Той свали очилата си. He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. Би требало да пробам да им помогнам. I should try to help them. I should try to help them. Плативте ли веќе? Have you already paid? Did you pay yet? Слезе от влака. He got off the train. He's off the train. Многу се добри. They're very well. They're very good. Току-що изпусна влака, нали? You just missed the train, didn't you? You just missed the train, didn't you? Ќе одам во парк. I'll go to the park. I'm going to the park. Изгледаш многу згодно, Том. You look very handsome, Tom. You look very handsome, Tom. Мисля, че правите грешка. I think you're making a mistake. I think you're making a mistake. Имаш ли някакви пари? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money? Чудех се кога ще се върнеш. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. Том е сѐ уште растроен. Tom is still upset. Tom is still upset. Јажево е издржливо. This rope is sturdy. It's tough. Оди пресоблечи се. Go get changed. Go change your clothes. Том заврши со садовите. Tom finished doing the dishes. Tom's done with the dishes. Мислев дека Том само блефира. I think Tom was only bluffing. I thought Tom was just bluffing. Мисля, че ще останете доволна. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Плачеше за играчка. She was crying for a toy. He was crying for a toy. Момчето си изцапа ръцете. The boy got his hands dirty. The boy got his hands dirty. Казвам се Джак. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Ова е малку срамота. This is a bit embarrassing. This is a bit of a shame. Учиш есперанто. You're learning Esperanto. You're studying the Esperanto. Koľko rokov má Tony? How old is Tony? How many hands do you want, Tony? Ѝ испеков торта. I've baked a cake for her. I baked her a cake. Том наистина не те харесва. Tom really doesn't like you. Tom really doesn't like you. Пливав во реката. I swam in the river. I was swimming in the river. Тоа не пројде баш најдобро. That didn't go very well. That didn't go very well. Убаво ми е да бидам независен. I like being independent. It's good to be independent. Собери ме во два и пол. Pick me up at 2:30. Pick me up in two and a half. Граматиката ми е слаба. My grammar is poor. My grammar is weak. Iker Casillas je najlepší brankár na svete. Iker Casillas is the best goalie in the world. Iker Casals is the most beautiful lawman in the world. Tom je najstarší. Tom is the oldest. Tom is the oldest. Искам да си оправиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to fix your room. Остави го да лае като куче. Let him bark like a dog. Let him bark like a dog. Когато слънцето на културата е ниско,дори и джуджетата хвърлят голяма сянка. When the sun of culture hangs low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows. When the sun of culture is low, even the dwarfs throw a big shadow. Том, мора да станеш. Tom, you've got to get up. Tom, you have to get up. Откакто носим дрехи, ние не се познаваме. Ever since we've been wearing clothes, we haven't known one another. Since we've been wearing clothes, we don't know each other. Временните мерки няма да имат никакъв ефект върху наркотичната зависимост. Stopgap measures won't make a dent in drug addiction. Provisional measures will have no effect on drug dependence. Той какво прави днес? What did she do today? What's he doing today? Внимавай с него. Be careful with it. Be careful with him. Дрвјата се зелени. The trees are green. Trees are green. Чекај малку, готов ми е вешот, одам да го пружам. Wait a minute. The wash is done. I'm going to hang out the laundry to dry. Wait a minute. My ear's ready. I'm gonna go get it. Трябва да отида до офиса си. I have to go to my office. I have to go to my office. Бедуините живеят в пустинята. Bedouins live in the desert. The Bedouins live in the desert. Те молам, не мумлај. Please don't mumble. Please, don't mumm. Моето бебе сака да зборува. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the subject. Let's change the subject. Запътих се към парка. I walked toward the park. I'm on my way to the park. Вие двајца сте многу слатки заедно. You two are very cute together. You two are so cute together. Трошиме време. We're wasting time. We're wasting time. Той не е толкова нетърпелив, колкото баща си. He is less impatient than his father. He's not as impatient as his father. Толпата се насмеа. The crowd laughed. The crowd laughed. Како би го поправил? How would you fix it? How would you fix it? Внимавай, когато пресичаш натоварена улица! Be alert when you cross a busy street! Be careful when you cross a busy street! Pršalo celý týždeň. It rained for a week. The spray should also be dipped. Не му чини срцето. He has a bad heart. It doesn't hurt his heart. Купих няколко книги от книжарницата. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought some books from the bookstore. Ще следвам вашите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Не знам дали да седам или да трчам. I don't know if I should stay or run. I don't know if I should sit or run. Искам да ми кажеш всичко, което знаеш за Том. I want you to tell me everything you know about Tom. I want you to tell me everything you know about Tom. Не ни остана за какво да говорим. We've got nothing left to talk about. We don't have anything left to talk about. Господине, забравили сте си запалката на масата. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, you forgot your lighter on the table. Аз съм най-обикновен офис работник. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm an office worker. Јапонија како земја има многу различни одлики. Japan has many different characteristics. Japan, as a country, has many different distinctions. Колко години си учил френски? How many years have you studied French? How many years have you studied French? Притисокот нараснува. The pressure builds. Pressure's coming up. Всичко ще бъде наред. Everything will be fine. It's gonna be okay. Майка ми е учителка. My mother is a teacher. My mom's a teacher. Zbláznim sa? Will I go crazy? Do you want me to freak out? Том беше разочарован, че не успя да влезе в Харвард. Tom was disappointed that he couldn't get into Harvard. Tom was disappointed he couldn't get into Harvard. Нямам пари. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Му ја предаде ли белешката на Том? Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you pass the note to Tom? Още не съм се съгласила. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't agreed yet. Ќе се снајдеме. We'll manage it. We'll figure it out. Колко пари ви трябват? How much money do you need? How much money do you need? Да ти честитам за венчавката. Let me congratulate you on your marriage. Congratulations on the wedding. To je jeho. This is his. It's a hiccup. Настојувам. I'm putting my foot down. I'm insisting. Vem, da Tom ni tvoj fant. I know Tom isn't your boyfriend. I know Tom's not your boyfriend. Nikdar ne napiši besedi "boršč" in "šči" v nemščini! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the word "borsch" and "pee" in German! Се имам заљубено во тебе. I've fallen in love with you. I've fallen in love with you. Som citovo vyčerpaný. I'm emotionally drained. Som cytovo vyčerpaný. Povedal jej veľa klamstiev. He told her many lies. Say hello to the big chlamsti. Новият производствен процес постига добри резултати. The new production process achieves a high yield. The new production process achieves good results. Дан испи пет апчиња за спиење. Dan took five sleeping pills. Dan drank five sleeping pills. Искуството не се наследува - секој си го стекнува своето. Experience can't be handed down — everyone has to come up with their own. Experience doesn't inherit - everyone gets their own. Аз съм по-възрастен от него с три години. I am older than he by three years. I've been older than him for three years. Bol som veľmi hladný. I was very hungry. They're getting colder. Многу е ретко. It's extremely rare. It's very rare. Не, и ни под столицата не е. No, and it is also not under the chair. No, and it's not even under the capital. Том поверува се што му кажа Мери. Tom believed everything Mary told him. Tom believed everything Mary told him. Имах тежка нощ. I had a rough night. I had a rough night. Спазихме думата си. We kept our word. We kept our word. Том и јас се бевме договориле. Tom and I had a deal. Tom and I had a deal. Обликот на черепот е различен кај различни луѓе. Different people have various skull shape The shape of the skull is different in different people. Ајде да го сработиме ова. Let's get this done. Let's do this. Никога не бих Ви излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Не изгледа баш најдобро. He doesn't seem so well. It doesn't look so good. Никога не давайте кучешка храна на котката си. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never give dog food to your cat. Знаеш дека не јадам месо. You know I don't eat meat. You know I don't eat meat. Какво има в тази кутия? What's in this box? What's in this box? Ќе почнам. I'll start. I'll get started. Не се връзвайте на тази ловка пропаганда. Don't swallow that slick propaganda. Don't get attached to this range of propaganda. Том нема пријатели. Tom has no friends. Tom doesn't have any friends. Kde je žltý džbán mlieka? Where is the yellow jug of milk? Who's the fertilizer? Мислам дека нема да живеам уште долго. I don't think I have much longer to live. I don't think I'll live much longer. Auto je v garáži. The car is in the garage. Auto's in the garage. Hodil sem kako miljo. I walked about a mile. I was walking a mile. Не е можно! It can't be! That's not possible! Колко музея посетихте? How many museums did you visit? How many museums did you visit? Учудвам се, че Том не спомена Мери. I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary. I'm surprised Tom didn't mention Mary. Одеднаш, тој ја промени темата. Suddenly, he changed the subject. Suddenly, he changed the subject. Том е бърз. Tom is fast. Tom's fast. Ќе се видиме утре, добро? See you tomorrow, OK? I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Тези Ваши ли са? Are those yours? Are these yours? Мисля, че това, което Том направи, беше много глупаво. I think what Tom did was very stupid. I think what Tom did was really stupid. Дозволи ми да се грижам за тебе. Let me take care of you. Let me take care of you. Том е фин човек. Tom is a nice man. Tom's a nice guy. Много време беше загубено напразно. A lot of time was wasted. It's been lost in vain for a long time. Лузните се едвај видливи. The scars are barely visible. The scars are barely visible. Ова ѝ беше премногу. This was too much for her. This was too much for her. Очевидно сработи. Apparently it worked. It's obviously working. Колку ве бива, дечки? How good are you guys? How good are you guys? Чух те как пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Само драго ми е што можам да помогнам. I'm just happy to be able to help. I'm just glad I can help. На Том чорапите му се распар. Tom's socks don't match. Tom's socks broke up. Не можам да им се јавам дома. I can't call them at home. I can't call them home. Ме чуди тоа што Том отишол со Мери. I'm surprised Tom went with Mary. I'm surprised that Tom went with Mary. Која е твојата порака? What's your message? What's your message? Кой е жаден? Who's thirsty? Who's thirsty? Мораме да му купиме подарок. We have to get him a present. We have to get him a present. Môžeš to zopakovať? Could you repeat that? You think I'm crazy? Spravodlivosť je drahá. Justice is expensive. She's a dyke. Не знам коя е жената на Том. I don't know who Tom's wife is. I don't know who Tom's wife is. Не знам ништо за иднината. I don't know anything about the future. I don't know anything about the future. Мисля, че ще бъдеш впечатлена. I think you'll be impressed. I think you'll be impressed. Това е камерта, която купих вчера. This is the camera I bought yesterday. That's the camera I bought yesterday. Деновиве сум радосен. I'm happy these days. I'm happy these days. Зарем не ни веруваш? Don't you trust us? Don't you trust us? Čečenci majú sklon k nezávislosti. Chechens have inclinations towards independence. Chechens may be leaning toward indifference. Бих искала да купя колата, която продаваш, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. Трябва да бутам колелото си, защото едната от гумите е спаднала. I have to push my bike because one of the tyres is flat. I have to push my bike because one of the tires is down. Ти го правиш в момента. You're doing it now. You're doing it right now. Тоа не е за тебе. That's not for you. That's not for you. Не тостерите пекат филийки, а хората. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. It's not toaster toasters. It's people. Не ни трябва това. We don't need that. We don't need this. Пристигнахме вчера следобед с влака. We arrived yesterday afternoon by train. We arrived yesterday afternoon on the train. Не ме бива да се преструвам. I'm not good at pretending. I don't have to pretend. Прашањето е дали ќе ни дојде на посета следниот месец. The question is whether he will come to visit us next month. The question is, is he coming to visit us next month? Заклучено е. It's locked. It's locked. Сите работи ти се тука. Your things are all here. All your stuff's here. Сѐ имаме. We have everything. We got everything. Plakal nad smrťou svojej dcéry. He wept over his daughter's death. The cry over your dcéry. Виждал съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Многу си осамен. You're very lonely. You're so lonely. Туристите не беа задоволни. The tourists were not happy. Tourists weren't happy. Внимавай, идва кола! Be careful, there's a car! Watch out, there's a car coming! Tomáš spal. Tom has slept. Tomáš is asleep. Ако времето позволява, ще отида в музея. If time permits, I'll visit the museum. If time allows, I'll go to the museum. Нито пък съм казала това. I didn't say that either. Nor did I say that. Мисля, че сте абсолютно права. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Бил съм в Бостън само веднъж. I've only been to Boston once. I've only been to Boston once. Том вчера си отиде од Бостон. Tom left Boston yesterday. Tom left Boston yesterday. Ще ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. Z vtáčej perspektívy, Los Angeles vyzerá ako kockovaný koberec. From a bird's-eye view, Los Angeles looks like a chequered carpet. With the rest of the persectívy, Los Angeles vyzerá acko kokovaný collecter. Не сум го видел Том. I haven't seen Tom. I haven't seen Tom. Tu je účet. Here's the bill. He's here. He's here. Забравих как се казва. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. Добар си одбрал. You picked a nice one. You've chosen well. Трябват повече проучвания. More research is needed. They need more research. Аз ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. Сѐ има во досието. It's all in the file. It's all in the file. Тази книга беше лесна. This book was easy. That book was easy. Сакам да вршам општествено корисна работа за да се искупам за сѐ што сторив. I want to work as a volunteer to make amends for everything I've done. I want to do community service to make amends for everything I've done. Не стана дотолку лошо. It didn't get that bad. It didn't get that bad. Tom bol unavený. Tom was tired. Tom's a pain in the ass. Ми требаат нови звучници за компјутерот. I need new speakers for my PC. I need new speakers for my computer. Diétna kola stojí na Ukrajine ₴2. A diet Coke in Ukraine costs ₴2. Diétna kola stopí in Ukraine Ö2. Ти се допаѓа ли точакот? Did you like the bicycle? Do you like the bike? Закопчайте си ризата. Button up your shirt. Put your shirt on. Не ставай твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Можеш ли да го објасниш тоа? Can you explain that? Can you explain that? Том, запознај се со твојата нова дадилка. Tom, meet your new nanny. Tom, meet your new nanny. Преподавам френски на възрастни. I teach French to adults. I teach French to adults. Стигнахме бързо, понеже движението не беше натоварено. We made good time since the traffic was light. We arrived quickly because the movement wasn't busy. Направих го нарочно. I did it on purpose. I did it on purpose. Пристигнахме. We've arrived. We're here. Чувството беше заемно. I felt the same way. The feeling was mutual. Аз купувам само мека тоалетна хартия. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft toilet paper. Том не е подготвен. Tom isn't prepared. Tom's not ready. Том се самоуби, скачайки от една скала. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Tom killed himself jumping off a rock. Тој е лакомец. He is a glutton. He's a greedy man. Има нешто под маса. There's something under the table. There's something under the table. Почти десет часа е. It is almost ten o'clock. It's almost ten hours. Не ми е добро веќе два дена. I haven't felt well for two days. I haven't been feeling well in two days. В това е целият проблем. That's the whole problem. That's the whole problem. Закален сум. I'm tough. I'm threatened. Том е во Австралија. Tom is in Australia. Tom's in Australia. Том не се обиде да се расправа. Tom didn't try to argue. Tom didn't try to argue. Сакам да сум покрај тебе. I wish I were by your side. I want to be there for you. Nehaj biti tako gej! Stop being so gay! Stop being so gay! Сите бараат среќа. Everybody seeks happiness. Everybody's looking for luck. Какъв цвят е кучето на Том? What color is Tom's dog? What color is Tom's dog? Том е баш глупав. Tom is quite stupid. Tom's so stupid. Не съм говорила с Том от три седмици. I haven't spoken to Tom in three weeks. I haven't spoken to Tom in three weeks. Имам три деца. I have three kids. I have three children. Уште малку па ќе биде готово. It's almost finished. It's almost over. Треба да му се јавам. I need to call him. I need to call him. Одам и крај. I'm going and that's that. I'm going over. Сѐ уште не сум нашол време да го напишам тој извештај. I haven't had time to write the report yet. I have not yet found time to write that report. Приключи ли със закуската? Are you through with your breakfast? Are you done with breakfast? Се враќа твојата месечина. Your moon returns. Your moon is coming back. Баща ми ще ми сготви вкусна гозба утре сутринта. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My dad's gonna make me a nice dinner tomorrow morning. Неговото тяло беше покрито с кафява козина. His body was covered with brown fur. His body was covered with brown fur. Виждам светлината. I can see the light. I see the light. Том не е дотолку стар. Tom isn't that bad. Tom's not that old. За мен е все тая. It's the same to me. I don't care what it is to me. Наясно ли си защо се случа това? Do you know why this is happening? Do you know why this happened? Недостасува празно пред двете точки. A space is missing before the colon. Missing blank in front of both points. Ще проверя на горния етаж. I'll check upstairs. I'll check upstairs. Том си сложи каската. Tom put on his helmet. Tom put his helmet on. За кого преведе това? Who did you translate this for? Who did you translate that for? Идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. Има ли нещо за мене? Is there anything for me? Is there anything for me? Том ја извади тапата од шампањот. Tom uncorked the champagne. Tom took the cork out of the champagne. Нямаше никой друг на пътя. There was no one else on the road. There was no one else on the road. Ќе му се јавиме. We'll call him. We'll call him. Щастлива ли си? Are you happy? Are you happy? Таа звучи разочарано. She sounds disappointed. She sounds disappointed. Напразните му опити да я съблазни, му показаха че е сбъркал адреса; тя беше майка на две дечица. His vain efforts to seduce her showed he was barking up the wrong tree; she was a mother of two tots. His vain attempts to seduce her showed him the wrong address; she was the mother of two children. Татко ми купи фотоапарат. Dad bought me a camera. My dad bought a camera. Треба пак да го направиме ова некогаш. We should do this again sometime. We should do this again sometime. Математиката е трудна за мен. Mathematics is difficult for me. Math is difficult for me. Те пият чай в хола. They are having tea in the living room. They drink tea in the living room. Изчезвайте. Get lost. Get out of here. Обещах си повече никога да не го правя. I promised myself I wouldn't do this again. I promised myself I'd never do it again. Истата работа му се има случено и на мој пријател. The exact same thing happened to one of my friends. The same thing happened to my friend. Някои мислят, че берберският език може да отмре. Some think that the Berber language might die out. Some think that the Berber language can die. Каде да се паркирам? Where should I park? Where am I supposed to park? Местим се в Бостън следващата седмица. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Не. No. No, I don't. Оваа книга целосно ја опфаќа темата. This book covers the subject completely. This book fully covers the subject. Доби ли нешто од нив? Did you get anything from them? Did you get any of them? Не сакам да направам да ти биде незгодно. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Вие братя ли сте? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? Имам други приоритети. I have other priorities. I have other priorities. Крушката изгоря. The light bulb has burned out. The circle burned down. Нема одговор. There's no answer. There's no answer. Седеше пред мене. He sat in front of me. He was sitting in front of me. Mark promoval na Harvarde v roku 1991. Mark graduated from Harvard in 1991. Mark promoted to Harvard in 1991. Ние изтичахме след котката. We ran after the cat. We ran after the cat. Босилокот, жалфијата, рузмаринот, тимијанот и ориганото се популарни билки. Basil, sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano are popular herbs. The basil, the pituitary, the rosemary, the teammate, and the oregan are popular herbs. Повреден ли е Том? Has Tom been injured? Is Tom hurt? Се е мошне неформално. Everything's quite informal. It's all very informal. Ќе ти го продадам ова ако си спремен да ја платиш цената. I'll sell this to you if you're willing to pay the price. I'll sell you this if you're willing to pay the price. Разочаровах ли те? Have I disappointed you? Did I disappoint you? Не сакав да ти кажам. I didn't want to tell you. I didn't mean to tell you. Ona je priateľka? Is she a friend? She's an asset? Том и кажа на Мери да биде тивка. Tom told Mary to be quiet. Tom told Mary to be quiet. Какви са тия приказки? What kind of talk is this?! What's all this talk? Таа мечтаеше да стане медицинска сестра. She dreamed of becoming a nurse. She dreamt of becoming a nurse. Те си поговориха. They've had a talk. They talked to each other. Ще ми се всичко, което Том каза , да беше лъжа. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. I wish everything Tom said would have been a lie. Аз съм твоят брат. I'm your brother. I'm your brother. Истинското приятелство е завинаги. A true friendship will last forever. True friendship is forever. On je jablko. He's eating an apple. He's an apple tree. Zavlačevanje: to je resen posel. Procrastination: It's serious business. Delay: This is a serious deal. Tom se hoče oženiti. Tom wants to get married. Tom wants to get married. Аз чух какво се е случило. I heard what happened. I heard what happened. Иди да тренираш навън. Go exercise outside. Go out and train. Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта Ви. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I need your help. Морав да земам предвид што би можело да се случи. I had to consider what might happen. I had to consider what might have happened. За греота е тоа. That's so pathetic. It's about the heat. Разочарован съм, че него го няма. I'm disappointed that he's not here. I'm disappointed he's not here. Ще се върна следващата седмица. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. Не вярвам в Бог. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. Значи, сериозен сум. Look, I'm being serious. So, I'm serious. Ние сме като братя. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. Тоа е факт. I know it for a fact. That's a fact. Надявам се да имам шанс да ти върна услугата. I hope I get a chance to return the favor you've done me. I hope I have a chance to return the favor. Никој не појде со мене. Nobody went with me. No one's come with me. Том е тралалајка. Tom is a doofus. Tom's a trelaika. Ona je podobna mami. She looks like her mother. She's just like her mom. Том го дигна знамето. Tom raised the flag. Tom lifted the flag. Тези ръкавици принадлежат на Том. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. Си го читал ли некогаш ова? Have you ever read this? Have you ever read this? Том го бива за математика. Tom is good at math. Tom's good at math. Каква е минималната заплата във Франция? What's the minimum salary in France? What's the minimum wage in France? Възприемам мълчанието ти като съгласие. I interpreted your silence as consent. I accept your silence as an agreement. Мога да спя навсякъде. I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. Како дојдовте тука? How did you come here? How did you get here? В тази стая е разрешено да се пуши. You can smoke in this room. This room is allowed to smoke. Посилен сум од тебе. I'm stronger than you. I'm stronger than you. Хората като цяло са срещу войната. The people at large are against war. People in general are against the war. Шегуваш се! You're joking! You're kidding! Върни ми я! Give it back! Give it back! Не сакам да лажам. I don't want to lie. I don't want to lie. Мисля, че Том ще победи. I think Tom will win. I think Tom will win. Пријателствата се волшебни. Friendship is magic. Friendships are magical. Дръж си устата затворена. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut. Мораш да ме пуштиш да си одам дома. You've got to let me go home. You have to let me go home. Според полицията пожарът беше подпален умишлено. Police think the fire was deliberately lit. According to the police, the fire was burned deliberately. Бил е доста воздржан. Bill is quite reserved. He was very restrained. Сега спокойно. Now keep calm. Now take it easy. Как се пише тази дума? How do you spell that word? How do you spell that word? Том победи во кавгата. Tom won the fight. Tom won the fight. Колку шолји кафе на ден се премногу? How many cups of coffee a day are too many? How many cups of coffee a day are too many? Pravidiel musí byť málo, a, čo je dôležitejšie, musia byť jednoduché. The rules must be few, and more importantly, simple. Assembled musí byť málo, but, if it is dôležeshte, musia byť jedenduché. Многу сме далеку од дома. We are very far from home. We're a long way from home. Скъпа, ти май криеш нещо от мен! My dear, maybe you are hiding something from me! Honey, I think you're hiding something from me! Дај јас да пробам. Let me try. Let me try. Те молам, проветри ја собата. Please air the room. Please clear the room. Никогаш не би излегол од дома по папучи. I'd never leave my house in slippers. I'd never get out of my house after paprikas. Мисля, че тази вечер ще си прекараш добре. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you're gonna have a good night tonight. Разбрах защо Том беше закъснял. I found out why Tom was late. I found out why Tom was late. Каква е вашата връзка с него? What's your relation with him? What's your connection to him? Ќе го продадев кучево да беше повисоко. I would sell this dog if it was taller. I'd sell this dog if it was higher. Навидум ти е тешко да разбереш што пробувам да ти кажам. You seem to have some trouble understanding what I'm trying to tell you. You seem to find it hard to understand what I'm trying to tell you. Кейт говори английски много бързо. Kate speaks English very fast. Kate speaks English very quickly. Кога мочам, излегува нешто налик на гној. Something like pus comes out when I pass urine. When I pee, something like a pus comes out. Поројниот дожд во ноќта ги отежни обидите да се спасат преживеаните од соборениот траект. Heavy rain throughout the night has hampered efforts to rescue survivors from the stricken ferry. Last night’s heavy rain made efforts to save survivors from the devastation. Часовникот имаше гаранција. The watch was guaranteed. The clock had a guarantee. Нямам нищо напротив. I don't mind. I don't mind. Познавам човек, който може да говори френски добре. I know a man who can speak French well. I know a man who can speak French well. Ќе станам посилен. I'll become stronger. I'm gonna get stronger. Знаев дека е вистинско. I knew it was real. I knew it was real. Кога се случила пљачката? When did the robbery happen? When did the loot happen? Се согласивме да им помогнеме. We agreed to help them. We agreed to help them. Присуствувај на состанокот. Attend the meeting. You should attend the meeting. Том славеше. Tom was celebrating. Tom was celebrating. Дај им секунда. Give them a second. Give them a second. Загубих се в гората. I've got lost in the forest. I lost in the woods. Без разлика што правиш, секогаш давај сѐ од себе. No matter what you do you must always do it to the best of your ability. No matter what you do, always do your best. Съществуват 340 вида колибри. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. There are 340 kinds of hummingbirds. Къщата гори. The house is burning. The house is on fire. Ти искаш да гледаш френски филм, нали така? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? Джак се интересува от рисуване. Jack is interested in painting. Jack's interested in drawing. Том остана надвор. Tom stayed outside. Tom stayed out. Ги нападнале. They were attacked. They were attacked. Мисля, че сте перфектен. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Виждала съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. Ти простив јас веќе. I've forgiven you. I forgive you already. Какви роднини сте? How are you related? What kind of relatives are you? Сол веќе нема. There's no salt left. Saul's gone. Том се паркира. Веднаш ќе дојде. Tom is parking the car. He'll be right in. Tom's parking, he'll be right over. Просто го остави при мене. Just leave it with me. Just leave it with me. Том збесна. Tom became furious. Tom's pissed off. Влакът се движеше с 500 мили в час. The train was moving at 500 miles per hour. The train was moving 500 miles an hour. Знаеш всичко за мен. You know everything about me. You know everything about me. Страшно скъпо е. It's terribly expensive. It's so expensive. Престанах да се надявам. I gave up hope. I stopped hoping. Spieval som. I sang. I'm having a som. Том можеби ќе успее да ти ја запали колата. Tom might be able to get your car running. Tom may be able to set your car on fire. Том сакаше да танцува. Tom wanted to dance. Tom wanted to dance. Го осеќам тоа во твојот допир. I can feel it in your touch. I can feel it in your touch. Таа е нерасположена. She is in a bad mood. She's unscheduled. Нанси беше изненадана, че Боб спечели първа награда в състезанието. Nancy was surprised that Bob won the first prize in the contest. Nancy was surprised Bob won the first prize in the race. Сакам Том да ја слушне твојата приказна. I want Tom to hear your story. I want Tom to hear your story. Допуши па влези внатре. Finish the cigarette and then come inside. Come on in and let's go inside. Той стреля в мен. He shot at me. He shot me. Tom mi povedal, že by sa rád stal lekárom. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me already by sád stood the lekárom. Питай Том сама. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Обичаш ли черни котки? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Ми треба дозвола. I need authorization. I need permission. Видях я да чисти стаята. I saw her clean the room. I saw her cleaning the room. Вчера посетих Тони. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony yesterday. Том застенка од болка. Tom started moaning in pain. Tom a pain-resistance. Досадник е човек който говори, когато ти искаш от него да слуша. A bore is a person who talks when you wish him to listen. He's an annoying man who talks when you want him to listen. Миналата неделя гледахме един смешен филм. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. Last Sunday we saw a funny movie. Нещо изглеждаше ли не както трябва? Did something seem wrong? Did something seem wrong? Многу ли патуваш? Do you travel a lot? Are you traveling too much? Дај да ти го дадам ова. Let me give you this. Let me give you this. Том израсна, говорейки на френски и английски. Tom grew up speaking both French and English. Tom grew up speaking French and English. Пристигнахме там преди обяд. We arrived there before noon. We got there before lunch. Дали мислиш дека знам што се случува? Do you think I don't know what's going on? Do you think I know what's going on? Обичате ли Вашата майка? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Подранил ли съм? Am I early? Am I early? Тя му даде книга. She gave him a book. She gave him a book. Таа му помага. She is helping him. She's helping him. Гледај го димон. Look at that smoke. Look at the dymon. Треба да створиш навика да си ги миеш забите по секој оброк. You ought to get into the habit of brushing your teeth after every meal. You need to make a habit of brushing your teeth at every meal. Мисля, че искам още кафе. I think I'd like some more coffee. I think I want more coffee. Знаеш ли да поправиш веце? Can you fix a toilet? Can you fix the bathroom? Се бакнаа. They kissed. They kissed. Тя умря от шок. She died of shock. She died of shock. Том е нов во градов и му треба работа. Tom's new in town and needs a job. Tom's new to town, and he needs a job. Морам да тргам накај дома. I must be going home. I have to go home. Не сме ли приятели? Aren't we friends? Aren't we friends? Това не го разбирам. I don't get this. I don't understand that. Юпитер е планета, съставена главно от водород и хелий. Jupiter is a planet principally composed of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is a planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Секогаш на ист начин се случува. It always happens the same way. It always happens the same way. Мислех си, че е богат. I thought he was rich. I thought he was rich. Не сакам загатки. I don't enjoy riddles. I don't like riddles. Ядохте ли закуска? Did you eat breakfast? Did you eat breakfast? По бурата, океанот беше мирен. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. Том не знае да се изрази. Tom is inarticulate. Tom doesn't know how to express himself. Идваш ли, или не? Are you coming or not? Are you coming or not? Го знае ли некој тука телефонскиот број на Том? Does anybody here know Tom's phone number? Does anybody here know Tom's phone number? Мисля, че Том ще умре. I think Tom is going to die. I think Tom's gonna die. Линда цело време носеше скромни фустани. Linda wore modest dresses all the time. Linda used to wear humble dresses all the time. Том е истински зубър. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Толку е сложено. It's so complicated. It's so complicated. Брат му учи много. His brother studies very hard. His brother's learning a lot. Том запеа. Tom started singing. Tom sang. Защо си толкова умен? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Том не можеше да се воздржи. Tom couldn't contain himself. Tom couldn't hold on. Той още не е дошъл, нали? He hasn't come already, has he? He hasn't come yet, has he? Nebuď zlý! Don't be evil! Nebu's evil! Трябва да го боядисам. I have to paint it. I have to paint it. Ова им е многу тешко. This is very difficult for them. This is very difficult for them. Не се и съмнявам в това. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that. Искаш ли да купиш риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? You want to buy a shirt? Zelo hitro se učimo esperanto. We're learning Esperanto very quickly. We're learning esperant very quickly. Къде е асансьорът? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Како се однесуваше Том? How did Tom behave? How did Tom behave? Случи се днес. It happened today. It happened today. Си се насмевнав. I smiled to myself. I smiled. Направи скандал од добро стоење. She made a fuss for no good reason. You had a good stand-up scandal. Пиењето алкохол на улица или во парк е незаконито во поголемиот дел од САД. Drinking alcohol on the street or in parks is illegal in most of the United States. Drinking alcohol on the street or in the park is illegal in most of the United States. Тоа е мое. Врати ми го. That's mine. Give it back. Give it back to me. Това е много голямо. That's very big. That's very big. Sem utrujen! I am tired! I'm tired! Tom má spoločenskú povahu. Tom has an outgoing personality. Tom's getting a divorceer. Многу лошо ми звучи таа труба. I hate that trumpet. That trumpet sounds so bad to me. Каде одиш? Where're you going? Where are you going? Моля ви, имайте търпене. Please have patience. Please have patience. Musíš poslúchať len pár pravidiel, aby si sa vyhol nepríjemným dôsledkom. You have to follow a few rules to avoid unpleasant results. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Скоро ще съм вкъщи. I'll be home soon. I'll be home soon. Часът е вече единайсет. It is already eleven. It's 11 o'clock now. Разкажи ми за Том. Tell me about Tom. Tell me about Tom. Прашај стручно лице. Ask an expert. Ask a professional. Hovoríš po rusky? Do you speak Russian? You're walking in Russian? Си ја уништува облеката. She's destroying her clothes. She's ruining her clothes. Джейн изглежда щастлива. Jane looks happy. Jane seems happy. Не доаѓа во обѕир. It is out of the question. It's out of the question. Не сум вооружан. I'm unarmed. I'm not armed. Безопасно ли е? Are we safe? Is it safe? Тъй като днес нямаше училище, си останах вкъщи и гледах телевизия цял ден. Since we had no school today, I stayed home and watched TV all day. Since there was no school today, I stayed home watching TV all day. Ако го изядеш, Том ще се ядоса. If you eat that, Tom will be angry. If you eat it, Tom will be angry. Покани ги да ни се придружат. Ask them to join us. Ask them to join us. Ова време утре ќе бидеме во Бостон. This time tomorrow, we'll be in Boston. This time tomorrow we'll be in Boston. Съдебните заседатели обвиниха Том в убийство. The grand jury indicted Tom for murder. The jury accused Tom of murder. Моля извикайте доктор! Please call a doctor! Please call a doctor! Седењето цел ден е нездраво. Sitting down all day is bad for you. Sitting all day is unhealthy. Трябва да се махна за малко. I have to go away for a while. I need to get out of here for a while. Мисля, че зададе достатъчно въпроси. I think you've asked enough questions. I think you've asked enough questions. Трябва да се размърдам. I have to get moving. I have to move. Tom in Mary sta neločljiva več kot tri leta. Tom and Mary have been inseparable for over three years. Tom and Mary have been inseparable for over three years. Не ти искам нито златото, нито среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want your gold or your silver. Мислам дека Том не знае како се прави тоа. I don't think Tom knows how to do that. I don't think Tom knows how to do it. Само прави што сакаш. Just do what you want. Just do what you want. Мисля, че си способна на всичко. I think you're capable of anything. I think you're capable of anything. Онази молба беше отхвърлена. That request was denied. That request was rejected. Том се соблече и си легна. Tom undressed and got into bed. Tom took off his clothes and went to bed. Внимавай да не паднеш. Take care not to fall. Be careful not to fall. Bila je prijazna do vseh. She was kind to everybody. She was nice to everyone. Не ям свинско. I don't eat pork. I don't eat pork. Може ли да седна до теб? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Svojemu očetu sem pomagal zaliti rože. I helped my father water the flowers. I helped my father water his flowers. Вчера бев дома. I was at home yesterday. I was home yesterday. Не слушай този човек. Don't listen to this man. Don't listen to this guy. Утре е неделя. Tomorrow is Sunday. It's Sunday tomorrow. Тоа е прекрасна алка. That's a beautiful bracelet. It's a beautiful link. На Том многу му се допаѓаш. Tom likes you a lot. Tom really likes you. Като допълнение са се сформирали много групи, за да може възрастните да се социализират помежду си и да останат активни участници в Американският живот. In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life. In addition, many groups have been formed so that adults can socialise each other and remain active players in American life. Мисля, че имаме достатъчно храна. I think we have enough food. I think we've got enough food. Некако погрешно ми делува. It just doesn't feel right. Something's wrong with me. Той е по-нисък от Том. He's shorter than Tom. He's lower than Tom. Том и Мери изглежда навсякъде ходят заедно. Tom and Mary always seem to be hanging out together. Tom and Mary seem to be going together. Мисля, че Том е хубаво име. I think Tom is a nice name. I think Tom's a good name. Моментът на слава за Ханшин не продължи дълго. Те набързо бяха изместени от първото място. Hanshin's moment of glory didn't last. They fell out of first place in a hurry. The moment of glory for Hanshin did not last long. They were quickly shifted from the first place. "Чии са тези чорапи?" - "На сестра ми." "Whose socks are these?" "They are my sister's." - Whose socks are these? - "On my sister." Спушти го тука. Put it down right here. Put it down here. Се сакаа. They love each other. They loved each other. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш довечера? Are you sure you don't want to come tonight? Are you sure you don't want to come tonight? Паркирали сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my place. Не се колебайте да задавате въпроси. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Џим никогаш не бил во странство. Jim has never been abroad. Jim was never abroad. Ни даде сомнителен одговор. She gave us a dubious answer. He gave us a suspicious answer. Бостон е прекрасен. Boston is beautiful. Boston is beautiful. Том мислеше дека Мери ќе биде на забавата на Том. Tom thought that Mary would be at John's party. Tom thought Mary was gonna be at Tom's party. Oslepol. He went blind. Oslepol. Само сакав да му помогнам на Том. I just wanted to help Tom. I was just trying to help Tom. Беше много трудно. It was very difficult. It was very difficult. Том реши да отложи събранието. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Денов ми беше исполнет со дејности. I've had a busy day. My day was full of activity. Том изгледа како да е готов да заплаче. Tom looks like he's ready to cry. Tom looks like he's ready to cry. Мисля, че е по-добре да останеш с Том. I think you'd better stick with Tom. I think it's better if you stay with Tom. Том не е вегетаријанец. Tom isn't a vegetarian. Tom's not a vegetarian. Том ми каза, че знае къде живее Мери. Tom told me he knew where Mary lived. Tom told me he knows where Mary lives. Всички съжаляваме за Том. We all felt sorry for Tom. We're all sorry about Tom. Искаме да наемем апартамент в града. We want to rent an apartment in the city. We want to rent an apartment in town. Не се таму. They aren't there. They're not there. Zna veliko ljudskih plesov. She knows many folk dances. He knows a lot of folk dancing. Проклета да си! Damn you! Damn you! Дали беше експлозија? Was it an explosion? Was it an explosion? Том не беше на купона. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Том сака да пишува. Tom likes writing. Tom wants to write. Как си днес ? How are you doing today? How are you today? Том сака да мислиме дека е побогат одошто всушност е. Tom wants us to think he's richer than he really is. Tom wants us to think he's richer than he actually is. Vzemite kolikor hočete. Take as much as you want. Take what you want. Ќе направиме да работи. We'll make it work. We'll make it work. Каква е истинската причина да не искаш да го правиш? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? Кои се условите? What're the terms? What are the conditions? Това трябва да е приятно за всички. That should be pleasing to anyone. That must be nice for everyone. Шосето беше много неравно. The road was very rough. The show was very unfair. Мерисол и Џони јадат пица. Marisol and Johnny are eating some pizza. Marisol and Johnny eat pizza. И мене ме интересира грчката митологија. I'm also interested in Greek mythology. I'm interested in Greek mythology, too. Nemám ďalšie veci, ktoré by som mohla študovať. I don't have other things to study. Nem'alshi's eyelids, ktoré by som mohla studii. Ľahni si. Lie down. You're funny. Preložila báseň. She translated a poem. Put it down. Наистина не очаквах Том да успее. I really didn't expect Tom to succeed. I really didn't expect Tom to make it. Какво те кара да мислиш така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? Гледай да не натиснеш грешното копче. Don't press the wrong button. Don't push the wrong button. Морам да си го стегнам појасот. I have to tighten my belt. I need to tighten my seat belt. Сите зборуваат за мене. Everyone is talking about me. Everybody's talking about me. Довиждане! Goodbye! Goodbye! Сите знаат да возат. They all can drive. Everybody knows how to drive. Тоа е разумен компромис. It's a reasonable compromise. It's a reasonable compromise. Искам отново да съм млада. I wish that I were young again. I want to be young again. Uvidíme. Let's see! Uvidíme. Nerozbi zrkadlo. Don't break a mirror. I don't know. It's just... it's just... it's just... it's just... it Америка има нужда от вас. America needs you. America needs you. Може ли да ти имам доверие? Are you trustworthy? Can I trust you? Само тоа ли прави Том? Is that all Tom does? Is that all Tom does? Падна од дрвото. He fell from the tree. It fell out of the tree. И двете се добри. They're both good. They're both good. Демократа е свободен гражданин който се поддава на волята на мнозинството. A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority. Democracy is a free citizen who submits to the will of the majority. По-голямата част от живота си прекарах в Бостън. I've spent most of my life in Boston. I spent most of my life in Boston. Том също може да говори малко френски. Tom can also speak a little French. Tom can also speak a little French. Тоа беше непоимливо. It was unthinkable. That was improbable. Американците харесаха това, което чуха от Франклин Рузвелт. Americans liked what they heard from Franklin Roosevelt. The Americans liked what they heard from Franklin Roosevelt. Kto mal pravdu? Who was right? Like a little judge? Беше топла ноќ. It was a warm night. It was a hot night. Сакам да ја ебам. I want to have sex with her. I want to fuck her. Просто многу се гордеам со тебе. I'm just so proud of you. I'm just so proud of you. Виждал съм Том да прави невероятни неща. I've seen Tom do some amazing things. I've seen Tom do amazing things. Ѝ завидувам. I envy her. I envy her. Всеки с вкусовете си. Each to their own. Everyone with their tastes. Том не е многу зборлест. Tom isn't very talkative. Tom's not much of a talker. Мисля, че заслужаваш повече. I think you deserve more than this. I think you deserve more. Белка е. She's Caucasian. It's white. Во брак сум со Лори. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Vej, da me ne strašiš. Know that you're not scaring me. You know you're not scaring me. Може ли да предложа друга стратегия? May I suggest another strategy? Can I suggest another strategy? Том чу како му ѕвони телефонот. Tom heard his telephone ringing. Tom heard his phone ring. Чух какво се е случило. I heard about what happened. I heard what happened. Този часовник ми го даде чичо ми. I was given this watch by my uncle. That watch my uncle gave me. Се прашувам кој е закопан во твој гроб. I wonder who's buried in that tomb. I wonder who's buried in your grave. Никой не заслужава това. Nobody deserves that. Nobody deserves that. Те советувам да си го слушаш лекарот. I advise you to listen to your doctor. I suggest you listen to your doctor. Разбудете ме штом ќе се раздени. Wake me up as soon as it's light. Wake me up as soon as the day is over. Ударих Том в лицето. I punched Tom in the face. I hit Tom in the face. Том фатил маларија кога патувал во Африка. Tom caught malaria while he was travelling in Africa. Tom caught malaria when he was traveling to Africa. Джон няма да отговори на въпроса. John will not answer the question. John won't answer the question. Тие се гратис. Those are free. They're free. Тријаголниците немаат четири агла. Triangles don't have four angles. Triangles don't have four corners. Човекът, на когото вярвах, ме предаде. The man I trusted betrayed me. The man I trusted betrayed me. Той може да чете. He can read. He can read. Том поседува сина кола. Tom owns a blue car. Tom owns a blue car. Тръгваш ли си? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Том често и се јавува на Мери. Tom often calls Mary. Tom's been calling Mary a lot. Те молам влези. Please come on in. Please come in. Мачката ги зари своите канџите во мојата рака. The cat dug its claws into my hand. The cat put her claws in my hand. Не го прибирай още. Don't put that away yet. Don't take it back yet. Бевме да ги бараме. We've been out looking for them. We were looking for them. На диета съм. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. Радвам се, че си успял. I am glad that you have succeeded. I'm glad you made it. Не помня кога за първи път срещнах Том. I can't remember when I first met Tom. I don't remember when I first met Tom. Алгебрата е любимият ми предмет. Algebra is my favorite subject. Algebra is my favorite object. Не е по вина на Том. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Нешто многу слично ми се случи и на мене! Something very similar happened to me! Something very similar has happened to me! Кој му прави доручек? Who makes breakfast for him? Who makes him breakfast? Те молам, запиши го тоа. Please write it down. Please write that down. Никој не зборува. No one is speaking. Nobody talks. Има нещо у Том, което не ми харесва. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something at Tom's, which I don't like. Да не се караме, може? Let's not fight, OK? Let's not fight, okay? Кой е любимият ти композитор? Who is your favorite composer? What's your favorite composer? Ne skrbi. Lahko računaš name. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. Качихме се на рейса в Шинджуку. We got on the bus at Shinjuku. We're on a résumé in Shinjuku. Тоа би било катастрофа. It'd be a disaster. That would be a disaster. Не сум сосем задоволен со објаснението на Том. I'm not completely satisfied with Tom's explanation. I'm not completely satisfied with Tom's explanation. Г-жа Юнг не би имала нищо против да я посетя без предизвестие. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Jung wouldn't mind if I visited her without notice. Не ми се подигравайте. Don't make fun of me. Don't mock me. Том не беше сигурен дали му се допаѓа планот. Tom wasn't sure he liked the plan. Tom wasn't sure if he liked the plan. Това безмитен магазин ли е? Is this a duty-free shop? Is this a worthless store? V nemščina, zloženke se napisane kot eno besedo! In German, compound words are written as one word! In German, pads are written as one word! Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Миналата година вносът надхвърли износа. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports exceeded their exports. Имам затруднения с френския. I have difficulty in French. I'm having trouble with the French. Je čas zabaliť to. It's time to wrap it up. It's time to screw it up. Донеси му за пиење. Get him something to drink. Get him a drink. Той не може да каже и дума на френски, но пък затова говори английски сякаш му е роден. He can't say one word of French, but then again he speaks English like a native. He can't say a word in French, but that's why he speaks English like he was born. Бостон е чудесен град. Boston is a wonderful city. Boston is a great city. Уживав во досетливоста на Том. I enjoyed Tom's wit. I enjoyed Tom's ingenuity. Това е моето CD, нали? It's my CD, isn't it? That's my CD, isn't it? Не зборувај толку брзо. Don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast. Ќе преземеме нешто. We'll do something. We'll do something. Учила съм френски. I've studied French. I studied French. Не сакам да чекам. I don't want to wait. I don't want to wait. Вие замесен ли сте? Are you involved? Are you involved? Защо те не са притеснени? Why aren't they worried? Why aren't they worried? Тоа не претставува проблем. That's no problem. That's not a problem. To je Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. Ќе ѝ се јавам утре. I'll call her tomorrow. I'll call her tomorrow. Музеят е отворен за посетители. The museum is open to the public. The museum is open to visitors. Nimam kolesa. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. Никога не бих ви излъгала. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Ова е сигурно твое. This must be yours. This must be yours. Кенеди зборуваше за проблемот. Kennedy spoke about the issue. Kennedy was talking about the problem. Не гледай директно в Том. Don't look directly at Tom. Don't look directly at Tom. Не съм ти казала всичко. I haven't told you everything. I didn't tell you everything. Виждал ли си нецензурираната версия? Have you seen the uncensored version? Have you seen the uncensored version? Чувствам се объркана. I feel lost. I feel confused. Том не може да понася присъствието на Мери. Tom can't stand being around Mary. Tom can't bear Mary's presence. Môžem sa na to pozrieť? May I have a look at it? Am I supposed to look at that? Трябва да се извиниш. You should apologize. You have to apologize. Том има малки ръце. Tom has small hands. Tom has small arms. Зарем не е превосходно ова? Isn't this amazing? Isn't this too good? Дължа му 1000 йени. I owe him 1000 yen. I owe him 1,000 yen. Дечко и личи на мајмун. Her boyfriend looks like a monkey. A guy looks like a monkey. Za účelom nahromadiť pol miliona som predal dom a nábytok aj s klenotami. I sold my house and furniture, together with my jewelry, in order to scrape together a half a million. After the ručel naromadiť half a million som drawer dom a nábytok aj with clenotoms. Hodila sta po plaži, držeč se za roke. They walked down the beach, holding hands. They were walking down the beach holding hands. Моето гадже не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My boyfriend doesn't know. Bol som v kúpeľni. I was in the bathroom. I'm sick in cúpeène. Врати ми ги парите. Give me back my money. Give me my money back. Сите ли се среќни? Is everybody happy? Are they all happy? Тя говори три езика. She can speak three languages. She speaks three languages. Том има мал кур. Tom has a small dick. Tom's got a little cock. Трябва ми добър съвет. I need some good advice. I need good advice. Не съм туристка. I'm not a tourist. I'm not a tourist. Смее ли да те честам вечера? Can I buy you dinner? May I buy you dinner? Тоа ќе биде тешко. That'll be difficult. That's gonna be hard. Да дадеме сѐ од себе. Let's do our best. Let us do our best. Наистина изглеждаш добре. You do look nice. You really look good. Том учи френски три часа миналата нощ. Tom studied French for three hours last night. Tom studied French three hours last night. Мисля, че пропускате нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. Povie ti iba to, čo si myslí, že chceš počuť. She's only going to tell you what she thinks you want to hear. Povie iba this, if you're myslí, you're already feeling it. Не разбирам. I don't understand. I don't understand. Може ли да отхапя малко? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Кралот не го предвиде падот на монархијата. The king did not see the end of the monarchy coming. The king did not predict the fall of the monarchy. Ще отида с колелото. I'll ride my bike. I'll take the bike. Не можам да поверувам дека ова навистина ми се случува. I can't believe this is really happening to me. I can't believe this is really happening to me. Не познавам никој таков. I don't know anyone like that. I don't know anybody like that. Том ѕирна во тунелот. Tom peered down the tunnel. Tom was staring into the tunnel. Когато пристигнахме на пристанището,вятъра беше утихнал. When we arrived at the port, the wind subsided. When we arrived at the dock, the Thursday was quiet. Pojma nimam. I don't have a clue. I have no idea. Moj oče mi bo pomagal finančno. My father will support me financially. My father will help me financially. Том не сака да ми биде пријател. Мисли дека е премногу кул за мене. Tom doesn't want to be my friend. He thinks that he's too cool for me. Tom doesn't want to be my friend, he thinks he's too cool for me. Моля те, запази тази тайна. Please keep this secret. Please keep this secret. Тие патуваа накај исток. They travelled eastwards. They were traveling east. Том също го видя. Tom saw it, too. Tom saw it, too. Това зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. Беше доста хладно. It was quite cold. It was pretty cool. Далеку ли е Бостон? Is Boston far away? Is Boston far? Milujem tvoju tašku. I love your bag. I'm pitying your father-in-law. Незадоволеното либидо е она што ја произведува сета уметност и книжевност. Unsatisfied libido is responsible for producing all art and literature. The dissatisfied libido is what produces all art and literature. Но тоа не е никаков аргумент! But that's no argument! But that's no argument! Том говори френски като французин. Tom can speak French like a native. Tom speaks French as French. Реших, че сте си тръгнали. I thought you'd left. I thought you left. Имам проблеми с гърба. I have back problems. I'm having trouble with my back. Нашите продажби спадат. Our sales are decreasing. Our sales are falling. Никой не вдигна телефона. Nobody answered the telephone. Nobody picked up the phone. Не сфаќам зошто сите мислат дека книгава е толку добра. I don't see why everyone thinks this book is so good. I don't understand why everyone thinks this book is so good. Трябваше да се обадиш предварително. You should have telephoned in advance. You should have called in advance. Трябва да наема някой, който може да говори френски. I need to hire somebody who can speak French. I need to hire someone who can speak French. Neboj sa pomalého postup, len ustrnutia. Don't fear slow progress, only stagnation. There'll be no smallpox, son of a bitch. Ајде да славиме. Let's celebrate. Let's celebrate. Тоа би било во ред. That'd be fine. That would be all right. Тя ми вика Кенджи. She calls me Kenji. She calls me Kenji. Тоа е ужасно. That's devastating. That's terrible. Ти си шефът! You're the boss! You're the boss! Морам да одам да се видам со Том. I have to go see Tom. I have to go see Tom. Тази книга има много илюстрации. This book has many pictures. This book has many illustrations. Каде го стави? Where did you put it? Where did you put it? Търся подарък за баща си. I'm looking for a gift for my father. I'm looking for a gift for my father. Том си го бива, нали? Tom is neat, isn't he? Tom's good, isn't he? Очевидно Том е бил известен още преди да издаде този албум. Apparently, Tom was already famous before he released that album. Apparently, Tom was famous even before he published this album. Можно е да им треба помош. They may need help. They may need help. Се надевав дека ќе бидеш разумен. I was hoping you'd be reasonable. I was hoping you'd be reasonable. Аз чух всяка дума. I heard every word. I heard every word. Обзалагам се, че ще бъдете чудесен баща. I bet you'll be a great father. I bet you'll be a great father. Јади бавно. Eat slowly. Eat slowly. Таа не го удри него туку мене. She hit me, not him. She didn't hit him, she hit me. Имаш многу продорни очи. You have very piercing eyes. You've got a lot of piercing eyes. Има ли некаков приговор? Are there any objections? Is there any objection? Tom píše list. Tom is writing a letter. Tom's paper. Мајк рече дека ќе дојдел. Mike said that he would come. Mike said he was coming. Што се случи потем? Then what happened? What happened after that? Мисля, че тази ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Не си слушал. You didn't listen. You didn't listen. Бостон е прекрасно место. Boston is a wonderful place. Boston is a beautiful place. Мислам дека е можно да кивнам. I think I may sneeze. I think I might be sneezing. Немој да доцниш на состанокот утре. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Don't be late for tomorrow's meeting. Осъдени на смърт. Condemned to death. Convicted of death. Nie som si istý. I'm not certain. Nie som istý. Prepričal sem ga, da se posvetuje z zdravnikom. I persuaded him to consult a doctor. I convinced him to consult a doctor. Ова е бездруго глупаво прашање, но кој е посилен, лавот или тигарот? This is probably a stupid question, but which is stronger, the tiger or the lion? This is another stupid question, but who's stronger, the lion or the tiger? Пронајди ја својата натприродна моќ. Find your higher power. Find your supernatural power. Том ли ти го дал тоа? Was Tom the one who gave you that? Did Tom give you that? Неговиот ранг не е доволно висок за таа позиција. His rank isn't high enough for that position. His rank is not high enough for that position. Ова не е сино туку виолетово. This is not blue; it is violet. This isn't blue, it's purple. За малко да го забравя. I almost forgot it. I almost forgot. Баща ми отиде за риба. My father went fishing. My dad went fishing. Прилично сум надуван. I'm pretty zonked. I'm pretty high. Сакаш ли да одиш на вечера со мене вечерва? Would you have dinner with me tonight? Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight? Трябва да говоря с тебе за Том. I have to talk to you about Tom. I need to talk to you about Tom. Изпратих ѝ една кукла. I sent her a doll. I sent her a doll. Криво ми падна. I felt bad. It was my fault. Се онесвестив. I fainted. I fainted. Аз не му казах всичко. I didn't tell him everything. I didn't tell him everything. Том не ми кажа зошто не му се допаѓа Мери. Tom never told me why he didn't like Mary. Tom didn't tell me why he didn't like Mary. Научниците тврдат дека луѓето што почесто се смеат подолго живеат од оние што ги прегазил камион. Scientists claim that people who laugh more have a longer life than those that have been hit by a truck. Scientists claim that people who laugh more often live longer than those who run over a truck. И ръцете ми трепереха. And my hands were shaking. And my hands trembled. Аз ще съм с Том. I'll stick with Tom. I'll be with Tom. Зарем не го виде аловото знаме? Didn't you see the red flag? Didn't you see the alve flag? Глувците се пренесувачи на чума. Mice carry the plague. The mice are plague transporters. Сигурен си дека не сакаш да разгледаш друга опција? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? Prinesel sem ti malo vode. I brought you some water. I brought you some water. Къде е най-близката аптека? Where's the nearest drugstore? Where's the nearest pharmacy? Том не помръдна повече от час. Tom hasn't budged for over an hour. Tom hasn't moved in over an hour. Искам да си открия сметка. I'd like to open an account. I want to get an account. Аз мия дрехите ми. I wash my clothes. I wash my clothes. Тој има вино. He has wine. He's got wine. Сам ли си тука? Are you the only one here? Are you alone here? Изчаках възможно най-дълго. I've waited as long as possible. I waited as long as I could. Вашата вера е гадна. Your religion is ugly. Your faith sucks. И ти ли говориш френски? Can you speak French, too? You speak French, too? Можеби ќе напишам книга. Maybe I'll write a book. Maybe I'll write a book. Мисля, че ни трябва още лед. I think we need more ice. I think we need more ice. Јас можам да те заштитам. I can protect you. I can protect you. Som tehotná. I'm pregnant. Som the potter. Том носи шлифер. Tom is wearing a trench coat. Tom's wearing a raincoat. Изисква се да се направят още изпитания. Further testing is required. More tests are required. Смали го. Make it smaller. Slow it down. Имам три сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Цените се повишиха. Prices went up. Prices are up. Том играе лакрос. Tom plays lacrosse. Tom plays lacrosse. Трябва ли ми вратовръзка? Do I need a tie? Do I need a tie? Направиха ДНК анализ, за да видят дали тялото е на Том. They did a DNA comparison to see if the body was Tom's. They did DNA analysis to see if the body was Tom's. Аз няма да мога да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom on the other side of the bridge. Отиди и намери Том. Go and find Tom. Go find Tom. Треба да викнеме помош. We need to get help. We need to get help. Je pravda, že si tento dom postavil sám? Is it true that you built this house by yourself? Is it judgment, you've already set a dark home for me? Честит Ден на Майката! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Бил може да кара колело. Bill can ride a bicycle. Bill can ride a bike. Моля ви, кажете истината. Please tell the truth. Please tell the truth. Обещавам да го донеса обратно. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring him back. Ще бъда в следващия автобус. I'm going to be on the next bus. I'll be on the next bus. Аз получих това. This is what I got. I got this. Таа не ја прифати поканата. She didn't accept the invitation. She didn't accept the invitation. Том работи извънредно. Tom is working overtime. Tom's working too hard. Zunaj je mraz, ti si pa topel. It's cold out and you're warm. It's cold out there, and you're warm. Им дадовме седатив. We have them sedated. We gave them a sedative. Видов како игра карти со сите нив. I saw him playing cards with all of them. I saw him play cards with them all. Кој е губитникот? Who's the loser? Who's the loser? Оди да спиеш, Томе. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to sleep, Tome. Трябваше да работим по-сериозно. We should've worked harder. We had to work harder. Знаев дека ќе застанеш на страната на Том. I knew you'd take Tom's side. I knew you'd stand on Tom's side. Ми се чини дека тоа е единствениот возможен заклучок. It seems like the only possible conclusion. It seems to me to be the only possible conclusion. Онези дрехи Ви стоят добре. Those clothes suit you well. Those clothes look good. Само ти велам да бидеш внимателен. All I'm saying is be careful. I'm just telling you to be careful. Мисля, че ще останете доволен. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Не е толку лошо. It isn't that bad. It's not that bad. Moral bi se spočiti. You should rest. You should get some rest. Таа работи во банка. She works in a bank. She works at the bank. Не сакам да ги деранжирам. I don't want to bother them. I don't want to derange them. Сега е точно 10:00. It's exactly 10:00. It's 10:00 right now. Не ви мразя. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Том резервирал седиште. Tom reserved a seat. Tom's booked a seat. Да му се јавиме ли? Should we call him? Should we call him? Ние няма да се преклоним пред волята на един тиранин. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not lean before the will of a tyrant. Мисля, че мога да го правя в свободното си време. I think I can do it in my spare time. I think I can do it in my free time. Не сакав да се фалам. I didn't want to brag. I didn't mean to brag. Не се колебай да задаваш въпроси. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Каква е минималната заплата в Ливан? What's the minimum salary in Lebanon? What's the minimum wage in Lebanon? Том сака да си ја продаде колата. Tom wants to sell his car. Tom wants to sell his car. Моля те, обясни ми правилата във футбола. Please explain the rules of soccer to me. Please explain to me the rules in football. Ќе ја натерам да ти го искоси тревникот. I'll have her mow your lawn. I'm gonna make her rip your lawn. Теглата ми протекува. My jar is leaking. My jar's leaking. Ќе си ги вратиш. You'll get them back. You'll get it back. Най-накрая спечелих сърцето му. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Въпреки че никой никога не говореше за това, всички знаеха, че нещо не беше наред. Although no one ever spoke about it, everyone knew that something wasn't quite right. Although no one ever talked about it, everyone knew something was wrong. Не сме готови. We're not done. We're not done. Изглежда, че водата ни е на свършване. It looks like we're running out of water. Looks like our water's at an end. Винаги ще помня добрината ти. I'll always remember your kindness. I'll always remember your kindness. Това е кучето на Том. This is Tom's dog. That's Tom's dog. Најмногу ќе ѝ помогне спиење. Sleep's the best thing for her. Most will help her sleep. Сменям влака на другата гара. Change trains at the next station. I'm changing the train to the other station. Не умирай. Don't die. Don't die. Истрела трипати. He fired three shots. He shot three times. Том обича да плете. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes knitting. Уште колку дена има до Божиќ? How many days are there before Christmas? How many days until Christmas? Време е да си вземем "довиждане". It's time to say goodbye. It's time to get a good-bye. Тя каза: "Не е смешно! Много ли щеше да ти хареса, ако някой беше постъпил така с тебе - ти какво щеше да направиш?" She said, "It's not funny! How would you like it if someone did that to you - what would you do?" She said, "It's not funny! Would you really like it if someone had done that to you--what would you have done?" Се надевам дека ќе го победиме Том. I hope we beat Tom. I hope we beat Tom. Себеотрицанието е най-доброто нещо, което можеш да направиш за себе си. Selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. Selfishness is the best thing you can do for yourself. Може ли да отворя прозореца? May I open the window? Can I open the window? Зошто би им верувал? Why would you believe them? Why would I trust them? Ќе ги следам твоите упатства. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Ти би била одлична мајка. You'd be a great mother. You'd be a great mother. Някой тук говори ли френски? Can anyone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Имам само един въпрос. I have only one question. I just have one question. Том отвори очи. Tom's eyes opened. Tom opened his eyes. Синоптикът казва, че следобед ще вали. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. The synaptic says it's going to rain this afternoon. Ајде да доручкуваме. Let's have breakfast. Let's have breakfast. Въпреки че аз съм стар, ти си все още млада. Though I am old, you are still young. Although I'm old, you're still young. Сите го одбија Том. Everyone told Tom no. Everybody turned Tom down. Тя купи риза за него. She bought a shirt for him. She bought a shirt for him. Од каде ти е тоа? И јас сакам такво. Where did you buy that? I want one too. Where'd you get that? А е множество коешто се состои од членовите В, Б и А. A is a set consisting of the elements c, b, and a. And it's a crowd of members B, B, and A. Се испостави дека нема аир од Дан. Dan proved to be of no help. Turns out there wasn't any Dane's. Какво е това? What's this? What is this? Да вървят по дяволите. To hell with them. Let's go to hell. Твојот пат е тежок. Your path is a difficult one. Your path is difficult. По-добре да побързаш, иначе няма да стигнеш там преди мръкване. You'd better hurry, otherwise you won't get there before dark. You'd better hurry up or you'd never get there before you're gone. Kam išiel Tom? Where did Tom go? Where did Tom go? Наред съм. I'm OK. I'm fine. Навистина е гадно. It's really gross. It's really gross. Купих го за 10 долара. I bought it for ten dollars. I bought it for 10 bucks. Том го ставија во затвор за шпионажа. Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage. Tom was put in jail for espionage. Ги купив овие лекови за татко ми. I bought these medicines for my father. I bought these drugs for my father. Прилично се добри. They're pretty good. They're pretty good. Ja som ten, ktorý je chorý. I'm the one who's sick. Ja som ten, ktorý is chorý. Страхотно е да се работи тук. It's great working here. It's great working here. Тя нямаше много пари. She didn't have much money. She didn't have much money. Сакам живот. I want a life. I want a life. Дай да побързаме. Let's hurry. Let's hurry up. Малку сум загрижен за неа. I'm a little worried about her. I'm a little worried about her. Je dvanásť. It's twelve o'clock. It's a sophomore. Žijem v Białystoku. I live in Białystok. I live in Białystok. Том пивна од шишето вино. Tom took a drink from a bottle of wine. Tom drank from the bottle of wine. Том полицијата веќе го испраша. Tom has already been questioned by the police. Tom, the police have already questioned him. Стави го сето ѓубре во бурето. Put all the rubbish in the barrel. Put all the trash in the barrel. За съжаление, случаят не е такъв. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Той се втурна в трафика. He ran out into traffic. He ran into traffic. Бесен съм ти. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at you. Правя твърде много грешки. I make too many mistakes. I'm making too many mistakes. Не е ли така? Isn't that right? Isn't that right? Сакам да ме поканат. I want to be invited. I want them to invite me. Заспа додека возеше па предизвика сообраќајка. He fell asleep while he was driving and caused an accident. He fell asleep driving so he caused a car accident. Кога последен пат си морал да ме потсетиш да направам нешто? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? Да танцуваме. Let's dance. Let's dance. Том сака да го направи тоа. Tom wants to do it. Tom wants to do it. Удобно ли ти е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Малку си неучтив. You're sort of rude. You're a little rude. Ако работиме како тим, ќе можеме да постигнеме се. If we work as a team, we can achieve anything. If we work as a team, we can do anything. Толпата ракоплескаше. The crowd clapped. The crowd clapped. Не съм разговарял с Том от години. I haven't talked to Tom in years. I haven't spoken to Tom in years. Токму тоа се случи и преттоа. It's exactly what happened before. That's exactly what happened before. Можеби Том ќе беше среќен со Мери. Tom might've been happy with Mary. Maybe Tom would be happy with Mary. Том е одличен доктор. Tom is an excellent physician. Tom's a great doctor. Том се стаписа. Tom was taken aback. Tom stood up. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не гласуваха. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. The majority of opponents of slavery did not vote. Не бев свесен дека Том го сторил тоа. I wasn't aware Tom had done that. I didn't realize Tom had done it. Овие не се вистински. These aren't real. These aren't real. Придонесувам. I'm contributing. I'm making a donation. Осъдиха ме. I was convicted. I've been convicted. Znaš angleško? Can you speak English? Can you speak English? Писна ми от френски. I'm sick of French. I'm sick of French. На кой плаж обичате да ходите? Which beach do you like to go to? What beach do you like to go to? Сакав да ти се јавам. I wanted to call you. I wanted to call you. Не е нужно да учиш теология, за да бъдеш вярващ. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. Тие клупи се мои. These benches are mine. Those benches are mine. Вината не е наша. It's not our fault. It's not our fault. Том сѐ уште е заврзан. Tom is still tied up. Tom's still tied up. Новините ни въодушевиха. We are excited at the news. The news impressed us. Не вярвай на всичко, което чуеш. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you hear. На Том му е много по-лесно да говори на английски, отколкото на френски. Tom finds it much easier to speak English than French. It's a lot easier for Tom to speak English than it is in French. Ова е стаклен мозаик. This is a glass mosaic. This is a glass mosaic. Нямам проблем с това. I have no problem with that. I don't have a problem with that. Това е снимка на сестра ми. That's a photo of my sister. This is a picture of my sister. Том няма да е в банката по това време. Tom wouldn't be at the bank this time of day. Tom won't be in the bank at the time. Ќе одам да ја најдам. I'll go find her. I'm gonna go find her. При свест ли е Том? Is Tom conscious? Is Tom conscious? Иш, џукело! Scram, mutt! Yash, mongrel! Колку јазика зборуваш? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? Таман на време стигнавме. We were just in time. Taman, we're on time. Прашав каде е Том. I asked where Tom was. I asked where Tom was. Успяхме да се сдобием с малко чуждестранни марки. We managed to get some foreign stamps. We managed to get some foreign stamps. Столарите сечат дрво. Carpenters cut wood. Pillars cut down a tree. Ти не си жена. You're not a woman. You're not a woman. Няма да повярваш колко популярен е станал Том. You won't believe how popular Tom has become. You won't believe how popular Tom is. Не дърпай дявола за опашката. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don't pull the devil for the tail. Това е на Том. That's Tom's. That's Tom's. Можеш ли да дойдеш в неделя вечерта? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come on Sunday night? Почнаа да одат. They started walking. They're on their way. Морам да ѝ се јавам. I have to call her. I have to call her. Одевме меѓу дрвата. We walked among the trees. We went between the trees. Можете ли да ми препоръчате хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Mali by ste prísť. You should come over. You're a pretzel by little. Дан не сакаше повторно да оди во сиропиталиште. Dan didn't want to go back to an orphanage. Dan didn't want to go to an orphanage again. Дали си наглув? Are you hard of hearing? Are you deaf? Одлучив да ти дозволам да се вратиш на работа. I've decided to let you come back to work. I decided to let you go back to work. Телевизора ми е счупен. My television is broken. My TV's broken. Том не ни и понуди филџан кафе на Мери. Tom didn't even offer Mary a cup of coffee. Tom didn't offer Mary a cup of coffee. Том клекна до кучето си. Tom squatted down next to his dog. Tom kneeled next to his dog. Misliš, da jo še vedno ljubim? Do you think I still love her? You think I still love her? Чух изстрели. I heard shots being fired. I heard gunshots. С по-малката ми сестра по едно и също време ли заминахте? Did you leave at the same time as my younger sister? Did you leave with my younger sister at the same time? Тоа беше извонредно доживување. It was a remarkable experience. That was an extraordinary experience. Положението е смешно. This situation is funny. It's a funny situation. Зарем не е возбудливо? Isn't it exciting? Isn't that exciting? Тя говори високо. She speaks loudly. She speaks high. Няма да мога да пренеса Том по моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom on the bridge. Вознемирен сум. I'm upset. I'm upset. Том не е многу млад. Tom isn't very young. Tom's not very young. Од што се плаши Том? What's Tom afraid of? What's Tom afraid of? Том стана во седум часот. Tom got up at 7:00. Tom got up at 7:00. Кого познаваш во Бостон? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Какво искаш? What do you want? What do you want? Сенфов навистина жеже. This mustard really bites the tongue. The mustard is really hot. Оттогава не съм разговаряла с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom since. I haven't spoken to Tom since. Ahoj všetci! Hello, world! Ahoy twigs! Нямам представа къде живее тя. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. От време на време си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. I've been thinking about it from time to time. Apríl je štvrtý mesiac v roku. April is the fourth month of the year. Apríl is a stumped mesiac within the time limit. Не съм филолог. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. Моторът не иска да запали. The engine won't start. The engine won't start. On je chorý. He is sick. He's a chorý. Па нели не ја сакаше наградата? I thought you didn't want the reward. So you didn't want the reward, did you? Том трубеше. Tom honked the horn. Tom was a pain in the ass. Том не е толку млад. Tom isn't that young. Tom's not that young. Сите си личат. They're all alike. They all look alike. Какво открихте? What have you discovered? What did you find? Ако Том се усмихва по-често, вероятно би имал повече приятели. If Tom would smile more often, he'd probably have more friends. If Tom smiled more often, he'd probably have more friends. Мили яде хляб. Millie is eating bread. Milly eats bread. Том не ми кажал дека не знае да плива. Tom never told me he didn't know how to swim. Tom didn't tell me he couldn't swim. Зошто сите нѐ мразат? Why does everyone hate us? Why do they all hate us? Весела Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Со Том сме вљубени еден во друг. Tom and I are in love with each other. Tom and I are in love with each other. Мисля, че е най-добре да се махнем от тук. I think we'd better get out of here. I think we better get out of here. Казах истината на Том. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Тази седмица съм отпуск. I am on holiday this week. I'm on vacation this week. Еден од куферите е сосем празен. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the bags is completely empty. Хайде стига толкова. Let's call it a day. Come on, that's enough. Ме застрелаа. I was shot. I got shot. Заслужуваш медал. You deserve a medal. You deserve a medal. Днес е топло, а? It's warm today, isn't it? It's hot today, huh? Том си обели коляното. Tom skinned his knee. Tom put his knee on. Днес работят все по-малко тинейджъри. Fewer teenagers are working nowadays. Less and fewer teenagers work today. Том няма да те остави да платиш. Tom won't let you pay. Tom won't let you pay. Името ми е Саша. My name is Sasha. My name is Sasha. Овие се многу незрели. These guys are very immature. These are very immature. Astronómia je veda vesmíru. Astronomy is the science of the universe. Astronómia knows all about it. Не очаквах да те видя на място като това. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I didn't expect to see you in a place like this. Върнете се на мястото си. Go back to your seat. Go back to your place. Имам неща, за които трябва да се погрижа. I have things to attend to. I have things to take care of. Дъждът ми попречи да дойда. The rain prevented me from coming. The rain stopped me coming. Тази рисунка е прекрасна. That's a beautiful painting. This picture is beautiful. Čo je také výnimočné na Marike? What's so special about Marika? What's the big deal about Marike? Той е в пандиза. He's in the joint. He's in a pandiza. Том, събуждай се. Tom, wake up. Tom, wake up. Човекот гладува. The man is starving. The man's starving. Слушам дека има голема конкуренција. I hear the competition is tough. I hear he has a lot of competition. Това е всичко, което Том трябва да направи. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. По-добре да не ходите. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. Том е на бюрото си, пише нещо. Tom is at his desk writing something. Tom's on his desk, writing something. Твърдят, че свириш добре на банджо. I hear you're good at playing the banjo. They say you play nice on the banjo. Не може да бъде. You don't say! It can't be. Внимавай да не го развалиш. Be careful not to tamper with it. Be careful not to break it. Погледни отзад. Look behind you. Look in the back. Ќе те почекам тука. I'm going to wait here for you. I'll wait for you here. Том често боледува. Tom often gets sick. Tom's sick a lot. Том е два пъти по-стар от Мери. Tom is twice Mary's age. Tom is twice as old as Mary. Каквото и да правиш, не казвай на Том. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Whatever you do, don't tell Tom. Той пристигна по-рано от обичайното. He arrived earlier than usual. He arrived earlier than usual. Считам се за късметлия. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. Епа во право си бил. Well, you were right. Well, you were right. Тя може да скача високо. She can jump high. She can jump high. Од каде знаеше каде ги сокрил Том дијамантите? How did you know where Tom hid the diamonds? How did you know where he hid Tom's diamonds? Што ли направив со таа брошура? What did I do with that brochure? What did I do with that brochure? Мувлосан е лебот. Тоа значи дека веќе не можеме да го јадеме. There's mold on the bread. This means that we can't eat it anymore. It means we can't eat it anymore. Том ја повлече Мери за репчето. Tom yanked Mary's ponytail. Tom pulled Mary out for the turnip. Том няма да повярва на нито една твоя дума. Tom won't believe a word you tell him. Tom won't believe a word you're saying. Решив да си одам со аџиите. I decided to go away with the pilgrims. I decided to go with the pilgrims. Как е в Шотландия през лятото? What's Scotland like in summer? How's Scotland in the summer? Здравейте! Hello! Hello! Аз съм просто човек, който обича знанието. I am just a person who loves knowledge. I'm just a man who loves knowledge. Заборави го тоа што го реков. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Ќе ги посетиме своите браќа и сестри. We will visit our siblings. We will visit our brothers and sisters. Го познаваше ли татко ми? Did you know my father? Did you know my father? Toma ne obtožujem ničesar. I'm not accusing Tom of anything. I'm not accusing Tom of anything. Мери купи миризливи ќеси за ѓубре. Mary bought scented garbage bags. Mary bought smelly trash bags. Здрасти. Малко ми е лошо. Hi. I feel kind of sick. Hey, I'm a little sick. Мери го премота филмот. Mary fast-forwarded the movie. Mary rewinded the movie. Ще ти пречи ли, ако включа радиото? Will it bother you if I turn on the radio? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? Ти давам една последна шанса. I'm giving you one last chance. I'm giving you one last chance. Не можеме да ги заборавиме. We can't forget them. We can't forget them. Odišiel som pozrieť mojich rodičov. I went to see my parents. I wiped out my father's son-in-law. Аз поканена ли съм? Am I invited? Am I invited? Не се тревожи за това. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Пак се случи. It happened again. It happened again. Децата често са нетърпеливи и неспокойни. Children are often impatient and restless. Children are often impatient and restless. Само толку барам. That's all I'm asking. That's all I'm asking. Може ли да соберам душа? May I take a rest? May I gather a soul? Мисля, че трябва да се обадиш на Том. I think you need to call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Сите го знаеме Том. We all know Tom. We all know Tom. Посебен повод е. It's a special occasion. It's a special occasion. Това ми е любимият стол. That's my favorite chair. This is my favorite chair. Ништо не гледам. I can't see anything. I can't see anything. Обзалагам се, че ще стигна там преди теб. I bet I get there before you. I bet I'll get there before you do. Той винаги държи чисто в стаята. He always keeps his room clean. He always keeps clean in the room. Наемате ли се? Are you volunteering? Are you on it? Том лошо ја процени Мери. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom misjudged Mary. Мислам дека Том е цепидлак. I think Tom is petty. I think Tom's a creidac. Ne razumem to besedo. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. Moje življenje je protislovje. My life's a contradiction. My life is a contradiction. Ја превртев лампата. I knocked over that lamp. I turned the lamp over. Том ми кажа да не го правам тоа. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to do it. Том знае да биде многу одмаздољубив. Tom can be very vindictive. Tom can be very retaliatory. Жешко ли е кафето? Is the coffee hot? Is the coffee hot? Той и аз сме приятели. He and I are friends. He and I are friends. Риболовът тук не е разрешен. Fishing is not allowed here. Fishing here isn't allowed. Срцето му беше скршено од невозвратена љубов. He was heartbroken from unrequited love. His heart was broken by undisturbed love. Това е болницата, в която се е родил Том. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital where Tom was born. Не се оставяй да бъдеш използван. Don't let yourself be used. Don't let yourself be used. Јас сум еден од твоите ученици. I'm one of your students. I'm one of your students. Rád športujem. I like playing sports. I'm sporting Rád. Можно е Том да отишол. Tom could've gone. It's possible Tom went. Погледаа наоколу. They looked around. They looked around. Това не е честно. That's not fair. That's not fair. Ми треба Том. I need Tom. I need tom. Том си отвори раницата. Tom unzipped his backpack. Tom opened his backpack. Аз само гледам. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Мери току-що изпусна влака. Mary just missed the train. Mary just missed the train. Джейн съвсем не беше наясно кога и къде да отиде. Jane was quite at a loss when and where to go. Jane wasn't exactly aware of when and where to go. Това близо ли е до вас? Is it near your house? Is that close to you? Од Том ми е тоа. I got that from Tom. It's from Tom. Еј, почекај малку. Hey, wait a second. Hey, wait a minute. Пробај да се ставиш во негова кожа. Try to put yourself in his shoes. Try putting yourself in his skin. Аз не ревнувам. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Зошто не си таму внатре? Why aren't you in there? Why aren't you in there? Той взе пари назаем при висока лихва. We borrowed money at high interest. He borrowed money at high interest. Трябва ли да отговарям на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Може ли да дойда да те видя в офиса утре сутринта ? May I come to see you at your office tomorrow morning? Can I come see you in the office tomorrow morning? Дай ми твоята риза. Give me your shirt. Give me your shirt. Реших, че може да си гладен. I thought you might be hungry. I thought you might be hungry. Заради вас го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. Ќе видиме што можеме да направиме. We'll see what we can do. We'll see what we can do. Опитвали ли сте всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Овие не добија имиња. These received no names. These guys didn't get names. Колко са безработните в света? How many unemployed are there in the world? How many unemployed people in the world? Трябва да спреш Том. You have to stop Tom. You have to stop Tom. Miliarda dospelých je negramotná. A billion adults are illiterate. Milliard's reach is negramotná. Ще се върнем рано или късно. We will return sooner or later. We'll be back sooner or later. Му стави круна на кралот на глава. He put a crown on the king's head. He put a crown on the king's head. Во многу погледи, жените и мажите се сосем различни. In many respects, women and men are totally different. In many respects, women and men are quite different. Чувствам се така, сякаш познавам Том от години. I feel as if I've known Tom for years. I feel like I've known Tom for years. Франция граничи с Италия. France borders Italy. France borders Italy. Сега нема никого во училницата. Nobody's in the classroom now. Now there's no one in the classroom. Какво ви пречи да направите едно изследване? What's stopping you from doing a study? What prevents you from doing a study? Тоа е жално. That's sad. That's sad. Правете добро на тези, които ви мразят. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Пробај да сфатиш. Try to understand. Try to understand. Ти гледа ли играта? Did you watch the game? Does the game look to you? Не съм бил тук много. I have not been around much. I haven't been here much. Има ли намаление за деца? Is there a discount for children? Is there a decrease for children? Сакаш ли да те однесеме дома? Do you want us to take you home? Would you like us to take you home? Мудар човек си. You're a wise man. You're a wise man. Odídem zajtra, v každom prípade. I will leave tomorrow, in any event. I'll leave in the morning, in the rain prípad. Ќе одиме попладнево. We'll go this afternoon. We'll go this afternoon. Јас не реков дека зборувам француски. I didn't say I knew how to speak French. I didn't say I spoke French. Внимавайте с това. Be careful with that. Be careful with that. Не можеш денес да си одиш од Бостон. You can't leave Boston today. You can't leave Boston today. Те плуваха. They swam. They were swimming. Ще им се обадя утре, като се върна. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Том ме научи да правам палачинки. Tom taught me how to make pancakes. Tom taught me how to make pancakes. Донеси ги децата дома на вечера. Bring the kids home for dinner. Bring the kids home for dinner. Как се казва хотелът в Бостън, в който беше отседнал миналата година? What was the name of the hotel where you stayed in Boston last year? What's the name of the Boston hotel you was staying in last year? Си ја излекував настинката со овој лек. I cured my cold with this medicine. I cured my cold with this cure. Па, добро е тоа. Well, that's all right. Well, that's good. Сигурно се загрижени. They must be worried. They must be worried. Мисля, че не схващаш основното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you get the basics. Лепливи ми се рацете. My hands are sticky. My hands are glued. Том лаже. Tom's lying. Tom's lying. Иска ми се да го бях знаел. I wish I'd known. I wish I knew that. Още един скоч и вода, моля. Another Scotch and water, please. Another Scotch and water, please. Не мога да повярвам на очите си. I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes. Tom živi sam v gozdu. Tom lives by himself in the woods. Tom lives alone in the woods. Спиев во автобус. I slept on the bus. I slept on a bus. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадан. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Студено ли ти е? Are you cold? Are you cold? Том е доста популарен. Tom is quite popular. Tom's pretty popular. Врати ми го тоа. Give it back to me. Give me that back. Ај на прошетка. Let's take a walk. Let's take a walk. Не ми пука какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Пусни ме. Please let me go. Let me go. Tom šiel na pláž. Tom went to the beach. Tom sewed on a float. Болката којашто ја предизвикува љубовта е послатка од кое било задоволство. The pain caused by love is much sweeter than any pleasure. The pain that causes love is sweeter than any pleasure. Јас сум новинар. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Той я обича. He loves her. He loves her. Том не е мој тип. Tom isn't my type. Tom's not my type. Вампирот оживеа во мртовечкиот ковчег. The vampire came back to life in his coffin. The vampire lived in the dead coffin. Том слага твърде много захар в чая си. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Той напуска Чикаго утре. He is leaving Chicago tomorrow. He's leaving Chicago tomorrow. Отказах се от Том. I gave up on Tom. I gave up Tom. Той каза, че е оставил портмонето си вкъщи и ме попита дали не мога да му заема 1000 йени. He said that he had left his purse at home and asked me if I could lend him 1,000 yen. He said he left his wallet at home and asked me if I couldn't lend him 1,000 yen. Тешко ни беше. We had a rough time. It's been hard on us. Нема да чекам да откријам. I'm not waiting to find out. I won't wait to find out. Niektoré veci je ľahšie povoliť zákonom ako nájsť na ne zdôvodnenie. Certain things are easier to legalize than legitimize. Niktoré is a member of the Board of Directors of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Не яж само риба. Яж и някакво друго месо. Don't just eat fish. Eat some meat, too. Don't just eat fish, eat some other meat. Таа одговорност за него претставува бреме. That responsibility is a burden to him. That responsibility is a burden to him. Ще ви се! In your dreams! You will! Музеят е затворен в неделя. The museum is closed Sundays. The museum's closed on Sunday. Како дошло - така прошло. Easy come, easy go. How it came - so gone. Не ме гледай така тъжно. Don't give me that sad look. Don't look at me so sad. Прочете ли тази книга вече? Have you read this book already? Have you read this book yet? Това е моето бебе. This is my baby. That's my baby. Кој го предизвикал пожарот? Who started the fire? Who caused the fire? Беше во кал до колена. He was knee deep in mud. He was in mud next to his knees. Водата ни беше до гуша. The water came up to our necks. Our water was all over the place. Виждала съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen it before. Махайте се! Go away! Get out! Том е веќе таму. Tom is there already. Tom's already there. Pojdi na avtobus proti Badstraße in izstopi pri Seestraße. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Go to the bus to Badstraße and get off at Seestraße. Аз вече си свърших работата. I've already finished my work. I've already done my job. Кога последен пат си го посетил Бостон? When was the last time you visited Boston? When was the last time you visited Boston? Пушти ми ја косата. Let go of my hair. Let go of my hair. Opustil miestnosť. He left the room. He's missing mystnosť. Том носи нови чевли. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. Том остави недојадена храна на чинијата. Tom left some food on his plate. Tom left uneaten food on the plate. Vy ste originálni. You're original. You're a source. Беше предизвикателство. It was a challenge. It was a challenge. Нямам представа защо бях избрана аз. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have no idea why I was chosen. Мисля, че ще ти хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Би ми било задоволство да го зачувам. I'd be happy to keep it. It would be a pleasure to keep it. Тя решеше косата си пред огледалото. She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror. She cut her hair in front of the mirror. Одевме во иста црква. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Moje meno je Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My mine is Ricardo. Сумата на всички ъгли в триъгълника е 180 градуса. The sum of all the angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees. The sum of all angles in the triangle is 180 degrees. Расистите се глупаци. Racists are dumb people. Racists are fools. Том беше неодолив. Tom was irresistible. Tom was adorable. Треба да се чувствуваш поласкано. You should feel flattered. You should feel flattered. Тя се готви за колежа. She is preparing for college. She's cooking for college. Јаболката се здрави. Apples are good for you. Apples are healthy. Том изглежда блед. Tom looks pale. Tom looks pale. Девојката ме поздрави со насмевка. The girl greeted me with a smile. The girl greeted me with a smile. Чух някой да казва, че Том бил болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom was sick. Пушенето в офиса е против нашите правила. Smoking in the office is against our rules. Smoking in the office is against our rules. Безработицата още е висока. Unemployment is still high. Unemployment is still high. Няма време. There isn't time. There's no time. Мога ли да ви задам един личен въпрос? Can I ask you a personal question? Can I ask you a personal question? Може да е ризично. It might be risky. It could be risky. Ајде, побрзај! Итно е. Come on, hurry up! It's urgent. Come on, hurry up! Тогаш не знаев што значи тоа. I didn't know what it meant at that time. Then I didn't know what that meant. Тој е начукан. He's hammered. He's fucked. Роден съм в годината, в която е умрял дядо ми. I was born the year my grandfather died. I was born the year my grandfather died. Изчакай само за момент. Wait just a moment. Wait a minute. Беше страшно, нали? Scary, wasn't it? It was scary, wasn't it? Том сега има триесет години. Tom is thirty now. Tom's 30 now. Том многу добро пишува. Tom writes very well. Tom writes very well. Предлагам да си одиме дома. I suggest we go home. I say we go home. Той беше прав да откаже пушенето. He was right to give up smoking. He was right to refuse smoking. Том сака сирење. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Писна ми. I've had enough. I'm sick of it. Не ме бива много да говоря на френски. I'm not very good at speaking French. I don't have much to talk about in French. Што го спречува Том да го направи тоа пак? What's to stop Tom from doing it again? What keeps Tom from doing it again? Ето тук една книга. Here is a book. Here's a book. Брой до десет. Count to ten. Count to ten. Дадох книгата на моята приятелка. I gave the book to my friend. I gave the book to my friend. Nežijeme v Bostone. We don't live in Boston. They don't live in Bostone. Pojdimo v park igrat košarko. Let's go play basketball in the park. Let's go to the park and play basketball. Ne držim se moje dijete. I'm not on track with my diet! I don't hold onto my students. Идеите му винаги са много практични. His ideas are always practical. His ideas are always very practical. Да не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about it again. Колку литри масло собира во буре? How many litres of oil are there in a barrel? How many liters of oil collects in a barrel? Кога ще тръгвате? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Што значи сето тоа? What's it all mean? What does that mean? Аз имам три пораснали сина. I have three grown sons. I have three grown sons. Tovar prišiel nepoškodený. The goods arrived undamaged. The factory conjured itself uninjured. Не чувам тајни од нив. I don't keep secrets from them. I don't keep secrets from them. Olej nie je všetko, Charley! Oil is not everything, Charley! Now there's nothing in it, Charley! Нейният пуловер е лилав. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Какви ти се плановите? What are your plans? What are your plans? Ešte nie som pripravený. I am not ready yet. Ashte no som readyý. Беше завършено. It's been completed. It was over. Можеш да тръгваш. You may go. You can go. Спомням си, че бях заключил вратата. I remember locking the door. I remember locking the door. Те не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Кога купи това? Where did you buy that? When did you buy this? Никога не съм била толкова щастлива. I've never been happier. I've never been so happy. Топло ми е. I'm warm. I'm warm. Дали имаш намера да му помогнеш? Do you intend to help him? Do you intend to help him? Прекалено усърдно работиш. You work too hard. You work too hard. Те молам, нахрани ја мачката. Please feed the cat. Please feed the cat. Том не е дружељубив. Tom isn't friendly. Tom's not friendly. Остави го на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Не можам да го одврзам чворов. I can't untie this knot. Unable to untie the boot. Тортана убаво изгледа. That cake looks good. Tortana looks good. Том не се страхува от неуспеха. Tom isn't afraid to fail. Tom's not afraid of failure. Мислам дека тоа е Том. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Колко пъти на ден летите до Токио? How many flights to Tokyo do you offer a day? How many times a day do you fly to Tokyo? Симни го шеширот. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Чух, че си много добър с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with French. Тоа веројатно би било проблем. That's likely to be a problem. That would probably be a problem. Môžeme vyrábať obuv. We can make shoes. Môzeme vyrábaťears. Том ме победи. Tom beat me. Tom beat me. Том поправи се. Tom fixed everything. Tom, get better. Аз съм тази, която спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Том може да чете малко на френски, но изобщо не може да го говори. Tom can read some French, but he can't speak it at all. Tom can read a little in French, but he can't speak at all. Може Том веќе го направил она што требало да го направи. Maybe Tom has already done what he was supposed to do. Maybe Tom's already done what he was supposed to do. Не ли е прекрасен тој звук? Don't you just love that sound? Isn't that a beautiful sound? Том трябва да получи смъртна присъда. Tom should be given the death penalty. Tom needs to be sentenced to death. Што повеќе јадам, толку повеќе ми расте апетитот. The more I eat the bigger my appetite gets. The more I eat, the more my appetite grows. Не съм те виждала откакто бяхме студенти. I haven't seen you since college. I haven't seen you since we were students. Том ја насмеа Мери. Tom made Mary laugh. Tom made Mary laugh. Това не е игра. It's not a game. It's not a game. Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Тогаш бевме толку млади. We were so young at that time. We were so young back then. David Beckham je Anglež. David Beckham is English. David Beckham is an Englishman. Изглежда на Том му се спи. It looks like Tom is sleepy. Looks like Tom's sleeping. Што мислиш дека треба да направиме следно? What do you think we should do next? What do you think we should do next? Морковът е здравословна лека закуска. A carrot is a healthy snack. The carrot is a healthy breakfast. Вицевите на Том се урнебесни, а стануваат уште подобри штом ќе испие неколку пива. Tom's jokes are hilarious and get even better after he's had a few beers. Tom's jokes are condescending, and they get even better once he has a few beers. Мейнфрейм компютрите днес са загубили онова значение, което имаха, когато никой работен компютър не можеше да се побере на едно бюро. Mainframes are much less important now than they were when no working computer would fit on a desk. The Mayfreme computers today lost what they had when no working computer could fit on a desk. Фирмата на Том е загрозена. Tom's company is in trouble. Tom's company is under threat. Не можам да ја контролирам. I can't control her. I can't control her. Том купи подарък за сина му. Tom bought a present for his son. Tom bought his son a present. Не сум баш нормален. I'm not so normal. I'm not really normal. По-добре да се прибера вътре. I'd better get back inside. I'd better go back inside. В Сасаяма ли живееш? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasama? Јас одлучувам, Том. It's my call, Tom. I decide, Tom. Карън ми е сърдита. Karen is angry with me. Karen's mad at me. Потисната ли си? Are you depressed? Are you depressed? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Веќе го расчистивме тоа. We've already settled that. We've already cleared that up. Што правеа? What were we doing? What were they doing? Решив да останам каде што сум. I've decided to stay where I am. I decided to stay where I was. Оваа марионета ми е единствен пријател. This puppet is my only friend. This puppet is my only friend. Очаквам помощта ти. I expect your help. I'm expecting your help. Кажи му дека сме зафатени. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. Тайландският е официалният език на Тайланд. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Кога ще заминеш ти? When will you leave? When are you going to leave? Том има два избора. Tom has two choices. Tom has two choices. Сите беа толку зафатени. Everyone was so busy. They were all so busy. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We discussed whether to cancel the reservation. Не сум сигурен дека баш тоа беше. I'm sure that's what it was. I'm not sure that was it. Če boš imel družino, ženo in otroke boš razumel. If you'll have a family, a wife and children, you'll understand it. If you have a family, wife and children, you'll understand. Том трябва да говори френски на работа. Tom has to speak French at work. Tom needs to speak French at work. Цената на живота се покачва. The cost of living is rising. The cost of life is rising. Биди умен и не им кажувај на твоите за тоа! Be very good and don't tell your parents about it! Be smart and don't tell your parents about it! Трябва да реша какво да правя. I have to decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. Том се нема вратено три години. Tom hasn't been back here for years. Tom hasn't been back in three years. Не знам зошто реагирав така. I don't know why I reacted the way I did. I don't know why I acted like that. Майка ви още ли е жива? Is your mother still living? Is your mother still alive? Мисля, че трябва да си помислите отново. I think you should reconsider that. I think you should think about it again. Моля, предайте моите поздрави на Вашето семейство. Please send my regards to your family. Please pass my greetings to your family. Получихме добра цена за това. We got a good price for that. We got a good price for that. Ајде да зборуваме со Том. Let's talk to Tom. Let's talk to Tom. Mož je šel mimo njega. A man walked past him. The man passed him. Си бил ли некогаш во пештерава? Have you ever been inside this cave? Have you ever been to a cave? Prečo sa bojíš? Why are you afraid? You're fighting across your head? Треба да одиш да му помогнеш. You should go help him. You should go help him. Нека погледна. Let me look into it. Let me take a look. Под заклетва си. You are under oath. You're under oath. Том ще бъде там. Tom will be there. Tom will be there. Пак ли си го заборавил тоа? Did you forget that again? Did you forget that again? Останав без здив. I'm out of breath. I was breathless. Не ли те предупредив за неа? Didn't I warn you about her? Didn't I warn you about her? Ако ѝ кажеш за това, после тя ще каже на своите най-добри приятели, после нейните най-добри приятели ще разкажат на своите най-добри приятели и накрая всички ще разберат. If you tell her about it, then she'll tell her best friends and then her best friends will tell their best friends and then everyone will know. If you tell her about this, then she'll tell her best friends, then her best friends will tell their best friends, and eventually everyone will understand. Идването ти тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Your coming here was a mistake. Том искаше да узнае причината Мери да не го харесва. Tom wanted to know the reason Mary didn't like him. Tom wanted to know why Mary didn't like him. Каква корист има од тоа? What help is that? How does that benefit? Си знаел ли дека Том живеел во Бостон? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know that Tom lived in Boston? Користам прилика да ѝ се заблагодарам. I take the opportunity to thank her. I'm using an opportunity to thank her. Том гледаше наоколу, небаре очекуваше нешто да се случи. Tom looked around as if waiting for something to happen. Tom was looking around. He wasn't expecting anything to happen. Знаев дека ќе ти се допадне тој ресторан. I knew you'd like that restaurant. I knew you'd like that restaurant. Не ѝ побарав да оди таму. I didn't ask her to go there. I didn't ask her to go there. Качете се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слезте на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Budstrasse and get off Zestrasse. Изглеждаш ужасно. You look awful. You look terrible. Колку чини она онаму? How much is that over there? How much is that over there? Беше несправедливо. It was unjust. It was unfair. Има многу големи градови во Бразил. There are many big cities in Brazil. There are many large cities in Brazil. Това е къщата, в която се роди Том. That's the house where Tom was born. This is the house where Tom was born. Ги сакам. I want them. I love them. Сите им се кезат. They're all grinning at them. They're all aces. Том седеше до Мери. Tom sat beside Mary. Tom was sitting next to Mary. Tomáš nemá poňatia, čo urobiť so všetkými nepotrebnými vecami v jeho garáži. Tom has no idea what to do with all the junk in his garage. Tomáš can't do anything, even if he's unnecessarily in the guary. Никого не видов. I didn't see anyone. I didn't see anyone. Раскажи ми го преостанатиот дел од приказната. Tell me the rest of the story. Tell me the rest of the story. Том има друг план. Tom has another plan. Tom has another plan. Тој има мала става. He has a small frame. He's got a little joint. Ще трябва да откажа. I have to say no. I'm gonna have to say no. Не може да говориш сериозно. You can't be serious. You can't talk serious. Нема да ти помогнат. They aren't going to help you. They won't help you. Финансите на правителството са жестоко ограничени заради намаляването на данъците. The government finances are severely constrained because of falling tax revenues. Government finances are severely limited due to tax cuts. Ще посетим леля си идната неделя. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. We'll visit our aunt next Sunday. Те хванаха пет пеперуди. They caught five butterflies. They've got five butterflies. Престани да зборуваш за мене. Stop talking about me. Stop talking about me. Том никогаш не седи долго. Tom never stays long. Tom never sits down for long. Няма да повярвате. You wouldn't believe it. You're not gonna believe this. Конечно те најдов. I've finally found you. I finally found you. Чух те как я окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encourage her. Изучавам френски. I'm studying French. I'm studying French. Сѐ уште сакаме да помогнеме. We still want to help. We still want to help. Кога затваря музеят на изкуствата? When does the art museum close? When does the art museum close? Той самият каза така. He himself said so. He said so himself. На мен не ми пречи. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Обади ми се утре сутринта в девет. Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning at 9:00. Отсвири ја пак таа песна. Play that song again. Play that song again. Мисля, че е по-добре да полегнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you better lie down. Господинът най-добре знае стойността на собствения си живот. The gentleman best knows himself the value of his own life. The gentleman knows best the value of his own life. Не сменяй канала. Don't change the channel. Don't change the channel. To nebol Tom. That wasn't Tom. It's a pain in the ass, Tom. Интересува ли ви? Are you interested? Are you interested? Направих план на маршрута ни. I've planned our route. I made a plan on our route. Том не сакаше да игра покер. Tom didn't want to play poker. Tom didn't want to play poker. Том се засркна. Tom started to choke. Tom snuck in. Кога пристигнува Том? When does Tom arrive? When does Tom arrive? Нигде не можев да ги најдам. I couldn't find them anywhere. I couldn't find them anywhere. Алах знае. Allah knows. Allah knows. Прииска ми се да изкрещя. I felt like screaming. I wanted to scream. Ќе ги премијам садовите. I'll wash the dishes once again. I'll wash the dishes. Ne načrtujem glasovati na prihajajočih volitvah. I don't plan to vote at the upcoming election. I'm not planning on voting in the coming elections. Повеќето девици имаат читав химен. Most virgins have an intact hymen. Most virgins have read a hymen. Можам да устројам тоа да се случи. I could make that happen. I can make that happen. Затворниците бяха освободени. The prisoners were set free. The prisoners were released. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Победи ли во трката? Did you win the race? Did you win the race? Ще се свържа с теб след секунда. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll get back to you in a second. Што би можело тоа да значи? What could that mean? What could that mean? Го уби за да си го одмазди покојниот татко. He killed him to avenge his dead father. You killed him to avenge his late father. Мислам дека Том нема многу да се бори. I don't think Tom will put up much of a fight. I don't think Tom's gonna fight much. Том зарчи. Tom started to snore. Tom snore. Какво става там горе? What's going on up there? What's going on up there? Ali veš kaj o Tomu? Do you know anything about Tom? Do you know anything about Tom? Можеш да ги прашаш самиот. You can ask them yourself. You can ask them yourself. Состојките за овој рецепт се малку скапи. The ingredients for this recipe are a little expensive. The ingredients for this recipe are a little expensive. Има нещо друго, което трябва да направя. There's something else I need to do. There's something else I have to do. Том не може да готви. Tom can't cook. Tom can't cook. Том е одговорно возрасно лице. Tom is a responsible adult. Tom is a responsible adult. Той се завърна наскоро от Франция. He has recently returned from France. He recently returned from France. Говориш ли грузински? Do you speak Georgian? Do you speak Georgian? За малку ќе се скаменеше од ужас. He was almost petrified with terror. You almost fell for terror. Kje je najbližja delavnica za popravilo didgeridoo-jev? Where is the nearest didgeridoo repair shop? Where's the nearest shop to repair dogeridos? Беа толку среќни заедно. They were so happy together. They were so happy together. Гласав за него лани. I voted for him last year. I voted for him last year. Сигурен съм, че има нещо, с което мога да помогна. I'm sure there must be something I can do to help. I'm sure there's something I can help with. Врзете се. Strap yourselves in. Tie up. Все още съществува вероятност това да се случи. There's still a possibility that that'll happen. There is still a possibility that this will happen. Дозволете ми да ви го претставам г-дин Танака. Let me introduce you to Mr. Tanaka. Let me introduce Mr. Tanaka. Почти никой не ми чете блога. Hardly anyone reads my blog. Almost nobody reads my blog. Те закъсняха заради бурята. They arrived late because of the storm. They're too late for the storm. Ще ти помогна да станеш по-добър в това. I'm going to help you get better. I'll help you get better at this. Луѓето не можат да творат чуда. Humans can't perform miracles. People can't create miracles. Защо Том искаше да научи френски? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? Си ги фрлив парите во вода. I've wasted my money. I threw my money in the water. Бев во спална. I was in my bedroom. I was in the bedroom. Се слагаш ли со твоите? How do you get on with your parents? Do you agree with yours? Ми прија твоето друштво. I enjoy your company. I got your company. Дај да го позајмам тоа. Let me borrow that. Let me borrow that. Тоа е случајност. That's a coincidence. That's a coincidence. Тя ме попита ще бъда ли свободен идната неделя. She asked me if I would be free next Sunday. She asked me if I'd be free next Sunday. Нямам представа защо бях избран аз. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have no idea why I was chosen. Fajčenie zabíja. Smoking kills. Fajneie's having a hard time. Аз бях осъден. I was convicted. I was convicted. Къде е гарата? Where is the station? Where's the station? Stôl je zelený. The table is green. Stôl is greený. Не можам сам да го направам тоа. I can't do it alone. I can't do it on my own. Том кога закусва? When does Tom eat breakfast? Tom, when is he having breakfast? Мисля, че за момента сме в безопасност. I think we're safe for a while. I think we're safe for now. Nič ne reci. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Имам информации на оваа тема. I have some information regarding this. I have information on this subject. Многу сакам да научам француски. I really want to learn French. I'd really like to learn French. Ќе го донесам Том со мене. I'm bringing Tom along with me. I'll bring Tom with me. Интересува се от музика. He is interested in music. He's interested in music. Тези не ги пипай! Don't touch these. Don't touch these! Kje je tvoj oče? Where is your father? Where's your father? Жал ни е. We're sorry. We're sorry. Здравето и веселбата благоприятстват за красотата. Health and gaiety foster beauty. Health and joy benefit beauty. Тоа е правата причина. That's the real reason. That's the right reason. Не си ги осеќам нозете. My feet are numb. I can't feel my legs. Ан е мажоретка. Ann is a cheerleader. Anne's a cheerleader. Кой го е грижа за мене? Who cares about me? Who cares about me? Треба да направиш ова да проработи. You need to make this work. You need to make this work. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш нищо? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? Môj otec mi pomôže finančne. My father will support me financially. My father-in-law-in-law, I think I'm financial. Книгава сѐ уште не е преведена на француски. This book hasn't yet been translated into French. The book has not been translated into French yet. Разказах на Том всичко за Мери. I've told Tom all about Mary. I told Tom everything about Mary. Аз знам, че си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Докато ние бяхме на почивка, един съсед се погрижи за котката. While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat. While we were on vacation, a neighbor took care of the cat. Попрво би пешачел сам. I prefer walking by myself. I'd rather walk alone. Rozmýšľam, čo maju oni všetci spoločné. I wonder what all of them have in common. I'm rosm'sh, 'cause in May, they're fertilizers. Кога ќе се деси тоа? When will that occur? When's that gonna be? Не ми трябва вашата помощ. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Ме боли вилицата. My jaw hurts. My jaw hurts. Беше ужасна глетка. It was an awful sight. It was a terrible sight. Мисля, че е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think it's terrible. Нека ти разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about me. Том пътува в първа класа. Tom traveled first class. Tom travels first class. Много е кратка. It's very short. It's very short. Подранили са. They're early. They're early. Много мислих за това. I've thought a lot about it. I've been thinking a lot about it. Што не одиш да го собереш? Why don't you go get him? What aren't you going to pick him up? Том се лизна на ледот. Tom slipped on the ice. Tom slipped on the ice. Аз ли съм пръв? Am I first? Am I first? Насабајле си ги мачкам тостовите со мед. I like to spread honey on my toast in the morning. I'm doing my honey toast this morning. Штета е што си упропастил се. It's a pity you destroyed everything. It's a shame you ruined everything. Проблемът не е дали мислят машините, а дали мислят хората. The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. The problem is not whether the machines are thinking. It's whether people think. Всичко стана черно. Everything went black. It's all black. Јас сум астроном. I'm an astronomer. I'm an astronomer. Скоро ще сме заедно. We'll soon be together. We'll be together soon. Спремен сум да го направам тоа. I'm ready to do it. I'm ready to do it. Тоа ми беше тактиката. That was my strategy. That was my tactic. Се бркам. I'm getting confused. I'm going after myself. Како го изведе тоа? How did you do that? How did you do that? Ова писмо воопшто не требало да се испрати. This letter was never meant to be sent. This letter was not to be sent at all. Слушнав дека се разболел Том. I heard Tom is sick. I heard Tom got sick. Имаш миловидни очи. You have cute eyes. You have mylied eyes. Колко братя имаш? Колко сестри имаш? How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers do you have? Чаках едва от пет минути. I've only been waiting for five minutes. I've only been waiting five minutes. Още една бутилка вино, моля. Another bottle of wine, please. Another bottle of wine, please. Мислам дека Том е фин. I think Tom is nice. I think Tom's nice. Баща ми ходи да тича всяка сутрин. My father goes jogging every morning. My dad goes running every morning. Том живее в същата част на града, в която живее Мери. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary. Tom lives in the same part of the city that Mary lives in. Гледаме кој се смее, но не и кој плаче. We can see who's laughing, but not who's crying. We see who's laughing, but not who's crying. Смееш да дојдеш, но не кажувај никому друг. You can come, but don't tell anybody else. You're allowed to come, but don't tell anyone else. Не беше моя грешка. This wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Той си издейства усмивка от бебето. She coaxed a smile from the baby. He's making a smile out of his baby. Помисли си за това, моля те. Please think about it. Think about it, please. И аз искам да го поздравя. I want to greet him, too. I'd like to congratulate him, too. Од камен се изградени нивните куќи. Stone was used to build their houses. Their houses have been built of stone. Ти карай. You drive. You drive. Къде е музеят? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? Има нещо, което трябва да кажа на Том. I have something I need to tell Tom. There's something I have to tell Tom. Ќе правам како што сакаш. I'll do as you wish. I'll do what you want. Не ја нашле. They haven't found her. They didn't find her. Искашлав крв. I coughed up blood. I wanted blood. За колко време стига шатълът до летището? How long does the airport shuttle take to get to the airport? How long before the shuttle hits the airport? Ќе го запомнам тоа. I'll remember that. I'll remember that. Zastavili vlaky kvôli hustému lejaku. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. They set up the train kvôli to the bad guy. Имаш много приятели, които се тревожат за теб. You have many caring friends. You have a lot of friends who worry about you. Не съм толкова смел. I'm not so brave. I'm not that brave. Майка ми се чувства по-добре. My mother's feeling better. My mom feels better. Имам претчуство дека претставата ќе се откаже; не продале нешто многу карти. I have a hunch that the show will be cancelled; they haven't sold many tickets. I have a hunch the show will give up; they didn't sell anything much cards. Тази книга твоя ли е, Майк? Is this your book, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Чекај го. Wait for him. Wait for him. Той почука на вратата. He knocked on the door. He knocked on the door. Някой от твоя екип говори ли френски? Does anyone on your team speak French? Does any of your team speak French? Той беше напълно изтощен. He was completely fagged out. He was completely exhausted. Čo sa tu stalo? What happened here? How'd that work out for you? Наскоро звукот замре. Soon the sound died away. Soon the sound died. Аз ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Том го затвори багажникот. Tom closed the trunk. Tom closed the trunk. Аз не мразя нищо. I don't hate anything. I don't hate anything. Večina ljudi piše o svojem vsakodnevnem življenju. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their daily life. Зарем никој не те известил дека не мораш да бидеш тука денес? Didn't anybody tell you that you didn't have to be here today? Hasn't anyone informed you that you don't have to be here today? Не ме принуждавай да те застрелям. Don't make me shoot you. Don't make me shoot you. Той напредва страшно бързо с английския. He is making great progress in English. He's making great progress with English. Не го споделувам своето вистински име на ниеден сајт на интернет. I don't supply my real name to any Internet site. I don't share my real name on any website. Ќе одам во Бостон идната недела. I'm going to Boston next week. I'm going to Boston next week. Собите се запуштени. The rooms are deserted. The rooms are abandoned. Том мислеше дека зборува француски подорбо отколку што навистина зборува. Tom thought he was better at French than he really was. Tom thought he was speaking French deeper than he was actually talking. Мисля, че това е вярно. I think that it's true. I think that's true. Ова е школото на Том. This is Tom's school. This is Tom's school. Том ја дигна кутијата. Tom lifted the box. Tom picked up the box. Защо не си сложиш рокля? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you put on a dress? Мојот стар учител по англиски сега сигурно се превртува во гроб. My old English teacher is certainly rolling in her grave right now. My old English teacher must be turning around in his grave right now. Смее ли да го употребам ова пенкало? May I use this pen? Can I use this pen? Чест ми е. It's an honor. It's an honor. Јас предавам кинески. I teach Chinese. I teach Chinese. Въпреки че животът на хората в Китай сега става все по-добър и по-добър, все още има много какво да се желае. Although the life of Chinese people is getting better and better now, there is still room for improvement. Although the lives of people in China are now becoming better and better, there is still much to be desired. Тој тип ме нервира. That guy annoys me. This guy's pissing me off. To ne bi smel biti tak problem. That shouldn't be much of a problem. That shouldn't be the problem. Стига си ми викал "Том". Stop calling me Tom. Stop calling me Tom. To je trojuholník. This is a triangle. It's a trojuholník. Мислех, че ще закусваме заедно. I thought we would have breakfast together. I thought we were having breakfast together. Има три браќа. He has three brothers. He's got three brothers. Искаш ли да те прегръщам така до сутринта? Shall I stay like this until morning embracing you? Do you want me to hug you like this until morning? Hodiny práve odbili tri hodiny. The clock has just struck three. Hodney sprayed three walkys. Več ljudi je stalo pred obvestilom. Several people were standing in front of the notice. A number of people stood before the notification. Мислам дека ќе одам да јадам надвор. I think I'll go out to eat. I think I'm gonna go eat outside. Tom je v resnih težavah Tom is in serious trouble. Tom's in serious trouble. Не съм свикнал да ям люто. I'm not used to spicy food. I'm not used to eating hot. Обичам да говоря на френски. I like speaking in French. I like to speak French. Написал съм няколко песни на френски. I've written several songs in French. I wrote some songs in French. Не е толку мало. It's not so little. It's not that small. Хенри нема повеќе од шест долара. At most, Henry has six dollars. Henry doesn't have more than six dollars. Том беше единствениот на бродот кога експлодира. Tom was the only one on the ship when it exploded. Tom was the only one on the ship when it exploded. Не ги отпуштај. Don't fire them. Don't fire them. Аз убих Бог. I killed God. I killed God. Том не е такъв. Tom isn't like that. Tom's not like that. Треба да го пуштиме Том да се врати на работа. We should let Tom get back to work. We need to let Tom get back to work. Ајде прво со Том да се обидеме. Let's try Tom first. Let's try it first with Tom. По-добре е да даваш, отколкото да взимаш. It is better to give than to take. It's better to give than to take. Том падна назадечки. Tom fell backwards. Tom fell backwards. Най-щастливите жени, подобно на най-щастливите нации, нямат история. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. Не можам да ги гледам. I can't look at them. I can't see them. Той е предубеден против евреите. He has a prejudice against Jews. He's prejudiced against the Jews. Аз ще се заема с това. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it. Мисля, че само на тебе ти пука. I think you're the only one who cares. I think you're the only one who cares. Би те лажел ли Том? Would Tom lie to you? Would Tom lie to you? Защо напусна? Why did you quit? Why did you quit? Ще го донеса. I'll bring it back. I'll get it. Може би греша. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Цените паднаха напоследък. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have been down lately. Том рече да останеме тука. Tom said to stay here. Tom said to stay here. Чудно се однесуваш. You're acting weird. You're acting weird. Убедена съм, че Том разбира френски. I'm pretty sure Tom understands French. I'm sure Tom understands French. Голема толпа народ се собра. A large crowd of people gathered. A great crowd has gathered. Го сфаќаме тоа. We understand that. We get that. Беше доста близко. It was pretty close. It was pretty close. Секој има свој стил. Everyone has their own style. Everyone's got their own style. В онези времена нямаше нито телевизия, нито радио. There was no TV or radio in those days. Back then, there was no TV, no radio. Мислев дека би можеле да ти помогнеме. I thought we could help you. I thought we could help you. Том ја пропушти забавата. Tom missed the party. Tom missed the party. Дочух разговора ти с Том. I overheard your conversation with Tom. I heard your conversation with Tom. Иска ми се всичко, което Том каза, да бе лъжа. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. I wish everything Tom said was a lie. Nechcem pracovať v Austrálii. I don't want to work in Australia. I don't want any porcupines in Austrália. Многу сакам да се шетам покрај реката наутро. I love to walk along the river in the mornings. I'd really like to walk by the river in the morning. Трябва да се преместя в друго училище. I have to transfer schools. I have to move to another school. Според мен френският е език, труден за научаване. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. I think French is a language hard to learn. Лесно ми е со нив да разговарам. I find them very easy to talk to. It's easy for me to talk to them. И така совеста навистина нѐ прави сите кукавици. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. So the conscience really makes us all cowards. Том не ни плачеше. Tom didn't even cry. Tom wasn't crying. Умирам од жед. I'm dying of thirst. I'm dying of thirst. Навистина ли го направил тоа Том? Did Tom really do that? Did Tom really do that? Уморих се да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Го гледам Том секој ден. I see Tom every day. I see Tom every day. Máte nejaké voľné miesta? Do you have any vacancies? Do you think she doesn't like mystique? Това е яко. That's cool. That's cool. Не си бъркай в носа. Don't pick your nose. Don't mess with your nose. Моля отворете бутилката. Please open the bottle. Please open the bottle. Моите предци се од Германија. My ancestors are from Germany. My ancestors are from Germany. Чух някой да влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone come in. Мисля, че заинтригувахме Том. I think we got Tom's attention. I think we were interested in Tom. Направих кафе. I made coffee. I made coffee. Не сакам да слушам за неа. I don't want to hear about her. I don't want to hear about her. Не минавай през фоайето. Don't go through the lobby. Don't go through the lobby. Имахме своите проблеми. We've had our problems. We had our problems. Ne vem niti, če ima punco. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. I don't even know if she's got a girlfriend. Зарем не беше ужасно? Wasn't it awful? Wasn't that awful? Китовите се вид на цицачи. A whale is a sort of mammal. Whales are kind of mammals. Чекмеджето не се отваря. The drawer won't open. The check won't open. Страшно е скъпо. It's terribly expensive. It's so expensive. Просто ќе купам уште еден. I'll just buy you another one. I'm just gonna buy another one. Това може да ви заинтересува. This might interest you. That might interest you. Преувеличуваме. We're overreacting. We're exaggerating. Не съм Ви виждал от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Том делува запрестатено. Tom seems stunned. Tom's working so hard. Зарем не можете да ја снижите цената малку? Can't you bring down the price a bit? Can't you lower the price a little? Држи се за оградата. Hold on to the rail. Hold on to the fence. Oh, kako pozno je! Oh, how late it is! Oh, it's so late! Училището започва в осем и половина. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at eight and a half. Може ли да ти дадам пријателски совет? Can I give you some friendly advice? Can I give you friendly advice? Скршена ми е ногата. My leg is broken. My leg's broken. Те го поправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. Том ги мрдаше прстите на нозете. Tom wiggled his toes. Tom was moving his toes. Му го презирам грубиот став. I resent his rude attitude. I despise his rude attitude. Не разговаряй с мен. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Мисля, че ти си най-великият. I think you're the greatest. I think you're the greatest. Иако Џејн имаше еден куфер помалку од мене, се пожали дека имала премногу за носење. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane had one less case than I did, she complained she had too much to wear. Никој не нѐ сака баш. Nobody really wants us. No one really loves us. Те молам, покажи ми уште. Please show me more. Please show me more. Ми досаѓаат. They're bothering me. I'm bored. Ама си паметен. You're one sharp cookie. But you're smart. Да изсвирим нещо. Let's play something. Let's play something. Моли му се на Господ, а не на неговите пророци. Pray to the Lord and not his prophets. Pray to God, not to his prophets. Забравих за това. I forgot about it. I forgot about that. Какви биле твоите наставници? What were your teachers like? What were your teachers like? Заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? Are you busy? Ќе дојдам со метро. I'll come by subway. I'll come with a metro. Джейн попълни едно заявлени. Jane filled out an application. Jane filled out one claimed one. Го одбив Том. I turned Tom down. I refused Tom. Полицията претърси къщата и намери 2 килограма хероин. The police searched the house and seized 2 kilograms of heroin. The police searched the house and found two pounds of heroin. Виждал съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen him before. Tom kde študuje? Where does Tom study? Tom kde's studying? Како ти е новата работа? How's your new job? How's your new job? Nič to nebolo. That was nothing. Nothing pains. Том не може да го търпи. Tom can't stand it. Tom can't stand it. Му кажав на Том за тебе. I told Tom about you. I told Tom about you. Уште една шанса ќе им дадам. I'll give them one more chance. I'll give them one more chance. Том ја презираше Мери. Tom despised Mary. Tom despised Mary. Не се прави човек со калап. A man cannot be made in a mold. Don't make a man with a mold. Ми треба коверт. I need an envelope. I need a envelope. Той също може да говори руски. He can speak Russian, too. He can speak Russian too. Баща ми често ме води на бейзболни мачове. My father often takes me to baseball games. My father often takes me to baseball games. Возможно е да постои друг свет. Another world is possible. There may be another world. Če prideš v Rio me ne pozabi poklicat za vodiča! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me a guide! Ифтар не е за да ждерете како стоки! Don't make iftar into gluttony! Iftar is not for you to reap as goods! Не е нужно да ми благодарите, защото вие заслужавате най-доброто. You do not need to thank me because you deserve all the best. You don't have to thank me because you deserve the best. Ме боли глава. My head aches. My head hurts. "Ама наистина?" "Да, наистина." "Really?" "Yes, really." "But really?" "Yes, really." Не мога да разбера защо той не каза истината. I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth. I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth. Почнува да се стемнува. It's starting to get dark. It's getting dark. Драго ми е што не морав да го правам тоа. I'm glad I didn't have to do that. I'm glad I didn't have to do that. Благодаря ви за това. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. Дали се тоа моите очила? Are those my glasses? Are those my glasses? Джим ходи на училище с рейс. Jim goes to school by bus. Jim's going to school with a race. Ти си жесток. You're cruel. You're cruel. Ние не бързаме. We're in no hurry. We're in no hurry. Ако го игнорирам, ќе си отиде. If I ignore it, it will go away. If I ignore him, he's gone. Заглавив. I got stuck. I'm stuck. Каснав спанаќ. I ate some spinach. I'm late for spinach. Умеете ли да яздите кон? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Денес дознав дека постои филм што се вика „Русите доаѓаат! Русите доаѓаат!“ Today I found that there's a movie called "The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!" Today I learned that there is a movie called “The Russians are coming! ” Сега уча френски. I'm studying French now. I'm studying French now. Што повеќе опасност, толку повеќе чест. The more danger, the more honor. The more danger, the more honor. Тоа беше брилијантно. That was brilliant. That was brilliant. Земи го Том. Take Tom. Take Tom. Сѐ уште ли се плашиш од пајаци? Are you still afraid of spiders? Are you still afraid of spiders? Том рече дека не му текнувало како се викал типот. Tom said he couldn't remember that guy's name. Tom said he didn't remember the guy's name. Смее ли да одам со вас? May I walk with you? Can I go with you? Това палто е подплатено с кожа. The coat is lined with fur. This coat is washed with leather. Том ме отера у пичку матер. Tom told me to get lost. Tom's got me in the shit. Това твоят велосипед ли е? Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? Дано да е вярно. I hope it's true. I hope it's true. Ние сме му родители на Том. We're Tom's parents. We're Tom's parents. Трябва да говоря с Том сега. I have to talk to Tom now. I need to talk to Tom now. Кој може да го скршил аквариумот? Who could've broken the fishbowl? Who could break the aquarium? Изглежда всичките момичета са влюбени в Том. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. Looks like all the girls are in love with Tom. Искам отговора ти до края на деня. I want your answer by the end of the day. I want your answer by the end of the day. Имаш ли гъдел? Are you ticklish? Do you have a tickle? Најскапата работа е земјата. The most expensive thing is land. The most expensive thing is the country. Искрено се каам за тоа. I truly regret that. I sincerely regret it. Го преполови јаболкото. She cut the apple in two. Half the apple. Нема да биде лесно да го извршиме тоа без голема помош. It's not going to be easy to do that without a lot of help. It will not be easy to do so without great help. Ги знаеш ли правите зборови? Do you know the right words? Do you know the right words? Казах ти да не ме наричаш Том. I've told you not to call me Tom. I told you not to call me Tom. Претпоставувам дека и двајцата сме лажеле. I guess both of us were lying. I guess we both lied. Nepozeráš sa! You are not looking! You can't spare us! Готови сме да се върнем. We're ready to return. We're ready to go back. Можете подоцна да разговарате. You can talk later. You can talk later. Си слушнал ли за нас? Have you heard about us? Have you heard of us? Pogrešam Michaela Jackosna I miss Michael Jackson. I miss Michael Jackson. Може ли да ти взема назаем речника? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow your dictionary? Му направив услуга. I did him a favor. I did him a favor. Направете две редици. Form two lines. Make two lines. Той ще дойде скоро. He will come soon. He'll be here soon. Мислам дека си бил тука и претходно. I think you've been here before. I think you've been here before. Изглежда, тя има много приятели. It looks like she's got a lot of friends. Looks like she's got a lot of friends. Никогаш не сум видел виножитот. I've never seen a rainbow. I've never seen the rainbow. Тя е много красиво момиче. She's a very beautiful girl. She's a very beautiful girl. "Кой ти помогна?" "Том" "Who helped you?" "Tom did." "Who helped you?" "Tom." Рипнаа во водата. They jumped into the water. They kicked in the water. Svetloba moti moje oči. The light hurts my eyes. Light bothers my eyes. Съжалявам, че обърках плановете ти. I'm sorry to upset your plans. I'm sorry I messed up your plans. Коледата е скоро, нали? Christmas is soon, right? Christmas is soon, isn't it? В колко музея бяхте? How many museums did you visit? How old were you? Какво става тук? What is going on here? What's going on here? Защо не извършиш това, което вече си решил да направиш? Why don't you carry out what you've set out to do? Why don't you do what you've already decided to do? Сестра ти каде е? Where's your sister? Where's your sister? Ги замолив да престанат. I asked them to stop. I asked them to stop. Тя е по-възрастна от мен с три години. She's three years older than me. She's older than me for three years. Каква е минималната заплата в Мексико? What's the minimum salary in Mexico? What's the minimum wage in Mexico? Овие малечки букви се читаат само со лупа. These small letters can only be read with a magnifying glass. These little letters are only read with a shell. Заборави на тоа, добро? Forget about it, OK? Forget about it, okay? Моля, подпишете тук. Please sign here. Please sign here. Мразя немите филми. I hate silent movies. I hate dumb movies. Ќе се јавам на неколку души. I'm going to make some calls. I'll call a few people. Том никогаш не живеел во Бостон. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. Мисля, че трябва да проучим нещата. I think we should look into it. I think we need to look into things. Дъщеря му е станала хубава жена. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter became a beautiful woman. Крадецот се преправи во полицаец. The thief disguised himself as a policeman. The thief turned into a cop. Трябва да има нещо друго за ядене. There must be something else to eat. There must be something else to eat. Какво донесе Том със себе си? What did Tom bring with him? What did Tom bring with him? Том соработува. Tom is cooperative. Tom's cooperating. Се откажа од планот. He abandoned the plan. You've given up the plan. Може ли да го однесам Том дома? Can I take Tom home? Can I take Tom home? Момичета от провинцията обичат да изрязват прасковени и сливови цветчета от червена хартия и да ги лепят по врати и прозорци. Country girls like to cut red paper into peach and plum blossoms and paste them onto doors and windows. Girls in the province love to cut out peaches and pruning red paper flowers and stick them on doors and windows. Chcem vediet kto s nami ostáva. I want to know who's staying with us. I want to know what to do with us. Том те прелажал. Tom has tricked you. Tom lied to you. Ако някоя болна жена сгъне хиляда хартиени жерави, желанието ѝ ще се сбъдне. If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes, her wish will come true. If a sick woman folds a thousand paper cranes, her desire will come true. Рече дека ќи ми пишеш порака приквечер, ама ме излажа, очигледно. You said you would text me in the evening, but you lied, evidently. You said you were texting me at night, but you lied to me, obviously. Викендичката беше целосно опремена, со базен, скара, фудбалско игралиште и маса за билијард. The country house was complete, with a swimming pool, a barbecue, a soccer field and a pool table. The weekend was fully equipped, with pool, barbecue, soccer field and pool table. Смъртната присъда е окончателна и не подлежи на обжалване. The death penalty is final and irreversible. The death sentence is final and does not appeal. Той се катери по дърветата без проблеми. He has no trouble climbing trees. He's climbing the trees with no problems. Луд съм по футбола. I'm crazy about football. I'm crazy about football. Никој не може да ти помогне. No one can help you. No one can help you. Дали изгледот ти одговара на возраста? Do you look your age? Does your appearance match your age? Кој ја скршил шолјата? Who broke the cup? Who broke the toilet? Том спря да ръкопляска. Tom stopped clapping. Tom stopped clapping. Настинах лошо. I've caught a bad cold. I had a bad cold. Таа купи весник. She bought a newspaper. She bought a newspaper. Тоа се случи пред скоро триесет години. That happened almost thirty years ago. That happened almost thirty years ago. Некој мора да ги засадил. Someone must have planted them. Someone must have planted them. Този местен вестник се публикува веднъж седмично. This local newspaper is published once a week. This local newspaper is published once a week. Колко си гладна? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Сестрата ѝ стави инјекција против грип. The nurse gave her a flu shot. Her sister injected the flu. Трудно можех да кажа кой кой е. I could hardly tell who was who. It's hard to tell who it is. Защо не мога да ида на партито на Том? Why can't I go to Tom's party? Why can't I go to Tom's party? Можеме да чекаме. We can wait. We can wait. Ќе одам да го направам тоа. I'll go do that. I'm gonna go do it. Целото место беше заснежено. The whole place was covered in snow. The whole place was filmed. Ќе му го земам местото на Том. I'm going to take Tom's place. I'll take Tom's place. Ќе дојдам штом смогнам. I'll come as soon as I can. I'll be there as soon as I can. Ми имаат кажувано дека знаеш како се прави ова. I was told you knew how to do this. They told me you know how to do this. Не сакам да готвам. I don't like to cook. I don't want to cook. Кървят ли ти венците? Do your gums bleed? Do your gums bleed? Как ми липсваше! How I've missed you! How did I miss you? Врнеше пред два дена. It rained two days ago. It was raining two days ago. Колко е часът? What is the time? What time is it? Znaš, da se motim. You know I'm wrong. You know I'm wrong. Том е гњаватор. Tom is so annoying. Tom's a scoundrel. Сбърках ли? Was I wrong? Am I wrong? Или той греши, или аз греша. He is wrong or I am. Either he's wrong or I'm wrong. Ми се смачи од војнава. I'm sick of this war. I'm sick of this war. Не се мразам. I don't hate myself. I don't hate myself. Спушти го пиштолот. Put that gun down. Put the gun down. Мислех, че ще се задуша в претъпкания влак. I thought I was going to suffocate on the crowded train. I thought I was gonna suffocate on that stupid train. Толку има за правење. There's so much to do. There's so much to do. Том ја извлече тапата од шишето. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Кой е с Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's with Tom now? В началото Том мислеше, че френският е труден, а сега мисли, че е лесен. At first, Tom thought French was difficult, but now he thinks it's easy. At first, Tom thought French was hard, and now he thinks it's easy. Завршив дваесет и пет проекта за само еден месец. I did twenty-five projects in just one month. I finished twenty-five projects in just a month. Растящите цени подхранват тревогата на потребителите. Rising costs are fueling anxieties among consumers. Growing prices feed consumers' alarms. Родителите ти говорят ли френски? Do your parents speak French? Do your parents speak French? На г-н Колкот японската храна започна да му харесва. Mr Colcott came to like Japanese food. Mr. Colt's Japanese food is starting to like it. Още нищо не е изхвърлено. Nothing has been thrown away yet. Nothing has been thrown out yet. Verjemi mi, ta situacija je neprijetna tudi zame. Believe me, this situation is unpleasant for me, too. Trust me, this situation is embarrassing for me too. Мисля, че Том иска да се самоубие. I think Tom wants to kill himself. I think Tom wants to kill himself. Vy ste študovali. You guys were studying. You were studying Vi. Сигурна съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Единственото, което трябва да направите, е да се извините за закъснението си. All you have to do is apologize for being late. The only thing you have to do is apologize for your delay. Не ни ја упропастувај забавата. Don't ruin our fun. Don't ruin our party. Чукни на вратата. Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Пробај да бидеш храбар, Том. Try to be brave, Tom. Try to be brave, Tom. Казвала съм ти го и друг път, нали? I've told you that before, haven't I? I told you that another time, didn't I? Ципът на панталона ти е разкопчан. Your pants are unzipped. Your pants are open. Јас не би одел во тој правец. I wouldn't go that way. I wouldn't go that way. Можете ли да го доставите тоа? Can you deliver that? Can you deliver that? Това не трябва да те спира. Don't let it stop you. This doesn't have to stop you. Ще пеете ли? Are you going to sing? Will you sing? Заболе од страшна инфекција и јајникот и потече. She had a bad infection and her ovary swelled up. The pain of a terrible infection and the ovary leaked. Том работеше много усърдно. Tom worked very hard. Tom worked very hard. Не го купи тоа, нели? You didn't buy that, did you? You didn't buy that, did you? Това е майка ми. This is my mother. That's my mom. Чудя се дали родителите на Том ще му позволят да дойде с нас. I wonder if Tom's parents will allow him to go with us. I wonder if Tom's parents will let him come with us. Всичко, което трябва да направиш, е да пометеш пода. All you have to do is sweep the floor. All you have to do is sweep the floor. Не се отказвам. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. Прекоси Тихия океан за тридесет дни. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. Over the Pacific in thirty days. Што се случи со сите тие пари? What happened to all that money? What happened to all that money? Том често е последният, който си тръгва от работа. Tom is often the last one to leave the office. Tom is often the last one to leave work. Не изхвърляйте нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything away. Ќе ти ја пратам својата сметка. I'll send you my bill. I'll send you my bill. Можел ли воопшто да ни помогнеш? Are you able to help us at all? Could you even help us? Миналата вечер ми звънна стар приятел от колежа, с когото не се бях чувал от години. Last evening I was rung up by an old college friend whom I had not heard from for years. Last night, I got a call from an old college friend I haven't heard from in years. Том го крена ножот. Tom picked up the knife. Tom picked up the knife. Бремена е или само дебела? Is she pregnant or just fat? Is she pregnant or is she just fat? Том е во болница и се опоравува од што се предозирал. Tom is in the hospital, recovering from a drug overdose. Tom's in the hospital and he's recovering from what he's overdosed from. Те молам, прифати ја работната понуда. Please take the job. Please accept the job offer. Познавам онези момичета там доста добре. I know those girls over there quite well. I know those girls there pretty well. Само сакам да го посетам Том. I just want to visit Tom. I just want to see Tom. Веќе ја знаеме вистината. We already know the truth. We already know the truth. Jaz imam ključ. I'm the one who has the key. I've got the key. Той не се вслуша в съвета ми. He disregarded my advice. He didn't listen to my advice. Мораме да ѝ помогнеме. We've got to help her. We have to help her. Сама ли си в момента? Are you alone right now? Are you alone right now? Забранявам ти да пушиш. I forbid you to smoke. I forbid you to smoke. Какво е това нещо? What's this stuff? What's that thing? Бебето кашля цяла нощ. The baby has been coughing all night. The baby coughs all night. Уште ли не си јадел? Haven't you eaten yet? Haven't you eaten yet? Том по грешка им соопшти на сите дека сум умрел. Tom mistakenly informed everyone that I had died. Tom accidentally told everyone that I died. Том стана насилен. Tom became violent. Tom got violent. Том само сакаше Мери да биде среќна. Tom just wanted Mary to be happy. Tom just wanted Mary to be happy. Сакам да те одведам на некое место каде што знам дека ќе бидеш безбеден. I want to get you someplace where I know you'll be safe. I want to take you somewhere I know you'll be safe. Тези портокали са развалени. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are broken. Кога треба да почнеме да се грижиме? At what point do we start to worry? When do we have to start worrying? Јави се ако ти затребам. Call if you need me. Call me if you need me. Подранил съм. I'm early. I'm early. Kde si? Where are you? Where are you? Тоа беше изненадување. It was a surprise. That was a surprise. Mám psa. I have a dog. I'll get the dog. Toto je dom Márie, jej brata a ich rodičov. This is the house of Mary, her brother and their parents. To this is the home of Márie, eat the brother of the father of the father. Сфатив дека се уште немав јадено. I realized I still hadn't eaten anything. I realized I hadn't eaten yet. Сигурна бях, че ще те намеря тук. I was sure to find you here. I was sure I'd find you here. Пингвинов е многу сладок. This penguin is really cute. This penguin is very cute. Не мога да вървя повече. I can't walk any further. I can't walk anymore. Мога ли да ви помогна? Can I help you? Can I help you? Том и подаде на Мери шолја кафе. Tom handed Mary a cup of coffee. Tom gave Mary a cup of coffee. Немам научено да пишувам. I never learned how to write. I don't know how to write. Харесва ми да слушам добра музика. I like to listen to good music. I like to hear good music. Влечеа ждрепка за да видат кој ќе оди прв. They drew lots to see who would go first. They were pulling lots to see who went first. Направи да го сакам џезот. He made me love jazz. Make me love jazz. Со задоволство би се возел со Том. I'm happy to ride with Tom. I'd love to ride with Tom. Том може да говори френски. Tom can speak French. Tom can speak French. Мразот се стопил. The ice has melted. The ice melted. Таа има ногопис. She's got terrible handwriting. She's got a novel. Tom je tu v tomto hoteli. Tom is here in this hotel. Tom wanted to be here in the tomto. Не можев да се борам против неа. I couldn't fight her. I couldn't fight her. Кой е мениджърът? Who's the manager? Who's the manager? Сигурен сум дека Том ќе се снајде вака-така. I'm sure Tom will manage it somehow. I'm sure Tom's gonna make it this way. Не смееш да им се јавиш. You can't call them. You can't call them. Кой сте вие? Who are you? Who are you? Той направи това от ревност. Jealousy made him do that. He did this out of jealousy. Пиеш ли? Do you drink? Do you drink? И двајцата повторно се насмеаја. They both laughed again. They both laughed again. Лодката преминава през джунглата. This boat goes through the jungle. The boat passes through the jungle. Гангстерите изнудија голема сума пари од богаташот. The gangsters extorted a vast sum of money from the rich man. The gangsters extorted a large amount of money from the rich. Гајле ми е за сите вас. I care about all of you. I don't care about all of you. Искате ли тази тениска? Do you want this T-shirt? Do you want this shirt? На кого говори Том? Who's Tom talking to? Who's Tom talking to? Tom utrel podlahu. Tom mopped the floor. Tom went down. Том ја препрочита белешката. Tom read the note again. Tom's rereading the note. Nie znova! Not again! Nie again! Том поздрави всички. Tom greeted everyone. Tom said hello to everyone. Момчето натъпка всичките си дрехи в чантата. The boy crammed all his clothes into the bag. The boy shoved all his clothes in his bag. "За тук или за вкъщи?" - "За тук, благодаря." "Do you want it to eat here, or take away?" "Eat here please." "For here or for home?" "For here, thank you." Той знае как да плени публиката си. He knows how to captivate his audience. He knows how to capture his audience. Не трябва да чакаш тук. You shouldn't wait here. You don't have to wait here. Убаво си ја извршил работата. You did good work. You did a good job. Зарем не мислиш дека Том изгледа на старец? Don't you think Tom looks like an old man? Don't you think Tom looks like an old man? Аз купих червена вратовръзка. I bought a red tie. I bought a red tie. Povrchová gravitácia na Marse je viac než tretina zemskej. The surface gravity on Mars is more than a third of Earth's. On Mars is the viscosity of the earth’s treasury. Постои ли воопшто тој збор? Is that even a word? Is there even that word? Том ми испрати белешка. Tom sent me a note. Tom sent me a note. Том е свикнал да работи на открито. Tom is accustomed to working outside. Tom's used to working outdoors. Том го искастри дрвото. Tom pruned the tree. Tom cut out the tree. Какво казва лисицата? What does the fox say? What does the fox say? Първоначално,не бяхме близки,с времето се опознахме. At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. At first, we weren't close. We got to know each other in time. Том не обръщаше никакво внимание на Мери. Tom paid no attention to Mary at all. Tom paid no attention to Mary. Това е твърде малко. This is too small. That's too little. Доколкото разбирам, те ще се споразумеят с нас. I gather that they'll agree with us. As far as I can tell, they'll agree with us. Тој одеднаш се појави. Tom appeared suddenly. He suddenly showed up. Откако ќе умрам, сакам тука да ме погребат. When I die, I want to be buried here. After I die, I want to be buried here. Том мрази да трча. Tom hates running. Tom hates running. Иска ми се да бях говорила повече на френски. I wish I could have spoken more French. I wish I had spoken more in French. Боб може да готви. Bob can cook. Bob can cook. Јас сум сигурен. I am sure. I'm sure. Седиш ми на мястото. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Том нечујно кимна. Tom nodded silently. Tom unheardly nodded. Спушти го телефонот. Put the phone down. Put the phone down. Postalo je jasno, kakšen je življenski stil osumljenca Miure v zaporu. It has become clear what murder-suspect Miura's jail lifestyle is like. It became clear the life style of a suspect, Miura, in prison. Може ли да ми направиш една голяма услуга? Could you do me a big favor? Can you do me a big favor? Јас и ти ќе летаме со ист авион. You and I'll be on the same flight. You and I will fly the same plane. Зошто не можеш да одиш сега? Why can't you go now? Why can't you go now? Не беше сериозно. It wasn't serious. It wasn't serious. Татко ми е многу строг. My dad is very strict. My father is very strict. Тъжен съм. I'm sad. I'm sad. Том е добар поет. Tom is quite a poet. Tom's a good poet. Давай да взимаме рейс. Let's take a bus. Let's take a race. Майк бяга много бързо вчера. Mike ran very fast yesterday. Mike's running too fast yesterday. Кажи кой би искала. Say which one you would like. Tell me who you'd like. Тоа е сосем возможно. That's very possible. That's quite possible. Той ми отговори едносрично. He gave me a curt answer. He answered me unscrupulously. Криво ми е што не им се јавив. I wish I'd called them. I'm sorry I didn't call. Хайде толкова за днес. Let's call it a day. Come on, so much for today. Мисля, че това ще ти хареса. I think you'll like this. I think you'll like that. Мисля, че е ОК. I think it's OK. I think it's okay. Насекаде ги баравме. We looked all over for them. We've been looking everywhere for them. Том не можа да повярва какво става. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. Tomáš sa jednostranne rozhodol, že on a Mária spolu chodia. Tom unilaterally decided that he and Mary were in a relationship. Tomáš is the esophagus rosodol, already he is a Mária sex chodia. Гледаше ли? Were you watching? Did you see that? Не се среќни. They aren't happy. They're not happy. Къде се случи? Where did it happen? Where did it happen? Ова е лошо за околината. This is bad for the environment. This is bad for the environment. Той наистина говори добре. He does speak well. He's really good-talking. Това твоята химикалка ли е? Is this your pen? Is that your pen? Jeho syn chce byť právnikom. His son wants to be a lawyer. Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, Том е мокар. Tom is wet. Tom's wet. Том и Мери ми беа пријатели. Tom and Mary were my friends. Tom and Mary were my friends. Веднаш ќе го истражам тоа. I'll look into it right away. I'll investigate that right away. Може ли да поразговарам со тебе? May I talk with you? Can I talk to you for a second? Надявам се, че това е достатъчно. I hope that's enough. I hope that's enough. Толку бевме загрижени. We were so worried. We were so worried. Би можеле да ме отпуштат поради ова. I could get fired for this. They could fire me for this. Виждала съм Том да свири на китара с групата си. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. I've seen Tom play the guitar with his band. Вашият план е в разрез с нашата политика. Your plan is not in line with our policy. Your plan is in breach of our policy. Навистина ли остана дома цела ноќ? Did you really stay home all night? Did you really stay home all night? Палтото е обложено со крзно. The coat is lined with fur. The coat is covered with fur. Би сакал ли да дојдам со тебе? Would you like me to go with you? Would you like me to come with you? Je že avgust. It is already August. It's August. Таа беше дотерана. She was well-dressed. She was touched. Том ги собра срчите. Tom picked up the broken glass. Tom mustered the hearts. Мислев дека излегуваш само со девојки што се пониски од тебе. I thought you only dated girls who were shorter than you. I thought you only dated girls lower than you. Тя мразеше да я наричат страхливка. She resented being called a coward. She hated calling her a coward. От сега нататък бъди по-внимателна. Be more careful from now on. From now on, be careful. Имаше сведоци. There were witnesses. There were witnesses. Погрижих се за това. I've taken care of that. I took care of it. Утре ќе им помогнеме. We'll help them tomorrow. We'll help them tomorrow. Што би сакал принцот? What would the prince like? What would the prince want? Ајде да го сториме тоа. Let's do it. Let's do it. Rád počúvam dobrú hudbu. I like listening to good music. I do a lot of bad things for Rád. Никога не съм виждала нещо такова. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen anything like it. Достатъчно ми беше, благодаря ти. I've had enough, thank you. I've had enough, thank you. Ти си власникот. You're the owner. You're the one who's in charge. Ми даде шест ленени шамивчиња. He gave me a half dozen linen handkerchiefs. He gave me six flax. Том няма да ни повярва. Tom won't believe us. Tom won't believe us. Má rada pomaranče? Does she like oranges? Do you like oranges? Tá novina ju vôbec nerozrušila. She was not at all upset by the news. They're new toôbec. Върнах се в Бостън. I've returned to Boston. I'm back in Boston. Moja soba ima dve okni. My room has two windows. My room has two windows. В днешното общество медиите поощряват младите да се стремят към успех. In today's society, the media encourage young people to strive for success. In today's society, media encourage young people to strive for success. Ни беше од голема полза. You've been quite helpful. It was a great help to us. Беше предоцна. It was far too late. It was too late. Хей, вали сняг. Hey, it's snowing. Hey, it's snowing. Защо не пораснеш? Why don't you grow up? Why don't you grow up? Ми даваат совет. I'm getting advice from them. They're giving me advice. Сега ще ти кажа истината. I'll tell you the truth now. I'll tell you the truth. Oni mi nezaplatili. They didn't pay me. They didn't pay me. Tom je moral v vrsti čakati tri ure. Tom had to wait in line for three hours. Tom had to wait three hours in line. Денес е сончево, но и студено. Today it's sunny but cold. It's sunny today, but it's cold. Пречите. You're in the way. You're in the way. Избери този, който харесваш. Choose the one you like. Pick the one you like. Сакам да ги донесам овде. I want to bring them here. I want to bring them here. Том не даде отпор. Tom didn't resist. Tom didn't resist. Изглежда, че Том има алиби за нощта, през която Мери беше убита. It looks like Tom has an alibi for the night Mary was murdered. Looks like Tom has an alibi for the night Mary was killed. Той извади паспорта си. He took out his passport. He took out his passport. Би сакал да те прашам за нив. I'd like to ask you about them. I'd like to ask you about them. Можеме да го направиме ова. We can do this. We can do this. Не беше забавен. You weren't funny. He wasn't funny. Додека јадеше пица, тој и досаѓаше на сестра си. While eating a pizza he was annoying his sister. While he was eating pizza, he was teasing his sister. Мисля, че онова яке ще ми стане. I think that jacket would fit me. I think I'll get that jacket. Сара има 31 пенкало. Sara has 31 pens. Sarah has 31 pens. Можеш да се одмориш. You can take a break. You can rest. Някои видове птици не могат да летят. Some kinds of birds can't fly. Some bird species can't fly. Той самият го опита. He himself tried it. He tried it himself. Това трябва да го направя сама. I ought to do this by myself. That's what I have to do on my own. Можеш да го срещнеш. You might meet him. You can meet him. Многу беше храбар. You were very brave. He was very brave. Напълно ли си сигурна, че искаш да го направиш? Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Всичко е наред. Everything's OK. It's okay. Strom je zelený. The tree is green. The strom is greený. Мисля, че това е правилният начин. I think that's the right thing to do. I think that's the right way. Не можеш да се скриеш от мен. You can't hide from me. You can't hide from me. Том е здрвен. Tom is motionless. Tom's tough. Беше ми тежко. I had a hard time. It was hard for me. Донеси лопата. Bring a shovel. Get the shovel. Нужни са ни по-малко приказки и повече действие. We need less talk and more action. We need less talk and more action. Нощем Роджър ходеше по музикалните клубове и локали, където свиреха кънтри и уестърн групи. На тези места той получаваше музикалното си образование. At night, Roger went to music clubs and drinking places where country and western bands played. These places provided him with a music education. At night Roger went to music clubs and locals, where country and Western groups played, and in these places he received his musical education. Имам работа, която трябва да свърша. I have work that must be done. I have a job to do. Ми се здосади од твоите постојани жалби. I'm tired of your endless complaints. I'm sick of your constant complaints. Аз не ревнувам. I don't get jealous. I'm not jealous. Nikto mi nerozumie. Nobody understands me. Nikto, my neurosumie. Каде ни се парите? Where's our money? Where's our money? Том вели дека Мери би требало да биде среќна. Tom says Mary should be happy. Tom says Mary should be happy. Помня, че пуснах писмото. I remember mailing the letter. I remember playing the letter. Што сакаат со мене? What do they want with me? What do they want with me? Том рече дека добро би ти дошла моја помош. Tom said you could use my help. Tom said you could use my help. Майка ми не може да дойде. My mother can't come. My mom can't come. Robte dobre tým, ktorí vás nenávidia. Do good to those who hate you. Robe good tým, ktorí vás nenávidia. Спази обещанието си. He kept his promise. You kept your promise. Е па тогаш ќе одам кај Том. I guess I'll just go over to Tom's. Well, then I'm going to Tom's. Морам да одам да ѝ помогнам. I have to go help her. I have to go help her. Преглътни го. Deal with it. Swallow it. Сит сум. My stomach is full. I'm full. Том го бива с френския. Tom is good at French. Tom's good with the French. Го знам тоа со сигурност. I know it for sure. I know that for sure. Ѝ помогнав да ја исчисти кадата. I helped her clean the bathtub. I helped her clean the tub. Има цреша пред мојата куќа. There is a cherry tree in front of my house. There's a cherry in front of my house. Не можеш да го порекнеш тоа. You can't deny it. You can't deny it. Спремни сме за борба. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. Можеби не е само случајност. It might not just be a coincidence. Maybe it's not just a coincidence. Ќе одам да го прашам Том. I'll go and ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. Никога не съм имал доверие на Том. I've never trusted Tom. I never trusted Tom. На Том му извадиха зъб миналата седмица. Tom had a tooth pulled out last week. Tom got a tooth last week. Платив казна. I paid a fine. I paid a fine. Odločil se je, da bo nehal kaditi. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to stop smoking. Дали го измисли тоа, Том? Did you make that up, Tom? Did you make that up, Tom? Мојата кола е позади. My car's out back. My car's in the back. Ова им е навистина тешко. This is extremely hard for them. This is really hard for them. Не казвай на никого. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Ништо не можете да докажете. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Bol som na hore. I was on the mountain. I'm sick at the choir. Каква е цялата истина? What's the whole story? What's the whole truth? Trenutno nimam načrta. For the time being, I don't have a plan. I don't have a plan right now. Моли се за неа. Pray for her. Pray for her. Можеби ова ќе ти помогне. This may help you. Maybe this will help you. Уморен сум. Ќе легнам. I'm tired. I'm going to lie down. I'm tired. Не ги замолив да дојдат тука. I didn't ask them to come here. I didn't ask them to come here. Набрзо ќе добијат. They'll get one soon enough. They'll get it soon enough. On želi postati učitelj. He wants to become a teacher. He wants to be a teacher. Завиждах му за новата му къща. I envied his new house. I envied him for his new house. Да ядем суши. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Отворих си чекова сметка. I opened a checking account. I opened my check account. Дан сега го бара полицијата. Dan is now wanted by the police. Dan's looking for the police now. Да, лут сум. Yup, I am angry. Yeah, I'm angry. Дали Том ти го скрши срцето? Did Tom break your heart? Did Tom break your heart? Внимавайте къде стъпвате. Be careful where you step. Watch your step. Том не го е направил. Tom didn't do it. Tom didn't do it. И двајцата кашлаа. They both coughed. They both coughed. Може ли мени? Can we have a menu, please? Can I have a menu? Имам кожна болест. I have a skin condition. I have a skin condition. Tom bol veľmi hladný. Tom was very hungry. Tom's sick and cold. Том няма котка. Обаче Том има куче, нали? Tom doesn't have a cat. However, Tom does have a dog, doesn't he? Tom doesn't have a cat, but Tom has a dog, right? Исто сум квалификуван како Том. I'm about as qualified as Tom. I'm qualified as Tom. Том носи очила с черни рамки. Tom is wearing glasses with black frames. Tom wears black frame glasses. Той образова децата си добре. He gave his children a good education. He educated his children well. Аз те харесвам много. I like you very much. I like you very much. Сега колко е часът? What time is it now? What time is it? Мислам подобро да им помогнам. I think I'd better help them. I think I'd better help them. Този въпрос донякъде го разбирам. I can understand this problem to some extent. I kind of understand that question. Извинете, колко е това? Excuse me, how much is this? Excuse me, how much is this? Нема уште многу млеко во шишето. There isn't much milk left in the bottle. There's not much milk in the bottle yet. Колко ти дължа? How much money do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Ясен ли съм? Am I clear? Am I clear? Tom in Mary ne hodita na isto šolo. Tom and Mary don't go to the same school. Tom and Mary don't go to the same school. Том веше во Бостон пред една година. Tom was in Boston a year ago. Tom was in Boston a year ago. Муириъл вече е на 20. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel's already 20. Том нерадо појде. Tom reluctantly went. Tom's out of his mind. Том е неодговорен. Tom is irresponsible. Tom is irresponsible. Можеби звучело како предлог, но наредба беше. It may have sounded like a suggestion, but it was an order. Maybe it sounded like a suggestion, but it was an order. Je to žrebec alebo kobyla? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that an alebo cobbler? Утре ще стана рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll get up early tomorrow. Ова е едно од моите. This is one of mine. This is one of mine. Фино од тебе што си му купил на Том таков убав подарок. It was nice of you to buy Tom such a nice gift. Nice of you to buy Tom such a beautiful gift. Трябва да приемете неизбежното. You have to accept the inevitable. You must accept the inevitable. Това е Copacabana! This is Copacabana! That's Copacbana! На кој колеџ си учел? What college do you study in? What college did you learn? Бирата, която донесох за купона, беше излишна, семейството на домакина притежаваше пивоварна. The bottles of beer that I brought to the party were redundant; the host's family owned a brewery. The beer I brought for the party was excess, the housewife's family owned brewery. Ова не помага. This isn't helping. This isn't helping. Гејзирот исфрла млаз врела вода на секои два часа. The geyser sends up a column of hot water every two hours. The geyser flushes hot water every two hours. Мисля, че заслужаваш повече от това. I think you deserve more than this. I think you deserve more than that. Зарем не се чувстуваш некогаш како да не знаеш што правиш? Don't you ever feel like you don't know what you're doing? Don't you ever feel like you don't know what you're doing? Той има прекалено много книги. He has too many books. He's got too many books. Tom in Mary sta rekla da John noče jesti ničesar, kar skuhata. Tom and Mary said John wouldn't eat anything they made. Tom and Mary said that John doesn't want to eat anything they cook. Това е началото на нова ера. This is a beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Забранявам пушенето в моята стая. I forbid smoking in my room. I forbid smoking in my room. Си го извади мечот. He whipped out his sword. You took out your sword. Откъде купи цветя? Where did you buy flowers? Where'd you get the flowers? Том се врати прекриен со кал. Tom came back covered in mud. Tom came back covered in mud. Поздрави Джими от мене. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy for me. Што е одговорот? What's the answer? What is the answer? Все още иска да дойде. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Смее ли да дојдеме и ние? Can we come? Can we come, too? Можеш ли да вземеш това, ако обичаш. Could you take this, please? Can you take this, please? Виждала ли си коала? Have you ever seen a koala? Have you seen a koala? Том упорно зјапаше. Tom stared intently. Tom kept staring. Страхувам се, че няма да мога да се обясня на френски. I'm afraid I won't be able to make myself understood in French. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain myself in French. Къде трябва да се подпиша? Where is it that I must sign? Where am I supposed to sign? Отказвам се. I give up. I quit. Кофето ти влева енергија! Coffee gives you energy! The bucket gives you energy! Защо говориш на френски? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? Трябва да реша какви са ми приоритетите. I have to prioritize. I have to decide what my priorities are. Том можеби и не е толку зафатен колку што вели дека е. Tom might not really be as busy as he says he is. Tom may not be as busy as he says he is. То не е ли черно? Isn't it black? Isn't that black? Коя е любимата ти порода куче? What's your favorite breed of dog? Who's your favorite dog? Беше твърде лесно. It was just too easy. It was too easy. Изглежда, че си права. Действително Том е откраднал цигулката на Мери. It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin. It looks like you're right, actually Tom stole Mary's violin. Том знае ли защо не си била на партито му? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Малко съм зает в момента. I'm a little busy here. I'm a little busy right now. Мислам дека треба да му се јавиме. I think we should call him. I think we should call him. Том не беше на празненството. Tom wasn't at the party. Tom wasn't at the party. Ме замоли да го погледам. She asked me to take a look at it. He asked me to look at him. Донеси ми кафе. Get me some coffee. Get me some coffee. Те си проправиха път през тълпата. They made their way through the crowd. They made their way through the crowd. Не познавам всички. I don't know everybody. I don't know all of them. Не го излагайте на дъжд. Don't expose it to the rain. Don't put it in the rain. Не ме оставај да чекам! Don't make me wait! Don't let me wait! Môj starší syn je Lech Zaręba. My elder son is Lech Zaręba. Môj parent sin is Lech Zaręba. Следното утро, тој најде рачно напишано писмо во поштенското сандаче. The next morning he found a handwritten letter in the letterbox. The next morning, he found a handwritten letter in the mailbox. Том не се изненади кога ја виде Мери со Џон. Tom wasn't surprised to see Mary with John. Tom wasn't surprised to see Mary with John. Приехте ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Ние не живеем в страни, живеем в езиците си. Там е твоят дом, там и никъде другаде. We don't live in countries, we live in our languages. That is your home, there and nowhere else. We don't live in countries, we live in our tongues, there's your home, there's nowhere else. Каква е минималната заплата в Литва? What's the minimum salary in Lithuania? What is the minimum wage in Lithuania? Мислев на тебе. I thought about you. I was thinking about you. Извади ја маската. Take off your mask. Take the mask off. Мери е в отпуск по майчинство. Mary is on maternity leave. Mary's on maternity leave. Напоследък не съм се чувала с нея. I have not heard from her recently. I haven't heard from her lately. Ништо не реков. I didn't say a thing. I didn't say anything. Повеќето сметаат дека компјутерите никогаш нема да умеат да размислуваат. Most people think computers will never be able to think. Most feel that computers will never be able to think. Том рече дека ќе тргне во 2:30. Tom said he would leave at 2:30. Tom said he was leaving at 2:30. Крис не можа да скрие тъгата си когато чу,че Бет не може да намери ценният си часовник. Chris could not conceal his sadness when he heard that Beth had been unable to find his valuable watch. Chris couldn't hide his sorrow when he heard Beth couldn't find his precious watch. Том знае зошто Мери одлучила да не оди на пикник со Џон. Tom knows why Mary decided not to go on the picnic with John. Tom knows why Mary decided not to go on a picnic with John. Кой е твоят учител? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? Аз съм гладен! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Том веќе замина. Tom has left already. Tom's already gone. Volám sa Emily. My name is Emily. I vote for Emily. На мен също ми е приятно да се запознаем. Nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you, too. On má dvoch psov. He has two dogs. He's got two dogs. Ако ми заемеш пари, ще ти бъда много благодарен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'll be very grateful. „Вегетаријанец ли си?“ „Не, а ти?“ "Are you a vegetarian?" - "No, are you?" “ Are you a Vegetarian? ” “No, Are you? ” Насекаде имаше свеќи. Candles were everywhere. There were candles everywhere. Кој те научил како се прави тоа? Who taught you how to do that? Who taught you how to do that? Arabčina je krásny jazyk. Arabic is a beautiful language. The Arab is a measly male. Не бях тук миналата седмица. I wasn't here last week. I wasn't here last week. Обичаш ли френските вина? Do you like French wines? Do you like French guilt? Знам какъв ти е проблемът на тебе. I know what's wrong with you. I know what your problem is. Дан не пропушти ниедна епизода од таа сапуница. Dan didn't miss any episode of that soap opera. Dan didn't miss a single episode of that soap. Беше почистен. It's been cleaned. He was cleaner. More malo zrkadlovú hladinu. The sea was as smooth as glass. It's got to be a little bit of a cold. Бизнесът ми отново се възражда. My business is picking up again. My business is reborn. Имаш ли запалка? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Ти реков дека не можам. I told you I couldn't do it. I told you I couldn't. Најде ли некој да го чува детето? Did you get someone to look after the child? Did you find anyone to watch the kid? Ме тревожи. It makes me nervous. I'm worried. Ја чекаа. They were waiting for her. They were waiting for her. Той не каза и дума. He didn't say a word. He didn't say a word. Момчето хвърля камък. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a rock. Hovorí sa, že pôjde do zahraničia. It is said that he will go abroad. Hovorí so, already pôjde to the savings. Не трябва да се поддаваш на желанието да пиеш. You must not yield to your desire to drink. You shouldn't give in to the desire to drink. Ќе треба да седиш мирен. You'll need to hold still. You're gonna have to sit still. Моля те, събуди ме в шест утре сутринта. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me up at 6:00 in the morning. Асансьорите не работят. The elevators aren't working. The elevators aren't working. Сигурни ли сте, че не искате да дойдете? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Не видов дух. I didn't see a ghost. I didn't see a ghost. Мисля, че ти си го счупил. I think you are the one who broke it. I think you broke it. Штотуку добив порака од нив. I just got a message from them. I just got a message from them. Ще се заемеш ли? Are you volunteering? Can you get on with it? Slnko v noci nesvítí. The sun doesn't shine at night. It's a wonder in the night you don't know. Ми треба пепелник. I need an ashtray. I need an ashtray. По дяволите, пак изпуснах влака! Damn, I missed the train again! Damn, I missed the train again! Tom bol veľmi unavený. Tom was very tired. Tom's painfully unavený. Zabil som Boha. I killed God. Som Boha. Таму припаѓаш ти. That's where you belong. That's where you belong. Одбивам да работам. I refuse to work. I refuse to work. Штотуку ги отпуштив. I just fired them. I just fired them. Искам да живея в града. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Од каде е ова? Where's this from? Where'd this come from? Идете събудете Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake Tom up. Фала ти што ме пушти да зборувам со Том. Thank you for letting me speak with Tom. Thank you for letting me talk to Tom. Том го раниле. Tom has been wounded. Tom got hurt. Сите го сакаат. Everybody loves him. Everybody loves him. Планирам да отседна в хотел. I'm planning to stay at a hotel. I'm planning on staying at a hotel. Потпишете се доле, Ве молам. Sign at the bottom, please. Sign down, please. Девојката што носи шал е девица. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl wearing the scarf is a virgin. Джак Никълсън е израснал в Ню Джърси. Jack Nicholson was raised in New Jersey. JackNickelson grew up in New Jersey. Свършихте ли с вечерята? Have you finished dinner? Are you done with dinner? Съжалявам, но ще се окаже, че през този ден съм зает. Sorry, but it looks like I'm booked up on that day. I'm sorry, but it's gonna turn out I'm busy this day. Защо не спите? Why aren't you sleeping? Why don't you sleep? Том беше на телефон. That was Tom on the phone. Tom was on the phone. Моля заключете сейфа. Please lock the safe. Please lock the safe. Секоја нијанса се губи при преведувањето. Every nuance is lost in translation. Every shade is lost in translation. Премногу стискаш кога се ракуваш. Your handshake is too tight. You push too hard when you shake hands. Ќе дојдам веднаш. I'll come right now. I'll be right there. Ženy sa o neho nezaujímajú. Women aren't interested in him. The wife is about to let her go. Еленът бягаше сам. The deer was running by itself. The deer ran alone. Природата не знае граници. Nature knows no boundaries. Nature knows no boundaries. Danes so šole zaprte. The schools are closed today. Schools are closed today. Не искам да уча днес. I don't want to study today. I don't want to study today. Голема чест ми беше што ме замолија да одржам говор. It was a big honor to be asked to give a speech. It was a great honor to have asked me to give a speech. Всичко наред ли е тук? Is everything alright here? Is everything okay here? Dekleta so se naglas zasmejala. The girls laughed loudly. The girls laughed loudly. Той пътуваше по работа. He traveled on business. He was on a business trip. Според това, което тя каза, той е виновен. According to what she said, he's culpable. According to what she said, he's guilty. Мртов пијан е. He's dead drunk. He's dead drunk. Аз изобщо не говоря френски. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak French at all. Том ми испече торта. Tom baked me a cake. Tom made me a cake. Tieto dámy sú moje tety. These ladies are my aunts. Tito dámy sú my aunty. Том се опита да го направи. Tom tried to do it. Tom tried to do it. Не съдете, за да не бъдете съдени. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Don't judge me so you don't get sued. Го ставиле во затвор. He was put in prison. They put him in jail. Ќе те известам што се случува. I'll let you know what's going on. I'll let you know what's going on. Том сакаше да оди во Бостон, но татко му не му дозволи. Tom wanted to go to Boston, but his father wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to go to Boston, but his father wouldn't let him. Зошто сите го мразат? Why does everyone hate him? Why does everybody hate him? То чия книга? Whose is that book? Whose book? Видях я как пресича улицата. I saw her crossing the street. I saw her cross the street. Том беше нахален. Tom was brash. Tom was a bit of a pain in the ass. Том не беше толкова лош. Tom wasn't that bad. Tom wasn't so bad. Продавачот го измами. He was taken in by the salesman. The seller tricked him. Мислам дека Том знае кој ми го украл паричникот. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. Изглежда кучето иска да яде нещо. It looks like the dog wants something to eat. Looks like the dog wants something to eat. По-добре да не ходиш. You'd better not go. You better not go. Ще му устроим прощално парти. We are going to hold a farewell party for him. We'll set up a farewell party for him. Той ми зададе въпрос. He asked me a question. He asked me a question. Чух, че си ме търсел. I hear you've been looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Кој ми ја изел ужината? Who ate my snacks? Who ate my lunch? Том дойде тук да учи френски. Tom came here to study French. Tom came here to study French. „Зарем нема да го јадеш спанаќот?“ „Ќе го изедам после.“ "Aren't you going to eat the spinach?" "I'll eat it later." "Will you not eat the spinach?" "I'll eat it later." Тя обожава цвета на своята тениска. She loves the color of her T-shirt. She loves the color of her shirt. Zavri dvere keď odídeš. Close the door when you leave. You're leaving. Дали виде некого? Did you see someone? Did you see anyone? Во ред ли е сѐ со тебе? Are things OK with you? Is everything all right with you? Оваа девојка е најинтелигентна. This girl is the most intelligent. This girl is the most intelligent. Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открил. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. Том веднаш послуша. Tom promptly obeyed. Tom, listen to me right now. Брзо се уморува. He gets tired easily. She's getting tired fast. Никога не съм се гордяла толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Том е воодушевен. Tom is fascinated. Tom's thrilled. Бихте ли извикали Том? Could you call Tom? Would you mind calling Tom? Той трябва да е братът на Том. He must be Tom's brother. He must be Tom's brother. Това добър френски ли е? Is this good French? Is that good French? Не е твоја работа! It's none of your business! It's none of your business! Някой трябва да ти е откраднал часовника. Someone must've stolen your watch. Someone must have stolen your watch. През лятото се къпя всяка сутрин. I take a bath every morning in the summer. In summer, I bathe every morning. Интересно прашање остана неодговорено. An interesting question remained unanswered. An interesting question has remained unanswered. Изглежда, че ще трябва да почакам още малко. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a little longer. Зошто е Том сѐ уште на училиште? Why is Tom still at school? Why is Tom still in school? Новият учител е в класната стая. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teacher is in the classroom. Том се чувствуваше многу осамено. Tom felt all alone. Tom felt very lonely. Мислам дека те сакам. I think I love you. I think I love you. Той все още не е дошъл. He hasn't come yet. He hasn't come yet. Ще изчакам още пет минути. I'll wait another five minutes. I'll wait five more minutes. Sme priatelia. We're friends. We're in the middle of something. Затнати ми се ушите. My ears feel stuffy. My ears are closed. Трябва да бъдеш внимателна. You must be careful. You need to be careful. Симни се. Get down. Get down. Кен е по-възрастен от Сейко. Ken is older than Seiko. Ken's older than Seiko. To je dobrý nápad. It's a good idea. That's a lot of nápad. Том делува потресено. Tom seems disturbed. Tom's acting a little shaken up. Тази е моя. Не знам неговата къде е. That is mine. I don't know where his is. I don't know where he is. Земи му го оружјето на Том. Take Tom's weapon. Take Tom's weapon. Не ме прекъсвай! Don't interrupt me! Don't interrupt me! Разбирам какво искаш да кажеш. I get your point. I understand what you're saying. Седнали сте ми на мястото. You're in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Това аз не мога да го направя. That's impossible for me. That's what I can't do. Сѐ уште не сме го нашле Том. We haven't found Tom yet. We haven't found Tom yet. Избрахме Джак за председател. We elected Jack chairman. We chose Jack as president. Не можам да умрам тука. I can't die here. I can't die here. Не си видел таков, нели? You haven't seen one, have you? You haven't seen one of those, have you? Том се придржува до строга веганска исхрана. Tom follows a strict vegan diet. Tom adheres to a strict vegan diet. Тя го презираше. She despised him. She despised him. Имам три фотоапарата. I have three cameras. I have three cameras. Том е единствениот што може да направи Мери да се насмевне. Tom is the only one who can get Mary to smile. Tom is the only one who can make Mary smile. Вие пиете от моята часа. You're drinking out of my cup. You've been drinking since my class. Je možné, že sme podcenili jeho schopnosť. We might have underestimated his ability. It's possible to underestimate the echo. Беше забавно. It was amusing. It was fun. Том накара Мери да преведе писмото на френски. Tom had Mary translate the letter into French. Tom made Mary translate the letter to French. Врзани ми се рацете. My hands are tied. My hands are tied. Не го ни допрев. I never touched it. I didn't touch him. Надявам се да е добро. I hope it's good. I hope it's good. Баш е вкусно. It's quite delicious. It's delicious. Од каде да знам дали Том е правиот за мене? How do I know that Tom is the one for me? How do I know if Tom is right for me? Том работи во еден ресторан во близина. Tom works at a nearby restaurant. Tom works at a restaurant nearby. Няма тоалетна хартия. There's no toilet paper. No toilet paper. Паркирала си на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Търсите ли нещо? Are you looking for something? Looking for something? Videl som psa. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. Ќе се вратам за еден миг. I'll only be a moment. I'll be back in a minute. Не кажав никому, дури ни на мајка си. I didn't tell anyone, not even my mother. I didn't tell anyone, not even my mother. Той използва възможността добре. He made good use of the opportunity. He's using the opportunity well. Прилично се безбедни. They're quite safe. They're pretty safe. Носът ми е запушен. My nose is stuffed up. My nose is blocked. Тоа е повеќефазен процес. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multi-phase process. Може ли да изям този портокал? May I eat this orange? Can I eat this orange? Те опиле. You've been drugged. You're intoxicated. Тя ми е съученичка. She's my classmate. She's my classmate. Som nezamestnaný. I'm unemployed. Som undetectableý. Може ли да си тръгна сега? May I leave now? Can I leave now? И двата плана бяха отхвърлени. Both plans were rejected. Both plans were rejected. Повеќе би сакал да седнам. I prefer to sit down. I'd rather sit down. Јас сум ти новиот партнер. I'm your new partner. I'm your new partner. Ти си свиња. You're a pig. You're a pig. Това не е мое. This isn't mine. That's not mine. Том отиде там да учи френски. Tom went there to learn French. Tom went there to study French. Къде можем да ядем? When can we eat? Where can we eat? Подај ми го францускиот клуч. Hand me the wrench. Give me the French key. Трябва ми малко помощ с това, по което работя. I need some help with my work. I need a little help with what I'm working on. По своја волја сум тука. I'm here by choice. I'm on my own here. Колко пъти годишно ходите до брега? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year do you go to the shore? Бих предпочел да не говоря на френски. I'd prefer not to speak French. I'd rather not speak French. Стойте вътре. Stay in there. Stay inside. Ја спасија целата екипа. The whole crew was saved. They saved the whole crew. Američania ju nazývajú vietnamská vojna; Vietnamci ju nazývajú americká vojna. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American War. The Americans are led to the war by Vietnamská; the Vietnameses are led by the American war. Родителите ми се бяха нахранили, преди да се прибера. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. My parents were fed before I went home. Обичам да каня приятелите си вкъщи. I like to invite my friends home. I love inviting my friends home. Да,това е правилният отговор. Yes, that's the right answer. Yeah, that's the right answer. Ништо не може да се направи. Nothing can be done. There's nothing you can do. Нямам намерение да се извинявам на Том. I have no intention of apologizing to Tom. I don't intend to apologize to Tom. Десет къщи изгоряха. Ten houses were burned down. Ten houses burned down. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Върхът на планината е покрит със сняг. The top of the mountain is covered in snow. The top of the mountain is covered in snow. Сам ли дойде тук? Did you come here alone? Did you come here alone? Milujem baseball. I love baseball. I'm milking baseball. Том смята,че смъртното наказание трябва да бъде отменено. Tom believes that the death penalty should be abolished. Tom thinks the death penalty should be cancelled. Какво е времето? How's the weather? What's the weather? Той разтвори малко захар в кафето си. He dissolved some sugar in his coffee. He dissolved some sugar in his coffee. Луѓето во Мадрид се луди. The people from Madrid are lunatics. People in Madrid are crazy. Зло е да се пцуе. It's evil to curse. It's bad to swear. Той често свири на китара. He often plays the guitar. He often plays the guitar. Може ли сега да му се јавиме? Can we call him now? Can we call him now? Требаше да бидам покултурен. I should've been more polite. I should have been more polite. Не биди смешен! Не сме настанале од мајмуните, туку имаме заеднички предок. Don't be ridiculous! We are not descended from apes, we only have a common ancestor. Don't be ridiculous, we didn't come from monkeys, we have a common ancestor. Бил е бейзболист. Bill is a baseball player. He was a baseball player. Се акнав од ѕид. I walked into a wall. I fell off a wall. Кулата стоеше сред урнатини. The tower stood among ruins. The tower was in the middle of ruins. Мислехме да те поканим да се присъединиш към нашата компания. We were thinking of asking you to join our company. We thought we'd invite you to join our company. Имам нужда от вас. I need you. I need you. Ништо не беше смешно. Nothing was funny. Nothing was funny. Ќе одам да ја барам. I'll go look for her. I'm gonna go look for her. Сама ли си? Are you alone? Are you alone? Наистина не мислех, че ще се стигне дотук. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I really didn't think it would come this far. Odišiel z izby. He left the room. He's off with a tuxedo. Kedy si videl naposledy Toma? When did you last see Tom? Did you see Kedy after Tom? Го научив наизуст. I learned it by heart. I've learned it by heart. Даде збор. You made a promise. You gave your word. Всичко, което искам, е чаша кафе и препечена филийка. All I want is a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. All I want is a cup of coffee and toast toast. Сакам да знам од кого бил тој телефонски повик. I'd like to know who that phone call was from. I want to know who that phone call was from. Mária si sadla. Mary sat down. You fruited Mararia. Том, тези твои ли са? Are these yours, Tom? Tom, are these yours? Táto loď je poháňaná parou. This ship is driven by steam. Táto loís is a positéaná parou. Том фати магла. Tom made a run for it. Tom's got the fog. Дај ни ги клучевите. Give us the keys. Give us the keys. Идея нямам кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Да завидуваш е грев. To feel envy is a sin. Enviating is a sin. Вие двамата нямате нищо общо. You two have nothing in common. You two have nothing to do with it. Том сакаше да останам. Tom wants me to stay. Tom wanted me to stay. Од кога спие Том? How long has Tom been sleeping? Since when did Tom sleep? Со Том сме сега во брак. Tom and I are married now. Tom and I are married now. Колку си очаен? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? Няма връщане назад. There is no going back. There's no going back. Знам как се чувствате. I know how you must be feeling. I know how you feel. Том казва, че може малко да говори френски. Tom says he can speak a little French. Tom says he can speak a little French. В неделя музеят не работи. On Sunday, the museum is closed. Sunday, the museum doesn't work. Го презираат. They detest him. They despise him. Том не спиеше добро. Tom didn't sleep well. Tom didn't sleep well. Je vaša žena še vedno v Ameriki? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Ужасно ме боли овде. It hurts tremendously here. It hurts so bad here. Том сака да стане богат. Tom wants to become rich. Tom wants to get rich. Парите не се критериум за успех. Money is not a criterion of success. Money is not a measure of success. Не можам да ја отворам теглава. I can't open this jar. I can't open my head. Още не съм ти казала, нали? I haven't told you yet, have I? I haven't told you yet, have I? Уживам во долги прошетки на плажа. I enjoy long walks on the beach. I enjoy long walks on the beach. Само треба да ги најдам. I just need to find them. I just need to find them. Ова не е сребро. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. Имаш ли штоперица? Do you have a stopwatch? Do you have a what? Мислев дека планираш да останеш во кревет цел ден. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. Mám nové auto. I have a new car. I'll get a new one. Нагазихме в студената вода инч след инч. We waded into the cold water inch by inch. We ran into cold water in an inch. Никој не сака да го допре ова. Nobody wants to touch this. Nobody wants to touch this. Отворен сум кон сѐ. I'm open to anything. I'm open to everything. Позицията на Том по въпроса е добре позната. Tom's position on this matter is well known. Tom's position on the matter is well-known. Таа ги знае поважните главни градови. She knows the main capital cities. She knows more important capitals. Няма смисъл да се заблуждаваш,знаеш,че тя си играе игрички с теб. There is no point in deluding yourself; you know it well that she's just playing games with you. There's no point in being fooled, you know she's playing games with you. Том се самоуби. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. Сестра ѝ ѝ изглади блузата. She had her blouse ironed by her sister. Her sister smoothed out her shirt. Вратовръзката ми е оранжева. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. Том многу го плаќаат. Tom gets paid a lot. Tom's getting paid a lot. Том едва не припадна. Tom almost passed out. Tom almost passed out. Харесвам всякаква музика. I have an eclectic taste in music. I like all kinds of music. Сѐ уште беше таму. It was still there. He was still there. Знам дека Том пати. I know Tom is hurting. I know Tom times. Изгледаш тажно. Што не е во ред? You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. Prerámcovanie ti môže pomôcť nájsť nádej v zdanlivo bezvýchodiskovej situácii; vyskúšaj ho. Cognitive reframing may help you find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation; try it. Prerámcuvanie situácii; vyskúšaj ho. Се очекува дека облакодерот ќе потоне во мочуриштето. The skyscraper is expected to sink into the bog. The skyscraper is expected to sink into the swamp. Седни. Take a seat. Sit down. Аз не ти прощавам. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. Да продолжам ли? Should I continue? Shall I proceed? Мислех, че ще си уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Том носи стетоскоп. Tom is wearing a stethoscope. Tom's wearing a stethoscope. Никој нема доверба во Том. No one trusts Tom. Nobody trusts Tom. Многу дрва се срушија. Many trees fell down. A lot of trees fell down. Zvoní zvonček. The bell is ringing. Ring the bell. Таа се чувствуваше доста осамено. She felt quite alone. She felt pretty lonely. Би сакал ли бомбона со ментол? Would you like a mint? Would you like a mint can? Тук сте в опасност. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. Имате ли тази риза в черно? Do you have this shirt in black? Do you have this shirt in black? Zavrij mleko Boil the milk. Swirl Milk Том има брановита коса. Tom has wavy hair. Tom's got wool's hair. Не можем ли да направим нещо? Can't we do anything? Can't we do something? Дали е ова нашата кабина? Is this our cabin? Is this our cabin? Карол посети Бостън миналия месец. Carol visited Boston last month. Carol visited Boston last month. Марила имаше проблеми с белите си дробове. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marila had problems with her lungs. Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажете. I think you'd better give up. I think you'd better give up. Той обича и бейзбола, и футбола. He likes either baseball or football. He loves baseball, and he loves football. Cítil som to isté. I was feeling the same. Cítil som that's it. Ще се изгубите. You'll get lost. You're gonna get lost. Трупот на бродот е поделен на повеќе водонепропустливи делови. The ship hull is divided into watertight compartments. The ship's body is divided into several water-saving parts. Mačky nejedia banány. Cats don't eat bananas. Catky doesn't eat banány. Какво правиш сега? What're you doing now? What are you doing now? Том немаше што друго да каже. Tom had nothing else to say. Tom had nothing else to say. Зависи од твојата одлука. It hangs on your decision. Depends on your decision. Обуй си обувките. Put on your shoes. Put your shoes on. Знаеш ли што се случува? Do you know what's happening? Do you know what's going on? Той може да чете достатъчно добре. He can read well enough. He can read well enough. Опитах се да се държа човешки. I've tried to be reasonable. I tried to act human. По кое време ходите до пазара? What time do you go to the market? What time do you go to the market? Дојден сум да зборувам за неа. I came to talk about her. I'm here to talk about her. Джордж е много ентусиазиран за новата си работа. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. George is very enthusiastic about his new job. Скроз е грешно. It's totally wrong. It's all wrong. Том никогаш го немал посетено Бостон. Tom had never been to Boston. Tom never visited Boston. Татко ще идва у нас утре. Father is coming home tomorrow. Dad's coming home tomorrow. Мислам да ми помогнеш. I think you should help me. I think you're gonna help me. Старецът ѝ попречи. The old man got in her way. The old man stopped her. Ќе се видиме пак. I'll be seeing you again. I'll see you again. Сега можеш да си одиш. You're now free to go. You can go now. Боб е приятен човек. Bob is a nice person. Bob's a nice guy. Том е ранен! Повикайте линейка! Tom is hurt! Call an ambulance! Tom's hurt! Какво си завършил, Том? What's your major, Tom? What are you doing, Tom? Красив залез, нали? A beautiful sunset, isn't it? Beautiful sunset, isn't it? Линкът ти не работи. Your link isn't working. Your link doesn't work. Chceš si naozaj kúpiť počítač v tom obchode? Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store? You think you're talking about kúpiť by going to the boathouse? Той пие средно голямо количество кафе. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks medium-sized coffee. Зборувам за него. I'm talking about him. I'm talking about him. Къде се намира библиотеката? Where is the library? Where's the library? Таа е бубалица. She's a nerd. She's a nerd. Добро ќе нѐ плаќаат. We'll be well paid. They'll pay us well. Не бих могла да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't do this without you. Тоа е убава јакна. That's a nice jacket. That's a nice jacket. Днес два пъти имаше фалшива тревога. Today, we had two false alarms. There was a false alarm twice today. Мисля, че ти трябва една ваканция. I think you need a vacation. I think you need a vacation. Дај ми го твојот нож. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. Дојди сам. Come alone. Come alone. Коя е любимата ви птица? What is your favourite bird? Who's your favorite bird? Том отрча да и помогне на Мери. Tom ran to help Mary. Tom ran to help Mary. Трябва да учиш повече. You must study more. You have to learn more. Не може да ги отпуштиме тукутака. We can't just fire them. We can't just fire them. Не се лоши сите вонземјани. Not all aliens are bad. Not all aliens are bad. Мисля, че ще бъдете приятно изненадани. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Вярна ли е нейната история? Is her story true? Is her story true? Предайте домашните си! Turn in your homework. Hand over your homework! Тази ситуация е смешна. This situation is funny. This situation is ridiculous. Те молам, најди ја. Please find her. Please find her. Тръгвате ли? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Мислев дека си нашол друг. I thought you had found someone else. I thought you found someone else. Прекрасна идеа е, но ќе треба многу работа. It's a wonderful idea, but it'll take a lot work. It's a beautiful idea, but it's gonna take a lot of work. Той може да чете доста добре. He can read pretty well. He can read quite well. Том дојде тука од Бостон. Tom came here from Boston. Tom came here from Boston. Преподавам френски. I teach French. I teach French. Мисля, че това е много малко вероятно. I think that's highly unlikely. I think that's very unlikely. Zas si pil. You've been drinking again. You drank for yourself. Това не е моята кола. It's not my car. That's not my car. Може ли да отворя тази кутия? Can I open this box? Can I open this box? Том знае как да направи Мери щастлива. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Книгава ќе ти помогне да пишуваш вешто. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you to write skillfully. Dom je veľmi studený. The house is too cold. The home is a great springý. Aimee je trenutno zelo utrujena. Aimee is very tired at the moment. Aimee is very tired right now. Том ги отвори прозорците во спалната. Tom opened the bedroom windows. Tom opened the bedroom windows. Ништо се нема сменето. Nothing's been changed. Nothing's changed. Том ѝ се издра на Мери. Tom yelled at Mary. Tom snuck out on Mary. Не отстъпвай. Don't back off. Don't back off. Кажи ми, че имаш добри новини. Tell me you've got good news. Tell me you have good news. Ще излезем ли? Shall we go out? Shall we go out? Премногу е ризично да се бориме со нив на место по нивен избор. It's too risky to fight them at a place they choose. It is too risky to fight them in place of their choice. Студентите не трябва да използват тази тоалетна. Students must not use this toilet. Students shouldn't use this bathroom. Няма ли да направите нещо? Aren't you going to do something? Aren't you going to do something? Тоа беше срамота. It was a disgrace. That was a shame. Kar je rekla, je narobe. What she said is wrong. What she said is wrong. Том си направи список од местата што сака да ги посети. Tom made a list of places he wanted to visit. Tom has made a list of places he wants to visit. Тя отсъства от училище пет дни. She's been absent from school for five days. She's been away from school for five days. Видях Джеси да стои там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. Ова ми е најновиот осврт. This is my latest review. This is my latest twist. Дали Том умира од рак? Is Tom dying of cancer? Does Tom die of cancer? Щеше ли да ме обичаш, ако не бях върколак? Would you still love me if I wasn't a werewolf? Would you have loved me if I wasn't a werewolf? Мисля, че е щастлив. I think he's happy. I think he's happy. Otrava kadmiom je na juhu veľmi častou príčinou smrti. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. The ostrich cadmium is on the south greater honor of the préčina of death. Моравме да му помогнеме на Том. We had to help Tom. We had to help Tom. Koliko ti je Tom dolžan? How much does Tom owe you? How much did Tom owe you? Том сака да се откаже. Tom wants to let it go. Tom wants to quit. Джейн има сериозни неприятности. Jane is in serious trouble. Jane's in serious trouble. Izgubil sem moj potni list! I lost my passport! I lost my passport! Од неговите погледи заклучив дека ми се лути. I gathered from his looks he was angry with me. From his glances, I concluded that he was angry with me. Защо питаш? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Полесно е вака. It's easier this way. It's easier this way. Може ли да почнам да јадам? May I begin to eat? Can I start eating? Обещавам да я върна. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring her back. Той не е толкова прост, колкото изглежда. He is not as simple as he seems. He's not as simple as he looks. Нося важни новини. I have some important news. I've got some important news. Ти обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Скоро ще престанеш да мислиш за нея. You will soon cease to think of her. You'll soon stop thinking about her. Закопчай си ризата. Button up your shirt. Put your shirt on. Моравме да бараме каде да отседнеме додека ни се реновира куќата. We had to look for a place to stay while our house is under renovation. We had to look for a place to stay while our house was being renovated. Напоследък съм много избухлив.Моят любим футболен отбор запада. I'm really irritable lately. My favorite soccer team is in a slump. My favorite football team is falling. Нейната работа е по-добра от моята. Her work is superior to mine. Her job is better than mine. Ми се заглави песнава во глава. I can't get this song out of my head. This song's stuck in my head. В Япония почти всички пътища са еднолентови. In Japan almost all roads are single lane. In Japan, almost all roads are singles. Dobrá mačka. You're a good cat. That's a good cat. Татоеба: не идвайте тук в петък вечер, деца. Tatoeba: Don't cum here on Friday nights, kids. Dada, don't come here on Friday night, kids. Разбра ли ме? Am I understood? Do you understand me? Том знае многу славни луѓе. Tom knows many celebrities. Tom knows a lot of famous people. Кой Ви каза, че името ми е том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Том не е енергичен. Tom isn't energetic. Tom's not energetic. Том е зол. Tom is evil. Tom's evil. Том длабоко се заинтересира за историјата на уметноста. Tom became deeply interested in art history. Tom was deeply interested in art history. Всички ли са полудели? Has everyone gone crazy? Everybody out of their mind? Моравме да одиме дома пешки по дождот. We had to walk home in the rain. We had to go home on foot in the rain. Каква е минималната заплата в Лихтенщайн? What's the minimum salary in Liechtenstein? What's the minimum wage in Liechtenstein? Tom sa mal spýtať. Tom should've asked. Tom's little spýtať. Čo si kúpila? What did you buy? What are you talking about? Том се навали нанапред за да слуша. Tom leaned forward to listen. Tom leaned forward to listen. Mám sa dobre. I'm fine. I'm good at it. В съседната стая се провежда заседание. There's a meeting going on in the next room. A meeting is held in the next room. Баба ми живееше со нас. My grandmother lived with us. My grandmother lived with us. Тренирам. I work out. I'm training. О, па тоа е одлично. Wow, that's great. Oh, that's great. Ми требаат хартија, моливи, мастило и така натаму. I need some paper, pencils, ink and so on. I need paper, pencils, ink, and so on. Пандата е национално съкровище на Китай. The panda is China's national treasure. The panda is China's national treasure. Много ми се гади. Искам да повърна. I feel very sick. I want to throw up. I'm sick of it. Таа студира анлиски. She studies English. She's studying Anlician. Предавнику! You traitor! Traitor! Колко дълго останахте? How long did you stay? How long have you stayed? Насловите треба да им го привлечат вниманието на читателите. Headlines are supposed to grab the reader's interest. The principles should draw attention to readers. Kde je kladivo? Where is the hammer? Who's the hammer? Бих искала да уча френски, но нямам време за това. I'd like to study French, but I don't have the time. I'd love to learn French, but I don't have time for this. Поздрави Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. Концертното пијано воопшто нема педали. The grand piano has no pedal at all. The concert piano has no pedals at all. Кога стана? When did you get up? When did you get up? Том воопшто не се прибра дома сношти. Tom never came home last night. Tom didn't even come home last night. Том смени тема. Tom changed subjects. Tom changed the subject. Имаш ли мапа од Бостон? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map from Boston? Имам планове за тази вечер. I have plans tonight. I have plans for tonight. Ще те зарадвам. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Zrejme. Of course. Let's do it. Искам да подобря произношението си по френски. I'd like to improve my French pronunciation. I want to improve my French pronunciation. Ще ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? Will you tell me what to do? Това уиски е много силно. This whisky is very strong. This whiskey is very strong. Начинът, по който той работи, не показва нищо, с което да може да се похвали. His work shows nothing to brag about. The way he works does not show anything he can boast with. Едно време хората вярваха, че това е вярно. People used to think that was true. Once upon a time, people believed it was true. Черното ви отива. Black suits you. The black one suits you. Опушти се малку. Relax for a minute. Just relax a little. Мери току-що дойде. Mary has just come home. Mary just got here. Том няма да дойде на време. Tom won't be in time. Tom won't be here in time. Трябва да докладвам за това. I have to report this. I have to report this. Нудистите ја сметаат голотијата за нормална. Nudists regard nudity as normal. Nudists consider the nudity to be normal. Въпроса се разглежда. The matter is now under consideration. The question is being considered. Vse kar si želim je, da utihneš. I just want you to shut up. All I want is for you to shut up. Kdo je že buden? Who is already awake? Who's awake? Одлепуваат. They're going crazy. They're dazzling. Се знаеме. We know each other. We know each other. Твојата куќа е многу убава. Your house is very nice. Your house is very beautiful. Том ни правеше сладки. Tom used to bake us cookies. Tom made us cute. Сигурно сум заборавил. I must've forgotten. I must've forgotten. Глупаците тичат там, където ангелите ги е страх да стъпят. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The fools run where the angels are afraid to step. Той вчера пи много. He drank a lot yesterday. He drank a lot yesterday. Ножот имаше многу остар врв. The knife had a very sharp point. The knife had a very sharp top. Počúvam hudbu. I'm listening to music. I'm doing a hell of a job. Пробај ја кошулана. Try on that shirt. Try the shirt. Тука сум само да му помогнам. I'm only here to help him. I'm just here to help him. Хайде да ни снимат. Let's get our photograph taken. Let's take a picture. Таа роди близначки. She gave birth to twin girls. She gave birth to twins. Тази е моя. Не знам къде е твоята. That is mine. I don't know where yours is. I don't know where yours is. Priaznivé dôsledky, ktoré mi prinieslo to, že som bola plne prítomná v nepríjemných situáciách, posilnili moju ochotu objavovať napriek strachu. The positive outcomes that my being fully present in the uncomfortable situation brought me reinforced my willingness to explore despite fear. The adjective dôdokky, ktoré brought to me this, already prítomná prítná in unprímných situáciách, forced my ochotu to publish the hint of the strachu. Тук е много горещо през лятото. It is very hot here in the summer. It's very hot here in the summer. Таа отиде на фризер. She went to the hairdresser's. She went on a hairdresser. Ела ни на гости. Come and see us. Come visit us. Еден од нив ми се обрати. One of them spoke to me. One of them turned to me. Ова е бесценето. This is priceless. This is priceless. Ајде просто да не зборуваме веќе. Let's just not talk anymore. Let's just not talk anymore. Мојот одговор е сѐ уште потврден. My answer is still yes. My answer is still confirmed. Поръчах ти питие. I ordered you a drink. I ordered you a drink. Ali bi lahko psa sprehajal? Could you walk the dog? Could a dog walk? Не те ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Doesn't he interest you? Зошто плаче Том? Why is Tom crying? Why is Tom crying? Прекрасно! Wonderful! Beautiful! Не ме интересува. Мразя я. I don't care. I hate her. I don't care. Bicykel zhrdzavie, ak ho necháš v daždi. A bicycle will rust if you leave it in the rain. You know, the Bicyclal of Stirzavie, you don't know how to get away with it. Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм била в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. Нямам време да обяснявам. I don't have time to explain. I don't have time to explain. Том не е зачленет. Tom isn't a member. Tom's not taken. Той със сигурност те обича. He must love you. He certainly loves you. Защо устата ти е отворена? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? Ќе правам како што велите. I will do as you say. I'll do as you say. Môj brat vie šoférovať. My brother can drive a car. Môj brother vie shoférov. Внимавай с Том. Be careful with Tom. Be careful with Tom. Това, което той обича, е желе. What he likes is jelly. What he loves is jelly. Хайде да играем. Let's play. Let's play. Нямаха друг избор, освен да я чакат. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. They had no choice but to wait for her. Од што ти е незгодно? What's making you uneasy? What makes you uncomfortable? Оној што сака цвеќиња не може да е лош човек. One who loves flowers cannot be a bad person. A flower-loving person can't be a bad person. Том е смешен. Tom's funny. Tom's funny. И двете сме од Бостон. We're both from Boston. We're both from Boston. Да вечеряме. Let's have dinner. Let's have dinner. Како може да сакаш да ми бидеш пријател? Не гледаш ли каков бедник сум? How can you want to be my friend? Can't you see that I'm a wretch? How can you be my friend? Мисля, че сте абсолютно прав. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Не ме гледайте така! Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that! С кого ходите на плажа? Who did you go to the beach with? Who are you going to the beach with? Том го вработија. Tom was hired. Tom was hired. Зает съм с разни неща. I've been keeping busy. I'm busy with things. My to zoberieme. We'll take it. My dentist. Дан ги засмеа асистентите со своите коментари. Dan made the assistants laugh with his comments. Dan made the assistants laugh with his comments. Том делува многу вообразено. Tom seems very full of himself. Tom's acting very haughty. Најверојатно се лажеме. We're probably wrong. We're probably lying. Как върви работата? How is your work going? How's the job going? Сите ли се зафатени? Is everybody busy? Everybody busy? Отидох до болницата. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Сите седнаа. Everybody sat down. They're all sitting down. Ми треба една минута. I just need a minute. I need one minute. Кажи дека ме разбираш. Say you understand me. Say you understand me. Лошото време ни попречи да тръгнем. Bad weather prevented us from departing. Bad weather stopped us from leaving. Ученето на чужд език е интересно занимание. Learning a foreign language is interesting. Learning a foreign language is an interesting activity. Трчаше најбрзо што можеше. She ran as fast as she was able to. You ran as fast as you could. Страшно се искаравме. We had a terrible fight. We did a hell of a job. Не прекалявай. Don't overdo it. Don't overdo it. Благодаря. Ще дадем най-доброто от себе си. Thank you. We'll do our best. We'll do our best. Не съм го взимала. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Бракот плаши некои луѓе. Marriage frightens some people. Marriage scares some people. Каква е минималната заплата в Словакия? What's the minimum salary in Slovakia? What is the minimum wage in Slovakia? Дадох книгата на моя приятел. I gave the book to my friend. I gave the book to my friend. Билетът важи три дни. The ticket is good for three days. The ticket is valid for three days. Да имав крилја, ќе ти долетав. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If I had wings, I'd fly in your ass. Том многу се озлоби. Tom got really mad. Tom's got himself into a lot of trouble. Mária sa zabávala. Mary had fun. Maaria was stalling. Страв ми е дека Том ќе залута. I'm worried that Tom will get lost. I'm afraid Tom will drift away. Казано направо, той греши. To put it bluntly, he's mistaken. That's right, he's wrong. Ako sa voláte? What's your name? If you vote? Тоа се ловечки кучиња. Those are hounds. They're hunting dogs. Не харесвам лицето ѝ. I don't like her face. I don't like her face. Времето е добро. The weather is good. Time is good. Milujem syr. I love cheese. I'm milking syr. Верувам во духови. I believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. Мразам патлиџани. I hate tomatoes. I hate tolls. Ова се единствените правила коишто треба да ги запамтиш. These are the only rules you need to remember. These are the only rules you need to remember. Na tem milu je las. There is a hair stuck to this soap. There's a soap on that. Дадох на всеки поотделно подарък. I bought them each a present. I gave every single gift. Ще ми се Том да се усмихва по-често. I wish Tom would smile more often. I wish Tom smiled more often. Том загуби службата си. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Мисля, че сме извън опасност. I think we're out of danger. I think we're out of danger. Не ти ли става самотно понякога? Don't you ever get lonely? Don't you get lonely sometimes? Бев спремен за војната. I'm ready for the war. I was ready for the war. Един от навиците на служителите е да се съберат в някой бар или ресторант в края на работния ден, за да се напият и да забравят мизерния си живот до следващия ден. One of the employees' habits is to gather in some bar or restaurant at the end of the workday to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day. One of the employees' habits is to get together at a bar or restaurant at the end of the day to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day. Не забравяй да ми се обадиш утре сутринта. Be sure to call me up tomorrow morning. Don't forget to call me tomorrow morning. Той не отстъпва пред никога по любовта му към музиката. He yields to nobody in love of music. He never gives up in his love of music. Изгледаш како да ти студи. You seem to be cold. You look like you're cold. Може ли некој да ми помогне? Can anyone help me? Can someone help me? Чувајте си го оружјето спремно. Keep your weapons ready. Keep your weapons ready. Кога последен пат си бил во уметничка галерија? When was the last time you went to an art gallery? When was the last time you were in an art gallery? On naozaj miluje jazyky. He really likes languages. He's referring to the mezzyky. Уча френски сама. I'm learning French on my own. I'm learning French on my own. Мислев да спомнам. I just thought I'd mention it. I thought I'd mention it. Том се упражнява да говори френски при всяка възможност. Tom practices speaking French every chance he gets. Tom is trained to speak French whenever possible. Имам два апарата. I have two cameras. I've got two cameras. Ти идваш от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You're coming from Sweden. Не мога да забравя Том. I can't forget Tom. I can't forget Tom. Ајде да останеме во брак. Let's stay married. Let's stay married. Би направил сѐ за да заработи пари. He would do whatever it takes to make money. I would do anything to earn money. Том се натажи. Tom became depressed. Tom's getting sad. Казваш ми, че нашият план е одобрен? Надявам се, че не ми показваш никакво прибързано щастие. Are you saying that our plan was accepted? I hope you're not showing me any premature happiness here. Are you telling me that our plan has been approved? Последен пат бев дома во петок навечер кога имав тринаесет години. I haven't been home on a Friday night since I was thirteen. Last time I was home Friday night when I was 13 years old. Neodkladne choď k lekárovi, ak sa ti to zhorší. Make sure you go to a doctor if you get worse. Unfortunate choo to the lekár, like you do it. Ти крварат ли непцата? Do your gums bleed? Do your gums bleed? Светлината се одбива од вода. Water reflects light. Light is turned away from water. Нанси обича игрите на закрито. Nancy enjoys indoor games. Nancy likes the games indoors. Мисля, че Том е заспал. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom's asleep. Мери се исплаши. Mary was afraid. Mary got scared. Јас го сторив тоа. I did it. I did it. Той ще стигне до Хакодате довечера. He will reach Hakodate tonight. He's gonna make it to Hakodata tonight. Súhlasím úplne. I agree completely. Súhlásím úplne. Аз вече не залагам. I don't gamble anymore. I'm not betting anymore. Ајде да не му пречиме на Том. Let's not bother Tom. Let's not bother Tom. Том е чуден. Tom is odd. Tom's weird. Каде рече Том дека сакал да оди? Where did Tom say he wanted to go? Where did Tom say he wanted to go? Го гонеше крадецот. He chased the thief. He was chasing the thief. Той няма да успее. He won't make it. He's not gonna make it. Сите коментари се излишни. All the comments are superfluous. All comments are unnecessary. Нищо от това, което Том прави, не ми харесва. I don't like anything Tom does. None of what Tom's doing, I don't like it. Ќе ти биде подобро. You'll get better. You'll feel better. Ајде само да фаќаме магла. Let's just get out of here. Let's just get the fog. Кој го донел ова? Who brought this? Who brought this? Дан се преправи во питач. Dan was disguised as a beggar. Dan turned into a pied man. Студирам музика. I'm studying music. I'm studying music. Таксистка ли е? Is she a taxi driver? Is she a cabbie? Kupili si bomo avto. We are gonna buy ourselves a car. We're gonna buy a car. Прекалено зает съм, за да му помогна. I'm too busy to help him. I'm too busy to help him. Дај да ти зготвам нешто. Let me cook something for you. Let me cook you something. Tom zostal v Bostone. Tom stayed in Boston. Tom stayed in Bostone. Той е мил. He is nice. He's nice. Nikam nejdem. I am not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. Не ли сакаш да го задржиш? Don't you want to keep it? Don't you want to keep it? Том го одбија. Tom was rejected. Tom got turned down. Някои хора със сигурност биха попитали, защо просто не си съберем нещата и не се изтеглим от Афганистан? Some people are sure to ask, why don't we just pack up and leave Afghanistan? Some people would certainly ask, why don't we just get our stuff together and move out of Afghanistan? Колку е длабока јамата? How deep is the hole? How deep is the pit? Искам нещо топло за пиене. I want something hot to drink. I want something hot to drink. Пред се, биди љубезен со постари лица. Above all, be kind to old people. First of all, be kind to older ones. Овој проект не оди добро. The project isn't going well. This project's not going well. To je moja Facebook stránka. This is my page on Facebook. This is my Facebook stránka. Направих си чекова сметка. I opened a checking account. I made a check account. Ќе го најдат. They're going to find him. They'll find him. Кога обично ручаш? What time do you usually eat lunch? When do you usually have lunch? Том ја слушаше Мери. Tom listened to Mary. Tom listened to Mary. Предпочитам да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Колко захар използваш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? Волци го демнеа стадото. Wolves stalked the flock. The wolves stalked the herd. Ние учим френски. We study French. We're learning French. Ти трепериш. You're shivering. You're shaking. Имате ли нещо против да отворите прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind opening the window? Сигурнa съм, че сте много зает. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Том не ја видел Мери како го прави тоа. Tom didn't see Mary do that. Tom didn't see Mary do it. Той се ожени за стюардеса. He married a stewardess. He married the stewardess. Май съм щастлив. I'm sort of happy. I think I'm happy. Kdo je moj nasprotnik? Who is my opponent? Who's my opponent? Je to pre teba príliš ťažké? Is that too heavy for you? Is that too much for you? Tom býva v Bostone. Tom is living in Boston. Tom býva in Bostone. Ние се хранехме. We were eating. We fed. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителна. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Тука е топло. It's warm in here. It's hot in here. Предајте ги составите. Hand in your papers. Surrender the assembly. Се забавувам. I'm having a good time. I'm having fun. Не добив одговор од неа. I never got an answer from her. I didn't get an answer from her. Грмушката гори. The bush is burning. The bush is burning. Моите нови чизми се од вистинска кожа и имаат релативно високи потпетици. My new boots are made of real leather and have relatively high heels. My new boots are made of real skin and have relatively high heels. Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he discovered that Mary was missing. Не ми е гајле што велиш, Том. I don't care what you say, Tom. I don't care what you say, Tom. Имаш многу среќа. You're really lucky. You're very lucky. Том беше во колибата. Tom was in the cabin. Tom was in the cabin. Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He split the apples between us five. Нямам много английски книги. I have few English books. I don't have a lot of English books. Можеш да разчиташ на мен. You can rely on me. You can count on me. Оди си додека сѐ уште можеш. Leave while you can. Go away while you still can. Лягай на пода! Get down on the floor! Get on the floor! Кой е собственика на тази кола? Who is the owner of this car? Who owns this car? Том колко време е учил френски? How long has Tom studied French? Tom, how long did he study French? Много ви благодаря! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Volal sestre. He called his sister. The sister's vote. Том го избриша сечилото на ножот од фармерките. Tom wiped the blade of his knife on his jeans. Tom erased the knife blade from the jeans. Изряза ли хартията? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Девојката ништо не рече. The girl didn't say anything The girl didn't say anything. Много е кратък. It's very short. It's very short. Бев малку вомјазен. I was a bit shocked. I was a little enchanted. Том е љубезен. Tom is kind. Tom's kind. Том и Мери не се ни познаваат. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Tom and Mary don't even know each other. Marija je prav tako skrbela za živela. Maria also looked after the animals. Mary also cared for her life. Биди безмилосен. Be ruthless. Be ruthless. Волен сум да ти платам многу пари за да го извршиш тоа. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money to do that. Том одржа говор. Tom gave a speech. Tom gave a speech. Веќе го направи тоа. You did that already. You've already done that. Сочувствителен ли беше? Were you sympathetic? Was he compassionate? Очевидно. Obviously. Obviously. Помогнах на Том да си направи домашното. I helped Tom with his homework. I helped Tom do his homework. За тоа ќе треба време. That would take time. That's gonna take some time. Боб ми помогна. Bob helped me. Bob helped me. Знаеш ли кој сум јас? Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? Kto je zodpovedný za tento problém? Who's responsible for this problem? Kto is a reprimanded problém? Отровни ли се осите? Are wasps poisonous? Are the axles poisoned? Том знаеше дека на Мери ќе и се допадне Џон. Tom knew Mary would like John. Tom knew Mary would like John. Тогаш бев дома. I was at home then. I was home then. Имам триесет години. I'm thirty. I'm 30 years old. Скоро ще се върна. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Nainštalujte Linux! Install Linux! Get Linux! Немој да си ми се онесвестил. Don't you pass out on me. Don't pass out on me. Камоли да го дознаев ова порано. If only I had known this earlier. I wish I'd known this sooner. Мисля, че си способен на всичко. I think you're capable of anything. I think you're capable of anything. Зошто треба да ја најдеме? Why do we need to find her? Why do we have to find her? Том живее на три пресечки от брега. Tom lives three blocks from the beach. Tom lives three blocks off the coast. Kalkulator na mizi je moj. The calculator on the table is mine. The calculator on the table is mine. Не ни се сомневав во тоа. I never doubted that. I didn't even doubt it. А ако не ги најдеме? What if we don't find them? What if we don't find them? Má tri deti. He has three children. It's a three-year-old. Можеш ли да направиш да престане тоа? Can you make it stop? Can you make it stop? Сакаме да му помогнеме. We want to help him. We want to help him. След като запалиш фитила ще имаш петнайсет секунди, за да отидеш на безопасно място. Once you light the fuse you'll have fifteen seconds to get to safety. Once you start the fuse, you'll have 15 seconds to go somewhere safe. Čítam túto knihu. I'm reading this book. I'm sorry about that. Те копнеят за градския живот. They are longing for city life. They yearn for city life. Том ме истепа. Tom beat me up. Tom beat me up. Той е фотогеничен. He's photogenic. He's photogenic. Том делува учтиво. Tom seems courteous. Tom seems polite. Musím poriadne študovať. I have to study really hard. Musím Pauli's studentsť. Јас сум студент. I am a student. I'm a student. Виждал съм Том да прави невъзможното. I've seen Tom do the impossible. I've seen Tom do the impossible. Том ја спушти пушката. Tom lowered his rifle. Tom put the gun down. Тоа ми даде идеја. It gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. Не се бори. Don't fight. He's not fighting. Колку резервни клучеви имаш за колата? How many spare keys do you have for your car? How many spare keys do you have for the car? Ќе можам да те видам следната година. I'll be able to see you next year. I'll be able to see you next year. Том няма да изнася реч днес. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom's not going to make a speech today. Не ме гледайте така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Изпълнявам си задълженията. I'm doing my duty. I'm fulfilling my duties. Мисля, че Том казва истината. I think Tom is telling the truth. I think Tom's telling the truth. Том скочи през прозореца. Tom jumped out of the window. Tom jumped out the window. Мислам дека сум настинат. I think I have a cold. I think I'm cold. Ќе водиме дискусија во врска со прогнозата. We will have a discussion concerning the prognosis. We'll have a discussion about the prognosis. Се спрема да заврне. It's about to rain. It's about to turn. Том не ми кажа кој му е учител по француски. Tom didn't tell me who his French teacher was. Tom didn't tell me who his French teacher was. Празно е. It's empty. It's empty. Какво има в кошницата? What's in the basket? What's in the basket? Двапати сум одел во Бостон. I've gone to Boston twice. I went to Boston twice. Дай ми едно парче тебешир. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a piece of tiger. Неуспехот го потишти. The failure depressed him. The failure was slowing him down. Кучето ме следеше. The dog followed me. The dog followed me. Твоја грешка беше. It was your mistake. It was your mistake. Знаеш ли как се кара кола? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know how to drive a car? Чух, че Том бил ранен. I heard Tom was hurt. I heard Tom was hurt. Престанете да хленчите. Stop whimpering. Stop whining. Още не съм казала "да". I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Опитахме се да го убедим. We tried to persuade him. We tried to convince him. Лягам си късно през нощта. I go to bed late at night. I'm going to bed late at night. Том е сочувствителен. Tom is compassionate. Tom's compassionate. Името на сестра ми е Патриша. My sister's name is Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. Имаш навистина добар ракопис. You have really good handwriting. You have a really good handwriting. Том речиси стигнал. Tom is almost there. Tom's almost there. Не ме интересува какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Можеш ли да плуваш? Can you swim? Can you swim? Том е учтив. Tom is courteous. Tom's being polite. Том не може да ти помогне. Tom can't help you. Tom can't help you. Том можеше да види дека Мери праќа пораки. Tom could see that Mary was texting. Tom could see Mary texting. Мораме да чекаме тука. We have to wait here. We have to wait here. Почни одново. Start over. Start again. Славниот критичар и поетот заедно патуваат. The great critic and the poet are traveling together. The famous critic and poet travel together. Искам да бъда учител по френски. I'd like to be a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Том си изкара чудесно, когато отиде в Бостън. Tom had a wonderful time when he went to Boston. Tom had a great time when he went to Boston. Чувствам се спокойна. I feel at ease. I feel calm. Ще се изненадаш какво мислят хората. You'd be surprised what people think. You'll be surprised what people think. Извини за вчера. I apologize for yesterday. Sorry about last night. Камоли да остануваше. I wish you were staying. I wish I'd stayed. Автомобилните продажби претърпяха влошаване към края на финансовата година. Automobile sales suffered a setback at the end of the financial year. Car sales suffered a deterioration by the end of the financial year. Никъде няма да бъдеш защитена. You won't be safe anywhere. You're not gonna be protected anywhere. Каква е температурата сега? What's the temperature now? What's the temperature now? Зарем не мислиш дека е доста топло за демекври? Don't you think it is rather warm for December? Don't you think it's too hot for a demekre? Ова мора да престане. This needs to stop. This has to stop. Работев за нив. I worked for them. I worked for them. Mary sa chcela vydať za muža s ambíciou. Mary wanted to marry a man with ambition. Mary sappella vydať for a fly with ambíciou. Горещо ли ти е? Are you hot? Are you hot? Той е в затвора. He's in prison. He's in jail. Никогаш нема да погодиш. You'll never guess. You'll never guess. Мисля, че трябва да слушаш Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Тоа ќе ги научи на ред. That'll show them. That'll teach them in turn. Том идва в Бостън веднъж годишно. Tom comes to Boston once a year. Tom comes to Boston once a year. И Том ли учествувал? Was Tom in on it? Did Tom participate, too? Той кръсти кучето си Попай. He named his dog Popeye. He named his dog Popeye. Няма да повярваш. You wouldn't believe it. You're not gonna believe this. Том и кажа на Мери да биде повнимателна. Tom told Mary to be more careful. Tom told Mary to be more careful. Тази страна на къщата улавя сутрешното слънце. This side of the house catches the morning sun. This side of the house captures the morning sun. Ти си доста добър по френски, нали? You're pretty good at French, aren't you? You're pretty good at French, aren't you? Нека ни помогнат. Get them to help us. Let them help us. Тоа е само привремено решение. It's only a temporary solution. It's just a temporary solution. Том е винаги отнесен. Tom is always daydreaming. Tom's always been taken away. Nechcem chodiť do školy. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to chodiť to go to school. Не биди блесав. Don't be such a fool. Don't be silly. Moj oče mi je povedal o svojih izkušnjah med vojno. My father told me about his experiences during the war. My father told me about his experiences during the war. Придонесува ли Том? Is Tom contributing? Does Tom contribute? Не сме ни сигурни дека Том е виновен за нешто. We're not even sure Tom is guilty of anything. We're not even sure Tom's guilty of anything. Govoriš angleško? Do you speak English? You speak English? Това е къщата, в която Том е бил отгледан. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house where Tom was raised. Сакам да верувам дека Том беше среќен. I wanted to believe Tom was happy. I want to believe Tom was happy. Зарем не е тоа добра вест? Isn't that good news? Isn't that good news? Няколко човека посетиха срещата. Few people attended the meeting. A few people visited the meeting. Том многу се има сменето од лани. Tom has really changed a lot since last year. Tom has changed a lot since last year. Том пере пари. Tom launders money. Tom's laundering money. Ова е мошне необично. This is highly unusual. This is very unusual. Правдата се изразува преку дела. Justice is expressed through actions. Righteousness is expressed by works. Tom to nemusí povedať Mary ak nechce. Tom doesn't have to tell Mary if he doesn't want to. Tom, that's not what Tom's saying. He's saying, "Mary, Mary." Не трябва да се предавате. You must not give up. You don't have to give up. Не си чувствам левия крак. I have no feeling in my left leg. I don't feel my left leg. Том ме дружеше. Tom kept me company. Tom used to hang out with me. Немам коментар. No comment. No comment. Ми се допаѓа како си облечен. I like your outfit. I like the way you're dressed. Том има дъщеря на твоите години. Tom has a daughter about your age. Tom has a daughter your age. Мораш да ѝ помогнеш. You must help her. You have to help her. Той е голям лъжец. He's a big liar. He's a big liar. Не знам англиски, а камоли шпански. I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I don't know English, I know Spanish. Луѓето често се жалат како другите ги третираат неправедно, а не согледуваат дека и нивното сопствено однесување е непожелно. People often complain of how others treat them unjustly, failing to perceive that their own behaviour is quite objectionable. People often complain about how others treat them unjustly, not realizing that their own conduct is undesirable. Морам да бидам слободен. I've got to be free. I have to be free. Не си ли щастлив? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Том говори френски добре като Мери. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Когато сме заедно, времето изглежда спряло. When we are together, time seems to stand still. When we're together, time seems to have stopped. Се смуваа. They started kissing each other. They laughed. Колку сакаш? How many do you want? How much do you want? Така и се сомневав. I suspected as much. That's what I doubted. Сѐ уште не сум спремен. I'm still not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Дојди и разговарај со мене, Том. Come out and talk to me, Tom. Come and talk to me, Tom. Пробувавме да го сокриеме тоа. We tried to keep it a secret. We tried to hide it. Смртта на баба ми беше голем шок. The death of my grandmother was a great shock. Grandmother's death was a great shock. Мислам дека Том има право. I think Tom is right. I think Tom's right. Морам да најдам начин да им помогнам. I must find a way to help them. I have to find a way to help them. Том ми е маж. Tom is my husband. Tom's my husband. Хобито ѝ е да колекционира пощенски марки. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Her hobby is to collect stamps. Той рядко ходи на църква. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Слонът има дълъг нос. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. Бъдете внимателни! Be careful! Be careful! Јадевме многу убава храна. We had a lovely meal. We've been eating a lot of beautiful food. Том не изгледа баш најдобро. Tom doesn't look so well. Tom doesn't look so good. Twitter je lepší a bezpečnejší ako Facebook. Twitter is better and more secure than Facebook. Twitter is a nicer a beeché ako Facebook. ''Tom, kako je ime tvojemu psu?'' je vprašal njegov sosed. "Tom, what is your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. "Tom, what's your dog's name?" asked his neighbor. Ellen nehovorí po anglicky. Ellen does not speak English. Ellen's inhospitable after anglycky. Утре свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Som veľmi unavený. I'm really tired. I'm not sure what you mean. Участниците се подготвят за последния кръг на състезанието. The contestants are gearing up for the final round of competition. Participants prepare for the final round of the competition. Те чекав надвор. I waited outside for you. I've been waiting outside for you. Том сакаше да има поголем брод од брат му. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Одеднаш се почувствував старо. I suddenly felt old. Suddenly I felt old. Труди се да не му обрнуваш внимание на Том. Try to ignore Tom. Try not to pay attention to Tom. Той яде само плодове. He eats nothing but fruit. He only eats fruit. Том попита Мери за нейното семейство. Tom asked Mary about her family. Tom asked Mary about her family. И јас би сакал да одам. I'd like to go, too. I'd like to go, too. Да му ставиме крај на ова. Let's end this. Let's put an end to this. Не ми го зашеќерувај кафето. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't make my coffee. Od kdaj? Since when? Since when? Мисля, че имаш нужда от почивка. I think you need some rest. I think you need a break. Колко време ще отнеме? How long will it take? How long is it gonna take? Не требаше да одам кај Том. I shouldn't have gone to Tom's house. I shouldn't have gone to Tom. Жестоко грешиш. You're dead wrong. You're very wrong. Той помоли за малко пари. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Принцот го наследи престолот. The prince succeeded to the throne. The prince inherited the throne. Защо не си свалиш палтото? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? Тебе ли ти се обратив? Was I talking to you? Did I turn to you? Има ли некој што не се сложува? Does anyone disagree? Is there anyone who disagrees? Не ни знам кое е кое. I don't even know which one is which. I don't even know what that is. Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We don't hang out. Никој ова не го знае. Nobody knows this. Nobody knows this. Мисля, че бензинът ни е свършил. I think we're out of gas. I think we're out of gas. Какво Ви кара да мислите така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? И това съм виждала. I've seen that, too. That's what I've seen. Трябва да те видя. I've got to see you. I need to see you. Многу си отсечен. You're very sharp. You're so cut off. Чичо ми ми даде този часовник. My uncle gave me this watch. My uncle gave me that watch. Концертът му беше много добър. His concert was very good. His concert was very good. Нямахте друг избор, освен да я чакате. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. You had no choice but to wait for her. Майк кръсти кучето си Спайк. Mike named his dog Spike. Mike named his dog Spike. Podľa mňa sa mýliš. In my opinion, you are wrong. You can't do that. Тоа беше многу корисно. That was a big help. That was very useful. И аз ще дойда. I'll come, too. I'll come too. Верувај ѝ на својата интуиција. Trust your intuition. Trust your intuition. Млякото се вкисна. The milk turned sour. The milk is sour. Пробвай го пак. Try it once more. Try it again. Скијањето всушност било многу позабавно одошто бев очекувал. Skiing is actually a lot more fun than I expected it to be. The skiing was actually much more fun than I expected. Той отиде в Хокайдо. He has gone to Hokkaido. He went to Hokkaido. Прилично сум сигурен дека му се допаѓаш на Том. I'm pretty sure Tom likes you. I'm pretty sure Tom likes you. Imam belo mačko. I have a white cat. I've got a white cat. Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work at the hospital. She wants to work at the hospital. Rozpad Britského impéria bol pomerne pokojný. The dismantling of the British Empire was relatively peaceful. Rozpad Britského impéria painfully deceasedý. Том също може да говори на френски. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can also speak French. Том говори френски добре. Tom speaks French well. Tom speaks French well. Рокот за извештаите е следниот понеделник. The deadline for the reports is next Monday. The reporting deadline is next Monday. Му се исполни пророштвото. His prophecy was fulfilled. His prophecy was fulfilled. Мисля, че наистина ще ви хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Том току-що успя. Tom just did it. Tom just did it. Имаше стапки од пингвин на песокот. There were penguin footprints in the sand. There were footsteps of penguins on the sand. Наистина съм уморена и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired, and I want to go to bed early. Ќе ти ја донесам. I'll bring her to you. I'll get it for you. Като последна предпазна мярка си пънах и фенерче в раницата. As a last precaution, I put a flashlight into my pack. As my last precaution, I put a flashlight in my backpack. За што станува збор всушност? What's it all about? What exactly is this about? Том, отворен ти е патентот. Tom, your fly's open. Tom, your patent is open. Pomohli sme mu. We helped him. He can help him. Сигурен сум дека Том никогаш не бил во Бостон. I'm sure that Tom has never been to Boston. I'm sure Tom's never been to Boston. Този цвят ми харесва. I like this color. I like that color. Имам домашни за писане. I have some homework to finish. I have homework to write. Каква е минималната заплата в Испания? What's the minimum salary in Spain? What's the minimum wage in Spain? Сите се лажливци. They're all liars. They're all liars. Нудат бесплатни кондоми. They offer free condoms. They're offering free condoms. Тоа може да се изведе. That can be done. That can be done. Имаме три стражара коишто работат наизменично. We have three security guards who take shifts. We have three guards working alternately. Неговият чичо ще поеме отговорността за него. His uncle will undertake the responsibility for him. His uncle will take responsibility for him. Гледай ми пръстите. Watch my fingers. Watch my fingers. Благодаря, че дойде. Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. Подобро да умреш на нозе отколку да живееш на колена. Better to die standing than to live on your knees. You better die on your feet than live on your knees. Ти не си желана тук. You're not wanted here. You're not wanted here. Чух, че членството на Том е било прекратено. I heard Tom's membership has been revoked. I hear Tom's membership has been suspended. Том е ОК, нали? Tom is OK, isn't he? Tom's okay, right? Треба да се рекламираме на телевизија. We need to advertise on television. We need to advertise on TV. Забравих за това. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Ќе му дозволиме на Том да проба. We'll let Tom try. We'll let Tom try. Това е болницата, в която Том се е родил. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital where Tom was born. Што точно се случи меѓу нас? What exactly happened between us? What exactly happened between us? Задоволни беа. They were satisfied. They were satisfied. Мислат дека е прекубројно. They think it's superfluous. They think it's too many. На растојание од три часа сум. I'm three hours away. I'm three hours away. Пичове, заети ли сте? Are you guys busy? Guys, are you busy? Многу е убаво чувството. That feels so good. It feels so good. Ми бевте одличен ментор. You have been a great mentor to me. You've been a great mentor to me. Ще ви се обадя утре сутринта. I will call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you tomorrow morning. Не сум задоволен. I'm not satisfied. I'm not happy. Време е да обядваме. It's time to eat lunch. It's time to have lunch. Знам да одам. I can walk. I know how to go. Ти си проблемот. You're the problem. You're the problem. Нямам представа защо. I have no idea why. I have no idea why. Вселената е загадка. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Никога не пиша думите "борш" и "шчи" на немски език! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! I never write the words "borsch" and "sch" in German! Престана ли да ја тепаш жена си? Have you stopped beating your wife? Have you stopped beating your wife? Наистина оценявам предложението. I really appreciate the offer. I really appreciate the offer. Том не е многу уреден. Tom isn't very neat. Tom's not very neat. Сигурна ли си, че Том знае какво трябва да направи? Are you sure Tom knows what he's supposed to do? Are you sure Tom knows what he has to do? Med poukom ne smeš govoriti japonsko. You must not speak Japanese during the class. You mustn't speak Japanese during class. Нека биде по мое. Let's do it my way. Make it mine. Трябва да учиш френски, независимо дали ти харесва или не. You have to study French whether you like it or not. You have to learn French whether you like it or not. Том беше во кома. Tom was in a coma. Tom was in a coma. Nenávidím teroristické organizácie. I hate terrorist organizations. Nenávidím terroristické Organizácie. Мечката се каса самата себе. The bear bites itself. The bear bites itself. Пореметен си! You're sick! You're sick! Успокой се. Chill out. Calm down. Инцидентът му попречи да дойде. The accident prevented him from coming. His accident stopped him from coming. Ми се допаѓа дискретниот хумор на Том. I like Tom's subtle humor. I like Tom's discreet humor. И двата метода проработиха безпроблемно. Both methods worked flawlessly. Both methods worked smoothly. Nenechávaj zapnuté svetlá, keď opúšťaš izbu. Do not leave the lights on when you leave the room. Don't start the light. Често прекарвам свободното си време слушайки музика. I often spend my free time listening to music. I often spend my free time listening to music. Какъв ти е проблемът с Том? What's your problem with Tom? What's your problem with Tom? Сакај ме малку, сакај ме долго. Love me little, love me long. Love me a little, love me a long time. Не говорете такива неща. Don't say things like that. Don't say that. Јадат сендвичи. They are eating a sandwich. They're eating sandwiches. Понеже обикновено могат да се намерят много уебсайтове на дадена тема, обикновено кликвам бутона "Назад", когато попадна на някоя уебстраница с изскачащи реклами. Просто отивам на следващата страница, която ми предлага Google, и се надявам тя да дразни по-малко. Since there are usually multiple websites on any given topic, I usually just click the back button when I arrive on any webpage that has pop-up advertising. I just go to the next page found by Google and hope for something less irritating. Since you can usually find a lot of websites on a subject, I usually click the "Na back" button when it hits a webpage with pop-up commercials. I just go to the next page that Google offers me, and I hope it will annoy less. Имам планови за вечера со Том. I have dinner plans with Tom. I have plans for dinner with Tom. Не можев да го сторам тоа. I couldn't do that. I couldn't do it. Ми се пешачи. I feel like walking. I'm walking. Кога завршува учебната година? When is school over? When does school year end? Што рекол Том? What has Tom said? What did Tom say? Твојата улога тука е толку важна. Your role here is so important. Your role here is so important. Сложи си палтото. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Том ме праша дали ми се допаѓа Бостон или не. Tom asked me whether I liked Boston or not. Tom asked me if I liked Boston or not. Зошто да не се најдеме во 2:30? Why don't we meet at 2:30? Why don't we meet at 2:30? Полицията разследва случая. The police are investigating the accident. The police are investigating the case. Jedla si. You were eating. You ate. Свештеникот ќе земе малку од крвта. The priest will take some of the blood. The priest will take some of the blood. Таа мрази да трча. She hates running. She hates running. Том вчера се обиде да се самоубие. Tom tried to kill himself yesterday. Tom tried to kill himself yesterday. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да отидеш на лекар? Are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor? Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor? Тоа ни беше планот. That was our plan. That was our plan. Привикнала съм към това. I'm accustomed to this. I'm used to it. Вербално ги малтретираа. They verbally abused them. They were harassed verbally. Бетер беше. It was worse. It was Beter. Нема ништо да речам. I won't say anything. I'm not gonna say anything. Юджи разказа на приятеля си история за своето приключение по време на лятната ваканция. Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during the summer vacation. Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during summer vacation. Зошто работиш за нив? Why are you working for them? Why do you work for them? Получих писмото ти. I received your letter. I got your letter. Ще се отбия при тебе през някой от следващите дни. I'll call on you one of these days. I'll stop by your house in the next few days. Речта на Том беше отлична. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. Som v dôchodku. I'm retired. I'm in dôchodk. Искам да отида в същото училище, в което Том възнамерява да се запише. I want to go to the same school that Tom plans to go to. I want to go to the same school where Tom intends to sign up. Мисля, че трябва да послушате Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Том сакаше Мери да оди во пошта со него. Tom wanted Mary to go to the post office for him. Tom wanted Mary to go to the post office with him. Не обичам математиката, а пък физиката съвсем. I don't like math, much less physics. I don't like math, I like physics all the time. Прилично сме добри. We're pretty good. We're pretty good. Да си вземем саке. Let's have sake. Let's get a jacket. Подобро да не излегуваме на ваква бура. I think we'd better not go out in this storm. We'd better not go out on a storm like this. Само малку патници ја преживеаја несреќата. Few passengers survived the accident. Only a few passengers survived the accident. Напротив, никога не съм казвал такова нещо. On the contrary, I've never said such a thing. On the contrary, I've never said anything like that. Аз бях в отпуск. I was on vacation. I was on leave. Hočeš čaj? Do you want some tea? You want some tea? Идната седмица се местим в Бостън. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Мисля, че ще ви хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Какво прави Кен сега? What's Ken doing now? What's Ken doing now? Том не ми е братучед. Tom isn't my cousin. Tom's not my cousin. Сега едвај можам да работам. I can hardly work now. I can barely work now. Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I get shaken up thinking about it. Търся си къща. I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. Помня какво беше казал той. I remember what he said. I remember what he said. Веќе е единаесет часот. It's already eleven. It's 11 o'clock. Никога не съм те виждал толкова нервна. I've never seen you look so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Зошто застануваме? Why are we stopping? Why are we stopping? Том сѐ уште се обидува да ја наговори Мери да ја прифати работата. Tom is still trying to talk Mary into taking the job. Tom is still trying to talk Mary into accepting the job. Няма да говоря повече за това. I won't mention it again. I'm not gonna talk about this anymore. Това би било твърде лесно. That would be too easy. That would be too easy. Бях обучен в това училище. I was given training in that school. I was trained at this school. Том си ја става раката околу Мери. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom's putting his hand around Mary. Коридорът е хлъзгав, внимавай. The hallway is slippery, so watch your step. The corridor is slippery, be careful. Честно казано, скъпи, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! Зарем не знаеш дека е безнадежно? Don't you know it's hopeless? Don't you know it's hopeless? Светофарът светна зелено. The traffic light turned green. The light lit up green. В писмото му имаше снимка. His letter enclosed a picture. There was a picture in his letter. Автобуса се тресеше по неравният път. The bus jolted over the rough road. The bus was shaking down the rough road. Што е фората со капава? What's with the hat? What's with the hat? Получи ли това, което ти изпратих? Did you get what I sent you? Did you get what I sent you? Мери беше прекрасна невеста. Mary was such a lovely bride. Mary was a wonderful bride. Дај ми неколку минути и ќе откријам што се случува. Give me a few minutes and I'll find out what's going on. Give me a few minutes and I'll find out what's going on. Можам и без тоа. I can do without it. I can do it anyway. Да не те е страх от нещо? Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of something? Кога почнува претставата? When does the performance begin? When does the show start? Сите умираат кога-тогаш. Everybody dies eventually. Everyone dies when they do. Всички правила трябва да бъдат съобразени с политиката на компанията. All of the rules must be in line with company policy. All rules must be in line with the company's policy. Hrana ni bila preveč okusna. The food didn't taste very good. The food wasn't too tasty. Щастлив ли сте? Are you happy? Are you happy? Те говореха твърде бързо, за да разбера какво казват. They spoke too quickly for me to understand. They talked too quickly to find out what they were saying. Prisilili so me, da zapojem pesem. They forced me to sing a song. They made me sing a song. Пред да го направиш тоа, треба да му побараш дозвола на Том. Before doing that, you need to ask Tom for permission. Before you do that, you need to ask Tom for permission. Историите, които ще прочетете в тази книга, се занимават с някои от многото проблеми, пред които са изправени младите хора. The stories which you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems which face young people. The stories you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems young people face. Тя препрочете писмото му отново и отново. She read his letter again and again. She reread his letter over and over again. Искам да се видя с Том. I want to meet with Tom. I want to see Tom. Дай ми да помисля малко и ще се свържа с тебе. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. Let me think a little bit, and I'll get back to you. Френският на Том е наистина доста добър. Tom's French is really quite good. Tom's French is really good. Мисля, че си го правила и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done it before. Том изгледа нервозно. Tom looks frustrated. Tom seems nervous. Не, благодаря. Само гледам. No, thank you. I am just looking. No, thanks, I'm just looking. Дългите поли сега са демоде. Long skirts are out of fashion now. Long skirts are now democracies. Штом го зголеда, срцето му застана. From the moment he saw him, his heart stopped. As soon as I'm through with him, his heart stopped. Том си ја зеде флејтата и почна да свири. Tom picked up his flute and began to play. Tom took his flute and started playing. Чаках един месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Силният дъжд ми попречи да отида. The heavy rain prevented me from going. The heavy rain stopped me from going. Днес е мъгливо. It's foggy today. It's foggy today. Som si istý, že Tom na nás nezabudol. I'm sure Tom hasn't forgotten about us. Som istý, already Tom's on nás oblivion. Ништо не ни пречи. Nothing bothers us. We don't mind. С какво се занимава баща ти? What does your father do? What does your father do? Мразя я, но не зная защо. I hate her, but I don't know why. I hate her, but I don't know why. Много е вкусно. It tastes very good. It's delicious. Каде оди волот? Where is the ox going? Where's the wolf going? Аз не съм като Том. I'm not like Tom. I'm not like Tom. Мисля, че тя е над четирийсетгодишна. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's over 40. Те молам, дојди со мене. Please come with me. Please, come with me. Таа полека разви омраза кон мене. She slowly developed hatred toward me. She slowly developed hatred for me. Толку си талентиран. You're so talented. You're so talented. Grem v Los Angeles. I'm going to LA. I'm going to L.A. To je už dosť! That's quite enough! It's a festive file! Той може да те е разбрал неправилно. He may have misunderstood you. He may have misinterpreted you. Том се измери на вага. Tom weighed himself. Tom's measured on a scale. Драго ми е што не ми го направи ова ти. I'm just glad it wasn't you who did this to me. I'm glad you didn't do this to me. Трябва да разбера Том кога смята да тръгва. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. I need to know when Tom's going to go. На оваа куќа и требаат поправки. The house requires repairs. This house needs repairs. Да одиме во Бостон. Let's go to Boston. Let's go to Boston. Мисля, че Том трябва да бъде зашит. I think Tom needs stitches. I think Tom should be sewn up. Това отново ще ти потрябва. You'll need this again. You're gonna need this again. Potrebuješ niečo? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Чичо ми даде колата си на мен. My uncle yielded his car to me. Uncle gave his car to me. Това месо е развалено. This meat has gone bad. This meat is broken. Не отваряй тази врата, моля те. Don't open this door, please. Don't open that door, please. И двамата родители на Том бяха преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Tom's parents were both teachers. Майка ми преподава аранжиране на цветя. My mother teaches flower arranging. My mother teaches flower arrangements. Том не сака журка. Tom doesn't want a party. Tom doesn't want a party. Ние трябва да опитаме нещо различно. We've got to try something different. We have to try something different. Сигурни ли сте? Are you sure? Are you sure? Има лажни трепки. She has fake eyelashes. He's got fake eyelashes. Том им се претстави на луѓето зад пултот. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Ова е вертикална линија. This is a vertical line. This is a vertical line. Во никој случај не би сакал да се натрапам. The last thing I want to do is butt in. I wouldn't want to get in the way. Натиснете бутон Shift. Press the Shift button. Press Shift button. Том се навали нанапред. Tom leaned forward. Tom's moving forward. Од што се кочат веб-сајтовите? What causes websites to lag? What are the websites attached to? Pesem "I Am Woman" Helene Reddy je postala neuradna himna ženskega osvobodilnega gibanja. The song "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement. The song "I Am Woman" Helene Reddy became an informal anthem of women's liberation movement. Син ми многу сака ракети. My son loves rockets. My son loves rockets. Бъди внимателна. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Казвам се Хенри. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Одеднаш слушнав гласен гром. Suddenly I heard a loud clap of thunder. Suddenly I heard a loud thunder. Той попита майка ми. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Мисля, че Том си почива. I think Tom is taking a nap. I think Tom's resting. Благодаря! Thank you! Thank you. Ова има вкус на чај. This tastes like tea. This tastes like tea. Дали Том ја поткупи Мери? Did Tom bribe Mary? Did Tom bribe Mary? Това е другият проблем. That's the other problem. That's the other problem. Том се врати во Бостон. Tom returned to Boston. Tom's back in Boston. Ако не говориш английски, вероятността да заемеш добра позиция, е много по-малка. You're much less likely to get a good position if you don't speak English. If you don't speak English, the possibility of taking a good position is much less. Ти и половината не знаеш. You don't know the half of it. You and half don't know. Спреми се. Get ready. Get ready. Тоа е навистина одлично. That's really great. That's really great. Том повторно седна. Tom sat down again. Tom sat down again. На нея ѝ беше студено. I feel cold. It was cold. Што ќе се случи наредно? What'll happen next? What happens next? Той умее да чете. He can read. He can read. Какво ти попречи да дойдеш вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What stopped you from coming here yesterday? Може ли да попитам кой сте Вие? May I ask who you are? May I ask who you are? Може ли да го разгледам менито? May I look at the menu? Can I look at the menu? Мојот сосед повикал пожарна. My neighbor called the fire department. My neighbor called the fire department. Том си ја извади капата и учтиво се поклони. Tom took off his hat and bowed politely. Tom took off his hat and politely bowed down. Не ми пречи да помагам. I don't mind helping. I don't mind helping. Направи го вместо мене. Do it for me. Do it for me. Bol som v práci. I was at work. I'm sick in the shower. Ќе ме уапсат ли? Are they going to arrest me? Will they arrest me? Učím sa angličtinu v priemere dve hodiny denne. I study English two hours a day on an average. I teach the Anglicatine in the middle of two walking dens. Том отбеляза трийсет точки. Tom scored 30 points. Tom scored thirty points. Съвсем добре си се справяш. You're doing just fine. You're doing very well. В наши дни никой не вярва в призраци. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. In these days, no one believes in ghosts. Като основно ястие ядем риба. We are having fish for our main course. As a main dish, we eat fish. Ноќниот живот е подобар во Њу Јорк. The nightlife is better in New York. Night life is better in New York. Радвам се, че се познавам с вас. I am glad to make your acquaintance. I'm glad to know you. Не искам повече. I don't want any more. I don't want any more. Има премногу киселина во портокалов. There is too much acid in this orange. There's too much acid in orange. Пилешкото е сирово. The chicken is raw. Chicken's raw. Велат дека е многу богат. They say that he's very rich. They say he's very rich. Jaz nisem; ti si! No I'm not; you are! I'm not; you are! Трудното при биографията е, че тя е отчасти документ, отчасти изкуство. The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art. The hard thing about biography is that it's part of a document, part of art. Не треба да ги убедам. I don't need to convince them. I don't have to convince them. Má slabú vôľu. He has a weak will. It's not bad at all. Бях принуден да напусна училище. I was compelled to leave school. I was forced to leave school. Електрически поток може да генерира магнитно поле. An electric current can generate magnetism. Electric flow can generate a magnetic field. Не се согласувам баш. I don't quite agree. I don't really agree. Посеаја семе, го израснаа, и го ожнеаја; обагрената река вртеше воденица. Crops were sown, and grew up, and were gathered in; the stream that had been crimsoned, turned a watermill. They soared seed, and grew it, and reaped it; the encamped river wrapped in water. Можеш да се одмориш. You can rest. You can rest. Тя ни даде неясен отговор. She gave us a vague answer. She gave us a vague answer. Bila je nesrečna. She was miserable. She was unhappy. On je len dieťa. He is just a child. He's a len dietiť. Ти посакувам убава недела! Have a good week! I wish you a good week! Том не е толкова умен. Tom isn't so smart. Tom's not that smart. На борбата навидум не и се ближи крајот. The battle doesn't seem to be nearing an end. The fight didn't seem to be nearing the end. Tom krváca. Tom is bleeding. Tom the blood. Искам да ям малко сирене. I want to eat some cheese. I want to eat some cheese. Изгледаше прекрасно. You looked lovely. You looked beautiful. Погоди што ми кажа. Guess what he told me. Guess what you told me. Карол се върна в хотела си. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol went back to his hotel. Винаги ми изневеряват. I am always cheated on. They're always cheating on me. Смее ли да јадам? May I eat? Are we supposed to eat? Не можев да презаспијам. I couldn't fall back to sleep. I couldn't sleep. Помогнах на Том един път. I helped Tom once. I helped Tom once. Можно е некој да ја следел. Somebody might've followed her. It's possible someone was following her. Том им намигна на девојките. Tom winked at the girls. Tom winked to the girls. Том е намќор. Tom is cantankerous. Tom's a grumpy man. Том е најпаметниот човек што го познавам. Tom is the smartest person I know. Tom is the smartest man I know. Ах, сум бил тука и претходно! Ah, I have been here before! Ah, I've been here before! Само сврти му. Just give him a call. Just turn it around. Как беше името на тоя, с който излизаше преди Том? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? Том сака да зборува. Tom likes to talk. Tom wants to talk. Познато ми е. It's familiar to me. I know. Дори да вали, той ще играе голф. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. Even if it rains, he'll play golf. Мисля, че е по-добре да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you better get out. Той беше много търпелив. He was very patient. He was very patient. Не съм казвал на Том. I haven't told Tom. I didn't tell Tom. Mám pravdu? Am I right? Will I be a judge? Нив ги бркаа. They were after them. They were chased. Мразам кога се карате. I hate it when you fight. I hate it when you fight. Погледни во огледалото, брат. Look in the mirror, pal. Look in the mirror, bro. Използвам картончета, за да уча думи на френски. I use flashcards to study French vocabulary. I use cartons to study words in French. Джон е много небрежен по отношение на облеклото си. John is very careless about his clothes. John is very careless about his clothes. Никой не може да отрече фактът. No one can deny the fact. No one can deny the fact. Uspeli so. They succeeded. They made it. To diši kot sir. This smells like cheese. That smells like cheese. Som rád, že som tu nebol. I'm glad I wasn't here. Som r'd, I'm sick here. Моето право име е Том. My real name is Tom. My real name is Tom. Nebol prítomný na strenutí. He was absent from the meeting. Nebbol prítomný in strenutí. Мора да го вардиш детето. You must keep an eye on the child. You have to protect the child. Изглеждаш добре, Том. You look fine, Tom. You look good, Tom. Казвам се Ятароу. My name is Yatarou. My name is Yatharow. Те молам, не ме прашувај за нив. Please don't ask me about them. Please don't ask me about them. Подай ми го на мене. Pass it to me. Hand it over to me. Том имаше 30 години. Tom was 30 years old. Tom was 30. Имам няколко идеи. I have some ideas. I've got a few ideas. Не ми харесва вкусът на доматите. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. I don't like the taste of tomatoes. Том ја замоли Мери да му дозволи да се погрижи за тоа самиот. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it himself. Моля Ви, покажете ми още. Please show me more. Please show me more. Дали станува збор за Том? Is this about Tom? Is this about Tom? Musíš poslúchať len pár pravidiel, aby si sa vyhla nepríjemným dôsledkom. You have to follow a few rules to avoid unpleasant results. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Не беше моја идеја. It wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea. Ќе изгубам сѐ. I'll lose everything. I'm gonna lose everything. Нема да бидам осамен тука. It won't be lonely here. I won't be lonely here. Те направиха драма по романа. They made the novel into a drama. They made a drama about the novel. Отпечатоците од прсти на ножот ја утврдуваат нејзината вина. The fingerprints on the knife attest to her guilt. Fingerprints on the knife determine her guilt. Интернетот не е твоја лична војска. The Internet is not your personal army. The Internet is not your own private army. Требаше прво да ја прашам. I should've asked her first. I should've asked her first. Не Ви ли е студено? Aren't you cold? Aren't you cold? Всушност е баш често. It's quite common actually. It's actually quite common. Како напредува, Том? How's it coming, Tom? How's it going, Tom? Аз съм опасен. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Малку сум зарѓал. I'm a little rusty. I'm a little rusty. Кога се разбудивме сабајлево се соочивме со ужасна вест. We woke to terrible news this morning. When we woke up this morning, we faced terrible news. Никој не сакаше да стане од маса. Nobody wanted to get up from the table. Nobody wanted to get off the table. Ќе го пратам да остане со тебе. I'll get him to stay with you. I'll send him to stay with you. Секако! Of course! Of course! Праските се благи. Peaches are sweet. Peaches are mild. Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. Tráva is green. Те молам погледни ме. Please look at me. Please look at me. Има уште многу. I have a lot more. There's a lot more. Не знам какво имаш предвид. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Денес напладне ќе јадеме црешни од Италија. Today, at midday, we shall eat cherries from Italy. Today at noon, we'll eat cherry from Italy. Том не беше воодушевен. Tom wasn't impressed. Tom wasn't thrilled. Мисля да уча довечера. I'm planning to study tonight. I'm thinking of studying tonight. След изпита забравих всичко. After the exam, I forgot everything. After the exam, I forgot everything. Губиш си времето, опитвайки се да го убедиш. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. Tom nehovoril s nikým. Tom didn't talk to anyone. Tom never talked to anyone. Полицијата ги бара. The police are looking for them. The police are looking for them. Том нешто џвака. Tom is chewing something. Tom's something chewing gum. Треба да одиш на стоматолог. You ought to see a dentist. You should go to the dentist. Том си ги повлече парите од банка. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom pulled his money out of the bank. Kto je váš obľúbený kanadský hudobník? Who's your favorite Canadian musician? Who's the obstetrics of Canada's evil? Тешко е да се објасни. It's hard to explain. It's hard to explain. Жал ми е, ама истурив кафе на мушамата. I'm afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth. I'm sorry, but I spilled coffee on the fly. Те ще вземат контрол над ситуацията. They'll take control of the situation. They'll take control of the situation. Той ми направи костюм. He made me a suit. He made me a costume. Том избягваше Мери. Tom avoided Mary. Tom was avoiding Mary. Млад съм. I'm young. I'm young. Колко епизода на One Piece сте гледали? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? Тоа е многу глупаво. That's really stupid. That's very stupid. Спаси човек. Изяж канибал. Save a human. Eat a cannibal. Save a man, eat a cannibal. Какъв ви е номерът на телефона? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Том сложи пая на перваза на кухненския прозорец, за да изстине. Tom put the pie on the kitchen windowsill to cool. Tom put the pie on the quill on the kitchen window to get cold. Се грижам за сите вас. I care about all of you. I care about all of you. С какво се занимава твоят баща? What does your father do? What does your father do? Оној што може да ги чуе пеперутките како се смеат знае и каков вкус имаат облаците. Whoever can listen to butterflies laughing can also know how clouds taste. The one who can hear butterflies laugh and the taste of clouds. Се повреди ли Том? Did Tom hurt himself? Did Tom get hurt? Njeno stanovanje je zmeraj čisto. Her flat is always clean. Her apartment is always clean. Можно е да им треба нашата помош. They may need our help. They may need our help. Том как смята да се справи с проблема? How does Tom plan to cope with the problem? Tom, how is he going to deal with this? Това те засяга. This concerns you. That's what concerns you. На Том можеби ќе му треба мала помош. Tom might need a little help. Tom may need a little help. Не сум курва. I'm not a whore. I'm not a whore. „Сакам да патувам.“ „И јас.“ "I like traveling." "So do I." "I want to travel." "So do I." Историята е много интересна за мен. The story is very interesting to me. The story is very interesting to me. Го губат разумот. They're going crazy. They're losing their mind. Што да купам? What should I buy? What do you want me to buy? Просто е да се реши оваа задача. Solving this problem is simple. It's just to solve this task. Мисля, че трябва да провериш под леглото. I think you should check under the bed. I think you should check under the bed. Рейсовете се движеха почти празни. The buses ran back and forth almost empty. The races were moving almost empty. Те ходиха до морския музей. They went to the maritime museum. They went to the Naval Museum. Мислам дека Том нема да сака да дојде да пие со нас. I don't think Tom will want to go drinking with us. I don't think Tom's gonna want to come drink with us. Тој прекар совршено му стои. That nickname fits him perfectly. That nickname looks perfect on him. Не съм бил тук много. I haven't been around much. I haven't been here much. Го поминавме попладнето глупирајќи се на плажа. We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach. We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach. Пробај да се опреш. Try to resist. Try to get a hold of yourself. Тој си ја сушеше мократа облека крај огнот. He dried his wet clothes by the fire. He dried his wet clothes by the fire. Готов ли си веќе? Are you through yet? Are you ready? Защо Том не е тук? Why is Tom not here? Why isn't Tom here? Моля те, недей. Please don't do it. Please don't. Беше толкова хубав ден, че решихме да се разходим. It was such a pleasant day that we went for a walk. It was such a good day, we decided to take a walk. Моля, извинете ме за закъснението. Please pardon me for coming late. Please excuse me for being late. Ще го върна обратно, където му е мястото. I'll put it back where it belongs. I'll bring him back where he belongs. Том не е толку наивен колку што сметаат многумина. Tom isn't as naive as a lot of people think he is. Tom is not as naive as many people think. Да си ги нашол. You'd better find them. You should've found them. Плажът е недалеч от тук. The beach isn't far from here. The beach is not far from here. Snívam o tom, že odídem a budem žiť v Litve. I dream of going to Lithuania and living there. I'm thinking about Tom, I'm going to go to Lithuania for a wake-up gig in Lithuania. Днес е много студено, нали? It's very cold today, isn't it? It's cold today, isn't it? Ја сакаме убавината. We love beauty. We love beauty. Ене ја жена ти. There's your wife. There's your wife. Ти какво яде, риба или месо? Which did you eat, fish or meat? What do you eat, fish or meat? Само што го фрлив во ѓубре. I just threw it away. I just threw him in the trash. Jediný, kto ťa naozaj pozná, je Boh. The only one who really knows you is God. Jediný, kto ťa nazaj is late, is Boh. Ала бала ница, турска паница, ой гиди Ванчо, наш капитанчо. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. It's a prom, it's a Turkish panic, it's a Wancho, our captain. Земи го ова. Take this. Take this. Можеш ли да разясниш малко по-подробно? Can you elaborate on this a little more? Can you explain a little bit more? Mám mačku a psa. Mačka je čierna a pes je biely. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. The cat is chierna, but the dog is biely. За нив ли ги купи овие? Did you buy these for them? Did you buy these for them? Нищо друго ли нямаш? Don't you have anything else? Don't you have anything else? Сите знаат дека си го удрил Том. Everyone knows that you hit Tom. Everybody knows you hit Tom. Той възрази срещу плана ѝ. He objected to our plan. He objected to her plan. Том е мой приятел. Tom is my friend. Tom's a friend of mine. Дайте да ви помогна. Let me help. Let me help you. Той няма нужда да работи. He doesn't need to work. He doesn't have to work. Не ми е убаво во пензија. I don't like being retired. I don't feel good in retirement. Иска се кураж да направиш такова нещо. It takes courage to do such a thing. He wants the courage to do something like that. Уозбили се. Be serious. Get the hell out of here. Том ќе нѐ исфрлеше надвор. Tom would've thrown us out. Tom would have kicked us out. Сакам веднаш да ми ги вратиш парите. I want my money now. I want my money back right now. Когато бях ученик, си водех дневник на френски. I kept a diary in French when I was a student. When I was a student, I kept a journal in French. Да живее СССР! Long live the USSR! Long live the USSR! Кен прескочи стената. Ken jumped over the wall. Ken jumped over the wall. Том не можеше да оделее да не погледне низ клучалката. Tom couldn't resist peeking through the keyhole. Tom couldn't even look at us through the lock. Зошто би им пречело тоа? Why would that bother them? Why would that bother them? Знам што го растревожува Том толку. I know what's making Tom so nervous. I know what's bothering Tom so much. Сѐ уште сакам коњ. I still want a horse. I still love a horse. Veľký rešpekt! Much respect. You're going to make a toast! Naravni logaritem e-ja je 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logarithm of the e-mail is 1. Чаша чай, моля. A cup of tea, please. A cup of tea, please. Имам някаква информация по въпроса. I have some information regarding this. I have some information on it. Имах толкова много неща за правене, че се почувствах депресиран. Having much to do, I felt depressed. I had so much to do, I felt depressed. Нямам намерение да ловя риба в мътна вода. I have no intention of fishing in troubled waters. I don't intend to fish in lame water. Том отиде до прозорецот и погледна надвор. Tom walked to the window and looked out. Tom went to the window and looked outside. Не можам да го убедам Том. I can't convince Tom. I can't convince Tom. Хайде да се срещнем в 2:30 Let's meet at 2:30. Let's meet at 2:30. Дајте ми неколку минути. Give me a few minutes. Give me a few minutes. Брановите ги создава ветерот. Waves are generated by wind. The waves make the wind. Том се задави. Tom started to choke. Tom choked. Ти се допаѓа ли англискиот? Do you like English? Do you like English? Жалко, че той не може да се ожени за нея. It's a pity that he can't marry her. Too bad he can't marry her. Тука не сум ти од корист. I'm of no use to you here. I'm no good here. Ќе се вратам навреме. I'll be back in time. I'll be back in time. Права штета е. It's really unfortunate. It's a real shame. Нищо друго не свърши работа. Nothing else has worked. Nothing else worked. Ќе го ставам на твоја сметка. I'll put it on your tab. I'll put it on your account. Неприродно е. It's unnatural. It's unnatural. Том знае бонтон. Tom has good manners. Tom knows the canton. Чух те да говориш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Беше многу загушливо во таа просторија, бидејќи сите прозорци беа затворени. It was very stuffy in that room with all the windows closed. It was very stuffy in that room, because all the windows were closed. Мисля, че мога да ти спестя известно време. I think I can save you some time. I think I can save you some time. Таа сака да трча. She likes running. She wants to run. Треба да го прашаш Том. You should ask Tom. You should ask Tom. Те молам, помогни ми да го пречекам Том. Please help me in welcoming Tom. Please help me meet Tom. Здравей, Сюзън. Как си? Hi, Susan. How are you? Hi, Susan. Лекциите му са много дълги. His lectures are very long. His medications are very long. Ожених се за полякиня. I married a Polish woman. I married a Pole girl. Том почна да пука. Tom started shooting. Tom's starting to shoot. Том трудно се оправя с хора като Мери. Tom has trouble dealing with people like Mary. Tom's having a hard time dealing with people like Mary. Не ми влегувај во соба. Don't go in my room. Don't go in my room. Сите ѝ се насмевнаа. Everyone smiled at her. Everyone smiled at her. Dievča ide do školy. The girl goes to school. Dievča's going to the school. Той каза, че не е влизал в стаята, което беше лъжа. He said he did not enter the room, which was a lie. He said he didn't go into the room that was a lie. Знаеш ли нешто за нас? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Аз написах домашната си работа. I did my homework. I wrote my homework. Нищо няма да купя. I'm not buying anything. I'm not buying anything. Той слезе от влака. He got off the train. He's off the train. Се обидувам да работам. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to work. Сакаме да бидеме славни. We want to become famous. We want to be famous. Говори гласно, за да могат всички да те чуят. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak up so everyone can hear you. Том не беше поспан. Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't asleep. Това беше много лично. That's very personal. That was very personal. Том сака сладолед од ванила. Tom likes vanilla ice cream. Tom likes vanilla ice cream. Ви работи ли се уште замрзнувачот? Is your freezer still working? Is the freezer still working for you? Солта свърши. There's no more salt. Salt's over. Том е развалина. Tom is a nervous wreck. Tom's a wreck. Тие починаа и ме оставија мене сам. They passed away and left me. They died and left me alone. Жегата ми пречи да спя. The heat's preventing me from sleeping. The heat's stopping me from sleeping. Трябва да купя едно. I need to buy one. I have to buy one. Меѓу што можам да бирам? What are my choices? What can I choose from? Том и подари на Мери кукла. Tom gave Mary a doll. Tom gave Mary a doll. Сѐ уште ли си во кревет? Are you still in bed? Are you still in bed? Том има колекција од бабушки. Tom has a collection of Matryoshka dolls. Tom's got a babob collection. Можеш ли да ме запознаеш с лекар, който говори френски? Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French? Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French? Нанси прилича на сестра ми. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Јас тука многу сум зафатен. I'm very busy in here. I'm very busy here. Се состанавме околу пладне. I met him about noon. We met around noon. Дан се преправаше дека не ја познава Линда. Dan pretended not to know Linda. Dan pretended he didn't know Linda. Задоволително ли е тоа? Is that satisfactory? Is that satisfying? Подозирам, че в тая кръчма сипват вода в бирата. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect that in this pub there's water in the beer. Си работел ли како бармен досега? Have you ever worked as a bartender before? Have you ever worked as a bartender before? Том и направи простор на Мери на клупата. Tom made room for Mary on the bench. Tom made Mary's room on the bench. Полетът ви е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight has been cancelled. Нема ти мене да ми командаш, човече. I'm not having you boss me around, man. You're not gonna command me, man. Ако возрасен лаже дете, мисли дека е секогаш во право. When an adult tells a lie to a child, he thinks he's always right. If an adult lies a child, he thinks he's always right. Това можеше да бъде предотвратено. That could've been prevented. This could have been prevented. Мисля, че пропускаш нещо. I think you're missing something. I think you're missing something. Хайде да пуснем хвърчило. Let's fly a kite. Let's drop a kite. Похотата е еден од седумте смртни грева. Lust is one of the seven deadly sins. The lust is one of the seven deadly sins. Tundra má drsnú klímu. The tundra has a harsh climate. Tundra má drnsnú klím. Опасявам се, че те засегнах. I'm afraid I've offended you. I'm afraid I've affected you. Tom je odvisnik Tom is an addict. Tom's an addict. Ти реков дека ќе биде тешко да се изведе. I told you it was going to be hard to do. I told you it would be hard to get out. Ето нещо любопитно. Here's a fun fact. Here's something curious. Има ресторан тука во близина, но не е многу добар. There's a restaurant pretty close to here, but it's not very good. There's a restaurant around here, but it's not very good. Слабото сърце няма да спечели истинска жена. Faint heart never won fair lady. A weak heart won't win a real woman. Размина се за малко. It was pretty close. It's almost gone. Преди никога не съм те виждал да се смееш. I've never seen you laugh before. I've never seen you laugh before. Често им помага на другите. He often helps others. He often helps others. За што по ѓаволите беше сето тоа? What on earth was all that about? What the hell was that all about? Някога виждал ли си кенгурата? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Have you ever seen the Kangaroo? Треба да нѐ ослободам. I need to get us out of here. I'm supposed to let us go. Можеби ќе помине долго време пред да ме видиш повторно. It might be a long time before you see me again. It might be a long time before you see me again. Не искам Том да влоши нещата още повече. I don't want Tom to make the situation any worse than it already is. I don't want Tom making things worse. Сега е твой ред. Now it's your turn. Now it's your turn. Ти си никој и ништо. You're a nobody. You're nothing and nothing. Той е безраличен към страданието на другите. He is indifferent to the suffering of others. He is indifferent to the suffering of others. Замалко да я прегази кола. She came very near to being run over by a car. She almost ran over a car. Тој се критикува. He criticizes everything. He's being criticized. Набрах ти малко цветя. I picked you some flowers. I picked you some flowers. Как мога да си тръгна? How can I leave? How can I leave? Toma vôbec nemám rád. I don't like Tom at all. Toma inôbec I can't do that. Човекот е грешен. Man is sinful. The man's wrong. По-голямата ми сестра я бива в пеенето. My older sister is good at singing. My older sister is good at singing. Трябва да разбера къде е отишъл Том вчера. I have to find out where Tom went yesterday. I need to find out where Tom went yesterday. Моля кажете ми как да стигна до летището. Please tell me how to get to the airport. Please tell me how to get to the airport. Дај да поразговарам со Том. Let me talk with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Не зборувај за нив така. Don't talk about them like that. Don't talk about them like that. Каде се беше заакал Том? Where was Tom going? Where have you been, Tom? Трябва да предложим на децата безплатни билети за кино като стимул да посещават училище. We should offer children free movie tickets as an incentive to attend school. We have to offer the kids free movie tickets as an incentive to go to school. Им ги спакувавме куферите. We packed their suitcases for them. We packed their bags. Том нема да биде дома за ручек. Tom won't be home for lunch. Tom won't be home for lunch. Том ми е асистент. Tom is my assistant. Tom is my assistant. Држи се, Том. Hang in there, Tom. Hold on, Tom. Защо не идват? Why aren't they coming? Why aren't they coming? Донесете ми нещо за ядене. Bring me something to eat. Bring me something to eat. Ама тоа е сосема друга приказна. But that's another story entirely. But that's a completely different story. Може ли да поразговараме? Could I talk to you? Can I talk to you for a second? Дај ми наочарите. Give me my glasses. Give me the glasses. Не плачи, Том. Don't cry, Tom. Don't cry, Tom. Звучи на Том. It sounds like Tom. Sounds like Tom. Мисля, че трябва да се върнете в Бостън. I think you should come back to Boston. I think you should go back to Boston. Мисля, че Том вероятно вече знае за това. I think Tom probably knows about it already. I think Tom probably already knows about this. Да ги следиме другите. Let's follow the others. Follow the others. Имаш ли запалка? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Сонувај ти дека знаеш. You don't know jack. You dream you know. Те не говориха. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Отпрвин не го поднесував. I initially hated it. I couldn't stand it at first. Можеш да си ја олесниш работата. You can make it easier for yourself. You can make your job easier. Ќе ги донесам пиштолите. I'll get the guns. I'll get the guns. Можете да пишете на какъвто език искате. В Татоеба всички езици са равни. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in whatever language you want. In Daddy all languages are equal. Не работам за него. I don't work for him. I don't work for him. Киднаперите им ги врзаа очите. The kidnappers blindfolded them. The kidnappers tied their eyes. Много ми се спи. I'm very sleepy. I'm having a lot of sleep. Той следва модерна литература. He majors in modern literature. He follows modern literature. Те се подиграваха на Мери. They made fun of Mary. They mocked Mary. Том даде на Мери целенасочено грешната книга. Tom gave Mary the wrong book deliberately. Tom gave Mary purposely the wrong book. Той продължи да чете книгата. He continued reading the book. He kept reading the book. Ова е малце потешко. This one's a little harder. This is a little harder. Тоа е огромно. That's huge. That's huge. Това основно училище има силен футболен отбор. That primary school has a strong soccer team. This primary school has a strong football team. Не само аз мисля, че Том не трябва да прави това. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom shouldn't be doing that. Not only do I think Tom shouldn't be doing this. Nemusí byť nevyhnutne lepšie, ale môže, keď si to takým spravíme. It does not necessarily get better, but it can if we make it. Nemusí byť of the unynutrable beauty, ale môže, kétém seditéme. Лицето му изразява радост. His face expresses joy. His face expresses joy. Можеш ли да објасниш зошто? Can you explain why? Can you explain why? На Том му избледе интересот. Tom's interest faded. Tom's interest faded. Френски ли учиш? Are you studying French? Are you studying French? Убедих Том да ми помогне. I persuaded Tom to help me. I convinced Tom to help me. Защо не отговаряш? Why don't you answer? Why aren't you answering? Тоа што Том го направил било грешка. What Tom did was a mistake. What Tom did was a mistake. Обожавам мед. I love honey. I love honey. Дан го шета своето малечко куче. Dan is walking his small dog. Dan's walking his little dog. Има едно златно правило: у когото е златото, той определя правилата. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. There's a golden rule where gold is, and it sets out the rules. Тоа зависи од тоа дали ќе го купиме или не. It is dependent on you if we will buy it or not. That depends on whether we buy it or not. Благодаря ви за свършената работа. Thanks for all your hard work. Thank you for your work. Хората твърде много се оплакват. People complain too much. People complain too much. Том рече дека е време за јадење. Tom said it was time to eat. Tom said it's time to eat. Аз никога не съм го виждала с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him with jeans. Том е клошар. Tom is a bum. Tom's a bum. Можеш да я видиш сутринта. You can see her in the morning. You can see her in the morning. Секогаш погрешно ме сфаќаш. You always get me wrong. You always get me wrong. Той е много добре запознат с международните дела. He knows a lot about foreign affairs. He's very familiar with international affairs. Кучетата са разрешени. Dogs are permitted. Dogs are allowed. Силен съм колкото тебе. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you are. Том сакаше Мери да му помага малку повеќе со децата. Tom just wanted Mary to help him a little more with the children. Tom wanted Mary to help him with the kids a little bit more. Многумина го прават ова. Many people do this. A lot of people do this. Том не отиде. Tom didn't go. Tom didn't go. Ти не ни сакаш риби. You don't even like fish. You don't even like fish. Не съм искал да нараня чувствата на Том. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. Пази. Тоа е жесток бик. Be careful. It's a fierce bull. Watch out, that's a cruel bull. Тој е столар по професија. He is a carpenter by trade. He's a chair by profession. Bol som mladý a nevinný. I was young and innocent. So young & neviný. Трябва да разбера какво уби Том. I have to find out what killed Tom. I need to find out what killed Tom. Ајде да си ги вратиме. Let's get them back. Let's get them back. Што друго очекуваше? What else did you expect? What else did you expect? Јасно? Am I clear? Got it? Види го местово. Look at this place. Look at this place. Дан ни дојде во посета вчера. Dan came for a visit yesterday. Dan came to visit us yesterday. Може ли да поразговарам со тебе, Том? Could I talk to you, Tom? Can I talk to you, Tom? Колку вреди? What's it worth? What's it worth? Се чувствувам осамено во градов. I feel lonely in this town. I feel lonely in this town. Не можев да ти се јавам. I couldn't call you. I couldn't call you. Имаш красиви ръце. You have beautiful hands. You have beautiful hands. Нямам нищо против горещото време. I don't mind hot weather. I don't mind hot weather. Том го одмота шалот од своето лице. Tom unwrapped the scarf from his around his face. Tom waved the scarf from his face. Како пројде, Том? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? Во тоа време, титулата „дама“ се користела само за благороднички. At that time, the title of lady was only used for noblewomen. At that time, the title “lady ” was used only for nobles. Това беше просто тъпо. That was just plain stupid. That was just stupid. Пробувам да ги избегнам. I'm trying to avoid them. I'm trying to avoid them. Не мислите ли, че всички наши политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Той пристигна в Токио вчера. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Не искаме да се чувстваш длъжен. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel obliged. Ќе побрзаме. We'll hurry. We'll hurry. Обичам тенис и голф. I like tennis and golf. I love tennis and golf. Deti sú hladné. The children are hungry. The kid's cold. Имаше повеќе од сто души на забавата. There were more than a hundred people at the party. There were over a hundred people at the party. Ще върна паспорта си в сейфа. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll get my passport back to the safe. Čo počuješ? What do you hear? What do you think you're doing? Том навидум беше навикната на вакви проблеми. Tom seemed to be used to these kinds of problems. Tom was seemingly used to such problems. Таа ме полудува. She's driving me crazy. She's driving me crazy. Кај нас е сѐ. We have everything. We have everything. Никога не си споменавал колко е красива сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. Не шпекулирам. I'm not speculating. I'm not speculating. Не ви ли е страх? Aren't you scared? Aren't you afraid? Том вели дека нешто друго видел. Tom says he saw something else. Tom says he saw something else. Мисля, че бъркаш. I think you must be mistaken. I think you're wrong. Твой ред е. It's your turn. It's your turn. Том беше учител. Tom was a teacher. Tom was a teacher. Не смееш да седиш таму. You can't sit there. You can't sit there. Раскажи ми малку за него. Tell me a little about him. Tell me about him. Може ли да се користи оваа страница слично како Twitter? Can't you also use this website sort of like Twitter? Can this page be used in a similar way to Twitter? Том побесне. Tom lost his temper. Tom's getting mad. Премало беше. It was too small. It was too small. Вие замесена ли сте? Are you involved? Are you involved? Той отиде във Франция не толкова да разглежда забележителности, колкото да прави наблюдения. He went to France not so much for sightseeing as for observation. He went to France not so much to look at sights as to make observations. Баща ми обожава пица. My father loves pizza. My dad loves pizza. To je okno. This is a window. It's a window. Тогава посетих музея за първи път. It was the first time that I visited the museum. That's when I visited the museum for the first time. Kde je Tom zadržiavaný? Where is Tom being held? Who's Tom being detained? Do Turecka sa dováža veľa tovaru z Poľska. There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey. To Tureck, it's up to the top of the factory from Poška. Виждам съм това момиче преди. I have seen that girl before. I've seen this girl before. Некои луѓе се плашат од пајаци. Some people are afraid of spiders. Some people are afraid of spiders. Дай ѝ ги. Give them to her. Give it to her. Една красива жена беше настанена един ред пред мен. A beautiful woman was seated one row in front of me. A beautiful woman was set up in front of me. Mária mala pravdu. Mary was right. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Нека погледнем реалността в очите. Let's face reality. Let's look at the reality in the eyes. Некој ми го кажа тоа. Someone told me that. Someone told me that. Чичо ми ми подари подарък. My uncle gave me a present. My uncle gave me a present. Имам многу за кажување. I've got lots to say. I have a lot to say. Ти не се разбираш во бизнис. You don't understand business. You don't get into business. Това не е твоята къща. This isn't your house. This isn't your house. Tom je v garáži. Tom is in the garage. Tom's in the garage. Моля карайте внимателно. Please drive carefully. Please drive carefully. Мислам дека никогаш досега не сум бил олку исплашен. I don't think I've ever been so frightened. I don't think I've ever been this scared before. Кога патувам накај Њујорк од Бостон, запознав фина девојка во автобус. When I was traveling from Boston to New York, I met a nice girl on the bus. On my way to New York from Boston, I met a nice girl on a bus. Забравих си адреса на електронната поща. I forgot my email address. I forgot my e-mail address. Том би возвратил. Tom would fight back. Tom would do it back. Кучето треба да биде на ланец. The dog should be on a chain. The dog should be in a chain. Ani Ania ani Magdalena nemajú radi Justina Biebera. Neither Ania nor Magdalena love Justin Bieber. Ani Ania ani Magdalena doesn't like Justin Bieber. Бас ловя, че го знаеш. I bet you know this. I bet you know that. Ѕидов е ладен на допир. This wall feels cold. The wall is cold in touch. Животот ми се смени. My life has changed. My life has changed. Сѐ уште го почитувам Том. I still respect Tom. I still respect Tom. Тя заплака горчиво. She cried bitterly. She cried bitter. Том ја отклучи вратата од колата. Tom unlocked the car door. Tom unlocked the car door. Требаше да го направам тоа вчера. I should've done that yesterday. I should have done it yesterday. Том мрази това. Tom hates it. Tom hates this. Треба да киднеме. We need to get away. We have to steal. Ľudia budú hovoriť. People will talk. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Винаги получавах високи оценки по френски. I always got good grades in French. I always got high grades in French. Што има на масичката? What is on the desk? What's on the table? Слушам дека доста добро плаќаат. I hear they pay pretty well. I hear they pay pretty well. Ќе се погрижам да го завршиме проектов навреме. I'll see to it that we complete this project on time. I'll make sure we finish this project on time. Оди најди го. Go and find him. Go find him. Дај ми ја лопатата. Give me the shovel. Give me the shovel. Тоа е мошне интересно, Том. That's very amusing, Tom. That's very interesting, Tom. Ќе те усреќам. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Колко е висок брат ти? How tall is your brother? How tall is your brother? Горе-долу сме спремни. We're about ready. We're almost ready. Том им пријде. Tom approached them. Tom came to them. Тој веќе си ја завршил работата. He has already finished his work. He's already done his job. Уби ли някого? Did you kill anybody? Did you kill anyone? Моят френски изобщо не е добър. My French is not good at all. My French ain't good at all. Престанаа да одат. They stopped walking. They stopped going. Ќе му се јавам за некоја минута. I'll call him in a few minutes. I'll call him in a minute. Се случува во моментов, нели? It's happening now, isn't it? It's happening right now, isn't it? Том не ти се срди. Tom isn't mad at you. Tom doesn't matter to you. Том рече дека може да се случи ова. Tom said this could happen. Tom said this could happen. Не може просто така да вървиш и да злословиш срещу хората. You can't just walk around and start slandering people. You can't just walk like that and wrong people. Може ли да го видам извештајот? Can I see the report? Can I see the report? Преклани воопшто не знаев да играм кошарка. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. I didn't know how to play basketball at all. И јас така се чувствувам. I also feel the same way. That's how I feel. Tom zostal v Austrálii. Tom stayed in Australia. Tom stayed in Austrália. Дај да преземам. Let me take over. Let me get this over with. Kde budeš? Where will you be? What are you up to? Том дошол да помогне. Tom is here to help. Tom came to help. Том го прекинаа. Tom was interrupted. Tom's been suspended. Полицијата го фрли Дан во затвор. The police threw Dan in jail. The police threw Dan in jail. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да учиш в моята къща? Are you sure you don't want to study at my house? Are you sure you don't want to study at my house? Ти не говориш френски, нали? You don't speak French, do you? You don't speak French, do you? Не се чувствах добре, но отидох на работа. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I wasn't feeling well, but I went to work. Кога отишол Том во Бостон? When did Tom go to Boston? When did Tom go to Boston? Леков мора да се пие на празен стомак. This medicine is to be taken on an empty stomach. The cure must be drunk on an empty stomach. Сите соништа ќе ми се остварат. All my dreams will come true. All my dreams will come true. Што јадат китовите? What do whales eat? What do whales eat? Аз съм нощна птица. I'm a night owl. I'm a night bird. Плодовете гният под слънцето. Fruits decay in the sun. Fruit rots under the sun. Можеби треба да му кажам едноставно на Том дека сакам да ми ги врати парите денес. Maybe I should just tell Tom I want my money back today. Maybe I should just tell Tom I want my money back today. Тој воопшто не личи на татка си. He doesn't look like his father at all. He doesn't look like his father at all. Одлично се чувствувам. I'm feeling great. I feel great. Том няма нужда да знае това. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Ништо не сме згрешиле. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Някой от вас някога да е разговарял с Том? Have any of you ever talked to Tom? Did either of you ever talk to Tom? Япония има много отличителни черти. Japan has many distinctive traits. Japan has many distinctive features. Идам натаму моментално. I'm on my way there now. I'm going that way right now. Teraz môžeš ísť dnu. You may go in now. Teraz môžesh don. Нема врска со среќа. It has nothing to do with luck. It's no good luck. Мисля, че вероятно си прав. I think you're probably right. I think you're probably right. Том доста ходи. Tom talks quite a lot. Tom's going a lot. Той ми даде това, от което се нуждаех. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. Том е сѐ уште зафатен. Tom is still busy. Tom's still busy. Треба да сфатам. I need to understand. I need to figure it out. Само слушај го Том. Just listen to Tom. Just listen to Tom. Ги чекам веќе некое време. I've been waiting for them. I've been waiting for them for a while. Видях го да бяга от там. I saw him run away. I saw him running away from there. Musím schudnúť. I have to lose weight. Musím schudnúť. Таа беше отишла на училиште. She had gone to school. She went to school. Потиснат ли си? Are you depressed? Are you down? Мамка му. Damn. Shit. Том бе победен. Tom was defeated. Tom was defeated. Daj mi dvigalo v vašem avtu. Give me a lift in your car. Give me the elevator in your car. Искам да се оженя за теб. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. Какво мислите за този пуловер? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Slovnica je zelo zapletena. Grammar is very complicated. The Slavery is very complicated. Къде ги измъчвахте? Where did you torture them? Where did you torture them? Мислиш ли дека Том си ја сака работата? Do you think Tom likes his job? Do you think Tom likes his job? Не беше толкова силна. It wasn't that loud. She wasn't that strong. Не ми беше жал за нив. I don't feel sorry for them. I didn't feel sorry for them. Президентът Артур наложи вето върху закона. President Arthur vetoed the bill. President Arthur has vetoed the law. Дори не си прави труда да идваш. Don't even bother coming. Don't even bother coming. Можете ли да го доставите ова? Can you deliver this? Can you deliver this? Твърде дебел съм. I'm too fat. I'm too fat. Той ти е ядосан. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. Том извади пенкало. Tom pulled out a pen. Tom pulled out a pen. Чувствувам дека сум слободен. I feel that I am free. I feel like I'm free. Надявам се, че е цял. I hope it's complete. I hope it's all over. Спијам стоечки. I sleep standing up. I sleep standing up. Том ѝ се дереше на Мери. Tom screamed at Mary. Tom was yelling at Mary. Мисля, че трябва да слушате Том. I think you should listen to Tom. I think you should listen to Tom. Јавнете ги своите коњи. Get on your horses. Call your horses. Морам да го натерам да помогне. I've got to get him to help. I have to get him to help. Твојот пакет ли е тоа? Is that your package? Is that your package? Никой човек не би могъл да го направи. No one man could do it. No man could have done that. Дај му марамче на Том. Give Tom a tissue. Give Tom a handkerchief. Имам новини за Том. I have news about Tom. I've got news for Tom. Разбираш, нали? You understand, don't you? You understand, don't you? Зениците и беа црни и длабоки како бездна. Her pupils were as black and deep as an abyss. Her pupils were black and deep like an abyss. Трябва да се занимаваш с френски по-сериозно. You should study French harder. You have to deal with French more seriously. Готов съм с поръчката. I'm ready to order. I'm ready for my order. Аз бях осъдена. I was convicted. I was sentenced. Изчакайте докато светне зелено. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait till it lights green. Brezbarvne zelene ideje spijo besno. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colorless green ideas are sleeping with rage. Той има прекрасен характер. He has a wonderful personality. He has a wonderful character. Сакам да живеам во Њу Делхи. I live in New Delhi. I want to live in New Delhi. Моят вуйчо никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never wrote letters. Го имаме клучот. We've got the key. We have the key. Това е хубава история. That's a nice story. That's a good story. Ќе се молам за нив. I'll pray for them. I'll pray for them. Сигурнa съм, че сте много заета. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Том дојде да побара помош. Tom came to ask for help. Tom came to ask for help. Ти имаш ли? Do you have one? Do you? Сношти видов дух. I saw a ghost last night. I saw a ghost last night. Тоа ли мисли Том дека се случило? Is that what Tom thinks happened? Is that what Tom thinks happened? Той може да дойде утре следобед. He may come tomorrow afternoon. He could be here tomorrow afternoon. Мисля, че това ще ви е интересно. I think you'll be interested in this. I think you'll find that interesting. Не би било битно. It wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter. Том рече дека не знае што Мери сака тој да купи. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy. Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy. Ne dotikajte se me! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Плувците бяха вцепенени от студа. The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers were congruent with the cold. Идва му отвътре да говори на френски. It comes natural to him to speak French. He's coming inside to speak French. Војниците пукаа. The soldiers fired. The soldiers fired. Можеби ќе имаме прилика да зборуваме со Том подоцна. We might have a chance to talk to Tom later. Maybe we'll have a chance to talk to Tom later. Доста се брлавиш. Stop playing around. You've got a lot on your mind. Мислам дека сум згрешил. I think I was wrong. I think I've made a mistake. Том имаше едно-единствено желание. Tom had one wish. Tom had one wish. Сакав да бидам токму како Том. I wanted to be just like Tom. I wanted to be just like Tom. Долкун во последно време многу интензивно работи, но не гледа ни најмал резултат од тоа. Dolkun has been working very hard lately, and yet isn't able to see even the slightest result. He's been doing a lot of intensive work lately, but he doesn't even see the slightest result. Те са интересни хора. They're interesting people. They're interesting people. Старите хора вървят бавно. Old people walk slowly. Old people go slowly. Тој си замина. He went away. He's gone. Френският ти се е подобрил значително. Your French has improved a lot. Your French has improved considerably. Том сака да танцува. Tom wants to dance. Tom likes to dance. Забравих си паролата. I forgot my password. I forgot my password. Той ще се прибере скоро. He'll be back home soon. He'll be home soon. Обичам да спортувам. I like playing sports. I like sports. Musíte mi dôverovať. You have to trust me. Musíte dôverovať. Земи ги овие. Take these. Take these. Докажано е дека болвите што живеат на кучиња скокаат повисоко од оние што живеат на мачки. It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. Bolts living on dogs have been shown to jump higher than cats. Ја најде ли веќе? Have you found her yet? Have you found her yet? Само Том може да одговори на тоа прашање. Tom is the only one who can answer that question. Only Tom can answer that question. Дали си ме лажел? Have you lied to me? Have you lied to me? Можеби Том барем ќе се извини. Tom might at least apologize. Maybe Tom will apologize at least. Што е тој звук? What is that sound? What's that sound? Днес не съм разговарял с никого, освен с Том. I haven't talked to anyone but Tom today. I haven't talked to anyone today except Tom. Ако бях на твое място, бих подал молба за тази работа. Were I you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for that job. Се врголи како јагула. He wriggles like an eel. It's going down like a eel. Това няма нищо общо. That has nothing to do with it. This has nothing to do with it. На срещата Том говори на френски. Tom spoke in French at the meeting. At the meeting Tom spoke in French. Не знам дали знаеш или не, ама тука во Америка се очекува да му оставиш бакшиш на келнерот. I don't know if you know or not, but here in America you're expected to tip the waiter. I don't know if you know or not, but here in America is expected to tip the waiter. Том се заврте да си оди. Tom turned to leave. Tom turned to leave. Том има слаб вид. Tom has bad eyesight. Tom's kind of weak. Погодија ли некого? Has anybody been shot? Did they hit anyone? Тази миризма и друг път съм я усещал. I've smelled this smell somewhere before. This smell, and I've felt it before. Ще платя. I'll pay. I'll pay. Штотуку јадев, така што не сум гладен. I've just eaten so I'm not hungry. I just ate, so I'm not hungry. Кога ќе нѐ посетите? Where will you visit? When will you visit us? Мора да ми дозволиш да му пренесам порака на Том. You've got to let me get a message to Tom. You have to let me deliver a message to Tom. Тој е многу педантен во својата работа. He is very meticulous in his work. He's very penetrating in his job. Знам кого штитиш. I know who you're protecting. I know who you're protecting. Мислам дека треба уште малку да почекаме. I think we should wait a little longer. I think we should wait a little longer. Аз винаги съм искал да уча френски. I've always wanted to study French. I've always wanted to learn French. Подхождаш към това по неправилен начин. You're going about it in the wrong way. You're looking at this the wrong way. Не съм неин тип. I'm not her type. I'm not her type. Момчето не можа да устои на глада, затова открадна парите от касата. Hunger compelled the boy to steal money from the cash register. The boy couldn't resist hunger, so he stole the cash from the register. Мери се гордееше со својата лиџба. Mary prided herself on her beauty. Mary was proud of her league. Само сакам да ми се вратиш. I just want you back. I just want you to come back to me. Безработен съм. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Извини што ти го трошев времето. I'm sorry I wasted your time. I'm sorry I wasted your time. Том пие многу вода. Tom drinks a lot of water. Tom's drinking plenty of water. Аз искам да напиша книга. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Vzemi in pojdi! Take it and go! Take it and go! Том взе грешния автобус. Tom got on the wrong bus. Tom took the wrong bus. Цял живот съм чакала този ден. I've waited all my life for this day. I've waited my whole life for that day. Том и Мери харесват да одумват знаменитости. Tom and Mary like to gossip about celebrities. Tom and Mary like to understand celebrities. Немаше веќе ќебиња. There were no more blankets. No more blankets. Ty si tu. You're here. You're here. Том не знае да вози. Tom doesn't know how to drive. Tom can't drive. Трябва да правя всичко, което Том ми каже. I have to do whatever Tom tells me to do. I have to do everything Tom tells me. Харесва ли ти музиката на Моцарт? Do you like Mozart's music? Do you like Mozart's music? Не ми е грижа за тоа. I don't care about that. I don't care about that. Som unavený po plávaní v rieke. I am tired after swimming in that river. Som unavený on the plávaní in rieke. Аз ще направя останалото. I'll do the rest. I'll do the rest. Нека те гризе совест сега. Suffer pangs of conscience. Let your conscience bite now. Том не е неумен. Tom isn't naughty. Tom's not stupid. Реков ли дека сум завршил? Did I say I was finished? Did I say I'm done? Том заврши како победник. Tom ended up winning. Tom ended up winning. В Америка колите се движат в дясното платно на пътя. In America cars drive on the right side of the road. In America, cars move right on the road. Отивай там и говори с нея. Go there and talk to her. Go over there and talk to her. Не можеш да го спреш да не пие. You can't prevent him from drinking. You can't stop him from drinking. Нито пък съм казал това. I didn't say that either. Nor did I say that. Не искам да купувам този килим. I don't want to buy this carpet. I don't want to buy this carpet. Се одржа попис во 2005-та. A census was performed in 2005. A census was held in 2005. Том најде докази. Tom found evidence. Tom found evidence. Кој го скршил? Who broke it? Who broke it? Участваш ли в някаква обществено полезна дейност? Do you take part in any community activities? Are you involved in some community service? Умирам от глад! I'm starving! I'm starving! Аз съм твърдо против. I am firmly opposed to this. I'm totally against it. Што се случило тука? What happened here? What happened here? Naši rodičia bývajú hneď naproti cez ulicu. Our parents live right across the street from us. Our birthee býdijú hnéjó across the street. Nemal som obed. I didn't have lunch. Nemal som rave. Ако дадеш на някого 20 долара и повече никога не го видиш, значи вероятно си е заслужавало. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. Give someone $20 and you never see him again, so it's probably worth it. Какво сме направили? What have we done? What have we done? Кого имаш на списокот? Who's on your list? Who you got on your list? Združte sa. Band together. Join us. Том е многу трпелив. Tom is very patient. Tom is very patient. Некој се обидува да нѐ убие. Someone's trying to kill us. Someone's trying to kill us. Те вработија ли? Did you get the job? Did they hire you? Какво е времето днес? What's the weather like today? What's the weather today? Аз ли съм първа? Am I first? Am I first? Се исплаши ли? Were you frightened? Are you scared? Може ли да поставам прашање? May I ask a question? Can I ask a question? Не мога да го обясня,но смятам,че зърнах разликите между японската и американската култури и техните начини на живот. I can't quite explain it, but I believe I've caught a glimpse of the differences between Japanese and American cultures and lifestyles. I can't explain it, but I think I've seen the differences between Japanese and American cultures and their ways of life. Не сте ли нервни? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Дали е тоа нужно? Is that necessary? Is that necessary? Каква е минималната заплата в Исландия? What's the minimum salary in Iceland? What's the minimum wage in Iceland? Сложих го в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. На која држава си граѓанин? What country are you a citizen of? What country are you a citizen of? TWiiNS oslavovali moje narodeniny prostredníctvom Twitteru 12. júna. TWiiNS celebrated my birthday via Twitter on June 12th. TWiiNS celebrated my ethnicity freedníctvom Twitter to 12. jún. Тази книга не е собственост на Том. This book doesn't belong to Tom. This book is not Tom's property. Пихме доста. We drank a lot. We've had a lot of drinking. Ќе останеме. We're staying. We'll stay. Немаат доверба во мене. They don't trust me. They don't trust me. Няма никой вкъщи. There's no one home. Nobody's home. Том ѝ побара помош на Мери. Tom asked Mary for some help. Tom asked Mary for help. Дан го нападнаа двајца. Dan was assaulted by two people. Dan was attacked by two men. Џон и Ева се најдобри другари. John and Eva are best friends. John and Eve are best friends. Oni mi neplatili. They didn't pay me. They didn't pay me. Знаеш ли кой е нарисувал тази рисунка? Do you know who painted this picture? Do you know who painted this drawing? Не знам што имам. I don't know what I have. I don't know what I got. Ја изгубивме вербата во човештвото. We've lost faith in humanity. We've lost faith in mankind. Danes je bilo zabavno. Today was fun. Today was fun. Не слушнав. I didn't catch that. I didn't hear it. Ти си най-добрият ми приятел. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Вземи го с вас. Bring him along. Take it with you. Победата е горка. Victory is bitter. Victory is bitter. Сакам торти. I like eating cake. I want cakes. Преди започването на този вид терапия,желанията на пациентката трябва да бъдат взети под внимание. Before embarking on this type of therapy, the wishes of the patient herself must be carefully taken into consideration. Before starting this type of therapy, the patient’ s wishes should be taken into account. Повеќето пари си ги чувам во банката што е во близина на мојата канцеларија. I keep most of my money at the bank near my office. I keep most of my money at the bank that's near my office. Ја брукаме. We're embarrassing her. We're banging her. Можеш и да заминеш и да останеш - како сакаш. You can go or stay, as you wish. You can leave and stay as you wish. Prišiel som pešo. I came on foot. Som on foot. Изгледаат вџашено. They look horrified. They look appalled. Ти го заборавив бројот. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Тя си събу старите обувки и обу новите. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She woke up her old shoes and put on her new shoes. Имаше ли преживеани? Were there any survivors? Were there any survivors? Том отказа да говори на френски. Tom refused to speak French. Tom refused to speak French. Ептен те бива. You're really good. You're really good at this. Случва се. It's happening. It happens. Не съм писала това. I didn't write that. I didn't write that. Máš vodičský preukaz? Do you have your driver's license? Are you going to take a tour of the watercushký? „Гледам,“ рече слепецот. "I see," said the blind man. "I see," the blind said. Моја грешка беше. It was my mistake. It was my fault. Том не може да стои на едно място. Tom can't stand still. Tom can't stand in one place. Мојот кутар вујко беше таму, испружен на окрвавениот кревет, со бодеж зариен длабоко во срцето. My poor uncle was there, lying on his bloody bed, with a dagger lodged deeply in his heart. My poor uncle was there, stretched out on the bloody bed, with a dagger buried deep in the heart. Што да правиме наредно? What should we do next? What do we do next? Трябва да я върна тази вечер. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get her back tonight. Изгледа многу добро напишано. It seems well written. It seems very well written. Бидејќи белешката беше напишана на француски, не можев да ја прочитам. Since the note was written in French, I couldn't read it. Since the note was written in French, I could not read it. Роденденот ми е во јули. My birthday is in July. My birthday's in July. Bude sa mi o tebe snívať. I'll dream about you. I'm having a bad dream about you. Во какви ситуации би го искористил? In what kinds of situations would you use it? In what situations would you use it? Предобро ме знаеш. You know me too well. You know me too well. Момичето яде хляб. The girl is eating bread. The girl eats bread. Драго ми е што те најдов. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Какви са новините? What's the news? What's the news? Не ѝ остава време за друго, освен да се грижи за бебето. Her hands are full taking care of the baby. She doesn't have time for anything other than taking care of the baby. Том порано беше мршав. Tom used to be thin. Tom used to be grumpy. Трябва да купя един от тези. I must buy one of these. I have to buy one of these. Имаше голям замък в моя град. There was a large castle in my city. There was a big castle in my town. Том купи весник и го прочита во воз додека одеше на работа. Tom bought a newspaper and read it on the train on the way to work. Tom bought a newspaper and read it on the train while he was at work. Ако не искаш да бъдеш сам, мога да ти правя компания. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Бродот смени правец. The ship changed its course. The ship has changed its course. Не ти судам. I'm not judging you. I'm not judging you. Не сакам Том да биде таму внатре. I don't like Tom in there. I don't want Tom in there. Никој не ми пишува. Nobody writes to me. No one's writing to me. Том обясни подробно нещата. Tom explained the matter in detail. Tom explained things in detail. Момичето, което работи в онази пекарна, е симпатично. The girl who works at that bakery is cute. The girl who works in that bakery is cute. Ще започнем снижаването за кацане в Хонолулу. We're going to begin the descent for Honolulu. We'll start landing in Honolulu. Má dvadsať detí. He has twenty children. Má twodsať detí. Чувствам се толкова самотен. I feel so alone. I feel so lonely. Aký je presný čas? What is the exact time? Aký is a passý time? Продолжи да трагаш по Том. Keep looking for Tom. Keep looking for Tom. Не мога да работя с теб, ако ти ми нямаш доверие. I can't work with you if you don't trust me. I can't work with you if you don't trust me. Обожавам сончогледи. I love sunflowers. I love sunflowers. Дефинитивно е Том. It's definitely Tom. It's definitely Tom. Očakával si, že sa stane niečo iné? Did you expect something else to happen? You've been expecting it. It's already costing nothing. Том сакаше Мери да го научи да зборува француски. Tom wanted Mary to teach him French. Tom wanted Mary to teach him French. Ще ни извиниш ли за момент? Will you excuse us for a moment? Will you excuse us for a moment? Той напредва. He's making progress. He's making progress. Том сурово ја погледна Мери. Tom gave Mary an icy stare. Tom took a harsh look at Mary. Што има да го правам ова? Why should I do this? What am I gonna do with this? Винаги държа няколко плажни кърпи в колата си. I always have a couple of beach towels in my car. I always keep some beach towels in my car. Чух Том и Мери да разговарят за това. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. Не съм ти казал всичко. I haven't told you everything. I didn't tell you everything. Што сакаш за пиење? What do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? Том не може да върви. Tom can't walk. Tom can't walk. Взех си стая в хотел и веднага легнах да спя. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I took a room in a hotel and immediately went to bed. Защо не сте вкъщи? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? Се надевам дека има сосем доволна количина воздух тука. I hope there's plenty of air in here. I hope there's plenty of air here. Морам итно да го видам Том. It's urgent that I see Tom. I need to see Tom immediately. Хайде да отидем утре следобяда. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Изречение номер 888 888 ще донесе на собственика си щастие за години напред. Sentence Number 888,888 will bring its owner years of happiness. Proverbs number 888 888 will bring its owner happiness for years ahead. Какво ѝ попречи да дойде вчера? What prevented her from coming yesterday? What prevented her from coming in yesterday? Аз съм изключително заета. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Съвсем забравих. I totally forgot. I totally forgot. От теб зависи. It is up to you. It's up to you. Starám sa o svojho starého otca. I take care of my grandfather. I'm old enough to know my old man's father. Не го виждам. I don't see it. I don't see him. Да си поръчаме суши. Let's have sushi. Let's order sushi. Го купи ли лекот? Did you buy the medicine? Did you buy the cure? Лъвът е царят на джунглата. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Няма да се огънем под натиска на тиранина. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We won't fire under the pressure of the tyrant. Аз съм от Гърция. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. Попрво би умрел отколку да ти ја исполнам молбата. I'd rather die than do what you're asking me to do. I'd rather die than meet your request. Ти мене не си ми пријател. You're no friend of mine. You're not my friend. Френският на Том е доста добър. Tom's French is quite good. Tom's French is pretty good. Не съм те виждала от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Докато съм жив аз, ти няма да бъдеш лишен от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I'm alive, you won't be deprived of anything. Том се прашуваше колку добра пеачка е Мери. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary really was. Tom wondered how good Mary was. Дясната ми ръка е изтръпнала. My right hand is numb. My right hand is numb. Том няма добър френско-английски речник. Tom doesn't have a very good French-English dictionary. Tom doesn't have a good French-English dictionary. Кой ден обикновено си свободен? What day are you usually free? What day are you usually free? Мисля, че наистина ще ти хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Времето во април е непостојано. The weather in April is unstable. The time in April is still intact. Смее ли да прави сѐ што ќе посака? Can he do whatever he wants? Can we do whatever he wants? Кога дојде и ме најде, целото тело му корнеше на алкохол. When he came and found me, his whole body reeked of alcohol. When he came and found me, his whole body was drinking. Влезе ми пясък в окото. I got some sand in my eye. You put sand in my eye. Јас сум прв. I'm first. I'm first. Моля те, прибери го. Please take this away. Please put it away. Какви са шансовете на Том? What are Tom's chances? What are Tom's chances? Том никогаш нема да ја доврши работата што ја почнал. Tom is never going to finish the job he started. Tom's never gonna finish the job he started. Прецаках те. I tricked you. I screwed you. Моля те, дай ми още малко време да помисля над това. Please give me a little more time to think about it. Please give me a little more time to think about it. Милтон не спиел добро веќе цела недела. Milton hasn't slept well for a week. Milton hasn't slept well in a week. Samozrejme, že rozumiem. Of course, I understand. Self-righteous, I'm already pink. Тие не сакаат народот да биде независен. They do not want the people to be independent. They don't want the people to be independent. Не съм ходил при лекар. I haven't seen a doctor. I didn't go to a doctor. Од него дознав за тебе. I learned about you from him. He's the one I found out about you. Moja manželka je lekárka. My wife is a doctor. My mantis is a leper. Кърпичките се продават в пакет по десет. Paper napkins are sold in packs of ten. Roasts are sold in a ten-pack. Вистинската приказна малку се разликува од тоа што го кажа ти. What actually happened is a bit different from what you said. The real story differs slightly from what you said. Каква е минималната заплата в Ямайка? What's the minimum salary in Jamaica? What's the minimum wage in Jamaica? Тук ще ми бъде добре. I'll be fine here. I'll be fine here. Том се приближува. Tom is getting close. Tom's getting closer. Майката на Куки умря от рак. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Мора да купам цвеќе за своето либе. I have to buy flowers for my love. I've got to buy flowers for my lybe. Те няма да ти помогнат. They aren't going to help you. They won't help you. Докорът му каза да не яде между основните часове за хранене. The doctor advised him not to eat between meals. The doctor told him not to eat during the main meal hours. Том изгледа доста поспано. Tom looks pretty sleepy. Tom seems pretty sleepy. Момчето влезе през прозореца. The boy got in through the window. The boy went in through the window. Умряха млади. They died young. Young people died. Том беше претепан. Tom had been severely beaten. Tom was beaten. Сите те сакаме. We all love you. We all love you. Трудът не е само необходимост, но и удоволствие. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work is not just a necessity, but also a pleasure. Се насмевнаа. They smiled. They smiled. Луѓе, дојдете ваму. Everybody, come here. Guys, come here. Защо не си с Том? Why aren't you with Tom? Why aren't you with Tom? Ќе ти чувам место. I'll save you a seat. I'll save you a place. Точно сега не съм заета. I'm not busy right now. I'm not busy right now. Вратата зачкрипе. The door creaked. The door's locked. Се обидов да му објаснам, но не копча. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. I tried to explain it to him, but I'm not buttoning. Тоа е грозно. That's disgusting. That's terrible. Къде отиваме? When do we go? Where are we going? Виждала съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Денес ми е шеснаесетти роденден. Today is my sixteenth birthday. It's my 16th birthday. Мојата мачка е среќна. My cat is happy. My cat's happy. Му купив нешто. I got something for him. I bought him something. Сите сме пиони. We're all pawns. We're all pawns. Том говори малко френски. Tom knows some French. Tom's talking a little French. Кога последен пат си ја видел таа мачка? When was the last time you saw that cat? When was the last time you saw that cat? „Таа сака музика, зарем не?“ „Да, сака.“ "She likes music, doesn't she?" "So she does." "She likes music, doesn't she?" "Yes, she does." Ќе соработувам. I'll cooperate. I'll cooperate. Аз нямам нищо. I have nothing. I don't have anything. Сам ќе го направам тоа. I will do it myself. I'll do it myself. Мисля, че ти си страхотна. I think you're swell. I think you're great. Той е бил великолепен учен, а при това е бил и велик поет. He was an excellent scientist, and what is more, was a great poet. He was a great scientist, and he was also a great poet. Сметам дека прилично добро пишувам. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm writing pretty good. Срещнах Мери вчера. I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. Мария ни показа домът им. Maria showed us their home. Maria showed us their home. Девојката избега од дома и се ослободи од контролата на родителите. The girl ran away from home and cut loose from her parents' control. The girl ran away from home and got rid of her parents' control. Vsak dan se je učil uro in pol. He studied for an hour and a half every day. He's been studying for an hour and a half every day. Том е јунак. Tom is a hero. Tom's a hero. Той реши да отиде в чужбина. He decided to go abroad. He decided to go abroad. Не стой буден до късно. Don't stay up too late. Don't stay up till late. Треба да ми помогнеш да го најдам. You need to help me find him. I need you to help me find him. Защо не се смееш? Why aren't you laughing? Why aren't you laughing? Litva se pridruži Evropski uniji. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania joins the European Union. Ќе ја следиме. We'll follow her. We'll follow her. Погоди што се случи. Guess what happened. Guess what happened. Сакото и вратовръзката ти не си отиват. Your jacket and tie don't go together. Your coat and tie don't go away. Много от моите приятели могат да говорят френски. Many of my friends can speak French. Many of my friends can speak French. Ти също може да дойдеш. You may also come. You can come too. Аз дори не мога да чета френски, а какво остава да го говоря. I can't even read French, much less speak it. I can't even read French, I can read what's left of it. Ѝ веруваа. They believed her. They trusted her. Дополнително, умеам да летам. Moreover, I can fly. In addition, I can fly. Том почна да јаде. Tom started eating. Tom started eating. Nudili sme sa. We were bored. They can offer us a dream. Доста съм заета. I'm quite busy. I'm pretty busy. Го направив ова за тебе. I made this for you. I did this for you. Je sedem hodín. It's seven o'clock. It's seven of us. Тя слезе по стълбите. She went down the stairs. She went down the stairs. Тоа е баш блиску. That's pretty close. That's pretty close. Конечно се среќаваме, Том. We meet at last, Tom. We're finally meeting, Tom. Прочетете я още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Виждал съм Том да прави някои забележителни неща. I've seen Tom do some remarkable things. I've seen Tom do some remarkable things. С какви пари разполагаш? How much money do you have? What kind of money do you have? Том може да е жив. Tom may be alive. Tom might be alive. Том си ја исплакна устата. Tom rinsed his mouth. Tom cried his mouth out. Колко висока е тази планина? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? Знам како да останам спокоен. I know how to keep my cool. I know how to stay calm. Те направиха дупка в стената. They made a breach in the wall. They made a hole in the wall. Недейте да играете бейзбол тук. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. Преттоа, немало растителен живот во ова поднебје. Before that, there was no plant life in this region. Before, there was no plant life in this climate. Надявам се да не е вярно. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Сложих си палтото на масата. I put my coat on the table. I put my coat on the table. Зарем не доби? Didn't you get one? Didn't you get it? Мислам дека би требало да зборуваме за ова сега. I don't think we should be talking about this right now. I think we should talk about this now. Не спомнувај ништо за ништо. Don't say anything about anything. Don't mention anything. Коя е любимата ти топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Vyzeráš úžasne! You look stunning! Vyzeráš úžane! Го читам сега. I'm reading it now. I'm reading it now. Ловецот тргна длабоко во шумата и никогаш не се врати. The hunter went deep into the forest, never to return. The hunter went deep into the woods and never came back. Пия вода. I'm drinking water. I'm drinking water. Искаш ли да чуеш нещо смешно? Do you want to hear something funny? Would you like to hear something funny? Každá osoba má práva a povinnosti. An individual has rights and responsibilities. There's nothing wrong with it. Ја чекав надвор. I waited outside for her. I was waiting for her outside. Френският на Том е по-добър от моя. Tom's French is better than mine. Tom's French is better than mine. Сакам да знам зошто ќе доцниш. I want to know why you're late. I want to know why you're gonna be late. Дай по-полека. Take it easy. Take it easy. Izginite! Vsi vi! Get out of here! All of you! All of you! Никога повече няма да я видя. I'll never see her again. I'll never see her again. Том ќе се покори. Tom will obey. Tom will obey. Ми се одмора. I feel like a rest. I'm resting. Жабите се чудесни суштества. Frogs are such amazing creatures. The frogs are wonderful creatures. По мое мислење, Том е невин. In my opinion, Tom is innocent. In my opinion, Tom is innocent. Од почеток си во право. You've been right all along. You're right from the start. Имам няколко френски книги. I have a few French books. I have some French books. Точно сега наистина не мога да говоря. I really can't talk right now. I really can't talk right now. Тези условия приемливи ли са за теб? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Том работи в Бостън. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. Мора да го отстранат куршумот што му се беше заглавил до 'рбетот. They had to remove a bullet lodged near his spine. They must have removed the bullet that was stuck in his spine. Том се помачи да остане спокоен. Tom did his best to stay calm. Tom tried to stay calm. Som programátor. I'm a programmer. Som programátor. Kde je tvoja čapica? Where is your cap? Who's your hat? Том ми ја извитка раката. Tom twisted my arm. Tom bended my arm. Ме исчеличи. It made me strong. You scratched me. Каква е минималната заплата в Мароко? What's the minimum salary in Morocco? What's the minimum wage in Morocco? Ова ми беше мачна ноќ. I had a rough night. This has been a sad night for me. Опаковай го, ако обичаш? Please wrap it up. Pack it, please? Го изгласале за градоначалник на Бостон. He was elected mayor of Boston. They voted him mayor of Boston. Том мораше да го прескокне утринското пливање, затоа што беше ладно времето. Tom had to forgo his morning swim, on account of it being too cold. Tom had to skip the morning swim because it was cold weather. Ракот е голем непријател на човештвото. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Града е разположен в подножието на планината. This city lies at the base of a mountain. The city is situated at the foot of the mountain. Nemyslím si, že to musíš vedieť. I don't think you have to know it. You're Nemyslím, already musí vedieť. Тоа беше понуда којашто не можев да ја одбијам. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. Шия си ризата. I am sewing my shirt. I'm sewing my shirt. Штотуку го видов Том. I've just seen Tom. I just saw Tom. Не се случува баш често некој да купи шапка од илјада долари. It's not very often that someone buys a thousand dollar hat. It's not often that somebody buys a $1,000 hat. Дай аз да ти се обадя. Let me call you back. Let me call you back. Како тоа сѐ уште не спиеш? How come are you still not sleeping? How come you haven't slept yet? Тивок сум. I'm quiet. I'm quiet. На жена ми и се смачува од дневната рутина. My wife is getting tired of the daily routine. My wife's getting sick of the daily routine. Не можам да го лажам Том. I can't lie to Tom. I can't lie to Tom. Зеленото Ви отива. Green suits you. Green looks good on you. Всички кажете "сирене". Everyone, say cheese. Everybody say cheese. Питай ме всичко, което искаш да знаеш за Бостън. Ask me anything you want to know about Boston. Ask me everything you want to know about Boston. Том е во својата спална и зборува на телефон. Tom is in his bedroom talking on the phone. Tom's in his bedroom talking on the phone. Забравих го. I forgot it. I forgot it. Toliko ljudi je precej starejših od tebe. So many people are much older than you. So many people are much older than you. Имаме две ќерки и еден син. We have two girls and one boy. We have two daughters and one son. Статистиката показва, че стандартът ни на живот е висок. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show our standard of living is high. Дали сакаш да кажеш дека не сакаш Том да ти дојде на забавата? Are you saying you don't want Tom to come to your party? Are you saying you don't want Tom to come to your party? Мег понякога дразни Кен. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Нека ти задам един въпрос. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Казвал съм ти за това преди. I've told you about it before. I've told you about this before. Току-що изпуснахте влака, нали? You just missed the train, didn't you? You just missed the train, didn't you? Vrata se ne odprejo. The door won't open. Doors don't open. Не съм казала на никого за нас. I haven't told anyone about us. I didn't tell anyone about us. Том доби на лотарија. Tom won the lottery. Tom won the lottery. Túto knihu som kúpila v kníhkupectve pred stanicou. I bought this book at the bookshop in front of the station. Túto knit som kúpille in kníhkummuspecti in front of the stadium. Спиев во чунот. I slept on the boat. I slept in the pot. Започна ли вече да учиш френски? Have you already started learning French? Did you start studying French yet? Сите ќе ми фалат. I'll miss everyone. I'm gonna miss everybody. Дан порасна во сиропиталиште. Dan grew up at an orphanage. Dan grew up in an orphanage. Нема да се подобри. It doesn't get better. It's not gonna get any better. Трябва да спазиш обещанието си. You should keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. Не постои добра вест. No news is a good news. There's no good news. Не съм те виждала Том от рождения му ден насам. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. I haven't seen you since his birthday. Защо не искаш да носиш вратовръзка? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Много ученици по света учат английски език. A lot of students around the world are studying English. A lot of students around the world are learning English. Мистеријава е решена. This mystery is solved. This mystery is solved. Nie je až taký dobrý spisovateľ a myslím, že to vie. He's not such a great writer and I think he knows it. It's not like that. It's not like that. It's myslím, it's like that. Сите беа исплашени. They were all scared. They were all scared. Жеднеам за него. I'm pining for him. I'm thirsty for him. Имав неколку аудиции, но не добив работа. I had a few auditions, but never got a job. I had a few auditions, but I didn't get a job. Нейното хоби е да събира пощенски марки. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Her hobby is collecting stamps. Веќе предолго го одложуваш ова. Има вечерва да го завршиш! You've put this off for far too long. You will finish it tonight! You've been putting this off for too long. Ако Том сака да оди, немам ништо против. If Tom wants to go, I have no objections. If Tom wants to go, I don't mind. Мисля, че вашият отговор е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is true. Мораме да те оставиме. We have to leave you. We have to leave you alone. Очите му светнаа со гнев. His eyes flashed with anger. His eyes lit with anger. Имам порака од него. I have a message from her. I have a message from him. Дали ѝ пишуваш пораки на Мери? Are you texting Mary? Are you texting Mary? Играме во недела. We play on Sunday. We're playing Sunday. Том сигурно е самотен. Tom must be lonely. Tom must be lonely. Mala by si prísť. You should come over. Little by you prís. Какво искаше Том? What did Tom want? What did Tom want? Се надевам дека ова е добро. This better be good. I hope this is good. Решив да одам. I've decided to go. I decided to go. Колку отсто од нашите тела се вода? What percentage of our bodies is water? How many percent of our bodies are water? Послужен е доручекот. Breakfast is served. Breakfast is served. На Том само што му ги извадија протезите. Tom just got his braces off. Tom just got his prosthetics out. Имаш ли фотоапарат? Do you have a camera? Do you have a camera? Том е монах. Tom is a monk. Tom's a monk. Дядо Коледа живее на Северния полюс. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa lives on the North Pole. На Том му светнаа очите кога Мери зачекори во собата. Tom's eyes lit up when Mary walked into the room. Tom had his eyes flashed when Mary stepped into the room. Има ли грешки в това упражнение? Are there any mistakes in this exercise? Is there any mistakes in this exercise? Том купи сламен шешир. Tom bought a straw hat. Tom bought a straw hat. Sanj je konec. The dream is over. Dream's over. Knjige so čebele, ki prenašajo cvetni prah z enega uma na drugi. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are bees that carry flower dust from one mind to another. Ще те привикам утре. I'll call you up tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. И двајцата се насмеаја. They both laughed. They both laughed. Паричникот ми е во џеб. My wallet's in my pocket. My wallet's in my pocket. Ľúbim ťa. I love you. Öúbim Ö. Френският на Том е отличен. Tom's French is excellent. Tom's French is excellent. Мисля, че ни е нужен лекар. I think we need a doctor. I think we need a doctor. Изглежда, че ще вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. It looks like it's going to snow. Знаехте ли, че носите различни чорапи? Did you know that you were wearing odd socks? Did you know you're wearing different socks? Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да помислиш за друг вариант? Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? Are you sure you don't want to think of another option? Колко пъти звъня Том? How many times has Tom called? How many times have I called Tom? Мислам дека Том е закален. I think Tom is tough. I think Tom's in trouble. Някой може ли да вдигне телефона? Can someone answer the telephone? Can someone answer the phone? Не треба да бидеш присутен за ова. You don't need to be here for this. You don't have to be there for this. Ние ходим в училище, за да учим. We go to school to study. We go to school to study. Станува збор за интегритет. It's a question of integrity. It's about integrity. On pozná New York naspamäť. He knows New York inside out. He late New York sleepsäť. Той не може да си позволи нова кола. He can't afford a new car. He can't afford a new car. Опитах се да те предупредя. I've tried to warn you. I tried to warn you. Няма да е толкова трудно да убедим Том. Tom won't be that hard to convince. It won't be that hard to convince Tom. Том направи голямо парти в къщата си, докато родителите му бяха на почивка. Tom threw a big party at his house while his parents were away on vacation. Tom had a big party at his house while his parents were on vacation. Ако може, овој викенд. If possible, this weekend. If I may, this weekend. Том има куп време. Tom has lots of time. Tom has plenty of time. Ти пречи ли? Do you mind? Do you mind? Изчисти масата вече! Clean the table already! Clean the table already! Прилично сум гладен! I'm pretty hungry! I'm pretty hungry! Знам за работата. I know about the job. I know about the job. Мисля, че трябва да дойдете да го видите. I think you should come and see it. I think you should come see him. Какви хобија имаш? What's your hobby? What kind of hobby do you have? Што ја мачи всушност? What's really bothering her? What's really bothering her? Ќе одам да ја прашам. I'll go and ask her. I'm gonna go ask her. Песимист си. You're pessimistic. You're a pessimist. Туѓинци се. They are outsiders. They're strangers. Плановете ми за почивката се провалиха. My holiday plan has fallen through. My vacation plans failed. Способен си ама забушаваш. You're competent but you're slacking. You're capable, but you're wrong. Не гледаме исто на темава, но не сум јас оној што греши. We don't see this eye to eye, but it's not me who is wrong. We don't see the same on this subject, but I'm not the one who's wrong. Како да оплескав. I kind of messed up. It's like I messed up. Тя отсъства, защото е болна. She's absent because she's sick. She's gone because she's sick. Може ли да се видиме подоцна? Can I see you later? Can I see you later? Jeho angličtina je celkom dobrá. His English is quite good. Jeho Anglicine is good for the cells. Не знам како ме здогледале. I don't know how they spotted me. I don't know how they saw me. Je jedenásť. It's eleven o'clock. He's eating it. Кралят наложи високи данъци на хората. The king imposed heavy taxes on the people. The King has imposed high taxes on people. Чух, че било доста вълнуващо. I heard it was pretty exciting. I heard it was pretty exciting. Не съм откраднал нищо. I didn't steal anything. I didn't steal anything. Тргај ги шепите од мене. Get your paws off me. Get your paws off me. Знаеш дека би направил сѐ за твоите красни очи. You know I'd do anything for your beautiful eyes. You know I would do anything for your beautiful eyes. Не спаси ѕвончето. We were saved by the bell. You didn't save the bell. Запазил съм най-хубавото за най-накрая. I've saved the best for last. I've saved the best for finally. Блицот не работеше, па тој не можеше да слика во темница. The flash wasn't working, so he couldn't take a picture in the dark. The neighbor didn't work, so he couldn't take a picture in the dark. Týždeň má sedem dní. A week has seven days. Týždeʹmá 7dní. По-умен съм от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Не се секирај. Ќе го најдеме. Don't worry. We'll find him. Don't worry, we'll find him. Аз оставам с Том. I'm sticking with Tom. I'm staying with Tom. Том наистина ли иска да отида на партито му? Does Tom really want me to come to his party? Tom really wants me to go to his party? Том сигурно се правел важен. Tom must've been showing off. Tom must have made himself important. Тој ме искористи. He took advantage of me. He used me. Ще умра ли? Am I going to die? Am I going to die? Чувал съм, че френският е труден език. I've heard that French is a difficult language. I've heard French is a hard language. Винаги съм се чудела дали ще се върнеш. I always wondered whether you'd come back. I've always wondered if you'd come back. Сакаш ли филмови? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Бях груб. I was impolite. I was rude. Студи ли надвор? Is it cold outside? Did you study outside? Какво прави това лято? What did you do this summer? What's this summer doing? Том е доста мршав. Tom is quite thin. Tom's pretty grumpy. Мостът се строи. The bridge is under construction. The bridge is building. Том треба да ти се заблагодари. Tom should thank you. Tom needs to thank you. Надявам се да намерим Том. I hope we find Tom. I hope we find Tom. Tom nevie nič o Marynej rodine. Tom knows nothing about Mary's family. Tom doesn't know anything about Maryne's birth. Ајде на ручек. Let's go to lunch. Let's have lunch. Имаш ли виолина? Do you have a violin? Do you have a violin? Това ли е правилната посока за музея? Is this the right way to the museum? Is this the right direction for the museum? Познаваш ли някой, който говори френски? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Аз се разбирах с всички. I got along with everybody. I got along with everyone. Цялото шосе върви по нанагорнище. The road is uphill all the way. The whole road's going uphill. Не давай на Том номера си. Don't give Tom your number. Don't give Tom your number. Питай го за пътя до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him about his way to the station. Том почна да се смее. Tom started to laugh. Tom's starting to laugh. Том е алергичен на мувла. Tom is allergic to mould. Tom's allergic to mold. Сандвичите с шунка бяха наистина добри. The ham sandwiches were really good. The ham sandwiches were really good. Трябва да изляза за малко. I've got to get away for a while. I have to go out for a while. Доста ги ишкаш кокошките. Stop shooing the chickens. You've had enough of that chicken. Мисля, че още сте влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Не прозрях лъжите му. I couldn't see through his lies. I didn't see his lies. Не съм бил във връзка с него от много време. I haven't got in touch with him for a long time. I haven't been in touch with him in a long time. Този климатик харчи много ток. This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. This air-conditioning spends a lot of electricity. Мери сака да пие врело кафе, а Том млако. Mary likes her coffee steaming hot, while Tom likes his lukewarm. Mary likes to drink hot coffee, and Tom's quiet. Hovoril mi to isté. He told me the same thing. Hovoril to me isté. Какво има в папката? What's in the file? What's in the folder? Инвестицията му донесе 6%. The investment now yields him 6%. His investment brought him 6%. Вчера стана ужасна злополука. An awful accident happened yesterday. Yesterday was a terrible accident. Три месеца преди Том да завърши колежа, той умря. Three months before Tom was to graduate from college, he died. Three months before Tom finished college, he died. Никога не беше валяло на острова. It has never snowed on the island. It was never raining on the island. Той си свали палтото. He took off his coat. He took off his coat. Тоа е сосема неточно. That's totally false. That's totally incorrect. Вие се възползвате от слабостта ѝ. You're taking advantage of her weakness. You take advantage of her weakness. Ona ma nepozná. She doesn't know me. She's the one who doesn't know. Не съм сигурен, че това е правилно. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure that's right. On robí kópiu. He's making a copy. He's got kópiu. Буката го смути сиот град. The noise alarmed the whole town. The noise calmed the entire city. За студеното време, когато ви се иска да пиете нещо горещо, препоръчвам този тип термос. In the cold season when you want to drink something hot I recommend this sort of thermos flask. For the cold time, when you want to drink something hot, I recommend this type of thermos. Мисля, че трябва да внимаваш повече по време на часа. I think you ought to pay more attention in class. I think you should be more careful during class. Учам клавир. I'm learning piano. I'm studying piano. Какво държите в дясната си ръка? What do you have in your right hand? What are you holding in your right hand? Свършихме чая. We've run out of tea. We're out of tea. Том го проба виното. Tom tasted the wine. Tom tried the wine. Тази вечер свободна ли ти е? Are you free this evening? Is she free tonight? Ќерка ми пее во хор. My daughter sings in the choir. My daughter sings at choir. Том е љубезен човек. Tom is a kind man. Tom is a kind man. Ако закъснееш с предаването на контролното, то няма да бъде прието. If you turn in a test late, it will not be accepted. If you're late with the transmission, it won't be accepted. Дан имаше бурни односи со Линда. Dan had a very stormy relationship with Linda. Dan had a violent relationship with Linda. Сакам да се вратиш овде. I want you back here. I want you back here. Те молам извести го Том. Please inform Tom. Please let Tom know. Зарем не мислиш дека Куки би било добро име за куче? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Не оставяй никакви следи. Don't leave any traces. Don't leave any leads. Бих искала да ти задам още няколко въпроса. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Аз съм идеалист. Не знам къде отивам, но вървя по своя път. I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going my way. Нямаш сърце. You don't have a heart. You don't have a heart. Отложихме заминаването за утре. We put off the departure till tomorrow. We postponed departure for tomorrow. Urobili by ste mi láskavosť? Would you do me a favor? Is that what you're saying? Is that what you're saying? Том е доста зборлив. Tom is quite talkative. Tom's pretty talkative. Той има три по-големи сестри. He has three older sisters. He's got three older sisters. Ја замолив да не се меша. I asked her not to interfere. I asked her not to interfere. На седлото е самотно, откакто конят умря. It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died. It's lonely on the saddle since the horse died. Имаш среќа. You're lucky. You're lucky. Значи, што да му кажам? So, what should I tell him? So, what do I tell him? Тези ръкавици са на Том. These gloves are Tom's. These gloves are Tom's. Pogrešam te. I miss you. I miss you. Не сум мештанин. I'm not from here. I'm not a local. Липсвахте ми. I missed you. I missed you. Dobrú noc! Good night! Good night! Том беше првиот младич што ми го скрши срцето. Tom was the first boy who broke my heart. Tom was the first young man to break my heart. Кому зборува Дан? Who is Dan talking to? Who's Dan talking to? Купих хляб, кафе, захар и други такива неща. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and the like. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and other stuff. Сега ти си надлежен. You're in charge now. Now you're in charge. Готови ли сме? Are we ready? Are we ready? Нямам представа къде е Том. I have no idea where Tom is. I have no idea where Tom is. Разбрах за теб и Том. I heard about you and Tom. I found out about you and Tom. Ти испеков векна леб. I baked you a loaf of bread. I made you a loaf of bread. Pevne verím, že človek nemôže byť hrdinom bez skromnosti. Arogancia je rezervovaná pre zloduchov. I firmly believe that one cannot play any sort of hero without humility. Arrogance is reserved for the villains. Sing verím, already a man Germanôže byť hrdin beige of modesty. Arogancia is reserved for the evilsuchov. Множењето е комутативно, а делењето не е. Multiplication is commutative, division is not. Multiple is communal, and sharing isn't. Том закачил настинка. Tom has got a cold. Tom hung a cold. Мери носеше лажни трепки. Mary wore false eyelashes. Mary was wearing fake eyelashes. Жал ми е што те разбудив. I'm sorry I woke you up. I'm sorry I woke you up. Мислам дека треба да му помогнеме. I think we should help him. I think we should help him. Ова беше на врвот на купот. This one was on top of the pile. This was on top of the pile. Не забравяйте за купона довечера. Don't forget the party tonight. Don't forget about tonight's party. Napísal včera list. He wrote a letter yesterday. It's a frontal burner. Джиесемът на Том звънна и той вдигна. Tom's cellphone rang and he answered it. Tom's GPS rang and he picked up. Нашата тема на седмицата е: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. Our theme of the week is: _____. Дан ова добро го разбра. Dan understood this well. Dan understood this very well. Мисля, че е по-добре да легнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you better go to bed. Чајов убаво мириса. This tea smells good. This tea smells good. На теория би трябвало да свърши работа. Theoretically it should work. The theory should do the trick. Алистър уби Барбара. Alister killed Barbara. Alastair killed Barbara. Трябва да приемеш неизбежното. You have to accept the inevitable. You have to accept the inevitable. Немој сега да се дуриш. Now don't pout. Don't waste it now. Това си е направо грешно. That's just plain wrong. It's all wrong. Mám jedného psa a jednu mačku. I own one dog and one cat. I eat the dog and eat the cat. Многу е возможно да не сум во право. It's quite possible that I'm mistaken. It's very possible I'm wrong. Том е доволен. Tom is satisfied. Tom's happy. Онези дрехи ти стоят добре. Those clothes suit you well. Those clothes look good on you. Считам се за късметлийка. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. В някои отношения то приличало на футбола, който се играе в наши дни. It was similar in some ways to soccer which is played today. In some ways it resembled football, which is played in modern times. Просто ми кажи какво искаш и ще ти го дам. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you. Oprostite, ampak iščem pošto. Excuse me, but I'm looking for the post office. I'm sorry, but I'm looking for mail. Ептен е јако. It's totally cool. It's so cool. Том не успеа. Tom was unsuccessful. Tom didn't make it. На Том му се смееја. Tom was laughed at. Tom was laughing. Том не можеше да повярва какво се случва. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. Досещам се колко е объркващо това за теб. I know how confusing this must be for you. I can see how confusing this is for you. Колку долгу ќе престојуваш кај нас? How long will you be staying with us? How long are you staying with us? Сигурнa съм, че си много заетa. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Не е важно кой университет си завършил, а какво си научил, докато си бил там. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. It doesn't matter which university you graduated, what you learned while you were there. My sme blázniví. We're crazy. My name is Blázniví. Драго ми е што се врати. I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you're back. Денят е по-топъл от нощта. The day is warmer than the night. The day is warmer than the night. Префинети сме. We're sophisticated. We're sophisticated. Не можам да се справам со оваа задача. I can't cope with this task. Can not get message: %s %s Секогаш ќе бидам тука. I'll always be here. I'll always be here. Наистина ли искаш да плуваш? Can you really swim? Do you really want to swim? Само би му пречеле на Том. We'll just be in Tom's way. It'd only bother Tom. Наистина ли искаш да работиш в Бостън? Do you really want to work in Boston? You really want to work in Boston? Можно е Том да има рак. Tom might have cancer. It's possible Tom has cancer. Селото е надалече. That village is a great distance off. The village is far away. Неспособен си. You're incompetent. You're incompetent. Држи ја свеќата. Hold the candle. Hold the candle. Женени сме един за друг. We're married to each other. We're married to each other. Навидум веќе го знаеш одговорот. You seem to already know the answer. You seem to know the answer already. Извинете, не е грешка? Excuse me, it's not a mistake? I'm sorry, isn't that a mistake? Не сте ли щастливи? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Го пониживме Том. We've humiliated Tom. We humiliated Tom. Какво ви попречи да дойдете вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What prevented you from coming here yesterday? Направих първата крачка. I've taken the first step. I took the first step. Да пробаме да ѝ се јавиме. Let's try calling her. Let's try calling her. Има фосфор во нашата ДНК. The element phosphorus is present in our DNA. There's phosphorus in our DNA. Зошто не го послуша Том? Why didn't you listen to Tom? Why didn't you listen to Tom? Разрешавате ли да вляза? Am I allowed to enter? Do you want me to come in? Таа има почнато да се однесува чудно. She has started acting strangely. She's starting to act weird. Читателот брзо ќе сфати дека анализата ми е прецизна и дека нејзините резултати се поуздани. The reader will quickly realise that my analysis is precise and that her results are reliable. The reader will quickly realize that my analysis is accurate and that its results are more predetermined. Една чаша вода, ако обичате. A glass of water, please. One glass of water, please. Зошто не кажа „чао“? Why didn't you say goodbye? Why didn't you say "chao"? За жал, системот е корумпиран. Unfortunately, the system is corrupted. Unfortunately, the system is corrupt. Таа вешто ракува со пила. She handles a saw very well. She skillfully handles a saw. Том работеше многу вредно, но не успеа. Tom worked very hard, but he didn't make it. Tom worked very hard, but it didn't work. Бъди внимателен. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Be careful, I don't want you to hurt yourself. Musím zistiť, kedy Tom plánuje odísť. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. Musím sisstiť, kedy Tom is plying from the musímím. Том не се засрами. Tom didn't feel embarrassed. Tom wasn't ashamed. Најдоа изолирана плажа па таму го проведоа денот. They found a secluded beach where they spent the day. They found an isolated beach, so that's where they took the day. Баш ме бива за тоа. I'm very good at it. I'm really good at that. Што можеш да ми кажеш за него? What can you tell me about him? What can you tell me about him? Ima tiste slabe tetovaže in zdaj mu je žal. He got those horrible tattoos and now he regrets it. He's got those bad tattoos, and now he's sorry. Всички цветя в градината увехнаха. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden have died. Ние сме добър екип. We're a good team. We're a good team. Престани да го озлогласуваш Том. Stop bad mouthing Tom. Stop lying to Tom. Той извади монета от джоба си. He took a coin out of his pocket. He took a coin out of his pocket. Те всички познаваха Том. They all knew Tom. They all knew Tom. Поръчах ти бира. I've ordered you a beer. I ordered you a beer. Том треба да се опушти. Tom needs to relax. Tom needs to relax. Што вели знакот над вратата? What does the sign over the door say? What's the sign on the door? Сакаш ли тенис? Do you like tennis? You want tennis? Каквото и да кажа, то няма да накара Том да промени решението си. There's nothing I could ever say that would make Tom change his mind. Whatever I say, it won't make Tom change his mind. Ан слезе. Ann came downstairs. Anne's down. Всички приемахме за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. We all took it for granted that Tom could speak French. We all took it for granted that Tom could speak French. Со сигурност ли знаеш дека ова не се прави дијаманти? Do you know for sure that these are real diamonds? Do you know for sure this isn't made diamonds? Знам дека ти се допаѓам. I know you like me. I know you like me. Знаем, че не си глупава. We know you're not stupid. We know you're not stupid. Нозете му беа утрнале. His feet were asleep. His legs were broken. Застанавме во Бостон. We had a layover in Boston. We stopped in Boston. Което е наше, е наше. What's ours is ours. Which is ours, it's ours. Небото набрзо ќе се разведри. The sky will soon clear. The sky will soon rise. Зеленото ви отива. Green suits you. Green looks good on you. Никой не дойде освен Мери. No one came except Mary. No one came but Mary. Чекаа надвор. They waited outside. They were waiting outside. Изиграх те. I tricked you. I played you. Ни се брзаше. We were in a hurry. We were in a hurry. Напиши адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write your address here. Том мислеше, че Мери е свободна, но не беше съвсем сигурен. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't really sure. Tom thought Mary was free, but he wasn't quite sure. Какъв е вашият проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Би сакал да му помогнам да докаже. I'd like to help him prove it. I'd like to help him prove it. Не реагирам добро на закани. I don't respond well to threats. I'm not responding well to threats. Кажи му на Том дека не смее да заборави да си го обнови пасошот. Tell Tom that he needs to make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Tell Tom he can't forget to renew his passport. Мисля, че трябва да размислиш. I think you should reconsider. I think you should think about it. Уча френски по три часа всеки ден. I study French for three hours every day. I study French three hours a day. Му помагаш ли? Are you helping him? Are you helping him? Аз бих могъл да те направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Виждал съм това и преди. I've seen that before. I've seen this before. Би ги то доверил мојот живот. I'd trust you with my life. I'd trust it to my life. Študovali ste. You were studying. You were studying. Много ме били главата. I have a bad headache. I've had a lot of head. Том го интересира француска историја. Tom is interested in French history. Tom is interested in French history. Се извинувам. I apologize. Excuse me. През зимата стават много пожари. There are a lot of fires in the winter. There are many fires in the winter. И Том е од Бостон. Tom is also from Boston. And Tom's from Boston. Со кого излегуваш? Who are you going out with? Who are you dating? Не сакам да користам дилда - претпочитам вистински курови. I don't like using dildos, I prefer real cocks. I don't want to use dilda. I prefer real dicks. Tista ura je zelo lepa. That watch is very nice. That watch is very beautiful. И како сум јас за тоа крив? How is that my fault? And how am I to do that? Нѐ гушнаа. They hugged us. They hugged us. Moje narodeniny sú 12. júna. Magdalena sa narodila v rovnaký deň a rok ako ja. My birthday is June 12. Magdalena was born on the same day and year as me. My nation's sú 12. june. Magdalena's peoples were born into a baby's hand. Уча френски вкъщи. I study French at home. I study French at home. Щастлив е онзи мъж, който се ожени за добра жена. Happy is a man who marries a good wife. He's happy that man who married a good woman. Том беше оној што ми кажа за незгодата на Мери. Tom was the one who told me about Mary's accident. Tom was the one who told me about Mary's accident. Денес е кобниот ден на којшто ќе се обидат да побегнат. Today is the fatal day that they will attempt their escape. Today is the day they try to escape. Том ти открадна колелото. Tom stole your bike. Tom stole your bike. Таман почнавме. We've barely begun. Taman's on the move. Чух те да пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Том е безопасен. Tom's harmless. Tom's safe. Им се восхитувам. I admire them. I admire them. Математика најдобро му оди. Mathematics is his strongest subject. He's doing his best math. Гледай си работата! Mind your own business! Mind your own business! Небото е ведро. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Hovorím tiež francúzsky. I speak French, too. Hovorím quiet francúzsky. Треба да се обидеш да пишуваш почитко. You should try to write more legibly. You should try writing a fan. Това е жестоко. That's cruel. That's awesome. Том отиде на риболов. Tom went fishing. Tom went fishing. Кен е пристигнал в Киото. Ken has arrived in Kyoto. Ken's arrived in Kyoto. Најверојатно се уште е достапно. It's probably still available. It's probably still available. Језиво беше. It was spooky. It was angry. Ами ти? How about you? What about you? Погледни внимателно картата на стената. Look at the map on the wall carefully. Look carefully at the map on the wall. Не съм се къпал от три дена. I haven't showered in three days. I haven't bathed in three days. Том ми показа писмото, което Мери беше написала на френски. Tom showed me the letter that Mary had written in French. Tom showed me the letter Mary wrote in French. Ако ми дадете пари назаем, ще ви бъда много задължен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'll owe you a debt. Тој сака на секоја свадба да биде младоженецот и на секој погреб покојникот. He wants to be a husband at every wedding, and the deceased at every funeral. He wants to be the groom at every wedding and at every funeral the deceased. Не рачунај на нив. Don't count on them. Don't count on them. Том няма да бъде на училище днес. Tom won't be at school today. Tom's not going to school today. Том е облечен с шлифер. Tom is wearing a trench coat. Tom's wearing a raincoat. Тя е най-скучното момиче което някога съм познавал. She is the most boring girl I ever knew. She's the most boring girl I've ever known. Том ја исече питата на осум парчиња. Tom cut the pie into eight pieces. Tom cut the pie in eight pieces. Колку години имаш, Том? How old are you, Tom? How old are you, Tom? Неорганизиран си. You're disorganized. You're unorganized. Moje celé meno je Ricardo Vernaut, mladší. My full name is Ricardo Vernaut, Junior. My whole mine is Ricardo Vernaut, young man. Много търговци бяха ограбени по време на размириците. Many businesses were plundered during the riots. Many merchants were robbed during the riots. Пред да заспијам, слушам музика. Before I go to sleep, I listen to music. Before I fall asleep, I listen to music. Се прашувам што има за вечера. I wonder what's for dinner. I wonder what's for dinner. Завърших философия в моя университет. I majored in philosophy at my university. I finished philosophy at my university. Баш се јаки. They're really cool. They're really strong. Той работи сутрин. He works in the morning. He works in the morning. Девојката има глувче. The girl has a mouse. The girl's got a mouse. Ми се укочи компјутерот. My computer has frozen. My computer's up. Не го направив тоа за него. I didn't do it for him. I didn't do it for him. Ако универзумот е одговорот, што е прашањето? If the universe is an answer, what is the question? If the universe is the answer, what is the question? Idem nakupovať. I'm going shopping. I'm going to buyť. Каква е минималната заплата в Конго? What's the minimum salary in Congo? What's the minimum wage in Congo? Mária plávala. Mary swam. Mária swam. Смртта, во кој било облик, е одвратна. Death, in whatever form, is repulsive. Death, in any form, is disgusting. Што не ни помогна? Why didn't you help us? What didn't help us? Ти заслужаваш наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. Направивме сѐ што можевме за неа. We've done what we can for her. We did everything we could for her. Том ми најде такси. Tom found me a taxi. Tom got me a cab. Том беше намерен за виновен и осъден на смърт. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom was found guilty and sentenced to death. Дан можеби се скарал со Линда. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. Ова треба да го направиш првин. This is what you need to do first. This is what you should do first. Приготвих вечеря. I made dinner. I made dinner. А што правиш тука воопшто? What are you doing here anyway? What are you doing here anyway? Си ја украсив собата. I decorated my room. You're in a beautiful room. Това, което най-много ме е изненадало, откакто съм в Япония, е огромният брой вендинг машини. The thing that most surprised me since coming to Japan is how many vending machines there are. What's most surprised me since I've been in Japan is the huge number of vending machines. Nie som smädný. I'm not thirsty. Som smädný. Какво има, Том? Плачеш ли? What's the matter, Tom? Are you crying? What's the matter, Tom? Zajemalko drži v njeni desni roki. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. Keep the grip in her right hand. Сигурно нешто му се случило на Том. Something must've happened to Tom. Something must have happened to Tom. Том беспотребно дига џева. Tom is overreacting. Tom's unnecessarily picking up a Jaw. Колко е сметката? What does the bill amount to? What's the bill? В началото местните каубои му се изсмяха. At first, the local cowboys laughed at him. In the beginning, local cowboys laughed at him. Том седеше зад воланот. Tom sat down behind the steering wheel. Tom was sitting behind the wheel. Жалиме, но не прифаќаме кредитни картички. Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. We're sorry, but we don't accept credit cards. Ќе му кажам на Том дека си овде. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. Таа го позајми линијарот. She borrowed the ruler. She borrowed the liner. Повеќето луѓе мораат да работат за да се издржуваат. Most people have to work for their livelihood. Most people have to work to support themselves. Се заноќуваше. It was getting dark. He was having a good night. Влюбен съм в нея. I'm in love with her. I'm in love with her. Къде е ключът? Where's the key? Where's the key? Вреќава е претешка. This bag is too heavy. This bag is too heavy. Ти ветувам. You've got my word on that. I promise. Трябва да отида да взема Том от училище. I have to go pick up Tom from school. I have to go pick Tom up from school. Што го праша Том? What did you ask Tom? What did Tom ask? Тази книга е на лесен френски. This book is written in easy French. This book is in easy French. Баща ми ще заминава за чужбина следващата седмица. My father is going to go abroad next week. My father's going abroad next week. Тоа беше преубаво. That was beautiful. That was beautiful. Po močnem deževju je reka poplavila bregove. After the heavy rains, the river overflowed its banks. After the heavy rain, the river flooded the banks. Би требало да го пробаш ова. You should try this. You should try this. Ретко одеше таму. He rarely went there. He rarely walked there. Том можеше да отиде. Tom could've gone. Tom could've gone. Ова е мој проблем. This is my problem. This is my problem. Je zelo velik. He is very tall. He's very big. Те молам извести ги. Please inform them. Please let them know. Зошто си толку лут? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Нашият най-добър приятел е лекар. Our best friend is a doctor. Our best friend is a doctor. Той питаше за теб. He asked after you. He asked about you. Esperanto se učim zelo hitro. I am learning Esperanto very quickly. I'm learning Esperanto very quickly. Топотот од копитата на коњот го успокои. The clatter of the horse's hooves soothed him. The ball from the hooves on the horse calmed him down. Трябва да си събуя чорапите. I have to take off my socks. I have to take my socks off. Мога само да се чудя дали това е същото за всички останали. I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else. I can only wonder if that's the same for everyone else. Нема никого. It's clear. There's no one here. Ако ме бакнеш, ќе бидам среќен. If you'd kiss me, I'd be happy. If you kiss me, I'll be happy. И преди се е случвало. It happened before. It's happened before. Том има долга брада. Tom has a long beard. Tom has a long beard. Почти нямам английски книги. I have hardly any English books. I almost don't have any English books. Може ли да ми изгладите тези дрехи? Could I have these clothes ironed? Can you smooth out these clothes for me? Том не е палав. Tom isn't naughty. Tom's not a scoundrel. Одлично си поминав ноќва. I had a lovely night. I had a great time tonight. Зарем не ти е срам да зборуваш така? Aren't you ashamed to talk like that? Aren't you ashamed to talk like that? Tom sa musí sústrediť. Tom must concentrate. Tom sasí sústrediť. Нешто си ми ослабен. You're looking thin. You're getting thin. Ти си луд да му даваш пари назаем. You are crazy to lend money to him. You're crazy to lend him money. Пия вода в кухнята. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink water in the kitchen. Том не е сам. Tom is with somebody. Tom's not alone. Езици като руския, полския, чешкия и българския имат общи славянски корени. Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots. Languages such as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots. Кой браузър използваш? What browser are you using? Which browser do you use? Ќе ја донесам дома. I'll bring her home. I'll bring her home. Takáto šanca už druhý raz nepríde. The lost chance will never come again. Such a sledgehammer d'Affaires d'Affaires. Премногу време помина. It's been too long. It's been too long. Ťažko povedať. It's hard to say. It's kind of easy to tell. Подобро пушти ме мене да го направам тоа. You'd better let me do that. You better let me do it. On číta knihu. He is reading a book. He reads the donut. Maslo je mäkké. Butter is soft. Butter is mäkké. Немам пиштол. I don't have a gun. I don't have a gun. Том ја прославуваше победата со вино. Tom was celebrating the victory with wine. Tom celebrated victory with wine. Том ќе се откаже. Tom'll quit. Tom's gonna quit. Ona dela za francosko obveščevalno službo. She works for French intelligence. She works for the French Intelligence Service. Сите знаат дека ја мразам. Everybody knows I hate her. Everybody knows I hate her. Получих информацията директно от него. I got the information from him directly. I got the information directly from him. Ďakujem za raňajky. Thank you for breakfast. I'm working for Racoray. Никогаш немав намера да те измамам. I never wanted to deceive you. I never intended to deceive you. Je to príliš drahé. It's too expensive. Is that what you're doing? Па нели го мразиш? I thought you hated him. So don't you hate him? Tom povedal, že prídeš. Tom said you would come. Tom said you're out of here. Треба да ја однесам дома. I should get her home. I have to take her home. Добро утро. Good morning! Good morning. Штотуку појадував. I've just eaten breakfast. I just had breakfast. Си ја исчаши клучната коска додека играше. He dislocated his collarbone while playing. You scratched your clavicle while you were playing. Prekvapuje ma, že tvoja rodina má japonské auto. I am surprised that your family has a Japanese car. She's cursing your mother, she's already your native to Japan's auto. Том бил тука. Tom has been here. Tom was here. Многу би било нормално да му се лутиш на Том. It would be very normal for you to be angry with Tom. It would be very normal to be angry with Tom. Каква е минималната заплата в Дания? What's the minimum salary in Denmark? What's the minimum wage in Denmark? Избери което ти харесва. Choose whichever you like. Pick what you like. Изгледа наша работа е да не дозволиме тоа да се случи. I guess our job is not to let that happen. I guess it's our job not to let that happen. Греалка на струја ги топли керамичките плочки од подот на купатилото. An electric heater warms up the ceramic tiles of the bathroom floor. The power drill warms ceramic tiles from the bathroom floor. Злобен си. You're being mean. You're mean. Том оди на школо со кола. Tom drives to school. Tom's going to school with a car. Буря попречи на самолета да излети. A storm prevented the plane from taking off. Storm stopped the plane from flying. Не се ли радваш да ме видиш? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you glad to see me? Поп-музиката ми е омилениот вид на музика. My favorite music is pop music. Pop music is my favorite kind of music. Дан ѝ даде на Линда пари за абортус. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Не съм те наричал "глупак". I didn't call you stupid. I didn't call you stupid. Любимият ми отбор загуби вчера. My favorite team lost yesterday. My favorite team lost yesterday. Том се оближа. Tom licked his lips. Tom's licking himself. Nemôžem zmeniť, čo sa stalo včera. I can't change what happened yesterday. I don't know. I don't know. Rozhodli sa pre nové zásady. He had decided on a new policy. Elevators of the dream are too new. Не ми се попаѓа книгава. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Имаш телефон. You have a telephone. You have a phone. Одам на риболов секоја недела. I go fishing every week. I go fishing every week. Ќути, Алберт, теоријата ти е тапа. Shut up, Albert, your theory sucks. Shut up, Albert, your theory's up. Събранието беше отложено. The meeting has been postponed. The meeting was postponed. Том треба да се истушира. Tom needs a shower. Tom needs to take a shower. Не е никак вероятно те да дойдат в този късен час. They are hardly likely to come at this late hour. They're not likely to come in this late hour. Таа е постара од него. She's older than him. She's older than him. Mám na linke ďalšiu osobu. I have another person on the line. I'm going to make a link to the "alshio eight". Би можеле да зборуваме за музика. We could talk about music. We could talk about music. Той започна да се оправдава. He began to make excuses. He started making excuses. Ali imate rezervacijo? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Ще се върна в шест и трийсет. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back in six and thirty. Това не ти ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Pamätám si to. I remember that. Pamät's that. Ще ми дадеш ли огънче? Will you give me a light? Can you give me a light? Вера трябваше да скъса връзките си с някогашните си най-добри приятели, които се забъркаха с наркотици. Vera had to disassociate herself from her former best friends, who got into drugs. Vera had to break up her relationships with her once best friends who got mixed up in drugs. Ni razloga, zakaj bi moral postati zdravnik, ker je to moj oče. There's no reason why I should become a physician because my father is one. There's no reason I should be a doctor because that's my father. Том няма да види пари от мене. Tom won't be getting any money from me. Tom won't see the money from me. Може ли да ѝ се доверим? Can we trust her? Can we trust her? Върни се в леглото си. Go back to your bed. Go back to your bed. Том не е многу смешен. Tom isn't very funny. Tom's not very funny. Не ми надничай в килера. Don't look in my closet. Don't rub it in my closet. Кучето ми има дълга опашка. My dog has a long tail. My dog has a long tail. Približno koliko knjig imaš? About how many books do you have? About how many books do you have? Те са сами. They're on their own. They're on their own. Среде градот има фонтана. In the middle of the city, there is a fountain. There's a fountain in the middle of town. Много се радваме да видим всички вас тази вечер. We take great pleasure in meeting all of you this evening. We're very happy to see you all tonight. Том е тука, нели? Tom is here, isn't he? Tom's here, isn't he? Аз не мисля, че наистина искаш да го направиш. I don't think you really want to do that. I don't think you really want to do this. Забравих телефонния му номер. I forgot his phone number. I forgot his phone number. Той няма велосипед. He has no bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Том изгледа не зборува француски. Tom doesn't seem to know French. Tom doesn't seem to speak French. Том е воспитан. Tom has good manners. Tom's raised. Ја почитувам одлуката што си ја донел. I respect the decision you made. I respect the decision you made. Том не може да те види. Tom can't see you. Tom can't see you. Чух го да слиза надолу. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him go down. Вие виждали ли сте Том? Have you seen Tom? Have you seen Tom? Том е безнадежен случај. Tom is beyond hope. Tom is a hopeless case. Навистина се надевам. I certainly hope so. I really hope so. Френският определено не е най-лесният език за научаване. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. Заради тебе го направих. I did it for you. I did it for you. Аз пих кафе. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Naozaj chcem, aby si prestal. I really want you to quit. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Знам дека сѐ уште го сакаш Том. I know you still love Tom. I know you still love Tom. Ги бркам веќе долго време. I've been after them for a long time. I've been chasing them for a long time. На Том му се искаше още да е необвързан. Tom wished he were still single. Tom wanted to be single again. Мери му ги собра на Том сите пари. Mary took Tom for every cent he had. Mary picked up all the money for Tom. Ми се привидуваат духови. I'm seeing ghosts. I'm seeing ghosts. Би ли яла това? Would you eat this? Would you like to eat that? Nerozumiem slovo. I don't understand a word. I'm just saying goodbye. Том има мали шаки. Tom has small hands. Tom's got a little sledgehammer. Жив ли си? Are you alive? Are you alive? Ако не беше слънцето, нас нямаше да ни има. If it were not for the sun, we could not live. If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't be here. Никога не съм те виждал толкова нервна. I've never seen you so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Гледај ми ги прстите. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Том никогаш не бил злобен. Tom never was mean. Tom was never mean. Да се върнем. Let's come back. Let's go back. Čo vieš? What do you know? What do you mean? Винаги не се съгласяваш с твоят шеф . You're always disagreeing with your boss. You don't always agree with your boss. Това не е фалшификат. It's not a fake. That's not a fake. Немој да дојдам по тебе, Том. Don't make me come after you, Tom. Don't come for you, Tom. Не казвай на никой. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Том се пресмета со Мери. Tom confronted Mary. Tom and Mary calculated. Овој кауч е многу удобен. This couch is very comfortable. This couch is very comfortable. Тя ми подари един хубав подарък. He gave a nice present to me. She gave me a nice gift. Компанията публикува ново списание. The company published a new magazine. The company published a new magazine. Още не съм казала "не". I haven't said no yet. I haven't said no yet. Многу ќе им се бендиса тоа. They'll love that. They're gonna love that. Зошто Том го прави ова? Why is Tom doing this? Why does Tom do this? Том го знае патот. Tom knows the way. Tom knows the way. Аз няма да дойда. I will not come. I'm not coming. Как да стигна до летището? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? Може ли да ѝ се јавиш? Could you call her? Can you call her? Дан и напиша на Линда уште еден чек. Dan wrote another check for Linda. Dan wrote to Linda another check. На Том му беше писнало от работата му. Tom was sick of his job. Tom was sick of his work. Още ли мислиш, че работата ще ти хареса? Are you still thinking that you'd like the job? You still think you'll like the job? Помислих, че играта е свършила. I thought the game was over. I thought the game was over. Тоа нема голем приоритет. It's not a high priority. That's not a big priority. Никогаш нема да те примат во тој клуб. You'll never get in that club. They'll never take you to that club. Вече направи това. You did that already. You've already done this. Не можам да ја најдам клучалката. I can't find the keyhole. I can't find the lock. Том не успя да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Ќе одам да ги барам. I'll go and look for them. I'm gonna go look for them. Аз търся Том. I'm looking for Tom. I'm looking for Tom. Кои ядки обичаш най-много? What's your favorite dried fruit? Which nuts do you love the most? Тази земя е на Том. This land belongs to Tom. This land belongs to Tom. Сериозната турбуленция и лошото обслужване в самолета направиха началото на нашата почивка не особено приятно. Severe turbulence during the flight and very poor cabin service didn't make for an enjoyable start to our holiday. Serious turbulence and poor service on the plane have made the beginning of our vacation not particularly pleasant. Или той, или аз греша. He is wrong or I am. Either he or I'm wrong. Той няма да напредне. He is not going to get ahead. He won't make any progress. Неговите дрехи винаги миришат зле. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Опитвам се да спестя пари. I'm trying to save money. I'm trying to save money. Ајде да го фатиме тој тип. Come on let's catch that guy. Let's get that guy. Кога ще тръгваш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Како се наоѓа волумен на цилиндар? How do you find the volume of a cylinder? How is the wolf on a cylinder? Ќе јадеш дома или надвор? Are you going to eat at home or go out? Are you going to eat at home or outside? Не ми давай нищо. Don't give me a thing. Don't give me anything. Оплескав. I messed up. I messed up. Мисля, че те ни познават. I think they know us. I think they know us. Том скъса с приятелката си. Tom broke up with his girlfriend. Tom broke up with his girlfriend. Škola bola založená v roku 1650. The school was established in 1650. The disease is captured within 1650. Помислих, че може да отидем до музея заедно. I thought we could visit the museum together. I thought we could go to the museum together. Каде да почнеме? Where do we start? Where do we start? Значим брой тежки и неочаквани жертви сред програмистите на C++ всяка година са причинени от грешки в сегментацията. Numerous violent and sudden casualties among C++ developers are caused by segmentation faults every year. A significant number of heavy and unexpected victims among C++ programmers were caused by errors in the segmentation each year. Дали ти пречам? Am I bothering you? Am I disturbing you? Имав среќа. I was lucky. I was lucky. Всичко е наред. Everything is alright. It's okay. Ja som nevedel, či flirtoval. I didn't know if he was flirting. I don't know if he was flirting. Никогаш не ги вработил. I'd never hire them. He never hired them. Невинаги съм си вкъщи в неделя. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sunday. Том е с кръвна група 0 отрицателна. Tom's blood type is O negative. Tom has a blood type 0 negative. Neverím tomu, čo hovorí. I don't believe to what he says. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Отново трябва да тръгвам. I have to leave again. I have to go again. И двамата родители на Том са били преподаватели. Both of Tom's parents were teachers. Tom's parents were both teachers. Колко искате? How much money do you want? How much do you want? Кой град е това? Which town is this? What town is this? Мег говори прекалено много. Meg talks too much. Meg talks too much. Каква колекција! What a collection! What a collection! Това може да се окаже малко натоварващо. This could be a little tough. This could be a bit of a load. Изглеждаш точно като по-големия си брат. You look just like your older brother. You look just like your older brother. Тя е бодибилдърка. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodyguard. Майк обича да играе баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Виждала съм Ви някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Колку е стар телевизоров? How old is this TV? How old is this TV? Zemlja lahko zadovolji naše potrebe, našega pohlepa pa ne. The earth can satisfy our needs but not our greed. The earth can meet our needs and not our greed. Дечко ми е новинар. My boyfriend is a journalist. My boyfriend's a reporter. Той отложи празненството. He postponed the party. He's postponing the party. Христофор Колумб пил нефилтрирана морска вода. Christopher Columbus drank unfiltered seawater. Christopher Columbus drank unfiltered seawater. Нямам никаква представа какво означава това. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what that means. Той побеля от ужас. He turned pale with fright. He whitened out of terror. Том е многу несреќен. Tom is very unhappy. Tom's very unhappy. Свинското е исечено на коцки и испржено. The pork is diced and fried. The pork is cut into dice and fried. Бдеев цела ноќ. I was up all night. I've been up all night. Уживај во денот. Enjoy the day. Enjoy the day. Мисля да стигна до края въпреки нейното несъгласие. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. I think I'll make it to the end despite her disagreement. Ние събрахме всички материали. We got all the materials together. We've collected all the materials. Той е известен като велик поет. He is known as a great poet. He's known as a great poet. Modlili sme sa. We were praying. They must have modified it. Ona je naša učiteľka. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. Го сместија ли Том во болница? Was Tom hospitalized? Did they put Tom in the hospital? Да играем на канадска. Let's arm wrestle. Let's play Canadian. Кучето обикаляше около масата. The dog is walking around the table. The dog was walking around the table. Учам француски од тринаесетгодишна возраст. I've been studying French since I was thirteen. I've been studying French since I was 13 years old. Те мразеха Том. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Не ме интересува защо. I don't care why. I don't care why. Mislim, torej sem. I think, therefore I am. I mean, I am. Градот ја реставрирал тоа старо, историско здание. The town restored this old historic building. The town restored that old historic building. Чух Том да крещи. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom screaming. Muž ochutnáva kávu. The man tries the coffee. Muž Alatnáv kávu. Да се сменим. Let's switch. Let's change. Poglej nas! Look at us! Look at us! Той понякога гледа телевизия. He sometimes watches TV. He's watching TV sometimes. Ми се здосади од Бостон. I'm bored with Boston. I'm sick of Boston. Táto teória je pre mňa príliš zložitá na pochopenie. This theory is too difficult for me to comprehend. Tátto teória is too much spraying on pochopenie. Връщай се в леглото. Just go back to bed. Go back to bed. Тоа не беше смешно. That wasn't funny. That wasn't funny. Лекарството го излекува от болестта му. The medicine cured him of his illness. The drug cured him of his illness. Ако трябва да кажа истината, карах колата на баща ми без негово позволение. To tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. If I have to tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. Том нема да се врати. Tom won't come back. Tom's not coming back. Аз ще почистя. I'll clean it up. I'll clean it up. От време на време се случва. It happens occasionally. It happens every once in a while. Kto si? Who are you? You're a kto? Свърши ли с домашното? Have you finished your homework? Are you done with your homework? Не сфаќам зошто не сакаш да помогнеш. I don't see why you won't help. I don't understand why you don't want to help. Во која држава се наоѓа Бостон? What state is Boston in? What country is Boston in? Няма нищо между Том и Мери. There's nothing going on between Tom and Mary. There's nothing between Tom and Mary. Той не може да чете. He can't read. He can't read. Го користам тој компјутер. I use that computer. I'm using that computer. Трябва да учите усърдно. You must study hard. You have to study hard. Проявявам търпение. I'm being patient. I'm showing patience. Не знам. I don't know. I don't know. Dom je krásny. The house is beautiful. Home is krásny. Можеш ли да го изключиш? Could you turn it down? Can you turn it off? On si nemôže dovoliť dovolenku. He cannot afford a holiday. He wouldn't let the Germans do that. Je nepravdepodobné, že sa stane niečo vážne. It's unlikely that anything serious will happen. It's unfair, it's even more invaluable. Можам да останам. I can stay. I can stay. Не съм те виждал откакто бяхме студенти. I haven't seen you since college. I haven't seen you since we were students. Реката, която тече през Париж, се казва Сена. The river which flows through Paris is the Seine. The river that flows through Paris is called Senna. Това изисква внимателно обсъждане. That requires careful consideration. This requires careful discussion. Мисля, че това е преувеличение. I think that's an exaggeration. I think it's an exaggeration. Вратата беше заклучена. The door was locked. The door was locked. Това не ви ли стига? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Радвам се, че това те прави щастлив. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad that makes you happy. Брани се! Defend yourself! Get married! Дан го рани кучето на Линда. Dan injured Linda's dog. Dan hurt Linda's dog. Никој никогаш не доаѓа тука. No one ever comes here. Nobody ever comes here. Винаги си бил малко странен. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Голем мераклија е за фудбал. He likes soccer a lot. It's a big deal for football. Тя си направи дупка в блузата. She tore a hole in her blouse. She made a hole in her shirt. Вие откъде го знаете? How do you know? How do you know that? Мислам дека сум прилично нормален тип. I think I'm a pretty normal guy. I think I'm a pretty normal guy. Не се сами. They're not alone. They're not alone. Ваше е. It's yours. It's yours. В този квартал ли живееш? Do you live in this neighborhood? You live in this neighborhood? И купив рачен часовник. I got her a wrist watch. I bought her a hand watch. Не харесвам Алис. I don't like Alice. I don't like Alice. Одговорот е зезнат. The answer's tricky. The answer's messed up. Не го сакаат тоа. They don't want it. They don't want that. Mám rád med. I like honey. Mám rád honey. Pamätám si ich. I remember them. Pamätám, you're a ich. Каква корист имам од тебе? What use are you to me? How do I benefit from you? Мислев дека си си го изгубил рачниот часовник. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost your hand watch. Слушат. They're listening. They're listening. Пиеме вода. We drink water. We're drinking water. Твоята риза ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Том предположи, че Мери няма да дойде на партито. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed Mary wasn't coming to the party. Просто прави, каквото Том казва. Just do what Tom says. Just do what Tom says. Штотуку се чув со нив. I just heard from them. I just heard from them. Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Веќе реков дека не знам како се прави тоа. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do it. Просто го приеми. Just deal with it. Just accept it. Той ли е Вашият учител? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Повечето хора ме мислят за луд. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Това не е сън. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Том обичаше да пее, но никой не искаше да го слуша как пее. Tom loved to sing, but nobody wanted to listen to his singing. Tom liked to sing, but no one wanted to listen to him sing. Скоро ще бъдем заедно. We'll soon be together. We'll be together soon. Така треба! That's the spirit! That's right! Добив квалитетен. I got a good one. I got a high-quality. Не сум јадел пица во скоро време. I haven't eaten pizza recently. I haven't eaten pizza lately. Vyplašila ho. She startled him. Whispering a ho. Има сентиментална вредност. It has sentimental value. It has sentimental value. Ali lahko Tom-u povem, kar si mi ravnokar rekla? May I tell Tom what you just told me? Can I tell Tom what you just told me? До миналата нощ никога не бях пяла на френски. Until last night, I had never sung in French. I never sang in French before last night. Том не беше съвършен. Tom wasn't perfect. Tom wasn't perfect. Bi lahko ti peljal psa na sprehod? Could you walk the dog? Would you mind taking the dog for a walk? Всичко, което искам, си ти. All I want is you. All I want is you. Имам три въпроса към тебе. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Се брзаше да го фати автобусот. He hurried in order to get the bus. He was in a hurry to catch the bus. Никога не съм виждала да се продават такива неща. I've never seen things like that for sale. I've never seen such things sold. Том ја остави портата отворена. Tom left the gate open. Tom left the gate open. Почти не ни остана време за вечеря. We hardly had time to eat our dinner. We're almost out of time for dinner. Колко години си учила френски? How many years have you studied French? How many years have you studied French? Зошто го нема името на Том на списокот? Why is Tom's name not on the list? Why isn't Tom's name on the list? Това е странен проблем. That's a strange problem. That's a strange problem. Мери се нервира кога Том го остава капакот од шолјата кренат. It irritates Mary when Tom leaves the toilet seat up. Mary gets annoyed when Tom leaves the lid on the toilet up. Ako sa máš? How are you? If you want to? Земи ја со нас. Bring her along. Take her with us. Облечи си пижами. Put on your pajamas. Put on your pyjamas. Мораме веднаш да си одиме одовде. We need to leave here at once. We gotta get out of here right now. Знам за това изследване. I know about that research. I know about this research. Том носеше капа на којашто сѐ уште стоеше цената. Tom was wearing a hat which still had the price tag attached. Tom wore a hat on which the price was still on. Изгубих представа за времето. I lost track of time. I lost track of time. Таа вечера. She is having dinner. That dinner. Nisem razumel tvojega vprašanja. I didn't understand your question. I didn't understand your question. Том отсекогаш го добивал она што го сакал. Tom has always been able to get what he wants. Tom always got what he wanted. Одговорот на обете прашање е „не“. The answer to both questions is no. The answer to both questions is no. Со кого беше? Who were you with? Who were you with? Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the topic. Let's change the subject. Je pripojená; čo spravím? She's online; what do I do? Is it well-accepted? How can I make atonement? Состаноците се одржуваа на интервали. The meetings were held at intervals. Meetings were held at intervals. Какво има в куфара ви? What's in your suitcase? What's in your suitcase? Všetci sa snažíme uspieť. All of us aim at success. The height of my daughter-in-law's sleepiness is asleep. Майка ми беше заета с приготвянето на вечерята. My mother was busy cooking dinner. My mother was busy preparing dinner. Подранила съм. I'm early. I'm early. Изсмях се. I laughed. I laughed. Искреноста е доблест. Honesty is a virtue. Honesty is virtue. Том слепее. Tom is going blind. Tom's blinding. Како изгледаш? What do you look like? What do you look like? Zavreli. They closed. Turn it up. Не сум баш убеден. I'm not so convinced. I'm not really sure. Можеш ли да ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? Can you tell me what to do? Мисля, че може да имаш нужда от помощ. I think you might need some help. I think you might need some help. Им помагам со нешто. I'm helping them out with something. I'm helping them with something. Zabudol som nalepiť známku na obálku. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. At the end of the day, he sticks the rest of his life on the oblivion. Аз наистина го искам това. I really do want that. I really want this. Зеде ли пари на заем? Did you get the loan? Did you borrow money? Може ли да ти видя паспорта? May I see your passport? Can I see your passport? Работата не ме влечеше. My heart wasn't in the work. The job didn't drag me. И аз имам да направя няколко обаждания. I had some calls to make, too. And I have a few calls to make. Зърнах момичето между тълпата. I glimpsed the girl among the crowd. I snuffed the girl between the crowd. Нищо не коства. This costs nothing. Nothing's working out. Брзо учиш. You learn quickly. You're a quick learner. Том не може да играе тенис. Tom can't play tennis. Tom can't play tennis. Том отиде на рехабилитиција. Tom went into rehab. Tom went to rehab. Ништо попаметно не ми текнува. That's my best guess. I can't think of anything better. Тя получи билета без да дава нищо. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket without giving anything. Ти Джон ли си? Are you John? Are you John? Изчисти огледалото. Clean the mirror. Clean the mirror. Предполагам, че няма да е проблем. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess it won't be a problem. Жената го вика мажот. The woman calls the man. The woman calls him the man. Ще остана до вдругиден. I'll stay until the day after tomorrow. I'll stay until the day after tomorrow. Том знае, че чакам. Tom knows I'm waiting. Tom knows I'm waiting. Тоа е интересна хипотеза. That's an interesting hypothesis. That's an interesting hypothesis. Ме лажеш. You're lying to me. You're lying to me. Къде е твоето училище? Where is your school? Where's your school? Мъжът беше среден на ръст. The man was of normal height. The man was middle-aged. Морам да го исклучам телефонот. I have to turn off the telephone. I have to turn the phone off. Мисля, че номерът на Том не е в указателя. I think Tom's number is unlisted. I don't think Tom's number is in the book. Това може да го направи всеки. Anyone can do that. That's what anyone can do. Нешто е чудно. Something's strange. Something's weird. Том още е безработен. Tom is still unemployed. Tom's still unemployed. Poďme do divadla spolu. Let's go to the theater together. After the divadlasses to the sex. На место ли е ова? Is this appropriate? Is this in place? Имах среща в 2:30, но попаднах в задръстване и не можах да стигна навреме. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had a meeting at 2:30, but I got into traffic, and I couldn't get there in time. Иди и виж сам. You should go and see for yourself. Go and see for yourself. Ще се свържа с теб веднага щом мога. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll contact you as soon as I can. Имаш ли домашни миленици? Do you have any pets? Do you have pets? Виждал съм ви преди. I've seen you before. I've seen you before. Какви са плановете ти за Коледа? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your plans for Christmas? Той ни беше водач. He acted as our guide. He was our leader. Женските не те сакаат. Girls don't like you. Women don't love you. Спомням си събитията толкова живо, сякаш че беше вчера. I remember the event as vividly as if it were just yesterday. I remember events as alive as it was yesterday. Ще застрелям и двама ви. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot both of you. Учителот предава. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Не ни знаев дека не ти се допаѓа Том. I didn't even know that you didn't like Tom. I didn't even know you didn't like Tom. Тя се взря за кратко във вестника. She glanced briefly at the newspaper. She grew up in the paper for a while. Не ме гледай така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Том е само обичен човек. Tom is just an ordinary man. Tom's just a regular man. Myslím si, že Tom je Kanaďan. I think Tom is a Canadian. You're Myslím. Nemám rada ten nápad pracovať cez víkendy. I don't like the idea of working on the weekends. I don't like tan nápad pracvať cz víkendi. Не мога да ти се сърдя за това. I don't hold that against you. I can't be mad at you about that. Каде е тоалетот? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Бихте ли ми казали името си, ако обичате? May I have your name, please? Could you tell me your name, please? Те се караха. They quarreled. They were fighting. С нея се чувствам неловко. I feel ill at ease with her. I feel awkward with her. Това е за Том. It's for Tom. This is for Tom. На нас ни е известна легендата за Робин Хууд. We are familiar with the legend of Robin Hood. We're famous for the legend of Robin Hood. Знам дека многу се грижеше за Том. I know that you cared deeply for Tom. I know you cared a lot about Tom. Тоа ми е единствена надеж. It's my only hope. It's my only hope. Свърших си работата вече. I've already finished my work. I've done my job already. Бе обречен никога да не я срещне отново. He was destined never to meet her again. He was doomed never to meet her again. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that will happen. I hope that's what's gonna happen. Немам поплаки. I have no complaints. I don't have any complaints. Не поседувам гитара. I don't own a guitar. I don't own a guitar. Той убеди майка си да му даде допълнителни пари. He coaxed extra money from his mother. He convinced his mother to give him extra money. Мисля, че ме излъга. I think you lied to me. I think you lied to me. Ако искаш нещо, не се колебай да ми кажеш. If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. If you want something, don't hesitate to tell me. Hľadám svojho brata. I'm looking for my brother. I want my brother. Дрвото е зелено. The tree is green. Tree's green. Цветята вехнат без вода. The flowers wilt without water. Flowers go out without water. Това къде беше? Where was that? Where have you been? Ужасен бев. I was terrible. I was terrible. Ме викаат капетан. They call me captain. They call me Captain. Мисля, че бяхме късметлии. I think we were lucky. I think we were lucky. Няма за какво да се тревожиш. There's nothing to be worried about. There's nothing to worry about. Се надевам дека имало сведоци. I hope there were some witnesses. I hope there were witnesses. Колку е богат Том? How well off is Tom? How rich is Tom? Кога почнува претставава? When does this play start? When does this show start? Му веруваш ли сега на Том? Do you trust Tom now? Do you trust Tom now? Сиромаштијата те учи да јадеш леб без путер. Poverty teaches you to eat bread without butter. Poverty teaches you to eat bread without butter. Ја забавуваат. She's being entertained. They're slowing her down. Ще сляза тук. I'll get off here. I'm coming down here. Том штотуку го откачија. Tom just got dumped. Tom just got dumped. Сонцете само што изгреа. The sun has just come up. The sun just came up. Ме измами. He deceived me. You tricked me. Veselú Veľkú Noc! Happy Easter! Merry Christmas! Той е нещастен мизерник. I'm a good-for-nothing bum. He's a miserable wretch. Направи така, че да стане. Make it happen. Make it work. Сега ова е твоја куќа. This is your house now. Now this is your house. Исчисти го. Clean it up. Clean it up. Tom nemôže uveriť, aké má šťastie. Tom can't believe his luck. Tom Nemôž uvertiť, aké máštie. Том не се зеза. Tom isn't kidding. Tom's not kidding. Колку си озбилен? How serious are you? How serious are you? Боях се да не заспя, както карам. I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving. I was afraid I wouldn't sleep like I was driving. Nehovorím po anglicku. I don't speak English. I don't care about an Englishman. Мисля, че в Бостън ще ви хареса. I think you'd like it in Boston. I think you'll like Boston. Ќе чекам во теретаната. I'll wait in the gym. I'll wait in the gym. Том може малко да говори френски. Tom can speak French a little. Tom can speak a little French. Сигурен ли си, че Том знае какво трябва да направи? Are you sure Tom knows what he's supposed to do? Are you sure Tom knows what he has to do? Още не мога да повярвам. I'm still not buying it. I still can't believe it. Том е тук с мене. I have Tom here with me. Tom's here with me. Сите ние сме желни да го гледаме филмот. We are all eager to watch the movie. We're all eager to watch the movie. Hočem kupiti nov avto. I want to buy a new car. I want to buy a new car. Да одам ли? Should I go? Should I go? Тоа лекарство го смири пациентот. That medication calmed the patient. That drug calmed the patient. Воодушевен сум, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Чекај ги. Wait for them. Wait for them. Том беше бос. Tom was barefoot. Tom was barefoot. Бях много изненадан да видя ученици, които чистят класната си стая след училище. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. I was very surprised to see students cleaning their classroom after school. Се врати во шест. He came back at six. He came back at 6:00. Очекував да бидат тука. I was expecting them to be here. I expected them to be here. Ти също ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you single, too? Чух Том и Мери да си говорят. I overheard Tom and Mary talking. I heard Tom and Mary talking to each other. Том не беше забелязал Мери. Tom hadn't noticed Mary. Tom didn't notice Mary. Мајка му е Американка. His mother is American. His mother's American. Трябва ли да нося вратовръзка? Do I need to wear a tie? Do I have to wear a tie? Тя ми подари един прекрасен подарък. She gave me a wonderful present. She gave me a wonderful gift. Сосем погрешно си ме сфатил. You've got me all wrong. You've got me all wrong. Želim meč! I want to fight! I want a sword! Келнер, извинявайте. Има косъм в супата. Excuse me, waiter. There's a hair in my soup. Waiter, I'm sorry, there's a hair in the soup. Не е само нагаѓање. It's not just a guess. It's not just guessing. Защо не пробва роклята, преди да я купиш? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try the dress before you bought it? Nedeľa je posledný deň v týždni. Sunday is the last day of the week. It's not the end of the story. It's not the end of the story. It's the end of the story. Ова не е поврзано со темата. This is irrelevant. This isn't about the subject. На публиката навидум и е досадно. The audience seems to feel bored. The audience is seemingly bored. Тој е многу љубезен, исто како и ти. He is very kind, just like you. He's very kind, just like you. Демократијата ја охрабрува слободата. Democracy encourages freedom. Democracy encourages freedom. Том не направи опит да убеди Мери, че е невинен. Tom made no attempt to convince Mary that he was innocent. Tom didn't try to convince Mary that he was innocent. Не сакам да го вмешаме Том во ова. I don't want Tom involved in this. I don't want to involve Tom in this. Ги почитував правилата. I obeyed the rules. I followed the rules. Том беше обѕирен. Tom was considerate. Tom was considerate. Кажи ми кого си видел. Tell me who you saw. Tell me who you saw. Мислам дека Том може да помогне. I think Tom can help. I think Tom can help. Не схванах последната дума. I didn't catch the last word. I didn't get the last word. Обувката не ми става. Много е малка. The shoe doesn't fit me. It's too small. My shoe doesn't fit, it's very small. Да јадеме. Let's eat. Let's eat. Том вели дека и се допаѓаш на Мери. Tom says Mary likes you. Tom says Mary likes you. Ќе ја натерам да ти помогне. I'll get her to help you. I'll get her to help you. Том, дали сѐ уште ме љубиш? Tom, do you still love me? Tom, do you still love me? Прво мораш да се покажеш. You must first prove yourself. First you have to show yourself. Атеист е. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Му ја заборавив адресата. I forgot his address. I forgot his address. Нема да потклекнам. I won't give in. I won't swear. Prepáčte. Môžte ma nasmerovať na najbližšiu stanicu metra? Excuse me. Can you direct me to the nearest subway station? I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't know what you're talking about. Не можем да отложим събранието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Не си тръгвай, Том. Don't go, Tom. Don't leave, Tom. Виде ли што пишува во денешните весници? Have you seen today's paper? Did you see what it says in today's newspapers? Хайде да си починем малко под дървото. Let's take a little rest under the tree. Let's get some rest under the tree. Решив да си купам нов чадор. I decided to buy a new umbrella. I decided to buy a new umbrella. Мъжът с червената вратовръзка е единственият тук когото не познавам. The man wearing the red tie is the only one here I don't know. The guy with the red tie is the only guy I don't know. Или ти тях, или те тебе! Get 'em before they get you! Or you, or you! Ще правим купон в събота вечер. We are going to have a party on Saturday night. We're having a party Saturday night. Не пијам газирани пијалаци. I don't drink carbonated drinks. I don't drink carbonated drinks. Том е добар татко. Tom is a good father. Tom's a good father. Бих могъл да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Том често си променя решенията. Tom changes his mind a lot. Tom often changes his mind. Той ми обеща, че няма да каже на никого. He promised me that he wouldn't tell anybody. He promised me he wouldn't tell anyone. Го убедив Том дека треба да оди во Бостон со Мери. I convinced Tom that he should go to Boston with Mary. I convinced Tom he had to go to Boston with Mary. Днес чух един добър виц. I heard a good joke today. I heard a good joke today. Фирмата отпушти пет души. The company laid off five people. The company fired five people. Ми треба музички инструмент. I need a musical instrument. I need a musical instrument. Мојот интерес за политиката е чисто академски. My interest in politics is strictly academic. My interest in politics is purely academic. Накратко, ти си крив. To put it briefly it's your fault. In short, it's your fault. Том гласно ждригна. Tom burped loudly. Tom snived out loud. Ja rozprávam Esperantom. I speak Esperanto. Yes rosprám Esperantom. Добре дошъл в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Реков дека ќе го донесам. I said I'll get it. I said I'd get it. Му кажав на Том така да ти каже. I told Tom to tell you that. I told Tom to tell you that. Сигурен ли си дека не треба прво да закажеме? Are you sure we don't need an appointment? Are you sure we don't have to schedule this first? Не искам да ходя на училище. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Претпоставувам дека си ми го прочитал извештајот. I assume you've read my report. I assume you read my report. Върнах се у дома с влака. I returned home by train. I'm back home on the train. Това не е никакъв проблем. That's not a problem at all. That's no problem. Мисля, че трябва да тръгваме. I think we should go. I think we should go. Veľa čítam. I read a lot. I can't. I can't. Том беше со мене цело утро. Tom was with me all morning. Tom was with me all morning. Това палто няма джобове. This coat hasn't pockets. This coat has no pockets. Свободен ли си утре вечер? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Дай да ти помогна да си сложиш палтото. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put your coat on. Знам што е проблемот. I know the problem. I know what the problem is. Том ја плукна мастиката. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spit his gum. Няма да сте само вие там. You won't be the only one there. You're not the only one there. Учудвам се, че тая сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building is still standing. Ще ходиш ли? Are you going? Are you going? Можеби треба само да го отпуштиш. Maybe you should just fire him. Maybe you should just fire him. Сега веднага ще отида. I'll go right now. I'll be right there. Каде ми се куферите? Where's my suitcase? Where are my suitcases? Опитах се да споря с Том. I've tried to reason with Tom. I tried to argue with Tom. Направи го заради мене. Do it for me. You did it for me. Тоа значи „да“ или „не“? Is that a yes or no? Does that mean yes or no? Ја ставивме под надзор. We had her under surveillance. We put her under surveillance. Техният начин на живот е различен от нашия. Their lifestyle is different from ours. Their way of life is different from ours. Nezabudni na nás. Don't forget us. Unconcerned on nás. Собата беше хаос. The room is a mess. The room was chaos. Човешката кожа е много чувствителна към промени в температурата. Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Human skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Том беше малку зашеметен. Tom was a bit woozy. Tom was a little dazzled. Треба да му напишеш писмо за благодарност на Том. You should write Tom a thank-you letter. You should write Tom a thank-you note. Затворена ли беше вратата? Was the door closed? Was the door closed? Да измислам ли нешто? Should I make something up? Can I think of something? Седни където искаш. Sit wherever you like. Sit anywhere you want. Тя му даде парите. She handed him the money. She gave him the money. В края на март ще се оженим. At the end of March we'll marry. We're getting married at the end of March. Том не лежи долу. Tom isn't lying down. Tom's not lying down there. Трябва ли да отворя прозореца? Do I have to open the window? Do I have to open the window? Игравте ли тенис? Did you play tennis? Did you play tennis? Вие студент по обмен ли сте? Are you an exchange student? Are you a exchange student? Кога треба да си го обновиш пасошот? When does your passport need to be renewed? When do you need to renew your passport? Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back off. Tom won't give up. Крушкава е зелена. This pear is green. It's green. Poj z menoj. Sing with me. Sing with me. Вярваш ли, че има бог? Do you believe in God? Do you believe there's a god? Тука не сме на безбедно. We're not safe here. We're not safe here. Том погледна надвор. Tom looked outside. Tom looked outside. Пожелавам ти късмет. I wish you good luck. I wish you good luck. Имам главоболие. I have a headache. I have a headache. Том врескајќи се разбуди од ноќна мора. Tom woke from his nightmare, screaming. Tom screamed out of a nightmare. Том е упорит. Tom is persevering. Tom's stubborn. Диамантите са най-добрите приятели на момичето. Diamonds are a girl's best friends. Diamonds are the best friends of the girl. Не виждам къде е проблемът. I see nothing wrong with this. I don't see where the problem is. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ми помогнеш? Are you sure you don't want to help me out? Are you sure you don't want to help me? Без съмнение ще закъснее. He will doubtless be late. No doubt he'll be late. Тази книга беше много интересна. This book was very interesting. That book was very interesting. Забрави да нахрани кучето. He forgot to feed the dog. He forgot to feed the dog. Пристигнах тук вчера. I arrived here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Каде ти е семејството? Where's your family? Where's your family? Още на никого не съм казала какво открих. I haven't told anybody yet what I found. I haven't told anyone yet what I found. Посрещнаха ни топло. They greeted us warmly. We got warmed up. Том кандидатства за работа като учител по френски. Tom applied for a job as a French teacher. Tom applied for a job as a French teacher. Той лесно се уморява. He gets tired easily. He gets tired easily. Ќе викнам обезбедување. I'm calling security. I'll call security. Том очигледно бил тука порано сабајлево. Tom evidently was here early this morning. Tom was obviously here earlier this morning. Том ја фрли стрелата. Tom threw the dart. Tom threw the arrow. Мисля, че трябва да се махнем от тук. I think we should get out here. I think we should get out of here. Том сигурно не сакал тоа да го каже. Tom can't mean that. Tom probably didn't want to say that. Изгледа вчера премногу испив. Ми пука главата. Ептен сум мамурен. It looks like I drank too much yesterday. My head is pounding. I'm completely hungover. I guess I drank too much yesterday. "Chceš vedieť, ako to urobil?" "Som samé ucho." "Do you want to know how he did it?" "I'm all ears." "Chceš vedieť, if this spelled?" "I'm alone ucho." Ти в комисията ли си? Are you on the committee? Are you on the committee? Решив да му простам. I've decided to forgive him. I decided to forgive him. Вие обичате ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Колку тешко беше повреден Том? How badly was Tom hurt? How badly did Tom get hurt? Той даде да се разбере, че е против плана. He made it clear that he was against the plan. He made it clear that it was against the plan. Многу ми е жал, но навидум сум ти го изгубил сонцобранот. I'm very sorry, but I seem to have lost your parasol. I'm so sorry, but I seem to have lost your solstice. Тоа не беше моја идеја. That wasn't my idea. That wasn't my idea. Ништо не наликува повеќе на лудак од пијаница. Nothing is more like a madman than a drunk. Nothing looks like a drunk madman anymore. Nevideli sme nič divného. We saw nothing strange. There must be nothing wild about it. Овој свет е долина на солзи. This world is a valley of tears. This world is a valley of tears. Знам дека е кај тебе. I know you have it. I know you have it. Имаш симпатични очи. You have cute eyes. You've got cute eyes. Моята сестра живее близо до Йокохама. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. Kaj je ta neznosen hrup? What is that awful noise? What's this icy noise? Дефинитивно треба да ти купам пијачка. I should certainly buy you a drink. I should definitely buy you a drink. Prečo kričís? Why are you yelling? In the middle of nowhere? Том беше фин човек. Tom was a nice man. Tom was a nice guy. По-добре да се връщам на бюрото си. I'd better get back to my desk. I'd better get back to my desk. Том си отиде без мене. Tom left without me. Tom left without me. Том работи во НАСА. Tom works for NASA. Tom works at NASA. Имам ли право да те придружа? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Том не можеше да биде спречен. There was no stopping Tom. Tom couldn't be stopped. Виждал съм те някъде. I've seen you somewhere. I've seen you somewhere. Просто сметам дека не е прикладно. I just don't feel it's appropriate. I just don't think it's appropriate. Том ти се потсмева. Tom is making fun of you. Tom's laughing at you. Треба да се фатиме за работа. We need to get down to business. We need to get to work. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадана. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Уплаши ме. You startled me! You scared me. Да се срещнем на обичайното място. Let's meet at the usual place. Meet me in the usual place. Те гризе совест, нели? You have a guilty conscience, don't you? A conscience bites you, doesn't it? Тази сутрин имах малко температура. I had a little fever this morning. I had a little fever this morning. Прво ќе се замијам. I'm going to go wash up first. I'll wash first. Том ме насърчи да уча френски. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to study French. Стискайте палци. Cross your fingers. Fingers crossed. Življenjepis je samo reklama. A resume is just an advertisement. My life is just a commercial. Едно дете не е съд за запълване, а е огън за запалване. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. One child isn't a filling vessel, it's a ignition fire. Благодаря, това е всичко. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. Стаята е изцяло обзаведена. The room is fully furnished. The room is fully furnished. Каков никаквец си! What a scoundrel you are! You're such a pain in the ass! Изгубих го. I lost it. I lost him. Не сум знаел дека играш шах. I didn't know you played chess. I didn't know you played chess. Bratia! Brothers! Bratia! Да видиме со што си имаме работа. Let's see what we're up against. Let's see what we're dealing with. Той има добро чувство за хумор. He has a good sense of humor. He's got a good sense of humor. Мајчиниот совет би го надвишил пријателскиот. A mother's advice would outweigh a friend's. Mother's advice would outsmart the friendly. Морав пак да лажам. I had to lie again. I had to lie again. Да бев на твое место, ќе го избегнував Том некое време. If I were you, I'd stay away from Tom for a while. If I were you, I'd be avoiding Tom for a while. Мисля, че вие наранихте Том. I think you've hurt Tom's feelings. I think you hurt Tom. Многу ми се допаѓате. I like you very much. I like you so much. Може ли да подпишеш тук, ако обичаш? Could you sign here, please? Can you sign here, please? Треба да одиме да ги најдеме. We'd better go find them. We need to go find them. Знаех си, че той ще приеме. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd take it. Реших, че може да си ми сърдита. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Под нејзино ниво си. You're not in her league. You're below her level. Излгежда, че тази нощ ще вали. It looks like it is going to rain tonight. It looks like it's going to rain tonight. Том очигледно полудел. Tom is clearly out of his mind. Tom's obviously out of his mind. Многу си страстен. You're so intense. You're very passionate. Няма начин да се свържете с него. There's no way to get in touch with him. There's no way you can contact him. Кой слуша Том? Who listens to Tom? Who's listening to Tom? Цената може ли да се сваля? Can the price be discounted? Can I take the price off? Чувам, че ще се жениш. I hear you're getting married. I hear you're getting married. Това беше един ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Не проявявате ли интерес? Aren't you interested? Don't you have any interest? Нанси се усмихна щастливо. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happy. Аз знам, че ти си права. I know you're right. I know you're right. Чаках месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Пих чая на закуска с питка нан. I had naan with the tea for breakfast. I drank tea at breakfast with a cake of n'est. Таа е искомплексирана. She's insecure. She's complicated. Той се върна вкъщи след като беше отсъствал десет месеца. He returned home after being away for ten months. He came home after he was gone for ten months. Мисля, че ще одобриш. I think you will approve. I think you'll approve. Шегуваш се! You're kidding! You're kidding! Тој е многу срамежлив. Вели дека сака да те види. He's very shy. He says he wants to see you. He says he wants to see you. Сите посетители мора да бидат испитани. All visitors are subject to inspection. All visitors must be tested. Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Какво мислиш? What do you think? What do you think? Вие сте зъл. You're evil. You're evil. Тя живее в Лондон. She lives in London. She lives in London. Времето е на наша страна. Time's on our side. Time is on our side. Том не е славен. Tom is not famous. Tom's not famous. Изглежда, че си сам. It looks like you're on your own. Looks like you're alone. Престани да хленчиш. Stop whimpering. Stop whining. Ти ли ја предизвика сообраќајката? Are you the one who caused the accident? Did you cause the accident? Реших, че може да си ми ядосан. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Моля те, дай ми един плик. Please give me an envelope. Please, give me an envelope. Вземи си палтото. Get your coat. Get your coat. Том се успокои. Tom steadied himself. Tom, calm down. Цялата минала седмица валя. It rained all last week. It's been raining all week. Защо не си свалите палтото? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? Водата беше врела. The water was hot. The water was hot. Днес работят все по-малко подрастващи. Fewer teenagers are working nowadays. They're working less and less today. Камоли да ја имав камерата со себе. I just wish I had my camera. I wish I had the camera with me. Те може да се целунат. They might kiss. They can kiss. Maja Keuc je dobra pevka. Maja Keuc is a good singer. Maja Keuc is a good singer. Вие сте ми другари. You are my friends. You're my friends. Няма определен дрескод. There is no dress code. There's no such thing as a scratch. Забравих го в гаража. I forgot it in the garage. I forgot it in the garage. Алармот заѕвони. The alarm started ringing. The alarm's ringing. Какво правиш на тъмно място като това? What are you doing in a dark place like that? What are you doing in a dark place like this? Няма да се поддам на заплахите. I won't be intimidated. I'm not going to face the threats. Леле, навистина е доцна. Wow, it's really late. Wow, it's really late. Како и да е, не го доби тоа што се надеваше. Anyway, she didn't get what she hoped for. Anyway, you didn't get what you were hoping for. Изглежда дойдох тук малко рано. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I came here a little early. Не си ли уплашен, Том? Aren't you scared, Tom? Aren't you scared, Tom? Како можеш да бидеш сигурен? How can you be sure? How can you be sure? Спазарявам се с него за цената. I make a bargain with him over the price. I'm dealing with him for the price. Јас не сум како тебе! I'm not like you! I'm not like you! Това е доста екстремно. This is pretty extreme. That's pretty extreme. Веднага ще се свържа с теб. I'll get right back to you. I'll get back to you right away. За жал тоа ги прекршува сите правила. I'm afraid that violates every rule in the book. Unfortunately, it violates all the rules. Каква е минималната заплата в Египет? What's the minimum salary in Egypt? What is the minimum wage in Egypt? Мушнах си ръцете в джобовете . I shoved my hands into my pockets. I held my hands in my pockets . Тя ни даде много за ядене. She gave us lots to eat. She gave us a lot to eat. Тук мирише на тоалетна. It smells like a toilet in here. This is where it smells like toilets. Том отсекогаш бил сиромашен. Tom has always been poor. Tom has always been poor. Завъртях бравата. I turned the doorknob. I turned the lock. Не трябва да носиш кожено палто. You should not wear a fur coat. You don't have to wear a leather coat. Тя не обича суши. She doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. Не сакам да кажеш нешто што не го мислиш. I don't want you to say anything that you don't mean. I don't want you to say anything you don't mean. Не сакавме тоа да се случи. We didn't mean for that to happen. We didn't want that to happen. Стойността на един човек се определя не от това какво притежава, а от това какъв е той самият. A man's worth lies in what he is rather than in what he has. The value of a person is determined not by what he owns, but by what he owns. Слушам дека си се распрашувал за мене. I hear you've been asking questions about me. I hear you've been asking about me. Близо ли е хотелът до летището? Is the hotel close to the airport? Is the hotel near the airport? Той е отличен мозъчен хирург. He's an excellent brain surgeon. He's an excellent brain surgeon. Имавме состаноци. We've had meetings. We had meetings. Осъзнах какво се случваше. I realized what was happening. I realized what was happening. Jane bola za mladi letuška. Jane was a stewardess when she was young. Jane's sick for the younger yearbook. Мери се метнала на мајка си. Mary takes after her mother. Mary leaned on her mother. Аз никога не съм го виждал с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him with jeans. Том не одговори. Tom didn't answer. Tom didn't answer. Мисля, че така ще бъде най-добре. I think that would be best. I think that's the best way to do it. Чух какво Том каза на Мери. I heard what Tom said to Mary. I heard what Tom said to Mary. Ќе најдам слика од тоа како си држел говор. I'll get a picture of you giving your speech. I'll find a picture of you giving a speech. Не се притеснявай да задаваш въпроси. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't worry about asking questions. Ние сме манекени. We're models. We're mannequins. Мислев дека нема да ти се допадне Том. I thought you wouldn't like Tom. I didn't think you'd like Tom. Има да ја најдеме. We're going to find her. We'll find her. Имам задача за тебе. I have a job for you. I have a job for you. Како ќе го најдам? How will I find it? How am I gonna find him? Том изгледа решително. Tom looks determined. Tom seems determined. Загрижени сме за недостига на стоките. We are concerned about the shortage of the commodities. We're concerned about the lack of goods. Тетка му јаде јаболко или банана? Is his aunt eating an apple or a banana? His aunt eats apples or bananas? Комарците уживаат во човечко друштво. Mosquitoes enjoy the company of humans. The mosquitoes enjoy human company. Pripravljen sem, da vam pomaga. I am ready to help you. I'm ready to help you. Tom si je s čela obrisal znoj. Tom wiped the sweat from his forehead. Tom painted his sweat with his forehead. Том рече дека ти кажал. Tom said he told you. Tom said he told you. Дойдох да ти пожелая късмет. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you luck. Не можете да влезете в музея. В момента е в реконструкция. You cannot enter the museum. It is currently under repair. You can't get into the museum, it's in reconstruction right now. Само аз ги познавам. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. Чудя се, какъв е смисъла да се задават такива въпроси на учениците? I wonder: What is the point of asking such questions of the students? I wonder what the point is to ask students such questions? Тя ме погледна многозначително. She gave me a meaningful look. She looked at me a lot. Хайде да обядваме. Let's have lunch. Let's have lunch. Секој ден се случуваат трагедии. Tragedies happen every day. There are tragedies every day. Не исках да направя нищо лошо. I meant no harm. I didn't want to do anything wrong. Bol som už unavený. I was already tired. Som feat unavený. Небото е црвено во самрак. The sky at dusk is red. The sky is red in twilight. Не губи надеж. Don't be discouraged. Don't lose hope. Извини, немам молив. Sorry, I don't have a pencil. I'm sorry, I don't have a pencil. Смешно изгледаше. It looked funny. You looked funny. Колко дълго трябва да чакаш? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? Да бе да, ќе се поправи... кога врбата ќе роди грозје. Yeah, right, he'll mend his ways. When Hell freezes over. Yeah, yeah, it'll be fixed... when the crow gives birth to grapes. Не можеш да го порекнеш тоа. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Сигурен бев дека можеме да му веруваме на Том. I was sure we could trust Tom. I was sure we could trust Tom. Nebola to moja vina. It wasn't my fault. It won't hurt my wine. Кејт е многу шармантна. Kate is very charming. Kate's very charming. Том ќе биде спремен. Tom will be ready. Tom will be ready. Секој член мора да присуствува. Every member must attend. Every member must attend. Да побързаме. Let's hurry. Let's hurry. Јадевме јастог и стег. We ate lobster and steak. We ate lobster and steak. За съжаление не стигнах навреме за речта му. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Unfortunately, I didn't make it on time for his speech. Кај библиотеката сум. I'm at the library. I'm at the library. Том не искаше Мери да държи ръката му. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. И двајцата ја мразиме. We both hate her. We both hate her. Той не знае нито френски, нито немски. He knows neither French nor German. He doesn't know French or German. To ni bil moj namen. That wasn't my intention. That wasn't my intention. Да се махаме. Let's leave. Let's get out of here. Том остана спокоен. Tom remained calm. Tom stayed calm. Doktor, ktorý nie je umelcom, nie je ani doktorom. A doctor who is not an artist is no doctor either. Doctor, ktorý is not umelcom, there's no ani doctor. Призна дека морал да лаже. He confessed he had to lie. He admitted he had to lie. Невозможно е да се излезе од ќелијава. It's impossible to get out of this cell. It's impossible to get out of this cell. Той ми заби нож в гърба! He stabbed me in the back! He stabbed me in the back! Сакаш ли колаче? Do you want a cookie? Do you want a cookie? Той не пуши. He does not smoke. He doesn't smoke. Том и го прочита тајниот дневник на Мери. Tom read Mary's secret diary. Tom read her Mary's secret diary. Той обича влаковете. He loves trains. He likes trains. Писах на учителката си по френски на френски. I wrote to my French teacher in French. I wrote to my French teacher in French. Той се облегна на лактите си. He leaned on his elbows. He leaned on his elbows. Сакам да ти дадам нешто ретко. I want to give you something rare. I want to give you something rare. Мери си стави кармин. Mary put on some lipstick. Mary put on her lipstick. Chcem tu pracovať. I want to work here. I'm looking for a porcupine here. Войниците започнаха да се връщат вкъщи. The soldiers began returning home. The soldiers started coming home. Таа е жената којашто ја посакувам. She's the woman I desire. She's the woman I want. Traja psi nasledujú štyri mačky až k bráne. Three dogs are following four cats to the gate. The length of the dogs follows a cat's ass to a brunette. Psi sovražijo mačke. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Кога беше последният път, когато се случи? When was the last time that happened? When was the last time it happened? Новият сайт на Татоеба ще изплзва домашна "хипер" база от данни, "построена от основите" търсачка, и ще върви на татоебукс-ОС сървър с татоетелско CPU, направено изцяло от татоебий. The new Tatoeba website will use a home-made "hyper" database, a "made-from-scratch" search engine, and will run on a tatoebux-OS server with a tatoetel CPU made entirely out of tatoebium. Daddyba's new website will pull out a home hyper database, built by the basics search engine, and go to a Daddyx-OS server with a Daddy's CPU made entirely of Daddy's. Ќе се изгубам. I'll get lost. I'm gonna get lost. Таа се откажа од пушењето. She gave up smoking. She gave up smoking. Budem dole, ak ma budeš potrebovať. I'll be downstairs if you need me. I'm waking up, but you're waking up to be in need. Не сум стручњак. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. Тя изпра блузата набързо. She gave the blouse a quick wash. She washed her shirt in a hurry. Том ще отсъства задълго. Tom won't be here for a long time. Tom's gonna be away for a long time. Том ја замоли Мери да му донесе шолја кафе. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Mary to bring him a cup of coffee. Събуди Том. Wake Tom up. Wake up, Tom. Не им го галам кучето. I'm not petting their dog. I don't piss their dog off. Том не ја повреди Мери. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Има некој во тунелот. There's somebody in the tunnel. There's someone in the tunnel. Нејзино е. It's hers. It's hers. Спрях да пуша за една година. I gave up smoking for a year. I stopped smoking for a year. Би било забавно да се види как нещата се променят с годините. It would be fun to see how things change over the years. It would be fun to see things change over the years. Чиј ракопис е ова? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? Заради проблема със замърсяването на въздуха, някой ден колелото би могло да измести автомобила. Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile. Because of the air pollution problem, one day the bike could move the car. Той говори японски добре. He speaks Japanese well. He speaks Japanese well. Пробај да го сфатиш ова. Try to understand this. Try to understand this. Нема да го заборавам тоа. I won't forget that. I won't forget that. Том не протестираше. Tom didn't protest. Tom was protesting us. Том не мисли, че Мери го лъже, но аз знам, че тя лъже. Tom doesn't think Mary lies to him, but I know she does. Tom doesn't think Mary's lying to him, but I know she's lying. Јас сум единствениот што го разбира Том. I'm the only one who understands Tom. I'm the only one who understands Tom. Том е употребявал наркотици в миналото. Tom has a history of drug abuse. Tom used drugs in the past. Те пуштив да ме фатиш. I let you catch me. I let you catch me. Зошто се колебаш? Why do you hesitate? Why are you hesitating? Ja môžem pomôcť ak chceš. I can help if you want me to. I don't know what you're doing. Том няма да ни помага утре. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom won't help us tomorrow. Планирав да гласам за него. I was going to vote for him. I was planning on voting for him. Том не го знаеше ова. Tom didn't know this. Tom didn't know this. Може да отнеме известно време. It might take a little while. It could take some time. Сакам да го најдам Том. I want to find Tom. I want to find Tom. Тя ще отседне в хотел ли? Is she staying at a hotel? She's staying at a hotel? Том ја потсети Мери да си ја обнови возачката дозвола. Tom reminded Mary to renew her driver's license. Tom reminded Mary to renew her license. Оваа реченица има пет збора. This sentence has five words. This sentence has five words. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм я чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Можеше да кажеш "не". You could've said no. You could say no. Загрижени се за него. They're concerned about him. They're worried about him. Дрехите му винаги миришат. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell. Полицата ти е полна со книги. Your shelf is full of books. Your shelf is full of books. Виждала съм те някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Лондон е бомбардиран няколко пъти. London was bombed several times. London has been bombed several times. Том е баш чукнат. Tom is quite crazy. Tom's a freak. Требаше да знам дека ќе бидеш тука. I should've known you'd be here. I should have known you'd be here. Говори ясно. Speak clearly. Speak plainly. Никој никогаш нема да те заборави. No one will ever forget you. No one will ever forget you. Забравих да ви кажа какво да донесете. I forgot to tell you what to bring. I forgot to tell you what to bring. Vreme je sončno. The weather is sunny. The weather is sunny. Не го најдовме. We didn't find him. We didn't find him. Том ја симна капата и се поклони. Tom took off his hat and bowed. Tom took off his hat and bowed down. Винаги закъснява за училище. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Ме праша дали ми се готви нешто. She asked if I felt like cooking something. He asked me if I could cook something. Аз купувам касети. I buy tapes. I buy tapes. Нещо мърда там долу. There's something moving down there. Something's moving down there. Ми дојде преку глава. I lost my patience. I've had it over my head. Имаме пржена гуска со компири. We have fried goose with potatoes. We have fried geese with potatoes. Моля не пипайте. Please do not touch. Please don't touch. Какво ще ми препоръчаш? What do you recommend to me? What would you recommend to me? Тоа е долга приказна. That's a long story. It's a long story. Уморен бев и ми студеше. I was tired and cold. I was tired and I was cold. Екранот испушта зелена светлина. The screen is giving off green light. The screen emits green light. Отсекогаш сум му се восхитувал на Том. I've always admired Tom. I've always admired Tom. Колкото книги има той, толкова имам и аз. I have as many books as he does. As many books as he has, so do I. Мислев дека Том ќе биде тука. I thought Tom was going to be here. I thought Tom was gonna be here. Том завърши гимназия след три години без нито един пропуснат ден или закъснение. Tom attended high school for three years without missing a single day or ever being late. Tom graduated from high school in three years without any missed day or late. Том не е во заблуда. Tom isn't delusional. Tom's not delusional. Тя си сложи новата рокля за парито. She put on her new dress for the party. She put on her new dress for the money. Зошто не им се јавиш само? Why can't you just call them? Why don't you just call them? Ми треба крем за сонце. I need sun block. I need a sunscreen. Мисля, че си перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Том изгледа вџашено. Tom looked horrified. Tom seems indignant. Мисля да присъствам лично. I plan on being there in person. I think I'll be there in person. Čo to čítaš? What are you reading? What are you talking about? Не знам каде работиш. I don't know where you work. I don't know where you work. Извинете, сум се јавил на грешен број. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. Excuse me, I called the wrong number. Ја замолив да го опише. I asked her to describe it. I asked her to describe it. Книгава тежи. This book is heavy. This book weighs. Понеже той не отговаряше, аз отново му писах. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again. Because he didn't answer, I wrote to him again. Току-що приключих със закуската. I've just finished breakfast. I just finished breakfast. Зборувањето со него секогаш ме орасположува. Talking to him always puts me in a good mood. Talking to him always makes me sick. Той седеше и четеше, а жена му шиеше край огъня. He sat reading, with his wife sewing by the fire. He sat and read and his wife sewed by the fire. Том не благодари на Мери за помощта ѝ. Tom didn't thank Mary for her help. Tom thanked Mary for her help. Тя получи добри оценки по английски. She got good grades in English. She got good English grades. Убава бев. I was lovely. I was beautiful. Јадев пристоен оброк. I had a decent meal. I had a decent meal. Тука ќе се симнам. I'll get off here. I'll be down here. Сложи морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Том далече от тук ли живее? Does Tom live far from here? Does Tom live far from here? Приключихме ли? Are we finished? Are we done? Ни требаат некакви алати. We need some tools. We need some tools. Дали сакаш да зборуваш со мене? Do you wish to speak to me? Do you want to talk to me? Видях мръсното куче да влиза в двора. I saw the dirty dog go into the yard. I saw the dirty dog walk into the yard. Срамота! How shameful! Shame on you! Telefone pustite zunaj Leave your phones outside. Leave your phones outside. Мислам дека Том е смел. I think Tom is courageous. I think Tom's brave. Твои ли се ќесиве? Are these bags yours? Are these your bags? Започна да вали веднага щом се прибрахме вкъщи. It started raining as soon as we got home. It started raining as soon as we got home. Тази земя е собственост на Том. This land belongs to Tom. This land is the property of Tom. Не мога да повярвам, че Том постъпи така с Мери. I can't believe Tom did that to Mary. I can't believe Tom did this to Mary. Тези чорапи не се разпускат при пране. These socks don't stretch when you wash them. These socks don't relax on laundry. Сите деца се туѓинци. Children are all foreigners. All kids are strangers. Откога Тоим учи френски? How long has Tom been studying French? Since when did Toim learn French? Не се опитвам да те притисна. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm not trying to push you. Ме покани на својата женидба. He has invited me to attend his wedding. He invited me to his wedding. Том какъв цвят коса има? What color is Tom's hair? Tom, what color does he have? Покажи ми това. Show me that. Show me that. Треба да се спакувам. I should get packed. I need to pack up. Ќе се справам со Том. I'll deal with Tom. I'll deal with Tom. Ќе се справиме со тоа. We'll deal with it. We'll deal with it. Predvideval sem, da je Mary Tomova punca. I assumed Mary was Tom's girlfriend. I assumed Mary Tom was a girl. Треба да зборуваат. They need to talk. They need to talk. Да ядем суши. Let's eat sushi. Let's eat sushi. Chceš to počuť? Do you want to hear it? You feel that? Майк не играе бейзбол добре. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't play baseball well. Nikto o tom nikdy nepočul. Nobody had ever heard of it. There's no such thing as a no-no-no-no-no-no. Кейт не е ли дошла още? Hasn't Kate arrived yet? Kate's not here yet? Да направим компромис. Let's compromise. Let's compromise. Ова е занимлива, смешна и дури потресна приказна. This is an interesting, funny and even moving story. This is a funny, funny, even shocking story. Мисли си што сакаш. Think what you want. Think what you want. Малко съм подранил. I'm a little early. I'm a little early. Този въпрос не е лесен. This question is not easy. This question is not easy. Образованието в този свят ме разочарова. Education in this world disappoints me. Education in this world has disappointed me. Не би сакал да се утрапам. I wouldn't want to intrude. I don't want to get upset. Не сум невработен. I'm not unemployed. I'm not unemployed. Том не ни знаеше дека Мери ја нема. Tom didn't even know that Mary was gone. Tom didn't even know Mary was gone. Онзи висок мъж е г-н Смит. That tall man is Mr. Smith. That tall man is Mr. Smith. Не взимам никакви лекарства. I don't take any medicine. I'm not taking any drugs. Сакаш ли да пееш? Do you like singing? Would you like to sing? Много любезно от твоя страна да се отклониш от пътя си, за да ми помогнеш. It is kind of you go out of your way to help me. That's very kind of you to turn out of your way to help me. Да погледаме од поблизу. Let's take a closer look. Let's take a closer look. Ме мавна кола. I got hit by a car. I got hit by a car. Ако ние не го направиме тоа, тогаш кој? If we don't do it, who will? If we don't, then who? Къде са книгата и моливът? Книгата е на масата, а моливът е на перваза. Where are the book and pencil? The book's on the table, and the pencil's on the windowsill. Where's the book and the pencil? Навистина не знам. I really don't know. I really don't know. Одличен беше. You were terrific. You were great. Кој би сакал да ме убие? Who'd want to kill me? Who would want to kill me? Искам да говоря френски гладко. I'd like to speak French fluently. I want to speak French smooth. Не съм те виждал тук преди. I haven't seen you here before. I haven't seen you here before. БНП за третото тримесечие надвишаваше с 1% предходното тримесечие. The third quarter GNP growth was 1% over the preceding quarter. The third quarter BNP exceeded 1% of the previous quarter. Одгледувам стока. I raise cattle. I grow goods. Те молам, седи внатре. Please stay inside. Please, stay inside. Тези снимки винаги ми напомнят за миналите дни. These pictures always remind me of the old days. These photos always remind me of the days before. Тя е популярна, но не защото е красива, а защото се държи добре с всички. She's popular, not because she's beautiful, but because she's kind to everyone. She's popular, but not because she's beautiful, but because she treats everyone well. Vrt spada k hiši. The garden belongs to the house. The garden belongs to the house. Не прикривай как се чувстваш заради това. Don't conceal what you feel about it. Don't cover up how you feel about this. Том нема речено дека ќе ни помогне. Tom never said he would help us. Tom never said he'd help us. Не сакам да изгледам будалесто. I don't want to look foolish. I don't want to look like a fool. Правилната дума би могла да бъде ефективна, но никоя дума никога не е била толкова ефективна, колкото поставената на място пауза. The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. The right word could be effective, but no word was ever as effective as it was placed on the spot. Што беше прашањето? What's the question? What was the question? Том делува очајно. Tom seems desperate. Tom seems desperate. Том си го закачи палтото во плакарот. Tom hung his coat up in the closet. Tom put his coat in his closet. Je niečo zlé? Is anything wrong? Is there anything wrong with her? Как сте? How are you? How are you? Nikoli ne bomo vedeli. We'll never know. We'll never know. Том ја заврте кваката. Tom turned the knob. Tom, turn the hook. Вали сняг. It's snowing. It's snowing. Том е многу паметен. Tom is very smart. Tom's very smart. Заспах, докато четях книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep reading a book. Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not tired at all. I'm not tired at all. Том не искаше Мери да си играе с децата му. Tom didn't want Mary to play with his kids. Tom didn't want Mary to play with his kids. Тоа е наредба, Томе. That's an order, Tom. That's an order, Tome. Ќе бидам во своите одаи. I'll be in my quarters. I'll be in my chambers. Вината не е в Том. Tom isn't to blame. It's not Tom's fault. Ще се случи. It'll happen. It's gonna happen. Някой казвал ли ти го е? Did anyone tell you? Did anyone ever tell you that? Не говоря френски толкова свободно, колкото Том. I don't speak French as fluently as Tom does. I don't speak French as freely as Tom. Том продължи да говори. Tom went on talking. Tom kept talking. Ни го откажаа летот поради неповолните временски услови. Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. They've canceled our flight due to unfavourable weather conditions. Mali by sme brať do úvahy meškanie vlaku. We should take into account that the train was delayed. Small by can readť to úvahy mescarene train. На Том супер му оди. Tom is doing great. Tom's doing great. Вчера го извиках. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. Mysleli ste to vážne? Were you guys serious? Is that what you think is all about? Вярно ли е, че Том и Мери са били арестувани? Is it true that Tom and Mary got arrested? Is it true Tom and Mary were arrested? Тръгваш ли? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Не знам зошто е тоа толку тешко за верување. I don't know why that's hard to believe. I don't know why it's so hard to believe. Защо непрекъснато повтаряш, че има предостатъчно време? Why do you keep saying there's ample time? Why do you keep saying there's time to go? Дојди во куќата. Come over to the house. Come to the house. Тој се колебаше неколку секунди. He hesitated for a second. He hesitated for a few seconds. Бих предпочела да не говоря на френски. I'd prefer not to speak French. I'd rather not speak French. Ќе го препрочитам ова. I'm going to read this again. I'm gonna reread this. Кога може да кажем, че човек има проблеми с алкохола? When can one say that a person has alcohol issues? When can we say that a person has problems with alcohol? Тези стават ли за ядене? Are these edible? Is this what you eat? Не бях заета. I wasn't busy. I wasn't busy. Чекам да се запали зелено. I'm waiting for the light to change. I'm waiting for the green light. Ова е големото. This is the big one. This is the big one. Юнко е хубаво момиче. Junko is a pretty girl. Yoonko's a nice girl. Vstani in se predstavi prosim. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself. Том остави Мери да го целуне. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom let Mary kiss him. Утре морам да одам во болница. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. Това сте искали винаги. That's what you've always wanted. That's what you always wanted. Таа продава морски школи. She sells sea shells. She sells sea schools. Не ми помагай. Искам да го направя сам. Don't help me. I want to do this by myself. Don't help me. Том фатил две места. Tom's double-parked. Tom's got two places. Още не съм говорил с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. Съмнявам се, че той е адвокат. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I doubt he's a lawyer. Аз едва съм започнал. I've only just begun. I barely started. Тази камера е на Том, нали? This camera is Tom's, isn't it? This camera is Tom's, right? Чух те да говориш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. Благодаря за пицата. Thanks for the pizza. Thanks for the pizza. Трябва да ядеш повече зеленчуци. You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. Го немаме видено Том. We haven't seen Tom. We haven't seen Tom. Трябва да си призная, че съжалявам. I have to say that I'm sorry. I have to admit I'm sorry. Кој ги напишал поракиве? Who wrote these messages? Who wrote these messages? Испаѓа дека си неочекувано красноречив. It turns out that you are unexpectedly eloquent. Turns out you're unexpectedly eloquent. Не паничи премногу. Don't be too alarmed. Don't panic too much. Чекај да здивнам. Let me catch my breath. Let me take a breath. Никој ништо не рече. No one said anything. Nobody said anything. Не знаех, че е трябвало да го направим. I didn't know we were supposed to do that. I didn't know we had to do this. Глумењето е многу добро. The acting is very good. Playing's very good. Ајде да собереме душа. Let's take a rest. Let's get a shower. Том е бездруго лут. Tom must be angry. Tom's mad at each other. В Германия призраците не плащат данъци. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany, ghosts don't pay taxes. Том ја сакаше Мери, знаеш. Tom loved Mary, you know. Tom loved Mary, you know. Може ли да ти викам Боб? Can I call you Bob? Can I call you Bob? Том ги мразеше. Tom hated them. Tom hated them. Греша ли? Am I wrong? Are you wrong? Не треба да се коментира. One should not make comments. You don't have to comment. Аз съм много щастлив в Грузия. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Преди хората живееха на село. People used to live in villages. People used to live in a village. Вие идвате от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You're coming from Sweden. Да обядваме! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! Ги добив овие менѓуши од баба ми. I got these earrings from my grandmother. I got these men from my grandmother. Tom debe estar solo. Tom must be lonely. Tom debe estar solo. Мораме да им помогнеме. We have to help them. We have to help them. Френски учиш ли? Do you study French? Are you studying French? Како да го добијам Том? How can I reach Tom? How do I get Tom? Треба да зборуваме во четири очи. We need to talk face to face. We need to talk in four eyes. Бях отпуск. I was on vacation. I was on leave. Sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Някога чел ли си някакви френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read any French texts? Глупаво правило е. It's a stupid policy. It's a stupid rule. Јас ќе кажев „не“. I would've said no. I would say no. Začni trénovať! Start training! Start trizenovať! Нищо не съм пипал. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. Мразя да летя. I hate flying. I hate flying. Не мога да ти купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you that dress. Подозирам дека Том го скршил прозорецот. I suspect it was Tom who broke the window. I suspect Tom broke the window. Порано баш го сакаше Бостон. You used to love Boston. You used to love Boston so much. Аз съм по-умен от теб. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Да си кажем нещата честно! Let's talk turkey! Let's tell each other the truth! Не сме престапници. We're not criminals. We're not criminals. Том не те видя. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Како си деновиве, Том? How've you been, Tom? How are you these days, Tom? Моля започнете веднага. Please begin immediately. Please start now. Том не беше сигурен. Tom wasn't sure. Tom wasn't sure. Том го чу звукот. Tom heard the sound. Tom heard the sound. Фали девојка. There's a girl missing. It's a bad girl. Том се провали на френския миналия семестър. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed in the French past semester. Som Berlínčan. I am a Berliner. Som Berlíncan. Треба да ни најдам помош. I need to get us some help. I need to get us some help. Слонът е по-голям от всички останали животни. The elephant is bigger than all the other animals. The elephant is bigger than any other animal. Ајде пешки. Let's walk. Let's go on foot. Тогаш има проблем... Then there is a problem... Then there's a problem... Том прави склекови. Tom is doing pushups. Tom's making pushups. Треба да купиш малку шеќер. You need to buy some sugar. You should buy some sugar. Преведувањето вицеви е прилично тешко, ако воопшто може да се каже дека е возможно. If it is even possible, translating jokes is quite hard. Translated vices is quite difficult, if you can even say that it is possible. Тя е достигнала зряла възраст. He has attained to years of discretion. She's an adult. Мојот ласерски принтер знае и да се скенира слики. My laser printer can also scan an image. My laser printer can also scan pictures. Нека биде кратко, Том. Make it brief, Tom. Make it brief, Tom. Па некако сум поласкан дури. I'm actually kind of flattered. Well, I'm kind of flattered. Викат ми Боб. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Това е най-тъпото нещо, което някога съм казвал. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I've ever said. Извинявайте. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Nepodvádzal som. I didn't cheat. I don't understand. Се запознавме лани во Бостон. We met last year in Boston. We met last year in Boston. Те не можаха да убият Том. They couldn't kill Tom. They couldn't kill Tom. Јас сум трпелив човек. I'm a patient man. I'm a patient man. Колко е сложно? How complex is it? How complicated is it? Вашето предложение изглежда разумно. Your suggestion seems reasonable. Your proposal seems reasonable. Том провери джобовете на панталона си. Tom checked his pants pockets. Tom, check his pants. Донеси си го компјутерот. Bring your computer. Get your computer. Celé mesto bolo pod vodou. The entire town was under water. The whole city was underwater. Том се врати прошлата недела. Tom came last week. Tom has returned last week. Zakladateľ Facebooku, Mark Zuckerberg, je skoro casanova. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is almost a casanova. The security of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is a skoro cassana. Преподава ли се френски в началните училища? Is French taught in elementary schools? Is French teaching at primary schools? Чајов е многу вкусен. This tea tastes good. This tea is delicious. Соколите имаат остар вид. The falcon has sharp eyes. Falcons have sharp eyesight. Том почна да вреска. Tom began screaming. Tom started screaming. Той изпусна последния влак. He missed the last train. He missed the last train. Што предмет беше? What item was it? What was the object? Това е началото на нова ера. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Нашият отбор беше с червени фланелки. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team was wearing red T-shirts. Той учеше френски сам. He taught himself French. He was learning French on his own. Ова е книгата на Том. This is Tom's book. This is Tom's book. Виждал съм те с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you with Tom. Ако искате да участвате, трябва да се регистрирате. If you want to participate, you have to register. If you want to participate, you have to register. Мисля, че може да си бъдем от помощ. I think we could help each other. I think we can be helpful. Том си ги крена клучевите. Tom picked up his keys. Tom picked up his keys. Том не се отказа. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. На кой етаж живееш? What floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Мамка му, забравих си фотоапарата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Fuck, I forgot my camera! Веќе се чувствувам значително подобро. I already feel much better. I already feel much better. Том ништо не би дофрлил. Tom wouldn't comment. Tom wouldn't allow anything. Сметката, моля. The check, please. Check, please. Не можах да му разбера идеите. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his ideas. Не ми се верува дека навистина го сторивме ова. I can't believe that we've actually done this. I can't believe we really did this. Samozrejme že napíšem ten list po anglicky. Of course I'll write the letter in English. I'll get my self-righteous face on an English list. В крайна сметка, всички трябва да се научат сами. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. After all, everyone needs to learn for themselves. Драго ми е што сум готов со тоа. I'm happy to be done with that. I'm glad I'm done with that. Си го заборавив паричникот. I forgot my wallet. I forgot my wallet. Тя знае ли ви? Does she know you? Does she know you? Гледај го броилото. Look at the meter. Look at the number. Тя сама му помогна. She herself helped him. She helped him herself. Не се зафркавај со Том. Don't mess with Tom. Don't fuck with Tom. Немаш прашано зошто. You never asked why. You didn't ask why. Уверявам ви, че ще успеем да платим наема навреме. I assure you we'll be able to pay the rent on time. I assure you, we will be able to pay the rent on time. Слободно ли е местово? Is this seat vacant? Is this place available? Том рече дека не сака да јаде во тој ресторан. Tom said he didn't want to eat at that restaurant. Tom said he didn't want to eat at that restaurant. Избројав до 200. I counted up to 200. I count to 200. Кој беше во колата? Who was in the car? Who was in the car? Не бих те обвинил. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Кажи на Том, че не може да отиде. Tell Tom he can't go. Tell Tom he can't go. Какво има в бутилката? What's in the bottle? What's in the bottle? Опитвала ли си се да разкажеш виц на френски? Have you ever tried telling a joke in French? Have you ever tried to tell a joke in French? Млякото замръзва и става твърдо. The milk froze and became solid. The milk freezes and becomes solid. Што мислеше Том? What did Tom think? What were you thinking, Tom? Нямаш никакво основание да мислиш по този начин. You have no good reason for thinking as you do. You have no reason to think that way. Том е презафатен за да помогне. Tom is too busy to help. Tom's too busy to help. Тъкмо щях да изляза от къщата си, когато тя се обади. I was about to leave my house when she called. I was just about to get out of my house when she called. Го пребродив шокот. I'm over the shock. I've been over the shock. Јаде свински кременадли. He's eating pork chops. He eats pork chops. Самолетът уби романтиката в пътуването. The airplane has robbed travel of its poetry. The plane killed the romance in the trip. Дебел сум. I'm obese. I'm fat. Том ме научи да пеам. Tom taught me to sing. Tom taught me how to sing. Том секогаш ме разлутува. Tom is always making me angry. Tom always makes me angry. Bez ohľadu na to, či zajtra prídeš alebo nie, daj mi vedieť. Regardless of whether you come tomorrow or not, let me know. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Ние сме момчета. We are boys. We're guys. Им испеков торта. I've baked a cake for them. I baked them a cake. Продадох книгите. I sold the books. I sold the books. Жени; вероломството им няма граници. Women, their treachery knows no limits. Women, their religion has no limit. Том си изпържи яйца. Tom fried himself some eggs. Tom fried his eggs. Аз едва съм започнала. I've only just begun. I barely started. Ne moreš me poraziti! You cannot defeat me! You can't defeat me! Заљубен сум во девојка му на Том. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. Италия е много хубава страна. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very nice country. Нямам представа какво да очаквам. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Чувал ли си се скоро със сестра си? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister lately? Къде е тоалетната? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Какво направи с фотоапарата си? What did you do with your camera? What did you do with your camera? Само им дадов. I just gave them one. I just gave it to them. Сакам да ти купам подарок. I want to buy a gift for you. I want to buy you a present. Какъв е прякорът ти? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Кај северната капија сум. I'm at the north gate. I'm at the north gate. Ние закусваме вътре. We're eating breakfast inside. We're having breakfast inside. Nebo je modré. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Легни на каучот. Lay down on the couch. Get on the couch. Искам да ям нещо. I want to eat something. I want to eat something. Бил съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Имам висока температура. I have a high fever. I'm feverish. Робин Худ ги пљачкал богатите. Robin Hood robbed the rich. Robin Hood looted the rich. Той затвори вратата. He closed the door. He closed the door. Си имал ли некогаш секс во јавен парк? Have you ever had sex in a public park? Have you ever had sex in a public park? Маргарет, с чийто баща се срещнахте миналата неделя, е много добър играч на тенис. Margaret, whose father you met last Sunday, is a very good tennis player. Margaret, whose father you met last Sunday, is a very good tennis player. Том не требаше да се ожени за Мери. Tom shouldn't have married Mary. Tom shouldn't have married Mary. Се налутив. I got mad. I'm angry. Мери почувствува како и се загрева лицето. Mary felt her face grow hot. Mary felt her face warm. Нѐ прелажале. We've been tricked. They lied to us. Минал ли е той на изпита? Did he pass the exam? Did he pass the exam? Нищо му няма на плана. There's nothing wrong with the plan. There's nothing wrong with the plan. Няма да повярвате кой се отби у нас днес. You won't believe who came by today. You're not gonna believe who stopped by our house today. Изгледаш замислено. You look troubled. You look made up. Je to zbytočné. It's no use. That's it. That's it. That's it. Nimam nobenih sester. I have no sisters. I don't have any sisters. Čítal si v tom čase knihu? Were you reading a book at that time? You've been reading all this time? Strah me je višine. I'm afraid of heights. I'm scared of heights. Вчера беше ужасно студено. It was terribly cold yesterday. It was terribly cold yesterday. Како сте вие двајца? How are you two doing? How are you two? Това не е за теб, Том. This isn't for you, Tom. This isn't for you, Tom. Пристигнав во Бостон во два и пол. I arrived in Boston at 2:30. I arrived in Boston at two and a half. Фолиото се прави от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The film is made of polyethylene. Трябва да решиш, и при това - веднага. You must make up your mind, and that at once. You have to decide, and you have to do it now. Никому нищо не правя. I don't cause trouble. I'm not doing anything to anybody. Русия губи 20 милиона души по време на Втората Световна Война. Russia lost 20 million people during World War II. Russia lost 20 million people during World War II. Z desno roko drži zajemalko. She is holding a ladle with her right hand. He's holding the cap with his right hand. Чајникон е доста валкан. That teapot's pretty dirty. Teacone's pretty dirty. Секогаш ми се јаде. I always feel hungry. It's always eating. Дан го удрија по чело со чекан. Dan was hit on the forehead with a hammer. Dan got hit by the head with a hammer. Би бил посреќен ако се вратите вие тројца надвор. I'd feel happier if you three went outside again. I'd be happier if you came back three of you out. Тя е със среден ръст. She is of average height. She's middle-size. Го кривам Том. I blame Tom. I'm hiding Tom. Да пробаме да се слагаме. Let's try to get along. Let's try and get along. Няма ли да отидеш? Won't you go? You're not going? Извикайте ме, ако имате нужда от мене. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me. Никога не си споменавала колко красива е сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. Lahko vidim vašo vstopnico? Seveda, tukaj je. "Can I see your ticket?" "Yes. Here it is." Can I see your ticket? Кој ме виде. Who saw me? Who saw me. Не се губи. Don't get lost. Don't get lost. Можеш да ме прашаш што сакаш. You can ask me anything you like. You can ask me what you want. Любимият ми превод е този. My favorite translation is this one. My favorite translation is this one. Ако дойдеш в Рио, мога да ти бъда ексурзовод. If you come to Rio, I could be your guide. If you come to Rio, I can be your tour guide. Не се изправяй твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Не го збеснувај Том. Don't antagonize Tom. Don't piss Tom off. Том се преправи во поп. Tom disguised himself as a priest. Tom turned into a pop. Прочел съм много книги. I have read a lot of books. I've read a lot of books. Трябва да си призная, че се бях разтревожила. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to admit, I was worried. Том не знае да сочувстува. Tom lacks empathy. Tom can't feel it. Многу опушта. It's very relaxing. It's very relaxing. Не ви ли е страх? Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid? Мислам дека ќе мора да им помогнеш. I think you'll have to help them. I think you're gonna have to help them. Работехме заедно. We were working together. We worked together. Kde je autobusová zastávka? Where is the bus stop? Who's the autobusave? Dobro ohranja svojo mladost. She keeps her youth very well. He keeps his youth well. Som si skoro istá. I'm almost sure. Som scrooge istá. Од каде ти е таа лузна? What's that scar from? Where did you get that scar? На Том му се допадна она што го рече Мери. Tom liked what Mary said. Tom liked what Mary said. Може ли да говоря с вас насаме за секунда? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you for a second? Том стана славен. Tom became famous. Tom got famous. Том чекаше на ред. Tom stood in line. Tom was waiting in line. Бунтовниците залудно се трудеа да ја потонат подморницата. The rebels tried in vain to sink the submarine. The rebels were in vain trying to sink the submarine. Постапив како што требаше. I did what was right. I did what I had to do. По един мистериозен начин чувството за хумор е свързано с националните особености. The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. In a mysterious way, a sense of humor is related to national peculiarities. Не би те обвинил тебе. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Крадците ограбиха музея. Thieves plundered the museum. Thieves robbed the museum. Том знае да направи речиси се. Tom knows how to make almost anything. Tom can do almost anything. Върви бавно и аз ще те настигна. Walk slowly, and I will catch up with you. Go slowly, and I'll catch up. Тоа беше многу немарно од страна на Том. That was very careless of Tom. That was very rude of Tom. Убиецът можеше да бъде спрян. The killer could have been stopped. The killer could have been stopped. Том не работи вече. Tom doesn't work anymore. Tom doesn't work anymore. Само пари сакам. All I want is money. I just want the money. Още няма и помен от Том. There's still no sign of Tom. There's no memory of Tom yet. Избягах бързо. I ran away in a hurry. I ran away quickly. Ела с нас. Come along with us. Come with us. Трета среќа. Third time's the charm. Good luck with that. Том се върна вкъщи целят покрит с кал. Tom came back home covered in mud. Tom came home covered in mud. Виж го! Check it out! Look at him! Какво би искала? What would you like? What would you like? Къде ги изхвърлихте? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Има многу да се каже. There's so much to say. There's a lot to say. Защо си дошъл толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why are you here so early? Imam veliko knjig. I have a lot of books. I've got a lot of books. Што се случува кај тебе на работа? What's going on at work? What's going on with you at work? Таа носеше елек. She wore a vest. She was wearing a vest. Така може да продължаваме до безкрай. This is never going to end. That way, we can go on forever. Том помогна на Мери да премести шкафа. Tom helped Mary move the dresser. Tom helped Mary move the closet. Ова е многу тежок испит. This is a very difficult exam. This is a very difficult test. Некако си груб. You're sort of rude. You're kind of rude. Трябва да призная, че доста се изкушавам. I have to admit it's very tempting. I have to admit, I'm getting a lot tempted. Чух, че Том ти е дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. Имам грип и уморен сум. I have flu and I'm tired. I have a flu and I'm tired. Нямам никаква представа какво правя тук. I have no idea what I'm doing here. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Том седеше на биро. Tom sat at his desk. Tom was sitting at the desk. Се прашувам дали Том знае зошто Мери отсуствувала од школо вчера. I wonder if Tom knows why Mary was absent from school yesterday. I wonder if Tom knows why Mary was away from school yesterday. Мисля, че ще ни трябва повече време. I think we're going to need more time. I think we're gonna need more time. Ама баш ништо не видов. I saw nothing at all. But I didn't see anything. Pojdimo igrati košarko v park. Let's go play basketball in the park. Let's go play basketball in the park. Viem, že je tažké uveriť tomu. I know it's difficult to believe. Viem, it's already hard to believe the Tom. Треба добро да се наспиеш. You should get a good night's sleep. You should get some sleep. Може ли пак да го видам? Can I see it again? Can I see him again? Още не съм ти казал, нали? I haven't told you yet, have I? I haven't told you yet, have I? Каде може да се паркирам? Where can I park? Where can I park? Том е веќе тука. Tom is here already. Tom's already here. Следната недела нема да бидам во градов. I'm out of town next week. I won't be in town next week. Одличен му беше концертот. His concert was great. He had a great concert. Го грабнав Том за лакт. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom for a elbow. Каква е твоята фамилия, Том? What's your last name, Tom? What's your last name, Tom? Тя е много добра учителка. She's a very good teacher. She's a very good teacher. Иска ми се да бях мъртъв. I wish I were dead. I wish I was dead. Фернандо е побрз од тебе. Можеш ли да потврдиш дека ја разбираш таа порака? Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understand that message? Fernando is faster than you, can you confirm that you understand that message? Твое е да прашаш, Том. It's yours for the asking, Tom. It's yours to ask, Tom. Не сакам да зборувам за времето. I don't want to talk about the weather. I don't want to talk about time. Се уште не знам како се прави тоа. I still don't know how to do that. I still don't know how to do it. Тука ли да ја почекаме? Should we wait for her here? Should we wait here for her? Изглежда, че парите ни свършват. It looks like we're running out of money. Looks like our money's over. Мислев дека тој е таму. I thought he was there. I thought he was there. Важно ли е кое од овие ќе го одберам? Does it really matter which one of these I choose? Does it matter which one of these I choose? Ти се случило ли тоа тебе? Has that happened to you? Did that happen to you? Не требаше да останеме будни до 2:30. We shouldn't have stayed up till 2:30. We shouldn't have stayed up till 2:30. Не ти е ли ладно по кратки ракави? Aren't you cold in short sleeves? Aren't you cold on short sleeves? Ќе му пренесам на Том. I'll send word to Tom. I'll hand it over to Tom. Колку задоцнил возот? How late was the train? How late was the train? Не сакам кога ме пипаат. I don't like to be touched. I don't like it when they touch me. Том сака да мислиме дека е среќен. Tom wants us to think he's happy. Tom wants us to think he's happy. Мисля, че трябва да видиш това. I think you'd better look at this. I think you should see this. Спиш ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Учителят ми по френски е на същата възраст, на която съм и аз. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My French teacher is the same age I am. Кој би сакал да го вработи него? Who would want to hire him? Who would want to hire him? Слаби беа. They were thin. They were weak. Не смятам да го питам. I'm not about to ask him. I'm not going to ask him. Тоа му беше единствената мана на Том. That was Tom's only fault. That was Tom's only flaw. Боли ме стомахът, докторе. I have a stomachache, doctor. My stomach hurts, Doctor. Утре е рожденият ми ден. Ставам на 17. Tomorrow is my birthday; I will be seventeen. It's my birthday tomorrow. Ова е Нина, внука ти. This is Nina, your granddaughter. This is Nina, your niece. Сигурно многу се гордееш. You must be so proud. You must be very proud. Колко е часът сега? What time is it now? What time is it now? Moškima so sodili pred vojaškim sodiščem. The two men were tried by a military court. Men were tried before the military court. Ќе разбереш кога ќе биде време. You'll understand when the time comes. You'll understand when it's time. Не можем да отложим съвещанието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Мен ме е страх от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm scared of earthquakes. Овој имбецил има остри заби. This imbecile has sharp teeth. This imbecile has sharp teeth. Чух да спира кола. I heard a car pull up. I heard a car stop. Вие сте наши гости. You're our guests. You're our guests. Том и Мери слязоха по стълбите заедно. Tom and Mary walked down the stairs together. Tom and Mary went down the stairs together. Ще ти се обадя пак после. I'll call you back later. I'll call you back later. Ме боли работо. My shoulder hurts. It hurts my work. Да отидем да я питаме. Let's go and ask her. Let's go ask her. Дали Том изгледа бесно? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? Сега ајде да бегаме оттука. Let's get out of here now. Now let's get out of here. Samozavesten sem bil. I was self-confident. I was confident. Го препознавам типон. I recognize that guy. I recognize the guy. Мудроста е проклетство кога не му помага на оној што ја поседува. Wisdom is a curse when wisdom does nothing for the man who has it. Wisdom is a curse when it does not help the person who owns it. Аз съм на осемнайсет. I'm eighteen. I'm 18. Типов е бандит. That guy is a bandit. This guy's a bandit. Можеби би можел да ми бидеш цимер. Maybe you could be my roommate. Maybe you could be my roommate. Той беше ядосан, че никой нищо не каза. He resented everyone's being very quiet. He was angry that no one said anything. Оди помогни им. Go and help them. Go help them. Къде е Ним? Where is Nîmes? Where's Nim? Не продаваме алкохолни пијалаци и цигари на малолетници. We do not sell alcoholic drinks or cigarettes to people under the age of eighteen. We don't sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to minors. Како мислиш дека прошло? How do you think it went? How do you think it went? Ккакво ще направиш? What will you make? What are you gonna do? Том држеше пијалак во рака. Tom had a drink in his hand. Tom had a drink in his hand. Кой е при Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's at Tom's now? Кулата беше разбита на пух и прах. The tower was blown to atoms. The tower was broken in powder and powder. Вистина ли е? Is it true? Is it true? Те объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are they confused? Си ја соблече крзнената јакна долу, се качи горе, и нежно тропна на вратата. He removed his fur jacket downstairs, went up, and knocked lightly on the door. He took his fur coat off, went upstairs, and gently knocked on the door. Ти трябва да решиш. It's for you to decide. You have to decide. Мислите ли да ходите някъде това лято? Are you going to go anywhere this summer? Do you think you're going somewhere this summer? Плескав со рацете. I clapped my hands. I clapped with my hands. Tom pomáha. Tom's helping. Tom's pomáh. Вегетаријанец ли си? Are you a vegetarian? Are you Vegetarian? Това място е яко. This place is cool. This place is cool. Мерак ми е да читам книги. I like to read books. I'm trying to read books. Дочух вашия разговор. I overheard your conversation. I heard your conversation. Няма да ти се сърдя за това. I won't hold it against you. I'm not gonna be mad at you about that. Затвори вратата. Shut the door. Close the door. Том всушност не сакаше да живее во Бостон. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Tom actually didn't want to live in Boston. Том не може да ја најде Мери. Tom can't find Mary. Tom can't find Mary. Тој е врколак. He's a werewolf. He's a werewolf. Нищо не е толкова жалко от уважение, базирано на страх. Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. Nothing is so pathetic of fear-based respect. Сѐ ли е таму? Is everything there? Is everything there? My sme šialení. We're crazy. My laugh is Shialení. Мисля, че си лъжец. I think you're a liar. I think you're a liar. Као ќе ги најдеме? How are we going to find them? How do we find them? Водата светка на сонце. Water glitters in the sunlight. The water shines in the sun. Ќе му дадам на Том што год му треба. I'll give Tom whatever he needs. I'll give Tom what he needs. Ти не си един от нас. You're not one of us. You're not one of us. Му се смеевме на Том. We laughed at Tom. We laughed at Tom. Dobré ráno! Good morning! Good ráno! Почекај уште малку. Wait a bit longer. Wait a minute. Търся работа. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for work. Мисля, че това ще го запомниш. I think you'd remember that. I think you'll remember that. Prišiel vo veľkom aute. He arrived in a big car. He reached out to the great auta. Том ѝ ѕврцна на Мери. Tom gave Mary a call. Tom rang Mary. Се разликуваат. They're different. They're different. Nemám sestru. I do not have a sister. I can't do it. I can't do it. Мораме да ги пикнеме во кревет. We've got to get them to bed. We have to put them in bed. Некој го уби Том. Somebody killed Tom. Someone killed Tom. Poď s nami! Come with us. Let's go, let's go! Том отглежда домати в градината си. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Никој не направи ништо друго. No one did anything else. Nobody did anything else. Виждал съм те по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Вчера дојдов тука. Yesterday I came here. I came here yesterday. Том ме помоли да остана. Tom asked me to stay. Tom asked me to stay. Баща ми беше на път да си тръгне, когато телефонът иззвъня. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. Spievala som. I sang. I was sleeping with som. Да го уапсиме ли Том? Should we arrest Tom? Should we arrest Tom? Трябва да отида да се видя с Том. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go see Tom. Тя лекичко бутна вратата. She gave the door a gentle push. She gently pushed the door. Som trochu zaneprázdnený. I'm a bit busy. Som trochu in vainázdný. Сега сме на распуст. School is over now. We're on vacation now. Свършваме храната. We're running short of food. We're finishing the food. Престанав да му обрнувам внимание на Том. I stopped paying attention to Tom. I stopped paying attention to Tom. Се сеќаваш ли што носеше кога те запознав? Do you remember what you were wearing the first time I met you? Do you remember what you were wearing when I met you? Го користам секој ден. I use it every day. I use it every day. Пазете тоалетната чиста. Keep the toilet clean. Keep the toilet clean. Ќе те замолам да останеш уште некое време. I'm going to ask you to stay around for a while. I'm gonna ask you to stay for a while. Ние сме от една кръв, вие и аз! We be of one blood, thou and I. We're from one blood, you and me! Zradca! Traitor! Mercenary! Том не си го одржа ветувањето што ми го беше дал. Tom didn't keep his promise to me. Tom didn't keep his promise to me. Ајде да се уозбилиме. Let's get serious. Let's get lost. Бев во полусон. I was half asleep. I was in the middle of the night. Potrebujem tvoj nasvet. I need your advice. I need your advice. Klingončina je určite najmenej užitočný jazyk. Klingon has to be the most useless language. Klingončina is a teach at least the pleasureful & jazzyk. Зошто ѝ ѕвониш? Why are you calling her? Why are you calling her? Бих могъл да я направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make her happy. Сите ние сме желни да се види филмот. We are all eager to see the movie. We're all eager to see the movie. Таа сака да се фали со величествените лустри што ги има во куќата. She liked to boast about the magnificent chandeliers in her house. She likes to brag about the magnificent lusts she has in her house. "Човешката глупост е безкрайна", казвам аз, и заради тази си самокритичност, се считам за изключение. "Human stupidity is endless", I say, and for this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception. "Man's stupidity is endless," I say, and because of this self-discretion, I consider myself an exception. Няма да ме принудят да направя това. I won't be bullied into doing that. They won't force me to do that. Моето куче също гледа телевизия. My dog is also watching TV. My dog's watching TV too. Не би те лажел. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you. Том се записа на курс по френски. Tom signed up for a French class. Tom signed up for a French course. Не знам точно кога ще се върна. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when I'm gonna be back. Pozrel sa jej do očí. He looked into her eyes. Don't be mad at me. Eat to your eyes. Ама мене ми се допаѓа тука. I happen to like it here. But I like it here. Не ми е убаво да пешачам. I don't like to walk. I don't feel comfortable walking. Стави ни лајк на Фејсбук! Like us on Facebook! Put us on Facebook! Никој не заслужува да умре. Nobody deserves to die. Nobody deserves to die. Го видел ли некој Том? Has anyone seen Tom? Has anyone seen Tom? Мисля, че Том се справя добре. I think Tom's doing a good job. I think Tom's doing well. Lahko živim brez vode. I can live without water. I can live without water. Мисля, че Том вече знае. I think Tom already knows. I think Tom already knows. Мисля, че няма да стане. I think it won't succeed. I don't think it's gonna work. Том денес делува различно. Tom seems different today. Tom's acting different today. Зарем не би било штета тоа? Wouldn't that be a shame? Wouldn't that be a shame? Добар син си. You're a good son. You're a good son. Sadol si a čítal kým jeho žena varila pri ohni. He sat down and read while his wife was cooking by the fire. Sadol a qítal kým the dam wife cheated in the window. Крив сум. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. Том има право да знае. Tom has a right to know. Tom has a right to know. Том нѐ измамил. Tom has tricked us. Tom tricked us. Може би си изпуснал нещо. Maybe you missed something. Maybe you missed something. Ова ми се моливите. These are my pencils. These are my pencils. Математиката е онази част от науката, с която би продължил да се занимаваш, ако утре се събудиш и установиш, че вселената е изчезнала. Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone. Math is the part of science you'd continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and found out the universe was missing. Мислев дека има поголеми цицки. I thought her boobs were bigger. I thought he had bigger tits. Какво ти става по дяволите? What the hell's wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Знаете ли защо съм тук? Do you know why I'm here? Do you know why I'm here? Зошто некој би сакал да го повреди Том? Why would anyone want to hurt Tom? Why would anyone want to hurt Tom? Детето не е съд, който трябва да бъде напълнен, а огън, който трябва да се запали. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. The child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be burned. Не си ли нервна? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Tiste plaže so daleč od tu. Those beaches are far from here. Those beaches are far from here. Трябва да започна да се приготвям. I have to start getting ready. I have to start getting ready. Чувај си ги цигарите суви. Keep your cigarettes dry. Keep your cigarettes dry. Сложих парите в сейфа. I put the money into the safe. I put the money in the safe. Имаш много книги. You have many books. You've got a lot of books. Едвај чекам да го запознаам. I've been dying to meet him. I can't wait to meet him. Се погрижив за тоа. I took care of that. I took care of it. Човекът е единственото животно, използващо огън. Man is the only fire-using animal. The man is the only animal using fire. Том делуваше растроено. Tom seemed agitated. Tom was acting upset. Том сложи портфейла си на бюрото. Tom put his wallet on the desk. Tom put his wallet on the desk. Чувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Подобро и двајцата да се наспиеме. We'd both better get some sleep. We'd better both get some sleep. Може ли някой да отговори на въпроса ми? Can anyone answer my question? Can anyone answer my question? Tom hoče biti slaven. Tom wants to be famous. Tom wants to be famous. Už je august. It is already August. Ug's a porter. Му удрив бокс во вилица. I punched his jaw. I hit him in a fork. Дай ми чук. Give me a hammer. Give me a hammer. Внимавайки в клас може да води до високи оценки. Paying attention in class may lead to high marks. Be careful in class can lead to high grades. Том всушност го нема направено тоа. Tom hasn't actually done that. Tom didn't actually do it. Ова не е ничија вина. This is no one's fault. This isn't anybody's fault. Аз имам чудесни новини. I have wonderful news. I have great news. Том няма да може да шофира известно време. Tom won't be able to drive for a while. Tom won't be able to drive for a while. Som v záhrade. I am in the garden. I'm in trouble. Ženska je v sobi. The woman is in the room. The woman's in the room. Не знам той кога ще дойде. I don't know when he'll come. I don't know when he'll be here. Той е на диета, понеже е с леко наднормено тегло. He's on a diet because he is a little overweight. It is on a diet because it is slightly overweight. Каде ти е оружјето? Where's your weapon? Where's your weapon? Мислех, че ще закусим заедно. I thought we would have breakfast together. I thought we were having breakfast together. Tom zabudol urobiť svoje domáce úlohy. Tom forgot to do his homework. Tom dabbled his home úlohy. Това е всичко, което трябва да направи Том. This is all Tom has to do. That's all Tom has to do. Кој е власник на бродов? Who owns this ship? Who's the master of this ship? Вие сте нейни дъщери. You are her daughters. You're her daughters. Не носам провокативна облека. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I don't wear provocative clothes. Si že kdaj bil v Teheranu? Have you ever been to Tehran? Have you ever been to Tehran? Както обикновено, учителят по физика закъсняваше за час. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. As usual, the physics teacher was late for an hour. Том се събуди с главоболие. Tom woke up with a headache. Tom woke up with a headache. Дръж се здраво. Hold on tight. Hold tight. Камоли да се не омажев за Том. I wish I hadn't married Tom. I wish I hadn't married Tom. Sovražniki smo. We're enemies. We're enemies. Отново трябва да напусна. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. Ќе ни фалиш, Том. We'll miss you, Tom. We're gonna miss you, Tom. Пополни го формуларов. Fill out this form. Fill in the form. Вие не разбирате. You don't understand. You don't understand. Наглеждай я. Take care of her. Keep an eye on her. Том ми е сосед. Tom is a neighbor. Tom's my neighbor. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да се преместиш в Бостън? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to move to Boston? Усилията ти са напразни. Your efforts are futile. Your efforts are in vain. Prispeli so na cilj. They reached their destination. They've reached their destination. Кучето го лаеше. The dog barked at him. The dog barked him. Каде ми е торбата со опрема за голф? Where's my golf bag? Where's my bag of golf equipment? Том се върна да си вземе палтото. Tom went back inside to get his coat. Tom's back to get his coat. Začnite spolupracovať. Team up. Start the half-principle. Том ќе ти го објасни. Tom will explain it to you. Tom will explain it to you. Мисля, че Том може да споделя твоите чувства. I think Tom might feel the same way you do. I think Tom can share your feelings. Том се потпре на Мери. Tom relied on Mary. Tom relied on Mary. Čo si robil v Bostone? What were you doing in Boston? What are you doing in Bostone? Попрво би одел со метро отколку со воз. I'd rather go by subway than by train. I'd rather go on a subway than on a train. Това бяло палто много ще Ви отива. This white coat will look very nice on you. This white coat will do you good. Том беше доволен. Tom was contented. Tom was happy. Дише ли? Is he breathing? Is he breathing? Имам разни неща, които трябва да свърша. I have things to do. I have things to do. Ќе ја фатам ќерка ти. I'll have your daughter. I'm gonna get your daughter. Говориш ли индонезийски? Can you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Не ме гледай с тия тъжни очи. Don't look at me with such sad eyes. Don't look at me with those sad eyes. Lahko dodajo dobeseden prevod. They can add a literal translation. They can add a literal translation. Том прави вечеря. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's making dinner. Моля те, започни веднага. Please begin immediately. Please, start now. Том секогаш е тука. Tom is always here. Tom's always here. Каде можам да најдам болница. Where can I find a hospital? Where can I find a hospital? Навистина ми недостигаше. I really missed you. I really missed you. Остани тука и чувај ја. Stay here and look after her. Stay here and keep her. Вълците се движат на глутници. Wolves travel in packs. The wolves are moving on packers. Не беше възможно човек да се свърже с Том. Tom couldn't be contacted. It wasn't possible for someone to contact Tom. Не сакам да те засенам. I wouldn't want to show you up. I don't want to overshadow you. Том правеше како што му беше кажала Мери. Tom did what Mary told him to do. Tom did as Mary told him. През ваканцията прочетох всичките трудове на Милтън. In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton. During my vacation, I read all Milton's work. Какъв е твоят проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Играх с Тони вчера. I played with Tony yesterday. I played with Tony yesterday. Зашлевих го през лицето. I slapped his face. I got him through the face. Stihol si ten vlak? Did you catch the train? You're a fat train, aren't you? Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to speak with Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Не сум ти рамен. I'm no match for you. I'm not equal to you. Општо е познато дека не ти е драг Том. It's common knowledge that you don't like Tom. It's generally known that you're not fond of Tom. Аз чух какво каза Том. I heard what Tom said. I heard what Tom said. Som tučný. I'm fat. Som tučný. Том бездруго грешеше. Tom was invariably wrong. Tom was wrong. Мисля, че Том умря. I think Tom died. I think Tom died. Том е многу скржав. Tom is very stingy. Tom's very squeamish. Мислам дека си испаничил. I think you panicked. I think you panicked. Odrasla je v prelepo žensko. She grew up to be a beautiful lady. She's grown into a beautiful woman. Не можеш да ме контролираш, Том. You can't control me, Tom. You can't control me, Tom. Ким е облечена много привлекателно. Kim is dressed very attractively. Kim's dressed very attractively. Побързай! Остават само трийсет минути до тръгването на влака. Hurry up! There's only 30 minutes left before the train leaves. There's only 30 minutes left until the train leaves. Момичето, с което той разговаря, е Нанси. The girl he's speaking to is Nancy. The girl he's talking to is Nancy. Том чул сѐ што рекле. Tom heard everything they said. Tom heard everything they said. Ме погледна остро низ очилата. He looked sharply at me over his spectacles. He looked me sharp through the glasses. Реших задачата с лекота. I solved the problem easily. I've decided on the light task. Не съм единственият, който харесва Том. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. Не можев да ја најдам. I couldn't find her. I couldn't find her. Се прашував дали би можел да ми помогнеш утре попладне. I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon. I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon. Загрижен ли си за неа? Are you worried about her? Are you worried about her? Veľa ľudí sa cíti tak, ako ty. A lot of people feel the same way you do. She's got to be like that, if ty. В беда сме. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. Само толку ми требаше. That's all I needed. That's all I needed. Различно изгледа. It looks different. It looks different. Ти заслужаваш да бъдеш много щастлив и аз ще те направя щастлив! You deserve to be so happy and I'll make you happy! You deserve to be very happy and I'll make you happy! Много ли хора посещават музея? Is the museum visited by many people? Do many people visit the museum? Не ви ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Doesn't he interest you? Том се упати кон излезот. Tom made for the exit. Tom's heading for the exit. Не се притеснявай. Don't worry. Don't worry. Мисля, че е по-добре да седнете. I think you'd better sit down. I think you better sit down. Tom nemal dosť peňazí. Tom didn't have enough money. Tom nemal doswitzí pesí. Животът е несправедлив. Life's not fair. Life is unfair. Ще го изям тук. I'll eat it here. I'll eat it here. Убаво е од него што носи вакви подароци. It's nice of him to bring such gifts. It's nice of him to bring presents like this. Мислиш ли? Do you think so? You think so? Той започна да пише роман. He's started writing a novel. He started writing a novel. Том има батлер. Tom has a butler. Tom's got a butler. Mária pomohla mame s varením. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Maária helped the mother with the varení. Стафидите са изсушени гроздови зърна. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. Stiffs are dried grapes. Не те повикав поради тоа, Том. That's not why I called you in here, Tom. That's not why I called you, Tom. И покрај нашите очекувања, не дојде до никакви оптужби. Unlike what we expected, the accusations were not made. Despite our expectations, there were no charges. Čo si mal na raňajky? What did you have for breakfast? What are you, a little racquet? Ѕвонев со саати. I've been calling for hours. I've been ringing for hours. Толкова съм чакал да се случи. I've waited so long for this. I've been waiting so long for this to happen. Майка ми ми направи една много симпатична пола. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mom made me a very nice skirt. Не се чувствам много добре. I don't feel great. I don't feel very well. Том е вдовец. Tom is a widower. Tom's a widower. Том е таткото. Tom is the father. Tom's the father. Говорих на Том на френски. I spoke French to Tom. I spoke to Tom in French. Децата имаат домашна работа. The kids have homework. The kids have homework. Каде треба да се предадат овие документи? Where should these documents be submitted? Where are these documents to be submitted? Зошто се плашат? Why are they afraid? Why are they afraid? И никому нито дума за това, което ти казах. Don't breathe a word of what I've told you to anyone. And no one's ever said a word about what I told you. Виждала съм други хора да го правят. I've seen other people do it. I've seen other people do it. Бихте ли били така любезен да затворите онзи прозорец? Would you be so kind as to shut that window? Would you be so kind as to close that window? Том лежеше на грб. Tom lay on his back. Tom was lying on his back. Това не е нещо, което съм искал да правя. This isn't something I wanted to do. That's not something I wanted to do. Tom je akýsi unavený. Chce ísť domov. Tom is kind of tired. He wants to go home. Tom is an acýsi unavený. Те ме наричат Боб. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Не може да пушиш в тази стая. You may not smoke in this room. You can't smoke in this room. Том сака ти да го направиш тоа, за да не мора да го прави самиот. Tom wants you to do it so he doesn't have to do it himself. Tom wants you to do it so he doesn't have to do it alone. Кога наминав сабајлево, Том сѐ уште беше по пижами. When I stopped by this morning, Tom was still in his pajamas. When I came by this morning, Tom was still pyjamas. Ще ми разкажеш ли нещо за себе си? Could you tell me something about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Беше делотворно. It was effective. It was effective. Тя ми даде позволение да ползвам речника ѝ. She gave me permission to use her dictionary. She gave me permission to use her vocabulary. Откога изучаваш френски? How long have you been studying French? How long have you studied French? Много добре я познавам. I know her very well. I know her very well. Vybral si pár ponožiek hodiacich sa k jeho obleku. He selected a pair of socks to match his suit. You've been picking up a párnomen walkaich so you can eat your clothes. Кажи му на Том дека не ја познавам Мери. Tell Tom I don't know Mary. Tell Tom I don't know Mary. Zelo vroč dan je. It's a very hot day. It's a very hot day. Оној што ја мие колата е г-дин Џонс. The one washing the car is Mr. Jones. The one who washes the car is Mr. Jones. Том искаше да си ходи, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to go, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Никой не можа да спи в онази нощ. No one could sleep that night. Nobody could sleep that night. Том има голема уста. Tom has a big mouth. Tom's got a big mouth. Сите зборуваа. They all talked. Everyone was talking. Јадењата можат да бидам зачинети без да бидат лути. A dish can be seasoned without becoming spicy. Meals can be eaten without anger. Magdalena študuje na japonskej škole v Łódźi. Magdalena is studying at the Lodz Japanese School. Magdalena is studying Japan's school in Öódʹa. Француски учам. I'm studying French. I'm a French teacher. Продължавайте да копаете. Keep digging. Keep digging. Може да почнеме. We can begin. We can start. Да имаш премногу книги за читање е добра работа. Too many books to read is a good thing. Having too many reading books is a good thing. Това е къщата, в която Том е израснал. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house where Tom grew up. Поздравяваше винаги с поклон. He always bowed when he greeted someone. You always said hello with a present. Колку долго си живеел таму? How long did you live there? How long have you lived there? Од каде се појави? Where did you come from? Where did you come from? Том не кажа многу. Tom didn't say much. Tom didn't say much. Tom obdivuje tvoju odvahu. Tom admires your courage. Tom is raising your oatmeal. Не Том е проблемът. Tom isn't the problem. No, Tom's not the problem. Тя ми е ядосана. She is angry with me. She's mad at me. Том не го купи. Tom didn't buy it. Tom didn't buy it. Том свири и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom plays the guitar, too. Ова многу нервира. This is so annoying. This is very annoying. Трябва да си намерите истинска работа. You need to get a real job. You need to get a real job. Сега трябва да тръгвам. I've got to go now. I have to go now. Том имаше лош ден. Tom had a bad day. Tom had a bad day. Гледам колку си вознемирен. I can see how upset you are. I can see how upset you are. Остани со нас на неколку дена. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Може ли да зборуваме горе? Can I talk to you upstairs? Can we talk upstairs? Тоа не е страшно. That's not scary. That's not scary. Той стои на сцената. He is standing on the stage. He's standing on the stage. Позајмив пари од него. I borrowed money from him. I borrowed money from him. Ќе се вратам за кратко време. I'll be back in a little bit. I'll be back in a little while. Angleščina je jezik, ki ga govorijo po vsem svetu. English is a language spoken throughout the world. English is the language spoken all over the world. Ме убедија да се откажам од пушењето. I was persuaded to stop smoking. They convinced me to quit smoking. Когато пътувам, предпочитам да пътувам по въздух. When I travel, I prefer to travel by air. When I travel, I prefer air travel. Той е просто приятел. He's just a friend. He's just a friend. Должен сум да му помогнам. I have to help him. I have a duty to help him. Можеш ли да дойдеш в девет? Can you come at nine? Can you come by at nine? Бързаме. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Том можеби ќе ни помогне ако го замолиме убаво. Tom might help us if we ask him politely. Tom might be able to help us if we ask him nicely. Мисля, че трябва сама да го прочетеш. I think you should read it yourself. I think you should read it yourself. Том беше брутално убиен. Tom was brutally murdered. Tom was brutally murdered. Понеделник е првиот ден, вторник вториот, и така натаму. Monday is the first day, Tuesday is the second day, and so on. Monday's the first day, Tuesday the second, and so on. Забравих си кредитната карта вкъщи. I forgot my credit card at home. I forgot my credit card at home. Том го велеше тоа. Tom used to say that. Tom used to say that. Тогаш имавме по осумнаесет години. We were eighteen at that time. Then we were 18 years old. Јави се на бројот што ти го дадов. Call the number I gave you. Call the number I gave you. Том се јави за да каже дека не може да дојде да помогне. Tom called to say he can't come to help. Tom called to say he can't come to help. Каква е минималната заплата в Намибия? What's the minimum salary in Namibia? What's the minimum wage in Namibia? Ќе го натерам да оди. I will make him go. I'll get him to go. Се изненадив што е толку лесно. I'm surprised it was that easy. I was surprised it was so easy. Том не сакаше да и го скрши срцето на Мери. Tom didn't want to break Mary's heart. Tom wouldn't break Mary's heart. Куала Лумпур си струва да се посети. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Tom ťa naozaj nemá rád. Tom really doesn't like you. Tom is aware of the nemá rád. Благодарение на победата, тој стана херој. Because of the victory, he became a hero. Thanks to victory, he became a hero. Се надевам дека Том ќе најде среќа во животот. I hope Tom finds happiness in his life. I hope Tom finds happiness in his life. Харесва ли ти този цвят? Do you like this color? Do you like that color? Не знам всичко. I don't know everything. I don't know everything. Аз не разбрах последната дума. I didn't catch the last word. I didn't understand the last word. Ти си моят живот, всичко, което искам и от което се нуждая. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life, everything I want and what I need. Мислев дека го нашле. I thought they found him. I thought they found him. Аз се считам за късметлийка. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. Том не беше параноичен. Tom wasn't paranoid. Tom wasn't paranoid. Требаше порано да се откажеме. We should've quit earlier. We should've given up earlier. Кога сум пробал да ти дадам пари? When did I try to give you money? When did I try to give you money? Трябва да си призная, че се бях разтревожил. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to admit, I was worried. Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш някакви други хотели? Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you recommend some other hotels to me? Бети може да свири на пиано. Betty can play the piano. Betty can play piano. Сестра ми ја прави косата на фризер два или три пати неделно. My sister has her hair done at the hairdresser two or three times a week. My sister makes hair on a freezer two or three times a week. Том беше присутен. Tom was present. Tom was present. Аз имам твоето разписание тук. I have your schedule here. I have your schedule here. Не ми треба кардиограм. I don't need a cardiogram. I don't need a cardiogram. Мислам дека доволно јадевме. I think we've eaten enough. I think we've had enough. Тя е атеист. She is an atheist. She's an atheist. Тя забрави да нахрани кучето си. She forgot to feed her dog. She forgot to feed her dog. Ние учим френски заедно. We study French together. We study French together. Том търчи наоколо като пиле без глава. Tom is running around like a headless chicken. Tom's running around like a chicken without a head. Те го отписаха като изгубен. They gave him up for lost. They wrote it down as lost. Трябва да започнете веднага. You are to start at once. You need to start right now. Не можем да се върнем там. We can't go back there. We can't go back there. Тя каза, че няма да помръдне и инч, без значение кой какво ѝ казва. She will not budge an inch no matter what anyone says. She said she wouldn't move and inch, no matter who told her. Отворени ли ќе бидете вечерва? Are you open tonight? Will you be open tonight? Зошто мора да си оди Том? Why does Tom have to leave? Why does Tom have to go? Открихме къде живее той. We found out where he lives. We found out where he lives. Том запали двигателя. Tom started the engine. Tom started the engine. Том презема. Tom is taking charge. Tom's taking over. Platím v hotovosti. I pay in cash. Plám in heat. Том плува много бързо. Tom swims very fast. Tom's swimming real fast. Ние обичаме крастотата. We love beauty. We love the beauty. Milujete svoju matku? Do you love your mother? You're pitying your stepmother? Можеме да зборуваме со Том. We can talk to Tom. We can talk to Tom. Том е на базен со своите пријатели. Tom is at the pool with his friends. Tom's in the pool with his friends. Този фотоапарат е произведен в Германия. This camera was made in Germany. This camera was produced in Germany. Не се тревожете. Don't worry. Don't worry. Ќе признаам. I'm going to confess. I'll admit it. Ништо не издадов. I didn't give anything away. I didn't betray anything. Монасите порано играле тенис по манастирите. Monks used to play tennis in monasteries. The monks used to play tennis at the convents. Môj otec chodí v nedeľu do kostola. My father goes to church on Sunday. Môj the father-in-law-in-law's way to the bone. Това значеше много за мен. It meant a lot to me. That meant a lot to me. Кој те фризирал? Who did your hair? Who's got you frustrated? Таа нова песна се вика „Лижавче“. That new song is called "Lollipop". That new song is called "Flying." Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том в Бостън. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. Репутацијата му беше загрозена. His reputation was at stake. His reputation was compromised. Пациента припадна от гледката на кръвта. The patient fainted at the sight of blood. The patient fainted from the sight of the blood. Сите сте исти. You're all the same. You're all the same. Ни треба некој добар. We need someone good. We need someone good. Мери сака мода и шминка. Mary likes fashion and makeup. Mary likes fashion and makeup. Се смрачуваше. It was getting dark. You were chilling. Не сакам на сите да им ја упропастам вечерта. I don't want to ruin the evening for everyone. I don't want to ruin everyone's night. Сѐ уште не сум го гледал тој филм. I haven't seen that movie yet. I haven't seen that movie yet. Отидов на бања со Мери. I went to a spa with Mary. I went to the bathroom with Mary. Том не нѐ слуша. Tom can't hear us. Tom doesn't listen to us. Затоа ли не сакаш да ни помогнеш? Is that why you won't help us? Is that why you don't want to help us? Се вратив дома и ѝ кажав на жена ми за работата во Бостон. I went home and told my wife about the job in Boston. I returned home and told my wife about the Boston job. Некои риби знаат да си го променат полот. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change their gender. Tom má daľšie tri psy. Tom has three other dogs. Tom is giving me three dogs. Прибери колата в гаража. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш още едно безалкохолно? Are you sure you don't want another soda? Are you sure you don't want another soda? С какво се занимавате? What is your occupation? What do you do? Ona je učiteľka. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Tom príde tiež. Tom is coming, too. Tom príde is quiet. Мисля, че трябва да кажеш на Том къде си. I think you should tell Tom where you are. I think you should tell Tom where you are. Той кара своя собствена кола. He drives his own car. He's driving his own car. Добре дошъл у дома. Welcome home. Welcome home. Ела, ако можеш. Come if you can. Come if you can. Ова е јаве. This is reality. This is a phone call. Може ли да те снимам? May I take your picture? Can I get a picture of you? Кен има китара. Ken has a guitar. Ken's got a guitar. Секогаш си уморен. You're always tired. You're always tired. На Том може да му се верува. Tom can be trusted. Tom can be trusted. Трябва да отложим честването. We need to postpone the celebration. We have to postpone the celebration. Том сакаше да си оди. Tom wanted to leave. Tom wanted to go. Kravy dávajú mlieko. Cows give milk. Kravy dávajiú mlieka. Тя правеше не особено леки намеци какво иска за Коледа. She's been dropping some not-so-subtle hints about what she would like for Christmas. She wasn't much of a measly hint of what she wanted for Christmas. Чиј состав е ова? Whose paper is this? Whose list is this? Том ја развитка мапата. Tom unfolded the map. Tom developed the map. Тврдокрилците, пеперутките и лебарките се инсекти. Beetles, butterflies and cockroaches are insects. The hardworking, butterfly, and cockroaches are insects. Механичарите би требало да се разбираат во масла и подмачкувачи за мотори. Mechanics should know a lot about oils and lubricants for engines. Mechanics should be understood in oils and motor-busters. Полицијата го најде лешот на Том во плиток гроб позади плевната. The police found Tom's body in a shallow grave behind the barn. The police found Tom's corpse in a shallow grave behind the barn. Светлината избледе. The light faded out. The light faded. Го кривам него. I blame him. I'm hiding him. Ще пее ли Джейн? Will Jane sing? Is Jane gonna sing? Том се гои. Tom is getting fat. Tom's on fire. Беше ужасен ден. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Беше ли со некого? Were you with anyone? Were you with anyone? Защо протестират? Why are they protesting? Why are they protesting? Беше ли искрен? Were you sincere? Was he honest? Конечно си заминаа. They finally left. They're finally gone. Том не беше дома кога јас навратив. Tom wasn't at home when I dropped by. Tom wasn't home when I came by. Зошто ме остави? Why did you dump me? Why did you leave me? Има ли още свободни места? Are any seats still available? Is there more seats available? Сакам да знам зошто ти и Том не се слагате. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. Сигурен сум дека Том не знаел за тоа. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. Очаквах те миналата нощ. I was expecting you last night. I was expecting you last night. Да послушаме. Let's listen. Let's listen. Те молам не кажувај никому каде сум. Please don't let anyone know where I am. Please don't tell anyone where I am. Ова е сѐ што можам. This is all I can do. This is all I can do. Мисля, че ще бъдете изненадан. I think you'd be surprised. I think you'll be surprised. Ве молам, наваму. Please come this way. Please, this way. Ќе се вратиме за некој месец. I'll be back in a few months. We'll be back in a month. Колко епизода на "Уан Пийс" си гледала? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of "Wan Pyce" have you seen? Да почнеме со ова вино. Let's start with this wine. Let's start with this wine. Мисля, че си достатъчно възрастна. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Той разказа неговите необикновени преживявания. He recounted his unusual experiences. He told his extraordinary experiences. Воедно испеков и торта. At the same time, I baked a cake. I baked a cake, too. Не можам да читам без очила. I cannot read without glasses. I can't read without glasses. Мисля, че сега трябва да излезеш. I think you need to leave now. I think you should get out now. Трябва да си почина. I have to take a break. I have to rest. Ty nie si náš priateľ. You are not our friend. Ty doesn't make any sense. Това не е лоша идея. It's not a bad idea. That's not a bad idea. Само што му ја искречивме собата на Том минатата недела. We just had Tom's room painted last week. We just picked up Tom's room last week. Človek pije vodo. The man drinks water. Man drinks water. Зафатен си бил. You have been busy. You've been busy. Познавам твоя баща. I know your father. I know your father. Знам што да учам. I know what to study. I know what to study. Čítal som knihy. I read books. I'm reading som kniy. Ајде да почнеме со Том. Let's start with Tom. Let's start with Tom. Чух Том и Мери да говорят. I heard Tom and Mary talking. I heard Tom and Mary talking. Се прашувам зошто него го одбрале. I wonder why they chose him. I wonder why they chose him. Том вети дека ќе помогне. Tom has promised to help. Tom promised to help. Не се влечкај кога ќе се враќаш дома. Don't dawdle on the way home. Don't drag yourself in when you get home. Чаках я вече един час. I've been waiting for her for an hour. I've been waiting an hour. Френският ми не е добър. I'm not good at French. My French isn't good. Претпочитам јајца од потполошка. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer eggs from a pathological. Ще го пробвам пак. I will try it again. I'm gonna try it again. Том никогаш не ја изгуби надежта. Tom never lost hope. Tom never lost hope. Книгите на Том се преведени на многу јазици. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom’s books have been translated into many languages. Благодаря още веднъж. Thanks again. Thanks again. Искам нещо за ядене. I want something to eat. I want something to eat. Жива душа немаше во градот. Not a soul was to be seen in the town. There was no living soul in the city. Бъди внимателен! Be careful! Be careful! Том знаеше дека нема да ја види Мери никогаш повеќе. Tom knew he'd never see Mary again. Tom knew he'd never see Mary again. В това малко село живеят много учени. Many scientists live in this small village. A lot of scientists live in this small village. Мисля, че трябва да отидеш на погребението на Том. I think you should go to Tom's funeral. I think you should go to Tom's funeral. Фала ти за вчера. Thank you for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Малко съм зает. I'm a little bit busy. I'm a little busy. Тоа ме зачуди. That was surprising. That surprised me. Не би требало да биде претешко да го завршиме извештајот до 2:30. Finishing the report by 2:30 shouldn't be too difficult. It shouldn't be too difficult to complete the report by 2:30. Както и да е, никога няма да разбереш. Anyway, you'll never know. Anyway, you'll never know. Се врати во шест часот. He got back at six. He came back at 6:00. Hovoríš po macedónsky? Do you speak Macedonian? You're going after macedónsky? Имаат семејства. They have families. They have families. Ја запознав девојка ти. I met your girlfriend. I met your girlfriend. Тоа не ме изненадува. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Ти приятел на Том ли си? Are you Tom's friend? Are you Tom's friend? Не играйте бейзбол тук. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. Какво каза тя? What did she say? What did she say? Нема излез. There's no escape. There's no way out. Ќе се видиме попосле. I'm going to see you later. I'll see you later. Зошто се преправаше дека првпат слушаш за Том? Why did you pretend you'd never heard of Tom? Why did you pretend to be the first to hear about Tom? Мислев дека нема да бидеш зафатен. I thought you wouldn't be busy. I didn't think you'd be busy. Ďalší! Another! Öalší! Не знаев кого друг да прашам. I didn't know who else to ask. I didn't know who else to ask. Не е толку длабоко. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Том веројатно излегол. Tom has likely gone out. Tom probably went out. Kdo je to naslikal? Who painted it? Who painted this? Ще стигнем там до час. We'll arrive there within an hour. We'll be there in an hour. Какво ще кажете да си починем? How about taking a rest? How about we take a break? Ајде да го продолжиме разговоров надвор. Now, why don't we continue this conversation outside. Let's continue this conversation outside. Ти си луд да си купиш такова скъпо колело. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such a expensive bike. Том ѝ побара на Мери да го вработи. Tom asked Mary for a job. Tom asked Mary to hire him. Съгласни сме. We agree. We agree. Mám rád čaj. I like tea. Mám rád tea. Искам само пералня. All I want is a washing machine. All I want is a laundromat. Boš navijal zame? Will you cheer for me? You gonna cheer for me? Засмях се на шегата му. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Падам си по такива истории. That kind of story appeals to me. I'm into stories like that. Живеам тука веќе долги години. I've been living here for many years. I've lived here for years. Твърде ниска съм. I am too short. I'm too low. Не зборувај толку гласно. Don't talk so loud. Don't talk so loud. Зошто се противиш? Why do you resist? Why are you resisting? Го добив она што го сакав. I got what I wanted. I got what I wanted. Бих могла да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Ходи си. Go away. Go away. Не можеш да се самоубиеш, задържайки дъха си. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. Аз не мога да си позволя да си купя кола на старо, а да не говорим нова. I can't afford to buy a used car, much less a new one. I can't afford to buy a car old, let alone a new one. Не се издржува жештинава. It's unbearably hot. It doesn't hold on to the heat. Kdo bo vročo čokolado? Who wants hot chocolate? Who's gonna be a hot chocolate? Около трийсет бунтовници са били убити. About thirty insurgents were killed. About thirty rebels were killed. Том е алергичен на полен. Tom has hay fever. Tom's allergic to pollen. Вкъщи ли си си? Are you at home? Are you home? Овој свеќник е многу тежок. This candlestick is very heavy. This candle is very difficult. Има ли некој друг? Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else? Само тргни ми се од патот. Just get out of my way. Just get out of my way. Аз изобщо не разбирам немски. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. Том е готов. Tom is done. Tom's ready. Том пишуваше раскази. Tom wrote stories. Tom was writing stories. Тоа не е доволно добро за мене. That's not good enough for me. That's not good enough for me. На Том немаше да му се допадне тоа. Tom wouldn't have liked that. Tom wouldn't like that. Се заљубив во тебе првиот ден кога те запознав. I fell in love with you the first day we met. I fell in love with you the first day I met you. Том не го направи она што тој му го побара. Tom didn't do what he was asked. Tom didn't do what he asked him to do. Од која причина учиш англиски? For what reason are you learning English? Why do you study English? Ајде да одиме на ручек. Let's go get lunch. Let's go to lunch. Еј, нека не ти биде криво. Hey, don't feel bad. Hey, don't be so bad. Чичо ми никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never wrote letters. Баба му изглежда здрава. His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother looks healthy. Мисля, че знам кой е това. I think I know who it is. I think I know who that is. Вредеше да се проба. It was worth a try. It was worth a try. Што ќе ни се случи? What's going to happen to us? What's gonna happen to us? Не можам да го потврдам тоа. I can't confirm that. I can't confirm that. Вземете си палтото. Get your coat. Get your coat. Сигурно си силен. You must be strong. You must be strong. Ќе бидеш во опасност. You'll be in danger. You'll be in danger. Това, което казват, няма много смисъл. They don't make much sense. What they say doesn't make much sense. Tom a ja sme boli hore celú noc. Tom and I were up all night talking. Tom can't hurt to sleep all night. Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм бил в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I was in Boston. Ja som škaredá. I'm ugly. Yeah, I'm a boxer. Не би сакал да задоцниш. You wouldn't want to be late. I wouldn't want you to be late. Боб ми е приятел. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Прави каквото мислиш, че е правилно. Do whatever you think is right. Do what you think is right. Родният език на Том е френският. Tom's native language is French. Tom's native language is French. Tom spieva. Tom is singing. Tom's sleeping. Јас имам голема фамилија. I have a large family. I have a big family. Забравих му името. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Том обича сирене. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Tom vyzerá stále nespokojný. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. Tom vyzerá stále unretiredý. Не би требало да ни трае долго ова. It shouldn't take us long to finish this. This shouldn't take long. Buď trpezlivý! Be patient. "Boo!" "Boo!" "Boo!" "Boo!" Stretneme sa zajtra? Are we meeting tomorrow? What's the matter with you? Litva je članica Evropske unije. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Накрая той се пречупи. At last he yielded. Finally, he broke. Што правел Том? What has Tom been doing? What was Tom doing? Само те задевав. I was just teasing. I was just teasing you. Имаше пожар в този град миналата нощ. There was a fire in this city last night. There was a fire in this town last night. Безбедно место е. It's in a safe place. It's a safe place. Сега не можам да ги прашам. I can't ask them now. Now I can't ask them. Ще им кажа, че няма да дойда навреме. I'm going to tell them that I won't be there on time. I'll tell them I won't be there in time. Почекај една секунда. Hold on one second. Wait a second. Ќе се погрижам за тоа Том да си ја напише домашната работа. I'll see to it that Tom does his homework. I'll make sure Tom does his homework. Коя е любимата ти анимация? What's your favorite cartoon? What's your favorite animation? Убаво готвиш. You are a good cook. Nice cooking. Ќе ти го дадам своето. Ионака не ми се допаѓа. I'll give you mine. I don't like it anyway. I'll give you mine, and I don't like it anyway. Толкова си повърхностна. You're so shallow. You're so shallow. Не треба да го убедам. I don't need to convince him. I don't have to convince him. Kde je najbližšia reštaurácia? Where's the nearest restaurant? Who's the nearest caterpillar? Квала е в чужбина и ви праща много поздрави. Klava is abroad and sends her regards to you. Kwala is abroad and sends you many greetings. Свалянето приключи. The download is complete. Download's over. Том отключи входната порта. Tom unlocked the front gate. Tom unlocked the front gate. Можеби треба да застанеме. Maybe we should stop. Maybe we should stop. Тука прилича на кочина. It looks like a pigsty in here. It looks like a pig in here. Малку е наглув, значи погласно зборувај. He's somewhat hard of hearing, so please speak louder. He's a little deaf, so talk louder. Ти треба добра жена. You need a good woman. You need a good woman. Морам да се одморам. I must rest. I've got to get some rest. Да дознаеме кој го избодел Том. Let's find out who stabbed Tom. Let's find out who stabbed Tom. Не можех да говоря на френски. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Той даде живота си за своята страна. He gave his life for his country. He gave his life for his country. Да се качим горе и да поговорим. Let's go upstairs and talk. Let's go upstairs and talk. Nový zákon obmedzil občianske slobody. The new law has deprived the citizens of their liberty. Nový zákon meddled the coastal Slobody. И двамата са живи. Both are alive. They're both alive. Убеден съм, че Том разбира френски. I'm pretty sure Tom understands French. I'm sure Tom understands French. Slnko svieti. The sun is shining. Lighten up. Имаш осип. You've got a rash. You've got a rash. Boli sme niekde inde. We were somewhere else. It's supposed to hurt indemnity. Обичам купони. I love parties. I love parties. Зарем е возможно само ова да го има? Can this be all there is? Is this all it's possible to have? Што можеш да очекуваш? What can you expect? What can you expect? Ајде да зборуваме. Let's talk. Let's talk. Жалам, но грешиш. I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Во ред беше тука. It was all right here. It was okay here. Забавлявай се. Have fun. Have fun. Другата неделя ще заминаваш за Лондон, нали? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, aren't you? Спремен сум да надоместам. I'm ready to make amends. I'm ready to make up for it. Асистентът ми заплаши, че ще напусне. My assistant threatened to quit. My assistant threatened to leave. Дури ни таа не ме разбира. Even she doesn't understand me. She doesn't even understand me. Што повеќе работи имам, толку повеќе ќе треба да чистам. The more things I have, the more I am going to have to clean. The more things I have, the more I have to clean. Не бъди толкова мързелив. Don't be so lazy. Don't be so lazy. Кога последен пат си зборувал со Том? When did you last talk to Tom? When was the last time you talked to Tom? Обичаш ли музиката? Do you love music? Do you like music? Том излезе надвор. Tom stepped outside. Tom went outside. Кутиите од картон се кршливи. The cardboard boxes are fragile. Card boxes are fragile. Никогаш ништо не велам, иако ме нервира. I never say anything, even though it gets on my nerves. I never say anything, even if it pisses me off. Nemám nič viac než desať anglických učebníc. I have no more than ten English textbooks. I don't have any viscosity for the desať anglických edčebníc. Те здоболе, така? You don't give a shit, do you? You're sick, aren't you? Ти ли ми ги купи тие? Did you buy me those? Did you buy me those? Каквото и да правиш, не можеш да заставиш човек да повярва в нещо, още по-малко пък себе си. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Whatever you do, you can't force a man to believe in anything less than yourself. Келнерот беше груб. The waiter was insolent. The waiter was rough. За следващи запитвания,не се притеснявайте да се свържете с нас на безплатният ни телефон 0120-00-0000. For further inquiries, please feel free to contact us toll-free at 0120-00-0000. For further questions, do not worry to contact us on our free phone 0120-00-00-00. Том изгледаше изнервирано. Tom seemed annoyed. Tom looked pissed off. Няма проблеми. There are no problems. No problem. Таа појде со него во Бостон. She went with him to Boston. She went with him to Boston. Ние веднага станахме приятели. We immediately became friends. We immediately became friends. Умирам да видя Париж. I'm dying to see Paris. I'm dying to see Paris. Помниш ли какво каза тя? Do you remember what she said? Remember what she said? Помешајте ги сите состојки во садот. Combine all the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Mix all ingredients in the bowl. Том се поправи. Tom corrected himself. Tom's getting better. Защо трябва да уча френски? Why should I learn French? Why do I have to study French? Dobrá práca. It's well done. It's a good shower. Мислам дека нема да можам да го положам тестот. I don't think I'll be able to pass the test. I don't think I can pass the test. Защо Том не е на училище? Why isn't Tom at school? Why isn't Tom at school? Никогаш не сум видел дебел веган. I've never seen a fat vegan. I've never seen a fat vegan. Сакаш ли да дојдам кај тебе? Do you want to come over? Do you want me to come to you? Обичам костенурките. I love turtles. I love turtles. Фала однапред. Thanks in advance. Thank you in advance. Натерај го да признае! Make him confess! Make him admit it! За толкова глупав ли ме имаш? Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you think I'm that stupid? Затова ли не искаше да дойдеш с мен? Is this the reason you didn't want to come with me? Is that why you didn't want to come with me? Teraz musím ísť. I've got to go now. Teraz musím íll. Ще бъда до теб, ако тръгнеш да го правиш. I'll stand behind you if you are going to do it. I'll be by your side if you go and do it. Испитот опфаќаше математика, физика и хемија. The exam included mathematics, physics and chemistry. The trial involved mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Мислев дека Том нема да сака никаква помош. I thought Tom wouldn't want any help. I didn't think Tom would want any help. Не ми прави мили очи. Don't get cute with me. Don't make me look good. Се задевам. I'm teasing. I'm having a hard time. Джон ли си? Are you John? Are you John? Сите те чекаат тебе. Everybody's waiting for you. Everyone's waiting for you. Той е един вид звезда. He is something of a celebrity. He's a kind of star. Обратите в сценария бяха предсказуеми. The plot twists were predictable. The brothers in the script were predictable. Ние се запознахме в Лондон. We got to know each other in London. We met in London. Забравих да сложа марка на плика. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. I forgot to put a brand on the envelope. Таа го купи тоа во месарница. She bought it at the butcher's. She bought it at the butcher shop. Можам да ти викнам такси. I could call a taxi for you. I can call you a cab. Пробај само. Just give it a shot. Just try it. Ова ми се родителите. These are my parents. These are my parents. Тоа е сѐ што знаеме за нив. That's all we know about them. That is all we know about them. Страхувах се, че няма да успея да го направя като хората. I was afraid I might not be able to do it correctly. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it like people do. Не сакав да го кажам тоа. I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to say that. Том и помогна на Мери да избега од затвор. Tom helped Mary escape from jail. Tom helped Mary get away from prison. Ti si bil, kajne? It was you, wasn't it? It was you, wasn't it? Прочети го отново, ако обичаш. Read it again, please. Read it again, please. Не ми треба кревет. I don't need a bed. I don't need a bed. Понякога ми свършват парите. Sometimes I run out of money. Sometimes I run out of money. Той е много по-стар от Кен. He is much older than Ken. He's much older than Ken. Ти изтрещя ли? Are you nuts? Did you blow it? Не бих се изненадала. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Фала ти што намина. Thank you for coming by. Thanks for coming by. Сакам малку да направам муабет со тебе за Том. I want to have a little chat with you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. Имаш ли малку време? Do you have a minute? Do you have a minute? Водих си дневних на френски през последните три години. I've kept a diary in French for the past three years. I've been having a French journal for the last three years. Ти си съгласен с Том, нали? You agree with Tom, don't you? You agree with Tom, don't you? Том сакаше да се распакува. Tom wanted to unpack. Tom wanted to unpack. Zdeo se je, da jo je vprašanje presenetilo. She seemed surprised by the question. The question seemed to surprise her. Како се образува множина од именки? How do you form the plural of nouns? How is a multitude of names formed? Защо не вдигнеш? Why don't you answer? Why don't you pick up? Ќе те проверам после. I'll check in with you later. I'll check on you later. Брани се. Defend yourself. Marriage. Това е семейството ми. This is my family. This is my family. Можеме да побараме во речник. We can look it up. We can look in a dictionary. Том воопшто не е сличен на брат му. Tom isn't at all like his brother. Tom is nothing like his brother. Том не изгледаше зафатено. Tom didn't seem busy. Tom didn't seem busy. Може ли да им викнеш помош? Can you get help for them? Can you get them some help? Tom nevedel, kde je jeho pero. Tom didn't know where his pen was. Tom didn't know where the faucet was. Трябва да работиш усърдно. You should work hard. You have to work hard. Хайде да говорим на френски. Let's speak in French. Let's talk French. Можеме да зборуваме за тоа. We can talk about it. We can talk about it. Том си ја откопча јакната. Tom unbuttoned his jacket. Tom opened his jacket. Никој не отиде таму. Nobody went there. Nobody went there. Това не е нещо, което мисля, че мога да направя. It's not something I think I can do. That's not something I think I can do. Сакам некого друг. I want somebody else. I love someone else. Давам сѐ од себе. I'm trying my best. I'm doing my best. Нема да му готвам. I won't cook for him. I'm not cooking for him. На сликата се гледаат шишиња со разновидни зеленчукови масла. In the photo, some bottles with different types of vegetable oils are seen. The picture shows bottles of various vegetable oils. Гледајте наваму. Look this way. Look this way. Не зборувај со никого. Don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone. Много време мина от последната толкова хубава изненада за мен. It's been a long time since I had such a pleasant surprise. It's been a long time since the last such a nice surprise to me. Со кого живееш? Who do you live with? Who do you live with? Ѝ тргнало. She's on a roll. She's on her way. Сигурен сум дека намерите ти се чисти. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are clean. Пази малку, Том. Watch it there, Tom. Take care of yourself, Tom. Том воздивна. Tom sighed. Tom sighed. Pes utekal za králikom. The dog ran after the rabbit. The dog ran behind the chute. Бог създаде човека по свой образ и подобие. God created man in his own image. God created man in his image and likeness. Musíme brať do úvahy želania celej rodiny v plánovaní výletu. We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip. Musíme brať to úvahy gelatine whole Rodiny in plánovaní výlet. Kupil je nov par rokavic. He bought a pair of new gloves. He bought a new pair of gloves. Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлив. A hug from you would make me happy. A hug from you will make me happy. Не съм ти давал разрешение да напуснеш. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Откога сте в България? How long have you been in Bulgaria? How long have you been in Bulgaria? Направив телефонски повик. I made a phone call. I made a phone call. Často som spávala na lavičke, keď som bola bezdomovkyňa. I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. I honored smooching on the lavenders, a som sick madky's. Навистина е топло. It sure is hot. It's really warm. Само најди ги. Just find them. Just find them. Христофор Колумб бил известен с това, че често заглушавал будилника си, като го удрял с юмрук. За нещастие, будилникът му обикновено бил първият му помощник-капитан. Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate. Christopher Columbus was famous for often contaminating his alarm clock by hitting him with a fist. Unfortunately, his alarm clock was usually his first assistant captain. Том се испијани со текила. Tom got drunk on tequila. Tom was drunk with tequila. Нямам идея кой е той. I have no idea who he is. I have no idea who he is. Хайде! Ще закъснеем. Come on! We'll be late. Come on, we're gonna be late. Аз никога не бих го наранил. I'd never hurt him. I would never hurt him. Кен не тичаше. Ken wasn't running. Ken wasn't running. Аз мисля така. I think so. I think so. Том си ги испружи рацете. Tom put his arms out. Tom put his hands out. Ще го имам предвид. I'll take that into consideration. I'll keep that in mind. Мисля, че това е мотоциклетът на Том. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. I think this is Tom's motorcycle. Kaj si misliš o recikliranju? What do you think about recycling? What do you think about recycling? Зборувај со него. Talk to him. Talk to him. Dom je malý. The house is small. The home is malý. Началното училище ще бъде задължително. Elementary education shall be compulsory. The primary school will be mandatory. Имаме едно правило тука. We've got one rule around here. We have one rule here. Радвам се, че си доволен. I'm happy you're happy. I'm glad you're happy. Можам подобро од тоа. I can do better than that. I can do better than that. Имаш среќа што не те каснав. You're lucky because he didn't bite you. You're lucky I didn't bite you. Наистина съм доста зает. I'm really quite busy. I'm really pretty busy. Штотуку ми заврши работното време. I just got off duty. I've just finished my work hours. Пипаше нешто? Did you touch something? Did you write anything? Колку стомачни да правам дневно? How many sit-ups should I do a day? How many stomachs do I do daily? Том имаше уште неколку работи за кажување. Tom had a few more things he wanted to say. Tom had a few more things to say. Пациентите често умират просто защото се огъват пред техните болести. Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases. Patients often die simply because they bend before their illnesses. Знам дека Том не играл чесно. I know Tom cheated. I know Tom didn't play fair. Най-добрият начин да предскажете бъдещето е да го изобретите. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Зошто не можеш да земеш? Why can't you get one? Why can't you take it? Те бяха захвърлени на забравен остров. They were stranded on a deserted island. They were dumped on a forgotten island. Ова е веќе проблем. This is a problem. This is already a problem. Какви игри сакаш да играш? What games do you like to play? What kind of games do you want to play? Мораш да ми простиш. You must forgive me. You have to forgive me. Трябва да напуснеш веднага. You should leave immediately. You have to leave now. Разбрах за твоето парти. I heard about your party. I heard about your party. Konečne je to všetko za nami. It is finally all over. Finally, it's a screw-up behind us. Том реши, че историята на Мери е интересна. Tom found Mary's story interesting. Tom thought Mary's story was interesting. Ништо не е пожалосно од глупавоста и безразличноста. Nothing is more sad than stupidity and apathy. Nothing is sadder than stupidity and indifference. Видя ли, нали ти казах, че Том не може да плува. See, I told you Tom couldn't swim. See, I told you Tom couldn't swim. Ta riba je neužitna. That fish is not edible. This fish is invulnerable. Ризичен план е. It's a risky plan. It's a risk plan. Том ме послуша. Tom listened to me. Tom listened to me. Се надевам дека ти и Том нема да бидете премногу разочарани. I hope you and Tom won't be too disappointed. I hope you and Tom aren't too disappointed. Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че френският му е роден. Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker. Many people, hearing Tom speak French, decide that his French was born. Ги надвика своите соученици. He outshouted his classmates. He's outsmarted his classmates. Ова не е твој проблем туку мој. This is not your problem, it is mine. This isn't your problem, it's mine. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш ти да караш? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Том се беше направил дрво. Tom was totally wasted. Tom was building a tree. Ќе помагам во потрагата по Том. I'll help find Tom. I'll help with the search for Tom. Имам одлична идеја. I have a splendid idea. I have a great idea. Тоа би било чудно. That would be weird. That would be weird. Мислех, че ще сте уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Не плачи. С реване нищо няма да оправиш. Don't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything. Don't cry. Мислам дека те излажале. I think you've been lied to. I think they lied to you. Искаш ли да повторя въпроса? Do you wish me to repeat the question? Do you want me to repeat the question? Ни понестана храна. We ran short of food. Not even a bit of food. Тој е исто така писател. He's a writer, too. He's also a writer. Môj priateľ podľahol zraneniu. My friend died from a wound. I don't care. I don't care. Още много има да се прави. Much still remains to be done. There's a lot more to do. Ние се редувахме да караме. We took turns driving. We took turns driving. Губите си времето, опитвайки се да го убедите. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. Невозможно ми е да одговорам на прашањето. It is impossible for me to answer the question. I can't answer the question. Мислам дека требаше да побарам помош. I think I should've asked for help. I think I should've asked for help. Стой настрани от мен. Keep away from me. Stay away from me. Дарих кръв този следобед. I donated blood this afternoon. I gave blood this afternoon. Направих на Ан кукла. I made Ann a doll. I made Anne a doll. Тоа не се толку многу. That's not so many. That's not so much. Много животни са били унищожени от хората. Many animals have been destroyed by men. Many animals have been destroyed by humans. Какво ще кажеш да вечеряме заедно? How about having dinner together? How about we have dinner together? Треба да носиш шлем додека возиш мотор. You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. You should wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle. Имам голем интерес да научам кинески. I am very interested in learning Chinese. I have great interest in learning Chinese. Si ako tvoja sestra. You're like your sister. You're your sister. Не можем да живеем със 150 000 йени месечно. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. We can't live with 150,000 yen a month. Нито Том, Нито Мери ги бива в готвенето. Both Tom and Mary aren't very good at cooking. Neither Tom nor Mary are good at cooking. Защо не му вземем бутилка вино? Why don't we take him a bottle of wine? Why don't we get him a bottle of wine? Имаш ли пари изобщо? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money at all? To nie je umenie. To je vagína so zubami. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. That doesn't change, it's vaginas. Дај му нешто за јадење. Give him something to eat. Give him something to eat. Том погледна нагоре кон мене. Tom looked up at me. Tom looked up at me. Ako sa voláš? What is your name? If you vote? Само остави нѐ на раат. Just let us be. Just leave us alone. Можеби е време за промена. Maybe it's time for a change. Maybe it's time for a change. Децата ти знаят ли френски? Do your children know French? Do your kids know French? Том вели дека не бил болен никогаш во животот. Tom says he's never been sick a day in his life. Tom says he's never been sick in his life. Том не би бил толкова глупав. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Той се научи да плува. He learned how to swim. He learned how to swim. Знам што ти е важно тебе и ќе дадам сѐ од себе да го уништам. I know what you love and I'll do everything I can in order to destroy it. I know what matters to you, and I will do my best to destroy it. По това се разбира неговото невежество. This fact accounts for his ignorance. By that, of course, his ignorance. В Лондон всичко е скъпо. Everything is expensive in London. In London, it's all expensive. Кейт гледа куче. Kate keeps a dog. Kate's looking at a dog. Аз нямам ли права? Don't I have any rights? Don't I have a right? Чух какво се е случило с Том. I heard about what happened to Tom. I heard what happened to Tom. Том пиеше во тишина. Tom drank in silence. Tom was drinking in silence. Ти си проблем. You're a problem. You're a problem. Кажи ми каде да го најдам. Tell me where I can find him. Tell me where to find him. Сѐ уште не смеам да ти кажам. I can't tell you yet. I can't tell you yet. Кажи му на Том дека наскоро ќе се вратам дома. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. Той нахлу в стаята с без да сваля палтото си. He rushed into the room with his coat on. He broke into the room without taking off his coat. Zopakuj svoje meno! Repeat your name! Pack your men up! Vy ste policajt? Are you a policeman? Are you a cop? Чух някой да казва, че Том е болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom is sick. Пет дена след като тя завърши, дъщеря ми отлетя от летище Осака към Германия. It was five days after she graduated that my daughter left Osaka Airport for Germany. Five days after she finished, my daughter flew from Osaka Airport to Germany. Сфаќаш? Get it? Do you understand? Май трябва да го оставиш да се пече още малко. It looks like you need to cook this a bit longer. Maybe you should let him bake a little more. Харесва ли ти да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Пополни го формуларот. Fill out the form. Fill in the form. Можеш да се послужиш со оваа кола. You can use this car. You can use this car. Том е професионален бейзболист. Tom is a professional baseball player. Tom's a professional baseball player. Морално ли е тоа? Is this ethical? Is that moral? Ова е тешкичко. This is tricky. This is difficult. Аз не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. Само малко ревнувам. I'm a little bit jealous. I'm just a little jealous. Остави ме да се сосредоточам. Let me concentrate. Let me focus. Urobil skúšku. He passed the exam. Urobil skushkushk. Môj pes pohrýzol Toma. My dog bit Tom. Môj dog pohrýsol Toma. Том сѐ уште не може да разговара со нас. Tom can't talk to us yet. Tom can't talk to us yet. Може ли да дојдам со Том? Can I come with Tom? Can I go with Tom? Том припаѓа тука. Tom belongs here. Tom belongs here. Би бил скршен. I'd be devastated. He'd be broken. Аз нямам нищо. I don't have anything. I don't have anything. Кен ми се обажда всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Еден е животот. You only live once. One is life. Кој ќе ја плати киријата? Who'll pay the rent? Who's gonna pay the rent? Би можел ли да не однесеш? Can you give us a lift? Could you take us? Имам право на личен живот. I have a right to my private life. I have a right to a personal life. Закъсняхте. You are late. You're too late. Официалното обявяване на война не е в стила на Америка от 1942 година насам. Formal declarations of war haven't been America's style since 1942. The official declaration of war hasn't been in America since 1942. Немаме цела недела. We don't have a week. We don't have all week. Не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. Немам дом во којшто би можел да се вратам. I have no home to return to. I don't have a home I could go back to. Кажи ми ако си фатиш дечко. Tell me if you find a boyfriend. Tell me if you get a boyfriend. Оваа тема е табу. This subject is taboo. This topic is taboo. Не те виня. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Веќе си фатила нов дечко. She already has a new boyfriend. You've already got a new boyfriend. Bola tam asi tisícka ľudí. As many as a thousand people were there. Bola there tisícka judí. Колку долго треба да се пие овој лек? How long should I take this medicine? How long is this medicine to be taken? Подгответе се за най-лошото. Prepare for the worst. Prepare for the worst. Обично не сум на работа во понеделник. I'm not usually in the office on Mondays. I don't usually go to work on Monday. Podaj mi, prosím, cukor. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me, please, you piece of shit. Винаги закъсняваш. You are always late. You're always late. Черното ти отива. Black suits you. The black is good for you. Американците са много дружелюбни хора. Americans are very friendly people. Americans are very friendly people. Chce ju pobozkať. He wants to kiss her. They're plentiful. Той прокле съдбата ѝ. He cursed her fate. He cursed her fate. Да ме свалиш ли се опитваш? Are you trying to hit on me? Are you trying to take me down? Држи се до планот. Stick to your plan. Hold on to the plan. Самолетите прелетяха над селото. The planes flew over the village. The planes flew over the village. Просто не можех да кажа "не". I just couldn't say no. I just couldn't say no. Мисля, че Том прилича на Джон. I think Tom looks like John. I think Tom looks like John. Донеси ми списанията. Bring me the magazines. Bring me the magazines. Харесва ли Ви Япония? How do you like Japan? Do you like Japan? Дай ми и малко захар. Give me some sugar, too. Give me some sugar. Том се изнервира. Tom became frustrated. Tom's pissed off. Говоря ти като приятел. I'm speaking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a friend. Кој ти е шеф? Who's your boss? Who's your boss? Ме немаше само еден час. I was only gone an hour. I've only been gone an hour. Аз съм от онези хора, които се притесняват пред хора, затова не умея да държа речи. I'm the type who gets nervous in front of people, so I'm bad at speech making. I'm one of those people who's worried about people, so I can't keep talking. Сѐ уште мислам на неа. I'm still thinking about her. I'm still thinking about her. Тоа не можам да го оспорам. I can't argue with that. I can't put up with that. На нея ѝ харесват къси поли. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. Muž pracuje vo svojej kancelárii. The man works in his office. The fly is puzzling into his cancelária. Stroj bol pokrytí prachom. The machine was coated with dust. The machine hurts the pharaoh. Том отрча во вецето. Tom rushed into the bathroom. Tom ran into the bathroom. Том ја затвори фиоката. Tom shut the drawer. Tom closed the drawer. За мен е чест да бъда тук. I'm honored to be here. It's an honor to be here. Меѓу другари си. You're with friends. You're between friends. Том е зафатен со своето истражување. Tom is busy with his research. Tom's busy doing his research. Недей да напълняваш. Don't get fat. Don't get fat. Сакам класот да молчи. I want the class to be silent. I want the class to keep quiet. "Riž in kvinoja sta varni žiti" je rekla Mary. "Rice and quinoa are safe grains," said Mary. "What? Why?" said Tom. "Rain and quinoa are safe grains," said Mary. Имаме малък шанс за успех. We have only a slender chance of success. We have a small chance of success. Како дошло тоа таму горе? How did that get up there? How did that get up there? Сите ја мразевме. We all hated her. We all hated her. Няма да имат шанс. They won't get the chance. They won't have a chance. Ще посетя баба си в болницата. I'm visiting my grandmother in the hospital. I'm going to visit my grandmother at the hospital. Je dvanásť hodín. It's twelve o'clock. It's a sophomore. Зошто ги нападна? Why did you attack them? Why did you attack them? Jeme jablká. We are eating apples. It's yablká. Не би сакал да зборувам за неа. I'd rather not discuss her. I don't want to talk about her. В един кюп сме! We're on the same boat. We're in one kup! Ти си дел од нашиот тим. You're part of our team. You're part of our team. Тя обича ли портокали? Does she like oranges? Does she love oranges? Верувај во науката! Believe in science! Believe in science! On veľa čítal. He read a lot. He's more of a member. Не одам и точка. I'm not going, and that's that. I'm not going on a dot. Еве сега ги барам. I'm looking for them right now. Here's what I'm looking for. Том не обича шах. Tom doesn't like chess. Tom doesn't like chess. Пробав да го натерам да дојде. I tried to get him to come. I tried to get him to come. Pôjdeme pešo. We'll go on foot. Pôme on foot. Любопитно ми е. I am curious. I'm curious. Виждала съм те по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Том примами мишката от дупката на стената с парченце хляб. Tom coaxed the mouse out of the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Tom lures the mouse from the hole in the wall with a piece of bread. Што не одиш да ги најдеш? Why don't you go find them? Why don't you go find them? Brnknem im zajtra ked príd´em domov. I'll ring them tomorrow when I come home. I don't care why I don't go home. Пази го ова. Get a load of this. Watch this. Колку знаеш за нив? How much do you know about them? How much do you know about them? Zavolám ti za pár minút. I will call you in a few minutes. For your pár minút. Току-що свърших да правя домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished doing my French homework. Правиме скоро се заедно. We do almost everything together. We're doing it together soon. Можеби не бев јасен. Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. Maybe I wasn't clear. Сѐ изгледаше во ред. Everything looked OK. Everything seemed fine. Том се върна до колата си и взе фенерче. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom went back to his car and took a flashlight. Si res naredil to zastonj? Did you really do that for free? Did you really do this for free? С малко добра воля от двете страни нашите проблеми би трябвало да могат да бъдат разрешени. With a bit of good will on both sides, our problems should be able to be resolved. With a little good will on both sides, our problems should be able to be resolved. Го обожавам ритамот на погребните маршеви. I love the rhythm of funeral marches. I love the rhythm of funeral marches. Јас не замислувам забава така, но како сакаш. That's not my idea of fun, but whatever floats your boat. I don't imagine a party like that, but whatever you want. Загрижен сум за твоето здравје. I'm worried about your health. I'm worried about your health. Ще трябва да откажа тази молба. I have to deny that request. I'm going to have to refuse this request. Брза е услугата. The service is fast. Quick is the favor. Трябва да сложа край на това. I have to stop this. I have to put an end to this. Ty nepočúvaš. You're not listening. You don't understand. Той няма велосипед. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Том беше забавен лик. Tom was fun. Tom was a funny guy. Том свири също и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom plays the guitar, too. Спри. Боли. Stop. It hurts. Stop, it hurts. Nič nové pod slnkom. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the shadow. Прашањето е како Том го направил тоа. The question is how did Tom do it. The question is how Tom did it. В този район няма плаж. There is no beach in this area. There's no beach in this area. Напълни го с обикновен, ако обичаш. Fill it with regular, please. Fill it with ordinary, please. Не беше ли уморен? Weren't you tired? Wasn't he tired? Želim se učiti havajščino. I want to learn Hawaiian. I want to learn Czech. Собава е преполна. This room is cramped. Room's packed. На Том му е удобно. Tom's comfortable. Tom's comfortable. Изборът на примерно изречение не беше добър. The choice of example sentence wasn't wise. The choice of an example sentence was not good. Има некој на прагот. There's someone at the doorway. There's someone on the doorstep. Бети го уби. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Bil je idol. He was an idol. It was an idol. Не му остава много живот. He doesn't have long to live. He doesn't have a lot of life left. Том ще отсъства една седмица. Tom won't be back for a week. Tom's going to be away for a week. Каква е минималната заплата в Съединените щати? What's the minimum salary in the United States? What is the minimum wage in the United States? Печурките содржат значителни количества минерали. Mushrooms contain significant amounts of minerals. The mushrooms contain significant amounts of minerals. Ще ме научиш ли да говоря френски? Can you teach me French? Will you teach me to speak French? Ще ти дам този фотоапарат. I'll give you this camera. I'll give you this camera. Каква е минималната заплата във Финландия? What's the minimum salary in Finland? What's the minimum wage in Finland? Да им се јавиме ли? Should we call them? Should we call them? Само влези внатре. Just get inside. Just go inside. Не смееш вака да постапуваш со мене. You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like this. Ужасно е скъпо. It's awfully expensive. It's terribly expensive. Том само слушаше. Tom just listened. Tom was just listening. Застанаа. They stopped walking. They stopped. Светът е изправен пред проблема със замърсяването на околната среда. The world is confronted with the problem of environmental pollution. The world is facing the problem of environmental pollution. Още не съм си сложил якето. I haven't put on the jacket yet. I haven't put on my jacket yet. Не е расположен. He's not in the mood. He's not in the mood. Зошто треба да ме интересира што правиш ти? Why should I be interested in what you're doing? Why should I be interested in what you're doing? Нема да ги чекам. I'm not going to wait for them. I won't wait for them. Дай си ми я! Give it back! Give it to me! Какво е на дневен ред? What's on the agenda? What's on the agenda? Tom má svoje vlastné problémy. Tom has his own problems. Tom can't afford his own problémy. Том нема да може да ти помогне. Tom won't be able to help you. Tom won't be able to help you. Само една чаша испив. I had only one drink. I only had one glass. Не можам да престанам да мислам на нив. I can't get them out of my mind. I can't stop thinking about them. Ne morem ti poslati vabila. I cannot send you the invitation. I can't send you an invitation. Не пушете в тоалетната. Don't smoke in the toilet. You don't smoke in the bathroom. Неговото начинание се провали заради липса на средства. His undertaking failed for lack of funds. His endeavor failed because of lack of resources. Не се оставяй това да те притеснява. Don't let it bother you. Don't let that bother you. Govoril je v polomljeni angleščini, ki jo je bilo težko razumeti. He spoke in a broken English that was hard to understand. He spoke in broken English, which was hard to understand. Тази година пролетта закъснява. Spring is late this year. This spring is late. Добре ли говориш френски? Do you speak French well? You speak French all right? Ние изкачихме стръмния склон. We climbed the steep slope. We climbed the steep slope. Nemám bicykla. I don't have a bicycle. I can't do that. Том е наметлив. Tom's pushy. Tom's grumpy. Наркотиците са рак на съвременното общество. Drugs are a cancer of modern society. Drugs are the cancer of modern society. Тя дори не беше там. She wasn't even there. She wasn't even there. Тој спаси морнар. He saved a sailor. He saved a sailor. Трябва да откажеш пушенето. You should quit smoking. You have to quit smoking. Контролирайте емоциите си. Control your emotions. Control your emotions. Однесете ме до хотелот Хилтон. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Том продолжи да вежба. Tom kept practicing. Tom kept practicing. Гледај го цртежон. Look at that drawing. Look at the cartoon. Какво бихте искали? What would you like? What would you like? Се обидувам да не се секирам. I try not to worry. I'm trying not to worry. Защо не сте тук? Why aren't you here? Why aren't you here? Најверојатно е точно. It's probably right. It's probably true. Не сакав јас така. That's not the way I wanted it. I didn't mean it like that. Што е со тебе и него? What is it with you and him? What about you and him? Изобщо не говоря френски. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak French at all. V tej sobi je deset ljudi. There are ten people in this room. There's ten people in this room. Търся банка. Има ли някоя наблизо? I'm looking for a bank. Is there one near here? I'm looking for a bank. Веќе напишав сѐ што требаше да се напише. I've already written everything that needs to be written. I already wrote down everything that was to be written. Не трябва да се вреш в работата на другите. You shouldn't interfere in other people's business. You don't have to get involved in other people's work. Не можам да поднесам да го гледам. I can't bear to look at him. I can't stand to see him. Джак говори английски. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. Не откраднах нищо. I didn't steal anything. I didn't steal anything. Том няма да има шанс. Tom won't have a chance. Tom won't have a chance. Донеси си ја кутијата со алати. Bring your tool box. Get your toolbox. Млякото вкисна. The milk turned sour. It's milky. Кратка разходка по плажа ми донесе апетит за закуска. A short stroll along the beach gave me a good appetite for breakfast. A short walk on the beach brought me an appetite for breakfast. Се има свој звук. Everything has its sound. It's all sound. Девојката што работи во пекарата е слатка. The girl that works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works in the bakery is cute. Не ми се прави това сега. I don't feel like doing that now. I don't want to do this right now. Том каза, че ще дойдеш. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Моля ви, позволете ми аз да платя. Please let me pay. Please let me pay. Том е добар танчер. Tom is a good dancer. Tom's a good dancer. Коя ти харесва повече, кока-колата или пепсито? Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi? Who do you like better, coke or Pepsi? Ајде пак! Do it again! Let's do it again! Том не може да забрави първия път, когато той и Мери се скараха сериозно. Tom can't forget the time he and Mary had their first big argument. Tom can't forget the first time he and Mary had a serious fight. Том не се однесува како типичен професор на факултет. Tom doesn't act like the typical college professor. Tom doesn't act like a typical college professor. Volal som ťa. I called you. He was going to a som class. Всичките им тайни бяха разкрити. All their secrets have been revealed. All their secrets were revealed. Това е сложен проблем. It's a complex problem. That's a complicated problem. Му го препратив на Том распоредот што ми го прати ти. I forwarded the schedule you sent me to Tom. I sent Tom the schedule you sent me. Hľadám svojich priateľov. I'm looking for my friends. I want to be my friend. Hocikedy mi môžeš zavolať. You can call me any time. Hocickedy, you're talking to me. Том отбеляза три точки. Tom scored three points. Tom scored three points. Искаш да купиш тази пола. You want to buy this skirt. You want to buy that skirt. Не требаше да изедам толку сладолед. I shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. I shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. Морам да останам тука. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Интересен си. You're interesting. You're interesting. Никога не съм виждал кит наживо. I've never seen a live whale. I've never seen a whale alive. О Господи. Закъснявам за уроци. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. Oh, my God, I'm late for class. С всяка година разходите ми нарастват. My living expense is rising year by year. Every year, my expenses are growing. Не ја наоѓам формулата. I don't find the formula. I can't find the formula. Том си ја мрази работата. Tom hates his job. Tom hates his job. Те молам, остани во близина. Please stay close by. Please stay close. To je zastaralé. It's obsolete. It's getting old. Чекам да се смени семафорот. I'm waiting for the light to change. Waiting for the traffic lights to change. On bol vo Fráncuzsku. He was in France. He's sick at the Fráncuzsk. Навака. This way. This way. Те вдигнаха голям купон за мен. They gave a big party for me. They had a big party for me. Чух нещо отвън. I heard something outside. I heard something outside. Prosim, nehaj. Please stop. Please stop. Не разбрах смешката. I didn't get his joke. I didn't understand the smile. Што пиеш? What're you drinking? What are you drinking? Оваа зграда има громобран. This building has a lightning rod. This building has thunderbolts. Тя не може да кара ски. She can't ski. She can't ski. Том иде. Tom is on his way. Tom's coming. Обичам да се занимавам с градинарство. I love gardening. I like gardening. Ще взема моята кола. I'll take my car. I'll take my car. Одбери едно. Choose one. Pick one. Мерак ми е да поранувам. I like to be early. I'm trying to hurt myself. Моля затворете вратата когато излизате. Please close the door when you leave. Please close the door when you're out. Виждал съм ви да правите невероятни неща. I've seen you do amazing things. I've seen you do amazing things. Иска ми се да ми го беше казала по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd told me that earlier. Не се согласувам со тоа. I disagree with that. I don't agree with that. Том е најверојатно во ред. Tom is probably OK. Tom's probably okay. Má na sebe klobúk. She's wearing a hat. It's got a klubúk on it. Мислам дека Том е богат. I think Tom is rich. I think Tom's rich. Заседа беше. It was an ambush. It was an ambush. Том отпатува до Бостон. Tom took a trip to Boston. Tom's on his way to Boston. Ние не сме сигурни какво се е случило. We're not sure what happened. We're not sure what happened. Не чувам нищо. I don't hear anything. I can't hear anything. Modlili ste sa. You were praying. You were in a hurry. Бебето спеше дълбоко. The baby was fast asleep. The baby slept deep. Не ми пречи. It doesn't bother me. I don't mind. Ги наместив. I framed them. I set them up. Ќе си го земам пиштолот. I'm going to get my gun. I'm gonna get my gun. За нас ли ги купи овие? Did you buy these for us? Did you buy these for us? Маюко яде хляб на закуска. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Majko eats bread at breakfast. Нема да те замарам. I won't bother you. I won't bother you. Правам кајгана. I'm making scrambled eggs. I'm making kagana. От сутринта няма ток. The power has been off since this morning. There's been no electricity since this morning. Какво те кара да мислиш че планът на Том няма да проработи? What makes you think Tom's plan won't work? What makes you think Tom's plan won't work? Покажете ни го. Show it to us. Show us. Той игра бейзбол след училище. He played baseball after school. He's playing baseball after school. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да напуснеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to leave? Том е популарен тип. Tom is a popular guy. Tom's a popular guy. Nezabudnite na nás. Don't forget us. Don't forget about nás. Нещо се случва. Something is happening. Something's happening. Vy všetci ste skončili. You're all done. You're done with all the sutures. Ali Tom sanja? Is Tom dreaming? Does Tom dream? Том работи во Бостон. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. Не мога да си намеря очилата. Може да съм ги оставил във влака. I can't find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train. I can't find my glasses. На нея и се придряма след вечеря. She became drowsy after supper. She's been staying with her after dinner. Никој не го сака Том. No one likes Tom. Nobody likes Tom. Всички коне са животно, но не всички животни са коне. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are an animal, but not all animals are horses. Ќе морам внимателно да размислам за ова. I have to think this over carefully. I'm gonna have to think about this very carefully. Том одби да зборува со мене. Tom refused to talk to me. Tom refused to talk to me. Ще го посрещна на автобусната спирка. I will meet him at the bus stop. I'll meet him at the bus stop. Том мами Мери през цялото време. Tom lies to Mary all the time. Tom cheated Mary all the time. Во право бевте, дечки. You guys were right. You were right, guys. Тоа не е препорачливо. That's not advisable. That's not recommended. Извинете, може ли да ми стесните тази блуза? Could I have this blouse taken in, please? Excuse me, can you narrow this shirt down for me? Има гужва во барот. The bar is crowded. There's a crowd in the bar. Ако не си доволен от обслужването, не оставяй бакшиш. If you don't like the service, don't leave a tip. If you're not happy with the service, don't tip. Това е истина. This is true. That's true. Той е роден и израснал в Токио. He was born and raised in Tokyo. He was born and raised in Tokyo. Том и Мери изгледа се совршени еден за друг. Tom and Mary seem perfect together. Tom and Mary seem perfect for each other. Jaz rabim vaš nasvet! I need your advice. I need your advice! Никой друг не предложи да помогне. Nobody else offered to help. No one else has offered to help. Докторката ѝ даде седатив. The doctor gave her a sedative. The doctor gave her a sedative. Мислам дека знам како да го најдам. I think I know how to find him. I think I know how to find him. Ще ти платя. I'll pay you back. I'll pay you. Сложете морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Сомнежите го уништуваат пријателството. Suspicion is destructive of friendship. Doubts destroy friendship. Вярвам, че Земята се наблюдава от извънземно разузнаване. I believe that an alien intelligence is watching the Earth. I believe the Earth is being observed from alien intelligence. Ми требаш да ми ја отвориш вратата. I need you to open the door for me. I need you to open my door. Водата е извор на животот. Water is a source of life. Water is the source of life. Знаеш, некогаш ти треба да го слушнеш. You know, sometimes you need to hear it. You know, sometimes you need to hear it. Само погледни се. Just look at yourself. Just look at yourself. Трябва да го върна тази вечер. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get him back tonight. Избери едно. Choose one. Pick one. Ena, dve, tri, štiri, pet, šest, sedem, osem, devet, deset. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Често го слушав како ја свири мелодијата на труба. I often listened to him playing the melody on the trumpet. I often heard him play the trumpet’s melody. Чинеше многу повеќе одошто очекував. It cost a lot more than I thought it would. It lasted a lot more than I expected. Не излизай след мръкване. Don't go out after dark. Don't go out after you're gone. Толкова съм чакала да се случи. I've waited so long for this. I've been waiting so long for this to happen. Аз съм по-умна от вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Ще го имам предвид. I'll take it into consideration. I'll keep that in mind. Гледате ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Do you watch carefully? Нив ги имаше многу повеќе од нас. We were outnumbered. They had more than us. Татоеба: Защото езикът е нещо повече от сбор на думите в него. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Daddya: Because language is more than a sum of words in it. Беше по-евтино, отколкото мислех, че ще бъде. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. Спрял ли е Майк да пие? Has Mike quit drinking? Did Mike stop drinking? Мари е била в Унгария. Mari has been in Hungary. Marie was in Hungary. Tom spal. Tom was asleep. Tom was asleep. Влез вътре. Go inside. Go inside. Том не е во својот кревет. Tom's not in his bed. Tom's not in his bed. Да одиме надвор и да поразговараме. Let's go outside and talk. Let's go outside and talk. Карайте бавно. Drive slowly. Drive slow. Мислам дека треба да му се јавиш. I think you need to call him. I think you should call him. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Nie som chorý. I'm not sick. There's no som chorý. Мисля, че ще го намериш. I think you'll find it. I think you'll find him. Никога не съм обичал биологията. I never liked biology. I've never loved biology. Ќе мора да преноќам тука. I'll have to stay here for the night. I'm gonna have to spend the night here. Денес е досадна телевизијата. TV's boring today. It's boring TV today. Не ми се верува дека Том е мртов. I just can't believe Tom is dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. Не му кажувај на Том што си видел тука. Don't tell Tom what you've seen here. Don't tell Tom what you saw here. Том вероятно ще бъде изписан от болницата утре. Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Tom will probably be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Да бидеме креативни. Let's be creative. Let's be creative. Къде да отидем? When do we go? Where do we go? Таа има уши како едра. She has sail-like ears. She has ears like sails. Тој побара пиво. He asked for a beer. He asked for a beer. Треба да му дадеме на Том шанса да признае. We should give Tom a chance to confess. We should give Tom a chance to confess. Таа секогаш добро се грижи за својот стар татко. She always takes good care of her old father. She always takes good care of her old father. Изгледа будала сум бил што сум очекувал дека нешто ќе направиш. I guess I was stupid to expect you to do anything. I guess I was a fool to expect you to do something. Jaz plačujem vse račune. I'm the one who pays all the bills. I pay all the bills. Том е највисокото машко во класот. Tom is the tallest boy in his class. Tom's the tallest guy in the class. Всеки може да опита. Anybody can try. Anyone can try. Том не разликува помеѓу стварноста и фантазијата. Tom cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. Tom doesn't distinguish between reality and fantasy. Што е работата? What's the big deal?! What's the matter? Со задоволство ќе го направам тоа. I'm glad to do it. I'd be happy to. Не треба да облекуваш ништо гиздаво. You don't need to wear anything fancy. You don't have to wear anything fancy. Двајцата браќа се музичари. Both brothers are musicians. The two brothers are musicians. Тя ми се усмихна срамежливо. She gave me a shy smile. She smiled shyly at me. Слушам дека си богат. I hear you're rich. I hear you're rich. Прилично сум сигурен дека Том не направил ништо такво претходно. I'm fairly certain that Tom has never done anything like that before. I'm pretty sure Tom didn't do anything like that before. Upam, da ne bo jutri deževalo. I do hope that it won't rain tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. Какво друго искаш да чета? What else do you want me to read? What else do you want me to read? Том говори френски добре, но не толкова добре, колкото английския. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as he speaks English. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as English. Еве сега ги бараме. We're looking for them right now. Here's what we're looking for. Пепелникът беше пълен догоре с фасове. The ashtray was brimming with cigarette butts. The ashtray was full of fats. Том и Мери беа млади. Tom and Mary were young. Tom and Mary were young. Том има болки во увото. Tom has an earache. Tom's got earache. Не съм неразумна. I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not unreasonable. Том е интересен човек. Tom is an interesting guy. Tom's an interesting guy. Ти ветувам дека нема да направам ништо што ќе ти наштети. I promise you I won't do anything to harm you. I promise you I won't do anything that'll hurt you. Обичм те повече от всичко. I love you more than anything. I love you more than anything. Том си најде нова работа. Tom found a new job. Tom's got a new job. Това твоята стая ли е? Is that your room? Is this your room? Тие нема да дојдат утре. They won't be coming tomorrow. They won't come tomorrow. Секој јазик различно гледа на светот. Every language sees the world in a different way. Every language looks different in the world. Трябва да се съобразявам с желанията на Том. I have to respect Tom's wishes. I have to comply with Tom's wishes. Не е грешно. It isn't wrong. It's not wrong. Да се преместиме на онаа маса. Let's move over to that table. Let's move to that table. Замоли ја да објасни. Ask her to explain it. Ask her to explain. Напълно забравих за Том. I completely forgot about Tom. I totally forgot about Tom. Мисля, че тази вечер ще се забавлявате. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you're gonna have fun tonight. Навистина се грди. They're really ugly. They're really ugly. Вече е единайсет. It is already eleven. It's eleven now. Таа ја лизна лажицата. She licked the spoon. She slipped the spoon. Том и даде на Мери рачен часовник. Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Mary a hand watch. Това е, което казах. That's what I said. That's what I said. Тя може да говори френски. She can speak French. She can speak French. Ајде сите по мене. Everyone, follow me. Let's all go get me. Може да има дискусии за тоа. There may be discussions about it. There may be discussions about that. Каде ќе биде состанокот? Where's the meeting? Where's the meeting going? Да претпоставиме дека била тука. Let's suppose that she was here. Let's assume she was here. Milujem ťa! I love you! I'm milking it! Чух те да приказваш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. Том не можеше да ме пипне. Tom couldn't touch me. Tom couldn't touch me. Красиво, нали? Pretty, isn't it? Beautiful, isn't it? Може ли да му пренесеш порака на Том? Would you please give Tom a message? Can you get a message to Tom? Изобщо не трябваше да те оставям да го правиш сам. I should never have let you do that by yourself. I never should have let you do it alone. Сѐ уште ја немам решено таа загатка. I haven't solved the puzzle yet. I haven't solved that puzzle yet. Луѓето почнуваат да го забележуваат Том. People are beginning to notice Tom. People are starting to notice Tom. Готова ли си за игра? Are you ready to play? You ready for a game? Веѓите чудно ти изгледаат. Your eyebrows look weird. Your eyebrows look weird. Той си обърна палтото наопаки. He turned his coat inside out. He turned his coat upside down. Всички животни са равни. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Не сме разочаровани. We aren't disappointed. We're not disappointed. Покани го да ни се придружи. Ask him to join us. Ask him to join us. Когато бях на твоята възраст, трябваше да вървим пеша нагоре по склона до училище, и в двете посоки. When I was your age, we had to walk uphill to school, both ways. When I was your age, I had to walk up to school, both directions. Нося слънчеви очила. I'm wearing sunglasses. I'm wearing sunglasses. Смееш тука да спиеш. You may sleep here. You can sleep here. Каква ќе биде јапонска економија следната година? What will the Japanese economy be like next year? What will the Japanese economy be next year? Ще ми се обадиш ли довечера? Could you call me tonight, please? Will you call me tonight? Том и кажа на Мери да не оди. Tom told Mary not to go. Tom told Mary not to go. Не ми хареса как свърши филмът. I didn't like the way that movie ended. I didn't like how the movie ended. "Снегът е красив, нали?" "Да, но Мери, ти си още по-красива." "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah, but Mary, you're even more beautiful." "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yes, but Mary, you're even more beautiful." Имам неколку прашања за нив. I have some questions for them. I have a few questions for them. Nič ne skrbi. Don't worry. Don't worry about anything. Искусен си. You're experienced. You're tempted. Ние сме на една и съща страна. We're on the same side. We're on the same side. Извинете, имам молба. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Треба да го пробаш. You should try it. You should try it. Tom dnes nepríde. Tom isn't coming today. Tom day nepríde. Не ти кажав да примиш мито. I didn't tell you to take a bribe. I didn't tell you to receive a bribe. Биди милосрден. Be merciful. Be merciful. Сам набрах тези цветя. I picked these flowers myself. I picked these flowers myself. Знам за него. I know about him. I know about him. Мислам дека сфатив во колку часот треба да заминеме. I think I've figured out what time we need to leave. I think I figured out what time we have to leave. Евгенија ги делеше со нас своите омилени масла за прочистување на лицето и негување на кожата. Eugenia shared with us her favorite oils for cleaning the face and protecting the skin. Eugenia shared with us her favorite facial cleansing oils and skin cultivation. Том и Мери са в едно и също положение. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same position. Prísahám vernosť vlajke Spojených štátov amerických a republike, ktorú predstavuje (symbolizuje): jednému nedeliteľnému národu, pred Bohom, v slobodne a spravodlivosti pre všetkých. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Príkhám vernosť pits Spjených nost namerikých a Republic, ktorú presents (symbolises): jedné nedelistém národu, in front of Boh, in a free a conciliation over vistkých. Tom je trenutno v redu. Tom is all right at the moment. Tom's fine right now. В къщата беше хубаво и топло. It was nice and warm inside the house. It was nice and warm in the house. Кога почнува? When does it begin? When does it start? Том дојде во околу 2:30. Tom came about 2:30. Tom came around 2:30. Знам какво не е наред. I know what's wrong. I know what's wrong. Недей! Don't do it! Don't! Ще ти направя нов костюм. I'll make you a new suit. I'll make you a new suit. Чух, че да седиш изправен, е лошо за гърба ти. I've heard that sitting up straight is bad for your back. I heard sitting up is bad for your back. Том се прашуваше зошто Мери не сака да се мува со него. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't French kiss him. Tom wondered why Mary didn't want to fly with him. Не съм те виждал тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I haven't seen you around here before. Затоа ли си дојден? Is that why you came? Is that why you're here? Накараха ни да работим цяла нощ. They made us work all night. They made us work all night. Стварно ми се допаѓаш. I really do like you. I really like you. На път са. They're on their way. They're on their way. Обзалагам се, че знаете френски. I bet you know French. I bet you know French. Súhlasím. I agree. Súhlám. Штеди си ја силата. Save your strength. Save your strength. Ko dam revnim hrano, mi pravijo svetnik. Ko vprašam, zakaj revni nimajo hrane, mi pravijo komunist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give poor food, they call me a saint, and when I ask why poor people don't have food, they call me Communist. Том свири во бенд и е многу згоден. Tom plays in a band, and is very good looking. Tom's playing in a band and he's very handsome. Нѐ чека работа. We have work to do. We've got work to do. Том не е тука денес. Tom isn't here today. Tom's not here today. Je to biele ako sneh. It is white as snow. It's a bit of snow. Pravi genij. Vsa tvoja družina umira zaradi kajenja, ampak ti še vedno kadiš. Pure genius. Your whole family is dying from smoking, but you still smoke. A real genius, your whole family is dying of smoking, but you're still smoking. Ткаенинава многу се растегнува кога се пере. This cloth stretches a great deal when it's washed. This stuff stretches so much when it washes. Нямам идея какво може да е това. I have no idea what that could be. I have no idea what that might be. Res škoda, da ga ne poznaš. It's a great pity you don't know him. It's a shame you don't know him. Няма да можеш да ни помогнеш. You won't be able to help us. You won't be able to help us. Джобните калкулатори могат да се купят на цената на чифт чорапи, а са необходими на хиляди британски деца в училище, не по-малко от молива и гумата. Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser. Goblin calculators can be bought at the price of a pair of socks, but need thousands of British children at school, not less than pencil and rubber. Не беше толкова смешно. It wasn't that funny. It wasn't that funny. Сега е моментът. The time is now. Now is the time. Вашето образование е важно. Your education is important. Your education is important. Со него сме другари. He and I are friends. He and I are friends. Само сакам ова никогаш повеќе да не случи. I just want this to never happen again. I just want this to never happen again. Навистина сакам да му помогнам. I really want to help him. I really want to help him. Цела ноќ не можев да спијам. I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep all night. Kdo bi me rad videl? Who wants to see me? Who wants to see me? Добре, да тръгваме. Okay, let's go. All right, let's go. Сигурен сум дека ќе бидеш во ред. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll be fine. Зјапаат во него. They're staring at him. They're staring at him. Už si jedol? Did you eat yet? You ate a rat? Јас би бил за. I'd be up for that. I'd be in. Мисля, че Том май е пиян. I think Tom might be drunk. I think Tom might be drunk. Не ми врти грб. Don't turn your back. Don't turn your back on me. Tom je indisponovaný. Tom is indisposed. Tom's indiscontinuous. Цигарите се цуцли за возрасни. Cigarettes are pacifiers for adults. Cigarettes are blooming for grown-ups. Линда имаше мачнина и се посомнева дека е бремена. Linda felt nauseated and suspected she was pregnant. Linda had an illness, and she suspected she was pregnant. Бакна ли некого? Did you kiss anybody? Did you kiss anyone? Том беше многу зафатен. Tom was very busy. Tom was very busy. Ќе појдам. I will go. I'll go. Прилично беше смешно. It was fairly funny. It was pretty funny. Chcem žiť v meste. I want to live in the city. I've got a whiff in the city. Тази риза вече не ми става. This shirt doesn't fit me anymore. I don't feel like this shirt anymore. Том искаше да разбере по каква причина Мери не го харесва. Tom wanted to know the reason Mary didn't like him. Tom wanted to know why Mary doesn't like him. Не поправяй това, което не е развалено. Let well enough alone. Don't fix what's not broken. По света има близо седем милиарда души. There are almost seven billion people in the world. There are nearly seven billion people around the world. Може ли да ми кажете номера на Вашата стая? May I have your room number? Can you give me your room number? Приличаш на сестра ми. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. Родителите ми ти пращат специални поздрави. My parents send you their best regards. My parents send you special greetings. Најстара ќерка на Том не е мажена. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married. Tom's oldest daughter is not married. Radšej by si mal začať teraz. You'd better start now. I'd like you to have a little ostentatious teraz. Не си спомням името му. I can't remember his name. I don't remember his name. Би можел ништо да не правам. I could do nothing. I could do nothing. Budem sa učiť. I will be learning. I'm a wake-up teacher. Том е слободен. Tom's free. Tom's free. Отдавна не ти се е ходило там, нали? You have wanted to go there for a long time, haven't you? You haven't been there in a while, have you? Мисля, че си губиш времето. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Неговите заклучоци се заснови врз недокажани претпоставки. His conclusions are based on unproven assumptions. His conclusions were based on unprovoked assumptions. Што нашле? What did they find? What did they find? Ей ме на де съм, ако това е вярно. I'll be damned if it's true. I'm on it, if that's true. Токму со мене сакаше да се запознае Том. I'm the one Tom wanted to meet. She just wanted to meet Tom. Сигурна съм, че това няма да се наложи. I'm sure that won't be necessary. I'm sure that won't be necessary. Юми ще стане учител. Yumi will become a teacher. Yumi will become a teacher. Сѐ уште не сум ги нашол. I haven't found them yet. I haven't found them yet. Odpoveď je správna. The answer is right. Call it off. It's at first. Имам документация за оформяне. I have paperwork to finish up. I've got paperwork to form. Kaj delajo tu? What are they doing here? What are they doing here? Том ја наговори Мери да донира пари. Tom talked Mary into donating some money. Tom talked Mary into donate money. Ще следвам твоите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Том знае ли защо не си бил на партито му? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Не мога да изчистя двора сам. I cannot clear the backyard by myself. I can't clear the yard alone. Сите го имаме прочитано тоа. We've all read that one. We've all read that. Зошто си злобен со мене? Why are you mean to me? Why are you mean to me? Ти си ми враг. You're my enemy. You're my enemy. Той се предаде. He threw in the towel. He surrendered. Каде е блузичката што ти ја купив? Where's the blouse I bought you? Where's the shirt I bought you? Што е таа миризба? What's that smell? What's that smell? Aké je to byť vydatá? How does it feel being married? What's this byť vydatá? Како може некој да биде дотолку глупав? How can anyone be so stupid? How can someone be so stupid? Те са със среден ръст. They are of average height. They're medium-sized. Plačam z gotovino. I am paying with cash. I pay cash. Том има две деца. Tom has two children. Tom's got two kids. Том е материјалист. Tom is materialistic. Tom's a materialist. Вярвай ми, знам за какво говоря. Trust me, I've been there. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Не гледай в камерата. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Отсекогаш повеќе сум сакал таинствени ликови. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always liked mysterious characters. Том заработува 300,000 долари годишно. Tom earns $300,000 a year. Tom makes 300,000 dollars a year. Имам три избора. I have three choices. I have three choices. Той направи снимка на коалата. He took a picture of the koala. He took a picture of the koala. Učiteľ predviedol veľa fyzikálnych experimentov. The teacher demonstrated many experiments in physics. Teach her pre-vied pyzikálnych experiments. Можеш ли да пазиш тайна? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Ќе го следиме. We'll follow him. We'll follow him. Те засега тебе. It concerns you. It's about you. Што да им кажам сега на децата? What should I tell the kids now? What can I tell the kids now? Сакам вртипоп. I want a camomile. I want a turnip. Еве ми го албумот. Here's my album. Here's my album. Мораш да побрзаш за да го фатиш последниот воз. You have to hurry up so you'd catch the last train. You have to hurry to catch the last train. Том е много скромен. Tom is very humble. Tom is very modest. Том си ја исчешла косата. Tom combed his hair. Tom combed his hair. Писна ми да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm sick of watching TV. Всеки не може да бъде добър пианист. Every man cannot be a good pianist. Everyone can't be a good pianist. Живеам во гратче во близина на Бостон. I live in a town near Boston. I live in a town near Boston. Говориш ли английски? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Имам мал подарок за него. I have a small gift for him. I have a little gift for him. Предложението за работа още е в сила. The job offer still stands. The job offer's still in place. Недей да взимаш никакви решения тази нощ. Don't make any decisions tonight. Don't make any decisions tonight. Пробвай каквото искаш, ще видиш, че е невъзможно да се отървеш от този си навик. Try as you may, you will find it impossible to give up that habit. Try what you want, you'll see that it's impossible to get rid of this habit. Ќе се вратам во шест и пол. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back in six and a half. Не плачам кога сум тажен. I don't cry when I am sad. I don't cry when I'm sad. Ан няма никакви сестри. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Anne doesn't have any sisters. Работата не е срамна. Work isn't shameful. It's not a shame. Воопшто не ми се допаѓа како тоа звучи. I don't like the sound of that at all. I don't like what that sounds like. Bola zima? Was it cold? It's winter? Nesúhlasím. I don't agree. Nesúlásím. Били сме войници. We had been soldiers. We were soldiers. Само сврши ја оваа работа. Let's just get this done. Just do this job. Moje ime je Janez. My name is Janez. My name is John. Ставете крај на насилството; борете се за мир. End violence; pursue peace. Put an end to violence; fight for peace. Навистина те бива. You really are good. You're really good at this. Бъди много внимателен с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Миналата нощ играта беше вълнуваща. The game was exciting last night. Last night, the game was exciting. Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagal Tomu? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? You want to know why I lied to Tom? Гледај само право. Look straight ahead. Look at that. Look at that. Ми треба да побегнам од неа. I need to get away from her. I need to get away from her. Дано да си прав. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Не взимам наркотици. I don't do drugs. I'm not taking drugs. Дан побесне. Dan flew into a rage. Dan's getting mad. Ник ми дължи десет долара. Nick owes me ten dollars. Nick owes me ten bucks. Айнщайн е обичал да свири на цигулка. Einstein loved playing the violin. Einstein used to play a violin. Не ходи никъде без Том. Don't go anywhere without Tom. Don't go anywhere without Tom. Нема одговор од него. There is no response from him. There's no answer from him. Кога одиш на средба со девојка, мора да бидеш самоуверен. When you are meeting a girl, you have to act confident. When you go on a date with a girl, you have to be confident. Dvaja muži sa stretli tvárou v tvár. Two men met face to face. The two mutiny burns tvárou in tvár. В морето има острови. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. В колко часа започва киното? What time does the movie begin? What time does the movie start? Má Tom kľúče? Does Tom have a key? Tom's kennel? Изберете си карта, напишете името си върху нея и я върнете обратно в тестето. Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck. Select your card, write your name on it and return it back to the deck. Се или ништо. All or nothing. Everything or nothing. Паѓаше снег сношти. It snowed last night. It was snowing last night. Ме оставија намира. They left me alone. They left me alone. Том ме заплаши. Той каза, че ако не му дам парите, ще ми отреже един от пръстите. Tom threatened me. He said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. Tom threatened me, he said if I didn't give him the money, he'd cut off one of my fingers. Да започваме. Let's start! Let's get started. Аз не знам френски, а пък гръцки - съвсем. I don't know French, much less Greek. I don't know French. I don't know Greek. Овој заб е секач. This tooth is an incisor. This tooth is a clipper. Не мислам дека ме следеле. I don't think I was followed. I don't think they followed me. Том може да е прав. Tom might be right. Tom might be right. Къщата ни е с добро разположение. Our house is conveniently located. Our house is well-placed. Зошто не можеш да ми помогнеш? Why can't you help me? Why can't you help me? Математиката не е кофти, ти си кофти. Math doesn't suck, you do. Math isn't bad, you're bad. Забравих ѝ името. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. Том отхвърли молбата. Tom denied the request. Tom rejected the request. Моля, продължете разказа си. Please continue with your story. Please continue your story. Това е най-сладкото кутре, което някога съм виждал. This is the cutest puppy I've ever seen. This is the sweetest puppy I've ever seen. Тоа не е мојот потпис. That's not my signature. That's not my signature. Ајде да зборуваме за тоа. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. Штотуку си го засеков прстот. I just cut my finger. I just cut my finger. Зданиево е чудовишна градба. The building is a monstrous structure. This thing is a monster building. Мисля, че Том го е страх от теб. I think Tom is afraid of you. I think Tom's scared of you. Печатачот не работи. The printer doesn't work. The printer's not working. Mária mala nočnú moru. Mary had a bad dream. Ma'ria, a little nightmare. Познавам Том от едва няколко месеца. I've only known Tom for a few months. I've known Tom for only a few months. Другия месец ще ни се ражда дете. We are going to have a baby next month. We're having a baby next month. Поздравете Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да чакам тук с Том? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? Ти винаги пееш. You always sing. You're always singing. За какво? For what purpose? For what? Тя написа писмо. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. Зошто би ни го направил тоа Том? Why would Tom do that to us? Why would you do that to us, Tom? Вие не можете да говорите английски, нали? You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? Това е мястото, на което се е родил Том. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. Auto je žlté. The car is yellow. It's easy to swallow. Nie som dosť bohatá, aby som si kupovala lacné veci. I'm not rich enough to buy cheap stuff. Not som dosť bohatá; aby som did buy the lacné dinners. Таа учи во школо за глуви. She goes to a school for the deaf. She's studying at deaf school. Колку гости да очекуваме вечерва? How many guests should we expect tonight? How many guests are we expecting tonight? Ќе ти го прочитам. I'll read it to you. I'll read it to you. И ти ли чу? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? Заблудена от непредпазливите ми погледи,тя започна да вярва,че тя е причината за тях. Deluded by the imprudent language of my looks, she surrendered to the sweet belief that she was the idol of these looks. Deluded by my unwarranted eyes, she began to believe that she was the reason for them. Има ли Том клуч? Does Tom have a key? Does Tom have a key? Мечтата ми е да стана учителка. My dream is to become a teacher. My dream is to become a teacher. Том не го одобри планот. Tom opposed the plan. Tom didn't approve the plan. Около 29% от жителите на Окинава доживяват до 100 години. Around 29% of Okinawans live to be a 100. About 29% of the inhabitants of Okinawa live up to 100 years. Не мислам дека не следеле. I don't think we were followed. I don't think they followed us. Трябва да спазваш диетата си. You must stick to your diet. You have to follow your diet. Многу дуваше. It was really windy. You've been breathing a lot. През нощта родителите грижливо завиват децата си. At night, parents tuck their children into bed. At night, parents carefully wrap their children. Откъде знаеш френски толкова добре? How come you know French so well? How do you know French so well? Не си го изкарвай върху Том. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't take it out on Tom. Искам да отида. I want to go. I want to go. Не ме бива за ова. I'm not cut out for this. I'm not good at this. Пак го мавнав Том. I hit Tom again. I waved Tom again. Кој би сакал Том да умре? Who would want Tom dead? Who would want Tom to die? Няма да мога да пренеса Том от другата страна на моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to carry Tom on the other side of the bridge. На Том мајка му му кажа да не зборува со полна уста. Tom's mother told him not to talk with his mouth full. Tom's mother told him not to speak with a full mouth. Ето ни и нас! Here we are! Here we are! Помолих Боб за помощ. I asked for Bob's help. I asked Bob for help. Този фотоапарат е на Том. This camera is Tom's. This camera is Tom's. Не съм предател. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Зарем не можеш да ми помогнеш? Can't you help me? Can't you help me? Со саати дремев таму. I was there for hours. I've been up there for hours. Изглеждаш като сестра ми. You look like my sister. You look like my sister. Том лошо се разболе. Tom got really sick. Tom got sick bad. Moje minulé ja je iná osoba. My past self is another person. My mine is and it's an animal. Некако сѐ уште не ми се верува. I still can't really believe it. Somehow I can't believe it yet. Вървях към парка. I walked toward the park. I was on my way to the park. Не ми е пријатно да зборувам за нив. I don't like to talk about them. I'm not comfortable talking about them. Niektorí ľudia veria, že číslo trinásť prináša smolu. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. Nikorí is a religion, already a trinásť prince of rosin. Не съм те виждал от години. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't seen you in years. Том ја знае Мери уште од градинка. Tom has known Mary since kindergarten. Tom's known Mary since kindergarten. Никој нема да ти досаѓа. No one will bother you. No one's gonna bother you. Сепак би сакал да одам во Бостон со тебе. I'd still like to go to Boston with you. I'd still like to go to Boston with you. Том никогаш не однесуваше како да се срами од мене. Tom never acted like he was ashamed of me. Tom never acted like he was ashamed of me. Отидох до гарата да кажа чао на приятеля си. I went to the station to say good-bye to my friend. I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. Том се однесуваше како кавалер. Tom behaved like a gentleman. Tom was acting like a Cavalier. Том е премногу чувствителен. Tom is overemotional. Tom's too sensitive. Знаех, че ще бъдеш заета. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Омръзна ми да променям плановете си всеки път, когато решиш, че искаш нещо друго. I'm tired of altering my plans every time you change your mind. I'm tired of changing my plans every time you decide you want something else. Да не те гледам. Get out of my sight. Don't let me see you. Универзумот не ти е ни пријател ни душман. Просто е безразличен. The universe is neither friend nor foe. It is simply indifferent. The universe is neither your friend nor soul mate, it's just indifferent. Не скачай! Don't jump! Don't jump! Тој многу го сака татка си. He loves his father a lot. He loves his father very much. Уште една шанса ќе му дадам. I'll give him one more chance. I'll give him another chance. Къде е тоалетната ? Where is the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Том рече дека не треба да го правам ова. Tom said I shouldn't be doing this. Tom said I shouldn't do this. Chcete to počuť? Do you want to hear it? You feel that? Това не ми е неприятно. I don't hate this. I don't like that. Ќе те најдам после. I'll find you later. I'll find you later. Аз предполагам, че ти си гладен. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Във френския има ли подобен израз? Does French have a similar expression? Is there such an expression in French? Том не се отказва. Tom isn't giving up. Tom's not giving up. Нека остане ова помеѓу нас. Let's keep this between us. Let's keep this between us. Ukázala mi, ktoré šaty si mám obliecť. She showed me which dress to wear. I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what I'm doing. Не се чувствам добре. I don't feel good. I don't feel well. Хубав ден е. It's a nice day. It's a good day. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom in a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Ядосана съм ти. I'm angry with you. I'm mad at you. Не всяко дете харесва ябълки. Not every child likes apples. Not every kid likes apples. Беспотребно драмиме. We're overreacting. We're unnecessarily smokin'. Што мајка бараш во Бостон? Why are you going to Boston? What are you looking for in Boston? Аз ще уча Том. I'll teach Tom. I'm going to study Tom. С удоволствие бих останала. I'd love to stay. I'd love to stay. Дано е ок. I hope it's OK. I hope it's okay. Том отрча доле. Tom ran downstairs. Tom ran down. Още не ми е минало замайването. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't lost my swing yet. Како би можел да го мразам Том? How could I hate Tom? How could I hate Tom? Здружението се основало во 1990-та. The society was founded in 1990. The association was founded in 1990. Тука сум со Том. I'm here with Tom. I'm here with Tom. Нека не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about this again. Čo by si si dal, kávu alebo čaj? Which would you like: coffee or tea? Is it by you, Káv aleba tea? Изглежда, че той ще дойде тук следващия месец. It looks like he'll be coming here next month. Looks like he's coming here next month. Bezpečnú cestu. Safe journey. Assembled ass. Каде е типот што ги победи? Where's the guy who beat them? Where's the guy who beat them? Нямам никакво намерение да ловя риба в мътни води. I have no intention of fishing in troubled waters. I have no intention of fishing in muddy waters. С автобус ли ходиха до музея? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take a bus to the museum? Том не е уплашен. Tom isn't frightened. Tom's not scared. Nevyhadzujte nič z okna. Do not throw anything out of the window. Never mind the windows. Хайде да ходим на кино. Let's go to a movie. Let's go to the movies. Том нема да се врати пред вечера. Tom won't be back till dinner time. Tom won't be back before dinner. Най-добре работя под напрежение. I work best under pressure. I'd better work under pressure. Здодевно е да се седи дома. Staying home is boring. It's boring sitting at home. Približno koliko knjig imate? About how many books do you have? About how many books do you have? Дали навистина ми треба ова? Do I really need this? Do I really need this? Тя става все по-хубава. She is getting prettier and prettier. She's getting better. Пробувам да ти го објаснам ова на таков начин што ќе го сфатиш. I'm trying to explain this to you so you can understand it. I'm trying to explain this to you in such a way that you understand. Nikdy ťa neopustím. I'll never leave you. Nicky is inadmissible. Ljudje so bili željni miru. People were eager for peace. People were desirous of peace. Ако постои неопростлив чин, тоа е чинот да одбиеш да простиш. If there is such a thing as an unforgivable act, it is the act of not forgiving. If there's an unforgivable act, it's an act to refuse forgiveness. Хайде, да вървим. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Прочети го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Това е велико стихотворение. That's a great poem. That's a great poem. Срам ме е, че постъпих така. I am ashamed of having done so. I'm ashamed of what I did. Тийнейджърите напуснаха. The teenagers left. Teenagers quit. Том реши да отложи съвещанието. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Замесен ли си? Are you involved? Are you involved? Том е единственият тук, който не познава Мери. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom's the only one here who doesn't know Mary. В повечето случаи модернизацията се отъждествява с уестернизацията. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases, modernisation is resuscitated by Westernization. Зошто не одиш по него? Why aren't you going after him? Why don't you go get him? Позајмуваш книги. You borrow books. You borrow books. Той скриваше окаяното си сърце зад усмивката си. He conceals a despicable heart behind his smile. He hid his repentant heart behind his smile. Би требало да го тужам. I should sue him. I should sue him. Не можам да го изгасам. I can't shut it down. I can't put it out. Je skoro šesť hodín. It's almost six o'clock. It's a scrooge to the E.T.A. Не реков дека се сложувам. I didn't say I agreed. I didn't say I agreed. Можеш ли да яздиш кон? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Изгледа ги има насекаде. They seem to be everywhere. Looks like they're all over the place. Отецът е атеист. The priest is an atheist. Father's an atheist. Колко си гладен? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? Ден ја извлече Линда на безбедно. Dan pulled Linda to safety. Dan got Linda to safety. Ja som Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Yeah, som Ricardo. Всеки ден ли учиш по френски? Do you study French every day? You study French every day? Ja som ju ignoroval. I ignored her. I ignored them. Љубезен човек си. You're a kind man. You're a kind man. Морав да останам. I had to stay behind. I had to stay. Мери нема храброст да се соочи со Том директно. Mary doesn't have enough courage to confront Tom directly. Mary doesn't have the courage to face Tom directly. Том беше упорен. Tom was determined. Tom was persistent. Състоянието им се влошава. They're getting worse. Their condition is getting worse. Ги мразам. I hate them. I hate them. Тука ли да го почекаме? Should we wait for him here? Should we wait here? Вярно е, че тя е мъртва. It's true that she's dead. It's true she's dead. Да започваме. Let's start. Let's get started. Јас сум од Пекинг. I come from Beijing. I'm from Beijing. Бил ходи за риба през ден. Bill goes fishing every other day. He went fishing during the day. Мислех, че ще бъдеш доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. Морам да одам да ги најдам. I have to go find them. I have to go find them. Още ли играеш голф? Are you still playing golf? Are you still playing golf? Сигурна ли си, че не искаш малко от това? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Това няма да промени нищо. It won't make any difference. That won't change anything. Той напъха писмото в джоба си. He shoved the letter into his pocket. He put the letter in his pocket. Като последица от тежкия алкохолизъм той загуби здравето си. His health was the forfeit of heavy drinking. As a result of heavy alcoholism, he lost his health. Той живее някъде наоколо. He lives somewhere about here. He lives around here somewhere. Многу претрпивме. We've been through a lot. We've been through a lot. Обожавам голф. I love golf. I love golf. Том знаеше дека не зборува француски толку добро колку Мери. Tom knew that he couldn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom knew he didn't speak French as well as Mary. Той не успя да мине на изпита. He couldn't pass the examination. He couldn't pass the exam. Medvedi si pogosto praskajo svoje hrbte ob lubje dreves. Bears often scratch their backs on the bark of trees. Bears often scratch their backs against the bark of trees. Не може ей така, както си ходиш насам-натам, да започнеш да злословиш по адрес на хората. You can't just walk around and start slandering people. You can't do it like you're walking around, start messing with people's addresses. Бих искала да благодаря на родителите си, Том и Мери. I would like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. I'd like to thank my parents, Tom and Mary. Можно е Том да не е во право. Tom might be wrong. Maybe Tom's wrong. Доручекот е од седум до девет часот. Breakfast is served between 7 and 9. Breakfast is from seven to nine o'clock. Нека ида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Мислев дека Том нема да сака да оди со нас. I thought Tom wouldn't want to go with us. I didn't think Tom would want to go with us. Какво целите? What're you after? What's the purpose? Той не каза нищо, което я ядоса. He said nothing, which made her angry. He didn't say anything that pissed her off. Без мамец, тешко ќе ми биде да ловам риби. Without bait, it'll be hard to catch any fish. Without bait, I'll find it hard to fish. Ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Това е най- интерената исторая която съм чел някога. This is the most interesting story that I have ever read. It's the most interactive history I've ever read. Тука нема доволно светло за читање. It's not light enough in here to read. There's not enough light to read here. Вистински ли е дијамантов? Is this diamond real? Is it real diamond? Тој не седи на клупа. He is not sitting on a bench. He's not sitting on a bench. Много обичам филмите. I like movies a lot. I love movies. Пчеларите го отстрануваат саќето за да го соберат медот. Beekeepers remove the honeycomb to collect the honey. Beekeepers remove the sword to collect the honey. Голямата ѝ дъщеря е омъжена. Her older daughter is married. Her big daughter is married. Честно казано, не мисля, че става дума за плагиатство. Honestly, I don't believe it's a matter of plagiarism. To tell you the truth, I don't think it's about lecturing. Том можеби е малку дебел. Tom might be a little overweight. Tom might be a little fat. Jebem na to. I don't give a fuck. Fuck that. Той често цитира Милтън. He often quotes Milton. He often quotes Milton. Тя се нарича Ейми. She goes by the name of Amy. It's called Amy. Полицијата ќе го истражи случајот. The police will investigate that case. The police will investigate the case. Аз ще дойда у вас. I'll come to your place. I'll come home. Ще трябва пак да се чуем. I'll have to get back to you. We'll have to talk to you again. Сигурни ли сте, че Том е сам? Are you sure Tom is alone? Are you sure Tom's alone? Том носи слънчеви очила. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom's wearing sunglasses. Джейн нямаше представа кога трябва да отиде, нито къде трябва да отиде. Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go. Jane had no idea when he had to go or where he had to go. Нямам представа как се е случило. I have no idea how this happened. I have no idea what happened. Мисля, че трябва да съобщим на родителите на Том. I think we should notify Tom's parents. I think we should let Tom's parents know. Страхувам се, че това не е възможно. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that's not possible. Вече съм пълнолетен. I'm an adult now. I'm an adult now. Хайде да си починем тук. Let's rest here. Let's get some rest here. Том изгледа малку потресено. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shaken up. Откакто комунизмът стана неактуален и диктатурата на пролетариата остаря, капитализмът се оказва най-добрият вариант засега, въпреки че той самият също е заплаха за човечеството. Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity. Since Communism has become inactive and the dictatorship of the spring grows old, capitalism has proved to be the best option so far, although it is also a threat to humanity. Том се будали. Tom is being silly. Tom's a fool. Престани да хленчиш. Stop whining. Stop whining. Всеки мъж е свободен да прави това което иска,като се грижи да не наруши свободата на някой друг мъж. Every man is free to do that which he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man. Every man is free to do what he wants to do, making sure he doesn't violate another man's freedom. Живеам близу до брана. I live next to a dam. I live near the dam. Тя е с дълъг нос. She has a long nose. She's got a long nose. Моля ви да загасите цигарите си преди да влезете в музея. Please put out your cigarettes before entering the museum. I'm asking you to put your cigarettes out before you enter the museum. Чух, че било хубаво. I heard it was nice. I heard it was nice. Том наистина ли иска да отида на купона му? Does Tom really want me to come to his party? Tom really wants me to go to his party? Това е улика. This is evidence. That's a clue. Не бих заложил на това. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on that. Чувам, че Бостън бил приятен по това време на годината. I hear Boston is nice this time of year. I hear Boston was nice this time of year. Носот му е најдоброто одличие. His nose is his best feature. His nose is his best choice. Току-що приключих с домашното си по френски. I've just now finished doing my French homework. I just finished my French homework. Тој не ми одговори на прашањето. He didn't respond to my question. He didn't answer my question. Да му се јавиме ли на Том? Should we call Tom? Should we call Tom? В кой клуб членуваш? Which club do you belong to? Which club do you belong in? Ми успеа. I nailed it. It worked. Трябва да попреча това да се случи. I have to stop that from happening. I have to stop this from happening. Бостон вреди да се види. Boston is worth seeing. Boston is worth seeing. Том ми позајми малку пари. Tom lent me some money. Tom loaned me some money. И без друго не ми се ходеше. I didn't want to go anyway. I didn't like it anyway. Напълно прав си. You are quite right. You're absolutely right. Том изглежда ли да е зает? Does Tom look like he's busy? Does Tom seem busy? Да ти кажам нешто друго. Let me tell you something else. Let me tell you something else. Какво е надвор? How is the weather? What's out there? Заврши на четврто место од 56 тркача. He ranked fourth on a total of 56 runners. Ended in fourth place by 56 runners. Никога не съм виждал нещо такова. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen anything like it. Opustil izbu. He left the room. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Ще отложа пътуването си до Шотландия, докато се затопли. I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it's warmer. I'll delay my trip to Scotland until it warms up. Фер е. It's fair. It's fair. Дядо ми е роден през 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. My grandfather was born in 1920. Той има три дъщери, едната от тях е омъжена, а другите две още не са. He has three daughters; one is married, but the others aren't. He has three daughters, one of them is married, and the other two are not yet. Том го пропушти. Tom missed it. Tom missed it. Многу ми се допаѓа сладолед од ванила. I like vanilla ice cream very much. I love vanilla ice cream. Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú blázniví. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Myslel som, already Tom a Mary sú blázní. Птицата го крена гранчето со клунот и одлета кон своето гнездо. The bird picked up the twig with its beak and flew to its nest. The bird lifted up the twig with the beak and flew to its nest. Той сложи ските върху покрива на колата. He put the skis on top of the car. He put the skis on the roof of the car. Юми има много книги. Yumi has many books. Yumi's got a lot of books. Не сакам сладолед. I don't like ice cream. I don't want ice cream. Некој пее. Someone's singing. Someone's singing. Изглежда Том малко е напълнял малко. It looks like Tom has gained a little weight. Looks like Tom's getting a little fat. Ова е кожен појас. That is a leather belt. This is a leather belt. Сега се сетих, не трябва да пушиш в нейната кола. Now remember, you must not smoke in her car. Now I think you shouldn't smoke in her car. Трябва да наблегнеш на този факт. You should emphasize that fact. You need to focus on that fact. Том оди во град. Tom is going to town. Tom's going to town. Таа требаше да ќути. She should have kept her mouth shut. She was supposed to shut up. Реших, че може да си ми ядосана. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Ще съм тук. I'll be over here. I'll be here. Том, те молам, ова не е ни правото време ни правото место. Tom, please, this isn't the time or place. Tom, please, this isn't even the right time or the right place. Som citovo vyčerpaná. I'm emotionally drained. Som cytovo vyčerpaná. Ти прегладам да се наведнеш. I suggest you duck. I'm trying to get you down. Вчера следобед валя. It rained yesterday afternoon. It's raining yesterday afternoon. Изгледаш баш добро. You look pretty good. You look pretty good. Том ја виде Мери на другата страна од собата и и пријде за да и се обрати. Tom saw Mary across the room and went over to talk to her. Tom saw Mary on the other side of the room and came over to talk to her. Те молам, движи се брзо. Please move quickly. Please move fast. Недей да бъдеш разочарован. Don't be disappointed. Don't be disappointed. Výhra jej nebude odovzdaná. The prize won't be given to her. Výhra eat skyscraper. Играта ме изтощи. The game exhausted me. I'm tired of the game. Неверојатни бевте. You were incredible. You were amazing. Том си закопча ризата и после си сложи вратовръзката. Tom buttoned up his shirt and then put on his tie. Tom put his shirt on and then put his tie on. Ја ценам твојата помош со ова. I appreciate your help on this. I appreciate your help with this. Знам за понудата за работа. I know about the job offer. I know about the job offer. Не сме терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Девојчето отиде на училиште и покрај болеста. The girl went to school in spite of her illness. The girl went to school despite the illness. Сите сме исти. We're all the same. We're all the same. Все още имам работа за вършене. I've still got work to do. I still have work to do. Участваха почти всички. Almost everyone participated. Almost everyone was involved. Tom nechce ísť sám. Tom doesn't want to go alone. I'm Tom's non-chance. Премлад сум да умрам. I'm too young to die. I'm too young to die. Си се бакнувал ли некогаш? Have you ever been kissed? Have you ever kissed? Ще ти дам назаем този диск, при условие, че не го заемаш на никого другиго. I will lend you this CD on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else. I'll loan you this drive, provided you don't lend it to anyone else. Имате ли някакви френски вестници? Do you have any French newspapers? Do you have any French papers? Не можеш ли да го направиш? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Треба да јадеш повеќе. You should eat more. You should eat more. Няма да съм тук толкова дълго. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Том се чувствуваше силно. Tom felt strong. Tom felt strong. Мојата душа не е човечка, бидејќи е од друга димензија. My soul is not human as it is from another dimension. My soul is not human, because it's from another dimension. Оди кај другите. Get with the others. Go to the others. Таа песна ме прогонуваше со години. That song hunted me for years. That song's been haunting me for years. Не чекам многу долго. I haven't been waiting so long. I'm not waiting very long. Тебе повеќе те сакам. I like you better. I love you more. Трябва да разбера каква е истината. I have to find out the truth. I need to find out what the truth is. Това, което е било вярно, може вече да не е вярно. What used to be true may not still be true. What has been true may no longer be true. Том току-що се върна от Бостън. Tom just got back from Boston. Tom just got back from Boston. На Том му се допаѓа таа идеја. Tom likes that idea. Tom likes that idea. Можно е Том да го видел. Tom may have seen it. Maybe Tom saw it. Можеби те прелажала тебе, но нема и мене! She might have fooled you, but she won't fool me. She may have lied to you, but she won't have me either! Том ми побара чаша ладна вода. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Не се лути толку. Don't get so angry. They're not that angry. Gréci sú dobrí kuchári. Greeks are good cooks. Gréci sú dobrí kuchári. Пробај да бидеш оптимист. Try to be optimistic. Try to be optimistic. Што имаш во чинијата? What's on your plate? What's in your plate? Верувам дека сешто може да се случи. I believe anything can happen. I believe anything can happen. Той свири добре на китара. He plays the guitar well. He plays well on the guitar. Како се користи камерава? How do you use this camera? How is this camera used? Нека да кажа нещо. Let me say one thing. Let me say something. Ябълките са червени. Apples are red. Apples are red. Те молам, застани. Please stop walking. Please stop. Том и Мери отидоха в лунапарка. Tom and Mary went to the Luna Park. Tom and Mary went to the park. Каде му се стварите на Том? Where's Tom's stuff? Where's Tom's stuff? Тоа ни беше единствената утеха. That was our only consolation. That was our only comfort. Neviem ako to opraviť. I don't know how to repair it. I don't know if he does that. Жена ми нешто крие од мене. My wife is hiding something from me. My wife's hiding something from me. Каква е основната причина да учиш френски? What's your main reason for studying French? What's the main reason you're studying French? Главнот град на Франција е Париз. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital of France is Paris. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. Чудя се дали Том знае какво направи Мери. I wonder if Tom knows what Mary did. I wonder if Tom knows what Mary did. Том натисна спусъка. Tom pulled the trigger. Tom pulled the trigger. Разправиите няма да решат нищо. Fighting won't settle anything. Conversations won't solve anything. Требаше да проверам. I should've checked. I should have checked. Говоря ти като приятелка. I'm speaking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a friend. Областа е многу изолирана. This area is extremely isolated. The area is very isolated. Това е модел с кодово заключване, който може да използвате и в преддверието. This is a code lock type that you can use on the entranceway as well. This is a code lock model you can use in the lobby. Дан многу добро си ја вршеше работата. Dan was very good at his job. Dan was doing his job very well. Да продължим. Let's go on. Let's move on. Камоли да имав доволно пари да си купам таква куќа. I wish I had enough money to buy a house like that. I wish I had enough money to buy a house like that. Diktátori používajú sociálne vylúčené populácie ako obetných baránkov. Dictators use marginalized populations as scapegoats. Dactátori positájiú sociálúrené populácie if obetných baránkov. Замоли го да објасни. Ask him to explain it. Ask him to explain. Je Tom doma? Is Tom at home? Is Tom home? Трябва да отида да кажа на Том. I have to go tell Tom. I have to go tell Tom. Мери често носи дълги поли. Mary often wears long skirts. Mary often wears long skirts. Готов сум со тоа. I'm finished with it. I'm done with that. Том имаше модринка на раката. Tom had a bruise on his arm. Tom had a bruise on his arm. Rad bi ostal. I want you to stay. I want to stay. Би сакал маринирана риба и морски плодови. I would like marinated fish and seafood. I'd like a marinade and some seafood. Нищо не разбирам. I don't understand a fucking thing. I don't understand anything. Јас сум зомби! I'm a zombie! I'm a zombie! Која е твојата торба? Which is your bag? What's your bag? Тя стана на двайсет и една. She turned eighty-one. She became twenty-one. Пробав да ги натерам да престанат. I tried to get them to stop. I tried to get them to stop. Къде е входът за музея? Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? Се оближа. He licked his lips. I'm licking myself. To je naše. It's ours. That's ours. Правя се, че работя. I pretended to work. I pretend I'm working. Следвай моя пример и си вземи чаша вино. Be like me and have a glass of wine. Follow my example and get a glass of wine. Веќе не го чувствувам тоа кон тебе. I no longer feel that way about you. I don't feel it for you anymore. Немој да зборуваш така. Don't talk that way. Don't talk like that. Најверојатно ќе дојдат со кола. They'll probably come by car. They'll probably come in by car. Дај ни пример. Give us an example. Give us an example. Не съм виновна аз. I'm not at fault. It's not my fault. Само сакам да разговарам со Том. All I want is to talk to Tom. I just want to talk to Tom. Имам работа в сряда. I have work on Wednesday. I have a job Wednesday. Какво има в куфарчето? What's in the briefcase? What's in the case? Аз имам кестеняви коси. I have brown hair. I've got brown hair. Книгите са наши. The books are ours. The books are ours. Ова е напиток од ѓумбир. This is a ginger drink. This is a ginger potion. Црвено е. It's red. It's red. Ти можеш да говориш френски, нали? You can speak French, can't you? You can speak French, right? Притеснен ли си? Are you worried? Are you worried? Да не сум направил нешто да ми се налути Том? Did I do something to make Tom mad at me? Did I do something to make Tom mad at me? Немам веќе пари. I'm all out of money. I don't have any more money. Зграпчи го денот. Seize the day. Grab the day. Приготвих списък. I've prepared a list. I've prepared a list. Знаеш ли за кого зборувам? Do you know who I'm talking about? Do you know who I'm talking about? Сѐ уште не знам што треба да правиме. I don't yet know what we're supposed to do. I still don't know what we're supposed to do. Тоа ми даде идеја. That gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. Нема ништо што јас и ти не би направиле. There's nothing you and I won't do. There's nothing you and I wouldn't do. Винаги вървя пеша до училище. I always walk to school. I always walk to school. Многу го сакам Бостон. I like Boston a lot. I love Boston very much. Сигурно многу ти олесна. You must be deeply relieved. You must be relieved. Том покажа кон Мери. Tom pointed at Mary. Tom's pointing to Mary. Лицето на Шоичи побледня. Shoichi's face turned pale. Shoici's face is pale. Приключи ли със закуската вече? Have you finished breakfast yet? Have you finished breakfast yet? Да пием. Let's drink. Let's drink. Мислам дека си преболен за да одиш на школо. I think you're too sick to go to school. I think you're too sick to go to school. Пролетта скоро ще бъде тук. Spring will be here soon. The spring will be here soon. Тя ми подари една хубава кукла. She gave me a pretty doll. She gave me a nice doll. Не знам зошто толку се задржав. I don't know why it took me so long. I don't know why I took so long. Вторият му син се ожени и се установи. His second son married and settled down. His second son got married and settled down. Коя е столицата на Гърция? What is the capital of Greece? Who's the capital of Greece? Значи всички сме съгласни. We're all agreed then. So we're all in. Не мисля, че мога да изкарам шест часа насаме с тебе. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I can spend six hours alone with you. Том цело време нѐ лажел. Tom has been lying all along. Tom lied to us all the time. Го мразам училиштево. I hate this school. I hate this school. Prišiel do Ameriky cez Kanadu. He came to America via Canada. He reached the Ameriky road in Canada. Ни се потрошија парите. Our money ran out. We're running out of money. Obyčajne používa nožničky na nechty. She usually uses nail scissors. It's the usual thing to do to nochty. Да се говори френски е забавно. Speaking in French is fun. Talking French is fun. Оди да пишуваш домашна. Go do your homework. Go write homework. Што точно ти се случи? What exactly happened to you? What exactly happened to you? Не знам кое какво е. I don't know which is which. I don't know what it is. Личи на нејзиниот стил. It seems like her style. It looks like her style. Трябваше да ходя до там пеша, защото колата ми се развали. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car broke down. Мислам дека можеме да го фатиме. I think we can catch him. I think we can get him. Ще ме научиш ли някои френски фрази, които може да ми потрябват? Could you teach me some French phrases that I might need? Will you teach me some French phrases that I might need? Том не можеше да помогне. Tom couldn't help. Tom couldn't help it. Цевките се запушени. The tubes are clogged. The pipes are blocked. Том каза, че ще дойдете. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Ќе дојдеш ли надвор? Are you coming outside? Will you come out? В този ресторант храната е хубава. In this restaurant the food is good. At this restaurant, the food is nice. Том многу сака цвеќиња. Tom loves flowers. Tom loves flowers. Многу си директен. You're very sharp. You're very direct. Хайде да играем баскетбол след училище. Let's play basketball after school. Let's play basketball after school. Том ја отвори кутијата. Tom opened the box. Tom opened the box. Те не са мои врагове. They're not my enemies. They're not my enemies. Той е удовлетворен от резултата. He is satisfied with the result. He's satisfied with the result. Получих писмото ти вчера. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Јави му се веднаш. Call him immediately. Call him now. Том ја усреќува Мери. Tom makes Mary happy. Tom makes Mary happy. Nesreča se je zgodila včeraj zjutraj. The accident occurred yesterday morning. An accident happened yesterday morning. Срещнах я за първи път в Лондон. I met her in London for the first time. I met her for the first time in London. Каква бубалица си. You're such a nerd. You're such a nerd. Не ме викај кретен. Don't call me a jerk. Don't call me an idiot. Трябва да отида на среща. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go on a date. Той всеки път си пие кафето чисто. He drinks his coffee black every time. He drinks his coffee clean every time. Kde je tvoja škola? Where is your school? Who's your box? Што носи Том? What's Tom carrying? What's Tom wearing? Знам дека ќе ми вратиш кога ќе имаш пари. I know you'll pay me back when you have the money. I know you'll pay me back when you have money. На Том му е забрзан пулсот. Tom's pulse is fast. Tom's pulse's up. Том стана од каучот. Tom got up from the couch. Tom got up from the couch. Аз забравих. I've forgotten. I forgot. Приятен апетит! Enjoy your meal! Bon appétit! Нема веќе ни збор да кажам. I won't say another word. I won't say another word. Jedna generácia postaví ulicu, po ktorej bude druhá chodiť. One generation builds the street that the next will travel on. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Гарата е в центъра на града. The station is the middle of the city. The station's downtown. Том би можел да се повреди. Tom could get hurt. Tom could hurt himself. Беше по полноќ. It was after midnight. It was after midnight. Не изпускай Том от поглед. Don't let Tom out of your sight. Don't let Tom out of your sight. Не свиря на обой. I don't play the oboe. I don't play color. Miliarda ľudí hovorí po anglicky. One billion people speak English. Milliarda žudí hovorí after anglycky. Подобро прашај ги прво. You'd better ask them first. You better ask them first. Сакам да научам. I wish to learn. I want to learn. Функционират и двете. They both work. They both work. Имам трима сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Призлява ми всеки път, като видя кръв. I feel sick whenever I see blood. It bothers me every time I see blood. Nočem prevesti te povedi. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate you. Много е рано да го обсъждаме сега. It is premature to discuss it now. It's too early to discuss it now. Не ме плаќаат многу. I'm not paid much. I don't get paid much. Го гасеа пожарот. They fought the fire. They shut down the fire. За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за вас. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be a pleasure to sing for you. Tom je platený na hodiny. Tom is paid by the hour. Tom's on a hike. Poznam vse malenkosti. I know all the details. I know all the little things. Бих искал да намеря лекар, говорещ френски. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'd like to find a doctor speaking French. Храната изобщо не беше толкова лоша. The food didn't taste all that bad. The food wasn't so bad at all. Ајде да одиме на филм. Let's go see a movie. Let's go to a movie. Koliko si plačal za to? How much did you pay for this? How much did you pay for that? Едва го разбирах. I could hardly understand him. I barely understood it. Г-дин Џексон, син Ви умре од предозирање. Mr. Jackson, your son has died of an overdose. Mr. Jackson, your son died of overdose. Подранил си. You are early. You're early. Ще си намеря работа. I'll find work. I'll get a job. Морав да го штитам Том. I had to protect Tom. I had to protect Tom. Всеки умира. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Том има остар слух. Tom has good hearing. Tom has a sharp hearing. Ножът ми е остър. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Ладно ми е. I feel cold. I'm cold. Пушти го Том да зборува. Let Tom do the talking. Let Tom talk. Сакавме да зборуваме за него. We wanted to talk about him. We wanted to talk about him. Привлекателен си. You're attractive. You're attractive. На колко години беше той? How old was he? How old was he? Студи тука. It's cold in here. He's studying here. Да се вратиме во Бостон. Let's go back to Boston. Let's go back to Boston. Том започна да си развързва обувките. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom started untieing his shoes. Не реков дека сум го сторил тоа. I didn't say I did that. I didn't say I did. Обичам френските филми. I love French movies. I love French movies. Мислам дека можам. I think I can do it. I think I can. Мисля, че твоят отговор е правилен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is correct. Премногу е стар за да оди брзо. He is too old to walk quickly. He's too old to go fast. Клетките се основнита составни единици на живите суштества. Cells are the building blocks of life. Cells are the basic units of living things. Гледай как аз го правя. Watch how I do it. Watch me do it. Многу му должам на Том. I owe Tom big time. I owe Tom a lot. Том почна да кажува нешто, но Мери го уќутка. Tom started to say something, but Mary shushed him. Tom started saying something, but Mary shut him up. Квадратите имаат по четири агла. A square has four angles. Squares have four corners each. Стаята му е бъркотия. His room's a mess. His room's a mess. On je učiteľ v našej škole. He is a teacher at our school. He's teaching in our boxes. Ty chceš, aby Tom zostal? Do you want Tom to stay? Tychsch, Abby Tom left? Тоа не ми е право име. That's not my real name. That's not my right name. Изјавава е грешна: одам на пазар затоа што колата е расипана. This statement is false: I go to the market because the car is broken. The statement is wrong: I'm going to the market because the car's broken. Джейн е секретарката на президента. Jane is the president's secretary. Jane's the president's secretary. Кейт едва говори китайски. Kate can hardly speak Chinese. Kate barely speaks Chinese. Моля разбъркайте картите внимателно. Please shuffle the cards carefully. Please mix the cards carefully. Modlila si sa. You were praying. You were in a hurry. Кога телефонот заѕвони сред ноќ, таа веднаш знаеше дека нешто не е во ред. When the phone rang in the middle of the night, she immediately knew something was wrong. When the phone rang in the middle of the night, she immediately knew something was wrong. Донаправи ли го? Have you finished it? Did you do it? Нямаше забавяне. There was no delay. There was no delay. Том штотуку доби отказ. Tom just got fired. Tom just got fired. Dodal sem še eno poved. I added yet another sentence. I added another clue. Ти наистина говориш френски доста добре. You really do speak French quite well. You really speak French pretty well. Ние ядем ябълки. We're eating apples. We eat apples. Надявам се да е от полза. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. Джеси веднага прие поканата. Jessie accepted the invitation at once. Jesse accepted the invitation immediately. Дъждът ме спря да изляза. The rain prevented me from going out. The rain stopped me coming out. Не го беспокој Том. Don't disturb Tom. Don't bother Tom. Мисля, че си направила грешка. I think you've made a mistake. I think you made a mistake. Имаш ли тази нова книга? Do you have this new book? Do you have this new book? Реших, че си си тръгнал. I thought you'd left. I thought you left. За жал ќе мора да го извршиш ова без туѓа помош. I'm afraid you're going to have to do this without any help. Unfortunately, you're gonna have to do this without someone else's help. Какви книги на френски си прочел? What books have you read in French? What books in French have you read? Син ми не е сноб. My son is not a snob. My son's not a snob. Може да јадеме ручек во автобус. We can eat lunch on the bus. We can have lunch on the bus. Poradil jej, aby prestala piť. He advised her to stop drinking. I'm having a meal. Abby's been drinking. Се осеќам како глупак. I felt like an idiot. I feel like a fool. Тоа е многу ретко. That's very rare. That's very rare. Ќе те фатам. I'm going to get you. I'll get you. Не фалат камења. There's no shortage of rocks. They don't miss the stones. Жива душа немаше на паркиралиштето. Not a soul was to be seen in the parking lot. A living soul wasn't in the parking lot. Заработувам тринаесет долари на час. I make thirteen dollars an hour. I make 13 bucks an hour. Je krajšia než ktorákoľvek iná. She is more beautiful than any other girl. It's shorter than ktorákovek andá. Том ја поздравува Мери со мавтање. Tom greets Mary by waving his hand. Tom says hello to Mary by waving. Ајде да не го упропастиме тоа. Let's not spoil it. Let's not ruin that. Grem na pošto. I am going to the post office. I'm going to the post office. Тоа беше мојот куфер. It was my suitcase. That was my suitcase. Вие вероятно вече знаете за нашата компания. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know about our company. Го закачувам календарот на ѕид. I'm hanging the calendar on the wall. Hanging the calendar on the wall. Той живее в уютна малка къща. He lives in a cozy little house. He lives in a cosy little house. Трябва да заложим капан. We should set a trap. We need to set up a trap. Многу се радувам што сум дома. I'm so happy to be home. I'm so glad to be home. Треба да ѝ помогнеме. We need to help her. We need to help her. Je päť. It's five o'clock. It's päť. Том делува растревожено. Tom appears nervous. Tom seems worried. Той идва тук два пъти седмично. He comes here twice a week. He comes here twice a week. Оваа куќа е подобра од онаа другата. This is a better house than the other one. This house is better than the other one. Аз имам гъдел. I'm ticklish. I've got a tickle. Ќе го направиш ли истото? Will you do the same? Will you do the same? Сграбчих котката за врата. I seized the cat by the neck. I grabbed the door cat. Аз продължих да пея. I continued singing. I kept singing. Си ја перам колата еднаш неделно. I wash my car once a week. I wash my car once a week. На која возраст си почнала да менструираш? At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you start menstruating? Развали всичко. You ruined everything. You ruined everything. Тук ли живееш? Do you live here? You live here? Итно ми требаш. I urgently need you. I need you immediately. Tom je jokal. Tom was crying. Tom was crying. Том продолжи да работи. Tom kept on working. Tom kept working. Том е мој проблем. Tom is my problem. Tom is my problem. Те ядат ябълки. They're eating apples. They eat apples. Не го знам крајот на приказната. I don't know the end of the story. I don't know the end of the story. Том вели дека не знае ништо за Бостон. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Одвреме-навреме ќе ме одминеше кочија. Every once in a while, a carriage passed by me. From time to time, a carriage would have passed me. Мери каза на Джон тайната. Mary told John the secret. Mary told John the secret. Надявам се, че Том може да ме вмести в натоварения си график. I hope Tom can fit me into his tight schedule. I hope Tom can put me on his busy schedule. Обърквам се. I'm getting confused. I'm confused. Не се страхувам от тях. I don't fear them. I'm not afraid of them. Какво искаш да ми кажеш? What is it you want to tell me? What are you trying to tell me? Ја бива за тенис. She's good at tennis. It's good for tennis. Тази рокля ми стои много добре. This dress fits me very well. That dress looks really good on me. Том можеби е жив. Tom may be alive. Tom may be alive. Свършихме наличностите. We're out of stock. We're out of stock. Това беше просто случайност. It was nothing more than an accident. It was just a coincidence. Вие заслужавате наградата. You deserve the prize. You deserve the reward. Z čoho je robený aspirín? What's aspirin made of? There's a raisin with the chache? Том имаше почит спрема Мери. Tom respected Mary. Tom had respect for Mary. Да го пробаме овој. Let's try this one here. Let's try this one. Нема да биде во ред. It will not be fine. It's not gonna be okay. Се бламирам. I'm making a fool of myself. I'm bluffing. Ви го слушам детскиот смех. I hear your childish laughter. I hear your childish laughter. Vzemi eno jajce iz hladilnika. Take an egg from the fridge. Take one egg out of the fridge. Извадете го стегачот. Remove the tourniquet. Pull out the fastener. Имаме много големи лотусови листа. We have very big lotus leaves. We have a very large lotus list. Не ме карай да го казвам на глас. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it out loud. Не мисля, че е вярно. I don't think it's true. I don't think it's true. Том се ракува со раководителот. Tom is shaking hands with the manager. Tom shakes hands with the manager. Том сѐ уште игра голф, нели? Tom still plays golf, doesn't he? Tom's still playing golf, isn't he? А, бях болен. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. Гледај ги облацине. Look at those clouds. Watch the clouds. Му понудив да му го испушам курот, но тој ми одговори дека не е расположен. I offered him a blowjob, but he said that he wasn't in the mood. I offered to suck his dick, but he said he wasn't in the mood. Подели карти, Том. Deal the cards, Tom. Deal the cards, Tom. Папката ми е под ръка. I have the file right here. The folder's in my hand. Можно е да врне денес. It might rain today. It's possible it's raining today. Том е дијабетичар. Tom is a diabetic. Tom's diabetic. Ако скоро не тръгнем, няма да стигнем там докато е още светло. If we don't leave soon, we won't get there while it's still light. If we don't leave soon, we won't get there until there's more light. Нејзиниот шарм е неопислив. Her charm exceeds all description. Her charm is indescribable. Naredi da bo kratko in jedrnato. Make it short and sweet. Make it short and conceited. Сите полудеа. Everyone went crazy. Everybody's gone crazy. Страхувам се, че това няма да е възможно. I'm afraid that won't be possible. I'm afraid that won't be possible. Myslím že on je šťastný. I think he's happy. Myslím already is a shýstný. Наистина го оценявам, Том. I really appreciate it, Tom. I really appreciate it, Tom. Џвакам мастика. I chew gum. I'm chewing gum. Počkaj, kým bude rad na tebe. Wait your turn. Go on, I love waking up for you. Том не отговори веднага. Tom didn't answer right away. Tom answered us right away. Том не може да се воздржи. Tom can't help it. Tom can't hold on. Бих могъл да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Сакам да гледам фудбал на телевизија. I enjoy watching soccer on TV. I want to watch football on TV. Убаво изгледа. It looks nice. It looks good. Францускиот е тежок. French is difficult. French is heavy. Овие чевли се нејзини. These shoes are hers. These shoes are hers. И двајцата треба да одиме. We should both go. We both have to go. Мисля, че ще останеш доволен. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be happy. Учителят ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. Кое би го избрал Том? Which would Tom choose? Which one would you choose, Tom? Въпреки че аз съм стар, вие сте все още млади. Though I am old, you are still young. Although I'm old, you're still young. Имате ли нешто? Do you have anything? Do you have anything? Kdo je tvoj najljubši youtuber? Who is your favourite YouTuber? Who's your favorite guest? Рекоа дека се жедни. They said they're thirsty. They said they were thirsty. Том отново включи лампата. Tom turned the light back on. Tom turned on the lamp again. Аз съм по-умен от Вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойда с теб? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? Съдията го осъди на смърт. The judge condemned him to death. The judge sentenced him to death. Што потешко, толку подобро. The heavier, the better. The harder the better. Том беше стигнал порано од Мери. Tom had arrived earlier than Mary. Tom had arrived early from Mary. Очите ми бяха заслепени от слънцето. My eyes are dazzled by the sun. My eyes were blinded by the sun. Имаш време до полунощ. You have until midnight. You have until midnight. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мене? Are you sure you don't want to join me? Are you sure you don't want to come with me? Najdi boga, če ga lahko. Find God, if you can. Find God if you can. Том иска да научи някакви френски песни. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Том се нема јавено. Tom hasn't called. Tom hasn't called. Мислам дека не сакам да го направам тоа баш сега. I don't think I want to do that right now. I don't think I want to do it right now. Баш би сакал парче пита. I'd love a slice of pie. I'd love a piece of pie. Запазете го до по-късно. Save it till later. Keep it until later. Колко пари имате? How much money do you have? How much money do you have? Том беше во камионот. Tom was in the truck. Tom was in the truck. Като говорим за пътешествия, били ли сте някога в Австралия? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of travels, have you ever been to Australia? Том рече дека си сакал вода. Tom said you wanted water. Tom said you wanted water. Наистина не мисля, че Том го е направил. I really don't think Tom did it. I really don't think Tom did it. Чух всичко, което ти току-що каза. I heard everything you just said. I heard everything you just said. Може ли да Ви взема палтото? May I take your coat? Can I get your coat for you? Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски като носител на езика. I wish I could speak French like a native speaker. I wish I could speak French as a language holder. Имам уште многу да ти кажам. There's so much more I need to say to you. I have a lot more to tell you. Dom! A house! Home! Моля те, събуди ме в 6:30. Please wake me up at 6:30. Please wake me up at 6:30. Gréčtina a latinčina sú užitočné jazyky, preto ich študujem. Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them. Gréčtina a latin sú enjoys the touchyky, too ich study. Не се приближавай до това! Don't go near that! Don't get too close to this! Решија да го исклучат од своето друштво. They decided to exclude him from their circle. They decided to turn him off from their company. Хей, човече, много те моля - напръскай с малко инсектицид зад хладилника. Hey man, I beg you - spray some insecticide behind the fridge. Hey, man, I'm begging you very much. Give me a little insecticide behind the fridge. Казах на Том защо няма да мога да отида. I told Tom the reason why I wouldn't be able to go. I told Tom why I couldn't go. Аз го направих един път. I did it once. I did it once. Том излъга Мери, когато каза, че не познава Джон. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Kaj se mu je zgodilo? What happened to him? What happened to him? Мисля, че имахме късмет. I think we were lucky. I think we were lucky. Поспан сум. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Ова ќе го повреди Том. This is going to hurt Tom. This is gonna hurt Tom. Те отделят част от свободното си време, за да се грижат за болните. They give part of their spare time to take care of the sick. They take part in their spare time to care for the sick. Тоа е бездруго една опција. That's certainly one possibility. That's another option. Тичаш. You run. You're running. Сите беа на штрек. Everyone was alert. They were all on alert. Решихте ли какво искате да поръчате? Have you decided what you want to order? Have you decided what you want to order? Веднага щом свърши работа, Том се прибра вкъщи. As soon as Tom finished work, he went home. As soon as it's done, Tom came home. Не искам да чакам толкова дълго. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. За да го повикаш лифтот, притисни го копчето. To call the elevator, push the button. To call the elevator, press the button. Мисля, че те ме познават. I think they know me. I think they know me. Им дадов уште една шанса. I gave them another chance. I gave them one more chance. Обвиняемият е осъден на смърт. The accused was sentenced to death. The defendant is sentenced to death. Мислиш ли да дойдеш с нас да пийнем по нещо после? Do you plan to join us for a drink afterwards? Do you think you'd like to come and have a drink with us afterwards? Том не знаеше каде е. Tom didn't know where it was. Tom didn't know where he was. Аз не мога да говоря английски, а пък за немски да не говорим. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English. I can't speak German. Никогаш во животот не сум носела спавача. I've never worn a sleeping gown in my life. I've never worn a sleeper in my life. Ги чув како липаат. I heard them sobbing. I heard them lick. Не ме бива за математика. I'm not good at math. I'm not good at math. Том отиде до продавница и купи три канти спреј за бубачки. Tom drove to the store and bought three cans of insect spray. Tom went to the store and bought three cans of pepper spray. Девојка му ослабела. His girlfriend has lost weight. His girlfriend got thinner. Dobrú noc a sladké sny. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night a sweet sny. Можеш ли да ги стигнеш оние? Can you reach those? Can you reach those? Том се закикоти на глас. Tom chuckled aloud. Tom just hung up on his voice. Къде си събухте чорапите? Where did you take your socks off? Where did you take your socks off? Имам това, което ми е нужно. I have what I need. I have what I need. Не некои луѓе им се допаѓа. Some people like it. Not some people like it. Чисти ли са ти ръцете? Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? С екипаж, изгубен в открито море, Христофор Колумб успял да спаси всички, като извадил от шапката си 100 заека. With his crew stranded at sea, Christopher Columbus was able to save them from starvation by pulling 100 rabbits out of his hat. With a crew lost in the open sea, Christopher Columbus saved everyone by extracting 100 rabbits from his hat. Научих доста. I learned quite a bit. I've learned a lot. Во меѓувреме, будалестиот чичко седеше во дневната. Meanwhile, the foolish uncle was sitting in the living room. Meanwhile, the fool's uncle sat in the living room. Што друго може да направи Том? What else can Tom do? What else can Tom do? Штета што не возев со точак тука. I wish I had ridden my bicycle here. It's a shame I didn't drive a bike here. Да не се влюбваш в Том? Are you falling for Tom? Are you falling in love with Tom? Моля, напишете го. Please, write it down. Please write it down. Те го правят в момента. They're doing it now. They're doing it right now. Чудесен ден беше. It was a wonderful day. It was a great day. Povedz mi viac. Tell me more. Tell me about the blizzard. Летището беше затворено заради мъглата. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was closed because of the fog. Помина на црвено. You ran a red light. It went red. Гледаш ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Do you see carefully? Ние нямаме часове в сряда следобед. We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons. We don't have Wednesday afternoons. Той с часове чакаше нейното обаждане. He would wait for hours for her call. He waited for hours for her call. Изобщо не съм толкова зает. I'm not all that busy. I'm not that busy at all. Кога приключва? When's it over? When is it over? Момичетата танцуваха в салона. The girls danced in the gym. The girls danced in the gym. Изглежда, че ще започне да вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. It looks like it's going to rain snow. Не наказвай Том за това. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't punish Tom for this. Приготвих закуска. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Защо не си свалите палтото? Why not take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? "Nemôžem nájsť Toma." "Zkus mu zavolať." "I can't find Tom." "Try ringing him." "Germanôjam nájsť Toma." Воопшто не би и верувал на Мери. I wouldn't trust Mary an inch. I wouldn't trust Mary at all. Том не ми помага. Tom isn't helping me. Tom's not helping me. Не го знаат тоа. They don't know that. They don't know that. Ќе одржуваме контакт. We'll be in touch. We'll keep in touch. Не зборувај. Don't speak. Don't talk. Тогава къде е проблемът? So, where's the problem? Then where's the problem? Том беше наполно понижен. Tom was utterly humiliated. Tom was completely humiliated. Мајко, ти благодарам што си ме родила. Mom, thank you for giving birth to me. Mother, thank you for having me. Čo si mal na obed? What did you have for lunch? What are you, a little lunch? То тъкмо излезе. It just came out. It just came out. Позволи ми да ти помогна. Let me help you out. Let me help you. Не можете ли да направите нещо? Can't you do something? Can't you do something? Naozaj by som mal vedieť odpoveď. I really should know the answer. A heads-up by som little vedieť cancels it. Френският на Том е перфектен. Tom's French is perfect. Tom's French is perfect. Одам и точка. I'm going and that's that. I'm gonna go and do it. Много хора споделят моето виждане по въпроса. A lot of people feel the same way about this as I do. Many people share my view. Том престана да плаче. Tom stopped crying. Tom stopped crying. Не всички можем да говорим френски. Not all of us can speak French. We can't all speak French. Mal si pravdu? Were you right? You're a little judge? Затворете книгите си. Close your books. Close your books. Работиш твърде много. Давай го по-полека за известно време. You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're working too hard, take it easy for a while. Тешко е за објаснување. It's difficult to explain. It's hard to explain. Ja som detektív. I'm a detective. Yeah, I'm doing a detectív. На тези хора много им провървя. These people were very lucky. These people have a lot of success. Мисли дека старите весници се сѐ уште корисни. He thinks old newspapers are still useful. He thinks the old newspapers are still useful. Не беше толкова тежък. It wasn't that heavy. It wasn't that heavy. Том се нуждаеше от помощта на Мери. Tom needed Mary's help. Tom needed Mary's help. Можеш ли да препоръчаш друг хотел? Could you recommend another hotel? Can you recommend another hotel? Жена ми е целомудра и набожна. My wife is chaste and pious. My wife is all wise and pious. Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholics? Твоята жена блондинка ли е, или е брюнетка? Is your wife a blonde or a brunette? Is your wife a blonde, or is she a brunette? Избриши си ги очите. Wipe your eyes. Wipe your eyes. Дали некој ти го скршил срцето? Did someone break your heart? Has anyone broken your heart? Има ли публичен плаж тук наблизо? Is there a public beach around here? Is there a public beach nearby? Имаше кратка тишина. There was a brief silence. There was a brief silence. Тоа беше многу мило. That was very cute. That was very nice. Tom je ostal miren. Tom remained calm. Tom's still calm. Обичам да слушам класическа музика. I'm fond of listening to classical music. I like to listen to classical music. Том не е свикнал да живее в града. Tom isn't used to living in the city. Tom's not used to living in town. Jeho výdavky zďaleka prevyšujú jeho príjem. His expenses exceed his income by far. Jeho výdavky z odálálákéc vádávky vádákám jeho príu. Дозволи ми да останам. Permit me to stay. Let me stay. Том не беше со мене. Tom wasn't with me. Tom wasn't with me. Ми треба да знам кој ѝ помогнал. I need to know who helped her. I need to know who helped her. Неуспехот ја засрами Лиза. The failure shamed Liisa. The failure shamed Lisa. Ајде да дознаеме повеќе за него. Let's find out more about him. Let's find out more about him. Намерих го. I found it. I found it. Дај ми ги ракавиците. Give me those gloves. Give me the gloves. Няма проблем, ще те придружа до асансьора. It's no problem, I'll walk you to the elevator. No problem. I'll escort you to the elevator. Том се качи на грешния автобус. Tom got on the wrong bus. Tom got on the wrong bus. Мислеше дека некој му ставил отров во супата. He thought someone had put poison in his soup. He thought someone had put poison in his soup. Ќе го замолам Том да одвои време за тебе утре сабајле. I'll ask Tom to make some time for you tomorrow morning. I'm gonna ask Tom to take time for you tomorrow morning. Pripomína mi to staré dobré časy. It reminds me of the good old times. It's been a long time. Нямам почти никакви френски книги. I have hardly any French books. I don't have almost any French books. И двамата изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. Многу ли пропуштив? Have I missed much? Did I miss a lot? Ќе ти готвам. I'll cook for you. I'll cook for you. Обичаш ли да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like playing volleyball? Дано за тебе нещата да се оправят, Том. I hope it works out for you, Tom. I hope things get better for you, Tom. Стигнахме. We've arrived. We're here. Dievča povedalo, že o takej osobe nikdy nepočulo. The girl said that she had never heard of such a person. The divca has already told us that this is the kind of person that no one has ever felt. Стоите на моя земя. You're on my land. You're standing on my land. Том е доста добар. Tom is quite good. Tom's pretty good. Жлездите лачат хемиски супстанци во телото. Glands secrete chemical substances into the body. The glands produce chemical substances in the body. Застанете каде што се. Stop where you are. Stop right where they are. Тук не трябва да говорите. You shouldn't talk here. You don't have to talk here. Трябва да тръгвам. I have to take off. I have to go. Прекрасна бев. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. Ако времето позволява, тръгваме след час. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time allows, we leave in an hour. Ќе се јавам. I'll call. I'll get back to you. Вестникът публикува профил на новия си редактор. The paper published a profile of its new editor. The newspaper published a profile on its new editor. Чудя се какво имаше предвид Том. I wonder what Tom meant by that. I wonder what Tom meant. Не си во никаква опасност. You're in no danger. You're in no danger. Чудя се дали би могла да ми помогнеш. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you could help me. От всичко, което Том е правил миналия уикенд, той казва, че уиндсърфингът му е бил най-забавен. Of all the things Tom did last weekend, he says that windsurfing was the most fun. From everything Tom did last weekend, he said his Windsor was the funniest. Дали го употреби мојот нож? Did you use my knife? Did you use my knife? Хайде да играем игра. Let's play a game. Let's play a game. Нямам намерение да го правя. I have no intention of doing that. I don't intend to. Това отчасти е вярно. That's partly true. That's partly true. Майк плува много добре. Mike swims very well. Mike's swimming very well. Къде си ходил напоследък? Where have you been lately? Where have you been lately? В този магазин се продават мъжки дрехи. That store sells men's wear. This store sells men's clothes. И самиот сум изненаден. I'm surprised myself. I'm surprised myself. On pozná New York ako vlastnú dlaň. He knows New York inside out. He late New York an ascentú dlaké. Децата често плачат, защото искат да им се обърне внимание. Children often cry just because they want some attention. Children often cry because they want attention. Како да стигнам таму? How do I get there? How do I get there? Можеш ли да ми кажеш как се случи? Can you tell me how it happened? Can you tell me how it happened? Znotraj se je počutil praznega. He felt empty inside. Inside, he felt empty. Може ли да се погрижиш за тоа Том да стигне дома? Can you see that Tom gets home? Can you make sure Tom gets home? Chcem sa naučiť tancovať. I would like to learn how to dance. I'm learning a lot about it. Нанси обича музиката. Nancy likes music. Nancy loves music. Категорично не трябва да лижеш пода. You must absolutely not lick the floor. Absolutely not to lick the floor. Računalnik zna povezati na internet. He knows how to connect his computer to the Internet. The computer can connect to the Internet. Би можел да ти ја олеснам работата. I could make things easier for you. I could make it easier for you. Демек сам си ја напишал книгава! As if you actually wrote this book! You wrote this book yourself! Многу си дрзок. You're very sharp. You're very brazen. Ja som žena. I am a woman. Yeah, I'm a wife. Да се разсеем с една разходка. Let's take a walk for a change. Let's take a walk. Мислев да ти кажам. I meant to tell you. I thought I'd tell you. Подранили сте. You are early. You're early. Том си нарани коляното. Tom hurt his knee. Tom, you hurt your knee. Фала, драга. Thank you, dear. Thank you, dear. Не ти побарав мислење. I didn't ask you for your opinion. I didn't ask your opinion. Том знаеше точно каде оди. Tom knew right where he was going. Tom knew exactly where he was going. Това е старо писмо. This is an old letter. It's an old letter. Не можете ли да го направите? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Ќе одиш со мене и точка! You'll go with me. Full stop! You're going with me and a dot! Ти знаеше ли, че Том напусна града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Зарем не можеш да останеш тука со нас? Can't you stay here with us? Can't you stay here with us? Гнасно беше. It was disgusting. It was disgusting. Сите знаат за неа. Everyone knows about her. Everybody knows about her. До вчера никога не бях чувал Том да говори на френски. Until yesterday, I had never heard Tom speak French. I never heard Tom speak French until yesterday. Изненаден ли е некој? Is anyone surprised? Is anybody surprised? Имаме само един шанс. We've only got one chance. We only have one chance. Страдам од астма. I suffer from asthma. I'm suffering from asthma. Ljudje so imoralni. Humans are immoral. People are immoral. С Том имаме среща в мола. I have to go meet Tom at the mall. Tom and I have a meet at the mall. На Том навидум не му пречеше да седи сам. Tom didn't seem to mind sitting by himself. Tom didn't seem to mind sitting alone. Вие учите френски, нали? You study French, don't you? You learn French, don't you? Справяш се много добре. Давай все така. You are doing very well. Keep it up. You're doing very well. Можеш ли да караш? Can you drive? Can you drive? Ја погледнав. I looked at her. I looked at her. Том сака да знае кога можеш да дојдеш кај нас да ни помогнеш да го преместиме клавирот. Tom wants to know when you can come over to our place and help us move our piano. Tom wants to know when you can come to us to help us move the piano. Одеа на богослужба секој ден. She went to mass every day. They went to worship every day. Чух, че хванали убиеца на Том. I heard they caught Tom's killer. I heard they caught Tom's killer. Robí niečo Tom? Does Tom do anything? Robí, not Tom? Тя живее в дълбоката провинция. She lives in rural seclusion. She lives in the deep country. Том не беше заспал. Tom wasn't asleep. Tom wasn't asleep. Когато изтече отпускът по майчинство, тя се върна на старата си работа. After her maternity leave, she resumed her old job. When the maternity leave expired, she returned to her old work. По дяволите! Darn! Damn it! Том е същински зубър. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real nerd. Сите мораат да останат. Everyone has to stay. Everyone has to stay. Том се смееше на шегите на Мери. Tom laughed at Mary's jokes. Tom laughed at Mary's jokes. Продължих да снимам. I continued taking photographs. I kept filming. Ме изгреба мачка. A cat scratched me. I was scratched by a cat. Може ли квитанция? I'd like a receipt, please. Can I get a receipt? Си ја лупна главата. He banged his head. He got his head peeled. Дали некој го удри Том? Did somebody hit Tom? Did someone hit Tom? Пътниците в автобуса бяха петдесет. There were fifty passengers on board the bus. The passengers on the bus were fifty. Čisto vse sem ti povedal. I've told you everything. I told you everything. Доблесноста без злато е подобра од златото без чест. Virtue without gold is better than gold without honour. No gold is better than gold without honor. Едно момче, не по-голямо от пет години, попита Том как да стигне до пощата. A young boy, who couldn't have been more than five years old, asked Tom how to get to the post office. A boy, not more than five years old, asked Tom how to get to the post office. Момичетата са обърнати с лице една към друга. The girls are facing each other. The girls are facing each other. Морав да платам во готовина. I had to pay in cash. I had to pay in cash. Забраниха им да напускат хотела. They were prohibited from leaving the hotel. They weren't allowed to leave the hotel. Те бива ли за тоа? Are you good at it? Is that what you're good for? Мораме нешто да испитаме. We need to check something out. There's something we need to investigate. Не съм Ви виждала от три години. I haven't seen you in three years. I haven't seen you in three years. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it away? Платих около петдесет долара. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid about 50 bucks. Каде сме се упатиле? Where are we heading? Where are we headed? Това е кучето на Мери. This is Mary's dog. That's Mary's dog. Ще успееш ли? Can you make it on time? Can you make it? Беше баш величествено. It was quite spectacular. It was so great. Нужни са повече изследвания. More research is needed. We need more research. Искам нови визитки. I want new business cards. I want new cards. Не съм застрахована. I don't have insurance. I'm not in insurance. Има нешто што треба да те прашам. There's something I need to ask you. There's something I need to ask you. Всички къщи в този квартал толкова си приличат, че не мога да ги различа. All the houses in this neighborhood look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. All the houses in this neighborhood are so similar, I can't tell them apart. Сигурен сум дека сум во право. I'm sure I'm right. I'm sure I'm right. Rozumiem, že ku mne prechováva nevraživosť; ublížila som jej. I understand she has hard feelings towards me; I hurt her. Rozumim, the plague of animosity is too much; and she was loathed a som of eat. Што правиш обично во слободно време? What do you usually do in your free time? What do you usually do at leisure? Том ја фати топката. Tom caught the ball. Tom's got the ball. Brian kúpil Katke nejaký rúž. Brian has bought Kate some lipstick. Brian kúpill Katka nejaký rúž. На Том отсекогаш си му се допаѓал. Tom always liked you. Tom always liked you. Той е най-добрият играч в нашия отбор. He is the best player on our team. He's the best player on our team. Това цвете е най-красивото от всички цветя. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Очевидно е, че той излъга. It's obvious that he lied. It's obvious he lied. Брзо се движат. They're moving fast. They're moving fast. Крис утре не може да работи. Chris can't work tomorrow. Chris can't work tomorrow. Дан го мавна Мет и го принуди да ѝ се извини на Линда. Dan hit Matt and forced him to apologize to Linda. Dan waved Matt and forced him to apologize to Linda. Том дойде тичешком с писмо от Джуди. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Кога заминава този влак? When does this train leave? When does this train leave? Искам да останеш тук. I want you to stay here. I want you to stay here. Ревнувате ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Ти откъде го знаеш? How do you know? How do you know that? За нас е огромно удоволствие да гледаме бейзболни мачове. We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games. It's a great pleasure to see baseball games. Зошто ме праша за тоа? Why do you ask me that? Why did you ask me about that? Кога рече Том дека ќе му почне забавата? What time did Tom say his party was going to start? When did Tom say he'd start his party? Науката не е фантазија. Science is not fantasy. Science is not a fantasy. Отидох до пазара. I went to the market. I went to the market. Chce pracovať v nemocnici. She wants to work at the hospital. I can't help it. I can't help it. Само еднаш се имаме сретнато. We've met only once. We only met once. Нема да победиш. You won't win. You won't win. Знаех, че ще намериш Том. I knew you'd find Tom. I knew you'd find Tom. Три мисионера беа убиени и изедени од страна на човекојадци. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by males. Навистина ли мораат луѓето да се мразат еден со друг? Do people really have to hate one another? Do people really have to hate one another? Забавляваш ли се? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having fun? Аз ходя като пингвин. I walk like a penguin. I walk like a penguin. Зјапав во човекот. I stared at the man. I was staring at the man. Мери е висока. Mary is tall. Mary's tall. Ja neviem, kde je Tom. I don't know where Tom is. Yeah, I don't know. It's Tom. Ова е болка. This is a pain. This is pain. Čo cítiš? What do you feel? What are you saying? Се чувствувам многу виновно. I feel very guilty. I feel very guilty. Всичко, което някога съм искал, е просто да бъда оставен на мира. All I ever wanted was to just be left alone. All I ever wanted was to be left alone. Аз забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Го набави ли сето тоа? Did you get all that? Did you get all that? Том воопшто не знаеше дека Мери има рак. Tom never knew that Mary had cancer. Tom didn't know Mary had cancer at all. Всеки от тях се опитваше много усърдно да спечели предимство пред другия. They tried very hard to gain an advantage over one another. Each of them was trying very hard to win an advantage over the other. Банката ѝ позајми еден милион долари на компанијата. The bank loaned the company $1 million. The bank lent one million dollars to the company. Ранена ли си? Are you injured? Are you hurt? Ти дозволи Том да избега. You let Tom get away. You let Tom get away. Той взима пет процента от продаденото. He makes five per cent on what he sells. He takes five percent of what he sold. Том вчера ми напиша повеќе од триесет пораки. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Мислам дека ти се познати правилата. I think you know the rules. I think you know the rules. Казват, че е хубаво. I hear it's nice. They say it's nice. Tom má tri sekretárky. Tom has three secretaries. Tom is three secretaries. Време е за вечеря. It's supper time. It's time for dinner. Досега не бях виждала затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a eclipse before. Тревожиш ли се? Are you worried? Are you worried? Можеш ли да ме научиш да свирам на гајда? Can you teach me how to play the bagpipes? Can you teach me how to play the game? Сакам да си го одржиш ветувањето. I want you to keep your promise. I want you to keep your promise. Бебето ми иска да говори. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Морам да купам нова черга за собата. I have to buy a new rug for the room. I have to buy a new drawing for the room. Напишано му е на лицето. It is written in his face. It's written on his face. Мораш да поднесеш оставка. You have to resign. You have to resign. Tom sa rozhodol, že sa stane mníchom Tom decided to become a monk. Tom sa rosodol, already cost mníchom Това твое ли е, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is that yours, Tom? Види ја бандерана на плоштадот. Look at that pole in the square. Look at the fallout in the square. Вчера срещнах баща ти. I met your father yesterday. I met your father yesterday. Той ме представи на Сю. He introduced me to Sue. He introduced me to Sue. Изобщо не съм ти длъжен! I don't owe you squat! I don't owe you any! Бих искал да науча нещо повече за музеите. I would like some information about museums. I'd like to learn more about museums. Придържай се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stick to the facts. Имам някъде адреса на Том. I have Tom's address somewhere. I got Tom's address somewhere. Луд си! You're nuts! You're crazy! Не искаме да се чувстваш притиснат. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel pushed. Nemôžeme nič urobiť. We can do nothing. I don't have any spells. Дори децата могат да четат тази книга. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Не сум убеден. I'm not convinced. I'm not sure. Беше ми изключително приятно! It was a great pleasure! It was very nice to meet you! Máme čas. We have time. It's time. Внимавай с това, Том. Be careful with that, Tom. Be careful with that, Tom. Bohatí niekedy opovrhujú chudobnými. The rich sometimes despise the poor. Bohatí niekedy to repudiateú chubolnými. Том не ми пружа доволна помош. I'm not getting enough help from Tom. Tom didn't give me enough help. Том се одмора. Tom is having a rest. Tom's resting. Том и кажа на Мери дека е среќен. Tom told Mary that he was happy. Tom told Mary he was happy. Можеш ли да останеш? Can you stay? Can you stay? Слободно можеш да чекаш тука. You're welcome to wait here. You can wait here. Го натерав да ме слика. I got him to take my picture. I made him take a picture of me. Том доби мала пита. Tom got a little pie. Tom got a little pie. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ти помогна? Are you sure you don't want me to help you out? Are you sure you don't want me to help you? Ta kisikov rezervoar je seksi That oxygen tank is sexy. This oxygen tank is sexy. Ako rýchlo! How fast! Ako rýchlo! Мисля, че тази вечер ще си прекарате добре. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you'll have a good time tonight. Всеки студент си има шкафче. Each student has a locker. Every student has a locker. Безкрайните постижения на Христофор Колум са заплаха за Гугъл, който не знае как да индексира безкрайността когато някой търси "Христофор Колумб". Christopher Columbus's infinite accomplishments are a threat to Google, who do not know how to index infinity when someone searches for "Christopher Columbus". The endless achievements of Christopher Columbus are a threat to Google that doesn't know how to index infinity when someone's looking for Christopher Columbus. Мисля, че работите твърде усърдно. I think you're working way too hard. I think you're working too hard. Том пожеби никогаш повеќе нема да се врати тука. Tom might never come back here again. Tom would never come back here again. Затова съм заета. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. Автобусът закъснява. The bus is behind time. The bus's late. Доцнам на школо. I'm running late for school. I'm late for school. Од Библијата е. It's from the Bible. It's from the Bible. Той е човекът, който оглавява маркетинга на парфюмите. He's the one who heads the marketing of the perfumes line. He's the guy who runs perfume marketing. Траеше многу повеќе отколку што мислев дека ќе трае. It took a lot longer than I thought it would take. It lasted a lot more than I thought it would last. Одам на пауза за ручек. I'm taking my lunch break. I'm taking a lunch break. Винаги чакаме с нетърпение ежегодното посещение на Том. We always look forward to Tom's annual visit. We're always looking forward to Tom's annual visit. Никога не съм гласувала. I've never voted. I never voted. Išiel som do Paríža. I went to Paris. Ishiel som to Paríž. Можеш да ме оковеш, да ме мачиш, и дури да ми го уништиш телово, но никогаш нема да ми го заробиш умот. You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. You can blame me, torture me, and even destroy my body, but you will never capture my mind. Си отидов од Бостон пред три недели. I left Boston three weeks ago. I left Boston three weeks ago. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мен да си вземеш едно кафе? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get a cup of coffee? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get some coffee? Не съм го взимал. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Аз нямам деца. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Го имам со мене. I've got him with me. I got it with me. Сончевата светлина е наводно најдобро средство за дезинфекција. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants. Sunlight is reportedly the best disinfectant. По-висок съм от теб. I'm taller than you. I'm taller than you are. Наистина не знам за какво говориш. I really don't know what you're talking about. I really don't know what you're talking about. Сѐ уште имам многу за учење. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. Бях зает тази седмица. I have been busy this week. I've been busy this week. Не отваряй още подаръка. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the gift yet. Луси е от Америка. Lucy is from America. Lucy's from America. Што ќе ми е адвокат? Why do I need a lawyer? What do I need a lawyer for? Готвам супа во големо тенџере. I cook soup in a big pot. I cook soup in a big pot. Цел град го свртев барајќи го Дом. I've been all over town looking for Tom. I turned the whole town looking for Dom. Уназаден си. You've been demoted. You're hurt. Ни треба твоја помош да ја најдеме. We need your help finding her. We need your help finding her. Еве ја невестата! Here comes the bride! Here's the bride! Имам своја теорија. I have my own theory. I have my own theory. Имаш ли кибритче? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? Спортот ме интересира. I am interested in sports. I'm interested in sports. Кога започна да изучаваш френски? When did you begin studying French? When did you start studying French? Miza v tej sobi zavzame veliko prostora. The table takes up a lot of space in this room. The table in this room takes a lot of space. Дали имаш десет години? Are you ten? Are you ten years old? Обула си си чорапите наопаки. You are wearing your socks inside out. You're wearing your socks upside down. Немој да си зуцнал. Don't you say a word. Don't be silly. Имам изненадување за неа. I have a surprise for her. I have a surprise for her. Аз нямам билет. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Цени ја мислата. Cherish the thought. Appreciate the thought. Изчаках месец. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. On ho považuje za čestného človeka. He considers him to be an honest man. He's saying he's an honest man. Том се приближи. Tom stepped forward. Tom's getting closer. Да пази Господ! God forbid! For God's sake! Понизок сум од тебе. I'm shorter than you. I'm lower than you. Ракетата полета. The rocket went up. The rocket's taken off. Въпреки че Том ми го обясни подробно, все още не съм сигурен, че наистина разбирам. Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand it. Even though Tom explained it to me in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand. Зарем не можеш барем малку да ми помогнеш? Can't you help me just a little bit? Can't you at least help me a little? Мислам знам како да го спречам да не се случи пак. I think I know how to keep it from happening again. I mean, I know how to stop him from happening again. Мисля, че той е невинен. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. Том ја гаѓаше Мери со скапано јајце. Tom threw a rotten egg at Mary. Tom was banging Mary with a fucking egg. Сега прашањето е што треба да правиме. The question now is what should we be doing. Now the question is, what are we supposed to do? Най-накрая спря да вали сняг и времето се затопли. It has finally stopped snowing and has warmed up. It finally stopped raining, and the weather warmed up. Зафатени сме сега. We're busy right now. We're busy now. Опитвам се да науча английски. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Том има три френски речника. Tom has three French dictionaries. Tom has three French dictionarys. Nie je dôvod sa báť. There's no reason to be afraid. Nie is a dôvevod sa báť. Je jedna. It's one o'clock. She's eating. Решението не беше мое. It wasn't my decision. It wasn't my decision. Това не е краят на историята все още. This isn't the end of the story yet. This is not the end of the story yet. Направи три чекора па скокни. Take three steps and jump. Make three steps so jump. Том не беше човек со којшто е лесно да се слагаш. Tom wasn't an easy person to get along with. Tom wasn't the kind of person that was easy to get along with. Еј, што се случува? Hey, what's happening? Hey, what's going on? Kde máš školu? Where is your school? Where are you going with that? Том има бркови. Tom has a mustache. Tom's got wrinkles. Дан веќе не се чувствуваше безбедно во сопствениот дом. Dan no longer felt safe in his own house. Dan no longer felt safe in his own home. Сосем си безбеден. You're quite safe. You're perfectly safe. Италианският език умира по малко всеки път, когато някой англофон поръча 'едно панини'. The Italian language dies a little every time an anglophone orders "a panini". Italian language dies a little every time an Anglophone ordered a 'one panic'. Когато баща ми разбра, че излизам с Нимрод Ник, той много се ядоса. When my father found out that I've been going out with Nimrod Nick, he got very angry. When my father found out I was dating Nimrod Nick, he got very angry. Идването ви тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Your coming here was a mistake. Демек треба да те знам? Am I supposed to know you? Am I supposed to know you? Том и Мери живеят на една и съща улица. Tom and Mary live on the same street. Tom and Mary live on the same street. Кажи на Том, че няма да имам нужда от неговата помощ. Tell Tom I won't need his help. Tell Tom I won't need his help. Том се ожени на 26 години. Tom got married at 26. Tom married 26 years old. Дали им побара пари? Did you ask them for money? Did you ask for money? Том още не е разбрал какво направи Мери. Tom hasn't found out yet what Mary did. Tom still hasn't figured out what Mary did. Не спијат сите од нив. Not all of them are asleep. They don't sleep all of them. Сакаме да им помогнеме. We want to help them. We want to help them. Одолговлекуваат. They're stalling. They're stalling. На Том му е многу подобро. Tom is a lot better. Tom's doing a lot better. Сѐ ни заврши. It's all over for us. It's all over. Мамка му, забравих си камерата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Fuck, I forgot my camera! Си замисли ли желба? Did you make a wish? Can you imagine a wish? Бъдете по-точни. Be more precise. Be more specific. На Том този цвят не му харесва. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. Слушаат концерт. They are listening to a concert. They're listening to a concert. Vsem želim en sproščen četrtek! I wish you all a relaxing Thursday! I want a relaxing Thursday! И двајцата ве излажав. I lied to both of you. I lied to you both. Егати лузъра! What a loser! What a bummer! Имате ли някакви френски списания? Do you have any French magazines? Do you have any French magazines? Писна ми от тъпата работа. I've had it with this stupid job. I'm sick of the stupid thing. Времето е вечно. Time is eternal. Time is forever. Можеби тоа нема да биде толку тешко колку што мислиш дека ќе биде. That might not be as hard as you think it's going to be. Maybe it won't be as hard as you think it will be. Тя си решеше косата пред огледалото. She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror. She cut her hair in front of the mirror. Се стига ли таму со кола? Can you get there by car? Is everything in there by car? Сигурнa съм, че сте много заети. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Ти си мојата среќа. You are my happiness. You're my luck. Забравих ти номера. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Зарем не си воодушевен? Aren't you impressed? Aren't you excited? Ще прочета книгата. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Hľadám dom. I'm looking for a house. I want to go home. Тоа е добар одговор. That's a good answer. That's a good answer. Работите брзо се случија. Things happened fast. Things happened fast. Kde? Where? - Who? Јас и Том имаме напишано неколку книги заедно. Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I wrote a few books together. Том навистина умее да се бори. Tom can really fight. Tom really knows how to fight. Не напускайте града. Don't leave town. Don't leave town. Преброихте ли кърпите? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the towels? Това е изключено! It's out of the question! That's off! Ти си после нив. You're after them. You're after them. Сега е различно. It's different now. It's different now. Том зеде колаче. Tom took a cookie. Tom took a cookie. Ако Том не може да го направи - никой не може. If Tom can't do it, nobody can. If Tom can't do it, nobody can. Не знам защо Том е толкова бесен. I don't know why Tom is so angry. I don't know why Tom's so angry. Напиши си ја датата на раѓање. Write the date of your birth. Write down the date of birth. Можеш да се справиш со ова. You can handle this. You can handle this. Направих каквото можах. I did my best. I did what I could. Никога не съм те виждал да плачеш. I've never seen you cry. I've never seen you cry. Моля, премислете го. Please think it over. Please think about it. On číta. He is reading. He reads. Не съм виждал тези снимки преди. I haven't seen these pictures before. I've never seen these pictures before. Къде е баща ви? Where is your father? Where's your father? Не ме чу ли како викам? Didn't you hear me call? Didn't you hear me scream? Пречиш ми. You are in my way. You're disturbing me. Какви езици се говорят в Америка? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Гледај да не се грижиш за мене. Try not to worry about me. Don't worry about me. Vieš hrať na nejaký hudobný nástroj? Can you play any musical instrument? Vieš hrať na nejaký malný nástroj? Скочи колкото се може по-високо. Jump as high as you can. Jump as high as you can. Земи марамче, ти тече носот. Take a tissue, your nose is running. Take a handkerchief, your nose's running. Ясно е, че американците не могат да разрешат дори собствените си проблеми, така че как изобщо си въобразяват, че са способни да се занимават с проблемите на останалия свят? It is clear that the Americans can't even solve their own problems, so how can they possibly think themselves capable of dealing with the rest of the world's problems? Clearly, Americans can't solve even their own problems, so how do they even imagine they're capable of dealing with the problems of the rest of the world? Вали като из ведро. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining like it's out of the blue. Чорапите му са пурпурни. His socks are purple. His tights are purple. Защо френският ти е толкова добър? How come you speak French so well? Why is your French so good? Той има висока заплата. He gets a high salary. He's got a high salary. Мисля, че ти се паникьоса. I think you panicked. I think you panicked. Моля те, покажи ми още. Please show me more. Please show me more. Je šesť. It's six o'clock. It's a shrub. Надявам се, че не притеснявам никого. I hope I'm not bothering anybody. I hope I'm not bothering anyone. Майка ми има хубав почерк. My mother has good handwriting. My mom has good handwriting. Можете да останете тука внатре. You can stay in here. You can stay in here. Ако лажеле за тоа, тогаш имаме многу поголем проблем. If they lied about that, we've got a much bigger problem. If they lied about it, then we have a much bigger problem. Keďže nevieme nájsť nič lepšie, spravme to najlepšie z toho, čo máme. Since we can't find a better one, let's make the best of what we have. Kéréže nevieme nájsť nothing nicer, let's make it the most beautiful with the tone, while máme. Ќе се грижам за Том. I'll look after Tom. I'll take care of Tom. Ова е добра серија. This is a good show. This is a good show. Ljubim te z vsem srcem. I love you with all my heart. I love you with all my heart. Vedno rečem ja! I always say yes! I always say yes! Колку години си имал кога се развеле твоите? How old were you when your parents got divorced? How old were you when your parents divorced? Не знам дали да се радувам или не. I don't know whether to be happy or not. I don't know if I should be happy or not. Нема преживеани. There are no survivors. No survivors. Слушам дека не ти се допаѓал Том. I heard you don't like Tom. I hear you didn't like Tom. Všetko je špatné. Everything is bad. The height is chapatné. Имаме многу за правење. We have lots to do. We have a lot to do. Ова очигледно му беше тешка одлука на Том. This was clearly a difficult decision for Tom. This was clearly a difficult decision for Tom. Том го зачува писмото. Tom kept the letter. Tom kept the letter. Навистина беше мило. It was really sweet. It was really nice. Мислам дека ти успеало. I think you did it. I think you made it. Том никого не убил. Tom never killed anyone. Tom didn't kill anyone. Ќе одам со Том. I'm going with Tom. I'm going with Tom. Това е за децата. It's for the children. This is for the kids. Том беше получил образованието си вкъщи. Tom was homeschooled. Tom had his education at home. Том бездруго многу те сака. Tom must love you very much. Tom loves you so much. Поне се направи, че ти е приятно да ме видиш. At least pretend you're happy to see me. At least you thought it was nice to see me. Имам достатъчно пари да я купя. I have enough money to buy it. I have enough money to buy it. Наостри си го моливот. Sharpen your pencil. Cut your pencil. Махмуд не поднесува да денгуби. Mahmud abhors being idle. Mahmoud doesn't put up with it. Аз притежавам тази собственост. I own this property. I own this property. Том не сака тенис. Tom doesn't like tennis. Tom doesn't like tennis. Повреден ли си? Do you have injuries? Are you hurt? Те са сгодени. They're engaged. They're engaged. Ние още се придържаме към мечтите от младостта си. We are still clinging to the dreams of our youth. We still stick to the dreams of our youth. Ќе си ги најдеш играчките и книгите. You will find your toys and books. You'll find your toys and your books. Том е човекът, който ми каза кога ще бъде срещата. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom is the man who told me when the meeting would be. Теоријата ќе им ја препуштиме на математичарите. We'll leave theory to the mathematicians. The theory will be handed over to mathematicians. Берн е столицата на Швейцария. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Може ли да отчетеш всички пари, които си похарчил по време на пътуването си? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Казвам ти истината. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. В коя страна сте роден? What country were you born in? Which side were you born in? Японците имат склонността да се доверяват на утвърдени авторитети. Japanese people tend to rely on established authority. The Japanese have a tendency to trust established authorities. Том седи позади Мери на часот по француски. Tom sits behind Mary in French class. Tom's sitting behind Mary at the French class. Май не ме вземаш на сериозно. It seems you aren't taking me seriously. You don't seem to take me seriously. Изгубив осет за време. I lost track of time. I lost track of time. Ги бојадисаа рамките од прозорците жолти. They painted the window frames yellow. They painted frames from the yellow windows. Нема да го кажам тоа пак. I won't say it again. I'm not gonna say that again. Beth je čudné dievča, ktoré má rado hady. Beth is an odd girl who likes snakes. Beth is a freakin' diver, but he likes to havey. Попитай Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Надявам се Том да е прав. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Не ги чекавме. We didn't wait for them. We didn't wait for them. Животот е смртоносна полово пренослива болест. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sex transmitted disease. Му љубоморам на Том. I'm jealous of Tom. I'm jealous of Tom. Toto je koniec. This is the end. Toto is a horse. Сите изгледате толку зафатено. You all look so busy. You all look so busy. Къде е твоят баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Обули сте си чорапите наопаки. You are wearing your socks inside out. You're wearing your socks upside down. Том сакаше Мери да игра тенис со него. Tom wanted Mary to play tennis with him. Tom wanted Mary to play tennis with him. По-умна съм от нея. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than her. Водата од дождот испарува кога е топло. The rainwater evaporates on a hot day. The rainwater evaporates when it's hot. Том е во дневната соба и гледа цртани филмови со децата. Tom is in the living room watching cartoons with the kids. Tom's in the living room watching cartoons with the kids. Чудя се дали ще можете да ми помогнете. I wonder if you might be able to help me. I wonder if you can help me. Тој страсно ја бакна во уста. He kissed her passionately on the lips. He passionately kissed her in the mouth. Клаустрофобичен сум. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. Още не съм започнала. I haven't started yet. I haven't started yet. To je stôl. This is a table. It's a stôl. Мислев дека Том можеби нема да сака да оди со нас. I thought Tom might not want to go with us. I thought Tom might not want to go with us. Аз наистина се интересувам. I really am interested. I'm really interested. Време е да се ходи на работа. It's time to go to work. It's time to go to work. Kognitívni vedci skúmajú myseľ z medziodborovej perspektívy. Cognitive scientists study mind from an interdisciplinary perspective. Kognitíve navel skújú mysejá with a intersidious perspectívy. Одговорот беше „да“. The answer was yes. The answer was yes. Мери се разведе од сопругот пред неколку години. Mary divorced her husband several years ago. Mary divorced her husband a few years ago. Беше иронично. It was ironic. It was ironic. Том изгледа ужива. Tom seemed to be enjoying himself. Tom seems to enjoy it. Не донесовме никаков заклучок. We didn't reach any conclusions. We didn't bring any conclusions. Ѝ пружав помош. I've been helping her out. I gave her some help. Той ми се обади от Токио. He called me up from Tokyo. He called me from Tokyo. Mi lahko poveste, kako se uporablja telefon. Could you tell me how to use the telephone? Can you tell me how to use the phone? Работихме здраво, за да вържем двата края. We worked hard to make ends meet. We worked hard to tie both ends. Umazana hiša, umazana tla. Dirty house, dirty floor. Dirty house, dirty floor. Какъв е домашният ви адрес? What's your home address? What's your home address? Ќе го проверам списокот. I'll check the list. I'll check the list. Дали го замоли да си оди? Did you ask him to leave? Did you ask him to leave? Проблемът е, че нямам много пари. The trouble is that I am short of money. The problem is, I don't have much money. Казах ти да не ме търсиш, Том. I've told you not to call me, Tom. I told you not to look for me, Tom. Лекот делуваше. That medicine worked. The cure worked. Вчера ми беше забавно да гледам телевизия. I enjoyed watching TV yesterday. I had fun watching TV yesterday. Интернет връзката ми е бавна. My internet connection is slow. My internet connection is slow. Шефката е много разстроена. The boss is very upset. The boss is very upset. Трябва да ме изслушаш. You should listen to me. You have to listen to me. Откраднаха ми телефона. My mobile has been stolen. They stole my phone. Беше прекрасна вечер. It was a wonderful evening. It was a beautiful evening. Изрази си ја идејата конкретно. Express your idea concretely. Express your idea specifically. Той изкарва три пъти повече от мене. He earns three times more than me. He makes three times more than me. Не съм пациент. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. Аз познавам тези момичета. I know those girls. I know these girls. Potrebujem aspirín. I need an aspirin. I need some aspirin. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителни. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Том не е толкова лош. Tom isn't that bad. Tom's not that bad. Правете добро на тия, които ви мразят. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Сакам да ми ги вратат парите. I want my money back. I want my money back. Ти си моят живот и всичко, което искам и от което имам нужда. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life and everything I want and what I need. Мислех, че мога да имам доверие на Том. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could trust Tom. Кой иска да бъде милионер? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? Боя се, че нося лоши вести. I'm afraid I've got bad news. I'm afraid I have some bad news. Моля те, обаждай се от време на време. Please keep in touch. Please call from time to time. Том забележа како Мери го гледа. Tom noticed Mary looking at him. Tom noticed Mary watching him. Не можеше да си ги соблече панталоните. He couldn't get his trousers off. She couldn't take her pants off. Пушти го шишето. Let go of the bottle. Let go of the bottle. Том има модрица на окото. Tom has a black eye. Tom's got a bruise on his eye. Каде е вотката? Where is the vodka? Where's the vodka? На исто рамниште сме. We are on the same level. We're on the same plane. Още не съм се отказал. I haven't given up yet. I haven't given up yet. Не трябва да излизаш. You shouldn't go out. You don't have to go out. Очакваш ли някого? Are you expecting anybody? You expecting someone? Знам, че мога да го направя. I know I can do it. I know I can do that. Дознај каде е Том. Find out where Tom is. Find out where Tom is. Той добави малко захар в кафето. He added a little sugar to the coffee. He added some sugar to the coffee. Сигурно сум си ја паркирал колата другде. I must have parked my car elsewhere. I must've parked my car somewhere else. Ова е Том, мојот помошник. This is Tom, my assistant. This is Tom, my assistant. To je môj počítač. This is my computer. It's a môj by the way. Той ме спаси от опасност. He saved me from danger. He saved me from danger. Се чувствувам подобро. I'm feeling better. I feel better. Трябва да премахнем всички ядрени оръжия,защото са смъртоносни за човечеството. We have to abolish all nuclear weapons, because they are deadly to mankind. We need to remove all nuclear weapons because they're deadly to humanity. Говоря със служителите си на френски. I speak French to my staff. I'm talking to my employees in French. Ќе си ги измијам рацете. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'll wash my hands. Излегување на дождов не доаѓа во обѕир. Going out in this rain is out of the question. The pouring out of this rain doesn't come to mind. От млякото правим сирене и маслко. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter from milk. Ќе се маскираш ли годинава? Are you going in costume this year? Are you going to disguise yourself this year? Мисля, че направи правилния избор. I think you made the right choice. I think you made the right choice. Том говори френски перфектно. Tom speaks French perfectly. Tom speaks French perfectly. Сега што гледаш? What do you see now? Now what do you see? Нищо ли не може да бъде направено? Can't anything be done? Can't nothing be done? Ей ти! Изчакай, моля те. Hey you! Please wait. Hey, you, hold on, please. Тој седеше покрај реката. He sat next to the river. He was sitting by the river. Јас не би трошел нерви поради тоа. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I wouldn't waste my nerve on it. Том току-що се прибра вкъщи. Tom came home just now. Tom just got home. Сакав да се замијам. I wanted to wash up. I wanted to wash. Том ја испрати Мари до врата. Tom escorted Mary to the door. Tom sent Marie to the door. Филмов вреди да се гледа. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth watching. Внимавай да не разбиеш сърцето на Том. Be careful you don't break Tom's heart. Don't break Tom's heart. Ќе направам се за доброто на човештвото. I'll do anything in the interests of humanity. I will do everything for the good of mankind. Tom má troch starších bratov. Tom has three older brothers. Tom má troch parentích brothers. Ние няма да правим това. We won't be doing that. We're not gonna do that. Днес открих, че има филм, който се казва "Руснаците идват! Руснаците идват!" Today I discovered that there's a movie called "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" Today I discovered that there was a movie called "The Russians are coming! Том не беше доволно висок да ја достигне најгорната полица. Tom wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. Tom wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. Том не си беше сложил колана. Tom wasn't wearing a belt. Tom didn't put his belt on. Том носи очила. Tom wears glasses. Tom's wearing glasses. Том носи тиранти. Tom is wearing suspenders. Tom's wearing tyrants. Том чу нещо. Tom heard something. Tom heard something. On nebeží. He doesn't run. He's the one. Прав човекомрзец си. You're a complete misanthrope. You're right, man. Не забравяй да заключиш вратата. Remember to lock the door. Don't forget to lock the door. Том би го сакал тоа. Tom would love that. Tom would've wanted that. Дан сакаше да има многу деца. Dan wanted a lot of kids. Dan wanted a lot of kids. Не сакам да одам да пазарам денес. I don't want to go shopping today. I don't want to go shopping today. Дай да побързаме. Let's hurry up. Let's hurry up. Препорачливо е да провериш дали може да има некакви негативни ефекти ако пиеш алкохол додека го пиеш лекот што ти го препишале. It's advisable to check whether there'll be any adverse affects if you drink alcohol while taking the medication you've been prescribed. It is advisable to check if you can have any negative effects if you drink alcohol while taking the prescription medicine. Имам нещо, което трябва да свърша. I have something to do. I have something I have to do. Той умира да види Сейко. He's dying to see Seiko. He's dying to see Seiko. Прекарахме си стрхотно вакнцията в Швеция. We had a fantastic holiday in Sweden. We had a rough shot in Sweden. Ситуацијата е безнадежна. The situation is hopeless. The situation is hopeless. Едвај се спасив да не ме фатат. I barely escaped getting caught. I barely got away from getting caught. Ќе помогнеш ли? Will you lend a hand? Will you help? Пооправих се. I've gotten better. I've made up my mind. Нема да ја издадам. I won't betray her. I'm not gonna rat her out. Ќе биде во ред. It'll be all right. It's gonna be okay. Децата мислеха, че родителите им са направени от пари. The children thought that their parents were made of money. The kids thought their parents were made of money. Том доживеа катастрофален неуспех. Tom failed horribly. Tom suffered a catastrophic failure. Ние не сме глупаци. We're not fools. We're not fools. Полицијата најде отпечатоци од чевли на местото на злосторството. The police found shoe impressions at the crime scene. The police found shoe prints at the crime scene. Сам питай Том. Ask Tom yourself. Ask Tom yourself. Том не требаше да си ја напише лозинката на внатрешната страна на корицата од тетратката. Tom shouldn't have written his password on the inside cover of his notebook. Tom shouldn't have written his password on the inside of his notebook cover. S čigavim dovoljenjem? On whose authority did you do that? With whose permission? Платих видеото на пет вноски. I paid for the video in five installments. I paid the video for five contributions. Пеперугите се убави. Butterflies are beautiful. The butterflies are beautiful. В по-добра форма си от мен. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Сакам чај. I like tea. I want some tea. Щастливи ли сме всички? Are we all happy? Are we all happy? Еве што мислам дека се случило. Here's what I think happened. Here's what I think happened. Ja nájdem priateľov kamkoľvek pôjdem. I'll find friends wherever I go. Yeah, I'm not going to pick up your camcorder pôjdem. Тој се навикна на работење во градината по два часа на ден. He got used to working two hours every day in the garden. He got used to working in the garden two hours a day. Има само уште едно колаче. There's only one cookie left. There's only one more cookie. Не можеме да навлегуваме во тоа сега. We can't go into that now. We can't get into it now. Честно казано, не го харесвам. Frankly, I don't like him. Frankly, I don't like him. Стварно ли сакаме да им помогнеме? Do we really want to help them? Do we really want to help them? Том премногу зборуваше. Tom talked too much. Tom was talking too much. Мисля, че Том направи голяма грешка. I think Tom made a big mistake. I think Tom made a big mistake. Том рече дека ќе ја полее бавчата. Tom said that he'd water the garden. Tom said he'd take the party apart. Искам нещо за ядене. I'd like something to eat. I want something to eat. Pomahala je z obema rokama da bi jo lahko našel. She waved both her hands so that he could find her. She waved both hands to find her. Јас никогаш не победувам. I never win. I never win. Je pol deviatej. It's half past eight. It's half a virgin. Понеже е написано на опростен френски, мога да го разбера. Since it's written in easy French, I can understand it. Since it's written in plain French, I can understand it. Навистина ќе се потрудам да бидам љубезен со Том. I'm going to try real hard to be nice to Tom. I'm really gonna try to be nice to Tom. Чух, че пленили Том. I heard Tom was captured. I heard they captured Tom. Bolí ma hlava. I have a sore head. It's a bad cold. Ти си толкова отзивчива. You're so helpful. You're so responsive. Воен службеник е. He is an army officer. He's a military officer. Čo chceš? What do you want? What are you doing? Той често ходи на кино с нея. He often goes to the cinema with her. He often goes to the movies with her. Веднаш да си ги донел овде. Get them over here right away. Bring them here right now. Треба да поставиме замка. We should set a trap. We need to set up a trap. Том најде нова работа. Tom got a new job. Tom's got a new job. Къщата, в която преди живеехме, е съборена. The house we used to live in was torn down. The house we used to live in is torn down. Тяхната къща е точно срещу автобусната спирка. Their house is just opposite the bus stop. Their house is right at the bus stop. Грейс още не е дошла. Grace has not come yet. Grace's not here yet. Никој од нас нема да направи ништо за да ти помогне. None of us will do anything to help you. None of us will do anything to help you. Човек трябва да си изпълнява задълженията. One should do one's duties. A man has to do his duty. Сигурно сум изумил. It must've slipped my mind. I must have invented it. Опитът ни учи, че хората никога не научават нищо от опита си. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. Our experience teaches that people never learn anything from their experience. Обичаш ли майка си? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Понякога чувам баща ми да пее в банята. I sometimes hear my father singing in the bath. Sometimes I hear my dad singing in the bathroom. На нас ни беше приятно да играем бейзбол. We enjoyed playing baseball. We enjoyed playing baseball. Не одобрявам решението ти. I don't approve your decision. I don't approve of your decision. Том ме учи да говоря на френски. Tom teaches me French. Tom's teaching me how to speak French. Го мразам тепихов. I hate this carpet. I hate this carpet. Колку време работиш како лекар тука? How long have you been a doctor here? How long have you been working as a doctor here? Тя сама е прочела всичките ми книги. She read all my books by herself. She read all my books herself. Том иска повече пари. Tom wants more money. Tom wants more money. Стаорците се мали. Rats are small. Rats are small. Понякога се случва. It happens sometimes. It happens sometimes. Еве, брат, по пола. Here, bro, halfsies. Here, brother, half. Добив отказ. I was fired. I got fired. Казах ти, че мразя тази риза. I told you I hated that shirt. I told you I hate that shirt. Книгата е интересна. The book is intresting. It's an interesting book. Том не трябваше да прави това. Tom shouldn't have done that. Tom shouldn't have done that. Чух го да слиза по стълбите. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him coming down the stairs. Току-що създадох нов текстообработваща програма, с която думите може да произнасят наобратно. I've just invented a new word processor allowing to pronounce words backwards. I've just created a new text processing program with which words can say backwards. Дали ќе гласаш за него? Are you going to vote for him? Will you vote for him? Сигурна ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? Како да помогнеме? How do we help? How Can We Help? Том делува смотано. Tom appears awkward. Tom's acting silly. Моля, фокусирай го. Please just focus it. Please focus. Неговото присуство е важно за мене. Its presence is important for me. His presence is important to me. Дан го виделе како зборува со непознат човек во близина на ресторанот. Dan was seen talking to an unknown man near the restaurant. Dan was seen talking to an unknown man near the restaurant. Bol prekvapený, že jeho otec predal farmu. He was surprised his father had sold the farm. Bol skewedý, already the ostrich handed over to the farm. За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за теб. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be a pleasure to sing for you. Не по-малко от 100 души присъстваха на срещата. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. Kakšen je njihov odgovor? What's their answer? What's their answer? Идвате ли? Are you coming? Are you coming? Том го проголта бивото. Tom downed his beer. Tom swallowed the beer. Имам проблеми с немската граматика. I'm having a hard time with German grammar. I'm having trouble with the German grammar. Не се отказвам лесно. I'm not a quitter. I don't give up easily. Можеби би требало да ѝ помогнам. Maybe I should give her a hand. Maybe I should help her. Jedného dňa navštívim tvoju krajinu. I will come to your country some day. I'm eating your country. Ќе правиш како што ти заповедам. You will do as I say. You'll do as I say. Каква е цялата история? What's the whole story? What's the whole story? Изглежа Том се страхува от нещо. Tom seems to be afraid of something. Tom is afraid of something. Го исплаши Том. You frightened Tom. You scared Tom. Тој е будалест. He is foolish. He's a fool. Ako deti sme všetci mali sny. We all had dreams as children. If it's a baby, it's supposed to be a little snowshake. Харесва ли ти вечерта? Are you enjoying the evening? Do you like the night? Дай му ги. Give them to him. Give it to him. Човек трябва да се труди. A man must work. A man has to work. Дали те гњави Том? Is Tom pestering you? Does Tom bother you? Vyjasnieva sa. It's getting brighter. We're clear. Би можел ли да останеш малку? Could you stay a minute? Could you stay for a while? Каде ми е паричникот? Нема врска! Само што го најдов под каучот. Where is my wallet? Nevermind! I just found it under the couch. Where's my wallet? Мораше да се направи. It had to be done. It had to be done. Имаме ли избор? Do we have a choice? Do we have a choice? Изненаден сум што те гледам тука. I'm surprised to see you here. I'm surprised to see you here. Можно е Том да е осамен. Tom might be lonely. It's possible Tom is lonely. Том седеше на скалите и разговараше со девојка по име Мери. Tom sat on the steps talking to a girl named Mary. Tom was sitting on the stairs talking to a girl named Mary. Не очаквай всеки да те харесва. Don't expect everyone to like you. Don't expect anyone to like you. Том не знае што е разликата помеѓу мазга и магаре. Tom doesn't know the difference between a mule and a donkey. Tom doesn't know what the difference between a mule and a donkey is. Том е завършил японска филология. Tom majored in Japanese literature in college. Tom graduated from Japanese Philology. Малко ме боли вратът. My neck hurts a little. My neck's a little sore. Миналата седмица ядох пица всеки ден. I ate pizza every day last week. Last week, I ate pizza every day. Мисля, че забравихме някого. I think we forgot someone. I think we forgot someone. Утре ќе бидам во Скопје. Tomorrow I'll be in Skopje. I'll be in Skopje tomorrow. Том ја симна сликата од ѕидот и закачи друга на тоа место. Tom took off the picture on the wall and hung another there. Tom took the picture off the wall and put another one in that place. Прашањето е кога. The question is when. The question is when. Myslím, teda som. I think, therefore I am. Myslím, som. Да си го заштитиме мирот! Let us protect our peace! Let's protect our peace! Ако нема порнографија со тоа, ќе биде направена. If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. If there's no pornography about it, it'll be done. Якето ми е в колата. My jacket's in the car. My jacket's in the car. Мразя съквартиранта си. I hate my roommate. I hate my roommate. Том погледна низ прозорецот и ја виде Мери како си игра со своето куче. Tom looked out the window and saw Mary playing with her dog. Tom looked out the window and saw Mary playing with his dog. Тебе те бркаа. They were after you. They were after you. Дебелото черво е дълго около 1.5 метра. The large intestine is about 1.5m long. The colon is about 5 feet long. Ми паѓаат напамет неколку причини. I can think of several reasons. I think of a few reasons. Heslo je „Muiriel“. The password is "Muiriel". Heslo is “Muiriel. ” Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had disappeared. When Tom woke up, he discovered that Mary was missing. Познаваш ли го изобщо? Do you know him at all? Do you even know him? Аз още не съм си написал цялото домашно. I haven't finished all my homework yet. I haven't written my entire homework yet. На Том не му кажаа зошто Мери не е таму. Tom wasn't told why Mary wasn't there. They didn't tell Tom why Mary wasn't there. Големо задоволство ѝ претставуваше тоа што ја запознава својата правнука. She was delighted to meet her great-granddaughter. It was a great pleasure for her to get to know her great-grandfather. Няма да трае повече от два или три часа. I won't be more than two or three hours. It won't last more than two or three hours. Това никога преди не съм го виждал. I've never seen this before. I've never seen that before. Башо е най-великият поет. Basho was the greatest poet. He's the greatest poet ever. На одмор сум овде. I'm here on holiday. I'm on vacation here. Фатив сипаници. I came down with measles. I've got me some measles. Ме најмија да ги најдам. I've been hired to find them. They hired me to find them. Повече да не си повторила тази дума. Don't say that word again. Don't ever say that word again. Зошто не ме оставиш намира? Why won't you leave me alone? Why don't you leave me alone? Имам само осумнаесет години. I'm only eighteen. I'm only 18 years old. Spal je. He was sleeping. He was asleep. Мога ли да направя друго предложение? May I make another suggestion? Can I make another proposal? Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добра. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. I started learning French recently, so I'm not very good. Ќе дојдам да те спасам. I'll come to save you. I'll come and save you. Те гледат само светлата страна на американската икономика They are looking at only the sunny side of the American economy. They only watch the bright side of the American economy Ти прозборе Том? Is Tom talking to you yet? Did Tom talk to you? Многу луѓе во Африка загинаа како последица на бурата. Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm. Many people in Africa died as a result of the storm. Некој штотуку се јави. Somebody just called. Someone just called. Как беше последният уикенд, Нанси? How was last weekend, Nancy? How was the last weekend, Nancy? Изкачвал съм връх Фуджи два пъти. I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice. I've climbed top Fuji twice. Ja viem, aké to je. I know what it's like. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Том сакаше Мери да ги покани Џон и Алис на вечера. Tom wanted Mary to invite John and Alice over for dinner. Tom wanted Mary to invite John and Alice to dinner. Том ја затвори вратата. Tom pulled the door shut. Tom closed the door. Някои отрови, използвани правилно, са полезни. Certain poisons, properly used, are useful. Some poisons used correctly are useful. Знаеш ли да гњуриш? Do you know how to dive? Do you know how to rot? Детето си ги чуваше сите пари во касичка. The kid kept all of his money in a piggy bank. The kid kept all his money in his purse. Тоа беше навистина трогателно. It was really touching. That was really touching. Pracuje nausilovnejšie z triedy. He works hardest in his class. It's practically the best with the triedy. Тој е строг критичар. He is a harsh critic. He's a hard critic. Не привлекувај внимание. Keep a low profile. Don't attract attention. Почекај една минута, Том. Wait a minute, Tom. Wait a minute, Tom. Ko jim poveš se probaj ne smejati. Try not to smile when you tell them. When you tell them, don't laugh. Го познавав Том многу добро. I knew Tom very well. I knew Tom very well. Оваа е најдобриот ресторан во нашава област. This is the best restaurant in our area. This is the best restaurant in our area. Имаш мали гради. You have a small chest. You've got small breasts. Таа бавно трча. She is a slow runner. She's running slowly. На колко изглеждам? How old do I look? How old do I look? На Том не му трябва да знае това. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Што правевте со Том вчера? What did you and Tom do yesterday? What were you and Tom doing yesterday? Посетителите се добредојдени. Visitors are welcome. Visitors are welcome. Не се страхувай. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Па нели рече дека сакаш да одиш со нас? I thought you said you wanted to go with us. So you said you wanted to go with us? Почти не те чувам. I can hardly hear you. I almost can't hear you. Това не е много забавно. This isn't much fun. That's not much fun. Можеби сме роднини. Maybe we're related. Maybe we're related. Na zdravie! Cheers! Cheers! Кейт му съчувстваше. Kate sympathized with him. Kate felt bad for him. Мислиш ли, че Мери е привлекателна? Do you think Mary is attractive? Do you think Mary's attractive? Татко ми ми купи дигитален рачен часовник за роденден. My father bought me a digital watch for birthday present. My father bought me a digital handheld for my birthday. Бих предпочел да говоря на френски. I'd prefer to speak French. I'd rather speak French. Притеснена ли си? Are you worried? Are you worried? Здравейте всички! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! To je izguba časa. It's a waste of time. It's a waste of time. Ще си взема обратно всичко, което казах. I'll take back all I said. I'll take back everything I said. To je šola. That is a school. It's a school. Изглежда Том не иска да стои тук. It looks like Tom doesn't want to be here. Looks like Tom doesn't want to stay here. Мислев дека си во Бостон. I thought you were in Boston. I thought you were in Boston. Никога преди не съм срещала Том. I'd never met Tom before. I've never met Tom before. Каде му е куќата? Where is his house? Where's his house? Никога няма да бъдете сами. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Денес изгледаат зафатено. They look busy today. They look busy today. Имам други работи што би требало да ги правам. I have other things I need to be doing. I have other things to do. Трябва да се сбогувам. I have to say goodbye. I have to say goodbye. Брат ми казва, че не се страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother says he's not afraid of the dark. Тука ли живееш? Do you live here? You live here? Една съвременна фабрика е напълно автоматизирана. A modern factory is totally automated. A modern factory is fully automated. Имам впечаток дека врне цел ден. I'm under the impression that it's been raining all day. I got the impression it's raining all day. Може ли сметката, ако обичате? Could I have the bill, please? Can I have the bill, please? Знам колку вреди тоа. I know what that's worth. I know what it's worth. Ангелите не чуваат и не водат. Angels guard and guide us. Angels guard us and lead us. Може ли да ползвам колата ти днес? May I use your car today? Can I use your car today? Може да се одмориме. We can rest. We can get some rest. Мислев заедно да го посетиме музејот. I thought we could visit the museum together. I thought we'd go to the museum together. Тук си в опасност. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. Том говори френски много по-добре от кой да е от неговите съученици. Tom is better at speaking French than any of his classmates. Tom speaks French much better than any of his classmates. Знаех, че ще бъдеш зает. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Ще ми помогнеш ли да напиша писмо на френски? Could you help me write a letter in French? Can you help me write a letter in French? Ja neviem variť. I can't cook. Yeah, I'm not cheating on her. Том го приредил сево ова. Tom orchestrated this whole thing. Tom arranged all this. Да не мислиш, че съм дошъл тук, само за да си изгубя времето? Did you think I came here just to pass the time of day? You think I came here just to waste my time? Na moje prekvapenie mal nádherný hlas. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. On my contraband little nádherný hlas. Што му е намената? What is its purpose? What's his name? Млеково е киселкасто. The milk tastes sour. Milk is sour. Том никогаш не се разболува. Tom never gets sick. Tom never gets sick. Безработицата расте. Unemployment is rising. Unemployment is growing. Prosím, zajtra ma zobuďte o šiestej. Please wake me up at six tomorrow. I beg your mother-in-law-in-law-in-law. Би сакал да знам зошто ми го избришале името од списокот. I'd like to know why my name was deleted from the list. I'd like to know why they deleted my name from the list. Том вети дека ќе остане во својата соба. Tom promised to stay in his room. Tom promised to stay in his room. Се преучи. He studied very hard. He's changed his mind. Термометарот покажува 10 степени. The thermometer reads 10 degrees. The thermometer is 10 degrees. Страхотно е, че се срещаме. It's great to meet you. It's great to meet you. Една од работите на коиште се пожали Том е храната. One of Tom's complaints is the food. One of the things Tom complained about is food. Ова не му е прво доцнење на Том. This isn't the first time Tom has been late. This isn't Tom's first delay. Това не е голяма изненада, нали? It's not much of a surprise, is it? That's not a big surprise, is it? Сакам правда. I want justice. I want justice. Имам ли право да те придружавам? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Chcem napísať knihu. I want to write a book. I'm squeezing a knip. Срам да ти е! Shame on you! Shame on you! Легендата вели дека таа била сирена. The legend says that she was a mermaid. The legend says she was a siren. Чат-пат си мисля за това. I think about that from time to time. I've been thinking about it for a while. Том за ништо не беше сигурен. Tom wasn't sure of anything. Tom wasn't sure about anything. Имаше трийсет свидетели. There were 30 witnesses. There were 30 witnesses. Животниве се загрозени. These animals are on the verge of extinction. These animals are threatened. Том се беше прибрал вкъщи. Tom has gone home. Tom was home. В неделя съм зает. I'm busy on Saturday. I'm busy on Sunday. Ужасно съм гладна. I'm terribly hungry. I'm terribly hungry. Нема да ти помогнам. I won't assist you. I'm not gonna help you. Сега, след като се регистрирах, какво трябва да правя? What do I have to do now that I'm registered? Now that I've registered, what do I have to do? Тој дишеше длабоко. He breathed deeply. He was breathing deeply. Трябва да стоя тук. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Можеш ли да четеш на френски? Can you read French? Can you read in French? Толкова е лесно. This is so easy. It's so easy. Том има куче. Tom has a dog. Tom's got a dog. Вознемирувачко е. It's disconcerting. It's disturbing. Днес беше забавно. Today was fun. Today was fun. Просто искам да поговорим. I just want to talk. I just want to talk to you. Поправих му радиото. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed his radio. Том знае да направи се. Tom knows how to make everything. Tom can do anything. Няма нужда да се извиняваш. There's no need to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Тя изглежда много болна. She seems to be very ill. She seems very sick. Той се поклони с глава. He bowed his head. He bowed his head. Трябва да защитим децата си. We must protect our children. We need to protect our children. Трябва да се върна до Босътн. I have to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Bosten. Кой го изтегли? Who drew it? Who pulled it? Заклучени се внатре. They're locked in. They're locked in. Каква е вашата националност? What's your nationality? What is your nationality? Том се върна обратно вътре. Tom went back inside. Tom went back inside. Што држиш? What are you holding? What are you holding? Фала. Thank you. Thank you. Знаев дека требаше да молчам. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. Хайде да играем. Let's play! Let's play. Нема ништо да те кошта да го поправиш. It won't cost anything to repair it. It won't cost you anything to fix it. Prestalo pršať It's stopped raining. Exterior spray Сега ще трябва да се оправям с това. I have to deal with this now. Now I'm gonna have to deal with this. Nič som necítil. I didn't feel anything. I don't have anything. Не беше важно. It wasn't important. It didn't matter. Том беше на абсолютно сигурно място. Tom was perfectly safe. Tom was absolutely safe. Драго ми е што можам да бидам твој. I am happy that I can be yours. I'm glad I can be yours. Си ја избриша мократа коса со пешкир. She wiped her wet hair with a towel. She wiped her wet hair with a towel. Том не истиот човек од пред три години. Tom isn't the same man he was three years ago. Tom's not the same man three years ago. Не е толку згоден колку Том. He is not as handsome as Tom. He's not as handsome as Tom. И јас сум учител. I, too, am a teacher. I'm a teacher, too. Ништо не ми должиш. You owe me nothing. You don't owe me anything. Kako si? How are you? How are you? Шајка ја дупнала гумата. A nail punctured the tire. Shaika blew the tire. Да видам што можам да направам. Let me see what we can do. Let me see what I can do. Всичките съм ги пробвала. I've tried them all. I've tried them all. Дојде време да се збогуваме. The time has come to say goodbye. The time has come to say good-bye. Не треба да напишеш повеќе од 400 збора. You don't need to write more than 400 words. You don't have to write more than 400 words. Се гледа дека ти било гајле за неа. I can tell you cared about her. You seem to care about her. Отиваш ли? Are you going? Are you going? Можам да го остварам тоа. I can make it happen. I can do that. Къде е ЖП гарата? Where is the railroad station? Where's the train station? Páčilo by sa vám to. You'd like it. I'll do it by myself. Казвал съм ви го и друг път, нали? I've told you that before, haven't I? I've told you this another time, haven't I? Трябва да взема сина си в 2:30. I have to pick up my son at 2:30. I have to pick up my son at 2:30. Ќе се откажам. I'm going to quit. I'll give up. Искам да говоря с тебе по друг въпрос. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. Сѐ послаб сум. I am getting weaker and weaker! I'm getting weaker. Те молам, најди го. Please find him. Please find him. Добро ти оди ова. You're good at this. You're doing good. Можеби ќе мора да ни помогнеш. You may have to help us. Maybe you'll have to help us. Би требало да си одам дома. I should go home. I should go home. Máš sýrsky pas? Do you have a Syrian passport? You want a sýrsky belt? За што се работи текстот? What's the text about? What's the text about? Наистина не знам какво да кажа. I really don't know what to say. I really don't know what to say. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не са гласували. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. The majority of opponents of slavery have not voted. Моля те, направи три копия на тази страница. Please make three copies of this page. Please make three copies on this page. Те винаги пропускат училище. They always skip school. They always miss school. Зошто лажеш? Why are you lying? Why are you lying? Аз черпя. The drink is on me. I'm buying. Позволете ми да Ви разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about myself. Nekráčaš do školy. You don't walk to school. You don't go to school. Шофьорът на автобуса не видя пешеходеца. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian. Ще се обадиш ли на Том, или искаш аз да го направя? Are you going to call Tom or do you want me to? Will you call Tom, or do you want me to? Emily bo maturirala leta 2017. Emily will graduate from high school in 2017. Emily will graduate in 2017. Аз плаках днес. I cried today. I cried today. Том има проблеми со бесот. Tom has anger issues. Tom's got anger issues. Том и кажа на Марија дека никогаш не го запознал Џон. Tom told Mary he'd never met John. Tom told Mary he never met John. Том сака Мери да направи шпагети за вечера. Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner. Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner. За него го правам тоа. I'm doing it for him. That's what I'm doing for him. Што има јазици а не осеќа вкус? What has tongues, but not cannot taste? What does it have to do with languages and not taste? Зошто мораше баш ти? Why did it have to be you? Why did you have to? Ne vem kaj bo iz tebe. I don't know what will become of you. I don't know what's coming out of you. Това е твоят дом. It's your home. This is your home. Зарем не ти се викаше Куки старото куче? Wasn't your old dog named Cookie? Wasn't your name Cookie Old Dog? Таа торта е калорична. That cake is fattening. That cake is caloric. Имам малку температура. I have a small fever. I've got a little fever. Ако се туширам со врела вода, се замаглува огледалото во купатилото. If I take a hot shower, the mirror in the bathroom fogs up. If I shower with hot water, the mirror swings in the bathroom. Може ли да видя шофьорската Ви книжка? Could I see your driver's license? Can I see your driver's license? Туитър акаунтът ми е спрян заради спам. My Twitter account is suspended because of spamming. My Twitter account's closed because of spam. Том закъсняваше за вечеря. Tom was late for dinner. Tom was late for dinner. Плувам по веднъж седмично. I swim once a week. I swim once a week. Юмико се омъжи миналия юни за приятел от детските си години. Yumiko married a childhood friend last June. Yumiko married a friend in her childhood last June. Това няма да ти трябва вече. You won't be needing that again. You won't need that anymore. Дан никогаш немаше намера да ги остави Линда и децата сами. Dan never intended to leave Linda and her children alone. Dan never intended to leave Linda and the kids alone. Je to veľmi jednoduché. It is very simple. It's a big nuisance. Чекор по чекор, тој се симнува по скалите. Step by step, he descends the stairs. Step by step, he goes down the stairs. Аз обичам тениса. I like tennis. I love tennis. Колку луѓе собира во собава? How many people can fit in this room? How many people are in this room? Bojíš sa psov? Are you afraid of dogs? Are you fighting dogs? Том е учител по френски. Tom is a French teacher. Tom is a French teacher. За тебе го направих. I made this for you. I did it for you. Сега смеете да си одите, господине. You can go now, sir. Now you must leave, sir. Väzni utiekli z koncentračného tábora. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. The Väzni slid with the concentrateého tábor. Зарем не е возможно Том да го направил ова? Isn't it possible that Tom was the one who did this? Is it not possible for Tom to do this? Казах ви какво трябва да направите. I've told you what you must do. I told you what to do. Обожавам пеперутки. I love butterflies. I love butterflies. Ти имаш ли си? Do you have one? Do you? Виждала съм ви преди. I've seen you before. I've seen you before. Водата не става за пиене. The water is not fit to drink. The water's not good to drink. Tom je platený od hodín. Tom is paid by the hour. Tom's a canvasý from the escapade. Том ми даде една ябълка. Tom gave me an apple. Tom gave me an apple. Кислородът е необходим за горенето. Oxygen is necessary for combustion. The oxygen is necessary for burning. Никад нема да го заборавам. I'll never forget him. I won't forget it. Да не би нещо да те плаши? Are you afraid of something? Is there something that scares you? Kakšne so prave številke? What are the real figures? What are the right numbers? Америка е много голяма. America is very large. America is very big. Нивниот план ми звучи интересно. Their plan sounds interesting to me. Their plan sounds interesting to me. Можам да направам повик. I can make a call. I can make a call. Треба да си ја платиш киријата однапред. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent in advance. Ако Джон беше дошъл, нямаше да се налага аз да идвам. If John had come, I wouldn't have had to come. If John had come, I wouldn't have to come. Ще отида, ако Том отива. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. Колку инструмента умееш да свириш? How many instruments do you know how to play? How many instruments can you play? Това все още не съм го проумяла. I haven't really figured that out yet. I haven't figured that out yet. Побрзај и ќе стигнеш на време. Make haste, and you will be in time. Hurry up and you'll be there in time. Колку си негативен. You're so negative. You're so negative. Утре ще ставам рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll get up early tomorrow. Том нема да ме фати. Tom won't catch me. Tom won't catch me. Ѕвездите светат. The stars are shining. The stars are glowing. Какво ще стане, когато свършим водата? What happens when we run out of water? What happens when we finish the water? Тоа ништо не докажува. That doesn't prove a thing. That doesn't prove anything. Още когато е бил млад, родителите му починали, затова го е отгледал чичо му. Because his parents had died when he was young, his uncle brought him up. When he was young, his parents died, so his uncle raised him. Доказателствата го потвърждават. The evidence confirms it. The evidence confirms it. Виждала съм Том тук преди. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. Том се испијани вчеравечер. Tom got drunk last night. Tom got drunk last night. През лятото аз нося ризи с къс ръкав. In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts. In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts. Ти беше уплашен. You were scared. You were scared. Стана чукунбаба само неколку дена пред да наполни деведесет и девет години. She became a great-great-grandmother just days before turning ninety-nine. He became a chukunba just a few days before he was nine-year-old. Той ми каза как да стигна до музея. He told me how to get to the museum. He told me how to get to the museum. Ги прашав што не е во ред. I asked them what was wrong. I asked them what was wrong. Треба ли да веруваме во тоа? Can we believe that? Should we believe that? Това не е напълно сигурно. That's not absolutely certain. That's not entirely certain. Том никогаш никому не дава пари на заем. Tom never lends money to anyone. Tom never gives anyone money on loan. Neštuduje hudbu. He's not studying music. He disrespects the devil. Том не искаше да изоставя Мери. Tom didn't want to leave Mary behind. Tom didn't want me to leave Mary. Си го запознал ли Том? Have you met Tom? Have you met Tom? И Том, и Мери носеха шлифери. Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats. And Tom and Mary were wearing raincoats. Мисля, че това е Том. I think that's Tom. I think this is Tom. Макар че Джейн имаше с един куфар по-малко от мен, тя все пак твърдеше, че багажът ѝ е твърде много. Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane had a suitcase less than I did, she still claimed that her luggage was too much. Неговата работа каква е? What's his job? What's his job? Ќе дојде ли полиција? Will the police come? Is the police coming? Сакам печени костени. I like roasted chestnuts. I like roasted bones. Чудя се защо съм толкова уморена. I wonder why I'm so tired. I wonder why I'm so tired. Buď na železničnej stanici presne o jedenástej. Be at the train station at eleven sharp. "Boo" at the railway station is too bad about edenástay. За жал не можам да го дозволам тоа. I'm afraid I can't authorize that. Unfortunately, I can't let that happen. Досега не бях виждал затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a eclipse before. Zavolaj brata aby ti pomohol prestrieť stôl. Call your brother to help you set the table. For your brother Abby's help, you're going through a stôl. Мислам дека предолго си живеел во џунглата. I think you've been in the jungle too long. I think you've lived in the jungle for too long. Имаш ли бенд? Did you have a band? You got a band? Макар че знам малко френски, мисля, че трябва да разговаряме на английски. Even though I know a little French, I think we should speak in English. Although I know a little French, I think we should talk in English. Казал съм на Том всичко, което съм казал и на тебе. I've told Tom everything I've told you. I've told Tom everything I've told you. Заслужуваше подобро. You deserved better. You deserved better. Толкова те бива. You're so good at it. You're so good. Няма да го повярвам, докато не го чуя от Том. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. Не съм толкова уморена. I'm not so tired. I'm not that tired. Не го прави, Том. Don't do it, Tom. Don't do it, Tom. Платих 30 долара за това. I paid 30 dollars for that. I paid $30 for that. Трябва да си намериш истинска работа. You need to get a real job. You need to get a real job. Звука на ужасния писък го накара да се разтрепери. The sound of an awful scream made him shudder. Sounds like a terrible scream made him shake. Все още съм малко зает. I'm still a little busy. I'm still a little busy. Voda je zelo vroča. The water's very hot. The water's very hot. Доскоро! See you soon! I'll see you later. Толпата се откачи. The crowd went wild. The crowd is gone. Не губете кураж. Keep up your courage. Don't lose your courage. Какви книги на френски си прочела? What books have you read in French? What books in French have you read? Моля ви, не го правете. Please don't do it. Please don't do this. Така се случи, че я познавах лично. It happened that I knew her by sight. That's how it happened that I knew her in person. Мислам дека неа треба да ја избереш. I think you should choose her. I think you should choose her. Две пива, Ве молам. Two beers, please. Two beers, please. Мисля, че сте го правили и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done this before. Таа жена имаше дете. That woman has had a child. That woman had a kid. Môžeš mi, prosím, urobiť láskavosť? Could you please do me a favor? I'm sorry, do you mind, do you, do you, do you, do you? Никой не ме харесва. Аз никога не съм бил харесван, защото не съм красив. Nobody likes me. I have never been liked by anybody, because I am not beautiful. I've never been liked because I'm not beautiful. Разсмях се на вица му. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his wife. Том не е многу љубезен. Tom isn't very polite. Tom's not very kind. Изглежда повечето хора се предават, преди да са осъзнали своите възможности. It looks like most people give up before realizing their abilities. Most people seem to be surrendering before they realize their abilities. Том сака реванш. Tom wants a rematch. Tom wants a rematch. Само што дојдовме оттаму. We were just there. We just got out of there. Deset let je minilo, odkar je umrl moj oče. Ten years have gone by since my father died. It's been ten years since my father died. Не можев да го трпам. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand it. Си го прочитал ли? Have you read it? Have you read it? Nihče ne živi v resničosti, zahvaljujoč oligarhiji miljarderjev. No one is actually experiencing reality thanks to the oligarchy of billionaires. No one lives in reality, thanks to an oligarchia of billionaires. Vydáva knihy v Taliansku. He publishes books in Italy. Vydás knya in Talinsk. Конташ? Get it? You're contagioning? Донеси ми нещо за пиене. Get me a drink. Get me something to drink. Нема што да се мисли. It's a no-brainer. There's nothing to think about. Луѓето постојано умираат. People are always dying. People die all the time. Кога си зафатен? When are you busy? When are you busy? Tom hrá na klavír veľmi dobre. Tom plays the piano very well. Tom krá na klavír is good. Камоли да можев да бидам така среќен како што си ти. I wish I could be as happy as you. I wish I could be as happy as you are. Ќе најдам нешто. I'll find something. I'll find something. Не се продаваше. It wasn't on sale. It wasn't for sale. Тези истински ли са? Are these real? Are these real? Един приятел ще идва на гости утре. A friend's coming over tomorrow. A friend will come to visit tomorrow. Тревожите ли се? Are you worried? Are you worried? Енергијата доаѓа од внатре. Energy comes from inside. The energy's coming from the inside. Одевме по брегот. He walked along the shore. We were going down the coast. Вљубен сум и збунет. I'm in love and I'm confused. I'm in love and confused. Мислам дека не сме добредојдени тука. I don't think we're welcome here. I don't think we're welcome here. Мораш да си одиш дома. You have to go home. You have to go home. Навистина ли мораш да работиш викендов? Do you really have to work this weekend? Do you really have to work this weekend? Напоследък не съм виждал Том. I haven't seen Tom lately. I haven't seen Tom lately. Том ќе те фати. Tom will catch you. Tom's gonna get you. Останали са само няколко парчета. There are only a couple of pieces left. There's only a few pieces left. Знам дека има нешто тука. I know there's something here. I know there's something here. Скоро ли тръгваме? Are we leaving soon? Are we leaving soon? Jaz grem v LA. I'm going to LA. I'm going to LA. Имам работа за Том. I have work for Tom. I got a job for Tom. Мисако се омъжи за канадец миналия юни. Misako married a Canadian last June. Misako married a Canadian last June. Очите на Том са сини. Tom's eyes are blue. Tom's eyes are blue. Онези кучета са големи. Those dogs are big. Those dogs are big. Каква е минималната заплата в Швеция? What's the minimum salary in Sweden? What is the minimum wage in Sweden? Ако имаш някакви въпроси, не се колебай да питаш. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Може ли да зборуваме со тебе? Can we talk to you? Can we talk to you? Сакам да бидам посладок. I wanna be cuter. I want to be sweeter. Máš jednu šancu. You have one chance. It's a bit of a bar. Паркирал сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Само дај му го на Том. Just give it to Tom. Just give it to Tom. Крадецът се измъкна с парите. The thief got away with the money. The thief got away with the money. Бих искала блуза, която да подхожда на това сако. I would like to get a blouse to go with this blazer. I'd like a blouse that fits that jacket. Мисля, че знаеш, че това е невъзможно. I think you know that's impossible. I think you know that's impossible. Най-накрая дойде денят, в който той трябваше да се раздели с нея. The day came at last when he had to part from her. Finally came the day he had to break up with her. Веќе не ни треба Том. We don't need Tom anymore. We don't need Tom anymore. Навистина беше добро. It was really good. It was really good. Марија не го разбра предавањето. Оратор требал да зборува побавно. Mary did not understand the lecture. The speaker should have spoken more slowly. Maria didn't understand the lecture. Viem, že život je krátky. I know that life is short. Viem, already live is krátky. Мисля, че допускаш грешка. I think you're making a mistake. I think you're making a mistake. Бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Зарем не сте банкар? Aren't you a banker? Aren't you a banker? Трябва да направим нещо за да помогнем на Том. We have to do something to help Tom. We need to do something to help Tom. Том има три чичковци. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. Не ми се заблагодарувај уште сега. Don't thank me now. Don't thank me right now. Нема време за објасненија. There's no time for explanations. There's no time to explain. Гледај што добил Том. Look what Tom got. Look what Tom got. Не ми пипай фотоапарата. Leave my camera alone. Don't touch my camera. „Времето не е пари.“ „Времето е живот.“ Time is not money. - Time is life. "Time is not money." "Time is life." Том е буден. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. Фала ти пак што дојде. Thanks again for coming. Thanks again for coming. Би ли извикал Том? Could you call Tom? Would you mind calling Tom? Добив на лотарија. I've won the lottery. I won the lottery. Сите сме на безбедно. We're all safe. We're all safe. Дали ја замоли да си оди? Did you ask her to leave? Did you ask her to leave? Mačka je pod stolom. The cat is under the table. The cat's under the chair. Им пружав помош. I've been helping them out. I gave them some help. Почти не ни остана време. We're almost out of time. We're almost out of time. Со кого зборуваше Том? Who was Tom talking to? Who was Tom talking to? Денес е помалку влажно од вчера. It is less humid today than it was yesterday. It's less wet today than yesterday. Претпоставувам дека си го нашол. I assume you found him. I guess you found it. Дај да не го упропастиме. Let's not ruin it. Let's not ruin it. Успя ли да свършиш всичко, което искаше? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Did you manage to do everything you wanted? Том каза на Мери, че тя греши. Tom told Mary that she was wrong. Tom told Mary she was wrong. Това е бизнес. It's business. This is business. Приятелите ми твърдят, че говоря по-добър френски, когато съм пиян. My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk. My friends say I speak better French when I'm drunk. Бъдете много внимателни с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Тоа е лек во прав. That's powdered medicine. It's a cure in the dust. Psy vyzerajú šťastní. The dogs seem happy. Psy vyzerajú shýstní. Какво направи с фотоапарата? What did you do with the camera? What did you do with the camera? Том и Мери излегоа од собата, оставајќи го Џон сам. Tom and Mary walked out of the room, leaving John alone. Tom and Mary got out of the room, leaving John alone. Том вече е зрял мъж. Tom is a grown man now. Tom's already a grown man. Би можел ли да претставиш во неколку збора? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Could you present yourself in a few words? Те повече няма да ви притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Ќе одам да го прашам. I'll go ask him. I'm gonna go ask him. Не сум тука за да те повредам. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. Не се случува тоа тука. That's not what's happening here. It doesn't happen here. Очигледно е печатна грешка. It's obviously a typo. It's obviously a printed error. Значи просто нищо няма да направиш, така ли? So, are you just going to do nothing? So you're just gonna do nothing, aren't you? Naj bo kratko in jedrnato. Make it short and sweet. Make it short and conceited. Сила, мъдрост, търпение и иновации. Притежаваш ли всичко това? Ти, който искаш да носиш короната, ще понесеш нейния товар. Power, wisdom, patience and innovation. Do you possess all these? Thou who wishes to wear the crown shall bear its burden. Strength, wisdom, patience, and innovation, do you have all this? You who want to carry the crown, will bear her burden. Тргај ги рацете од Том. Get your hands off of Tom. Get your hands off Tom. Мислев дека ми се причинува. I thought I was hallucinating. I thought it was coming to me. Vidím niečo. I see something. I see nothing. Сите се исконтролираа. Everyone stayed calm. They're all out of control. Контролирај се. Get control of yourself. Control yourself. Знам како звучи. I know how it sounds. I know how it sounds. Ништо никогаш не се менува. Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever changes. Тоа е детска игра. It's a game for children. It's a children's game. Пука ми. I don't give a damn about it. I'm shooting. Какво би могло да му се е случило на Том? What could've happened to Tom? What could have happened to Tom? Мислиш ли, че бих могъл да разговарям с Том? Do you think I could talk to Tom? Do you think I could talk to Tom? Доста беше смешно. It was rather funny. That was pretty funny. Има твърде много неща, които не знам как да готвя. I don't know how to cook too many things. There are too many things I don't know how to cook. Ten muž je nahý. The man is naked. Ten fly is nahý. Многу сме бесни. We're really angry. We're very angry. Кој би го направил тоа? Who would do that? Who would do that? Здраво, дами мои. Hello, ladies. Hello, ladies. Што те натажи? What made you sad? What makes you sad? Се колнам дека не бев јас. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. Имах лоша седмица. I've had a bad week. I had a bad week. Те повече няма да те притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Nočem iti v šolo. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Няма да се изненадам, ако Том не е дошъл. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom hadn't come. Чух един необичаен звук. I heard an unusual sound. I heard an unusual sound. Харесваш ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like that shirt? Všeč mi je okcitanščina. I like the Occitan language. I like the occult. Ја упаси ли? Did you arrest her? Did you arrest her? Той винаги излиза от вкъщи в седем. He always leaves home at seven. He always leaves home at seven. Том седна до прозореца. Tom sat by the window. Tom sat by the window. Парите не купуват щастие. Money doesn't buy happiness. Money doesn't buy happiness. До какви изводи стигнаха? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions have they reached? Поддържай стаята си чиста и спретната. Keep your room neat and tidy. Keep your room clean and clear. Мисля, че трябва да си починеш за известно време. I think you ought to rest a while. I think you should rest for a while. Не сум помодар. I'm not the trendy type. I'm not wise. И Том, и Мери бяха облечени с шлифери. Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats. And Tom and Mary were wearing hats. Весников чини еден долар. This newspaper costs a dollar. Visikov costs a dollar. Трябва ли да наемеш кола? Do you have to rent a car? Do you have to hire a car? Kriminálnici! Criminals! Crime scene! Всъщност не исках да те питам нищо. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Смее ли да се послужам со тоа? It is OK for me to use that? Are we supposed to use that? Защо толкова ми се спи? Why am I so sleepy? Why do I have so much sleep? Тя роди близначки. She gave birth to twin girls. She gave birth to twins. Не ми плащат за това. I'm not being paid for this. They don't pay me for this. Полицията ще разследва престъплението. The police are going to investigate the crime. The police are investigating the crime. Трябва да ида на пазар; ще се след час. I have to go shopping; I'll be back in an hour. I have to go to the market; I'll be there in an hour. Просто повече не можех да гледам как Том страда. I just couldn't watch Tom suffer anymore. I just couldn't watch Tom suffer anymore. Ние определено се потрудихме здраво. We definitely worked hard. We've certainly worked hard. Tom kúpil dva výtlačky tej knihy. Tom bought two copies of the book. Tom kúpille two výtčakky this kny. Докторите все още се опитват да спасят Том. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. Doctors are still trying to save Tom. Регистриран ли си? Are you registered? Are you registered? Би можел да останам со тебе. I could stay with you. I could stay with you. Защо трябва да си взема куче? Why should I get a dog? Why do I have to get a dog? Том е невработен веќе три месеца. Tom has been unemployed for three months now. Tom's been unemployed for three months. Nudím sa. I'm bored. I'm offering it. Желаете ли да станете доверен потребител? Would you like to become a trusted user? Would you like to become a trusted user? Тя беше висока, стройна блондика. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a tall, tight blonde. Мислех, че Том не ви харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought Tom didn't like you. Се трудам да не се секирам за тебе. I try not to worry about you. I'm trying not to worry about you. Качете се в автобуса. Get on the bus. Get on the bus. Зарем би те лажел? Would I lie to you? Would he lie to you? Как може Том да не Ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How can Tom not like you? Той ще бъде свободен утре. He will be free tomorrow. He'll be free tomorrow. Ме побара ли на Гугл? Have you googled me? Did you ask Google for me? Не знаев дека си бил несреќен тука. I didn't know you were unhappy here. I didn't know you were unhappy here. Разбираш френски, нали? You can understand French, right? You understand French, don't you? Што зготви за вечера? What did you cook for dinner? What did you cook for dinner? Проучване показва, че 53 000 американци умират всяка година в резултат от това, че са пасивни пушачи. A study reports that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of secondhand smoke. A study shows that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of being passive smokers. Môžem predĺžiť môj pobyt ešte o jednu noc? Can I extend my stay one more night? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Многу си драматичен. You're so dramatic. You're very dramatic. Не се прејадувај. Don't eat too much. Don't overeat yourself. Моралните вредности се важни во општеството. Moral values are important in society. Moral values are important in society. Аз съм мъж. I'm a man. I'm a man. Da, prosim. Yes, please. Yes, please. Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш хотел близо до летището? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Can you recommend a hotel near the airport? Тя му купи куче. Той обаче имаше алергия към кучета и им се наложи да го дадат на други. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. But he had an allergy to dogs and they had to give it to others. Това не е ли твоята риза? Isn't that your shirt? Isn't that your shirt? Боб беше много щастлив. Bob was very happy. Bob was very happy. Мисля, че ще ни трябва всичко. I think we're going to need it all. I think we're gonna need everything. Никогаш нема да знаеш. You'll never know. You'll never know. Не харесвам нито една от песните, които Том пее. I don't like any of the songs that Tom sings. I don't like any of the songs Tom sings. Имаше гръмотевици и светкавици миналата вечер. There was thunder and lightning last night. There was lightning and lightning last night. Тя е популярна сред другите момичета. She is popular with other girls. She's popular with other girls. Никој нема да добие отказ. No one will be fired. Nobody's getting fired. Той не успя да изпълни заръката ни. He failed to follow our advice. He couldn't deliver our order. Ќе те испратам до врата. I'll walk you out. I'll walk you to the door. Той дойде, въпреки че му казах да не го прави. He came even though I told him not to. He came, even though I told him not to. Мисля, че ще бъдеш страхотен баща. I think you would make a great father. I think you're gonna be a great father. Ова е многу слично на моето. This is very similar to the one I have. This is very similar to mine. Прави каквото искаш; но аз ще го възпрепятствам, ако мога. Do what you want, but I'll stop it, if I can. Do what you want, but I will prevent it if I can. Тичате. You run. You're running. Том делува ефикасно. Tom seems efficient. Tom's acting so efficiently. Овие се исто толку добри колку и тие. These are as good as those. These are just as good as they are. Вревата ме нервираше. The noise got on my nerves. The noise was pissing me off. Мислиш ли, че френският е труден? Do you think French is difficult? Do you think French is tough? Зошто си отиде така ненадејно? Why did he leave so suddenly? Why did you leave so suddenly? Идната неделя нали заминаваш за Лондон? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? Next Sunday, you're going to London, right? Том е зависник од дрога. Tom is a drug addict. Tom's a drug addict. Се трудевме. We've been trying. We've been trying. Направив што можев. I did what I could. I did what I could. Трябва да стигна до Том. I have to get to Tom. I have to get to Tom. Се лажеш, Том. You're wrong, Tom. You're lying, Tom. Како си ти за тоа крив? How's that your fault? How's that for you? Зошто би го сторил тоа Том? Why would Tom do it? Why would I do that, Tom? "Имаш ли нещо против да отвориш прозореца?" "Не, няма проблем." "Do you mind opening the window?" "Not at all." "Do you mind opening the window?" "No, it's okay." Трябва да внимавате. You've got to be careful. You've got to be careful. Не биди педер. Don't be a dick. Don't be gay. Се согласив. I said yes. I agreed. Трябва да си внимателен. You've got to be careful. You should be careful. Работам на тоа. I'm working on that. I'm working on it. Човекот когошто си го сретнал кај станицата бил татко ми. The man you met at the station is my father. The man you met at the station was my father. Извини, не можам да ти помогнам. Sorry, I can't help you. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Што е твојата анализа? What's your analysis? What's your analysis? Тунелът пропадна заради земетресението от предишния ден. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The tunnel failed because of the earthquake from the day before. Джейн също играе тенис. Jane plays tennis too. Jane's playing tennis, too. Има око за уметност. He has an eye for art. He's got an eye for art. Беше завършен. It's been completed. It was over. Зошто бил Том во Бостон минатата недела? Why was Tom in Boston last week? Why was Tom in Boston last week? Том делува тажно. Tom seems to be sad. Tom's acting sad. Ученето на английски е трудна работа. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Прстенот е проколнат. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. Сакам да гледам порничи со лезбејки. I like watching lesbian porn. I like to watch leprosy porn. Може ли да го видам она? Can I see that one? Can I see that one? Ще се радвам да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd be happy to help. Верувај ми. Trust me. Trust me. Къде е детегледачката Ви? Where's your babysitter? Where's your babysitter? Пушти ме оттука. Let me out of here. Let me out of here. Земјата е се уште водена. Најверојатно ќе се откаже мечот. The ground is still wet. As likely as not, the game will be cancelled. The land is still watered, it's probably gonna give up the sword. Том се опита да гъделичка Мери, обаче установи, че нея я е гъдел много по-малко от него. Tom tried to tickle Mary, but found out she was much less ticklish than he was. Tom tried to tickle Mary, however, found that she had tickled her much less than he had. Pozeráš BBC alebo CNN? Do you watch BBC or CNN? Book BBC alebo CNN? Защо да ти помогнем? Why should we help you? Why should we help you? Водам сметка. I'm keeping count. I'm keeping an account. Зарем не ти кажав да не го правиш тоа? Didn't I tell you not to do that? Didn't I tell you not to do that? Можеби Том ќе оди во Бостон следниот понеделник. Tom might go to Boston next Monday. Maybe Tom's going to Boston next Monday. Пиши скоро! Write soon! Write soon! Време е да отидеш. It's time for you to go. It's time to go. Силен съм колкото Вас. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you are. Истинския учен не би изопачил фактите. A true scientist would not distort facts. A true scientist wouldn't degenerate the facts. Besede moraš preurediti. The words need rearranging. You have to rearrange the words. Никој не зборува за нас. Nobody talks about us. Nobody's talking about us. Слободата на израз била строго ограничена. The freedom of expression was strictly limited. Freedom of expression was strictly limited. Знам дека си шпион. I know you're a spy. I know you're a spy. Сончевата светлина е главниот извор на витамин Д. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. The sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Това е моята къща. This is my house. This is my house. Ние сме најдобрите. We're still the best. We're the best. Мисля, че си абсолютно права. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Тоа го стеснува изборот. That narrows it down. That narrows it down. Том ја почитуваше Мери. Tom respected Mary. Tom respected Mary. Никога не те видях. I never saw you. I never saw you. Не смееш да ја отпуштиш. You can't fire her. You can't fire her. Докато съм жив аз, вие няма да бъдете лишени от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I'm alive, you won't be deprived of anything. Пих кафе. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Имаш ли обувки и чорапи? Do you have shoes and socks? Do you have shoes and socks? Имам одлична идеја. I have a great idea. I have a great idea. Том не го канат на забави често. Tom isn't invited to parties often. Tom doesn't get invited to parties often. Дојден сум тука со Том. I came here with Tom. I'm here with Tom. Том се прибра с автобус. Tom came home by bus. Tom came home on a bus. Почувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Je niekto doma? Is anybody home? Is she home? Мисля, че трябва да се срещнете с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. Заспа додека возеше па предизвика сообраќајка. He fell asleep while driving and caused an accident. He fell asleep driving so he caused a car accident. Мисля, че направи достатъчно. I think you've done enough. I think you've done enough. Знам што се случи на училиште денес. I know what happened at school today. I know what happened at school today. Мислам дека проведуваш премногу време со Том. I think you've been spending too much time with Tom. I think you've been spending too much time with Tom. Мислев дека Том ќе биде зафатен. I thought Tom would be busy. I thought Tom would be busy. Се плаши да не добие рак на белите дробови. He is afraid of getting lung cancer. He's afraid he won't get lung cancer. Ей, гледай да не му се мяркаш днеска на шефа, че нещо яко го е разлютило. Hey, steer clear of the boss today, he seems really ticked off about something. Hey, don't move on to the boss today that something really pissed him off. Говорил ли си някога с Том на френски? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? На пат е. He's away on a trip. He's on his way. Му помогнав да ја раскрене масата. I helped him clear the table. I helped him raise the table. Баща ми се разхожда в парка. My father is taking a walk in the park. My dad's walking around the park. Какво има в тази чанта? What's in this bag? What's in this bag? Те молам дојди кај мене следната сабота, ако сакаш. Please come to my house next Saturday if you care to. Please come to me next Saturday, if you want. Двете книги се еквивалентни по вредност. The two books are equivalent in value. Both books are equivalent to value. Той притежава не по-малко от сто монети. He has no less than one hundred coins. He owns no less than a hundred coins. Ќе бидете во ред. You'll be all right. You'll be fine. Го видов онде. I saw it over there. I saw him over there. Мислев дека Том добро поминал. I thought Tom did well. I thought Tom went well. Мисля, че е най-добре да тръгваме. I think we'd better be going. I think it's best if we go. Би разбрал што било од тебе. I'd understand anything coming from you. I'd understand any of you. Обещавам да я донеса обратно. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring her back. Каква штета. What a pity. What a pity. Валеше като из ведро. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining out of the blue. Това не е проблем на Том. It's not Tom's problem. That's not Tom's problem. Прашај го Том каде е. Ask Tom where he is. Ask Tom where he is. Имаше ли костим за капење? Do you have a bathing suit? Was there a bathing suit? Средният пръст е най-дълъг. The middle finger is the longest. The middle finger is the longest. Виждала съм ги наоколо. I've seen them around. I've seen them around. Ще се срещнем в моята къща. We'll meet at my house. I'll meet you at my house. Мисля, че нещо не е както трябва. I think there's something wrong. I think something's wrong. Свикнал съм да се храня сам. I'm used to eating alone. I'm used to eating alone. Ми спушти слушалка. He hung up. He hung up on me. Навистина ли мислиш дека ќе можеш да стигнеш тука до 2:30? Do you really think you can be here by 2:30? Do you really think you can get here by 2:30? Невъзможна си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Том не беше най-младият. Tom wasn't the youngest. Tom wasn't the youngest. Том можеше и да е излъгал. Tom could've been lying. Tom could have lied. Тој има големи проблеми. He has big problems. He's got big problems. Už dlho hľadám novú prácu. I've been looking for a new job for a long time. I wish I could take a new one. Првпат сум тука. This is the first time I've been here. I've been here for the first time. Том го опколија. Tom was surrounded. Tom's been surrounded. Овие се за нив. These are for them. These are for them. Ti si zelo eleganten. You are very elegant. You're very elegant. Нанси се бои от кучета. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's afraid of dogs. Просто ми се иска да мога да говоря френски малко по-добре. I just wish I could speak French a little better. I just wish I could speak French a little better. Опитай го още веднъж. Try it once more. Try it again. А, бях болна. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. Тоа беше ептен лошо. That was really bad. That was so bad. Знаев дека не можеш да ме повредиш. I knew you couldn't hurt me. I knew you couldn't hurt me. Том премногу испил. Tom has had too much to drink. Tom drank too much. Той е студент по медицина. He is a medical student. He's a medical student. Не го изговарај тоа име околу мене. Don't say that name around me. Don't say that name around me. Ќерамидите што паднаа од покривот се распарчија. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces. The ceramics that fell off the roof fell apart. Порано те чував. I used to babysit you. I used to hear you. Послушаа. They obeyed. They listened. Том не се согласи со Мери на таа тема. Tom didn't agree with Mary about the matter. Tom didn't agree with Mary on the subject. Аз обичам твърдо сварени яйца. I love hard-boiled eggs. I love hard-boiled eggs. Аз си искам ризата обратно. I want my shirt back. I want my shirt back. Зборуваш ли англиски? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Ние не преговаряме. We don't negotiate. We don't negotiate. Moja žena je Polka. I am married to a Polish woman. My wife is Polka. Никој не те слуша. Nobody can hear you. Nobody's listening to you. Обещавам повече да не правя така. I promise I won't do this again. I promise I won't do that again. Будала сум што им верував. I was an idiot to believe them. I'm a fool that I trusted. Колко е стара Айфеловата кула? How old is the Eiffel Tower? How old is the Eiffel Tower? Била съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Да ја ставиме елката тука. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the tree here. Дали некој ти го кажал тоа? Did someone tell you that? Has anyone told you that? Ще ти дам една книга. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Да не би случайно Том да остави Мери да кара колата? Did Tom, by any chance, let Mary drive the car? Is it by any chance Tom letting Mary drive the car? Студа скоро проникна през неговото подплатено яке. The cold soon penetrated his quilted jacket. Cold recently penetrated through his paid jacket. Не, и не е ни под столицата. No, and it's not under the chair either. No, and it's not under the capital either. Той ми е батко. He's my older brother. He's my brother. Изчисти си стаята. Clean your room. Clean your room. Том си удари коляното. He banged his knee. Tom hit his knee. Umivam si roke. I'm washing my hands. I wash my hands. Нямам си на идея кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Момчето зарадва родителите си. The boy made his parents happy. The boy makes his parents happy. Елате долу. Come downstairs. Come downstairs. Чии се овие? Whose are these? Whose are these? Какво желаеш? What do you desire? What do you want? Blázon! Lunatic! Blázone! Том сакаше Мери и Џон да бидат пољубезни еден со друг. Tom wanted Mary and John to be nicer to each other. Tom wanted Mary and John to be nicer to each other. Запазихме тишина в стаята. We kept quiet in the room. We kept quiet in the room. Как се научи да говориш френски? How did you learn French? How did you learn to speak French? Ми го украде новиот рачен часовник. He robbed me of my new watch. You stole my new hand watch. Prečo si myslíte, že na vás myslím? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? You've been through myslíte, already on vás myslím? Не мислиш дека вреди, така? You don't think it's worth it, do you? You don't think it's worth it, do you? Кој живее во собата под оваа? Who lives in the room below? Who lives in the room under this? Федерот од часовникот се скрши. The watch spring broke. The chain of the clock broke. Odporuj! Resist! Resist! Другата неделя ще се женя. I'm getting married next Sunday. I'm getting married next Sunday. Знаеш ли како можело тоа да се случи? Do you know how that could've happened? Do you know how that could have happened? Искам не чай, а кафе. What I want isn't tea, but coffee. I don't want tea, I want coffee. Том седеше трпеливо. Tom sat patiently. Tom sat patiently. Бев преуморен за да продолжам. I was too tired to go on. I was too tired to go on. Малку сум пијан. I am a bit drunk. I'm a little drunk. Мило ми е што ве гледам сите пак. It's good to see you all again. It's good to see you all again. Децата пак плачат. The children are crying again. The kids are crying again. Ова ми е планот. This is my plan. This is my plan. Не си тръгвайте, преди да сте приключили с работата. Be sure to complete the work before you go home. Don't leave until you're done with the job. Mám dve mačky. I have two cats. I'm going to have two cats. Извинявай, че те прекъсвам. Excuse me for interrupting you. Sorry to interrupt. Преместих се в Англия от Германия, когато бях на девет. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. I moved to England from Germany when I was nine. Не сум толку брзо колку тебе. I'm not as fast as you. I'm not as fast as you are. Закараха Том в болницата да му промият стомаха, защото той яде нещо отровно. They took Tom to the hospital to have his stomach pumped because he ate something poisonous. They took Tom to the hospital to wash his stomach because he ate something poisonous. Мисля, че сте съвършени. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Натиснах звънеца. I rang the doorbell. I hit the bell. Сега сервисът е твой. Now it's your serve. Now the service is yours. Имам един въпрос към теб. I have one question for you. I have a question for you. Имам мнение. I have an opinion. I have an opinion. Каква полза имаме од тоа? What help is that? What benefits do we have? Днес научих много испански думи и сега знам как да кажа "буза", "брадичка" и "коляно". Today I learned a lot of Spanish words and now I know how to say "cheek," "chin," and "knee." I've learned a lot of Spanish words today, and now I know how to say "booze", "brother" and "collano." Спите ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Ги троши парите небаре се вода. He spends money like water. He spends all his money, he's water. Изгледа ќе треба да чекам уште малку. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. I guess I'm gonna have to wait a little longer. Вкусно е. It is delicious. It's delicious. Не съм добре със спортовете. I'm bad at sports. I'm not good with sports. Кој ти дал дозвола да го направиш тоа? Who gave you permission to do that? Who gave you permission to do that? Нали заминаваш за Лондон следващата неделя? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, aren't you? Още не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken with Tom yet. I haven't spoken to Tom yet. Тук съм неофициално. I'm here unofficially. I'm here unofficially. Заврти се. Turn around. Turn around. Не мога да живея така повече. I can't live this way anymore. I can't live like this anymore. Том не спие во мртовечки ковчег, за разлика од повеќето вампири. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a dead coffin, unlike most vampires. Зошто би бил вознемирен? Why would I be upset? Why would he be upset? Твојот докторат мора да биде напишан на англиски. Your PhD thesis has to be written in English. Your doctorate must be written in English. Нема да ги берам смоквите. I'm not picking your figs. I'm not picking up the figs. Какво ще кажеш да учим заедно в библиотеката? How about studying together in the library? How about we study together in the library? Budeme jesť. We'll eat. It's a Budem. It's a madman. Направи го по-малко. Make it smaller. Do it less. Престани да ме наричаш "Том". Stop calling me Tom. Stop calling me Tom. Опасно е да се преминува таа пустина. Crossing that desert is dangerous. It's dangerous to cross that desert. Това е моята книга. That's my book. That's my book. Том, мисля, че трябва да помогнем на Мери. Изглежда тя е в беда. Tom, I think we need to help Mary. It looks like she's in trouble. Tom, I think we should help Mary. Ще можете ли да изчакате секунда? Hold on just a second, would you, please? Can you wait a second? Познавам някой, който говори френски много добре. I know somebody who speaks French very well. I know someone who speaks French very well. Колку време имам? How long do I have? How much time do I have? Грижете се за нашата планета. Take care of our planet. Take care of our planet. Ме лажеше во очи. He lied to my face. You lied to my face. Што ќе му дадеш? What'll you give him? What are you gonna give him? Зошто зајците имаат големи уши? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have big ears? Со Том се прашувавме дали би сакал да ни се придружиш. Tom and I were wondering if you'd like to join us. Tom and I were wondering if you'd like to join us. Секаде ли побара? Have you looked everywhere? Did you ask anywhere? Мислам дека Том веќе не дише. I think Tom has stopped breathing. I don't think Tom's breathing anymore. Ако се очакваше от нас да говорим повече, отколкото да слушаме, щяха да ни бъдат дадени по две усти и едно ухо. If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. If we were to talk more than we should have listened, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. Къде сте ги изхвърлили? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Ти си мечтател. You're the dreamer. You're a dreamer. Не. Прекалено са малки. No. They are too small. No, they're too small. Не би било лошо да успориш. You may want to slow down. It wouldn't be a bad thing to slow down. Том е истински каубой. Tom is a real cowboy. Tom's a real cowboy. Таа ми направи чај. She made tea for me. She made me a cup of tea. Том делува доверливо. Tom seems reliable. Tom seems confidential. Дай ми книгата си, моля те. Lend me your book, please. Give me your book, please. Трябва да се хващам пак за работа. I have to go back to work. I have to get back to work. Том е трпелив човек. Tom is a patient man. Tom is a patient man. Го чув Том како рида. I heard Tom sobbing. I heard Tom as a hill. Жена ми роди преждевременно момиче, което тежеше 1500 грама. My wife gave birth prematurely to a 1500-gram baby girl. My wife gave birth to an premature girl weighing 1,000 grams. Зошто го купи ова? Why did you buy this? Why did you buy this? Те сфаќам. I can understand you. I get it. Том и побара пари на Мери. Tom asked Mary for money. Tom asked for Mary's money. Ти можеш да четеш френски, нали? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, right? Това е много важно. This is a matter of great importance. This is very important. Том пренасяше нещо. Tom was carrying something. Tom was carrying something. Идвате ли, или не? Are you coming or not? Are you coming or not? Когато почувствам песимизъм за бъдещето на света, аз просто се подсещам колко много се е променило дори само през времето, което аз помня. Whenever I'm feeling pessimistic about the future of the world, I just think of how much has changed even in the time that I can remember. When I feel pessimism about the future of the world, I just remember how much has changed even during the time I remember. Na učenie nikdy nie je neskoro. It is never too late to learn. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I've studied French for three years. Преди няколко дена компютърът ми спря да работи. My computer stopped working a few days ago. A few days ago, my computer stopped working. Караницата развали нашето единство. Quarrelling spoiled our unity. The fight has ruined our unity. Bol som prekvapený. I was surprised. Som skewedý. Насекаде имаше момчиња поделени во групи. Некои играа џамлии, некои плочка, некои со топка. Другите возеа точак или јаваа дрвени коњчиња. Everywhere groups of boys were gathered together. Some played at marbles, at hopscotch, at ball. Others rode on bicycles or on wooden horses. There were boys in groups everywhere, some playing mosques, some dancing, some riding ball, the others riding bikes, or riding wooden horses. Ще те помоля да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'm going to ask you to translate this letter to French. Тя иска да знае кой изпрати цветята. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Нема да се мрднам. I won't move. I won't move. Како најбрзо се стига од тука до поштата? What's the fastest way to get to the post office from here? How fast do you get from here to the post office? Не знаех какво да правя. I didn't know what to do next. I didn't know what to do. Neboj sa. Môžeš mi dôverovať. Don't worry. You can confide in me. You're making me dôvero's. Се онерасположувам кога го гледам со девојка му. Seeing him with his girlfriend puts me in a bad mood. I'm embarrassed to see him with his girlfriend. Аз трябва да тръгвам сега. I must be leaving now. I have to go now. Tieto sú moje nohavice. Those are my trousers. Tito's doing my nails. Събуй си чорапите, ако обичаш. Take off your socks, please. Wake your socks, please. Schytala to za to, že prišla neskoro. She caught it for coming late. Schytala's already here. Това сако не ми харесва. I don't like this jacket. I don't like that jacket. Мари каза, че Том е неин братовчед. Mary said that Tom is her cousin. Marie said Tom was her cousin. Не искам да те задържам. Don't let me keep you. I don't want to keep you. Сакам да знам како си го направил тоа. What I want to know is how did you do that. I want to know how you did it. Тоа веќе го знам. I know that already. I already know that. Том се прашуваше зошто Мери не сака да му помогне. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't help him. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't help him. Auto je modré. The car is blue. Auto's blue. Няма да мога да ти помогна. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. Купих го. I bought it. I bought it. Нема да попуштат. They won't back off. They won't let go. Хайде да го направим. Let's do it. Let's do it. Делфините се врста на цицачи. A dolphin is a mammal species. The dolphins kind of mammals. Никогаш нема да те отсакам. I'll never stop loving you. I'll never love you. Не съм ученик. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Бистар си ти. You're a sharp one. You're smart. Нема да забушавам. I won't cut corners. I'm not gonna mess it up. Сме виделе вонземјани. We've seen aliens. We've seen aliens. Том свиреше на клавир три часа без прекин. Tom played the piano for three hours without taking a break. Tom played the piano for three hours without stopping. Jeho angličina je vynikajúca. His English is excellent. Jeho Anglin is a vynièci. Том е добар со мене. Tom is good to me. Tom's good to me. Што има под покривачот? What's under the blanket? What's under the roof? Можеш ли да го направиш сама? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Том никогаш не кажал никому каде ги скрил златниците. Tom never told anyone where he hid the gold coins. Tom never told anyone where he hid the gold coins. Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm getting married to. Beseda "злой" je edini ruski pridevnik z le enim zlogom. The word "злой" is the only monosyllabic Russian adjective. The word "blank" is the only Russian adjective with just one style. Том беше дебел. Tom was overweight. Tom was fat. Може да нарачаме пица. We can order a pizza. We could order a pizza. Водеа љубов. They made love to each other. They made love. Съществуваме ли? Do we exist? Do we exist? Какво правиш? What are you doing? What are you doing? Навън съм,карам колелото си. I'm out riding my bike. I'm out. I'm driving my bike. Няма как да скрием този факт от нея. There is no disguising the fact from her. We can't hide that fact from her. V každom prípade, ak chceš vedieť viac o mojej krajine, pošlem ti list, keď budem u seba doma. Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home. I'll send you a sheet, a wake up in my house. Си го солам омлетот. I am shaking salt on my omelette. I'm tearing my omelet. Спри да се връщаш към славните ти дни или ще останеш там. Stop clinging to your glory days, or you'll be left behind. Stop coming back to your glorious days or you'll stay there. Го видов тоа. I saw that. I saw that. Почина пред неколку години. She died a few years ago. He died a few years ago. Ѝ ја покажав својата соба. I showed her my room. I showed her my room. Чух какво се е случило миналата нощ. I heard what happened last night. I heard what happened last night. Том е бездруго луд. Tom must be crazy. Tom's been crazy for a while. Тя е малко срамежлива. She is a little shy. She's a little shy. Можете да правите каквото искате, разбира се. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. You can do whatever you want, of course. Растенията увяхнаха, защото не бяха поливани. The plants withered because they had no water. Plants have shrunk because they weren't watered. Том ми запрети. Tom threatened me. Tom stopped me. Ние сме шампионите. We're the champions. We're the champions. Секаде побарав. I looked everywhere. I've looked everywhere. Побъркахме се от притеснение за тебе. You had us worried sick. We're out of our mind about you. Том навидум често не сфаќа што се дешава. Tom doesn't seem to understand what's going on. Tom doesn't seem to understand what he's doing. Двата експеримента доведоха до подобни резултати. Those two experiments yielded similar results. The two experiments produced similar results. Да поговорим. Let's talk. Let's talk. Том ми плати. Tom paid me. Tom paid me. Напоследък той ме укорява. Lately, he reproaches me. He's been reproving me lately. Тоа ни е најдобрата шанса. That's our best hope. That's our best shot. Да се позабавляваме. Let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. Ме остави во очај. You left me in despair. You left me in despair. Педер сум. I'm gay. I'm a faggot. Знаех си, че ще се ядосаш. I knew you'd be mad. I knew you'd get angry. Том бе обзет от пристъп на паника. Tom had a panic attack. Tom was affected by a panic attack. С какви пари разполагате? How much money do you have? What kind of money do you have? Кога започнахте да учите френски? When did you begin learning French? When did you start learning French? Претпоставувам дека не си ми ја добил пораката. I guess you didn't get my message. I guess you didn't get my message. Куќата е црвена. The house is red. The house is red. Ова беше забавно. This has been fun. This was fun. Сигурен сум дека можам да ги најдам. I'm sure I can find them. I'm sure I can find them. Alkohol ne reši nobenega problema. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol doesn't solve any problem. Ќе те однесам дома. I'll take you home. I'll take you home. Недей да се тревожиш за това. Don't you worry about it. Don't worry about it. Som hladný. Kedy do čerta budeme jesť? I'm starving. When the hell do we eat. Som hladný. Kedy up to the front of the wake jesť? Отговорът ти е грешен. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is wrong. Како да го најдам Том? How can I find Tom? How do I find Tom? Grozen teden je bil. It was a terrible week. It's been a terrible week. Мене ме истепаа. I'm the one who got beat up. They beat me up. Мислиш ли дека Том би сакал да оди со нас? Do you think Tom would want to go with us? Do you think Tom would want to go with us? Не говоря с лаещи кучета. I don't talk to barking dogs. I'm not talking to barking dogs. Харесвам този цвят. I like this color. I like that color. Тази риза има нужда да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. This shirt needs to be washed. Каква е минималната заплата в Полша? What's the minimum salary in Poland? What is the minimum wage in Poland? Јас многу ретко поставувам прашања. I hardly ever ask questions. I rarely ask questions. Мислам дека би требало да го направиш ова сам. I think you should do this on your own. I think you should do this yourself. Тоа беше обѕирно. That was considerate. That was considerate. Защо дойдохте толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why did you come so early? Нямам какво да предложа. I have nothing to offer. I don't have anything to offer. Poznám pravdu. I know the truth. I'm late to court. Ми веруваш ли, Том? Do you trust me, Tom? Do you believe me, Tom? Како се викаш, синко? What's your name, son? What's your name, son? Аз обичам любовни романи. I love romance novels. I love love novels. Ти не ми даде шанса. You didn't give me a chance. You didn't give me a chance. Всичко изглежда наред. Everything seems fine. Everything looks fine. Подобро е да бидеш сам. It's better to be alone. You better be alone. Бил ли си някога в Бостън? Have you ever been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Чух телефона ми да звъни. I heard my phone ring. I heard my phone ring. Толку реков. That's all I said. That's what I said. Какво те кара да мислиш, че няма да мога да го направя? What makes you think I won't be able to do it? What makes you think I can't do that? Бабурите се обично благи на вкус. Bell peppers generally have a sweet taste. Baburs are usually mild in taste. Бях удивена от това колко добре говори Том френски. I was amazed at Tom's fluency in French. I was amazed at how well Tom French was speaking. Каде е роден Том? Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? Том е кълбо нерви. Tom is a bundle of nerves. Tom's a ball of nerves. Яд ме е на себе си. I'm mad at myself. I'm angry at myself. Том би се спротивстави. Tom would fight back. Tom would've resisted. Претставата заврши. The play is over. The show's over. Том го избра виното. Tom chose the wine. Tom chose the wine. Той не ѝ хареса. She didn't like him. He didn't like it. Тоа не е грешка. It's not a mistake. That's not a mistake. Никога не съм виждал дъга. I've never seen a rainbow. I've never seen a rainbow. Извинете, знаете ли колку е часот? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Како можеше ова да се случи? How could this happen? How could this happen? Има ли некои проблеми за коишто треба да знам? Are there any problems I should know about? Is there any problem I need to know about? Том фати да чисти. Tom started cleaning. Tom caught him cleaning up. За вечеря Том заведе Мери на ресторант на брега на морето. Tom took Mary to a beachfront restaurant for dinner. For dinner Tom took Mary to a restaurant on the seashore. Не ме викај шупак. Don't call me a jerk. Don't call me an asshole. Учех френски, когато бях в гимназията. I studied French when I was in high school. I studied French when I was in high school. Не говорите ли английски? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Можеш ли да ми го покажеш местово на мапа? Can you locate this place on the map for me? Can you show me this place on the map? Ранените бяха докарани с линейка. The wounded arrived by ambulance. The wounded were brought in with an ambulance. Волен ли си да им помогнеш? Are you willing to help them? Are you willing to help them? Какво е това? What is that? What is this? Мисля, че ти си тази, която има нужда от помощ. I think you're the one who needs help. I think you're the one who needs help. Трябва да сме справедливи. We must be fair. We have to be fair. Мери хвърли око на Том. Tom caught Mary's eye. Mary threw an eye on Tom. Jej správanie je konzistentné s jej slovami. Her behavior is consistent with her words. Eat správanie is constituent with eating goodbyes. Се прашувам зошто ова се случува. I wonder why this is happening. I wonder why this is happening. Не требаше да ја пуштиме да си оди. We shouldn't have let her go. We shouldn't have let her go. Можеме да работиме на отворено, доколку е светло. We can work outdoors only as long as it's light. We can work outdoors if it's light. Ти вече си забравил. You've already forgotten. You've already forgotten. Луѓе пробуваат да јадат тука. People are trying to eat around here. People are trying to eat here. Včera ma prišla pozrieť mladá žena. It was yesterday that a young woman came to see me. Mother’s father came to look after the young woman. Цената включва ли закуска? Does that price include breakfast? Does the price include breakfast? Том не беше на срещата. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Ќе се вратам дома пред пладне. I'll be home by noon. I'll be home before noon. Ќе одам да ги прашам. I'll go and ask them. I'm gonna go ask them. Тоа е се засега. That's all for now! That's all for now. Види ја ѕвездава што свети. Look at this shining star. Look at this glowing star. Лажна трага е тоа. It's a red herring. It's a false trail. Фала ти што ми даде толку време колку што ми требаше за да го довршам ова. Thank you for giving me the time I needed to finish this. Thank you for giving me as much time as it took me to finish this. Епа, имам вест. Well, I have some news. Well, I have news. Трябва да дам на Том това, което той иска. I have to give Tom what he wants. I have to give Tom what he wants. Който е добре подготвен, няма грижи. Well prepared means no worries. Whoever's well prepared, don't worry. Тоа би следело. That would follow. That would follow. Многу беше дарежливо од тебе што ни ги купи сите овие работи. It was very generous of you to buy all these things for us. It was so generous of you to buy us all these things. Pravda zvíťazí. Truth will always prevail. Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Няма да съм тук толкова време. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Том ли го предложил ова? Was Tom the one who suggested this? Did Tom offer this? Том фушерски работи. Tom does sloppy work. Tom Foucher's work. Beduíni žijú v púšti. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouín's Jew in the pup. Слагай си туристическите обувки и не губи време. Put on your hiking shoes and don't let any time be lost. Put on your tourist shoes and don't waste time. Ја испитуваме целата област. We're checking the whole area. We're investigating the whole area. Изглежда дъждовният сезон ще започне по-следващата седмица. It looks like the rainy season is going to start after next week. Looks like the rainy season will start next week. Ще ви застрелям и двамата. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Син ѝ е гениј. Her son is a genius. Her son is a genius. Том сака да прави се сам. Tom likes to do everything himself. Tom wants to do everything by himself. Никога не съм крал нищо от Том. I've never stolen anything from Tom. I'm never king of anything from Tom. Каква е минималната заплата в Кипър? What's the minimum salary in Cyprus? What is the minimum wage in Cyprus? Аз пристигнах в Токио вчера. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Môj kamarát verí konšpiračným teóriám; mám sa pokúšať ukázať mu, že sa mýli? My friend believes conspiracy theories; should I try to prove him wrong? Môj kamarát verí kospiričným teóriám; mám s séúšehý ukázať to him, is it already mýli? Грешно си ја проценил. You're wrong about her. You misjudged her. Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажеш. I think you'd better give up. I think you better give up. Ядосан съм и на двама ви. I'm mad at both of you. I'm angry at both of you. Отговорът Ви е правилен. Your answer is correct. Your answer is correct. Защо учиш френския толкова усърдно? Why are you studying French so hard? Why are you studying French so hard? Ще се видим на партито. See you at the party. I'll see you at the party. Том го спушти пиштолот. Tom lowered his gun. Tom put the gun down. Сакам да им се јавиш. I want you to call them. I want you to call them. Мисля, че трябва да се върнеш в Бостън. I think you should come back to Boston. I think you should go back to Boston. Способни ли сме на това? Do we have it in us? Are we capable of this? Подобро е за твоето здравје да одиш по скали. Taking the stairs is better for your health. It's better for your health to walk down stairs. Може ли тука да ги чекам? Can I wait for them here? Can I wait here for them? Този човек трябва да бъде осъден на смърт. That man should be sentenced to death. This man must be sentenced to death. "Къде живееш?" "Аз живея в Токио." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Том я е намерил. Tom found it. Tom found her. Сакаш ли роботи? Do you like robots? Do you like robots? Нужно е време, за да се съвземеш след развод. It takes time to get over a divorce. It takes time for you to come back after your divorce. Твоето колело е по-хубаво от моето. Your bicycle is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Стафидите са сухо грозде. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. The raisins are dry grapes. Зборувам со Том. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. Не те дупам. I'm not messing with you. I don't fuck you. Донеси ми вестника, моля. Bring me the newspaper, please. Get me the paper, please. Видях баща му да му се кара. I saw him scolded by his father. I saw his father arguing with him. Не съм си взимала душ от три дена. I haven't taken a shower in three days. I haven't taken a shower in three days. Секој има свои мани. Everyone has faults. Everyone has their own manners. Учите ли френски в училище? Do you study French at school? Do you study French at school? Вратата се отвори. The door opened. The door opened. Никога не съм си давал сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never thought Tom was interested in French. Карайте направо по пътя и като подминете светофара, сте там. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Drive straight down the road, and when you pass through, you're there. Бях приел за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. I took it for granted that Tom could speak French. I was given that Tom could speak French. Ништо не може да нѐ сопре. Nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop us. Обещавам да не го правя повече. I promise I won't do this again. I promise I won't do it again. Го оставив Том да ме фати. I let Tom catch me. I let Tom catch me. Како сме денес? How are we feeling today? How are we today? Какво ще кажете за една разходка по плажа? How about a walk on the beach? How about a walk on the beach? Какво пият? What are they drinking? What are they drinking? Нема пушачи тука. Nobody here smokes. There's no smokers here. Јас го склопив. I assembled it. I built it. Сакам да му правам гримаси. I like to make faces at him. I want to make him makeup. Ми се приспива. I'm beginning to get sleepy. He's sleeping in my sleep. Tom nechcel pracovať v Bostone. Tom didn't want to work in Boston. Tom's non-chronic praccať in Bostone. Како би ја опишал? How would you describe her? How would you describe it? На твое място не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be too sure if I were you. I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Мислех, че ще успеем до 2:30. I thought we could make it by 2:30. I thought we'd make it by 2:30. Четири човека бяха в колата по време на инцидента. Four people were in the car when the accident happened. Four people were in the car during the accident. Не можам да му ги дадав овие. I can't give him these. I can't give him these. Зарем ти немам веќе сѐ кажано? Haven't I told you everything already? Haven't I told you everything? Нямах намерение да те поставям в неудобно положение. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I had no intention of putting you in an awkward position. Том го бива за тоа. Tom is good at it. Tom's good at it. Не бих ги обвинявал. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't blame them. Женет сум за Лори. I'm married to Laurie. I'm married to Lori. Со нетрпиене чекам да ја видам новата верзија на Татоеба. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I look forward to seeing Daddy's new version. Продължава да се случва. It keeps happening. It keeps happening. Ќе донесам мраз. I'll get some ice. I'll get some ice. Čo povieš na raňajky v McDonalde? What do you think about having breakfast at McDonald's? What are you doing here at McDonald's? Им го покажа фалсификатот на моите пријатели. He showed the forgery to my friends. You showed my friends the forgery. Морам да ѝ помогнам. I've got to help her. I have to help her. Упорно пљампаше за тоа како дечко ѝ бил љубезен, сочувствителен, смел и уште не знам што. She kept blabbering about how her boyfriend is kind, compassionate, brave, and whatnot. She kept prying about how her boyfriend was kind, compassionate, courageous, and I don't know what yet. Сите бевме шокирани. We were all shocked. We were all shocked. Кажи кой предпочиташ. Say which one you would like. Tell me who you prefer. Позволете ми и аз да дойда. Let me come, too. Let me come, too. Вулканот повторно стана активен. The volcano has become active again. The volcano has become active again. Децата некогаш се плашат од темнината. Children are sometimes afraid of the dark. Children sometimes fear darkness. Таа е многу индивидуалистички настроена. She's very individualistic. She's very individualistic. Той е дружелюбен човек. He is a friendly person. He's a friendly man. Том и Мери се забавуваа заедно. Tom and Mary had fun together. Tom and Mary had fun together. Živimo v miru. We live in peace. We live in peace. Ще ви помоля да преведете този доклад на френски. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I'm going to ask you to deliver this report to French. Би требало рано да си легнеш. You should go to bed early. You should go to bed early. Просто нема како да го натерам Том да плива. There's just no way to get Tom to swim. I just can't get Tom to swim. Може ли да ти взема ножа? May I borrow your knife? Can I get your knife? Забавате ти ја продолжува младоста. Having fun keeps you young. You're losing your youth. Вистината е цел, а не одредиште. Truth is a goal, not a destination. The truth is a goal, not a destination. Той самият отказа да говори с нея. He himself refused to talk to her. He refused to talk to her himself. По војна, победниците секогаш се во право, а поразените се виновните. After a war, always, the victorious side is right and the vanquished side is wrong. After war, the winners are always right, and the vanquished are the guilty. Той мрази да пазарува. He hates shopping. He hates shopping. Не е обично пенкало. It's not just a pen. It's not usually a pen. Кучето умира. The dog is dying. The dog dies. Мария има дълга коса. Maria has long hair. Maria has long hair. Сигурен съм, че Том знае достатъчно френски да се оправи. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to fix it. Им купив нешто. I got something for them. I bought them something. Той ми каза, че заминава във Франция през юни. He told me that he would go to France in June. He told me he was going to France in June. Добро, ме убеди. OK, I'm convinced. Okay, you convinced me. Аз ще вляза. I'll get in. I'll go in. Той си закачи палтото. He hung up his coat. He hung his coat. Том крадеше од мене. Tom stole from me. Tom was stealing from me. Ништо ти не знаеш. You don't know jack. You don't know anything. Успехът ти зависи от това, дали ще си вземеш STEP изпита, или не. Your success depends on whether you pass the STEP examination or not. Your success depends on whether you take a STEP exam or not. Шегата ти стига твърде далеч. You are carrying your joke a bit too far. Your joke is far too far away. Тя се освежи преди вечеря. She freshened herself up before supper. She freshened up before dinner. Ich šťastie malo korene v ich priemysle. Their happiness was rooted in their industry. Ich schizo a little roots in ich priemysle. Дан го посети ресторанот минатото лето. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Сигурен сум дека можам да го најдам. I'm sure I can find him. I'm sure I can find him. Си му кажал ли на Том за болките во грбот што ги имаш? Have you told Tom about your back pain? Have you told Tom about the pains in your back? Ходим в едио и също училище. We go to the same school. We're going to edio and we're going to school. Той съвсем изперка. He's totally lost it. He's a mess. Зошто прашуваш? Why are you asking? Why do you ask? Имаме работа за нив. We have work for them. We've got work to do. Pridať! Encore! He's giving it to you! Том се прашуваше дали Мери веќе се разбудила. Tom wondered if Mary were awake yet. Tom wondered if Mary had already woken up. Спортуваш ли нешто? Do you practice any sport? Are you sporting something? Том издржа без храна цела недела. Tom went without food for a whole week. Tom took no food for a week. Kdaj se boš poročila? When will you get married? When are you getting married? Всичко мина по план. Everything went according to plan. It all went as planned. Имаме нужда от помощ. We're in need of help. We need help. Децата Ви колко са големи? How old are your children? How big are your kids? Има и такви што сакаат да го повредат Том. There are those who wish to hurt Tom. There are those who want to hurt Tom. Какво има в сака? What's in the sack? What's in the bag? Том не се интересува от политика. Tom is not interested in politics. Tom doesn't care about politics. Ајде само да се фатиме за работа. Let's just get to work. Let's just get to work. Трябва да презаредя батериите. I have to recharge the batteries. I have to recharge the batteries. Думата изразява моите чувства. The word is expressive of my feelings. The word expresses my feelings. Деби, училището ти наблизо ли е? Debbie, is your school near here? Debbie, is your school nearby? Како ќе го оствариш тоа? Can you make that happen? How are you gonna do that? Знам како најверојатно ти звучи. I know how it must sound. I know what it probably sounds like to you. Няма никакви. There aren't any. There isn't any. Може ли да ти използвам молива? May I use your pencil? Can I use this pencil for you? Можеш да одиш каде било. You may go anywhere. You can go anywhere. Не вреди многу. It's not worth much. It's not worth much. Каква е минималната заплата в Белгия? What's the minimum salary in Belgium? What's the minimum wage in Belgium? Cvičil som. I've been practicing. I was whining. Трябваше да я сграбча, за да не падне. I had to grab her to keep her from falling. I had to grab her so she wouldn't fall. Ќе направиме список. We'll make a list. We'll make a list. Resno, da ti ne bom prdnil na tvojo juho. Seriously, don't make me fart on your soup. Seriously, I'm not gonna fart on your soup. Том го препозна ракописот на Мери. Tom recognized Mary's handwriting. Tom recognized Mary's handwriting. Защо не си вземем такси? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we get a cab? Се направивме дрва. We got dead drunk. We made all trees. Мисля, че трябва да избереш Том. I think you should pick Tom. I think you should choose Tom. Повторни ли си го заборави паричникот. Did you forget your wallet again? Have you forgotten your wallet again? Лицето и беше измачкано со сперма. Her face was covered with cum. Her face was plagued with sperm. Не съм те виждала тук преди. I haven't seen you in here before. I haven't seen you here before. Рече ли нешто Том? Did Tom say anything? Did you say anything, Tom? Не ни придиряй толкова. Cut us some slack. Don't bother us so much. Pojdi lizat kurac! Go suck a dick! Get the fuck out of here! За да те штити е. It's for your protection. It's to protect you. Може ли да отворите прозореца? Can you open the window? Can you open the window? Богатството си натрупа с търговия. He made his fortune from commerce. He's stocking up his fortune in trade. Войниците са свикнали с опасностите. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are used to the dangers. Какви други варианти имам? What other options do I have? What other options do I have? Том така и не се отказа. Tom never gave up. Tom never gave up. Тргај го оттука. Get him away from here. Get him out of here. Дан пушеша марихуана со Линда. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. Dan smokes marijuana with Linda. Мислам дека сѐ уште немаат измислено лек за тоа. I don't think they've found a cure for that yet. I don't think they have a cure for it yet. Zvyčajne kŕmi svojho psa lacným psím krmivom. He usually fed his dog cheap dog food. Highly to his dog's lacným the dog's feed. Всички са гладни. Everybody's hungry. They're all hungry. Сите се свртеа да ја гледаат. They all turned to look at her. Everyone turned to look at her. Не съм ви виждала почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in nearly three years. Ајде да направиме торта. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. Jutri bom boljši. Tomorrow I'll be better. I'll be better tomorrow. В колко часа тръгва следващия влак? What time does the next train leave? What time does the next train leave? Том ни помогна да избегаме. Tom helped us escape. Tom helped us escape. Те молам, излези надвор. Please step outside. Please go outside. Изяждайте по една жива жаба всяка сутрин и през целия остатък от деня няма да ви се случи нищо по-лошо. Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Eat a living frog every morning and the rest of the day will not happen to you any worse. Никогаш нема да ја заборавам. I'll never forget her. I'll never forget her. Слушај внимателно. Треба да го знаеш ова. Listen carefully. You need to know this. Listen carefully, you need to know this. За смеење си. You're ridiculous. You're for laughs. Незнаењето секогаш создава страв. Ignorance always creates fear. Not knowing always creates fear. Мисля, че това, което Том направи, беше много смело. I think what Tom did was very brave. I think what Tom did was very brave. Зает съм в момента. I'm busy at the moment. I'm busy right now. Никој ништо не можеше да докаже. No one could prove anything. No one could prove anything. Вам ли ви припаѓа ова? Does this belong to you? Does this belong to you? Не приемате ли кредитни карти? You don't accept credit cards? Don't you take credit cards? Попрво би умрел отколку да се покорам. I would rather die than submit. I'd rather die than bow down. Бас ловя, че знаеш това. I bet you know this. I bet you know that. Секогаш се перчи со своето познавање од англискиот. He always parades his knowledge of English. He always lashes with his knowledge of English. Можеби наскоро ќе бидам спремен да тргнам. I might be ready to go soon. Maybe soon I'll be ready to go. To je oveľa lepšie. That's much better. That's more beautiful. Немам чувства спрема неа. I don't have feelings for her. I don't have feelings for her. Тие се моите ствари. Those are my things. They're my things. Позволи ми да остана. Permit me to stay. Let me stay. Не ме пришпорвай. Мисля. Don't rush me. I'm thinking. Don't push me. Разбојниците му ја врзаа устата. The bandits put a gag in his mouth. The robbers tied his mouth. Избриши си ги очите. Dry your eyes. Wipe your eyes. Се надевам дека е корисно. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. Dúfajú, že sa im podarí nájsť si dobre platenú prácu. They hope to be able to find a well-paid job. Dúfajú, already the gift of Nájsť is a good canvasú prác. Том се нуждае от кръвопреливане. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Tom needs blood. Не съм виждал Том. I haven't seen Tom. I've never seen Tom. Каквото и да кажете, няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. Криво ми е што не ти се јавив. I wish I'd called you. I'm sorry I didn't call you. Се прашувам зошто се зедовме. I wonder why we got married. I wonder why we got married. Лесно е да зготвиш тестенина. Cooking pasta is easy. It's easy to cook pasta. Postajaš zaspan. You are getting sleepy. You're getting sleepy. Сакаш ли да ти ги измасирам рамениците? Do you want me to massage your shoulders? Do you want me to massage your shoulders? Ќе ти отворам врата. I'll open the door for you. I'll open your door. Получих писмо на френски миналата седмица. I received a letter in French last week. I got a letter in French last week. Не ме бива с имената. I'm not good with names. I'm not good with names. Заврте кај аголот. He turned the corner. Turn the corner. Тя направи куклата за мен. She made the doll for me. She made the doll for me. Ona je mladší ako jeho dcéra. She's younger than his daughter. She's young and she's young. Чух го днес по новините. I heard it on the news today. I heard it today on the news. Да бъдеш трол е изкуство. Trolling is a art. Being a troll is an art. Кај тебе ли се клучевите? Do you have the keys? You got the keys? Брат ми стана инженер. My brother became an engineer. My brother became an engineer. Povedal som Tomovi, aby išiel na stretnutie. I told Tom that he should go to the meeting. He told Tom's abbey, and Abby was thinking about strentrites. Мълчете, всички. Be quiet, all of you. Shut up, everybody. Многу ли знаеш за нас? Do you know much about us? Do you know a lot about us? Кога се случило тоа? When did that happen? When did that happen? Покажи ни го. Show it to us. Show us. Не сакам да пливам. I don't like swimming. I don't want to swim. Достатъчно горещо ли е за плуване? Is it hot enough to go swimming? Is it hot enough to swim? Аз я научих наизуст. I learned it by heart. I taught her very much. Kedy je ďalšia prehliadka so sprievodcom? When is the next guided tour? Kedy's a predilection is a sprievocom? Така не е честно. This isn't fair. That's not fair. Готови сме да тръгваме. We're ready to leave. We're ready to go. Изгледа многу вкусно. It looks delicious. It looks really good. Гледам како стојат работите. I can see which way the wind's blowing. I can see how things are. Знам какво прави Том тук. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom's doing here. Том беше фанатик. Tom was a fanatic. Tom was a fanatic. Som elektrikár. I am an electrician. Som electricity. Чувал съм, че френският е език, труден за научаване. I've heard French is a difficult language to learn. I've heard that French is a language hard to learn. Ако се съди по страхотния ти тен, изглежда си прекарала по-голямата част от ваканцията си на плажа. Judging by that great tan, it looks like you spent most of your vacation on the beach. Judging by your great tan, you seem to have spent most of your vacation on the beach. Играл ли си Майнкрафт? Have you played Minecraft? Have you ever played Maincraft? В това езерце някога имаше много жаби. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. There was once a lot of frogs in this pond. Той беше беден и не можеше да си купи палто. He was poor and couldn't buy a coat. He was poor and couldn't buy a coat. On hovorí príliš rýchlo. He speaks too fast. He hovorí príalá rýchlo. Си го заборавив пасошот. I forgot my password. I forgot my passport. Решив да придонесувам исклучиво со шпански реченици целиов месец. I've decided to contribute Spanish sentences purely all this month. I decided to contribute exclusively to Spanish sentences throughout the month. Мисля, че си луда. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Това се превръща в проблем. That's becoming a problem. It's turning into a problem. Кога ќе стигнам во Бостон? When will I get to Boston? When do I get to Boston? По пожарот, остана само пепел. After the fire, only ash was left. After the fire, only ashes remained. Том има карта. Tom has a map. Tom's got a map. Лятото свърши. Summer has ended. Summer's over. Почти свършихме. We're almost finished. We're almost done here. Ќе ти го најдам Том. I'll find Tom for you. I'll find you Tom. Zmena je strašidelná. Change is scary. It's a terrible thing to do. Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you're out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. Го посрамотив. I embarrassed him. I embarrassed him. Кога беше последният път, когато ходихте на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? Може ли да дојдеш со нас? Can you come with us, please? Can you come with us? Аз би трябвало да знам, нали? I ought to know, shouldn't I? I should know, right? Ще го ядеш ли това кексче? Are you going to eat that cupcake? Are you going to eat that cupcake? Том наистина го мразя. I really do hate Tom. Tom, I really hate it. Отсекогаш сум сакал да патувам со Мери. I always wanted to travel with Mary. I've always wanted to travel with Mary. Влези внатре. Step inside. Get inside. Той съобщи за катастрофата на полицията. He reported his accident to the police. He reported the police crash. Би можел ли да ми ја извлечеш стрелава од нога? Can you get this arrow out of my leg? Could you get this arrow out of my leg? Зошто замижуваш кога се бакнуваме? Why do you close your eyes when you kiss me? Why do you care when we kiss? Ти давам збор. I give you my word. I give you my word. Njegov pes je starejši od mene. His dog is older than me. His dog is older than me. Искам да знам говорила ли си с Том. I want to know if you've been talking to Tom. I want to know if you've talked to Tom. Одиме да ги собереме. We're going to go get them. Let's go pick them up. Замоли го да почека додека да дојдам. Ask him to wait till I come. Ask him to wait until I get there. Това животно е много интелигентно. This animal is very intelligent. This animal is very intelligent. Каде е роден? Where was he born? Where was he born? Сосем е возможно Том воопшто да не ни помогне. It's quite possible that Tom won't help us at all. It's quite possible Tom won't help us at all. Това е мястото, на което се състоя битката . This is the place where the battle took place. This is the place where the battle took place . Пътешествията са голяма забава. Taking trips is a lot of fun. Road trips are a lot of fun. Koľko stojí pivo? How much does beer cost? How many beers? Навистина би било убаво да молчиш. I really wish you'd be quiet. It would really be nice to keep your mouth shut. Tožili so nas. They took us to court. We've been sued. Тя се опита да плува. She tried to swim. She tried swimming. Слизам на следващата гара. I am getting off at the next station. I'm going down to the next station. Повече не ми взимайте цветя. Don't get me flowers anymore. Don't take my flowers anymore. Нашето заминаване беше отложено. We were compelled to put off our departure. Our departure was delayed. Не ме чуди. It's not surprising. Don't surprise me. Том и Мери знаат што се случило. Tom and Mary know what happened. Tom and Mary know what happened. Ако сакаш квалитет, плати. If you want quality, pay for it. If you want quality, pay. Претпоставив дека си зафатен. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Том се насмевна. Tom started smiling. Tom smiled. Много се радвам да ви срещна. It's great to meet you. It's very nice to meet you. Ми треба понош да ги пренесам. I need help carrying them. I need to pass them off at night. Мислам дека би било грешка да му позајмиш на Том пари. I think it would be a mistake to lend Tom any money. I think it would be a mistake to lend Tom money. Уча по френски всеки ден след вечеря. I study French after dinner every day. I study French every day after dinner. Počul som ju spievať v jej izbe. I heard her singing in her room. I felt som sleeping with them in the study. Тя обзаведе стаята с красиви мебели. She furnished the room with beautiful furniture. She furnished the room with beautiful furniture. Аз мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Каква жалосна приказна! What a tragic story! What a sad story! Въздухът, подобно на водата, е сред основните неща, необходими за човека. Air, like food, is a basic human need. The air, like water, is one of the basic things that man needs. Не съм те обиждал на "глупак". I didn't call you stupid. I didn't insult you like stupid. Premislili si bodo. They'll change their minds. They'll think about it. Том ги затвори вратите. Tom closed the doors. Tom closed the doors. Преку глава ми е од францускиот јазик. I'm sick of French. I'm sick of French. Ова ќе те развесели. This will cheer you up. This will cheer you up. Треба да го натераш да слуша. You need to get him to listen. You need to get him to listen. Защо просто не ни кажеш какво те тормози? Why don't you just tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you just tell us what's bothering you? Цените ще продължат да се покачват. Prices will continue to rise. Prices will continue to rise. Знам дека Том е во Бостон сега. I know Tom is in Boston now. I know Tom's in Boston now. Децата трябва да слушат родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should listen to their parents. Майтапиш се! You're kidding! You're kidding! Това е деликатен въпрос. That's a delicate problem. It's a delicate question. Зарем не тоа типот што сака да ти ја купи куќата? Isn't that the same guy who wants to buy your house? Isn't that the guy who wants to buy your house? Сиромав си. You're poor. You're poor. Как беше плажа? How was the beach? How was the beach? Каква е минималната заплата в Индия? What's the minimum salary in India? What's the minimum wage in India? Си ја сменив маицата. I changed my shirt. I changed my shirt. Тој е безбожник. He is an atheist. He's a godless man. Не говорих с Том. I didn't speak with Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Универзумот се шири. The universe is expanding. The universe is expanding. Купи ли нешто за јадење? Did you buy anything to eat? Did you buy anything to eat? Да запалиме оган. Let's build a fire. Let's light a fire. Без врска нагаѓам. It's wild guess. I'm guessing no matter what. Да видиме што ќе се случи ако му дозволиме на Том да прави што сака. Let's see what happens if we let Tom do what he wants. Let's see what happens if we let Tom do what he wants. Nikoli ne bom pozabil trenutka, ko sem v mojih rokah držal delfina. I'll never forget the moment I held a dolphin in my hands. I'll never forget the moment I held the dolphin in my hands. То е на брат ми. It belongs to my brother. It's my brother's. Ходя на работа с колело. I go to work by bicycle. I'm going to work with a bike. Не знам каде е тоа. I don't know where that is. I don't know where that is. Там ја посети Мери вчера. Tom visited Mary yesterday. That's where Mary visited yesterday. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдем с тебе? Are you sure you don't want us to go with you? Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Том не е зает. Tom's not busy. Tom's not busy. Фред винаги лъже. Fred is always telling lies. Fred's always lying. Том пътуваше в първа класа. Tom traveled first class. Tom was traveling first class. Да почакаме до понеделник. Let's wait until Monday. Let's wait till Monday. Ние, съпругите, трябва да се поддържаме. We wives have to stick together. We wives must support each other. Мислех, че не харесвате Том. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Подреди думите по азбучен ред. Put the words in alphabetical order. Sort the words in alphabetical order. Не отваряй прозореца. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. Той погледна назад към мен и се ухили. He looked back at me and grinned. He looked back at me and took a bite. Котките сънуват ли? Do cats dream? Do Cats dream? Ekvator deli Zemljo na dve polobli. The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres. The equator parts the Earth to two halves. Ајде само да го баталиме тоа. Let's just drop it. Let's just hang on to it. Някой казвал ли Ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone told you this? Ostaň s nami! Stay with us. The rest of us! Моля, говорете по-високо. Please speak more loudly. Please speak higher. Том преведе документа на френски. Tom translated the document into French. Tom translated the document into French. Има ли некој друг тука? Is there anyone here? Is there anyone else here? Те не са гладни. They're not hungry. They're not hungry. Как е брачният ти живот? How's your married life? How's your married life? Не те обвинявам. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Имате многу различни видови на луѓе тука. You have many different kinds of people here. You have many different kinds of people here. Си го сменил ли шампонот? Have you changed shampoos? Have you changed your shampoo? Сложи го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it where you got it. Lahko je brati to knjigo. It is easy to read this book. It's easy to read that book. Престани да ги следиш. Quit following them. Stop following them. Мисля, че още си влюбен в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Како така не знаеш? What do you mean, you don't know that? What do you mean you don't know? Знаењето е врховната цел. Knowledge is the supreme goal. Knowledge is the ultimate goal. Мораш да учиш вредно. You must study hard. You have to study hard. Изглежда Том реши да остане. It looks like Tom decided to stay. Looks like Tom decided to stay. Тоа успеа. That worked. That worked. Момчето мълчеше. The boy was silent. The boy was silent. Študuje angličtinu v škole, ale myslí si, že je príliš ťažká. He is studying English in school but he thinks it's too difficult. He's studying an Englishman in a box, and you're myslí, and you're spraying him. Татко ми е дома. My father is home. My dad's home. Оди најди го. Go find him. Go find him. Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom get away. Don't let Tom get away with it. Често ли плива Том? Does Tom swim often? Does Tom often swim? Том може да говори френски много по-гладко от мене. Tom can speak French much more fluently than I can. Tom can speak French a lot smoother than I do. Отиваме на кино. Ела с нас. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the movies. Ти треба ли ренде? Do you need a grater? Do you need a band? Гледам телевизия. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Изгледа едноставно не мислев. I guess I just wasn't thinking. I guess I just didn't mean it. Занимавај го Том. Keep Tom entertained. Take care of Tom. Трябва да продължа да се опитвам. I have to keep trying. I have to keep trying. Казах ти да наблюдаваш Том внимателно. I told you to watch Tom carefully. I told you to watch Tom carefully. Изглежда, че си променила цялата стая. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you changed the whole room. Заключих се пред стаята ми. I have locked myself out of my room. I locked myself in front of my room. Chce bojovať proti rasizmu. He wants to fight racism. It's easy to fight racism. Чух стъпки, но не видях никой. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. Тук се чувствам по-сигурна. I feel safer here. I feel safer here. Никога не лъжи! Never tell a lie! Never lie! Obdivujem jeho dôvtip. I admire his wit. I'm exhilarating the yaw dôvtype. Не сакам да те мразам. I don't want to hate you. I don't want to hate you. Не е апсурдно. It's not ridiculous. It's not absurd. Том още ли е на училище? Is Tom still at school? Is Tom still in school? Не бих могъл да направя това без теб. I couldn't have done this without you. I couldn't do this without you. Харесва ли ти френския? Do you like French? Do you like French? Филмът я разплака. The movie moved her to tears. The movie was crying. Јас бев оној што ја ископа оваа дупка. I was the one who dug this hole. I was the one digging this hole. Толкова съм дебела. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Кой зъб те боли? Which tooth hurts? What tooth hurts? Вчера се натъкнах на Том. I ran into Tom yesterday. I ran into Tom yesterday. Ги чекавме надвор. We waited outside for them. We've been waiting for them outside. My sme vnútri. We're inside. My can't be too late. Кучето ли му го даде? Did you give him that dog? Did the dog give it to him? Лесно е да се види зошто луѓето го сакаат Том. It's easy to see why people like Tom. It's easy to see why people love Tom. Като говорим за пътешествия, бил ли си някога в Австралия? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of travels, have you ever been to Australia? Трябва да се върна в Бостън. I have to go back to Boston. I have to go back to Boston. Истовремено си и тежок и лесен, и пријатен и горок; не можам да живеам ни со ни без тебе. You are difficult and easy, pleasant and bitter at the same time; I can't live with or without you. At the same time, you are both heavy and easy, and pleasant and bitter; I cannot live with or without you. Кажи ни, каквото знаеш за проблемите на Том. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Можете да правите снимки извън музея, но не и вътре. You may take photos outside this museum, but not inside. You can take pictures outside the museum, but not inside. Колку направи? How much did you make? How much did you do? Децата ми често искат пари от мене. My children often ask me for money. My kids often want money from me. Како е тоа различно? How is it different? How is that different? Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it away? Tomáš spadol zo svojeho bicykla. Tom fell off his bicycle. You're going to go to bed with your bike. Играат одбојка. They are playing volleyball. They're playing volleyball. Ајде да одиме во зоолошка. Let's go to the zoo. Let's go to the zoo. Máš životný cieľ? Do you have a life goal? Do you livený cieʹ? Те ще играят баскетбол след училище. They are going to play baseball after school. They're gonna play basketball after school. Напишете адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write your address here. Да я питаме нещо друго. Let's ask her something else. Let's ask her something else. Том ти остави порака. Tom left a message for you. Tom left you a message. Имате ли някакви подобни изрази във френския? Do you have any similar expressions in French? Do you have any such expressions in French? Гледай да не се нараниш. Be careful not to hurt yourself. Don't get hurt. Свали си очилата. Take off your glasses. Take off your glasses. Не искам да работя при тези условия. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work on these terms. Казах ти всичко, за което мога да се сетя. I've told you everything I can think of. I told you everything I could think of. Не сакав да ме мразиш. I didn't want you to hate me. I didn't want you to hate me. Еве како го напишав. This is how I wrote it. Here's how I wrote it. Akú máš prezývku? What's your nickname? Do you mind? Кажи му на Том да ме чека пред поштата. Tell Tom to meet me in front of the post office. Tell Tom to wait in front of the post office. Том ја видел Мери со друг маж. Tom saw Mary with another man. Tom saw Mary with another man. Не најдов ништо неправилно. I didn't find anything wrong. I didn't find anything wrong. Изглежда Том не знае как да го направи. It looks like Tom doesn't know how to do that. Looks like Tom doesn't know how to do it. Те дозволувам да ме фатиш. I let you catch me. I'm letting you catch me. Помислих си, че вероятно вече си се прибрала вкъщи. I thought you'd probably already gone home. I thought you were probably home by now. Ова е класифицирано. This is classified. This is classified. Това е същата болница, където работи Том. This is the same hospital where Tom works. This is the same hospital Tom works for. Том има ментални проблеми. Tom has mental problems. Tom has mental problems. Том не можа да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Ајде да почнеме! Let's start! Let's get started! Знаете ли дали Том може да говори френски? Do you know whether Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French? Секој ученик има свој шкаф. Each student has a locker. Every student has their own cabinet. Тази сутрин е твърде студена за юни месец. It is a cold morning for June. She's too cold for June of the month this morning. Ми го спаси животот. You saved my life. You saved my life. Немам вотка. I don't have vodka. I don't have any vodka. Да ти дадам малку готовина. Let me give you some cash. Let me give you some cash. Немам име. I have no name. I don't have a name. Дај ми ги тие листови. Hand me those papers. Give me those sheets. Ти стрчи молив од џебот. A pencil is sticking out of your pocket. You pulled a pencil out of your pocket. Никога не отлагай за утре това, което можеш да свършиш днес. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Never postpone tomorrow what you can do today. Забавлявах се снощи. I had fun last night. I had fun last night. Тя ми даде този компактдиск. She gave me this compact disc. She gave me this compact. Не можеше да ги избегнат. There was no avoiding them. They couldn't get away. Мајка ти ли е тоа? Is she your mother? Is that your mom? Аз не взех участие в разговора. I didn't take part in the conversation. I didn't take part in the conversation. Толкова съм щастлив. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Бъдете по-точен. Be more precise. Be more specific. Секогаш е весел. He is always cheerful. He's always happy. Том произнесе реч на френски. Tom gave a speech in French. Tom spoke French. Ще дойдеш ли на партито, което организирам на плажа тази вечер? Would you like to come to my beach party this evening? Will you come to the beach party tonight? Том си го истри лицето. Tom rubbed his face. Tom cut his face off. Бъдете кратък, моля. Be brief, please. Be brief, please. Кажи ми каде е Том. Tell me where Tom is. Tell me where Tom is. Веднага ще ти обърна внимание. I'll get right back to you. I'll pay attention to you right away. Гледај, Том, жал ми е што упаднав. Look, Tom, I'm sorry I intruded. Look, Tom, I'm sorry I crashed. Ja som niečo povedal. I said something. Yeah, well, he didn't say anything. Том ништо нема речено за тоа. Tom never said anything about that. Tom didn't say anything about it. Том е сѐ уште дома. Tom is still at home. Tom's still at home. Bývam v hoteli. I live in a hotel. I'm going to the hotels. Не трябва да ходиш. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. Морам да мислам на себеси. I have to think of myself. I have to think about myself. Ти обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Мисля, че и двете трябва да си тръгнем. I think we both should leave. I think we should both go. Дърветата започнаха да се покриват с листа. The trees began to come into leaf. The trees began to cover themselves with leaves. Да се качваме в автобуса. Let's get on the bus. Let's get on the bus. Понякога гледам телевизия. I sometimes watch TV. Sometimes I watch TV. Ето я чантата ти. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Том е малку блед. Tom is a bit pale. Tom's a little pale. Том не почека. Tom didn't wait. Tom, don't wait. Колко ни дължите? How much money do you owe us? How much do you owe us? Aké sú minimálne požiadavky? What are the minimum requirements? Do you think it's going to be a minimum fertilizer? Viem, kde sú. I know where they are. Viem, kde sú. Тази седмица съм почивка. I am on holiday this week. I'm resting this week. Вярвате ли в чудеса? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? Všeč mi je igrati klavir. I like to play the piano. I like playing piano. Най-голямото щастие в живота е да обичаш и да бъдеш обичан. It is the greatest happiness in life to love and to be loved. The greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved. Дали сакаш да го запознаеш? Do you want to meet him? Do you want to meet him? Сигурен съм, че тази книга никога не е била превеждана на френски. I'm pretty sure this book has never been translated into French. I'm sure this book has never been translated into French. Приятелката на Том заплаши, че ще го напусне. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Има нещо, което трябва да обясня. There's something I need to explain. There's something I need to explain. Да говорим на английски. Let's speak English. Let's speak English. Той си взе изпита. He passed the exam. He took his exam. На децата им треба љубов. Children need loving. Kids need love. Том не ти е приятел. Tom isn't your friend. Tom's not your friend. Musím ísť do mesta. I have to go to the city. Musím is located next to the city. Каква е цената на този чадър? What's the price of this umbrella? What's the price of this umbrella? Модерното изкуство не ме интересува. Modern art has no interest for me. I don't care about modern art. Зарем не би почнал да кубеш коси од тоа? Wouldn't that make you tear your hair out? Wouldn't you start pickin' hair out of it? Ќе одиш ли? Will you go? Are you going? Тя се омъжи за един богат старец. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Si dobrý novinár. You're a good journalist. You've got a lot of news. Не трябва да чакате тук. You shouldn't wait here. You don't have to wait here. Колку билки купи? How many plants did you buy? How many herbs did you buy? Гладна съм. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Им дадовме јаболка. We gave them some apples. We gave them apples. Не съм те виждала почти три години. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you in nearly three years. Тя отиде до музея с такси. She went to the museum by cab. She went to the museum by taxi. Не знам како да се однесувам тука. I don't know how to behave here. I don't know how to act here. Како му оди на Том на работа? How's Tom doing at work? How's Tom doing at work? Порано или подоцна, ќе ми пукне филмот. Eventually, my patience is going to run out. Sooner or later, my movie's gonna crack. Се надевам дека си спремен за предизвик. I hope you're up to the challenge. I hope you're ready for a challenge. На Том му беше тешко да се справува со Мери. Tom had problems dealing with Mary. Tom found it hard to deal with Mary. Много съм самотен. I'm very lonely. I'm very lonely. Hovoril som s Tomom. I talked with Tom. Hovoril som with Tom. Колку далеку отидовте? How far did you go? How far did you go? Мисля, че трябва да видите това. I think you'd better look at this. I think you should see this. Ништо не ми се гледа. I can't see a thing. I can't see anything. Том не се смее. Tom isn't laughing. Tom's not laughing. Казах ти, каквото знам. I've told you what I know. I told you what I know. Хетеронормативноста е во тесна врска со сексизмот. Heteronormativity is closely linked to sexism. Heteronormality is in a tight relationship with sexism. Собуј се. Take off your shoes. Wake up. Дано да си права. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Ме префати гадна настинка од него. He gave me a bad cold. I got a nasty cold from him. Ona je iba malé dievča. She is just a little girl. She's a little diver. Том немаше друг избор освен да си замине. Tom had no choice but to leave. Tom had no choice but to leave. Прочетете го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it again. Сега можеш да седнеш. You can sit down now. Now you can sit down. Полицията не трябва да взима подкупи. Police shouldn't take bribes. The police shouldn't take bribes. Харесва ми да уча френски. I like to study French. I like to learn French. Sicília je v lete horúca. Sicily is hot in summer. Sicília's in the fields of Horúc. Таа малку поцрвене. She blushed slightly. She's a little more red. Stretol som ho. I met him. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Треба да одам да се пресоблечам. I should go change. I should go and change. Нямам достатъчно пари. I am short of money. I don't have enough money. Ще дойда с тебе обратно до хотела. I'll walk you back to your hotel. I'll go back to the hotel with you. Ние сме сродни души. We're soul mates. We're soul mates. На Том собата му е 'ршум. Tom's room is very messy. Tom's room is rushum. Svet je ako kniha, a tí čo necestujú čítajú len jednu stranu. The world is like a book, and those who don't travel read only one page. The world is a prince, but it is uncircumcised. Трябва да върна парите на Том. I have to give the money back to Tom. I have to return Tom's money. Том падна по стълбите. Tom fell down the stairs. Tom fell down the stairs. Некако сум гладен. I'm sort of hungry. I'm kind of hungry. Вие обичате децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Na žalost, sem izgubil moj potni list. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Отидохме в музея. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. Том казва, че той е гладен. Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. Прерано ли сум дојден? Am I too early? Am I too early? Pracujte na zadaní v malých skupinách. Work on the assignment in small groups. Send to the background in malých groupsách. Бебето спие. The baby's sleeping. The baby's asleep. Kъде е входа ? Where's the entrance? Where's the entrance? Какво би причинило нещо такова? What would cause something like that? What would cause something like that? Нейните дискове не се купуват от младите хора. Her CDs are not bought by young people. Her drives are not bought by young people. Tom je v obývačke. Tom is in the living room. Tom's in the helm. Мислите ли, че хищниците от род лалугери имат нощно зрение? Do you think that Spermophilus predators have night vision? Do you think laugar predators have night vision? Секирањето е трошење енергија. Worrying is a waste of energy. Sequeration is a waste of energy. Тој не е како нас. He's not like us. He's not like us. Том не може да те понася. Tom can't stand you. Tom can't stand you. Taliansko nie je Grécko. Italy isn't Greece. The Taliban nie is Grécko. Nerozumiem mu. I can't make him out. He's neurosuppressed. Майката на Том си помисли, че той има нужда от нови приятели. Tom's mother thought he needed to make some new friends. Tom's mother thought he needed new friends. Постојано се случува. It keeps happening. It happens all the time. Забравих да ви кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Се надевам дека ќе успее. I hope it works out. I hope it works. Един човек дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. A man came to see me yesterday. Имам други планове за Том. I have other plans for Tom. I have other plans for Tom. Изобщо не знаех, че Том може да говори френски. I never knew Tom could speak French. I didn't know Tom could speak French at all. Тя е три години по-голяма от мен. She's three years older than me. She's three years older than me. Мислам дека си го сторил тоа намерно. I think you did that intentionally. I think you did it on purpose. Винаги сте била малко странна. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Мисля, че имаш нужда от сън. I think you need some sleep. I think you need to sleep. Немам сила на волја кога станува збор за вежбање. I have no will power when it comes to exercising. I don't have the strength to go when it comes to practice. Кога свършва? When does it finish? When does it end? Не очајувај. Don't despair. Don't despair. Драго ми е за тоа. I'm glad of that. I'm glad about that. Носиш ли шофьорската книжка? Do you have your driver's license? Do you have your driver's license? Ќе го натерам да ти го искоси тревникот. I'll have him mow your lawn. I'm gonna get him to rip out your lawn. Не работиш тука. You don't work here. You don't work here. Том е она правото. Tom is the real deal. Tom is right. Доста бев зафатен. I've been quite busy. I've been busy a lot. Ще бъда ок. I'll be all right. I'll be okay. Ей, току-що дойдох тук. Hey, I just got here. Hey, I just got here. Треба да одиме дома. We should head home. We should go home. Се откажав. I quit. I quit. Лесно му се връзвах на сладките приказки. I was easily taken in by his smooth talk. I easily attached to his sweet talk. Бих искал едно копие от този доклад. I'd like to get a copy of that report. I'd like a copy of this report. Хайде да станем приятелки. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. Môžem vás pozvať na večeru? May I invite you to dinner? Môžam vás inviteť to the evening? Виждала съм Том тука наоколо. I've seen Tom around. I've seen Tom around here. Толку многу имаш направено. You've done so much. You've done so much. Секогаш ќе бидеме тука. We'll always be here. We'll always be here. Том застана одеднаш. Tom suddenly stopped. Tom stopped at once. Само се забавувам малку. I'm just having a little fun. I'm just having a little fun. Jorge dokáže hovoriť štyrmi jazykmi. Jorge is able to speak four languages. Jorge doctasize hovori aliases aykmi. Греалката престана да работи. The heater has quit working. The scratch stopped working. Помислих си, че има нещо странно. I thought something was odd. I thought there was something strange. Знаеш ли зошто Том не дојде на состанокот попладнево? Do you know why Tom wasn't at the meeting this afternoon? Do you know why Tom didn't come to the meeting this afternoon? В девет от десет класа той би заел първо място. In nine cases out of ten he will take the first place. In nine out of ten, he would've taken first place. Сакам да те држам. I want to hold you. I want to hold you. Качи се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слез на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Budstrasse and get off to Zestrasse. Отвори на деветта страница. Open at page nine. Open on page nine. Гърция е древна страна. Greece is an old country. Greece is an ancient country. Том, ако има проблем, сакам да знам. Tom, if there's a problem, I want to hear about it. Tom, if there's a problem, I want to know. Мислех, че Том е влюбен в Мери. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. Том е архитект. Tom is an architect. Tom's an architect. Забравих да питам. I forgot to ask. I forgot to ask. Не знаев за нив. I didn't know about them. I didn't know about them. Какво ти липсва ? What don't you have? What do you miss? Не беше лесно да се реши овој проблем. It wasn't easy to solve this problem. It wasn't easy to solve this problem. Не трябва да се предаваш. You must not give up. You don't have to give up. Френският ти харесва, нали? You like French, don't you? You like French, don't you? Том прекарва цял ден, говорейки френски в училище, а вкъщи говори само на английски. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and speaks only in English at home. Најверојатно се уште го има. It's probably still available. He's probably still got it. Виж какво се случи на Том. Look what happened to Tom. Look what happened to Tom. Том хвърли камък по дървото. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a rock on the tree. Слушнав дека ја фатиле. I heard they caught her. I heard they caught her. Той се е оправил, затова скоро ще може да излезе от болницата. He has gotten better, so he'll soon be able to leave the hospital. He's fine, so he'll be able to get out of the hospital soon. Не става. This is useless. It doesn't work. Som príliš lenivý. I am too lazy. You're spraying her. Сѐ уште расте. It's still rising. It's still growing. Немам намера ништо да објаснувам. I don't intend to explain anything. I don't intend to explain anything. Раненият беше докаран с линейка. The wounded arrived by ambulance. The wound was done with an ambulance. Това е вярно отчасти. That's partly true. That's true in part. Казах ти да стоиш настрана. I said stay back. I told you to stay away. Нема потреба да се плашиш. There's no need to be scared. There's no need to be afraid. Плачевме во дует. We cried together. We cried in a duet. Носи високи потпетици за да се направи повисока. She wears high heels to make herself look taller. He's wearing high heels to make it higher. Том плака цялата нощ. Tom has been crying all night. Tom cried all night. Kde držia Toma? Where is Tom being held? Who's Tom holding? Maďarsko a Slovensko sú susedi. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. Mawharska a Slovensko sú sussedi. Прочитај го ова. Read this. Read this. Што направивме погрешно? What did we do wrong? What did we do wrong? Повеќето луѓе имаат голем отпор кон станувањето рано, дури и кога се мора. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. Most people resist getting up early, even when they have to. Не съм виждал Том от рождения му ден насам. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. I haven't seen Tom since his birthday. Таа ме избегнува. She avoids me. She's avoiding me. Не знам што мислиш дека ќе се смени. I don't know what you think is going to change. I don't know what you think will change. Книгиве се нови. These books are new. These books are new. Може ли да им се јавиш? Can you call them? Can you call them? Мисля, че френският ти се е подобрил значително. I think your French has improved a lot. I think your French has improved significantly. Имаш само един шанс да дадеш правилен отговор. You have only one chance to answer correctly. You only have one chance to give the right answer. Ајде да се муваме. Let's kiss. Let's have a laugh. Трудно е да се разбере какво иска Том. It's hard to figure out what Tom wants. It's hard to understand what Tom wants. Најдов живеалиште. I found a place to live. I found a place to live. Страхувам се от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Ето защо сме тук. That's why we're here. That's why we're here. Това е възможно най-лошото. This is the worst of all. That's the worst possible thing. Да разпуснем малко. Let's relax. Let's just relax a little. Том е расонет. Tom is wide awake. Tom's a mess. Тука сме за да помогнеме. We're here to help. We're here to help. Слободно. Go ahead. At ease. Radšej by som umrel, než by som sa mal vzdať. I would rather die than surrender. I like to die by som a bit. Това е фазан. That's a pheasant. This is a phaser. Кој ги зел парите? Who took the money? Who took the money? Том получи шестица. Tom got an A. Tom's got a six. Тоа би било трагедија. That would be a tragedy. That would be a tragedy. Дотук минах всички тестове. I've passed every test so far. So far, I've passed all the tests. Сам ли е Том таму? Is Tom there alone? Is Tom there? Том веќе не ми пишува. Tom doesn't write to me anymore. Tom doesn't write to me anymore. Той играеше футбол с една празна консерва. He was playing football with an empty can. He played football with an empty can. Тя го шамароса. She slapped him in the face. She slaps him. Том беше засегнат. Tom was concerned. Tom was affected. Не звучи како којзнае што. It doesn't sound like much. It doesn't sound like who knows what. Том и кажа на Мери дека ја љуби. Tom told Mary that he loved her. Tom told Mary he loved her. Дръж здраво ракетата. Hold the racket tight. Hold the rocket tight. Том прерови чекмеджето да види дали има някоя химикалка, която може да използа. Tom looked through the drawer to see if there was a pen he could use. Tom's going through the drawer to see if there's any pen he can use. Успях да се обясня на френски. I managed to make myself understood in French. I managed to explain myself in French. Том беше нетърпелив и нервен. Tom was impatient and restless. Tom was impatient and nervous. Одлучив да и кажам дека го сакам. I decided to tell her that I love him. I decided to tell her I loved him. Не е битно. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Съжалявам, но не го вярвам. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. I'm sorry, but I don't believe it. Те молам не ми ја отпуштај раката. Please don't let go of my hand. Please don't give me your hand. Изпусна си носната кърпичка. You dropped your handkerchief. You missed your handkerchief. Не забравяй да си донесеш кухненски пособия като ножове и съдове за готвене. Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. Don't forget to bring kitchen supplies like knives and cooking vessels. Колку трае патот? How long is the ride? How long does the road last? И аз те обичам. I love you, too. I love you, too. Той е завършил Кеймбридж с отличие. He graduated from Cambridge with honors. He graduated from Cambridge with a distinction. За Том френският е роден език. Tom is a native French speaker. To Tom, French is a native language. Най-близкия полет е в 10:00. The next flight is at 10:00. The nearest flight is 10:00. Том се потеше. Tom was sweating. Tom was sweating. Таман ми е. It fits perfectly. It's my Taman. Чувам, че ме смяташ за луд. I hear you think I'm crazy. I hear you think I'm crazy. Ме воодушеви учтивоста на Том. I was impressed by Tom's courtesy. I was impressed by Tom's courtesy. То възкръсна даже по-жизнено от преди. It revived with even greater vigor. It rose even more vividly than before. Посещавал ли си Рим някога? Have you ever visited Rome? Have you ever visited Rome? Не се притеснявай за това. Don't you worry about it. Don't worry about it. Можеш ли обратно? Can you do it in reverse? Can you take it back? Едно по едно, момчињата доаѓаа да видат што читам. One by one, the boys came to see what I was reading. One by one, the boys came to see what I was reading. Се чувствувам како сосем нов човек. I feel like a brand new person. I feel like a whole new man. Ти се јавувам само колку да те чујам. I'm just calling to say hi. I'm only calling to hear you. Том ќе ме убие кога ќе дознае што сум сторил. Tom's going to kill me when he finds out what I did. Tom's gonna kill me when he finds out what I did. Мисля, че си идиотка. I think you're an idiot. I think you're an idiot. Magdalena a Lech sa pripravujú na poľské skúšky. Magdalena and Lech are preparing for their Polish exams. Magdalena a Lech is preparing for the posture skúšky. Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. Lately, the prices have fallen. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that'll happen. I hope that's what's gonna happen. Цял живот съм се занимавал със спорт. I've played sports all my life. I've been in sports my whole life. Нека ми се јават. Have them call me. Have them call me. Уплашена ли си? Are you frightened? Are you scared? Мисля, че от Том и Мери би излязла чудесна двойка. I think Tom and Mary would make a nice couple. I think Tom and Mary would make a great couple. На Том му беше малку незгодно околу Мери. Tom felt a tad awkward around Mary. Tom was a little awkward around Mary. Морам да го поправам ова. I have to fix this. I have to fix this. Пишувај му на Том. Write Tom. Write to Tom. Имам много способности. I have many abilities. I've got a lot of skills. Каде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? Им кажав кога ги видов. И нему му кажав. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. I told them when I saw them, and I told him. Tvoje meno, prosím. Your name, please. Your men, I beg you. Ще си бъда в лабораторията. I'll be in my lab. I'll be in the lab. Треба да пораснеш и да созрееш малку. You need to grow up and mature a bit. You need to grow up and grow up a little bit. Том отрча до веце. Tom ran to the bathroom. Tom ran to the bathroom. Тргај се од патот. Move out of the way. Get out of the way. Prečo potrebuješ čítať takúto knihu? Why do you need to read such a book? Besides, do you need a book like that? Што пиете? What're you drinking? What are you drinking? Онова, което не искам да изгубя, е любовта. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don't want to lose is love. Близнаците си приличат толкова много, че е трудно да ги различиш. The twins were so alike that it was difficult to tell them apart. Twins are so much alike, it's hard to tell them apart. Изключи телевизора. Turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. Си го носам пасошот. I have my passport. I'm wearing my passport. Никой не знае какво ще донесе бъдещето. No one knows what'll happen in the future. No one knows what the future will bring. Сѐ уште има малку простор во ормарот. There's still some room in the closet. There's still little room in the closet. Ја слушнав таа приказна. I heard that story. I heard that story. Мери е куратор в музей. Mary is a museum curator. Mary is a curator at a museum. Извикай ме, ако ти трябвам за нещо. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need anything. Не сум неспособен. I'm not incompetent. I'm not incapacitated. Ти ја кажав вистината. I told you the truth. I told you the truth. Му тргнало. He is on a roll. He's on his way. Што и да е, не сум го направил јас. Whatever it is, I didn't do it. Whatever it is, I didn't do it. Оргуларот беше постар човек. The organist was elderly. The orgulator was an older man. Том изгледа неодлучно. Tom looks undecided. Tom seems indecisive. Може ли само да ми дадеш една минута? Can you just give me a minute? Can you just give me a minute? Дан немаше никакво сочувство кон ниедно човечко суштество. Dan didn't have any empathy whatsoever to any human being. Dan had no compassion for any human being. Задлъжнял ли си вече? Are you in debt yet? Are you in debt now? Том искаше да си тръгне, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Мислев дека сум ги изгубил сите пари, ама изгледа сум згрешил. I thought I'd lost all my money, but apparently I was wrong. I thought I'd lost all my money, but I guess I've made a mistake. Том се готвеше да ме застрела. Tom was going to shoot me. Tom was getting ready to shoot me. Том ти е учител. Tom is your teacher. Tom is your teacher. И двајцата се пијани. They're both drunk. They're both drunk. Мојот досегашен труд беше залуден. My efforts have been futile thus far. My work so far has been wasted. Иска ми се Том да можеше да бъде днес тук с нас. I wish Tom could be here with us today. I wish Tom could have been here with us today. Секогаш ги мешам тие две имиња. I always get those two names confused. I always mix those two names. Носеше црвена марама околу вратот. She wore a red scarf around her neck. He was wearing a red frame around his neck. Чух ви да се карате с Том. I heard you and Tom fighting. I heard you arguing with Tom. Мислех, че не вярваш в призраци. I thought you didn't believe in ghosts. I thought you didn't believe in ghosts. Можете ли да го направите сама? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Развија зависност. They got addicted. They've developed addiction. Подранила си. You are early. You're early. Не смее така. That would be wrong. He can't do that. Слушај си ги учителите. Obey your teachers. Listen to your teachers. Злобен си и одбивен. You're evil and disgusting. You're mean and repulsive. На френски ли мислиш? Do you think in French? You mean French? Том е најдобриот. Tom is the greatest. Tom's the best. Сѐ уште не сум ѝ се јавил. I haven't called her yet. I haven't called her yet. Мажите и жените се луѓе од спротивен пол. A man and a woman are people of different genders. Men and women are men of the opposite sex. Ще се видим довечера! До скоро! See you tonight! See you soon! I'll see you tonight. Винаги си добър. You're always good. You're always good. Ранетиот војник едвај одеше. The wounded soldier could hardly walk. The wounded soldier barely walked. Мислам дека е време да почнеме да се спремаме. I think it's time for us to start getting ready. I think it's time we started getting ready. Го познавав покојникот долго време. I have known the deceased for a long time. I've known the deceased for a long time. Мисля, че Том говори френски добре. I think Tom speaks French well. I think Tom speaks French well. Децата дуваат меурчиња. The children are blowing bubbles. The kids are blowing bubbles. Днес ще си взема патица. I'll choose duck today. I'm taking a duck today. Не разбирам кучешки език. I don't understand dog language. I don't understand dog language. Мисля, че трябва да отидеш. I think you should go. I think you should go. Keď ťa všetci milujú, niekde robíš chybu. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. There's a hint of milk, a nuisance of chybu. Том сака да оди на плажа со нас. Tom wants to go to the beach with us. Tom wants to go to the beach with us. Стоеја под стреа пред продавницата, за да го избегнат дождот. They stood under the canopy in front of the store, so as to avoid the rain. They stood in front of the store to avoid rain. Govorim švedsko. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. За сите е очигледно дека тој е вљубен. It's obvious to everyone that he is in love. For all of us, it's obvious that he's in love. Неспособен е да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He's unable to do it. Пази го Том. Keep an eye on Tom. Watch Tom. Виждала съм те някъде преди. I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you somewhere before. Том се наведе към Мери. Tom leaned towards Mary. Tom leaned towards Mary. Ќе се видиме после, добро? See you later, OK? I'll see you later, okay? Не се сите луѓе еднакви. Тоа е, сепак, добра вест, затоа што значи дека не се сите луѓе лоши. Not all people are equal. That's, on one hand, good news because it means that not all people are bad. Not all people are equal, that's, after all, good news, because it means not all people are bad. Обожавам патувања. I love trips. I love travels. Не изхвърляй нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything away. Навистина ми недостасуваат. I really miss them. I really miss them. Мислев дека би било убаво да ти купам пар обетки. I was thinking I'd like to buy you a pair of earrings. I thought it would be nice to buy you a pair of earrings. Никога през живота си нищо не съм откраднал. I've never stolen anything in my life. I've never stolen anything in my life. Мери не измила садови. Mary hasn't washed the dishes. Mary didn't wash dishes. Mary si je s čela obrisala znoj. Mary wiped the sweat from her forehead. Mary used her forehead to wipe her sweat. Не можах да отида на работа, защото бях болен. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. Не ме гъделичкайте! Don't tickle me! Don't tickle me! Биди машко. Be a man. Be a man. Сакам да јадам ананас за доручек. I like eating pineapple for breakfast. I want to eat pineapple for breakfast. Сите ќутеа. Everybody was silent. Everybody shut up. И спротивното важи. The converse is also true. And the opposite goes. Том е многу младолик. Tom looks very young. Tom's a very young man. Ни мене не ми е толку топло. I'm not feeling so hot myself. I'm not that hot either. Том се ожени когато беше на 30 години. Tom got married when he was 30 years old. Tom got married when he was 30. Гледав телевизија кога дојде Том. I was watching TV when Tom came. I was watching TV when Tom came in. Тоа беше неверојатна вечер. It was an amazing evening. It was an incredible night. Да попитаме. Let's ask. Let's ask. Вече не те обичам; затова съм тъжен. I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad. I don't love you anymore; that's why I'm sad. Ќе биде ѕверско. It's going to be brutal. It's gonna be wild. Безбеден ли е мостот? Is the bridge safe? Is the bridge safe? Том ќе биде супер. Tom will be great. Tom's gonna be great. Том има много голям нос. Tom has a very large nose. Tom's got a big nose. Том изглежда мотивиран. Tom seems motivated. Tom seems motivated. Имам болка во градите. I have a chest pain. I have chest pain. Крадец влезе с взлом в къщата A burglar broke into his house. Thief broke into the house. Том не знаеше кои се родителите на Мери. Tom didn't know who Mary's parents were. Tom didn't know who Mary's parents were. Лекарят се приведе над болното момче. The doctor bent over the sick boy. The doctor brought over the sick boy. Мисля, че ще ви бъде много интересно. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Бях сам, учех. I was alone, studying. I was alone, I was studying. Отидоха в парка на следващата сутрин. They went to the park the next morning. They went to the park the next morning. Том знаеше дека нема да може да преземе нешто многу во врска со тоа. Tom knew there wasn't much he could do about it. Tom knew he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Сѐ уште ли си таму? Are you still here? Are you still there? Май Том си е пийнал повечко. It looks like Tom has had a few too many drinks. Looks like Tom's had a little drink. Je dobre oboznámený s históriou Anglicka. He is well acquainted with the history of England. It is good ooznámený with históriou Englandcka. Нещо бе взето. Something was taken. Something was taken. Плачеше од среќа. He cried for joy. She was crying out of luck. Стотици хора са умрели от глад в този район. Hundreds of people have starved to death in that district. Hundreds of people have died of hunger in this area. Ми личиш познато. You look familiar. You look familiar. Не мога да го направя сама. I can't do it by myself. I can't do it alone. Мокрите дрехи прилепват по тялото. Wet clothes cling to the body. Wet clothes stick to the body. Тој во се наоѓа мана. He criticizes everything. He's got a manna in his place. Вие сте жесток. You're cruel. You're cruel. Кажи ми виц. Tell me a joke. Tell me a joke. To je tvoj problém. That's your problem. This is your proslém. Маж ми е лекар. My husband is a doctor. My husband's a doctor. Донесов неколку шишиња вино. I brought a couple of bottles of wine. I brought some bottles of wine. Сепак ни треба план. We still need a plan. We still need a plan. Не изглеждаш много щастлив да ме видиш. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem very happy to see me. Том има плантажа. Tom owns a plantation. Tom's got plantation. Немам ништо да ти дадам. I don't have anything to give you. I have nothing to give you. Външната скромност е често просто израз на учтивост, изчакване да се обърнат към теб преди да заговориш. Perceived shyness is often simply an expression of politeness in waiting to be addressed before speaking. External modesty is often a simple expression of politeness, waiting to turn to you before talking. Том не е воодушевен. Tom isn't impressed. Tom's not thrilled. Само затворете очи. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Тя ми е като собствено дете. She is like my own child. She's like my own child. Не бяхме гладни. We weren't hungry. We weren't hungry. Мисля, че ще ви хареса. I think you'll like it. I think you'll like it. Няма да позволя това да ме тормози. I won't let that bother me. I'm not gonna let that bully me. Том беше восторжен. Tom was overjoyed. Tom was a pastor. Тя изглеждаше самотна. She looked lonely. She seemed lonely. Nevystavujte to dažďu! Don't expose it to the rain. Don't be so hard on him! Кога беше последният път, когато пътува с влак? When was the last time you travelled by train? When was the last time you were traveling by train? Том изгледа осамено. Tom looks lonely. Tom looks lonely. Ти печеш леб во своите фурни. You bake bread in your ovens. You're baking bread in your ovens. Морав да земам нешто. I had to get something. I had to get something. Како можеш да бидеш толку сигурен? How could you be so sure? How can you be so sure? Знаеш ли нещо за детството на Том? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? Do you know anything about Tom's childhood? „Ти се допадна ли неговата музика?“ „Не, а тебе?“ "Did you like his music?" - "No, did you?" "Did you like his music?" "No, but you?" Том ѝ верува на Мери. Tom believes Mary. Tom trusts Mary. Том живее на същата улица като Мери. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Напук на нея реших да го направя. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. I decided to quit her.