Скільки мені слід купити пива? How much beer should I buy? How much beer should I buy? С кем они разговаривают? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? Ты дашь мне денег? Will you give me money? Will you give me the money? Том немного старше, чем я. Tom is somewhat older than I. Tom is a little older than me. Это именно то, что я искал. This is exactly what I've been looking for. That's exactly what I was looking for. Дайте нам минутку. Give us a moment. Give us a minute. Це комунізм. This is communism. This is communism. Как вы могли быть такими дураками? How could you have been so stupid? How could you be such fools? Тебе лучше спрятаться. You better hide. You better hide. Я сказал Тому, чтобы он приезжал пораньше. I told Tom to arrive early. I told Tom to come early. Жінка читає. The woman is reading. The woman reads. Ніхто більше не слухає. Nobody is listening anymore. No one is listening anymore. Ты мне теперь гораздо больше нравишься, чем раньше. I like you much more now than I did before. I like you a lot more now than I used to. Не думаю, що Том може нам зараз допомогти. I don't think that Tom can help us now. I don't think Tom can help us right now. Хіба вас не буде на зборах? Aren't you going to be at the meeting? Will you not be at the meetings? Уставай! Stand up! Get up! Я сказал, что буду там. I said I'd be there. I said I'd be there. Если бы она знала её номер телефона, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could ring her. If she knew her phone number, she could have called her. Я тут никого не знаю, кроме Тома. I don't know anybody here, except Tom. I don't know anyone here but Tom. Чому ти зачинила двері? Why did you close the door? Why did you close the door? Я знаю его много лет. I've known him for years. I've known him for years. А Мері, тим часом, накриває на стіл. Meanwhile, Mary is laying the table. And Mary, meanwhile, covers the table. Почему ты не позволил Тому тебе помочь? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Я сів на землю. I sat down on the ground. I sat on the ground. У Тома было предчувствие, что Мэри приведёт своего нового парня на вечеринку. Tom had a hunch that Mary would bring her new boyfriend to the party. Tom had a premonition that Mary would bring her new boyfriend to the party. Не все мои друзья любят плавать. Not all of my friends like swimming. Not all of my friends like to swim. Він відомий композитор. He is a famous composer. He is a famous composer. В них була зброя. They had weapons. They had weapons. Ти коли-небудь була в Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Вначале Том был застенчив. Tom was shy at the beginning. At first, Tom was shy. Том долгое время был женат на Мэри. Tom was married to Mary for a long time. He was married to Mary for a long time. Том знал, что то, что сказала Мэри, правда. Tom knew that what Mary had said was true. Tom knew what Mary was saying was true. Покажи мені, що робити. Show me what to do. Show me what to do. Де знаходиться Бейрут? Where is Beirut? Where is Beirut? Многие избегают затрагивать вопросы пола. Many people are skittish about sexual matters. Many people avoid talking about gender. Тому здесь нечего делать. Tom has nothing to do here. Tom has nothing to do here. Вони вигравали. They were winning. They won. Сделайте это сегодня, если возможно. Do that today, if possible. Do it today if possible. Этого пока хватит. For now, this is enough. That's enough for now. Я насправді зайнятий. I'm really busy. I'm really busy. Скифы - это предки русских. Scythians are the ancestors of Russians. Scythians are the ancestors of Russians. У мене менше грошей, ніж у тебе. I have less money than you. I have less money than you. Пожалуйста, выберите более надёжный пароль. Please choose a stronger password. Please choose a more secure password. Том, мабуть, зараз не у Бостоні. Tom probably isn't in Boston now. Tom may not be in Boston right now. Сегодня дико холодно. It's awfully cold today. It's freezing cold today. Том бросил Мэри свои ключи. Tom tossed Mary his keys. Tom threw Mary his keys. Ти чула новини? Have you heard the news? Did you hear the news? Я па-ранейшаму лічу, што гэта найлепшы выбар. I still believe this is the best choice. I still think it's the best choice. Ми не ледачі. We're not lazy. We're not lazy. Освободи меня. Free me. Release me. В конце фильма она совсем другая. She's very different at the end of the film. At the end of the film, it is completely different. Миска наполнена водой. The bowl is filled with water. The bowl is full of water. Том ще має велосипед? Does Tom still have a bicycle? Does Tom have a bike? Ты, должно быть, идиот. You must be a fool. You must be an idiot. Кто этому поверит? Who'll believe that? Who's gonna believe this? Час іти. It's time to be going. Time to go. Можаш навучыць мяне партугальскай? Can you teach me Portuguese? Can you teach me Portuguese? Том сказал, что видел сегодня человека-невидимку. Tom said he saw the invisible man today. Tom said he saw an invisible man today. У свій вільний час вона робить ляльки. She spends her free time making dolls. In her free time, she makes dolls. Ви бажаєте устриць, чи ви надаєте перевагу мідіям? Would you like to have oysters, or do you prefer mussels? Do you want oysters, or do you prefer mussels? Ці речі підлягають розмитненню. These articles are liable to duty. These things are subject to customs. Я зараз співаю. I'm singing now. I'm singing now. Я фотографую цю жінку. I'm photographing the woman. I photograph this woman. То, что он сказал, меня испугало. What he said scared me. What he said scared me. Вони мене заарештували. They arrested me. They arrested me. Я ще не отримав вашого листа. I still haven't received your letter. I haven't received your letter yet. Їх атакували. They were attacked. They were attacked. Моя французька не дуже добра. My French isn't very good. My French is not very good. Том всё ещё хочет прийти. Tom still wants to come. Tom still wants to come. Том не знает, что надеть. Tom doesn't know what to wear. Tom doesn't know what to wear. Одного дня я хочу полетіти до Африки. I want to go to Africa someday. One day I want to fly to Africa. Моя жена тоже умерла. My wife is also dead. My wife died too. Хіба ти не пам'ятаєш Тома? Don't you remember Tom? Don't you remember Tom? «У каждого есть недостатки». – «Только не у меня». "Everyone has flaws." "I don't." “Everyone has flaws.” — “Not me.” Том вполне счастлив. Tom is quite happy. Tom is very happy. Прогноз погоды не ошибся. The weather forecast was right. The weather forecast was not wrong. Я увижусь с ним сегодня вечером. I'll see him tonight. I'll see him tonight. Вы помните, как их всех зовут? Do you remember all of their names? Do you remember their names? Я був у джинсах. I had jeans on. I was in jeans. Ми вже дуже давно разом. We've been together a long time. We've been together a long time. Смотри не поскользнись. Be careful not to slip. Look, don't slip. Я не сказала ей, что вы здесь. I didn't tell her you're here. I didn't tell her you were here. Моя мама каже : "Привіт". My mom says hi. My mom says, "Hi." Кто-то кричал. Someone screamed. Someone was screaming. Нам патрэбная лідэрка. We need a leader. We need a leader. Мэри обманула её. Mary deceived her. Mary tricked her. Давай я поговорю с ней наедине. Let me talk to her alone. Let me talk to her alone. Преступники получили заслуженное наказание. The perpetrators received a well-deserved punishment. The criminals received the punishment they deserved. У тебя есть собака? Do you have a dog? Do you have a dog? Сделай это сегодня, если возможно. Do that today, if possible. Do it today if possible. Ми завтра працюватимемо. We'll work tomorrow. We'll work tomorrow. Она подула себе на руки, чтобы согреть их. She blew on her hands to warm them. She stooped on her hands to keep them warm. Як ти зараз себе почуваєш? How do you feel now? How are you feeling right now? Дзе твой бацька? Where is your father? Where's your father? Я вечеряв. I was eating dinner. I've had dinner. Ідзі хутчэй! Come quick! Go faster! Я забыл полотенце. I forgot my towel. I forgot my towel. Вам идёт чёрный. Black looks good on you. You look black. Том чуть не забыл взять с собой зонтик. Tom almost forgot to take an umbrella with him. I almost forgot to bring an umbrella. Ты знаешь, где она работает? Do you know where she works? Do you know where she works? Чому ти на мене сердитий? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Том не очень хорошо выглядит. Tom isn't looking well. Tom doesn't look very good. Ти чув, як птахи цвірінькають? Did you hear the birds tweeting? Did you hear the birds chirping? У Тома нет телевизора. Tom doesn't have a TV. Tom doesn't have a TV. Том жил по соседству с нами. Tom lived next door to us. Tom lived next door to us. Він отримав перший приз. He got the first prize. He won the first prize. После того как Мэри дала Тому пощёчину, бросила через него бокал вина и твёрдым шагом вышла из ресторана, воцарилась мёртвая тишина. You could've heard a pin drop in the restaurant after Mary slapped Tom in the face, threw a glass of wine over him and stomped out. After Mary slapped Tom, threw a glass of wine through him and stepped out of the restaurant, a dead silence reigned. Всё зависит от тебя. Everything depends on you. It's up to you. Пожалуйста, откройте дверь. Please open the door. Please open the door. Как выглядит его жена? What does his wife look like? What does his wife look like? Я збентежений. I'm confused. I'm confused. Ты апошняя, каго я чакаў тут сустрэць. You are the last person whom I expected to meet here. You're the last person I've expected to meet here. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає по всіх цих роках. I wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years. I wonder if she'll recognize me through all these years. Мы ужасно скучаем по Тому. We miss Tom terribly. I miss Tom very much. Не бери самый дешёвый. Don't take the cheapest one. Don't take the cheapest. Не забудь взять с собою фотоаппарат. Don't forget to take a camera with you. Don't forget to bring your camera. Не їж жовтий сніг. Don't eat yellow snow. Do not eat yellow snow. Все мы матери. We're all mothers. We're all mothers. Град побил посевы. The hail harmed the crops. The city has beaten the crops. Почему Вы пришли одна? Why did you come alone? Why did you come alone? Солдаты были молоды. The soldiers were young. The soldiers were young. Сравни свои ответы с ответами Тома. Compare your answers with Tom's. Compare your answers to Tom's. Ти знаєш, що ми загубили. You know what we lost. You know what we lost. Він одружений з американкою. He's married to an American woman. He is married to an American. Я представил Тома своим друзьям. I introduced Tom to my friends. I introduced Tom to my friends. Ми можемо зробити це самостійно. We can do this on our own. We can do it ourselves. Интервью началось в 10 часов. The interview began at 10 o'clock. The interview began at 10 a.m. Здраво! Hi! Hello! Тепло помогает мне при боли. Warmth is good for my pain. Heat helps me with pain. Що трапилося з тим хлопцем, з яким ти зустрічалася? What happened to that guy you were seeing? What happened to the guy you were dating? Допила ми домашня робота. I'm fed up with homework. We finished our homework. Я вообще не ем свинину. I don't eat pork at all. I don't eat pork at all. Когда вы туда доберётесь? When are you going to get there? When will you get there? Я его унесу внутрь. I'll take it inside. I'll take him inside. Покажи мне Бостон на карте. Show me where Boston is on the map. Show me Boston on the map. Без вас життя - це катастрофа. Life is a catastrophe without you. Without you, life is a disaster. Друзья — это люди, с которыми можно думать вслух. Friends are people you can think out loud with. Friends are people with whom you can think out loud. Де Ви народились? Where were you born? Where were you born? Увага: чылійская іспанская можа гучаць дзіўна ў любым іншым месцы. Warning: Chilean Spanish may sound weird in any other place. Attention: Chilean Spanish can sound amazing anywhere else. Пообіцяйте мені, що прийдете. Promise me you'll come. Promise me you'll come. Я одолжил ему свой карандаш. I lent my pencil to him. I lent him my pencil. Думаю, моя ідея краща. I think my idea is better. I think my idea is better. На краще, чи на гірше, але телебачення змінило світ. For better or for worse, television has changed the world. For better or worse, television has changed the world. Том болел? Was Tom sick? Tom's sick? Том мне ещё не муж. Tom isn't my husband yet. Tom's not my husband yet. Я повернуся о сьомій годині. I'll be back at seven o'clock. I'll be back at 7:00. Мы пожаловались управляющему на шум у соседей. We complained to the manager about the noise next door. We complained to the manager about the noise from the neighbors. Я дал им своё старое пальто. I gave my old coat to them. I gave them my old coat. Через час мы все будем спать. In an hour, we'll all be asleep. We'll all be asleep in an hour. Сколько обычно стоят футболки? How much do T-shirts usually cost? How much do T-shirts usually cost? Это, должно быть, было дорого. It must've been expensive. It must have been expensive. Вам трэба купіць аўтаадказчык. You should buy an answering machine. You need to buy an autoresponder. Чому, на вашу думку, я тут? Why do you think I'm here? Why do you think I'm here? Я всегда пишу список, когда хожу в магазин. I always make a list when I go to the store. I always make a list when I go to the store. Ігноруйте їх. Ignore them. Ignore them. Я сбился со счёта, сколько раз ты мне помог. I've lost count of how many times you've helped me. I lost count of how many times you helped me. Том був одним із останніх, хто пішов. Tom was one of the last to leave. Tom was one of the last to leave. Том зможе прийти завтра? Can Tom come tomorrow? Will Tom be able to come tomorrow? Мне неважно, кто ты. I don't care who you are. I don't care who you are. Колькі цукерак у цябе засталося? How much candy do you have left? How many sweets are left in you? Покажите мне, как это делать! Show me how to do that! Show me how to do it! Знаете, почему Том не доверяет Мэри? Do you know why Tom doesn't trust Mary? You know why Tom doesn't trust Mary? Мы новыя ўласнікі. We are the new owners. We're the new owners. Перепрошую, що примусив вас так довго чекати. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. Не верьте ни единому слову. Don't believe a single word of it. Don't believe a word. Я не сказала им, что ты здесь. I didn't tell them you're here. I didn't tell them you were here. Я этого совсем не боюсь. I'm not in the least afraid of it. I'm not afraid of that at all. Его отец - пожарный. His father is a firefighter. His father is a firefighter. Я не знал, что Том играл в колледже в баскетбол. I didn't know Tom played basketball in college. I didn't know Tom played college basketball. Какой из них ты? Which one is you? Which one are you? Няма нічога неперакладальнага. There is nothing that cannot be translated. There's nothing untranslatable. Про що хочеш побалакати? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Они меня забыли. They forgot me. They forgot me. Я признаю своё поражение. I admit I lost. I admit my defeat. Чому це вас не турбує? Why doesn't that bother you? Why doesn't that bother you? Нехай щастить. Good luck. Let's be happy. Я уяви не мала, що Том — ваш син. I had no idea Tom was your son. I had no idea Tom was your son. Я маю знайти Тома. I've got to find Tom. I have to find Tom. Я еду с тобой. I'm going with you. I'm coming with you. Я не курю и не пью. I neither smoke nor drink. I don't smoke or drink. Що ти хочеш, щоб я зробив з Томом? What do you want me to do with Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? Я певна, що він досягне успіху. I am sure that he will succeed. I am sure he will succeed. Нам нужны ещё три стула. We need three more chairs. We need three more chairs. Я не знаю, как мне доказать, что я тебя люблю. I don't know how to prove that I love you. I don't know how to prove that I love you. Том не умеет получать удовольствие от жизни. Tom doesn't know how to enjoy life. Tom can't enjoy life. Ты слишком сильно рискуешь, одумайся! You're taking too much of a risk. Think it over. You're taking too much risk, think about it! Я буду на твоей стороне. I'll be at your side. I'll be by your side. Він підняв дошку з одного кінця. He lifted a side of the board. He raised the board from one end. Том проходить три милі кожного дня. Tom walks three miles a day. Tom walks three miles every day. Том подумал, что будет лучше уйти. Tom thought it would be better to leave. Tom thought it would be better to leave. Я хочу, чтобы к половине третьего готовый отчёт лежал у меня на столе. I want a complete report on my desk by 2:30. I want a report on my desk by half past three. Можешь сделать телевизор потише? Can you turn your TV down? Can you make the TV quieter? Давайте не будем говорить о школе. Let's not talk about school. Let’s not talk about school. Все замолчали и уставились на меня. Everyone stopped talking and stared at me. Everybody shut up and stared at me. Дайте мне знать, если вам понадобится какая-нибудь помощь. Let me know if you need any help. Let me know if you need any help. Я не вірю в бога, але колись вірила. I don't believe in God, but I used to. I don’t believe in God, but I did. Я бы смог, если бы захотел, но я не хочу. I could if I wanted to, but I don't. I could if I wanted to, but I don't want to. Завжди готова. I'm always ready. Always ready. Я становлюсь злее. I'm getting angrier. I'm getting meaner. Давайте определим наше местонахождение, прежде чем идти дальше. Let's get our bearings before we go any further. Let's figure out our location before we go any further. Коврики поглощают звук. Rugs absorb sound. The rugs absorb the sound. Где Вы купили этот галстук? Where did you buy that tie? Where did you get this tie? Я не назову тебе её имени. I'm not going to tell you her name. I won't tell you her name. Я не хотел, чтобы со мной было то же самое. I didn't want the same thing to happen to me. I didn't want the same thing to happen to me. Мы восхищались храбростью Тома. We admired Tom's bravery. We admired Tom's bravery. Мы ему помешали. We disturbed him. We interrupted him. Тома вигнали зі зборів. Tom was kicked out of the meeting. Tom was kicked out of the meeting. Том ще не готовий приймати відвідувачів. Tom isn't yet ready to receive visitors. Tom is not ready to receive visitors. Я не хочу подниматься наверх. I don't want to go upstairs. I don't want to go upstairs. Я ничего не могу предложить тебе взамен. I can't offer you anything in return. I can't offer you anything in return. Все наши попытки были впустую. All our attempts were in vain. All our attempts were wasted. Много кто игнорирует смех. A lot of guys ignore the laugh. A lot of people ignore laughter. Вот несколько писем для вас. Here are some letters for you. Here are some letters for you. Как тебе новое платье Мэри? What do you think of Mary's new dress? How do you like Mary's new dress? Он застал меня врасплох, я не знал, что делать. It caught me off guard; I didn't know what to do. He took me by surprise, I didn’t know what to do. Что Том планирует делать в Бостоне? What does Tom plan to do in Boston? What is Tom planning to do in Boston? Я в захваті. I'm excited. I'm excited. Прыплывы выклікаюцца месячным прыцягненнем. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity. The tides are caused by monthly attraction. Том, как поездка? Tom, how was your trip? Tom, how's the ride? Тобі слід перевірити цього учня. You should test this student. You should check with this student. Здесь так вкусно пахнет. It smells so good in here. It smells so good here. Цього не трапиться, і ви це знаєте. That isn't going to happen, and you know it. It won’t happen, and you know it. У вас был ребёнок. You had a kid. You had a baby. Тому дуже подобаються сонечки. Tom really likes ladybirds. Tom likes the sun. Том лише намагається тобі допомогти. Tom is just trying to help you. Tom is just trying to help you. Этот закон больше не соблюдается. That law isn't being enforced anymore. This law is no longer enforced. Будешь платить наличными? Will you pay cash? Will you pay in cash? В чём составляющие величия музыканта? What makes a great musician? What is the greatness of a musician? Як ти можеш бути таким наївним? How can you be so naive? How can you be so naive? Том хотя бы раз в неделю чистит зубы специальной нитью. Tom flosses his teeth at least once a week. Tom at least once a week brushes his teeth with a special thread. Я бы предпочёл, чтобы вы не рассказывали об этом Тому. I'd prefer it if you didn't tell Tom about this. I'd rather you didn't tell Tom about it. Я не знал, что Том - ваш начальник. I didn't know Tom was your boss. I didn't know Tom was your boss. Это не та собака, которую хочет Том. That isn't the dog Tom wants. That's not the dog Tom wants. З'їж що-небудь. Eat something. Eat something. Мэри не с Томом хотела поговорить. Tom wasn't the one who Mary wanted to talk to. Mary didn't want to talk to Tom. Ты хочешь, чтоб я составил компанию Тому и Мэри? Do you want me to keep Tom and Mary company? You want me to keep Tom and Mary company? Волки завыли. The wolves began to howl. Wolves are gone. Ти здаєшся сильною. You look strong. You seem strong. Мене звати Карлос. My name is Carlos. My name is Carlos. Правда просвещает ум, но не всегда приносит счастье сердцу. Truth enlightens the mind, but won't always bring happiness to your heart. Truth enlightens the mind, but it does not always bring happiness to the heart. Том, ты негодный учитель. Tom, you're a lousy teacher. Tom, you're a bad teacher. Том вищий від мене. Tom is taller than me. Tom is taller than me. Я не усвідомлювала, що Том одружений з Мері. I didn't realize that Tom was married to Mary. I didn't realize Tom was married to Mary. Я не являюсь носителем этого языка. I'm not a native speaker of this language. I am not a native speaker of that language. У тебя сахар есть? Чай очень горький. Do you have sugar? The tea is very bitter. Do you have any sugar? Я виснажений. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. Том был не единственный, кого арестовали. Tom wasn't the only one that was arrested. Tom wasn't the only one arrested. Боюсь, я не слишком хорошо это объяснил. I'm afraid I didn't explain it too well. I'm afraid I didn't explain it very well. Это Вы его нашли? Were you the one to find it? Did you find him? У меня в моче была кровь. I had blood in my urine. I had blood in my urine. Мы говорили с Томом. We spoke with Tom. We talked to Tom. Сколько часов ты можешь сидеть перед компьютером? For how many hours can you sit in front of the computer? How many hours can you sit in front of a computer? Розпочнімо? Let's get started, shall we? Let's get started? Я вам ещё нравлюсь? Do you still like me? Do you still like me? Ти можеш це зробити просто зараз. You can do that right now. You can do it right now. Вы былі шчаслівыя. You were happy. You were happy. Новое? Is it new? New? Самі памыляўся. Sami was mistaken. I was wrong myself. Том їсть картоплю-фрі. Tom is eating fries. Tom eats french fries. Я посмотрел вокруг себя. I looked around me. I looked around me. Вор проник через окно. The thief snuck in through the window. The thief broke through the window. Я рад, что ты тоже пришёл. I'm glad you came, too. I'm glad you came, too. Еда! Food! Food! Оно веганское? Is it vegan? Is it vegan? Желаем тебе счастья. We wish you happiness. We wish you happiness. Тома никогда не повысят. Tom will never get promoted. Tom will never be promoted. Они не срубили ни одного дерева. They haven't cut any trees down. They didn't cut down a single tree. Джон спіймав тигра й застрелив двох левів. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. Він намагався стримати свій гнів. He tried to hold back his anger. He was trying to contain his anger. Я хачу быць паэтам. I want to be a poet. I want to be a poet. Произошло много всего. A lot has happened. A lot of things happened. Я щось чую. I can hear something. I hear something. Я популярен. I'm popular. I'm popular. Он читает физику в Оксфорде. He read physics at Oxford. He's studying physics at Oxford. На столі диня. There is a melon on the table. There's a melon on the table. Хочешь войти? Do you want to come in? You want to come in? Це місто зроблене з металевих замків. This city is made out of metal castles. This city is made of metal castles. Том часто моет руки. Tom washes his hands a lot. Tom often washes his hands. Я более чем уверен, что это не сработает. I'm pretty sure that it won't work. I'm more than sure it won't work. Он пришёл к тебе с гарантией? Did this come with a guarantee? Did he come to you with a guarantee? Он сделал то, о чём вы его просили. He did what you asked him to do. He did what you asked him to do. Тебе не нужно заниматься спортом. You don't need to do sports. You don't have to play sports. Кто всё это начал? Who started all this? Who started this? Розбудіть Тома. Wake Tom up. Wake up Tom. Ваза упала на каменный пол и разбилась на тысячу осколков. The vase fell on to the stone floor and smashed into a thousand pieces. The vase fell on the stone floor and broke into a thousand pieces. Я лише хотів дати це тобі. I just wanted to give you this. I just wanted to give it to you. Если бы она знала её телефон, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her phone number, she could call her. If she knew her phone, she could have called her. Поток лавы уничтожил всё на своём пути. The lava flow destroyed everything in its path. The lava flow destroyed everything in its path. Я магу перакладаць зь нямецкай на ангельскую даволі добра, але наадварот перакладаць складаней. I can translate from German to English pretty well, but the other way around is more difficult. I can translate ze German to angelic quite well, but on the contrary it is more difficult to translate. Думаю, што яны гэта робяць наўмысна. I think they do that on purpose. I think they're doing it on purpose. Ты разве не завтра уезжаешь? Aren't you leaving tomorrow? Aren't you leaving tomorrow? Фрукторіанці їдять лише фрукти. Fruitarians eat only fruit. Fruit eaters eat only fruit. Ты мог меня убить. You could've killed me. You could have killed me. Том и Мэри не хотят танцевать. Tom and Mary don't want to dance. Tom and Mary don't want to dance. Том надел штаны. Tom put on his pants. Tom put on his pants. Вы ведаеце, каго я маю на ўвазе. You know who I mean. You know who I mean. Цягнік ідзе з хуткасьцю 50 міль у гадзіну. The train is going at a speed of 50 miles per hour. The train goes at a speed of 50 miles per hour. Я завжди голодний. I always feel hungry. I'm always hungry. Надо было мне подождать. I should've waited. I should have waited. Вона направлялася до аеропорту. She was heading to the airport. She was heading to the airport. Вона перемагає рак. She's beating cancer. She beats cancer. Я начинаю наслаждаться самим собой. I'm beginning to enjoy myself. I am beginning to enjoy myself. Я бы непрочь еще чашечку чая. I would like to have some more tea. I'd love another cup of tea. Я хотела бы стать христианкой. I would like to become a Christian. I would like to be a Christian. Вы вчера катались на велосипеде? Did you ride your bicycle yesterday? Did you ride your bike yesterday? Иди скажи папе спокойной ночи! Go tell Daddy goodnight. Go tell Dad good night! Я хочу, чтобы ты замолвил за меня словечко. I want you to put in a good word for me. I want you to say a word for me. Том был не один, а с Мэри. Tom wasn't alone. He was with Mary. Tom was not alone, but with Mary. Никто не предлагает тебе этим заниматься. Nobody's suggesting you do that. No one's suggesting you do this. Чим ви зазвичай замаєтеся на Різдво? What do you usually do on Christmas Day? What do you usually do at Christmas? Марі допомогла мамі з приготуванням їжі. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Marie helped her mother with cooking. Ты павінен пайсці. You have to go. You have to go. Ты спрашивал у них почему? Did you ask them why? You asked them why? Её смерть была сильным ударом для него. Her death was a great blow to him. Her death was a huge blow to him. У малыша маленькие ушки. The baby has small ears. The baby has small ears. Його волосся ставало все тоншим і тоншим. His hair got thinner and thinner. His hair became thinner and thinner. Том — такий саме, як і решта з них. Tom is just like the rest of them. Tom is just like the rest of them. Я думал, ты будешь занят. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Мы сегодня идём плавать? Are we going to go swimming today? Are we going swimming today? Я повівся погано. I did something bad. I behaved badly. Я не смог им помочь. I couldn't help them. I couldn't help them. Моя мати теж вчителька. My mother is a teacher, too. My mother is also a teacher. Я не готов проливать кровь невинных людей для достижения своей цели. I am not willing to shed the blood of the innocent to achieve my goal. I am not ready to shed the blood of innocent people in order to achieve my goal. Думаю, вам здесь понравится. I think you're going to like it here. I think you'll like it here. Я никогда такой не видел. I've never seen one. I've never seen anything like this. Я відправився на місце злочину. I went to the scene of the crime. I went to the crime scene. Гэтага выстачыла. That was enough. That's what stood out. Вы когда-нибудь спасали чью-то жизнь? Have you ever saved someone's life? Have you ever saved someone’s life? Мы его исправим. We'll fix it. We'll fix it. Ты ведь понятия не имеешь, кто это? You have no idea who that is, do you? You have no idea who that is, do you? Мы любим наш дом. We love our house. We love our house. Де він хоче, щоб я його поклала? Where does he want me to put it? Where does he want me to put him? Я обычно гуляю с собаками во второй половине дня. I usually take my dogs for a walk in the afternoon. I usually go out with the dogs in the afternoon. Том сказал, что его мама никогда не любила его. Tom said his mother never loved him. Tom said his mom never loved him. Я не багата. I'm not rich. I'm not rich. Том обещал, что не обидит Мэри. Tom promised that he wouldn't hurt Mary. Tom promised he wouldn't hurt Mary. Это место кишело пауками. That place was teeming with spiders. This place is crawling with spiders. Он поранился, когда падал. He hurt himself upon falling. He hurt himself when he fell. Надеюсь, на этот раз это сработает. I hope this time it works. I hope it works this time. Що ти про це думаєш? How do you feel about it? What do you think? Я відмовлюся. I'll refuse. I will refuse. Я змінила пароль Wi-Fi. I changed the WiFi password. I changed my Wi-Fi password. Ты не умеешь писать программы. You suck at writing code. You don't know how to write programs. Я не такий, яким здаюся. I'm not what I seem. I'm not what I give up. Историю делают реальные люди. History is made by real people. History is made by real people. Ты любишь научно-фантастические фильмы? Do you like science fiction movies? Do you like science fiction films? Вона добре говоорить англійською. She speaks English well. She speaks good English. Почему бы нам не поехать на машине? Why don't we go by car? Why don't we go by car? Похоже, вы недопоняли. I think you've missed the point. You seem to have misunderstood. Вы хотите, чтобы она вам помогла? Do you want her to help you? Do you want her to help you? Том виглядає винуватим. Tom looks guilty. Tom looks guilty. Це дуже класно. That's very cool. That's really cool. Каждое утро я хожу за покупками. I go shopping every morning. I go shopping every morning. Вітер змінив напрямок. The wind changed direction. The wind changed direction. Банани жовті. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Я пошла одна. I went by myself. I'm going alone. Ссылка, которую ты мне прислал, не работает. The link that you sent me didn't work. The link you sent me doesn't work. Ты можешь вспомнить, когда в последний раз ты ел равиоли? Can you remember the last time you ate ravioli? Can you remember the last time you ate ravioli? Том виглядає наляканим. Tom seems very scared. Tom looks scared. Это предложение очень интересно. This proposal is very interesting. This offer is very interesting. Ты хочешь, чтобы мы пошли? Do you want us to go? You want us to go? Іду. I'm coming. Coming. Она спасла мне жизнь. She saved my life. She saved my life. Слухайце! Першае правіла клуба таўталогіі - гэта першае правіла клуба таўталогіі. Listen up! The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. Listen! The first rule of the club of toutology is the first rule of the club of toutology. Почему это происходит сейчас? Why's this happening now? Why is this happening now? Спускайся сюда. Come down here. Get down here. Тут можливо зловити таксі? Can I catch a taxi here? Is it possible to catch a taxi? Я зроблю вам кави. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Я вярнуўся ў Японію. I returned to Japan. I'm back in Japan. У нас уже такая есть. We already have one. We already have one. Дозволь мені поспілкуватися з Томом. Give me a minute with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Том попытался помешать Мэри открыть дверь. Tom tried to prevent Mary from opening the door. Tom tried to stop Mary from opening the door. Так много есть не нормально. It isn't normal to eat so much. So much is not normal. Поднимите руку. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Вони довірилися Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. Я больше не хочу иметь дела с Томом. I don't want anything to do with Tom anymore. I don't want to deal with Tom anymore. Ты позавчера куда-нибудь ходил? Did you go anywhere the day before yesterday? Did you go out the day before yesterday? Лектарка папрасіла слухачоў не размаўляць. The speaker requested that the audience remain silent. The doctor asked the audience not to talk. Коли ти познайомилася з Томом? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? Верни мне мою одежду. Give me back my clothes. Give me back my clothes. Лимони зазвичай кислі. Lemons are usually sour. Lemons are usually acidic. Том добре виконує свою роботу. Tom does his work well. Tom is doing his job well. Ты говоришь по-немецки. You speak German. You speak German. Ліза Ліліэн замужам за Дэнам Шнайдарам. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillian is married to Dan Schneider. Почему нам кто-нибудь не сказал? Why didn't somebody tell us? Why didn't someone tell us? Была бы я канадкой! I wish I were a Canadian. I would be Canadian! Ты всегда такой романтичный. You're always so romantic. You're always so romantic. Свій до свого по своє. Patronise your own. Yours in your own way. Том сказав, що Мері, ймовірно, займеться цим. Tom said Mary would likely do that. Tom said Mary would probably do it. Большое спасибо! Ты только что разрушил мою жизнь! Thanks a lot, you just ruined my life! Thank you so much, you just ruined my life! Давай сделаем это для Тома. Let's do that for Tom. Let's do this for Tom. Словацька абетка складається з 46 літер: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet is made up of 46 letters: a, ?, ?, b, c, ?, d, ?, dz, d?, e, ?, f, g, h, ch, i, ?, j, k, l, ?, ?, p, q, r, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? Нам тоже никто не сказал. Nobody told us either. No one told us either. Це місто зроблене зі скляних замків. This city is made out of glass castles. This city is made of glass castles. Як ти витратив гроші, які я тобі дав? How did you spend the money I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? Я надел пальто наизнанку. I put my coat on inside out. I put my coat on inside out. Пришельцы существуют? Are aliens real? Do Aliens Exist? Їм набридло грати. They did not feel like playing any more. They are tired of playing. Я бы не хотела ничего лучшего. I'd like nothing better. I wouldn't want anything better. Але кохання може розбити твоє серце. But love can break your heart. Love can break your heart. Ты об этом кому-нибудь рассказывал? Have you told anyone about this? Did you tell anyone about this? Кто любит читать книги? Who likes reading books? Who likes to read books? Багато молоді цього літа поїхало на Гаваї. A lot of young people went to Hawaii this summer. A lot of young people went to Hawaii this summer. Мы думаем, што Венецыя — цудоўны горад. We think Venice a fascinating city. We think Venice is a wonderful city. Том, наверное, был пьян. Tom must've been drunk. Tom must have been drunk. Я попросил его помочь. I asked for his help. I asked him to help. Мы все их любили. We all loved them. We all loved them. Расскажите мне, пожалуйста, о своей компании. Please tell me about your company. Please tell me about your company. Том с тобой вчера не поговорил? Didn't Tom speak to you yesterday? Tom didn't talk to you last night? Смотри не забудь! Be sure to remember! Don't forget it! Том изучал египтологию. Tom studied Egyptology. Tom studied Egyptology. Ти згоден? Do you agree? Do you agree? Том жив. Tom's alive. Tom's alive. Ви смілива людина. You're a brave person. You are a brave man. Мені потрібні п'ять секунд спокою. I need five seconds of peace. I need five seconds of peace. Ти чарівник? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? Потяг запізнюється? Is the train late? Is the train late? Тот день стал важной вехой в истории нашего проекта. That day was an important milestone in our project. That day was a milestone in the history of our project. Том ще не звик таке робити. Tom isn't used to doing that yet. Tom is not used to doing that. Ми не знали, що робити далі. We didn't know what to do next. We didn’t know what to do next. Парадоксально, але він має рацію. Paradoxically, he is right. Paradoxically, he's right. Що робить єнот на кухні? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What does raccoon do in the kitchen? В Японии вам никогда не придётся долго ходить, чтобы найти магазин самообслуживания. In Japan, you never have to go too far to find a convenience store. In Japan, you will never have to walk long to find a self-service store. Починайте. Begin. Go ahead. Тому нужно было найти, где жить. Tom needed to find someplace to live. Tom had to find a place to live. Давай сегодня туда не пойдём. Let's not go there today. Let's not go in there tonight. У нас нет воды. We have no water. We don't have water. Том знає, що помиляється. Tom knows that he's wrong. Tom knows he's wrong. Он снова потерпел неудачу? Has he failed again? Did he fail again? Кто лидер группы? Who is the leader of the group? Who is the leader of the group? Я більше не живу в Бостоні. I don't live in Boston anymore. I no longer live in Boston. Я купила ему журнал. I bought him a magazine. I bought him a magazine. Эти советы могут спасти тебе жизнь. These tips may save your life. These tips can save your life. Том щось їсть. Tom is eating something. Tom is eating something. Том говорил вам свой пароль? Did Tom tell you his password? Did Tom tell you his password? Интересно, где я очки оставил. I wonder where I left my glasses. I wonder where I left my glasses. Я сказала, що спробую. I said I'd try. I said I'd try. Нам не так уж важно, сколько тебе лет. We don't really care how old you are. We don't care how old you are. Я не знал, что Том играл в колледже в баскетбол. I didn't know that Tom played basketball in college. I didn't know Tom played college basketball. Сколько пар носков вы купили? How many pairs of socks did you buy? How many pairs of socks did you buy? Ты всё испортил! You've ruined it! You ruined everything! Почему бы нам не разбудить Тома? Why don't we wake Tom up? Why don't we wake Tom up? Я люблю цих трьох дітлахів. I love those three kids. I love these three kids. Вход с животными разрешён. Pets are allowed. Entry with animals is allowed. У меня взломали аккаунт в Фейсбуке. My Facebook account was hacked. My Facebook account was hacked. Мне пришлось остановить Тома. I had to stop Tom. I had to stop Tom. Ми купили будинок цього чоловіка. We bought the man's house. We bought this man’s house. Том - единственный, кого я здесь знаю. Tom is the only one I know here. Tom is the only one I know here. Чому ти не хочеш розповісти нам правду? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Её отец - пожарный. Her father is a firefighter. Her father's a firefighter. Я бы хотел, чтобы мы могли проводить больше времени вместе. I wish we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. Вы выяснили, кто та женщина? Did you find out who that woman was? Did you find out who the woman was? Якийсь рис залишився? Is there any rice left? Is there any rice left? Яка вона? What is she like? What's she like? Я тебе майже не знаю. I barely know you. I hardly know you. Том не может водить автобус. Tom can't drive a bus. Tom can't drive a bus. У мене пронос. I have diarrhea. I've got diarrhea. Я пошёл в армию. I joined the army. I joined the army. Ты можешь сам это сделать? Can you do it yourself? Can you do it yourself? Російська вважається складною мовою. Russian is considered to be a difficult language. Russian is a difficult language. Тому надо сделать это сейчас? Does Tom have to do that now? Does Tom have to do it now? Том увидел машину Мэри. Tom saw Mary's car. Tom saw Mary's car. Ми хочемо будинок із видом на море. We want a house with a sea view. We want a house with a sea view. По словам специалистов, это вряд ли произойдёт. According to experts, that's not likely to happen. According to experts, this is unlikely to happen. Том решил оставить свою работу. Tom decided to quit his job. Tom decided to quit his job. Хватайте его. Grab him. Grab him. Вы сообщили об этом в полицию? Did you report that to the police? Did you report this to the police? Сядай і пагавары са мною. Sit down and talk to me. Sit down and talk to me. Навряд чи Том забуде, як це робиться. Tom isn't likely to forget how to do that. I don’t think Tom will forget how to do it. Ти повинен допомогти їй. You must help her. You have to help her. Том може відімкнути будь-який замок. Tom can open any lock. Tom can unlock any lock. Я новый учитель. I'm the new teacher. I'm a new teacher. Танцюй! Dance! Dance! Я хотів би поїхати до Лондона. I'd like to go to London. I would like to go to London. Я викличу поліцію. I'll call the cops. I'll call the police. Тобі все це потрібно? Do you need all this? Do you need all this? Скарга була надіслана. The complaint has been sent. The complaint was sent. Он помолился Богу, чтобы Тот благословил меня. He prayed God to bless me. He prayed to God to bless me. Ми не любимо сусідів. We don't like our neighbors. We don’t like our neighbors. Яна заўсёды выглядала шчаслівай. She always looked happy. She always looked happy. Это было общее решение. It was a joint decision. It was a general decision. Том пригласил меня остаться на ночь. Tom invited me to stay overnight. Tom invited me to stay the night. Сними шапочку из фольги. Take off your tinfoil hat. Take the foil hat off. Не навчайся! Don't study. Don't learn! Сколько вы спали? How long did you sleep? How long have you been asleep? Дай мне сделать это ещё. Let me do that again. Let me do it again. Не выключайте двигатель. Don't turn off the engine. Do not turn off the engine. В чому була проблема? What was the problem? What was the problem? Я никогда не видел его таким занятым. I've never seen him so busy. I've never seen him so busy. Как вы думаете, сколько Том проспит? How long do you think Tom will sleep? How long do you think Tom sleeps? Мері говорить уві сні. Mary talks in her sleep. Mary speaks in her sleep. Том нашёл денег. Tom found some money. Tom found the money. Моя дочь выросла. My daughter grew up. My daughter's grown up. Она вышла за него замуж в возрасте двадцати лет. She married him at the age of 20. She married him at the age of twenty. Коти ловлять мишей. Cats catch mice. Cats catch mice. Том - искусный игрок. Tom is a skilled player. Tom is a skilled player. У цябе дрэнны настрой? Are you in a bad mood? Are you in a bad mood? Я не знаю флаг этой страны. I don't know this country's flag. I don't know the flag of this country. Витайце! Welcome! Wait! Маю власні ідеї. I have my own ideas. I have my own ideas. Ти, мабуть, дуже зайнятий. You must be very busy. You must be very busy. Я должен это починить. I must fix it. I have to fix this. Тут не так багато дітей вміють плавати. Not many children around here can swim. Not many children can swim here. Колькі каштуе гэта сукня? How much is this dress? How much does this dress cost? Я вас там видела. I saw you there. I saw you there. Я пропустил введение. I skipped the introduction. I missed the introduction. Я би поїхала до Парижу, якби мала час. I'd travel to Paris if I had the time. I would go to Paris if I had time. Не заходь! Я гола. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. Том не хоче, щоб Мері поїхала. Tom doesn't want Mary to leave. Tom doesn't want Mary to go. Можете брать мою машину, когда захотите. You may use my car whenever you want. You can take my car whenever you want. Я признаю, что проиграл. I admit that I lost. I admit I lost. Твои часы правильно идут? Is your watch right? Is your watch working correctly? Я рад, что он не пострадал. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt. I'm glad he wasn't hurt. Скоро мы будем в Бостоне. We'll be in Boston soon. We'll be in Boston soon. Кто запер эту дверь? Who locked this door? Who locked that door? Том пошёл в книжный магазин. Tom went to the bookstore. Tom went to the bookstore. Кто-то что-то сказал, но я не разобрал. Someone said something, but I could not understand it. Someone said something, but I didn't get it. Це на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. Том хотел подождать. Tom wanted to wait. Tom wanted to wait. Я понятия не имел, что он твой муж. I had no idea he was your husband. I had no idea he was your husband. Этот пластиковый стул стоит недорого. This plastic chair is inexpensive. This plastic chair is inexpensive. Тебе он правда нравится? Do you really like him? You really like him? Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is angry or not. I wonder if Tom is angry or not. Що думаєш, подруго? What do you think, my friend? What do you think, friend? Том купил новый сотовый телефон. Tom bought a new cell phone. Tom bought a new cell phone. В данный момент проводится анализ результатов. The results are now being analyzed. The results are currently being analysed. Это совсем не так дорого. It isn't really that expensive. It's not that expensive. Японец никогда бы не сделал такого. A Japanese would never do such a thing. The Japanese would never do that. Ти знаєш, чиї вони батьки? Do you know whose parents they are? Do you know whose parents they are? Мені хотілося би мати добрий французький словник. I wish I had a good French dictionary. I would like to have a good French dictionary. На розвиток здорових стосунків потрібен час. Healthy relationships take time to develop. Developing healthy relationships takes time. Я всегда хотел научиться готовить как ты. I've always wanted to learn to cook like you. I've always wanted to learn how to cook like you. Том сказав, що не проти зробити це для Мері. Tom said that he wouldn't mind doing that for Mary. Tom said he wouldn't mind doing it for Mary. Я доел остатки вчерашнего ужина на обед. I ate last night's leftovers for lunch. I finished the rest of last night's dinner for lunch. Мені це вдалося. I succeeded. I succeeded. Тома не посадили. Tom didn't go to prison. Tom wasn't locked up. Ты не можешь всегда побеждать. You can't win every time. You can't always win. Я навучыла сваю жонку кіраваць машынай. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife how to drive a car. Сьогодні буде спекотно, то чому ти носиш із собою светр? Today will be hot, so why are you carrying a sweater around with you? It's going to be hot today, so why are you carrying a sweater with you? Что она пьёт? What is she drinking? What's she drinking? Том не знає, що Мері не виграла. Tom doesn't know that Mary didn't win. Tom doesn't know Mary didn't win. Це дуже добре кіно. It really is a good movie. This is a very good movie. Тому нравится рис-басмати. Tom likes Basmati rice. Tom likes rice basmati. Я не думаю, що там щось є. I don't think there's anything there. I don't think there's anything there. Что вы мне теперь скажете? What are you going to tell me now? What are you gonna tell me now? Когда я в последний раз смотрел, Том спал. The last time I checked, Tom was asleep. The last time I looked, Tom was asleep. Я знаю, что это произошло случайно. I know that it wasn't intentional. I know it happened by accident. Давайте перевіримо. Let's check. Let's check. Я яшчэ звяжуся з Вамі па гэтым пытанні. I will get in touch with you again about this matter. I'm still contacting you on this issue. У Тома американский акцент. Tom has an American accent. Tom has an American accent. Цей аспект ретельно ігнорували. This aspect was studiously ignored. This aspect was carefully ignored. У вас трое детей. You've got three children. You have three children. Это может быть не так трудно, как ты думаешь. That might not be as difficult as you think it's going to be. It might not be as hard as you think. Він стояв широко розставивши ноги. He stood with his legs wide apart. He stood with his feet wide open. Бостон тебе понравится. You'll like Boston. You'll like Boston. Я уже приготовил завтрак. I've already prepared breakfast. I've already made breakfast. Хтозна. Go figure. Who knows. Не думаю, что Том знает, кто отец Мэри. I don't think Tom knows who Mary's father is. I don't think Tom knows who Mary's father is. Это не Том, а его брат. That's not Tom. It's his brother. It's not Tom, it's his brother. У Тома є сюрприз для Мері. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Это городская легенда. This is an urban legend. It's an urban legend. Я мог сделать это и без вашей помощи. I could've done this without your help. I could have done it without your help. Что делать в случае пожара? What should we do in the event of a fire? What to do in case of fire? Том переїхав до Австралії. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. Том любить поскиглити Tom is a whinger. Tom likes to jump. Том нецензурно выражался. Tom was cursing. Tom was rude. Как далеко нам нужно пройти, чтобы признать, что мы заблудились? How far must we walk before we admit we are lost? How far do we have to go to admit that we are lost? Эти снимки были сделаны в Австралии? Were these pictures taken in Australia? Were these photos taken in Australia? Мне это показалось очевидным. It seemed obvious to me. It seemed obvious to me. У тебя уже когда-нибудь были эти симптомы? Have you ever had these symptoms before? Have you ever had these symptoms? Ты будешь что-то дарить Тому на Рождество? Are you going to give Tom anything for Christmas? Will you give Tom something for Christmas? Ты правда думаешь, что я могу летать? You really think I can fly? You really think I can fly? Я съел пять авокадо. I ate five avocados. I ate five avocados. Какую музыку вы обычно слушаете за рулём? What kind of music do you usually listen to while driving? What kind of music do you usually listen to while driving? Я купила кожному з них по подарунку. I bought them each a present. I bought each of them a gift. Я тихий. I'm quiet. I'm quiet. Я заснул только после двух часов ночи. I didn't fall asleep until after 2 o'clock in the morning. I didn't fall asleep until after 2:00 a.m. Я хочу начать с небольшого опроса. I want to start with doing a small survey. I want to start with a small survey. Мы с Томом удивились. Tom and I were surprised. Tom and I were surprised. Том хоче зробити ремонт у себе в будинку. Tom wants to remodel his home. Tom wants to make repairs in his house. Я ўласніца гэтага будынка. I'm the owner of this building. I own this building. Том правда в Бостон переехал? Has Tom really moved to Boston? Did Tom really move to Boston? Обожнюю сливи. I love plums. I love plums. Её семья считает самоубийство постыдным и эгоистичным поступком. Her family considers suicide to be dishonorable and selfish. Her family considers suicide a shameful and selfish act. У ребёнка маленькие уши. The baby has small ears. The child has small ears. Хто буде битися? Who'll fight? Who will fight? Том — впертий хлопчина. Tom is a stubborn guy. Tom is a tough guy. Я вирішила, що це добра ідея. I decided it was a good idea. I thought it was a good idea. Врачи делают что могут. Doctors do what they can. Doctors do what they can. О котрій годині це трапилося? What time did that take place? What time did this happen? Мне не сказали, куда мы идём. I wasn't told where we were going. They didn't tell me where we were going. Вважаю, що Том переможе. I think Tom will win. I think Tom will win. Том моторний. Tom's fast. Tom is a motorist. Повірити не можу, що ми програємо. I can't believe we're going to lose. I can't believe we're going to lose. Один плюс один - два. One plus one equals two. One plus one is two. Том сказав Мері те, що йому сказав Джон. Tom told Mary what John had told him. Tom told Mary what John told him. Хіба я вам не казала, що не поїду до Бостона? Didn't I tell you I wouldn't go to Boston? Didn't I tell you I wasn't going to Boston? Пусть Том побудет здесь какое-то время. Let Tom stay here for a while. Let Tom stay here for a while. Яке розумне немовля! What a smart baby! What a smart baby! Мы часта гуляем у шахматы. We often play chess. We often play chess. Вот всегда Вы такая. You're always like this. You're always like that. У тебя где-нибудь болит? Are you hurt anywhere? Does it hurt anywhere? Вони у бібліотеці. They're in a library. They're in the library. Где Том взял эти фотографии? Where did Tom get these pictures? Where did Tom get these photos? Моего имени нет в списке. My name is not on the list. My name is not on the list. Нож достаточно хорошо режет. The knife cuts pretty well. The knife cuts well enough. Том чуть наклонился вперёд. Tom leaned forward a bit. Tom leaned forward. Ви нічого не приховуєте? You're not hiding anything, are you? You're not hiding anything? Ви говорите македонською? Do you speak Macedonian? Do you speak Macedonian? Русское слово "ярмарка" имеет нидерландское происхождение. The Russian word for "fair", namely "ярмарка", is Dutch in origin. The Russian word "fair" is of Dutch origin. В этой комнате есть взрывчатка. There is a bomb in the room. There's explosives in this room. Другий урок простий. Lesson Two is easy. The second lesson is simple. Я подумала, що ти не будеш заперечувати. I thought you wouldn't mind. I thought you wouldn't mind. Усе дарослыя калісьці былі дзецьмі. All grown-ups were once children. All adults were once children. Він фін. He's Finnish. He's fin. Это было Тому и Мэри. It was for Tom and Mary. It was Tom and Mary. Мы должны попытаться их остановить. We've got to try and stop them. We have to try to stop them. Мій кіт великий. My cat is big. My cat is big. Я бы с тобой согласился. но тогда мы бы оба ошибались. I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. Я читал. I was reading. I read it. Я уговорил её выйти за него замуж. I talked her into marrying him. I persuaded her to marry him. Больше нет смысла его мучить, он не признается. There's no point torturing him anymore, he won't confess. There's no point in tormenting him anymore, he won't admit it. Кажуць, што ў той старой капліцы ёсць здані. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. It is said that there are figures in that old chapel. Це добре запитання. Good question! That's a good question. У вас есть комната? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Зараз я не можу собі цього дозволити. I can't afford that right now. I can't afford it right now. Том всё ещё дает уроки игры на фортепиано? Does Tom still give piano lessons? Tom's still giving piano lessons? Он сказал, что ему пока не хочется спать. He said that he isn't sleepy yet. He said he didn't want to sleep yet. «Табе падабаецца глядзець, як людзі чырванеюць, Том?» — «Ніколі не запярэчваў гэтага». "Do you enjoy seeing people blush, Tom?" "I'm not denying it." "You like to watch people get red, Tom?" "Never mind that." Не забывай нас. Don't forget us. Don't forget us. Кагосьці не хапае. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Вы что-то хотели мне сказать? Is there something you wanted to tell me? Is there something you wanted to tell me? Томові діти вміють говорити французькою. Tom's children can speak French. Tom's kids can speak French. «Написано: Линк может одолеть Гэнона, лишь одевшись в розовый». (Он взмахнул волшебной палочкой.) – «Клёво! Как я теперь выгляжу?» – «Как гомик». – «Здорово!» "It is written: Link can only defeat Ganon by wearing pink." (He waves the magic wand.) "Cool! How do I look now?" "You look like a queer." "Great!" "It's written: Link can defeat Ganon only by wearing pink." (He waved a magic wand.) - "Cool! How do I look now?" - "Like a faggot." - "Great!" Вы уверены, что у вас есть всё, что нужно? Are you sure you have everything you need? Are you sure you have everything you need? Табе падабаецца твая начальніца? Do you like your boss? Tabe likes your headmaster? Я не уверен, пьёт ли Том пиво. I'm not sure whether Tom drinks beer or not. I'm not sure if Tom drinks beer. Ты наделаешь ошибок. You're going to make mistakes. You'll make mistakes. В последний раз, когда Том пытался обнять Мэри, она рассердилась на него. The last time that Tom tried to hug Mary, she got mad at him. The last time Tom tried to hug Mary, she got angry with him. Маю дурне питання. I have a stupid question. I have a stupid question. Мы питались тем, что могли найти в лесу. We subsisted on what we could find in the forest. We ate what we could find in the forest. Том почав нити. Tom started whining. Tom started the thread. Вы вярнецеся заўтра? Will you come back tomorrow? You'll be back tomorrow? Веришь ли ты всему, что слышишь? Do you believe everything that you hear? Do you believe everything you hear? Я просто лінива. I'm just lazy. I'm just lazy. Никто не знает о том, что он всё ещё жив. No one knows he's still alive. No one knows he's still alive. Я предпочитаю перепелиные яйца. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer quail eggs. Вам понравилась эта пьеса? Did you like that play? Did you like this play? Ну хоть повеселились. At least we had fun. Well, at least have fun. Вы пели? Did you sing? Did you sing? Я хочу подарить Тому на день рождения что-нибудь полезное. I want to give Tom something useful for his birthday. I want to give Tom something useful for his birthday. Почему Том не хочет меня видеть? Why doesn't Tom want to see me? Why doesn't Tom want to see me? Вони живуть там. They live there. They live there. Ты можешь сказать мне, что я сделал не так? Can you tell me what I did wrong? Can you tell me what I did wrong? Я думаю, ви теж можете це зробити. I suppose you can do that, too. I think you can do that too. Я працюю сам. I work alone. I work alone. Воду из этого колодца пить нельзя. The water from that well isn't drinkable. You can't drink water from this well. Я певен, що Том зробить все, про що його попросить Мері. I'm sure Tom will do anything Mary asks him to do. I'm sure Tom will do whatever Mary asks him to do. Том на четвертому поверсі. Tom is on the third floor. Tom is on the fourth floor. У номері є душ? Does the room have a shower? Is there a shower in the room? Приберіть свої книжки. Put your books away. Clean up your books. Пожалуйста, пожелайте мне удачи. Please wish me luck. Please wish me luck. Позвони мне завтра утром, пожалуйста. Please phone me tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning, please. Я студент, а він — ні. I am a student, but he isn't. I am a student and he is not. Мне не нравится, как Том смотрит на тебя. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. Я механік. I am a mechanic. I'm a mechanic. Є що-небудь холодне попити? Is there something cold to drink? Is there anything cold to drink? Я не стал их ждать. I didn't wait for them. I didn't wait for them. Ты всех нас обманул. You fooled us all. You tricked us all. Гарна погода, чи не так? Nice weather, isn't it? Good weather, isn’t it? Як ше волаш? What is your name? How's the ox? Потянулись часы томительного ожидания. Hours of tedious waiting stretched out. The hours of waiting were long. Всі вчителі були в пабі. All the teachers were in the pub. All the teachers were in the pub. У Тома много книг. Tom has many books. Tom has a lot of books. Он сделал меня тем, кто я есть. He has made me what I am. He made me who I am. Він майбутній президент. He is the future president. He is the future president. Я это уже знала. I already knew that. I already knew that. Я знаю, що ти нам не довіряєш. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Если ты попытаешься остановить меня, то я ни минуты не колеблясь убью тебя. If you try to stop me, I won't hesitate for a moment to kill you. If you try to stop me, I won't hesitate to kill you. Том живе в Бостоні, а Мері в Чікаго. Tom lives in Boston, and Mary lives in Chicago. Tom lives in Boston and Mary lives in Chicago. Яны нас усех забʼюць! They are going to kill us all! They'll kill us all! Я даже не знал, что вы знаете. I didn't even know you knew. I didn't even know you knew. Том, кажется, приятный человек. Tom seems to be a kind person. Tom seems like a nice guy. Я не собираюсь просто дать тебе это. I'm not just going to give it to you. I'm not just gonna give you this. Да, спасибо. Yes, thanks. Yeah, thanks. Навіщо ти купила ці окуляри? Why did you buy those glasses? Why did you buy these glasses? Хочу вивчити іврит. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. Том даже не заметил, что мы там. Tom didn't even notice we were there. Tom didn't even notice we were there. Она вяжет шерстяной свитер. She knits a wool sweater. She knits a wool sweater. Где ты её в последний раз видел? Where did you see it last? Where was the last time you saw her? Месяц асвяціў пакой. The moon lit the room. The moon lit the room. У мене менше грошей, ніж у вас. I have less money than you. I have less money than you. Я врешті-решт здав цей залік. I finally passed that test. I finally gave up that shit. Я голодна, тому що не пообідала. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch. I’m hungry because I didn’t eat lunch. Сначала думайте, потом говорите! Think about what you say before you say it. Think first, then talk! Простите, я не могу поехать. Sorry, but I can't go. I'm sorry, I can't go. У нас уже такое есть. We already have one. We already have that. Як сестра? How's your sister? How's the sister? Ти маєш право бути щасливим. You've got the right to be happy. You have a right to be happy. Озирніться навколо і скажіть, що ви бачите. Look around yourself and say what you see. Look around and tell me what you see. Том закончил уборку на кухне и принялся за уборку в гостиной. Tom finished cleaning the kitchen and then started cleaning the living room. Tom finished cleaning the kitchen and started cleaning the living room. Пожалуйста, оставайтесь на связи. Please keep in touch. Please stay in touch. Она оставила собаку дома. She left her dog at home. She left the dog at home. Будь проще. Be simpler. Be easy. Ты скоро приспособишься к деревенской жизни. You will soon be used to rural life. You'll be adjusting to village life soon. Идеальных людей нет. There are no perfect people. There are no perfect people. Ми програємо. We're losing. We're gonna lose. Остриги ногти. Clip your nails. Cut off your nails. Он поел в одиночестве. He ate alone. He ate alone. Он даже меня не замечает. He doesn't even notice me. He doesn't even notice me. Приблизно в той же час Том був у своїй кімнаті і вчився. At about the same time, Tom was in his room studying. Around the same time, Tom was in his room and studying. Том не може прийти. Tom can't come. Tom can't come. На собрание пришло всего несколько человек. Only a few people attended the meeting. Only a few people attended the meeting. Поэтому я и поехал. That's why I went. That's why I went. Кто-то подделал мою подпись. Someone forged my signature. Someone forged my signature. В магазине было почти пусто. The store was almost empty. The store was almost empty. Собаку Тома нужно вывести. Tom's dog needs to get out. Tom's dog needs to be taken out. Том не намагатиметься цього зробити. Tom won't try to do that. Tom won’t try to do that. Как же это так получилось? How has this come to happen? How did that happen? Я з’їв останній шматок пирога. I ate the last piece of cake. I ate the last piece of cake. Я не дуже люблю математику. I don't like maths very much. I don’t like mathematics very much. Скажи мне, когда будешь готов. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. Том нещодавно змінив роботу. Tom recently changed jobs. Tom recently changed his job. У Мэри красивое ожерелье. Mary has a beautiful necklace. Mary has a beautiful necklace. Ми не боги, а звичайні люди. We're not gods, but mere men. We are not gods, we are ordinary people. Том не сказал, что уходит. Tom didn't say he was leaving. Tom didn't say he was leaving. Хто твій інтернет-провайдер? What's your ISP? Who is your internet provider? Было вельмі прыгожа. It was very beautiful. It was very beautiful. Ласкаво просимо до світу політики. Welcome to the world of politics. Welcome to the world of politics. Он торгует автомобилями. He sells cars. He sells cars. Никто не может устоять перед обаянием Тома. No one can resist Tom's charm. No one can resist Tom's charm. У нас уже один есть. We already have one. We already have one. Я жду, что вы будете готовы к половине третьего. I expect you to be ready by 2:30. I expect you to be ready by half past three. Мы живём на планете Земля. We live on planet Earth. We live on planet Earth. Зараз сім п'ятдесят. It's 7:50. It's seven-fifty. Ты часто простужаешься? Do you frequently get colds? Do you get a lot of colds? Адно тое, што ён заручаны, не значыць, што ён не кахае Лайлу. Just because he's engaged doesn't mean that he isn't in love with Layla. One thing he's engaged to, doesn't mean he doesn't love Lyla. Я втомився від усієї цієї брехні. I'm tired of all the lies. I am tired of all this lies. Иногда мне трудно говорить на французском. Sometimes I struggle to speak French. Sometimes it’s hard to speak French. Том привлёк наше внимание к этой проблеме. Tom brought the problem to our attention. Tom brought this issue to our attention. Зачем бы Тому врать про свой возраст? Why would Tom lie about his age? Why would Tom lie about his age? Том не хотів запрошувати Мері. Tom didn't want to invite Mary. Tom didn't want to invite Mary. Сколько у тебя ушло на это времени? How much time did it take you to do that? How long did it take you? Том показав мені листа. Tom showed me the letter. Tom showed me a letter. Мэри поправилась после болезни. Mary recovered from her illness. Mary recovered from her illness. Том здесь самый высокий ребёнок. Tom is the tallest child here. Tom is the tallest kid here. Я вчера видел человека, который ел из мусорного бака. I saw a man yesterday eating from a garbage can. I saw a man last night eating out of a trash can. Как вы думаете, сколько это займёт времени? How long do you think it will take? How long do you think it will take? Чому ти не спиш? Why aren't you asleep? Why don't you sleep? Я погана студентка. I'm a bad student. I'm a bad student. Він заспівав. He began singing. He sang. Новая дата судебного разбирательства еще не назначена. A new trial date hasn't yet been set. A new trial date has not yet been set. Том - либерал. Tom is a liberal. Tom is a liberal. Том каже, що планує це зробити. Tom says he plans to do that. Tom says he plans to do it. Сподіваюся, ти повернешся. I hope that you'll come back. I hope you'll come back. Том достаточно мудр, чтобы не делать таких вещей. Tom is wise enough not to do such a thing. Tom is wise enough not to do such things. Я не знав, що Том помер. I didn't know that Tom had died. I didn't know Tom was dead. Он умирает от голода. He's dying of hunger. He's dying of hunger. Они не могут все быть плохими. They can't all be bad. They can't all be bad. У цьому зовсім не було сенсу. It was completely pointless. It didn't make any sense. Скажіть йому, що я в офісі. Tell him I'm in the office. Tell him I'm in the office. Я знаю, что ты говоришь правду. I know you're telling the truth. I know you're telling the truth. Из-за чего болит голова? What causes headaches? Why does my head hurt? Этого не случится, и ты это знаешь. That isn't going to happen, and you know it. It's not gonna happen, and you know it. Мне падабаецца гольф. I like golf. I like golf. Ежу понятно. It's as easy as falling off a log. I understand. Я не люблю ані чай, ані каву. I don't like either tea or coffee. I don't like tea or coffee. Я хочу только напомнить, что это не я придумал. I just want to remind you that this wasn't my idea. I just want to remind you that I didn't invent it. Очки тебе больше не нужны. You don't need glasses anymore. You don't need glasses anymore. Моя кішка розуміє французьку, але вдає, що не розуміє. My cat understands French, but she pretends not to. My cat understands French, but pretends not to understand. Том купив пістолет. Tom bought a pistol. Tom bought a gun. Не думаю, что вам нужен зонтик. I don't think you need an umbrella. I don't think you need an umbrella. Свеча догорела. The candle burned out. The candle is burning. Ты говоришь о Томе или о себе? Are you talking about Tom or yourself? Are you talking about Tom or yourself? Я привітав її. I greeted her. I greeted her. Я рада слышать, что с Томом всё в порядке. I'm glad to hear Tom is well. I'm glad to hear Tom's okay. Он дал ему книгу. He gave him the book. He gave him a book. Самі любіць клубніцы. Sami likes garden strawberries. I love the tubers myself. Він дивна особа. He is a strange person. He is a strange person. Я не уверена, что понимаю тебя. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I'm not sure I understand you. Если ты за Томом поедешь, то во сколько примерно здесь будешь? If you go to pick up Tom, at what time will you be here, approximately ? If you're going after Tom, what time are you gonna be here? Как насчёт того, чтобы сегодня вечером выпить чаю снаружи? How about having tea outside this evening? How about we have some tea outside tonight? Дзе гарэлка? Where's the vodka? Where's the vodka? Я капитан. I'm the captain. I'm the captain. Я знал, что вот-вот произойдёт что-то ужасное. I knew that something horrible was about to happen. I knew something terrible was about to happen. Постой-ка, ты это серьёзно? Woah, are you serious? Wait, are you serious? Последнее слово останется за мной. The last word will be mine. The last word will be mine. Что мне не нравится в зиме, так это холод. One thing I don't like about winter is the cold weather. What I don’t like about winter is the cold. Том сегодня опять не пришёл на занятия. Tom didn't come to class again today. Tom didn't come to class again today. Її оцінки в школі були середніми. Her marks at school were average. Her grades at school were average. Він спливав кров'ю. He was bleeding to death. He was bleeding. Я люблю соняшники. I love sunflowers. I love sunflowers. Я забыл сказать тебе, как это делать. I forgot to tell you how to do that. I forgot to tell you how to do it. Ён цябе выкарыстоўвае. He's using you. He's using you. Є велика ймовірність, що він спізниться. There's a good chance that he'll be late. There's a good chance he'll be late. Ни одна из моих сестер не замужем. Neither of my sisters are married. None of my sisters are married. Том прислонился к перилам крыльца, держа в руке напиток. Tom was leaning against the porch railing with a drink in his hand. Tom leaned against the railings of the porch, holding a drink in his hand. Вы хотели, чтобы я пошёл с вами? Did you want me to go with you? You wanted me to come with you? Давай-но я побалакаю з Томом. Let me have a talk with Tom. Come on, I'll talk to Tom. Можешь сходить, если хочешь. You can go if you want. You can go if you want. Россия и Китай - лучшие друзья Алжира. Russia and China are Algeria's best friends. Russia and China are Algeria’s best friends. Одежда ещё не высохла. The clothes aren't dry yet. The clothes haven't dried yet. Я думаю, она голодная. I think she's hungry. I think she's hungry. Какой вид спорта вам нравится? What kind of sport do you like? What sport do you like? Могу я утром принять душ? May I take a shower in the morning? Can I take a shower in the morning? Я решил снова попробовать. I decided to try again. I decided to try again. В гостиной был огромный паук. There was a huge spider in the living room. There was a huge spider in the living room. Вы не узнаёте его? Don't you recognize him? You don't recognize him? Це має бути помилкою. That has to be a mistake. It must be a mistake. На самом деле Том - идеалист. In fact, Tom is an idealist. In fact, Tom is an idealist. Моя мама всегда меня любила. My mom always loved me. My mom always loved me. Том сказав Мері, що вона йому подобається. Tom told Mary he liked her. Tom told Mary he liked her. Она сказала, что ей нужны деньги. She said she needed money. She said she needed the money. Мне нравится её дом. I like her house. I like her house. Ось я. This is me. Here I am. Том пока останется у нас. Tom will stay with us for the time being. Tom will stay with us. Суеверные люди в России никогда не произносят слово "чёрт". Я вхожу в их число. Superstitious people in Russia never pronounce the word "чёрт". I'm one of them. Superstitious people in Russia never say the word "hell." I am one of them. Ще каву, будь ласка. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. У Тома нет ни брата, ни сестры. Tom has neither a brother, nor a sister. Tom has no brother or sister. Я хотів би побачити твою матір. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Почему бы вам не поздороваться со всеми? Why don't you say hello to everyone? Why don't you say hello to everyone? Тебе есть во что переодеться? Do you have a change of clothes? Do you have something to change into? Мой отец владеет рестораном. My father has a restaurant. My dad owns a restaurant. Одежда Тома была в грязи. Tom's clothes were covered in mud. Tom's clothes were in the mud. Ці не маглі б Вы адчыніць акно? Can you open the window? Couldn't you open the window? Что было написано на доске? What was written on the blackboard? What was written on the board? Які програми ти дивишся по телевізору? What programs do you watch on TV? What programs do you watch on TV? Нам в команде такие люди не нужны. We don't need people like that on our team. We don’t need such people on the team. Ты ещё покупаешь лотерейные билеты? Do you still buy lottery tickets? Do you still buy lottery tickets? Вам не надо идти туда, если вы не хотите. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't have to go in there if you don't want to. Я работаю на нефтяную компанию. I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. Иностранцам трудно привыкнуть к японской пище. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. Мне ад іх не трэба паслуг. I don't need them to do me any favors. I don't need services from them. Ти гуглив? Did you google it? Are you googling? Ця дівчинка схожа на маму. That girl resembles her mother. This girl looks like her mom. Кто-нибудь сказал Тому правду? Has anybody told Tom the truth? Did anyone tell Tom the truth? Как вам Том? What do you think of Tom? How's Tom? Пунктуальностью Том никогда не отличался. Tom has never been punctual. Tom's punctuality was never different. Том не такий важкий, як Мері. Tom isn't as heavy as Mary. Tom's not as heavy as Mary. Зялёны — мой улюбёны колер. Green is my favourite colour. Green is my favorite color. Ти виходив надвір вчора ввечері? Did you go out last night? Did you go outside last night? Якщо ти зараз не підеш, вони тебе вб'ють. If you don't leave now, they'll kill you. If you don't go now, they'll kill you. Ми підтримуємо нашу команду. We support our team. We support our team. Відпочивай скільки заманеться. Rest as much as you want. Rest as long as you want. Её пренебрежительные замечания в адрес своего начальника стоили ей работы. Her derogatory remarks towards her boss caused her to lose her job. Her disparaging remarks about her boss cost her a job. Хочеш побачити, що всередині печери? Do you want to see what's inside the cave? Want to see what's inside the cave? Том идёт к нам. Tom is walking towards us. Tom's coming. Хм-м-м, як бы мне гэта сказаць? Hmmm, how shall I say this? Hmm, how would I say that? Як його справи? How is he? How's he doing? Этот пост стоит бампануть! This post is worth a bump! This post is worth banging! Я не хотел огорчить Тома. I didn't want to upset Tom. I didn't mean to upset Tom. Я сегодня не пил кофе. I haven't had any coffee today. I didn't drink coffee today. Какую одежду ты любишь носить? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Это русский? Is that Russian? Is it Russian? Строительство должно начаться в конце этого месяца. Construction is set to begin later this month. Construction is due to begin at the end of this month. Давно вы с Томом на лыжах ходили? How long has it been since you've gone skiing with Tom? How long have you and Tom been skiing? Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері цього не буде робити. Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't do that. Tom said he hoped Mary wouldn't do it. Станьте в позу. Strike a pose. Stand in position. Я еду с вами в Бостон. I'm going with you to Boston. I'm coming with you to Boston. На небі нема жодної хмаринки. There isn't a single cloud in the sky. There are no clouds in the sky. Це надзвичайно небезпечно. It's extremely dangerous. It's extremely dangerous. Стиглий інжир приваблює всіляких комах. Ripe figs attract all sorts of insects. Stylish figs attract all sorts of insects. Западная Сахара не является частью Марокко. Western Sahara isn't part of Morocco. Western Sahara is not part of Morocco. У мене великий кіт. I have a big cat. I have a big cat. Думаю, я зможу це зробити сам. I think I'll be able to do that by myself. I think I can do it myself. Такое время от времени случается. This happens from time to time. That happens from time to time. Альфрэд, кароль Англіі, быў не толькі вялікім валадаром, але й цудоўна ведаў замежныя мовы. Alfred, King of England, was a great scholar as well as a great ruler. Alfred, King of England, was not only a great lord, but he also knew foreign languages wonderfully. Я хотів би замовити бутерброд. I would like to order a sandwich. I would like to order a sandwich. Благодарю тебя от всего сердца. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Тебе не поймать Тома. You're not going to catch Tom. You can't catch Tom. Дзе мае мячы? Where are my balls? Where's my balls? Вона це зробила, бо мусила. She did it because she had to. She did it because she had to. Определение из словаря другое. The dictionary definition is different. The dictionary definition is different. Том не единственный, кто хочет победить. Tom isn't the only one who wants to win. Tom is not the only one who wants to win. Лодка была большая. The boat was big. The boat was big. Что-то мне подсказывает, что Том ошибается. Something tells me that Tom is wrong. Something tells me Tom's wrong. Ладно, я подумаю об этом. OK, I'll think about it. Okay, I'll think about it. Мой план был прост. My plan was simple. My plan was simple. Не берите самые дешёвые. Don't take the cheapest ones. Don't take the cheapest. Том побудет с тобой, пока я не вернусь. Tom will stay with you until I get back. Tom will be with you until I get back. Том не знав, що Мері розуміє французьку. Tom didn't know that Mary understood French. Tom didn't know that Mary understood French. Пусть работает. Leave it running. Let it work. Вы этого не видели? Didn't you see that? You didn't see that? Вораг прыйшоў у нашу краіну. The enemy has come to our country. The enemy has come to our country. Мы англичане. We are English. We're English. У Савецкай Расіі урок вучыць настаўніка! In Soviet Russia, lesson teaches teacher! In Soviet Russia, the lesson is taught by the teacher! Це трапилося лише одного разу. This only happened once. It only happened once. Заняття починаються у квітні. School starts in April. Classes begin in April. Вы говорите по-французски гораздо лучше, чем я. You speak French a lot better than I do. You speak French much better than I do. Какую марку стирального порошка ты обычно покупаешь? What brand of laundry detergent do you usually buy? What brand of washing powder do you usually buy? Як слова мовіць. It's a piece of cake. Like a word of speech. Скажите мне, во сколько вы хотите, чтобы я там был. Tell me what time you want me to be there. Tell me what time you want me to be there. Том дуже любив Мері. Tom loved Mary very much. Tom loved Mary very much. Прошлым летом они ездили на горный курорт. They went to a resort in the mountains last summer. Last summer, they went to the mountain resort. Ви підписались? Have you subscribed? Have you signed up? Це сербське ім'я. It's a Serbian name. It's a Serbian name. Интересно, с кем Том будет танцевать. I wonder who Tom is going to dance with. I wonder who Tom is going to dance with. Коли я зайшов до кімнати, вона грала на піаніно. When I entered the room, she was playing the piano. When I walked into the room, she was playing the piano. Том попросил Мэри открыть окно. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Ты единственный, с кем я могу быть самой собой. You're the only one I can be myself with. You're the only one I can be myself with. Чи це не трохи екстремально? Isn't that a bit extreme? Isn’t that a bit extreme? Це було б жахливо. That would be awful. That would be terrible. Том у своїй кімнаті. Tom is in his room. Tom is in his room. Ты молод? Are you young? Are you young? Том був найманцем. Tom was a mercenary. Tom was a mercenary. Ми не можемо сказати Тому. We can't tell Tom. We can't tell Tom. А потом он меня предал. And then he betrayed me. And then he betrayed me. Почему мы остановились? Why did we stop? Why did we stop? Он склонен давать волю эмоциям. He is apt to give vent to his feelings. He is inclined to give free rein to emotions. Я чувствовал, что что-то не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt like something was wrong. У Тома є вино. Tom has wine. Tom has wine. Гэта нічога не зменіць. That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Як тобі вдалося вийти з в'язниці? How did you get out of jail? How did you get out of jail? С практической точки зрения в его плане есть множество недостатков. From the practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. From a practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. Том единственный, кто что-то сказал. Tom is the only one who said anything. Tom was the only one who said something. Англійська - не моя рідна мова. English is not my first language. English is not my native language. Хочеш потанцювати? Do you want to dance? Do you want to dance? Што яго забіла? What killed him? What killed him? Том зайнятий і не може нам зараз допомогти. Tom is busy and can't help us now. Tom is busy and can't help us right now. Она выла замуж за Тома, а не за меня. She married Tom, not me. She married Tom, not me. Тому об этом ещё не сказали. Tom hasn't been told about that yet. Tom hasn't been told yet. Якщо не поливати квіти, вони помруть. Failure to water plants will cause them to die. If you don't water the flowers, they'll die. Націоналізм — це тупо. Nationalism is dumb. Nationalism is stupid. Ми замовили забагато їжі. We ordered too much food. We ordered too much food. Я вынужден выделить еще людей на данную работу. I have to assign more men to that work. I have to hire more people for this job. Він хотів дослідити столицю Франції. He wanted to explore the French capital. He wanted to explore the capital of France. Подождите, пока она подойдёт поближе! Wait until it comes closer. Wait for her to get closer! Том зі мною зазвичай не розмовляє. Tom doesn't usually talk to me. Tom doesn’t usually talk to me. Супрацьпастаўляючы мэты савецкае навукі мэтам навукі, што знаходзіцца ў руках амерыканскіх імперыялістаў, савецкія навукоўцы-біёлагі кажуць: «Біялогія — навука пра жыцце, амерыканскія ж біёлагі ператвараюць яе ў навуку пра смерць, пра тое, як лепей і хутчэй знішчыць усё жывое на зямлі». Contrasting the goals of the Soviet science with the goals of the science controlled by the Americal imperialists, Soviet biology scientists say: “Biology is a life science, but American biologists turn it into a death science, a science that deals with the better and faster destruction of all the living things on earth”. Opposing the goals of Soviet science to the goals of science that are in the hands of American imperialists, Soviet biologist scientists say, "Biology is the science of life, American biologists turn it into the science of death, of how best and best to destroy everything on earth." Как только Том сошел с поезда, он увидел Мэри. As soon as Tom got off the train, he saw Mary. As soon as Tom got off the train, he saw Mary. Я пообещал себе, что брошу курить. I promised myself that I'd quit smoking. I promised myself I would quit smoking. Он купил минибар в свою комнату. He bought a mini fridge for his dorm room. He bought a minibar in his room. У маленьких горшков длинные ручки. Small pots have long handles. Small pots have long handles. Я поспорил с Томом насчёт использования марихуаны. I had an argument with Tom about the use of marijuana. I bet Tom about using marijuana. Фадзіль патаемна перайшоў у іслам. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Fadiel secretly converted to Islam. Мені, мабуть, треба провести трохи часу з Томом. I should probably spend some time with Tom. I should probably spend some time with Tom. Нам следует узнать друг друга получше. We should get to know each other a little better. We should get to know each other better. Батько часто готує. My father often cooks. My father cooks often. Том забыл подписать контракт. Tom forgot to sign the contract. I forgot to sign the contract. Здаецца, вы сумленны чалавек. You seem an honest man. You seem like an honest man. Я чылійка ад нараджэння і з гонарам размаўляю на іспанскай. I'm a native Chilean, and proud Spanish speaker. I'm Chilean by birth and with pride I speak Spanish. Почему ты просто не сказал им? Why didn't you just tell them? Why didn't you just tell them? Я не кохаю її. I don't love her. I don't love her. Том телефонував Мері сьогодні вранці. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mary this morning. Вчитель зробив нам зауваження, що ми повинні поводити себе тихо. The teacher admonished us that we should be silent. The teacher told us to be quiet. Молодые люди часто недооценивают те колоссальные усилия, которые подразумевает изучение иностранного языка, и берутся за несколько языков сразу, распыляя таким образом свои силы, что быстро приводит к потере мотивации, когда они понимают, что результаты слабые. Young people often underestimate the massive effort it takes to learn a foreign language and tackle several at a time, spreading themselves thin, which quickly leads to demotivation once they see their poor results. Young people often underestimate the tremendous effort that learning a foreign language implies, and take on multiple languages at once, thus spraying their strength, which quickly leads to a loss of motivation when they realize that the results are weak. Мы не можем просто сидеть здесь и ничего не делать. We can't just sit here and do nothing. We can't just sit here and do nothing. Можно мне ещё одну попробовать? Can I try one more? Can I try one more? Все ждали Тома. Everyone was waiting for Tom. Everyone was waiting for Tom. Вже починається. It's starting now. It's already starting. Опасность миновала. The danger is over. The danger is gone. Ніколі не кажы дрэннага пра людзей за іх спінамі. Never speak ill of others behind their backs. Never skin bad things about people behind their backs. Мою машину було вкрадено минулої ночі. My car was stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Том каже, що я дуже наївна. Tom says I'm very gullible. Tom says I'm very naive. Ты веришь в Тома. You believe in Tom. You believe in Tom. Дай Боже добри дзень! May God give us a good day! God bless the day! Мы всё ещё друзья? Are we still friends? Are we still friends? Не думаю, что Том будет помогать нам это делать. I don't think Tom is going to help us do that. I don't think Tom is going to help us do that. Вони не зробили нічого, щоб спасти Тома. They did nothing to save Tom. They didn't do anything to save Tom. Том знает, что Мэри дразнится. Tom knows Mary is teasing. Tom knows Mary's teasing. Це місцева газета. It's a local newspaper. This is a local newspaper. Насправді, я фурі. Actually, I'm a furry. In fact, I'm fury. Тебя в последнее время совсем не видно. You've been absent a lot lately. You haven't been seen lately. Предлагаю тебе сделать это сегодня. I suggest you do that today. I suggest you do it today. Том каже, що не може виграти. Tom says that he can't win. Tom says he can't win. Поднялся сильный ветер. A strong wind arose. There was a strong wind. Том сказав, що саме трапилося? Did Tom say what happened exactly? Did Tom say what happened? Я втомилась від усієї цієї брехні. I'm tired of all the lies. I am tired of all this lies. Ждем вас в 2:30. We'll be expecting you at 2:30. We'll see you at 2:30. Кто придумал бинокль? Who invented binoculars? Who invented binoculars? У меня нет родных братьев. I don't have any male siblings. I don't have any siblings. Никто не может винить в этом Тома. Nobody can blame Tom for this. No one can blame Tom. Не звертай на нього уваги. Ignore him. Don't pay attention to him. Зачем? For what? Why? Что такое свобода? What is liberty? What is Freedom? Том готує вечерю. Tom is preparing supper. Tom is having dinner. Это не единственная моя проблема. That's not my only problem. That's not my only problem. Більше нема де припаркуватися. There isn't anywhere else to park. There is no more parking. Дом подожгли. Somebody set fire to the house. The house was set on fire. Я знаю, що я потворний. I know that I am ugly. I know I'm ugly. Том зловив форель. Tom caught a trout. Tom caught a trout. Том зрабіў выгляд, што не ведае, што рабіць. Tom pretended not to know what to do. Tom made it look like he didn't know what to do. Чому Том лютий на Мері? Why's Tom mad at Mary? Why is Tom angry at Mary? Ця церква дуже велика. The church is very big. This church is big. Стався добре до кота, будь ласка. Please treat the cat well. Good for the cat, please. Не зловтішайся. Don't gloat. Don't be shy. Я говорю на аварском. I speak Avar. I speak avarice. Чи пінгвіни добре плавають? Are penguins good swimmers? Do penguins swim well? Ти це бачив? Did you see that? Did you see that? Нічога не здарылася. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Как ты переправился через реку? How did you cross the river? How did you cross the river? Я прекрасно усвідомлюю, з ким маю справу. I'm well aware of who I'm dealing with. I am well aware of who I am dealing with. Динозавры вымерли давным-давно. Dinosaurs became extinct a very long time ago. Dinosaurs died out a long time ago. Я очень давно так не смеялся. I hadn't laughed like that in a very long time. I haven't laughed in a long time. Они дали объявление, что ищут кухарку. They are advertising for a cook. They made an announcement that they were looking for a cook. Том почав говорити. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. Том хочет, чтобы его сыновья работали с ним. Tom wants his sons to work with him. Tom wants his sons to work with him. Математика — предмет, який я люблю менш за все. Math is my least favorite subject. Mathematics is the subject I love the least. Как лучше выразить это на эсперанто? How does one best express that in Esperanto? How best to express it in Esperanto? Как вы думаете, сколько они заплатят мне за это? How much do you think they'll pay me to do that? How much do you think they're gonna pay me for this? Я гарніший, ніж ви. I am more beautiful than you. I'm better than you. Почему бы тебе не поехать с ней? Why don't you go with her? Why don't you go with her? Ми втратили майже всі свої гроші. We lost almost all our money. We lost almost all our money. Ты скоро станешь бабушкой. You're gonna be a grandma soon. You'll be a grandmother soon. Більшість супротивників рабства не голосувало. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery did not vote. Пусть французский – не мой родной, даже я могу понять, что Том владеет им весьма слабо. I'm not a native speaker, but even I can tell that Tom's French is pretty bad. Even if French is not my native language, I can understand that Tom has very little knowledge of it. Ти виглядаєш втомленим. You're looking tired. You look tired. Тому не потрібно було йти разом з Мері. Tom didn't need to go with Mary. I didn’t have to go with Mary. Том неправильно произнёс моё имя. Tom pronounced my name incorrectly. Tom mispronounced my name. Це не те, що люди зазвичай роблять. That isn't what people usually do. That’s not what people usually do. Я з Данії. I'm from Denmark. I am from Denmark. У мене для тебе є ще кілька запитань. I have some more questions for you. I have a few more questions for you. Том, Мэри, Джон и Элис - все умерли. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all died. Tom, Mary, John and Alice are all dead. Я хотел знать, откуда идёт голос. I wanted to know where the voice was coming from. I wanted to know where the voice came from. Спыніце Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Ти зробив величезну помилку. You've made a huge mistake. You made a huge mistake. Французский не так сложен. French isn't that hard. French is not that complicated. Вы должны сделать это прямо сейчас. You should do that right now. You have to do it right now. Когда вы в последний раз были у зубного? When was the last time you went to a dentist? When was the last time you went to the dentist? Давай я цябе пацалую. Let me kiss you. Let me kiss you. Мне патрэбнае месца, каб спыніцца. I need a place to stay. I need a place to stop. Ми знали, що Том говорить правду. We knew that Tom was telling the truth. We knew Tom was telling the truth. Мы ўцякаем. We're running away. We're running away. Она училась с тобой. She studied with you. She studied with you. Це речення правильне? Is this sentence correct? Is this sentence correct? Я можу зачекати, якщо хочеш. I can wait if you want me to. I can wait if you want. Том надеется, что Мэри поможет Джону. Tom is hoping Mary can help John. Tom hopes that Mary will help John. Том такий щасливчик. Tom is so lucky. Tom is so lucky. Том не думав, що Мері захоче це робити. Tom didn't think Mary would like to do that. Tom didn't think Mary would want to do that. Возможно, мне лучше самому позвать Тома. Maybe I should call Tom myself. Maybe I should call Tom myself. Вам нужно поехать туда одному. You need to go there alone. You need to go there alone. Які бацька — такі і сын. Like father, like son. What a father is so and so is a son. Что-то изменилось. Something has changed. Something's changed. Невозможно предусмотреть всё, поэтому просто живи и радуйся жизни. It's not possible to foresee everything, so just live and enjoy life. It is impossible to foresee everything, so just live and enjoy life. Я люблю мріяти уві сні. I love dreaming when I sleep. I like to dream in my dreams. Дякую за інформацію. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Не беспокойся! Тест легкий. Don't worry! The test is easy. Don't worry, the test is easy. Ми не марнуватимемо твого часу. We won't waste your time. We will not waste your time. Иногда меня это очень беспокоит. Sometimes I worry a lot about that. Sometimes it really bothers me. Пожалуйста, не забывайте делать домашнюю работу. Please, don't forget to do the homework. Don’t forget to do your homework. Вона проспала годину. She slept an hour. She slept for an hour. Я удвічі більша за Тома. I'm twice as big as Tom. I'm twice as big as Tom. Том засмеялся вместе со всеми, но на самом деле не понял ни единого слова из сказанного. Tom laughed when everyone else laughed, but the truth was that he didn't understand a single word of what they said. Tom laughed with everyone, but did not really understand a single word of what was said. Ніл знаходиться в Африці. The Nile is in Africa. The Nile is in Africa. Я хотел бы вернуться в Бостон. I'd like to go back to Boston. I'd like to go back to Boston. Ти допитала Тома? Did you question Tom? Did you interrogate Tom? Вы гораздо лучше умеете плавать, чем Том. You can swim much better than Tom can. You know how to swim better than Tom. З Томом важко знаходити спільну мову. It's hard to get along with Tom. It's hard to find a common language with Tom. Це печиво смачне. These cookies are delicious. This cookie is delicious. Гарне татуювання! Nice tattoo! Nice tattoo! Ти завжди встаєш рано, правда? You always get up early, don't you? You always get up early, don't you? Огромная толпа людей ждала. A huge crowd of people waited. A huge crowd of people were waiting. Нам слід зробити щось подібне. We should make something like that. We should do something like that. Цяпер мая мара — толькі патухшая зорка. Now my dream is but an extinguished star. Now my dream is just an extinct star. Я знаю, что ты осторожна. I know that you're careful. I know you're careful. Блядь, що з людьми не так? What the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck is wrong with people? Я паехала ў бальніцу, каб пабачыцца з сваёй жонкай. I went to the hospital to see my wife. I went to the hospital to see my wife. Прысягнуў ты, дзіцятка, — дык дабудзь жа ты мне цяпер гэткай вадзіцы, пашукай, прынясі, карэньчыкі мае бедныя падлі… You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots… Swear to you, child, — dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. dir. Том ответил на вопросы правильно. Tom answered the questions correctly. Tom answered the questions correctly. Джейн спросила Мэри, не осталась ли бы она у неё переночевать. Jane asked Mary whether she'd like to stay at her place for the night. Jane asked Mary if she would stay overnight. Малыш заполз в комнату. The baby crept into the room. The kid crawled into the room. Ти дуже дратуєш. You're being very annoying. You're very annoying. Ці можаш прысвяціць мне некалькі хвілінак твайго вольнага часу? Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time? Can you devote a few minutes of your free time to me? Том хотел научиться читать. Tom wanted to learn to read. Tom wanted to learn to read. Он вас предупредил? Did he warn you? Did he warn you? Дівчина боялася власної тіні. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. She was afraid of her own shadow. Гадаю, ми можемо вибачити Тому. I guess we could forgive Tom. I think we can apologize to Tom. Она живёт в Мухосранске. She lives in Bumfuck. She lives in Mukhosransk. Скорее всего, она пойдёт в парк завтра. She will probably go to the park tomorrow. She's probably going to the park tomorrow. Жаль, что я не такой храбрый, как Том. I wish I were as brave as Tom. I'm sorry I'm not as brave as Tom. Дякуємо за вашу зацікавленість. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for your interest. Чому ви не сказали мені цього раніше? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell me this before? Зачем ты их звал? Why did you call them? Why did you call them? Ніводная душа пра гэта не ведае. Not a single soul knows about it. No soul knows about it. Американский футбол для слюнтяев. Настоящие мужики играют в регби. American football is for sissies. If you're a real man you play rugby. American football for the sluts. Real men play rugby. Самі пра цябе падбае. Sami will take care of you. You're the one who's gonna take care of you. Прибери свої речі. Put away your things. Take your things. Я ничего не подарил Тому на Рождество. I didn't give Tom anything for Christmas. I didn't give Tom anything for Christmas. Что случится с нашими детьми, если начнётся ядерная война? What will happen to our children if nuclear war breaks out? What will happen to our children if a nuclear war breaks out? Це нестерпне. This is intolerable. It's unbearable. Эти слова означают разные вещи, так что не путайте их. These words mean different things, so don't mix them up. These words mean different things, so don’t confuse them. Їх там хто-небудь бачив? Did anybody see them there? Has anyone seen them there? Я знаю их обоих. I know both of them. I know both of them. Не все австралийцы одинаковые. Not all Australians are the same. Not all Australians are the same. Який у тебе улюблений колір? What is your favourite colour? What is your favorite color? У мене закінчився час. I ran out of time. I'm running out of time. Это не лучший ответ. That's not the best answer. That's not the best answer. Почему бы нам не покататься на санях? Why don't we go sledding? Why don't we go sleighing? Я хочу вивчити боснійську. I want to learn Bosnian. I want to learn Bosnian. Насколько хорошо вы его знали? How well did you know him? How well did you know him? Прости, я был немного эмоцилнально неустойчив в последнее время. I’m sorry, lately I’ve been a bit emotionally unstable. I'm sorry, I've been a little emotionally unstable lately. Будь ласка, притримай язика. Please hold your tongue. Please hold your tongue. Гэта новая фатаграфія? Is it a recent picture? Is that a new photograph? Зачем вы дали ей мой адрес? Why did you give her my address? Why did you give her my address? Давай паспрабуем яшчэ раз. Let's give it another shot. Let's try again. Якби я лише мав карту, я показав би вам дорогу. If only I had a map, I could show you the way. If I only had a map, I'd show you the way. Мальчик убежал. The boy ran away. The boy ran away. Я закахалася ў цябе. I've fallen in love with you. I fell in love with you. Мы надеемся, что нам не понадобится это делать. We're hoping we won't have to do that. We hope we don’t need to do that. Меня не волнуют деньги. I don't care about money. I don't care about money. Я стараюсь съедать хотя бы по одному яблоку в день. I try to eat at least one apple a day. I try to eat at least one apple a day. Англасаксы не проста забяруць тваю зямлю. Яны таксама зробяць цябе рабыняй, а потым, калі ты памрэш, будуць зберагаць твае косці ў музеі і апісваць цябе як дзікунку ў сваіх кнігах па гісторыі. А яшчэ яны здымуць пару фільмаў пра тое, якая ты была дрэнная і якія храбрыя былі іхнія героі. The Anglo-Saxons will not just take your land. They will also take you as a slave, then, when you die, they're going to store your bones in a museum and describe you as a savage in their history books. They are also going to make a couple of movies to show how ugly you were and how brave their heroes were. The Anglo-Saxons won't just take your land. They'll also make you a slave, and then when you die, they'll keep your bones in the museum and describe you as a savage in their history books. And they'll also make a couple of movies about what a bad you were and what a brave hero they were. Ви дасте відповідь на моє запитання? Will you answer my question? Will you answer my question? Почему ты не с ним? Why aren't you with him? Why aren't you with him? Жовтень пройшов. October is over. October has passed. Я веру ў Бога. I believe in God. I believe in God. Твої ідеї дещо застарілі. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. Your ideas are somewhat outdated. Мері не користується помадою. Mary doesn't use lipstick. Mary doesn't use lipstick. Увидев меня, Мэри расплакалась и побежала в свою комнату. When Mary saw me, she burst into tears and ran to her room. When Mary saw me, she cried and ran to her room. Моя ручка новая. My pen is new. My pen is new. Том едва дышит. Tom can barely breathe. Tom barely breathes. Я смог сделать это намного быстрее Тома. I was able to do that much quicker than Tom. I was able to do it a lot faster than Tom. Наступного літа я хочу поїхати на Гаваї. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Next summer I want to go to Hawaii. Я не легковірна. I'm not naive. I'm not credulous. Результаты были шокирующими. The results were shocking. The results were shocking. Подойди поближе. Come a little closer. Come closer. З ким ти ходила танцювати? Who did you go to the dance with? Who did you go dancing with? Мы атрымалі скаргі ад аднаго з брусэльскіх удзельнікаў. We had complaints about one of the volunteers from Brussels. We received complaints from one of the Brussels participants. Ми з Томом не їдемо. Tom and I aren't going. Tom and I are not going. Кто хочет, может уйти. Whoever wants can leave. Anyone who wants to can leave. Я везде искал, но не смог её найти. I have searched everywhere, but I could not find it. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find her. Я вже знала, чим все скінчиться. I already knew the outcome. I already knew how it would end. Том ушёл на рыбалку. Tom has gone fishing. Tom went fishing. "Доктор, меня все игнорируют." "Следующий!" "Doctor, everybody is ignoring me." "Next one, please." "Doctor, I'm being ignored." "Next!" Не заплющуйте очі. Don't shut your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Сказанное им меня напугало. What he said scared me. What he said scared me. Боюсь, Тому это не поможет. I'm afraid that won't help Tom. I'm afraid it won't help Tom. Это намного дороже. That costs a lot more. It's a lot more expensive. Я не буду робити цього. I won't do it. I'm not gonna do that. Який у вас рейтинг? What is your rating? What is your rating? У популярній культурі, фраза "Аллах акбар" стала мало не синонімом до тероризму. In popular culture the phrase “Allahu akbar” has become almost synonymous with terrorism. In popular culture, the phrase "Allahu Akbar" has become almost synonymous with terrorism. Том надеялся, что его не обвинят в случившемся. Tom hoped he wouldn't be blamed for what happened. Tom was hoping he wouldn't be blamed for what happened. Сколько у нас ещё остаётся времени? How much more time do we still have? How much time do we have left? Это предложение нарушает правила грамматики. This sentence is ungrammatical. This sentence violates the rules of grammar. Сабаку звуць Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Том - мой личный помощник. Tom is my personal assistant. Tom is my personal assistant. Я не хочу быть с вами в одной команде. I don't want to be on the same team as you. I don't want to be on the same team as you. Не злите нас. Don't make us angry. Don't piss us off. Я вывучаю казахскую. I am learning Kazakh. I am learning Kazakh. Я кто угодно, но только не лжец. I am anything but a liar. I'm anything but a liar. Давай поговорим об этом. Let's speak about it. Let's talk about it. Том не знал, что будет. Tom didn't know what would happen. Tom didn't know what was going to happen. Том и Мэри лепят снеговика. Tom and Mary are building a snowman. Tom and Mary make a snowman. Они умерли. They're dead. They're dead. Ты тоже из Бостона? Are you from Boston, too? You're from Boston, too? Вы справедливы? Are you fair? Are you fair? В эпоху просвещения было сильное господство церкви. During the Age of Enlightenment, the Church was heavily dominant. In the age of enlightenment, there was a strong dominance of the church. Хорошо провёл выходной? Did you enjoy your holiday? Did you have a good day off? Том зараз у саду. Tom is in the garden at the moment. Tom is in the garden. Вы можете сделать телевизор потише? Can you turn your TV down? Can you make the TV quieter? Вона говорить лише про них. She only talks about them. She only talks about them. Найдите решение. Find a solution. Find a solution. Це не вражаюче. That's not incredible. That's not impressive. Ідзі дадому і трохі паспі. Go home and get some sleep. Go home and have a little hurry. Том нам не довіряє. Tom doesn't trust us. Tom doesn't trust us. Мы хотим, чтобы Том сказал да. We want Tom to say yes. We want Tom to say yes. У нас лёд закончился. We're out of ice. We're out of ice. Я говорила по телефону. I talked on the phone. I was on the phone. Вона студентка. She's a student. She's a student. Ты ведаеш яго? Do you know him? You know him? Усім добрай раніцы! Good morning, everyone. Good morning everyone! Том никогда не выйдет из тюрьмы. Tom will never get out of prison. Tom will never get out of jail. Нам надо всё рассказать Тому. We should tell Tom everything. We need to tell Tom everything. Зробіть це негайно. Do it immediately. Do it immediately. Могу я одолжить твою шариковую ручку? Can I borrow your ballpoint pen? Can I borrow your ballpoint pen? Вчера я не играл в теннис. I didn't play tennis yesterday. I didn’t play tennis yesterday. Том помогает мне доить коров. Tom helps me milk the cows. Tom's helping me milk the cows. Том крадькома утік вночі. Tom snuck out at night. Tom sneaked out at night. Я не знаю ни слова по-венгерски. I don't know a word of Hungarian. I don't know a word of Hungarian. Я сделал всё, что мог ради спасения Тома. I did everything I could to save Tom. I did everything I could to save Tom. Не наполягайте. Don't insist. Don't insist. Можешь написать здесь своё имя? Can you write your name here? Can you write your name here? Она волнуется за твою безопасность. She's worried about your safety. She's worried about your safety. Не шумі. Don't make noise. No noise. Ми не можемо обійтись без води. We cannot do without water. We can't do without water. Дозвольте мені пожити. Let me live. Let me live. Он бы часами ждал её звонка. He would wait for hours for her call. He'd be waiting for her to call for hours. Яна обдурила його. Yana fooled him. She fooled him. Сьогодні достатньо холодно. It is pretty cold today. It's cold enough today. Боже мій! Gosh! Oh, my God! Я ні від кого не ховаюся. I'm not hiding from anybody. I am not hiding from anyone. Можешь оставить себе. You can keep it. You can keep it. Не вынуждайте меня вас убивать! Don't make me kill you. Don't make me kill you! Вас до телефону. You are wanted on the phone. You're on the phone. Она учит китайский. She's studying Chinese. She's learning Chinese. Чем старше он становился, тем большую известность приобретал. The older he got, the more famous he became. The older he got, the more famous he became. «Где вы живёте?» — «Я живу в Токио». "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" - "I live in Tokyo." Что Том намерен делать? What's Tom up to? What is Tom going to do? Ваша думка важлива. Your opinion matters. Your opinion is important. Рада допомогти. I'm happy to help. Nice to help. Мы преследовали Тома. We harassed Tom. We followed Tom. Чому ви ненавидите жінок? Why do you hate women? Why do you hate women? Все хотіли співати. Everybody wanted to sing. Everyone wanted to sing. Роуз піднялась, щоб покласти рожеву ікру на свої ряди троянд. Rose rose to put rose roes on her rows of roses. Rose rose to put pink caviar on her rows of roses. Том був сміливим солдатом. Tom was a brave soldier. Tom was a brave soldier. Том сегодня никуда не пошёл. Tom didn't go anywhere today. Tom's not going anywhere today. Вы это сегодня купили? Did you buy this today? Did you buy this today? Том быстро закончил работу. Tom finished the job quickly. Tom finished the job quickly. Я знаю его только по имени. I know him only by name. I only know him by name. Хопіць гарлапаніць! Stop yelling. Stop gargling! Том сразу же согласился заплатить выкуп. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Не думаю, що Том нас почув. I don't think that Tom heard us. I don't think Tom heard us. Ці яблука смачні. These apples are delicious. These apples are delicious. Вона не слухає. She doesn't listen. She's not listening. Он впереди. He is ahead. He's in front. Він пише книги. He writes books. He writes books. Я ненавиджу це місто. I hate this town. I hate this city. Ты его нашёл? Did you find him? Did you find him? Мы живём за городом. We live in the country. We live out of town. Том совсем не выглядел грустным. Tom didn't look sad at all. Tom didn't look sad at all. Я зварив спагеті. I made spaghetti. I cooked spaghetti. Що це там? What's that there? What's that over there? Мері загубила свою обручку. Mary lost her engagement ring. Mary lost her ring. «Глупых вопросов не бывает». – «Как мог Леонардо Дикаприо изобрести Мону Лизу, если в XIX веке не было цвета?» – «Беру свои слова обратно». "There's no such thing as a stupid question." "How did Leonardo DiCaprio invent the Mona Lisa if there was no color in the 1800s?" "I stand corrected." "There are no stupid questions." - "How could Leonardo DiCaprio invent the Mona Lisa if there was no color in the 19th century?" - "I take my words back." Мій брат любить музику. My brother likes music. My brother loves music. Для этого фонарика нужны две батарейки. This torch takes two batteries. Two batteries are needed for this flashlight. Я все ще користуюся ручкою, яку ти мені дав три роки тому. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. I still use the pen you gave me three years ago. У неё есть братья или сёстры? Does she have any brothers or sisters? Does she have brothers or sisters? Думаю, Том мне соврал. I think that Tom lied to me. I think Tom lied to me. Тому до вподоби наш пес. Tom likes our dog. Tom likes our dog. Ти потрібна в моїй команді. I need you on my team. I need you on my team. Если бы у меня была карта, я бы, наверное, не заблудился. If I'd had a map, I probably wouldn't have gotten lost. If I had a map, I probably wouldn't be lost. Вы действительно местный? Are you really from here? Are you really local? Хороший был день. It's been a good day. It was a good day. «Эй, Зельда! Как дела?» — «Да ничего, Линк». — «Думаешь? А по-моему, тебя б поцеловать, а?» — «По-моему, нет». "Hey, Zelda! What's up? "Nothing, Link." "You sure? I think you wanna kiss, huh?" "I think not." "Hey, Zelda! How are you?" "Oh, nothing, Link." "You think? I think you'd like to kiss, don't you?" "I don't think so." Ні в якому разі! No way! No way! Том - капиталист. Tom is a capitalist. Tom is a capitalist. Я помогла ей помыть посуду. I helped her wash the dishes. I helped her wash the dishes. Том — людина вперта. Tom is an obstinate person. Tom is a stubborn man. Я хацела б гэта ведаць. I wish I knew it. I'd like to know that. Человек не может жить без воды. Man cannot live without water. Man cannot live without water. Освободи зверей из клетки. Free the animals from their cage. Release the animals from the cage. Яка сьогодні дата? What is the date today? What's the date today? Дай Боже добри вечар! May God give us a good evening! God bless the evening! Том ма шестру коло ваших рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom Ma's six around your rockers. Ти здивуєшся, але ці маленькі черв'яки - активні хижаки. You'll be surprised but these little worms are active carnivores. You'd be surprised, but these little worms are active predators. Том дуже заможний. Tom is very wealthy. Tom is very wealthy. Ты наш пленник. You're our prisoner. You're our prisoner. У вас ноги болят? Do your legs hurt? Do your feet hurt? Смените тему. Change the subject. Change the subject. В школах Австралии преподают французский язык? Is French taught in schools in Australia? Do schools in Australia teach French? Зрабі яго фотаробат! Make his identikit! Make him a photographer! Я знаю его уже десять лет. I have known him for ten years. I've known him for ten years. Ми маємо це зробити самі. We should do it ourselves. We have to do it ourselves. Ты ешь больше меня. You eat more than me. You eat more than me. Надеюсь, вы не поймёте меня превратно. I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I hope you don't misunderstand me. Я в пути. I'm on the road. I'm on my way. Я буду з тобою за секунду. I'll be with you in a second. I'll be with you in a second. Мы не партнёры. We're not partners. We're not partners. Мы делаем всё возможное, чтобы помочь Тому. We do our best to help Tom. We're doing everything we can to help Tom. У яе фінансавыя праблемы. She has money problems. She has financial problems. Завтра зроблю. Обіцяю. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow I will. I promise. Мне нужно ещё несколько минут. I want a few more minutes. I need a few more minutes. Мері шукала свою ручку. Mary looked for her pen. Mary was looking for her pen. Уяві, што ты на месяцы. Imagine yourself to be on the moon. Imagine you're for months. Я мало что помню о Томе. I don't remember much about Tom. I don't remember much about Tom. Осторожно! На дороге выбоина. Careful! There's a pothole on the road. Careful, there's a pothole on the road. Том сказал мне, что его мама никогда его не любила. Tom told me that his mom never loved him. Tom told me his mom never loved him. Станешь отцом, поймёшь. When you're a father, you'll understand. You'll be a father, you'll understand. Зимой эти птицы улетают в Северную Африку. These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. In winter, these birds fly to North Africa. Я рада, что ты была здесь. I'm glad you were here. I'm glad you were here. Ты часто сам так говорил. You've often said so yourself. You used to say that yourself. Когда мне надо там быть? When should I be there? When do I have to be there? Ми вирушимо зі світанком. We'll set off at first light. We'll go with the dawn. Том с тобой вчера не говорил? Didn't Tom speak to you yesterday? Tom didn't talk to you last night? Ти ладний чоловік. You're a handsome man. You're a good man. Думаю, я нашёл то, что вы ищете. I think I found what you're looking for. I think I found what you're looking for. Чем заняты модеры? What are the mods doing? What are moders doing? Том раніше тусив з Мері та Джоном. Tom used to hang out with Mary and John. Tom used to hang out with Mary and John. Джон высокий, красивый и богатый. John is tall, handsome and rich. John is tall, handsome and rich. Интересно, выиграет Том или нет. I wonder if Tom will win or not. I wonder if Tom will win or not. Северяне рассчитывали на победу в сражении при Булл-Ран. Northerners had expected to win the Battle of Bull Run. The North expected victory at the Battle of Bull Run. Том теперь может ходить. Tom can walk now. Tom can walk now. Его там кто-нибудь видел? Did anyone see him there? Has anyone seen him there? Не заплющуй очі. Keep your eyes open. Don't close your eyes. Почему Том не делает уроки? Why isn't Tom doing his homework? Why isn't Tom doing his homework? Дорога в этом месте изгибается направо. Here the road curves to the right. The road in this place bends to the right. Яблуко від яблуні далеко не падає. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple does not fall far from the apple tree. Ласкаво просимо на Tatoeb'у! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeb! Міліцыянеры ўбачылі Фадзіля ў суседнім парку. Police spotted Fadil in a nearby park. The militiamen saw Fadil in a nearby park. Том услышал шум. Tom heard the noise. Tom heard a noise. Ты слышал, как птицы щебечут? Did you hear the birds tweeting? Did you hear the birds chirping? Коли ти навчилася плавати? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Зачем ты им звонил? Why did you call them? Why did you call them? Ти сама це мені сказала. You told me that yourself. You told me that yourself. Очевидно, ты передумал. Obviously, you've changed your mind. Obviously, you changed your mind. Твои родители ещё живут в Германии? Do your parents still live in Germany? Do your parents still live in Germany? Заздрю вашому хорошому здоров'ю. I envy your good health. I envy your good health. Я відвідав бабусю. I visited my grandmother's house. I visited my grandmother. Рейс из Пхеньяна в Калифорнию был полностью забронирован. The flight from Pyongyang to California was fully booked. The flight from Pyongyang to California was fully booked. Том повісив сумку собі на плече. Tom slung his bag over his shoulder. Tom put the bag on his shoulder. Вы должны выбрать что-нибудь одно. You have to choose one thing. You have to choose one. Самі був популярний як серед студентів, так і серед викладачів. Sami was popular with both students and teachers. Sami was popular with both students and teachers. Я що, єдиний, кому не байждуже? Am I the only one who cares? Am I the only one who doesn’t care? Все одно я хотів її продати. I wanted to sell it anyway. Anyway, I wanted to sell it. Он всю ночь храпел. He snored all night. He snored all night. Я знаю, что Том с Мэри помолвлены. I know that Tom and Mary are engaged. I know Tom and Mary are engaged. Игнорируйте свои инстинкты, находясь в опасности. Ignore your instincts at your peril. Ignore your instincts when in danger. Мері роздала всіх свої ляльок. Mary gave away all her dolls. Mary gave away all her dolls. Моя жена не очень хороший водитель. My wife isn't a very good driver. My wife is not a very good driver. Я хочу помочь вам с этим разобраться. I want to help you figure this out. I want to help you deal with this. Заходь всередину. Go inside. Come inside. Ты что-то пролил на мою книгу? Did you spill something on my book? Did you spill something on my book? Я сказал вам оставаться в своей комнате. I told you to stay in your room. I told you to stay in your room. Це наш план на цей час. That's our plan at this time. This is our plan for this time. Том едва не погиб, пытаясь спасти Марию. Tom almost lost his life trying to save Mary. Tom nearly died trying to save Maria. Том смотрел, как белка прыгает с ветки на ветку. Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch. Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch. Том почти не читает книг. Tom hardly ever reads books. Tom hardly reads books. Я не знал, что Мария — дочь Тома. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. Батьки Тома весь час сваряться. Tom's parents fight all the time. Tom's parents fight all the time. Було легко відповісти. It was easy to answer. It was easy to answer. Том розумніший. Tom is smarter. Tom is smarter. Нужно вернуть это в исходное состояние. This should be reverted back to the original. We need to get this back to its original state. Они не об этом собираются говорить. That is not what they are going to talk about. That's not what they're gonna talk about. Борьба была нечестной. The fight wasn't fair. The fight was unfair. Кветкі засыхалі без вады. The flowers were dying without water. The flowers dried up without water. Ти колись доїв корову? Have you ever milked a cow? Have you ever milked a cow? Я не хочу тебя пугать. I don't want to scare you. I don't want to scare you. Я не могу позвонить ему домой. I can't call him at home. I can't call his house. Я пытался её убедить, но мне не удалось. I tried to convince her, but I didn't succeed. I tried to convince her, but I failed. Ці ты яшчэ заняты? Are you still busy? Are you still busy? Дайте-ка заценить. Gimme a look-see. Let me check it out. Здається, що Том та Мері добре проводять час. It looks like Tom and Mary are having fun. Tom and Mary seem to be having a good time. Том зробив для дітей все, що зміг. Tom did everything he could for his kids. Tom did everything he could for the kids. Ми поговорили про те, що могли б зробити. We talked about what we could do. We talked about what we could do. Почему бы нам не арендовать вёсельную лодку? Why don't we rent a rowboat? Why don't we rent a rowing boat? Выведите своих коней, прежде чем развивать слонов. Bring out your knights before developing the bishops. Bring out your horses before you develop elephants. Он вставил батарейки не той стороной. He put the batteries the wrong way in. He put the batteries on the wrong side. Я не был в одиночестве. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. Я не проситиму Тома про допомогу. I won't ask Tom for help. I'm not asking Tom for help. Я не магу ўспомніць яго імя. I can't remember his name. I can't remember his name. Кажуть, вона хороший лікар. They say she's a good doctor. They say she is a good doctor. Из тебя вышел бы хороший учитель. You'd make a good teacher. You'd make a good teacher. Ви відновили мою віру у людство. You have restored my faith in humanity. You have restored my faith in humanity. Надеюсь, Том не думает, что мы его ненавидим. I hope Tom doesn't think that we hate him. I hope Tom doesn't think we hate him. Калі б не ты, я б загінула. Without you, I would have died. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead. Я сьогодні дуже знервований. I am very nervous today. I am very nervous today. Только в философии можно использовать порочный круг в доказательстве и получить за это высокую оценку. Only in philosophy can you use a circular argument and get praised for it. It is only in philosophy that one can use the vicious circle in proof and be praised for it. Препровадзце ше крашнє! Have a good time! It's pre-pubescent! Том этого не делал. Tom didn't do that. Tom didn't do it. Он не расскажет мне, что произошло. He won't tell me what happened. He won't tell me what happened. Как прошёл день? How's your day been? How was your day? Том заслуговує на нашу поагу. Tom deserves our respect. Tom deserves our respect. Давайте я принесу вам чего-нибудь холодного попить. Let me get you something cold to drink. Let me get you something cold to drink. Я больше не люблю Тома. I don't love Tom anymore. I don't like Tom anymore. Что сегодня собираешься делать после школы? What're you going to do after school today? What are you going to do after school today? Он закатился под диван. It rolled under the couch. He rolled under the couch. У неї було складне дитинство. She had a rough childhood. She had a difficult childhood. Раздался тихий стук в дверь. There was a faint knocking at the door. There was a quiet knock on the door. Янні був здатний побороти це. Yanni was able to overcome that. Yanni was able to overcome this. А што, калі хтосьці гэта бачыў? What if somebody saw this? What if someone saw it? Ми задоволені рішенням. We're pleased with the decision. We are pleased with the decision. Том з Мері скажуть відмовляться. Tom and Mary are going to say no. Tom and Mary will say no. Я одягаю чоботи. I'm putting boots on. I'm wearing boots. На этом поле растут овощи. Vegetables are growing on this field. Vegetables grow in this field. Твая кніга тут. Your book is here. Your book is here. Том стал рыться в помойках. Tom went dumpster diving. Tom was in the trash. Я хотела бы увидеть начальника. I'd like to see the principal. I'd like to see the boss. Том вооружился винтовкой и ножом. Tom armed himself with a gun and a knife. He was armed with a rifle and a knife. Она так грациозно танцевала, что удивила всех нас. She danced with a grace that surprised us all. She danced so gracefully that she surprised us all. «Дзе я?» — «У найцямнейшай турме ў Карыдэі». — «Колькі я была непрытомнай?» — «Дзве гадзіны». "Where am I?" "In the darkest prison in Koridai." "How long was I out?" "Two hours." "Where am I?" - "In the darkest prison in Korea." - "How long have I been unconscious?" - "Two hours." Я не думаю, что боги существуют. I don't think gods exist. I don't think the gods exist. Том открыл конверт, достал письмо и начал его читать. Tom opened the envelope, took out the letter, and started to read it. Tom opened the envelope, took out the letter, and began to read it. Том ничего не просил, кроме воды. Tom asked for nothing but water. Tom asked for nothing but water. Том протянул Мэри книгу. Tom handed Mary a book. Tom handed Mary a book. Зачем Тому всё это? Why does Tom need all this? Why would Tom do that? Нам рассказать Тому о случившемся? Should we tell Tom about what happened? Shall we tell Tom what happened? Ён часта прыходзіць позна ў школу. He often comes late to school. He often comes late to school. Том говорит, что должен Мэри много денег. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Слушайте, что говорит учитель. Listen to what the teacher says. Listen to what the teacher says. Думаю, тебе не стоит говорить Тому правду. I think you shouldn't tell Tom the truth. I don't think you should tell Tom the truth. Мне удалось достать два билета на концерт. I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. I managed to get two tickets to the concert. Мне определенно нужен один из них. I definitely need one of those. I definitely need one of them. Які історії Тому не до смаку? What kind of stories does Tom not like? What stories do you not like? Здесь никого нет. There isn't anybody here. There's no one here. Я не чытаў жоднага яго раману. I haven't read any of his novels. I haven't read any of his novel. Его дом находится рядом с морем. His house is near the sea. His house is near the sea. То досц розгнївало Тома. That made Tom pretty mad. Tom was angry. Приберіть ту машину звідти. Move that car from there. Get that car out of there. Він обожнює футбол. He loves soccer. He loves football. Це звучить як хороший план. That sounds like a good plan to me. It sounds like a good plan. Ми зняли рукавички. We took off our gloves. We took off our gloves. Наша свадьба состоится в следующий понедельник. Our wedding is next Monday. Our wedding will take place next Monday. Скажи ему, чтобы сделал то же самое. Tell him to do the same. Tell him to do the same. Мы провели отпуск на озере. We had our vacation at the lake. We had a vacation on the lake. Спочатку я йому не повірив. I didn't believe him at first. I didn’t believe him at first. Вона не любить цим займатися. She doesn't like to do that. She doesn't like to do that. Я заплатив готівкою. I paid cash. I paid in cash. У моего сына наследственная болезнь. My son has an hereditary disease. My son has an inherited disease. Ти вже купила різдвяні подарунки? Have you bought your Christmas gifts yet? Have you bought Christmas gifts yet? Ты павярнулася? Have you returned? You turned around? Том выбрался из ванны и вытерся белым полотенцем. Tom got out of the bath and dried himself off with a white towel. Tom got out of the bath and washed himself with a white towel. Том може зрозуміти Мері. Tom can understand Mary. Tom can understand Mary. Тому предстоит операция. Tom is going to have surgery. Tom has an operation. Тома, мабуть, покарають за те, що він це зробив. Tom will likely be punished for doing that. Tom will be punished for doing so. Мэри была в своей новой шляпе. Mary was wearing her new hat. Mary was wearing her new hat. У Тома сьогодні недостатньо на це часу. Tom doesn't have enough time to do that today. Tom doesn't have enough time for this. Угадай, от кого это письмо. Guess who this letter is from. Guess who this letter is from. Крэк вызывает сильное привыкание. Crack is very addictive. Crack is very addictive. Не турбуйся, ми вже їдемо. Don't worry, we're on our way. Don't worry, we're on our way. Ты ведаеш, хто разбіў шыбу? Do you know who broke the window? You know who broke the shack? Ваш дом в три раза больше, чем мой. Your house is three times as big as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. Если бы он знал его телефон, он мог бы ему позвонить. If he knew his phone number, he could call him. If he knew his phone, he could have called him. Ти поліцейський? Are you a policeman? You're a cop? Это их не остановит. That won't stop them. That won't stop them. Мне нужно немного вашего времени. I need some of your time. I need some of your time. Приходи через три дня. Come back in three days. Come back in three days. Том шукає Мері. Tom has been looking for Mary. Tom is looking for Mary. Мері хоче, щоб я була в її команді. Mary wants me on her team. Mary wants me on her team. Ва-банк. All in. Wa-bank. Тэатр пусты. The theater is empty. Theater is empty. Звідки ти знаєш, наскільки це складно? How do you know how hard it is? How do you know how difficult this is? Можливо, тобі варто це обговорити з Томом. You might want to discuss it with Tom. Maybe you should talk to Tom about it. На станции я наткнулся на своего старого учителя. I ran into my old teacher at the station. At the station, I ran into my old teacher. Ты беспомощен. You're powerless. You're helpless. Я не в состоянии тебе это объяснить. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. Мені подобається грати в гольф. I like to play golf. I like to play golf. Почалася весна. Spring has begun. Spring has begun. Це не твій записник, а Томів. That isn't your notebook. It's Tom's. It's not your notebook, it's Tom's. Как ты думаешь, когда Том придёт? When do you think Tom will come? When do you think Tom's coming? Хотел бы я иметь такую машину. I wish that I had a car like this. I wish I had a car like that. Том видел, как Мэри столкнула Джона с пирса. Tom saw Mary push John off the pier. Tom saw Mary push John off the pier. У вас шесть непрочитанных сообщений. You have six unread messages. You have six unread messages. Вы разве не католичка? Aren't you Catholic? Aren't you a Catholic? Я верю в любовь с первого взгляда. I believe in love at first sight. I believe in love at first sight. Я не магла сказаць ані слова. I couldn't say a word. I couldn't say a word. Йому бракує здорового глузду. He lacks common sense. He lacks common sense. Он научился писать цифры ещё до того, как пошёл в школу. He learned to write numerals before he went to school. He learned to write numbers before he went to school. Чому це ти для мене робиш? Why are you doing this for me? Why are you doing this for me? Том провёл весь день, пытаясь устранить течь в крыше. Tom spent all day trying to fix the leak in the roof. Tom spent the whole day trying to eliminate the leak in the roof. Вы сказали, что пойдёте? Did you say you would go? You said you'd go? Том дав мені це яблуко. Tom gave this apple to me. Tom gave me that apple. У меня нет лошади. I don't have a horse. I don't have a horse. Я прокинувся досить рано, щоб встигнути на перший потяг. I got up early enough to catch the first train. I woke up early enough to catch the first train. Ми все бачили. We saw everything. We've seen it all. Том пояснив мені, хто такі фурі. Tom explained to me what furries are. Tom explained to me who the trucks are. Ти завжди запізнюєшся. You're always late. You're always late. Вважай, що я нічого не казав. Forget I ever said anything. Think I didn't say anything. Це була легка перемога. It was an easy win. It was an easy win. Следующая пандемия может быть ещё хуже. The next pandemic could be even worse. The next pandemic could be even worse. Вы мой враг? Are you my enemy? Are you my enemy? «Ён учора напісаў ліст?» — «Так». "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did." "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes." Том много денег потратил? Did Tom spend a lot of money? Did Tom spend a lot of money? Ми тільки-но дісталися сюди. They've just got here. We just got here. Том часто пишет Мэри. Tom often writes to Mary. She often writes to Mary. В моём калькуляторе сели батарейки. The batteries in my calculator are dead. I had batteries in my calculator. У тебя разве нет ключа? Don't you have a key? Don't you have the key? Можно выжить питаясь только рисом и бобами. It's possible to survive on just rice and beans. You can only survive by eating rice and beans. Всего тебе знать не нужно. You don't need to know everything. You don't need to know everything. Том зараз у саду. Tom's in the garden now. Tom is in the garden. Том развёлся с Мэри в прошлом году. Tom divorced Mary last year. Tom divorced Mary last year. Том согласился помочь Мэри. Tom agreed to help Mary. Tom agreed to help Mary. Будь ласка, зачекайте п’ять хвилин. Wait five minutes, please. Please wait five minutes. Том сделал это для тебя? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did this for you? Я комуніст. I'm a communist. I'm a communist. Він завжди щасливий. He is always happy. He is always happy. Це Томова проблема. It's Tom's problem. That's Tom's problem. Ми можемо перемогти у цій війні. We can win this war. We can win this war. Том сказав, що, на його думку, йому слід це зробити. Tom said that he thought he should do that. Tom said he thought he should do it. Ты уверен, что знаешь, что делаешь? Are you sure you know what you're doing? Are you sure you know what you're doing? Де жіночий туалет? Where's the ladies' toilet? Where's the women's toilet? Она существует? Does she exist? Does it exist? Я бы на твоём месте то же самое сделал. I would've done the same thing if I were you. I'd do the same if I were you. Стульев в комнате не было. There weren't any chairs in the room. There were no chairs in the room. Я часто їм яблука. I often eat apples. I often eat apples. Том потребовал объяснений. Tom demanded an explanation. Tom asked for an explanation. Я іноді падаю, але ніколи не здаюся. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but I never give up. Если бы она знала её телефон, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could phone her. If she knew her phone, she could have called her. Зроби це хутко. Make it quick. Do it quickly. Уникнути цього простіше, ніж залишитись. It's easier to avoid than to flout. Avoiding it is easier than staying. Ён спыніўся папаліць. He stopped to smoke. He stopped patting. Ти бачиш різницю між Британією та Англією, Америкою та США? Do you see the difference between Britain and England, America and the United States? Do you see the difference between Britain and England, America and the United States? Он не мог этого сказать. He cannot have said that. He couldn't say that. Ще чого не вистачало! As if it weren't enough already! What was missing! Посмотрите на ту девчонку. Look at that girl. Look at that girl. Ти цього хочеш? Is that what you want? Is that what you want? Укко — бог неба, погоды, урожая и грома в финской мифологии. Ukko is the god of the sky, weather, harvest and thunder in Finnish mythology. Ukko is the god of sky, weather, harvest and thunder in Finnish mythology. Том почему-то очень зол на меня. For some reason, Tom is really mad at me. Tom is very angry with me. Не сердись на него. Don't be angry with him. Don't be mad at him. Книга тяжёлая. The book is heavy. The book is heavy. Не давай их ей. Don't give them to her. Don't give them to her. Где вы обычно покупаете одежду? Where do you usually buy clothes? Where do you usually buy clothes? Сусідська курка краща, ніж моя. My neighbor's hen is better than mine. My neighbor's chicken is better than mine. Хіба ти не згодна, що це погана ідея? Don't you agree that that's a bad idea? Don't you agree that's a bad idea? Это твои дочери. These are your daughters. These are your daughters. Я хотел бы, чтобы ты поехала. I'd like you to go. I'd like you to go. Том пессимист. Tom is pessimistic. Tom is a pessimist. Количество билетов было ограничено. The number of tickets was limited. The number of tickets was limited. Том хотів побачити Уельс. Tom wanted to see Wales. Tom wanted to see Wales. Із Томом нічого не трапиться. Nothing's going to happen to Tom. Nothing will happen to Tom. Всім моїм друзям подобається грати у комп'ютерні ігри. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends enjoy playing computer games. Вислухай його відверту думку. Listen to his candid opinion. Listen to his honest opinion. Ти мала трохи хворобливий вигляд. You looked a bit sick. You looked a little sick. Сёння найлепшы дзень у маім жыцці. Today is the best day of my life. Today is the best day of my life. Он поднял его в воздух. He lifted him in the air. He lifted it into the air. Просто дайте Тому закінчити свою рутину. Just let Tom do his spiel. Just let Tom finish his routine. Мой папа постепенно выздоравливает. My father is gradually getting better. My dad's getting better. По-моему, Том не понял вопрос. I think Tom didn't understand the question. I don't think Tom understood the question. У меня с собой почти нет мелочи. I'm very low on change right now. I hardly have any small things with me. Я была впечатлена. I was impressed. I was impressed. Вона хотіла замінити свою стару вазу новою. She wanted to replace her old vase with a new one. She wanted to replace her old vase with a new one. Кошка ловит мышь. The cat is catching a mouse. The cat catches a mouse. Лікар, перепрошую. Excuse me, Doctor. Doctor, I'm sorry. Сколько у вас тёток? How many aunts do you have? How many aunts do you have? Чому Том вирішив це зробити? Why did Tom decide to do that? Why did Tom decide to do this? Том был первым прибывшим. Tom was the first person to arrive. Tom was the first to arrive. Вона заслабка для того, щоб розмовляти. She's too weak to talk. She's too weak to talk. Ви отримали дозвіл паркуватися тут? Did you get permission to park here? Did you get permission to park here? Том з'їв мою туфлю. Tom ate my shoe. Tom ate my shoe. Я знаю, что некоторые из вас считают Тома ленивым. I know some of you think Tom is lazy. I know some of you think Tom's lazy. Я шукаю тебе. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. Том потерял свой ключ. Tom has lost his key. Tom lost his key. Всі коробкі були повні. Every box was full. All the boxes were full. Ти йдеш додому? Are you going home? Are you going home? Каждый раз, когда стучат в дверь, моя собака начинает лаять. Whenever someone knocks on the door, my dog starts barking. Every time they knock on the door, my dog starts barking. Как, по-твоему, всё прошло? How do you think it went? How do you think it went? Це можливо зробити. It's feasible. It can be done. Я его здесь никогда не видела. I've never seen him here. I've never seen him here. Вы всё поняли из того, что сказал Том? Did you understand everything that Tom said? Do you understand what Tom said? Ніхто нас не бачив. No one has seen us. No one has seen us. Не думаю, что Том нас слышал. I don't think that Tom heard us. I don't think Tom heard us. Я люблю учить другие языки. I love learning other languages. I like to learn other languages. Ми можемо побудувати сніговика пізніше. We might build a snowman later. We can build a snowman later. Гайда пливти до буйка! Let's swim out to the buoy. Hyde swim to the buoy! Почему бы нам не поспать? Why don't we get some sleep? Why don't we get some sleep? Цей готель був побудований два роки тому. This hotel was built two years ago. This hotel was built two years ago. Я думаю, что ты хорошо выглядишь. I think you look fine. I think you look good. Том уразливий. Tom is touchy. Tom is vulnerable. Ешь, пока горячее. Eat it while it's hot. Eat while it's hot. Том не знає, що йому потрібно зробити. Tom doesn't know what he needs to do. Tom doesn’t know what he needs to do. Я принял это решение сам. I made that decision on my own. I made that decision myself. Я случайно взял ваши ключи. I took your keys by mistake. I accidentally took your keys. Заварочный чайник разбился. The teapot broke. The teapot's broken. Чим ви зазвичай займаєтеся після вечері? What do you usually do after supper? What do you usually do after dinner? Адсюль дарога ідзе на поўнач. The road goes north from here. From here, the road goes north. Ти взяла вихідний. You took a day off. You took the day off. Де знаходиться Алжир? Where is Algeria? Where is Algeria? Я вдруг понял, что происходит. I suddenly realized what was happening. I suddenly realized what was going on. Том очень хороший аккордеонист. Tom is a very good accordion player. Tom is a very good accordionist. Он оставил свою сеть в своём доме. He left his net in his house. He left his net in his house. Самолёт вылетает в восемь часов утра. The plane takes off at 8:00 a.m. The plane leaves at eight in the morning. Я не прочь пригласить тебя в моё любимое кафе. Это милое, спокойное местечко с приятной атмосферой. I'd like to invite you to my favourite café. It’s a nice, relaxing place with a good vibe. I wouldn't mind inviting you to my favorite coffee shop. It's a nice, peaceful place with a pleasant atmosphere. Если бы я заметил, я бы вам сказал. If I'd noticed, I would've told you. If I had noticed, I would have told you. Навіщо ти це зробив? Why have you done this? Why would you do that? Ён не вельмі слухмяны, праўда? He isn't very obedient, is he? He's not very obedient, is he? Я сумніваюся у її словах. I doubt her words. I doubt her words. Ну, тоді розпочнімо. Then let us begin. Well, then let's get started. Тому подобається говорити про інших людей. Tom likes to talk about other people. Tom likes to talk about other people. Как зовут вашего брата? What's your brother's name? What's your brother's name? Мне не нравятся те ботинки. I don't like those shoes. I don't like those shoes. Ніхто не допоміг би мені це зробити. Nobody would help me do that. No one would help me do that. Звідки ви знаєте, що вам не потрібний особистий охоронець? How do you know you don't need a bodyguard? How do you know you don’t need a personal bodyguard? Я доволі впертий. I'm pretty stubborn. I'm pretty stubborn. На этот раз Том даже не пересёк финишную черту. Tom didn't even cross the finish line this time. This time Tom didn't even cross the finish line. Я очень не люблю тараканов. I really don't like cockroaches. I don't really like cockroaches. Том богатый и знаменитый. Tom is rich and famous. Tom is rich and famous. Де туалет? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Если бы не солнце, всё живое погибло бы. If it were not for the sun, every living thing would die. Without the sun, all life would have died. Спробуй зрозуміти. Try to understand. Try to understand. Не забудь это сделать. Don't forget to do it. Don't forget to do it. Я звик важко працювати. I'm used to working hard. I am used to working hard. Він переслідував злодія. He chased the thief. He was chasing a thief. Я не маю консервного ножа. I don't have a can opener. I don't have a cannery knife. Мы уже сделали свою часть. We've already done our part. We've already done our part. Почему я всегда голодна? Why am I always hungry? Why am I always hungry? Билета у Тома не было. Tom didn't have a ticket. Tom didn't have a ticket. Том живе на верхньому поверсі. Tom lives on the upper floor. Tom lives on the top floor. Я думал, ты её ненавидишь. I thought you hated her. I thought you hated her. Что тебе не нравится в зиме? What do you hate about winter? What don't you like about winter? Вогонь згас. The fire is out. The fire's gone. Перепрошую за мою погану французьку. I'm sorry for my bad French. Sorry about my bad French. Куда ты хочешь поехать на следующих выходных? Where do you want to go next weekend? Where do you want to go next weekend? Я не хочу, чтобы Том думал, что он должен мне растолковывать. I don't want Tom to think he has to interpret for me. I don't want Tom to think he has to explain it to me. Давайте быстрей, а то в школу опоздаете. Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. Hurry up or you'll be late for school. Плошча Рынак — гістарычны цэнтр горада. Rynok Square is the historic centre of the city. Market Square is the historic center of the city. Це не такий вже й довгий переліт. It isn't such a long flight. It's not that long a flight. Я был почти уверен, что Том этого не сделает. I was pretty sure that Tom wouldn't do that. I was pretty sure Tom wouldn't do it. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you're not being followed. Make sure you are not being followed. Одного дня ти зрозумієш. One day, you will understand. One day you will understand. Ферхат Мехенні зараз розбитий і самотній. Ferhat Mehenni is now broke and alone. Ferhat Mehenny is now broken and alone. Давайте сбавим обороты. Why don't we slow down? Let's slow down. Гэта будзе каштаваць 30 еўра. This will cost €30. It will cost 30 euros. Том єдиний, хто не вміє цього робити. Tom is the only one who can't do that. He’s the only one who can’t do that. Делу ещё далеко до конца. This is far from over. It's still a long way off. Вы что-то ещё хотите мне сказать? Is there something else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you want to tell me? Я знаю, що я потворна. I know that I am ugly. I know I'm ugly. Я готов надеть костюм и идти на работу. I'm ready to put on a suit and go to work. I'm ready to put on a suit and go to work. Ну що ж, це все пояснює. Well, that explains it. Well, that explains everything. Я знаю, що Том жадібний. I know Tom is stingy. I know Tom is greedy. Я не був нещасним. I wasn't unhappy. I wasn't unhappy. Просто відпусти Тома. Just let Tom go. Just let Tom go. У вас ще щось є? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Я не закохана у Лейлу. I'm not in love with Layla. I'm not in love with Leila. Почекай тут, будь ласка. Wait here, please. Wait here, please. Гадаєш, я гладкий? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm smooth? Спробуймо зробити це з Томом. Let's try to do that with Tom. Let's try it with Tom. Мэри дала мне хороший совет. Mary gave me some good advice. Mary gave me good advice. Нам подобаються одне й те саме. We like the same things. We like the same thing. Я её случайно встретил на Третьей авеню. I met her by accident on Third Avenue. I accidentally met her on Third Avenue. Я чуть не опоздал на собрание. I almost didn't get to the meeting on time. I was almost late for the meeting. Пожалуйста, не будьте так суровы со мной. Don't be so harsh on me please. Please don't be so harsh with me. Том написав дві книжки. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. Перестаньте бути боягузами. Stop being cowards. Stop being cowards. Том сказав мені, що Мері не їсть свинину. Tom told me Mary didn't eat pork. Tom told me Mary didn't eat pork. Я мене багато запитань. I've got a lot of questions. I have a lot of questions. Спросите кого-нибудь ещё. Ask somebody else. Ask someone else. Можно я сам? Can I do it myself? Can I do it myself? Том богат и знаменит. Tom is rich and famous. Tom is rich and famous. Вы упрямый. You're obstinate. You're stubborn. Увага! Attention! Attention! Не каждый может быть учителем. Not everyone can be a teacher. Not everyone can be a teacher. У нас немає нічого спільного, окрім того, що ми потрібні одна одній. We have nothing in common except that we need each other. We have nothing in common except that we need each other. Этот компакт-диск стоит десять долларов. This CD costs ten dollars. This CD costs ten dollars. Соседская собака всё время лает. The neighbour's dog constantly barks. The neighbor's dog barks all the time. Том розлючений. Tom is furious. Tom is angry. Послухай-но що я маю сказати. Listen to what I have to say. Listen to what I have to say. Том сказал, что все очень пьяные. Tom said everyone was very drunk. Tom said everyone was very drunk. Я возьму с Вас 1000 песет за замену молнии на этих джинсах. I'll charge you 1000 pesetas to repair the zip on these jeans. I'll charge you 1,000 pesetas to replace the zipper on those jeans. Ты должен встать рано. You have to get up early. You should get up early. Почему бы нам не быть снисходительней к Тому? Why don't we cut Tom some slack? Why don't we be lenient with Tom? Где я мог бы спрятаться? Where could I hide? Where could I hide? Том дуже легковірний. Tom is very naive. Tom is very trusting. Троянда рожева. The rose is pink. The rose is pink. У меня нет сменной одежды. I don't have a change of clothes. I don't have any change of clothes. К счастью, он не погиб в аварии. Fortunately he didn't die in the accident. Fortunately, he did not die in the accident. Я слышал, как ты пел. I heard you singing. I heard you singing. Это меня по-настоящему потрясло. That really shocked me. It really shocked me. Как называется последний день года? What's the last day of the year called? What is the last day of the year called? Тобі подобаються нові сусіди? Do you like your new neighbors? Do you like new neighbors? Ці я памыляюся? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Это ты хорошо придумал. You've got a good idea. That's a good idea. Легко полученное легко теряется. Easy come, easy go. Easily obtained is easily lost. Человек – единственное животное, способное смеяться. Humans are the only animals capable of laughter. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Відразу за лісом лежить прекрасне озеро. Just beyond the woods there lies a beautiful lake. Just behind the forest is a beautiful lake. Це не моя проблема. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Ти не смішний. You are not funny. You're not funny. Я можу тобі допомогти? Can I help you? Can I help you? Ты павінен кінуць паліць. You should quit smoking. You have to quit smoking. Том не похож на убийцу. Tom doesn't look like a killer. Tom doesn't look like a killer. Ваше мнение о Томе изменилось? Has your opinion of Tom changed? Have you changed your mind about Tom? Быть популярным непросто. It's not easy being popular. Being popular is not easy. Я раньше уже работал с Томом. I've worked with Tom before. I've worked with Tom before. В итоге Том передумал. Tom eventually changed his mind. In the end, Tom changed his mind. Она, скорее всего, откажется следовать его совету, потому что он ей не нравится. She is likely to refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him. She will most likely refuse to follow his advice because she doesn’t like him. Ненавижу больничную еду. I hate hospital food. I hate hospital food. Ти хоробрий? Are you brave? Are you brave? Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom needs to be taken to the hospital. Том знав, що ти був тут? Did Tom know you were here? Did Tom know you were here? Це сміховинно. It's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Кто поранился? Who got hurt? Who's hurt? Я боюсь, что вы потеряетесь. I am afraid that you will get lost. I'm afraid you'll get lost. Вы знаете, куда идти? Do you know where to go? Do you know where to go? Це не рідкість. That isn't uncommon. It's not uncommon. Мария Кюри была полькой, а не француженкой. Marie Curie was Polish, not French. Marie Curie was Polish, not French. Летом я перебираюсь из города. I leave the city in the summer. I move out of town in the summer. Час учити німецьку. It's time to learn German. Time to learn German. Я вмію кататися на лижах. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. Том виконує накази. Tom follows orders. Tom is following orders. Я хожу быстрее вас. I walk faster than you. I walk faster than you. Я тут же об этом пожалел. I regretted it right away. I immediately regretted it. Ані Том, ані Мері ще цього не зробили. Neither Tom nor Mary has done that yet. Neither Tom nor Mary has done it yet. Вы памятаеце мяне? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Его никто не спросил. Nobody asked him. No one asked him. Том раскрыл зонт. Tom opened his umbrella. Tom opened the umbrella. Это именно та реакция, на которую я надеялся. That's exactly the reaction that I was hoping for. That’s the reaction I was hoping for. Доводы против этого следующие. The reasons against this are as follows. The arguments against this are as follows. Я хотел бы поговорить с тобой о Томе. I'd like to talk to you about Tom. I'd like to talk to you about Tom. Ты была в Австралии? Have you visited Australia? Have you been to Australia? Яна павярнулася, калі пачула яго голас. She turned around when she heard his voice. She turned when she heard his voice. Мы заменім бягучую версію пры абнаўленні. We will replace the current version with the upgrade. We'll replace the current version when we update. Вход на стадион был обильно украшен корпоративными логотипами. A slew of corporate logos adorned the entrance to the soccer match. The entrance to the stadium was heavily decorated with corporate logos. Ты рад, что мы это сделали? Are you glad we did this? Are you glad we did this? Том пришёл поиграть. Tom came to play. Tom came to play. Я пам'ятаю лише уривки. I can only remember fragments. I only remember passages. Я хочу знать, где это. I want to know where it is. I want to know where it is. Иногда да, иногда нет. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Годинник зупинився. The clock stopped. The clock stopped. Том это видел? Did Tom see this? Did Tom see that? Ты можаш вучыцца тут. You can study here. You can study here. Том сказал Мэри, где ей сесть. Tom told Mary where to sit. Tom told Mary where to sit. Наступны раз я зраблю гэта сама. Next time I will do it myself. Next time I'll do it myself. Кому принадлежит это имущество? Who owns this property? Who owns this property? Этот суп отдаёт рыбой. This soup smacks of fish. This soup gives fish. Поставте крапку, будь ласка. Please put a full stop. Put a dot on it, please. Ви живете десь поруч? Do you live around here? Do you live somewhere nearby? Image Viewer — праграма для прагляду выяў. Гэта невялічкая праграма з базавай функцыянальнасцю. У яе перакладзе могуць удзельнічаць карыстальнікі праэкта Tatoeba. Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users. Image Viewer is an image viewer. It is a small application with basic functionality. It can be translated by users of the Tatoeba project. Я для гэтага занадта стары. I'm too old for this. I'm too old for this. Дай мені щось, чим писати. Give me something to write with. Give me something to write. Заказывай сейчас. Order now. Order now. Том не хоче залишатись менеджером середньої ланки до завершення своєї кар'єри. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his career in middle management. Tom does not want to remain a middle-level manager until the end of his career. Мене завжди цікавили паранормальні явища. I've always had an interest in the paranormal. I have always been interested in paranormal phenomena. Вітаю. Hello! Hello. Я знаю, на что они похожи. I know what they're like. I know what they look like. Все были заинтригованы этим. Everyone was intrigued by that. Everyone was intrigued by this. Не трэба есці сырых смаўжоў. You shouldn't eat raw snails. You don't have to eat raw concoctions. Який у Мері улюблений серіал? What's Mary's favourite series? What is Mary's favorite series? Він сів у крісло. He sat down in the armchair. He sat in a chair. Ждите меня здесь, пожалуйста. Please wait here for me. Wait for me here, please. Який чудовий винахід - штучний інтелект! What a great invention artificial intelligence is! What a wonderful invention - artificial intelligence! Эмили хочет стать электриком. Emily wants to be an electrician. Emily wants to be an electrician. Знает ли Том, что такое любовь? Does Tom know what love is? Does Tom know what love is? Вы узнали, кто та женщина? Did you find out who that woman was? Do you know who that woman is? Мне в последнее время очень одиноко. I've been feeling very lonely recently. I've been very lonely lately. Том отправил Мэри телеграмму. Tom sent a telegram to Mary. Tom sent Mary a telegram. Держись отсюда подальше. Stay away from here. Stay out of here. Они родственники. They're related to each other. They're relatives. Насчёт этого ты ошибаешься. You're wrong about this. You're wrong about that. Ты хотел, чтобы я тебя проводил? Did you want me to accompany you? You wanted me to walk you? Я лише жартую. I'm just joking. I'm just kidding. Расскажите ему, что вы знаете. Tell him what you know. Tell him what you know. Знаешь, что мы забыли? You know what we forgot? You know what we forgot? Самі размаўляў па тэлефоне. Sami was on the phone. I was talking on the phone myself. Он стоял там и наблюдал за Томом. He stood there, watching Tom. He stood there and watched Tom. Анна повернулася обличчям до стіни й почала рахувати: "Раз, два, три, чотири, п'ять, шість, сім, вісім, дев'ять десять. Я йду шукати!" І вона пішла шукати своїх друзів, які за цей час сховалися. Anna turned her face to the wall and began to count: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come!" Then she started searching for her friends, who had hidden themselves in the meantime. Anna turned her face to the wall and began to count: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ten. I'm going to look!" And she went to look for her friends, who during this time were hiding. Том загинув у автомобільній аварії. Tom got killed in a traffic accident. Tom died in a car accident. Твая котка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Я думав, ми сьогодні не побачимося знову. I thought we wouldn't see each other again today. I thought we wouldn't see each other again today. Когда вы ждёте Тома обратно? When do you expect Tom to be back? When are you waiting for Tom back? Я знаю, сколько Вам лет. I know how old you are. I know how old you are. Ты ведь чешка? You're Czech, aren't you? You're Czech, aren't you? Возьмите мой. Take mine. Take mine. Том бывал здесь много раз. Tom has been here several times. Tom has been here many times. Скажи ей, что я не хочу идти. Tell her I don't want to go. Tell her I don't want to go. Сегодня я во всём портачу. Today I am messing up everything. I'm spoiling everything today. Я сделал то, что я обещал сделать для них. I did what I promised to do for them. I did what I promised to do for them. Це засмутило Тома. It made Tom sad. It upset Tom. Понюхайте это. Smell this. Smell it. Я стараюсь держаться подальше от политики и её неадекватностей. I am trying to distance myself from politics and its inadequacies. I try to stay away from politics and its inadequacies. Я думал, Том - Ваш муж. I thought Tom was your husband. I thought Tom was your husband. Я бачу кветку на стале. I see a flower on the desk. I see a flower on the table. Я весь день прибирав у гаражі. I spent all day cleaning the garage. I've been cleaning in the garage all day. Ці ты п'яны? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Это не тот ответ, которого мы ожидали. That isn't the response that we expected. That’s not the answer we expected. Я встретил одну пожилую женщину. I met an elderly woman. I met an old woman. Я змінився. I've changed. I've changed. Пол обожает шоколад. Paul loves chocolate. Paul loves chocolate. Я ще не знаю. I don't know yet. I don't know yet. Вы что, не понимаете этого? You don't understand it, do you? Don't you understand that? Том пообещал съездить с нами в Бостон. Tom has promised to go to Boston with us. Tom promised to come with us to Boston. Я іноді дуже недбалий. I'm sometimes very careless. I am sometimes very careless. Гэтае апавяданне асабліва цікавае. This story is especially interesting. This story is particularly interesting. Последний раз Мэри видели, когда она садилась к Тому в машину. Mary was last seen getting into Tom's vehicle. Mary was last seen getting into Tom's car. Том хотел, чтобы Мэри знала. Tom wanted Mary to know. Tom wanted Mary to know. Нікуди не ходи. Don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere. Шторм принёс много разрушений. The storm has destroyed a lot. The storm caused a lot of damage. Я знаю, що Том нам сказав неправду. I know that Tom has lied to us. I know Tom told us a lie. Она настояла, чтобы я поехал. She insisted that I go. She insisted I go. Вы не поверите, что Том мне рассказал! You won't believe what Tom told me! You won't believe what Tom told me! Я сломал сцепление. I broke the clutch. I broke the clutch. Том посмотрел в зеркало. Tom looked in the mirror. Tom looked in the mirror. Лай этой собаки не испугает и ребёнка. That dog's bark wouldn't even scare off a baby. The barking of this dog will not frighten the child. Я не дотрагивался до твоей гитары. I didn't touch your guitar. I didn't touch your guitar. У нас шмат снегу зімой. We have a lot of snow in the winter. We have a lot of snow in the winter. Ти врятувала мені життя. You have saved my life. You saved my life. Я посмотрю документальный фильм. I will watch a documentary. I'll watch the documentary. Наша страна очень богата нефтью. Our country is very rich in oil. Our country is very rich in oil. Я знаю, що для тебе це просто. I know it's easy for you. I know it's easy for you. Я больше не хочу слышать никаких оправданий. I don't want to hear any more excuses. I don't want to hear any more excuses. Лучше бы я не просил Тома о помощи. I wish that I hadn't asked Tom for help. I wish I hadn't asked Tom for help. Проигравший вёл с брейком во всех трёх отданных им сетах. The loser was up a break in all three sets he lost. The loser led with a break in all three sets given to him. Моя автівка у ремонті. My car is being repaired. My car is in repair. Том геть не сором'язливий. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom is not shy. Відкрий цей подарунок першим. Open this present first. Open the gift first. Эти туфли мои. These shoes are mine. These shoes are mine. Я обниму Тома. I'll hug Tom. I'll hug Tom. У нас чудова команда. Our team is amazing. We have a great team. В этих местах нередко можно услышать волчий вой. It's not uncommon to hear wolves howling around here. In these places, you can often hear a wolf howl. Я не верю, что вы не видели там Тома. I don't believe that you didn't see Tom there. I don't believe you didn't see Tom there. Де масло? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Ми повинні робити це частіше. We must do this more often. We should do it more often. Советский Союз поддержал Алжир. The USSR supported Algeria. The Soviet Union supported Algeria. Я хочу повидать своих друзей в Канаде. I want to see my friends in Canada. I want to see my friends in Canada. Я отримую освіту вдома. I'm homeschooled. I get an education at home. Поговори со своими детьми. Talk to your children. Talk to your kids. Никто тебя не ненавидит. Nobody hates you. No one hates you. Я відразу ж зателефонувала Тому. I immediately called Tom. I immediately called Tom. Том думав, що прокинуся, але насправді йому ще снився сон. Tom thought that he had woken up from his dream, but in fact he was still dreaming. Tom thought he would wake up, but he still had a dream. Я вроде ясно выразился. I thought I made that clear. I kind of made myself clear. Цей пан - дуже відомий піаніст. The gentleman is a very famous pianist. This gentleman is a very famous pianist. Ты кто? Прости, я тебя не помню. Who are you? Sorry, I don't remember you. I'm sorry, I don't remember you. Ти вчишся найкраще, коли робиш те, що любиш. You learn best when doing things you like. You learn best when you do what you love. Тому, возможно, придётся это сделать. Tom might have to do it. Tom might have to do it. "Ты торопишься?" - "Не очень". "Are you in a hurry?" "Not really." "Are you in a hurry?" "Not really." Гаразд, я вкушу. OK, I'll bite. Okay, I'll eat it. Вона може ставити питання і відповідати на них. She can ask and answer questions. She can ask questions and answer them. Это часто происходит? Does that happen often? Does it happen often? Як вам подобається це містечко? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? Я хочу научиться играть на гитаре так же, как вы. I want to learn to play the guitar like you. I want to learn to play guitar just like you. Ніхто не слухав промову. Nobody was listening to the speech. No one listened to the speech. Мы с ним родственные души. He and I are kindred spirits. He and I are soul mates. Мені ніхто з них не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Я ем только один раз в день. I only eat one meal a day. I only eat once a day. Может ли это быть приемлемым для вас? Would this be acceptable to you? Could this be acceptable to you? Зонтик сломался. The umbrella is broken. Umbrella's broken. Ви седриті на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're sedating on Tom, aren't you? Когда-нибудь я узнаю, кто были мои родители. One day, I'll find out who my parents were. Someday I'll find out who my parents were. Вы меня многому научили. You taught me a lot. You taught me a lot. Он феминист? Is he a feminist? Is he a feminist? Как только она открыла дверь, наружу выбежал кот. As soon as she opened the door, a cat ran out. As soon as she opened the door, the cat ran out. Можешь брать мою машину, когда захочешь. You can borrow my car whenever you want. You can take my car whenever you want. Вы канадка? Are you a Canadian? Are you Canadian? Том вытянул руку ладонью вверх. Tom held out his hand, palm up. Tom held his hand up. Ты чаго такі сумны? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Я ніколи нічого нікому не сказав. I never said anything to anybody. I never said anything to anyone. Такого обычно не бывает. Things like this don't usually happen. That doesn't usually happen. Вы пойдёте с ней? Will you go with her? Will you go with her? Том чекав, щоб Мері пішла спати. Tom waited for Mary to go to sleep. Tom was waiting for Mary to go to bed. Я не имею ни малейшего понятия, какая у Тома фамилия. I don't have any idea what Tom's last name is. I have no idea what Tom's last name is. Я ел икру. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. Народ паўстаў супраць караля. The people rebelled against the king. The people rebelled against the king. Вот всегда ты такая. You're always like this. You're always like that. Возьмите ещё один, если хотите. Take another one if you want. Take another one if you want. Вам нравится этот спектакль? Do you like this show? Do you like this show? Не помню, чтобы я был в Бостоне. I don't remember visiting Boston. I don't remember being in Boston. Я уяви не мала, що Том — твій син. I had no idea that Tom was your son. I had no idea Tom was your son. Лучше потерпеть неудачу, чем добиться успеха путем обмана. Fail with honor rather than succeed by fraud. It is better to fail than to succeed by cheating. Я прочекав під дощем принаймні хвилин із десять. I was kept waiting in the rain for as long as ten minutes. I waited in the rain for at least ten minutes. Вы слышали последние слухи? Have you heard the latest rumours? Have you heard the latest rumors? Я хотел танцевать. I wanted to dance. I wanted to dance. Она сдала экзамен. She passed the examination. She passed the exam. Вона не вміє ані писати, ані читати. She cannot write or read. She can neither write nor read. Том не слушал наставления Мэри. Tom didn't listen to Mary's instructions. Tom didn't listen to Mary's instructions. Тому это совсем не понравится. Tom won't like this at all. Tom won't like it at all. Кто-то подкопался под наш забор. Something burrowed under our fence. Someone's been digging under our fence. У Тома є молодший брат, якого звуть Джон. Tom has a younger brother named John. Tom has a younger brother named John. Мне нравится цвет твоей рубашки. I like the color of your shirt. I like the color of your shirt. На улице слишком жарко. It's too hot outside. It's too hot outside. Ви колись бачили ДТП? Have you ever seen a car accident? Have you ever seen an accident? Вона живе у селі. She is living in the village. She lives in the village. Хто яна? Who's she? Who is she? Вони їдять. They eat. They eat. Мне нравится быть здесь. I like to be here. I love being here. Хто я такий, щоб судити інших? Who am I to judge other people? Who am I to judge others? У мене дуже болить голова. My head really hurts. I have a headache. Гэта цябе не датычыцца. It's none of your business. That won't touch you. Мой отец после ужина обычно смотрит телевизор. My father usually watches TV after dinner. My dad usually watches TV after dinner. Поедание мяса вредит вашему здоровью и окружающей среде. Eating meat is bad for your health and for the environment. Eating meat is harmful to your health and the environment. Я там учора була. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Я думал, тебе нравится со мной играть. I thought that you liked playing with me. I thought you liked playing with me. Я бы не стал жить в Бостоне. I wouldn't live in Boston. I wouldn't live in Boston. Мэри удалось скрыться от преследователей. Mary managed to escape from her pursuers. Mary managed to escape from the pursuers. Окуляри Самі десь в саду. Sami's glasses are somewhere in the garden. Glasses are somewhere in the garden. Не думаю, что Тому надо завтра приходить. I don't think that Tom has to come tomorrow. I don't think Tom should come tomorrow. Я хочу, чтобы ты поехала. I want you to go. I want you to go. Её Анна зовут? Is her name Anna? Her name is Anna? Не похоже, чтобы ты так уж беспокоился. You don't look all that concerned. I don't think you're that worried. Я був наївний. I was naive. I was naive. Ты бы на моём месте сделал то же самое. You would've done the same if you were me. You'd do the same if you were me. Ты превысил свои полномочия. You have overstepped your authority. You exceeded your authority. Не злись на меня. Don't get mad at me. Don't be mad at me. Тигри — не домашні тварини. Tigers aren't pets. Tigers are not pets. Я спостерігав за Томом. I was watching Tom. I was watching Tom. Надеюсь, ты не боишься его использовать. I hope that you're not afraid to use it. I hope you're not afraid to use it. Это не тот ответ, который я ожидал услышать. That isn't the response that I expected. That’s not the answer I expected to hear. Сколько тебе было лет, когда ты переехал в Бостон? How old were you when you moved to Boston? How old were you when you moved to Boston? Как я могу сбросить вес? How can I lose weight? How can I lose weight? Почему вы не припарковались ближе ко входу? Why didn't you park closer to the entrance? Why didn't you park closer to the entrance? Білизна ще не висохла. The laundry isn't dry yet The underwear is not dry yet. Чутки були правдиві. The rumors were true. The rumors were true. Я тоже с этим не согласен, но правила есть правила. I don't agree with it either, but rules are rules. I don’t agree with that either, but the rules are the rules. Я сделаю всё, что пожелаешь. I'll do whatever you wish. I'll do whatever you want. Курка недоварена. The chicken is undercooked. Chicken's not good enough. В библиотеке есть потайная дверь. There's a hidden door in the library. There is a secret door in the library. Я зателефонувала з будинку Тома. I called from Tom's house. I called from Tom's house. Він у шкільній футбольній команді. He's a member of the school football team. He's on the school football team. Звідки ми знаємо, що ми можемо вам довіряти? How do we know we can trust you? How do we know we can trust you? Вони зрозуміють. They will understand. They'll understand. Её нет дома. Она на работе. She isn't home. She's at work. She's not home. Я никогда не говорил ей о своих чувствах. I never told her how I felt. I never told her about my feelings. Життя іноді таке несправедливе. Sometimes, life is so unjust. Life is sometimes so unfair. Вони змусили мене брехати. They forced me to lie. They made me lie. Вона рабиня моди. She's a fashion slave. She's a fashion slave. Я провалился на экзамене. I failed the exam. I failed the exam. Как вы думаете, кто мы? Who do you think we are? Who do you think we are? Позволь мне открыть дверь. Let me open the door. Let me open the door. Двор без женщин как сад без цветов. A yard without women is like a garden without flowers. A yard without women is like a garden without flowers. Хіба ви не бачите, чим займаються Том із Мері? Can't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Can't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Том, нет нужды извиняться. Tom, there isn't any need to apologize. Tom, there's no need to apologize. Я пообідав три години тому. I had lunch three hours ago. I had lunch three hours ago. Спроси кого-нибудь ещё. Ask someone else. Ask someone else. Я забыла полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to water the flowers. Цукіні зялёныя. Zucchinis are green. Tsukini is green. Вы можете сделать это сами? Can you do it by yourself? Can you do it yourself? Законно ли в вашей стране владение огнестрельным оружием? Is gun ownership legal in your country? Is it legal to own a firearm in your country? Не спорьте со мной. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Завтра у нас немає уроків. We have no school tomorrow. We have no lessons tomorrow. Я цікаўлюся. I am curious. I'm curious. Кітайскія іерогліфы вельмі прыгожыя. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Хіба вас це не турбує? Aren't you bothered by this? Doesn't that bother you? Скільки разів на рік ти відвідуєш зубного лікаря. How many times do you go to the dentist in a year? How many times a year do you visit a dentist? Том зробив це для дітей. Tom did that for the children. Tom did it for the kids. Том здатний це зробити. Tom is able to do that. Tom can do that. Ти будеш здивована, але ці маленькі черви - активні хижаки. You'll be surprised but these little worms are active carnivores. You'll be surprised, but these little worms are active predators. Мальчики его не боятся. The boys are not afraid of him. The boys are not afraid of him. Он сказал, что ему страшно. He said he was afraid. He said he was scared. Я почти никогда так рано не встаю. I hardly ever get up this early. I almost never get up so early. Ці ты ў сябе? Are you home? Are you in? Вам нужно её послушать. You need to listen to her. You need to listen to her. Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know that Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom can't speak French? Том очень хорошо играет на скрипке. Tom plays the violin very well. Tom plays the violin very well. У вас есть сковородка побольше? Do you have a bigger pan? Do you have a bigger frying pan? Я був тоді тверезий. I was very sober at the time. I was sober then. Я поміряла капелюх. I tried on the hat. I washed my hat. Щось сталося? Did something happen? Did something happen? Прости, я не разговаривал с тобой целый месяц. I'm sorry, I haven't talked to you in a whole month. I'm sorry, I haven't talked to you in a month. Тобі телефонує Том. Tom is calling you. Tom's calling you. Играй с кошками. Play with the cats. Play with cats. Почему бы нам не попробовать? Why don't we try that? Why don't we try? Тома будет не так-то просто обмануть. Tom won't be so easy to deceive. Tom will not be fooled. Вы бы на моём месте поступили так же. You would've done the same if you were me. You would have done the same if you were me. Навіть вчитель може робити помилки. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Even teachers can make mistakes. Ты такой смешной, хоть помирай. You're so funny I could die. You're so funny, at least die. Зі мною такого не могло трапитися. It couldn't happen to me. That couldn't have happened to me. Том с вами вчера не говорил? Didn't Tom speak to you yesterday? Tom didn't talk to you last night? Ви знаєте чоловіка, що стоїть он там? Do you know that man standing over there? Do you know the man standing there? Нам не хватило времени завершить это. We didn't have enough time to finish doing that. We didn't have time to finish it. Том більше не член цього клубу. Tom is no longer a member of this club. He is no longer a member of the club. Девочки, с которыми ты разговаривал, - мои ученицы. The girls you were talking to are my students. The girls you talked to are my students. Ваша команда сильніша, ніж наша. Your team is stronger than ours. Your team is stronger than ours. Это будет легко проверить. That'll be easy to check. It will be easy to check. Моя мати любить їсти домашній сир. My mother loves to eat cottage cheese. My mother likes to eat homemade cheese. Выигрыш в лотерее не принёс Тому счастья. Winning the lottery didn't bring Tom happiness. Winning the lottery did not bring Tom happiness. Скажи Тому, що ти бачив сьогодні. Tell Tom what you saw today. Tell me what you saw today. Я ніколи не бачив її до того часу. I had never seen her before that time. I had never seen her before. Это было убедительно. It was persuasive. That was convincing. Я сильно захворів. I got real sick. I'm very sick. Запишіть це, будь ласка. Please write it down. Write it down, please. Відсвяткуймо нашу перемогу! Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory! Почему я должен просить у Тома разрешения? Why should I ask Tom for permission? Why should I ask Tom for permission? Похоже, скоро что-то произойдёт. It looks like something's going to happen soon. Looks like something's about to happen. Ты об этом слышал? Did you hear of it? Did you hear about that? Вы знаете брата Тома? Do you know Tom's brother? Do you know Tom's brother? Автобусы отправляются каждые полчаса. Buses leave every thirty minutes. Buses leave every half hour. Ви були активними. You were active. You were active. Каковы преимущества вашего метода? What are the benefits of your method? What are the advantages of your method? Мы не хотели ехать в Бостон, но у нас не было выбора. We didn't want to go to Boston, but we had no choice. We didn't want to go to Boston, but we had no choice. Слухайте уважно. Listen closely. Listen carefully. Скільки разів я повинна говорити вам не їсти цукерки перед вечерею? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy before dinner? How many times should I tell you not to eat candy before dinner? Як французькою сказати «привіт»? How do you say "hello" in French? How to say “hello” in French? Я принёс гитару. I brought my guitar. I brought the guitar. Эта ткань пристаёт к твоей коже. This cloth sticks to your skin. This fabric sticks to your skin. Я повернусь. I will return. I'll turn around. І што? So what? And what? Не давайте Тому ни есть, ни пить. Don't give Tom anything to eat or drink. Don't let Tom eat or drink. Я погано витримую вологість. I can't stand humidity. I can't stand the humidity. Пойду взгляну. I'll go take a look. I'll take a look. Том пошел туда после школы. Tom went there after school. Tom went there after school. Эта книга новая. It's a new book. This book is new. Я хотел бы ещё раз с ней поговорить. I'd like to speak to her again. I'd like to talk to her again. Ти загуглив? Did you google it? Are you googling? Том оставил Мэри короткое сообщение. Tom left Mary a short message. Tom left Mary a short message. Картон прочнее бумаги. Cardboard is stronger than paper. Cardboard is stronger than paper. Той хліб щойно спечений. That bread is freshly made. That bread is just baked. Ми не дуже добре розуміємося на математиці. We're not good at maths. I don’t understand mathematics very well. Подождите меня здесь, пожалуйста. Please wait here for me. Wait for me here, please. Чому ти певна, що Том не здасть іспит? How are you sure Tom won't pass the exam? Why are you sure Tom won't pass the exam? Злее он, верно, ещё не бывал. Завидное самообладание с его стороны – не взрываться. This is probably the angriest he's ever been. Admirable restraint on his part not to lash out. That's right, he's never been before. The enviable self-control on his part is not to explode. Море заспокоїлось. The sea has become calm. The sea calmed down. Сколько на столе бокалов? How many glasses are on the table? How many glasses are on the table? От лайно. Crap. Shit. Де ти вивчила латину? Where did you learn Latin? Where did you learn Latin? Я не знаю, во сколько должно начаться собрание. I don't know what time the meeting is supposed to start. I don't know what time the meeting should start. Том стонал. Tom was moaning. Tom was moaning. В квартире есть также небольшой балкон. The flat also has a small balcony. The apartment also has a small balcony. Она была поглощена написанием стихотворения. She was absorbed in writing a poem. She was obsessed with writing a poem. Ви зраджуєте. You're cheating. You're cheating. Ви маєте час. You have time. You have time. Я ніколи не бачив її такою. I've never seen her like that. I've never seen her like this. Не думаю, что у Тома достаточно денег, чтобы купить билет. I don't think that Tom has enough money to buy a ticket. I don't think Tom has enough money to buy a ticket. Давай його привітаємо. Let's congratulate him. Let's say hi to him. Человек был приговорён к смерти. The man was condemned to death. The man was sentenced to death. У меня столько же книг, сколько у Тома. I have the same number of books as Tom has. I have as many books as Tom. Я живу в этом отеле. I live in this hotel. I live in this hotel. Я поставив свою валізу. I put down my suitcase. I put my suitcase down. Мы здесь оба по одной и той же причине. We're both here for the same reason. We're both here for the same reason. Гэта наш цягнік. That's our train. That's our train. Новыя станцыі метро: «Грушаўка», «Міхалова» і «Пятроўшчына» — адчыняць на Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі. New Metro stations — ‘Hrušaŭka’, ‘Michalova’ and ‘Piatroŭščyna’ — will be opened on October Revolution Day. New metro stations: Grushevka, Mikhalova and Petrovshchina will open on October Revolution Day. Мені цікаво, чи Том хотів заспівати. I wonder whether Tom wanted to sing or not. I wonder if Tom wanted to sing. У меня в комнате холодно. It's cold in my room. It's cold in my room. Мы слышали, как кто-то кричал. We heard someone scream. We heard someone screaming. Ванильное мороженое мне нравится больше, чем шоколадное. I like vanilla ice cream better than chocolate ice cream. I like ice cream more than chocolate. Том сейчас на конференции. Tom is at a conference now. Tom is at the conference. Вы уже поужинали? Have you eaten supper yet? Have you had dinner yet? Я редко вас с Томом вижу. I rarely see you and Tom. I rarely see you and Tom. Де туалет? Where is the restroom? Where's the toilet? Я ґей. I'm gay. I'm Gay. Яна закахалася ў новага настаўніка. She fell in love with the new teacher. She fell in love with a new teacher. Можна мені твій номер телефону? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your phone number? Том умеет играть на ксилофоне. Tom can play the xylophone. Tom knows how to play xylophone. Токипона - это попытка воссоздать первый язык, на котором говорили в пещерах Африки. Toki Pona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Tokipona is an attempt to recreate the first language spoken in the caves of Africa. Вчера я отправился на работу в восемь утра и вернулся домой в восемь вечера. Yesterday, I went to work at eight in the morning and came home at eight at night. Yesterday I went to work at eight in the morning and came home at eight in the evening. Понюхайте це. Smell this. Smell it. Не перажывай, будзь шчаслівы! Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry, be happy! Бостон мне совсем не понравился. I didn't like Boston at all. I didn’t like Boston at all. Скільки років Дональду Трампу? How old is Donald Trump? How old is Donald Trump? Я учусь водить машину. I'm learning how to drive. I'm learning to drive. Сильный ветер затих ночью. The strong wind died away at night. The strong wind calmed at night. Том нахмурыўся. Tom frowned. Tom frowned. Я понятия не имею, зачем Том это сделал. I have no idea why Tom did it. I have no idea why Tom did it. Ты хочешь, чтобы я зашла? You want me to come in? You want me to come in? Наступного ранку сніговик повністю розтанув. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next morning, the snowman completely melted. У мене на вас інші плани. I have other plans for you. I have other plans for you. Мы можем на него рассчитывать. We can count on him. We can count on him. Мері втратила рукавички. Mary lost her mittens. Mary lost her gloves. Хто полагодив вікно? Who fixed the window? Who fixed the window? Он скрывал этот факт от меня. He concealed the fact from me. He hid this fact from me. Просто йди до своєї кімнати. Just go to your room. Just go to your room. Мій психіатр — доктор Джексон. My psychiatrist is Dr. Jackson. My psychiatrist is Dr. Jackson. Окна открыты? Are the windows open? Are the windows open? Гэта рыба. This is fish. It's a fish. Том никогда не кладет сахар в свой кофе. Tom never puts sugar in his coffee. Tom never puts sugar in his coffee. Чому б нам замість цього не поїхати до Австралії? Why don't we go to Australia instead? Why not go to Australia instead? Ти панда. You're a panda. You're a panda. У меня к вам один вопрос. I have one question for you. I have one question for you. Вони замінили вугілля нафтою. They replaced coal with oil. They replaced coal with oil. Вам потрібно одягти сорочку. You must put on a shirt. You need to wear a shirt. 100 років ти мені снився! I couldn't care less about you. I have been dreaming for 100 years! Можно мы здесь сядем? Can we sit here? Can we sit here? Его любовь ко мне не ведает границ. His love for me knows no limits. His love for me knows no bounds. Том зараз зі мною. Tom is with me now. Tom is with me now. Я з великої родини. I come from a large family. I come from a big family. Ты когда-нибудь был в том ресторане? Have you ever been to that restaurant? Have you ever been to that restaurant? Том сказав, що планує поїхати в понеділок. Tom said that he planned to go Monday. Tom said he plans to leave on Monday. Том передав вам щось для мене? Did Tom give you anything for me? Did Tom give you something for me? Вам нравится переводить? Do you like translating? Do you like to translate? Він мусив поїхати з села. He had to leave the village. He had to leave the village. Чаму ты плачаш? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Яна атрымала залаты медаль. She took the gold medal. She received a gold medal. Як ви вивчили есперанто? How did you learn Esperanto? How did you learn Esperanto? То́му не хватает денег. Tom is out of money. He doesn't have enough money. Паглядзі на гэта з яго пункту гледжання. Look at it from his point of view. Look at it from his point of view. Я приеду через несколько дней. I'll come in a few days. I'll be there in a few days. Том чекає, щоб Мері ввійшла. Tom is waiting for Mary to come in. Tom is waiting for Mary to come in. Кто написал то письмо? Who wrote that letter? Who wrote that letter? Где вы с Томом познакомились? Where did you and Tom first meet? Where did you and Tom meet? Думаешь, я не хочу? Do you think I don't want to? You think I don't want to? У тебя до сих пор с этим проблемы? Are you still having trouble with that? You still have a problem with that? В следующий раз я принесу молоток. Next time, I'll bring a hammer. Next time, I'll get a hammer. Том коллекционировал марки. Tom collected stamps. Tom was collecting stamps. Я проста не веру табе. I just don't trust you. I just don't believe you. Є ще речі, які ми повинні знати. There are still things we need to know. There are still things we need to know. Он всем нам понравился. We all liked him. We all liked him. Я знаю, к кому мы можем обратиться за помощью. I know who we can get to help us. I know who we can turn to for help. Какая твоя любимая цифра? What is your favourite number? What's your favorite number? Вы можете идти домой. You can go home. You can go home. Я ніколи не потрапляв у халепу. I never got into any trouble. I've never been in trouble. «Почему ты это сделал, Том?» – «Ничего я не делал!» "Why did you do it, Tom?" "I didn't do anything!" "Why did you do that, Tom?" "I didn't do anything!" Том поїхав до бібліотеки. Tom has gone to the library. Tom went to the library. Вам нужно практиковаться. You need to practice. You need to practice. Почему мы не садимся в машину? Why don't we get in the car? Why don't we get in the car? Я не знаю, откуда у неё мой телефон. I don't know how she got my phone number. I don't know where she got my phone from. Если бы не было солнца, всё живое погибло бы. If it were not for the sun, every living thing would die. Without the sun, all life would have died. Том экономный. Tom is frugal. Tom is economical. Смотрите, чтобы собака вас не укусила. Watch out, that the dog doesn't bite you. Make sure your dog does not bite you. Це нічого не вартує. It costs nothing. It's not worth anything. Ви громадяни США? Are you US citizens? Are you citizens of the United States? Де ваші манери? Where are your manners? Where are your manners? У этого есть свои преимущества. This has its advantages. It has its advantages. Тому не понравилось печенье, которое испекла Мэри. Tom didn't like the cookies that Mary baked. He didn't like the cookies that Mary baked. Наш новый магазин должен открыться в октябре. Our new store is due to open in October. Our new store is due to open in October. Я зварила спагеті. I made spaghetti. I cooked spaghetti. Вы говорили об этом со своей женой? Have you spoken to your wife about that? Did you talk about it with your wife? Том бывает таким гондоном. Tom can be such a jerk. Tom is such a gondola. Том всё ещё жив. Tom is still alive. Tom is still alive. Ученые объясняют это иначе. Scientists interpret it differently. Scientists explain it differently. Прежде всего, мы проанализируем факты. First of all, we'll analyze the facts. First, we analyze the facts. Том проти куріння. Tom is against smoking. Tom is smoking. Хіба не було б чудово, якби Том це зробив? Wouldn't it be nice if Tom did that? Wouldn't it be great if Tom did? Они присвоили победу себе. They appropriated the victory. They took the victory for themselves. Хто той, хто ніколи не ходить вчитися до бібліотеки? Who's the one who never goes to study in the library? Who is the one who never goes to the library? Без очков Сами дальше собственного носа ничего не видит. Without his glasses, Sami can't see anything in front of his nose. Without glasses, Sami sees nothing further than his own nose. Рятуйся. Save yourself. Save yourself. Нічого з того, що я зробила, не допомогло. Nothing I did helped. Nothing I did helped. Ви, звичайно ж, розумна. You certainly are smart. You are, of course, smart. Ти мене підвела. You've let me down. You let me down. Це навряд чи. It's unlikely. I don't think so. У всех есть слабости. Everybody has weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses. А если он сейчас вернется? What if he comes back now? What if he comes back now? Мы разулись. We took our shoes off. We're gone. Яна не хоча гаварыць пра гэта. She doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want to talk about it. Мы должны немедленно перевязать рану. We must bandage the wound immediately. We need to tie the wound right away. Том был в соломенной шляпе. Tom was wearing a straw hat. Tom was wearing a straw hat. Спасибо, что взяли его на рыбалку. Thanks for taking him fishing. Thanks for taking him fishing. Ми читаємо. We're reading. We read. Я никогда не говорил Мэри о своих чувствах. I never told Mary how I felt. I never told Mary about my feelings. Відповідай просто зараз. Answer me right now. Answer it now. У него много талантов. He has many talents. He's got a lot of talent. Я не знаю, что Том сделал. I don't know what Tom has done. I don't know what Tom did. Этот город построен из стеклянных замков. This city is made out of glass castles. This city is built of glass castles. Ми нічого тобі не винні. We owe you nothing. We don't owe you anything. Чому ви танцюєте? Why are you dancing? Why are you dancing? Попрошу рахунок, будь ласка. Give me the bill, please. I'll ask for an account, please. У вас трое детей. You have three children. You have three children. Ворожі армії було розбито. The enemies' armies were defeated. The enemy army was defeated. Сделайте это осторожно. Do it gently. Do it carefully. Час учити німецьку мову. It's time to learn the German language. Time to learn German. Интересно, что бы сказал Том, если бы это произошло. I wonder what Tom would say if that happened. I wonder what Tom would have said if that had happened. Он друг моей жены, а не мой. He's my wife's friend, not mine. He's my wife's friend, not mine. Я не хочу до вас прискіпуватися. I don't mean to nag you. I don't want to mess with you. Хорошая идея пришла ей в голову в последний момент. A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. A good idea came to mind at the last minute. Він бігає до станції щоранку. He runs to the station every morning. He runs to the station every morning. Проста будзь шчаслівай. Just be happy. Just be happy. Мне уйти? Should I leave? Should I go? Чтобы жить, мне необязательно быть мусульманином. I don't have to be a Muslim to live my life. To live, I don’t have to be a Muslim. Це остання крапля! That's the last straw! This is the last drop! Ты безнадёжен. You're hopeless. You're hopeless. Он громко храпел во сне. While sleeping, he snored loudly. He snored loudly in his sleep. Ти хочеш піти на футбольний матч? Do you want to go to a football match? Do you want to go to a football match? Ми тут заради Тома. We're here for Tom. We're here for Tom. Неужели ты позвал Тома? Did you ever call Tom? Did you call Tom? Шахматы - инструмент обучения старше классных досок, печатных книг, компаса и телескопа. Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope. Chess is a tool for learning older than class boards, printed books, compass and telescope. Почему я не умер? Why didn't I die? Why didn't I die? Не підглядайте. Don't peek. Don't look. Где ваши зонты? Where are your umbrellas? Where are your umbrellas? Тому не следовало этого делать. Tom ought not do that. Tom shouldn't have done that. «Ты яго пацалаваў?» — «Так, я яго пацалаваў». "Did you kiss him?" "Yes, I kissed him." "Did you kiss him?" "Yes, I kissed him." Нас могут схватить. We could get caught. We could get caught. Том не дуже добрий учитель. Tom isn't a very good teacher. Tom is not a good teacher. Може бути, я займуся цим знову. I may do that again. Maybe I'll do it again. Я хочу, чтобы вы всё мне рассказали. I want you to tell me everything. I want you to tell me everything. Тому не нравится жить одному. Tom doesn't like living alone. Tom doesn't like to live alone. Ви можете сісти, де хочете. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit wherever you want. Том піў. Tom was drinking. Tom drank. Так, я живу тут. Yes, I live here. Okay, I live here. Для производства автомобилей используются роботы. Robots are used to manufacture cars. Robots are used to make cars. Я оформил себе страховой полис. I got myself an insurance policy. I made myself an insurance policy. Таке більше не трапляється. That's no longer happening. That doesn't happen anymore. Дракони — не домашні улюбленці. Dragons aren't pets. Dragons are not pets. Сомневаюсь, что Том всё ещё сердится. I doubt that Tom is still angry. I don't think Tom's still angry. У кожній нетривіальній програмі є хоча б одна помилка. Every non-trivial program has at least one bug. Every non-trivial program has at least one error. Тому було жахливо нудно. Tom was awfully bored. Tom was terribly bored. Ти коли-небудь був у Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Собрание продлилось до половины третьего. The meeting lasted until 2:30. The meeting lasted until half past three. Том слабкий. Tom's weak. Tom is weak. Тебе с нами не сравниться. You can't compete with us. You can't compare to us. Ты Тома понимаешь? Do you understand Tom? Do you understand Tom? Зхопити Тома. Grab Tom. Grab Tom. Припини мені надокучати. Stop annoying me. Stop bothering me. Я сказаў, што ты робіш памылку. I said you were making a mistake. I said you're making a mistake. Том всегда был выше меня. Tom has always been taller than me. Tom was always taller than me. Надеюсь, на этот счёт ты заблуждаешься. I hope you're wrong about this. I hope you're wrong about that. Ты просишь меня о помощи? Are you asking me for help? Are you asking me for help? Он становится больше. It's getting bigger. He's getting bigger. Я сказал им, что банк не работает. I told them the bank was closed. I told them the bank wasn't working. Ти ідеальна, і не дозволяй нікому говорити інакше. You're perfect, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're perfect, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Вони взагалі читали цю книжку? Did they ever read this book? Did they even read this book? Когда вы нажимаете эту кнопку, дверь открывается. When you press this button, the door opens. When you press this button, the door opens. Вони схожі на братів-близнюків. They look like twins. They look like twin brothers. Батьки мають супроводжувати дітей. Parents must accompany their children. Parents should accompany their children. Приготуйте рис. Cook the rice. Prepare the rice. Ты дал Тому наш адрес? Did you give Tom our address? Did you give Tom our address? Мы должны слушаться Тома. We must obey Tom. We have to listen to Tom. Думаю, я почну з пляшки пива. I think I'll start with a bottle of beer. I think I'll start with a bottle of beer. Тут нікого немає. There isn't anybody here. There's nobody here. Поўня прыгожая. The full moon is beautiful. It's full of beauty. Это худшее, что вы можете сделать! That's the worst thing you can do! This is the worst thing you can do! Я працював. I worked. I worked. Статуя зображує Діану в оточенні трьох дітей. The statue depicts Diana surrounded by three children. The statue depicts Diana surrounded by three children. Что ты ему купил? What did you buy him? What did you buy him? Що ти з цими робитимеш? What are you going to do with those? What are you gonna do about it? Ты явно устала. You do look tired. You're obviously tired. Ніводнай душы не было бачна ў вёсцы. Not a soul was to be seen in the village. No soul was visible in the village. Вона спробує це ще раз. She'll try it once more. She'll try it again. Я сегодня в школу не пойду. I'm not going to go to school today. I'm not going to school tonight. Том получил удар по носу. Tom got punched in the nose. Tom got punched in the nose. Я показав Тому своє татуювання. I showed Tom my tattoo. I showed Tom my tattoo. Що тут робить Том? Ми навіть не запрошували його! What's Tom doing here? We didn't even invite him! What's Tom doing here? We didn't even invite him! Мне трудно решить эту проблему. It is difficult for me to solve that problem. It's hard for me to solve this problem. Наш рэстаран найлепшы. Our restaurant is the best. Our restaurant is the best. Я вынужден ждать. I'm obliged to wait. I have to wait. Я не ви. I'm not you. I'm not you. Том сказал, что хочет остаться анонимным. Tom said he wanted to remain anonymous. Tom said he wanted to remain anonymous. Сколько лет этому вину? How old is this wine? How old is this guilt? Тобі не подобається це робити, еге ж? You don't enjoy doing that, do you? You don't like it, do you? Але це не так легко, як здається. But it’s not as easy as it looks. But it's not as easy as it seems. Думай, прежде чем что-то сказать! Think about what you say before you say it. Think before you say anything! Вы никогда не умели хранить секреты. You never could keep a secret. You never knew how to keep a secret. Думаете, Том согласится с нами встретиться? Do you think that Tom will agree to see us? Do you think Tom would agree to meet us? Что вы здесь делаете так поздно? What're you doing here so late? What are you doing here so late? Это было до нашего знакомства. That happened before we met. That was before we met. Мы только что продали нашу машину Тому. We just sold our car to Tom. We just sold our car to Tom. Мы с Томом пошли на рыбалку. Tom and I went fishing. Tom and I went fishing. Мені потрібна нова машина. I need a new car. I need a new car. Я уверена, что Том поможет вам. I'm sure Tom will help you. I'm sure Tom will help you. Кто-нибудь из вас говорит по-французски? Can any of you speak French? Do any of you speak French? Она богата, молода и красива. She's rich, young and beautiful. She is rich, young and beautiful. У тебе є словник? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Я привітала її. I greeted her. I greeted her. Мне религия не позволяет. It's against my religion. Religion does not allow me. Залиши мене, чорт забирай, наодинці. Leave me the hell alone. Leave me fucking alone. Мне 18 гадоў. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Ми пішли в ліс в пошуках комах. We went into the woods in search of insects. We went into the forest in search of insects. Я не знаю, есть у Тома велосипед или нет. I don't know whether Tom has a bicycle or not. I don't know if Tom has a bike or not. Хто навучыў вас танцаваць? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you to dance? Том запропонував Мері доволі непогану роботу. Tom offered Mary a pretty good job. Tom offered Mary a pretty good job. Это один маленький шаг для человека и гигантский прыжок для человечества. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This is one small step for man and a giant leap for humanity. Закатайте рукава. Roll up your sleeves. Roll up your sleeves. Моя шея слегка болит. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. Почему ты пришёл один? Why did you come alone? Why did you come alone? Навіщо ви живете з Томом? Why do you live with Tom? Why do you live with Tom? Где это ты так сильно поранился? How did you get hurt so badly? Where did you get so badly hurt? Я так скучаю по брату. Он женился и переехал в ОАЭ. I miss my brother so much. He got married and moved to the UAE. I miss my brother so much, he got married and moved to the UAE. Можешь перевести эту рукопись с французского на английский? Can you translate this manuscript from French to English? Can you translate this manuscript from French to English? Патриотизм — это поддержка своей страны, а не президента. Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president. Patriotism is about supporting your country, not the president. Я хотел, чтобы Том выяснил, где Мэри была. I wanted Tom to find out where Mary had been. I wanted Tom to find out where Mary was. Можно у вас зонтик одолжить? May I borrow an umbrella? Can I borrow an umbrella? Как ты думаешь, сколько Том проспит? How long do you think Tom will sleep? How long do you think Tom's gonna sleep? Вы забыли упомянуть это. You forgot to mention that. You forgot to mention it. У Тома в Бостоне есть дом. Tom has a house in Boston. Tom has a house in Boston. Где Том это взял? Where did Tom get that? Where did Tom get this? Запитай Тома, чи він може це зробити. Ask Tom if we can do that. Ask Tom if he can do it. Советую тебе поехать на автобусе. I recommend that you take a bus. I suggest you take the bus. Жизнь у Тома не сахар. Tom's life isn't a bed of roses. Tom's life isn't sugar. Том говорит, что обед скоро будет готов. Tom says dinner will be ready soon. Tom says lunch will be ready soon. Временами Клаудия думала о психоанализе. At times Claudia thought about psychoanalysis. At times, Claudia thought about psychoanalysis. Я не могу поверить, что я это сделал. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did it. Ні ладу ні складу. Neither fish nor fowl. No order of storage. І яку ціну ми повинні сплатити за ці переваги? What price do we have to pay for these advantages? And what price should we pay for these benefits? Я прачытаў усе яго раманы. I have read all his novels. I've read all his novels. Збочце. Back off. Pervert. Тома крестили. Tom was baptized. Tom was baptized. Она действительно не имеет отношения к этому делу. She really does not have a relation to this business. It really has nothing to do with this case. Не орите на меня. Don't yell at me. Don't yell at me. Дверь уже отперта. The door is already unlocked. The door is already open. Вы едете с нами? Do you go with us? Are you coming with us? Том може почекати тут. Tom can wait here. Tom can wait here. Я только что закончил смотреть третий эпизод. I've just finished watching episode three. I just finished watching episode three. Мне нужен новый ремень. I need a new belt. I need a new belt. Том - больной человек. Tom is a sick man. Tom is a sick man. Дело не в этом. It's not about that. That's not it. Гадаєш, я все ще її кохаю? Do you think I still love her? Do you think I still love her? Це інша справа. That's another matter. It's a different matter. Жизнь - дар. Life is a gift. Life is a gift. Он сам это сделал. He himself did it. He did it himself. Я жил в Японии три года назад. I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. Том купил цветы своей девушке, а матери не купил. Tom bought flowers for his girlfriend, but not for his mother. Tom bought flowers for his girlfriend, but his mother did not buy them. Напісаўшы на сабе незразумела што і атрымаўшы неперадбачаны рэзультат, што ты будзеш рабіць? When you have things you don't understand written on you, what will you do, if you get unexpected results? Having written on yourself it is unclear what and having received an unpredictable result, what will you do? Я забув, як його звуть. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. Том здивував усіх, коли зробив це. Tom surprised everyone when he did that. Tom surprised everyone when he did it. Том робитиме це разом із тобою? Will Tom be doing that with you? Will Tom do it with you? Вони дійшли висновку, що Том - людина невиправна. They concluded that Tom is an incorrigible person. They came to the conclusion that Tom is an incorrigible person. Ти бачив, як Том на тебе дивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see how Tom looked at you? Незрозуміло, що автор намагається сказати. It is not clear what the writer is trying to say. It is unclear what the author is trying to say. Это было слишком легко. It was too easy. It was too easy. Я не знав, що такий маленький пес може кусати з такою силою. I didn't know that such a small dog could bite with such force. I didn't know a dog so small could bite with such force. Різдво — не світське свято. Christmas is not a secular holiday. Christmas is not a worldly holiday. У мене є адвокат. I have a lawyer. I have a lawyer. Интересно, будет ли снег. I wonder whether it'll snow. I wonder if there will be snow. Том відправив Мері у Бостон. Tom sent Mary to Boston. Tom sent Mary to Boston. Я тоже не выше его. I'm not taller than him, either. I'm no taller than him either. Том хотів продовжувати. Tom wanted to continue. Tom wanted to continue. Встречу отменили из-за тайфуна. The meeting was canceled because of the typhoon. The meeting was cancelled because of the typhoon. Гориллы редко взбираются на деревья. Gorillas rarely climb trees. Gorillas rarely climb trees. Я не учень. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Они говорят по-венгерски? Do they speak Hungarian? Do they speak Hungarian? Мені потрібно переодягнутися. I have to change. I need to change clothes. Это вы дали ему мой телефон? Were you the one who gave him my phone number? Did you give him my phone? Я сразу об этом пожалел. I regretted it right away. I immediately regretted it. Том пьёт много газировки. Tom drinks a lot of soda. Tom drinks a lot of soda. Що ти робитимеш далі? What's next for you? What are you going to do next? У когось є ліхтарик? Does anyone have a torch? Does anyone have a flashlight? Том ненадійний. Tom isn't reliable. Tom is unreliable. Медведь поймал в реке лосося и съел его. The bear caught a salmon in the river and ate it. The bear caught salmon in the river and ate it. Я пам'ятаю, коли вперше приїхав до Алжиру. I remember when I first came to Algeria. I remember the first time I went to Algeria. Я би хотів написати книгу. I would like to write a book. I would like to write a book. Том має тобі щось сказати. Tom has to tell you something. Tom has something to tell you. Не волнуйся. Я скажу ему. Don't worry. I'll tell him. Don't worry, I'll tell him. Том попросив мене прийти. Tom asked me to come. Tom asked me to come. Мені ліпше сказати вам правду. It would be better for me to tell you the truth. I'd rather tell you the truth. Том на работе. Tom is in his office. Tom's at work. Я тоже тебя не вижу. I can't see you either. I can't see you either. Ты успеешь вовремя, если выйдешь сейчас. If you leave now, you'll arrive in time. You'll be on time if you come out now. Это было бы возможно. It would be possible. That would be possible. Я буду хорошо заботиться о Томе. I'll take good care of Tom. I'll take good care of Tom. Вы скоро получите его письмо. You'll get his letter soon. You will receive his letter soon. Його книжка надихнула мене. His book inspired me. His book inspired me. Том не сдаст зачёт. Tom won't pass the test. Tom's not gonna pass. Нащо ти так вчинив? Why did you do it? Why would you do that? У него возникла проблема при парковке. He had a problem while parking. He had a problem parking. Навіщо ти пофарбував лавку в червоний колір? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the shop red? Меня клонит в сон. I'm getting drowsy. I'm dreaming. Том съел весь хлеб, что я вчера купил. Tom ate all the bread that I bought yesterday. Tom ate all the bread I bought yesterday. Як я це поясню Тому? How am I going to explain this to Tom? How do I explain this to Tom? Кто здесь до вас жил? Who lived here before you? Who lived here before you? Сегодня ночью Том на дежурстве. Tom is on night duty tonight. Tom's on duty tonight. Я их не знаю. I don't know them. I don't know them. Мы его не строили. We didn't build it. We didn't build it. Ми всі чогось хочемо. We all want something. We all want something. Ти віриш у вампірів? Do you believe in vampires? Do you believe in vampires? Не выключай двигатель. Don't turn the engine off. Don't turn the engine off. Усупереч моїм очікуванням він був там. Contrary to my expectations, she was there. Contrary to my expectations, he was there. Мы хочам ведаць, хто найлепшая. We want to know who's the best. We want to know who's the best. Мне нужно знать, зачем ты купил это. I need to know why you bought this. I need to know why you bought this. Я маю допомогти мамі. I have to help my mother. I have to help my mom. Ти колись була у Тома вдома? Have you ever been to Tom's home? Have you ever been to Tom's house? Том піклується про Мері. Tom takes care of Mary. Tom takes care of Mary. Он провёл полжизни в тюрьме. He spent half his life in prison. He spent half his life in prison. Лета скончылася. The summer is over. Summer's over. Перестань плеваться! Stop spitting! Stop spitting! Я читав, що президентом Бразилії є жінка. Її звати Ділма. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. Том тщательно проверил документы. Tom looked over the documents carefully. Tom carefully checked the documents. Вас в последнее время совсем не видно. You've been absent a lot lately. You haven't been seen lately. Я женатый человек. I'm a married man. I'm a married man. Я не погоджуюся з ним. I don't agree with him. I disagree with him. Кофе сегодня какой-то не такой. The coffee tastes different today. Coffee is not like that today. Такі коти не мають хвостів. This kind of cat doesn't have a tail. These cats have no tails. Если вы это сделаете, то получите назад тридцать долларов. Doing that will set you back thirty dollars. If you do, you will get $30 back. Давай розлабимося. Let's relax. Let's break down. Я никогда бы не посмел изменять жене с другой женщиной. I would never dare cheat on my wife with another woman. I would never cheat on my wife with another woman. Мері — дружина Тома. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom's wife. Ти, очевидно, маєш рацію. Apparently you're right. You're obviously right. Подойдите к стойке регистрации, чтобы попросить некоторую информацию. Go to the front desk to ask for some information. Go to the reception desk to ask for some information. Я не здався. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Ти не одна. You're not alone. You're not alone. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you aren't being followed. Make sure you are not being followed. Никто не знает, помог ли кто-нибудь ему. No one knows if someone helped him. No one knows if anyone helped him. Дорогі хутра та дивні барвисті килими з якогось східного базару були розкидані на підлозі. Rich furs and strange iridescent mats from some Oriental bazaar were scattered upon the floor. Expensive furs and strange colorful carpets from some eastern bazaar were scattered on the floor. Том почав із початку. Tom began again. Tom started from the beginning. Да, это мой словарь. Yes, this is my dictionary. Yeah, that's my dictionary. Ви для мене трохи замолоді. You're a little too young for me. You are a little too young for me. Невозможно предусмотреть всё. It is impossible to foresee everything. It's impossible to foresee everything. Когда ты заметил, что Том ушёл? When did you notice Tom was gone? When did you notice Tom was gone? Можно я сравню ответы с твоими? Can I compare my answers to yours? Can I compare the answers to yours? Вы в последнее время сама не своя. Что-то не так? You haven't been yourself recently. Is something wrong? You haven't been on your own lately. Почему вы сердитесь на Тома? Why are you angry with Tom? Why are you angry at Tom? Лікарі роблять що можуть. Doctors do what they can. Doctors do what they can. Она хорошая жена. Верная. She's a good spouse. She's faithful. She's a good wife. Можеш мені допомогти? Could you help me out? Can you help me? Мэри сплела венок из ромашек. Mary had woven daisies into a garland. Mary knitted a daisy wreath. Мері розчісується. Mary is combing her hair. Mary brushes. Ви винесли сміття? Did you take out the rubbish? Did you take out the trash? Я більше про це не думаю. I never think about it anymore. I don't think about it anymore. Почему бы нам не уйти? Why don't we leave? Why don't we go? У мене в черевику камінь. There is a rock in my shoe. I have a stone in my shoe. Вам не нужно этого делать. You don't need to do that. You don't have to do that. Я его им не дал. I didn't give it to them. I didn't give it to them. Андре Даникан Филидор играл одновременно три партии: две вслепую и одну, глядя на доску. Дидро и Даламбер цитировали его в энциклопедии как «одно из самых феноменальных проявлений человеческого разума». André Danican Philidor used to play three games at the same time, two blindly and one looking at the board. Diderot and D'Alembert cited it in the Encyclopedia as "one of the most phenomenal manifestations of the human mind". André Danican Philidor played three parts at the same time: two blindly and one looking at the board. Diderot and Dalumber quoted him in the encyclopedia as "one of the most phenomenal manifestations of the human mind". Зараз я вельми засмучена. I'm very sad now. I'm pretty upset right now. Я слышал, как дверь машины открылась и захлопнулась. I heard a car door open and close. I heard the car door open and shut. Ты упрямый. You're stubborn. You're stubborn. Я помахал Тому в ответ. I waved Tom back. I waved back to Tom. Он слишком тяжёлый, я не могу его поднять. It's too heavy, I can't lift it. It's too heavy, I can't lift it. Вы их не забудете. You won't forget them. You won't forget them. Все уже знали об этом. Everybody already knew that. Everyone already knew about it. Собака твоя. The dog is yours. The dog is yours. У меня тут где-то есть адрес Тома. I have Tom's address here somewhere. I've got Tom's address somewhere. Целый день я убирался у себя в комнате. I spent a whole day cleaning my room. I've been cleaning my room all day. Езжайте прямо по этой дороге. Go straight down this road. Drive right down this road. В Вашей комнате кто-то есть. There's someone in your room. There is someone in your room. Я не могу объяснить то, чего не понимаю. I can't explain what I don't understand. I can't explain what I don't understand. Я пошёл с ним поговорить. I went to talk to him. I went to talk to him. У мене немає ані кредитної картки, ані банківського рахунку. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. I don’t have a credit card or a bank account. Як далеко ти можеш проплисти під водою на одному вдиху? How far can you swim underwater on one breath? How far can you swim underwater in one breath? Оба эти чемодана мои. Both of these suitcases are mine. Both suitcases are mine. Многие люди верят, что деньги приносят счастье. Many people believe that money brings happiness. Many people believe that money brings happiness. Том не хотів, щоб хто-небудь бачив, як він це робить. Tom didn't want anybody to see him doing that. Tom didn't want anyone to see him do it. Яна спазнілася на цягнік. She missed the train. She was late for the train. Вам нужно постричь ногти на ногах. You need to cut your toenails. You need to cut your toenails. Тому нужны очки. Tom needs glasses. Tom needs glasses. В честь чего веселье? What's this fun about? What's fun for? Том подобрал монету. Tom picked up a coin. Tom picked up a coin. Она считает себя смешной? Does she think she's funny? Does she think she's funny? Том почти каждый день ест шоколад. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Том в последнее время не ест мяса. Tom hasn't been eating meat recently. Tom hasn't eaten meat lately. Ти такий дивний. You're so weird. You're so weird. Том мне его не отдал. Tom didn't give it back to me. Tom didn't give it to me. Почему всегда я? Why is it always me? Why always me? Мы должны повиноваться Тому. We must obey Tom. We have to obey Tom. Вы совсем ненормальные? Are you completely mad? Are you completely insane? Всё было не совсем так, как сказал Том. Things didn't happen quite the way Tom said they did. It wasn't exactly what Tom said. Почему ты не можешь этого сделать? Why can't you do it? Why can't you do that? У вас есть французский словарь? Do you have a French dictionary? Do you have a French dictionary? У меня есть фотография Тома. I have a picture of Tom. I have a picture of Tom. Дзе вы так добра вывучылі чэшскую? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn Czech so well? Большинство из нас не умеют плавать. Most of us can't swim. Most of us can’t swim. Том хочет попкорна. Tom wants popcorn. Tom wants popcorn. Дзе кот? Where is the cat? Where's the cat? Я поїду до аеропорту. I'm going to go to the airport. I'm going to the airport. ТВ не работает. The television is not working. TV doesn't work. Том купил всё. Tom bought everything. Tom bought everything. Я хочу знати, коли ти підеш. I want to know when you're leaving. I want to know when you're leaving. Я повернуся менш ніж за п'ять хвилин. I'll be back in less than five minutes. I'll be back in less than five minutes. Я якраз збираюся це змінити. I am just about to change that. I'm just about to change that. Мой почерк лучше, чем у Тома. My handwriting is better than Tom's. My handwriting is better than Tom's. Тобі слід піти додому. You should go home. You should go home. У Тома забористые косячки. Tom's got some dank nugs. Tom's got fenced shoals. Его решение спасло ему жизнь. His decision saved his life. His decision saved his life. Вони були моїми подругами. They were my friends. They were my friends. Том не зміг вразити Мері. Tom wasn't able to impress Mary. Tom was not able to impress Mary. Ти любиш дивитися телевізор. You like watching television. You like to watch TV. Ты сегодня куда-нибудь ходил? Did you go somewhere today? Did you go out today? Цей інжир такий хороший. This fig is so good. This fig is so good. Кому ще ви розповіли? Who else did you tell? Who else did you tell? Предложение правильное. The sentence is correct. The offer is correct. Я посмотрел. I looked. I looked. Ты поздоровался с Мэри? Did Tom say hi to Mary? Did you say hello to Mary? Том не хоче носити джинси. Tom doesn't want to wear jeans. Tom doesn't want to wear jeans. Я не готов сдаваться. I'm not ready to give up. I'm not ready to give up. У яго шмат кніг? Does he have many books? Does he have a lot of books? Почему ты в пижаме? Why are you in your pajamas? Why are you in your pyjamas? Хіба вам ніхто не допоміг? Didn't anybody help you? Didn't anyone help you? Калі ласка, абярыце мову інтэрфейсу Image Viewer. Please select a language for the Image Viewer interface. Please use the Image Viewer interface language. Я вирішила, що це була добра ідея. I decided it was a good idea. I thought it was a good idea. Ти бачив Тома сьогодні вранці? Have you seen Tom this morning? Did you see Tom this morning? У него нет выбора. He has no choice. He has no choice. Поймайте их, если сможете. Catch them if you can. Catch them if you can. Это всё, что мы можем спросить. That's all we can ask for. That's all we can ask. Что такое бой быков? What is bullfighting? What is bullfight? Том занят своим исследованием. Tom is busy with his research. Tom is busy with his research. Мы атеистки. We're atheists. We're atheists. Ми спостерігаємо температури, які є більш типовими для Близького Сходу чи Північної Африки. We’re seeing temperatures which are more typical of the Middle East or North Africa. We observe temperatures that are more typical for the Middle East or North Africa. Я побачусь із своїм дядьком завтра. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'll see my uncle tomorrow. Он изменил завещание. He changed his will. He changed his will. О котрій годині таксі поїде до аеропорту? At what time will the taxi go to the airport? What time will the taxi go to the airport? Том неправильно произнёс моё имя. Tom mispronounced my name. Tom mispronounced my name. У пакоі не было нічога, акрамя старога крэсла. There was nothing but an old armchair in the room. There was nothing in the room but the old chair. Том втратив голос. Tom lost his voice. Tom lost his voice. Не говоріть із ним. Don't talk to him. Don't talk to him. Дохлая рыба всплыла на поверхность воды. The dead fish floated to the surface of the water. Dead fish floated to the surface of the water. Я був надворі. I was outside. I was outside. Том поводився з Мері, як із дитиною. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary like a child. Его никогда не было. He never existed. He never was. Надеюсь, в следующий раз вы будете осторожнее. I hope next time you'll be more careful. I hope you'll be more careful next time. Це не Том попросив Мері зробити це. Tom wasn't the one who asked Mary to do that. It wasn't Tom who asked Mary to do it. Том знает, что такое любовь? Does Tom know what love is? Does Tom know what love is? Приехав на станцию, я позвонил своему другу. On arriving at the station, I called a friend of mine. When I got to the station, I called my friend. Вона грала на гітарі, а він співав. She played the guitar and he sang. She played guitar and he sang. Я їх пам'ятаю. I remember them. I remember them. Він зробив це тільки тому, що був повинен. He only did it because he had to. He only did it because he had to. Моя мать хорошо играет на фортепьяно. My mother plays the piano well. My mother plays the piano well. Они живут на другой стороне реки. They live across the river. They live on the other side of the river. Дуже прошу, не злися. I'm begging you, don't be mad. Please, don't be angry. Ви брешете. You're lying. You're lying. Цей острів у дев'ятнадцятому віці належав Франції. This island belonged to France in the 19th century. This island at the age of nineteen belonged to France. Якими мовами ти розмовляєш? What languages do you speak? What languages do you speak? У всіх є секрети. Everybody has secrets. Everyone has secrets. Во сколько у вас самолёт? What time is your flight? What time is your plane? Как ты собираешься потратить такую большую сумму денег? How are you going to spend such a large amount of money? How are you going to spend such a large amount of money? Том та Мері їдять лише ті овочі, які вирощують самі. Tom and Mary only eat vegetables that they grow themselves. Tom and Mary eat only those vegetables that grow themselves. Это зависит от того, куда мы решим поехать. That depends on where we decide to go. It depends on where we decide to go. У Тома тоді не було роботи. Tom had no work at that time. Tom didn’t have a job. Надо ли детям работать? Do children have to work? Do children have to work? Вам письмо. There is a letter for you. A letter to you. Ты уже купил билеты? Have you already bought the tickets? Have you bought your tickets yet? Перакладзі гэта, калі ласка, на англійскую. Translate this into English, please. Translate this, please, into English. Она сделает это, если сможет. She'll do that if she can. She'll do it if she can. Что бы вы сделали, если бы были на моём месте? What would you do if you were in my position? What would you do if you were in my position? Мій дідусь розмовляє дуже повільно. My grandfather speaks very slowly. My grandfather spoke very slowly. Том не мог пойти домой. Tom couldn't go home. Tom couldn't go home. Мені, будь ласка, біфштекс з печеною картоплею. I would like steak with a baked potato. I'll have a steak with baked potatoes, please. Может быть, нам не нужно этого делать. Maybe we don't need to do that. Maybe we don't need to do that. Давай ещё немного побудем. Let's stay a little bit longer. Let's stay a little longer. Не давай их ему. Don't give them to him! Don't give them to him. Я знаю жену Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Як табе клімат у Японіі? How do you like the climate of Japan? How is the climate in Japan? Почему бы нам не позволить Тому разобраться с этим? Why don't we let Tom handle that? Why don't we let Tom handle this? Ці размаўляеце вы па-руску? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian? Том тоже был приглашен. Tom has been invited, too. Tom was invited, too. Ти можеш поговорити з Томом, правда? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, can't you? У неё болели ноги. Her feet ached. Her legs hurt. Звук дождя не требует перевода. The sound of the rain needs no translation. The sound of rain does not require translation. Том одобрил? Did Tom approve? Did Tom approve? Вы же меня тут не оставите? You aren't going to leave me here, are you? You're not gonna leave me here, are you? Я бы хотел выпить кофе. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like a coffee. Я прежде курил. I used to smoke. I've smoked before. Том узнал Мэри по голосу. Tom recognized Mary by her voice. Tom recognized Mary by her voice. Це все дуже дивно. This is all very strange. It's all very strange. Столько ещё нужно сделать! There are so many things left to be done. There's so much more to do! Анна хорошо играет в теннис. Anna plays tennis well. Anna is good at tennis. Оставьте её включённой. Leave it switched on. Leave it on. Мері хотіла б, щоб я одружився з нею, але я не хочу з нею одружуватися. Mary would like me to marry her, but I don't want to marry her. Mary would like me to marry her, but I don't want to marry her. Ми чекали ранку. We waited for morning. We waited in the morning. Чому б нам не піти потанцювати? Why don't we go dancing? Why don't we go dance? Це фотографія будинку Тома. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is a picture of Tom's house. Я увидел кое-что очень необычное. I saw something very unusual. I saw something very unusual. Якое заўтра будзе надворʼе? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What's going to be the weather tomorrow? Ви лікарі. You're doctors. You are doctors. Если Том хочет идти, пусть идёт. If Tom wants to go, let him go. If Tom wants to go, let him go. Его собаки лают. His dogs are barking. His dogs bark. Мне больше никто не доверяет. Nobody trusts me anymore. No one trusts me anymore. Шчаслівай Вальпургіевай ночы! Happy Walpurgis Night! Happy Walpurgis Night! Моя гитара намного лучше вашей. My guitar is a lot better than yours. My guitar is much better than yours. Он несколько раз пробовал жить в браке. He has had several goes at marriage. He tried several times to live in a marriage. Мальчик бежал к своего дому. The boy ran toward his house. The boy ran to his house. Том сказал мне, что он потерялся. Tom told me that he was lost. Tom told me he was lost. Я уверен, что он поедет. I'm sure he'll go. I'm sure he'll go. «Том, ты мне поможешь?» – «Я? Ты в своём уме? Конечно, нет!» "Tom, would you help me?" "Me? Are you out of your mind? Of course not." “Tom, will you help me?” “I? Are you out of your mind? Of course not!” Ти любиш шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk? Том увидел следы шин на снегу. Tom saw tire tracks in the snow. Tom saw tire tracks in the snow. Я хотів би заплатити, будь ласка. I would like to pay, please. I'd like to pay, please. Спасибо, что поговорил с Томом. Thank you for talking to Tom. Thanks for talking to Tom. Це, мабуть, жарт, еге ж? It's gotta be a joke, right? That's probably a joke, isn't it? Мы выглянули в окно, но ничего не увидели. We looked out the window but saw nothing. We looked out the window but saw nothing. Сталін був поганою людиною. Stalin was a bad person. Stalin was a bad man. Я никого не впущу. I won't let anyone in. I won't let anyone in. Чи Ви знали її з 1990 року? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since 1990? Никто не бьет Тома. Nobody beats Tom. No one beats Tom. Ты правда её любишь? Do you really love her? Do you really love her? Несмотря на его ошибки, все уважают его. In spite of his mistakes, everyone respects him. Despite his mistakes, everyone respects him. Я не знала, что Мария — дочь Тома. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. Почему бы нам не пообедать здесь? Why don't we have lunch here? Why don't we have lunch here? Надеюсь, Том меня не забудет. I hope Tom doesn't forget me. I hope Tom won't forget me. Сколько всего слив? How many plums are there? How many plums? Положи это к себе в чемодан. Put this in your suitcase. Put it in your suitcase. Первой на войне погибает истина. The first to die in war is the truth. The first to die in war is the truth. Только Чернобыль вспоминается, когда я думаю об Украине. А, и Сергей Назарович Бубка, правда? Only Chernobyl comes to mind whenever I think about the Ukraine. Oh, and Serhiy Nazarovych Bubka, right? Only Chernobyl is remembered when I think of Ukraine. Ah, and Sergey Nazarovich Bubka, right? Если бы она знала номер её телефона, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could ring her. If she knew her phone number, she could have called her. Це занадто складно? Is that so complicated? Is it too difficult? Почему меня не спросили? Why wasn't I asked? Why wasn't I asked? Там нікого немає. There's nobody there. There's nobody there. Я никогда этого Тому не говорил. I never told Tom that. I never told Tom that. Этого Том боялся больше всего. This was what Tom feared the most. This is what Tom was most afraid of. Я увидел автобус. I saw the bus. I saw the bus. Мы с Томом пили одно и то же. Tom and I drank the same thing. Tom and I were drinking the same thing. Том почти никогда не поёт. Tom hardly ever sings. Tom almost never sings. Сегодня так же тепло, как вчера. It's as warm today as it was yesterday. Today is as warm as yesterday. Кто под первым номером? Who's number one? Who's number one? Можливо, Тому не пощастило. Maybe Tom was unlucky. Maybe Tom was unlucky. Вам потрібне якесь хобі. You need some sort of hobby. You need a hobby. Объяснения слишком сложны и должны быть упрощены. The explanations are too elaborate, and should be simplified. The explanations are too complex and should be simplified. Кто бы захотел убить его? Who would want to kill him? Who would want to kill him? Вас кто-то ждёт. There's someone waiting for you. Someone's waiting for you. Маєш скарги? Do you have any complaints? Do you have complaints? Ти взагалі колись збираєшся це робити? Aren't you ever going to do that? Are you ever going to do that? Спробуйте поплисти! Try and swim! Try to swim! Мораль субъективна. Morality is subjective. Morality is subjective. Скажите ей, что я иду. Tell her that I am coming. Tell her I'm coming. Я знал, что делают Джексоны. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. Я певен, що Том не був здивований. I'm sure Tom wasn't surprised. I'm sure Tom wasn't surprised. Они здесь. They're here. They're here. Пловчиха была пьяна и утонула. The swimmer was drunk and drowned. The swimmer was drunk and drowned. Я ем меньше вас. I eat less than you. I eat less than you. Ты же вернёшься? You'll come back, right? You'll be back, won't you? Я зажди хотів одягнути смокінг. I've always wanted to wear a tux. I always wanted to wear a tuxedo. Ты мне почти ничего не оставила. You left me almost nothing. You left me almost nothing. Дайте нам, пожалуйста, знать. Please let us know. Please let us know. Я знаю, что кому-то надо это сделать. I know somebody has to do that. I know someone needs to do this. Стрілка вказує дорогу до Токіо. The arrow indicates the way to Tokyo. The arrow points the way to Tokyo. Можеш зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do it right now? Што гэта? What is it? What's that? Ми ще не дуже зголодніли. We aren't very hungry yet. We are not very hungry yet. Я не знал, что то, я сделал, незаконно. I didn't know that what I'd done was illegal. I didn't know that what I did was illegal. Том зробив щось таке, чого не мусив робити? Did Tom do something he shouldn't have? Did Tom do something he didn't have to do? Фурсьюти - це дивовижна ідея, але вони коштують занадто дорого. Fursuits are an amazing concept, but they cost too much. Fursyuts are an amazing idea, but they are too expensive. Не перебивай мене, коли я говорю. Don't interrupt me while I am talking. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Я перечитувала листи, які ти мені надіслав. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I read the letters you sent me. Том сказал, что этого недостаточно. Tom said this wasn't enough. Tom said it wasn't enough. Він її поцупив. He stole it. He fucked her. 68,4% апытаных беларусаў адказалі, што не абралі б версію кнігі на беларускай мове ні пры якіх умовах. 68.4% of Belarusians surveyed answered they would under no conditions choose a version of a book in the Belarusian language. 68.4% of Belarusians surveyed said they would not choose a version of the book in Belarusian under any circumstances. Я сидів на цьому. I sat on this. I was sitting on that. На твоём месте я бы сменил шины. I'd change the tires already if I were you. If I were you, I'd change tires. Я ведаю яе адрэсу. I know her address. I know her adverb. Вы имеете в виду, что еще этого не сделали? Do you mean you still haven't done that? You mean you haven't done it yet? Він з'їв коробку шоколадних цукерок. He ate a box of chocolates. He ate a box of chocolates. Том отправил мне рождественский подарок. Tom sent me a Christmas gift. Tom sent me a Christmas present. Аповесьць Адама Міцкевіча «Пан Тадэвуш», што так ясна, так шчыра малюе характар, звычаі і абычаі нашых беларускіх паноў часу Напалеона, ужо цяпер (1859 год) перакладаецца на расійскую мову. Adam Mickiewicz’s narrative “Pan Tadeusz”, which paints the nature, customs, and manners of the Belarusian landowners of Napoleon’s time, is, as of 1859, already being translated into Russian. Adam Mickiewicz's account of Mr. Tadevush, which so clearly, so sincerely depicts the character, customs, and customs of our Belarusian masters of Napoleon's time, is already being translated into Russian (1859). Том умел разговаривать с женщинами. Tom knew how to talk to women. Tom was able to talk to women. Мне надо Вас увидеть. I have to see you. I need to see you. Вы можете познакомить меня с Томом? Can you introduce me to Tom? Can you introduce me to Tom? Я уже это читала. I've already read it. I've read this before. Вам нужно перезагрузить компьютер. You need to restart the computer. You need to restart the computer. Скажи йому, що у мене зламана нога. Tell him that I have a broken leg. Tell him I've got a broken leg. Радий знову тебе побачити. It's nice to see you again. Good to see you again. Был бы я канадец! I wish I were a Canadian. I would be Canadian! У Тома перевязана голова. Tom's head is bandaged. Tom's head is tied. Її новий роман буде опубліковано наступного року. Her new novel will be published next year. Her new novel will be published next year. Том не ест вредную пищу. Tom doesn't eat junk food. Tom doesn't eat junk food. Мы с Томом хорошо знаем друг друга. Tom and I know each other well. Tom and I know each other very well. У тебе екзистенціальна криза, чи ти її лише симулюєш? Are you having an existential crisis or just imitating one? Are you having an existential crisis, or are you just faking it? "Де твій дім?" "Він ось там." "Where is your house?" "It is over there." "Where's your house?" "It's right there." Хто нам допоможе? Who's going to help us? Who will help us? Гэты колер крыху зацёмны. The colour is a bit too dark. This color is a little obscure. Приходи полтретьего, пожалуйста. Please come at 2:30. Come in half past three, please. Гадаю, я поставила добрі запитання. I think I asked the right questions. I think I asked good questions. Телефон не працює. The phone is out of order. The phone is not working. Я сказал ему, что ошибся. I told him I made a mistake. I told him I was wrong. Я розберуся з цим. I'll take care of it. I'll deal with it. Ты всё починишь, да? You will fix it, won't you? You're gonna fix this, aren't you? Мене звуть Карлос. My name is Carlos. My name is Carlos. Ты что-нибудь знаешь о Томе? Do you know anything about Tom? Do you know anything about Tom? Это ясно? Is that clear? Is that clear? Что она тебе прошептала? What did she whisper to you? What did she whisper to you? Ненавиджу весілля. I hate weddings. I hate the wedding. Хімія — це алхімія, що працює. Chemistry is alchemy that works. Chemistry is alchemy that works. В прошлый раз Том был первым. Tom was first last time. Last time, Tom was the first. Я боюсь, что-то не так с Томом. I'm afraid that something is wrong with Tom. I'm afraid there's something wrong with Tom. Здесь много женщин. There are a lot of women here. There are a lot of women here. Я був чужим. I was a stranger. I was a stranger. У вас є здача з цієї купюри? Do you have change for this bill? Do you have a deposit from this banknote? Це чудова ідея. It's a great idea. That's a great idea. Я буду надворі. I'll be outside. I'll be outside. Зараз він живе в Токіо. He lives in Tokyo now. He now lives in Tokyo. Животные - наши друзья. Animals are our friends. Animals are our friends. Не помню, чтобы вы ставили меня в известность о ваших гастрономических предпочтениях. I don't recall you ever informing me about your food preferences. I don't remember you informing me about your gastronomic preferences. Создаются временные поликлиники. Temporary clinics are being set up. Temporary clinics are being established. Дай мені свій гаманець. Give me your wallet. Give me your wallet. Не шуми так. Stop making so much noise. Don't make that noise. Откуда ты знал, кому это дать? How did you know who to give that to? How did you know who to give it to? Нам нужен специалист. We need an expert. We need a specialist. Том едва может ходить. Tom can barely walk. Tom can barely walk. Ти не моя мама. You're not my mom. You're not my mom. Вспомни Тома. Remember Tom. Think of Tom. Нема чого боятися. There's no need to be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of. Том хочет, чтобы мы это сделали. Tom wants us to do this. Tom wants us to do it. Том выпивает не меньше трёх чашек кофе в день. Tom drinks at least three cups of coffee a day. Tom drinks at least three cups of coffee a day. Мене не запрошено? Am I not invited? I'm not invited? Её одежда привлекла много внимания на вечеринке. Her clothes attracted much attention at the party. Her clothes got a lot of attention at the party. Я больна. I'm sick. I'm sick. Это много переводов. That's a lot of translations. That's a lot of translations. Це працює. That works. It works. Ми робимо те, що повинні робити. We do what we have to. We do what we have to do. Почему бог нас так обидел? Какой на нас грех? Why did God offend us like this? What sin is upon us? Why did God hurt us so much? Моя мама была против того, чтобы я ехал один. My mother objected to my traveling alone. My mother was against me driving alone. Как можно открыть жестяную банку, если ничего острого под руками нет? How can one open a can without having anything sharp at hand? How can you open a tin can if there is nothing sharp under your hands? Это Вы не понимаете! It is you who doesn't understand! You don't understand that! Вы там живёте? Do you live there? Do you live there? Том взагалі не агресивний. Tom isn't aggressive at all. Tom is not aggressive. Інжир м’який. Figs are soft. The fig is soft. Помилосердствуйте! Be merciful. Have mercy! Том скрыл тот факт, что он был в тюрьме. Tom concealed the fact that he had been in prison. Tom hid the fact that he was in prison. Ми йшли уздовж вулиці. We walked along the street. We walked along the street. Это чай. This is tea. It's tea. Я думал, что мы об этом уже говорили. I thought we talked about this already. I thought we were talking about it. В холодильнике есть бутылка. There's a bottle in the refrigerator. There's a bottle in the fridge. Том правдивий. Tom is truthful. Tom is truthful. Когда-нибудь ты мне спасибо скажешь. One day you'll thank me. Someday you'll thank me. Якщо ви хочете написати текст французькою , має сенс завантажити французьку клавіатуру. If you want to write French text, it makes sense to get a French keyboard. If you want to write in French, it makes sense to download the French keyboard. Если не будешь осторожен, полиция тебя поймает. The police are going to catch you if you aren't careful. If you're not careful, the police will catch you. Авто на драже. The car is outside. Car on drag. И когда ты собирался мне сказать? When were you planning on telling me? And when were you gonna tell me? Хто не має рації? Who's wrong? Who is not right? Вона вивчає португальську в Бразилії. She is studying Portuguese in Brazil. She is studying Portuguese in Brazil. Те кошеня дуже миле. That kitten is so cute. That cat is very cute. Ви чули, як птахи цвірінькають? Did you hear the birds tweeting? Have you heard the birds chirping? Ти - гарний кухар. You're a good cook. You're a good cook. Ви доробили домашнє завдання? Have you finished your homework? Have you completed your homework? Нам нужно купить машину. We need to buy a car. We need to buy a car. Якімі крэдытнымі карткамі я магу карыстацца? Which credit cards can I use? What credit cards can I use? Я знаю, що Том знає, що я знаю. I know Tom knows that I know. I know Tom knows what I know. Чому ти дивишся цей шлак? Why are you watching this garbage? Why are you watching this shit? Візьми цю валізу. Take this suitcase. Take that suitcase. Я забув зробити те, про що мене попросив Том. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. Том красит. Tom's painting. Tom's painting. Вы едите рис каждый день? Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? Я повернуся о половині на сьому. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll be back at half past seven. Я хворы на сэрца. I am sick at heart. I'm heartbroken. Скільки ви купили пива? How much beer did you buy? How much beer did you buy? Я составляю список людей, с которыми мне нужно встретиться, и дел, которые мне надо сделать. I make a list of people I have to see and things I have to do. I make a list of the people I need to meet and the things I need to do. Ты должен принять во внимание его возраст. You must take his age into account. You have to consider his age. Этот фрукт очень кислый. This fruit is very sour. This fruit is very sour. Ты не обращаешь на меня внимания. You're ignoring me. You're not paying attention to me. Этот пост стоит вновь поднять в топ! This post is worth a bump! This post is worth raising to the top again! Можеш допомогти мені знайти роботу? Can you help me find a job? Can you help me find a job? Рослини потребують сонячного світла й води. Plants need sunshine and water. Plants need sunlight and water. Я не дуже люблю математику. I do not like mathematics very much. I don’t like mathematics very much. Ми питаємо себе чому. We wonder why. We ask ourselves why. Вони брати. They're brothers. They're brothers. Том носит новую обувь. Tom is wearing a new pair of shoes. Tom is wearing new shoes. Фадль пішов до школи. Fadil went to school. Fadl went to school. Вони перемагали. They were winning. They won. По тому, как Том говорит по-французски, ясно, что его родной язык – английский. The way Tom speaks French, you can tell he's a native English speaker. From the way Tom speaks French, it is clear that his native language is English. Ніхто не знає Тома. Nobody knows Tom. No one knows Tom. Тому надо было туда поехать. Tom had to go there. Tom had to go there. Мне сегодня лучше, но не настолько, чтобы пойти на работу. I feel better today, but I'm not feeling well enough to go to work. I feel better today, but not enough to go to work. Он завидует его таланту. He is jealous of his talent. He is jealous of his talent. Перший сніг не забарився. The first snow came before long. The first snow did not fall. Поясни все це мені. Explain all this to me. Explain all this to me. Думаете, они позволят нам это сделать? Do you think they'll allow us do that? Do you think they'll let us do that? Том забронировал два места в первом ряду в театре. Tom booked two seats in the first row at the theater. Tom booked two front row seats at the theater. Вчера в Индии произошло большое землетрясение. A big earthquake occurred in India yesterday. There was a big earthquake in India yesterday. "Ты спешишь?" - "Не очень". "Are you in a hurry?" "Not really." "Are you in a hurry?" "Not really." Я этот фильм уже несколько раз смотрел. I've already seen this movie several times. I have watched this movie several times. Будь ласка, не чіпай ці книжки. Please don't touch those books. Please don't touch these books. Малоймовірно, що те, що сказав Том, — правда. What Tom said is not likely to be true. It is unlikely that what Tom said is true. Я була в Австрії, але кенгуру я там не бачила. I went to Austria, but I didn't see any kangaroos. I was in Austria, but I didn’t see a kangaroo there. Убедитесь, что Вы никого не забыли. Make sure that you don't forget anybody. Make sure you don’t forget anyone. Добри вечар! Good evening! Good evening! Смерць часта параўноўваюць са сном. Death is often compared to sleep. Death is often compared to sleep. Её сын - христианин. Her son is a Christian. Her son is a Christian. У нас хорошая школьная библиотека. We have a nice school library. We have a good school library. Ямайка — англійська колонія. Jamaica's an English colony. Jamaica is an English colony. Возьмите ещё одну, если хотите. Take another one if you want. Take another one if you want. Она читает. She's reading. She's reading. Мы должны найти Тому девушку. We must find Tom a girl. We have to find Tom the girl. Відкрий книжку на дев'ятій сторінці. Open your book to page nine. Open the book on page 9. Де знаходиться найближчий магазин? Where is the nearest shop? Where is the nearest store? Этот голубой цветок прекрасен. This blue flower is beautiful. This blue flower is beautiful. Это вы дали ему мой адрес? Were you the one who gave him my address? Did you give him my address? Не снимай маску. Don't take off your mask. Don't take off your mask. Мені треба починати. I have to start. I have to get started. Почему Том живёт в Австралии? Why is Tom living in Australia? Why does Tom live in Australia? Ви маєте тримати свою кімнату в чистоті. You must keep your room clean. You need to keep your room clean. Всі помирають. Everybody dies. Everybody dies. Ми замовимо піццу. We'll order a pizza. We'll order pizza. Я горжусь тем, что мой отец хороший повар. I'm proud that my father is a good cook. I am proud that my father is a good cook. Он у него? Does he have it? He got it? Найди, пожалуйста, Тома. Please find Tom. Please find Tom. Він визнав, що це правда. He admitted that it was true. He admitted that it was true. Кто переведёт моё предложение? Who will translate my sentence? Who's gonna translate my offer? Дзецям патрэбная любоў. Children need love. Children need love. Это неправда. It's not true. That's not true. Почему бы нам не пойти дальше и не сделать это сейчас. Why don't we go ahead and do that now? Why don't we go ahead and do it now. Я стараюсь не работать в выходные. I try not to work on weekends. I try not to work on weekends. Говорят, его отец умер в чужой стране. It is said that his father died in a foreign country. They say his father died in a foreign country. Яна задала мне пытанне. She asked me a question. She asked me a question. Я был где-то ещё. I was somewhere else. I was somewhere else. Снова и снова в нашей жизни появляются препятствия, некоторые называют их проблемами, другие говорят о возможностях для роста. Again and again there are challenges in our life. Some call them problems, others call them growth opportunities. Again and again in our lives there are obstacles, some call them problems, others talk about opportunities for growth. Здесь почти не бывает снега. It almost never snows here. There is almost no snow here. Я ем только мясо. I only eat meat. I only eat meat. У мене пряме волосся. I have straight hair. I have straight hair. Что вам больше всего нравится в Бостоне? What do you like best about Boston? What do you like most about Boston? Какая на улице температура? What's the temperature outside? What's the temperature outside? Я знал, что произойдёт что-то ужасное. I knew that something horrible was about to happen. I knew something terrible was going to happen. Я не люблю грязные шутки. I don't like dirty jokes. I don't like dirty jokes. Тома любить непросто. It's not easy to love Tom. Tom is not easy to love. Том не оставил мне еды. Tom didn't leave anything for me to eat. Tom didn't leave me any food. Кошки не любят воду. Cats don't like water. Cats do not like water. Его, похоже, никто не знает. No one seems to know him. No one seems to know him. Я сказал Тому, что ты приехал в Австралию. I told Tom that you'd come to Australia. I told Tom you came to Australia. То, что нас не убивает, делает нас сильнее. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Ненавиджу своїх сусідів. I hate my neighbors. I hate my neighbors. Що ти думаєш, друже? What do you think, my friend? What do you think, my friend? Ти вмієш плавати, правда? You can swim, can't you? You know how to swim, right? Я принёс бананы. I brought bananas. I brought bananas. У Мэри цветок в волосах. Mary has a flower in her hair. Mary has a flower in her hair. Як і завжди, дякую. Thanks, as always. As always, thank you. Сколько домов на твоей улице? How many houses are there on your street? How many houses are on your street? Вы разве не завтра уезжаете? Aren't you leaving tomorrow? Aren't you leaving tomorrow? Мене звати Генрі. My name's Henry. My name is Henry. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she should do it. Клёво! Cool! Cool! Вона дивиться фільм. She's watching a film. She's watching a movie. Нам ещё рано это делать. It's too early for us to do that. We're too early to do that. Он правда был настолько плох? Was he really that bad? Was he really that bad? Можете на него положиться. You can rely on him. You can rely on him. Не слухай його, він верзе якісь дурниці. Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense. Don't listen to him, he's doing something stupid. Ты понял, что она сказала? Did you understand what she said? Do you understand what she said? Ваше сообщение получено. Your message has been received. Your message has been received. Що ти думаєш про суп? What do you think of the soup? What do you think of the soup? Чому ви їх ненавидите? Why do you hate them? Why do you hate them? Том не з'явився. Tom didn't show. Tom didn't show up. Я заставлю его заплатить деньги. I will make him pay the money. I'll make him pay the money. Том — перший хлопець, з яким я коли-небудь ходив на побачення. Tom is the first boy I ever went out with. Tom is the first guy I've ever dated. Я расскажу ему о тебе. I will tell him about you. I'll tell him about you. Поміряй-но цю сорочку. Try this shirt on. Take a look at that shirt. Ці размаўляеш ты на лацінскай мове? Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? Некоторые из тех, кто вызвался помочь, не пришли. Some of the people who volunteered to help didn't show up. Some of those who volunteered to help did not come. Мамо, яка адреса Діда Мороза? Я хотіла би написати йому листа. Mum, what is the address of Father Christmas? I would like to send him a letter. Mom, what's Santa's address? I'd like to write him a letter. Я працюю в Бостоні. I work in Boston. I work in Boston. Я знаю, що я потворна. I know that I'm ugly. I know I'm ugly. Я тобі не раб. I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave. Ось книжка. Here is a book. Here's the book. Я по ошибке взял ваши ключи. I took your keys by mistake. I took your keys by mistake. Столько есть не нормально. It's not normal to eat so much. So much is not normal. Сцена была показана в замедленной съёмке. The scene was shown in slow motion. The scene was shown in slow motion. Я багато чого дізналася. I learned a lot. I've learned a lot. Я хочу хороших стосунків з Богом. I want a good relationship with God. I want a good relationship with God. Я б обійшовся і без Томової допомоги. I could've done that without Tom's help. I would have done it without Tom’s help. Том ниже меня. Tom is smaller than me. Tom is below me. Не думаю, что Том понял, что ему нужно делать. I don't think Tom understood what he needed to do. I don't think Tom understood what he had to do. Ще раз. Once again. Again. Мы тебе доверяем. We trust you. We trust you. Они все дети. They're all children. They're all kids. Повидло делается из фруктов. Jam is made from fruit. It is made from fruit. Я народилася у травні. I was born in May. I was born in May. Я был там, когда умер Том. I was there when Tom died. I was there when Tom died. Суэцкий канал соединяет Средиземное и Красное моря. The Suez Canal links the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Приємно з вами познайомитися, Томе. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tom. Nice to meet you, Tom. Я слышал, Том в Австралии. I heard that Tom is in Australia. I heard Tom's in Australia. До біса королеву. Fuck the Queen. Fuck the queen. Я і не думала, що ви зрозумієте. I didn't think you'd understand. I didn't think you'd understand. Але ёсць людзі, што абіраюць сяброўства, а не каханне, бо яны баяцца згубіць сябра. Яны баяцца паспрабаваць, бо ведаюць, што калі яны паспрабуюць і ў іх не атрымаецца, то знікне нават сяброўства. But there really are people who choose friendship over love because they are afraid to lose a friend. They are scared to try because they know that if they try and the relationship fails, then even the friendship will be gone. But there are people who choose friendship rather than love because they are afraid of losing a friend. They are afraid to try because they know that if they try and they don't get it, even friendship will disappear. Ради всего святого! For God's sake! For God's sake! Этот микрофон не работает. This microphone isn't working. This microphone is not working. Не говорите плохого о других. Don't speak ill of others. Don’t say bad things about others. Должны ли мы оставлять чаевые во Франции? Do we have to leave a tip in France? Should we leave a tip in France? Ти насправді занадто зайнята? Are you really too busy? Are you really too busy? Ця книжка добре продавалася в Японії. This book sold well in Japan. The book sold well in Japan. Мені цікаво, чому Том залишився у Бостоні. I wonder why Tom stayed in Boston. I wonder why Tom stayed in Boston. Почему он перестал мне улыбаться? Why doesn't he smile at me anymore? Why did he stop smiling at me? Вчитель написав своє ім'я на дошці. The teacher wrote his name on the blackboard. The teacher wrote his name on the board. Дай-но перевірю. Let me check. Let me check. Том хотел поиграть с тобой в шахматы. Tom wanted to play chess with you. Tom wanted to play chess with you. Кто бы заметил? Who would notice? Who would have noticed? Люди дивні. Humans are weird. People are strange. В первые годы производства, Coca-Cola содержала кокаин. В 1914 году кокаин был классифицирован как наркотик, после чего при производстве Coca-Cola вместо него стали использовать кофеин. In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola. In the first years of production, Coca-Cola contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a drug, after which caffeine was used instead in the production of Coca-Cola. Зараз я хочу з'їсти щось солодке. Now I want to eat something sweet. Now I want to eat something sweet. Я живу рядом со станцией. I live near the train station. I live near the station. Теперь всё в порядке? Is everything OK now? Is everything all right now? Ты свободна сегодня днём? Are you going to be free this afternoon? Are you free this afternoon? Просто забудь. Just forget it. Just forget it. У мене є диплом. I have a diploma. I have a diploma. Это печенье я испёк для тебя. I baked these cookies for you. It's a cookie I baked for you. Я любил Англию. I relished England. I loved England. Том — дружелюбний хлопчина. Tom is a friendly guy. Tom is a friendly guy. Що таке гемоглобін? What is haemoglobin? What is hemoglobin? Игру отложили до следующей недели. The game was postponed until next week. The game was postponed until next week. Саша і Маша нарадзіліся ў Сэнт-Пітэрсбергу, але яны памятаюць толькі Томск, дзе яны выраслі. Sasha and Masha were born in St. Petersburg, but all they remember is Tomsk, where they grew up. Sasha and Masha were born in St. Petersburg, but they only remember Tomsk where they grew up. З ким ви розмовляли? Who did you talk to? Who were you talking to? Я люблю картоплю фрі. I love French fries. I love french fries. Он плохо слышит, он почти глухой. He hears badly, he is nearly deaf. He's hard of hearing, he's almost deaf. Я скоро розпочну. I'm about to begin. I'll start soon. Ответить на этот вопрос легко. Answering that question is easy. The answer to this question is easy. Это самое дешёвое. This is the cheapest one. It's the cheapest. Можеш віддати книжку тому, хто її хоче. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to anyone who wants it. Ничего удивительного, - ответил Том. "I don't wonder", said Tom. No wonder, Tom said. Можно я сама? Can I do it myself? Can I do it myself? У меня осталось несколько минут. I've got a few minutes left. I have a few minutes left. Я вообще ничего не слышал. I didn't hear anything at all. I didn't hear anything at all. Том живет за счет денег, доставшихся ему в наследство от деда. Tom lives off the money that he inherited from his grandfather. Tom lives on the money he inherited from his grandfather. Это чистошерстяная рубашка. The shirt is made from pure wool. It's a clean-haired shirt. Я думал, что они ошибаются. I thought they were wrong. I thought they were wrong. То конь? Is it a horse? That horse? Как мне получить то, что мне нужно? How can I get what I need? How do I get what I need? Это лучший ресторан, какой я знаю. This is the best restaurant I know. This is the best restaurant I know. Это просто глупо. That's just stupid. It's just stupid. Можно я открою окно на минутку? May I open the window for a moment? Can I open the window for a minute? Воспользуйся возможностью поблагодарить её. Take the opportunity to thank her. Take the opportunity to thank her. Ты бы такое купил? Would you buy one? Would you buy that? Моє ім'я було нагорі списку. My name was at the top of the list. My name was at the top of the list. Канкан, що може бути перевершений другим канканом, може перевершити другий канкан. Can-can can-can can can can can can-can. A cancan that can be surpassed by a second cancan may be surpassed by a second cancan. Том не кашляет сейчас. Tom isn't coughing now. Tom's not coughing right now. Тому не нужно было уходить. Tom didn't need to leave. Tom didn't have to leave. Шкло вырабляюць з пяску. Glass is made from sand. Glass is made from sand. В этой могиле лежит Том. Tom lies in this grave. Tom is in this grave. Кто исправит мои ошибки? Who will correct my mistakes? Who will correct my mistakes? Яна ззяе шчасцем. She glows with happiness. She shines with happiness. Проснувшись, Скура увидела, что Янни её тискает. Skura woke up to find Yanni fondling her. When Skina woke up, she saw Yannie clutching her. Том с Марией – такая милая пара чудаков. Tom and Mary are such an adorkable couple. Tom and Maria are such a nice couple of freaks. Я сказал тебе, что передумал. I told you I'd changed my mind. I told you I changed my mind. Тебя нужно лечить. You need medical treatment. You need to be treated. Я поэтому так быстро и вернулся. That's the reason that I came back so soon. That's why I came back so fast. Том не сразу уснул. Tom didn't fall asleep right away. Tom didn't fall asleep right away. Том не убивал Мэри. Tom didn't kill Mary. Tom didn't kill Mary. Том зміг зробити все, що мав зробити. Tom was able to do everything he needed to do. Tom did everything he had to do. Не прогуливайте занятие. Don't skip class. Don't miss the class. Вы знаете, как зовут девушку Тома? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Do you know the name of Tom's girlfriend? Коли я повернулася, моєї машини не було. When I came back, my car was gone. When I got back, my car was gone. Хіба тобі не зручно? Aren't you uncomfortable? Aren't you comfortable? Шкода, що я не може поїхати з тобою до Бостона. I wish I could go to Boston with you. I'm sorry I can't go to Boston with you. Родина снідає на вулиці. The family is eating breakfast outdoors. The family eats breakfast on the street. Будете сидеть между Томом и Мэри. You'll be sitting between Tom and Mary. You'll be sitting between Tom and Mary. Том не знав, куди дивитися. Tom didn't know where to look. Tom didn’t know where to look. Я купіла ёй добры падарунак на Каляды. I bought her a nice Christmas present. I bought her a nice Christmas present. Том не единственный опоздал. Tom isn't the only one who was late. Tom wasn't the only one late. Скажи нам, якщо не прийдеш. Tell us if you're not coming. Tell us if you don't come. Я показал Тому свою новую гитару. I showed Tom my new guitar. I showed Tom my new guitar. Він горить! It's burning! He's burning! Я люблю хмарочоси. I love skyscrapers. I love skyscrapers. Сколько раз вы играли в боулинг? How many times have you gone bowling? How many times have you played bowling? Том взял с кровати одеяло и завернулся в него. Tom took a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around himself. Tom took a blanket from the bed and wrapped himself in it. Я відішлю тобі копію цього зображення. I'll send you a copy of this picture. I'll send you a copy of this image. Том хочет пойти на пляж. Tom wants to go to the beach. Tom wants to go to the beach. Может быть Том имеет это. Maybe Tom has it. Maybe Tom has it. Не забудьте потушить костёр. Don't forget to put the fire out. Don't forget to put out the fire. Почему бы нам не остаться здесь сегодня вечером? Why don't we stay here tonight? Why don't we stay here tonight? Том хотел сегодня со мной пообедать. Tom wanted to have lunch with me today. Tom wanted to have lunch with me today. Том показав Мері свій фотоальбом. Tom showed his photo album to Mary. Tom showed Mary his photo album. О том, чтобы это сделать, не могло быть и речи. Doing that was out of the question. There could be no question of doing so. Мені цікаво, чи у Тома є водійські права. I wonder whether or not Tom has a driver's license. I wonder if Tom has a driver's license. Где Том взял этот шарф? Where did Tom get that scarf? Where did Tom get that scarf? Я пообедаю. I'll have dinner. I'll have lunch. Вы ходили вчера на концерт Тома? Did you go to Tom's concert yesterday? Did you go to Tom's concert last night? Том пересёк реку, прыгая с камня на камень. Tom crossed the river by jumping from rock to rock. Tom crossed the river, jumping from stone to stone. Чому Том не спробував допомогти Мері? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Гэта крэсла. This is an armchair. It's a chair. Ти помиляєшся, якщо ти думаєш, що він неправий. You are mistaken if you think he is wrong. You're wrong if you think he's wrong. Я щойно знайшов вирішення проблеми. I just found a solution for the problem. I just found a solution to the problem. Мэри было видение. Mary had a vision. Mary had a vision. Том умовив Мері позичити йому гроші. Tom got Mary to lend him some money. Tom asked Mary to lend him the money. Кто-то украл крышку люка. Someone stole the manhole cover. Someone stole the hatch cover. Вы не видели моего брата? Have you seen my brother? Have you seen my brother? Никогда не забывайте этого. Never forget it. Never forget that. Посадите дерево вон там. Plant a tree over here. Plant a tree over there. Вы всем нам очень нравитесь. All of us like you very much. We all like you very much. Том серйозний. Tom's serious. Tom is serious. Я стараюсь ничего не откладывать на потом. I try my best not to put anything off. I try not to put anything off until later. У мене ідея. I have an idea. I have an idea. Слово "родина" має три склади. The word "family" has 3 syllables. The word "home" has three syllables. Я встретил одноклассника. I met my classmate. I met a classmate. Том ещё неопытен. Tom is still inexperienced. Tom is still inexperienced. Дзе твой дом? Where is your house? Where's your house? Аисты правда стоят на одной ноге? Do storks really stand on one leg? Do storks really stand on one leg? Том сказав мені, що не любить розмовляти французькою. Tom told me he didn't like speaking French. Tom told me he didn't like to speak French. Это замечание пришлось не по душе её родителям. The comment didn't go over well with her parents. This comment did not please her parents. Что Том делал в Бостоне? What was Tom doing in Boston? What was Tom doing in Boston? Нашей группе нужен новый гитарист. Our band needs another guitarist. Our band needs a new guitarist. Что я должен был делать в той ситуации? What should I have done in that situation? What was I supposed to do in that situation? Це моя улюблена група. That's my favorite band. This is my favorite group. Том ест суп. Tom is eating soup. Tom eats soup. Якщо ти хочеш, щоб я пішла, просто так і скажи. If you want me to leave, just say so. If you want me to go, just say so. Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop twisting my words. Це мило пахне вишневим цвітом. This soap smells like cherry blossom. It smells like cherry blossom. В целом, ему очень повезло. On the whole, he has had a lot of luck. Overall, he was very lucky. Том посоветовал Мэри не оставлять дверь незапертой. Tom advised Mary not to leave her door unlocked. Tom advised Mary not to leave the door unlocked. Том регулярно прочищал уши ватными палочками. Tom regularly cleaned his ears out with cotton swabs. Tom regularly cleaned his ears with cotton chopsticks. Жарко тут. It's hot in here. It's hot here. Ты хочешь, чтобы это окно было открыто? Do you want this window opened? You want that window to open? Яе голас прыемна слухаць. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Лишь любовь может разбить ваше сердце. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break your heart. Бессмысленно притворяться, что заставляете меня поверить, что я верю в то, во что вы не верите! It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe! It makes no sense to pretend to make me believe that I believe in something you don't believe in! Никто из нас не хочет, чтобы это случилось. None of us want that to happen. None of us want that to happen. «У тебя болит рука?» — «Немного болит». "Does your hand hurt?" "It hurts a little." "Does your arm hurt?" "It hurts a bit." Давайте подождём до завтрашнего утра. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Ми не маємо онуків. We have no grandchildren. We have no grandchildren. Сначала думай, потом говори! Think about what you say before you say it. Think first, then talk! Привіт, як ти? Hi, how're you doing? Hey, how are you? Ми працюємо кожного дня, за винятком понеділка. We work every day but Monday. We work every day except Monday. Я прийшов побажати вам удачі. I came to wish you good luck. I'm here to wish you luck. Ярко светит солнце. The sun is shining brightly. The sun shines brightly. Вернись через три дня. Come back in three days. Come back in three days. Это вы должны решать. You're the one who must decide. It's up to you to decide. Мы покрасим забор завтра. We'll paint the fence tomorrow. We'll paint the fence tomorrow. Том очень щедрый человек. Tom is a very generous man. Tom is a very generous man. Чаму твой кот такі вялікі? Why is your cat so big? Why is your cat so big? Маё жыцце было б зусім пустым без цябе. My life would be completely empty without you. My life would be completely empty without you. Блаславі цябе Бог! God bless you! God bless you! Ты видел мою бутылку? Have you seen my bottle? Have you seen my bottle? Ти любиш сік? Do you like juice? Do you like juice? Том сказав, що Мері пішла. Tom said Mary left. Tom said Mary was gone. Я хочу вивчати французьку. I want to study French. I want to learn French. Том продолжал её щекотать. Tom continued to tickle her. Tom continued to tickle her. Вона прогуляла школу. She skived off school. She skipped school. Він закінчив Токійський університет. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from the University of Tokyo. Ніхто не прыйшоў. Nobody came. No one came. Скажи мне, что ты видел. Tell me what you saw. Tell me what you saw. Ты такая глупая. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Я должен увидеть тебя. I must see you. I have to see you. Мэри пыталась продать свой дом. Mary tried to sell her house. Mary tried to sell her house. Я не люблю носить обувь. I don't like wearing shoes. I don't like to wear shoes. Как новый год встретишь, так его и проведёшь. New Year's Day is the key to the year. As soon as you meet the new year, you will spend it. Ми обидва знаємо Тома. We both know Tom. We both know Tom. Тебя кто-нибудь ещё видел? Did anyone else see you? Has anyone else seen you? Некоторых деталей не хватало. Some parts were missing. Some details were missing. Это ошибка. It's a mistake. It's a mistake. Том даже не попытался понять. Tom didn't even try to understand. Tom didn't even try to understand. Она Вас знает? Does she know you? Does she know you? Ви їли. You were eating. You ate. Тому подобається в Бостоні. Tom likes it in Boston. I like it in Boston. Це не так важко, як тобі здається. It's not as difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think. Мы пілі піва. We drank beer. We drank beer. Цей роман написаний відомим американським письменником. This novel was written by a famous American writer. This novel was written by a famous American writer. Кто научил вас ходить на лыжах? Who taught you how to ski? Who taught you to ski? Паспорта у нас с собой. We have our passports with us. We have passports with us. У тебе вдома є привид. You have a ghost in your house. You have a ghost at home. Зірнуўшы праз туман, я ўбачыў, як мая будучыня прамільгнула ў мяне перад вачамі. In looking through the mist, I caught a glimpse of my future. Looking through the mist, I saw my future flash in front of me. Скажи мені, що ти хочеш на Різдво. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Він болгарин. He's Bulgarian. He is Bulgarian. Я знаю, що я багато чому навчуся. I know I'm going to learn a lot. I know I will learn a lot. Том сказав, що Мері бачила, як Джон це зробив. Tom said Mary has seen John do that. Tom said that Mary had seen John do it. Я колись мав таку саму проблему. I used to have the same problem. I once had the same problem. Узнайте, куда пошёл Том. Find out where Tom went. Find out where Tom went. Я разлічвала на яго. I counted on him. I counted on him. Том багато років не грав на фортепіано. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom didn't play the piano for years. Это яблоко Вам. This apple is for you. This is an apple for you. Собакам нравится, когда им чешут уши. Dogs like to have their ears rubbed. Dogs like to scratch their ears. Медведь черный. The bear is black. The bear is black. Вони всі туристи. They're all tourists. They are all tourists. Я хочу знать, кто его начал. I want to know who started it. I want to know who started it. Це її коні. These horses are hers. This is her horse. Коти дивні. Cats are weird. Cats are strange. У Тома був інсульт. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. Я вывучаю карэйскую мову. I study Korean. I'm learning Korean. Я сумніваюсь, що Том прийде. I'm doubtful whether Tom will come. I doubt that Tom will come. Коалы не медведи. Koalas are not bears. Koalas are not bears. Это был наш выбор. It was our choice. It was our choice. Чому ти не поснідала? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Мій кіт такий милий. My cat is so adorable. My cat is so cute. Будь ласка, роби це швидко. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Все это поняли, кроме Тома. Everybody understood it except for Tom. Everyone knew that, except Tom. Поведінка Тома мене розізлила. Tom's behavior angered me. Tom's behavior made me angry. Я не хочу нічого купувати. Я просто озираюся навколо. I don't want to buy anything. I'm just looking around. I don't want to buy anything. I just look around. Почему Том ещё не приехал? Why hasn't Tom arrived yet? Why isn't Tom here yet? Брати та сестри завжди повинні допомагати одне одному і захищати одне одного. Siblings must always help and protect each other. Brothers and sisters should always help each other and protect each other. Не суйся в чужие дела. Don't meddle in other people's affairs. Don't get into other people's business. У тебя есть? Do you have one? You got one? У проміжку між 10 та 14 є лише два прості числа. There are only two prime numbers between 10 and 14. Between 10 and 14 there are only two prime numbers. Буду вдячний, якщо ви зробите це для нас. I'd be grateful if you did that for us. I would be grateful if you would do this for us. Мы долго ждали, но Том больше не появлялся. We waited a long time, but Tom never showed up again. We waited a long time, but Tom never showed up again. Он завоевал её привязанность. He won her affection. He won her affection. Том не буде примушувати Мері це робити. Tom isn't going to force Mary to do that. Tom won't force Mary to do it. Хіба ви не музикант? Aren't you a musician? Aren't you a musician? Хотите посмотреть на мою коллекцию бабочек? Do you want to see my butterfly collection? Want to see my butterfly collection? Том не слухав. Tom wasn't listening. Tom didn't listen. Всего Вам знать не нужно. You don't need to know everything. You don't need to know everything. Мне нравится здесь работать. I like working here. I like working here. Я пришлю вам ссылку. I'll send you the link. I'll send you a link. Том каже, ви все ще голодний. Tom says that you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Решение тактических упражнений, понимание сложной концовки, наблюдение за живым матчем и попытки «угадать» ходы, которые будут сыграны. Всё это весело. Solving a tactical exercise, understanding a difficult ending, following a live match and trying to "guess" the moves that will be played. All of this is fun. Solving tactical exercises, understanding a complex ending, watching a live match and trying to “guess” the moves that will be played. All this is fun. Я скажу Томові, що ми не готові. I'll tell Tom we aren't ready. I'll tell Tom we're not ready. Когда вы собираетесь это закончить? When are you going to finish this? When are you going to finish this? Мері запитала Тома, чи попоїв він достатньо. Mary asked Tom if he had eaten enough. Mary asked Tom if he had drunk enough. Главное в Татоэбе - не изрекать мыслей выше желудка и ниже колен. The main thing on Tatoeba is not to utter ideas above your stomach and below your knees. The main thing in Tatoeb is not to speak thoughts above the stomach and below the knees. Это вы дали ей мой телефон? Were you the one who gave her my phone number? Did you give her my phone? Том выпустил ещё одну книгу. Tom has published another book. Tom wrote another book. Я хочу, чтобы вы попросили у Тома прощения. I want you to apologize to Tom. I want you to ask Tom for forgiveness. Він не мав чого сказати вчителю. He didn't have anything to say to the teacher. He had nothing to say to the teacher. Я ходжу до церкви кожного дня. I go to church every day. I go to church every day. Мы по-прежнему друзья? Are we still friends? Are we still friends? Свинина обычно дешевле говядины. Pork is usually cheaper than beef. Pork is usually cheaper than beef. Гэта робіцца вельмі проста. That's very easy to do. This is done very simply. Я не верю в гипноз. I don't believe in hypnosis. I don't believe in hypnosis. Пепепрошую, його тут немає. Sorry, he is not here. Please, he's not here. Ты не канадзец. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Убедись, что ты никого не забыл. Make sure that you don't forget anybody. Make sure you don't forget anyone. Я люблю приключения. I like adventures. I love adventures. Я зламала ніготь I broke my fingernail. I broke my nail Том хочет, чтобы мы страдали. Tom wants us to suffer. Tom wants us to suffer. Тебе он нравится как человек или просто нравится? Do you like him, or do you like-like him? Do you like him as a person or just like him? Иногда кажется, что собака Тома умнее его самого. Sometimes it seems that Tom's dog is smarter than he is. Sometimes it seems that Tom's dog is smarter than himself. Мои родители не поняли бы. My parents wouldn't understand. My parents wouldn't understand. Выслоўі Канфуцыя вядомыя. The sayings of Confucius are famous. The statements of Confucius are known. Том совсем этого не ожидал. Tom didn't expect this at all. Tom didn’t expect that. Дайте мені десять хвилин. Give me ten minutes. Give me ten minutes. Том не має раку. Tom doesn't have cancer. Tom has no cancer. Будь осторожен, если будешь выходить. Be careful if you go out. Be careful if you go out. К сожалению, я не могу тебе сейчас с этим помочь. Unfortunately, I can't help you do that now. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that right now. Я гэтага не казала. I didn't say this. I didn't say that. Среди миллионов шахматистов по всему миру чуть более 1500 в настоящее время имеют звание гроссмейстера. Among millions of chess players around the world, just over 1500 currently hold the title of Grand Master. Among the millions of chess players around the world, just over 1,500 currently hold the title of grandmaster. Фадзіль нарадзіўся да Вялікай дэпрэсіі. Fadil was born during the Great Depression. Fadil was born before the Great Depression. У вас с этим какие-то проблемы? Do you have any problems with that? Do you have a problem with that? Это случилось не впервые, так? Isn't it the first time it's happened? It wasn't the first time, was it? Мы учителя. We are teachers. We're teachers. Рано или поздно она признается. She'll confess, sooner or later. Sooner or later, she confesses. Ты думаешь, это я сделал? Do you think I'm the one who did this? You think I did it? Почему вы думаете, что Тома сегодня нет? Why do you think Tom isn't here today? Why do you think Tom's not here today? Не давайте Тому пить. Don't give Tom anything to drink. Don't let Tom drink. Як часто ти цим займаєшся? How often do you do that? How often do you do that? Це місце приносить мені спогади про дитинство. This place brings me memories of my childhood. This place brings me memories of my childhood. Что ты там поёшь? What're you singing? What are you singing? Це не він. That's not him. It's not him. Ви на три роки молодша, ніж Том. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Ніколи не лишайте мене одну з Томом. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom. Never leave me alone with Tom. Побачимо, що скаже Том. Let's see what Tom says. We’ll see what Tom says. Ти допомогла? Did you help? Did you help? Де татко? Where is Father? Where's Dad? Он богатый человек. He's a wealthy man. He's a rich man. Іўдаізм насамрэч не супрацьстаіць хрысціянству. Judaism isn't really the opposite of Christianity. Judaism is not really opposed to Christianity. Я благодарен родителям за всё, что они для меня сделали. I'm grateful to my parents for doing everything they've done for me. I am grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me. Все так само як ми залишили. Everything is as we left it. It's just like we left it. Дай мені правильну відповідь негайно. Give the correct answer immediately. Give me the right answer immediately. Я хотел бы с вами увидеться. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Вона не була ввічлива з ним. She wasn't polite to him. She was not polite to him. Они не дадут тебе этого сделать. They won't let you do that. They won't let you do that. Я пошёл дальше. I kept on walking. I'm moving on. Он разбил то окно нарочно. He broke that window on purpose. He broke that window on purpose. Том случайно выпил яд. Tom accidentally drank some poison. Tom accidentally drank the poison. Том сделал свою часть. Tom did his part. Tom did his part. Она с вами училась. She studied with you. She studied with you. Припиніть це казати! Stop saying that! Stop saying that! Вони не є загрозою. They're not a threat. They are not a threat. Красный зонт напомнил ей о бабушке. The red umbrella reminded her about her grandmother. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Твоя собака выглядит голодной. Your dog looks hungry. Your dog looks hungry. Какие у тебя планы, Том? What are your plans, Tom? What are your plans, Tom? Пауки — отвратительные маленькие существа. Spiders are loathsome little creatures. Spiders are disgusting little creatures. Мы заблудились. We lost our way. We're lost. Дитину ростять усім селом. It takes a village to raise a child. The child is raised in the village. Убери книги со стола, пожалуйста. Take the books away from the table, please. Get the books off the table, please. Я не очікую від них перемоги. I don't expect them to win. I don’t expect them to win. Том сказал, что никого не видел. Tom said that he hadn't seen anyone. Tom said he didn't see anyone. Том сказал, что у него нет адвоката. Tom said he didn't have a lawyer. Tom said he didn't have a lawyer. Здається, вдома нікого немає. It seems there's nobody home. No one seems to be home. Во сколько он открывается? At what time does it open? What time does it open? Подумайте хорошенько, прежде чем отвечать. Think carefully before answering. Think carefully before responding. Я начинаю любить саму себя. I'm beginning to enjoy myself. I am beginning to love myself. Це складне питання. It's a complex question. It's a difficult question. Три точки, що не знаходяться на одній прямій, унікальним чином визначають площину. Three points that are not on the same line determine a unique plane. Three points that are not on the same line uniquely determine the plane. Я завтра весь день буду занят. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. Не думаю, что Том потерялся. I don't think Tom is lost. I don't think Tom's lost. Том покарає вас за це. Tom will punish you for that. Tom will punish you for that. Чому всі плачуть? Why is everybody crying? Why is everyone crying? Холодная погода уже здесь. The cold weather's here. The cold weather is here. Я совсем не такая, как ты. I'm not at all like you. I'm not like you at all. Вони дуже скоро прийдуть. They're coming really soon. They will come very soon. Том колекціонує старовинні годинники. Tom collects antique watches. He collects old clocks. Сезанн відомий своїми пейзажами. Cezanne is famous for his landscapes. Cézanne is known for its landscapes. Эй ты! Что ты делаешь? Hey, you! What are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? План никогда не может предусматривать всё. A plan can never anticipate everything. A plan can never provide for everything. Я когда-то жил на Парковой улице. I used to lived on Park Street. I used to live on Park Street. Мій собака ніяк не перестане хропіти. My dog won't stop snoring. My dog will not stop snoring. Они её боятся. They're afraid of her. They're afraid of her. Мне обязательно это есть? Do I have to eat this? Do I have to eat it? Яна планавала паехаць у Германію? Did she plan to go to Germany? Did she plan to go to Germany? Ми хочемо поговорити з Томом. We want to talk to Tom. We want to talk to Tom. Я ніколі з ім не зраўняюся. I'll never be like him. I never compare myself to him. У вас трое детей. You've got three kids. You have three children. Ты дальтоник? Are you colorblind? Are you colorblind? Он родился в семь часов утра 5 июня 1970 года. He was born at seven on the morning of June 5 in 1970. He was born at 7 a.m. on June 5, 1970. Я сподівався, що морозиво не розтане так швидко. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt so quickly. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn’t melt so quickly. Як ти можеш таке казати? How can you say such a thing? How can you say that? Я сапраўды яе кахаў. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Я подожду до восьми. I’ll wait until eight o’clock. I'll wait till 8:00. Том навіть не намагався допомогти Мері. Tom didn't even attempt to help Mary. Tom didn't even try to help Mary. Почему бы нам сначала не поесть? Why don't we eat first? Why don't we eat first? Я не маю тобі казати, що це таке, чи не так? I don't have to tell you what this is, do I? I don't have to tell you what it is, do I? Том не смог скрыть своего раздражения. Tom wasn't able to hide his annoyance. Tom couldn’t hide his anger. Я думал, ты закончила. I thought that you were done. I thought you were done. Когда равноденствие? When is the equinox? When is the equinox? Не холодно. It's not cold. It's not cold. Калі ласка, пачакайце на дварэ. Please wait outside the house. Please wait for the yard. Я заеду к Тому по дороге домой. I'll stop by Tom's on my way home. I'll stop by Tom's on the way home. Вы новая няня? Are you the new nanny? Are you the new babysitter? Кто из вас отец Тома? Which of you is Tom's father? Which one of you is Tom's father? Магазины работают с понедельника по субботу. Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. Ты мог ошибиться. You may have been wrong. You could be wrong. Я вважаю, що проблема тут. I think that the problem is here. I think the problem is here. Звіть мене Ізмаїлом. Call me Ismaël. Call me Ishmael. Я никогда не говорил, что она украла у меня именно деньги. I never said she stole my money. I never said she stole money from me. Это случилось так неожиданно, что мы не успели среагировать. It happened so suddenly we didn't have the time to react. It happened so suddenly that we didn’t have time to react. Ви не проти тут почекати? Do you mind waiting here? Do you mind waiting here? "Папа, тебе сегодня не надо идти на работу? У тебя выходной?" - "Да, ведь сегодня государственный праздник". "Dad, shouldn't you be at work today? Do you have a day off?" "That's right, it's a national holiday today." "Dad, you don't have to go to work today? You have a day off?" - "Yes, because today is a public holiday." Хачу сабе такі меч! I want a sword like this! I want that sword! Выключи свет на кухне, пожалуйста. Turn off the kitchen light, please. Turn off the lights in the kitchen, please. Я никогда не забуду, как мы с ней ездили на Гавайи. I'll never forget going to Hawaii with her. I'll never forget how she and I went to Hawaii. Том не обращает на Мэри внимания. Tom is ignoring Mary. Tom doesn't pay attention to Mary. Зима скоро закончится. Winter will be over soon. Winter will soon be over. Дуже дякую за твого листа. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you very much for your letter. Гэта цябе не датычыцца. None of your business. That won't touch you. Дом кто-то поджёг. Somebody set fire to the house. Someone set the house on fire. Дзе бициґла? Where is the bicycle? Where's the bicycling? Почему не все мы поем? Why aren't we all singing? Why don't we all eat? У нас були сумніви. I was having doubts. We had doubts. Почему мы не видим, что там? Why don't we see what's in there? Why can't we see what's out there? Вам трэба перасесці на іншы поезд на наступным прыпынку. You have to change trains at the next stop. You need to move to another train at the next stop. Я цяжарная. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Ему нравится петь в ванной. He likes to sing in the bath. He likes to sing in the bathroom. Я ще не снідала. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Чаму Вы не прыйшлі? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Возвращайся домой пораньше, Билл. Come home early, Bill. Come home early, Bill. Примустімо, що це правда. Let's suppose it's true. Let's assume it's true. У мене багато кредитних карток. I have a lot of credit cards. I have a lot of credit cards. У Тома завтра насыщенный день. Tom has a busy day tomorrow. Tom has a busy day tomorrow. Сумніваюся, що Том коли-небудь вирішити розглянути можливість поїхати до Австралії. I doubt that Tom would ever consider going to Australia. I doubt that Tom will ever decide to consider going to Australia. Португалія — демократична країна. Portugal is a democratic country. Portugal is a democratic country. Мы когда-то были соседями. We used to be neighbours. We used to be neighbors. Спросите кого-нибудь ещё. Ask someone else. Ask someone else. Том убил крысу. Tom killed the rat. Tom killed a rat. Кажется, ты многому научилась. It seems you've learned a lot. You seem to have learned a lot. Мері вважає Тому нудним. Mary thinks Tom is boring. Mary thinks Tom is boring. Том не узнал Мэри. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Она пользуется большим успехом, чем я. She's more popular than me. She is more successful than me. Я хотел бы с ним познакомиться. I'd like to meet him. I'd like to meet him. Я знаю, что Том вот-вот заплачет. I know Tom is about to cry. I know Tom's about to cry. Вещи Тома пахнут куревом. Tom's clothes smell like smoke. Tom's stuff smells like chicken. Ви добре граєте у теніс. You play tennis well. You play tennis well. Том не знал, что этот ребёнок - Мэри. Tom didn't know the baby was Mary. Tom didn't know this kid was Mary. Кто выключил кондиционер? Who turned off the air conditioner? Who turned off the air conditioner? Мій дім — ваш дім. Mi casa, su casa. My home is your home. Скот! Калі ласка, прыгатуй хот-догі на лэнч. Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch. Scott! Please cook a hot dog for lunch. Она повредила спину, играя в теннис. She injured her back playing tennis. She hurt her back by playing tennis. Как долго он лгал тебе? How long has he been lying to you? How long has he been lying to you? Том работает консьержем. Tom works as a concierge. Tom works as a concierge. Її скоротять. She's going to be made redundant. She'll be cut. Нічога страшнага! Never mind! Nothing scary! Том не ненавидить Мері. Tom doesn't hate Mary. Tom doesn't hate Mary. Если оно тебе не нужно, не покупай его. If you don't need it, don't buy it. If you don't need it, don't buy it. Це вірш. It's a poem. It's a poem. Цікаво, чи з Томом все гаразд. I wonder whether or not Tom is OK. I wonder if Tom is okay. Все в шоколаді. Everything is alright. All in chocolate. Этот университет находится в 20 метрах отсюда. The university is 20 metres from here. This university is 20 meters away. Автоисправление – мой бич. Auto-correct is the bane of my existence. Autocorrection is my scourge. Гадаю, ми наступні. I think we're next. I think we're next. Бензин не такой дешёвый, как раньше. Gasoline isn't as cheap as it used to be. Gasoline is not as cheap as it used to be. Он давно её знает. He has known her for a long time. He's known her for a long time. Ми підтримуємо свою команду. We support our team. We support our team. Что мы нашли? What have he found? What did we find? Хлопці спричинили багато проблем. The boys caused a lot of trouble. The boys caused a lot of problems. Бульба вельмі танная. Potatoes are very cheap. The bulb is very cheap. Я хачу быць паэткай. I want to be a poet. I want to be a poet. Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix you breakfast. I'll arrange your breakfast. Я пообіцяв ніколи більше не запізнюватися. I promised to never be late again. I promised never to be late again. Це однозначно буде весело. It'll certainly be fun. It will definitely be fun. Мені здається, тобі хтось телефонує. I think that someone is calling you. I think someone is calling you. Никогда нельзя недооценивать силу человеческой глупости. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Він почувався втомленим. He felt tired. He felt tired. Я всё время об этом думаю. I think about that all the time. I think about it all the time. Де мій часопис? Where's my magazine? Where is my journal? Всё можно вылечить, кроме смерти. There is a cure for everything except for death. Everything can be cured except death. Ти повинен врятувати Тома. You must save Tom. You have to save Tom. Ніхто не має права позбавляти інших життя. No one has the right to take a life. No one has the right to take the lives of others. Том и Мэри всегда перебивают друг друга. Tom and Mary interrupt each other all the time. Tom and Mary always interrupt each other. Ми з моїм мозком терпимо одне одного. My brain and I tolerate each other. My brain and I tolerate each other. Она не очень помогла. She wasn't much help. She didn't really help. Яна закахалася ў рускую імігрантку. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. Він впертий як осел. He is stubborn as a mule. He's stubborn as a donkey. Какие слова к этой песне? What are the lyrics to that song? What are the words to this song? У Вас рак лёгкого. You have lung cancer. You have lung cancer. Том заверил меня, что он там будет. Tom assured me that he'd be there. Tom assured me that he would be there. Я скажу им, чтобы они с тобой связались. I'll tell them to contact you. I'll tell them to contact you. Эй, это я. Hey, it's me. Hey, it's me. Том рисковал своей жизнью, чтобы спасти Мэри. Tom risked his life to save Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. «Как я выгляжу?» – «Я на тебя запал». "How do I look?" "I'm definitely gay." “How do I look?” “I’m mad at you.” В бассейне никого нет. There's nobody in the pool. There's no one in the pool. Том іде за нами. Tom is coming for us. Tom is coming for us. Нам нужно сообщить об этом. We need to report this. We need to report this. Лондон - это столица Соединённого Королевства. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. На строительство моего дома ушло почти три года. It took almost three years to build my house. It took me almost three years to build my house. Вы говорите по-французски лучше меня. You speak French better than I do. You speak French better than me. Я лише дражнився. I was only teasing. I was just teasing. Я не могу рассказать вам о том, что случилось. I can't tell you about what happened. I can't tell you what happened. Ты её изменил? You changed it? Did you change it? Интересно, будет ли снег. I wonder if it'll snow. I wonder if there will be snow. Простите, где яйца? I'm sorry, but where are the eggs? Excuse me, where are the eggs? Мне нужно готовиться к уроку. I need to get ready for class. I need to get ready for class. Я чув, як Том та Мері говорили про Джона. I heard Tom and Mary talking about John. I heard Tom and Mary talking about John. Я очень хорошо знаю вашего брата. I know your brother very well. I know your brother very well. Я не вмію свистіти. I cannot whistle. I can't whistle. Безопасно ли есть сырые яйца? Is eating raw eggs safe? Is it safe to eat raw eggs? Взгляните на книги, которые я купил. Have a look at the books I bought. Look at the books I bought. Уборщица прервала разговор. The cleaning lady interrupted the conversation. The janitor interrupted the conversation. Завтра я должен идти на рентген. I have to go and have an X-ray tomorrow. I have to get an X-ray tomorrow. Ты смотрел в Гугле? Did you google it? Did you look at Google? Мы хотим уйти. We want to leave. We want to leave. Просто допоможіть мені. Just give me a hand. Just help me. Что нам терять? What have we got to lose? What do we have to lose? Будь ласка, прочитайте показники лічильника. Please read the numbers on the meter. Please read the meter indicators. Пробач мені, будь ласка. Please excuse me. I'm sorry, please. В этой реке полно рыбы. There are plenty of fish in this river. The river is full of fish. Я дуже хочу їсти. I'm really hungry. I really want to eat. Цей маленький хлопчик вміє ходити. That little boy can walk. This little boy can walk. Том каже, що не хоче їхати. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Я читал эту книгу всё утро. I've been reading this book all morning. I read this book all morning. У нас работают дружелюбные, квалифицированные и опытные преподаватели. We have friendly, qualified and experienced teachers working. We have friendly, qualified and experienced teachers. В октябре начинают падать листья. Leaves begin to fall in October. In October, the leaves begin to fall. Ви змогли додзвонитися до Тома? Did you manage to get a hold of Tom? Can you talk to Tom? Отец у Тома - канадец. Tom's father is Canadian. Tom's father is Canadian. Майку, це ваша книжка? Mike, is this your book? Mike, is this your book? Вы все окна заперли? Have you locked all the windows? Did you lock all the windows? Это слишком просто. It's too easy. It's too easy. Я на це сподіваюся. I do hope so. I hope so. Потрібна рішучість. It takes determination. It takes determination. Я уяви не мав, що Том — ваш брат. I had no idea that Tom was your brother. I had no idea Tom was your brother. Відтак, я буду змушений зупинитися тут. Hence, I shall have to stay here. Then I'll have to stop here. Том старается не выходить ночью. Tom avoids going out at night. Tom tries not to go out at night. Том сатаніст. Tom's a Satanist. Tom is a Satanist. Если хочешь быть свободным, уничтожь свой телевизор. If you want to be free, destroy your television set. If you want to be free, destroy your TV. Выключите свет на кухне, пожалуйста. Turn the kitchen light off, please. Turn off the lights in the kitchen, please. Меблів майже немає. There is almost no furniture. There are hardly any furniture. Я люблю ездить с Томом на рыбалку. I like going fishing with Tom. I love to go fishing with Tom. Я фанат мадридського «Реалу». I'm a Real Madrid fan. I am a fan of Real Madrid. На піджаку є гудзики. There are buttons on the coat. There are buttons on the jacket. Заключенный освобожден. Prisoner is discharged. The prisoner is released. Самі не падабаюцца сабакі. Sami doesn't like dogs. They don't like dogs themselves. Прошло три года с тех пор, как я был здесь в последний раз. It's been three years since I was last here. It's been three years since I was last here. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks tired. Tom looks tired. Простите, я не знаю, что сказать. Sorry, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Навіщо ти зачинив двері? Why did you close the door? Why did you close the door? Ты уверен, что знаешь, о чём говоришь? Are you sure you know what you're talking about? Are you sure you know what you're talking about? Не любая птица умеет петь. Not every bird can sing. Not all birds can sing. Його дурна відповідь вразила усіх. His stupid answer surprised everybody. His stupid response surprised everyone. Мені здається, ти знаєш Тома. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. Я рада видеть, что с тобой всё в порядке. I'm glad to see you're OK. I'm glad to see you're okay. Объясни мне разницу. Explain the difference to me. Explain the difference to me. Не смотрите в замочную скважину. Don't look through the keyhole. Don't look at the keyhole. Считаю, Том привередлив. I think Tom is finicky. I think Tom's picky. Вимкни світло, коли закінчиш. Turn off the light when you're done. Turn off the lights when you're done. Вернёмся к третьему уроку. Let's go back to lesson three. Back to the third lesson. Подождём немного. Let's wait a while. We'll wait a bit. Я думаю, моя ідея ліпша. I think my idea is better. I think my idea is better. Я могу свидетельствовать о его невиновности. I can attest to his innocence. I can testify to his innocence. Если бы Том меня не пригласил, я бы не пришла. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. Том и Мэри были раньше друзьями. Tom and Mary used to be friends. Tom and Mary used to be friends. Хіба ви не думаєте, що можеш це полагодити? Don't you think you can fix it? Don't you think you can fix it? Том подозревал, что Мэри шутит. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Tom suspected Mary was joking. Сядзь там. Sit there. Sit there. Я уяви не мала, що Том — твій син. I had no idea Tom was your son. I had no idea Tom was your son. Что ты хочешь изменить? What do you want to change? What do you want to change? Кнїжка на столє? Is the book on the table? A book on the table? Я охайна. I'm tidy. I'm neat. Кабильский - мой родной язык. Kabyle is my mother tongue. Kabil is my mother tongue. Давай, відповідай швидко. Come on, answer quickly. Come on, answer quickly. Том пролил немного сока на диван. Tom spilled some juice on the couch. Tom spilled some juice on the couch. В конце прошлого сезона мы потеряли много хороших игроков. We lost a lot of good players at the end of last season. At the end of last season, we lost a lot of good players. Мне нужно быть на этом собрании. I need to be at that meeting. I need to be at this meeting. Як ты думаеш, я змагу калісьці гаварыць як носьбітка мовы? Do you think it's possible for me to ever sound like a native speaker? Do you think I'll ever be able to speak like a native speaker? Чем ваш метод лучше? Why is your method better? How is your method better? Це завжди провина батьків. It's always the parents' fault. It is always the fault of the parents. Спокойной ночи, дети. Good night, children. Good night, kids. На солнце лежит кошка. A cat is lying in the sun. There is a cat in the sun. Если бы не солнце, всё живое погибло бы. If it weren't for the sun, every living thing would die. Without the sun, all life would have died. Я не умею ни читать, ни писать. I can neither write nor read. I can neither read nor write. Моя собака лает на чужих. My dog barks at strangers. My dog barks at strangers. Мені цікаво, чи Том зможе посидіти з нашою дитиною сьогодні ввечері. I wonder whether or not Tom can babysit for us tonight. I wonder if Tom will be able to sit with our baby tonight. Мы гордимся нашим достижением. We're proud of our achievement. We are proud of our achievement. У нас закінчився сир. We don't have any more cheese. We're out of cheese. Які ти вивчаєш мови? What languages are you learning? What languages do you learn? Поскольку мистер Джексон в больнице, ближайшие три недели вашим учителем буду я. Mr. Jackson is in the hospital, so I'll be your teacher for the next three weeks. Since Mr. Jackson is in the hospital, I will be your teacher for the next three weeks. Извините, но я не могу принять такой дорогой подарок. I'm sorry, but I can't accept such an expensive gift. I'm sorry, but I can't accept such an expensive gift. Том знав, що Мері не мала наміру робити цього. Tom knew Mary didn't intend to do that. Tom knew Mary had no intention of doing so. Мэри говорит, что ей нужно больше времени. Mary says she needs more time. Mary says she needs more time. Том подкупил Мэри? Did Tom bribe Mary? Tom bribed Mary? Я живу довольно близко к вам. I live pretty close to you. I live pretty close to you. Камбала - рыба, проводящая всю свою взрослую жизнь на дне моря. A flounder is a fish that spends its adult life on the sea bed. Kambala is a fish that spends its entire adult life at the bottom of the sea. Ладно, пора ехать. Well, it's time to go. Okay, time to go. Він детально пояснив правила. He explained the rules in detail. He explained the rules in detail. Спробуй ще раз! Try again! Try again! Це Мері дала ім'я цьому цуценяті. Mary was the one who named this puppy. It was Mary who gave the name to this puppy. Я не обещал тебе это. I didn't promise you that. I didn't promise you that. Я сказаў, што зраблю яе шчаслівай. I said I would make her happy. I said I'd make her happy. Том вас зупинить. Tom will stop you. Tom will stop you. Почему вы не позавтракали? Why didn't you eat breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Я чихнула раз двадцать. I sneezed about twenty times. I sneezed twenty times. Том поцеловал Мэри, и она дала ему пощёчину. Tom kissed Mary and she slapped him. Tom kissed Mary, and she slapped him. Вони торгують рибою й м'ясом. They're selling fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. Я бачыў месяц над небакраем. I saw the moon above the horizon. I've seen a month over the sky. Я хочу, чтобы мы стали друзьями с твоей сестрой. I want to make friends with your sister. I want us to be friends with your sister. Спросите у Тома, когда он планирует вернуться. Ask Tom when he plans to come back. Ask Tom when he plans to return. Нам нужно быть готовыми к тому, что может произойти. We need to be prepared for what might happen. We need to be prepared for what might happen. Вы ведь вчера дома были? You were at home yesterday, weren't you? You were home yesterday, right? Я знал, что вот-вот случится что-то ужасное. I knew that something horrible was about to happen. I knew something terrible was about to happen. Він на три роки старший від неї. He's three years older than she is. He is three years older than her. Какую поисковую систему вы используете? Which search engine do you use? What search engine do you use? Хто твій провайдер? What's your ISP? Who is your provider? Том порадив Мері вчитися старанніше. Tom advised Mary to study harder. Tom advised Mary to study harder. Я это уже замечал. I'd already noticed that. I've noticed that before. Ящик с отверстиями. The box has holes in it. Box with holes. Як звуть вашого сина? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? Как же я его пропустил? How did I miss it? How did I miss him? Її руде волосся привертає увагу. Her red hair attracts attention. Her red hair attracts attention. Вас там не было. You weren't there. You weren't there. Том дал Мэри свой номер телефона. Tom gave Mary his phone number. Tom gave Mary his phone number. Том міг и повинен був допомогти Мері. Tom could've and should've helped Mary. Tom could and should have helped Mary. Том съел шоколадку. Tom ate a chocolate bar. Tom ate the chocolate. Раджу вам зробити це негайно. I advise you to do that right away. I urge you to do so immediately. Родоначальник Тома був членом земельної шляхти Англії. Tom's ancestor was a member of England's landed gentry. Tom's father was a member of England's land estate. Том не здав залік із французької. Tom failed his French test. Tom didn't give up French. Никто ничего не заподозрил. Nobody suspected a thing. No one suspected anything. Скажи Тому, что ему не следует этого делать. Tell Tom that he shouldn't be doing that. Tell him he shouldn't do it. Том знає, що це не Мері зробила. Tom knows Mary isn't the one who did that. Tom knows Mary didn't do it. Тому не понравилась эта фотография. Tom didn't like this photo. Tom did not like this photo. В каких странах вы бывали? Which countries have you been to? Which countries have you been to? Том улыбается? Is Tom smiling? Is Tom smiling? Они сказали, что были осторожны. They said they'd been careful. They said they were careful. «Фрэнк, христианство по сути не единая религия. В нём множество течений с различными верованиями». – «Ты прав, Дон». "Frank, Christianity isn't really just one religion. There are zillions of sects with different beliefs." "You're right, Don." “Frank, Christianity is not really a single religion. There are many currents with different beliefs in it.” “You’re right, Don.” Тому понравилось новое платье Мэри. Tom liked Mary's new dress. I liked Mary's new dress. Я не знаю, как ты это делаешь. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you do it. Возвращайся через три дня. Come back in three days. Come back in three days. Хіба ви не психолог? Aren't you a psychologist? Aren't you a psychologist? Я знал, что произойдёт что-то хорошее. I knew something good was about to happen. I knew something good was going to happen. В прошлом месяце я закончил книгу. I finished the book last month. I finished the book last month. Ви ще голодні? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Шахматыстка аб’явіла суперніцы шах. The chess player put his opponent in check. The chess player announced the opponents of the chess. Будинок побудував російський архитектор. The building was built by a Russian architect. The house was built by a Russian architect. Сколько стоит ржаная мука? How much does rye flour cost? How much is rye flour? У Джейн були дуже нудні вихідні. Jane had a very boring weekend. Jane had a very boring weekend. Том был в саду. Tom was in the garden. Tom was in the garden. Том вызвался помочь нам это сделать. Tom volunteered to help us do that. Tom volunteered to help us do that. Вот так дело! What a business it is! That's it! Я не о них говорю. I'm not talking about them. I'm not talking about them. Який у тебе улюблений предмет у школі? What's your favorite subject in school? What is your favorite subject at school? Том украл у нас много денег. Tom has stolen a lot of money from us. Tom stole a lot of money from us. Гэтага недастаткова. It isn't enough. That's not enough. Том купил себе новое пианино. Tom bought himself a new piano. Tom bought a new piano. Не їж цей абрикос. Don’t eat that apricot! Don't eat that apricot. Ніхто не телефонував. Nobody called. No one called. Это именно та реакция, на которую я надеялся. That's exactly the reaction I was hoping for. That’s the reaction I was hoping for. Я хочу и дальше здесь работать. I want to keep working here. I want to continue working here. Внимательно прочти этот текст. Read this text carefully. Read this text carefully. Никто из нас не был в Бостоне. None of us have been to Boston. None of us were in Boston. Эта подушка неудобная. This pillow is uncomfortable. This pillow is uncomfortable. Здесь постоянно бывают землетрясения. Earthquakes happen all the time here. There are always earthquakes here. Я зробила це для тебе. I did it for you. I did it for you. Я був геть виснажений. I was all worn out. I was totally exhausted. Мері продала машину. Mary sold her car. Mary sold the car. Том - сова. Tom is an owl. Tom is an owl. Мы продали наши души за деньги. We sold our souls for money. We sold our souls for money. Я провожу тебя домой. I'll accompany you home. I'll walk you home. Час іти спати. It's time to go to bed. Time to go to sleep. Том голосував? Did Tom vote? Did Tom vote? Це зробив не Том. Це була Мері. Tom wasn't the one who did that. It was Mary. It wasn't Tom. It was Mary. Ваше имя и адрес? What's your name and address? Your name and address? Шкода, що в мене немає птаха. I wish I had been a bird. I'm sorry I don't have a bird. Мері добре розуміється на математиці. Mary is good at mathematics. Mary is well-versed in mathematics. Положи это обратно. Put it back. Put it back. За что вы на меня злились? Why were you angry with me? What were you mad at me for? Здесь есть станция метро? Is there a metro station here? Is there a metro station? Я зараз куховарю. I am cooking now. I'm cooking now. Том, ты знаешь, как я могу создать новый ярлык на рабочем столе? Tom, do you know how I could create a new desktop shortcut? Tom, do you know how I can create a new shortcut on my desktop? Том в порядке. Tom is doing well. Tom's fine. Ты с ним работаешь? Do you work with him? You work with him? Я сёння маю шмат дамашняй работы. Today, I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of homework today. Ты стесняешься своего тела? Do you feel uneasy about your body? Are you ashamed of your body? Они спали в машине, потому что не смогли найти отель. They slept in the car because they couldn't find a hotel. They slept in the car because they couldn't find a hotel. Гэта кніга. This is a book. This is a book. На этой неделе я занят. This week, I'm busy. I'm busy this week. Я рассказал вам всё, что должен был рассказать. I told you everything I had to tell you. I told you everything I had to tell you. Мы сообщим о своём решении завтра. We'll announce our decision tomorrow. We will inform you of our decision tomorrow. Помощь другим никогда не является пустой тратой времени. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never a waste of time. Вы, похоже, не верите Тому. You don't seem to believe Tom. You don't seem to believe Tom. Постарайтесь уговорить её нам помочь. Try to convince her to help us. Try to get her to help us. Я зараз дуже засмучений. I'm very sad now. I'm very upset right now. Я агаломшаны. I am dumbfounded. I'm all right. Мені знадобилося десь три години, щоб прочитати цю книжку. It took me about three hours to read this book. It took me about three hours to read this book. Почему математика такая сложная? Why is math so hard? Why is mathematics so complicated? Ти неупереджений. You're unbiased. You're open-minded. Дитина жбурнула камінь у кішку. The child threw a stone at the cat. The child threw a stone at the cat. Віе більше тут не працює. He no longer works here. Vie no longer works here. Я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I promised Tom I wouldn't do that. I promised Tom not to do that. Я собираюсь поиграть завтра с Томом в теннис. I'm going to play tennis with Tom tomorrow. I'm going to play tennis with Tom tomorrow. Том наклонился вперёд и поцеловал Мэри. Tom leaned forward and kissed Mary. Tom leaned forward and kissed Mary. Ты мог бы хотя бы принять душ. You could at least take a shower. You could at least take a shower. Ты молод; ты не можешь уйти на пенсию. You're young; you can't retire. You're young; you can't retire. Страуси не літають. Ostriches can't fly. Ostriches don't fly. История циклична. History is cyclical. History is cyclical. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know that Tom is afraid. I know Tom is scared. Том быў адзіным хлопцам у класе. Tom was the only guy in the class. Tom was the only guy in the class. Как зовут вашего младшего брата? What's your younger brother's name? What's your little brother's name? Значит, ты её купил? Does that mean you bought it? So you bought it? Том згадзіўся пачакаць. Tom has agreed to wait. Tom mentioned waiting. Том дуже романтичний. Tom is very romantic. Tom is very romantic. У будь-якому разі, який у тебе план? What was your plan anyway? Anyway, what's your plan? Том відрощує бороду. Tom is growing a beard. Tom's growing a beard. Я уверен, что это следы инопланетян I'm sure these are traces of aliens I'm sure it's alien footprints. Я знал, что мы станем друзьями. I knew we were going to be friends. I knew we'd be friends. Актриса була гарно одягнута. The actress was dressed beautifully. The actress was well dressed. Гэта не Том. That is not Tom. It's not Tom. Я купил эту книгу. I bought the book. I bought this book. Ти не слухаєш! You're not listening! You're not listening! Я не люблю есці рыбу, у якой шмат костак. I don't like to eat fish with many bones. I don't like to eat fish that have a lot of bones in it. Том унаследовал это от мамы. Tom inherited that from his mom. Tom inherited it from his mother. Местные жители называют эту реку "людоедом" и боятся её. The locals call this river the "man-eater" and fear it. Locals call this river "man-eater" and are afraid of it. Вони мої сестри. They are my sisters. They are my sisters. Чому ви хочете відвідувати цей університет? Why do you want to attend this university? Why do you want to attend this university? Ты атрымаў 120% за экзамен па фізіцы? Ты мог бы, магчыма, выкладаць гэты прадмет... You got 120% on the physics exam? You could probably teach that class... Did you get 120% for the physics exam? Could you maybe teach this subject... Що таке свідомість? What is consciousness? What is consciousness? Том ловелас. Tom is a Don Juan. Tom Lowellas. Я приготую сашiмi на обiд. I'll prepare sashimi for dinner. I'll make sashimi for lunch. Ми так не думаємо. We don't think so. We don't think so. Я б не здивувався, якби сьогодні ввечері пішов сніг. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed tonight. I wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed tonight. Сейчас не лучшее время. This isn't the best time. It's not a good time. Когда вы её видели? When did you see her? When did you see her? Том был и моим другом. Tom was my friend, too. Tom was also my friend. Нож нужно держать вот так. This is how you should hold your knife. The knife should be held like this. Том не може цього змінити. Tom can't change that. Tom can't change that. Я не могу ему сегодня заплатить. I can't pay him today. I can't pay him today. Які були основні моменти промови Тома? What were the main points of Tom's speech? What were the highlights of Tom’s speech? Гайзибан у гайзибанскей станїци. The train is at the railway station. Gaiziban in the Gaizibansk state. Ти знав, що ти робив. You knew what you were doing. You knew what you were doing. Собаку кто-нибудь покормил? Has anybody fed the dog? Has anyone fed the dog? Где он купил эти ботинки? Where did he buy these shoes? Where did he get those shoes? Реклама - двигатель торговли. Advertising is the driving force behind commerce. Advertising is the engine of commerce. Я вередливий. I'm fussy. I'm cocky. Мені подобаються шахи. I enjoy playing chess. I like chess. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері може перемогти. Tom said that he hopes that Mary is able to win. Tom said he hoped Mary could win. Ён злодзей. He is a thief. He's a thief. Скажи ей, что ты не готов. Tell her you're not ready. Tell her you're not ready. Нарэшце яна заснула. She finally fell asleep. She finally fell asleep. Я не знаю, как переводится это слово. I don't know how this word translates. I don’t know how that word is translated. Все много работали. Everyone worked hard. Everyone worked hard. Вы говорите по-сингальски? Do you speak Sinhalese? Do you speak Sinhala? О чём это вы говорите? What are you guys talking about? What are you talking about? Вам потрібно заспокоїти Тома. You need to placate Tom. You need to calm Tom down. На первом собрании было тридцать человек. Thirty people were present at the first meeting. At the first meeting there were thirty people. Я не знаю, от чего Том умер. I don't know what Tom died of. I don't know what Tom died of. Пішки ходять лише вперед. Pawns only move forward. The walk only goes forward. Воно того не варте. That's not worth it. It's not worth it. Так точно. Aye aye, sir. That's right. Кто здесь не знает, что делать? Who here doesn't know what to do? Who here doesn't know what to do? В прошлую ночь я поздно лёг спать. I went to bed late last night. Last night I went to bed late. Том и Мэри почти одного возраста. Tom and Mary are almost the same age. Tom and Mary are almost the same age. Мы уехали утром. We left in the morning. We left this morning. Том сказав мені, що йому насправді байдуже, що трапиться. Tom told me he doesn't really care what happens. Tom told me he didn't really care what happened. Мері випрасувала свій одяг. Mary ironed her clothes. Mary wore her own clothes. Я принесу тебе бренди. I'll get you some brandy. I'll get you a brandy. Том щовечора миє посуд. Tom does the dishes every night. Tom washes dishes every night. Ён вярнуўся з офісу. He returned from the office. He came back from the office. Це був пістолет Тома. The gun was Tom's. It was Tom's gun. Мужчине столько лет, на сколько он себя чувствует, а женщине - на сколько она выглядит. A man is as old as he feels and a woman as old as she looks. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is how much she looks. Думаю, Том прав. I think that Tom is right. I think Tom's right. Том выглядел сердитым? Did Tom look angry? Did Tom look angry? Я знаю его адрес. Но это секрет. I know his address, but it's a secret. I know his address, but it's a secret. Я не знаю, кому Том продав своє авто. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. Всё, что мы видим, как-то на нас влияет. Everything we see influences us in some way. Everything we see affects us in some way. Никто в здравом уме не стал бы этого делать. No one in their right mind would do that. No one in their right mind would do that. Том з вами не йде, чи не так? Tom isn't going with you, is he? Tom's not coming with you, is he? Надеюсь, ты всё понял. I hope you got it. I hope you get it. Я часто одягаю чорне. I often wear black. I often wear black. Як Том вас образив? How did Tom insult you? How did Tom hurt you? У вас есть родственники за границей? Do you have relatives abroad? Do you have relatives abroad? Це не мої ідеї. These are not my ideas. These are not my ideas. Том хоче, щоб Мері трималася від Джона подалі. Tom wants Mary to stay away from John. Tom wants Mary to stay away from John. Я почти уверен, что мне не придется этого делать. I'm pretty sure I won't have to do that. I’m pretty sure I won’t have to do that. Тебе не кажется, что ты должен позвонить Тому? Don't you think you should call Tom? Don't you think you should call Tom? Адзіная розніца паміж мной і вар’ятам у тым, што я не вар’ят. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. The only difference between me and a lunatic is that I'm not a lunatic. Том тоже хочет прийти. Tom wants to come, too. Tom wants to come too. Гетэр Яані — найлепшая спявачка на песенным конкурсе «Еўрабачанне 2011». Getter Jaani is the best singer in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Geter Yaani is the best singer at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Тебе необходимо пойти и поддержать девочку. It is necessary for you to go and encourage the girl. You need to go and support the girl. Я чекаю на твою допомогу. I'm waiting for your assistance. I'm waiting for your help. Ти не таки бідний як я. You're not as poor as I am. You're not as poor as me. Тобі слід зупинитися. You should stop. You should stop. Это режет мне слух. It doesn't sound natural to me. It cuts my ear off. Эта книга была лёгкой. This book was easy. This book was easy. Олень стал жертвой льва. The deer fell a prey to the lion. The deer became a victim of the lion. Я стамілася глядзець тэлевізар. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Том говорив лише французькою. Tom spoke only French. Tom spoke only French. Карен пішла туди сама. Karen went there herself. Karen went there by herself. Ви знаєте, яка у Тома група крові? Do you know Tom's blood type? Do you know what the blood type is? Тобі подобається цей гаманець? Do you like this wallet? Do you like this wallet? Напевно, тому. That's probably why. Probably Tom. Если бы она знала номер её телефона, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could phone her. If she knew her phone number, she could have called her. Нам треба зробити домашнє завдання. We need to do our homework. We have to do our homework. Святло стала зялёным. The light was green. The light became green. Уваходзьце! Enter! Get in! Я абсолютно не згодна. I completely disagree. I totally disagree. Будь розсудливою. Be sensible. Be reasonable. Мы не знаем, куда хотим поехать. We don't know where we want to go. We don't know where we want to go. Я хочу поскаржитись. I want to make a complaint. I want to complain. Когда вы последний раз стриглись? When was the last time you got your hair cut? When was the last time you cut your hair? Це було у двохтисячному році. It was in the year two thousand. That was in the 2000s. Я катаюсь на лыжах так часто, как только могу. I ski as often as I can. I ski as often as I can. Меня вдохновляют звёзды. The stars inspire me. I am inspired by the stars. Я чекав на Тома, що він сказав мені, що робити. I was waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. I was waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. Это интересный язык. It's an interesting language. It's an interesting language. Мне не понравилось, как Том это сделал. I didn't like how Tom did it. I didn't like the way Tom did it. Тут багато слонів. Elephants abound here. There are a lot of elephants. У Тома нет плохих оценок. Tom doesn't have bad grades. Tom has no bad grades. Том смог самостоятельно добраться до больницы. Tom was able to get to the hospital on his own. Tom was able to get to the hospital on his own. Мне удалось убедить Тома сделать это. I succeeded in persuading Tom to do that. I managed to convince Tom to do it. Якби ти їв менше гамбургерів, то, ймовірно, був би здоровішим. If you ate fewer burgers, you'd probably be healthier. If you ate fewer hamburgers, you’d probably be healthier. Я видела, как она играет на пианино. I have seen her playing the piano. I saw her play the piano. Праходьце, калі ласка, і не перагароджвайце пуць. Pass on, please, and do not obstruct the way. Pass, please, and don't override the path. В атаку! Attack! Attack! Ви всі маєте парасольки? Do you all have umbrellas? Do you all have umbrellas? Дети запели: «Дождик, дождик, прекрати, в другой день ты приходи». The children chanted, "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day." The children sang: "Rain, rain, stop, the next day you come." Дайте мені дві хвилини. Give me two minutes. Give me two minutes. Вона добре грає у футбол. She is good at football. She plays football well. Том не хоче бути головним. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Чому ти не поснідала? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Я больше ничего не знаю про Тома. I don't know anything else about Tom. I don't know anything more about Tom. Вы знаете кого-нибудь, кто играет на гитаре? Do you know anyone who plays the guitar? Do you know anyone who plays guitar? Они не так уж плохи. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Він щойно зайшов усередину. He's just gone inside. He just went inside. Чому ви не сказали Тому, що не можете зробити це без його допомоги? Why didn't you tell Tom you couldn't do that without his help? Why didn't you tell Tom you couldn't do it without his help? Том ведь в безопасности? Tom is safe, isn't he? Is Tom safe? Ён працуе ў банку. He works at the bank. He works at a bank. Ты показывай дорогу. You lead the way. You show the way. Ділер хоче продати автомобіль. The dealer wants to sell a car. The dealer wants to sell the car. Через некоторое время автобус уехал. After a short while, the bus left. After a while, the bus left. Мiй дiд - з Осаки. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather is from Osaka. Сколько ещё я должен ждать? How much longer do I have to wait? How long do I have to wait? Ты быў заняты? Were you busy? You were busy? Ненавіджу, калі мяне прымушаюць доўга чакаць. I hate when other people make me wait a long time. I hate it when I'm made to wait a long time. Том сказал, что с ним все в порядке. Tom said that he was all right. Tom said he was fine. Я хочу купаться в море. I want to bathe in the sea. I want to swim in the sea. Кто в синей футболке? Who's wearing the blue T-shirt? Who's in the blue shirt? Том каже, що доїде додому в понеділок. Tom says he'll get home on Monday. Tom says he'll be home on Monday. Том считает, что нам не стоило этого делать. According to Tom, we shouldn't have done that. Tom thinks we shouldn't have done it. Дакладчыца сярэдняга ўзросту. The speaker is middle-aged. A middle-aged reporter. У вас троє дітей. You've got three kids. You have three children. Гадаю, я знаю, що зробив би Том. I think I know what Tom would do. I think I know what Tom would do. Прошлой ночью температура опустилась ниже нуля. The temperature fell below zero last night. Last night, the temperature dropped below zero. Мері каже, що не робитиме цього. Mary says she won't do that. Mary says she won't. Я хочу поговорить с тобой об этом отчёте. I want to talk to you about this report. I want to talk to you about this report. Времени у вас достаточно. You have enough time. You have enough time. Я цяпер болей упэўненая. I'm more confident now. I'm more confident now. Учитель выгнал меня из класса. The teacher kicked me out of class. The teacher kicked me out of class. Вы нашли своих родителей? Did you find your parents? Have you found your parents? Я дуже компетентний. I am very competent. I am very competent. Том приземлився на Марсі. Tom has landed on Mars. Tom landed on Mars. Эти для меня. These are for me. These are for me. Это просто изумительно. This is simply amazing. It's amazing. Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён кахае мяне. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. Как ты думаешь, где было бы безопаснее всего? Where do you think the safest place would be? Where do you think the safest place would be? Поднять якорь! Pull up the anchor! Raise the anchor! Що ти зробив з моєю ручкою? What have you done with my pen? What did you do to my pen? Я найсильніший. I'm the strongest. I'm the strongest. Том купил что-нибудь для Мэри? Did Tom buy anything for Mary? Did Tom buy anything for Mary? Что Том будет там делать? What's Tom going to do there? What's Tom gonna do there? Останьтесь здесь со мной, пожалуйста. Please stay here with me. Stay here with me, please. Я почав кашляти. I began coughing. I started coughing. Мы знаем всех соседей. We know all our neighbors. We know all the neighbors. Це будинок Тома. That's Tom's home. It's Tom's house. Пойдем гулять, если не пойдет дождь. We will go for a walk, unless it rains. Let's go for a walk if it doesn't rain. Думаю, машина и так достаточно поломана. Я не могу ничего сделать голыми руками. I think that machine doesn't need any more broken parts. I can't achieve anything with my bare hands. I think the car's broken enough, I can't do anything with my bare hands. Мы снова надеваем перчатки. We put our gloves back on. We're wearing gloves again. Вітер змінив напрям. The wind changed direction. The wind changed direction. Вы с тех пор виделись с Томом? Have you seen Tom since then? Have you seen Tom since? Едва завидев меня, Том стал смеяться. As soon as Tom saw me, he started laughing. As soon as he saw me, Tom laughed. Це наше перше Різдво тут у Австралії. This is our first Christmas here in Australia. This is our first Christmas here in Australia. Простите, что сомневался в вас. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Я дуже добре знаю математику. I'm very good at math. I know mathematics very well. То кнїжка. It is a book. That's a book. Я паглядзеў у кашалёк яшчэ раз, і ён быў пусты. I examined the purse again, and found it empty. I looked into the purse one more time, and it was empty. Твої батьки пишалися би тобою. Your parents would be proud. Your parents would be proud of you. Почему бы нам завтра не пойти в поход? Why don't we go hiking tomorrow? Why don't we go camping tomorrow? У Тома вишуканий і розкішний будинок. Tom's house is quite posh. Tom has a beautiful and beautiful home. У мене не було жодних друзів у Австралії. I had no friends in Australia. I didn’t have any friends in Australia. Заключённые были освобождены. The prisoners were set free. The prisoners were released. Не все знают, что делать. Not everyone knows what to do. Not everyone knows what to do. Мы можем привести Тома? Can we bring Tom? Can we get Tom? Он сидит со скрещенными ногами. He is sitting cross-legged. He sits with his legs crossed. Огірки зелені. Cucumbers are green. Cucumbers are green. Треба нагодувати пса. We need to feed the dog. I have to feed the dog. Кто взял твой паспорт? Who took your passport? Who took your passport? Том займається більше за мене. Tom studies more than I do. Tom is doing more for me. Где ты был до сих пор? Where have you been up to now? Where have you been so far? Воля не бясплатная. Freedom is not free. Will is not free. Він дуже напився. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Цей хлопець їсть хліб. This boy eats bread. This guy eats bread. Цей день - неділя. Today is Sunday. This day is Sunday. Я знаю, что что-то не так, но не совсем уверен, что именно. I know something is wrong, but I'm not quite sure what. I know something's wrong, but I'm not quite sure what it is. У Вас помада на воротнике. There's lipstick on your collar. You have lipstick on your collar. Том считает, что выбрасывать продукты - это грех. Tom thinks wasting food is a sin. Tom believes that throwing away food is a sin. Никто не заметил мою новую стрижку. Nobody noticed my new haircut. No one noticed my new haircut. Ви бачили, як Том на вас подивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see how Tom looked at you? Дайте мне немного времени, чтобы это обдумать. Give me a little time to think it over. Give me some time to think about it. Том так обозлился, что показал другому водителю средний палец. Tom got so angry that he flipped off the other driver. Tom was so angry that he showed the other driver his middle finger. Какой же я невезучий! How unlucky I am! How unlucky I am! Вы собираетесь меня остановить? Are you going to stop me? Are you going to stop me? Я поклялся, что никогда и никому такого не сделаю. I swore I'd never do that to anyone. I swore I would never do that to anyone. Скорее всего, никто даже не заметит. No one will likely even notice. Most likely, no one will even notice. Досадзела ми домашня робота. I'm fed up with homework. We got home work done. Каким будет наше будущее? What'll our future be like? What will be our future? Як пройшов концерт? How was the concert? How was the concert? Мені здається, тобі варто звернутися до лікаря. I think you should see a doctor. I think you should see a doctor. Тебе надо выпить воды. You have to drink water. You need a drink of water. Никакие твои жалобы ничего не изменят. No matter how much you complain, it's not going to change anything. None of your complaints will change anything. Я как никогда скучаю по нему. I miss him as much as ever. I miss him more than ever. Ти п'єш каву чи чай? Do you drink coffee or tea? Do you drink coffee or tea? Ещё раз всё проверь. Check everything once more. Check it out again. Я люблю природу. I love nature. I love nature. Не приставайте ко мне, пожалуйста. Don't bother me, please. Don't bother me, please. Ви були на роботі? Were you at work? Were you at work? Я не встигаю за тобою. I can't keep pace with you. I can't keep up with you. На Тома напали. Tom was attacked. Tom was attacked. Російський алфавіт не такий вже й важкий для мене. The Russian alphabet is not that difficult to me. The Russian alphabet is not that difficult for me. Кімната була доволі простора. The room was fairly spacious. The room was quite spacious. Разрэзаць торт на роўныя кавалачкі даволі цяжка. Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. Cutting the cake into equal pieces is quite difficult. Хватит врать. Quit lying. Stop lying. Не було нікого. No one was present. There was no one. Ви це зробите з Томом? Will you do that with Tom? Will you do that to Tom? Авто на улїци. The car is on the street. Car on the street. Цей сон був для мене загадкою. The dream was a mystery to me. This dream was a mystery to me. Их здесь кто-нибудь знает? Does anybody here know them? Does anyone know them here? Все знали, что Том умирает. Everybody knew Tom was dying. Everyone knew Tom was dying. Том у мініспідниці. Tom is wearing a miniskirt. Tom's in the miniskirt. На следующем перекрёстке поверните направо. At the next intersection, take a right. At the next intersection, turn right. Перепрошую за те, що я вас турбую, але чи не могли би ви допомогти мені? Sorry to trouble you, but can you help me? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me? Мы предпочитаем работать самостоятельно. We prefer to work on our own. We prefer to work on our own. Мэри, я серьёзно. Mary, I'm serious. Mary, I'm serious. Из-за паводков занятия в школах были приостановлены. Classes have been suspended due to floods. Because of the floods, classes in schools were suspended. Він побачив вираз здивування на моєму обличчі. He saw the surprise on my face. He saw an expression of surprise on my face. Том увидел в своем саду кошку. Tom saw a cat in his garden. I saw a cat in my garden. Моя бабушка седая. My grandmother has white hair. My grandmother's gray. Этим трюком ты меня не одурачишь. You can't fool me with a trick like that. You're not fooling me with this trick. У наші дні багато хто подорожує на машині. Nowadays many people travel by car. Nowadays, many people travel by car. Том был уверен, что больше никогда не увидит Мэри. Tom was sure he'd never see Mary again. Tom was sure he would never see Mary again. Они собираются в Узбекистан. They're going to Uzbekistan. They're going to Uzbekistan. Том не инструктор по лыжам. Tom isn't a ski instructor. Tom's not a ski instructor. То клайбас. This is a pencil. That's klaibas. Я выпадкова ўзяў твой парасон. I took his umbrella by mistake. I accidentally took your umbrella. Я не имбецил. I'm not an imbecile. I'm not an imbecile. Я вполне уверен, что Том может это сделать. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. Я иногда читаю газету. I read the newspaper sometimes. I read the newspaper sometimes. Том наполегливий. Tom is persistent. Tom is persistent. Вы знаете, сколько Том зарабатывает? Do you know how much Tom makes? Do you know how much Tom earns? Они устроили мне большую вечеринку. They gave a big party for me. They gave me a big party. Том недотепа. Tom is dumb. Tom's a mess. Что именно Том делал в посольстве Австралии? What exactly was Tom doing in the Australian Embassy? What exactly was Tom doing at the Australian Embassy? Люди звали его философом. People called him a philosopher. People called him a philosopher. Я вирішив пробачити Тома. I've decided to forgive Tom. I've decided to forgive Tom. Том не програє. Tom won't lose. Tom will not lose. Кто ваш отец? Who is your father? Who's your father? Чому ти припинила це робити? Why did you stop doing that? Why did you stop doing that? Я тебе не бачив цілу вічність. I haven't seen you in ages. I haven't seen you in ages. Я жадаю памерці разам з Гетар Яні. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I wish to die with Getar Jani. Ти був зайнятий? Were you busy? Were you busy? Скажи Тому, что я хотел бы помочь. Tell Tom I'd like to help. Tell Tom I'd like to help. Яка потворна краватка. That's an ugly tie. What an ugly tie. Вони дуже цікавляться астрономією. They are very interested in astronomy. They are very interested in astronomy. Том сюди прийшов сам. Tom came here alone. Tom came here by himself. Частные случаи мы не рассматриваем. We do not consider specific cases. We do not consider individual cases. Коли ти захворіла? When did you get ill? When did you get sick? Том міг купити все, що йому потрібно. Tom could buy everything he needed. Tom could buy everything he needed. Ми це бачили. We've seen it. We've seen it. Том нас, наверное, не простит. Tom probably won't forgive us. Tom probably won't forgive us. Какую музыку ты обычно слушаешь в машине? What kind of music do you usually listen to when you're driving? What kind of music do you usually listen to in the car? Він більше не злиться. He is not angry anymore. He's not angry anymore. Том - странный персонаж. Tom is an odd character. Tom is a strange character. Дуже радий вас бачити. I'm very glad to see you. It's good to see you. Мы посмотрим, сможем ли мы это сделать. We're going to see if we can do that. We'll see if we can do that. Чарапахі не маюць зубоў. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. Том положил газету на стол. Tom laid the newspaper on the table. Tom put the paper on the table. Ти знав, що Том мало не одружився на Мері? Did you know that Tom almost married Mary? Did you know Tom almost married Mary? Почему ты не христианин? Why aren't you a Christian? Why aren't you a Christian? Том три раза в год ездит в Австралию по делам. Tom goes to Australia three times a year on business. Tom goes to Australia three times a year on business. Том не хотел, чтобы Мэри говорила это Джону. Tom didn't want Mary to tell John that. Tom didn't want Mary to say that to John. Мені прийшла ідея. An idea came to me. I had an idea. Гэта найсушэйшы чэрвень за апошнія трыццаць гадоў. It has been the driest June for thirty years. It is the driest June in the last thirty years. Я знаю, що я потворний. I know that I'm ugly. I know I'm ugly. Есть три варианта. There are three options. There are three options. Ви насправді не хотіли цього зробити, чи не так? You didn't actually want to do that, did you? You really didn’t want to do that, did you? Том не сможет вам отказать. Tom won't be able to refuse you. Tom can't say no. Включите свет. Ничего не видно. Turn the light on. I can't see anything. Turn on the lights, you can't see anything. Не будь такий сердитий. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Гэта не так дрэнна, як здаецца. It's not as bad as it sounds. It's not as bad as it seems. Я б хотіла стати відомою футболісткою. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I want to be a famous football player. Він тобі не потрібний. You don't need him. You don't need him. Он будет играть в теннис завтра днём. He will be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. He'll be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. У неї є собака? Ні. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Я виснажений. I'm bushed. I'm exhausted. Почему ты не упомянула об этом раньше? Why didn't you mention this before? Why didn't you mention it earlier? Я думала, ты со мной согласишься. I thought you'd agree with me. I thought you'd agree with me. Приглашай кого хочешь. Invite anyone you want. Invite whoever you want. Кава була смачною, дякуємо. The coffee was delicious; thank you. The coffee was delicious, thank you. Том хочет нам помочь. Tom wants to help us. Tom wants to help us. Він дуже чуйний. He's very soft-hearted. He's very sensitive. Мы её закончим. We will finish it. We'll finish it. Якщо я цього не зроблю, Том розсердиться. If I don't do that, Tom will get angry. If I don't, Tom will be angry. Слушайте, что отец говорит. Listen to what your father says. Listen to what your father says. То, что сказал Том, подтвердилось. What Tom said proved true. What Tom said is true. Мэри любит зависать с плохими парнями. Mary likes to hang out with the bad boys. Mary likes hanging out with bad guys. Я думаю, що Том помиляється. I think Tom is wrong. I think Tom is wrong. Вона вже пообідала? Has she had lunch? Has she had lunch yet? Мы что-нибудь закажем. We'll order something. We'll order something. Хто вам це купив? Who bought you this? Who bought it for you? Бывает ли так, что ты жалеешь, что не можешь ещё раз пережить что-то, как в первый раз? Do you ever wish you could experience something 'for the first time' again? Do you ever regret not being able to relive something like the first time? Горбатого могила исправит. Once a thief, always a thief. The humpback grave will be repaired. Том отказался целовать Мэри. Tom refused to kiss Mary. Tom refused to kiss Mary. Я знаю, що Том знає, що я знаю. I know Tom knows I know. I know Tom knows what I know. Пожалуйста, все внимание. Сейчас я приступаю к прослушиванию пациента. Убедитесь, что отследили правильность выполнения этой процедуры - вам предстоит обратиться к её использованию завтра. If everyone could pay close attention, please. I will now auscultate the patient. Make sure to note the proper procedure because you all will be practicing this tomorrow. Please, all attention. Now I start listening to the patient. Make sure you track the correctness of this procedure - you have to turn to its use tomorrow. Ти вже вагітна? Are you pregnant yet? Are you pregnant yet? Яке твою улюблене число? What is your favourite number? What's your favorite number? Я пошел в библиотеку в понедельник. I went to the library on Monday. I went to the library on Monday. Том и Мэри поменялись местами. Tom and Mary exchanged seats with each other. Tom and Mary changed places. Группа сепаратистов пытается спровоцировать полицейских. The separatist group is trying to provoke national police forces. A group of separatists is trying to provoke the police. Том це тобі дійсно сказав? Did Tom actually tell you that? Did Tom really tell you that? У тебе буде час пообідати зі мною? Will you have time to have lunch with me? Will you have time for lunch with me? Это шутка была? Was that a joke? Was that a joke? Наше життя визначається нашим середовищем. Our lives are determined by our environment. Our lives are defined by our environment. Ти нашкодила Тому. You hurt Tom. You hurt Tom. Советую тебе поехать на автобусе. I recommend that you go by bus. I suggest you take the bus. Я не хочу, щоб ти загинула. I don't want you to die. I don't want you to die. Ты когда-нибудь чувствовал себя обманутым? Have you ever felt cheated? Have you ever felt cheated? Кем хочет стать ваш сын, когда вырастет? What does your son want to be when he grows up? What does your son want to be when he grows up? У гэтым пакоі ёсць тэлевізар. There is a television in this room. There's a televisor in this room. Том не любит говорить о матери. Tom doesn't like to talk about his mom. Tom doesn't like to talk about his mother. Віра святкує Великдень? Is Vera celebrating Easter? Does Faith Celebrate Easter? Я не безграмотна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Мати вислала тобі молоко і пироги. Mother has sent you some cakes and milk. Your mother sent you milk and pies. Я маю яшчэ адно пытанне. I have another question. I have another question. Почему бы нам когда нибудь не навестить Тома? Why don't we visit Tom sometime? Why don't we go visit Tom sometime? Зустріч не буде перенесено. The meeting isn't going to be rescheduled. The meeting will not be postponed. Ты правда хочешь положить свои деньги в тот банк? Do you really want to put your money in that bank? You really want to put your money in that bank? Тебе всё в жизни как будто даётся легко. You seem to breeze through everything in life. It's as if everything in your life is easy. Я був приємно здивований. I was pleasantly surprised. I was pleasantly surprised. Він був занадто сонний, щоб читати вечірню газету. He was too sleepy to read an evening paper. He was too sleepy to read the evening paper. Пицца — это еда, подходящая современному образу жизни. Pizza is the kind of food that fits into today's life style. Pizza is a food suitable for the modern way of life. Том ходит в библиотеку каждый понедельник. Tom goes to the library every Monday. He goes to the library every Monday. Том мне о вас не рассказывал. Tom didn't tell me about you. Tom didn't tell me about you. Зачини двері щільніше. Shut the door tight. Close the door tighter. Ми божевільні білки? Are we mad squirrels? Are we crazy squirrels? Залізо — корисний метал. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Вона у білому. She is dressed in white. She's in white. Я думал, Том может помочь. I think Tom could help. I thought Tom could help. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. Остання точка зору має багато прихильників в Японії. The latter view has many supporters in Japan. The latter point of view has many supporters in Japan. Ты разговариваешь во сне. You talk in your sleep. You talk in your sleep. Я не был достаточно агрессивен. I wasn't aggressive enough. I wasn't aggressive enough. Мені шкода, але в нас закінчився туалетний папір, і я не маю чарівної палички, щоб це виправити для вас. Sorry, we're out of toilet paper and I can't magic any for you now. I'm sorry, but we've run out of toilet paper, and I don't have a magic wand to fix it for you. Не говори. Don't speak. Don't tell me. Ідуть усі. Everyone is going. Everyone's coming. У Тома была хорошая работа. Tom had a good job. Tom had a good job. Не успеешь и глазом моргнуть, как окажешься в газетах. The next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. You don't have time to blink your eyes when you're in the papers. Ты думаешь, что Том счастлив? Do you think that Tom is happy? You think Tom's happy? Я хочу, чтобы ты попросил у Тома прощения. I want you to apologize to Tom. I want you to apologize to Tom. Я зробив усе, що міг. I've done all I can. I did everything I could. Їжте, не розмовляйте. Eat, don't speak. Eat, don't talk. Я люблю танцювати. I like to dance. I like to dance. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom up to in Boston? What is Tom doing in Boston? Том не знал, что это ребёнок Мэри. Tom didn't know the baby was Mary's. Tom didn't know it was Mary's baby. Мені здається, Том із мене глузує. I think Tom is making fun of me. I think Tom is making fun of me. Повторіть ще раз, будь ласка. Say that again, please. Say it again, please. Пожарьте. Fry. Fire it. Это, должно быть, ошибка. This must be a mistake. That must be a mistake. Ти не монстр. You're not a monster. You're not a monster. Такого слова нет. There's no such word. There is no such word. Прошло три года с тех пор, как Том уехал. It's been three years since Tom left. It's been three years since Tom left. Узнай, что с Томом. Find out what happened to Tom. Find out what's wrong with Tom. Чего ты хочешь, мальчик? What do you want, boy? What do you want, boy? Никто здесь не знает, как меня зовут. No one here knows my name. No one here knows my name. Мэри хотела быть девушкой Тома. Mary wanted to be Tom's girlfriend. Mary wanted to be Tom's girlfriend. Я на него наткнулся. I ran into him. I ran into him. Чи не поїсти нам? Why don't we eat? Shouldn't we eat? В этой атаке погибло тридцать человек. Thirty people died in that attack. Thirty people died in this attack. Ви приймаєте душ щодня? Do you shower every day? Do you take a shower every day? Той старий котедж мав лише одне ліжко, тому ми по черзі спали на ньому. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. That old cottage had only one bed, so we took turns sleeping on it. Зачем вы живёте с Томом? Why do you live with Tom? Why are you living with Tom? Она умоляла о пощаде. She begged for mercy. She begged for mercy. Я не люблю запаху часнику. I don't like the smell of garlic. I don't like the smell of garlic. Людина, що стоїть там, така ж сама, яку я бачив у парку вчора в вдень. That man over there is the same man I saw in the park yesterday afternoon. The person standing there is the same person I saw in the park yesterday afternoon. Герої такого не роблять. Heroes don't do that. Heroes don’t do that. Пожалуйста, не говори такие ужасные вещи. Please don't say such terrible things. Please don't say such horrible things. Коли це закінчується? When does it end? When does it end? Наша мета — виграти. Our goal is to win. Our goal is to win. Тобі варто дотримуватися цього правила. You should follow this rule. You should follow this rule. Почему бы нам не поесть пиццы? Why don't we eat pizza? Why don't we eat pizza? Я читаю романи навмання. I read novels at random. I read novels at random. Вы никогда этого не поймёте. You'll never understand this. You'll never understand that. Том не впевнений. Tom's unsure. Tom is not sure. У мене був легкий сніданок. I had a light breakfast. I had an easy breakfast. Гэта проста забабоны. That's just superstition. It's just superstition. Я ушкодив спину. I hurt my back. I hurt my back. Ты когда-нибудь с ним разговаривал? Did you ever talk to him? Have you ever talked to him? Я всё время смотрю телевизор. I watch TV all the time. I watch TV all the time. Мы с ума сходим от скуки. We're bored out of our minds. We're going crazy for boredom. Мы не можем просто игнорировать это. We can't just ignore this. We can't just ignore it. Мой тата быў акторам. My dad was an actor. My dad was an actor. Том где-то рядом. Tom is somewhere nearby. Tom's out there somewhere. На Томі нові джинси. Tom is wearing a new pair of jeans. There's new jeans on Tom. Ты свинья? Are you a pig? Are you a pig? Думаю, мы должны сказать Тому, что больше этого делать не будем. I think we should tell Tom we won't do that anymore. I think we should tell Tom we're not doing this anymore. Мэри знает, что была неправа. Mary knows that she was wrong. Mary knows she was wrong. Эта рубашка слишком мала мне, чтоб в ней ходить. This shirt is too small for me to wear. This shirt is too small for me to wear. Ты в точности как твоя мать. You are exactly like your mother. You're just like your mother. Я ще зайнятий. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Я була сором'язлива. I was shy. I was shy. Мне без разницы, сколько она стоит. I don't care how much it costs. I don't care how much it costs. Белка карабкалась вниз по дереву. The squirrel was climbing down the tree. The squirrel was climbing down a tree. Ти запросив Тома на вечірку? Did you invite Tom to the party? Did you invite Tom to the party? Пропоную вам зробити це зараз. I suggest that you do that now. I suggest you do it now. Куди я поклав ключі? Where did I put my keys? Where did I put the keys? Позвольте мне забрать ваш багаж. Let me relieve you of your baggage. Let me take your luggage. Позвоните Тому и скажите. Give Tom a call and tell him. Call Tom and tell him. Том ухаживает за лошадьми. Tom tends to the horses. Tom takes care of the horses. Я скажу Тому, что вы звонили. I'll tell Tom you called. I'll tell Tom you called. На ёй зялёная сукенка. She is wearing a green robe. She's wearing a green dress. Я знал, что вот-вот произойдёт что-то ужасное. I knew something horrible was about to happen. I knew something terrible was about to happen. Поднимите руку, если у вас нет книги. Raise your hand if you don't have a book. Raise your hand if you don’t have a book. У Тома есть лошадь. Tom has a horse. Tom has a horse. Я сьогодні дуже нервовий. I'm very nervous today. I am very nervous today. Сонца — найяскравейшая зорка. The sun is the brightest star. The sun is the brightest star. Я не пінгвін. I'm not a penguin. I'm not a penguin. Цветочек чёрный. The little flower is black. The flower is black. Чия це провина? Whose fault is it? Whose fault is it? Він ходив взад і вперед по вулиці. He walked back and forth on the street. He walked back and forth down the street. Не сиди слишком близко к телевизору. Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't sit too close to the TV. Я думала, що Том — ваш друг. I thought Tom was your friend. I thought Tom was your friend. Ненавижу рекламу. I hate ads. I hate advertising. Больно будет? Is it going to hurt? Will it hurt? Том очень хотел выиграть. Tom really wanted to win. Tom really wanted to win. Нацистська Німеччина капітулювала у 1945 році. Nazi Germany surrendered in 1945. Nazi Germany capitulated in 1945. Як хороше віно, з віком він стає тільки кращим. Like a good wine, he improves with age. As good as wine, it only gets better with age. Это чистая правда! That is the absolute truth! That's the truth! Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix breakfast for you. I'll arrange your breakfast. Она беспокоится о твоём здоровье. She is anxious about your health. She's worried about your health. Мне было просто всё равно, понимаешь? I really didn't care, you know? I just didn't care, you know? Я запитала Тома. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. Мне нравится читать книги по-французски. I enjoy reading books in French. I like to read books in French. Том опять проспал. Tom overslept again. Tom slept again. Началось в колхозе утро! Shit hit the fan. It began in the morning! Годі вже мене лоскотати. Quit tickling me. Stop tickling me. У нас такой уже есть. We already have one. We already have one. Том отдал Мэри все деньги, что у него с собой были. Tom gave Mary all the money he had on him. Tom gave Mary all the money he had with him. Я слышала, магазинные кражи – это весело. I've heard that shoplifting is fun. I hear shoplifting is fun. Том каже, що більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Вы об этом кому-нибудь говорили? Have you told anybody about this? Did you tell anyone about this? Моя сестра часто дивиться за дитиною. My sister often looks after the baby. My sister often looks after the baby. Леви живуть у Африці. Lions live in Africa. Lions live in Africa. Ви працюєте десь поруч? Do you work near here? Are you working somewhere nearby? Эта песня всегда напоминает мне о моём детстве. The song always reminds of my childhood. This song always reminds me of my childhood. Том, нет нужды извиняться. Tom, there's no need to apologize. Tom, there's no need to apologize. Я спробувала зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Я знал, что Том откажется это делать. I knew Tom would refuse to do that. I knew Tom would refuse to do that. Я заснув глибоким сном, бо був дуже стомлений. I fell sound asleep because I was very tired. I fell asleep because I was so tired. Том понял, что что-то не в порядке. Tom realized something wasn't right. Tom knew something was wrong. Сколько он стоил? How much did it cost? How much did it cost? Прыемна пазнаёміцца. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Чем больше я изучаю эсперанто, тем больше я люблю этот язык. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like that language. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I love that language. Ви вмієте лаятися французькою? Do you know how to swear in French? Do you know how to speak French? Ви маєте велику родину? Do you have a large family? Do you have a large family? "Том!" - "Что?" "Tom!" "What?" "Tom!" "What?" Олівець Тома впав ці столу. Tom's pen fell off the table. Tom's pencil fell down this table. Мы тоже так считаем. We also find that. That's what we think. Натякніть мені. Give me a hint. Instruct me. Я люблю бачити сни. I love dreaming when I sleep. I like to dream. Охрана не видела Тома. The guards didn't see Tom. The guards didn't see Tom. Мы зашли пожелать тебе удачи. We came by to wish you luck. We're here to wish you luck. Я вже це зробив. I have done that already. I've already done that. Ця троянда цвіте білим цвітом. This rose has a white bloom. This rose blooms in white. Тома задрал медведь. A bear mauled Tom. Tom was stabbed by a bear. Ужо прайшоў месяц. A month has already passed. It's already been a month. Вам насправді потрібно допомогти Тому зробити це. You really should be helping Tom do that. You really need to help Tom do that. Детям в этот бар нельзя. Children aren't allowed in this bar. Children are not allowed in this bar. Саме це ти й маєш зробити. This is what you have to do. That's what you have to do. Том поедет в Бостон на машине, а Мэри полетит. Tom will be driving to Boston. Mary will be flying. Tom will go to Boston by car, and Mary will fly. Я на цьому наполягаю. I insist upon that. I insist on that. Я тоже не могу её найти. I can't find her either. I can't find her either. Том упал и ранил колено. Tom fell and hurt his knee. Tom fell and injured his knee. Этой суммы недостаточно. This amount of money is insufficient. This amount is not enough. Що тобі потрібно від своїх батьків? What do you need from your parents? What do you need from your parents? Я думаю, Тому нужно переодеться. I think Tom needs to change his clothes. I think Tom needs to change. Я дуже назадоволена. I'm very discontented. I'm very backward. Том знав, що знає Мері. Tom knew what Mary knew. Tom knew what Mary knew. Тиждень закінчився. The week is over. The week is over. Почему бы нам не уйти пораньше? Why don't we leave early? Why don't we leave early? Том бреет ноги. Tom shaves his legs. Tom shaves his legs. Я збираюся поїхати біля десятої ранку. I'm going to leave about ten in the morning. I'm going to leave around ten in the morning. Мері одягнула капці. Mary put her slippers on. Mary put on her slippers. Те, що я вижив після раку - це диво. It's a miracle that I've got over cancer. The fact that I survived cancer is a miracle. Я не солдат. I'm not a soldier. I'm not a soldier. Мы поедем на следующем автобусе. We'll take the next bus. We'll take the next bus. Я ніколи цього не скажу! I will never tell! I'll never say that! Я боялся, что больше никогда его не увижу. I was afraid I'd never see him again. I was afraid I'd never see him again. Увидимся через две недели. See you in two weeks. See you in two weeks. Як і Фадзіль, Лайла вырасла ў Каіры. Like Fadil, Layla also grew up in Cairo. Like Fadil, Laila grew up in Cairo. Мій кіт мені не платить. My cat doesn't pay me. My cat doesn't pay me. Його історія правдива? Is his story true? Is his story true? В неї червоні очі. Her eyes are red. She has red eyes. Тобі все з цього потрібно? Do you need all of this? Do you need all of this? Я без сил. Я работаю с утра до вечера. I'm beat. I've been working from dawn to dusk. I work from morning till night. Я любила Англию. I relished England. I loved England. Я хочу, щоб Том знав, що я його не ненавиджу. I want Tom to know that I don't hate him. I want Tom to know that I don't hate him. Мне нужны новые шины. I need new tires. I need new tires. Он ищет работу. He is seeking employment. He's looking for a job. Сонце цінують після його заходу. The sun is appreciated after it's set. The sun is appreciated after its sunset. Я постоянно врал жене. I lied constantly to my wife. I lied to my wife all the time. Давайте обсудим это с Томом. Let's discuss it with Tom. Let's talk about it with Tom. Цього разу ми маємо докази. This time we have proof. This time we have evidence. Он АФК. He's AFK. He's an AFC. Она португалка. She is Portuguese. She's Portuguese. Том не зловить Мері. Tom won't catch Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. Том встав із табуретки. Tom got up from his stool. Tom got out of the closet. Я би ніколи не зміг цього зробити без вашої допомоги. I never could've done this without your help. I would never have been able to do that without your help. Ненавиджу її капелюх. I hate her hat. I hate her hat. Оставьте её открытой. Leave it open. Leave it open. Не. Ён не любіць воду! No. He doesn't like water! No. He doesn't like water! Бул потрес жеми и додатково, бул и цунами. There was an earthquake and, in addition, there was a tsunami. It was cracked with pearls and extra, bulls and tsunamis. Ей было интересно, какими его губы будут на вкус. She wondered how his lips would taste. She wondered what her lips would taste like. Кто научил тебя французскому? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Том розуміє. Tom understands. Tom understands. Дякую за інформацію. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Том не слишком умён. Tom isn't too smart. Tom's not too smart. Трава желєна. The grass is green. Herb gelin. Тобі не варто було цілувати Тома. You shouldn't have kissed Tom. You shouldn't have kissed Tom. Ми певні, що це не було випадковістю. We're sure it wasn't an accident. We're sure it wasn't an accident. Том не показался мне счастливым. Tom didn't seem happy to see me. Tom didn’t seem happy. Остановите машину! Stop the car! Stop the car! Том не мог поверить, что Мэри может быть настолько глупой. Tom couldn't believe that Mary could be so stupid. Tom couldn't believe Mary could be so stupid. Абодва жывыя. Both are alive. Both are alive. Почему вы избегаете Тома? Why have you been avoiding Tom? Why are you avoiding Tom? Из-за этого траты растут. This increases expenses. Because of this, spending is increasing. У вас все добре? Are you OK? Are you all right? Табе дзесяць гадоў? Are you ten years old? Tabe ten years? Когда ты спросил её? When did you ask her? When did you ask her? У нас нема нічого спільного, окрім того, що ми потрібні один одному. We have nothing in common except that we need each other. We have nothing in common except that we need each other. Давайте подождем, пока не услышим мнение Тома. Let's wait until we hear Tom's opinion. Let's wait until we hear Tom's opinion. Не похоже, чтобы Том веселился. Tom doesn't seem to be having fun. It's not like Tom's having fun. Я точно не знаю, когда придёт Том. I'm not sure when Tom will be coming. I don't know when Tom's coming. Он обычно дома по вечерам. He is generally at home in the evening. He's usually home at night. Вы нашли замену Тому? Did you find somebody to replace Tom? Did you find a replacement for Tom? Хто вона? Who's she? Who is she? У неё есть небольшое преимущество. She has a small advantage. She has a slight advantage. У тебя потрясающий дом. Your house is fantastic. You have a great home. Вы были у меня в комнате? Were you in my room? You were in my room? Я уехал сразу после вас. I left right after you did. I left right after you. Ты играешь в шахматы? Do you play chess? You play chess? Ось чого ми бажаємо. Here's what we want. That's what we want. Том сказав, що Мері доброзичлива. Tom said that Mary was nice. Tom said that Mary is kind. Тобі не втікти. You can't run away. You can't run away. Ты не настолько быстрый, как говорил. You aren't as fast as you said. You're not as fast as you said. Том все ще живе біля тебе? Does Tom live near you? Does Tom still live near you? Банкомат не працював. The ATM was out of order. The ATM did not work. Хватит за мной шпионить. Stop spying on me. Stop spying on me. Она единственная женщина, которую я хочу. She's the only woman I want. She's the only woman I want. Том не умеет парковаться. Tom doesn't know how to park. Tom can't park. Ви не такий, як інші. You aren't like the others. You are not like the others. Нам нужна помощь. We need help. We need help. Ми говорили про лижі. We talked about skiing. We talked about skis. Я тобі це залишаю. I'll leave that to you. I'll leave it to you. Мені дуже шкода із-за помилки. I'm very sorry about the mistake. I am so sorry for the mistake. Этой осенью она выходит замуж. She is getting married this fall. She is getting married this autumn. Соціопати маніпулятивні. Sociopaths are manipulative. Sociopaths are manipulative. Давай уйдём. Let's leave. Let's go. Я прослежу, чтобы эти ботинки починили до завтра. I'll get these shoes fixed by tomorrow. I'll make sure these shoes are fixed by tomorrow. На жаль у неї вже є постійний коханець. Unfortunately she already has a steady boyfriend. She already has a constant lover. К тебе посетитель. You have a visitor. You have a visitor. Я рада, що ви вдома. I am glad you are home. I'm glad you're home. Я уже читал эту книгу. I have read this book before. I have already read this book. Постарайтесь не беспокоиться за нас. Try not to worry about us. Try not to worry about us. А Том знает? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Звідки ми знаємо, що ми можемо тобі довіряти? How do we know we can trust you? How do we know we can trust you? Ми думали, що Том спав. We thought that Tom was sleeping. We thought Tom was asleep. Функцыі сінус і косінус прымаюць значэнні паміж -1 і 1 улучна. The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The sine and cosine functions take values between -1 and 1 inclusive. Ти дійсно чудовий. You're really wonderful. You're really great. Том не любит говорить о маме. Tom doesn't like to talk about his mom. Tom doesn't like to talk about his mom. Мы стаміліся і хочам піць. We're tired and thirsty. We're tired and want to drink. На этой неделе я многое сделал. I've done a lot this week. I did a lot this week. Я не знав, що Том так сильно ненавидить Мері. I didn't know that Tom hated Mary so much. I didn't know Tom hated Mary so much. Ти це сказав годину тому. You said that an hour ago. You said it an hour ago. Том усе ще в Бостоні. Tom is still in Boston. Tom is still in Boston. Мама Тома всегда говорила ему, что ему надо есть больше овощей. Tom's mother always told him he should eat more vegetables. Tom's mom always told him he needed to eat more vegetables. Думаєте, Том божевільний? Do you think Tom is insane? Do you think Tom is crazy? Том простягнув Мері пиво. Tom handed Mary a beer. Tom handed Mary a beer. Гэта зялёнае. It's green. It's green. Де спочиває Том? Where does Tom rest? Where is Tom? Это шутка такая, да? It's gotta be a joke, right? That's a joke, isn't it? Що будемо їсти сьогодні ввечері? What shall we eat tonight? What will we eat tonight? Можна мне задаць пытанне? May I ask a question? Can I ask you a question? Ти запитала Тома? Did you ask Tom? Did you ask Tom? Хіба це тебе не турбує? Aren't you annoyed by this? Doesn't that bother you? Я дав йому свою адресу. I gave him my address. I gave him my address. Я думал, вы скажете Тому, чтобы он это сделал. I thought you'd told Tom to do that. I thought you'd tell Tom to do it. Це Том поцілував Мері, а не Джон. Tom was the one who kissed Mary, not John. It was Tom who kissed Mary, not John. Том почистил картошку, а затем отварил её. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Мері у себе в машині, чекає на Тома. Mary is in her car waiting for Tom. Mary's in her car, waiting for Tom. Здецца, ён упершыню за сваё жыццё ў кагосьці сапраўды закахаўся. For the first time in his entire life, I think that he's really in love with someone. It seems like it's the first time in his life that he's really fallen in love with someone. Всё внимание было приковано к трибунам. All attention was riveted on the stands. All attention was focused on the stands. Том з тобою зв'язався? Did Tom contact you? Did Tom contact you? Я думала, що божеволію. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was crazy. Мать дала дочери кольцо. The mother gave the girl a ring. The mother gave her daughter a ring. Не одежда имеет значение, а тот, на ком она надета. It's not the clothes that count, but who's inside them. It's not the clothes that matter, it's the one she's wearing. Вы можете коротко описать Тома? Can you describe Tom briefly? Can you briefly describe Tom? Может быть, мне стоит пойти с Томом. Maybe I should go with Tom. Maybe I should go with Tom. Полицейские арестовали грабителя. The policemen arrested the burglar. The police arrested the robber. Я був в Лондоні майже ціле літо. I was in London for almost all the summer. I’ve been in London almost all summer. Том, одинокий и покинутый, стоя на левом краю предложения, не мог решиться прыгнуть вниз, чтобы покончить со всей этой историей. Tom, alone, bent over the left edge of the sentence, was hesitating to jump, to put an end to all this story. Tom, alone and abandoned, standing on the left edge of the sentence, could not dare to jump down to finish the whole story. Я буду терпіти. I will endure. I will endure. Том знает, куда Мэри идёт. Tom knows where Mary is going. Tom knows where Mary is going. Це її сумочка. This is her handbag. That's her purse. На этой фотографии не Том. That's not Tom in this picture. Tom is not in this picture. Том сказал мне, что у Мэри новый парень. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Tom told me Mary had a new boyfriend. Он веганский? Is it vegan? Is he vegan? Я тоже такую хочу. I want one, too. That's what I want, too. Для чого ви це робите? What are you doing that for? Why are you doing this? Ну и драндулет! Such a clunker! What a drandulet! Задай глупый вопрос, и получишь глупый ответ. Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer. Ask a stupid question and you will get a stupid answer. Том попередив тебе, що це може трапитися. Tom warned you that this might happen. Tom warned you that this could happen. Постой, ты это серьёзно? Woah, are you serious? Wait, are you serious? Я не надта стамілася. I'm not too tired. I'm not too tired. Тебе нужно больше заниматься. You should study more. You need to do more. У 2013 Том не був у в'язниці. Tom wasn't in prison in 2013. In 2013, Tom was not in prison. Мій потяг від'їжджає за десять хвилин. My train leaves in ten minutes. My train leaves in ten minutes. Не маю часу на те, щоб допомогти тобі з роботою. I have no time to help you with the work. I don’t have time to help you with your job. Це неможливо чи просто складно? Is it impossible or just hard? Is it impossible or just difficult? На вечеринку пришло больше народа, чем я рассчитывал. More people came to the party than I had bargained for. More people came to the party than I expected. Що Том та Мері робили в Бостоні? What were Tom and Mary doing in Boston? What did Tom and Mary do in Boston? Думаю, лучше вести себя воспитанно. I think it is best not to be impolite. I think it's better to be educated. Я ніколи не п'ю наодинці. I never drink alone. I never drink alone. Том говорит, что уже умеет водить машину. Tom says he already knows how to drive. Tom says he already knows how to drive a car. Це була добра промова. That was a good speech. It was a good speech. Вам всё это нужно? Do you need all of this? Do you need all this? Не забудь вакцинуватися. Don't forget to get vaccinated. Don't forget to vaccinate. Дети заблудились в палаточном лагере. The children got lost at the campground. The children got lost in a tent camp. Эта собака лает на чужих. That dog barks at strangers. This dog barks at strangers. Відведи Тома додому. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Ти була на роботі? Were you at work? Were you at work? Том піклувався про хворого батька. Tom cared for his sick father. Tom took care of his sick father. Мне придётся сказать ему завтра правду. I'll have to tell him the truth tomorrow. I'll have to tell him the truth tomorrow. Вони зникли. They disappeared. They're gone. Я чихнула около двадцати раз. I sneezed about twenty times. I sneezed about 20 times. Посмотри на ценник. Look at the price tag. Look at the price tag. Ну, это сложный вопрос. Well, that's a difficult question. Well, that's a difficult question. Том еще не заплатил мне за это. Tom hasn't yet paid me for that. Tom hasn't paid me yet. Что бы нам не выходить? Why don't we head out? Why don't we go out? Почему вы переезжаете в Бостон? Why are you moving to Boston? Why are you moving to Boston? Том ругался. Tom was cursing. Tom was fighting. Як щодо молока з печивом? How about some milk and cookies? What about milk and cookies? Том скиглик. Tom is a whinger. Tom skiglish. Том не хотел сидеть здесь с нами. Tom didn't want to sit here with us. Tom didn't want to sit here with us. Ви божевільна. You're insane. You're crazy. Том уяви не має, що робити. Tom has no idea what to do. Tom has no idea what to do. Я боюся землетрусів. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I am afraid of earthquakes. Высокомерие умаляет мудрость. Arrogance diminishes wisdom. Arrogance diminishes wisdom. Какая птица не умеет летать? What bird cannot fly? What bird can't fly? Він справжнє чудовисько. He's a true monster. He's a real monster. Ти говориш мальтійською? Do you speak Maltese? Do you speak Maltese? Соціопатів можна описати як скажених собак. Sociopaths can be described as rabid dogs. Dogs can be described as dogs. Мене це влаштовує. That's fine by me. I'm fine with that. В прошлом году мы были близки к победе. We came close to winning last year. Last year we were close to winning. Собака грається з котом. The dog is playing with the cat. The dog plays with the cat. Давайте закончим на оптимистической ноте. Let's finish on a hopeful note. Let's end on an optimistic note. Я вже не сплю. I am already awake. I'm not sleeping anymore. Мы ждём уже три часа. We've been waiting for three hours. We've been waiting three hours. Я не позволю ей войти. I won't let her come in. I won't let her in. Том не любить зиму. Tom dislikes winter. Tom doesn't like winter. Что вызывает головные боли? What causes headaches? What Causes Headaches? За допомогою мови можна створити нескінченну кількість речень зі скінченної кількості елементів. Languages can form an infinite number of sentences with a finite set of elements. Using language, you can create an infinite number of sentences from a finite number of elements. Я не знаю ни одного из его братьев. I don't know either of his brothers. I don't know any of his brothers. Моя мама не любит животных. My mom doesn't like animals. My mom doesn't like animals. Гэтага не здарыцца. That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. Вбий її. Kill her. Kill her. Я стараюсь не читать новости. I avoid reading the news. I try not to read the news. Приятного чаепития! Enjoy your tea! Enjoy your tea! У Тома живое воображение. Tom has a vivid imagination. Tom has a vivid imagination. Ця програма має інтуїтивний інтерфейс користувача. This program has an unintuitive user interface. This program has an intuitive user interface. Гэта справа вялікай важнасці. This matter is of great importance. It's a matter of great importance. Коли ти лягаєш спати? When do you go to bed? When do you go to bed? Вона днями ходила до кіно. She went to a movie the other day. She went to the movies for days. Я больше не хочу говорить с ним. I don't want to talk to him anymore. I don't want to talk to him anymore. Все люди моего поколения думают об этом одинаково. People of my generation all think the same way about this. Everyone in my generation thinks the same. Их дом выставлен на продажу. Their house is for sale. Their house is up for sale. Мэри - одна из самых красивых женщин, каких я когда-либо встречал. Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Держите нас в курсе, пожалуйста. Please keep us informed. Keep us informed, please. Том пришёл меня спасать. Tom came to save me. Tom came to save me. Хватит, я не хочу этим заниматься. Stop. I don't want to do this. Come on, I don't want to do this. Я щасливий, що маю так багато друзів. I am happy to have so many good friends. I am happy to have so many friends. Она это уже делала. She already did that. She's done it before. Если бы я знал её адрес, я бы написал ей письмо. If I had known her address, I would have written her a letter. If I knew her address, I'd write her a letter. Гэта ветах. It is a waning moon. These are vets. Том був білий неначе привид. Tom was as white as a ghost. Tom was a white ghost. Мы хотим помочь нашим друзьям. We want to help our friends. We want to help our friends. Это правда Том? Is it really Tom? Is that really Tom? Япония потребляет много бумаги. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Как ты думаешь, будет в этом году снег на Рождество? Do you think that we'll have a white Christmas this year? Do you think it will snow this year? Слоўнік на стале — мой. The dictionary on the desk is mine. The dictionary on the table is mine. Присмотри за моей собакой, пока меня нет. Take care of my dog while I'm away. Keep an eye on my dog while I'm gone. Том ше претворює же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom is a rich man. Самі не звольняць. Sami won't be fired. Don't fire yourself. Це ніколи не зміниться. That'll never change. It's never gonna change. Откройте дверь! Open the door! Open the door! Угадай, что Том сделал. Guess what Tom did. Guess what Tom did. Тобі слід їсти повільніше. You should eat slower. You should eat more slowly. Что должно быть сделано? What must be done? What should be done? Я удивлена, что Тома здесь нет. I'm surprised Tom isn't here. I'm surprised Tom isn't here. Впустіть нас. Let us in. Let us in. Я знаю, что вы не сможете их остановить. I know you can't stop them. I know you can't stop them. У нашым доме два вольныя пакоі. We have two unused rooms in our house. There are two free rooms in our house. Туда всего три часа лететь. It's only a three-hour flight. It's only three hours away. Я домой пойду. I'll go home. I'll go home. Тому не понравилась эта фотография. Tom didn't like this picture. Tom did not like this photo. Я знал, что Том всем расскажет. I knew that Tom would tell everyone. I knew Tom would tell everyone. Том в парке с друзьями. Tom is in the park with his friends. Tom is in the park with friends. Дісней зробив з мене фурі. Disney made me a furry. Disney made me a fury. Я певна, що Том буде обережний. I'm sure Tom will be careful. I'm sure Tom will be careful. Вы вернули книги? Did you return the books? Did you return the books? Я могу обменять эту рубашку на другую поменьше? May I exchange this shirt for a smaller size? Can I trade this shirt for a smaller one? Мы вышли из школы вместе. We left school together. We left school together. Почему ты думаешь, что твой метод лучше? Why do you think your method is better? Why do you think your method is better? У Бразилії говорять якою мовою? What is the language spoken in Brazil? What language is spoken in Brazil? Перестань! Ты его до слёз довела! Stop! You're making him cry. Come on, you made him cry! Я не люблю рибу. I don't like fish. I don't like fish. У Вас колесо спустило. You have a flat tire. Your wheel's down. Самалёты замянілі электрацягнікі. The electric trains have taken the place of airplanes. The planes replaced the electric trains. Пострадавшие есть? Anyone hurt? Are there any casualties? Їжа виглядає смачно. The food looks delicious. The food looks delicious. Яна хоча быць гераіняй. She wants to be a heroine. She wants to be a heroine. Она посоветовала ему держать свои обещания. She advised him to keep his promises. She advised him to keep his promises. Ми двоюрідні брат і сестра. We're cousins. We're cousins. Она талантливая певица. She's a talented singer. She's a talented singer. Іра патэлефанавала жонцы. Ira called her wife. Ira called her wife. Не думаю, что Том очень сильный. I don't think that Tom is very strong. I don't think Tom is very strong. Улыбнись и будь счастлив! Smile and be happy! Smile and be happy! Я хочу, щоб Том зачекав. I want Tom to wait. I want Tom to wait. Я мог бы это сделать. I could have done it. I could do that. Она примерно моего возраста. She's about the same age as I am. She's about my age. Это подпись Тома. That's Tom's signature. It's Tom's signature. Том думає, що Мері може це зробити? Does Tom think Mary can do that? Tom thinks Mary can do it? Ви були у лікаря? Did you see a doctor? Have you been to the doctor? Я хочу в Россию. I want to go to Russia. I want to go to Russia. Мы больше никуда не ходим. We don't go anywhere anymore. We're not going anywhere anymore. Я суворий. I'm strict. I'm strict. Том уже знал, что это. Tom already knew what it was. Tom already knew what it was. В вашей комнате кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Джо народився у Сполучених Штатах. Joe was born in the United States. Joe was born in the United States. Новый альбом Тома должен выйти в октябре. Tom's new album is set to be released in October. Tom's new album is due out in October. У Тома руки в крові. Tom has blood on his hands. Tom has blood on his hands. Це м'ясо. This is meat. It's meat. Том сказав, що не робитиме цього. Tom said he's not going to do that. Tom said he wouldn’t do it. Це ідеальна нагода! It's the perfect opportunity! This is the perfect opportunity! Яна хоча Вас бачыць. She wants to see you. She wants to see you. Калі ласка, паглядзі гэты фільм. Please watch this movie. Please watch this movie. Том не сказав Мері, коли він приїде. Tom didn't tell Mary when he'd be arriving. Tom didn't tell Mary when he was coming. Она была француженкой? Was she French? Was she French? Некоторые люди держат дома диких животных. Some people keep wild animals at home. Some people keep wild animals at home. У вас на обличчі кетчуп. You have ketchup on your face. You have ketchup on your face. "Почему Том называет меня Мэри?" - "А тебя разве не Мэри зовут?" - "Нет, Мария". "Why does Tom call me Mary?" "Isn't your name Mary?" "No, it's Maria." "Why does Tom call me Mary?" "Isn't your name Mary?" "No, Maria." Том сказал Мэри, что он с завтрака ничего не ел. Tom told Mary he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Tom told Mary he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Том та Мері обоє там будуть. Both Tom and Mary will be there. Tom and Mary will be there. Вона прожила щасливе життя. She lived a happy life. She lived a happy life. Кто-то звонит. Someone's calling. Someone's calling. Мы с тобой обе знаем, чего Том хочет на самом деле. You and I both know what Tom really wants. You and I both know what Tom really wants. Конь сильнее оленя. Horses are stronger than deer. A horse is stronger than a deer. Тому понравился Бостон. Tom liked Boston. Tom liked Boston. Что Том думает о твоей музыке? What does Tom think of your music? What does Tom think about your music? Входите же. Do come in. Come in. В нашем городе много талантливых людей, но Том к ним не относится. There are many talented people in our city, but Tom isn't one of them. There are a lot of talented people in our city, but Tom is not one of them. Де розташована Кабілія? Where is Kabylia? Where is Cabilla located? Я вчера пошёл спать в десять вечера. I went to bed at 10 p.m. last night. I went to bed at ten o'clock last night. У книзі багато сторінок. This book has a lot of pages. There are many pages in the book. Ми побачимо його. We're going to see him. We'll see him. Ты действительно сделал это бесплатно? Did you really do that for free? Did you really do it for free? Я хотел поплавать с дельфинами. I wanted to swim with dolphins. I wanted to swim with dolphins. Адвокат чекав на Бена. The lawyer was expecting Ben. The lawyer was waiting for Ben. Мені потрібні факти. I want the facts. I need facts. Ти повинен знати правила дорожнього руху. You must know the highway code. You need to know the rules of the road. Продовжуйте працювати. Keep working. Keep working. На письменном столе кошка. There's a cat on the desk. There's a cat on the desk. Иногда молния бьёт дважды в одно место. Lightning does sometimes strike the same place twice. Sometimes lightning strikes twice in one place. Том и Мэри по-прежнему работают вместе? Do Tom and Mary still work together? Is Tom and Mary still working together? Раньше это принадлежало им. That used to belong to them. It used to belong to them. Свет змяняе камунікацыя, а не інфармацыя. What changes the world is communication, not information. The world is changing communication, not information. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she should do it. Когда пьёшь воду, не забывай тех, кто вырыл колодец. When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well. When drinking water, do not forget those who dug the well. Это ты сказал Тому, что ему не стоит идти? Were you the one who told Tom that he shouldn't go? Did you tell Tom he shouldn't go? Я хочу, щоб ти прийшов на мою вечірку. I want you to come to my party. I want you to come to my party. Буде багато. There'll be plenty. There will be a lot. Серьёзно! Я не вру. Seriously, I’m not lying. I'm not lying. Том не хоче пити. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom doesn't want to drink. Я вырос в Австралии. I grew up in Australia. I grew up in Australia. В нашей компании строгий дресс-код. Our company has a strict dress code. Our company has a strict dress code. На самом деле, я ничего не знал о тех планах. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. Усі відповіді на це питання були неправильні. All the answers to this question were wrong. All the answers to this question were wrong. Том и Мэри совсем не похожи. Tom and Mary aren't at all alike. Tom and Mary are not alike. Жизнь только началась. Life has just begun. Life has just begun. Ты узнал, кто та женщина? Did you find out who that woman was? Do you know who that woman is? Справа не в ціні. Price isn't an issue. It's not about the price. У другой палове дня, магчыма, будзе дождж. It might rain before evening. It may rain in the afternoon. Почему ты нам раньше об этом не сказал? Why didn't you tell us about this sooner? Why didn't you tell us before? Молоко скисло. The milk has turned sour. Milk is sour. Кто с ними пришёл? Who came with them? Who came with them? Том ждёт тебя там. Tom is waiting for you there. Tom's waiting for you there. Без працы не вылавіш і рыбку з сажалкі. No pain, no gain. Without work, you won't catch a fish from the pond. Я ніколи раніше не бачив затемнення. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a blackout before. Дай Тому відповідь. Answer Tom. Give Tom an answer. Том - мой воображаемый друг. Tom is my imaginary friend. Tom is my imaginary friend. Як забажаєте. As you wish. As you wish. Как образуется статическое электричество? What causes static electricity? How is static electricity generated? Том хоче пограти з друзями надворі. Tom wants to play with his friends outside. Tom wants to play with his friends outside. Янні був зацікавлений грошима Скури. Yanni was interested in Skura's money. Yanni was interested in Skin's money. Ти хочеш нашкодити Тому ? Do you want to harm Tom? Do you want to hurt Tom? Я у светрі, бо мені холодно. I'm wearing a jumper because I'm cold. I'm in the shower because I'm cold. Том зрозумів, що Мері не слід цього робити. Tom realized Mary shouldn't do that. Tom realized that Mary should not do this. Дело было очень серьёзное. It was a very serious matter. It was very serious. Мы на диете с высоким содержанием белка. We eat a diet high in protein. We are on a high protein diet. Люди завжди говорять, що я дуже привітна. People always say I'm very friendly. People always say I’m very friendly. Сколько книг ты прочитал в школе? How many books have you read in school? How many books did you read at school? С ума сошла? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? То́му оказалось трудно подружиться с одноклассниками. Tom found it hard to make friends with his classmates. He found it difficult to make friends with his classmates. Я вам покажу кілька фотографій. I'll show you a few photos. Let me show you some photos. Я потис руку Тома. I shook hands with Tom. I shake Tom's hand. Тому он понадобится. Tom will need it. Tom will need it. Вони лежали? Were they lying? Were they lying? Чому ти такий зайнятий? Why are you so busy? Why are you so busy? Будь ласка, дайте відповідь на запитання ще раз. Please answer the question again. Please answer the question again. Я очень чувствителен к холоду. I am very sensitive to the cold. I am very sensitive to the cold. Залейте чайный пакетик кипятком. Pour the boiling water over the teabag. Pour a tea bag with boiling water. Не все цветы распускаются весной. Not all flowers bloom in the spring. Not all flowers bloom in spring. Ти добре знаєш історію? Do you know history well? Do you know the story well? Это яблоко кислое. This apple tastes sour. This apple is sour. Я можу це все зробити сам. I can do it all myself. I can do it all by myself. Твоя теорія помилкова. Your theory is wrong. Your theory is wrong. Волк укусил Мэри. The wolf has bitten Maria. The wolf bit Mary. Я знайшов місце для себе. I found myself a seat. I found a place for myself. В зоопарке много животных? Are there many animals in the zoo? Are there many animals in the zoo? Раньше здесь была бензоколонка. There used to be a gas station here. There used to be a gas station here. Не доверяй ему. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Я чув, що вона вмерла. I heard that he'd died. I heard she was dead. Яе вочы былі чырвоныя. Her eyes were red. Her eyes were red. Зачем вы слушаете Тома? Why are you listening to Tom? Why are you listening to Tom? Том ответит на все твои вопросы. Tom will answer all of your questions. Tom will answer all your questions. Это зависит от того, хочет Том идти или нет. That depends on whether Tom wants to go or not. It depends on whether Tom wants to go or not. Написано на хорватском. It's written in Croatian. Written in Croatian. Они держали свою любовь в тайне. They kept their love a secret. They kept their love a secret. Кто научил тебя кататься на велосипеде? Who taught you how to ride a bicycle? Who taught you to ride a bike? Гэта найлепшая гасцініца ў горадзе. It's the best hotel in this town. It's the best hotel in town. Це книга. This is a book. It's a book. Ви добре вмієте друкувати? Are you good at typing? Do you know how to print well? Не понимаю, как это делать. I don't understand how to do it. I don't know how to do that. Новый боксёр одолел чемпиона. The new boxer outboxed the champion. The new boxer defeated the champion. Іди спати скоріше. Go to sleep soon. Go to sleep soon. Поезд сошёл с рельсов. The train was derailed. The train derailed. Ти знаєш, що це? Do you know what this is? Do you know what it is? Именно по любви я и хотел на ней жениться. It was because I loved her that I wanted to marry her. It was because of love that I wanted to marry her. Вы готовились к экзамену? Did you study for the exam? Did you prepare for the exam? У меня есть тайная комната. I have a secret room. I have a secret room. Я не хочу играть в карты. I don't want to play cards. I don't want to play cards. Том має машину. Tom owns a car. Tom has a car. Если можно, сделайте это сегодня. Do that today, if possible. If possible, do it today. Салдаты патрапілі пад агонь ворага. The soldiers were exposed to the enemy's fire. The soldiers were caught in the enemy's fire. Этот для тебя. This one's for you. This one's for you. У тебе все добре? Are you well? Are you okay? Тому нравится жасминовый рис. Tom likes Jasmine rice. He likes jasmine rice. Це нам не належить. That doesn't belong to us. It doesn't belong to us. Я плаваю почти каждый день. I swim almost every day. I swim almost every day. Я приймала ванну. I was taking a bath. I took a bath. Я должен найти способ, чтобы помочь Тому. I must find a way to help Tom. I have to find a way to help Tom. Повертайся додому раніше. Come home early. Go home early. Том пишет книгу о его дедушке. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Две тысячи тринадцатый - год, который я никогда не забуду. 2013 is a year I'll never forget. Two thousand and thirteen is a year I will never forget. Аргументы Тома нас не убедили. We weren't convinced by Tom's arguments. Tom's argument didn't convince us. Лекарства следует использовать только по указанию врача. Drugs should be used only at the direction of a doctor. Medications should only be used as directed by a doctor. Я хутко ретирувався. I made a quick exit. I was quick to retort. На машину Тома упало дерево. A tree fell on Tom's car. A tree fell on Tom's car. Вы не теряете зря времени. You don't waste time. You're not wasting your time. Чого у вас немає? What don't you have? What don't you have? Вы бы на моём месте то же самое сделали. You would've done the same thing if you were me. You would have done the same if you were me. Почему ты никогда не говорил мне, что ты жил в Бостоне? Why didn't you ever tell me that you used to live in Boston? Why didn't you ever tell me you lived in Boston? Ты загуглил? Did you google it? You googled? Ты играть умеешь? Do you know how to play? Do you know how to play? Я решил остаться дома. I decided to stay home. I decided to stay home. Который Вы? Which one is you? Which one are you? Прости, мне некогда. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I'm sorry, I don't have time. Том — демон. Tom is a demon. Tom is a demon. Все здесь такие недружелюбные. Everybody is so unfriendly here. Everyone here is so unfriendly. Я бачив її на сходах. I saw her on the stairs. I saw her on the stairs. Стройка заброшена. The construction site is abandoned. The building is abandoned. «Ты убила меня!» – «Вот и славно». "You killed me!" "Good." "You killed me!" "That's nice." Нам нужно быстро найти решение. We need to find a solution quickly. We need to find a quick solution. Исчезни. You disappear. Disappear. Хто керуватиме країною? Who'll govern the country? Who will run the country? Де розташований Ліван? Where's Lebanon? Where is Lebanon located? Я лише хотів перевірити свою скриньку електронної пошти. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my email. Я думаю, Тому меньше тридцати. I think Tom is under thirty. I think Tom's under thirty. Что с ним станет? What will become of him? What's gonna happen to him? Ці люди божевільні? Are those people crazy? Are these people crazy? Я все одно вважаю, що це нечесно. I still don't think it's fair. I still think it's unfair. Тайфун разрушил много домов. The typhoon destroyed many houses. The typhoon destroyed many homes. Я зроблю все, що ти мені кажеш. I'll do everything you tell me to do. I'll do whatever you tell me. Пожалуйста, поднимитесь сюда и садитесь за этот стол. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Please come up here and sit at this table. Книжка задорога. The book is too expensive. The book is expensive. Кто здесь не знает, как это делается? Who here doesn't know how to do this? Who here doesn't know how to do it? Скажите ему, что я сейчас вернусь. Tell him I'll be right back. Tell him I'll be right back. Народу отнюдь не будет легче, если палка, которою его будут бить, будет называться палкою народной. It will scarcely be any easier on the people if the cudgel with which they are beaten is called the people's cudgel. It will not be easier for the people if the stick with which they will be beaten is called the people’s stick. Скажи мне, пожалуйста, что это значит. Please tell me what that means. Please tell me what that means. После этого мы с Томом больше не виделись. I didn't see Tom again after that. Tom and I never saw each other again. Ми одружимося у червні. We will get married in June. We'll get married in June. Вам действительно нравится такого рода еда? Do you really like this kind of food? Do you really like this kind of food? Хіба ты не разумееш маю праблему? Don't you understand my problem? Don't you understand my problem? Можете оставить шарф себе. You can keep the scarf. You can keep your scarf. Все посмотрели на мои ноги. Everyone looked at my feet. Everyone looked at my feet. Большой взрыв убил шесть человек. The huge explosion killed six people. A large explosion killed six people. Извините за мой французский. Pardon my French. Sorry about my French. Том с Мэри выглядели уставшими. Tom and Mary look tired. Tom and Mary looked tired. Мне одному кажется, что Том иногда выглядит как девочка? Am I the only one who thinks Tom sometimes looks like a girl? Does Tom look like a girl to me sometimes? На это письмо отвечать не нужно. You needn't answer the letter. No need to reply to this letter. Я сделал вид, что не вижу его. I pretended not to see him. I pretended not to see him. Добре, що ти тут. It's good that you're here. It's good that you're here. Він не вчиться, бо він ледачий. He doesn't study because he's lazy. He doesn't learn because he's lazy. Том не сделает этого, пока ты его не попросишь. Tom won't do that until you ask him. Tom won't do it until you ask him. Том сказав, що хоче з тобою зустрітися. Tom said he wants to meet you. Tom said he wanted to meet you. Он скоро уедет из родительского дома. He will soon leave his parents' home. He'll be leaving his parents' house soon. Где мама? Where's my mom? Where's Mom? Я пила чай без сахара, потому что хочу похудеть. I had tea without sugar, Because I want to lose some weight. I drank sugar-free tea because I wanted to lose weight. Вы какие-то напряжённые. You look like you're tense. You're kind of tense. Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to bring you a glass of water? Я — Том, дедушка Марии. I'm Tom, Mary's grandfather. I am Tom, Grandfather of Mary. Я насадил на крючок наживку. I put bait on the hook. I put a bait on the hook. Том покупает одежду в торговом центре. Tom buys clothes at the mall. Tom buys clothes at the mall. Том всегда конфликтовал с представителями власти. Tom has always had a problem with authority figures. He has always been in conflict with the authorities. Я збентежений. I'm discouraged. I'm confused. По дорозі додому я знайшов бродячого собаку. Чи можу я його залишити? I found a stray dog on my way home. Can I keep it? On the way home, I found a stray dog. Can I leave it? Ты выглядаеш вельмі бледным. You look very pale. You look very pale. Надмірне паління та випивка вам шкодять. Smoking and drinking too much is bad for you. Excessive smoking and drinking will hurt you. Том не так умён, как ты. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы вы поехали. I would really like you to go. I'd really like you to go. Из-за забастовки мне пришлось отменить свою поездку. I had to cancel my trip on account of the strike. Because of the strike, I had to cancel my trip. Он будет готов прямо сейчас. It'll be ready right away. He'll be ready right now. Ця лисиця, мабуть, задушила курку. That fox must have killed the hen. That fox must have strangled the chicken. Со мной однажды было нечто подобное. Something like that happened to me once. There was something like this with me once. Яго дом у Стамбуле. His house is in Istanbul. His house is in Istanbul. Для кого ти це зробив? Who did you do that for? Who did you do this for? До біса Всесвіт. Fuck the universe. Fuck the universe. Вы могли бы перевязать это лентой? Could you tie it with a ribbon? Could you tie this up with a ribbon? Мы не собираемся вас увольнять. We're not going to fire you. We're not gonna fire you. Вони роблять протилежне тому, що, за їхніми словами, має бути зроблено. They do the opposite of what they say has to be done. They do the opposite of what they say needs to be done. Собрания у нас почти никогда не начинаются вовремя. Our meetings hardly ever start on time. Our meetings almost never start on time. Ти ще сердитий, так? You're still mad, aren't you? You're still angry, aren't you? Том убив Мері. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Это мясо очень дорого стоило. This meat was very expensive. The meat was very expensive. Це новий тренд. This is a new trend. This is a new trend. Я изменил английское предложение. I changed the English sentence. I changed the English sentence. Я ничего не сказал, потому что не знал, что говорить. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. Ты можаш уявіць, што ты ідзеш па месяцу? Can you imagine walking on the moon? Can you imagine going for a month? Їй подобаються тварини. She likes animals. She likes animals. Мы ночевали под открытым небом. We slept under the stars. We slept in the open air. Она взяла её книгу. She took her book. She took her book. Білизна ще не висохла. The laundry is not dry yet. The underwear is not dry yet. Одолжите мне свою ручку. Lend me your pen. Lend me your pen. Поїхали на ліфті. Let's take the elevator. We went to the elevator. Том не купить ту машину. Tom won't buy that car. Tom won't buy that car. Це схоже на добре місце для табору. This looks like a good spot to set up camp. It looks like a good place to camp. Не упусти случай. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss the chance. Мы этого пока не сделали. We haven't done it yet. We haven't done that yet. Меня кто-то ударил. Someone hit me. Someone hit me. Ми почнемо завтра вранці. We'll begin tomorrow morning. We'll start tomorrow morning. Есть тараканов - это плохая идея? Is it a bad idea to eat cockroaches? Are cockroaches a bad idea? Як ви сьогодні почуваєтеся? How are you feeling today? How do you feel today? Ви задоволені? Are you guys happy? Are you satisfied? Победа была достигнута благодаря стратегическому искусству Тома. Tom's strategy was responsible for the victory. The victory was achieved thanks to the strategic art of Tom. Рыба гатовая. This fish is done. The fish is ready. Ми залишимось тут ще на три години. We'll stay here for three more hours. We'll stay here for another three hours. Хіба ти ні з ким не зустрічаєшся? Aren't you seeing anyone? Aren't you dating anyone? Мы уничтожим всех, кто встанет у нас на пути! We shall annihilate anyone who stands in our way! We will destroy all who stand in our way! Том потурбується про те, щоб це пройшло гладко. Tom will make sure that it goes smoothly. Tom will make sure it goes smoothly. У нього великі блакитні очі. He has large blue eyes. He has big blue eyes. Что не понял Том? What didn't Tom understand? What did Tom not understand? У тебя не будет этой проблемы. You won't have that problem. You won't have this problem. Положи это в верхний ящик. Put this in the top drawer. Put it in the top drawer. Безпеку не гарантовано. Safety is not guaranteed. Security is not guaranteed. Дай мені розповісти! Let me tell it! Let me tell you! Не понимаю, почему для тебя это так важно. I don't understand why it's so important for you. I don't understand why this is so important to you. Вставьте ссылку. Paste the link. Insert the link. Ми вирушаємо до Німеччини. We're going to Germany. We're going to Germany. Я бразилійка, а ти? I'm Brazilian, and you? I'm Brazilian, aren't you? Тебе случалось петь на людях? Have you ever had an occasion to sing in public? Have you ever sung in public? Не ёрзай! Don't fidget. Don't fidget! Не слід купатися в цьому ставку. You shouldn't swim in this pond. You should not swim in this pond. Вода была очень горячая? Was the water very hot? Was the water very hot? Не думаю, що це справжній діамант. I don't think this is a real diamond. I don't think it's a real diamond. Том только притворяется больным. Tom is only pretending to be sick. Tom's just pretending to be sick. Бросай пушки. Drop your guns. Drop the guns. Это то, что я слышал. That's what I heard. That's what I heard. Тепер я її візьму. I'll take it now. Now I'll take her. Я думаю, его предложение достойно рассмотрения. I think his suggestion is worth considering. I think his proposal is worth considering. Он забыл свитер. He forgot his sweater. He forgot the sweater. Я не могу заснуть при включенном свете. I can't fall asleep with the lights on. I can't sleep with the lights on. Я йду надвір. I'm going outside. I'm going outside. Такие вещи довольно часто случаются. This type of thing quite frequently happens. Such things happen quite often. Вечірка буде у середу. The party's Wednesday. The party will be on Wednesday. Её рассказ вернул меня в детство. Her story took me back to my childhood. Her story brought me back to my childhood. Соціопати люблять емоційно ранити почуття інших людей. Sociopaths like to emotionally hurt other people's feelings. Sociopaths love to emotionally hurt other people’s feelings. Ми живемо біля озера. We live near the lake. We live near the lake. Де Бейрут? Where is Beirut? Where's Beirut? У Тома немає грошей. Tom has no money. Tom has no money. Никто не проголодался, кроме меня. Nobody was hungry except me. No one was hungry except me. Вы не имели на это никакого права. You had no right to do that. You had no right to that. Я хочу, чтобы мне заплатили сегодня. I want to be paid today. I want to be paid today. Ти не міг би допомогти мені це зробити? Could you help me do this? Could you help me do that? Том приїхав до Японії з Австралії. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Давно ты на лыжах ходил? How long has it been since you've gone skiing? How long have you been skiing? Спасибо, что помог нам. Thanks for helping us. Thank you for helping us. Хорошо, что вы не пошли. It was good you didn't go. It's a good thing you didn't go. Я вас никогда не отпущу. I'll never let you go. I'll never let you go. У житті є багато чого важливішого за роботу. There are many things in life more important than work. There is so much more to life than work. Ненавижу рекламу. I hate advertising. I hate advertising. Том - плохой человек. Tom is a bad person. Tom is a bad man. Я купив дюжину яєць. I bought a dozen eggs. I bought a dozen eggs. Вона боїться, що ви можете загубитися. She is afraid that you might get lost. She’s afraid you might get lost. Як ти витратив гроші, які я тобі дав? How did you spend the money that I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? Не дивись на нього! Don't look at him! Don't look at him! Чи не могли б ви викликати мені таксі? Would you like me to call a taxi? Could you call me a taxi? Ні, це не мій новий хлопець. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, it's not my new boyfriend. Том чистить картоплю. Tom is peeling the potatoes. Tom's cleaning the potatoes. Вони були закохані. They were in love. They were in love. Похоже, Том мало что знал о Бостоне. Tom didn't seem to know very much about Boston. Tom didn't seem to know much about Boston. Неясно, що я повинен робити. It's not clear what I'm supposed to do. It's not clear what I should do. Я никогда тебе не изменял. I never cheated on you. I never cheated on you. Смотри, что ты наделал! Look at what you've done! Look what you've done! Озирнися навколо і скажи, що ти бачиш. Look around yourself and say what you see. Look around and tell me what you see. Ви знаєте її? Do you know her? Do you know her? Колькі гадзін на дзень ты глядзіш тэлевізар? How many hours a day do you watch TV? How many hours a day do you watch TV? Том лежал под столом и спал. Tom was lying under the table, sleeping. Tom lay under the table and slept. У тебе немає жодної самоповаги. You have no self-respect. You have no self-respect. Бабушка, пошли есть. Let's eat, Grandma. Grandma, let's go eat. Ты единственная, с кем я могу быть собой. You're the only one I can be myself with. You're the only one I can be myself with. Том и Мэри так и работают вместе? Do Tom and Mary still work together? Is that how Tom and Mary work together? Ты когда-нибудь бывал в Бостоне? Have you ever been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Я ничего не помню с прошлого вечера. I can't remember anything from last night. I don't remember anything from last night. Не будь таким лохом! Don't be such a chump! Don't be such a jerk! Том увидел, что кто-то идет. Tom saw someone coming. Tom saw someone coming. Слушай маму. Listen to your mother. Listen to Mom. Я хотів попросити Тома про послугу. I wanted to ask Tom a favour. I wanted to ask Tom for a favor. Ось задумали ми похід великий. Lo, we have conceived a great campaign. Here we are planning a great trip. Відчини двері. Open the doors. Open the door. Хіба ви не дівчина Тома? Aren't you Tom's girlfriend? Aren't you Tom's girlfriend? У меня сломана лодыжка. I have a broken ankle. My ankle is broken. Том ведь выше тебя? Tom is taller than you, isn't he? Tom's taller than you, isn't he? Чому ти засмучена? Why are you sad? Why are you upset? Том, можна сказати, гарний. Tom is kind of handsome. Tom is, you might say, pretty. Том сказав мені, що хоче бути вчителем. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Как вы думаете, насколько дороже это будет стоить? How much more do you think it'll cost? How much more expensive do you think it will cost? Где вы его вообще нашли? Where did you ever find him? Where did you even find him? Ни Том, ни Мэри не изучали французский. Neither Tom nor Mary has studied French. Neither Tom nor Mary studied French. Мене турбує те, що на мене можуть подати в суд. I'm worried that I might get sued. I’m worried that they might sue me. Мужчины хотят есть. The men are hungry. Men want to eat. Ненавижу это место. I hate this place. I hate this place. Как и ожидалось, Тома там не было. As expected, Tom wasn't there. As expected, Tom was not there. Том едва может двигаться. Tom can barely move. Tom can barely move. Губка Боб і Патрык — сябры. Spongebob and Patrick are friends. SpongeBob and Patrick are friends. Хочешь выпить вина? Do you want to drink wine? You want some wine? Больше никаких подробностей Том не сообщил. Tom gave no other details. No further details were given by Tom. Мері любить гроші. Mary loves money. Mary loves money. Этого я бы делать не стал. That isn't something I'd do. I wouldn't do that. Это ужасная болезнь. It's a terrible disease. It's a terrible disease. Цветочек фиолетовый. The little flower is purple. The flower is purple. У Тома есть ключи. Tom has the keys. Tom has the keys. Не припиняй грати. Don't stop playing. Don't stop playing. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було тринадцять років. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen. Эта команда обычно принимает участие в нескольких товарищеских матчах перед началом сезона. The team normally plays a few friendly matches before the start of the season. This team usually takes part in several friendly matches before the start of the season. Мері була єдиною дівчиною в клубі. Mary was the only girl in the club. Mary was the only girl in the club. Мені просто пощастило. I was just lucky. I was just lucky. Я вписал в бумагу своё имя. I filled in my name on the paper. I put my name on the paper. Я думала, што вы дагэтуль у Бостане. I thought you were still in Boston. I thought you were dead in Boston. Том народився зимою. Tom was born in the winter. Tom was born in winter. Я взяла у них интервью. I interviewed them. I interviewed them. Я хотіла бути його дружиною. I wanted to be his wife. I wanted to be his wife. Я не хочу с вами спорить. I don't want to argue with you. I don't want to argue with you. Мені не потрібна робота. I don't need a job. I don't need a job. Ты все окна запер? Have you locked all the windows? You locked all the windows? Думаєте, Том знає, що відбувається? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? Если бы я заметил проблему, я бы тебе сказал. If I'd noticed the problem, I would've told you. If I noticed a problem, I'd tell you. Заучивание списков – один из основных способов выучить слова к тесту. Это упражнение хорошо подходит лишь на короткой дистанции, ведь часто выученное к тесту не задерживается надолго в памяти. Memorization of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It's only a good exercise for studies of short duration, because often you don't retain the information you learned for a test. Learning lists is one of the main ways to learn the words to the test. This exercise is well suited only for a short distance, because often learned to the test does not linger for a long time in memory. Добрий початок – половина діла. A good start is half the work. A good start is half the battle. Ты будзеш мяне цалаваць ці не? Are you going to kiss me or not? Will you kiss me or not? Є ще пончики? Are there any more doughnuts? Are there any more doughnuts? Вона говорить арабською. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Я постараюсь объяснить всё Тому. I'll try to explain everything to Tom. I'll try to explain it to Tom. Том не дозволив Мері вести його машину. Tom didn't let Mary drive his car. Tom wouldn't let Mary drive his car. Ви п'єте пиво? Do you drink beer? Do you drink beer? Учора раніцай я з’еў вафлю! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! I ate a waffle last morning! Навошта ты ўсё гэта купляеш, калі ведаеш, што ніколі не будзеш ім карыстацца? Why do you buy this all the while knowing you'll never use it? Why do you buy it all when you know you'll never use it? Я заснув під час уроку. I went to sleep during the lesson. I fell asleep during class. Этот человек вполне способен на ложь. The man is quite capable of telling lies. This man is capable of lying. Я хачу табе нешта сказаць. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. Почему ты не пел с нами? Why didn't you sing with us? Why didn't you sing with us? Ви знаєте як водити автомобіль? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know how to drive a car? Чому ви говорите неправду? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Ніхто ўжо не кажа праўду. Nobody tells the truth anymore. No one is telling the truth anymore. Делайте только то, что хотите. Do only what you want to do. Do only what you want. У Тома даже нет водительских прав. Tom doesn't even have a driver's license. Tom doesn't even have a driver's license. Ви займаєтеся кожного дня? Do you study every day? Do you work every day? Чим займається твоя тітка? What does your aunt do? What does your aunt do? Са мной усё ў парадку. I'm fine. I'm fine. Він був дуже зайнятий увесь день. He was very busy all day. He was very busy all day. Золото гораздо тяжелее воды. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold is much heavier than water. У вас что-то есть в карманах, не так ли? You have something in your pockets, don't you? You have something in your pockets, don't you? Можеш допомогти мені? Can you help me? Can you help me? Це місце варто відвідати двічі. The place is worth visiting twice. This place is worth visiting twice. Я хочу научиться преподавать. I want to learn how to teach. I want to learn to teach. Можна я піду грати до своєї кімнати? Can I go play in my room? Can I go play in my room? Прошу закрити вікна. Please close the windows. Please close the windows. Я его в последнее время не видел; передавай ему привет. I haven't seen him lately; give him my regards. I haven't seen him lately; say hi to him. Перепрошую, я вас не впізнала. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Прости, но тебе нельзя, это запрещено. Sorry, you can't. It's not allowed. I'm sorry, but you can't, it's forbidden. Это совсем не так дорого. It's not really that expensive. It's not that expensive. Я почти ничего об этом не знаю. I know hardly anything about it. I don't know much about it. Была бы я канадка! I wish I were a Canadian. I would be Canadian! Ты знаешь, что мы многим ему обязаны. You know we owe him a lot. You know we owe him a lot. Почему я ничего не вижу? Why don't I see anything? Why can't I see anything? Я никогда не спрашивала её. I never asked her. I never asked her. Часам зло перамагае. Evil sometimes wins. Sometimes evil wins. Светр має довгі рукави. The jumper has long arms. The sweater has long sleeves. Последний автобус отходит через тридцать минут. The last bus will be leaving in thirty minutes. The last bus leaves in 30 minutes. Довидзеня! See you. Goodbye! У книжці бракувало кількох сторінок. The book was missing a few pages. There were a few pages missing from the book. Том весь день не обращал на Мэри внимания. Tom ignored Mary all day. Tom didn't pay attention to Mary all day. Ти добре плаваєш, так? You swim well, don't you? You swim well, right? Не стесняйтесь спрашивать совета. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Do not hesitate to ask for advice. Том сказав, що він нічого про це не знає. Tom said that he didn't know anything about that. Tom said he didn't know anything about it. Может, сделаем это для Тома? Why don't we do that for Tom? Why don't we do this for Tom? Магу я Вам чымсьці дапамагчы? May I help you? Can I help you with something? Том та Мері розповіли Джону. Tom and Mary told John. Tom and Mary told John. Вам потрібно припинити робити це просто зараз. You need to stop doing that right now. You need to stop doing this right now. Я не буду ждать вечно. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. Госпожа Такеда ловила последние окрестные сплетни. Mrs. Takeda was listening in on the latest neighborhood gossip. Ms. Takeda caught the last of the neighborhood gossip. Я надіслав текстове повідомлення Тому. I texted Tom. I sent a text message to Tom. Я гэтага не бачыла. I didn't see that. I didn't see it. Том пропустил много уроков из-за того, что болел. Tom missed a lot of classes because he was sick. Tom missed a lot of lessons because he was sick. Давно вы с Томом ездили на лыжах кататься? How long has it been since you've gone skiing with Tom? How long have you and Tom been skiing? У меня не было с собой ключей. I didn't have my keys with me. I didn’t have the keys with me. У них есть другой план. They have another plan. They have another plan. Я бережливий. I'm frugal. I'm frugal. Может, не будем беспокоить Тома? Why don't we leave Tom alone? Why don't we bother Tom? Я купив цю книгу за десять доларів. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought this book for $10. Він шантажував мене. He blackmailed me. He blackmailed me. Некоторые мои одноклассники полные нубы, они ничего не знают о компьютерах. Some of my classmates are pure noobs; they know nothing about computing sciences. Some of my classmates are full of nubs, they don't know anything about computers. Том хотів поговорити з Мері. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Посидите там, пожалуйста. Please sit there. Sit there, please. Он научил своего сына плавать. He taught his son how to swim. He taught his son to swim. Я не думаю, что Том говорит по-французски. I don't think Tom speaks French. I don't think Tom speaks French. Том буде вдома до полудня. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home by noon. Нам довелося застрелити наших коней. We had to shoot our horses. We had to shoot our horses. Я грав у теніс. I played tennis. I was playing tennis. У науці практика важливіша за теорію. When it comes to science, practice is more important than theory. In science, practice is more important than theory. Держитесь за перила. Hold on to the rail. Hold on to the railing. Я намагався заснути. I was trying to fall asleep. I tried to sleep. Это предложение очень интересно. This offer is very interesting. This offer is very interesting. Ви молода. У вас все життя попереду. You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. You're young, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I'm translating the article. Я пайшоў ад мужа. I left my husband. I left my husband. Том с интересом слушал. Tom listened with interest. Tom listened with interest. Сёння я пайшоў да лекара. Today, I went to the doctor's. Today I went to the doctor. Здесь нет ни одного дерева. There isn't a single tree here. There are no trees here. Вы уверены, что Том здесь не живёт? Are you sure that Tom doesn't live here? Are you sure Tom doesn't live here? Мальчик попытался спилить мёртвую ветку. The boy tried to saw off the dead branch. The boy tried to cut down a dead branch. Он не так вежлив, как Том. He isn't as polite as Tom. He's not as polite as Tom. Когда я сегодня утром выходил из дома, было холодно. It was cold this morning when I left the house. When I left the house this morning, it was cold. Том жалуется? Is Tom complaining? Is Tom complaining? Все, кто не хочет в этом участвовать, покиньте зал. Those who do not wish to participate must leave the room. Anyone who does not want to participate in this, leave the hall. Ноччу яна глядзела на месяц. At night, she gazed at the moon. At night she watched for a month. Почему бы нам не импровизировать? Why don't we improvise? Why don't we improvise? Вона приблизно з яйце розміром. It is about the size of an egg. It is about the size of an egg. Желаем вам счастья. We wish you happiness. We wish you happiness. Дай Боже добру ноц! May God give you a good night! God bless you! Всё случится так, как мы хотим. Everything will happen the way we want it to. It's gonna happen the way we want it to. Я сделаю всё, что могу. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Кот проснулся. The cat woke up. The cat woke up. Хто-небудь знає ім'я покійної? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Давайте поговорим о баскетболе. Let's talk about basketball. Let’s talk about basketball. Она отрастёт. It will grow back. She'll grow up. Том заверил меня, что этого не произойдёт. Tom assured me that that wouldn't happen. Tom assured me it wouldn't happen. Я добре поїла. I had a nice meal. I ate well. Есть острая необходимость в питьевой воде. There is an urgent need for drinking water. There is an urgent need for drinking water. Ты можешь повторить то, что сказал? Can you repeat what you said? Can you repeat what you said? Почему Том не хочет тебе помогать? Why doesn't Tom want to help you? Why doesn't Tom want to help you? У цю пору року вітер дме з океану. A wind from the ocean blows at this time of the year. At this time of year, the wind blows from the ocean. В последнем году было много снега. Last year there was a lot of snow. There was a lot of snow last year. Тебе нужно мне позвонить. You need to call me. You need to call me. Треба заплатити завчасно. You have to pay in advance. We have to pay in advance. Я владею французским языком. I speak French. I speak French. Я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что с Томом всё в порядке. I want you to know that Tom's doing OK. I want you to know that Tom's okay. Я не понимаю, почему мне нужно было это делать. I don't understand why I needed to do that. I don’t understand why I had to do this. Так, із задоволенням! Sure, why not? Yes, with pleasure! Героев создает время. Heroes are made by the times. Heroes create time. Я сожалею что Том не пришёл. I'm sorry Tom didn't come. I'm sorry Tom didn't show up. Ты пьёшь молоко, не так ли? You drink milk, don't you? You drink milk, don't you? Мені болить голова. My head hurts. I have a headache. Я не хотел рассказывать вам это. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you that. Могут слоны летать? Can elephants fly? Can elephants fly? Ви мій герой. You're my hero. You are my hero. Я научился ездить на мотоцикле, когда мне было шестнадцать. I learned how to ride a motorcycle when I was sixteen years old. I learned to ride a motorcycle when I was 16. Ви алкоголік. You're an alcoholic. You're an alcoholic. Есть большая разница между теорией и идеей. There's a great difference between a theory and an idea. There is a big difference between theory and idea. Будь ласка, посиди тут і почекай. Please sit here and wait. Please sit here and wait. Вы сегодня смотрите телевизор? Are you watching TV today? Are you watching TV today? Я ненавиджу прасувати. I hate to iron. I hate to pee. Ты сказал всем, что я здесь? Did you tell anyone I'm here? Did you tell everyone I was here? Зоопарк далеко? Is the zoo far from here? Is the zoo far away? Не йди. Don't leave! Don't go. Это предложение никогда не будет переведено. This sentence will never be translated. This offer will never be translated. Я не пойду с Томом на рыбалку. I won't go fishing with Tom. I'm not going fishing with Tom. Ты не знал, что Том и Мэри не канадцы? Didn't you know that Tom and Mary aren't Canadians? You didn't know Tom and Mary weren't Canadians? Она может говорить не только по-английски, но и по-французски. She can speak not only English but also French. She can speak not only English, but also French. Как часто ты чистишь ботинки? How often do you shine your shoes? How often do you clean your shoes? Я ужинаю дома в 7 часов вечера. At 7 pm, I have dinner at home. I'm having dinner at home at 7:00 p.m. Откуда он у неё? Where did she get it? Where did she get it from? Ми всі погодилися з Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Ти велика. You are big. You're great. Він атеїст. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Сороконіжки можуть мати від 30 до 353 ніжок. Centipedes can have between 30 and 354 legs. Centipedes can have 30 to 353 legs. Я вважаю, ми зможемо. I think we can do it. I think we can. Откуда вы его знаете? From where do you know him? How do you know him? Ви можете дати відповідь? Can you answer? Can you give an answer? Я думаю, что мог бы это сделать. I think I could do that. I think I could do it. Том хоче купити спортивну машину. Tom wants to buy a sports car. He wants to buy a sports car. Я купив собі трубу. I've bought myself a trumpet. I bought a pipe. Я не хочу идти с тобой обедать. I don't want to go to lunch with you. I don't want to go to lunch with you. Я не знал её имени. I didn't know her name. I didn't know her name. Счастливого пути! Позвони мне из Парижа. Have a good trip! Call me from Paris! Good luck, call me from Paris. Що було вкрадено? What was stolen? What was stolen? Я прызнала, што схлусіла. I admitted I'd lied. I admitted I lied. Наступны раз прыходзь з сястрой. Bring your sister next time. Next time, come with your sister. Я знал, что что-нибудь забуду. I knew I'd forget something. I knew I'd forget something. Гэта пустыя словы. Those are empty words. These are empty words. Ми осідлали коней. We mounted our horses. We were riding horses. Том сказав вам, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Тяжело с Томом жить, да? Tom is difficult to live with, isn't he? It's hard to live with Tom, isn't it? Ты выше всех нас. You are the tallest of us all. You're superior to all of us. Припини про це турбуватися. Stop worrying about it. Stop worrying about it. Вам придётся позвонить в техподдержку. You'll have to call tech support. You'll have to call tech support. Не думаю, що Том хотів це зробити сам. I don't think that Tom wanted to do that by himself. I don't think Tom wanted to do it himself. Оно закатилось под диван. It rolled under the couch. It rolled under the couch. Когда состоятся похороны? When will the funeral be held? When will the funeral take place? Скажи им, что я тебе сказал. Tell them what I told you. Tell them what I told you. Сумно, але це правда. It's sad, but true. It's sad, but it's true. По правде говоря, мне было одиноко. To tell the truth, I felt lonely. Truth be told, I was lonely. Как ты могла мне солгать? How could you lie to me? How could you lie to me? Том больше не играет на гитаре. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Ви геній. You are a genius. You're a genius. Я скінчив роботу. I finished the work. I'm done. Ніхто тебе не зупиняє. Nobody is stopping you. No one's stopping you. Нейкі ты тоўсты. You look fat. Neeky you're fat. Можна мені поговорити з Педро? Can I speak with Pedro? Can I talk to Pedro? Том вас знает? Does Tom know you? Does Tom know you? Он прекратил сопротивляться и покорился судьбе. He stopped resisting, and resigned himself to his fate. He stopped resisting and succumbed to fate. Люди, припиніть вбивати одне одного. People, stop killing each other. People, stop killing each other. Отважный пожарный спас мальчика из горящего здания. The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house. A brave firefighter rescued a boy from a burning building. Перепрошую, що вас турбую. Sorry to bother you. Sorry to bother you. Установим охранную сигнализацию. Let's install a burglar alarm. We'll set up a security alarm. Эта информация укрепила его в своем мнении. The information reinforced his opinions. This information strengthened him in his opinion. Я думаю, Том старый. I think Tom's old. I think Tom's old. Це тобі здається правильним? Does this seem right to you? Does that seem right to you? Том намагається зрозуміти, що йому робити. Tom is trying to figure out what to do. Tom is trying to figure out what to do. Я рискнула всем. I risked everything. I risked everything. Я не такі, як ты. I'm not like you. I'm not like you. Я зрабіла табе каву. I made you coffee. I made you coffee. Он хочет съездить в Россию. He wants to visit Russia. He wants to go to Russia. Выключите телефон. Turn your phone off. Turn off the phone. Некоторые из вас могут потерять работу. Some of you may lose your jobs. Some of you may lose your job. Этот телевизор поддерживает разрешение 1080p. This TV supports 1080p. This TV supports 1080p resolution. Он хочет арахисового масла. He wants peanut butter. He wants peanut butter. Тому в то время было тринадцать. Tom was 13 at the time. Tom was thirteen at the time. Хтось телефонує. Someone's calling. Someone is calling. Том с вами вчера не поговорил? Didn't Tom speak to you yesterday? Tom didn't talk to you last night? Мне здесь никто не нравится, кроме Тома. I don't like anyone here except Tom. I don't like anyone here but Tom. Я адзіная, хто можа вам дапамагчы. I'm the only one who can help you. I'm the only one who can help you. Ти маєш зробити те, що Том каже тобі зробити. You have to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Йому подобаються всі тварини, окрім коней. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all animals except horses. Чому коти так багато сплять? Why do cats sleep so much? Why do cats sleep so much? Эратычныя сны сняцца ўсім. Everybody has wet dreams. Erotic dreams are dreamy for everyone. Я вже поговорила з Томом. I've already spoken with Tom. I've already talked to Tom. Я не спросил, планирует Том этим заниматься или нет. I didn't ask whether Tom was planning on doing that or not. I didn't ask if Tom was going to do it or not. Том говорит, что он её исправит. Tom says he'll correct it. Tom says he'll fix it. Ти виглядаєш здоровим. You look healthy. You look healthy. Я знаю, что ты сделал прошлой ночью. I know what you did last night. I know what you did last night. Що ви щодо цього робите? What're you doing about this? What are you doing about it? Давайте возьмём напрокат машину. Let's rent a car. Let's rent a car. Це наша провина. This is our fault. It's our fault. У мене закінчуються гроші. I'm running short of cash. I'm running out of money. Чому ти хочеш вивчити цю мову? Why do you want to learn this language? Why do you want to learn this language? Сегодня мой день рождения. Today is my birthday. It's my birthday. Будь исландский язык цветом, я думаю, был бы он белым. If the Icelandic language was a colour, I think it would be white. If Icelandic were the color, I think it would be white. Це має значення? Does it matter? Does it matter? Мері сказала, що зачекає. Mary said she'd wait. Mary said she would wait. У нас пять уроков английского в неделю. We have five English lessons a week. We have five English lessons a week. Я не знаю, сколько мне понадобится времени. I don't know how much time I'll need. I don't know how much time I'm gonna need. Я всегда смущён. I'm always confused. I'm always embarrassed. Я так від тебе відрізняюся? Am I so different from you? Am I so different from you? Возьми другое, если хочешь. Take the other one if you want. Take another one if you want. Вони втратили зразок ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They lost a sample of DNA. Я не могла заснуть прошлой ночью. I wasn't able to sleep last night. I couldn't sleep last night. Ты мусіш расказаць начальніцы. You should tell the boss. You have to tell the principals. Я могу поговорить со своим адвокатом? Can I speak to my lawyer? Can I talk to my lawyer? Том тогда совсем не говорил по-французски. Tom didn't speak any French at that time. Tom didn’t speak French at all. Чого ти казишся? Why are you so mad? What do you think? Ми не звикли до такої їжі. We're not used to this kind of food. We are not used to this kind of food. Том реаліст. Tom is realistic. Tom is a realist. Ты разве завтра не уезжаешь? Aren't you leaving tomorrow? Aren't you leaving tomorrow? Я лишь хотел вернуться к прежней жизни. I just wanted my old life back. I just wanted to go back to my old life. Выключите свет на кухне, пожалуйста. Turn off the kitchen light, please. Turn off the lights in the kitchen, please. Я не смогу встретить Тома в аэропорту. I won't be able to pick Tom up at the airport. I can't meet Tom at the airport. Сомневаюсь, чтобы эта ветка смогла выдержать твой вес. I doubt that that branch can support your weight. I don't know if this branch can handle your weight. Я припиняю. I'm quitting. I'm stopping. Сім'ї з дітьми були в пастці. Families with kids were trapped. Families with children were trapped. Я розповім вам усе, що знаю. I'll tell you everything I know. I'll tell you everything I know. Все те люди ждут Тома? Are all those people waiting for Tom? Are all those people waiting for Tom? Ответ найти непросто. The answer's tricky. The answer is hard to come by. Больше занимайся тем, что делает тебя счастливым. Do more of what makes you happy. Do more of what makes you happy. Я залишила твою парасольку в автобусі. I left your umbrella in the bus. I left your umbrella on the bus. Яны закахаліся, калі былі падлеткамі. They fell in love as teenagers. They fell in love when they were teenagers. Кто заплатил за билеты? Who paid for the tickets? Who paid for the tickets? Вам надо домой. You've got to go home. You should go home. Ты такой глупый. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Том не сможет оплатить все свои счета в этом месяце. Tom won't be able to pay all his bills this month. Tom won't be able to pay all his bills this month. Мій батько часто готує. My father often cooks. My father cooks often. Коты странны. Cats are weird. Cats are strange. Любляна - столица Словении. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Он непременно придёт. He'll come for sure. He will surely come. Я пачысціла яблык. I peeled the apple. I cleaned the apple. Це не було необхідно. It wasn't necessary. It wasn't necessary. Какая из гитар тебе больше нравится? Which one of your guitars do you like best? Which guitar do you like best? Ты можешь в это поверить? Мы в Германии! Can you believe it? We're in Germany! Can you believe it? We're in Germany! Я думаю про вас. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking of you. Нам нужен эксперт. We need an expert. We need an expert. Том очень вежливый мужчина. Tom is a very polite man. Tom is a very polite man. У тебя не очень хорошая память. Your memory isn't too good. You don't have a good memory. У вас продаётся клубника? Do you sell strawberries? Do you sell strawberries? У Тома есть друзья, которые могут ему помочь. Tom has friends who can help him. Tom has friends who can help him. Идёт ещё один ураган. Another storm is coming. There's another hurricane coming. Я отрицательно покачал головой. I shook my head no. I shook my head negatively. Том врятував Мері. Tom saved Mary. Tom saved Mary. Том перевернув карту і побачив, що це був виновий туз. Tom flipped over the card and saw that it was the ace of spades. Tom turned the map around and saw that it was the guilty ace. Запізно. Too late. It's too late. Я вже вирішила не робити цього. I've already decided not to do that. I have already decided not to do this. Я закрыл окно, потому что снаружи было слишком шумно. I closed the window because it was too noisy outside. I closed the window because there was too much noise outside. Он у себя за столом. He is at his desk. He's at his desk. Коли ти приїхав до Китаю? When did you come to China? When did you come to China? Я не могу заснуть, потому что выпила много кофе. I'm having trouble sleeping because I drank a lot of coffee. I can't sleep because I've had a lot of coffee. Я не раз имел проблемы с законом. I've had my share of run-ins with the law. I have had problems with the law many times. Это совсем не так дорого. It isn't really all that expensive. It's not that expensive. Я українка. I'm Ukrainian. I'm Ukrainian. Том, вероятно, будет бояться собаки Мэри. Tom will probably be afraid of Mary's dog. Tom will probably be afraid of Mary's dog. Нам потрібно побалакати. We have to talk. We need to talk. Гэты мост зроблены з дрэва. This bridge is made of wood. This bridge is made of wood. Я молюся за Тома. I'm praying for Tom. I'm praying for Tom. Не люблю звучание моего голоса. I don't like how my voice sounds. I don't like the sound of my voice. Хто разбіў шыбу? Who broke the window? Who broke the shack? Я не хочу, чтобы Том видел меня таким. I don't want Tom to see me like that. I don't want Tom to see me like this. Мені цікаво, чи одружаться Том та Мері. I wonder whether or not Tom and Mary will get married. I wonder if Tom and Mary will get married. Янні був чудовою людиною. Yanni was a delightful person. Yanni was a great man. Подбирать автостопщиков — плохая идея. It's not a good idea to pick up hitchhikers. Picking up hitchhikers is a bad idea. Он глубоко задумался. He was deep in thought. He's thinking deeply. Детям больше нравится играть, чем учиться. Children like playing more than studying. Children like to play rather than learn. Он откупорил бутылку. He uncorked the bottle. He opened the bottle. Цікава, чаму Том не пажадаў ехаць у Бостан з Мэры. I wonder why Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. I wonder why Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. Курить строго воспрещено. Smoking is strictly forbidden. Smoking is strictly prohibited. Какой месяц является тринадцатым? What's the thirteenth month? What month is the 13th? Том показав мені, як це можна зробити різними способами. Tom showed me various ways to do that. Tom showed me how to do it in different ways. Я йжу до магазину. I'm going shopping. I'm going to the store. Я не маю часу на читання. I have no time for reading. I don't have time to read. Вы не можете этого сделать. You can't do this. You can't do that. Ласкаво прошу до твого нового дому! Welcome to your new home. Welcome to your new home! Де ти народилася? Where were you born? Where were you born? Если увидишь Тома, пожалуйста, сразу скажи нам. If you see Tom, please tell us immediately. If you see Tom, please tell us right away. У русалки нет ног. Она не может сидеть, она может только лежать. The mermaid has no legs. She cannot sit, she can only lie. The mermaid has no legs. She can't sit, she can only lie down. Ты сам организуешь вечеринку по случаю дня рождения? Will you be organising a birthday party for yourself? You're organizing your own birthday party? Я не зразумеў. I didn't understand. I didn't get it. Робот вийшов з-під контроля. The robot went out of control. The robot is out of control. Цього разу я буду на твоєму боці. I'll side with you just this once. This time I will be on your side. Який у вас улюблений анекдот? What is your favourite joke? What's your favorite joke? Факел погас. The torch went out. The torch went out. Я хотела продать его. I wanted to sell it. I wanted to sell it. Я сделаю всё, что пожелаете. I'll do whatever you wish. I'll do whatever you want. Яке розчарування! What a letdown! What a disappointment! Я знаю, что Том сделает. I know what Tom will do. I know what Tom will do. Останься со мной, пап! Я боюсь темноты. Stay with me, dad! I'm afraid of the dark. Stay with me, Dad, I'm afraid of the dark. Интересно, когда Анжелика Агурбаш пела песню на слова Некляева, могла ли она представить, что он будет баллотироваться в президенты? I wonder whether Angelica Agurbash could imagine Niaklajeŭ would run for president when she sang a song with his lyrics. Interestingly, when Angelika Agurbash sang a song to the words of Neklyaev, could she imagine that he would run for president? Вы берёте работу на дом? Do you take work home with you? Do you take a job at home? Обещаете никому ничего не рассказывать? Do you promise not to tell anybody anything? You promise not to tell anyone? Я решил не ездить в Европу. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. Ты что, хочешь, чтобы я встал? You're making me get up? Do you want me to get up? Скільки годин ти був змушений чекати? How many hours did you have to wait? How many hours did you have to wait? Мені здається, що якби я частіше розмовляла з носієм мови, мої навички у володінні англійської швидко поліпшилися би. I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly. It seems to me that if I spoke more often with a native speaker, my English skills would quickly improve. Не пий за кермом. Don't drive under the influence. Don't drink while driving. Я купила годинник. I bought a watch. I bought a watch. Сколько времени вам понадобится? How much time will you need? How long will it take you? Я залишуся тут, допоки ви не повернетеся. I'll stay here till you get back. I'll stay here until you get back. Ты ведаеш гэта? Do you know this? You know that? Может быть, тебе лучше переговорить с Томом. Maybe you'd better have a talk with Tom. Maybe you should talk to Tom. На прошлой неделе Том ходил в библиотеку каждый день. Tom went to the library every day last week. Last week, Tom went to the library every day. Все собранные нами деньги пошли Тому. All the money we collected went to Tom. All the money we raised went to Tom. Вернитесь через три дня. Come back in three days. Come back in three days. Том не должен был кричать на меня. Tom didn't have to yell at me. Tom shouldn't have yelled at me. Мама зайнята приготуванням вечері. My mother is busy cooking supper. My mom is busy preparing dinner. Зателефонуйте мені сьогодні ввечері. Call me this evening. Call me tonight. Її долею було ніколи більше не побачити місто, у якому вона народилася. Her fate was to never see her city of birth again. It was her destiny never to see the city in which she was born again. Меня кто-то отравил. Somebody poisoned me. Someone poisoned me. Ми не бажаємо Тому зла. We mean Tom no harm. We don't want Tom to be evil. Прошу, зачекай півгодини. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait half an hour. Він - чесний? Смішно! Him, honest? What a joke! Is he honest? Funny! Нам нужно сделать это сегодня. We need to do that today. We need to do this today. Я хотел его остановить. I wanted to stop him. I wanted to stop him. На маё здзіўленне, дзверы адчыніліся бясшумна. Much to my surprise, the door opened noiselessly. To my surprise, the door opened silently. Мне патрэбная піла. I need a saw. I need a saw. Ваша жена тоже канадка? Is your wife a Canadian, too? Is your wife also Canadian? Им промыли мозги. They've been brainwashed. They were brainwashed. Я криком позвал на помощь. I screamed for help. I screamed for help. Мой улюбёны колер — блакітны. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Я знал, что вы на меня рассердитесь. I knew you'd be mad at me. I knew you'd be mad at me. Не давайте им войти. Don't let them in. Don't let them come in. Она только что пришла домой. She just got home. She just got home. Я не єдиноріг. I'm not a unicorn. I'm not a unicorn. Том страдает от подагры. Tom suffers from gout. Tom suffers from gout. Я горжусь им. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of him. Тома нашли утонувшим в реке. Tom was found drowned in a river. Tom was found drowned in the river. Обязательно приходите. Be sure to come. Be sure to come. Ще одне, будь ласка. One more, please. One more thing, please. Почему бы нам не начать? Why don't we start? Why don't we get started? Если станет слишком жарко, просто открой окно. If it gets too hot, just open the window. If it gets too hot, just open the window. Це човен. That is a boat. It's a boat. Я собираюсь использовать маркер, чтобы выделить главную информацию. I am going to use the highlighter to highlight the main points. I'm going to use a marker to highlight the main information. Це лише збіг обставин? Is that just a coincidence? Is it just a coincidence? Вызовите такси. Call a cab. Call a taxi. Ты бы на моём месте поступил так же. You would've done the same if you were me. You would have done the same if you were me. Его попытка закончилась неудачей. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt ended in failure. Я не це маю на увазі. That isn't what I mean. That's not what I mean. Она, должно быть, сердится на меня. She must be angry with me. She must be mad at me. Она ещё молода. She's still young. She's still young. Великобританія складається с Уельсу, Англії та Шотландії. Great Britain consists of Wales, England, and Scotland. The UK is made up of Wales, England and Scotland. Ви вмієте читати кирилицею? Can you read Cyrillic? Can you read Cyrillic? Когда вы вернёте одолженные деньги? When will you return the borrowed money? When will you return the borrowed money? Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Я запаниковал. I began to panic. I panicked. У него много подружек. He has a lot female friends. He has a lot of girlfriends. Я надеялся, что мы подружимся. I'd hoped we'd become friends. I was hoping we'd make friends. Эту музыку взрослым понять очень трудно. The music is difficult for grownups to understand. This music is very difficult for adults to understand. С чего вы решили, что не сможете? What makes you think you won't be able to do it? What makes you think you can't? Я спал на животе. I slept on my stomach. I was sleeping on my stomach. Поезд простоит на этой станции около двух минут. The train will remain at this station for approximately 2 minutes. The train will stay at this station for about two minutes. Я не розмовляю ані французькою, ані німецькою. I can't speak French or German. I don’t speak French or German. Небо прояснилось. The sky cleared up. The sky cleared up. Це одруківка. That's a typo. It's a seal. Батьки забезпечують захист своїм дітям. Parents provide protection for their children. Parents protect their children. Времена тяжёлые. The times are hard. Times are tough. Я б хотів поставити питання. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask a question. Том намагається з вами зв'язатися прогягом кількох днів. Tom has been trying to contact you for days. Tom's trying to get in touch with you for a few days. Единственное, что вам нужно сделать, это подождать. The only thing you need to do is wait. All you have to do is wait. Том поцеловал Мэри, и они обнялись. Tom kissed Mary and they hugged each other. Tom kissed Mary and they hugged. Ты очень нужен Тому. Tom really needs you. Tom really needs you. Це Майк. А Хіросі є? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? That's Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Том сказал нам, чтобы мы шли за ним. Tom told us to follow him. Tom told us to follow him. Ти не лікар. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Том пересёк Атлантический океан. Tom crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Tom crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Французы п’юць віно. The French drink wine. The French drink wine. Покажи мне её фотографию. Show me her picture. Show me her picture. Такого ещё никто никогда не делал. No one has ever done anything like this before. No one's ever done that before. Кому ты собираешься это продавать? Who are you going to sell this to? Who are you going to sell this to? Вони не виглядають задоволеними. They don't seem happy. They don’t look satisfied. Том не француз. Tom isn't French. Tom's not French. Что вы обычно делаете в свободное время? What do you usually do in your free time? What do you usually do in your free time? Том сказал мне, что его мама никогда его не любила. Tom told me his mom never loved him. Tom told me his mom never loved him. Том и Мэри познакомились на свидании вслепую. Tom and Mary met on a blind date. Tom and Mary met on a blind date. Ти знаєш, що купив Том? Do you know what Tom bought? Do you know what Tom bought? Він засунув документи в шредер. He pushed the documents through the shredder. He put the documents in the shredder. У нас такое уже есть. We already have one. We already have that. По словам специалистов, это вряд ли произойдёт. According to experts, that isn't likely to happen. According to experts, this is unlikely to happen. Во сколько собрание? What time's the meeting? What time is the meeting? Могу я взять отгул? Can I take the day off? Can I take a day off? Скільки коштує ця парасоля? What's the price of this umbrella? How much does this umbrella cost? Том просто сказал нет. Tom just said no. Tom just said no. Де ти навчився говорити такою чудовою англійською? Where did you learn to speak such excellent English? Where did you learn to speak such wonderful English? Когда вы заметили, что Том ушёл? When did you notice Tom was gone? When did you notice Tom was gone? Мне падабаецца зялёны колер. I like the green colour. I like the green color. Возьмите другое, если хотите. Take the other one if you want. Take another one if you want. Мій тато ніколи не дає мені грошей. Він занадто скупий. My dad never gives me money. He's too stingy. My dad never gives me money. He's too stingy. Ничего личного. It's nothing personal. Nothing personal. Я не певен, чи готовий це зробити. I'm not sure that I'm ready to do this. I’m not sure if I’m ready to do that. Сёння ранкам я піў каву, а не чай. I had tea instead of coffee this morning. This morning I was drinking coffee, not tea. Розкрий штори. Open the drapes. Open the curtains. Ви сказали 30? Did you say 30? Did you say 30? Ми зробимо все, що в наших силах. We'll do our best. We will do everything in our power. Том із Мері сидять у пивному садку. Tom and Mary are sitting in the beer garden. Tom and Mary are sitting in a beer garden. «У всех есть недостатки». – «У меня нет». "Everybody has flaws." "I don't." “Everyone has flaws.” “I don’t.” Кто жил в этом доме? Who lived in that house? Who lived in this house? Вы не возражаете, если я буду записывать этот разговор? Would you mind if I record this conversation? Do you mind if I record this conversation? Ты на автобусе приехал, да? You came by bus, didn't you? You took the bus, didn't you? Я зазвичай ходжу до супермаркету по понеділках. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. Не хвалюйся. У гэта тысячу разоў рабіла. Don't worry. I've done this a thousand times. Don't worry. I've done it a thousand times. Так вот зачем Том сюда пришёл. So, that's why Tom came here. That's why Tom came here. Це я переконала Тома допомогти. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I was the one who convinced Tom to help. Не могу смеяться перед камерами. I cannot laugh in front of the cameras. I can't laugh in front of the cameras. Том на ножах со своей тёщей Мэри. Tom is at loggerheads with his mother-in-law, Mary. Tom's on knives with his mother-in-law Mary. Ми можемо це зробити. We can do it. We can do that. Ти сьогодні була у школі? Did you go to school today? Were you in school today? Не давай Тому пить. Don't give Tom anything to drink. Don't let Tom drink. То крава? Is it a cow? That's crooked? Я не дам тебе это сделать. I will not let you do it. I'm not gonna let you do this. Постмодернизм отличается от модернизма. Postmodernism is different from modernism. Postmodernism is different from modernism. Уходи немедленно! Leave immediately! Get out now! Мне хочется говорить по-итальянски! I feel like speaking Italian! I want to speak Italian! Том не знал того, что знал я. Tom didn't know what I knew. Tom didn't know what I knew. Вони знають, що ми знаємо? Do they know we know? Do they know what we know? Вы яго забілі. You killed him. You killed him. Ти її сьогодні бачив? Did you see her today? Did you see her today? Вы действительно местная? Are you really from here? Are you really local? Усе свае надзеі беларускі народ ускладае выключна на першага Прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь Аляксандра Лукашэнка і яго сына Колю. All the hopes of the Belarusian people are set exclusively on the first President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and his son Kolya. All his hopes Belarusian people make up exclusively for the first President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenka and his son Kolya. Он помолвлен с моей сестрой. He is engaged to my sister. He's engaged to my sister. Моєю спеціалізацією було театральне мистецтво. I majored in drama. My specialty was theatre. Я не знаю, чи Мері приїде на метро чи на автобусі. I don't know if Mary's coming by metro or bus. I don't know if Mary will come by metro or by bus. Вы там родились? Were you born there? Were you born there? Я хочу випити чашку чаю. I want to drink a cup of tea. I want a cup of tea. Сложный был тест? Was the test difficult? Was it a difficult test? Том заставил Мэри ждать много времени. Tom made Mary wait for a long time. Tom made Mary wait a long time. Я нікого не звинувачую. I'm not blaming anyone. I don't blame anyone. Я розберуся з Томом. Let me deal with Tom. I'll deal with Tom. Мне очень нравится смотреть твои видео. I am really enjoying watching your video. I love watching your videos. Давайце вывучым гэты верш на памяць. Let's learn this poem by heart. Let's learn this verse on memory. Тут не слід розмовляти. You should not talk here. We shouldn't talk here. Спрячьтесь здесь. Hide here. Hide here. Ты ведаеш, як абясшкодзіць бомбу? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? You know how to deactivate a bomb? Де оригінал? Where's the original? Where's the original? Праект "Татаэба", што знаходзіцца на сайце tatoeba.org, працуе над стварэннем вялікай базы сказаў, перакладзеных на шматлікія мовы. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at tatoeba.org, is working on creating a large database of example sentences translated into many languages. The "Tataeba" project, which is on tatoeba.org, is working to create a large database of words translated into many languages. Вы её очень обрадовали. You made her very happy. You made her very happy. Мы очень весело провели время. We had a really fun time. We had a lot of fun. Что станет с Томом? What'll become of Tom? What will happen to Tom? Ви вмієте кататися на ковзанах? Can you ice skate? Do you know how to skate? Я кладуся спаць! I'm going to bed. I'm putting to sleep! Принесіть мені газету, будь ласка. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me a newspaper, please. Том кинув Мері м'яч. Tom threw Mary the ball. Tom threw Mary the ball. Том с трудом мог объяснить, что произошло. Tom had trouble explaining what happened. Tom could hardly explain what had happened. Духовник Тома наказал ему причащаться по крайней мере дважды во время поста. Tom's spiritual father told him to receive Communion at least twice during the fast. Tom’s clergyman ordered him to partake at least twice during the fast. Ты прогуглил? Did you google it? Have you googled? Я був дуже засмучений. I was very upset. I was very upset. О, глядзі, глядзі! Там вялікая вясёлка! Oh, look, look! There's a big rainbow over there! Oh, look, look! There's a big rainbow! Ми знали, що Том говорив неправду. We knew that Tom was telling lies. We knew Tom was lying. Маладая дзяўчына хацела стаць зоркай галубога экрану. The young girl wanted to be a star of the silver screen. The young girl wanted to be the star of the dove screen. Дело чрезвычайно серьёзное. This is an extremely serious matter. This case is extremely serious. Что-то надо сделать. Something must be done. Something needs to be done. Том одружений на жінці на ім'я Мері. Tom is married to a woman named Mary. Tom is married to a woman named Mary. «Ты куда?» — «За степлером». — «А этот тебя чем не устраивает?» — «В нём закончились скрепки». "Where are you going?" "To get a stapler." "What's wrong with this one?" "It's out of staples." "Where are you going?" "Behind the stapler." "And this one doesn't suit you?" "It's run out of paper clips." Це написано каталонською. This is written in Catalan. It is written in Catalan. Вы завтра с Томом встречаетесь? Will you be seeing Tom tomorrow? Are you seeing Tom tomorrow? Ты надолго планируешь остаться? Do you plan to stay long? Are you planning on staying for a long time? У мене знову болить спина. My back is hurting again. My back hurts again. У него есть возможность сделать это. He has the ability to do it. He has the opportunity to do so. Хто піде? Who's going? Who's leaving? Моя мама готовилась к обеду. My mother was getting ready for dinner. My mother was preparing for lunch. Я думаю, ти мене почула. I think you heard me. I think you heard me. Интересно, победит Том или нет. I wonder if Tom will win or not. I wonder if Tom will win or not. Оно сделано из дерева или из металла? Is it made of wood or metal? Is it made of wood or metal? Кто унёс мою сумку? Who took my bag? Who took my bag? Где бы Вы предпочли сидеть, спереди или сзади? Where would you prefer to sit, in the front or in the back? Where would you prefer to sit, front or back? Ты ж можаш гэта зрабіць, так? You can do it, can't you? You can do that, right? Я був змушений заховатися. I had to hide. I had to hide. Том сказал Мэри, что он готов это сделать. Tom told Mary that he was ready to do that. Tom told Mary that he was ready to do it. Я хочу, чтобы ты помогла мне с моим домашним заданием. I want you to help me with my homework. I want you to help me with my homework. Любить кого-то - не грех. It isn't a sin to love somebody. Loving someone is not a sin. Машина Тома синяя. Tom's car is the blue one. Tom's car is blue. Моя неупереджена думка полягає в тому, що це жахливий фільм. My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. My unprejudiced opinion is that this is a terrible film. Я никому ничего не хочу рассказывать. I don't want to tell anyone anything. I don't want to tell anyone. Кинь Тому м'яч. Toss Tom the ball. Throw Tom the ball. Том устал от необходимости всегда оплачивать счет, когда они с Мэри ходят на свидание. Tom became tired of always having to pay the bill every time he went out with Mary. Tom is tired of having to always pay the bill when he and Mary go on a date. Никто не видит моих слёз. No one sees my tears. No one can see my tears. Она её боится. She's afraid of her. She's afraid of her. Давайце замовім дванаццаць шашлыкоў! Let's order twenty kebabs! Let's order twelve kebabs! Они не вернутся. They won't be back. They're not coming back. Том зрозумів, у чому справа. Tom realized what was up. Tom knew what was going on. Ви сьогодні ходили до школи? Did you go to school today? Did you go to school today? Том - мой родственник по мужу. Tom is related to me by marriage. Tom is my husband's relative. Вы умеете играть? Do you know how to play? Do you know how to play? Суходіл займає меншу частину земної поверхні. Land occupies the minor portion of the earth's surface. The lander occupies a smaller part of the earth's surface. Я думал, Том - твой лучший друг. I thought Tom was your best friend. I thought Tom was your best friend. Мого гаманця вкрали. I had my wallet stolen. My wallet was stolen. Я думал, Том с Марией больше не встречаются. I thought Tom and Mary weren't dating anymore. I thought Tom and Maria weren't dating anymore. Я жалею, что не купил тот дом. I regret not having bought that house. I'm sorry I didn't buy that house. Я не могу позволить вам рисковать жизнью. I can't let you risk your life. I can't let you risk your life. Ми з Томом любимо наших дітей. Tom and I love our kids. Tom and I love our kids. Ён мой найлепшы сябра, таму што мы вельмі добра ладзім, і я магу даверыць яму тое, што не расказаў бы нікому іншаму. He is my best friend because we just get on well with each other and I can trust him with things that I wouldn't tell anyone else. He's my best friend because we get along very well and I can trust him with something I wouldn't tell anyone else. Вчора вона проспала більше 10 годин. She slept more than ten hours yesterday. She slept more than 10 hours yesterday. Я у Парижі. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. Том відшмагав її. Tom spanked her. Tom threw her out. Ты часто разговариваешь сама с собой? Do you often talk to yourself? Do you talk to yourself often? Она продемонстрировала свои таланты. She displayed her talents. She showed off her talents. Я также научился восхищаться этими шахматистами: Смысловым, Спасским, Карповым, Каспаровым, Кересом и Карлсеном. Итак, на мой выбор двенадцать великих шахматистов. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres, and Carlsen. There are, therefore, twelve great chess players of my choice. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres and Carlsen. So, at my choice, twelve great chess players. Після цього він зняв окуляри. He took off his glasses after that. Then he took off his glasses. Много средств уйдёт на обустройство новой квартиры. It costs a lot to furnish a new apartment. A lot of money will be spent on the construction of a new apartment. Узнайте, что случилось с Томом. Find out what happened to Tom. Find out what happened to Tom. Концерт починається. The concert's starting. The concert begins. Это написано по-нидерладски. It's written in Dutch. It's written in Dutch. У нас нет вашего размера. We don't have your size. We don't have your size. Ви все ще на мене сердитеся? Are you still mad at me? Are you still angry with me? Я не очень хорошо говорю на токипоне. I cannot speak Toki Pona very well. I don't speak tokipon very well. Я намагаюся створити умови, щоб це сталося. I try to create the conditions for it to happen. I’m trying to create the conditions for this to happen. Он был сед. He had grey hair. He was gray. Не могли бы вы показать мне что-нибудь ещё? Could you show me another one? Could you show me something else? Бутерброд всегда падает маслом вниз потому, что масло тяжелее хлеба. Buttered toast always falls butter side down because butter is heavier than bread. The butter always falls down because the butter is heavier than the bread. Тобі нема чого боятися. You don't have to be afraid. You have nothing to fear. Том картошку съел, а морковь нет. Tom ate the potatoes, but he didn't eat the carrots. Tom ate potatoes, but no carrots. Ты очень наивна. You're very gullible. You're very naive. Ты не должен никому из них верить. You shouldn't believe either of them. You don't have to trust any of them. У Вас в комнате кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. You have someone in your room. У меня хорошие рефлексы. I have good reflexes. I have good reflexes. Я попросив Тома припинити розмовляти. I asked Tom to stop talking. I asked Tom to stop talking. Всі ваші друзі будуть там. All your friends will be there. All your friends will be there. Держи меня в курсе. Keep me updated. Keep me posted. Шёл сильный дождь, но она настаивала на поездке. It was raining hard, but she insisted on going for a drive. It was raining heavily, but she insisted on traveling. Вам краще не дозволяти Тому це робити. You'd better not let Tom do that. You better not let Tom do that. Том повсюду таскает с собой свою мягкую игрушку. Tom takes his stuffed animal wherever he goes. Tom carries his stuffed toy with him everywhere. Збоченець! You pervert! Pervert! Сподіваюся, це неправда. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Статуя Свабоды знаходзіцца ў Нью-Ёрку. The Statue of Liberty is located in New York. The Statue of Liberty is in New York City. Калі ласка, дайце нам нейкія ўзоры. Please give us some examples. Please give us some samples. Ми не ідіотки. We're not stupid. We're not idiots. Де знаходиться Ліван? Where's Lebanon? Where is Lebanon? Я дам відповіді на будь-які ваші питання. I'll answer any questions you have. I will answer any of your questions. Какие цветы растут в саду Тома? What kind of flowers does Tom have in his garden? What flowers grow in Tom's garden? Том більше не водій Мері. Tom isn't Mary's chauffeur anymore. Tom is no longer Mary's driver. Вона просто відбулася жартами. She just laughed it off. It just happened with jokes. Тебе нужно поехать туда одной. You need to go there alone. You need to go there alone. Вот мой бумажник. Here's my wallet. Here's my wallet. И Том, и Мэри в больнице. Tom and Mary are both in the hospital. Both Tom and Mary are in the hospital. Это машина моего отца, но скоро она станет моей. This car is my father's, but it'll soon be mine. It's my father's car, but it'll be mine soon. В этом году день рождения у Тома выпадает на понедельник. Tom's birthday is on a Monday this year. This year, Tom’s birthday falls on Monday. Вы когда-нибудь взвешивались? Have you ever weighed yourself? Have you ever weighed? Это действительно случится? Will that really happen? Is this really going to happen? Том не може згадати. Tom can't remember. Tom can't remember. Ласкаво просимо до нашого ресторанту! Welcome to our restaurant! Welcome to our restaurant! Бачыш таго смаўжа ў вадзе? Do you see that snail in the water? Do you see that smudge in the water? Моя идея была гораздо лучше. My idea was much better. My idea was much better. Мы сделаем это завтра. We'll do that tomorrow. We'll do it tomorrow. Його брат дуже старанний працівник. His brother is a hard worker. His brother is a very hard worker. Он повредил левую руку. He hurt his left hand. He hurt his left arm. Тоді я прийду пізніше. Then I'll come again later. Then I'll come later. Том был хоккейным фанатом. Tom was a hockey fan. Tom was a hockey fan. Я не боюсь идти в пещеру. I'm not afraid to go into the cave. I'm not afraid to go into the cave. Це важлива літера. This is an important letter. It's an important letter. Надеюсь, то, что ты говоришь, - это правда. I hope what you're saying is true. I hope what you're saying is true. Не вішайте слухавку, будь ласка. Don't hang up, please. Don't hang up, please. У тебя есть идеи? Do you have any idea? Do you have any ideas? Што лёгка прыходзіць, тое лёгка сыходзіць. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. What comes easily, comes easily. Чому б нам не зіграти в квача? Why don't we play tag? Why don't we play Kwacha? Я такая радаю, што яно табе так падабаецца. I'm so glad you love it. I'm so glad she likes you so much. Эта сумочка очень дорогая. That handbag is very expensive. This bag is very expensive. Я маю іншы выбар? Do I have any other choice? Am I having another choice? Многие этого вообще не делают. Many people never do that. A lot of people don't do that at all. Цвіт апельсину гарний. The orange blossoms are pretty. Orange is good. Цябе не варта чытаць кнігу ў такім цёмным пакоі. You shouldn't read a book in a room this dim. You shouldn't read a book in such a dark room. Как вы открыли дверь? How did you open the door? How did you open the door? Почему ваш метод лучше? Why is your method better? Why is your method better? Моє ім'я Карлос. My name is Carlos. My name is Carlos. Ти не могла би зачинити двері? Would you mind shutting the door? Could you close the door? Когда-нибудь вы станете знаменитыми. You're going to be famous someday. Someday you will be famous. Як гэта сказаць па-французску? How do you say that in French? How do you say that in French? Залізо — метал, що має багато застосувань. Iron is a metal with many uses. Iron is a metal that has many uses. Его слова сбылись. His words have come true. His words came true. Ти мені байдужий. You don't matter to me. I don't care about you. Він не дурніший за тебе. He is no more foolish than you are. He's not stupider than you. Вчера был снег? Did it snow yesterday? Was there snow yesterday? Не відкривайте поки що подарунок. Don't open the present yet. Don’t open the gift yet. Янни чудом избежал смерти. Yanni cheated death. Yanni miraculously escaped death. Кто выиграл Суперкубок? Who won the Superbowl? Who won the Super Bowl? Она коснулась моей руки. She touched my hand. She touched my hand. Мабыць, так. I think so. Probably, yes. Він любить сніг. He likes snow. He loves the snow. Де ви купуєте книги? Where do you buy books? Where do you buy books? Я не сказал Тому, что у меня нет на это времени. I didn't tell Tom that I didn't have time to do that. I didn't tell Tom I didn't have time for this. Никто из моих учеников такого бы не сделал. None of my students would do such a thing. None of my students would do that. Соціопати мають патологічну потребу говорити неправду. Sociopaths have a pathological need to tell lies. Sociopaths have a pathological need to tell lies. Я никому не могу дать этот словарь. I cannot give this dictionary to anyone. I can't give this dictionary to anyone. Я вас не заарештовую. I'm not arresting you. I'm not arresting you. Том не прочитав звіт, який ти написав. Tom hasn't read the report you wrote. Tom didn't read the report you wrote. Том худой как спичка. Tom is as thin as a rake. Tom's thin as a match. Том та Мері лише середньостатистичні студенти. Tom and Mary are just average students. Tom and Mary are just average students. Припини ставити ідіотські запитання. Quit asking stupid questions. Stop asking stupid questions. Том не хотів цього. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn’t want that. Вы знаете, какой у Тома размер ноги? Do you know what size shoe Tom wears? Do you know what Tom's leg size is? Том купив півтора кілограми бананів. Tom bought three pounds of bananas. Tom bought one and a half kilos of bananas. Я повільний. I'm slow. I'm slow. Как переводить слова, которых нет ни в каких языках, кроме моего? How can I translate words that don't exist in any language besides my own? How to translate words that are not in any languages other than mine? Звучит не очень весело. That doesn't sound like very much fun. Doesn't sound like much fun. Я недавно видел твоего брата. I saw your brother the other day. I saw your brother recently. Ребёнок толкается. The baby's kicking. The baby's pushing. Почерк Тома лучше почерка Мэри. Tom's handwriting is better than Mary's. Tom's handwriting is better than Mary's. Ты одна ходила на пляж? Did you go to the beach alone? Did you go to the beach alone? Прекратите паясничать! Stop clowning around. Stop hysterics! Автобус был переполнен. The bus was crowded. The bus was full. Что его на самом деле беспокоит? What's really bothering him? What really bothers him? На жаль, цього не минути. It's inescapable, unfortunately. Unfortunately, this is not a minute. Дверь забаррикадирована. The door is barricaded. The door is barricaded. Никто не знает, что стало с Томом. No one knows what's become of Tom. No one knows what happened to Tom. Я хочу отпроситься с работы. I want to excuse myself from the work. I want to leave work. Вчера ты ушел из бара как раз в тот момент, когда я собирался поставить всем выпивку за мой счет. You left the bar last night just when I was about to buy everyone another round. You left the bar yesterday just as I was about to bet everyone a drink at my expense. Ты аббат, я мэр – кто откроет дверь? You are the abbot, and I am the mayor. Who will open the door? You're the abbot, I'm the mayor - who's gonna open the door? Он сказал тебе, где она живёт? Did he tell you where she lived? Did he tell you where she lives? В парку не було дітей. There weren't any kids in the park. There were no children in the park. Сьогодні - національний день брехні! І так, я його вигадав. It's national tell-a-lie day! And yes, I made that up. Today is a national day of lies! And yes, I invented it. В молодості вона жила у передмісті Токіо. She lived in the suburbs of Tokyo when she was young. In her youth, she lived in the suburbs of Tokyo. Оно ужасно горькое. It's awfully bitter. It's terribly bitter. Я только однажды слышал, как Том играет на пианино. I've only heard Tom play the piano once. I only heard Tom play the piano once. Еретик был подвергнут анафеме. The heretic was anathematized. The heretic was anathema. Она не знала, что Жорж Санд - женщина. She didn't know George Sand was a woman. She didn't know George Sand was a woman. Сейчас в Бостоне идёт дождь. It's raining now in Boston. It is raining in Boston. Ви шукаєте роботу. You're looking for work. You are looking for a job. Я знаю, хто вона. I know who she is. I know who she is. Це дуже велика церква. The church is very big. It is a very big church. Стародавні греки знали про статичну електрику. Ancient Greeks knew about static electricity. The ancient Greeks knew about static electricity. Том не сів. Tom didn't go to prison. Tom did not sit down. Я её спросил, но она не ответила. I asked her but she didn't answer. I asked her, but she didn't answer. Тобі подобається зі мною сперечатися, еге ж? You like arguing with me, don't you? You like to argue with me, don't you? Сьогодні Різдво. Today is Christmas. It's Christmas. Том ничего не нашёл в старом ящике. Tom didn't find anything in the old box. Tom didn't find anything in the old box. Моя родина живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. И хочется, и колется. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. And I want to, and prick. Том не знал, что Мэри его ищет. Tom didn't know that Mary was looking for him. Tom didn't know Mary was looking for him. Вы из какой префектуры? What prefecture are you from? Which prefecture are you from? Я не знаю точно, когда придёт Том. I'm not sure when Tom is coming. I don't know exactly when Tom's coming. Евріка! Eureka! Eureka! Такое не прощается. This can't be forgiven. That's not good-bye. Ентомологія — це не лише вивчення того, як літають мухи! Entomology isn't just the study of flies' flight! Entomology is not just about learning how flies fly! Женщины не такие. Women aren't like that. Women are not like that. Дехто каже, що я непередбачувальний. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Some say I'm unpredictable. Том розповів вам, скільки нього пішло часу на те, щоб це зробити? Did Tom tell you how long it took him to do that? Did Tom tell you how long it took him to do this? Том чистит зубы по крайней мере три раза в день. Tom brushes his teeth at least three times a day. Tom brushes his teeth at least three times a day. Це місце має таємничу атмосферу. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. Том любить хокей. Tom loves hockey. Tom loves hockey. Том обожает говорить о языках. Tom loves talking about languages. He likes to talk about languages. Скажи ему, что тебе нужно. Tell him what you need. Tell him what you need. Деякі люди можуть плавати краще за інших. Some people can swim better than others. Some people can swim better than others. Где бы ты предпочёл сидеть? Where would you prefer to sit? Where would you prefer to sit? Гэта крэсла. It is a chair. It's a chair. Яка різниця між фурсьтом та кігурумі? What's the difference between a fursuit and an animal onesie? What is the difference between furst and kigurumi? Я можу це для неї зробити, на відміну від тебе. I can do that for her, unlike you. I can do it for her, unlike you. Том — лідер. Tom is a leader. Tom is a leader. Вони занадто перебірливі. They're too picky. They're too picky. Проституция, азартные игры, употребление наркотических веществ, пьянство, нарушение установленного порядка и все другие незаконные действия СТРОГО ЗАПРЕЩЕНЫ. Prostitution, gambling, the use of narcotic substances, drunkenness, disorder, and all other illegal activities are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Prostitution, gambling, drug use, drunkenness, violation of the established order and all other illegal actions are strictly prohibited. «Заткните свою грёбаную музыку и читайте книгу». — «Вижу, моё цензурящее заклинание все ещё действует!» "Shut the fecking music up and read the book." "I see my censor spell still works!" "Shut up your fucking music and read the book." "I see my censoring spell is still working!" Ти не повинна брехати. You must not tell a lie. You don't have to lie. Ты имеешь какое-то отношение к этой компании? Do you have something to do with that company? Do you have anything to do with this company? Том хоче мати стабільний прибуток. Tom wants to have a stable income. Tom wants to make a steady profit. Ты знаешь, что это? Do you know what it is? Do you know what that is? Ти думаєш, мені байдуже? Do you think I don't care? You think I don't care? Ти завжди тут жив? Have you always lived here? Have you always lived here? Том проделал отличную работу. Tom has done an excellent job. Tom did a great job. «Leicester» произносится «Lester» (Лестер). Leicester is pronounced "Lester". "Leicester" is pronounced "Lester" (Leicester). Діти приблизно твого віку граються он там. Some children about your age are over there playing. Children around your age play there. Она сказала, что хочет выиграть. She said she wanted to win. She said she wanted to win. Я не свідчив. I didn't testify. I didn't testify. Том один. Tom is alone. Tom is one. Чи є якась проблема? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? У меня почерк лучше, чем у Тома. My handwriting's better than Tom's. My handwriting is better than Tom's. Я відповіла на твоє питання? Have I answered your question? Did I answer your question? Я не певен у тому, хто це зробив. I'm not sure who did that. I'm not sure who did it. У яго два алоўкі: адзін доўгі і адзін кароткі. He has two pencils; one is long and the other short. He has two pencils: one long and one short. Я принёс это тебе. I brought this for you. I brought it to you. Він уже пообідав? Has he had lunch? Has he had lunch yet? Кому ты сейчас звонил? Who did you just call? Who did you just call? Я не дам тебе денег. I won't give you money. I'm not giving you money. Это дурная зависимость, и мне нужно с ней порвать. It's a bad addiction and I need to quit for good. It's a bad addiction, and I need to break up with it. Ми його загубимо! We're going to lose him! We'll lose him! Люся абажае соцрэалістычныя раманы — яны вельмі аптымістычныя. Lyusya adores social-realistic novels. They're very optimistic. Lussya abhors socialist novels - they are very optimistic. Ненавиджу молоко. I hate milk. I hate milk. Том, мабуть, заможний. Tom must be rich. Tom must be wealthy. Мы не за такое зрелище платили. This isn't what we paid to see. That's not what we paid for. Мы восхищались храбростью Тома. We admired Tom's courage. We admired Tom's bravery. Закип'яти трохи води. Boil some water. Boil some water. За ваше майбутнє! To your future! For your future! Дайте мне, пожалуйста, яблоко. Please give me an apple. Please give me an apple. Навіщо ти поцілувала Тома? Why did you kiss Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Мы всегда чему-то учимся. We're always learning something. We always learn something. Я слышал, как он напевал в душе. I heard him humming in the shower. I heard him singing in the shower. Каждое утро я выпрямляю волосы. I straighten my hair every morning. I straighten my hair every morning. Ты вечером идёшь в театр? Are you going to the theater tonight? Are you going to the theater tonight? Де ви купуєте книжки? Where do you buy books? Where do you buy books? Кіото — винятково гарне місто. Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. У той час я був студентом. I was a student at that time. I was a student at the time. Они могут попробовать? Can they try? Can they try? Том не переставал плакать, пока мать не забрала его. Tom didn't stop crying until his mother picked him up. Tom didn't stop crying until his mother took him away. Я чула, що Том взагалі не говорить французькою. I heard that Tom can't speak French at all. I've heard that Tom doesn't speak French at all. Я би не став їх звинувачувати. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn’t blame them. Шесть-пять в пользу телезрителей! Six to five for the viewers! Six or five in favor of TV viewers! Діти Тома говорять лише французькою. Tom's children can only speak French. Tom's children speak only French. Мы прапусцілі наш цягнік. We missed our train. We missed our train. Хотите бесплатный совет? Would you like some free advice? Want some free advice? Ти мала рацію. You were correct. You were right. У тебя ручка есть? Have you got a pen? Do you have a pen? Це може зачекати? Can it wait? Can it wait? Я написал жалобу. I've made a complaint. I wrote a complaint. Пойдём в футбол поиграем. Let's go play soccer. Let's go play football. Думаете, вы могли бы помочь мне это сделать? Do you think you could help me do that? Do you think you could help me do that? Том ходит туда каждое утро. Tom goes there every morning. Tom goes there every morning. Тебе никогда не взять меня живым! You'll never take me alive! You'll never take me alive! Вся страна об этом говорит. The whole country is talking about it. The whole country is talking about it. Если съешь мой обед, то завтра ты внезапно погибнешь от несчастного случая. If you eat my lunch, you will suffer an unexpected fatal accident tomorrow. If you eat my lunch, you'll suddenly be killed by an accident tomorrow. Я хочу верить, что всё в порядке. I want to believe that everything's all right. I want to believe it's okay. Яны былі занятыя. They were busy. They were busy. Ми можемо зробити це своїми силами. We can do this on our own. We can do it on our own. Ты всё ещё поддерживаешь с ней связь? Do you still keep in touch with her? Are you still in touch with her? Москва переживает сильнейший с 1973 года снегопад. Moscow is seeing its heaviest snow since 1973. Moscow is experiencing the strongest snowfall since 1973. Куришь? Do you smoke? You smoke? Каб яго пераканаць, хапіла 1000 іен. It took only a 1000 yen to convince him. To convince him, he grabbed 1,000 yen. Мне, пожалуй, пора делать уроки. I think it's time I do my homework. I think it's time for me to do my homework. Я ніколи не цілував Тома. I've never kissed Tom. I never kissed Tom. Это Том научил Мэри водить. Tom was the one who taught Mary how to drive. Tom taught Mary how to drive. Она на тебя не сердится. She's not mad at you. She's not mad at you. Вона розлучилася з ним минулого року. She divorced him last year. She divorced him last year. Том и Мэри выглядят здоровыми. Tom and Mary look healthy. Tom and Mary are healthy. Хто не питає, не знає. Those who don't ask don't know. Who doesn’t ask, doesn’t know. Якое мяса найсмачнейшае? Which meat tastes the best? What is the most delicious meat? Расскажи нам больше о своей поездке. Tell us more about your trip. Tell us more about your trip. Я не хочу это сейчас обсуждать. I don't want to discuss this now. I don't want to talk about it right now. Ти всім подобаєшся. Everybody likes you. Everybody likes you. Вы думаете, что это самый лучший образ правления? Do you think this is the best form of government? Do you think this is the best form of government? Це не має значення. It's no big deal. It doesn't matter. Что было в Монте-Карло, то было, и что было в Барселоне, то было, и что было в Мадриде, то было... и вот мы здесь. Мы в Риме. What happened in Monte Carlo happened, and what happened in Barcelona happened, and what happened in Madrid happened... and here we are. We are in Rome. What was in Monte Carlo was, and what was in Barcelona was, and what was in Madrid was... and here we are. We are in Rome. Ми всі дуже за тобою сумуємо. We all miss you very much. We all miss you very much. Адзінкі здароўя можна аднавіць толькі залатым яблыкам. HP can only be restored with a golden apple. Health units can only be recovered with golden apples. Они не хотят, чтобы мы видели, что они делают. They don't want us to see what they're doing. They don't want us to see what they're doing. Мне нравится Гарри, не так сильно, как Драко, конечно, но всё-таки я считаю, что он крутой. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I like Harry, not as much as Draco, of course, but still I think he's cool. Поспіши, і ти встигнеш на потяг. Hurry up, and you can catch the train. Hurry up and you'll catch the train. Даю слова. I give you my word. I give you my word. Я знаю все подробности. I know all the details. I know all the details. Мисливці націлили свої рушниці на слона. The hunters aimed their rifles at the elephant. The hunters pointed their guns at the elephant. Том удома зі своїми дітьми. Tom is at home with his children. Tom is at home with his kids. Лава уничтожила всё на своём пути. The lava destroyed everything in its path. Lava destroyed everything in her path. Вам потрібна допомога, Томе. You need help, Tom. You need help, Tom. По-моему, Мэри очень красивая. I think that Mary is very beautiful. I think Mary is very beautiful. У Японії новий учбовий рік починається у квітні. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. Ладно, решайте. Well, make up your mind. All right, make up your mind. Мы вас надолго не задержим. We won't keep you too long. We won't be holding you for long. Я сумуватиму за тобою. I will miss you. I'll miss you. Я её спросил, но она не ответила. I asked her but she didn't respond. I asked her, but she didn't answer. Ваш сосед богат. Your neighbor is rich. Your neighbor is rich. Ты ведь чех? You're Czech, aren't you? You're Czech, aren't you? Мені потрібні ці гроші. I need this money. I need that money. Меня не было на той встрече. I wasn't at that meeting. I wasn't at that meeting. Я це дуже не люблю. I hate that. I really don't like that. Доведіть. Prove it. Prove it. Я чуть не забыл про собрание. I almost forgot about the meeting. I almost forgot about the meeting. Это моя любимая песня. That's my favorite song. It's my favorite song. Я бы ничего не делал без согласия Тома. I wouldn't do anything without Tom's consent. I wouldn't do anything without Tom's consent. Мы всегда позволяем собаке спать внутри. We always let our dog sleep inside. We always let the dog sleep inside. Тому слід втрутитися. Tom should intervene. Tom has to get involved. Я знаю, что вы специально это сделали. I know you did that on purpose. I know you did this on purpose. Коли ви захворіли? When did you get ill? When did you get sick? Я хотів би, щоб у мене було достатньо грошей, аби придбати машину. I wish I had enough money to buy the car. I wish I had enough money to buy a car. Лети. Fly. Fly. Если бы мы больше работали, у нас бы получилось. If we'd worked harder, we would've succeeded. If we worked harder, we would. З Томом важко мати справу. Tom is tough to deal with. It's hard to deal with Tom. Том мені не допомагає. Tom doesn't help me. Tom is not helping me. Мне интересно, о чём они сплетничают. I wonder what they're gossiping about. I wonder what they're gossiping about. Том дуже втомився. Tom is very tired. Tom is very tired. Я правда так думаю. I do think so. I really think so. Цікаво, чи Том думав, що Мері хоче це зробити. I wonder if Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. I wonder if Tom thought Mary wanted to do it. Питание включено в стоимость поездки? Are meals included in the cost of the trip? Is food included in the price of the trip? Чаму неба блакітнае? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Том сподівається, що Мері відвідає Австралію. Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia. Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia. Это ты дал ей мой адрес? Were you the one who gave her my address? Did you give her my address? Он попытался сочинить короткую историю. He tried writing a short story. He tried to write a short story. Навіщо ти це мені кажеш? Why are you telling me this? Why are you telling me that? У тебе добре серце. You've got a good heart. You have a good heart. Ви любите дивитися спорт? Do you like watching sports? Do you like to watch sports? У мене все гаразд. I'm all right. I'm fine. Дай Боже добри дзень! May God give you a good day! God bless the day! У кожнага колеру ёсць значэнне. Every colour has a meaning. Each color has a meaning. Гадаю, Тому не слід цим займатися. I think Tom shouldn't do that. I don't think Tom should do that. Я хочу, чтобы Том больше никогда не писал моей дочери. I don't ever want Tom to write to my daughter again. I want Tom to never write to my daughter again. Я тоже не выше его. I am not taller than he, either. I'm no taller than him either. Я постійно забуваю імена людей. I'm always forgetting people's names. I always forget people’s names. Знаешь, что сводит меня с ума? You know what drives me crazy? You know what drives me crazy? Том у глибокому нокауті. Tom's out cold. Tom's in a deep knockout. Мишині клітини не менші від людських клітин. Murine cells are no smaller than human cells. Mouse cells are no less than human cells. Держите детей подальше от пруда. Keep children away from the pond. Keep children away from the pond. Спросите у кого-нибудь ещё. Ask someone else. Ask someone else. Мне патрэбнае месца, дзе я б змог вучыцца. I need a place I can study. I need a place where I can study. Он исчез в толпе. He disappeared in the crowd. He disappeared into the crowd. На каком этаже живёт Том? What floor does Tom live on? What floor does Tom live on? Том - досвідчений пірнальник. Tom is an accomplished diver. Tom is an experienced diver. Тебе нравится панк-рок? Do you like punk rock? Do you like punk rock? Мясо можно разморозить, оставив его на ночь в холодильнике. The meat can be thawed by leaving it in the fridge overnight. The meat can be thawed, leaving it overnight in the refrigerator. Моя первая вписка была у Тома. My first sleepover was at Tom's place. My first entry was with Tom. Я думала, вам буде приємно. I thought that you'd be pleased. I thought you'd be pleased. Ви насправді бачили НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Have you actually seen UFOs? Перевод названия на французский смехотворен. The translation of the title in French is ridiculous. Translating the name into French is ridiculous. Ти абсолютно права. You're absolutely right! You're absolutely right. Збогом! Goodbye! You're mad! Ти здурів? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Я рад, что Том не пострадал. I'm glad Tom wasn't hurt. I'm glad Tom wasn't hurt. Мы скоро должны быть дома. We should be home soon. We should be home soon. «С каким полом вы себя отождествляете?» – «Я мужчина, разве не видно?» "Which gender do you identify with?" "I'm a man. Isn't it obvious?" “What gender do you identify with?” “I’m a man, don’t you see?” Жди меня здесь, пожалуйста. Please wait here for me. Wait for me here, please. Це не на користь твоєму здоров'ю. It's not healthy for you. It's not good for your health. В прошлом году она научилась ездить на велосипеде. She learned to ride a bicycle last year. Last year she learned to ride a bicycle. Я живу в Латвии. I live in Latvia. I live in Latvia. Хутчэй! Hurry up. Hurry! Он был убеждён в том, что новости ему не понравятся. He was sure that he wouldn't like the news. He was convinced that he would not like the news. Мне кажется, мы знакомы. I feel like I know you. I think we know each other. Я вас не чув. I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. Я не певен, зробить це Том чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom will do that or not. I'm not sure if Tom will do it or not. Я уже решил, с кем пойду. I've already decided who to go with. I've already decided who I'm going with. Я вражений. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. Друга світова війна закінчиался в 1945-му році. World War II ended in 1945. The Second World War ended in 1945. Мій тато вдома. My father is home. My dad's home. Вы подумали над тем, что я сказал? Have you thought about what I said? Have you thought about what I said? Мене здивувало, що Том хоче це зробити. I was surprised that Tom wanted to do that. I was surprised that Tom wanted to do it. Томаса з’еў кракадзіл. A crocodile ate Thomas. Thomas was eaten by crocodiles. Я думаю, що Том несміливий. I think Tom is timid. I don't think Tom is brave. На горі лежить сніг. There is snow on the mountain. There is snow on the mountain. Том живёт на том берегу. Tom lives on that side of the river. Tom lives on that beach. Можливо, цей світ — це пекло іншої планети. Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. Maybe this world is the hell of another planet. Число незарегистрированных случаев будет, скорее всего, несколько выше. The number of unrecorded cases, however, will probably be somewhat higher. The number of unreported cases is likely to be slightly higher. Принеси лестницу и поставь её напротив яблони. Bring the ladder and put it against the apple tree. Bring a ladder and put it in front of an apple tree. Дай мені мій телефон. Give me my phone. Give me my phone. Если ты и говоришь, тебя не слышно. If you're talking, I can't hear you. If you're talking, you can't be heard. Я хотел бы познакомиться с родителями Тома. I'd like to meet Tom's parents. I'd like to meet Tom's parents. Над головой, громко крича, пролетали гуси. Geese were honking loudly as they flew overhead. Over his head, screaming loudly, the geese flew. Я хотіла би мати гроші, щоб подорожувати по світі. I wish I had money to travel around the world. I wish I had the money to travel the world. Возик у дитячій кімнаті. The stroller is in the baby's room. Drive in the children's room. Наша мета — перемогти. Our goal is to win. Our goal is to win. Хто мав перемогти на конкурсі? Думаю, це мав бути Том, а не Мері. Who should have won the contest? I think it should have been Tom, not Mary. Who should have won the contest? I think it should have been Tom, not Mary. Как проходят переговоры? How are the negotiations going? How are the negotiations going? Том живий. Tom is alive! Tom is alive. Почему бы нам не поехать на такси? Why don't we go by cab? Why don't we take a taxi? Ти і я - ми обидва повинні піклуватися про собаку. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and me - we both have to take care of the dog. Том говорит, что не плакал. Tom says he didn't cry. Tom says he didn't cry. На стадионе оборудована сцена. A stage has been set up in the stadium. There is a stage in the stadium. По-моему, это лиса, а не собака. I think it's a fox, not a dog. I think it's a fox, not a dog. Кто-то украл с нашей машины колпак! Someone stole the hubcaps off our car! Someone stole a cap from our car! Том дуже скромна людина. Tom is a very modest man. Tom is a very humble man. Ти знав, що у мене є блог? Did you know I have a blog? Did you know I have a blog? Вони дуже добре позабавилися за мій рахунок. They had great fun at my expense. It was fun at my expense. У Вас шнурки развязались. Your shoelaces are untied. Your shoelaces are loose. Обещай мне больше этого не делать! Promise me you won't do that again. Promise me not to do it again! Я – твой. I'm yours. I'm yours. Мы смотрели ТВ. We watched TV. We watched TV. Не знаю, что сказать. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Том и Мэри женаты уже двадцать лет. Tom and Mary have been married for 20 years. Tom and Mary have been married for 20 years. Вам придётся это сделать, даже если вы не хотите. You'll have to do that even if you don't want to. You’ll have to do it even if you don’t want to. Вы иностранцы. You're foreigners. You're foreigners. Мне придется найти работу по совместительству. I'll have to find a part-time job. I'm gonna have to find a part-time job. Я тоже так делаю. That's the same way I do it. That's what I do. Холадна. It's cold. Cold. Ты ўчора ўвечары працавала? Did you work last night? Did you work last night? С кем ты хотел поговорить? Who did you want to talk to? Who did you want to talk to? Він прочитав есемеску, але ще не відповів. He read the text, but he hasn't replied. He read the essay, but has not yet responded. Шклянка повна молока. The glass is full of milk. The glass is full of milk. Я лучше останусь. I'd rather stay. I'd better stay. Я пятнадцать лет работала учительницей. I worked as a teacher for fifteen years. I worked as a teacher for 15 years. Чому ти хочеш відвідувати цей університет? Why do you want to attend this university? Why do you want to attend this university? Ніхто не повірить цим пліткам. Nobody will believe that rumor. No one will believe these gossips. Мне приснился сон о луке. I had a dream about an onion. I had a dream about a bow. Мой внучек кричит очень громко. My grandson cries very loud. My granddaughter screams very loudly. Хіба ви з Томом не ровесники? Aren't you and Tom about the same age? Aren't you and Tom the same age? Том бачив обличчя Мері. Tom saw Mary's face. Tom saw Mary's face. Я решила выйти замуж за Тома. I've decided to marry Tom. I decided to marry Tom. Можно сформулировать это по-другому? Can it be phrased in another way? Can we formulate it differently? Том мог мне сказать. Tom could've told me. Tom could have told me. Перед тем как войти, нужно разуться. You need to take off your shoes before entering. Before you enter, you need to take off. Том відправив Мері смс. Tom texted Mary. Tom sent Mary a text. У нас все гаразд. We're OK. We're fine. Я ніколи уявити не міг, що це трапиться. I never imagined this would happen. I never imagined this would happen. Как эти яйца разбились? How did these eggs get broken? How did those eggs break? Вона наркоділер. She's a drug dealer. She's a drug dealer. Начнём? Shall we begin? Shall we? Море стало спокойным. The sea has become calm. The sea became calm. У Тома небольшие усики. Tom has a little mustache. Tom's got small moustaches. О котрій годині ви вчора пішли спати? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? В каких странах ты бывал? Which countries have you been to? Which countries have you been to? Том держал в руке окровавленный нож, когда в комнате появилась полиция. Tom was holding a bloody knife in his hand when the police entered the room. Tom had a bloody knife in his hand when the police showed up in the room. Этот стол шатается. This table isn't steady. This table is spinning. Что в секретном соусе? What's in the secret sauce? What's in the secret sauce? Вы же не шутите? You aren't kidding, are you? You're not kidding, are you? Он её не забыл. He didn't forget her. He didn't forget her. Я не знаю, що станеться. I don't know what'll happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Він їсть яйце. He is eating an egg. He eats an egg. Все эти факторы важны. All of these factors are important. All these factors are important. Пацюки біжать із корабля, що тоне. Rats desert a sinking ship. Rats are fleeing from a sinking ship. Я разрешаю вам пойти. I'm allowing you to go. I'll let you go. Ми дуже сумуємо за мамою. We really miss our mom. I miss my mom very much. Цю деталь старанно не помічали. This aspect was studiously ignored. This detail was not noticed carefully. Я спросил, не видел ли кто-нибудь Тома. I asked if anybody had seen Tom. I asked if anyone had seen Tom. Том разве не должен был это двадцатого октября сделать? Wasn't Tom supposed to do that on October 20th? Shouldn't Tom have done it on October 20th? Вам, возможно, придётся помочь ей. You may have to help her. You may have to help her. Нам обязательно надо поехать. We absolutely have to go. We have to go. Я не понимаю всех этих правил. I don't understand all these rules. I don’t understand all these rules. У мене гарне почуття нюху. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Это всего лишь сказка. It's just a fairy tale. It's just a fairy tale. Табе не абавязкова мяне цалаваць. You don't have to kiss me. Tabe doesn't necessarily kiss me. Сегодня в церкви я видел Тома. I saw Tom in church today. I saw Tom in the church today. Зачем Тому это нужно? Why does Tom need this? Why would Tom want that? Тоді дозвольте мені вас пригостити наступного разу. Let me treat you next time, then. Then let me treat you next time. Що там у гаражі? What's in the garage? What's in the garage? Не доставайте ничего из сумки. Don't take out anything from the bag. Don't take anything out of the bag. Том — прикладний математик. Tom's an applied mathematician. Tom is an applied mathematician. Том хотел бы, чтобы мы остались. Tom would want us to stay. Tom wants us to stay. Том — единственный, кто выжил. Tom is the only one who survived. Tom was the only one who survived. Они не успели в срок. They missed the deadline. They didn't make it on time. Как вы думаете, когда Том придёт? When do you think Tom will come? When do you think Tom will come? У Тома болить зуб. Tom has a toothache. Tom has a toothache. Моя стиральная машина сломалась. My washing machine broke. My washing machine broke down. Том уже знає, що планує робити Мері. Tom already knows what Mary is planning to do. Tom already knows what Mary is going to do. Я чудово розважився на твоїй вечірці. I had a fantastic time at your party. I had a great time at your party. «Почему вы в итоге расстались?» – «Потому что, хоть я и очень любила Тома, он видел во мне больше друга, чем девушку». "Why did you end up splitting up?" "Because even though I really loved Tom, he considered me more as a friend than a romantic partner." “Because, although I loved Tom very much, he saw me as more of a friend than a girl.” Знам же ше скриваце даґдзе. I know you're hiding somewhere. But we know that you have a dojo script. Він не насмілився сказати "ні" моєму плану. He dared not say no to my plan. He didn't dare say no to my plan. Он съел мясо, а картошку оставил. He ate the meat and left the potatoes. He ate the meat and left the potatoes. Ты всё испортил. You've ruined everything. You screwed it up. Не дивись так на мене! Don't look at me that way! Don't look at me like that! Я вчера навестил Тони. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony yesterday. Я приду. Обещаю. I'll be there. I promise. I'll be there, I promise. Том погоджується зі мною. Tom agrees with me. Tom agrees with me. На Татоэбе есть отличный учитель токипоны по имени Тепан. At Tatoeba there is a great Toki Pona teacher named Tepan. Tatoeb has a great tokipon teacher named Tepan. Обратите внимание: билеты действительны в течение года после покупки. Please note: tickets are valid for a year after purchase. Please note: Tickets are valid for one year after purchase. Том з тобою поговорив? Did Tom talk to you? Did Tom talk to you? У тебе кращий кабінет, ніж у мене. Your office is nicer than mine. You have a better office than I do. Что вы поёте? What're you singing? What are you singing? Почему бы нам не убежать? Why don't we run away? Why don't we run? Гадаваць дзіцё — цяжкая праца. Bringing up a baby is hard work. Feeding a child is hard work. Слушайте все! Надо было мне сказать это раньше, до того как вы прыгнули, но в этом бассейне полно свирепых аллигаторов и акул. Не волнуйтесь, они начинают шевелиться, только когда чувствуют движение, так что... просто оставайтесь на месте в течение от трёх до семнадцати часов. Hey, everyone! I should have told you this before you jumped in, but this pool is filled with ferocious alligators and sharks. Don't worry, they only seem to come out when they sense motion, so... just stay where you are for the next 3 to 17 hours. Listen, everybody, I should have said that before you jumped, but this pool is full of ferocious alligators and sharks. Don't worry, they only start to move when they feel the movement, so... just stay put for three to seventeen hours. Мы были уверены в результате. We were sure of the result. We were sure of the result. На следующем школьном фестивале Боб в первый раз будет играть главную роль. Bob will play the leading role for the first time in the next school festival. At the next school festival, Bob will play the main role for the first time. Я кинув Тому яблуко. I threw Tom an apple. I threw Tom an apple. Фома не хотел пить. Tom wasn't thirsty. Thomas didn't want to drink. Після обіду в неї завжди є час. She always has time in the afternoon. She always has time after lunch. Какой твой любимый футбольный клуб? What is your favorite soccer club? What is your favorite football club? Чи принесуть тобі гроші щастя? Will money bring you happiness? Will money bring you happiness? Мері — моя старша сестра. Mary is my older sister. Mary is my older sister. Мы не знали, что Тому нужна помощь. We didn't know Tom needed help. We didn't know Tom needed help. Вона плакала, читаючи лист. She cried reading the letter. She cried as she read the letter. Как эта река называется? What is the name of that river? What is this river called? Не дивись так на мене. Don't give me that look. Don't look at me like that. Я представила Тома своим друзьям. I introduced Tom to my friends. I introduced Tom to my friends. Ты правда думаешь, что Том болен? Do you really think Tom is sick? You really think Tom's sick? Я преподаю. I teach. I teach. Том досить переконливий, чи не так? Tom is persuasive, isn't he? Tom's pretty convincing, isn't he? Том полон надежд. Tom is full of hope. Tom is full of hope. Согласно прогнозу, погода завтра прояснится. According to the weather forecast, it will clear up tomorrow. According to the forecast, the weather will clear up tomorrow. Я думав, що Том був би зацікавлений у цьому. I thought Tom would be interested in this. I thought Tom would be interested. Мне нужно немедленно вас увидеть. I need to see you immediately. I need to see you right away. Она с тобой училась. She studied with you. She studied with you. Тому хватило благоразумия убраться оттуда, пока дело не приняло скверный оборот. Tom had the sense to get out of there before things turned sour. He was wise enough to get out of there until the matter took a bad turn. Це її машина. That car is hers. It's her car. Том сказав, що побалакає з Мері. Tom said he'll talk to Mary. Tom said he would talk to Mary. Почему это с девчонками обычно легче разговаривать, чем с парнями? How come girls are usually easier to talk to than guys? Why is it usually easier to talk to girls than guys? Мэри весело смеялась. Mary laughed happily. Mary laughed cheerfully. Вам лучше самой у Тома спросить. You'd better ask Tom yourself. You'd better ask Tom yourself. Как ты открыла дверь? How did you open the door? How did you open the door? Я вже прочитав цю книжку. I have already read the book. I have already read this book. Фільм починається. The movie's starting. The film begins. Ми продаємо фрукти. We sell fruit. We sell fruit. Том поехал налево, а Мэри направо. Tom went left, and Mary went right. Tom went to the left and Mary to the right. Хватит по мне бить. Stop punching me. Stop hitting me. Почему Вы сегодня не в свитере? Why aren't you wearing a sweater today? Why aren't you wearing a sweater today? Ты ей не веришь? Don't you believe her? You don't believe her? Заставь их слушать тебя. Make them listen to you. Make them listen to you. Вони так вчиняють, тому що ми їм дозволяємо. They do it because we allow them to. They do it because we let them. Том слабкий. Tom's groggy. Tom is weak. Він справжній монстр. He's a true monster. He is a real monster. На наша здзіўленне яна затаіла дыханне на тры хвіліны. To our great surprise, she held her breath for three minutes. To our surprise, she held her breath for three minutes. Ці Тома. Those are Tom's. It's Tom. Із-за чого Том із Мері такі стурбовані? What are Tom and Mary so worried about? Why is Tom and Mary so worried? Он взглянул на часы. He glanced at his watch. He looked at the clock. Том нічого не буде купувати. Tom won't buy anything. Tom won’t buy anything. Они меня не уволят. They won't fire me. They won't fire me. У Кена два кота. Ken has two cats. Ken has two cats. Люди переускладнюють речі. People overcomplicate things. People overcomplicate things. Куда, по-твоему, ты идёшь? Where do you think you're going? Where do you think you're going? Откуда вы знали, что Том болен? How did you know that Tom was sick? How did you know Tom was sick? Задавайте свой вопрос. Ask your question. Ask your question. Ты должен был хорошо подумать, прежде чем делать её беременной. You should have thought of that before you got her pregnant. You should have thought hard before you made her pregnant. Каліфорнія гарна. California is beautiful. California is beautiful. Супермаркет сегодня не работал. The supermarket was closed today. The supermarket didn't work today. Я занадто зайнятий, щоб їхати. I'm too busy to go. I'm too busy to go. Вам слід кинути палити. You should quit smoking. You should quit smoking. Ти готовий до іспиту? Are you ready for the test? Are you ready for the exam? Думаю, Том гораздо старше, чем ты думаете. I think Tom must be much older than you think he is. I think Tom's much older than you think. Ти не мусиш сьогодні йти до школи. You don't have to go to school today. You don't have to go to school today. Он говорит по-французски, а также, разумеется, по-английски. He speaks French and, of course, English. He speaks French as well as, of course, English. Отделы разделены проходами. The sections are divided by aisles. Divisions are separated by passages. Я о тебе почти ничего не знаю. I know almost nothing about you. I don't know much about you. Мій брат зараз в Австралії. My brother is in Australia now. My brother is in Australia. Кветкам і дрэвам патрэбныя свежае паветра і чыстая вада. Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water. Flowers and trees need fresh air and clean water. Мы все согласились с Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Места на всех не хватает. There's not enough room for everyone. There's not enough room for everyone. Мій кіт виглядає сумним. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. Том має специфічне почуття гумору. Tom has an odd sense of humor. Tom has a special sense of humor. Падая, она ушибла локоть. When she fell, she hit her elbow. Falling, she bruised her elbow. Я бюрократ. I'm a bureaucrat. I'm a bureaucrat. Ты либерал или консерватор? Are you a liberal or conservative? Are you a Liberal or a Conservative? Павярні налева. Turn left. Turn left. Чи можу я поговорити з ним? May I speak with him? Can I talk to him? Сьогодні я почуваюся чудово. I feel great today. I feel great today. Приказ был исполнен. The order was obeyed. The order was executed. Ти й насправдій думаєш, що Том переможе? Do you actually think Tom will win? Do you really think Tom will win? Том сказав тобі, що він запізниться? Did Tom tell you that he'd be late? Did Tom tell you he was gonna be late? Я не належу до середнього класу. I'm not middle class. I am not in the middle class. Как оформить российскую визу, если ты мексиканец? How can you apply for a Russian visa if you're Mexican? How to apply for a Russian visa if you are Mexican? Том ждал у себя дома. Tom was waiting in his house. Tom was waiting at home. Есть ещё кое-что, что я хочу с тобой обсудить. There's something else I want to discuss with you. There's something else I want to talk to you about. Зараз моя черга говорити. It's now my turn to speak. It's my turn to talk. Во сколько Том там будет? What time will Tom get there? What time will Tom be there? Я говорю на словацком. I speak Slovak. I speak Slovak. Почему вы не позволили Тому вам помочь? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Никто не помнил, где мы припарковали машину. No one remembered where we'd parked our car. No one remembers where we parked the car. У неї блакитні очі. She has blue eyes. She has blue eyes. У Тома загар. Tom has a tan. Tom's got a tan. Её любимая команда редко побеждает в соревнованиях. Her favourite team doesn't win many competitions. Her favorite team rarely wins the competition. Эту часть я не понял. I didn't understand this part. I don't understand that part. Из Тома и Мэри получилась бы отличная пара. Tom and Mary would make a perfect couple. Tom and Mary would make a great couple. Том вас побачить. Tom will see you. Tom will see you. Ты когда-нибудь пробовал мятный чай? Have you ever tried mint tea? Have you ever tried peppermint tea? Ми вельми пишаємося нашою командою. We're very proud of our team. We are very proud of our team. Сейчас я не могу себе этого позволить. I can't afford that right now. I can't afford it right now. Вы сейчас где? Where are you now? Where are you now? Пёс ещё жив. The dog is still alive. The dog is still alive. Том не мог больше контролировать себя. Tom was unable to control himself any longer. Tom could no longer control himself. В действительности всё было совсем иначе. The reality was completely different. In fact, it was very different. Шмат шуму з нічога. Much ado about nothing. A lot of noise from nothing. Том сам тебе об этом сказал? Did Tom tell you about it himself? Did Tom tell you that? Я грав у бейсбол. I played baseball. I played baseball. Новини її дуже засмутили. The news made her very sad. The news upset her very much. Мне вельмі спадабалася гэта кніга. I loved this book. I really liked this book. Вы под кроватью смотрели? Did you look under the bed? Did you look under the bed? Хіба ви не говорите англійською? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Ви можете попросити Тома про допомогу. You can ask Tom for help. You can ask Tom for help. Не у каждого студента есть словарь. Not every student has a dictionary. Not every student has a dictionary. Том запропонував мені пиво, але я сказав, що не хочу. Tom offered me a beer, but I told him I didn't want one. Tom offered me a beer, but I said I didn't want to. Я никогда не встречался с Томом. I never met Tom. I've never met Tom. Я получил письмо от друга. I received a letter from my friend. I received a letter from a friend. Она взрослая. She's an adult. She's an adult. Ти боїшся комах? Are you afraid of insects? Are you afraid of insects? Я відчуваю себе шалено живою. I feel passionately alive. I feel insanely alive. Сколько книг ты прочитала в школе? How many books have you read in school? How many books did you read at school? У яе круглы твар. She has a round face. She has a round face. Я познайомився з канадцем на ім'я Том. I met a Canadian man named Tom. I met a Canadian named Tom. Том та Мері танцювали всю ніч. Tom and Mary danced all night long. Tom and Mary danced all night. Как мне объяснить своему мужу, что он меня оскорбляет? How can I explain to my husband that he's hurting me? How can I explain to my husband that he is insulting me? Дзе ты яго пабачыла? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? Том не спел ту песню, которую просила Мэри. Tom didn't sing the song Mary requested. Tom didn't sing the song Mary asked for. Відкрий свою валізу. Open your suitcase. Open your suitcase. Том не уверен, что хочет ехать. Tom isn't sure he wants to go. Tom's not sure he wants to go. Никто не видел, как мы это сделали. Nobody saw us do it. No one saw us do it. Я знаю, що я трохи ледача. I know I'm a bit lazy. I know I'm a little lazy. Том любить і м'ясо, і рибу. Tom likes both meat and fish. She loves meat and fish. Я не думаю, що у Тома колись була дівчина. I don't think Tom has ever had a girlfriend. I don't think Tom ever had a girlfriend. Цена войны никогда не может быть полностью сосчитана. The cost of war can never be truly accounted for. The price of war can never be fully calculated. Кисень і водень утворюють воду. Oxygen and hydrogen make water. Oxygen and hydrogen form water. Путін казав, що терористів треба «мочити в сортирах». Putin said that terrorists should be ‘soaked in the john’. Putin said that terrorists should be “weeded in the toilets”. Він грузин. He's Georgian. He is Georgian. По мнению твоей матери, ты сейчас где? Where does your mother think you are right now? According to your mother, where are you now? Ти молилася. You were praying. You prayed. Я не думал, что меня накажут. I didn't think I'd get punished. I didn't think I'd be punished. Вы знаете всё обо мне. You know everything about me. You know everything about me. Більшість магазинів зачиняється в районі десятої години. Most stores close at around ten. Most shops close around ten o'clock. Я повинен вчити французьку. I have to learn French. I have to learn French. Нужно ли разрешить однополые браки? Should gay marriage be legal? Should same-sex marriage be allowed? А якой ты ўчора лёг? What time did you go to bed yesterday? What kind of bed were you in yesterday? Корови їдять траву. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. Заўтра Дзень маці. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. У мене є чудові новини. I have great news. I have some great news. Завтра седьмое число. Tomorrow is the seventh. Tomorrow is the 7th. Том размаўляе па-англійску з паметным французскім акцэнтам. Tom speaks English with a distinct French accent. Tom speaks English with a memorable French accent. У тебя нет ключа? Don't you have a key? You don't have a key? Неверагодна! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Дети хотели дружить с Томом. The children wanted to be friends with Tom. The kids wanted to be friends with Tom. Постой-ка, ты это серьёзно? Whoa, are you serious? Wait, are you serious? Том твій дядько, чи не так? Tom is your uncle, isn't he? Tom's your uncle, isn't he? Ніхто не спазніўся. No one was late. No one's late. Я занадто соромилася. I was too shy. I was too ashamed. Том был арестован три дня назад. Tom was arrested three days ago. Tom was arrested three days ago. Грузовик сбил фонарный столб и светофор. A truck knocked over a light pole and a traffic light. The truck hit a lamppost and a traffic light. Том потерял палец. Tom lost a finger. Tom lost his finger. Я все ще спантеличений. I'm still puzzled. I'm still confused. Женщина, сидящая на диване, - моя бабушка. The woman who's sitting on the sofa is my grandmother. The woman sitting on the couch is my grandmother. Том купил ковбойские сапоги. Tom bought a pair of cowboy boots. Tom bought cowboy boots. Вас никто не прогоняет. No one's forcing you to leave. No one's running you away. Ты слишком высокомерен. You're too arrogant. You're too arrogant. Думаю, Том меня вспомнил. I think Tom remembered me. I think Tom remembered me. Хочете ось це? You want this? You want this? Том помог старику перейти улицу. Tom helped the old man cross the street. Tom helped the old man cross the street. Тома немає. Tom is out. Tom is not. Этот персик прекрасен. This peach is a beauty. This peach is beautiful. Том - мужчина, а я женщина. Tom is a man, and I'm a woman. Tom is a man and I am a woman. Ми чекаємо, допоки вони підуть. We're waiting for them to leave. We wait until they leave. Я дуже п'яний. I'm smashed. I'm very drunk. Мене звуть Том Джексон. I'm Tom Jackson. My name is Tom Jackson. Вы хотите то же самое? Do you want the same? You want the same thing? Ты знаешь, кто выиграл? Do you know who won? Do you know who won? Він відмовився від цієї ідеї. He abandoned the idea. He rejected this idea. Засіб для зняття лаку дуже смердить. Nail polish remover stinks a lot. The means to remove the varnish is very stinky. Погладьте кошку. Pet the cat. Stroke the cat. Этот урок нескончаемый! This lesson is never-ending! This lesson is never-ending! Том був трохи спантеличений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a bit confused. Возьми другого, если хочешь. Take the other one if you want. Take another one if you want. Это с вами часто бывает? Does this happen to you often? Does this happen to you often? Той, хто хоче миру, готується до війни. He who wishes for peace, prepares for war. He who wants peace prepares for war. Хто ви? Вибачте, я вас не пам’ятаю. Who are you? Sorry, I don't remember you. Who are you? Sorry, I don't remember you. Это не самое важное на данный момент. That isn't what's most important at the moment. That's not the most important thing right now. Ти мене дуже порадував. You made my day. You made me very happy. Я готова йти, а Том ні. I'm ready to go, but Tom isn't. I'm ready to go and Tom's not. Том вёл себя очень надменно. Tom behaved very arrogantly. Tom was very arrogant. Я дуже радий за Тома. I'm very happy for Tom. I am very happy for Tom. Это перемирие. It's an armistice. It's a truce. Не вір усьому, що ти чуєш про Тома. Don't believe everything you hear about Tom. Don't believe everything you hear about Tom. Ты ім дапаможаш? Will you help them? Will you help them? Відпочивайте скільки завгодно. Rest as much as you want. Rest as much as you want. Почему ты не попросишь Тома познакомить тебя с Мэри? Why don't you ask Tom to introduce you to Mary? Why don't you ask Tom to introduce you to Mary? Я не знаю, что в коробке. I do not know what is in the box. I don't know what's in the box. Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. A bear can climb a tree. Bears can climb trees. Це дуже класна ідея. That's a very cool idea. That's a really cool idea. Італійський глемрок-гурт «Måneskin» виграв пісенний конкурс «Євробачення». The Italian glam rock band Maneskin won the Eurovision Song Contest. The Italian glemrock band M?neskin won the Eurovision Song Contest. Это предложение очень просто перевести. This sentence is very easy to translate. This offer is very easy to translate. Ты ему солгал! You lied to him! You lied to him! Ты знаешь, где Том это взял? Do you know where Tom got this? Do you know where Tom got this? Тепер Том може займатися цим самостійно. Tom can now do that by himself. Now Tom can do it on his own. Ти сказав Тому, що я жартувала? Did you tell Tom I was joking? Did you tell Tom I was joking? Не знаю, почему я так чувствую. I'm not sure why I'm feeling this way. I don't know why I feel that way. Хіба ти не радий, що ми це зробили? Aren't you glad we did that? Aren't you glad we did it? Том любит чай, и я тоже. Tom likes tea, and so do I. Tom likes tea, and so do I. Я центристка — я люблю і собак, і котів. I'm a centrist; I like both dogs and cats. I'm a centrist, I love dogs and cats. У меня нет фотографий Тома. I don't have any pictures of Tom. I don't have any pictures of Tom. Ты ведь знаешь, что делаешь, да? You do know what you're doing, right? You know what you're doing, right? Том перевантажений. Tom's overwhelmed. Tom is overworked. У меня есть чёрно-белая собака. I have a black and white dog. I have a black and white dog. Я в тебя влюбился. I fell in love with you. I'm in love with you. Яка з сумок твоя? Which bag is yours? Which bag is yours? Я не могу пойти с тобой, так как я очень занят. I can't go with you because I'm very busy. I can't go with you because I'm very busy. Я люблю персики. I like peaches. I love peaches. Вона справжня красуня. She's a real beauty. She's a real beauty. Я отклонила предложение. I turned down the offer. I turned down the offer. Я ловлю рибу майже кожного дня. I fish almost every day. I fish almost every day. Кто ищет, тот находит. Who searches, finds. He who seeks finds. "Том? Том Джексон?" - "Он самый". "Tom? Tom Jackson?" "The very same." "Tom? Tom Jackson?" "He's the one." Вырази себя как можно более ясно. Express yourself as clearly as you can. Express yourself as clearly as possible. Комната Тома очень маленькая. Tom's room is very small. Tom's room is very small. Том не сказав нам своє прізвище. Tom didn't tell us his surname. Tom didn't tell us his name. Дверь распахнулась, и вошёл Том. The door swung open, and Tom walked in. The door opened and Tom walked in. У вас есть дом? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Моя жена никогда не хотела иметь детей. My wife never wanted to have kids. My wife never wanted to have children. Ми сьогодні голосуватимемо. We're going to vote today. We will vote today. Может быть, Том просто забыл это сделать. Maybe Tom just forgot to do it. Maybe Tom just forgot to do it. Я думаю, моя идея лучше. I think my idea is better. I think my idea is better. Люди, страдающие аутизмом, зачастую не смотрят в глаза собеседнику. People with autism often don't make eye contact when talking to someone. People with autism often don’t look their partner in the eye. Він відомий своєю екстравагантною поведінкою. He is known for his extravagant behavior. He is known for his extravagant behavior. За мной никого нет, я последний. There's no one behind me. I'm the last one. There's no one behind me, I'm the last one. Одежда Тома пахнет куревом. Tom's clothes smell like smoke. Tom's clothes smell like chicken. Том не дозволить Мері кепкувати з тебе. Tom won't let Mary tease you. Tom won't let Mary screw you. Я из Бразилии, а ты? I am from Brazil, and you? I'm from Brazil, and you? Ты нашёл Тому замену? Did you find somebody to replace Tom? Did you find Tom a replacement? Ты возьмёшь на себя организацию празднования дня рождения? Will you be organising a birthday party for yourself? You'll take over the organization of the birthday party? Це складно. It's complicated. It's complicated. Снаружи холодно. It's cold outside. It's cold outside. Діти ростуть так швидко. Children grow up so fast. Children grow up so fast. Годы спустя, на Международной космической станции, его мечта стать астронавтом осуществилась. Years later, at the International Space Station, his dream of being an astronaut came true. Years later, on the International Space Station, his dream of becoming an astronaut came true. Том Джексон - всемирно известный учёный. Tom Jackson is a world-famous scientist. Tom Jackson is a world-renowned scientist. Мій годинник відстає на п'ять хвилин. My watch is five minutes slow. My watch is five minutes behind. Я и не знал, что у тебя есть девушка. I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Ты знаешь, какой у Тома размер обуви? Do you know what size shoe Tom wears? Do you know what Tom's shoe size is? Я наблюдал за тем, как вы занимаетесь. I've been watching you study. I've been watching you practice. Він боїться літати літаком. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He is afraid of flying. Вон та продаётся? Is that one for sale? That one's for sale? Мэри понравилась Тому сразу, как только он её встретил. Tom liked Mary as soon as he met her. Mary liked Tom as soon as he met her. Том опять принялся за старое. Tom is up to his old tricks again. Tom is old again. Вы уйгур? Are you an Uighur? Are you Uighur? По словам экспертов, это вряд ли произойдёт. According to experts, that's not likely to happen. According to experts, this is unlikely to happen. У нас много денег. We've got plenty of money. We have a lot of money. Том не хотел ничего объяснять. Tom didn't want to explain anything. Tom didn’t want to explain. Я отдам Тому книгу завтра. I'll give Tom the book tomorrow. I'll give Tom the book tomorrow. Він пішов за лікарем. He went for the doctor. He went after the doctor. Я чинитиму тобі супротив. I will fight you. I'll do something against you. Она вышла из себя и накричала на меня. She lost her temper and shouted at me. She freaked out and yelled at me. Я, Экклесиаст, был царём над Израилем в Иерусалиме. I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I, the Ecclesiastes, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. Ты говоришь так, словно ты не хочешь быть археологом. You sound like you don't want to be an archaeologist. You sound like you don't want to be an archaeologist. Хочу масаж. Мені треба розслабитися. I want a massage. I need to relax. I want a massage. I need to relax. Прийшла лише Мері. No one came except Mary. Only Mary came. Я чувствовал себя незваным гостем. I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt like an uninvited guest. Вчера я пошёл спать в десять вечера. Yesterday, I went to bed at ten. I went to bed at ten o'clock last night. Наше здание не пострадало при землетрясении. Our building wasn't damaged in the earthquake. Our building was not damaged in the earthquake. Прости, я был немного эмоцилнально неустойчив в последнее время. I’m sorry I’ve been emotionally unstable lately. I'm sorry, I've been a little emotionally unstable lately. Будь здорова! Gesundheit! Cheers! Дуже вам вдячний, пане. Thank you very much, sir. Thank you very much, sir. Цей фотограф дуже талановитий. That photographer is really talented. This photographer is very talented. Гэта маё жыццё. It's my life. That's my life. Я би приїхав з вами до Бостона, якби міг. I would've come to Boston with you if I could've. I'd come with you to Boston if I could. Він говорить англійською, французькою або німецькою? Can he speak English, French, or German? Does he speak English, French or German? Як ти переконав Тома допомогти нам пофарбувати хлів? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the barn? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the loaves? Том сховався за кущами. Tom hid behind the bushes. Tom was hiding behind the bushes. Эту книгу стоит прочитать. This book is worth reading. This book is worth reading. Існує кілька проблем. There are a few problems. There are several problems. День подошёл к концу. Благодаря Вашим своевременным усилиям, люди, которые стремились помочь Вам в Ваших трудах, не успели подвергнуть себя опасности. В Театре, Маски репетируют новую пантомиму. The day has reached its end. Thanks to your timely efforts, people who intended to help you in your labours managed not to throw themselves into danger. In the theater, the masks are rehearsing a new pantomime. The day has come to an end. Thanks to your timely efforts, people who sought to help you in your work did not have time to put themselves in danger. In the Theater, Masks are rehearsing a new pantomime. Том только домой добрался. Tom just now got home. Tom just got home. Я йду оце вже чотири години. I've been walking for over four hours. I've been going for four hours now. Залиштеся з нами на кілька днів. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Сколько времени у тебя ушло на написание этого отчёта? How long did it take you to write the report? How long did it take you to write this report? Ты все двери запер? Have you locked all the doors? You locked all the doors? Хотел бы я владеть французским так же хорошо, как ты английским. I wish my French was as good as your English. I wish I could speak French as well as you do English. Він був великий. It was big. He was great. Месяц выйшаў з-за хмары. The moon came out from behind the cloud. The moon came out of the cloud. Это то, чего Том больше всего боится. That's what Tom fears the most. This is what Tom is most afraid of. Том у сонцезахисних окулярах. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Я хаджу ў бібліятэку як мінімум раз на тыдзень. I go to the library at least once a week. I go to the library at least once a week. Том очень хороший мальчик. Tom is a very nice boy. Tom is a very good boy. Ісус лізе з усіх дірок. Jesus is a pest. Jesus is out of all the holes. Летом здесь часто идут дожди. It often rains here in the summer. It often rains here in the summer. Том, казалось, был открыт для этой идеи. Tom seemed open to the idea. Tom seemed to be open to the idea. Ми обожнюємо Тома. We adore Tom. I adore Tom. На нас пожаловались соседи. We've had complaints from our neighbors. Neighbors complained to us. Почему Том хочет жить там? Why does Tom want to live there? Why does Tom want to live there? В довершение ко всему он заболел. To make things even worse, he got sick. To top it all off, he got sick. Хто знає, коли Том це зробить? Who knows when Tom will do that? Who knows when Tom will do that? Я заражён. I'm infected. I'm infected. Партугальская паходзіць ад лаціны. Portuguese descends from Latin. Portuguese comes from Latin. У Тома непроходящий кашель. Tom has a cough that won't go away. Tom has a persistent cough. Чому б не пообідати з нами? Why not have dinner with us? Why not have lunch with us? Если бы Том попросил меня помочь, я бы помог ему. If Tom had asked me for help, I would've helped him. If Tom had asked me to help, I would have helped him. Это недавние фотографии? Are these recent pictures? Are these recent photos? Мой мотоцикл сломался по дороге. My motorcycle broke down on the way. My motorcycle broke down on the way. Том был не настолько глуп, чтобы сказать такое Мэри. Tom knew better than to say such a thing to Mary. Tom wasn't stupid enough to say that to Mary. Никогда меня больше не буди. Don't you ever wake me up again. Don't ever wake me up again. Тома поранено. Tom is hurt. Tom is injured. Слепые шахматы - это тип шахмат, в которых шахматист делает свои ходы, не видя доски и не делая никаких письменных записей. Поэтому он должен хранить все позиции игры исключительно в своей памяти. Blind chess is a type of chess in which a chess player makes his moves without seeing the board and without making any written record. Therefore, he has to keep all the positions of the game exclusively in his memory. Blind chess is a type of chess in which the chess player makes his moves without seeing the board and without making any written records. Therefore, he must keep all the positions of the game exclusively in his memory. Вона допомогла студентці. She helped a student. She helped the students. Я сапраўды люблю цягнікі. I really like trains. I really like trains. Том явился вовремя. Tom arrived at the right time. Tom arrived on time. Том не вмів користуватись вогнегасником. Tom didn't know how to use the fire extinguisher. Tom didn't know how to use a fire extinguisher. Я не спорю с этим. I have no quarrel with that. I'm not arguing with that. Том побіг, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Tom ran to catch up with Mary. Всі світлофори були червоними. The traffic lights were all red. All lights were red. Які у вас повні імена? What are your full names? What are your full names? Чому дитя плаче? Why is the baby crying? Why is the child crying? Кому вы продаёте свой автомобиль? Who are you selling your car to? Who are you selling your car to? Я приду завтра, если смогу. I'll come tomorrow if I can. I'll come back tomorrow if I can. Том стверджує, що бачив привида. Tom claims he's seen a ghost. Tom claims to have seen a ghost. Том заповнив форму. Tom filled out a form. Tom filled out the form. Як ти витратив гроші, які я тобі дала? How did you spend the money that I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? Каждый имеет право сойти с ума. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Я вернулся вам помочь. I came back to help you. I'm back to help you. Мері лишилася у своїй кімнаті. Mary stayed in her room. Mary stayed in her room. Рассказывать нечего. There's nothing to tell. Nothing to say. Скажите Тому, что ему не стоит этим заниматься. Tell Tom that he shouldn't be doing that. Tell Tom he shouldn't be doing this. Однажды она с гордостью заявила, что собирается сбросить пять килограммов за один месяц. She once proudly stated that she was going to lose 5 kilos of fat in a single month. One day she proudly stated that she was going to lose five kilograms in one month. Ти бачив Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see Tom last night? Did you see Tom last night? Том не міг згадати, як це робити. Tom couldn't remember how to do it. Tom couldn’t remember how to do it. Вона заговорила з собакою. She began to talk to the dog. She spoke to the dog. Если вы не против, то я бы не отказался от помощи. If you wouldn't mind, I could use a hand. If you don't mind, I wouldn't refuse to help. Во сколько вы планируете вечером быть дома? What time do you plan to be home tonight? What time do you plan to be home tonight? Я зарано? Am I early? Am I too early? Да спаткання! Goodbye! To the weaving! У тебе вийде. You can make it. You're gonna make it. Я заставила Тома плавать. I got Tom to swim. I made Tom swim. Мэры цікавая палітыка. Mary is interested in politics. Mary's an interesting politician. Ти викладаєш. You're teaching. You're teaching. Том, кажется, очень счастлив. Tom seems very happy. Tom seems very happy. Мне бы очень хотелось знать, почему Том так поступил. I'd really like to know why Tom did such a thing. I'd like to know why Tom did it. История была захватывающая. The story was captivating. The story was exciting. Я так сильно змінилася? Have I changed that much? Have I changed so much? Іди і побий цього хулігана. Go and beat up that bully. Go and beat that bully. Ми тобі дамо ще один шанс. We'll give you one more chance. We'll give you another chance. Это совсем не так дорого. It's not really all that expensive. It's not that expensive. Запам'ятай: Людина-павук нікого не боїться. Ну, мабуть, лише Людину-капця. Remember: Spider-Man is not afraid of anyone. Well, maybe just of Slipper-Man. Remember: Spider-Man is not afraid of anyone. Well, apparently, only Capt. Man. Том увійшов до кухні. Tom entered the kitchen. Tom went into the kitchen. Вы должны сделать заказ заранее. You should order in advance. You must make an order in advance. Никто из нас не был в Бостоне. Neither of us has been to Boston. None of us were in Boston. Не думаю, что я их раньше видел. I don't think I've ever seen them before. I don't think I've seen them before. Вы любите свою страну? Do you love your country? Do you love your country? Сливы были спелые. The plums were ripe. The plums were ripe. Чому ти не поснідала? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Эту книгу я купил в книжном магазине у вокзала. I bought this book at the book store by the train station. I bought this book in a bookstore at the station. Частная благотворительность - это только капля в море. Private charity is only a drop in the bucket. Private charity is just a drop in the ocean. Я вас не понял. I didn't understand you. I don't get it. Ты понял что-нибудь из того, что Том сказал? Did you understand anything Tom said? Do you understand anything Tom said? Том выстрелил в Мэри в целях самообороны. Tom shot Mary in self-defense. Tom shot Mary in self-defense. Мы хотим сказать Тому. We want to tell Tom. We want to tell Tom. Том — простий сільський парубок. Tom is a simple country man. Tom is a simple country boy. Мы проверили. We have checked. We checked. У кошику дірка. There's a hole in the basket. There's a hole in the basket. Це не єдина моя проблема. That isn't my only problem. That's not my only problem. Я берегу их для своих внуков. I'm saving them for my grandchildren. I take care of them for my grandchildren. Слушай, тебе кто-то звонит. Look, someone is calling you. Look, someone's calling you. Том так і не знайшов Мері. Tom never found Mary. Tom never found Mary. К сожалению, такова реальность. Unfortunately, that's the reality. Unfortunately, that's the reality. Зарозумілим людям подобається емоційно знищувати інших людей. Arrogant people like destroying other people emotionally. Insane people like to emotionally destroy other people. Я не верю, что ты не видел там Тома. I don't believe that you didn't see Tom there. I don't believe you didn't see Tom there. Мері зробила підтяжку обличчя. Mary had a face-lift. Mary made a facelift. Предложение хорошее. The offer is good. The offer is good. Хто керуватиме країною? Who will govern the country? Who will run the country? «Зіпсований телефон» — це гра, в яку грають у всьому світі, в якій одна людина шепоче на вухо іншій якесь речення, яке передається таким чином через ланцюжок з інших людей, а останній гравець вимовляє речення вголос для всієї групи. Chinese whispers is a game played around the world, in which one person whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group. A "broken phone" is a game played all over the world in which one person whispers into the ear of another some sentence that is passed this way through a chain of other people, and the last player utters the sentence aloud for the whole group. Том удвічі старший від мене. Tom is twice as old as me. Tom is twice as old as me. Мы спешно поели и тотчас же ушли. We ate a hasty meal and left immediately. We ate quickly and left immediately. Может, прогуляемся? Why don't we go for a walk? Why don't we take a walk? Я всё время забываю фамилию Тома. I keep forgetting Tom's last name. I always forget Tom's name. Цей чай добрий на смак. This tea's got a nice taste. This tea tastes good. Мені байдуже, котику. I don't care, love. I don't care, kitty. Він не піклується про своїх дітей. He doesn't take care of his children. He doesn’t care about his children. Я не пам'ятаю, коли я зустрів його у перший раз. I don't remember when I first met him. I don’t remember the first time I met him. Тебе надо спать. You should sleep. You need to sleep. Том натрапив на підводні камені. Tom ran into a snag. Tom stumbled upon the underwater stones. Твій паспорт у мене. I've got your passport. I have your passport. Она надела тёмные очки, чтоб защитить глаза от солнца. She put on dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun. She put on dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun. Я никогда не видел Вас таким счастливым. I've never seen you so happy. I've never seen you so happy. Тому це сподобається. Tom will enjoy it. Tom will like it. Гей, ти! Hey, you there! Hey, you! Погода изменилась. The weather has changed. The weather's changed. Это племянницы Тома. Those are Tom's nieces. They're Tom's nieces. Перепрошую, що я тебе потурбувала. I'm sorry that I bothered you. I'm sorry to bother you. Він має трьох дітей. He has three children. He has three children. Сёння месяц ярчэйшы, ніж звычайна. The moon is brighter than usual tonight. Today's month is brighter than usual. Я всегда растерян. I'm always confused. I'm always confused. Можно выйти? Can I step out? Can I come out? Китай и СССР поддержали Алжир. China and the USSR supported Algeria. China and the Soviet Union supported Algeria. Не имею ни малейшего представления. I have absolutely no clue. I have no idea. Никто из нас не планирует там быть. None of us plan on being there. None of us plan to be there. Он не именно это сказал, но смысл был такой. He did not say exactly that but that was the essence of it. That's not what he said, but that was the point. Я не могу сказать этого своему отцу. I can't say that to my dad. I can't say that to my dad. Том не похож на киллера. Tom doesn't look like a killer. Tom doesn't look like a hit man. Он потратил своё время. He wasted his time. He's wasted his time. Где находится автобусная остановка? Where is the bus terminal? Where is the bus stop? Время для меня важнее денег. Time is more important than money to me. Time is more important to me than money. Мері в саду? Is Mary in the garden? Mary in the garden? Закрой вкладку. Close the tab. Close the tab. Передавай Тому от меня привет. Give my regards to Tom. Tell Tom I said hi. Ця вечірка нудна. This party is boring. This party is boring. Думаю, мені тут сподобається. I think I'll like being here. I think I'll like it here. Я спробував зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Я чув, як Том закричав. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom scream. Майк не грає в баскетбол по понеділках. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Тебя тоже пригласили. You're invited, too. You were invited, too. Том принял иудаизм. Tom converted to Judaism. Tom has converted to Judaism. Почему эта кнопка ничего не делает? Why doesn't this button do anything? Why doesn’t this button do anything? Не думаю, що ми зможемо це зробити. I don't think that we can do this. I don't think we can do that. Это не единственная моя проблема. That isn't my only problem. That's not my only problem. Теперь я знаю причину, по которой Том меня ненавидит. Now I know the reason that Tom hates me. Now I know why Tom hates me. У нас общий предок. We have a common ancestor. We have a common ancestor. Том не має харизми. Tom isn't charismatic. Tom has no charisma. Наши собрания почти никогда не начинаются вовремя. Our meetings hardly ever start on time. Our meetings almost never start on time. Кейт п’е шмат малака кожны дзень. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Ён зрабіў шмат памылак у сачыненні. He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition. He made a lot of mistakes in his career. Том не особенно помог. Tom wasn't much help. Tom didn't help much. Том побледнел. Tom turned pale. Tom's pale. Это невозможно или просто трудно? Is it impossible or just hard? Is it impossible or just difficult? Я хочу знать, как её зовут. I want to know her name. I want to know her name. Деякі люди вміють плавати краще за інших. Some people can swim better than others. Some people can swim better than others. Школа адчыняецца зноў у верасні. School reopens in September. The school opens again in September. Том грає у небезпечну гру. Tom is playing a dangerous game. Tom is playing a dangerous game. Это лекарство вам поможет. This medicine will do you good. This medicine will help you. Як ви витратили гроші, які я тобі дав? How did you spend the money I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? У мяне дзве коткі. I have two cats. I have two cats. Том под мухой. Tom is tipsy. Tom's under the fly. Я проспав. I overslept. I was asleep. Я не нуждаюсь в друзьях. I don't need friends. I don't need friends. У тебя такая красивая улыбка. You have such a nice smile. You have such a beautiful smile. Последние дни были очень жаркими. The last few days have been very hot. The last few days have been very hot. Ты её там видел? Did you see her there? Did you see her there? Как они строят дома так дешево? How do they build houses so cheaply? How do they build houses so cheaply? Пожалуйста, представь меня своим друзьям. Please introduce me to your friends. Please introduce me to your friends. Маєш карту? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Почему Вы пришли один? Why did you come alone? Why did you come alone? Я не уверен, что доверяю тебе. I'm not sure I trust you. I'm not sure I trust you. Вы говорили, что придёте. You said you'd come. You said you'd come. Ми з похмілля. We're hungover. We're from a hangover. Они говорят на венгерском? Do they speak Hungarian? Do they speak Hungarian? Сколько раз мне тебе говорить, что я не женат? How many times do I have to say I'm not married? How many times do I have to tell you I'm not married? Это было для Тома, а не для тебя. It was for Tom, not for you. It was for Tom, not you. Мне интересно, кто поможет ему украсить снеговика? I wonder who will help him decorate the snowman. I wonder who will help him to decorate the snowman? Мені не подобається ций магазин. I don't like this shop. I don't like the shop. Давай, постараемся прийти туда раньше Тома. Let's try to get there before Tom does. Let's try to get there before Tom. Пры нагодзе я цябе з ім пазнаёмлю. If there is a suitable occasion, I'll introduce you to him. When I'm ready, I'll introduce you to him. У тебя большой живот. You have a large stomach. You have a big belly. «Вы русский?» — «Да». "Are you Russian?" "Yes." "Are you Russian?" "Yes." Навчальний рік закінчується у червні. The school year ends in June. The school year ends in June. Ворог напав ззаду. The enemy attacked from behind. The enemy attacked from behind. Ты никогда не хотел быть моим другом. You never wanted to be my friend. You never wanted to be my friend. Чому це має значення? Why does that make a difference? Why does it matter? Это было для Тома, а не для вас. It was for Tom, not for you. It was for Tom, not you. Хороші хлопці перемогли. The good guys won. The good guys won. Какой твой любимый киножанр? What's your favorite kind of movie to watch? What's your favorite movie genre? Я слышал, как ты кричал. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Подожди, пока страница загрузится. Wait until the page loads. Wait for the page to load. Руки прочь от моей работы! Hands off my work! Hands off my work! Том спустился по лестнице. Tom walked downstairs. Tom went down the stairs. Почему ты не согласна на моё предложение? Why don't you agree to my proposal? Why don't you agree to my offer? Я збрехала заради Тома. I lied for Tom. I lied for Tom. Мы не ожидали, что это произойдёт так скоро. We didn't expect this to happen so soon. We didn't expect it to happen so soon. Мій поїзд від'їжджає за десять хвилин. My train leaves in ten minutes. My train leaves in ten minutes. Мы хотим жить в Бостоне. We want to live in Boston. We want to live in Boston. Том читал древнюю рукопись. Tom was reading an old manuscript. I read an ancient manuscript. Ось книжка, про яку я тобі писала. Here's the book that I've written you about. Here is the book I wrote for you. Я нарадзілася ў 1979 годзе. I was born in 1979. I was born in 1979. Не верь ни единому слову. Don't believe a single word of it. Don't believe a word. Никто не может сделать эту работу лучше Тома. Nobody can do the job better than Tom. No one can do this job better than Tom. Я хочу, чтобы ты вёл себя прилично, пока меня не будет. I want you to behave yourself while I'm gone. I want you to be nice while I'm gone. Том говорил о школе. Tom talked about school. Tom was talking about school. Какими видами спорта вы занимаетесь? What sports do you practice? What kind of sports do you do? Возможно, это проблема. That might be a problem. Maybe it's a problem. Тому не удалось попрощаться с Мэри. Tom didn't get a chance to tell Mary goodbye. Tom couldn't say goodbye to Mary. У нас закінчилася фольга. We're all out of tinfoil. We're out of foil. Мне нужно кое-что прояснить. I need to clarify something. I need to clarify something. Том зустрічався з Мері. Tom dated Mary. Tom was dating Mary. Я не видел свою бывшую жену после нашего развода. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. Це не стосується учнів. This does not apply to students. This is not about students. Яна прамяніцца шчасцем. She glows with happiness. She'll beam happiness. Том сказал, что он беспокоится. Tom said he was worried. Tom said he was worried. Ви будете щасливі. You'll be happy. You will be happy. Дедушка Али был барабанщиком. Ali's grandfather played drums. Ali's grandfather was a drummer. Цей храм було споруджено стародавньою цивілізацією. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. Персік прыгожы ў квеце. The peach tree is beautiful when in flower. The peaches are beautiful in the flower. Почему бы нам не сыграть на слух? Why don't we play it by ear? Why don't we play by the ear? Я нічого не сказала. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. Мені слід зробити те, що запропонував Том. I should do what Tom suggested. I have to do what Tom did. Я пригощаю. It's my treat. I'll treat you. Мэры паабяцала спекчы мне пірог, але пасля адмовілася. Mary promised to bake me a cake, but then she reneged. Mary promised to bake me a pie, but then refused. Почему вы не дали Тому вам помочь? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Скажіть, будь ласка, де яйця? Excuse me. Where are the eggs? Where are the eggs? Том заметил, что дверь не заперта. Tom noticed the door wasn't locked. Tom noticed that the door wasn't locked. В туристическом информационном центре карта города выдавалась всем желающим. The tourist information center gave a city map to whoever asked it. In the tourist information center, a map of the city was issued to everyone. Математику придумали, чтобы мучать детей. Math was created to torture children. Mathematics was invented to torture children. Теніс — мій улюблений вид спорту. Tennis is my preferred sport. Tennis is my favorite sport. К сожалению, я не могу вам сейчас с этим помочь. Unfortunately, I can't help you do that now. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that right now. Ти часто його зустрічаєш? Do you meet him often? Do you meet him often? Нет установленного расписания, которому вы должны следовать. There's no set schedule you have to follow. There is no set schedule that you should follow. Здебільшого батьки поступаються запитам своїх дітей про матеріальні блага. Most of the time, parents give in to their children's requests for material goods. For the most part, parents give in to their children’s requests for material benefits. У мяне ў панядзелак урок ігры на скрыпцы. I have a violin lesson on Monday. I have a violin game lesson on Monday. Не усугубляй проблему. Don't exacerbate the problem. Don't make the problem worse. Ящик был под столом. The box was under the table. The box was under the table. Я бросил мяч. I threw the ball. I threw the ball. Щиро дякую за волонтерство. Thank you so much for volunteering. Thanks for volunteering. Президент правит четыре года. The president governs for four years. The president has ruled for four years. Ты когда-нибудь ходил в тот ресторан? Have you ever gone to that restaurant? Did you ever go to that restaurant? Том заказал кофе для себя и какао для Мэри. Tom ordered coffee for himself and cocoa for Mary. Tom ordered coffee for himself and cocoa for Mary. Все здесь знают, что мы не можем доверять Тому. Everyone here knows that we can't trust Tom. Everyone here knows we can't trust Tom. Твой ключ у меня. I have your key. I have your key. Это не стоит того. That's not worth it. It's not worth it. Может, вы научитесь плавать. You might learn how to swim. Maybe you'll learn to swim. Пожарные не могли сдержать пламя. The firefighters could not contain the blaze. Firefighters could not contain the flames. Нічого не бракує. Nothing's missing. Nothing is lacking. Том начинает меня бесить. Tom is starting to irritate me. Tom is starting to piss me off. Я не знал, что ты вернулся в город. I didn't know you were back in town. I didn't know you were back in town. Хіба ви не щасливі, Томе? Aren't you happy, Tom? Aren't you happy, Tom? Самі щось про це знає. Sami knows something about that. He knows something about it himself. Хіба ви це не записуєте? Aren't you recording this? Don't you write that down? Том не хотел покупать Мэри подарок. Tom didn't want to buy Mary a present. Tom didn't want to buy Mary a present. Дэн і Лінда — блізняты. Dan and Linda are twins. Dan and Linda are twins. "Том не такой дурак". - "Ты уверен?" "Tom is not that stupid." "Are you sure?" "Tom's not that stupid." "Are you sure?" Ты в последнее время сам не свой. Что-то не так? You haven't been yourself recently. Is something wrong? You haven't been on your own lately. С крыши дома свисают сосульки. Icicles hang from the roof of the house. The icicles hang from the roof of the house. Мне очень нравится Ваше платье. I like your dress very much. I really like your dress. Он явно что-то скрывал. He was clearly hiding something. He was obviously hiding something. Ти гуглила? Did you google it? You googled? Мужчины обедают. The men are eating lunch. Men are having lunch. Том, похоже, меня не узнавал. Tom didn't seem to recognize me. Tom didn't seem to recognize me. Прыходзьце у мой офіс. Come on into my office. Come to my office. Где твои кредитные карты? Where are your credit cards? Where are your credit cards? Женщины созданы для того, чтобы их любили, а не для того, чтобы их понимали. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women are made to be loved, not understood. Это же не твой словарь, да? That's not your dictionary, is it? That's not your dictionary, is it? Правильный ответ не очевиден. The correct answer isn't obvious. The correct answer is not obvious. Я вчора поцілував Тома. I kissed Tom yesterday. I kissed Tom yesterday. Том сказал, что это не единственная причина. Tom said that isn't the only reason. Tom said it wasn't the only reason. Это бы сработало. That would work. It would've worked. Скільки разів я повинна казати тобі не їсти цукерки перед вечерею? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy before dinner? How many times should I tell you not to eat candy before dinner? Я как-нибудь найду деньги. I'll find the money somehow. I'll find the money someday. Мені вже час іти. It's time for me to go. It's time for me to go. Том може почекати. Tom might wait. Tom can wait. Вы пили вино? Did you drink wine? Did you drink wine? Думаю, Том добре провів час. I think Tom really had a good time. I think Tom had a good time. Он превысил свои полномочия. He has overstepped his authority. He exceeded his authority. Ні, пане, вона безкоштвона. No, sir, it's free. No, sir, she's free. Не уверена, правильно ли я это перевела. I'm not sure if I translated this right. I'm not sure if I translated it correctly. Я сел в лифт и нажал кнопку своего этажа. I got on the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I sat in the elevator and pressed the button on my floor. Почему вы возвращаетесь в Бостон? Why are you going back to Boston? Why are you going back to Boston? Я збираюся стати батьком. I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a father. Кажется, я слышал, как что-то упало. I think I heard something falling. I think I heard something fall. Надеюсь, вы не сказали Тому, что мы сделали. I hope you didn't tell Tom what we did. I hope you didn't tell Tom what we did. Почекай-но, ти сказав "дівчина" чи "хлопець"? Wait, did you say girl or guy? Wait, did you say "girl" or "boy"? Всё сработало так, как вы хотели? Did it work the way you wanted? Did it work the way you wanted it to? Он был удивлён неожиданным появлением своего друга. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. He was surprised by the unexpected appearance of his friend. Почему люди в Австралии не ходят вверх ногами? Why aren't the people in Australia upside down? Why don’t people in Australia walk upside down? Ми говоримо нижньонімецькою, а ти? We speak Low German. Do you? We speak German, don't you? Вы так долго со мной разговаривали и не знаете как меня зовут?! You've been talking to me for so long, don't you know my name?! Have you talked to me for so long and don’t know my name? Вона його кинула. She dumped him. She dumped him. Більшість із цих дітей не вміють плавати. Most of those children can't swim. Most of these children can’t swim. Она не всегда голодная. She's not always hungry. She's not always hungry. У Тома є ніж. Tom has a knife. Tom has a knife. Я не поеду в этом году в Австралию. I won't go to Australia this year. I’m not going to Australia this year. Хорошо, что ты не поехал. It was good that you didn't go. Good thing you didn't go. Що, на вашу думку, Том мав на увазі? What do you think Tom meant? What do you think Tom meant? У Тома діти й онуки. Tom has children and grandchildren. Tom has children and grandchildren. Уверен, что Том так не думает. I'm sure Tom doesn't think that. I'm sure Tom doesn't think so. Снимайте ваши шляпы. Take your hats off. Take off your hats. Мы вельмі шчаслівыя. We're very happy. We're very happy. Уж не знаю, говорите ли вы правду или нет. I don't know whether you are telling the truth or not. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. Человек, родившийся во Франции, - француз. A person who is born in France is a French. A man born in France is French. Мой французский ужасен. My French is terrible. My French is terrible. Не прокрастинируй. Don't procrastinate. Don't procrastinate. Як прайшоў урок французскай? How was the French class? How did the French lesson go? Том знал, что я этого не сделаю. Tom knew I wouldn't do that. Tom knew I wouldn't do it. Вони не з міста? Are they from out of town? Are they not from the city? Это так клёво! It's so cool! That's so cool! Это мою книгу ваш ребёнок разорвал на кусочки. It was my book that your child tore to pieces. It's my book your kid tore to pieces. Як нам вырашыць гэту сітуацыю? How do we get out of this situation? How do we resolve this situation? Можете позичити мені пінцет? Can you lend me a pair of tweezers? Can you lend me a tweezers? Деякі політичні партії — вороги людства. Some political parties are enemies of humanity. Some political parties are enemies of humanity. Сёння панядзелак. It's Monday. Today's Monday. Том дал мне список того, что мне нужно было купить в супермаркете. Tom gave me a list of things that he wanted me to buy at the supermarket. Tom gave me a list of what I needed to buy at the supermarket. Ты в Бразилии. You're in Brazil. You're in Brazil. Тато купив мені книжку. Dad bought me a book. Dad bought me a book. Надеюсь, ты не простудишься. I hope you are not catching a cold. I hope you don't catch a cold. Почему ты вечно недоволен? Why are you never satisfied? Why are you always unhappy? Кен не мог вспомнить его имени. Ken couldn't remember his name. Ken couldn't remember his name. Не так я это учил. That's not the way I learned it. That's not how I learned it. Как вы её уговорили? How did you convince her? How did you convince her? Не турбуйся. Вона не розуміє німецької. Don't worry. She doesn't understand German. Don't worry, she doesn't understand German. Я із нетерпінням чекаю на Різдво. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I look forward to Christmas. Он сбежал от призыва в Канаду. He fled to Canada to dodge the draft. He escaped the call to Canada. Я не знал, какое покупать. I didn't know which one to buy. I didn't know what to buy. Из-за обмана зрения кажется, что второй предмет больше первого. Optical illusion makes the second object look larger than the first. Because of the deception of vision, it seems that the second subject is larger than the first. Згодна. Okay. I agree. Я хотів би зняти гроші. I'd like to withdraw money. I would like to withdraw the money. Все её любили. Everybody loved her. Everyone loved her. Што ты кажаш? What're you saying? What are you saying? На моём столе сидит кошка. There is a cat on my table. There's a cat on my desk. Це було нещодавно? Was that recently? Was it recently? Ты рассказал Тому, что ты видел? Did you tell Tom what you saw? Did you tell Tom what you saw? Вислухай мене, будь ласка. Please hear me out. Listen to me, please. Як дружина, Томе? How's your wife, Tom? How's the wife, Tom? А-а... Эм-м-м... Нет, прости. Я не знаю. Uh...Um...No, sorry. I don't know. Uh, uh, no, I'm sorry. Кампаніі былі патрэбныя грошы. The company was in want of money. Companies needed money. Залиште нас самих, благаю вас! Leave us alone, please. Leave us alone, I beg you! Том не думает, что на Марсе есть жизнь. Tom doesn't think there is any life on Mars. Tom doesn't think there's life on Mars. Надмірне паління та випивка тобі шкодять. Smoking and drinking too much is bad for you. Excessive smoking and drinking hurt you. Вам он правда нравится? Do you really like him? Do you really like him? Андрэй Хадановіч — велічыня беларускай паэзіі. Andrej Chadanovič is a major figure in the Belarusian poetry. Andrei Khadanovich is the greatness of Belarusian poetry. Я бачила, як ти на це дивився. I saw you look at it. I saw how you looked at it. Она пишет книги. She writes books. She writes books. Выберите категорию. Choose a category. Select a category. Ён быў арыштаваны за кіраваньне ў нецьвярозым стане. He was arrested for drunken driving. He was arrested for driving in a non-thyroid state. Я не могу его простить. I can't forgive him. I can't forgive him. Я тебя прощу. I'll forgive you. I'll forgive you. Ніхто не зміг би зупинити цього. No one could've stopped that. No one could stop it. Я вучылася ўвесь дзень. I have studied all day. I've been studying all day. Пад сталом ёсць яблык. There is an apple under the desk. There's an apple under the table. Де мій одяг? Where are my clothes? Where are my clothes? Я не вірю в авторське право. I don't believe in copyright. I don't believe in copyright. Могу я сесть с ней? Can I sit with her? Can I sit with her? Ты умер. Невелика неожиданность. You are dead. Not a big surprise. You're dead. Вони кузени. They're cousins. They're cousins. Том и Мэри должны сделать это вместе. Tom and Mary have to do that together. Tom and Mary have to do it together. Гэта Японія. This is Japan. This is Japan. Linux - це безкоштовна операційна система, тобі варто спробувати її використовувати. Linux is a free operating system; you should try it. Linux is a free operating system, you should try it. У тебе шнурки розв'язалися. Your shoes are untied. Your shoelaces are loose. Том - наш самый лучший пилот. Tom is our best pilot. Tom is our best pilot. Мені треба було вам раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you earlier. Том поставил блюдо в микроволновку. Tom put the dish in the microwave. Tom put the dish in the microwave. Йому було лише чотирнадцять. He was only fourteen years old. He was only fourteen. Що сталося двадцятого жовтня? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20? Це бомба. It's a bomb. It's a bomb. Я можу заплатити пізніше? Can I pay later? Can I pay later? Том погиб два года назад в авиакатастрофе. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Помощи от него было немного. He wasn't much help. There was little help from him. Важливо, щоб ти розуміла. It's important that you understand. It is important that you understand. Это не тот ответ, которого мы ожидали. That's not the response that we expected. That’s not the answer we expected. Том на цих вихідних у Бостоні. Tom is in Boston for the weekend. Tom's in Boston this weekend. Вона горить! It's burning! She's burning! Я сказал Тому всё, что об этом знал. I told Tom everything that I knew about that. I told Tom everything I knew about it. Наиболее известной золотой лихорадкой является Калифорнийская золотая лихорадка, начавшаяся в 1848 году. The most famous gold rush was the California Gold Rush that began in 1848. The most famous gold rush is the California Gold Rush, which began in 1848. "Коли повернешся?" "Все залежить від погоди" "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When will you be back?" "It depends on the weather" Твой гальштук добра выглядае. Your tie looks good. Your tie looks good. Том та Мері багаті. Tom and Mary are rich. Tom and Mary are rich. Кофе сегодня какой-то странный на вкус. The coffee tastes strange today. Coffee tastes strange today. Я дуже ситий. I'm very full. I'm very full. Я знаю, что мой русский далёк от совершенства, но я в общем-то доволен своим продвижением. I know my Russian still has a long way to go, but I’m pretty happy with the progress I’ve made. I know that my Russian is far from perfect, but I am generally satisfied with my progress. Том сказал, что Мэри глупая. Tom said that Mary was stupid. Tom said Mary was stupid. В этом году день рождения у Тома выпадает на понедельник. This year Tom's birthday is on a Monday. This year, Tom’s birthday falls on Monday. Ему нужны брюки. He needs pants. He needs pants. Усе намаганні доктара былі марныя, пацыент памёр. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All of the Doctor's efforts were futile, and the patient died. Эти две команды соревновались в финале. The two teams competed in the final game. These two teams competed in the final. Я хотів би представити тобі пана Брауна. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Brown. Вони друзі Тома. They're friends of Tom's. They are friends of Tom. Це банан. That's a banana. It's a banana. Том пошёл в парк один. Tom went to the park alone. Tom went to the park alone. Она страдает от хронического стресса. She suffers from chronic stress. She suffers from chronic stress. Всем есть что скрывать. Everybody's got something to hide. Everyone has something to hide. У Тома та Мері все гаразд. Tom and Mary are doing OK. Tom and Mary are fine. Полотенце принёс? Did you bring a towel? Got the towel? Я ситий по горло вашими нісенітницями. I am fed up with your nonsense. I'm fed up with your nonsense. Легко не буде. This won't be easy. It won't be easy. Том переехал в Австралию. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. Знайдіть кого-небудь ще. Find somebody else. Find someone else. Сьогодні вдень я ходив до центру міста. I went downtown this afternoon. I went to the city centre this afternoon. Сем допомогає будь-кому, хто просить його про допомогу. Sam helps whoever asks him to. Sam helps anyone who asks him for help. Том був відсутній на нараді. Tom was absent from the meeting. Tom was absent from the meeting. Том бовдур. Tom is an idiot. Tom's a jerk. Ти знаєш причину? Do you know the reason? Do you know the reason? Підіть принесіть мені ще одне пиво. Go get me another beer. Come get me another beer. Я відведу тебе додому. I'm going to take you home. I'll take you home. Если хочешь, я поговорю об этом с Томом. I'll talk to Tom about that if you like. If you want, I'll talk to Tom about it. Вядома. Of course. Of course. Их машина красная. Their car is red. Their car is red. Мне надо перед ней извиниться. I have to apologize to her. I have to apologize to her. Он завоевал её любовь. He earned her love. He won her love. Я знаю, что Том - хороший учитель. I know Tom is a good teacher. I know Tom is a good teacher. Чому ти попросив Тома зробити це, раз ти знав, що він не може цього зробити? Why did you ask Tom to do that when you knew he couldn't do it? Why did you ask Tom to do it, since you knew he couldn't do it? Единственный вопрос – сколько нам нужно денег. The only question is how much money do we need. The only question is how much money we need. Я мог всё делать быстрее, когда был помоложе. I could do everything faster when I was younger. I could do it faster when I was younger. Я не думаю, что Том придёт. I don't think Tom will come. I don't think Tom's coming. Ты ходил вчера на вечеринку? Did you go to the party yesterday? Did you go to the party last night? Я хачу эміграваць у Аўстралію. I want to emigrate to Australia. I want to emigrate to Australia. Я спросил Тома, что он хочет купить. I asked Tom what he wanted to buy. I asked Tom what he wanted to buy. Рис не содержит глютена. Rice doesn't contain gluten. Rice does not contain gluten. Здесь что-то не так. There's something wrong. There's something wrong here. В тот день я остался дома, потому что шёл дождь. I stayed at home, for it rained that day. I stayed home that day because it was raining. Почему Том так странно выглядит? Why does Tom look so strange? Why does Tom look so weird? Можете помочь мне перевести эти предложения на китайский? Can you help me translate these sentences in Chinese? Can you help me translate these sentences into Chinese? Я к девяти вернусь. I will be back by nine. I'll be back by 9:00. Вы вчера были у Тома? Were you at Tom's yesterday? Were you at Tom's yesterday? Если тебе нужно купить ветчину, иди в мясной отдел. If you want to buy ham, go to the meat section. If you need to buy ham, go to the meat department. Это мой любимый проект. This is my favourite project. This is my favorite project. Это правда, что ты уже не хочешь замуж за Тома? Is it true you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Is it true you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Зніміть пальто. Take off your coat. Take off your coat. Я знал, что вы не захотите этого делать. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. Який голос ти чуєш : жіночий або чоловічий? Which kind of voice did you hear: feminine or masculine? What voice do you hear, male or female? Том сказав, що планує їхати. Tom said he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to go. Нам, наверное, надо рассказать Тому о том, что случилось. Perhaps we should tell Tom about what happened. We should probably tell Tom what happened. Перестаньте её так называть! Stop calling her that! Stop calling her that! Я бачыў Джона ў бібліятэцы. I saw John at the library. I saw John in the library. Без сомнения, действительно талантливый молодой человек. He is, without a doubt, a really talented young man. Without a doubt, a really talented young man. Я не смогу встретить Тома в аэропорту. I won't be able to pick up Tom at the airport. I can't meet Tom at the airport. Я сам по себе. I'm on my own. I'm on my own. Том увидел Мэри, стоящую перед супермаркетом. Tom saw Mary standing in front of the supermarket. Tom saw Mary standing in front of the supermarket. Я гей. I am gay. I'm gay. Тиждень має сім днів. A week has seven days. The week has seven days. Це брехня. That's a fib. It's a lie. Я - это ты. I am you. I'm you. Она подарила ему улыбку. She gave him a big smile. She gave him a smile. Здається, всі зайняті. Everybody seems to be busy. Everyone seems busy. Роуз встала, щоб удобрити рожевою ікрою свої ряди троянд. Rose rose to put rose roes on her rows of roses. Rose stood up to fertilize her rows of roses with pink caviar. Вы разговариваете с соседями? Do you talk with your neighbors? Are you talking to your neighbors? Можливо, я не повернуся. I may not return. Maybe I won't come back. Сегодня я ходил на могилу своего дедушки. I went to visit my grandfather's grave today. I went to my grandfather’s grave today. Тому нужна защита. Tom needs protection. Tom needs protection. Том вистрілив у мене. Tom shot me. Tom shot me. Ніколи не читайте коментарі в інтернеті. Never read internet comments. Never read comments on the internet. Том вступив до Церкви Сатани. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Цього не трапиться. That ain't going to happen. That's not gonna happen. Гэту зʼяву вельмі проста растлумачыць. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. Талін — сталіца Эстоніі. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Чи є місця подешевше? Do you have any cheaper seats? Are there cheaper places? Минув десь тиждень, як я бачив Тома. It's been about a week since I've seen Tom. It's been about a week since I saw Tom. У нього глибокий голос. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. Ничего, если я вас сфотографирую? Would it be OK if I took your picture? Is it okay if I take a picture of you? Я из Сидзуоки. I am from Shizuoka. I'm from Shizuoka. Перакладзіце, калі ласка, гэта на англійскую. Please put this into English. Translate, please, this into English. Я живу на планеті Сакура. I live on the planet Sakura. I live on the planet Sakura. Дехто не хотів битися. Some were unwilling to fight. Some did not want to fight. Ты ещё не знаешь, что он скажет. You still don't know what he's going to say. You don't know what he's gonna say. Вчитель португальської мови дуже вимогливий. The Portuguese teacher is very demanding. The Portuguese language teacher is very demanding. Мэри знала, что она уже не нужна. Mary knew she was no longer needed. Mary knew she was no longer needed. Том вынул пистолет из наплечной кобуры и положил его на стол. Tom removed his pistol from his shoulder holster and laid it on the table. Tom took the gun out of the shoulder holster and put it on the table. Мені подобається теніс більше, ніж футбол. I like tennis better than I like soccer. I like tennis more than football. В конце концов она так и не перезвонила. She didn't telephone after all. In the end, she never called back. Не переходьте дорогу. Don't cross the road. Don't cross the road. Зберіть свої іграшки разом. Gather your toys together. Bring your toys together. У Тома хороший французский? Is Tom's French good? Does Tom have good French? Ти знав, що Том одинокий? Did you know Tom was lonely? Did you know Tom was single? Том підійшов до дверей. Tom came to the door. Tom came to the door. То карсцель. It's a chair. That's Karszel. Том сказал тебе, где он нашёл свои ключи? Did Tom tell you where he found his keys? Did Tom tell you where he found his keys? Найди несколько хороших друзей и держись их. Make a few good friends and stick to them. Find some good friends and stick with them. Я адчуваў іх боль і пакутаваў разам з імі. I felt their pain, and suffered with them. I felt their pain and suffered with them. Іди повільніше. Walk more slowly. Go slow. Самое главное в игре в шахматы - это умение оценивать позиции. The most important thing in the game of chess is knowing how to evaluate positions. The most important thing in the game of chess is the ability to evaluate positions. Я ненавиджу несподіванки. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Почему бы нам не подвезти Тома? Why don't we give Tom a lift? Why don't we give Tom a ride? Он отутюжил свои брюки? Did he iron his pants? Did he wear his pants? Я не хотела потерять его. I didn't want to lose him. I didn't want to lose him. Том очень любил свою мать. Tom loved his mother very much. Tom loved his mother. Я запізнююся на годину. I'm an hour late. I'm late for an hour. Вона пишається своїм сином. She prides herself on her son. She is proud of her son. Это заняло буквально чуть больше часа. It took just a little over an hour. It literally took over an hour. Том кидає палити. Tom is quitting smoking. Tom quit smoking. Я буду на кухне. I'll be in the kitchen. I'll be in the kitchen. Нам не нужна такая помощь. We don't need that kind of help. We don't need that kind of help. Жадность и страх потери - корни, ведущие к дереву зла. Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil. Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil. Боюсь, что не успею закончить доклад вовремя. I'm afraid I won't finish the report on time. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the report on time. Що б не сталося, зберігай спокій. Whatever happens, you have to stay calm. Whatever happens, stay calm. Мы были застигнуты снежной бурей. We were caught in a snowstorm. We were caught in a snow storm. Я не хочу опоздать на работу. I don't want to be late for work. I don't want to be late for work. Он достаточно взрослый, чтобы путешествовать одному. He is old enough to travel alone. He is old enough to travel alone. Это не всё, что нам надо сделать. That isn't all we have to do. That's not all we have to do. Том написав кілька кулінарних книжок. Tom has written several cook books. He has written several cookbooks. Я никогда не хотела обидеть Тома. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never meant to hurt Tom. Наш разговор записывается. Our conversation is being recorded. Our conversation is recorded. Ти часто пропускаєш обід? Do you often skip lunch? Do you often miss lunch? Я чув, що у цю пору року в Бостоні спекотно. I hear Boston is hot this time of year. I heard it's hot this time of year in Boston. Що мені потрібно дати Тому? What should I give Tom? What do I need to give Tom? Ш-ш, Тома разбудите! Shhh, you'll wake up Tom! Shh, wake Tom up! Я впечатлён Вашим французским. I'm impressed by your French. I am impressed with your French. Мені слід піти. I should go. I should go. Это нужно сделать к завтрашнему дню. This needs to be done by tomorrow. This has to be done by tomorrow. Скажіть Тому, щоб він був обережний. Tell Tom to be careful. Tell Tom to be careful. Оно у него? Does he have it? Does he have it? Том нёс околесицу. Tom was talking nonsense. Tom was carrying a wheel. Перестаньте за мной шпионить. Stop spying on me. Stop spying on me. Гадаю, цього тижня я буду зайнятий. I think I'll be busy this week. I think I’ll be busy this week. Яким чином це моя провина? How is that my fault? How is that my fault? Мне приснился сон о луке. I had a dream about a bow. I had a dream about a bow. Тому було шкода Мері. Tom felt sorry for Mary. Mary was sorry. Если я могу это сделать, значит и вы можете. If I can do that, so can you. If I can do that, so can you. Том виріс у чашці Петрі. Tom grew up inside a Petri dish. Tom grew up in a petri dish. У моєму списку дванадцять людей. I have twelve people on my list. I have 12 people on my list. Вам на завтрак кофе или чай? Would you like coffee or tea with your breakfast? Have a coffee or tea for breakfast? Це дуже цікава пропозиція. That's a very interesting offer. This is a very interesting offer. Чаму ты злуешся? Why are you angry? Why are you angry? Ми покращили якість. We improved the quality. We have improved the quality. Семью семь будет сорок девять. Seven times seven is forty-nine. Seven will be forty-nine. Том смотрит фигурное катание по телевизору. Tom is watching figure skating on TV. Tom watches figure skating on TV. Ця книга моя. I own the book. This book is mine. Коли ти дізнався, що це зробив не Том? When did you find out that Tom wasn't the one who did that? When did you find out it wasn't Tom? Ви мене ігноруєте? Are you ignoring me? Are you ignoring me? Батьки знову сваряться. My parents are arguing again. My parents are fighting again. Ми хочемо, щоб наші діти були щасливими. We want our children to be happy. We want our children to be happy. Мы ещё не очень голодные. We aren't very hungry yet. We're not very hungry yet. Нам дуже бракує наших дружин. We really miss our wives. We miss our wives very much. Чому б ти це робив? Why'd you do that? Why would you do that? Не опоздай в школу. Don't be late for school. Don't be late for school. Я пообіцяв залишити Тома у спокої. I promised to leave Tom alone. I promised to leave Tom alone. Давай сделаем последнее усилие. Let's make one last effort. Let's make one last effort. Я сделал всё, что в моих силах, чтобы улучшить мир, который меня окружает. I did my best to improve the world around me. I did everything in my power to improve the world that surrounds me. Том поехал в Австралию. Tom has gone to Australia. Tom went to Australia. Я удалил комментарий, который оставил под предложением. I deleted the comment I had made under the sentence. I deleted the comment that I left under the offer. Я рада, что нашла тебя. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. Я потратил целый день на уборку у себя в комнате. I spent a whole day cleaning my room. I spent the whole day cleaning my room. Їхня теорія не витримує критики. Their theory doesn't hold water. Their theory does not stand up to criticism. Леса — это лёгкие земли. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Forests are easy lands. Я толькі што закахалася. I just fell in love. I just fell in love. Вы продаёте клубнику? Do you sell strawberries? Do you sell strawberries? Мы планируем ограбление. We're planning a robbery. We're planning a robbery. Эти карандаши ваши. These pencils are yours. These crayons are yours. Ти не монстр. You aren't a monster. You're not a monster. Вы ошибаетесь. Я не так говорил. You're wrong. That isn't what I said. That's not what I said. Вона була відомою акторкою. She was a famous actress. She was a famous actress. Том почти всегда ходит в солнечных очках. Tom almost always wears sunglasses. Tom always wears sunglasses. Кто научил тебя играть в эту игру? Who taught you how to play this game? Who taught you to play this game? Почему вы отказались это делать? Why did you refuse to do that? Why did you refuse to do that? Её происхождение неизвестно. Its origin is unknown. Its origin is unknown. У мене була схожа реакція. I had a similar reaction. I had a similar reaction. Том сказал Мэри, что он поцеловал Элис. Tom told Mary that he'd kissed Alice. Tom told Mary he kissed Alice. Я хотіла сісти. I wanted to sit down. I wanted to sit. Ми з Томом знаємо, що Мері плакала. Tom and I know that Mary was crying. Tom and I know Mary was crying. У христианства много последователей. Christianity has many adherents. Christianity has many followers. Ты много о нас знаешь? Do you know much about us? You know a lot about us? У говорящих на одном языке бывает удивительно разное восприятие собственного языка и понятие о том, что звучит правильно, а что нет. People who speak the same language have surprisingly different perceptions of their own language, and of what sounds right or not. Speakers of the same language have a surprisingly different perception of their own language and the concept of what sounds right and what does not. Вы уже сделали Мэри предложение? Have you proposed to Mary yet? Have you made an offer to Mary yet? Відтак, я буду змушена зупинитися тут. Hence, I shall have to stay here. Then I'll have to stop here. Мы рано пообедали. We had an early lunch. We had lunch early. Том часто ездит в Бостон. Tom goes to Boston a lot. Tom often goes to Boston. Хіба ти сьогодні не хочеш купатися? Don't you want to swim today? Don't you want to go swimming today? Ты забіў яе. You killed her. You killed her. Батько вдома. My father is at home. Dad's home. Возможно, нам нужно больше еды. Maybe we need more food. Maybe we need more food. То поможе. That will help. It'll help. Время всё лечит. Time heals everything. Time heals everything. Яна чакала і чакала, але ён так і не павярнуўся. She waited and waited, but he never returned. She waited and waited, but he never turned around. Я хотела быть его женой. I wanted to be his wife. I wanted to be his wife. Я больш не магу цярпець гэты боль. I cannot bear the pain any more. I can't stand this pain anymore. У тебя ноги болят? Do your legs hurt? Do your feet hurt? Я не хочу всё испортить. I don't want to spoil everything. I don't want to mess it up. Мені цікаво, чи це насправді працює. I wonder whether or not this really works. I wonder if it actually works. Том скомкал бумажку и бросил в мусорное ведро. Tom crumpled the paper up into a ball and threw it into the trash can. Tom broke a piece of paper and threw it in the trash. Вы имеете право на ваше мнение. You're entitled to your opinion. You have a right to your opinion. Ему вчера было нечего делать. He had nothing to do yesterday. He had nothing to do yesterday. Обожаю твои истории! I love your stories. I love your stories! Том меняет одежду каждый день. Tom changes clothes every day. She changes clothes every day. Хлопець намалював картину на стіні. The boy drew a picture on the wall. He painted a picture on the wall. Вы заплацілі за кнігу? Did you pay for the book? You paid for the book? Тримайтеся подалі від моєї дівчини. Stay away from my girlfriend. Stay away from my girlfriend. Нам нужно поговорить об Алжире. We should talk about Algeria. We need to talk about Algeria. Надеемся, что на этот раз все получится. We hope that this time it'll work. We hope it works out this time. Комната Тома похожа на свинарник. Tom's room looks like a pigsty. Tom's room looks like a pigsty. Я пахаваў свайго сабаку на могілках для хатніх жывёл. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in a cemetery for pets. Том кричит на Мэри. Tom is shouting at Mary. Tom yells at Mary. Я цікавлюся музикою. I am interested in music. I am interested in music. Тома никогда нет там, где он должен быть. Tom is never where he's supposed to be. Tom is never where he should be. Ми добре провели час учора. Yesterday we had fun. We had a good time yesterday. Том не ожидал, что Мэри откажется. Tom didn't expect Mary to refuse. Tom didn't expect Mary to give up. Це маленький будинок, проте він нам підійде. This is a small house, but it will do for us. It's a small house, but it will suit us. Мені не потрібно аж стільки. I don't need this much. I don't need that much. Што я табе казала пра тое, што ты еш над клавіятурай? What did I tell you about eating over the keyboard? What did I tell you about what you eat over the keyboard? Звідки ти знала, що я виросла у Бостоні? How did you know I grew up in Boston? How did you know I grew up in Boston? Почему все на вас уставились? Why is everyone staring at you? Why is everyone staring at you? Чому б нам не сходити в кіно? Why don't we go and see a movie? Why don't we go to the movies? Мы смотрели на руины старой крепости. We were looking at the ruins of the old fortress. We looked at the ruins of the old fortress. Тому нравится наша собака. Tom likes our dog. Tom likes our dog. Спачатку я мушу выслухаць абодва бакі. First, I should hear both sides. At first I have to listen to both sides. Чому Том розлютився? Why did Tom get angry? Why was Tom angry? Я слышал о нём только хорошее. I've only heard good things about him. I've only heard good things about him. Я не прыйду раней за палову на трэцюю. I won't come before 2:30. I won't come before half on the third. Том та Мері назвали свою дитину Джоном. Tom and Mary named their baby John. Tom and Mary named their child John. Він у лікарні. He's in hospital. He's in the hospital. Когда-то здесь была школа. There used to be a school here. There used to be a school here. Діти заснули? Have the children fallen asleep? Did the kids fall asleep? Они ровесники. They are the same age. They're the same age. Мы удивили Тома. We surprised Tom. We surprised Tom. Разливного пива у нас нет. We do not sell draught beer. We don't have any beer. Том помер, сміючись. Tom died laughing. Tom died laughing. Что Том дал тебе на этот раз? What did Tom give you this time? What did Tom give you this time? Ці палілі ліліі? Have the lilies been watered? Did the Lilies burn? Кукі — сенбернар. Cookie is a St. Bernard. Cookie is a St. Bernard. Хворий лежить у ліжку. The patient lies in bed. The patient is in bed. Том забыл, какой сегодня день. Tom forgot what day it was. I forgot what day it is. Ти такий милий. You're so sweet. You're so cute. Это для тебя сложно? Is it difficult for you? Is it hard for you? Я был очень уставшим, поэтому тотчас заснул. I was very tired, so I fell asleep right away. I was very tired, so I immediately fell asleep. Мае валасы хвалістыя. My hair is wavy. My hair is wavy. Похоже, Том до сих пор там. It looks like Tom is still there. Looks like Tom's still there. Вони згодні. They agree. They agree. Ви чарівні. You're fascinating. You're adorable. Ходімо познайомимся з ним. Let's go meet him. Let's go meet him. Ты когда-нибудь давал Тому деньги в долг? Have you ever lent money to Tom? Did you ever lend Tom money? Я не знаю, где Том купил свой зонт. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. I don't know where Tom got his umbrella. Вони пішли у зоопарк. They went to the zoo. They went to the zoo. Ми були занадто повільні. We were too slow. We were too slow. Чыя гэта была ідэя? Whose idea was that? Whose idea was that? Они доверяли Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. Я делаю это ради денег. I do that for the money. I do it for money. Я народився 10 жовтня 1972 року. I was born on October 10, 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. Наши планы пошли наперекосяк. Our plans have gone awry. Our plans went awry. Я всё про вас слышала. I've heard all about you. I've heard all about you. Кава є? Do you have any coffee? Is there coffee? Кто научил вас танцевать? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you to dance? Ты напугал их. You frightened them. You scared them. Томе, я хочу лишитися з тобою. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Это не то, что я ожидал услышать. That isn't what I expected to hear. That's not what I expected to hear. Ніхто не робить цього краще. Nobody does it better. No one does it better. Вони дивляться кінофільм. They're watching a movie. They're watching a movie. Що ти пишеш? What are you writing? What are you writing? Це абсолютно неправильно. This is completely wrong. It's totally wrong. Интересно, зачем Тому это надо. I wonder why Tom wants that. I wonder why Tom needs it. Залишайся з Томом у цій кімнаті. Stay with Tom in this room. Stay with Tom in this room. Сядьте посмотрите телевизор. Sit down and watch TV. Sit down and watch TV. Как зовут ваших котов? What are your cats' names? What's your cat's name? Я охайний. I'm neat. I'm neat. Вона завжи читає який-небудь журнал. She's always reading some magazine or other. She is reading a magazine. Навіщо тобі моя допомога? Why do you want my help? Why do you need my help? Он был в безопасности. He was safe. He was safe. Том вигулює собак двічі на день. Tom walks his dogs twice a day. Tom walks the dogs twice a day. Маю їжу. I have food. I have food. Яке в тебе склалося враження про Сполучені Штати? What's your impression of the United States? What is your impression of the United States? Не ми це зробили. It's not us who did it. We didn't do it. Я больше не буду с Томом разговаривать. I won't talk to Tom anymore. I'm not gonna talk to Tom anymore. Тайфун приближается к Японии. The typhoon is approaching Japan. The typhoon is approaching Japan. У него только один недостаток. He has only one flaw. He only has one flaw. Собака лает на незнакомцев. The dog barks at strangers. The dog barks at strangers. Можешь брать мою машину, когда хочешь. You can borrow my car whenever you want. You can take my car whenever you want. Хіба ви не чоловік Мері? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? Мы пошлём им открытку. We'll send them a card. We'll send them a card. Не слушай её враньё! Don't listen to her lies! Don't listen to her lies! Все м'ясо зіпсувалося. All the meat had spoiled. All the meat was spoiled. Том сюда почти не приходит. Tom hardly ever comes here. Tom hardly comes here. Давайте выйдем из комнаты. Let's leave the room. Let's get out of the room. Это одно из деревьев, которое я хочу срубить. This is one of the trees I want to have cut down. It's one of the trees I want to cut down. Том хорошо катается на лыжах? Does Tom ski very well? Is Tom good at skiing? Што ты жадаеш, каб я зрабіў? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Раньше священники совершали мессу на латыни. Before, the priests used to say mass in Latin. Priests used to celebrate Mass in Latin. Гэта кніга, якую я чытаў учора вечарам. This is the book which I read last night. This is the book I read last night. В вашем номере кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Мы поговорим с Томом двадцатого октября. We'll talk to Tom on October 20th. We'll talk to Tom on October 20th. Дзе конь? Where is the horse? Where's the horse? Тому больше не нужна наша помощь. Tom doesn't need our help anymore. Tom doesn't need our help anymore. Почините мою игрушку. Fix my toy. Fix my toy. Он плачет? Is he crying? Is he crying? Сапраўднае сяброўства даражэйшае за грошы. Real friendship is more valuable than money. True friendship is more expensive than money. Я сумуватиму за вами. I will miss you all. I'll miss you. Дом красный. The house is red. The house is red. Том говорив з тобою про Мері? Did Tom talk to you about Mary? Did Tom talk to you about Mary? Ми не бачимо щось подібне щодня. We don't see something like this every day. We don’t see anything like this every day. Не осуждайте Тома. Don't blame Tom. Don't judge Tom. Могу я получить копию этих? Could I get a copy of these? Can I get a copy of these? Він уявляв себе генієм. He had the illusion that he was a genius. He thought he was a genius. Том не мав рації щодо цього. Tom is wrong about that. Tom wasn’t right about that. Если бы у меня было время, я бы с удовольствием тебя навестил. If I had the time, I would visit you with pleasure. If I had time, I'd love to see you. Том закончил. Tom is done. Tom's done. Мы завсегдатаи. We're regulars. We're regulars. Коні — корисні тварини. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. Том не хотел, чтобы Мэри видела его плачущим. Tom didn't want Mary to see him crying. Tom didn't want Mary to see him crying. Для меня это было бы невозможно. That would be impossible for me. That would be impossible for me. Куда бы вы хотели поехать на выходные? Where would you like to go for the weekend? Where would you like to go for the weekend? Кто ещё у вас в списке? Who else is on your list? Who else is on your list? Ты маеш час у пятніцу пасля абеду? Are you free on Friday afternoon? You have time on Friday after lunch? Нам такие люди не нужны. We don't need people like that. We don't need people like that. Я слишком много говорю. I talk too much. I talk too much. Соціопати брешуть, щоб нашкодити іншим. Sociopaths lie to hurt others. People lie to hurt others. Я забылася на твой нумар тэлефону. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your phone number. Вы знаете, мы многим им обязаны. You know we owe them a lot. You know, we owe them a lot. Він маленький. He's small. He's small. Тому тринадцять років. Tom is thirteen years old. Tom is thirteen years old. Сподіваюся, завтра буде сонячна погода. I hope it's sunny tomorrow. I hope it will be sunny tomorrow. Это одна из любимых книг Тома. This is one of Tom's favorite books. It's one of Tom's favorite books. Це має значення? Does that matter? Does it matter? Ти не проти почекати тут? Do you mind waiting here? Do you mind waiting here? Вона дуже хоче схуднути. She really wants to lose weight. She really wants to lose weight. Большинство людей наверняка с тобой согласились бы. I bet most people would agree with you. Most people would probably agree with you. Я би хотів жити в Бостоні. I wish I could live in Boston. I would like to live in Boston. Ми стояли в черзі на автобус. We queued for the bus. We were in line for the bus. Просто зачекай! Just wait! Just wait! Я подожду тебя тут. I'll wait for you here. I'll wait for you here. Викличеш мені таксі? Will you call me a taxi? Will you call me a taxi? Лекція починається о восьмій годині. The lecture starts at 8 o'clock. The lecture begins at eight o'clock. Он говорил по-английски, а его жена - нет. He spoke English, but his wife didn't. He spoke English and his wife didn't. Я родилась 2 января 1968 года. I was born on January 2 in 1968. I was born on January 2, 1968. Мы сняли наши пальто. We took our coats off. We took off our coats. Ты понимаешь, что ты сделал? Do you understand what you've done? Do you understand what you've done? Ты хочешь быть юристом. You want to be a lawyer. You want to be a lawyer. Тому не меньше тридцати. Tom is at least thirty. Tom is at least 30. Мені треба поговорити з Томом. I must speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Ти знаєш забагато. You know too much. You know too much. Я не очень хорошо играю в теннис. I'm not so good at tennis. I don’t play tennis very well. Я был готов к выходу. I was ready to go. I was ready to go. Його ім'я крутиться у мене на язиці. His name is on the tip of my tongue. His name is on my tongue. Тебе подходят эти ботинки? Do these shoes fit you? Are these shoes right for you? При изучении русского важно понимать разницу между совершенным и несовершенным глагольным видом. When learning Russian, it's important to understand the difference between perfective and imperfective verbs. When learning Russian, it is important to understand the difference between the perfect and imperfect verb species. Я зараз живу у Бостоні, але я сам з Чикаго. I now live in Boston, but I'm originally from Chicago. I live in Boston, but I'm from Chicago. Я вообще не умею плавать. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Я думал, она отделается просто предупреждением и штрафом, но они наказали её по полной программе. I thought she would get off with just a warning and a fine, but they threw the entire book at her. I thought she'd get away with just a warning and a fine, but they punished her in full. Ціна машини занадто висока. The price of the car is too high. The price of the car is too high. Том зараз над цим працює, еге ж? Tom is working on it now, isn't he? Tom is working on it, right? Я ещё ни разу не пил алкоголь. I've never drunk alcohol before. I've never had alcohol before. Ответ Тома всех потряс. Tom's answer stunned everyone. Tom’s answer shocked everyone. Меня кто-то ударил. Somebody hit me. Someone hit me. Том согласился бы это сделать. Tom would agree to do that. Tom would do that. Этот фильм был очень хорош. This movie was very good. This movie was very good. Думаєш, Том все ще про це турбується? Do you think Tom is still worried about that? You think Tom's still worried about that? Ветра в атмосфере Сатурна дуют со скоростью более 1800 километров в час. Saturn's atmosphere has winds which can blow at over 1800 kilometers per hour. The winds in Saturn’s atmosphere blow at a speed of more than 1,800 kilometers per hour. Будь ласка, напишіть своє ім'я олівцем. Write down your name with a pencil, please. Please write your name in pencil. Мне нельзя было её отпускать. I never should've let her go. I shouldn't have let her go. Літак летів на схід. The plane was flying east. The plane was flying east. Скажите Тому, что ему не следует этим заниматься. Tell Tom that he shouldn't be doing that. Tell Tom he shouldn't be doing this. Если она тебе не нужна, не покупай её. If you don't need it, don't buy it. If you don't need it, don't buy it. Ти б дійсно зробила це для Тома? Would you really do that for Tom? Would you really do it for Tom? Ты ведала, што я збіраўся пацалаваць Тома, праўда? You knew I was going to kiss Tom, didn't you? You knew I was gonna kiss Tom, right? Не похоже, чтобы ты был так уж обеспокоен. You don't look all that concerned. I don't think you're that worried. То, что Том вам сказал, правда. What Tom has told you is true. What Tom told you is true. Тому поставили діагноз — розлад аутистичного спектру — у 2013 році. Tom was diagnosed with ASD in 2013. Therefore, the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder was made in 2013. Том пересёк Атлантику. Tom crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Tom crossed the Atlantic. Когда вы в последний раз ходили к зубному? When was the last time you went to a dentist? When was the last time you went to the dentist? Волки не такие умные, как лисы. Wolves aren't as smart as foxes. Wolves are not as smart as foxes. Я їду на три тижні до Австралії. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. Том посоветовал Мэри не делать этого. Tom advised Mary not to do it. Tom told Mary not to do it. Дзе знаходзіцца найбліжэйшая царква? Where's the nearest church? Where is the nearest church? Містер Сміт зробив для нього декілька іграшок. Mr Smith made him some toys. Mr. Smith made a few toys for him. Ви все ще зайняті? Are you still busy? Are you still busy? Узнайте, что с Томом. Find out what happened to Tom. Find out what's wrong with Tom. Сколько это стоит? How much is it? How much does it cost? Я провожу вас домой. I'll accompany you home. I'll walk you home. У тебя в комнате кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Я завтра сделаю об этом доклад. I'll report on this matter tomorrow. I'll report on it tomorrow. Я купил всё, что планировал. I've bought everything I was planning to buy. I bought everything I planned. Во сколько у тебя самолёт? What time's your plane? What time do you have the plane? Це був чудовий коментар. That was a great comment. That was a great comment. Он очень скрытный. He's very secretive. He's very secretive. Вы боитесь крыс? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of rats? Я тебе не скажу. I won't tell you. I won't tell you. Вы не Сами? Aren't you Sami? You're not Sami? Раньше мой отец добирался до работы на автобусе. My father used to go to work by bus. My father used to get to work by bus. Подождём до вечера. Let's wait until tonight. We'll wait till tonight. Не хвилюйтеся, я зроблю це. Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. Чи є ім'я "Шиносуке" мішенню для глузувань? Is the name 'Shinosuke' a target for teasing? Is the name "Shinosuke" a target for ridicule? Не пий цього. Don't drink that. Don't drink that. Том любить оповідання про тварин. Tom likes stories about animals. She loves stories about animals. Спробуймо разом вирішити цю проблему. Let's try to solve this problem together. Let’s try to solve this problem together. Пришло время как-то решать эту проблему. It's time to do something about this problem. It is time to solve this problem somehow. Горы было відаць здалёк, і гэта відовішча захоплівала дух. The mountains could be seen from afar, and it was a breathtaking sight. The mountains were seen from far away, and this sight captured the spirit. Ты поедешь поездом? Will you go by train? You're going by train? В Японии мягкий климат. Japan has a mild climate. Japan has a mild climate. Том та Мері планують це зробити. Tom and Mary are planning to do that. Tom and Mary want to do it. Это - лев. This is a lion. It's a lion. Я загубила свої окуляри. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Том взяв один з бутербродів. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Мы с Томом кивнули в согласии. Tom and I both nodded in agreement. Tom and I nodded in agreement. Почему ты не дал Тому тебе помочь? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Why didn't you let Tom help you? Никто не собирается тебя обвинять. Nobody's going to blame you. No one's going to blame you. Яна любіла тоўстых мужчын, таму вырашыла перайсці ў будызм. She loved fat men, so she decided to convert to Buddhism. She loved fat men, so she decided to go into Buddhism. Я тобі щось покажу. I'll show you something. I'll show you something. Ви вмієте плавати? Can you swim? Can you swim? Ви сповнені ненависті! Свобода слова - це не виправдання! You're full of hatred! Freedom of speech isn't an excuse! You are full of hate! Freedom of speech is not an excuse! Ти йдеш на матч? Are you going to the game? Are you going to the match? Я хотел бы знать, как писать больше фраз о шахматах на токипоне. I would like to know how to write more phrases about chess in Toki Pona. I would like to know how to write more phrases about chess on the tokipon. Ты можешь оставить это досье на моём столе. You can leave the file on my desk. You can leave this file on my desk. Я пішов до будинку з привидами. I went to a haunted house. I went to the house with ghosts. Том был арестован в октябре 2013 года. Tom was arrested in October of 2013. Tom was arrested in October 2013. Я зрабіла ўсё, што магла. I did the best I could. I did everything I could. Саме ти сказав, що я мушу це зробити. You're the one who said I should to that. You're the one who said I had to do it. Тут есть некоторые нестыковки. There are some inconsistencies. There are some inconsistencies here. На неё легко произвести впечатление. She's easy to impress. She's easy to impress. Я вдячний за допомогу. I appreciate the help. I'm grateful for your help. Он сказал, что не обижен. He said that he wasn't offended. He said he wasn't offended. Вы что-то пролили на мою книгу? Did you spill something on my book? Did you spill something on my book? От кофе меня клонит в сон. Coffee makes me sleepy. Coffee makes me sleepy. Том мене не слухав. Tom wasn't listening to me. Tom didn't listen to me. Можна спитати, як вас звуть? Might I ask your name? May I ask what your name is? Ты тоже сможешь это сделать, если попробуешь. You can do this, too, if you try. You can do that too if you try. Когда ты заболел? When did you become ill? When did you get sick? Я в нижнем белье. I'm in my underwear. I'm in my underwear. Пожалуйста, не забывайте выполнять домашнюю работу. Please, don't forget to do the homework. Don’t forget to do your homework. Мне всё равно, выиграет Том или проиграет. I don't care whether Tom wins or not. I don't care if Tom wins or loses. Ён дасведчаны карыстальнік кампутара. He knows well how to use a computer. He is an experienced computer user. Том - капиталист. Tom's a capitalist. Tom is a capitalist. Ти мене розбудив. You woke me. You woke me up. Ваши условия невыполнимы! It's impossible to fulfill your conditions. Your conditions are unfulfilled! Почему бы нам не перейти с французского языка на английский? Why don't we stop speaking French and switch to English? Why don't we switch from French to English? Нам слід придумати таємну мову. We should invent a secret language. We have to invent a secret language. Уезжай из этой страны. Leave this country. Get out of this country. Какая твоя любимая ролевая игра? What's your favorite role-playing game? What's your favorite role-playing game? В Бразилии ты будешь есть много вкусных фруктов. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruit. In Brazil, you will eat a lot of delicious fruits. Пароль - "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". Усі люблять Тома. Everyone likes Tom. Everyone loves Tom. Это не моя дочь. This isn't my daughter. That's not my daughter. Калі ён захварэў? When did he fall ill? When did he get sick? Я ничего об этом не знаю. I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about that. Всі сміялися. Everyone laughed. Everyone laughed. Не сыграть ли нам партию в шахматы? Shall we have a game of chess? Shouldn't we play chess? Яким же я був ідіотом! What an idiot I was! What an idiot I was! Я думал, вы скажете Тому, чтобы он это сделал. I thought that you'd told Tom to do that. I thought you'd tell Tom to do it. Укравший булавку украдёт и корову. He who steals a pin will steal an ox. Stealing a pin will also steal a cow. Я пишу книгу на токипоне, которая уже содержит 7700 предложений, но все еще находится на рассмотрении. I'm writing a book in Toki Pona that already contains 7700 sentences, but it's still under review. I am writing a book on a tokipon that already contains 7,700 sentences, but is still under consideration. Юмі — одна з моїй подруг. Yumi is one of my friends. Yumi is one of my friends. Том не вийде за тебе. Tom won't marry you. Tom won't marry you. Та ну його до біса. Ah, screw it. Fuck him. Я в лікарні. У мене влучила блискавка. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital. Ходімо зараз. А то запізнимось. Let’s go now. Otherwise, we'll be late. Let's go now, or we'll be late. Вона вродлива, розумна і - головне - має добре серце. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She is beautiful, intelligent and - most importantly - has a good heart. Де пральня? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry? Том сказал, что ничего не знает об ограблении. Tom denied knowing anything about the robbery. Tom said he didn't know anything about the robbery. Ви також цього не знали. You didn't know that either. You didn't know that either. Не забывайте! Don't forget. Don't forget! Администратор дурно обращался со своей секретаршей, потому что она допустила небольшую ошибку. The manager treated his secretary very badly, because she made a small mistake. The administrator mistreated his secretary because she made a small mistake. Я часто хожу в гости к родственникам. I often visit my relatives. I often go to visit relatives. Мої друзі найкращі! My friends are the best! My friends are the best! Пiшли! Come on! Let's go! Я уяви не мав, що Том — твій син. I had no idea Tom was your son. I had no idea Tom was your son. Я подумал, что вы правы. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Том решил купить подержанный автомобиль вместо нового. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Том не неповнолітній. Tom isn't a minor. Tom is not a minor. Резюме — це лише реклама. A resume is just an advertisement. A resume is just an advertisement. Я не пытался их убить. I didn't try to kill them. I didn't try to kill them. Мені подобається твоя сорочка. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Як пішацца «Эяф'ялаёкюль»? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? How do you spell "Ejafjalajocule"? Давайте послушаем мнение нашего эксперта. Let's hear our expert's opinion. Let's listen to the opinion of our expert. Это длинный карандаш. This is a long pencil. It's a long pencil. Візьми ще печива. Help yourself to more cookies. Take another cookie. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы вы пошли. I would really like you to go. I'd really like you to go. Том надеется, что Мэри поможет Джону. Tom is hoping that Mary can help John. Tom hopes that Mary will help John. Это просто суеверие. That's just superstition. It's just a superstition. Яна мае рацыю. She's right. She's right. Он вчера порезался ножом. He cut himself with a knife yesterday. He cut himself with a knife yesterday. Можливо, він бреше. It is possible that he is telling a lie. Maybe he's lying. Не думаю, что могу идти быстрее. I don't think that I can walk any faster. I don't think I can go any faster. С нас хватит твоих жалоб. We're fed up with your complaining. We've had enough of your complaints. Гордыня и мудрого к гибели приведёт. Arrogance diminishes wisdom. Pride and wisdom will lead to death. Отверстие узкое. The hole is narrow. The hole is narrow. Це доволі абсурдно. That's pretty absurd. That's pretty absurd. Успокоив мужа, она сказала: «Не злись, мы тоже были молодыми». She calmed her husband down and said "Don't get upset. We were young once too." After calming her husband, she said, “Don’t be angry, we were young too.” Я приеду двадцатого октября. I'll arrive on the twentieth of October. I'll be there on October 20th. Фому убило молнией. Tom was killed by lightning. Thomas was killed by lightning. Том дійсно переїхав до Бостона? Did Tom really move to Boston? Did Tom really move to Boston? Если Том хочет пойти, пусть идёт. If Tom wants to go, let him go. If Tom wants to go, let him go. У вас є щось від головного болю? Do you have anything for a headache? Do you have any headaches? Місяць освітлював кімнату. The moon lit the room. The moon lit up the room. Всё было совсем не так, как сказал Том. Things happened quite differently from the way Tom said they did. It wasn't like Tom said. Она торопилась на вокзал только затем, чтобы опоздать на поезд. She hurried to the station only to miss the train. She hurried to the station only to be late for the train. Гэта цалкам непрымальна. This is totally unacceptable. It's totally unacceptable. Давайце што-небудзь паспрабуем! Let's try something. Let's try something! Том - поліглот. Tom is a polyglot. Tom's a polyglot. Мэри на тебя злится, да? Mary is angry at you, isn't she? Mary's mad at you, isn't she? Вам есть во что переодеться? Do you have a change of clothes? Do you have something to change into? Ти принесла вино? Did you bring wine? Did you bring the wine? Думаешь, Том замкнутый? Do you think Tom is unsociable? You think Tom's locked up? Том каже, що він твій друг. Tom says he's a friend of yours. Tom says he's your friend. Я могу коснуться ладонями пола, не сгибая коленей. I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can touch the palms of the floor without bending my knees. Это вне моей компетенции. That's outside my area of expertise. It's out of my jurisdiction. Стиглий інжир приваблює всіляких жуків. Ripe figs attract all sorts of bugs. Stylish figs attract all sorts of beetles. У тебе бракує терпцю на мене. You're so impatient with me. You don't have the patience for me. У меня такое чувство, что вы не очень-то хотите, чтобы я выиграл. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I feel like you don't really want me to win. Вона його слухає. She listens to him. She listens to him. Сейчас пока слишком рано, чтоб об этом говорить. It's still too early to talk about this now. It's too early to talk about it. Вся родина знову разом. The whole family is together again. The whole family is together again. У тебе відмінний план. Your plan is excellent. You have a great plan. Никому не было дела до мнения Тома. Nobody cared about Tom's opinion. No one cared about Tom's opinion. Группы пчёл сновали к улью и от него. Clusters of bees flitted to and from the hive. Groups of bees were again to and from the hive. Ты з Урумчы? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Я думаю, што вы гатовыя. I think you're ready. I think you're ready. Они собирают клубнику. They are picking strawberries. They're picking strawberries. Я впервые готовлю дома мясо на гриле. This is the first time I've ever grilled meat in my home. This is the first time I cook grilled meat at home. Если твой ответ правильный, это значит, что мой не правильный. If your answer is correct, it follows that mine is wrong. If your answer is right, it means mine is wrong. Том постоянно это делает. Tom does that all the time. Tom does it all the time. Мені потрібна добра порада. I need some good advice. I need some good advice. Вы рассказали Тому, что вы видели? Did you tell Tom what you saw? Did you tell Tom what you saw? Почему Том вернулся в Австралию? Why did Tom come back to Australia? Why did Tom come back to Australia? Тома нигде не видно. Tom is nowhere to been seen. Tom is nowhere to be seen. Том одружився на сусідці. Tom married the girl next door. She married a neighbor. Я погано сплю. I do not sleep well. I don't sleep well. Том не выдержал и расплакался. Tom broke down and cried. Tom couldn’t stand it and cried. Дівчина, яку ми бачили, як вона на когось чекала біля будинку Тома, — це Мері. The girl we saw waiting in front of Tom's house was Mary. The girl we saw waiting for someone outside Tom's house is Mary. Том сказав, що навряд чи виграє. Tom said he was unlikely to win. Tom said he didn’t think he would win. Я абсолютно серьёзен. I'm completely serious. I'm totally serious. Я ненавиджу танцювати. I hate dancing. I hate to dance. Кофейник пустой. The coffee pot is empty. Coffee is empty. Сьогодні середа, вісімнадцяте жовтня. Today is Wednesday, the eighteenth of October. Today is Wednesday, the 18th of October. Я Тома узнал, а он меня нет. I recognized Tom, but he didn't recognize me. I knew Tom and he didn't know me. Вам в эту комнату нельзя. You are not allowed to enter that room. You're not allowed in this room. Ми не звикли до такого харчування. We're not used to this kind of food. We are not used to this kind of food. Запасного плана ещё нет. There is no plan B yet. There's no backup plan yet. Скажите им, что я возвращаюсь. Tell them I'm coming back. Tell them I'm coming back. Я знаю, как тебе помочь. I know how to help you. I know how to help you. Двері відчиняються о другій тридцять дня. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. The door opens at 2:30 p.m. Том надеется, что всем понравится его вечеринка. Tom hopes everyone will enjoy his party. Tom hopes everyone will enjoy his party. Том приехал рано. Tom arrived early. Tom arrived early. Цей чай смакує добре. This tea's got a nice taste. This tea tastes good. Вот что говорит Библия. That's what the Bible says. This is what the Bible says. Операция длилась шесть часов. The surgery lasted six hours. The operation lasted six hours. Я не мільйонер. I'm not a millionaire. I am not a millionaire. У вас гарна донька. You have a beautiful daughter. You have a beautiful daughter. Я її не пробачу. I won't forgive her. I won't forgive her. Я бачыла, як Том фліртаваў з маёй жонкай. I saw Tom flirt with my wife. I saw Tom flirting with my wife. Том не має ворогів. Tom doesn't have any enemies. Tom has no enemies. Христос раждаєтся! Merry Christmas! Christ is angry! Я женюсь в следующую субботу. I'm getting married next Saturday. I'm getting married next Saturday. Його ніхто не бачив. Nobody's seen him. No one saw him. Гэта найлепшае з таго, што можна купіць за грошы. This is the best money can buy. That's the best thing you can buy for money. Я не знаю, где Том купил свой зонтик. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. I don't know where Tom got his umbrella. Они хотели доказательства. They wanted proof. They wanted proof. Я вас подожду. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you. Кто-то идёт. Someone is coming. Someone's coming. Я рад это слышать. I am glad to hear it. I'm glad to hear that. В саду стояли три статуи. There were three statues in the garden. There were three statues in the garden. Спачатку Вам не падабалася гэтая ідэя, але зараз Вы, здаецца, задаволеная. At the beginning you had disliked the idea, but now you seem to be content. At first you didn't like this idea, but now you seem satisfied. Скільки коштуватиме зрубати це дерево? What'll it cost have this tree cut down? How much does it cost to cut down this tree? Кто тебя этому научил? Who taught you this? Who taught you that? Я из тех девушек, которые больше дружат с парнями. I'm that kind of girls who get on with boys better. I'm one of those girls who's more friends with guys. Тому никто не верит. Nobody believes Tom. No one believes Tom. Я думал, что они не придут. I thought they wouldn't come. I thought they weren't coming. Ти виглядала дуже сумною. You seemed really sad. You looked very sad. Там никого нет. No one is there. There's no one there. Том усім подобається. Everybody likes Tom. Tom likes everyone. З Різдвом, кохана! Merry Christmas, my love! Merry Christmas, my love! Ти хотів сказати саме це? Is that what you wanted to say? Did you mean to say exactly that? Где мне можно сесть? Where can I sit? Where can I sit? Це місто зроблене з дерев'яних замків. This city is made out of wooden castles. This city is made of wooden castles. Вам надо его увидеть. You have to see it. You need to see him. Вы уверены, что Том сможет это сделать? Are you sure Tom can do that? Are you sure Tom can do that? Мені й справді не хочеться їсти зараз. I don't really want anything to eat right now. I really don’t want to eat right now. Том веде щоденник. Tom keeps a diary. Tom kept a diary. Королівства були постійно у стані війни. The kingdoms were constantly at war. The kingdoms were constantly at war. Том тебя больше не побеспокоит. Tom won't bother you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. По-моему, они Вам маловаты. I think they're a bit too small for you. I don't think they're good enough for you. Вони сказали, що хочуть купити яхту. They said they want to buy a yacht. They said they wanted to buy a boat. У меня нет причины ему не верить. I've no reason not to believe him. I have no reason not to believe him. Где говорят по-голландски? Where is Dutch spoken? Where do they speak Dutch? Том посвятил книгу Мэри. Tom dedicated the book to Mary. She dedicated the book to Mary. Вони у бібліотеці. They are in the library. They're in the library. Хто хоче млинців? Who wants pancakes? Who wants pancakes? Я випив кави. I drank coffee. I drank coffee. Я боявся, що це може трапитися. I was afraid this might happen. I was afraid it might happen. Фома указал на место на карте. Tom pointed to a spot on the map. Thomas pointed to a spot on the map. Он не придёт в нужную форму к сроку. He will not be fit in time. He won't be in shape by time. «Но я ничего не делал!» — «Он врёт!» "But I didn't do anything!" "He's lying!" "But I didn't do anything!" "He's lying!" Я багатий. I'm wealthy. I'm rich. На днях я ходил в музей. The other day I visited the museum. I went to the museum the other day. «Metroid Prime 3: Corruption» — гэта відэагульная ад Nintendo, якая даступная выключна на Wii. "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" is a videogame by Nintendo sold exclusively for the Wii. "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" is a video game from Nintendo that is available exclusively on Wii. Мой папа - учитель английского языка. My father is a teacher of English. My dad is an English teacher. Як твоє ім'я вимовляється? How do you pronounce your name? How is your name pronounced? Мне нужно купить билет на самолёт до Москвы. I need to buy an airplane ticket for Moscow. I need to buy a plane ticket to Moscow. Кнїжка жовто-кафова. The book is tan. Yellow-coffee book. На нового президента можно положиться, не так ли? The new president can be relied upon, can't he? You can count on a new president, right? Я не могу простить его лени. I can't excuse his laziness. I can't forgive his laziness. "Дождь уже перестал?" - "Ещё нет". "Has it stopped raining yet?" "Not yet". "Is it raining yet?" "Not yet." — Глянь, унь, на катлы вялікія, пад імі заўсёды агонь гарыць. Дзень і ноч наліваю я ў іх з гэтага возера поўна слёз людскіх і грэю, каб высахлі, аж пакуль усё гэта возера не высушу, аж пакуль пара ад іх не падымецца аж да неба!.. ‘Look, there, at the large cauldrons. The fire always burns under them. By day and by night I fill them full of people’s tears from this lake and heat them, so that they dry, until I dry the whole lake, until the steam rises up to the sky!’ - Look, un, at the boilers big, under them is always a fire. Day and night I pour in them from this lake full of tears of men and grey to dry, until all this lake is dried up, until a couple of them rise up to heaven!.. Ми сподівалися, що дощ припиниться до обіду. We had hoped that the rain would stop before noon. We hoped the rain would stop by lunchtime. Эта научная теория является спорной. This scientific theory is controversial. This scientific theory is controversial. Де туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Тюльпан - официальный цветочный символ нашей префектуры. Tulips are our prefecture's official flower. Tulip is the official flower symbol of our prefecture. Завтра выходной. Tomorrow is a holiday. Tomorrow's the day off. Ти виглядаєш збентеженим. You look confused. You look confused. Скільки книг я можу взяти за раз? How many books can I take out at one time? How many books can I take at a time? Чому ти не поснідав? Why haven't you had breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? У тебе дуже гострий слух. You have very acute hearing. You have a very sharp ear. Скажите мне откровенно. Tell me frankly. Tell me honestly. Это была просто отговорка. That was just an excuse. It was just an excuse. Я не ел шесть дней. I didn't eat anything for six days. I haven't eaten in six days. То було возбудзуюце. It was a thrill. It was exciting. Я сдал тест по французскому. I passed my French test. I took a French test. Трохи кави? Have some coffee? A little coffee? Соціопати так багато брешуть. Sociopaths lie so much. Sociologists lie so much. Вы когда-нибудь видели, как Том танцует? Have you ever seen Tom dance before? Have you ever seen Tom dance? Вам нравится Ваше имя? Do you like your name? Do you like your name? Это не даёт мне заснуть по ночам. It keeps me up at night. It keeps me awake at night. Яна заплятала свае валасы ў косы. She wore her hair in plaits. She stuck her hair in her braid. Щастя не в тому, щоб володіти багатьма речами. Happiness does not consist only in having many things. Happiness is not about owning a lot of things. Как, по-твоему, Том нас нашёл? How do you think Tom found us? How do you think Tom found us? Він загубив свій квиток в кіно. He lost his movie ticket. He lost his ticket to the movies. Я попросила Кена допомогти. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken for help. Здание было полностью разрушено. The building was completely destroyed. The building was completely destroyed. У мяне было некалькі вольных гадзін, таму я села пад дрэвам і пачытала кніжку. I had a few hours free, so I sat under a tree and read a book. I had a few free hours, so I sat down under the tree and read the book. Ты неверно понял предложение. You misunderstood the sentence. You misunderstood the offer. Ти любиш кокосову воду? Do you like coconut water? Do you like coconut water? Малоймовірно, що Том забуде, як це робиться. Tom is unlikely to forget how to do that. It is unlikely that Tom will forget how to do it. Я сразу сказал "нет". I immediately said no. I immediately said no. Ти, здається, розумна. You seem intelligent. You seem smart. Он спросил у Мэри, где собака. He asked Mary where the dog was. He asked Mary where the dog was. Он знает о своих недостатках. He's aware of his own faults. He knows his weaknesses. Він у мене в кишені. It's in my pocket. He's in my pocket. Боже мій! Яка гарна дупа! Goodness me! What a beautiful arse! Oh, my God, what a beautiful ass! Если лёд нагреть, он растает. If you heat ice, it melts. If the ice is warmed, it melts. У вас разве нет ключа? Don't you have a key? Don't you have the key? Том Мэри сказал, а Джону нет. Tom told Mary, but he didn't tell John. Tom Mary said, but John didn't. Хотите, я отвезу вас в аэропорт? Do you want me to drive you to the airport? Do you want me to take you to the airport? Том отключил будильник и снова уснул. Tom turned off his alarm and went back to sleep. Tom turned off the alarm and fell asleep again. Том спал? Was Tom asleep? Did Tom sleep? Они бегут. They are running. They're running. Я ніколи не куштував тайських страв. I've never eaten Thai food. I've never eaten Thai food. Угадай, на каком языке я говорю. Guess what language I'm speaking. Guess what language I speak. Згодна з точкай зору прыдзірлівых мадэратараў, тое, што не з'яўляецца сказамі, уяўляе сабой смяротную пагрозу для праэкту Tatoeba. According to pernickety moderators, non-sentences constitute a mortal danger to Tatoeba. According to the point of view of the ghostly moderators, what is not a sentence constitutes a mortal threat to the Tatoeba project. Толку от неё было немного. She wasn't much help. She wasn't much of a fan. Ви не несете відповідальності за смерть Тома. You aren't responsible for Tom's death. You're not responsible for Tom's death. Королева – сильнейшая фигура. За ней идёт ладья. Конь и офицер ценятся примерно одинаково. Пешка имеет наименьшую относительную ценность. The queen is the most powerful piece. Second to the queen is the rook. The bishop and the knight have approximately the same value. The pawn has the lowest relative value. The queen is the strongest figure. She is followed by rooks. The horse and the officer are valued about equally. The pawn has the least relative value. Скільки разів я повинен казати вам не їсти цукерки перед вечерею? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy before dinner? How many times should I tell you not to eat candy before dinner? Я поїду з тобою. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Ты правда думаешь, что Том вам поможет? Do you really think Tom will help you? You really think Tom's gonna help you? На щастя, ніхто не постраждав. Luckily nobody got injured. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Завтра буде гірше. It will be worse tomorrow. Tomorrow will be worse. Это я и хочу выяснить. That's what I want to find out. That's what I want to find out. Обережно. Вона ще гаряча. Be careful. It's still warm. Careful, it's still hot. Их встреча была неизбежна. Their meeting was inevitable. Their meeting was inevitable. Какой смысл в жизни, если мы все в конце концов умрем? What's the point of life if we all eventually die? What's the point in life if we all end up dead? Я сказав правду. I told the truth. I told the truth. Почему она такая худая? Why is she so thin? Why is she so thin? Я опоздал на работу, потому что забыл поставить будильник. I was late for work because I forgot to set my alarm. I was late for work because I forgot to set the alarm. Пожалуйста, не забывайте делать уроки. Please, don't forget to do the homework. Please don’t forget to take lessons. Ми атеїсти. We're atheists. We are atheists. Мы баскетбалісткі. We are basketball players. We're basketball players. Тобі варто пожаліти бідне дитя... У нього немає навіть домівки. You should take pity on the poor child... He doesn't even have a home. You should pity the poor child... he does not even have a home. Том относился ко мне как к брату. Tom treated me like a brother. Tom treated me like a brother. Чому поїзд затримується? Why is the train delayed? Why is the train delayed? Том не похож ни на одного из своих родителей. Tom doesn't look like either of his parents. Tom is not like any of his parents. То, что я выбрасываю в мусорное ведро, больше не пригодится. The things that I put in the trash can aren't useful anymore. What I throw in the trash won't be useful anymore. Ви це знали You knew it. You knew that. Я бачила його на сходах. I saw him on the stairs. I saw him on the stairs. Мои пальцы оставили на стекле отпечатки. My fingers left marks on the glass. My fingers left prints on the glass. Фільм починається. The film's starting. The film begins. Решайте, сколько вы хотите. Decide how much you want. Decide how much you want. Я едва успел на поезд. I barely made the train. I barely got on the train. Том услышал звук смыва бачка в туалете. Tom heard the toilet being flushed. Tom heard the sound of a flushing tank in the toilet. Мене дуже цікавить вивчення французької. I'm very interested in learning French. I am very interested in learning French. Вам следует перезагрузить модем. You should reset the modem. You should restart the modem. Том не мог скрыть тревогу. Tom couldn't hide his concern. Tom couldn't hide the alarm. Я преподаю ей голландский язык. I'm teaching her Dutch. I teach her Dutch. У нас достатньо продовольства. We have ample food. We have enough food. Вот поэтому твоё имя последнее в моём списке. That's why your name is last on my list. That's why your name is the last one on my list. Белая пешка на f3, черная пешка на e6, белая пешка на g4, черный ферзь на h4 - мат! В шахматных кругах это в шутку называют «дурацкий мат». White pawn to f3, black pawn to e6, white pawn to g4, black queen to h4 - checkmate! This is jokingly referred to in chess circles as "fool's mate". White pawn on f3, black pawn on e6, white pawn on g4, black queen on h4 - mat! In chess circles, this is jokingly called "foolish mat". Если бы она знала номер её телефона, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her phone number, she could call her. If she knew her phone number, she could have called her. Мы её покрасим. We'll paint it. We'll paint it. У будь-якому разі, це не так вже й важливо. Anyways, that's not that important. Either way, it's not that important. Я знайшла гроші. I found the money. I found the money. Как думаешь, ты не мог бы внести десять долларов на подарок Тому ко дню рождения? Do you think you could pitch in $10 for Tom's birthday present? Do you think you could contribute ten dollars to Tom's birthday present? Побудьте пока у нас. Stay with us for now. Stay with us for now. Ми б хотіли підтвердити бронювання. We'd like to confirm our reservations. We would like to confirm the reservation. Том напрасно рисковал. Tom took some unnecessary risks. Tom risked it in vain. Для тебя я это сделаю с радостью. For you, I'll gladly do it. I'd love to do that for you. Скажи нам, в чём Том был. Tell us what Tom was wearing. Tell us what Tom was into. Ви можете знизити ціну, якщо я придбаю два? Could you knock down the price if I buy two? Can you lower the price if I buy two? Він ніколи не читає газет. He never reads newspapers. He never reads newspapers. Сколько ещё лет Вы будете ездить на этой машине? How many more years will you drive this car? How many more years will you be driving this car? Мое мнение слегка отличается от твоего. My opinion is a little different from yours. My opinion is a little different from yours. Когда ты видел Тома? When did you see Tom? When did you see Tom? Вы сами так часто говорили. You've often said so yourself. You've said it yourself so often. Самі цудоўна правёў час. Sami had a great time. Sami had a wonderful time. Хутчіш, бо не встигнеш на автобус. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Quick, because you can't catch the bus. Тут в неї багато друзів. She has a lot of friends here. She has a lot of friends here. Поскольку была зима, он не выходил на улицу. As long as it was winter, he did not go outdoors. Since it was winter, he did not go outside. Будь ласка, покажіть мені, як це робиться. Please show me how to do that. Please show me how this is done. Да, спасибо. Yes, thank you. Yeah, thanks. Том живёт рядом с железнодорожной станцией. Tom lives near the train station. Tom lives near the train station. Алжир получил помощь от СССР. Algeria got help from the USSR. Algeria received aid from the USSR. Возьми своё пальто. Сегодня холодно. Take your coat. It's cold today. Take your coat, it's cold today. Я её разбил. I broke it. I broke it. Я такий радий, що ми були там. I'm so glad we were there. I'm so glad we were there. Я знаю, что это невозможно. I know it's not possible. I know it's impossible. Тому нужно получить высокооплачиваемую работу. Tom needs to get a high-paying job. You need to get a high-paying job. Он уволил Мэри. He fired Mary. He fired Mary. Том чемпіон. Tom is the champion. Tom is a champion. Скажите ей, что вам нужно. Tell her what you need. Tell her what you need. Не думаю, что кто-то ещё хочет это делать. I don't think that anyone else wants to do that. I don't think anyone else wants to do that. Это могло бы прийтись кстати. That could come in handy. It might come in handy. Я буду дома к половине третьего. I'm going to be home by 2:30. I'll be home by half past three. Позвольте мне проводить вас до дома. Let me accompany you home. Let me walk you home. Вы свечи-то купили? You bought candles, didn't you? Did you buy the candles? Ти не один із нас. You aren't one of us. You're not one of us. Я знайшла ключ, який я шукала. I found the key I had been looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Том сказал, что он дальтоник. Tom said that he was colorblind. Tom says he's colorblind. Ці двері не відкриються. This door won't open. This door will not open. У неї червона кров. Her blood is red. She has red blood. Ты выбрала найлепшая. You have chosen the best. You picked the best one. Мы будем готовы до твоего приезда. We'll be ready by the time you get here. We'll be ready before you get here. Том живёт рядом с автобусной остановкой. Tom lives near a bus stop. Tom lives near the bus stop. Я б хотів стати відомим футболістом. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I want to be a famous football player. Какая тебе разница? Why do you even care? What do you care? Том уже не работает так много, как раньше. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Око за око, зуб за зуб. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Дверь забаррикадирована. The door has been barricaded. The door is barricaded. Почему Том сегодня не пришёл? Why didn't Tom come today? Why didn't Tom come today? По правде говоря, я никогда не говорил по-португальски. To tell the truth, I have never spoken Portuguese. In fact, I never spoke Portuguese. Протрите стол, пожалуйста. Please wipe off the table. Wipe the table, please. Мене вдарили. I got hit. I was hit. Тома було визнано винним та засуджено до смерті. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom was found guilty and sentenced to death. Почему бы нам не продать это Тому? Why don't we sell this to Tom? Why don't we sell it to Tom? Прости, я не могу пойти. Sorry, but I can't go. I'm sorry, I can't go. Одолжи мне свою ручку. Lend me your pen. Lend me your pen. Нармалёва! No problem! Normal! Жінки такі дивні! Women are so weird! Women are so strange! Коли ти підеш до Тома в гості? When are you going to Tom's place? When are you going to visit Tom? Я їбав у рот та дупу твоє місто. Fuck your city. I ate in your mouth and ass your city. Я штомесяца даю табе шмат грошай. I give you plenty of money each month. I give you a lot of money every month. Тебе следует поговорить с Томом. You should speak with Tom. You should talk to Tom. Ты видел мой мобильный? Have you seen my cell phone? Did you see my cell phone? Це виявилося правдою. It turned out to be the truth. It turned out to be true. Мне надоел яблочный сок. I'm sick of drinking apple juice. I'm sick of apple juice. Обезьяна залезла на дерево. The monkey climbed up a tree. The monkey climbed a tree. Том весь день был здесь. Tom was here all day long. Tom was here all day. Я не гарантирую им успех. I'm not guaranteeing them success. I don't guarantee them success. Я недавно поменял зубную пасту. I've recently changed brands of toothpaste. I recently changed my toothpaste. Я тряпка. I'm a wimp. I'm a rag. Почему мы должны страдать? Why should we suffer? Why should we suffer? Я ніколи не їздив до Бостона. I've never gone to Boston. I never went to Boston. Нам потрібно ретельно керувати речами. We need to manage things carefully. We need to manage things carefully. Я в них нуждался. I needed them. I needed them. Том поїде замість тебе. Tom will go in your place. Tom will go instead of you. Ходімо прогуляймося. Come take a walk with me. Let's go for a walk. Я заплатив за все це тридцять доларів. I paid thirty dollars for all of these. I paid thirty dollars for it. Я хочу, чтобы ты извинился перед Томом. I want you to apologize to Tom. I want you to apologize to Tom. Я біженець. I'm a refugee. I'm a refugee. Мені до цього більше немає чого додати. I have nothing else to add to that. I have nothing more to add to that. Давайте нанесём им визит. Let's pay them a visit. Let's pay them a visit. Він знайшов фунт у метро. He found a pound on the underground. He found a pound in the subway. Я такий дурний... Я намагаюся тобі пояснити те, що сам не розумію. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you what I don't understand. Моя машина заглохла посередині перехрестя. My car stalled in the middle of the crossroads. My car's dead in the middle of an intersection. Обновите приложение. Update the app. Update the app. Я купил это почти забесплатно. I bought this for next to nothing. I bought it almost for free. Том самый старший из нас, хотя разница в возрасте не очень велика. Tom isn't much older than the rest of us. Tom is the oldest of us, although the age difference is not very large. Вы с нами? Are you going to go with us? Are you with us? Мы старались всё предусмотреть. We tried to foresee everything. We tried to anticipate everything. У вашому віці вам видніше. At your age you should know better. At your age, you can see better. Яна ў зялёнай сукенцы. She is in a green dress. She's in a green dress. Я не испытываю к ней совсем никаких чувств. I don't have any feelings for her at all. I have no feelings for her at all. Я поїду на машині. I'll take my car. I'll take the car. "Вы когда вернётесь?" - "Всё зависит от погоды". "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." Зараз я міг би померти від щастя. Right now I could die of happiness. Now I could die of happiness. У тебя большой дом. Your house is big. You have a big house. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає після стількох років. I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. Ти не можеш спалити гілки в саду. You can't burn the branches in the garden. You can't burn branches in the garden. Мій учитель каже, що я талановитий учень. My teacher says I'm a talented student. My teacher says I'm a talented student. Покажите Тому свои руки. Show Tom your hands. Show Tom your hands. Я ніколи про це не згадував. I never mentioned it. I never mentioned it. Располагайся. Make yourselves comfortable. All right. Я забыла, як іх завуць. I forgot their names. I forgot how to call them. Пойдзем мы ці не не залежыць ад надвор'я. Whether we go or not depends on the weather. Let's go or don't depend on the weather. Он будет исключён из нашего клуба. That person will be read out of our club. He will be expelled from our club. Том держал нож. Tom was holding a knife. Tom had a knife. Том не дурний. Tom is no fool. Tom's not stupid. Том купив квіти. Tom bought flowers. Tom bought some flowers. Моё мнение отличается от мнения Тома. My opinion is different from Tom's. My opinion is different from Tom’s. Я вільно розмовляю французькою. I'm fluent in French. I speak French fluently. Я не знаю, чем это закончится. I don't know how it'll end. I don't know how this will end. Вона болгарська єврейка. She's a Bulgarian Jew. She is a Bulgarian Jew. Это звучит неестественно. It doesn't sound natural. That sounds unnatural. Что было? What was going on? What happened? Я не неписьменний. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Добавьте оливкового масла. Add some olive oil. Add the olive oil. Том абсолютно ничего не почувствовал. Tom felt absolutely nothing. Tom felt absolutely nothing. Твои родители об этом знают? Do your parents know about this? Does your parents know about this? Если тебе нужны помидоры, иди в овощной отдел. If you want tomatoes, go to the fruit and vegetable section. If you need tomatoes, go to the vegetable department. Эй, я тебя знаю. Hey. I know you. Hey, I know you. Вот мой билет. Here is my ticket. Here's my ticket. Представим, что мы инопланетяне. Let's pretend we're aliens. Let's say we're aliens. Том и Мэри сказали, что не хотят драться. Tom and Mary said that they didn't want to fight. Tom and Mary said they didn't want to fight. Він твій друг? Is he a friend of yours? Is he your friend? Я хотел бы, чтобы они были счастливы. I'd like them to be happy. I wish they were happy. Можете одолжить мне карманный нож? Do you have a pocketknife I can borrow? Can you lend me a pocket knife? После ужина я долго лежал в горячей ванне, а потом лёг спать. After dinner I took a long, hot bath and then went to bed. After dinner, I lay in a hot bath for a long time, and then I went to bed. Кіно починається. The film's starting. The movie begins. Нам лучше сейчас не уходить. We'd better not leave now. We better not leave now. Ты мне мешаешь. You're bothering me. You're bothering me. Вона щойно прибула. She's just arrived. She just arrived. Це буде весело. It'll be fun. It'll be fun. Пойдёшь завтра куда-нибудь? Will you go out tomorrow? Will you go out tomorrow? Давай прервемся на минутку. Let's take a break for a second. Let's take a moment. Это очень странная буква. It's a very strange letter. It's a very strange letter. Я шпацыраваў з сваім братам. I was taking a walk with my brother. I was spying with my brother. Вы меня подвели. You let me down. You let me down. Он заплатил ему четыре доллара. He paid him four dollars. He paid him four dollars. Яких комах ти їв? What insects have you eaten? What kind of insects did you eat? Тебе нельзя здесь оставаться. You can't stay here. You can't stay here. Мы взяли напрокат каноэ. We rented a canoe. We rented a canoe. Церква знаходиться біля підніжжя гори. The church is at the foot of a mountain. The church is at the foot of the mountain. Том был главным подозреваемым. Tom was the main suspect. Tom was the prime suspect. Ти коли-небудь дивишся фільми французькою? Do you ever watch movies in French? Have you ever watched a French movie? Том купує газету по дорозі на роботу. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys a newspaper on the way to work. Ты не мог бы показать мне, как этим пользоваться? Could you show me how to use this? Can you show me how to use this? Том принял православие. Tom converted to Orthodoxy. Tom accepted Orthodoxy. Пора учить русский. It's time to learn Russian. It's time to learn Russian. Весела Мері, виходь за мене. Merry Mary, marry me. Merry Mary, marry me. Они преподают мне голландский язык. They are teaching me Dutch. They teach me Dutch. Не пускайте всё на самотёк. Don't leave everything to chance. Don't let it go on its own. Я не хвастаюсь. I'm not bragging. I'm not bragging. На строительство моего дома ушло почти три года. It took close to three years to build my house. It took me almost three years to build my house. Мы уже об этом говорили. We've talked about it before. We've already talked about it. Все, що мені потрібно знати, так це те, що з тобою все гаразд. All I need to know is that you're OK. All I need to know is that you're okay. На входе нам следует снимать обувь. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We should take off our shoes at the entrance. А що, якщо Том не має рації? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom is not right? Я разберусь с твоими делами. I've got you covered. I'll handle your business. В библиотеке нет ни одной книги на французском. There aren't any books in French in the library. There are no books in French in the library. Том - наш новый учитель. Tom is our new teacher. Tom is our new teacher. Здесь есть кто-нибудь, с кем я мог бы об этом поговорить? Is there anybody here I could talk to about that? Is there anyone I can talk to about this? Ты очень наивен. You're very gullible. You're very naive. Ты п'еш зялёную гарбату? Do you drink green tea? Are you drinking green tea? Я американка. I am an American. I'm American. Не люблю, как звучит мой голос. I don't like how my voice sounds. I don't like the sound of my voice. Тебе было легко это сделать? Was it easy for you to do that? Was it easy for you? Выведенное пятно всё-таки оставило след на юбке. The stain that was removed was still visible on the skirt. The resulting stain still left a mark on the skirt. Не думаю, що Тома буде відсутній. I don't think Tom will be absent. I don't think Tom will be absent. Вони зі Швеції. They come from Sweden. They are from Sweden. Нет, я этого не сделал. No, I didn't do that. No, I didn't. Я правда не думаю, что вы бы поняли. I really don't think that you'd understand. I really don't think you'd understand. Вы Тому сказали? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? Я сказав Тому, щоб він говорив французькою. I told Tom to speak French. I told him to speak French. Никто из тех, кого я знаю, не доверяет Тому. No one that I know trusts Tom. No one I know trusts Tom. Мері піклується про себе. Mary takes care of herself. Mary takes care of herself. Чому вона хотіла поговорити зі мною? Why did she want to speak to me? Why did she want to talk to me? Вы не против, если я задам вам несколько вопросов медицинского характера? Is it OK if I ask you a few medical questions? Do you mind if I ask you a few medical questions? Вам потрібна машина? Do you need a car? Do you need a car? Ви дійсно спробували. You did try. You really tried. Чому б нам не вдати з себе піратів? Why don't we pretend that we're pirates? Why don't we pretend to be pirates? Паниковать бесполезно. Panicking won't help. Panic is useless. 2539 — просте число. 2539 is a prime number. 2539 is a prime number. К чёрту весь мир! Fuck the universe. To hell with the world! Кто президент этой страны? Who's the president of this country? Who is the president of this country? Рафаэль Лейтау отмечает, что введение шахмат в бразильские школы является положительным фактом, но он считает, что мы все еще далеки от минимально приемлемого уровня, позволяющего получать стабильный доход в качестве профессионального шахматиста. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leitau notes that the introduction of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level that allows us to receive a stable income as a professional chess player. Обмеження швидкості немає. There's no speed limit. There is no speed limit. Марк має більше грошей, ніж ти. Mark has more money than you. Mark has more money than you. Я часто попадаю в халепу. I'm often in trouble. I often get into trouble. У Мері довге волосся. Mary has long hair. Mary has long hair. Том завжди себе так поводить? Does Tom always behave like that? Does Tom always do that? Я знаю, что ты что-то скрываешь. I know you're hiding something. I know you're hiding something. Вони залишили мене самого з Томом. They left me there alone with Tom. They left me alone with Tom. Тома забезпечують батьки. Tom is dependent on his parents. Tom is provided by his parents. Дакладчыца з Малайзіі. The speaker is from Malaysia. A reporter from Malaysia. Я уверена, ты сможешь справиться с работой. I'm sure you'll be able to do the job. I'm sure you can handle the job. Наш класс стал больше. Our class has gotten bigger. Our class is bigger. Сегодня был чудесный день. Today was a wonderful day. Today was a wonderful day. Не беспокойся об этом. Do not worry about it! Don't worry about it. Говорят, что предел, которого может достигнуть ELO шахматиста, составляет 3000. До сегодняшнего дня действующий чемпион мира Магнус Карлсен достиг 2882 балла. It is said that the limit that a chess player's ELO can reach is 3000. Until today, the maximum reached was 2882, by the current world champion Magnus Carlsen. It is said that the limit that the ELO chess player can reach is 3000. To date, the current world champion Magnus Carlsen has reached 2882 points. Дельфіни не мають зябрів. Dolphins don't have gills. Dolphins don't have zebras. Ти можеш годувати котів і прибирати їх туалети поки нас не буде? Can you feed the cats and clean the litter boxes while we're away? Can you feed the cats and clean their toilets while we're gone? У нас было няшмат часу на пакупкі. We didn't have much time to do some shopping. We didn't have much time to buy. Смотри ушами. See with your ears. Look with your ears. Они за вами наблюдают. They're watching you. They're watching you. Он на чердаке. It's in the attic. He's in the attic. Рождество празднуется двадцать пятого декабря. Christmas is celebrated on December twenty-fifth. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. Она нам сейчас не нужна. We don't need it now. We don't need her right now. Я думала, ви допоможете. I thought that you were going to help. I thought you'd help. Две тысячи тринадцатый - год, который я никогда не забуду. 2013 is a year that I'll never forget. Two thousand and thirteen is a year I will never forget. Можно мне чего-нибудь поесть? May I eat something? Can I eat something? Нехай він зачекає! Let him wait! Let him wait! Вот счёт. Here's the bill. Here's the bill. Всякое обобщение опасно, особенно такое. Every generalization is dangerous, especially this one. Any generalization is dangerous, especially this one. Нам надо поговорить с ней. We should talk to her. We need to talk to her. Тут когда-то была почта. There used to be a post office here. There was a post office once. Том п'є не горілку. Він п'є вино. Tom isn't drinking vodka. He's drinking wine. Tom doesn't drink vodka. He drinks wine. Постарайтесь опять не заблудиться. Try not to get lost again. Try not to get lost again. Ці цуценята народилися три місяці тому. These puppies were born three months ago. These puppies were born three months ago. Це не твій записник, а Тома. That isn't your notebook. It's Tom's. It's not your notebook, it's Tom's. В этом году было ужасно жарко. This year has been terribly hot. It was terribly hot this year. Тебе нравится смотреть баскетбол по телевидению? Do you like to watch basketball on TV? Do you like watching basketball on television? Ты действительно думаешь, что я могу летать? You really think I can fly? Do you really think I can fly? Я такі дурны... Я спрабую растлумачыць табе рэчы, якія сам не разумею. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid...I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. Том не сказал, когда здесь будет. Tom didn't say when he'd be here. Tom didn't say when he'd be here. Отец Тома был героем войны. Tom's father was a war hero. Tom's father was a war hero. Я оказался быстрее. I was faster. I turned out to be faster. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was much more difficult than I thought it would be. Doing so was much harder than it seemed. Мне плевать, если все мои старания бесполезны. Я всё равно попробую. I don't care if my best sucks. I'm doing it anyway. I don't care if all my efforts are useless. Що відбувається? What's going on? What's going on? Том говорил, когда приедет? Did Tom say when he'd be arriving? Did Tom say when he was coming? Возьмите другую, если хотите. Take the other one if you want. Take another one if you want. Том-человек, которого мы все уважаем. Tom is a man we all respect. Tom is a man we all respect. Мені подобається викладати. I like teaching. I like to teach. Мы знаем про неё. We know about her. We know about her. Существуют универсальные законы морали. There are universal moral laws. There are universal moral laws. Я тебя прикрыл. I've got you covered. I got you covered. Я сегодня утром наткнулся в супермаркете на Тома. I ran into Tom this morning at the supermarket. I ran into Tom at the supermarket this morning. Сподіваюся, вона вам сподобається. I hope you like it. I hope you like her. Кровать очень удобная. The bed is very comfortable. The bed is comfortable. На третьем этаже есть кафе. There's a café on the third floor. There is a cafe on the third floor. Она всегда рано встаёт. She always gets up early. She always gets up early. Ви можете відмовитись, якщо хочете. You can opt-out if you like. You can refuse if you want. Твоё мнение о Томе изменилось? Has your opinion of Tom changed? Have you changed your mind about Tom? Какой вид пиццы ты любишь больше всего? What's your favorite type of pizza? What kind of pizza do you like the most? Я получаю достаточно. I'm paid enough. I get enough. Я была поражена тем, какой он красивый. I was startled by how handsome he was. I was amazed at how beautiful he was. Я приймаю твою пропозицію. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Мы продали наш дом в Бостоне. We sold our house in Boston. We sold our house in Boston. Вы правда думаете, что Том вам помог бы? Do you really think Tom would help you? Do you really think Tom would help you? Вы хотите, чтобы мы ей рассказали? Do you want us to tell her? You want us to tell her? Как ты переведёшь это предложение на английский? How do you translate this sentence in English? How do you translate this sentence into English? Що буде, якщо я натисну цю кнопку? What happens if I press this button? What happens if I press this button? "Где её книга?" - "На столе". "Where is her book?" "It's on the table." "Where's her book?" "On the table." Тому не нужно этого знать. Tom doesn't need to know this. Tom doesn't need to know that. Том має дві подружки. Tom has two girlfriends. Tom has two girlfriends. Я знал, что Том вряд ли проиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to lose. I knew Tom wouldn't lose. Мы продали Тому одну из наших машин. We sold one of our cars to Tom. We sold Tom one of our cars. Не думаю, что я предвзят. I don't think I'm biased. I don't think I'm biased. Том не знає, де зараз Мері. Tom doesn't know where Mary is now. Tom doesn't know where Mary is. Я би дуже хотів заспівати з вашим гуртом. I would love to sing with your band. I would love to sing with your band. Я не хочу пить ваш чай. I do not want to drink your tea. I don't want to drink your tea. Не думаю, что Том - инопланетянин. I don't think Tom is an alien. I don't think Tom's an alien. Тому обязательно делать это сейчас? Does Tom have to do that now? Does Tom have to do it now? Я не знаю, кто будет на собрании. I don't know who's going to be at the meeting. I don't know who's gonna be at the meeting. Том никогда не поймёт. Tom will never understand. Tom will never understand. В холодильнике есть йогурт. There's yogurt in the refrigerator. There's yogurt in the fridge. Мне за это не платят. I don't get paid to do this. I don't get paid for it. Том меня утомил. I'm tired of Tom. Tom's tired of me. Ти повинен бути собою. You've got to be yourself. You have to be yourself. Та же фигня. The same old problem. It's the same stuff. Нє, то нє мачка. No, it is not a cat. No, that's the mother. Вам потрібно бути терплячішим. You need to be more patient. You need to be patient. На нас в любой момент могут напасть. We could be under attack at any time. We could be attacked at any time. Почему среди людей так много ксенофобов? Why are so many people xenophobic? Why are there so many xenophobic people? Мені потрібно знайти їх зараз. I need to find them now. I need to find them now. Кажуть, подорожі розширюють кругозір. They say travel broadens the mind. They say travel broadens your horizons. Том попал в очень серьёзную аварию. Tom had a very serious accident. Tom was in a very serious accident. Ти любиш дивитися порнографічні фільми? Do you like watching porn movies? Do you like to watch pornographic films? Вот ваш учебник французского. Here's your French textbook. Here's your French textbook. Персики пушисты. Peaches are fuzzy. Peaches are fluffy. Бомба была успешно обезврежена. The bomb was successfully defused. The bomb was successfully defused. Я на них не нападал. I didn't attack them. I didn't attack them. Ты не совсем правильно держишь нож. You're not holding your knife quite right. You're not holding the knife right. Я ужасно голодный. I am terribly hungry. I'm terribly hungry. Ти виглядаєш здивованим. You look surprised. You look surprised. Я не считаю тебя столь самоотверженным. I didn’t take you for such a selfless person. I don't think you're that selfless. Чаго вы ад мяне хочаце? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Я бісексуал. I'm bisexual. I'm bisexual. Кому ты это продашь? Who are you going to sell this to? Who are you selling this to? Сепаратисти шпигують за всіма. The separatists are spying on everyone. The separatists are spying on everyone. Я не собираюсь говорить Тому. I'm not going to tell Tom. I'm not gonna tell Tom. Хоча, насправді, таке рідко буває. That's very rare, though. Although, in fact, this rarely happens. Яго жыццё мяне не цікавіла. I was not interested in his life. His life didn't interest me. Том сегодня в хорошем настроении. Tom is in a good mood today. Tom is in a good mood today. Что это за фильм? Популярный? What kind of movie is it? Is it popular? What kind of movie is this? Почему Том позволил Мэри это сделать? Why did Tom let Mary do that? Why did Tom let Mary do it? Том не любит оливки. Tom doesn't like olives. Tom doesn't like olives. Що було всередині? What was inside? What was inside? Янні зрозумів, що щось було дійсно неправильним. Yanni realized that something was really wrong. Janny realized that something was really wrong. Побудь с Томом, пока я не вернусь. Stay with Tom until I get back. Stay with Tom until I get back. Вам повезло, что у Вас такая хорошая работа. You're lucky to have such a good job. You are lucky to have such a good job. Том играл с Марией в кошки-мышки. Tom played cat and mouse with Mary. Tom played cat-and-mouse with Maria. На Рождество Том и Мэри подарили своему внуку велосипед. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Tom and Mary gave their grandson a bicycle. Я вельмі ўдзячны за тваю параду. I am very grateful to you for your advice. I'm very grateful for your advice. Мне нужно поторопиться на станцию, чтобы успеть на последний поезд. I've got to hurry to the station to get the last train. I need to get to the station to catch the last train. Думаю, ты мог бы это сделать. I think you could do that. I think you could do that. Мері ж не йде? Mary isn't leaving, is she? Mary's not coming, is she? Це класні кросівки. Those trainers are lush. They're cool sneakers. Я жил в детстве в этом доме. I lived in this house as a kid. I lived in this house as a child. Як ти витратила гроші, які я тобі дав? How did you spend the money that I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? Купіть мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Buy me a new Shakira CD, please. У меня сегодня только один урок. I've only got one lesson today. I only have one lesson today. Дети поют вокруг костра. The children are singing around the campfire. The children sing around the fire. Не все они канадцы. Not all of them are Canadians. They are not all Canadians. Я чудесно провёл время. I had a wonderful time. I had a great time. Я хожу в одну школу с Томом. I go to the same school as Tom. I go to school with Tom. У меня нет от вас секретов. I've got no secrets from you. I have no secrets from you. Кішки — це мости між вимірами. Cats are the bridges between dimensions. Cats are bridges between dimensions. Том проспав? Did Tom oversleep? Did Tom sleep? Я от него сто лет никаких известий не получал. I haven't heard from him for ages. I haven't heard from him in a hundred years. Рекс — німецька вівчарка. Rex is a German shepherd. Rex is a German Shepherd. Дзе прыбіральня? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Ти така бридка. You're so gross. You're so mean. Він уже охолов? Has it cooled off yet? Is he already cold? Це відбувається вже кілька годин. It's been happening for several hours. It's been happening for hours. Том сбежал из тюрьмы через тоннель. Tom escaped from jail through a tunnel. Tom escaped from prison through a tunnel. Ви знаєте, як зробити салат із сирої риби? Do you know how to make a raw fish salad? Do you know how to make a salad from raw fish? Она покинула Бостон. She left Boston. She left Boston. Первой жертвой был Том. The first victim was Tom. The first victim was Tom. Это полностью твой выбор. The choice is entirely yours. It's entirely your choice. Рідше бачиш, більше любиш. Good fences make good neighbors. You see, you love more. Я делаю успехи. I'm making progress. I'm making progress. Мы с ним дружим. I'm friends with him. He and I are friends. Давайте возьмём напрокат лодку? Let's rent a boat. Let's rent a boat? Говори что хочешь. Say whatever you want to. Say what you want. Вам треба було повернути праворуч. You should've turned right. You had to turn right. Мне с трудом даются падежи. I have a hard time dealing with cases. I have a hard time getting things done. Ви надаєте перевагу мідіям чи устрицям? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Он пытался её спасти. He tried to save her. He was trying to save her. Может, нам стоит поменяться работами. Maybe we should switch jobs. Maybe we should switch jobs. Его любовь ко мне не имеет границ. His love for me is limitless. His love for me has no limits. Выслушав исповедь Тома, священник прочитал над ним молитву об отпущении грехов. The priest read the prayers of absolution over Tom after hearing his confession. After listening to Tom’s confession, the priest recited a prayer over him to absolve him of his sins. Ваша собака выглядит голодной. Your dog looks hungry. Your dog looks hungry. Почему кофеин помогает при головной боли? Why does caffeine help headaches? Why does caffeine help with headaches? Том довольно робкий человек. Tom is quite a shy person. Tom is a pretty timid man. Том вынул пузырёк с таблетками из кармана. Tom took a bottle of pills out of his pocket. Tom took the pill bottle out of his pocket. Я мусив піти особисто. I had to go myself. I had to go in person. Я знаю, що Том дуже добре грає у футбол. I know that Tom is a very good football player. I know that Tom plays football very well. Предложение будет действительно в течение тридцати дней. The offer will be valid for thirty days. The offer will be valid for thirty days. Гэта надта дорага! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Я заинтригован не меньше вас. I'm as intrigued as you are. I'm just as intrigued as you are. Я никогда прямо не говорил, что она украла мои деньги. I never said she stole my money. I never said she stole my money. «Эх, здесь у вас так скучно». — «Мальчик мой, к этому миру стремятся все...» — «Вот и я! Ваше величество, Гэнон и его прислужники захватили остров Коридай». — «Хм-м. Чем мы можем...» — «Как написано, лишь Линк может одолеть Гэнона». — «Так чем мы можем..» — «Здорово! Я захвачу свой меч!» — «Меча нет». — «А?» — «Меча нет!» — «...» — «Вот топор с черепом». — «Нет». — «Как насчёт "ах, батюшки"-копья?» — «Нет». — «Как насчёт дымных бомб?» — «Нет». — «Ну чёрт возьми, а как тебе этот пистолет?» — «Да!» "Gee, it sure is boring around here." "My boy, this peace is what all—" "Here I come! Your Majesty, Ganon and his minions have seized the island of Koridai." "Hmm. How can we—" "It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon." "So how can we—" "Great! I'll grab my sword!" "There is no sword." "Huh?" "There is no sword!" "..." "Here is a skull axe." "No." "How about an oh-my-goodness spear?" "No." "How about smoke bombs?" "No." "Well damn, how about this pistol?" "Yeah!" “Oh, we’re not so boring here.” “My boy, everyone is trying to get a gun to this world...” “Here I am! Your Majesty, Ganon and his servants have captured the island of Koridai.” “Hmm. What can we do?” “How is it written, only Link can defeat Ganon.” “How can we get our sword?” “How can we get our sword?” Голос человека зарождается в гортани. The human voice is produced by the larynx. The voice of a man is born in the larynx. Инфекция попала в кровь. The infection has reached the bloodstream. The infection got into the blood. Оно будет готово прямо сейчас. It'll be ready right away. It will be ready right now. Я бы хотел поговорить с прорабом. I'd like to talk to the foreman. I'd like to talk to the foreman. Том всех нас предал. Tom betrayed us all. Tom betrayed us all. Том сжигает в своей печи как дерево, так и уголь. Tom burns both wood and coal in his stove. Tom burns both wood and coal in his furnace. Я хожу в школу с ним. I go to school with him. I go to school with him. Пожалуйста, накажи его. Please punish him. Please punish him. Почему не все мы поем? Why aren't all of us singing? Why don't we all eat? Том может говорить по-французки не хуже Мэри. Tom can speak French as well as Mary. Tom can speak French no worse than Mary. Какие вещи тебя больше всего раздражают? What kind of things bother you the most? What are the things that annoy you the most? Його промова була одним з тих моментів, що вразили мене. His speech was one of the moments that impressed me. His speech was one of those moments that impressed me. Обычно я мирный человек. Но трудно представить, на что я способен, когда под угрозой находится моя семья. Normally, I'm a very peaceful man. But if my family is threatened, there's no telling what I'll do. I'm usually a peaceful person, but it's hard to imagine what I can do when my family is at risk. Не турбуйся пра гэта. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Вы нашли кого-нибудь, кто мог бы заменить Тома? Did you find somebody to replace Tom? Did you find anyone to replace Tom? Я бы хотел вернуться в Токио через Гонолулу. I'd like to return to Tokyo via Honolulu. I'd like to go back to Tokyo via Honolulu. Моя мрія - бути лікарем. My dream is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. Почему бы нам не пойти пообедать? Why don't we go have lunch? Why don't we go to lunch? Что случилось с его лицом? What happened to his face? What happened to his face? Кто тебе сказал, что ты можешь это сделать? Who said you could do this? Who told you you could do this? У вас гарне місто. Your city is beautiful. You have a beautiful city. Не роби цього! Don't do it! Don't do this! Чем твой отец зарабатывает на жизнь? What does your father do for a living? What does your father do for a living? В Бостоне сейчас дождь? Is it raining in Boston? Is it raining in Boston? Том очень глупый человек. Tom is a very silly person. Tom is a very stupid man. Цю коробку доволі легко нести. This box is light enough to carry. This box is easy to carry. Хто запанікував? Who panicked? Who panicked? Не розбий дзеркало. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. Мы не так много знаем о Томе. We don't know much about Tom. We don't know much about Tom. Ён сябра гольф-клуба. He's a member of the golf club. He's a friend of the golf club. У них были одинаковые фамилии. They had the same last name. They had the same names. Я говорю с тобой как друг. I'm talking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a friend. Я правда очень хотел бы с тобой поехать, но не могу. I really wish I could go with you, but I can't. I'd really like to come with you, but I can't. Нам все ще слід це робити? Do we have to do this anymore? Do we still have to do this? Вы же мне потом скажете? You'll tell me later, won't you? You'll tell me later, won't you? Том не принимал лекарства. Tom didn't take his medication. Tom didn't take any medication. Думаю, всё идёт хорошо. I think it's going well. I think it's going well. Майя рабілі сваі мячы з гумы. The Mayas made their balls out of rubber. The Maya made their balls out of rubber. Чому ти повернувся сьогодні додому? Why did you return home today? Why did you come home today? В жаркую погоду водоем пересыхает. The pond dries up in hot weather. In hot weather, the pond dries up. Возьмите мои очки. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Не знаю, чому я повинен чогось навчитися у Тома. I don't know why I should learn anything from Tom. I don't know why I have to learn from Tom. Том хочет выучить сербский. Tom wants to learn Serbian. Tom wants to learn Serbian. Давай сначала обсудим это с Томом. Let's discuss this with Tom first. Let's talk about it with Tom first. Я не знал, что Тому нужна помощь. I didn't know that Tom needed help. I didn't know Tom needed help. Я його зруйнував. I ruined it. I ruined it. Скажи ей, что я над ней прикалываюсь. Tell her that I am joking with her. Tell her I'm messing with her. Та людина, що мені допомогла, — це Том. Tom is the person who helped me. The person who helped me is Tom. У нас гости. We have some houseguests. We have guests. Ты ведаеш, хто разбіў шыбу? Who do you think broke the window? You know who broke the shack? Легко забути, що мікрофон увімкнено. It's easy to forget that the microphone is on. It is easy to forget that the microphone is turned on. Я принял это за шутку и не ответил. I took it as a joke and did not answer. I took it as a joke and did not answer. Добро пожаловать на Зильт! Welcome to Sylt! Welcome to Silt! Молитву не з'їсти. You can't eat prayer. Don't eat the prayer. Том вернулся в гараж. Tom went back to the garage. Tom's back in the garage. Мне нравится его слушать. I like listening to him. I like to listen to him. Я думаў, вам спадабаецца мой гальштук. I thought you'd like my tie. I thought you liked my tie. Том тоже был в машине. Tom was in the car as well. Tom was in the car too. Ты сегодня, случайно, не видел Тома? Have you seen Tom today by any chance? Did you happen to see Tom today? Один из тех мужчин — Том. One of those men is Tom. One of those guys is Tom. Прекратите вести себя как ребёнок! Stop acting like a baby. Stop acting like a child! Я попросил Тома перестать звонить мне так поздно ночью. I've asked Tom to stop calling me so late at night. I asked Tom to stop calling me so late at night. Мені подобається товариство Тома. I enjoy Tom's company. I like Tom's company. Він підписав чек. He signed the check. He signed the check. Банани смачні. A banana is delicious. Bananas are delicious. Чего я боюсь? Ничего. What am I afraid of? Nothing. What am I afraid of? Ми не знайдемо Тома. We're not going to find Tom. We can't find Tom. Сама кашы наварыла, сама і еш. You must reap what you have sown. The porridge itself is cooked, by itself and eat. Сомалийский — кушитский язык. Somali is a Cushitic language. Somali is a Kushit language. Почему бы нам не снизить темп? Why don't we slow down? Why don't we slow down? Дзе яблуко? Where is the apple? Where's the apple? Она сказала, что простудилась. She said she had a cold. She said she had a cold. Какой долгий полёт! What a long flight! What a long flight! Іх сабака быў такі злы, што ўсіх адпуджваў. Their dog was so fierce that he kept everyone away. Their dog was so angry that he scared everyone off. Мені шкода, що я зруйнував твоє весілля. I'm sorry I ruined your wedding. I'm sorry I ruined your wedding. Том вообще не пьёт зелёный чай. Tom never drinks green tea. Tom doesn't drink green tea at all. Я устал постоянно в себе сомневаться. I'm tired of constantly questioning myself. I’m tired of constantly doubting myself. Нам спекотно. We're hot. We're hot. Какой дорогой мне следует идти? Which way should I go? Which way should I go? Том поскользнулся на банановой шкурке. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Tom slipped on a banana skin. Він визнав свою провину. He admitted that he was guilty. He admitted his guilt. Он ходит в школу для глухих. He goes to a school for the deaf. He goes to school for the deaf. Я хочу присоединиться к тебе. I want to join you. I want to join you. По-моему, они Вам маловаты. I think they're a bit small for you. I don't think they're good enough for you. Авария чуть не стоила ему жизни. The accident almost cost him his life. The accident almost cost him his life. Мері викладає мистецтво. Mary teaches art. Mary teaches art. Я не їм яловичину. I don't eat beef. I don't eat beef. Том не прочёл полученное от Мэри письмо. Tom didn't read the letter that he received from Mary. Tom didn't read the letter he received from Mary. Караван из пятидесяти верблюдов неторопливо двигался по пустыне. A caravan of fifty camels slowly made its way through the desert. A caravan of fifty camels moved slowly through the desert. Хто лишився? Who stayed? Who's left? Не запирай дверь. Don't lock the door. Don't lock the door. Вы могли бы ему просто сказать. You could've just told him. You could just tell him. Прошлой зимой я ездил в Канаду кататься на лыжах. I went skiing in Canada last winter. Last winter I went to Canada to ski. Я чула, як він спустився вниз по сходах. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him go down the stairs. Мы все были против плана. We were all against the plan. We were all against the plan. Він зробив це, бо не мав вибору. He only did it because he had to. He did it because he had no choice. На это никто не жаловался. No one complained about that. No one complained about it. Ми завжди справджуємо свої обіцянки. We always keep our promises. We always keep our promises. Идите у отца спросите. Go ask your father. Ask your father. Ты должен её остановить. You have to stop her. You have to stop her. Де телефон? Where's the phone? Where's the phone? Том рассказал нам красивую историю. Tom told us a beautiful story. Tom told us a beautiful story. Расположенная на холме, церковь открывает взору прекрасный вид. Standing as it does on a hill, the church commands a fine view. Located on a hill, the church offers a beautiful view. Держите руки на руле. Keep your hands on the wheel. Keep your hands on the wheel. Сідай. Take a seat. Sit down. Я повернуся о шостій тридцять. I'll return at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. Сью - американська студентка. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. Если ты ей не скажешь, я скажу. If you don't tell her, I will. If you don't tell her, I will. Сколько мы будем этим заниматься? How long will we be doing this? How long are we gonna do this? Минулого понеділка я купила новий комп'ютер. Last Monday, I bought a new computer. Last Monday I bought a new computer. Я знаю, що ви не така. I know that you're not like that. I know you're not. Котрий з собак - ваш? Which dog is yours? Which dog is yours? Навошта табе адвёртка? Why do you need a screwdriver? Why do you need a screwdriver? Том бросил камушек в окно спальни Мэри. Tom threw a pebble at Mary's bedroom window. Tom threw a pebble into Mary's bedroom window. Якщо змішати три первинні кольори, то вийде чорний. Mixture of the three primary colors creates black. If you mix the three primary colors, you get black. Она покрасила дверь в красный. She has painted the door red. She painted the door red. Не знаю, звідки він прийшов. I don't know where he came from. I don't know where he came from. Том пішов побачитися з Мері. Tom went to see Mary. Tom went to see Mary. Том сказал мне, что его мать никогда не любила его. Tom told me that his mother never loved him. Tom told me his mother never loved him. Том розпочав вивчати французьку. Tom has begun studying French. Tom started learning French. Мэри ещё в куклы играет. Mary still plays with dolls. Mary's still playing dolls. Каковы ваши впечатления от новых сотрудников? What are your impressions of the new staff members? What are your impressions of new employees? Теперь это ваше. It's yours now. Now it's yours. Это вопрос, который нам не очень часто задают. That's a question we don't get very often. That’s a question we don’t get asked very often. Они поженились на пляже. They got married on the beach. They got married on the beach. Що Том нам приніс? What did Tom bring us? What did Tom bring us? Вы этого не хотите? Don't you want that? You don't want that? Том просто хотел убедиться, что ты именно это имел в виду. Tom just wanted to make sure that's what you meant. Tom just wanted to make sure that's what you meant. Идите побыстрее. Go a little faster! Go fast. Тому всегда есть что сказать. Tom always has something to say. Tom always has something to say. Прекратите за мной шпионить. Stop spying on me. Stop spying on me. Врач попросил меня прийти ещё раз через три дня. The doctor asked me to come back in three days. The doctor asked me to come back in three days. В зал нужна новая штора. The hall needs a new curtain. We need a new curtain in the room. Вони підсумували, що Том - невиправна людина. They concluded that Tom is an incorrigible person. Tom said he was an incorrigible person. Можете брать мою машину, когда захотите. You can borrow my car whenever you want to. You can take my car whenever you want. Англійська - не рідна мені мова. English isn't my first language. English is not my native language. Памылковая погляды на матэматыку сустракаюцца яшчэ часцей, чым памылкі ў напісанні майго імені. Having misconceptions of what mathematics is is even more ordinary than not knowing how to spell my name. Misconceptions about mathematics are even more common than mistakes in writing my name. Вы всё усложнили. You complicated things. You've made things more complicated. Том примет наше предложение? Will Tom accept our offer? Will Tom accept our offer? Я похож на парня, который хочет жениться? Do I look like a guy who wants to get married? Do I look like a guy who wants to get married? Могу я сказать им об этом? Can I tell them about this? Can I tell them that? Моя черга сміятися. It's now my turn to laugh. It's my turn to laugh. Том был с Мэри всё утро. Tom was with Mary all morning. Tom was with Mary all morning. Мы соперничаем. We're rivals. We're competing. Том сказав, що я маю це зробити. Tom said I had to do that. Tom said I had to do it. Мері сказала, що хоче піти Mary said she wants to go. Mary said she wanted to go. Ви зруйнували мені життя. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. Що ви викладаєте? What do you teach? What are you teaching? Когда Вы заболели? When did you get ill? When did you get sick? Я хочу работать, чтобы жить, а не жить, чтобы работать. I want to work to live, not live to work. I want to work to live, not to live to work. Вони заявили, що вони не винні. They declared that they were innocent. They said they were not to blame. Я тоўсты. I'm fat. I'm fat. Я думаю, ты всё ещё любишь Тома. I think you still love Tom. I think you still love Tom. Том уже рассказал мне то, что я хотел знать. Tom has already told me what I wanted to know. Tom already told me what I wanted to know. Том очень крупный. Tom is very big. Tom is very big. Я вміла плавати. I knew how to swim. I was able to swim. Побудьте с Томом, пока я не вернусь. Stay with Tom until I get back. Stay with Tom until I get back. Ми божевільні. We're crazy. We're crazy. Я не дуже люблю сир. I don't really like cheese. I don't like cheese very much. Я не просил вас о помощи. I haven't asked you for help. I didn't ask for your help. Я бы на твоём месте был осторожен. I'd be careful if I were you. I'd be careful if I were you. Вы хотели бы на завтрак кофе или чай? Would you like coffee or tea with your breakfast? Would you like coffee or tea for breakfast? Ты правда думаешь, что Том будет тебе помогать? Do you really think that Tom will help you? You really think Tom's gonna help you? Сподіваюся, вам він сподобається. I hope that you will like it. I hope you enjoy it. Зараз пів на третю. It's 2:30 now. It's half past three. Я не могу отличить его от брата. I cannot tell him from his brother. I can't tell him from his brother. Ми з Томом пішли на концерт. I went to a concert with Tom. Tom and I went to a concert. Не говори об этом родителям. Don't tell your parents about this. Don't tell your parents that. Я не был дома с октября месяца. I haven't been home since October. I haven’t been home since October. Це дуже велике місто. This is a very large city. This is a very big city. Это лишь слухи. They're only rumours. It's just a rumor. Такого ещё никогда не было. It had never happened before. It's never happened before. Я её открою. I'll open it. I'll open it. Давайте подождём до вечера. Let's wait until tonight. Let's wait till tonight. Они их боятся. They're afraid of them. They're afraid of them. Положение становится всё хуже. Things keep getting worse and worse. Things are getting worse. Ми щойно закінчили. We've just finished. We've just finished. Хоць я ўжо і бачыла гэты фільм, я вырашыла праглядзець яго яшчэ раз. Even though I already saw this movie, I decided to see it again. Although I've already seen this film, I've decided to watch it again. У меня есть рок-группа. I have a rock band. I have a rock band. Он позвонит тебе сразу, как вернётся. He will telephone you immediately when he comes back. He'll call you as soon as he gets back. Дзе знаходзіцца пасольства Аўстраліі? Where is the Australian embassy? Where is the Australian Embassy? Справедливо ли это? Is that just? Is it fair? Где наши друзья? Where are our friends? Where are our friends? Том не может это исправить. Tom can't fix it. Tom can't fix it. Вода в цьому озері чиста. This lake's water is clean. The water in the lake is clean. Есть ли какая-нибудь опасность? Is there any danger? Is there any danger? Хто має думку, підніміть руку. Anyone with an opinion please raise their hand. If you have an idea, raise your hand. Ты мог хотя бы постучать! You could at least knock! You could have at least knocked! Почему это вас злит? Why does it make you angry? Why does that make you angry? Чьё это вино? Whose wine is this? Whose wine is that? Том не мог поверить, что кто-то хочет его убить. Tom couldn't believe that someone wanted to kill him. Tom couldn't believe someone was trying to kill him. Я не кенгуру. I'm not a kangaroo. I'm not a kangaroo. В нашей библиотеке появились новые книги. Our library got some new books in. There are new books in the library. Поезд был заполнен. The train was packed. The train was full. Совершенно очевидно, что ты очень любишь русский язык. It's quite evident that you really love Russian. You obviously love the Russian language. Том не знает размера обуви Мэри. Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is. Tom doesn't know the size of Mary's shoes. Я почула грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. Я потурбуюся, щоб Том прийшов. I'll have Tom come. I'll make sure Tom comes. Вы здесь выросли? Did you grow up here? You grew up here? Я знаю, про що ви думаєте. I know what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking. Где находится британское посольство? Where is the British embassy? Where is the British Embassy? Мне нужно знать, когда ты это сделаешь. I need to know when you'll do that. I need to know when you're gonna do it. Мы уже в пути. We're on our way now. We're on our way. Мері дуже сором'язлива. Mary is very shy. Mary is very shy. Я член команди. I'm a member of the team. I'm a member of the team. Кажу тобі, особисто я проти абортів. I tell you that I am personally against abortion. Personally, I am against abortion. Ти такий нетерплячий зі мною. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. Я три дня пролежал в постели. I stayed in bed for three days straight. I was in bed for three days. Мы атеисты. We're atheists. We are atheists. Вы очень проницательны. You're very perceptive. You're very perceptive. Том был в командировке в Австралии. Tom was in Australia on business. Tom was on a business trip to Australia. Вы когда-нибудь были в Швейцарии? Have you ever been to Switzerland? Have you ever been to Switzerland? Хто сказав, що тобі можна цим займатися? Who said you could do that? Who said you could do this? Ты же ешь рис? You do eat rice, don't you? You're eating rice, right? Якщо ти наполягаєш на тому, щоб поїхати самому, прошу. If you insist on going alone, please do so. If you insist on going alone, please. Он написал своим родителям. He wrote to his parents. He wrote to his parents. Освещение стало тускнеть. The lights began to dim. The lighting was fading. Все, похоже, довольны. Everybody seems to be happy. Everyone seems happy. У автора добрий стиль. The author has a good style. The author has a good style. Тут нечего добавить. There's nothing to add. There's nothing to add. Ось вода. Here's some water. Here's the water. Оно нам не понадобится. We won't need it. We won't need it. Я уже не ребёнок. I'm not a child anymore. I'm not a kid anymore. Поздравляем! Вам достался бесплатный фальшивый круиз на Багамы! Congratulations! You've been selected to receive a free fake cruise to the Bahamas! Congratulations! You got a free fake cruise to the Bahamas! Сядь там, пожалуйста. Please sit there. Sit there, please. Зараз це не дуже важливо. That isn't really important right now. It's not very important right now. Выглядите умопомрачительно. You look fabulous. You look amazing. Самі быў сапраўды збянтэжаны. Sami was really embarrassed. Sami was really freaked out. Полымя свечкі калышацца на мяккім ветрыку. The candle's flame is flickering in the soft breeze. The flame of the candle sways on the soft wind. Я удивлён, что ты помнишь Тома. I'm surprised you remember Tom. I'm surprised you remember Tom. Я вже давно не бачив жодних бабок тут непадолік. It's been a long time since I've seen any dragonflies in this area. I haven't seen any women here in a long time. Ты уверен, что Том не победил? Are you sure that Tom didn't win? Are you sure Tom didn't win? Чалавецтва трэба ўратаваць ад самога сябе. Humanity has to be saved from itself. Humanity must be saved from itself. Том съел банан. Tom ate a banana. Tom ate a banana. Впереди опасность. Danger ahead. There's danger ahead. Де ти підстригся? Where did you get your hair cut? Where did you get your haircut? Він повільно одужує від хвороби. He is slowly recovering from his illness. He is slowly recovering from the disease. Я не могу спать, когда полнолуние. I can't sleep when the moon is full. I can't sleep when the moon is full. Я её сперва не узнал. I couldn't recognize her at first. I didn't recognize her at first. Ён выкладчык берберскай мовы. He's a Berber teacher. He is a teacher of the Berber language. Я поголилася. I shaved. I'm naked. Мы успешны. We're successful. We're successful. У кімнаті Тома не було прибрано. Tom's room wasn't clean. Tom's room wasn't cleaned. Вправо — закручувати, вліво — відкручувати. Righty tighty, lefty loosey. To the right is to twist, to the left is to twist. Тебе действительно платят за то, что ты делаешь это? Do you really get paid to do this? Do you really get paid to do this? Передай ей, пожалуйста, что я звонил. Please tell her that I called. Please tell her I called. Может, оставим Тома в покое? Why don't we leave Tom alone? Why don't we just leave Tom alone? Факел потух. The torch went out. The torch went out. Это предложение очень интересное. This proposal is very interesting. This offer is very interesting. Ты узнал, какая у Тома зарплата? Did you find out what Tom's salary is? Did you find out what Tom's salary was? Том сказал, что он тоже так сделает. Tom said that he'd do that, too. Tom said he'd do it too. Это правда, что Вы уже не хотите выходить замуж за Тома? Is it true you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Is it true that you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Це вниз по вулиці ліворуч. It's just down the street on your left. It's down the street on the left. Прычына простая. The reason is simple. The reason is simple. У мого сина буквально сотні машин. My son literally has hundreds of cars. My son has literally hundreds of cars. Можно мне Тома на пару слов? Let me have a word with Tom. Can I have a word with Tom? Школа всего в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда. The school is only a five-minute walk. The school is just a five-minute walk away. Я раньше мыл голову всего раз в неделю. I used to wash my hair only once a week. I used to wash my head only once a week. Поиграй с кошками. Play with the cats. Play with cats. Том послідував прикладу Мері. Tom followed Mary's lead. Tom followed Mary’s example. У мене немає часу. I don't have time. I don't have time. Говядина очень дорогая. Beef is very expensive. Beef is very expensive. Я осталась дома, потому что была простужена. I stayed at home because I had a cold. I stayed home because I had a cold. Інколи собака є небезпечною твариною. A dog is sometimes a dangerous animal. Sometimes a dog is a dangerous animal. Хто, на твою думку, хотів би це зробити? Who did Tom think would want to do that? Who do you think would want to do that? Вы можете предложить какое-то решение? Can you suggest a solution? Can you offer a solution? Здесь нет лис. There aren't any foxes here. There's no fox. Спросите у Тома, что он будет пить. Ask Tom what he'll drink. Ask Tom what he's going to drink. Ти плутаєш мене з Томом. You're confusing me with Tom. You're confusing me with Tom. Жыццё надта кароткае, каб вывучаць нямецкую. Life is too short to learn German. Life is too short to learn German. Если тебе что-то не нравится, хорошо бы иметь возможность сказать об этом. When you don't like something, you should be allowed to say so. If you don’t like something, it’s good to be able to say it. Що у неї є? What does she have? What does she have? Дайте мені ключ. Give me the key. Give me the key. Моя сестра мені брехала. My sister lied to me. My sister lied to me. Хіба ти за мною не повернешся? Aren't you coming back for me? Aren't you coming back for me? Том любить грецький йогурт. Tom likes Greek yogurt. She loves Greek yogurt. Что-то протекает? Is there a leak? Is something leaking? Что бы тебя порадовало? What would make you happy? What would make you happy? На прогноз погоды совсем нельзя положиться. The weather forecast is not reliable at all. The weather forecast cannot be relied on at all. Як праца? How's work? How's the job? Ми з Томом у одній команді. Tom is on the same team that I am. Tom and I are on the same team. У Тома були дуже брудні ноги. Tom's feet were very dirty. Tom had very dirty feet. Моё предложение правильное? Is my sentence correct? Is my proposal correct? Кто будет яблоко? Who will eat the apple? Who will be the apple? Родился великий художник. A great artist was born. A great artist was born. Народ тут странный. People around here are strange. People here are weird. Теперь я понимаю. I understand now. Now I get it. Том свідчив у справі Мері. Tom testified at Mary's trial. Tom testified in Mary's case. Побачимося завтра вранці о дев'ятій. I'll see you at nine tomorrow morning. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 9:00. Том звычайна не носіць піжаму. Tom doesn't usually wear pajamas. Tom usually doesn't wear pajamas. Мені нещодавно зробили щеплення. I recently got vaccinated. I was recently vaccinated. Как долго я смогу здесь оставаться? How long may I stay here? How long can I stay here? Він робить усе можливе, щоб успішно скласти іспит. He made every effort to pass the exam. He does his best to pass the exam successfully. Я начальник. I'm the manager. I'm the boss. Время рассудит нас. Time will judge us. Time will judge us. Уверен, он тебе понравится. I'm sure you'll like him. I'm sure you'll like him. У меня всё хорошо. I'm OK. I'm fine. Ваза очень хрупкая. The vase is very fragile. Vase is very fragile. Она хочет похудеть. She wants to lose weight. She wants to lose weight. Том нас усіх переживе. Tom will outlive all of us. Tom will outlive us all. Рятуйся! Escape! Save yourself! Апелляцию отклонили. The appeal was rejected. The appeal was dismissed. Можна я відкрию консерву? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open the can? Молись за меня, Том. Pray for me, Tom. Pray for me, Tom. Я закрыл дверь, но не запер её. I shut the door, but I haven't locked it. I closed the door, but I didn't lock it. Популярность телефона привела к тому, что в наши дни меньше людей пишут письма. The popularity of the telephone has led to fewer people writing letters these days. The popularity of the phone has led to fewer people writing letters these days. Я только что нашел Тома. I just found Tom. I just found Tom. В подвале холодно. It's cold in the basement. It's cold in the basement. Я хочу, чтобы ты держался подальше от Тома. I want you to stay away from Tom. I want you to stay away from Tom. Чому звинувачувана зізналася? Why did the accused confess? Why did the accused confess? Я пересдал экзамен по английскому, потому что провалил его в прошлом году. I resat the English class because I failed last year. I took the English exam because I failed it last year. Ты её не узнаёшь? Don't you recognize her? You don't recognize her? Тому надо поехать с Мэри. Tom has to go with Mary. Tom needs to go with Mary. Иногда необходимо говорить правду. Sometimes it's necessary to tell the truth. Sometimes you have to tell the truth. Я думаю, гэты слон — гэта воўк у адзенні авечкі. I think this bishop is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I think this elephant is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Єдність краща від роз'єднаності. Unity is better than disunity. Unity is better than separation. Ніколи не роби сьогодні того, що можна відкласти на завтра. Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Never do today what you can put off for tomorrow. Не зліть мене. Don't make me angry. Don't piss me off. Добавьте пояснение. Add an explanation. Add an explanation. Яна хварэе на алектычнае парушэнне чытання. She suffers from alexic reading disorder. She is sick of an olectic reading disorder. Я ненавиджу кошмари. I hate nightmares. I hate nightmares. Спробуйте подивитися на це з точки зору Тома. Try to look at it from Tom's point of view. Try to look at it from Tom’s point of view. Што ты маеш на ўвазе? What do you mean? What do you mean? Отличная работа, ребята. Great work, guys. Nice work, guys. Некоторые предложения слишком длинные. Some sentences are too long. Some offers are too long. Это входило в план. This was part of the plan. That was part of the plan. Том говорил, когда вернётся? Did Tom say when he'd be back? Did Tom say when he'd be back? Вы во многом похожи на меня. You're a lot like me. You look a lot like me. Это предложение - не на английском языке. This sentence isn't in English. This sentence is not in English. Мері поклала олівець. Mary put down her pencil. Mary put down a pencil. Он даст его вам. He'll give it to you. He'll give it to you. По крайней мере, мои воображаемые друзья меня не подводят. At least my imaginary friends don't let me down. At least my imaginary friends don't let me down. Сможешь ли ты завтра снова сюда прийти? Would you be able to come here again tomorrow? Can you come back tomorrow? Я жду на вокзале своих друзей. I'm waiting for my friends at the station. I'm waiting at my friends' station. Я партнер Тома. I'm Tom's partner. I'm Tom's partner. Я очень скромный. Я все время хвастаюсь этим. I'm very modest. I brag about it all the time. I'm very humble, and I keep bragging about it. Чи не міг би ти показати мені дорогу до порту? Could you show me the way to the port? Could you show me the way to the port? Ви розумієте французькою? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Уклоняясь от призыва, он сбежал в Канаду. He fled to Canada to dodge the draft. When he ran away, he fled to Canada. У Вас трое детей. You've got three children. You have three children. Ты скоро станешь бабушкой. You're going to be a grandma soon. You'll be a grandmother soon. Почему Том не любит Бостон? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Интересно, знает ли Том, как он ошибается. I wonder if Tom knows how wrong he is. I wonder if Tom knows how wrong he is. П'єр роздав карти всім гравцям. Pierre dealt cards to all the players. Pierre handed out cards to all the players. Ну, кожному своє, еге ж? Well, it's horses for courses, isn't it? Well, to each his own, eh? Дождь шёл три дня без перерыва. It rained for three days straight. It rained for three days without a break. Это что у тебя на шее, засос? Is that a hickey on your neck? What's that on your neck? Я дивився цей фільм дуже давно. I saw that movie a long time ago. I watched this movie a long time ago. Немає свідків аварії. There are no witnesses of the accident. There are no witnesses to the accident. Она утонула в реке. She drowned in a river. She drowned in the river. Ми сподіваємося, що ви відвідаєте Бостон. We hope that you'll visit Boston. We hope you will visit Boston. Ты не можешь так на меня кричать. You can't yell at me like that. You can't yell at me like that. Вона не вміє плавати. She can't swim. She can't swim. Ти ж плануєш приєднатися до команди? You plan on joining the team, don't you? Are you planning to join the team? Розпочнімо! Let's start. Let's get started! Я ем кускус. I'm eating couscous. I eat couscous. У тебе сині губи. Your lips are blue. You have blue lips. Мы елі яйкі. We ate eggs. We ate eggs. Я сделаю что угодно, чтобы получить работу. I will do anything to get a job. I'll do anything to get a job. Наступна історія правдива. The following story is true. The next story is true. У більшості випадків цього не трапиться. In most cases, that won't happen. In most cases this will not happen. Вирощувати какао дерево можна лише в певних кліматичних умовах. Воно плодоносить лише в районі 20 ° по обидва боки від екватора. Крім того, йому потрібен хороший ґрунт і достатня кількість води. The cacao tree can be cultivated only in certain climates. It bears fruit only within the region 20° either side of the equator. Additionally, it needs good soil and sufficient water. It is possible to grow cocoa tree only in certain climatic conditions. It bears fruit only in the area of 20 degrees on both sides of the equator. In addition, it needs good soil and a sufficient amount of water. В парке сегодня днём было очень много народа. The park was very crowded this afternoon. There were a lot of people in the park this afternoon. Я загубив ручку. I had lost my pen. I lost my pen. Ты сам виноват. You're to blame. It's your fault. Мае суседі па пакоі ўжо паяснілі мне, хто такая Б'ёрк. My roommates have already explained to me who Björk is. My roommates have already explained to me who Bjork is. У нас больше нет сыра. We don't have any more cheese. We don't have cheese anymore. Я уверена, что он умный. I'm sure that he is clever. I'm sure he's smart. Я не ожидал, что эта фотография соберёт столько лайков. I didn't expect this photo to get so many likes. I didn’t expect this photo to collect so many likes. Я закінчила. I'm finished. I'm done. У Тома непогано вийшло. Tom did pretty well. Tom did not do well. У яго доўгія ногі. He has long legs. He has long legs. Нам обоим очень хотелось есть. We were both very hungry. We both really wanted to eat. Ти до мене дуже несправедливий. You are being very unfair to me. You're very unfair to me. Будь ласка, залишіть мої речі в спокої. Please leave my things alone. Please leave my things alone. Мне кажется, что я знаю тебя всю жизнь. It seems that I have known you all my life. I feel like I've known you all my life. Я в порядку. I am fine. I'm fine. Надеюсь, Том сможет прийти. I hope that Tom will be able to come. I hope Tom can come. Только время покажет, прав ли был Том. Only time will tell if Tom was right. Only time will tell if Tom was right. "Куда Том поехал?" - "Он поехал в Бостон". "Where did Tom go?" "He went to Boston." "Where did Tom go?" "He went to Boston." Я живу в городе, но мои родители жили в деревне. I live in a city, but my parents lived in a village. I live in the city, but my parents lived in the village. Я не собираюсь вас слушать. I'm not going to listen to you. I'm not gonna listen to you. Операция прошла успешно. The surgery was a success. The operation was successful. Когда вы переехали в Бостон? When did you move to Boston? When did you move to Boston? Ты ведь ещё не сказал Тому? You haven't told Tom yet, have you? You haven't told Tom yet, have you? В парке много уток. There are a lot of ducks in the park. There are many ducks in the park. Том не знает, кто написал эту картину. Tom doesn't know who painted that painting. Tom doesn't know who painted this painting. Якщо щось може піти не так, так і станеться. If anything can go wrong, it will. If something goes wrong, it will happen. Мы не укусим. We won't bite. We won't bite. Она была той, о ком я думал. She was the one I was thinking of. She was the one I was thinking of. Дай мне одно, пожалуйста. Please give me one. Give me one, please. Чому ви одні? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Це дивне формулювання. That's a strange choice of words. This is a strange formulation. Я не вірю ні у що надприроднє, але мене захоплює літературний песонаж диявола. She doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but she is fascinated by the literary Satan. I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I'm fascinated by the devil's literary peonage. Я потею каждый день. I sweat every day. I sweat every day. Почему она так популярна? Why is she so popular? Why is she so popular? Я единственная, кто может вам помочь. I'm the only one who can help you. I'm the only one who can help you. Эта сумка не подходит к тем туфлям. This bag doesn't match those shoes. This bag doesn't fit those shoes. Когда-нибудь я узнаю, кто мои настоящие родители. One day, I'll find out who my real parents are. Someday I'll find out who my real parents are. Ми подивилися вниз на ноги. We looked down at our feet. We looked down at our feet. Я палестинець. I'm Palestinian. I am Palestinian. Хіба ти не знала, що це таке? Don't you know what it is? Didn't you know what that was? Я сказав Мері французькою мовою, що я її кохаю. I told Mary I loved her in French. I told Mary in French that I loved her. Я навчу вас грати в шахи. I will teach you to play chess. I'll teach you how to play chess. Помідор — це фрукт чи овоч? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Перед уходом убедись, что погасил везде свет. When you leave, make sure you've turned off all the lights. Before you go, make sure you turn off the lights everywhere. Том чуть постарше меня. Tom is a bit older than me. Tom is a little older than me. Мы любим сладости. We love candy. We love sweets. Большинство людей это не то, что не заботит, - они и знать об этом не знают. Most people don’t even know, let alone care about this. Most people don’t care, they don’t know. В этих краях не редкость услышать вой волков. It's not uncommon to hear wolves howling around here. In these parts it is not uncommon to hear howling wolves. Ну ж бо, хлопці, хутчіш. Come on, guys, let's hurry. Come on, guys, hurry up. Де знаходиться станція метро? Where's the underground station? Where is the metro station? С этим ещё далеко не закончено. This is far from over. It's not over yet. Постарайтесь сбежать. Try to escape. Try to escape. Мені подобається ваша кава. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. Что вы возьмёте с собой? What are you going to take with you? What will you take with you? Це книжка. This is a book. It's a book. Ти знаєш цю пісню? Do you know this song? Do you know this song? Обустройство новой квартиры может обойтись недёшево. Furnishing a new apartment costs a lot. Setting up a new apartment can be expensive. Эта церковь очень большая. This church is very big. This church is big. Том купил Мэри кольцо. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Хто зламаў гэту ручку? Who broke this pen? Who broke that pen? Це найшвидший поїзд у світі. It's the fastest train in the world. This is the fastest train in the world. Это Джоанна. This is Joanna. It's Joanna. Том розлютився. Tom got angry. Tom was angry. Я буду ждать здесь, пока он не вернётся. I will wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he gets back. Я з нетерпінням чекаю на власний день народження. I look forward to my birthday. I am looking forward to my own birthday. Чем быстрее Том это сделает, тем лучше. The sooner Tom does that, the better. The sooner Tom does it, the better. Мне нравится с ней жить. I like living with her. I like living with her. Том хотел задать вам кое-какие вопросы. Tom wanted to ask you some questions. Tom wanted to ask you some questions. Глаза девушки были полны слёз. The girl's eyes were filled with tears. The girl’s eyes were full of tears. Яна прыйшла апошняй. She came last. She came last. Все это понимали, кроме Тома. Everybody understood it except for Tom. Everyone knew that except Tom. Можна мені води? May I have some water? Can I have some water? «Сколько до ужина?» — «Пять минут». "How long till dinner?" -"Five minutes." "How long until dinner?" - "Five minutes." Том забув книжки в універі. Tom forgot his books at school. I forgot my books in college. Как поживает Ваша жена, Том? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? Какие цветы растут у тебя в саду? What kind of flowers do you have in your garden? What flowers grow in your garden? Сумніваюся, що ви знаєте, про що ви говорите. I doubt you know what you're talking about. I doubt you know what you're talking about. Том терпеливо стоял в очереди. Tom waited in line patiently. Tom patiently stood in line. Уже почти весна. It's almost spring. It's almost spring. У него два кота, белый и чёрный. He has got two cats; one is white, one is black. He has two cats, white and black. Хопіць. That's enough. Stop. Мы оба такие высокие! We're both so tall! We're both so tall! Том разбогател на продаже подержанных машин. Tom got rich selling used cars. Tom got rich selling used cars. Мне отпустить Тома? Should I let Tom go? Should I let Tom go? Було б добре знову побачити Тома. It would be nice to see Tom again. It would be nice to see Tom again. Я знаю, с кем ты был. I know who you were with. I know who you were with. Ми не пара. We're not a couple. We're not a couple. Я направляюсь в спортзал. I'm heading to the gym. I'm going to the gym. Вы чего-нибудь хотите? Is there something that you want? Do you want anything? Ви добре друкуєте? Are you good at typing? Do you print well? Том спробував? Did Tom try? Did Tom try? Це сюрприз. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. Ти мені більше не подобаєшся. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Стиральный порошок продается в отделе средств для чистки. The washing powder is in the household cleaning product section. Washing powder is sold in the cleaning products department. Чому ніхто не зупинив Тома? Why didn't anyone stop Tom? Why didn't anyone stop Tom? Перепрошую за мою погану французьку. I'm sorry for my poor French. Sorry about my bad French. У кошек шершавый язык. The tongue of a cat feels rough. Cats have a rough tongue. Том ведь женат на Мэри? Tom is married to Mary, isn't he? Tom's married to Mary, right? Том не понял, что совершил ошибку. Tom didn't realize he'd made a mistake. Tom didn’t realize he had made a mistake. Попросіть її. Ask her. Ask her. У тебе є план, так? You have a plan, right? You have a plan, right? Коли Том і Марія збираються зустрітися? When are Tom and Mary going to meet? When are Tom and Mary going to meet? Я не люблю, когда из меня делают дурака. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being made a fool of. Ты не можешь провести ночь здесь. You can't spend the night here. You can't spend the night here. Том знал, что должно быть сделано. Tom knew what had to be done. Tom knew what had to be done. Мы о тебе говорили. We've been talking about you. We talked about you. Это действительно случилось? Did that actually happen? Did it really happen? Мы увидели свои имена в списке. We saw our names on the list. We saw our names on the list. У меня тоже жена умерла. My wife is also dead. My wife died too. У тебя были другие планы? Did you have other plans? Did you have other plans? Мы узнали их. We recognized them. We recognized them. Нам нужно купить сыр. We need to buy cheese. We need to buy cheese. Я это уже заметил. I already noticed that. I've already noticed that. Он много съел. He ate a lot. He ate a lot. Фадзіль пачаў шукаць ў Егіпце каханне — і знайшоў. Fadil started searching Egypt for love and he found it. Fadil began to look for love in Egypt — and found it. По-моему, я тебе это уже говорил. I think that I've already told you this. I think I already told you that. Во сколько этот поезд прибывает в Бостон? What time does this train reach Boston? What time does this train arrive in Boston? У мене болить плече. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts. Я завтра в школу не пойду. I will not go to school tomorrow. I'm not going to school tomorrow. Есть ли у немцев другие заботы в жизни, кроме потребительства? Do the Germans have any other concerns in life apart from consumerism? Do Germans have any other concerns in life besides consumerism? Позвольте мне поговорить с Томом. Let me have a talk with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Чтобы откомментировать предложение, нажми на решётку и прокрути к разделу комментариев. To comment on a sentence, press the hashtag button, then go to the comment section. To comment on the proposal, click on the grid and scroll to the comments section. Мы с тобой очень похожи. You and I are a lot alike. You and I are very similar. Скільки у нас ще води? How much more water do we have? How much more water do we have? Нам нужно с ними поговорить. We need to talk to them. We need to talk to them. Том стал подозревать, что что-то не так. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Tom suspected something was wrong. Действительность была совершенно иной. The reality was completely different. The reality was completely different. Гора зелёная. The mountain is green. The mountain is green. Мэри – милое имя. Mary is a pretty name. Mary is a nice name. Думаете, Тому это понравится? Do you think Tom will like that? Do you think Tom would like that? Я не могу отпустить его одного. I can't let him go alone. I can't let him go alone. После землетрясения многие решили спать в палатках на улице. After the earthquake, many people decided to sleep outside in tents. After the earthquake, many decided to sleep in tents on the street. Вона може почекати до ранку. She can wait until morning. She can wait until morning. Мне нужно идти прямо сейчас? Do I need to go right away? Do I have to go right now? Не оставляй свои очки на полу. Don't leave your glasses on the floor. Don't leave your glasses on the floor. Я прислонился к стене. I leaned against the wall. I leaned against the wall. Том не був дуже добрим минулого року. Tom wasn't very good last year. Tom wasn't very good last year. Дети Тома, должно быть, по нему скучают. Tom's children must miss him. Tom's kids must be missing him. Віяв сильний вітер. The wild wind was blowing. Strong wind. Даклад яшчэ не падзцвердзілі. The report has not been confirmed yet. The report has not yet been confirmed. Я не знала, що Том має на увазі. I didn't know what Tom meant. I didn't know what Tom meant. Я шкодую, що розповів правду. I regret telling the truth. I'm sorry I told you the truth. Он, кажется, зол. He seems angry. He seems angry. Ця тварина їсть людей? Does that animal eat people? Does this animal eat humans? Том дружелюбен? Is Tom friendly? Is Tom friendly? Тому потрібно набагато більше, ніж триста доларів. Tom needs much more than three hundred dollars. It takes much more than three hundred dollars. Я вже прокинулася. I am already awake. I've already woken up. Більшість людей, які загинули від тютюнового диму, не були запеклими курцями. Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. Most people who died from tobacco smoke were not heavy smokers. Том - талантливый шахматист. Tom is a talented chess player. Tom is a talented chess player. Том мухлюет. Tom cheats. Tom's cheating. Дзе маі гадзіннікі? Where are my watches? Where are my clocks? Для чего тебе эта штука? What do you use this thing for? What do you want this thing for? Мы можем совершить доставку в течение недели. We can deliver within a week. We can deliver within a week. Немає троянд без шипів. There is no rose without a thorn. There are no roses without thorns. Я думала, що ти Том. I thought you were Tom. I thought you were Tom. Падазрэнне руйнуе сяброўства. Suspicion is destructive of friendship. Suspicion destroys friendship. Том підтвердив, що ніхто не постраждав. Tom confirmed that no one was injured. Tom confirmed that no one was injured. Хіба ти не чула крик? Didn't you hear a scream? Didn't you hear the scream? Мне тяжело даются падежи. I have a hard time dealing with cases. It's hard for me. Яе ўсе любяць. She is loved by everybody. She's loved by everyone. Чекати на поїзд нудно. Waiting for a train is boring. Waiting for the train is boring. Том прыгатаваў сабе штосьці паесці. Tom made himself something to eat. Tom was cooking himself something to eat. Я хочу попасть туда раньше Тома. I want to get there before Tom does. I want to get there before Tom. Перестань хвилюватися та трохи поспи. Stop worrying, and get some sleep. Stop worrying and get some sleep. Куда они ушли? Where have they gone? Where did they go? Вона там? Is it there? Is she there? Он бегло говорит по-русски — по крайней мере, он так мне сказал. He speaks fluent Russian, or at least that's what he told me. He speaks fluent Russian, at least that’s what he told me. Том сказал, что ты его ударил. Tom said you hit him. Tom said you hit him. Ти бачила вчорашнє затемнення? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Том убирается у себя в комнате, только когда мама ему говорит. Tom only cleans his room when his mother tells him to. Tom cleans up in his room only when his mother tells him. Я собирался выходить, когда зазвонил телефон. I was about to leave when the phone rang. I was about to leave when the phone rang. Мяне не цікаўляць твае тэорыі! I'm not interested in your theories! I'm not interested in your theories! Ти колись бував у Бразилії? Have you ever been to Brazil? Have you ever been to Brazil? Я їх скачала. I downloaded them. I downloaded them. Я включив воду. I turned the tap on. I turned on the water. Ты поймал вора. You have caught the thief. You caught a thief. Яна мае пачуццё гумару She has a sense of humor. She has a sense of humor Ти ідеальний, і не дозволяй нікому говорити інакше. You're perfect, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're perfect, and don't let anyone else talk. Говори коротко. Be brief. Keep it short. Вы можете выиграть много денег. You could win lots of money. You can win a lot of money. Вы его узнаёте? Do you recognize him? Do you recognize him? Никто не помнил, где Том живёт. No one remembered where Tom lived. No one knows where Tom lives. Я вчора був на зустрічі. I attended the meeting yesterday. I was in a meeting yesterday. Це буде коштувати десь п'ятнадцять доларів. It will cost around fifteen dollars. It will cost about fifteen dollars. Ты любим? Are you loved? Are you in love? Я дійсно це зробила. I did do it. I really did it. Эти носки на вид очень тёплые. Those socks look really warm. These socks look very warm. Том — соціаліст. Tom is a socialist. Tom is a socialist. Кто-то подделал мою подпись. Somebody forged my signature. Someone forged my signature. Ти вже достатньо дорослий, щоб робити це самостійно. You're old enough to do that by yourself. You’re old enough to do it yourself. Я ненавиджу ту фотографію. I hate that picture. I hate that picture. Одни думали, что конец мира наступит в конце тысячелетия, другие – в 2012... но мы всё ещё тут! Some people thought the world was going to end with the last millennium, others in 2012... but we're still here! Some thought the world would end at the end of the millennium, others in 2012... but we’re still here! Я всё сожгу! I will burn everything! I'll burn it! Я цалкам супраць таго, каб сячы гэтае дрэва. I'm absolutely against the tree being chopped down. I'm totally against shaving this tree. Арест Тома не был неожиданностью. Tom's arrest wasn't unexpected. Tom's arrest was not a surprise. Они зашли в джунгли. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. «Поклянись на Библии», – потребовал он. "Swear on the Bible," he demanded. “Swear on the Bible,” he demanded. По пути я встретил Тома. I met Tom on the way. I met Tom along the way. Пасинок Тома - наркоман. Tom's stepson is an addict. Tom's stepson is a drug addict. Теперь я в безопасности. I'm safe now. I'm safe now. Можеш залишитись. You may stay. You can stay. Давай вернёмся домой. Let's go back home. Let's go home. Он начинает верить. He's beginning to believe. He's starting to believe. У Тома есть родственники в Австралии? Does Tom have any relatives living in Australia? Does Tom have relatives in Australia? Ты заслугоўваеш найлепшага. You deserve the best. You deserve the best. У класі 26 учнів. Учитель має 8 літрів апельсинового соку. Вона наливає 225 мілітрів соку кожному учню. Скільки лишиться апельсиного соку? There are 26 pupils in a class. The teacher has 8 litres of orange juice. She pours 225 millilitres of orange juice for every pupil. How much orange juice is left over? There are 26 students in the class. The teacher has 8 liters of orange juice. She pours 225 liters of juice to each student. How much orange juice will be left? Попытаемся сохранять спокойствие. Let's try to stay calm. Let's try to stay calm. Людям нравится сюда приходить. People like to come here. People like to come here. Отвечай по-английски. Answer in English. Answer in English. Том каждый день туда ходил. Tom went there every day. Tom went there every day. Я грав із чемпіоном. I played with the champion. I played with the champion. Держи рот закрытым, когда жуёшь еду. Keep your mouth closed when you chew food. Keep your mouth shut when you chew food. Дай мне кнігу. Give me the book. Give me the book. Лекарство немного помогло. The medicine helped a little. The medicine helped a little. Три дня назад было ветрено. It was windy three days ago. It was windy three days ago. Жадность — корень всех зол. Greed is the root of all evil. Greed is the root of all evil. Том бежал вверх по движущемуся вниз эскалатору. Tom ran up the down escalator. Tom ran up the escalator moving down. Мы должны рассмотреть все варианты. We must consider all options. We need to consider all options. Не беспокойся. Я буду осторожна. Don't worry. I'll be careful. Don't worry, I'll be careful. Я его спросил, но он не ответил. I asked him but he didn't answer. I asked him, but he didn’t answer. Я читал статью. I read the article. I read the article. Какие трудности у тебя с Томом? What kind of problem with Tom do you have? What's your problem with Tom? Том подоїв корову. Tom milked the cow. Tom took the cow. Я не мог понять, что происходит. I couldn't tell what was going on. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Я никогда не видел, чтобы ты смеялся. I've never seen you laugh. I've never seen you laugh. Мері не покінчила життя самогубством. Mary didn't kill herself. Mary did not commit suicide. Том ніколи про нього не говорив. Tom never spoke of him. Tom never talked about it. Саме Том познайомив мене з моєю дружиною. Tom was the one who introduced me to my wife. It was Tom who introduced me to my wife. Как тебе удалось переубедить Тома? How did you get Tom to change his mind? How did you manage to convince Tom? Кажется, я тебе это уже говорил. I think that I've already told you this. I think I already told you that. Он прошёл две мили за полчаса. He walked two miles in half an hour. He walked two miles in half an hour. Вона справжня красуня. She is a real beauty. She's a real beauty. На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. Were I you, I would ignore it. If I were you, I would ignore it. Поїхали на ринок. Let's go to the market. Let's go to the market. У вас болить шлунок? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have stomach pain? Выберите между этим и тем. Choose between this and that. Choose between this and that. У Тома уже три дня болят зубы. Tom has had a toothache for three days. Tom's had a toothache for three days. Том только притворялся. Tom was only pretending. Tom was just pretending. Я не бачыў цябе сто гадоў. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you in a hundred years. Том взял себе пиво. Tom got himself a beer. Tom took a beer. Том побежал к замку. Tom ran to the castle. Tom went to the castle. Это простые предложения. These are simple sentences. These are simple sentences. Я вже повечеряв. I've already eaten dinner. I've already had dinner. Вам не стоило ходить в лес одному. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You shouldn't have gone to the woods alone. Він дотримався обіцянки. He kept his promise. He kept his promise. Том ніколи не обговорював цього з Мері. Tom never discussed that with Mary. Tom never discussed this with Mary. Мы пьём виноградно-банановый сок. We are drinking grape-banana juice. We drink grape-banana juice. Що є пиття? Лише перерва у міркуванні! What's drinking? A mere pause from thinking! What is drinking? Just a break in reasoning! Я не хочу больше проблем. I don't want any more problems. I don't want any more trouble. Ты гэтага не знала? Didn't you know that? You didn't know that? Сами увидел тот вертолёт и принялся махать руками. Sami saw the helicopter and waved his arms. Sami saw that helicopter and began to wave his hands. Не будь я связан обещанием, вам бы всем несдобровать. If I weren't bound by a promise, you'd all be in trouble. If I wasn't bound by a promise, you'd all be unhappy. Дурня вчити, що мертвого лічити. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. I'm a fool to teach the dead to count. Я обожнюю цю програму. I love that program. I love this program. Гэта было не сапраўднае каханне. It wasn't real love. It wasn't real love. Обязательно это сделайте. Make sure you do that. Make sure you do. Я надеялась, что это шутка. I was hoping that it was a joke. I was hoping it was a joke. У меня был плохой день. I've had a bad day. I had a bad day. Вы панда. You are a panda. You're a panda. Як колонізація вплинула на Алжир? How did colonization impact Algeria? How did colonization affect Algeria? Я им ещё не заплатил. I still haven't paid them. I haven't paid them yet. Можеш сидіти тут. You may sit here. You can sit here. Гадаю, це може статися. I think it might happen. I think it could happen. Том хоче стати лікарем. Tom wants to become a doctor. Tom wants to be a doctor. "У Вас есть дети?" - "Да, сын". "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." "Do you have children?" "Yes, son." Она получила самые высокие оценки. She's got the best grades. She received the highest marks. Я аж ніяк не щасливий. I am far from happy. I'm not happy at all. Не так хутка! Not so fast! Not so fast! Он нас забыл. He forgot us. He forgot us. Расследования начались в прошлом году с конфискации компьютерных архивов человека из немецкого города Магдебурга. The investigations began last year with the confiscation of computer files belonging to a man from Magdeburg, Germany. Investigations began last year with the confiscation of computer archives of a man from the German city of Magdeburg. Я ненавиджу американський футбол. I hate American football. I hate American football. Гэта сукенка ёй вельмі пасуе. That dress becomes her very well. It's a dress she's very fond of. Хоча, насправді, таке рідко трапляється. That's very rare, though. Although, in fact, this rarely happens. Хтось розумний, хтось ні. Some are wise, some are otherwise. Someone's smart, someone's not. Скажите Тому, что Мэри хочет его видеть. Tell Tom that Mary wants to see him. Tell Tom that Mary wants to see him. Я люблю закаты. I love sunsets. I love the sunsets. Це не так багато. That isn't so many. It's not that much. Скористайтеся акриловою фарбою. Use acrylic paint. Use acrylic paint. Том продовжує писати. Tom is continuing to write. Tom is still writing. Я не могу произнести это слово. I can't pronounce this word. I can't say that word. Это каким же надо быть эгоистом, чтобы так поступать? How self-centric do you have to be to do something like that? How can you be selfish to do that? Ты планируешь купить дом? Are you planning on buying a house? Are you planning to buy a house? Фадзіль яе кахае. Fadil loves her. Fadil loves her. Есть какие-нибудь соображения? Any clues? Any thoughts? Він сильніший, ніж ви. He's stronger than you. He is stronger than you. Коли очікується його повернення? When is he expected back? When is his return expected? У нас в прошлом году был похожий случай. We had a similar case last year. We had a similar case last year. Ти танцюєш? Do you dance? Are you dancing? Пони похожи на маленьких лошадей. Ponies look like small horses. Ponies are like little horses. Дай їм з'їсти торт! Let them eat cake! Let them eat the cake! Поклади його. Put it down. Put it down. Не знаю, готов ли я к этому. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I don't know if I'm ready for this. Одного языка никогда не бывает достаточно. A single language is never enough. One language is never enough. Хіба ви не прийдете на мою вечірку? Aren't you coming to my party? Aren't you coming to my party? Я хочу купить машину, но у меня нет на неё денег. I want to buy a car, but I don't have the money for it. I want to buy a car, but I don't have any money for it. Поиск места, чтобы припарковаться, может оказаться трудной задачей. Finding a place to park might be a problem. Finding a place to park can be a difficult task. Том и Мэри не боятся. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom and Mary are not afraid. Рейтинг - это мера силы шахматиста, рассчитываемая с использованием математических формул, учитывающих выступления игрока на официальных турнирах. Rating is the measure of a chess player's strength, calculated using mathematical formulas that take into account the player's performance in official tournaments. Rating is a measure of the strength of a chess player, calculated using mathematical formulas that take into account the performances of the player in official tournaments. Думаю, ты был неправ. I think you were wrong. I think you were wrong. Уважайте, пожалуйста, наше время. Please respect our time. Please respect our time. Хіба ти все ще сонна? Aren't you still sleepy? Are you still sleepy? Том, з великою ймовірністю, буде голодний. Tom will likely be hungry. Tom is likely to be hungry. На этот раз вы зашли слишком далеко. This time you went too far. This time you've gone too far. Вы калі-небудзь былі ў Парыжы? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Я не думаю, что Том вас ненавидит. I don't think that Tom hates you. I don't think Tom hates you. Калі ў мяне ўпершыню быў курс Сі, я нічога не разумела з таго, што паяснялі ў класе. Слава богу, у мяне ёсць сяброўка-праграмістка, якая паясніла мне, як усё гэта працуе. When I first took a C course, I couldn't understand a single thing explained in class. Thank God I got a friend of mine who's a programmer to explain to me how the whole caboodle works. When I first had C's course, I didn't understand anything from what was explained in class. Thank God I have a software friend who has explained to me how it all works. Карл Маркс был коммунистом? Was Karl Marx a communist? Was Karl Marx a Communist? На его лице был страх. There was fear on his face. There was fear on his face. Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were planning on doing that. I wonder if Tom and Mary planned to do it. Том написал Марии письмо по-французски. Tom wrote a letter to Mary in French. Tom wrote a letter to Maria in French. Я хочу багато виграти. I want to win a lot. I want to win a lot. Не будь такой застенчивой! Don't be so shy. Don't be so shy! Хаваючыся ад паліцыі, Дзіма правёў ноч у кантэйнеры для смецця. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. Hiding from the police, Jima spent the night in a container for trash. Том знав, що мусить поспішати. Tom knew that he had to hurry. Tom knew he had to hurry. Ви думаєте, я жартую? Do you think I'm joking? You think I'm joking? Мы понятия не имели, что Том собирается это сделать. We had no idea that Tom was going to do that. We had no idea Tom was going to do it. Якого вона кольору? What colour is it? What color is it? Мэри сказала, что чувствует себя очень уставшей. Mary said that she was feeling very tired. Mary said she felt very tired. Основна соціальна проблема країни - бідність. The country's main social problem is poverty. The country’s main social problem is poverty. Я возьму жёлтое. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow. Его сумка была сильно повреждена. His bag was badly damaged. His bag was badly damaged. Ми в Парижі? Are we in Paris? Are we in Paris? Мері знає, що її розшукує поліція. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Он не прекращает говорить. He doesn't stop talking. He doesn't stop talking. Этот поисковик очень медленный. This search engine is really slow. This search is very slow. Я хочу, щоб ви залишилися тут із Томом. I want you to stay here with Tom. I want you to stay here with Tom. Вы на автобусе приехали, да? You came by bus, didn't you? You're on the bus, right? Где мы уже об этом слышали? Where have we heard this before? Where have we heard about this? Безумцы и дети всегда говорят правду. Crazy people and children always tell the truth. Mad people and kids always tell the truth. Якого кольору його светр? What color is his sweater? What color is his sweater? Ти дуже розумна. You're very intelligent. You're very smart. Том обязательно там будет. Tom will definitely be there. Tom will be there. Мэри - моя свекровь, а не мать. Mary is my mother-in-law, not my mother. Mary is my mother-in-law, not my mother. З якого дива ти це зробив? Why on earth did you do that? What the hell did you do that for? Ты всё уложил? Have you packed everything? You put it all together? Вы всем нам очень нравитесь. We all like you a lot. We all like you very much. Том ищет работу. Tom's looking for work. Tom is looking for a job. Я забыл ей кое-что сказать. I forgot to tell her something. I forgot to tell her something. У меня такая же большая комната, как у вас. My room is as large as yours is. I have a room as big as yours. Она восхищалась ей. She admired her. She admired her. Тома воспитал дядя. Tom was raised by his uncle. Tom was raised by his uncle. Обставить новую квартиру может влететь в копеечку. Furnishing a new apartment costs a lot. Setting up a new apartment can fly into a penny. У Тома зелені очі? Does Tom have green eyes? Does Tom have green eyes? Я надеюсь, что смогу помочь вам. I hope I can help you. I hope I can help you. Ребенок очень шумный. The child is very loud. The child is very noisy. Воцат мае востры смак. Vinegar has a sharp taste. The vinegar has a keen taste. Він здав іспит. He passed the exam. He passed the exam. Том получил приглашение. Tom received an invitation. Tom received an invitation. Она должна его предупредить. She must warn him. She should warn him. Кто платит? Who's paying? Who pays? Сколько ещё вы планируете пробыть в Бостоне? How much longer are you planning to stay in Boston? How long do you plan to stay in Boston? Машина Тома — єдина на парковці. Tom's car is the only one in the parking lot. Tom's car is the only one in the parking lot. Том сказал тебе, где он купил свою трубу? Did Tom tell you where he bought his trumpet? Did Tom tell you where he bought his pipe? Я знаю, что вы ей сказали. I know what you told her. I know what you told her. Ти вчишся? Are you studying? You're studying? Покажите. Show me. Show me. Том сказав Мері, що, на його думку, Джон вдома. Tom told Mary that he thought John was at home. Tom told Mary he thought John was home. Откуда мне начинать? Where do I begin? Where do I start? Жив ещё курилка! He's still alive and kicking. There's another smoker! Том сказал, что не может так долго ждать. Tom said that he couldn't wait that long. Tom said he couldn't wait that long. Он ест медленно. He eats slowly. He eats slowly. Том переслідує мене в снах. Tom is haunting me in my dreams. Tom chases me in my dreams. Том упевнений в тому, що Мері невинна. Tom is convinced of Mary's innocence. Tom is sure that Mary is innocent. Я не в настрої слухати Тома. I am not in the mood to listen to Tom. I'm not in the mood to listen to Tom. Це правило розповсюджується лише на іноземців. The rule only applies to foreigners. This rule applies only to foreigners. Цікаво, що з ним стало, як він поїхав до Америки? I wonder what has become of him after he went to America. I wonder what happened to him when he went to America? Я не мог разобрать, что они говорят. I couldn't make out what they were saying. I couldn't understand what they were saying. Ты явно устал. You do look tired. You're obviously tired. Я видела, что машина взорвалась. I saw the car explode. I saw the car explode. Поїзд прийде вчасно? Will the train be on time? Will the train arrive on time? Ему ещё нет тридцати, а у него уже залысины. He's not even 30 and he has a receding hairline. He's not 30 yet, and he's already bald. Сьогодні вранці Том прислав мені троянди. Tom sent me roses this morning. Tom sent me roses this morning. Том плакал как маленький. Tom cried like a little kid. Tom was crying like a baby. Том почистил всю картошку. Tom peeled all the potatoes. Tom cleaned all the potatoes. Вы даже не представляете, как мы по вам скучали. You have no idea how much we've missed you. You have no idea how much we missed you. Мне нужно легкое пальто. I need a light coat. I need a light coat. Вони обидва розміялися. They both laughed. They both laughed. Прочитай текст уважно. Read this text carefully. Read the text carefully. Наша команда вернулась домой с триумфом. Our team came home in triumph. Our team returned home triumphantly. Ти пам'ятаєш, як закінчується цей фільм? Do you remember how this movie ends? Do you remember how this movie ended? Вход на мероприятие был открыт студентам и выпускникам. The event was open to students and alumni. Entrance to the event was open to students and graduates. Tatoeba: таму што мова — не проста сума ўсіх слоў. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Tatoeba: Because language is not just the sum of all words. Том обісрався на весіллі сестри. Tom pooped his pants at his sister's wedding. Tom was upset at his sister's wedding. Я коммунист. I'm a communist. I'm a communist. Я не знаю, как сказать Тому. I don't know how to tell Tom. I don't know how to tell Tom. Давай подождём до завтра. Let's wait until tomorrow. Let's wait until tomorrow. Я не могу залогиниться. I can't log in. I can't sign up. Даже ребёнок понял бы это. Even a baby would understand it. Even a child would understand that. Я буду сумаваць па табе, калі цябе не будзе. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss you if you don't. Моё имя знают все в моей школе. My name is known to everybody in my school. Everyone in my school knows my name. Эти три книги принадлежат Тому. These three books belong to Tom. These three books belong to Tom. Я никогда не говорил ей, что чувствую. I never told her how I felt. I never told her how I felt. Ты знал, что у тебя дверь открыта? Did you know your door was open? Did you know your door was open? Та красивая девушка в бикини — сестра Тома. That pretty girl in a bikini is Tom's sister. That beautiful girl in a bikini is Tom's sister. Том очень строг к детям. Tom is very strict with his children. Tom is very strict with children. Её сын гений. Her son is a genius. Her son is a genius. Ми хочемо залишитися ще на три ночі. We want to stay another three nights. We want to stay for another three nights. Я живий. I'm alive. I'm alive. Я разработал хороший план. I've worked out a good plan. I made a good plan. Она слишком слаба. She is too weak. She's too weak. Мы обменялись приветствиями. We exchanged greetings. We exchanged greetings. Вони розмовляють англійською? Are they speaking English? Do they speak English? Я полностью с ней согласен. I totally agree with her. I totally agree with her. Хто ваш адвокат? Who is your lawyer? Who is your lawyer? Им сейчас сколько? How old are they now? How old are they now? Даже я не знаю, что делать. Even I don't know what to do. I don't even know what to do. Цього недостатньо. That doesn't suffice. That's not enough. К счастью, Том меня не видел. Luckily Tom didn't see me. Fortunately, Tom didn't see me. Ничего страшного. Со всеми бывает. Never mind. It happens to everyone. It's okay, it happens to everyone. Оставьте её включённой. Leave it turned on. Leave it on. Том небагато їсть. Tom doesn't eat much. Tom doesn't eat much. Кажется, он сломан. I think it's broken. I think it's broken. Я никого не знаю в этом районе, Так что ты должна пытаться завести друзей. I don't know anybody in this area, So you have to try making friends. I don't know anyone in the area, so you should be trying to make friends. Он сидит на дереве. He is sitting on the tree. He's sitting on a tree. Я надеялась, что это шутка. I was hoping it was a joke. I was hoping it was a joke. Тебе не стоит делать этого без разрешения. You shouldn't do that without permission. You shouldn't do this without permission. Я такою народилася. I was born like this. I was born that way. Яна не хацела назваць сваё імя. She was unwilling to tell her name. She didn't want to give me her name. Вам відомо, чий то автомобіль? Do you know whose car that is? Do you know whose car it is? Я сьогодні повернувся. I returned today. I came back today. На твоём месте я бы его попросил. If I were you I'd ask him. If I were you, I'd ask him. Я знаю несколько канадцев. I know several Canadians. I know a few Canadians. Вы помыли овощи? Did you wash the vegetables? Have you washed your vegetables? Мені дуже подобається залишатися вдома. I really like staying home. I like to stay at home. Тому не слід робити це знову. Tom shouldn't do that again. Tom should not do it again. У Тома есть старшая сестра, которую зовут Мэри. Tom has an older sister named Mary. Tom has an older sister named Mary. Гэта царква, ў якой мы пажаніліся. This is the church where we got married. This is the church we got married to. Я й Том — з Мері. Tom and I are with Mary. Tom and I are with Mary. Зачем ты живёшь с Томом? Why do you live with Tom? Why are you living with Tom? Том буде готувати. Tom will cook. Tom is cooking. Це ваш будинок? Is this your house? Is this your house? Мы не особо продвинулись. We haven't made much progress. We haven't made much progress. Том не знал, как воспользоваться огнетушителем. Tom didn't know how to use the fire extinguisher. Tom didn't know how to use the fire extinguisher. Ви в школі французьку вивчаєте? Do you study French at school? Do you study French at school? Ты им скажешь? Will you tell them? Will you tell them? Я на вашому боці, Томе. I'm on your side, Tom. I'm on your side, Tom. Вы будете помнить это всю оставшуюся жизнь. You'll remember this for the rest of your life. You will remember this for the rest of your life. Он только других винит, а себя никогда. He only blames other people, and never himself. He only blames others, but he never blames himself. Главное - говорить правду. The main thing is to tell the truth. The important thing is to tell the truth. Я думал, в комнате кто-то есть. I thought there was somebody in the room. I thought there was someone in the room. Иди за мной. Я знаю дорогу. Follow me. I know the way. Follow me, I know the way. Надеюсь, Том был наказан. I hope that Tom was punished. I hope Tom was punished. Пожалуйста, немедленно вызывайте ФБР. Please call the FBI immediately. Please call the FBI immediately. Де мої ключі? Where are my keys? Where are my keys? Він живе в Каїрі. He lives in Cairo. He lives in Cairo. Чому б тобі не зателефонувати до служби клієнтської підтримки? Why don't you call customer service? Why don't you call customer service? Не жди меня к ужину. Don't wait for me for dinner. Don't wait for me to have dinner. Выходи из душа! Get out of the shower! Get out of the shower! Вона лише дитина. She is only a child. She's just a kid. Том не хоче мати дівчину. Tom doesn't want a girlfriend. Tom doesn't want a girlfriend. Новоприбулий пацан дуже старається мене вимотати. The new kid on the block is trying very hard to exhaust me. The newly arrived boy is trying very hard to get me out. Просто запитай її. Just ask her. Just ask her. Завтра примерно в это время я буду лететь над Тихим океаном. I'll be flying over the Pacific about this time tomorrow. I'll be flying over the Pacific around this time tomorrow. Я реалист. I'm a realistic person. I'm a realist. Это просто очевидно. It's simply obvious. It's obvious. Где Джим? Where is Jim? Where's Jim? Я хотел бы поговорить с Томом. I would like a word with Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Вы можете отдохнуть. You can rest. You can rest. Иди медленно. Walk slowly. Go slow. Не помню, чтобы я говорил вам закрыть дверь. I don't remember telling you to close the door. I don't remember telling you to close the door. Мы надеемся, что дорога скоро откроется. We hope the road will reopen soon. We hope that the road will open soon. Сколько углеводорода экспортирует Алжир? How much hydrocarbons does Algeria export? How much hydrocarbon does Algeria export? Я просто уверен, что ты только что думал о чём-то пошлом. I just bet you were thinking something perverse just now. I'm just sure you were just thinking about something vulgar. Я вже знаю твою думку. I already know what your opinion is. I already know what you think. Ті, хто не питають — не знають. Those who don't ask don't know. Those who don’t know don’t know. Я граю у лакрос. I play lacrosse. I'm playing lacrosse. Чего бы я только ни отдал, чтобы вернуть эти годы! And what wouldn't I give for these years to come back. Whatever I've given to get those years back! Я вам ягод принёс. I brought you some berries. I brought you some berries. Що ти тримаєш в руці? What do you have in your hand? What are you holding in your hand? Я помер. I am dead. I'm dead. Пойди спроси Тома, чего он хочет. Go ask Tom what he wants. Go ask Tom what he wants. Том пропустив обід. Tom skipped lunch. Tom missed lunch. У меня нет времени беспокоиться о таких мелочах. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about these little things. Этот словарь для нас - большой подарок. This dictionary is great boon up to us. This dictionary is a great gift for us. Том передал пакет мне. Tom handed the package to me. Tom handed the package over to me. Ты из какой префектуры? What prefecture are you from? Which prefecture are you from? Гаманець Тома був пустий. Tom's wallet was empty. Tom's wallet was empty. Я не скажу Тому, что ты это говорила. I won't tell Tom you said that. I'm not gonna tell Tom you said that. Я с нетерпением жду Рождества. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm looking forward to Christmas. Возьмите ещё. Have another. Take another one. Що ви сьогодні робитимете? What are you going to do today? What are you going to do today? У Тома немає чаю. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom has no tea. Я обожнюю картоплю. I love potatoes. I love potatoes. Ми битимося. We will fight. We're fighting. Если ты не хотел идти, тебе надо было мне сказать. If you didn't want to go, you should have told me. If you didn't want to go, you should have told me. Я розпочну з борщу... I'll start with a tomato soup... I'll start with the borsch... Для мяне яны найлепшыя. For me, they are the best. To me they are the best. Воду, пожалуйста. I'd like some water. Water, please. Я отвезу Тома домой. I'll take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Том весь день поёт. Tom has been singing all day. Tom sings all day. Я питаю себе, чи Тому можна довіряти. I wonder whether Tom is reliable or not. I wonder if Tom can be trusted. Том сказал мне, что он ещё не хочет спать. Tom told me he isn't sleepy yet. Tom told me he didn't want to sleep yet. Не панікуйте! Don't panic! Don't panic! Стало очень жарко. It's become very hot. It's getting really hot. Тут мне патрэбная маленькая дапамога. I need a little help here. Here I need a little help. Отвали! Я занят! Shove off! I'm busy! I'm busy! В моей стране люди обычно приветствуют друг друга рукопожатием. People generally greet each other by shaking hands in my country. In my country, people usually greet each other with a handshake. Маўчы і слухай. Be quiet and listen. Shut up and listen. Она испытывала глубокое сожаление, оглядываясь на прожитую жизнь. She regretted deeply when she looked back on her life. She felt deep regret when she looked back at her life. Я скажу тебе, что нужно сделать. I'll tell you what needs to be done. I'll tell you what to do. Вы можете перевязать эту рану? Can you dress this wound? Can you tie that wound? Что вы с Томом делали после ужина? What did you and Tom do after dinner? What did you and Tom do after dinner? Наш холодильник не працює. Our fridge is broken. The refrigerator is not working. Нет, я совсем не устал. Why, no, I'm not tired. No, I'm not tired at all. Том меня никогда не видел. Tom never saw me. Tom never saw me. Приходите послезавтра. Come the day after tomorrow. Come back the day after tomorrow. Зніми кепку. Take off your cap. Take off the cap. Паспрабуй гэта. Taste this. Try this. Ти не обдуриш мене так легко. You can't fool me so easily. You're not fooling me that easily. Кофе был восхитительным. Спасибо. The coffee was delicious. Thank you. The coffee was delicious. Я всегда осторожен. I'm always careful. I'm always careful. Не делай ему никаких намёков. Don't give him any ideas. Don't give him any hints. Как вы думаете, сколько мне лет? How old do you think I am? How old do you think I am? Я тепер заміжня. I'm now married. I'm married now. Как Том поживает? How's Tom? How's Tom? Всі повинні допомогати один одному. Everybody should help each other. Everyone has to help each other. Я бачила вас по телевізору. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Это самая большая машина в мире. This is the biggest car in the world. This is the biggest car in the world. Вы предпочитаете путешествовать автобусом или поездом? Would you rather travel by bus or by train? Do you prefer to travel by bus or train? Мой адказ правільны? Is my answer correct? Is my answer correct? В данный момент я свободна. I'm free at the moment. I'm free at the moment. Калі я ўпершыню праходзіў курс Сі, я не разумеў нічога з таго, што паяснялі ў класе. Дзякуй богу, я маю сяброўку-праграмістку, і яна паясніла мне, як усё гэта працуе. When I first took a C course, I couldn't understand a single thing explained in class. Thank God I got a friend of mine who's a programmer to explain to me how the whole caboodle works. When I first took the C course, I didn't understand anything that was explained in class. Thank God, I'm my software friend, and she explained to me how it all works. Том плохо справился. Tom did a bad job. Tom didn't do well. Хлопчык быў захоплены канструяваннем мадэлі самалёта. The boy was engrossed in constructing a model plane. The boy was enthralled by the aircraft's model design. Спасибо, что указали на различие. Thanks for pointing out the difference. Thank you for pointing out the difference. Спасибо, что сделали это для нас. Thanks for doing this for us. Thank you for doing this for us. Я не знаю, какую книгу выбрать. I don't know which book to choose. I don’t know which book to choose. Девушки, с которыми вы разговаривали, - мои студентки. The girls you were talking to are my students. The girls you talked to are my students. У меня на рубашке пуговица оторвана. A button came off my shirt. I've got a button off my shirt. Том сказал, что не будет сегодня вечером петь. Tom said he won't sing tonight. Tom said he wouldn't be singing tonight. Тобі потрібно бути обережнішим. You need to be more careful. You need to be more careful. Мій улюблений овоч — помідор. My favorite vegetable is the tomato. My favorite vegetable is tomato. Вам нужно думать о своём будущем. You need to think about your future. You need to think about your future. Гадаю, нам треба зараз піти. I guess we should leave now. I think we should go now. Я знаю, что Том - смелый человек. I know Tom is a brave man. I know Tom is a brave man. У мене колись була така сама проблема. I used to have that same problem. I once had the same problem. Вас кто-нибудь ещё видел? Did anybody else see you? Has anyone else seen you? В следующем году Том будет преподавать французский. Tom is going to be teaching French next year. Next year, Tom will be teaching French. Мені щастить. I'm in luck. I'm lucky. Я вчуся з Томом. I'm studying with Tom. I'm studying with Tom. Том усіх перехитрив. Tom outsmarted everyone. Tom outsmarted everyone. В моей семье такого бы не произошло. That wouldn't happen in my family. That wouldn't have happened in my family. Як він? How is he? How is he? Веришь ли ты всему, что слышишь? Do you believe everything you hear? Do you believe everything you hear? Том спал в этой постели. Tom slept in this bed. Tom slept in that bed. Том сидів. Tom is an ex-convict. Tom was sitting. Никто не знает, куда Том сбежал. Nobody knows where Tom ran off to. No one knows where Tom went. Я хочу побеседовать с Томом. I want to have a talk with Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Я також його ненавиджу. I hate him, too. I hate him too. Нам надо его найти. We've got to find it. We need to find him. Сподіваюся, ти не будеш занадто розчарована. I hope you won't be too disappointed. I hope you won't be too disappointed. Буду рады любым каментарыям. Any comments are welcome. I would welcome any comments. Не смейся! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Кому печива? Who wants biscuits? Who wants cookies? Я купалась в реке. I was swimming in the river. I was swimming in the river. Я не отримую задоволення від подорожей у великих групах. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I don’t enjoy traveling in large groups. Мне надо её найти. I have to find her. I need to find her. Її чоловік - автомеханік. Her husband is a car mechanic. Her husband is an auto mechanic. У вас троє дітей. You have three kids. You have three children. Том сказал, когда нам его ждать? Did Tom say when we should expect him? Did Tom say when we should wait for him? Ди ви їх бачили? Where did you see them? Have you seen them? Я три місяці була у комі. I was in a coma for three months. I was in a coma for three months. Он боится, что мы заблудимся. He's worried we'll lose the way. He's afraid we'll get lost. Хрысціян Гюйгенс (1629-1695) адкрыў спадарожнік Сатурна, Тытан. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered Saturn’s moon, Titan. Christian Huygens (1629-1695) discovered Saturn's companion, Titan. Нет языка, прекраснее японского. No language is as lovely as Japanese. There is no language more beautiful than Japanese. Том не верит, что я выиграл. Tom doesn't believe I won. Tom doesn't believe I won. Давайте побудем ещё немного. Let's stay a little bit longer. Let's stay a little longer. Я вже телефонувала. I've already called. I've already called. Это принесет несчастье твоей семье. It will bring down trouble on your family. It'll bring bad luck to your family. Ты умеешь играть? Do you know how to play? You know how to play? Він шульга. He's a southpaw. He's a slut. Ми не змогли цього зробити. We haven't been able to do that. We couldn't do that. Эта задача - вишенка на моем торте. This task is the icing on my cake. This task is the cherry on my cake. Это будет не так трудно сделать, как ты думаешь. It's not going to be as hard to do as you think it'll be. It won't be as hard to do as you think. Том прийняв твою пропозицію? Did Tom accept your offer? Did Tom accept your offer? Це величезна помилка. This is a huge mistake. It's a huge mistake. Том и Мэри оскорбляли друг друга. Tom and Mary insulted each other. Tom and Mary insulted each other. Почему ты не позавтракал? Why didn't you eat breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Меня от вас двоих тошнит. You two make me sick. I'm sick of you two. Что ты предлагаешь взамен? What do you suggest instead? What do you offer in return? Как долго Том работает учителем французского? How long has Tom been working as a French teacher? How long has Tom been a French teacher? Все, що хотів Том, — трохи вільного часу. All Tom wanted was some free time. All Tom wanted was some free time. Він хоче стояти на друдній нозі із зірками. He wants to rub shoulders with celebrities. He wants to stand on a dirty foot with stars. Мы муж и жена. We are husband and wife. We're husband and wife. Женщина, сидящая на диване, - моя бабушка. The woman sitting on the sofa is my grandmother. The woman sitting on the couch is my grandmother. Он говорит, что ничего не видел. Однако я не верю, что то, что он говорит, - правда. He says that he saw nothing. However, I don't believe what he says is the truth. He says he hasn't seen anything, but I don't believe what he's saying is true. Я їм багато свинини. I eat a lot of pork. I eat a lot of pork. Том та Мері займаються цим. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Mary are doing it. Я не задкую. I'm not backing out. I'm not kicking. Як твої справи, Майку? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Я сказал до свидания. I said goodbye. I said goodbye. Чаго ты ад мяне хочаш? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Я всегда озадачен. I'm always confused. I'm always confused. Можна побачити винну карту? May I see the wine list? Can I see the wine card? Я слухала джаз протягом всього ранку. I've been listening to jazz all morning. I listened to jazz all morning. Де мій мобільний? Where's my cellphone? Where's my cell phone? Можно я оставлю здесь свои чемоданы? Can I leave my suitcases here? Can I leave my suitcases here? Що ти сьогодні вивчила? What have you learned today? What did you learn today? Це шершень, а не бджола. That's a hornet, not a bee. It's a hornet, not a bee. Том розмірковує над тим, щоб піти служити. Tom is considering joining the army. Tom is thinking about going to serve. У мене іноді проблеми із запам'ятовуванням. I sometimes have trouble remembering things. Sometimes I have trouble remembering. Ему ещё нет тридцати, но волосы уже редеют. He's not even 30 and he has a receding hairline. He's not in his 30s yet, but his hair is thinning. Ты нашёл кого-нибудь, кто мог бы заменить Тома? Have you found somebody to replace Tom? Did you find anyone to replace Tom? Ты уже говорила с врачами? Have you talked to the doctors yet? Have you talked to the doctors yet? Какую музыку ты слушаешь в машине? What kind of music do you like to listen to when you're driving? What kind of music do you listen to in the car? Том старался не мешать Мэри. Tom tried not to bother Mary. Tom tried not to disturb Mary. Він міг би це зробити. He could have done it. He could have done it. Я вышел из дома позже обычного, но всё-таки успел на поезд. I left home later than usual, but I was still able to catch the train. I left the house later than usual, but still managed to catch the train. Не думаю, что Том бы был рад, если бы это произошло. I don't think Tom would be glad if that happened. I don't think Tom would be happy if that happened. Том писал стихи о своей любви к Марии. Tom wrote poems about his love for Mary. He wrote poems about his love for Mary. Я хачу ведаць усё пра жыццё Лайлы. I want to know everything about Layla's life. I want to know everything about Lila's life. Я должен победить. I have to win. I have to win. Він не дурний. Він глухий. He's not stupid. He's deaf. He's not stupid, he's deaf. Я давно изучаю русский язык, но, к сожалению, не владею этим прекрасным языком в полной мере. I am an old student of the Russian language, but, unfortunately, I do not have complete mastery of that beautiful language. I have been learning Russian for a long time, but, unfortunately, I do not know this beautiful language fully. Яны прыйшлі да вываду, што ён збрахаў. They concluded that he had told a lie. They came to the conclusion that he had groped. Калі ласка, дапамажыце мне. Please help me. Please help me. Стало опять тихо. It was quiet again. It was quiet again. Цього з тобою більше не трапиться. This won't happen to you again. This will never happen to you again. Я хотів подивитися цей фільм із вами. I wanted to watch that movie with you. I wanted to watch this movie with you. Я требую возвращения своих денег! I demand that my money be returned to me! I want my money back! Том на меня злится. Tom is mad at me. Tom's mad at me. Том сказал, что Мэри заболела. Tom said Mary felt sick. Tom said Mary was sick. Вона відмовилася розказати більше про це. She declined to say more about it. She refused to tell me more about it. Хіба ви не Самі? Aren't you Sami? Aren't you yourself? Я больше никогда не буду петь эту песню. I won't ever sing that song again. I will never sing that song again. Вы знаете, как Том попал внутрь? Do you know how Tom got in? Do you know how Tom got in? Кому Том продав свою машину? Who did Tom sell his car to? Who did Tom sell his car to? Я знаю, що це буде складно. I know this will be difficult. I know it will be difficult. Только ситхи всё возводят в абсолют. Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Only the Sith make everything absolute. Я научился заниматься и играть как мои японские друзья. I learned to study and play like my Japanese friends. I learned to study and play like my Japanese friends. Не волнуйся. Это только временно. Don't worry. It's only temporary. Don't worry, it's only temporary. Ты не настолько быстрая, как говорила. You aren't as fast as you said. You're not as fast as you said. Гэты сцяг вельмі прыгожы. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. He doesn’t like public speaking. На жаль, ніхто з моїх японських друзів не вивчає німецьку, але один з них вивчає російську. Unfortunately, none of my Japanese friends are learning German, but one of them is learning Russian. Unfortunately, none of my Japanese friends are learning German, but one of them is learning Russian. Дрожащий голос выдавал его нервозность. His tremulous voice betrayed his nervousness. His trembling voice made him nervous. Не варто нервувати з-за таких дрібниць. You need not fret over such trifles. Don’t be nervous about such small things. Я ні в кого не закохувалася. I wasn't in love with anyone. I didn't fall in love with anyone. Мне нужно надеть свитер? Do I need to put on a sweater? Do I need to wear a sweater? Том всем рассказал, что Мэри была удочерена. Tom told everyone Mary was adopted. Tom told everyone that Mary had been adopted. Осталось всего три банки пива. There are only three cans of beer left. There are only three beers left. Будь реалисткой. Be realistic. Be realistic. Ми відновимося. We'll recover. We will recover. Що ще тобі потрібно? What more do you need? What else do you need? Том сделал это лишь потому, что был обязан это сделать. Tom only did that because he had to. Tom did it because he had to. Думаете, это можно пить? Do you think it's OK to drink this? Do you think you can drink it? Дом большой, а сад маленький. The house is big, but the garden is tiny. The house is big and the garden is small. Мне сразу стало лучше. I immediately felt better. I felt better right away. Нішто сабе! Wow! Nothing to himself! Давайте закончим эту дискуссию. Let's end this discussion. Let's end this discussion. Давно вы с Томом разговаривали? How long has it been since you've talked to Tom? How long have you been talking to Tom? Я докажу, что вы ошибаетесь. I'll prove you're wrong. I'll prove you wrong. Соединяю Вас с ней. I put you through to her. I'm connecting you to her. Сьогодні вночі буде доволі холодно. It's going to be quite cold tonight. It will be quite cold tonight. Сподіваюся, ми можемо це виправити. I hope we can fix that. I hope we can fix it. Том закрывает дверь. Tom is closing the door. Tom closes the door. Я соврал Тому. I lied to Tom. I lied to Tom. Я проста і не ведаю, што сказаць... I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say... Кажется, в Токио поняли намёк из Вашингтона. Tokyo seems to have gotten the message from Washington. It seems that Tokyo understood a hint from Washington. При смешивании трёх основных цветов получается чёрный. Mixture of the three primary colors creates black. Mixing the three primary colors produces black. Если бы у меня было время сделать это, я бы сделал. If I had time to do that, I would. If I had time to do that, I would. Это какой же надо быть эгоисткой, чтобы так поступать? How self-centric do you have to be to do something like that? What kind of selfishness does that have to be to do that? Я купил такую же камеру, как у тебя. I bought the same camera as you have. I bought a camera like yours. У меня пропала одежда. My clothes are gone. I lost my clothes. Це лише забобони. That's just superstition. It's just superstition. Предложение хорошее. The proposal is good. The offer is good. Том молча посмотрел на Мэри. Tom looked at Mary without saying anything. Tom looked at Mary silently. Пропоную вам поквапитися. I suggest you hurry. I suggest you hurry up. Земля обертається навколо Сонця. The Earth revolves around the sun. The earth revolves around the sun. Він знає багатьох. He knows many people. He knows many. Наш город был окутан смогом. Our city was covered with smog. Our city was shrouded in smog. Он сознался в своем преступлении. He confessed his crime. He confessed to his crime. Як це трапляється, у мене при собі не виявилося грошей. As it happened, I had no money with me. As it happens, I didn’t have any money. У вас нет времени. You don't have the time. You don't have time. Том сказал, что я выгляжу уставшей. Tom said that I looked tired. Tom said I looked tired. Да якой групы ты хочаш далучыцца? Which group do you want to join? Which group do you want to join? Обязательно разморозьте курицу перед готовкой. Make sure to thaw the chicken before cooking. Be sure to defrost the chicken before cooking. Том начинал терять терпение. Tom was becoming impatient. Tom began to lose patience. Хтось відчинив вікно. Someone opened the window. Someone opened the window. Я дуже імпульсивна. I'm very impulsive. I'm very impulsive. Авто на улїци. A car is in the street. Car on the street. Ми сумнівалися. I was having doubts. We doubted. Я не ведаю, куды яшчэ звярнуцца. I don't know where else to turn. I don't know where else to turn. Что ты делаешь в моей комнате? What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my room? Это Тому пришла в голову эта идея. It was Tom who came up with this idea. Tom came up with this idea. Я не могу верить тебе. I can't trust you. I can't believe you. Дай-но я спробую. Let me try. Let me try. Том положил ключи в ящик. Tom put the keys in the drawer. Tom put the keys in the box. Я танна дастаў матацыкл. I got a motorbike cheap. I cheaply delivered the motorcycle. Ніхто не вірить у те, що вона невинна. No one believes she is innocent. No one believes she is innocent. Мы выполнили наш долг. We've done our duty. We have done our duty. Какая из гитар вам больше нравится? Which one of your guitars do you like best? Which guitar do you like best? Я працягвала чытаць. I continued reading. I kept reading. Я більше не можу виносити цей гамір. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't take that shit anymore. Скажыце яму, што мы занятыя. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. Почему бы нам не попробовать сделать это завтра. Why don't we try doing that tomorrow? Why don't we try it tomorrow. Уилл, завещает ли Уилл Уиллу свою волю? Will, will Will will Will Will’s will? Will, will Will bequeath his will? Я бы хотела, чтобы ты познакомился с моим мужем. I'd like you to meet my husband. I'd like you to meet my husband. Мені потрібні нові шини. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Вам надо отсюда убираться. You have to get away from here. You need to get out of here. Не думаю, что смогу это для тебя сделать. I don't think that I can do that for you. I don't think I can do this for you. Мы много о тебе знаем, Том. We know a lot about you, Tom. We know a lot about you, Tom. Он твой учитель? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Ідіть якомога швидше. Walk as fast as possible. Go as soon as possible. Гэты знак паказвае, што адказ правільны. The sign means that the answer is correct. This sign indicates that the answer is correct. Він великий скрипаль. He's a great violinist. He is a great violinist. Мои самые лучшие. Mine are the best. Mine are the best. Вы белая как привидение. You're as white as a ghost. You're white as a ghost. Том більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom isn't going to bother Mary anymore. Tom will no longer bother Mary. Дайте мне сигарету. Give me a cigarette. Give me a cigarette. Их цена ниже, чем у нас. Their price is below ours. Their price is lower than ours. Я слышала, магазинные кражи – это весело. I've heard shoplifting is fun. I hear shoplifting is fun. Скільки я зробив помилок? How many mistakes did I make? How many mistakes have I made? Покажіть. Show me. Show me. Ты не хочешь ещё дочку? Don't you want to have another daughter? You don't want another daughter? Хорошо, Том, задуй свечи. OK Tom, blow out the candles. All right, Tom, blow out the candles. Сколько нам понадобится времени? How much time will we need? How much time do we need? Обещаешь? Do you promise? Promise? У нього сліди губної помади на щоках. He has traces of lipstick on his cheeks. He's got lipstick marks on his cheeks. Том любит шоколадный пудинг. Tom likes chocolate pudding. Tom likes chocolate pudding. Думаю про тебе. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking of you. Отвечать на это письмо необязательно. You don't have to answer that letter. It is not necessary to respond to this letter. Я міг би змінитися. I could've changed. I could change. Вы могли просто сказать им. You could've just told them. You could just tell them. Я знайома з батьком цієї дівчини. I know this girl's father. I know this girl’s father. Жадаў бы я быць багатым. I wish I were rich. I wish I were rich. Не оставляй, пожалуйста, Тома одного. Please don't leave Tom alone. Please don't leave Tom alone. Самі прийде завтра. Sami will come tomorrow. She will come tomorrow. Він твій король. He is your king. He's your king. Спаборніцтвы былі адкладзеныя. The athletic meeting was put off. The competition was postponed. Я краще помру, ніж здамся. I would rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than give up. Это было не смешно. That wasn't funny. That wasn't funny. Но как они могут это сделать? But how can they do this? But how can they do that? Тому сказали самому этого не делать. Tom was told not to do that by himself. Tom was told not to do it himself. Нам потрібно знайти роботу. We need to find work. We need to find a job. Сколько слов вы можете прочитать в минуту? How many words can you read per minute? How many words can you read per minute? Джон старший від мене на два роки. John is two years older than me. John is two years older than me. Ти вчора грала в теніс? Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you play tennis yesterday? Ух ... раздражает! Urgh... annoying! Uh... annoying! Я неохайна. I'm untidy. I'm sloppy. Як ти перенесла загальну анестезією? How did you get through anaesthesia? How did you get general anesthesia? У вас хорошее произношение. You have good pronunciation. You have a good pronunciation. У нас двое дзяцей. We have two kids. We have two children. Кто-нибудь в последнее время видел Тома? Has anybody seen Tom lately? Has anyone seen Tom lately? Не трогайте мою машинку. Don't touch my typewriter. Don't touch my machine. У Тома и Мэри есть сын. Tom and Mary have a son. Tom and Mary have a son. Мы остаёмся дома. We stay at home. We're staying at home. Можно я спишу у тебя ответы? Can I copy your answers? Can I write down your answers? Ви знаєте, що Том любить машини. You know Tom likes cars. You know that Tom loves cars. Хіба я тебе не попередив? Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you? Ми думали, що Том спав. We thought Tom was sleeping. We thought Tom was asleep. Немає потреби йти. There's no need to leave. There's no need to go. Ти маму запитала? Did you ask your mother? Did you ask your mom? Я - ты. I am you. I'm you. Здається, немає нікого вдома. It seems there's no one home. There seems to be no one at home. Том вышел из комнаты, не сказав никому ни слова. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. У Вас голос расстроенный. You sound upset. Your voice is upset. Том увидел следы колёс на снегу. Tom saw tire tracks in the snow. Tom saw the tracks in the snow. Земля ще волога. The ground is still damp. The earth is still wet. Я хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я всегда буду тебя любить. I want you to know that I'll always love you. I want you to know that I will always love you. Это нанесёт вред урожаю. It will damage the crops. This will damage the harvest. Оставьте его включённым. Leave it turned on. Leave it on. Я живу тут лише через те, що тут дешево. I only live here because it's cheap. I only live here because it's cheap. Ты была в школе позавчера? Were you at school the day before yesterday? Were you at school the day before yesterday? Я видела её. I've seen her. I saw her. Кто изобрёл бинокль? Who invented binoculars? Who invented binoculars? Ти грав учора в бейсбол? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? Навіщо ви зачинили двері? Why did you close the door? Why did you close the door? Обери певну подію, яку ти добре пам'ятаєш. Choose a particular event you remember well. Choose an event that you remember well. Їм краще припинити брехати. They had better stop lying. They better stop lying. Том держал ружьё в правой руке. Tom held the gun in his right hand. Tom had a gun in his right hand. Ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? You don't like swimming? Він повернувся до готелю. He went back to the hotel. He returned to the hotel. Вам весело? Are you having fun? Have fun? Том не хотел, чтобы мы ехали в Бостон. Tom didn't want us to go to Boston. Tom didn't want us to go to Boston. Том ударился локтем, когда упал. Tom hit his elbow when he fell. Tom hit his elbow when he fell. У нас насправді немає вибору. We really don't have a choice. We don't really have a choice. Она хотела с Вами познакомиться. She wanted to meet you. She wanted to meet you. Это самый дешёвый. This is the cheapest one. It's the cheapest. Що робитимеш сьогодні ввечері? What are you going to do tonight? What will you do tonight? Этот стол белый. This table is white. This table is white. Тому следовало бы поостеречься и не целовать Мэри прилюдно. Tom should have known better than to kiss Mary in public. He should have been careful not to kiss Mary in public. Я не хочу ехать на озеро. I don't want to go to the lake. I don't want to go to the lake. Ты помыл овощи? Did you wash the vegetables? Did you wash the vegetables? Это похоже на действие вируса. That looks like the work of a virus. It's like the action of a virus. Мали — один из крупнейших в Африке производителей хлопка. Mali is one of Africa’s largest cotton growers. Mali is one of the largest cotton producers in Africa. Том не зміг перемогти. Tom wasn't able to win. Tom could not win. В кинотеатре внезапно начался пожар. All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the movie theater. A fire suddenly broke out in the cinema. Только я засмеялась. I was the only one who laughed. Only I laughed. Я такий радий за тебе. I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy for you. Я сел рядом с Томом. I sat next to Tom. I sat next to Tom. Ми віддали всі наші гроші. We gave all our money away. We gave all our money. Я такі шчаслівы. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Приди как можно быстрее. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Том говорит, что может доказать, что Мэри этого не делала. Tom says he can prove Mary didn't do that. Tom says he can prove that Mary didn't. У Канадзе размаўляюць на французскай? Do they speak French in Canada? Do they speak French in Canada? Закрыйце кнігу. Close your book. Close the book. Вы обычно надеваете велосипедный шлем? Do you usually wear a bike helmet? Do you usually wear a bicycle helmet? Это большая работа. It's a big job. It's a lot of work. Це його нав'язлива ідея. It's an obsession of his. It's his obsession. Не палити! Don't smoke! Don't smoke! Так что ты сделал? So, what have you done? So what did you do? Ты знаешь, как Том попал внутрь? Do you know how Tom got in? Do you know how Tom got in? Я видел, как Том садится в поезд. I saw Tom get on the train. I saw Tom get on the train. Я не довіряв Тому, і він мені теж не довіряв. I didn't trust Tom and he didn't trust me, either. I didn't trust Tom, and he didn't trust me either. Вы предлагаете мне поверить вам на слово? Are you suggesting that I take your word for it? Are you suggesting I take your word for it? Зроби це так. Do it in this manner. Do it like this. Том, мабуть, все ще сердитиметься. Tom will probably still be mad. Tom will probably still be angry. Все модели — неправильные. Но некоторые — полезные. All models are wrong, but some are useful. All models are wrong. But some are useful. Ты вошёл в мою комнату. You came into my room. You walked into my room. Скажи Тому, что ему не следует этим заниматься. Tell Tom that he shouldn't be doing that. Tell Tom he shouldn't be doing this. Ти можеш робити все, що хочеш. You are welcome to do anything you like. You can do whatever you want. Я шукаю свою дружину. I'm looking for my wife. I'm looking for my wife. Почему бы тебе не поздороваться со всеми? Why don't you say hello to everybody? Why don't you say hello to everyone? Вам потрібно знайти найменший спільний знаменник. You need to find the lowest common denominator. You need to find the smallest common denominator. Я никогда больше этого не сделаю. I will never do it again. I'll never do that again. Ми маємо це зробити. We've got to do it. We have to do this. Мені цей не подобається. I don't like this one. I don't like this one. Навіщо народжувати дітей, якщо можна усиновити? Why have kids when you can adopt? Why give birth to children if you can adopt? Добром это не кончится! This isn't going to end well! It's not going to end well! Я розчарував Тома. I disappointed Tom. I was disappointed with Tom. Забіў Барбару Элістэр. It was Alister who killed Barbara. He killed Barbara Elyster. Мері сказала, що боїться. Mary said she was afraid. Mary said she was afraid. Звучит просто. It sounds simple. Sounds simple. Погибли гражданские лица. Some civilians were killed. Civilians were killed. Я знаю, что Том мог сделать это. I know Tom could do it. I know Tom could have done it. Ви дали мені добру пораду. You've given me good advice. You gave me good advice. Щойно він лишився сам, він відкрив конверт. As soon as he was left alone, he opened the letter. Once he was alone, he opened the envelope. Мені шкода, Томе. I'm sorry, Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Сподіваємося, ми зможемо розпочати це завдання наступного місяця. I hope we can start this task next month. We hope to be able to begin this task next month. Итальянцы не пьют кофе. Italians do not drink coffee. Italians don’t drink coffee. Том, вероятно, сделает это снова. Tom will probably do it again. Tom will probably do it again. Вучыся. Study! Learn. У него нет сотового. He has no mobile. He doesn't have a cell phone. Том хотів бути чемним. Tom wanted to be polite. Tom wanted to be honest. Никто не верит в её невиновность. No one believes that she is innocent. No one believes her innocence. Замок выглядел заброшенным. The castle looked abandoned. The castle looked abandoned. Бракує Тома. Tom is missing. Tom is missing. Я би поїхав до Парижу, якби мав час. I'd travel to Paris if I had the time. I would go to Paris if I had the time. Я заменю Тома. I'll replace Tom. I'll replace Tom. Том поцеловал Мэри и извинился. Tom kissed Mary and apologized. Tom kissed Mary and apologized. Кішка захищала своїх кошенят. The mother cat protected her kittens. Cats protect their kittens. Мы ждём, когда они уйдут. We're waiting for them to leave. We wait for them to leave. Как ты мог мне солгать? How could you lie to me? How could you lie to me? Они спали в одной и той же комнате. They slept in the same room. They slept in the same room. Том — знаменитість місцевого масштабу. Tom is a local celebrity. Tom is a local celebrity. М'яч потрапив у її праву ногу. A ball hit her on the right leg. The ball hit her right leg. Том зараз на городі. Tom's in the garden right now. Tom is in town. Аліса не бачила собаки. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see the dog. В отделении милиции сотрудники милиции играли в шахматы. The police officers were playing chess at the police station. In the police department, police officers played chess. Собрание завершилось полчаса назад. The meeting came to an end thirty minutes ago. The meeting ended half an hour ago. У Тома телевизор целый день работает. Tom leaves his TV on all day long. Tom's TV works all day. Наведите у себя порядок. Get your house in order. Put yourself in order. Ты не можешь отпустить Тома одного. You can't let Tom go alone. You can't let Tom go alone. Вызови электрика. Call an electrician. Call the electrician. Мері на роботі, чи не так? Mary is at work, isn't she? Mary's at work, isn't she? Давайте простим их на этот раз. Let's give them another chance. Let's forgive them this time. Том особливий. Tom is special. Tom is special. Тобі потрібно йому це кинути. You have to throw it to him. You need to give it to him. Том уезжает завтра утром. Tom is leaving tomorrow morning. Tom leaves tomorrow morning. Том залежить від батьків. Tom is dependent on his parents. Tom is dependent on his parents. У меня ужасные боли. I have terrible pains. I'm in terrible pain. У Тома с Марией отношения на расстоянии: он живёт в Ганновере, она в Берлине, а по выходным они встречаются. Tom and Mary are in a long-distance relationship. He lives in Hannover while she lives in Berlin; they meet on weekends. Tom and Maria have a long-distance relationship: he lives in Hanover, she is in Berlin, and on weekends they meet. Ви з Томом зустрічаєтеся? Are you and Tom dating? Are you and Tom dating? Я дрэнна сплю. I can't sleep well. I'm not sleeping well. Вы готовы к битве? Are you ready for battle? Are you ready for battle? Как ты с ним познакомилась? How did you first meet him? How did you meet him? Мой муж - пекарь. My husband is a baker. My husband is a baker. Ти приймаєш мене такою, яка я є. You accept me for who I am. You accept me as I am. Вы же мне потом расскажете? You'll tell me later, won't you? You'll tell me later, won't you? Зробімо торт. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. Скажи мне три вещи, которые ты можешь сделать хорошо. Tell me three things that you can do well. Tell me three things you can do well. На нас многие рассчитывают. Many people rely on us. Many are counting on us. Ничто так не расслабляет, как горячая ванна. There is nothing as relaxing as lying in a hot bath. Nothing relaxes like a hot bath. Том сам. Tom is alone. Tom's on his own. У Тома мігрень. Tom has a migraine. Tom has a migraine. Том та Мері все ще сплять, так? Tom and Mary are still asleep, aren't they? Tom and Mary are still asleep, right? Мері загубила ключі від машини. Mary lost her car keys. Mary lost her car keys. Дзякуй! Thanks. Thank you! Я не жду, что ты в это поверишь. I don't expect you to believe it. I don't expect you to believe that. Прошлой зимой я прочёл много интересных книг. I read many interesting books last winter. I read a lot of interesting books last winter. Том знову мене побив. Tom beat me again. Tom beat me up again. Я встретил её по дороге домой из школы. On my way home from school I met her. I met her on the way home from school. Не позволяй детям играть рядом с прудом. Don't let the children go near the pond. Don't let the kids play near the pond. Яго ведалі ўсе ў вёсцы. Everybody in the village knew him. He was known by everyone in the village. Это неверные данные. This data is incorrect. This is incorrect data. Я тут шчаслівая. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Пейте достаточно воды. Drink plenty of water. Drink enough water. Я для тебе спекла яблучний пиріг. I made an apple pie for you. I baked apple pie for you. Почему бы нам не пойти снова? Why don't we go again? Why don't we go again? Спачатку мне ён не спадабаўся. At first, I didn't like him. At first I didn't like him. О них ходили странные слухи. Queer rumors about them were in the air. There were strange rumors about them. Ця білка поцупила мого жолудя! That squirrel stole my acorn! That squirrel fucked up my acorn! Если б мы не жили в Испании, мы бы не использовали форму "vosotros". We wouldn't use the "vosotros" form if we didn't live in Spain. If we didn't live in Spain, we wouldn't use the form "vosotros". Мы все тебя очень любим. All of us like you very much. We all love you very much. Здаецца, мы трапілі ў западню. It looks like we fell into a trap. It seems we've fallen into a trap. Он часто сидит часами, читая книги. He often sits for many hours reading books. He often sits for hours reading books. Машина жёлтая. The car is yellow. The car is yellow. "Привет", - робко сказал Том. "Hi," Tom said shyly. "Hello," Tom said timidly. Але цяпер, калі да мэты застаўся толькі крок, Орэст раптам разгубіўся. But now, when only one step was left to reach the goal, Orestes suddenly lost his courage. But now that there's only a step left to the goal, Oreste is suddenly lost. Як я можу з вами зв'язатися? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? Цей хлопець не може відрізнити праведне від грішного. That fellow can't tell right from wrong. This man cannot distinguish right from wrong. Том випив весь апельсиновий сік. Tom drank all the orange juice. Tom drank all the orange juice. Мері нижча від Тома. Mary is not as tall as Tom. Mary is inferior to Tom. Ми зробили все це без будь-якої допомоги. We did it all without any help. We did it all without any help. Мне не хочется это признавать, но думаю, что Том прав. I hate to say it, but I think Tom is right. I don't want to admit it, but I think Tom's right. Что ж, я надеюсь, это принесет пользу. Well, I hope this will do some good. Well, I hope it's useful. Вони займаються цим так часто, як тільки можуть. They do that as often as they can. They do it as often as they can. Фрукти багаті на вітаміни. Fruit is rich in vitamins. Fruits are rich in vitamins. Это хижина, в которой он жил. This is the hut in which he lived. It's the cabin he lived in. Том не вміє користуватись вогнегасником. Tom doesn't know how to use a fire extinguisher. Tom doesn't know how to use a fire extinguisher. Они отобрали всю его землю. They took all his land. They took all his land. Раньше Том был уличным музыкантом. Tom used to be a street musician. Tom used to be a street musician. Сколько мне можно побыть здесь? How long may I stay here? How long can I stay here? Вы об этом кому-нибудь говорили? Have you told anyone about this? Did you tell anyone about this? Я маю вас оглянути. I have to examine you. I've got to take a look at you. Ти хочеш навчитися грати на гітарі? Do you want to learn to play guitar? Do you want to learn how to play guitar? Вы поёте в хоре? Do you sing in the choir? Do you sing in the choir? Они это делают, потому что мы им позволяем. They do it because we let them. They do it because we let them. Я прагну значно більшого. I want a lot more. I want much more. Шахматы вызывают интерес у детей и взрослых во всем мире. Chess piques the interest of children and adults all over the world. Chess is of interest to children and adults around the world. Веди себя соответственно возрасту. Act your age. Behave according to age. Я хотел бы увидеть Тома. I would like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Без зусиль нічого не добитися. Nothing is achieved without effort. No effort to achieve anything. Ти іноземець? Are you a foreigner? Are you a foreigner? Я не могу тебе это одолжить. I can't lend this to you. I can't lend you that. Калі гэта здарыцца, дайце мне знаць. If that happens, let me know. If that happens, let me know. Время нельзя повернуть вспять. You can't turn back time. Time cannot be reversed. Что вызывает головную боль? What causes a headache? What causes a headache? Я прохожу мимо этой церкви каждый день по дороге на работу. I pass by that church every day on my way to work. I walk past this church every day on my way to work. Почему ты показываешь мне это? Why are you showing me this? Why are you showing me this? Ніколи не буває запізно. It's never too late. It's never too late. Посмотри на него. Look at him. Look at him. Вы арыштаваныя. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. Я завжди тримаю слово. I always keep my word. I always keep my word. Том в порядку? Is Tom all right? Is Tom okay? У Тома маленька квартира. Tom's apartment is small. Tom has a small apartment. Почему вы не съели завтрак? Why didn't you eat breakfast? Why didn't you eat breakfast? Сегодня третье октября. It's October the third. Today is the third of October. На сколько Том останется? How long will Tom be staying here? How long will Tom stay? Заўтра я еду ў Парыж. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. Твій велосипед такий самий, як і в мене. Your bicycle is similar to mine. Your bike is the same as mine. Нам надо было поехать с Томом. We should've gone with Tom. We should have gone with Tom. Том в пятницу летит в Болгарию. Tom is flying to Bulgaria on Friday. Tom is flying to Bulgaria on Friday. Яе голас прыемна чуць. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Her voice is pleasant to hear. Хлопець сміливий. The boy is brave. The boy is brave. Кожа у неё белее снега. Her skin is whiter than snow. Her skin is whiter than snow. Мері допомогла не Тому. Tom wasn't the one who Mary helped. Mary didn't help Tom. Том не умеет заботиться о своих детях. Tom doesn't know how to take care of his children. Tom can't take care of his children. Для Іціра сяброўства важнейшае за прыбутак. Ichiro puts friendship above profit. For Ithir, friendship is the most important thing behind an adventure. Этот суп очень вкусный, правда? This soup is really delicious, right? This soup is delicious, right? Малыш плачет, потому что теперь он голодный. The baby is crying because it is hungry now. The baby is crying because he is hungry. Возможно, именно это нам сейчас следует делать. Maybe that's what we should be doing now. Perhaps that is what we should be doing now. Это может быть непросто. It may not be easy. It might not be easy. Ботинки Тома были в грязи. Tom had mud on his shoes. Tom's shoes were in the mud. Я потребую трохи більше простору. I need a little more space. I need a little more space. Ты промок? Did you get wet? Are you wet? Я Тома давно не видел. I haven't seen Tom for a long time. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Я ищу свою жену. I am looking for my wife. I'm looking for my wife. Ён вагаўся некаторы час. He hesitated for a while. He hesitated for a while. Эта картинка напоминает мне о моём детстве. This picture reminds me of my childhood. This picture reminds me of my childhood. Я никогда до этого не был в Австралии. I'd never been to Australia before that. I’ve never been to Australia before. Не забудь указать индекс. Do not forget to write the postcode. Don't forget the index. Том хоче кращого життя. Tom wants a better life. Tom wants a better life. К сожалению, это правда. Unfortunately, it's true. Unfortunately, it's true. Мені цікаво, чи Том перебірливий у їжі. I wonder whether or not Tom is a picky eater. I wonder if Tom is picky about food. Де ми можемо зустрітися? Where can we get together? Where can we meet? Я шчаслівы. I am happy. I'm happy. А правда ли, что твою японскую подругу зовут Татоэба? And is it true that your Japanese girlfriend is called Tatoeba? Is it true that your Japanese friend's name is Tatoeba? Нам сказалі гэта зрабіць. We were told to do that. We were told to do it. Добавь её. Add her. Add it. К моему удивлению, он женился на очень красивой актрисе. To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress. To my surprise, he married a very beautiful actress. Вона має довге волосся. She has long hair. She has long hair. delete delete delete Том собрал вещи и уехал. Tom packed his things and left. Tom packed up and left. Том ненавидить людей. Tom hates people. Tom hates people. Не зловживай моїм терпінням. Don't abuse my patience. Do not abuse my patience. Вони полетіли в Європу. They left for Europe by air. They flew to Europe. Ти колись стриг вівцю? Have you ever sheared a sheep? Have you ever cut a sheep? Ходімо на пляж? Shall we go to the beach? Let's go to the beach? Если позволит погода, то завтра мы заберёмся на вершину горы. Weather permitting, we are going to get to the top of the mountain tomorrow. If the weather allows, tomorrow we will climb to the top of the mountain. Прекратите шуметь. Stop that noise. Stop making noise. Думаю, що Юмі захворіла. I think that Yumi is sick. I think Yumi is sick. Только что родившемуся теленку трудно встать. The calf that has just been born has trouble getting up. A newborn calf is hard to get up. Він їсть цукерки. He's eating sweets. He eats candy. С тех пор, как вы были здесь, многое изменилось. Things have changed a lot since the last time you were here. Since you were here, a lot has changed. Мама любит готовить. My mom likes to cook. My mom likes to cook. Том тобі не слуга. Tom isn't your servant. Tom's not your servant. В мене болить тут. I have a pain here. I'm in pain here. Мэри потеряла сумочку. Mary has lost her purse. Mary lost her purse. Том пошёл гулять с детьми. Tom went out for a walk with his kids. Tom went out with the kids. У меня такая же большая комната, как у тебя. My room is as large as yours is. I have a room as big as yours. Том хотів побачити китів. Tom wanted to see whales. Tom wanted to see the whales. Я был так испуган, что ничего не мог сделать. I was too scared to do anything. I was so scared I couldn’t do anything. Воспользуйся калькулятором. Use a calculator. Use the calculator. У нас всего три правила. We have only three rules. We only have three rules. Я найду тебе хорошего доктора. I'll find you a good doctor. I'll find you a good doctor. В шахматной игре, когда одна и та же позиция повторяется три раза, игра заканчивается без победителя. Таким образом, результат - ничья. In a game of chess, when the same position is repeated three times, the game ends without a winner. The result is therefore a tie. In a chess game, when the same position is repeated three times, the game ends without a winner. Thus, the result is a draw. Когда я вырасту, я хочу быть политиком. When I grow up, I want to be a politician. When I grow up, I want to be a politician. Я маю бути обачливішою. I need to be more careful. I have to be careful. У игрока с черными фигурами есть множество вариантов ответа на 1. e4. The player with the black pieces has numerous options to answer to 1. e4. The player with the black pieces has many options to respond to 1. e4. В чьё царствование была построена эта церковь? During whose reign was that church built? In whose reign was this church built? Том дуже скромний. Tom is very humble. Tom is very humble. Том почистив яблуко. Tom peeled the apple. Tom cleaned the apple. Я ведала вашага брата. I knew your brother. I knew your brother. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы ты поехал. I'd really like you to go. I'd really like you to go. Добавь ярлык на рабочий стол. Add a shortcut to the desktop. Add a label to your desktop. Ты мог просто сказать ей. You could've just told her. You could've just told her. Вы знаете пароль? Do you know the password? Do you know the password? Я живу на том берегу. I live across the river. I live on that beach. Ви продаєте полуницю? Do you sell strawberries? Do you sell strawberries? Девятьсот девяносто девять плюс один будет тысяча. Nine hundred and ninety-nine plus one is one thousand. Nine hundred and ninety-nine plus one will be a thousand. Я надеялся, что ты вернёшься. I was hoping you'd come back. I was hoping you'd come back. Вони всі голодні. They're all hungry. They're all hungry. Совы милые. Owls are cute. Owls are cute. Сьогодні ввечері очікуй сюрприз. Expect a surprise tonight. Expect a surprise tonight. Убери отсюда Тома. Take Tom away from here. Get Tom out of here. Перепрошую, що потурбувала. I'm sorry I bothered you. Sorry to bother you. Це все, що вони хотіли. That's all they wanted. That's all they wanted. Гэта найлепшая гітара ў магазіне. This is the best guitar in the store. It's the best guitar in the store. Не все россияне являются гражданами России, и не все граждане России являются русскими. Not all Russians are Russian citizens and not all citizens of Russia are Russians. Not all Russians are Russian citizens, and not all Russian citizens are Russian. Це не моя донька. This isn't my daughter. That's not my daughter. Холодная погода уже здесь. The cold weather is here. The cold weather is here. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a weird dream. I had a strange dream that night. Трапилося щось дивне? Has anything strange happened? Did something strange happen? Вы будете ему звонить? Are you going to call him? Will you call him? Несумненна, ён нашмат лепшы за цябе. He's without a doubt a lot better than you. No doubt he's much better than you. Том не силён в рисовании. Tom isn't good at drawing. Tom's not strong at drawing. Я не люблю, когда трогают мои вещи. I don't like other people touching my things. I don’t like to touch my things. Том на мене не працює. Tom isn't working for me. Tom doesn't work for me. Він може плисти швидко. He can swim fast. He can swim fast. Ми не можемо допустити, щоб це трапилося знову. We can't let that happen again. We can't let that happen again. Я знал, что случится что-то ужасное. I knew something horrible was about to happen. I knew something terrible was going to happen. Я запросив її на побачення. I asked her out on a date. I asked her out for a date. Мері несе кавун. Mary is carrying a watermelon. Mary carries a watermelon. Може бути, це неможливо. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe it's impossible. Я знаю, що Том скаже тобі правду. I know that Tom will tell you the truth. I know Tom will tell you the truth. Том тебе обо мне ничего не рассказывал? Didn't Tom tell you anything about me? Tom didn't tell you anything about me? Ти насправді бачила НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Did you actually see a UFO? Том переконав Мері запросити Джона на вечірку. Tom persuaded Mary to invite John to the party. Tom convinced Mary to invite John to the party. Голод для него был абстрактным понятием; у него всегда было достаточно еды. For him, hunger was an abstract concept. He had always had enough food. Hunger was an abstract concept for him; he always had enough to eat. Я хочу поговорить с ней о моём будущем. I want to talk with her about my future. I want to talk to her about my future. Не отправляйте меня домой, пожалуйста! Don't send me home, please. Don't send me home, please! Кому належить ця парасолька? Who does this umbrella belong to? Who owns this umbrella? Ты шмат размаўляеш. You talk a lot. You talk a lot. Спам раздражает. Spam is annoying. Spam is annoying. Ми повинні допомогти Тому. We need to help Tom. We have to help Tom. Том промыл за ушами. Tom washed behind his ears. Tom washed his ears. Отдых важен. Rest is important. Rest is important. Том согласился помочь Мэри это сделать. Tom agreed to help Mary do that. Tom agreed to help Mary do it. Том любит окунать печенья в молоко. Tom likes dipping cookies in milk. Tom likes to dip cookies in his milk. Думаю, тобі треба спробувати ще. I think you should try again. I think you should try again. Не всем бразильцам нравится карнавал. Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival. Not all Brazilians like the carnival. Це був жахливий фільм. It was a terrible film. It was a terrible movie. Иногда мне трудно говорить на французском. I sometimes struggle to speak French. Sometimes it’s hard to speak French. Я уже умею говорить по-французски. I can already speak French. I can already speak French. Самі ведаў, што ён зрабіў. Sami knew what he had did. Sami knew what he did. У мене немає книжок. I don't have books. I don't have any books. Ви резервували столик? Have you got a table booked? Did you reserve a table? Я відвідую курси водіїв. I go to a driving school. I'm attending driver's courses. Я думаю Марс красивий. I think Mars is beautiful. I think Mars is beautiful. Я вирішила сказати йому правду. I decided to tell him the truth. I decided to tell him the truth. Откуда мы знаем, что этот человек - тот, за кого он себя выдаёт? How do we know that that man is who he says he is? How do we know this man is who he claims to be? Кнїжка червена. The book is red. Book of Worms. Что ты поёшь? What're you singing? What are you singing? Вина Тома - це не моя вина. Просто пам’ятайте це. Tom's actions aren't my fault. Just remember that. Tom's fault is not my fault. Just remember that. Янни это вполне понимает. Yanni does understand that. Yanni understands that. Ми стали в чергу на автобус. We queued for the bus. We were on the bus. Можливо, вже запізно. It might be too late. Maybe it's too late. Не сопротивляйтесь. Don't resist. Don't resist. Месяц нікому не належыць. Nobody owns the moon. The moon belongs to no one. Я хочу його позбутися. I want to get rid of it. I want to get rid of him. Том худий. Tom is skinny. Tom is skinny. Ти поранена? Are you wounded? Are you hurt? Не делай такое кислое лицо! Don't pull such a sour face! Don't make such a sour face! Я боялась, что больше никогда его не увижу. I was afraid I'd never see him again. I was afraid I'd never see him again. Ты вроде говорил, что она твоя. I thought that you said it was yours. I thought you said it was yours. Ти повинен казати правду. You should tell the truth. You have to tell the truth. У Тома его не было. Tom didn't have it. Tom didn't have it. Я – предложение, обладающее самосознанием. I'm a self-aware sentence. I am an offer with self-awareness. Приходите через три дня. Come back in three days. Come back in three days. Вживання риби корисно для здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. Eating fish is good for your health. Пиццы находятся в отделе замороженных продуктов. The pizzas are in the frozen food section. The pizzas are in the frozen food department. Цікаво, чи я зможу це повторити. I wonder whether I can do that again. I wonder if I can repeat it. Пташка співає, навіть якщо у неї обрізані крила. The bird sings even if it has its wings clipped. The bird sings even if its wings are cut. Замість того, щоб іти до школи, він лишився вдома. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Instead of going to school, he stayed home. Зайчики очень милые. Bunnies are very cute. The bunnies are cute. Усі знають, що вона йому подобається, і навпаки. Everybody knows that he likes her and vice versa. Everyone knows he likes her, and vice versa. Том испёк блины. Tom made pancakes. Tom made pancakes. Це ж очевидно, що тобі дешевше обійдеться заночувати в нас. It would of course be cheaper for you to sleep at our place. It's obviously cheaper for you to spend the night with us. Том забыл сказать Вам спасибо. Tom forgot to say thank you. I forgot to thank you. Ты именно тот, кого мы ищем. You're just the person we've been looking for. You're the one we're looking for. Том це виправив. Tom corrected it. Tom fixed it. Том каждый день навещает Мэри в больнице. Tom goes to see Mary in the hospital every day. Tom visits Mary every day at the hospital. Мы можем рассмотреть эту проблему с нескольких сторон. We can consider the problem from several standpoints. We can look at this problem from several angles. Не знаю, как это случилось, но, очевидно, так было суждено. I don't know how it happened, but it was obviously meant to be. I don't know how it happened, but obviously it was meant to be. Том завжди каже Мері, що він її кохає. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mary that he loves her. Том сказав, що я гарна. Tom said I looked pretty. Tom said I was beautiful. Мы должны быть подготовлены. We have to be prepared. We have to be prepared. Таксі приїхало. The taxi is here. The taxi arrived. Я заеду за вами после школы. I'll pick you up after school. I'll pick you up after school. Вы об этом кому-нибудь рассказывали? Have you told anybody about this? Did you tell anyone about this? Калі трэба, я хутка прыйду. If necessary, I will come soon. If need be, I'll come soon. Сначала я не поверил тебе. At first, I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you at first. В этом месяце мне надо сократить расходы. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I need to cut costs this month. Том — приземлена людина. Tom is down to earth. Tom is a down-to-earth man. Це здається занадто простим. This seems too easy. It seems too simple. Том блефує. Tom is bluffing. Tom is bluffing. Ідэя, якая не з’яўляецца небяспечнай, нявартая ўвогуле называцца ідэяй. An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all. An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy in general to be called an idea. Кажется, я слышал, как меня кто-то звал. I think I heard someone calling me. I think I heard someone call me. Я тобі не допоможу. I will not help you. I'm not gonna help you. Мы тебя долго не задержим. We won't keep you too long. We won't be holding you for long. У нього було розбите серце. He was heartbroken. He had a broken heart. Оставьте оружие здесь. Leave your weapons here. Leave your weapons here. Том не мог понять, почему никто другой не хочет идти во зверинец. Tom couldn't understand why no one else wanted to go to the zoo. Tom couldn't understand why no one else wanted to go to the menagerie. Это правда, что Том говорит по-французски? Is it true Tom can speak French? Is it true that Tom speaks French? Почему бы нам не погулять? Why don't we walk? Why don't we take a walk? Чистые руки спасают жизни. Clean hands save lives. Clean hands save lives. «Мои результаты уже готовы, доктор? Я просто умираю от любопытства». – «Не только от любопытства». "Are my results done yet, doctor? I'm dying of curiosity." "Not just curiosity." “My results are ready, Doctor? I’m just dying of curiosity.” Здесь раньше росло дерево. There used to be a tree here. There used to be a tree growing here. Хто вас привів? Who brought you in? Who brought you here? Я живу і працюю у Мексиці. I live and work in Mexico. I live and work in Mexico. Том ослеп на один глаз. Tom went blind in one eye. Tom was blind in one eye. Тебе надо поговорить с нами. You've got to talk to us. You need to talk to us. Я не знал, что вы так несчастны. I didn't know you were so unhappy. I didn't know you were so unhappy. Том вручил мне список того, что я должен был купить в супермаркете. Tom gave me a list of things that he wanted me to buy at the supermarket. Tom handed me a list of what I was supposed to buy at the supermarket. Ви любите китайську їжу? Do you like Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food? Выпить хочешь? Do you feel like having a drink? You want a drink? Вода була йому до пояса. The water was up to his waist. The water was up to his belt. Мені здається, я поклав забагато цукру. I think I added too much sugar. I think I put too much sugar. Всьому свій час. There is a right time for everything. All in his time. Чому всі говорять про Тома? Why is everyone talking about Tom? Why is everyone talking about Tom? Ён вывучаў электрамеханіку і будызм у мясцовым універсітэце. He studied electromechanics and Buddhism at the local university. He studied electromechanics and Buddhism at a local university. Ти вже замовив піцу? Have you ordered the pizza? Have you ordered a pizza yet? Куплю новый. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy a new one. Це, типу, лише твоя думка, чуваче. That's, like, just your opinion, man. It's, like, just your opinion, man. Це прокляття. It's a curse. It's a curse. Давайте сделаем это для Тома. Let's do it for Tom. Let's do it for Tom. Я купив книжку англійською мовою, але мені було важко її зрозуміти. I bought an English book, but the book was hard to understand. I bought a book in English, but I found it difficult to understand. Том зараз на городі. Tom is in the vegetable garden now. Tom is in town. Около миллиарда людей страдает от голода и нищеты. About a billion people suffer from hunger and poverty. About a billion people suffer from hunger and poverty. Як ми можемо покласти край війні? How can we abolish war? How can we end the war? Я показал Тому некоторые картины, которые мне нравятся. I showed some pictures that I like to Tom. I showed Tom some pictures that I like. Том відмив ніж від крові. Tom washed the blood off the knife. Tom washed his blood off. Пояснення Тома не пом'якшило Мері. Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. Tom's explanation did not soften Mary's. Том не хотів прощатися. Tom didn't want to say goodbye. Tom didn’t want to say goodbye. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы перевели это на французский. I'd like you to translate this into French. I'd like you to translate it into French. Найкращі перукарі — голубі. The best hairdressers are gay. The best hairdressers are pigeons. У Тома почерк лучше, чем у Мэри. Tom's handwriting is better than Mary's. Tom's handwriting is better than Mary's. Я не магу сказаць дакладна. I can't say for sure. I can't say exactly. Вам надо немного поесть. You should eat a little. You need to eat a little. Гадзіннік на львоўскай ратушы ўпершыню ўстанавілі ў 1404 годзе. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in the year 1404. The clock at the Lion City Hall was first set in 1404. Я сделаю работу завтра. I'll do the work tomorrow. I'll do the job tomorrow. Том розкаявся у своїх гріхах. Tom repented of his sins. Tom repented of his sins. Сядзь! Sit down. Sit down! Они не знают французского. They don't know French. They don't know French. Вы работаете с Томом? Do you work with Tom? Are you working with Tom? Мы с Бобом большие друзья. Bob and I are great friends. Bob and I are great friends. Вы могли бы быть отличным адвокатом. You could be a great lawyer. You could be a great lawyer. Це підпис Тома. That's Tom's signature. It's Tom's signature. Ты знаешь, какой у Тома размер ноги? Do you know what size shoe Tom wears? Do you know what Tom's leg size is? Він фемініст. He's a feminist. He's a feminist. Ездить верхом на лошади доставляет большое удовольствие. Riding a horse is a lot of fun. Riding a horse is a great pleasure. Я почти верю тебе. I almost believe you. I almost believe you. Ти сказав Тому, що я тут? Have you told Tom that I'm here? Did you tell Tom I'm here? Яка катастрофа! What a disaster! What a disaster! Ты хочешь поехать за границу? Do you want to go abroad? Do you want to go abroad? Це, звичайно ж, не було легко. It certainly wasn't easy. It wasn't easy, of course. А теперь меня слышно? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Ти несправедливий. You're unfair. You're unfair. В Париже лето. It’s summer in Paris. It's summer in Paris. То что сказал Том было неуместно. What Tom said was irrelevant. What Tom said was inappropriate. Я слышал, Тома исключили из школы. I hear Tom has dropped out of school. I heard Tom was expelled from school. Побудьте здесь со мной, пожалуйста. Please stay here with me. Stay here with me, please. Ты на два года моложе Тома. You are two years younger than Tom. You're two years younger than Tom. Одноклассники обзывали Тома. Tom's classmates called him names. His classmates called him Tom. Вы слышали, что Том в больнице? Did you hear that Tom was in the hospital? Did you hear Tom's in the hospital? Я кинув кості. I threw the dice. I threw the bones. Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true that Tom has never been to Australia? Я вирішила тебе звільнити. I've decided to fire you. I decided to fire you. Не оставляй очки на столе! Don't leave your glasses on the table. Don't leave your glasses on the table! Это было великое зрелище. It was a sight to behold. It was a great sight. Ты не изменился. You haven't changed. You haven't changed. Йому слід заспокоїтися. He should calm down. He should calm down. Том нечасто это делал. Tom didn't do that a lot. Tom didn't do it very often. Я даручыла сямейны бюджэт жонцы. I entrusted my wife with the family finances. I entrusted the family budget to my wife. Ти дуже зайнятий. You're very busy. You're very busy. Мы не ленивы. We're not lazy. We're not lazy. Він швидко розмовляє. He talks fast. He's talking fast. Мы очень любим читать книги. We love reading books. We love to read books. У Тома диагностировали туберкулез в 2013 году. Tom was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2013. Tom was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2013. Я спросил Тома, нужно ли ему больше времени. I asked Tom if he needed more time. I asked Tom if he needed more time. Я потерял зонтик, который Том подарил мне на день рождения. I lost the umbrella that Tom gave me for my birthday. I lost the umbrella that Tom gave me for my birthday. Для нас это была большая победа. That was a big win for us. It was a big victory for us. Це День Святого Валентина. It's Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Я видела, как лодка тонет. I saw the boat sink. I saw the boat sinking. Скористайтеся своїм пістолетом. Use your gun. Use your gun. Вы важны. You are important. You're important. Что вы там поёте? What're you singing? What are you singing? Они согласились с нашими условиями? Did they agree to our terms? Did they agree to our terms? Том собирается навестить своего брата в тюрьме. Tom is going to visit his brother in prison. Tom is going to visit his brother in prison. Як екзамен? How did the exam go? How's the exam? Ты знала их лучше, чем я. You knew them better than I did. You knew them better than I did. Ты можешь сделать это сам? Can you do it by yourself? Can you do it yourself? Це з-за того, що англійська — міжнародна мова. This is due to English being a world language. This is because English is an international language. Я почти уверен, что Том может нам помочь. I'm pretty sure Tom can help us. I'm pretty sure Tom can help us. Калі ласка, пачакайце трыццаць хвілін. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait thirty minutes. Том став свідком дорожньо-транспортної пригоди. Tom witnessed a traffic accident. Tom witnessed a traffic accident. Вовк убив ягня. The wolf killed the lamb. The wolf killed the lamb. Том теж стурбованний з цього приводу. Tom is concerned about it, too. Tom is worried about that too. Чому ви хочете повернутися до Бостона? Why do you want to go back to Boston? Why do you want to go back to Boston? Ты не знаешь, что случится, так ведь? You don't know what'll happen, do you? You don't know what's gonna happen, do you? Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері все ще живе в Бостоні. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Tom said he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Ты уверен, что у тебя есть всё, что нужно? Are you sure you have everything you need? Are you sure you have everything you need? Лори дома? Is Laurie at home? Laurie's home? Вы не в том состоянии, чтобы вести машину. You're in no condition to drive. You're not in a position to drive. Нам эти вещи больше не нужны. We don't need these things anymore. We don't need these things anymore. Дай им сделать это самим. Let them do it themselves. Let them do it themselves. Віддайте мені мої гроші. Give me back my money. Give me my money. Яке у тебе морозиво? What kind of ice cream do you have? What's your ice cream? Мы оба очень хотим спать. We're both very sleepy. We both really want to sleep. Коли ти навчився плавати? When did you learn how to swim? When did you learn to swim? Том, конечно, так не думает. Tom certainly doesn't think so. Tom certainly doesn't think so. Мені здається, Том трохи напідпитку. I think Tom's a bit tipsy. I think Tom's a little drunk. Я не единственный, кто знает ваш секрет. I'm not the only one who knows your secret. I'm not the only one who knows your secret. У меня всегда мёрзнут руки и ноги. My hands and feet always feel cold. My hands and feet are always cold. Я вчера чуть не умер. I almost died yesterday. I almost died yesterday. Том не поехал, и я тоже. Tom didn't go and I didn't either. Tom didn't go, and neither did I. Ты не мог бы сделать потише? Could you turn it down? Could you make it quieter? Я думал, ты скажешь Тому, чтобы он это сделал. I thought you'd told Tom to do that. I thought you were gonna tell Tom to do it. Я зупинився у дешевому готелі. I stayed at a cheap hotel. I stayed at a cheap hotel. Ты скоро будешь бабушкой. You're going to be a grandma soon. You'll be a grandmother soon. Її сусід подбає про дітей, поки її нема. Her neighbor will care for her children while she's away. Her neighbor will take care of the kids while she's gone. Це крісло. This is an armchair. It's a chair. Мэри одета в черное платье. Mary is wearing a black dress. Mary is dressed in a black dress. Что нам есть на завтрак? What should we eat for breakfast? What do we have for breakfast? Скільки ніжок мають три сороконіжки? How many legs do three centipedes have? How many legs have three centipedes? Они думали, что Том уже умер. They thought Tom was already dead. They thought Tom was dead. Скоро твоя очередь, Башар! It's your turn soon, Bashar! It's your turn soon, Bashar! Я думал, вам надо работать. I thought you had to work. I thought you had to work. Том моет мне окна. Tom washes my windows. Tom's washing my windows. Ось ваші ключі. Here are your keys. Here are your keys. Ця церква дуже велика. This church is very big. This church is big. Я прыняў яе запрашэнне. I accepted her invitation. I accepted her invitation. Ненавижу стереотипы. I hate stereotypes. I hate stereotypes. Я никогда ей не лгала. I never lied to her. I never lied to her. Как долго он лгал тебе? How long was he lying to you? How long has he been lying to you? Том был так тронут, что заплакал. Tom was so moved that he started crying. Tom was so moved that he cried. Де мій журнал? Where's my magazine? Where's my magazine? Это не иллюзия. This isn't an illusion. It's not an illusion. Том і насправді думає, що хтось слухає? Does Tom really think anyone is listening? Does Tom really think anyone is listening? Том зарабатывает в три раза больше, чем Мэри. Tom makes three times more money than Mary does. Tom earns three times as much as Mary. Я вивчаю англійську мову. I study English. I am learning English. Том повинен піти з Мері. Tom has to go with Mary. Tom has to go with Mary. Это случилось так неожиданно, что мы не успели среагировать. It happened so suddenly that we didn't have time to react. It happened so suddenly that we didn’t have time to react. Не забудь потушить костёр. Don't forget to put the fire out. Don't forget to put the fire out. Помидоры красные. Tomatoes are red. Tomatoes are red. Том не любит маслины. Tom doesn't like olives. Tom doesn't like olives. Все остановились посмотреть, что случилось. Everybody stopped to see what had happened. Everyone stopped to see what happened. За нами кто-то шпионит. Somebody is spying on us. Someone's spying on us. Том понурий. Tom is grumpy. Tom nodded. Она даже не потрудилась ответить. She didn't even bother responding. She didn't even bother to answer. Постарайся быть там в понедельник. Try to be there on Monday. Try to be there on Monday. Я веду здоровый образ жизни. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I lead a healthy lifestyle. Вона це сказала просто із ввічивості. She just said that to be nice. She just said it out of grace. Ты часто плачешь? Do you cry often? Do you cry often? Ты ўбачыш розніцу. You will see the difference. You'll see the difference. Том ударив мене по голові. Tom hit me on the head. Tom hit me in the head. Том попытался утопиться в ванне. Tom tried to drown himself in the bathtub. Tom tried to drown himself in the bathtub. Вони не всі погані. They're not all bad. They're not all bad. Сахар растворим в воде. Sugar is soluble in water. Sugar is soluble in water. Паедзеш цягніком? Will you go by train? You're going by train? Том скиглик. Tom is a whiner. Tom skiglish. Я не хочу этого делать, но вы не оставляете мне выбора. I don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. I don't want to do that, but you leave me no choice. Заберите отсюда Тома. Take Tom away from here. Get Tom out of here. Вони нічого не дають. They give nothing. They give nothing. Том и Мэри поцеловались. Tom and Mary kissed one another. Tom and Mary kissed. Я буду звонить Тому завтра. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call Tom tomorrow. Покваптеся, хлопці. Hurry up, guys. Hurry up, guys. От этой работы можно надорваться. This work is enough to break my back. You can get away from this work. Собака підбіг до неї. The dog came running to her. The dog ran up to her. Це може бути рак. It could be cancer. It could be cancer. Надеюсь, так и есть. I'm hoping that that's the case. I hope so. Они сказали, что починят всё к концу дня. They said they'll get it fixed by the end of the day. They said they'd fix it by the end of the day. Мне идея нравится. I like the idea. I like the idea. Том цього не знав. Tom didn't know that. Tom didn't know that. Пожежу швидко загасили. The fire was soon extinguished. The fire was quickly extinguished. Нам придется баловать Мэри, пока она не поправится. We must baby Mary until she gets well again. We're gonna have to pamper Mary until she gets better. Там стоїть стіл. There's a table. There is a table there. Ми кращі, ніж ви. We're better than you. We are better than you. Ти можеш йти. You may go. You can go. Я обычно ничего не покупаю через Интернет. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I usually don’t buy anything online. Лише деякі запитання мають відповіді. Only some questions have answers. Only a few questions have answers. Надзея Саўчанка — гэта сапраўдная жывая легенда. Nadiya Savchenko is a real living legend. Hope Savchenko is a real living legend. Я сьогодні дуже нервовий. I am very nervous today. I am very nervous today. Чий це стіл? Whose table is this? Whose table is it? Вы мне нравитесь такой, какая Вы есть. I like you just the way you are. I like you for who you are. Что тут Том делает? Я думал, он в Европе. What is Tom doing here? I thought he was in Europe. I thought he was in Europe. Она его убила. She killed him. She killed him. Я тут працюю кілька хвилин. I've been working here for a couple of minutes. I work here for a few minutes. Я изменил предложение. I changed the sentence. I changed the offer. Мені платять не так багато, як хотілося б. I don't get paid as much as I'd like. I don’t get paid as much as I would like. Я хотел бы помочь вам, но я не могу больше здесь оставаться. I wish I could help you, but I can't stay any longer. I'd like to help you, but I can't stay here anymore. Мері, що ти робиш? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Я п'яний. I'm tipsy. I'm drunk. Вона добре грає у футбол. She's good at football. She plays football well. Скільки це коштує? How much does it cost? How much does it cost? Не переходь дорогу. Don't cross the road. Don't cross the road. Вона поїхала до Франції вчитися музики. She went to France to study music. She went to France to study music. Почему мы не сотрудничаем? Why don't we cooperate? Why do we not cooperate? Том не вищий від Мері. Tom isn't taller than Mary. Tom is no taller than Mary. Ці інжири дуже м’які. These figs are very soft. These figs are very soft. Яны былі маімі сяброўкамі. They were my friends. They were my friends. Том сказав, що буде тут. Tom said he would be here. Tom said he would be here. Она поняла мой намёк и улыбнулась. She took my hint and smiled. She understood my message and smiled. Тома заменила Мэри. Tom has been replaced by Mary. Tom was replaced by Mary. Том всегда гуляет после обеда. Tom always goes for a walk after dinner. Tom always walks in the afternoon. Хтой ваш улюблений художник? Who's your favorite artist? Who is your favorite artist? Она купила в книжном несколько книг. She bought several books in a bookstore. I bought a few books in the book. Нет, Том. Я не позволю тебе готовить в моей кухне после того, что случилось в прошлый раз. No, Tom. I'm not letting you cook in my kitchen after what happened last time. No, Tom, I'm not gonna let you cook in my kitchen after what happened last time. Пожалуйста, дайте мне чашку чая. Please give me a cup of tea. Please give me a cup of tea. Я могу отвезти тебя домой. I can take you home. I can take you home. Мой дзень нараджэння ў ліпні. My birthday is in July. My birthday is in July. Я вже запізнилася до школи. I'm already late for school. I was late for school. Я опять забыл, как его зовут. I forgot his name again. I forgot his name again. Я попытаюсь сказать это по-французски. I will try to say it in French. I'll try to say it in French. Собака грається з кішкою. The dog is playing with the cat. The dog plays with the cat. Это трудный путь, ведущий к вершинам величия. It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness. This is a difficult path, leading to the heights of greatness. Кто ваш юрист? Who is your lawyer? Who is your lawyer? Том обнаружил дверь Мэри приоткрытой. Tom found Mary's door partly open. Tom found Mary's door open. Том не может помочь нам сегодня, потому что болен. Tom can't help us today because he's sick. Tom can't help us today because he's sick. Я навчився пірнати у п'ять років. I learned to dive when I was five. I learned to dive when I was five years old. Можна поговорити з Білом? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Ти шукаєш перекладача? Are you looking for an interpreter? Are you looking for a translator? Я дуже сподіваюся, що Том не виграє. I sure hope that Tom doesn't win. I hope Tom doesn’t win. Мне нужно спросить Тома, что он будет делать. I need to ask Tom what he'll do. I need to ask Tom what he's gonna do. У мене болить горло. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Я видел Ваши права. I've seen your driver's license. I saw your rights. Яблоки растут на деревьях или на лианах? Do apples grow on trees, or vines? Do apples grow on trees or vines? Тады навошта ўвогуле турбавацца? Then why bother at all? Then why bother at all? Фадль застрелив Лейлу, а потім спробував зробити так, щоб це виглядало як самогубство. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fadl shot Layla and then tried to make it look like a suicide. Не бийте мене. Don't hit me. Don't hit me. Я крикнув. I shouted. I screamed. Ти не проти тут почекати? Do you mind waiting here? Do you mind waiting here? Більше ніколи не мене не дивись. Don't ever look at me again. Never look at me again. У нас тут очень серьёзная проблема. We have a very serious problem here. We have a very serious problem here. Это никогда не кончится? Will this never end? It's never gonna end? Том пишет свою автобиографию. Tom is writing his autobiography. Tom wrote his autobiography. Мері розумніша, ніж Том. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary is smarter than Tom. Вперед! Go ahead! Let's go! Я граю на кларнеті. I play the clarinet. I'm playing clarinet. Том не знает, где Мэри работает. Tom doesn't know where Mary works. Tom doesn't know where Mary works. Сколько дней Том проболел? How many days was Tom sick? How many days did Tom get sick? Я проверю, там ли они. I'll check whether they are in. I'll see if they're there. Я не бачив свою колишню жінку від нашого розлучення. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. Я знаю мальчика, который стоит вон там. I know the boy standing over there. I know a boy standing over there. Я много лет не пел. I haven't sung in years. I haven't sung in years. Отворяй ворота. Open the gate. Open the gate. Что вы видите? What do you see? What do you see? Том не певен. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Морські свинки милі. Guinea pigs are cute. The guinea pigs are cute. Том почув, як Мері кричить. Tom heard Mary yelling. Tom heard Mary screaming. Я бы на вашем месте то же самое сделал. I would've done the same if I were you. I would have done the same if I were you. Тому оно было не нужно. Tom didn't need it. Tom didn't need it. Він не завжди задоволений. He is not always happy. He is not always satisfied. Йде дощ, тому ми не можемо цим зайнятися. It's raining now, so we can't do that. It's raining, so we can't do it. Яна захварэла на гэтым тыдні. She got sick this weekend. She got sick this week. Не поможешь мне установить эту программу? Can you help me install this program? Can you help me install this program? Я хотіла бути Томом. I wanted to be Tom. I wanted to be Tom. Утром тебе будет лучше. You'll feel better in the morning. You'll feel better in the morning. Я терпеть не могу заниматься биологией. I hate studying biology. I hate biology. Наш новый альбом должен выйти 20 октября. Our new album is set for release on October 20th. Our new album is due out on October 20th. Я рад уведомить вас, что я полностью выздоровел. I am happy to notify you that I have fully recovered. I am pleased to inform you that I have fully recovered. Він зараз біжить. He is running now. He's running now. Дело не совсем в этом. That's not really the point. It's not exactly that. Зробити це буде дуже складно. Doing that will be very hard. Doing this will be very difficult. Кажы выразна. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Том ещё не знает, за кого будет голосовать. Tom still doesn't know who he's going to vote for. Tom doesn't know who he's voting for yet. Свяшчэннай кнігай мусульман з’яўляецца Каран. The holy book of Muslims is the Qur'an. The holy book of Muslims is the Koran. Каждый месяц я получаю зарплату. I get paid every month. I get paid every month. Ти хочеш, щоб я купив тобі бутерброд? Do you want me to buy you a sandwich? You want me to buy you a sandwich? Я живу у гігантському відрі. I live in a giant bucket. I live in a giant hole. В мене багато друзів. I have a lot of friends. I have a lot of friends. Підозрюю, що Том вже відправився до Австралії. I suspect Tom has already left for Australia. I suspect Tom has already gone to Australia. Вони прийшли всі. They all have come. They all came. Нам пришла в голову та же идея. We had the same idea. We came up with the same idea. По-испански говорят в Центральной и Южной Америке. Spanish is spoken in Central and South America. Spanish is spoken in Central and South America. Котра ручка твоя? Which is your pen? Which pen is yours? Це не капелюх. This is not a hat. It's not a hat. Угорська - надзвичайно красива мова. Hungarian is an exceptionally beautiful language. Hungarian is an extremely beautiful language. Чтобы зайти в музей, идите к реке, а когда доберетесь, поверните направо. To go to the museum, walk toward the river, and when you get there, turn right. To enter the museum, go to the river, and when you get there, turn right. Сіанізм не ўваходзіць у іўдаізм. Zionism isn't part of Judaism. Zionism does not enter into Judaism. Я пішов у похід. I went hiking. I went on a hike. Я даже имени твоего не знал. I didn't even know your name. I didn't even know your name. Том пошёл в магазин, чтобы купить молока. Tom has gone to the store to buy some milk. Tom went to the store to buy milk. Бувай, світе. Goodbye, world. Farewell to the world. Калі Вікторыя стала каралевай? When did Victoria become Queen? When did Victoria become queen? У нього десять корів. He has ten cows. He has 10 cows. Вы вывучаеце ангельскую мову? Do you study English? Do you learn the angelic language? Діти насправді сплять? Are the children really asleep? Are the kids really sleeping? Что ты у них спросил? What did you ask them? What did you ask them? Врач посоветовал Тому перестать пить. The doctor advised Tom to stop drinking. The doctor advised Tom to stop drinking. Я минималист. I'm a minimalist. I'm a minimalist. Я даручыла фінансы сям’і жонцы. I entrusted my wife with the family finances. I gave money to my wife’s family. Ми були дуже змучені. We were very tired. We were very tired. Ты сейчас голоден? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry right now? Я грамадзянін Рыма. I am a Roman citizen. I'm a citizen of Rome. Румыны з Трансільваніі размаўляюць вельмі павольна. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Я ще не переконаний. I'm not yet convinced. I'm not convinced yet. Я ніколі не бачыла такой татуіроўкі. I've never seen such a tattoo. I've never seen a tattoo like that. До сих пор болит. It still hurts. It still hurts. З особистих причин. For personal reasons. For personal reasons. Я потратила 500 долларов за один день. I've spent 500 dollars in one day. I spent $500 in one day. Зачекайте на Тома. Wait for Tom. Wait for Tom. Жизнь бессмысленна. Life is meaningless. Life is meaningless. Какое преступление вы совершили? What crime did you commit? What crime did you commit? Опять ты взялся за старое, Том! You're back to your old ways again, Tom. You're getting old again, Tom! Усе хочуць з табой сустрэцца. Ты знакамітасць! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everyone wants to meet you. You're a celebrity! Тому пришлось прождать три часа. Tom had to wait for three hours. Tom had to wait three hours. Я завжди обожнював слонів. I've always loved elephants. I have always loved elephants. Я говорив. I was talking. I told you. Никто не знает, зачем Том это сделал. No one knows why Tom did that. No one knows why Tom did it. Він дав свою кров, щоб допомогти сестрі. He gave his blood to help his sister. He gave his blood to help his sister. Сподіваюся, вони нас не побачать. I hope they don't see us. I hope they won't see us. Мені цікаво, чи Том переляканий. I wonder whether Tom is scared or not. I wonder if Tom is scared. Я знал, что вы блефуете. I knew you were bluffing. I knew you were bluffing. Том был жертвой попытки вымогательства. Tom was the victim of an extortion attempt. Tom was the victim of an extortion attempt. Почему бы тебе не снять своё пальто? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take off your coat? Том без труда нашёл работу. Tom had no difficulty finding a job. Tom had no trouble finding a job. Гей, що це таке? Hey, what's that? Hey, what's that? Я думаю, это была ваша вина. I think it was your fault. I think it was your fault. Не существует в мире ни единой вещи, которая не могла бы нас чему-нибудь научить. There is nothing in the world from which we can't learn something. There is not a single thing in the world that cannot teach us anything. Я зняла взуття. I took my shoes off. I took off my shoes. Ця стародавня традиція зникла. This old tradition disappeared. This ancient tradition is gone. Я так рад, что вы в безопасности. I'm so glad you're safe. I'm so glad you're safe. Она сыграла сонату. She played a sonata. She played a sonata. Он опьянел и стал болтлив. He got drunk and became talkative. He got drunk and became talkative. Эсперанто, идо, интерлингва, клингонский язык, ложбан, на'ви и волапюк - сконструированные языки. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Lojban, Na'vi and Volapük are constructed languages. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Klingon, Spoalban, Na'vi and Wolapuk are constructed languages. Хочеш брецель? Do you want a pretzel? You want a bratzel? Скажи ей, чтобы ехала домой. Tell her to go home. Tell her to go home. Какой ужасный человек! What a horrible man! What a terrible man! Том пытался бежать. Tom tried to run. Tom tried to escape. Тебе нравится это шоу? Do you like this show? Do you like this show? Ты белый как привидение. You're as white as a ghost. You're white as a ghost. Від мене це не залежить. It isn't up to me. It's not up to me. Почему бы нам не поменяться местами? Why don't we switch seats? Why don't we switch places? Ти ж знаєш, що це брехня, правда? You know that that's a lie, don't you? You know that's a lie, right? Поміряй цю сорочку. Try on this shirt. Measure that shirt. Том не смог ничем подкрепить свои утверждения. Tom couldn't back up his claims. Tom was unable to back up his claims. Она только о себе и думает. She thinks of no one but herself. She's only thinking about herself. Зялёнае святло… Чырвонае святло! Green light... Red light! Green light... Red light! Гэта мае штаны. Those are my pants. That's my pants. Сподіваємося, що ніхто не буде поранений. We're hoping no one gets injured. I hope no one gets hurt. Я очень честный, я всегда говорю правду. I'm very honest, I always tell the truth. I'm very honest, I always tell the truth. Если бы все говорили по-французски, не было бы дельной причины учить какой-либо другой язык. If everyone spoke French, there would be no practical reason to learn any other language. If everyone spoke French, there would be no good reason to learn any other language. На стене паук. There's a spider on the wall. There's a spider on the wall. Это нелегко, но возможно. It isn't easy, but it's possible. It's not easy, but it's possible. Тут ёсць англафон? Is there an English speaker here? Is there an anglophone here? Срочно требуются добровольцы. There's an urgent need for volunteers. Volunteers are urgently needed. Почему бы вам самим не решить, что делать? Why don't you yourselves decide what to do? Why don't you decide what to do? Давайте сегодня посуду будет мыть тот, кто проиграет в камень-ножницы-бумагу! Let's have the one who loses at rock-paper-scissors do the dishwashing today! Let's wash the dishes today whoever loses in the stone-scissors-paper! Пойдите спросите Тома, чего он хочет. Go ask Tom what he wants. Go ask Tom what he wants. Он попытался переплыть реку. He attempted to swim across the river. He tried to cross the river. Я живу недалеко от железнодорожной станции. I live near the train station. I live near the train station. Где ты его в последний раз видел? Where did you see it last? Where did you last see him? План хорош настолько, насколько хорош тот, кто его реализует. A plan is only as good as those who see it through. The plan is as good as the one who implements it. Раніше він багато читав. He used to read a lot. He had read a lot before. Том не смог скрыть раздражения. Tom wasn't able to hide his annoyance. Tom couldn't hide his anger. Вселенная бесконечна. The universe is endless. The universe is infinite. Чорногорія — парламентська демократія. Montenegro is a parliamentary democracy. Montenegro is a parliamentary democracy. Вы оба канадцы? Are you both Canadians? You're both Canadians? Я когда-то мечтал быть миллионером. I used to dream about being a millionaire. I once dreamed of being a millionaire. Ми все зробили своїми силами. We did it all on our own. We did everything on our own. Ми слухаємо. We're listening. We're listening. Життя немає сенсу. Life's meaningless. Life has no meaning. Маё цярпенне лопнула. My patience has come to the breaking point. My patience has burst. Вы са мной размаўляеце? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Дзе пес? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Які колер лепей за ўсё адлюстроўвае святло? What color reflects light the best? Which color best reflects the light? Самі ніколи не цілував Лейлу. Sami never kisses Layla. He never kissed Leila. А если он неправ? What if he's wrong? What if he's wrong? Бегите, цыплята! Scatter, you chickens! Run, chickens! Знаешь, я не хочу тебя убивать. You know, I don't want to kill you. You know, I don't want to kill you. Скоро зима. Winter is coming soon. It's winter soon. Я трохи посперечався з Томом. I argued with Tom a little bit. I had a little argument with Tom. Вона хотіла їм допомогти. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. Янни использует много аббревиатур. Yanni uses a lot of acronyms. Yanni uses a lot of abbreviations. Салли заставила своего брата чистить туалет. Sally made her brother clean the bathroom. Sally made her brother clean the toilet. Самі не ўсміхаўся. Sami wasn't smiling. I didn't smile myself. Его кто-то укусил. Something bit him. Someone bit him. Коли я маю це зробити? When am I supposed to do that? When should I do this? Том живе біля річки. Tom lives near a river. Tom lives by the river. Я міліцыянерка. I'm a police officer. I'm a policeman. Вам надо было там быть. You should've been here. You should have been there. Никто не хочет быть в команде Тома. No one wants to be on Tom's team. No one wants to be on Tom's team. Я сіла на лавку поруч із Томом. I sat down on a bench next to Tom. I sat down on the bench next to Tom. Все думают, что Том - гений. Everyone thinks Tom is a genius. Everyone thinks Tom's a genius. Тому завтра будут вырывать зуб. Tom is going to have a tooth pulled out tomorrow. Tom's gonna have his tooth ripped out tomorrow. Он любит ходить на вечеринки. He likes going to parties. He likes to go to parties. Він завжди співає, коли приймає душ. He always sings while taking a shower. He always sings when he takes a shower. Мені подобаються іноземні мови. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Зубна фея — це зубна злодійка. The tooth fairy is a tooth thief. A tooth fairy is a tooth thief. Мы не можем обратить этот процесс вспять. We can't reverse the process. We cannot reverse this process. Вона була однією з них. She was one of them. She was one of them. Ніхто не любить бути наодинці зі своїм болем. Nobody likes being alone with their pain. No one likes to be alone with their pain. Я хотіла би поїхати до Бостона. I'd like to go to Boston. I would like to go to Boston. Я хочу вивчити австралійську німецьку. I want to learn Australian German. I want to learn Australian German. Вы правда думаете, что Том красивый? Do you really think Tom is handsome? Do you really think Tom is handsome? Ми все зробили власноруч. We did it all on our own. We did everything on our own. Але ж я обожнюю спати! But I love sleeping! But I love to sleep! Ви плануєте залишитися надовго? Do you plan to stay long? Do you plan to stay long? Это правда, что Вы уже не хотите выходить замуж за Тома? Is it true that you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Is it true that you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Поведінка Тома мене розлютила. Tom's behavior angered me. Tom's behavior angered me. Як мило! How cute! How cute! Ты не мог бы занять мне $20? Я верну в следующий понедельник. Can you lend me $20? I'll pay you back next Monday. Could you borrow me $20? I'll get it back next Monday. Она всегда ему помогает. She always helps him. She always helps him. Мой отец покрасил почтовый ящик в красный. My father painted the mailbox red. My father painted the mailbox in red. Сведите, пожалуйста, мат к минимуму. Please keep the swearing to a minimum. Please keep the mat to a minimum. Вы надолго останетесь? How long will you be staying? How long are you staying? Я хочу с тобой переговорить. I want to talk with you. I want to talk to you. Том разом із сином. Tom is with his son. Tom and his son. Они конфисковали всё, что у меня было. They confiscated everything I had. They confiscated everything I had. Во сколько поезд прибывает в Бостон? What time does the train arrive at Boston? What time does the train arrive in Boston? Я не додаватиму речень російською. I will not add sentences in Russian. I'm not going to add a sentence in Russian. Надежда умирает последней. Hope springs eternal. Hope is the last to die. Дед Тома служил в Вермахте. Tom's grandfather served in the Wehrmacht. Tom's grandfather served in the Wehrmacht. Це не твій записник, а Томів. That's not your notebook. It's Tom's. It's not your notebook, it's Tom's. Возможно, мы скоро встретимся. Perhaps we'll meet soon. Maybe we'll meet soon. Учитель тебя видит. The teacher can see you. The teacher sees you. Він помилявся. He was wrong. He was wrong. Їх там хтось бачив? Did anyone see them there? Has anyone seen them there? Дракон непереможний. The dragon is invincible. The dragon is invincible. У меня самая лучшая семья на свете! I have the best family in the world! I have the best family in the world! Правду кажучи, я сказала неправду. The truth is I told a lie. Truth be told, I told a lie. Зима швидко пройшла повз. Березень і весна вже тут. Winter went quickly by; now March and spring are here. Winter quickly passed by. March and spring are here. Используй то, что под рукою, и не ищи себе другого. Use what is at hand and do not look for another. Use what is at hand, and do not look for another. Гм, продовжуй! Well, go on! Um, go ahead! Як жахливо! How horrible! How horrible! Том запросив тебе на побачення? Did Tom ask you out? Did Tom ask you out? Тебе нужно терпение. You need patience. You need patience. Моя тётя живёт в Нью-Йорке. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. Скипни рекламу. Skip the ad. Throw in the commercials. Хтось може відповісти на моє запитання? Can anyone answer my question? Can someone answer my question? Нам надо с ними поговорить. We should talk to them. We need to talk to them. Я радий, що ти мене про це запитала. I'm glad you ask me that question. I'm glad you asked me that. Раджу тобі зробити це негайно. I advise you to do that right away. I advise you to do it immediately. Вы были в моей комнате? Were you in my room? You were in my room? Я думал, Том там будет – так и оказалось. I thought Tom would be there, and he was. I thought Tom would be there. Ты что-то пил? Did you drink anything? Did you drink something? Увеличь дозу. Increase the dose. Increase the dose. Я следовал всем правилам. I followed all the rules. I followed all the rules. Говядина обычно дороже свинины. Beef is usually more expensive than pork. Beef is usually more expensive than pork. Это легко могло бы случиться. That could easily happen. It could easily happen. Бясспрэчна, ніхто не будзе шукаць гэты сказ. Surely no one will look for this sentence. No one will look for this sentence. Я вижу, вы уже встречались. I see you've already met. I see you've met before. Жінки гарні. Women are beautiful. Women are beautiful. Это не я, клянусь! It's not me, I swear! It's not me, I swear! Дорогая, прости, я сегодня снова задержусь на работе допоздна. Honey, I'm sorry. I have to work late tonight again. Honey, I'm sorry I'm gonna be late for work again tonight. Маім бацькам яна падабаецца. My parents like her. My parents like her. Я, особисто, люблю мир. Personally, I like peace. I personally love peace. Том був із вами? Was Tom with you? Was Tom with you? Наш поїзд затримується. Our train is late. The train is delayed. Зелений — колір грошей. Green is the color of money. Green is the color of money. Я знайшов квартиру. I found a flat. I found an apartment. Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён любіць мяне. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. Запишіть це на мій рахунок. Put that on my bill. Put it on my account. Мы верым у будызм. We believe in Buddhism. We believe in Buddhism. Де ти купуєш книжки? Where do you buy books? Where do you buy books? З вашого боку дуже мило мені допомогти. It's very nice of you to help me. It is very nice of you to help me. Я недооцінював Тома. I underestimated Tom. I underestimated Tom. Я знал, что Том всем расскажет. I knew that Tom would tell everybody. I knew Tom would tell everyone. Тому було цікаво, що Мері скаже Джону. Tom wondered what Mary would say to John. So I wondered what Mary would say to John. Я ощутил, как под ногами трясётся земля. I felt the earth shake under my feet. I felt the ground shaking under my feet. Тома оштрафовали за переход дороги в неположенном месте. Tom was fined for jaywalking. Tom was fined for crossing the road in the wrong place. Я не ответил на ваш вопрос. I didn't answer your question. I didn't answer your question. Где она изучала польский? Where did she learn Polish? Where did she study Polish? Її чекає блискуче майбутнє. She has a brilliant future. She has a bright future ahead of her. Я не знал, что Том постился. I didn't know that Tom was fasting. I didn't know Tom was fasting. Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know that Tom use to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Том закрыл глаза и расслабился. Tom closed his eyes and relaxed. Tom closed his eyes and relaxed. Я рад, что ты мне помогла. I am glad that you have helped me. I'm glad you helped me. У нас есть шанс выиграть? Do we have any chance of winning? Do we have a chance to win? Мам, смотри, что я нашёл. Mom, look what I found. Mom, look what I found. С тех пор Тома никто не видел. No one has seen Tom since. No one has seen Tom since. Порівняй факти. Compare the facts. Compare the facts. Можливо, вона не про тебе говорила? Maybe she wasn't talking about you. Maybe she wasn't talking about you? Весна. It's spring. Spring. Я падаю. I'm falling. I'm falling. Я очікую, що всі це зроблять завтра. I expect everyone will do that tomorrow. I expect everyone to do it tomorrow. Вы огорчены. You're upset. You're upset. Позвоните ему. Call him. Call him. Я хотіла би, щоб ми могли проводити більше часу разом. I would like it if we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. У неё нет рака. She doesn't have cancer. She doesn't have cancer. Вы тоже сможете это сделать, если попытаетесь. You can do this, too, if you try. You can do that too if you try. Ты популярна? Are you popular? Are you popular? Том сказав, що він ще не зробив цього. Tom said that he hasn't done that yet. Tom said he hasn't done it yet. Ты жартуеш! You're kidding! You're kidding! Том — мой первенец. Tom is my firstborn. Tom is my first child. Я думаю, що він лікар. I think he is a doctor. I think he's a doctor. Суэцкий канал соединяет Красное море со Средиземным. The Suez canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean. Вы можете сказать нам, что происходит? Can you tell us what's going on? Can you tell us what's going on? Мы с Томом совсем не похожи. Tom and I are not at all alike. Tom and I are nothing alike. Официантка постелила на стол белую скатерть. The waitress put a white tablecloth on the table. The waitress put a white tablecloth on the table. Я люблю слушать радио. I like listening to the radio. I like to listen to the radio. Это секрет, так что, пожалуйста, никому не говорите. It's a secret, so please don't tell anyone. It's a secret, so please don't tell anyone. Я за него в ответе. I'm responsible for him. I'm responsible for him. Это твой учебник или мой? Is this your textbook or mine? Is this your book or mine? Каменные орудия труда изучаются археологами. Lithic tools are studied by archaeologists. Stone tools are studied by archaeologists. Который у вас час? What time is it by your clock? What time is it? Я втомився від ігор. I'm tired of games. I'm tired of games. Сам розумієш, це була провина Тома. It was Tom's fault, you know. You know, it was Tom's fault. Мозг очень сложный орган. The brain is a very complex organ. The brain is a very complex organ. Поверхня повітряної кулі — неевклідовий простір, тому для неї не виконуються правила евклідової геометрії. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. The surface of the balloon is non-Euclidean space, so the rules of Euclidean geometry are not observed for it. Нам лучше пойти и поискать их. We'd better go look for them. We'd better go and look for them. Мері хоче вивчити сербську. Mary wants to learn Serbian. Mary wants to learn Serbian. Итальянский язык часто хвалят за фонетическую орфографию. Слова пишутся в соответствии с произношением, вне зависимости от этимологии. The Italian language is often praised for its phonetic orthography. Words are written according to their pronunciation, regardless of their etymology. Italian is often praised for phonetic spelling. Words are written according to pronunciation, regardless of etymology. Моя собака лает на незнакомцев. My dog barks at strangers. My dog barks at strangers. Вони збудували міст. They constructed a bridge. They built a bridge. Том так и не прочитал книгу, которую я ему одолжил. Tom never read the book I lent him. Tom never read the book I lent him. Гэта анімэ пра тое, як звычайны японскі школьнік ажаніўся на сваёй настаўніцы-інапланецянцы. Гэта Японія, там такое здараецца. It's an anime about a normal Japanese schoolboy who married his alien teacher. Things like this happen in Japan. It's an anime about how a normal Japanese schoolboy got married to his teenage teacher. It's Japan, there it happens. Том відмовився йти. Tom refused to leave. Tom refused to go. Могу вас подбросить, если хотите. I can give you a lift if you like. I can give you a ride if you want. Можешь спеть песню. You can sing a song. You can sing a song. Хватит тянуть меня за волосы! Stop pulling my hair! Stop pulling my hair! Ты бяжыш. You run. You're a runner. Я использую обычные полоски бумаги в качестве закладок. I use ordinary slips of paper as bookmarks. I use ordinary strips of paper as bookmarks. Я роблю все, що можу з тим, що маю зараз. I do the best I can with what I have available at the time. I am doing everything I can with what I have now. Ти огидний. You're filthy. You're disgusting. Никто не хотел говорить о моей стране. Nobody wanted to talk about my country. No one wanted to talk about my country. Я бачив Тома голим. I've seen Tom naked. I saw Tom naked. Не намагайся змінити тему. Don't try to change the subject. Don't try to change the subject. Том шёл в школу пешком. Tom walked to school. Tom was walking to school. Возьми билет. Take a ticket. Take the ticket. Я только что говорил с твоим врачом. I just spoke with your doctor. I just spoke to your doctor. Том ніколи цього не зробить. Tom will never do that. Tom will never do that. Хто то дав Томові? Who gave it to Tom? Who gave Tom? Мері тут працює? Does Mary work here? Mary works here? Ты единственный знакомый мне канадец. You're the only Canadian I know. You're the only Canadian I know. Я изо всех сил пытался. I struggled. I tried my best. Це виняток. That is an exception. That's an exception. Обіцяю, що нікому не розповім. I promise I won't tell anyone. I promise I won't tell anyone. Благодарю вас за исправление. Thank you for the corrections. Thank you for your correction. Хапайте його! Seize him! Grab him! Я тебе взагалі не пам'ятаю. I don't remember you at all. I don't remember you at all. Не бойся. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Вона заможна людина. She's a rich person. She's a wealthy man. Могу я включить свой плейлист? Can I turn on my playlist? Can I turn on my playlist? Я у будинку Тома. I'm in Tom's house. I'm at Tom's house. Тому не разрешили видеться с Мэри. Tom wasn't allowed to see Mary. Tom was not allowed to see Mary. Я не знаю местных дорог. I don't know my way around. I don't know the local roads. Ти можеш брехати будь-кому, але ти не можеш брехати собі. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can lie to anyone, but you can't lie to yourself. Сложите лист бумаги пополам. Fold the paper in half. Fold a piece of paper in half. Конечно, это не так. Of course, it's not true. Of course it isn't. Том вылил на голову ведро холодной воды. Tom poured a bucket of cold water over his head. Tom poured a bucket of cold water over his head. Арістотель вважав, що існує чотири фізичні елементи — земля, вода, повітря і вогонь. Aristotle believed that there were four physical elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Aristotle believed that there were four physical elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Звычайна ў сказе ёсць дзейнік і назоўнік. A sentence normally has a subject and a verb. Usually there is an action and noun in the sentence. Немаўля спала ў калысцы. The baby lay sleeping in the cradle. The baby was sleeping in a cradle. Весьма вероятно, что вечером будет снег. There's a good chance that it'll snow tonight. It will probably snow tonight. Я буду казаць пра цябе. I'll talk about you. I'll talk about you. Простите, я вас не так понял. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry, I misunderstand you. Покажи мені, що в тебе в кишені. Show me what you have in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. Том не мав багато часу. Tom didn't have much time. Tom didn’t have much time. Куды Вы жадалі б пайсці? Where would you like to go? Where would you like to go? Вы включили Тома в список? Did you add Tom to the list? Did you put Tom on the list? Мы открыли огонь по неприятелю. We opened fire on the enemy. We opened fire on the enemy. Гарри работает неполный рабочий день в местном супермаркете. Harry works part-time at the local supermarket. Harry works part-time at a local supermarket. Я дав тобі те, що ти просив. I gave you what you asked for. I gave you what you asked for. Я дам тобі всі гроші, що тобі потрібні. I'll give you all the money you need. I'll give you all the money you need. Мне надо это съесть? Do I have to eat this? Do I have to eat this? Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like it? Why do you like her? Ми рекомендуємо завжди мати під рукою аптечку на випадок раптової травми чи захворювання. We recommend you always have a first aid kit in hand in case of sudden injury or illness. We recommend that you always have a first-aid kit at hand in case of a sudden injury or illness. У Тома піднесений настрій. Tom is upbeat. Tom is in a good mood. Окна нашего отеля выходят на пляж. Our hotel faces the beach. The windows of our hotel overlook the beach. Вы собираетесь избавится от всего этого? Are you going to get rid of all that stuff? Are you going to get rid of all this? Ти все ще збираєшся бути в Бостоні у цей час наступного року? Are you still going to be in Boston this time next year? Are you still going to be in Boston this time next year? В тот день меня не было в школе. I wasn't at school that day. I was not in school that day. Він зараз вечеряє. Now he is eating dinner. He's having dinner now. HTTP 2 толькі дадае новы ўзровень складнасці, не вырашаючы ніякіх сапраўды важных праблем. HTTP 2 just adds a new layer of complexity without solving any real-world problems. HTTP 2 only adds a new level of complexity without solving any really important problems. Я люблю писати. I like to write. I like to write. В следующий раз, будем делать иначе. Next time, we'll do this differently. Next time, let's do it differently. Я знаю, що Том під впливом алкоголю. I know Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom's under the influence of alcohol. Я скажу ему, что вы здесь были. I'll tell him you were here. I'll tell him you were here. Це тобі нічого не коштуватиме. It won't cost you a thing. It won't cost you anything. Деревья дают тень. Trees provide shade. Trees give shade. Сніжить. It's snowing. It's snowing. Вона запитали його. They asked him. She asked him. Насколько я знаю, Том на пенсии. As far as I know, Tom is retired. As far as I know, Tom is retired. Покажи її мені. Show it to me. Show her to me. Я вимкнула комп'ютер. I turned off the computer. I shut down the computer. Том полоскотав ніжки дитини. Tom tickled the baby's feet. Tom rinsed the baby's legs. Кто научил вас играть в эту игру? Who taught you how to play this game? Who taught you to play this game? Ты хочешь, чтобы я позвонил им? Do you want me to call them? You want me to call them? Ми зачинили двері. We closed the door. We locked the door. Вызовите врача, чтобы он подтвердил запись. Call the doctor so that he confirms the appointment. Call the doctor to confirm the recording. Том упустил эту возможность. Tom missed that opportunity. Tom missed this opportunity. Це Том знайшов мою кішку. Tom is the one who found my cat. Tom found my cat. Он говорит, что овдовел, но это неправда. He says he's widowed, but it's not true. He says he's a widow, but that's not true. Хіба ви мені не довіряєте? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me? Советую тебе поехать на автобусе. I recommend you take a bus. I suggest you take the bus. Эти книги новые, а эти старые. These books are new and those books are old. These books are new and these are old. Том позволил заключённому сбежать. Tom let the prisoner escape. Tom let the prisoner escape. Мама грає в теніс. Mom is playing tennis. My mom is playing tennis. Вже майже сьома. Нам треба йти до школи. It's almost seven. We have to go to school. We have to go to school. Том загнав себе у глухий кут. Tom painted himself into a corner. Tom was in a dead end. По-моему, я тебе это уже говорил. I think I've already told you this. I think I already told you that. Том — відомий мовознавець. Tom is a famous linguist. Tom is a well-known linguist. Том рискнул, на что я бы не пошёл. Tom took chances that I wouldn't have taken. Tom took a risk that I wouldn't go for. Ты дрэнны хлопчык. You're a bad boy. You're a bad boy. Де знаходиться Кабілія? Where's Kabylia? Where is Cabilla? Відтак, ми маємо піклуватися самі про себе. Hence, we have to take care of ourselves. So we have to take care of ourselves. Цей велосипед належить мені. This bicycle is mine. This bike belongs to me. Я не могу поверить, что я всё-таки сделал это. I can't believe I finally did it. I can't believe I did it after all. Неспокойное море не облегчало её морской болезни. Her seasickness wasn't helped by the choppy sea. The troubled sea did not alleviate her sea sickness. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It's time for you to go to sleep. You should go to bed. Начальника никогда нет на месте. The boss is never there. The boss is never there. Надеюсь, я смогу пробыть здесь долго. I hope I can be here a long time. I hope I can stay here for a long time. Как бы огорчились мои родители, если бы я потерпел неудачу. How disappointed my parents would be, if I should fail! How sad my parents would have been if I had failed. Ты нашёл книгу, которую искал? Did you find the book you were looking for? Did you find the book you were looking for? Почему мы проиграли? Why did we lose? Why did we lose? Им всем нужно внимание. They all need attention. They all need attention. Я уже бывал в Саппоро. I've been to Sapporo before. I've been to Sapporo before. Я знаю, що сталося. I know what happened. I know what happened. Скільки я зробила помилок? How many mistakes did I make? How many mistakes have I made? Давайте відпочинемо. Let's take a rest. Let's rest. Том сосредоточенно выслушал проповедь священника. Tom listened attentively to the priest's homily. He listened intently to the priest’s sermon. Сколько нам нужно? How much do we need? How much do we need? Не панікуй. Don't panic. Don't panic. Мальчик боится темноты. The boy is afraid of the dark. The boy is afraid of the dark. Вы носите джинсы на работу? Do you wear jeans to work? Do you wear jeans to work? Я отправился в пятидневную командировку в Бостон. I went to Boston for 5 days on a business trip. I went on a five-day trip to Boston. Том сказав, що сподівається, що Мері це зробить. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom said he hoped Mary would do it. Я чітко висловлююся? Am I clear? Am I making myself clear? Я люблю компьютеры. I like computers. I love computers. Я це купив того тижня. I had bought it the week before. I bought it that week. Повернімося. Let's turn back. Let's go back. Том глохнет. Tom is going deaf. Tom's dead. Він у добрій формі. He is in good shape. He's in good shape. Похоже, эта дверь была взломана. It looks like this door has been forced open. Looks like that door was cracked. Кто этот тип? Who is that guy? Who's that guy? Том - учень. Tom is a student. Tom is a student. Мэри отвечает на вопрос учителя. Mary is answering the teacher's question. Mary answers the teacher's question. Это не очень обнадеживает. That isn't very reassuring. It's not very encouraging. Цветочек красный. The little flower is red. The flower is red. Том - волк в овечьей шкуре. Tom is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Tom is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Алжир відомий своїм кускусом. Algeria is known for its couscous. Algeria is known for its couscous. Вони однолітки. They're the same age. They are peers. Том не знает о моём существовании. Tom doesn't know I exist. Tom doesn't know I exist. Нам надо отвезти тебя в больницу. We've got to get you to the hospital. We need to get you to the hospital. Я жду тебя напротив двери. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. Я пачынаю разумець. I am beginning to understand. I'm starting to understand. Я спатиму. I am going to sleep. I'll sleep. Том кермує. Tom is driving. Tom is driving. Я знаю, что Том агрессивен. I know that Tom is aggressive. I know Tom is aggressive. Нам не удалось это сделать. We failed to do that. We couldn't do it. Он сделал, как я ему сказал. He did as I told him. He did as I told him. Как вы переведёте это предложение на английский? How do you translate this sentence in English? How do you translate this sentence into English? Ніщо не працює. Nothing's working. Nothing works. Там все в порядке? Is everything OK in there? Is everything okay in there? Том совсем ненамного выше Мэри. Tom is just slightly taller than Mary. Tom's not much taller than Mary. Я цього не буду їсти. I won't eat this. I'm not gonna eat that. Я зарабляю 100 еўра ў дзень. I earn 100 Euros a day. I earn 100 euros a day. У тебя нет ключа от этой двери? Don't you have a key to this door? You don't have the key to that door? Я не легковірна людина. I am not a gullible person. I'm not a credulous person. Нам пойти? Should we go? Shall we go? Мері каже, що приїжджає сюди щороку. Mary says she comes here every year. Mary says she comes here every year. Где вы обычно покупаете яйца? Where do you usually buy eggs? Where do you usually buy eggs? Официантка принесла мне кофе, хотя я заказывал чай. The waitress gave me coffee, even though I'd ordered tea. The waitress brought me coffee, even though I ordered tea. Мэри нет дома. Mary's not at home. Mary's not home. Чи безпечно тут купатися? Is it safe to swim here? Is it safe to swim here? Вони перейшли через кордон в Іспанію. They crossed the border into Spain. They crossed the border into Spain. Калі б я пабачыў Анку, я б яе, мажліва, не пазнаў. If I saw Anca, I would probably not recognize her. If I saw Anka, I'd probably not know her. Я хотів би вільно говорити англійською. I would like to speak English fluently. I would like to speak English fluently. Треть заключённых сбежала. A third of the prisoners have escaped. A third of the prisoners escaped. Какое твоё любимое дикое животное? What's your favorite wild animal? What's your favorite wild animal? Том случайно опрокинул свой напиток. Tom accidentally knocked over his drink. Tom accidentally knocked over his drink. Він шульга. He's left-handed. He's a slut. Ми поливаємо свій газон вдень. We water our lawn in the afternoon. We water our lawn during the day. Том постригся в монахи. Tom was tonsured a monk. Tom was a monk. Сьогодні сприятливий день Today is an auspicious day. Today is a good day Том не думает, что это правда. Tom doesn't think it's true. Tom doesn't think it's true. Он понимает по-французски. He understands French. He understands French. Дай Боже добри вечар! May God give you a good evening! God bless the evening! Ця машина морально застаріла. This car is out of date. This car is morally obsolete. Мені вельми шкода, що я не змогла відвідати похорон Тома. I am very sorry that I couldn't attend Tom's funeral. I'm sorry I couldn't attend Tom's funeral. У нас па два вуха. We have two ears. We have two ears. Она связала ему на день рождения свитер. She knit him a sweater for his birthday. She tied him a sweater for his birthday. У мене немає достатньо грошей, щоб це купити. I don't have enough money to buy that. I don’t have enough money to buy it. Ты скоро будешь бабушкой. You'll be a grandma soon. You'll be a grandmother soon. В твоём номере кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Дзе дождж? Where is the rain? Where's the rain? Как ты думаешь, что можно было бы подарить Тому на день рождения? What do you think would be a good present for Tom's birthday? What do you think you could give Tom for his birthday? Як далеко можна проплисти під водою на одному вдиху? How far can you swim underwater on one breath? How far can you swim under water in one breath? Том дружит со всеми. Tom is friends with everyone. Tom is friends with everyone. Мені болить голова. I have a headache. I have a headache. Я хотів би знайти когось, хто б кохав мене. I wish I could find someone who loves me. I want to find someone who loves me. Вы ведь не думаете всерьёз, что Том бы убил себя, не так ли? You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you? You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you? С этим придётся подождать. This will have to wait. It'll have to wait. Том тоже участвовал в этом? Was Tom involved in it too? Was Tom involved? Я прямий. I'm direct. I'm straight. Я подзвонила батькам Тома. I called Tom's parents. I called Tom's parents. Том довів, що він має Ліверпуль у себе в серці. Tom proved he is a Scouser at heart. Tom proved that he has Liverpool in his heart. Ці ведаеце вы які-небудзь добры рэстаран? Do you know a good restaurant? Do you know any good restaurant? Когда я пользовался принтером, в нём закончились чернила. I was using the printer when it ran out of ink. When I used the printer, it ran out of ink. Я почти уверен, что это произойдёт. I'm almost certain that's going to happen. I'm pretty sure that's going to happen. Я завжди захищатиму Тома від таких людей, як ти. I will always protect Tom from people like you. I will always protect Tom from people like you. Предлагаю поставить тут запятую. I suggest putting a comma here. I suggest you put a comma here. Том освободился от своего иностранного акцента. Tom lost his foreign accent. Tom got rid of his foreign accent. Заходь іноді до мене. Come and see me once in a while. Come to me sometimes. Я не нуждаюсь в дружбе. I don't need friendship. I don't need friendship. Спроси меня, чего я хочу. Ask me what I want. Ask me what I want. Їй ніхто не довіряє. No one trusts her. No one trusts her. Том полюбляє робити фотографії їжі. Tom likes to take pictures of food. He likes to take pictures of food. Том увидел, как Мэри прошла мимо. Tom saw Mary pass by. Tom saw Mary pass by. Все яблони были вырублены. All the apple trees were cut down. All the apples were cut down. Мои сыновья хотят купить одежду. My kids want to buy clothes. My sons want to buy clothes. Я пригласил соседа на завтрак. I invited my neighbor to breakfast. I invited my neighbor for breakfast. Ты не знаешь, на что Том способен. You don't know what Tom is capable of. You don't know what Tom's capable of. У Тома нет рака. Tom doesn't have cancer. Tom doesn't have cancer. Ты правда думаешь, что Том тебе помог бы? Do you really think that Tom would help you? Do you really think Tom would help you? Ми в дорозі додому. We are on the way home. We're on our way home. Я знаю, що Том п'яний. I know that Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom is drunk. Що ти сьогодні робила? What were you doing today? What did you do today? Скажи мені, що ти їси, і я скажу тобі, хто ти такий. Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you what you are. Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are. Мы шукаем шчасця. We seek happiness. We're looking for happiness. Знайди собі, чим зайнятися. Find something to keep you busy. Find yourself something to do. Ти не така висока, як я. You're not as tall as me. You're not as tall as I am. Це фотографія Тома та його родини. This is a picture of Tom and his family. This is a photo of Tom and his family. Дзе туалет? Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? Мой друг сломал руку. My friend has broken his arm. My friend broke his arm. У них была свадьба прошлой осенью. They got married last fall. They had a wedding last autumn. На следующей станции нам надо сделать пересадку. We have to change trains at the next station. At the next station, we need to make a transfer. Я не могу провести здесь весь день. I can't spend the whole day here. I can't spend the whole day here. Том не такий розумний, як ти. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you. Хмара сіра. The cloud is grey. The cloud is gray. Он уставился на неё. He fixed his eyes on her. He stared at her. Я отказываюсь покидать Бостон. I refuse to leave Boston. I refuse to leave Boston. Том - приличный человек. Tom is a decent person. Tom is a decent man. Я очень рад видеть тебя снова. I am very pleased to see you again. I'm so glad to see you again. Ми не можемо вас захистити. We cannot protect you. We can't protect you. Хто хоча какаву? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants coffee? Когда б я была канадкой! I wish I were a Canadian. If only I was Canadian! Том купил цветы своей девушке, а не матери. Tom bought flowers for his girlfriend, but not for his mother. Tom bought flowers for his girlfriend, not his mother. Очевидно, у Тома нет никаких доказательств. Obviously, Tom doesn't have any proof. Obviously, Tom has no proof. Мы многого достигли за последние три года. We've achieved a lot in the past three years. We have achieved a lot in the last three years. Я не вибачилася. I didn't apologize. I didn't apologize. Я хотел бы задать вам сейчас несколько вопросов. I'd like to ask you some questions now. I'd like to ask you a few questions now. Джаз меня как-то никогда не увлекал. I could never really get into jazz. Jazz has never fascinated me. Вы были в школе позавчера? Were you at school the day before yesterday? Were you at school the day before yesterday? Ходять чутки. Rumors have been circulating. It's a rumor. Відпочинемо. Let's take a rest. Let's rest. Я отвинтил крышку. I unscrewed the lid. I opened the lid. Я голодна, тому що я не пообідала. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't eat lunch. Ты хочешь воспользоваться этой возможностью? Do you want to take that chance? Do you want to take this opportunity? "Как произошла авария?" - "Никто не знает". "How did the accident happen?" "Nobody knows." "How did the accident happen?" "Nobody knows." Он поделился со мной своим супом. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. Вот что произошло здесь в понедельник. That's what happened here on Monday. This is what happened here on Monday. Думаешь, нам стоит сказать Тому? Do you think that we should tell Tom? You think we should tell Tom? Есть ли у вас вещи, подлежащие декларированию? Do you have anything to declare? Do you have anything to declare? Я так же делаю. That's the same way I do it. That's what I do. Я люблю картофель фри. I love french fries. I like french fries. Я в России. I am in Russia. I'm in Russia. Том подбавил дров в огонь. Tom added wood to the fire. Tom put wood in the fire. Мне не терпится ему рассказать. I can't wait to tell him. I can't wait to tell him. Вони у бібліотеці. They are in a library. They're in the library. Том багатий, холостий, трохи підстаркуватий, але не занадто потворний. Tom is rich, single, a bit old, but not too ugly. Tom is rich, blank, a little under-aged, but not too ugly. Он почти никогда не злится. He almost never gets angry. He's almost never angry. Відчиніть вікна. Open the windows. Open the windows. Свет начал тускнеть. The lights began to dim. The light began to dim. Я люблю вигравати. I love winning. I like to win. Вот зачем они учат английский. That is what they study English for. That's why they learn English. Це не дуже важливо. It's not very important. It's not very important. Вони мені не сім'я. They're not my family. They are not my family. Она вечером придёт. She's coming this evening. She's coming tonight. Это кажется мне подозрительным. This seems suspicious to me. It seems suspicious to me. Львоўскі гарадскі савет яшчэ раз звяртае ўвагу на лжывую інфармацію адносна намеру забараніць размаўляць у Львове па-руску. The Lvov city council is once more drawing attention to false information regarding the intention to ban speaking Russian in Lvov. Lviv City Council once again pays attention to false information regarding the intention to prohibit speaking in Lviv in Russian. Це не так вже й далеко звідси. It's not that far from here. It's not that far from here. Том выше вас. Tom is taller than you. Tom is taller than you. Брехун! Liar! Liar! Як ти витратила гроші, які я тобі дала? How did you spend the money that I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? Нядаўняя нястача кавы выклікала шмат праблем. The recent shortage of coffee has given rise to a lot of problems. The recent lack of coffee has caused a lot of problems. Нерідко можна почути, як тут виють вовки. It's not uncommon to hear wolves howling around here. You can hear the wolves here. Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait until the wedding. У мене завтра є справи. I have things to do tomorrow. I have things to do tomorrow. Я украшаю страницы своей книги цветами различных флагов. I decorate the pages of my book with the colors of various flags. I decorate the pages of my book with colors of different flags. Я хочу вільно розмовляти французькою. I want to speak French fluently. I want to speak French fluently. Муж никогда не помогает мне по дому. My husband never helps me with the housework. My husband never helps me around the house. Я никогда тебя не предавал. I never betrayed you. I never betrayed you. Том нежно поцеловал Мэри. Tom kissed Mary gently. Tom kissed Mary. У дев'ятнадцятому столітті у Сполучених Штатах багато африканців було продано як рабів. In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States. In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States. Том уже вдома. Tom is already at home. Tom is home. Когда Том и Мэри поженились, ему было 42 года, а ей было вдвое меньше лет, чем ему. Сколько лет будет Тому, когда возраст Мэри составит две третьих от его возраста? When Tom and Mary got married, he was 42 years old, and she was half his age. How old will Tom be when Mary reaches two-thirds his age? When Tom and Mary got married, he was 42 years old, and she was half the age of him. How old will Tom be when Mary is two-thirds of his age? Том положил ключи на стол. Tom put the keys on the table. Tom put the keys on the table. Кіт грається з собакою. The cat is playing with the dog. The cat plays with the dog. Мы выплатили свои долги. We've paid our dues. We have paid our debts. Вони вміють ловити рибу. They can fish. They can catch fish. Вона мене повністю ігнорує. She's totally ignoring me. She totally ignores me. Ты мог просто сказать им. You could've just told them. You could've just told them. Я не с Томом. I'm not with Tom. I'm not with Tom. Мені здається, Том трохи напідпитку. I think Tom is a bit tipsy. I think Tom's a little drunk. Том водить повільніше, ніж Мері. Tom drives slower than Mary does. Tom drives slower than Mary. Ми знали, що Том говорить правду. We knew Tom was telling the truth. We knew Tom was telling the truth. Мекка священное место. Mecca is a sacred site. Mecca is a sacred place. Хотел бы я владеть английским так же хорошо, как ты каталонским. I wish my English was as good as your Catalan. I wish I could speak English as well as you do in Catalan. Чым я магу Вам дапамагчы? How can I help you? What can I help you with? Ви знаєте, куди ми їдемо? Do you know where we're going? Do you know where we are going? Звание гроссмейстера по шахматам сравнимо с получением черного пояса по дзюдо. Achieving the title of Grand Master in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo. The title of grandmaster in chess is comparable to obtaining a black belt in judo. Хто будзе даглядаць дзіцё? Who will look after the baby? Who will look after the baby? Мы должны придерживаться плана. We should stick to our plan. We have to stick to the plan. Чому ти не поїхав до офісу? Why didn't you go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? Не свети мне лазером в лицо! Don't point the laser at my face! Don't put a laser in my face! Я боялась, что больше никогда её не увижу. I was afraid I'd never see her again. I was afraid I'd never see her again. Ён вельмі прыгожы. He is very handsome. He's very handsome. Это невероятно. That's amazing. It's incredible. «Ты мяне кахаеш?» — «Болей за ўсё на свеце». "Do you love me?" "More than anything." "Do you love me?" "More than anything in the world." Дякуємо за вчорашній день. Thanks for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Хіба у вас раніше не було машини? Didn't you use to have a car? Haven't you had a car before? Нам тебе дуже бракуватиме. We're going to miss you a lot. We're gonna miss you a lot. Поганої погоди не буває - буває тільки поганий одяг. There is no unseasonable weather, there is only a wrong choice of clothes. There is no bad weather, only bad clothes. Пусть земля будет тебе пухом, отец! Let the ground be wool to you, father! May the earth be yours, Father! У тебя на это, наверное, часа три уйдёт. It'll probably take you about three hours to do that. It'll probably take you three hours. Ты обратился в христианство. You converted to Christianity. You converted to Christianity. Почему мы не смотрим, что делает Том? Why don't we see what Tom does? Why don't we look at what Tom's doing? Це я. It is I. It's me. Выберы майку, якая табе падабаецца болей за ўсе. Choose the T-shirt you like the best. Choose a jersey that you like the most for everyone. Один из охранников выстрелил в Тома. One of the guards shot Tom. One of the guards shot Tom. Ми не сперечаємося. We're not arguing. We don't argue. Ты сильнее Тома. You're stronger than Tom. You're stronger than Tom. Том пішов. Tom is gone. Tom is gone. Том не хотел плакать. Tom didn't want to cry. Tom didn't want to cry. Коти — це мости між вимірами. Cats are the bridges between dimensions. Cats are bridges between dimensions. Ви маєте піти. You must go. You have to go. Він кричав "рятуйте!" He screamed for help. He shouted, “Save me!” Я не відрізняюся відь будь-якої іншої матері. I'm no different from any other mother. I am no different than any other mother. Она мне мала. It's too small for me. It's small for me. У когось є кишеньковий ніж? Does anyone have a pocketknife? Does anyone have a pocket knife? Дэвід заставаўся на пероне, пакуль цягнік быў бачны. David remained on the platform while the train was in sight. David remained on the railing as long as the train was visible. Том поїхав на цвинтар. Tom went to the cemetery. Tom went to the cemetery. Думаеш, гэта магчыма? Do you think such a thing is possible? You think that's possible? Можеш казати що завгодно. You can say whatever you want. You can say anything. Нам нужно чистить зубы. We need to brush our teeth. We need to brush our teeth. З ким Том планував це зробити? Who did Tom plan on doing that with? Who was Tom planning to do this with? Я лишь немного знаю английский. I only know a little English. I only know a little English. Знаєте, що купив Том? Do you know what Tom bought? Do you know what Tom bought? Ты был в парикмахерской? Have you been to the barber? Have you been to the barbershop? Том надіслав Мері повідомлення. Tom sent Mary a message. Tom sent Mary a message. У вас ёсць папера? Do you have paper? Do you have any paper? Он мне столько о вас рассказывал. He has told me so much about you. He told me so much about you. Паглядзі на гэту карціну. Look at that picture. Look at this picture. Такого не забути. It isn't something you forget. Don't forget that. Вы могли остаться в Бостоне. You could've stayed in Boston. You could have stayed in Boston. Пойдите посмотрите, что Том делает в гараже. Go and see what Tom is doing in the garage. Go see what Tom's doing in the garage. Хочете вивчити французьку? Do you want to learn French? Want to learn French? Она сказала, что спешит. She said she was in a hurry. She said she was in a hurry. Ребёнок спал на коленях у матери. The child slept on its mother's lap. The child was sleeping on his mother’s lap. Я подивився на меню. I looked at the menu. I looked at the menu. Мы сделали хорошо. We've done OK. We did well. Я думал, это её рассмешит. I thought it would make her laugh. I thought it would make her laugh. Люди милі. Humans are cute. People are cute. Том лучше готовит, чем я. Tom is better at cooking than I am. Tom cooks better than I do. Имеющие уши да услышат. Let those who have ears hear. Those with ears to hear. Я ждал тебя. I was waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. Я совсем не голоден. I'm not at all hungry now. I'm not hungry at all. Школы и университеты закрыты. Schools and universities are closed. Schools and universities are closed. Большинство людей настроены по-своему. Most people are set in their ways. Most people are tuned in their own way. Том у апошні час шмат хварэў. Tom has been sick a lot lately. Tom's been a lot of sick lately. Том сказал, что Мэри не выиграет. Tom said that Mary wouldn't win. Tom said Mary wouldn't win. Это не совсем то. That isn't quite it. It's not exactly that. У меня на рубашке пуговица оторвалась. A button has come off my shirt. The button on my shirt came off. Я живу в Європі. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Это человек. This is a person. It's a man. Я ненавижу шпинат. I hate spinach. I hate spinach. А я тут пры чым? What has that to do with me? What do I have to do with it? Если придёте к Тому сейчас, то, вероятно, застанете его смотрящим телевизор. If you visit Tom now, he'll probably be watching TV. If you come to Tom now, you will probably find him watching TV. Не думаю, що Том захоче нам допомагати. I don't think Tom would be willing to help us. I don't think Tom wants to help us. Якщо ти підеш, я сумуватиму за тобою. I'll miss you very much if you go. If you go, I'll miss you. Том та Джон — лише хлопчаки. Tom and John are just young boys. Tom and John are just boys. Том поклав свої цінні предмети до сейфу. Tom put his valuables in a safe. Tom put his valuables in the safe. Це видалили з логів. It's been deleted from the logs. It was removed from the logs. Никогда в это не поверю. I'll never believe in that. I'll never believe it. "Обещаете?" - "Обещаю!" "Promise?" "Yes, I promise." "You promise?" "I promise!" Пурпурны — найлепшы колер у свеце! Magenta is the best color in the world! Purple is the best color in the world! Ты, похоже, многому научилась. It seems that you've learned a lot. You seem to have learned a lot. Том вышел из душа. Tom stepped out of the shower. Tom is out of the shower. Що у тебе в руці? What's in your hand? What's in your hand? Какое твоё любимое свободное приложение? What's your favorite free software application? What's your favorite free app? Ти зголодніла? Hungry? Are you hungry? Що таке дієслово? What's a verb? What is a verb? Мой велосипед исчез. I found my bicycle gone. My bike is gone. Ти повинен повернутися додому до 9-ї години. You are to return home before nine. You should be home by 9:00. Это очень трудно. That's really hard. It's very difficult. Я занадто багатий. I'm too rich. I'm too rich. Я знаю, як це виглядає. I know how this looks. I know what it looks like. Мне понравились некоторые песни, которые спел Том. I liked some of the songs Tom sang. I liked some of the songs that Tom sang. Это не так сложно, как ты думаешь. It's not as hard as you think. It's not as hard as you think. Мэри уволили с работы. Mary was fired from her job. Mary was fired from her job. Я не смог ответить на все вопросы. I couldn't answer all of the questions. I couldn't answer all the questions. Улюбленним заняттям Мері було читання філософських книг, у той час як Том надавав перевагу мастурбуванню. Mary's favorite pastime was reading philosophy books, while Tom preferred masturbating. Mary's favorite activity was reading philosophical books, while Tom preferred masturbating. Ви хочете сказати, що не хочете допомогти нам пофарбувати стелю? Are you saying you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? Are you saying you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? Нет, меня там не будет. No, I won't be there. No, I won't be there. Хіба ти не бачиш, що я кохаю Мері? Can't you see I love Mary? Don't you see I love Mary? Как мне лучше всего можно получить паспорт? What's the best way for me to get a passport? How can I best obtain a passport? Ты всем нам очень нравишься. All of us like you very much. We all really like you. Том сказал, что она у него на столе. Tom said it was on his desk. Tom said it was on his desk. Куда бы вы хотели пойти в выходные? Where would you like to go on the weekend? Where would you like to go this weekend? Що ти вивчив? What did you learn? What have you learned? Том сказал мне то же самое, что и Мария. Tom told me exactly the same thing Mary did. Tom told me the same thing as Maria. Что ты нашёл? What have you found? What did you find? Мы не так молоды, как Том. We're not as young as Tom. We're not as young as Tom. Том прийшов? Did Tom come? Tom's here? Я бы не хотел потерять тебя как клиента. I wouldn't want to lose you as a customer. I wouldn't want to lose you as a client. Маєш власну квартиру? Do you have your own apartment? Do you have your own apartment? Можете сделать телевизор потише? Can you turn your TV down? Can you turn the TV down? Не годуй троля. Do not feed the troll. Don't feed the troll. Яна гатуе найсмачнейшыя сэндвічы ў свеце. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. She cooks the world's tastiest sandwiches. Баюся, ён хворы. I'm afraid he is ill. I'm afraid he's sick. Давай поиграем на пляже! Let's play on the beach! Let's play on the beach! Будь ласка, розкажи мені це. Please please tell it to me. Please tell me this. Я справді кохав її. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Космонавты носят скафандры. Cosmonauts wear spacesuits. Astronauts wear spacesuits. К сожалению, эта книга вся распродана. Sorry, the book is out of stock. Unfortunately, this book is all sold out. Це не капелюх. This isn't a hat. It's not a hat. В нього зелені очі. He has green eyes. He has green eyes. Вас арестовали. You were arrested. You've been arrested. Чому ти так розізлився? Why did you get so angry? Why are you so angry? Дівчата дуже зайняті. The girls are very busy. The girls are very busy. Це занадто дорого! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Я была ў гарах. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Он критикует всё и вся. He criticizes everyone and everything. He criticizes everything and everything. Том не дуже економний. Tom's not very frugal. Tom is not very economical. Той день прийде! That day shall come. That day will come! По озеру плыла маленькая лодочка. Across the lake sailed a little boat. There was a small boat on the lake. Він говорив про себе. He talked about himself. He was talking about himself. Попросите кого-нибудь ещё. Ask somebody else. Ask someone else. Я вже прокинулась. I am already awake. I've already woken up. Люди — найледачіші тварини. Humans are the laziest animals. Humans are the best animals. Там кто-нибудь видел Тома? Did anybody see Tom there? Has anyone seen Tom? Не зважай на її примхи. Don't pay any attention to her whims. Don't mind her whims. Діти граються кубиками. Children play with blocks. Children play with cubes. Это подарок-шутка, который мне подарили. This is a gag gift somebody gave me. It's a joke gift I've been given. Мне нужно разрешение? Do I need permission? Do I need a permit? Это очки Тома? Are those Tom's glasses? Are those Tom's glasses? Вы уверены, что Том мне подмигнул? Are you sure Tom winked at me? Are you sure Tom winked at me? Мені здається, Тому не хотілося бути сьогодні тут. I think Tom didn't want to be here today. I don't think Tom wanted to be here today. За что ты её ненавидишь? Why do you hate her? Why do you hate her? Ці інжири хрусткі. These figs are crunchy. These figs are crunchy. Двое докторов говорили о делах и своей работе. Two doctors were talking shop. Two doctors talked about business and their work. Я не уверена, какой у неё размер. I'm not sure what size she wears. I'm not sure how big she is. Замок сломан. The lock is broken. The lock is broken. Я не туда еду. That isn't where I'm going. I'm going the wrong way. Дождь перестал. Можно снова открыть окна. The rain's stopped; the windows can be opened again. The rain stopped. You can open the windows again. Половина студентів відсутня. Half of the students are absent. Half of the students are absent. Хіба ти не Том? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? Маленькая брамка адкрылася над сцежкай, што вілася паміж кустоў да саміх дзвярэй. A small wicket-gate opened upon a footpath that wound through some shrubbery to the door. A small gate opened over the trail that ran between the bushes to the door itself. Хочеш вивчити боснійську, Мері? Do you want to learn Bosnian, Mary? Want to learn Bosnian, Mary? Наступного місяця президент Франції їде до Японії. The president of France goes to Japan next month. Next month, the French president will travel to Japan. Пачысціце бульбу. Cut the potatoes. Clean the potatoes. Телефон у меня в сумочке. The phone is in my bag. My phone's in my purse. Відповідай мені, будь ласка. Please answer me. Please answer me. Томе, ти де? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? Тебе опять снятся кошмары? Are you having nightmares again? Are you having nightmares again? Він говорить німецькою. He speaks German. He speaks German. Ти телефонував мені вчора ввечері? Did you call me up last night? Did you call me last night? Я насправді не певен. I'm really not sure. I'm not really sure. Мая жонка не гатуе. My wife doesn't cook. My wife doesn't cook. Том всех нас вдохновил. Tom inspired us all. Tom inspired us all. Это тот, что с бородой? Is he the one with the beard? Is that the one with the beard? Де тато? Where's Daddy? Where's Dad? Все можливо. Everything is possible. Anything is possible. Как по-английски произносится "about"? How do you pronounce "about" in English? How to pronounce "about" in English? Я хочу зараз поїхати додому. I want to go home now. I want to go home now. Допрос окончен. The interrogation is over. The interrogation is over. Том не дасть тобі померти. Tom isn't going to let you die. Tom won't let you die. Я нет, а Том курит. I don't smoke, but Tom does. I don't, and Tom smokes. Сколько учеников пришло? How many students came? How many students have come? Нам ей позвонить? Should we call her? Should we call her? Вони повинні були одружитися в травні. They were to have got married in May. They were supposed to get married in May. Я плох в этом. I'm bad at this. I'm bad at this. Які тобі подобаються чоловіки? What kind of men do you like? What kind of men do you like? Слухати музику - мій улюблений спосіб відпочинку. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my favorite way to relax. Том — зіпсована дитина. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom is a spoiled child. Цугцванг - это ситуация, в которой обязанность сделать ход в свою очередь является серьёзным, часто решающим недостатком. Zugzwang is a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage. Zugzwang is a situation in which the duty to make a move in turn is a serious, often decisive disadvantage. Яна мае пяць братоў. She has five brothers. She has five brothers. Я не хочу, чтобы ты ездил. I don't want you to go. I don't want you to go. Ці цяжка вывучыць французскую мову? Is French difficult to learn? Is it difficult to learn French? Интересно, что с ним случилось. I wonder what happened to him. I wonder what happened to him. Том хочет, чтобы все его любили. Tom wants everyone to like him. Tom wants everyone to love him. Том зайнятий і не може тобі зараз допомогти. Tom is busy and can't help you now. Tom is busy and can't help you right now. Хто шукає, той завжди знайде. When there's a will, there's a way. He who seeks, will always find. Привет! Как ты? Hi. How are you doing? Hey, how are you? «Жизнь или кошелёк?» – «Не дави на меня. Дай подумать!» "Your money or your life?" "Don't pressure me. Let me consider." "Life or wallet?" - "Don't push on me. Let me think!" Том должен расслабиться. Tom should relax. Tom needs to relax. Том не вызывал врача. Tom didn't call the doctor. Tom didn't call the doctor. Моя дружина ніколи не хотіла мати дітей. My wife never wanted to have kids. My wife never wanted to have children. Жоден з них мені не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Мы попросили Тома сделать это. We asked Tom to do that. We asked Tom to do it. Том, можливо, вже пішов. Tom might've left already. Tom may have already left. Де було видано цю книгу? Where was this book published? Where was this book published? Ми майже закінчили. We're nearly finished. We're almost done. Ну ж бо, визнай це. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Ён нічога благога не зрабіў. He did nothing wrong. He did nothing good. Том хочет, чтобы все его любили. Tom wants everybody to like him. Tom wants everyone to love him. Коли ви останнього разу були в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Он сказал, что придёт. He said he would come. He said he'd come. Я жду Тома с половины третьего. I've been waiting for Tom since 2:30. I've been waiting for Tom since half past three. Том был белый как привидение. Tom was as white as a ghost. He was white as a ghost. Я не знала, что Вы женщина. I didn't know you were a woman. I didn't know you were a woman. Нічого не визнавайте. Don't admit anything. Don't admit anything. Почему ты мне этого не сказал? Why did you not tell me this? Why didn't you tell me that? Хіба ти не друг Тома? Aren't you Tom's friend? Aren't you Tom's friend? Том вряд ли забудет это сделать. Tom is unlikely to forget to do that. Tom probably won’t forget to do that. З Новим роком! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Я испёк это печенье для них. I baked these cookies for them. I made these cookies for them. Дотримуйся своїх обіцянок. Keep your promises. Keep your promises. Соціопатам бракує емпатії. Sociopaths lack empathy. Sociopaths lack empathy. Мне надо спешить. Я выбиваюсь из графика. I have to hurry. I'm falling behind schedule. I have to hurry, I'm off schedule. Том мог меня убить. Tom could've killed me. Tom could have killed me. Я не знала, как сказать тебе. I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know how to tell you. Том говорил, когда его ждать? Did Tom say when we should expect him? Did Tom say when to wait for him? Никогда не делай сегодня то, что можно отложить на завтра. Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Метр - это сто сантиметров. A meter is one hundred centimeters. A meter is 100 centimeters. Я чомусь заважаю? Am I disturbing anything? Am I interrupting something? Том решил отказаться от профессиональной игры на гитаре. Tom decided to give up playing guitar professionally. Tom decided to give up his professional guitar playing. Нам нужно знать больше. We need to know more. We need to know more. Я этот трек на репит поставил. I put this track on repeat. I put this track on the rack. Гэта таму што англійская — сусветная мова. This is due to English being a world language. That's because English is a world language. Что именно ты любишь делать больше всего? What's the one thing you love to do most? What exactly do you like to do the most? Я плохо спал вчера ночью, но хорошо спал ночью сегодня. I didn't sleep well the night before last, but I slept well last night. I didn't sleep well last night, but I slept well last night. Думаете, Том не сможет этого сделать? Do you think Tom won't be able to do it? You think Tom can't do that? Том і Мэры збіраюцца ажаніцца. Tom and Mary are planning to get married. Tom and Mary are about to marry. Це маєте вирішити ви. It's up to you to decide. It's up to you. Том немного старше Маши. Tom is a bit older than Mary. Tom is a little older than Masha. Ти можеш знизити ціну, якщо я куплю двоє? Could you knock down the price if I buy two? Can you lower the price if I buy two? Это чай. That's tea. It's tea. Читати книжки — це дуже цікаво. Reading books is very interesting. Reading books is very interesting. Мне нечего тебе дать. I've got nothing to give you. I have nothing to give you. Чому ти не поснідав? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Я думал, что у меня есть всё. I thought I had everything. I thought I had everything. Мне плацяць 10 долараў за гадзіну. I am paid 10 dollars an hour. I'm paid $10 an hour. Можете подключить ваш компьютер к роутеру Ethernet-кабелем. You can hook your computer up to the router with an ethernet cable. You can connect your computer to the Ethernet cable router. Тоні размаўляе па-англійску лепей за мяне. Tony speaks English better than I do. Tony speaks English better than me. Можешь рассказать мне о Томе? Can you tell me about Tom? Can you tell me about Tom? Том тебе вибачає. Tom forgives you. Tom is sorry. Жизнь в городе очень отличается от жизни за городом. Living in town is very different from living in the country. Life in the city is very different from life outside the city. Кто устроил встречу? Who organized the meeting? Who arranged the meeting? Мы с ней знакомы по работе. I know her from work. She and I know each other at work. Зачекайте. Я заплачу за це. Wait. I will pay for this. I'll pay for it. Много жизней оборвалось. Many lives were lost. Many lives have been cut short. Ми вчителі. We're teachers. We're teachers. Вы ничего не можете с этим поделать. There's nothing you can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. На том углу есть супермаркет. There's a supermarket on that corner. There's a supermarket on that corner. Ты сёння прыйшла сама? You came alone today? You came by yourself today? Том каже, що Мері рідко говорить французькою. Tom says Mary seldom speaks French. Tom says Mary rarely speaks French. На місце злочину прибув детектив. A detective arrived at the crime scene. A detective arrived at the scene. Я найвища у нашому класі. I am the tallest in our class. I am the highest in my class. З моїм обліковим записом якась проблема. There is a problem with my account. I have a problem with my account. Только не оставляй меня Just don't leave me. Just don't leave me. Ты хочешь сразиться со мной? Do you want to fight me? You want to fight me? Учить немецкий важно. Learning German is important. Learning German is important. Де вхід до музею? Where is the entrance to the museum? Where is the entrance to the museum? Маўчыце і слухайце. Be quiet and listen. Shut up and listen. Він знайшов метеорит. He found a meteorite. He found a meteorite. Ви маєте сказати Тому, щоб він це зробив. You ought to tell Tom to do that. You have to tell Tom to do it. Цю камеру важко сфокусувати. It's hard to get this camera to focus. This camera is hard to focus on. Ви певні, що Том цього не робив? Are you certain Tom didn't do that? Are you sure Tom didn't do that? Ты не знаешь Тома? Don't you know Tom? You don't know Tom? Том ніколи не п'є горілку. Tom never drinks vodka. Tom never drinks vodka. Вона не любила свого чоловіка. She didn't like her husband. She did not love her husband. Никто не понимает тебя так, как я. No one understands you like I do. No one understands you like I do. Гол не засчитан, так как игрок коснулся мяча рукой. The goal was disallowed because the player had touched the ball with his arm. The goal is not counted, as the player touched the ball with his hand. Том играет в теннис лучше Мэри. Tom is a better tennis player than Mary is. Tom plays tennis better than Mary. Ты плануеш летам правесці водпуск з Томам? Do you plan to spend your summer vacation with Tom? You're planning on having a watering hole with Tom in the summer? Сила воды вращает колесо. Water power turns the wheel. The force of water turns the wheel. Мені подобається ваше волосся. I like your hair. I like your hair. Я слышал, Том хорошо плавает. I've heard Tom is a good swimmer. I heard Tom's swimming well. Хочешь на это взглянуть? Do you want to take a look at it? You want to see this? Не говори мне, как мне тратить свои деньги. Don't tell me how to spend my money. Don't tell me how to spend my money. Тепер можеш вимкнути радіо. You can turn off the radio now. Now you can turn off the radio. После того как я сел в поезд, я заметил, что забыл бумажник дома. After I got on board a train, I found I had left my wallet behind at home. After I got on the train, I noticed that I had forgotten my wallet at home. Соціопати мають талант маніпулювати іншими. Sociopaths have a talent for manipulating others. Sociopathic people have the ability to manipulate others. Он бы никогда мне не соврал. He would never lie to me. He would never lie to me. В этом году я несколько раз был за границей. I've been abroad several times this year. I have been abroad several times this year. Твоя проблема в том, что ты слишком легко сдаёшься. Your problem is that you give up too easily. Your problem is that you give up too easily. Держи руки так, чтобы я их видел. Put your hands where I can see them. Keep your hands where I can see them. У нас були свої злети і падіння. We've had our ups and downs. We had our ups and downs. Я яго не ведаю. I don't know him. I don't know him. Як ти переніс наркоз? How did you get through anaesthesia? How did you get anaesthesia? Тома ещё не поздно спасти. It's not too late to save Tom. It's not too late to save Tom. Скільки днів у високосному році? How many days comprise a leap year? How many days in a leap year? Том мог бы сказать Мэри правду, но предпочёл этого не делать. Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. Я також це зробила. I did that, too. I did that too. Я не знаю, що йому відомо. I don't know what he knows. I don't know what he knows. Так, я тут живу. Yes, I live here. Okay, I live here. Мы должны уважать их желания. We must respect their wishes. We must respect their wishes. Он не мог поступиться принципами. He couldn't go against his principles. He could not compromise on principles. Он - позор всего города. He is a shame of the town. He's a disgrace to the whole city. Мэри сказала, что по понедельникам она не работает. Mary said she doesn't work on Mondays. Mary said she doesn't work on Mondays. Я не маю власних дітей. I don't have my own children. I don't have my own children. Те надежды не оправдались. Those hopes have been dashed. Those hopes were not fulfilled. Що ти хочеш побачити, поки ти тут? What do you want to see while you're here? What do you want to see while you're here? Ходімо на ринок. Let's go to the market. Let's go to the market. Вам придётся подождать здесь. You'll have to wait here. You'll have to wait here. Том сказал, что ещё не хочет спать. Tom said that he isn't sleepy yet. Tom said he didn't want to sleep yet. Иди в свою комнату! Go to your room. Go to your room! Я готова, а вы? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, are you? Они вынудили Тома поменять мнение. They made Tom change his mind. They forced Tom to change his mind. Я немного говорю по-венгерски. I speak a little Hungarian. I speak a little Hungarian. Мы сейчас ничем не заняты. We aren't doing anything right now. We're not busy right now. Смерть - это конец жизни. Death is the end of life. Death is the end of life. Думаю, ему необходимо туда поехать. I think it necessary for him to go there. I think he needs to go there. Вы могли ошибиться. You may have been wrong. You could be wrong. Я запитала Мері, чому вона плаче. I asked Mary why she was crying. I asked Mary why she was crying. Чому ти просто не пішла? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just go? Я не читав жодну з цих двох книжок. I haven't read either book. I haven’t read either of these two books. Мой гарбуз быў найлепшы. My pumpkin was the best. My pumpkin was the best. Встретимся завтра в три часа. I'll meet you at three o'clock tomorrow. I'll meet you tomorrow at 3:00. Том вроде говорил, что Мэри из Австралии. I thought Tom said that Mary was from Australia. Tom said Mary was from Australia. Не будь таким придурком! Don't be such a chump! Don't be such a jerk! Ми можемо вимкнути телевізор? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Что, если Том нас видел? What if Tom saw us? What if Tom saw us? Чорт забирай! God damn it! Damn it! Я уверен, что Том поступит правильно. I'm sure that Tom will do the right thing. I'm sure Tom will do the right thing. Том не любит груши. Tom doesn't like pears. Tom doesn't like pears. Сегодня Тома никто не видел. No one has seen Tom today. No one saw Tom today. Янні був щиро закоханий у Скуру. Yanni was genuinely in love with Skura. Yanni was genuinely in love with Skura. Ці інжири потворні. These figs are ugly. These figs are ugly. Його зріст — приблизно сім футів. He stands about seven feet. Its height is about seven feet. Тому ни до кого нет дела, кроме себя самого. Tom doesn't care about anyone but himself. No one cares about anyone but himself. Їх там не було. They weren't there. They weren't there. Всі, хто його знав, захоплювалися ним. All who knew him admired him. Everyone who knew him admired him. Я більше не палю. I don't smoke any more. I don't burn anymore. Я хочу, щоб інші враховували мої смаки. I want the others to keep my tastes in mind. I want others to take my taste into account. Не бери самые дешёвые. Don't take the cheapest ones. Don't take the cheapest. Будь ласка, ще не йди. Please don't leave yet. Please don't go yet. Вы не должны здесь говорить. You shouldn't talk here. You don't have to talk here. Спасибо тебе за визит. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for visiting. Надеюсь, Вам хорошо платят. I hope you're well paid. I hope you get paid well. Поставь на репит. Put it on repeat. Put it on the rack. Чем вы планируете заняться в Бостоне? What do you plan to do in Boston? What do you plan to do in Boston? Ці хлопці вам щось зробили? Did those guys do something to you? Did these guys do something to you? Ти бачила мою пляшку? Have you seen my bottle? Have you seen my bottle? Самі живий. Sami is alive. She's alive. Том, можливо, навіть не потрапить до команди. Tom might not even make the team. Tom may not even be on the team. Я визнала, що не зробила того, що пообіцяла. I admitted I didn't do what I promised to do. I admitted that I didn’t do what I promised. Спросите у Тома, где он живёт. Ask Tom where he lives. Ask Tom where he lives. Том має намір це зробити. Tom intends to do this. Tom wants to do it. Том терпіти не може оперу. Tom can't stand opera. Tom can't stand the opera. Не трогай мою печатную машинку. Don't touch my typewriter. Don't touch my typewriter. Почти все японские дети любят играть в баскетбол. Almost all Japanese kids like playing basketball. Almost all Japanese children love to play basketball. Я должна ему позвонить. I have to call him. I have to call him. Їй п'ять. She is five years old. She's five. Я недостатньо рішучий. I'm not decisive enough. I'm not determined enough. Она купила очень хорошую одежду. She bought very good clothes. She bought very good clothes. Кресло нужно починить. The chair needs to be repaired. The chair needs to be repaired. В комитете он играл важную роль. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role in the committee. Том знає, що має працювати далі. Tom knows he has to keep working. Tom knows he has to keep working. Хороший был фильм. That was a good movie. It was a good movie. Тоні його зламав. Tony broke it. Tony broke it. Том состоит в секте. Tom is in a cult. Tom is in the cult. Наш кіт стерелізований. Our cat is sterilized. Our cat is sterilized. Солдат умирал. The soldier was dying. The soldier was dying. Я могу поговорить с адвокатом? Can I speak to a lawyer? Can I talk to a lawyer? Немає чого боятися. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. Зроби це завтра. Do that tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Мы знаем, что готовит нам будущее. We know what the future holds in store for us. We know what the future holds for us. Вас могли видеть. Somebody might've seen you. You may have been seen. Зайздрасць і гонар ходзяць поруч. Envy is the companion of honour. Envy and pride walk side by side. Я был в классе совсем один. I was all by myself in the classroom. I was alone in class. Везде лёд. There's ice everywhere. Ice everywhere. Залишайся зосередженим. Keep focused. Stay focused. Від роботи коні дохнуть. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The horses are dead. Наука завжди мене цікавила. Science has always interested me. Science has always interested me. Ти неймовірний. You're incredible. You're incredible. Дзе туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Том старается никуда не выходить ночью. Tom avoids going out at night. Tom tries not to go out at night. Ви мене радуєте. You make me happy. You're making me happy. Вам потрібно зачекати. You've got to wait. You need to wait. Не пользуйтесь телефоном во время вождения. Don't use your phone while driving. Do not use your phone while driving. Его сейчас нет. He's out now. He's not here right now. Экзамен будет сегодня? Is the exam today? Will the exam be today? Я погоджуюся з тим, що ти кажеш. I agree with what you're saying. I agree with what you're saying. Мы можем позволить себе новую машину? Can we afford a new car? Can we afford a new car? Усе повинно було бути готовим до цього моменту. Everything was supposed to be ready by now. Everything had to be ready for that moment. Тебе есть во что переодеться? Do you have something to change into? Do you have something to change into? Обидва чоловіки вибачились один перед одним. Both men apologised to each other. Both men apologized to each other. Я стараюсь вести активный образ жизни. I try to lead an active lifestyle. I try to live an active lifestyle. Ти завжди зайнятий. You're always busy. You're always busy. Тебе стоит попробовать ещё раз. You should try again. You should try again. Ты за гэта заплаціш. You're going to pay for this. You're gonna pay for this. Я скоро обідатиму. I'll eat lunch soon. I'll have lunch soon. Вихід справа. The exit is on the right. Exit to the right. Зрозуміти акцент Тома так само складно, як читати почерк лікаря. Understanding Tom's accent is as difficult as reading a doctor's handwriting. To understand Tom's accent is as difficult as reading the doctor's handwriting. Я кохаю тебе, Томе. I love you, Tom. I love you, Tom. Ти любиш італійську музику? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? Том не знал, где ему сесть. Tom didn't know where he should sit. Tom didn't know where to sit. Щомісяця я отримую зарплатню. I get paid every month. I get paid every month. Ви можете зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do it right now? Я хочу быть с вами. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Так було завжди. That's how it's always been. That's always been the case. Я не могла припинити плакати. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. Пес на дворе? Is the dog in the yard? A dog in the yard? Ти й досі мені винна тридцять доларів. You still owe me thirty dollars. You still owe me thirty dollars. Думаю, Том або гей, або бісэксуал. Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think. I think Tom's either gay or bisexual. Я часто ходжу в кіно. I often go to the cinema. I go to the movies often. Это моя книга? Is that my book? Is this my book? Я думаю, Том пошёл купить пиво. I think Tom went to buy beer. I think Tom went to buy a beer. Пацалуй мяне. Kiss me. Kiss me. Том — лише немовля. Tom is just a baby. Tom is just a baby. Тому подобається плавати в річці. Tom likes swimming in the river. He likes to swim in the river. Ми з моїм мозком толеруємо одне одного. My brain and I tolerate each other. My brain and I tolerate each other. Цей велосипед не належить Тому. This bicycle isn't Tom's. This bike doesn't belong to Tom. Ви, очевидно, маєте рацію. Apparently you are right. You're obviously right. Я не могу об этом спокойно говорить. I can't be calm while talking about this. I can't talk about it calmly. Я ніколи не турбуюся. I never worry. I never worry. Написание слов по отдельности в тех случаях, когда они должны писаться слитно - большая проблема в Норвежском языке. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. Writing words separately in cases where they should be written together is a big problem in the Norwegian language. Какая забавная история! What a funny story! What a funny story! Минулого понеділка я купив новий комп'ютер. I bought a new computer last Monday. Last Monday I bought a new computer. Почему вы никогда не бываете довольны? Why are you never satisfied? Why are you never satisfied? Как вы уговорили Тома спеть? How did you convince Tom to sing? How did you get Tom to sing? Сьогодні в школі наді мною сміялися. I got laughed at at school today. I laughed at school today. Мы уже едем туда. We're on our way there. We're on our way. Добавь ярлык на рабочий стол. Add a desktop shortcut. Add a label to your desktop. Я спасатель. I'm a lifeguard. I'm a lifeguard. Роби так, як вважаєш за потрібне. Do what you believe is right. Do what you want. Думаю, мне лучше пойти с тобой. I think I'd better go with you. I think I'd better come with you. Жахливо почуваю себе сьогодні. I feel terrible today. I feel terrible today. Не смей перечить мне, иначе умрёшь. Don't you dare defy me, or else you will die. Don't you dare tell me otherwise you're gonna die. Починай. Start. Go ahead. Советую вам поехать на автобусе. I recommend that you go by bus. I advise you to take the bus. Вы правда думаете, что Том вам поможет? Do you really think Tom will help you? Do you really think Tom will help you? Почему бы нам не подождать до октября? Why don't we wait till October? Why don't we wait until October? Том оставил свою сумку. Tom left his bag. Tom left his bag. Том не смог скрыть своих чувств. Tom wasn't able to hide his feelings. Tom couldn’t hide his feelings. У Тома не так много детских фотографий. Tom doesn't have many pictures of himself as a kid. Tom doesn't have a lot of baby pictures. Мне больше нравится кантонская музыка, чем музыка континентального Китая. I like Cantonese music more than Mandarin music. I like Cantonese music more than mainland Chinese music. Мы все законопослушные граждане. We're all law-abiding citizens. We are all law-abiding citizens. Том знает, как туда добраться? Does Tom know how to get there? Does Tom know how to get there? Тома не посадили до в'язниці. Tom wasn't imprisoned. Tom was not sent to prison. Ружа ружовая. The rose is pink. The rose is pink. Цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she should do it. Он странно выглядит. He looks weird. He looks weird. Я не мог решить, что делать. I couldn't decide what to do. I couldn't decide what to do. Я полагаю, что вы сидите на моём месте. I think you're sitting in my seat. I assume you're sitting in my shoes. Вон тот дом мой. That house over there is mine. That's my house. Он напился пива. He was drunk on beer. He drank beer. Просто зараз я дивлюся новини. I'm watching the news right now. I'm just watching the news now. Я думаў, табе падабаецца вучыць новае. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked learning new things. Ты разве не знал, что тела разлагаются? Didn't you know that bodies decompose? Didn't you know the bodies were decaying? Можно сделать гораздо больше. Much more can be done. Much more can be done. Ти не вмієш говорити французькою, правда? You don't speak French, do you? You can't speak French, can you? Я ще їм. I'm still eating. I'm still eating. Том попросил Мэри выключить свет. Tom asked Mary to turn the lights down. Tom asked Mary to turn off the lights. Я учу её голландскому языку. I'm teaching her Dutch. I'm teaching her Dutch. Вам зялёны пасуе. Green suits you. It's green for you. Его кто-нибудь навещает? Does anybody visit him? Does anyone visit him? Він каже, що йому вже набагато краще. He says he feels much better now. He says he is much better now. Том знаком с женой Джона. Tom knows John's wife. I know John's wife. Нехай Том їсть, що хоче. Let Tom eat it if he wants to. Let Tom eat what he wants. Вставай! Get up! Get up! Ты не знаешь, кто я. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. Эта программа всё ещё далека от совершенства. That program is still far from perfect. This program is still far from perfect. Амаль поўнач, ідзі спаць! It's almost midnight. Go to bed. Almost north, go to bed! Какие знания не нужны? What knowledge is unnecessary? What knowledge is not needed? Зарозумілі люди завжди говорили б про себе. Arrogant people would always talk about themselves. Stupid people would always talk about themselves. Том говорит, что я ем как свинья. Tom says I eat like a pig. Tom says I eat like a pig. Хіба вам не було б краще зробити це з Томом? Wouldn't you rather do that with Tom? Wouldn't you rather do it with Tom? Я всегда занята. I'm always busy. I'm always busy. Вы часто простужаетесь? Do you frequently get colds? Do you get a cold often? Гэта апошні цягнік. This is the last train. This is the last train. Мама не вміє їздити на велосипеді. My mother can't ride a bicycle. My mom can’t ride a bicycle. Вы когда-нибудь гуляли с Томом? Do you ever take walks with Tom? Have you ever been out with Tom? Я справедлива. I'm fair. I'm fair. Сім помножити на сім буде сорок дев'ять. Seven times seven is forty-nine. Seven times seven will be forty-nine. Я останавливал прохожих. I was stopping passers-by I stopped the passers-by. Том у меня самый младший. Tom is my youngest. Tom is the youngest. Гэтыя кнігі твае? Are these books yours? These books are yours? Прошлое воскресенье я провел, читая новеллы. I spent last Sunday reading novels. I spent last Sunday reading novels. Працягвайце, калі ласка. Please continue. Keep going, please. Ви співали. You were singing. You sang. Том ходит в детский сад. Tom goes to kindergarten. Tom goes to kindergarten. Соціопати не люблять нести відповідальність. Sociopaths don't like to be held accountable. People don’t like to take responsibility. Цветы нужно полить. The plants need watering. The flowers need to be watered. З Томом усе буде гаразд. Tom is going be OK. Tom will be fine. Можливо, Том не робив того, що всі кажуть, що він зробив. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone says he did. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone said he did. Даже если бы Том нас увидел, он бы ничего не сказал. Even if Tom saw us, he wouldn't say anything. Even if Tom saw us, he wouldn't say anything. Я не хотел обидеть их. I didn't mean to offend them. I didn't mean to hurt them. Хочете сходити на футбольний матч? Do you want to go to a football match? Do you want to go to a football match? Вона весь час протирічить сама собі. She contradicts herself all the time. She contradicts herself all the time. Яны згубілі ўзор ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They've lost the DNA sample. Вы ей сказали? Have you told her? Did you tell her? Том подивився під диван. Tom looked under the couch. Tom looked under the couch. Том сказав, що цього не було. Tom said that didn't happen. Tom said it wasn't. Я не знаю, кто построил этот дом. I don't know who built this house. I don't know who built this house. Надеемся, что это случится. We hope that happens. We hope that happens. В цій кімнаті не можна палити. Smoking is not allowed in this room. You can't smoke in this room. Я подам на тебе в суд. I'll sue you. I'll sue you. Мій батько занадто зайнятий, аби піти на прогулянку. My father is too busy to take a walk. My father is too busy to go for a walk. Я занадто худа. I'm too thin. I'm too skinny. Том готовит завтрак. Tom is making breakfast. Tom's making breakfast. Том срезал дорогу до школы, перепрыгивая через забор. Tom's shortcut to school involved hopping a fence. Tom cut the road to school by jumping over the fence. Я создал группу в Телеграме. I created a group on Telegram. I set up a group on Telegram. Можешь оставить шарф себе. You can keep the scarf. You can keep the scarf. Том сказав Мері, що вірить у астрологію. Tom told Mary that he believed in astrology. Tom told Mary he believed in astrology. Я живу в місті. I live in a town. I live in the city. Я медіум. I'm a psychic. I'm a medium. Я вырашыла стаць інжынеркай. I've decided to become an engineer. I decided to become an engineer. Под столом спал персидский кот. A Persian cat was sleeping under the table. A Persian cat was sleeping under the table. Том грає на лютні. Tom plays the lute. Tom's playing lute. Это вопиющее безобразие, что они не были застрахованы от пожара. It's a crying shame that they weren't insured against fire. It's outrageous that they weren't safe from the fire. Я не люблю дождь. I do not like the rain. I don't like rain. Я подстригаюсь каждый месяц. I get a haircut every month. I cut my hair every month. У тебя есть разрешение? Do you have permission? Do you have permission? Одного дня ти дізнаєшся правду. You'll know the truth one day. One day you will find out the truth. Настав час тобі одружитися. It is time you got married. It's time for you to get married. Интересно, когда пещерный человек сказал что-то подобное. I wonder when a caveman said something like this. I wonder when the caveman said something like that. Австралія — країна кенгуру. Australia is the land of kangaroos. Australia is a kangaroo country. Том не объяснил Мэри ситуацию. Tom didn't explain the situation to Mary. Tom did not explain the situation to Mary. Я не дуже добре розуміюся на математиці. I am not good at mathematics. I don’t understand mathematics very well. Сегодня я хотел пойти поплавать, но всё необходимое оставил дома. I had wanted to go swimming today, but I've left my swimming things at home. Today I wanted to go swimming, but I left everything I needed at home. Я про Іспанію нічого не знаю. I know nothing about Spain. I don’t know anything about Spain. Том вряд ли признает, что он не прав. Tom won't likely admit he's wrong. Tom doesn't admit he's wrong. Они проголосовали. They voted. They voted. Я не спрашивал её. I haven't asked her. I didn't ask her. Кожен студент має власну парту. Each student has his own desk. Each student has their own desk. Том знає, що це зробила не Мері. Tom knows Mary isn't the one who did that. Tom knows it wasn't Mary who did it. Том ждёт Машу в Бостоне. Tom is waiting for Mary in Boston. Tom is waiting for Masha in Boston. Хорошо пахнет. That smells good. Smells good. Для бедного Тома всё уже закончилось. It's all over with poor Tom. It's over for poor Tom. Не треба недооцінювати власні сили. Don't underestimate your own strength. Do not underestimate your own strength. Не беспокойтесь о моей собаке. Don't worry about my dog. Don't worry about my dog. Праграмнае забеспячэнне як сэкс: лепей, калі яно свабоднае. Software is like sex: it's better when it's free. Software like Sex: Better if it's free. У Тома новий капелюх. Tom has a new hat. Tom has a new hat. Том розійшовся з Мері. Tom split up with Mary. Tom broke up with Mary. Мені все ще потрібно знати, чому ти це зробив. I still need to know why you did that. I still need to know why you did it. Никогда раньше не слышал, чтобы крали автомобильный глушитель. I've never heard of someone stealing a muffler from a car before. I've never heard of a car muffler being stolen before. Если не хочешь отвечать, то не нужно. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Нам теж можна прийти? Can we come too? Can we come too? Павер мне, я інжынер! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Можаце прынесці мне гэты слоўнік? Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Can you bring me this dictionary? Спорим, я справлюсь лучше Тома. I bet I can do better than Tom. I bet I can do better than Tom. Новый тоннель свяжет Англию и Францию. The new tunnel will link Britain and France. The new tunnel will connect England and France. Я живу довольно близко к ним. I live pretty close to them. I live pretty close to them. Вот кое-что для тебя. Here's something for you. Here's something for you. У мене мало книжок. I have few books. I have few books. Я жалею, что зря потратил на это своё время. I regret wasting my time on that. I'm sorry I wasted my time on this. Потолок очень низкий. The ceiling is very low. The ceiling is very low. Гэта адзін з лепшых рэстаранаў у Аўстраліі. This is one of the best restaurants in Australia. It is one of the best restaurants in Australia. Мері запитала мене, чи я її кохаю. Mary asked me if I loved her. Mary asked me if I loved her. Я не очень разочарован. I'm not very disappointed. I'm not very disappointed. Расскажи нам, как это случилось, Том. Tell us how it happened, Tom. Tell us how it happened, Tom. Вітер змінив напрям. The wind changed directions. The wind changed direction. Том не пытается произвести на вас впечатление. Tom isn't trying to impress you. Tom is not trying to impress you. Скільки ви додаєте цукру? How much sugar do you use? How much do you add sugar? Эта вакцина эффективна? Is this vaccine effective? Is this vaccine effective? Я включил воображение. I used my imagination. I turned on the imagination. Том пошёл на берег реки. Tom went to the river bank. Tom went to the river. Вы безнадёжны! You are hopeless! You're hopeless! Ти моя приятелька. You're my friend. You're my buddy. Мы оба очень заняты. We're both very busy. We're both very busy. Янни не ожидал, что произойдёт нечто подобное. Yanni didn't expect something like that to happen. Yanni didn't expect anything like this to happen. Это не мой вопрос. That isn't my question. That's not my question. Ти дуже хоробрий. You are very brave. You're very brave. Я рад, что ты это предложил. I'm glad you suggested this. I'm glad you offered it. Не заставляйте себя есть, если вам не хочется. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to. Don’t force yourself to eat if you don’t want to. Обычно я встаю в шесть тридцать. I usually get up at six-thirty. I usually get up at 6:30. Давайте встретимся через неделю! Let's meet in a week. Let's meet in a week! Мы не продаём разливное пиво. We do not sell draught beer. We don't sell bottled beer. Ты тоже сможешь это сделать, если постараешься. You can do this, too, if you try. You can do that too if you try. Мир жесток. The world is cruel. The world is cruel. Говори по-русски правильно! Speak Russian correctly! Speak Russian right! Мне нужно знать всё. I need to know everything. I need to know everything. Том видавався збентеженим з якоїсь причини, яку Мері не могла зрозуміти. Tom seemed embarrassed for some reason that Mary couldn't understand. Tom seemed confused for some reason that Mary couldn't understand. Я рассказала шутку. I told a joke. I told a joke. Тобі того ж. Same to you. You're the same. Том каже, що він очікує, що Мері це зробить. Tom says he expects Mary to do that. Tom says he expects Mary to do it. Мені потрібні гроші. I want some money. I need the money. Посадка лесов приносит пользу окружающей среде. Planting forests is good for the environment. Planting forests benefits the environment. Я купив десяток яєць. I bought ten eggs. I bought a dozen eggs. Это не моя дочь. That isn't my daughter. That's not my daughter. Буду рад ей помочь. I'll be glad to help her. I'd love to help her. Тома не надо по несколько раз просить что-то сделать. Tom doesn't need to be told more than once to do something. You don’t have to ask Tom to do something a few times. Відійди убік. Stand aside. Step aside. Фатограф зрабіў здымак майго дома. A photographer took a photograph of my house. The photographer took a picture of my house. Нам много чего нужно купить. We have a lot of things we need to buy. We have a lot to buy. Я кролик, но могу ходить на двух ногах. I'm a rabbit, but I can walk on two legs. I'm a rabbit, but I can walk on two legs. Ты вправду поцеловала Тома? Did you really kiss Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? У меня есть еда. I have food. I have food. Тома может спасти только чудо. Only a miracle can save Tom. Only a miracle can save Tom. Чому всі вважають мене ідіотом? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everyone think I'm an idiot? Пакінь гэта мне. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Он отец новобрачной. He is father to the bride. He's a newlywed father. Я не маю жодного відношення до цього. I've got nothing to do with it. I have nothing to do with that. Том собирается попробовать. Tom is going to try. Tom is going to try. Тома укусила пчела. Tom got stung by a bee. Tom was bitten by a bee. Сэма включили в школьную команду по баскетболу. Sam was included in the school basketball team. Sam was on the school basketball team. Когда-нибудь я стану знаменитым писателем. I'm going to be a famous writer one day. Someday I'll be a famous writer. Это нужно сделать немедленно. It needs to be done immediately. This must be done immediately. Забавяли сце ше, агей. You had some fun, didn't you? It's fun, hey. Ты должна нам верить. You've got to believe us. You have to believe us. Том был болен? Was Tom sick? Was Tom sick? Казнить его! Execute him! Put him to death! Скажіть Тому, що ми не готові. Tell Tom we aren't ready. Tell him we’re not ready. Если она недорогая, я её куплю. If it isn't expensive, I'll buy it. If it's cheap, I'll buy it. Здоров був, Томе. Hello, Tom. It was great, Tom. Я клієнтка. I'm a client. I'm a client.