I'm a child. Už je toho dosť! Enough is enough! The rope is too hot! Zajedno smo išli u školu. We went to school together. We went to school together. Hajde da ne budemo emotivni. Let's not get emotional. Let's not get emotional. Имаше гръмотевици и светкавици миналата вечер. There was thunder and lightning last night. There was thunder and lightning last night. Loše vreme mi nije dalo da odem. The bad weather kept me from leaving. Bad weather wouldn't let me leave. Nema besplatnog ručka. There's no free lunch. There's no free lunch. Сакам да живеам во Бразил. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Том не беше разочаран. Tom wasn't disappointed. Tom wasn't disappointed. Зошто нѐ мразиш толку? Why do you hate us so much? Why do you hate us so much? Мисля, че Том беше роден в Бостън. I think Tom was born in Boston. I think Tom was born in Boston. Фатив сипаници. I came down with measles. I've caught some splints. Те сакам веќе долго време. I've loved you for a long time. I've loved you for a long time. Njegovo je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Ti si nas to naučio. You taught us that. You taught us that. Привлекателен си. You're attractive. You're attractive. Мислиш ли да треба да пишем Тому? Do you think I should write to Tom? Do you think I should write to Tom? Stoličky sú pod stromom. The chairs are under the tree. Stollichky's under the line. Poznavanje stranih jezika je korisno za svakoga. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Šta planiraš da radiš ovog leta? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning to do this summer? Ovo bi moglo boljeti. This might hurt. This might hurt. Дано да си права. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Мъжете носеха момчето към болницата. The men were carrying the boy to the hospital. The men carried the boy to the hospital. Želim da idem na Bali. I want to go to Bali. I want to go to Bali. Том работи во НАСА. Tom works for NASA. Tom works at NASA. Šta znači ova reč? What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? Каква е минималната заплата в Литва? What's the minimum salary in Lithuania? What is the minimum wage in Lithuania? Присъствието на пресата вътре не е позволено. The press is not allowed inside. The presence of the press inside is not allowed. Učim nekoliko jezika. I'm studying several languages. I'm learning a few languages. Губите си времето. You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time. Аз няма да мога да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to get Tom to the other side of the bridge. Tom je danas došao malo ranije nego obično. Tom came a little earlier today than he usually does. Tom came in a little early today than usual. Отворих вратата и я задържах отворена за Мери. I opened the door and held it open for Mary. I opened the door and kept it open for Mary. Какво ще ми препоръчаш? What do you recommend to me? What would you recommend? Oni prodaju ribu i meso. They sell fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. На које име? Under what name? What name? Мислам дека е добра во танцување. I think she is good at dancing. I think she's good at dancing. Postoji mačka. There is a cat. There's a cat. Kako avanturistički! How adventurous! How fantastic! Си го читал ли ова? Have you read this yet? Have you read this? Увек држим прозор отвореним док спавам. I always leave the window open while I sleep. I always keep the window open while I sleep. Njen sat kasni deset minuta. Her watch is ten minutes slow. Her watch is ten minutes late. Тази сутрин е твърде студена за юни месец. It is a cold morning for June. It's too cold for June this morning. Во што е разликата? How is it different? What's the difference? Kako mi je ovo promaklo? How did I miss this? How did I miss this? Tom je odložio svoje piće. Tom put down his drink. Tom delayed his drink. По-добре съм. I'm getting better. I'm better. Тој страсно ја бакна во уста. He kissed her passionately on the lips. He kissed her passionately in the mouth. Da li ste sigurni da je ovo bezbedno? Are you sure this is safe? Are you sure this is safe? Tom nemá rád mrkvu. Tom doesn't like carrots. Tom nemá rád carrot. Priznajem da sam u krivu. I admit I'm wrong. I admit I'm wrong. Da li ste se potpuno oporavili? Are you fully recovered? Did you fully recover? Ni ja ne mogu. I can't do it either. I can't either. Gdje si ostavila svoj kišobran? Where did you leave your umbrella? Where did you leave your umbrella? Мерси! Thank you! Thanks! Tom može da bude opasan. Tom may be dangerous. Tom could be dangerous. Zaista mi je žao zbog ovoga. I'm very sorry about this. I'm really sorry about this. Том изгледа малку потресено. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shaken up. Završili smo razgovor zasad. We're done talking now. We're done talking for now. Само што го фрлив во ѓубре. I just threw it away. I just threw him in the trash. Како да стигнам таму? How do I get there? How do I get there? Astronómia je veda vesmíru. Astronomy is the science of the universe. Astronómia is known to Vesmíra. Доблесноста без злато е подобра од златото без чест. Virtue without gold is better than gold without honour. A noble without gold is better than gold without honor. Moja majka je bila bijesna. My mother was furious. My mother was furious. Nisam se navikao na to. I'm not used to that. I'm not used to it. Одма го сакаат сето она што си им рекол дека ќе им го дадеш. They want everything right now that you said you'd give them. They want everything you've told them that you're going to give it to them. Има една работа што не ја разбирам. There is one thing that I don't understand. There's one thing I don't understand. Večerala sam sa njim. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. Где ви живите? Where do you live? Where do you live? Бришачите не помагаат против мраз. Windscreen wipers haven't any utility against ice. The wipers don't help against the ice. Ако закъснееш с предаването на контролното, то няма да бъде прието. If you turn in a test late, it will not be accepted. If you're late for handing over the control, it won't be accepted. Това е пълен абсурд. That's completely ridiculous. It's a total absurdity. Сакам да знам зошто ќе доцниш. I want to know why you're late. I want to know why you're gonna be late. Nedeľa je posledný deň v týždni. Sunday is the last day of the week. The accident is the last of the week. Секогаш си уморен. You're always tired. You're always tired. Ние не сме се оплаквали. We didn't complain. We haven't complained. Naravno, zakasnio je u školu, kao i obično. Needless to say, he was late for school as usual. Of course, he was late for school, as usual. Животот ми се смени. My life has changed. My life has changed. Iako sam govorio Tomu da ne otvara vrata, on ih je otvorio. Despite me telling Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Even though I told Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Сложих си палтото на масата. I put my coat on the table. I put my coat on the table. Možeš li da mi objasniš kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you explain to me how I can get to the airport? Can you explain to me how to get to the airport? Каде ми се куферите? Where's my suitcase? Where are my suitcases? Kako mogu biti od pomoći? How can I be of service? How can I be of assistance? Мисля, че ще ни трябва всичко. I think we're going to need it all. I think we're gonna need everything. Аз гласувах за Кен. I voted for Ken. I voted for Ken. Мисля, че сме извън опасност. I think we're out of danger. I think we're out of danger. Upucao sam medveda. I shot a bear. I shot a bear. Той даде фотоапарата си на своя приятел. He gave his camera to his friend. He gave his camera to his friend. Samo sam bila previše zauzeta. I've just been too busy. I was just too busy. Защо не ми каза предварително? Why didn't you tell me in advance? Why didn't you tell me in advance? По този въпрос имам много за казване. I have much to say about it. I have a lot to say about that. Nechcem chodiť do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. И ти ли чу? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? Том је био веома уплашен. Tom was good and scared. Tom was very scared. Baš sam mislila na tebe. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Ponosna sam na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Това твоята химикалка ли е? Is this your pen? Is that your pen? Знам дека си шпион. I know you're a spy. I know you're a spy. Da li zaista znaš? Do you really know? Do you really know? Ako odeš po Toma, u koliko ćeš otprilike sati biti ovdje? If you go to pick up Tom, at what time will you be here, approximately ? If you go after Tom, what time are you gonna be here? Не мути кашу! Don't rock the boat. Don't mess up the porridge! Ни требаат водачи. We need leaders. We need leaders. Čisto je. It's clear. It's clear. Не искам Том да влоши нещата още повече. I don't want Tom to make the situation any worse than it already is. I don't want Tom to make things worse. Какво е времето днес? What's the weather like today? What's the weather today? Izgubila je novac, obitelj, prijatelje. She lost her money, her family, her friends. She lost money, family, friends. Gdje je ovdje wc? Where's the toilet around here? Where's the bathroom here? Ги наместив. I framed them. I set them up. Mislim da tvoj plan nije realističan. I think your plan is not realistic. I don't think your plan is realistic. Ne želim da živim sa tobom. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Днес работят все по-малко подрастващи. Fewer teenagers are working nowadays. Today they work less and less. Ne mogu naći svoj kofer. I can't find my suitcase. I can't find my suitcase. Tom je mislio da lažem. Tom thought I was lying. Tom thought I was lying. Том и неговите пријатели отидоа во циркус. Tom and his friends went to the circus. Tom and his friends went to the circus. Da li je istina da je Tom izvršio samoubistvo? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Is it true that Tom committed suicide? Нямам пари. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Виждала съм те някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Те молам, движи се брзо. Please move quickly. Please, move fast. Daj ovu knjigu komugod tko je hoće. Give this book to whoever wants it. Give this book to whoever wants it. Няма да виждаш нищо без фенерче. You won't be able to see anything without a flashlight. You're not gonna see anything without a flashlight. Не треба сѐ да ти се допаѓа. You do not need to like everything. You shouldn't like everything. Ти наистина говориш френски доста добре. You really do speak French quite well. You really speak French quite well. Tom ima tri sina i jednu ćerku. Tom has three sons and one daughter. Tom has three sons and one daughter. Jedem puno mesa. I eat a lot of meat. I eat a lot of meat. Том свири во бенд. Tom plays in a band. Tom's playing the band. Не можам да навлегувам во тоа. I can't go into that. I can't get into that. Zaslužuješ da ti čestitam. You deserve to be congratulated. You deserve me to congratulate you. Том може да е прав. Tom might be right. Tom might be right. Koji su ti planovi onda? So what are your plans? Then what are your plans? Направих си чекова сметка. I opened a checking account. I made a check account. Кърпичките се продават в пакет по десет. Paper napkins are sold in packs of ten. The slippers are sold in a ten-pack. Zvaću ih sutra kada se vratim. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Izabran je za predsjednika. He was elected president. He has been elected president. Том сака да мислиме дека е побогат одошто всушност е. Tom wants us to think he's richer than he really is. Tom wants us to think he's richer than he actually is. Колко пъти звъня Том? How many times has Tom called? How many times have I called Tom? Nahral som náš rozhovor. I recorded our conversation. feed the som no roshovor. Ne smeš da uđeš u tu sobu. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. Почнуваат да ја тепаат. They begin beating her. They're starting to beat her. Neću reći nikom drugom. I won't tell anybody else. I won't tell anyone else. Надам се да се ово више никада неће поновити. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. Нейният пуловер е лилав. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Imao sam sreće, što sam preživeo nesreću. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. I was lucky to have survived the accident. Konj se uplašio i pobegao. The horse took fright and bolted. The horse got scared and ran. Той може да говори и френски. He can also speak French. He can speak French as well. Da li sam dobio otkaz? Am I being fired? Did I get fired? Sretan Uskrs! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Hvala! Thank you! Thank you! Аз не мога да говоря английски, а пък за немски да не говорим. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English. I can't speak German. Той е бил боядисан като клоун. He was painted like a clown. He was painted a clown. Najbolje je stvari rešavati u hodu. The best way is to take things as they come. It's the best thing to do in a walk. Еј, нека не ти биде криво. Hey, don't feel bad. Hey, don't feel bad. Наша работа е да им помагаме. It's our job to help them. It's our job to help them. Ovo je baš moralo da se desi danas! This just had to happen today of all days! This really had to happen today! Očakával si, že sa stane niečo iné? Did you expect something else to happen? You've been waiting, with the cost of nothing? Не съм пациент. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. Мразам кога се карате. I hate it when you fight. I hate it when you fight. Potrebni su jedni drugima. They needed one another. They need each other. Не стой навън до много късно. Don't stay out too late. Don't stay out too late. Учила съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I've studied French for three years. Нас двоје смо толико различити. The two of us are so different. The two of us are so different. Току-що почистихме тоалетните. We've just cleaned the toilets. We just cleaned the toilets. Tom je veoma sofisticiran. Tom is very sophisticated. Tom's very sophisticated. Vidím ružu. I see a rose. I see a rose. Bolje da krenem s Tomom. I'd better go with Tom. I'd better go with Tom. Не можам да го чекам. I can't wait for him. I can't wait for him. Том е човекът, който ми каза какво да правя. Tom is the one who told me what to do. Tom is the guy who told me what to do. Мислев да му побарам помош. I thought I'd ask him for help. I thought I'd ask him for help. Тук храненето навън излиза доста скъпо. The cost of eating out is quite high here. There's a lot of expensive food coming out here. Јогата потекнува од Индија. Yoga comes from India. Yoga comes from India. Ухваћена је на делу. She was caught red handed. She was caught in the act. To je višefazni proces. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multi-phase process. Tom pati od hroničkih bolova. Tom suffers from chronic pain. Tom's suffering from chronic pain. Da li sam sad bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Da vidimo. Let's see. Let's see. Zaista volim da vežbam. I really love working out. I really like to practice. Danas je tvojoj ćerki rođendan. Today is your daughter's birthday. It's your daughter's birthday today. Mogu li da te ispratim kući? Can I walk you home? Can I walk you home? Sve što se setiš može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Ne zaboravi da mi vratiš olovku. Don't forget to return my pen. Don't forget to give me my pen back. Muž mi je izgubio posao. My husband lost his job. My husband lost his job. Тој се придржува до своите начела. He sticks to his principles. He adheres to his principles. Излгежда, че тази нощ ще вали. It looks like it is going to rain tonight. It looks like it's gonna rain tonight. To ni bil moj namen. That wasn't my intention. That wasn't my purpose. Je tvoja mama doma? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? Sedeli su u krugu. They sat in a circle. They were sitting in circles. Нема да потклекнам. I won't give in. I won't give in. Šta tvoja deca obično doručkuju? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your kids usually have for breakfast? Moj motocikl je nov. My motorcycle is new. My bike's new. Том не знае да прифати пораз. Tom is a sore loser. Tom can't accept defeat. Може едно? Can I have one? Can I have one? Tomov pas je legao. Tom's dog lay down. Tom's dog is lying down. Под заклетвом сте. You are under oath. You're under oath. Nisu potrebne reči. No words are necessary. There's no need for words. Ще ви подкрепя. I'll back you up. I'll back you up. Прекрасно је, зар не? That's awesome, right? It's beautiful, isn't it? Tomov dizajn je uštedeo kompaniji milione dolara. Tom's design saved the company millions of dollars. Tom's design saved the company millions of dollars. Не гледайте в кутията. Don't look into the box. Don't look in the box. Ќе дојде ли полиција? Will the police come? Is the police coming? Важно е да ги намерим. It's important we find them. It's important we find them. Забавите се док можете. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Muka mi je od tvog kukanja. I'm tired of your whining. I'm sick of your whining. На Том му беше многу топло. Today was very hot. Tom was very warm. Бил ли си някога в Нара? Have you ever been to Nara? Have you ever been to Nara? Mislim da je to skroz smešno. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. I think that's totally ridiculous. Скрените лево. Turn left. Turn left. Da bi bio dobro dijete, trebaš ići u krevet i rano ustajati. To be a good child, you need to go to bed and get up early. To be a good kid, you need to go to bed and get up early. Слободата на израз била строго ограничена. The freedom of expression was strictly limited. Freedom of expression was strictly limited. Njena je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Трябва да приемеш неизбежното. You have to accept the inevitable. You have to accept the inevitable. Jesi li slobodna u nedelju? Are you open on Sunday? Are you free on Sunday? Мислех, че са безработни. I thought they were unemployed. I thought they were unemployed. Mám nové auto. I have a new car. Mám's new car. Вие замесена ли сте? Are you involved? Are you involved? Другите девојчиња ја задеваа неа поради нејзината облека. The other girls teased her about her clothes. The other girls teased her for her clothes. Се надевам дека е корисно. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. Nemam mnogo prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Изговара се овако: The pronunciation is as follows: It's pronounced this way: To će trajati čitavu večnost. That's going to take forever. It'll take forever. Тогаш бев дома. I was at home then. That's when I was home. Линкът ви не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link doesn't work. Тя умря от шок. She died of shock. She died of shock. Си знаел ли дека Том живеел во Бостон? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom lived in Boston? Искате ли да купите риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? Would you like to buy a shirt? Ще звънна на някого. I'll call someone. I'll call someone. Што и да правиш, побрзај. Whatever you do, do it quickly. Whatever you're doing, hurry up. Плативте ли веќе? Have you already paid? Have you paid yet? Dodaj još vode. Add more water. Add more water. Mama je upravo otišla u kupovinu. Mother has just gone out shopping. Mom just went shopping. Pojeb sa! Fuck you! Fuck off! Буката го смути сиот град. The noise alarmed the whole town. The noise's been messing with the city. Повече няма да имаш проблеми. You'll have no more problems. You won't have any more problems. Pričaću o tome sa Tomom. I'll speak to Tom about that. I'll talk about it with Tom. Тези твърдения са смехотворни. These allegations are ridiculous. These statements are ridiculous. Треба ми још пет минута. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. Шта је то са тобом? What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? Можеме ли некако да му помогнеме? Can we do anything to help him? Is there anything we can do to help him? Moraš biti jak! You must be strong. You have to be strong! Защо Том не е тук? Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? Да јадеме. Let's eat. Let's eat. Кој сака инсекти? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Ако не беше слънцето, нас нямаше да ни има. If it were not for the sun, we could not live. If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't be here. Си го остави клучот на бирото, како што му беше навика. He left his key on the desk, as he usually did. He left the key to his desk, as his habit was. Управо сам пошао. I was just about to leave. I just left. Da li ste u Parizu? Are you in Paris? Are you in Paris? Još se nisu probudili. They still haven't woken up. They haven't woken up yet. Заушките се заразна болест. Mumps is an infectious disease. The cobwebs are a contagious disease. Da li bi radije čaj? Would you prefer tea? Would you prefer tea? Pišem jako brzo. I can write very fast. I write very fast. Oni su poboljšali bezbednosne procedure i sada su bolje pripremljeni nego ranije. They have improved safeguards and they are now better prepared than before. They have improved security procedures and are now better prepared than before. Какво има в тази кутия? What's in this box? What's in that box? Drugi svjetski rat je započeo 1939. World war two broke out in 1939. World War II began in 1939. Možda Tom zna da priča francuski. Maybe Tom can speak French. Perhaps Tom can speak French. Том вчера ми напиша повеќе од триесет пораки. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Ne mrdaj se! Don't move! Don't move! Не постои живот без тегоби. There's no life without hardships. There is no life without hardship. Многу претрпивме. We've been through a lot. We've been through a lot. Nemaš dozvolu da uđeš u tu prostoriju. You are not allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. Мисля, че Том умря. I think Tom died. I think Tom died. Колико дуго си био овде? How long have you been here? How long have you been here? Dajem vam šta želite. I'm giving you what you want. I'll give you what you want. Том не е многу среќен. Tom isn't very happy. Tom's not very happy. В този район няма плаж. There is no beach in this area. There's no beach in this area. Nisam savršena. I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect. Мен ме е страх от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Тоа не е страшно. That's not scary. That's not scary. E, sad je dosta! I've had enough already! That's enough! Искам да спреш да мислиш за това. I don't want you to think about it anymore. I want you to stop thinking about it. Той е италианец по рождение. He is Italian by birth. He's Italian at birth. Само се плашиш дека ќе треба да го бакнеш Том. You're just afraid you'll have to kiss Tom. You're just afraid you're gonna have to kiss Tom. Њујорк је велики град. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Доскоро! See you soon! I'll see you later. Мислам дека Том се преселил во Бостон. I think Tom moved to Boston. I think Tom moved to Boston. Tom je taj koga želiš. Tom is the one you want. It's Tom you want. Nisam specijalista. I'm not a specialist. I'm not a specialist. Provjeriti ću sad. I want to check out now. I'll check it out now. Nancy se boji pasa. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Tom stvarno zna mnogo. Tom really knows a lot. Tom really knows a lot. Раде заједно. They work together. They work together. Донеси ми нещо за пиене. Get me a drink. Get me something to drink. Ni razloga, zakaj bi moral postati zdravnik, ker je to moj oče. There's no reason why I should become a physician because my father is one. There's no reason why I should be a doctor, because that's my father. Минах оттам миналата нощ. I went by there last night. I passed from there last night. Uradila si odličan posao. You did a great job. You did a great job. Том си го спушти пијалакот. Tom put down his drink. Tom put his drink down. Многу ли пропуштив? Have I missed much? Did I miss a lot? Svi su zadržali dah. Everyone's holding their breath. Everyone held their breath. Mnogo ćeš nam nedostajati ako odeš za Japan. We will miss you terribly if you leave Japan. We're gonna miss you so much if you go to Japan. Ти откъде го знаеш? How do you know? How do you know that? Kako sam prevideo to? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? Ako negde moraš baš sada da budeš, to je svakako ovde! If there's a place you gotta be right now, it is certainly here! If you have somewhere to be right now, it's definitely here! Imamo dovoljno ovde. We've got enough here. We've got enough here. Tom neće moći da odgovori na ova pitanja. Tom won't be able to answer those questions. Tom won't be able to answer these questions. Ovo je početak nove ere. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Сумата на всички ъгли в триъгълника е 180 градуса. The sum of all the angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees. The amount of all angles in the triangle is 180 degrees. Те се изпокараха помежду си. They quarreled among themselves. They used to take advantage of each other. Deti sa zabávali hraním hier. The children amused themselves by playing games. A child with a forgetful food hier. Siguran sam da Tom dolazi na žurku. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom's coming to the party. Дали му е гајле некому? Doesn't anyone care? Does anyone care? Не можех да го оставя да умре. I couldn't leave him to die. I couldn't let him die. Кога ќе се деси тоа? When will that occur? When will that happen? Том говори френски добре. Tom speaks French well. Tom speaks French well. Што има јазици а не осеќа вкус? What has tongues, but not cannot taste? What has tongues and doesn't taste? Зошто се јавуваш? Why are you calling? Why are you calling? Јас сум од Пекинг. I come from Beijing. I'm from Beijing. Mal iba 100 dolárov. He only had 100 dollars. A small amount of 100 dollars. Добро. А ти? Good. And you? Okay, how about you? Том сака да ме заштити. Tom wants to protect me. Tom wants to protect me. Koje je godište tvoj auto? What is the year of your car? What age is your car? Пристигнах тук вчера. I arrived here yesterday. I arrived here yesterday. Избегао је опасност. He avoided danger. He escaped the danger. Sviđa mi se kad je hladno. I like it when it's cold. I like it when it's cold. Tom sa rozosmial. Tom started to laugh. It's a Rososmial Tom. Казвам се Емили. My name is Emily. My name is Emily. Ќе го ставам на твоја сметка. I'll put it on your tab. I'll put it on your account. Не. Прекалено са малки. No. They are too small. No, they're too small. Те молам повтори. Please repeat. Please repeat. Перфектно е. It's perfect. It's perfect. Малиот остров од далеку изгледа како желка. The small island looked like a tortoise from a distance. The little island from a distance looks like a turtle. Къде е ЖП гарата? Where is the railroad station? Where's the station? Не некои луѓе им се допаѓа. Some people like it. Some people don't like it. Никога не подлагам на съмнение неговата честност. I would never question his honesty. I never doubt his honesty. U blizini naše škole je autobuska stanica. There's a bus stop close to our school. There's a bus stop near our school. Не ми прави мили очи. Don't get cute with me. Don't make me kind eyes. Малку ме болат мускулите. I feel a little sore. My muscles hurt a little bit. Nisam jedina kome se ne dopada Tom. I'm not the only one who doesn't like Tom. I'm not the only one who doesn't like Tom. Ja si pamätám ten incident celkom dobre. I do remember the incident quite well. I am pamätám ten incident all right. Tom se trudi da pomogne. Tom is trying to be helpful. Tom's trying to help. Osnovno, moj dragi Votsone. Elementary, my dear Watson. Basically, my dear Watson. Том така и не се отказа. Tom never gave up. Tom never gave up. Когато бях студентка в университета, никога не спях в нощта преди изпита. When I was a university student, I always pulled an all-nighter before a test. When I was a college student, I never slept the night before the exam. Polica je spala pa su se sve knjige prevrnule na Vasju. The shelf fell off and all the books went tumbling down on Vasya. The shelf fell down, so all the books turned over on Vassya. То је лош знак. That's a bad sign. That's a bad sign. Сите имаат имиња. Everyone has a name. Everybody's got names. Stane na jedan floppy disk. It fits on a single floppy disk. It stops at one floppy disc. Jednostavno nisam mnogo srećan. I'm just not very happy. I'm just not very happy. Iznenađena sam Tomovim odgovorom. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I'm surprised by Tom's answer. Ако ме бакнеш, ќе бидам среќен. If you'd kiss me, I'd be happy. If you kiss me, I'll be happy. Направих го нарочно. I did it on purpose. I did it on purpose. Том је одиграо на најјачу карту. Tom played his highest card. Tom played the strongest card ever. Ќе си земеш копија. You'll get a copy. You're gonna get yourself a copy. Дали Том изгледаше вознемирено? Did Tom seem upset? Did Tom seem upset? Krenimo negde, Tome. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Извинете, колко е това? Excuse me, how much is this? I'm sorry, how much is that? Пред да го направиш тоа, треба да му побараш дозвола на Том. Before doing that, you need to ask Tom for permission. Before you do that, you need to ask Tom for permission. Голяма ли е разликата? Does it make a big difference? Is it a big difference? Svima nam je nestalo alkohola. We're all out of booze. We're all out of alcohol. Ona je izašla u šetnju. She went out for a walk. She went out for a walk. Kako bih mogla da mrzim Toma? How could I hate Tom? How could I hate Tom? Идете събудете Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake Tom up. Trebam još kave. I need more coffee. I need more coffee. Начинанието беше провал още от самото начало. The undertaking was a failure from the beginning. It's been a failure since the beginning. Каква е минималната заплата в Испания? What's the minimum salary in Spain? What is the minimum wage in Spain? Voda je tekućina. Water is a fluid. Water's a liquid. Jedva čekam ponedeljak. I can't wait until Monday. I can't wait till Monday. Том виде дека Мери се спрема да каже нешто. Tom saw that Mary was about to speak. Tom saw Mary about to say something. Uhvatite ga. Grab him. Get him. Помогни ни колку што можеш. Give us any help you can. Help us as much as you can. Bez sumnje! Without a doubt! No doubt! Узгред, одакле си? By the way, where are you from? By the way, where are you from? Том беше наполно понижен. Tom was utterly humiliated. Tom was totally humiliated. Прилично сум сигурен дека му се допаѓаш на Том. I'm pretty sure Tom likes you. I'm pretty sure Tom likes you. To je predstavlja investicioni savet. It does not constitute an investment advice. This is an investment council. Dolazim u miru. I come in peace. I come in peace. Ty nie si náš priateľ. You are not our friend. Ty's not making a big deal out of us. Томов ауто има сто коњских снага. Tom's car has 100 horsepower. Tom's car has a hundred horsepower. Živeo je jednostavnim životom. He lived a simple life. He lived a simple life. Telefonski klic bom sprejel v sosednji sobi. I'll take the phone call in the next room. I'll take the phone call to the next room. Oprosti mi, moja ljubavi. Forgive me, my love. Forgive me, my love. Ќе мора да зборуваш со Том во врска со тоа што очекуваш тој да прави. You'll have to talk to Tom about what you expect him to do. You're gonna have to talk to Tom about what you expect him to do. Ne znam hoću li imati vremena. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I'll have the time. Ta mi se sviđala. That's the one I liked. I liked that one. Šta sam upravo uradila? What did I just do? What did I just do? Той не може да си позволи нова кола. He can't afford a new car. He can't afford a new car. Сложи си палтото. Put on your coat. Put on your coat. Тука е темно. It's dark in here. It's dark in here. Da li si iskrena? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? Те молам, остани во близина. Please stay close by. Please stay close. Баща ми често ме води на бейзболни мачове. My father often takes me to baseball games. My dad often takes me to baseball games. Nismo još završili. We're not finished yet. We're not done yet. Napisao sam neke pesme prošle nedelje. I wrote some poems last weekend. I wrote some songs last week. Pronašli smo otiske stopala u pesku. We found the footprints in the sand. We found footprints in the sand. Мисля, че трябва да извикаш Том. I think you should call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Мери изглежда като майка си. Mary looks like her mother. Mary looks like her mother. Sada je prilično zauzet. He's rather busy just now. He's pretty busy right now. Molio sam se za vas. I've been praying for you. I prayed for you. Светофарът светна в зелено. The traffic light turned green. The light's on in green. Nemam nameru da se promenim. I have no intention of changing. I have no intention of changing. Возот помина низ тунел. The train traversed a tunnel. The train passed through a tunnel. Само сакав да се расчисти ситуацијата. I just want the situation resolved. I just wanted to clear the air. Преподавам френски вече три години. I've been teaching French for three years. I've been teaching French for three years. Кой е любимият ти композитор? Who is your favorite composer? Who's your favorite composer? Ne znaš ni kako se on zove, zar ne? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Боб и Том са братя. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. Колкото повече знаеш, толкова по-малко знаеш. The more you know the less you know. The more you know, the less you know. Približno koliko knjig imaš? About how many books do you have? About how many books do you have? Je jedenásť hodín. It's eleven o'clock. It's a hodín. Toliko mi nedostaješ. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. Doping nije kompatibilan sa mojim ideološkim pogledima na sport. Doping is not compatible with my ideological views on the sport. Doping is not compatible with my ideological views of sport. Трябва да презаредя батериите. I have to recharge the batteries. I have to reload the batteries. Скрени налево. Turn left. Turn left. Puščavnik je oseba, ki živi preprosto in v samoti, zlasti iz verskih nagibov. A hermit is a person who lives in a simple way apart from others especially for religious reasons. A deserter is a person who lives simply and alone, especially from religious inclinations. Не може да говориш сериозно. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. Fadil je htio ukrasti Danijin novac. Fadil wanted to steal Dania's money. Fadil wanted to steal Dani's money. Žena jede hleb. The woman eats bread. A woman eats bread. Чух го да слиза по стълбите. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him coming down the stairs. Da li si jeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Have you eaten anything? И двамата родители на Том бяха преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Both Tom's parents were teachers. Том не хареса името му. Tom didn't like his name. Tom didn't like his name. Uživala je na jučerašnjoj zabavi. She enjoyed herself at the party yesterday. She enjoyed yesterday's party. Svi moramo umreti. We all have to die. We all have to die. Мисля, че ще имаш нужда от това. I think you're going to need this. I think you're gonna need this. Ne mogu samo da se predam. I can't simply give up. I can't just give myself up. Што содржи? What does it contain? What does it contain? Неговите дрехи винаги миришат зле. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Ne znam jesu li ti jezici srodni. I don't know if those languages are related. I don't know if your tongues are related. Bio si u pravu što si briuo. You were right to worry. You were right to shave. Како си ти за тоа крив? How's that your fault? How is that your fault? Том се крије испод стола. Tom is hiding under the table. Tom's hiding under the table. I ja tako mislim. I think so, too. I think we have to do that. Tom je gore. Tom is upstairs. Tom's upstairs. To mi nije bilo važno. It wasn't important to me. That didn't matter to me. Kažite mi šta ste napisali. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Nemojte da se otimate. Don't struggle. Don't beat yourself up. Poj z menoj. Sing with me. Sing with me. Јас ја направив салатата. Ти се допаѓа ли? I made the salad. Did you like it? I made the salad. Избери едно. Choose one. Pick one. Многу те привлекувам. You're so attracted to me. You're very attracted to me. Napisao sam pesmu o onome što se ovde dogodilo prošle godine. I wrote a song about what happened here last year. I wrote a poem about what happened here last year. Фала ти за вчера. Thank you for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Ќе дојдам со метро. I'll come by subway. I'll take the subway. Том го избриша сечилото на ножот од фармерките. Tom wiped the blade of his knife on his jeans. Tom erased the blade from the jeans. Ako ti je. You had it coming. If you do. Preživeo sam. I survived. I survived. Vreme je za školu. It's time for school. Time for school. Doneo sam ove izveštaje da ih detaljnije pogledaš. I brought these reports for you to examine. I brought these reports so you could take a closer look at them. Потполно разбирам. I totally understand. I totally understand. Тя е сестрата на Том. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. Том ја одвезе Мери до дома. Tom drove Mary home. Tom took Mary home. Me ne preseneča. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Те се разбират добре със съседите си. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They get along well with their neighbors. В кой клуб членуваш? Which club do you belong to? What club are you in? Том веќе не можеше да трпи. Tom couldn't take it anymore. Tom couldn't take it anymore. Той настива лесно. He catches colds easily. He gets cold. Не бързай. Take your time. Take your time. Oni mi neplatili. They didn't pay me. They didn't pay me. Ove informacije su poverljive. This information is confidential. This information is confidential. Изпратих Том вкъщи. I've sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Ти си всичко, което имат те. You're all they have. You're all they have. Отсвири ја пак таа песна. Play that song again. Play that song again. Zašto si ljut na mene? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Водите љубав, а не рат! Make love, not war. Make love, not war! Смееш да останеш само ако си тивок. You can stay only if you are quiet. The only way you can stay is if you're quiet. On je šutnuo loptu u gol! He kicked the ball into the goal. He kicked the ball in the goal! Чела съм тази книга. I've read that book. I've read this book. Ko je slomio šoljicu? Who broke the mug? Who broke the cup? Барем се забавуваме. At least we had fun. At least we're having fun. Kupujem mnogo stvari u toj prodavnici. I buy a lot of stuff at that store. I buy a lot of stuff in that store. Том е учител по френски. Tom is a French teacher. Tom's a French teacher. Дадох книгата на моя приятел. I gave the book to my friend. I gave my friend the book. Том заключи вратата. Tom locked the door. Tom, lock the door. Drže me kao taoca. I'm being held hostage. They're holding me hostage. Tražila sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Možeš ići tamo. You may go there. You can go there. Пливав во реката. I swam in the river. I swam into the river. Трябваше да вървя, понеже нямаше никакви таксита. I had to walk because there were no taxis. I had to go because there were no taxis. Imam ozbiljno pitanje. I have a serious question. I have a serious question. Kišna sezona počinje juna. Rainy season begins in June. Rain season starts in June. Генерално, деца воле слаткише. In general, children are fond of candy. Generally, children like candy. Сигурна бях, че ще те намеря тук. I was sure to find you here. I was sure I'd find you here. Tom se unervozio zbog tebe. You're making Tom nervous. Tom got nervous about you. Pogledaj ove. Take a look at these. Look at these. Kaj je ta obupen zvok? What is that awful noise? What's that terrible sound? Prokeltstvo, možeš li da zamisliš koliko su smrdeli? Damn, can you imagine how badly they smelled? Project, can you imagine how much they smelled? Бъди много внимателен с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Brinuo se za dijete. He looked after the baby. He took care of the baby. Волим корејску храну. I like Korean food. I like Korean food. Nije pravi izbor. It's not a real choice. It's not the right choice. Том делува многу вообразено. Tom seems very full of himself. Tom seems very cocky. Bio sam u planinama. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Аз имам две братовчедки. I have two cousins. I have two cousins. Nisam siguran da li Tom želi da priča sa mnom. I'm not sure whether Tom wants to talk to me. I'm not sure if Tom wants to talk to me. Бъди по-точен. Be more precise. Be more specific. Koga pokušavaš da prevariš? Who are you trying to kid? Who are you trying to trick? Аз ще присъствам на срещата. I'll attend the meeting. I'll be at the meeting. Срамота! How shameful! Shame! Nemam želju za tim. I have no desire to do that. I have no desire for that. Vyjasnieva sa. It's getting brighter. I'm Vyasnieva. Том е голем циција. Tom is very stingy. Tom's a big dick. Немој да се повторуваш. Don't repeat yourself. Don't repeat yourself. Какво точно се случи с Вас? What exactly happened to you? What exactly happened to you? Не сум знаел дека играш шах. I didn't know you played chess. I didn't know you played chess. Ne znamo naše komšije. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. U ovoj fazi svetske istorije, u Americi ne postoji jedna takva stvar kao što je nezavisna štampa. Vi to znate i ja to znam. Među vama nema ni jednog koji se usuđuje da napiše svoje iskreno mišljenje, i kad bi ga napisao, već unapred bi znao da se to nikada neće pojaviti u štampi. Ja dobijam redovno svoju platu kako bih držao svoje iskreno mišljenje izvan novina za koje radim. Mnogi od vas su takođe slično plaćeni za slične stvari, i bilo ko od vas ko bi bio toliko lud da piše ono što iskreno misli, našao bi se napolju, na ulici, u potrazi za nekim drugim poslom. Da sam ja dozvolio da se moje pravo mišljenje pojavi samo u jednom izdanju novina za koje radim, dobio bih otkaz s posla za manje od 24 časa. Posao novinara je da uništava istinu, da laže, da izopači, da kleveta, da se ulaguje monstrumu ispred čijih nogu leži, da prodaje ovu državu i njen narod za svoju dnevnu porciju hleba. Vi to znate isto kao što i ja to znam, i zar onda nazdravljanje nekom nezavisnom novinarstvu nije ništa drugo do jedna budalaština? Mi smo one lutke na kanapu, oni vuku kanap a mi igramo. Naš talenat, naši potencijali i naši životi su svojina drugih ljudi. Mi smo intelektualne prostitutke. There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. In this phase of world history, there is no such thing as an independent print. You know it and I know it. There is no one who dares to write his honest opinion, and if you would write it, but in advance you would know that it will never appear in the press. I get a regular salary to keep my honest opinion out of the paper I work for. Many of you are also similar paid for similar things, and any of you who would be so crazy to write what you truly think, would find out on the street, in search for some other job. If I allowed my right opinion to appear only in one issue of the news for which I work, I would get fired from work in less than 24 hours. The job of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie, to distort, to slander, to slander, to invest a monster in front of whose feet, to sell this country and its people for their day to their lives is the truth, to the people who want to live and who want to live. Šta znate o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? Сутра ћу бити заузет. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Efekat klimanskih promena je mnogo manje izražen na Antartiku nego u severnim polarnim predelima. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. The effect of climate change is much less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. Том се грееше пред огнот. Tom warmed himself in front of the fire. Tom was heating up before the fire. Jesi li doneo fen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the fan? Nekráčaš do školy. You don't walk to school. You're going to school. Оди види дали Том е во канцеларија. Go and see if Tom is in his office. Go see if Tom's in his office. Mislila sam da si se već postarao za to. I thought you'd already taken care of that. I thought you'd already taken care of it. Mislim da ću izaći napolje da jedem. I think I'll go out to eat. I think I'm gonna go outside and eat. Казвал съм ви за това преди. I've told you about it before. I've told you about this before. Той е предубеден против евреите. He has a prejudice against Jews. He's preconceived against the Jews. Затворена ли беше банката? Was the bank closed? Was the bank closed? Tom neće moći da odgovori na ova pitanja. Tom won't be able to answer those questions. Tom won't be able to answer these questions. Имаш прљаву машту. You've got a dirty mind. You have a dirty imagination. Том ли ти го дал тоа? Was Tom the one who gave you that? Did Tom give you that? Значи все пак успя. You managed it after all. So you did it anyway. Мој отац је увек говорио да небо помаже онима који помажу сами себи. My father always said that heaven helps those who help themselves. My father always said the sky helps those who help themselves. Кен обича да ходи на лагер. Ken likes camping. Ken likes to go to camp. Што мајка бараш во Бостон? Why are you going to Boston? What are you looking for in Boston? Reći ću ti sada istinu. I'll tell you the truth now. I'll tell you the truth now. Станете, ако обичате. Stand up, please. Stand up, please. Престаните да се мрдате! Stop moving! Stop moving! Tom mi je pomogao da uštedim koji dinar tako što mi je rekao za jeftinije mesto gde se to može kupiti. Tom helped save me a few bucks by telling me about a cheaper place to buy one. Tom helped me save some money by telling me about a cheaper place to buy it. Да одиме да го видиме Том. Let's go and see Tom. Let's go see Tom. Otupela, bezosećajna deca mogu nekada da odrastu u sociopate. Callous, unemotional children can sometimes become adult sociopaths. Warm, insensitive children can sometimes grow into sociopaths. Черното ти отива. Black suits you. Black's good for you. Tko ide sa mnom? Who will come with me? Who's coming with me? Jeden krok a budeš mŕtvy! Move a step, and you'll be a dead man! One croque and you're mütvy! Стави си престилка. Put on your apron. Put your apron on. Треба да се рекламираме на телевизија. We need to advertise on television. We should advertise on TV. Još uvek sam budan. I'm still awake. I'm still awake. Nemojte da gledate. Don't look. Don't look. Точно е десет часот. It's exactly 10:00. It's 10 o'clock exactly. Имате ли някакви френски списания? Do you have any French magazines? Do you have any French magazines? Аз го направих един път. I did it once. I did it once. Јас не би трошел нерви поради тоа. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I wouldn't waste my nerve about it. Горната част на планината е покрита със сняг. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The top of the mountain is snow-covered. To je po veličini treći grad u Srbiji. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. It is Serbia's largest third city. Tom je video dosta. Tom has seen enough. Tom's seen enough. Je li tvoj? Is it yours? Is it yours? Том имаше едно-единствено желание. Tom had one wish. Tom had a single wish. Тоа е факт. I know it for a fact. It's a fact. Nemoj da vičeš. Don't yell. Don't yell. С кого ходите на плажа? Who did you go to the beach with? Who are you going to the beach with? Nestašan sam. I'm restless. I'm naughty. Kada ste došli u Pariz? When did you come to Paris? When did you arrive in Paris? Uvijek problemi kada se radi o mome djetetu. When it comes to my child, the trouble never ends. It's always a problem when it comes to my kid. Влези и седни. Come in and sit down. Come in and sit down. Tom je bio jako nervozan. Tom felt very nervous. Tom was very nervous. Според тебе, како умрел Том? How do you think Tom died? According to you, how did Tom die? Пејачите користат микрофони за да си ги направат гласовите погласни. Singers use microphones to make their voices louder. Singers use microphones to make their voices louder. Някой от твоя екип говори ли френски? Does anyone on your team speak French? Any of your teams speak French? Mogao bih sada da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. To nije pravi problem. That's not a real problem. That's not a real problem. Máte tri mačky. You have three cats. Mát three cat. Niko kog znam više ne ide tamo jer je velika gužva. Nobody I know goes there anymore because it's too crowded. No one I know goes there anymore because it's so crowded. Tom zna da se više od 91 odsto Norveškog stanovništva snadbeva pijaćom vodom iz površinskih izvora. Tom knows that more than 91 per cent of the Norwegian population is supplied with potable water from surface water sources. Tom knows that more than 91 percent of the Norwegian population is supplied with drinking water from surface sources. Uvila je kosu papilotnama. She curled her hair with curlers. She wrapped her hair with Papillotes. Къде сте ги изхвърлили? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them out? Povraća mi se. I feel like vomiting. I'm vomiting. Том изгледа има се што му е потребно. Tom seems to have everything he needs. Tom seems to have everything he needs. Sve je u redu sa mnom. Nothing's wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me. Изгледаш тажно. Што не е во ред? You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. Čekam mamu. I'm waiting for my mother. I'm waiting for my mom. Гледай да не се загубиш. Be careful that you don't get lost. Make sure you don't get lost. Dnes je pondelok. Today, it's Monday. Today's a pondelock. Дефинитивно се тие. It's definitely them. It's definitely them. On se ubrzo oporavio od šoka. He soon recovered from the shock. He soon recovered from the shock. Nech väčšinu práce odvedú stroje. Let the technology do most of the work. I don't want to take any machines away. Том остави недојадена храна на чинијата. Tom left some food on his plate. Tom left the food on the plate. Treba vam jedan od ovih. You need one of those. You need one of these. Том ми каза, че иска да живее на усамотен плаж. Tom told me he wanted to live on a secluded beach. Tom told me he wanted to live on a private beach. Имам неколку слободни минути. I have a few minutes. I've got a few minutes. Da li se bojiš pacova? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of rats? Рече ли нешто Том? Did Tom say anything? Did Tom say anything? Не ми треба советување. I don't need any counseling. I don't need advice. Нашата тема на седмицата е: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. Our theme of the week is ____. Избрахме го за председател. We elected him chairman. We chose him as president. Добре дошла в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Пресечи улицата. Cross the street. Cut across the street. Šta ćeš danas raditi? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? Ти си седнал на моето място. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. На Том многу му се допаѓаш. Tom likes you a lot. Tom really likes you. Tom će verovatno i dalje da bude ljut. Tom will probably still be angry. Tom's probably still gonna be mad. Pobedili smo! We've won! We won! Никада није касно за учење. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to study. Tom je izgubio posao. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Внимавай къде ходиш. Watch where you're going. Watch where you're going. И Том може да ти помогне. Tom can help you as well. And Tom can help you. Ko jim poveš se probaj ne smejati. Try not to smile when you tell them. When you tell them, don't laugh. Готови ли сме? Are we ready? Are we ready? Mačka je ležala ispružena celom dužinom na sunčevoj svetlosti koja je prodirala kroz prozor. The cat was lying stretched out at full length in the sunlight streaming through the window. The cat was lying out in full length in the sunlight that penetrated through the window. Бях сам, учех. I was alone, studying. I was alone, I was studying. Френският ти става все по-добър. Your French is improving. Your French is getting better. Tom me uvek zasmeje. Tom always made me laugh. Tom always makes me laugh. Lepo je biti potreban nekome. It's nice to be needed. It's nice to be needed by someone. Он те је лагао. He lied to you. He lied to you. Gdje je vatra, tu je i dim. Where there is smoke there is fire. Where there's fire, there's smoke. Detektivi i dalje istražuju. Detectives are still investigating. Detectives are still investigating. Кажи што сакаш. Say what you want. Say what you want. Избери си карта, напиши си името върху нея и я върни обратно в тестето. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Pick a map, write your name on it, and put it back in the test. Може ли да подпишеш тук, ако обичаш? Could you sign here, please? Can you sign here, please? Ne bleni. Don't stare. Don't look. Idem nakupovať. I'm going shopping. I'm going shopping. Prije ili poslije dogodi se svakome. Sooner or later it happens to everyone. Sooner or later, it happens to everyone. Ima mnogo hotela u gradskom poslovnom distriktu. There are many hotels in the city's business district. There are many hotels in the city business district. Lud! Crazy! Crazy! Moliću se za tvoju porodicu. I'll pray for your family. I'll pray for your family. Том го посети Бостон. Tom visited Boston. Tom visited Boston. Си се бакнувал ли некогаш? Have you ever been kissed? Have you ever kissed? Со саати дремев таму. I was there for hours. I was taking a nap there for hours. Братята близнаци си приличат напълно. The twin brothers look exactly alike. The twins' brothers look exactly alike. Потполно си во право. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Sve čega se setiš može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water out of the dirty glass! Би сакал ли да гледаме телевизија? Would you like to watch TV? Would you like to watch TV? Том забележа како Мери го гледа. Tom noticed Mary looking at him. Tom noticed how Mary looked at him. Защо устата ти е отворена? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? Прозорците во мојата соба се распукани. The windows in my room are cracked. The windows in my room are broken. Ručaćemo zajedno u pola jedan. We'll eat lunch together at 12:30. We'll have lunch together at half past one. Би сакал чаша вино. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Idi pričaj s Tomom. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Hľadám dom. I'm looking for a house. I'm home. Iako sam bila bolesna, dala sam sve od sebe. Although I was sick, I did my best. Even though I was sick, I did my best. За ова ли беше сета возбуда? Is this what all the hype was about? Was that all the excitement? Уви! Alas! Uwi! Mislio sam da ćeš da budeš zauzeta. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Kako se osećate danas? How are we feeling today? How are you feeling today? Marija je odbila ponudu, jer je mislila da će joj biti bolje u banci. Mary refused the offer because she thought she could find a better place for herself in the bank. Maria refused the offer because she thought she'd be better off at the bank. Жестоки сте. You're cruel. You're hot. Neću pokušavati da predvidim budućnost. I won't try to predict the future. I won't try to predict the future. Ne treba suditi o čoveku po njegovom izgledu. You shouldn't judge a man by his appearance. You shouldn't judge a man by his looks. Slijedi ga. Follow him. Follow him. Това е странен проблем. That's a strange problem. That's a strange problem. Jesi li ti student? Are you a student? Are you a student? U ovom selu nema ništa za raditi. There's nothing to do in this village. There's nothing in this village to do. Ме боли глава. My head aches. My head hurts. Том отглежда домати в градината си. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Тоа беше воодушевувачко. That was impressive. That was amazing. Федерот од часовникот се скрши. The watch spring broke. The flyer from the clock broke. Колку е часот? What time of day is it? What time is it? Мразя немите филми. I hate silent movies. I hate silent movies. Mislio sam da ne bi želeo to. I thought you wouldn't want that. I thought you wouldn't want that. Не сум неспособен. I'm not incompetent. I'm not incapable. Спортот ме интересира. I am interested in sports. I'm interested in sports. Som si skoro istý. I'm almost sure. You're almost exactly what you are. Колко дълго остана? How long did you stay? How long has it been? Možeš li da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Tom je govorio o muzici. Tom talked about music. Tom was talking about music. Ще ме научиш ли да говоря френски? Can you teach me French? Will you teach me how to speak French? Ќе продолжам да работам тука колку можам подолго. I'll continue working here as long as I can. I'll keep working here as long as I can. Svečena večera se održala u Beloj kući. The official dinner took place at the White House. The feast was held at the White House. Мислам дека си бил тука и претходно. I think you've been here before. I think you've been here before. Сигурно сум си ја паркирал колата другде. I must have parked my car elsewhere. I must have parked my car somewhere else. Svi smo željni da vide film. We are all eager to see the movie. We're all eager to see a movie. Единственото, което Джак прави, е да спи. All Jack does is sleep. The only thing Jack does is sleep. Voda je život. Water is life. Water is life. Ние сме момчета. We are boys. We're guys. Полицијата не најде ништо да го сврзе Дан со грабежот. The police found nothing to link Dan to the robbery. The police found nothing to tie Dan to the robbery. Ще дойда с тебе обратно до хотела. I'll walk you back to your hotel. I'll come back with you to the hotel. Ще те черпя със суши. I'll treat you to sushi. I'll buy you sushi. Ručaćemo zajedno u pola jedan. We'll eat lunch together at 12:30. We'll have lunch together at half past one. Тажен сум. I'm sad. I'm sad. Тази кокошка напоследък не е снесла нито едно яйце. That chicken hasn't laid any eggs recently. This chicken hasn't laid a single egg lately. On je zgolj gledalec. Father is still in bed. He's just a viewer. Трябва да изчакам обаждането на Том. I have to wait for Tom's call. I have to wait for Tom to call. To je moja mačka. That's my cat. That's my cat. Том е много скромен. Tom is very modest. Tom's very modest. Сестра ми ја прави косата на фризер два или три пати неделно. My sister has her hair done at the hairdresser two or three times a week. My sister makes hair out of hair two or three times a week. Za účelom nahromadiť pol miliona som predal dom a nábytok aj s klenotami. I sold my house and furniture, together with my jewelry, in order to scrape together a half a million. After the cell, half a million som handed over home a nábytok aj with clenoths. Budi tolerantan. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Изглежда си имала тежък ден. It looks like you had a tough day. Looks like you've had a rough day. Дупло сам старији од Тома. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Pušenje je štetno za zdravlje. Smoking is harmful to health. Smoking is harmful to health. Направи го сега. Do it now. Do it now. Не съм виждал Том от няколко дена. I haven't seen Tom in days. I haven't seen Tom in a few days. Nikad u životu nisam nosila spavaćicu. I've never worn a sleeping gown in my life. I've never worn a nightgown in my life. Budi smiren. Be calm. Be calm. Ostani tu gde si, Tome. Stay right there, Tom. Stay where you are, Tom. Odgodio je njegov odlazak do sutra. He has postponed his departure until tomorrow. He delayed his departure until tomorrow. Това са моите гащи. Those are my pants. These are my pants. Ne pij vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink the water. Ovo sam juče kupio. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. Одиме да ги собереме. We're going to go get them. Let's go pick them up. Том отива в града. Tom is going to town. Tom's going to town. Čudno je što poštar još nije došao. It's weird that the mailman hasn't come yet. It's weird the mailman hasn't come yet. Сме направиле грешки. We've made mistakes. We've made mistakes. Ученето на английски е трудна работа. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Колку знаеш за нив? How much do you know about them? How much do you know about them? На нея ѝ беше студено. I feel cold. She was cold. Навистина сакам да знам што се дешава тука. I really want to know what's happening here. I really want to know what's going on here. Јас и брат ми ја делевме собата. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared a room. Той се справя много добре с деца. He is good at dealing with children. He's doing very well with kids. Зашто тако мислите? Why do you think so? Why do you think that? Зашто је љубав тако компликована? Why is love so complicated? Why is love so complicated? Zar sam stvarno bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Have I really been so happy? Кутиите од картон се кршливи. The cardboard boxes are fragile. Card boxes are fragile. Том сакаше Мери да му дојде на забавата. Tom wanted Mary to be at his party. Tom wanted Mary to come to the party. Slepa sam. I'm blind. I'm blind. Da li bi mogao da dobijem jedan zagrljaj? Would you mind giving me a hug? Could I have a hug? Майната ти! Fuck you! Fuck you! Šanse su bile protiv mene. The odds were against me. The odds were against me. Samo što smo večerali. We just ate dinner. We were just having dinner. Tom je besan. Tom sees red. Tom's furious. Бас ловя, че го знаеш. I bet you know this. I bet you know that. Imala sam problema tokom rešavanja tog problema. I had problems solving that problem. I've had problems solving this problem. To je zanimljivo. That is intriguing. That's interesting. Използваме този инсектицид от 2 години. We have been using this insecticide for two years. We've been using this insecticide for two years. Pomohli sme mu. We helped him. He can't help it. Ne držim se moje dijete. I'm not on track with my diet! I'm not holding on to my baby. Ама баш ништо не видов. I saw nothing at all. But I didn't really see anything. Imao sam kuče kada sam bio mali. I had a puppy when I was a boy. I had dogs when I was a kid. Том много добре свири на пиано. Tom plays the piano very well. Tom plays piano very well. Што јадеш, инаку? What do you eat, anyway? What are you eating, anyway? Ова е вистинска љубов. This is true love. This is true love. Кај библиотеката сум. I'm at the library. I'm at the library. Свако се мења. Everyone changes. Everyone changes. Dešava li se to često? Does that happen a lot? Does that happen often? Uzmi sve. Get everything. Take it all. Завршив дваесет и пет проекта за само еден месец. I did twenty-five projects in just one month. I completed twenty-five projects in just one month. Немаме ништо што сакаш. We have nothing you want. We don't have anything you want. Някои мислят, че берберският език може да отмре. Some think that the Berber language might die out. Some think the Berber language may die. Тоа е првата лебарка што ја гледам оваа пролет. That's the first cockroach I've seen this spring. That's the first cockroach I've seen this spring. Имам същия брой книги, колкото има и той. I have the same number of books as he has. I have the same number of books as he does. Том е паметен тип. Tom is a smart guy. Tom's a smart guy. Odmah počni. You are to start at once. Start now. Ja nerozlišujem. I don't discriminate. I'm invulnerable. Всичките им усилия бяха напразно. All their efforts were in vain. All their efforts were in vain. Ne izgledaš baš najbolje. Jesi li dobro? You don't look very well. Are you OK? You don't look so good. Stvarno nema potrebe da radite to. There's really no need for you to do that. You really don't need to do that. Ова е бездруго шега. This has got to be a joke. This is a joke. Nemal som obed. I didn't have lunch. He didn't have a grand meal. Sami je pitao mnogo pitanja o Islamu Sami was asking a lot of questions about Islam. Sami asked a lot of questions about Islam Jesi li me video kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? Kako je Tomu na poslu? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom at work? Zašto je to interesantno? Why is that interesting? Why is that interesting? Impresioniran sam tobom. I'm impressed with you. I'm impressed with you. Hrana je neophodna za opstanak. Food is essential for survival. Food is necessary for survival. Том се опитва да получи отговор от Мери. Tom tried to elicit a response from Mary. Tom's trying to get an answer from Mary. Jeho výdavky zďaleka prevyšujú jeho príjem. His expenses exceed his income by far. Yeho vídavky zyleka preyshuyú jehoi prí. Не трябва да се вреш в работата на другите. You shouldn't interfere in other people's business. You don't have to get into other people's business. Jako sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I am very happy about that. Том остава твърд. Tom remains obstinate. Tom stays tough. Opet buljiš u TV umesto da radiš svoj domaći zadatak! You're watching the idiot box again instead of doing your homework! You're staring at TV again instead of doing your homework! Tom se odlučio za "protiv". Tom decided against it. Tom has decided against it. Znati samog sebe je jako teško. To know oneself is very difficult. Knowing yourself is very difficult. Uzmi novac. You take the money. Take the money. Tom je znao šta je hteo. Tom knew what he wanted. Tom knew what he wanted. Слушна ли за него? Did you hear about him? Have you heard of him? Отворај. Open up. Open it. Се е многу чудно. It's all very strange. It's all very strange. Кој му прави доручек? Who makes breakfast for him? Who's making him breakfast? Пустио нас је. He let us go. He let us go. Dovedite pomoć. Bring help. Get some help. Tom je rekao da mu je potrebna moja pomoć. Tom said he wanted my help. Tom said he needed my help. Шта бисте волели да знате? What would you like to know? What would you like to know? За него го правам тоа. I'm doing it for him. That's what I do for him. Ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Jesam li zaljubljen? Am I in love? Am I in love? Нема да победиш. You won't win. You're not gonna win. Дамаск се наоѓа во Сирија. Damacus is located in Syria. Damascus is in Syria. Том ја сакаше Мери, знаеш. Tom loved Mary, you know. Tom loved Mary, you know. Ја видов сестра ми како го кине писмото. I saw my sister tear up the letter. I saw my sister break the letter. Нема потреба од тоа. That's uncalled for. There's no need for that. Većina naučnika je odbacila teoriju pomeranja kontinenata, jer je bilo tako teško da se zamisli da su pokreti ploča uopšte i mogući. Most scientists had rejected the continental-drift theory because it had been so difficult to imagine that plate movements were even possible. Most scientists rejected the continental movement theory, because it was so hard to imagine that the panel's movements were even possible. Требао бих о томе разговарати с оцем‎. I should discuss it with my father. I should talk to my father about this. Трябва да отивам до болницата. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Kako je ovo vaša krivica? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? Treba da me pustiš da uđem. You need to let me in. You should let me in. Мисля, че мога да го правя в свободното си време. I think I can do it in my spare time. I think I can do it on my own time. Čo sa ti stalo? What happened to you? Who cares? Кој ќе надомести за зијанот? Who will compensate for the loss? Who's gonna make up for the rat? Oni kopaju rupu. They're digging a hole. They're digging a hole. Имаш ли професионално искуство? Do you have professional experience? Do you have a professional experience? Chcem knihu. I want the book. I don't know. Може ли да престанеме? Can we stop? Can we stop? Mislila sam da si oženjen. I thought you were married. I thought you were married. Том помогна на Мери да премести шкафа. Tom helped Mary move the dresser. Tom helped Mary move the closet. Oslobodite robove! Free the slaves! Release the slaves! On ima veliko iskustvo i njegova kompententnost se razgranala u nekoliko oblasti. He has extensive experience and his competence has branched out into several fields. He has great experience and his competence has widened in several areas. Stvarno volim članove svog tima. I really like my teammates. I really like my team members. Njezin je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Marija je knjiški moljac. Mary is a bookworm. Maria's a bookworm. Знам дека си изморен. I know you're tired. I know you're tired. Pretpostavio sam da ste zauzete. I assumed you were busy. I just assumed you were busy. Просто сум изненаден. I'm just surprised. I'm just surprised. Знам кого штитиш. I know who you're protecting. I know who you're protecting. Ова е баба ми. This is my grandmother. This is my grandmother. Мисля, че наистина ще ви хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Сол веќе нема. There's no salt left. Saul's gone. Нисам још спремна. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Tom je jeo sendvič. Tom was eating a sandwich. Tom ate a sandwich. Не знам дали знаеш или не, ама тука во Америка се очекува да му оставиш бакшиш на келнерот. I don't know if you know or not, but here in America you're expected to tip the waiter. I don't know if you know it or not, but here in America, you're supposed to tip the waiter. Предполагам, че няма да е проблем. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess it won't be a problem. Tom ima mlađu sestru Meri. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has a younger sister, Mary. Jao mi je žao Toma. I really feel sorry for Tom. I feel sorry for Tom. On je bio ispred svog vremena. He was ahead of his time. He was ahead of his time. Tekst je jako prerađen. The text has been heavily edited. The text is very well processed. Том гледа телевизија. Tom is watching TV. Tom's watching TV. На Том му е много по-лесно да говори на английски, отколкото на френски. Tom finds it much easier to speak English than French. It's much easier for Tom to speak English than it is in French. Јесте ли то намерно урадили? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? Престани да се одупиреш! Stop resisting! Stop fighting! Ние вече знаем. We already know. We already know. Zoološki vrt je zatvoren ponedeljkom. The zoo is closed on Mondays. The zoo was closed on Mondays. Ovakvi projekti se nikada ne završe. Such projects are never finished. These projects never end. Moram ići spavati. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. To je problem koji sam moraš da rešiš. This is a problem you have to solve by yourself. That's the problem you have to solve for yourself. Zašto si odjednom znatiželjna? Why are you curious all of a sudden? Why are you suddenly curious? To miriše ukusno. That smells delicious. That smells delicious. Фер е. It's fair. It's fair. Сестра ми прилича на майка ми. My sister resembles my mother. My sister looks like my mother. Изчисти си стаята. Clean your room. Clean your room. Имам неколку крофни. I've got some donuts. I've got some donuts. Том је хладнокрван. Tom is unfazed. Tom's cold-blooded. Том се опита да го направи. Tom tried to do it. Tom tried to do it. Колко е висок брат ти? How tall is your brother? How tall is your brother? Bi li volio da pogledam tvoju kuću? Would you like me to see you home? Would you like me to take a look at your house? Аз съм партньорът на Том. I'm Tom's partner. I'm Tom's partner. И двамата ли разбират френски? Do they both understand French? Do they both understand French? То је моја мачка. That's my cat. That's my cat. Рокот за извештаите е следниот понеделник. The deadline for the reports is next Monday. The report deadline is next Monday. Jesi li otišao da vidiš Toma? Did you go to see Tom? Did you go see Tom? Дечко и личи на мајмун. Her boyfriend looks like a monkey. The boy looks like a monkey. Одакле вам та идеја? Whatever gave you that idea? Where did you get that idea? Izgladnela sam. I'm famished. I'm starving. Изхвърли тия чорапи, ако обичаш. Throw away these socks, please. Throw away those socks, please. Ja nisam filolog. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. Помислих, че може да отидем до музея заедно. I thought we could visit the museum together. I thought we could go to the museum together. Instiktivno sam odreagovao. I reacted instinctively. I've been instinctive of reacting. Таа работа е завршена. That job's finished. That thing's done. Izvini što ja nisam odgovorio na vaše pismo ranije. Sorry I haven't replied to your letter earlier. I'm sorry I didn't answer your letter earlier. Сега, след като се регистрирах, какво трябва да правя? What do I have to do now that I'm registered? Now that I've registered, what am I supposed to do? Ručao sam sa njom. I had lunch with her. I had lunch with her. Не требаше да ѝ верувам. I shouldn't have believed her. I shouldn't have trusted her. Mislim, da bi morala spremeniti svoje prehranjevalne navade. I think you should change your eating habits. I think you should change your eating habits. Nazvaću je večeras. I'll phone her tonight. I'm gonna call her tonight. Rozumiem, že ku mne prechováva nevraživosť; ublížila som jej. I understand she has hard feelings towards me; I hurt her. Rosemary, I've got a lot of neuro-life; I've got a som-egg. Zar se ne sećaš pitanja? Don't you remember the question? Don't you remember the question? Види го саатот. Look at the clock. Look at the watch. Šta pije? What is she drinking? What's he drinking? Ovo je moj kompjuter. This is my computer. This is my computer. Човек има много жеља које заправо ни не жели да се остваре, и било би погрешно претпоставити супротно.Он жели да оне остану само жеље; оне имају вредност само у његовој машти; њихово остваривање било би за њега горко разочарење.Таква једна жеља је и жеља за вечним животом. Да је била испуњена, човек би постао потпуно болестан од бесконачног живота, и желео би смрт. Man has many wishes that he does not really wish to fulfil, and it would be a misunderstanding to suppose the contrary. He wants them to remain wishes, they have value only in his imagination; their fulfilment would be a bitter disappointment to him. Such a desire is the desire for eternal life. If it were fulfilled, man would become thoroughly sick of living eternally, and yearn for death. Man has many desires that he doesn't really want to be realized, and it would be wrong to assume the opposite.He wants them to remain only desires; they have value only in his imagination; their achievement would have been bitter disappointment for him. Such is one desire and desire for eternal life. If it had been fulfilled, man would become completely sick of infinite life, and he would want death. Svi smo željni da vide film. We are all eager to see the movie. We're all eager to see a movie. Том не беше толкова лош. Tom wasn't that bad. Tom wasn't so bad. Уверявам ви, че ще успеем да платим наема навреме. I assure you we'll be able to pay the rent on time. I assure you, we'll be able to pay our rent on time. Шта вам се највише допало успут? What did you like best on the trip? What did you like most about it along the way? Kako je tvoje bosansko ime? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Ćinili su se kao da znaju šta žele. They seemed to know what they wanted. They seemed to know what they wanted. Prestani pušiti. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Мисля, че Том е в градината. I think Tom is in the garden. I think Tom's in the garden. На глава ми се качи. I've had it with you. I've got it on my head. На теория би трябвало да свърши работа. Theoretically it should work. In theory, it should work. Tom nikad nije pitao zašto. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. Јас сум зомби! I'm a zombie! I'm a zombie! Hjustone, imali smo problem. Houston, we've had a problem here. Houston, we had a problem. Том се натажи. Tom became depressed. Tom's sad. On je čovek s velikim iskustvom. He is a man of wide experience. He's a man of great experience. Knjiga je na stolu. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Šta je ta stvar i tvojoj desnoj šaci? What is that thing in your right hand? What's that thing and your right hand? Наглеждай я. Take care of her. Keep an eye on her. Той носи дрехи в китайски стил. He wears Chinese-style clothes. He wears Chinese-style clothes. Na tebi je da izabereš. It's for you to choose. It's up to you to choose. Отговорът е верен. The answer is right. The answer is correct. Кој беше во колата? Who was in the car? Who was in the car? Ne pijte vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Том преведе един френски роман на английски. Tom translated a French novel into English. Tom translated a French novel in English. Аз имам едно старо колело. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Njihovo je pravo da glasaju. It is their right to vote. It's their right to vote. Застанаа. They stopped walking. They've stopped. Сѐ ли е таму? Is everything there? Is everything there? Пишувај му на Том. Write Tom. Write to Tom. Том, имам нещо да ти казвам. Tom, I have something to say to you. Tom, I have something to tell you. Момичето, което работи в онази пекарна, е симпатично. The girl who works at that bakery is cute. The girl who works in that bakery is cute. Чух какво Том каза на Мери. I heard what Tom said to Mary. I heard what Tom said to Mary. Те барам веќе некое време. I've been searching for you. I've been looking for you for a while. Срећан мајчин дан! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Той си вдигна ръцете. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Не разбирам. I don't understand. I don't understand. Том е доста слаб. Tom is quite weak. Tom's pretty weak. "Boston Globe" je dao filmu lošu kritiku. The Boston Globe gave the film an unfavorable review. Boston Globe gave a bad review. Sigurna sam da će Tom mnogo da mi nedostaje. I'm sure I'll miss Tom a lot. I'm sure I'm gonna miss Tom very much. Tom zna da kuca veoma brzo. Tom can type very fast. Tom knows he's knocking very fast. Ogladnio sam od svog ovog trčanja. All this running has made me hungry. I'm hungry from all this running. Прашањето е дали може или не. The question is whether he can do it or not. The question is whether it can or not. Ако не сме внимателни, истото ќе ни се случи и нам. If we're not careful, the same thing will happen to us. If we're not careful, the same will happen to us. Беше по-евтино, отколкото мислех, че ще бъде. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. Има премногу работи што не ги знам. There's too much I don't know. There are too many things I don't know. Pazi na mene, i ja ću paziti na tebe. Watch over me, I will watch over you. Look after me, and I'll look after you. Тоа е пораката. That's the message. That's the message. Mislim da je moguće uraditi to. I think it's doable. I think it's possible to do that. Želela bih da ti kažem istinu. I'd like to tell you the truth. I'd like to tell you the truth. Што правеа? What were we doing? What were they doing? Се согласив да ѝ помогнам. I agreed to help her. I agreed to help her. Da li je zgodan muškarac Arap ili Hindi? Is the handsome man an Arab or an Indian? Is he a handsome man, Arab or Hindi? Тоа смрди на сирење. That stinks of cheese. That smells like cheese. Какви са фактите? What're the facts? What are the facts? Pridať! Encore! Come on! Сигурно многу се гордееш. You must be so proud. You must be very proud. Ne želim da igram ovu igru. I don't want to play this game. I don't want to play this game. Koliko to košta? How much does it cost? How much does that cost? Ne stoji. Don't stand. It's not standing. Mari radi u velikoj tvrtci. Mari works for a large firm. Marie works at the big firm. Samo probaj. Just give it a chance. Just try it. Njezina ljepota je bila neopisiva. Her beauty was beyond description. Her beauty was indescribable. Najgore tek stiže. The worst comes afterwards. The worst is yet to come. Video sam zmiju. I saw a snake. I saw a snake. Том многу цврсто спие. Tom is a very sound sleeper. Tom's sleeping really tight. Edukacija u ovom svijetu me razočarava. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world disappoints me. Мораћу да мењам своје навике. I will have to change my ways. I'll have to change my habits. Ова е дрвена маса. This is a wooden table. This is a wood table. On je varao na ispitu biologije. He cheated on the biology exam. He cheated on his biology exam. Том закъсняваше за вечеря. Tom was late for dinner. Tom was late for dinner. Uzećemo sledeću. We'll get the next one. We'll take the next one. Тоа што се згоди беше несреќен случај. What happened was an accident. What happened was an accident. Зошто сите го мразат? Why does everyone hate him? Why does everyone hate him? Ne ljutim se na tebe. I'm not mad at you. I'm not mad at you. Оваа е најдобриот ресторан во нашава област. This is the best restaurant in our area. This is the best restaurant in our area. Защо не спите? Why aren't you sleeping? Why don't you sleep? Си ја украсив собата. I decorated my room. You're in a beautiful room. Idi isplivaj malo sa Tomom. Take Tom for a swim. Go have a little swim with Tom. Je všetko v poriadku? Everything all right? Is the witch in the poriac? Užasan sam sa decom. I'm horrible with kids. I'm terrible with kids. Ќе мораме да презакажеме. We'll have to reschedule. We'll have to reschedule. Престани да се одупиреш! Stop resisting! Stop fighting! Казвал съм ти толкова пъти да не го правиш. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I've told you so many times not to. Bilo, pa prošlo. That's water under the bridge. Ancient history. Tom je pitao Meri kako joj se dopada novi posao. Tom asked Mary how she liked her new job. Tom asked Mary how she liked her new job. Демек треба да те знам? Am I supposed to know you? Am I supposed to know you? Френският изобщо не е толкова труден за научаване. French is not all that difficult to learn. French is not so hard to learn at all. Još se nismo upoznali. We haven't met yet. We haven't met yet. Kvôli bezpečnosti našich detí, nenavštevujte porno stránky. For the safety of our children, please do not enter porn sites. Sleepless odds of our detí, not to mention porn stránky. Многу сме задоволни. We're very pleased. We're very pleased. Hajde da porazgovaramo o mogućnostima. Let's discuss our options. Let's talk about options. Тоа може да е вистина. That might be true. That could be true. Питам се чија је ово реченица. I wonder who this sentence belongs to. I wonder whose line this is. "Къде живееш?" "Аз живея в Токио." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Jesi li video moje kuče? Have you seen my dog? Have you seen my dogs? Стигнахме бързо, понеже движението не беше натоварено. We made good time since the traffic was light. We got here fast because the movement wasn't loaded. Това е най-грозната шапка, която някога съм виждал. That's the ugliest hat I've ever seen. That's the ugliest hat I've ever seen. Аз все още трябва да отида до банката. I still have to go to the bank. I still have to go to the bank. Том се прашуваше што ќе се случи ако го притисне синото копче. Tom wondered what would happen if he pressed the blue button. Tom was wondering what would happen if he pressed the blue button. Vrnil sem mu njegovo knjigo. I returned his book to him. I gave him back his book. Mogla bih sada da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there right now. Možeš li razlikovati srebro od kositra? Can you tell silver and tin apart? Can you tell silver from tin? Moram nešto popiti. I need something to drink. I've got to get something to drink. Da li imaš nešto da prijaviš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? Nadam se da će Tom ostati ovde. I hope Tom sticks around. I hope Tom stays here. Кен ме вика всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Sunce je sijalo, a ipak je bilo hladno. The sun was shining, yet it was cold. The sun was shining, and yet it was cold. Завежи и кидај! Go jump in the lake. Shut up and rip! Kako to ide? How does that work? How's that going? Симни се. Get down. Get off. По света има близо седем милиарда души. There are almost seven billion people in the world. There are nearly seven billion people around the world. Знаех, че ще бъдеш зает. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Ne selim se u Boston. I'm not moving to Boston. I'm not moving to Boston. Bi li volio da pogledam tvoju kuću? Would you like me to see you home? Would you like me to take a look at your house? Siguran sam da postoji bolji način da se to uradi. I'm sure there's a better way to do that. I'm sure there's a better way to do it. Не съм го взимала. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Máme čas. We have time. It's time. Gde je Lori? Where is Laurie? Where's Lori? Какво донесе Том? What did Tom bring? What did Tom bring? Што мајка бараш тука? Зошто не си дома? What are you doing here? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? Tom će se promeniti. Tom'll change. Tom's gonna change. Tom je bio pola u pravu. Tom was half right. Tom was half right. Получих писмото ѝ вчера. I received her letter yesterday. I got her letter yesterday. Sva prava zadržana. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Probajmo. Let's give this a shot. Let's try it. Izvrštaj o sastanku je spreman. The report on the meeting is ready. The briefing on the meeting is ready. Kaj je ta grozni hrup? What is that awful noise? What's that horrible noise? Не се кокори. Don't look surprised. Don't get cocky. Да гласуваме. Let's vote. Let's vote. Proveri ovo. Check this. Check this out. Том е воодушевен. Tom is fascinated. Tom's thrilled. Не знаш ни како се он зове, зар не? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Ближе. Move over. Closer. Никому нищо не правя. I don't cause trouble. I'm not doing anything to anyone. Zašto ne skineš kaput? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take your coat off? Многу сакам да научам француски. I really want to learn French. I'd like to learn French a lot. Звучи интересно. It sounds interesting. That sounds interesting. Vidio sam ga kako iz kutije vadi nešto poput lonca. I saw him take out something like a pot from the box. I saw him pull something like a pot out of a box. Што гледа маж како тебе во жена како мене? What does a man like you see in a woman like me? What does a man like you see in a woman like me? Том изнесе впечатляваща презентация. Tom made an impressive presentation. Tom made an impressive presentation. Pas je moj. The dog is mine. The dog is mine. Ne mogu sama da popravim auto. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix my own car. Zahtevali su povećanje plate. They demanded a salary increase. They demanded an increase in pay. Поздравете вашите приятелки. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your friends. Molim te mi reci da sam u pravu. Please tell me I'm right. Please tell me I'm right. Той извади една монета от джоба си. He took a coin out of his pocket. He pulled a coin out of his pocket. Да обядваме! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! Nisam znao puno o Australiji. I don't know much about Australia. I didn't know much about Australia. Когато бях на твоята възраст, трябваше да вървим пеша нагоре по склона до училище, и в двете посоки. When I was your age, we had to walk uphill to school, both ways. When I was your age, we had to walk up the slope to school, both directions. Svi stoje. Everyone's standing. Everybody's standing. Nikada ranije nisam primetila to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Какъв цвят са очите на Том? What color are Tom's eyes? What color is Tom's eyes? Stavila je prsten na prst. She put the ring on her finger. She put the ring on her finger. Том је бивши робијаш. Tom is an ex-con. Tom's an ex-con. Марија је била бесна као рис. Mary began to feel hot under the collar. Mary was as angry as a lynx. Svi pokušavamo da pobedimo. We're all trying to win. We're all trying to win. Почнимо одмах. Let's start right away. Let's start now. Nacrtaj skicu svoje kuće. Make a sketch of your house. Draw a sketch of your house. Имам впечаток дека врне цел ден. I'm under the impression that it's been raining all day. I feel like it's raining all day. Ne bih ga povredio. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. У овој фази светске историје, у Америци не постоји једна таква ствар као што је независна штампа. Ви то знате и ја то знам. Међу вама нема ни једног који се усуђује да напише своје искрено мишљење, и кад би га написао, већ унапред би знао да се то никада неће појавити у штампи. Ја сам добијао редовно своју плату како бих држао своје искрено мишљење изван новина за које радим. Многи од вас су такође слично плаћени за сличне ствари, и било ко од вас ко би био толико луд да пише оно што искрено мисли, нашао би се напољу, на улици, у потрази за неким другим послом. Да сам ја дозволио да се моје право мишљење појави само у једном издању новина за које радим, добио бих отказ с посла за мање од 24 часа. (...) There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. In this phase of world history, there is no such thing as an independent press. You know that and I know it. There is none among you who dares to write their honest opinion, and if you wrote it, you would already know in advance that it will never appear in the press. I have regularly received my salary to keep my honest opinion outside of the news I am working for. Many of you are also similarly paid for similar things, and any of you who would be so crazy to write what you honestly think, would be outside, looking for some other job. If I had allowed my right opinion to appear only in one issue of news for which I am, I would be fired from work in less than 24 hours. Моля, продължете разказа си. Please continue with your story. Please continue with your story. Брат ми е излезен. My brother is out. My brother's out. Izgledaš debelo. You look fat. You look fat. Можеш ли да се поврзеш со него? Can you contact him? Can you connect with him? Нямам си на идея кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Tom je nazvan po ocu. Tom is named after his father. Tom was named after his father. Нисам разумео ништа на данашњем семинару. I didn't understand anything at today's seminar. I didn't understand anything at today's seminar. Ако не искаш да бъдеш сама, мога да ти правя компания. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Не сме го правеле тоа никогаш досега. We have never done it before. We've never done that before. Къде да отидем? When do we go? Where do we go? Няма да се поддам на заплахите. I won't be intimidated. I won't give up on the threats. Znamo ju. We know him. We know her. Боље ћути! Save your breath. You better be quiet! Слушам дека доста добро плаќаат. I hear they pay pretty well. I hear they pay pretty well. Зарем не мислиш дека Куки би било добро име за куче? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Треба да му се јавам. I need to call him. I should call him. Šta si sad uradio? What have you done now? What did you do now? Тя обожава цвета на своята тениска. She loves the color of her T-shirt. She loves the color of her T-shirt. Idemo u bioskop. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. Том гласно ждригна. Tom burped loudly. Tom's in a hurry. Zatvori oči, Tome. Close your eyes, Tom. Close your eyes, Tom. Казах ти, че мразя тази риза. I told you I hated that shirt. I told you I hate that shirt. Пречиш ми. You are in my way. You're disturbing me. Tom zna da kuca veoma brzo. Tom can type very fast. Tom knows he's knocking very fast. Обичам да каня приятелите си вкъщи. I like to invite my friends home. I like to invite my friends home. Zaista sam ponosna na to. I'm real proud of that. I'm really proud of it. On pozná New York naspamäť. He knows New York inside out. He's late for New York. Ništa nisam dao. I didn't hand out anything. I didn't give anything. Треба да одиме да ги најдеме. We'd better go find them. We should go find them. Имах лоша седмица. I've had a bad week. I've had a bad week. Ne pričam sa Tomom. I'm not talking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Сакаш ли да се возиш со нас? Do you want to ride with us? Do you want to ride with us? Ti si zelo elegantna. You are very elegant. You're very elegant. Толкова си повърхностен. You're so shallow. You're so shallow. Бих искала да ви задам още няколко въпроса. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Понекогаш не можам да си помогнам. Sometimes I can't help myself. Sometimes I can't help myself. Položio sam ispit! I passed the exam! I passed the exam! Сѐ е минливо, но убавите спомени остануваат. Everything is perishable, but the good memories live. Everything is fleeting, but beautiful memories remain. Не знаш ни како се он зове, је л' тако? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Том е неспособен. Tom's incompetent. Tom's incompetent. Мисля, че нещо не е както трябва. I think there's something wrong. I think something's wrong. Tom je preklinjao Meri da ništa ne kaže njegovim roditeljima. Tom begged Mary not to say anything to his parents. Tom begged Mary not to say anything to his parents. Насловите треба да им го привлечат вниманието на читателите. Headlines are supposed to grab the reader's interest. The titles should draw attention to readers. Tom se boji smrti. Tom is afraid of death. Tom's afraid of dying. Ne mogu više da se opirem. I can't resist any longer. I can't resist it anymore. To miriše ukusno. That smells delicious. That smells delicious. Не се тревожи за мен. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Da li si gladan? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Том не работи вече. Tom doesn't work anymore. Tom doesn't work anymore. Наравно. Of course. Of course. Postoje li duše? Do souls exist? Are there any souls? Подобро пак да му се јавам. I'd better call him again. I'd better call him back. Чудно е како луѓето во тропските зони јадат зачинета храна како кари. It's strange that people in hot climate zones eat spicy things like curry. It's strange how people in tropical zones eat spicy food like curry. Какво мислиш? What do you think? What do you think? Naš učitelj će se vratiti iz inozemstva u kolovozu. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Tom je nazvan po ocu. Tom is named after his father. Tom was named after his father. Как си днес ? How are you doing today? How are you today? Ne živim u ovom gradu. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. Blázon! Lunatic! Blázon! Да дознаеме кој го избодел Том. Let's find out who stabbed Tom. Let's find out who stabbed Tom. Какво му става на Том? What's with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? Previše kasno. Too late. Too late. Той следва модерна литература. He majors in modern literature. He follows modern literature. Потпуно сам без пара. I don't have any money. I'm totally broke. Prestani s pričom. Stop talking. Stop talking. Станувај веќе еднаш, мрзливецу! Get up already, you lazybones! Get up already, you lazy bastard! Това твое ли е, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is that yours, Tom? Им кажав кога ги видов. И нему му кажав. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. I told them when I saw them, and I told him. Ima lijep cvijet, ali ne rađa plodove. Its flower is beautiful, but it bears no fruit. She's got a nice flower, but she's not giving birth to fruit. Nisam bila preterano iznenađena. I wasn't too surprised. I wasn't too surprised. Вистина ли е? Is it true? Is it true? Баща ми отиде за риба. My father went fishing. My father went fishing. On je siromašan ali previše ponosan da traži pomoć. He is poor but is too proud to ask for help. He's poor but too proud to ask for help. Trudim se. I try. I'm trying. Да продолжам ли? Should I continue? Shall I go on? Reci mu. Tell him. Tell him. Da li si oprao sudove? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Поздрави Джими от мене. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jimmy for me. Нема врска со среќа. It has nothing to do with luck. It's nothing to do with luck. On niečo povedal. He said something. He didn't say anything. Мисля, че трябва да си луда да не отидеш. I think you'd be crazy not to go. I think you should be crazy not to go. Uzmite još jednu. Have another. Take another one. Овој заб е секач. This tooth is an incisor. This tooth is a cutter. Том започна да си развързва обувките. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom's starting to untie his shoes. На Том нема да му се допадне тоа. Tom won't like it. Tom won't like that. Мора да се направи разлика. One must distinguish. There's got to be a difference. Mogla bih da pođem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could go with you. Imam dvije mačke. I have two cats. I have two cats. Večeras ću je pozvati. I'll phone her tonight. I'm gonna call her tonight. Govoril je v polomljeni angleščini, ki jo je bilo težko razumeti. He spoke in a broken English that was hard to understand. He spoke in a broken English language that was hard to understand. Справяш се много добре. Давай все така. You are doing very well. Keep it up. You're doing very well. Заборави на тоа, добро? Forget about it, OK? Forget about it, okay? Niko ne zna šta će se sledeće dogoditi. Nobody knows what will happen next. No one knows what's gonna happen next. Čuo sam da je Tom odustao od fakulteta. I've heard that Tom has dropped out of college. I heard Tom quit college. To nije razlog za paničenje. That's not a reason to panic. That's no reason to panic. Помислих си, че може чувствата ти да са се променили. I thought you might have a change of heart. I thought your feelings might have changed. Не беше идея на Том. It wasn't Tom's idea. It wasn't Tom's idea. Среде градот има фонтана. In the middle of the city, there is a fountain. There's a fountain in the middle of town. Užasan sam sa decom. I'm horrible with kids. I'm terrible with kids. Што има на масичката? What is on the desk? What's on the table? Мораш да ми простиш. You must forgive me. You have to forgive me. Tom se onesvestio. Tom's out cold. Tom passed out. Ќе одам да ги барам. I'll go and look for them. I'll go look for them. Не се ли забавлявате? Aren't you enjoying yourself? Aren't you having fun? Имаш много приятели, които се тревожат за теб. You have many caring friends. You have a lot of friends who are worried about you. Jeste važno za mene. For me, it is important. It's important to me. Сакав да ти кажам како се прави тоа, но Том ме замоли да не ти кажувам. I wanted to tell you how to do that, but Tom told me not to. I wanted to tell you how it was done, but Tom asked me not to tell you. Само се туширав. I was just showering. I was just taking a shower. Glasnije, molim. Louder, please. Louder, please. Ja sam ta koja je to dala Tomu. I'm the one who gave Tom that. I'm the one who gave it to Tom. Tom je buljio u stopala. Tom stared at his feet. Tom was staring at his feet. Postoji mačka. There is a cat. There's a cat. Ти си прониклив човек. You're a very perceptive person. You're a insightful man. Trebalo je da mi kažeš. You should have told me. You should have told me. Bio sam vrlo zainteresovan da učestvujem u izgradnji intezivnijeg akademskog plana za programiranje. I was very interested in taking part in building a stronger academic curriculum regarding programming. I was very interested in taking part in building a more intensive academic programming plan. Neki smatraju da se spontano zapaljenje ljudi stvarno događa, ali ja nisam baš uvjeren. Some regard that spontaneous combastion of human beings occurs, but I am not really convinced. Some people think spontaneously burning people is really happening, but I'm not really convinced. Tom veoma dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom in a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Препознала сам га на први поглед. I recognized him at first glance. I recognized him at first. Šta ste oboje uradili? What did you both do? What did you both do? Тоа беше лично. That was personal. It was personal. Kada odlaziš? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? Tom sada zna to. Tom knows that now. Tom knows that now. Ништо тука не е мое. Nothing here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Samo pokušavaju da pomognu. They're only trying to help. They're just trying to help. Tom me je zamolio da nikome ne kažem, tako da nisam. Tom asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Tom asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Zaglavilo se. It's stuck. It's stuck. Притежавам 30 акра земя на около 3 мили извън града. I own 30 acres of land about 3 miles out of town. I own 30 acres of land about three miles outside of town. Крушкава е зелена. This pear is green. This pear is green. Tomu je bilo toliko hladno da su mu zubi cvokotali. Tom was so cold his teeth were chattering. It was so cold that his teeth were blubbering. Voleo bih da nisam uradio to. I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't done that. Трябва да премахнем всички ядрени оръжия,защото са смъртоносни за човечеството. We have to abolish all nuclear weapons, because they are deadly to mankind. We need to remove all nuclear weapons because they're deadly to humanity. Ova je nezgodna. This one's a tough one. This one's tricky. Čo sa tu stalo? What happened here? Who cares? Danas je brod bio iznad Srednjeatlanskog Grebena - planinskog venca koji se nalazi na dnu okeana, na dubinama do 4500 metara. Today, the ship remained over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - a mountain range located on the bottom of the ocean at depths of up to 3 miles. Today the ship was above the Central Atlantic Greben - a mountain range located at the bottom of the ocean, at depths up to 4500 meters. Tom se predstavio. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Ova kutija je skoro prazna. This box is almost empty. This box is almost empty. To nebol Tom. That wasn't Tom. That doesn't hurt, Tom. Можеби би требало да им помогна. Maybe I should give them a hand. Maybe I should help them. Daj da probam drugu. Let me try another one. Let me try another one. Koliko znamo do sada, Tom je kriv. Insofar as we know, Tom is guilty. As far as we know, Tom's guilty. Deseti september je svetovni dan preprečevanja samomorov. September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. The 10th of September is the world's suicide prevention day. Не би ми пречело да им помагам. I wouldn't mind helping them. I wouldn't mind helping them. Той не е бил във Франция. He has not been to France. He wasn't in France. Tom je mogao da objasni to. Tom could explain that. Tom could have explained it. Da li si uživao u gledanju noćne utakmice sinoć? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Не ми трябва вашата помощ. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú blázniví. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Myslel som, already Tom a Mary sú blasniví. Къде е твоят баща? Where is your father? Where's your father? Ubeđena sam. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Не верујем. I'm not buying it. I don't think so. Млад човек је често непромишљен. The young man is often foolhardy. A young man is often reckless. Potpisaću. I'll sign it. I'll sign it. Зарем нема ништо да правиш? Aren't you going to do something? Aren't you going to do anything? Кога отишол Том во Бостон? When did Tom go to Boston? When did Tom go to Boston? Da li ti je Tom ikad odgovorio? Did Tom ever answer you? Did Tom ever answer your question? Никога нямам почивка. I never get a break. I never take a break. Не ме карай да чакам. Don't put me on hold. Don't make me wait. Не разумем зашто су тако добри пријатељи. Једва да имају нешто заједничко. I can't understand why they're such good friends. They have hardly anything in common. I don't understand why they're such good friends, they barely have anything in common. Grem na pošto. I am going to the post office. I'm going to the post office. Внимавайте. Be careful. Be careful. Ja rozprávam Esperantom. I speak Esperanto. I'm rapping Esperants. Имам новини за Том. I have news about Tom. I've got some news for Tom. Ne možeš da pojedeš samo jedan. You can't eat just one. You can't just eat one. Реших, че може да си гладен. I thought you might be hungry. I thought you might be hungry. Том се самоуби. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. Ja neću da to potpišem. I'm not signing it. I'm not signing it. Јадам со децата секоја недела. I eat with the kids every week. I eat with the kids every week. Plašim se. I'm afraid. I'm scared. Трябва да се владееш. You must control yourself. You have to rule. Niko ne zna šta će se sledeće dogoditi. Nobody knows what will happen next. No one knows what's gonna happen next. Danas ću da odem ranije. I'm going to leave early today. I'm going to leave early today. Конечно те најдов. I've finally found you. I finally found you. Треба да киднеме. We need to get away. We need to get out of here. Сигурна съм, че Том не те мрази. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Znaš li kog je ubio Tom? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who killed Tom? Том безбедно стигна. Tom arrived safely. Tom has arrived safely. Том обично победува во расправии. Tom usually wins arguments. Tom usually wins a fight. Наш јахт клуб има десет чланова. Our yacht club has ten members. Our yacht club has ten members. Bolje milom nego silom. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Better by soap than by force. Zaista se radujem što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really looking forward to being here. Juče sam pričao sa Tomom. I talked to Tom yesterday. I talked to Tom yesterday. Чух, че Том ти е дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. Ако огладниш, има храна во ладилникот. If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. Dosta! Stop! Enough! Не по-малко от 100 души присъстваха на срещата. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. Аз не разбирам музиката. I don't understand music. I don't understand the music. Koja je tvoja specijalizacija? What's your major field? What's your specialty? Обожавам сончогледи. I love sunflowers. I love sunshine. Мојот ласерски принтер знае и да се скенира слики. My laser printer can also scan an image. My laser printer can also scan images. Се надевам дека ќе му се допаднеш на новиот шеф. I hope your new boss likes you. I hope the new boss likes you. Хвала што си прихватио мој захтев за пријатеља на Фејсбуку. Thanks for accepting my friend request on Facebook. Thank you for accepting my request for a friend on Facebook. Navikao sam se da se nikom ne dopadam. I'm used to no one liking me. I'm used to not liking anybody. Molimo Vas, ostavite ovo mesto čistim koliko biste biste želeli da ga pronađete. Please leave this place as clean as you would like to find it. Please leave this place as clean as you'd like to find it. Испекао сам језик. I burnt my tongue. I roasted my tongue. Том живее во странство. Tom is living abroad. Tom lives abroad. Језиво беше. It was spooky. It was creepy. Някой тук знае ли френски? Does anyone here know French? Does anyone here know French? Umeš li da čuvaš tajne? Are you good at keeping secrets? Can you keep secrets? Често прекарвам свободното си време слушайки музика. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my free time listening to music. To nam puno pomaže. That helps us a lot. That helps us a lot. Том се упражнява да говори френски при всяка възможност. Tom practices speaking French every chance he gets. Tom is practicing speaking French whenever possible. Со кого си таму? Who are you there with? Who are you with? Schytala to za to, že prišla neskoro. She caught it for coming late. Schytala's been here recently. Не сакам да кажеш нешто што не го мислиш. I don't want you to say anything that you don't mean. I don't want you to say anything you don't mean. Колку време работиш како лекар тука? How long have you been a doctor here? How long have you worked as a doctor here? Јел' ово има смисла? Does this make sense? Does this make sense? Дали го замоли да си оди? Did you ask him to leave? Did you ask him to leave? Само не сакам да направиш нешто за што ќе се покаеш. I just don't want you to do something you'll be sorry for. I just don't want you to do anything you regret. Jesi li video da radi? Have you seen it work? Did you see it work? Ne deluje na mene. It doesn't work for me. It doesn't work on me. Целото место беше заснежено. The whole place was covered in snow. The whole place was snowed. Imam dvije ulaznice za Boston protiv Vancouver u subotu navečer. Želiš li ići sa mnom? I have two tickets for the Boston vs. Vancouver game on Saturday night. Wanna go with me? I have two tickets to Boston v. Vancouver on Saturday night. Бяха представени около тридесет страни. About thirty countries were represented. About thirty countries were represented. Mislim da ste se svi sreli. I think you've all met. I think you've all met. Девојчето ги отвори очите, ја виде мечката и побегна кон прозорецот. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and fled toward the window. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear and ran to the window. Majka ti je stavila kolaž na gornju policu. Your mother put your collage in the top drawer. Your mother put collage on the top shelf. Aj krivý strom dáva tieň. Even crooked tree gives shade. Ey guilty stromo dáva tie. Хайде да отидем утре следобяда. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Za mene je ovde preglasno. It's too noisy here for me. It's too loud for me here. Sjednimo tu na travu. Let's sit here on the grass. Let's sit here on the grass. Nemoćni moraju biti zaštićeni pred moćnima. The powerless must be protected against the powerful. The powerless must be protected against the mighty. От двадесет студенти само един е прочел книгата. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of the twenty students, only one read the book. Noćas smo se sreli. We met last night. We met last night. Možeš li doći? Can you come? Can you come? Obično ne kupujem ništa sa interneta. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I don't usually buy anything off the Internet. Jesi li mogao da ga pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? Не съм побъркан. I'm not a lunatic. I'm not crazy. Jesam li osumnjičena? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? Imaj malo strpljenja s tim što radiš. Have a little patience with what you're doing. Have some patience with what you're doing. Още една бутилка вино, моля. Another bottle of wine, please. Another bottle of wine, please. Да ли се слажете са тим? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? Ponos teži da postane oholost, koja je blizak rod ludosti. Pride tends to develop into hubris, which is close kin to madness. Pride tends to become pride, which is close to madness. Uništićeš vid ako stalno igraš igrice. You're going to wreck your eyesight if you play games all the time. You'll destroy your vision if you keep playing games. Не сакам да изгледам будалесто. I don't want to look foolish. I don't want to look silly. Музиката обединува. Music unites. Music unites. Chcem vediet kto s nami ostáva. I want to know who's staying with us. I'm telling you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Olovka kojom pišem pripada Tomu. The pen I'm writing with belongs to Tom. The pen I'm writing to belongs to Tom. Тоа би било некултурно. That would be rude. That would be rude. Mislim da je ovo početak jednog divnog prijateljstva. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Мисля, че си съвършен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Danas je veliki dan, sine! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son! Още не съм се отказал. I haven't given up yet. I haven't given up yet. Odbranite se. Defend yourself. Defend yourselves. Nemojte da gurate. Don't push. Don't push. Той пътува по бизнес. He traveled on business. He's traveling in business. Čak ni glavni detektiv kao Tom ne može da savlada sve probleme bez značajne pomoći kolega i saradnika. Even a chief detective like Tom fails in doing his job, without the huge help of colleagues and associates. Even the lead detective like Tom can't handle all the problems without any significant help from his colleagues and associates. Moram ići u džamiju. I have to go to the mosque. I have to go to the mosque. Pedeset obitelji živi u ovom malom selu. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this small village. Соученици сме. We are classmates. We're schoolmates. Res škoda, da je ne poznaš. It's a great pity you don't know her. It's a shame you don't know her. Ова е баш топ. This is really great. This is so hot. Надявам се да е добро. I hope it's good. I hope he's okay. Скрих се под масата. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Не мислам дека ме следеле. I don't think I was followed. I don't think I've been followed. Трябва да поправя това. I have to fix this. I have to fix this. Трябва да платят предварително. They have to pay in advance. They have to pay in advance. To nie je drahé. This is not expensive. It's nie drahé. Bila sam veoma uzbuđena. I was very excited. I was very excited. Можеш ли обратно? Can you do it in reverse? Can you go back? Bila je prijazna do vseh. She was kind to everybody. She was nice to everyone. Какво искаш да ми кажеш? What is it you want to tell me? What are you trying to tell me? Reci Tomu da sam spreman. Tell Tom that I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready. Том ја заврте кваката. Tom turned the knob. Tom turned the doorknob. Ајде да се вратиме дома. Let's head back home. Let's go home. Што ќе ни се случи? What's going to happen to us? What's gonna happen to us? Ova je dosta kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. Подай ми солта, моля. Pass the salt, please. Give me the salt, please. Навистина е топло. It sure is hot. It's really warm. Книгата е малка. The book is small. It's a small book. Мисля, че мога да ти спестя известно време. I think I can save you some time. I think I can save you some time. Том беше во кома. Tom was in a coma. Tom was in a coma. Moje venčanje mora da bude savršeno. My wedding has to be perfect. My wedding must be perfect. Zašto se ponašaš kao dete? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? Ќе се вратиме за неколку месеца. I'll be back in a few months. We'll be back in a few months. Ништо не му купувај. Don't buy him anything. Don't buy him anything. Сакаме да бидеме славни. We want to become famous. We want to be famous. Само остави нѐ на раат. Just let us be. Just leave us to heaven. Говориш несвързано. You're rambling. You're talking unrelated. Dobro ga znam. I know him well. I know him well. Това, което той обича, е желе. What he likes is jelly. What he loves is jelly. Ne želim da budem okrutan. I don't want to be cruel. I don't want to be cruel. Не му чини срцето. He has a bad heart. It doesn't hurt his heart. Да ли си то знао? Did you know that? Did you know that? Што можеш да ни кажеш за него? What can you tell us about him? What can you tell us about him? Imate li vremena da mi pomognete? Do you have time to help me? Do you have time to help me? Učiću marljivije. I'm going to study harder. I'll study harder. Mŕtveho neoživíš. You can't reanimate the dead. You're not resuscitating. To je tačno. It's correct. That's right. Илјада години сочинуваат едно илјадалетие. A thousand years makes up a millenium. A thousand years make up a thousand years. Трябва да сложа край на това. I have to stop this. I have to put an end to this. Не зборувај за него така. Don't talk about him that way. Don't talk about him like that. Tom još ne ume ni da napiše sopstveno ime. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Многумина го прават ова. Many people do this. A lot of people do this. Bila sam tamo već. I've already been there. I've been there before. Би ми направил ли услуга? Would you do me a favour? Would you do me a favor? Како се каже „довиђења“ на немачком језику? How do you say "good bye" in German? How do you say “good - bye ” in German? Том го сликаше ова. Tom was the one who took this picture. Tom took this picture. Том почти нищо не разбира от френски. Tom can hardly speak French at all. Tom hardly understands anything from French. Зборувај со него. Talk to him. Talk to him. Teroristi su oslobodili taoce. The terrorists released the hostages. The terrorists freed the hostages. Tom i Meri su pogrešili u vezi s tim. Tom and Mary were wrong about that. Tom and Mary were wrong about that. Да сам бар знао. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. Тунелът пропадна заради земетресението от предишния ден. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The tunnel failed because of the earthquake the other day. Може ли само да поразговарам со тебе? Could I just talk with you? Can I just talk to you? Ne može se uraditi ništa drugo osim da mu se divi na hrabrosti. You can't do anything other than admire his courage. Nothing can be done but admire his courage. Ќе ти ја донесам. I'll bring her to you. I'll get it for you. Гледај го цртежон. Look at that drawing. Watch the drawing. Ще си правим парти в костюми от осемнайсти век. We're going to the party in eighteenth century costumes. We're having a party in our 18th-century costumes. Da mogu razumjeti, rekako bih ti tako. If I could understand it, I would tell you so. If I could understand, I'd say so. Nadam se da će Tom upamtiti ovo. I hope Tom remembers this. I hope Tom remembers this. Kako se zvao hotel u Bostonu u kojem si bio prošle godine? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What was the name of the hotel in Boston you were in last year? Той кръстил сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Poslao sam mapu Tomu faksom. I faxed a map to Tom. I sent a map to Tom by fax. Напълно прав си. You are quite right. You're absolutely right. Не искам да принадлежа към елита изобщо. Вече ми е достатъчно да съм най-добрият. I don't want to belong to the elite at all. It's already enough for me to be the best. I don't want to belong to the elite at all. Ako ne razumeš, moraš da kažeš to. If you don't understand, you need to say so. If you don't understand, you have to say it. Ќе изгубам сѐ. I'll lose everything. I'm gonna lose everything. Hajde da krenemo negde, Tome. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Ѝ ѕвонам. I'm calling her. I'm calling. Убаво ми е да бидам независен. I like being independent. It's nice to be independent. Ne osećam se dobro. Možeš li da pozoveš lekara? I'm not feeling well. Could you please send for a doctor? I'm not feeling well. Лесно му се връзвах на сладките приказки. I was easily taken in by his smooth talk. It was easy for me to get attached to sweet talk. Moram živeti. I have to live. I have to live. Ние ще се върнем. We'll come back. We'll be back. Ние играхме за победа. We played to win. We were playing to win. Edukacija u ovom svijetu me razočarava. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world disappoints me. Zato sam ga otpustio. This is why I fired him. That's why I fired him. Нека да кажа нещо. Let me say one thing. Let me say something. Крадец влезе с взлом в къщата A burglar broke into his house. The thief broke into the house with a break-in Той е известен като велик поет. He is known as a great poet. He's known as a great poet. Сакам да вежбам. I want to workout. I want to practice. Ще съжаляваш за това! You'll regret that! You're gonna regret this! Tome, da li ste ti i Džom braća? Tom, are you and John brothers? Tom, are you and Joe brothers? Никој од нас нема да направи ништо за да ти помогне. None of us will do anything to help you. None of us will do anything to help you. Вероятно утре ще вали сняг. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Татко ми е многу строг. My dad is very strict. My father is very strict. To je priličan problem. That's quite a problem. That's quite a problem. Ще следвам твоите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Dve države su ispregovarale mirovni sporazum. The two countries negotiated a peace treaty. Two countries have negotiated a peace treaty. Si prepričan? Are you sure? Are you sure? Zašto misliš da bi Tom ovo učinio? Why do you think Tom would do this? Why do you think Tom would do this? Ѕвонев со саати. I've been calling for hours. I rang for hours. Ние му викаме Майк。 We call him Mike. We call him Mike. Juče sam otišao u krevet bez pranja zuba. Yesterday I went to bed without brushing my teeth. Yesterday I went to bed without washing my teeth. Postavio sam mu mnogo pitanja o ekologiji. I asked him many questions about ecology. I asked him a lot of questions about ecology. Он познаје много људи. He knows many people. He knows a lot of people. Pokušao sam da budem agresivan. I tried to be aggressive. I tried to be aggressive. Не воли да јој се каже шта да ради. She doesn't like being told what to do. She doesn't like to be told what to do. Можеш да си ја олесниш работата. You can make it easier for yourself. You can make your job easier. Ќе врескам. I'll scream. I'll scream. Odmah počnite. You are to start at once. Start now. To su vam izbori. Those are your options. Those are your choices. Том не го прави она што треба да го прави. Tom isn't doing what he's supposed to do. Tom doesn't do what he has to do. S tvoje leve strane je. It's to your left. It's on your left. Къде е тоалетната? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Иска ми се всичко, което Том каза, да бе лъжа. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. Svi sem Toma znaju zašto ga je ostavila žena. Everybody but Tom knows why his wife left him. Everyone but Tom knows why his wife left him. U ovom razredu ima 40 učenika. There are 40 pupils in this class. There are 40 students in this class. On je visok dečak. He's a tall boy. He's a tall boy. Ne bleji. Don't stare. Don't fade. Не съм виждал Том, откакто бях на тринайсет. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. Граматиката ми е слаба. My grammar is poor. My grammar is weak. Студенти су се вратили. The students have returned. The students are back. Дъщеря му е станала хубава жена. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter became a beautiful woman. Ljudi su bili dobri prema meni. People were nice to me. People were good to me. Tom želi da svoju decu nauči važnošću posla. Tom wants to teach his children the value of work. Tom wants to teach his kids the importance of work. Том не е ял все още, нали? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Началното училище ще бъде задължително. Elementary education shall be compulsory. The primary school will be mandatory. Моля те, не започвай отново. Please don't start that again. Please don't start that again. Имам многу земја. I have a lot of land. I've got a lot of land. To je už dosť! That's quite enough! It's a rope! Gdje ti je glava? Where's your head at? Where's your head at? Работила съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've worked with Tom for a long time. Tom je tvrdio da je to bila nesreća. Tom claimed that it was an accident. Tom claimed it was an accident. Niko ne zna u šta se pretvorila. Nobody knows what has become of her. No one knows what she's become. Voda je život. Water is life. Water is life. To neće imati nikakvog efekta. That won't have an effect. It won't have any effect. U teoriji je to moguće, ali je u praksi to jako teško. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory, it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. За жал немам доволно пари на мене во моментов. I'm afraid I don't have enough money on me at this time. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money on me right now. Осећам се лоше јер сам лагао. I feel bad about lying. I feel bad because I lied. Izluđuješ me. You drive me crazy. You're driving me crazy. Не ме бива за математика. I'm not good at math. I don't care about math. Не са ли сладки? Aren't they adorable? Aren't they cute? На мен ли говориш? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Објасни ми како е тоа возможно. Tell me how that's possible. Explain to me how that's possible. Том е добар танчер. Tom is a good dancer. Tom's a good dancer. On je jedan zločinac, znaš li to? He is an evildoer, are you aware of that? He's one criminal, you know that? Откога Тоим учи френски? How long has Tom been studying French? How long has Tom been studying French? Ќе викнам обезбедување. I'm calling security. I'll call security. Музеят е на ъгъла. The museum is on the corner The museum is in the corner. Не ме карай да го казвам на глас. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it out loud. Едниполовите парови не би требало да можат да стапат во брак. Same-sex couples should be able to get married. Single couples should not be able to marry. Размина се за малко. It was pretty close. It's been a while. Uradiću to sa zadovoljstvom. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll do it with pleasure. Budi se u sedam ujutru. She gets up at seven in the morning. He wakes up at seven in the morning. Треба да носиш шлем додека возиш мотор. You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. You should wear a helmet while you're driving the bike. Иако сум благочестив маж, сепак сум маж. Although I am a pious man, I am not the less a man. Even though I'm a devout man, I'm still a man. Той обича географията и историята. He likes geography and history. He loves geography and history. Mrtav si. You're dead. You're dead. Мислам дека предолго си живеел во џунглата. I think you've been in the jungle too long. I think you lived in the jungle too long. Извини, но мојот одговор е одречен. I'm sorry, but the answer's no. I'm sorry, but my answer is denied. Го наместија за убиство. He was framed for murder. They framed him for murder. Том не сака да ми биде пријател. Мисли дека е премногу кул за мене. Tom doesn't want to be my friend. He thinks that he's too cool for me. Tom doesn't want to be my friend, he thinks he's too cool for me. Том не го направи она што тој му го побара. Tom didn't do what he was asked. Tom didn't do what he asked. Направихме всичко, което можехме, за да му помогнем. We made every effort to help him. We did everything we could to help him. Ne pij vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink the water. Том е во болница и се опоравува од што се предозирал. Tom is in the hospital, recovering from a drug overdose. Tom's in the hospital recovering from what he OD'd. Мисля, че не схващаш основното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you get the basics. Забравих да му кажа. I forgot to tell him. I forgot to tell him. Дъждът ми попречи да дойда. The rain prevented me from coming. The rain stopped me from coming. Oprostite, imam vprašanje. Excuse me, I have a question. Excuse me, I have a question. Овај чај је добар. This tea is good. This tea is good. Тоа беше изненадување. It was a surprise. That was a surprise. Може ли да отворя една консерва? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open a can? Том баш и не мислеше на такви работи. Tom never really thought about those kinds of things. Tom wasn't thinking about that kind of thing. Videćeš je. You'll see her. You'll see her. Подозирам, че Том няма да го иска. My guess is that Tom isn't going to want that. I suspect Tom won't want it. Кога заминава този влак? When does this train leave? When does this train leave? Това твоето колело ли е? Is this your bike? Is that your bike? Ima mnogo saobraćaja na auto-putu. There's a lot of traffic on the freeway. There's a lot of traffic on the highway. On sliči na svog djeda. He resembles his grandfather. He looks like his grandfather. Ево кључа од мог стана. Here's the key to my apartment. Here's the key to my apartment. Proverio sam neke stvari. I did do some checking. I checked some things. Šta ako grešim? What if I'm wrong? What if I'm wrong? Imaj hrabrosti. Have courage. Have courage. Хајде! Come on! Come on! Šokiralo me je. It shocked me. I was shocked. Тя го завърза за стола. She tied him to the chair. She tied him to a chair. Прекрасно! Wonderful! Beautiful! Не беше моя грешка. This wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Ne znam koliko je sati. I don't know what time it is. I don't know what time it is. Том умря, докато беше в Бостън. Tom died during his stay in Boston. Tom died when he was in Boston. Не гледам заговор тука. I see no conspiracy there. I don't see a conspiracy here. Сложих го в чекмеджето. I put it in the drawer. I put it in the drawer. Не, не аз. По-малкият ми брат. No, not me. It's my younger brother. No, not me, my little brother. Той ни беше водач. He acted as our guide. He was our leader. Znanje nas čini slobodnim i boljim ljudima. Knowledge makes us free and better people. Knowledge makes us free and better people. Tom stvarno izgleda poznato. Tom does seem familiar. Tom really looks familiar. Тя има прекрасен почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She has a beautiful handwriting. Možda sam i antisocijalan, ali to ne znači da ne pričam sa ljudima. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may be antisocial, but that doesn't mean I don't talk to people. U koju si školu išao? What school did you go to? What school did you go to? Jesi li završio? Have you finished? Are you done? Том лежеше на грб. Tom lay on his back. Tom was lying on his back. И двамата се подсмихнаха. They both snickered. They both smiled. У нашем широком свету, постоји незброј стилова живота, језика и култура. In our wide world, there exist countless lifestyles, languages and cultures. In our vast world, there are countless lifestyles, languages and cultures. Stvarno sam ponosan na to. I'm real proud of that. I'm really proud of it. Ovo je veoma lako! This is very easy! This is very easy! Sramim se što je moj sin učinio takvo što. I am ashamed of my son having done so. I am ashamed that my son has done such a thing. Навистина би било убаво да молчиш. I really wish you'd be quiet. It would be really nice if you kept your mouth shut. Uopšte nisam ogorčen. I'm not bitter at all. I'm not bitter at all. Черешовите цветове са много красиви. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. Cheresh colours are very beautiful. Ovo je moj brat, Tom. This is my brother, Tom. This is my brother, Tom. Она је учитељица. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Možda nije moguće. It may not be possible. Maybe it's not possible. Kojim putem ideš? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? Све има своју цену. Everything has a price. Everything has its price. Нисам му рекао да си овде. I didn't tell him you're here. I didn't tell him you were here. Tom još uvek izgleda potresen. Tom still seems shaken. Tom still seems shaken up. Том не знаеше и дума френски, когато за пръв път пристигна във Франция. Tom couldn't speak a word of French when he first arrived in France. Tom didn't know a word of French when he first arrived in France. Tom je prišao da pomogne. Tom stepped in to help. Tom came to help. Мисля, че Том се справи наистина добре. I think Tom did a really nice job. I think Tom did really well. Djevojke rade. The girls work. The girls are working. Не очаквам да си спомняш. I don't expect you to remember. I don't expect you to remember. Гарванът отлетя надалеч. The crow flew away. The Raven flew away. Чувал ли си се скоро със сестра си? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister lately? Похвалихме го за добрата му работа. We commended him for his good work. We commended him for his good work. Како те третираат? How are you being treated? How do they treat you? Dobio sam novi bicikl za rođendan. I got a new bike for my birthday. I got a new bike for my birthday. Magdalenu zanima zemljopis. Magdalena is interested in geography. Magdalen's interested in geography. Том продаје кола. Tom sells cars. Tom's selling the car. Да или не? Yes or no? Yes or no? Сишао сам на погрешној аутобуској станици. I got off at the wrong bus stop. I got off at the wrong bus stop. Ја не знам ко су они. I don't know who they are. I don't know who they are. С нея се чувствам неловко. I feel ill at ease with her. She makes me uncomfortable. U šahu postoje situacije u kojima se isplati da se žrtvuje figura da se stekne prednost na dugi rok. In chess, there are situations where it pays off to sacrifice a piece to gain an advantage over the long term. In chess, there are situations where it pays to sacrifice the figure to gain advantage over the long term. Mislio sam da ideš u Bostom autobusom. I thought you were going to Boston by bus. I thought you were going on the Bosto bus. Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Naše oči ne mogu vidjeti infracrvene zrake. Our eyes can't see infrared light. Our eyes can't see the infrared rays. Tvoji roditelji su samo zabrinuti za tvoju sigurnost. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are just concerned about your safety. Reakcija nije uvek najbolji način delovanja. Reaction is not always the best course of action. The reaction is not always the best way to act. Mogla bih da te ubijem sada. I could kill you now. I could kill you now. Видео сам аутобус. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. Трябва да направим нещо за да помогнем на Том. We have to do something to help Tom. We have to do something to help Tom. Забравих да ти кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Потруди се убаво да се наспиеш. Try to get a good night's sleep. Try to get a good night's sleep. Da li sam ja to ispustio? Did I drop that? Did I drop it? Наскоро ќе биде Божиќ. It'll be Christmas soon. It's gonna be Christmas soon. Јадевме јастог и стег. We ate lobster and steak. We ate Lobster and Stegg. Не съм те виждал от няколко дена. I haven't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in a few days. Da li imaš nešto da prijaviš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? Том прошепна на Мери нещо на ухо. Tom whispered something into Mary's ear. Tom whispered something in Mary's ear. За вечеря Том заведе Мери на ресторант на брега на морето. Tom took Mary to a beachfront restaurant for dinner. For dinner, Tom took Mary to a restaurant on the seashore. Tom mi je rekao da ne razgovaram sa Meri. Tom told me not to talk to Mary. Tom told me not to talk to Mary. Upravo sam ga dovršio. I just finished doing it. I just finished it. Tom ide do dôchodku. Tom is retiring. Tom's going to the déchod. Ništa neću reći. I'm not going to say anything. I won't say anything. Престани с тим! Stop that! Stop that! Кен ми се обажда всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Том се придржува до строга веганска исхрана. Tom follows a strict vegan diet. Tom is holding on to a strict vegan diet. Teško je ustanoviti šta se zaista dogodilo. It is difficult to ascertain what really happened. It's hard to figure out what really happened. Може да нарачаме пица. We can order a pizza. We can order pizza. Znamo da smo bolji od toga. We know we're better than that. We know we're better than that. Где је моја соба? Where's my room? Where's my room? Напиши адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write your address down here. Ko danas vodi sastanak? Who's chairing the meeting today? Who's running the meeting today? Му удрив бокс во вилица. I punched his jaw. I punched a box in his jaw. Камоли да можев да го живеам животот правејќи го само она што ми се сака. I wish I could live my life doing only what I wanted to do. I wish I could live my life doing nothing but what I wanted to do. Tom mi je rekao da treba da ostanem kući. Tom told me I should stay home. Tom told me I should stay home. Не захваљуј ми. Do not thank me. Don't thank me. Očigledno je u pitanju greška u kucanju. It's obviously a typo. It's obviously a knock error. Već sam rekla da ne znam kako se to radi. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do it. Забарот вгради привремена пломба. The dentist put in a temporary filling. The dentist put in a temporary filling. Том е учтив. Tom is courteous. Tom's being polite. Сега ти го направи. Now you do it. Now you do it. Tom možda nema izbora. Tom may have no choice. Tom may have no choice. U poslednje vreme imam probleme sa pamćenjem. Lately I've been having trouble with my memory. I've been having memory problems lately. Možeš li da dodaš so? Could you pass the salt? Can you pass the salt? Нямам намерение да се извинявам на Том. I have no intention of apologizing to Tom. I have no intention of apologizing to Tom. Tom je radio čitavog života. Tom worked all his life. Tom worked his whole life. Земи го Том со себе. Take Tom with you. Take Tom with you. Oni su potrebni jedni drugima. They needed one another. They need each other. Imam biljke. I have plants. I have plants. Ја имам две кћерке. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Ne pričam sa Tomom. I'm not talking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Špijunirala si me. You've been spying on me. You were spying on me. Том може да дойде тук. Tom may come here. Tom can come here. Stavi to cvijeće gdjegod ga možemo dobro vidjeti. Put those flowers wherever we can see them well. Put those flowers wherever we can get a good look at him. Овој проект не оди добро. The project isn't going well. This project is not going well. Ne radim to ponovo. I'm not doing it again. I'm not doing it again. Htele su da me kazne. They wanted to punish me. They wanted to punish me. Повеќето луѓе имаат голем отпор кон станувањето рано, дури и кога се мора. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. Most people have great resistance to getting up early, even when they have to. Ти ли си Джон? Are you John? Are you John? Кој е надлежен тука? Who's in command here? Who's in charge here? Почнаа да одат. They started walking. They're starting to leave. Tom nije mogao da prisustvuje sastanku jer je bio bolestan. Tom couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick. Tom couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick. Kakšen je njihov odgovor? What's their answer? What's their answer? Koliko ima džamija u Istanbulu? How many mosques are there in Istanbul? How many mosques are there in Istanbul? Се откажа од планот. He abandoned the plan. You gave up the plan. Napolju je stvarno lep dan. It's a really beautiful day outside. It's a really nice day out there. Преди никога не съм печелила. I've never won anything before. I've never won before. Върни го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it back where you got it. Voleo bih da počnem. I would like to start. I'd like to start. Том е големо момче сега. Tom's a big boy now. Tom's a big boy now. Целото тоа има смисла. It all makes sense. It all makes sense. Ѕвездите се појавија. The stars came out. The stars have turned up. dok je Sami stario, postao je zainteresiranim u islam. As Sami grew older, he became interested in Islam. While Sammy was growing old, he became interested in Islam. Ще го посетя утре. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. Том је штребер. Tom is a nerd. Tom's a nerd. Позвала сам га. I called him. I invited him. Том се прашуваше зошто Мери не сака да му помогне. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't help him. Tom was wondering why Mary didn't want to help him. Napustila sam Toma 2013. I left Tom in 2013. I left Tom in 2013. Ne mogu da ga probam! I can't try it on! I can't try it! Ne vole da rade to. They don't like to do that. They don't like to do that. Отиваме на кино. Ела с нас. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the movies. Tom je progovorio skoro plačući. Tom spoke with tears in his voice. Tom was talking almost crying. Джеси веднага прие поканата. Jessie accepted the invitation at once. Jesse accepted the invitation immediately. Ovo je bilo ugodno iskustvo. That was a good experience. This has been a pleasant experience. Dosta je dobra. It's a pretty good one. It's pretty good. Tom mi je upravo rekao suprotno. Tom told me just the opposite. Tom just told me the opposite. Jesmo li završili? Are we done yet? Are we done here? Toliko ljudi je precej starejših od tebe. So many people are much older than you. So many people are much older than you. Не беше толкова тежка. It wasn't that heavy. It wasn't that hard. Karin je Austrijanka. Karin is Austrian. Karin's an Austrian. Да не се влюбваш в Том? Are you falling for Tom? Are you falling in love with Tom? Бродот имаше три палуби. The ship had three decks. The ship had three decks. Tom je sedeo veoma mirno. Tom sat very still. Tom sat very still. Tom hovorí, že vie čítať knihu vo francúzštine. Tom says that he can read a French book. Tom hovorí, already already read in French. Месово неубаво мириса. This meat smells bad. Meat smells bad. Јеси ли ти манијак? Are you a maniac? Are you a maniac? Том се изгуби во Бостон. Tom got lost in Boston. Tom got lost in Boston. Кој е таму со тебе? Who's there with you? Who's there with you? Одбери едно. Choose one. Pick one. Принцот е згоден. The prince is handsome. The Prince is handsome. Znaš li koga je Tom ubio? Do you know who Tom killed? Do you know who Tom killed? Изѕидал нова куќа. He built a new house. He's looking at a new house. Сакам да останам жив. I want to stay alive. I want to stay alive. Hvala! Thanks! Thank you! Закопчайте си ризата. Button up your shirt. Put your shirt on. Kutija je prazna. The box is empty. The box is empty. Искам въже за скачане с дървени дръжки. I want a jump rope with wooden handles. I want a rope to jump with wooden handles. Като те дразни толкова, подай оплакване. If it annoys you so much, file a complaint. When you get so irritated, file a complaint. Zvyčajne kŕmi svojho psa lacným psím krmivom. He usually fed his dog cheap dog food. Famous to your dog's lacním dog feed. Часовника ми май изостава. My watch must be slow. My watch seems to be running out. Не познавам нито едното, нито другото момче. I don't know either boy. I don't know either one or the other guy. Koja je cijena ovoga kišobrana? What's the price of this umbrella? What's the price of this umbrella? Ovo nije sto. This is not a table. This isn't a table. Просто не искам да те видя разочарован. I just don't want to see you get disappointed. I just don't want to see you disappointed. Искам да си открия сметка. I'd like to open an account. I want to find an account. Mám mačku a psa. Mačka je čierna a pes je biely. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. The cat is curly and the dog is biely. Budi oprezan. Nož je jako oštar. Be careful. This knife is really sharp. Be careful, the knife is very sharp. Отсекогаш сум пазел да не кажам премногу. I've always been careful to not say too much. I've always been careful not to say too much. Тя му купи куче. Той обаче имаше алергия към кучета и им се наложи да го дадат на други. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. She bought him a dog, but he had an allergy to dogs and they had to give it to others. Moje minulé ja je iná osoba. My past self is another person. My minulé is an iná person. Тя имаше уговорен час при лекаря. She had an appointment with the doctor. She had a doctor's appointment. Pjevaj, molim te. Please sing. Sing, please. Как може Том да не Ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How can Tom not like you? Tom nikad nije pitao zašto. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. Опасявам се, че те засегнах. I'm afraid I've offended you. I'm afraid I hit you. Кулата беше разбита на пух и прах. The tower was blown to atoms. The tower was blown to a pulp and dust. Го користам тој компјутер. I use that computer. I'm using that computer. Možeš li da mi daš znak? Can you give me a sign? Can you give me a sign? Da li si uradio domaći? Is your homework done? Did you do your homework? Šta ste mi to uradili? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Video sam autobus. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. Ako ne postoji pornić sa tim, pornić će biti napravljen sa tim. If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. If there's no porn with it, porn will be done with it. Някой видя ли те? Anybody see you? Did anyone see you? Tom i ja smo veoma bliski drugari. Tom and I are very close friends. Tom and I are very close friends. Боље икад него никад. Better late than never. Better late than never. Том делува изнервирано. Tom seems flustered. Tom seems pissed off. Nisam znao da si tako bogat. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. Устани! Stand up! Get up! Želim živjeti u gradu. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Ти рече дека ќе помогнеш. You said you'd help. You said you'd help. Tom je bio pomalo ošamućen. Tom was a bit woozy. Tom was a little dizzy. Во која држава се наоѓа Бостон? What state is Boston in? What country is Boston in? Ne napreži se! Don't strain yourself! Don't push yourself! Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта Ви. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I have a problem, I need your help. Той завърши Токийския университет. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from Tokyo University. Drži decu podalje od lekova. Keep children away from medicine. Keep the kids away from the drugs. Timuçin je rodák z Yozgatu. Timuçin is a native of Yozgat. Timuçin is a relative of Yozgat. On číta knihu. He is reading a book. He's reading the book. Ovaj nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. This knife is not sharp. Zašto bi Tom hteo to? Why would Tom want that? Why would Tom want to do that? Odlučila sam. I've decided. I've made my decision. Kratko rečeno, ja se ne slažem. To put it briefly, I do not agree. In short, I disagree. Том никогаш повеќе не се појави. Tom never turned up again. Tom never showed up again. Tražila sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Poznaju vas. They know you. They know you. Јас и ти ќе летаме со ист авион. You and I'll be on the same flight. You and I will fly the same plane. Требаше прво да те прашам. I should've asked you first. I should have asked you first. Как може да не Ви харесва Том? How can you not like Tom? How can you not like Tom? Том симнал килажа. Tom has lost weight. Tom took off his weight. Мисля, че трябва да носиш вратовръзка. I think you should wear a tie. I think you should wear a tie. Молчи, те молам. Please stay quiet. Shut up, please. Нешто е чудно. Something's strange. Something's weird. Ta kisikov rezervoar je seksi That oxygen tank is sexy. This oxygen tank is sexy. Тоа е огромно. That's huge. That's huge. Сигурен сум дека намерите ти се чисти. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are clear. Мисля, че Том е хубаво име. I think Tom is a nice name. I think Tom's a good name. Том не успеа. Tom was unsuccessful. Tom didn't make it. Мислех, че ще си уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Danas su stvari veoma drugačije. Things are very different today. Today things are very different. Ovo bi moglo da traje nedeljama. This could take weeks. This could take weeks. Tom pati od hroničkih bolova. Tom suffers from chronic pain. Tom's suffering from chronic pain. Прочитај го ова. Read this. Read this. Спиев како заклан. I slept like a log. I was asleep when I was slaughtered. Кога почнува претставата? When does the performance begin? When does the show start? Разпространяването на телевизията значително ни е лишило от нашето време за четене. The spread of television has considerably deprived us of our time for reading. The distribution of television has greatly deprived us of our reading time. Чесен збор. I give you my word. Word of honor. Чувам, че Бостън бил приятен по това време на годината. I hear Boston is nice this time of year. I hear Boston was nice this time of year. Leti nosim majice na kratke rukave. I wear short-sleeve shirts in the summer. I'm wearing short-sleeved T-shirts. Mislim da će Tom moći da nam pomogne da savladamo ovo. I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out. I think Tom's going to be able to help us deal with this. Том делува весело. Tom seems cheerful. Tom seems cheerful. Sednimo. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Kažu da je ljubav slepa. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Zemlja je manjša od Sonca. The earth is smaller than the sun. The earth is smaller than the sun. Imao sam devet godina kad sam pitao mamu da li djed Božićnjak zaista postoji. I was nine years old when I asked my mother whether Father Christmas really existed. I was nine years old when I asked my mom if Santa really existed. Klaustrofobičan sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. Иди право. Go straight. Go straight. Tom je previše siromašan da unajmi advokata. Tom is too poor to hire a lawyer. Tom is too poor to hire a lawyer. Svi su ostali. Everybody stayed. Everyone else is. Добро јутро. Како си? Good morning. How are you? Good morning, how are you? To je baš ono što sam rekla da će se dogoditi. That's exactly what I said would happen. That's exactly what I said was gonna happen. Том нема да може да ти помогне. Tom won't be able to help you. Tom won't be able to help you. Наистина ли искаш да работиш в Бостън? Do you really want to work in Boston? You really want to work at Boston? Токио е сличен на Богота, а Осака е слична на Меделин. Tokyo is more like Bogotá and Osaka is more like Medellín. Tokyo is similar to Bogota, and Osaka is similar to Medellin. Niko ne zna šta se zbiva iza tih vrata. Nobody knows what goes on behind those doors. Nobody knows what goes on behind that door. Još nismo popili dovoljno. I haven't had enough to drink yet. We haven't had enough to drink yet. Tom je štedeo novac da bi kupio automobil. Tom has been saving money to buy a car. Tom was saving money to buy a car. Том има лоши новини. Tom got some bad news. Tom's got some bad news. Био је голих прса и босоног. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was naked and boson. Мислам дека Том не знае како се прави тоа. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. Ја нећу ништа рећи. I'm not going to say anything. I won't say anything. Никогаш нема да ја заборавам. I'll never forget her. I'll never forget her. Том ми показа писмото, което Мери беше написала на френски. Tom showed me the letter that Mary had written in French. Tom showed me the letter Mary wrote in French. Не реков дека се сложувам. I didn't say I agreed. I didn't say I agreed. Ovdje nije dopušteno pušiti. Smoking is not permitted here. You're not allowed to smoke here. Зафатен ли си со нешто? Are you busy doing something? Are you busy with something? I da sam bogat, ne bih mu dao novac. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. If I was rich, I wouldn't give him money. Bol som v práci. I was at work. Somnolence in the spray. Ми смо истрчали из грађевине. We ran out of the building. We ran out of the building. Чорапите и патиките се нови. The socks and sneakers are new. The socks and the shoes are new. Том не е баш закален. Tom isn't very tough. Tom's a little out of his league. Преди никога не съм те виждал да се смееш. I've never seen you laugh before. I've never seen you laugh before. Sve je u redu sa mojim sluhom. There's nothing wrong with my hearing. There's nothing wrong with my hearing. On vie tiež hovoriť po francúzsky. He can also speak French. He's still hovorií by francúzsky. То су и моје паре. It's my money, too. That's my money too. Ова ми е малку лабаво кај струкот. This is a bit too loose around my waist. This is a little loose at my profession. Мислех, че ще дойде сам. I thought he would come alone. I thought he was coming alone. Presťahoval sa so svojou ženou do Istanbulu. He moved to Istanbul with his wife. They judged their wife to Istanbul. Твоята книга е. It's your book. It's your book. Искам да пийна нещо. I want to drink something. I want something to drink. Кога започна да изучаваш френски? When did you start studying French? When did you start studying French? Додај го кромидот. Add the onion. Pass the onions. Monasi su umeli da igraju tenis u manastirima. Monks used to play tennis in monasteries. The monks could play tennis in the monasteries. Ајнштајн се сметал себеси за филозоф. Einstein regarded himself a philosopher. Einstein considered himself a philosopher. Немаме толку пари. We don't have that kind of money. We don't have that kind of money. Будите реални! Be realistic! Be realistic! Съдебните заседатели обвиниха Том в убийство. The grand jury indicted Tom for murder. The jury accused Tom of murder. Би сакал да ти се оддолжам. I'd like to pay you back. I'd like to repay you. Том рече дека некому тука му требала помош. Tom said that somebody here needed help. Tom said someone here needed help. Том нѐ мразеше. Tom hated us. Tom hated us. Izgledalo mi je da Tom ne radi to što treba da radi. It appeared to me that Tom wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing. Tom didn't seem to do what he had to do. Da li je doručak uračunat u cenu? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? Прекалено е голямо. It's too big. It's too big. Sramotiš je. You're embarrassing her. You embarrass her. Някога исках да стана астрофизик. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I used to want to be an astrophysicist. Промишљање је веома потребно. Consideration is very necessary. Thinking is very necessary. Sinoć smo morali da pozovemo policiju. Last night, we had to call the police. We had to call the police last night. Ja se bojim smrti. I am afraid of death. I'm afraid of death. Šokiralo me je. It shocked me. I was shocked. Ne znači da je nešto dobra ideja samo zato što je moguće. Just because something is possible doesn't make it a good idea. Doesn't mean something's a good idea just because it's possible. Samo hoću da se sklonim. I just want to get away. I just want to get out of the way. Ovaj novac će stvarno pomoći. This money will really help. This money's really gonna help. Тоа не пројде баш најдобро. That didn't go very well. That didn't go so well. Krvácam. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. Ко чека, дочека. Everything comes to him who waits. Who's waiting, he's waiting. Купувах книги от книжарницата. I was buying some books from the bookstore. I was buying books from the bookstore. Не ми надничай в килера. Don't look in my closet. Don't look in my closet. Зошто си толку лут? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Već smo odlučili da ne radimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to do that. Činilo se kao da znaju šta traže. They seemed to know what they wanted. They seemed to know what they were looking for. Tom je rekao da nije video ništa čudno. Tom said he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Tom said he didn't see anything weird. Том ми вети многу пари. Tom promised me a lot of money. Tom promised me a lot of money. Помолих го да ни изпрати книгата. I asked him to send us the book. I asked him to send us the book. Tom nije mogao da završi svoj ručak. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Имам камче во чевелот. There is a stone in my shoe. I've got a pebble in my shoe. Драго ми е што не ѝ се јави. I'm glad you didn't call her. I'm glad you didn't call her back. Невероятно! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Го мислам тоа. I mean it. I mean it. И двајцата сме го виделе. We've both seen it. We've both seen him. Kde je najbližšia pekáreň? Where is the nearest bakery? Where's the nearest pie? Tom je bio veoma pospan. Tom was very sleepy. Tom was very sleepy. "Chceš vedieť, ako to urobil?" "Som samé ucho." "Do you want to know how he did it?" "I'm all ears." "You're gonna vedie, if you're gonna take it?" "I'm all alone." On ne živi u mom susjedstvu. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. Тие не те прават среќен. They don't make you happy. They don't make you happy. Koliko ću da dobijem? How much will I receive? How much do I get? Danas sam kupio tuce olovaka. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pens today. Стаорецот направи дупка во ѕидот. The rat made a hole in the wall. The rat put a hole in the wall. Sretan Božić! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Tom je rekao da nas neće čekati. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Сега си спомних, не бива да пушиш в нейната кола. Now remember, you must not smoke in her car. Now I remember, you shouldn't smoke in her car. Postoji li ikakav dokaz? Is there any proof? Is there any evidence? Том не беше сигурен дали му се допаѓа планот. Tom wasn't sure he liked the plan. Tom wasn't sure if he liked the plan. Што ќе му дадеш? What'll you give him? What are you gonna give him? Веќе не сум сигурен. I'm not sure anymore. I'm not sure anymore. Znam da nisam savršen. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Сакам да го најдам Том. I want to find Tom. I want to find Tom. Он је све, само није поштен. He is not honest at all. He's everything, he's just not fair. Mrzela ga je. She hated him. She hated him. Заклучи ја портата. Lock the gate. Lock the gate. Том продължи да говори. Tom went on talking. Tom kept talking. Tom je trčao niz ulicu. Tom ran down the street. Tom ran down the street. Том длабоко дишеше. Tom was breathing deeply. Tom was breathing deeply. Оценявам това, че дойде да ме вземеш. I really appreciate you picking me up. I appreciate you coming to pick me up. Губитак памћења је више психолошки него физички. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. Memory loss is more psychological than physical. Ne potrebuješ mojega dovoljenja. You don't need my permission. You don't need my permission. Шта би волела да знаш? What would you like to know? What would you like to know? Desetci tisuća slonova godišnje su ubijeni zbog njihove bjelokosti. Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Tens of thousands of elephants were killed annually because of their whiteness. Ti koji nikada nisu mislili o vrijednosti života, ne bi trebali studirati medicinu. Those who have never thought about the value of life should not study medicine. Those who never thought about the value of life should not study medicine. Те не са гладни. They're not hungry. They're not hungry. On uvek nosi tamnu odeću. He always wears dark clothes. He always wears dark clothes. Можеш ли да нам помогнеш? Can you give us a hand? Can you help us? Учудвам се, че тая сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building is still standing. Dječak ima konja. The boy has a horse. The boy has a horse. Tiste plaže so daleč od tu. Those beaches are far from here. Those beaches are a long way from here. Nikada nećemo da se tamo vratimo. We'll never go back there again. We're never going back there. Том си тръгна, но Мери е още тук. Tom has left, but Mary is still here. Tom left, but Mary's still here. Звучи баш јако. It sounds really cool. That sounds really hot. Нема да го искористам Том. I'm not going to take advantage of Tom. I'm not gonna use Tom. Бих искал да съм учител по английски език. I would like to be an English teacher. I'd like to be an English teacher. Може ли аз да я видя тази? Can I see this one? Can I see this one? Dođem kad mogu. I come when I can. I'll be there when I can. Не искам да уча днес. I don't want to study today. I don't want to study today. Не знаев дека имало базен тука. I didn't know that there was a swimming pool here. I didn't know there was a pool here. Сложете си тези чехли, ако обичате. Please put on these slippers. Put on those slippers, please. Да отидем да поздравим Джаксънови. Let's go say hi to the Jacksons. Let's go say hi to the Jacksons. Зошто не ме гушнеш? Why don't you hug me? Why don't you hug me? Jesmo li svi ovde? Are we all here? Are we all here? Том не може да върви. Tom can't walk. Tom can't go. Reci im da dolazimo. Tell them we're coming. Tell them we're coming. Загрижени сме за него. We're concerned about him. We're worried about him. Bog zna. God knows. God knows. Избриши си ги очите. Wipe your eyes. Wipe your eyes. Šta god misliš? Whatever do you mean? Whatever do you think? Treba da donesemo još jednu flašu vina. We should bring another bottle of wine. We should get another bottle of wine. Ова е кожен ремен. That is a leather belt. It's a leather belt. Трябваше да обърна повече внимание на това, което говореше Том. I should've paid more attention to what Tom was saying. I had to pay more attention to what Tom was saying. Predvidela sam da će ovo da se desi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I predicted that this would happen months ago. Фала ти што намина. Thank you for coming by. Thanks for stopping by. To je poenta. That's just the point. That's the point. Ti si najlepša žena koju sam ikada video. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Ja uistinu mislim da mi žene imamo dodatno osjetilo. I really think that we, women, have an extra sense. I really think we women have an extra sense. Smeta mi tvoj odnos prema poslu! Your attitude towards work bothers me! Your attitude to work bothers me! Днес влакът закъснява с десет минути. The train is 10 minutes late today. Today the train is ten minutes late. Možete li da nam pomognete? Can you give us a hand? Can you help us? Tvoj odgovor je točan. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. Jedan moj prijatelj studira u inozemstvu. A friend of mine is studying abroad. A friend of mine is studying abroad. Ќе го донесам пивото. I'll bring the beer. I'll get the beer. Здраво, Том. Добро јутро. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom. Sve je veoma jeftino. Everything's dirt-cheap. It's all very cheap. Tom i Meri se lepo slažu. Tom and Mary get along. Tom and Mary get along just fine. Сите го имаме прочитано тоа. We've all read that one. We've all read that. Italija je jako lijepa država. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very pretty state. Tom je moj cimer. Tom is my roommate. Tom's my roommate. Pogrešno sam razumeo. I misunderstood. I got it all wrong. Život je postao jako naporan. Life has become very hard. Life's been a pain in the ass. Da li sam sad bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Нема теоретски шанси да ја завршам работата во еден ден. It is just out of the question for me to finish the work in a day. There's no way I'm gonna finish the job in one day. To je Tom. It's Tom. It's Tom. Взимаш си нещо за пиене, пробиваш си път с лакти до шведската маса и ядеш като прасе! You take a drink, then you elbow to the buffet and eat like a pig! You get yourself something to drink, you get your way with elbows to the Swedish table and you eat like a pig! Tom nije mogao da podnese to. Tom couldn't handle it. Tom couldn't handle that. Сѐ уште не сум спремен. I'm still not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Tom želi svoj novac danas. Tom wants his money today. Tom wants his money today. Мисля, че това е правилният начин. I think that's the right thing to do. I think that's the right way. Te devojke su veoma zauzete. Those girls are very busy. Those girls are very busy. Sumnjam da će ti biti teško da dobiješ vozačku dozvolu. I doubt it'll be very hard for you to get your driver's license. I doubt it'll be hard for you to get a driver's license. Meri živi od šivenja. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary lives by sewing. Мразя съквартиранта си. I hate my roommate. I hate my roommate. Какви са новините? What's the news? What's the news? Зарем никој не те известил дека не мораш да бидеш тука денес? Didn't anybody tell you that you didn't have to be here today? Didn't anyone tell you you didn't have to be here today? Život je krátky. Life is short. Life is krátky. Не е големо чудо. It's no big thing. It's not a big miracle. Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagala Tomu? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? You want to know why I lied to Tom? Мрзим те из дна душе. I hate your guts. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Lahko živim brez vode. I can live without water. I can live without water. Тя ѝ е приятелка. She is her friend. She's her friend. Остави ми колата на мира. Leave my car alone. Leave the car alone. Никада је више нећу видети. Never will I see her again. I'll never see her again. Той се маскира като жена. He disguised himself as a woman. He disguises himself as a woman. Добар дан, како си? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Пратите га. Follow him. Follow him. Pojdi lizat kurac! Go suck a dick! Go lick your dick! On ne živi u mom susjedstvu. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. Pošto je dobila na lutriji, izašla je u partiju šopinga. Having won the lottery, she went on a shopping spree. After winning the lottery, she went out shopping. Ne trebaju mi uputstva. I don't need the user manual. I don't need instructions. Verovatno neću gledati ovo. I probably won't watch this. I'm probably not gonna watch this. Добър ден. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Ona je Ukrajinka. She's Ukrainian. She's Ukrainian. Имам поверење у тебе. I have confidence in you. I have faith in you. Тоа беше понуда којашто не можев да ја одбијам. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. That was an offer I couldn't turn down. Mislio sam da ćete da budete zauzeti. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Требаше да го направам тоа вчера. I should've done that yesterday. I should have done it yesterday. Изглежда Том реши да остане. It looks like Tom decided to stay. Looks like Tom decided to stay. Лагао те је. He lied to you. He lied to you. Prepoznala sam ga na prvi pogled. I recognized him at first glance. I recognized him at first sight. Put do muškog srca vodi preko stomaka. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The path to a man's heart leads through his stomach. Питай Том отново. Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again. Mislim da Tomu ne treba da kažeš to. I don't think you should tell Tom that. I don't think Tom should be told that. Извињавам се. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Tom voli da piše. Tom likes writing. Tom likes to write. Веб је изумео 1989. године Том Бернерс Ли. The Worldwide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The Web invented the 1989 Tom Berners Lee. Je doma tvoja matka? Is your mother at home? Is your queen home? Интересен си. You're interesting. You're interesting. Том трудно се справя в подобни ситуации. Tom has trouble dealing with this kind of situation. Tom's having a hard time coping with these kinds of situations. Кога последен пат си ѝ однел цвеќе на Мери? When was the last time you brought Mary flowers? When was the last time you took flowers to Mary? Pustil lano. He let go of the rope. He let go of the lano. Нека плати за оно што је учинио. Let him have it. Let him pay for what he did. To je oveľa lepšie. That's much better. It's more beautiful. To je trikotnik. This is a triangle. It's a triangle. Том само делумно се шегуваше. Tom was only half joking. Tom was only partially joking. Плажът е иделно място за игра за децата. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. Govori jasno. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Том не е воодушевен. Tom isn't impressed. Tom's not thrilled. Каква е минималната заплата в Кения? What's the minimum salary in Kenya? What's the minimum wage in Kenya? Mama, gladan sam. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Во какви ситуации би го правел тоа? In what kind of situations would you do that? What kind of situations would you do that in? Бев подготвил говор. I had a speech ready. I had prepared a speech. Tom je postavio Mariji neka pitanja na koja ona nije mogla odgovoriti. Tom asked Mary some questions that she couldn't answer. Tom asked Maria some questions that she couldn't answer. Мачка није човек! A cat is not a person! Cat's not human! On ima veliku porodicu. He has a large family. He has a big family. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мен да си вземеш едно кафе? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get a cup of coffee? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get some coffee? Може да и се верува. You can believe her. She can be trusted. Том ми најде работа. Tom found me a job. Tom got me a job. Hoću da budem slađi. I wanna be cuter. I want to be sweeter. Ne mogu da čekam do ponedeljka. I can't wait until Monday. I can't wait till Monday. Шта ћу ја овде? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Не могу да се уздржим. I can't help myself. I can't help it. Каже се: лекар треба само да помогне природи. It has been said that doctors only need to help nature do its job. It's said that a doctor should only help nature. Opasnost vreba iza svakog ugla. Danger lurks around every corner. Danger preys around every corner. Nemam kartu. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Ne nameravam da uradim to. I don't intend to do so. I don't intend to do that. Jesam li sada bezbedan? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Niko nije umro... još. No one has died... yet. No one's died... yet. Povabil me je na zabavo. He invited me to the party. He invited me to a party. Teraj se. Beat it. Let's go. Што се случи со Том и Мери? What's happened to Tom and Mary? What happened to Tom and Mary? Джейн нямаше представа кога трябва да отиде, нито къде трябва да отиде. Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go. Jane had no idea when to go or where to go. Ще си остана вкъщи. I'll stay home. I'm gonna stay home. Bez muke nema nauke. No pain, no gain. No pain, no science. Moj prijatelj živi bogu iza nogu. My friend lives in the middle of nowhere. My friend lives in the middle of nowhere. Зашто? Why? Why? Ми тече носот секогаш кога сум настинат. My nose runs whenever I have a cold. My nose runs when I'm cold. Zgrabi ga. Grab him. Grab him. Ključevi su u šifonjeru. The keys are in the wardrobe. The keys are in the chiffoner. Избраа нова влада. They have elected a new government. They've chosen a new government. Не зависи од тебе. It's not up to you. It's not up to you. Чија слика е ова? Whose photo is this? Whose picture is this? Можеш да го користиш ова пенкало. You can use this pen. You can use this pen. Не искам да ходя на училище. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Казах ти всичко, за което мога да се сетя. I've told you everything I can think of. I told you everything I could think of. Том не требаше да си ја напише лозинката на внатрешната страна на корицата од тетратката. Tom shouldn't have written his password on the inside cover of his notebook. Tom shouldn't have written his password on the inside of the notebook cover. Том не е пијан, ама има пиеше. Tom isn't drunk, but he's been drinking. Tom's not drunk, but he's been drinking. Osećaj se kao kod kuće. Make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. Том собира поштенски марки. Tom collects stamps. Tom's collecting stamps. Da li si mogao da pročitaš to? Could you read it? Could you read that? Том фатил две места. Tom's double-parked. Tom's got two seats. Nisam izdajnik. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Ona je moja profesorica. She's my professor. She's my teacher. Existuje chyba vo vete. There is a mistake in the sentence. He's excavating chiba in the veto. Tek smo stigli ovde danas. We just got here today. We just got here today. Mario je kupio mikroskop. Marija bought a microscope. Mario bought a microscope. Od velike si pomoći, Tome. You're a big help, Tom. You're a big help, Tom. Tom ima visoke moralne standarde. Tom has high moral standards. Tom has high moral standards. Tom je pričao o muzici. Tom talked about music. Tom was talking about the music. I da sam bogat, ne bih mu dao pare. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. And if I was rich, I wouldn't give him money. Sada je vreme za uživanje. It's now time to relax. Now it's time to enjoy yourself. Мисля, че Том се предаде твърде лесно. I think Tom gave up too easily. I think Tom turned himself in too easily. Pokušaj. Try it. Give it a try. Druge devojke iz Merinog odeljenja su joj se podsmevale zbog odeće. The other girls in Mary's class teased her about her clothes. The other girls in Mary's department laughed at her about her clothes. Svi su se nasmejali. Everybody smiled. Everyone laughed. Тоа беше многу глупаво. That was so stupid. That was so stupid. Zato sam ga otpustio. This is why I fired him. That's why I fired him. Tom je Amerikanac koji živi u Parizu. Tom is an American living in Paris. Tom is an American living in Paris. Ispostavilo se da je istina. It turned out to be true. Turns out it's true. Молим вас да читате између редова. Please read between the lines. Please read between the lines. За тоа ќе треба време. That would take time. It'll take time. Наравно. Of course. Of course. Подели карти, Том. Deal the cards, Tom. Deal the cards, Tom. Još si neiskusan. You're still inexperienced. You're still inexperienced. Готова съм да поръчам. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to order. To si lepo skapirao. You've got that right. You got that right. Tom će da ide. Tom'll go. Tom will be going. Том пије пиво. Tom drinks beer. Tom's drinking beer. Pazi! Look out! Look out! Може ли да ми ги покажеш тие слики? Can you show me those pictures? Can you show me those pictures? Pridrži mi ruksak. Hold my backpack. Hold my backpack. Spasit ću te. I'll save you! I'll save you. Mislio sam da nije prikladno. I thought it wasn't appropriate. I didn't think it was appropriate. Миналата нощ играта беше вълнуваща. The game was exciting last night. Last night the game was exciting. Девојка је пустила птице из кавеза. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl let the birds out of the cage. Кога приключва? When's it over? When does it end? Da li si ga upravo srela? Did you just meet him? Did you just meet him? Previše sam zauzet na poslu. I'm too busy at work. I'm too busy at work. Се обидувам да ти дадам шанса да постапиш правилно. I'm trying to give you a chance to do that right thing. I'm trying to give you a chance to do the right thing. Сам успя да влезе в училищния отбор по баскетбол. Sam made the school basketball team. He managed to join the basketball team on his own. Убеден съм, че Том разбира френски. I'm pretty sure Tom understands French. I'm sure Tom understands French. Том се мачеше да остане сконцентриран. Tom struggled to stay focused. Tom was struggling to stay focused. Doping nije kompatibilan sa mojim ideološkim pogledima na sport. Doping is not compatible with my ideological views on the sport. Doping is not compatible with my ideological views of sport. Pokušavam. I try. I'm trying. Bilo je očigledno da Tom nije htio poljubiti Mariju. It was obvious Tom didn't want to kiss Mary. It was obvious that Tom didn't want to kiss Mary. Nadam se da je to istina. I hope that's the truth. I hope that's true. Как си тези дни? How are you these days? How are you these days? Свет је неправедан. The world is unjust. The world is unfair. Glasnije, molim te. Louder, please. Louder, please. Dobro, ti to nemaš. Fine, you don't have to. Well, you don't have it. Трябва да обсъдя нещо лично с тебе. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something personal with you. Tom je upucan triput. Tom has been shot three times. Tom's been shot three times. Pa, šta je tvoja tajna? So, what's your secret? So, what's your secret? Кога е отворен музеят? When is the museum open? When is the museum open? Имаш ли некаква идеја каде би можел да биде Том? Do you have any idea where Tom could be? Do you have any idea where Tom might be? Ne vježbam koliko bih trebao. I don't exercise as much as I should. I don't practice as much as I should. Скршена ми е ногата. My leg is broken. My leg's broken. Mi smo iz Rusije. We are from Russia. We're from Russia. Вярно ли е, че Том и Мери са били арестувани? Is it true that Tom and Mary got arrested? Is it true Tom and Mary were arrested? Ugojila si se. You've gained weight. You're getting fat. Мисля, че те ме познават. I think they know me. I think they know me. Dobro ga znam. I know him well. I know him well. Kako pametno! How clever! How clever! Reakcija nije uvek najbolji način delovanja. Reaction is not always the best course of action. The reaction is not always the best way to act. Мисля, че трябва да тръгваме. I think we should go. I think we should go. Брани се. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. Трябва ми добър съвет. I need some good advice. I need some good advice. Сите луѓе на земјата настанале од заеднички предок. All humans on Earth are descended from a common ancestor. All the people of the country came from a common ancestors. Počni s brojanjem. Start counting. Start counting. Прочетете го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Očigledno je da je Tom bolestan. Tom is obviously sick. It's clear Tom is ill. Све док човек живи, нада се. Man hopes as long as he lives. As long as a man lives, he hopes. Интернетот е сериозна работа. The Internet is serious business. The Internet is a serious thing. Сѐ осмислив. I've got it all figured out. I've got it all figured out. Ja sam početnik. I'm a beginner. I'm a novice. Не ми е грижа за тоа. I don't care about that. I don't care about that. По-добре си сложи пуловер под якето. You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket. You better put your sweater under your jacket. Не искаме да се чувстваш длъжен. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel obliged. Tom mi je danas rekao da me voli. Tom told me today that he loved me. Tom told me today he loved me. Ti nisi taj koji je umro. You're not the one who died. You're not the one who died. Треба да му дадеме на Том шанса да признае. We should give Tom a chance to confess. We should give Tom a chance to confess. Pričali smo neko vreme. We talked for a while. We talked for a while. Ljudi greše. People make mistakes. People make mistakes. Donesi mi njenu glavu. Bring me her head. Bring me her head. Да ли грешим? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Zapisuj šta ti kažem. Please write down what I say. Write down what I say. Том само сакаше Мери да биде среќна. Tom just wanted Mary to be happy. Tom just wanted Mary to be happy. Prišiel vo veľkom aute. He arrived in a big car. He sewed long-range cars. Ти се допаѓа ли точакот? Did you like the bicycle? Do you like the wheel? Odmah ćemo se baciti na posao. We'll get right to it. We'll get right to work. Skamarátili sme sa. We became friends. Skamarátili is allowed with. Ќе треба да му побараме дозвола на Том. We'll need to ask Tom for permission. We're gonna have to ask Tom for permission. Ми недостига Бостон. I miss Boston. I miss Boston. Kalkulator na mizi je moj. The calculator on the table is mine. The calculator on the table is mine. Да ли ме волиш? – упитао је. He asked, "Do you love me?" - Do you love me? - He asked. Njegova žena mu je zakrpila košulju. He got his shirt mended by his wife. His wife fixed his shirt. Kako si uradila to? How did you do that? How did you do that? Хайде да не говорим за работа, става ли? Let's not talk shop, OK? Let's not talk business, okay? Сакавме да зборуваме за него. We wanted to talk about him. We wanted to talk about him. Под заклетва си. You are under oath. You're under oath. Том не е толку млад. Tom isn't that young. Tom's not that young. Том доста ходи. Tom talks quite a lot. Tom's been walking a lot. Джак изчетка прахта от палтото си. Jack brushed the dust off his coat. Jack read the dust out of his coat. Възнамерявам да отида там. I intend to go there. I intend to go there. Скъпа, ти май криеш нещо от мен! My dear, maybe you are hiding something from me! Honey, I think you're hiding something from me. Многу се добри. They're very well. They're very good. Dirnut sam. I'm touched. I'm touched. Можеме да ти најдеме помош. We can get you help. We can get you some help. Ko je Tom? Je li on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? Јас сум сигурен. I am sure. I'm sure. Tom je najbolji učenik u razredu. Tom is the best student in our class. Tom's the best student in the class. Máš čas. You have time. You're wasting your time. Добив петка по француски. I got an A in French. I got a five in French. Том не знае што е разликата помеѓу мазга и магаре. Tom doesn't know the difference between a mule and a donkey. Tom doesn't know the difference between a mule and a donkey. Те ще се срещнат в хотела утре. They are going to meet at the hotel tomorrow. They'll meet at the hotel tomorrow. Kad god pričamo, zbog njega mi proradi adrenalin. Whenever we talk, he gets my adrenaline going. Every time we talk, it makes my adrenaline work. Probaću da ih nađem. I will try to find them. I'll try to find them. Оргуларот беше постар човек. The organist was elderly. The orgular was an older man. Tom je rekao da nije video ništa čudno. Tom said he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Tom said he didn't see anything weird. Мислев дека ќе живееш со нас. I thought you were going to live with us. I thought you were gonna live with us. То е на брат ми. It belongs to my brother. It's my brother's. Mjurijelu je sada 20. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel's 20 now. Tom je u garaži, radi na svom motoru. Tom is in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Tom's in the garage, working on his bike. Zbog laži je upao u nevolju kada je njegov šef saznao istinu. The lie got him in trouble when his boss found out the truth. The lie got him into trouble when his boss found out the truth. Napísal si túto knihu? Did you write this book? Do you know what you're talking about? Mesiac svieti v noci The moon shines at night. Messianic Lights in the Night Прати ѝ моите поздрави. Send her my regards. Send her my regards. Počni sa brojanjem. Start counting. Start counting. Tom se unervozio zbog tebe. You're making Tom nervous. Tom got nervous about you. Tom je rekao da ste kul. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. Няма достатъчно столове в конферентната зала. There aren't enough chairs in the conference room. There aren't enough chairs in the conference room. Позволете ми и аз да дойда. Let me come, too. Let me come with you. Све се одиграло брзином светлости. Everything happened at lightning speed. It all happened at the speed of light. Го грабнав Том за лакт. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom by elbow. Том не може да ходи. Tom can't walk. Tom can't walk. Vrijeme ostaje loše. The weather stayed bad. Time stays bad. Već sam razmišljala o tome. I've already thought about that. I've already thought about it. Дај да седнем. Let me sit down. Let me sit down. Том има добра професија. Tom has a good job. Tom's got a good profession. Той има три по-големи сестри. He has three older sisters. He has three older sisters. Oslobođen je vojne službe. He is exempt from the military service. Military service has been released. Хенри иска да те види. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Tomova je knjiga na vrhu Božićne prodaje knjiga, i teško da će je neka knjiga zbaciti sa položaja. Tom's book is topping the Christmas sales of books, and hardly any book can put it off its game. Tom's book is at the top of Christmas book sales, and it's hardly going to be thrown out of position by a book. Од почеток си во право. You've been right all along. You're right from the beginning. Moja manželka je lekárka. My wife is a doctor. My cufflink is a drugstore. Opuštena sam. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. Дај да сменам тема. Let me change the subject. Let me change the subject. Имам многу малку пари. I have very little money. I have very little money. Том го крена ножот. Tom picked up the knife. Tom raised the knife. Тоа е добар одговор. That's a good answer. That's a good answer. Iracionalni ste. You're being irrational. You're irrational. Ѝ веруваа. They believed her. They believed. Ме интересира јапонската култура. I am curious about Japanese culture. I'm interested in Japanese culture. Многу ќе им се бендиса тоа. They'll love that. They're gonna love that. Tom je bio jako dobr sijaš dok je bio tinejdžer. Tom was a very good skier when he was a teenager. Tom was a very good shiner when he was a teenager. Изчакай ме да довърша, моля те. Bear with me. Wait for me to finish, please. Том живее на оваа улица. Tom lives on this street. Tom lives on this street. Том е ладен. Tom is cold. Tom's cold. Искам да отида в чужбина. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Vi ste prosečni studenti. You're average students. You're average students. Danes imam bolečine v vratu. Today I have neck pain. I have neck pain today. Stroj bol pokrytí prachom. The machine was coated with dust. Machine pokrytí prachom pain. Том отвори кутията и погледна вътре. Tom opened the box and looked inside. Tom opened the box and looked inside. Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш някакви други хотели? Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you recommend any other hotels? Не зборуваме многу. We don't talk much. We don't talk much. Je li tvoj? Is it yours? Is it yours? На која држава си граѓанин? What country are you a citizen of? What country are you a citizen of? Том претпазливо се движеше. Tom moved cautiously. Tom was moving with caution. 'Oće li neko pivo? Anybody want a beer? Anyone want a beer? Ukrao je veoma dragocen dijamantski prsten. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. Неки људи без обзира на своје године, не губе лепоту. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. Some people, regardless of their age, don't lose their beauty. Коя е приятелката на Том? Who's Tom's girlfriend? Who's Tom's girlfriend? Ona će platiti najviše 50 dolara. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay a maximum of 50 bucks. Мајка ти ти го стави колажот во најгорната фиока. Your mother put your collage in the top drawer. Your mother put the collage in the top drawer. Не мрдај! Stop moving! Don't move! Он је слободни мислилац. He is a freethinker. He's a free thinker. Kaži mi gde živiš. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. Мери се разведе од сопругот пред неколку години. Mary divorced her husband several years ago. Mary divorced her husband a few years ago. Грейс изглеждаше ядосана. Grace looked angry. Grace seemed angry. Sunce je zvezda. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Da li je to ispalo meni? Did I drop that? Did it work out for me? Znam o čemu verovatno razmišljaš. I know what you're probably thinking. I know what you're probably thinking. Можеби Том ќе се уплаши па ќе се откаже. Tom may chicken out. Maybe Tom will get scared and give up. Prazan je. It's empty. It's empty. Ja sam iz Grčke. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. To nije povezano. That's unrelated. It's not connected. Играј поопуштено. Play in a more relaxed manner. Play it cool. Tom je uhvatio taksi do bolnice. Tom took a taxi to the hospital. Tom took a cab to the hospital. Bilo bi zbunjujuće. It would be confusing. It would be confusing. Триъгълниците нямат четири ъгъла. Triangles don't have four angles. The triangles don't have four angles. Nič ne reci. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Безопасно ли е? Are we safe? Is it safe? Секој ден се случуваат трагедии. Tragedies happen every day. Tragedy takes place every day. Ми се натопија чевлите. My shoes got wet. My shoes are soaking. Kako da upravljamo drugima kada ne možemo da upravljamo sobom? How could we govern others when we cannot govern ourselves? How can we control others when we can't control ourselves? Най-добрият начин да предскажете бъдещето е да го изобретите. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Првобитно биле фармери. Originally they were farmers. Originally, they were farmers. Секогаш ли си зафатен? Are you always busy? Are you always busy? Едисън е изобретил електрическата лампа. Edison invented the electric lamp. Edison invented an electric lamp. Разликата между правилната дума и почти правилната дума е като между светкавицата и светулката. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is like the flash and the firefly. Мисля, че Том се справя добре. I think Tom's doing a good job. I think Tom's doing just fine. Том си ја извади капата и учтиво се поклони. Tom took off his hat and bowed politely. Tom took his hat out and bowed politely. Ellen nehovorí po anglicky. Ellen does not speak English. Ellen doesn't want to talk about English. Идемо у планине. We are going to the mountains. We're going to the mountains. Ѝ се јави ли? Did you call her? Has she heard from you? Маж ми е добар човек. My husband is a good man. My husband is a good man. Се налутив. I got mad. I got mad. Свикнал съм родителите ми да ме игнорират. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents ignoring me. Tom nam je pomogao da uštedimo mnogo novca. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Tom helped us save a lot of money. Ponosna sam na svoju familiju. I'm proud of my family. I'm proud of my family. I dalje ne razumem ništa. I still do not understand anything. I still don't understand anything. Ко сте ви? Who are you? Who are you? On je čovek koji štedi na rečima. He is a man of few words. He's a word-saving man. Всичко се постига с желание. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Everything is done with desire. Crkni! Die! Drop dead! Još sam malo umorna. I'm still kind of tired. I'm still a little tired. За нас е огромно удоволствие да гледаме бейзболни мачове. We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games. It is a great pleasure for us to watch baseball games. Си видел што можам. You've seen what I can do. You've seen what I can do. Зошто не можеш да дојдеш? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? Ne otvaraj to. Don't open it. Don't open that. Тие починаа и ме оставија мене сам. They passed away and left me. They died and left me alone. Праските се благи. Peaches are sweet. The powders are mild. Никој не зборува. No one is speaking. No one's talking. Преведувањето вицеви е прилично тешко, ако воопшто може да се каже дека е возможно. If it is even possible, translating jokes is quite hard. The translation of jokes is quite difficult, if you can even say it's possible. Kako Tom uspeva? How does Tom do it? How does Tom do it? Promočio sam do kože. I'm soaked to the bone. I blew it to the skin. Ако не беше заради мен, Том не би бил тук. Tom wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. If it wasn't for me, Tom wouldn't be here. Udobno je. It's comfortable. It's cozy. Не би требало да ни трае долго ова. It shouldn't take us long to finish this. This shouldn't take long. Glasnije, molim. Louder, please. Louder, please. Ti pamtiš stvari mnogo lakše nego ja. You remember things more easily than me. You remember things a lot easier than I do. Недељом никад нисам код куће. I am never at home on Sundays. I'm never home on Sundays. Фала ти што ме пушти да зборувам со Том. Thank you for letting me speak with Tom. Thanks for letting me talk to Tom. Tom bol veľmi unavený. Tom was very tired. That's the pain you've got going on. Том играе лакрос. Tom plays lacrosse. Tom's playing lacrosse. Днес плаках. I cried today. I cried today. Samo treba da vežbate. It just takes practice. All you have to do is practice. Армията трябваше да се оттегли. The army had to retreat. The army had to retire. Nemam neko visoko mišljenje o njemu kao muzičaru. I don't think much of him as a musician. I don't have some sort of high opinion of him as a musician. Kde je tvoj otec? Where is your father? Where's your father? Postoji greška u rečenici. There is a mistake in the sentence. There's a mistake in the sentence. Lekar radi u bolnici. The doctor works in a hospital. The doctor works at the hospital. Siguran sam da ćete se vas dvoje složiti. I'm sure the two of you will agree. I'm sure you two will agree. Мисля, че онова яке ще ми стане. I think that jacket would fit me. I think I'm gonna get that jacket. Сите знаат дека си го удрил Том. Everyone knows that you hit Tom. Everyone knows you hit Tom. "Је л' образложио?" "Јесте." "Did he say why?" "He did." "Did he explain?" "Yes." Мислиш ли дека ќе стигнеме до станицата навреме? Do you think we'll make it to the station in time? Do you think we'll make it to the station in time? Mislila sam da si se već postarala za to. I thought you'd already taken care of that. I thought you'd already taken care of it. Може ли да ви целуна? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Tom ima težak posao. Tom has a difficult job. Tom's got a tough job to do. Не зборувај со никого. Don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone. Успех је био само делимичан. It was only a partial success. Success was only partial. Molim te, bude iskrena sa mnom. Please be honest with me. Please be honest with me. Кучето ли му го даде? Did you give him that dog? Did you give him the dog? Reci Tomu da sam nedužan. Tell Tom I'm innocent. Tell Tom I'm innocent. Ne smijemo im dopustiti da nam to rade. We can't let them do this to us. We can't let them do this to us. Уморих се да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Просто не се чувствувам безбедно во врска со тоа. It just doesn't feel safe. I just don't feel safe about it. Prosledite mi šećer, molim vas. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass the sugar, please. Špijunirao si me. You've been spying on me. You were spying on me. I meni se stvarno sviđao Tom. I really liked Tom, too. I really liked Tom, too. Zabavi se dok možeš. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Baš sam uživao. I enjoyed it very much. I really enjoyed it. Му должам на Том за ова. I owe Tom for this. I owe Tom for this. Tom se stalno žali. Tom complains all the time. Tom complains all the time. Priče Snorija Sturlusona govore pored ostalog o tome da se Hrišćanstvo u Norveškoj širilo nasiljem. Snorri Sturluson's stories tells, among other things, how Christianity was spread in Norway by force. Snory Sturluson's stories besides that Christianity spread through violence in Norway. V tujini sem živel 10 let. I lived overseas for ten years. I lived abroad for 10 years. Том, немој да ми се правиш на Тошо. Tom, don't play dumb with me. Tom, don't play with Tosho. Ova je nezgodna. This one's a tough one. This one's tricky. Tom ne vidi ništa loše u tome da dozvoli Mariji da nauči da vozi. Tom doesn't see anything wrong with letting Mary learn to drive. Tom doesn't see anything wrong with letting Maria learn how to drive. Направи да го сакам џезот. He made me love jazz. Make me want the jazz. Odakle ti taj ožiljak? How did you get that scar? Where did you get that scar? Требаше прво да ги прашам. I should've asked them first. I should have asked them first. Никад није требало да те послушам. I never should've listened to you. I never should have listened to you. Zvaću ih sutra kada se vratim. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. To je bilo malo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was a little weird. Koliko si plačal za to? How much did you pay for this? How much did you pay for that? Ние, съпругите, трябва да се поддържаме. We wives have to stick together. We wives have to hold each other back. Tom razgovara samo sa Meri. Tom only talks to Mary. Tom only talks to Mary. Tom je jeo sendvič. Tom was eating a sandwich. Tom ate a sandwich. Банката си иска парите обратно. The bank wants its money back. The bank wants their money back. Звукот на твојот глас е како песна на сирена за мене. The sound of your voice is like siren's song to me. The sound of your voice is like a siren song to me. Том внимава с бюджета си. Tom is paying attention to his budget. Tom's careful with his budget. Svi se mi moramo suprostaviti ovome. We all must stand up against this. We all have to stand up to this. Tom je uštedeo 300 dolara. Tom saved three hundred dollars. Tom saved 300 bucks. Не отваряй тази врата, моля те. Don't open this door, please. Don't open that door, please. Зошто треба да ме интересира што правиш ти? Why should I be interested in what you're doing? Why should I care what you do? Дефинитивно е Том. It's definitely Tom. It's definitely Tom. Znaju te. They know you. They know you. Не губете кураж. Keep up your courage. Don't lose your nerve. Какво си завършил, Том? What's your major, Tom? What did you finish, Tom? Мислам дека ова е завршено. I thought this was over. I think this is over. Хайде, докосни го. Come on, touch it. Come on, touch it. Какво искате да ми кажете? What is it you want to tell me? What are you trying to tell me? To bi bilo OK. That would've been OK. That'd be okay. Samo traćiš vreme. You're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. Da li misliš da bi Tom hteo da ide sa nama na kampovanje sledećeg vikenda? Do you think that Tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? Do you think Tom would like to go camping with us next weekend? Кога може да кажем, че човек има проблеми с алкохола? When can one say that a person has alcohol issues? When can we say that a man has alcohol problems? Со пријател како тебе, не ми требаат непријатели. With a friend like you, one doesn't need enemies. With a friend like you, I don't need enemies. Mrzim znanost. I hate science. I hate science. Од која причина учиш англиски? For what reason are you learning English? What reason do you learn English? Затоа што автобусот се беше задржал, долго чекавме на дождот. Since the bus had been delayed, we had a long wait in the rain. Because the bus was delayed, we waited a long time for the rain. Prijateljstvo im se postepeno pretvorilo u ljubav. Their friendship gradually turned into love. Their friendship gradually became love. Da li se danas osećaš OK? Do you feel OK today? Are you feeling okay today? Требаше да купиме уште едно шише вино. We should've bought another bottle of wine. We should have bought another bottle of wine. Da li sam zaista bio toliko srećan? Was I really that happy? Am I really that happy? Ајде, побрзај! Итно е. Come on, hurry up! It's urgent. Come on, hurry up, it's urgent. Imaš li vremena da dođeš sutra? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Kišna sezona počinje u junu. Rainy season begins in June. Rain season starts in June. Došao je juče da te poseti. He came yesterday to see you. He came to see you yesterday. Šta tražiš? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Мислам дека Том може да помогне. I think Tom can help. I think Tom can help. Neću prepustiti ovo. I'm not giving this up. I'm not leaving this behind. Tom je rekao da mogu da ostanem. Tom said I could stay. Tom said I could stay. Имам информации на оваа тема. I have some information regarding this. I have information on this subject. Тоа беше ужасно. That was terrible. That was terrible. Те молам, прашај ме што било. Please ask me anything. Please ask me anything. Tom voli da se hvali. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to brag. Драго ми е што си во ред. I'm glad you're OK. I'm glad you're okay. Бъдете внимателни! Be careful! Be careful! Nije mogao da razume nešto mnogo od onoga šta su oni rekli jedno drugom. He couldn't understand much of what they said to each other. He couldn't understand much of what they said to each other. Нямам представа кой е това. I have no idea who that is. I have no idea who that is. Си го правел ли некогаш тоа? Have you ever done it? Have you ever done that? Esperanto se učim zelo hitro. I am learning Esperanto very quickly. I'm learning Esperanto very quickly. Potpuno sam izgubio tok svojih misli. I completely lost my train of thought I've lost my mind completely. To je bila smešna greška. It was a silly mistake. That was a funny mistake. Го немаш решено проблемов, нели? You haven't solved this problem, have you? You haven't solved this problem, have you? Pomozi nam da dosegnemo svoj cilj. Help us reach our goal. Help us reach our goal. Новац није мерило успеха. Money is not a criterion of success. Money didn't measure success. Том је напет као струна. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's as tense as a string. Чувствам се объркана. I feel lost. I feel confused. Кажи дека ме разбираш. Say you understand me. Say you understand me. Mračno je. It's dark. It's dark. I onda se nešto neverovatno dogodilo. And then something amazing happened. And then something incredible happened. Имам список од неа. I have a list from her. I have a list of her. Nemojte da prestajete. Don't stop. Don't stop. Amonijak je baza. Ammonia is a base. It's an ammonia base. Немој да доцниш на состанокот утре. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. В Сасаяма ли живееш? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasyam? Само сакам да те усреќам онака како што ти сакаш да ме усреќиш мене. I just want to make you as happy as you want to make me. I just want to make you happy the way you want to make me happy. Prestani da pušiš. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Златото тежи повеќе од железото. Gold is heavier than iron. Gold weighs more than iron. Dopala nam se hrana, naročito riba. We liked the food, especially the fish. We liked food, especially fish. Da li si bila ovde ranije? Have you ever been there? Have you been here before? Направих се, че не знам кой е Том. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. Што правеле досега? What have they been doing? What have they been doing so far? Нанси се усмихна щастливо. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happy. Том добро си ја одржува колата. Tom takes good care of his car. Tom's keeping his car real good. Ова е многу тежок испит. This is a very difficult exam. This is a very difficult test. Том има плантажа. Tom owns a plantation. Tom's got a plantation. Dobro je. It's fine. That's good. Нѐ тера премногу да работиме. He works us too hard. He's making us work too much. Той има ли голяма къща? Does he have a big house? Does he have a big house? Майката на Куки умря от рак. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Не ме прави лажливец, Том. Don't make a liar out of me, Tom. Don't make me a liar, Tom. Život mi je bio dobar. My life's been good. My life was good. Zaista se radujem što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really looking forward to being here. Promenio sam se. I've changed. I've changed. Ја ценам твојата помош со ова. I appreciate your help on this. I appreciate your help with this. Знам некои работи. I know a few things. I know some things. Ova je kuća a ona je džamija. This is a house and that is a mosque. This is a house and she's a mosque. Tom in Mary sta rekla da John noče jesti ničesar, kar skuhata. Tom and Mary said John wouldn't eat anything they made. Tom and Mary said John didn't want to eat anything they cooked. Če ostanemo tukaj, bomo umrli. If we stay here, we'll probably die. If we stay here, we die. Започна да вали веднага щом се прибрахме вкъщи. It started raining as soon as we got home. It started raining as soon as we got home. Vožnja do posla od sat i po smara. Driving for one and a half hours to get to work is a bear. A drive to work from an hour and a half to sleep. Oni su poboljšali bezbednosne provere, i pripremljeni su za najgore. They have enhanced security checks and are prepared for the worst. They've improved security checks, and they're prepared for the worst. Том свиреше на цигулката си. Tom played his violin. Tom played his violin. Poradil jej, aby prestala piť. He advised her to stop drinking. Worked a meal, aby stopped drinking. Oni nisu moji. They aren't mine. They're not mine. Moj otac ne voli fudbal. My father doesn't like soccer. My father doesn't like football. Voli da od komarca pravi magarca. He loves to make a mountain out of a molehill. He likes to make a mosquito a donkey. Tom zna imena svih svojih mušterija. Tom knows the names of all his customers. Tom knows the names of all his customers. Изсмях се. I laughed. I laughed. Сѐ уште мислам на неа. I'm still thinking about her. I'm still thinking about her. Imuna sam. I'm immune. I'm immune. Tom je pokušao zastrašiti Mary. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Tom tried to intimidate Mary. Ha? Gde sam ostavio ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I leave my keys? Ko je ostavio otvorena vrata? Who left the door open? Who left the door open? Možeš li da navučeš zavese? Can you close the drapes? Can you put the curtains on? Том ради за компанију свог оца. Tom works for his father's company. Tom works for his father's company. Da li si me videla kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? Почео је да се дере. He began to shout. He started yelling. Ја само вршим своју дужност. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Každá osoba má práva a povinnosti. An individual has rights and responsibilities. You're saying a person in my right mind and in my right mind. Полетът ви е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight has been cancelled. Ja prodajem kafu. I sell coffee. I sell coffee. Итно ми требаш. I urgently need you. I need you immediately. Stvarno? Really? Really? Том грабна апарат за гасење пожар и почна да шприца. Tom grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying. Tom grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying. Знам колико и ти. Your guess is as good as mine. I know as much as you do. Мислите ли да ходите някъде това лято? Are you going to go anywhere this summer? Are you going somewhere this summer? Majka i ćerka su predstavljale dve generacije. The mother and daughter represented two generations. Mother and daughter represented two generations. Je to príliš drahé. It's too expensive. That's what you're talking about. Ти кажав дека татко ми умре кога имав тринаесет години. I told you that my dad died when I was thirteen. I told you my father died when I was 13. Сигурен съм, че си много заетa. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Носам страшна вест. I have dreadful news. I bring terrible news. Ги бојадисаа рамките од прозорците жолти. They painted the window frames yellow. They painted the frames of the yellow windows. Ми треба понош да ги пренесам. I need help carrying them. I need to be proud to pass them on. Stvarno je iznenađujuće. That's really surprising. It's really surprising. Po prirodi je nježan. He is gentle by nature. He's gentle by nature. Разбират ли и Том, и Мери френски? Do both Tom and Mary understand French? Do they understand Tom and Mary French? Прекалено усърдно работиш. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Убаво готвиш. You are a good cook. You're a nice cook. Том не ни знаеше дека Мери ја нема. Tom didn't even know that Mary was gone. Tom didn't even know Mary was gone. Donio sam ti kavu. I brought you coffee. I brought you some coffee. Мислев дека си смешен. I thought you were funny. I thought you were funny. Svi su tamo. Everyone's there. They're all there. Nie som si istý. I'm not certain. Nie som you're East. Lizbona je glavno mesto Portugalske. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Na reci ima puno narandžastih pecaroša. There are many orange fishes in the river. There's a lot of orange fishermen on the river. Почнимо одмах. Let's start right away. Let's start now. E, sad je dosta! I've had enough already! That's enough! Имаш навика што не ми се допаѓа. You have a habit that I'm happy about. You have a habit that I don't like. Том е советник. Tom is a consultant. Tom's an advisor. Prošao je tek jedan dan. It's only been one day. It's only been one day. Ми бучат ушите. My ears are ringing. My ears are ringing. Veoma sam ponosan na to. I'm very proud of that. I'm very proud of it. Reci mi šta znaš. Tell me what you know. Tell me what you know. Poznavanje stranih jezika je korisno za svakoga. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Kako se to sastavlja? How is it put together? How do you put that together? Чорапите смърдят. The socks smell bad. The stockings stink. Bilježnica nije tvoja, njegova je. The notebook is not yours. It's his. It's not your notebook. It's his. Знам да нисам савршен. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Те са сами. They're on their own. They're alone. Око чега сва ова збрка? What's this commotion all about? What's all this fuss about? Можно е Том да го видел. Tom may have seen it. Tom may have seen him. Сам питай Том. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Какво ще кажеш да вечеряме заедно? How about having dinner together? How about we have dinner together? Зима је време снега. Winter is snow time. Winter is snow time. Nismo uspeli. We failed. We didn't make it. Том току-що се прибра вкъщи. Tom came home just now. Tom just got home. Се распрашав за нив. I asked around about them. I asked about them. Том е бездруго луд. Tom must be crazy. Tom's out of his mind. Том размисли. Tom gave it some thought. Tom, think about it. Знаевме дека ќе дојдеш. We knew you'd come. We knew you'd come. Тоа ли мисли Том дека се случило? Is that what Tom thinks happened? Is that what Tom thinks happened? Ja sam samo prosečna devojka. I'm just an average girl. I'm just an average girl. Što možemo reći? What can we say? What can we say? To ti mora biti vrlo teško. It must be hard for you. That must be very difficult for you. Pomahala je z obema rokama da bi jo lahko našel. She waved both her hands so that he could find her. She waved both hands so I could find her. Nisam bio preterano iznenađen. I wasn't too surprised. I wasn't overly surprised. Се облачи. It's getting cloudy. He's dressing. Ова се сѐ основни вештини. These are all basic skills. These are all basic skills. Možda je Tom bio upleten. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. Можеш да разчиташ на мен. You can rely on me. You can count on me. Već sam bio tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. Tom voli ekstremne sportove. Tom likes extreme sports. Tom likes extreme sports. Želim da budem sa njom. I want to be with her. I want to be with her. Не искам да бъда въвлечен. I don't want to be involved. I don't want to be involved. Znam da nisam savršen. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Tom zna da je beznadežno. Tom knows it's hopeless. Tom knows it's hopeless. Снегът беше до коляно. The snow was knee deep. The snow was up to its knees. Добро дошли назад. Welcome back. Welcome back. Имаше респираторни проблеми. He had respiratory problems. He had respiratory problems. Смехът е полезен за вашето здраве! Laughing is good for your health! Laughter is good for your health! Tom je kupovao vreme. Tom was playing for time. Tom was buying time. Том беше избезумен. Tom was astonished. Tom was crazy. A lahko kakam v miru? Please let me poop in peace. Can I have some in peace? Mislim da je tom veoma pametan. I think Tom is really smart. I think he's very smart. Oboje nismo bogati koliko bismo hteli. We're both not as rich as we wish we were. We're both not as rich as we'd like. Сложете морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Имам няколко стари компютъра. I have several old computers. I've got some old computers. Ti si jako strpljiv učitelj. You are a very patient teacher. You're a very patient teacher. Kako brzo! How fast! How fast! Nikad se ne zna šta će se dogoditi sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Odmori se, Tome. Take a break, Tom. Rest, Tom. Той ѝ купи пуловер. He bought her a sweater. He bought her a sweater. Морам нешто да признаам. I need to confess something. I have a confession to make. On má tiež dvanásť rokov, ale stále je mladší ako ona. He is also twelve years old but he is still younger than her. But he is a young man if she. Том слушна како Мери му вика на Џон. Tom heard Mary yelling at John. Tom heard Mary call John. Tom je probao dugme. Tom tried the knob. Tom tried the button. Конференција није баш била успешна. The conference was not a complete success. The conference wasn't exactly successful. Brod se nasukao. The ship ran aground. The ship's broken down. Планирам да уча в чужбина догодина. I intend to study abroad next year. I plan to study abroad next year. Да ли си слободан вечерас? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Аз не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change these plans. Сепак ни треба план. We still need a plan. We still need a plan. И ја такође. Me, too. Me too. Tom je sliko vrnil Mary. Tom handed the picture back to Mary. Tom returned the picture to Mary. Ја радим у школи за језике. I work at a language school. I work in language school. Још ниси завршио? Haven't you finished yet? You're not done yet? Već sam čuo ovaj vic ranije. I've heard this joke before. I've heard this joke before. Ти благодарам што ни помогна. Thanks for helping us. Thank you for helping us. Мораћу да кажем, да. I would have said yes. I'll have to say, yes. Има ли некога у кући? Anybody home? Is there anyone in the house? Ne smejte se. Don't smile. Don't laugh. Samo ćemo da te pratimo. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. Той не каза и дума. He didn't say a word. He didn't say a word. Никога през живота си нищо не съм откраднал. I've never stolen anything in my life. I've never stolen anything in my life. Ti si moja inspiracija. You're my inspiration. You're my inspiration. Ја имам неколико дарова. I have some gifts. I have a few gifts. Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I've studied French for three years. На жена ми и се смачува од дневната рутина. My wife is getting tired of the daily routine. My wife's sick of her daily routine. Stretneme sa zajtra? Are we meeting tomorrow? Sprinkled off fire? Dođite ovamo. Come here. Come here. Ko je pojeo zadnju krofnu? Who ate the last donut? Who ate the last doughnut? "Хвала." "Нема на чему." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Покажи ми шта да преведем. Show me what to translate. Show me what to translate. Daj mi kašiku. Give me a spoon. Give me the spoon. Дали ги спомна резултатите од испитот? Did she mention the results of the exam? Did you mention the test results? Да ли је свет неправедан? Is the world unjust? Is the world unfair? Zašto je on ovdje? Why is he here? Why is he here? Трябва да науча истината. I have to find out the truth. I need to learn the truth. Koliko vremena je prošlo otkako si prestao podučavati u toj školi? How long has it been since you gave up teaching at that school? How long has it been since you stopped teaching at that school? Шта он ради? What does he do? What's he doing? Сношти видов дух. I saw a ghost last night. I saw a ghost last night. Volite li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Upomoć! Policija! Upomoć! Help! Police! Help! Help! Spavam čvrsto. I'm a sound sleeper. I'm sleeping tight. Искам един портокалов сок. I'd like orange juice. I want an orange juice. Tom je nepodoban. Tom is a misfit. Tom's not comfortable. Същото стана 2013-та. The same thing happened in 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. Čemu sva ova zbrka? What is this commotion all about ? Why all this mess? Таа реши да не ја плати глобата. She resolved not to pay the fine. She decided not to pay the fine. Нямам желание да излизам тази вечер. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't want to go out tonight. Умираш ли? Are you dying? Are you dying? Nije mi bilo zabavno, pa sam rano otišao kući. I wasn't having fun, so I went home early. I didn't have much fun, so I went home early. Малку си неучтив. You're sort of rude. You're a little rude. Ona je bila jedina koja me je razumela. She was the only one who understood me. She was the only one who understood me. Dosta mi je prepirki. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. Само маки ми нанесе. It's been nothing but trouble. It's just a pain in the ass. И ти ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you single, too? Ако ме каснеш, ќе те каснам и јас тебе. If you bite me, then I'll bite you, too. If you bite me, I'll bite you. Toma je spasila Meri. Tom was rescued by Mary. Tom saved Mary. Том си изглади панталоните. Tom ironed his pants. Tom straightened out his pants. Rád by som si dal koláč ako dezert. I'd like to have cake for dessert. Rád by som you gave a stake if dessert. Какво би се случило, ако непреодолима сила удари непоклатим обект? What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object? What would happen if the uncontrollable force struck an unshakable object? Kočnice zaškripaše. The tires squealed. The brakes are sticking. Pokušavam da budem pažljiva. I'm trying to be cautious. I'm trying to be careful. Knjigu možemo uporediti s prijateljem. A book can be compared to a friend. We can compare the book to our friend. Ги најдоа, нели? They found them, didn't they? They found them, didn't they? Знаењето е врховната цел. Knowledge is the supreme goal. Knowledge is the ultimate goal. Nosi zlatno lanče oko vrata. She is wearing a gold necklace around her neck. He's wearing a gold chain around his neck. Одабиј. Back off. Back off. Она је учитељица. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Въпреки че аз съм стар, вие сте все още млади. Though I am old, you are still young. Even though I'm old, you're still young. Zašto ste svi u šoku? Why are you all shocked? Why are you all in shock? Денов ми беше исполнет со дејности. I've had a busy day. My day was filled with action. Той няма да успее. He won't make it. He's not gonna make it. Završit ću s čitanjem ove knjige. I'll finish reading this book. I'm gonna finish reading this book. Znam da ćeš reći ne. I know you're going to say no. I know you're gonna say no. Се стреми кон тоа да стане глумица. She aspired to become an actress. She's trying to become an actress. Včera byla nedeľa. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday afternoon doesn't work. Като се има предвид колко време уча френски, би трябвало да мога да го говоря по-добре. Considering how long I've been studying French, I should be able to speak it better. Given how long I've been studying French, I should be able to speak it better. Том примами мишката от дупката на стената с парченце хляб. Tom coaxed the mouse out of the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom lures the mouse from the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom je na spratu. Tom is upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Mislim otići u inozemstvo. I am thinking of going abroad. I mean go abroad. Hajde da razgovaramo o tvojoj ideji. Let's discuss your idea. Let's talk about your idea. Nensi je iz Londona. Nancy is from London. Nancy's from London. Моите нови чизми се од вистинска кожа и имаат релативно високи потпетици. My new boots are made of real leather and have relatively high heels. My new boots are of real skin and have relatively high heels. To je oblast sa puno novih kuća. It's an area with a lot of new houses. It's an area with a lot of new houses. Те бяха ужасени от новините. They were horror stricken at the news. They were terrified of the news. Немој да се упецаш. Don't take the bait. Don't get caught. Ние не сме терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Не познавам всички. I don't know everybody. I don't know everyone. Tomov deda je poznavao mog dedu. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Вие двајца сте се ујдисале против мене! The two of you are in cahoots against me! You two are invading against me! На основу чега знамо да је невин? How do we know that he's innocent? What makes you think he's innocent? Волим вас обоје. I love you both. I love you both. Том си ја стави криглата со пиво на шанкот. Tom put his mug of beer on the counter. Tom put a pint of beer on the bar. Doktor, ktorý nie je umelcom, nie je ani doktorom. A doctor who is not an artist is no doctor either. Doctor, it's not a doctor. It's not a doctor. Stižete li uskoro? Are you almost here? Are you coming soon? Vraćam se uskoro. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Molim vas, budite iskreni sa mnom. Please be honest with me. Please, be honest with me. Длабоко ли е езерото? Is the lake deep? Is it deep in the lake? On ima dva automobila. He has two cars. He's got two cars. Lahko vidim vašo vstopnico? Seveda, tukaj je. "Can I see your ticket?" "Yes. Here it is." Can I see your ticket? Ме мавна кола. I got hit by a car. I got hit by a car. Зошто не го послуша Том? Why didn't you listen to Tom? Why didn't you listen to Tom? Ne prestajte. Don't stop. Don't stop. Misliš li da ja sam diktator? Do you think that I'm a dictator? Do you think I'm a dictator? Bit ćeš poznat. You will be famous. You'll be famous. Vrijeme u Istanbulu je jako hladno. The weather is very cold in Istanbul. The weather in Istanbul is very cold. Šta nije u redu sa tobom? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Само пази со тоа. Just be careful with that. Just be careful with that. Не сум чудовиште. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. Ta reka izlgeda plitko, zar ne? That river seems shallow, doesn't it? That river looks shallow, doesn't it? Pokušaćemo na vaš način. We'll try it your way. We'll try it your way. Изнервирао сам га. I pissed him off. I pissed him off. Да одиме во Бостон. Let's go to Boston. Let's go to Boston. Ти испеков колачиња. I baked some cookies for you. I baked you cookies. Tom je došao na Marynu rođendansku zabavu. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Tom came to Mary's birthday party. Ще ви обърна внимание след малко. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll pay attention in a minute. Tom ne voli sir. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Кой пусна кучетата? Who let the dogs out? Who let the dogs in? На исто рамниште сме. We are on the same level. We're on the same plane. Je li on doktor? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? Bitka je trajala nedelju dana. The battle lasted a week. The battle lasted a week. Koja je tvoja specijalizacija? What's your major field? What's your specialty? Зошто зајците имаат големи уши? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have big ears? Da li ih je Tom našao? Did Tom find them? Did Tom find them? Някой казвал ли Ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone told you that? Историите, които ще прочетете в тази книга, се занимават с някои от многото проблеми, пред които са изправени младите хора. The stories which you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems which face young people. The stories you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems young people face. Čemu sva ova zbrka? What's this commotion all about? Why all this mess? Zašto radite to sebi? Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you doing this to yourself? Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Помислих си, че Том може да го направи. I thought Tom might do that. I thought Tom could do it. Možeš li da mi kažeš kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Поправих му радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. Како ти се градите? How's your chest? How are you building? Jesi li slobodan u nedelju? Are you open on Sunday? Are you free on Sunday? Таа вешто ракува со пила. She handles a saw very well. She's a craftsman with a saw. Том попита Мери дали може да заеме учебника ѝ по френски. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her French textbook. Tom asked Mary if I could borrow her textbook in French. Veliki broj reči pozajmljene su iz stranih jezika. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. A large number of words were borrowed from foreign languages. Имам три въпроса към вас. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Živeću. I'll live. I'll live. Дури ни таа не ме разбира. Even she doesn't understand me. She doesn't even understand me. Ти и половината не знаеш. You don't know the half of it. You don't know half of it. Аз пристигнах в Токио вчера. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Той започна да пише роман. He's started writing a novel. He started writing a novel. Каква е минималната заплата в Русия? What's the minimum salary in Russia? What is the minimum wage in Russia? Сѐ уште ли љубомориш? Are you still jealous? Are you still jealous? Uradila je ono što joj je rečeno. She did what she was told. She did what she was told. Efekat je bio dosta drugačiji od onog što smo nameravali. The effect was quite different from what was intended. The effect was quite different from what we intended. Ние вярваме в Бог. We believe in God. We believe in God. Ќе плачеш ли? Are you going to cry? Will you cry? Houdini je bol slávny eskapológ. Houdini was a famous escapologist. Houdini is the pain of slávny eskapológ. Ова е сѐ што можам. This is all I can do. This is all I can do. Ljudje so bili željni miru. People were eager for peace. People wanted peace. Nikad ne reci nikad. Never say never. Never say never. Još uvek sam pomalo umorna. I'm still kind of tired. I'm still a little tired. Обещах на Том, че няма да го правим. I promised Tom we wouldn't do that. I promised Tom we wouldn't do that. Tom je izašao iz toga. Tom was out of it. Tom's out of it. Не зборувам за него. I'm not talking about him. I'm not talking about him. Ako se muškarac unapredi ispred žene - to se naziva favorizovanje. Ako ona bude unapređena, ispred muškarca, to se naziva jednakost. If a man is promoted before a woman, it's called favoritism. If she gets promoted before a man, it's called equality. If a man improves in front of a woman, it's called favoration, if she's promoted, in front of a man, it's called equality. Ne računam na to. I'm not counting on it. I'm not counting on that. Най-накрая спечелих неговото сърце. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Сигурен ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? Хоби јој је био сакупљање старих новчића. Her hobby was to collect ancient coins. Her hobby was collecting old coins. Моля Ви, елате добре облечена. Please come dressed up. Please come well-dressed. Чух Том и Мери да разговарят за това. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. В гимназията френският ми беше любимият предмет. In high school, French was my favorite subject. In high school, French was my favorite subject. По своја волја сум тука. I'm here by choice. I'm here on my own. Дали е ова нашата кабина? Is this our cabin? Is this our cabin? Taj čovek je vojnik. That man is a soldier. That man is a soldier. Gubiš. You're losing. You're losing. Нагазихме в студената вода инч след инч. We waded into the cold water inch by inch. We stepped into the cold water inch by inch. Немам поплаки. I have no complaints. I don't have any complaints. Дај ни ги клучевите. Give us the keys. Give us the keys. Умеш ли латински? Do you speak Latin? Can you do Latin? Сакав да ти се јавам. I wanted to call you. I wanted to call you. Гаража је зарђала. The garage has rusted. The garage's rusty. Моля затворете вратата когато излизате. Please close the door when you leave. Please close the door on your way out. Často som spával na lavičke, keď som bol bezdomovec. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. Honorably, I was sleeping on a lion's bed, ke·m the pain of a homeless man. На моја голема жалост, Мери дојде на забавата во блуден фустан. Much to my dismay, Mary came to the party wearing a prurient dress. Unfortunately for me, Mary came to the party in a fornicatory dress. Те вработија ли? Did you get the job? Did they hire you? Осигурач је прегорео. The fuse has blown. The fuse's out. Само што дојдовме оттаму. We were just there. We've just come from there. Tom šiel na pláž. Tom went to the beach. Tom Shiel on the beach. Ќе му се јавам на Том после. I'll call Tom back. I'll call Tom later. Не можем да отложим събирането. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the gathering. Tom mi je rekao da ne razgovaram sa Meri. Tom told me not to talk to Mary. Tom told me not to talk to Mary. Како може некој да биде дотолку глупав? How can anyone be so stupid? How could anyone be so stupid? Šećer se rastvara u toploj kafi. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. Sugar's breaking up in hot coffee. Не знаев дали да се налутам или да се смеам. I didn't know whether to get angry or to laugh. I didn't know whether to get angry or laugh. Imate tri mačke. You have three cats. You got three cats. Tom je bio toliko zbunjen da nije ni znao koje pitanje da postavi. Tom was so confused that he didn't even know what question to ask. Tom was so confused, he didn't even know what question to ask. Ово превазилази све границе. That is going too far. This goes beyond the limits. Prišiel som z Číny. I came from China. I sewed the catfish with Chiny. Она је инструкторка јоге. She's a yoga instructor. She's a yoga instructor. Сите зборуваа. They all talked. Everyone was talking. Nisam baš toliko pametan. I'm not all that smart. I'm not that smart. Tom nije loš. Tom isn't all bad. Tom's not bad. Jedite supu dok je vruća. Eat your soup while it's warm. Eat soup while it's hot. Ќе направиме список. We'll make a list. We'll make a list. Ще ти предоставя цялата необходима информация. I will provide you all the necessary information. I'll give you all the information you need. Това можеше да бъде предотвратено. That could've been prevented. This could have been prevented. Ти ли си новиот помошник? Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? Nemojte da prestanete. Don't stop. Don't stop. Znaš li zašto sam ovdje? Do you know why I'm here? Do you know why I'm here? Лекот делуваше. That medicine worked. The cure was working. Квадратите имаат по четири агла. A square has four angles. Squares have four corners each. След малко ще стане 5:30. It will be 5:30 presently. It's almost 5:30. Tom ima dvoje dece. Tom has two children. Tom's got two kids. Mislim da Tom voli bejzbol. I think Tom likes baseball. I think Tom likes baseball. Ја тужеа владата за штетата. They sued the government for damages. They're suing the government for the damage. Не съм виждала Том от тринайсетгодишен. I haven't seen Tom since he was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. На нас ни беше приятно да играем бейзбол. We enjoyed playing baseball. We had the pleasure of playing baseball. Още не съм го видял. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen him yet. Želeli su da me kazne. They wanted to punish me. They wanted to punish me. Се враќа твојата месечина. Your moon returns. It's coming back to your moon. Смятам да завърша този проект. I intend to see the project through. I'm going to finish this project. Arheolog istražuje stare rimske ruševine. The archaeologist is studying old Roman ruins. The archaeologist explores the ancient Roman ruins. Бях приел за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. I took it for granted that Tom could speak French. I took for granted that Tom could speak French. Шта си научио данас? What did you learn today? What did you learn today? Uništićeš vid ako stalno igraš igrice. You're going to wreck your eyesight if you play games all the time. You'll destroy your vision if you keep playing games. Мораме да го поправиме ова. We have to fix this. We have to fix this. Може ли да му пренесеш порака на Том? Would you please give Tom a message? Can you give Tom a message? Moral bi se spočiti. You should rest. You should get some rest. Bola tam asi tisícka ľudí. As many as a thousand people were there. The pain there was a tisic Jew. Proveri opet. Check again. Check again. Svi su tamo. Everyone's there. They're all there. Keď to zlomíš, kúpiš to. You break it, you buy it. You're breaking it, you're breaking it. Том је глув као топ. Tom is as deaf as a post. Tom's deaf as a cannon. На Том му се иска да можеше да говори френски така добре, както го говори Мери. Tom wishes he could speak French as well as Mary. Tom wishes he could speak French as well as Mary says. Spreman sam! I'm ready! I'm ready! Какъв цвят е кучето на Том? What color is Tom's dog? What color is Tom's dog? Šta znaš o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? Обичате ли Вашата майка? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Какво целите? What're you after? What goals? Šta je sа tobom? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Ќе вреди. It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it. Поново бих урадио исто без размишљања. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. I'd do the same thing again without thinking. Знам дека можам и повеќе. I know I can do more. I know I can do more. Никой не можа да работи. No one could work. No one could work. Да го упростиме ова. Let's make this simple. Let's simplify this. Ќе најдам слика од тоа како си држел говор. I'll get a picture of you giving your speech. I'm gonna find a picture of you making a speech. Tom je jedini koji ovo može. Tom is the only one who can do this. Tom is the only one who can do this. Gubi se! Get out! Get out! Troškovi će uskoro narasti. Fees are about to go up. The costs will soon rise. Jej znalosť angličtiny je skvelá. Her knowledge of English is great. Yaj knows the Englishty is squvelá. На хора като тях не мога да им имам доверие. I can't trust people like him. I can't trust people like that. По време на пресконференцията, президентът засегна темата за международните отношения. During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations. During the press conference, the president affected the topic of international relations. Стига си си правил майтапи. Stop joking around. Stop messing around. Тома је био потпуно пијан. Tom was good and drunk. Tom was totally drunk. Tom bi mogao da ubedi Meri da uradi to. Tom might be able to convince Mary to do that. Tom could convince Mary to do that. Može da se leči. It's treatable. It can be treated. Трябва да го махна. I have to take it off. I've got to get him out of here. Упорно пљампаше за тоа како дечко ѝ бил љубезен, сочувствителен, смел и уште не знам што. She kept blabbering about how her boyfriend is kind, compassionate, brave, and whatnot. She kept talking about how her boyfriend was kind, compassionate, courageous, and yet I don’t know what. Всеки с вкусовете си. Each to their own. Everyone with their tastes. Možeš nam jednostavno reći istinu. You may as well tell us the truth. You can just tell us the truth. Nisam izbirljiv. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. Том малку порумене во образите. Tom blushed a little. Tom's got a little bit of a crush on his cheeks. Благодаря, това е всичко. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. Тоа не е важно. That's not relevant. It doesn't matter. Всичко е наред. All is well. It's okay. Samo hoćemo da odemo kući. We just want to go home. We just want to go home. Tom i ja smo bili zauzeti. Tom and I've been busy. Tom and I have been busy. David Beckham je Anglež. David Beckham is English. David Beckham is an Englishman. Все още имам работа за вършене. I've still got work to do. I still have work to do. Да ли је у цену укључен доручак? Does that price include breakfast? Is the price included breakfast? To sam navikao da radim. It's what I'm used to doing. That's what I'm used to doing. Секоја нијанса се губи при преведувањето. Every nuance is lost in translation. Every shade is lost in translation. Проста работа е. It's a simple job. It's a simple job. Da pogledamo. Let's see. Let's have a look. Твојата иднина почнува денес. Your future begins today. Your future begins today. Nosite ovo. Carry this. Take this. Djeca su cvijeće našeg života. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. Baš šteta! How unfortunate! That's too bad! Tata, možeš li da mi pročitaš jednu priču pre nego što odem da spavam? Daddy, can you read me a story before I go to sleep? Dad, can you read me a story before I go to sleep? Тоа е онака како што треба да биде. That's as it should be. It's the way it should be. Тя напредва с английския. She is making progress with her English. She's moving up in English. Ona ima dvadeset djecu. She has twenty children. She's got 20 kids. Отговорът Ви е правилен. Your answer is correct. Your answer is correct. Връщам я. I'm giving it back. I'm bringing her back. Това е храна. This is food. It's food. Не го збеснувај Том. Don't antagonize Tom. Don't piss Tom off. Kdaj greste na poletne počitnice? When are you going on summer vacation? When are you going on summer vacation? Не съм предател. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Где ће Том спавати? Where's Tom going to sleep? Where's Tom going to sleep? Zašto ste svi u šoku? Why are you all shocked? Why are you all in shock? Bio je dobar dan. It was a good day. It's been a good day. Povratio sam. I threw up. I threw up. Ето тук една книга. Here is a book. Here's a book. Ставите ме болят. My joints ache. Put it on. It hurts. Чух, че членството на Том е било прекратено. I heard Tom's membership has been revoked. I heard Tom's membership was canceled. Бремена е или само дебела? Is she pregnant or just fat? Is she pregnant or just fat? Си замисли ли желба? Did you make a wish? Have you made a wish? Tom će da pričeka. Tom'll wait. Tom's gonna wait. Тој има пасивен карактер. He has a passive character. He has a passive character. Tom će razgovarati. Tom'll talk. Tom will talk. Небото е црвено во самрак. The sky at dusk is red. The sky is red at dusk. Не можам да спијам со вклучено светло. I can't sleep if the lights are on. I can't sleep with the light on. Том е разјарен. Tom is infuriated. Tom's pissed off. Ќе се чувствуваш подобро. You'll feel better. You'll feel better. Pretpostavila sam da si zauzeta. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Шта си ми то урадила? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Колико кошта овај шешир? How much does this hat cost? How much does this hat cost? Ручао сам са њом. I had lunch with her. I had lunch with her. И Том е од Бостон. Tom is also from Boston. And Tom's from Boston. Том ги испита предметите на масата. Tom examined the objects on the table. Tom examined the items on the table. Treba da proslavimo zajedno. We should celebrate together. We should celebrate together. Иска ми се да бях продължил с френския. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I had moved on with the French. Postaćete poznati. You will be famous. You'll get famous. Дан не сакаше повторно да оди во сиропиталиште. Dan didn't want to go back to an orphanage. Dan didn't want to go to the orphanage again. Мама каза същото. Е, и какво? Това няма нищо общо с мене. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. Well, this has nothing to do with me. Kad si došao kući? When did you get home? When did you get home? Не се тревожете. Don't worry. Don't worry. Том ја презира твојата дрскост. Tom hates your guts. Tom despises your insolence. Би бил посреќен ако се вратите вие тројца надвор. I'd feel happier if you three went outside again. I'd be happier if the three of you came back outside. Tom je pomogao Mariji da obuče kaput. Tom helped Mary put her coat on. Tom helped Maria wear a coat. Сега ще трябва да се оправям с това. I have to deal with this now. I'm gonna have to deal with this now. Том не сака да дојде со нас. Tom doesn't want to come with us. Tom doesn't want to come with us. Няма да сме тук след 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. Том до Мери седеше. Tom sat next to Mary. Tom next to Mary was sitting. Dođi sedi pored mene. Come sit by me. Come sit next to me. Што си работел последно? What was your last job? What was the last thing you did? Ne možemo više da pratimo tvoj plan. We can't follow your plan any longer. We can't follow your plan anymore. Мисля, че ти трябва да се присъединиш към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. Više ne mogu da se prepoznaju. They are no longer recognizable. They can't be recognized anymore. Што ќе се случи наредно? What'll happen next? What happens next? Кој го предизвикал пожарот? Who started the fire? Who caused the fire? Ne volim da pišem. I don't like writing. I don't like writing. Troje ranjenih, za koje je trenutno nejasno u kakvom su stanju, je evakuisano u Američku poljsku bolnicu. Three of the wounded, whose condition is unclear, have been evacuated to an American field hospital. Three wounded, currently unclear of their condition, have been evacuated to an American Polish hospital. Sve ima svoju cenu. Everything has a price. Everything has a price. Да сум на твое место, би го следел до крајот на светот. If I were you, I would follow him to the end of the world. If I were you, I'd follow him to the end of the world. Tom će da progovori. Tom'll speak. Tom's going to talk. Председавајући је отворио седницу. The chairman called the meeting to order. The chairman opened a session. Не можете за све кривити Тома. You can't blame it all on Tom. You can't blame Tom for everything. Tom je zatražio pomoć. Tom requested help. Tom asked for help. Ја видов пред една недела. I saw her a week ago. I saw her a week ago. Настана тишина. There was silence. It's been quiet. To nije uopće smiješno. That isn't funny at all. That's not funny at all. Otac mi je dao mnogo novca. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Tom je uspeo da uštedi samo malo para. Tom only managed to save a little money. Tom managed to save just a little money. Всичките съм ги виждал. I've seen them all. I've seen them all. Просто искам да бъда с вас. All I want to do is hang out with you guys. I just want to be with you. Мисля, че Том направи нещо, което не биваше да прави. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have done. Има твърде много неща, които не знам как да готвя. I don't know how to cook too many things. There's too many things I don't know how to cook. Сѐ уште беше таму. It was still there. He was still there. Гангстерите изнудија голема сума пари од богаташот. The gangsters extorted a vast sum of money from the rich man. The gangsters have been blackmailing a lot of money from the rich guy. Том је отпутовао на легендарном Оријент Експресу из Париза у Истанбул. Tom traveled on the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul. Tom traveled to the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul. Се имам навикнато да зборувам во јавност. I've got accustomed to speaking in public. I'm used to talking in public. „Гледам,“ рече слепецот. "I see," said the blind man. "I'm looking," the blind man said. Уча френски всеки ден. I study French every day. I study French every day. Svet je bio nasamom rubu nuklearnog rata tokom Kubanske raketne krize oktobra 1962. The world was on the very brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. The world was at the very edge of the nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. Kako je ona izgledala? What did she look like? What did she look like? Trebam nove cipele. I need new shoes. I need new shoes. Не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото Том. I can't speak French as well as Tom can. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Tom mi je jutros rekao da se on i Meri sele u Boston. Tom told us this morning that he and Mary were moving to Boston. Tom told me this morning that he and Mary are moving to Boston. Подреди думите по азбучен ред. Put the words in alphabetical order. Sort the words in alphabetical order. Шта хоћеш тиме да кажеш? What are you trying to say? What do you mean by that? Ќе се вратам за помалку од секунда. I won't be a second. I'll be back in less than a second. И јас сакам да играм. I want to play, too. I want to dance, too. Не знам зашто ме боли глава. I don't know why my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts. Tom je vprašal Mary, če bi to želela početi danes. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do that today. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do it today. Jedného dňa ťa to bude mrzieť. You will be sorry for it some day. One way or the other, it's gonna hate it. Trebalo bi da može da se promeni. It should be possible to change that. It should be able to change. Ништо не ми купувај. Don't buy me anything. Don't buy me anything. Алис може би ще дойде. Alice may possibly come. Alice might come. Ги имам клучевите на Том. I've got Tom's keys. I got Tom's keys. Ѝ помогнав да ја исчисти кадата. I helped her clean the bathtub. I helped her clean the tub. Тој не е како нас. He's not like us. He's not like us. Zanimljivo, on će danas doći? I wonder if he'll come tonight. Interesting, he's coming today? Tom ne ume da piše dobro. Tom can't write very well. Tom can't write well. Што е твојата анализа? What's your analysis? What's your analysis? Ожени се за мене. Marry me. Marry me. Voliš li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Многу ли боли? Does it hurt a lot? Does it hurt a lot? Те всъщност не се интересуват. They don't really care. They don't really care. Ty si tu. You're here. Ty, you're here. Претпоставувам дека си го нашол. I assume you found him. I assume you found it. Може да успея да намеря време да ти помогна. I might be able to find the time to help you. I might be able to find time to help you. Ne ostavljaj me samog. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Отидов на бања со Мери. I went to a spa with Mary. I went to the bathroom with Mary. Je nepravdepodobné, že sa stane niečo vážne. It's unlikely that anything serious will happen. It is unjust, already with costly weight. Mislim da će biti lijep dan. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think it's going to be a nice day. Немој да си ми се онесвестил. Don't you pass out on me. Don't pass out on me. Tom se ugojio. Tom has put on weight. Tom's put on weight. Stvarno sam srećna što sam ovde. I'm really happy to be here. I'm really happy to be here. Само се шегувам со тебе. I'm just kidding you. I'm just kidding with you. Како се зовете? What is your name? What's your name? Nie som chorý. I'm not sick. Nie som chorí. Почти няма вода в кофата. There's hardly any water in the bucket. There's almost no water in the bucket. Iznenađen sam što nisi znala da je Tom upao na Harvard. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom got into Harvard. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom got into Harvard. Oni se razlikuju kao nebo i zemlja. They are as different as day and night. They are as different as heaven and earth. Iznenađen sam što nisi znao da je Tom upao na Harvard. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom got into Harvard. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom got into Harvard. Трябва ли да ходиш до пощата? Do you have to go to the post office? Do you have to go to the post office? Volim hleb. I love bread. I love bread. Nainštalujte Linux! Install Linux! Instruct Linux! Това е прекалено голямо. This is too big. That's too big. Ифтар не е за да ждерете како стоки! Don't make iftar into gluttony! Iftar is not to eat like goods! Zašto sam ovde? What am I here for? Why am I here? Ми смо Аустралијанци. We are Australians. We're Australians. Ќе кажам што сакаш. I'll say anything you want me to. I'll say what you want. Той се реши да отиде там. He made up his mind to go there. He decided to go there. Šta je sve to značilo? What did it all mean? What was all that about? Uzmite malo. Have some. Take some. Ще ти платя добре. I'll pay you well. I'll pay you well. Tom nevie nič o Marynej rodine. Tom knows nothing about Mary's family. Tom doesn't know anything about Marynej's country. Све је битно. Everything matters. Everything's important. Koja je šifra Wi-Fi-ja. What's the Wi-Fi password? What's the Wi-Fi code? Veliki je. It's very big. It's big. Петър изглежда много млад. Peter looks very young. Peter looks very young. Дојдов по нив. I've come for them. I've come for them. Том само си гледа. Tom is just looking. Tom's just looking at himself. Джон винаги се опитваше да следва примера на Линкълн. John always tried to live up to the example of Lincoln. John always tried to follow Lincoln's example. Тези истински ли са? Are these real? Are these real? Tom nije bio veoma energetičan. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't very energyy. Ќе застанеме по пат. We'll stop along the way. We'll stop on the way. Mala deca vole da sve pipaju. Little children like to touch everything. Little kids like to touch everyone. Можеби сме роднини. Maybe we're related. Maybe we're related. Видях я как пресича улицата. I saw her crossing the street. I saw her cross the street. Možeš da ideš da se igraš sa drugarima kada završiš pospremanje kuće. You can go play with your friends when your chores are done. You can go play with your friends when you're done cleaning the house. Sada sam pomalo zabrinuta. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried right now. Те засега тебе. It concerns you. It's about you. Vaša kuća je velika. Your house is big. Your house is big. To je najbolje od svega što sam do sada čuo. This is the best thing I've heard so far. That's the best I've ever heard. Oprosti, nisam te htio uvrijediti. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Добър съм на тенис. I'm good at tennis. I'm good at tennis. Imaš li nešto da prijaviš? Do you have anything to report? You got anything to report? Znamo da si kukavica. We know you're a coward. We know you're a coward. Не мога да кажа точно. I can't say exactly. I can't say exactly. Znamo da si kukavica. We know you're a coward. We know you're a coward. Сѐ уште ли се плашиш од пајаци? Are you still afraid of spiders? Are you still afraid of spiders? Што можеме да направиме за неа? What can we do for her? What can we do for her? Jesam proverio neke stvari. I did do some checking. I did check some things. Reci mu. Tell him. Tell him. Етеријум и биткоин су криптовалуте. Ethereum and Bitcoin are cryptocurrencies. The etherium and the Bitcoin are cryptocurrency. Сви су били једном млади. Everyone was young once. They were all young once. Šta je velika tajna? What's the big secret? What's the big secret? Животът е несправедлив. Life's not fair. Life is unfair. Не се влечкај кога ќе се враќаш дома. Don't dawdle on the way home. Don't sneak back in when you get home. Се јавив на неколку лица. I made a few calls. I called a few people. Той се поклони с глава. He bowed his head. He bowed his head. Том отсекогаш сакал син. Tom had always wanted a son. Tom always wanted a son. Znala sam da nećeš umeti da uradiš to. I knew you wouldn't be able to do that. I knew you couldn't do it. Ќе го препрочитам ова. I'm going to read this again. I'm gonna reread this. Том призна това. Tom admitted that. Tom admitted that. Povedz komukoľvek kto príde, že som vonku. Tell whoever comes that I'm out. Lead the coma as you go, I'm already out. Моля те, кажи ми защо беше уволнен Том. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Какво ще стане, когато свършим водата? What happens when we run out of water? What happens when we finish the water? Та лаж лепо звучи, али ја бих желео да чујем чисту истину. The lie sounds good, but I'd like to listen to the sheer truth. That lie sounds nice, but I'd like to hear the pure truth. Се прашуваш што си се задржал толку. I wondered what was taking you so long. You wonder what took you so long. Ќе му го земам местото на Том. I'm going to take Tom's place. I'll take Tom's place. Никој не пешачи во Лос Анџелес. Nobody walks in LA. No one walks to Los Angeles. Това е моят стол. That's my chair. That's my chair. To je doktor naredio. That's what the doctor ordered. That's what the doctor ordered. Kako je ovo tvoja greška? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? Pogledajte ovo. Check this. Take a look at this. Već sam razmišljala o tome. I've already thought about that. I've already thought about it. Dobra si prema svima. You're nice to everyone. You're good to everyone. Danas nemam domaći. I don't have any homework today. I don't have homework today. On nije društven. He is unsociable. He's not social. Положението е смешно. This situation is funny. It's a ridiculous situation. Зините! Open your mouth! The xinns! Глава или писмо? Heads or tails? A head or a letter? Emili je Engleskinja. Emily is English. Emily's English. Študovala si. You were studying. You were studying. Na prvi pogled izgleda lako. At a first glance it seems easy. At first glance, it looks easy. Трябва да го боядисам. I have to paint it. I have to paint it. Klaustrofobična sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. Dođite ponovo. Come again. Come again. Učiteljica mi je dodijelila najduže poglavlje. The teacher allotted the longest chapter to me. The teacher gave me the longest chapter. Дочух разговора ти с Том. I overheard your conversation with Tom. I overheard you talking to Tom. Умирам од жед. I'm dying of thirst. I'm dying of thirst. Pogledajte ono. Check that. Look at that. Те може да се целунат. They might kiss. They can kiss. Том е во право. Tom's right. Tom's right. Јеси ли искрен, Кене? Are you on the level, Ken? Are you honest, Ken? Teším sa na to. I look forward to it. I'm comforting you with that. Затова не мога да повярвам. That's why I cannot believe it. That's why I can't believe it. Jesi li oprala suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Едно кафе, ако обичате. Coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Не треба да облекуваш ништо гиздаво. You don't need to wear anything fancy. You don't have to wear anything curly. Му влепив шлаканица. I slapped him. I put a slap on his face. Можам сам да сфатам. I can figure it out myself. I can figure it out on my own. Ова не е сребро. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. Тоа е баш блиску. That's pretty close. That's close. Dođi da pogledaš. Come and take a look. Come and look at this. Неговата работа каква е? What's his job? What's his job like? Том се стаписа. Tom was taken aback. Tom's getting high. Свако лаже. Everybody lies. Everyone's lying. О чему причаш? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Tomu se priviđa. Tom sees things. That's what she sees. Razumijem. I understood. I understand. Изгледа не знаеш како боли да те боцне сом. You apparently haven't known the pain of catfish sting. I guess you don't know how much it hurts to get bit by a catfish. Имам неколико пријатеља. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev. He finally fulfilled my request. He finally met my request. Моје име није „ти“ ; већ Рикардо. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. My name isn't "you"; it's Ricardo. Да ли верујете у вечни живот? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in eternal life? Сви су били једном млади. Everyone was young once. They were all young once. Ne mogu da verujem u sve ovo. I can't believe all this. I can't believe all this. Кој му помогнал? Who helped him? Who helped him? Tom je ranije svirao gitaru. Tom used to play guitar. Tom used to play guitar. Њам! Похован сир. Yum. Fried cheese. My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Igra može biti odgođena do sljedećeg tjedna. The game may have been put off till next week. The game can be postponed until next week. Го преполови јаболкото. She cut the apple in two. You broke the apple. Не съм удушила Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. Kako si ovih dana? How have you been doing? How are you these days? Moj broj telefona je 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Не ми пука какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. I ja tako mislim. I think so, too. I think we have to do that. Smračilo se. It's become dark. It's getting dark. Той самият отказа да говори с нея. He himself refused to talk to her. He himself refused to talk to her. Тази роза е красива. This rose is beautiful. That rose is beautiful. Posetićemo te nekad. We'll visit you sometime. We'll visit you sometime. Временската прогноза е дефектна. The weather report is defective. The weather forecast is defective. Uradio si odličan posao. You did a great job. You did a great job. Мисля, че още си влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Том имаше 30 години. Tom was 30 years old. Tom was 30 years old. Том слага твърде много захар в чая си. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Sve devojke vole Toma. All the girls love Tom. All the girls love Tom. Nemoj da vičeš. Don't yell. Don't yell. Барът е пълен с хора. The bar is crowded. The bar is full of people. Grozen teden je bil. It was a terrible week. It's been a terrible week. Najgore tek stiže. The worst comes afterwards. The worst is yet to come. Nismo još završili. We're not finished yet. We're not done yet. Докорът му каза да не яде между основните часове за хранене. The doctor advised him not to eat between meals. His doctor told him not to eat between the main hours of eating. Тя прекара повече от половин час, скубейки веждите си! She spent over half an hour plucking her eyebrows! She spent more than half an hour scraping her eyebrows! Том е љубезен. Tom is kind. Tom's kind. Ona nije ljepotica. She is no beauty. She's not a beauty. To je tako smiješno. That's so funny. That's so funny. Teraz môžeš vojsť. You may go in now. You're looking for a terras. Преди няколко дена се свързах с тях, но не можах да получа отговор. I contacted them the other day, but I was not able to get an answer. A few days ago, I contacted them, but I couldn't get an answer. Зашто је љубав тако тешка? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? Джим се казва на Джеймс. Jim is short for James. Jim's name is James. Токму тоа се случи и преттоа. It's exactly what happened before. That's exactly what happened before. Питай Том сама. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Бог зна. God knows. God knows. Мислех, че ще сте уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Вози пажљиво. Drive safely. Drive safe. Не смееш да оставиш бебе само. You can't leave a baby alone. You can't leave a baby alone. Може ли да видя шофьорската Ви книжка? Could I see your driver's license? Can I see your driver's license? Bio sam otvoren i iskren. I was open and honest. I was open and honest. Оди помогни им. Go and help them. Go help them. Како да позовем такси? How can I call a taxi? How am I supposed to call a cab? Da li je Tom zaista student ovde? Is Tom really a student here? Is Tom really a student here? Tom se umešao među ljude koji su imali jako loš uticaj na njega. Tom got involved with people who had a really bad influence on him. Tom interfered with the people who had a very bad influence on him. Не виждам какво друго има за обсъждане. I don't know what else there is to discuss. I don't see what else to discuss. Pogledaj u šta sam izrastao! Look at what's become of me! Look what I've grown into! Том е премногу стар за да живее сам. Tom is too old to be living on his own. Tom's too old to live alone. Тая история съм я чела в някаква книга. I have read that story in some book. I've read that story in a book. Идването ти тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Your coming here was a mistake. Не искам да бъда различен. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be different. Devojka vidi dečaka. The girl sees the boy. A girl sees a boy. Он ништа не пропушта. He doesn't miss a beat. He doesn't miss anything. На основу чега знамо да је недужан? How do we know that he's innocent? Based on what do we know he's innocent? Dobro bi nam došla pomoć. We could use a hand. We could use some help. Tom je uradio to na stari način. Tom did it the old way. Tom did it the old way. Те слушнав што кажуваш. I heard what you were saying. I heard what you were saying. Мисля, че сгреши. I think you were wrong. I think you made a mistake. Rekao si da si spreman. You said you were ready. You said you were ready. Ne padam ja na to. I'm not buying it. I don't fall for it. Ja probam. I'm trying. I'm trying. Veren sam. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. Върнах се в Бостън. I've returned to Boston. I'm back in Boston. Къде са ми драконите? Where are my dragons? Where are my dragons? Мачката ги зари своите канџите во мојата рака. The cat dug its claws into my hand. The cat put its claws in my hand. Ти не ми кажа што не е во ред. You didn't tell me what was wrong. You didn't tell me what was wrong. Ја најдов собата празна. I found the room empty. I found the room empty. Sretan Uskrs! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Става все по-трудно. It keeps getting harder and harder. It's getting harder. Tom se okrenuo da ode. Tom turned to leave. Tom turned to leave. Nema svrhe samo čekati da se nešto dogodi; moraš odmah nešto da preduzmeš. It's no good waiting for something to happen; you must take action at once. There's no point just waiting for something to happen; you need to do something right now. Tom je radio veoma naporno i razadio puno novca. Tom worked very hard and earned a lot of money. Tom worked very hard and broke up a lot of money. Mumlala si. You mumbled. You were mumbling. Ще ми се обадиш ли довечера? Could you call me tonight, please? Can you call me tonight? Šta ste obojica uradili? What did both of you do? What did you both do? On je liječnik, a osim toga i pisac. He is a doctor and also a novelist. He's a doctor, and besides, he's a writer. Šta bih dobio ovime? What would this buy me? What would I get from this? Том не сакаше да ми помогне. Tom wouldn't help me. Tom wouldn't help me. Хората са все по-загрижени за този проблем. People are getting more concerned about the matter. People are getting more and more concerned about this problem. Тази книга твоя ли е, Майк? Is this your book, Mike? Is that your book, Mike? To je prilično izvanredno. That's quite remarkable. That's pretty remarkable. Gde si naučio engleski? Where did you learn English? Where did you learn English? В началото местните каубои му се изсмяха. At first, the local cowboys laughed at him. In the beginning, the local cowboys laughed at him. U gipsu sam. I'm plastered. I'm in the cast. Том го крена носот. Tom was indignant. Tom's got his nose up. Norveški diplomata je bio neprijateljski raspoložen prema Sovjetskom Savezu. Pa je KGB pokrenula akciju kompromitovanja protiv tog Norvežanina. On je imao rusku devojku i bio je zamoljen da odmah napusti zemlju. A Norwegian diplomat had been hostile to the Soviet Union, so the KGB initiated a compromising action against the Norwegian. He had a Russian girlfriend and was asked to immediately leave the country. The Norwegian diplomat was hostile to the Soviet Union, so the KGB launched a compromise against that Norwegian, and he had a Russian girlfriend and was asked to leave the country immediately. Дали Том ти го скрши срцето? Did Tom break your heart? Did Tom break your heart? Испаѓа дека си неочекувано красноречив. It turns out that you are unexpectedly eloquent. It turns out you're incredibly eloquent. Има нещо в Том, което ме изнервя. There's something about Tom that gets on my nerves. There's something about Tom that makes me nervous. Ne znam zašto više obraćam pažnju uopšte. I don't know why I even bother anymore. I don't know why I'm paying any more attention at all. Povedz, že ťa to mrzí. Say you're sorry. Tell me, you already hate it. Juče je padao sneg. It snowed yesterday. It was snowing yesterday. Ти знаш своја права. You know your rights. You know your rights. Kupatilo je na spratu. The bathroom is upstairs. Bathroom's upstairs. Дано за тебе нещата да се оправят, Том. I hope it works out for you, Tom. I hope things work out for you, Tom. Том и Мери се забавуваа заедно. Tom and Mary had fun together. Tom and Mary had fun together. Prikázal mi, aby som išiel sám. He ordered me to go alone. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ние наистина се забавлявахме. We really enjoyed ourselves. We were really having fun. Tom je uznemiren zbog ovoga. Tom is upset about this. Tom's upset about this. Chlapec prišiel domov. The boy has come home. The kid sewed his way home. On je učiteľ v našej škole. He is a teacher at our school. He's teaching at our school. Bolje da se spremimo. We'd better get ready. We better get ready. Moja je, nije njegova. It's mine, not his. It's mine, it's not his. Kto mal pravdu? Who was right? Like a little justice? Sinoć smo se ljubili. We kissed last night. We kissed last night. Kupila sam kaktus. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Не ме рецкаш. You're ignoring me. You're not telling me. Jesi li završio? Have you finished? Are you done? Почина пред неколку години. She died a few years ago. He died a few years ago. Каде се пиштолите? Where are the guns? Where are the guns? Izgleda da će Tom početi raditi ovdje. It looks like Tom is going to start working here. Looks like Tom's gonna start working here. Предлагам да се сосредоточиме на барањето излез од пештерава. I suggest we concentrate on finding a way out of this cave. I suggest we focus on the search for a way out of this cave. Odmah mi odgovori. Answer me right now. Answer me right now. Правиш го сега. You're doing it now. You're doing it now. Šta ti mami osmeh? What makes you smile? What's your mama's smile? Не мисля, че е вярно. I don't think it's true. I don't think it's true. Tom će plakati. Tom'll cry. Tom will cry. Italija nije Grčka. Italy isn't Greece. Italy is not Greece. Том не беше заспал. Tom wasn't asleep. Tom wasn't asleep. Чаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Njegov način govorenja mi dosađuje. His way of speaking annoys me. His manner of speech bothers me. Лепо се проведите! Have a good time. Have a good time! Pesem "I Am Woman" Helene Reddy je postala neuradna himna ženskega osvobodilnega gibanja. The song "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement. The song "I Am Woman" Helena Reddy became an unofficial anthem of women's liberation movement. Kaži mi gde živiš. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We don't hang out. Јас сум исто толку силен колку и ти. I'm as strong as you. I'm as strong as you are. Зарем мислиш дека ќе можеш да ме спречиш? Do you think you're going to be able to stop me? Do you think you can stop me? Том излезе с Мери петък вечерта, а с Алис събота вечерта. Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and with Alice on Saturday night. Tom went out with Mary Friday night, and Alice went out Saturday night. Това е твоята книга. This is your book. This is your book. On ima interesantnu knjigu. He has an interesting book. He has an interesting book. Ja sam mlad. I'm young. I'm young. Da li si pojeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Kuća mi je daleko. My home is far away. My house is a long way from here. На диета съм. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. Uvjerio sam je u njegovu iskrenost. I convinced her of his sincerity. I convinced her of his honesty. Зарем може луѓето навистина да се толку блесави да мислат дека целото население на Грузија, коешто зборува кавкаски јазик што нема ни заеднички фонеми ни заеднички букви со англискиот, може целосно да го совлада англискиот за само две години? Can people really be as silly as to believe that the whole population of Georgia, which speaks a Caucasian language with no common sound or common letter with English, can suddenly be fluent in English within two years? Can people really be so foolish as to think that an entire population of Georgia, which speaks the Caucasus language that has neither common phonems nor common letters with English, can completely overcome English in just two years? Uvek sam se pitao ovo. I've always wondered about this. I've always wondered this. Možeš li da mi dodaš daljinski? Could you hand me the remote? Could you pass me the remote? Ја дадов таа наредба пред шест часа. I gave that order six hours ago. I gave that order six hours ago. Jer su proizvedene u Italiji, te traperice su vrlo skupe. Made in Italy, these jeans were very expensive. Because they're made in Italy, those jeans are very expensive. Том е доста популарен. Tom is quite popular. Tom's pretty popular. Ona nije ružna. She is not ugly. She's not ugly. Многу се радувам што сум дома. I'm so happy to be home. I'm so glad I'm home. Том си замина на точак. Tom took off on his bike. Tom's gone to the wheel. Budi oprezan sa željama. Možda ti se i ostvare. Be careful what you wish for. It just might come true. Be careful what you wish for. Отидох до гарата да кажа чао на приятеля си. I went to the station to say good-bye to my friend. I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. Ти си дел од нашиот тим. You're part of our team. You're part of our team. Samo želim da stignem kući. I just want to get home. I just want to get home. Том не е вегетаријанец. Tom isn't a vegetarian. Tom's not a vegetarian. Umoran sam od prepirki. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. Не ме бива много да говоря на френски. I'm not very good at speaking French. I'm not very good at speaking French. Možeš li da stigneš na vreme? Can you make it in time? Can you make it in time? Слушам дека не ти се допаѓал Том. I heard you don't like Tom. I hear you didn't like Tom. U čemu je razlika između imitacije i pravih dijamanata? What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds? What's the difference between imitations and real diamonds? Мисля, че е станала грешка. I think there's been some mistake. I think there's been a mistake. Uvila je kosu papilotnama. She curled her hair with curlers. She wrapped her hair with Papillotes. On ima veliko iskustvo i njegova kompententnost se razgranala u nekoliko oblasti. He has extensive experience and his competence has branched out into several fields. He has great experience and his competence has widened in several areas. Аз не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото си мислиш. I don't speak French as well as you think I do. I don't speak French as well as you think. Пътуването ще струва най-много 1000 долара. At the most, the trip will cost $1,000. The trip will cost at most $1,000. Delujem li obično srećno? Do I usually seem happy? Do I usually seem happy? Нека ида сам. Let me go alone. Let him go alone. Пуно ми дугујеш. You owe me big time. You owe me a lot. Това е, което търся. That's what I'm looking for. That's what I'm looking for. Бе обречен никога да не я срещне отново. He was destined never to meet her again. He was doomed never to meet her again. Tom ima nestašnu kosu. Tom has unruly hair. Tom's got naughty hair. Prva lekcija je laka. The first lesson is easy. The first lesson is easy. Zašto se ne igraš sa ostalima? Why don't you play with the others? Why aren't you playing with the others? Тя говори добре английски, но не колкото брат си. She is good at speaking English, no less so than her brother. She speaks good English, but not as good as her brother. Не ме принуждавай да те застрелям. Don't make me shoot you. Don't make me shoot you. Што јадат тигрите? What do tigers eat? What do tigers eat? Не плачам кога сум тажен. I don't cry when I am sad. I don't cry when I'm sad. Том не ја удри Мери. Tom didn't hit Mary. Tom didn't hit Mary. Želim da upoznam Mariju. I want to meet Mary. I want to meet Maria. Том е водачот. Tom is the leader. Tom's the leader. Том говори френски по-добре от който и да е от неговите съученици. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Dve strane će održati govore ove nedelje. The two sides hold talks this week. The two sides will give speeches this week. Зборувам за него. I'm talking about him. I'm talking about him. Едноставно не ѝ верував. I just didn't believe her. I just didn't trust her. Prelepa plavuša sunčala se na plaži. The beautiful blonde was sunbathing on the beach. A beautiful blonde sun was on the beach. Тя обича ли портокали? Does she like oranges? Does she like oranges? Не смеам да се вмешам. I can't get involved. I can't get involved. Možda nam Tom može pomoći da shvatimo kako da rešimo ovaj problem. Maybe Tom can help us figure out how to solve this problem. Maybe Tom can help us figure out how to solve this problem. Изглежда, че ни игнорират. It looks like we're being ignored. Looks like they're ignoring us. Ќе летам од школо. I'm getting kicked out of school. I'm flying out of school. Ovo je adresa. This is the address. This is the address. Избегав од час. I cut class. I ran out of class. Tom me pitao da mu nacrtam mapu. Tom asked me to draw a map. Tom asked me to draw him a map. Tom mora da je znao da Meri ne bi želela da uradi to. Tom must've known Mary wouldn't want to do that. Tom must have known Mary wouldn't want to do that. Ништо не ми се гледа. I can't see a thing. I can't see a thing. Ова е големото. This is the big one. This is the big one. Ја сам професорка. I am a professor. I'm a professor. Накосо го пресеков сендвичот. I sliced the sandwich diagonally. I cut through the sandwich. Зашто се понашаш овако? Why are you acting this way? Why are you acting like this? Ти оставив порака. I left you a message. I left you a message. Аз бях ранен при катастрофата. I got injured in the traffic accident. I was wounded in the accident. Опет је претерао са пићем. He had once again drunk one over the eight. He's out of line again. Стисни го копчево. Push the button here. Hit this button. Тя по-скоро е срамежлива, отколкото асоциална. She is not so much unsociable as bashful. She's more shy than antisocial. Този, който пита, става глупак за пет минути, но този, който не пита, става глупак завинаги. He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. The one who asks becomes a fool for five minutes, but the one who doesn't ask becomes a fool forever. Probaćemo na vaš način. We'll try it your way. We'll try it your way. Бих искал да си открия сметка. I'd like to open an account. I'd like to make an account. Искам да бъда учител по френски. I'd like to be a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Dobro, shvatam. OK, I get the picture. Okay, got it. Volela bih da sam se ja setila toga. I wish I'd thought of that. I wish I'd thought of that. Каква колекција! What a collection! What a collection! Скинуо се. He took off his clothes. He took off his clothes. Tom se smejao ideji. Tom laughed at the idea. Tom laughed at the idea. Šta si mi to uradila? What have you done to me? What have you done to me? Може би трябва да уча френски. Maybe I should study French. Maybe I should study French. Не мога да говоря на френски, без да допусна няколко грешки. I can't speak French without making some mistakes. I can't speak French without making a few mistakes. Da li veruješ u Boga? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? Што е на дневен ред? What's on the agenda? What's on the agenda? Се прашувам дали Том знае зошто Мери отсуствувала од школо вчера. I wonder if Tom knows why Mary was absent from school yesterday. I wonder if Tom knows why Mary was away from school yesterday. Nisam znao. I didn't know. I didn't know. Meri ne može da podnese Tomovog šefa jer je muška šovinistička svinja. Mary can't stand Tom's boss, because he's a male chauvinist pig. Mary can't stand Tom's boss because she's a male chauvinist pig. Слаб сум. I'm thin. I'm weak. Zašto uopće raspravljamo o ovome? Why are we even discussing this? Why are we even discussing this? Sigurna sam da ćeš biti dobro. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll be fine. On je posjedovao mnogo zemlje, nekad davno. He once owned a lot of land. He owned a lot of land once upon a time. Ukoliko pronađem tvoju putovnicu, smjesta ću te nazvati. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If I find your passport, I'll call you right away. Том чу нещо и се зачуди какво ли може да е. Tom heard something and wondered what it was. Tom heard something and wondered what it might be. Oslepol. He went blind. Oslepol. Това не е твоята къща. This isn't your house. This isn't your house. Da li se Tom predomislio? Did Tom change his opinion? Has Tom changed his mind? Аои е добър танцьор. Aoi is a good dancer. Ai's a good dancer. Сишао сам са воза. I got off the train. I got off the train. To je jeho. This is his. It's an echo. Slušanje muzike je moj omljeni način opuštanja. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my fancy way of relaxing. Не го сакаат тоа. They don't want it. They don't want that. Том заврши со садовите. Tom finished doing the dishes. Tom's done with the dishes. Mislila sam da je bilo užasno. I thought it was terrible. I thought it was terrible. Горещо ли ти е? Are you hot? Is it hot for you? Ми пукна крвен сад во окото. A blood vessel broke in my eye. My blood vessel broke in my eye. Potrebni su jedni drugima. They needed one another. They need each other. Веќе го напишав својот дел од извештајот. I've already written my part of the report. I've already written my part of the report. Пияна си. You're drunk. You're drunk. Говоря на френски почти всеки ден. I speak French almost every day. I speak French almost every day. Moj omiljeni učitelj je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite teacher was Jackson. Како бисте ви то превели? How would you translate it? How would you translate that? Продължи напред. Keep going straight. Keep going. Каде ни се парите? Where's our money? Where's our money? Nikada me nećeš uhvatiti živog! You'll never take me alive! You'll never catch me alive! Bila sam ljubomorna. I was jealous. I was jealous. Bićeš poznat. You will be famous. You'll be famous. Toma će da pogleda. Tom will take a look at it. Tom's gonna take a look. Скроз си у праву. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. Slušali smo pažljivo da ne propustimo ni jednu riječ. We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word. We listened carefully not to miss a word. Јас сум само земјоделец. I'm just a farmer. I'm just a farmer. Bilo je samo pitanje vremena. It was just a matter of time. It was only a matter of time. Не слушнав. I didn't catch that. I didn't hear. Jesi li me videla kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? Ona je veoma lijepa. She is very pretty. She's very pretty. Развали всичко. You ruined everything. You ruined everything. Nađite Toma. Find Tom. Find Tom. Kde je letisko? Where's the airport? Where's the flight? Кој може да го скршил аквариумот? Who could've broken the fishbowl? Who could have broken the aquarium? To je drugačije, nego ono što sam ja očekivao. That is different than what I had expected. That's different than what I expected. Сѐ уште не си отишле. They haven't left. They haven't left yet. Ona jednog dana želi studirati u inozemstvu. Her wish is to study abroad someday. She wants to study abroad one day. Моето бебе сака да зборува. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Не спијат сите од нив. Not all of them are asleep. Not all of them sleep. Времето е добро. The weather is good. Time's good. Tom je znalac. Tom is a connoisseur. Tom knew. Том посъветва Мери как да учи френски ефективно. Tom gave Mary advice on effective ways to study French. Tom advises Mary how to learn French effectively. Што има да се грижиш? What's there to worry about? What's there to worry about? Bilo je tako puno ljudi u vozu, da sam morao da stojim. The train was so packed that I had to stand up during the whole trip. There were so many people on the train that I had to stand. Ima li Tom ključ? Does Tom have a key? Does Tom have the key? Užasno pišem. I'm a terrible writer. I'm a terrible writer. Чувам, че ще се жениш. I hear you're getting married. I hear you're getting married. Да ли си успела да урадиш то сама? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? Nitko nije umro. Nobody died. No one died. Umirem od gladi. I'm starving. I'm starving. Колко епизода на "Уан Пийс" си гледала? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many Van Pierce episodes have you seen? Крие се в гардероба. He's hiding in the closet. He's hiding in his closet. Какви игри сакаш да играш? What games do you like to play? What kind of games do you want to play? To je dobro. That's fine. That's good. Кой планира това пътуване? Who planned out this trip? Who's planning this trip? Tom prodaje automobile. Tom sells cars. Tom's selling cars. On ne trpi takšnega načina obnašanja. He doesn't tolerate that type of behaviour. He doesn't suffer that kind of behavior. Довиђења! Good-bye! Good-bye! Нисам желео да те повредим. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. В Лондон всичко е скъпо. Everything is expensive in London. Everything is expensive in London. Денят е по-топъл от нощта. The day is warmer than the night. The day is warmer than the night. Не се тревожи за това. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Da sam znao tvoju mejl adresu, pisao bih ti. If I had known your email address, I would've written. If I'd known your e-mail address, I'd have written to you. Немам дом во којшто би можел да се вратам. I have no home to return to. I don't have a home I could go back to. Ще се скрия тук вътре. I'll hide in here. I'll hide in here. Том пие многу вода. Tom drinks a lot of water. Tom drinks a lot of water. Том беше продуктивен. Tom was productive. Tom was productive. Ne otimaj se. Don't struggle. Don't hold back. Tom radi u marketingu. Tom works in advertising. Tom works in marketing. Jesi li ti manijak? Are you a maniac? Are you a maniac? Спремни смо да идемо. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Луната вече е изгряла. The moon is already out. The moon is already on fire. Това е яко. That's cool. That's cool. Máš desať rokov? Are you ten years old? Do you have your hands? Врати се на своето седиште. Return to your seat. Go back to your seat. Сакаш ли да те соберам од аеродром? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? Do you want me to pick you up from the airport? Да се махаме. Let's leave. Let's get out of here. Имам пуно пријатеља. I have many friends. I have lots of friends. Таа е нерасположена. She is in a bad mood. She's in a mood. Неколико стабала је пало за време олује у нашој околини. Several trees blew down in our neighborhood during the storm. Several trees fell during a storm in our area. Памтам дека беше во Бостон кратко време. I do remember you were in Boston for a short while. I remember he was in Boston for a short time. Слушнав дека се разболел Том. I heard Tom is sick. I heard Tom got sick. Prosečni ste studenti. You're average students. You're average students. Мъжете влизат във форма, карайки колело. The men are getting into shape riding bicycles. Men get in shape driving a bike. Мислев дека подобро играш шах од мене. I thought you were a better chess player than me. I thought you were better at playing chess than I am. Nisam razumeo pitanje. I didn't understand the question. I didn't understand the question. Морам да ѝ се јавам. I have to call her. I have to call her. Влакът изминаваше 500 мили за час. The train was going 500 miles per hour. The train passed 500 miles an hour. Цвеќињата привлекуваат пчели. Flowers attract bees. Flowers attract bees. Definitivno sam imala sreće. I was certainly lucky. I was definitely lucky. Просто съм толкова уморен. I'm just so tired. I'm just so tired. Tom misli da ne znam što je rekao. Tom thinks that I don't know what he said. Tom doesn't think I know what he said. Това е къщата, в която Том е израснал. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house Tom grew up in. Moraš biti jak! You must be strong. You have to be strong! Затворете книгите си. Close your books. Close your books. Том често е последният, който си тръгва от работа. Tom is often the last one to leave the office. Tom's often the last one to leave work. Каква е минималната заплата в Китай? What's the minimum salary in China? What is the minimum wage in China? Идемо у планине. We are going to the mountains. We're going to the mountains. Обликот на черепот е различен кај различни луѓе. Different people have various skull shape The shape of the skull is different in different people. Besmisleno je dokoličariti za vrijeme studentskog života. It is absurd to idle away the student life. It's pointless to do what's best for a student's life. Тоа беше подмолен трик. That was a dirty trick. It was a sneaky trick. Престаните да се крећете! Stop moving! Stop moving! Počivao u miru! May he rest in peace! Rest in peace! Studenti na razmjeni napuštaju Japan sljedeći tjedan. Our exchange students are leaving Japan next week. The exchange students leave Japan next week. Само вршим своју дужност. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Јас тука многу сум зафатен. I'm very busy in here. I'm very busy here. Želiš li još malo soka od rajčice? Would you like more tomato juice? Would you like some more tomato juice? О чему се ради? What's this all about? What's this about? Mnogo hvala za komentar koji inspiriše. Thank you very much for an inspiring comment. Thank you so much for the comment that inspires. Kome si u skorije vreme pomogao? Who have you helped recently? Who have you been helping lately? To nije dobar znak. That's not a good sign. That's not a good sign. Баш сам размишљао о теби. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Легендата вели дека таа била сирена. The legend says that she was a mermaid. The legend says she was sirened. Не забравяйте празненството довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget the party tonight. Извини што ти го трошев времето. I'm sorry I wasted your time. I'm sorry I wasted your time. Ще ми помогнеш ли да напиша писмо на френски? Could you help me write a letter in French? Can you help me write a letter in French? Том е дојден само на посета. Tom is just visiting. Tom only came to visit. Da li si odlučila šta ćeš da uradiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're going to do? Smračilo se. It's become dark. It's getting dark. Том е ранен! Повикайте линейка! Tom is hurt! Call an ambulance! Tom's hurt! Како браќа сме. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. Moram da se ošišam. I need to get a haircut. I need to get a haircut. Tom je zvyknutý na ťažkú prácu. Tom is accustomed to hard work. Tom zyknutí's on the watch. Децата играят доджбол. The kids are playing dodgeball. Kids play dodgeball.