Ha? Gde sam zaturio ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I put the keys? Решението не беше мое. It wasn't my decision. It wasn't my decision. Brokula je jedna od najzdravijih vrsta povrća. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. Broccoli is one of the healthiest types of vegetables. Трябва да Ви поздравя. I should congratulate you. I must congratulate you. Как го измисли това? How did you come to think of that? How did you come up with that? Brod je iskrcan u luci. The ship was unloaded at the port. The ship has been disembarked at the port. Моли има голям часовник. Molly has a large clock. Molly's got a big watch. Том не те видя. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Treba da ostaviš Tomu poruku. You should write Tom a note. You should leave Tom a message. Koji jezik govore u Meksiku? What is the language spoken in Mexico? What language do they speak in Mexico? Za doručak uvek jedem voće i ovsene pahuljice. I always have fruit and oatmeal for breakfast. I always eat fruit and oatmeals for breakfast. Слободно ли е местово? Is this seat vacant? Is this place available? Казвам ти, тя изглежда като майка си. She looks like her mother, I tell you. I'm telling you, she looks like her mother. Што повеќе работи имам, толку повеќе ќе треба да чистам. The more things I have, the more I am going to have to clean. The more things I have, the more I'm going to have to clean. Момчето мълчеше. The boy was silent. The boy was silent. Tom me je pitao za dozvolu da koristi moj računar. Tom asked for my permission to use my computer. Tom asked me for permission to use my computer. Мислех, че е забавно. I thought it was fun. I thought it was fun. Том го пратија во психијатриска болница. Tom was sent to a mental hospital. Tom was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Сакам да ти купам подарок. I want to buy a gift for you. I want to buy you a present. Всеки не може да бъде добър пианист. Every man cannot be a good pianist. Everyone can't be a good pianist. Том работи за една голяма фирма. Tom works for a large firm. Tom works for a big firm. Чух как някой влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone come in. Dobro ga znam. I know him well. I know him well. Predsednik je umro neočekivano. The President died unexpectedly. The president died unexpectedly. Джейн е болна на легло. Jane is sick in bed. Jane's sick on her bed. Pozdravi prijatelje. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your friends. Тя роди момченце. She gave birth to a baby boy. She had a baby boy. Том говори френски по-добре от който и да е от неговите съученици. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Tom speaks French better than any of his classmates. Samo obavljam svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Од каде ти е таа лузна? What's that scar from? Where did you get that scar? Калуѓерките пеат. The nuns are singing. The nuns sing. Навистина беше мило. It was really sweet. It was really nice. Telefon će mi se uskoro ugasiti. My phone is about to die. My phone will be shut down soon. Tvoji roditelji su samo zabrinuti za tvoju sigurnost. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Невероятно! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Povedz mi meno deviateho mesiaca. Tell me the name of the ninth month. I need you to tell me about the messianic deviatech. Можеби си во прав. Perhaps you're right. Maybe you're right. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да напуснеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to leave? Можно е Том да ја вработи Мери, но не знам со сигурност. Tom might hire Mary, but I don't really know for sure. It's possible Tom could hire Mary, but I don't know for sure. Еве што мислам дека се случило. Here's what I think happened. Here's what I think happened. Zainteresovana sam. I'm interested. I'm interested. Тоа е доволно блиску. That's close enough. That's close enough. Си бил ли некогаш во пештерава? Have you ever been inside this cave? Have you ever been in this cave? Ko danas vodi sastanak? Who's chairing the meeting today? Who's running the meeting today? Да ли је он доктор? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? Ова беше забавно. This has been fun. This was fun. Ме мавна кола. I got hit by a car. I got hit by a car. Govorite li engleski? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Môžem predĺžiť môj pobyt ešte o jednu noc? Can I extend my stay one more night? Am I supposed to kick your ass about one night? Крият се в гардероба. They're hiding in the closet. They're hiding in the closet. Siguran sam da će Tom doći na zabavu. I'm sure that Tom will come to the party. I'm sure Tom will come to the party. Ta riba je neužitna. That fish is not edible. That fish is inedible. Внимавайте с това. Be careful with that. Be careful with that. Том гласно ждригна. Tom burped loudly. Tom hurried loudly. Бих могла да те направя щастлив. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Само за себе ли готвиш? Do you cook just for yourself? Are you cooking for yourself? Njena je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Tom nije bio veoma energetičan. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't very energetic. Не можев да го направам тоа што ти го правиш. I couldn't do what you do. I couldn't do what you did. Јас сум трпелив човек. I'm a patient man. I'm a patient man. Ножот на Дан беше прелиен со крв. Dan's knife was covered with blood. Dan's knife was covered in blood. Какво му става на Том? What's with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? Ne znam jesu li ti jezici srodni. I don't know if those languages are related. I don't know if those languages are related. Така по-добре ли е? Does that feel better? Is that better? Том учи француски со години. Tom has been studying French for years. Tom's been studying French for years. Том не беше разочаран. Tom wasn't disappointed. Tom wasn't disappointed. Директорът обмисли възможността да уволни Том, но реши да не го прави. The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it. The Director considered firing Tom, but decided not to. Obucite se. Get dressed. Get dressed. Том казва, че може да се свързва с мъртвите. Tom says that he is able to communicate with the dead. Tom says he can connect with the dead. Не прикривай как се чувстваш заради това. Don't conceal what you feel about it. Don't cover up how you feel about that. Кој би го направил тоа? Who would do that? Who would do that? Pričaću s Tomom o tome. I'll speak to Tom about that. I'll talk to Tom about it. Не му кажувај на Том што си видел тука. Don't tell Tom what you've seen here. Don't tell Tom what you saw here. Принцот е згоден. The prince is handsome. The prince is handsome. Щастлива ли си? Are you happy? Are you happy? Спри. Боли. Stop. It hurts. Stop, it hurts. Том возеше како манијак. Tom drove like mad. Tom was driving like a maniac. Мразя нямото кино. I hate silent movies. I hate the movies. Сакам да дојдеш во Бостон. I want you to come to Boston. I want you to come to Boston. Разбрах защо Том беше закъснял. I found out why Tom was late. I figured out why Tom was late. To ne bi smel biti tak problem. That shouldn't be much of a problem. That shouldn't be such a problem. Ovo je komunizam. This is communism. This is Communism. Boli me stomak. I have a stomachache. My stomach hurts. Што и да е, не сум го направил јас. Whatever it is, I didn't do it. Whatever it is, I didn't do it. Еве ти го денешниот распоред. Here's your schedule for the day. Here's today's schedule. Voleo bih da mi je to palo na pamet. I wish I'd thought of that. I wish that had crossed my mind. Сонувај ти дека знаеш. You don't know jack. You dream you know. Нема да се откажам додека не откријам кој бил одговорен. I won't quit until we find out who's responsible. I'm not giving up until I find out who was responsible. Мислам дека Том е суров. I think Tom is harsh. I think Tom is cruel. Том беше во кома. Tom was in a coma. Tom was in a coma. Ајде да го направиме ова како што треба. Let's do this right. Let's do this right. Някои отрови, използвани правилно, са полезни. Certain poisons, properly used, are useful. Some of the poisons used correctly are useful. Што си работел последно? What was your last job? What was the last thing you did? Вие студент по обмен ли сте? Are you an exchange student? Are you an exchange student? Сестра ѝ ѝ изглади блузата. She had her blouse ironed by her sister. Her sister smoothed her shirt. Ти си в по-добра форма от мене. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Држи се до планот. Stick to your plan. Stick to the plan. Той живее някъде наоколо. He lives somewhere about here. He lives around here somewhere. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да се откажеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to give up? Чувам, че ме смяташ за луд. I hear you think I'm crazy. I hear you think I'm crazy. Tom ga je sâm napravio. Tom made it himself. Tom made it himself. На која држава си граѓанин? What country are you a citizen of? What country are you a citizen of? Им испеков торта. I've baked a cake for them. I baked them a cake. Тайфун наближава Япония. A typhoon is approaching Japan. The typhoon is nearing Japan. Prestanite da se trudite da me napravite krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Hoćemo li aperitiv? Shall we have an aperitif? Shall we have an aperitif? Искам да ям малко сирене. I want to eat some cheese. I want to eat some cheese. Sigurno će Tom pobediti. Tom is sure to win. I'm sure Tom will win. Има ли некога у кући? Anybody home? Is there anyone in the house? Харесвате ли тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? Do you like that shirt? Svi su stajali. Everyone stood. Everyone was standing. A ko si ti? And just who might you be? And who are you? Го притиснав копчето за да го вклучам радиото. I pushed the button to turn on the radio. I pressed the button to turn on the radio. Отвори бутилката, ако обичаш. Please open the bottle. Open the bottle, please. Ako negde moraš baš sada da budeš, to je svakako ovde! If there's a place you gotta be right now, it is certainly here! If you have to be somewhere right now, it's definitely here! Нямаше да звъня, ако не беше важно. I wouldn't be calling if it weren't important. I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important. Не треба да се коментира. One should not make comments. There's no comment to make. Mogu li dobiti čašu vina? Could I have a glass of wine? Can I have a glass of wine? Je skoro šesť hodín. It's almost six o'clock. It's almost a sex drive. Nikad nisam imao problema da zaspim. I've never had trouble falling asleep. I've never had trouble sleeping. Да вечеряме. Let's eat supper. Let's have dinner. Драго ми е што не си му се јавил. I'm glad you didn't call him. I'm glad you didn't call him. Том бараше по фиоките во кујнатас. Tom searched the kitchen drawers. Tom was looking for the drawers in the kitchens. А значи таму е Том? Is that where Tom is? So that's where Tom is? Купувах книги от книжарницата. I was buying some books from the bookstore. I was buying books from the bookstore. Дечки, за што зборувате? What were you guys talking about? Guys, what are you talking about? Šta tražiš? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Успях да се обясня на френски. I managed to make myself understood in French. I was able to explain myself in French. Том се возеше низ град со крената кочница без да примети. Tom drove through town with his handbrake on, without noticing it. Tom was driving around town with the brake up and down. Ќе се погрижам за тоа Том да си ја напише домашната работа. I'll see to it that Tom does his homework. I'll make sure Tom writes his homework. Том и Мери слязоха по стълбите заедно. Tom and Mary walked down the stairs together. Tom and Mary came down the stairs together. Том е лош. Tom is bad. Tom's bad. Подобро прво да ѝ се јавам. I'd better call her first. I'd better call her first. И ти ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you a bachelor, too? Не се сами. They're not alone. They're not alone. Môžeš to napísať? Can you write it down? You know that? Konačno imamo sva imena polja na norveškom i to će biti od velike pomoći našim korisnicima. Finally, we have all field names in Norwegian, which will be of great help to our users. We finally have all the field names in Norway and it's going to be a big help to our users. Вече е много късно. It's very late now. It's too late. Да ли се слажете са тим? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? Колко епизода на One Piece сте гледали? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you seen? Мислам дека треба да му се јавиме. I think we should call him. I think we should call him. Сакам да ги најдеш ти. I want you to find them. I want you to find them. Затворниците бяха освободени. The prisoners were set free. The prisoners were released. Време е да си вземем "довиждане". It's time to say goodbye. It's time to get a good-bye. Докато съм жив аз, ти няма да бъдеш лишен от нищо. You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I'm alive, you won't be deprived of anything. Voda je tekućina. Water is a fluid. Water's liquid. Мисля, че ме излъга. I think you lied to me. I think you lied to me. Тийнейджърите напуснаха. The teenagers left. Teenagers have left. Том обично победува во расправии. Tom usually wins arguments. Tom usually wins a fight. Smijao sam se. I laughed. I laughed. Jasno je. It's clear. It's clear. Moraš da ležiš mirno. You need to lie still. You have to lie still. Дан и напиша на Линда уште еден чек. Dan wrote another check for Linda. Dan wrote Linda another check. Sekund kasnije, njegove su se usne izvile u zlokoban osmeh. A second later his lips curved in a malicious smile. A second later, his lips burst into a sinister smile. Можно е да им треба помош. They may need help. They may need help. Том няма да може да шофира известно време. Tom won't be able to drive for a while. Tom won't be able to drive for a while. Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Банката си иска парите обратно. The bank wants its money back. The bank wants their money back. Преди хората живееха на село. People used to live in villages. People used to live in the country. Том се потруди да изгледа зафатено, за Мери да не му побара да ѝ помогне. Tom tried to look busy, so Mary wouldn't ask him to help her. Tom made it look busy, so Mary wouldn't ask him to help her. Виждала съм Ви по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Kakvo je vrijeme u New Yorku? What's the weather like in New York? How's the weather in New York? Не ми бегај сега. Don't run away from me now. Don't run away from me now. Нямам представа защо. I have no idea why. I have no idea why. Opuštena sam. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. Мислех, че ще сте уморен. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Том не остана тука долго. Tom didn't stay there long. Tom didn't stay here long. Тоа е грдо. That's ugly. That's ugly. Imam jednog brata. I have one brother. I have one brother. Каква е истинската причина да не искаш да го правиш? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? Всушност е баш често. It's quite common actually. It's actually quite common. Кога ќе се видиме? When will we meet? When are we gonna see each other? Том не знае нищичко за Мери. Tom doesn't know squat about Mary. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary. Здрасти. Hi. Hey. Имате инфекция на венеца. You have a gum infection. You have a vein infection. Те молам врати ми се. Please come back to me. Please come back to me. Meri je veoma stidljiva devojčica. Mary is a very shy girl. Mary is a very shy little girl. Možemo da gledamo Toma u odelu, za crnim velikim klavirom sa dramatičnim potezima prstiju, stvarajući muziku koja je vrlo prijatno slušati. We can look at a suit-clad Tom at a black grand piano, moving his fingers dramatically, creating music that is very pleasant to listen to. We can watch Tom in a suit, behind a black big piano with dramatic fingertips, making music that is very pleasant to listen to. Nisam ni zaista bio prijatelj. Samo sam se pravio. I was not really your friend. I was just pretending. I wasn't really a friend. Кога си го купил тоа од нас? When did you buy that from us? When did you buy that from us? Ja ne mogu da živim takav život. I can't live that kind of life. I can't live that life. Под заклетвом сте. You are under oath. You're under oath. Ova knjiga će ti pomoći da pišeš efikasno. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write efficiently. Сега ли ви треба? Do you need it now? Do you need it now? Каде ми е торбата со опрема за голф? Where's my golf bag? Where's my golf cart? Mama! Ta teta i čovjek se drže za ruke, oni su jako dobri prijatelji, zar ne? Mama! That lady and man are holding hands, they're great friends aren't they! Mom, that aunt and the man hold hands, they're very good friends, aren't they? Timuçin je rodák z Yozgatu. Timuçin is a native of Yozgat. Timuçin is a cousin of Yozgato. Кажи му на Том дека не смее да заборави да си го обнови пасошот. Tell Tom that he needs to make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Tell Tom he can't forget to renew his passport. Твојата иднина почнува денес. Your future begins today. Your future begins today. Беба је заспала. The baby fell asleep. The baby's asleep. След малко ще стане 5:30. It will be 5:30 presently. It'll be 5:30 in a minute. Kupil je nov par rokavic. He bought a pair of new gloves. He bought a new pair of gloves. Имам со што да се занимавам. It gives me something to do. I've got something to do. Те засега тебе. It concerns you. You're the one. Siguran sam da Tom neće hteti da uradi to. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that. I'm sure Tom won't want to do it. Tomi je rekao da ne treba da razgovaram sa Meri. Tom told me I shouldn't talk to Mary. Tommy said I shouldn't talk to Mary. Ispekao sam hleb. I baked bread. I baked bread. Том ти е добар пријател, зарем не? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom's a good friend, isn't he? Скршено дрво го попречуваше патот. A fallen tree blocked the path. A broken tree obstructed the road. Зафатен си, нели? You're busy here, aren't you? You're busy, aren't you? Боб може да готви. Bob can cook. Bob can cook. Вярвате или не, праскови и бадеми са от едно семейство. Although it it does not seem that way, peaches and almonds are family. Believe it or not, peaches and almonds are one family. Nemám sestru. I do not have a sister. I don't have a sister. Streha mora biti popravljena. The roof needs to be fixed. The roof must be fixed. Не зборувај толку гласно. Don't talk so loud. Don't talk so loud. Том почувствува дека треба да се искупи. Tom felt he needed to make amends. Tom felt he needed to be redeemed. Мама је пресадила цвеће у башту. Mother transplanted the flowers to the garden. Mom planted flowers in the garden. Policija je zamolila krimilanca da preda svoj pištolj. The police asked the criminal to give up his gun. The police asked the criminal to hand over his gun. Не е ли времето страхотно! Isn't this weather just great! Isn't the weather great! Tako je previše lako. It's too easy that way. It's too easy. По света има близо седем милиарда души. There are almost seven billion people in the world. There are nearly seven billion people worldwide. Neznášam svadby. I hate weddings. I don't know about the wedding. Da li smo mi to nedemokratski kada pokušavamo da nad drugima forsiramo naše sopstvene jezičke norme? Are we undemocratic when we try to impose our own linguistic norms on others? Are we undemocratic when we try to force our own language standards over others? Той не знае нито френски, нито немски. He knows neither French nor German. He knows neither French nor German. Nabavite sve. Get everything. Get everything. Ja sam ta koja je to dala Tomu. I'm the one who gave Tom that. I'm the one who gave it to Tom. Да не би случайно Том да остави Мери да кара колата? Did Tom, by any chance, let Mary drive the car? Would it be a coincidence for Tom to let Mary drive the car? Tom kaže da sam previše agresivan. Tom says I'm too aggressive. Tom says I'm too aggressive. Kuća je u njegovom posjedstvu. The house is owned by him. The house is in his possession. Koju da uzmem? Which one should I get? Which one should I take? Oduvek su mi se sviđali horor-filmovi. I've always liked horror movies. I've always liked horror movies. Za neke čudne ljude znanje nekog jezika se drži u tajnosti. Some strange people keep knowledge of a language secret. For some strange people, the knowledge of a language is kept secret. Идете в парка. Go to the park. You're going to the park. Mogao bi da bude trik. It could be a trick. It could be a trick. Каква полза имаме од тоа? What help is that? How do we benefit from that? Том не е легнал на земята. Tom isn't lying down. Tom didn't get on the ground. Свободен ли си утре вечер? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Mnogo nam je nedostajao Tom. We missed Tom so much. We missed Tom so much. Izgleda da ju je uvrijedilo ono što joj je rekao. She seems to have been offended by what he said. She seems to be offended by what he told her. Не могу чекати. I can't wait. I can't wait. Нема одговор од него. There is no response from him. There's no answer from him. Си одиме од Бостон. We're leaving Boston. We're leaving Boston. Къщата е обитавана от духове. The house is haunted. The house is inhabited by ghosts. Прочети го още веднъж. Read it once more. Read it one more time. Не кажав никому, дури ни на мајка си. I didn't tell anyone, not even my mother. I didn't tell anyone, not even my mother. Složila sam se da kupim to. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy that. Той има прекрасен характер. He has a wonderful personality. He has a wonderful character. Vi ste prosečni studenti. You're average students. You're average students. Ќе му пренесам на Том. I'll send word to Tom. I'll pass it on to Tom. Може ли да ви целуна? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Odbio sam Toma. I turned Tom down. I refused Tom. Твоята книга е. It's your book. It's your book. Германците имаат полабав став кон голотијата. Germans have a more relaxed attitude towards nudity. The Germans have a loose attitude toward nudity. Ова е добро место за паркирање. This is a good place to park. This is a good place to park. Ти си толкова отзивчив. You're so helpful. You're so responsive. Dočítal si ten román? Have you finished reading that novel? You read the tan roman? Прекарах си хубаво. That was a good time. I had a good time. Mogu ja to kao od šale. I can do it with my eyes closed. I can do this as a joke. Не сакавме тоа да се случи. We didn't mean for that to happen. We didn't want that to happen. Собери ме во два и пол. Pick me up at 2:30. Pick me up at two and a half. Том сакаше Мери да го одвезе Џон до библиотека. Tom wanted Mary to drive John to the library. Tom wanted Mary to take John to the library. Mary je umirovljena medicinska sestra. Mary is a retired nurse. Mary's a retired nurse. Том отиде до бюрото. Tom walked over to the desk. Tom went to the desk. Камоли да можев да го живеам животот правејќи го само она што ми се сака. I wish I could live my life doing only what I wanted to do. I wish I could live my life doing just what I want to do. Ќе соработувам. I'll cooperate. I'll cooperate. Nočem iti v šolo. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да знаеш? Are you sure you want to know? Are you sure you want to know? Чух за теб и Том. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. Nemam pojima o čemu ti pričaš. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. Зарем не мислиш дека Куки би било добро име за куче? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Don't you think Cookie would be a good name for a dog? Вицевите на Том се урнебесни, а стануваат уште подобри штом ќе испие неколку пива. Tom's jokes are hilarious and get even better after he's had a few beers. Tom's jokes are hilarious, and they get even better once he's had a few beers. Ona je baš izvan moje lige. She's way out of my league. She's just out of my league. Ќе летам од школо. I'm getting kicked out of school. I'm flying out of school. Си ја лупна главата. He banged his head. You banged your head. Da li ste jeli nešto? Have you eaten anything? Did you eat anything? Počni s brojanjem. Start counting. Start counting. Том воопшто не се прибра дома сношти. Tom never came home last night. Tom never came home last night. Chodíš do kostola? Do you go to church? You walk to the bone? Mama kupa psa, jer je prljav. Mom is washing the dog because he's dirty. Mom's buying a dog because it's dirty. Тя написа писмо. She wrote a letter. She wrote a letter. Tko će biti prvi? Who is going to be the first? Who's gonna be first? Дали имаш намера да му помогнеш? Do you intend to help him? Do you intend to help him? Pokrij usta dok kašlješ, kijaš ili zevaš. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth while coughing or yawning or yawning. Ќе се вратиме за неколку месеца. I'll be back in a few months. We'll be back in a few months. Многу сме далеку од дома. We are very far from home. We're too far from home. Imate li jeftinijih soba? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Do you have cheaper rooms? Животниве се загрозени. These animals are on the verge of extinction. These animals are threatened. Ме поканија на нивната свадба. I was invited to their wedding. They invited me to their wedding. Сите беа исплашени. They were all scared. Everyone was scared. Тоа е многу ретко. That's very rare. That's very rare. Всички заеха поза за снимка. Everyone posed for a picture. Everyone took a picture position. Biegam rano. I jog in the morning. Biggam wound. Proći ću. I'll pass. I'll pass. Том не е неумен. Tom isn't naughty. Tom's not stupid. Tom je napokon shvatio da je Mary bila u pravu. Tom finally realized that Mary was right. Tom finally realized that Mary was right. Taj elegantni pozlaćeni lančić sa srcima je ogrlica koja će "uzdrmati tvoj svet". That elegant gold plated chain with hearts is a necklace that will "rock your world". This elegant gold-plated necklace with hearts is a necklace that's going to shake your world. Никој не сака да си игра со неа. Nobody wants to play with her. No one wants to play with her. Ова е бесмислица. This is utter nonsense. This is nonsense. Зошто го прават тоа? Why do they do that? Why would they do that? Ухваћена је на делу. She was caught red handed. She was caught in the act. Напамет да не ти паднало. Don't even think it. Don't even think about it. Би сакал ли чај? Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea? Убаво е и топло. It's nice and warm. It's nice and warm. Ja ne pjevam. I don't sing. I don't sing. Вчера беше моят рожден ден. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Ето защо сме тук. That's why we're here. That's why we're here. Ovo je veoma lako! This is very easy! This is very easy! Pesem "I Am Woman" Helene Reddy je postala neuradna himna ženskega osvobodilnega gibanja. The song "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy became the unofficial anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement. The song "I Am Woman" by Helene Reddy became the unofficial hymn of the women's liberation movement. Не съм виждала Том близо месец. I haven't seen Tom in a month. I haven't seen Tom in almost a month. Tožili so nas. They took us to court. We were sued. Gdje si bio cijelo popodne? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Mislio sam da sam dobro odglumio. I thought that I performed well. I thought I played it right. Простете што вака упаѓам. I'm sorry to barge in like this. I'm sorry to barge in like this. Нисам јој рекао да си овде. I didn't tell her you're here. I didn't tell her you were here. Треба да ги прашаме. We should ask them. We should ask them. Малко е мазно. It's a bit greasy. It's a little smooth. Шта ће сада бити? What will happen now? What happens now? Хобито ми е да колекционирам марки. My hobby is collecting stamps. It's my hobby to collect stamps. Кажи кой би искала. Say which one you would like. Tell me who you'd like. Ја слушнав таа приказна. I heard that story. I heard that story. Баща ми не ми позволява да ходя сама на кино. My dad doesn't let me go to the cinema alone. My dad won't let me go to the movies alone. Ги ценам странските јазици! I appreciate foreign languages! I appreciate foreign languages! Мисля, че сте достатъчно възрастни. I think you're old enough. I think you're old enough. Ти оди собери го Том па врати се. You go and get Tom and then come back here. You go pick up Tom and come back. Сам го направих. I did it myself. I did it myself. Том не знаеше зошто. Tom didn't know why. Tom didn't know why. Многу ми недостигаше. I've missed you a lot. I missed you so much. Том работеше цела ноќ. Tom worked all night. Tom worked all night. Сегде побарав. I looked everywhere. I've been looking everywhere. Къде се крие Том? Where's Tom hiding? Where's Tom hiding? Ајде да си ги вратиме. Let's get them back. Let's get them back. Не треба ли да одиме да ја бараме? Shouldn't we go look for her? Shouldn't we go look for her? Tom na niekoho čaká. Tom is waiting for someone. Tom, no one's waiting. Нека погледнем реалността в очите. Let's face reality. Let's look reality in the eye. Присуствувај на состанокот. Attend the meeting. Attend to the meeting. Dobre su šanse da ćemo pobediti. There's a good chance that we'll win. There's a good chance we're gonna win. Попрво би умрел отколку да се покорам. I would rather die than submit. I'd rather die than obey. Pusti ostalim ljudem, da to storijo. You should let other people do it. Let the other people do it. Том рече дека си во Бостон. Tom said you were in Boston. Tom said you were in Boston. Безцветни зелени идеи яростно спят. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colorless green ideas are fast asleep. Јас одлучувам, Том. It's my call, Tom. It's my call, Tom. И живели су срећно до краја живота. And they all lived happily ever after. And they lived happily ever after. Днес е мъгливо. It's foggy today. It's foggy today. Пејсажот е превосходен. The scenery is breathtaking. The landscape is too great. Добавете този сайт към "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Add this site to "Preferences". Том е вундеркинд. Tom is a child prodigy. Tom is a wunderkind. Ja sam student. I am a student. I'm a student. Тук има ли човек, който познава Том? Is there anyone here who knows Tom? Is there a guy here who knows Tom? Čitam ovu knjigu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Uči se tako što se radi. One learns by doing. He learns by doing it. Сакаме да знаеме за нив. We want to know about them. We want to know about them. Prečo si si kúpil korytnačku? Why did you buy a turtle? Did you get in the way of the corytnica? Самолетът ми отлита в шест часа. My plane leaves at six o'clock. My plane leaves at six o'clock. Те молам не ми ја отпуштај раката. Please don't let go of my hand. Please don't let go of my hand. Meri je pomalo atraktivna. Mary is moderately attractive. Mary's a little attractive. Ја ценам твојата помош со ова. I appreciate your help on this. I appreciate your help with this. Спаси го Том. Save Tom. Save Tom. Не съм виждал Том от известно време. I haven't seen Tom for a while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Този въпрос донякъде го разбирам. I can understand this problem to some extent. That's a question I kind of understand. Snívam o tom, že odídem a budem žiť v Litve. I dream of going to Lithuania and living there. I dream about it, I'm gone and I'm staying in Lithuania. Како би можел да го мразам Том? How could I hate Tom? How could I hate Tom? Растящите цени подхранват тревогата на потребителите. Rising costs are fueling anxieties among consumers. Plant prices fuel consumer anxiety. Честит Ден на Майката! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Мисля, че този ще ви хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you'll like this one. Том нямаше много време. Tom didn't have much time. Tom didn't have much time. Какво прави това лято? What did you do this summer? What's he doing this summer? Кога ќе се деси тоа? When will that occur? When's that gonna happen? Tom živi sam v gozdu. Tom lives by himself in the woods. Tom lives alone in the woods. Не съм пациент. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. Родителите ми ми забраниха да се виждам отново с Том. My parents forbid me from seeing Tom again. My parents forbade me to see Tom again. Ti si najdosadnija osoba koju znam. You are the most boring person I know. You're the most boring person I know. Učinimo nekome uslugu. Let's do someone a favor. Let's do someone a favor. Какво по дяволите е това? What on earth is that? What the hell is that? Ne žuri. Don't rush. Take your time. Морам да одам да им помогнам. I have to go help them. I have to go help them. Том го ставија во затвор за шпионажа. Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage. Tom was put in jail for spying. Студенти су се вратили. The students have returned. The students are back. Том работи в Бостън. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. Ярко светещите светлини ни заслепиха за момент. The glaring headlights dazzled us for a moment. Light lights brightly blinded us for a moment. Вечерао сам са њим. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. Вие какво мислите за този пуловер? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Знам дека си шпион. I know you're a spy. I know you're a spy. Treba mi šišanje. I need a haircut. I need a haircut. Том го сторил ова. Tom has done this. Tom did this. Разбојниците му ја врзаа устата. The bandits put a gag in his mouth. The robbers tied his mouth. Том сакаше да и подари на Мери нешто убаво за роденден. Tom wanted to give Mary something nice for her birthday. Tom wanted to give Mary something nice for her birthday. Децата ми често искат пари от мене. My children often ask me for money. My kids often want money from me. Tomu je to dalo ideju. That gave Tom an idea. That gave him an idea. Оваа куќа не е доволно голема за нашето семејство. This house isn't big enough for our family. This house isn't big enough for our family. Ифтар не е за да ждерете како стоки! Don't make iftar into gluttony! Iftar is not to devour like goods! Стафидите са сухо грозде. Raisins are shrivelled grapes. The staphides are dry grapes. Трябва да видя Том. I've got to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Ја устајем рано. I get up early. I'm getting up early. Mogla bih da pođem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Што е ова? What is this? What is this? Nemoj da pevaš. Don't sing. Don't sing. Nemoj da si zucnuo. Don't you say a word. Don't say a word. Tom je mislio da ima vremena. Tom thought he had time. Tom thought he had time. Тя често се простудяваше. She caught colds often. She's been missing a lot. Том беше получил образованието си вкъщи. Tom was homeschooled. Tom had his education at home. Тоа беше само шега. That was just a joke. It was just a joke. Том е паркирал отпред. Tom is parked out front. Tom parked out front. Tri puta pet je petnaest. Multiply three by five to get fifteen. Three times five is fifteen. Немам сила на волја кога станува збор за вежбање. I have no will power when it comes to exercising. I have no willpower when it comes to exercise. Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He divided the apples between the five of us. Не си ли уплашен, Том? Aren't you scared, Tom? Aren't you scared, Tom? Тексас е почти два пъти по-голям от Япония. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Texas is almost twice Japan. Како можеш да ѝ помогнеш? How can you help her? How can you help her? Nemoj da izlaziš večeras. Don't go out tonight. Don't go out tonight. Ти стрчи молив од џебот. A pencil is sticking out of your pocket. You ran a pencil out of your pocket. Може ли пак да го видам? Can I see it again? Can I see him again? Mogla bih da krenem s tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Мислам дека сум прилично нормален тип. I think I'm a pretty normal guy. I think I'm a pretty normal guy. Ne mislim da će se Tom ikad vratiti. I don't think that Tom will ever come back. I don't think Tom's ever coming back. Той е твърде уморен, за да учи. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. Сега ова е твоја куќа. This is your house now. Now this is your house. Опасно беше. It was dangerous. It was dangerous. Том почна да се качува. Tom started climbing. Tom started climbing. Доскоро. See you around. See you later. Мисля, че Том и Мери се харесват. I think Tom and Mary like each other. I think Tom and Mary like each other. Želim da znam razlog. I want to know the reason. I want to know the reason. Nemamo drugog izbora. We have no other option. We don't have a choice. Том вели дека не е предоцна за надомест. Tom says it's not too late to make amends. Tom says it's not too late for compensation. Тоа ни е најдобрата шанса. That's our best hope. It's our best chance. Njen sat kasni deset minuta. Her watch is ten minutes slow. Her watch is ten minutes late. Какво изследва един советолог? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a consultant investigate? Štedim da kupim novi saksofon. I've been saving up to buy a new saxophone. I'm saving up to buy a new saxophone. On dobro zarađuje. He gets a good salary. He makes good money. Ovo bi moglo da traje nedeljama. This could take weeks. This could take weeks. Reci mi šta kaže ovo. Tell me what this says. Tell me what this says. Ова е грешка. This is a mistake. This is a mistake. Трябва да съм станала до 6:30. I have to be up by 6:30. I have to be up by 6:30. Чух какво се е случило миналата нощ. I heard what happened last night. I heard about what happened last night. Има само уште едно колаче. There's only one cookie left. There's only one more cookie. Tom splnil, čo sme si mysleli, že nedokáže splniť. Tom accomplished what we thought he wouldn't be able to accomplish. Tom tripped, man, he can't make it, he can't make it. Няма време. There isn't time. There's no time. Забранявам пушенето в моята стая. I forbid smoking in my room. I forbid smoking in my room. Том делува љубоморно. Tom seems jealous. Tom seems jealous. Благодаря! Thank you! Thank you! Купи ли каквото те помолих? Did you buy what I asked you to buy? Did you buy what I asked? Отсекогаш сум сакал да бидам наставник. I always wanted to be a teacher. I've always wanted to be a teacher. Послушаа. They obeyed. They listened. Книгата е интересна. The book is intresting. The book is interesting. Том всушност не сакаше да живее во Бостон. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Tom didn't really want to live in Boston. Дай да я питаме. Let's ask her. Let's ask her. Видях го да спира. I observed him stop. I saw him stop. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го чуеш? Are you sure you want to hear about this? Are you sure you want to hear it? Страшно се искаравме. We had a terrible fight. We had a hell of a fight. Тој има вино. He has wine. He's got wine. Черното ти отива. Black suits you. Black looks good on you. Знаеш ли нешто за нас? Do you know anything about us? Do you know anything about us? Мисля, че още си влюбена в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Ножът ми е остър. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Mislim, da je čas, da Tom gre. I think it's time for Tom to go. I think it's time for Tom to go. Знаеш ли некои француски песни? Do you know any French songs? Do you know any French songs? Това е последният ти шанс да прекараш известно време с Том. This is your last chance to spend time with Tom. This is your last chance to spend some time with Tom. Nitko nije primijetio da je odsutna sve dok sastanak nije završio. Nobody noticed that she was absent until the meeting ended. No one noticed she was gone until the meeting was over. Мисля, че има някой в съседната стая. I think there's somebody in the next room. I think there's someone in the next room. Ako izlaziš, molim te zatvori vrata. If you're leaving, please close the door. If you're going out, please close the door. Не мислам дека не следеле. I don't think we were followed. I don't think they followed us. To nie je drahé. This is not expensive. It's not drahé. Не сме поканети. We're not invited. We're not invited. Преди няколко дена компютърът ми спря да работи. My computer stopped working a few days ago. A few days ago, my computer stopped working. Trenirala sam mesecima. I've trained for months. I've been training for months. Ако ние не го направиме тоа, тогаш кој? If we don't do it, who will? If we don't, then who? Дали даде сѐ од себе? Did you do your best? Did you do your best? Ти благодарам што ни помогна. Thanks for helping us. Thank you for helping us. На Том и Мери ни тргна од првиот ден. Tom and Mary hit it off from day one. We've been on Tom and Mary since day one. Gréčtina a latinčina sú užitočné jazyky, preto ich študujem. Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them. Gréčtina a latinica sú delightsé jasyky, preto ich study. Изчакай само за момент. Wait just a moment. Wait a minute. Чувам, че Бостън бил приятен по това време на годината. I hear Boston is nice this time of year. I hear Boston was nice this time of year. Дан го виделе како зборува со непознат човек во близина на ресторанот. Dan was seen talking to an unknown man near the restaurant. Dan saw him talking to a stranger outside the restaurant. Mnogi ekonomisti se oglušuju o tu činjenicu. Many economists are ignorant of that fact. Many economists defiant that fact. Izdahnuo je. He breathed his last breath. He exhaled. Новац није мерило успеха. Money is not a criterion of success. Money didn't measure success. И ти ли говориш френски? Can you speak French, too? Do you speak French too? Njezino je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Bilo je točno tam, kje je Tom rekel da bo. It was right where Tom said it would be. It was exactly where Tom said he would be. Малко чай, моля. I'd like some tea, please. A little tea, please. Bila je iznenađena čuvši vijesti. She was amazed to hear the news. She was surprised to hear the news. Никога при не съм печелила нищо. I've never won anything in my life. I've never won anything. Мисля, че това е Том. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Tom je star koliko i Meri. Tom is as old as Mary. Tom's as old as Mary. Вараш се. You are wrong. You're wrong. Том може да е прав. Tom might be right. Tom might be right. Не трябва да правите прибързани изводи. You must not jump to conclusions. You don't have to jump to conclusions. Моето семејство почнува таму каде што завршува твоето. My family begins where yours ends. My family starts where yours ends. To je loš znak. That's a bad sign. That's a bad sign. Tom bi mogao da prebije svakog. Tom could beat anybody. Tom could beat anyone. Чајникон е доста валкан. That teapot's pretty dirty. The teapot's pretty dirty. Том говори на френски. Tom spoke French. Tom speaks French. Јас сум социјален работник. I'm a social worker. I'm a social worker. Не може да пушиш в тази стая. You may not smoke in this room. You can't smoke in this room. Ali veš kaj o Tomu? Do you know anything about Tom? Do you know anything about Tom? Bol si niekedy v tej dedine? Have you ever been to that village? Are you the pain of a niekedy in this heirloom? Poďme do divadla spolu. Let's go to the theater together. After me to the divadle sex. Prečo ma viníš za to, čo sa stalo? Why do you blame me for what happened? You can't blame me for that, can you? Изчезвайте. Get lost. Get out of here. Не мога да си намеря очилата. Може да съм ги оставил във влака. I can't find my glasses. I may have left them behind on the train. I can't find my glasses, I might have left them on the train. Татко ми боледува од грип. My father is suffering from influenza. My father suffers from flu. Ne treba učenjak za tumačenje It doesn't require a scholar to interpret. Do not need an interpreter learner Protegnimo noge. Let's stretch our legs. Let's stretch our legs. Мислех да отида да кажа "здрасти" на Том. I thought I'd say hello to Tom. I thought I'd go say hello to Tom. Том погледна под каучот. Tom looked under the couch. Tom looked under the couch. Учиш есперанто. You're learning Esperanto. You're learning Esperanto. Не искам Том да влоши нещата още повече. I don't want Tom to make the situation any worse than it already is. I don't want Tom to make things any worse. Treba mi tvoja pomoć. I need your help. I need your help. Том и Мери оставаа отпечатоци од раце во течниот цемент. Tom and Mary made handprints in the wet cement. Tom and Mary left prints on the liquid cement. Това не го бях виждал през живота си никога. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen this before in my life. Бих искала да преведеш този доклад на френски. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I'd like you to translate this report into French. Се слагаш ли со твоите? How do you get on with your parents? Do you agree with yours? Тича. He runs. He's running. На Том му се допаѓа таа идеја. Tom likes that idea. Tom likes that idea. Zbog tebe sam došla. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I'm here. Желиш да је упознаш? Would you like to meet her? You want to meet her? Otišao sam u bolnicu. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Ti si šef. You're the boss. You're the boss. Искаш ли тази тениска? Do you want this T-shirt? You want that T-shirt? Би го купил. I'd buy it. I'd buy it. Studenti na razmjeni napuštaju Japan sljedeći tjedan. Our exchange students are leaving Japan next week. Exchange students leave Japan next week. Kočnice zaškripaše. The tires squealed. The brakes are pinching. Не се сите луѓе еднакви. Тоа е, сепак, добра вест, затоа што значи дека не се сите луѓе лоши. Not all people are equal. That's, on one hand, good news because it means that not all people are bad. It's still good news, because it means not all people are bad. Moramo da pobegnemo. We've got to get away. We have to get out of here. Има ли някой с вас? Is there someone with you? Is anyone there with you? Има син што исчезна. I have a son who disappeared. He's got a son who's missing. Nemôžeme nič urobiť. We can do nothing. I can't believe it. Ќе прифатам што било. I'll take anything. I'll accept anything. Той няма деца. He doesn't have any children. He doesn't have kids. Под нејзино ниво си. You're not in her league. You're below her level. Трябва да сме справедливи. We must be fair. We have to be fair. Glava me ne boli več. My head doesn't ache anymore. My head doesn't hurt anymore. Vidím ružu. I see a rose. I see a rose. Njezin sastav je vrlo dobar, osim nekoliko grešaka u izgovoru. Her composition is very good except for a few errors in spelling. Its composition is very good, except for a few errors in the pronunciation. Можеш ли да ми препоръчаш някакви други хотели? Can you recommend any other hotels? Can you recommend some other hotels? Скоро је пола три. It's nearly half past two. It's almost half past three. Ще уча френски този следобед. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm going to study French this afternoon. Том и кажа на Мери дека го видел Џон со Елис. Tom told Mary that he'd seen John with Alice. Tom told Mary he saw John with Ellis. On često citira Shakespeara. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quotes Shakespeare. Мислех, че ще бъдете доволен. I thought you'd be happy. I thought you'd be pleased. Sú štyri. It's four o'clock. Sú four. Трябваше да си отворя куфара. I had to open my suitcase. I had to open my suitcase. Защо не си сложиш рокля? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you put on a dress? Ела да ми помогнеш. Come help me. Come help me. Zašto ste to uradili? What did you do it for? Why did you do that? Мислам дека предолго си живеел во џунглата. I think you've been in the jungle too long. I think you've lived in the jungle too long. Целта на интерпункциските знаци е да му помогне на читателот. The purpose of punctuation is to help the reader. The purpose of the interpunctional signs is to help the reader. Imate tri mačke. You have three cats. You have three cats. Elektronika obezbeđuje višestepeno i jednostavno prilagođavanje protoka vazduha. A simple multi-stage adjustment of the air flow is provided electronically. Electronics provide multiple degrees and simple adjustments to airflows. Том се ожени на 26 години. Tom got married at 26. Tom married 26 years old. Мисля, че още си влюбен в Том. I think you still love Tom. I think you're still in love with Tom. Какво искате? What do you want? What do you want? Том го одбија. Tom was rejected. Tom turned him down. Tom je došao da me vidi juče u podne. Tom came to meet me yesterday afternoon. Tom came to see me yesterday at noon. Слободен сум вечерва. I'm free this evening. I'm free tonight. Tom zna imena svih svojih mušterija. Tom knows the names of all his customers. Tom knows the names of all his customers. Зарем не е тоа опасно? Isn't that dangerous? Isn't that dangerous? Kúpili sme jeden okrúhly stôl. We bought a round table. Kúpili may eat krúhly stôl. Tom bi mogao da laže. Tom could be lying. Tom could be lying. Ti si tako pometan. You're so smart. You're so clever. Ono što trebamo je odgovorna vlada. Ono što imamo je cirkus. What we need is a responsible government. What we have is a clown show. What we need is a responsible government. Moj je, nije njegov. It's mine, not his. It's mine, it's not his. Им купив нешто. I got something for them. I bought them something. Направих няколко грешки на изпита. I made several mistakes in the exam. I made a few mistakes on my exam. Obaveštajni satelit je vojni satelit sposoban da nadzire mnoge aktivnosti na zemlji, prisluškuje komunikacione linije, registruje radnu frekvenciju radarskih sistema... A reconnaissance satellite is a military satellite capable of monitoring many activities on earth, eavesdropping on lines, registering the operating frequency of the radar systems... An intelligence satellite is capable of monitoring many ground activities, listening to communications lines, registering radar operating frequencies... Том се врати во Бостон. Tom returned to Boston. Tom's back in Boston. В този квартал ли живеете? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? Да, мисля да остана тук, ако баща ми ми позволи. Yes, I think that I'm going to stay here if my father will give me the permission. Yeah, I think I'll stay here if my dad lets me. Гледаме кој се смее, но не и кој плаче. We can see who's laughing, but not who's crying. We see who's laughing, but not who's crying. Те повече няма да те притесняват. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you anymore. Овие малечки букви се читаат само со лупа. These small letters can only be read with a magnifying glass. These little letters are read only with a lump. Nisam toliko visok kao ti. I'm not as tall as you. I'm not as tall as you are. Време е да се фатиш за работа. It's time for you to get to work. It's time to get to work. YouTube видео материјали су врло бесмислени. YouTube videos are very meaningless. YouTube video materials are very pointless. Bio je golih prsa i bosonog. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was bare-breasted and bare-bossed. Не можеш да се скриеш от мен. You can't hide from me. You can't hide from me. Лошо ја сврши работата. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. Томов деда је познавао мог деду. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Го пропуштив натпреварот. I missed the competition. I missed the game. Нищо не съм крал. I didn't steal anything. I'm not a king. Пожелай ми късмет. Please wish me luck. Wish me luck. Izvoli, pitaj Toma. Go ahead and ask Tom. Here, ask Tom. Dobro bi mi došla pomoć. I could use a hand. I could use some help. Када је твој рођендан? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Ne možete da sedite pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. Samo se trudim biti dobar susjed. I'm just trying to be neighborly. I'm just trying to be a good neighbor. Tomu je bilo toliko hladno da su mu zubi cvokotali. Tom was so cold his teeth were chattering. It was so cold, his teeth were gnawing. Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagal Tomu? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? You want to know why I lied to Tom? Ručao sam sa njom. I had lunch with her. I had lunch with her. Ja sam platila za to. I paid for it. I paid for it. Ono što sam video je bilo depresivno. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was depressing. Njena disertacija mora biti napisana na engleskom. Her PhD thesis has to be written in English. Her dissertation must be written in English. Не ми врти грб. Don't turn your back. Don't turn your back on me. Цигарите се цуцли за возрасни. Cigarettes are pacifiers for adults. Cigarettes suck for adults. Как може да не ти харесва Том? How can you not like Tom? How can you not like Tom? Nerozumiem slovo. I don't understand a word. Nerozummiem good-bye. Това не е сън. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Да се срещнем на обичайното място. Let's meet at the usual place. Meet me at the usual place. Не си толкова стар. You're not that old. You're not that old. Moškima so sodili pred vojaškim sodiščem. The two men were tried by a military court. The men were tried before the military court. Не говоря френски толкова добре, колкото Том. I can't speak French as well as Tom can. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Тревожиш ли се? Are you worried? Are you worried? Srela sam tvog tatu jučer. I met your dad yesterday. I met your dad yesterday. Преди в този район имаше музей на изкуствата. There used to be an art museum in this neighborhood. There used to be an art museum in this area. Dođeš li u Rio, nemoj me zaboraviti zvati da ti budem vodič. If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to ask me to be your guide. Tom je otpio gutljaj vina. Tom sipped his wine. Tom drank a sip of wine. Том не е палав. Tom isn't naughty. Tom's not naughty. Той не обичаше да пее, но те го накараха. He didn't like to sing but they made him sing. He didn't like to sing, but they made him. Том иде. Tom is on his way. Tom's on his way. Зошто не јадеш месо? Why don't you eat meat? Why don't you eat meat? Нося важни новини. I have some important news. I have important news. Треба да пораснеш и да созрееш малку. You need to grow up and mature a bit. You need to grow up and grow up a little. Тоа што се згоди беше несреќен случај. What happened was an accident. Getting engaged was an accident. Danas je 18. Juni i Mjurijelov je rođendan. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th and Muriel's birthday. Ponosna sam na tebe. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Том не сакаше да игра покер. Tom didn't want to play poker. Tom didn't want to play poker. Nie je až taký dobrý spisovateľ a myslím, že to vie. He's not such a great writer and I think he knows it. It's not so much how you write myslím, it's more like that. Ги чув како липаат. I heard them sobbing. I heard them lick. Той е станал голям музикант. He became a great musician. He's become a great musician. Часовникот е расипан. The clock is defective. The clock's broken. Ова ми е планот. This is my plan. This is my plan. Меки ти се рацете. You have soft hands. Your hands are soft. Ко си ти заиста? Who are you really? Who are you really? Излизаме заедно всеки уикенд. We go out together every weekend. We go out together every weekend. Мисля, че ще останете доволен. I think you'll be pleased. I think you'll be pleased. Само што го фрлив во ѓубре. I just threw it away. I just threw him in the trash. Gde je krenula? Where was she going? Where's she going? Ovo je bez svake sumnje za mene krajnje neprijatna situacija. This is, without a doubt, an embarrassing situation for me. This is without any doubt an extremely unpleasant situation for me. Možeš nam jednostavno reći istinu. You may as well tell us the truth. You can just tell us the truth. Ще съжаляваш. You'd regret it. You'll be sorry. Па нели се согласувавме? I thought we agreed. Well, didn't we agree? Tom je previše siromašan da unajmi advokata. Tom is too poor to hire a lawyer. Tom's too poor to hire a lawyer. Му ја знам адресата. I know his address. I know his address. Том е многу досаден. Tom is very annoying. Tom's a pain in the ass. Рекао си да си спреман. You said you were ready. You said you were ready. Би сакал да си купам софа. I would like to buy a sofa. I'd like to buy a sofa. Дупло сам старија од Тома. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Параноични сме. We're being paranoid. We're paranoid. Има и такви што сакаат да го повредат Том. There are those who wish to hurt Tom. There are those who want to hurt Tom. Sada moram da idem. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Френският на Том е много добър. Tom speaks very good French. Tom's French is very good. Треба само да поразговараш со Том. You should just talk to Tom. All you have to do is talk to Tom. Нека лае како куче. Let him bark like a dog. Let him bark like a dog. Няма да си единствения там. You won't be the only one there. You won't be the only one there. Том се нуждаеше от помощта на Мери. Tom needed Mary's help. Tom needed Mary's help. Том ништо нема речено за тоа. Tom never said anything about that. Tom didn't say anything about it. Отидох на италианска пицария. I went to an Italian pizzeria. I went to an Italian pizza place. Многу си услужлив. You're so helpful. You're very helpful. Напоследък не съм се чувала с нея. I have not heard from her recently. I haven't heard from her lately. Upomoć! Policija! Upomoć! Help! Police! Help! Help! Mislim da smo se upoznali ranije. I think we've met before. I think we've met before. Дай ми твоята риза. Give me your shirt. Give me your shirt. Naj bo kratko in jedrnato. Make it short and sweet. Keep it short and flat. Том сакаше Мери да го научи да зборува француски. Tom wanted Mary to teach him French. Tom wanted Mary to teach him French. Ме повредуваш. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. Potpuno sam izgubio tok svojih misli. I completely lost my train of thought I've completely lost my mind. Как мина? How did it go? How'd it go? Морам да ја викнам. I have to get her. I have to call her. Čítam knihu. I am reading a book. I'm reading the book. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш нищо? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? Ja sam ta koja je rešila problem. I'm the one who handled the problem. I'm the one who solved the problem. Ker je Chiro maček, ne mara ličijev. Since Chiro is a cat, he doesn't like lychee. Because Chiro's a cat, he doesn't like cheeks. Имам ручек напладне. I have lunch at noon. I have lunch at noon. Јави ни се. Call us. Call us back. Možeš učiti ovdje. You can study here. You can study here. Toma zamalo da uhvate. Tom almost got caught. Tom almost got caught. Proćićemo kroz džunglu nekako. We'll get through the jungle somehow. We'll go through the jungle somehow. Prosím, zavrite dvere. Please shut the door. Please close the halls. Това отново ще ти потрябва. You'll need this again. You'll need that again. Том ме научи. Tom taught me that. Tom taught me. "Ako P, onda Q" je logički ekvivalentno sa "(Ne P) i/ili Q". "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "(Not P) and/or Q". "If P, then Q" is logically equivalent to "no P" and/or "Q". Da li se francuski uči u tvojoj školi? Is French taught at your school? Is French taught in your school? Изгледа ги има насекаде. They seem to be everywhere. Looks like they're all over the place. Кога одиш на средба со девојка, мора да бидеш самоуверен. When you are meeting a girl, you have to act confident. When you go on a date with a girl, you have to be confident. Не очекувај сите да ги делат твоите мислења. Don't expect everyone to think the same way you do. Do not expect everyone to share your opinions. Мисля, че Том се справи наистина добре. I think Tom did a really nice job. I think Tom did really well. Франция граничи с Италия. France borders Italy. France borders Italy. Би сакале да порачаме 18 тона маслиново масло. We'd like to order 18 tonnes of olive oil. We'd like to order 18 tons of olive oil. Той се отказа. He threw in the towel. He gave up. Jutri bom boljši. Tomorrow I'll be better. I'll be better tomorrow. Bila je luda godina. It's been a crazy year. It was a crazy year. Мисля, че трябва да избереш Том. I think you should choose Tom. I think you should pick Tom. Gledala sam Toma kako umire. I watched Tom die. I watched Tom die. Дебелото черво е дълго около 1.5 метра. The large intestine is about 1.5m long. The colon is about 1.5 meters long. Том воздивна. Tom sighed. Tom sighed. Gdje se nalazi muzej? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? Ona nosi zlatno lanče oko vrata. She is wearing a gold necklace around her neck. She's wearing a gold chain around her neck. Том каза, че ще дойдете. Tom said you'd come. Tom said you'd come. Gde si kupio to? I ja želim jedan. Where did you buy that? I also want one. Where'd you get that? Майка ми ми премери температурата. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my temperature. Калорични ли се компирите? Is eating potatoes fattening? Are the potatoes caloric? Еден од куферите е сосем празен. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the suitcases is completely empty. Mogao bih da stignem tamo do 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. Povedz, že ťa to mrzí. Say you're sorry. Tell me, he hates it already. Защо не си свалите палтото? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? Mislio sam da tom ne bi uradio to. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. I thought you wouldn't do that. Изглежда вкъщи няма никого. It looks like no one's home. Looks like there's no one home. Tom nije vežbao. Tom is out of practice. Tom wasn't practicing. Три недели поминаа откако Том се пресели во Бостон. It's been three weeks since Tom moved to Boston. It's been three weeks since Tom moved to Boston. Proverite svakoga. Check everyone. Check everyone. Нив ги бркаа. They were after them. They were chased. Мораћемо да сачекамо и видимо. We'll have to wait and see. We'll have to wait and see. Работила съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've worked with Tom for a long time. Ono što sam videla je bilo obeshrabrujuće. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was discouraging. Onesvestila sam se. I fainted. I fainted. Просто използвай моето засега. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for now. Говориш ли грузински? Do you speak Georgian? Do you speak Georgian? Тоа беше навистина трогателно. It was really touching. That was really touching. Забављај се док можеш. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Мери се исплаши. Mary was afraid. Mary got scared. Кой е с Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's with Tom now? Да ли је твоје? Is it yours? Is it yours? Пази се. Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Ево њене слике. Here's a photo of her. Here's her picture. Застанете каде што се. Stop where you are. Stand where they are. Наистина ли искаш да плуваш? Can you really swim? Do you really want to swim? Том је погледао лево и десно пре него што је прешао улицу. Tom looked both ways before crossing the road. Tom looked left and right before he crossed the street. Na koje ime? Under what name? What name? Може ли да отчетеш всички пари, които си похарчил по време на пътуването си? Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip? Can you count all the money you spent on your trip? Кога последен пат си зборувал со Том? When did you last talk to Tom? When was the last time you talked to Tom? Викнула га је, али је није чуо. She shouted to him, but he didn't hear her. She called him, but he didn't hear her. Том не може да говори френски. Мери също не може да говори френски. Tom can't speak French. Mary can't speak French either. Tom can't speak French, Mary can't speak French either. Не смееш да оставиш бебе само. You can't leave a baby alone. You can't leave a baby alone. Таму бев со Том. I was there with Tom. I was there with Tom. Ја замолив да го опише. I asked her to describe it. I asked her to describe it. Некако си груб. You're sort of rude. You're kind of rough. Мери излиза с двама едновременно. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary's dating two at the same time. Da li misliš da su igre i učenje spojivi? Do you think that games and learning are compatible? Do you think games and learning are compatible? Прочети го отново, ако обичаш. Read it again, please. Read it again, please. Кучето се беше запъхтяло. The dog was out of breath. The dog was stuck. Zatvori usta i sjedni. Shut up and sit down. Shut your mouth and sit down. Ne želim da ti uništim dan. I don't want to ruin your day. I don't want to ruin your day. Не сме ли приятели? Aren't we friends? Aren't we friends? Вера трябваше да скъса връзките си с някогашните си най-добри приятели, които се забъркаха с наркотици. Vera had to disassociate herself from her former best friends, who got into drugs. Vera had to break ties with her former best friends who got mixed up with drugs. Тоа е едно од моите. That's one of mine. That's one of mine. Те са интересни хора. They're interesting people. They're interesting people. Probaćemo na vaš način. We'll try it your way. We'll try it your way. Dođite da me pokupite. Come pick me up. Come pick me up. Tom mi je rekao da treba da ostanem kući. Tom told me I should stay home. Tom told me I should stay home. Колку лесно се стекнуваат лоши навики! How easily one acquires bad habits! How easy bad habits can be! Žena je mladá. The woman is young. The woman is young. Още не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken with Tom yet. I haven't talked to Tom yet. Ne bih je povredio. I wouldn't hurt her. I wouldn't hurt her. Ни требаат водачи. We need leaders. We need leaders. Teraz musím ísť. I've got to go now. The teraz musím ísí. Многу убаво си поминувам тука во Ванкувер. I'm having a wonderful time here in Vancouver. I'm having a great time here in Vancouver. Мога да играя тенис. I can play tennis. I can play tennis. Ovde pušenje nije dozvoljeno. Tovi svoj rak negde drugde! Smoking is not allowed here. Please feed your cancer outside! There's no smoking allowed, put your cancer somewhere else! Mala deca vole da sve pipaju. Little children like to touch everything. Little kids like to touch everything. Svi mi primismo blagoslov za blagoslovom od svemoguće njene milosti. We have all received one blessing after another from the fullness of his grace. We have all received a blessing for the blessing of her almighty grace. Otišao sam vidjeti moje roditelje. I went to see my parents. I went to see my parents. Дан не пропушти ниедна епизода од таа сапуница. Dan didn't miss any episode of that soap opera. Dan didn't miss an episode of that soap opera. Je krajšia než ktorákoľvek iná. She is more beautiful than any other girl. It's shorter ink than in. Почнав да размислувам за него. I started thinking about him. I started thinking about him. Био сам сјајно расположен. I was in a great mood. I was in a great mood. Ne plašim se starenja. I'm not afraid of growing old. I'm not afraid of getting old. Ne razumem zašto bi Tom želeo da uradi to. I can't understand why Tom would want to do that. I don't understand why Tom would want to do that. Мислиш ли да дойдеш с нас да пийнем по нещо после? Do you plan to join us for a drink afterwards? Do you think you'd like to come with us for a drink afterwards? Човек има много жеља које заправо ни не жели да се остваре, и било би погрешно претпоставити супротно.Он жели да оне остану само жеље; оне имају вредност само у његовој машти; њихово остваривање било би за њега горко разочарење.Таква једна жеља је и жеља за вечним животом. Да је била испуњена, човек би постао потпуно болестан од бесконачног живота, и желео би смрт. Man has many wishes that he does not really wish to fulfil, and it would be a misunderstanding to suppose the contrary. He wants them to remain wishes, they have value only in his imagination; their fulfilment would be a bitter disappointment to him. Such a desire is the desire for eternal life. If it were fulfilled, man would become thoroughly sick of living eternally, and yearn for death. The man has many desires that he does not really want to come true, and it would be wrong to assume otherwise.He wants them to remain only wishes; they have value only in his imagination; their achievement would be bitter disappointment for him. На тези хора много им провървя. These people were very lucky. These people are really good at it. Том е добар во својата професија. Tom is good at his profession. Tom's good at his profession. Biće ti bolje za par dana. You'll get better in a few days. You'll be better in a few days. Френският ми трябва за работата. I need French for my job. I need the French for work. Tom kaže da ima četiri kuća u pet različitih zemalja. Tom says that he has 4 homes in 5 different countries. Tom says there are four houses in five different countries. Децата некогаш се плашат од темнината. Children are sometimes afraid of the dark. Sometimes children fear the darkness. Vremenska prognoza kaže da će sutra popodne da pada kiša. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. The weather forecast says it's gonna rain tomorrow afternoon. Ovaj vikend imamo besplatne pozive. We can call for free on the weekend. We have free calls this weekend. Tvoj plan zvuči odlično. Your plan sounds great. Your plan sounds great. Не можам јас да донесам таква одлука. That's not my call. I can't make that decision. Раненият беше докаран с линейка. The wounded arrived by ambulance. The wounded was brought in an ambulance. Някои хора казват, че френски се учи лесно. Some people say French is easy to learn. Some people say French is easy to learn. Otac mi je kupio knjigu. Father bought me the book. My father bought me a book. Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog is here. Koje je lakše? Which one is easier? What's easier? Kdaj se boste poročili? When will you get married? When are you getting married? To je potpuno jedinstveno prijateljstvo koje se produbljuje mnogo godina. This is a unique friendship that has deepened over the years. It's a completely unique friendship that's been deepening for many years. Виж какво се случи на Том. Look what happened to Tom. Look what happened to Tom. Вклучи светло. Turn on the lights. Turn on the light. Том се опита да гъделичка Мери, обаче установи, че нея я е гъдел много по-малко от него. Tom tried to tickle Mary, but found out she was much less ticklish than he was. Tom tried to tickle Mary, however, found that she was tickled much less than he was. Навистина ли сакаш да останеш до понеделник? Do you really want to stay until Monday? Do you really want to stay till Monday? Книгите на Том се преведени на многу јазици. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom’s books have been translated into many languages. Da li imate kopiju? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Разкопчай си блузата, моля те. Please unbutton your blouse. Unbutton your shirt, please. Можеш ли да разрешиш този проблем? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this problem? Tom je bio tih na trenutak. Tom was quiet for a moment. Tom was quiet for a moment. Kaj je zate ljubezen? What do you call love? What's love for you? Малку сум жеден. I'm a little thirsty. I'm a little thirsty. Solarna energija je čist izvog energije. Solar power is a clean source of energy. Solar energy is pure of energy. Nemám ďalšie veci, ktoré by som mohla študovať. I don't have other things to study. Nemám èalshie greater, factoré by som mohla studeva . Някой трябва да ти е откраднал часовника. Someone must've stolen your watch. Someone must have stolen your watch. Ruščina je slovanski jezik, ki ga govorijo v Rusiji, Belorusiji, Ukrajini, Kazahstanu in Kirgizistanu in je razširjen a ne uradno priznan v Latviji, Estoniji in mnogih drugih državah nekdanje Sovjetske zveze. The Russian language is a Slavic language spoken natively in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and is widely used, although without official imprimatur, in Latvia, Estonia and many other countries that form the constituent republics of the former Soviet Union. Russian is the Slavic language spoken in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, but not officially recognised in Latvia, Estonia and many other countries of the former Soviet Union. Кој го нацртал? Who drew it? Who drew it? Sigurni je. It's safer. He's safe. Nadajmo se da si u pravu. Let's hope you're right. Let's hope you're right. Kažite mi šta je to. Tell me what that is. Tell me what it is. Се гледа дека ти било гајле за неа. I can tell you cared about her. You can tell you cared about her. Претпоставив дека си зафатен. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Ќе ти помогнам да го најдеш. I'll help you find him. I'll help you find him. U pravu si skroz. You're right on the money. You're right. Jučer je bilo toplo. Yesterday, it was hot. It was warm yesterday. Tom je bio više nego darežljiv. Tom has been most than generous. Tom was more than generous. Вземи каквото си харесаш. Take anything you like. Take whatever you like. Упознајмо се! Let's get to know each other. Let's get to know each other! Ne deri se na mene. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Том си го исекна носот. Tom blew his nose. Tom cut his nose. Kuća je sagrađena od cigle. The house was built of bricks. The house was built of bricks. Том је на спрату. Tom is upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Тоа баш и не е опција. That's hardly an option. That's not exactly an option. Му кажав на Том дека не е добредојден тука. I told Tom he wasn't welcome here. I told Tom he wasn't welcome here. Сутра ћу ти дати новац. I will give you the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. I da sam bogat, ne bih mu dao novac. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. And if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. Леглото на Том е празно. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed is empty. Jesi li ti Ujgur? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uygur? Oformirali su plivački tim. They formed a swim team. They've formed a swim team. Tom mi je rekao šta da radim. Tom told me what to do. Tom told me what to do. Не сме ни сигурни дека Том е виновен за нешто. We're not even sure Tom is guilty of anything. We're not even sure Tom's guilty of anything. Вече опитах. I've already tried. I've already tried. Трябва да се хващам пак за работа. I have to go back to work. I have to get back to work. Имам проблем. Трябва ми Вашата помощ. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I have a problem. I need your help. Заврши на четврто место од 56 тркача. He ranked fourth on a total of 56 runners. You ended up in the fourth place of 56 runners. Изобщо нямам представа защо. I have absolutely no idea why. I have no idea why. Најдов решение! I found a solution! I've found a solution! Желаете ли да станете доверен потребител? Would you like to become a trusted user? Do you want to become a trusted user? Не спијат сите од нив. Not all of them are asleep. Not all of them sleep. Vi ste potrpežljiva ženska. You are a patient woman. You're a patient woman. Tom nema braće ni sestara. Tom has no siblings. Tom doesn't have any brothers or sisters. Непромислен бев. I've been careless. I was reckless. Тя го завърза за стола. She tied him to the chair. She tied him to the chair. Nadam se da je to istina. I hope that's the truth. I hope that's true. Можеш ли да го отсвириш тој акорд на клавијатурата? Can you play that chord on the keyboard? Can you play that cheddar on the keyboard? Том е чуден. Tom is odd. Tom's weird. Нямам представа коя сте Вие. I have no idea who you are. I have no idea who you are. Таа му ја даде сета своја сребренина. She gave him all of her silver. She gave him all her silver. Остани смирена. Stay calm. Stay calm. Можеш ли обратно? Can you do it in reverse? Can you go back? Почти нямам английски книги. I have hardly any English books. I almost don't have any English books. Во тоа време, титулата „дама“ се користела само за благороднички. At that time, the title of lady was only used for noblewomen. At that time, the title “lady ” was used only for nobles. Том е неспособен. Tom's incompetent. Tom's incompetent. Том се обвиняваше за смъртта на Мери. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Tom blamed himself for Mary's death. Da li imaš nešto da prijaviš? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to report? Не бях заета. I wasn't busy. I wasn't busy. Dobrá práca. It's well done. Good stuff. Како сте? How are you? How do you do? Том делува шокирано. Tom seems shocked. Tom seems shocked. Чух, че хванали убиеца на Том. I heard they caught Tom's killer. I heard they caught Tom's killer. Не бев свесен дека Том го сторил тоа. I wasn't aware Tom had done that. I didn't realize Tom did it. Obožavam ovu radnju. I love this store. I love this store. Всъщност аз не обичам толкова много да пътувам. I don't like traveling all that much. Actually, I don't like to travel that much. Тоа веќе не е баш неопходно. That's not really necessary anymore. That's not really necessary anymore. Nije se toliko pogoršalo. It didn't get that bad. It didn't get that bad. Одам на риболов секоја недела. I go fishing every week. I go fishing every week. Том во никој случај не би можел да го направи тоа сам. Tom can't possibly do that by himself. Tom couldn't possibly do it himself. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том в Бостън. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. I think you should meet Tom in Boston. Том беше фин човек. Tom was a nice man. Tom was a nice guy. Šokiralo me je. It shocked me. It shocked me. Слушам дека си се распрашувал за мене. I hear you've been asking questions about me. I hear you've been asking about me. Тя изглежда развълнувана. She seems to be excited. She seems excited. Пак се случи. It happened again. It happened again. Jaz sem zver. I am a beast. I'm a beast. Јеси ли вратио књигу у библиотеку? Did you take the book back to the library? Did you return the book to the library? В къщата съм. I'm at the house. I'm in the house. Kupio sam neke namirnice. I bought some groceries. I bought some groceries. Понеделник е првиот ден, вторник вториот, и така натаму. Monday is the first day, Tuesday is the second day, and so on. Monday's the first day, Tuesday the second, and so on. Kaži joj da sam nevin. Tell her I'm innocent. Tell her I'm innocent. Ima li nekih drugih hotela koje možeš preporučiti? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Мисля, че Том беше роден в Бостън. I think Tom was born in Boston. I think Tom was born in Boston. Задржите кусур. Keep the change. Keep the change. On obožava rituale. He loves rituals. He loves rituals. Tom je sam u dnevnoj sobi. Tom is alone in the living room. Tom's alone in the living room. Веќе не се срдам. I'm not mad anymore. I'm not mad anymore. Имам недовршена работа со Том. Tom and I have some unfinished business. I have unfinished business with Tom. Ела да ни гледаш как играем. Come to watch us play. Come watch us play. Морален избор е на преведувачот дали да преведе нешто или не. Извесни работи е подобро да се остават на јазикот којшто ги произвел. Whether to translate is a moral choice of the translator. Sometimes things are better to be left alone in the language which produced them. Moral choice is whether to translate something or not. Certain things are better left in the language it produced. Moramo da radimo naporno. We have to work hard. We have to work hard. Čak ni glavni detektiv kao Tom ne može da savlada sve probleme bez značajne pomoći kolega i saradnika. Even a chief detective like Tom fails in doing his job, without the huge help of colleagues and associates. Even a lead detective like Tom can't handle all the problems without significant help from colleagues and associates. Том послуша. Tom obeyed. Tom, listen to me. Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the subject. Let's change the subject. Те са доста важни. They're rather important. They're very important. Мислев дека Том потекнува од Бостон. I thought Tom was from Boston. I thought Tom was from Boston. Зашто би Том желео то? Why would Tom want that? Why would Tom want that? To svatko zna. Anybody knows it. That's what everyone knows. Nisam nimalo iznenađena. I'm not surprised one bit. I'm not surprised at all. Сега съм добре. I'm all right now. I'm fine now. В случай на пожар, използвайте стълбите. In case of a fire, use the stairs. In case of a fire, use the stairs. Priznajem da sam umoran. I admit that I'm tired. I admit I'm tired. Попрво би одел со метро отколку со воз. I'd rather go by subway than by train. I'd rather take the subway than take the train. Svaka je komunikacija prevod. All communication is translation. Each communication is a translation. Disleksičan sam. I'm dyslexic. I'm dyslexic. Наистина не знам какво да кажа. I really don't know what to say. I really don't know what to say. Така треба! That's the spirit! That's it! Želim tvoje mišljenje. I want your opinion. I want your opinion. Купио сам цвеће. I bought flowers. I bought flowers. Не пцуј или ќе ти ја исперам устата со сапун. Don't curse or I'll wash your mouth out with soap. Don't swear or I'll wash your mouth with soap. Често играм одбојка. I often play volleyball. I often play volleyball. Том се нема вратено три години. Tom hasn't been back here for years. Tom hasn't been back in three years. Sretno! Good luck! Good luck! Да ли ме пратите? Are you with me? Are you following me? Da li imaš psa? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Не си ли нервна? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Tom je divno dete. Tom is a wonderful kid. Tom's a wonderful kid. Никога не съм гласувала. I've never voted. I never voted. Изглежда, че Том има алиби за нощта, през която Мери беше убита. It looks like Tom has an alibi for the night Mary was murdered. Looks like Tom has an alibi for the night Mary was killed. Pojdi lizat kurac! Go suck a dick! Go lick your dick! Той гледаше бебето. He looked after the baby. He was watching the baby. To mi zvuči kao izdaja. That sounds like treason to me. That sounds like treason to me. Ја изгубивме вербата во човештвото. We've lost faith in humanity. We lost faith in humanity. Ни треба малку помош. We need some help. We need some help. Том веќе некое време го прави тоа. Tom has been at it a while. Tom's been doing it for a while. Možeš li da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Стварно ми је жао Тома. I really feel sorry for Tom. I'm really sorry, Tom. Том настапи, а толпата ракоплескаше. Tom performed and the crowd applauded. Tom came along and the crowd clapped. Той беше тук по това време. He was here at that time. He was here at the time. Многу си осамен. You're very lonely. You're so lonely. Da li je ispunio svoje ciljeve? Did he accomplish his goals? Did he fulfill his goals? Исках да си поговорим за оценките ти. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. Може ли да се погрижиш за тоа Том да стигне дома? Can you see that Tom gets home? Can you make sure Tom gets home? Аз никога не съм ходил там, но мисля, че е след светофара. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's after the stoplight. Се претпоставува дека температурата на површината на сонцето изнесува околу 6,000 целзиусови степени. The surface temperature of the sun is assumed to be about 6000°C. The temperature of the sun’s surface is supposed to be about 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit [6,000 ° C]. Dakle, šta misliš? Now, what do you think? So, what do you think? Тука нема доволно светло за читање. It's not light enough in here to read. There's not enough light here to read. Познавам твоя баща. I know your father. I know your father. На Ваша услуга. At your service. At your service. На Том му светнаа очите кога Мери зачекори во собата. Tom's eyes lit up when Mary walked into the room. Tom had his eyes flashed when Mary stepped into the room. Всичко се нарежда, точно както го предсказа Том. Everything is working out just as Tom predicted. Everything works out just like Tom predicted. Тя иска да се разведе. She wants a divorce. She wants to get a divorce. Со сета таа врева, не можев да заспијам синоќа. With all that noise, I couldn't sleep last night. With all that noise, I couldn't sleep last night. Те се подиграваха на Мери. They made fun of Mary. They were mocking Mary. Јас сум оној што го сакаш. I'm the one you want. I'm the one you love. Той окачи сакото си на закачалка, защото не искаше да се измачка. He hung his blazer on a hanger because he didn't want it to get wrinkled. He hung his jacket on a hanger because he didn't want to get sick. После тишине, оно што најпрецизније исказује неизрециво, јесте музика. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. After silence, the most precise thing that proves inexplicable is music. Имам три въпроса към вас. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Филмов вреди да се гледа. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth watching. Probala si. You tried. You tried. Svjetlosni valovi prolaze kroz prostor i različite materijale. Light waves travel through space and various kinds of materials. Light waves pass through space and different materials. Не мисля, че е вярно. I don't think it's true. I don't think it's true. Комарците уживаат во човечко друштво. Mosquitoes enjoy the company of humans. Mosquitos enjoy human company. Мисля, че сте абсолютно прав. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Ще ти дам този диск, при условие, че не го заемаш на никой друг. I will lend you this CD on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else. I'll give you this disk, provided you don't take it from anyone else. Ме побара ли на Гугл? Have you googled me? Did you ask for me on Google? Никога не съм чувала Том да говори френски. I've never heard Tom speak French. I've never heard Tom speak French. Šolja kafe mi je razbistrila glavu. A cup of coffee cleared my head. The cup of coffee clears my head. Не реагирам добро на закани. I don't respond well to threats. I'm not responding well to threats. Новините ни въодушевиха. We are excited at the news. We were thrilled by the news. Bol Tom prekvapený? Was Tom surprised? Does Tom break up with you? Разликата в годините ни не е голяма. The difference in our ages is not significant. There's no big difference in our age. Том ми помогна малку. Tom gave me a hint. Tom helped me a little. Ще ти стискам палци. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I'll hold your thumbs. Da li mislite da mi je nešto promaklo? Do you think I missed something? Do you think I missed something? Той ми се притече на помощ. He came to my rescue. He came to me for help. Не сакав да ти кажам. I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want to tell you. За што зборува Том сега? What's Tom talking about now? What is Tom talking about now? Kde je telefónny zoznam? Where's the telephone book? Where's the telefónny I know? Не позволявай на Том да те заплашва. Don't let Tom intimidate you. Don't let Tom threaten you. Никој не нѐ сака баш. Nobody really wants us. No one likes us very much. Дебело ли изгледам во ова? Do I look fat in this? Do I look fat in this? Том погледна нагоре кон мене. Tom looked up at me. Tom looked up at me. Имаш ли малку време? Do you have a minute? Do you have a minute? Ne znam hoće li to biti dovoljno novca za mene. I don't know if that will be enough money for me. I don't know if it'll be enough money for me. Може ли погласно да зборуваш? Would you speak up? Can you talk louder? Ko želi da razgovara sa mnom? Who wants to talk to me? Who wants to talk to me? Razgovaraću sa Tomom o ovome. I'll talk to Tom about this. I'll talk to Tom about this. Треба ми још пет минута. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. Том ѝ подари плишано зајче на ќерка си. Tom gave his daughter a stuffed bunny. Tom gave his daughter a stuffed bunny. Zdravlje je bogatstvo. Health is wealth. Health is wealth. Gde god da odem, tamo sam. Anywhere I go, I am there. Wherever I go, I'm there. Всички животни са равни. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Trudim se najviše što mogu ovde. I'm trying my best here. I'm doing the best I can here. Mark promoval na Harvarde v roku 1991. Mark graduated from Harvard in 1991. Mark was promoted to Harvarde in 1991. Pitam se kako se Toma oseća. I wonder how Tom feels. I wonder how Tom feels. Майк бяга много бързо вчера. Mike ran very fast yesterday. Mike's running so fast yesterday. В никакъв случай! No way! No way! Zoološki vrt je zatvoren ponedeljkom. The zoo is closed on Mondays. The zoo is closed on Mondays. Той образова децата си добре. He gave his children a good education. He educated his children well. Tom se odlučio za "protiv". Tom decided against it. Tom decided against it. Имаш мали гради. You have a small chest. You have small breasts. Сакам да станам и да играм. I want to get up and dance. I want to get up and dance. Previše kasno. Too late. Too late. Откакто комунизмът стана неактуален и диктатурата на пролетариата остаря, капитализмът се оказва най-добрият вариант засега, въпреки че той самият също е заплаха за човечеството. Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity. Since Communism has become inactive and the dictatorship of the proletarian is getting older, capitalism has become the best option for now, although it itself is also a threat to humanity. Всичките съм ги виждал. I've seen them all. I've seen them all. Polako su se pomerali napred. They moved ahead slowly. They slowly moved forward. Ова е за твое добро. This is for your benefit. This is for your own good. Moram reći da vam zavidim. I have to say I envy you guys. I must say, I envy you. Гледај ми ги прстите. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Това просто трябва да е шапката на Том. This just has to be Tom's hat. That should just be Tom's hat. Vi ste dobra ekipa. You guys make a great team. You're a good team. Аз обичам любовни романи. I love romance novels. I like romance novels. Imam srečo. I am lucky. I'm lucky. Кучињата се бели. Dogs are white. The dogs are white. Избегнувај лоши друштва. Avoid bad company. Avoid bad company. Дојдовме да се извиниме. We came to apologize. We came to apologize. Беше почистен. It's been cleaned. It was cleaned up. Ако искаш да опознаеш една нация, трябва да научиш нейната история. If you are to know a nation, you must learn its history. If you want to know a nation, you need to learn its story. Тоа е мачна задача. That's a strenuous task. It's a pain in the ass. Potrebna nam je vaša pomoć. We need you to help us. We need your help. Samo ozbiljna pitanja, molim. Serious inquiries only, please. Just serious questions, please. Прашањето е кој ќе ја донесе таа одлука. The question is who will make the decision. The question is who will make that decision. Сакаме да му помогнеме. We want to help him. We want to help him. Не познавам всички. I don't know everybody. I don't know everybody. Zaustavićemo to. We'll put a stop to it. We'll stop it. Tom ima mlađu sestru Meri. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has a younger sister, Mary. Аз обичам костенурките. I love turtles. I love turtles. Чичо ми даде колата си на мен. My uncle yielded his car to me. My uncle gave me his car. Tom je već otišao na posao. Tom has already left for work. Tom's already gone to work. Нека силата бъде с теб! May the force be with you. May the power be with you! Ova riba je velika. This fish is big. This fish is big. Мисля, че само на тебе ти пука. I think you're the only one who cares. I think you're the only one who cares. Чудя се защо съм толкова уморена. I wonder why I'm so tired. I wonder why I'm so tired. Подај ми го францускиот клуч. Hand me the wrench. Hand me the French key. Sami je postao vrlo zainteresiranim u Islam Sami became very interested in Islam. Sami became very interested in Islam Не можеш да бъдеш сериозен. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. Хей, вали сняг. Hey, it's snowing. Hey, it's snowing. Predpostavljam da si gladan. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Не го отричам. I don't deny it. I'm not denying it. Уча по френски всеки ден. I study French every day. I study French every day. Imam povratnu kartu za Tokio. I have a return ticket to Tokyo. I have a return ticket for Tokyo. Многу луѓе во Африка загинаа како последица на бурата. Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm. Many people in Africa died as a result of the storm. Jesi li slobodna u nedelju? Are you open on Sunday? Are you free on Sunday? Никаде не можам да одам. I can't go anywhere. I can't go anywhere. Tom je napravio svoju zadaću u kuhinji. Tom did his homework in the kitchen. Tom did his homework in the kitchen. Tom je veoma sofisticiran. Tom is very sophisticated. Tom is very sophisticated. Би сакал да те честам вечера. I'd like to buy you dinner. I'd like to buy you dinner. Парите не купуват щастие. Money doesn't buy happiness. Money doesn't buy happiness. Oprosti, tko je ova žena? Excuse me, who is this woman? I'm sorry, who is this woman? Караш ме да се чувствам толкова виновен. You make me feel so guilty. You make me feel so guilty. Пусти машти на вољу. Let your imagination run wild. Let your imagination go. Zar ne voliš plivanje? Don't you like swimming? Don't you like swimming? Няма да позволя това да ме тормози. I won't let that bother me. I'm not gonna let that bother me. Blázon na všetko dáva svoje meno. A fool puts his name on everything. The blázon on the card gives its menu. Полицията ще разследва престъплението. The police are going to investigate the crime. The police will investigate the crime. Kto mal pravdu? Who was right? Like a little justice? Том си замина на точак. Tom took off on his bike. Tom left for his bike. По бурата, океанот беше мирен. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. Не го знаат тоа. They don't know that. They don't know that. Nama to ovdje ne treba. We don't need this here. We don't need that here. Ќе се справиме со тоа. We'll deal with it. We'll deal with it. Живеам во гратче во близина на Бостон. I live in a town near Boston. I live in a town near Boston. Dat ću ti novac sutra. I will give you the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money tomorrow. Не сум ни сигурен дека му се допаѓам. I'm not even sure I like him. I'm not even sure he likes me. Naozaj sneží. It's really snowing. Why don't you go back to the snow? Не мисля, че Том е себичен. I don't think Tom is selfish. I don't think Tom's selfish. Пристигнахме. We've arrived. We're here. Pršalo celý týždeň. It rained for a week. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. Tom će ponovo razmisliti. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will reconsider. Ten muž je vysoký. The man is tall. Ten husband is vysoký. Imaš li papir po kome mogu da pišem? Do you have a piece of paper I can write on? Do you have a paper I can write on? Том има две деца. Tom has two children. Tom has two kids. Ова ќе го повреди Том. This is going to hurt Tom. This is gonna hurt Tom. Платих 30 долара за това. I paid 30 dollars for that. I paid 30 bucks for that. Neprospeje sťažovať sa. It won't do any good to complain. It doesn't work with you. Престанав да му обрнувам внимание на Том. I stopped paying attention to Tom. I stopped paying attention to Tom. Nikto nie je dokonalý. Nobody is perfect. Nicko didn't get to the bottom of it. Dođite brzo! Come quickly! Come quick! Ovo bi trebalo da upali. This should do the trick. This should work. Тя се отказа от всичко заради децата си. She gave up everything for her children. She gave up everything for her kids. Jediný, kto ťa naozaj pozná, je Boh. The only one who really knows you is God. The only one who can remember is Boh. Зошто си толку лут? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Никога не отлагай за утре това, което можеш да свършиш днес. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Never postpone for tomorrow what you can do today. Том не ми кажал дека не знае да плива. Tom never told me he didn't know how to swim. Tom didn't tell me he couldn't swim. Tom ne može svirati gitaru. Tom can't play the guitar. Tom can't play guitar. Какво ти попречи да дойдеш вчера? What prevented you from coming yesterday? What stopped you from coming yesterday? Voleo sam da idem na plažu. I loved going to the beach. I loved going to the beach. Мисля, че тази вечер ще си прекараш добре. I think you're going to enjoy yourself tonight. I think you're gonna have a good time tonight. Prva lekcija je laka. The first lesson is easy. The first lesson is easy. Je li ovaj posao pretežak za tebe? Is the job too much for you? Is this job too hard for you? Девојка види дечака. The girl sees the boy. The girl sees the boy. Направихме всичко, което можехме, за да му помогнем. We made every effort to help him. We did everything we could to help him. Колко ти дължа? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Тоа баш и може да успее. That just might work. That can really work. На сликата се гледаат шишиња со разновидни зеленчукови масла. In the photo, some bottles with different types of vegetable oils are seen. The picture shows bottles of various vegetable oils. Почнимо одмах. Let's start right away. Let's start right now. Всички тук сме приятели. We're all friends here. We're all friends here. Заушките се заразна болест. Mumps is an infectious disease. Earrings are an infectious disease. Током последњих неколико дана сам се бавио истраживањем у вези са зарадом новца помоћу пројекта, али мислим да ће све опције захтевати наглу промену мог начина живота, што је незгодна ствар. I've been doing research over the last few days about how I might make money from the project, but I think all my options will require a severe shift in the way I live, which is a tricky thing. Over the last few days, I've been doing research on project money, but I think all options will require a sudden change in my way of life, which is an awkward thing. Колку сестри имаш? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? Ние бутнахме колата. We gave the car a push. We pushed the car. Колко захар използваш? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you use? Не планирам да останам тука толку долго. I don't plan on being here that long. I don't plan on staying here that long. Ѕвездите светат. The stars are shining. The stars are shining. Niko od nas nije pogodio metu. We all missed the target. None of us hit the target. Ova je baš kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. Moramo da postanemo bolji. We've got to do better. We have to get better. Колко дълго остана? How long did you stay? How long have you been staying? Гледаше ли? Were you watching? Did you see that? Том никогаш не е таму. Tom is never there. Tom's never there. Auto je v garáži. The car is in the garage. The car's in the garage. Znamo da si kukavica. We know you're a coward. We know you're a coward. Овој свеќник е многу тежок. This candlestick is very heavy. This candlestick is very difficult. То не може бити истина. That can't be true. That can't be true. Мисля, че тичането е добро упражнение. I think jogging is good exercise. I think running is a good exercise. Натерај го да признае! Make him confess! Make him admit it! Каква е минималната заплата в Словакия? What's the minimum salary in Slovakia? What is the minimum wage in Slovakia? Nancy se boji pasa. Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy's scared of dogs. Учителот предава. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Весников чини еден долар. This newspaper costs a dollar. Vesnikov costs one dollar. Малко съм зает в момента. I'm a little busy here. I'm a little busy right now. Norveški zatvori su najluksuzniji na svetu. Norwegian prisons are the most luxurious in the world. Norwegian prisons are the most luxurious in the world. Подобро и двајцата да се наспиеме. We'd both better get some sleep. We'd better both get some sleep. Rušio sam školu. I demolished the school. I broke school. Јеси ли на Фејсбуку? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Не ми е добро веќе два дена. I haven't felt well for two days. I haven't been well for two days now. Ова е вертикална линија. This is a vertical line. This is a vertical line. Ти си побъркан. You're a lunatic. You're crazy. Ще те помоля да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'm going to ask you to translate this letter into French. Ne držim se moje dijete. I'm not on track with my diet! I'm not holding on to my baby. Веќе не ни треба Том. We don't need Tom anymore. We don't need Tom anymore. Недей да оставяш да му се размине на Том. Don't let Tom get away. Don't let Tom get away with this. Собата беше хаос. The room is a mess. The room was a mess. Том е воодушевен. Tom is fascinated. Tom's thrilled. Verjemi mi, ta situacija je neprijetna tudi zame. Believe me, this situation is unpleasant for me, too. Trust me, this situation is embarrassing for me, too. U mom početku je moj kraj. In my beginning is my end. At first, it's my end. Postoji samo jedan izlaz. There's only one way out. There's only one way out. Том треба да ти се заблагодари. Tom should thank you. Tom needs to thank you. Имате ли нешто? Do you have anything? Do you have anything? Не ради превише! Don't work too hard! Don't work too hard! Video sam kuče. I have seen a dog. I saw the dogs. Види ја бандерана на плоштадот. Look at that pole in the square. Look at the lamparrest in the square. Iznos za obavljeni posao i interes na uloženi kapital su bili nekoliko milona. The payment for labor and return on invested capital was several millions. The amount for the work done and the interest in capital invested was several million. Што доби? What did you get? What'd you get? Странно, нали? Трябваше вече да сме пристигнали. Odd, isn't it? We should have already arrived. That's weird, isn't it? Duguješ mi mnogo. You owe me big time. You owe me a lot. Njen dečko nije pružao podršku. Her boyfriend was not supportive. Her boyfriend wasn't much of a supporter. Da li ćeš ovo poslati kao poštanska pošiljka? Are you going to send this by parcel post? Are you gonna send this as a mail delivery? Прие ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Nisam ljut ni na koga. I'm not mad at anybody. I'm not mad at anyone. Решив да одам. I've decided to go. I've decided to go. Најпрвин, имам нешто што сакам да ти го покажам. First, there's something I'd like to show you. First of all, I have something I want to show you. Той се прибира вкъщи в пет и половина. He comes home at five-thirty. He's home at five and a half. Tom je bio moj sin jedinac. Tom was my only child. Tom was my only son. Звука на ужасния писък го накара да се разтрепери. The sound of an awful scream made him shudder. The sound of the awful scream made him tremble. Definitivno si lud. You're definitely crazy. You're definitely crazy. Чух, че ме търсиш. I hear you've been looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Възнамеряваш ли да вземеш участие в събранието? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Do you intend to take part in the meeting? Сѐ уште е на продажба. It's still for sale. It's still on sale. Dugujem svome ocu ono što sam. I owe what I am to my father. I owe my father who I am. Uzmite malo. Have some. Have some. Houdini je bol slávny eskapológ. Houdini was a famous escapologist. Houdini is the pain of slávny eskapológ. Това е камерата, с която Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. That's the camera Tom took the pictures with. Том знае, че съм вкъщи. Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. Понякога гледам телевизия. I sometimes watch TV. Sometimes I watch TV. Мисля, че сега трябва да излезеш. I think you need to leave now. I think you should get out now. Мислам дека нема да живеам уште долго. I don't think I have much longer to live. I don't think I'm gonna live much longer. Bola tam asi tisícka ľudí. As many as a thousand people were there. Pain there is a thysick judí. Ќе преземеме нешто. We'll do something. We'll do something. Треба да ни најдам помош. I need to get us some help. I need to get us some help. Подлабоко е од тоа. It's deeper than that. It's deeper than that. За што сакаше да зборуваш со мене? What did you want to talk with me about? What did you want to talk to me about? Zajtra môžem začať. I can start tomorrow. I can start again. Svi osim Toma znaju zašto ga je ostavila žena. Everybody but Tom knows why his wife left him. Everyone except Tom knows why his wife left him. Можда им затреба нешто новца. They may need some money. Maybe they need some money. Што сакаш да ги прашам? What do you want me to ask them? What do you want me to ask them? Те говореха твърде бързо, за да разбера какво казват. They spoke too quickly for me to understand. They talked too fast to find out what they were saying. Аз не мога да карам мотор, ти ми говориш за кола. I cannot drive a motorcycle, much less a car. I can't ride a bike, you're talking about a car. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Къде е кафенето? Where is the coffee shop? Where's the coffee shop? Радвам се, че си доволен. I'm happy you're happy. I'm glad you're happy. Не харесвам нито една от песните, които Том пее. I don't like any of the songs that Tom sings. I don't like any of the songs Tom sings. Том е добар поет. Tom is quite a poet. Tom's a good poet. Možete li, molim vas, da ugasite radio za mene? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Could you please turn off the radio for me? Da li si ti muškarac ili žena? Are you a man or a woman? Are you a man or a woman? Нищо му няма на плана. There's nothing wrong with the plan. There's nothing wrong with the plan. Šta nameravaš sa sa svim ovim? What're you going to do with all this? What are you going to do with all this? За жал ќе морате да го ослободите Том. I'm afraid you're going to have to release Tom. Unfortunately, you'll have to free Tom. Кој ќе те повреди? Who's going to hurt you? Who's gonna hurt you? Добро дошли назад. Welcome back. Welcome back. Ne pijte vodu iz prljave čaše! Do not drink the water in the dirty glass! Don't drink the water from the dirty glass! Да ли грешим? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Не, не аз. По-малкият ми брат. No, not me. It's my younger brother. No, not me, my little brother. Italija se nalazi u Europi. Italy is in Europe. Italy is located in Europe. Ja uistinu mislim da mi žene imamo dodatno osjetilo. I really think that we, women, have an extra sense. I really think we women have an extra sense. Фатете го. Catch him. Get him. Не могу му веровати. I can't trust him. I can't trust him. Телото му беше обраснато со кафеаво крзно. His body was covered with brown fur. His body was grown with brown fur. Мисля, че има нещо, което не ми казваш. I think there's something you're not telling me. I think there's something you're not telling me. Тя се освежи преди вечеря. She freshened herself up before supper. She freshened up before dinner. Spasit ću te. I'll save you! I'll save you. Moraš rješavati svoje probleme sam. You have to solve your problems yourself. You have to solve your own problems on your own. Ne viči na mene. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Мора да одговориш на прашањето. You have to answer the question. You have to answer the question. Psi sovražijo mačke. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Dobro jutro! Good morning! Good morning! Љубопитен сум. I'm curious. I'm curious. Možeš li da razbiješ jaje sa jednom rukom? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you break an egg with one hand? Treba mi još pet minuta. I need five more minutes. I need five more minutes. Ти изтрещя ли? Are you nuts? Did you take it out? Mode zastarevaju i umiru. Fashions grow old and die. Fashions get old and die. Млад съм. I'm young. I'm young. Ќе најдам нешто. I'll find something. I'll find something. Веќе се чувствувам значително подобро. I already feel much better. I feel much better already. Nisam nimalo iznenađen. I'm not surprised one bit. I'm not surprised at all. Postoji malo sumnje da će rezanje u već ogoljenom sistemu imati dramatične posledice za industriju i opštine u ruralnim oblastima. There is little doubt that the tightening of an already stripped system will have dramatic consequences for industry and municipalities in rural areas. There is little doubt that cutting in the already naked system will have dramatic consequences for industry and municipalities in rural areas. Том има проблеми со бесот. Tom has anger issues. Tom has anger issues. Не може да било случајност. It can't be a coincidence. Can't be any coincidence. Je vaša žena ešte v Amerike? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Treba da donesemo još jednu flašu vina. We should bring another bottle of wine. We should get another bottle of wine. Том чу нещо. Tom heard something. Tom heard something. Kišna sezona počinje u junu. Rainy season begins in June. The rainy season begins in June. Влез вътре. Go inside. Come on in. Ово је моја жена Едита. This is my wife Edita. This is my wife, Edith. Ще ми се обадиш ли довечера? Could you call me tonight, please? Can you call me tonight? On će doći uskoro. It will not be long before he comes. He'll be here soon. Мојот совет би бил сега да се наспиеш па утре да довршиш. My advice would be to get some sleep now and finish this tomorrow. My advice would be to get some sleep and finish tomorrow. Престани да хленчиш. Stop whimpering. Stop whining. Извинявай, че те прекъсвам. Excuse me for interrupting you. Sorry to interrupt. Трябва да ходя да си събирам багажа. I have to go pack. I have to go pick up my bags. Волим да те гледам док плешеш. I love watching you dance. I love watching you dance. Това е същата болница, където работи Том. This is the same hospital where Tom works. This is the same hospital where Tom works. Колку литри масло собира во буре? How many litres of oil are there in a barrel? How many liters of oil does he collect in a barrel? Obećao si da ćeš mi pomoći. You promised you would help me. You promised to help me. Той е най-добрият играч в нашия отбор. He is the best player on our team. He's the best player in our team. Треба да го прашаш Том. You should ask Tom. You should ask Tom. Имаш ли медицинска застраховка? Do you have medical insurance? Do you have any medical insurance? Govori li Tom stvarno francuski? Can Tom really speak French? Does Tom really speak French? Mislim da treba da razgovaraš sa Tomom o tome. I think you might need to talk to Tom about that. I think you should talk to Tom about it. Čo je na raňajky? What's for breakfast? What's on Raejay? Шта кажеш на мало чоколадног сира? How about some chocolate cheese? How about some chocolate cheese? Мери е в отпуск по майчинство. Mary is on maternity leave. Mary's on maternity leave. Том је предложио да Марија оде код лекара. Tom suggested that Mary see a doctor. Tom suggested that Maria go to the doctor. Джим се казва на Джеймс. Jim is short for James. Jim's name is James. Колико си дуго овде? How long have you been here? How long have you been here? Овие се исто толку добри колку и тие. These are as good as those. These are just as good as they are. Zemlja je manjša od Sonca. The earth is smaller than the sun. Earth is smaller than the sun. Том не може да те понася. Tom can't stand you. Tom can't stand you. Чух телефона да звъни. I heard the telephone ringing. I heard the phone ring. Tom je rekao da mu treba novac. Tom said that he needed the money. Tom said he needed the money. Том не сакаше да потклекне. Tom wouldn't give in. Tom didn't want to give in. Том ја удри Мери по глава со тава. Tom hit Mary on the head with a skillet. Tom hit Mary on the head with a pan. Koje su vaše ambicije? What are your ambitions? What are your ambitions? Tom je dosta tajanstven. Tom is quite secretive. Tom's pretty mysterious. Včely robia med. Bees make honey. It's mostly a ruse of honey. Не бъди толкова мързелив. Don't be so lazy. Don't be so lazy. Почти не ни остана време за вечеря. We hardly had time to eat our dinner. We're almost out of time for dinner. Аз мисля, че си луда. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Sumnjam da Tom zna to. I don't think Tom knows that. I doubt Tom knows that. Tvoje meno, prosím. Your name, please. Your menu, please. Не ми кажувај кои ми се одговорностите. Don't tell me what my responsibilities are. Don't tell me what my responsibilities are. Напокон смо стигли! At last, we have arrived! We're finally here! Не съм те наричал "глупак". I didn't call you stupid. I didn't call you "stupid." Можеби би можел да ми бидеш цимер. Maybe you could be my roommate. Maybe you could be my roommate. Pojdimo igrati košarko v park. Let's go play basketball in the park. Let's go play basketball in the park. Предвидлив си. You're predictable. You're predictable. Nisu potrebne reči. No words are necessary. There's no need for words. Аз не се мразя. I don't hate myself. I don't hate myself. Линда наистина харесва шоколад. Linda really likes chocolate. Linda really likes chocolate. Tom nije pružio podršku. Tom wasn't supportive. Tom didn't give support. Arabčina je krásny jazyk. Arabic is a beautiful language. The Arab is krásny jasyk. Те ще се срещнат в хотела утре. They are going to meet at the hotel tomorrow. They'll meet at the hotel tomorrow. Zeleninu som nejedol mesiac. I haven't eaten vegetables for a month. Green som non-Messian. Том не може да го порекне тоа. Tom can't deny that. Tom can't deny it. Те не говориха. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Jesi li napisao izveštaj? Have you written your report? Did you write the report? Тя искаше да отложи сватбата. She wanted to postpone the wedding. She wanted to postpone the wedding. Не ме туркај. Don't push me around. Don't push me. Математика најдобро му оди. Mathematics is his strongest subject. He's doing his math best. Добре се чувствам. I feel fine. I feel good. Сестра ми ја прави косата на фризер два или три пати неделно. My sister has her hair done at the hairdresser two or three times a week. My sister makes her hair on a freezer two or three times a week. Навистина ќе се потрудам да бидам љубезен со Том. I'm going to try real hard to be nice to Tom. I'm really gonna try to be nice to Tom. Jesi li pojeo nešto? Have you eaten anything? Have you eaten anything? Мислам дека Том нема многу да ни помогне. I don't think Tom is going to be too much help. I don't think Tom's gonna be much help. Къде си ходил напоследък? Where have you been lately? Where have you been lately? Koliko dugo živi kornjača? How long does a turtle live? How long has a turtle been living? Imam veliko knjig. I have a lot of books. I've got a lot of books. Jesi li završio sa pranjem sudova. Have you finished washing the dishes? Are you done washing dishes? Том е сѐ уште растроен. Tom is still upset. Tom's still upset. Кои ядки обичаш най-много? What's your favorite dried fruit? Which nuts do you like most? Сакам класот да молчи. I want the class to be silent. I want the class to shut up. Имам три чеда. I've got three kids. I have three children. Okrenula sam se. I turned around. I turned around. Како тоа си направил таква грешка? How come you made such a mistake? How did you make such a mistake? Дръж Том под око. Keep a good eye on Tom. Keep an eye on Tom. Къде е автобусният терминал? Where is the bus terminal? Where's the bus terminal? Нека ни помогнат. Get them to help us. Let them help us. Одамна не сум ве видел, дечки. I haven't seen you guys in a while. I haven't seen you guys in a while. Ovo je iz Australije. This is from Australia. This is from Australia. О, па тоа е одлично. Wow, that's great. Oh, that's great. Upoznajmo se! Let's get to know each other. Let's get to know each other! Едно момче ми ја грабна чантата додека поминуваше со точак. A boy snatched my purse as he rode by on his bicycle. A boy grabbed my purse while he was walking by a wheel. Oni moraju da piju vodu. They have to drink water. They have to drink water. Не знаев кого друг да прашам. I didn't know who else to ask. I didn't know who else to ask. Јас тука припаѓам. This is where I belong. This is where I belong. Ни снема бензин. We're out of gas. We're out of gas. Нема шансе! Fat chance. No way! Трябва да внимавате. You've got to be careful. You have to be careful. Никогаш не би излегол од дома по папучи. I'd never leave my house in slippers. I'd never leave home to get my slippers. Тоа ми даде идеја. That gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. Том е шегаџија. Tom is a funny guy. Tom's a joker. Што е тој звук? What is that sound? What's that sound? Nemojte da se derete. Don't scream. Don't yell. Нема ти мене да ми командаш, човече. I'm not having you boss me around, man. You're not gonna command me, man. Бих искала да ти задам още няколко въпроса. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Майка ми се чувства по-добре. My mother's feeling better. My mom's feeling better. Не гледай директно в Том. Don't look directly at Tom. Don't look directly at Tom. Tom je nervozno dobovao prstima po stolu. Tom drummed his fingers on the table nervously. Tom was nervous about getting his fingers on the table. Tom je znao da je to loša ideja. Tom knew that it was a bad idea. Tom knew it was a bad idea. Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I'm shaking when I think about it. Ще хвана следващия автобус. I'm going to catch the next bus. I'll catch the next bus. Novac govori. Money talks. The money's talking. Ти оддавам почит. You have my respect. I pay my respects. Želeo bih da pomognem. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. Виждала съм ги наоколо. I've seen them around. I've seen them around. Тези истински ли са? Are these real? Are these real? Dođite da nas vidite. Come and see us. Come and see us. Хайде да тръгваме! Let's go. Let's go! Да вечеряме. Let's eat dinner. Let's have dinner. Жаден съм. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Том не е свикнал да живее в града. Tom isn't used to living in the city. Tom's not used to living in the city. Nije bilo previše hladno. It hasn't been too cold. It wasn't too cold. Том е с кръвна група 0 отрицателна. Tom's blood type is O negative. Tom has a blood type 0 negative. Фирмата на Том е загрозена. Tom's company is in trouble. Tom's firm is compromised. От това Том няма да разбере нищо. Tom won't be able to understand any of this. Tom won't know anything about it. Ona ima dobro srce. She has a good heart. She has a good heart. Šta ste oboje uradili? What did you both do? What did you both do? Niko ne zna šta se dešava iza tih vrata. Nobody knows what goes on behind those doors. No one knows what's going on behind that door. Детето си ги чуваше сите пари во касичка. The kid kept all of his money in a piggy bank. The kid kept all his money in a cash register. Сметам дека прилично добро пишувам. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm pretty good at writing. Кой е любимият ти спорт? What's your favorite sport? Who's your favorite sport? Би го ставил ли ова во колата за мене? Would you put this in the car for me? Would you put this in the car for me? Джейн изглежда щастлива. Jane looks happy. Jane seems happy. Tom je ohrabrivao Meri da piše o svojim iskustvima. Tom encouraged Mary to write about her experiences. Tom encouraged Mary to write about her experiences. Šta će se dogoditi sledeći put? What happens next time? What happens next time? Ето я тук снимката на Том. I have Tom's picture right here. Here's Tom's picture. Tom je rekao da te pitam. Tom said to ask you. Tom said to ask you. Prosledi mi šećer, molim te. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me the sugar, please. Jednog dana biće moj. One day he will be mine. One day it will be mine. Ne mogu ti odgovoriti odmah. I can't give you an answer right away. I can't answer you right now. Утре сум на работа. I'm working tomorrow. I'm at work tomorrow. Не е обично пенкало. It's not just a pen. It's not usually a pen. Nedostaje mi. I miss him. I miss him. Изглеждаш уморен. You look tired. You look tired. Заключих се пред стаята ми. I have locked myself out of my room. I locked myself in front of my room. Напиши адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write your address here. Можеш ли да ме научиш да свирам на гајда? Can you teach me how to play the bagpipes? Can you teach me how to play bagpipes? Сакаш ли да црташ? Do you like to draw? Do you want to draw? Всички те са специални. They're all special. They're all special. Не сме готови. We're not done. We're not done. Da li ovo znači da me više ne volite? Does this mean that you don't love me anymore? Does this mean you don't love me anymore? Тук сервират отлична храна. They serve excellent food here. They serve excellent food here. Драго ми е што сум готов со тоа. I'm happy to be done with that. I'm glad I'm done with that. Том почти нищо не разбира от френски. Tom can hardly speak French at all. Tom doesn't know much about French. Той постигна целта си. He achieved his goal. He has achieved his goal. Koje je tvoje bosansko ime? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Да живее СССР! Long live the USSR! Long live the Soviet Union! Тези хора бяха големи късметлии. These people were very lucky. These people were very lucky. Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back off. Tom won't back down. По војна, победниците секогаш се во право, а поразените се виновните. After a war, always, the victorious side is right and the vanquished side is wrong. After the war, the winners are always right, and the defeated are the guilty. Nemojte da razgovarate. Don't talk. Don't talk. Дали мора да јадам со Том? Do I have to eat with Tom? Do I have to eat with Tom? Во право беше Том. You were right, Tom. You were right, Tom. Tom je htjeo vidjeti Marynu sobu. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Uštedeli bi vreme da smo se spustili kroz Park Street. We'd save time if we drove down Park Street. It would've saved time if we'd gone down Park Street. Каква е минималната заплата в Индия? What's the minimum salary in India? What's the minimum wage in India? Položila sam svaki test. I passed every single test. I passed every test. Da li sam toliko drugačiji? Am I so different? Am I that different? Той излезе да се разходи. He's out taking a walk. He went out for a walk. Máš vodičský preukaz? Do you have your driver's license? You're a guide? Да бев на твое место, ќе го избегнував Том некое време. If I were you, I'd stay away from Tom for a while. If I were you, I'd avoid Tom for a while. Ще дойде време, когато тя ще съжалява за това, което е казала. The time will come when she will regret what she has said. There will come a time when she will regret what she said. Мислев дека нема да врне сношти. I didn't think it would rain last night. I didn't think it was gonna rain last night. Том ми е сосед. Tom is a neighbor. Tom's my neighbor. Подай ми го на мене. Pass it to me. Hand it to me. Том има многу пари, но нема пријатели. Tom has a lot of money, but he has no friends. Tom has a lot of money, but he doesn't have any friends. Mnogo je mogućih odgovora na to pitanje. There are many possible answers to that question. There are many possible answers to that question. Трябва ли да отговарям на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Postavili smo naše šatore prije mraka. We set up our tents before dark. We set up our tents before dark. Многу сакам да се шетам покрај реката наутро. I love to walk along the river in the mornings. I really like to walk by the river in the morning. Успях да го видя от рейса. I caught a glimpse of him from the bus. I was able to see it from the rear. Том живее на три пресечки от брега. Tom lives three blocks from the beach. Tom lives three blocks off the coast. Zaveži! Shut up! Shut up! Tom pije mleko. Tom is drinking milk. Tom drinks milk. Tom piše bolje od mene. Tom writes better than I do. Tom writes better than me. Toma je lako uplašiti. Tom gets scared easily. It's easy to scare Tom. Posmatram te. I've got my eye on you. I'm watching you. Изяждайте по една жива жаба всяка сутрин и през целия остатък от деня няма да ви се случи нищо по-лошо. Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Eat a live frog every morning and for the rest of the day nothing worse will happen to you. Знам малко френски. I know a little French. I know a little French. Колко искате? How much money do you want? How much do you want? Все още иска да дойде. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Znao sam da nikad nije trebalo da se mešam u tvoje budalaste poslove. I knew I should never have gotten involved with your hair-brained scheme. I knew I should never have interfered with your foolish business. Знам некои работи. I know a few things. I know some things. Dobrodošao. Welcome. Welcome. V desni roki drži zajemalko. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. He's holding a cap in his right hand. Nisam toliko srećna. I am not so happy. I'm not that happy. Том беше избезумен. Tom was astonished. Tom was freaked out. Nemoj da se pomeraš! Don't move! Don't move! Recite mi gde živite. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. Da smo stigli ovde ranije možda bismo mogli da spasemo Toma. If we'd gotten here sooner, we might've been able to save Tom. If we'd gotten here earlier, maybe we could've saved Tom. Tom jako dobro svira klavir. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Смяхме се на Том. We laughed at Tom. We were laughing at Tom. Музеят е затворен в неделя. The museum is closed Sundays. The museum is closed on Sunday. Том не направи опит да убеди Мери, че е невинен. Tom made no attempt to convince Mary that he was innocent. Tom didn't try to convince Mary he was innocent. Може ли да седна? Can I sit down? Can I sit down? Resno, da ti ne bom prdnil na tvojo juho. Seriously, don't make me fart on your soup. Seriously, I'm not gonna fart on your soup. Уча френски вкъщи. I study French at home. I'm studying French at home. Tom je izgledao besno. Tom seemed a bit angry. Tom looked angry. Том сигурно не сакал тоа да го каже. Tom can't mean that. Tom certainly didn't want to say that. Zaista sam srećam zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm really happy about it. Не можеш да го спреш да не пие. You can't prevent him from drinking. You can't stop him from drinking. Мислам дека нема да можам да го положам тестот. I don't think I'll be able to pass the test. I don't think I can pass the test. Твоите барања се неразумни. Your demands are unreasonable. Your demands are unreasonable. Между другото, напоследък да си се чувал с него? By the way, have you heard from him lately? By the way, have you heard from him lately? Donesite vino. Bring wine. Bring the wine. Mislim da si bio veoma darežljiv. I think you've been very generous. I think you were very generous. Том не мога да го разбера. I can't figure Tom out. Tom, I can't understand it. Том ја повлече Мери за репчето. Tom yanked Mary's ponytail. Tom pulled Mary for the tail. Ljudi su bili fini prema meni. People were nice to me. People have been nice to me. Тражим посао. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. Имам неколку прашања за нив. I have some questions for them. I have a few questions for them. Наеха хамалска фирма, за да си пренесат нещата на новия адрес. They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home. They hired a Hamal firm to transfer their stuff to the new address. Daj Tomu piće. Give Tom a drink. Give Tom a drink. Сѐ изгледаше во ред. Everything looked OK. Everything seemed fine. Дан ја замоли Линда да спие со него. Dan asked Linda to spend the night with him. Dan asked Linda to sleep with him. Daj im tek toliko hrane koliko im je potrebno svaki dan. Give them just enough food every day. Give them as much food as they need every day. Трудът не е само необходимост, но и удоволствие. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work is not only a necessity, but also a pleasure. Дан ја охрабруваше Линда да го пријави силувањето. Dan encouraged Linda to report the rape. Dan encouraged Linda to report the rape. Какво прекрасно време! What lovely weather! What a wonderful time! Колко е часът сега? What time is it now? What time is it now? Tom i Meri uživaju u šetnji duž puta hodočašća u Francuskoj. Tom and Mary are enjoying a walk along the pilgrims' trail in France. Tom and Mary enjoy a walk along the road of pilgrimage in France. Сега едвај можам да работам. I can hardly work now. Now I can barely work. Не живеам во Бостон. I don't live in Boston. I don't live in Boston. Kje si? Where are you? Where are you? Мисля, че трябва да проверите под кревата. I think you should check under the bed. I think you should check under the bed. Nemojte da stajete. Don't stop. Don't stop. Остави ме да спя още десет минути. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep for ten more minutes. Том размисли. Tom gave it some thought. Tom, think about it. Да бидеме креативни. Let's be creative. Let's be creative. Не сум играл Монопол од факултет. I haven't played Monopoly since I finished college. I haven't played Monopoly since college. Tužna sam što odlazim. I'm sad to be leaving. I'm sad to be leaving. Дај ни ги клучевите. Give us the keys. Give us the keys. Остави на мен. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Обичам френския. I love French. I love French. Не умирај. Don't die. Don't die. Не можем ли да направим нещо? Can't we do anything? Can't we do something? Molio sam se za vas. I've been praying for you. I prayed for you. Idem nakupovať. I'm going shopping. I'm going shopping. Sviđa mi se kako si uredio stan. I love what you've done with the place. I like the way you fixed the apartment. Sve će ti nedostajati. You'll miss everything. You're gonna miss everything. Мајка је жена. My mother is a woman. Mother's a woman. Кога за последно ходи на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time he went to the beach? Aké krásne kvety! What pretty flowers! If you don't mind, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Danas je tvojoj ćerki rođendan. Today is your daughter's birthday. Today is your daughter's birthday. Се надевам дека ќе го победиме Том. I hope we beat Tom. I hope we beat Tom. Tom má svoje vlastné problémy. Tom has his own problems. Tom has his own problémy. Заради проблема със замърсяването на въздуха, някой ден колелото би могло да измести автомобила. Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile. Because of the air pollution problem, one day the wheel could move the car. Том делува растревожено. Tom appears nervous. Tom seems worried. Marš napolje! Get out! Get out! Da li te to čini besnim? Does that make you angry? Does that make you angry? Том је у ужем избору. Tom is on the short list. Tom's in the line of choice. Не сакам да го вознемирам. I don't want to disturb him. I don't want to upset him. Мразам опера. I hate opera. I hate opera. Шта ја то лупам? What am I saying here? What am I banging? Нема да ја издадам. I won't betray her. I won't betray her. Nije baš tako lako. It's not that easy. It's not that easy. Малку сум зарѓал. I'm a little rusty. I'm a little rusty. Možete li da mi kažete kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Mora da postoji bolji način da se ovo uradi. There must be a better way to do this. There must be a better way to do this. Лузните се едвај видливи. The scars are barely visible. The scars are barely visible. Sviđaju mi se tvoje naočale. I like your glasses. I like your glasses. Том не знае кой цвят да избере. Tom doesn't know which colour to choose. Tom doesn't know which color to choose. Мари каза, че Том е неин братовчед. Mary said that Tom is her cousin. Marie said Tom was her cousin. Нестало нам је хране. We ran out of food. We're out of food. Хайде да играем. Let's play. Let's play. Спиев во чунот. I slept on the boat. I slept in the Chun. Sneží v Paríži. It's snowing in Paris. Snow in Paríza. Nismo bile dovoljno oprezne. We weren't cautious enough. We weren't careful enough. Не знам да ли ћу имати времена. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I'll have time. Odporuj! Resist! Resist! Дозволи ми да се грижам за тебе. Let me take care of you. Let me take care of you. Том малку порумене во образите. Tom blushed a little. Tom's a little browner in his cheeks. Je pre mňa ťažké pomenovať moje myšlienky slovami. It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words. He mentioned my mishlienky letters before. Обожавам патувања. I love trips. I love travel. Напълни го. Fill it up. Fill it up. От сутринта няма ток. The power has been off since this morning. Since the morning, there's no electricity. Evropljani su stekli prednost nad drugim civilizacijama pre 500 godina. Europeans gained an advantage over all other civilizations 500 years ago. Europeans gained advantage over other civilizations 500 years ago. Toma vôbec nemám rád. I don't like Tom at all. Toma vôbec nemám rád. Stôl je zelený. The table is green. Steôl is green. Аз плащам заплатата на Том. I pay Tom's salary. I pay Tom's salary. Norveška me je iznenadila. Norway surprised me. Norway surprised me. Ти не помниш, а аз никога няма да забравя. You don't remember, I'll never forget. You don't remember, and I'll never forget. Си видел ли како работи? Have you seen it work? Have you seen how it works? Што се кезиш? What are you grinning about? What are you saying? Zameraj sa na jednu vec a urob ju dobre. Focus on one thing and do it well. Take a swing at one already and the spell's good. Nenapadlo vám zavrieť okná? Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? You didn't attack me, did you? Мисля, че заслужаваш повече. I think you deserve more than this. I think you deserve more. Има един малък проблем. There's one small problem. There's a little problem. Клаустрофобичен сум. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. И така съм си добре. I'm happy where I am. I'm fine anyway. Го брукаме. We're embarrassing him. We're embarrassing him. Spreman sam, buraz. Da te vidim! I'm ready, man. Bring it! I'm ready, bro. Тази книга твоя ли е, Майк? Is this your book, Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Uradila sam šta sam mogla za njega. I've done what I can for him. I did what I could for him. Poj z menoj. Sing with me. Come with me. И двете се добри. They're both good. They're both good. Učitelj je napisao nešto na tabli, ali nisam mogao da pročitam jer je bilo premalo. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard, but it was too small for me to read. The teacher wrote something on the board, but I couldn't read it because it was too small. Изглежда, че парите ни свършват. It looks like we're running out of money. Looks like our money's running out. Не плачи, Том. Don't cry, Tom. Don't cry, Tom. Том сакаше да оди во Бостон, но татко му не му дозволи. Tom wanted to go to Boston, but his father wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to go to Boston, but his father wouldn't let him. Da li smo svi tu? Are we all here? Are we all here? Mi mu se ne sviđamo. He does not like us. He doesn't like us. Мислех, че не харесвате Том. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Ми смо из Француске. We are from France. We're from France. Vedel som, že dnes bude zábava. I knew that today would be fun. I knew it. It's been fun for days. Naučiću te da pišeš. I'll teach you how to write. I'll teach you how to write. Том не може да върви. Tom can't walk. Tom can't walk. Зошто ме праша за тоа? Why do you ask me that? Why did you ask me that? Пристигнах тук вчера. I arrived here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Том је ушао у погрешан аутобус. Tom got on the wrong bus. Tom got on the wrong bus. Не се таму. They aren't there. They're not there. Птиците пеят. Birds sing. Birds sing. Том няма да има шанс. Tom won't have a chance. Tom won't have a chance. Mislio sam da je Tom neverovatan. I thought Tom was awesome. I thought Tom was amazing. Nije lako zabaviti Toma. Tom isn't easily amused. It's not easy to entertain Tom. Многу ми е жал, но навидум сум ти го изгубил сонцобранот. I'm very sorry, but I seem to have lost your parasol. I'm so sorry, but I seem to have lost your umbrella. Колко висока е тази планина? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? Не съм го взимал. I didn't take it. I didn't take it. Го виде ли виножитото утрово? Did you see the rainbow this morning? Did you see the rainbow this morning? Лекот делуваше. That medicine worked. The cure was working. Тя може да закъснее и в такъв случай ще чакаме. She may be late, in which case we will wait. She might be late, and then we'll wait. Зле ли е? Is it bad? Is it bad? До после. See you later! Until later. Камоли да се не омажев за Том. I wish I hadn't married Tom. I wish I hadn't married Tom. Šta si upravo napisao u svesci? What did you just write in your notebook? What did you just write in the notebook? Tom je ovog puta u pravu. Tom is right this time. Tom's right this time. Ќе ти го прочитам. I'll read it to you. I'll read it to you. Не съм злопаметна. I don't hold grudges. I'm not mean. Nenávidím tie slová. I hate these words. Nenávidím tie letter. Vozite brže. Drive faster. Drive faster. Како сте вие двајца? How are you two doing? How are you two? Otac mi je dao mnogo novca. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Том често користи ту реч. Tom uses that word a lot. Tom often uses that word. Možeš li da mi kažeš kako da stignem do aerodroma? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Can you tell me how to get to the airport? Језиво беше. It was spooky. It was creepy. Tom je u skladištu. Tom is in the warehouse. Tom's in the warehouse. Nemojte da odgovorite. Don't respond. Don't answer that. Одам и крај. I'm going and that's that. I'm going to the end. On se izvinio, pa ja nisam želeo da tome pridajem poseban značaj. He apologized, so I didn't want to make a big deal about that. He apologized, so I didn't want to make a special point. Скочи колкото се може по-високо. Jump as high as you can. Jump as high as you can. Тя е много красиво момиче. She's a very beautiful girl. She's a very beautiful girl. Не се и съмнявам в това. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt it. Не зависи од тебе. It's not up to you. It's not up to you. Тя е много стеснителна и се притеснява, когато е някъде на парти. She is very shy and feels ill at ease at parties. She's very shy and worried when she's somewhere at a party. Jedného dňa ťa to bude mrzieť. You will be sorry for it some day. It'll be hateful. Бесен съм ти. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at you. Утре не чека голем ден. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We have a big day tomorrow. Тужна си. You're sad. You're sad. Utrnula mi je desna ruka. My right hand is numb. My right arm's numb. Umem da čitam razne strane jezike, ali ne govorim nijedan. I read many foreign languages, but I don't speak any. I know how to read foreign languages, but I don't speak any. Кафе паузата е традиция в Америка. The coffee break is an American institution. Coffee break is a tradition in America. Том се размрмори. Tom started mumbling. Tom's out of his mind. Izgubi se. Get lost. Get lost. Колко бързо тича той? How fast does he run? How fast does he run? Bićeš poznat. You will be famous. You'll be famous. Kje je juha? Where is the soup? Where's the soup? Ќе се забавувавме да отидевме на забавата. We would have had fun if we had gone to the party. We'd have fun going to the party. Ова многу нервира. This is so annoying. This is very annoying. Ще върна паспорта си в сейфа. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll get my passport back to the safe. Тя ми даде риза. She gave me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Hoćemo li ponovo videti Toma? Will we see Tom again? Shall we see Tom again? За това ще трябва да платитш допълнително. That'll cost you extra. That's why you'll have to pay extra. Сите ѝ се насмевнаа. Everyone smiled at her. Everyone smiled at her. Ајде, побрзај! Итно е. Come on, hurry up! It's urgent. Come on, hurry up! Мисля, че ще си промените мнението. I think you'll change your mind. I think you'll change your mind. Покриј уста док кашљеш, кијаш или зеваш. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Cover your mouth while coughing, sneezing or yawning. Ово је добар уџбеник. This is a good textbook. This is a good textbook. Мислам дека Том е смешен. I think Tom is funny. I think Tom's funny. Ne otvaraj ga. Don't open it. Don't open it. Не знаев дека си бил несреќен тука. I didn't know you were unhappy here. I didn't know you were unhappy here. Ама ја прелажа. You really fooled her. But you did. Не съм говорила с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Не ми се подигравай. Don't make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. Том погледна во другиот правец. Tom looked the other way. Tom looked the other way. My sme vnútri. We're inside. My wife's allowed in. Pratite Toma. Follow Tom. Follow Tom. Преподавам френски на възрастни. I teach French to adults. I teach French to adults. Да или не? Yes or no? Yes or no? Dugo je prošlo otkad sam ikome poslao pismo. It's been a long time since I've written anyone a letter. It's been a while since I sent anyone a letter. Благодаря още веднъж. Thanks again. Thanks again. Dosta nam je tebe. We've had enough of you. We've had enough of you. Tom je položio svoje piće. Tom put his drink down. Tom had his drink. Ќе се обидам. I'll give it a shot. I'll try. To sem ti že povedal. I already told you that. I already told you that. Седите. Sit down. Have a seat. Дали мислиш дека знам што се случува? Do you think I don't know what's going on? Do you think I know what's going on? Koja je najduža reka na svetu? What's the longest river in the world? What's the longest river in the world? Том се упати кон излезот. Tom made for the exit. Tom's headed for the exit. Нацистите гореле книги. The Nazis burned books. The Nazis burned books. Значи, сериозен сум. Look, I'm being serious. So, I'm serious. Dobrodošli na Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeb. То издавачко предузеће је солвентно. That publishing company is in the black. That publishing company is so salty. Пилешкото е сирово. The chicken is raw. Chicken's raw. Сфаќаш? Get it? You know what I mean? Най-добрият начин да разбереш какво представлява една страна е да отидеш и да я видиш със собствените си очи. The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes. The best way to figure out what a country is is to go and see it with your own eyes. Помислих си, че може да се окаже сложно. I thought it might be complicated. I thought it might be complicated. Толкова се радвам да те видя отново. I'm so happy to see you again. It's so good to see you again. Том не беше много зает. Tom wasn't very busy. Tom wasn't very busy. Казват, че е хубаво. I hear it's nice. They say it's nice. Imam tri prelepe unuke. I have three beautiful granddaughters. I have three beautiful grandchildren. Tom nas se ne boji. Tom isn't afraid of us. Tom's not afraid of us. Мораћу да кажем, да. I would have said yes. I'll have to say, yes. Влюбваш ли се в Том? Are you falling for Tom? Do you fall in love with Tom? Моралните вредности се важни во општеството. Moral values are important in society. Moral values are important in society. Оваа птица не знае да лета. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Легни на каучот. Lay down on the couch. Get on the couch. Банката ѝ позајми еден милион долари на компанијата. The bank loaned the company $1 million. The bank loaned a million dollars to the company. Trudio sam se da budem fin. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Имам планови за вечера со Том. I have dinner plans with Tom. I have dinner plans with Tom. Ги видов. I saw them. I saw them. Da li si oprala suđe? Have you washed the dishes? Did you wash the dishes? Алистър уби Барбара. Alister killed Barbara. Alistair killed Barbara. Том и Мери се ожениха три години, след като се запознаха. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Tom and Mary got married three years after they met. Би требало да погледам. I should take a look. I should take a look. Како напредува, Том? How's it coming, Tom? How's it going, Tom? Не ме карай да чакам. Don't put me on hold. Don't make me wait. Koliko ja znam, nikada nije došao na vrijeme. He has never come on time that I know of. As far as I know, he never made it on time. Мисля, че не трябва да го правим. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. I don't think we should do that. Krećemo li uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we leaving soon? Свали оръжието! Put the gun down. Put the gun down! Boston je super grad. Boston is a great town. Boston is a great city. Нещо изглеждаше ли не както трябва? Did something seem wrong? Did something look wrong? Не ти ли става самотно понякога? Don't you ever get lonely? Don't you get lonely sometimes? Случвало се е. It's happened. It happened. Баща ѝ я накара да му каже всичко. Her father made her tell him everything. Her father made her tell him everything. Те молам, застани. Please stop walking. Please stop. Koje te oko boli? Which eye is hurting you? What eye does it hurt? Легни на дясната си страна. Lie on your right side. Get on your right side. Избери едно. Choose one. Pick one. Novi ustav neće rešiti probleme Egipta. The new constitution will not solve the problems of Egypt. The new constitution will not solve Egypt's problems. Сложих го в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Пребрзо се случи. It happened too fast. It happened too fast. Ајде! Come on! Come on! Шта ћете данас радити? What are you going to do today? What are you doing today? Máš ceruzku? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a ceruska? Поради ненадејната смрт на неговиот татко, тој се откажа од своите планови да живее во странство. Due to the sudden death of his father, he abandoned his plans of living outside the country. Because of his father's sudden death, he gave up his plans to live abroad. Според едно изследване, вероятността да имат близнаци при едрите жени е по-голяма. According to a study, big women are more prone to have twins. According to one study, the likelihood of twins in large women is greater. Не мајмуниши се! Don't play the ape! Don't kid yourself! Епа излажав. Well, I lied. Well, I lied. Samo mi reci da si dobro. Just tell me you're OK. Just tell me you're okay. Ostajem. I'm staying. I'm staying. Претпочитам јајца од потполошка. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer eggs from a half-breed. Защо френският ти е толкова добър? Why is your French so good? Why is your French so good? Затворете си учебниците. Close your books. Close your textbooks. Дан можеби се скарал со Линда. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. Dan may have dealt with Linda. Zgurali su se zajedno. They squeezed together. They pushed together. Претпоставувам дека повеќето од нив си отишле дома. I guess most of them went home. I guess most of them went home. Тоа е најверојатно добра работа. That's probably a good thing. That's probably a good thing. Конечно си заминаа. They finally left. They're finally gone. Имам список од неа. I have a list from her. I have a list of her. Напустио је своју породицу и преселио се на Тахити. He abandoned his family and went to live in Tahiti. He left his family and moved to Tahiti. Fascinantno je koliko rečenica možeš da napraviš sa pet reči. It's fascinating how many sentences you can create with five words. It's fascinating how many sentences you can make with five words. Hajde da pomerimo ormar. Let's move the dresser. Let's move the closet. Reci Tomu šta je Meri uradila. Tell Tom what Mary did. Tell Tom what Mary did. Том ми кажа дека би сакал да оди во зоолошка со нас утре. Tom told me that he would like to go to the zoo with us tomorrow. Tom told me he'd like to go to the zoo with us tomorrow. Когато се срещнах за пръви път с Том, той не можеше да говори френски. Tom couldn't speak French when I first met him. When I first met Tom, he couldn't speak French. Koliko dugo ga je Tom imao? How long's Tom had it? How long has Tom had it? Put je direktan. The path is direct. The road is direct. Мора да купи сину нови бицикл. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. He has to buy his son a new bike. Земи чиста чаша од плакарот. Take a clean glass from the cupboard. Get a clean glass of the closet. Сите го знаеме Том. We all know Tom. We all know Tom. На Том мајка му му кажа да не зборува со полна уста. Tom's mother told him not to talk with his mouth full. Tom's mom told him not to talk with his mouth full. Треската отслабна. The fever has abated. The fever's weakened. Jesi li me video kako igram? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me play? Reputácia je nestabilná. Lojalita je nevyspytateľná. Zdá sa, že vedenie sa viac a viac odpája od svojich zamestnancov. Reputations are volatile. Loyalties are fickle. Management teams are increasingly disconnected from their staff. Reputácia is unstableá. Loyalita is a nevyspytatežná. Zdá s, already behavioural with Vic a Vic sings from his deputy. Најде ли некој да го чува детето? Did you get someone to look after the child? Did you find someone to look after the kid? Чух Том и Мери да го обсъждат. I heard Tom and Mary talking about it. I heard Tom and Mary discussing it. Трябва да се върна в Бостън. I have to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. Nikad nećemo uhvatiti Toma. We'll never catch Tom. We'll never catch Tom. Здравей. Hello! Hello. Водата го продира каменот. The water perforates the stone. The water penetrates the stone. Том седна да работи. Tom started working. Tom sat down to work. Том се приближи. Tom stepped forward. Tom's getting closer. Заспа додека возеше па предизвика сообраќајка. He fell asleep while driving and caused an accident. He fell asleep while driving and caused a car accident. Оставете ни, ако обичате. Leave us alone, please. Leave us, please. Том ќе ти каже кога ќе посака. Tom will tell you when he feels like it. Tom will tell you whenever he wants. Tom nije pravi čovek za posao. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right man for the job. Нека ти задам един въпрос. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Ако возрасен лаже дете, мисли дека е секогаш во право. When an adult tells a lie to a child, he thinks he's always right. If an adult is lying to a child, he thinks he's always right. Изаберите један. Choose one. Choose one. Естествено, тя е права. Certainly she is correct. Of course, she's right. To je môj počítač. This is my computer. That's my breaker. Дан беше мошне грижлив татко. Dan was a very caring father. Dan was a very caring father. Том работи във винарна. Tom works at a winery. Tom works at the wine shop. Можеш ли да се поврзеш со него? Can you contact him? Can you connect with him? Pobedili smo! We've won! We won! Postoji mačka. There is a cat. There's a cat. Джейн е секретарката на президента. Jane is the president's secretary. Jane is the president's secretary. Res škoda, da je ne poznaš. It's a great pity you don't know her. It's a shame you don't know her. Мисля, че те ни познават. I think they know us. I think they know us. Da li si uradio domaći? Is your homework done? Did you do your homework? Ще послушам съвета ви. I'll follow your advice. I'll take your advice. Велат дека е многу богат. They say that he's very rich. They say he's very rich. Ќе ѝ кажам на жена ми. I'll tell my wife. I'll tell my wife. Не расправљај се са мном! Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me! Том за малку ќе се судреше со Мери. Tom almost bumped into Mary. Tom almost ran into Mary. Тражио је да му помогнем. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. U potpunosti se ne slažem sa tim. I completely disagree with that. I don't completely agree with that. Marija je počela da se skida. Mary started taking her clothes off. Maria started taking her clothes off. Хайде да играем тенис днес следобед. Let's play tennis this afternoon. Let's play tennis this afternoon. Той се върна вкъщи след като беше отсъствал десет месеца. He returned home after being away for ten months. He came home after he'd been gone for ten months. Не ни знаев дека имаш такво. I didn't even know that you had one. I didn't even know you had one. Imamo šta nam je potrebno. We've got what we need. We have what we need. Линкълн бил против робството. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. Радвам се на нейната компания. I am glad to have her company. I'm happy with her company. Битката беше кратка. The battle was short. The battle was short. Той мина през всичко това за нищо. He has taken all this trouble for nothing. He went through all this for nothing. Ništa se ne dešava ako mu ne prethodi san. Nothing happens unless preceded by a dream. Nothing happens if he doesn't have a dream. Дали сакаш да го запознаеш? Do you want to meet him? Do you want to meet him? Budi oprezan. Nož je veoma oštar. Be careful. This knife is really sharp. Be careful, the knife is very sharp. Той ми извика такси. He called a cab for me. He called me a cab. Няма да мога да ти кажа какво е станало. I won't be able to tell you about what happened. I won't be able to tell you what happened. Направи го вместо мене. Do it for me. Do it for me. Ja som detektív. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. Убаво е да чувствуваш дека си му потребен некому. It's nice to feel needed. It's nice to feel someone needs you. Тажен сум. I'm sad. I'm sad. Сите деца се туѓинци. Children are all foreigners. All children are strangers. Патриотите се изправиха в защита на правата на своята нация. The patriots stood up for the rights of their nation. Patriots have stood up for the rights of their nation. Djevojka ima bijela konja. The girl has a white horse. The girl has a white horse. Ан няма сестри. Ann doesn't have any sisters. Anne doesn't have sisters. Video sam mačora. I saw the cat. I saw a cat. Тај виски је веома јак. That whiskey is very strong. That whiskey is very strong. Размислував за твојот проблем со Том. I've been thinking about your problem with Tom. I've been thinking about your problem with Tom. Може ли да поставам прашање? May I ask a question? Can I ask a question? Той събра нещата си и си тръгна. He gathered up his things and left. He got his stuff together and left. Stvarno volim članove svog tima. I really like my teammates. I really like my team members. Izneverio si me. You let me down. You let me down. Majka mi je umrla na dan kada sam se oženio. My mother died the same day I got married. My mother died the day I got married. Прочитајте ово. Read this. Read this. Това не е ли твоята риза? Isn't that your shirt? Isn't that your shirt? Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта ти. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I have a problem. I need your help. Koje ti je godište automobil? What year was your car made? What's your age car? Tokom vedrih dana, vidimo planinu Fuđi u daljini. On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. During the clear days, we see Mount Fuji in the distance. Навистина ми недостасуваат. I really miss them. I really miss them. Da li si ti muškarac ili žena? Are you a man or a woman? Are you a man or a woman? Почнува да ни влегува во глава дека не можеме да ја пренебрегнеме природата. It is starting to sink in that we can't ignore nature. It's starting to get in our heads that we can't ignore nature. Tom je ponovo slomio nešto. Tom has broken something again. Tom broke something again. Кога е големиот ден? When's the big day? When's the big day? Децата цртаа слики на тротоарот со креда. The children drew pictures on the sidewalk with chalk. The kids were drawing pictures on the chalk sidewalk. Zar te ničemu nisam naučio? Have I taught you nothing? Haven't I taught you anything? Мери дори не може да чете на френски, камо ли да го говори. Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can't even read in French, let alone speak it. Сите се вратија. They all went back. Everybody's back. Велат дека модрите патлиџани содржат многу никотин. They say that an eggplant has lots of nicotine. They say blue eggplants contain a lot of nicotine. Забавлявах се снощи. I had fun last night. I had fun last night. Ти трепериш. You're shivering. You're shaking. Вам ли ви припаѓа ова? Does this belong to you? Does this belong to you? Би ли повторил това, ако обичаш? Could you repeat that, please? Would you repeat that, please? На Том му казаха съвсем наскоро, че има рак. Tom was told he had cancer just recently. Tom was told recently that he has cancer. Мислам дека ќе одам да јадам надвор. I think I'll go out to eat. I think I'm gonna go out and eat. Ти треба ли ренде? Do you need a grater? Do you need a rende? Дан ги сподели своите расистички ставови во јавност. Dan expressed his racist beliefs in public. Dan shared his racist views in public. Те чека извесен г-дин Кимура на линија. There is a Mr. Kimura on the line for you. There's a Mr. Kimura waiting for you on the line. Отровни ли се осите? Are wasps poisonous? Did you poison the wasps? Бев во театар. I was at the theater. I was in the theater. Uspavala sam se. I overslept. I fell asleep. Африка е континент, но Гренландия не е. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. За тоа се грижам. That's my concern. That's what I'm worried about. Došao je juče da te poseti. He came yesterday to see you. He came to see you yesterday. Дръж Том здраво. Hold Tom tight. Hold on, Tom. Тој знае да свири клавир. He plays the piano. He can play the piano. Веќе се спакував. I've already packed. I already packed. Го вкусија лебот. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. Kupio sam automobil za 10% popusta. I bought the car at a 10% discount. I bought a car for 10% discount. Prestani da brineš toliko. Stop worrying so much. Stop worrying so much. Da li se tvojoj devojci dopalo cveće? Did your girlfriend like the flowers? Did your girlfriend like the flowers? Već sam pisao Tomu. I've already written to Tom. I've written to Tom before. Ние слизаме на следващата спирка. We are getting off at the next station. We're coming down to the next stop. Jebem na to. I don't give a fuck. Fuck that. Želela bih da ti kažem istinu. I'd like to tell you the truth. I'd like to tell you the truth. Da li su vam rekli razlog? Did they give a reason? Did they tell you why? Не е научно докажано дека постои врска помеѓу карактерот и крвната група. A connection between personality and blood type has not been scientifically proven. There's no scientific evidence that there's a connection between the character and the blood type. Понякога се случва. It happens sometimes. Sometimes it happens. То се не учи у школи. They don't teach you that in school. You don't learn that in school. Bila je velika eksplozija. It was a big explosion. There was a big explosion. Том има брза кола. Tom has a fast car. Tom's got a fast car. Том не е ял все още, нали? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Tom hasn't eaten yet, has he? Tom je rekao da nije ekspert. Tom said he's no expert. Tom said he wasn't an expert. Еј, може да ми го вратиш тоа? Hey, can I have that? Hey, can you give me that back? To je toalet. It is the toilet. It's a toilet. Многу се плашам. I'm so afraid. I'm so scared. Už? Already?! A rope? Plivanje je vrste vežbe. Swimming is a form of exercise. Swimming is a kind of exercise. Кога ще се жените? When will you get married? When are you getting married? Не би требало да има никакви проблеми. There shouldn't be any problems. He shouldn't have any problems. Možeš si vybrať čo chceš. You may choose whichever you want. You can have your vybra, man. Имаме само един шанс. We've only got one chance. We only have one chance. Мисля, че си луд. I think you're mad. I think you're crazy. Многу ќе им се бендиса тоа. They'll love that. They're gonna love that. Знају те. They know you. They know you. Mogu li da čujem još jedan? Can I have another one? Can I hear another one? Повеќето луѓе мораат да работат за да се издржуваат. Most people have to work for their livelihood. Most people have to work to support themselves. Населението на Япония е по-голямо от това на Нова Зеланция. The population of Japan is larger than that of New Zealand. Japan's population is bigger than New Zealand's. Би можел ли да ми ја извлечеш стрелава од нога? Can you get this arrow out of my leg? Could you pull this arrow out of my leg? Ова ми звучи познато. This sounds familiar. That sounds familiar. Tomovo samopouzdanje je razbijeno kada ga je šef skinuo pred njegovim kolegama. Tom's self-confidence was shattered after his boss dressed him down in front of his workmates. Tom's confidence was broken when the boss took him down in front of his colleagues. Latinski je jezik budućnosti! Latin is the language of the future! Latin is the language of the future! Видяхме детето да се качва на автобуса. We saw the child get on the bus. We saw the kid get on the bus. Da li si slobodan danas popodne? Are you free this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon? Treba da donesemo još jednu bocu vina. We should bring another bottle of wine. We should get another bottle of wine. Стигна пред нив. You arrived there before them. He came before them. Искам нови визитки. I want new business cards. I want new business cards. Господине, забравили сте си запалката на масата. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, you forgot your lighter on the table. Веќе ѝ го дадов твојот број. I already gave her your number. I already gave her your number. И двамата се подсмихнаха. They both snickered. They both smiled. Том сака реванш. Tom wants a rematch. Tom wants a rematch. Požuri! Nemamo puno vremena. Be quick! We haven't much time. We don't have much time. Те молам, излуфтирај ја собата. Please air the room. Please peel the room. Тоа звучи прилично глупаво. That sounds pretty dumb. That sounds pretty stupid. Разбрах за твоето парти. I heard about your party. I heard about your party. Betoven je napisao devet simfonija. Beethoven wrote nine symphonies. Beethoven wrote nine symphonies. Том се опоравува. Tom is in recovery. Tom's recovering. Готова ли е куќата? Is the house ready? Is the house ready? Том е на базен со своите пријатели. Tom is at the pool with his friends. Tom's at the pool with his friends. Учила съм френски. I've studied French. I've studied French. Им ги купивме тие книги. We bought those books for them. We bought them those books. И какво да правя сега? So what do I do now? What am I supposed to do now? Том ги мразеше. Tom hated them. Tom hated them. Kada dolaziš u Boston? When are you coming to Boston? When are you coming to Boston? Ќе ја обесат. They're going to hang her. They're gonna hang her. Том се чувствуваше многу осамено. Tom felt all alone. Tom felt so lonely. Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the topic. Let's change the subject. Том е учтив. Tom is courteous. Tom's polite. Том секогаш е тука. Tom is always here. Tom's always here. Затнати ми се ушите. My ears feel stuffy. Why don't you get your ears shut? Pitao sam Toma šta je čitao. I asked Tom what he was reading. I asked Tom what he was reading. Трудно е да му се угоди на Том. It's hard to please Tom. It's hard to please Tom. Имаше много публика на пиано рецитала миналата нощ. There was a large audience at the piano recital last night. There was a lot of audiences at a piano recital last night. Когато бях студентка в университета, никога не спях в нощта преди изпита. When I was a university student, I always pulled an all-nighter before a test. When I was a college student, I never slept the night before the exam. Кога дојде во Бостон? When did you come to Boston? When did you get to Boston? Том купи сламен шешир. Tom bought a straw hat. Tom bought a straw hat. Аз не мога да ти купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you that dress. Italija nije Grčka. Italy isn't Greece. Italy is not Greece. Им се смеевме. We laughed at them. We laughed at them. Ветар је попустио. The wind has abated. The wind's loose. Демократа е свободен гражданин който се поддава на волята на мнозинството. A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority. Democracy is a free citizen who gives himself to the will of the majority. Том сака да стане богат. Tom wants to become rich. Tom wants to be rich. Не са ли сладки? Aren't they adorable? Aren't they cute? Родителите ми ти пращат специални поздрави. My parents send you their best regards. My parents send you special greetings. Каква е минималната заплата в Лихтенщайн? What's the minimum salary in Liechtenstein? What's the minimum wage in Liechtenstein? Tome, da li više voliš pse ili mačke? Tom, are you a dog person or a cat person? Tom, do you prefer dogs or cats? Ukrali ste mi ideju. You stole my idea. You stole my idea. Ова писмо воопшто не требало да се испрати. This letter was never meant to be sent. This letter was not to be sent at all. Том цврсто спие. Tom is fast asleep. Tom sleeps tight. Тя отсъства, защото е болна. She's absent because she's sick. She's gone because she's sick. Tom nije uspeo da iznese nijedan dokaz da podrži svoju izjavu. Tom couldn't produce any evidence to back his statement up. Tom has failed to present any evidence to support his statement. Ona je Ukrajinka. She's Ukrainian. She's Ukrainian. Не вдигайте толкова шум, моля ви. Don't be so noisy, please. Don't make so much noise, please. Dom je veľmi studený. The house is too cold. The home is tied up in November. Beseda "злой" je edini ruski pridevnik z le enim zlogom. The word "злой" is the only monosyllabic Russian adjective. The word "evil" is the only Russian adjective with only one evil. Мисля, че Том ще спечели. I think Tom will win. I think Tom's gonna win. Иди събуди Том. Go wake Tom up. Go wake up, Tom. Сакам торти. I like eating cake. I like cake. Ако бях на твое място, бих подал молба за тази работа. Were I you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd file a motion for this job. Skinula se. She took off her clothes. She took her clothes off. Дотук добре. So far, so good. So far, so good. Том се самоуби на својот триесетти роденден. Tom killed himself on his thirtieth birthday. Tom killed himself on his 30th birthday. Odlično izgledaš. You're looking very well. You look great. Том носи нови чевли. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. Je li tvoj? Is it yours? Is it yours? Јас сум токму со оној со когошто сакам да бидам. I'm with exactly who I want to be with. I'm with the one I want to be with. Гејзирот исфрла млаз врела вода на секои два часа. The geyser sends up a column of hot water every two hours. The geyser throws out hot water every two hours. Справяш се много добре. Давай все така. You are doing very well. Keep it up. You're doing very well. Сите навивавме за неа. We were all rooting for her. We were all rooting for her. Zato mi se sviđao Tom. That's why I liked Tom. That's why I liked Tom. Тя вярва, че синът ѝ е още жив. She believes her son is still alive. She believes her son is still alive. Ne mogu da zamislim da radim to. I can't imagine doing that. I can't imagine doing that. Кој му ги дал сите тие пари? Who gave him all that money? Who gave him all that money? Две места за обедния бюфет, ако обичате. Two for the lunch buffet, please. Two seats for the breakfast buffet, please. Питай го за пътя до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him about the way to the station. Трябва да остана тук. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Том ја навреди Мери. Tom insulted Mary. Tom insulted Mary. Знаеш што ми треба. You know what I need. You know what I need. Му должам на Том за ова. I owe Tom for this. I owe Tom for this. On ne trpi takšnega načina obnašanja. He doesn't tolerate that type of behaviour. He doesn't suffer that kind of behavior. Изглежда Том не знае как да го направи. It looks like Tom doesn't know how to do that. Looks like Tom doesn't know how to do it. Kako se zovete? What's your name? What's your name? Ако постои неопростлив чин, тоа е чинот да одбиеш да простиш. If there is such a thing as an unforgivable act, it is the act of not forgiving. If there's an unforgivable act, it's an act of refusing to forgive. Има ли грешки в това упражнение? Are there any mistakes in this exercise? Are there errors in this exercise? Го превидов тоа. I anticipated that. I've overlooked that. Искаш ли да дойда в Япония да те видя? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Не съм добре със спортовете. I'm bad at sports. I'm not good with sports. Zaista volim da vežbam. I really love working out. I really like to practice. Јасно? Am I clear? Is that clear? Неговите заклучоци се заснови врз недокажани претпоставки. His conclusions are based on unproven assumptions. His conclusions are based on unproved assumptions. Gdje se nalazi plaža? Where's the beach? Where's the beach? Бабурите се обично благи на вкус. Bell peppers generally have a sweet taste. Baburas are usually mild in taste. Ние се запознахме в Лондон. We got to know each other in London. We met in London. Možeš izbeći mnogo problema ako samo uradiš kako valja već iz prvog puta. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by just doing it right the first time. You can avoid a lot of trouble if you just do it right the first time. Чух, че си много добър с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with French. Мораш да побрзаш за да го фатиш последниот воз. You have to hurry up so you'd catch the last train. You have to hurry to catch the last train. За среќа шупава е стабилна, инаку бурата синоќа бездруго ќе ја урнеше. Fortunately this shed is stable, or else it'd have surely fallen down due to the storm last night. Thankfully, the hollow is stable, otherwise the storm last night would have crashed it anyway. Те се изпокараха помежду си. They quarreled among themselves. They were sweating each other. Живееме на планетата Земја. We live on planet Earth. We live on planet Earth. Немам намеру да одговорим на сва питања. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering all the questions. Каква кукавица сум. I'm such a chicken. I'm such a coward. Тоа не беше смешно. That wasn't funny. That wasn't funny. Ljudi mi govore stvari. People tell me things. People tell me things. Duplo sam starija od Toma. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Вече съм пълнолетен. I'm an adult now. I'm an adult now. Престанаа да одат. They stopped walking. They stopped going. Говорил ли си някога с Том на френски? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? Have you ever spoken to Tom in French? Да, донеси ми каша. Yes, bring me gruel. Yeah, get me some porridge. Не ти судам. I'm not judging you. I'm not judging you. Danas mi ništa ne polazi za rukom. Nothing's working out for me today. There's nothing coming after me today. Potpuno si u pravu. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Nadam se da će biti dobro. I hope it will be good. I hope she's okay. Očigledno, bio sam pomalo šokiran. Obviously, I was a little shocked. Obviously, I was a little shocked. Вие сте зъл. You're evil. You're evil. Брой до десет. Count to ten. Count to ten. Znam da nisam savršena. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Učiću marljivije. I'm going to study harder. I'll learn to work harder. Pomohli sme mu. We helped him. You can help him. Същото стана 2013-та. The same thing happened in 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. Си ми го зел местото. You're in my seat. You took my place. Кој те фризирал? Who did your hair? Who cut your hair? Защо не си свалиш палтото? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take off your coat? Ne bih ga povredila. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Ходя на кино средно веднъж седмично. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. I go to the movies on average once a week. Celú noc jebali. They fucked all night long. You've been fucking all night. Дотук минах всички тестове. I've passed every test so far. So far, I've passed all the tests. Vyšiel z izby. He left the room. Vyshiel and Izby. Voz je stigao na vreme danas, kao i uvek. The train was on time today, as always. The train arrived on time today, as always. Стигнах до гарата, след като влакът вече беше тръгнал. I only got to the station after the train had left. I got to the station after the train had left. Сега е точно 10:00. It's exactly 10:00. It's 10:00 right now. Možete li prestati pjevati tako glasno? To nije nekakva krčma. Would you please stop singing so loudly? This is not a cheap drinking place. Can you stop singing so loud? Едно е сигурно, никой не може да ме спре! One thing's for sure: nobody can stop me! One thing's for sure, no one can stop me! Не ме викај шупак. Don't call me a jerk. Don't call me an asshole. Veoma si nepristojna. You're very rude. You're very rude. Веруваш ли во хороскоп? Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe in horoscopes? Никој никогаш не доаѓа тука. No one ever comes here. No one ever comes here. A nisi ti tisti, ki je zakuhal tole? Aren't you the one who caused this mess? Aren't you the one who cooked this? Том не беше сигурен дали му се допаѓа планот. Tom wasn't sure he liked the plan. Tom wasn't sure if he liked the plan. Том пренасяше нещо. Tom was carrying something. Tom was carrying something. Koliko god malo znamo o njenom poreklu, bar možemo biti sigurni da je pilot Evangeliona. Little as we know about her origins, we can at least be sure that she is a pilot of Evangelion. As little as we know about her background, at least we can make sure she's a pilot of the Evangeline. Аз не ревнувам. I don't get jealous. I'm not jealous. Сиромаштијата те учи да јадеш леб без путер. Poverty teaches you to eat bread without butter. Poverty teaches you to eat bread without butter. Онзи висок мъж е г-н Смит. That tall man is Mr. Smith. That tall man is Mr. Smith. Ne volim da pišem. I don't like writing. I don't like writing. Dedina nemá elektrinu. The village has no electricity. Grandpa doesn't have electricity. Пуно ми дугујеш. You owe me big time. You owe me a lot. Впечатлена съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Том си облече пижамата и се качи в леглото. Tom put on his pajamas and climbed into bed. Tom put on his pyjamas and went up to bed. Tom sada radi za Meri. Tom now works for Mary. Tom works for Mary now. Tom je i dalje neženja. Tom is still a bachelor. Tom's still a bachelor. Niko od nas nije video da Tom radi to. None of us saw Tom do that. None of us saw Tom do that. Engleski moraš učiti korak po korak. You have to study English step by step. You need to learn English one step at a time. Mani se, Tome. Knock it off, Tom. Get out of here, Tom. Какъв е вашият проблем? What is your problem? What's your problem? Местим се в Бостън следващата седмица. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Избегав од час. I cut class. I ran away from class. Много търговци бяха ограбени по време на размириците. Many businesses were plundered during the riots. Many traders were robbed during the riots. Sudbina meša karte, a mi igramo. Fate shuffles the cards; we play. Fate mixes cards, and we play. Тој флертува толку нападно што жените на крај бегаат од него. He flirts so forcefully that he ends up pushing women away. He flirts so aggressively that women end up running away from him. Подозирам, че в тая кръчма сипват вода в бирата. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect in this pub they're pouring water into the beer. Prestani pušiti. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Днес е малко студено. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. За што се работи ова? What's this about? What's this about? Nacrtaj skicu svoje kuće. Make a sketch of your house. Draw a sketch of your house. Ideš li na Tomovo i Merino venčanje? Are you going to Tom and Mary's wedding? Are you going to Tom and Mary's wedding? Не ја забележа промената. He didn't notice the change. You didn't notice the change. Том рече дека не сака да јаде во тој ресторан. Tom said he didn't want to eat at that restaurant. Tom said he didn't want to eat at that restaurant. To je Saturn. That's Saturn. It's Saturn. Имам висока температура. I have a high fever. I have a fever. Da li bi to bilo moguće? Would that be possible? Would that be possible? Каква е минималната заплата във Франция? What's the minimum salary in France? What's the minimum wage in France? Всеки път, като те търся, тебе те няма. Every time I call on you, you're out. Every time I look for you, you're gone. Прочел съм много книги. I have read a lot of books. I've read a lot of books. Imate li problema s razumijevanjem onog što vam žene ili mala djeca kažejo? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you have a problem understanding what your wives or little children are telling you? Онази част е добра. That part is good. That's a good one. Том изгледа навредено. Tom looks indignant. Tom seems offended. Ljudi se ne ponašaju uvek racionalno. People don't always behave rationally. People don't always act rational. Ние всички говорим френски. We all speak French. We all speak French. Том, немој да ми се правиш на Тошо. Tom, don't play dumb with me. Tom, don't play Tosha. Ja neviem, kde je Tom. I don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is. Оди да пишуваш домашна. Go do your homework. Go do some homework. Животът е забавен. Life is fun. Life is fun. Кућа је направљена од цигле. The house was built of bricks. The house is made of bricks. Том продолжи да работи. Tom kept on working. Tom kept working. Армията трябваше да се оттегли. The army had to retreat. The army should've retired. Што се случува кај тебе на работа? What's going on at work? What's going on with you at work? Нашият най-добър приятел е лекар. Our best friend is a doctor. Our best friend is a doctor. Koliko košta flaša piva? How much does a bottle of beer cost? How much is a bottle of beer? Kako zovete to? What do you call this? What do you call that? Всяка минута е от значение. Every minute counts. Every minute counts. Том изгледа не зборува француски. Tom doesn't seem to know French. Tom doesn't seem to speak French. Те не можаха да убият Том. They couldn't kill Tom. They couldn't kill Tom. Не знам как Том е получил работата си. I don't know how Tom got his job. I don't know how Tom got his job. Besmisleno je dokoličariti za vrijeme studentskog života. It is absurd to idle away the student life. It doesn't make sense to do anything during student life. Drago mi je što je Tom pobedio. I'm glad that Tom won. I'm glad Tom won. Siguran sam da ćete se vas dvojica složiti. I'm sure the two of you will agree. I'm sure you two will agree. Bilo bi bolje da Tom nije kupio pištolj Mary. It would've been better if Tom hadn't bought Mary a gun. It would have been better if Tom hadn't bought the gun, Mary. Мислам дека треба да го ѕирнам Том. I think I should check on Tom. I think I should take a look at Tom. Ona je ponosna na svoj talenat. She prides herself on her talent. She's proud of her talent. Tom nije znao koje pitanje da pita. Tom didn't know what question to ask. Tom didn't know which question to ask. Mária vyhrala. Mary has won. Mária vyhrala. Tom se oženiio. Tom has gotten married. Tom got married. Името ти ми е познато. Your name is familiar to me. I know your name. Може ли да го видам извештајот? Can I see the report? Can I see the report? Sutra je Božić. Tomorrow is Christmas. It's Christmas tomorrow. За малку немаше да дојдам. I almost didn't come. I almost wouldn't have come. Дадох книгата на моя приятел. I gave the book to my friend. I gave my friend the book. Тој е начукан. He's hammered. He's fucked. Виждала съм Том тук преди. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. Не е прерано. It's not too early. It's not too soon. Не брините! Don't worry. Don't worry! Не пропилявайте младостта си, иначе после ще съжалявате. Don't waste your youth, otherwise you'll regret it later. Don't waste your youth, or you'll regret it. Tata, možeš li da mi pročitaš jednu priču pre nego što odem da spavam? Daddy, can you read me a story before I go to sleep? Dad, can you read me a story before I go to bed? Vedno. Always. Always. Ще ти се обадя по-късно. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. Tom je stenjao od bolova. Tom was moaning in pain. Tom was moaning with pain. За малку си го пропуштил Том. You just missed Tom. You almost missed Tom. Чукни на вратата. Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Липсваше ми. I've missed you. I missed you. Sećam se svega. I remember everything. I remember everything. Поврзи се со неа. Contact her. Get in touch with her. Brojala sam do dvjesto. I counted to two hundred. I counted to 200. Малко сме подранили. We're a little early. We're a little early. Tom mora da je znao da Meri ne bi želela da uradi to. Tom must've known Mary wouldn't want to do that. Tom must have known Mary wouldn't want to do that. Джейн също играе тенис. Jane plays tennis too. Jane plays tennis, too. Ići ću automobilom. I'll be taking the car. I'll take the car. Tom je bio vidno potresen. Tom was visibly shaken. Tom was clearly shaken up. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш аз да ти купя билет? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket? Baš na vreme! Just in time! Just in time! Amerika je jedan veliki, prijateljski pas u maloj sobi. Svaki put kada mahne repom, sruši koju stolicu. America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair. America is one big, friendly dog in a small room, every time she waves her tail, knocks down a few chairs. Момичетата танцуваха в салона. The girls danced in the gym. The girls were dancing in the gym. Науката не е фантазија. Science is not fantasy. Science is not a fantasy. Сигурно многу се гордееш. You must be so proud. You must be so proud. Prepričal sem ga, da se posvetuje z zdravnikom. I persuaded him to consult a doctor. I convinced him to consult a doctor. Не чекај. Don't wait. Don't wait. Те гледат само светлата страна на американската икономика They are looking at only the sunny side of the American economy. They only look at the bright side of the American economy. Възползвах се от момента и го превърнах в преимущество. I seize the moment and turn it to my advantage. I took advantage of the moment and turned it into leverage. Добре дошла в Япония. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Желим да будем са њим. I want to be with him. I want to be with him. Konečne zistil, ako to spraviť. He finally found out how to make it. Finally, if that's what you want to do. Том те памти. Tom remembers you. Tom remembers you. Не знам зошто секогаш мора да бидам јас. I don't know why it always has to be me. I don't know why it always has to be me. Rekli ste mi da ne lažem. You told me not to lie. You told me not to lie. Dve trećine studenata je bilo na sastanku. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Two-thirds of the students were in a meeting. Jaz rabim vaš nasvet! I need your advice. I need your advice! Ludost je prešla granicu. The craziness has crossed a line. Crazy's crossed the line. Tom se igra sa svojim sinom. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Искам да разговарям с тебе за нещо друго. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. Ќе ги премијам садовите. I'll wash the dishes once again. I'll pass the dishes. Том не даде отпор. Tom didn't resist. Tom didn't resist. Той е добър шофьор. He is good at driving. He's a good driver. Том е много скромен. Tom is very modest. Tom is very modest. И двамата изглеждате много млади. You both seem very young. You both look very young. Том е страстен. Tom is passionate. Tom's passionate. Колко е сложно? How complex is it? How complicated is it? Нема да нѐ најдеш. You're not going to find us. You won't find us. Vodim te na ples. I'm taking you dancing. I'm taking you to the dance. Jesi li doneo fen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the hairdryer? Том си изглади панталоните. Tom ironed his pants. Tom smoothed his pants. Ona mi vždy telefonovala. She was always telephoning me. She used to call me. Zabil som Boha. I killed God. I've got Boha. V skutočnosti sa Tomáš takmer nikdy neučí. Tom actually hardly ever studies. In the primordiality of Tomáš, there's no such thing as a no-teacher. Делфините са много интелигентни. The dolphins are very intelligent. Dolphins are very intelligent. Ahoj. Hello! Ahoy. Немаше потреба од зборување. There was no need to talk. There was no need to talk. Сега е малко след единадесет без четвърт. It is a little after a quarter to eleven. Now it's a little after eleven without a quarter. Тоа би било многу смешно. That would be very funny. That would be very funny. Nemusíš mi ďakovať. You don't need to thank me. You don't stand for me. 'Oće li neko pivo? Anybody want a beer? Anybody want a beer? Ja sam monah. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Потпиши овде. Sign here. Sign here. To je poenta. That's just the point. That's the point. To će trajati čitavu večnost. That's going to take forever. It'll take forever. Тоа нема голем приоритет. It's not a high priority. That doesn't have much priority. Уплаши ме. You startled me! You scared me. Tom je u pravu ovog puta. Tom is right this time. Tom's right this time. Си ја завршив работата. I've finished my work. I've done my job. Чух те да говориш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. Tomov dizajn je uštedeo kompaniji milione dolara. Tom's design saved the company millions of dollars. Tom's design saved the company millions of dollars. Zašto ste svi šokirani? Why are you all shocked? Why are you all shocked? Фолиото се прави от полиетилен. Cling film is made from polyethylene. The film is made of polyethylene. Bi li volio da pogledam tvoju kuću? Would you like me to see you home? Would you like me to look at your house? Dobio sam samo 20 poena na ispitu iz matematike. I scored 20 on the maths exam. I only got 20 points on my math exam. Имам три братучеда. I have three cousins. I have three cousins. Забравих, че Том знае как да чете френски. I forgot Tom knew how to read French. I forgot Tom knows how to read French. Ne možeš pobeći od prošlosti. You can't run from the past. You can't get away from the past. Usadili sa v Kanade. They settled in Canada. They planted it in Canada. Она пије као риба. She drinks like a fish. She drinks like a fish. Neboj sa. Môžeš mi dôverovať. Don't worry. You can confide in me. Don't be afraid. Това чадърът ти ли е? Is this your umbrella? Is that your umbrella? Не можам да ја отворам теглава. I can't open this jar. Could not close temporary folder: %s Тоа беше многу немарно од страна на Том. That was very careless of Tom. That was very careless of Tom. Трябва да си почивам. I have to rest. I have to rest. Dosta je zasad. That's enough for now. That's enough for now. Ќе те проверам после. I'll check in with you later. I'll check on you later. Аз ти вярвам. I believe you. I believe you. Нешто не би ме усреќило повеќе. Nothing could please me more. Something wouldn't make me happier. Том сакаше да останам. Tom wants me to stay. Tom wanted me to stay. Би сакал да можам да им го кажувам своето право име на луѓето. I'd like to be able to tell people my real name. I wish I could tell people my real name. Nisam bila preterano iznenađena. I wasn't too surprised. I wasn't too surprised. Положението е смешно. This situation is funny. It's a funny situation. Радвам се, че успя да се върнеш. I'm glad you finally made it back. I'm glad you could make it back. Tom mrzi Meri. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Оде нам аутобус. Мораћемо сад да идемо пешке. There goes our bus. Now we'll have to walk. We're gonna have to walk now. Vreme je za spavanje. It's time to sleep. It's bedtime. Vej, da me ne strašiš. Know that you're not scaring me. Tell me you're not scaring me. Ради. It works. It's working. Джейн чакаше, подпряна на дървото. Jane was waiting with her back against the tree. Jane was waiting, stuck in a tree. Nisam znao puno o Australiji. I don't know much about Australia. I didn't know much about Australia. Nađite Toma. Find Tom. Find Tom. Ona ne govori engleski. She doesn't speak English. She doesn't speak English. Ne nameravam da idem u Bustom s tobom za ovaj vikend. I don't intend to go to Boston with you this weekend. I'm not planning on going to Bust with you this weekend. Правихме статуи от дърво. We made statues out of wood. We made statues of wood. Глутница вълци нападна пътника. A pack of wolves attacked the traveler. A pack of wolves attacked the passenger. Ще се отзовете ли? Are you volunteering? Will you respond? Jebi se! Fuck you! Fuck you! Какъв цвят са очите на Том? What color are Tom's eyes? What color are Tom's eyes? Том е ранен! Повикайте линейка! Tom is hurt! Call an ambulance! Tom's down! Na učenie nikdy nie je neskoro. It's never too late to learn. Nobody's learned is unusual. От кога ги осеќаш движењата на фетусот? Since when have you been able to feel the movement of the fetus? Since when do you feel the fetus movements? Okej je. It's okay. It's okay. Можам да го направам тоа за нив. I can do that for them. I can do that for them. Сакам да гледам порничи со лезбејки. I like watching lesbian porn. I want to watch lesbian porn. Сите се подвоумија. Everyone hesitated. They've all fallen for each other. Том си направи список од местата што сака да ги посети. Tom made a list of places he wanted to visit. Tom made a list of the places he wants to visit. Нема да го заборавам тоа. I won't forget that. I won't forget that. Kupila je hleb. She bought bread. She bought bread. Нищо друго не свърши работа. Nothing else has worked. Nothing else worked. Јас сум хомосексуалец. I'm a homosexual. I'm a homosexual. Problem je što je preskupo. The problem is in that it's too expensive. The problem is, it's too expensive. U blizini naše škole je autobuska stanica. There's a bus stop close to our school. There's a bus station near our school. Tom će da se poboljša. Tom'll improve. Tom's gonna get better. Ako ne razumeš, moraš da kažeš to. If you don't understand, you need to say so. If you don't understand, you have to say it. Музиката е общият език на човечеството. Music is a common speech for humanity. Music is the common language of mankind. Не најдов ништо неправилно. I didn't find anything wrong. I didn't find anything wrong. Имаш ли тази нова книга? Do you have this new book? Do you have this new book? Какво преследваш? What're you after? What are you after? Roštiljamo. We're having a barbecue. We're grilling. I da sam bogata, ne bih mu dala novac. Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. And if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money. Не се съмнявам в неговата искреност. I have no doubt as to his sincerity. I have no doubt about his honesty. Obojica smo bogati. We're both rich. We're both rich. Можеш ли да видиш изобщо нещо там? Can you see anything at all there? Can you see anything in there? Обожавам името ти. I love your name. I love your name. Једнога дана би требало да покушаш. Someday you should give it a try. One day you should try. Осигурач је прегорео. The fuse has blown. Security's on fire. Да бъдеш трол е изкуство. Trolling is a art. Being a troll is an art. Да ли можете да дођете? Can you come? Can you come? Том завърши гимназия след три години без нито един пропуснат ден или закъснение. Tom attended high school for three years without missing a single day or ever being late. Tom finished high school after three years without a single missed day or late. Сакам да знам зошто ти и Том не се слагате. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. Kod kuće pričamo samo francuski. At home, we speak only French. We only speak French at home. Ništa me ne može zaustaviti. Nothing can stop me. Nothing can stop me. То је приличан проблем. That's quite a problem. It's a similar problem. Šta imaš tamo? What do you have there? What have you got there? Нико не ради. Сви гледају Светско првенство. No one is working. Everyone's watching the World Cup. Everybody's watching the World Cup. Не е моја одлука. It's not my decision. It's not my call. Koliko će ovo da me košta? How much is this going to cost me? How much is this gonna cost me? Човек не може да оцени напълно удоволствието от нищоправенето, ако не е затрупан до гуша с работа. It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. One can't fully appreciate the pleasure of doing nothing unless he's swamped with work. Kad mačke nema, miševi kolo vode. When the cat's away, the mice do play. When the cat's gone, the mice take the water. Мамка му. Damn. Shit. Том не е дотолку стар. Tom isn't that bad. Tom's not that old. Том можеби ќе ни помогне ако го замолиме убаво. Tom might help us if we ask him politely. Tom might help us if we ask nicely. Da li su zaljubljeni? Are they in love? Are they in love? Baš sam uživao. I enjoyed it very much. I was just enjoying myself. Ова не е твој проблем туку мој. This is not your problem, it is mine. This isn't your problem, it's mine. Какво ще стане, когато свършим водата? What happens when we run out of water? What happens when we finish the water? Зошто си отиде така ненадејно? Why did he leave so suddenly? Why did you leave so suddenly? Бродот смени правец. The ship changed its course. The ship has changed course. Најстара ќерка на Том не е мажена. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married. Tom's oldest daughter is not married. Има оток на главата. He has a swelling on his head. He's got a swelling on his head. Ние сме от една кръв, вие и аз! We be of one blood, thou and I. We're from one blood, you and I! Планирам да го прескокнам ручекот. I plan to skip lunch. I plan to skip lunch. Da li je kafa dobra za tebe? Is coffee good for you? Is coffee good for you? Ще имаме нужда от помощта на Том. We'll need Tom's help. We're gonna need Tom's help. Кој би го знаел тоа? Who would know that? Who would know that? Na žalost, sem izgubil moj potni list. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Unfortunately, I lost my passport. Многу Руси биле убиени додека се сликале себе со своите телефони. Many Russians have been killed while taking photos of themselves with their phones. Many Russians were killed while taking pictures of themselves with their phones. Prestani da se trudiš da me napraviš krivim. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Тя обича ли портокали? Does she like oranges? Does she like oranges? Той пресече Тихия океан за тридесет дни. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. He crossed the Pacific in thirty days. Stvarno hoću da nađem da jedem nešto. I really want to get something to eat. I really want to find something to eat. Не ме гледай така тъжно. Don't give me that sad look. Don't look at me so sad. Никога не съм говорил на френски на Том. I've never spoken French to Tom. I've never spoken French to Tom. Можеш да одиш каде било. You may go anywhere. You can go anywhere. Том не се опита да скрие истината. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Аз не мога да си позволя да си купя кола на старо, а да не говорим нова. I can't afford to buy a used car, much less a new one. I can't afford to buy a car in the old days without talking about a new car. Njegov pes je starejši od mene. His dog is older than me. His dog is older than me. Danas je lijep dan. Today is a beautiful day. It's a nice day. Ти си мечтател. You're the dreamer. You're a dreamer. Proveri okolo. Check around. Check around. Не говори такива неща. Don't say things like that. Don't say things like that. Тие се гратис. Those are free. They're free. Натиснете бутон Shift. Press the Shift button. Press Shift button. Ќе те најдам после. I'll find you later. I'll find you later. Не бих заложила на това. I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't bet on that. Той ѝ купи пуловер. He bought her a sweater. He bought her a sweater. Том често е последният, който си тръгва от работа. Tom is often the last one to leave the office. Tom is often the last person to leave work. Da li znaš šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? Си го заборави ранецот! You forgot your backpack! You forgot your backpack! Pokušala je. She tried. She tried. Ключът не влиза в ключалката. This key won't go in the lock. The key doesn't go into the lock. Дај да ти го дадам ова. Let me give you this. Let me give you this. Nemoćni moraju biti zaštićeni pred moćnima. The powerless must be protected against the powerful. The powerless must be protected from the mighty. Izvukao sam keca. I drew an ace. I pulled the ace. Тя ми разреши да ползвам речника ѝ. She gave me permission to use her dictionary. She let me use her vocabulary. Днес ще си взема патица. I'll choose duck today. I'm getting a duck today. Мисля, че си способна на всичко. I think you're capable of anything. I think you're capable of anything. Сјајно је. It's shiny. It's great. Няма да говоря повече за това. I won't mention it again. I won't talk about it anymore. Том учи френски всеки ден. Tom studies French every day. Tom studies French every day. dok je Sami stario, postao je zainteresiranim u islam. As Sami grew older, he became interested in Islam. As Sami grew older, he became interested in Islam. Tom je veoma pametan dečak. Tom is a very clever boy. Tom is a very smart boy. Няма връщане назад. There is no going back. There's no turning back. Нешто многу слично ми се случи и на мене! Something very similar happened to me! Something very similar has happened to me! Postalo je mračno. It's become dark. It's getting dark. Аз трябва да отида до Бостън. I have to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. Čo počuješ? What do you hear? What are you talking about? Radimo ovo pogrešno. We're doing this wrong. We're doing this wrong. Не мога да променя тези планове. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. Тук някъде го сложих. I put it here somewhere. I put it here somewhere. Скоро смо завршили. We're almost done. We're almost done. Tom je pričao o muzici. Tom talked about music. Tom was talking about music. Мисля, че сте пили твърде много. I think you've had too much to drink. I think you've had too much to drink. Трябва да тръгвам. I have to take off. I have to go. Ќе се видиме после, добро? See you later, OK? I'll see you later, okay? Францускиот јазик прво бил сленг. Originally, French was slang. The French language was slang at first. Децата дуваат меурчиња. The children are blowing bubbles. Kids blow bubbles. Той беше беден и не можеше да си купи палто. He was poor and couldn't buy a coat. He was poor and couldn't buy a coat. Какво е знаел Том? What did Tom know? What did Tom know? Trebalo bi da nabaviš novi auto sada. You should get yourself a new car now. You should get a new car now. Ko je tom? Da li ti je on novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? Още на никого не съм казала какво открих. I haven't told anybody yet what I found. I haven't told anyone what I found yet. Ко рано рани, две среће граби. The early bird catches the worm. Early bird, two lucky grabs. Ovo je Kopakabana! This is Copacabana! This is Kopacabana! On nikada ne ide vozom. He never takes the train. He never takes the train. Tom ima dvoje dece. Tom has two children. Tom has two kids. Сложете си палтото. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Uzmite još jednu. Have another. Have another one. Трябва да разбера къде е отишъл Том вчера. I have to find out where Tom went yesterday. I need to find out where Tom went yesterday. Той отложи пътуването си до Окинава. He put off his trip to Okinawa. He postponed his journey to Okinawa. Nemoj da bleneš. Don't stare. Don't dawdle. Том ја крена кутијата. Tom lifted the box. Tom picked up the box. Няма да сте единствените там. You won't be the only one there. You won't be the only ones there. Пушти го Том да зборува. Let Tom do the talking. Let Tom talk. Каков никаквец си! What a scoundrel you are! You're such a piece of shit! Дали виде некого? Did you see someone? Did you see anyone? To je dobrý nápad. It's a good idea. That's good nápad. Том носи очила. Tom wears glasses. Tom wears glasses. Ќе проверам дали е внатре. I'll see if he is in. I'll see if he's in there. Зима је време снега. Winter is snow time. Winter is snowtime. Kaži Tomu da sam spremna. Tell Tom that I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready. Мери сака да пие врело кафе, а Том млако. Mary likes her coffee steaming hot, while Tom likes his lukewarm. Mary likes to drink hot coffee, and Tom likes to drink hot coffee. И двајцата се насмеаја. They both laughed. They both laughed. Тој е слеп од раѓање. He was blind from birth. He's been blind since birth. Ние трябва да запалим огън. We need to build a fire. We need to light a fire. Майка ми беше заета с приготвянето на вечерята. My mother was busy cooking dinner. My mom was busy making dinner. Јаде ли Том грозје? Does Tom eat grapes? Is Tom eating grapes? Развија зависност. They got addicted. They're developing an addiction. Како знаеше дека Том ќе ме излаже? How did you know Tom would lie to me? How did you know Tom was gonna lie to me? Зашто се овако понашаш? Why are you acting this way? Why are you acting like this? Чу ли како татнат громовите? Did you hear the thunder rumbling? Did you hear the thunderbolts? Променио си мој живот. You changed my life. You changed my life. Јас имам голема фамилија. I have a large family. I have a big family. Досега не бях виждала затъмнение. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a blackout before. Котката изсъска срещу Том. The cat hissed at Tom. The cat went up against Tom. Proveri svakoga. Check everyone. Check everyone. Не можеш да си представиш колко щастлива беше тя. You can't imagine how happy she was. You can't imagine how happy she was. Tom uživa u ribolovu. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom enjoys fishing. Јагнињата обично ги убиваат пред да наполнат една година, па ги јадат луѓе. Lambs are usually killed before they are one year old and eaten by humans. The lambs usually kill them before they're a year old, so they're eaten by people. Shvatiću. I'll understand. I'll figure it out. Ќе имаме друштво. We're having company. We'll have company. Том подозира дека јас и Мери нешто коваме. Tom suspects that Mary and I are plotting something. Tom suspects that Mary and I are up to something. Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I studied French for three years. Спя с два юргана през зимата. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. I slept with two rgans in the winter. Бевме да ги бараме. We've been out looking for them. We were looking for them. Pracujte na zadaní v malých skupinách. Work on the assignment in small groups. Monitor the default in the malých groupách. Сакам да научам. I wish to learn. I want to learn. Толпата се откачи. The crowd went wild. The crowd's out. Не ми одговори на писмото. He didn't reply to my letter. You didn't answer my letter. Није болело. It didn't hurt. It didn't hurt. Не се гори. Don't burn yourself. There's no burning. Не е расположен. He's not in the mood. He's not in the mood. Zajedno smo išli u školu. We went to school together. We went to school together. Той е велик учен. He is a great scientist. He's a great scientist. Казвам се Ичиро Танака. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. Не мисля, че мога да изкарам шест часа насаме с тебе. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I can spend six hours alone with you. Želio bih kupiti psa. I would like to buy a dog. I'd like to buy a dog. Мажите и жените се луѓе од спротивен пол. A man and a woman are people of different genders. Men and women are people of the opposite sex. Прилично сум надуван. I'm pretty zonked. I'm pretty high. Odmah ću se vratiti sa vašom porudžbinom. I will be right back with your order. I'll be right back with your order. Сакаш ли колаче? Do you want a cookie? Do you want a cookie? Да го пробаме овој. Let's try this one here. Let's try this one. Боя се, че сега не може да се говори за повишение. I'm afraid a promotion is out of the question now. I'm afraid you can't talk about a raise now. Temeljan sam. I'm observant. I'm thorough. Скрени налево. Turn left. Turn left. Uvek radiš. You're always working. You always do. Som ti veľmi povďačný za tvoju radu. I am very grateful to you for your advice. I need you to keep an eye out for your work. Nemal som obed. I didn't have lunch. I didn't have a som. Ne želim da me vidiš golog. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Donekle si u pravu. You are right in a way. You're quite right. Требаше да бидам покултурен. I should've been more polite. I should have been more cultured. Nikoli ne bomo vedeli. We'll never know. We'll never know. Това палто ти става перфектно. This coat fits you perfectly. This coat is getting perfect. Učenici nisu znali kako da odgovore. The students didn't know how to give an answer. The students didn't know how to answer. Ранените се възстановяват. The wounded are getting better. The wounded are recovering. Да вземем ли такси? Shall we take a taxi? Should we get a cab? Ми прија твоето друштво. I enjoy your company. I like your company. Искам да стана учителка по френски. I want to become a French teacher. I want to be a French teacher. Koliko je star? How old is he? How old is he? Рачкава не се врти. This handle will not turn. This shrimp doesn't spin. Влезте, моля. Please come in. Come in, please. Оваа куќа е подобра од онаа другата. This is a better house than the other one. This house is better than the other one. Фала ти што намина. Thank you for coming by. Thanks for coming by. Banane so rumene. Bananas are yellow. The bananas are yellow. Лебот се прави од брашно. Bread is made from flour. The bread is made of flour. Се колнам дека беа тие. I swear it was them. I swear it was them. Наистина не очаквах Том да успее. I really didn't expect Tom to succeed. I really didn't expect Tom to make it. Меслам дека на Том му треба превоз до аеродром. I think Tom needs a ride to the airport. I think Tom needs a ride to the airport. Нема да ти треба тоа. You won't need that. You won't need that. Оди најди ги. Go and find them. Go find them. Ne odustaj! Možeš izgubiti danas, a pobjediti sutra. Don't give up. You may lose today and win tomorrow. You can lose today and win tomorrow. Кажи шта ћеш да попијеш? What's your poison? Why don't you tell me what you're gonna drink? Не искам да чакам толкова дълго. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Не смееш да се откажеш. You must not give up. You can't give up. Ќе одам да ја најдам. I'll go find her. I'm gonna go find her. Не се секирај. Ќе го најдеме. Don't worry. We'll find him. Don't worry, we'll find him. Milujem Francúzsko. I love France. I favor Francesco. Да го направиме тоа за неа. Let's do it for her. Let's do it for her. Го изградив. I built it. I built it. Просто се опитвам да бъда любезен. I'm just being polite. I'm just trying to be nice. Tom je sliko vrnil Mary. Tom handed the picture back to Mary. Tom brought the painting back to Mary. Povređen sam. I'm wounded. I'm hurt. Звао сам га. I called him. I called him. Има повеќе излези. There are several exits. There's more than one way out. Имав ниски очекувања од него. I had little expectation for him. I had low expectations of him. Трябват повече проучвания. More research is needed. They need more research. Махни се от мен. Keep away from me. Get away from me. Покриј го. Cover it up. Cover him. To je moja mačka. That's my cat. That's my cat. Коя е любимата Ви топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? On je hodao ulicom. He walked along the street. He was walking down the street. Ми спушти слушалка. He hung up. You hung up on me. Окрените се. Turn around. Turn around. Мария има дълга коса. Maria has long hair. Maria has long hair. Зашто одлазите? Why are you leaving? Why are you leaving? On je poplavio od hladnoće. He was blue from the cold. He's flooded with the cold. Той ми писа вчера. He wrote to me yesterday. He wrote to me yesterday. Има малка вероятност да не успея да дойда на заседанието. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's little chance I can't make it to the meeting. Tomova je knjiga na vrhu Božićne prodaje knjiga, i teško da će je neka knjiga zbaciti sa položaja. Tom's book is topping the Christmas sales of books, and hardly any book can put it off its game. Tom's book is at the top of the Christmas book sale, and it's hard to get some book thrown out of position. Аз винаги съм искал да уча френски. I've always wanted to study French. I've always wanted to study French. Това значеше много за мен. It meant a lot to me. That meant a lot to me. Никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. Tim je jak koliko njegov najslabiji član. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. The team is as strong as its weakest member. Trebalo bi da može da se promeni. It should be possible to change that. It should be able to change. Naozaj chcem, aby si prestal. I really want you to quit. Back off, Abby. You're done. Да ли је то оно што желите? Is this what you want? Is that what you want? Svi budući sastanci biće održani u ovoj prostoriji. All future meetings will be held in this room. All future meetings will be held in this room. Дрехите му винаги миришат лошо. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Све ће бити у реду на крају. Ако није у реду, онда није ни крај. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not right, then it's not the end. Том ја потпиша сметката. Tom signed the bill. Tom signed the bill. Nesúhlasíte? Don't you agree? Nesúhlasíte? Това е болницата, в която се е родил Том. This is the hospital where Tom was born. This is the hospital Tom was born in. Што можеш да очекуваш? What can you expect? What can you expect? Koji je dan sutra? What day is tomorrow? What day is tomorrow? Време е за затворање. It's closing time. It's time to close. Znaš li zašto sam ovdje? Do you know why I'm here? Do you know why I'm here? Надявам се да е добро. I hope it's good. I hope it's okay. Никад не стижеш на време. You never arrive on time. You're never on time. Зарем не ни веруваш? Don't you trust us? Don't you trust us? Koliko te dugo boli glava? How long has your head been hurting? How long has your head been hurting? Noćas smo se sreli. We met last night. We met tonight. Niektoré veci je ľahšie povoliť zákonom ako nájsť na ne zdôvodnenie. Certain things are easier to legalize than legitimize. Niektoré is a greater žahshie favoured by the zákon if nájsó to no zdôvodnenie. Често го слушав како ја свири мелодијата на труба. I often listened to him playing the melody on the trumpet. I often listened to him play the sound of the trumpet. Со кого беше? Who were you with? Who were you with? Буди свој. Be yourself. Be yourself. Том доста ходи. Tom talks quite a lot. Tom's walking a lot. On je samo muškarac. He is only a man. He's just a man. Какво те кара да мислиш така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? Uzaludno je. It's futile. It's pointless. Само дај сѐ од себе. Just do your best. Just do your best. Znatiželjan sam. I'm curious. I'm curious. Не е тајна дека Том не се согласува со тебе. It's no secret that Tom doesn't agree with you. It's no secret that Tom disagrees with you. Ние карахме, като се сменяхме. We took turns driving. We drove when we changed. "Къде живееш?" "Аз живея в Токио." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Ti si velika ljubav mog života. You are the great love of my life. You're the great love of my life. Стани кога ми се обраќаш. Stand up when you talk to me. Get up when you talk to me. Честит рожден ден! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! Siguran sam da ćete se vas dvoje složiti. I'm sure the two of you will agree. I'm sure you two will agree. Како то могу да кажем на твом језику? How can I say that in your language? How can I say that in your language? Съгласни сме. We agree. We agree. Nema potrebe da se brine o tome. There is nothing to worry about. There's no need to worry about that. Iznenađena sam što nisi znala da Tom zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom could speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom knew French. Зошто би ни го направил тоа Том? Why would Tom do that to us? Why would he do that to us, Tom? Ова е само симулација. This is only a simulation. This is just a simulation. Начинанието беше провал още от самото начало. The undertaking was a failure from the beginning. It's been a failure since the beginning. Naravno, Tom voli svoju decu. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Of course, Tom loves his kids. Kaj planiraš storiti? What are you planning to do? What are you planning to do? Таа има тесни колкови. She has narrow hips. She's got tight hips. "Благодаря." "Няма защо." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Да продължим. Let's continue. Let's move on. Не ме бива за математика. I'm not good at math. I'm no good at math. Imam dobar vid. I have good eyesight. I have good eyesight. Данас имам главобољу. I have a headache today. I have a headache today. Mám rád polievku. I love soup. Mám rád polyevka. Da li samo ja idem na žurku? Will I be the only one going to the party? Am I the only one going to the party? Delovalo mi je žuto. It looked yellow to me. I thought it was yellow. Той пристигна в Токио вчера. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. There's always a catch. Некако сум гладен. I'm sort of hungry. I'm kind of hungry. На Том отсекогаш си му се допаѓал. Tom always liked you. Tom always liked you. О Господи. Закъснявам за уроци. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. Oh, my God, I'm late for class. To je za dobrodelne namene. It's for charity. It's for charity. Мисля, че ще се справиш отлично. I think you're going to do great. I think you'll do just fine. Da li sam te zvala? Did I invite you? Did I call you? Цел ден ми помина во чистење снег. I spent all day shoveling snow. I spent all day cleaning the snow. Црвено е. It's red. It's red. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изгорим тези документи? Are you sure you want us to burn these documents? Are you sure you want to burn these documents? Tom je probao da odgovori Meri od toga. Tom tried to talk Mary out of doing that. Tom tried to talk Mary out of it. Мисля, че трябва да отидеш. I think you should go. I think you should go. Што јадеш, инаку? What do you eat, anyway? What are you eating, anyway? Zapravo, nisam sigurna. I'm not sure actually. Actually, I'm not sure. Da li stižeš uskoro? Are you almost here? Are you coming soon? Идея нямам кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Тоа не ме изненадува. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Мислам дека никогаш досега не сум бил олку исплашен. I don't think I've ever been so frightened. I don't think I've ever been this scared before. Мрзливи сме. We're lazy. We're lazy. Таа купи векна леб. She bought a loaf of bread. She bought a loaf of bread. Съмнявам се, че той е адвокат. I doubt that he's a lawyer. I doubt he's a lawyer. Том ја разгневи Мери. Tom made Mary angry. Tom made Mary angry. Dosta je dobra. It's a pretty good one. It's pretty good. Ништо не е пожалосно од глупавоста и безразличноста. Nothing is more sad than stupidity and apathy. Nothing is sadder than stupidity and indifference. Zdeo se je, da jo je vprašanje presenetilo. She seemed surprised by the question. She seemed surprised by the question. Ne nameravam da uradim to. I don't intend to do so. I don't intend to do that. Изгубив осет за време. I lost track of time. I lost track of time. Мисля, че сте перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Bolje poljubac u šumi nego deset u ruku. A kiss in the woods is better than ten in hand. Better kiss in the woods than ten in the hand. Мисля, че знам кой е това. I think I know who it is. I think I know who that is. Zašto si ljut na mene? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Nabavićemo ti jednog. We can get one for you. We'll get you one. Ima veze s tim što... It is related to the fact that ... It's got something to do with... Nadam se da ću naći Toma. I'm hoping to find Tom. I hope I find Tom. Свакако, хвала. Thanks anyway. Sure, thank you. Да му се јавиме ли? Should we call him? Should we call him? Да се качиме горе. Let's go upstairs. Let's go upstairs. Stretneme sa zajtra? Are we meeting tomorrow? What's the matter with you? Том је отпутовао на легендарном Оријент Експресу из Париза у Истанбул. Tom traveled on the legendary Orient Express from Paris to Istanbul. Tom traveled to the legendary Orient Express from Paris in Istanbul. Радвам се, че това те прави щастлив. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad that makes you happy. Ще ти дам тези пари. I'll give you this money. I'll give you that money. Ovde je haos. It's a mess in here. It's a mess here. Секој ученик има свој шкаф. Each student has a locker. Every student has their own closet. Nisam ni to uradila. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. В Северна Америка,когато човек свие раменете си това означава "не знам". In North America when a person shrugs his shoulders it means "I don't know". In North America, when a man shrinks his shoulders, that means "I don't know." Двапут сам био тамо. I've been there twice. I've been there twice. Не препири се са мном. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Вие не можете да четете на френски, нали? You can't read French, can you? You can't read French, can you? On nije društven. He is unsociable. He's not social. Ова не е виц. This is not a joke. This isn't a joke. Уништете го храмов. Destroy this temple. Destroy this temple. Напоследък гледал ли си някакви филми? Have you seen any movies lately? Have you seen any movies lately? Мајко, ти благодарам што си ме родила. Mom, thank you for giving birth to me. Mother, thank you for having me. А, аз бях болна. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. Когато враговете пред теб са много, погледни зад себе си - ти имаш и много съюзници. When many enemies appear in front of you, look back, you have many allies as well. When your enemies are many, look behind you, you have many allies. Слободен си. You're free. You're free to go. Знаев дека Том ќе паничи. I knew that Tom would panic. I knew Tom would panic. Том може да чете малко на френски, но изобщо не може да го говори. Tom can read some French, but he can't speak it at all. Tom can read a little in French, but he can't talk at all. Kako se zove taj restoran? What's that restaurant's name? What's the name of that restaurant? И двете произношения са правилни. Both pronunciations are correct. Both statements are correct. Том стана насилен. Tom became violent. Tom got violent. Отидох до болницата. I went to the hospital. I went to the hospital. Има нешто што треба да те прашам. There's something I need to ask you. There's something I need to ask you. Страхувам се от земетресения. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Slon je šedý. The elephant is grey. The elephant is a masterpiece. Не ме плаќаат многу. I'm not paid much. They don't pay me much. Това не е имитация. It's not a fake. It's not an imitation. Nešto se dogodilo. Something happened. Something happened. Ќе работам како што знам и умеам. I will work to the best of my ability. I'll work as hard as I know, and I can. Какво е това? What's this? What's this? Не можем да се върнем там. We can't go back there. We can't go back there. Мери е бремена. Mary is eating for two now. Mary's pregnant. On nije naučnik, ali on jeste naš prijatelj. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. Падала је киша. It rained. It was raining. Аз знам, че ти си права. I know you're right. I know you're right. Одевме во иста црква. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Kdo bi me rad videl? Who wants to see me? Who wants to see me? Мисля, че злоупотребих с тяхното гостоприемство. I think I've overstayed my welcome. I think I abused their hospitality. Proglasili su ga kapitenom nogometne ekipe. They made him captain of the team. They named him captain of the football team. Сигурна съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Генералът разпореди всички затворници да бъдат избити. The general ordered the massacre of all war prisoners. The General ordered all prisoners to be killed. Sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Том се крије испод стола. Tom is hiding under the table. Tom's hiding under the table. Доволен ли си от новата си бас китара? Are you happy with your new bass guitar? Are you happy with your new bass guitar? Му го даде на Том списокот, нели? You gave Tom the list, didn't you? You gave Tom the list, didn't you? Meni odgovara. It works for me. It suits me. Том се интересува силно от рисуване. Tom had a great interest in painting. Tom is very interested in painting. Гледај да не се грижиш за мене. Try not to worry about me. Don't worry about me. Пејачите користат микрофони за да си ги направат гласовите погласни. Singers use microphones to make their voices louder. Singers use microphones to make their voices louder. Reci mi šta je ono. Tell me what that is. Tell me what it is. Večerala sam sa njim. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. Навистина зборуваш многу. You sure do talk a lot. You really talk a lot. Dajte mi jedan primer. Give me an example. Give me an example. Možete pisati na bilo kom jeziku. Na Tatoebi su svi jezici ravnopravni. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Молњите обично ги придружуваат громовите. Lightning normally accompanies thunder. Lightnings are usually accompanied by thunders. Всичко наред ли е тук? Is everything alright here? Is everything all right here? Вярвам в редовните упражнения. I believe in exercising regularly. I believe in regular exercise. Той ще бъде много зает следващия месец. He will be very busy next month. He'll be very busy next month. Засмях се на шегата му. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Dobro. A vi? Fine. And you? Okay, what about you? Си ја полеваше бавчата со црево. He was watering his garden with a hose. He was spilling his hose. То се нас не тиче. That doesn't concern us. It's none of our business. Нашето заминаване беше отложено. We were compelled to put off our departure. Our departure was delayed. Skamarátili sme sa. We became friends. Skamarátilli is allowed with. Том е само обичен човек. Tom is just an ordinary man. Tom's just a regular guy. Гледајте наваму. Look this way. Look this way. Italija nije Grčka. Italy isn't Greece. Italy is not Greece. Hočeš li ugasiti svjetlo? Will you turn on the light? Will you turn off the light? Сигурен съм, че сте много заета. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Момичето, което работи в онази пекарна, е симпатично. The girl who works at that bakery is cute. The girl who works in that bakery is cute. Tražio sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Nadam se da će Tom ostati ovde. I hope Tom sticks around. I hope Tom stays here. Ясен ли съм? Am I clear? Am I clear? Ne možeš si pomoći, zar ne Tome? You can't help yourself, can you, Tom? You can't help yourself, can you, Tom? От Мери Том няма да получи никаква помощ. Tom won't be getting any help from Mary. Mary Tom won't get any help. Мислам дека требаше да побарам помош. I think I should've asked for help. I think I should have asked for help. Nočem prevesti te povedi. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate you. Tada nisam tečno govorila francuski. I wasn't very fluent in French back then. I didn't speak French fluently at the time. Не можем да отложим съвещанието. We can't postpone the meeting. We can't postpone the meeting. Pa šta ako je to tačno? So what if that's true? So what if it's true? Дясната ми ръка е изтръпнала. My right hand is numb. My right hand is numb. Žilavija sam nego što izgledam. I'm tougher than I look. I'm stronger than I look. Което е наше, е наше. What's ours is ours. Which is ours, is ours. Amonijak je baza. Ammonia is a base. The ammonia is the base. Sramotiš ga. You're embarrassing him. You're embarrassing him. Животот ми се смени. My life has changed. My life has changed. Том ја фати топката. Tom caught the ball. Tom's got the ball. Moramo poštovati lična prava. We must respect the rights of the individual. We have to respect personal rights. Nisam imao ništa zajedničko sa njima. I had nothing in common with them. I had nothing in common with them. Zar nisi uradio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? Том е човекът, който ми даде това колело. Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle. Tom is the man who gave me this bike. Не съм виждал такова от години. I haven't seen one of these in years. I haven't seen one of these in years. Budi tolerantan. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Predvidela sam da će ovo da se desi pre više meseci. I predicted this would happen months ago. I predicted this would happen months ago. На колко изглеждам? How old do I look? How old do I look? Аз бих могла да ви направя щастливи. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Ѝ ѕвонам. I'm calling her. I'm calling. Nije ni trepnula. She didn't bat an eyelid. She didn't even blink. Този каскет принадлежи на Том. This cap belongs to Tom. This case belongs to Tom. Imaš li stabilnu vezu sa dečkom? Do you have a steady boyfriend? Do you have a stable relationship with your boyfriend? Твоите синови се доста згодни. Your sons are quite handsome. Your sons are pretty hot. Отворила је врата. She opened the door. She opened the door. Nemám ťa rád. I do not like you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Имах толкова много неща за правене, че се почувствах депресиран. Having much to do, I felt depressed. I had so many things to do that I felt depressed. Prestani da se trudiš da me napraviš krivom. Stop trying to make me feel guilty. Stop trying to make me guilty. Ти наистина говориш френски доста добре. You really do speak French quite well. You really speak French quite well. A boš navijal zame? Will you cheer for me? Are you gonna cheer for me? Danas je brod bio iznad Srednjeatlanskog Grebena - planinskog venca koji se nalazi na dnu okeana, na dubinama do 4500 metara. Today, the ship remained over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - a mountain range located on the bottom of the ocean at depths of up to 3 miles. Today, the ship was above the mid-Atlantic ridge - a mountain range located at the bottom of the ocean, at the depths of up to 4,500 meters. Заклучено е. It's locked. It's locked. Никога повече няма да я видя. I'll never see her again. I'll never see her again. Уште колку дена има до Божиќ? How many days are there before Christmas? How many more days till Christmas? Njezin je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Dođi da me vidiš posle posla. Come and see me after work. Come see me after work. Zaista sam srećna zbog toga. I'm really happy about it. I'm really happy about it. Том поседува сина кола. Tom owns a blue car. Tom owns a blue car. Jednom nogom je u grobu He's got one foot in the grave. One foot in the grave Napunio sam čašu. I filled the glass. I filled the glass. Можемо ли да се сложимо да се не слажемо? Can't we just agree to disagree? Can we agree to disagree? Той свали очилата си. He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. Многу бев задоволен. I was really pleased. I was very pleased. Сам ќе го направам тоа. I will do it myself. I'll do it myself. Stari prijatelj sam. I'm an old friend. I'm an old friend. Marija je knjiški moljac. Mary is a bookworm. Mary's a bookworm. Naša galaksija se zove Mliječni put. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Линијарот е краток. The ruler is short. The line is short. Да ли говорите кинески? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Tko je naslikao ovu sliku? Who was this picture painted by? Who painted this picture? Кой го нарисува? Who drew it? Who drew it? Nadam se da mogu da napišem dve ili tri pesme tokom vikenda. I'm hoping that I can write two or three songs over the weekend. I hope I can write two or three songs this weekend. Цел град го свртев барајќи го Дом. I've been all over town looking for Tom. I turned this whole town around looking for Dom. Новият коронавирус е много заразен. The new coronavirus is very infectious. The new coronavirus is highly infected. Аз съм гладен! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Модерното изкуство не ме интересува. Modern art has no interest for me. Modern art doesn't interest me. Планът ти се провали. Your plan failed. Your plan failed. Зошто Том мора да оди во Бостон? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? Колку време рече Том дека планира да престојува кај нас? How long did Tom say he planned to stay with us? How long did Tom say he was planning to stay with us? Ми го украде новиот рачен часовник. He robbed me of my new watch. You stole my new wristwatch. Скиташ. You are wandering. You're wandering. Dochádza nám benzín. We're running out of gas. Dochádza nám benzín. Postavio sam mu mnogo pitanja o ekologiji. I asked him many questions about ecology. I've asked him a lot of questions about ecology. Ми се скрши пластичното шише. My plastic bottle broke. My plastic bottle broke. Никога не съм те виждал толкова нервна. I've never seen you so nervous. I've never seen you so nervous. Мислам дека е време да почнеме да се спремаме. I think it's time for us to start getting ready. I think it's time we started getting ready. Нека плати за оно што је учинио. Let him have it. Make him pay for what he did. Взел съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've got it all figured out. Да сликам со или без блиц? Should I take the picture with or without flash? Do you want me to take a picture with or without a flash? Невъзможен си. You're impossible. You're impossible. На 14 февруари американците празнуват Свети Валентин. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. On February 14, Americans celebrate Valentine's Day. Ќе одам да го прашам Том. I'll go and ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. България е единствената европейска страна, където един бивш монарх е бил избиран за министър-председател. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister. Bulgaria is the only European country where a former monarch was elected Prime Minister. Иска ми се да бях продължил с френския. I wish I'd kept up my French. I wish I'd moved on with French. Tom je rekao da mu je potrebna moja pomoć. Tom said he wanted my help. Tom said he needed my help. Каква корист има од тоа? What help is that? How does that benefit? Мери му ги собра на Том сите пари. Mary took Tom for every cent he had. Mary got Tom all the money. Времето е на наша страна. Time's on our side. Time is on our side. Тоа ќе заврши работа. That'll do. It'll do the trick. Nije ostalo ništa. There was nothing left. There's nothing left. Не зная. I don't know. I don't know. Ти си свиња. You're a pig. You're a pig. Ти ветувам. You've got my word on that. I promise. Студи тука. It's cold in here. It's a studio here. Бях отпуск. I was on vacation. I was a vacation. Потемнува. It's getting darker. It's darkening. Idemo jedan po jedan. Let's go one at a time. Let's go one at a time. Да ли могу да добијем твој имејл, молићу? May I have your email, please? Can I have your email, please? Tom deluje malo gadljivo. Tom looks a bit queasy. Tom seems a little squeamish. Том извади пенкало. Tom pulled out a pen. Tom took out the pen. Ти знаеше ли, че Том напусна града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Недей да напълняваш. Don't get fat. Don't get carried away. Jednostavno neću da uradim to. I just won't do that. I just won't do it. Дърветата започнаха да се покриват с листа. The trees began to come into leaf. The trees began to cover themselves with leaves. Сите имаат имиња. Everyone has a name. They all have names. Jesi li spavao? Have you been sleeping? Did you sleep? Нисам могао а да га не сажаљевам. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. Moja mati je Grkinja. My mother is Greek. My mother is Greek. Оде наш аутобус. There goes our bus. There goes our bus. На Том му вибрираше телефонот. Tom's phone vibrated. Tom was vibrating his phone. Аз вече не залагам. I don't gamble anymore. I don't bet anymore. Tom i Marija igraju šah sa skupom ručno izrezbarenih šahovskih figura navodno od slonovače. Tom and Mary are playing chess with a set of hand-carved chess pieces supposedly made of ivory. Tom and Mary play chess with a set of hand-cut chess pieces allegedly of ivory. Njegova žena mu je zakrpila košulju. He got his shirt mended by his wife. His wife patched his shirt. Јадевме јастог и стег. We ate lobster and steak. We ate lobster and fencing. Сите сме на безбедно. We're all safe. We're all safe. Ti si tužan. You're sad. You're sad. Ne diraj lava dok spava. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don't touch the lion while he's sleeping. Го уби за да си го одмазди покојниот татко. He killed him to avenge his dead father. He killed him to avenge his late father. Има ли музей в този град? Is there a museum in this town? Is there a museum in this town? Влези внатре. Step inside. Get in there. Бях събудена в пет часа. I was awakened at five o'clock. I was up at five o'clock. Фала што ми кажа. Thanks for telling me. Thanks for telling me. Ти си никој и ништо. You're a nobody. You're nothing. Дали това е жребец, или кобила? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a stallion or a mare? Таа продава морски школи. She sells sea shells. She sells sea schools. Няма да го повярвам, докато не го чуя от Том. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. Чух един необичаен звук. I heard an unusual sound. I heard an unusual sound. Той седна на пейката си. He sat on the bench. He sat on his bench. Tom prodaje automobile. Tom sells cars. Tom sells cars. Не ти е ли ладно по кратки ракави? Aren't you cold in short sleeves? Aren't you cold on short sleeves? Muž mi je izgubio posao. My husband lost his job. My husband lost his job. Епа, не ни се брза. Well, we are not in a hurry. Well, we're in no hurry. Ще можете ли да изчакате секунда? Hold on just a second, would you, please? Can you hold on a second? Prestani gunđati. Stop grumbling. Stop grumbling. Том имаше една ќерка. Tom had one daughter. Tom had a daughter. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш една? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Oni žive tamo. They live there. They live there. Јас не овулирам. I don't ovulate. I'm not ovulating. Da li je Tom bio ovde kada smo došli? Was Tom here when we got here? Was Tom here when we got here? Беше прекрасна вечер. It was a wonderful evening. It was a beautiful evening. Той често върви пеша до училище. He often walks to school. He often walks to school. Da li si rekla Tomu da je Meri ovo uradila? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Мисля, че вашият отговор е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is true. Носам страшна вест. I have dreadful news. I bring terrible news. Мајка ми вели дека болестите на детето се лажни. My mother says that the child's illnesses are phony. My mother says that child’s illness is false. Koliko si puta bio ovde? How many times have you been there? How many times have you been here? Убаво си ја извршил работата. You did good work. You've done a good job. Možeš da sediš pored mene. You can sit next to me. You can sit next to me. Tom je pao sa kamiona, dok je hranio irvase. Tom fell off the truck while he was feeding the reindeer. Tom fell off the truck feeding the reindeer. Гледај ги облацине. Look at those clouds. Look at the clouds. Evo jedne tajne. Here's a little secret. Here's a secret. Оди помогни им. Go and help them. Go help them. Baš sam razmišljao o tebi. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Той наистина ми скъса нервите. He really ticked me off. He really broke my nerves. Невъзможна си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Само побарај им да ти го вратат. Just ask them to give it back. Just ask them to give it back to you. Nemojte da preterujete. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. Врне веќе една недела, горе-долу. It's been raining for around a week. It's been raining for a week, up and down. Ајде наваму. Let's go this way. Let's go this way. Imala sam problema tokom rešavanja tog problema. I had problems solving that problem. I was having trouble dealing with that problem. Да не си пушела? Have you been smoking? Don't you smoke? Jorge je také krásne meno. Jorge is such a beautiful name. Jorge is such a tough guy. Tom nije imao pojma da ću biti tamo. Tom had no idea that I'd be here. Tom had no idea I'd be there. Sada sam pomalo zabrinuta. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried right now. Kako se zoveš na bosanskom? What's your Bosnian name? What's your name in Bosnian? Таман почнавме. We've barely begun. We're just getting started. Той също може да говори руски. He can speak Russian, too. He can speak Russian too. Таа е кучка. She's a dog. She's a bitch. Аз забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Не зборуваме многу. We don't talk much. We don't talk much. Мораме да го поправиме ова. We have to fix this. We have to fix this. Дж.Ф. Кенеди е погребан в гробищата в Арлингтън. J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery. J.F. Kennedy is buried in a cemetery in Arlington. Што да правиме наредно? What should we do next? What should we do next? Tom je bio toliko zbunjen da nije ni znao koje pitanje da postavi. Tom was so confused that he didn't even know what question to ask. Tom was so confused he didn't even know what question to ask. Sve će biti u redu na kraju. Ako nije u redu, onda nije ni kraj. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. If it's not right, then it's not the end. Dragi Bože, ljudima je zaista teško kada moraju da ti skrenu pažnju na jednu ili drugu stvar o tebi, tvojim stavovima ili tvom izgledu, na primer. Dear God, people really find it difficult when they have to point out one thing or another about you, such as your attitudes or your appearance. Dear God, it's really hard for people to pay attention to one thing or another about you, your attitudes or your looks, for example. Volim kablska jela. I love Kabyle dishes. I like cable dishes. Ne zaboravi da produžiš pasoš. Remember to renew your passport. Don't forget to extend your passport. Вървях към парка. I walked toward the park. I was walking to the park. Аз изобщо не разбирам немски. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. Треба да му напишеш писмо за благодарност на Том. You should write Tom a thank-you letter. You should write a thank you letter to Tom. Nekoliko je novina objavilo priču. Several newspapers published the story. A few newspapers published the story. Мисля, че ще ти бъде много интересно. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Това твоето колело ли е? Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? Knjiga je na stolu. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Јел чисто? Is it clean? Is it clear? Том ја погледна Мери длабоко во очите и се насмевна. Tom looked deeply into Mary's eyes and smiled. Tom looked Mary in the eye and smiled. Воопшто не ми пречи да чекам тука. I'm perfectly comfortable waiting here. I don't mind waiting here at all. Каде ми е паричникот? Нема врска! Само што го најдов под каучот. Where is my wallet? Nevermind! I just found it under the couch. Where's my wallet? Ďakujem za raňajky. Thank you for breakfast. I'm doing it for Rajayky. Je päť hodín. It's five o'clock. It's a hodín. Takav je projekat naravno zahtevao rebalans budžeta. Such a project has of course demanded a revised budget. That kind of project, of course, required a budget rebalance. Hoću njenu glavu. I want her head. I want her head. Тя не обръща много внимание на това, как се облича. She doesn't pay much attention to how she dresses. She doesn't pay much attention to how she dresses. Тоа не пројде баш најдобро. That didn't go very well. That didn't go so well. Аз разбирам малко френски. I understand French a little. I understand a little French. Изглежда Том реши да остане. It looks like Tom decided to stay. Looks like Tom decided to stay. Организирах среща. I've set up a meeting. I set up a meeting. Знам, че това е важно. I know that this is important. I know this is important. Прави каквото искаш; но аз ще го възпрепятствам, ако мога. Do what you want, but I'll stop it, if I can. Do what you want; but I'll stop him if I can. Твоје ципеле су овде. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Казах ти какво трябва да направиш. I've told you what you must do. I told you what you had to do. Čitaoci su bili na mukama, čekajući najmanje tri meseca pre nego što su dobili odgovor. Readers had been waiting in suspense for at least three months before they got an answer. The readers were in pain, waiting for at least three months before they got the answer. Tom je rekao da ste kul. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. Студа скоро проникна през неговото подплатено яке. The cold soon penetrated his quilted jacket. The studio soon broke through his underpaid jacket. Једног дана биће мој. One day he will be mine. One day it'll be mine. Получих писмото ѝ вчера. I received her letter yesterday. I got her letter yesterday. Се смуваа. They started kissing each other. They're coming together. Права беше. You were right before. You were right. Помина на црвено. You ran a red light. It went red. Некако сѐ уште не ми се верува. I still can't really believe it. Somehow I still can't be trusted. Почнаа да одат. They started walking. They're starting to go. Ако само спрем да се опитваме да бъдем щастливи, бихме си прекарвали доста добре. If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. If we just stopped trying to be happy, we'd have a really good time. Никој не ме разбра. Nobody understood me. Nobody understood me. Apríl je štvrtý mesiac v roku. April is the fourth month of the year. Apríl is a fellow butcher within the time limit. Ona također voli knjige. She also loves books. She likes books, too. Šta ti znaš o meni? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? Том слуша. Tom listens. Tom's listening. Това е моят приятел Том. This is my friend, Tom. This is my friend Tom. Idi da pogledaš. Go and have a look. Go take a look. Všetci boli prekvapení. Everyone was surprised. The walkers are in a lot of pain. Имаме да ти поставиме неколку прашања, Том. We need to ask you a few questions, Tom. We need to ask you a few questions, Tom. Никому не му е гајле. No one really cares. Nobody cares. Когато бях ученик, си водех дневник на френски. I kept a diary in French when I was a student. When I was a student, I kept a diary in French. Баща ми се разхожда в парка. My father is taking a walk in the park. My dad walks in the park. Што по ѓаволите купи? What in the world did you buy? What the hell did you buy? Tom je štedeo novac da bi kupio automobil. Tom has been saving money to buy a car. Tom was saving money to buy a car. Не беше лесно да се реши овој проблем. It wasn't easy to solve this problem. It was not easy to solve this problem. Nič ne reci. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Naseci sir na tanke parčiće ili na male kocke. Cut the cheese into thin slices or into little cubes. Cut the cheese into small pieces or the small cubes. Он ништа не пропушта. He doesn't miss anything. He's not missing anything. Лека нощ, мамо. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. Deset let je minilo, odkar je umrl moj oče. Ten years have gone by since my father died. It's been ten years since my father died. To moraš da radiš na nekom drugom mestu. You have to do that somewhere else. You have to do it somewhere else. Беше делотворно. It was effective. It was effective. Убаво е од него што носи вакви подароци. It's nice of him to bring such gifts. It's nice of him to bring gifts like this. Сѐ уште ли си таму? Are you still here? Are you still there? Во моментов имам многу проблеми. I have a lot of problems at the moment. I'm in a lot of trouble right now. Нямам представа къде живее тя. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. Она је учитељица. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Искам нещо за пиене. I want something to drink. I want something to drink. Ahoj. Hi. Ahoy. Ми беше чест. It was an honor. It's been an honor. Nikto o tom nikdy nepočul. Nobody had ever heard of it. Nothing about that never heard of. Već sam znao istinu. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. Tom jede čokoladu skoro svaki dan. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Мисля, че забравихме някого. I think we forgot someone. I think we forgot someone. Тоа е негова работа. That's his business. It's his job. Бети я уби. Betty killed her. Betty killed her. Љубазан је. He is kind. He's nice. Наскоро тој ќе го напушти домот на своите родители. He will soon leave his parents' home. Soon he will leave his parents ’ home. Tom je ranije vozio autobus. Tom used to drive a bus. Tom used to drive a bus. Marija zna da je njeno glavno oružje, predivno lice i mlado telo, prolazne vrednosti. Mary knows that her main weapons, a beautiful face and a young body, are of transient value. Mary knows that her main weapon, beautiful face and young body, is fleeting. Ќе ти треба ова. You're going to need this. You're gonna need this. Най-накрая спечелих неговото сърце. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Pretpostavila sam da si zauzeta. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Надявам се, че не те отегчавам. I hope I'm not boring you. I hope I'm not boring you. Том не ја погледна Мери. Tom didn't look at Mary. Tom didn't look at Mary. Сигурен съм, че Том не те мрази. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Трябва да се размърдам. I have to get moving. I have to move. Šta ću ja ovde? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Книгите са наши. The books are ours. The books are ours. Мисля, че ще ви хареса. I think you'll like it. I think you'll like it. Rada bi preživela več časa s svojo družino. I'd like to spend more time with my family. I want to spend more time with my family. Odlično! Awesome! Great! Sve je u redu sa mnom. Nothing's wrong with me. It's all right with me. Сакам сите да ги застрелате. I want them all shot. I want them all shot. Знаех, че ще бъдеш зает. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Ти не си жена. You're not a woman. You're not a woman. Го видов Том во околина. I've seen Tom around. I saw Tom around. Каква прекрасна глетка! What a marvelous sight! What a beautiful sight! Danas je rođendan tvojoj kćeri. Today is your daughter's birthday. Today is your daughter's birthday. Балонот полека се спушташе. The balloon descended slowly. The balloon was slowly descending. Трябва да отида да взема Том от училище. I have to go pick up Tom from school. I have to go pick up Tom from school. Ми се допадна како танцуваш. I liked your dancing. I liked the way you dance. Внимавай, когато пресичаш натоварена улица! Be alert when you cross a busy street! Be careful when you cross a busy street! Dosta mi je prepirki. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. Том ме научи да правам палачинки. Tom taught me how to make pancakes. Tom taught me how to make pancakes. Više nemam mobilni telefon. I don't have a cellphone anymore. I don't have a cell phone anymore. Рече дека ќи ми пишеш порака приквечер, ама ме излажа, очигледно. You said you would text me in the evening, but you lied, evidently. You said you were texting me at night, but you lied to me, obviously. Ќе стане наставничка. She will be a teacher. She's going to be a teacher. Kako da se otarasite krtica u bašti? How do you get rid of moles in the garden? How do you get rid of the mole in the garden? Ще ни извиниш ли за момент? Will you excuse us for a moment? Will you excuse us for a moment? Той ми отговори едносрично. He gave me a curt answer. He answered me in one heart. Ще имаме изпит по английски утре. We are going to have an examination in English tomorrow. We'll have an English exam tomorrow. Том многу цврсто спие. Tom is a very sound sleeper. Tom's sleeping very well. Ми смо блиски пријатељи. We're close friends. We're close friends. Каква е температурата сега? What's the temperature now? What's the temperature now? Да ли сам дошао у незгодно време? Did I come at a bad time? Did I come at a bad time? Том не искаше Мери да излиза с други мъже. Tom didn't want Mary to go out with other guys. Tom didn't want Mary dating other men. Том не успя да намери работа. Tom couldn't find work. Tom couldn't find a job. Си му напишал ли некогаш писмо на Том? Have you ever written a letter to Tom? Have you ever written Tom a letter? Има нещо у Том, което не ми харесва. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something about Tom that I don't like. Prosto ne znam šta da kažem. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work in a hospital. She wants to work in a hospital. Предчувствам една добра ваканция. I anticipate a good vacation. I feel like I'm having a good vacation. Тук се чувствам по-сигурна. I feel safer here. I feel safer here. Potcenjujete me. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. Сѐ добро пројде. Everything went well. Everything went well. Овој свет е долина на солзи. This world is a valley of tears. This world is a valley of tears. Мисля, че е по-добре да останете с Том. I think you'd better stick with Tom. I think you'd better stay with Tom. Не ми се дръвчи. Don't talk back to me. Don't give me a hard time. Не обичам да се бия. I don't enjoy fighting. I don't like fighting. Тази седмица съм ваканция. I am on holiday this week. I'm on vacation this week. Voleo bih da nisam uradio to. I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't done that. Zašto da kažem Tomu? Why should I tell Tom? Why should I tell Tom? Ovo bi trebalo da uspe. This should do the trick. This should work. Mama, gladan sam. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Tom nas je jučer posjetio. Tom visited us yesterday. Tom came to see us yesterday. Чувам, че Том бил много добър в плуването. I hear Tom is very good at swimming. I hear Tom was very good at swimming. Том знае какво всъщност се случва. Tom knows what's really going on. Tom knows what's really going on. Nikada nije kasno za učenje. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Благодаря. Ще дадем най-доброто от себе си. Thank you. We'll do our best. We'll do our best. Истрела трипати. He fired three shots. Shots fired three times. Tom je jednom radio sa mnom. Tom once worked with me. Tom worked with me once. Знам што го растревожува Том толку. I know what's making Tom so nervous. I know what's bothering Tom so much. Върни я! Give it back! Give it back! Ни мене не ми е толку топло. I'm not feeling so hot myself. I'm not that hot either. Каде ти е училиштето? Where is your school? Where's your school? Prišiel som pešo. I came on foot. I sewed it up on foot. Video sam autobus. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. Имаме ли некаква храна? Do we have any food? Do we have any food? Тоа беше извонредно доживување. It was a remarkable experience. That was an amazing experience. Се онесвестив. I fainted. I passed out. Мачката е во торбата. The cat is in the bag. Cat's in the bag. Ан е малко момиче. Ann is a little girl. Anne's a little girl. Навистина сакам да знам што се дешава тука. I really want to know what's happening here. I really want to know what's going on here. Да погледаме телевизия. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. Тоа не е важно. That's not relevant. That doesn't matter. Том го соблече палтото. Tom removed his coat. Tom took his coat off. Можете ли то поновити? Could you repeat that? Can you repeat that? To je kristalno jasno. It's as clear as crystal. That's crystal clear. Mogu li dobiti još jednu čašu piva? Could I have another glass of beer? Can I have another glass of beer? Мисля, че сте наистина удивителна. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Mora da je bilo užasno. It must've been awful. It must have been awful. Не смеам да ти го кажам тоа што сакаш да го знаеш. I'm not allowed to tell what you want to know. I can't tell you what you want to know. Она има украјинско држављанство. She has Ukrainian citizenship. She has Ukrainian citizenship. Јас можам да те заштитам. I can protect you. I can protect you. Imaš lošu narav. You have a bad attitude. You have a bad temper. Muzika je ponovo počela. The music started again. The music has begun again. Tom je jokal. Tom was crying. Tom was crying. Ne slažemo se dobro sa komšijama. We don't get along well with our neighbors. We don't get along well with our neighbors. Tom je nazvan po ocu. Tom is named after his father. Tom's named after his father. Се надевам не. I hope not. I hope not. Študovala si. You were studying. You were studying. Nikad u životu nisam nosila spavaćicu. I've never worn a sleeping gown in my life. I've never worn a nightgown in my life. Ni sam ljuta ni na koga. I'm not mad at anybody. I'm not mad at anyone. Spreman sam da govorim. I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to talk. Мери се гордееше со својата лиџба. Mary prided herself on her beauty. Mary was proud of her figure. Књиге имају своју судбину. Books have a fate of their own. Books have their destiny. Моля, напишете адреса си за контакт тук. Please write your contact address here. Please write your contact address here. Ne varaj. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. Скинула је своју одећу. She took off her clothes. She took off her clothes. Мога ли да ви помогна? Can I help you? Can I help you? Tom je vprašal Mary, če bi to želela početi danes. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do that today. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to do it today. Tom ima pravi stav. Tom has the right attitude. Tom's got the right attitude. Ne brzgaj. Don't rush. Don't hurry. Птица на крову је врана. The bird on the roof is a crow. The bird on the roof is crow. Едно кафе, моля. Coffee, please. A cup of coffee, please. Završili smo za danas. We're done for today. We're done for the day. Dođi brzo! Come quickly! Come quick! Сите сме исти. We're all the same. We're all the same. Моите предци се од Германија. My ancestors are from Germany. My ancestors are from Germany. Том фатил две места. Tom's double-parked. Tom's got two seats. Може ли да ти използвам молива? May I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? Том је изгледао много другачије након шишања. Tom looked so different after his haircut. Tom looked so different after the haircut. Tom mi je pokazao kako da čitam. Tom taught me how to read. Tom showed me how to read. Šta se dogodilo? What happened? What happened? От сега нататък бъди по-внимателна. Be more careful from now on. From now on, be more careful. Jesi li ti student? Are you a student? Are you a student? Се вклучи црвено светло. The light turned red. Red light's on. Kakav je oženjen život? How's married life? What kind of married life is it? Том носеше капа на којашто сѐ уште стоеше цената. Tom was wearing a hat which still had the price tag attached. Tom wore a hat that still cost the price. Том току-що се прибра вкъщи. Tom came home just now. Tom just got home. Мисля, че ще ти бъде интересно. I think you'll find it interesting. I think you'll find it interesting. Instiktivno sam odreagovao. I reacted instinctively. I reacted instinctively. Том нема да го сака. Tom won't want it. Tom won't love him. Този чифт обувки не ми става. This pair of shoes doesn't fit me. This pair of shoes doesn't work for me. Pokaži mi fotke! Show me the photos! Show me the photos! Ovaj je dosta kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. Том знаеше дека Мери ќе му помогне. Tom knew Mary would help him. Tom knew Mary would help him. Наистина съм уморена и искам да си легна рано. I'm really tired and want to go to bed early. I'm really tired, and I want to go to bed early. Том е над трийсетгодишен. Tom is in his thirties. Tom's over 30. Ubeđena sam. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Dobro ohranja svojo mladost. She keeps her youth very well. He keeps his youth well. Tom ume da piše lepo. Tom can write well. Tom can write nice. Сауна е тука. It's boiling in here. Sauna's here. Ја доби ли поканата од Том? Did you receive Tom's invitation? Did you get the invitation from Tom? Не беше забавен. You weren't funny. He wasn't funny. Posećivaćemo vas s vremena na vreme. We will visit you occasionally. We'll visit you from time to time. Аз черпя. The drink is on me. I'm buying. Те молам извести го Том. Please inform Tom. Please let Tom know. Најлошиот вид на мамурлук е емоционалниот мамурлук. The worst kind of hangover is emotional hangover. The worst kind of hangover is the emotional hangover. Го мразам исто колку и ти. I hate him as much as you do. I hate him as much as you do. Zašto mene? Why me? Why me? Jesam li osumnjičena? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? Poskušam prebrati vsaj nekaj strani na dan. I try to read at least a few pages a day. I'm trying to read at least a few pages a day. Ova zgrada bit će sagrađena u gradu. This building will be built in the city. This building will be built in the city. Ma koliko razmatrao, i dalje ne razumem. No matter how much I consider it I do not understand. As far as I'm concerned, I still don't understand. Мисля, че си идиотка. I think you're an idiot. I think you're an idiot. Том ми најде работа. Tom found me a job. Tom got me a job. Не, се уште сум беќар. No, I'm still a bachelor. No, I'm still a beaver. To je tako tužno. That's so sad. It's so sad. Май трябва да го оставиш да се пече още малко. It looks like you need to cook this a bit longer. I think you should let him bake a little more. Не ходи никъде без Том. Don't go anywhere without Tom. Don't go anywhere without Tom. Нямам представа пред какво съм изправен. I have no idea what I'm up against. I have no idea what I'm up against. To su lijepe cipele. Those are nice shoes. Those are nice shoes. Навистина сакам да му помогнам. I really want to help him. I really want to help him. Той стоя буден до късно. He stayed up late. He's staying up late. Više se brinem za tebe nego za budućnost Japana. I am more worried about you than the future of Japan. I'm more worried about you than the future of Japan. Децата са цветята в нашия живот. Children are the flowers of our lives. The children are the flowers in our lives. Не съм неразумна. I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not unreasonable. Uplašena sam nasmrt. It scared me to death. I'm scared to death. Дан и Линда накрај се преселија во Лондон. Dan and Linda eventually moved to London. Dan and Linda finally moved to London. Ne mogu da se koncentrišem od ove pometnje. I can't concentrate with all this commotion going on. I can't concentrate on this distraction. Тој е строг критичар. He is a harsh critic. He's a strict critic. Oduvek sam mislio da je to čudno. I always thought it was weird. I always thought that was weird. Го познавав покојникот долго време. I have known the deceased for a long time. I've known the deceased for a long time. Odmah mi odgovori. Answer me right now. Answer me immediately. Не можеше да си ги соблече панталоните. He couldn't get his trousers off. He couldn't take his pants off. Мешунки паѓаат од дрвото. Seed pods keep dropping off the tree. Mixtures fall out of the tree. Најверојатно ме сметаш за изопаченик. You probably think I'm a creep. You probably think I'm a pervert. Не ми давай нищо. Don't give me a thing. Don't give me anything. Využijem túto príležitosť. I will make use of this opportunity. I can't help it. Ајде вечерва да го направиме тоа. Let's do it tonight. Let's do it tonight. Jesi li planirao nešto specijalno? Were you planning something special? Were you planning something special? Je pripojená; čo spravím? She's online; what do I do? Is it attached, man? Tom je izvukao zapušač iz flaše. Tom uncorked the bottle. Tom pulled the plug out of the bottle. Ovde je velika količina manjih grešaka i sitnog nerazumevanja koji iskrivljuju značenje originalne rečenice. There are many minor mistakes and tiny misunderstandings here that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Here is a large amount of minor errors and petty misunderstandings that distort the meaning of the original sentence. Робин Худ ги пљачкал богатите. Robin Hood robbed the rich. Robin Hood robbed the rich. В колко часа започва киното? What time does the movie begin? What time does the movie start? Немој да зборуваш така. Don't talk that way. Don't say that. Родителите ми се бяха нахранили, преди да се прибера. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. My parents fed before I went home. Не ставај толку бибер во супата. Don't put so much pepper in the soup. Don't put so much pepper in the soup. Siguran sam da ćeš biti dobro. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll be fine. Не се карај со мене. Don't fight with me. Don't argue with me. Zamolio me je da mu pomognem. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. Таа сака кратки сукњи. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. На Том му истече пасошот. Tom's passport has expired. Tom's passport's expired. Nadam se da će se Tom vratiti bezbedno. I hope Tom gets back safely. I hope Tom gets back safely. Всушност, доста е досадно. Actually, it was pretty boring. Actually, it's pretty boring. Zašto mi ne kažeš šta te zaista muči? Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you? Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you? Трябва да си взема довиждане. I have to say goodbye. I have to take a good-bye. Насмевни му се. Give him a smile. Smile at him. Naše oči ne mogu vidjeti infracrvene zrake. Our eyes can't see infrared light. Our eyes can't see infrared rays. Povređena sam. I'm hurt. I'm hurt. Г-н Смит е обвинен в пропуск в договора. Mr Smith is accused of breach of contract. Mr. Smith is being charged with failure in his contract. Uradiću sve za tebe. I'll do everything for you. I'll do anything for you. Надявам се, че това е достатъчно. I hope that's enough. I hope that's enough. Честита Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Моля не пипайте. Please do not touch. Please don't touch. Молим вас, зауставите овде. Please stop here. Please stop here. Uzmi sve. Get everything. Take it all. Трябва да докладвам това. I have to report this. I have to report this. Трябва да отида да кажа на Том. I have to go tell Tom. I have to go tell Tom. Некој се обидува да нѐ убие. Someone's trying to kill us. Someone's trying to kill us. И това съм виждала. I've seen that, too. I've seen that, too. Mogao bih da krenem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Не заборавај да се намачкаш со крем против сонце. Don't forget to put on sunscreen. Don't forget to soak with sunscreen. Морав пак да лажам. I had to lie again. I had to lie again. Litva se pridruži Evropski uniji. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania shall join the European Union. Површината на месечината е неправилна. The surface of the moon is irregular. The surface of the moon is irregular. Речта на Том беше отлична. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. Ma šta radio, nemoj da se smeješ. No matter what you do, don't laugh. No matter what you do, don't laugh. Во тропските предели има само две годишни времиња. There are only two seasons in the tropics. There are only two seasons in the tropics. Готов си да заплачеш. You're about to cry. You're ready to cry. On se ne može podmititi. He can't be bribed. He can't be bribed. Da, prosim. Yes, please. Yes, please. Никога не съм се гордял толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Povedal jej veľa klamstiev. He told her many lies. He said it was a tie of claws. Jaz sem tako nesrečen fant. I'm such an unlucky guy. I'm such an unhappy boy. Зошто некој би сакал да го повреди Том? Why would anyone want to hurt Tom? Why would anyone want to hurt Tom? Драго ми е за тоа. I'm glad of that. I'm glad about that. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдем с тебе? Are you sure you don't want us to go with you? Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Popraskaj me po hrbtu Rub my back. Give me a pat on the back. Учудвам се, че тая сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building is still standing. Pogodilo se da sam u pravu. I happened to be right. I guessed I was right. Još uvek sam pospan. I'm still half asleep. I'm still sleepy. Том трудно се справя в подобни ситуации. Tom has trouble dealing with this kind of situation. Tom's having a hard time dealing with situations like this. Има грозје во ладилникот. There are some grapes in the refrigerator. There's grapes in the fridge. Ќе го запомнам тоа. I'll remember that. I'll remember that. Sve je u redu sa mojim sluhom. There's nothing wrong with my hearing. It's all right with my hearing. Не съм се чувал с Джейн, откакто тя се премести в Токио. I haven't heard from Jane since she moved to Tokyo. I haven't heard from Jane since she moved to Tokyo. Зарем не треба да ги чекаме? Shouldn't we wait for them? Shouldn't we wait for them? Том је сигурно имао кључ. Tom must've had a key. Tom must have had the key. Овие не се вистински. These aren't real. These aren't real. Pogledajte ono. Take a look at that. Look at that. Tom i ja smo bliski prijatelji već godinama. Tom and I have been close friends for years now. Tom and I have been close friends for years. Pokušavam da budem pažljiva. I'm trying to be cautious. I'm trying to be careful. Mogao bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Сакам да знам што преземаш за да го најдеш Том. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. Не ми се подигравайте. Don't make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. Reci mi šta si napisao. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Имам слушнато многу за тебе. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard so much about you. Ќе купам календар. I'll buy a calendar. I'll buy a calendar. Možete li to da dokažete? Can you prove that? Can you prove it? On je bio sin bogatoga trgovca. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. Misliš li da je to napravio? Do you think he did it? Do you think he did it? Зборувам со Том. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. Ти учиш френски, нали? You study French, don't you? You're French, aren't you? Мислев заедно да го посетиме музејот. I thought we could visit the museum together. I thought we'd visit the museum together. Том си закопча ризата и после си сложи вратовръзката. Tom buttoned up his shirt and then put on his tie. Tom buttoned his shirt and then put on his tie. Moj auto nije bio dovoljno dobar. My car wasn't good enough. My car wasn't good enough. Не спиј во кадата. Don't sleep in the bathtub. Don't sleep in the tub. Takáto šanca už druhý raz nepríde. The lost chance will never come again. Takáto bar by druhý ra neprída. Таа ме покани на вечера. She invited me to dinner. She invited me to dinner. Пресечи улицата. Cross the street. Cut the street. Бил съм в Бостън само веднъж. I've only been to Boston once. I've only been to Boston once. Валеше на потоп. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining at the flood. Da li mi, ljudi, možemo da varimo travu i da izvlačimo hranjive sastojke iz nje? Can we humans digest grass and obtain nourishment from it? Can we, guys, we boil grass and extract nutrients from it? Urobil skúšku. He passed the exam. He's taken the skeeze. Разликата между правилната дума и почти правилната дума е като между светкавицата и светулката. The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. The difference between the right word and the word is almost the right word between the lightning and the light bulb. Том је живи доказ да не морате бити паметни да би били успешни. Tom's living proof that you don't have to have brains to be successful. Tom is living proof that you don't have to be smart to be successful. Gledao sam Toma kako umire. I watched Tom die. I watched Tom die. Ајде само да фаќаме магла. Let's just get out of here. Let's just catch the fog. Šta radi tvoja tetka? What does your aunt do? What's your aunt doing? Zdravo. Hi. Hello. Изглежда всичко, което Том иска, са пари. All Tom seems to want is money. It looks like everything Tom wants is money. Многу дуваше. It was really windy. It was blowing up a lot. Не трчи пред руду! Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't run in front of the mine! Како ги фативте? How did you get them? How did you catch them? Вярвам, че Земята се наблюдава от извънземно разузнаване. I believe that an alien intelligence is watching the Earth. I believe Earth is being watched by alien intelligence. Efekat klimanskih promena je mnogo manje izražen na Antartiku nego u severnim polarnim predelima. The effects of climate change are far less pronounced in Antarctica than in the northern polar regions. The effect of climate change is much less pronounced in Antarctica than in northern polar areas. Ова е твојата победа. This is your victory. This is your victory. Тие скандираат веќе половина час. They've been chanting for thirty minutes. They've been running for half an hour. Колку чудно! How strange! How strange! Страхотно е да се работи тук. It's great working here. It's great to work here. Виждал съм шофьорската ти книжка. I've seen your driver's license. I've seen your driver's license. Намерих една бележка на бюрото си, но не знам от кого е. I found a note on the table, but I don't know who it's from. I found a note on my desk, but I don't know who it's from. Ето ни и нас! Here we are! There we are! Полицията намери тяло, изхвърлено на брега недалече от тук. The police found a body washed up on the beach near here. The police found a body thrown off the coast not far from here. Не ме бутай. Don't push me. Don't push me. Таа се прави таинствена. She acts mysterious. She's making herself secretive. Ti uvek lažeš mene. You always lie to me. You're always lying to me. Neće proći mene They won't get past me. He won't pass me. Том сакаше да си оди. Tom wanted to leave. Tom wanted to leave. Zašto radiš ovo sebi? Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you doing this to yourself? Това е само вода. This is just water. It's just water. Они су потребни једни другима. They needed one another. They need each other. Želiš li kavu? Would you like a coffee? Do you want some coffee? Mi se približimo, pokušavati razumjeti jedni drugog, ali samo povrijedimo jedni drugog i plačemo. We get closer, trying to understand each other, but just hurt each other and cry. We get closer, we try to understand each other, but we just hurt each other and we cry. Казвам ти, тя прилича на майка си. She looks like her mother, I tell you. I'm telling you, she looks like her mother. Што му значи тоа? What does that mean for him? What does that mean? Имаме три стражара коишто работат наизменично. We have three security guards who take shifts. We've got three guards working alternately. Imam ujnu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. Тази миризма и друг път съм я усещал. I've smelled this smell somewhere before. That smell, and I felt it another time. Ti si nas to naučio. You taught us that. You taught us that. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш малко от това? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Are you sure you don't want some of this? Донесете ми нещо за ядене. Bring me something to eat. Bring me something to eat. Нещо се случва. Something's happening. Something's going on. Не добавяйте анотации. Don't add annotations. Do not add annotations. Зошто ме праша мене? Why did you ask me? Why did you ask me? У почетку Бог је створио небо и Земљу. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At first, God created heaven and earth. Том е голем материјалист. Tom is very materialistic. Tom's a great materialist. Кој раководи со работите тука? Who runs things here? Who runs things here? Какво точно се случи с вас? What exactly happened to you? What exactly happened to you? Обожавам пеперутки. I love butterflies. I love butterflies. На оваа куќа и требаат поправки. The house requires repairs. This house needs repairs. Нема што да се мисли. It's a no-brainer. There's nothing to think about. Кен боядиса колелото си в бяло. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken painted his bike in white. И да бях ти казал, кел файда. You wouldn't be any happier if I told you. And if I'd told you, I'd have told you. Trebala bi mi večnost da sve objasnim. It would take forever for me to explain everything. It would take me forever to explain everything. Pokupila je lijepa kamenja. She picked up beautiful stones. She's picked up some nice rocks. Зелено светло... црвено светло! Green light... Red light! Green light... red light! Твоята риза ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Тези технически термини са от гръцки произход. These technical terms derive from Greek. These technical terms are of Greek origin. Русија је нападнута. Russia is under attack. Russia was attacked. Подай ми я на мене. Pass it to me. Hand it to me. Нека те представя на Том. Let me introduce you to Tom. Let me introduce you to Tom. Možemo li naručiti molim vas? Can we order please? Can we order, please? Opet idemo napolje. We're going out again. We're going out again. Nisam mogao skinuti pogled s tebe od trenutka kada sam ušao u tu sobu. I couldn't take my eyes off of you from the minute I entered this room. I couldn't take my eyes off you from the moment I walked into that room. Радиото е исклучено. The radio is powered off. Radio's off. Зошто нѐ отпушти? Why did you fire us? Why did he fire us? Gde si našao ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where'd you get the keys? Том отсекогаш бил тврдоглав. Tom has always been stubborn. Tom's always been stubborn. Тогава не бях болен. I wasn't sick then. I wasn't sick then. Никой не считаше неговите думи за важни. No one conceived his words to be important. No one considered his words important. Kako se osećaš? How've you been feeling? How are you feeling? Jawbreaker je okrugla višeslojna bombona slično kao što je biser. A jawbreaker is a round candy, multi-layered like a pearl. Jawbreakr is a round multilayer candy like pearl. Мисля, че се държите наивно. I think you're being naive. I think you're being naive. Чесен збор. I give you my word. That's an honest word. Пускането на хвърчила може да бъде опасно. Flying kites can be dangerous. The release of the kite can be dangerous. Луѓето не можат да творат чуда. Humans can't perform miracles. People can't create miracles. Мери го премота филмот. Mary fast-forwarded the movie. Mary rewinded the film. Знаете ли защо съм тук? Do you know why I'm here? Do you know why I'm here? Ајде да останеме во брак. Let's stay married. Let's stay married. Ти ли си новият асистент? Are you the new assistant? Are you the new assistant? Nije trebalo da kupiš to. You shouldn't have bought that. You shouldn't have bought that. Тя е най-скучното момиче което някога съм познавал. She is the most boring girl I ever knew. She's the most boring girl I've ever known. Не бях честен с Том. I wasn't honest with Tom. I wasn't honest with Tom. Gdje su leteći auti? Where are all the flying cars? Where are the flying cars? Mayuko je izbjegavala težak posao. Mayuko avoided doing hard work. Mayuko avoided hard work. Htio sam to napraviti. I wanted to do it. I was gonna do it. Том не прилича много на брат си. Tom doesn't look much like his brother. Tom doesn't look much like his brother. Том вече си тръгна. Tom already left. Tom's already gone. Видях, че Джеси беше застанал там. I saw Jessie standing there. I saw Jesse standing there. Видях една червена кола и една бяла. Червената изглеждаше по-добре от бялата. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white one, and the red one looked better than the white one. Мисля, че това е правилният начин. I think that's the right thing to do. I think that's the right way. Момчето влезе през прозореца. The boy got in through the window. The boy came through the window. Знам за работата. I know about the job. I know about the job. Nič som necítil. I didn't feel anything. I didn't say anything. Kako se to sastavlja? How is it put together? How do you put it together? Няма да можеш да го направиш без мен. You won't be able to do that without me. You won't be able to do it without me. Pretpostavila sam da ste zauzete. I assumed you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Hoćeš li nam se pridružiti? Will you join us? Will you join us? Тоа беше многу мило. That was very cute. That was so sweet. Том не е вегетаријанец. Tom isn't a vegetarian. Tom's not a vegetarian. Изглежда попаднахме в капан. It looks like we fell into a trap. Looks like we're trapped. Някой казвал ли Ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone told you that? Sve ću jednom probati. I'll try anything once. I'll try it all once. Дали ти е главата полна со слама? Is your head full of straw? Is your head full of straw? Aký je účel vašej cesty? What's the purpose of your trip? Aqý is the head of your road? Moja sestra se igra sa lutkama. My sister is playing with dolls. My sister's playing with dolls. Имаш ли някаква дъвка? Do you have any gum? Do you have any gum? Обикновено кога свършваш работа? When do you usually get off work? Usually when you do your job? Проблемът не е в парите. Money isn't the problem. It's not about money. Hajde, daj mi to. Come on, give it to me. Come on, give me that. До вчера никога не бях чувал Том да говори на френски. Until yesterday, I had never heard Tom speak French. I never heard Tom speak French before yesterday. Беше ми изключително приятно! It was a great pleasure! It was very nice to meet you. Stvarno je lepo. That's really beautiful. It's really nice. Ponosna sam na to. I'm proud of that. I'm proud of it. Nisam jedini kome se ne dopada Tom. I'm not the only one who doesn't like Tom. I'm not the only one who doesn't like Tom. Već sam bio tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. Свършихме работата, така че можем да си ходим. We've finished the work, so we may as well go home. We've done our job, so we can go. Imao sam sreće, što sam preživeo nesreću. I'm fortunate to have survived the accident. I was lucky to survive the accident. Том няма да е в банката по това време. Tom wouldn't be at the bank this time of day. Tom won't be at the bank at the time. Пробавме да ги натераме да дојдат. We tried to get them to come. We tried to get them to come. Nema smisla čekati. There's no point in waiting. There's no point in waiting. Povedz mi viac. Tell me more. Why don't you give me a joke? Игра ли бейзбол вчера? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? Том е погребан во Бостон. Tom is buried in Boston. Tom's buried in Boston. Ни го отфрлија првиот предлог. Our first proposal was turned down. They rejected our first proposal. Tome, da li ste ti i Džom braća? Tom, are you and John brothers? Tom, are you and Joe brothers? Живеам близу до брана. I live next to a dam. I live near the dam. Rodio se u Ohiu. He was born in Ohio. He was born in Ohio. Том трубеше. Tom honked the horn. Tom blew it. Gde si bio u Japanu? Where did you go to in Japan? Where were you in Japan? Neodkladne choď k lekárovi, ak sa ti to zhorší. Make sure you go to a doctor if you get worse. The undecided chó to the medics, if you're gonna do it again. Тръгвате ли си? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Vratila se iz bolnice. She returned from the hospital. She's back from the hospital. Останахме в Дорчестър. We stayed at the Dorchester. We stayed in Dorchester. Том не може да намери. Tom can't find one. Tom can't find it. Zima je prošla. Proleće je došlo. Winter has gone. Spring has come. Winter has passed, spring has come. To je tačno. It's correct. That's right. Не ти ща ни златото, ни среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. I don't want your gold or silver. Му се исполни пророштвото. His prophecy was fulfilled. His prophecy was fulfilled. Том не е зачленет. Tom isn't a member. Tom's not involved. Tom je rekao da si kul. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. Потполно си во право. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Srećan rođendan! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Crkva je samo preko puta. The church is just across the street. The church is just across the street. Ме касна нешто. I got stung. Something bit me. Би требало да го пробаш ова. You should try this. You should try this. Ќе одам да го направам тоа. I'll go do that. I'm gonna go do it. Трябва да изчакам обаждането на Том. I have to wait for Tom's call. I have to wait for Tom's call. Време је да устанеш. It's time for you to get up. It's time to get up. Татко ще идва у нас утре. Father is coming home tomorrow. Dad's coming to our house tomorrow. Следното утро, тој најде рачно напишано писмо во поштенското сандаче. The next morning he found a handwritten letter in the letterbox. The next morning, he found a handwritten letter in the mailbox. Не се храни, докато схващането не мине. Don't eat till the numbness wears off. She doesn't eat until she's through. Това е моята къща. This is my house. This is my house. Закъсня с три дни. You're three days late. You're three days late. Том ми плати. Tom paid me. Tom paid me. Slažem se sa tim što si napisao. I agree with what you've written. I agree with what you wrote. Някой казвал ли ти го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone told you that? Престанах да се надявам. I gave up hope. I stopped hoping. Прави това, което те прави щастлив. Do whatever makes you happy. He's doing what makes you happy. Odgovor na ovo pitanje je jednostavan. The answer to this question is simple. The answer to this question is simple. Ми пројде главоболката. My headache is gone. My headache's gone. Майката на Куки умря от рак. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Какви са условията? What're the terms? What are the conditions? Се чувствувам осамено во градов. I feel lonely in this town. I feel lonely in this town. Tražio sam te. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Том има долга брада. Tom has a long beard. Tom has a long beard. Звукот на твојот глас е како песна на сирена за мене. The sound of your voice is like siren's song to me. The sound of your voice is like a siren song to me. Го гонеше крадецот. He chased the thief. He was chasing the thief. Tvoj je bio bolji. Yours was better. Yours was better. А ако не ги најдеме? What if we don't find them? What if we don't find them? Том рече дека некому тука му требала помош. Tom said that somebody here needed help. Tom said someone here needed help. Сигурен ли си дека не си заборавил нешто? Are you sure you didn't forget anything? Are you sure you haven't forgotten something? Imam novu djevojku; zar nisi znala? I got a new girlfriend; you didn't know? I have a new girlfriend; didn't you know? Tom krváca. Tom's bleeding. Tom's bleeding. Сложи го там, откъдето го взе. Put it back where you got it from. Put it where you got it. Miljaža zavisi od uslova na putu. Mileage varies with driving conditions. The mile depends on the conditions of the road. Бих искал да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd like to help. Трябва да си взема нещо за ядене. I have to get something to eat. I have to get something to eat. Nikada se govno ne može pozlatiti tako da ne smrdi. One can never gild shit so it does not smell. Can never be gilded so it doesn't smell. Виждал съм ви да правите невероятни неща. I've seen you do amazing things. I've seen you do amazing things. Ќе го натерам да ти го искоси тревникот. I'll have him mow your lawn. I'll get him to cut your lawn. Се занимаваш ли со некаков спорт? Do you do any sport? Do you do any sports? Čisto vse sem ti povedal. I've told you everything. I've told you everything. Едно момче дотрча до мене. A boy came running towards me. A boy ran to me. Zbog čega si odlučio da prestaneš da koristiš Tviter? What made you decide to quit using Twitter? Why did you decide to stop using Twitter? Откъде да знам? How should I know? How should I know? Сами је био Лејлин плесни партнер. Sami was Layla's dance partner. Sami was Layla's dance partner. Tom odišiel v pondelok. Tom left on Monday. Tom went to the pondelok. Ги замолив да се свртат. I asked them to turn around. I asked them to turn around. Tom ide u školu za grafički dizajn. Tom goes to school for graphic design. Tom goes to graphic school. Моторът не иска да запали. The engine won't start. The engine won't start. Nikada me nećete uhvatiti živog! You'll never take me alive! You'll never catch me alive! По-голямата ѝ дъщеря е омъжена. Her older daughter is married. Her older daughter is married. Imam belo mačko. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Деца, тука да сте останале. You kids stay here. Kids, you stay here. Трябва да обсъдя нещо лично с Вас. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something with you personally. Ќе одам во Бостон идната недела. I'm going to Boston next week. I'm going to Boston next week. Патници бевме. We were passengers. We were passengers. Имаме работа за нив. We have work for them. We've got work for them. Ако ми заемеш пари, ще ти бъда много благодарен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'll be very grateful. Можно е да врне денес. It might rain today. It could rain today. Не мога да си позволя да поддържам кола. I can not afford to keep a car. I can't afford to keep a car. Stoj pokonci, ko se pogovarjam s teboj. Stand upright when I'm talking to you. Stay up when I talk to you. Го мразам училиштево. I hate this school. I hate this school. Skoro smo gotovi. We're almost done. We're almost done. Не трябва да даваш пари назаем на такъв човек. You should not have lent the money to such a person. You don't have to lend money to a guy like that. Mnogo puta sam igrala golf sa Tomom. I've played golf with Tom many times. I've played golf with Tom many times. Posuđujem knjige iz gradske knjižnice. I borrow books from the city library. I borrow books from the City Library. Не го гледам крајот. I can't see the end. I don't see the end. Когато почувствам песимизъм за бъдещето на света, аз просто се подсещам колко много се е променило дори само през времето, което аз помня. Whenever I'm feeling pessimistic about the future of the world, I just think of how much has changed even in the time that I can remember. When I feel pessimism about the future of the world, I just remember how much has changed even during the time I remember. Со задоволство би се возел со Том. I'm happy to ride with Tom. I'd love to ride with Tom. Ништо не може да ти се случи. Nothing can happen to you. Nothing can happen to you. Аз още не съм си написал цялото домашно. I haven't finished all my homework yet. I haven't done all my homework yet. Pôjdeme pešo. We'll go on foot. Pödeme on foot. Том говори френски като да му е роден. Tom speaks French like a native speaker. Tom speaks French like he was born. Чуваме две кози. We keep two goats. We hear two goats. Nisem bila grozna. I was not horrible. I wasn't terrible. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да се откажеш? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Tom je hteo da bude dobar. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be good. Сложих парите в сейфа. I put the money into the safe. I put the money in the safe. Том е наметлив. Tom's pushy. Tom's intrusive. Два момка су истрчала из собе. Two boys came running out of the room. Two guys ran out of the room. По-добре да се връщам вкъщи. I'd better get back home. I'd better get home. Не си ли впечатлена? Aren't you impressed? Aren't you impressed? Teším sa na to. I am looking forward to it. I'm comforting with that. Ne stoji. Don't stand. It's not standing. Više je umetnost, a ne nauka. It's an art more than a science. It's more art, not science. Kde je tvoja škola? Where is your school? Where's your school? Шта би волела да знаш? What would you like to know? What would you like to know? Го познаваше ли татко ми? Did you know my father? Did you know my father? Беа ѕверови облечени во човечка кожа а воопшто не беа вистински луѓе. They were beasts in human skins and not true man at all. They were beasts dressed in human skin and they weren't real people at all. Си ја сакам татковината. I love my homeland. I love my country. Je online; čo spravím? She's online; what do I do? Is it online; what's going on? Том сакаше рано да си оди дома. Tom wanted to go home early. Tom wanted to go home early. Какво направи с фотоапарата? What did you do with the camera? What did you do with the camera? Така мисля. I think so. I think so. Tom i ja smo išli u istu srednju školu. Tom and I went to the same high school. Tom and I went to the same high school. През лятото се къпя всяка сутрин. I take a bath every morning in the summer. I bathe every morning in the summer. Си го заборавив пасошот. I forgot my password. I forgot my passport. Од кога спие Том? How long has Tom been sleeping? Since when does Tom sleep? Ние ходим в училище, за да учим. We go to school to study. We go to school to study. Мери и Кејт се неразделни. Mary and Kate are inseparable. Mary and Kate are inseparable. Аз съм герой. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Том, мисля, че трябва да помогнем на Мери. Изглежда тя е в беда. Tom, I think we need to help Mary. It looks like she's in trouble. Tom, I think we should help Mary. Mislim da ne treba da kažeš Tomu to. I don't think you should tell Tom that. I don't think you should tell Tom that. Какво имаш да правиш? What's on your plate? What do you have to do? Тој не е како нас. He's not like us. He's not like us. Навистина сме добри. We're really good. We're really good. Ten muž je nahý. The man is naked. Ten husband is Nahý. Godine su prošle. Years passed. It's been years. Mogli smo da spasemo Toma samo da smo stigli koji minut ranije. We could've saved Tom if we'd arrived just a few minutes earlier. We could have saved Tom just to get here a few minutes earlier. Дури ни таа не ме разбира. Even she doesn't understand me. She doesn't even understand me. Той може да дойде утре следобед. He may come tomorrow afternoon. He can be here tomorrow afternoon. Budem dole, ak ma budeš potrebovať. I'll be downstairs if you need me. I'll be downstairs if you need me. Безбедно место е. It's in a safe place. It's a safe place. Glava ga boli. He has a headache. His head hurts. Ме измами. He deceived me. You tricked me. Тази камера е Томова. This camera is Tom's. This camera is Tomova. Вие сте нейни дъщери. You are her daughters. You're her daughters. Том изгледаше навистина бесно. Tom looked really angry. Tom seemed really pissed off. Mogu li da te pozovem oko 2:30? May I call around 2:30? Can I call you around 2:30? Том ја презира твојата дрскост. Tom hates your guts. Tom despises your impudence. Они су се смејали због његове грешке. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed because of his mistake. Не съм се сещал за Том от години. I haven't thought about Tom in years. I haven't thought of Tom in years. Ми недостига Бостон. I miss Boston. I miss Boston. Тоа е детска игра. It's a game for children. It's a child's game. Žao mi je. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Не знам какво да кажа. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Hvala Vam na toplim rečima. Thank you for your warm words. Thank you for your warm words. Уште ли не си јадел? Haven't you eaten yet? Haven't you eaten yet? С какво се занимавате? What is your occupation? What do you do? Тази книга е на лесен френски. This book is written in easy French. This book is in easy French. Зошто си злобен со мене? Why are you mean to me? Why are you being mean to me? Nemamo drugog izbora. We don't have any other options. We don't have a choice. Kaj si misliš o recikliranju? What do you think about recycling? What do you think of recycling? Не ми се сърди за това. Don't hold it against me. Don't be mad at me for that. Jako ju želim vidjeti. I want to see her very much. I want to see her very much. Тя живее в огромна къща. She lives in a huge house. She lives in a huge house. Прашањето е кој одлучува што треба да се прави. The question is who decides what needs to be done. The question is who decides what needs to be done. Jesi li sigurna da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? Според мен френският е език, труден за научаване. In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn. I think French is a hard language to learn. Немој да пијеш воду. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Не е привлечно. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. Da li možeš da zasmeješ Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? На кой етаж живееш? What floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Треба ти хоби. You need a hobby. You need a hobby. Том навидум знае се. Tom seems to know everything. Tom seems to know everything. Bolí ma hlava. I have a sore head. I don't give a shit. Da li je istina da ćeš da studiraš u Bostonu? Is it true that you're going to study in Boston? Is it true you're going to study in Boston? Едноставно не можам да ги добијам информациите што ми требаат. I just can't get the information I need. I just can't get the information I need. Себеотрицанието е най-доброто нещо, което можеш да направиш за себе си. Selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. Self-denomination is the best thing you can do for yourself. Съдията обяви затворника за виновен. The prisoner was found guilty by the judge. The judge found the prisoner guilty. Boli te glava? Does your head hurt? Does your head hurt? Јас не замислувам забава така, но како сакаш. That's not my idea of fun, but whatever floats your boat. I don't imagine fun that way, but whatever you want. Samo recite Tomu da sam zvala. Just tell Tom I called. Just tell Tom I called. Мисля, че ще одобриш. I think you will approve. I think you'll approve. Беше мрзлив и неодговорен. Затоа му наредија да ја напушти фирмата. He was lazy and irresponsible. Thus, he was told to leave the company. He was lazy and irresponsible, so they ordered him to leave the firm. Gledaj kolika je! Look at the size of it! Look at the size of it! Очилата не ми стават. Много са големи. These glasses do not fit me well. They are too large. My glasses don't fit. Винаги закъснява за училище. He is always late for school. He's always late for school. Може ли да подпишеш тук, ако обичаш? Could you sign here, please? Can you sign here, please? Не наказвай Том за това. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't punish Tom for that. Chcem pracovať s vašou spoločnosťou. I want to work with your company. I'm talking to my great-grandmother with your sex. Само треба да ми веруваш. All you have to do is believe me. You just have to trust me. Му помагам. I'm helping him. I'm helping him. Тоа ни беше планот. That was our plan. That was our plan. Тоа го стеснува изборот. That narrows it down. That narrows it down. Том едвај знае да оди. Tom can barely walk. Tom can barely walk. Том има плантажа. Tom owns a plantation. Tom has a plantation. Da li si video da je Tom otišao? Did you see Tom leave? Did you see Tom leave? Слободата на израз била строго ограничена. The freedom of expression was strictly limited. Freedom of expression was strictly limited. Те молам дај се од себе. Please do your best. Please do your best. Казвам ти истината. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. А утре да се видиме? How about we meet tomorrow? And I'll see you tomorrow? Ајде кај Том. Let's go to Tom's. Let's go to Tom's. Tom vás naozaj nemá rád. Tom really doesn't like you. Tom vas nazaj nomá rád. Откопчан ти е патентот. Your zipper is open. Your patent's been unbuttoned. Како си поминавте на одмор? How was your holiday? How was your vacation? Он је познат као велики сликар. He is known as a great painter. He's known as a great painter. Аз само гледам. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Hovorte pomalšie, prosím. Please speak more slowly. Hovorte pomlashie, please. Ова не е твојот дом, Том. This isn't your home, Tom. This isn't your home, Tom. Да ли си добро? Are you OK? Are you okay? Vrti mi se. I'm dizzy. I'm dizzy. Платив казна. I paid a fine. I paid a fine. Том даде збор. Tom made a promise. Tom gave his word. Imam tetu koja živi u Kyotu. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. I have an aunt who lives in Kyoto. Няма проблем, ще те придружа до асансьора. It's no problem, I'll walk you to the elevator. No problem. I'll escort you to the elevator. Dnes je pondelok. Today, it's Monday. Today is a pondelok. Fajčenie zabíja. Smoking kills. It's a face-to-face. Някои хора със сигурност биха попитали, защо просто не си съберем нещата и не се изтеглим от Афганистан? Some people are sure to ask, why don't we just pack up and leave Afghanistan? Some people would definitely ask, why don't we just get our things together and get out of Afghanistan? Погледајте тамо. Look there. Look over there. Всъщност не исках да те питам нищо. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Život teče dalje! So goes life! Life goes on! Виждала съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you and Tom. Ова ѝ беше премногу. This was too much for her. That was too much for her. Ni ja ne mogu. I can't do it either. I can't either. Имам главоболие. I have a headache. I have a headache. Da li misliš da mi je nešto promaklo? Do you think I missed something? Do you think I missed something? Ема је била веома упадљива на журци. Emma was much in evidence during the party. Emma was very perceptive at the party. Ще се опитам да не закъснявам за в бъдеще. I'll try not to be late in the future. I'll try not to be late for the future. Моля те, внимавай повече в бъдеще. Please take more care in the future. Please be more careful in the future. Ne vidim ko je to. I can't see who it is. I don't see who that is. Тя се беше изплезила. She was sticking her tongue out. She was climbing. Том убаво се изјасни. Tom was very clear. Tom made his statement. Tom je izgubio osećaj. Tom has lost his touch. Tom lost his touch. Нищо не съм видял. I haven't seen anything. I didn't see anything. Ще ни изпееш ли песен на френски? Would you sing us a song in French? Can you sing us a song in French? Може ли да се користи оваа страница слично како Twitter? Can't you also use this website sort of like Twitter? Can this page be used similar to Twitter? Попълнете този формуляр, ако обичате. Fill out this form, please. Please fill in this form. Mám množstvo kníh na mojej polici. I have a large number of books on my bookshelf. I have a multitude of knish on my shelf. Том купи капут. Tom bought a coat. Tom bought a coat. Tom je platený na hodiny. Tom is paid by the hour. Tom's paid for the hodney. Otišao bih. I'd leave. I'd go. Посилен сум од тебе. I'm stronger than you. I'm stronger than you. Ако те ја волим, шта се то тебе тиче? If I love you, what business is it of yours? If I love you, what's it to you? Znam da ćeš reći ne. I know you're going to say no. I know you're gonna say no. Не знам баш. I don't quite know. I don't know. Мислех, че са безработни. I thought they were unemployed. I thought they were unemployed. Нищо не съм пипала. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. Kad je on rekao "voda," dala mu je vodu. When he said "water," she gave him water. When he said "water," she gave him water. Zakaj ne bi šli v gore ta konec tedna? Why don't we go to the mountains this weekend? Why don't we go up the mountain this weekend? Фала ви на сите што дојдовте. Thanks to all of you for coming. Thank you all for coming. Istražite je. Examine it. Look into it. Той се справя добре. He's doing well. He's doing well. Том им се претстави на луѓето зад пултот. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Не мислиш ли, че всичките ни политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Виждала съм те как играеш тенис. I've seen you play tennis. I've seen you play tennis. Боб прав ли е? Is Bob right? Is Bob right? Виждал съм Том да прави невъзможното. I've seen Tom do the impossible. I've seen Tom do the impossible. Ona ima sto godina. She is 100 years old. She's a hundred years old. Mogla bih da pođem s tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Падна од дрвото. He fell from the tree. He fell out of the tree. Jesi li ljut zbog toga? Does that make you angry? Is that what you're angry about? Pričajte mi o svom učitelju. Please tell me about your teacher. Tell me about your teacher. Moram da otplatim dug. I have a debt to pay. I have to pay off my debt. Ще ми покажеш ли фотоалбума си, моля те? Would you please show me your photo album? Can you show me your photo album, please? Kaj je ta grozni hrup? What is that awful noise? What's that horrible noise? Том се потпре на Мери. Tom relied on Mary. Tom relied on Mary. Што е твојата анализа? What's your analysis? What's your analysis? Мисля, че трябва да го погледнеш още един път. I think you should look at this once more. I think you should look at it one more time. Ќе го резимирам целото. I'll summarize it all. I'll rescind the whole thing. Tom još uvek zna da izrecituje pesmu koju je napisao kada je imao trinaest godina. Tom can still recite a poem he wrote when he was thirteen. Tom still knows how to recite a song he wrote when he was 13. Očekuje od nas da joj pomognemo. She expects us to help her. She expects us to help her. Том очигледно бил тука порано сабајлево. Tom evidently was here early this morning. Tom was obviously here earlier this morning. Той пострада в мача вчера. He got hurt in the game yesterday. He got hurt in the game yesterday. Nisam znala da si tako bogat. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. Izbrojali smo godove na stablu koje smo oborili i otkrili da je staro trideset godina. We counted the growth rings on the tree that we cut down and found out that it was thirty years old. We counted the years on the tree that we knocked down and discovered it was thirty years old. Како да стигнам таму? How do I get there? How do I get there? Postoje indicije da će prijem, koji je poznat po svojim luksuznim jelima, ove godine biti nešto skromniji. There are some indications that the reception, which is known for its luxurious dishes, will be a bit more subdued this year. There are indications that the reception, which is known for its luxury dishes, will be something more modest this year. Vreme je za istinu. It's time for the truth. It's time for the truth. Ako želiš, naučiću te da sviraš ukulele. I'll teach you how to play the ukulele if you want me to. If you want, I'll teach you to play ukulele. Не знам всичко. I don't know everything. I don't know everything. Коридорът е хлъзгав, внимавай. The hallway is slippery, so watch your step. The corridor is slippery, be careful. Je ti ešte zima? Are you still cold? Is it winter? Моля, предайте моите поздрави на Вашето семейство. Please send my regards to your family. Please give my regards to your family. Ти гори колата. Your car is on fire. You're burning the car. Прецаках те. I tricked you. I fucked you. Firenca je najlepši grad u Italiji. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Зошто ме остави? Why did you dump me? Why did you leave me? Напук на нея реших да го направя. I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. She's the one I decided to do it to. Само дај му го на Том. Just give it to Tom. Just give it to Tom. Беше му трудно да диша. He had trouble breathing. It was hard for him to breathe. Беше несправедливо. It was unjust. It was unfair. Да започнем да превеждаме! Let's start translating! Let's start to translate! Може ли да ми отвориш вратата? Can you open the door for me? Can you open the door for me? Имаме куп пари. We have plenty money. We've got a lot of money. Dajem vam šta želite. I'm giving you what you want. I'm giving you what you want. Rekli su mi da sačekam ovde. They told me to wait here. They told me to wait here. Ovde se pojave da uživaju uz fontanu sa ledom, pivom i korpom za izlet. Here they show up to enjoy themselves by the fountain with ice, beer and picnic basket. Here they appear to enjoy a fountain with ice, beer and a basket for a field trip. Ще се навъртам наоколо. I'll stick around. I'm gonna hang around. Уча френски сам. I'm learning French on my own. I'm learning French by myself. Те сакам повеќе отколку што те сакал било кој досега. I love you more than anybody else ever did love you. I love you more than anyone's ever loved you. Том навистина умее да се бори. Tom can really fight. Tom can really fight. Што друго си можел да направиш? What else could you do? What else could you have done? Камо докази? Where's your proof? Where's the evidence? Погрижих се за това. I've taken care of that. I took care of it. Musím ísť. I have to go. Musím ísó. Ми требаш да ми ја отвориш вратата. I need you to open the door for me. I need you to open the door for me. Скъпа моя, ако яденето не е готово до седем часа, ще отида на ресторант. My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant. My dear, if the meal isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'll go to the restaurant. Том је унајмио приватног детектива да прати Мери. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Не бързай да ме защитаваш. Don't rush to my defense. Don't rush to protect me. Lovi jo kojot. She is being chased by a coyote. She's being hunted by a coyote. За мене, секоја финска реченица е брзозборка. For me, every Finnish sentence is a tongue-twister. To me, every Finnish sentence is a quick word. Си го отворив чадорот. I put up my umbrella. I opened my umbrella. Ništa nas ne može zaustaviti. There's nothing to stop us. Nothing can stop us. Сите те сакаме. We all love you. We all love you. Зает съм с разни неща. I've been keeping busy. I'm busy with things. Najbolji način da izgubiš kilažu je da manje jedeš i više vežbaš. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and practice more. Нашиот сончев систем е постојано во движење. Our solar system is always in motion. Our solar system is constantly on the move. Опитвали ли сте всъщност? Have you actually ever tried it? Have you actually tried? Това е къщата, където живеех, когато бях дете. This is the house where I lived when I was a child. This is the house I used to live in when I was a kid. Pravda u ovoj zemlji ima dvostruke standarde: pravda za siromašne i pravda za bogate. Justice in this country is a bit of a double standard: there is the justice of the poor and the justice of the rich. Justice in this country has double standards: justice for the poor and justice for the rich. Je Tom bežné meno v tvojej krajine? Is Tom a common name in your country? Is Tom running away in your neighborhood? S tvoje leve strane je. It's to your left. It's on your left. Video sam miša. I saw a mouse. I saw a mouse. Тоа не беше баш точно. That wasn't exactly true. That wasn't exactly true. Закон е! It's so cool! It's awesome! Пусти ме унутра. Let me in. Let me in. Есперанто не припаѓа никому. Esperanto is no one's property. Esperanto doesn't belong to anyone. Ги барав насекаде. I looked all over for them. I've been looking everywhere for them. Некој го уби Том. Somebody killed Tom. Someone killed Tom. Tento muž je opitý. This man is drunk. Tento's husband is intoxicated. Beth je čudné dievča, ktoré má rado hady. Beth is an odd girl who likes snakes. Beth is a wonderné wildebeest, choré má gladly hady. Така кажа пред еден час. You said that an hour ago. That's what you said an hour ago. Човекот во прашање моментално е во Америка. The person in question is now staying in America. The man is currently in America. Учителката ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. Назначена ли съм? Am I hired? Am I assigned? Намерих го. I found it. I found it. Си ја сменив маицата. I changed my shirt. I changed my shirt. Поставивме шатор. We put up a tent. We've set up a tent. Ризата Ви ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Наша работа е да им помагаме. It's our job to help them. It's our job to help them. Masiraj mi hrbet. Rub my back. Massage my back. Marcus je postao uzurpator. Marcus became a usurper. Marcus became a usurper. Што припремаш? What are you making? What are you preparing? Гласав за тебе. I voted for you. I voted for you. Niko kog znam više ne ide tamo jer je velika gužva. Nobody I know goes there anymore because it's too crowded. No one I know goes there anymore because it's a lot of traffic. Математиката не е кофти, ти си кофти. Math doesn't suck, you do. Math is not bad, you're bad. На Том му се смееја. Tom was laughed at. Tom was laughing. Дан немаше никакво сочувство кон ниедно човечко суштество. Dan didn't have any empathy whatsoever to any human being. Dan had no compassion for any human being. Те са неразделни. They stick together like glue. They're inseparable. Няма ли да дойдеш? Aren't you coming? Aren't you coming? U esperantu imenice završavaju na "o". Množina se oblikuje dodavajući "j". In Esperanto, nouns end in "o". The plural is formed by adding a "j". In the esperant, the noun ends in "o." The many are shaped by adding "j". Ми треба секретарка. I need a secretary. I need a secretary. Nešto je iskrslo. Something came up. Something's come up. Ме изгреба мачка. A cat scratched me. I got scratched by a cat. Напоследък съм много избухлив.Моят любим футболен отбор запада. I'm really irritable lately. My favorite soccer team is in a slump. I've been very excited lately. My favorite football team is going down. Тоа е утешително. That's reassuring. That's comforting. E, sad je dosta! I've had enough already! That's enough! Да го направим. Let's do it. Let's do it. Ljuta sam. I'm furious. I'm angry. Verovatno ću biti ovde celo popodne. I'm likely to be here all afternoon. I'll probably be here all afternoon. Verujem da je Elvis još živ. I believe Elvis is still alive. I believe Elvis is still alive. Напоследък Том се държи странно. Tom has been acting strange lately. Tom's been acting weird lately. Na oblohe sú miliardy hviezd. There are billions of stars in the sky. On the rims of sú milliardy hviezd. Загрижени сме за нив. We're concerned about them. We're worried about them. Прочетох още няколко глави, преди да заспя. I read a couple of more chapters before I went to sleep. I read a few more heads before I go to sleep. Очакваш ли някой? Are you expecting anybody? Are you expecting someone? Кутията е твърде тежка за носене. The box is too heavy to carry. The box is too heavy to carry. Спаси човек. Изяж канибал. Save a human. Eat a cannibal. Save the man, eat the cannibal. Drago mi je da si pronašla novac koji si izgubila. I'm glad that you found the money you lost. I'm glad you found the money you lost. Oni prodaju ribu i meso. They sell fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. Večera je o šiestej. Dinner's at six. Dinner's about Shieste. Ако се туширам со врела вода, се замаглува огледалото во купатилото. If I take a hot shower, the mirror in the bathroom fogs up. If I shower with hot water, the bathroom mirror is clouded. Ти си моят живот, всичко, което искам и от което се нуждая. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life, everything I want, everything I need. Ти си премлад. You're too young. You're too young. Нејзините соученички ја исмеваа. Her classmates made fun of her. Her classmates made fun of her. Srećom, Tom se nije ozbiljno povredio. Fortunately, Tom didn't get seriously hurt. Luckily, Tom didn't seriously hurt himself. Не забравяй да ми се обадиш утре сутринта. Be sure to call me up tomorrow morning. Don't forget to call me tomorrow morning. Znam da ne želiš da razgovaraš sa mnom. I know that you don't want to talk to me. I know you don't want to talk to me. Tom je veoma bezobrazan. Tom is quite mean. Tom is very rude. Мој брат није код куће. My brother is not at home. My brother's not home. Драго ми е што те најдов. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Том изгледаше бесно. Tom looked furious. Tom looked angry. Ама баш ништо не видов. I saw nothing at all. But I didn't see anything. Da li počinjemo uskoro? Are we starting soon? Are we starting soon? Руке су ми хладне. My hands are cold. My hands are cold. Bio si u pravu da treba da brineš. You were right to worry. You were right to worry. Може ли да го видам она? Can I see that one? Can I see that one? Можеби Том не ја кажува вистината. Maybe Tom isn't telling the truth. Maybe Tom's not telling the truth. Žao mi je ako sam te razočarao. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I'm sorry if I let you down. Излизаш ли с Том? Are you dating Tom? Are you going out with Tom? Ревнувате ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? В този район няма плаж. There is no beach in this area. There's no beach in this area. Можеш ли да ми кажеш ли какво да правя? Can you tell me what to do? Can you tell me what to do? Настави да се трудиш. Keep trying. Keep trying. Сакам да ти дадам нешто ретко. I want to give you something rare. I want to give you something rare. Могу ли да те пољубим? Can I give you a kiss? Can I kiss you? Том не е мој тип. Tom isn't my type. Tom's not my type. Petorica braće je zajedno radila na farmi. Five brothers worked together on the farm. Five brothers worked on a farm together. Том безбедно стигна. Tom arrived safely. Tom made it safely. Искам нещо сладко. I want something sweet. I want something sweet. Svako zna. Everybody knows. Everyone knows. Nazovi me. Call me. Call me. Кулата се гледа оттука. The tower can be seen from here. The tower can be seen from here. "Što učiš?" "Povijest." "What are you studying?" "History." "What are you learning?" "History." Бих искал да съм учител по английски език. I would like to be an English teacher. I'd like to be an English teacher. Сега ще трябва да се оправям с това. I have to deal with this now. I'm gonna have to deal with this now. Moja majka je bila bijesna. My mother was furious. My mother was furious. Бих могъл да те направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Учите ли френски в училище? Do you study French at school? Do you learn French at school? Може ли някой да отговори на въпроса ми? Can anyone answer my question? Can anyone answer my question? Kupio sam nov šešir u prodavnici. I bought a new hat at the department store. I bought a new hat at the store. Тие не сфаќаат. They don't get it. They don't understand. Добри сме. We're OK. We're good. Ne moreš me poraziti! You cannot defeat me! You can't defeat me! Дали той ще се провали на изпита? Will he fail the examination? Will he fail the exam? Птиците запяха. The birds sang. The birds were singing. Моля, продължете разказа си. Please continue with your story. Please continue your story. Ne svađaj se. Don't argue. Don't fight. Мислиш ли дека ќе стигнеме до станицата навреме? Do you think we'll make it to the station in time? Do you think we'll get to the station on time? Da li ti je ovo prva istraga? Is this your first investigation? Is this your first investigation? Билетите ти са у мене. I have your tickets. Tickets you with me. Го наместив Том. I framed Tom. I set Tom up. Том слага твърде много захар в чая си. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Кога Том беше дете, се опседна со девојката којашто живее на спротивната страна од улицата. When Tom was a kid, he became obsessed with the girl who lived across the street from him. When Tom was a kid, he was obsessed with the girl who lives across the street. Neću da ti smetam. I won't get in your way. I don't want to bother you. Ќе го преживееме ова. We'll survive this. We're gonna survive this. Tom je moj stariji brat. Tom is my oldest brother. Tom is my older brother. Stvarno mi se sviđa tvoja muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. Не дојдов да повредувам луѓе. I'm not here to hurt anybody. I'm not here to hurt people. Имам неколку слободни минути. I have a few minutes. I've got a few minutes off. Се стига ли таму со кола? Can you get there by car? Did you get there in a car? Тя продължи да плаче. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Том пропи. Tom started drinking. Tom drank it. По този въпрос имам много за казване. I have much to say about it. I've got a lot to say on this one. Отдавна не ти се е ходило там, нали? You have wanted to go there for a long time, haven't you? It's been a long time since you've been there, hasn't it? За сите е очигледно дека тој е вљубен. It's obvious to everyone that he is in love. It's obvious to all of us that he's in love. Зарем не се чувстуваш некогаш како да не знаеш што правиш? Don't you ever feel like you don't know what you're doing? Don't you ever feel like you don't know what you're doing? Не ми се верува дека Том бил оној што и го украл точакот на Мери. I can't believe that Tom is the one who stole Mary's bicycle. I can't believe Tom was the one who stole Mary's bike. Не би требало да биде претешко да го завршиме извештајот до 2:30. Finishing the report by 2:30 shouldn't be too difficult. It shouldn't be too hard to finish the report by 2:30. Леля ми ми даде един албум. My aunt gave me an album. My aunt gave me an album. Никога не си споменавала колко красива е сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister was. Moram ići u Istanbul. I must go to Istanbul. I have to go to Istanbul. Radite polako. Work slowly. Work slowly. Živeću. I'll live. I'll live. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да ти купя нещо от супермаркета? Are you sure you don't want me to buy you something at the supermarket? Are you sure you don't want me to buy something from the supermarket? Tom je moral v vrsti čakati tri ure. Tom had to wait in line for three hours. Tom had to wait in line for three hours. Той се реши да отиде там. He made up his mind to go there. He decided to go there. Нешто ја мачи. Something's bothering her. Something's bothering her. Ќе им кажам да одат веднаш. I'll have them go right away. I'll have them go now. Току-що го съобщиха по радиото. They just announced that on the radio. They just reported it on the radio. Nemate dozvolu da uđete u tu prostoriju. You are not allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti. I hope you and Tom have a good time. I hope you and Tom have a good time. Burj Kalifa je danas najvišlji oblakoder na svetu. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Califa is today the highest skyscraper in the world. Tom je rekao da je nevin. Tom said that he was innocent. Tom said he was innocent. Ќе го најдат. They're going to find him. They'll find him. Ајде да не му пречиме на Том. Let's not bother Tom. Let's not bother Tom. Riba je. It is a fish. She's a fish. Tomu se sviđaju oba. Tom likes them both. That's what they both like. Мразам да го правам ова. I hate to do this. I hate doing this. Не бих се изненадала. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Буди своја. Be yourself. Be yourself. Том е она правото. Tom is the real deal. Tom's the one. Те може да се целунат. They might kiss. They can kiss. Sve je velika šala. It's all a big joke. It's all a big joke. Не ѝ побарав да оди таму. I didn't ask her to go there. I didn't ask her to go there. Нема ни ронка висина во неговата приказна. There is not a grain of truth in his story. There's not even a speck of height in his story. Многу опушта. It's very relaxing. It's so relaxing. Сложих го в чекмеджето. I put it in the drawer. I put it in the drawer. Колку пари мислиш дека можам да добијам за еден бубрег? How much do you think I can get for my kidney? How much money do you think I can get for one kidney? Колко пари имате? How much money do you have? How much money do you have? Koja je tvoja specijalizacija? What's your major field? What's your specialty? Баща ми не ми разрешава да ходя сам на кино. My dad doesn't let me go to the cinema alone. My dad won't let me go to the movies alone. Том и Мери можеби ќе се сложат. Tom and Mary might agree. Tom and Mary might agree. Многу сакам да испробувам нови работи. I love to try out new things. I really like to try new things. Имам други неща, с които да се занимавам. I have other matters to deal with. I have other things to do. Dođi ovamo na sekund. Come here a second. Come here for a second. Ovo su moji najbolji prijatelji. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Toto je najhoršia vec, aká sa mi kedy stala! This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me! Toto's the hottest thing I've ever done. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ми помогнеш? Are you sure you don't want to help me out? Are you sure you don't want to help me? Вие пиете от моята часа. You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my class. Том се сеќаваше на разноразни работи на коишто не се сеќаваше никој друг. Tom remembered all kinds of things which no one else could remember. Tom remembered all sorts of things that no one else remembered. Том не се родил слеп. Tom wasn't born blind. Tom wasn't born blind. Изпуснах последния влак. I missed the last train. I missed the last train. Смрчата се враќа. The spruce returns. The death is coming back. Prečo si myslíš, že na teba myslím? Why do you think I'm thinking about you? You're mystique, aren't you, myslím? Misliš li da će se situacija poboljšati? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Се надевам дека ова е добро. This better be good. I hope this is good. Би те лажел ли Том? Would Tom lie to you? Would Tom lie to you? Zaista mi se dopada tvoja muzika. I really like your music. I really like your music. Jesu li ovo vaše torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? Šta? Još ne znaš da voziš? What? You still don't know how to drive a car? What, you still don't know how to drive? Извини ме накратко. Excuse me just a moment. Excuse me for a second. Каде се упатил Том? Where's Tom headed? Where's Tom headed? Колико времена имам? How much time do I have? How much time do I have? Бих искал да получа Ваша снимка. I would like your picture. I'd like to get a picture of you. И Том, и Мери бяха облечени с шлифери. Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats. And Tom, Mary and I were wearing raincoats. Том ја исмеваше Мери. Tom made fun of Mary. Tom made fun of Mary. Не съм ви давал разрешение да напуснете. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Nećemo se vratiti u Boston. We won't go back to Boston. We're not going back to Boston. Чух какво Том каза на Мери. I heard what Tom said to Mary. I heard what Tom said to Mary. Što si odgovorio? What did you answer? What did you say? Тя мразеше да я наричат страхливка. She resented being called a coward. She hated being called a coward. Том си го спушти пијалакот. Tom put down his drink. Tom dropped his drink. Против насилието сме. We dislike violence. We're against violence. Нямам си на идея кой е Том. I have no idea who Tom is. I have no idea who Tom is. Том претерано пцуе. Tom swears too much. Tom is too swearing. Том е алергичен на мувла. Tom is allergic to mould. Tom's allergic to mold. Ona je nosila crni šešir. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Zašto se ne igraš sa ostalima? Why don't you play with the others? Why don't you play with the others? Се чувствувам несигурно. I'm feeling insecure. I feel insecure. Ne sledim svoji dieti! I'm not on track with my diet! I don't follow my diet! Tom nevedel, kde je jeho pero. Tom didn't know where his pen was. Tom didn't know where the eating feather was. Rezultati su bili neverovatni. The results were amazing. The results were incredible. Штотуку го вработивме Том. We just hired Tom. We just hired Tom. Som si skoro istá. I'm almost sure. You're almost the same. Tom ima odlično pamćenje. Tom has a great memory. Tom has a great memory. Да ја ставиме елката тука. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the tree here. Беа толку среќни заедно. They were so happy together. They were so happy together. Вампирот оживеа во мртовечкиот ковчег. The vampire came back to life in his coffin. The vampire came alive in the coffin. Какво още има в джоба ти? What else do you have in your pocket? What else is in your pocket? Modlili ste sa. You were praying. You've changed your mind. Къде е тоалетната? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Сигурен сум дека Том се сложува со мене. I'm sure Tom agrees with me. I'm sure Tom agrees with me. Поспан сум. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Учителят твърдеше, че за три месеца ще направи така, че всички да проговорим френски без запъване. The teacher claimed that he'd have us all speaking fluent French in three months. The teacher claimed that in three months he would have made it possible for all of us to speak French without stopping. Аз ще се заема с това. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it. Moj otac je rekao ne. My dad said no. My father said no. Престани да се коцкаш. Quit gambling. Stop gambling. Nije gotovo dok se ne završi. It ain't over till it's over. It's not over until it's over. Закараха Том в болницата да му промият стомаха, защото той яде нещо отровно. They took Tom to the hospital to have his stomach pumped because he ate something poisonous. They took Tom to the hospital to wash his stomach because he ate something poisonous. Ја чекаа. They were waiting for her. They were waiting for her. Mogu li da pozovem oko 2:30? May I call at around 2:30? Can I call around 2:30? Imam li nož? Do I have a knife? Do I have a knife? Аз съм най-обикновен офис работник. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm usually an office worker. То боли. That hurts. It hurts. Това няма да се повтори. This won't happen again. That won't happen again. Велелепен си. You're magnificent. You're a hoot. Брановите ги создава ветерот. Waves are generated by wind. The waves create the wind. Ne bojim se smrti, već umiranja. I do not fear death, but dying. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of dying. Odoberáš nejaké časopisy? Do you subscribe to any magazines? You're okay with the magazine, aren't you? Imam belog konja. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. Ljutim se na tebe. I'm angry with you. I'm mad at you. Не се изправяй твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Сите го одбија Том. Everyone told Tom no. Everyone rejected Tom. Главнот град на Франција е Париз. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital of France is Paris. Чудесен ден беше. It was a wonderful day. It's been a great day. Не мислам дека е педер. Женет е и има три деца. I don't think he's gay. He's married and has three children. I don't think he's gay, he's married, and he's got three kids. Nemaš dozvolu da uđeš u tu sobu. You aren't allowed to go into that room. You don't have permission to enter that room. To je drugačije, nego ono što sam ja očekivao. That is different than what I had expected. It's different than what I expected. Том не можеше да повярва какво се случва. Tom couldn't believe what was happening. Tom couldn't believe what was going on. То је апсолутна истина! That is the absolute truth! It's absolute truth! Познајем те девојке. I know those girls. I know these girls. Tražila sam vas. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Сакам да ме поканат. I want to be invited. I want to be invited. Šta će mi ovo kupiti? What will this buy me? What's this gonna buy me? Баба ми живееше со нас. My grandmother lived with us. My grandmother used to live with us. Daj mi dolar za knjigu. Give me one dollar for the book. Give me a dollar for the book. Само го довршувам извештајот. I'm just finishing up the report. Just finishing up the report. Том ја извади тапата од шампањот. Tom uncorked the champagne. Tom took the carpet out of the champagne. Каде треба да се предадат овие документи? Where should these documents be submitted? Where do these documents have to be submitted? Ja som vysoká. I am tall. I am vysoká. Možete li mi poslati brošuru? Could you send me a brochure? Can you send me the brochure? Proterali smo ga iz zemlje. We banished him from the country. We expelled him from the ground. В гимназията френският ми беше любимият предмет. In high school, French was my favorite subject. In high school, French was my favorite subject. Дај Боже! God willing! Oh, my God! Том можеше да види дека Мери праќа пораки. Tom could see that Mary was texting. Tom could see Mary texting. Том иска да научи някакви френски песни. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Ja se ne predajem! I'm not giving up. I don't give up! Не можев да го оставам Том да умре. I couldn't leave Tom to die. I couldn't let Tom die. Том делува весело. Tom seems cheerful. Tom looks cheerful. Ali Tom sanja? Is Tom dreaming? Is Tom dreaming? Обичам да спортувам. I like playing sports. I like to play sports. Том нема да ме фати. Tom won't catch me. Tom won't catch me. През нощта родителите грижливо завиват децата си. At night, parents tuck their children into bed. At night, parents carefully turn their children around. Nikad ranije nisam opazio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never seen that before. Изобщо не разбирам френски. I don't understand French at all. I don't understand French at all. Nemam puno prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Каде рече Том дека отишол? Where did Tom say he'd gone? Where did Tom say he was going? Šalim se. I'm joking. I'm kidding. Ми било и многу полошо. I've been a lot worse. I've had a lot worse. Тя се бъзика с теб. She's making fun of you. She's messing with you. Prilično se dobro umem da radim više stvari istovremeno. I'm pretty good at multitasking. I'm pretty good at doing more stuff at the same time. Не може да са излезли, защото вътре свети. They can't have gone out because the light's on. They can't have gone out because they're glowing inside. Той изглеждаше сякаш някога е бил богат. He seemed to have been rich. He looked like he was once rich. Таа бавно трча. She is a slow runner. She's running slow. Те не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Svi imamo cenu. We all have a price. We all have a price. Го праша ли Том зошто доцнел? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Ќе им свртам. I'll give them a call. I'll turn them around. Značilo bi mi ako bi to mogao da mi uradiš. It would be helpful if you could do that for me. It would mean something to me if you could do that to me. Máš čas v utorok? Do you have time on Tuesday? Do you have time for Tuesday? Том забоде вилушка во штекерот. Tom stuck a fork into the electrical socket. Tom stabbed a fork in the pantry. Koliko će dugo Tom da izdrži? How long will Tom last? How long is Tom gonna last? Ние сме добър екип. We're a good team. We're a good team. Дај да го позајмам тоа. Let me borrow that. Let me borrow that. Мораш да му помогнеш. You have to help him. You have to help him. Джил е сгодена за Джак. Jill is engaged to Jack. Jill's engaged to Jack. Да играем на канадска. Let's arm wrestle. Let's play Canadian. Том направи голямо парти в къщата си, докато родителите му бяха на почивка. Tom threw a big party at his house while his parents were away on vacation. Tom threw a big party at his house while his parents were on vacation. Jučer sam igrao s Tonyjem. Yesterday I played with Tony. I played with Tony yesterday. Кој е малиот тип? Who's the little guy? Who's the little guy? Том порано излезе од работа. Tom left work early. Tom got out of work early. Ništa nije besplatno. Nothing's free. Nothing's free. Често скијам. I often ski. I ski a lot. Dodaj još vode. Add more water. Add more water. Govoriš li grčki? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? Tom je kupio par crnih cipela. Tom bought a pair of black leather shoes. Tom bought a pair of black shoes. Том набрзо се изгуби во толпата. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. Tom was soon lost in the crowd. Pusti me da spavam još deset minuta. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Let me sleep for another ten minutes. Nisam prepoznao melodiju. I didn't recognise the tune. I didn't recognize the tune. Малку е наглув, значи погласно зборувај. He's somewhat hard of hearing, so please speak louder. He's a little deaf, so talk louder. Имаше повеќе од сто души на забавата. There were more than a hundred people at the party. There were over a hundred people at the party. "Učite iz svojih grešaka" i "Iskustvo je najbolji učitelj", kažu, ali na duge staze čak i najbolji učitelj pobesni, ako on ili ona ima previše da predaje u premalo vremena. "Learn from your mistakes" and "Experience is the best teacher" they say, but in the long run even the best teacher gets mad, if he or she has too much to teach in too little time. "Learn from your mistakes" and "The experience is the best teacher," they say, but in the long run even the best teacher gets angry, if he or she has too much to teach in too little time. Kojim putem ideš? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? Radi čega? What for? For what? Том умира. Tom's dying. Tom's dying. Том беше доволен. Tom was contented. Tom was happy. Kažeš "siromašan", ali postoji puno stupnjeva siromaštva. You say "poor", but there are many degrees of poverty. You say "poor," but there are many levels of poverty. Ja živim na ovom planetu. I live on this planet. I live on this planet. Време ли е да си одиме? Is it time to leave? Is it time to go? Tom se predstavio. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Mogla bih da porazgovaram sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Изпратих Том вкъщи. I sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Ha? Gde ostavih ključeve? Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where did I leave my keys? Можеби би можел да позборувам со Том. Maybe I could talk to Tom. Maybe I could talk to Tom. Дан сега го бара полицијата. Dan is now wanted by the police. Dan's looking for the police now. Той запали една клечка. He struck a match. He set fire to a stick. Tom je zatražio pomoć. Tom requested help. Tom asked for help. Čudno je što poštar još nije došao. It's weird that the mailman hasn't come yet. It's weird the mailman hasn't arrived yet. Дај да седнем. Let me sit down. Let me sit down. Brezbarvne zelene ideje spijo besno. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Марк Зукърбърг е атеист, не вярващ. Mark Zuckerberg is atheist, not theist. Mark Zuckerberg is an atheist, not a believer. Сѐ уште сум загрижен за неа. I'm still worried about her. I'm still worried about her. Си го упропастуваш целиот живот. You're throwing away your entire life. You've been ruining your whole life. Тоа е само привремено решение. It's only a temporary solution. It's just a temporary solution. Някой може ли да ти вярва? Can anyone believe you? Can anyone trust you? Teško je odreknuti se dugoročne ljubavi od jednom. It is difficult to give up a long love suddenly. It's hard to give up long-term love from one. Ова е кожен ремен. That is a leather belt. This is a leather belt. Те са умрели млади. They died young. They died young. Tom nehovoril s nikým. Tom didn't talk to anyone. Tom's been out of control with no one. Ме покани на својата женидба. He has invited me to attend his wedding. He invited me to his wedding. Hočem kupiti nov avto. I want to buy a new car. I want to buy a new car. Не ми казвай, че няма да ходиш на партито на Том? Don't tell me you're not going to Tom's party? Don't tell me you're not going to Tom's party? Dievča povedalo, že o takej osobe nikdy nepočulo. The girl said that she had never heard of such a person. That's the kind of person that's never been unheard of. Мисля, че си губиш времето. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Под којим именом? Under what name? By what name? Zahvali se Tomu na pomoći. Thank Tom for the help. Thank Tom for his help. Колку е сега? What time is it now? How much is it now? Уопште није искрен. He is not honest at all. He's not honest at all. Това е книга. That's a book. It's a book. На Том само што му ги извадија протезите. Tom just got his braces off. Tom just got his braces out. Da li si videla Tomovu sobu? Have you seen Tom's room? Did you see Tom's room? Uopšte nismo bili umorni. We weren't tired at all. We weren't tired at all. Ще го намериш. You'll find one. You'll find him. Ne brini. Ja ću to prevesti za tebe. Don't worry, I'll translate that for you. Don't worry, I'll translate it for you. Kde budeš? Where will you be? Where are you? Имам своја теорија. I have my own theory. I have my own theory. To je baš velika tajna. That's quite a secret. That's a big secret. Той със сигурност те обича. He must love you. He certainly loves you. Zaboga miloga! For the love of God! For God's sake! Том трябва да получи смъртна присъда. Tom should be given the death penalty. Tom's got to get a death sentence. Но да бев во Бразил, многу повеќе ќе се плашев. But if I were in Brazil, I would be much more afraid. But if I was in Brazil, I'd be so much more afraid. Таа требаше да ќути. She should have kept her mouth shut. She was supposed to be quiet. Ќе симнам килажа. I will lose weight. I'm gonna take off my weight. Одеднаш се почувствував старо. I suddenly felt old. Suddenly I felt old. Пластмасовата магнитна карта, на която е запаметен банковият номер, дебитна карта ли се нарича? Is the magnetic card made of plastic which stores your bank account called a cash card? The plastic magnetic card on which the bank number, the debit card, was it called? Miliarda dospelých je negramotná. A billion adults are illiterate. The billionaire has reached the negramotná. Важно е да се има наум дека никој никогаш не е ништо стопроцентно. The important thing to remember is that no one is ever one hundred percent anything. It is important to remember that no one is ever 100%. Ќе можам да те видам следната година. I'll be able to see you next year. I'll be able to see you next year. Не ме гледай така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Ако не сме внимателни, истото ќе ни се случи и нам. If we're not careful, the same thing will happen to us. If we're not careful, the same will happen to us. Ellen nehovorí po anglicky. Ellen does not speak English. Ellen's out of town by hinges. Учила съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I studied French for three years. Излезли са ми пришки по краката. I've got blisters on my feet. I've had prunes on my feet. Застанаа за да разговараат. They stopped to talk. They stopped to talk. Ще остана още три дни. I'll stay for three more days. I'll stay for three more days. Можам да ја натерам да ти помогне. I can get her to help you. I can get her to help you. Искам не чай, а кафе. What I want isn't tea, but coffee. I want no tea, I want coffee. Како се однесуваше Том? How did Tom behave? How was Tom? Nikdy ťa neopustím. I'll never leave you. Nicky's unforgivable. Може ли да ползвам колата ти днес? May I use your car today? Can I use your car today? Какво те питаше Том? What kind of questions did Tom ask you? What did Tom ask you? Ќе ѝ се јавам подоцна. I'm going to call her later. I'll call her later. Праведен си. You're fair. You're right. I Tom je prodavac. Tom is a salesman, too. Tom's a salesman, too. Ќе правиш како што ти заповедам. You will do as I say. You will do as I command. Тоа е многу сувопарно објаснување. That's a very dry explanation. That's a very dry explanation. Том го фатила страшна настинка. Tom has a bad cold. Tom was caught in a terrible cold. Што е одговорот? What's the answer? What is the answer? Tom nemože ostati. Tom can't stay. Tom can't stay. Чучнаа покрај него. They crouched down beside him. They're knocking right next to him. Не ни беше лесно. It hasn't been easy for us. It wasn't easy for us. Šta je to? What is this? What's that? Ko smo mi? Who are we? Who are we? Призна дека морал да лаже. He confessed he had to lie. He admitted he had to lie. Кад је Маркус дошао, спавала сам. When Marcus arrived, I was sleeping. When Marcus came, I was asleep. Tom želi da radi u istoj bolnici gde radi Meri. Tom wants to work at the same hospital where Mary works. Tom wants to work at the same hospital where Mary works. Začuđuje me. It astounds me. I'm surprised. Може ли да Ви имам доверие? Are you trustworthy? Can I trust you? Не ми искайте пари. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. Разбираш ли ме? Did you understand me? Do you understand me? Još se nismo upoznali. We haven't met yet. We haven't met yet. Требао бих о томе разговарати с оцем‎. I should discuss it with my father. I should talk to my father about this. Ќе те испратам до врата. I'll walk you out. I'll walk you to the door. Све се одиграло брзином светлости. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything took place at the speed of light. Той пи бира. He drank beer. He's having a beer. Som vyčerpaný. I'm exhausted. Som vycherpaný. Аз съм много щастлив в Грузия. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Изгледа дека ние сме единствените тука денес. It looks like we're the only ones here today. Looks like we're the only ones here today. Опитвам се да науча английски. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Не съм те виждал от няколко дена. I haven't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in a few days. Ne, to je sve. No, that's all. No, that's all. Тя ме погледна многозначително. She gave me a meaningful look. She looked at me very closely. Том почна да зборува. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. Ајде да го направиме тоа сега и готово. Let's just do it now. Let's do it now and it's over. Нека ми се јават. Have them call me. Let them call me. Stvarno su mislili to. They did mean that. They really meant it. Мисля, че имаш нужда от почивка. I think you need some rest. I think you need a break. Премногу е стар за да оди брзо. He is too old to walk quickly. He's too old to go fast. Daj da ti pokažem gde da staviš to. Let me show you where to put that. Let me show you where to put it. Mačky nejedia banány. Cats don't eat bananas. Macky Needya Banány. Да направим компромис. Let's compromise. Let's make a compromise. Още не съм се съгласила. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't agreed yet. Klaustrofobična sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. Mogao bih da krenem s tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Njezina ljepota je bila neopisiva. Her beauty was beyond description. Her beauty was indescribable. Vesolje je skrivnost. The Universe is a mystery. Space is a secret. Можеш ли да го објасниш тоа? Can you explain that? Can You Explain That? Iznenađen sam što nisi znao da Tom ne zna francuski. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom couldn't speak French. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom didn't speak French. Моето момиче не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girl doesn't know. Волим да вас гледам док радите. I love watching you work. I like to watch you work. Svi vole to mjesto. Everyone loves that place. Everybody loves that place. Na to sam se navikla. It's what I'm used to. That's what I'm used to. Том немаше избор. Tom had no choice. Tom had no choice. Том не е сам. Tom is with somebody. Tom's not alone. Том ја носи маицата на Џон. Tom is wearing John's T-shirt. Tom's wearing John's shirt. Навидум ти е тешко да разбереш што пробувам да ти кажам. You seem to have some trouble understanding what I'm trying to tell you. I guess it's hard for you to understand what I'm trying to tell you. Svojih šolskih dni se spominjam zelo dobro. I remember my school days very well. I remember my school days very well. Кјото е исклучително убав град. Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city. Kyoto is an extremely beautiful city. Dolaziš li, Tome? Are you coming, Tom? Are you coming, Tom? Те сакам веќе долго време. I've loved you for a long time. I've loved you for a long time. Оди донеси му ќебе на Том. Go get Tom a blanket. Go get Tom a blanket. Сакам да станам и физички и ментално посилен. I want to become both physically and mentally stronger. I want to become both physically and mentally stronger. Tom prolazi kroz krizu srednjih godina. Tom is going through a midlife crisis. Tom is going through a midlife crisis. Здраво, дами мои. Hello, ladies. Hello, ladies. Ламбата се нишаше напред-назад. The lamp was swinging back and forth. The lamp was aimin' back and forth. Opet buljiš u TV umesto da radiš svoj domaći zadatak! You're watching the idiot box again instead of doing your homework! You're staring at TV again instead of doing your homework! Тъжен съм. I'm sad. I'm sad. Ова е твоето вино. This is your wine. This is your wine. Коя е столицата на Гърция? What is the capital of Greece? Who's the capital of Greece? Ќе ги донесам. I'll bring them. I'll get them. Nikad nikome neću reći ko si ti u stvari. I'll never tell anyone who you really are. I'll never tell anyone who you really are. Черешовите цветове са много красиви. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful. Cherish colors are very beautiful. Той ли е вашият учител? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Jesam li zaljubljen? Am I in love? Am I in love? Мислев дека Том нема да сака да оди со нас. I thought Tom wouldn't want to go with us. I thought Tom wouldn't want to go with us. Тоа успеа. That worked. That worked. Кен събира стари монети. Ken collects old coins. Ken's collecting old coins. Аои танцува добре. Aoi dances well. Aoi dances well. Tom je pritisnuo prekidač. Tom flipped the switch. Tom pressed the switch. Вратен ли е Том? Is Tom back? Is Tom back? Сакав да одам дома. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go home. On se obrušio na Toma sa argumentima. He attacked Tom with strong arguments. He collapsed on Tom with his arguments. Той ще бъде свободен утре. He will be free tomorrow. He'll be free tomorrow. Tom je ostavio svoj ključ na stolu, kao što često radi. Tom left his key on the desk, as he usually does. Tom left his key on the table, as he often does. Тој има јако алиби. He had a strong alibi. He's got an alibi. Odlučila je da ne ide. She decided not to go. She decided not to go. Kde sú kniha a ceruzka? Where are the book and the pencil? Where's the cerusan? Vozi oprezno. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Nemam nameru da odgovorim na sva pitanja. I don't intend to answer any questions. I have no intention of answering all the questions. Ајде, Том. Go on ahead, Tom. Come on, Tom. Smutné vidieť ťa ísť. Sad to see you go. Smutné sees. Испеков пита од јаболко. I baked an apple pie. I baked apple pie. Том си ги врза врвците. Tom tied his laces. Tom's tied his ropes. Môj brat vie šoférovať. My brother can drive a car. My brother vie chaférová. Gdje je plaža? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? Изядохме няколко ябълки. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Том се испијани вчеравечер. Tom got drunk last night. Tom got drunk last night. Той наистина говори добре. He does speak well. He's really good-talking. Ja som žena. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Стоеше стаписан пред неа. He stood in awe before her. He stood there in front of her. Им носиме лоши вести. We have bad news for them. We bring them bad news. Ето ни тук най-накрая! Well, here we are at last! We're here at last! Trier е най-старият град в Германия. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Jesam li stvarno bila toliko srećna? Was I really that happy? Was I really that happy? Историите, които ще прочетете в тази книга, се занимават с някои от многото проблеми, пред които са изправени младите хора. The stories which you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems which face young people. The stories you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems young people face. Наставник нам је објаснио шта је песник хтео да каже. The teacher explained to us the meaning of the poem. The teacher explained to us what the poet meant to say. To se dešava samo povremeno. That only happens occasionally. It only happens occasionally. Качи се на автобуса за Бадщрасе и слез на Зеещрасе. Get on the bus bound for Badstraße, and get off at Seestraße. Get on the bus to Badstrasse and get off of Zeestrasse. On je siromašan ali previše ponosan da traži pomoć. He is poor but is too proud to ask for help. He's poor but too proud to ask for help. Населениците на островот се пријателски настроени. The inhabitants of the island are friendly. The island’s settlements are friendly. Брат, не можеш туку така да и пријдеш на жена и да ја здрапаш - тоа се брои како сексуално малтретирање. Dude, you can't just go up to a woman and grope her. That's sexual harassment! Brother, you can't just walk up to a woman and pick her up -- it counts as sexual harassment. Mogu li da zamenim ovo? Can I exchange this? Can I replace this? Mnogo ljudi se moli pre jela. Many people pray before eating. A lot of people pray before eating. Той не е бил във Франция. He has not been to France. He wasn't in France. Тя дори не беше там. She wasn't even there. She wasn't even there. Не знам каде е тоа. I don't know where that is. I don't know where that is. Кога последен пат си бил во уметничка галерија? When was the last time you went to an art gallery? When was the last time you were in an art gallery? Moram da idem. I must get going. I have to go. Сам успя да влезе в училищния отбор по баскетбол. Sam made the school basketball team. Sam made it into the basketball school team. Ако излезеш така разголен ќе настинеш. If you go out wearing that little you will catch a cold. If you get out like that, you'll catch cold. Тези няколко месеца не съм го чувала. I haven't heard from him these several months. I haven't heard from him in months. Tebi treba nešto više od kave. You need more than a coffee. You need more than coffee. Nemoj da gledaš. Don't look. Don't look. Сакаш ли кампување? Do you like camping? You want a camping trip? Možete li doći? Can you come? Can you come? Трябваше да ходя до там пеша, защото колата ми се развали. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk there because my car broke down. Том се почувства добре. Tom felt fine. Tom's feeling good. Stvarno jeste dosta loše. It really is quite bad. It really is pretty bad. Том е еден од најистакнатите амерички песнописци. Tom is one of the greatest American songwriters. Tom is one of America's most prominent poets. Kde máš školu? Where is your school? Where do you go to school? Ona vodi računa o svojoj staroj majci. She takes care of her old mother. She's taking care of her old mother. Netko mu je vjerojatno rekao, ali to nisam bio ja. Someone must have told him, but it wasn't me. Someone probably told him, but it wasn't me. Tom je oduvijek mislio da su John i Mary krasan par. Tom always thought that John and Mary were such a nice couple. Tom always thought John and Mary were a great couple. Кавалер никогаш не би направил нешто такво. A gentleman would never do something like that. Cavalier would never do anything like that. Този фотоапарат е на Том. This camera is Tom's. This camera belongs to Tom. Историјата ја пишуваат победниците. History is written by the victors. History is written by winners. Svi su seli. Everyone sat back down. They all sat down. Žedna sam. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Гледај го броилото. Look at the gauge. Look at the count. Том сѐ проба. Tom tried everything. Tom tried everything. Je v skvelej forme. He is in perfect shape. He's in shape all the time. Том не може да го направи. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Mari je sa prozora skočila u reku. Marie jumped from the window into the river. Marie jumped into the river from the window. Виждал съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen those pictures. Бил съм там само веднъж. I've only been there once. I've only been there once. Tom još uvek voli svoj posao. Tom still loves his job. Tom still loves his job. Нека погледна. Let me look into it. Let me take a look. Том е упорит. Tom is persevering. Tom's stubborn. Možeš li da da javiš Tomu da sam navratio? Could you tell Tom that I stopped by? Can you tell Tom I stopped by? Състоянието на ранените се подобрява. The wounded are getting better. The condition of the wounded is improving. Ме чекаат сите овие работи. I have all this work to do. All this stuff is waiting for me. Tomu je potreban doktor. Tom needs a doctor. That's what a doctor needs. Оргуларот беше постар човек. The organist was elderly. The organ was an older man. Svakog koga upoznaš vodi bitku, o kojoj ti ne znaš ništa. Budi ljubazan. Uvek. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you don't know anything about. Ослободила је птицу из кавеза. She set the bird free from the cage. She freed the bird from the cage. Več ljudi je stalo pred obvestilom. Several people were standing in front of the notice. More people stopped before the notice. Една од работите на коиште се пожали Том е храната. One of Tom's complaints is the food. One of the things Tom complained about is food. Еј, што се случува? Hey, what's happening? Hey, what's going on? Той е голям лъжец. He's a big liar. He's a big liar. Тоа е се засега. That's all for now! That's all for now. Knjiga je na stolu. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. On se trudi. He tries. He's trying. Povređen sam. I'm hurt. I'm hurt. Състоянието ѝ продължи да се подобрява. She kept getting better. Her condition continued to improve. Том те чека во конференциската сала. Tom is waiting for you in the conference room. Tom's waiting for you in the conference room. Таа звучеше луто. She sounded mad. She sounded angry. Преброихте ли кърпите? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the towels? Nemoj da guraš. Don't push. Don't push. Треба ли да веруваме во тоа? Can we believe that? Should we believe that? Ne padam ja na to. I'm not buying it. I'm not falling for that. Marija je rasipnik kada je u pitanju novac. Mary is a spendthrift when it comes to money. Maria is wasteful when it comes to money. Аргументот му беше логичен. His argument was logical. His argument was logical. Složila sam se da je kupim. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. Да танцуваме. Let's dance. Let's dance. Morao sam da donesem neke teške odluke. I've had to make some tough choices. I had to make some tough decisions. Не зборувај со никого. Don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone. Aký je výmenný kurz? What is the exchange rate? Aqý výmenný Kurz? Гледала сам Тома како умире. I watched Tom die. I watched Tom die. Се чувствувам подобро. I'm feeling better. I feel better. Prirodzene. Of course. Natural. Можеби сум се онесвестил. Maybe I passed out. Maybe I passed out. Тогава къде е проблемът? So, where's the problem? Then where's the problem? Meri se vratila iz škole uplakana jer su je drugari zadirkivali. Mary came home from school in tears because her friends had teased her. Mary came back from school crying because her friends were teasing her. Том има лоши новини. Tom got some bad news. Tom's got some bad news. Нека биде кратко, Том. Make it brief, Tom. Make it short, Tom. В Сасаяма ли живеете? Do you live in Sasayama? Do you live in Sasayama? Не очаквах да те видя на място като това. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I didn't expect to see you in a place like this. Ona je trudna. She's pregnant. She's pregnant. Znaš li da joj se sviđaju životinje? She likes animals, you know? Do you know she likes animals? В Америка колите се движат в дясното платно на пътя. In America cars drive on the right side of the road. In America, cars move in the right corner of the road. Многумина го прават ова. Many people do this. A lot of people do this. Кога телефонот заѕвони сред ноќ, таа веднаш знаеше дека нешто не е во ред. When the phone rang in the middle of the night, she immediately knew something was wrong. When the phone rang in the middle of the night, she immediately knew something was wrong. Tom je angažovao privatnog detektiva da prati Meri. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Одам на вечера со стар пријател. I'm going out to dinner with an old friend. I'm going to dinner with an old friend. Том живее на същата улица като Мери. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Tom lives on the same street as Mary. Нема да потклекнам. I won't give in. I won't back down. Kada dobijete Vaš telefon, baterija je unapred napunjena. When you get your phone, the battery is precharged. When you get your phone, the battery is precharged. Ko sem o tem osnovnem vprašanju razmislil temeljito, sem prišel do zaključka, da razlika, ki jo priznani ljudje velikokrat opišejo kot "znatno" ali "občutno", med nepogrešljivima besedama "pomemben" in "ključen" ni precejšnja, ampak je kar zanemarljiva. After I had thought about this elementary question fundamentally, I came to the conclusion that the difference, which is often described as "considerable" or "substantial" by distinguished people, between the indispensable words "important" and "essential" isn't significant, but rather is irrelevant. When I considered this basic issue thoroughly, I came to the conclusion that the difference that recognised people often describe as "significant" or "feeling" between the infallible words "important" and "key" is not significant, but rather negligible. Кой е при Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's at Tom's now? Tom nije kao ostali momci. Tom isn't like the other boys. Tom's not like the other guys. Svratićemo večeras. We'll come by tonight. We'll stop by tonight. Тука сме за да помогнеме. We're here to help. We're here to help. Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikada upoznao. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Косата ти е лом. You hair is a mess. Your hair's a mess. Том нямаше какво да прави. Tom didn't have anything to do. Tom had nothing to do. Тя отново закъсня. She was late once again. She's late again. Bio sam veoma umoran tako da sam rano otišao da spavam. Since I was really tired I went to sleep early. I was very tired so I went to bed early. И какво? Мене това не ме интересува. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care about that. Ona ima dvadeset djecu. She has twenty children. She's got 20 kids. Том го бива за математика. Tom is good at math. Tom's good for math. Bio sam prisutan u školi juče. I was present at school yesterday. I was at school yesterday. Tom je bio u publici. Tom was in the audience. Tom was in the audience. Мисля, че Том си забрави камерата. I think Tom forgot his camera. I think Tom forgot his camera. Сигурен съм, че Том не може да говори френски. I'm pretty sure Tom can't speak French. I'm sure Tom can't speak French. Tom je pokušao da ubedi Meri da ne ode. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. Няма никакви. There aren't any. There's no one here. Kako bi ti to preveo? How would you translate it? How would you translate that? Život je krátky. Life is short. Life is crátky. Moji prijatelji žive u istoj kući kao i ja. My friends live in the same house as me. My friends live in the same house as me. Г-ца Юнг е много добра. Miss Young is very kind. Miss Jung is very good. Каже се да је љубав слепа. They say love is blind. It's said that love is blind. Šta uopšte jedete? What do you eat, anyway? What do you eat at all? Gde je toalet? Where is the latrine? Where's the bathroom? На Том навистина му се свиѓа Бостон. Tom really does like Boston. Tom really likes Boston. Krojačica kroji i kuhar peče. A seamstress sews, and a cook bakes. The tailor's cooking and the cook's roasting. Това е моят компютър. This is my computer. That's my computer. To mi je bilo naporno. That was tough for me. That was hard for me. Испитот опфаќаше математика, физика и хемија. The exam included mathematics, physics and chemistry. The exam covered mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Џим никогаш не бил во странство. Jim has never been abroad. Jim's never been abroad. Potrudiću se da ih nađem. I'll try to find them. I'll try to find them. Ми тече носот секогаш кога сум настинат. My nose runs whenever I have a cold. I get a nose every time I get cold. Ne gubim nadu. I am hoping against hope. I'm not losing hope. Мисля, че ще ни трябва повече време. I think we're going to need more time. I think we're gonna need more time. Му го украле мобилниот. His mobile has been stolen. They stole his cell phone. Тој е будалест. He is foolish. He's a fool. Аз получих това. This is what I got. I got this. Майк не играе бейзбол добре. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't play baseball well. Не го направив тоа за него. I didn't do it for him. I didn't do it for him. Това, че е прекалено щедър, е най-големият му недостатък. Being overly generous is his greatest fault. Being too generous is his biggest inadequacy. Zemlja je premala. The Earth is too small. The earth is too small. Мери влезе. Mary came in. Mary's in. Целосно сум гол. I'm completely naked. I'm totally naked. Kako znate toliko? How do you know so much? How do you know so much? За малко да го забравя. I almost forgot it. I almost forgot. За малко не спечелих. I almost won. I almost didn't win. Посетителите се добредојдени. Visitors are welcome. Visitors are welcome. Nisam bila nervozna zbog toga. I wasn't nervous about it. I wasn't nervous about it. Ovo je najgluplja stvar koju sam ikada izgovorio. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is the stupidest thing I've ever said. Bacimo se na posao. Let's just get to work. Let's get to work. Не требаше да одам кај Том. I shouldn't have gone to Tom's house. I shouldn't have gone to Tom's. Джейн изглежда много щастлива. Jane looks very happy. Jane seems very happy. Как се научи да говориш френски? How did you learn French? How did you learn to speak French? Аз съм изключително заета. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Всички умират. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. Проучване показва, че 53 000 американци умират всяка година в резултат от това, че са пасивни пушачи. A study reports that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of secondhand smoke. A study shows that 53,000 Americans die every year as a result of being passive smokers. Том има куче. Tom has a dog. Tom has a dog. Аз съм за твоето предложение. I am in favour of your proposal. I'm here for your proposal. Мислев дека Том само блефира. I think Tom was only bluffing. I thought Tom was just bluffing. Най-лошото е, че не винаги беше така. The worst part is, it wasn't always like this. The worst part is, it wasn't always like that. Буди разуман. Be reasonable. Be reasonable. Това не е проблем на Том. It's not Tom's problem. That's not Tom's problem. Francuska je u Zapadnoj Europi. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Dođi ostani sa mnom. Come stay with me. Come stay with me. Он те је лагао. He lied to you. He lied to you. Поздрави Джими. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. Tom je pružio veliku podršku. Tom was very supportive. Tom was very supportive. Znaće oni. They'll know. They'll know. Sedeli su u krugu. They sat in a circle. They were sitting in a circle. За тоа ќе мора да го прашаш. You'll have to ask him that. That's what you're gonna have to ask him about. Има око за уметност. He has an eye for art. There's an eye for art. Забравих да ви кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. По-голямата част от противниците на робството не гласуваха. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery did not vote. Moramo to da uradimo. We have to do that. We have to do this. Uvidíme. Let's see! I see. Možeš li da mi daš znak? Can you give me a sign? Can you give me a sign? Čini se da Taro nema djevojku. It seems that Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. Taro doesn't seem to have a girlfriend. Муириъл вече е на 20. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is now 20. Da li sam dobio otkaz? Am I being fired? Did I get fired? Уви! Alas! Alas! Не продаваме алкохолни пијалаци и цигари на малолетници. We do not sell alcoholic drinks or cigarettes to people under the age of eighteen. We don't sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to minors. Mislim da ćemo stići u Boston prije mraka. I think we'll probably reach Boston before dark. I think we'll get to Boston before dark. Забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Секој има свој стил. Everyone has their own style. Everyone has their own style. Том си ја повредил ногата. Tom has hurt his leg. Tom, you hurt his leg. Мисли дека старите весници се сѐ уште корисни. He thinks old newspapers are still useful. He thinks that old newspapers are still useful. Ne smeš nikad da se vratiš. You can never go back. You can never come back. Мисля, че ще ви бъде много интересно. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Том сакаше да открие каде била Линда претходната вечер. Dan wanted to find out where Linda had been the previous night. Tom wanted to find out where Linda was the night before last. Контролирај се. Get control of yourself. Control yourself. Не си облечен. You're not dressed. You're not dressed. Мамка му, забравих си камерата! Darn it, I forgot my camera! Shit, I forgot my camera! Нещо странно се случи миналата нощ. A strange thing happened last night. Something weird happened last night. В коя ситуация би го направил? In what kind of situations would you do that? In what situation would you do that? Francuski je njegov materinski jezik. French is his mother tongue. French is his mother tongue. Беше по-евтино, отколкото мислех, че ще бъде. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. Šta pije Tom? What's Tom drinking? What's Tom drinking? Ако нема порнографија со тоа, ќе биде направена. If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it. If there's no pornography with that, it'll be done. Nije trebalo da skinem to. I shouldn't have downloaded that. I shouldn't have taken that off. Помириши това мляко. Мислиш ли, че е развалено? Smell this milk. Do you think it's gone bad? Do you think it's broken? Внимавай, окей? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Ја заменувам. I'm filling in for her. I'm replacing her. Prošla su dva tjedna otkad je otišao na Havaje. It's been two years since he went Hawaii. It's been two weeks since he left for Hawaii. Автобуса се тресеше по неравният път. The bus jolted over the rough road. The bus was shaking down the rough road. Sve se vremenom menja. Everything changes over time. Everything changes over time. Казваш ми, че нашият план е одобрен? Надявам се, че не ми показваш никакво прибързано щастие. Are you saying that our plan was accepted? I hope you're not showing me any premature happiness here. You're telling me that our plan has been approved? Много музеи не работят понеделник. Many museums are closed on Mondays. A lot of museums don't work Monday. Воопшто не ги повредив. I never harmed them. I didn't hurt them at all. Ќе си го земам пиштолот. I'm going to get my gun. I'll take my gun. Nikada ranije nisam probala da uradim ovo. I've never tried doing this before. I've never tried to do this before. Минатиот месец имав инфекција на мочниот меур. I had a bladder infection last month. Last month, I had a bladder infection. Том треба да се опушти. Tom needs to relax. Tom needs to relax. Вдигни ръката си. Raise your hand. Put your hand up. Може ли да соберам душа? May I take a rest? Can I gather a soul? Играя една телевизионна игра. I'm playing a TV game. I'm playing a TV game. Tom je popio svoje piće i naručio još jedno. Tom finished his drink and asked for another one. Tom had his drink and ordered another one. Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to učiniti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do that. Най-накрая се видяхме.Чакал съм дълго за този момент. So, we finally meet! I've waited so long for this moment. We finally saw each other. I've waited a long time for this moment. Da li se slažete? Do you guys get along? Do you agree? Една прегръдка от тебе ще ме направи щастлив. A hug from you would make me happy. A hug from you will make me happy. Jesi li ovo rekla Tomu? Have you told Tom this? Did you say this to Tom? Може би си изпуснал нещо. Maybe you missed something. Maybe you missed something. Изглежда Том малко е отслабнал. It looks like Tom has lost a little weight. Looks like Tom's a little weak. Бдеев цела ноќ. I was up all night. I've been up all night. Ален е поет. Allen is a poet. Alan's a poet. Ще мина да те видя. I'll come see you. I'll come see you. Том симнал килажа. Tom lost some weight. Tom took off his weight. Том не е добре дошъл тук. Tom isn't welcome here. Tom's not welcome here. Казвам се Джак. My name is Jack. My name's Jack. Да не говорим повече за това. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about this anymore. Kuća za pse je nova. The doghouse is new. The dog house is new. Nosi zlatno lanče oko vrata. She is wearing a gold necklace around her neck. He's wearing a gold chain around his neck. Го знам тоа со сигурност. I know it for sure. I know that for sure. Не разбирам немски. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Ние гледаме зеленчуци в градината. We grow vegetables in our garden. We're looking at vegetables in the garden. Ти губиш. It's your loss. You're losing. Зарем не го виде аловото знаме? Didn't you see the red flag? Didn't you see the alkaline flag? Што си се дотерал толку? Why are you so dressed up? Why are you so dressed up? Том беше претепан. Tom was badly beaten. Tom was beaten up. Луѓето понекогаш ме прашуваат што ќе правам кога ќе бидам во пензија. People sometimes ask me what I'm going to do when I retire. People sometimes ask me what I'm gonna do when I retire. Зошто го купи ова? Why did you buy this? Why did you buy this? Гледам, а не видим. I look, but I don't see. I'm looking, and I can't see. Том може ли да дойде утре? Can Tom come tomorrow? Tom, can he come tomorrow? Добар си одбрал. You picked a nice one. You made a good choice. Никога при не съм печелил нищо. I've never won anything in my life. I've never won anything. Том има лузна на образот. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Многу бевме блиски. We were really tight. We were very close. Слегувај, Дик. Време е за вечера. Come down, Dick. It is time for dinner. Come down, Dick. Zasad sam videla dosta. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough so far. Tom najviše voli to. Tom likes that best. Tom likes it the most. Tom je mehaničar. Tom is a mechanic. Tom's a mechanic. Той самият го направи. He himself did it. He did it himself. Винаги съм се чудела дали ще се върнеш. I always wondered whether you'd come back. I've always wondered if you'd come back. Oprosti. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Добила је четири имејла. She received four e-mails. She got four e-mails. Ова ќе те развесели. This will cheer you up. This will cheer you up. Kasnio je zbog nesreće. He was late as a result of the accident. He was late for an accident. Така е, народе! That's right, folks! That's right, folks! Не сум некој голем морнар. I'm not much of a sailor. I'm not much of a sailor. По пожарот, остана само пепел. After the fire, only ash was left. After the fire, all that's left is ashes. Promočio sam do kože. I'm soaked to the bone. I wet my skin. Da li bi moglo da se uradi? Could it be done? Could it be done? С какво се занимава твоят баща? What does your father do? What does your father do? Kad god te vidim, srce mi govori da sam zaljubljen. Whenever I see you, my heart tells me that I'm in love. Every time I see you, my heart tells me I'm in love. Želim da prvo odgovorim na poslednje pitanje. I want to answer the last question first. I want to answer the last question first. Kako si spravil tale rjaveč kup šare preko tehničnega pregleda? How did you get this rusty junk approved by the Technical Inspection Association? How did you get this brown pile of pattern through the technical examination? Си го извади мечот. He whipped out his sword. You pulled out your sword. Веќе го направи тоа. You did that already. You've already done that. Стварно бих волела опет да те видим. I really want to see you again. I'd really like to see you again. Ние събрахме всички материали. We got all the materials together. We've collected all the materials. Nismo ovo imali u vidu za tebe. This isn't what we envisioned for you. We didn't have this in mind for you. Znaš li da kuvaš? Can you cook? Can you cook? Čo chceš? What do you want? What are you doing? Moramo da budemo realistični. We need to be realistic. We have to be realistic. Reci Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. Том се јави да праша дали има како да помогне. Tom called to ask if there was anything he could do to help. Tom called to ask if he had anything to do with it. Том си го бива, нали? Tom is neat, isn't he? Tom's good, isn't he? Конференција није баш била успешна. The conference was not a complete success. The conference wasn't very successful. Lice joj je bilo jarko crvene boje bijesa. Her face was bright red with anger. Her face was bright red in anger. Те използват стаите си добре. They make good use of their rooms. They use their rooms well. Љубовта е посилна од омразата. Love is stronger than hatred. Love is stronger than hate. Можеш да го користиш ова пенкало. You can use this pen. You can use this pen. Отворен сум кон сѐ. I'm open to anything. I'm open to everything. Те са със среден ръст. They are of average height. They're medium-size. Ja niečo viem! I know something! I don't see anything! Uživaš li u poslu? Do you enjoy the work? Are you enjoying your work? Той е лишен от преживявания. He is destitute of experiences. He's deprived of experience. Aké sú minimálne požiadavky? What are the minimum requirements? If it's minimally devourable? Той ни беше водач. He acted as our guide. He was our leader. Сите ли се среќни? Is everybody happy? Are they all happy? Šta imate tamo? What do you have there? What have you got there? Ja neću da to potpišem. I'm not signing it. I don't want to sign it. Повреден ли е Том? Has Tom been injured? Is Tom hurt? Da li je Tom obavešten? Has Tom been informed? Has Tom been notified? Погледнах изображението. I looked at the picture. I looked at the image. Не сакам да зборувам за времето. I don't want to talk about the weather. I don't want to talk about the weather. Немаше да те замолувам тебе да можев да најдам некого друг. I wouldn't ask you to do it if I could find anyone else. I wouldn't have asked you if I could have found someone else. Се бакнаа. They kissed. They kissed. Дома ли беше во десет? Were you home at ten? Was he home at 10:00? Proizvođači oružija treba da doniraju svoj novac organizacijama koje mogu da pomognu zemljama u ratu. Manufacturers of weapons should contribute to a fund, from which help organisations can extract for their activities in countries where is war. Weapons manufacturers need to donate their money to organizations that can help countries in war. Nemohol som dýchať kvôli dymu. I was unable to breathe because of the smoke. Nemohol som dýchaë kváli dima. Што ти реков? What did I tell you? What did I tell you? Ti si moja sreća. You are my happiness. You're my luck. Го учам англиски. I teach him English. I'm learning English. Вие винаги сте бил малко странен. You were always a little strange. You've always been a little weird. Станал съм кожа и кости. I wasted away to skin and bone. I've become skin and bones. Чух стъпки, но не видях никой. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. Никада нисам размишљала о томе на такав начин. I'd never thought of it that way before. I never thought of it that way. Зошто никогаш не победувам? Why don't I ever win? Why don't I ever win? Moramo da saznamo. We've got to find out. We need to find out. Баща ми често ме води на бейзболни мачове. My father often takes me to baseball games. My dad often takes me to baseball games. Nisam spreman da idem. I'm not ready to go. I'm not ready to go. Куала Лумпур си струва да се посети. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Доста се брлавиш. Stop playing around. You're making a lot of noise. Не можам да му барам на Том уште пари. I can't ask Tom for any more money. I can't ask Tom for more money. Рики, ово је мој пријатељ Сузуки. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Ricky, this is my friend Suzuki. Јас не ја разбирам оваа песна. I don't understand this song. I don't understand this song. Треба да викнеме помош. We need to get help. We need to get help. Мислам дека ќе мора да им помогнеш. I think you'll have to help them. I think you're gonna have to help them. Tom zostal v Austrálii. Tom stayed in Australia. Tom was left behind in Austrália. Изгубих го. I lost it. I lost him. Никой не беше ранен. Nobody was injured. No one was hurt. Ти си в шок. You're in shock. You're in shock. Bio sam već tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. Ne komplikuj, Tome. Keep it simple, Tom. Don't get too complicated, Tom. Го преполови јаболкото. She cut the apple in two. He cut the apple in half. Tom ima tri sina i jednu ćerku. Tom has three sons and one daughter. Tom has three sons and one daughter. Posle pet sati na vrućem pesku, on je na horizontu ugledao nešto što je izgledalo kao pustinjska fatamorgana. After five hours on the hot sand, he began to see something on the horizon that looked like a desert mirage. After five hours in hot sand, he saw something on the horizon that looked like a desert fataman. Da li su mi uši crvene? Are my ears red? Are my ears red? Работил съм с Том дълго време. I've worked with Tom a long time. I've worked with Tom for a long time. Voziću. I'll drive. I'll drive. Каде ќе се користи производов? Where will this product be used? Where will this product be used? "Ама наистина?" "Да, наистина." "Really?" "Yes, really." "But really?" "Yes, indeed." Verovatno me nikada više nećete videti. You'll probably never see me again. You'll probably never see me again. Не сакам да готвам. I don't want to cook. I don't want to cook. On je znanstvenik. He is a scientist. He's a scientist. Tom je probao dugme. Tom tried the knob. Tom tried the button. Tom će pomoći bilo kome tko zatraži pomoć. Tom will help whoever asks him to help. Tom will help anyone who asks for help. Много хора, като чуят как Том говори френски, решават, че той е носител на езика. Many people who hear Tom speaking French think he's a native speaker. A lot of people hear Tom speaking French decide he's a language carrier. Osnovno, moj dragi Votsone. Elementary, my dear Watson. Basically, my dear Watson. Том тръгна по пътя на баща си. Tom followed in his father's footsteps. Tom went his father's way. Не се каравме. We weren't fighting. We weren't fighting. To je bila kap koja je prelila čašu. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. That was the drop that spilled the glass. Като последна предпазна мярка си пънах и фенерче в раницата. As a last precaution, I put a flashlight into my pack. As my last precaution, I put a flashlight in my backpack. Имам верба во себеси. I believe in myself. I have faith in myself. On je za 3 pedlja viši od mene. He's three inches taller than I am. He's three pedals taller than me. Виждал съм Том да прави невъзможното. I've seen Tom do some pretty remarkable things. I've seen Tom do the impossible. Кој ги зел парите? Who took the money? Who took the money? Ама мене ми се допаѓа тука. I happen to like it here. But I like it here. Pokušaću da ubedim Toma da nam pomogne. I'll try to persuade Tom to help us. I'll try to convince Tom to help us. Da li sam osumnjičena? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? Koliko je ovaj kišobran? How much is this umbrella? How much is this umbrella? Нѐ опцуја. They cursed us. He's insinuating us. Том е многу младолик. Tom looks very young. Tom's very young. Меѓународен јазик би бил мошне корисен за човештвото. An international language would be most useful for humanity. An international language would be very useful to mankind. За нив ли размислуваш? Are you thinking about them? Are you thinking about them? Се е многу чудно. It's all very strange. It's all very strange. Не ја наоѓам формулата. I don't find the formula. I can't find the formula. Всеки, който беше някой, беше там. Everybody who was anybody was there. Everyone who was someone was there. Želim da budem sa tobom. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Веднага ще се свържа с теб. I'll get right back to you. I'll get back to you right away. Мини сукње су поново модерне. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. Mini skirts are trendy again. Existuje chyba vo vete. There is a mistake in the sentence. He's existing chiba's veto. Tom uvek izgleda nezadovoljno. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. Tom always seems unhappy. Kako došlo, tako prošlo. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. The way it came, the way it went. Спавање на тепиху је супер. Sleeping on a carpet is great. Sleeping on the carpet is great. Ja sam srećan. I'm happy. I'm happy. Francuska je u Zapadnoj Evropi. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Ќе донесам мраз. I'll get some ice. I'll get some ice. Йоко ходи да пазарува вчера. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Zašto si još budna? Treba da ideš u krevet. Why are you still up? You should get to bed. Why are you still awake? Не тостерите пекат филийки, а хората. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. It's not toasters that bake fillies, it's people. Моля те, прибери го. Please take this away. Please, put him away. Istražite to. Examine it. Look into it. Tom nechcel pracovať v Bostone. Tom didn't want to work in Boston. Tom Nechcell Pracovaó in Boston. Мери го претставуваше својот тим во натпреварот. Mary represented her team in the competition. Mary represented her team in the competition. Искаме собствена къща. We want a house of our own. We want our own house. На колко години са братовчедите Ви? How old are your cousins? How old are your cousins? Ovo prevazilazi sve granice. That is going too far. This goes beyond all limits. Pošto što su te novine bile pisale o tome da ni jedan zemljoradnik ne želi da radi kao zakupac u Vestfoldu, interesovanje je naglo poraslo. After that newspaper wrote that no farmer wanted to work as a tenant in Vestfold, interest has skyrocketed. Since the newspaper had written that no farmer wanted to work as a tenant in Westfold, interest grew rapidly. Не мога да живея така повече. I can't live this way anymore. I can't live like this anymore. Исках да отида там. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go there. Изгледа ќе треба да чекам уште малку. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a little longer. Убаво изгледа. It looks nice. It looks nice. Това наблизо ли е до дома ти? Is it near your house? Is that close to home? Он није Американац, него Енглез. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American, he's English. Zašto je to zanimljivo? Why is that interesting? Why is that interesting? Якето ми е в колата. My jacket's in the car. My jacket's in the car. Инаку, Мајк, те молам кажи ми како да стигнам до кај тебе. By the way, Mike, please tell me how to get to your house. Otherwise, Mike, please tell me how to get to you. Iako sam bila bolesna, dala sam sve od sebe. Although I was sick, I did my best. Even though I was sick, I did my best. Том не е толку наивен колку што сметаат многумина. Tom isn't as naive as a lot of people think he is. Tom's not as naive as most people think he is. Го повлече јажето. He pulled the rope. He pulled the rope. Тя успяваше да поддържа вида си. She managed to keep up appearances. She was able to maintain her species. Оди дома кај жена ти, Том. Go home to your wife, Tom. Go home to your wife, Tom. Mogu li da ti pogledam kartu? Can I see your ticket? Can I look at your ticket? Не можам да одредам кое го сака бебето, затоа што покажува кон двете. I cannot really say which one the baby wants, since he's pointing at both. I can't determine who wants the baby, because it's pointing at both. Ја ставивме под надзор. We had her under surveillance. We've got her under surveillance. Žijem v Białystoku. I live in Białystok. I live in Białystock. Tom ne voli sir. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Dođi da nas vidiš. Come and see us. Come and see us. Јас го склопив. I assembled it. I put it together. Предоцна е да ти помогнам. It's too late to help you. It's too late to help. Никој нема да добие отказ. No one will be fired. No one's getting fired. Pravi takvu grimasu da poželiš da ga udariš. He's making the kind of face you want to punch. He makes such a face to make you want to hit him. Не съм спал от три дена. I haven't slept in three days. I haven't slept in three days. Колко братя имаш? Колко сестри имаш? How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers do you have? Том има малки ръце. Tom has small hands. Tom has small arms. Го посматрав Том. I was watching Tom. I was watching Tom. Не Ви ли е студено? Aren't you cold? Aren't you cold? На безбедно ли е Том? Is Tom safe? Is Tom safe? Ima li drugih mogućnosti? Are there any other possibilities? Any other options? Морам да мислам на себеси. I have to think of myself. I have to think about myself. Poreska kontrola me proverava. The IRS is auditing me. The IRS is checking me out. Сложих си палтото на масата. I put my coat on the table. I put my coat on the table. Počas vojny sme mali veľa bolestivých zážitkov. We had many bitter experiences during the war. Slow warny may short-term diseasesých zážitkov. Не можам да го лажам Том. I can't lie to Tom. I can't lie to Tom. Volela bih da mogu da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like that. Права штета е. It's really unfortunate. It's too bad. Том е неодговорен. Tom is irresponsible. Tom's irresponsible. Какво Ви кара да мислите така? What makes you think so? What makes you think that? Tom je pitao Mary da mu kaže gdje je sakrila dijamante. Tom asked Mary to tell him where she had hidden the diamonds. Tom asked Mary to tell him where she hid the diamonds. Том не е млад. Tom isn't young. Tom's not young. Tom želi da svoju decu nauči važnošću posla. Tom wants to teach his children the value of work. Tom wants to teach his kids the importance of work. Piotr ima crnu, a Lech plavu kosu. Piotr has black hair but Lech has blond hair. Piotr has black and Lech has blue hair. Помоли Том. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Стави књигу на горњу полицу. Put the book on the top shelf. Put the book on the top shelf. Ако да не го поканам Том кај мене на забава? Would it be OK if I didn't invite Tom to my party? If I don't invite Tom to my party? Изгледаш многу згодно, Том. You look very handsome, Tom. You look very handsome, Tom. Епа, тука сум за тебе. Well, I'm here for you. Well, I'm here for you. Дали ще се провали на изпита? Will he fail the examination? Will he fail the exam? Ще ти дам назаем тази книга. I'll lend you this book. I'll lend you this book. Том конечно се насмеа. Tom finally smiled. Tom finally smiled. Prepáčte, že vás obťažujem. Sorry to trouble you. I already love you. Том ме учи да говоря на френски. Tom teaches me French. Tom taught me to speak French. Doktor ispituje pacijenta. The doctor examines the patient. The doctor's questioning the patient. Slepa sam. I'm blind. I'm blind. Tvoj oči mi ni všeč. I don't like your dad. I don't like your eyes. Майк обича да играе баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Том има астма. Tom has asthma. Tom has asthma. Život je postao jako naporan. Life has become very hard. Life has become very difficult. Готвиш мисирка со крушки. You cook turkey with pears. You cook turkey with pears. Samo polako! Easy does it. Take it easy! Klima uređaj je pokvaren. The air conditioner is broken. Air conditioning's broken. Тај текст је слободоуман. That text is open-minded. That text is a free man. Напълни го с обикновен, ако обичаш. Fill it with regular, please. Fill it up with regular, please. Mnogo hvala za komentar koji inspiriše. Thank you very much for an inspiring comment. Thank you so much for the comment that inspires you. Огледайте се наляво и надясно, преди да пресечете улицата. Look to the left and right before crossing the street. Look left and right before you cross the street. Тогава Том беше щастлив. Tom used to be happy. Tom was happy then. Оној што сака цвеќиња не може да е лоша личност. Whoever loves flowers cannot be a bad person. A person who loves flowers can't be a bad person. Прашањето е кој ќе му каже. The question is who is going to tell him. The question is, who's gonna tell him? Безработицата расте. Unemployment is rising. Unemployment is growing. Едвај можам да се движам. I can barely move. I can barely move. За толкова глупава ли ме имаш? Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you have me for that stupid? Zlato je u zelenim šumama. There is gold in green forests. Gold is in the green woods. Таа секогаш носи нападна облека. She always wears flashy clothes. She's always wearing clothes. Се бламирам. I'm making a fool of myself. I'm embarrassing myself. Tom i Meri su zajedno gledali zalazak sunca. Tom and Mary watched the sunset together. Tom and Mary were watching the sunset together. Разбираш френски, нали? You can understand French, right? You understand French, don't you? Bezbojne zelene ideje spavaju bijesno. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Страшно скъпо е. It's terribly expensive. It's awfully expensive. Јас сум прв. I'm first. I'm first. Да ли сте видели неког тамо? Did you see anybody there? Did you see anyone there? Ще ви подкрепя. I'll back you up. I'll back you up. Да ли је све у реду између нас? Is everything OK between us? Is everything okay between us? Се прашував дали би можел да ми помогнеш утре попладне. I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon. I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon. Mogu li da ti napravim jaja? Can I make you some eggs? Can I make you some eggs? Но не пред хорот. But not in front of the choir. But not in front of the choir. Jesi li videla Tomovu sobu? Have you seen Tom's room? Have you seen Tom's room? В каква ситуация ще го направиш? In what kind of situations would you do that? What kind of situation are you going to do that in? Ни се брзаше. We were in a hurry. We were in a hurry. Том отсекогаш го добивал она што го сакал. Tom has always been able to get what he wants. Tom always got what he wanted. Hvala svima na dolasku! Vidimo se sljedeći put. Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! I'll see you next time. Внимавай с него. Be careful with it. Be careful with him. Качвам се в автобуса. I'm getting on the bus. I'm getting on the bus. Аз имам среща с него по обед. I have an appointment with him at noon. I have an appointment with him at noon. Водих си дневних на френски през последните три години. I've kept a diary in French for the past three years. I've been keeping my days in French for the last three years. Сигурно си се скочанил. You must be freezing. You must have jumped. Danes so šole zaprte. The schools are closed today. Schools are closed today. Дългите поли сега са демоде. Long skirts are out of fashion now. Long skirts are now demode. Ако го видиш Том, кажи му дека го барам. If you see Tom, tell him I'm looking for him. If you see Tom, tell him I'm looking for him. Той често цитира Милтън. He often quotes Milton. He often quotes Milton. On je dobra osoba. He is a good person. He's a good person. Мислам дека Том е дебел. I think Tom is obese. I think Tom's fat. Той винаги излиза от вкъщи в седем. He always leaves home at seven. He always leaves home at seven. Облечи си пижами. Put on your pajamas. Put your pajamas on. Uistinu sam srećan zbog toga. I'm really happy about it. I'm really happy about it. Ovo će možda malo zaboliti. This may hurt a little. This might hurt a little bit. Мери току-що изпусна влака. Mary just missed the train. Mary just missed the train. Ризата ти ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Odlučili su da stupe u brak. They decided to marry. They decided to marry. Да продолжам ли? Should I continue? Shall I continue? Таа работи од девет. She works from nine. She's been working since nine. Тя здрава ли е? Is she healthy? Is she healthy? To nije uopće smiješno. That isn't funny at all. That's not funny at all. Јас сум нов ученик. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Спиев во автобус. I slept on the bus. I slept on a bus. Дан ги засмеа асистентите со своите коментари. Dan made the assistants laugh with his comments. Dan made the assistants laugh with his comments. Не съм предателка. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Е па тогаш ќе одам кај Том. I guess I'll just go over to Tom's. Well, then I'm going to Tom's. Ми паѓа косата. I'm losing my hair. I'm losing my hair. To je bilo strašno. That was terrible. That was terrible. Ne bi pomislio po njenom izgledu, ali priča o detetu koje je pojelo dve torte je iz njenog detinjstva. You couldn't tell it by looking, but she has the legendary tale of having eaten two whole cakes when a child. You wouldn't think of it her way, but the story of a kid who ate two cakes was from her childhood. Ќе го земам овоа. I'll take this one. I'll take this. Дошла је сама. She came alone. She came alone. Имаш прљаву машту. You've got a dirty mind. You have a dirty imagination. Момичето е свикнало да си играе само. The girl is used to playing all by herself. The girl's used to playing by herself. Превише сам стар за овако нешто. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for this. Мислев дека Том е болен. I thought Tom was sick. I thought Tom was sick. Земи ја со нас. Bring her along. Take her with us. Oni se ne čini sretnim. They don't seem happy. They don't seem happy. Време е да се прощаваме. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to say good-bye. Sutra se vraćam kući. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll be home tomorrow. Устани! Stand up! Get up! Z čoho je robený aspirín? What's aspirin made of? With the man is the robený aspirin? Побързай! Hurry up. Hurry! Tomove knjige su prevedene na mnogo jezika. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Tom's books have been translated into many languages. Hvala! Thank you! Thank you! Ептен е јако. It's totally cool. It's really strong. Имам домашна. I have homework to do. I've got homework. Ситуацията се е подобрила осезаемо спрямо това което беше. The situation has improved considerably compared with what it was. The situation has improved sensitive to what it was. Се знаеме. We know each other. We know each other. Свака част! Well done! Well done! По-висок съм от теб. I'm taller than you. I'm taller than you. Da li sam dobrodošao ovde? Am I welcome here? Am I welcome here? Којим путем идеш? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? "Имаш ли нещо против да отвориш прозореца?" "Не, няма проблем." "Do you mind opening the window?" "Not at all." "Do you mind opening the window?" "No, it's okay." Човекот гладува. The man is starving. The man's starving. Изпратих Том вкъщи. I've sent Tom home. I sent Tom home. Не казвай на никого. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Том ће купити нов компјутер. Tom will buy a new computer. Tom's gonna buy a new computer. Zabavi se dok možeš. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Том изгледа сомнително. Tom looks dubious. Tom looks suspicious. Те се разбират добре със съседите си. They're on good terms with their neighbors. They get along well with their neighbors. Застанавме во Бостон. We had a layover in Boston. We stopped in Boston. Prosím, zajtra ma zobuďte o šiestej. Please wake me up at six tomorrow. Please keep your mouth shut about Shieste. Постъпи както искаш. Do as you like. Do what you want. Вечното мълчание на тези безкрайни пространства ме ужасява. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. The eternal silence of these endless spaces terrifies me. Мисля, че Том го е страх от теб. I think Tom is afraid of you. I think Tom's scared of you. У мом почетку је мој крај. In my beginning is my end. In my beginning, it's my end. Том ми најде такси. Tom found me a taxi. Tom got me a cab. Ситуацијата е безнадежна. The situation is hopeless. The situation is hopeless. Што мислиш за Бостон? What do you think of Boston? What do you think of Boston? То је Снешко Белић. It's a snowman. That's Snow White. Много съм самотен. I'm very lonely. I'm so lonely. Не бих их повредио. I wouldn't hurt them. I wouldn't hurt them. Знаеш ли да гњуриш? Do you know how to dive? Do you know how to scribble? Шта треба да урадиш? What should you do? What do you have to do? Добре, да тръгваме. Okay, let's go. All right, let's go. Желиш ли да видиш нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you want to see? You want to see something specific? Тя е атеистка. She is an atheist. She's an atheist. Мислам дека ќе одам да го посетам Том и да видам како е. I think I'll go visit Tom and see how he's doing. I think I'm gonna go see Tom and see how he's doing. Pogledaću. I'll check. I'll take a look. Плодовете гният под слънцето. Fruits decay in the sun. Fruit rot under the sun. Обрни му внимание на овој проблем. Pay attention to this problem. Pay attention to this problem. Той отказа предложението. Аз също. He declined the offer and so did I. He refused the offer. Дан ова добро го разбра. Dan understood this well. Dan got this right. Meri ne može da podnese Tomovog šefa jer je muška šovinistička svinja. Mary can't stand Tom's boss, because he's a male chauvinist pig. Mary can't stand Tom's boss because he's a male chauvinist pig. Jesi li me video kako plešem? Have you seen me dance? Did you see me dance? Prišiel som peši. I came on foot. I sewed it up on foot. Мери каза на Джон тайната. Mary told John the secret. Mary told John the secret. Njeno je, zar ne? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? Веќе реков дека не знам како се прави тоа. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do that. Povie ti iba to, čo si myslí, že chceš počuť. She's only going to tell you what she thinks you want to hear. You'll feel it if you don't. Том иска повече пари. Tom wants more money. Tom wants more money. Масако обикновено върви пеша до училище. Masako usually walks to school. He usually walks to school, though. Da li ste otišli da vidite Toma? Did you go and see Tom? Did you go see Tom? Moj francuski i dalje nije baš dobar. My French is still not very good. My French still isn't very good. Честно казано, скъпи, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! O čemu sam se brinuo? What was I worrying about? What was I worried about? Изгледа си во право. It looks as if you're right. Looks like you're right. Може ли да те снимам? May I take your picture? Can I film you? Ќе ги донесам пиштолите. I'll get the guns. I'll get the guns. Колку милји има од тука до Бостон? How many miles is it to Boston? How many miles from here to Boston? Крадците ограбиха музея. Thieves plundered the museum. The thieves robbed the museum. Не искаме да се чувстваш длъжен. We don't want you to feel pressured. We don't want you to feel obliged. Състоянието им се влошава. They're getting worse. Their condition is getting worse. Писна ми да гледам телевизия. I'm tired of watching television. I'm sick of watching TV. Понякога ги виждаме. We sometimes see them. Sometimes we see them. Том си го намачка тостот со путер. Tom buttered his toast. Tom soaked his toast with butter. Твојата улога тука е толку важна. Your role here is so important. Your role here is so important. Jesu li Tom i Meri stvarno prijatelji? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Ќе се побавам со тоа подоцна попладнево. I'll do that later this afternoon. I'll take that later this afternoon. Том носи стетоскоп. Tom is wearing a stethoscope. Tom's wearing a stethoscope. Njegov gubitak pamćenja je više psihički nego fizički problem. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. His memory loss is more psychological than his physical problem. В края на филма тя е много различна. She's very different at the end of the film. At the end of the movie, she's very different. Jedan čovek je uhapšen i optužen za namerno ubistvo iz nehata 25-godišnje Marije Tomson. One man has been arrested and charged with the voluntary manslaughter of 25-year-old Mary Tomson. A man has been arrested and charged with the deliberate murder of a 25-year-old Maria Thompson. Naša škola je osnovana 1990. godine. Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. Knjiga je rasprodata. The book is out of print. The book is sold out. To je moja mačka. That's my cat. That's my cat. Nadam se da se ovo više nikada neće ponoviti. Let's hope this never happens again. I hope this never happens again. Треба да се срамиш од себеси. You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself. Да не прибързваме. Let's not jump the gun. Let's not rush. Камо ли да имав доволна сила на волја за да држам диета. I wish I had the will power to stay on a diet. I wish I had the willpower to keep a diet. Мисля, че Том направи нещо, което не биваше да прави. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have. I think Tom did something he shouldn't have done. Безработицата те я създават. They created the unemployment. Unemployment makes it. Да си побъбрим. Let's chat. Let's talk. Брат ми ќе пристигне утре сабајле. My brother arrives tomorrow morning. My brother will be here tomorrow morning. Само слушај го Том. Just listen to Tom. Just listen to Tom. Še nikoli nisem bil tukaj. I've never been here before. I've never been here before. Најмање 50 путника је погинуло. No fewer than 50 passengers were killed. At least 50 passengers died. Девојката што работи во пекарата е слатка. The girl that works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works in the bakery is cute. Ще ми се да знаеше френски. I wish you spoke French. I wish he knew French. Не взимам наркотици. I'm not on drugs. I don't take drugs. Tom je veoma dobar dečak. Tom is a very nice boy. Tom is a very good boy. Забавате ти ја продолжува младоста. Having fun keeps you young. You're entertaining your youth. Фала што нѐ покани. Thanks for inviting us. Thanks for inviting us. Jesi li pisao u dvnenik danas? Have you written in your diary today? Did you write in the diaries today? Миналата събота ходих на шопинг. I went shopping last Saturday. I went shopping last Saturday. Повеќето луѓе повеќе се плашат да се соочат со грешка отколку да направат грешка. Most people are rather afraid of facing their mistakes, than of making mistakes. Most people are more afraid to face a mistake than to make a mistake. Myslel som, že Toma to bued zaujímať. I thought Tom would be interested in this. Myslel som, it's Toma to bud the loan. Tom nije mogao da završi svoj ručak. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Tom couldn't finish his lunch. Френският ми не е добър. I'm not good at French. My French isn't good. Trenutno sam potpuno sam. I'm all alone right now. I'm all alone right now. Колку е едно пиво? How much is one beer? What's one beer? Какъв е прякорът ти? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Трудното при биографията е, че тя е отчасти документ, отчасти изкуство. The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art. The hard thing about biography is that it's a partial document, partly art. Беше предоцна. It was far too late. It was too late. Се консултирав со него. I consulted him. I consulted him. Leopard nedokáže zmeniť svoje škvrny. The leopard can't change its spots. The leopard defies his squire. Кој беше во колата? Who was in the car? Who was in the car? Nedeľa je posledný deň v týždni. Sunday is the last day of the week. It's the last of the Sundays. Tom je uštedeo 300 dolara. Tom saved three hundred dollars. Tom saved $300. Спремни смо да идемо. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Той си вдигна ръцете. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Валеше като из ведро. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining like a bucket. Том навидум се обидуваше да ја убеди Мери да преземе нешто. Tom seemed to be trying to convince Mary to do something. Tom seemed to be trying to convince Mary to take action. Наистина оценявам това. I really appreciate this. I really appreciate that. Немарен бев. I've been careless. I was reckless. Kaj je ta neznosen hrup? What is that awful noise? What's this unbearable noise? Tom ima tri odrasla sina. Tom has three adult sons. Tom has three grown-ups. Том няма да ни помага утре. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom won't help us tomorrow. Точно каквото казах, че може да се случи, се случи. Exactly what I said might happen, happened. Exactly what I said could happen happened. Tom nije uspeo da iznese nijedan dokaz koji bi podržao njegovu izjavu. Tom was unable to produce any evidence to support his statement. Tom has failed to present any evidence to support his statement. Обичам да слушам класическа музика. I'm fond of listening to classical music. I like to listen to classical music. Градът е голям. The city is big. It's a big city. Тома је био потпуно пијан. Tom was good and drunk. Tom was completely drunk. Нас двоје смо толико различити. The two of us are so different. You and I are so different. Ова ми е малку лабаво кај струкот. This is a bit too loose around my waist. This is a little loose in my waist. Pravio sam se da ne znam šta se dešava. I pretended that I didn't know what was happening. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. Крвен сад му пукна во мозокот. A blood vessel burst inside his brain. His blood vessel broke in his brain. Вера може да помера планине. Faith can move mountains. Vera can move mountains. Оваа тема е табу. This subject is taboo. This topic is taboo. Bolje da sad počistim. I'd better clean up now. I'd better clean up now. Тази книга беше лесна. This book was easy. That book was easy. Това е колелото на Мишо. This is Mike's bicycle. That's Misho's bike. Stigao je vikend. The weekend is here. The weekend's here. Сигурно се загрижени. They must be worried. They must be worried. Това е много важно. This is a matter of great importance. This is very important. Майка ми ми направи една много симпатична пола. My mother made me a cute skirt. My mother made me a very nice skirt. Не зборувам француски толку добро колку што мислиш ти. I don't speak French as well as you think I can. I don't speak French as well as you think. Nimalo mi se ne dopada. I don't like it one bit. I don't like it at all. Къде каза Том, че трябва да отидем? Where did Tom say we should go? Where did Tom say we should go? Виждал съм го и преди. I've seen it before. I've seen him before. Дължа му 1000 йени. I owe him 1000 yen. I owe him 1000 yen. Чух някакъв сблъсък. I heard a crash. I heard some kind of collision. No dovoľ! I beg your pardon?! No, let's go! Ми треба да ги најдеш. I need you to find them. I need you to find them. Vidimo se u tvojim snovima. See you in your dreams. See you in your dreams. Svi su se nasmešili. Everybody smiled. Everybody smiled. Јас одречно ќе одговорев. I would've said no. I'd have said no. Скрежта е замръзнала роса. Frost is frozen dew. It's freezing dew. Играл ли си Майнкрафт? Have you played Minecraft? Have you ever played Meincraft? Може ли да извикаш Том? Could you call Tom? Can you call Tom? Tom svako veče zapiše nešto u dnevnik, koliko god da je umoran. Tom writes something in his diary every evening, no matter how tired he is. Tom writes something down in his diary every night, no matter how tired he is. Том не хареса името му. Tom didn't like his name. Tom didn't like his name. Зошто е тоа лудачко? Why is that crazy? Why is that crazy? Нашата кола се развали миналата нощ. Our car broke down last night. Our car broke down last night. Том ја отру Мери. Tom poisoned Mary. Tom poisoned Mary. Ne volim da me osuđuju. I don't like to be judged. I don't like being judged. Пука ми. I don't give a damn about it. I don't care. Това близо ли е до вас? Is it near your house? Is this close to you? Koliko je godina prošlo otkad sam te poslednji put video? How many years has it been since I last saw you? How many years has it been since I last saw you? Юми има много книги. Yumi has many books. Yumi has a lot of books. Трудно ли е да се научи френски? Is it difficult to learn French? Is it hard to learn French? Jesu li ovo tvoje torbe? Are those your bags? Are these your bags? Види, можам да објаснам. Look, I can explain. Look, I can explain. Тоа ни беше единствената утеха. That was our only consolation. That was our only comfort. Го бива за играње карти. He's good at cards. He's good for playing cards. Nisam nosio nametljivu odeću. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I wasn't wearing intruding clothes. Не требаше да го направам тоа без тебе. I shouldn't have done that without you. I shouldn't have done it without you. Тие клупи се мои. These benches are mine. Those benches are mine. Не говорите ли английски? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Одбери си омилена палка. Pick your favorite bat. Pick your favorite baton. Зданиево е чудовишна градба. The building is a monstrous structure. This building is a monster building. Ne gorim turski. I can't speak Turkish. I don't burn Turkish. Mislio sam da nećeš umeti da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I didn't think you'd be able to do that. Имам проблеми с гърба. I have back problems. I'm having trouble with my back. Ан има много приятели. Ann has many friends. Anne has a lot of friends. Tom je aktivist u svojoj zajednici. Tom is an activist in his community. Tom is an activist in his community. Тој почека десет минути. He waited ten minutes. He's been waiting ten minutes. Риболовът тук не е разрешен. Fishing is not allowed here. Fishing here is not allowed. Карън ми е сърдита. Karen is angry with me. Karen's mad at me. Хайде да го направим. Let's do it. Let's do it. Ty nepočúvaš. You're not listening. Ty, you don't. Го дорасипав. I've made it worse. I made it up. Што можеме да им понудиме на гостите? What can we offer to the guests? What can we offer our guests? Кому зборува Дан? Who is Dan talking to? Who's Dan talking to? Можеш да учиш тук. You can study here. You can study here. Морам да ги однесам дома. I've got to get them home. I have to take them home. Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to speak with Tom. I need to talk to Tom. On ima jednog sina i dvije kčeri. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. Tom zna šta mu se sviđa. Tom knows what he likes. Tom knows what he likes. Няма за какво да се тревожиш. There's nothing to be worried about. There's nothing to worry about. Znaju te. They know you. They know you. Учествовао сам на конкурсу. I took part in the contest. I was in the contest. Kde je tvoj otec? Where is your father? Where's your father? Probaj da ostaneš kul, Tome. Try to stay cool, Tom. Try to stay cool, Tom. Всичко, което трябва да направиш, е да пометеш пода. All you have to do is sweep the floor. All you have to do is sweep the floor. Никој не сакаше да стане од маса. Nobody wanted to get up from the table. Nobody wanted to get up from a table. Чух, че си много добра с френския. I hear you're very good at French. I hear you're very good with French. Не рачунај на нив. Don't count on them. Don't count on them. Няма ли да е хубаво? Wouldn't that be nice? Won't that be nice? Tom izgleda pomalo ošamućeno. Tom looks a bit dazed. Tom seems a little dizzy. Banány sú žlté. Bananas are yellow. Banány sú žlé. Биди безмилосен. Be ruthless. Be ruthless. Како се мувавте? How did you make out? How'd you guys do? Мисля, че е по-добре да се откажеш. I think you'd better give up. I think you'd better give up. Знаеш ли колку е касно? Do you realize how late it is? Do you know how late it is? Том заврши со садовите. Tom finished doing the dishes. Tom's done with the dishes. Јас предавам кинески. I teach Chinese. I teach Chinese. С какво се занимава баща ти? What does your father do? What does your father do? Tom nije mogao da priča sa Meri i na to nije mogao uticati. Tom couldn't talk to Mary and there was nothing he could do about it. Tom couldn't talk to Mary, and he couldn't influence that. Том отиде во Бостон со Мери. Tom went with Mary to Boston. Tom went to Boston with Mary. Никогаш нема да знаеш. You'll never know. You'll never know. Америка е много голяма. America is very large. America is very big. Mislim da sam debela. I think I'm fat. I think I'm fat. Желим да те видим иза решетака. I want you behind bars. I want to see you behind bars. Ќе се жалам ако ми се сака. I'll complain if I want to. I'll complain if I like it. Той си облече палтото и излезе от къщата. He put on his coat and left the house. He put on his coat and walked out of the house. Otac moje žene je moj punac. My wife's father is my father-in-law. My wife's father is my girlfriend. Не се губи. Don't get lost. Don't get lost. Тя забрави да нахрани кучето си. She forgot to feed her dog. She forgot to feed her dog. Прозор је од стакла. The window is made of glass. It's a window of glass. Јас сум единствениот што го разбира Том. I'm the only one who understands Tom. I'm the only one who understands Tom. Emily bo maturirala leta 2017. Emily will graduate from high school in 2017. Emily will graduate in 2017. Мислите ли, че хищниците от род лалугери имат нощно зрение? Do you think that Spermophilus predators have night vision? Do you think lalugeer predators have night vision? "Как я караш, Майк?" "Името ми е Том." "How are you doing, Mike?" "My name is Tom." "How you doing, Mike?" "My name's Tom." Ne otvaraj prozor. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. U teoriji je to moguće, ali je u praksi to jako teško. In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. In theory, it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult. Той завърши голямото си начинание най-накрая. He accomplished the great undertaking at last. He finished his great endeavor at last. Ние, съпругите, трябва да се поддържаме. We wives have to stick together. We wives have to keep up. Ќе се вратам за половина час. I'll come back in half an hour. I'll be back in half an hour. Čuvaj se! Look out! Take care! Ќе си земеш копија. You'll get a copy. You'll get a copy. Тоа е многу глупаво. That's really stupid. That's so stupid. Камоли да можев да ти помогнам и повеќе. I wish I could've helped you more. I wish I could help you more. Jaz nisem zdravnik. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Вчера си купих този фотоапарат. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. Том се онесвестил. Tom is passed out. Tom fainted. Преку тоа се зближив со Том. It made me feel close to Tom. That's how I got close to Tom. Това не е ли изненадващо? Isn't that a surprise? Isn't that surprising? Emily će me iznenaditi. Emily will surprise me. Emily's gonna surprise me. Сам ќе возам. I'll drive myself. I'll drive myself. Дан откри дека Линда ја бара полицијата. Dan found out that Linda was wanted. Dan found out Linda was looking for the police. Не съм побъркан. I'm not a lunatic. I'm not crazy. Немам пиштол. I don't have a gun. I don't have a gun. С какви пари разполагаш? How much money do you have? What money do you have? Не говоря френски толкова свободно, колкото Том. I don't speak French as fluently as Tom does. I don't speak French as freely as Tom. Mogla bih sad da odem tamo. I could go there now. I could go there now. Ja nisam napisao ovo. I wasn't the one who wrote this. I didn't write this. Razgovarao sam sa Tomom juče. I talked to Tom yesterday. I talked to Tom yesterday. Devojke su spavale. The girls were asleep. The girls were asleep. Malo sam utučena. I'm a little bummed. I'm a little depressed. Молња ја удри кулата. Lightning struck the tower. Lightning hit the tower. Ме малтретираат. I'm being harassed. I'm being harassed. Аз съм доста зает. I'm fairly busy. I'm pretty busy. Има нещо, което трябва да ви покажа. There's something I've got to show you. There's something I need to show you. Mogu li da pitam zašto? Could I ask why? May I ask why? Това е глупава традиция. It's a stupid tradition. It's a stupid tradition. Зграпчи го денот. Seize the day. Grab the day. Още не ми е минал световъртежът. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I still can't get past the vertigo. Pogledaj u šta sam izrastao! Look at what's become of me! Look what I've grown into! Мисля, че това е преувеличение. I think that's an exaggeration. I think that's an exaggeration. Те молам, не гласај за неа. Please don't vote for her. Please don't vote for her. Kako se zove tvoj prijatelj? What is your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Дигалката може да крене дваесет тона бетон. The crane can lift twenty tons of concrete. The hoist can pick up 20 tons of concrete. Од каде да знам дали Том е правиот за мене? How do I know that Tom is the one for me? How do I know if Tom's the right guy for me? Сигурни ли сте, че искате да я продам? Are you sure you want me to sell this? Are you sure you want me to sell it? Не смееш да ја отпуштиш. You can't fire her. You can't fire her. Volela bih da znam da slikam tako. I wish I could paint like that. I wish I could paint like that. Znam tvoje lice. I know your face. I know your face. Sigurna sam da ću da dobijem taj teniski meč. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll get that tennis match. Том ја препрочита белешката. Tom read the note again. Tom read the note. Треба да ги нахранам. I need to feed them. I need to feed them. Ќе ги посетиме своите браќа и сестри. We will visit our siblings. We will visit our brothers and sisters. Оттогава не съм разговарял с Том. I haven't spoken to Tom since. I haven't spoken to Tom since. Ставете крај на насилството; борете се за мир. End violence; pursue peace. Put an end to violence; fight for peace. Не се ли радваш, че Том ни даде достатъчно пари да си купим нещо за ядене? Aren't you glad Tom gave us enough money to buy something to eat? Aren't you glad Tom gave us enough money to buy us something to eat? Čína hraničí s Pakistanom, Indiou, Afganistanom, Tadžikistanom, Kirgizstanom, Kazachstanom, Severnou Kóreou, Laosom, Vietnamom, Nepálom, Bhutánom, Mjanmarskom, Mongolskom a Ruskom. China shares borders with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Mongolia and Russia. China nutrients with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Kóreou, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhután, Myanmar, Mongolian a Russian. Доста ми е од тоа што ме нарекуваат лажливец. I'm sick of being called a liar. I'm sick of being called a liar. Зошто е вселената црна? Why is space black? Why is the universe black? Srami se laganja. He is ashamed of telling lies. Shame on lying. Prosečni ste studenti. You're average students. You're an average student. Седемте въпроса, които трябва да си зададе един инженер, са: кой, какво, кога, къде, защо, как и колко. The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much. The seven questions that should be asked by an engineer are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how. Tom drži do sebe. Tom is a stand-up guy. Tom keeps it to himself. U školi učimo da čitamo i pišemo. We learn to read and write in school. At school, we learn to read and write. Slušaj ovo. Get a load of this. Listen to this. Gledaš AnnoZero, eh? You're watching AnnoZero, eh? You're watching AnnoZero, eh? Vrnil sem mu njegovo knjigo. I returned his book to him. I gave him his book back. Бъди много внимателна с това. Be very careful with this. Be very careful with that. Той е по-силен от теб. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Мислиш ли дека Том би сакал да оди со нас? Do you think Tom would want to go with us? Do you think Tom would want to come with us? Ovaj izveštaj je loše napisan i pun je grešaka. This report is badly written and is full of mistakes. This report is ill-written and full of mistakes. Poglej nas! Look at us! Look at us! Аз съм тази, която спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Борсата е в продължителен спад. The stock market is in a prolonged slump. The stock market is down a long time. Искаш ли да го намаля малко? Would you like to turn it down a little? You want me to cut it a little bit? Идам натаму моментално. I'm on my way there now. I'm on my way there right now. Rađe ne bih da budem uključen u to u ovom trenutku. I'd rather not get involved at the moment, thanks. I'd rather not be involved in this right now. Tom ima dobre beleške. Tom kept good notes. Tom has good notes. Миналата нощ си изкарахме страхотно. We had a very good time last night. We had a great time last night. Том пелтечи. Tom is stuttering. Tom stutters. Včera ma prišla pozrieť mladá žena. It was yesterday that a young woman came to see me. Last night a young woman came by. Карайте направо по пътя и като подминете светофара, сте там. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Drive right down the road and when you cross the skylight, you're there. Истушираћу се. I'll take a shower. I'm gonna take a shower. Јеси ли завршио? Have you finished? Are you done? Само сакав да се расчисти ситуацијата. I just want the situation resolved. I just wanted the situation cleared up. И Том, и Мери могат да говорят френски. Tom and Mary are both able to speak French. And Tom, Mary can speak French. Myslím, že toto si už niekedy robil. I think you've done this before. Myslím, you've done a lot of nothing. Том е одличен доктор. Tom is an excellent physician. Tom's a great doctor. Благодаря за поканата. Thanks for the invite. Thanks for the invitation. Kako si ovo uspio? How did you accomplish this? How did you do this? Свештеникот ќе земе малку од крвта. The priest will take some of the blood. The priest will take some of the blood. Laurie je krásne dievča. Laurie is a beautiful girl. Laurie's a cross-breed. Том завари две цевки. Tom welded the two pipes together. Tom found two pipes. Не галами. Don't make any noise. Don't make any noise. Угаси го алармот. Turn off the alarm. Turn off the alarm. Какво ти става по дяволите? What the hell's wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Pomôžem ti utiecť. I'll help you escape. I'm helping you. Пушти ме оттука. Let me out of here. Let me out of here. Svi su se uspavali. Everyone fell asleep. They all fell asleep. Ще ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. Nemoj da piješ vodu. Don't drink the water. Don't drink water. Аз ще помня тази вечер. I'll remember this evening. I'll remember tonight. Nemoj da govoriš. Don't speak. Don't talk. Донесоа заклучок дека бродот бездруго потонал. They came to the conclusion that the ship must have sunk. They've come to the conclusion that the ship went down anyway. Мораш да приседнеш. You have to sit down. You have to sit down. Както и да е, къде е Том? Where's Tom anyway? Anyway, where's Tom? Hajde da probamo ovo. Let's give this a shot. Let's try this. Страстта му към него не стихва. His passion for me doesn't cool. His passion for him does not speak. Силен съм колкото тебе. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you are. Няма проблем да създадеш уебстраница, само внимавай да не нарушиш нечие авторско право. It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright. It's okay to create a website, just be careful not to violate someone's copyright. Ručaćemo zajedno u pola jedan. We'll eat lunch together at 12:30. We'll have lunch together at half past one. Tvrdoglava sam. I'm stubborn. I'm stubborn. Музеят днес отворен ли е? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Може ли да си тръгна сега? May I leave now? Can I leave now? Писна ми от френски. I'm sick of French. I'm sick of French. Kakav si to čovek! What a man you are! What a man you are! Molim vas, pošaljite mi doktorov račun. Please send me the doctor's bill. Please send me the doctor's bill. Девојка Пица и господин каша шетали су у шуми. Miss Pizza and Mr Porridge were walking in the woods. The pizza girl and Mr. porridge were walking in the woods. Ние се качваме и слизаме от автобуса тук. We get on and off the bus here. We're getting on and off the bus here. Обещавам да я върна. I promise I'll bring it right back. I promise I'll bring her back. Kde je môj otec? Where is my dad? Where's my father? Не може да правиш што ќе ти текне. You can't do whatever you like. You can't do what you want. Ајде само да ја извадиме оттука. Let's just get her out of here. Let's just get her out of here. Зошто не си таму внатре? Why aren't you in there? Why aren't you in there? Дај ни малку време. Give us some time. Give us some time. Можеме да работиме на отворено, доколку е светло. We can work outdoors only as long as it's light. We can work in the open if it's light. Ние обичаме крастотата. We love beauty. We love toads. Виждала съм Том тука наоколо. I've seen Tom around. I've seen Tom around here. Дај ѝ стол. Give her a chair. Give her a chair. Тие знаат што се случило. They know what happened. They know what happened. Ja sam sretan. I'm happy. I'm happy. Том знаеше дека е лоша идеја. Tom knew that it was a bad idea. Tom knew it was a bad idea. Том ми кажа да не го правам тоа. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to. Просто не го разбирам това. I simply don't understand this. I just don't understand it. Ne smeš da uđeš u tu prostoriju. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. Трябва да се доверя на Том. I have to trust Tom. I have to trust Tom. Ти си седнала на моето място. You're sitting in my seat. You sat in my seat. Мисля, че трябва да разберем защо Том не беше тук вчера. I think we need to find out why Tom wasn't here yesterday. I think we need to figure out why Tom wasn't here yesterday. Da li ćemo ponovo videti Toma? Will we see Tom again? Are we gonna see Tom again? Кажи ми кого си видел. Tell me who you saw. Tell me who you saw. Немам намера ништо да објаснувам. I don't intend to explain anything. I have no intention of explaining anything. Жалам, но грешиш. I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Бил може да бяга по-бързо от Боб. Bill can run faster than Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Ти чул ли си нещо за вчерашния пожар? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Have you heard anything about last night's fire? Безопасно ли е? Are we safe? Is it safe? Ми треба пепелник. I need an ashtray. I need an ashtray. To je rešitev, ali ne? That's the solution, isn't it? It's a solution, isn't it? Вие двајца сте многу слатки заедно. You two are very cute together. You two are so cute together. Не мислиме така. We don't think so. We don't think so. Насекаде ги баравме. We looked all over for them. We've been looking everywhere for them. Как беше името на тоя, с който излизаше преди Том? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? What was the name of the guy you used to date before Tom? Пак си правел бели! You've been up to mischief again! You've made white again! Не се брзав. I wasn't in any hurry. I wasn't in a hurry. Тоа беше срамота. It was a disgrace. That was a shame. Nisam mu nikad vidio lice. I never saw his face. I've never seen his face. Морам да го исклучам телефонот. I have to turn off the telephone. I need to turn off my phone. Желим мач као овај. I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this. Ќе се вратиш ли на работа? Are you going back to work? Will you go back to work? За Том френският е роден език. Tom is a native French speaker. To Tom, French is a native language. Не хабя амуниции. I don't waste ammunition. I don't use ammo. Имах среща в 2:30, но попаднах в задръстване и не можах да стигна навреме. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had a meeting at 2:30, but I got caught up in traffic, and I couldn't make it in time. Нейния чар е смес от веселие и доброта. Her charm is compounded by her gaiety and kindness. Her charm is a mixture of joy and goodness. Тя ни даде много за ядене. She gave us lots to eat. She gave us a lot to eat. Ми упати заводлив поглед. She gave me a sexy look. We take a seductive look. Ништо не ми се гледа. I can't see a thing. I can't see anything. Бих предпочел да говоря на френски. I'd prefer to speak French. I'd rather speak French. Ovaj sat je jeftiniji od tog. This watch is less expensive than that one. This watch is cheaper than that. Pomozi mi samo na minut. Help me for just a minute. Just give me a minute. Môj rodný jazyk je najkrajší dar, ktorý som získal od mojej matky. My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother. My cousiný jasyk is the shortest gift, chorý som made of my matky. Моля те, дай ми още малко време да помисля над това. Please give me a little more time to think about it. Please, just give me a little more time to think about this. Маюко сама си прави дизайна на дрехите. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Majuko makes her own dress design. Мислам дека можеме да го фатиме. I think we can catch him. I think we can catch him. Бети го уби. Betty killed him. Betty killed him. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш ти да караш? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Are you sure you don't want to drive? Музеят е на ъгъла. The museum is on the corner The museum is on the corner. Тромесечни раст од 1,2% значи годишњи раст од 4,9%. The quarterly growth of 1.2% means an annual growth rate of 4.8%. Three-month growth of 1.2% means year-on-year growth of 4.9%. Толку е очигледно што не ни требаат докази. It's so obvious we don't need proof. It's so obvious we don't need any evidence. Tom je sedeo veoma mirno. Tom sat very still. Tom sat very calmly. Kako biste se osećali ako bi Vas napustila supruga? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if your wife left you? Jesi li planirala nešto specijalno? Were you planning something special? Were you planning something special? Том ме праша дали ми се допаѓа неговиот план или не. Tom asked me whether I liked his plan or not. Tom asked me if I liked his plan or not. Ова е Нина, внука ти. This is Nina, your granddaughter. This is Nina, your granddaughter. Намини кога било. Stop by anytime. Drop by any one of you. Секаде побарав. I looked everywhere. I've looked everywhere. Tom se ranije bojao od mene. Tom used to be scared of me. Tom was scared of me earlier. Полицијата ги бара. The police are looking for them. The police are looking for them. Даде збор. You made a promise. He gave his word. Смали го. Make it smaller. Cut it down. Ќе си ги вратиш. You'll get them back. You'll get them back. Mogao bih da budem osumnjičeni. I could be a suspect. I could be a suspect. Луѓето постојано умираат. People are always dying. People die all the time. Spoznal som ju v momente, ako som ju uvidel. I recognized her the moment I saw her. I've met them in moments, if I've seen them. Можам да одам. I can go. I can go. Mnogo vremena je prošlo. It's taken a long time. It's been a long time. Се вакцинирав против грип. I had a flu shot. I was inoculated against the flu. Дојдов по него. I came for him. I came for him. Крадецот ги украде скапоцените камења синоќа. The thief stole the jewels last night. The thief stole the gems last night. Това е къщата, в която се роди Том. That's the house where Tom was born. This is the house Tom was born in. U budućnosti, mnogi radnici će biti zamenjeni robotima. In the future, many workers will be replaced by robots. In the future, many workers will be replaced by robots. Цените паднаха напоследък. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have been down lately. То је временско такмичење. It's a timed competition. It's a time contest. Srećna sam zbog toga. I'm happy about that. I'm happy about it. Odbila je moj prijedlog. She rejected my proposal. She refused my proposal. Klimatizácia sa pokazila. The air conditioner has got out of order. Climatizácia from the show. Никада ме нећеш ухватити живог! You'll never take me alive! You'll never catch me alive! Никога не си споменавал колко е красива сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister was. Svi su se smejali. Everybody smiled. Everyone laughed. Как може Том да не ви харесва? How can you not like Tom? How can Tom not like you? Je nepravdepodobné, že sa stane niečo vážne. It's unlikely that anything serious will happen. It's unfair, it's worth nothing. Veoma je strpljiva. She is extremely patient. She's very patient. Ešte jeden! Another! Este one! Nemirna sam. I'm restless. I'm restless. Сонцето и ноќе сјае. The sun shines also at night. The sun and the night are shining. Чувај си ги цигарите суви. Keep your cigarettes dry. Keep your cigarettes dry. Беше твърде лесно. It was just too easy. It was too easy. Pretpostavljam da već znate odgovor na to. I'm guessing you already know the answer to that. I guess you already know the answer to that. Велат дека старата капела е проколната. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. They say the old chapel is dead. Прочитај го ова. Read this. Read this. Той нямаше намерение да напуска неговият роден град. He had no notion of leaving his hometown. He had no intention of leaving his hometown. Еве тука ќе бидеме. We'll be right here. We'll be right here. „Ми се лутиш ли?“ „Е ај да не!“ "Are you angry at me?" "You bet I am!" “ Are you mad at me? ” Ti i ja treba da porazgovaramo. You and I should talk. You and I need to talk. Pokušala sam da ubedim Toma da dođe kući. I tried to persuade Tom to come home. I tried to convince Tom to come home. Rekao sam da ću te čekati. I said I'd wait for you. I said I'd wait for you. Том само загрява. Tom is just warming up. Tom's just warming up. Tom uči da programira. Tom is learning programming. Tom's learning to program. След като урокът свърши, учителят ни обикновено остава за малко, за да отговори на въпросите ни, ако имаме такива. After class is over, our teacher usually sticks around to answer any questions we may have. After the lesson is over, our teacher usually stays a little longer to answer our questions if we have one. Железото е поцврсто од златото. Iron is harder than gold. Iron is stronger than gold. Што направил Том тука? What did Tom do here? What did Tom do here? Bože me sačuvaj! God beware me! God save me! Джон се бори с Том. John is wrestling with Tom. John's fighting Tom. Таа сака да се фали со величествените лустри што ги има во куќата. She liked to boast about the magnificent chandeliers in her house. She likes to boast of the magnificent chandeliers in the house. Dnes je tu veľa ľudí. There are a lot of people here today. Today's the day around. Разбирам, че музеят е затворен в понеделник. I understand the museum is closed on Mondays. I understand the museum is closed on Monday. Знамо. We know. We know. Tom je zahtevao povećanje. Tom put in for a raise. Tom demanded an increase. Bolje razmišljaš kad zažmuriš. Closing your eyes helps you think better. You think better when you close your eyes. Јави им се. Call them. Call them. Той кръсти кучето си Попай. He named his dog Popeye. He named his dog Popeye. Mislim da je ona iz Austrije. I think she's from Austria. I think she's from Austria. Още ли играеш голф? Are you still playing golf? You still playing golf? Ништо не е доволно добро за Том. Nothing's good enough for Tom. Nothing's good enough for Tom. Събуйте си чорапите, ако обичате. Take off your socks, please. Wake up your socks, please. Си го остави клучот на бирото, како што му беше навика. He left his key on the desk, as he usually did. He left his key to his desk, just like he used to. Том се провали на френския миналия семестър. Tom failed French last semester. Tom failed the French last semester. Мисля, че онова яке ще ми стане. I think that jacket would fit me. I think that jacket's gonna work for me. Том сега има триесет години. Tom is thirty now. Tom's 30 now. Контролирайте емоциите си. Control your emotions. Control your emotions. Te devojke su veoma zauzete. Those girls are very busy. Those girls are very busy. Што полошо, толку подобро. The worse the better. The worse, the better. Им кажав кога ги видов. И нему му кажав. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. I told them when I saw them, and I told him. Ова е производ за мажи. This is a product for men. This is a male product. Том оди накај југ. Tom is walking south. Tom's heading south. Луѓето се поважни од парите. People are more important than money. People are more important than money. Treba ti hobi. You need a hobby. You need a hobby. Том е навистина богат. Tom is really rich. Tom's really rich. Сигурен съм, че Том знае достатъчно френски да се оправи. I'm sure Tom knows enough French to get by. I'm sure Tom knows French enough to get better. Zbilja sam srećan zbog toga. I'm really happy about it. I'm really happy about it. За што по ѓаволите беше сето тоа? What on earth was all that about? What the hell was that all about? Не съм виждала Том, откакто бях тринайсетгодишна. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was 13. Upravo se opet dogodilo. It just happened again. It just happened again. Забавите се док можете. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Толку многу имаш направено. You've done so much. You've done so much. Таа работа е завршена. That job's finished. That job's over. Šta predlažeš? What is it you propose? What do you suggest? Мисля, че ще го намериш. I think you'll find it. I think you'll find him. И двајцата кашлаа. They both coughed. They both coughed. Budi oprezan. Take care. Be careful. Состанокот веќе почна. The meeting has already begun. The meeting's already started. Čína má viac ako miliardu obyvateľov. China has more than a billion inhabitants. Ma'am, if you're a billion years old. Јас и ти ќе летаме со ист авион. You and I'll be on the same flight. You and I are flying the same plane. Сенатора ме обвини,че съм изопачил данните. The senator charged that I had distorted the data. The senator accused me of distorting the data. Ostat ću sa bebom ako želiš ići. I'll stay with the baby if you want to go. I'll stay with the baby if you want to go. Imam alergiju na mleko. I have an allergy to milk. I have an allergy to milk. Още не ми е минало замайването. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't had my dizziness yet. Може ли да отида до тоалетната? May I go to the bathroom? Can I go to the bathroom? Свободен ли си в сряда? Are you free on Wednesday? Are you free on Wednesday? Сестрата ѝ стави инјекција против грип. The nurse gave her a flu shot. Her sister gave her a flu shot. Чекавме. We've been waiting. We've been waiting. "Негро" е обидна дума. "Negro" is an offensive word. "Negro" is an offensive word. Život se nastavlja! So goes life! Life goes on! Италијански полицајци ме излудуваат. Italian politicians make me mad. Italian cops driving me crazy. Искам да мога да говоря френски. I want to be able to speak French. I want to be able to speak French. Тоа е добар систем. It's a good system. That's a good system. Имаш ли обувки и чорапи? Do you have shoes and socks? Do you have any shoes and socks? Kako je tvoje bosansko ime? What's your Bosnian name? What's your Bosnian name? Ići ću ako idete vi. I will go if you go. I'll go if you guys go. Мисля, че може да имаш нужда от помощ. I think you might need some help. I think you might need some help. Si ako tvoja sestra. You're like your sister. You are if your sister. Цветята вехнат без вода. The flowers wilt without water. Flowers rolled without water. Идвам. I'm coming. I'm coming. Zamalo da zaboravim pasoš. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Таа роди близначки. She gave birth to twin girls. She gave birth to twins. Imamo četiri časa francuskog svake nedelje. We have four French classes a week. We have four French lessons every week. Има ли други хотели, които можеш да ми препоръчаш? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there any other hotels you could recommend? Не, и ни под столицата не е. No, and it is also not under the chair. No, it's not even under the capital. Да пробаме да се слагаме. Let's try to get along. Let's try to get along. Da li si završio sa pranjem sudova? Have you finished washing the dishes? Are you done washing dishes? Мисля, че това е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think that's terrible. Кафу, молићу. Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Разбирам го прекрасно. I can understand him perfectly. I understand it wonderfully. Oklevala je na trenutak. She hesitated for a second. She hesitated for a moment. Тражила сам вас. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Dúfajú, že sa im podarí nájsť si dobre platenú prácu. They hope to be able to find a well-paid job. Dúfajú, with the gift you give them, you're a good platenú prácu. Се откажав од пушење преклани. I quit smoking two years ago. I gave up smoking slaughtered. Može da se leči. It's treatable. It can be treated. Мислам знам како да го спречам да не се случи пак. I think I know how to keep it from happening again. I mean, I know how to stop him from happening again. Varaš se. You are wrong. You're wrong. Сѐ уште нема ни трага ни глас од Том. There's still no sign of Tom. There's still no sign of Tom. Не съм бил тук много. I haven't been around much. I haven't been here much. Обзалагам се, че знаете френски. I bet you know French. I bet you know French. Дръж се като пич. Be cool. Just act like a dude. Tek je pet ujutru, a već je svetlo napolju. It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out. It's only 5:00 in the morning, and it's already light outside. Книгава сѐ уште не е преведена на француски. This book hasn't yet been translated into French. This book has not yet been translated into French. Том беше обѕирен. Tom was considerate. Tom was thoughtful. Bila je to prezentacija koja godi publici. It was the type of presentation which appeals to the audience. It was a presentation to the audience. Со Том сме вљубени еден во друг. Tom and I are in love with each other. Tom and I are in love with each other. Mogao bih da pomognem. I could be of help. I could help. Том и кажа на Мери дека е среќен. Tom told Mary that he was happy. Tom told Mary he was happy. Токио е сличен на Богота, а Осака е слична на Меделин. Tokyo is more like Bogotá and Osaka is more like Medellín. Tokyo is similar to Bogota, and Osaka is similar to Medellin. Кога се случила пљачката? When did the robbery happen? When did the robbery happen? Излгежда, че тази нощ ще вали. It looks like it is going to rain tonight. Looks like it's gonna rain tonight. Сметката, моля. The check, please. The bill, please. Няма да се изненадам, ако Том си е тръгнал по-рано. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. Том започна да си развързва обувките. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom started untieing his shoes. Изгледаш замислено. You look troubled. You look premeditated. Tom je v garáži. Tom is in the garage. Tom's in the garage. Баща ми ми четеше преди да заспя. My father used to read to me at bedtime. My father used to read to me before I went to sleep. Onda vidjet ću što mogu uraditi! Then I'll see what I can do! Then I'll see what I can do! Дупнато е. It's punctured. It's a bust. Da li su svi oni jaki? Are they all strong? Are they all strong? Ништо такво се нема случено претходно. Nothing like that ever happened here. Nothing like this has happened before. Том продаје кола. Tom sells cars. Tom's selling cars. Том и Бил достигнаха до края независимо един от друг. Tom and Bill arrived at the conclusion independently of each other. Tom and Bill have reached the end regardless of each other. Tom nije zbunjen. Tom isn't fazed. Tom's not confused. На нея и се придряма след вечеря. She became drowsy after supper. She's been waiting for her after dinner. Кога е изградено? When was it built? When was it built? Želiš li još malo soka od rajčice? Would you like more tomato juice? Do you want some more tomato juice? Каде да почнеме? Where do we start? Where do we start? Сѐ уште не смеам да ти кажам. I can't tell you yet. I can't tell you yet. Мислиш ли дека треба да се откажеме? Do you think we should give up? Do you think we should give up? Се согласивме да им помогнеме. We agreed to help them. We agreed to help them. А што има врска? Why does it matter anyway? And what does it matter? Бићеш потпуно безбедан. You'll be absolutely safe. You'll be perfectly safe. Чудя се дали родителите на Том ще му позволят да дойде с нас. I wonder if Tom's parents will allow him to go with us. I wonder if Tom's parents will let him come with us. Да ли си успела да урадиш то сама? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? Том не остави добар прв впечаток. Tom didn't make a good first impression. Tom didn't make a good first impression. Това изисква внимателно обсъждане. That requires careful consideration. This requires careful discussion. Бас ловя, че си зает. I bet you're busy. I bet you're busy. Обично што е причината за болката? What is usually the cause for the pain? Usually what causes the pain? Мери има две гаджета. Mary has two boyfriends. Mary has two girlfriends. Имаш ли покривачи? Do you have blankets? Do you have any blankets? Ovo je početak nove ere. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Те ще вземат контрол над ситуацията. They'll take control of the situation. They'll take control of the situation. Давай най-доброто от себе си във всичко, с което се захващаш. Do your best in anything you do. Make the best of yourself in everything you're dealing with. Том је присвојио руску реченицу. Tom adopted a Russian sentence. Tom's adopted a Russian sentence. Купих ѝ часовник. I bought her a watch. I bought her a watch. Марија се закикотала. Mary giggled. Maria's got her hands on it. Padala je jaka kiša. A heavy rain fell. It was raining hard. Hvala vam puno! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Забравих да ви кажа какво да донесете. I forgot to tell you what to bring. I forgot to tell you what to bring. Доколкото разбирам, те ще се споразумеят с нас. I gather that they'll agree with us. From what I understand, they'll agree with us. Предпочитам да остана вкъщи. I'd rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Pojma nimam. I don't have a clue. I have no idea. Zovem se Hašimoto. My name is Hashimoto. My name is Hasjimoto. Аз знам, че ти си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Naravno! Of course! Of course! Сите така прават. Everybody does that. That's what everyone does. Дайте да го питаме. Let's ask him. Let's ask him. Том сака да мислиме дека е среќен. Tom wants us to think he's happy. Tom wants us to think he's happy. Трябваше да работиш по-усърдно. You should have worked harder. You should've worked harder. Ne želim više da ga vidim. I don't want to see him anymore. I don't want to see him anymore. Ja nisam uradio to. I'm not the one who did that. I didn't do it. Tom razmišlja isto. Tom thinks the same way. Tom's thinking the same thing. Пробувам да ти го објаснам ова на таков начин што ќе го сфатиш. I'm trying to explain this to you so you can understand it. I'm trying to explain this to you in a way that you'll understand. Plašim se visine. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Он познаје много људи. He knows many people. He knows a lot of people. Денов ми беше исполнет со дејности. I've had a busy day. My day was filled with activities. Што и фали на твојата кола? What's wrong with your car? What's wrong with your car? Uradio si odličan posao. You did a great job. You did a great job. В това езерце някога имаше много жаби. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. There used to be a lot of frogs in that pond. Ова ми се моливите. These are my pencils. These are my prayers. Очигледно, била сам превише оптимистична. Clearly, I was overly optimistic. Obviously, I was too optimistic. Ќе платам. I'll pay. I'll pay. Том прејде на наредното прашање. Tom proceeded to the next question. Tom moved on to the next question. Ona mu sprema obroke. She cooked him meals. She's making him meals. Дръпни се от компютъра. Back away from the computer. Get away from the computer. Ali imate rezervacijo? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? Ученето на английски е трудна работа. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Косата ти има нужда от подстригване. Your hair needs cutting. Your hair needs a haircut. Го кривам него. I blame him. I'm hiding him. Одам да се пресоблечам. I'm going to change my clothes. I'm gonna go change. Мој пас је слеп, али воли да излази напоље и шета се. My dog is blind, but he loves to go out for a walk. My dog is blind, but he likes to go out and walk. Дадох на Мери една книга. I gave Mary a book. I gave Mary a book. Све док човек живи, нада се. Man hopes as long as he lives. As long as a man lives, he hopes. Ништо не не спречува. There's nothing to stop us. Nothing's stopping us. Мрачно је. It's dark. It's dark. To je moj posao, a ne Tomov. That's my job, not Tom's. It's my job, not Tom's. Реци му да сам невина. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Učiteljica mi je dodijelila najduže poglavlje. The teacher allotted the longest chapter to me. My teacher assigned me the longest chapter. Том носи слънчеви очила. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom wears sunglasses. Samo su Tom i Meri bili spaseni. Tom and Mary were the only ones who were saved. Only Tom and Mary were saved. И аз имам да направя няколко обаждания. I had some calls to make, too. And I've got a few calls to make. Том сака да пишува. Tom likes writing. Tom wants to write. Jesi li video moje kuče? Have you seen my dog? Have you seen my dogs? Зошто ги кривиш нив? Why blame them? Why do you blame them? Той ми се подигра публично. He made fun of me in public. He made fun of me in public. Tko? Who? Who? Се врголи како јагула. He wriggles like an eel. It's stroking like a eel. Да ли си завршио? Have you finished? Are you done? Къде е дядо ми? Where's my grandfather? Where's my grandfather? Mislim da te razumem. I think I understand you. I think I understand you. Јеси ли искрен, Кене? Are you on the level, Ken? Are you honest, Ken? Ќе се јавам. I'll call. I'll call you back. Povedi me kući sa sobom. Take me home with you. Take me home with you. Internet nije tvoja lična armija. The Internet is not your personal army. The Internet is not your own personal army. Vitajte na Tatoebe. Welcome to Tatoeba. Hang on Tatoebe. Том је штребер. Tom is a nerd. Tom's a nerd. Том и Мери са страхотни приятели. Tom and Mary are great friends. Tom and Mary are great friends. Колку вреди? What's it worth? How much is it worth? Къщата на Фред има пет стаи. Fred's house has five rooms. Fred's house has five rooms. Го презеде бизнисот. He took over the business. You took over the business. Kako mogu da se zaštitim? How can I protect myself? How can I protect myself? Колку е богат Том? How well off is Tom? How rich is Tom? Седиш ми на мястото. You're sitting in my seat. You're sitting in my seat. Том изглежда мотивиран. Tom seems motivated. Tom seems motivated. Какви книги ти требаат? What kind of books do you need? What kind of books do you need? Още ли обичаш Том? Do you still love Tom? Do you still love Tom? Няма никой вкъщи. There's no one home. There's no one home. Том застенка од болка. Tom started moaning in pain. There's a lot of pain. Каква е твоята кръвна група? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? Никој не го слушаше Том. No one was listening to Tom. Nobody listened to Tom. Musíte mi dôverovať. You have to trust me. Musíte dôverová. Вероятно трябваше да кажа нещо. I probably should have said something. I probably should have said something. Не одам па што сака нека биде. I'm not going, and that's that. I'm not going so whatever he wants to be. Те хванаха пет пеперуди. They caught five butterflies. They caught five butterflies. Tom je chirurg. Tom is a surgeon. Tom's a surgeon. Штотуку јадев, така што не сум гладен. I've just eaten so I'm not hungry. I just ate, so I'm not hungry. Tom je jutros stigao. Tom arrived this morning. Tom arrived this morning. Pokaži mi slike! Show me the pictures! Show me pictures! Според тебе, како умрел Том? How do you think Tom died? How do you think Tom died? Не се влечкај кога ќе се враќаш дома. Don't dawdle on the way home. Don't drag yourself when you get home. Slikaj ovo. Get a picture of this. Take a picture of this. Prosledite mi šećer, molim vas. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me the sugar, please. Смрдиш на гомна. You smell like shit. You smell like shit. Moje celé meno je Ricardo Vernaut, mladší. My full name is Ricardo Vernaut, Junior. My whole point is Ricardo Vernaut, Jr. Те вдигнаха голям купон за мен. They gave a big party for me. They threw a big party for me. Еве ми ја членската картичка. Here's my membership card. Here's my membership card. Изведнъж пред тях изскочи някакъв мъж. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them. Suddenly a man came up in front of them. Том ќе спие. Tom will be asleep. Tom's going to sleep. Виждала съм Том да свири на китара с групата си. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. I've seen Tom play guitar with his band. Том и Мери не говореха на френски. Tom and Mary weren't speaking French. Tom and Mary didn't speak French. Смел си, зарем не? You're courageous, aren't you? You're brave, aren't you? Tom ne želi da podijeliš ovu informaciju s bilo kime. Tom doesn't want you to share this information with anyone. Tom doesn't want you to share this information with anyone. Добро сам. I'm OK. I'm fine. Мојата душа не е човечка, бидејќи е од друга димензија. My soul is not human as it is from another dimension. My soul is not human, because it's from another dimension. Nenávidíš ma. You hate me. Nenávidí ma. Реших, че може да си гладен. I thought you might be hungry. I thought you might be hungry. Moj muž kaže da je treba. My husband says he needs her. My husband says he needs it. Aniu zanimaju računala. Ania is interested in computers. Aniu is interested in computers. Čekam autobus. I'm waiting for the bus. I'm waiting for the bus. Много хора споделят моето виждане по въпроса. A lot of people feel the same way about this as I do. Many people share my view of the matter. Била је то љубав на први поглед. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. Oni su takođe otkrili da se ista pogrešna procena napravila i u nekim drugim slučajevima. They have also found that the same miscalculation was made in some other cases. They also found that the same miscalculation was done in some other cases. Ako čovek ima prava na život, onda treba da ima i prava na smrt. Ako nema, onda život nije pravo, već obaveza. If one has the right to live, then one should also have the right to die. If not, then living is not a right, but an obligation. If a man has the right to live, he should have the right to die, and if he doesn't, then life isn't right, but an obligation. Više volim jabuke od narandži. I prefer apples to oranges. I prefer apples to oranges. Muzika mi je važna. Music is important to me. Music is important to me. Bilo je malo čudno. It was kind of strange. It was a little weird. Имам грип и уморен сум. I have flu and I'm tired. I've got the flu, and I'm tired. Те не говорят ли френски? Can't they speak French? Don't they speak French? Američania ju nazývajú vietnamská vojna; Vietnamci ju nazývajú americká vojna. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American War. America called them vietnamská war; the Vietnamese call them the Americasá war. Го презираат. They detest him. They despise him. Da li si video nekog tamo? Did you see anybody there? Did you see anyone there? Мислам дека треба да го вработиме. I think we should hire him. I think we should hire him. Тук е снимана сестра ми. That's a photo of my sister. This is where my sister was taken. Ispostavilo se da je istina. It turned out to be true. Turns out it was true. Му го поставив истото прашање. I asked him the same question. I asked him the same question. Да не паничиме. Let's not panic. Let's not panic. Ne želim raditi pod ovim uvjetima. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Molim vas, zaustavite ovde. Please stop here. Please stop here. Том се искези. Tom started grinning. Tom gave it up. Тя получи подарък от приятеля си. She got a present from her boyfriend. She got a gift from her friend. Имам бела мачка. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Таа се плаши да не изгуби пари. She's afraid of losing money. She's afraid of losing money. Той ще играе бейзбол утре. He will play baseball tomorrow. He's playing baseball tomorrow. Vieš variť? Can you cook? You're cheating? Vidjeli smo nešto bijelo u mraku. We saw something white in the dark. We saw something white in the dark. Sve je izgledalo moguće u to vreme. Anything seemed possible back in those days. Everything seemed possible at the time. On govori engleski. He speaks English. He speaks English. Донеси си ја кутијата со алати. Bring your tool box. Get your toolbox. Глумењето е многу добро. The acting is very good. Actin' is so good. Добро ќе ги плаќаат. They'll be well paid. They'll pay good money. Мисля, че отговорът ви е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is true. Duplo sam stariji od Toma. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Tiste plaže so daleč od tu. Those beaches are far from here. Those beaches are far from here. Немам жељу да живим у великом граду. I have no wish to live in a large city. I have no desire to live in a big city. А јас повеќе сакам кафе од чај. Me, I prefer coffee to tea. And I'd rather have coffee than tea. Имам едно старо колело. I have an old bicycle. I've got an old bike. Tom je želeo veću kuću od svog komšije. Tom wanted to have a bigger house than his neighbor. Tom wanted a bigger house than his neighbor. Kto som? Who am I? What am I? Што е со тебе и него? What is it with you and him? What about you and him? Кога купи това? Where did you buy that? When did you buy this? Ќе ги вратам. I'll give them back. I'll get them back. Едно момче, не по-голямо от пет години, попита Том как да стигне до пощата. A young boy, who couldn't have been more than five years old, asked Tom how to get to the post office. A boy, no more than five years old, asked Tom how to get to the post office. Хей, човече, много те моля - напръскай с малко инсектицид зад хладилника. Hey man, I beg you - spray some insecticide behind the fridge. Hey, man, please, please, spray some insecticide behind the fridge. Ne čitam romane. I don't read novels. I don't read novels. Том отпатува до Бостон. Tom took a trip to Boston. Tom's on his way to Boston. Da li ste disleksični? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? Krvácam. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. Tom mi je upravo rekao obrnuto. Tom told me just the opposite. Tom just told me the other way around. Юпитер е планета, съставена главно от водород и хелий. Jupiter is a planet principally composed of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is a planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Аз ще отсъствам утре . I'll be absent tomorrow. I'll be gone tomorrow. Тако мислиш? Do you think so? Is that what you think? Том е пак при себе. Tom is himself again. Tom's back. Kupio sam mnogo stvari. I bought a lot of things. I bought a lot of stuff. Том е слободен. Tom's free. Tom's free. Кога сте го купиле тоа со Том? When did you and Tom buy that? When did you buy that thing with Tom? Da li imate nešto da saopštite? Do you have anything to report? Do you have anything to say? Prezauzet sam na poslu. I'm too busy at work. I'm too busy at work. Може би ни убягва очевидното. Maybe we're overlooking the obvious. Maybe he's avoiding the obvious. Америка има нужда от вас. America needs you. America needs you. За што се возбудуваш толку? What are you getting so excited about? What are you getting so excited about? Sami je znao pričati s mladim ženama. Sami knew how to talk to young women. He used to talk to young women on his own. Том ме победи. Tom beat me. Tom beat me. Убава бев. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. Току-що загубих най-добрия си приятел при пътен инцидент. I just lost my best friend in a traffic accident. I just lost my best friend in a road accident. Hajde da gledamo TV. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. Smorio se od čitanja. He got tired of reading. He's tired of reading. Dirnut sam. I'm touched. I'm touched. On je možda već otišao. He may have gone already. He may have already left. Не се бори. Don't fight. Don't fight. Koliko imaš knjiga? How many books do you have? How many books do you have? Ти се дивам на смелоста. I admire your bravery. I admire your courage. Оваа реченица може да се протолкува на повеќе различни начини, коишто требаше да ги земам предвид при преведувањето. This sentence allows for multiple interpretations that I had to consider when translating. This sentence can be interpreted in several different ways, which I should have taken into account in translation. Што правиме со нив? What do we do about them? What are we doing with them? Какво ще бъде времето утре? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What's the time tomorrow? Potcenjuješ me. You underestimate me. You underestimate me. Тези дрехи ти стоят добре. These clothes suit you. These clothes look good on you. Гарванът отлетя надалеч. The crow flew away. The Raven flew away. Едвај чекам да дознаам каков подарок ми приготвил Том. I can't wait to find out what Tom has made for me as a present. I can't wait to find out what kind of gift Tom made for me. Всички ученици в нашето училище учат френски. All of the students at our school study French. All students in our school learn French. Како се каже „довиђења“ на немачком језику? How do you say "good bye" in German? How do you say goodbye in German? Том цврсто спие. Tom is a heavy sleeper. Tom sleeps tight. Zašto reći Tomu bilo šta? Why tell Tom anything? Why tell Tom anything? Vreme je da idete u krevet. It's about time you went to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Трябва да платя за него. I have to pay for it. I have to pay for it. Ми го украдоа паричникот во автобус. My wallet was stolen on the bus. They stole my wallet on the bus. Рипнаа во водата. They jumped into the water. They jumped in the water. Сигурен сум дека Том ќе знае како е најдобро. I'm sure Tom will know what's best. I'm sure Tom will know what's best. Kako se osećate danas? How are we feeling today? How are you feeling today? Се надевам дека си спремен за предизвик. I hope you're up to the challenge. I hope you're ready for a challenge. Uvijek sam spreman za ono što slijedi. I'm always ready for what comes next. I'm always ready for what's next. Таа изгледаше возбудено. She looked excited. She seemed excited. Tvoja knjiga je duplo veća od moje. Your book is double the size of mine. Your book is twice as big as mine. Обади ми се утре сутринта в девет. Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning at nine. Том презема. Tom is taking charge. Tom's taking over. Rád počúvam dobrú hudbu. I like listening to good music. Rád, I'm doing a good job. Том продаје аутомобиле. Tom sells cars. Tom sells cars. За жал тоа ги прекршува сите правила. I'm afraid that violates every rule in the book. Unfortunately, it violates all the rules. Том е паметен тип. Tom is a smart guy. Tom's a smart guy. Postaješ neobazriv. You're getting careless. You're getting careless. Mislim da ću se vratiti za oko trideset minuta. I think I'll be back in about 30 minutes. I think I'll be back in about thirty minutes. Je to pre teba príliš ťažké? Is that too heavy for you? Is that before you do that? Том е буден. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. Бих искала да преведете това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. Mám rád med. I like honey. Mám rád honey. Šta znači to sve? What does it all mean? What does that mean? Том се върна до колата си и взе фенерче. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom came back to his car and took a flashlight. Каде сме се упатиле? Where are we heading? Where are we headed? Tom je juče kupio par crnih cipela. Tom bought a pair of black dress shoes yesterday. Tom bought a pair of black shoes yesterday. Забарот вгради привремена пломба. The dentist put in a temporary filling. The dentist's got a temporary filling in. Том не и ја прифати поканата на Мери. Tom didn't accept Mary's invitation. Tom didn't accept Mary's invitation. Не ме чуди. It's not surprising. I'm not surprised. Ako ne radiš, ne možeš jesti. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. Otišao sam tamo svojom voljom. I went there on my own free will. I went there of my own free will. Dodajte još vode. Add more water. Add more water. Nije mi se baš svidelo. I didn't enjoy it very much. I didn't like it very much. Видећеш њу. You'll see her. You'll see her. Мислам дека убаво се изјаснив. I think I made myself clear. I think I made myself very clear. Чух те как се смееш. I heard you laughing. I heard you laughing. Imam hčerko iste starosti kot tvoj sin. I have a daughter the same age as your son. I have a daughter the same age as your son. Združeni narodi so leto 2015 razglasili za mednarodno leto luči. 2015 has been declared the International Year of Light by the United Nations. The United Nations declared 2015 an international year of light. Tužan si. You're sad. You're sad. Ne treba da jedeš odmah pre odlaska u krevet. You shouldn't eat just before going to bed. You don't have to eat right before going to bed. Не е толку длабоко. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Ќе се справиме со нив. We'll handle them. We'll deal with them. Hodila sta po plaži, držeč se za roke. They walked down the beach, holding hands. They were walking around the beach holding hands. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that will happen. I hope that happens. Те молам, запиши го тоа. Please write it down. Please write that down. Mnogo mi je pomoglo. It's been a great help. She helped me a lot. Тоа е баш корисно. That's quite helpful. That's very helpful. Си требал прво да ја прашаш. You should've asked her first. You should have asked her first. Не смееш да се венчаш со Том. You can't marry Tom. You can't marry Tom. Колку категории има? How many categories are there? How many categories are there? Tom ima visoke moralne standarde. Tom has high moral standards. Tom has high moral standards. Ja sam tek prva godina. I'm only a freshman. I'm only the first year. Той няма да си промени мнението. There was no budging him. He won't change his mind. Jа сам равноземљаш. I'm a flat-earther. You're balance yourself out. Зборувај со него. Talk to him. Talk to him. Hoćeš li još soka od jabuke? Would you like some more apple juice? You want some more apple juice? Повеќето девици имаат читав химен. Most virgins have an intact hymen. Most virgins have whole hymens. Говорих на Том на френски. I spoke French to Tom. I spoke to Tom in French. Прочете ли тази книга вече? Have you read this book already? Have you read this book yet? Той ми каза как да стигна до музея. He told me how to get to the museum. He told me how to get to the museum. Навистина ти треба психијатар. You really need a psychiatrist. You really need a shrink. Недей да се разочароваш. Don't be disappointed. Don't be disappointed. Том е силен маж. Tom is a strong man. Tom is a strong man. Niti jedan student nije znao odgovor na pitanje. No student was able to answer the question. No student knew the answer to the question. Дојдов да му ги нахранам на Том рибите. I came by to feed Tom's fish. I came to feed Tom the fish. Лицето на Шоичи побледня. Shoichi's face turned pale. Shoichi's face faded. Запътих се към парка. I walked toward the park. I'm on my way to the park. Самоличността му трябва да бъде запазена в тайна. His identity must be kept secret. His identity must be kept secret. Никој ништо не можеше да докаже. No one could prove anything. No one could prove anything. Мислам дека Том е ситничав. I think Tom is petty. I think Tom's petty. Ona ne voli nogomet. She doesn't like soccer. She doesn't like football. Не сакам да ме третираат различно од претходно. I don't want to be treated any differently than before. I don't want to be treated differently than before. Том продължи да натиска клаксона. Tom continued to honk the horn. Tom kept pushing the klaxon. Ona má dve mačky. Jedna je biela a druhá je čierna. She has two cats. One is white and one is black. She's got two cats. Кога сум пробал да ти дадам пари? When did I try to give you money? When did I try to give you money? Каде ти е оружјето? Where's your weapon? Where's your weapon? Не го разбеснувај Том. Don't make Tom angry. Don't piss Tom off. Том не ми кажа кој му е учител по француски. Tom didn't tell me who his French teacher was. Tom didn't tell me who his French teacher was. Видях го. I met him. I saw it. Nemojte da pričate. Don't speak. Don't talk. Той се простудява много лесно. He catches colds very easily. He's missing out very easily. Времето лети. Time flies. Time flies. Јеси ли пријавио полицији? Have you reported it to the police? Did you report it to the police? Варди го затвореникот. Watch the prisoner. Guard the prisoner. On je čovek moći. He is a man of power. He's a man of power. Какво става тук? What is going on here? What's going on here? Verovatno nikad više neću da koristim ovo. I'll probably never use this again. I'll probably never use this again. Што има јазици а не осеќа вкус? What has tongues, but not cannot taste? What does tongues not taste? Той рисува прави линии. He draws straight lines. He's drawing straight lines. Vidim vrtnico. I see a rose. I see a rose. Аз ли съм пръв? Am I first? Am I the first? Посилен си од Том. You're stronger than Tom. You're stronger than Tom. Ne stajte. Don't stop. Don't stop. Виждала съм те някъде преди. I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you somewhere before. Кажи ми каде да го најдам. Tell me where I can find him. Tell me where to find him. Не сум доволно добар за тебе. I'm no good for you. I'm not good enough for you. Даме имају предност. Ladies first. Ladies take precedence. Том не знае да се изрази. Tom is inarticulate. Tom can't express himself. Миналата нощ играта беше вълнуваща. The game was exciting last night. Last night, the game was exciting. Направих се, че не знам кой е Том. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. I pretended I didn't know who Tom was. Opasnost vreba iza svakog ugla. Danger lurks around every corner. Danger lurks around every corner. Почео је да виче. He began to shout. He started yelling. Утре трябва да се върна в Бостън. I have to go back to Boston tomorrow. I have to go back to Boston tomorrow. Колкото и да е богата, тя не е щастлива. For all her riches, she's not happy. As rich as she is, she's not happy. Помня какво беше казал той. I remember what he said. I remember what he said. Честно казано, скъпа, не ми пука! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Honestly, honey, I don't care! Немаме ништо што сакаш. We have nothing you want. We don't have anything you want. Някои мислят, че берберският език може да отмре. Some think that the Berber language might die out. Some people think the Berber language can die. Изчакай ме да довърша, моля те. Bear with me. Wait for me to finish, please. Imaš dobre instikte. You have good instincts. You have good instincts. Tom mi je rekao da neće reći Meri šta se dogodilo. Tom told me that he won't tell Mary what happened. Tom told me he wouldn't tell Mary what happened. Danas je toplo kao i jučer. It is as warm today as yesterday. It's as warm today as yesterday. Vratila sam se danas. I've returned today. I came back today. Том не оди на пазар. Tom isn't going to the market. Tom doesn't go shopping. Пази го ова. Get a load of this. Check this out. Nadam se da to nije istina. I hope that isn't true. I hope that's not true. Стана чукунбаба само неколку дена пред да наполни деведесет и девет години. She became a great-great-grandmother just days before turning ninety-nine. It was only a few days before he turned ninety-nine years old. Време е да се ходи на работа. It's time to go to work. It's time to go to work. Odišiel z izby. He left the room. Obischiel and Izby. Тези условия приемливи ли са за теб? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Are these conditions acceptable to you? Nie, ďakujem. No, thank you. Nie, I'm doing it. Ova je dosta kul. This one's pretty cool. This one's pretty cool. Колку си очаен? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? Бих искала да преведа това на френски. Би ли ми помогнал? I'd like to get this translated into French. Could you help me? I'd like to translate this into French. Вулканот повторно стана активен. The volcano has become active again. The volcano has become active again. Zar još nisi gotov? Haven't you finished yet? Aren't you finished yet? Много ми липсваш. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. Къде е твоето училище? Where is your school? Where's your school? Спремен сум да надоместам. I'm ready to make amends. I'm ready to make it up to you. Том живее в същата част на града, в която живее Мери. Tom lives in the same part of town as Mary. Tom lives in the same part of town that Mary lives in. Mislim da ćeš moći da uradiš to. I think you'll not be able to do that. I think you'll be able to do that. Tom je delovao pomalo bolesno. Tom looked a bit sick. Tom seemed a little sick. Можеш ли да решиш тази задача? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve this task? Ne slažem se sa tobom u potpunosti. I don't completely agree with you. I don't agree with you completely. Nadajmo se da je Tom pametan. Let's hope Tom is smart. Let's hope Tom's smart. Пипаше нешто? Did you touch something? Did you touch anything? Те си я искат обратно. They want it back. They want her back. Таа има десет деца. She has ten children. She's got ten kids. Завежи и кидај! Go jump in the lake. Shut up and rip! Čo potrebuješ? What do you need? What do you need? Изглежда, че вали сняг, нали? It looks like snow, doesn't it? Looks like it's snowing, doesn't it? Nerozbi zrkadlo. Don't break a mirror. It's not a hornet. Uzmi malo. Have some. Have some. Не можам да ти верувам. I can't believe you. I can't believe you. Infracrveni i ultraljubičasti zraci su vrste svetlosti nevidljive ljudskom oku. Infrared and ultra-violet rays are types of light invisible to the human eye. Infrared and ultraviolet rays are the kinds of light invisible to the human eye. Што би сакал да го прашаш Том? What is it that you'd like to ask Tom? What would you like to ask Tom? Церемонията по завършването се състоя на първи март сутринта. The graduation ceremony took place on the morning of the first of March. The graduation ceremony took place on March 1st in the morning. Ќе се маскираш ли годинава? Are you going in costume this year? Are you going to disguise yourself this year? Това е възможно най-лошото. This is the worst of all. That's as bad as it gets. Сакам да сум покрај тебе. I wish I were by your side. I want to be there for you. Molim te, primi ovaj mali dar. Please accept this little gift. Please accept this little gift. Тогаш бевме толку млади. We were so young at that time. We were so young back then. Ќе го земеш ли? Will you take it? Will you take it? Сакам да бидам таму. I want to be there. I want to be there. Том живее на оваа улица. Tom lives on this street. Tom lives on this street. Том денес делува различно. Tom seems different today. Tom seems different today. Тоа беше фантастично. That was fantastic. That was fantastic. Момичето, с което той разговаря, е Нанси. The girl he's speaking to is Nancy. The girl he's talking to is Nancy. Nećemo dozvoliti da umreš. We won't let you die. We're not gonna let you die. Играат одбојка. They are playing volleyball. They're playing volleyball. Ајде само да го баталиме тоа. Let's just drop it. Let's just drop it. Više nisam previše uznemiren. I'm not too upset anymore. I'm not too upset anymore. Преподавам френски вече три години. I've been teaching French for three years. I've been teaching French for three years. Аз се разбирах с всички. I got along with everybody. I got along with everyone. Povuci se unazad. Step back. Pull back. Je Tom doma? Is Tom at home? Is Tom home? Као ќе ги најдеме? How are we going to find them? How are we gonna find them? Ово ће трајати читаву вечност. This is going to take forever. This will take forever. Радвам се, че това не ми трябва. I'm glad I don't need that. I'm glad I don't need that. Дайте ми втори шанс. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Мислам дека веќе не треба да чекаме. I don't think we should wait any longer. I don't think we should wait anymore. Притежавам яхта. I own a yacht. I own a yacht. Всички това казват. They all say that. That's what they all say. Разбрах защо Том закъсня. I found out why Tom was late. I figured out why Tom was late. Не сакав млеко. I didn't want milk. I didn't want milk. Kako bih mogla da odolim? How could I help it? How could I resist? Sve devojke vole Toma. All the girls love Tom. All the girls love Tom. Знам што ти е важно тебе и ќе дадам сѐ од себе да го уништам. I know what you love and I'll do everything I can in order to destroy it. I know what's important to you, and I will do my best to destroy it. Не бой се, ще се справиш. Don't worry. You'll make it. Don't be afraid. You'll be fine. Том видел и полошо. Tom has seen worse. Tom saw worse. Tom me je pitao da li želim u Boston s njim. Tom asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him. Tom asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him. Приемам предложението ти. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Vrh te planine je ravan. The top of that mountain is flat. The top of that mountain is flat. Ова е бездруго шега. This has got to be a joke. This is no joke. Можеш ли да го направиш сам? Can you do it alone? Can you do it yourself? Карай бавно. Drive slowly. Take it slow. Никад није требало да те послушам. I never should've listened to you. I never should have listened to you. Ако не работиш, не можеш да ядеш. If you don't work, you can't eat. If you don't work, you can't eat. По-добре съм. I'm getting better. I'm better. Подранил съм. I'm early. I'm early. Žurim. I'm in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. Možeš li me odvesti njoj? Can you take me to her? Can you take me to her? Moja noga! My foot! My leg! Трипати ме ограбија месецов. I've been burgled three times this month. I've been robbed three times this month. Сакам малку да направам муабет со тебе за Том. I want to have a little chat with you about Tom. I want to have a little talk with you about Tom. Учениците си отидоа. The students left. The students are gone. Нарекувај го како сакаш. Call it what you like. Call it what you want. Той беше принуден да подпише договора. He was compelled to sign the contract. He was forced to sign the contract. Tomu se veoma dopao svoj posao. Tom liked his job very much. That's what he really liked about his job. Отивам на училище в седем часа. I go to school at seven o'clock. I'm going to school at seven o'clock. Том дојде да побара помош. Tom came to ask for help. Tom's here to ask for help. Подранила си. You are early. You're early. Pozvaću. I'll call. I'll call. Том чекаше на ред. Tom stood in line. Tom was waiting in line. Трябва да прибера нещо мое. I have to get something of mine. I have to get something of mine. Ne mogu naći svoj kofer. I can't find my suitcase. I can't find my suitcase. Ти ветувам дека нема да направам ништо што ќе ти наштети. I promise you I won't do anything to harm you. I promise you I won't do anything to harm you. Ona je plakala. She cried. She was crying. Откъде знаеш френски толкова добре? How come you know French so well? How do you know French so well? Понекогаш не можам да си помогнам. Sometimes I can't help myself. Sometimes I can't help myself. Мисля, че Том може да споделя твоите чувства. I think Tom might feel the same way you do. I think Tom can share your feelings. Očigledno se radi o tipfeleru. It's obviously a typo. It's obviously a tipfeller. Том е женет човек. Tom is a married man. Tom's a married man. Ne smiješ razgovarati s njom. You're not allowed to talk to her. You can't talk to her. Tom je tolko bogat da čak i njegove sluge imaju sluge. Tom is so rich that even his servants have servants. Tom is so rich that even his servants have servants. Се вратив со автобус. I took the bus back. I'm back on the bus. Това е най-сладкото кутре, което някога съм виждал. This is the cutest puppy I've ever seen. It's the sweetest puppy I've ever seen. Tom nije napisao nijedno pismo Meri dok nije bio tu. Tom didn't even write one letter to Mary while he was away. Tom didn't write any letters to Mary while he was away. Убаво готвиш. You are a good cook. You're a nice cook. Малиот остров од далеку изгледа како желка. The small island looked like a tortoise from a distance. The small island from a distance looks like a turtle. Евгенија ги делеше со нас своите омилени масла за прочистување на лицето и негување на кожата. Eugenia shared with us her favorite oils for cleaning the face and protecting the skin. Eugenia shared with us her favorite oils for the cleansing of the face and care of the skin. Мъча се да спестя пари. I'm trying to save money. I'm trying to save money. Koliko ću da dobijem? How much will I receive? How much do I get? Rekao si mi to prije. You told me that before. You told me that before. Не. Прекалено са малки. No. They are too small. No, they're too small. Престани с тим! Stop that! Stop that! Што има во тој орман? What's in that closet? What's in that closet? Подозирам, че сте прави. I guess you are right. I suspect you're right. Многу ретко јадам месо. I very rarely eat meat. I rarely eat meat. Том се опита да убеди Мери, че е време да си тръгват. Tom tried to convince Mary that it was time to leave. Tom tried to convince Mary it was time for them to leave. Набрзо ќе стигнат. They'll be here soon enough. They'll be here soon. Измиј се. Wash up. Wash up. Поначало японците са стеснителни. Generally, Japanese people are shy. At first, the Japanese are shy. Си го гледал ли? Have you watched it? Have you seen it? Ще си намеря работа. I'll find work. I'll get a job. Еве Ви ја платата. Here's your paycheck. Here's your salary. Силен дъжд ми попречи да отида. A heavy rain prevented me from going. Heavy rain kept me from going. Још ниси завршио? Haven't you finished yet? You haven't finished yet? В кухнята е. It is in the kitchen. It's in the kitchen. Тя отиде там вчера. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Неговото глумење во никој случај не е совршено. His acting is far from being perfect. His acting is not perfect at all. Pitam se šta Tom planira da uradi. I wonder what Tom is planning to do. I wonder what Tom's planning to do. Стварно ми се допаѓаш. I really do like you. I really like you. Možeš li da navučeš zavese? Can you close the drapes? Can you get the curtains on? Точно когато се канеше да излезе от магазина, тя видя на витрината една прекрасна рокля. Just as she was about to leave the store, she saw a beautiful dress in the window. Just when she was about to leave the store, she saw a beautiful dress in the window. Том се мачеше да остане сконцентриран. Tom struggled to stay focused. Tom was struggling to stay focused. Би разбрал што било од тебе. I'd understand anything coming from you. I'd understand what's going on with you. On hovorí príliš rýchlo. He speaks too fast. He hovorí you ask rýchlo. Во шест часот ли стануваш? Do you get up at six? Are you up at six o'clock? Погоден сум! I'm hit! I'm hit! Da li možete da nasmejete Toma? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Vreme leti. Time flies. Time flies. Ovo će nam mnogo olakšati psoao. This will make our job a lot easier. This will make it so much easier for us. Додека имав запаление на белите дробови, само чемреев во својата соба, чекајќи да се опоравам. While I had pneumonia, I just languished in my room, waiting to recover. While I had pneumonia in my lungs, I just hurried in my room, waiting for me to recover. Ние вече знаем. We already know. We already know. Moramo poštovati saobraćajna pravila. We must obey the traffic regulations. We have to follow the traffic rules. Той няма велосипед. He has no bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Poranila sam. I'm early. I'm early. Izginite! Vsi vi! Get out of here! All of you! All of you! Tom je želeo da zna šta radimo. Tom wanted to know what we were doing. Tom wanted to know what we were doing. Не гледаме. We're not watching. We can't see. Ko je prvi? Who's first? Who's first? Предложението ти изглежда разумно. Your suggestion seems reasonable. Your proposal seems reasonable. Нямам какво да предложа. I have nothing to offer. I have nothing to offer. Преправај се дека си победил. Pretend you've won. Pretend you won. Urobili sme početné vylepšenia na našom dome, odkedy sme ho kúpili. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. The entrenched beginners are vylpased at our home, from which ho kúpili may be found. To mi je puno značilo. It meant a lot to me. That meant a lot to me. Том го боли главата. Tom has a headache. Tom's head hurts. Не съм толкова глупав. I'm not that stupid. I'm not that stupid. To je ceruzka. This is a pencil. It's a cerusan. Никога не съм бил толкова горд с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Не прекалявай. Don't overdo it. Don't push it. Одмавнав со главата. I shook my head. I took my head off. Кога заминава този влак? When does this train leave? When does this train leave? Promenio sam se. I've changed. I've changed. Успяхме да се сдобием с малко чуждестранни марки. We managed to get some foreign stamps. We managed to get some foreign stamps. Том се однесува како размазено дериште. Tom was behaving like a spoiled brat. Tom acts like a spoiled brat. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We were discussing whether to cancel the reservation. Том е мој проблем. Tom is my problem. Tom is my problem. Не е атрактивно. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. Имавме свои причини. We had our reasons. We had our reasons. Виждал съм го това. I've seen that. I've seen this before. Ukrcaj se. Come aboard. Get on board. Тя изпра блузата набързо. She gave the blouse a quick wash. She washed her shirt in a hurry. Аз се надявам това да се случи. I'm hoping that will happen. I hope that happens. Z njim je šla v kino. She went with him to the movies. She went to the movies with him. Том трудно се оправя с хора като Мери. Tom has trouble dealing with people like Mary. Tom is hard to deal with people like Mary. Осећај се као код куће. Make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. Кажи ми каде да ја најдам. Tell me where I can find her. Tell me where to find her. Трябва да бутам колелото си, защото едната от гумите е спаднала. I have to push my bike because one of the tyres is flat. I have to push my bike, because one of the tires is down. Jesi li spremna da preuzmeš odgovornost? Are you prepared to take responsibility? Are you ready to take responsibility? Може ли да пусна телевизора? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Jesi ikad slušao tako dobru muziku? Have you ever listened to such a good music? Have you ever listened to music that good? Как мога да спя? How can I sleep? How can I sleep? Книгата е малка. The book is small. It's a small book. Волим вас обоје. I love you both. I love you both. Том ми помогна. Tom helped me out. Tom helped me. Воопшто не го сакав тоа. I never wanted that. I didn't want that at all. Той е човекът, който оглавява маркетинга на парфюмите. He's the one who heads the marketing of the perfumes line. He's the guy who handles perfume marketing. Nisam spremna da idem. I'm not ready to go. I'm not ready to go. Samo mi kaži istinu. Just tell me the truth. Just tell me the truth. Ако не се лъжа... If I am not mistaken. If I don't lie... Големи се шансите дека Џејн ќе дојде. There's a good chance that Jane will come. There's a good chance Jane's coming. Pričaj mi o svom učitelju. Please tell me about your teacher. Tell me about your teacher. Той се счита за изчезнал. He is regarded as missing. He's considered missing. Победи ли во трката? Did you win the race? Did you win the race? Policija nije odbacila mogućnost samoubistva. The police haven't ruled out suicide. The police didn't reject the possibility of suicide. Аз не знам френски, а пък гръцки - съвсем. I don't know French, much less Greek. I don't know French and I don't know Greek. Каквото и да кажеш, тя е тази за която ще се оженя. Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, she's the one I'm going to marry. Овие се за нив. These are for them. These are for them. Искаш ли деца? Do you want kids? You want kids? Ono što sam video je bilo obeshrabrujuće. What I saw was depressing. What I saw was discouraging. Како се зовете? What is your name? What's your name? Искреноста е доблест. Honesty is a virtue. Honesty is virtue. Придържайте се към фактите. Stick to the facts. Stick to the facts. Надявам се да ми дадете разрешение да го ползвам. I'd like your permission to use it. I hope you'll give me permission to use it. Želim se učiti havajščino. I want to learn Hawaiian. I want to study Hawaii. Моля ви, кажете истината. Please tell the truth. Please tell the truth. Нямам нищо напротив. I don't mind. I don't mind. Сите сме пиони. We're all pawns. We're all pawns. Том работеше много усърдно. Tom worked very hard. Tom worked very hard. Tom je mislio da je Meri slatka. Tom thought Mary was cute. Tom thought Mary was cute. Изиграх те. I tricked you. I played you. Това твоето семейство ли е? Is this your family? Is this your family? Neki ljudi bez obzira u kom dobu su, ne gube svoju lepotu. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. Some people, no matter what age they're in, don't lose their beauty. Parlament je raspušten. Parliament has been dissolved. Parliament is disbanded. Ta je veoma retka. That one is very rare. That's a very rare one. Развали всичко. You ruined everything. You ruined everything. Она се развела од мужа. She divorced her husband. She divorced her husband. Дали Татоеба е навистина многу бавна денес, или мене ми се чини? Is it just me, or is Tatoeba extremely slow today? Is Tatseba really very slow today, or does it seem to me? Том не беше заспал. Tom wasn't asleep. Tom wasn't asleep. Donesite hranu. Bring food. Bring the food. Kako ti je? How are you doing? How's it going? „Зошто ми ја скрши вазната?“ „Мило за драго.“ "Why did you break my vase?" "Tit for tat." “ Why did you break my vase? ” Врати го седиштето. Put the seat back. Put the seat back. Осомничениот призна. The suspect confessed. The suspect confessed. Bil sem presenečen nad njegovo odpovedjo. I was surprised by his resignation. I was surprised at his resignation. Јас сум тој што ќе му помага, а не ти. I'll be the one helping him, not you. I'm the one who's gonna help him, not you. Кажи му да сам невина. Tell him I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Аз наистина го искам това. I really do want that. I really want that. На мен не ми пречи. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Ataturk je rođen 1881, u Solunu. Atatürk was born in 1881, Thessaloniki Ataturk was born in 1881 in Thessaloniki. Тој е врколак. He's a werewolf. He's a werewolf. Je že avgust. It is already August. It's August. Pušenje ubija. Smoking kills. Smoking kills. Сакаш ли да земам нешто од супермаркет? Do you want me to pick up anything at the supermarket? Do you want me to get something from the supermarket? Знам што си ручал. I know what you ate for lunch. I know what you had for lunch. Аз съм новата секретарка на Том. I'm Tom's new secretary. I'm Tom's new secretary. Има само еден начин да се реши ова. There's only one way to settle this. There's only one way to solve this. Том не може да измисли как да отвори кутията. Tom can't figure out how to get the box open. Tom can't figure out how to open the box. Том је био веома уплашен. Tom was good and scared. Tom was very scared. Dođite da mi pomognete. Come and help me out. Come help me. Том работи во НАСА. Tom works for NASA. Tom works at NASA. Чинеше многу повеќе одошто очекував. It cost a lot more than I thought it would. He did a lot more than I expected. Тогава какъв ти е проблемът? Then what's your problem? Then what's your problem? Ne mogu da se složim sa tobom. I cannot agree with you. I can't agree with you. Tom je bio pomalo ošamućen. Tom was a bit woozy. Tom was a little dizzy. Нашата тема на седмицата е: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. Our theme of the week is: ______. Počakati bomo morali nekaj minut. We'll have to wait a few minutes. We'll have to wait a few minutes. Том натисна спусъка. Tom pulled the trigger. Tom pulled the trigger. Poslužite se. Help yourself. Help yourself. На мен ми е лесно да говоря на френски. Speaking French is easy for me. It's easy for me to speak French. Зарем нема да јадеш? Aren't you going to eat? Aren't you going to eat? Том ще отсъства една седмица. Tom won't be back for a week. Tom's gonna be gone for a week. Има лажни трепки. She has fake eyelashes. He's got fake eyelashes. Ukrao je veoma dragocen dijamantski prsten. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. He stole a very valuable diamond ring. Сишла сам са воза. I got off the train. I got off the train. Имам да ти задам един въпрос. I have a question to pose you. I have a question to ask you. Не сакам ни да знам. I don't want to know either. I don't even want to know. Не се обесхрабрувај сега. Don't lose heart now. Don't get discouraged now. Заборави на тоа, добро? Forget about it, OK? Forget about it, okay? Tom je jedan od najzanimljivijih momaka koje sam ikad upoznao. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Tom is one of the most interesting guys I've ever met. Stvarno? Really? Really? Немам меч. I don't have a sword. I don't have a sword. Не можам да ти ја позајмам книгава. I can't lend this book to you. I can't lend you this book. Да сум на твое место, би го следел до крајот на светот. If I were you, I would follow him to the end of the world. If I were you, I'd follow him to the end of the world. Мислам дека Том е закален. I think Tom is tough. I think Tom's boned. Вљубен сум и збунет. I'm in love and I'm confused. I'm in love and confused. Svi stoje. Everyone's standing. Everybody's standing up. Мисля да присъствам лично. I plan on being there in person. I think I'll be present in person. Може ли да дойда да те видя в офиса утре сутринта ? May I come to see you at your office tomorrow morning? Can I come see you in the office tomorrow morning? Ko je Tom? Da li je ti je to novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Who's Tom? Постојано се случува. It keeps happening. It happens all the time. Poľsko je veľká krajina. Poland is a big country. It's more of a landscape. Никада га није видела. She has never seen him. She's never seen him. Svi muškarci su isti. Men are all the same. All men are the same. Немаат доверба во мене. They don't trust me. They don't trust me. Сите се смешкаа. Everyone was smiling. Everybody was smiling. Би сакал ли куче? Would you like a dog? Would you like a dog? Следната недела нема да бидам во градов. I'm out of town next week. I won't be in town next week. Бог ми дава щастие. God gives me happiness. God gives me happiness. Внасянето на редки диви животни в тази страна е строго забранено. The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited. The introduction of rare wild animals into this country is strictly prohibited. Moramo da se otarasimo Toma. We must get rid of Tom. We need to get rid of Tom. Кажи му на Том дека не ја познавам Мери. Tell Tom I don't know Mary. Tell Tom I don't know Mary. Nisam siguran kada će se Tom vratiti. I'm not sure when Tom will get back. I'm not sure when Tom will be back. Няма да се справиш без мен. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do this without me. Izabrao si lepog. You picked a nice one. You picked a nice one. Срещнахме се с тях в младежкото общежитие. We met them at the youth hostel. We met them at the youth hostel. Уозбили се. Be serious. You got it. Hrvatska je zemlja u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe. Croatia is a country in the southeastern part of Europe. Croatia is a country in Southeast Europe. Vrijeme ostaje loše. The weather stayed bad. Time stays bad. Znaće oni šta da urade. They'll know what to do. They'll know what to do. Може ли да ми платите предварително? Can you pay me in advance? Can you pay me in advance? Zakaj točno si to storil? Why exactly did you do that? Why exactly did you do that? Том също може да говори на френски. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can speak French, too. Том ја почитуваше Мери. Tom respected Mary. Tom respected Mary. Koliko to vredi? How much is that worth? How much is that worth? Тоа беше лично. That was personal. That was personal. Направих каквото можах. I did my best. I did what I could. Ја не знам одговор. I don't know the answer. I don't know the answer. Не знам што мислиш дека ќе се смени. I don't know what you think is going to change. I don't know what you think will change. Говорите ли турски? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Istina se mora reći. The truth must be told. The truth must be said. Дојди и погледај. Come and take a look. Come and have a look. Toliko mi nedostaješ. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. Tom je stigao na vreme uprkos oluji. Tom arrived on time in spite of the storm. Tom arrived in time despite the storm. Zasad sam videla dovoljno. I've seen enough for now. I've seen enough so far. Dođite ovde. Come here. Come here. Дали е Том во Бостон? Is Tom in Boston? Is Tom in Boston? Ова не е сино туку виолетово. This is not blue; it is violet. This isn't blue. This is purple. Jesi li umešana u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? Zbunjen sam. I'm baffled. I'm confused. Многу ми се допаѓа сладолед од ванила. I like vanilla ice cream very much. I love vanilla ice cream. Не можам да влезам таму. I can't go in there. I can't go in there. Далида умре од предозирање со апчиња за спиење. Dalida died from an overdose of sleeping pills. Dalida died of an overdose with sleeping pills. Тоа е наша тајна. That's our secret. That's our secret. Мисля, че е щастлив. I think he's happy. I think he's happy. Izgledalo je da je Tom zauzetiji nego obično. Tom seemed busier than usual. Tom seemed more busy than usual. Tom još uvek ima malo vremena. Tom still has some time. Tom still has a little time. Нисам му рекао да си овде. I didn't tell him you're here. I didn't tell him you were here. Понизок сум од тебе. I'm shorter than you. I'm lower than you. Када ће кренути курс италијанског језика? When will the Italian course start? When will the Italian course take place? Koliko stvarno imate godina? How old are you really? How old are you really? Tomu se sviđaju oboje. Tom likes them both. That's what they both like. Naj bo kratko in sladko. Make it short and sweet. Make it short and sweet. Къде е баща Ви? Where's your father? Where's your father? Само сакам да те усреќам онака како што ти сакаш да ме усреќиш мене. I just want to make you as happy as you want to make me. I just want to make you happy the way you want to make me happy. Донесувам многу глупави одлуки. I make a lot of stupid decisions. I make a lot of stupid decisions. Никога не съм си давал сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never thought Tom was interested in French. Внимавай да не разбиеш сърцето на Том. Be careful you don't break Tom's heart. Be careful not to break Tom's heart. Том ми пиша и ми раскажа за своето патување. Tom wrote to me, telling me about his trip. Tom wrote to me and told me about his trip. Не можеш да го порекнеш тоа. You can't deny that. You can't deny that. Препознала сам га на први поглед. I recognized him at first glance. I recognized him at first. Трябва да викнем полицията. We have to call the police. We have to call the police. Ти би била одлична мајка. You'd be a great mother. You'd make a great mother. Защо не си вземем такси? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we get a cab? Мисля, че това ще проработи. I think this is going to work. I think that'll work. Каква е минималната заплата в Чехия? What's the minimum salary in the Czech Republic? What is the minimum wage in the Czech Republic? Solidno čitam kineski, ali ne umem lepo da ga pišem. I can read Chinese fairly well, but I can't write it very well. I read Chinese solidly, but I can't write it well. Той съвсем изперка. He's totally lost it. He's a mess. Не ви мразя. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Uživaj u tome dok još možeš! Enjoy it while you can. Enjoy it while you still can! Том дори не трепна. Tom didn't even flinch. Tom didn't even blink. Той не успя да получи работата. He couldn't get the job. He couldn't get the job. Той отиде във Франция не толкова да разглежда забележителности, колкото да прави наблюдения. He went to France not so much for sightseeing as for observation. He went to France not so much to look at sights as to make observations. Izvrštaj o sastanku je spreman. The report on the meeting is ready. Meeting execution is ready. Ја само вршим своју дужност. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. Аз никога не бих го наранил. I'd never hurt him. I would never hurt him. Имаш навика што не ми се допаѓа. You have a habit that I'm happy about. You have a habit that I don't like. Ти си луд да си купиш такова скъпо колело. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. Морам да останам тука. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Ќе направиме да работи. We'll make it work. We'll make it work. Probali ste. You've tried. You tried. Сигурно ти је било тешко. You must have had a hard time. It must have been hard for you. Išiel som do nemocnice. I went to the hospital. Ishiel som to the powerless woman. На Том собата му е 'ршум. Tom's room is very messy. Tom's room is shawl. Duplo sam se parkirao. I'm double-parked. I double-parked. Тој чувствува омраза спрема татка си. He has a hatred for his father. He feels hate for his father. On je biolog. He's a biologist. He's a biologist. Ще бъда наказан. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Подай му пръст - ще ти отхапе ръката. Give him an inch and he'll take a yard. Give him a finger. He'll bite your hand. Mnogi turisti posjećuju Kyoto. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Many tourists visit Kyoto. Jesi li spavala? Have you been sleeping? Did you sleep? Ќе те однесам дома. I'll take you home. I'll take you home. Не ставай твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Kedy si videl naposledy Toma? When did you last see Tom? Kady, have you seen the last of Tom? Помислих си, че може Том да ти е гадже. I thought Tom might be your boyfriend. I thought Tom might be your girlfriend. Dole! Get down! Get down! Наистина не мисля, че Том възнамерява да отиде. I really don't think Tom is going to go. I really don't think Tom's planning on going. Отвори се, Сезаме! Open Sesame! Open up, Sesame! Не съм виждал тези снимки преди. I haven't seen these pictures before. I've never seen those pictures before. Од каде е ова? Where's this from? Where did this come from? Nemôžem si spomenúť. I can't remember. I can't tell you. Svim stvarima dođe kraj. All things must pass. All things end. Това е храна. This is food. It's food. Играме во недела. We play on Sunday. We're playing Sunday. Здравейте всички! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! Не съм виновен аз. I'm not at fault. It's not my fault. „Времето не е пари.“ „Времето е живот.“ Time is not money. - Time is life. "Time is not money." "Time is life." Ništa mi nije rečeno. I wasn't told anything. I haven't been told anything. Том си изплю дъвката. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spits out his gum. Ние не бързаме. We're in no hurry. We're in no hurry. Зарем не е превосходно ова? Isn't this amazing? Isn't this just too much? Zašto bih ja želeo sve da vas ubijem? Why would I want to kill you all? Why would I want to kill you all? Zelo dobro igra kitaro. He plays the guitar very well. He's a very good guitar player. Идната седмица се местим в Бостън. We're moving to Boston next week. We're moving to Boston next week. Тези чорапи имат дупки на петите. There are holes in the heels of these socks. These socks have holes in their heels. Нанси изглежда толкова изморена. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy seems so tired. Христофор Колумб пил нефилтрирана морска вода. Christopher Columbus drank unfiltered seawater. Christopher Columbus drank unfiltered seawater. Сѐ би направил за да му помогнам на Том. I'd do anything to help Tom. I'd do anything to help Tom. Dali su vode njihovim konjima. They gave their horses water. They gave water to their horses. Treba da budem ovde celo popodne. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. I'm supposed to be here all afternoon. Ja probam. I'm trying. I'll try. Nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Носеше црвена марама околу вратот. She wore a red scarf around her neck. He was wearing a red scarf around his neck. Том остана без думи. Tom was at loss for words. Tom is speechless. Nedostaje mi razgovor sa Sally. I miss talking with Sally. I miss talking to Sally. Мразя я, но не зная защо. I hate her, but I don't know why. I hate her, but I don't know why. Токийската фондова борса отбеляза силен ръст в края на деня. The Tokyo Stock Exchange rallied at the end of the day. The Tokyo Stock Exchange marked a strong rise at the end of the day. Точно сега не съм заета. I'm not busy right now. I'm not busy right now. Забранявам ти да пушиш. I forbid you to smoke. I forbid you to smoke. Не ме чу ли како викам? Didn't you hear me call? Didn't you hear what I was saying? Толкова съм щастлив, че дойде. I'm so happy you came. I'm so happy you came. Денот беше толку убав што решивме да планинариме. It was so nice a day that we went for a hike in the mountains. The day was so beautiful that we decided to climb. Тя ми е съученичка. She's my classmate. She's my classmate. Ти си правиш шеги! You're kidding! You're making jokes! Том се обърна към мен на френски. Tom spoke to me in French. Tom turned to me in French. Kako je čudan. That's an unusual one. He's so weird. Вълците се движат на глутници. Wolves travel in packs. The wolves are moving on packs. Јажево е издржливо. This rope is sturdy. The rope is resilient. Ми требаат три маркера. I need three markers. I need three markers. Smatraju ga za visoko kvalifikovanog zaposlenog. They consider him a highly qualified employee. He's considered a highly qualified employee. Нисам га заборавио. I haven't forgotten him. I haven't forgotten him. Тие пижами ти се преголеми. Those pajamas are too big for you. Those pajamas are too big for you. Da li sumnjate u mene? Am I under suspicion? Do you doubt me? Kralj je mrtav, živio kralj! The king is dead, long live the king! The King is dead, the King lives! Вие идвате от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You come from Sweden. Istražite ih. Examine them. Investigate them. Oni mi neplatili. They didn't pay me. They didn't pay me. Živimo na šestom spratu. We live on the sixth floor. We live on the sixth floor. Fantastično! Fantastic! Fantastic! On je bio čovek koji nikada nije oklevao da se suprotstavi. He was a man who never hesitated to disagree. He was a man who never hesitated to stand up. Аз не вярвам на жените. I don't trust women. I don't trust women. Tom je posmatrao izbliza. Tom watched from nearby. Tom was watching closely. Том ги избриша садовите. Tom dried the dishes. Tom erased the dishes. Ова не чини. This one's no good. This doesn't work. Можам ли да ти помогнам? Could I give you a hand? Can I help you? Аз никога няма да те нараня. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. Очекувам помош од тебе. I expect your help. I'm expecting help from you. Ali ste Ujgur? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uygur? Imaš pravo biti sretna. You've got the right to be happy. You have a right to be happy. Том знае ли къде е родена Мери? Does Tom know where Mary was born? Does Tom know where Mary was born? Си размислувал ли некогаш да дадеш отказ? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever considered quitting? Жедан сам. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Dobio je šta je hteo. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Фала ти за сѐ што направи за нас. Thank you for all you've done for us. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Tom už spal. Tom was already asleep. Tom's sleeping. Убиецът можеше да бъде спрян. The killer could have been stopped. The killer could have been stopped. Kako naj vem, da govoriš resnico? How do I know that you're telling the truth? How do I know you're telling the truth? Всичко ще бъде наред. Everything will be fine. It's gonna be okay. Različit si. You're different. You're different. Внимавайте. Be careful. Be careful. Търся работа. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for work. Ispalo je da je istina. It turned out to be true. Turns out it was true. Ne, ne radi to. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. Далече ли е от тук? Is it far from here? Is it far from here? Saporo je peti najveći grad u Japanu. Sapporo is the fifth largest city in Japan. Saporo is the fifth largest city in Japan. Ако ти трябва помощ, питай. If you need help, just ask. If you need help, ask. Наклонет сум кон тоа да ти верувам. I'm inclined to believe you. I'm inclined to trust you. Vybrala si klobúk, ktorý sa hodil k jej novým šatám. She selected a hat to match her new dress. You've veered the klabúk, and you've gone to eat the new shatám. Кой е изобретил телефона? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Ќе се видиме утре, добро? See you tomorrow, OK? I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Позволи ми да остана. Permit me to stay. Let me stay. Zakaj so ljudje jezni? Why are the people angry? Why are people angry? Том се чувствуваше силно. Tom felt strong. Tom felt strong. Можеби треба само да го отпуштиш. Maybe you should just fire him. Maybe you should just fire him. Какъв цвят е косата на Том? What color is Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Дај ни пример. Give us an example. Give us an example. Moja je, nije njegova. It's mine, not his. It's mine, it's not his. Много е кратка. It's very short. It's too short. Ti i ja imamo istoriju. You and I go way back. You and I have history. Никој не зборува. No one is speaking. No one's talking. Аз имам три пораснали сина. I have three grown sons. I have three grown sons. Ја не говорим јапански. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Не разбирам какво имате предвид. I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. Това не е нещо, което мисля, че мога да направя. It's not something I think I can do. It's not something I think I can do. Idemo nešto pojesti. Let's get something to eat. Let's get something to eat. Sve je u redu s tobom. Nothing is wrong with you. It's all right with you. Убаво ја подбраа. She got a proper telling-off. They chose her well. Том забеляза, че Мери беше заспала. Tom noticed that Mary was asleep. Tom noticed that Mary was asleep. Tom bol veľmi unavený. Tom was very tired. That pain binds again. Жените сакаат мажи со бркови. Women like men with moustaches. Women love a man with a mustache. Том беше едноног. Tom had only one leg. Tom was a one-footer. Nemám bicykla. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bicykla. Да не ме обвиняваш за неуспехите си? Are you blaming me for your lack of success? Are you accusing me of your failures? Том треба да работи. Tom needs to work. Tom needs to work. Не ме принуждавай да го правя. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do this. Тоа е повеќефазен процес. It is a multi-stage process. It's a multiphase process. Решија да го исклучат од своето друштво. They decided to exclude him from their circle. They decided to shut him out of their company. Večeraću u sedam. I will eat supper at seven. I'll have dinner at 7:00. Си го прекинавме разговорот. We broke off our conversation. We hung up on each other. Том още ли е на училище? Is Tom still at school? Is Tom still at school? Сакав да ја продискутирам таа тема со тебе. I wanted to discuss that subject with you. I wanted to discuss this with you. Голяма ли е разликата? Does it make a big difference? Is it a big difference? Не говорих с Том. I didn't speak with Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Отложих събитието. I postponed the event. I postponed the event. Ovaj put vodi u grad. This road goes to the city. This time it leads to the city. Ти посакувам среќен пат. Have a good trip. Have a good trip. Студентите не помнеха какво са прочели в тази книга. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. The students didn't remember what they read in this book. Što češ napisati u ovom pismu? What will you write in this letter? What are you going to write in this letter? Tom je popil svojo kavo. Tom drank his coffee. Tom had his coffee. Imate li kopiju? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Сакам крстословки. I like crossword puzzles. I like crosswords. Кажи ни, каквото знаеш за проблемите на Том. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Tell us what you know about Tom's problems. Zar nisi učinio dovoljno? Haven't you done enough? Haven't you done enough? Bol som v kúpeľni. I was in the bathroom. I'm in pain. Да јадеме. Let's eat. Let's eat. Starý muž žil sám. The old man lived by himself. I'm the old man. Mislim da smo imali sreće. We've been lucky, I think. I think we got lucky. Не можев да ти се јавам. I couldn't call you. I couldn't call you. Ми требаш малку. I need you a second. I need you a little bit. Не съм Ви виждала от няколко дена. I haven't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in a few days. Начинът, по който той работи, не показва нищо, с което да може да се похвали. His work shows nothing to brag about. The way he works doesn't show anything he can boast about. Tom i dalje ima malo vremena. Tom still has some time. Tom still has a little time. Chcel som sa s tebou o niečom porozprávať. I wanted to talk to you about something. Chcel som with you about nothing Porozpráva. Зарем не би било штета тоа? Wouldn't that be a shame? Wouldn't that be a shame? Том даде на Мери целенасочено грешната книга. Tom gave Mary the wrong book deliberately. Tom gave Mary the wrong book. Том пристојно се однесуваше. Tom behaved himself. Tom was behaving politely. Не можеме да си го приуштиме ова. We can't afford this. We can't afford this. Том ќе дојде. Tom'll come. Tom's coming. Изглежда си имал тежък ден. It looks like you had a tough day. Looks like you've had a rough day. Chcete to počuť? Do you want to hear it? You'll hear that? Трябва да видя Том. I need to see Tom. I need to see Tom. Оценявам съдействието ти. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Не ме карай да стоя тук. Don't make me stand here. Don't make me stay here. Той беше прав да откаже пушенето. He was right to give up smoking. He was right to refuse smoking. Som citovo vyčerpaný. I'm emotionally drained. I'm quoting vycherpaný. Детето не е съд, който трябва да бъде напълнен, а огън, който трябва да се запали. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. The child is not a court to be filled, but a fire to be lit. Vitajte! Welcome. Go, go, go, go! Ja neviem variť. I can't cook. I'm an innocent believer. Провери дали си изключила телевизора, преди да заспиш. Be sure to switch off the television before you go to sleep. Make sure you turn off the TV before you go to sleep. Трговијата со слонова коска е незаконита. Traffic in ivory is illegal. The ivory trade is illegal. Не зборувај за неа. Don't talk about her. Don't talk about her. Ta kisikov rezervoar je seksi That oxygen tank is sexy. This oxygen tank is sexy. Салонът беше украсен с японски картини. The hall was decorated with Japanese paintings. The salon was decorated with Japanese paintings. Што ќе ми е адвокат? Why do I need a lawyer? What do I need a lawyer for? Се грижам за сите вас. I care about all of you. I care about all of you. Мислиш дека можеш да ме измамиш? Do you think you can fool me? You think you can fool me? Той рядко ходи на църква. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Tom te mrzi iz dna duše. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you from the bottom of his heart. Се надевам дека ние сме последните. I hope we are the last. I hope we're the last ones. Почни с бројањем. Start counting. Start counting. "Voliš li kostime?" "Mrzim kostime!" "Do you like costumes?" "I hate costumes!" "Do you like costumes?" "I hate costumes!" Може би е истина, но не ми се вярва. That could be true, but I don't really think so. Maybe it's true, but I can't believe it. Ти можеш да говориш френски, нали? You can speak French, can't you? You can speak French, right? Просечан животни простор у Америци је двоструко већи него у Јапану. The average American living space is twice as large as the living space in Japan. The average living space in America is twice as big as Japan. Дебел сум. I'm fat. I'm fat. Той почука на вратата. He knocked on the door. He knocked on the door. Ova je kuća a ona je džamija. This is a house and that is a mosque. This is a house and she's a mosque. Девојка му ослабела. His girlfriend has lost weight. His girlfriend got weak. Daj mi drugi razlog. Give me another reason. Give me another reason. Razmišljam o Tomu ponekad. I think about Tom sometimes. I think about Tom sometimes. Zapisao sam njegov broj na komadiću papira. I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper. I wrote his number down to a piece of paper. Ne mogu da odlučim gde da se parkiram. I'm having trouble deciding where to park. I can't decide where to park. Няма да съм тук толкова време. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Ti si moj prijatelj. You are my friend. You're my friend. Не ни ја упропастувај забавата. Don't ruin our fun. Don't ruin our party. Долазим у миру. I come in peace. I come in peace. Том лапна бонбона. Tom put a piece candy into his mouth. Tom got some candy. Нема да те замарам. I won't bother you. I won't bother you. Аз ходя като пингвин. I walk like a penguin. I go like a penguin. Јави му се веднаш. Call him immediately. Call him right back. Не ми се верува дека Том е мртов. I just can't believe Tom is dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. Bog zna. God knows. God knows. Том си ја става раката околу Мери. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom puts his hand around Mary. Претседателот изгледаше силно. The president seemed strong. The president looked strong. Moje ime je Janez. My name is Janez. My name is Janez. За мен ще е удоволствие да пея за теб. I'd be happy to sing for you. It would be a pleasure to sing for you. Довиђења! Goodbye! Good-bye. Opasnost vreba na svakom ćošku. Danger lurks around every corner. Danger lurks at every corner. Má dve dcéry. He has two daughters. It's two dcéry. Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добра. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. I've recently started learning French, so I'm not very good. Имаше стапки од пингвин на песокот. There were penguin footprints in the sand. There were penguin footsteps on the sand. Те молам, остави ме да довршам. Please let me finish. Please, let me finish. Аз следвам музика в един университет в Бостън. I study music at a university in Boston. I follow music at a university in Boston. Што ѕвонца Том? What's Tom rambling on about? What's that, Tom? Pusti mašti na volju. Let your imagination run wild. Let your imagination go. Каде е листата? Where's the list? Where's the list? Da li je neophodno da praviš toliku galamu? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Is it necessary to make so much noise? Кој кажа нешто? Who spoke? Who said anything? Djevojke su zauzete kao pčele. The girls are as busy as bees. Girls are as busy as bees. Може Том веќе го направил она што требало да го направи. Maybe Tom has already done what he was supposed to do. Maybe Tom already did what he had to do. Kakvo hranu obično kuvaš? What kind of food do you usually cook? What kind of food do you usually cook? Мртов ли е Том? Is Tom dead? Is Tom dead? Klaustrofobičan sam. I'm claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic. Deca spavaju. The children are asleep. The kids are asleep. Нема да победиш. You won't win. You won't win. "Да живееш е най-рядкото нещо на света. Повечето хора съществуват, това е всичко." "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." "To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that's all." Как ще се прибереш? How are you going to get home? How are you gonna get home? Не се чувствам много добре. I don't feel great. I don't feel so good. Понякога ги срещаме. We sometimes meet them. Sometimes we meet them. Мисли си што сакаш. Think what you want. Think what you want. Како така не знаеш? What do you mean, you don't know that? What do you mean you don't know? Те здоболе, така? You don't give a shit, do you? They hurt you, right? Имав хрчак по име Куки. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Том бездруго грешеше. Tom was invariably wrong. Tom made no mistake of it. Разбират ли и Том, и Мери френски? Do both Tom and Mary understand French? Do they understand Tom and Mary French? Тоа е лек во прав. That's powdered medicine. It's a cure in dust. Tom je prigušio osmeh. Tom suppressed a smile. Tom was dimming up the smile. Том мрази училището. Tom hates school. Tom hates school. Тръгвам след един час. I leave in an hour. I'm leaving in an hour. Аз си искам ризата обратно. I want my shirt back. I want my shirt back. Том е фин човек. Tom is a nice person. Tom's a nice guy. Том и јас се бевме договориле. Tom and I had a deal. Tom and I made a deal. Rozine so posušeno grozdje. Raisins are dried grapes. Roses are dried grapes. Hajde da idemo negde, Tome. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Каде е роден Том? Where was Tom born? Where was Tom born? Това може да се окаже малко натоварващо. This could be a little tough. This may be a bit of a burden. Аз никога не съм го виждал с дънки. I never saw him in jeans. I've never seen him with jeans. Ще го донеса. I'll bring it back. I'll get it. Није свака лампа чаробна. Not every lamp is magic. Not every lamp is magical. Том се оближа. Tom licked his lips. Tom's licking. Мачът беше отложен за неизвестно време. The game has been indefinitely postponed. The sword was delayed for some time. Том никогаш не се откажува. Tom never gives up. Tom never gives up. Тя е убедена, че синът ѝ е още жив. She is convinced that her son is still alive. She's convinced her son is still alive. Ти си панда. You're a panda. You're a panda. Том изгледа малку потресено. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shaken up. Брани се! Defend yourself! Defend yourself! Том не го занима. Tom isn't interested. Tom doesn't care. Neki od mojih prijatelj puše. Some of my friends smoke. Some of my friends smoke. Ne postoji besplatan ručak. There's no free lunch. There's no free lunch. Umri! Die! Die! Тъкмо получихме сведения от Канзас касаещи брат ти. We have just received an inquiry from Kansas concerning your brother. We just got word from Kansas concerning your brother. Ona se pita kako je to moguće. She's asking how that's possible. She wonders how that's possible. Hajde da pogledamo. Let's see. Let's take a look. Добар дан, како си? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Platon je prijatelj, ali istina je veći prijatelj. Plato is a friend, but the truth is a greater friend. Plato's a friend, but the truth is a bigger friend. Ostat ću doma s bakom i djedom za vikend. I'll stay at home with my grandparents this weekend. I'm gonna stay home with my grandparents for the weekend. Глуви људи могу да разговарају на знаковном језику. Deaf people can converse in sign language. Deaf people can talk in sign language. Се имам опоравено целосно. I'm fully recovered. I've recovered completely. Не съм бил тук много. I have not been around much. I haven't been here much. Имам три избора. I have three choices. I have three choices. Moj prijatelj živi bogu iza nogu. My friend lives in the middle of nowhere. My friend lives in the middle of nowhere. Добив квалитетен. I got a good one. I got quality. Rekla mi jedna ptičica. A little bird told me. A little birdie told me. Hoda. She walks. He's walking. Том штотуку доби отказ. Tom just got fired. Tom just got fired. Ne idem sa vama. I'm not coming along. I'm not going with you. Отложихме събитието. We postponed the event. We postponed the event. Днес бързам. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry today. Използваме този инсектицид от 2 години. We have been using this insecticide for two years. We've been using this insecticide for two years. Треба да го тестираме. We need to test it. We need to test it. Ne pije mi se votku. I don't feel like drinking vodka. I don't want to drink vodka. Не сум тука за да те повредам. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. Решив да си одам со аџиите. I decided to go away with the pilgrims. I've decided to leave with the Hajis. Не, и не е ни под столицата. No, and it's not under the chair either. No, and it's not even under the capital. Прилично беше смешно. It was fairly funny. It was pretty funny. Френският ти харесва, нали? You like French, don't you? You like French, don't you? А што ако кажат „не“? What if they say no? What if they say “no ”? Бяха им наложени тежки данъци. They were burdened with heavy taxes. They were subject to heavy taxes. Ајде да зборуваме за тоа. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. Плуването е едно от нещата, които Том обича да прави. One of the things Tom enjoys doing is swimming. Swimming is one of the things Tom likes to do. Bilježnica nije tvoja, njegova je. The notebook is not yours. It's his. It's not your note, it's his note. Што сакате вие? What do you men want? What do you want? Hvala! Thanks! Thank you! Трябва да зная. I have to know. I need to know. Не съм се къпал от три дена. I haven't showered in three days. I haven't bathed in three days. Никад нема да го заборавам. I'll never forget him. I'll never forget it. Њујорк је велики град. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Oni su potrebni jedni drugima. They needed one another. They need each other. Koloseum je korišćen do 217. godine, ali onda ga je pogodila munja i izgoreo je. The Coloseum was used until the year 217, when it was struck by lightning and burnt. The colosseum was used until 217, but then it was struck by lightning and burned. Том ја презираше Мери. Tom despised Mary. Tom despised Mary. Ще те направя щастлив. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Тие починаа и ме оставија мене сам. They passed away and left me. They died and left me alone. Винаги си добра. You're always good. You're always good. Том ходи подире ми навсякъде напоследък. Tom has been following me around. Tom's been running all over me lately. Smračilo se. It's gotten dark. It's getting dark. Каде е роден? Where was he born? Where was he born? Он није научник, али он јесте наш друг. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. Мари е била в Унгария. Mari has been in Hungary. Marie was in Hungary. Nikad ranije nismo igrali fudbal. I've never played soccer before. We've never played football before. Ona uvijek marljivo radi. She always works hard. She's always working hard. Всички пееха, освен мен. Everybody was singing except me. Everyone was singing, except me. Ние сме наистина заети. We're really busy. We're really busy. Шалим се. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. Што направи потем? What did you do then? What did you do then? Умеш ли да куваш? Can you cook? Can you cook? Имам многу малку пари. I have very little money. I have very little money. Tom je prouzrokovao mnogo nevolja. Tom has been causing a lot of problems. Tom caused a lot of trouble. Tome, imamo problem. Tom, we have a problem. Tom, we have a problem. Тя се омъжи за един богат старец. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Dala mi je kontradiktoran odgovor. She gave me a conflicting answer. She gave me a contradictory answer. Meri živi od šivenja. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary lives on sewing. Аз сготвих вечерята снощи. I cooked supper last night. I cooked dinner last night. To je bio smešan film. That was a funny movie. That was a funny movie. Tom se nije ponudio da nam pomogne. Tom didn't offer to help us. Tom didn't offer to help us. Том показа на Мери няколко ефективни начина да учи френски. Tom gave Mary advice on effective ways to study French. Tom showed Mary several effective ways to learn French. Samo ti ostani sa mnom. You just stay with me. Just stay with me. Всушност никој не знае. Nobody really knows. No one actually knows. Не искам да купувам този килим. I don't want to buy this carpet. I don't want to buy that carpet. Мислех, че ще дойде сам. I thought he would come alone. I thought he'd come alone. Том няма да дойде на време. Tom won't be in time. Tom won't be here in time. Дотук свърши добра работа. You've done good work so far. You've done a good job so far. Толкова съм го чакала. I've waited so long for this. I've been waiting for him. Zašto bi te trebao slušati? Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to you? Ne izigravaj majmuna! Don't play the ape! Don't play the monkey! Као у добра стара времена. This is just like old times. Just like old times. Том не се сложува. Tom doesn't agree. Tom doesn't agree. Том не е свикнал с градския живот. Tom isn't accustomed to city life. Tom's not used to city life. Мерак ми е да читам книги. I like to read books. It's too much for me to read books. Radim. I'm working. I'm working. Многу е возможно да не сум во право. It's quite possible that I'm mistaken. It's very possible I'm wrong. Изаберите једну. Choose one. Choose one. Jako sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm very happy about it. Замалко да я прегази кола. She came very near to being run over by a car. She almost got run over by a car. Мислев дека си смешен. I thought you were funny. I thought you were funny. Том никогаш не бил злобен. Tom never was mean. Tom was never mean. Не е толку згоден колку Том. He is not as handsome as Tom. He's not as handsome as Tom. Пополни го формуларов. Fill out this form. Fill out the form. Uzmi još. Have some more. Have some more. Предоцна стигнав. I arrived too late. I got here too late. Nemoj da se smeješ. Don't smile. Don't laugh. Ще трябва да изчакаш и да видиш. You will have to wait and see. You'll have to wait and see. Ништо не може да се направи. Nothing can be done. Nothing can be done. Vozi sporo. Drive slowly. Drive slow. Ходи говори с Том. Go talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Treba da jedeš više povrća. You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. On je posjedovao mnogo zemlje, nekad davno. He once owned a lot of land. He owned a lot of land, a long time ago. Ti nisi ta koja je umrla. You're not the one who died. You're not the one who died. Треба да проведувам повеќе време на работа. I need to spend more time at work. I need to spend more time at work. Бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Нямам застраховка. I don't have insurance. I don't have insurance. Da li si siguran da si spreman za ovo? Are you sure you're ready for this? Are you sure you're ready for this? Видела сам мачора. I saw the cat. I saw the cat. Odpusti a zabudni. Forgive and forget. Forgive me for being a perky. Тези не ги пипай! Don't touch these. Don't touch these! Кен е пристигнал в Киото. Ken has arrived in Kyoto. Ken has arrived in Kyoto. Коя ти харесва повече, кока-колата или пепсито? Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi? Who do you like better, Coke or Pepsi? Мораћу да мењам своје навике. I will have to change my ways. I'll have to change my habits. Имаш ли кибритче? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? Tom si je s čela obrisal znoj. Tom wiped the sweat from his forehead. Tom wiped his head with sweat. Да пресечем тук. Let's cross here. Let's cross here. Мисля, че направи правилния избор. I think you made the right choice. I think you made the right choice. Вече свикнах. I'm used to it by now. I'm used to it. Tom se nekada plašio pasa. Tom used to be scared of dogs. Tom used to be scared of dogs. Што ќе се случи ако се намокриш? What happens if you get wet? What happens if you get wet? Тя отказа поканата. She declined the invitation. She refused the invitation. Dođi unutra. Come inside. Come inside. Том отсекогаш сакал син. Tom had always wanted a son. Tom always wanted a son. Од каде го знаеш ти тоа? How do you know that? How do you know that? Mislim da je tom veoma pametan. I think Tom is really smart. I think he's very smart about it. На аеродром сум. I'm at the airport. I'm at the airport. Том го одмота шалот од своето лице. Tom unwrapped the scarf from his around his face. Tom wrapped his scarf out of his face. Хората като цяло са срещу войната. The people at large are against war. People in general are against the war. Много ми харесва. I like it a lot. I like it a lot. Ќе го прашам во твое име. I'll ask him for you. I'll ask in your name. Hvala ti za sve što si uradio za nas. Thank you for all you've done for us. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Ima mnogo neiskrenih ljudi na svetu. There are many dishonest people in the world. There are a lot of dishonest people in the world. Nie som chorý. I'm not sick. Nie som chorý. Подреди думите по азбучен ред. Put the words in alphabetical order. Sort the words alphabetically. Морам да бидам слободен. I've got to be free. I need to be free. Студи ли надвор? Is it cold outside? Did you go outside? Как мога да си тръгна? How can I leave? How can I leave? Том е прекрасен. Tom's great. Tom is wonderful. Селото е надалече. That village is a great distance off. The village is far away. Nešto je upravo iskrslo. Something just came up. Something just came up. Фали ли нешто? Is anything missing? Is there anything missing? Sesija je završena. The session has been prorogued. Session complete. Na ovoj planini ima snega cele godine. This mountain is covered in snow all-year-round. There's snow on this mountain all year. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да кажа на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to tell Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to tell Tom? Ja dobro pevam. I sing well. I sing well. Imamo dvije kćeri i dva sina. We have got two daughters and two sons. We have two daughters and two sons. To je bilo malo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was a little weird. Незнаењето секогаш создава страв. Ignorance always creates fear. Ignorance always creates fear. Младото момиче избухна в сълзи. The young girl burst into tears. The young girl burst into tears. Том е уште во кревет. Tom is still in bed. Tom's still in bed. Разчитах на нея. I called on her. I was counting on her. Сите ние сме желни да се види филмот. We are all eager to see the movie. We're all eager to see the movie. Нагаѓај. Make a guess. Guess what? Ќе ни фалиш, Том. We'll miss you, Tom. We're gonna miss you, Tom. Престани да се мрдаш! Stop moving! Stop moving! Бићеш потпуно безбедна. You'll be absolutely safe. You'll be perfectly safe. Том вели дека нешто друго видел. Tom says he saw something else. Tom says he saw something else. Можеш да се послужиш со оваа кола. You can use this car. You can use this car. Зарем не ја поправи пумпата? Didn't you fix the pump? Didn't you fix the pump? Преубаво изгледаш. You look gorgeous. You look beautiful. Ми имаат кажувано дека знаеш како се прави ова. I was told you knew how to do this. They told me you know how to do this. Koliko pari čarapa imaš? How many pairs of socks do you have? How many pairs of socks do you have? Изговорот ти е горе-долу точен. Your pronunciation is more or less correct. Your pronunciation is almost accurate. Сендвич без пршуте није сендвич. A sandwich without ham is not a sandwich. A prosciutto sandwich is not a sandwich. Никога не съм виждал подобен. I've never seen one like that. I've never seen one like it. Дај му го целото. Give him all of it. Give him all of it. Мери е куратор в музей. Mary is a museum curator. Mary is a curator at the museum. Не можам да ја најдам клучалката. I can't find the keyhole. I can't find the key. Мисля, че е по-добре да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think you'd better get out. Не могу да се уздржим. I can't help myself. I can't help it. Trebali smo učiniti to što si nam savjetovao. We should've done what you advised. We should have done what you told us to do. Voliš li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Нудат бесплатни кондоми. They offer free condoms. They're offering free condoms. За съжаление, случаят не е такъв. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Где је моја соба? Where's my room? Where's my room? Kupila sam kaktus. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Прозорецът се отвори. The window opened. The window opened. Previše sam zauzet na poslu. I'm too busy at work. I'm too busy at work. Всъщност, Том, аз съм малко зает. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Ајде пак! Do it again! Let's do it again! Drago mi je što si se vratio. I'm glad you've come back. I'm glad you're back. Po prirodi je nježan. He is gentle by nature. It's gentle by nature. Джак не е тук. Jack isn't here. Jack's not here. Расистите се глупаци. Racists are dumb people. Racists are fools. Том отключи входната порта. Tom unlocked the front gate. Tom unlocked the front gate. Зјапаат во него. They're staring at him. They're staring at him. Не сакаш да направиш нешто што ќе ги потсети дека всушност не си доволно голем за да бидеш тука. You don't want to do anything to remind them that you're not really old enough to be here. You don't want to do anything to remind them that you're not actually big enough to be here. Znaš li šta znači ova rečenica? Do you know what this sentence means? Do you know what this sentence means? Си се бакнувал ли некогаш? Have you ever been kissed? Have you ever kissed? Всеки умира. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Imam poteškoća kada govorim o svojim osećanjima. I have trouble talking about my feelings. I have difficulty talking about my feelings. Lahko prosim pelješ psa na sprehod? Could you please take the dog out for a walk? Can you please take the dog for a walk? Оди најди го. Go find him. Go find him. Нали заминаваш за Лондон следващата неделя? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, aren't you? Цените се повишиха. Prices went up. Prices have gone up. Biću odmah tu. I'll be right in there. I'll be right there. Лондон е бомбардиран няколко пъти. London was bombed several times. London's been bombed several times. Бродот имаше три палуби. The ship had three decks. The ship had three decks. Ko si ti? Who are you? Who are you? Тя няма да повярва. She won't believe it. She won't believe it. Znati samog sebe je jako teško. To know oneself is very difficult. Knowing yourself is very difficult. Tom nije uspeo da nagovori Meri da spremi tortu za Džonovu rođendansku žurku. Tom wasn't able to talk Mary into baking a cake for John's birthday party. Tom couldn't get Mary to make the cake for John's birthday party. Pogledajte okolo. Check around. Look around. Един от навиците на служителите е да се съберат в някой бар или ресторант в края на работния ден, за да се напият и да забравят мизерния си живот до следващия ден. One of the employees' habits is to gather in some bar or restaurant at the end of the workday to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day. One of the habits of employees is to gather at a bar or restaurant at the end of the day to get drunk and forget their miserable lives until the next day. Том още е безработен. Tom is still unemployed. Tom's still unemployed. Тук сте в опасност. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. Треньорът чакаше играчите да започнат да плуват. The coach was waiting for the players to swim. The coach was waiting for the players to start swimming. To je povukao ručicu. Tom pulled a lever. That's what he pulled the lever. Izgledaš debelo. You look fat. You look fat. Pogrešila sam jutros. I was off this morning. I made a mistake this morning. Аз съм от онези хора, които се притесняват пред хора, затова не умея да държа речи. I'm the type who gets nervous in front of people, so I'm bad at speech making. I'm one of those people who's worried about people, so I don't know how to make speeches. Боклукът ни се събира три пъти седмично. Our garbage is collected three times a week. Our junk gets together three times a week. Moj otac ne voli fudbal. My father doesn't like soccer. My dad doesn't like football. Gde si pronašla ovaj nož? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? Се смрачуваше. It was getting dark. It was getting dark. Počúvam hudbu. I'm listening to music. I'm doing a bad thing. Da li si odlučila šta ćeš da uradiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're gonna do? Сѐ уште ли љубомориш? Are you still jealous? Are you still jealous? Ти ми даде само петдесет цента. You gave me only fifty cents. You only gave me 50 cents. Трябва да защитим децата си. We must protect our children. We have to protect our children. Отново трябва да тръгвам. I have to leave again. I have to go again. Ne mogu da popravim auto sama. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix the car on my own. Iako sam govorio Tomu da ne otvara vrata, on ih je otvorio. Despite me telling Tom not to open the door, he opened it. Although I was telling Tom not to open the door, he opened them. Ko je Tom? Je li to tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Who's Tom? Želeo sam da ti pišem, ali sam zaboravio. I was going to write to you, but I forgot. I wanted to write to you, but I forgot. Том се проведуваше. Tom enjoyed himself. Tom was having a good time. Том ме принуди да отворя кутията. Tom forced me to open the box. Tom forced me to open the box. Тоа би било катастрофа. It'd be a disaster. That would be a disaster. На нас ни беше приятно да играем бейзбол. We enjoyed playing baseball. We had a great time playing baseball. Лошото време ни попречи да тръгнем. Bad weather prevented us from departing. Bad weather stopped us from leaving. Само сакам да ми се вратиш. I just want you back. I just want you to come back to me. Ова е големото. This is the big one. This is the big one. Забравих да го питам. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Ček', ček', ne idi još. Wait, wait, don't go yet. Wait, wait, don't go yet. Щастлив е онзи мъж, който се ожени за добра жена. Happy is a man who marries a good wife. He's happy that man who married a good woman. Чорапите и патиките се нови. The socks and sneakers are new. The socks and shoes are new. Слободно можеш да чекаш тука. You're welcome to wait here. You're welcome to wait here. Nadam se da ne pričaš o meni. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Татко ми ме носеше тука кога бев млад. My father used to take me here when I was young­. My father used to carry me here when I was young. Викендичката беше целосно опремена, со базен, скара, фудбалско игралиште и маса за билијард. The country house was complete, with a swimming pool, a barbecue, a soccer field and a pool table. The weekend was fully equipped, with a pool, a barbecue, a football field and a pool table. Не сум мештанин. I'm not from here. I'm not a local. За малку го пропушти. You just missed it. You almost missed it. Pomozite mi. Help me. Help me. То је твој проблем. That's your problem. That's your problem. Jesi li siguran da je ova stvar bezbedna? Are you sure this thing is safe? Are you sure this thing is safe? Zaboravi da sam to rekao. Please forget I said that. Forget I said that. Vjera čini čudesa! Faith works miracles! Faith does wonders! Том живее во странство. Tom is living abroad. Tom lives abroad. Мисля, че това е много ясно. I think that's very clear. I think that's very clear. Зашто се понашаш као дете? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? Тоа беше обѕирно. That was considerate. That was thoughtful. Мислев дека Том отишол во пензија. I thought Tom had retired. I thought Tom retired. Какво носиш в куфара? What do you have in your suitcase? What are you carrying in the suitcase? Da li Tom sedi ovde? Is this where Tom sits? Is Tom sitting here? Таа торта е калорична. That cake is fattening. That cake is calorie. Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We're not hanging out. Još sam tu. I'm still around. I'm still here. Мислам дека си бил тука и претходно. I think you've been here before. I think you've been here before. Tom nikad nije pitao zašto. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. Tom i Mary bi bili prekrasan par. Tom and Mary would make a lovely couple. Tom and Mary would make a beautiful couple. Ona šeta. She walks. She's walking. Која е твојата порака? What's your message? What's your message? Zaista se nadam da se šališ. I really hope you're kidding. I really hope you're joking. Predugo me nije bilo. I've been gone too long. I've been gone too long. Кој живее во собата под оваа? Who lives in the room below? Who lives in the room under this one? Nadam se da je Tom bezbedan. I hope Tom is safe. I hope Tom is safe. Тие не те прават среќен. They don't make you happy. They don't make you happy. Том ја замоли Мери да му донесе шолја кафе. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Mary to bring him a cup of coffee. Том почна да работи. Tom began working. Tom started working. Kratkoća je sestra talenta. Brevity is the soul of wit. Shortness is the sister of talent. Знам дека си лут. I know you're angry. I know you're angry. Tom je radio veoma naporno i razadio puno novca. Tom worked very hard and earned a lot of money. Tom worked very hard and sold a lot of money. Исак Њутн умрел како девственик. Isaac Newton died a virgin. Isaac Newton died a virgin. Таа купи весник. She bought a newspaper. She bought a paper. Видео сам аутобус. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. Сакаш ли да ти ги измасирам рамениците? Do you want me to massage your shoulders? Do you want me to massage your shoulders? Taj je veoma redak. That one is very rare. That's a very rare one. Мртов озбилен сум. I'm totally serious. I'm dead serious. Da budem iskren, ne znam baš. To be honest, I really don't know. To be honest, I don't know. Ми ја дадоа картава. I was given this ticket. They gave me this card. Неспособен е да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He's incapable of doing that. Това съобщение беше на френски. The message was in French. That message was in French. Той винаги държи чисто в стаята. He always keeps his room clean. He always keeps it clean in the room. Budi obazriva. Take care. Be careful. Донеси ми нещо за пиене. Get me a drink. Bring me something to drink. Не би сакал да зборувам за неа. I'd rather not discuss her. I don't want to talk about her. Ne pričajte. Don't speak. Don't talk. Много хора ще загубят работата си заради свиването на автомобилната индустрия. Many people will lose their jobs due to the slump in the auto industry. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs because of the collapse of the car industry. Pre nego što ova odluka stupi na snagu, niko neće ni prstom da mrdne da ovo reši. Before this decision takes effect, nobody will lift a finger in order to solve this. Before this decision comes into effect, no one will move a finger to solve this. Можеби е тој. It might be him. Maybe it's him. Трябва да използвам този шанс. I have to take the chance. I have to take this chance. Немој да си зуцнуо. Don't you say a word. Don't say a word. Дано да си права. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Pokušao si. You've tried. You tried. Мислев дека си луд по Том. I thought you were crazy about Tom. I thought you were crazy about Tom. Тука не сум ти од корист. I'm of no use to you here. I'm no use to you here. Postoji li ikakav dokaz? Is there any proof? Is there any evidence? Така ти треба. It serves you right. That's how you need it. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that'll happen. I hope that happens. Не сакав да ме мразиш. I didn't want you to hate me. I didn't want you to hate me. Nisi počinio ozbiljan prekršaj. You didn't commit a serious crime. You didn't commit a serious crime. Жал ми е што воопшто им кажав нешто. I'm sorry I told them anything at all. I'm sorry I even said something to them. Сакам да те држам. I want to hold you. I want to hold you. Не знаш ни како се он зове, је л' тако? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Реших, че може да е важно. I thought it might be significant. I thought it might be important. Tom će se promeniti. Tom'll change. Tom's gonna change. Tom dobro vlada francuskim. Tom has a good command of French. Tom's a good French man. Тој гестикулира додека зборува. He gestures when he speaks. He gestures as he talks. Не бих си помислил, че тофуто има толкова добър вкус. I wouldn't have thought that tofu tastes this good. I wouldn't think tofu would taste so good. Žao mi je što sam uopšte probao. I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. Ta tkanina nije iz Indije, zar ne? Its fabric didn't come from India, did it? That fabric isn't from India, is it? Dođi sedi pored mene. Come sit by me. Come sit next to me. Том можеби ќе дојде денес. Tom may come today. Tom might be coming today. On vyzerá šťastne. He looks happy. He veyzerá shup. Ние сме манекени. We're models. We're models. Децата трябва да слушат родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children should listen to their parents. Како се каже „мачка“ на шпанском? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? Можам да направам повик. I can make a call. I can make a call. Blázon! Lunatic! Blázon! Това е интригуващо. That is intriguing. That's intriguing. Забравих да ти кажа нещо. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Можеби би требало да ѝ помогнам. Maybe I should give her a hand. Maybe I should help her. Jednostavno nisam mnogo srećna. I'm just not very happy. I'm just not very happy. Lahko živim brez vode. I can live without water. I can live without water. Том сам ќе оди. Tom will go alone. Tom's going alone. Да се обидеме ли пак? Should we try again? Shall we try again? Тя е бодибилдърка. She's a bodybuilder. She's a bodybuilder. Том не успя да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Кой ден обикновено си свободен? What day are you usually free? What day are you usually free? Овие се чудесни. These are wonderful. These are wonderful. Предполагам, че си прав. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Изглежда, че си променила цялата стая. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you changed the whole room. Mi smo u teškoj situaciji. We have our backs to the wall. We're in a difficult situation. Досадник е човек който говори, когато ти искаш от него да слуша. A bore is a person who talks when you wish him to listen. A bore is a man who talks when you want him to listen. Страхувам се, че няма да успея за обяда, който уговорихме. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it for our luncheon appointment. I'm afraid I won't make it for the lunch we made. Не ризикувај. Don't take chances. Don't take any chances. Ако ми дадете пари назаем, ще ви бъда много задължен. If you will lend me the money, I shall be much obliged to you. If you lend me money, I'll be indebted to you. Той отиде в Америка да учи медицина. He went to America to study medicine. He went to America to study medicine. Istragom je ustanovljeno da je, uprkos svom poricanju, šef morao da zna sve o nelegalnim zbivanjima u njegovoj kompaniji. The enquiry concluded that, despite his denials, the chief executive would have had to have known about the illegal practices occurring in the company. The investigation found that despite his denial, the boss had to know everything about illegal events in his company. Videla sam miša. I saw a mouse. I saw a mouse. Не успях да ги накарам да ме разберат. I couldn't make myself understood. I couldn't get them to understand me. Ситуација је била веома опасна; било је питање живота и смрти. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. The situation was very dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. Сите ми се смееја на плажа. Everyone laughed at me on the beach. Everyone laughed at me on the beach. И аз те обичам. I love you, too. I love you, too. Том има план за се. Tom has a plan for everything. Tom has a plan for everything. Примила је четири имејла. She received four e-mails. She received four e-mails. Ти оставив порака. I left you a message. I left you a message. Само да проверим. Let me check. Let me just check. Имаш право на еден телефонски повик. You get one phone call. You're entitled to a phone call. Bio sam odlično raspoložen. I was in a great mood. I was in a great mood. Šta je velika tajna? What's the big secret? What's the big secret? Kišna sezona počinje juna. Rainy season begins in June. Rainy season begins June. Не можеш за све кривити Тома. You can't blame it all on Tom. You can't blame Tom for everything. Тоа е сосем точно. That's exactly right. That's quite right. И јас сум учител. I, too, am a teacher. I'm a teacher, too. Обичам да каня приятелите си вкъщи. I like to invite my friends home. I love inviting my friends home. Pauk ti je odneo auto. Your car has been towed away. A spider took your car. Предполагам, че няма да е проблем. I'm assuming it won't be a problem. I guess that won't be a problem. Мисля, че за момента сме в безопасност. I think we're safe for a while. I think we're safe for the moment. Моля те, не плачи. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Nisam nimalo zabrinut. I'm not at all worried. I'm not worried at all. Видях баща му да му се кара. I saw him scolded by his father. I saw his father arguing with him. Дали го боли стомакот? Does he have a stomach ache? Does your stomach hurt? Карл изглеждаше много щастлив. Carl looked very happy. Carl seemed very happy. Ne svađajte se. Don't fight. Don't fight. Само зажмури. Just close your eyes. Just close your eyes. Со Том си, така? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, right? Osećam se kao da sam bačen u veliko ništavilo. I feel as if I've been thrown into oblivion. I feel like I've been thrown into a lot of nothingness. Imam dve ćerke. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Той си помисли, че това може да е номер. He thought maybe this was a trick. He thought it might be a trick. Да го оставим това той да го реши. Let's leave it up to him. Let's let him decide. Децата играят доджбол. The kids are playing dodgeball. Kids play dogball. Tom je želeo da uzme Merin broj telefona, ali ona je odbila da mu ga da. Tom wanted Mary's phone number, but she refused to give it to him. Tom wanted to take Mary's phone number, but she refused to give it to him. Не сум сосем задоволен со објаснението на Том. I'm not completely satisfied with Tom's explanation. I'm not quite satisfied with Tom's explanation. Всички булки са красиви в деня на свойта сватба. All brides are beautiful on their wedding days. All the brides are beautiful on the day of their wedding. Хубаво пътуване ли беше? Was it a nice trip? Was it a good trip? Zas si pil. You've been drinking again. You drank for yourself. Никад није преболео смрт сина. He never recovered from the death of his son. He never got over his son's death. Върнах се вкъщи с влака. I returned home by train. I came home on the train. Sramim se što je moj sin učinio takvo što. I am ashamed of my son having done so. I'm ashamed that my son did such a thing. Tom zna šta sledi. Tom knows what's coming. Tom knows what's next. Том изпрати на Мери съобщение, написано на френски. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Има ли някой с тебе? Is there someone with you? Is there anyone with you? Азиатците обикновено се движат заедно. Asians tend to stick together. Asians usually move together. Тя прекара повече от половин час, скубейки веждите си! She spent over half an hour plucking her eyebrows! She spent more than half an hour pulling her eyebrows! Јави ми се ако ја најдеш. Call me if you find her. Call me if you find her. Гледай да не закъсняваш. Now, don't be late. Don't be late. Няколко човека посетиха срещата. Few people attended the meeting. A few people visited the meeting. Какво яде Кен? What is Ken eating? What's Ken eatin'? Значи, што да му кажам? So, what should I tell him? So, what do I tell him? To nam mnogo pomaže. That helps out a lot. That helps us a lot. Mislim da je ono što je Tom uradio bilo namerno. I think what Tom did was intentional. I think what Tom did was deliberate. Трябва да напуснеш веднага. You should leave immediately. You need to leave right now. Шта ћеш да радиш данас? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? Сакаш ли да те однесеме дома? Do you want us to take you home? Do you want to go home? Доста съм заета. I'm quite busy. I'm pretty busy. Kakav otac, takav sin. Like father, like son. Like father, like son. Оставих вратата отворена. I left the door open. I left the door open. Дай да си синхронизираме часовниците. Let's synchronize our watches. Let's sync our watches. Zašto se smijemo? Why are we laughing? Why are we laughing? Počeo je da se dere. He began to shout. He started yelling. Tom je upucan. Tom got shot down. Tom was shot. Въздухът, подобно на водата, е сред основните неща, необходими за човека. Air, like food, is a basic human need. The air, like water, is among the main things that man needs. Секој член мора да присуствува. Every member must attend. Each member must attend. Том би се спротивстави. Tom would fight back. Tom would have stood up. Bergen je drugi najveći grad u Norveškoj. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway. Тие седеа и молчеа. They sat in silence. They sat and kept quiet. Моля те, кажи ми защо беше уволнен Том. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Please tell me why Tom was fired. Наистина го оценявам. I really do appreciate it. I really appreciate it. Позицията на Том по въпроса е добре позната. Tom's position on this matter is well known. Tom's position on the matter is well known. Мери купи миризливи ќеси за ѓубре. Mary bought scented garbage bags. Mary bought smelly trash bags. Ќе се збуниш. You'll be confused. You're gonna get confused. Tom je najbolji učenik u razredu. Tom is the best student in our class. Tom's the best student in the class. Не се враќам. I'm not going back. I'm not going back. Том је Мерин деда. Tom is Mary's grandfather. Tom is Mary's grandfather. Sve je prolazno, ali lepe uspomene žive. Everything is perishable, but the good memories live. It's all fleeting, but beautiful memories live. Планината е покрита със сняг. The mountain is covered with snow. The mountain is covered with snow. Тръгваш ли си? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Френският на Том е перфектен. Tom's French is perfect. Tom's French is perfect. Pokušali ste. You've tried. You tried. Закарай ни до центъра. Give us a ride downtown. Take us downtown. Štiglić je veoma zanimljiva ptica. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. The stiglic is a very interesting bird. Първоначално,не бяхме близки,с времето се опознахме. At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. At first, we weren't close, we met over time. Чувал съм, че френският е труден език. I've heard that French is a difficult language. I've heard French is a difficult language. Вероятно утре ще вали сняг. Probably it will snow tomorrow. It's probably snowing tomorrow. Ако не го направиш, си мъртъв. If you don't do that, you will be a dead man. If you don't, you're dead. Slagao nas je. He lied to us. He lied to us. Сви кажу да личим на оца. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like a father. Ја сам професорка. I am a professor. I'm a professor. Имам да свърша много работа утре. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Nesreća se dogodila u nedjelju oko 3:00. The accident happened on Sunday at about 3:00. The accident happened at about 3:00 Sunday. Пушење је забрањено у сваком делу ресторана. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is forbidden in every part of the restaurant. Времето е на моя страна. Time's on my side. Time is on my side. Както обикновено, учителят по физика закъсняваше за час. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. As usual, the physics teacher was late for class. Reformirana sam. I'm reformed. I'm reformed. Не можам да му ги дадав овие. I can't give him these. I can't give him these. Том е многу скржав. Tom is very stingy. Tom's very cheap. Дали хубавото време ще се задържи до утре? Will the fine weather keep up till tomorrow? Will the good weather be here by tomorrow? Што може да се преземе? What can anybody do? What can be done? Znao sam da nećeš moći da uradiš to. I knew you wouldn't be able to do that. I knew you wouldn't be able to do that. Иако дождовниот црв поседува и машки и женски репродуктивен систем, потребен му е друг поединец да се оплоди. Even though it has a masculine and feminine reproductive system, the earthworm requires another individual to bring forth fecundation. Although the rainworm also owns a male and female reproductive system, it needs another individual to fertilize. Мислев дека Том ќе биде зафатен. I thought Tom would be busy. I thought Tom would be busy. Аз не мога да ви купя тази рокля. I can't buy you that dress. I can't buy you this dress. Едно по едно, момчињата доаѓаа да видат што читам. One by one, the boys came to see what I was reading. One by one, the boys came to see what I was reading. Мисля, че знаеш, че това е неуместно. I think you know that's inappropriate. I think you know this is inappropriate. Da čujemo tvoj izgovor. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. Дан најверојатно ја убил Линда со тоа што ја задушил. Dan likely smothered Linda until she died. Dan probably killed Linda by suffocating her. Ako ti treba pomoć, reci mi. If you need help, let me know. If you need help, tell me. Chlapec prišiel domov. The boy has come home. The kid sewed it home. Това е жестоко. That's cruel. That's cruel. Môžem bežať. I can run. I can run. Мислам дека сѐ уште немаат измислено лек за тоа. I don't think they've found a cure for that yet. I don't think they've made up a cure yet. Джак изчетка прахта от палтото си. Jack brushed the dust off his coat. Jack brushed the dust out of his coat. Многу беше храбар. You were very brave. He was very brave. Ние си прекарваме добре в Рим. We are having a nice time in Rome. We have a good time in Rome. Утре ќе бидам зафатен. I will be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Имаш хубави ръце. You have beautiful hands. You've got nice hands. Изглежда вече има над две хиляди изречения на уйгурски в Татоеба! It looks like there are now over two thousand Uyghur sentences on Tatoeba! Looks like there are over two thousand sentences of Uygursky in Tatseba already! Има уште малку чај во чајникот. There's a little tea left in the pot. There's still some tea in the teapot. Tom izgleda malo gadljivo. Tom looks a bit queasy. Tom looks a little squeamish. Nadam se da ćemo da shvatimo ovo. I hope we can figure this out. I hope we can figure this out. Mi smo brat i sestra. We are brother and sister. We're brother and sister. Не би можел да го замислам светов без музика. I can't imagine a world without music. I couldn't imagine a world without music. Започна ли вече да учиш френски? Have you already started learning French? Have you started studying French yet? Това ми е любимият стол. That's my favorite chair. This is my favorite chair. Едниполовите парови не би требало да можат да стапат во брак. Same-sex couples should be able to get married. A single - sex couple should not be able to marry. Направи три чекора па скокни. Take three steps and jump. Take three steps and jump. Искам пълен списък на твоите книги. I want a complete list of your books. I want a full list of your books. Постои можност дека ќе убијат. There's a possibility that I'll be killed. There's a chance they'll kill. Защо хората се страхуват от нея? Why are people scared of her? Why are people afraid of her? Ne vidim razliku. I don't see the difference. I don't see the difference. Не. No. No, I don't. Môžem ťa pobozkať? May I kiss you? I can say good-bye? Тя се поддаде на изкушението да купи бижуто. She gave way to the temptation to buy the jewel. She succumbed to the temptation to buy the jewel. Том би уживал во ова. Tom would enjoy doing this. Tom would enjoy this. Ме дисквалификуваа. I was disqualified. I was disqualified. Едвај го гледам. I can hardly see him. I can barely see it. Испробај си ја среќата! Try your luck! Try your luck! Stvarno jeste toliko prosto. It really is that easy. It's really that simple. Има много начини да се направи едно нещо. There are a lot of ways of doing it. There are many ways to do one thing. Том се однесуваше како кавалер. Tom behaved like a gentleman. Tom was acting like a gentleman. Изчаках месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Сѐ уште не сум мажена. I'm not married yet. I'm not married yet. Том винаги спи, прегърнал мечето си. Tom always sleeps hugging his teddy bear. Tom always sleeps, hugs his bear. Samo napred. Go ahead. Go ahead. Урадићу то са задовољством. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll do it with pleasure. Dame prve. Ladies first. Ladies first. Немам ништо да ти дадам. I don't have anything to give you. I have nothing to give you. Veľmi ľutujem Toma. I'm very sorry about Tom. I'm hanging up on Tom. Том не сака да ми биде другар. Мисли дека е преголем фраер за мене. Tom doesn't want to be my friend. He thinks that he's too cool for me. Tom doesn't want to be my friend, he thinks he's too big a guy for me. Знам, че сте в отпуска. I know you're on vacation. I know you're on vacation. Ќе ти ја донесам. I'll bring her to you. I'll get it for you. Аз купувам касети. I buy tapes. I buy tapes. Videćete je. You'll see her. You'll see her. Само се забавувам малку. I'm just having a little fun. I'm just having a little fun. Môžem pomôcť? Can I help? Can I help you? Stigle su vesti. We got the news. There's news. Dugo sam živeo. I've lived a long time. I've lived a long time. Koji kurac? What the fuck? What the fuck? Том често симнува филмови. Tom often downloads movies. Tom often takes off the movies. Те вработија ли? Did you get the job? Did they hire you? Никога не пиша думите "борш" и "шчи" на немски език! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! I never write the words "borsch" and "schi" in German! Tom je v obývačke. Tom is in the living room. Tom's in love. Dom je malý. The house is small. Home is malý. Што би сакал принцот? What would the prince like? What would the prince want? Посещавал ли си Рим някога? Have you ever visited Rome? Have you ever visited Rome? Между другото, напоследък да си се чувала с него? By the way, have you heard from him lately? By the way, have you heard from him lately? Том остава твърд. Tom remains obstinate. Tom stays tough. Къде са книгата и моливът? Книгата е на масата, а моливът е на перваза. Where are the book and pencil? The book's on the table, and the pencil's on the windowsill. Where's the book and the pencil? На колко години беше той? How old was he? How old was he? Мисля, че мога да ти спестя известно време. I think I can save you some time. I think I can save you some time. Том почина од рак. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. Sve je veoma jeftino. Everything's dirt-cheap. It's all very cheap. Da li si uživao u gledanju noćne utakmice sinoć? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Did you enjoy watching the night game last night? Скрените улево. Turn left. Turn left. Той използва възможностите си по най-добрия начин. He makes the most of his opportunities. He uses his abilities in the best way. Volim plažu. I like the beach. I love the beach. Drago mi je što ste odgovorili. I'm glad you replied. I'm glad you responded. Ljubim te z vsem srcem. I love you with all my heart. I love you with all my heart. Сите тука многу те сакаат, Том. Everybody down here sure likes you a lot, Tom. Everyone here loves you so much, Tom. Том не мисли, че Мери ще се справи много добре. Tom doesn't think Mary will do the job very well. Tom doesn't think Mary's gonna do very well. Јас сум од Пекинг. I come from Beijing. I'm from Beijing. Тоа ми е планот. That's my plan. That's my plan. Дръж се здраво. Hold on tight. Hold on tight. Съжалявам, че ти създадох толкова много проблеми. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. Рекао сам Тому да сачека. I told Tom to wait. I told Tom to wait. Уморни ми се очите. My eyes are tired. I'm tired of my eyes. Можеш и да заминеш и да останеш - како сакаш. You can go or stay, as you wish. You can leave and stay as you please. Можеби делува чудно. It may seem strange. It might seem strange. Ќе ти биде подобро. You'll get better. You'll feel better. Ania ima crnu, a Magdalena plavu kosu. Ania has brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair. Ania has black and Magdalena has blue hair. Ručao sam sa njim. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. Da li mi se priviđa? Am I seeing things? Do I see it? Не може просто така да вървиш и да злословиш срещу хората. You can't just walk around and start slandering people. You can't just walk around and abuse people. Дојдов да ти посакам среќа. I came to wish you good luck. I'm here to wish you luck. С екипаж, изгубен в открито море, Христофор Колумб успял да спаси всички, като извадил от шапката си 100 заека. With his crew stranded at sea, Christopher Columbus was able to save them from starvation by pulling 100 rabbits out of his hat. With a crew lost in the open sea, Christopher Columbus managed to save everyone by pulling 100 rabbits out of his hat. Ти откъде го знаеш? How do you know? How do you know that? Мисля, че е по-добре да легнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you'd better go to bed. Помня, че съм ви срещал преди. I remember meeting you before. I remember meeting you before. Се согласивме да почнеме веднаш. We agree to start at once. We agreed to start right away. Не бих га повредио. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Се прашував кој беше тоа. I wondered who it was. I was wondering who that was. Отдъхни си. Get some rest. Take a break. Tom bol unavený. Tom was tired. That pain again. Прекалено шумно е. It's too loud. It's too loud. Това беше наистина мило. That was really nice. That was really sweet. На децата им треба љубов. Children need loving. Children need love. Извинете, не е грешка? Excuse me, it's not a mistake? I'm sorry, isn't it a mistake? Какви са фактите? What're the facts? What are the facts? Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev. He finally fulfilled my request. He finally fulfilled my request. Седеше покрај неа. He sat next to her. He was sitting next to her. Отговорът е верен. The answer is right. The answer is true. Рече ли нешто Том? Did Tom say anything? Did you say something, Tom? Ме киднапираа. I've been kidnapped. I've been kidnapped. Всеки ден тичам. I run every day. I run every day. Мисля, че трябва да извикаш Том. I think you should call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Не зборувај. Don't speak. Don't talk. Искате ли да го опитате? Do you want to try it? Would you like to try it? Марила имаше проблеми с белите си дробове. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Треба да јадеш повеќе. You should eat more. You should eat more. Тоа беше идејата. That was the idea. That was the idea. Само сврти му. Just give him a call. Just turn it around. Том ѝ се закани на Мери. Tom threatened Mary. Tom threatened Mary. Ние веднага станахме приятели. We immediately became friends. We immediately became friends. Многу си страстен. You're so intense. You're very passionate. Тоа беше изненадување. It was a surprise. That was a surprise. Не ми се попаѓа книгава. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Том изгледа неодлучно. Tom looks undecided. Tom seems indecisive. Одлична серија беше. It was a great show. It was a great show. Том престана да шета напред-назад. Tom stopped pacing. Tom stopped walking backwards. Identifikujte se. Identify yourself. Identify yourself. Студент ли си? Are you a student? Are you a student? Том работи там. Tom is working there. Tom works there. Треба да им побараш помош. You should ask them to help. You should ask them for help. Колку време пројде? How long's it been? How long has it been? Знаеше, нели? You knew, didn't you? You knew, didn't you? Том се изгуби во Бостон. Tom got lost in Boston. Tom got lost in Boston. Токму Том ми кажа. Tom was the one who told me. That's exactly what Tom told me. Нямам време за посетители. I have no time for visitors. I don't have time for visitors. О, не! Забравих си камерата. Oh no! I forgot my camera. Oh, no, I forgot my camera. Питай го как да стигнеш до гарата. Ask him the way to station. Ask him how to get to the station. Отидох до пазара. I went to the market. I went to the market. Што можеме да направиме за неа? What can we do for her? What can we do for her? Да ли Том једе јаја? Does Tom eat eggs? Does Tom eat eggs? Познато ми е. It's familiar to me. I know him. Тоа се случи пред скоро триесет години. That happened almost thirty years ago. That was almost thirty years ago. Тоа не е за тебе. That's not for you. That's not for you. Сакам да знам кога планираш да си одиш. I want to know when you're planning to leave. I want to know when you're planning on leaving. Той напредва. He's making progress. He's making progress. Спот също ли отиде? Did Spot go, too? Did Spot go, too? Тоа беше воодушевувачко. That was impressive. That was impressive. Рунда продължи около пет минути. A bout lasts about five minutes. Round lasted about five minutes. Ги замолив да ја отклучат вратата. I asked them to unlock the door. I asked them to unlock the door. Обещах си повече никога да не го правя. I promised myself I wouldn't do this again. I promised myself I'd never do it again. Том рече дека било итно. Tom said it was urgent. Tom said it was urgent. Ги нападнале. They were attacked. They've been attacked. Tog jutra Marija je obišla celo selo. That morning Mary went round the whole village. The whole village was visited by Mary that morning. Не сфаќам зошто Том сака да оди во Бостон. I can see why Tom wants to go to Boston. I don't understand why Tom wants to go to Boston. Таа ја лизна лажицата. She licked the spoon. She licked the spoon. Можеше да пишеш. You could've written. You could've written. Им веруваш ли? Do you believe them? Do you trust them? Zašto si obrijao bradu? Why did you shave off your beard? Why'd you shave your beard? Tom se trudi da pomogne. Tom is trying to be helpful. Tom's trying to help. Каква е минималната заплата в Италия? What's the minimum salary in Italy? What is the minimum wage in Italy? Nemá cenu plakať. Nikto ťa nebude počuť. There is no use in crying. No one will hear you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Те вероятно са уплашени. They're probably scared. They're probably scared. Cukríky sú na stole. The sweets are on the table. Cukríky shu on the table. Моля прости ми. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Внимавай с нея. Be careful with it. Be careful with her. И купив рачен часовник. I got her a wrist watch. I bought her a wristwatch. Da li se to dešava često? Does that happen a lot? Does that happen often? Ајде да ѝ помогнеме. Let us help her. Let's help her. Да ядем суши. Let's have sushi. To eat sushi. Преживели смо некако. Somehow we survived. We survived somehow. Мога да поставя длани на пода, без да сгъвам коленете си. I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can put palms on the floor without folding my knees. Том одбива да работи. Tom refuses to work. Tom refuses to work. Тоа беше ремек-дело за коешто често зборуваа. That was a masterpiece they often talked about. It was a masterpiece they used to talk about. Siguran sam da ću da dobijem taj teniski meč. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll get that tennis match. Слонът е сив. The elephant is grey. The elephant is gray. Том беше на абсолютно сигурно място. Tom was perfectly safe. Tom was in a safe place. Дан го удрија по чело со чекан. Dan was hit on the forehead with a hammer. Dan got hit on the forehead with a hammer. Зошто застануваме? Why are we stopping? Why are we stopping? Том кога закусва? When does Tom eat breakfast? Tom, when did you have breakfast? Отворени ли ќе бидете вечерва? Are you open tonight? Will you be open tonight? От теб зависи. It is up to you. It's up to you. То је мали пас. It is a small dog. It's a little dog. Зает съм в момента. I'm busy at the moment. I'm busy right now. Те го правят в момента. They're doing it now. They're doing it right now. Том је умро у својим тридесетим. Tom died in his thirties. Tom died in his 30s. Интересува ли ви? Are you interested? Are you interested? Твое ли е това, Том? Is this yours, Tom? Is this yours, Tom? Мислам дека Том нема да сака да дојде да пие со нас. I don't think Tom will want to go drinking with us. I don't think Tom's gonna want to come drink with us. Тебе те барам. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. Нямам интерес да го правя. I have no interest in doing that. I have no interest in doing that. Ја не знам шта је то. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Том не можел да помогне на Мери. Tom couldn't help Mary. Tom couldn't help Mary. Тя говори високо. She speaks loudly. She speaks highly. Веѓите чудно ти изгледаат. Your eyebrows look weird. Your eyebrows look strange. Не трябва да говориш такива неща когато наоколо има деца. You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around. You don't have to say things like that when there's kids around. Ne zaboravi da se namažeš kremom za sunčanje. Don't forget to put on sunscreen. Don't forget to put sunscreen on. Това не променя нищо. That doesn't change a thing. That doesn't change anything. Нямам нищо да ти казвам по въпроса. I have nothing to say about that. I don't have anything to say to you about that. Изгледа не знаеш како боли да те боцне сом. You apparently haven't known the pain of catfish sting. You don't seem to know how much it hurts to get hurt. Jesi li ikad video jednog? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever seen one? Мисля, че наистина ще ти хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Napravila sam prvi korak. I took the first step. I took the first step. Пациентът беше изписан от болницата. The patient was discharged from hospital. The patient was discharged from the hospital. Šetali smo se sve do iduće stanice. We walked together as far as the next station. We walked all the way to the next station. I Piotr i Lech su iz Poljske. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Both Piotr and Lech are from Poland. Nažalost, on je prešao da od svemogućeg Boga postane nemoćan, prljavi, mali i neznačajni čovek u ćošku male provincije u ogromnoj imperiji. Unfortunately, he had gone from being omnipotent God to being a powerless, dirty, small and insignificant man in a corner of a small province in a giant empire. Unfortunately, he went from Almighty God to powerless, filthy, small, and insignificant man in the corner of a small province in a vast empire. Те молам, не ме прашувај за нив. Please don't ask me about them. Please don't ask me about them. Те ядат ябълки. They're eating apples. They eat apples. Од каде доаѓаме? Накаде сме тргнале? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Where do we come from? Наставите да слушате. Keep listening. Keep listening. Го користам секој ден. I use it every day. I use it every day. Ама си паметен. You're one sharp cookie. But you're smart. Кога пристигнува Том? When does Tom arrive? When's Tom coming in? А сендвич? How about a sandwich? What about the sandwich? Dječak baca kamen. The boy throws a stone. The boy's throwing a rock. Том се готвеше да ме застрела. Tom was going to shoot me. Tom was about to shoot me. Што има да се грижиш? What's there to worry about? What's there to worry about? Каква е причината за вашето крещене. What was the cause of your quarrel? What's the reason for your screaming? Дајте ми други пример. Give me another example. Give me another example. Znam skijati. I'm able to ski. I can ski. O čemu se radi? What's this all about? What's this about? Том ја гаѓаше Мери со скапано јајце. Tom threw a rotten egg at Mary. Tom was shooting Mary with a fucking egg. Не харесвам лицето ѝ. I don't like her face. I don't like her face. Том не работи вече. Tom doesn't work anymore. Tom doesn't work anymore. Jesu li svi ludi? Are they all nuts? Are they all crazy? Искаш ли да купиш риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? You want to buy a shirt? Това е къщата, в която Том е бил отгледан. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house Tom was raised in. Макар че знам малко френски, мисля, че трябва да разговаряме на английски. Even though I know a little French, I think we should speak in English. Although I know a little French, I think we should talk in English. Каде ќе биде состанокот? Where's the meeting? Where will the meeting be? Budite oprezni. Be vigilant. Be careful. Не ме интересува защо. I don't care why. I don't care why. Собата беше заклучена. The room was locked. The room was locked. Тя му купи куче. Той обаче имаше алергия към кучета и им се наложи да го дадат на други. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. She bought him a dog, but he had an allergy to dogs, and they had to give it to others. Палтото е обложено со крзно. The coat is lined with fur. The coat is covered with fur. Што би можело да тргне наопаку? What could go wrong? What could go wrong? Мисля, че сте го правили и преди. I think you've done this before. I think you've done it before. Господ го создал семирот. God created the universe. God created the peace. Meni to zvuči kao izdaja. That sounds like treason to me. Sounds like treason to me. Кој би сакал Том да умре? Who would want Tom dead? Who would want Tom dead? Дај му шанса. Give him a chance. Give him a chance. Пробвай го пак. Try it once more. Try it again. Имам неколку крофни. I've got some donuts. I've got some donuts. Nećemo se vratiti tamo nikada. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. Gubiš. You're losing. You're losing. Tom je naviknut na pobeđivanje. Tom is used to winning. Tom's used to winning. Tom će odustati. Tom'll quit. Tom's gonna give up. Стварно ли сакаме да им помогнеме? Do we really want to help them? Do we really want to help them? Som unavený. I'm tired. I'm out. Iznenađen sam što nisi znao da je Tom upao na Harvard. I'm surprised that you didn't know that Tom got into Harvard. I'm surprised you didn't know Tom got into Harvard. Влюбен съм в нея. I'm in love with her. I'm in love with her. Не съм писала това. I didn't write that. I didn't write that. Kedy to bude hotové? When will it be ready? Is that what it's like to be hot? Samo mi reci istinu. Just tell me the truth. Just tell me the truth. Каква е вашата връзка с него? What's your relation with him? What's your connection to him? Иска ми се да ми го беше казала по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd told me earlier. О, моля те, недей толкова бързо. Oh please, not so fast. Oh, please don't be so quick. Боядисал си стените, нали? You've painted the walls, haven't you? You painted the walls, didn't you? Елементарно, мој драги Вотсоне. Elementary, my dear Watson. Delementary, my dear Watson. Тя заплака горчиво. She cried bitterly. She cried bitterly. Tom je želeo da ima veći brod od svog brata. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. В неделя музеят не работи. On Sunday, the museum is closed. Sunday the museum doesn't work. Том е клошар. Tom is a bum. Tom's a bum. Svi su ili prošli ili prolaze kroz to. Everyone either went through it is going through it right now. Everyone's either gone through or going through it. Nemojte da blejite. Don't stare. Don't dawdle. Pa šta je Tom video? So what did Tom see? So what did Tom see? Може ли да поразговарам со тебе, Том? Could I talk to you, Tom? Can I talk to you for a second, Tom? Každý ho má rád. Everybody likes him. Kajdý ho má rád. Мислам дека сме готови. I think we're done. I think we're done here. Planiranje treba da prepustiš meni. You should leave the planning to me. You have to leave the planning to me. Večeras ću je pozvati telefonom. I'll phone her tonight. I'm calling her on the phone tonight. Progutaj ponos! Swallow your pride! Swallow your pride! Мисля, че отговорът ти е верен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is true. Ženy sú ľudia. Women are people. Jenny sú Judia. Не е сега право време. Now's not the time. This isn't the right time. Том говори френски толкова добре, колкото и Мери. Tom speaks French as well as Mary does. Tom speaks French as well as Mary does. Някой отсъства ли днес? Is anyone absent today? Is anyone missing today? Им го покажа фалсификатот на моите пријатели. He showed the forgery to my friends. You showed my friends the fake. Stigao sam ovde nekoliko minuta pre tebe. I arrived here a few minutes before you. I got here a few minutes before you. Том прие поканата да посети празненството на Мери. Tom accepted the invitation to attend Mary's party. Tom accepted an invitation to visit Mary's party. Том се заврте да си оди. Tom turned to leave. Tom turned around to leave. Мисля, че това, което Том прави, си заслужава. I think what Tom is doing is worthwhile. I think what Tom's doing is worth it. Джон се подиграва на кучето си. John makes fun of his dog. John's making fun of his dog. Филмът не беше толкова интересен, колкото книгата. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. The movie wasn't as interesting as the book. Je li on doktor? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? Това е твоята книга. This is your book. It's your book. Som žiak. I am a student. I'm a wire. Джон наследи голямо състояние. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great deal of fortune. Том учтиво се насмеа. Tom laughed politely. Tom smiled politely. On je Amerikanac. He is American. He's an American. Spolčite sa. Band together. Get down with it. Щеше ли да ни кажеш какво е станало? Would you tell us what happened? Were you going to tell us what happened? Svjetlo je nestalo samo od sebe. The light went out by itself. The light's gone all by itself. Не би го препорачал тоа. I wouldn't advise it. I wouldn't recommend that. Учителят ми по френски е на същата възраст, на която съм и аз. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My French teacher is the same age as me. Яд ме е на себе си. I'm mad at myself. I'm angry at myself. Забавувај се колку што можеш повеќе! Have as much fun as you can! Have as much fun as you can! Те молам, не мумлај. Please don't mumble. Please don't mumble. Том иска да стане лекар, когато порасне. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Tom wants to become a doctor when he grows up. Ovo bi moglo boljeti. This might hurt. This might hurt. Мисля, че слагате твърде много захар. I think you're putting in too much sugar. I think you put too much sugar in it. Ти треба пријател. You need a friend. You need a friend. Том сакаше да танцува. Tom wanted to dance. Tom wanted to dance. Том го примија во болница. Tom was hospitalized. Tom got admitted to the hospital. Jesmo li svi tu? Are we all here? Are we all here? Одбери си оружје. Pick a weapon. Pick a weapon. Знам што е проблемот. I know the problem. I know what the problem is. Prozor je od stakla. The window is made of glass. It's a window of glass. Том никого не целуна. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Tom didn't kiss anyone. Ќе ти раскажам сѐ за тоа подоцна. I'll tell you all about it later. I'll tell you all about it later. Pročitala sam oko sto knjiga dosad. I've read about a hundred books so far. I've read about a hundred books so far. Naporan rad se isplatio. The hard work paid off. Hard work paid off. Не знам зошто толку се задржав. I don't know why it took me so long. I don't know why I took so long. Не намериха Том. They haven't found Tom. They didn't find Tom. Тоа е она. That's her. That's her. Hoćeš li uzeti to? Will you take that? Will you take that? Беше толкова хубав ден, че решихме да се разходим. It was such a pleasant day that we went for a walk. It was such a nice day that we decided to go for a walk. Peške ili biciklom ideš u školu? Do you go to school on foot or by bicycle? You going on foot or on your bike to school? Ще се видим на партито. See you at the party. I'll see you at the party. Мислех, че Том ще се разплаче. I thought Tom was going to cry. I thought Tom was gonna cry. Среди го нередов. Clean up this mess. Get him out of the way. Gde ćemo da se nađemo? Where are we going to meet? Where do we meet? Не можам да поверувам дека ова навистина ми се случува. I can't believe this is really happening to me. I can't believe this is really happening to me. Nechaj ma zaplatiť tvoju kávu. Let me pay for your coffee. Don't even pay your check. Аз се отказах. I gave up. I gave up. Доаѓај ваму! Get your butt over here! Get over here! Napísal si túto knihu? Did you write this book? You wrote that book? Máte nejaké voľné miesta? Do you have any vacancies? You don't have a ride, do you? Počeću sa pivom. I'll start with a beer. I'll start with a beer. Slavim. I'm celebrating. I'm celebrating. Дрехите му винаги миришат. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell. По-добре да не отиваш. You'd better not go. You'd better not go. Мораме нешто да им дадеме. We've got to give them something. We have to give them something. Loše stvari će se desiti. Bad things will happen. Bad things are gonna happen. Oženio se njom zbog novca. He married her for her money. He married her for money. Nazvaću je večeras. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her tonight. Од што се кочат веб-сајтовите? What causes websites to lag? What's with the Web sites? Мерак ми е да поранувам. I like to be early. It's too early for me. Том сака Мери да направи шпагети за вечера. Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner. Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner. Zanimljivo. That's curious. Interesting. Tieto dámy sú moje tety. These ladies are my aunts. Tietto dámy sú my aunty. Обаче искам да разбереш какво ти казвам. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. Javiću ti se čim stignem. I will contact you as soon as I arrive. I'll call you as soon as I get there. Knjigu možemo uporediti s prijateljem. A book can be compared to a friend. We can compare the book to a friend. Нисам још спреман. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Сонцете само што изгреа. The sun has just come up. The sun's just up. Том најде детелина со четири листа. Tom found a four-leaf clover. Tom found a four-hander. Тя ме прекъсна. She interrupted me. She interrupted me. Zo sprchy nejde žiadna voda. There's no water coming out of the shower. With sprayy there's Jewish water. Том помогна на Мери да премести шкафа. Tom helped Mary move the dresser. Tom helped Mary move the closet. Mislim da niko ne zna. I think no one knows. I don't think anyone knows. Навистина ми недостига готвењето на мајка ми. I really miss my mom's cooking. I really miss cooking for my mom. Svi se mi moramo suprostaviti ovome. We all must stand up against this. We all have to stand up to this. Направив што можев. I did what I could. I did what I could. Избърши си носа. Wipe your nose. Clean your nose. Какво сме направили? What have we done? What have we done? Никой не можа да спи в онази нощ. No one could sleep that night. No one was able to sleep that night. Izgleda da je Tom iskrena osoba. Tom seems to be an honest person. It looks like Tom's an honest person. Ovdje nije dopušteno pušiti. Smoking is not permitted here. You're not allowed to smoke here. Svi radimo previše naporno. We all work too hard. We all work too hard. Za účelom nahromadiť pol miliona som predal dom a nábytok aj s klenotami. I sold my house and furniture, together with my jewelry, in order to scrape together a half a million. At the head of the naromadió half a million som handed over a home a nábytok aj with a clenotata. Можеш ли да караш? Can you drive? Can you drive? Автомобилите имаат четири тркала. An automobile has four wheels. Cars have four wheels. Kako iko može da spava uz svu ovu pometnju? How can anyone sleep with all this commotion going on? How can anyone sleep with all this mess? Ovo mora da je mesto. This must be the place. This must be the place. Možete li da mi dodate vodu, molim vas? Could you pass me the water, please? Could you pass me some water, please? Bill bol zastrelený. Bill was killed with a gun. Bill's been shot. Odbranite se. Defend yourself. Defend yourselves. Tom nije želeo da priča sa Meri, ali nije imao izbora. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. Канцеларијата на Том е. It's Tom's office. It's Tom's office. Том и Мери са в едно и също положение. Tom and Mary are in the same boat. Tom and Mary are in the same situation. Чувам, че разполагаш със списък. I hear you have a list. I hear you have a list. Тоа не беше точно. That wasn't right. That wasn't true. Том ѝ ѕврцна на Мери. Tom gave Mary a call. Tom rang Mary. Plažam nekog da uradi umesto mene. I pay someone to do that for me. I'm asking someone to do it for me. Ја замолив да игра со мене. I asked her to dance. I asked her to dance with me. Утре ќе им помогнеме. We'll help them tomorrow. We'll help them tomorrow. Познавам човек, който говори френски добре. I know someone who speaks French well. I know a man who speaks French well. Ова ќе сврши работа за сега. This will do for now. This will do for now. Не отидох за риба с Том миналия уикенд. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. Нека помогна. Let me help. Let me help. Хайде да не говорим за работа, става ли? Let's not talk shop, OK? Let's not talk business, okay? Слезте на следващата спирка и хванете автобус в посока летището. Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Get down to the next stop and catch a bus in the direction of the airport. Knjiga je na polici. The book is on the shelf. The book is on the shelf. Тоа го разочара. It disappointed him. That's a disappointment. Таа е многу индивидуалистички настроена. She's very individualistic. She's very individualistic. Том отиде до пощата да изпрати едно писмо. Tom went to the post office to mail a letter. Tom went to the post office to send a letter. Утре ще уча в библиотеката. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I'm going to study at the library tomorrow. Јуче цео дан нисам била код куће. Yesterday I was not at home the whole day. I haven't been home all day yesterday. Тоа би било забавно. That'd be fun. That would be fun. Učím sa angličtinu v priemere dve hodiny denne. I study English two hours a day on an average. I'm learning from English to receive two hockey dens. Naš učitelj će se vratiti iz inozemstva u kolovozu. Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Our teacher will be back from abroad in August. Тој нежно ја допре. He softly touched her. He touched her gently. Мисля си за това от време на време. I think about that from time to time. I've been thinking about this from time to time. Дяволите да те вземат! Damn you! Damn you! Този въпрос не е лесен. This question is not easy. That's not an easy question. Праските се благи. Peaches are sweet. The peaches are mild. Magdalena je rodáčka z Łódźu. Magdalena is a native of Łódź. Magdalene is a cousin with '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Izvini. Nije trebalo da kažem to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Категорично не трябва да лижеш пода. You must absolutely not lick the floor. You certainly don't have to lick the floor. Градът спечелва популярност като главна туристическа дестинация. The city is gaining popularity as a major tourist destination. The city has won popularity as a major tourist destination. Всички знаеха, че Том може добре да говори френски. Everybody knew Tom could speak French well. Everyone knew Tom could speak French. Какъв ви е номерът на телефона? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Kde je letisko? Where's the airport? Where's the flight? Повеќето китови се хранат со планктони. Most whales feed on plankton. Most whales feed on plankton. Вярваш ли в чудеса? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles? Myslím si, že Tom je Kanaďan. I think Tom is a Canadian. Tom's a Kanan. Prečo nejdeme domov? Why don't we go home? In the middle of somewhere? Зошто би им верувал? Why would you believe them? Why would I trust them? Може ли сега да му се јавиме? Can we call him now? Can we call him now? Впечатлен съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. Čo to znamená? What does this stand for? What's that supposed to mean? Зошто си уморен? Why are you tired? Why are you tired? Мери го раскина нашето пријателство. Mary terminated our friendship. Mary broke our friendship. Том призна дека го истурил црвеното вино. Tom admitted to spilling the red wine. Tom admitted to spilling the red wine. Старата двойка тръгна на пътешествие около света. The old couple embarked on a tour around the world. The old couple went on a journey around the world. Искрен човек е. He is an honest man. He's an honest man. Толку ли ги мразиш? Do you hate them that much? Do you hate them that much? Ne odgovaraj. Don't respond. Don't answer that. Том отиде на риболов. Tom went fishing. Tom went fishing. Наясно съм с това. I'm aware of that. I'm aware of that. За што се работи текстот? What's the text about? What's the text about? Drži decu podalje od lekova. Keep children away from medicine. Keep the kids away from the meds. Мери току-що дойде. Mary has just come home. Mary just got here. Том сака да знае кога можеш да дојдеш кај нас да ни помогнеш да го преместиме клавирот. Tom wants to know when you can come over to our place and help us move our piano. Tom wants to know when you can come to us and help us move the piano. Се извини. He made an apology. He apologized. Никогаш не сум бил поротник досега. I've never been on a jury before. I've never been a juror before. Том го премина полето. Tom walked across the field. Tom crossed the field. Нека да кажа нещо. Let me say one thing. Let me say something. Од што е клучов? What's this key for? What's this key? Koliko si ostao? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Zašto je slikanje vozova interesantno? Why is taking pictures of trains interesting? Why is train painting interesting? Bila je nametljiva. She came on strong. She was intrusive. Da li ste obe pijane? Are you both drunk? Are you both drunk? Немаат шупа. They don't have a shed. They don't have a shed. Японците имат склонността да се доверяват на утвърдени авторитети. Japanese people tend to rely on established authority. The Japanese have a tendency to trust established authorities. Ми треба музички инструмент. I need a musical instrument. I need a musical instrument. Можам да устројам тоа да се случи. I could make that happen. I can arrange for that to happen. Знаев дека не можеш да ме повредиш. I knew you couldn't hurt me. I knew you couldn't hurt me. Mogu li da uzmem tvoj rečnik? Can I use your dictionary? Can I have your dictionary? Tom i ja samo napisali nekoliko knjiga zajedno Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I just wrote a few books together Ѝ тргнало. She's on a roll. It's coming along. Това е страхотен план. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Той затвори вратата. He closed the door. He closed the door. В крайна сметка, всички трябва да се научат сами. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. After all, everyone needs to learn on their own. Ја нисам заборавио. I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten. Не искам да бъда твой враг. I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want to be your enemy. Јуче сам купио ово. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. Том се самоуби, скачайки от една скала. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Tom killed himself jumping off a cliff. Би требало да им дадеш малку простор. You should give them some space. You should give them some space. Tom se još skriva. Tom is still hiding. Tom's still hiding. Харесвам тази музика. I like this music. I like this music. Ne može se uraditi ništa drugo osim da mu se divi na hrabrosti. You can't do anything other than admire his courage. Nothing else can be done except to admire his courage. Prečo sa bojíš? Why are you afraid? What's up with the paint? Башо е най-великият поет. Basho was the greatest poet. He's just the greatest poet. Том глумеше дека е изненаден. Tom feigned surprise. Tom was acting like he was surprised. Moj pas je slijep, ali voli ići van i šetati se. My dog is blind, but he loves to go out for a walk. My dog is blind, but he likes to go out and walk. Бих искал да си открия сметка. I'd like to open an account. I'd like to get an account. Момичетата са обърнати с лице една към друга. The girls are facing each other. The girls are facing each other. Je pokojný zimný večer. It was a calm winter evening. It's the late winter night. Pošto je poruka bila na francuskom, lako sam je pročitao. Since the note was written in French, it was easy for me to read. Since the message was in French, I could easily read it. Том се уште беше облечен во пижами и бањарка кога дојдов сабајлево. Tom was still in his pajamas and bathrobe when I got here this morning. Tom was still dressed in pajamas and bathrobes when I came in this morning. Oprostite, imam vprašanje. Excuse me, I have a question. Excuse me, I have a question. Том плува много бързо. Tom swims very fast. Tom's swimming very fast. Ne možeš da sediš pored mene. You can't sit next to me. You can't sit next to me. Том почна да ја брка Мери околу игралиштето. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. Неспособен си. You're incompetent. You're incompetent. Губите си времето, опитвайки се да го убедите. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. You're wasting your time trying to convince him. Той играеше футбол с една празна консерва. He was playing football with an empty can. He played football with an empty can. Том няма да изнася реч днес. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom's not giving a speech today. Ни требаат упатства. We need instructions. We need directions. Rozprával som sa s poľským veľvyslancom. I have spoken with the Polish ambassador. Rosprával som with pozkávyslanc. Миналия месец изстинах. I caught a cold last month. I got cold last month. Ми требаш на секунда. I need you for just a second. I need you for a second. Колко пъти звъня Том? How many times has Tom called? How many times have I called Tom? Аз бих могъл да ви направя щастливи. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Француска је у Западној Европи. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Том говори френски сравнително добре. Tom speaks French fairly well. Tom speaks French relatively well. Тази кутия е много тежка и не мога да я пренеса. This box is very heavy, so I can't carry it. This box is very heavy, and I can't carry it. Остави ме да се сосредоточам. Let me concentrate. Let me focus. Мисля, че можеш да се справиш. I think you can handle it. I think you can handle it. Oprostite, možete li to ponoviti? Pardon me, can you repeat that? Excuse me, can you repeat that? Ne znam koliko je sati. I don't know what time it is. I don't know what time it is. Том ми побара чаша ладна вода. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Сестра ми прилича на майка ми. My sister resembles my mother. My sister looks like my mother. Ko je pojeo poslednju krofnu? Who ate the last donut? Who ate the last doughnut? Том дремеше. Tom dozed. Tom was taking a nap. Колку гости да очекуваме вечерва? How many guests should we expect tonight? How many guests should we expect tonight? Боб го видя отново. Bob saw him again. Bob saw him again. Još uvek nisam spremna. I'm still not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Моята сестра живее близо до Йокохама. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. Мислила сам да требаш помоћ. I thought you might need help. I thought you needed help. Много е кратък. It's very short. It's too short. Чудно се однесуваш. You're acting weird. You're acting weird. Сънуваш ли на френски? Do you dream in French? Do you dream in French? Saosećam. I sympathize. I'm sorry. Винаги ще помня добрината ти. I'll always remember your kindness. I will always remember your kindness. Том и кажа на Марија дека никогаш не го запознал Џон. Tom told Mary he'd never met John. Tom told Maria he'd never met John. Izašao sam na pogrešnoj autobuskoj stanici. I got off at the wrong bus stop. I went out to the wrong bus station. Dovršite ovo. Finish this. Finish this. Poštujem takve ljude. I respect people like that. I respect people like that. Ešte stále pracuješ? Are you still working? What are you following? Јас сум од Рим. I'm from Rome. I'm from Rome. Не ни бев тука. I wasn't even here. I wasn't even here. Мислам дека доволно јадевме. I think we've eaten enough. I think we've had enough to eat. Gde si našla ključeve? Where did you find the keys? Where'd you find the keys? Става все по-трудно. It keeps getting harder and harder. It's getting harder. Имаме две ќерки и еден син. We have two girls and one boy. We have two daughters and one son. На Том родителите не му дојдоа на свадба. Tom's parents didn't attend his wedding. Tom's parents didn't come to the wedding. Potrebna mu je. He needs her. He needs it. Šta vi možete učiniti? What should you do? What can you do? Не знам како го направил тоа Том, но ете го направил. I don't know how Tom did it, but he did it. I don't know how Tom did it, but there he is. Ovo nije knjiga za djecu. This is not a book for children. This isn't a book for children. Ќе останеме. We're staying. We'll stay. Никогаш не ги вработил. I'd never hire them. He never hired them. Знам как се чувствате. I know how you must be feeling. I know how you feel. Не стреляйте. Излизам. Don't shoot. I'm coming out. Don't shoot, I'm coming out. Важно е да ги намерим. It's important we find them. It's important we find them. Од работа е. It's work. It's work. Mala djeca ne znaju mnogo riječi. Very young children don't know many words. Little kids don't know a lot of words. Напоследък той ме укорява. Lately, he reproaches me. He's been reprimanding me lately. Можеби е време за промена. Maybe it's time for a change. Maybe it's time for a change. Ti više ne možeš da kupuješ jabuke! You can't buy apples any more! You can't buy apples anymore! Ако слушаш малко по-внимателно какво казва учителят, вероятно ще разбереш. If you'd listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'd probably be able to understand. If you listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'll probably understand. Drago nam je da vas imamo ovde. We're so glad to have you here. We're glad to have you here. Не разбрах смешката. I didn't get his joke. I didn't get the smile. To govori mnogo o tebi. That says a lot about you. That says a lot about you. Trebamo li te čekati. Do we need to wait for you? We should wait for you. Не ме гледай така, нищо лошо не съм направил. Don't look at me that way, I haven't done anything bad. Don't look at me like that. I didn't do anything wrong. Том сакаше Мери да си оди и да го остави намира. Tom wanted Mary to go away and leave him in peace. Tom wanted Mary to go and leave him alone. Не одобрявам решението ти. I don't approve your decision. I don't approve of your decision. Pokažite mi vaša dokumenta! Show me your papers! Show me your papers! Чекај ги. Wait for them. Wait for them. Може ли да ѝ се доверим? Can we trust her? Can we trust her? Никога не подлагам на съмнение неговата честност. I would never question his honesty. I never doubt his honesty. Всъщност аз не съм сигурен кой е Том. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Тези ядливи ли са? Are these edible? Are these edible? Имам ключовете. I have the keys. I have the keys. Hoće li budućnost biti poput naučne fantastike? Will the future be like science fiction? Will the future be like science fiction? Зошто никој не сака да ни помогне? Why won't anyone help us? Why doesn't anybody want to help us? Можеме да зборуваме со Том. We can talk to Tom. We can talk to Tom. Гледай ми пръстите. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. Денес ми е шеснаесетти роденден. Today is my sixteenth birthday. Today is my 16th birthday. To je najbolje od svega što sam do sada čuo. This is the best thing I've heard so far. That's the best thing I've ever heard. Jutros sam išao u crkvu. I went to church this morning. I went to church this morning. Девојката што носи шал е девица. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. The girl wearing the scarf is a virgin. Tom mi je jutros rekao da se on i Meri sele u Boston. Tom told us this morning that he and Mary were moving to Boston. Tom told me this morning that he and Mary were moving to Boston. Минах оттам миналата нощ. I went by there last night. I came by there last night. Ходил ли си на плаж с Том? Have you ever gone to the beach with Tom? You ever go to the beach with Tom? Съжалявам за това, което казах. I feel bad about what I said. I'm sorry for what I said. Можам подобро од тоа. I can do better than that. I can do better than that. Не е ништо страшно. It's nothing serious. It's no big deal. Dokle ćeš da se ljutiš i vičeš na nas? Until when shall you tell us off? How far are you gonna get mad and yell at us? Možeš li da dodaš so? Could you pass the salt? Can you pass the salt? Знаеме зошто. We know why. We know why. Харесва ли ти тази блуза? Do you like this blouse? You like that shirt? Денес е затворено. They're closed today. It's closed today. Не може да е това, на което прилича. This can't be what it looks like. It can't be what it looks like. Каде рече Том дека сакал да оди? Where did Tom say he wanted to go? Where did Tom say he wanted to go? Сигурна ли си наистина, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you still sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Можно е Том да го видел. Tom may have seen it. It's possible Tom saw him. On je moj prijatelj. He is my friend. He's my friend. Каде одиш? Where're you going? Where are you going? Том се врати прекриен со кал. Tom came back covered in mud. Tom came back covered in mud. Njezine su ga riječi razljutile. Her words angered him. Her words made him angry. Вярвам на вас. I believe you. I trust you. Večina ljudi piše o svojem vsakodnevnem življenju. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their everyday lives. Nema nikog kao ti. There's no one like you. There's no one like you. Vlada je pala nakon glasanja u parlamentu. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament. The government fell after a vote in parliament. Желиш ли да учиш нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you want to study? Do you want to learn something in particular? Još uvek sam pomalo umorna. I'm still kind of tired. I'm still a little tired. Престани да се бланираш. Please stop embarrassing yourself. Stop moaning. То нас се не тиче. That doesn't concern us. It's none of our business. Se vidima v peklu I'll see you in Hell. I'll see you in hell. Prva faza je završena. The first stage is complete. Phase one is over. Kada smo se poslednji put sreli? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? Това палто е подплатено с кожа. The coat is lined with fur. This coat is covered with leather. Zívali sme. We yawned. We're allowed to. Сѐ уште ја немам решено таа загатка. I haven't solved the puzzle yet. I haven't solved that puzzle yet. Том беше спасен от един случаен минувач. Tom was rescued by a passer-by. Tom was rescued by an accidental passerby. Tom je delovao starije i zrelije od ostalih dečaka. Tom seemed older and more mature than the other boys. Tom seemed older and older than the other boys. Јас и брат ми ја делевме собата. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared a room. Кому му требаат реторски прашања? Who needs rhetorical questions? Who needs rhetorical questions? Рекла сам Тому да сачека. I told Tom to wait. I told Tom to wait. Какви езици се говорят в Америка? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Гледай къде ходиш. Watch where you're going. Watch where you're going. Predlažemo da se kvalitet vode proverava jednom godišnje u cevima, dvaput u bunaru. We recommend that mains water have a water-quality test carried out once a year, well water twice a year. We suggest that water quality be checked once a year in pipes, twice in a well. Не забравяй да заключиш вратата. Remember to lock the door. Don't forget to lock the door. Otkazao je sastanak u zadnjem trenutku. He canceled the appointment at the last moment. He cancelled the last-minute meeting. В повечето случаи модернизацията се отъждествява с уестернизацията. In most cases, modernization is identified with Westernization. In most cases, modernization is plagued by Westernization. Už si si vybral? Have you already chosen? You've been yelling, haven't you? Nestalo nam je para. We ran out of money. We're out of money. Tom je zategao navrtanj. Tom tightened the nuts. Tom took a turn. Зошто кравите преживаат? Why do cows ruminate? Why do cows survive? Том, мора да станеш. Tom, you've got to get up. Tom, you have to stop. Možemo li da probamo ovo? Can we give this a try? Can we try this? Изгледаш тажно. Што не е во ред? You look sad. What's wrong? What's wrong? Мисля, че сте абсолютно прави. I think you're absolutely right. I think you're absolutely right. Аз имам три малки деца. I have three young kids. I have three little children. Не съм виждал нищо, което може да се сравнява с това. I've never seen anything quite like this before. I've never seen anything compare to that. Danas je ponedjeljak. It is Monday today. It's Monday. Свако то може урадити? Can anybody do it? Anyone can do that? Dobro došli u svoj novi dom. Welcome to your new home. Welcome to your new home. Лин бяга бързо. Lynn runs fast. Lynn's running fast. Сфингата почна да кружи околу него. The Sphinx began to walk around him. The sphinx began to circle around him. Дан побесне. Dan flew into a rage. A day of rage. Четири човека бяха в колата по време на инцидента. Four people were in the car when the accident happened. Four people were in the car during the accident. Вашата вера е гадна. Your religion is ugly. Your faith is nasty. Ова мора да престане. This needs to stop. This has got to stop. Искаш ли да ми носиш якето? Do you want to wear my jacket? Do you want to wear my jacket? Том остана надвор. Tom stayed outside. Tom stayed outside. Двете книги се еквивалентни по вредност. The two books are equivalent in value. Both books are equivalent to the value. Šta god uradiš, ne ostavljaj dasku dignutu na WC-u. Whatever you do don't leave the lid up on the toilet! Whatever you do, don't leave the board up on the toilet. Očigledno je da je Tom bolestan. Tom is obviously sick. It's obvious Tom's sick. Volela bih da probam ovo. Gde su kabine? I'd like to try this on. Where are the fitting rooms? I'd like to try this. Какво си купил? What did you buy? What did you buy? Ти знаш своја права. You know your rights. You know your rights. Няма тоалетна хартия. There is no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Том ме удри. Tom hit me. Tom hit me. Не искаш ли да отидеш? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go? Имах трудности при разрешаването на този проблем. I had difficulty in solving this problem. I was having trouble solving this problem. Той е удовлетворен от резултата. He is satisfied with the result. He's satisfied with the result. Качеството на ориза се влошава. The quality of rice is getting worse. The quality of rice is getting worse. Ovo je moja e-mail adresa. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. Харесвам този цвят. I like this color. I like that color. Што е фората со капава? What's with the hat? What's with the hat? Тя има десет деца. She has ten children. She's got ten kids. Тој е заљубен од глава до петици. He's head over heels in love. He's head to toe in love. Гајле ми е за сите вас. I care about all of you. I don't care about all of you. Šta god misliš? Whatever do you mean? Whatever you think? Dok god živimo naše srce ne prestaje kucati. As long as we live, our heart never stops beating. As long as we live our heart doesn't stop beating. Не се плаши от Том. Don't let Tom scare you. Don't be afraid of Tom. Нека да го видя. Let me see it. Let me see it. Ти не се разбираш во бизнис. You don't understand business. You don't know business. Хајде! Come on! Come on! Ми дојде преку глава. I lost my patience. It came over my head. Му купив нешто. I got something for him. I bought him something. Zar ne vidiš da je Tom uznemiren? Can't you tell that Tom is upset? Can't you see Tom's upset? Тя ми се усмихна признателно. She gave me a smile of recognition. She smiled gratefully at me. Откога изучаваш френски? How long have you been studying French? Since when do you study French? Ovaj nož nije oštar. The knife isn't sharp. This knife isn't sharp. Аз съм против смъртното наказание. I'm against the death penalty. I'm against the death penalty. Не се страхувай. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Ali bi lahko prosim peljal psa na sprehod? Could you please take the dog out for a walk? Could you please take the dog for a walk? Nervozna sam. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. Tom ima jak nemački akcenat. Tom has a heavy German accent. Tom has a strong German accent. Затвори вратата, ако обичаш. Please shut the door. Close the door, please. Ekser je probušio gumu. A nail punctured the tire. Exer pierced the tire. Имам доста приятели, които говорят френски добре. I have quite a few friends who speak French well. I have a lot of friends who speak French well. Той е студент по медицина. He is a medical student. He's a medical student. Сакам нешто ново. I want something new. I want something new. Пеперугите се убави. Butterflies are beautiful. Butterflys are beautiful. Zašto sam ovde? What am I here for? Why am I here? Мислам дека си преболен за да одиш на школо. I think you're too sick to go to school. I think you're too sick to go to school. Още ли събираш пощенски марки? Are you still collecting stamps? Still collecting postage stamps? Dat ću ti sve što želiš. I'll give you anything that you want. I'll give you anything you want. Том беше многу отворен. Tom was very frank. Tom was very open. Мисля, че вие трябва да се присъедините към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. Со пријател како тебе, не ми требаат непријатели. With a friend like you, one doesn't need enemies. With a friend like you, I don't need enemies. Водеа љубов. They made love to each other. They made love. Може ли да му кажеш на Том дека сме вратени? Would you tell Tom we're back? Can you tell Tom we're back? Želim da mi se san ostvari. I wish my dream would come true. I want my dream to come true. Dúfam, že ekonomika sa čoskoro oživí. I hope the economy picks up soon. Dufam, already economics with a man's resuscitation. Sedite, molim Vas. Sit back down, please. Sit down, please. Како ти е новата работа? How's your new job? How's your new job? Това е една от рибите, които хвана Том. This is one of the fish that Tom caught. That's one of the fish Tom caught. Влијателен си. You're influential. You're influential. Chcem knihu. I want the book. I'm talkin'. Ще взема моята кола. I'll take my car. I'll take my car. Baš je vruće ovde. It's really hot there. It's so hot in here. Мислех, че ще се задуша в претъпкания влак. I thought I was going to suffocate on the crowded train. I thought I'd choke on the crowded train. Можеш да се справиш со ова. You can handle this. You can handle this. Не смееме да се откажеме. We must not give up. We can't give up. Imaš li za mene vijesti? Do you have news for me? Do you have any news for me? Kъде е входа ? Where's the entrance? Where's the entrance? Ти си власникот. You're the owner. You're the owner. Pametaj si, čo ti hovorím! Remember what I tell you! You know what I'm saying? Остави го Том. Leave Tom. Leave Tom alone. Нешто си ми ослабен. You're looking thin. You're getting a little weak. Završit ću s čitanjem ove knjige. I'll finish reading this book. I'm gonna finish reading this book. Така може да продължаваме до безкрай. This is never going to end. That way we can go on forever. Няма да е толкова трудно да убедим Том. Tom won't be that hard to convince. It won't be that hard to convince Tom. Divim se vašoj hrabrosti. I admire you for your courage. I admire your courage. Таа не ја прифати поканата. She didn't accept the invitation. She didn't accept the invitation. Што јадат китовите? What do whales eat? What do whales eat? Сакам да вршам општествено корисна работа за да се искупам за сѐ што сторив. I want to work as a volunteer to make amends for everything I've done. I want to do a socially beneficial job to redeem myself for everything I've done. Момчета, много сте зле. You guys suck. You guys are so bad. Није крио своје разочарење. He didn't hide his disappointment. He didn't hide his disappointment. Виждал съм ви с Том. I've seen you with Tom. I've seen you and Tom. Da li sam sad bezbedna? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Mislio sam da nećeš moći da uradiš to. I thought you wouldn't be able to do that. I didn't think you'd be able to do that. Policija je pronašla ukraden novac. The police recovered the stolen money. The police found the money stolen. Той ми е по-голям брат. He's my older brother. He's my older brother. Tom je pomalo zabrinut. Tom is a little worried. Tom's a little worried. Ти треба ли помош со ова? Do you need help doing this? Do you need help with this? В този ресторант храната е хубава. In this restaurant the food is good. There's good food in this restaurant. Искам ми се да бях по-млад. I wish I were younger. I wish I was younger. Можам да останам. I can stay. I can stay. Какво мислиш? What do you think? What do you think? Гладан мушкарац је љут мушкарац. A hungry man is an angry man. A hungry man is an angry man. Помислих, че играта е свършила. I thought the game was over. I thought the game was over. Набљудувачницата има добра местоположба. That observatory stands in a good location. The Observer has a good location. Jeste li otišli da vidite Toma? Did you go and see Tom? Did you go see Tom? Svi su ovde. Everyone's here. They're all here. Купих само една книга, която дадох на един от студентите. I bought only one book which I gave to a student. I only bought one book that I gave to one of the students. То не е ли черно? Isn't it black? Isn't that black? Вятърът духаше на пориви. The wind blew in gusts. The wind was blowing. Мога ли да направя друго предложение? May I make another suggestion? Can I make another offer? Pomerite se. Step aside. Move over. Ово траје читаву вечност. This is taking forever. This takes forever. Škole i putevi su usluge koje se plaćaju porezom. Schools and roads are services paid for by taxes. Schools and roads are tax-paid services. За нив ли ги купи овие? Did you buy these for them? Did you buy these for them? Забравих да ти кажа телефонния си номер. I forgot to tell you my phone number. I forgot to tell you my phone number. Добро, ме убеди. OK, I'm convinced. Okay, you convinced me. Najveći izazov sa kojim će se projekat suočiti jeste dostupnost radnika sa sposobnostima koje su potrebne da bi projekat doživeo procvat. The biggest challenge to the project will be the availability of workers with the skills required to bring it to fruition. The biggest challenge the project will face is the availability of workers with the skills needed to see the project flourish. На него му беше трудно да диша. He had trouble breathing. He had a hard time breathing. Slijedi ga. Follow him. Follow him. Bolje pogledaj. You'd better look at it. You better take a look. Таа грешка е многу честа. That error is very common. That mistake is very common. Защо Том не е на училище? Why isn't Tom at school? Why isn't Tom at school? Nemyslíš, že je to zlá vec? Don't you think it a bad thing? Don't you think that's enough? Не очекував дека ќе го направиш тоа за Том. I wasn't expecting you to do it for Tom. I didn't expect you to do that for Tom. Tom je ušao u autobus. Tom boarded the bus. Tom got on the bus. Ќе те преболам. I'll get over you. I'm gonna get over you. Том не оди на пазар. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom doesn't go shopping. Мисля, че трябва да кажеш това на Том. I think you should tell Tom that. I think you should tell Tom that. Том си ја исчисти собата. Tom cleaned his room. Tom cleaned his room. Имам един съвет към тебе, Том. I have some advice for you, Tom. I have some advice for you, Tom. Тоа му беа последните зборови на Том. Those were Tom's last words. Those were Tom's last words. Искате ли да купите риза? Do you want to buy a shirt? Would you like to buy a shirt? Možeš li da mi dodaš daljinski? Could you pass me the remote? Can you pass me the remote? То је њихова књига. That book is theirs. It's their book. Мога да спя навсякъде. I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. Том стана во седум часот. Tom got up at 7:00. Tom got up at seven o'clock. Би сакал ли уште леб? Would you like some more bread? Would you like some more bread? To neće imati nikakvog efekta. That won't have an effect. It won't have any effect. Šta ste vas dve uradile? What did both of you do? What did you two do? Dobar dan, kako si? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Tom nas nikad nije ni video. Tom never even saw us. Tom never even saw us. Не очекувам ништо помалку од совршенство. I expect nothing less than perfection. I expect nothing less than perfection. Vetar se smirio. The wind has abated. The wind's calmed down. Tom je trenutno v redu. Tom is all right at the moment. Tom's fine right now. Подранили са. They're early. They're early. Не може ей така, както си ходиш насам-натам, да започнеш да злословиш по адрес на хората. You can't just walk around and start slandering people. You can't just go back and forth like you're going back and forth and start talking about people's addresses. Ти си мелем за душу. You're a sight for sore eyes. You're an angel for a soul. Imam nekoliko prijatelja. I have a few friends. I have a few friends. Внимавај! Look out! Look out! Навистина е гадно. It's really gross. It's really bad. To se ne zgodi pogosto. That doesn't happen often. This doesn't happen very often. Naporno sam učila dok sam bila u školi. I studied hard when I was in school. I studied hard when I was in school. Ofanziva je najefektivnija defanziva. The most effective defense is offense. The offensive is the most effective defensive. Оваа реченица има пет збора. This sentence has five words. This sentence has five words. Мажите всушност не се разликуваат толку од жените. Men aren't all that different from women. Men aren't really that different from women. Го видов Том со Мери. I saw Tom with Mary. I saw Tom with Mary. Вашият английски се подобрява. Your English is improving. Your English is getting better. Аз никога не бих ги наранила. I'd never hurt them. I would never hurt them. On je zgolj gledalec. Father is still in bed. He's just a viewer. Ти си чудовище. You're a monster. You're a monster. Слушај си ги учителите. Obey your teachers. Listen to your teachers. Danas ću ranije da odem s posla. I'm going to leave work early today. I'm leaving work early today. Ми се лоши. I'm feeling nauseous. I feel bad. То је све за данас. That's it for today. That's all for today. Тој е претерано дарежлив. He is generous to excess. He's overly generous. Всичко, което не е завинаги, е завинаги остаряло. All that is not eternal is eternally out of date. Everything that's not forever is aged forever. Не галами. Don't make a noise. Don't make any noise. Tužan sam što odlazim. I'm sad to be leaving. I'm sad to leave. Мука ми је од твог цмиздрења. I'm tired of your whining. I'm sick of your whining. Чаках месец. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Je nemožné naučiť sa po anglicky za krátky čas. It is impossible to master English in a short time. Is impossible to learn with an english for krátky time. Тешкото прашање е како. The difficult question is how. The hard question is how. Oni to mysleli vážne? Were they serious? They think it's important? Hodiny práve odbili tri hodiny. The clock has just struck three. Hodiny tried to turn down three hodneys. Oslepol. He went blind. Oslepol. Зарем не се радуваш што ме гледаш? Aren't you glad to see me? Aren't you glad to see me? Бъдете там тази вечер. Be there tonight. Be there tonight. Nie je dôvod sa báť. There's no reason to be afraid. Nie's a detachment with a báquel. To je problem koji sam moraš da rešiš. This is a problem you have to solve by yourself. That's the problem you have to solve yourself. Сигурно го губам слухот. I must be going deaf. I must be losing my hearing. Je li istina da Tom ne ume da čita i piše? Is it true Tom can't read or write? Is it true Tom can't read and write? Одличен беше. You were terrific. You did great. Вие сте наши гости. You're our guests. You're our guests. Živa istina. It's so true. It's true. Најмногу ќе ѝ помогне спиење. Sleep's the best thing for her. Sleep will help her the most. Той е завършил Йейл с почести през 1921. He graduated from Yale with honors in 1921. He graduated Yale with honors in 1921. Не разумем ову реч. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. Треба да го преболам Том. I need to get over Tom. I need to get over it, Tom. Djeca su bila željna pažnje. The children were hungry for affection. The children were eager for attention. Jesi li ikad video jednu? Have you ever seen one? Have you ever seen one? Зарем не сакаш да играш тенис? Aren't you fond of playing tennis? Don't you want to play tennis? Ангелите не чуваат и не водат. Angels guard and guide us. Angels guard us and guide us. Pretpostavio sam da ste zauzete. I assumed that you were busy. I assumed you were busy. Stratil sa bezostopy. He's disappeared without a trace. A strategist with footless. Трябва да използвам телефона. I have to use the phone. I need to use the phone. Ne čuješ često da je neko kupio šešir za hiljadu dolara. It's not very often that someone buys a thousand dollar hat. You don't often hear someone buy a thousand dollar hat. Напиши нешто. Write something. Write something. Сакам специфични информации. I want specific information. I want specific information. Razmisli ponovo. Think again. Think again. I ja sam našla nešto. I found something, too. I found something, too. Не знам какво имаш предвид. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Nikad ranije nisam spazio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never seen that before. Защо Том говори френски толкова добре? Why can Tom speak French so well? Why does Tom speak French so well? Се оладило. It has cooled off. It's getting cold. Ne mogu da se suzdržim. I can't help myself. I can't help myself. С какви пари разполагате? How much money do you have? What money do you have? Не съм виждал Том от няколко дена. I haven't seen Tom in days. I haven't seen Tom in a few days. Том доби мала пита. Tom got a little pie. Tom got a little pie. Можеби Том не сфаќа колку е вредна таа слика. Tom might not realize how valuable that painting is. Maybe Tom doesn't realize how valuable that picture is. Мислам дека можеби можам да ѝ помогнам. I think perhaps I can help her. I think maybe I can help her. Вие винаги пеете. You always sing. You always sing. Koje ti je godište auto? What year was your car made? What's your age car? Nikad pre nisam video nešto tako. I had never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it before. Slušaš li? Have you been listening? Are you listening? Би ли ми го прочела? Could you read this for me? Would you read it to me? Трябва да науча Том на това. I have to teach Tom that. I need to teach Tom about this. Идната неделя нали заминаваш за Лондон? You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? You're going to London next Sunday, aren't you? Како и да е, не го доби тоа што се надеваше. Anyway, she didn't get what she hoped for. Anyway, you didn't get what you hoped for. Би сакал чаша вино. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Tom će da se oporavi. Tom'll recover. Tom will recover. На Том му снема вода. Tom ran out of water. Tom ran out of water. Треба да го прашаме. We should ask him. We should ask him. Bývam tu. I live here. I'll be right here. Спазихме думата си. We kept our word. We kept our word. Kladim se da Tom nikad nije razgovarao sa tobom tako. I bet Tom never spoke to you like that. I bet Tom never talked to you like that. Трябва ми молив. I need a pencil. I need a pencil. Ќе дојде ли полиција? Will the police come? Is the police coming? Някога чел ли си някакви френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read any French verses? Смее ли да дојдеме и ние? Can we come? Can we come? Chceš si naozaj kúpiť počítač v tom obchode? Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store? What are you gonna do, put your head back on the trigger in that chochode? Можеби тоа нема да биде толку тешко колку што мислиш дека ќе биде. That might not be as hard as you think it's going to be. Maybe it won't be as hard as you think it will be. Tom nepije kávu. Tom doesn't drink coffee. Tom doesn't drink coffee. Stvarno sam srećan što sam ovde. I'm really happy I'm here. I'm really happy to be here. John je jučer došao u Japan. John came to Japan yesterday. John came to Japan yesterday. Вземете си палтото. Get your coat. Take your coat. Svi idu. Everyone's going. Everybody's going. Не ме оставяйте да умра тук. Don't let me die here. Don't let me die here. Nismo bili dovoljno pažljivi. We weren't cautious enough. We weren't careful enough. To me ne iznenađuje. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Да се махаме. Let's leave. Let's get out of here. Пази. Тоа е жесток бик. Be careful. It's a fierce bull. It's a hot bull. Možeš li da je zamoliš da me pozove? Could you ask her to call me? Can you ask her to call me? Ова е Јупитер или бик? Is this Jupiter or a bull? Is this Jupiter or the bull? Току-що създадох нов текстообработваща програма, с която думите може да произнасят наобратно. I've just invented a new word processor allowing to pronounce words backwards. I just created a new text processing program with which words can express backwards. Том чул сѐ што рекле. Tom heard everything they said. Tom heard everything they said. Почти десет часа е. It is almost ten o'clock. It's almost ten o'clock. Сончевата светлина е наводно најдобро средство за дезинфекција. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants. The sunlight is supposed to be the best disinfectant. Zvedavosť zabila mačku. Curiosity killed the cat. She's hit the cat. Da li bi želeo da pođeš sa mnom? Would you like to go with me? Would you like to come with me? Том говори френски много по-добре отколкото Мери. Tom speaks French much better than Mary does. Tom speaks French much better than Mary. Загрижени се за него. They're concerned about him. They're worried about him. Сакав да го повредам Том. I wanted to hurt Tom. I wanted to hurt Tom. Успя ли да свършиш всичко, което искаше? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Did you manage to do everything you wanted? Морав да ја уапсам. I had to arrest her. I had to arrest her. Poverio sam ti svoju tajnu a ti si me izdao. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. Nemojte da vičete. Don't yell. Don't yell. Том пие многу вода. Tom drinks a lot of water. Tom drinks a lot of water. Oheň planie. The fire is burning furiously. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Том ме засмејава. Tom makes me laugh. Tom makes me laugh. Имаш ли някакви пари? Don't you have any money? Do you have any money? Знам кого штитиш. I know who you're protecting. I know who you're protecting. Том може да пее няколко френски песни. Tom can sing some French songs. Tom can sing some French songs. Возот помина низ тунел. The train traversed a tunnel. The train went through the tunnel. Odídem zajtra, v každom prípade. I will leave tomorrow, in any event. I'll go first thing in the oatmeal. Няма да купя нищо. I'm not buying anything. I'm not buying anything. Имате ли нещо против да отворите прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind opening the window? Da li je sve rešeno sad? Is it all resolved now? Is everything settled now? Том и Мери се спогледаха и станаха. Tom and Mary looked at each other and stood up. Tom and Mary looked at each other and got up. Mislio sam da ćeš da budeš zauzeta. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Мисля, че ще ти бъде много интересен. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. Ne zanima me šta on kaže. I don't care what he says. I don't care what he says. Паричникот ми е во џеб. My wallet's in my pocket. My wallet's in my pocket. Не ме пришпорвай. Мисля. Don't rush me. I'm thinking. Don't push me. На Том му е много по-лесно да говори на английски, отколкото на френски. Tom finds it much easier to speak English than French. Tom is much easier to speak English than in French. Том ми иде на живце. Tom is getting under my skin. Tom's getting on my nerves. Подобро оди помогни му. You'd better go help him. You better go help him. Научих доста. I learned quite a bit. I've learned a lot. Што содржи? What does it contain? What does it contain? Мразя френския. I hate French. I hate French. Ne stidim se toga. I'm not ashamed of that. I'm not ashamed of it. Празна је. It's empty. It's empty. Те мразеха Том. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Драго ми е што можам да бидам твој. I am happy that I can be yours. I'm glad I can be yours. Не трябва да чакате тук. You shouldn't wait here. You don't have to wait here. Том ми кажа дека планира да оди во Бостон. Tom told me he was planning to go to Boston. Tom told me he's planning on going to Boston. Искам да останеш тук. I want you to stay here. I want you to stay here. Децата мислеха, че родителите им са направени от пари. The children thought that their parents were made of money. The kids thought their parents were made of money. Состаноците се одржуваа на интервали. The meetings were held at intervals. Meetings were held at intervals. Забравих си адреса на електронната поща. I forgot my email address. I forgot my e-mail address. Миналия месец се простудих. I caught a cold last month. I missed it last month. Не троши речи узалуд. Save your breath. Don't waste your words for nothing. Аз съм твоят брат. I'm your brother. I'm your brother. Ovde sam da bih igrala bejzbol. I'm here to play baseball. I'm here to play baseball. Скоро идва Коледа. Christmas is coming soon. Christmas is coming soon. Просто многу се гордеам со тебе. I'm just so proud of you. I'm just so proud of you. Osećam se loše jer sam lagala. I feel bad about lying. I feel bad because I lied. Пешачиме до школо заедно. We walk to school together. We walk to school together. Моля ви, дайте ми възглавница и одеяло. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Го чув како шмрка. I heard him sniffle. I heard him sniff. Така би било логично. That's the logical thing to do. That would make sense. Еј, почекај малку. Hey, wait a second. Hey, wait a minute. Nemojte da gledate. Don't look. Don't look. Том призна това. Tom admitted that. Tom admitted that. Dođi ovamo unutra. Come on in here. Come in here. Nisam baš toliko pametan. I'm not all that smart. I'm not that smart. Пробавме да ги натераме да ни кажат. We tried to get them to tell us. We tried to get them to tell us. Том не го бидува за спорт. Tom is bad at sports. Tom's not good for sports. Том си изкара чудесно, когато отиде в Бостън. Tom had a wonderful time when he went to Boston. Tom did great when he went to Boston. Не е нужно да го правите веднага. You needn't do it at once. You don't have to do this right now. Da li obično delujem srećno? Do I usually seem happy? Do I usually look happy? Дан го посети ресторанот минатото лето. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Dan visited the restaurant last summer. Tomove roletne su spuštene. Tom's blinds are closed. Tom's rollers are down. Оној што може да ги чуе пеперутките како се смеат знае и каков вкус имаат облаците. Whoever can listen to butterflies laughing can also know how clouds taste. The one who can hear butterflies laughing knows what the clouds taste like. Мери сака мода и шминка. Mary likes fashion and makeup. Mary likes fashion and makeup. Vezmem ťa tam. I'll take you there. I've got it in there. Ovdje smo večeras zbog dobrog razloga. We're here tonight for a good cause. We're here tonight for a good reason. Испоставило се да је тачно. It turned out to be true. Turns out it's true. Ќе ти треба помош. You're going to need help. You're gonna need help. Мисля, че е по-добре да дойдете с мене. I think you'd better come with me. I think you'd better come with me. Хайде на работа. Let's work. Let's get to work. Никој нема да ти досаѓа. No one will bother you. No one will bother you. Работехме заедно. We were working together. We worked together. Таа вешто ракува со пила. She handles a saw very well. She's skillfully handling a saw. Том се помачи да остане спокоен. Tom did his best to stay calm. Tom's trying to stay calm. Поръчах ти бира. I've ordered you a beer. I ordered you a beer. Hajde u kamion. Let's get in the truck. Let's get in the truck. Ручао сам на брзину. I ate a hasty lunch. I had lunch in a hurry. Ручао сам са њом. I had lunch with her. I had lunch with her. Том реше дека Мери врши лошо влијание. Tom said Mary was a bad influence. Tom decided that Mary had a bad influence. Каква е минималната заплата в Мароко? What's the minimum salary in Morocco? What's the minimum wage in Morocco? Имам остър нож. I have a sharp knife. I have a sharp knife. Какво правиш братле? What are you doing bro? What are you doing, bro? Šta doktor misli da nije u redu sa tvojim ramenom? What does the doctor think is wrong with your shoulder? What does the doctor think is wrong with your shoulder? Јас тука многу сум зафатен. I'm very busy in here. I'm very busy here. Дан пушеша марихуана со Линда. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. He was smoking marijuana with Linda. Кој ти е шеф? Who's your boss? Who's your boss? Имам трима сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. To je začetek nove dobe. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new age. Кен играе футбол всеки ден. Ken plays soccer every day. Ken plays football every day. Već sam pokušala. I've already tried. I've already tried. Начинила сам први корак. I took the first step. I made the first move. Дојди на прошетка со мене. Take a walk with me. Come for a walk with me. Reci mi šta će se desiti. Tell me what'll happen. Tell me what's gonna happen. Moram da uđem unutra. I've got to get inside. I need to get inside. Iskrena da budem, ne znam baš. To be honest, I really don't know. To be honest, I don't know. Цвеќињата брзо венеат откако ќе ги пресечеш. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers die quickly after you cut them. Живот почиње онда, када схватимо ко смо ми заправо. Life begins when we realize who we really are. Life starts when we figure out who we really are. Во собата беше тишина. The room was silent. There was silence in the room. Взимаш си нещо за пиене, пробиваш си път с лакти до шведската маса и ядеш като прасе! You take a drink, then you elbow to the buffet and eat like a pig! You take something to drink, you make your way to the buffet and you eat like a pig! Минал си се. You've been had. You passed. Не ги замолив да дојдат тука. I didn't ask them to come here. I didn't ask them to come here. Трябва да ядеш повече зеленчуци. You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. Том не може да стане. Tom can't get up. Tom can't stand up. To bi trebalo da nam uštedi nešto para. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. Ви мора да сте нови овде. You must be new here. You must be new here. Ме платија да го насликам Том. I got paid to paint Tom's picture. They paid me to paint Tom. Mogla bih da te ubijem sad. I could kill you now. I could kill you now. Кое ти е любимото анимационно? What's your favorite cartoon? What's your favorite animation? Той използва времето си добре. He makes good use of his time. He's using his time well. Sme priatelia. We're friends. We're allowed to be friends. Направи го сега. Do it now. Do it now. Том не беше човек со којшто е лесно да се слагаш. Tom wasn't an easy person to get along with. Tom wasn't the kind of guy you could get along with. Том е развалина. Tom is a nervous wreck. Tom's a wreck. Сакав да се замијам. I wanted to wash up. I wanted to hang out. Френският е един от езиците, които винаги съм искал да науча. French is one of the languages I've always wanted to learn. French is one of the languages I've always wanted to learn. Не вичи на мене. Don't shout at me. Don't yell at me. Voleo bih da odem. I'd love to go. I'd like to leave. Sve je prestalo. Everything stopped. It's all stopped. Da bi se pridužio horu, neophodno je da umeš da čitaš note. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. To join the choir, it's essential that you know how to read notes. Том купи весник и го прочита во воз додека одеше на работа. Tom bought a newspaper and read it on the train on the way to work. Tom bought the paper and read it on the train while he was going to work. Немам вотка. I don't have vodka. I don't have vodka. Jesam li te zvala? Did I invite you? Did I call you? Продължава да се случва. It keeps happening. It's still happening. Зовем се Џек. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Možda nam Tom može pomoći da shvatimo kako da rešimo ovaj problem. Maybe Tom can help us figure out how to solve this problem. Maybe Tom can help us figure out how to solve this problem. Ми се оствари сонот. My dream came true. My dream came true. Kad je ovakvo vreme, najbolje je da sediš kući i ne ideš napolje. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. When this is the time, it's best to sit at home and not go outside. Tom je izvadio neku ličnu kartu. Tom pulled out some ID. Tom pulled out some I.D. Идеята която обсъждахме в клас вчера наистина привлече вниманието ми. That idea we were discussing in class yesterday really piqued my interest. The idea we discussed in class yesterday really caught my attention. Сите седнаа. Everybody sat down. They all sat down. Magdalena a Lech majú trinásť rokov. Magdalena and Lech are thirteen. Magdalena a Lech mayú trinású deadlines. Nikada je više neću videti. Never will I see her again. I'll never see her again. Smesta mi odgovori. Answer me right now. Answer me immediately. Престани да бринеш. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. Денес изгледаат зафатено. They look busy today. They look busy today. Другата неделя ще се женя. I'm getting married next Sunday. I'm getting married next Sunday. Преподавам френски. I teach French. I teach French. Тома је луд за Маријом. Tom is crazy about Mary. Tom's crazy about Maria. Ти личи ли Том на човек што се плаши од некого? Does Tom seem like he's afraid of anyone? Does Tom look like a man who's afraid of someone? Просто не можах да накарам Том да разбере. I just couldn't make Tom understand. I just couldn't get Tom to find out. Da li si odlučila šta ćeš da radiš? Have you decided what you're going to do? Have you decided what you're gonna do? Од Том ми е тоа. I got that from Tom. It's Tom's. Том се самоуби. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. Кучето ли му го даде? Did you give him that dog? Did you give him the dog? Хайде да играем баскетбол след училище. Let's play basketball after school. Let's play basketball after school. Чух те да приказваш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. Šta pije? What is she drinking? What's he drinking? Preuveličavao sam. I exaggerated. I was exaggerating. Учителят ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. Много ми липсваше. I've really missed you. I missed you so much. Верата подразбира да се надеваш на она на коешто разумот не може да се надева. Faith consists in believing what reason cannot. Faith means hope for what reason cannot hope for. По време на пресконференцията, президентът засегна темата за международните отношения. During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations. During the press conference, the president addressed the topic of international relations. Uradila je ono što joj je rečeno. She did what she was told. She did what she was told. Он је отрчао од ње. He ran away from her. He ran away from her. Не ѝ го разбра вицот. He didn't get her joke. She didn't get the joke. Kada ćemo da počnemo da jedemo? When are we going to start eating? When do we start eating? Сите сакаат траен мир. Everyone wants continuous peace. Everyone wants lasting peace. Еве како го направив тоа. This is how I did it. Here's how I did it. Има копче на внатрешната страна од вратата. There's a button on the inner side of the door. There's a button on the inside of the door. Tom mrzi svoju malu spavaću sobu. Tom hates his tiny bedroom. Tom hates his little bedroom. Не мърдай! Stand still! Don't move! Това не е изкуство. Това е вагина със зъби. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. It's not art, it's a vagina with teeth. Не е нужно да учиш теология, за да бъдеш вярващ. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. You don't have to study theology to be a believer. Мислех, че ще сте уморени. I thought you'd be tired. I thought you'd be tired. Hajde ustani, Tome. Come on up, Tom. Come on, get up, Tom. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven't read it yet. Kako je ovo tvoja krivica? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? Го мавна кучето со камен. He threw a stone at a dog. He hit the dog with a stone. Mislim da je to gubljenje vremena. I think it's a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time. Kakvu hranu voliš da kuvaš? What kind of food do you like to cook? What kind of food do you like to cook? Možda nije dovoljno. It might not be enough. Maybe it's not enough. Začnite spolupracovať. Team up. Start polupracová. Videla sam mačku. I saw the cat. I saw the cat. Том навидум често не сфаќа што се дешава. Tom doesn't seem to understand what's going on. Tom seemingly doesn't often realize what's going on. Има цреша пред мојата куќа. There is a cherry tree in front of my house. There's a cherry outside my house. Кивна сам на Тома. I'm angry with Tom. I don't care about Tom. Upravo smo ju vidjeli. We just saw her. We just saw her. Tvoje vrijeme je isteklo. Your time is up. Your time is up. Možda sam i antisocijalan, ali to ne znači da ne pričam sa ljudima. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may be antisocial, but that doesn't mean I don't talk to people. На диета съм. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. Nikad nisam bio na kampovanju. I've never been camping. I've never been camping. Преку глава ли ти е од мене? Are you sick of me? Are you sick of me? Druhým klamať môžeš, ale sám seba neoklameš. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. Druhým Klamáš, but I am self-chamber. Да речеме сега засега дека си во право. Let's say for the moment that you're right. Let's just say for now that you're right. Забранено е да се пуши в сградите на училището. It is forbidden to smoke on school premises. It's forbidden to smoke in school buildings. Тя ме попита ще бъда ли свободен идната неделя. She asked me if I would be free next Sunday. She asked me if I'd be free next Sunday. Taj bicikl treba popraviti. This bike needs to be repaired. That bike needs to be fixed. Што мислиш дека направил Том? What do you think Tom did? What do you think Tom did? Potreban ti je jedan od ovih. You need one of those. You need one of these. Moraš da se fokusiraš na svoje vrline. You need to focus on your strengths. You need to focus on your virtues. Možeš li da rešiš ovaj problem? Can you solve this problem? Can you solve this problem? Пред да си легнам, испив три апчиња против настинка. Before going to bed, I took three pills to stop a cold. Before I went to bed, I had three cold pills. Pravila sam se da ne znam šta se dešava. I pretended that I didn't know what was happening. I pretended I didn't know what was going on. Том може да дойде тук. Tom may come here. Tom can come here. Sretno s poslom! Good luck with your work! Good luck with the job! Tom je stoički podnosio bol. Tom bore the pain stoically. Tom had Stoic pain. Ти си много смела. You are very brave. You're very brave. Не ми беше жал за нив. I don't feel sorry for them. I wasn't sorry about them. Момичето ми не знае. My girlfriend doesn't know. My girl doesn't know. Аз едва съм започнал. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Ne želim ništa od tebe. I don't want anything from you. I don't want anything from you. Zašto je slikanje vozova toliko zanimljivo? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Why is taking pictures of trains so interesting? Tomov deda je poznavao mog dedu. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Някога чувал ли си някой да говори на френски? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard anyone speak French? Дан го мавна Мет и го принуди да ѝ се извини на Линда. Dan hit Matt and forced him to apologize to Linda. Dan waved Matt and forced him to apologize to Linda. Не трябва да ходиш. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. Vrtlarenje je zabavno. Gardening is fun. Gardening is fun. Jeste li dobro, narode? Are you guys doing well? Are you all right, folks? Генерално, деца воле слаткише. In general, children are fond of candy. In general, kids like candy. Не съм сигурен, че това е правилно. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure that's right. Не си видел таков, нели? You haven't seen one, have you? You haven't seen one of those, have you? Спремни бевме. We were ready. We were ready. Том запали двигателя. Tom started the engine. Tom, start the engine. Баш на време! Just in time! Just in time! Избегао је опасност. He avoided danger. He escaped danger. Няма трева на луната. There is no grass on the moon. There's no grass on the moon. Го прашав Том дали ќе може да го подготви тоа до 2:30. I asked Tom if he could have it ready by 2:30. I asked Tom if he'd be able to prepare that by 2:30. Не разбирам зошто сакаш да го направиш тоа. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do this. Аз съм от ФБР. I'm from the FBI. I'm with the FBI. Кога беше последният път, когато пътува с влак? When was the last time you travelled by train? When was the last time you took a train? Какво ви пречи да направите едно изследване? What's stopping you from doing a study? What bothers you to do a study? Полицијата најде отпечатоци од чевли на местото на злосторството. The police found shoe impressions at the crime scene. Police found prints on the crime scene's shoes. Zainteresovan sam. I'm interested. I'm interested. Немој да дојдам по тебе, Том. Don't make me come after you, Tom. Don't let me come get you, Tom. Тоа ќе биде тешко. That'll be difficult. That's gonna be hard. To je bila teška odluka. It was a hard decision. It was a tough decision. Трябва да реша какви са ми приоритетите. I have to prioritize. I have to decide what my priorities are. Napušteno je. It's deserted. It's abandoned. Том не сака да дојде со нас. Tom doesn't want to come with us. Tom won't come with us. Кога го посетивте Бостон? When did you visit Boston? When did you visit Boston? Ko je Tom? Da li je on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Who's Tom? To više ne igra nikakvu ulogu. It's not important anymore. That doesn't play a part anymore. За мен една среща следобед е по-добър вариант. An afternoon appointment is more convenient for me. For me, a meeting this afternoon is a better option. Морамо да припремимо терен за преговоре. We have to set the scene for negotiations. We need to prepare the ground for negotiations. Баща ми управлява ресторант. My father runs a restaurant. My dad runs a restaurant. Том нѐ измамил. Tom has tricked us. Tom tricked us. В "Деня на майката" подарих на майка ми деветнайсет цветя. I gave my mother 19 flowers on Mother's Day. In Mother's Day, I gave my mother 19 flowers. Доволен ли си, Том? Are you satisfied, Tom? Are you happy, Tom? Bezbednije je. It's safer. It's safer. Колико кошта овај шешир? How much does this hat cost? How much does this hat cost? Размислив за она што го кажа Том. I thought about what Tom said. I thought about what Tom said. Откъде знаете? How do you know? How do you know? Da li je išta od ovoga tačno? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? Колко пъти годишно ходите до брега? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year do you go to the beach? Tom je želeo da bude dobro. Tom wanted to be good. Tom wanted to be okay. Има уште многу. I have a lot more. There's plenty more. Къде си ги изхвърлила? Where did you throw them away? Where'd you throw them? Chcem vediet kto s nami ostáva. I want to know who's staying with us. I'll tell you what's left with us. Трябва да пробвате да научите малко френски. You should try to learn a little French. You should try to learn a little French. Ne želim ići u Italiju. I don't want to go to Italy. I don't want to go to Italy. Dovlači guzicu ovamo! Get your ass over here! Get your ass over here! Дали Том изгледаше вознемирено? Did Tom seem upset? Did Tom seem upset? Не ликувај толку за тоа. Don't look so happy about it. Don't like it so much. Kupujem mnogo stvari u toj prodavnici. I buy loads of stuff at that store. I buy a lot of stuff in that store. Ja chcem zomrieť s Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I'm gonna zoom in with Getter Jaani. Ги победи. You've defeated them. You beat them. И двете сме од Бостон. We're both from Boston. We're both from Boston. Grozen teden je bil. It was a terrible week. It's been a terrible week. Стој! Freeze! Stop! Моите кучиња се бели. My dogs are white. My dogs are white. Sú priatelia už viac ako 20 rokov. They have been friends for more than 20 years. Sú pritelia rope if 20 deadlines. Kako si našla Tomovo skrovište? How did you find Tom's hiding place? How did you find Tom's hideout? Така и не те видях. I never saw you. I never saw you like that. Računalnik zna povezati na internet. He knows how to connect his computer to the Internet. The computer knows how to connect to the Internet. Tom je nepodoban. Tom is a misfit. Tom's unsuitable. Ali bi lahko psa sprehajal? Could you walk the dog? Do you think you could walk a dog? Танковете не се страхуват от калта. Tanks aren't afraid of dirt. Tanks aren't afraid of mud. Vjerujem znanosti. I trust science. I believe in science. Утре вечерта свободен ли си? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Зошто Том беше таму внатре? Why was Tom in there? Why was Tom in there? Том сакаше Мери да му дојде на забавата. Tom wanted Mary to be at his party. Tom wanted Mary to come to the party. Все още съм малко зает. I'm still a little busy. I'm still a little busy. Vi uvijek pjevate. You always sing. You always sing. Nikad ne znaš šta će biti sutra. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Знам што се случи на училиште денес. I know what happened at school today. I know what happened at school today. Imate li pitanja? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? Том е бърз. Tom is fast. Tom's fast. Ovo su mi najbolji drugari. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Tom je umro u snu. Tom died in his sleep. Tom died in his sleep. Часовникът ти верен ли е? Is your watch correct? Is your watch faithful? Не знам како се нашло тоа таму. I don't know how that got there. I don't know how it got there. Още не съм допуснал грешка. I haven't made a mistake yet. I haven't made a mistake yet. Том остави Мери да го целуне. Tom let Mary kiss him. Tom let Mary kiss him. Nekoliko ljudi je ubijeno. Several people were killed. Several people were killed. То ће трајати читаву вечност. That's going to take forever. It'll take forever. Сградата е почти на приключване. This building is near completion. The building's almost finished. Znanje nas oslobađa i čini nas boljim ljudima. Knowledge sets us free and makes us better people. Knowledge frees us and makes us better people. Това е снимката, която направих на Томовата къща. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took at Tom's house. Nevyhadzujte nič z okna. Do not throw anything out of the window. Nevyhadzie nothing from the window. Не буди безобразан према мени! Don't be fresh with me. Don't be rude to me! Том отглежда домати в градината си. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Tom's growing tomatoes in his garden. Pogledajmo to ponovo. Let's watch that again. Let's look at it again. Он не жели да изгубише целу недељу. He doesn't want you to lose a whole week. He doesn't want to lose all week. To je bila lažna uzbuna. It was a false alarm. It was a false alarm. Том делува очајно. Tom seems desperate. Tom seems desperate. Можеби Том ќе оди во Бостон со Мери. Tom might go to Boston with Mary. Maybe Tom's going to Boston with Mary. Toliko toga ste me naučili. You've taught me so much. You've taught me so much. Зашто је љубав тако тешка? Why is love so difficult? Why is love so hard? Идемо у биоскоп. We are going to the cinema. Let's go to the movies. Би сакал маринирана риба и морски плодови. I would like marinated fish and seafood. I'd like marinated fish and seafood. Нема да ти помогнам. I won't assist you. I'm not gonna help you. Chcem žiť v meste. I want to live in the city. I'm walking into cities. Чувството беше заемно. I felt the same way. The feeling was mutual. Том претрча по удолницата. Tom ran down the hill. Tom ran down the valley. Сигурнa съм, че сте много заета. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Училището започва в осем и половина. School begins at half past eight. School starts at eight and a half. Да се върнем. Let's come back. Let's go back. Tom radi kao kelner, ali traži bolji posao. Tom is working as a waiter, but he's looking for a better job. Tom works as a waiter, but he's looking for a better job. Molim te, pošalji mi tvoju sliku. Please send me your picture. Please send me your picture. Аз знам малко френски. I can speak a little French. I know a little French. Choďte naspäť na loď. Get back to the ship. Cho'te nassupé na losa. Zgrabi ga. Grab him. Grab him. Ти фали нешто? Do you need anything? You miss something? Tom je ozbiljno povređen u nezgodi. Tom was seriously injured in the accident. Tom was seriously injured in the accident. Како би ја опишал? How would you describe her? How would you describe her? Како је твоје пуно име? What's your full name? What's your full name? Къде се научи да говориш френски? Where did you learn to speak French? Where did you learn to speak French? Том ми кажа дека треба да се погрижи за некои ствари. Tom told me he has a few things to take care of. Tom told me he had things to take care of. Остави го ова тука. Leave this here. Leave this here. Жестоко грешиш. You're dead wrong. You're making a terrible mistake. Сигурен ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it away? Ќе го направиш ли истото? Will you do the same? Will you do the same? Това безмитен магазин ли е? Is this a duty-free shop? Is this a small-time store? Izlazi. Get out. Get out. Том сѐ уште не знае да плива. Tom can't swim yet. Tom still can't swim. Кървят ли ти венците? Do your gums bleed? Are your wrists bleeding? Има ябълка на масата. There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the table. Юми ще стане учител. Yumi will become a teacher. Yumi will be a teacher. Ти си най-добрият ми приятел. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Луд је ко струја. He is as nutty as a fruitcake. He's crazy about electricity. Poišči Boga, če ga lahko Find God, if you can. Find a God, if you can. Том не се зеза. Tom isn't kidding. Tom's not kidding. Зошто би те уплашило тоа? Why would that scare you? Why would that scare you? Не можам да ја најдам адресата на хотелот. I can't find the address of my hotel. I can't find the address of the hotel. Дај да сменам тема. Let me change the subject. Let me change the subject. Ще ти го дам назаем. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. Без разлика што правиш, мораш да дадеш се од себе. No matter what you may do, you must do your best. No matter what you do, you have to do your best. Jesi li se potpuno oporavila? Are you fully recovered? Have you fully recovered? Živimo u kući. We live in a house. We live in a house. Veverička, čo tu žije, žerie všetky naše kamélie. Our resident squirrel eats all our camellias. A squirrel, a man here reaps our kamélie. Том ме дружеше. Tom kept me company. Tom used to keep me company. Звучи интересно. It sounds interesting. Sounds interesting. Ne znači da je nešto dobra ideja samo zato što je moguće. Just because something is possible doesn't make it a good idea. Doesn't mean something's a good idea just because it's possible. Можеме да почнеме вечерва. We can begin tonight. We can start tonight. Ти си шефът! You're the boss! You're the boss! Том почина вчера. Tom passed away yesterday. Tom died yesterday. Потребна му је. He needs her. He needs it. Том почна да се смее. Tom started to laugh. Tom started laughing. Пихме доста. We drank a lot. We've had a lot to drink. Каква е минималната заплата в Русия? What's the minimum salary in Russia? What is the minimum wage in Russia? Ни треба нешто што ќе ни ги оттргне мислите од проблемите. We need to do something to take our minds off our problems. We need something to remove our thoughts from our problems. Da vidimo. Let's see. Let's see. Крие се в гардероба. He's hiding in the closet. He's hiding in the closet. Ja sam žena. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic beverages? Искам да знам повече за тебе, Том. I want to know more about you, Tom. I want to know more about you, Tom. Тој се колебаше неколку секунди. He hesitated for a second. He hesitated for a few seconds. Тя знае ли ви? Does she know you? Does she know you? Бевме под напад. We were under attack. We were under attack. Таа не се појави. She failed to appear. She didn't show up. Трябва да отивам до болницата. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Vožnja do posla od sat i po smara. Driving for one and a half hours to get to work is a bear. A ride to work by the hour and a half. Ima li života poslije smrti? Is there life before death? Is there life after death? Jaz sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Том е винаги отнесен. Tom is always daydreaming. Tom's always been taken. Ovo je bilo ugodno iskustvo. That was a good experience. This has been a pleasant experience. To ti je cela mudrost! Bob's your uncle. That's all your wisdom! Vzemite kolikor hočete. Take as much as you want. Take as much as you want. Зошто накривнуваш? Why are you limping? Why are you blaming me? Šetali smo kroz park. We strolled through the park. We walked through the park. Си го солам омлетот. I am shaking salt on my omelette. I'm salting my omelet. Това може и да е било вярно, когато си била дете, но вече не е. That may have been true when you were a kid, but it's not true anymore. That may have been true when you were a child, but it's not anymore. Реших, че може да си ми ядосана. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Том вешто ги прикри сите свои грешки. Tom carefully covered up all his mistakes. Tom skillfully covered up all his mistakes. Ти умееш да распознаваш детски гласови без проблеми. You can identify children's voices without any problem. You know how to recognize children's voices without problems. Ќе го направам тоа, ако не ти пречи. I'll do it if you don't mind. I'll do it if you don't mind. Svi su preživeli. Everyone survived. They all survived. Смртта на баба ми беше голем шок. The death of my grandmother was a great shock. My grandmother's death was a big shock. Posao policije je da sprečava i istražuje kriminal. The police's job is to prevent and investigate crime. The job of the police is to prevent and investigate crime. Skinuo se. He took off his clothes. He took his clothes off. Погледни во огледалото, брат. Look in the mirror, pal. Look in the mirror, brother. Gledali su ga kao kolovođu slučaja ubojstva. They regarded him as the ringleader of the murder case. They looked at him as the headmaster of the murder case. Би требало да му дадеш малку простор. You should give him some space. You should give him some space. Ti si moja inspiracija. You're my inspiration. You're my inspiration. Hoću mač! I want a sword! I want a sword! Mislim da je moguće uraditi to. I think it's doable. I think it's possible to do that. Нека ти разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about me. Kako mogu znati da me nećeš prijaviti nakon što ti pomognem? How do I know you won't turn me in after I help you? How do I know you won't report me after I help you? Iznenađena sam Tomovim odgovorom. I'm surprised by Tom's response. I'm surprised by Tom's answer. Възстановен ли съм на длъжност? Am I reinstated? Am I in office? Oni se razlikuju kao nebo i zemlja. They are as different as day and night. They differ as heaven and earth. Том вели дека се навикнал на болничка храна. Tom says he's gotten used to eating hospital food. Tom says he's used to hospital food. Ти си тужан. You're sad. You're sad. Ovih dana imam probleme sa pamćenjem. Lately I've been having trouble with my memory. I have memory problems these days. Достатъчно ми беше, благодаря ти. I've had enough, thank you. I've had enough, thank you. Ајнштајн се сметал себеси за филозоф. Einstein regarded himself a philosopher. Einstein considered himself a philosopher. Сите покажаа кон неа. Everyone pointed at her. They all pointed at her. Кажу, љубав је слепа. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Ne stavljaj laktove na sto. Keep your elbows off the table. Don't put elbows on the table. Ти испеков векна леб. I baked you a loaf of bread. I baked you a loaf of bread. Milujem baseball. I love baseball. I like baseball. Том бил уволнен. Tom was fired. Tom was fired. Това е хотелът, в който Том обикновено отсяда. This is the hotel where Tom usually stays. This is the hotel where Tom usually stays. Гангстерите изнудија голема сума пари од богаташот. The gangsters extorted a vast sum of money from the rich man. The gangsters are extorting a lot of money from the rich guy. Том веднаш дојде. Tom came right over. Tom showed up right away. Постојано те сонувам. I keep dreaming about you. I dream about you all the time. Не сакам тој да знае каде живеам. I don't want him to know where I live. I don't want him to know where I live. Već sam bila tamo. I've already been there. I've been there before. Доаѓам. I'm coming. I'm coming. Дръж топката с две ръце. Hold the ball with both hands. Hold the ball with two hands. Не съм те виждал тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I've never seen you around here before. Да ја оставиме темава. Let's drop the subject. Let's drop the subject. Заслужуваше подобро. You deserved better. You deserved better. Тук няма нищо. There's nothing here. There's nothing here. Роден съм в годината, когато войната свърши. I was born the year the war ended. I was born the year the war ended. Nema posledica. It's of no consequence. There's no consequence. Треба да се рекламираме на телевизија. We need to advertise on television. We're supposed to be advertising on TV. Шта кажу новине? What do the papers say? What do the newspapers say? Това е мястото, където Том е роден. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. Nisam oprao kosu. I haven't washed my hair. I didn't wash my hair. Да ли је Том извукао дебљи крај? Is Tom getting a raw deal? Did Tom get the thicker end? Ја мразев. I hated her. I hated her. Budućnost izgleda mračno za Edmond Dantesa, pošto je postao žrtva zavere, on je osuđen za izdaju i poslat doživotno u zatvor. The future looked bleak for Edmond Dantes after he became the victim of a conspiracy, and he was convicted for treason and imprisoned for life. The future looks dark for Edmond Dantes, after becoming a victim of a conspiracy, he was convicted of treason and sent to prison for life. Jeste li umešani u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? Том има два избора. Tom has two choices. Tom has two choices. Извинете, сум се јавил на грешен број. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. Sorry, I called the wrong number. Това е малко разфокусирано. That's a little out of focus. It's a bit of a focus. Moraš da govoriš glasnije. You've got to speak up. You need to talk louder. To je stôl. This is a table. It's Steôl. Sreo sam tvog oca jučer. I met your dad yesterday. I met your father yesterday. Сѐ уште не си отишле. They haven't left. They haven't left yet. Човекът, на когото вярвах, ме предаде. The man I trusted betrayed me. The man I trusted betrayed me. Само малко ревнувам. I'm a little bit jealous. I'm just a little jealous. Pamätám si ich. I remember them. Pamätám Ich. Potrebni su jedni drugima. They needed one another. They need each other. Tek sam stigla. I've only just arrived. I just got here. Tomáš nemá poňatia, čo urobiť so všetkými nepotrebnými vecami v jeho garáži. Tom has no idea what to do with all the junk in his garage. Tomáš can't take it, man the spells are the unnecessary ones that are bigger in the dish of the garráža. Том не можа да повярва, че Мери наистина го обича. Tom couldn't believe that Mary really loved him. Tom couldn't believe Mary really loved him. Демократија – најгора форма управљања, ако се не узму у обзир сви остали облици испробани до сада. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. Democracy - the worst form of governance, if not taken into account all other forms tested so far. Pogrešam Michaela Jackosna I miss Michael Jackson. I miss Michael Jackosson. Najlepši cvetovi imaju najoštrije trnje. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. To nije prava stvar. It's not the real thing. It's not the right thing to do. Она више није дете. She's not a child anymore. She's not a child anymore. Monasi su umeli da igraju tenis u manastirima. Monks used to play tennis in monasteries. The monks used to play tennis in monasterys. Френският не е моят първи език. French isn't my first language. French is not my first language. Се има свои граници. There is a limit to everything. Everything has its limits. Мисля, че трябва да си починеш за известно време. I think you ought to rest a while. I think you should rest for a while. Моля говорете по-бавно. Please speak more slowly. Please speak slowly. Нели е тоа необично? Isn't that curious? Isn't that unusual? Ne prilazi mojoj devojci. Stay away from my girlfriend. Don't come near my girl. Полетът ти е отменен. Your flight's canceled. Your flight has been cancelled. Šta kažeš da uradim to? How about I do that? What do you say I do that? Не бих га повредила. I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't hurt him. Се ежам од Том. Tom freaks me out. Tom gives me the creeps. Не ми се допаѓа Бостон. I don't like Boston. I don't like Boston. Имам други планове за тебе. I have other plans for you. I have other plans for you. To je pomalo bilo čudno. It was kind of strange. That was kind of weird. Не е дека не си бил во право. You weren't wrong. It's not like you were wrong. Брат ми живее в едно малко село. My brother lives in a small village. My brother lives in a small village. Večeras ću je pozvati. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call her tonight. Музиката е само љубовта во потрага по зборови. Music is only love looking for words. Music is just love in search of words. Сите се исконтролираа. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone was in control. Он је све, само није поштен. He is not honest at all. He's everything, he's just not fair. Колку пати треба јас да го повторам тоа. How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I have to do it again? Jedina reč napisana na stranici bila je "žaba". The only word written on the page was the word "frog." The only word written on the page was frog. Pochoval som svojho psa na zvieracom cintoríne. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I worshiped my dog on the whistle of cintoríne. Искам един портокалов сок. I'd like an orange juice. I want an orange juice. Potrebno je da se sruši nekoliko starih kuća. A few old buildings need to be demolished. It takes a couple of old houses to crash. Токму тоа се случи и преттоа. It's exactly what happened before. That's exactly what happened. Ревнуваш ли? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Канада произведува добра пченица. Canada produces good wheat. Canada produces good wheat. Том никогаш не се откажуваше. Tom never gave up. Tom never gave up. Не съм разговарял с Том от години. I haven't talked to Tom in years. I haven't spoken to Tom in years. Штотуку добив порака од нив. I just got a message from them. I just got a message from them. Само зборови се. They're only words. It's just words. Volim da te gledam dok radiš. I love watching you work. I like to watch you work. Сега сум спремен за него. I'm ready for him now. I'm ready for him now. Не можев да ја најдам. I couldn't find her. I couldn't find her. Би требало да му дадеме малку време. We should give him some time. We should give him some time. Он је прави аристократа. He's a genuine aristocrat. He's a real aristocrat. Той закъсня заради снега. He was late because of the snow. He was late because of the snow. С по-малката ми сестра по едно и също време ли заминахте? Did you leave at the same time as my younger sister? Did you and my little sister leave at the same time? Јас не би одел во тој правец. I wouldn't go that way. I wouldn't go that way. Moje mačky už viac nespia pod posteľou. My cats aren't sleeping under the bed any more. My cat's rope doesn't sleep under the post office. Ѝ оставив порака. I left a message for her. I left a message. Принцот го наследи престолот. The prince succeeded to the throne. The Prince inherited the throne. Koja je šifra Wi-Fi-ja. What's the Wi-Fi password? What's the Wi-Fi code? Разпространяваха се широко слухове за поражението. Rumors of defeat were abroad. There were widespread rumors of defeat. Ali si Ujgur? Are you an Uighur? Are you Ujgur? Da li je istina da Tom ne ume da čita i piše? Is it true Tom can't read or write? Is it true Tom can't read and write? Da li umete da deaktivirate bombu? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? Can you disarm the bomb? To je lijep džemper. That's a nice sweater. That's a nice sweater. Nemoj da se uplašiš. Now don't be frightened. Don't be scared. Abeceda esperanta pozostáva z 28 písmen: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. Abeceda esperanta is well known for 28 písmen: a, b, c, c, , d, e, f, g, , , h, , , i, j, , k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, . Не мога да приема поканата, защото имам друг ангажимент. I can't accept the invitation because I have another engagement. I can't accept the invitation because I have another commitment. Личи на нејзиниот стил. It seems like her style. Looks like her style. Том ќе ти прости. Tom will forgive you. Tom will forgive you. Da li smo sada bezbedne? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Študovali ste. You were studying. You've been studying. Том го повлече јажето. Tom pulled the rope. Tom pulled the rope. Prosto k'o pasulj. It's a piece of cake. It's just like beans. Šta je sа tobom? What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? Миналата седмица ядох пица всеки ден. I ate pizza every day last week. Last week, I ate pizza every day. Удобно ли ви е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Nije bio jeo cijeli dan i bio je gladan. He hadn't eaten all day long and was very hungry. He hasn't eaten all day and he was hungry. Мисля, че имаш нужда от сън. I think you need some sleep. I think you need sleep. Още ли мислиш да ходиш на купона? Are you still planning to come to the party? Are you still going to the party? Ти Джон ли си? Are you John? Are you John? Тук съм неофициално. I'm here unofficially. I'm off the record here. Ne možemo nazad. We can't go back. We can't go back. Sramotite je. You're embarrassing her. Shame on her. Tom je kupio hulahop. Tom bought a hula hoop. Tom bought a hulahop. Nikada ranije nisam primetio to. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Родитељи су ми умрли. My parents are dead. My parents died. Том е мокар. Tom is wet. Tom's wet. Тоа е сосем возможно. That's very possible. That's quite possible. Veoma sam srećna zbog toga. I'm very happy about that. I'm very happy about it. Je doma tvoja matka? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Nada se gubi kada doživljavaš tešku situaciju i besmislenu zakočenost. Moraš biti jak. Hope quickly fades when you encounter a difficult situation and a pointless deadlock. You must be strong. He's hoping to lose when you're having a difficult situation and a sense of closure. Навистина ми се допаѓа како ти изгледа косата. I really like the way your hair looks. I really like the way your hair looks. Том ѝ побара помош на Мери. Tom asked Mary for some help. Tom asked Mary for help. Том отиде там да учи френски. Tom went there to learn French. Tom went there to study French. Каде би можел да биде Том? Where could Tom be? Where could Tom be? Трябва да знам. I have to know. I need to know. Случило ли се е нещо? Has something happened? Did something happen? Да не дава Господ! God forbid! Don't give God! Načinila sam prvi korak. I took the first step. I made the first move. Ја разбираш ли ти разликата помеѓу она што е правилно и она што е погрешно? Do you understand the difference between right and wrong? Do you understand the difference between right and wrong? On má tri dcéry. He has three daughters. He's got three dcéry. Miliarda ľudí hovorí po anglicky. One billion people speak English. Miliarda judí hovorí by english. Том беше многу изнервиран. Tom was extremely annoyed. Tom was so pissed off. Френският на Том е по-добър от моя. Tom's French is better than mine. Tom's French is better than mine. Gde sam pogrešio? Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong? Netko je došao. Someone came. Someone's here. Вече е единадесет. It's already eleven. It's already eleven. Приятелите ме наричат Кен. My friends call me Ken. My friends call me Ken. Кой е любимият ти композитор? Who is your favorite composer? Who's your favorite composer? Те молам погледни ме. Please look at me. Please look at me. Читателот брзо ќе сфати дека анализата ми е прецизна и дека нејзините резултати се поуздани. The reader will quickly realise that my analysis is precise and that her results are reliable. The reader will quickly realize that my analysis is accurate and that her results are reliable. Da li si mogao da pročitaš to? Could you read it? Could you read that? Том не го прави она што треба да го прави. Tom isn't doing what he's supposed to do. Tom doesn't do what he has to do. Бебето спеше дълбоко. The baby was fast asleep. The baby slept deep. Те си бъбриха на кафе повече от два часа. They chatted over coffee for more than two hours. They've been chattering about coffee for over two hours. Овој заб е секач. This tooth is an incisor. This tooth is a shredder. Iskreno se nadam da će se Tomova predviđanja ostvariti. I sincerely hope that Tom's predictions are going to come true. I sincerely hope Tom's predictions come true. Това е дълга история. That's a long story. It's a long story. Kako da sprečimo da se to dogodi? How can we prevent that from happening? How do we stop it from happening? Knjiga je suhoparna. The book is a dry read. The book is dry. Ще следвам вашите указания. I'll follow your instructions. I'll follow your instructions. Тази рисунка е прекрасна. That's a beautiful painting. This picture is beautiful. Нико ником више не верује. No one trusts anyone anymore. Nobody trusts anyone anymore. Има нещо, което трябва да ти покажа. There's something I've got to show you. There's something I need to show you. Vaša tajna je sigurna s nama. Your secret's safe with us. Your secret is safe with us. Tom je zatvorio vrata. Tom slid the door shut. Tom closed the door. Том спиеше надвор. Tom slept outside. Tom was sleeping outside. Остани со нас на неколку дена. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Прекъсвам ли ви? Am I interrupting? Am I interrupting? Па некако сум поласкан дури. I'm actually kind of flattered. Well, I'm kind of flattered even. Ќе правам како што сакаш. I'll do as you wish. I'll do whatever you want. На Том му извадиха зъб миналата седмица. Tom had a tooth pulled out last week. Tom got his tooth pulled out last week. Том делуваше малку дезориентирано. Tom seemed a little disoriented. Tom seemed a little disoriented. Сите бараат среќа. Everybody seeks happiness. They're all looking for luck. То баш не личи на тебе. That doesn't sound like you. That doesn't look like you. U Kini postoji izreka da ne možeš suditi čovjeka po izgledu. In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. There's a saying in China that you can't judge a man by appearance. Ако луѓето доволно се уплашат, сѐ може да се случи. If people get scared enough, anything could happen. If people fear enough, anything can happen. Uništićeš vid ako stalno igraš igrice. You're going to wreck your eyesight if you play games all the time. You'll destroy your eyesight if you play games all the time. Video sam nilskog konja u zoološkom vrtu. I saw a hippopotamus at the zoo. I saw a hippo in the zoo. Може ли да го потпишете ова? Could you sign this? Can you sign this? Том седеше сам. Tom sat by himself. Tom was sitting alone. Skupština je raspuštena. Parliament has been dissolved. The assembly is disbanded. Те ще правят парти за Сам. They are going to throw a party for Sam. They're having a party for Sam. Том се уште не зборува француски многу добро. Tom still can't speak French very well. Tom still doesn't speak French very well. Дай ми книгата. Give me the book. Give me the book. До миналата нощ никога не бях пяла на френски. Until last night, I had never sung in French. I never sang in French until last night. Чух да се затръшва врата. I heard a door slam. I heard a door slamming. Аз бих ти казал "Давай!" I'd say go for it. I'd say, "Go!" Život je kratak. Life is short. Life is short. Се спушти по удолницата. He went down the hill. He went down the valley. Ние знаем кой си ти. We know who you are. We know who you are. Том размисли за тоа. Tom considered it. Tom, think about it. Харесва ли ти въдицата? Do you like the rod? Do you like the hook? Poglej me v oči. Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eye. Имам роднини в Бостън. I have relatives in Boston. I have relatives in Boston. Oni te ne plaćaju dovoljno. They don't pay you enough. They don't pay you enough. Морам да одам. I must run. I have to go. Мора да се направи разлика. One must distinguish. There's got to be a difference. Том треба да се истушира. Tom needs a shower. Tom needs to take a shower. Погледни ме. Look at me. Look at me. Potrebujem pero a papier. I need a pen and paper. I need a pepper. Го знае ли некој тука телефонскиот број на Том? Does anybody here know Tom's phone number? Does anyone here know Tom's phone number? Тука сум да ја барам. I'm here looking for her. I'm here to look for her. Том е најпаметниот човек што го познавам. Tom is the smartest person I know. Tom is the smartest man I know. Музеят си заслужава да бъде посетен. The museum is worth visiting. The museum is worth a visit. Ми требаш повеќе одошто би можел да замислиш. I need you more than you can possibly realize. I need you more than you could possibly imagine. Tom je mislio da Meri neće morati da uradi to. Tom thought that Mary wouldn't have to do that. Tom thought Mary wouldn't have to do it. Ще се видим довечера! До скоро! See you tonight! See you soon! I'll see you tonight. Шта је његов посао? What is his business? What's his job? Nič nové pod slnkom. Nothing new under the sun. There's nothing new in the picture. Някои книги си струва да се препрочитат отново и отново. Some books are worth reading over and over again. Some books are worth rereading over and over. Бил беше в Япония. Bill was in Japan. He was in Japan. Skoro je pola tri. It's nearly half past two. It's almost half past three. Камоли да го дознаев ова порано. If only I had known this earlier. Let me just find out earlier. Znamo ju. We know him. We know her. A teraz sa porozprávajme o vážných záležitostiach! Now let us talk about serious matters! Let's talk about ážných! Jedan moj prijatelj studira u inozemstvu. A friend of mine is studying abroad. A friend of mine is studying abroad. Ко је твој омиљени рвач? Who's your favorite wrestler? Who's your favorite wrestler? В училище ни учеха как да четем френски, но не ни научиха как да го говорим. We learned how to read French in school, but didn't really learn how to speak it. They taught us how to read French at school, but they didn't teach us how to talk. Том не протестираше. Tom didn't protest. Tom wasn't protesting. Защо не вдигнеш? Why don't you answer? Why don't you pick it up? Нашол кој да зборува. Ти доби само 65. You should talk. You only got a 65. You only got 65. Kako sam se našla ovde? How did it get here? How did I get here? Том се приближува. Tom is getting close. Tom's getting closer. Какви са вашите изводи? What are your conclusions? What are your findings? Том ће купити нов рачунар. Tom will buy a new computer. Tom's gonna buy a new computer. Тоа не звучи доволно. That doesn't sound like enough. That doesn't sound good enough. Ќе врескам. I'll scream. I'll scream. Извинете, го барам него. Excuse me, I'm looking for him. I'm sorry, I'm looking for him. Къде е тоалетната? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Sumnjam da sam jedini koji je primetio. I don't think I'm the only one who noticed. I doubt I'm the only one who noticed. Том само што беше овде. Tom was just here. Tom was just here. Трябва да намеря друго. I have to find another one. I have to find something else. Едвај чекам да ти кажам. I can't wait to tell you. I can't wait to tell you. Том си даде визитката на Мери. Tom gave Mary his business card. Tom gave his card to Mary. Немој каснити. Don't be late. Don't be late. Tom se potpisao na koricama svog novog dnevnika. Tom wrote his name on the cover of his new diary. Tom signed off on the cover of his new diary. Том го раниле. Tom has been wounded. Tom got shot. Всички подскочиха. Everybody jumped. They all jumped. Да го почекаме ли тука? Should we wait here for him? Should we wait here? Glasali su. They voted. They voted. Мораме да те оставиме. We have to leave you. We have to leave you. Убеден съм, че Том разбира френски. I'm pretty sure Tom understands French. I'm sure Tom understands French. Ne govorite. Don't speak. Don't talk. Той всеки път си пие кафето чисто. He drinks his coffee black every time. He drinks his coffee clean every time. Дознај каде е Том. Find out where Tom is. Find out where Tom is. Nepozeráš sa! You are not looking! You're out of your mind! Нанси не играе тенис. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Tom je bio jedini dečak pozvan na Merinu žurku. Tom was the only boy invited to Mary's party. Tom was the only boy invited to Mary's party. По-хубав съм от теб. I am more handsome than you. I'm better than you. Не сте ли щастливи? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Svi kažu to. Everyone says that. Everyone says that. Nisi rekao ništa pogrešno. You said nothing wrong. You didn't say anything wrong. Харесвам френския. I like French. I like French. Той се облегна на лактите си. He leaned on his elbows. He leaned on his elbows. Juče sam upoznala neke od Tomovih prijatelja. I met some of Tom's friends yesterday. I met some of Tom's friends yesterday. Баш минатава недела го видов Том. I just saw Tom last week. Just last week I saw Tom. Накрая той се пречупи. At last he yielded. He finally broke. Govoriš li Italijanski? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? Правам кајгана. I'm making scrambled eggs. I'm making eggs. Каде ти е паричникот? Where's your wallet? Where's your wallet? Ја сам студент. I am a student. I'm a student. Сигурен ли си, че Том стои зад всичко това? Are you sure that Tom is behind this? Are you sure Tom's behind all this? Птице певају. Birds sing. Birds sing. Ќе објаснам после. We'll explain later. I'll explain later. Той си свали палтото и се захвана за работа. He took his coat off and set to work. He took off his coat and got to work. Niko ne zna šta će se sledeće dogoditi. Nobody knows what will happen next. No one knows what's gonna happen next. Блузата е чиста. The blouse is clean. The shirt's clean. Mislim da je tvoj plan previše ambiciozan. I think your plan is too ambitious. I think your plan is too ambitious. Koja ti je najdraža vrsta sušija? What's your favorite kind of sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? Мислев дека можеби ќе можеш да помогнеш. I thought you might be able to help. I thought maybe you could help. Животот е смртоносна полово пренослива болест. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sex-transferable disease. Том не би бил толкова глупав. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. Tom wouldn't be that stupid. To si lepo skapirao. You've got that right. You got that pretty good. Slušali smo pažljivo da ne propustimo ni jednu riječ. We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word. We listened carefully so that we wouldn't miss a word. Obrati pažnju na školska pravila. You should observe the school rules. Pay attention to school rules. Том е во својата спална и зборува на телефон. Tom is in his bedroom talking on the phone. Tom's in his bedroom talking on the phone. Moramo da nastavimo da radimo. We have to keep working. We have to keep working. Граматика је изузетно сложена ствар. Grammar is a very complex thing. Grammatics is an extremely complex thing. Повика ли брза помош веќе? Have you called an ambulance yet? Have you called an ambulance yet? Јаболката се здрави. Apples are good for you. The apples are healthy. Заборавам каде го ставам. I forgot where I put it. I forget where I put it. Том погледна надоле. Tom glanced down. Tom looked down. Том ја одвезе Мери до дома. Tom drove Mary home. Tom drove Mary home. Ѝ помогнаш еднаш. I helped her once. Help yourself once. Ponosan sam na tebe. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Tom je zamolio Meri da se javi na telefon. Tom asked Mary to answer the telephone. Tom asked Mary to answer the phone. Засукај ракави. Roll up your sleeves. Roll up your sleeves. Можеш да избегнеш вакви проблеми ако ги имаш овие совети наум. You can avoid this kind of problem if you bear these tips in mind. You can avoid such problems if you have this counsel in mind. Какво има в чантата? What's in the bag? What's in the bag? Аз няма да мога да пренеса Том през моста. I won't be able to carry Tom across the bridge. I won't be able to get Tom through the bridge. Ракетата полета. The rocket went up. Missile's inbound. Том пие од три до шест кафиња дневно. Tom drinks between three and six coffees a day. Tom drinks from three to six coffees a day. Zakažimo sastanak. Let's set up a meeting. Let's schedule a meeting. Čini se da Cathy voli glazbu. It seems that Cathy likes music. It looks like Cathy likes music. Изгледа да у последње време ниси сав свој. You don't seem to be yourself these days. Looks like you haven't been yourself lately. Hoću piti. I'm thirsty. I want to drink. Том не ја отпушти Мери. Tom didn't fire Mary. Tom didn't fire Mary. Волим да те гледам док радиш. I love watching you work. I like to watch you work. Искам да спя. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Лебот е свежо излезен од фурна. This bread is fresh from the oven. The bread's fresh out of the oven. Берлин е многу ладен. Berlin is uber cool. Berlin is very cold. Tom sa musí sústrediť. Tom must concentrate. Tom with his sústredië. Посеаја семе, го израснаа, и го ожнеаја; обагрената река вртеше воденица. Crops were sown, and grew up, and were gathered in; the stream that had been crimsoned, turned a watermill. They sowed seed, and raised it, and reaped it: the hot river was turning water. Том плете. Tom knits. Tom's braiding. Ne znam dobro Latinski. I'm not good at Latin. I don't know Latin very well. Водя си дневник на френски. I keep a diary in French. I keep a diary in French. Много съм Ви задължен за помощта. I am much obliged to you for your help. I'm indebted to you. Kako mi je promaklo to? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? Hrám tenis. I play tennis. I'm churning tennis. Мислам дека си испаничил. I think you panicked. I think you're freaking out. Izgladnela sam. I'm famished. I'm starving. Zašto bi Tom došao sada? Why would Tom come now? Why would Tom come now? Изглежда дойдох тук малко рано. It looks like I got here too early. Looks like I came here a little early. Молим вас, идите. Please leave. Please leave. Сѐ уште сум на работа. I'm still on duty. I'm still at work. Том ми ја извитка раката. Tom twisted my arm. Tom wrapped my hand. Кой браузър използваш? What browser are you using? What browser do you use? Лекциите му са много дълги. His lectures are very long. His lessons are very long. Смешно е. It's funny. It's funny. Мери беше во Унгарија. Mary was in Hungary. Mary was in Hungary. Ti znaš da ja ne volim jaja. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Спите ли? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Комшија си ми. You're my neighbor. You're my neighbor. Imaš li vremena da dođeš sutra? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Do you have time to come tomorrow? Затоа не можам да ти помогнам. That's why I can't help you. That's why I can't help you. Можеш ли да нам помогнеш? Can you give us a hand? Can you help us? Не сакавме да ја исклучиме Мери од планот. We didn't mean to leave Mary out of the plan. We didn't want to exclude Mary from the plan. Moja sestra má pekné piano. My sister has a nice piano. My sister has a piano. Чух, че Том бил добър човек. I heard Tom is a nice guy. I heard Tom was a good man. Brak između osoba istog pola je sada legalan u 20 zemlja, uključujući Irsku od juče. Same sex marriage is now legal in 20 countries worldwide, including Ireland as of yesterday. Marriage between persons of the same sex is now legal in 20 countries, including Ireland from yesterday. Чујеш ли ти нешто? Do you hear something? Do you hear anything? Братята му, сестрите му или пък той самият ще отиде до гарата да посрещне баща си. His brothers, sisters or he himself is to go to the station to meet their father. His brothers, his sisters, or he himself will go to the station to meet his father. Nebo je bivalo tamnije i tamnije. The sky became darker and darker. The sky was darker and darker. Čuvate li ovo mesto za nekoga? Are you saving this seat for someone? Are you saving this place for someone? За мен е чест да бъда тук. I'm honored to be here. It's an honor to be here. Отсекогаш сум сметал дека си од Бостон. I've always thought you were from Boston. I always thought you were from Boston. Tom će da progovori. Tom'll speak. Tom will talk. Отворих вратата и я задържах отворена за Мери. I opened the door and held it open for Mary. I opened the door and kept it open for Mary. Сложих ръка на рамото ѝ. I put my hand on her shoulder. I put my hand on her shoulder. Какво правим тук? What're we doing here? What are we doing here? Jedno od vas dvoje je u krivu. Either you or he is wrong. One of you is wrong. Крадецот се преправи во полицаец. The thief disguised himself as a policeman. The thief turned into a cop. Хвала вам пуно на свему! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything! Веднаш да си ги донел овде. Get them over here right away. Get them over here right away. Том не можа да си намери работа. Tom couldn't find work. Tom couldn't find a job. Те си разменят подаръци. They give presents to one another. They exchange gifts. Свет је неправедан. The world is unjust. The world is unjust. Ни купи ли нешто? Did you get us something? Did you buy us anything? Želim ići. I want to go. I want to go. Това е имитация. That's an imitation. It's an imitation. Том е тука, нели? Tom is here, isn't he? Tom's here, isn't he? Освен това безработицата се увеличава. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. In addition, unemployment is increasing. Тие патуваа накај исток. They travelled eastwards. They traveled east. Многу е ретко. It's extremely rare. It's very rare. Mora da sam pojeo nešto loše. I must've eaten something bad. I must have eaten something bad. Моля те, не започвай отново. Please don't start that again. Please don't start again. Том отрча горе. Tom rushed upstairs. Tom ran upstairs. Промишљање је веома потребно. Consideration is very necessary. Thinking is very necessary. Ја спасија целата екипа. The whole crew was saved. They saved the whole crew. Ти също ли си ерген? Are you a bachelor, too? Are you a bachelor, too? Ne prepiri se sa mnom. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Gde sam pogrešila? Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong? Зошто си толку растревожен вечерва? Why are you so nervous tonight? Why are you so worried tonight? Таа вечера. She is having dinner. That dinner. Трябва да сложа край на това. I have to stop this. I have to put an end to this. Научих Том на всичко, което знам. I've taught Tom everything I know. I taught Tom everything I know. Той с какво се занимава днес? What did he do today? What does he do today? Реших, че може да ти е любопитно. I thought you might be curious. I thought you might be curious. Та лаж лепо звучи, али ја бих желео да чујем чисту истину. The lie sounds good, but I'd like to listen to the sheer truth. That lie sounds nice, but I'd like to hear the truth. Moj francuski još uvek nije toliko dobar. My French still isn't very good. My French isn't that good yet. Не изхвърляй нищо. Don't throw anything away. Don't throw anything away. To je bolje. That's better. That's better. Како се зовете? What's your name? What's your name? Mislio sam da sam mogao da se pouzdam u Toma. I thought I could trust Tom. I thought I could trust Tom. Том работи во Бостон. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. Каде е најблиската клупа? Where is the nearest bench? Where's the nearest bench? Obukao se kao žena. He dressed up as a woman. He dressed like a woman. Том не може да стои на едно място. Tom can't stand still. Tom can't stand in one place. Деби, училището ти наблизо ли е? Debbie, is your school near here? Debbie, is your school nearby? Никой не може да отрече фактът. No one can deny the fact. No one can deny the fact. Тука е топло. Можеш да го соблечеш палтото. Here it is warm. You could put away your coat. It's warm in here, you can take off your coat. Свикнал съм родителите ми да не ми обръщат внимание. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents not paying attention. Ne daj da ti uđe u glavu. Don't let it go to your head. Don't let it get in your head. Тоа е добро. That's a good one. That's good. Што не излеземе заедно? Why don't we go out? Why don't we go out together? С удоволствие бих останала. I'd love to stay. I'd love to stay. Сите зборуваат. Everybody's talking. Everybody's talking. Možda nešto nije u redu sa tobom. There may be something wrong with you. Maybe there's something wrong with you. Tom je stigao jutros. Tom arrived this morning. Tom arrived this morning. Trenutno pišem poruku Tomu. I'm writing a message to Tom right now. I'm writing a note to Tom right now. Tom je zauzet momak. Tom is a busy fellow. Tom's a busy guy. Каде е поштенското сандаче? Where's the mail box? Where's the mailbox? Харесва ли ти френския? Do you like French? Do you like French? Пациента припадна от гледката на кръвта. The patient fainted at the sight of blood. The patient fainted from the sight of the blood. Tom zna da je gotovo. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's over. Sú štyri hodiny. It's four o'clock. Sú four hodny. Не се возбудувај толку. Don't get so excited. Don't get so excited. Тук ли живееш? Do you live here? Is this where you live? Тоа беше подмолен трик. That was a dirty trick. That was a sneaky trick. Stižeš li uskoro? Are you almost here? Are you coming soon? Како дошло тоа таму горе? How did that get up there? How did that get up there? Се заноќуваше. It was getting dark. You were having a good time. За мене ли си го направил ова? Did you do this for me? Did you do this for me? Сравни си превода с неговия. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation to his. Предайте домашните си! Turn in your homework. Hand over your homework! Život mi je bio dobar. My life's been good. My life was good. Дадох книгата на моята приятелка. I gave the book to my friend. I gave my friend's book. Жалиме, но не прифаќаме кредитни картички. Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. We're sorry, but we don't accept credit cards. Zamolio me da mu pomognem. He asked me to help him. He asked me to help him. Deca su bila nasrnula jedna na drugo, tako da su roditelji morali da se umešaju. The kids fought with each other, so the parents had to intervene. The kids ran into each other, so the parents had to get involved. Од нив беше. It was from them. It was from them. Загубите бяха тежки и за двете страни. Losses were heavy on both sides. The losses were severe for both sides. Не ми плащат за това. I'm not being paid for this. I don't get paid for it. Децата трябва да се подчиняват на родителите си. Children should obey their parents. Children must obey their parents. В морето има острови. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Не мога да отворя вратата. I can't open the door. I can't open the door. Толкова сте сладки заедно. You're so cute together. You guys are so cute together. За ова ли беше сета возбуда? Is this what all the hype was about? Is that what all the excitement was about? Познаваш ли брат му? Do you know his brother? Do you know his brother? Ми се заглави песнава во глава. I can't get this song out of my head. I got this song stuck in my head. Кажи ми ги подробностите. Get me the details. Tell me the details. Той е пред вратата. He is in front of the door. He's at the door. Том е два пъти по-стар от Мери. Tom is twice Mary's age. Tom's twice as old as Mary. Утре ще стана рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll be up early tomorrow. Сѐ имаме. We have everything. We've got everything. Ако дойдеш в Рио, мога да ти бъда ексурзовод. If you come to Rio, I could be your guide. If you come to Rio, I can be your executive. Том не искаше Мери да държи ръката му. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Tom didn't want Mary holding his hand. Sve što se setiš može da pomogne. Anything you remember might help. Anything you remember can help. Vypol som počítač. I turned the computer off. I'm a Vypol breaker. Olovka kojom pišem pripada Tomu. The pen I'm writing with belongs to Tom. The pen I'm writing belongs to Tom. Би можел ништо да не правам. I could do nothing. I could do nothing. Мислам дека Том е бездушен. I think Tom is callous. I think Tom's heartless. Съвсем добре си се справяш. You're doing just fine. You're doing just fine. Знаев дека требаше да молчам. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. Знаеш ли за кого зборувам? Do you know who I'm talking about? Do you know who I'm talking about? Наистина ли не можеш да плуваш? Can you really not swim? Can't you really swim? Хайде да говорим на френски. Let's speak in French. Let's talk in French. Кога почнува? When does it begin? When does it start? Нямам идея какво каза Том. I have no idea what Tom said. I have no idea what Tom said. Исто сум квалификуван како Том. I'm about as qualified as Tom. I'm also qualified as Tom. Радвам се, че си успял. I am glad that you have succeeded. I'm glad you made it. Луѓето почнуваат да го забележуваат Том. People are beginning to notice Tom. People are starting to notice Tom. Паркирали сте на моето място. You're parked in my spot. You parked in my spot. Знам дека ќе ми вратиш кога ќе имаш пари. I know you'll pay me back when you have the money. I know you'll pay me back when you have the money. Ona hoda. She walks. She's walking. Ujesen mnoge ptice sele se na jug. In the fall, many birds head for the south. In the fall, many birds move south. Том је назвао свог хрчка Куки. Tom named his hamster Cookie. Tom called his hamster Cookie. Трябва да правя всичко, което Том ми каже. I have to do whatever Tom tells me to do. I have to do everything Tom tells me to do. Tako je življenje, žal. That's life, unfortunately! That's life, I'm sorry. Тя не харесваше съпруга си. She disliked her husband. She didn't like her husband. И самиот сум изненаден. I'm surprised myself. I'm surprised myself. Од чега живи? What does he do for a living? What does he live on? Stvari nisu uvek onakve kakve se čine. Things are not always what they seem. Things aren't always what they seem. Sve ima svoju cenu. Everything has a price. Everything has its price. Moja deca se oslanjaju na mene. My children rely on me. My children rely on me. Леков мора да се пие на празен стомак. This medicine is to be taken on an empty stomach. The medicine must be drunk on an empty stomach. Том напишал две книги. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. Просто се държах любезно. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Как е времето. How is the weather? How's the weather? Dosiahla svoje ciele. She has achieved her goals. She's got her shoes on. Ќе ти се направат брчки. You'll get wrinkles. You're gonna get wrinkles. Том читаше книга. Tom was reading a book. Tom was reading a book. Шта је то са тобом? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Спаваћа соба је на спрату. The bedroom is upstairs. The bedroom's upstairs. Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм била в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. Nismo dobro igrali. We didn't play well. We didn't play well. Смрди. It stinks. It stinks. Пробвай каквото искаш, ще видиш, че е невъзможно да се отървеш от този си навик. Try as you may, you will find it impossible to give up that habit. Try whatever you want, you'll see it's impossible to get rid of this habit of yours. Лесно можеш да го препознаеш Том затоа што е многу висок. You can easily identify Tom because he is very tall. You can easily recognize Tom because he's very tall. Цело време одам во Бостон. I go to Boston all the time. I go to Boston all the time. Навистина сме во опасност. We're really in danger. We're really in danger. Каде ти е детето? Where is your child? Where's your kid? Мерси! Thank you! Thanks! Prosim, nehaj. Please stop. Please stop. Том е тук с мене. I have Tom here with me. Tom's here with me. Imam laptop. I have a laptop. I have a laptop. Скрени улево. Turn left. Turn left. Върши страхотна работа. It works incredibly well. He's doing a great job. Вентилаторот не работи. The fan doesn't work. The fan doesn't work. Kvôli bezpečnosti našich detí, nenavštevujte porno stránky. For the safety of our children, please do not enter porn sites. Our detí, don't mention the porn stránky. Отивайки си към вкъщи,я видях отново. Going home last night, I saw her again. Going home, seeing her again. Možda ne budem spavao večeras. I might not sleep tonight. Maybe I won't sleep tonight. Том не беше дебел. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Ovo je moja žena Edita. This is my wife Edita. This is my wife, Edith. Губитак памћења је више психолошки него физички. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. Memory loss is more psychological than physical. Stvoren si za mene. You were meant for me. You were made for me. Treba li da kažemo nekome? Should we tell anybody? Should we tell someone? Колко пъти на ден летите до Токио? How many flights to Tokyo do you offer a day? How many times a day do you fly to Tokyo? И Том е од Бостон. Tom is also from Boston. And Tom's from Boston. Ключът ти е у мене. I have your key. I have your key. Кој е таму со тебе? Who's there with you? Who's there with you? При спешен случай, обадете се на сто и деветнайсет. In case of emergency, call 119. In case of an emergency, call one hundred and nineteen. My sa utáboríme tu. We'll camp here. My utáboríme here. Znam. I know. I know. Том сигурно е самотен. Tom must be lonely. Tom must be lonely. Би ми било задоволство да го зачувам. I'd be happy to keep it. I'd be happy to keep it. Nisam mogao da prestanem da plačem. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. Možeš li da nas pokupiš? Can you give us a lift? Can you pick us up? Složio sam se da je kupim. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. Už to viac nerobím. I don't do it anymore. That's what I'm yelling at. Попитай пак по-късно. Ask again later. Ask again later. Da li bi mogao da uradiš to? Could you do that? Could you do that? Универзумот се шири. The universe is expanding. The universe is spreading. Сега е време за надоместок. Now it's time to make amends. Now it's time to make up for it. Bio sam jedini muškarac u turističkoj grupi. Ostatak su činile arapkinje koje žive u Istanbulu. I was the only man in the tour group. The others were 7 Arab women who live in Istanbul. I was the only man in the tourist group, and the rest were Arabs living in Istanbul. Каде си роден? Where were you born? Where were you born? Кога завршила војната? When did the war end? When did the war end? Ovaj lijek će ublažiti tvoju glavobolju. This medicine will soothe your headache. This drug will ease your headache. Марта е отличен пианист. Martha is an excellent pianist. Martha's an excellent pianist. Ti si me lagao, zar ne? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Том е највисокото машко во класот. Tom is the tallest boy in his class. Tom is the highest guy in the class. Već sam razmišljala o tome. I've already thought about that. I've thought about it before. Тежок тест беше. It was a tough test. It was a tough test. Rekla sam ti da će da radi. I told you it would work. I told you it would work. Довиждане! Goodbye! Goodbye! Očigledno si pijan. You're obviously drunk. You're obviously drunk. Да ли верујете у вечни живот? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in eternal life? Можеби Том ќе приговори. Tom might object. Maybe Tom will object. Беше лично. It was personal. It was personal. Той учеше френски сам. He taught himself French. He studied French on his own. Сега пак сум прилично здрав. Now I'm fairly healthy again. I'm pretty healthy now. Вратићу се касније. I'll be back later. I'll be back later. Тетка му е сосем сама во Лондон. His aunt is all alone in London. His aunt is all alone in London. Ајде пиво. Let's have a beer. Let's have a beer. Да се сменим. Let's switch. Let's change. Нема потреба од тоа. That's uncalled for. There's no need for that. Svi znaju da ne volim Toma. Everyone knows that I don't like Tom. Everybody knows I don't like Tom. Том ми беше дечко. Tom was my boyfriend. Tom was my boyfriend. Къде са ми драконите? Where are my dragons? Where are my dragons? Видела сам Тома како умире. I saw Tom die. I saw Tom die. Da li si sarkastičan? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? Tražim knjižaru. I'm looking for a book store. I'm looking for a bookstore. Sami je vidio Lejlinu reakciju Sami saw Layla's reaction. Sami saw Layla's reaction. Сакав да ти кажам првин тебе. I wanted to tell you first. I wanted to tell you first. Lud! Crazy! Crazy! Викат ми Боб. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. Се уште е темница надвор. It's still dark outside. It's still dark out there. Чухме се по-рано с Том. I heard from Tom earlier. We talked to Tom earlier. Odlazi. Go away. Go away. Tom me je pitao za mišljenje o tome ko će pobediti u trci. Tom asked me who I thought would win the race. Tom asked me to think about who would win the race. Uvijek govori o vladi s prijezirom. He always speaks of the government with contempt. He's always talking about the government with contempt. Ако закъснееш с предаването на контролното, то няма да бъде прието. If you turn in a test late, it will not be accepted. If you're late for the transmission, it won't be accepted. Предполагам, ти си този Том, за когото всички ми казваха. I assume you're the Tom everybody's been telling me about. I guess you're the Tom everyone's been telling me about. Каролина је тужна, јер не може да затрудни. Carolina is sad because she cannot conceive. Caroline's sad because she can't get pregnant. Probaj. Try it. Try it. Колко ти върви! How lucky you are! You're so full of shit! Јадев шницла со компири сношти. I had steak and potatoes last night. I had a potato steak last night. Том е фаца. Tom is a big shot. Tom's the face. Vitajte v projekte Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. Hang out with Tatoeba projects. Не постои добра вест. No news is a good news. There's no good news. Мислев дека си нашол друг. I thought you had found someone else. I thought you found someone else. Pas je moj. The dog is mine. The dog is mine. Тази страна на къщата улавя сутрешното слънце. This side of the house catches the morning sun. This side of the house catches the morning sun. Знаев дека ќе ме најдеш. I knew you'd find me. I knew you'd find me. Je l' su ti to nove cipele? Are those new shoes? Are those your new shoes? Osjećam se dobro sada. I'm feeling fine now. I feel good now. Понекогаш е тешко да се одреди дали е Том среќен или не. Sometimes it's a little hard to tell if Tom's happy or not. Sometimes it is hard to determine whether Tom is happy or not. Никой няма да узнае. No one will know. No one will know. Hajde da porazgovaramo o mogućnostima. Let's discuss our options. Let's talk about possibilities. Pogledao sam unaokolo. I've had a look around. I looked around. Ќе се земам со него. I'm going to marry him. I'll go with him. Juče sam otišao u krevet bez pranja zuba. Yesterday I went to bed without brushing my teeth. Yesterday I went to bed without brushing my teeth. Upravo sam mislio na tebe. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Те мият съдове. They're washing dishes. They're washing dishes. Ова е таткото на маж ми. Тој ми е свекор. He's my husband's dad. He's my father-in-law. This is my husband's father-in-law. Потребни су једни другима. They needed one another. They need each other. "Ne mogu da odustajem", ona je rekla, "Ja sam se već zaljubila u njega". "I can't help it", she said, "I'm already in love with him". "I can't give up," she said, "I've already fallen in love with him." Stvarno je toliko prosto. It really is that easy. It's really that simple. Јас ќе направам се. I'm going to make everything. I'll do anything. To nije pravi problem. That's not a real problem. That's not a real problem. Се гледаат во огледалото. They are looking at themselves in the mirror. You can see it in the mirror. Обикновено се прибират преди нас. They usually get home later than us. They usually come home before us. Mrzela ga je. She hated him. She hated him. Govorim bosanski. I speak Bosnian. I speak Bosnian. Môžem vás pozvať na večeru? May I invite you to dinner? Can I ask you to dinner? Управо сам мислио на тебе. I was just thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. Da li imate primerak? Do you have a copy? Do you have a copy? Песимист си. You're pessimistic. You're a pessimist. U pitanju je oblast sa puno novih kuća. It's an area with a lot of new houses. It's an area with a lot of new houses. Koliko je godina prošlo otkad sam te poslednji put videla? How many years has it been since I last saw you? How many years has it been since I last saw you? Том се прашуваше дали Мери веќе се разбудила. Tom wondered if Mary were awake yet. Tom was wondering if Mary had already woken up. Поп-музиката ми е омилениот вид на музика. My favorite music is pop music. Pop music is my favorite kind of music. Мора да купам цвеќе за своето либе. I have to buy flowers for my love. I have to buy flowers for my libe. Portugalska ni izjema. Portugal is not an exception. Portugal is no exception. Ова е бесцелно. This is pointless. This is aimless. Лесно е да зготвиш тестенина. Cooking pasta is easy. It's easy to cook pasta. Том фати магла. Tom made a run for it. Tom, get the fog. Најдов живеалиште. I found a place to live. I found a place to live. Zaboravljam gde ostavim šešir. I forget where I put my hat. I forget where I leave my hat. Ak padne strom v lese a nik to nepočul, stalo sa to? Ak muž povie čo ma na mysli a žiadna žena ho nepočuje, ešte stále nemá pravdu? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it happen? If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong? If the stream falls into the wood and no one hears it, care with it? If the husband raises a man upon mysles a Jewish woman ho does not hear; what about the stéle of no justice? Том одби да зборува со мене. Tom refused to talk to me. Tom refused to talk to me. Той изглежда силен. He looks strong. He looks strong. Изрази си ја идејата конкретно. Express your idea concretely. Express your idea specifically. Том знаеше дека не зборува француски толку добро колку Мери. Tom knew that he couldn't speak French as well as Mary. Tom knew he didn't speak French as well as Mary did. Osećam se sigurno sa tobom. I feel safe with you. I feel safe with you. Ovo je početak jedne nove ere. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Девојката ништо не рече. The girl didn't say anything The girl didn't say anything. Затоа ли си дојден? Is that why you came? Is that why you're here? Добро би ми дошла помош со ова. I'd love some help on this. I could use a hand with this. Ми треба адресата на Том. I need Tom's address. I need Tom's address. Ono što je Tom rekao se ne može primeniti na ovu situaciju. What Tom said doesn't apply in this situation. What Tom said can't be applied to this situation. Не желим да будеш повређена. I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt. Tom zna da se više od 91 odsto Norveškog stanovništva snadbeva pijaćom vodom iz površinskih izvora. Tom knows that more than 91 per cent of the Norwegian population is supplied with potable water from surface water sources. Tom knows that more than 91 percent of the Norwegian population is supplied with drinking water from surface sources. Само што се врати од одмор. You just had a holiday. He just got back from vacation. Том преведе документа на френски. Tom translated the document into French. Tom translated the document into French. Ja sam Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Kaži Tomu da se više potrudi. Tell Tom to try harder. Tell Tom to try harder. Донеси ми един стол, моля. Get me a chair, please. Bring me a chair, please. Познајем Џима још од детињства. I've known Jim since my childhood. I've known Jim since I was a kid. Не ме гледайте така. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Danas nemam nikakav domaći. I don't have any homework today. I don't have any homework today. Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to obaviti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do it. Ona izgleda dobro za svoje godine. She looks good for her age. She looks good for her age. Убавината не може да се утврди објективно туку зависи од лични естетски критериуми. Beauty cannot be determined objectively but depends on personal aesthetic criteria. Beauty cannot be objectively determined but depends on personal aesthetic criteria. Завърших философия в моя университет. I majored in philosophy at my university. I graduated philosophy from my university. Viem, že povieš nie. I know you're going to say no. Viem, you're yelling. Моля затворете вратата когато излизате. Please close the door when you leave. Please close the door when you get out. Tom još ne ume ni da napiše sopstveno ime. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom can't even write his own name yet. Tom bi mogao da ima neke veze s tim. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom could have something to do with that. Tom je sitničar, zar ne? Tom's fussy, isn't he? Tom's a small-timer, isn't he? Външната скромност е често просто израз на учтивост, изчакване да се обърнат към теб преди да заговориш. Perceived shyness is often simply an expression of politeness in waiting to be addressed before speaking. External modesty is often simply an expression of politeness, waiting for them to turn to you before you speak. Голяма глупост е от твоя страна да кажеш такова нещо. You are foolish to say such a thing. It's so stupid of you to say something like that. Си го сменил ли шампонот? Have you changed shampoos? Have you changed your shampoo? Отиди и намери Том. Go and find Tom. Go find Tom. Besplatna biblioteka Haskel i Opera haus sagrađeni su na granici između Kanade i Sjedinjenih država. The Haskell Free Library and Opera House was built on the border between Canada and the United States. The free library of Haskell and Opera House were built at the border between Canada and the United States. Ще го върна обратно, където му е мястото. I'll put it back where it belongs. I'll put it back where it belongs. Наистина съм уморен. I'm really tired. I'm really tired. На г-н Тейлър му се искаше да не беше идвал на партито. Mr. Taylor wishes he hadn't come to the party. Mr. Taylor wish he hadn't come to the party. Фолклора на острова още разказва историята на сала. Island folklore still recounts the story of the raft. Folklore on the island still tells the story of the hall. Трябва да го съблека. I have to take it off. I need to take it off. Tom je izgubio posao. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Mudrost je potrebna da bi se mudrost razumela: muzika ne postoji za gluvu publiku. Wisdom is necessary to understand wisdom: music does not exist to a deaf audience. Wisdom is needed to understand wisdom: music does not exist for a deaf audience. Ovo možda ne bude dovoljno. This might not be enough. This might not be enough. Се испостави дека нема аир од Дан. Dan proved to be of no help. Turns out there's no air from Dan. Забравих да си сложа колан. I forgot to wear a belt. I forgot to put my belt on. Не вярвай на всичко, което чуеш. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you hear. Da li imate pitanja? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? Помислих си, че Том може да го направи. I thought Tom might do that. I thought Tom might do it. Tvoj kabát je veľmi krásny. Your coat is very beautiful. Your cabát is a bigger krásny. Защо трябва да уча френски? Why should I learn French? Why do I have to study French? Том не е многу смешен. Tom isn't very funny. Tom's not very funny. Играта не е завршена. The game is not over. The game isn't over. Не ми е убаво да пешачам. I don't like to walk. I don't like walking. Хајде, признај. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Tom je upravo želeo da kaže nešto. Tom was about to say something. Tom just wanted to say something. Mislila sam da ćete da budete zauzete. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Том ќе ѝ помогне на Мери. Tom is going to help Mary. Tom will help Mary. Мисля, че ще ни трябва помощта на Том. I think we're going to need Tom's help. I think we're gonna need Tom's help. Денят е по-топъл от нощта. The day is warmer than the night. The day is warmer than the night. Просто умирам од глад. I'm just starving. I'm just starving. Ако имаш някакви въпроси, не се колебай да питаш. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Шта ја радим овде? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? Она ме је звала веома касно последње ноћи. She called me very late last night. She called me very late last night. Сите сте исти. You're all the same. You're all the same. Отидов на патување во Бостон. I took a trip to Boston. I went on a trip to Boston. На кого говори Том? Who's Tom talking to? Who's Tom talking to? Настана тишина. There was silence. There's been silence. Кога последен пат си морал да го правиш ова? When was the last time you had to do this? When was the last time you had to do this? Најверојатно, нема да ги отплатат парите. In all probability, the money will not be paid. They probably won't pay off the money. Skoro nikad nisam kući tokom dana. I'm almost never at home during the day. I'm almost never home during the day. Трябва да учиш френски, независимо дали ти харесва или не. You have to study French whether you like it or not. You have to study French whether you like it or not. Том е доста мршав. Tom is quite thin. Tom's pretty skinny. Знаеш всичко за мен. You know everything about me. You know everything about me. В стаята имаше малко обзавеждане. There was little furniture in the room. There was a little furniture in the room. Сѐ е спремно. Everything's ready. Everything's ready. Tom se ne uklapa ovde. Tom doesn't fit in here. Tom doesn't fit in here. Sad se pomalo brinem. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried right now. Вратете се на своите места. Go back to your seats. Go back to your posts. Најдобро би било да не зборуваш толку. It's best not to talk so much. It would be best if you didn't talk so much. Потупването по гърба беше дразнещо. The pat on the back was offensive. Knocking on the back was annoying. Том изгледа вџашено. Tom looked horrified. Tom seems appalled. Си му кажал ли на Том за болките во грбот што ги имаш? Have you told Tom about your back pain? Have you told Tom about the back pains you have? Вече три пъти се опитах да направя това. I've already tried doing that three times. I've tried to do this three times already. Аз едва съм започнала. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Какви са шансовете на Том? What are Tom's chances? What are Tom's chances? Odlično mi je. I'm having a blast. I'm doing great. Potpiši se iznad ove crte. Sign above this line. Sign over this line. Već smo odlučili da ne uradimo to. We've already decided not to do that. We've already decided not to. Јас сум новинар. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Тя е достигнала зряла възраст. He has attained to years of discretion. She's reached a mature age. Ми треба кутија клинци. I need a box of nails. I need a box of kids. Се вратив дома и ѝ кажав на жена ми за работата во Бостон. I went home and told my wife about the job in Boston. I went home and told my wife about work in Boston. Pobedili smo. We won the match. We won. Nisam ti rekla da uradiš to. I didn't tell you to do that. I didn't tell you to do that. Virus je pokosil mnogo slonov v Afriki. The virus cut down many elephants in Africa. The virus has cut down many elephants in Africa. Може ли да почнам да јадам? May I begin to eat? Can I start eating? Ja verujem u Kajli Minog od 12 juna 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I believe in Kylie Minog since June 12, 1998. Tom ponekad uradi to. Tom does that sometimes. Tom does it sometimes. Сакаш ли да одиш на вечера со мене вечерва? Would you have dinner with me tonight? Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? Си знаел ли дека Том живеел во Бостон? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom lived in Boston? Не може да бъде! Unbelievable! It can't be! Том ја беше облекол маицата однопаку. Tom had his T-shirt on backwards. Tom had his shirt all over him. Мисля, че ти си страхотна. I think you're swell. I think you're great. Какво става тук? What's going on? What's going on here? Започна да вали веднага щом се прибрахме вкъщи. It started raining as soon as we got home. It started raining as soon as we got home. Том изјави дека сака да појадува во кревет. Tom said he wanted to eat breakfast in bed. Tom said he wants to have breakfast in bed. Остали смо без хране. We ran out of food. We're out of food. Molim te, dođi kod mene kući nakratko. Please come to my house for a while. Please come to my house for a moment. Ти предлагам да пратиш некого надвор да види што се случува. I suggest you send someone outside to see what's going on. I suggest you send someone out to see what's going on. Каквото и да правя, тя винаги казва, че може и по-добре. No matter what I do, she says I can do better. Whatever I do, she always says she can do better. Френският определено не е най-лесният език за научаване. French is definitely not the easiest language to learn. French is certainly not the easiest language to learn. Девојката заспа. The girl went to sleep. The girl's asleep. Том изгледа несигурно. Tom looks uncertain. Tom looks insecure. Da li ga je Tom našao? Did Tom find him? Did Tom find him? Том држеше пијалак во рака. Tom had a drink in his hand. Tom had a drink in his hand. Достатъчно горещо ли е за плуване? Is it hot enough to go swimming? Is it hot enough to swim? Довољно је за данас. That's enough for today. That's enough for today. В тази стая е разрешено да се пуши. You can smoke in this room. This room is allowed to smoke. Пази се од искрите што летаат од огништето. Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace! Beware of sparks that fly from the hearth. Хтео сам да вам помогнем. I wanted to help you. I wanted to help you. Го закачувам календарот на ѕид. I'm hanging the calendar on the wall. Uploading calendar to wall. Gde ti je prijateljica? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Не губете кураж. Keep up your courage. Don't lose your nerve. Том речиси стигнал. Tom is almost there. Tom's almost there. Moramo da pozovemo Toma. We've got to call Tom. We have to call Tom. Vrati se za jedan sat. Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour. Сакаме да бидеме славни. We want to become famous. We want to be famous. Др Џексон има добар однос према пацијенту. Dr. Jackson has a good bedside manner. Dr. Jackson has a good relationship with the patient. Това не е много забавно. This isn't much fun. That's not much fun. Здраво, Том. Добро јутро. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom. Пътуването ще струва най-много 1000 долара. At the most, the trip will cost $1,000. The trip will cost a maximum of 1,000 dollars. Том не носи чорапи. Tom isn't wearing socks. Tom's not wearing socks. Само се шегувам со тебе. I'm just kidding you. I'm just kidding with you. Готова ли си за игра? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? NIje mi bilo važno. It wasn't important to me. It didn't matter to me. Ќе најдам слика од тоа како си држел говор. I'll get a picture of you giving your speech. I'll find a picture of you giving a speech. Ja nisam bogat čovek. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. Tom zna proceduru. Tom knows the drill. Tom knows the procedure. Мисля, че си перфектна. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Идва му отвътре да говори на френски. It comes natural to him to speak French. He's coming inside to speak French. Грци такође често једу рибу. The Greeks also eat fish often. Greeks also often eat fish. Tomu je potreban lekar. Tom needs a doctor. That's what a doctor needs. Mogu da napišem poruku Tomu ako želiš. I could write Tom a note if you want me to. I can write a note to Tom if you want. Той напуска Чикаго утре. He is leaving Chicago tomorrow. He's leaving Chicago tomorrow. Je sedem. It's seven o'clock. It's seven. Искам отговора ти до края на деня. I want your answer by the end of the day. I want your answer by the end of the day. Napustila sam Toma 2013. I left Tom in 2013. I left Tom in 2013. Том е със светла кожа. Tom has a light complexion. Tom's got bright skin. Каква е минималната заплата в Мексико? What's the minimum salary in Mexico? What's the minimum wage in Mexico? Взех си стая в хотел и веднага легнах да спя. I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep. I got a room at a hotel, and I went straight to bed. Това са кучетата на Том. Those are Tom's dogs. These are Tom's dogs. Скршена ми е ногата. My leg is broken. My leg is broken. Убава бев. I was lovely. I was beautiful. Zlato je puno teže od vode. Gold is far heavier than water. Gold is much harder than water. В това е целият проблем. That's the whole problem. That's the whole problem. Да. Точно така. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. Ни јас не можам да ја најдам. I can't find her either. I can't find her either. Da li se bojiš pacova? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of rats? Навистина ли си среќен? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? На следећој раскрсници скрените десно. Turn right at the next intersection. At the next intersection, turn right. Това е писалка. This is a pen. It's a pen. Нема преживеани. There are no survivors. No survivors. Na stole je jablko. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. За какво става въпрос всъщност? What's it really about? What's this really about? Хората, които не работят, няма да бъдат хранени. People who don't work, won't be fed. People who don't work will not be fed. Си го прочитал ли? Have you read it? Have you read it? Ne živim sa Tomom. I don't live with Tom. I don't live with Tom. Това е всичко за днес. That's all for today. That's all for today. Няма да сме тук след 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. We won't be here after 2:30. Мисля, че трябва да изчакаш. I think you should wait. I think you should wait. Leva strana Tomove kuće je u Konektikatu, a destra strana je u Njujorku. The left side of Tom's home is in Connecticut, while the right side is in New York. The left side of Tom's house is in Connecticut, and the right side is in New York. Policajac ga je uhapsio zbog vožnje u pijanom stanju. The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. A cop arrested him for driving drunk. Да послушаме. Let's listen. Let's listen. Трябва ли Ви тази книга? Do you need this book? Do you need this book? Pogledaj ove. Take a look at these. Look at these. Видях го да бяга от там. I saw him run away. I saw him running from there. Сите се смееја. Everyone's laughing. Everybody laughed. Том не се отказва. Tom isn't giving up. Tom's not giving up. Том получи шестица. Tom got an A. Tom got a six. Ще сложа обратно нещата там, където им е мястото. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'll put things back where they belong. Тя получи билета без да дава нищо. She got the ticket for nothing. She got the ticket without giving anything. Взех си душ. I took a shower. I took a shower. Ти знаеше ли, че Том е напуснал града? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Оној столб не е баш вертикален. That pole is not quite vertical. That pole isn't exactly vertical. Със сигурност се нуждаем от помощта на Том. We definitely need Tom's help. We certainly need Tom's help. Većina se plaši da postavi sebi veliki cilj iz straha da ga nikada neće dostići. Most people are afraid to set a high goal for fear of not achieving it. Most of them are afraid to set themselves a great cause for fear that they will never reach him. Си слушнал ли за нас? Have you heard about us? Have you heard of us? Nemyslím si, že to musíš vedieť. I don't think you have to know it. I don't think so. Jedna lasta ne čini proljeće. One swallow does not make a summer. One property doesn't make spring. Имаш ли цигара? Do you have a smoke? Do you have a cigarette? Том тази работа няма да го заинтересува. Tom wouldn't be interested in this job. Tom won't be interested in this job. Том си го закачи палтото во плакарот. Tom hung his coat up in the closet. Tom put his coat in his closet. Се колнам, не би се фатил со тебе ни да горам а ти да си последната кофа вода. I swear, I wouldn't date you if I was on fire and you were the last bucket of water. I swear, I wouldn't catch up with you even if I was burning and you were the last bucket of water. Това е направено саморъчно от Том. This is Tom's handiwork. This was done by hand tom. Ona je moja profesorica. She's my professor. She's my teacher. Можеби Том ќе беше среќен со Мери. Tom might've been happy with Mary. Maybe Tom would have been happy with Mary. Многу ми се допаѓа! I love it! I like it so much! Том е добар танчер. Tom is a good dancer. Tom's a good dancer. Дали Том умира од рак? Is Tom dying of cancer? Does Tom die of cancer? Trenirao sam mesecima. I've trained for months. I've been training for months. Бог създаде човека по свой образ и подобие. God created man in his own image. God created man in his own image and likeness. Том е послушен, па дури и покорен. Tom is obedient, almost submissive. Tom is obedient and even obedient. Napíš to! Write it down! That's what you're gonna do! Ne možete da nas naterate da odemo. You can't make us leave. You can't make us leave. I onda se nešto neverovatno dogodilo. And then something amazing happened. And then something amazing happened. Zvjezde su svjetlucale na nebu. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars were shining in the sky. Само се плашиш дека ќе треба да го бакнеш Том. You're just afraid you'll have to kiss Tom. You're just afraid you're gonna have to kiss Tom. Недей да се тревожиш за това. Don't you worry about it. Don't worry about it. Напълно съм съгласен с твоето мнение. I agree with you absolutely. I totally agree with your opinion. Мислам дека ова е завршено. I thought this was over. I think this is over. Не отваряй прозореца. Don't open the window. Don't open the window. Том е љубезен човек. Tom is a kind man. Tom is a kind man. Ние трябва да опитаме нещо различно. We've got to try something different. We have to try something different. Мисля, че Том май е пиян. I think Tom might be drunk. I think Tom might be drunk. Има малка вероятност да не успея да дойда на срещата. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's little chance I can't make it to the meeting. Nemoj da lažeš. Don't lie. Don't lie. Той ми е по-малък брат. He's my younger brother. He's my little brother. Фернандо е побрз од тебе. Можеш ли да потврдиш дека ја разбираш таа порака? Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understand that message? Fernando's faster than you, can you confirm that you understand that message? Лекарството го излекува от болестта му. The medicine cured him of his illness. The cure cured him of his illness. Това е нещо, което просто трябва да направя. This is just something I have to do. It's something I just have to do. Ovo je sigurno pripadalo njoj. This must've belonged to her. This must have belonged to her. Отсекогаш сум пазел да не кажам премногу. I've always been careful to not say too much. I've always been careful not to say too much. Го растревожуваш Том. You're making Tom nervous. You're worrying Tom. Izgleda mlad za svoje godine. He looks young for his age. He looks young for his age. Може да и се верува. You can believe her. She can be trusted. Моето куче също гледа телевизия. My dog is also watching TV. My dog is watching TV, too. Upoznala sam neke divne ljude. I've met some wonderful people. I met some wonderful people. Ти ли си Джон? Are you John? Are you John? Ако времето позволява, ще отида в музея. If time permits, I'll visit the museum. If time allows, I'll go to the museum. Тази книга твоя ли е? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Трябва да кажа на Том. I have to tell Tom. I have to tell Tom. Изглежда Том малко е напълнял малко. It looks like Tom has gained a little weight. Looks like Tom's gained some weight. Nisam radio mnogo godina. I haven't worked for many years. I haven't worked in many years. Zini! Open your mouth! Open up! Ако те ја волим, шта се то тебе тиче? What's it to you if I love you? If I love you, what's it to you? Radim svoj posao. I'm doing my job. I'm doing my job. Можно е Том да е осамен. Tom might be lonely. It's possible Tom's lonely. Мислиш ли да треба да пишем Тому? Do you think I should write to Tom? Do you think I should write to Tom? Не знаев дека починал татко ти. I didn't know your father had passed away. I didn't know your father died. Дубоко сам постиђен. I am deeply ashamed. I'm deeply ashamed. Той е с руса коса. He has blond hair. He's got blond hair. Ne skači! Don't jump! Don't jump! Подозирам дека Том го скршил прозорецот. I suspect it was Tom who broke the window. I suspect Tom broke the window. Bolje đavo kog znaš nego đavo kog ne znaš. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Кога приключва? When's it over? When does it end? Zar si već završio? Have you already finished? Are you done yet? Napustila je svoju djecu. She left her children. She left her children. Колко са безработните в света? How many unemployed are there in the world? How many unemployed people in the world? Не ни знаев дека Том и Мери порано биле во брак. I didn't even know Tom and Mary used to be married to each other. I didn't even know Tom and Mary were married before. Tom se ponudio da pomogne kada je izgledalo da je sve krenulo potpuno pogrešno. Tom lends a helping hand when everything seems to be going completely wrong. Tom offered to help when it seemed like everything was going completely wrong. Približno koliko knjig imata? About how many books do you have? About how many books do you have? Je li ovo tvoja bilježnica? Is this your notebook? Is this your notebook? Баш е вкусно. It's quite delicious. It's delicious. Искам да ви видя. I want to see you. I want to see you. Чух, че Том мрази Мери. I heard Tom hates Mary. I heard Tom hates Mary. Tom je jedini hranilac u porodici. Tom is the only breadwinner in the family. Tom is the only foster parent in the family. Тогаш бев дома. I was at home then. I was home at the time. Том беше босоног. Tom was barefoot. Tom was barefoot. Nemojte da pričate. Don't talk. Don't talk. Тя е със среден ръст. She is of average height. She's medium. Trudim se. I try. I'm trying. Веднаш ќе го викнам. I'll get them right away. I'll call him right back. Чучнаа покрај неа. They crouched down beside her. They're knocking right next to her. Къде отиваме? When do we go? Where are we going? Мисля, че не разбирате най-важното. I think you're missing the point. I don't think you understand the most important thing. Аз съм по-стар от който и да било друг ученик от моя клас. I'm older than any other student in my class. I'm older than any other student in my class. Моля ви, недейте. Please don't do it. Please don't. Това беше доста добро. That was pretty good. That was pretty good. Той говори японски добре. He speaks Japanese well. He speaks Japanese well. Ѝ се јавив вчера. I called her yesterday. I called yesterday. Том сака да прави се сам. Tom likes to do everything himself. Tom wants to do everything by himself. Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have been down lately. Том се одлучи. Tom made a decision. Tom made up his mind. Не ми треба советување. I don't need any counseling. I don't need counseling. Мислат дека е прекубројно. They think it's superfluous. They think it's too many. Не те ли е страх, Том? Aren't you scared, Tom? Aren't you scared, Tom? Нѐ чека работа. We have work to do. We have work to do. Том вети дека ќе помогне. Tom has promised to help. Tom promised to help. Da li si ovo rekla Tomu? Have you told Tom this? Did you say this to Tom? Da li ti živiš tamo? Do you live there? Do you live there? Онзи човек имаше странна усмивка на лицето си за малко.Какво смяташ,че се крие зад това. That person has had an odd grin on his face for a while. What do you suppose is behind it? That guy had a weird smile on his face for a while. What do you think he was hiding behind that. Позволете ми да Ви разкажа нещо за себе си. Let me tell you something about myself. Let me tell you something about me. Гледав телевизија кога дојде Том. I was watching TV when Tom came. I was watching TV when Tom got here. През лятото той излизаше на дълги разходки. He would go to out for a long walk in summer. In the summer he took long walks. Ќе платам што треба. I'll pay anything. I'll pay you what needs to be done. Всеки ден ли говориш френски? Do you speak French every day? Do you speak French every day? Отићи ћу. I'm going to leave. I'll go. Zainstrigiran sam. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. Смееш да останеш само ако си тивок. You can stay only if you are quiet. You can only stay if you're quiet. Днес ми е трудно да се концентрирам. It's hard for me to concentrate today. It's hard to concentrate today. Ова е домашен џем. This is homemade jam. This is a homemade jam. Многу ли знаеш за нас? Do you know much about us? Do you know much about us? Што пиете? What're you drinking? What are you drinking? Затова не мога да повярвам. That's why I cannot believe it. That's why I can't believe it. Затичахме се надолу по хълма. We ran down the hill. We ran down the hill. Вратата беше заклучена. The door was locked. The door was locked. Ja viem, aké to je. I know what it's like. I'm looking, if that's what it is. Priđite. Come forward. Come in. Bude sa mi o tebe snívať. I'll dream about you. She'll be with me about you. Pil som víno. I drank the wine. I've been drinking wine. Užasno smo se posvađali. We had a terrible fight. We had a terrible fight. V kino je šla sama. She went to the movies alone. She went to the movies alone. Дръж си устата затворена. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut. Nisam baš bio spreman. I was hardly prepared. I wasn't quite ready. Термити једу дрво. Termites eat wood. Termites eat wood. Утре се дипломираме. We're graduating tomorrow. We graduate tomorrow. Зошто се јавуваш? Why are you calling? Why are you calling? Онези панталони са малко доста тесни в кръста. Those pants are a little too tight in the waist. Those pants are a little tight in the cross. Nije bitno gde sam. Where I am doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where I am. Преувеличуваме. We're overreacting. We're exaggerating. Всичко мина по план. Everything went according to plan. Everything went as planned. Crkni! Die! Die! Ще отида да донеса малко. I'll go get some. I'll go get some. Майк беше избран за председател. Mike was elected chairperson. Mike was elected president. Pomahala je z obema rokama da bi jo lahko našel. She waved both her hands so that he could find her. She waved with both hands so she could find her. Ko ne reskira, ne dobija. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. He who doesn't take any chances doesn't get it. Idi gore. Get upstairs. Go upstairs. Том мислеше дека зборува француски подорбо отколку што навистина зборува. Tom thought he was better at French than he really was. Tom thought he was speaking French more than he really was. Нямаш никакво основание да мислиш по този начин. You have no good reason for thinking as you do. You have no reason to think that way. За нас е огромно удоволствие да гледаме бейзболни мачове. We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games. It's a great pleasure to see baseball games. Не би мислел така. I wouldn't think so. You wouldn't think so. Poprisredi malo. Clean up a little. Give me a break. Oduvek sam mislila da je to čudno. I always thought it was weird. I always thought that was weird. Све се одиграло муњевитом брзином. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything took place at lightning speed. Meri je uzela slobodno zbog putovanja. Mary took some time off to travel. Mary took the day off for the trip. Сакаш ли да те соберам од аеродром? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? Do you want me to pick you up from the airport? Mogla bih da krenem sa tobom. I could go with you. I could come with you. Сакам да се однесуваш долично. I want you to behave. I want you to behave properly. Govori o drugima kako bi voleo da govore o tebi! Speak about others as you would want them to speak about you! He's talking about others so he'd like to talk about you! Се обиде ли да разговараш со Том? Did you try to talk to Tom? Have you tried talking to Tom? Том ќе биде супер. Tom will be great. Tom's gonna be great. Hoću kupiti kruha. I want to buy some bread. I want to buy some bread. Ne mogu da čekam. I can't wait. I can't wait. Сите зборуваат за мене. Everyone is talking about me. Everybody's talking about me. Роден сум во 1980-та. I was born in 1980. I was born in 1980. Требаше порано да се откажеме. We should've quit earlier. We should've given up sooner. Някой от вас виждал ли е Том някога? Have any of you ever met Tom? Have either of you ever seen Tom? Verovatno me nikada više nećeš videti. You'll probably never see me again. You'll probably never see me again. Nikad nećemo znati razlog. We'll never know the reason. We'll never know the reason. Nemam kartu. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Зърнах момичето между тълпата. I glimpsed the girl among the crowd. I saw the girl in the crowd. Мислех, че Том не ти харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. On ima dubok glas. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. Кой планира това пътуване? Who planned out this trip? Who's planning this trip? Pitam se što Tom namjerava učiniti. I wonder what Tom is up to. I wonder what Tom's planning to do. Извинете, знаете ли колку е часот? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Има нещо, за което трябва да се погрижа. I have some business to take care of. There's something I need to take care of. Не ме бива много да говоря на френски. I'm not very good at speaking French. I'm not allowed to speak much in French. Том щеше да разбере. Tom would've understood. Tom would have found out. Зарем не доби? Didn't you get one? Didn't you get it? Брат ми е излезен. My brother is out. My brother's out. В Китай ние слагаме отпред първо фамилията, а после името. In China, we put our family name first, then our name. In China, we put in front of the family first, then the name. Ќе мора да учиш повредно следната година. You'll have to study harder next year. You're gonna have to study harder next year. Мораме да ѝ помогнеме. We've got to help her. We have to help her. Задоволство би ми било да дојдеш и ти. I'd be happy to have you along. It would be my pleasure if you came. Имам многу за правење. I've got plenty to do. I've got a lot to do. Poznaju te. They know you. They know you. Gotovo da nema nasilja u tom gradu. There is almost no violence in that city. There's almost no violence in that town. Къде е тоалетната ? Where is the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Той самият така каза. He himself said so. That's what he said. Се додека има живот, има и надеж. As long as there's life, there is hope. As long as there's life, there's hope. Имам два апарата. I have two cameras. I've got two cameras. Мушкарци остају деца целог живота. Men are children their whole life. Men stay children all their lives. Бива го в голфа. He is good at golf. It's in the golf course. Ми треба чиста кошула. I need a clean shirt. I need a clean shirt. Moj treći muž mi je kupio ovo. My third husband bought me this. My third husband bought me this. Колкото повече знаеш, толкова по-малко знаеш. The more you know the less you know. The more you know, the less you know. Скинула сам перику. I took off my wig. I took off my wig. Siguran sam da ćeš razumeti. I'm sure you understand. I'm sure you'll understand. Znači li to da me volite? Does this mean that you love me? Does that mean you love me? Волела бих да те пољубим. I'd like to kiss you. I'd love to kiss you. Nisam nimalo zabrinut. I'm not worried at all. I'm not worried at all. На Том гласот едвај му се слушаше. Tom's voice was hardly audible. Tom's voice was barely heard. Kraljica i kralj su ponovo ujedinili svoje moći. The Queen and the King have again united their powers. The Queen and King have reunited their powers. Горната част на планината е покрита със сняг. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The top of the mountain is covered with snow. Ne smeš da ulaziš u tu prostoriju. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. Трябва да му бъде дадено преимущество пред останалите. He should be given preference over the others. He must be given an advantage to the others. Она води рачуна о својој старој мајци. She takes care of her old mother. She's taking care of her old mother. Moje šťastie záleží od teba. My happiness depends on you. Oh, my shittie's coming off of you. Не разбирам немски език. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Рекао сам вам да то не функционише. I told you it wouldn't work. I told you it didn't work. Том не сака журка. Tom doesn't want a party. Tom doesn't want a party. Saosećajna sam. I'm not unsympathetic. I'm compassionate. Spremni su da razgovaraju o problemu. They are willing to talk about the problem. They're ready to talk about the problem. Загрижен сум за твоето здравје. I'm worried about your health. I'm worried about your health. Том преподава френски в една гимназия. Tom teaches French at a high school. Tom taught French in high school. Би сакал да си се вратам во Бостон. I'd like to go back to Boston. I'd like to go back to Boston. Državljanstvo je preduslov za glasanje. Citizenship is a prerequisite for voting. Citizenship is a prerequisite for voting. Таа секогаш вредно работи. She is always hard at work. She's always worth it. Вратовръзката ми е оранжева. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. Šta je ta stvar i tvojoj desnoj šaci? What is that thing in your right hand? What's that thing with your right hand? Си ја излекував настинката со овој лек. I cured my cold with this medicine. I cured my cold with this cure. Hoću li biti zamenjen? Am I being replaced? Will I be replaced? Zajemalko drži v njeni desni roki. She is holding a ladle in her right hand. He's holding the cap in her right hand. Нанси беше изненадана, че Боб спечели първа награда в състезанието. Nancy was surprised that Bob won the first prize in the contest. Nancy was surprised that Bob won first prize in the competition. Овај модел се може комбиновати са било којом бојом. This model can be combined with any color. This model can be combined with any color. Не можеш денес да си одиш од Бостон. You can't leave Boston today. You can't leave Boston today. Том излъга Мери, когато каза, че не познава Джон. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Заврши мисата. The mass is over. Finish the mass. Ne vem niti, če ima punco. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. Бегај! Run for it! Run! Срещата ми е в 2:30. My appointment is at 2:30. My meeting's at 2:30. Japanom vlada car a Španjolskom kralj. Japan is ruled by an emperor and Spain by a king. Japan is ruled by the Emperor and the King of Spain. Дан пристигна во станот на Линда. Dan arrived at Linda's apartment. Dan arrived at Linda's apartment. Máš čas. You have time. You're running out of time. Kakšne barve je ta riba? What colour is this fish? What color is this fish? Водата беше млака. The water was lukewarm. The water was soft. Tomu se dopadaju oba. Tom likes them both. That's what both people like. Nisam te ovdje prije vidio. I haven't seen you in here before. I haven't seen you here before. Има ли некој што не се сложува? Does anyone disagree? Is there anyone who disagrees? Остави го да лае като куче. Let him bark like a dog. Let him bark like a dog. Máš desať rokov? Are you ten years old? Do you have any hands? Том не ми одговори на прашањето. Tom never answered my question. Tom didn't answer my question. Чекај да здивнам. Let me catch my breath. Let me breathe. Аз ще бъда наказана. I'll be punished. I'll be punished. Прекалено зает съм, за да му помогна. I'm too busy to help him. I'm too busy to help him. Pogosto mislim na svojo pokojno mati. I frequently think about my mother who passed away. I often think of my late mother. Што се случи со Том и Мери? What's happened to Tom and Mary? What happened to Tom and Mary? Kto je zodpovedný za tento problém? Who's responsible for this problem? What's the code for Tento problém? Писна ми от тъпата работа. I've had it with this stupid job. I'm sick of this stupid thing. Бе обречен никога да не я срещне отново. He was destined never to meet her again. He was doomed never to meet her again. Някои хора умеят да говоят добре, а други са добри слушатели. Some people are good talkers and others good listeners. Some people can talk good, others are good listeners. Планирам да отседна в хотел. I'm planning to stay at a hotel. I plan to stay in a hotel. Ово је Брајан Рок. This is Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. Bilo je pomalo nezgodno. It was a little tricky. It was kind of awkward. Ko je pojeo zadnju krofnu? Who ate the last donut? Who ate the last doughnut? Не се притеснявайте. Don't worry. Don't worry. Mačka nije čovjek! A cat is not a person. Cat's not human! Си си го шинал глуждот. You sprained your ankle. You took your ankle off. Tvoji rezultati ispita su odlični. Your examination results are excellent. Your exam results are great. Том не беше вплеткан. Tom wasn't involved. Tom wasn't involved. Тебе ли ти зборував? Was I talking to you? Did I talk to you? Имам разни неща, които трябва да свърша. I have things to do. I have things to do. Ето къде си. Here you are. There you are. Макар това да значеше, че ще се изложи на опасност, той се реши да отиде там. Even though it meant risking danger, he decided to go there. Although that meant putting himself in danger, he decided to go there. Се согласив. I said yes. I agreed. Не трябва да излизаш. You shouldn't go out. You don't have to go out. To nije velika stvar. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. Želim da pomognem. I want to help out. I want to help. Да се паркираме онаму. Let's park over there. Let's park over there. Со нетрпиене чекам да ја видам новата верзија на Татоеба. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I'm looking forward to seeing Tataba's new version. Кажи му на Том дека наскоро ќе се вратам дома. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. Tell Tom I'll be home soon. Môžem sa na to pozrieť? May I have a look at it? I can take a look at that? Ти рече дека ќе помогнеш. You said you'd help. You said you'd help. Dobre su šanse da ćemo da pobedimo. There's a good chance that we'll win. There's a good chance we're gonna win. Kdo je že buden? Who is already awake? Who's awake already? Šta si sada uradila? What have you done now? What did you do now? Прво ќе се замијам. I'm going to go wash up first. I'll make out first. Tom voli ekstremne sportove. Tom likes extreme sports. Tom likes extreme sports. Сигурен ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? Том е направил някои грешки на контролното. Tom made some mistakes in the test. Tom made some mistakes on control. Кейт говори английски много бързо. Kate speaks English very fast. Kate speaks English very quickly. Колко ти дължа? How much money do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Што не одиме да ги собереме? Why don't we go get them? Why don't we go pick them up? Зошто зајците имаат големи уши? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have big ears? Той може да кара кола. He can drive a car. He can drive a car. Voli da od komarca pravi magarca. He loves to make a mountain out of a molehill. He likes to make mosquitoes a donkey. Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Is Mike off the bottle? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic beverages? Прекъсваш ни. You're interrupting us. You're interrupting us. Знаевме дека ќе дојдеш. We knew you'd come. We knew you'd come. Сви су били једном млади. Everyone was young once. They were all young once. Skoro pa je vredelo. It was almost worth it. Almost worth it. Во согласност со нашиот договор, престана да ми поставува лични прашања. In accordance with our agreement, he stopped asking me personal questions. In accordance with our agreement, he stopped asking me personal questions. Puno sam razmišljao o onome što si rekao. I thought a lot about what you said. I've been thinking a lot about what you said. Он има двоје кола. He has two cars. He's got two cars. Потпишете се доле, Ве молам. Sign at the bottom, please. Sign down, please. В твоите ръце е, Том. It's in your hands, Tom. It's in your hands, Tom. Ми досаѓаат. They're bothering me. They're boring me. Том ѝ ги фрли на Мери документите на биро. Tom tossed the documents on Mary's desk. Tom threw Mary's papers to the bureau. Винаги си добър. You're always good. You're always good. Мислев дека веќе си нашол место за престој. I thought that you already had a place to stay. I thought you'd already found a place to stay. Dođi da pogledaš. Come and take a look. Come and have a look. Prevođenje nije ni blizu tako lako kako mnogi ljudi misle. Translating is not nearly as easy as many people might think. Translation is nowhere near as easy as many people think. Том е потрчко. Tom is an errand boy. Tom's a errand boy. Той ѝ даде един съвет. He gave her a piece of advice. He gave her some advice. Сигурна съм, че Том не те мрази. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Кислородът е необходим за горенето. Oxygen is necessary for combustion. Oxygen is necessary for burning. Slnko je žlté. The sun is yellow. Slnko's a sleaze. Ја сам вас тражио. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Том говори френски добре, но не толкова добре, колкото английския. Tom speaks French well, but not as well as he speaks English. Tom speaks French as well, but not as well as English. Том се упражнява да говори френски при всяка възможност. Tom practices speaking French every chance he gets. Tom's been practicing to speak French at all times. Може ли да поразговараме? Could I talk to you? Can I talk to you for a second? Се начукавме. We got dead drunk. We fucked up. Јеси ли то намерно урадила? Did you do that purposely? Did you do it on purpose? Има нещо друго, което трябва да направя. There's something else I need to do. There's something else I have to do. Подобро е да бидеш оптимист и да се залажуваш отколку да бидеш песимист и да бидеш во право. It's better to be an optimist and be wrong than to be a pessimist and be right. It's better to be optimistic and fake than be pessimistic and right. Можам да ѝ пренесам порака. I can give her a message. I can give her a message. Се сакаа. They love each other. They loved each other. Pitala sam te sinoć. I asked you last night. I asked you last night. Харесвам тениса и голфа. I like tennis and golf. I like tennis and golf. Treba mi iskrena devojka. I need a sincere girlfriend. I need an honest girl. Мислех, че не харесваш Том. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought you didn't like Tom. Ѝ дадов лажна адреса. I gave her a fake address. I gave you a false address. Том ја сакаше Мери, знаеш. Tom loved Mary, you know. Tom loved Mary, you know. Мисля, че това ще ти хареса. I think you'd like that. I think you'll like that. Извинете, колко са тези? Excuse me, how much are these? Excuse me, how many are these? Кулата беше разбита на пух и прах. The tower was blown to atoms. The tower was smashed into smoke and dust. Ние пристигнахме първи. We were the first to arrive. We got here first. Когато изтече отпускът по майчинство, тя се върна на старата си работа. After her maternity leave, she resumed her old job. When the maternity leave ended, she went back to her old job. Не съм получил дори и едно писмо от нея. I didn't even receive one letter from her. I didn't even get one letter from her. Odrasla je v prelepo žensko. She grew up to be a beautiful lady. She grew up to be a beautiful woman. Ne znam zašto me boli glava. I don't know why my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts. Том гледаше наоколу, небаре очекуваше нешто да се случи. Tom looked around as if waiting for something to happen. Tom was looking around, not that he expected anything to happen. Што ли намерил Том сега? What's Tom up to now? What did Tom find now? Tom je znao sve to. Tom knew about all that. Tom knew all that. Асистентът ми заплаши, че ще напусне. My assistant threatened to quit. My assistant threatened to leave. Možete li da mi date znak? Can you give me a sign? Can you give me a sign? Moj omiljeni predavač je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite lecturer was Jackson. Moramo da se usredsredimo na naše vrline. We need to focus on our strengths. We need to focus on our virtues. Том погледна. Tom looked. Tom took a look. Остави ме да отида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Гајле ми е за нив. I care about them. I don't care about them. Ovo je jedan od najpopularnijih restorana u gradu. This is one of the most popular restaurants in town. This is one of the most popular restaurants in town. Зар ти ниси из Аустралије? Aren't you from Australia? Aren't you from Australia? Аз ще присъствам на срещата. I'll attend the meeting. I'll attend the meeting. Се случило и претходно. It's happened before. It's happened before. Каква е твоята история, Том? What's your story, Tom? What's your story, Tom? Вярвай ми, знам за какво говоря. Trust me, I've been there. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Da li smo spremni za polazak? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? На Том му е русвај собата. Tom's room is messy. Tom's got a bad room. Nevideli sme nič divného. We saw nothing strange. Can't see a damn thing. Tom je moler. Tom is a house painter. Tom's a moler. Каквото и да говориш, не можеш да ме разубедиш. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. Whatever you're saying, you can't talk me out of it. Moj auto je u garaži. My car is in the garage. My car's in the garage. Rád športujem. I like playing sports. I'm a racer. Това е една наистина тъпа идея. That's a really stupid idea. It's a really stupid idea. Stvarno sam ponosna na Toma. I'm real proud of Tom. I'm really proud of Tom. Не трябва да се предавате. You must not give up. You don't have to give up. Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagala Tomu? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? You want to know why I lied to Tom? Този човек трябва да бъде осъден на смърт. That man should be sentenced to death. This man must be sentenced to death. Да не те е страх от нещо? Are you afraid of something? Aren't you afraid of something? Дали сакаш да зборуваш со мене? Do you wish to speak to me? Do you want to talk to me? Мислам дека знаеш кој сум. I think you know who I am. I think you know who I am. Не смеам да се вмешам. I can't get involved. I can't get involved. Зошто мора да си оди Том? Why does Tom have to leave? Why does he have to go, Tom? Еден од нив ми се обрати. One of them spoke to me. One of them came to me. Тази седмица съм отпуск. I am on holiday this week. I'm off this week. То су за мене шпанска села. It's all Greek to me. These are Spanish villages for me. Кой може да ми помогне? Who will help me? Who can help me? Харесва ли Ви Япония? How do you like Japan? Do you like Japan? Уча френски сама. I'm learning French on my own. I'm learning French by myself. Не е дека нешто правиме. It's not like we're doing anything. It's not like we're doing anything. Мора да бидеш претпазлив. You must be cautious. You have to be careful. Ne znam ništa o njoj. I don't know anything about her. I don't know anything about her. Сега тръгвам. I'll be going now. I'm leaving now. Мислам дека ќе можам да го решам проблемов сам. I don't think that I'll be able to solve this problem by myself. I think I can handle this on my own. Mnogo ćeš nam nedostajati ako odeš za Japan. We will miss you terribly if you leave Japan. We'll miss you so much if you go to Japan. Той е само на четири минути от тук с влак. It's only four minutes from here by train. He's only four minutes away by train. Ја најде ли веќе? Have you found her yet? Have you found her yet? Zašto se ponašaš detinjasto? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting childish? "Виждали ли сте ми телефона?" - "На масата е." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my phone?" "It's on the table." Јадев пилешки медалјони. I ate chicken nuggets. I was eating chicken medallions. Viem, že je tažké uveriť tomu. I know it's difficult to believe. Viem, it's already sad to believe that. Той стои на сцената. He is standing on the stage. He's standing on the stage. Kakvo glupo pitanje! What a stupid question! What a stupid question! Zaboravio sam da platim kiriju. I forgot to pay the rent. I forgot to pay rent. Jesi li se naspavao? Did you get any sleep? Did you get some sleep? Да продължаваме. Let's proceed. Let's move on. Сите ќе ми фалат. I'll miss everyone. I'm gonna miss everybody. Konobar je došao do njegova stola. The waiter came up to his table. Waiter came to his desk. Sinoć sam bio kući. Last night I was at home. I was home last night. Тој во се наоѓа мана. He criticizes everything. He's in a flaw. Коя е любимата ви топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What's your favorite hot drink? Som rada, že som tu nebola. I'm glad I wasn't here. I love it. I'm already in the sky. Muškarci žele da se osećaju značajno. Men want to feel important. Men want to feel important. Този е ок. That one's OK. This one's okay. Тука престојува откако стигна од Канада. He has stayed here since he arrived from Canada. He's been here since he arrived from Canada. Моля те, събуди ме в шест утре сутринта. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Мери свири клавир. Mary plays the piano. Mary plays the piano. Molim vas, ponovite? Could you repeat that? Please repeat? Чувам, че Том бил откраднал кола. I hear Tom stole a car. I hear Tom stole a car. Той обича и бейзбола, и футбола. He likes either baseball or football. He loves baseball and football. Той обича всякакви сладки неща. He likes anything sweet. He likes all kinds of sweet things. Ovi su mi najbolji prijatelji. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Директорите не бяха склонни да поемат такъв риск. The directors were reluctant to undertake so risky a venture. The directors were not willing to take such a risk. Ние изпратихме поканите вчера. We sent out the invitations yesterday. We sent the invitations yesterday. Разправиите няма да решат нищо. Fighting won't settle anything. Dispute won't solve anything. Заборавив да ти кажам кога почнува состанокот. I forgot to tell you what time the meeting's going to start. I forgot to tell you when the meeting started. Оценявам съдействието ви. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Treba popraviti moj sat. My clock needs to be fixed. I need to fix my watch. Odužiću ti se. I'll make it up to you. I'll make it up to you. Ајде да се уозбилиме. Let's get serious. Let's get serious. Зарем не можеш да ми помогнеш? Can't you help me? Can't you help me? Децата пак плачат. The children are crying again. The kids are crying again. Връщам я. I'm giving it back. I'm bringing her back. Том не се качи на автобуса. Tom didn't get on the bus. Tom didn't get on the bus. Аз не мога да говоря английски, а пък за немски да не говорим. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English, and I can't speak German. Реших, че сте си тръгнали. I thought you'd left. I thought you'd left. Не сум камионџија. I'm not a trucker. I'm not a truck driver. Само те задевав. I was just teasing. I was just stalking you. Том се опита да вземе ключовете си с пръстите на краката си. Tom tried to pick up his keys with his toes. Tom tried to take his keys with his toes. Аз притежавам тази собственост. I own this property. I own this property. Radujem se tvojem pismu. I'm looking forward to getting your letter. I look forward to your letter. Ще се случи. It'll happen. It's gonna happen. Kada je sastanak? What time is the meeting? When's the meeting? Не говорете в класната стая. Don't talk in the classroom. Don't talk in the classroom. Zašto Tom nosi mantil? Why is Tom wearing a coat? Why is Tom wearing a coat? Остани каде што си, те молам. Stay where you are, please. Stay where you are, please. Ова нема да успее. This isn't going to work. This isn't gonna work. Кой зъб те боли? Which tooth hurts? What's your tooth hurting? Nikada nisam kampovala. I've never been camping. I've never been camping. Ти посакувам убава недела! Have a good week! Have a nice week! Sovražniki smo. We're enemies. We're enemies. Myslel som, že Tom o tom chce vedieť. I thought Tom would want to know about that. Myslel som, it's Tom about that chace sveieë. Je to veľmi jednoduché. It is very simple. It's a one-douche. Знаев дека немаш состанок. I knew you didn't have a meeting. I knew you didn't have a date. Jeste li sarkastične? Are you being sarcastic? Are you being sarcastic? Се прашувам што прави Том во моментов. I wonder what Tom is doing now. I wonder what Tom's doing right now. Ovaj je jedinstven. This is one of a kind. This one's unique. Го дискутиравме ова. We've discussed this. We discussed this. Bitkoin i eterijum su virtuelne valute. Bitcoin and Ethereum are virtual currencies. Bitcoin and etherium are virtual currencies. Не разполагам с никаква информация за Том. I have no information on Tom. I don't have any information on Tom. Това не го разбирам. I don't get this. I don't understand that. С Том няма проблеми. There's no problem with Tom. Tom doesn't have a problem. Ne mogu da popravim auto sam. I'm not able to fix the car by myself. I can't fix the car alone. Още нищо не съм започнала. I haven't started anything yet. I haven't started anything yet. Том е седиран. Tom has been sedated. Tom's sitting down. Извештајов е многу фушерски напишан. This report is very sloppily written. This report is a lot of Fusher writing. Mislim, dakle jesam. I think, therefore I am. I mean, so I did. Ne daj da ti se zavuče u glavu. Don't let it go to your head. Don't let it get in your head. Volám sa Emily. My name is Emily. I love Emily. Той обикаляше страната. He traveled around the country. He was going around the country. Choď si za svojím, a nech si ľudia rozprávajú. Follow your own path and let people talk. You're after your own people, and you're a Jew. Том я е намерил. Tom found it. Tom found her. Мисля, че трябва да видите това. I think you'd better look at this. I think you should see this. Никогаш не ги мразам луѓето; ги оставам да се мразат самите себеси. I never hate people; I let them hate themselves. I never hate people; I let them hate themselves. Какво пият? What are they drinking? What are they drinking? Сара има 31 пенкало. Sara has 31 pens. Sarah has 31 pens. Razočarala si me. You disappointed me. You disappoint me. Bila je to mračna i olujna noć. It was a dark and stormy night. It was a dark and stormy night. Почувствах се изолирана. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Том бездруго многу те сака. Tom must love you very much. Tom loves you anyway. Красив залез, нали? A beautiful sunset, isn't it? Beautiful sunset, isn't it? Том, събуждай се. Tom, wake up. Tom, wake up. Училището започва в осем и половина. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at eight and a half. Какав ти је био дан? How was your day? How was your day? Bez ohľadu na všetko, Tom je šťastný. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. Without chills on the fang, Tom is a shastený. To bi bilo odlično. That would've been great. That would be great. Идем аутом до града, па могу да те одбацим успут. I'm driving into town so I can drop you off on the way. I'm gonna take the car to town, so I can drop you off on the way. Ништо не ми е како што треба. Nothing feels right. Nothing's right for me. Виждала съм те някъде. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Не фалат камења. There's no shortage of rocks. We don't miss rocks. Dvaja muži sa stretli tvárou v tvár. Two men met face to face. The two men with the shot TVáro in TVár. Dođi ovamo, mladiću. Come here, young man. Come here, young man. Той е финансово независим от родителите си He is economically independent of his parents. He's financially independent of his parents. Погледни отзад. Look behind you. Look in the back. Spadla z rebríka. She fell down the ladder. Fell off the ribs. Къщата, в която преди живеехме, е съборена. The house we used to live in was torn down. The house we used to live in was torn down. Pokušavam. I try. I'm trying. Nije zločin ponekad preskočiti doručak. It's no crime to skip breakfast once in a while. It's not a crime to skip breakfast sometimes. Том никогаш не ја изгуби надежта. Tom never lost hope. Tom never lost hope. Том не знае никого тука. Tom doesn't know anybody here. Tom doesn't know anyone here. Криво ми е што не им се јавив. I wish I'd called them. It's my fault I didn't call them. Ме воодушеви твојот дизајн. I'm impressed by your design. I'm impressed with your design. Bio je golih prsa i bos. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was bare-breasted and bare-footed. Moja majka je umrla na dan kada sam se oženio. My mother died the same day I got married. My mother died the day I got married. Šta proučava sovjetolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a Soviet scientist study? Морам нешто попити. I need something to drink. I need something to drink. Voleo bih da možeš da prespavaš. I wish you could stay the night. I wish you could stay the night. Това е снимката на новата ми къща. It is the photo of my new house. This is the picture of my new house. Вредеше да се проба. It was worth a try. It was worth a shot. Nimam nobenih sester. I have no sisters. I don't have any sisters. Една дума подкрепа, когато се проваляш, струва повече от цял час хвалби, когато си успял. A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success. One word of support, when you're failing, is worth more than an hour of praise when you've succeeded. Додека јадеше пица, тој и досаѓаше на сестра си. While eating a pizza he was annoying his sister. While he was eating pizza, he was boring his sister. Желим да живим у граду. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Imam kamen u cipeli. There is a stone in my shoe. I have a rock in my shoe. Kako se zoveš? What is your name? What's your name? Da li si dobro pogledala? Did you get a good look? Did you take a good look? Tom príde tiež. Tom is coming, too. Tom's coming along. Климатикът не работи. The air conditioner doesn't work. The air conditioner isn't working. Тоа не би ми се допаднало. I wouldn't like that. I wouldn't like that. Som si celkom istý. I'm pretty sure. I'm with the same guy. Како се случи ова? How did this happen? How did this happen? To bi bilo uživanje. That would be a treat. That would be fun. Немој да пушиш тука. Don't smoke in here. Don't smoke in here. Prepáčte, koľko je hodín? Excuse me, what time is it? Please, who's hodín? Keď ťa všetci milujú, niekde robíš chybu. If everyone likes you, you're doing it wrong. Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Trebaće mi vremena da se naviknem. Getting used to it will take a while. It'll take me a while to get used to it. Не прави сцена сега. Don't cause a scene now. Don't make a scene now. Тя е малко срамежлива. She is a little shy. She's a little shy. Той се бори с хепатита от шест месеца, но изглежда отскоро е започнал да се възстановява. He's been battling hepatitis for 6 months now, but it looks like he's just starting to recover. He's been fighting hepatitis for six months, but it looks like he's just starting to recover. Те поканив ли тебе? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? Наравно! Of course! Of course! Пред колку време било? How long ago was it? How long ago was it? Момчето хвърля камък. The boy throws a stone. The boy's throwing a rock. Voleo bih da si uz mene. I wish you were here with me. I wish you were there for me. Защо подрани? Why did you come early? Why early? Што правеа? What were we doing? What were they doing? Вкусно ли е? Does it taste good? Is it delicious? Би требало да се во ред. They should be fine. You should be all right. Не сакам да се предадам во полиција. I don't want to turn myself in. I don't want to turn myself in to the police. Da li misliš da je ono što je rekla laž? Do you think what she said is a lie? Do you think what she said was a lie? Ide kući. He is going home. He's going home. Ја претера! You've gone too far! You overdid it! Нешто е чудно. Something's strange. Something's weird. Tom više nije beba. Tom isn't a baby anymore. Tom's not a baby anymore. Том се покаа што и кажал на Мери. Tom wished he hadn't told Mary anything. Tom repented what he told Mary. Treba da dođeš kući. You need to come home. You should come home. Том го крена носот. Tom was indignant. Tom got his nose up. Nemoj da cepidlačiš. Don't quibble. Don't squirm. Слушнав дека се разболел Том. I heard Tom is sick. I heard Tom got sick. Зошто би му помогнал? Why should I help him? Why would I help him? Плувците бяха вцепенени от студа. The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers were sore from the cold. Buter se pravi od mleka. Butter is made from milk. Buter's made out of milk. Тетка му јаде јаболко или банана? Is his aunt eating an apple or a banana? Does his aunt eat an apple or banana? О, не! Oh no! Oh, no! Как може да не Ви харесва Том? How can you not like Tom? How could you not like Tom? Tom mi je rekao da želi da postane doktor. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me he wanted to become a doctor. Prišiel do Ameriky cez Kanadu. He came to America via Canada. She sewed up America's all over Canada. Цял живот съм чакала този ден. I've waited all my life for this day. I've waited my whole life for this day. Жал ни е. We're sorry. We're sorry. Том ни правеше сладки. Tom used to bake us cookies. Tom made us sweets. Винаги настоявам нещата да се изобразяват такива, каквито са. I always make a point of painting things as they are. I always insist that things be depicted as they are. Тој сака на секоја свадба да биде младоженецот и на секој погреб покојникот. He wants to be a husband at every wedding, and the deceased at every funeral. He wants to be the groom at every wedding and at every funeral the deceased. Родителите ми бха приключили с храненето, преди да стигна вкъщи. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. My parents finished eating before I got home. Tom se boji smrti. Tom is afraid of death. Tom's afraid of death. Не гледам да се жалат муштерии. I don't see any customers complaining. I don't see customers complaining. Том бутна Мери от ръба на скалата. Tom pushed Mary off the edge of the cliff. Tom pushed Mary from the edge of the ladder. Навистина ли мораш да работиш викендов? Do you really have to work this weekend? Do you really have to work this weekend? Danas imam puno toga za obaviti. Today I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot to do today. Svi su osim mene pjevali. Everybody was singing except me. Everyone except me was singing. Им ги спакувавме куферите. We packed their suitcases for them. We packed their suitcases. Том колко време е учил френски? How long has Tom studied French? Tom, how long has he been studying French? Да си вземем саке. Let's have sake. Let's get some sakes. Ги замолив да престанат. I asked them to stop. I asked them to stop. Той има три дъщери, едната от тях е омъжена, а другите две още не са. He has three daughters; one is married, but the others aren't. He has three daughters, one of them is married, and the other two are not yet married. Zašto misliš da bi Tom ovo učinio? Why do you think Tom would do this? What makes you think Tom would do this? Том беше нетърпелив и нервен. Tom was impatient and restless. Tom was impatient and nervous. Не ме интересува какво ще стане. I don't care what happens. I don't care what happens. Teško je ustanoviti šta se zaista dogodilo. It is difficult to ascertain what really happened. It's hard to figure out what really happened. Pevali su havajske pesme. They sang Hawaiian songs. They were singing Hawaiian songs. Mislim da je bilo namerno. I think it was intentional. I think it was intentional. Да го упростиме ова. Let's make this simple. Let's simplify this. Тоа не баш изгледа возможно. That really doesn't seem possible. That doesn't exactly seem possible. Стигнавте ли веќе? Have you arrived yet? Are you there yet? Забравих телефонния му номер. I forgot his phone number. I forgot his phone number. Ние ще се върнем. We'll come back. We'll be back. Това отне един час. It took an hour. That took an hour. Мери беше прекрасна невеста. Mary was such a lovely bride. Mary was a beautiful bride. Том, дали сѐ уште ме љубиш? Tom, do you still love me? Tom, do you still love me? Карол посети Бостън миналия месец. Carol visited Boston last month. Carol visited Boston last month. Той я обича. He loves her. He loves her. Што не одиш да ги најдеш? Why don't you go find them? Why don't you go find them? Arheolog istražuje stare rimske ruševine. The archaeologist is studying old Roman ruins. Archaeologist explores ancient Roman ruins. Nisam bogat čovek. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. Da li govorite italijanski? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? Napíšem alebo zavolám ti budúci týždeň. I'll write or phone you next week. I tell you what, I'm in love with you fools. Tom može da bude opasan. Tom may be dangerous. Tom can be dangerous. Што не ни помогна? Why didn't you help us? Why didn't you help us? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш едно? Are you sure you don't want one? Are you sure you don't want one? Молим вас, пожурите. Please hurry. Please hurry. Ти ми държиш ръката на тази снимка. You are holding my hand in that picture. You're holding my hand in this picture. Том не сака девојки што носат високи потпетици. Tom doesn't like girls who wear high heels. Tom doesn't like girls wearing high heels. Ne smeš da uđeš u tu sobu. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. Ова му е тешко. This is difficult for him. This is hard for him. Znaš angleško? Can you speak English? You speak English? Užasan sam sa decom. I'm horrible with kids. I'm terrible with kids. Počni. Get started. Start. Не съм удушила Том. I didn't strangle Tom. I didn't strangle Tom. Том не е толку висок. Tom is not so tall. Tom's not that tall. Леле, гледај го ова. Wow, look at this. Wow, watch this. Samo želimo da idemo kući. We just want to go home. We just want to go home. Šta si rekao Tomu? What have you told Tom? What did you tell Tom? Тоа ли им го направи? Is that what you did to them? Is that what you did to them? Карлос изкачи планината. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbed the mountain. Том е тука за да ме штити. Tom is here to protect me. Tom's here to protect me. Da li je napolju još uvek svetlo? Is it still light out? Is there still light out there? Тоа ми е специјалноста. That's my specialty. That's my specialty. Ме знаеш подобро одошто ти се чини. You know me better than you realize. You know me better than you think. Како можеше ова да се случи? How could this happen? How could this happen? Не можев да ѝ помогнам. I couldn't help her. I couldn't help her. Udobno mi je. I'm comfortable. I'm comfortable. Смее ли да го употребам ова пенкало? May I use this pen? Can I use this pen? Къде трябва да се подпиша? Where is it that I must sign? Where should I sign? Ovo su moji najbolji drugari. These are my best friends. These are my best friends. Имаше респираторни проблеми. He had respiratory problems. He had respiratory problems. Bila sam tamo već. I've already been there. I've been there before. Dobro sam, hvala. I am fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Обожавам голф. I love golf. I love golf. Nikad nisam bila na kampovanju. I've never been camping. I've never been camping. Мисля, че трябва да размислите. I think you should reconsider. I think you should think about it. Не можеш ли да го направиш? Can't you do that? Can't you do it? To som nebol já. It wasn't me. That's a pain in the ass. Сѐ уште ли танцуваш? Do you still dance? Are you still dancing? Ти се јавувам само колку да те чујам. I'm just calling to say hi. I'm only calling you as long as I can hear you. Tom spieva. Tom is singing. Tom's sleeping. Многу е убаво чувството. That feels so good. It feels so good. Na zdravie! Cheers! Cheers! Моля те, премисли го. Please think it over. Please change your mind. Том не може да ја најде Мери. Tom can't find Mary. Tom can't find Mary. Живи сам у шуми. He lives in the forest alone. I live in the woods alone. "Ovo je došlo za tebe." "Uh..." "Nego, sećaš li se one koju ti je poslala kada si je zamolio da ti da slike Epldžekovog brata?" "Da." I onda ti je rekla da napišeš kritiku Mekovog fizičkog izgleda." "Da." "Onda je poslala kritiku Meku." "...Da." "Šta si joj rekao da si naučio iz toga?" "Shvatio sam da je Filipsov šrafciger ubedljiv, ali ne zavodljiv; i da Reriti žestoko naplaćuje stvari koje mislim da treba da uradi kao prijatelj." "This came for you." "Urgh..." "So hey, you remember that one that she sent you where she asked you to get her those pictures of Applejack's brother?" "Yeah." "And then she told you to write a critique on Mac's physical appearance." "Yeah." "Then she sent the critique to Mac." "...Yeah." "What did you tell her you learned from that?" "I found that a Phillips screwdriver is persuasive, but not seductive; and also Rarity charges up the butt for stuff I really think she should do as a friend." "This came for you." "Well, then, do you remember the one she sent you when you asked her to give you the pictures of Apple's brother?" "Yes." "Yes." And then she told you to write a review of Mac's physical appearance." "Yes." "Then she sent it to Maca." "Yes." "Yes." "What did you tell her that you learned from that?" "I realized that Phillips's screwdriver was convincing, but not seductive; and that Retitit was fiercely charging things I think he should do as a friend." Сакаш ли да дојдам кај тебе? Do you want to come over? Do you want me to come to you? Каде беше лани? Where were you last year? Where were you last year? Дан ја праша Линда како ѝ се родил интерес за археологијата. Dan asked Linda how she became interested in archeology. Dan asked Linda about her interest in archaeology. Jedan je senator nazvao predsednika druge zemlje, oficirem stare obaveštajne službe koji bi želeo da povrati staru imperiju te zemlje. One senator has called a president of another country, an officer of the old intelligence service which would like to restore that country's old empire. One senator called the president of another country, an intelligence officer who would like to restore the old empire of that country. Сакам да му правам гримаси. I like to make faces at him. I like to make him makeup. Oprosti, nisam te htio uvrijediti. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Изгледа дека овие двајца се повторно во врска. It looks like those two have gotten back together. Looks like these two are dating again. Заодивме. We started to walk. We're going down. Juče sam bio srećan. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Штета е што си упропастил се. It's a pity you destroyed everything. It's a shame you ruined everything. Им дадовме седатив. We have them sedated. We gave them a sedative. Som príliš lenivý. I am too lazy. You're asking Lenivý. Не мърдай. Don't move. Don't move. Том не успеа. Tom was unsuccessful. Tom didn't make it. Ništa ne možemo da uradimo po tom pitanju. Nothing could be done about that. There's nothing we can do about it. Мисля, че твоят отговор е правилен. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is correct. Mučili su Toma. They tortured Tom. They tortured Tom. Nije bilo previše vruće. It hasn't been too hot. It wasn't too hot. Platím v hotovosti. I pay in cash. I pay in heat. Дайте ми още една възможност. Give me another chance. Give me one more chance. Можно е да им треба нашата помош. They may need our help. They may need our help. Той кара много бързо. He drives very fast. He's driving very fast. Што мислеше Том? What did Tom think? What were you thinking, Tom? Това се превръща в проблем. That's becoming a problem. It's turning into a problem. Tom često koristi tu reč. Tom uses that word a lot. Tom uses that word a lot. Konj mora da se sapleo i vitez je pao s konja. The horse must have stumbled and have toppled the knight. The horse must have tripped and the knight fell off the horse. Тя живее в Лондон. She lives in London. She lives in London. Искам вечен живот. I want eternal life! I want eternal life. Čítam túto knihu. I'm reading this book. I'm reading that book. Мисля, че Том е в градината. I think Tom is in the garden. I think Tom's in the garden. Tom je stavio kartu na sto. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put a ticket on the table. Сакам да знам кога ти е роденден. I want to know when your birthday is. I want to know when your birthday is. Ljudje so imoralni. Humans are immoral. People are immoral. Това е началото на нова ера. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. На Том му е забрзан пулсот. Tom's pulse is fast. Tom's heart rate's up. Imam glavobolju. I have a headache. I have a headache. Го барам веќе некое време. I've been looking for him. I've been looking for him for a while. Том ја исече питата на осум парчиња. Tom cut the pie into eight pieces. Tom cut the pie into eight pieces. Ела с нас. Come with us. Come with us. Том рече дека не знаел кому да го даде. Tom said he didn't know who to give it to. Tom said he didn't know who to give it to. Ja som niečo povedal. I said something. I didn't say anything. Том живее над възможностите си. Tom lives beyond his means. Tom lives above his means. Tom je bio veoma fin. Tom was very nice. Tom was very nice. Нито пък съм казал това. I didn't say that either. I didn't say that either. Интересни луѓе се. They're interesting people. They're interesting people. Да се позабавляваме. Let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. Може ли само да поразговарам со тебе? Could I just talk with you? Can I just talk to you? Можно е Том да е побогат отколку што мислевме. Tom might be richer than we thought he was. It's possible Tom is richer than we thought. Нашето училище е използвало неговите методи на обучение. Our school adopted his teaching methods. Our school used his methods of training. Просто ми е любопитно. I'm just curious. I'm just curious. Ова е јаве. This is reality. This is Java. Бях много жаден и исках да пия нещо студено. I was very thirsty and I wanted to drink something cold. I was very thirsty and wanted to drink something cold. Дише ли? Is he breathing? Is he breathing? Je to žrebec alebo kobyla? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a pack of Kobylas? Misia splnená. Mission accomplished. Mission splená. Ќе почекаш ли секунда? Will you wait a moment? Can you hold on a second? То се никада није смело догодити. That should have never happened. That never should have happened. Г-жа Юнг не би имала нищо против да я посетя без предизвестие. Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly. Mrs. Jung wouldn't mind if I visited her without notice. Ела да се видим след часа. Meet me after class. Come see me after class. Sigurna sam da ćeš biti dobro. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll be fine. Бездомна ли си? Are you homeless? Are you homeless? Няма да виждаш нищо без фенерче. You won't be able to see anything without a flashlight. You won't see anything without a flashlight. Aimee je trenutno zelo utrujena. Aimee is very tired at the moment. Aimee's very tired right now. То је његова слаба тачка. That's his weak spot. It's his weak spot. Ѝ дале седатив. They have her sedated. They're sedating. Šta si mi to uradila? What have you done to me? What did you do to me? Превише си млад. You're too young. You're too young. Има некој во мојата соба. Someone's in my room. There's someone in my room. Imam dušu. I have a soul. I have a soul. Каква е минималната заплата в Кения? What's the minimum salary in Kenya? What's the minimum wage in Kenya? Ако ме бакнеш, ќе бидам среќен. If you'd kiss me, I'd be happy. If you kiss me, I'll be happy. Ovi monasi žive u manastiru. These monks live inside the monastery. These monks live in a monastery. Тя ѝ е приятелка. She is her friend. She's a friend of hers. Заврте кај аголот. He turned the corner. Turn around at the corner. Prokeltstvo, možeš li da zamisliš koliko su smrdeli? Damn, can you imagine how badly they smelled? Hell, can you imagine how much they smell? Том фати да чисти. Tom started cleaning. Tom caught her cleaning up. Vratite mi moju flašu. Give me back my bottle. Give me back my bottle. Том е истински зубър. Tom is a real nerd. Tom's a real dentist. Nisam ni to uradio. I didn't do that either. I didn't do it either. Би ли ми помогнал да преведа това? Would you please help me translate this? Could you help me translate this? Не може всички новини да са лоши. The news can't all be bad. Not all news can be bad. Навистина не знам. I really don't know. I really don't know. Као да ја то не знам! Tell me about it! Like I don't know! Не треба ми ништа. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Додај го кромидот. Add the onion. Add the onions. Тражио сам те. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Някой забеляза ли това? Did anybody notice this? Did anyone notice that? Ovaj dokaz ne ostavlja mjesta sumnji, ovo nikako ne može biti orginalno Picassovo djelo. The evidence leaves no room for doubt; this can't be an original Picasso. This evidence leaves no room for doubt, this can't possibly be the original Picasso work. Значи овако се завршава? Is this how it ends? So this is how it ends? Кој ја направил кутијава? Who made this box? Who made this box? J. Kepler, astronom i matematičar, je vršio istraživanje o planetama i njihovom kretanju. J. Kepler, astronomer and mathematician, made a study of planets and their movements. J Kepler, astronomer and mathematician, was researching the planets and moving them. Magdalena i Ania su dobre prijateljice. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdalena and Anya are good friends. Неверојатни се. They're incredible. They're amazing. Tomovi chýba Boston. Tom misses Boston. Tom's chýb Boston. Той пристигна по-рано от обичайното. He arrived earlier than usual. He arrived earlier than usual. Зарем би те лажел? Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you? Том се мачеше да се ослободи. Tom struggled to get free. Tom was struggling to free himself. Скупоцени порцелан разбио се у парампарчад. The expensive china broke into a thousand pieces. Expensive porcelain broke into paraphrases. Sve pesme koje sam ti pevao danas sam ja napisao. All the songs I sang for you today were written by me. All the songs I sang to you today I wrote. Сарказам ли е тоа? Is that sarcasm? Is that sarcasm? Том протрча покрај Мери. Tom ran past Mary. Tom ran past Mary. Том ради за компанију свог оца. Tom works for his father's company. Tom works for his father's company. Къде е ЖП гарата? Where is the railroad station? Where's the train station? Не реков дека се сложувам. I didn't say I agreed. I didn't say I agreed. Той използва талантите си добре. He makes good use of his talents. He uses his talents well. Ще се скрия тук вътре. I'll hide in here. I'll hide in here. Liječnik ju je temeljito pregledao. The doctor gave her a thorough check-up. The doctor examined her thoroughly. Naučiti sve ove rečenice napamet ne dolazi u obzir. It is out of the question to learn all these sentences by heart. Learning all these sentences by heart is out of the question. Не ги допирајте експонатите. Don't touch the exhibits. Don't touch the exhibits. Tom je znao da ga Marija ne voli. Tom knew Mary didn't like him. Tom knew Maria didn't love him. To je teško zamisliti. That's hard to picture. It's hard to imagine. Još sam pomalo umoran. I'm still kind of tired. I'm still a little tired. Не беше сериозно. It wasn't serious. It wasn't serious. Neću se petljati sa time. I won't tamper with it. I'm not gonna mess with that. Donesi mi njenu glavu. Bring me her head. Bring me her head. Kažnjena sam. I'm grounded. I'm grounded. Tom mi je rekao da ne radim to. Tom told me not to do that. Tom told me not to. Мисля, че съм доста добър с френския. I'm pretty good at French, I think. I think I'm pretty good with French. Каде да се паркирам? Where should I park? Where am I supposed to park? Barman, dal by som si drink. Barman, I need a drink. Barman, you gave by catfish your drink. Том си няма идея какво си мисли Мери. Tom doesn't have any idea what Mary is thinking. Tom has no idea what Mary's thinking. Днес плаках. I cried today. I cried today. Јас не би трошел нерви поради тоа. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I wouldn't waste my nerve about it. Нищо не съм видял. I didn't witness anything. I didn't see anything. Том на времето јадеше месо. Tom used to eat meat. Tom used to eat meat in time. Mislim da su Tom i Mary zaljubljeni. I think Tom and Mary are in love. I think Tom and Mary are in love. Зошто го нема името на Том на списокот? Why is Tom's name not on the list? Why isn't Tom's name on the list? Знаев дека ќе ти се допадне тој ресторан. I knew you'd like that restaurant. I knew you'd like that restaurant. Nemojte da odgovarate. Don't respond. Don't answer that. Босилокот, жалфијата, рузмаринот, тимијанот и ориганото се популарни билки. Basil, sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano are popular herbs. The basil, the mourning, the rosemary, the thymian, and the oregano are popular herbs. Kto si? Who are you? Who are you? Незадоволеното либидо е она што ја произведува сета уметност и книжевност. Unsatisfied libido is responsible for producing all art and literature. Unsatisfactory libido is what produces all art and literature. Не ми го зашеќерувај кафето. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't sugarcoat my coffee. Немам ништо друго. I have nothing else. I don't have anything else. Том дъвче дъвка. Tom is chewing bubble gum. Tom chewy gum. Опет се нацврцао. He had once again drunk one over the eight. He's dead again. Ще ми се наложи да се свържа с вас. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'll have to contact you. Келнерот беше груб. The waiter was insolent. The waiter was rude. Том мами Мери през цялото време. Tom lies to Mary all the time. Tom cheats on Mary all the time. Tom je probao da ubedi Meri da ne uradi to, ali nije uspeo. Tom tried to convince Mary not to do that, but he was unable to. Tom tried to convince Mary not to do it, but he didn't. Си ги најде родителите. He found his parents. He found his parents. Да измислам ли нешто? Should I make something up? Do you want me to make something up? Римляните нямаше да имат никакъв шанс да завладеят света, ако първо им беше наложено изискване да научат латински. The Romans would never have had the chance to conquer the world if they had first been required to study Latin. The Romans would have had no chance to conquer the world if they first had been required to learn Latin. Вчера таа остана до доцна. She sat up late last night. Yesterday she stayed late. Земјата е се уште водена. Најверојатно ќе се откаже мечот. The ground is still wet. As likely as not, the game will be cancelled. The Earth is still under water, it's likely to give up the sword. Dobrú noc a sladké sny. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night, sweet dreams. Kako si vedel, da bo Tom šel v Boston z Mary? How did you know Tom was going to go to Boston with Mary? How did you know Tom was going to Boston with Mary? Таа одговорност за него претставува бреме. That responsibility is a burden to him. That responsibility is a burden for him. Не треба да одиш. You don't need to go. You don't have to go. Не треба да бидеш присутен за ова. You don't need to be here for this. You don't need to be there for this. Том е воспитан. Tom has good manners. Tom's been raised. Имам три милиона долара. I have three million dollars. I have three million dollars. Том ми кажа дека сака да му купам слика. Tom told me that he wanted me to buy a painting for him. Tom told me he wanted me to buy him a picture. Прашањето е дали може или не. The question is whether he can do it or not. The question is whether it can or not. Бях зает тази седмица. I have been busy this week. I was busy this week. Ще се върна следващата седмица. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. Јадев пристоен оброк. I had a decent meal. I had a decent meal. Има една работа што не ја разбирам. There is one thing that I don't understand. There's one thing I don't understand. Jesmo li sada na sigurnom? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Mislim da treba da pozovemo doktora. I think that we need to call a doctor. I think we should call a doctor. Človek pije vodo. The man drinks water. A man drinks water. Застанаа. They stopped walking. They've stopped. Няма да съм тук толкова дълго. I won't be here that long. I won't be here that long. Hvala bogu. Thank God. Thank God. Каде е типот што ги победи? Where's the guy who beat them? Where's the guy you beat? Ništa nisam potrošio. I didn't spend anything. I didn't spend anything. Му дадов јаболко. I gave him an apple. I gave him an apple. Това сако не ми харесва. I don't like this jacket. I don't like that jacket. Тој беше одличен музичар. He was a great musician. He was a great musician. Татко ми е дома. My father is home. My dad's home. Опитът ни учи, че хората никога не научават нищо от опита си. We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. Our experience teaches us that people never learn anything from their experience. Sem pošast I am a beast. I'm a monster. Што правеле досега? What have they been doing? What have they done so far? Da li ste upoznati sa dotičnim čovekom? Are you acquainted with the man? Are you familiar with the man in question? Том беше рудар. Tom was a miner. Tom was a miner. Cijela kuća je izgorjela. The entire house has burnt down. The whole house burned down. Ако се очакваше от нас да говорим повече, отколкото да слушаме, щяха да ни бъдат дадени по две усти и едно ухо. If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear. If we were expected to talk more than listen, two mouths and one ear would be given to us. По това време тя си правеше слънчеви бани. At that time, she was bathing in the sun. At the time, she was making sunbathing baths. Sada mi lažeš. You're lying to me now. Now you're lying to me. Kde držia Toma? Where is Tom being held? Where did Tom keep it? Се прашувам зошто ова се случува. I wonder why this is happening. I wonder why this is happening. Книгава тежи. This book is heavy. It's a book that weighs. Sad je jednostavnije. That makes it easier. It's easier now. Myslel som, že Tom a Mary sú šialení. I thought Tom and Mary were crazy. Myslel som, it's Tom a Mary sú shialení. Ne skrbi. Lahko računaš name. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. Šta imate da kažete? What do you have to say? What do you have to say? Ne preterujte. Don't exaggerate. Don't overdo it. Ќе ве запознаам. I'll introduce you. I'll introduce you. Скоро ще се върна. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Slažem se sa onim što si napisao. I agree with what you've written. I agree with what you wrote. Кажи му дека сме зафатени. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. Хартия за писма. She bought some paper that she could use for writing letters. Letter paper. Ovaj dokaz je bio protiv njega. This evidence was against him. This evidence was against him. Не ни знаев дека не ти се допаѓа Том. I didn't even know that you didn't like Tom. I didn't even know you didn't like Tom. Nemoj da govoriš. Don't talk. Don't talk. Той извади монета от джоба си. He took a coin out of his pocket. He took a coin out of his pocket. Môžeš opraviť moje anglické vety? Can you correct my English sentences? Can you do my Englishé vety? Ще излезем ли? Shall we go out? Are we going out? Кој ја освои наградата? Who won the prize? Who won the prize? Mnogo ptica je na grani. Many birds are on the branch. There's a lot of birds on the branch. Hej, daj mi priliku. Hey, give me a chance. Hey, give me a chance. Zar ne bi trebalo da se spremaš za posao? Shouldn't you be getting ready for work? Shouldn't you be getting ready for work? Той работи сутрин. He works in the morning. He works in the morning. Видях Том преди той да ме види. I saw Tom before he saw me. I saw Tom before he saw me. Ако Джон беше дошъл, нямаше да се налага аз да идвам. If John had come, I wouldn't have had to come. If John had come, I wouldn't have to come. U kuhinji je mačka. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Прашањето е кој ќе го направи тоа. The question is who's going to do it. The question is, who's gonna do it? Da li se slažete sa tim? Do you agree with that? Do you agree with that? Толкова много си приличат, че не знам кое кое е. They are so much alike that I don't know which is which. They look so much alike, I don't know what it is. Chcem vedieť kto s nami ide. I want to know who's coming with us. I'll tell you what's going with us. Мери е по-голямата сестра на Том. Mary is Tom's youngest sister. Mary is Tom's big sister. Махайте се! Go away! Get out! Той ги хвана да крадат ябълки. He caught them stealing apples. He caught them stealing apples. Tuča! Fight! Fight! Не искам да изгубя Мери. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Mary. Нема одговор. There's no answer. There's no answer. Те се подиграваха на прическата на Джак. They made fun of Jack's haircut. They were making fun of Jack's hair. Мъжът я избута настрани. The man shoved her aside. The man pushed her away. Rastali smo se na ćošku. We parted at the corner. We parted at the corner. Јас ја направив салатата. Ти се допаѓа ли? I made the salad. Did you like it? I made the salad. Чух те да разговаряш с Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Трябва да отида да се видя с Том. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go see Tom. Том не го рекол тоа. Tom never said that. Tom didn't say that. Bezbol je dosadan. Baseball is boring. The pain is boring. Нейният пуловер е лилав. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Врнеше пред два дена. It rained two days ago. It was raining two days ago. Јеси ли икада пробала? Have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да помолиш Том за помощ? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom to help? Are you sure you don't want to ask Tom for help? Ta knjiga košta 3000 jena. That book costs 3,000 yen. That book costs 3,000 yen. Извадете го стегачот. Remove the tourniquet. Get the clamp out. Она је моја професорка. She's my professor. She's my teacher. Трябва да разбера какво уби Том. I have to find out what killed Tom. I need to find out what killed Tom. Можеби би требало да им помогна. Maybe I should give them a hand. Maybe I should help them. Памтиш ли што се случи лани? Do you remember what happened last year? Do you remember what happened last year? Си го сакаш животот, нели? You like your life, don't you? You love your life, don't you? Какво правиш през уикенда? What sort of things do you do on weekends? What are you doing this weekend? Том го препозна ракописот на Мери. Tom recognized Mary's handwriting. Tom recognized Mary's handwriting. Какво правиш? What are you doing? What are you doing? Hodaj polako. Walk slowly. Walk slowly. To je veoma lepo od Vas. That is very nice of you. That's very kind of you. Bilo je zabavno proslavljati zajedno. It was fun to celebrate together. It was fun celebrating together. Tom je zastao na sekund. Tom paused a second. Tom stopped for a second. Тој цврсто спиеше. He was fast asleep. He was fast asleep. Няма да мога да ти помогна. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. Rukovali su se. They shook hands. They shook hands. Da li je Tom izvukao deblji kraj? Is Tom getting a raw deal? Did Tom get the thick end? Danes sem prost. I'm free today. I'm free today. Каква е минималната заплата в ЮАР? What's the minimum salary in South Africa? What's the minimum wage in South Africa? Само презаспиј. Just go back to sleep. Just sleep it off. Колата ми е в гаража. My car's in the garage. My car's in the garage. Може ли да Ви попитам нещо? Could I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Živeo je jednostavnim životom. He lived a simple life. He lived a simple life. Мрзлив сум. I'm lazy. I'm lazy. On stalno gubi njegov mobilni telefon. He's always losing his mobile. He loses his cell phone all the time. Треба да се фатиме за работа. We need to get down to business. We need to get to work. Uživali smo zajedno pjevati. We enjoyed singing songs together. We enjoyed singing together. Не го слушај! Don't listen to him! Don't listen to him! Koga pokušavaš da nasamariš? Who are you trying to kid? Who are you trying to fool? Не плачам кога сум среќен. I don't cry when I am happy. I don't cry when I'm happy. Том не го одобри планот. Tom opposed the plan. Tom didn't approve of the plan. Ги мразам. I hate them. I hate them. Сигурно се среќни. They must be happy. They must be happy. Могу ли да те испратим кући? Can I walk you home? Can I walk you home? Дали се затрескуваш во него? Are you falling for him? Do you have a crush on him? Nastavi sa kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. Не съм филолог. I am not a philologist. I'm not a philologist. За тебе го направих. I made this for you. I did it for you. Daj si dole ponožky. Take off your socks. Put your foot down. Том загуби службата си. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. Твоја грешка беше. It was your mistake. It was your fault. Živim u Istanbulu. I live in Istanbul. I live in Istanbul. Tom još uvek izgleda potresen. Tom still seems shaken. Tom still seems shaken up. Върни се в леглото си. Go back to your bed. Go back to your bed. Го пребродив шокот. I'm over the shock. I'm over the shock. Pozeráš BBC alebo CNN? Do you watch BBC or CNN? You pose BBC alebo CNN? Uživaj u tome dokle god možeš! Enjoy it while you can. Enjoy it as long as you can! Da li ste spremni? Are you ready? Are you ready? Далеку ли е Бостон? Is Boston far away? Is Boston far away? Аеродромот е во близина. The airport is close by. The airport is nearby. Мери има скоби. Mary has braces. Mary's got braces. Da li se sada vraćate nazad? Are you going back now? Are you going back now? Ona je izašla u šetnju. She went out for a walk. She went out for a walk. Обичате ли да пътувате? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Ne treba mi ništa. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Siguran sam da je Tom imao neke veze sa tim. I'm sure Tom had something to do with that. I'm sure Tom had something to do with it. Volim ovu pesmu. I love this song. I love this song. Никој не зборува за нас. Nobody talks about us. No one's talking about us. Учам клавир. I'm learning piano. I'm learning the piano. Всички ме нападнаха заради мнението ми. Everyone attacked my opinion. Everyone attacked me because of my opinion. Ja sam iz Japana. I'm from Japan. I'm from Japan. Beduini živijo v puščavi. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Том е изключително срамежлив. Tom is extremely shy. Tom is extremely shy. Заповядай пак по всяко време. Come again any time. Here you go again at all times. Tom i ja nismo prijatelji. Samo smo kolege s posla. Tom and I aren't friends. We're just coworkers. Tom and I are not friends. Кога ти е полетът? What time's your flight? When's your flight? Нашата работа никога не свършва. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. On je bio ispred svog vremena. He was ahead of his time. He was ahead of his time. Мислам дека Том можеби има дечко. I think Tom might be seeing someone. I think Tom might have a boyfriend. Kao dijete sam ga često posjećivao nedjeljom. When I was a child, I would often visit him on Sunday. When I was a kid, I used to visit him on Sundays. Тома те мрзи из дна душе. Tom hates your guts. Tom hates you from the bottom of his heart. Брат ми казва, че не се страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother says he's not afraid of the dark. Тази рокля ми стои много добре. This dress fits me very well. This dress looks really good on me. Можеме да ти најдеме помош. We can get you help. We can get you help. Volim te! I love you! I love you! Ти винаги пееш. You always sing. You always sing. Търся си къща. I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. Бих искала да уча френски. I'd like to study French. I'd like to study French. Извинявам се. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Какъв ти е телфонният номер? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Не сакам да користам дилда - претпочитам вистински курови. I don't like using dildos, I prefer real cocks. I don't want to use dildo. I prefer real dicks. Това не е мое. This isn't mine. That's not mine. Гордея се с теб. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Премногу стискаш кога се ракуваш. Your handshake is too tight. You shake too much when you shake hands. "Благодаря." "Моля." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Please." Svi se smeju. Everyone's laughing. Everybody laughs. Не знам каде отишло. I don't know where it went. I don't know where it went. Proverite okolo. Check around. Check around. Higgsov bozon se zove još i Božja čestica. The Higgs boson has been called the God particle. The Higgs boson is also called God's particle. Убаво е и свежо. It's nice and cool. It's nice and fresh. Весела Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Мој француски је срање. My French is shitty. My French sucks. Држи се за оградата. Hold on to the rail. Hold on to the fence. Ми требаа парите. I needed the money. I needed the money. Želimo kompletne rečenice. We want complete sentences. We want complete sentences. Девојчето отиде на училиште и покрај болеста. The girl went to school in spite of her illness. The girl went to school despite her illness. Тој дел не ми се допаѓа. That's the part I don't like. I don't like that part. Nehaj biti tako gej! Stop being so gay! Stop being so gay! Баща ми обожава пица. My father loves pizza. My dad loves pizza. Бъди внимателна. Не искам да се нараниш. Be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Tom je otjerao muhe. Tom shooed the flies away. Tom drove the flies away. Този пътеводител може да ти е от полза при пътуването. This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip. This guide may be useful to you in your journey. Научниците тврдат дека луѓето што почесто се смеат подолго живеат од оние што ги прегазил камион. Scientists claim that people who laugh more have a longer life than those that have been hit by a truck. Scientists claim that people who laugh more often live longer than those who ran over a truck. Какъв е адресът на Том? What's Tom's address? What's Tom's address? Mogla bih da izgubim posao. I could lose my job. I could lose my job. Kutija je prazna. The box is empty. The box is empty. Човекојадци се. They're cannibals. They're cannibals. Изгледа грешно сум го проценил. It seems I was wrong about him. I guess I misjudged it. Съвсем забравих. I totally forgot. I totally forgot. Мислам дека нешто крие? I think he's hiding something. I think he's hiding something? Imam nič se pritoževati. I have nothing to complain about. I have nothing to complain about. Во болница е. He's in the hospital. He's in the hospital. Tom mora više učiti ako misli završiti razred. Tom needs to study more if he hopes to pass this class. Tom needs to learn more if he thinks he's finishing class. Том се молеше. Tom was praying. Tom was praying. Им испековме торти. We've baked some cakes for them. We baked them cakes. Imam osećaj da će da pada kiša. I have a hunch that it will rain. I have a feeling it's gonna rain. Ще бъдете ли утре всички тук? Will you all be here tomorrow? Will you all be here tomorrow? Ей ти! Изчакай, моля те. Hey you! Please wait. Wait, please. Том се испијани со текила. Tom got drunk on tequila. Tom got drunk with tequila. Отсекогаш сум сакал да патувам со Мери. I always wanted to travel with Mary. I've always wanted to travel with Mary. Избери си любимата ракета. Choose your favorite racket. Pick your favorite rocket. Аз ще ти разхождам кучето, ако искаш. I'll walk your dog for you if you like. I'll walk your dog if you want. Уште една шанса ќе ѝ дадам. I'll give her one more chance. I'm gonna give her one more chance. Слон има дугачак нос. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. Работам. I'm working. I'm working. Ми треба Том. I need Tom. I need Tom. Дали го употреби мојот нож? Did you use my knife? Did you use my knife? Sedenje po ceo dan je loše po tebe. Sitting all day is bad for you. Sitting around all day is bad for you. U šta gledaš? What're you looking at? What are you looking at? Зошто Господ ме направил олку грд? Why did God make me so ugly? Why did God make me so ugly? Колку си негативен. You're so negative. You're so negative. „Зошто го правиш тоа?“ „Ми се може.“ "Why did you do it?" "Because I can." "Why are you doing this?" "I can." Nisam znao da si tako bogata. I didn't know you were so rich. I didn't know you were so rich. Gde su krenuli? Where are they off to? Where are they headed? Наистина ли го искаш? Do you really want it? You really want to do this? Tom mi povedal, že by sa rád stal lekárom. Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me, already by rád stood lekár. Ќе ти ја викнам. I'll call her for you. I'll call you. Тој ја избегна опасноста. He avoided danger. He avoided danger. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да учиш в моята къща? Are you sure you don't want to study at my house? Are you sure you don't want to study at my house? Понякога падам, но никога не се предавам. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but I never give up. Videl som ju plakať. I saw her crying. I saw them crying. Хайде да пием чай в 3:00. Let's have tea at 3:00. Let's have tea at 3:00. On si nemôže dovoliť dovolenku. He cannot afford a holiday. He can't afford a permit. Чудя се дали Том би ми преподавал френски. I wonder if Tom would teach me French. I wonder if Tom would teach me French. Бев преуморен за да продолжам. I was too tired to go on. I was too tired to go on. Da li je meni to ispalo? Did I drop that? Did I get that? Tom je vođa tima. Tom is the leader of the team. Tom's team leader. Прекрасно! Wonderful! Wonderful! Баба му изглежда здрава. His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother looks healthy. Бихте ли претеглили това? Can you weigh this, please? Could you weigh that? Нема пушачи тука. Nobody here smokes. There are no smokers here. Nikad se nećemo vratiti tamo. We'll never go back there again. We'll never go back there. Клетките се основнита составни единици на живите суштества. Cells are the building blocks of life. The cells are the basic components of living things. Том се опитва да получи отговор от Мери. Tom tried to elicit a response from Mary. Tom's trying to get an answer from Mary. Budi obazriv. Take care. Be careful. Sa zadovoljstvom ću pristati. I'll be happy to comply. I'd be happy to say yes. Том току-що се върна от Бостън. Tom just got back from Boston. Tom just got back from Boston. Možda Tom nije bio gladan. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. Какво купи? What did you buy? What did you buy? Мислев дека тој е таму. I thought he was there. I thought he was there. Stvarno je iznenađujuće. That's really surprising. It's really surprising. Влакът пристигна с десет минути закъснение. The train arrived ten minutes behind time. The train arrived ten minutes late. Dodal sem še eno poved. I added yet another sentence. I added another confession. Zašto je ovo naš problem? Why is this our problem? Why is this our problem? Могу да одолим свему, осим искушењу. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. Да поиграем бейзбол. Let's play baseball. Let's play baseball. Покани ги да ни се придружат. Ask them to join us. Ask them to join us. Стаята му е бъркотия. His room's a mess. His room's a mess. Да ли је доручак урачунат у цену? Does that price include breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price? Тоа е сѐ што знаеме за нив. That's all we know about them. That's all we know about them. Tofu dobro ide uz Sake. Tofu goes well with sake. Tofu's going well with Sake. Klimnuo sam jednom. I nodded once. I nodded once. Може да отнеме известно време. It might take a little while. It might take some time. Ivan je ćosav. Ivan is beardless. Ivan's cornered. Том обича да плете. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to knit. Цела ноќ не можев да спијам. I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep all night. Po načinu na koji je Meri zalupila vrata, Tom je shvatio da je tužna. Tom could tell by the way Mary slammed the door that she was upset. By the way Mary slammed the door, Tom realized she was sad. Не скачай! Don't jump! Don't jump! Niko ne ide nigde. Nobody's going anywhere. Nobody's going anywhere. Mađarski jezik nije lak, ali je divan. The Hungarian language is not simple, but wonderful. Hungarian is not an easy language, but it's wonderful. Кој спие со кучиња се буди со болви. He who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas. Anyone who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas. Македонскиот има четири глаголски начина: исказен, условен, заповеден и прекажан. Macedonian has four verbal moods: indicative, conditional, imperative, and renarrative. Macedonia has four Glagolitic ways: stated, conditional, commanded and foretold. Том требаше да биде спремен уште пред еден час. Tom should have been ready at least an hour ago. Tom was supposed to be ready an hour ago. Môžeme Tomovi pomôcť. We can help Tom. My Lord Tom's help. Шта је ово? What is that? What's this? Pošto je dobila na lutriji, izašla je u partiju šopinga. Having won the lottery, she went on a shopping spree. After she won the lottery, she went shopping. Počúvame keltskú hudbu. We're listening to Celtic music. It's starting to get worse. Седмицата се состои од седум дена: понеделник, вторник, среда, четврток, петок, сабота и недела. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The week consists of seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Звучи на Том. It sounds like Tom. Sounds like Tom. Znaš li nekoga tamo ko govori Urdu? Do you know anyone who speaks Urdu over here? Do you know anyone there who speaks Urdu? Како тоа сѐ уште не спиеш? How come are you still not sleeping? How come you haven't slept yet? Што правел Том? What has Tom been doing? What was Tom doing? Včera byla nedeľa. Yesterday was Sunday. It's Sunday. Идваш ли? Aren't you coming? Are you coming? Со таква бујна мечта, ќе стане или прочуен писател или лудак. With such a vivid imagination he'll become either a world-famous novelist or a lunatic. With such a vivid dream, he will become either a famous writer or a lunatic. Има три браќа. He has three brothers. He's got three brothers. Това не е никакъв проблем. That's not a problem at all. That's no problem. Мисля, че ти трябва да направиш сделката. I think you should make the deal. I think you should make the deal. Не очаквай всеки да те харесва. Don't expect everyone to like you. Don't expect everyone to like you. Знам дека има нешто тука. I know there's something here. I know there's something here. Книгата содржи петнаесет животописа. The book contains fifteen biographies. The book contains fifteen résumés. Мислам дека Том е смел. I think Tom is courageous. I think Tom is brave. Дръж здраво ракетата. Hold the racket tight. Hold the rocket. Скъпа, ти май криеш нещо от мен! My dear, maybe you are hiding something from me! Honey, you're hiding something from me! Od koga bežiš? Who are you running from? Who are you running from? Или тој греши или јас. Either he is wrong or I am. Either he's wrong or I am. Ќе бидам добро. I'll be OK. I'll be fine. Знам дека си зафатен. I know you're busy. I know you're busy. Биткоин је криптовалута. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is cryptocurrency. То је био само шлаг на торти. That was just icing on the cake. It was just cream on the cake. Том нерадо појде. Tom reluctantly went. Tom was reluctant to go. Мораме да го пикнеме во кревет. We've got to get him to bed. We need to get him to bed. Няма ли да получа прегръдка? Don't I get a hug? Won't I get a hug? Погледни назад. Look back. Look back. Siguran sam da možeš to. I'm sure you can do it. I'm sure you can do it. Искам да си оправиш стаята. I want you to clean your room. I want you to fix your room. На Том този цвят не му харесва. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like that color. Trenutno živim u Bostonu. I currently live in Boston. I live in Boston right now. Užasan sam pisac. I'm a terrible writer. I'm a terrible writer. Червеният светофар означава "Спри". The red traffic light indicates "stop". The red light means "stop." Неуспехот го потишти. The failure depressed him. The failure has suppressed it. Тя стана известна. She became famous. She's become famous. Аз бях ранен при катастрофата. I got injured in the traffic accident. I was injured in the crash. Сѐ уште не сум ѝ се јавил. I haven't called her yet. I haven't called her yet. Хайде да не ходим. Let's not go. Let's not go. Učim nekoliko jezika. I am studying several languages. I'm learning a few languages. Луната вече е изгряла. The moon is already out. The moon's already up. Колко е сметката? What does the bill amount to? What's the bill? Том се прашуваше колку добра пеачка е Мери. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary really was. Tom was wondering what a good singer Mary was. Ovi tanjiri su ručno obojani. These plates are hand painted. These plates are hand-painted. Ако огладниш, има храна во ладилникот. If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. If you get hungry, there's food in the fridge. Том го знае патот. Tom knows the way. Tom knows the way. Njihova bliskost je bila tajanstvena, obzirom na to da su se upoznali pre samo tri dana. Their propinquity was uncanny, as they'd met only three days ago. Their closeness was mysterious, since they only met three days ago. Ми треба понош да ги пренесам. I need help carrying them. I need to carry them at midnight. Том дойде тичешком с писмо от Джуди. Tom came running with a letter from Judy. Tom came here with a letter from Judy. Бъди по-точна. Be more precise. Be more specific. Šta ćeš da radiš danas? What are you going to do today? What are you gonna do today? Преди никога не съм имал такива проблеми. I've never had this kind a problem before. I've never had a problem like this before. Како прво, немаш право да донесуваш заклучоци. Како второ, аргументот ти беше заснован врз невалидна претпоставка. First of all, you have no right to make conclusions. Second of all, your argument was based on an invalid assumption. First of all, you have no right to draw conclusions, secondly, your argument was based on an invalid assumption. Аз не ти прощавам. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. Алармот заѕвони. The alarm started ringing. The alarm's ringing. Не биди педер. Don't be a dick. Don't be gay. Sutra ću da kupim šta mi treba. Tomorrow I'll buy what I need. I'll get what I need tomorrow. Ona me ljubi bolj kot njega in ona me ljubi bolj kot on. She loves me more than him and she loves me more than he. She loves me more than he loves me and she loves me more than he does. Напишете адреса си тук. Write your address here. Write down your address here. Nastavite da radite. Continue working. Keep working. Pa, dešavaju se takve stvari. Well, such things happen. Well, things like that happen. Само гласно размишљам. I'm just thinking out loud. I'm just thinking loudly. Стварно си мил. You're really cute. You're really sweet. Bol som na dovolenke. I was on vacation. I'm in pain with a permit. On je čovek od reči. He is a man of his word. He's a man of his word. Аз не ревнувам. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Той започна да се оправдава. He began to make excuses. He started to justify himself. On obožava fudbal. He loves soccer. He loves football. Da li je on nekad pre otsedao ovde? Has he stayed here before? Did he ever stay here before? Не по-малко от 100 души присъстваха на срещата. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. Hiti počasi. Hasten slowly. Take it easy. Всичките съм ги виждала. I've seen them all. I've seen them all. Не исках да раздухвам нещата. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I didn't want to blow things up. Nemoj da staješ. Don't stop. Don't stop. Хайде, да вървим. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Таа се чувствуваше доста осамено. She felt quite alone. She felt quite lonely. Трябва ли ми вратовръзка? Do I need a tie? Do I need a tie? Gde si, pobogu, bio dosad? Where on earth have you been all this time? Where the hell have you been? Nisam izbirljiv. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. Щастлив ли сте? Are you happy? Are you happy? Mislio sam da nije prikladno. I thought it wasn't appropriate. I didn't think it was appropriate. Lepota leži u očima posmatrača. Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. Beauty lies in the eyes of the seers. Знам дека знаеш. I know that you know. I know you know. Brian kúpil Katke nejaký rúž. Brian has bought Kate some lipstick. Brian kúpil Katke nejaký rúž. Ovo mjesto je zaista prekrasno. This place is really beautiful. This place is really beautiful. Сега првпат ставам бибер на јајца. This is the first time I've ever put pepper on my eggs. This is the first time I've put a pepper on my balls. Хората бяха озадачени от неочакваната ситуация. People were bewildered by the unexpected situation. People were puzzled by the unexpected situation. Каква е минималната заплата в Нова Зеландия? What's the minimum salary in New Zealand? What is the minimum wage in New Zealand? Подкрепям те с цялото си сърце. I support you whole-heartedly. I support you with all my heart. Би требало да го тужам. I should sue him. I should sue him. I ja tako mislim. I think so, too. I think so, too. Кейт гледа куче. Kate keeps a dog. Kate's watching a dog. Не ми го попречувај патот. Don't get in my way. Don't get in my way. И како сум јас за тоа крив? How is that my fault? And how is that my fault? Som si istý, že Tom na nás nezabudol. I'm sure Tom hasn't forgotten about us. I'm the same, Tom at nás unscathed. Мисля, че това там е Том. I think that's Tom over there. I think that's Tom over there. Čo si pil? What did you drink? What did you drink? Искашлав крв. I coughed up blood. That's what I'm talking about. To ne liči na tebe. That's not like you. That's not like you. Секогаш си го оставаш точакот валкан. You always leave your bike filthy. You always leave your bike dirty. Da li sumnjaju na mene? Am I under suspicion? Do they suspect me? Ne živim u tom gradu. I don't live in that city. I don't live in that town. Pa, to je lijepa naslovnica. Well, that is a nice cover page. Well, that's a nice cover. Knjige so čebele, ki prenašajo cvetni prah z enega uma na drugi. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are bees carrying flower dust from one mind to another. Той не може да си позволи елементарни неща, да не говорим за луксозни стоки. He cannot afford the common comforts of life, not to mention luxuries. He can't afford elemental things, not to talk about luxury goods. Tom nam je stavio do znanja da ne želi da radi za nas. Tom made it clear that he didn't want to work for us. Tom let us know he didn't want to work for us. Питам се чија је ово реченица. I wonder who this sentence belongs to. I wonder whose sentence this is. Korytnačky nemajú zuby. Turtles don't have teeth. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Htio bih iznajmiti vaše najjeftinije auto na tjedan dana. I'd like to rent your most inexpensive car for a week. I'd like to rent your cheapest car for a week. Koji kurac se događa ovdje? What the fuck is going on here? What the fuck is going on here? Ručao sam na brzinu. I ate a hasty lunch. I had lunch real quick. Мислите ли да ходите някъде това лято? Are you going to go anywhere this summer? Do you think you're going somewhere this summer? Da li je to mogao biti Tom? Could it have been Tom? Could it have been Tom? Румънците от Трансилвания говорят много бавно. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Сиромав си. You're poor. You're poor. Мъжът с червената вратовръзка е единственият тук когото не познавам. The man wearing the red tie is the only one here I don't know. The man with the red tie is the only one I don't know. Tom je postao vrlo bogat preko noći. Tom became rich overnight. Tom became very rich overnight. Никогаш нема да те отсакам. I'll never stop loving you. I'll never let you go. Обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You like kids, don't you? Том отрча. Tom ran off. Tom ran. Зависи от контекста. It depends on the context. Depends on the context. Čuo sam čudni zvuk koji je dolazio iz garaže. I heard a strange sound coming from the garage. I heard a strange sound coming from the garage. Едно време хората вярваха, че това е вярно. People used to think that was true. At one time, people believed that was true. Devet FIFA zvaničnika je uhapšeno i optuženo za mito i korupciju. Nine FIFA officials have been arrested and charged with racketeering and bribery. Nine FIFA officials have been arrested and charged with bribery and corruption. Аз искам да бъда учителка. I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. Хедер ми верује. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. Том няма куче. Tom doesn't have a dog. Tom doesn't have a dog. Се сретнавме пред некој ден. We met the other day. We met the other day. Той беше толкова тъжен, че почти полудя. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad, he almost went crazy. Da li si rekao Tomu da je Meri ovo uradila? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Том не беше там вчера. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Той е написал писмо. He has written a letter. He wrote a letter. Desilo se baš ovde. It happened right here. It happened right here. Тоа е долга приказна. That's a long story. It's a long story. I živeli su srećno do kraja života. And they all lived happily ever after. And they lived happily ever after. Ovo je računar moje majke. This is my mother's computer. This is my mother's computer. Не би ми пречело да им помагам. I wouldn't mind helping them. I wouldn't mind helping them. Вярваш ли във феи? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in fairies? Фала на прашање. Thanks for asking. Thanks for asking. Tomáš spadol zo svojeho bicykla. Tom fell off his bicycle. Tomáš spadol zo zo zo bicykla. Ti me razumeš. You understand me. You understand me. Бил је две године млађи од мене. Bill is my junior by two years. He was two years younger than me. Nie je neskoro povedať mu, že ho ľúbiš. It's not too late to tell him that you love him. It's been a while since you told him you want to. Da li zaista mislite da sam sebičan? Do you really think I'm selfish? Do you really think I'm selfish? Том ми рече дека ќе се врати пред крајот на неделата. Tom said he'd be back before the end of the week. Tom told me he'd be back by the end of the week. Вчера припремив печиво со печурки. Yesterday I baked pastries with mushrooms. Yesterday, I prepared a goblet with mushrooms. Ако ме каснеш, ќе те каснам и јас тебе. If you bite me, then I'll bite you, too. If you bite me, I'll bite you too. Тази река е широка. That river is wide. This river is wide. Никой не знаеше колко силно Том обичаше Мери. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. No one knew how much Tom loved Mary. Воедно испеков и торта. At the same time, I baked a cake. I also baked cake. С автобус ли ходиха до музея? Did they go to museum by bus? Did they take a bus to the museum? Иска ми се да отида да видя Том, но каква ще е ползата? I'd like to go and see Tom, but what good will it do? I'd love to go see Tom, but what's the use? Търся работа. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. Do kraja lipnja oni su bili spremni glasati. By the end of June, they were ready to vote. By the end of June they were willing to vote. Sveučilište je osnovao njegov otac prije dvadeset godina. The university was founded by his father twenty years ago. The university founded his father twenty years ago. Кратка разходка по плажа ми донесе апетит за закуска. A short stroll along the beach gave me a good appetite for breakfast. A short walk on the beach brought me an appetite for breakfast. Една од нив може да е таа. One of those people may be her. One of them could be her. Nadam se da ne pričate o meni. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Се надевам дека ќе уживаш во реченицава. I hope that you will enjoy this sentence. I hope you enjoy this sentence. Имам одлична идеја. I have a splendid idea. I have a great idea. Какво изпусна? What did you miss? What did you miss? Он је мој ривал у послу. He is my rival in business. He's my rival in the business. Оставихте ли бакшиш? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Разбра ли како се вика? Did you get his name? Did you get his name? Можеби Том ќе се уплаши па ќе се откаже. Tom may chicken out. Maybe Tom'll get scared and give up. Ќе одиш со мене и точка! You'll go with me. Full stop! You're coming with me and a dot! Иако сум благочестив маж, сепак сум маж. Although I am a pious man, I am not the less a man. Even though I'm a godly man, I'm still a man. Вие приехте ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Епа во право си бил. Well, you were right. Well, you were right. Поздрави ме любезно. She greeted me politely. Say hello to me kindly. С Том имаме среща в мола. I have to go meet Tom at the mall. Tom and I have a meeting at the mall. Сакам да ја најдеш ти. I want you to find her. I want you to find her. Што ќе ни се случи? What's going to happen to us? What's gonna happen to us? Почнува да се стемнува. It's starting to get dark. It's starting to get dark. Već sam ga poručila. I've already ordered it. I already ordered it. В неделя музеят е затворен. On Sunday, the museum is closed. Sunday the museum is closed. Počkaj! Hold on! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Колку јазика зборуваш? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? Не ме карай да го казвам на глас. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it out loud. Това не е буквален превод, това е направо грешно. That isn't a literal translation, it's just plain wrong. It's not a literal translation, it's just wrong. Той вчера пи много. He drank a lot yesterday. He drank a lot yesterday. Свирај то поново, Сем. Play it again, Sam. Play it again, Sam. Нещо лошо ли казах? Is it something I said? Did I say something wrong? To nije važno. That's unimportant. It doesn't matter. Sviraj to ponovo, Sem Play it again, Sam. Play it again, Sam. Брат ми каза, че не страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother said he wasn't afraid of the dark. Името ми е Саша. My name is Sasha. My name is Sasha. Мислам дека Том е конзервативен. I think Tom is conservative. I think Tom's conservative. Ручао сам са њим. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. Sjednimo tu na travu. Let's sit here on the grass. Let's sit here on the grass. Tom je poslao sina u krevet bez večere. Tom sent his son to bed without dinner. Tom sent his son to bed without dinner. Том пушти греење. Tom turned on the heat. Tom let go of the heat. Njegov je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Сутра се враћам кући. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll be home tomorrow. Martyna je rodáčka z Wrocławu. Martyna is a native of Wrocław. Martyna is a cousin of Wrocław. Trudila sam se da budem fina. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Napravio sam kompletnu budalu od sebe. I made a complete fool of myself. I made a complete fool of myself. Утре почнувам. I begin tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Bilo je očigledno da Tom nije htio poljubiti Mariju. It was obvious Tom didn't want to kiss Mary. It was obvious Tom didn't want to kiss Maria. Он ништа не пропушта. He doesn't miss a beat. He's not missing anything. On je Amerikanac. He is American. He's an American. Je to nezávislý film. It's an indie movie. It's a non-závislý film. Кажи му на Том да ми пише. Tell Tom to write me. Tell Tom to write to me. Денес е досадна телевизијата. TV's boring today. Today is boring television. Upravo ćeš napraviti veliku grešku. You're about to make a very serious mistake. You're about to make a big mistake. I ranije sam grešio. I've been wrong before. I've made mistakes before. По-добре да тръгваш. You'd better go. You'd better go. Molim, ispunite taj formular. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out that form. Сега што гледаш? What do you see now? Now what are you looking at? Можеби Том игра шах со Мери во моментов. Tom might be playing chess with Mary right now. Maybe Tom's playing chess with Mary right now. Mogla bih da popričam sa Tomom. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Не гледай Том. Гледай мене. Don't look at Tom. Look at me. Don't look at Tom, look at me. Ме фаќаше дремка. I was getting sleepy. I was taking a nap. Pa, imam neke vesti. Well, I have some news. Well, I have some news. Зошто се противиш? Why do you resist? Why do you object? Може ли да ѝ се јавиш? Could you call her? Can you call her back? Želim ići kući i zato plačem I want to go home and that's why I'm crying. I want to go home, and that's why I'm crying. Това не би трябвало да е проблем. That shouldn't be a problem. That shouldn't be a problem. Aké zaujímavé! How interesting! Aké zajmavé! Изглежда той ще ходи в Кашгар. It sounds like he's going to Kashgar. Looks like he's going to Kashgar. Му се улизува на шефот. He sucks up to his boss. He's licking his boss. Možda nešto nije u redu sa vama. There may be something wrong with you. Maybe there's something wrong with you. Какво казваш? What're you saying? What are you saying? Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. Трябва ми добър съвет. I need some good advice. I need good advice. Покажи ми това. Show me that. Show me this. Nihče ne želi priznati. No one wants to admit it. No one wants to admit it. Бебето ми иска да говори. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Тя не е и мечтала, че ще го срещне в чужбина. She never dreamed she'd meet him overseas. She never dreamed she'd meet him abroad. Živijo. Hi. Hey. Што се случи потем? Then what happened? What happened after that? Tom voli sir. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Uhvatio je taksi do bolnice. He took a taxi to the hospital. He got a cab to the hospital. Опитах се да спра Том по всякакъв начин. I've tried everything to stop Tom. I tried to stop Tom in every way. Мери живи од шивења. Mary makes her living by sewing. Mary lives on sewing. Sve je bila samo nezgoda. It was all an accident. It was all just an accident. Грмушката гори. The bush is burning. The bush is on fire. Не бих те повредио. I wouldn't hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you. Трябва да говоря с Том. I have to talk to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Спремни ли сме за поаѓање? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Koliko je stara ova knjiga? How old is this book? How old is this book? Колко пари да взема със себе си? How much money should I take along with me? How much money do I have to take with me? Povređena sam. I'm wounded. I'm hurt. Многу луѓе ловат. Many people hunt. A lot of people hunt. Зарем не се чувствуваш осамено? Don't you get lonely? Don't you feel lonely? Levy sú zvieratá. Lions are animals. Levy sú svieratá. Шия си ризата. I am sewing my shirt. I'm sewing my shirt. Маж ми е добар човек. My husband is a good man. My husband is a good man. Том се чувства некомфортно сред непознати. Tom is ill at ease among strangers. Tom feels uncomfortable among strangers. Истото го прашав и јас. I asked him the same thing. That's what I asked. Здраво. Hello! Hello. Имаме нешто да ти покажеме. We've got something to show you. We have something to show you. Те объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are they confused? Зошто отиде таму? Why did you go there? Why did you go there? Гладан сам као вук. I'm hungry like the wolf. I'm hungry like a wolf. Meni se sviđa pješačiti. I like to walk. I like walking. Чекај. Hold on. Wait. Používanie len "Tom" a "Mike" v mnohých vetách je veľmi čudné. Using only "Tom" and "Mike" in many sentences is very strange. Poružvanie len "Tom" a "Mike" in many ých vetách is a very strangeé. Ќе водиме дискусија во врска со прогнозата. We will have a discussion concerning the prognosis. We'll be having a discussion about the forecast. Neki od nas smatraju da su takvi pogledi čisto ludilo. Some of us find such views to be sheer madness. Some of us feel that such views are completely insane. Надявам се да имам шанс да ти върна услугата. I hope I get a chance to return the favor you've done me. I hope I have a chance to return the favor. Idemo u crkvu večeras. Tonight we're going to church. We're going to church tonight. Защо дойдохте толкова рано? Why did you come this early? Why did you come so early? On ima oči na potiljku. He has eyes at the back of his head. He's got eyes on the back of his head. Vaša kuća je velika. Your house is big. Your house is big. Том се къпе. Tom is taking a bath. Tom's taking a bath. Има да ја најдеме. We're going to find her. We'll find her. Немој да се упецаш. Don't take the bait. Don't get caught. Ќе одиме попладнево. We'll go this afternoon. We'll go this afternoon. Konačno je zaspala. She finally fell asleep. She's finally asleep. Nemam mnogo prijatelja. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Том ја знаеше Мери. Tom knew Mary. Tom knew Mary. В този ресторант предлагат добро обслужване. They give good service at that restaurant. This restaurant offers good service. Nemam pojma što se dešavalo u njegovoj glavi pa da odbije takav povoljan prijedlog. I have no idea what he has in mind, rejecting such a favorable proposal. I have no idea what was going on in his head to refuse such a favourable proposal. Nikad se nisam pokajala. I've never regretted it. I've never regretted it. Нисам сто посто сигуран. I'm not a hundred percent sure. I'm not 100% sure. Сакам да бидеш со мене. I want you with me. I want you to be with me. Jesi li mogla da je pročitaš? Could you read it? Could you read it? Има твърде много неща, които не знам как да готвя. I don't know how to cook too many things. There's too many things I don't know how to cook. To uopće ne utječe na njega. This doesn't affect him at all. That doesn't affect him at all. Трябва ли да отговоря на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Тоа што се случи е ретка појава. What happened is a rare occurrence. What happened is a rare phenomenon. Не мораме да ја следиме. We don't have to follow her. We don't have to follow her. Buď trpezlivý! Be patient. Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Том е дојден само на посета. Tom is just visiting. Tom's only here for a visit. Ова е Том, мојот помошник. This is Tom, my assistant. This is Tom, my assistant. Prvo što mi je majka rekla je bilo: "Je si li ti lud?" The first thing my mother said was: "Are you crazy?" The first thing my mother said to me was, "Are you crazy?" Защо устата ти е отворена? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? Он је одустао. He gave in. He gave up. Не съм виждала Том с месеци. I haven't seen Tom in months. I haven't seen Tom in months. Ovo je moj pisaći stol. This is my desk. This is my desk. Muž ochutnáva kávu. The man tries the coffee. The husband of Ochutnáva káva. Исправићу домаћи задатак сутра. I'm going to correct the homework tomorrow. I'll do my homework tomorrow. Nastavi s kopanjem. Continue digging. Keep digging. Молим те, склони се. Please step aside. Please, get out of the way. Никой не заслужава това. Nobody deserves that. No one deserves that. Дължах на Том пари за едни неща, които той беше купил за мен. I owed Tom some money for some things he bought for me. I owed Tom money for some of the things he had bought for me. So ljudje, ki imajo radi poletje, in ljudje, ki imajo zadi zimo. There are people who like the summer and people who like the winter. There are people who love the summer, and people who have back in the winter. Имаат добар апетит утрово. They've got a good appetite this morning. They have a good appetite this morning. Možete li da nam kažete još? Could you tell us more? Can you tell us more? Сигурни ли сте, че Том е сам? Are you sure Tom is alone? Are you sure Tom is alone? Popravili smo neka oštećenja izazvana prskanjem kamenja na tvom automobili. We have fixed some damage from rocks flying onto your car. We repaired some damage caused by a splash of rocks on your car. Кондурите ме жуљаат. My shoes are chafing my feet. The shoes are rocking me. И двајцата ве излажав. I lied to both of you. I lied to you both. Невиноста е најчесто благослов а не доблест. Innocence, most often, is a blessing and not a virtue. Innocentness is usually a blessing, not a virtue. Imam istu želju da odem u inostranstvo na godinu dana na usavršavanje. I have the same desire to take a year abroad to study. I have the same desire to go abroad for a year to perfect. Да отидем да говорим в другата стая. Let's go talk in the other room. Let's go talk in the other room. Зарем не ја сакаш жена ти? Don't you love your wife? Don't you love your wife? Всичките им тайни бяха разкрити. All their secrets have been revealed. All their secrets were revealed. Moj omiljeni učitelj je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite teacher was Jackson. Не беше моја идеја. It wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea. Отказвам се. I give up. I give up. Ти пречи ли? Do you mind? Do you mind? Столарите сечат дрво. Carpenters cut wood. The carpenters cut down a tree. На Том няма да му се плати. Tom won't be paid. Tom's not gonna get paid. Сепак, има решение. There is a solution though. Still, there is a solution. Kad si došao kući? When did you get home? When did you get home? Сложи морковите в тенджерата. Put the carrots in the pot. Put the carrots in the pot. Том отбеляза три точки. Tom scored three points. Tom scored three points. Мисля, че това е мотоциклетът на Том. This is Tom's motorcycle, I think. I think this is Tom's motorcycle. Ne kričite. Don't scream. Don't scream. Том продолжи да се качува. Tom kept climbing. Tom kept climbing. Том сака да знае што прави Мери во Бостон. Tom wants to know what Mary is doing in Boston. Tom wants to know what Mary's doing in Boston. Ујутру смо нашли насуканог делфина. In the morning, we found a stranded dolphin. We found a swollen dolphin in the morning. Имам нарачка за Том. I have a delivery for Tom. I have an order for Tom. Том е недоверлив. Tom is untrustworthy. Tom's untrustworthy. Може ли да ти викам Боб? Can I call you Bob? Can I call you Bob? Том страда. Tom's suffering. Tom's in pain. Мисля, че имаме проблем. I think we have a problem. I think we have a problem. Последната седмица бях на легло с грип. I've been laid up with flu for the last week. Last week I was in bed with a flu. Изкарахме си почивката на един плаж в Хавай. We spent our holiday on a beach in Hawaii. We took a vacation at a beach in Hawaii. Postigla je svoj cilj. She achieved her goal. She's achieved her goal. Том се беше направил дрво. Tom was totally wasted. Tom had made a tree. Можете ли да ми препоръчате някакви други хотели? Can you recommend any other hotels? Could you recommend some other hotels? В началото Том мислеше, че френският е труден, а сега мисли, че е лесен. At first, Tom thought French was difficult, but now he thinks it's easy. At first Tom thought French was hard, and now he thinks it's easy. Ste dobrý novinár. You are a good journalist. You're a good novinár. Се обидувам да работам. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to work. On vyzerá byť šťastný. He looks happy. He vyzerá by surestný. Не ми пречи да помагам. I don't mind helping. I don't mind helping. Sunce je sijalo, a ipak je bilo hladno. The sun was shining, yet it was cold. The sun was shining, yet it was cold. Му го чувам седиштево. I'm saving this seat for him. I'm keeping his seat. Том започна да учи френски преди три години. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started studying French three years ago. Ако не сте платили поради недоглеждане, моля изпратете дължимата сума и ни позволете да отстраним проблема незабавно. If an oversight is the reason why you have not paid, please send us the amount due, and let us solve the problem immediately. If you have not paid for non-questioning, please send the amount due and allow us to remove the problem immediately. Защо не искате да носите вратовръзка? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Многу ми се допаѓате. I like you very much. I like you very much. Možda nije trebalo da to kažeš Tomu. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom. Не зборувам германски. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. Том не ги помрдна усните. Tom didn't move his lips. Tom didn't move his lips. Това няма да ти трябва вече. You won't be needing that again. You won't need that anymore. Да ја прашаме нешто друго. Let's ask her something else. Let's ask her something else. Не мешај работа и задоволство. Don't mix business with pleasure. Don't mix business with pleasure. Tom uvijek sanjari. Tom is always daydreaming. Tom's always dreaming. Кажи му на син ти да престане да и досаѓа на ќерка ми. Tell your son not to harass my daughter anymore. Tell your son to stop bothering my daughter. Фала ти многу, Том. Thanks a lot, Tom. Thank you so much, Tom. Казвам се Ятароу. My name is Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. Аз съм атеист. I'm atheist. I'm an atheist. Каква е минималната заплата в Съединените щати? What's the minimum salary in the United States? What is the minimum wage in the United States? Том е во дневната соба и гледа цртани филмови со децата. Tom is in the living room watching cartoons with the kids. Tom's in the living room watching cartoons with the kids. Джеф търси три месеца, докато намери работа. Jeff searched for three months before he found a job. Jeff's been looking for three months until he finds work. Не се зафркавај со Том. Don't mess with Tom. Don't fuck with Tom. Том се преправи во поп. Tom disguised himself as a priest. Tom turned into a priest. Бил е доста воздржан. Bill is quite reserved. He was pretty restrained. Таа му се јави на психијатарот. She called the psychiatrist. She called the shrink. Nie je nič dôležitejšie ako zdravie. Nothing is more important than health. It's nothing more lenient if you're healthy. Сите посетители мора да бидат испитани. All visitors are subject to inspection. All visitors must be examined. Poranio sam. I'm early. I'm early. Ne znam šta da mislim o ovome. I don't know what to think of this. I don't know what to think about this. Не успях да открия това, което ти търсеше. I couldn't find what you asked for. I couldn't find what you were looking for. Свършваме храната. We're running short of food. We're running out of food. Монасите порано играле тенис по манастирите. Monks used to play tennis in monasteries. The monks used to play tennis in the convents. Boli sme niekde inde. We were somewhere else. It hurts like nowhere. Tom nikad nije rekao ništa o tome. Tom never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about it. Трябва да се преместя в друго училище. I have to transfer schools. I have to move to another school. Дали Том изгледаше среќно? Did Tom seem happy? Did Tom seem happy? Мислам дека Том се преселил во Бостон. I think Tom moved to Boston. I think Tom moved to Boston. Садако им се усмихна. Sadako smiled at them. He smiled at them now. Кога последен пат го надои бебето? When was the last time you breast-fed your baby? When's the last time you hit the baby? Време нема крај. Оно је бескрајно. Time has no end. It's endless. Time has no end, it's endless. Тешко е за објаснување. It's difficult to explain. It's hard to explain. Ќе биде во ред. It'll be okay. It's gonna be okay. Ще ти го дам безплатно. I'll give it to you for free. I'll give it to you for free. Tom je sedeo iza mene. Tom was sitting behind me. Tom was sitting behind me. Тоа е прилично нормално. That's pretty normal. That's pretty normal. Не мога да направя това. I can't do this. I can't do this. Idi pričaj s Tomom. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Беше доста хладно. It was quite cold. It was pretty cold. Извън кучето, книгата е най-добрият приятел на човека. Вътре в кучето е твърде тъмно да се чете. Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Outside the dog, the book is the best friend of the man. Inside the dog is too dark to read. Осъзнах какво се случваше. I realized what was happening. I realized what was going on. Имам работа, която трябва да свърша. I have work that must be done. I have a job to do. Тој лежеше во болница една недела. He was in the hospital for a week. He's been lying in the hospital for a week. Ja môžem pomôcť ak chceš. I can help if you want me to. I can help you. Prečo je to ešte stále problém? Why is that still a problem? The obstacle is the stále problém? Што предмет беше? What item was it? What was the subject? Ги посетивме замоците на Лоара. We visited the castles of the Loire. We've visited the castles of Laura. Veliki broj reči pozajmljene su iz stranih jezika. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. A large number of words are borrowed from foreign languages. Ќе дојдеш ли во Бостон со нас следната година? Will you be going to Boston with us next year? Will you come to Boston with us next year? Що не си траеш, а? Какво, боя ли си търсиш? You just can't stand still, huh? What are you, looking for a fight? Why don't you take your time, huh? Сѐ уште размислувам за него. I'm still thinking about him. I'm still thinking about him. Samo hoću da se sklonim. I just want to get away. I just want to get out of the way. Къде ти е училището? Where is your school? Where's your school? Zašto si ljuta na mene? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Фала, драга. Thank you, dear. Thank you, dear. Колко епизода на "Уан Пийс" си гледала? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many Van Pice episodes have you seen? Nikada ranije nismo igrali fudbal. I've never played soccer before. We've never played football before. Убаво ми е што работам тука. I like working here. I'm glad I'm working here. Ja sam protiv rata. I am against war. I'm against war. Postajem dobar u tome. I'm getting good at it. I'm getting good at it. Се согласувам со планов. I agree to this plan. I agree with this plan. Срамно е ,че трябваше да напусна работа точно когато започвах да навлизам надълбоко в нея. It's a shame that I had to quit my job just when I was getting the hang of things. It's a shame I had to quit work right when I started going deep into it. Чух Том и Мери да говорят. I heard Tom and Mary talking. I heard Tom and Mary talking. Nisu me znali. They didn't know me. They didn't know me. Драго ни е што си тука. We're glad to have you here. We're glad you're here. На овој заб му треба пломба. This tooth has to have a filling. This tooth needs a filling. Tom je izgledao jako zbunjeno. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom seemed really confused. Мислам дека преризично без никаква помош. I think it's a little risky to do that without some help. I think it's too risky without any help. Овој имбецил има остри заби. This imbecile has sharp teeth. This imbecile has sharp teeth. Sjajno! Terrific! Great! Da li si iskrena? Are you being truthful? Are you being honest? Не смееш да го отпуштиш. You can't fire him. You can't fire him. Ќе го натерам да оди. I will make him go. I'll get him to go. Никој не зборува за нив. Nobody talks about them. Nobody talks about them. Може ли да го дадеме на поправка? Can we get it fixed? Can we get it fixed? Можеш ли да пазиш тайна? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Том не треба секогаш да верува во она што го велат другат. Tom shouldn't always believe what others say. Tom shouldn't always believe what the other guy says. Diétuje. She is on a diet. It's diétuje. Ниси лош. You're not bad. You're not bad. Нямам представа къде е Том. I have no idea where Tom is. I have no idea where Tom is. Hovoril mi to isté. He told me the same thing. Hovoril did the same thing to me. Том сакаше да проведува повеќе време со своето семејство. Tom wanted to spend more time with his family. Tom wanted to spend more time with his family. Том ме ишиша. Tom cut my hair. Tom cut my hair. Дај ми уште една шајка. Give me another nail. Give me another nail. Uđi unutra. Get inside. Come on in. На Том му беше писнало от работата му. Tom was sick of his job. Tom was sick of his work. Забелязах, че той ми носи чехлите. I noticed he was wearing my slippers. I noticed he was wearing my slippers. Изглежда всичките момичета са влюбени в Том. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. Looks like all the girls are in love with Tom. Skinula sam periku. I took off my wig. I took my wig off. Каде купува Том? Where does Tom shop? Where's he buying Tom? Твоја слика ли е ова? Is this your picture? Is this your picture? Dao sam im malo hrane. I gave them some food. I gave them some food. Gréci sú dobrí kuchári. Greeks are good cooks. Gréci sú good kuchári. Том се върна вкъщи целят покрит с кал. Tom came back home covered in mud. Tom came home covered in mud. Pokupi Toma da pođemo. Get Tom to leave. Pick up Tom and let's go. Тоа е толку досадно. That's so annoying. That's so boring. Вежбај напољу. Exercise outdoors. Work out the outside. Ова ми е најновиот осврт. This is my latest review. This is my latest review. Той се научи да плува. He learned how to swim. He learned how to swim. Umem da čuvam tajnu. I can keep a secret. I can keep a secret. Otrava kadmiom je na juhu veľmi častou príčinou smrti. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. The cadmium poison is on the soup of the honor of death. Zvaću ih sutra kada se vratim. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Môžete mi zameniť päťdolárovú bankovku? Can you change a five-dollar bill? Are you replacing my banknote? Такива неща се случват постоянно. Such things happen all the time. These things happen all the time. Чиј состав е ова? Whose paper is this? Whose composition is this? Том прехапа устна. Tom bit his lip. Tom ate his lip. Тука никой никога нищо не ми казва. No one ever tells me anything around here. Nobody ever tells me anything around here. Tom nije bio zadovoljan rezultatima. Tom was unsatisfied with the results. Tom wasn't happy with the results. Той е един от съседите ми. He is one of my neighbors. He's one of my neighbors. Донесов неколку шишиња вино. I brought a couple of bottles of wine. I brought some bottles of wine. Това е моят стол. That's my chair. This is my chair. Носот му е најдоброто одличие. His nose is his best feature. His nose is the best. През ваканцията прочетох всичките трудове на Милтън. In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton. During my vacation, I read all Milton's work. Ne otimaj se. Don't struggle. Don't pull yourself together. Фали девојка. There's a girl missing. There's a girl missing. Tom želi znati kad ćete biti gotovi. Tom wants to know when you'll be finished. Tom wants to know when you'll be done. То је чисти ескапизам. It's pure escapism. It's pure episcopism. Ти си зъл. You're evil. You're evil. Том губи крв. Tom is losing blood. Tom's losing blood. Да го уапсиме ли Том? Should we arrest Tom? Should we arrest Tom? Ne sećaš se ničega? Don't you remember anything? You don't remember anything? Това са моите гащи. Those are my pants. Those are my pants. Povabil me je na zabavo. He invited me to the party. He invited me to a party. Počni da brojiš. Start counting. Start counting. Мојот глас на снимки не звучи како мојот природен гласот. My recorded voice does not sound like my natural voice. My voice on the tape doesn't sound like my natural voice. Ни ја не могу. I can't do it either. I can't either. Виждал съм те по телевизията. I've seen you on TV. I've seen you on TV. Кажи јој. Tell her. Tell her. Какво има в тази чанта? What's in this bag? What's in that bag? Моје име је Џејмс,али молим те зови ме Џим. My name is James, but please call me Jim. My name is James, but please call me Jim. Меѓу што можам да бирам? What are my choices? What can I choose from? Той ми каза, че заминава във Франция през юни. He told me that he would go to France in June. He told me he was going to France in June. Već sam rekla da ne znam kako se to radi. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already said I don't know how to do it. Врати ми ги парите. Give me back my money. Give me my money back. Къде беше онова? Where was that? Where was that? Почти никой не ми чете блога. Hardly anyone reads my blog. Almost nobody reads my blog. Jesi izlazio sinoć? Izgledaš prilično loše danas... Did you go out last night? Because you look pretty bad today ... Did you go out last night? Всичко е наред. All is well. It's okay. В Германия призраците не плащат данъци. In Germany ghosts don't pay taxes. In Germany, ghosts pay no taxes. Трябва да сме внимателни. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. Zvučite kao da se ne zabavljate. You sound like you're not having any fun. You sound like you're not having fun. Potpuno sam bez para. I don't have any money. I'm completely broke. Знам дека многу се грижеше за Том. I know that you cared deeply for Tom. I know you cared a lot about Tom. Оној што ја мие колата е г-дин Џонс. The one washing the car is Mr. Jones. The one who washes the car is Mr. Jones. Trajaće čitavu večnost. This is going to take forever. It's gonna take forever. Preporučuje se da ne zapisujete svoje lozinke tamo gde ih drugi mogu videti. It's recommended that you don't write your passwords down where others might see them. It is recommended not to write down your passwords where others can see them. Možda Tom nije gladan. Tom might not be hungry. Maybe Tom's not hungry. Komentari moraju da budu u vezi sa temom. Comments must be relevant to the topic. The comments have to be about the subject. Tom će da sačeka. Tom'll wait. Tom will wait. Имаш ли запалка? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Tom je dvignil kozarec in naredil velik požirek vina. Tom picked up his glass and took a big sip of wine. Tom picked up a glass and made a big sip of wine. Тази зима при нас не е валял много сняг. We have had little snow this winter. We haven't had much snow this winter. Nemojte da buljite. Don't stare. Don't stare. Ова е чисто лудило! This is complete madness! This is pure madness! Ne smeš da ulaziš u tu sobu. You may not enter that room. You can't go in that room. To je izguba časa. It's a waste of time. It's a waste of time. Не збори. Don't talk. Don't talk. Бедуините живеят в пустинята. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Hvala na informaciji. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Отидоха в парка на следващата сутрин. They went to the park the next morning. They went to the park the next morning. Треба да поставиме замка. We should set a trap. We need to set a trap. Мисля, че трябва да тръгваме. I think we should go. I think we should go. Tom sa rozosmial. Tom started to laugh. Tom with Rosasmial. В тази стая има повече от 50 маси. In this room there are over 50 tables. There are more than 50 tables in this room. Секоја нијанса се губи при преведувањето. Every nuance is lost in translation. Every shade is lost in translation. Не сакав јас така. That's not the way I wanted it. I didn't mean it like that. Не сум ти рамен. I'm no match for you. I'm not your match. Nikad se nisam pokajala zbog toga. I've never regretted it. I never regretted it. On je pre bio član društvene elite, nego predstavnik širokih masa. He was a member of a social elite rather than the masses. He used to be a member of the social elite, rather than a representative of the broad masses. Треба да го пуштиме Том да се врати на работа. We should let Tom get back to work. We should let Tom get back to work. Zašto? Why? Why? Нека те ишишаат. Go get your hair cut. Let them cut you. Лошото време не ми позволи да тръгна. The bad weather's preventing me from leaving. Bad weather didn't let me leave. Зошто не почекате неколку дена? Why don't you give it a few days? Why don't you wait a few days? Не мога да разбера защо Джеймс винаги връзва кусури на жена си. I can't understand why James always finds fault with his wife. I can't understand why James always hooks up his wife. Čovek ima mnogo želja koje on zapravo ni ne želi da se ispune i bilo bi čak i pogrešno pretpostaviti suprotno. On želi da one ostanu samo želje, one imaju vrednost samo u njegovoj mašti; njihovo ispunjenje bilo bi gorko razočarenje za njega. Jedna od takvih želja je i želja za večnim životom. Da je ispunjena, čovek bi postao potpuno bolestan od večnog života, i čeznuo bi za smrću. Man has many wishes that he does not really wish to fulfil, and it would be a misunderstanding to suppose the contrary. He wants them to remain wishes, they have value only in his imagination; their fulfilment would be a bitter disappointment to him. Such a desire is the desire for eternal life. If it were fulfilled, man would become thoroughly sick of living eternally, and yearn for death. A man has many desires that he does not really want to be fulfilled and it would be wrong to assume the opposite. He wants them to remain only wishes, they have value only in his imagination; their fulfillment would be bitter disappointment for him. One of such desires is also the desire for eternal life. If it was fulfilled, man would become completely sick of eternal life, and he would long for death. Изглеждаш точно като по-големия си брат. You look just like your older brother. You look just like your big brother. Каква е минималната заплата в Ливан? What's the minimum salary in Lebanon? What's the minimum wage in Lebanon? Kada je Markus stigao, spavala sam. When Marcus arrived, I was sleeping. When Marcus arrived, I slept. Том не е старолик. Tom doesn't look old. Tom's not an old-fashioned. Морам да се одморам. I must rest. I have to rest. Нѐ мразиш, нели? You hate us, don't you? You hate us, don't you? Јеси ли ти манијак? Are you a maniac? Are you a maniac? Ne pričajte. Don't talk. Don't talk. И за кого работиш деновиве? And who are you working for these days? And who do you work for these days? Том го повтори прашањето. Tom repeated the question. Tom repeated the question. А, бях болен. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. Каква бубалица си. You're such a nerd. You're such a nerd. Da li me voli? Does she love me? Does she love me? Ако изпусна влака, ще хвана автобуса. If I miss the train, I'll get on the bus. If I miss the train, I'll catch the bus. Да видиме што ќе се случи ако му дозволиме на Том да прави што сака. Let's see what happens if we let Tom do what he wants. Let's see what happens if we let Tom do what he wants. Той е герой. He's a hero. He's a hero. Не го оставяйте да го направи. Don't let them do this. Don't let him do this. Какво каза тя? What did she say? What did she say? Се подобрило. It's gotten better. It's improved. Често им помага на другите. He often helps others. He often helps others. Само през трупа ми! Over my dead body! Over my dead body! Лав је краљ џунгле. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is king of the jungle. Ne bodi neumen. Don't be foolish. Don't be stupid. To je rutinska stvar. This is a straightforward case. It's a routine thing. Не съм ти давал разрешение да напуснеш. I didn't give you permission to leave. I didn't give you permission to leave. Не бих те обвинила. I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't blame you. Umeš li da kuvaš? Can you cook? Can you cook? Искам да се видя с Том. I want to meet with Tom. I want to see Tom. Мислам дека Том си замина. I think Tom has gone. I think Tom's gone. To ti je život. It's a fact of life. It's your life. Дали Мери му се допаѓа на Том? Does Tom like Mary? Does Mary like Tom? Том знаеше што планира да зготви Мери за вечера. Tom knew what Mary was planning to cook for dinner. Tom knew what he was planning to cook Mary for dinner. Dječak ima konja. The boy has a horse. The boy has a horse. Već sam ga poručio. I've already ordered it. I already sent it. Изглежда, че ще вали дъжд. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Прочетох един вълнуващ разказ. I read an exciting story. I read an exciting story. Не съм ви виждала тук наоколо преди. I haven't seen you around here before. I've never seen you around here before. Таму припаѓаш ти. That's where you belong. That's where you belong. Je li tvoje? Is it yours? Is it yours? Kažite mi šta ste napisali. Tell me what you wrote. Tell me what you wrote. Мисля, че Том си почива. I think Tom is taking a nap. I think Tom's resting. Кралот не го предвиде падот на монархијата. The king did not see the end of the monarchy coming. The king did not predict the fall of the monarchy. Етеријум и биткоин су криптовалуте. Ethereum and Bitcoin are cryptocurrencies. Etherium and bitcoin are cryptocurrency. Вчера дојдов тука. Yesterday I came here. I came here yesterday. Том няма да си признае, обаче здраво го е загазил. Tom won't admit it, but he's in big trouble. Tom won't admit it, but he's in a lot of trouble. Tom je vidio Mary s drugim muškarcem. Tom saw Mary with another man. Tom saw Mary with another man. Казах на Том истината. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Сакам да си со мене. I wish you were with me. I want you to be with me. Ovde smo. We're here. We're here. Те молам, зборувај ми. Please talk to me. Please, talk to me. Не, благодаря. Само гледам. No, thank you. I am just looking. No, thanks, I'm just looking. Ahoj, ja som Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Oh, I'm som Nancy. Ostani tu gde si, Tome. Stay right there, Tom. Stay where you are, Tom. Videla sam Toma kako igra puno puta. I've seen Tom dance many times. I've seen Tom play a lot of times. Игравте ли тенис? Did you play tennis? Did you play tennis? Работя с Том от три години. I've worked with Tom for three years. I've been working with Tom for three years. Пациентът оздравяваше малко по малко. The patient got better little by little. The patient was getting better a little bit. Ала бала ница, турска паница, ой гиди Ванчо, наш капитанчо. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. The ballroom, the Turkish panic, Mrs. Vancho, our captain. Ова соседство е многу осамено. This neighborhood is very lonely. This neighborhood is very lonely. Том је натерао Мери да то уради. Tom made Mary do that. Tom made Mary do it. Всичко е наред. Everything's OK. It's okay. To ima smisla. That makes sense. That makes sense. Том не кара Мери да чака твърде дълго. Tom didn't keep Mary waiting too long. Tom doesn't make Mary wait too long. Би можел да останам со тебе. I could stay with you. I could stay with you. Ние няма да се преклоним пред волята на един тиранин. We will not bend to the will of a tyrant. We will not bow before the will of a tyrant. Мисля, че си лъжец. I think you're a liar. I think you're a liar. Окренула сам се. I turned around. I turned around. Имам това, което ми е нужно. I have what I need. I have what I need. To je sedeo sam. Tom sat by himself. It was sitting alone. Немаше други муштерии. There were no other customers. There were no other customers. Ne deri se. Don't scream. Don't yell. Го добив овој факс од неа. I received this fax from her. I got this fax from her. Kakav posao tražite? What kind of job are you looking for? What kind of work are you looking for? Sada pomalo brinem. I'm a bit worried now. Now I'm a little worried. Ела веднага щом можеш. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Сигурно била таа. It must've been her. It must have been her. Трябва да се обадим на лекаря. We should call the doctor. We need to call the doctor. Можеби мачка било тоа. Maybe it was a cat. Maybe it was a cat. Ne živim u ovom gradu. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. Затоа ли не сакаш да ни помогнеш? Is that why you won't help us? Is that why you don't want to help us? Govorim švedsko. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Во секој случај ќе го сторам тоа. I'll do it anyway. I'll do it anyway. Učili smo cijelo poslijepodne. We were studying all afternoon. We've been studying all afternoon. Аз познавам тези момичета. I know those girls. I know these girls. Погоди што се случи. Guess what happened. Guess what happened. На основу чега знамо да је недужан? How do we know that he's innocent? Based on what do we know he's innocent? Potrebna mi je iskrena devojka. I need a sincere girlfriend. I need an honest girl. Погледај унаоколо. Look around. Look around. Мисля, че ще бъдеш изненадана. I think you'd be surprised. I think you'll be surprised. Спремни сме за борба. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. Tom je bio prijateljski nastojen prema meni. Tom was friendly to me. Tom was friendly with me. Том се опита да го направи. Tom tried to do it. Tom tried to do it. Той отиде на разходка. He's out taking a walk. He went for a walk. Postalo je jasno, kakšen je življenski stil osumljenca Miure v zaporu. It has become clear what murder-suspect Miura's jail lifestyle is like. It became clear what the life-style of Miura's suspect in prison was like. Да пробаме да ѝ се јавиме. Let's try calling her. Let's try calling her. Kuća u kojoj je Ataturk rođen je u Solunu. The home where Atatürk was born is in Thessaloniki. The house where Ataturk was born was in Thessaloniki. Знаел ли Том? Was Tom in on it? Did Tom know? Някога исках да стана астрофизик. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I used to want to be an astrophysicist. Прекрасно је, зар не? That's awesome, right? It's beautiful, isn't it? Ништо никогаш не се менува. Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever changes. Како беше игранката? How was the dance? How was the dance? Това не е грешка. It's not a mistake. It's not a mistake. Kako mogu biti od pomoći? How can I be of service? How can I be of assistance? Том веќе за ништо не ми разговара. Tom doesn't talk to me about anything anymore. Tom doesn't talk to me anymore. Tom kaže da nije bio ovde. Tom says he wasn't here. Tom says he wasn't here. Možda nije trebalo da uradim to. Perhaps I shouldn't have done that. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Има ли някаква причина за да пазиш тези стари бутилки? Is there some reason you're saving these old bottles? Is there any reason to keep these old bottles? Otroci potrebujejo ljubezen. Children need love. Children need love. Успори. Slow down. Slow down. Каква е минималната заплата в Кипър? What's the minimum salary in Cyprus? What's the minimum wage in Cyprus? Bojim se da ste pogrešno shvatili ovo. I'm afraid you've misunderstood this. I'm afraid you've got this all wrong. Ti bježiš. You run. You're running. Tom se udebljao. Tom has gotten fat. Tom was getting fat. Том дојде да престојува кај нас неколку дена минатата пролет. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. Tom came to stay with us a few days last spring. Ja som majiteľ. I'm the owner. I'm som mayhem. Знаев дека ќе го најдеме. I knew we'd find him. I knew we'd find him. Том се обиде да ѕирне низ клучалката, но не можеше ништо да види. Tom tried to look through the keyhole, but couldn't see anything. Tom tried to look through the keyhole, but he couldn't see anything.