Я не розумію, а я не звик не розуміти. Будь ласка, поясни ще раз. I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more. I don't understand, and I'm not used to not understanding. У Тома вишуканий і розкішний будинок. Tom's house is quite posh. Tom's got an elaborate and luxurious house. Мы смотрели на руины старой крепости. We were looking at the ruins of the old fortress. We looked at ruins of old fortress. Я не встигаю за тобою. I can't keep pace with you. I can't follow you. Наша політика полягає в тому, щоб задовільняти наших клієнтів. Our policy is to satisfy our customers. Our policy is to satisfy our customers. Якія ў цябе планы на нядзелю? What plans do you have for Sunday? What are your Sunday plans? Вони перейшли до іншої релігії. They changed their religion. They moved to another religion. Мені потрібне тепле пальто. I need a heavy coat. I need a warm coat. Тома уволят. Tom will get fired. Tom's gonna get fired. Спадар, калі ласка, запоўніце гэты фармуляр. Sir, please fill out this form. Sir, please fill out this formular. Том не смог ответить на все вопросы Мэри. Tom couldn't answer all of Mary's questions. Tom couldn't answer all Mary's questions. У месяца няма атмасферы. The moon has no atmosphere. There is no atmosphere in the month. Надеюсь, Тома арестуют. I hope Tom gets arrested. I hope Tom gets arrested. 2539 — просте число. 2539 is a prime number. 2539 is a simple number. Сегодня зарплата. It is a payday today. It's a salary today. В мене багато друзів. I have lots of friends. I have a lot of friends. Мені здається, він симулює. I think he's faking. I think he's simulating. Я подумаю про це. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. Я живу довольно близко к вам. I live pretty close to you. I live quite close to you. Том пришёл вместе со своими друзьями. Tom came with his friends. Tom came with his friends. Том каже, що він винен багато грошей Мері. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Ось церква, у якій ми побралися. This is the church where we got married. Here's the church where we got married. Мы с Джоном старые друзья. John and I are old friends. John and I are old friends. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона кинула школу. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she dropped out of school. I wonder if Tom had ever asked Mary why she had dropped out of school. Я хочу знать, где это. I want to know where it is. I want to know where it is. Я рад, что ты все еще здесь. I'm glad you're still here. I'm glad you're still here. Я думал, ты его ненавидишь. I thought you hated him. I thought you hated him. Я знайома з батьком цієї дівчини. I know this girl's father. I know this girl's father. Том зараз спить. Tom is sleeping now. Tom's asleep now. Бостон — любимый город Тома. Boston is Tom's favorite city. Boston is Tom's favorite city. Я очень хорошо знаю вашего брата. I know your brother very well. I know your brother very well. Мені дуже потрібна ваша допомога. I really do need your help. I really need your help. Вот зачем они учат английский. That is what they study English for. That's why they learn English. Она всегда держит свою комнату чистой. She always keeps her room clean. She always keeps her room clean. Але кохання може розбити твоє серце. But love can break your heart. But love can break your heart. Я лише раз бачила Тома. I've only seen Tom once. I've only seen Tom once. Яна паталефанавала мне з Токіа. She called me up from Tokyo. She puttlefaned me from Tokyo. Как бы заняты вы ни были, вы обязаны выполнять домашнюю работу. No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework. As busy as you are, you have to do your homework. Я стаміўся. I'm tired. I'm tired. Чому б тобі не взяти з собою парасольку, просто про всяк випадок? Just to be on the safe side, why don't you take an umbrella with you? Why don't you take the umbrella with you just in case? Школа знаходиться в п'яти кілометрах від мого будинку. The school is three miles from my house. The school is five miles from my house. Ми винахідливі. We're resourceful. We're inventive. Пачакай секунду. Wait a moment. Wait a second. Ми говорили годинами. We talked for hours. We talked for hours. Я хочу розмовляти французькою. I want to speak in French. I want to speak French. У тебе буде час пообідати зі мною? Will you have time to have lunch with me? Do you have time to have lunch with me? Я ніколи не казала ні. I never said no. I never said no. Том сказав, що буде тут. Tom said he would be here. Tom said he'd be here. Зброі ў мяне не было. I didn't have a weapon. I had no weapons. Скажите Тому, что Мэри хочет его видеть. Tell Tom that Mary wants to see him. Tell him Mary wants to see him. Я поголилася. I shaved. I shaved. Том восхищался храбростью Мэри. Tom admired Mary's courage. Tom admired Mary's courage. Я не размаўляю па-японску. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Тобі не подобається це робити, еге ж? You don't enjoy doing that, do you? You don't like it, do you? Дитину ростять усім селом. It takes a village to raise a child. The child is growing up in all the village. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері не спить. Tom said that he thought Mary wasn't asleep. Tom said he thought Mary was awake. Ему пришлось жить в одной комнате с братом. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to live in the same room as his brother. У нас не було багато часу. We didn't have much time. We didn't have much time. Я сказал ему, что меня это не интересует. I told him I'm not interested. I told him I didn't care. Я маю яшчэ адно пытанне. I have another question. I have another question. Как ты попала в мою комнату? How did you get into my room? How did you get into my room? Я почув як грюкнули вхідні двері. I heard the front door slam. I heard the front door slammed. Том такий мудак. Tom is such a twat. Tom's such an asshole. Давай выйдем на балкон. Let's go out on the balcony. Let's go to the balcony. Дзе туалет? Where's the restroom? Where is the toilet? Ми хотіли Тома. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. Вы здесь одни живёте? Do you live here alone? Are you living here alone? Тебе оно не понадобится. You won't need it. You won't need it. Вони згодні. They agree. They agree. Мені цікаво, чи Том учора це зробив. I wonder whether or not Tom did that yesterday. I wonder if Tom did that yesterday. Может быть, я не прав. I may indeed be wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Я собираюсь сейчас искать Тома. I'm going to look for Tom now. I'm going to look for Tom right now. Щешлїву драгу! Have a nice trip! That's a big fight! Том всегда так говорит. Tom is always saying that. Tom always says that. Том весь день не обращал на Мэри внимания. Tom ignored Mary all day. Tom didn't pay attention to Mary all day. Двічі два — чотири. Two times two equals four. Twice two to four. Временами Клаудия думала о психоанализе. At times Claudia thought about psychoanalysis. At times, Claudia was thinking about psychoanalysis. При смешивании трёх основных цветов получается чёрный. Mixture of the three primary colors creates black. The three main colors are mixed with black. Я думал, что он невиновен. I thought that he was innocent. I thought he was innocent. Том сказал, что он тоже так сделает. Tom said that he'd do that, too. Tom said he'd do that, too. Часам у Таямскім заліве бачны міраж. A mirage sometimes shows up in Toyama Bay. Sometimes a mirrage is visible in the Bay of Tayam. Це ялинкова прикраса. This is a Chistmas tree ornament. It's a tree decoration. Лише ми можемо їх врятувати. Only we can save them. Only we can save them. Том запретил мне с тобой разговаривать. Tom didn't let me talk with you. Tom forbids me to talk to you. Я купив нову швейну машинку. I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewing machine. Ми майже закінчили. We're nearly finished. We're almost done. Читати книжки — це дуже цікаво. Reading books is very interesting. Reading books is very interesting. Свині не літають. Pigs can't fly. Pigs don't fly. Яна стала паліцэйскай. She became a police officer. She became a police officer. Станция в ста метрах отсюда. The station is 100 meters from here. One hundred yards from here. Це чудова ідея. It's a great idea. It's a great idea. Моя мати медсестра. My mother is a nurse. My mother is a nurse. Візьміть з собою дітей. Bring your children along. Take the children with you. Том никогда мне раньше не лгал. Tom has never lied to me before. Tom never lied to me before. Почему они арестовали Тома? Why did they arrest Tom? Why did they arrest Tom? В прошлом сезоне наша футбольная команда выиграла все матчи. Our soccer team won every game last season. Last season, our football team won all the matches. Почему вы так сказали? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Квитки наразі доступні. Tickets are available now. The tickets are now available. Наведите у себя порядок. Get your house in order. Make sure you order yourself. Ён вырашыў усе праблемы. He solved all the problems. He solved all the problems. Я не могу играть на электрогитаре. I can't play the electric guitar. I can't play the electric guitar. Учора быў дзень майго нараджэння. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Можна я скористаюся цим телефоном? May I use this telephone? Can I use this phone? Чому Том хотів поїхати? Why did Tom want to go? Why would Tom want to go? Том розкаявся у своїх гріхах. Tom repented of his sins. Tom repented of his sins. Том часто туда ходит. Tom often goes there. Tom goes there a lot. На девочке была большая красная шляпа. The girl had a large red hat on. The girl had a big red hat. Том ведь выше тебя? Tom is taller than you, isn't he? Tom's taller than you, isn't he? Калі ласка, дапамажыце мне. Please help me. Please help me. Я подумал, что вы правы. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Лід тане. The ice is melting. Ice melts. Вони мої сестри. They are my sisters. They're my sisters. Что случится с нашими детьми, если начнётся ядерная война? What will happen to our children if nuclear war breaks out? What will happen to our children if a nuclear war begins? Це дуже цікава історія. That is a very interesting story. It's a very interesting story. Навіщо ти це зробив? Why have you done this? Why did you do that? Вада адлюстроўвае святло. Water reflects light. Water reflects light. Мэри - одна из самых красивых женщин, каких я когда-либо встречал. Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Я бы хотела, чтобы ты познакомился с моим мужем. I'd like you to meet my husband. I'd like you to meet my husband. Том дал мне номер телефона Мэри. Tom gave me Mary's phone number. Tom gave me Mary's phone number. Кожа у неё белее снега. Her skin is whiter than snow. Her skin is whiter than snow. Дай мені он ту банку. Hand me that jar. Give me that bank. Як функціонує мозок? How does the brain work? How does the brain function? Том грає у небезпечну гру. Tom is playing a dangerous game. Tom is playing a dangerous game. Ти мала трохи хворобливий вигляд. You looked a bit sick. You looked a little sick. Дозвольте мені знову вас поцілувати. Allow me to kiss you again. Let me kiss you again. Я принесу бокалы. I'll bring the glasses. I'll get the glasses. У мене є певні проблеми при компіляції цієї програми. I'm having some problems compiling this software. I have some problems compiling this program. Скажи "нет" расизму. Say no to racism. Say no to racism. Нѣ ли ти чьто то речи а мълчи. If you have nothing to say, keep your lips sealed. You're not talking or talking. Ці вы мяне разумееце? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Том роздратований. Tom is irritated. Tom's angry. По-испански говорят в Центральной и Южной Америке. Spanish is spoken in Central and South America. Spanish is spoken in Central and South America. Я всегда занята. I'm always busy. I'm always busy. Ты іх забіў. You killed them. You killed them. Хочешь завтра в кино сходить? Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Пожалуйста, соль. The salt, if you please. Please salt. У меня всегда мёрзнут руки и ноги. My hands and feet always feel cold. I've always got my hands and legs frozen. От лайно. Crap. Oh, shit. Дима переспал с 25 мужчинами за одну ночь, а потом их убил. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. The smoke slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Видишь корабль на горизонте? Do you see a boat on the horizon? You see the ship on the horizon? Они отключили Тома от аппарата жизнеобеспечения. They've taken Tom off life support. They turned Tom off from his life supply. Сомневаюсь, что Том и Мэри всё ещё дома. I doubt that Tom and Mary are still home. I doubt Tom and Mary are still at home. Хотя я изучал французский в школе в течение трёх лет, я всё равно не особо хорошо на нём говорю. Even though I studied French for three years in school, I'm not good at speaking it. Although I have studied French at school for three years, I still don't speak very well of it. Самі пакінуў іслам. Sami left Islam. Islam left itself. Я боюся павуків. I am scared of spiders. I'm afraid of spiders. Хто вона? Who's she? Who is she? Настроение у Тома изменилось. Tom's mood has changed. Tom's mood changed. Я розчарував Тома. I disappointed Tom. I disappointed Tom. На столі диня. There is a melon on the table. On the table of melon. Іноді я тебе не розумію. Sometimes I don't get you. Sometimes I don't understand you. Ты себя нормально чувствуешь? Do you feel OK? Are you feeling okay? Я нечасто їм мексиканські страви. I seldom eat Mexican food. I don't often eat Mexican dishes. Давайте ей позвоним. Let's call her. Let's call her. Хотів би я, щоб ти не був таким йобаним мудаком. I wish you weren't such a fucking dick. I wish you weren't such a fucking asshole. Том сказал мне, что Мэри не так это делает. Tom told me Mary did that wrong. Tom told me Mary wasn't doing that. Я по ошибке надел рубашку Тома. I put on Tom's shirt by mistake. I used Tom's shirt by mistake. Я повинен закінчити це просто зараз. I need to end this now. I have to finish this right now. Пытанне Кэна збянтэжыла спадара Хасімота. Mr Hashimoto was confused by Ken's question. Kane's question puzzled Mr. Hasimot. Том був у Бостоні кілька разів. Tom has been to Boston a couple of times. Tom's been to Boston several times. Вы умеете пользоваться компьютером? Can you use a computer? Can you use a computer? Ти мене зрозуміла? Did you understand me? Do you understand me? Ходімо в ліжко. Let's go to bed. Let's go to bed. Том полон надежд. Tom is full of hope. Tom is full of hope. В октябре начинают падать листья. Leaves begin to fall in October. In October the leaves begin to fall. У другой палове дня, магчыма, будзе дождж. It might rain before evening. It may be raining in the afternoon. Ми не знали, що робити далі. We didn't know what to do next. We didn't know what to do next. Ви винесли сміття? Did you take out the rubbish? Did you take the trash out? Том, насправді, прийшов рано. Tom was actually early. Tom actually came early. Я прийшов щоб побачити тебе. I came to see you. I came to see you. Він вдавав із себе лікаря. He pretended to be a doctor. He pretended to be a doctor. Том плавать-то умеет? Tom can swim, can't he? Is Tom able to swim? Спросите у Тома, когда он планирует вернуться. Ask Tom when he plans to come back. Ask Tom when he plans to come back. Я знаю, што ты настаўнік. I know that you're a teacher. I know you're a teacher. Она оправилась от шока после смерти отца. She got over the shock of her father's death. She recovered from the shock after her father died. Той чалавек паміраў. That man was dying. That man died. Я пам'ятаю лише уривки. I can only remember fragments. I only remember passages. Том слідуватиме за вами. Tom will follow you. Tom will follow you. Том удома. Tom is home. Tom's home. Я більше не хочу. I don't want any more! I don't want to. Я не знаю, что Том читает. I don't know what Tom is reading. I don't know what Tom is reading. Я был совершенно шокирован. I was completely shocked. I was completely shocked. Том та Мері назвали свою дитину Джоном. Tom and Mary named their baby John. Tom and Mary called their child John. Я вучылася ўвесь дзень. I have studied all day. I was studying all day. В данный момент я не знаю, чего хочу. I don't know what I want right now. I don't know what I want right now. Бостон — чудесное место. Boston is a wonderful place. Boston is a wonderful place. Я не ваш раб. I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave. Том никогда не был знаком с Мэри. Tom never knew Mary. Tom never knew Mary. Смачного! Enjoy your meal. It's delicious! Том припаркувався на проїзді. Tom parked his car in the driveway. Tom parked on the driveway. Не прокрастинируй. Don't procrastinate. Don't steal. Это всё, что Том делает? Is that all Tom does? That's all Tom does? Я впевнений, що Том носить перуку. I'm pretty sure Tom wears a wig. I'm sure Tom's wearing a pen. Я чувствовал, что что-то не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt like something was wrong. Зроби це хутко. Make it quick. Do it quickly. Он снимал квартиру. He rented an apartment. He made an apartment. Мені потрібно з тобою поговорити. I must speak to you. I need to talk to you. Дзе пес? Where is the dog? Where is the dog? Давайте нанесём им визит. Let's pay them a visit. Let's make a visit. Том, з великою ймовірністю, буде голодний. Tom will likely be hungry. Tom is likely to be hungry. Ми обидві погодилися з Томом. We both agreed with Tom. Both of us agreed with Tom. Я не канадка. I am not Canadian. I'm not a Canadian. Мне ўсё адно. I don't care. I don't care. Мій батько любить теніс. My father likes tennis. My father loves tennis. Він одержимий. He's obsessed. He's obsessed. Ваш номер готовий. Your room's ready. Your number's ready. Том виріс у чашці Петрі. Tom grew up inside a Petri dish. Tom grew up in a Petri dish. Хто гэта пані? Who's that lady? Who is the lady? Том молодший від тебе. Tom isn't as old as you are. Tom's younger than you. Том добре малює. Tom is good at painting. Tom paints well. Ти чарівник? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? Где ты их склеил? Where did you glue them? Where did you put them? Я чытаю кнігу. I am reading a book. I am reading a book. Это худшее, что вы можете сделать! That's the worst thing you can do! It's the worst you can do! Я ищу свой паспорт. Ты его видел? I'm looking for my passport. Have you seen it? I'm looking for my passport. Почему вы всегда принимаете его сторону? Why do you always take his side? Why do you always take sides with him? Он отутюжил свои брюки? Did he iron his pants? Did he pull his pants? Мир жесток. The world is cruel. The world is cruel. Ты не знаешь всех фактов. You don't know all the facts. You don't know all the facts. Дорога скользкая. The road is slippery. The road is slippery. Прежде всего я бы хотел чётко обозначить свою позицию. First of all I'd like to make my position clear. First of all, I would like to make clear my position. У неё красивый почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She's got a beautiful handwriting. Что бы тебя порадовало? What would make you happy? What would make you feel better? Па-па! Bye. By the way! Я майже забув, що то був його день народження. I almost forgot that it was his birthday. I almost forgot it was his birthday. Ти коли-небудь вiдвiдував Статую Свободи? Have you ever visited the Statue of Liberty? Have you ever done the Statue of Liberty? Ми з Томом завжди залишатимемося друзями. Tom and I'll always be friends. Tom and I will always be friends. Я не учениця. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Ты всё схватываешь на лету. You learn quickly. You're taking it all over the summer. Я никогда не видел, чтобы ты смеялся. I've never seen you laugh. I've never seen you laugh. У сучаснай Расеі шмат праблемаў. Modern Russia has many problems. There are many problems in modern Russia. Ти вже заплатила. You already paid. You've already paid. Ти йому зателефонував? Did you telephone him? Did you call him? Це її сумочка. This is her handbag. It's her purse. Он сделал, как я ему сказал. He did as I told him. He did as I told him. Я привык вставать рано. I'm used to getting up early. I used to get up early. Он сказал, что не обижен. He said that he wasn't offended. He said he wasn't hurt. Ще каву, будь ласка. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. Он потерял свои солнечные очки. He lost his sunglasses. He lost his sunglasses. Барселона розташована в Іспанії. Barcelona is in Spain. Barcelona is located in Spain. Я преподаю Тому французский язык. I teach Tom French. I teach French to Tom. Где Том нашёл эту фотографию? Where did Tom find this picture? Where did Tom find this picture? Я працую ў краме падарункаў. I'm working at a gift shop. I work at a gift shop. Вчера я читал интересную книгу. I read an interesting book yesterday. Yesterday I read an interesting book. Том сказав, що у нього багато друзів у Бостоні. Tom said he had plenty of friends in Boston. Tom said he had a lot of friends in Boston. Не верится, что он до сих пор не женат. I can't believe he's still single. I can't believe he's still single. Я забула свій пароль. I've forgotten my password. I forgot my password. Рублеўская стварыла надзвычай праўдападобныя вобразы такіх постацей гісторыі як Францыск Скарына, Франц Савіч, Барбара Радзівіл і іншыя. Rubleŭskaja created very believable images of such historical figures as Francysk Skaryna, Franc Savič, and Barbara Radzivił. Rublewski created extremely plausible images of history figures such as Francis Scarin, Franz Savitch, Barbara Radyville, and others. Ми думали, що він американець. We thought he was an American. We thought he was American. Мері сказала, що Том їй розповів. Mary said that Tom told her that. Mary said Tom told her. У мене є велосипед. I have a bicycle. I have a bicycle. Нямае руж без шыпоў. There is no rose without a thorn. No roses without spikes. Том уже не встречается с Мэри. Tom doesn't go out with Mary anymore. Tom's not dating Mary anymore. Я только что говорил с твоим врачом. I just spoke with your doctor. I just spoke to your doctor. Можно взять тебя за руку? May I hold your hand? Can I get you a hand? Кави, будь ласка. Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Вам обязательно ему говорить? Do you really have to tell him? Do you have to tell him? У мене болить голова, і руки, і ноги,.. і, насправді, все тіло. My head hurts, and so do my arms, legs... in fact, my whole body. I have headaches, my arms, my legs... and actually my whole body. Простите, Вы не могли бы повторить вопрос? Could you please repeat the question? Excuse me, could you please repeat the question? Няшчасны выпадак здарыўся пазаўчора. The accident happened the day before yesterday. An unfortunate case happened yesterday. Том притворился, что занят. Tom pretended to be busy. Tom pretended to be busy. Я не розкаююся у тому, що я зробив. I have no regrets for what I've done. I'm not sorry about what I did. Кто-то кричал. Someone screamed. Somebody yelled. Писать SMS, ведя машину, очень опасно. Texting while driving is very dangerous. Writing SMS is very dangerous when driving a car. Ненавиджу своїх сусідів. I hate my neighbors. I hate my neighbors. Я не могу простить его лени. I can't excuse his laziness. I can't forgive his laziness. Можете це мені дати? Can you give this to me? Can you give me that? Чемоу ми єси не повѣла? Why didn't you tell me? What are we not doing? Не думаю, что Тому ещё нужна помощь. I don't think Tom needs any more help. I don't think Tom still needs help. Том увесь час бреше. Tom lies all the time. Tom's lying all the time. Том учит моих детей французскому. Tom teaches French to my children. Tom teaches my kids French. Існує секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Хотите доказательств? Do you want proof? Would you like proof? Можно потрогать ваши волосы? Can I touch your hair? Can I touch your hair? Сльозами горю не допоможеш. Don't cry over spilt milk. You can't help with tears of grief. Давайте я принесу вам чего-нибудь холодного попить. Let me get you something cold to drink. Let me get you some cold drink. Ви плануєте залишитися надовго? Do you plan to stay long? Are you planning on staying long? Не жьгѫ ѣ. I don't burn them. No, it's not. Мне пришлось пролезать под забором. I had to crawl under the fence. I had to break through the fence. Якого кольору в Тома очі? What color are Tom's eyes? What color is Tom's eyes? Я говорил вам, что я бы вернулся. I told you I'd be back. I told you I'd come back. Мне нужна работа. I need the work. I need a job. Я сів у таксі. I got in the taxi. I sat down in a taxi. Відкрий свою валізу. Open your suitcase. Open your suitcase. Чому ти припинила це робити? Why did you stop doing that? Why did you stop doing this? Давидъ въ домоу. David is at home. David's at home. Сьогодні я почуваюся чудово. I feel great today. I feel great today. Я запросила Тома до себе. I invited Tom over. I invited Tom to see me. Тебе нравится наш свадебный торт? Do you like our wedding cake? Do you like our wedding cake? Я бы очень хотел, чтобы Вы остались. I'd like it very much if you'd stay. I'd really like you to stay. Ви нічого не приховуєте? You're not hiding anything, are you? You're not hiding anything? Я лише дивлюсь. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Партугальская паходзіць ад лацінскай. Portuguese descends from Latin. Portuguese comes from Latin. Мне васямнаццаць гадоў. I am eighteen years old. I am eighteen years old. Я сетрифікований аудитор. I'm a CPA. I'm a sethrified auditor. Ми змогли їх врятувати. We managed to save them. We could save them. Я этого совсем не боюсь. I'm not in the least afraid of it. I'm not afraid of that at all. Відкрий валізу. Open your suitcase. Open the suitcase. Том сказав Мері те, що йому сказав Джон. Tom told Mary what John had told him. Tom told Mary what John told him. Ти голосував за Тома чи Мері? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Калі мы выкарыстоўваем эсперанта, мы знаходзімся на адным і тым самым узроўні, па меншай мены моўным. Using Esperanto with him, I sense that we both are at the same level, at least from a linguistic point of view. When we use Esperanto, we are on the same and thus level, on less mena speech. Свято вже почалося. The party has already started. It's already started. Шесть-пять в пользу телезрителей! Six to five for the viewers! Six or five for the TV! Солнце грело его кожу. He felt the warmth of the sun on his skin. The sun warmed his skin. Понюхайте це. Smell this. Take a smell of it. Гей, то пес. Yes, it is a dog. Hey, that's the dog. Яна стаяла на лесьвіцы і фарбавала столю. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She stood on a stairwell and painted a table. Якщо я цього не зроблю, Том розсердиться. If I don't do that, Tom will get angry. If I don't, Tom's gonna get angry. Чому ти йому не допоміг? Why didn't you help him? Why didn't you help him? Кветкі хутка вянуць пасля таго, як іх зрэзалі. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers will spring quickly after they have been cut down. Том разбил свою копилку молотком. Tom smashed his piggy bank with a hammer. Tom smashed his spear with a hammer. Дайте нам минутку. Give us a moment. Give us a minute. Національна служба охорони здоров'я Великобританії сьогодні оновила рекомендації щодо коронавірусу. The NHS issues updated Coronavirus recommendations today. The UK National Health Service has updated its coronary recommendations today. Я поїду з тобою. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Цікава, чаму Том не пажадаў ехаць у Бостан з Мэры. I wonder why Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. I wonder why Tom didn't want to go to Boston from Mary. Он твёрдый орешек. He is a tough cookie. He's a hard nut. Ось де живе Том. That's where Tom lives. This is where Tom lives. У вас все добре? Are you OK? Are you all right? Кто может тебя винить? Who can blame you? Who can blame you? Он сидит учится до поздней ночи. He sits up studying till late at night. He's going to study till late at night. Пойдите посмотрите, что Том делает в гараже. Go and see what Tom is doing in the garage. Go see what Tom's doing in the garage. Том говорит, что он не голоден. Tom says he isn't hungry. Tom says he's not hungry. Можете говорить всё, что хотите. You can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. Кухонный нож был недостаточно острым, чтобы разрезать мясо, поэтому я воспользовался своим перочинным ножом. The kitchen knife wasn't sharp enough to cut the meat, so I used my pocket knife. The kitchen knife was not sharp enough to cut the meat, so I used my feather knife. Коупите собѣ чьто ѣсти. Buy yourself something to eat. Coupe Sob is someone to bet. Сумніваюся, що Том зміг би це зробити самостійно. I doubt Tom could do that by himself. I doubt Tom could do it on his own. Мы с Томом стали встречаться. Tom and I've started dating. Tom and I started dating. Підозрюю, що Том вже відправився до Австралії. I suspect Tom has already left for Australia. I suspect Tom has already gone to Australia. Я три місяці була у комі. I was in a coma for three months. I was in a coma for three months. Перепрошую за запізнення. I apologise for arriving late. Sorry to be late. Вялікі дзякуй за ўсё, што ты для мяне зрабіла. Thanks a lot for all the things you've done for me. Thank you very much for everything you have done for me. На этих выходных мне нужно работать. I have to work this weekend. I need to work this weekend. Я стамілася ад паўсякдзённай жыццёвай рутыны. I am tired of the day-to-day routine of life. I'm tired of my day-to-day life routine. Не так хутка! Not so fast! Not so soon! Вы раўнуеце. You're jealous. You are jealous. Мы з вамі адной крыві, вы і я. We be of one blood, thou and I. We are with you one blood, you and I. Він, мабуть, невинний. He must be innocent. He must be innocent. Прийшла лише Мері. No one came except Mary. Only Mary came. Пусть Том домой идёт. Let Tom go home. Let Tom go home. Прощальная речь Джейн нас очень опечалила. Jane's farewell speech made us very sad. Jane's farewell speech made us very sad. Чи є ім'я "Шиносуке" мішенню для глузувань? Is the name 'Shinosuke' a target for teasing? Is the name Shinosuke a target for ridicule? Вы разве не видите, что произошло? Don't you see what's happened? Don't you see what happened? Я інколи дивлюся телевізор. I watch TV off and on. I watch TV sometimes. Вам спати не хочеться? Aren't you sleepy? Don't you want to sleep? Я ніколи не був прихильником релігії. I have never been a fan of religion. I have never been a believer in religion. Том вряд ли забудет это сделать. Tom is unlikely to forget to do that. Tom can't forget to do that. Вони змусили мене брехати. They forced me to lie. They made me lie. И Том, и его жена выросли в Бостоне. Tom and his wife both grew up in Boston. Both Tom and his wife grew up in Boston. Я должен сейчас идти на работу. I have to go to work now. I have to go to work right now. Как это грубо с твоей стороны! How rude of you! How rude of you! Я думаю, що іспити псують освіту. I think exams ruin education. I think exams spoil education. На смену радио пришло телевидение. Radio's been replaced by the TV. Television replaced the radio. Том може бути вдома. Tom might be home. Tom could be home. Том сказав, що Мері пішла. Tom said Mary left. Tom said Mary was gone. Це правда, що він молодий, але він дуже надійний. It is true that he is young, but he is very reliable. It's true he's young, but he's very reliable. Я из тех девушек, которые больше дружат с парнями. I'm that kind of girls who get on with boys better. I'm the girls who are more friends with the guys. Я встаю з ліжка дуже рано. I get up very early. I get out of bed very early. Есть три варианта. There are three options. There are three options. Мы не собираемся вас увольнять. We're not going to fire you. We're not going to fire you. Я підписав чек. I signed the check. I signed the check. Пожалуйста, пристегивайте ремни во время взлёта и посадки. Please fasten your seat belt during takeoff and landing. Please adjust your belts during takeoff and landing. Ти віриш у вічне життя? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in everlasting life? Кнїжка на карсцелю? Is the book on the chair? A book on a Carstel? Є секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Том заметил, что дверь открыта. Tom noticed that the door was open. Tom noticed that the door was open. Я живу в Бостоні. I live in Boston. I live in Boston. Коли ви вчора пішли спати? When did you go to bed yesterday? When did you go to bed last night? Європейці полюбляють пити вино. Europeans like to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. Только в философии можно использовать порочный круг в доказательстве и получить за это высокую оценку. Only in philosophy can you use a circular argument and get praised for it. It is only in philosophy that a vicious circle of evidence can be used and praised. Літати — це весело. Flying is fun. Flying is fun. Ты багатая. You are rich. You're rich. Ви виглядаєте заклопотаними. You seem busy. You look busy. Это трудно сделать? Is that hard to do? Is that hard to do? Том закрыл крышку. Tom shut the lid. Tom closed the lid. Ты должна быть наказана за то, что сделала. You must be punished for what you did. You must be punished for what you did. Ідзе дождж. It is raining. It rains. Мне повезло, что я жив. I'm lucky I'm alive. I'm lucky I'm alive. Том провів час із Мері. Tom spent time with Mary. Tom spent time with Mary. Позвоните Тому. Give Tom a call. Call Tom. Она так и не ответила ему на письмо. She never wrote him back. She never answered his letter. Я не працаваў ўчора. I didn't work yesterday. I didn't work yesterday. Том даже не знает, почему его исключили из школы. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Пойдёмте танцевать. Let's go dancing. Let's dance. Я не хочу тебя беспокоить. I don't want to disturb you. I don't want to bother you. Я ищу свой телефон. I am looking for my phone. I'm looking for my phone. Дети поют вокруг костра. The children are singing around the campfire. The kids are singing around the cosy. У меня от этой истории мурашки по коже побежали. The story gave me goosebumps. I've got ants running around my skin from this story. Осколки дзеркала були розкидані по підлозі. Fragments of the mirror were scattered on the floor. The mirror fragments were scattered across the floor. Я думала, я не зможу цього зробити. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do that. I thought I couldn't do it. Скидається на те, що на Татоебі забагато турецьких тролів. Seems like there are too many Turkish trolls on Tatoeba. It seems that there are too many Turkish trolls on Tatoebi. Я никогда не видела Тома. I never saw Tom. I've never seen Tom. Никто не мог им помочь. No one was able to help them. No one could help them. Так он явил своё торжество. He thus revealed his glory. That's how he delivered his celebration. Он совершенно не понимал, что такое дифференциальное уравнение. He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He didn't really realize what a differential equation was. Том погоджується зі мною. Tom agrees with me. Tom agrees with me. Она не сильнее меня. She's not stronger than me. She's not stronger than me. Збочце. Back off. Take it off. Не ходи по чужой земле. Don't walk on other people's land. Don't walk in someone else's land. Вона не вре. She's not a liar. She's not lying. Це не іграшка! It's not a toy! It's not a toy! Ты такая надменная. You're so stuck up. You're so arrogant. Що таке гемоглобін? What is haemoglobin? What is hemoglobin? Я колись був водієм вантажівки. I used to drive a truck. I used to be the driver of a truck. Я слухаю музыку, а ты? I'm listening to music, and you? I'm listening to music, and you? Я думаю, що Том співає музику "кантрі" краще, ніж будь-хто інший з моїх знайомих. I think Tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. I think Tom sings country music better than any other person I know. Я знал, что это что-то в этом роде. I knew it was something like that. I knew it was something of this kind. Родина снідає на вулиці. The family is eating breakfast outdoors. The family is sleeping on the street. Мачка тиж на дворе. The cat is in the yard, too. Mace's in the yard. Ти добре виглядаєш з коротким волоссям. You look nice with your hair short. You look good with short hair. Цікаво, чи Том насправді піде на концерт Мері. I wonder whether Tom will really go to Mary's concert. I wonder if Tom would actually go to Mary's concert. Том та Мері знають? Do Tom and Mary know? Tom and Mary know? По тебе никто не будет скучать. Nobody will miss you. No one's gonna miss you. У разі будь-яких проблем, зателефонуй мені. Call me if you have any problems at all. If you have any problems, call me. Подождите, пока я просмотрю рукопись. Wait until I look this manuscript over. Wait for me to take a look at the manuscript. Бедуіны жывуць у пустыні. Bedouins live in the desert. The Bedouins live in the desert. Лайла шукала не проста сэксу. Яна шукала кахання. Layla was looking for more than sex. She was looking for love. Lila wasn't just looking for sex, she was looking for love. Я хочу, чтобы завтра ты была здесь в половине третьего. I want you here tomorrow by 2:30. I want you to be here in half of the third tomorrow. Мэри проверяет сообщения у себя в телефоне. Mary is checking her messages on her phone. Mary checks the messages in her phone. Ці чутки правдиві? Are the rumors true? Is this rumor true? Это далеко? Is it far? Is that far away? Я роблю меблі. I make furniture. I make furniture. Это должны были быть вы. It had to be you. It should have been you. Ён глядзеў, як хлопчыкі плаваюць. He watched the boys swimming. He watched the boys swim. Том хотів продовжувати. Tom wanted to continue. Tom wanted to keep going. Я скажу Тому, что вы звонили. I'll tell Tom you called. I'll tell 'cause you called. Том сложил игрушки в ящик для игрушек. Tom put his toys into the toy box. Tom put the toys in the toy box. На входе нам следует снимать обувь. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We should take our shoes off at the entrance. Я чинитиму тобі супротив. I will fight you. I'll do the opposite for you. Том сказал вам, куда идёт? Did Tom tell you where he was going? Did Tom tell you where he was going? Том заснув міцним сном. Tom fell into a deep sleep. Tom fell asleep. Чим я можу допомогти? How can I help you? What can I do for you? Мэри ела, что хотела. Mary ate what she wanted. Mary ate what she wanted. В зал нужна новая штора. The hall needs a new curtain. We need a new curtain in the hall. Із твого боку нерозумно відкидувати його пропозицію. It's not wise of you to turn down his offer. It is unwise to reject his offer from your side. Вона хотіла відкласти весілля. She wanted to postpone the wedding. She wanted to postpone the wedding. Мне не понравилось платье, в котором Мэри была. I didn't like the dress that Mary was wearing. I didn't like the dress Mary was wearing. Он ищет работу. He is seeking employment. He's looking for a job. Том повинен піти з Мері. Tom has to go with Mary. Tom has to leave with Mary. Я не могу позволить вам рисковать жизнью. I can't let you risk your life. I can't let you risk your life. Ви на неї зовсім не схожі. You're not anything like her. You don't look like her at all. Є щось, що ти б хотів купити? Is there anything you want to buy? Is there anything you'd like to buy? Учора я була зайнята. I was busy yesterday. I was busy yesterday. Мяне звую Сяа Юй. My name is Xiao Yu. My name is Xiao Yu. Том настроєний песимістично, так? Tom is pessimistic, isn't he? Tom's moody, isn't he? Не думаю, що Том хотів це зробити сам. I don't think that Tom wanted to do that by himself. I don't think Tom wanted to do it on his own. Я слышал, что женщине труднее доставить удовольствие, чем мужчине. Мне интересно, правда ли это. I've heard it said that it's harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that's true. I hear it's harder for a woman to enjoy than for a man, I wonder if it's true. Вы упрямая. You're obstinate. You're stubborn. Я була дуже засмучена. I was very upset. I was very upset. Він зробив своє домашнє завдання самостійно. He did his homework by himself. He did his homework on his own. Тому заплатили за это триста долларов. Tom was paid three hundred dollars for doing that. So they paid three hundred dollars for that. Што вы гатуеце? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Это слишком просто. It's too easy. It's too simple. Том не має родини. Tom doesn't have a family. Tom doesn't have a family. Я показал моим друзьям эти открытки. I showed my friends these picture postcards. I showed my friends these postcards. Ти не слухаєш! You're not listening! You don't listen! Ти мусиш піти. You have to leave. You have to go. Она ходит в школу пешком. She goes to school on foot. She walks to school. Пачакай! Wait! Wait! Мы не знаем, куда хотим поехать. We don't know where we want to go. We don't know where we want to go. Как переводить слова, которых нет ни в каких языках, кроме моего? How can I translate words that don't exist in any language besides my own? How do I translate words that are not in any language other than mine? Я залишила твою парасольку в автобусі. I left your umbrella in the bus. I left your umbrella on the bus. Это правда, что вы любите солёный кофе? Is it true you love salted coffee? Is it true you like salt coffee? Мы с Вами оба знаем, что этого не будет. You and I both know that's not going to happen. You and I both know that's not gonna happen. Ці ёсць пытанні? Do you have any questions? Are there questions? Том сделал снимок. Tom took a picture. Tom took the picture. Её волосы мокрые от пота. Her hair is wet with sweat. Her hair's wet with sweat. Яны зялёныя. They're green. They are green. Том положил газету на стол. Tom laid the newspaper on the table. Tom put the paper on the table. Він міг би це зробити. He could have done it. He could have done it. Я пробыл в Бостоне три дня. I stayed in Boston for three days. I stayed in Boston for three days. Коли ти навчився плавати? When did you learn how to swim? When did you learn to swim? Скорее всего, она пойдёт в парк завтра. She will probably go to the park tomorrow. She'll probably go to the park tomorrow. Я певен, що з Томом усе буде гаразд. I'm sure Tom will be all right. I'm sure Tom's gonna be okay. Том сказал, что возвращается. Tom said he was coming back. Tom said he was coming back. Я більше не співаю. I don't sing anymore. I don't sing anymore. Я недооцінила силу супротивника. I've underestimated the strength of my opponent. I underestimated the enemy’s power. Гэта Японія. This is Japan. This is Japan. Її відповідь була незадовільна. Her response was unsatisfactory. Her answer was unsatisfactory. Пацалуй мяне. Kiss me. Kiss me. Том тебе більше не турбуватиме. Tom won't bother you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Російська вважається складною мовою. Russian is considered to be a difficult language. Russian is considered a complex language. Він кричав "рятуйте!" He screamed for help. He screamed, "Save!" Ми переможемо. We'll win. We'll win. Ты не мог бы открыть мне эту банку? Could you open this can for me? Could you open this bank for me? Гадаю, це вони. I think it's them. I think it's them. Том не хотів іти на прогулянку. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. За нами могут наблюдать. Somebody could be watching us. We can be watched. Я не знав, що це саме Том допоміг вам пофарбувати паркан. I didn't know that Tom was the one who helped you paint the fence. I didn't know it was Tom who helped you paint the fence. "Цей хлопчина, він такий ловкач", — сказала Мері. "That bloke is an absolute chancer," said Mary. "This guy, he's such a catcher," said Mary. Том починав усвідомлювати, що відбувається. Tom was beginning to realize what was going on. Tom was starting to realize what was going on. Я не знаю, що я можу для вас зробити. I don't know what I can do for you. I don't know what I can do for you. Давай я цябе пацалую. Let me kiss you. Let me kiss you. Думаєте, Том знає, що відбувається? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? You think Tom knows what's going on? Угадай, на каком языке я говорю. Guess what language I'm speaking. Guess what language I'm talking about. Обещаете никому ничего не рассказывать? Do you promise not to tell anybody anything? You promise you won't tell anyone anything? Мне кажется, Татоэба сегодня тормозит. I think Tatoeba is slow today. I think Tatoeba's stopping today. Хіба яны не клапоцяцца пра сабаку? Don't they take care of the dog? Don't they care about the dog? Давайте поговорим о баскетболе. Let's talk about basketball. Let's talk about basketball. Она его не уволит. She won't fire him. She won't fire him. Я віддав жербакові всі гроші, які у мене були. I gave the beggar all the money I had. I gave them all the money I had. Усі в класі Тома заразилися грипом. Everyone in Tom's class caught the flu. Everybody in Tom's class was infected with the flu. Я знаю, что Том с Мэри помолвлены. I know that Tom and Mary are engaged. I know Tom and Mary are engaged. Де ти її взяв? Where did you get it? Where did you get it? Він зник без сліду. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Том спросил Мэри, когда она собирается купить новую пару обуви для младшей дочери. Tom asked Mary when she was going to buy a new pair of shoes for her youngest daughter. Tom asked Mary when she was going to buy a new pair of shoes for her little daughter. Згодна з точкай зору прыдзірлівых мадэратараў, тое, што не з'яўляецца сказамі, уяўляе сабой смяротную пагрозу для праэкту Tatoeba. According to pernickety moderators, non-sentences constitute a mortal danger to Tatoeba. According to the point of view of seditious moderators, what is not saying represents a deadly threat to Tatoeba's project. У Тома сьогодні недостатньо на це часу. Tom doesn't have enough time to do that today. Tom doesn't have enough time today. Новини її дуже засмутили. The news made her very sad. The news made her very sad. Можна мені поговорити з Томом? Can I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? У тебе вийде. You can make it. You'll be fine. Я не ахти какой механик. I'm not much of a mechanic. I don't care about any mechanic. Я ще не закінчила з Томом. I'm not done with Tom yet. I'm not done with Tom yet. Он позвонил мне, как раз когда я собирался лечь спать. I got a phone call from him just as I was about to go to bed. He called me when I was going to bed. Я думав, що Том був би зацікавлений у цьому. I thought Tom would be interested in this. I thought Tom would be interested in it. Тепер я неозброєна. I'm now unarmed. Now I'm unarmed. Її підозри справдилися. Her suspicions were right. Her suspicions are correct. Это именно то, что я искал. This is exactly what I've been looking for. That's exactly what I was looking for. Скільки грошей ти хочеш? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Я знаю, що ти нам не довіряєш. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Это просто картинка, которую я скачал в Интернете. It's just a picture I downloaded from the Internet. It's just a picture I jumped on the Internet. Том всегда откровенно высказывается. Tom always speaks his mind. Tom's always expressing himself frankly. Він обідає. He is having lunch. He's having lunch. Как, по-твоему, всё прошло? How do you think it went? How do you think it went? Я не закохвалася так з сямнаццаці год. I haven't fallen in love like this since I was seventeen. I haven't fallen in love like this since the age of seventeen. Мені цікаво, чи Том їде до Бостона наступного тижня. I wonder whether or not Tom is going to Boston next week. I wonder if Tom's going to Boston next week. Скільки це коштує? How much does it cost? How much does it cost? Ви зморилися? Are you tired? Are you out of your mind? Том был один. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Новое предложение как послание в бутылке: когда-нибудь его переведут. A new sentence is like a message in a bottle: some time it will be translated. A new proposal as a message in the bottle, they'll ever translate it. Я умею читать по-английски, но не могу говорить. I can read English, but I can't speak it. I can read English, but I can't talk. Не палити! Don't smoke! Don't smoke! Просто поговоріть з Томом. Just talk to Tom. Just talk to Tom. Адна з нашых каністраў знікла. One of our gas cans is missing. One of our canisters is gone. Я вчуся. I study. I'm studying. Я сказал ей, что не заинтересован. I told her I wasn't interested. I told her I wasn't interested. Джон розумніший, ніж Білл. John is more intelligent than Bill. John's smarter than Bill. Дай Боже добру ноц! May God give you a good night! Give God a good night! Гэты колер крыху зацёмны. The colour is a bit too dark. This color is a little dark. В холодильнике есть йогурт. There's yogurt in the refrigerator. There's yogurt in the fridge. Том покрасил двери в синий. Tom painted the doors blue. Tom painted the door blue. Я слишком много трачу на одежду? Am I spending too much on clothes? I spend too much on clothes? Пакой Лізы трэба прыбраць. Lisa's room needs to be cleaned. Lisa's room needs to be cleaned. Мені подобаються торти. I like cake. I like cakes. Кейт намагається ходити навшпиньки. Kate tries to walk on tiptoe. Kate's trying to walk around. Схоже на Тома. It sounds like Tom. Looks like Tom. Я забагато випив. I drank too much. I've been drinking too much. Салдаты патрапілі пад агонь ворага. The soldiers were exposed to the enemy's fire. Soldiers came under the fire of the enemy. Мы о тебе говорили. We've been talking about you. We talked about you. Я сказал Тому, что ты приехал в Австралию. I told Tom that you'd come to Australia. I said because you came to Australia. Я тiльки що закiнчив обiдати. I have just eaten lunch. I'm only about to sell. Яка найвища гора на світі? What's the world's highest mountain? What is the highest mountain in the world? Яна марыла, што прынц прыедзе на белым кані, каб увезці яе. She dreamed that a prince would come on a white horse to take her away. She dreamed that the prince would come on a white horse to bring her in. Я хотів би представити тобі пана Брауна. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Brown. Я уговорил её выйти за него замуж. I talked her into marrying him. I got her to marry him. Дабранач, Цімі. Sleep well, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. У Тома конфіскували машину та продали новому власнику. Tom's car has been repossessed. Tom’s car was confiscated and sold to a new owner. Я не люблю морозиво. I don't like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. Отвезите их в больницу. Take them to the hospital. Take them to the hospital. Я збіраўся пазваніць ёй, але забыў. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I was going to call her, but I forgot. Том сказав, що йому цікаво. Tom said that he's interested. Tom said he was curious. Том худий. Tom is skinny. Tom's thin. Том не дасть тобі померти. Tom isn't going to let you die. Tom won't let you die. Ти бачив його нове кіно? Have you seen his new film? Did you see his new movie? Це твоє життя. It's your life. It's your life. У вас є на щось алергія? Are you allergic to anything? Do you have any allergies? Мені треба було намазатися сонцезахисним кремом. I should've put on some sunscreen. I had to have sunscreen on my head. В итоге Том передумал. Tom eventually changed his mind. In the end, Tom changed his mind. Сила воды вращает колесо. Water power turns the wheel. The strength of the water rotates the wheel. Цей вітер - ознака бурі, що наближається. This wind is a sign of a storm. This wind is a sign of the storm coming. Ви були чесним політиком. You were an honest politician. You were an honest politician. Это из-за вас я ушёл из команды. It's because of you that I quit the team. That's why I left the team for you. Захистіть мене! Protect me! Protect me! Гадаю, Тому не слід цим займатися. I think Tom shouldn't do that. I guess that's why we shouldn't do that. Том отказался подписать документ. Tom refused to sign the document. Tom refused to sign the document. Хіба вас це не турбує? Aren't you bothered by this? Isn't that bothering you? Я рада, что ты была здесь. I'm glad you were here. I'm glad you were here. Я раньше мыл голову всего раз в неделю. I used to wash my hair only once a week. I used to wash my head just once a week. Он вынудил меня это сделать. He made me do it. He forced me to do it. Пожалуйста, скажите всем, что я сожалею. Please tell everyone I'm sorry. Please tell everyone I'm sorry. Я не єдиний, хто так робить. I'm not the only one who does that. I'm not the only one who does that. Он вдвое старше меня. He is twice as old as I am. He's twice my age. Том дуже схожий на батька. Tom is very much like his father. Tom is very much like his father. Я не знаю, что происходит. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's going on. Я дал им своё старое пальто. I gave my old coat to them. I gave them my old coat. Я все ще планую це зробити. I still plan to do that. I'm still planning on doing that. Том хоче вивчати медицину. Tom wants to study medicine. Tom wants to study medicine. Кнїжка белава. The book is blue. A white book. Я тебе пам'ятаю. Ми зустрічалися три роки тому. I remember you. We met three years ago. I remember you, we met three years ago. Я сам по себе. I'm on my own. I'm on my own. Том співає. Tom sings. Tom's singing. Ты придёшь меня навестить? Will you come and see me? Are you coming to visit me? Він мені завжди подобався. I've always liked him. I always liked him. Я лише хотіла переконатися, що у Тома все добре. I just wanted to see if Tom was OK. I just wanted to make sure Tom was okay. Ти повинен робити те, що тобі каже Том. You need to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Ти певен, що це можна робити? Are you sure it's OK to do this? Are you sure you can do this? Магу я паглядзець на Ваш пашпарт? May I look at your passport? May I look at your passport? Я не знал, кто вы такие. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. Читай! Read! Read it! Он прицелился в птицу. He aimed at the bird. He aimed at the bird. Я все ще хочу поїхати до Бостона. I still want to go to Boston. I still want to go to Boston. Пожалуйста, сделайте пожертвование. Please make a donation. Please make a donation. Ненавижу песок. I hate sand. I hate sand. Я повернувся з мертвих. I came back from the dead. I'm back from the dead. "Откуда у вас мой телефон?" - "Том дал". "How did you get my phone number?" "Tom gave it to me." "How'd you get my phone?" "I gave it to you." Ён прастудзіўся. He has a cold. He's cold. Я хотів його тобі показати. I wanted to show it to you. I wanted to show you it. Он снова потерпел неудачу? Has he failed again? Did he fail again? Тому більше не потрібно хвилюватися. Tom no longer has to worry. So you don't have to worry anymore. У Тома нет денег на новую машину. Tom doesn't have the money to buy a car. Tom doesn't have money for a new car. Чому ніхто не відповідає? Why does nobody answer? Why does no one answer? Большой взрыв убил шесть человек. The huge explosion killed six people. Six people were killed in a big explosion. Том и Мэри сделали уроки до ужина. Tom and Mary did their homework before dinner. Tom and Mary took the class before dinner. У мяне было некалькі вольных гадзін, таму я села пад дрэвам і пачытала кніжку. I had a few hours free, so I sat under a tree and read a book. I had some free hours, so I sat under the tree and read the book. Ми все ще спантеличені. We're still confused. We're still confused. Які тобі подобаються види спорту? What sports do you like? What sports do you like? Том не любит пюре. Tom doesn't like mashed potatoes. Tom doesn't like pen. Ти вже з ним поговорив? Have you already talked to him? Have you talked to him yet? Поговорим за ужином. We'll talk at dinner. We'll talk for dinner. Тобі треба бути обережнішим. You should take better care of yourself. You need to be more careful. Він був у кімнаті сам-один. He was all alone in the room. He was in the room alone. Вам слід попросити у нього поради. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. Хотите анекдот? Do you want to hear a joke? Would you like an anecdote? Мені цікаво, чи Том запізнився. I wonder whether or not Tom was late. I wonder if Tom's late. Ви розумієте французькою? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Мері каже, що не робитиме цього. Mary says she won't do that. Mary says she won't. Том стверджує, що ніколи нікого не вбивав. Tom claims that he has never killed anyone. Tom claims he never killed anyone. Коли відкривається бар? When does the pub open? When does the bar open? Він зробив фотографію сім'ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I promised Tom I wouldn't do that. I promised that I would not do that. Поднялся сильный ветер. A strong wind arose. A strong wind has risen. Я все ще викладаю французьку. I still teach French. I'm still teaching French. Школы и университеты закрыты. Schools and universities are closed. Schools and universities are closed. Джим выше всех своих друзей. Jim is taller than any of his friends. Jim's above all his friends. Том каже, що я вузьколоба. Tom says I'm narrow-minded. Tom says I'm narrow. Ви сказали, що вас звати Том? Did you say your name was Tom? Did you say your name is Tom? Том повернеться. Я певен, що повернеться. Tom will come back. I'm sure he will. Tom's coming back, I'm sure he'll be back. Том тебе використовує. Tom is using you. Tom uses you. Можеш дати мені одну хвилинку? Can you give me a minute? Can you give me one minute? На каком языке говорят в Америке? What language is spoken in America? What language is spoken in America? Я б тобі розповів, але я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I would've told you, but Tom made me promise not to. I'd tell you, but I promised that I wouldn't do it. Оставь это там, где нашёл. Leave it where you found it. Leave it where you found it. Они сами этого не знали. They did not know it themselves. They didn't know it themselves. Спасибо, что помогли. Thank you for helping. Thank you for your help. Я сейчас заплачу! I am about to cry! I'll pay for it! Сумніваюся, що Том може виграти. I doubt Tom can win. I doubt Tom could win. Укко — бог неба, погоды, урожая и грома в финской мифологии. Ukko is the god of the sky, weather, harvest and thunder in Finnish mythology. Ukko is the god of heaven, weather, crops, and thunder in Finnish mythology. Хіба ви не бачите, чим займаються Том із Мері? Can't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Don't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Пожалуйста, высадите меня на этой стороне от светофора. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Please put me on this side of the lighthouse. Я порежу тебе шины! I'll slash your tires! I'll cut your tires! Він зробив нам стіл і дві лавки. He made a desk and two benches for us. He made us a table and two benches. Ти бачив, що щойно трапилося? Did you see what just happened? Did you see what just happened? Том реаліст. Tom is realistic. Tom is a realist. Ти грав учора в бейсбол? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? Она сейчас занята, поэтому не может с Вами поговорить. She's busy now, so she can't talk with you. She's busy, so she can't talk to you. Том не пам'ятає нічого з тієї ночі. Tom doesn't remember anything from that night. Tom doesn't remember anything from that night. Том помер за ваші гріхи. Tom died for your sins. Tom died for your sins. Ми програли з рахунком 3-0. We lost the game 3-0. We lost 3-0. Тому не слід робити це знову. Tom shouldn't do that again. Therefore, we should not do so again. Що ти робила сьогодні вранці? What were you doing this morning? What were you doing this morning? Ми граємо у гру з нашими гостями. We are playing a game with our visitors. We play the game with our guests. Я прийшов вчасно. I made it on time. I came on time. Он сказал мне, что ему нужно больше времени. He told me he needed more time. He told me he needed more time. Ти нічого не можеш довести. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. П'єте? Are you drinking? Drink? Чорт! Fuck! Damn it! Ви можете залізти на дерево? Can you climb the tree? Can you climb a tree? Ми повинні себе захищати. We've got to protect ourselves. We have to protect ourselves. Давай узагалі нічого не робитимемо. Let's not do anything at all. Let's not do anything at all. Том не будет возражать. Tom won't object. Tom won't mind. Він перестрибнув через калюжу. He jumped across the puddle. He jumped through a puddle. Тебе нужно больше заниматься. You should study more. You need to do more. Хто яна? Who is she? Who is she? Я Вам когда-нибудь говорил, какая Вы красивая? Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Ты правда думаешь, что Том умеет плавать? Do you really think Tom can swim? Do you really think Tom can swim? Вам надо домой. You've got to go home. You need to go home. Эмили задала мне вопрос. Emily asked me a question. Emily asked me a question. Мой бацька любіць моцную каву. My father likes strong coffee. My father loves strong coffee. Я должен увидеть тебя. I must see you. I have to see you. Мы с Томом партнёры по команде. Tom and I are teammates. Tom and I are team partners. Сколько ещё денег тебе нужно? How much more money do you need? How much more money do you need? Посмотрите на того кота. Look at that cat. Look at that cat. Я перфекцыяніст. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a perfectionist. Том, здається, гладшає. Tom seems to be getting fatter. Tom seems to be smoothing. Хто то дав Томові? Who gave it to Tom? Who gave Tom that? Может быть, тебе лучше переговорить с Томом. Maybe you'd better have a talk with Tom. Maybe you should talk to Tom. Избавься от ружья. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of your gun. "Почему Том называет меня Мэри?" - "А тебя разве не Мэри зовут?" - "Нет, Мария". "Why does Tom call me Mary?" "Isn't your name Mary?" "No, it's Maria." "Why does Tom call me Mary?" "And you're not called Mary?" "No, Mary." Де я можу забрати свій багаж? Where can I pick up my baggage? Where can I get my luggage? Бачиш човен Тома? Can you see Tom's boat? See Tom's boat? Поезда следуют согласно расписанию. Trains are running on schedule. Trains follow according to schedule. Чесно, я не думаю, що Тому небайдуже. I honestly don't think Tom cares. Honestly, I don't think he cares. Вот несколько писем для вас. Here are some letters for you. Here's a few letters for you. Я гарніший, ніж ви. I am more beautiful than you. I'm nicer than you. Їй не дуже подобається бейсбол. She doesn't like baseball very much. She doesn't like baseball very much. Ты куда-нибудь ходил вчера вечером? Did you go anywhere last night? Did you go somewhere last night? Том так и не знает, что Мэри сделала. Tom still doesn't know what Mary did. Tom never knows what Mary did. Къто гораздо приѥмлєть гораздо караѥть. He who loves well reprimands well. There's a lot of punishment. Машина застряла в грязи. The car was stuck in the mud. The car's stuck in the dirt. Сьогодні спекотно. It's a hot day. It's hot today. Я люблю дзяцей. Таму я і стала настаўніцай. I like children. That's why I became a teacher. I love kids, so I became a teacher. Том сказав, що планує їхати. Tom said he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to go. Ти сказав Тому, що йому не варто танцювати? Did you tell Tom that he shouldn't dance? Did you tell him he shouldn't dance? Я якраз йду на прогулянку. I'm just going for a walk. I'm just going for a walk. Эти девушки просто хотят повеселиться. The girls just want to have fun. These girls just want to have fun. С практической точки зрения в его плане есть множество недостатков. From the practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. From a practical point of view, there are many shortcomings. Том не довіряє поліції. Tom doesn't trust the police. Tom doesn't trust the police. Скажи ей, что я над ней прикалываюсь. Tell her that I am joking with her. Tell her I'm betting on her. Дзіця амаль не патанула. The child was almost drowned. The child almost drowned. Может, нам спросить у него дорогу. Maybe we should ask him for directions. Maybe we should ask him for a ride. Ти знаєш, що це? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? Том вылил воду из бутылки, прежде чем наполнить ее пресной водой. Tom emptied the water out of the bottle before he refilled it with fresh water. Tom poured the water out of the bottle before filling it with fresh water. Я могу коснуться ладонями пола, не сгибая коленей. I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can touch the frank without bending my knees. Том опоздает на самолёт. Tom will miss his flight. Tom's gonna be late for the plane. Не вини других в своих ошибках. Don't blame others for your mistakes. Don't blame the others for your mistakes. Потрібно відремонтувати цей стілець. This chair is in want of repair. We need to repair this chair. Мона розраховувати на те, що ви будете тут завтра вчасно? Can I rely on you to be here on time tomorrow? Is it time for the Mona to count on you to be here tomorrow? Том оставил для меня сюрприз. Tom left me a surprise. Tom left me a surprise. Вони прийшли всі. They all have come. They all came. У меня есть для Тома поручение. I have an errand for Tom. I have an assignment for Tom. Ми всиновили Тома, коли йому було три. We adopted Tom when he was three years old. We adopted Tom when he was three. С чего ты взял, что это подделка? What makes you think it's a fake? Why did you take that forgery? Здані сапраўды існуюць? Do ghosts really exist? Do the Data Really Exist? Інші дівчата цькували Мері. Mary was bullied by the other girls. Other girls besieged Mary. Ти гарна. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Я виконаю цю роботу. I will carry through the work. I'll do this job. Где мне вас ждать? Where should I wait for you? Where am I waiting for you? Чекати на поїзд нудно. Waiting for a train is boring. Wait for the train's boring. Не хочешь делать - не делай! If you don't want to do it, don't! Don't you want to do it, don't do it! Вона подарувала мені книжку на Різдво. She gave me a book for Christmas. She gave me a book for Christmas. Надеюсь, это никогда не случится со мной. I hope that never happens to me. I hope it never happens to me. Вы уже придумали имя для новорождённого? Have you decided on a name for your new baby? Have you come up with a name for a wizard yet? Вы ведаеце англійскую? Do you speak English? Do you know English? Он напился пива. He was drunk on beer. He's drunk with beer. Я не думаю, що у Тома колись була дівчина. I don't think Tom has ever had a girlfriend. I don't think Tom once had a girlfriend. Я не звинувачую нікого іншого. I don't blame anybody else. I don't blame anyone else. Том ввечері йде на гулянку. Tom's going on the lash tonight. Tom goes to the party tonight. Це не моя парасолька. That's not my umbrella. It's not my umbrella. Отсюда до побережья около трёх километров. It's about three kilometers from here to the coast. It's about three kilometres off the coast. Я сразу сказал "нет". I immediately said no. I just said no. Вам насправді потрібно допомогти Тому зробити це. You really should be helping Tom do that. You really need to help So do that. Мері любила свого собаку. Mary loved her dog. Mary loved her dog. Я здесь, потому что меня попросили прийти. It's because I was asked to come that I'm here. I'm here because I was asked to come. Впереди опасность. Danger ahead. The danger is ahead. Мері сказала, що хоче піти Mary said she wants to go. Mary said she wanted to leave. Але ведаеш, пра гэты "іншы свет" сведчанняў няма. But you know, there's no telling about that other world. But you know, there's no evidence of this "other world". Якщо ти зараз не підеш, вони тебе вб'ють. If you don't leave now, they'll kill you. If you don't go now, they'll kill you. Це правило розповсюджується лише на іноземців. The rule only applies to foreigners. This rule applies only to foreigners. Из-за обмана зрения кажется, что второй предмет больше первого. Optical illusion makes the second object look larger than the first. Out of deception, the second thing seems to be bigger than the first. У меня очень плотный график. I have a very tight schedule. I have a very tight schedule. Ви з Томом побилися? Did you have a fight with Tom? Are you and Tom fighting? Ми спробуємо. We'll try. We'll try. Том - учень. Tom is a student. Tom is a student. Вона говорить двома іноземними мовами. She speaks two foreign languages. She speaks two foreign languages. Мае бацькі знаёмыя з маёй дзяўчынай. My parents know my girlfriend. My parents are familiar with my girlfriend. Они здорово рисковали. They took a big risk. They took great risks. Я чуть не забыл про собрание. I almost forgot about the meeting. I almost forgot about the meeting. Я незастрахована. I'm uninsured. I'm uninsured. Все, что мне остается, — напиться водки и забыться сном. All that's left for me is to drink myself silly with vodka and to get lost in sleep. All I can do is get drunk with vodka and forget my sleep. Я маю декілька французьких книжок. I have a few French books. I have a few French books. У меня нет от вас секретов. I've got no secrets from you. I don't have any secrets from you. Том взял немного денег из ящика. Tom took some money out of the drawer. Tom took some money from the box. Принесіть мені газету, будь ласка. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me the paper, please. Ты ведала, што я збіраўся пацалаваць Тома, праўда? You knew I was going to kiss Tom, didn't you? You knew I was going to kiss Tom, right? Курку, будь ласка. Chicken, please. Chicken, please. Ты хоть раз видел этот фильм? Did you ever see that movie? Have you ever seen this movie? Навіть вчитель може робити помилки. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Even a teacher can make mistakes. У мене болить горло. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Мой муж заўсёды чытае ў ложку. My husband is always reading in bed. My husband always reads in bed. Як я це поясню Тому? How am I going to explain this to Tom? How can I explain that to him? Навошта ты саромеешся таго, чаго не зрабіў? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you ashamed of what you didn't do? Том кидает фрисби. Tom is playing frisbee. Tom's throwing the Frisbees. Я допоміг Тому відкрити коробку. I helped Tom open the box. I helped Tom open the box. Я люблю моркву. I love carrots. I love carrots. Мне отпустить Тома? Should I let Tom go? Shall I let Tom go? Ты когда-нибудь с ним разговаривал? Did you ever talk to him? Have you ever talked to him? Мері це гарантує. Mary guarantees it. Mary guarantees that. Не сѣди на семоу. Don't sit upon it. Don't go on this. У мене це добре виходить. I'm good at this. I'm good at that. Моя дружина намагається поспати. My wife's trying to sleep. My wife's trying to sleep. Нет, она никогда не влюблялась. No, she has never fallen in love. No, she never fell in love. Том пішов побачитися з Мері. Tom went to see Mary. Tom went to see Mary. Я не буду халтурить. I won't cut corners. I'm not fooling around. Я теж не зайнятий. I'm not busy either. I'm not busy either. Ружа ружовая. The rose is pink. Rose is pink. Мері пішла на прогулянку. Mary went for a stroll. Mary went for a walk. Чего быста хотѣла ѣсти? What would you like to eat? What would it be? Я зустріла його випадково. I met him by chance. I met him by accident. У нас есть важная работа. We have important work to do. We have important work to do. Том з тобою поговорив? Did Tom talk to you? Did Tom talk to you? Он в прошлом месяце потерял работу. He lost his job last month. He lost his job last month. Сейчас я добавляю последние штрихи. I'm adding the finishing touches now. Now I'm adding the last strokes. Всі помирають. Everybody dies. Everyone dies. Спасибо, что поделился своими мыслями. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Том ма шестру ваших рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom ma's six of your rock. Можливо, Том не робив того, що всі кажуть, що він зробив. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone says he did. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone said he did. Я ніколи не жив у Австралії. I've never lived in Australia. I never lived in Australia. Зачем Тому нужен молоток? Why does Tom need a hammer? Why do you want hammers? Она всегда в меня верит. She always believes in me. She always believes in me. Бажаєш поїсти креветок? Do you want to eat prawns? Would you like to eat shrimp? Скажи мені правду, будь ласка. Please tell me the truth. Tell me the truth, please. Не будь безрассудным. Don't be unreasonable. Don't be reckless. В чьё царствование была построена эта церковь? During whose reign was that church built? Whose kingdom was this church built? Ты хто? Who are you? Who are you? Я знаю, почему ты уходишь. I know why you're leaving. I know why you're leaving. Не следует ли нам дождаться одобрения Тома? Shouldn't we wait for Tom's approval? Should we wait for Tom's approval? До кожного правила є винятки. There are exceptions to every rule. There are exceptions to each rule. О котрій годині ти вчора пішов спати? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed last night? Чому ти запитуєш мене? Why aren't you asking me? Why do you ask me? Том лічыць, што ён ведае, колькі Мэры зарабляе, але Мэры зарабляе нашмат болей, ніж здаецца Тому. Tom thinks he knows how much money Mary makes, but Mary makes quite a bit more than Tom thinks she does. Tom thinks he knows how much Mary earns, but Mary earns much more than Tom does. Дзе конь? Where is the horse? Where's the horse? Том сказал, что трижды пытался это сделать. Tom said that he's tried doing that three times. Tom said he tried to do it three times. Слово - срібло, мовчання - золото. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. The word is silver, silence is gold. Ты тэлефанаваў? Did you call? Did you call? В прошлый раз Том был первым. Tom was first last time. Last time, Tom was first. Немає чого святкувати. There is nothing to celebrate. There's nothing to celebrate. Я предпочитаю более простой подход. I prefer a simpler approach. I prefer a simpler approach. Выбирайте выражения. Watch your language. Choose your expressions. Ми з Томом часто граємо в більярд. Tom and I often play pool. Tom and I often play billiard. Къдѣ єси пьрвоѥ позналъ Томъ? Where did you first meet Tom? What are you doing, Tom's knower? Он попытался сочинить короткую историю. He tried writing a short story. He tried to make a short story. Пол толькі што патэлефанаваў. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Ён зялёны. It's green. He is green. У нього дві машини. He's got two cars. He's got two cars. Ты всегда врёшь мне. You always lie to me. You always lie to me. Мне надо перед ней извиниться. I have to apologize to her. I have to apologize to her. Сколько стоят эти часы? How much is this clock? How many hours do these watches cost? Чистые руки спасают жизни. Clean hands save lives. Clean hands save lives. Мої друзі вважають, що пастафаріанство — це жарт. My friends think Pastafarianism is a joke. My friends think that California is a joke. Ти повинен допомогти мені урезонити Тома. You have to help me reason with Tom. You have to help me cut Tom. Надеюсь, что смогу помочь тебе. I hope I can help you. I hope I can help you. Ніхто не був задоволений. None were satisfied. No one was content. Не давайте им войти. Don't let them in. Don't let them come in. Я не хочу с тобой разговаривать. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Том дуже романтичний. Tom is very romantic. Tom's very romantic. Ці магу я спадзявацца, што ты пазычыш мне сваю друкарскую машынку? Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter? Can I hope you will lend me your printing machine? Збори пройшли досить непогано. The meeting went pretty well. The meetings were pretty good. Його батько був тесляром. His father was a carpenter. His father was a carpenter. Куди саме в Австралії ти їдеш? Which part of Australia are you going to? Where exactly are you going in Australia? Ти знав, що Том одинокий? Did you know Tom was lonely? Did you know Tom was lonely? Мені потрібні нові шини. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Ніколі не пішыце слова "боршч" і "вараная капуста" па-нямецку! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the word "borch" and "warmed cabbage" in German! Мені дуже подобається бурбон. I like bourbon a lot. I love bourbon. Это от неё? Is that from her? Is that hers? Ты памятаеш? Do you remember? Do you remember? Мені здається, Том не поїхав до Бостона. I think Tom didn't go to Boston. I don't think Tom went to Boston. Том смотрел, как белка прыгает с ветки на ветку. Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch. Tom watched the protein jump from the branch to the branch. Хіба ти не починаєш нервувати? Aren't you getting nervous? Don't you get nervous? Я люблю корейську їжу. I love Korean food. I love Korean food. Ніхто не прыйшоў. Nobody came. No one came. Не бойся. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Не пиши красными чернилами. Don't write in red ink. Don't write with red ink. Том добре співає. Tom sings well. Tom sings well. Том дуже зайнятий, чи не так? Tom is really busy, isn't he? Tom's very busy, isn't he? Я скінчив роботу. I finished the work. I'm done. Вечірка була дуже весела. The party was a lot of fun. The party was very fun. У Мэри карие глаза. Mary has hazel eyes. Mary has brown eyes. Профессор Джонс уходит на пенсию в следующем году. Professor Jones retires next year. Professor Jones will retire next year. Як Вашы справы, Майк? How are you, Mike? How are you doing, Mike? До сих пор не могу поверить, что Том ненавидит Мэри. I still can't believe Tom hates Mary. I still can't believe Tom hates Mary. Мені здається, ти помиляєшся. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Це тобі здається правильним? Does this seem right to you? Does that seem right to you? Будь розсудливою. Be sensible. Be reasonable. Дзе яно схавана? Where is it hidden? Where is it hidden? Мы ждём, когда они уйдут. We're waiting for them to leave. We wait for them to leave. Привет, я Сепиде. Hello, I am Sepideh. Hi, I'm Sepid. Скажи Тому, что я хотел бы помочь. Tell Tom I'd like to help. Tell him I'd like to help. Яна ў зялёнай сукенцы. She is in a green dress. She's in a green dress. Я збіраюся працаваць у бардэлі. I plan to work in a brothel. I'm going to work at the brothel. Ти дозволиш Тому помикати тобою? Are you going to let Tom push you around? You're gonna let him turn you on? Том онімів. Tom is numb. Tom's alley. У нас много денег. We've got plenty of money. We've got a lot of money. Почему Том так на меня смотрит? Why is Tom looking at me that way? Why does Tom look at me like that? Я папрасіла яе патэлефанаваць мне а пятай. I asked her to call me at five o'clock. I asked her to call me at five. Том может взревновать. Tom may become jealous. Tom can heal. Що ти зробив з моєю ручкою? What have you done with my pen? What did you do with my pen? Операция прошла успешно. The surgery was a success. Operation's been successful. Я наполовину японка. I'm half Japanese. I'm half Japanese. Я пошёл на рынок. I went to the market. I went to the market. Вы могли бы, по крайней мере, сказать спасибо. You might at least say thank you. At least you could say thank you. Вы можете всегда полагаться на Тома. You can always rely on Tom. You can always rely on Tom. Вы не велели мне этого делать. You told me not to do that. You didn't tell me to do that. Гэты прадукт не змяшчае кансервантаў. Пасля адкрыцця трымайце ў халадзільніку і не зберагайце задоўга. This product contains no preservatives. After opening, refrigerate and consume quickly. This product does not contain any preservatives.After opening, keep in the refrigerator and do not save for too long. Я довольно высокий. I'm pretty tall. I'm pretty tall. Я чытаю кнігу падчас ежы. I read a book while eating. I am reading a book while eating. Вы его узнаёте? Do you recognize him? Do you recognize him? Ты хочешь, чтобы мы тебе помогли? Do you want us to help you? You want us to help you? Я не можу цього зробити без допомоги. I can't do this without help. I can't do this without help. Его никто не спросил. Nobody asked him. No one asked him. Том дав Мері яблуко. Tom gave Mary an apple. Tom gave Mary an apple. Том не стал это комментировать. Tom didn't comment on that. Tom didn't comment on it. Мой гарбуз быў найлепшы. My pumpkin was the best. My pumpkin was the best. Люди будуть наді мною насміхатися? Will people make fun of me? Will people make fun of me? Мері знову це зробила, так? Mary did that again, didn't she? Mary did it again, didn't she? Мені подобається, як тане сніг. I love it when the snow melts. I like the way snow melts. У них закінчується провізія. They are short of food. They're running out of provisions. Червоний, на відміну від зеленого, є ознакою небезпеки. Red, as opposed to green, is a sign of danger. The red, unlike the green, is a sign of danger. Сколько ехать на такси до зоопарка? How long does it take to get to the zoo by taxi? How long do you take a taxi to the zoo? Я знаю, що Том помер. I know Tom has died. I know Tom's dead. Наука зводить літаки з хмарочосами; віра ж зводить їх між собою. Science builds planes and skyscrapers, but faith brings them together. Science deceives planes with skyscrapers, but faith misleads them. Том каже, що займається цим. Tom says he's doing that. Tom says he's doing it. Все счета приходится оплачивать мне. I'm the one who has to pay all the bills. All accounts have to pay me. Том послідував прикладу Мері. Tom followed Mary's lead. Tom followed Mary’s example. Том показав мені листа. Tom showed me the letter. Tom showed me a letter. Я загубив улюблену ручку. I lost my favorite pen. I lost my favorite pen. Совсем скоро зима. It'll be winter before long. Winter's coming. Ваше сообщение получено. Your message has been received. Your message has been received. Я не просил вас о помощи. I haven't asked you for help. I didn't ask for your help. Том ще не дорослий. Tom isn't an adult yet. Tom's not grown up yet. Вона вродлива, розумна і - головне - має добре серце. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's beautiful, she's smart, and, above all, she's got a good heart. У мене лише двоє дітей. I only have two children. I have only two children. Ви знову намагаєтеся бути кумедним? Are you trying to be funny again? Are you trying to be funny again? Это самая вкусная груша из всех, которые я ел. This is the best tasting pear I've ever eaten. It's the most delicious pear I've ever eaten. Я не погоджуюся з теорією, що ніби треба вчити латину, щоб краще розуміти англійську. I don't agree with the theory that one should learn Latin in order to better understand English. I don't agree with the theory that you have to teach Latin to understand English better. Армения стала членом Всемирной торговой организации в 2003 году. Armenia joined the World Trade Organization in 2003. Armenia became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2003. Ти знайшов свої контактні лінзи? Have you found your contact lenses? Did you find your contact lenses? Самі не ўсміхаўся. Sami wasn't smiling. I didn't smile myself. Я запросив Тома до нас на вечерю. I've invited Tom over for dinner. I invited Tom to dinner. Они родственники. They're related to each other. They're relatives. Можна це ще раз зробити? Can I do it again? Can I do this again? Я не хочу развода. I don't want a divorce. I don't want a divorce. Мені дуже боляче. I am in pain. It hurts so much. Я не дотрагивался до твоей гитары. I didn't touch your guitar. I didn't touch your guitar. Готель може прийняти 300 осіб. The hotel can accommodate 300 people. A hotel can accommodate 300 people. Ані Том, ані Мері ще цього не зробили. Neither Tom nor Mary has done that yet. Annie Tom, and Mary haven't done that yet. Будь ласка, прочитайте показники лічильника. Please read the numbers on the meter. Please read the spinbox. Я з'їв пончик. I ate a donut. I ate a doughnut. Я хотел бы с вами поговорить. I'd like to talk to you. I'd like to talk to you. Давайте споём песню о животных. Let's sing a song about animals. Let's sing a song about animals. Как твоя жена, Том? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife doing, Tom? Я расскажу ему о тебе. I will tell him about you. I'll tell him about you. Не вмирай. Don't die. Don't die. Мы с Томом — закадычные друзья. Tom and I are bosom buddies. Tom and I are close friends. Том надеется, что Мэри знает, что ей не стоит делать того, что Джон ей велел. Tom hopes Mary knows that she shouldn't do what John told her to do. Tom hopes Mary knows she shouldn't do what John told her. Ви вмієте плавати? Can you swim? Can you swim? Они здесь. They're here. They're here. Я уверен в его успехе. I am sure of his success. I'm sure of his success. У мене мало грошей. I have little money. I don't have enough money. Лондон - это столица Англии. London is the capital of England. London is England's capital. Том сказав добраніч. Tom said goodnight. Tom said good night. Гэта была найлепшая вечарына ўсіх часоў. It was the best party ever. It was the best party of all time. Мама купила жовту парасольку моєму молодшему брату. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought a yellow umbrella for my younger brother. Ви геній. You are a genius. You're a genius. Де пральня? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry? Я такой невезучий парень. I'm such an unlucky guy. I'm such a bad guy. Том, похоже, вас не узнал. Tom didn't seem to recognize you. Tom didn't seem to know you. Спачатку я мушу выслухаць абодва бакі. First, I should hear both sides. First I have to listen to both sides. Ты першая дзяўчына, якую я цалавала. You were the first girl I ever kissed. You're the first girl I kissed. Це мій третій шлюб. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Я сказала ему, что передумала. I told him I'd changed my mind. I told him I changed my mind. Всем добро пожаловать. All are welcome. Welcome to everyone. Нам вже час йти. It's time for us to leave. It's time for us to go. Почему ты его не послушал? Why didn't you listen to him? Why didn't you listen to him? Бессмысленно притворяться, что заставляете меня поверить, что я верю в то, во что вы не верите! It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe! It's pointless to pretend that you make me believe that I believe what you don't believe. Том намагається з вами зв'язатися прогягом кількох днів. Tom has been trying to contact you for days. Tom's trying to contact you for a few days. Не Том створює правила. Tom isn't the one who make the rules. Not Tom creating the rules. Думаешь, Том может её найти? Do you think Tom can find it? You think Tom can find her? Все гаразд? Is everything in order? Is everything okay? То бышѧ тѧжькаıа веремена. Those were difficult times. You'd be a wanker. Вона прогуляла школу. She skived off school. She went to school. Ты хочешь, чтоб я составил компанию Тому и Мэри? Do you want me to keep Tom and Mary company? You want me to make company with Tom and Mary? Том рассказал Мэри о Джоне. Tom told Mary about John. Tom told Mary about John. Ты не павінен спадзявацца на дапамогу іншых людзей. You shouldn't rely on other people's help. You should not hope to help other people. Можна з вами поговорити? May I speak to you? Can I talk to you? Ти відповів на запитання Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? Самі дізнається. Sami will find out. He'll find out. Скот! Калі ласка, прыгатуй хот-догі на лэнч. Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch. Scott! Please cook the hot dogs on the lench. Ты не знал, что я раньше преподавал в Бостоне французский? Didn't you know that I used to teach French in Boston? You didn't know I used to teach French in Boston? Він агресивний. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Ну ж бо, хлопці, хутчіш. Come on, guys, let's hurry. Come on, guys, hurry up. Ми планували це зробити. We were planning to do that. We were going to do it. Она сказала, что опоздает. She said she'd be late. She said she'd be late. Ты должен учесть все последствия, прежде чем вносить какие-либо изменения в существующий код. You need to consider the consequences before making any modifications to existing code. You must take into account all the implications before making any changes to the existing code. На Місяці немає повітря. There's no air on the moon. There's no air on the moon. Том сегодня в хорошем настроении. Tom is in a good mood today. Tom's in a good mood today. Пейте достаточно воды. Drink plenty of water. Drink enough water. Я потребую трохи більше простору. I need a little more space. I need a little more space. Бажаєш ще трохи чаю? Do you want some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Ти багато чого пропустила. You missed a lot. You missed a lot. Том живе в Бостоні, еге ж? Tom lives in Boston, doesn't he? Tom lives in Boston, doesn't he? Вы знаете, как починить этот телевизор? Do you know how to fix this TV? Do you know how to fix this TV? Что вы здесь делаете так поздно? What're you doing here so late? What are you doing here so late? Аптыміст глядзіцца ў люстра і стае аптымістычнейшым, а песіміст — песімістычнейшым. The optimist looks into a mirror and becomes more optimistic, the pessimist more pessimistic. The optimist looks into the mirror and stands more optimistic, and the pessimist looks pessimistic. У мене зламався мобільний. My mobile phone is broken. My cell phone broke down. Том никогда не признаёт, что не прав, потому что считает это признаком слабости. Tom never admits that he's wrong, because he thinks that's a sign of weakness. Tom never admits he's wrong because he thinks it's a sign of weakness. Сонца — найяскравейшая зорка. The sun is the brightest star. The sun is the brightest star. Я люблю изучать что-нибудь новое. I like to learn new things. I like to study something new. Здається, що Том та Мері добре проводять час. It looks like Tom and Mary are having fun. Tom and Mary seem to be having a good time. Скажите ему, чтобы помог мне. Tell him to help me. Tell him to help me. Том встав із табуретки. Tom got up from his stool. Tom got up from a tablet. Тот, кто никогда не покидал пределов своей страны, полон предрассудков. He who has never left his country is full of prejudices. The one who has never left his country is full of prejudice. Скільки мені слід купити пива? How much beer should I buy? How much should I buy a beer? Скільки у нас ще води? How much more water do we have? How much water do we have? Ідіть обидві нахуй! Fuck both of you! Go both fuck you! У меня есть внучка твоего возраста. I have a granddaughter about your age. I have a granddaughter of your age. Том хотел ещё раз попросить у Мэри прощения. Tom wanted to apologize to Mary again. Tom wanted to ask Mary again for forgiveness. Боюсь, будет дождь. I'm afraid it'll rain. I'm afraid it'll rain. Гэта занадта дорага! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Хто грає на піаніно? Who plays the piano? Who plays the piano? Вона поїхала до аеропорту, щоб проводити його. She went to the airport to see him off. She went to the airport to conduct it. U paŭnočnaj Eŭropie zima pačynajecca raniej. Winter comes earlier in North Europe. U paənočnaj Eəropie zima pačynajecca raniej. Батько повернеться за кілька днів. Dad will return in a few days. My father's coming back in a few days. У мене мало англійських книжок. I have few English books. I don't have any English books. Я написала тобі десять листів. I wrote you ten letters. I wrote you ten letters. Я відчуваю протяг. I feel a draft. I feel prolonged. Це була спокійна ніч. It was a quiet night. It was a quiet night. Том не знає, де зараз Мері. Tom doesn't know where Mary is now. Tom doesn't know where Mary is. Она научилась нырять, когда ей было пять лет. She learned to dive when she was five. She learned to dive when she was five. Просто запитай її. Just ask her. Just ask her. Николи же ѭ не наидемъ. We'll never find her. Don't be naive. В библиотеке есть потайная дверь. There's a hidden door in the library. There's a secret door in the library. Мы тоже так считаем. We also find that. That's what we think. Тебе нравится жить за городом? Do you like to live in the country? Do you like living outside the city? Мой сабака часта ляжыць на траве. My dog often lies on the grass. My dog often lies on the grass. Я пошёл дальше. I kept on walking. I went on. У вас есть такой побольше? Do you have a bigger one? Do you have more than that? Хотѣхъ тамъ ити. I wanted to go there. Hotx' go there. Ты где сегодня? Where are you today? Where are you today? Я повинна багато працювати, щоб нагнати втрачений час. I must work hard to make up for lost time. I have to work hard to waste my time. Його обрали президентом. He was elected president. He was elected president. Я живу в Європі. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Вона пішла з ним у кіно. She went to the cinema with him. She went to the movies with him. Оли оузьрѭ и́ а оутьнѫ. As soon as I see him, I'll kill him. Oli osr' y'a outn'. Мы с Томом одного роста. I'm as tall as Tom. Tom and I are growing up. Ти можеш йти. You may go. You can go. Он будет любить её вечно. He will love her forever. He'll love her forever. Он правда был настолько плох? Was he really that bad? Was he really that bad? Я чувствовал себя незваным гостем. I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt like an uncalled guest. Вижѭ Ѳома сѧ гноушаѥть моѥго пьса. I think Tom hates my dog. Vija, Doma, nush, moustache. Я розпочну з борщу... I'll start with a tomato soup... I'll start with the barbarous... Ця книжка має багато малюнків. This book has many pictures. This book has many pictures. Самі быў вельмі напалоханы. Sami was very terrified. He himself was very frightened. У неї вдвічі більше компакт-дисків, ніж у мене. She has twice as many CDs as I do. She has twice as many CDs as I do. Передай ему микрофон. Pass him the mic! Give him the microphone. Ми з Томом у одній команді. Tom is on the same team that I am. Tom and I are on the same team. Она была взята с поличным. She was caught red handed. It was taken with the shelf. Тому всегда есть что сказать. Tom always has something to say. That's why there's always something to say. Я это исправлю. I'll fix that. I'll fix it. Дай йому мікрофон. Give him the microphone. Give him the microphone. Из тебя вышел бы хороший учитель. You'd make a good teacher. You'd be a good teacher. Никому не было бы до этого дела. No one would've cared. No one would ever have been there before. Можаш брахаць каму заўгодна, але ты не можаш брахаць самой сабе. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can brow to whom you please, but you can't brac yourself. Не знаю. Beats me. I don't know. Для вас я ніколи не занадто зайнятий. I'm never too busy for you. I'm never too busy for you. Мне нічога не трэба. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Мать купила мне новое платье. My mother bought me a new dress. My mother bought me a new dress. Весна — моя улюблена пора року. Spring is my favorite season. Spring is my favorite season. Ми шоковані. We're shocked. We're shocked. Когда откроется почта? When does the post office open? When is the post office open? Ви алкоголік. You're an alcoholic. You're an alcoholic. Як справи, Томе? How are you, Tom? How you doing, Tom? Его кто-то укусил. Something bit him. Someone bit him. Том почав говорити. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. Ти маєш зробити те, що Том каже тобі зробити. You have to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Вам потрібна машина? Do you need a car? Do you need a car? Том дуже добре знає це район. Tom knows this area very well. Tom knows the area very well. Я певна, що Том не захоче цього робити сьогодні. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today. I'm sure Tom won't want to do it today. Що будемо їсти сьогодні ввечері? What shall we eat tonight? What are we gonna eat tonight? Том пьёт пиво. Tom has been drinking beer. Tom's drinking beer. Сегодня мой день рождения. Today is my birthday. It's my birthday. На письменном столе кошка. There's a cat on the desk. A cat on the desk. Мы были застигнуты снежной бурей. We were caught in a snowstorm. We were hit by a snowstorm. Она живёт в Мухосранске. She lives in Bumfuck. She lives in Muchosransk. Том, мабуть, переміг. Tom probably won. Tom must have won. Золото гораздо тѧжєѥ водъı. Gold is much heavier than water. A lot of gold is water. Том сказал мне, что ему интересно. Tom told me that he was interested. Tom told me he was interested. Где мне можно сесть? Where can I sit? Where can I sit? Він і досі мені телефонує часу від часу. He still rings me from time to time. He still calls me from time to time. Щоб мова стала міжнародною, недостатньо назвати її такою. For a language to be international, it does not suffice to say that it is so. In order for language to become international, it is not enough to call it that way. Я певен, що ти дуже зайнята. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Я відвідав могилу батька. I visited my father's grave. I visited my father's grave. Похоже, что Том не уходит. Tom doesn't seem to be leaving. Looks like Tom's not leaving. Ти француженка чи англійка? Are you French or English? Are you French or English? Мері — мила дівчина. Mary is a nice girl. Mary is a lovely girl. Просто зачекай! Just wait! Just wait! Я хропіла? Was I snoring? Did I snoop? Я по лестнице. I'll take the stairs. I'm stairs. Будь обережною. Be discreet. Be careful. Это китайское имя. It's a Chinese name. It's a Chinese name. Просто допоможіть мені. Just give me a hand. Just help me. Она всегда держит свою комнату в чистоте и порядке. She always keeps her room in good order. She always keeps her room clean and orderly. Я был с ней. I was with her. I was with her. Хто хоче млинців? Who wants pancakes? Who wants pancakes? Думаю, что настало время мне сменить работу. I think it's time for me to change jobs. I think it's time for me to change my job. Ти коли-небудь був у Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Я привык к запаху. I'm used to the smell. I'm used to smell. Том не привык к такой работе. Tom isn't used to this kind of work. Tom's not used to that kind of work. Мои родители — испанцы. My parents are Spanish. My parents are Spanish. Скільки коштує апельсиновий сік? How much does the orange juice cost? How much is orange juice? Мій викладач французької мій ровесник. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my peer. Я ніколи не працюю у вихідні. I never work on weekends. I never work weekends. Когда вы её встретили? When did you meet her? When did you meet her? Расскажи мне поподробнее о Томе. Tell me more about Tom. Tell me more about Tom. Немає ніякого сенсу шкодувати про це зараз. It's no use regretting it now. There's no point in regreting it now. Стойте спокойно! Stand still! Stay calm! Хочу вивчити іврит. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. Не теряй терпение. Don't lose your patience. Don't lose patience. Якщо у вас є якісь запитання, дайте мені знати. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions, let me know. Вона смерділа як лайно. It smelled like shit. She smelled like shit. Це лише питання часу. It's just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time. Тато повернеться за кілька днів. Father will be back in a few days. Dad's coming back in a few days. У меня не было с собой ключей. I didn't have my keys with me. I didn't have a key with me. Жовтень пройшов. October is over. October passed. Я не згодная з Вамі. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Том щодо не турбується щодо цього. Tom isn't concerned about that. Tom doesn't care about it. Гэтая птушка не можа лятаць. This bird cannot fly. This bird cannot fly. Лейла спізнилася. Layla was too late. Leila's late. У Тома похмілля. Tom has a hangover. Tom's got a hangover. Держи Тома в неведении. Keep Tom guessing. You keep Tom out of the way. Ніхто не любить програвати. Nobody likes to lose. Nobody likes to lose. Том мне ничего не сказал. Tom didn't say anything to me. Tom didn't tell me anything. Ми хочемо залишитися ще на три ночі. We want to stay another three nights. We want to stay for three nights. Нє мози сѧ боıати. Don't be afraid. No s-mouse. Есть ли новости? Do you have any news? Is there any news? Ты играешь на гитаре? Do you play the guitar? Are you playing guitar? Как прошла вечеринка Тома? How was Tom's party? How was Tom's party? Том должен принимать собственные решения. Tom must make his own decisions. Tom has to make his own decisions. Я не говорила з Томом. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Ми разом бігаємо. We run together. We're running together. Ти їдеш зашвидко. You're driving too fast. You're going too fast. У тебя это займет всего минуту. It'll only take a minute of your time. It'll only take you a minute. Це проблема? Is that an issue? Is that a problem? На Томе был свитер Джона. Tom was wearing John's sweater. Tom had John's sweater on. Сьогодні приємний день. It is a pleasant day today. It's a nice day. Він пішов у відставку у віці 65 років. He retired at 65. He retired at 65 years of age. Ця книжка важлива з кількох причин. This book is important for a number of reasons. This book is important for several reasons. Прыплывы выклікаюцца месячным прыцягненнем. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity. Influencing is caused by monthly attraction. Том сказал, что измучен. Tom said he was worn out. Tom said he was tired. Он не мог поступиться принципами. He couldn't go against his principles. He couldn't compromise his principles. Не могли бы вы показать мне что-нибудь ещё? Could you show me another one? Could you show me anything else? Він зробив це через ревнощі. Jealousy made him do that. He did so because of jealousy. Ти готовий до іспиту? Are you ready for the test? Are you ready for the exam? Жінки такі дивні! Women are so weird! Women are so weird! Сделайте это осторожно. Do it gently. Do it with caution. Я позвал сына. I called my son. I called my son. Что вы против неё имеете? What do you have against her? What do you have against her? Том бажає це зробити. Tom is willing to do that. Tom wants to do it. Это Том мне рассказал о том, что случилось. Tom is the one who told me what happened. Tom told me about what happened. Том каже, що не потребує нашої допомоги. Tom says he won't need our help. Tom says he doesn't need our help. Кобе - це місто, де я народилася. Kobe is the city where I was born. Kobe is the town where I was born. Напишіть Тому. Write to Tom. Write to Tom. Ён кінуў мне яблык. He threw me the apple. He threw me an apple. Скільки років вашій мамі? How old is your mother? How old is your mom? Я радий, що ти мені допоміг. I am glad that you have helped me. I'm glad you helped me. Том цинічний. Tom is cynical. Tom's cynical. Суддзя прысудзіў яго да смерці. The judge condemned him to death. The judge sentenced him to death. Похоже, что ограбление банка было спланировано вплоть до мелочей. It appears that the bank robbery was planned right down to the last detail. Looks like the bank's robbery has been planned up to the point. Том пессимист. Tom is pessimistic. Tom is a pessimist. Я доел остатки вчерашнего ужина на обед. I ate last night's leftovers for lunch. I got the rest of last night's dinner lunch. Я знала, что на тебя можно положиться! I knew I could rely on you! I knew you could be trusted! Он завоевал её привязанность. He won her affection. He won her attachment. Жахливо почуваю себе сьогодні. I feel terrible today. I feel terrible today. Это стоило бешеных денег. It cost an arm and a leg. It was worth fucking money. Том чудовий. Tom is amazing. Tom's great. Гадаю, Том буде засмучений. I think Tom will be upset. I think Tom's gonna be upset. Я ніколі не чуў, каб ён размаўляў па-англійску. I have never heard him speak English. I never heard him speak English. Їй п'ять. She is five years old. She's five. Ён інтраверт. He is introverted. He is an introvert. Мы уже сделали свою часть. We've already done our part. We've already done our part. И когда ты собирался мне сказать? When were you planning on telling me? And when were you going to tell me? Хіба вам не було б краще зробити це з Томом? Wouldn't you rather do that with Tom? Wouldn't you rather do that to Tom? Том уміє грати на гітарі. Tom is able to play the guitar. Tom can play the guitar. Я не знал, что меня накажут. I didn't know I'd get punished. I didn't know what I was going to be told. Це була ідея Тома, а не моя. Не треба мене звинувачувати. It was Tom's idea, not mine. Don't blame me. It was Tom's idea, not mine, not to blame me. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері все ще живе в Бостоні. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Tom said he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Почему бы нам не поужинать сегодня вечером в ресторане? Why don't we eat at a restaurant tonight? Why don't we have dinner at the restaurant tonight? Давай разведемся. Let's get divorced. Let's get divorced. Це дуже проста ідея. It's a very simple idea. It's a very simple idea. Мы спазніліся на свой цягнік. We missed our train. We're late on our train. Чому люди поводяться як великі мавпи, і навпаки? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do people act like big monkeys, and vice versa? Це нам не належить. That doesn't belong to us. It doesn't belong to us. Тебе пора в парикмахерскую. It's time you went to the barber's. You should go to the hairdresser. Неаполь - живописный город. Naples is a picturesque city. Naples is a painting town. Я хачу быць паэткай. I want to be a poet. I want to be a poet. Я склав газету і поклав її у портфель. I folded the newspaper and put it into my briefcase. I put the paper together and put it in the briefcase. Мария закрыла лицо руками. Maria covered her face with her hands. Maria closed her face with her hands. Твая кніга тут. Your book is here. Your book is here. Том дал мне и денег, и совет. Tom gave me both money and advice. Tom gave me both money and advice. Я съездил в Бостон в прошлом месяце. I visited Boston last month. I went to Boston last month. Цей суп засолоний. There's too much salt in this soup. This soup is salty. Я новый сотрудник в Майкрософт. I'm a new employee with Microsoft. I'm a new staff member in Microsoft. Мені треба було тобі раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should've told you before. Я хочу взять их на работу. I want to hire them. I want to take them to work. У мене болить плече. My shoulder hurts. I'm in pain. Гарна погода, чи не так? Nice weather, isn't it? Nice weather, isn't it? Вы можете ей доверять? Can you trust her? Can you trust her? Ви маєте мій шолом. You've got my helmet. You have my helmet. Коупи собѣ чего ѣсти. Buy yourself something to eat. The dogs are the scoundrels. Закінчивши працювати, вона пішла додому. Having finished her work, she went home. When she finished working, she went home. Няма нічога неперакладальнага. There is nothing that cannot be translated. There is nothing untranslated. Полиция действительно кого-то арестовала. The police did arrest someone. The police have actually arrested someone. Виходь. Get out. Come on out. Я рад, что жив. I'm glad to be alive. I'm glad I'm alive. Ти колись був за кордоном? Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Том каже, що не може виграти. Tom says that he can't win. Tom says he can't win. Том всё ещё оплакивает смерть своей собаки. Tom is still lamenting the death of his dog. Tom still mourns the death of his dog. Що робить єнот на кухні? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What does the raccoon do in the kitchen? Це важлива літера. This is an important letter. It's an important letter. Вы знали его лучше, чем я. You knew him better than I did. You knew him better than I did. Том не сможет вам отказать. Tom won't be able to refuse you. Tom can't say no to you. Когда вы последний раз стриглись? When was the last time you got your hair cut? When was the last time you jumped? Интересно, зачем Тому это надо. I wonder why Tom wants that. I wonder why Tom needs it. Паклічце паліцыю! Call the police! Call the police! Калі Вы нарадзіліся? When were you born? When were you born? Вони ніколи більше не зустрінуться. They would never meet again. They'll never see each other again. Вы канадка? Are you a Canadian? Are you Canadian? Не уходите домой, пока не закончите работу. Be sure to complete the work before you go home. Don't go home until you finish your job. Я кохаю тебе, Томе. I love you, Tom. I love you, Tom. Це провина Тома. It's Tom's own fault. It's Tom's fault. Яка з сумок твоя? Which bag is yours? Which bag is yours? Ты забіла іх. You killed them. You killed them. Кто-нибудь сделает эту работу. Someone will do that job. Someone's gonna do this job. Я не знал, что Том этого не сделает. I didn't know that Tom wouldn't do that. I didn't know Tom wouldn't. Наступний рік буде гіршим. Next year will be worse. The next year will be worse. Ты меня достал! You piss me off! You got me! Тобі подобається зі мною сперечатися, еге ж? You like arguing with me, don't you? You like to argue with me, don't you? Все в шоколаді. Everything is alright. It's in chocolate. Что-то появилось. Something came up. Something's up. Это ваша вина. This is your fault. It's your fault. Тебе нескладно знайти. You're not hard to find. It's not hard to find you. Коти ловлять мишей. Cats catch mice. Cats catch mice. Том та Мері не змогли допомогти мені зробити це. Tom and Mary couldn't help me. Tom and Mary couldn't help me do it. Я ніколи цього не скажу! I will never tell! I'll never say that! Я читаю романи навмання. I read novels at random. I read novels at random. Мы все это знаем. We all know this. We all know that. Что тебе в нас не понравилось? What didn't you like about us? What didn't you like? Буде хмарно. It will be cloudy. It'll be cloudy. В природе нет ничего бесполезного. There is nothing useless in nature. There's nothing useless about nature. Калі б я была жывёлай, я была б дэльфінам. If I were an animal, I'd be a dolphin. If I were an animal, I would be a dolphin. Калі Лайла мне расказала, я не хацела ў гэта верыць. When Layla told me, I refused to believe it. When Lyla told me, I didn't want to believe it. Том перестал есть. Tom stopped eating. Tom stopped eating. Мне нравится Гарри, не так сильно, как Драко, конечно, но всё-таки я считаю, что он крутой. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I like Harry, not as much as Draco, of course, but still think he's cool. Він стояв широко розставивши ноги. He stood with his legs wide apart. He stood putting his feet wide apart. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It's time for you to go to sleep. It's time for you to go to bed. Том — безрассудный смельчак. Tom is a daredevil. Tom's a reckless joke. Я вчуся з Томом. I'm studying with Tom. I'm studying with Tom. Ми поговорили про те, що могли б зробити. We talked about what we could do. We talked about what we could do. Каравай на вяселлі быў не вельмі смачны. The wedding cake didn't taste very good. Caraway at the wedding was not very tasty. Чому ви їх ненавидите? Why do you hate them? Why do you hate them? Ти наступного тижня поїдеш до Австралії? Are you going to go to Australia next week? Are you going to Australia next week? Съесть мой шоколад? Даже не думай!!! Don't you even think of eating my chocolate! Eat my chocolate? У него отец японец. His father is Japanese. He's got a Japanese father. Ми йшли уздовж вулиці. We walked along the street. We walked along the street. У неї була донька від першого шлюбу. She had a daughter by her first husband. She had a daughter from her first marriage. Я люблю рассказы. I like stories. I love stories. Том сказал, что Мэри вчера хотела пойти. Tom said Mary wanted to go yesterday. Tom said Mary wanted to go yesterday. Мы испекли вам пирог. We made you a cake. We've made you a pie. Том отключил будильник и снова уснул. Tom turned off his alarm and went back to sleep. Tom turned off the alarm clock and fell asleep again. Том это сделал, потому что я ему так сказал. Tom did that because I told him to. Tom did it because I told him that. Калі глядзець з Месяца, Зямля выглядае як мяч. Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball. When you look from the Moon, the Earth looks like a ball. Сара была маім першым каханнем. Sarah was my first love. Sarah was my first love. Він не завжди задоволений. He is not always happy. He's not always happy. Дуже шкода, що Тома тут сьогодні не було, щоб нам допомогти. Too bad Tom wasn't here to help us today. I'm sorry Tom wasn't here today to help us. «Ён учора напісаў ліст?» — «Так». "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did." "He wrote a letter yesterday?" - "Yes." Тим, хто може придумати лише один спосіб як написати слово, очевидно, бракує уяви. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination. Those who can only come up with one way to write the word evidently lack the imagination. Тома подозревали в том, что он шпион. Tom was suspected of being a spy. Tom was suspected of being a spy. Ти дійсно чудовий. You're really wonderful. You're really great. Прынясі мне, калі ласка, гэты слоўнік. Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Bring me this dictionary, please. Я не дуже добре володію французькою. I'm not very good at French. I don't speak very well French. Ён ваўкалак. He's a werewolf. He's a wolf. Ці вы за ці супраць гэтага? Are you for or against this? Are you for or against it? Дякуємо, що зайшла. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for coming in. Том дуже легковірний. Tom is very naive. Tom's very gullible. Ви не мусите лишатися. You don't have to stay. You don't have to stay. Как вы уживаетесь вдвоём? How are you two getting along? How are you two doing? Том інфантильний. Tom is a manchild. Tom's infantile. Я понимаю. I'm catching on. I understand. Я не отримую задоволення від подорожей у великих групах. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. Можем видзиц винску карту? Can I see the wine list? Can we have a viscous map? Том коллекционирует комиксы с Бэтменом и Суперменом. Tom collects Batman and Superman comic books. Tom collects comic books with Batman and Superman. Я не доктар. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Я героїня. I'm a hero. I'm a heroine. Надеюсь, оно того стоит. I hope it's worth it. I hope it's worth it. В антракте я пошёл искать Тома в фойе. During the break, I went to look for Tom in the lobby. In anthrac, I went to find Tom in the lobby. Что бы ты стал делать, если бы завтра был конец света? What would you do if the world was going to end tomorrow? What would you do if tomorrow was the end of the world? Вам надо постараться не уснуть. You have to try to stay awake. You should try not to fall asleep. Ти пам'ятаєш, як закінчується цей фільм? Do you remember how this movie ends? Do you remember the end of this movie? Ти нікчемна людська істота. You are a despicable human being. You are a worthless human being. Он сдал кровь. He gave blood. He's given in blood. Деревянные дома легко воспламеняются. Wooden houses catch fire easily. Woody houses are easily ignited. Пёс ещё жив. The dog is still alive. The dog is still alive. Я думала, вам буде приємно. I thought that you'd be pleased. I thought you'd enjoy it. Популярность телефона привела к тому, что в наши дни меньше людей пишут письма. The popularity of the telephone has led to fewer people writing letters these days. The popularity of the telephone has led to fewer people writing letters these days. Я пришлю вам ссылку. I'll send you the link. I'll send you a reference. Я вроде ясно выразился. I thought I made that clear. I kind of made myself clear. Хіба тобі не сумно? Aren't you sad? Aren't you sad? В холодильнике есть бутылка. There's a bottle in the refrigerator. There's a bottle in the fridge. Я зазвичай подорожую першим класом. I usually travel in first class. I usually go first grade. Я спросил у него, как его зовут. I asked him his name. I asked him what his name was. У Тома блискуче майбутнє. Tom has a brilliant future. Tom has a bright future. Я понятия не имел, что ты с ней знаком. I had no idea you knew her. I had no idea you knew her. Ви не такий, як інші. You aren't like the others. You're not like the others. Я не можу забути її посмішку. I can't forget her smile. I can't forget her smile. Не прекрасный ли вечер? Isn't this a wonderful evening? Isn't the evening beautiful? Ён прыняў нашу прапанову. He accepted our offer. He accepted our offer. Я знаю, что вы здесь больше не живёте. I know you don't live here anymore. I know you don't live here anymore. Може я неправильно зрозумів Тома. Maybe I misunderstood Tom. Maybe I misunderstood Tom. Ти можеш туди піти. You may go there. You can go there. Ви знали, що Том колись жив у Бостоні? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Не забудь свої речі. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your stuff. Том знав, що Мері навряд чи може це зробити. Tom knew that Mary was very unlikely to be able to do that. Tom knew Mary could hardly do that. Мы хотели бы задать вам несколько вопросов. We'd like to ask you a few questions. We'd like to ask you a few questions. Выбачыце мяне. Excuse me. Forgive me. Я маю поспішити на станцію, щоб сісти на останній поїзд. I have to hurry to the station to take the last train. I have to hurry to the station to get on the last train. На вид ей не больше шестидесяти лет. She doesn't look more than sixty years old. She's no more than sixty years old. Кому печива? Who wants biscuits? Who's the cookie? Хто твій улюблений письменник? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Тобі варто пожаліти бідне дитя... У нього немає навіть домівки. You should take pity on the poor child... He doesn't even have a home. You should pity the poor child... he doesn't even have a home. Канешне, ён бедны, але ён шчаслівы. He is poor, to be sure, but he is happy. Of course, he's poor, but he's happy. Мы встречаемся уже три месяца. We have been dating for three months. We've been dating for three months now. Я лично прослежу за этим. I'll see to that personally. I'll see to it myself. На чым засноўваецца ваша тэорыя? What do you base your theory on? What is your theory based on? Можете уходить, если хотите. You may leave if you want to. You can leave if you want. Мне надо Вас увидеть. I have to see you. I need to see you. Эта подушка неудобная. This pillow is uncomfortable. That pillow's not good. У неї два кота. Один білий, а інший чорний. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She's got two cats, one white and the other black. Мы пагаварым пра гэта пазьней. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Яка чудова машина! What a wonderful machine! What a wonderful car! Я вивчаю латинь, тому що це моя улюблена мова. I study Latin because it's my favorite language. I study Latin because it's my favorite language. Том очень щедрый человек. Tom is a very generous man. Tom's a very generous man. Том — единственный, кто выжил. Tom is the only one who survived. Tom's the only one who survived. В этом кинотеатре всегда показывают хорошие фильмы. That movie theater always shows good movies. This movie theater always shows good movies. Вы должны идти на работу. You should go to work. You have to go to work. Я не позволю тебе забрать моих детей. I won't let you take my children away from me. I won't let you take my kids. Благодарю вас за исправление. Thank you for the corrections. Thank you for the correction. Что вы тогда будете делать? What'll you do then? What are you gonna do then? Том шукає роботу. Tom's looking for work. Tom's looking for a job. Я зусім нічога пра яго не ведаю. I don't know anything about him at all. I know nothing about him at all. Охрана не видела Тома. The guards didn't see Tom. Guard didn't see Tom. Мне нечего сказать тебе. I don't have anything to tell you. I have nothing to say to you. Я бы удивился, если бы Том выиграл. I'd be surprised if Tom won. I'd be surprised if Tom won. Батьки Тома були місіонерами в Африці. Tom's parents were missionaries in Africa. Tom’s parents were missionaries in Africa. Яна хоча Вас бачыць. She wants to see you. She wants to see you. Я повинна це з'їсти? Am I supposed to eat this? Should I eat that? Том простягнув Мері пиво. Tom handed Mary a beer. Tom stretched out Mary's beer. Думаю, я зіграю в теніс із Томом. I think that I'll play tennis with Tom. I think I'll play tennis with Tom. Том не в порядку. Tom isn't fine. Tom's not okay. Мама теперь на небесах. Mom is now in heaven. Mom's in heaven now. Його зріст — приблизно сім футів. He stands about seven feet. Its height is about seven feet [seven m] high. Том говорит, что уже умеет водить машину. Tom says he already knows how to drive. Tom says he can drive. Я її зупиню. I'll stop her. I'll stop it. Мне падабаецца жоўты. I like yellow. I like yellow. Діти ростуть так швидко. Children grow up so fast. Children grow so fast. Куда вы ездили кататься на лыжах? Where did you go skiing? Where did you go skiing? Том згадзіўся пачакаць. Tom has agreed to wait. Tom mentioned waiting. Прости, я не понимаю. Excuse me, I don't understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Італійці не їдять спагеті ложкою. Italians don't eat spaghetti with a spoon. The Italians do not eat spaghetti with a spoon. Тому потрібний захист. Tom needs protection. Therefore, protection is needed. Томе, ти не міг би встати? Would you stand, Tom? Tom, could you get up? Це стілець. It is a chair. It's a chair. Том очень неприятный человек, да? Tom is really obnoxious, isn't he? Tom's a very bad man, isn't he? Наш город был окутан смогом. Our city was covered with smog. Our town was enamored. В этом городе много широких проспектов. This city has many wide avenues. There are many broad avenues in this city. Том знав, що я не хочу, щоб він це робив? Did Tom know I didn't want him to do that? Did Tom know I didn't want him to do it? Я добавил молоко в кофе. I put some milk in my coffee. I added milk to the coffee. Ви бачили, як Том на вас подивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see Tom look at you? Марк продасть машину. Mark will sell the car. Mark's gonna sell the car. Ты ещё покупаешь лотерейные билеты? Do you still buy lottery tickets? Are you still buying lottery tickets? Я змогла знайти книжку, яку шукала. I was able to find the book I was looking for. I was able to find the book I was looking for. Бог тебе пробачить. God will forgive you. God will forgive you. Том сказав, що він шкодує про те, що забув поцілувати Мері на прощання. Tom said that he wished he hadn't forgotten to kiss Mary goodbye. Tom said he regrets having forgotten to kiss Mary for goodbye. Я маю іншы выбар? Do I have any other choice? Do I have a different choice? Ми наразі працюємо над цією проблемою. We're currently working on that problem. We're currently working on this problem. Я все еще пытаюсь. I'm still trying. I'm still trying. Де знаходиться станція метро? Where's the underground station? Where is the subway station? Какие цвета тебе нравятся? What colors do you like? What colors do you like? Хочеш брецель? Do you want a pretzel? You want a breech? Все люди моего поколения думают об этом одинаково. People of my generation all think the same way about this. All of my generation think about it in the same way. Том і Мэры збіраюцца ажаніцца. Tom and Mary are planning to get married. Tom and Mary are about to marry. Я не сел в автобус. I didn't get on the bus. I didn't get on the bus. Минулого року був поганий урожай. Last year, there was a bad harvest. Last year there was a bad harvest. Поезд простоит на этой станции около двух минут. The train will remain at this station for approximately 2 minutes. The train's at this station for about two minutes. Жаль, что я не знаю телефон Тома. I wish I knew Tom's telephone number. Too bad I don't know Tom's phone. Він погодився зі мною. He agreed with me. He agreed with me. Я живу не сама. I don't live alone. I live not on my own. Ты можаш сыграць гэты акорд на сінтэзатары? Can you play that chord on the keyboard? Can you play this chord on the synthesizer? Я лише хотіла дати це тобі. I just wanted to give you this. I just wanted to give it to you. Мы написали много книг о Китае. We wrote many books about China. We wrote a lot of books about China. Том побеждает. Tom's winning. Tom's winning. Том насправді вас кохає. Tom does love you. Tom really loves you. Я не знаю, сколько мне понадобится времени. I don't know how much time I'll need. I don't know how much time I need. Дякую вам. Thank you! Thank you. Говори за себе. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. Я думала, ви загубили мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Скільки, на твою думку, Том їсть шоколаду? How much chocolate do you think Tom eats? How much do you think Tom eats chocolate? Я не хочу паркуватися занадто близько від машини Тома. I don't want to park too close to Tom's car. I don't want to park too close to Tom's car. Больнъ нъ шьлъ оучилищѭ. He was sick, but he went to school. It's a pain in school. Можна поговорити з Білом? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Це не Том зробив. Tom isn't the one who did this. It's not Tom who did. Ты забіў яе. You killed her. You killed her. Он - позор всего города. He is a shame of the town. He is the disgrace of the whole city. Я слепну. I'm going blind. I'm blind. Кто-нибудь из вас может мне помочь? Can one of you help me? Can any of you help me? Щасливої дороги. Enjoy your trip. Have a nice trip. Поѧлъ три рыбы. He caught three fish. Three fishes. Он сидел на лавке с закрытыми глазами. He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. В воде нет калорий. Water has no calories. There's no calories in the water. Можно мне тоже одну? Can I have one, too? Can I have one, too? Він завжди такий зайнятий. He's always so busy. He's always so busy. У моры ёсць выспы. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Срочно требуются добровольцы. There's an urgent need for volunteers. Volunteers are urgently needed. Они поддельные. They're fake. They're fake. Навіщо ти це робиш, Томе? Why do you do it, Tom? Why are you doing this, Tom? Я немногое могу для тебя сейчас сделать. There's not much I can do for you now. I can do a little bit for you right now. Я пообещал, что скоро вернусь. I promised that I would be back soon. I promised you'd be back soon. Як ви думаєие, що змінилося? What do you think changed? How do you think you've changed? Отец Тома, находящийся в тюрьме, никогда не пишет Тому. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to Tom. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to Tom. Мне было вельмі сумна. I felt very sad. I was very sad. Олимп? Это типа там, где зависали греческие боги, что ли? Olympus? Isn't that where Greek gods hang out or something? It's like a place where the Greek gods hanged, isn't it? Ти не повинна брехати. You must not tell a lie. You shouldn't lie. Ты блондинок предпочитаешь или брюнеток? Do you prefer blondes or brunettes? Do you prefer blonde or brunette? Я начинаю любить саму себя. I'm beginning to enjoy myself. I'm starting to love myself. Що ти придбав? What did you buy? What did you get? У неї є собака? Ні. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Тома не было в его комнате? Wasn't Tom in his room? Was Tom out of his room? Том хотів тут поїсти сьогодні ввечері. Tom wanted to eat here tonight. Tom wanted to eat here tonight. Сем допомогає будь-кому, хто просить його про допомогу. Sam helps whoever asks him to. Sam is helping anyone who asks for his help. Том скучает по своей жене Мэри. Tom misses his wife Mary. Tom misses his wife, Mary. Якими мовами ви розмовляєте? What languages do you speak? In what languages do you speak? Я всё-таки думаю, Том не понимает, что происходит. I still think Tom doesn't understand what's going on. I think Tom doesn't know what's going on. Я хожу в университет. I go to university. I'm going to university. Надеюсь, мы больше этого не сделаем. I hope we don't do this again. I hope we don't do that anymore. Если бы у меня было время сделать это, я бы сделал. If I had time to do that, I would. If I had time to do this, I'd do it. Ти виглядав зацікавленим. You seemed interested. You looked interested. Он сказал, что никогда этого не сделает. He said that he'd never do that. He said he'd never do it. Как эта река называется? What is the name of that river? What is the name of the river? Том з Мері скажуть відмовляться. Tom and Mary are going to say no. Tom and Mary will say no. Ты не знаешь, о чём говоришь. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what you're talking about. Хто нам допоможе? Who's going to help us? Who will help us? Яна хоча быць гераіняй. She wants to be a heroine. She wants to be heroine. Я не дуже добре говорю французькою. My French isn't very good. I don't speak very well in French. На прогноз погоды совсем нельзя положиться. The weather forecast is not reliable at all. Weather forecasts cannot be fixed at all. Я хотів би побачити твою матір. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Материнська любов більша від усього. Maternal love is greater than anything else. Motherly love is greater than anything else. Колькі ты заплаціла за гэта? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for that? Ми програємо. We're losing. We're going to lose. У мяне няма машыны. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Що тут діється? What's going on in here? What's going on here? Сёння першы дзень восені. Today is the first day of fall. Today is the first day of the fall. Я сказав правду. I told the truth. I told you the truth. Мы оба хотим это сделать. We both want to do that. We both want to do this. Том говорив з тобою про Мері? Did Tom talk to you about Mary? Did Tom talk to you about Mary? Том лише початківець. Tom is only a beginner. Tom's just a beginner. Моя пам'ять вже не та. My memory isn't what it used to be. My memory is no longer that. Вони не мали їжі. They had no food. They had no food. Можете дати мені трохи грошей? Can you give me some money? Can you give me some money? У тебя есть идеи, кто мог это сделать? Do you have any idea who would do this? Do you have any idea who could do that? Том - единственный внук Мэри. Tom is Mary's only grandchild. Tom is Mary's only grandson. Ты чего так быстро вернулся? Why are you back so soon? Why did you come back so fast? Я не был к этому готов. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for that. Ким на четыре года старше меня. Kim is four years older than I am. Kim is four years older than me. Я слышал, что Кэрол и Уилл разошлись. I heard that Carol and Will have split up. I heard Carol and Will split up. Мері не встигне на свій рейс. Mary will miss her flight. Mary won't be on her flight. Тома не важко знайти. Tom isn't hard to find. Tom's not hard to find. Самі нядаўна прыняў іслам. Sami recently converted to Islam. Islam has recently been adopted by itself. Я не знал, что ты вернулся в город. I didn't know you were back in town. I didn't know you were back in town. Он странно выглядит. He looks weird. He looks weird. Довидзеня! See you. Asshole! Це яйце погано пахне. This egg smells bad. It smells bad. Дзе крава? Where is the cow? Where's the tailor? Хвалѭ ти! Thank you! Praise is you! Вы пили вино? Did you drink wine? Did you drink wine? Хіба ви не хочете відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? Чак Норріс народився у будинку, який він сам побудував. Chuck Norris was born in the house he built. Chuck Norris was born in a house he built himself. Новина рознеслася по всій Японії. The news spread all over Japan. The news spread throughout Japan. Почему ты хотел стать учителем? Why did you want to become a teacher? Why would you want to be a teacher? Аперацыя — найлепшае рашэнне. Surgery is the best solution. Operation is the best solution. Можеш піти з нами? Can you come with us? Can you come with us? Ви не могли би мені дати адресу Тома? Would you give me Tom's address? Could you give me Tom's address? Все мне говорят, что я похож на моего отца. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone tells me I look like my father. Його слова мали величезний вплив на моє життя. His words had a great effect on my life. His words had a profound effect on my life. Том ненавидит Мэри. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Я ловлю рибу майже кожного дня. I fish almost every day. I catch fish almost every day. Ти майже готовий? Are you about ready? Are you almost ready? Для мяне яны найлепшыя. For me, they are the best. They're the best for me. Ты думаешь, что Том счастлив? Do you think that Tom is happy? You think Tom's happy? Я вас с Томом уважаю. I respect you and Tom. I respect you and Tom. Я прагну значно більшого. I want a lot more. I want a lot more. Мэры не хацела насіць сэксуальны касцюм на Хэлаўін, таму яна вырашыла апрануцца як жанчына-аміш. Mary didn't want to wear a sexy costume for Halloween so she decided to dress like an Amish woman. Mary did not want to wear a sex suit on Halloween, so she decided to dress herself as an amish woman. Гэта кніга, якую я чытаў учора вечарам. This is the book which I read last night. This is a book I read yesterday evening. Він намагався не заплакати. He tried not to cry. He tried not to cry. Яны ведаюць, што іх звольняць. They know they're going to be fired. They know they will be fired. Ви нечасто не маєте рації. You're not often wrong. You don't often have a say. Том, я вернулась. Tom, I'm back. Tom, I'm back. Я позвонил тебе сюда, чтобы задать вопрос. I called you in here to ask you a question. I called you here to ask a question. Ти можеш це зробити просто зараз. You can do that right now. You can do it right now. Він живе в селі. He lives in a village. He lives in a village. Я хотел бы поужинать. I would like to have dinner. I'd like to have dinner. Мені байдуже, що робить Том. I don't care what Tom does. I don't care what Tom does. Мені здається, він тобі подобається. I think you like him. I think you like him. Что бы ты хотел, чтобы Дед Мороз тебе принёс? What would you like Santa to bring you? What would you like Dead Morris to bring you? Мне нравится этот офис. I like this office. I like this office. Том дал мне все свои деньги. Tom gave me all his money. Tom gave me all his money. Что должно быть сделано? What must be done? What must be done? Казалось, что он собирается меня поцеловать. It looked like he was going to kiss me. I thought he was going to kiss me. Она говорит, что сделает это в понедельник. She says she'll do that on Monday. She says she'll do it Monday. Она уже выше матери. She is now taller than her mother. She's above her mother. То лялька. That's a doll. That's the doll. Це я розмовляв з послом Польщі. It was I who spoke with the Polish ambassador. I was talking to the Ambassador of Poland. Я сказал, спокойной ночи. I said good night. I said good night. Моя сестра почала платаки. My sister started crying. My sister started to pay. Перепрошую, ви не заперечуєте, якщо я тут сяду? Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? Я все ще трохи нудьгую за домівкою й так багато речей здаються мені дивними. I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. I still miss my home a little bit and so many things seem strange to me. Том боїться, що може задіти почуття Мері. Tom is afraid he might hurt Mary's feelings. Tom's afraid he might hurt Mary's feelings. Мой дом находится недалеко отсюда. My house isn't far from here. My house is not far from here. Ми пішли в ліс в пошуках комах. We went into the woods in search of insects. We went into the forest looking for insects. Пуголовки стають жабами. Tadpoles become frogs. Headheads become frogs. Вона змогла научитися керувати машиною. She managed to learn how to drive a car. She was able to learn how to drive a car. Том им доволен. Tom is happy with it. I'm glad Tom's here. Иди нами. Come with us. Come with us. Я никогда не работал с Томом. I've never worked with Tom. I never worked with Tom. Том поводиться як злюка. Tom is being mean. Tom's acting like a piss. Аліса — прихожанка Сатанинського храму. Alice is a member of The Satanic Temple. Alice is a member of Satan’s temple. Она только что пришла домой. She just got home. She just came home. Она сдала экзамен. She passed the examination. She passed the exam. Том, похоже, меня не узнавал. Tom didn't seem to recognize me. Tom didn't seem to know me. На днях я ходил в музей. The other day I visited the museum. I went to the museum the other day. Він не піклується про своїх дітей. He doesn't take care of his children. He does not take care of his children. Залиште нас самих, благаю вас! Leave us alone, please. Leave us alone, I beg you! Встречу отменили из-за тайфуна. The meeting was canceled because of the typhoon. The meeting was cancelled because of the typhoon. Давайте все вместе сфотографируемся. Let's get a picture of us together. Let's take a picture together. Держи меня в курсе. Keep me updated. Keep me informed. Они обнаружили на снегу медвежьи следы. They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found traces of bears on the snow. Яна жыве ў Лёндане. She lives in London. She lives in Löndan. Том не такий розумний, як ти. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you are. Я чекаю на вашу відповідь. I'm waiting for your answer. I'm waiting for your answer. Сълньцє свѣтить. The sun is shining. It's swoopy. Они не хотят, чтобы мы видели, что они делают. They don't want us to see what they're doing. They don't want us to see what they're doing. Украінскія дзяўчаты найпрыгажэйшыя ў свеце. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ты такі дурань! You're such an idiot! You're so stupid! Я розберуся з цим. I'll take care of it. I'll handle it. Вы не знаете его? Don't you know him? You don't know him? Це найшвидший поїзд у світі. It's the fastest train in the world. This is the fastest train in the world. Она перестала читать газету. She stopped reading the newspaper. She stopped reading the paper. Том, мабуть, був наляканий. Tom must have been scared. Tom must have been scared. Том купив Мері камеру. Tom bought Mary a camera. Tom bought Mary a camera. Мені здається, Тому не хотілося бути сьогодні тут. I think Tom didn't want to be here today. I don't think that's why I didn't want to be here tonight. Том явился на свадьбу к Джону и Мэри. Tom showed up at John and Mary's wedding. Tom went to a wedding with John and Mary. Я счастлив ждать. I'm happy to wait. I'm happy to wait. Без тебе я ніщо. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Не відчиняйте двері. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. Хіба ти не друг Тома? Aren't you Tom's friend? Aren't you Tom's friend? Он попал в тюрьму. He ended up in jail. He went to jail. Том це для тебе зробив? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did it for you? Том сказал, что это не он сделал. Tom said that it wasn't him who did that. Tom said it wasn't him. Я позичу тобі деякі книги мого брата. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'll lend you some books to my brother. Пожалуй, я ему верю. I think I believe him. I think I believe him. Я куплю їй пиво. I'll buy her a beer. I'll buy her a beer. Ты оставайся здесь. Остальные выходят. You stay here. Everybody else go outside. You stay here, the rest go out. Сегодня у меня всё из рук валится. Today I am messing up everything. I'm out of hand today. Він написав багато оповідань. He wrote a lot of stories. He wrote many stories. Краще тобі тут не чекати. You'd better not wait here. You'd better not wait here. Ты всё делаешь только хуже. You're only making things worse. You're doing worse. Але ў мяне няма грошаў. But I have no money. But I don't have money. Ви молодий та здоровий. You're young and healthy. You're young and healthy. Перарабі! Do it again! Redo it! Ходімо всі до луна-парку. Let's all go to Luna Park. Let's all go to the moon park. Я хачу тваёй крыві. I want your blood. I want thy blood. Вы видите панель инструментов внизу экрана? Can you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen? Do you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen? Я знаю, что Том выше Мэри. I know that Tom is taller than Mary. I know Tom's superior to Mary. Це може статися? Could it happen? Can it happen? Я написал много предложений на эсперанто. I wrote many phrases in Esperanto. I wrote a lot of suggestions for esperanto. Спадар Спэнсэр працуе ў краме. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer works in the shop. Стирка - рутинная работа. Laundry is a chore. It's a routine job. Том в понедельник улетел в Бостон. Tom flew to Boston on Monday. Tom left for Boston on Monday. Маці Тэрэза нарадзілася ў Югаславіі ў 1910 годзе. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Thérèse's mother was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Яго дом у Стамбуле. His house is in Istanbul. His house in Istanbul. Залиши зуб під подушкою, і зубна фея забере його, залишивши замість нього подарунок. Leave a tooth under your pillow, and the tooth fairy will take it and put a present in its place. Leave the tooth under the pillow, and the tooth fairy will take it away, leaving a gift instead. Том попередив тебе, що це може трапитися. Tom warned you that this might happen. Tom warned you it could happen. Я не думав, що ми це зробили. I didn't think we did that. I didn't think we did it. Він спотворив мої слова. He distorted my words. He distorted my words. Том теперь начальник. Tom is the boss now. Tom's the boss now. Поки що досить. That's enough for now. That's enough for now. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона цього не зробила. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she didn't do that. I wonder if Tom ever asked Mary why she did not. Он сказал мне. He told me. He told me. Я ведаю тваё імя. I know your name. I know your name. Я не знал, о чём говорю. I didn't know what I was talking about. I didn't know what I was talking about. Моя робота дуже нудна. My job is very boring. My job is boring. Я був вражений дізнатися, що я виграв. I was amazed to learn I had won. I was amazed to find out what I had won. Я одягнула пальто. I put on my coat. I dressed my coat. Я думаю, Том этого заслуживает. I think Tom deserves that. I think Tom deserves it. Дай мені ключ від цього замка́. Give me the key to this lock! Give me the key to this castle. Подушка дуже незручна. This pillow is very uncomfortable. The pillow is very uncomfortable. Дуже ймовірно, що Том прийде. It's quite likely Tom will come. It's very likely Tom's coming. Шкода, що тебе тут немає. I wish you were here. I'm sorry you're not here. Том хочет приехать? Does Tom want to come? Does Tom want to come? Я лише вчитель. I'm just a teacher. I'm just a teacher. Що з нею трапилося? What's happened to her? What happened to her? Том лише намагається захистити своїх дітей. Tom is only trying to protect his children. Tom is just trying to protect his children. В чём вы будете? What will you wear? What will you do? Счастливого пути! Позвони мне из Парижа. Have a good trip! Call me from Paris! Call me from Paris. Бревно может лежать в воде десять лет, но оно не станет от этого крокодилом. Wood may remain ten years in the water, but it will never become a crocodile. A log may lie in the water for ten years, but it will not be a crocodile. Я перемогла. I have won. I won. Я никогда не дам тебе это забыть. I'm never going to let you forget it. I'll never let you forget that. Ты должна быть дома до девяти часов. You have to be home by nine o'clock. You have to be home before nine o'clock. Нет, я совсем не устал. Why, no, I'm not tired. No, I'm not tired at all. Ти не одна. You're not alone. You're not alone. Ви не бідна. You're not poor. You're not poor. Вечірка буде у середу. The party's Wednesday. The evening will be Wednesday. Том не прочитав звіт, який ти написав. Tom hasn't read the report you wrote. Tom didn't read the report you wrote. Электричество очень полезно. Electricity is very useful. Electricity is very useful. Он понимает по-французски. He understands French. He understands French. Я знайшла ось ці. I found these. I found these. Мені цікаво, чи це насправді працює. I wonder whether or not this really works. I wonder if it really works. Не зловживай моїм терпінням. Don't abuse my patience. Don't abuse my patience. Я не сказала ей, что вы здесь. I didn't tell her you're here. I didn't tell her you were here. Не я мав приймати це рішення. It wasn't my decision to make. I didn't have to make that decision. Том із Мері прийдуть на свято? Are Tom and Mary coming to the party? Tom and Mary are coming to the party? Сідайте. Sit. Sit down. Вы хотите быть богатыми? Do you want to be rich? You want to be rich? Том пообещал вернуться. Tom promised to return. Tom promised to come back. Я роздягнувся. I got undressed. I'm undressed. Том - паломник. Tom is a pilgrim. Tom's a pilgrim. Я собираюсь навести порядок в твоей спальне сегодня. I'm going to clean your bedroom today. I'm going to order your bedroom today. Маєш хвилинку? Do you have a minute? Do you have a minute? Что я должен ему сказать? What should I tell him? What am I supposed to tell him? Том був дуже переляканий. Tom was very frightened. Tom was very scared. Ни Том, ни Мэри не будут этого делать. Neither Tom nor Mary will do that. Neither Tom nor Mary will. Я могу остаться, если хотите. I can stay if I want me to. I can stay if you want. Ты наш пленник. You're our prisoner. You're our prisoner. Том переїхав до Австралії. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. Ти бачив Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see Tom last night? Did you see Tom last night? Она думала, что я её подведу. She thought that I'd let her down. She thought I'd let her down. Ми не терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Я чув, що вона вмерла. I heard that he'd died. I heard she died. Де туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Он сказал, что уже девять. He said it was nine o'clock. He said it was nine. Я чув, що у цю пору року в Бостоні спекотно. I hear Boston is hot this time of year. I heard it was hot in Boston this time of year. Вона диктатор. She's a dictator. She's a dictator. Я купалась в реке. I was swimming in the river. I bathed in the river. Вы любите водить машину? Do you like to drive? Do you like driving? Коні — корисні тварини. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals Я живу в печері. I've been living in a cave. I live in a cave. Цього не трапиться. That ain't going to happen. That won't happen. Він отримав перший приз. He got the first prize. He got the first prize. Тѧжька ли єсмь? Am I pregnant? Is there any such thing? Том открыл дверь. Tom opened the door. Tom opened the door. Так Том і став відомим. That's how Tom became famous. So Tom became famous. Кветкам і дрэвам патрэбныя свежае паветра і чыстая вада. Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water. Flower and trees need fresh air and clean water. Я чула, що Том взагалі не говорить французькою. I heard that Tom can't speak French at all. I heard Tom didn't speak French at all. Просто не зникайте. Just don't disappear. Just don't disappear. Думаю, у мене непогано вийшло. I thought I did a good job. I think I'm pretty good. Чому у вас червоні очі? Why are your eyes red? Why do you have red eyes? Том купив Мері троянду. Tom bought a rose for Mary. Tom bought Mary a rose. Она взяла её книгу. She took her book. She took her book. Ми можемо зробити це знову. We can do it again. We can do it again. Том написав кілька кулінарних книжок. Tom has written several cook books. Tom wrote several cookbooks. Насколько хорошо вы его знали? How well did you know him? How well did you know him? Капіталізм - це експлуатація людини людиною. Комунізм - це прямо протилежне. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Ось в чому питання. The question is this. That's the question. Хочешь пойти? You want to go? You want to go? Сколько у вас тёток? How many aunts do you have? How many aunts do you have? Мэри смеялась последней. Mary had the last laugh. Mary laughed last. Я геть не хочу їсти. I don't feel like eating at all. I don't want to eat at all. Це не Том попросив Мері зробити це. Tom wasn't the one who asked Mary to do that. It's not Tom who asked Mary to do it. Тут много над чем есть подумать. That's a lot to consider. There's a lot to think about. Я только что вышел из душа. I just got out of the shower. I just got out of my soul. Вы цэліцеся занізка, каб улучыць. You're aiming too low to hit the target. You aim at the bottom to connect. Це речення правильне? Is this sentence correct? Is that the sentence right? Том в порядку? Is Tom all right? Is Tom okay? С каким цветом у вас ассоциируется ваше детство? What colour do you associate with your childhood? What color do you associate with your childhood? Мэри говорит, что она одинока. Mary says that she's lonely. Mary says she's alone. Я сама їм зателефоную. I'll call them myself. I'll call them myself. Через час я встречаюсь с Томом. I'm meeting Tom in an hour. I'm dating Tom in an hour. Вона працювала юристом упродовж багатьох років. She practised as a barrister for many years. She worked as a lawyer for many years. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you aren't being followed. Make sure you're not being followed. Ти навіть памперс не можеш поміняти. You can't even change a diaper. You can't even change the pampers. Откуда он у неё? Where did she get it? Where did she get it? Я завжди готова тобі допомогти. I'm always ready to help you. I'm always ready to help you. Перепрошую, хто ця жінка? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this woman? Том коллекционировал марки. Tom collected stamps. Tom collected stamps. Столица Украины - Киев. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Ukraine's capital is Kiev. Что она тебе прошептала? What did she whisper to you? What did she whisper to you? Том сказал мне относиться к людям с уважением. Tom told me to treat others with respect. Tom told me to treat people with respect. Больше книг у меня нет. I have no other books. I don't have any more books. Мы спрабавалі пераканаць яго. We tried to persuade him. We tried to convince him. Кого жьдета? Who are you waiting for? Who lives? Ти екстраверт. You're extroverted. You're an extrovert. Никто не хотел говорить о моей стране. Nobody wanted to talk about my country. No one wanted to talk about my country. Ось картина, яку написав Том. This is the picture that Tom painted. This is Tom's painting. Она была счастлива какое-то время. She was happy for some time. She was happy for a while. Тому стало цікаво. Tom became curious. So it became interesting. Такого не забути. It isn't something you forget. You can't forget that. Він поїхав до магазину. He went to the shop. He went to the store. Ты много работаешь. You work hard. You work a lot. Это ещё не сделано. It's not done yet. It's not done yet. На піджаку є гудзики. There are buttons on the coat. There are buttons on the jacket. Візьми мою руку. Ми вдвох збудуємо утопію. Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. Take my hand, we'll both build a utopia. Він зможе прийти завтра? Will he be able to come tomorrow? Can he come tomorrow? Казалось, он не уверен в своих ответах. He did not seem sure of his answers. He seemed unsure of his answers. Дзіцё грае на арфе. A child is playing harp. The child plays the harp. Я не можу собі дозволити заплатити тобі. I can't afford to pay you. I can't afford to pay you. Мері поклала олівець. Mary put down her pencil. Mary laid a pencil. Том понурий. Tom is grumpy. Tom's full. Я предпочитаю проводить время с друзьями. I prefer to spend time with friends. I prefer to spend time with my friends. Всі посміхаються однією і тією ж мовою. Everyone smiles in the same language. Everyone smiles in the same language. Я не знал, что это существует. I didn't know it existed. I didn't know it existed. Том был с Мэри всё утро. Tom was with Mary all morning. Tom was with Mary all morning. Іди повільніше. Walk more slowly. Go slowly. Нам із Томом все ще нудно. Tom and I are still bored. Tom and I are still bored. Де твій меч? Where's your sword? Where's your sword? У гэтай веры хачу жыць і памерці. In this faith I wish to live and die. In this faith, you want to live and die. Он не собирается покупать фотоаппарат. He isn't going to buy a camera. He's not buying a camera. Замок сломан. The lock is broken. The castle's broken. Он та чорна — вона моя. That black one is mine. That black one's mine. Нам треба бути на роботі до дев'ятої. We have to be at work by nine. We need to be at work until nine. Том не смог это сделать. Tom couldn't do that. Tom couldn't do it. Это предложение - не на английском языке. This sentence isn't in English. This proposal is not in English. Я все ще хочу зробити це з тобою. I still want to do that with you. I still want to do it with you. Я дуже старомодна. I'm very old-fashioned. I'm very old-fashioned. Я не пам'ятаю, де я був. I don't remember where I was. I don't remember where I was. Я найсильніший. I'm the strongest. I'm the strongest. Усё добра. It's all right. Everything is fine. Я недостатньо рішучий. I'm not decisive enough. I'm not determined enough. Я хотел бы ещё раз с ней поговорить. I'd like to speak to her again. I'd like to talk to her again. Ты не можешь всегда побеждать. You can't win every time. You can't always win. Он катается на лыжах. He's skiing. He's skiing. Кто им не восхищается? Who doesn't admire him? Who doesn't admire them? Калі я ўпершыню праходзіў курс Сі, я не разумеў нічога з таго, што паяснялі ў класе. Дзякуй богу, я маю сяброўку-праграмістку, і яна паясніла мне, як усё гэта працуе. When I first took a C course, I couldn't understand a single thing explained in class. Thank God I got a friend of mine who's a programmer to explain to me how the whole caboodle works. When I first took Si, I didn't understand anything that I explained in class, and thank God, I have a friend-programmer, and she explained to me how it works. Почему вы не там? Why aren't you there? Why aren't you there? Их встреча была неизбежна. Their meeting was inevitable. Their meeting was inevitable. Я працювала в ресторані. I worked in a restaurant. I worked at a restaurant. "Я з ним згоден". - "Я теж". "I agree with him." "So do I." "I agree with him." "I too." Съешь немного пирога. Have some cake. Eat some pie. Том наполягав на тому, щоб купити мені обід. Tom insisted on buying me lunch. Tom insisted on buying me a lunch. Мы учителя. We are teachers. We're teachers. Что я могу сделать? What can I do? What can I do? Идем! Let's go! Come on! Дозвольте мені це зробити. Let me do it. Let me do it. Присутствие обязательно. Attendance is mandatory. The presence is compulsory. Ми рішенням задоволені. We're pleased with the decision. We're satisfied with the decision. Я паўсюль бяру з сабой камеру. I take my camera with me wherever I go. I take a camera with me everywhere. Я памыліўся. I was wrong. I made a mistake. Мері сказала, що їй страшно. Mary said she's afraid. Mary said she was scared. Легко полученное легко теряется. Easy come, easy go. Easy to get, easy to lose. Коѥ жьдо дѣтѧ се вѣсть. Any child knows it. Ko - Jew d - it's there. Сёння цудоўнае надвор'е. It's lovely weather today. It's wonderful weather today. Бажаєш ще чаю? Would you like some more tea? Would you like more tea? Ось наш викладач. Here comes our teacher. Here's our teacher. Ти не мусиш сьогодні йти до школи. You don't have to go to school today. You don't have to go to school tonight. Навіщо ви прийшли? Why have you come? Why are you here? Не злите нас. Don't make us angry. Don't make us angry. Это большая работа. It's a big job. It's a big job. Том сказав, що йому потрібно купити щось попоїсти. Tom said he needed to buy something to eat. Tom said he needed something to eat. Почему бы вам туда не пойти? Why don't you go there? Why don't you go there? Я просто виконав свою роботу. I just did my job. I just did my job. Думаешь, Том замкнутый? Do you think Tom is unsociable? You think Tom's locked? Я пʼю гарбату. I'm drinking tea. I drink tea. Её родной язык французский. French is her first language. Her mother tongue is French. Сегодня я увидел звезду. I saw a star today. I saw a star today. У мене з'явилися плани. I made plans. I've got plans. Ты хочешь закончить, как он? Do you want to end up like him? You want to finish up like him? Я когда-то был таким, как они. I used to be like them. I used to be like them. Вечеря була така смачна! The dinner was so delicious. The evening was so delicious! Не будь занадто упертим. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too stubborn. Он торгует автомобилями. He sells cars. He trades cars. Бажаю вам жити у цікаві часи. May you live in interesting times. I want you to live in exciting times. Я хотів би це побачити. I would like to see it. I'd like to see it. Слід було працювати старанніше. You should have worked harder. I had to work harder. Я не уверен, что доверяю тебе. I'm not sure I trust you. I'm not sure I trust you. Я часто вижу, как Том и Мэри это делают. I often see Tom and Mary doing that. I often see Tom and Mary doing it. Завтра будет снег. It will snow tomorrow. There'll be snow tomorrow. Она сказала, что ей очень хочется спать. She said that she was very sleepy. She said she really wanted to sleep. Почему Том с вами не согласен? Why doesn't Tom agree with you? Why doesn't Tom agree with you? Нам следует смотреть миру прямо в лицо. We ought to look the world straight in the face. We should look at the world in the face. Что вы будете делать сегодня после школы? What'll you do after school today? What will you do today after school? Нам потрібно скасувати збори. We need to cancel the meeting. We need to cancel the congregations. Я хотел бы увидеть Тома. I would like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Яка справжня причина того, що Тома тут немає? What's the real reason that Tom isn't here? What's the real reason Tom's not here? Они тебя найдут. They're going to find you. They'll find you. Царква стаіць ля падножжа ўзгорка. The church is at the foot of the hill. The church stands at the foot of the hill. Том и Мэри поцеловались. Tom and Mary kissed one another. Tom and Mary kissed. Цябе не варта чытаць кнігу ў такім цёмным пакоі. Do not read books in such a dim room. Thee should not read the book in such a dark room. Ледъ пълзеть въ водѣ. Ice melts in water. Stick in the water. Я поїду до Бостона з Томом. I'll go to Boston with Tom. I'm going to Boston with Tom. Было воскресенье, и я не стал вставать рано. It was Sunday and I wasn't about to get up early. It was Sunday, and I didn't get up early. Ва ўдавы было дзве дачкі. A widow had two daughters. The widow had two daughters. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було тринадцять років. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen. Tom’s parents died when he was thirteen. Чому Том не зробив цього вчора? Why didn't Tom do that yesterday? Why didn't Tom do it yesterday? Не думаю, что тебе будет легко это сделать. I don't think that it'll be easy for you to do that. I don't think it'll be easy for you to do that. Я передзвонив Тому. I called Tom back. I called Tom back. Я теж на пенсії. I'm retired, too. I'm retired, too. Том дуже неввічливий. Tom is really rude. Tom's very rude. Том тоже хочет прийти. Tom wants to come, too. Tom wants to come, too. Ненавижу больничную еду. I hate hospital food. I hate hospital food. Ты сегодня вечером идёшь на концерт? Are you going to the concert tonight? Are you going to a concert tonight? Велике дерево впало на дорогу і, коли я їхав, загородило мені шлях. A big tree had fallen across the road and was in my way as I drove. The big tree fell on the road and, while I was driving, stopped my way. Він проігнорував мене. He ignored me. He ignored me. Мне нужно в туалет. I have to go to the bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom. Гадаєш, я гладкий? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm smooth? Это невероятно. That's amazing. That's incredible. Дзе яблуко? Where is the apple? Where is the apple? Мы не вернёмся. We won't be back. We're not coming back. Давно такой жары не было. It hasn't been this hot in a long time. It's been a long time. У мяне ані гроша. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. У вас нет сердца. You have no heart. You don't have a heart. Я б з радістю тобі допоміг. I'd be happy to help you. I'd love to help you. Что у неё за план? What's her plan? What's her plan? Мені все одно, що вони про мене думають. I don't care what they think about me. I don't care what they think of me. Давай выпьем в том кафе кофе или ещё что-нибудь. Let's drink some coffee or something at that coffee shop over there. Let's have some coffee in that coffee or something. Я люблю поїздки. I love trips. I love trips. Том пойдёт с тобой? Will Tom go with you? Is Tom coming with you? Мы с Томом вскоре стали друзьями. Tom and I soon became friends. Tom and I soon became friends. Том — не кузен Мері. Tom isn't Mary's cousin. Tom is not Mary's cousin. Гадаю, я поставила добрі запитання. I think I asked the right questions. I think I asked good questions. Вони ніколи не п'ють пива. They never drink beer. They never drink beer. Том і толькі Том можа гэта зрабіць. Tom and only Tom can do it. Tom and only Tom can do it. Ребёнок — не сосуд, который нужно наполнить, а огонь, который нужно зажечь. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. The child is not the vessel to be filled, but the fire to be lit. Вона годинами чекала на нього. She waited for him for hours. She waited for him for hours. Все, похоже, довольны. Everybody seems to be happy. Everything looks good. Мы успешны. We're successful. We are successful. Вы бы хотели научиться играть на гитаре? Would you like to learn how to play the guitar? Would you like to learn how to play guitar? На завтра всё готово? Is everything ready for tomorrow? Is everything ready for tomorrow? Яму вельмі падабаецца музыка. He is very fond of music. He likes music very much. Мэри сказала мне, что она канадка. Mary told me she was Canadian. Mary told me she was Canadian. Цо вецей бо сом могол сцец? What more could I want? That's right, 'cause it's my way through the walls? Сіль скінчилася. There's no salt left. The salt's over. За ваше майбутнє! To your future! For your future! Я сажусь на одиннадцатичасовой поезд. I'm catching the 11:00 train. I'm on 11 o'clock train. Вам можно доверить секрет? Can you keep a secret? Can I trust you with a secret? Кот дохлый. The tomcat is dead. The cat's dead. У нього глибокий голос. He has a deep voice. He's got a deep voice. Здається, він не вміє плавати. He seems unable to swim. I don't think he can swim. Не мълви пълнымь рътъмь. Don't speak with your mouth full. Don't get drunk. Мері сказала, що боїться. Mary said she was afraid. Mary said she was afraid. Что ты делаешь в моей комнате? What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my room? Я думав, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Это ровным счётом ничего не доказывает. It proves absolutely nothing. It's a flat count that doesn't prove anything. Ми це усвідомлюємо. We realize that. We realize that. Саме це врешті-решт зробив Том. That's exactly what Tom ended up doing. That's what Tom finally did. Ён скончыў Такійскі Універсітэт. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from University of Taken. На Тома напали. Tom was attacked. Tom's been attacked. Я знаю, что вы бы сделали для меня то же самое. I know you'd have done the same for me. I know you'd do the same for me. У меня столько же книг, сколько у Тома. I have the same number of books as Tom has. I have as many books as Tom has. Ты именно тот, кого мы ищем. You're just the person we've been looking for. You're the one we're looking for. Відверто кажучи, я з вами не згодна. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. Frankly, I don't agree with you. Это моё любимое. That's my favorite. It's my favorite. Я вивчаю англійську мову. I study English. I study English. Это неверные данные. This data is incorrect. That's wrong. Полиция арестовала её. The police have arrested her. The police arrested her. Вона молодша за мене на п'ять років. She is five years junior to me. She's five years younger than me. Побалакай зі своїми друзями. Chat with your friends. Talk to your friends. Павер мне, я інжынер! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Там никого не было, кроме Тома. No one was there except for Tom. There was no one but Tom. Гэта маё жыццё. It's my life. This is my life. Тебе вчера долго пришлось нас ждать? Did it take much time for you to wait for us yesterday? You had to wait for us a long time yesterday? Том может остаться в Австралии ещё на неделю. Tom may stay in Australia for another week. Tom can stay in Australia for another week. Тому точно больше тридцати. Tom is certainly above thirty. So it's definitely over thirty. Ми можемо це зробити. We can do it. We can do that. Сейчас в Бостоне идёт дождь. It's raining now in Boston. It's raining in Boston now. Мая родная мова — партугальская. My native language is Portuguese. My native language is Portuguese. Банани жовті. Bananas are yellow. The Bananas are yellow. Что бы ты сделал, будь у тебя миллиард долларов? What would you do if you had a billion dollars? What would you do if you had a billion dollars? «Сягоння пахавалі малочніка. Было многа народу, таму што ўсе ў вёсцы яго ведалі». — «О, так у Лінсхотэне ёсць малочнік?» — «Ну, не, цяпер ужо не!» "Today, the milkman was buried. There were a lot of people, cause everybody in the village knew him." "Oh, is there a milkman in Linschoten?" "Well, no, not anymore!" "There was a lot of people in the village who buried the baby." "Oh, so Linshoten has the baby boy?" "Well, no, now it's no longer!" Её пренебрежительные замечания в адрес своего начальника стоили ей работы. Her derogatory remarks towards her boss caused her to lose her job. Her disrespectful remarks to her supervisor cost her her work. Он пострадал в происшествии. He was hurt in the accident. He's been hurt by the accident. Давай замовимо піцу. Let's order a pizza. Let's get some pizza. Ты ім дапаможаш? Will you help them? Will you help them? Я запалив детонатор. I lit the fuse. I lit the detonator. Он будет исключён из нашего клуба. That person will be read out of our club. He'll be expelled from our club. Яна ўключыла тэлевізар. She turned on the TV. She included a televiser. Хіба ви не повертаєтеся сьогодні ввечері? Aren't you coming back tonight? Don't you come back tonight? Кто берёт на себя за это ответственность? Who's taking responsibility for this? Who takes responsibility? У мене є чудові новини. I have great news. I have great news. Ми ідеальна пара. We are a perfect match. We're a perfect couple. Вона ловить слова з його рота. She hangs on every word he says. She's catching words from his mouth. Забылъ єсмь. I forgot it. Forget it. Том выглядит запыхавшимся. Tom looks winded. Tom looks drunk. Мені болить голова. My head hurts. My head hurts. Он взял такси до вокзала. He took a taxi to the station. He took the taxi to the station. Музей працуе з панядзелка па пятніцу. The museum is open from Monday to Friday. The museum works from Monday through Friday. Я знаю тайну Тома. I know Tom's secret. I know Tom's secret. Вивчати іноземні мови нудно. Learning foreign languages is boring. Learning foreign languages is boring. Моя родина живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Я, должно быть, уснул. I must have fallen asleep. I must have fallen asleep. Коли сѧ єси родила? When were you born? When did you give birth to c? Я говорив про одяг. I was talking about clothes. I was talking about clothes. У тебя на это, наверное, часа три уйдёт. It'll probably take you about three hours to do that. You'll probably have three hours off. Ты знаешь, кто их убил? Do you know who killed them? Do you know who killed them? Коли ти останнього разу була в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Ты мара, што здзейснілася. You're a dream come true. You are a dream that has come true. Шкода, що я не можу залишитися тут назавжди. I wish I could stay here forever. I'm sorry I can't stay here forever. Вбий її. Kill her. Kill her. Ты нам лгал, не так ли? You've lied to us, haven't you? You lied to us, didn't you? Возможно, она так сказала. She may have said so. Maybe she said that. Воно однакове. It's all the same. It's the same. Вона була відомою акторкою. She was a famous actress. She was a famous actress. Чому ви танцюєте? Why are you dancing? Why are you dancing? Ліфт не працював. The lift was not working. The elevator didn't work. У мяне ў панядзелак урок ігры на скрыпцы. I have a violin lesson on Monday. I have a violin lesson on Monday. Я забыла полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to smoke flowers. Ніхто не любить програвати. No one likes to lose. Nobody likes to lose. Том стурбований із-за дітей. Tom is worried about the kids. Tom's worried about the kids. Почему ты такой упрямый? Why are you being so stubborn? Why are you so stubborn? Тот малыш - Том. That baby is Tom. That kid is Tom. Ты заслугоўваеш найлепшага. You deserve the best. You deserve the best. Пакінь гэта мне. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Ты когда-нибудь сосал? Have you ever sucked a penis? Have you ever sat down? Ми не пара. We're not a couple. We're not a couple. Школи будуть зачинені сьогодні. Schools will be closed today. Schools will be closed today. Ісус лізе з усіх дірок. Jesus is a pest. Jesus is casting out of all holes. Што зараз адбываецца ў Польшы? What's happening now in Poland? What is happening in Poland now? Я усвідомлюю, наскільки ти, мабуть, роздратована. I realize how frustrated you must be. I realize how angry you must be. Мы не можем просто взять и сделать вид, что ничего не произошло. We can't just pretend like nothing happened. We can't just make it look like nothing's happened. Я вырашыла, што буду вучыцца граць на арфе. I've made up my mind to learn how to play the harp. I decided that I would learn to play harp. Жена часто звонит мне, когда ездит за границу. My wife often rings me up, while she travels abroad. The wife often calls me when she's going abroad. Какова высота Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг? What's the height of the Empire State Building? What's the height of Empair State Wilding? Я спросил у Тома. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. До того, як я відвідав Австралію, я й не уявляв, яка Японія маленька. I didn't realize till I visited Australia how small Japan really is. Before I visited Australia, I had no idea which Japan was small. Вони не могли знайти той літак. They couldn't find that plane. They couldn't find that plane. Ён не вельмі слухмяны, праўда? He isn't very obedient, is he? He's not very obedient, is he? Говори коротко. Be brief. Speak briefly. Том не знає, що ти зробила. Tom doesn't know what you've done. Tom doesn't know what you did. Ненавиджу молоко. I hate milk. I hate milk. Калі ласка, зрабіце глыбокі ўдых. Take a deep breath, please. Please make a deep breath. Некоторым это не нравится. Some people don't like that. Some people don't like it. Том обещал, что не будет плакать. Tom promised he wouldn't cry. Tom promised he wouldn't cry. Ми замовимо піццу. We'll order a pizza. We'll order pizza. Віддайте мені мої гроші. Give me back my money. Give me my money. Я – твой. I'm yours. I'm yours. Нас обеих зовут Мэри. We're both named Mary. Both of us are called Mary. Здаецца, мы не зразумелі адзін аднога. There appears to be a misunderstanding. We don't seem to understand one thing. У меня был плохой день. I've had a bad day. I had a bad day. Мэри занимается у себя в комнате. Mary is studying in her room. Mary's in her room. Её манера говорить нервирует меня. The way she talks gets on my nerves. Her manner of speaking makes me nervous. То крава? Is it a cow? Is that a crab? Я знайомий із вашим батьком. I know your father. I know your father. Сеть огромная. The net is huge. The network is huge. Ти знаєш, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know I don't have to do this, do you? Том намного ниже Мэри. Tom is much shorter than Mary. Tom's much lower than Mary. Я піду по них. I'll go get them. I'll follow them. Прадед Тома родился слепым. Tom's great-grandfather was born blind. Tom's grandfather was born blind. Я люблю гэтую кнігу больш за ўсё. I love this book above all. I love this book the most. Том сказал мне, что это невозможно. Tom told me that it's impossible. Tom told me it was impossible. Я нечасто вожу машину. I don't drive often. I don't often drive a car. Може, Том втомився. Maybe Tom is tired. Maybe Tom's tired. Вы ведёте себя как дурак. You're acting like a fool. You're acting like a fool. Том не може прийти. Tom can't come. Tom can't come. В інтернеті ніхто не знає, що ти кішка. On the internet, nobody knows you're a cat. On the Internet, nobody knows you're a cat. Перестаньте петь. Stop singing. Stop singing. Ноччу яна глядзела на месяц. At night, she gazed at the moon. At night she looked at the month. Том прыйдзе, каб забіць нас? Is Tom coming to kill us? Tom will come to kill us? Моё любимое дерево - плакучая ива. My favorite tree is the weeping willow. My favorite tree is the weeping iwa. Вона мене запросила. She invited me. She invited me. Він друг мого брата. He's a friend of my brother's. He's my brother's friend. Я розсердив цю жінку. I made the woman angry. I upset this woman. Я не послухала. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Том взял у Мэри интервью. Tom interviewed Mary. Tom took an interview from Mary. Тобі вдалося поспати? Did you manage to sleep? Did you get some sleep? Том сказал, что ищет вас. Tom said he was looking for you. Tom said he was looking for you. Це Том поцілував Мері, а не Джон. Tom was the one who kissed Mary, not John. Tom kissed Mary, not John. Том сказал, что рад, что вы вернулись. Tom said he is glad that you're back. Tom said he was glad you'd come back. Я купив цю книгу за десять доларів. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought this book for ten dollars. Думаешь, вечером будет дождь? Do you think it'll rain tonight? You think it'll rain tonight? Їжа виглядає смачно. The food looks delicious. The food looks delicious. Вона весь час протирічить сама собі. She contradicts herself all the time. She's always conflicting with herself. Гэта мой сябар. This is my friend. That's my friend. Але цяпер, калі да мэты застаўся толькі крок, Орэст раптам разгубіўся. But now, when only one step was left to reach the goal, Orestes suddenly lost his courage. But now that there was only a step to the goal, Orestes suddenly disintegrated. Щось із цього має значення? Does any of this matter? Does any of this matter? Я люблю учить другие языки. I love learning other languages. I love teaching other languages. Я так его любила. I loved him so much. I loved him so much. Выглядите умопомрачительно. You look fabulous. Look eerie. Ви сурові, але справедливі. You're tough but fair. You are harsh but just. Том думает, что я сейчас в Бостоне. Tom thinks that I'm in Boston now. Tom thinks I'm in Boston. Она могла бы это сделать. She could have done it. She could have done it. Ботинки Тома утонули в глубоком снегу. Tom's boots sank into the deep snow. Tom's boots drowned in the deep snow. Мы ищем наши паспорта. We're looking for our passports. We're looking for our passports. Я в жизни не слышал, чтобы кто-нибудь так громко печатал. I've never heard someone type so loud in my entire life. I didn't hear anyone do this loudly. Он в этом не очень силён. He's not very good at it. He's not very strong in that. Якими мовами розмовляють в Америці? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Нам будет не хватать вас обоих. You'll both be missed. We'll miss you both. Не нужно было спешить. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to rush. Канешне, я пайду туды з табой. Of course, I will go there with you. I'll go there with you. Ти розумний хлопець. You're a bright boy. You're a smart guy. Будь ласка, зачекайте п’ять хвилин. Wait five minutes, please. Please wait five minutes. Я решил простить Тома. I've decided to forgive Tom. I decided to forgive Tom. Калі заквітнеюць дрэвы? When will the trees blossom? When do trees blossom? Не кажы, што ты ніколі не закохвалася. Don't tell me you were never in love. Don't say you never fell in love. Что за работа? What's the job? What's the job? Ми сподівалися, що дощ припиниться до обіду. We had hoped that the rain would stop before noon. We hoped that the rain would stop by lunch. Два больших кофе, пожалуйста. Two large coffees, please. Two big coffees, please. Том, може бути, був свідком. Tom might have been a witness. Tom may have been a witness. Вони загинули, намагаючись спасти інших. They died trying to save others. They died trying to save others. Я посмотрел. I looked. I saw it. Я думал, что они ошибаются. I thought they were wrong. I thought they were wrong. Бога не існує. God does not exist. There is no God. Помолись за нас. Pray for us. Pray for us. Мне кажется, мы знакомы. I feel like I know you. I think we know each other. Я не знаю, кому Том продав своє авто. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. I don't know who Tom sold his car. Я посижу с Томом. I'll sit with Tom. I'm sitting with Tom. Сє єсмъı пѫть замъıслили вєликъ. Lo, we have conceived a great campaign. It's an ass. It's a giant's hand. Здесь и сейчас. Here and now. Here and now. Не прощаючись, він зник у натовпі. Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd. Without saying good-bye, he disappeared in the crowd. Как вы думаете, что скажет Том, когда об этом узнает? What do you think Tom will say when he finds out about this? What do you think Tom's gonna say when he finds out? У Тома нет плохих привычек. Tom doesn't have any bad habits. Tom doesn't have bad habits. Ты ѥси Богъ. Thou art God. You are God's. Старайся быть оптимисткой. Try to be optimistic. Try to be optimistic. Ты спросил Тома, кто помогал ему с уроками? Did you ask Tom who helped him with his homework? Did you ask Tom who helped him with the lessons? Во сколько мы уезжаем? What time are we leaving? How long are we leaving? Чым болей сыру, тым болей дзірак. Чым болей дзірак, тым меней сыру. Адсюль вывад: чым болей сыру, тым меней сыру. The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese. The more cheese, the more diced the hole, the less cheese, the less cheese, hence the output: the more cheese, the less cheese. Ви дуже потворний. You're very ugly. You're so ugly. Том никогда не подозревал, что Мэри и Джон встречались друг с другом. Tom never had an inkling that Mary and John were dating each other. Tom never suspected Mary and John were dating each other. На солнце лежит кошка. A cat is lying in the sun. A cat lies in the sun. Я просто хочу быть хорошим отцом. I just want to be a good father. I just want to be a good father. Я знаю, що Том під впливом алкоголю. I know Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom's under the influence of alcohol. В конце этого года произойдёт экономический кризис. There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year. At the end of this year, there will be an economic crisis. Можливо, цей світ — це пекло іншої планети. Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. Perhaps this world is a hell of a different planet. Він не менш добрий, ніж його сестра. He is no less kind than his sister. He's no less good than his sister. Я вже вирішив, де буду жити. I've already decided where to live. I've already decided where I'll live. Я купил его в кредит. I bought it on credit. I bought him a loan. Том вже дорослий, правда? Tom is an adult now, isn't he? Tom's grown up, isn't he? Яке ваше улюблене місто? What's your favourite town? What's your favorite city? Ти здурів? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? Я попросила Тома заспівати мою улюблену пісню. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. Я нічого не їла від самого сніданку. I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. Можна мені взяти твоє пальто? May I take your coat? Can I get your coat? Как сильно ты был вчера занят? How busy were you yesterday? How busy were you last night? Том всё сделал не так. Tom has done everything wrong. Tom didn't do it that way. Перепрошую, що я тебе потурбувала. I'm sorry that I bothered you. Excuse me for bothering you. Сегодня столько всего произошло. Today, many things happened. So many things happened today. Я как-нибудь найду деньги. I'll find the money somehow. I'll find the money sometime. Мы на вас рассчитываем. We count on you. We're counting on you. Я ему позвонила, но трубку взяла какая-то девушка. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called him, but some girl got the phone. Зупиніть Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Мы забыли, что вы не любите пиццу. We forgot you don't like pizza. We forgot you didn't like pizza. Я витратив 3 тис. йен на новий компакт-диск. I spent 3000 yen on a new CD. I spent 3 yen on a new CD. Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to speak with them. I need to talk to them. Ты пробовал с ним поговорить? Have you tried talking to him? You tried to talk to him? Хіба ти не заплатиш? Aren't you going to pay? Don't you pay? Он обхватил колени руками. He hugged his knees. He's got his knees in his hands. Том ховається під ліжком. Tom is hiding under the bed. Tom's hiding under the bed. У мене закінчилася робота. I am out of work. I'm done. Кому ты собирался её продать? Who were you going to sell it to? Who were you going to sell it to? Хватайте его! Seize him! Grab him! Они первыми забрались в автобус. They were the first to get into the bus. They first got on the bus. Мне будет Вас не хватать. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. Я ўпэўненая ў яго перамозе. I am sure of his victory. I am sure of his victory. Я рад, что Том не пострадал. I'm glad Tom wasn't hurt. I'm glad Tom's not hurt. Хорошая идея пришла ей в голову в последний момент. A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. A good idea came to her mind at the last moment. Не выводи меня из себя. Don't push my buttons. Don't take me out of your mind. Вона говорить на трьох іноземних мовах. She can speak three foreign languages. It speaks three foreign languages. Том ма шестру коло ваших рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom ma's six at your rock. Такую ситуацию я бы очень хотел изменить. It's a situation I would love to change. That is a situation that I would very much like to change. Мы с Томом часто дарим друг другу подарки. Tom and I often give each other gifts. Tom and I often give each other gifts. Возьми своё пальто. Сегодня холодно. Take your coat. It's cold today. Take your coat, it's cold today. Это меня так злит! It makes me so angry. That makes me so angry! Не хочѭ ѣсти. I'm not hungry. Not even . . . . Коли він прибув? When did he arrive? When did he arrive? Її родина дуже любить дивитися телевізор кожного дня. His family really loves watching television every day. Her family enjoys watching TV every day. Том упал и ранил колено. Tom fell and hurt his knee. Tom fell and wounded his knee. Я бачив її тиждень тому. I saw her a week ago today. I saw her a week ago. Вось за што я люблю Еўрабачанне. That's why I like Eurovision. That's what I love Eurovision for. Ми намагаємося. We're trying. We're trying. Ти можеш на мене розраховувати. You can rely on me. You can count on me. Давай быстрей доедай завтрак. Hurry up and finish your breakfast. Let's get breakfast quick. Вы её продадите? Will you sell it? Will you sell it? В любом случае, я сейчас подумываю испробовать похожие вещи. In any case, now I'm considering trying out some likely things. Anyway, I'm thinking about trying things like this right now. Слухати музику - мій улюблений спосіб відпочинку. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my favorite form of recreation. Я відповім на ще одне запитання. I'll take one more question. I'll answer another question. Чому ви думаєте, що Том не зміг би цього зробити? What makes you think Tom couldn't do that? Why do you think Tom couldn't do this? Я рада, что ты была там. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Мой папа постепенно выздоравливает. My father is gradually getting better. My dad's getting better. Цікаво, чи Том дійсно мав намір цим зайнятися. I wonder if Tom really intended to do that. I wonder if Tom really intended to do that. Танцуют все! Everybody dance! Everybody's dancing! Це найвища вежа в Японії. This is the highest tower in Japan. It is the highest tower in Japan. Я знаю, что Том поцеловал Мэри. I know that Tom kissed Mary. I know Tom kissed Mary. Ця кава така гаряча, що я не можу її пити. This coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. This coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. Што гэта значыць? What does it mean? What does it mean? Він нічого не підозрював. He didn't suspect anything. He didn't suspect anything. Мені подобається така робота. I like that kind of work. I like this kind of job. Том сказал мне, какую книгу покупать. Tom told me which book I should buy. Tom told me what book to buy. А если он сейчас вернется? What if he comes back now? What if he comes back? Это было вчера. It was yesterday. It was yesterday. Том немного старше, чем я. Tom is somewhat older than I. Tom's a little older than me. Ці люди божевільні? Are those people crazy? Are these people crazy? Зараз я чытаю кнігу. I am reading a book now. I'm reading a book now. Том просигналил Мэри остановиться. Tom signaled Mary to stop. Tom signaled Mary to stop. Месяц сёння надзвычайна прыгожы. The moon is exceptionally pretty tonight. The month today is extremely beautiful. Что случилось с машиной Тома? What happened to Tom's car? What happened to Tom's car? Мне идея нравится. I like the idea. I like the idea. Я вважаю, що проблема тут. I think that the problem is here. I think the problem is here. Тебе надо спать. You should sleep. You need to sleep. Я хотел бы купить две марки по сорок пять центов, пожалуйста. I'd like to buy two 45-cent stamps, please. I'd like to buy two stamps for forty-five cents, please. Снаружи снег. There's snow outside. Outside the snow. У них два сина і одна донька. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. Вам придётся подождать здесь. You'll have to wait here. You'll have to wait here. Том сказав, що поскаржиться. Tom said he'd complain. Tom said he'd complain. Ти їм про це казала? Did you tell them about this? Did you tell them that? Ти можеш порекомендувати доброго лікаря? Can you recommend a good doctor? Can you recommend a good doctor? Я їм. I eat. I eat it. Коли ви останній раз купували взуття? When was the last time you bought shoes? When was the last time you bought shoes? Тома было нелегко найти. Tom was hard to find. Tom wasn't easy to find. Я не думаю, что Том захочет поехать с тобой в Бостон. I don't think Tom will want to go to Boston with you. I don't think Tom's gonna want to come to Boston with you. Бесчалавечнасць Бога ў адносінах да чалавека застаўляе тысячы людзей тужыць. God's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn. God's inhumanity to man makes thousands of people groan. Я радая, што ты мне дапамагла. I am glad that you have helped me. I'm glad you helped me. Зазвичай вони ходять до школи з понеділка до п’ятниці. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. They usually attend school from Monday to Friday. Тот день стал важной вехой в истории нашего проекта. That day was an important milestone in our project. That day was a milestone in the history of our project. Том не ездил в Бостон на машине. Tom didn't go to Boston by car. Tom didn't drive to Boston on a car. Гэта найважнейшая прычына. That's the most important reason. This is the most important reason. Абяры адзін. Choose one. Abyss one. Дайте мне немного времени, чтобы это обдумать. Give me a little time to think it over. Give me some time to think about it. Ми не маємо цукру. We have no sugar. We don't have sugar. Я всё тебе отдал. I've given you everything. I gave it to you. Что ты мне предлагаешь? What are you suggesting to me? What are you offering me? Том — знаменитість місцевого масштабу. Tom is a local celebrity. Tom is a celebrity on a local scale. Хіба ти не вмієш говорити французькою? Aren't you able to speak French? Can't you speak French? Яка катастрофа! What a disaster! What a catastrophe! Здачі не потрібно! Keep the change! No luck! Ты ведаеш яго? Do you know him? Do you know him? Ніхто більше не слухає. Nobody is listening anymore. No one's listening anymore. Я репортёр. I'm a reporter. I'm a reporter. Я не сказал друзьям, что еду в Австралию. I didn't tell my friends that I was going to Australia. I didn't tell my friends I was going to Australia. Хвіліну! Не кладзіце трубку! Wait a minute! Hang on! Just a minute! Don't put your phone on! Они очень весёлые люди. They're very cheerful people. They're very funny people. Мы с Томом очень близки. Tom and I are very close. Tom and I are very close. Фома должен быть там к двум тридцати. Tom has to be there by 2:30. The Thomas's got to be there at two thirty. Сахара - крупнейший в мире источник пыли. The Sahara is the largest source of dust in the world. Sahara is the world's largest source of dust. Скажи мне, когда будешь готов. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're ready. Это совершенно неприемлемо. This is totally unacceptable. This is totally unacceptable. Том ушел с Мэри. Tom walked out with Mary. Tom left with Mary. Вона не хоче виходити за нього. She is reluctant to marry him. She doesn't want to marry him. Не пий за кермом. Don't drive under the influence. Don't drink the wheel. С этим придётся подождать. This will have to wait. That'll have to wait. Том почистив яблуко. Tom peeled the apple. Tom cleaned the apple. Я більше не вчитель. I'm no longer a teacher. I'm not a teacher anymore. Не осуждайте Тома. Don't blame Tom. Don't judge Tom. Солнце находится в центре Солнечной системы. The Sun is in the center of the solar system. The sun is at the center of the solar system. Я очень надеюсь, что вы сможете прийти. I really hope you can come. I really hope you can come. Почему говорят "добрый день", если день не добрый? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why say "good day" if day is not good? Том сказал, что не планирует этого делать. Tom said that he's not planning on doing that. Tom said he wasn't planning on doing that. Сядзь! Sit down. Sit down! Я думала, мы подруги. I thought that we were friends. I thought we were friends. Я намагався тобі розповісти. I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you. Том каже, що був зайнятий. Tom says he was busy. Tom says he was busy. Хочеш побачити? Do you want to see? You want to see it? Я повинен вчити французьку. I have to learn French. I have to teach French. Думаю, што яны гэта робяць наўмысна. I think they do that on purpose. I think they do it deliberately. Я якраз збираюся це змінити. I am just about to change that. I'm just going to change that. Мері знає, що її розшукує поліція. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Mary knows she's being searched by the police. Это вы виноваты в том, что это случилось. It's your fault that that happened. It's your fault it happened. Таксі приїхало. The taxi is here. Taxi's here. Я не можу пити чай без цукру. I cannot drink tea without sugar. I can't drink tea without sugar. У мене все ще є питання, які я хочу тобі поставити. I still have questions I want to ask you. I still have some questions I want to ask you. Скажи им, что мы едем. Tell them we're on our way. Tell them we're going. Вот почему я нанял тебя. That's why I hired you. That's why I hired you. Он не видит в этом ничего плохого. He sees nothing wrong with it. He doesn't see anything wrong with that. Я хочу защитить Тома. I want to protect Tom. I want to protect Tom. Ти велика. You are big. You're big. Я буду дуже сумувати за тобою, якщо ти поїдеш з Японії. I will badly miss you if you leave Japan. I'll miss you very much if you leave Japan. Ледъ таѥсть въ водѣ. Ice melts in water. Get in the water. Вы знаете, что здесь происходит? Do you know what's going on here? Do you know what's going on here? Дехто не хотів битися. Some were unwilling to fight. Some didn't want to fight. Том сказал Мэри, что занят. Tom told Mary he was busy. Tom told Mary he was busy. Я крикнув. I shouted. I yelled. У Самі задзвонив телефон. Sami's phone started ringing. I got a phone call from myself. Я не готов к этому. I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready for that. Скажи мне, пожалуйста, что это значит. Please tell me what that means. Tell me, please, what that means. Они не успели в срок. They missed the deadline. They're not on time. Я думаю, вы спешите. I assume you're in a hurry. I think you're in a hurry. Том каже, що я дуже наївна. Tom says I'm very gullible. Tom says I'm very naive. Раньше Том был уличным музыкантом. Tom used to be a street musician. Tom used to be a street musician. Вони не виглядають задоволеними. They don't seem happy. They don't look content. Ми тут заради Тома. We're here for Tom. We're here for Tom. Это шутка была? Was that a joke? Was that a joke? Самі був популярний як серед студентів, так і серед викладачів. Sami was popular with both students and teachers. It was popular with both students and teachers. Ми пішли до тієї самої церкви. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Даруй, я цябе не пачула. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Daruy, I didn't hear you. Я не хочу, щоб ти загинула. I don't want you to die. I don't want you to die. Том — власник кафе, що спеціалізується на морозиві. Tom is an ice cream shop owner. Tom is the owner of a café specializing in ice cream. Мы этого не допустим. We're not going to let that happen. We won't let that happen. Том папрасіў у майго бацькі дазволу выйсці за мяне замуж. Tom asked my father for permission to marry me. Tom asked my father for permission to marry me. Ви знаєте, куди ми їдемо? Do you know where we're going? Do you know where we're going? Я всегда хотел научиться готовить как ты. I've always wanted to learn to cook like you. I always wanted to learn how to cook like you. Я без тебе не піду. I'm not going without you. I'm not going without you. Вы действительно хотите выйти за него замуж? Do you really want to marry him? You really want to marry him? Ви приїхали останніми. You were the last one to arrive. You're the last one to come. Я разлічвала на яго. I counted on him. I counted on him. Вони не втратили надію. They did not give up hope. They have not lost hope. Вони живуть там. They live there. They live there. Мій батько повернеться на початку наступного місяця. My father will be back at the beginning of next month. My father will be back at the beginning of the next month. Ми повинні робити це частіше. We must do this more often. We have to do it more often. Хорошо пахнет. That smells good. It smells good. Я рад, что Том ушёл. I'm glad Tom has gone. I'm glad Tom left. Ты вярнешся заўтра? Will you come back tomorrow? Will you come back tomorrow? Мені здається, ми розмовляли по телефону. I believe we spoke on the phone. I think we've been talking on the phone. Поговорим об этом сегодня вечером. Let's talk about that tonight. We'll talk about it tonight. Ѡтъкръıи очи. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Каждый из нас пошёл к себе домой. We each went to our respective homes. Each of us went to his own house. Кто написал то письмо? Who wrote that letter? Who wrote that letter? Не заставляйте меня это делать. Don't make me do that. Don't make me do that. Чаму вы плакалі? Why did you cry? Why did you cry? Ви співали. You were singing. You sang. Коратка кажучы, я не згаджаюся. In short, I disagree. Let's say I don't agree. Том прогнал кошек. Tom chased the cats away. Tom ran the cat. Він ніколи мене не здолає. He'll never beat me. He's never gonna beat me. Мэри мне не дочь. Она моя племянница. Mary isn't my daughter. She's my niece. Mary's my niece. Хватит его дразнить. Stop teasing him. Stop teasing him. Здесь почти не бывает снега. It almost never snows here. There's hardly any snow here. Он дал изложение фактов без комментариев. He gave a bald statement of the facts. He gave an account of the facts without comment. Я очень сочувствую Тому. I feel very sorry for Tom. I'm very sympathetic to Tom. Том показав Мері свій фотоальбом. Tom showed his photo album to Mary. Tom showed Mary his photo album. Я боялася сказати ні. I was afraid to say no. I was afraid to say no. Вони вміють ловити рибу. They can fish. They can catch fish. Том та Мері виглядають щасливими. Tom and Mary seem happy. Tom and Mary look happy. Я спросил, как вы. I asked how you were. I asked you how. Чому це ти для мене робиш? Why are you doing this for me? Why are you doing this for me? Хіба ти не хочеш мати власних дітей? Don't you want to have kids of your own? Don't you want your own kids? Том любит читать Германа Гессе. Tom likes reading Hermann Hesse. Tom likes to read Herman Hess. Я не специалист. I'm no expert. I'm not a specialist. Том не зробив усього того, що мусив зробити. Tom didn't do everything he had to do. Tom didn't do everything he had to do. Гэта было не сапраўднае каханне. It wasn't real love. It was not true love. Для производства автомобилей используются роботы. Robots are used to manufacture cars. Robots are used to manufacture cars. У Тома американский акцент. Tom has an American accent. Tom has an American accent. Некоторые люди боятся собак. Some people are afraid of dogs. Some people fear dogs. Мудак. Asshole. Asshole. Солдати загинули. The soldiers died. Soldiers are dead. Том наступного тижня повертається з Австралії. Tom is coming back to Australia next week. Tom returns from Australia next week. Сегодня я ходил на могилу своего дедушки. I went to visit my grandfather's grave today. Today I went to the grave of my grandfather. Том работал в Австралии преподавателем французского. Tom worked as a French teacher in Australia. Tom worked in Australia as a French teacher. Усмешка пачвары была лютай. The monster's smile was cruel. The smile of the monster was furious. Чи не могли б ви викликати мені таксі? Would you like me to call a taxi? Could you call me a taxi? Я даже имени Вашего пока не знаю. I don't even know your name yet. I don't even know your name yet. Компьютер распознаёт две сотни видов ошибок. The computer recognises two hundred different types of errors. The computer recognizes two hundred kinds of errors. Дивись на нас. Watch us. Look at us. Вихід справа. The exit is on the right. The way to the right. Пожалуйста, выберите более надёжный пароль. Please choose a stronger password. Please choose a more secure password. У мене неприємності. I am in trouble. I'm in trouble. У мяне няма грошай. I have no money. I don't have money. Дівчина, яку ми бачили, як вона на когось чекала біля будинку Тома, — це Мері. The girl we saw waiting in front of Tom's house was Mary. The girl we saw waiting for someone at Tom’s house was Mary. Ви можете сісти, де хочете. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit where you want. Дарога доўгая. The road is long. The road is long. Сіні колер табе пасуе. Blue looks good on you. The blue color of thee sucks. Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to talk to them. I need to talk to them. Я знаю, что это значит. I know what this means. I know what that means. Джон старший від мене на два роки. John is two years older than me. John's two years older than I am. Я не читав жодну з цих двох книжок. I haven't read either book. I haven't read any of these two books. Я слышал, как он напевал в душе. I heard him humming in the shower. I heard him sing in the shower. У цябе добры настрой? Are you in a good mood? Are you having a good mood? Можєши ѧти чьто жє хочєши. You may take everything you want. You may be `someone you want. У Тома превосходные оценки. Tom's grades are excellent. Tom has excellent grades. Ён убачыў, што ён неправы. He saw that he was wrong. He saw that he was wrong. Мы все очень ей гордимся. We're all very proud of her. We're all very proud of her. Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom needs to get to the hospital. Звідки ти знав, що це трапиться? How did you know that that was going to happen? How did you know this would happen? Я дуже назадоволена. I'm very discontented. I'm very pleased. Давайте не будемо сперечатись заради суперечки. Let's not argue for the sake of arguing. Let's not argue for the sake of argument. Отверстие узкое. The hole is narrow. A narrow hole. Почему я должен работать с Томом? Why do I have to work with Tom? Why do I have to work with Tom? Наскільки добре ти знаєш Тома? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Я обожнюю кіно. I love movies. I love movies. Можна я яго сюды пакладу? May I put it here? Can I put it here? Ты мог бы многое от них узнать, если б только слушал. You could learn a lot from them if you'd only listen. You could know a lot from them if you only listened. Она моя любовница! She is my mistress! She's my mistress! Чому життя таке складне? Why is life so difficult? Why Is Life So Hard? Можете позичити мені пінцет? Can you lend me a pair of tweezers? Can you borrow me a pinset? Она всегда ему помогает. She always helps him. She's always helping him. Возможно, это проблема. That might be a problem. Maybe it's a problem. В следующий раз постараемся быть осторожнее. We'll try to be more careful the next time. Next time, we'll try to be careful. Я з нецярпеннем чакаю Калядаў. I am looking forward to Christmas. I eagerly wait for Christmas. Вибачте, що звертаюсь до вас по імені. Please excuse me for calling you by your first name. I'm sorry to call on you by name. Для меня есть какие-нибудь сообщения? Are there any messages for me? Any messages for me? Том сказав мені, що хоче бути вчителем. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Кто отправил это письмо? Who sent this letter? Who sent this letter? Я просил Тома передать вам, что я не приду. I asked Tom to tell you I wasn't coming. I asked Tom to tell you I'm not coming. Поїдеш потягом? Will you go by train? Will you ride the train? Том не вийде за тебе. Tom won't marry you. Tom won't marry you. Пожидати ти въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. Wait in line. Они отличаются, как небо и земля. They are as different as day and night. They are as different as the heavens and the earth. Я більше не можу виносити цей гамір. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't carry that noise anymore. Ніхто не допоміг би мені це зробити. Nobody would help me do that. No one would help me do that. Вы себе глаза испортите. You're going to ruin your eyes. You'll ruin your eyes. Єсмь мѫжь. I'm a man. Sem ma'am. Ты такая глупая. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Вам не нужно этого делать. You don't need to do that. You don't have to do that. Я рада, что тебе понравились мои друзья. I'm glad you liked my friends. I'm glad you liked my friends. "Ти усвідомлюєш, що я тебе кохаю?" — "Звичайно ж я знаю це." "Do you realize I love you?" "Of course I know it." "Do you realize I love you?" "Of course I know that." Вы очень проницательны. You're very perceptive. You're very prodigious. Це чудова країна. This is a beautiful country. It's a beautiful country. А теперь расскажите мне что-нибудь о себе. Now, tell me something about yourself. Now tell me something about yourself. Том попросил Мэри сесть. Tom asked Mary to sit down. Tom asked Mary to sit down. Думаєш, Том все ще про це турбується? Do you think Tom is still worried about that? You think Tom still cares about it? Хотите, она останется? Do you want her to stay? Do you want her to stay? Том - лучший баскетболист, которого я когда-либо видел. Tom is the best basketball player I've ever seen. Tom is the best basketball player I've ever seen. Она сказала, что хочет выиграть. She said she wanted to win. She said she wanted to win. Они не могут себе этого позволить. They can't afford it. They can't afford it. Вам трэба перасесці на іншы поезд на наступным прыпынку. You have to change trains at the next stop. You need to move on to another train at the next stop. Коли ти наймеш його на роботу, то тобі слід взяти до уваги його юність. When you employ him, you must make allowances for his youth. If you hire him, you should take his youth into account. Ти ніколи не будеш сам. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Том почти всегда принимает ванну перед ужином. Tom almost always takes a bath before dinner. Tom almost always takes a bath before dinner. Завжди будь готовим до найгіршого. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be ready for the worst. Том швидко прийняв рішення. Tom made up his mind quickly. Tom quickly made a decision. Думаю, я могу это устроить. I think I can arrange that. I think I can make it up to you. Пострадавшие есть? Anyone hurt? Are there any victims? І де ж це ти взяв цього капелюха? Where on earth did you get that hat? And where did you get that hat? Том постоянно это делает. Tom does that all the time. Tom does it all the time. Том не хотів образити Мері. Tom didn't mean to offend Mary. Tom didn't want to insult Mary. Моя идея была гораздо лучше. My idea was much better. My idea was much better. Коли ти одружився? When did you get married? When did you get married? Ти не можеш це зробити сама, еге ж? You can't do that by yourself, can you? You can't do this on your own, can you? Я бажаю тобі успіху. I wish you success. I wish you a success. Кіото — винятково гарне місто. Kyoto is an exceptionally pretty city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. Можеш мене навчити, як це робиться? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how this is done? Я ніколи раніше не бачив затемнення. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen an eclipse before. Ей нравится этот певец. She likes the singer. She likes that singer. Я потеряла свою корону. I've lost my crown. I lost my crown. Это платье кажется очень дорогим. That dress seems to be very expensive. This dress seems very expensive. Почему вы меня избегаете? Why are you avoiding me? Why are you avoiding me? Том працює всю ніч. Tom works all night. Tom works all night. Що ви щодо цього робите? What're you doing about this? What do you do about it? Куда, по-твоему, ты идёшь? Where do you think you're going? Where do you think you're going? Большое спасибо, что остался со мной. Thanks very much for staying with me. Thank you so much for staying with me. Том говорит, что всю жизнь живёт в Австралии. Tom says he's lived in Australia his whole life. Tom says he lives in Australia for the rest of his life. Нікому не довіряйте. Trust no one. Don't trust anyone. Пожалуйста, запишите это на мой счёт. Please charge this to my account. Please write it on my count. Я перакладчык. I am a translator. I am a translator. Присматривай за братишкой. Look after your little brother. Watch your brother. В этой комнате пусто. This room is empty. This room is empty. Я поговорив з ними. I've talked to them. I talked to them. Россия превратилась во вторую сверхдержаву. Russia had emerged as a second superpower. Russia has become the second super-Power. Ігноруйте їх. Ignore them. Ignore them. Уваходзьце, калі ласка! Please come in. Please come in! Я такі дурны... Я спрабую растлумачыць табе рэчы, якія сам не разумею. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you things that I don't understand myself. Том знав, що знає Мері. Tom knew what Mary knew. Tom knew Mary. Том на хропить. Tom doesn't snore. Tom's got a snort. Я люблю картоплю фрі. I love French fries. I love fries. Спроси его, придет ли он на собрание? Ask him if he will attend the meeting. Ask him if he's coming to the meeting? Ты явно устал. You do look tired. You're obviously tired. Ты извращаешь мои слова. You're twisting my words. You're twisting my words. Ви ідіотка? Are you an idiot? Are you an idiot? Стався добре до кота, будь ласка. Please treat the cat well. It's a good thing to the cat, please. Я не можу зібратися з думками. I can't collect my thoughts. I can't get my thoughts together. Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait for the wedding. У мене немає на це ані часу, ані грошей. I have neither time nor money for that. I don't have time or money for that. Я не люблю есці рыбу, у якой шмат костак. I don't like to eat fish with many bones. I don't like eating fish in which there are lots of bones. Давай підемо раніше. Let's leave early. Let's go early. Мы обедали в ресторане. We dined at a restaurant. We had lunch at the restaurant. Том не купив те, що йому було потрібно. Tom didn't buy what he needed. Tom didn't buy what he needed. Яны мяне не звольняць. They won't fire me. They won't fire me. Я вчера чуть не умер. I almost died yesterday. I almost died yesterday. Я хочу, аби Том це підписав. I want Tom to sign this. I want Tom to sign it. Если будут проблемы, позвони мне. If there are problems, call me. If there's any problem, call me. Як мені дістатися до аеропорту? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? У нас чудова команда. Our team is amazing. We have a great team. Це фотографія Тома та його родини. This is a picture of Tom and his family. This is a picture of Tom and his family. Кто ваш любимый? Who's your favorite? Who's your favorite? Сьогодні ввечері буде йти сніг? Is it going to snow tonight? Is it snowing tonight? Сожалею, что не исполнил своего обещания. I regret not having kept my promise. I'm sorry I didn't fulfill my promise. Хіба ви не прийдете на мою вечірку? Aren't you coming to my party? Aren't you coming to my party? Мы застряли в пробке. We got stuck in traffic. We're stuck in traffic. Самі ведаў, што ён зрабіў. Sami knew what he had did. He himself knew what he had done. Я пачынаю ненавідзець гэтую дзяўчынку. I am growing to hate the girl. I'm starting to hate this girl. Я пил молоко. I drank milk. I drank milk. У Японії новий учбовий рік починається у квітні. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan a new school year begins in April. Ви знаєте, яка у Тома група крові? Do you know Tom's blood type? Do you know Tom's blood group? Я комуніст. I'm a communist. I'm a Communist. Я более чем уверен, что это не сработает. I'm pretty sure that it won't work. I'm more than sure it won't work. Ты можаш зрабіць гэта! You can do it. You can do it! Я вас здесь уже видел. I've seen you here before. I've seen you here before. Том говорит, что никогда этого не делал. Tom says that he's never done that. Tom says he never did that. Поезд сошёл с рельсов. The train was derailed. The train's off the tracks. Дэн принял участие в митинге против расизма. Dan attended an anti-racist rally. Dan took part in a rally against racism. Тома снова поймали. Tom was captured again. Tom got caught again. Не треба недооцінювати власні сили. Don't underestimate your own strength. You don't have to underestimate your own strength. Ти ж не засмучений? You're not upset, are you? You're not upset, are you? Я сделал то, что я обещал сделать для них. I did what I promised to do for them. I did what I promised to do for them. Нам будет вас не хватать. We'll miss you. We'll miss you. Самі зателефонували о шостій годині вечора. Sami received a phone call at 6 pm. They called at six o’clock in the evening. Яку пораду ви можете мені дати? What advice can you give me? What advice can you give me? Я заеду за тобой в шесть. I'll pick you up at six. I'll get you at six. Мій номер телефону: два, чотири, шість, вісім. My phone number is 2468. My phone number is two, four, six, eight. Я занимаюсь спортом каждый день. I play sports every day. I practice every day. Не слухайте мене, я лише жартую. Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding. Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding. Том не має велосипеда. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Я не знаю, де Том. I don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is. Он использовал свое положение, чтобы построить себе дорогу к успеху. He exploited his position to build up his fortune. He used his position to build his way to success. Фiлософiя - це не рiч, яку можна вивчити за шiсть мiсяцiв. Philosophy is not a thing one can learn in six months. Philosophy isn't about six months to learn. Вдова - это женщина, муж которой умер. A widow is a woman whose spouse has died. A widow is a woman whose husband died. Думаю, вам понадобится кредит. I think you'll need a loan. I think you're gonna need a loan. Я заберу тебя после школы. I'll pick you up after school. I'll take you after school. Я не така впевнена. I'm not so confident. I'm not so sure. Скільки це займає часу? How much time does it take? How much time does it take? Тома це не обходило. Tom wasn't worried about that. Tom didn't do it. Я була в Австрії, але кенгуру я там не бачила. I went to Austria, but I didn't see any kangaroos. I was in Austria, but I didn't see kangaroos there. Том хотел подождать. Tom wanted to wait. Tom wanted to wait. Вода при замерзании расширяется. Water expands when it freezes. Water expands when it's frozen. Шкло вырабляюць з пяску. Glass is made from sand. Glass is made of sand. Це я. It is I. It's me. Аповесьць Адама Міцкевіча «Пан Тадэвуш», што так ясна, так шчыра малюе характар, звычаі і абычаі нашых беларускіх паноў часу Напалеона, ужо цяпер (1859 год) перакладаецца на расійскую мову. Adam Mickiewicz’s narrative “Pan Tadeusz”, which paints the nature, customs, and manners of the Belarusian landowners of Napoleon’s time, is, as of 1859, already being translated into Russian. Overwhelming Adam Mitzkevitch's "Mr. Tadewush" that so clearly, so frankly paints the character, customs, and abhorrence of our Belarusian Lords of Napoleon's time, it is now (1859) translated into Russian. Мать готовит обед. Mother is preparing lunch. My mother's cooking lunch. Ви брешете. You're lying. You're lying. Де пес? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Я маю йому допомогти. Він мій друг. I have to help him. He's my friend. I have to help him, he's my friend. Ця коробка була заважка. The box was too heavy. This box was too heavy. У него одна цель в жизни - заработать денег. He has only one aim in life, to make money. He's got one goal in his life to make money. Хапайте його! Seize him! Grab him! Будь ласка, зніміть взуття. Please take off your shoes. Please remove your shoes. Я отримав квиток задарма. I got the ticket for nothing. I got a ticket for free. Так, я теж так думаю. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so, too. Ты можешь взять всё, что угодно. You may take anything you like. You can take anything you like. Ты позвонила в полицию. You called the police. You called the police. Удачі. Best of luck. Good luck. Це мене не непокоїть. It doesn't bother me. It's not bothering me. Почему Луна светится ночью? How does the moon shine at night? Why does the moon shine at night? Ми готові допомогти. We're ready to help. We're ready to help. Откуда ты знал, кому это дать? How did you know who to give that to? How did you know who to give it to? Я не надовго. I won't be gone long. I'm not for long. Я думал, вам надо работать. I thought you had to work. I thought you had to work. Я должен быть в Бостоне. I should be in Boston. I have to be in Boston. Том пошёл в магазин, чтобы купить молока. Tom has gone to the store to buy some milk. Tom went to the store to buy milk. Я умею слушать. I'm a good listener. I can listen. Я решил купить синюю машину, а не красную. I've decided to buy the blue car instead of the red one. I decided to buy a blue car, not a red one. Как вы узнали, где Том? How did you find out where Tom was? How do you know where Tom is? Мені здається, Том зраджує. I think Tom is cheating. I think Tom's betraying me. Хто будзе даглядаць дзіцё? Who will look after the baby? Who will look after the child? У мене гарне почуття нюху. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Том хотів, щоб Мері відчувала себе особливою. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Я знаю, что Том болен. I know that Tom is sick. I know Tom's sick. Йому не хотілося туди йти. He was reluctant to go there. He didn't want to go there. Минулої неділі Мері і я ходили разом до бібліотеки. Last Sunday, Mary and I went to the library together. Last Sunday, Mary and I went to the library together. Мэри сказала, куда идёт? Did Mary say where she was going? Mary said where is she going? Что у тебя за планы на выходные? What kind of plans do you have for the weekend? What are your weekend plans? Я велел Тому уйти. I told Tom to leave. I told Tom to leave. Просто чекайте нас тут. Just wait for us here. Just wait for us here. У тебя уже когда-нибудь были эти симптомы? Have you ever had these symptoms before? Have you ever had these symptoms before? Ты изучаешь английский? Do you study English? Are you studying English? Звычайна я ўстаю а восьмай гадзіне. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at eight o'clock. Чоловік помер від раку. The man died of cancer. The man died of cancer. Заключённые были освобождены. The prisoners were set free. The prisoners were released. Не думаю, що Том може нам зараз допомогти. I don't think that Tom can help us now. I don't think Tom can help us right now. У мене немає турецької клавіатури. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. Интересно, что тут делает Том. I wonder what Tom is doing here. I wonder what Tom's doing here. Коли ти хочеш поїхати? When do you want to go? When do you want to go? Прибери свої речі. Put away your things. Clean up your stuff. Какой же я невезучий! How unlucky I am! How unlucky I am! Интересно, что имел в виду Том. I wonder what Tom meant. I wonder what Tom meant. Не зловтішайся. Don't gloat. Don't be shy. Мері — твоя дівчина? Is Mary your girlfriend? Mary is your girlfriend? Здається, діти втомилися від плавання. The little children looked tired from swimming. It seems that children are tired of swimming. Давай поговорим о чём угодно, только не об этом. Let's talk about anything but that. Let's talk about something, not that. Это девушка, которая приходила вчера. This is the girl that came yesterday. It's the girl that came last night. Где ваши зонты? Where are your umbrellas? Where are your umbrellas? У неї гарні очі. She has beautiful eyes. She's got good eyes. Безвыходных положений не бывает. There is no situation that is without hope. There are no non-exclusive provisions. Було трешенє жеми и додатково, бул и цунами. There was an earthquake and, in addition, there was a tsunami. In addition, the bulls and tsunamis were called to account. Вона говорить арабською. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Том прочитал договор не так тщательно, как должен был бы. Tom didn't read the contract as carefully as he should have. Tom didn't read the treaty as carefully as he should have. Сёння першага верасня. Today is September 1st. Today is September 1st. Це не ваша війна. This isn't your fight. It's not your war. Он родился в Америке. He was born in America. He was born in America. Мои пальцы оставили на стекле отпечатки. My fingers left marks on the glass. My fingers left prints on the glass. Я хочу, щоб ви знали, що Том має рацію. I want you to know that Tom was right. I want you to know that Tom is right. Я не наважилася їй розповісти. I didn't have the heart to tell her. I didn't dare tell her. Я хочу верить, что всё в порядке. I want to believe that everything's all right. I want to believe it's okay. Йдете? You're going? Are you coming? Я даволі шчаслівая. I'm pretty happy. I'm pretty happy. Принесите нам еды. Get us some food. Bring us some food. Я видел, как ты ему её дал. I saw you give it to him. I saw you give it to him. Притримайте язика! Hold your tongue! Hold your tongue! Нечего указывать мне, что делать. I don't want to be told what to do. There's nothing to tell me what to do. Чому саме Том би це зробив? Why exactly would Tom do that? Why would Tom have done that? Том як правило носить на роботу краватку. Tom usually wears a tie at work. Tom usually carries a tie to work. Разве Том сейчас не в Бостоне? Isn't Tom in Boston now? Isn't Tom in Boston right now? Я его им не дал. I didn't give it to them. I didn't give it to them. Гэта не прапанова. This is not a sentence. This is not a suggestion. Богатые иногда смотрят свысока на бедных. The rich sometimes despise the poor. Rich people sometimes look down on the poor. Ми щойно приїхали. We've just arrived. We just arrived. Після фільму вони заснули. They fell asleep after the movie. After the film, they fell asleep. Выберите между этим и тем. Choose between this and that. Choose between this and the themes. Том звычайна не носіць піжаму. Tom doesn't usually wear pajamas. Tom usually doesn't wear a pajamas. Хто цим займеться? Who will do it? Who's gonna do this? Ця троянда цвіте білим цвітом. This rose has a white bloom. This rose blossoms with white blossoms. Ежегодно издаётся много книг. A lot of books are published every year. A lot of books are published every year. Ти панда. You're a panda. You panda. Я дуже компетентний. I am very competent. I'm very competent. Чому Том розлютився? Why did Tom get angry? Why was Tom angry? Том сказав, що Мері бачила, як Джон це зробив. Tom said Mary has seen John do that. Tom said Mary saw John do it. У них есть другой план. They have another plan. They have another plan. Хіба ви не у відпустці? Aren't you on vacation? Aren't you on vacation? Ты её померил? Have you tried it? Did you die? Том сказав Мері, що вірить у астрологію. Tom told Mary that he believed in astrology. Tom told Mary he believed in astrology. Почему ты попросил Тома уйти? Why did you ask Tom to leave? Why did you ask Tom to leave? Приходь, якщо зможеш. Come if you can! Come if you can. В літаку я планую читати книжку. I plan on reading a book on the plane. On the plane, I plan to read a book. Где он купил эти ботинки? Where did he buy these shoes? Where did he buy those shoes? Я інколи роблю це після уроків. I do that after school sometimes. I sometimes do it after class. Они спали в одной и той же комнате. They slept in the same room. They slept in the same room. Не йдіть. Don't leave. Don't go. Можеш казати що завгодно. You can say whatever you want. You can say anything. Пунктуальностью Том никогда не отличался. Tom has never been punctual. Tom's punctuality was never different. Коли ти останнього разу говорила французькою? When was the last time you spoke French? When was the last time you spoke French? «Дзякуй!» — «Калі ласка!» "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you!" - "Please!" Ти такий бовдур! You are such an idiot! You're such a jerk! Ты имеешь какое-то отношение к этой компании? Do you have something to do with that company? Do you have anything to do with this company? Самі проста рабіў сваю працу. Sami was just doing his job. I just did my job myself. Том входит внутрь. Tom is coming in. Tom's coming in. Это многое объясняет. It explains a lot. That explains a lot. В довершение ко всему он заболел. To make things even worse, he got sick. As far as he's concerned, he's sick. Я вывучаю казахскую. I'm learning Kazakh. I study Kazakh. Ми ходили на вокзал, щоб проводити Тома. We went to the station to see Tom off. We went to the station to conduct Tom. Мрії Тома здійснилися. Tom's dreams came true. Tom's dreams are over. Отъвѣтите ми добро сътворѧ. Answer me, please. Fuck off, we're a good creature. Том не хотел, чтобы Мэри говорила это Джону. Tom didn't want Mary to tell John that. Tom didn't want Mary to tell John. Вот несколько фотографий. Here are some pictures. Here's a few photos. Все засмеялись, кроме него. Everyone laughed except him. Everyone laughed except for him. Тобі не слід жалітися. You shouldn't complain. You shouldn't feel sorry. Ніхто не знає, як я почуваюся. Nobody knows how I feel. Nobody knows how I feel. О котрій годині кінець світу? At what time is the end of the world? At what time is the end of the world? Мы заменім бягучую версію пры абнаўленні. We will replace the current version with the upgrade. We will replace the current version when updating. Ты правда этого не знал? Did you really not know that? Did you really not know that? Почему ты не попросишь Тома познакомить тебя с Мэри? Why don't you ask Tom to introduce you to Mary? Why don't you ask Tom to introduce you to Mary? Абодва жывыя. Both are alive. Both are alive. Я не знал, что ты здесь так несчастна. I didn't know you were so unhappy here. I didn't know you were so unhappy here. Это то, что я слышал. That's what I heard. That's what I heard. Вход на стадион был обильно украшен корпоративными логотипами. A slew of corporate logos adorned the entrance to the soccer match. The entrance to the stadium was admirably decorated with corporate logos. Я пообещал Тому, что никому не скажу. I promised Tom I'd not tell anyone. I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone. Том потёр виски. Tom rubbed his temples. Tom's out of the way. Том ни в чём вас не обвиняет. Tom doesn't blame you for anything. Tom doesn't blame you for anything. Подай мне ту коробку. Hand me that box. Give me that box. Том помітив, що щось було не так. Tom noticed that something was wrong. Tom noticed that something was wrong. Він упав на землю. He fell on the ground. He fell to the ground. Ця війна має бути припинена. This war needs to end. This war must be put to an end. Я не намагався. I haven't tried. I didn't try. Вскоре ты будешь вознаграждён за свои усилия. Soon your efforts will be rewarded. Soon you will be rewarded for your efforts. Я считаю, что он прав. I think he is right. I think he's right. Когда у меня плохое настроение, я люблю подумать о горностаях, чтобы приободриться. When I'm in a bad mood, I like to think of stoats to cheer myself up. When I have a bad mood, I like to think about the miners to get up. Том сказав мені, що він у розпачі. Tom told me that he was desperate. Tom told me he was desperate. Том обісрався на весіллі сестри. Tom pooped his pants at his sister's wedding. Tom had fun at his sister's wedding. Твоя мать знает об этом? Does your mother know about this? Does your mother know that? Я жыву з бацькамі. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Бразилія була португальскою колонією. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Ми щойно зустрілися в коридорі. We have just met on the corridor. We just met in the hallway. Уставай! Stand up! Get up! Ти сказав Тому, що я жартувала? Did you tell Tom I was joking? You said 'cause I was kidding? Мэри сняла солнечные очки. Mary took off her sunglasses. Mary took off the sunglasses. В следующем году я буду в три раза старше тебя. Next year I will be three times as old as you. I'll be three times your age next year. Мені подобається викладати. I like teaching. I like teaching. Він тяжко працював, щоб досягти своєї мети. He worked hard to obtain his objective. He worked hard to achieve his goal. Ты поедешь поездом? Will you go by train? Are you going on a train? Мені твоя думка не потрібна. I don't need your opinion. I don't need your opinion. Откуда ты знаешь, что я этого не делал? How do you know I didn't do it? How do you know I didn't do it? Це кишеньковий словник. This is a pocket dictionary. It's a pocket dictionary. Простите, что сделал это без вас. I'm sorry that I did that without you. I'm sorry I did it without you. Давай возьмём один из тех готовых обедов, что продаются на вокзале. Let's have one of those boxed lunches they sell at train stations. Let's take one of those ready-made dinners that are sold at the station. Придёт день, когда мы сможем полететь на Луну. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. The day comes when we can fly to the moon. Вы знаете того мальчика, который плачет? Do you know that crying boy? You know the boy who's crying? Во сколько ты просыпаешься? What time do you wake up? What time are you waking up? Я сказала їм не робити цього самостійно. I told them not to do it by themselves. I told them not to do it on their own. Те, що ти кажеш, — правда. What you say is true. What you say is true. Я хотів би бути молодим. I wish I were young. I'd like to be young. Я ж можу тобі довіряти, правда? I can trust you, can't I? I can trust you, can I? Я убедила своего брата принять участие. I persuaded my brother to participate. I convinced my brother to participate. Том умер на руках у Мэри. Tom died in Mary's arms. Tom died in Mary's arms. Я сказал: "Мне не интересно". I said: "I'm not interested." I said, "I'm not interested." Ви мій герой. You're my hero. You're my hero. Уяві, што ты на месяцы. Imagine yourself to be on the moon. Imagine you are for months. Ты хочешь поехать за границу? Do you want to go abroad? You want to go abroad? Саэбу вельмі падабаецца Гарацый. Saeb is really fond of Horace. Saebu likes Garacia very much. Плошча Рынак — гістарычны цэнтр горада. Rynok Square is the historic centre of the city. The Market Square is the historical center of the city. Нарэшце! Finally! Finally! Ми не боги, а звичайні люди. We're not gods, but mere men. We're not gods, we're ordinary people. Я знал, что вы блефуете. I knew you were bluffing. I knew you were bluffing. Про це я забув. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Том разом із сином. Tom is with his son. Tom and his son. Ты за гэта заплаціш. You're going to pay for this. You'll pay for it. Я цілком певен. I am pretty sure. I'm absolutely sure. Не хочу хвалитися, але я доволі розумний. Not to brag, but I'm pretty smart. I don't want to boast, but I'm pretty smart. Ти можеш пригадати, коли ми вперше зустрілися? Can you remember the first time we met each other? Can you remember when we first met? Вони розмовляють англійською? Are they speaking English? Do they speak English? Думаю, мне нужен помощник. I think I need an assistant. I think I need an assistant. Интервью началось в 10 часов. The interview began at 10 o'clock. The interview started at 10 p.m. У Мері є особистий охоронець-жінка. Mary has a female bodyguard. Mary has a female personal guard. Том анітрішки не здивувався, що Мері так добре розмовляє французькою. Tom wasn't a bit surprised by how well Mary could speak French. He was not surprised to learn that Mary speaks French so well. Он сказал, что вернётся прямо сейчас. He said that he would be back right away. He said he'd be right back. Каждая переработанная алюминиевая банка сохраняет столько энергии, что её достаточно для работы телевизора на протяжении трёх часов. Every recycled aluminium can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours. Each refined aluminium bank retains so much energy that it is sufficient to operate the TV for three hours. Вона мені більше не потрібна. I no longer need it. I don't need her anymore. Я вирішив одружитися з нею. I've decided to marry her. I decided to marry her. Я зроблю все, що ти від мене хочеш. I'll do whatever you want me to. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Війна забрала в них щастя. The war deprived them of their happiness. The war took happiness from them. Я не закаханая ў Лайлу. I'm not in love with Layla. I'm not in love with Lyla. Том любить читати. Tom likes to read. Tom likes to read. Том наклав на себе руки. Tom took his own life. Tom killed himself. Ты можешь в это поверить? Мы в Германии! Can you believe it? We're in Germany! Can you believe that? Не пьѭ водъı. I don't drink water. Don't drink. Зателефонуйте мені сьогодні ввечері. Call me this evening. Call me tonight. Ти любиш дивитися порнографічні фільми? Do you like watching porn movies? Do you like watching pornographic movies? Де ти підстригся? Where did you get your hair cut? Where'd you cut up? Она не хочет тебя ждать. She doesn't want to wait for you. She doesn't want to wait for you. Чи не скажете, що мені робити далі? Will you tell me what I should do next? Don't you tell me what to do next? Вживання риби корисно для здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. The use of fish is healthy. Ни одна снежинка в снежной лавине не считает себя виноватой. No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. No snowflake in a snow avalanche feels guilty. Мой отец покрасил почтовый ящик в красный. My father painted the mailbox red. My father painted a mailbox in red. Оставь её в покое, пожалуйста. Leave her alone, please. Leave her alone, please. Я націснуў на гузік, і званок зазвінеў. When I pressed the button, the bell rang. I pressed on the button, and the bell rang. Ви знаєте, які їй подобаються кольори? Do you know what color she likes? Do you know what color she likes? Ми не змогли цього зробити. We haven't been able to do that. We couldn't do it. Адскануйце QR-код. Scan the QR code. Rescan the QR code. Це схоже на добре місце для табору. This looks like a good spot to set up camp. It looks like a good camp place. Ти їстимеш свій пудінг? Are you going to eat your pudding? Will you eat your pudding? Том продолжал её щекотать. Tom continued to tickle her. Tom kept ticking her. Ты не мог бы сделать потише? Could you turn it down? Could you just keep it down? Це не нова проблема. It's not a new problem. It's not a new problem. Жадность — корень всех зол. Greed is the root of all evil. Greed is the root of all evils. Вони вийшли з кімнати одне за одним. They went out of the room, one after another. They left the room one by one. Спитай у Тома. Check with Tom. Ask Tom. Я починю это. I'll fix this. I'll fix it. Я, загалом, певен, що не виграю. I'm pretty sure that I won't win. I'm generally sure I won't win. Том и Мэри сильно изменились? Have Tom and Mary changed much? Did Tom and Mary change a lot? Якое найдаўжэйшае слова ў казахскай мове? What is the longest word in the Kazakh language? What is the longest word in Kazakh? Вы говорите по-французски лучше меня. You speak French better than I do. You speak French better than me. Том высушил волосы феном. Tom blow-dried his hair. Tom dried his hair with fen. Ты выбрала найлепшая. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Не слушай его. Don't pay attention to him. Don't listen to him. Он выглядел так, как будто не ел несколько дней. He looked as if he hadn't eaten for days. He looked like he didn't eat for a few days. Мы постоянно подвержены какой-нибудь опасности. We are always exposed to some kind of danger. We are constantly exposed to some kind of danger. Я не хочу идти, а кроме того, уже слишком поздно. I don't want to go, and besides it's too late. I don't want to go, and it's too late. Він кинув родину. He abandoned his family. He left his family. Хлопці спричинили багато проблем. The boys caused a lot of trouble. The boys caused a lot of trouble. Убери книги со стола, пожалуйста. Take the books away from the table, please. Get the books off the table, please. Цей хлопець їсть хліб. This boy eats bread. This guy eats bread. Я искал мою чашку, но не нашёл её. I looked for my cup, but didn't find it. I was looking for my cup, but I didn't find it. Позволь мне взглянуть. Let me take a look. Let me see. Я кахаю яе. I love her. I love her. Какую вы выберете? Which one will you choose? Which one will you choose? Посмотрите на свои руки. Look at your hands. Look at your hands. Том иногда смотрит телевизор. Tom sometimes watches TV. Tom sometimes watches TV. Мое мнение слегка отличается от твоего. My opinion is a little different from yours. My opinion is slightly different from yours. Вчитися ніколи не пізно. One is never too old to learn. It's never too late to study. Потяг ще не приїхав. The train has not arrived yet. The train hasn't come yet. Мне падабаецца зялёны колер. I like the color green. I like green. Для мене це важливо. To me, it is important. It matters to me. Том заспівав для Мері. Tom sang for Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Дождь перестал. Можно снова открыть окна. The rain's stopped; the windows can be opened again. The rain's gone. В пакете есть немного сахара. There is a little sugar in the bag. There's some sugar in the bag. Ты ўпэўненая, што хочаш, каб я дапамагла цябе з дамашнім заданнем? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with homework? Я хочу побеседовать с Томом. I want to have a talk with Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Боюсь, у меня не будет времени. I'm afraid I won't have the time. I'm afraid I won't have time. Я сказал Тому, что не буду ему помогать. I told Tom that I wouldn't help him. I told him I wouldn't help him. Вы когда-то писали книгу? Have you ever written a book? Have you ever written a book? Вчера я не играл в теннис. I didn't play tennis yesterday. I didn't play tennis yesterday. Можаце прынесці мне гэты слоўнік? Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Can you bring me this vocabulary? Том настойчивый. Tom's headstrong. Tom's persistent. Том втратив чоловіка кілька місяців тому. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Дэвід заставаўся на пероне, пакуль цягнік быў бачны. David remained on the platform while the train was in sight. David remained on the perone while the train was visible. Мы можем позвонить ему сейчас? Can we call him now? Can we call him now? Чацвёрты месяц называецца красавіком. The fourth month is called April. The fourth month is called April. Том попробует отговорить Мэри от этого. Tom will try to talk Mary out of it. Tom's gonna try to talk Mary out of it. Образование - это один из важнейших аспектов жизни. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. Education is one of the most important aspects of life. Почему ты нас не подождал? Why didn't you wait for us? Why didn't you wait for us? Ты знаешь, кто её убил? Do you know who killed her? Do you know who killed her? Я нечасто погоджуюся з Томом. I don't normally agree with Tom. I don't often agree with Tom. Восенню месяц сапраўды прыгожы. In autumn, the moon is really beautiful. In the fall the moon is really beautiful. «Эх, здесь у вас так скучно». — «Мальчик мой, к этому миру стремятся все...» — «Вот и я! Ваше величество, Гэнон и его прислужники захватили остров Коридай». — «Хм-м. Чем мы можем...» — «Как написано, лишь Линк может одолеть Гэнона». — «Так чем мы можем..» — «Здорово! Я захвачу свой меч!» — «Меча нет». — «А?» — «Меча нет!» — «...» — «Вот топор с черепом». — «Нет». — «Как насчёт "ах, батюшки"-копья?» — «Нет». — «Как насчёт дымных бомб?» — «Нет». — «Ну чёрт возьми, а как тебе этот пистолет?» — «Да!» "Gee, it sure is boring around here." "My boy, this peace is what all—" "Here I come! Your Majesty, Ganon and his minions have seized the island of Koridai." "Hmm. How can we—" "It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon." "So how can we—" "Great! I'll grab my sword!" "There is no sword." "Huh?" "There is no sword!" "..." "Here is a skull axe." "No." "How about an oh-my-goodness spear?" "No." "How about smoke bombs?" "No." "Well damn, how about this pistol?" "Yeah!" "Ah, here you are so bored." "My little man, to this world all yearn for..." — "Here and I! Your Majesty, Hanon, and his attendants have captured the island of Corida." — "Hmm. What can we do..." — "As it is written, only Link can beat Hanon." "So we can..." — "Wow, I'll catch his sword!" — "Ah?" — "Ah?" — "The sword is not!" — "Towards the skull." "No." — "No." — "How can I tell you what that gun is?" — "Yes." Мы не можем заставить народ это делать. We can't force people to do that. We can't make people do this. Том был задумчив. Tom was thoughtful. Tom was thinking. Самі ніколи не цілував Лейлу. Sami never kisses Layla. I never kissed Leila. Она очень мудрая мать. She's a very wise mother. She's a very wise mother. Як пішацца «Эяф'ялаёкюль»? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? How is the "Eyafylaökul" written? Присягнув ти, дитинко, — так добудь же ти мені тепер отакої водиці, пошукай, принеси, корінчики мої бідні підлий… You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots… You have sworn, little child, so get me now this water, look for it, bring the roots of my poor floors.... Я знал, что это он. I knew it was him. I knew it was him. Ось вода. Here's some water. Here's the water. Коли ти була в душі, телефонував Том. Tom called while you were in the shower. When you were in the shower, Tom called. Ты промок насквозь. You're wet through. You're a leak through. Вы не хотите им помочь? Don't you want to help them? You don't want to help them? Я не хвастаюсь. I'm not bragging. I'm not bragging about it. Том сказав надокучливому сусідові зайнятися своїм життям і припинити совати совати свій ніс до справ інших. Tom told his busybody neighbour to get a life and to get his nose out of everyone's business. Tom told the annoying neighbor to take care of his life and stop the soying of his nose to the affairs of others. Я не могу вспомнить, как пользоваться этой машиной. I can't remember how to use this machine. I can't remember using this car. Після короткого миру знову розв'язалася війна. After a brief peace, war broke out again. After a short period of peace, war was resolved again. Том знает, что ты не умеешь говорить по-французски? Does Tom know that you don't know how to speak French? Does Tom know you can't speak French? Вначале Том был застенчив. Tom was shy at the beginning. At first, Tom was tired. Задавайте свой вопрос. Ask your question. Ask your question. Сумую па табе. Мне трэба цябе пабачыць. Можна я прыйду? I miss you. I need to see you. Could I come over? I miss you, I need to see you. Он не мог сдержать улыбку. He couldn't stop smiling. He couldn't hold a smile. Я не могу вспомнить, как Вас зовут. I can't remember your name. I can't remember what your name is. Интересно, почему Том не женат. I wonder why Tom is unmarried. I wonder why Tom's not married. У нього з собою не дуже багато грошей. He doesn't have very much money on him. He doesn't have much money with him. У Тома тоді не було роботи. Tom had no work at that time. Tom didn't have a job at the time. У твого собаки глисти. Дай йому вітаміни. Your dog has worms. Give him vitamins. Your dog has glaucoma, give it vitamins. Ходімо познайомимся з ним. Let's go meet him. Let's get to know him. Я не хочу опоздать на работу. I don't want to be late for work. I don't want to be late for work. Том — природжений лідер. Tom is a born leader. Tom is a natural leader. Том відчинив клітку й випустив мавпу. Tom opened the cage and let the monkey out. Tom opened the cage and released the monkey. Том легко пугается. Tom scares easy. Tom's scared. Розфарбуй малюнок. Colour the picture. Color the picture. Зима швидко пройшла повз. Березень і весна вже тут. Winter went quickly by; now March and spring are here. The winter quickly passed by. Подними руки! Raise your hands. Put your hands up! Як справи, пані Джоунс? How are you, Mrs. Jones? How are you, Mrs Jones? Не движи сѧ! Don't move! Don't move c's! Не упусти случай. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss an accident. Отче наш, Иже еси на небесех! Да святится имя Твое, да приидет Царствие Твое, да будет воля Твоя, яко на небеси и на земли. Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь; и остави нам долги наша, якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим; и не введи нас во искушение, но избави нас от лукаваго. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified, and your kingdom come. Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Our bread is day for us. So leave us our debts, even as we leave our debtor; and do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one. У тебя есть? Do you have one? Do you have any? Большинство людей чистит зубы не меньше двух раз в день. Most people brush their teeth at least two times a day. Most people brush their teeth at least twice a day. Вы видите розу? Do you see a rose? Do you see the rose? Ты правда хочешь положить свои деньги в тот банк? Do you really want to put your money in that bank? You really want to put your money in that bank? Спробуй зосередитися. Try to focus. Try to concentrate. Его нет. He is not here. He's not here. Это добрый знак. This is a good sign. That's a good sign. Чому ви говорите неправду? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Сумніваюся, що ви знаєте, про що ви говорите. I doubt you know what you're talking about. I doubt you know what you're talking about. Тому действительно надо это сделать. Tom does have to do that. So you really have to do that. Я дуже втомився. I'm really tired. I'm really tired. Я раньше почти каждый день это делал. I used to do that almost every day. I used to do it almost every day. Це правда. This is the truth. It's true. Він все знає. He knows everything. He knows everything. Зачекайте-но! Hang on! Wait a minute! В Южной Корее самый влиятельный член семьи - обычно самый старший мужчина - имеет возможность отправить члена своей семьи в психиатрическую больницу, если считает нужным. In South Korea, the most powerful member of a family, usually the oldest living male, has the power to send members of his family to a psychiatric hospital as he sees fit. In South Korea, the most influential member of the family, usually the oldest man, is able to send a family member to a psychiatric hospital if he deems it appropriate. Це моя улюблена група. That's my favorite band. This is my favorite group. Скільки ви заплатили, щоб це зробити. How much were you paid to do that? How much you paid to do it. Шмат чаго яшчэ трэба зрабіць. Much still remains to be done. A lot more needs to be done. У Тома, мабуть, знову закінчилися гроші. Tom must be out of money again. Tom must have run out of money again. Ей было сорок, но она выглядела старше. She was forty, but she appeared older. She was forty, but she looked older. Ему не нравилась её манера изъясняться. He did not like her manner of speech. He didn't like her way of explaining herself. Прыходзь, калі зможаш. Come if you can. Come if you can. Не доставайте ничего из сумки. Don't take out anything from the bag. Don't get anything from the bag. Нє, то нє мачка. No, it is not a cat. No, that's my stepmother. Я, видимо, опоздаю. I think I'm going to be late. I'll probably be late. Я хочу поговорить с тобой кое о чём. I want to talk to you about something. I want to talk to you about something. Покажи Тому руки. Show Tom your hands. Show him your hands. У тебя были другие планы? Did you have other plans? Have you had any other plans? Нє вѣсть чьто жє дѣıати кѹнамъ своимъ. He doesn't know what to do with his money. No one has to eat their own knam. Как твой отец? How's your father? How's your father? Я не знаю, що йому відомо. I don't know what he knows. I don't know what he knows. Це класні кросівки. Those trainers are lush. These are great sneakers. Том тут не спить. Tom doesn't sleep here. Tom's not sleeping here. Вы двое идите со мной. You two come with me. You two go with me. Том сказал, что она у него на столе. Tom said it was on his desk. Tom said she was on his desk. Я лишила словник внизу. I left my dictionary downstairs. I left the vocabulary downstairs. Я не хочу бути грубим з ними. I don't want to be rude to them. I don't want to be rude with them. Я не знала, что Вы женщина. I didn't know you were a woman. I didn't know you were a woman. Том от этого не в восторге. Tom is not happy about this. Tom doesn't like that. Мэри понравилась Тому сразу, как только он её встретил. Tom liked Mary as soon as he met her. Mary liked Tom as soon as he met her. Валіза Тома виглядає дуже важкою. Tom's suitcase looks very heavy. Tom's suitcase looks very hard. Ти занадто сильно нервуєш. You're too nervous. You're too nervous. Хочеш побачити, що всередині печери? Do you want to see what's inside the cave? You want to see what's inside the cave? Можно мне сегодня домой пораньше уйти? Can I go home early today? Can I go home early tonight? Чим я можу користуватися? What can I use? What can I use? В эсперанто не бывает исключений. Esperanto has no exceptions. There are no exceptions to the esperantto. Ти думаєш, ми би не помітили? Did you think we wouldn't notice? You think we wouldn't notice? Це складне запитання. It's a difficult question. That's a tough question. Мэри было видение. Mary had a vision. Mary had a vision. Мънога хвала. Many thanks. It's a lot of praise. Вот бы Том мог остаться подольше. I wish Tom could stay longer. I wish Tom could stay a little longer. Я забыл сказать тебе, как это делать. I forgot to tell you how to do that. I forgot to tell you how to do it. Вечером у нас будет несколько гостей. In the evening, we will have some guests. We'll have a few guests tonight. Нельзя оставлять малыша одного. You can't leave a baby alone. You can't leave a baby alone. Это всё относится к работе. It's all work-related. It's all about work. Де ваш асистент? Where's your assistant? Where's your assistant? Що ти хочеш побачити, поки ти тут? What do you want to see while you're here? What do you want to see while you're here? Сьогодні ми отримали деякі погані звістки. We received some bad news today. Today, we have received some bad messages. Я так їм і не сказав. I never told them. I never told them that. Грошей у нього більш ніж достатньо. He has more than enough money. He's got more than enough money. Я решил сдаться. I've decided to give up. I've decided to give up. У тебе є якась сім'я? Do you have any family? Do you have a family? Том не зміг вразити Мері. Tom wasn't able to impress Mary. Tom couldn't impress Mary. Не забывай нас! Don't forget about us! Don't forget us! Я співаю під дощем. I'm singing in the rain. I sing in the rain. Я щось чув. I heard something. I heard something. Ты помнишь его имя? Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? Она мне больше нравится. I like her better. I like her better. Тое, што мы жывем з нейкім чалавекам на адной вуліцы, не значыць, што ён мой сябра. The fact that a man lives on the same street with me does not mean he is my friend. That we live with some person on the same street doesn't mean he's my friend. Я знаю, что вы не сможете их остановить. I know you can't stop them. I know you can't stop them. Ми його загубимо! We're going to lose him! We're gonna lose him! Це було побудовано на віки. It was built to last. It was built forever. Она читает. She's reading. She reads. Дамь ти пѧть доларъ. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Што ты робіш? What're you doing? What are you doing? Ви обманюєте! You're lying! You're lying! Вони танцюють. They're dancing. They dance. Вы действительно хотите, чтобы я сказал Тому, что это Вы убили его отца? Do you really want me to tell Tom that you were the one who killed his father? Do you really want me to tell Tom that you killed his father? Я хотів, щоб Том заспівав. I wanted Tom to sing. I wanted Tom to sing. Можно составить вам компанию? Can I keep you company? Can I get you a company? Я ня лекар. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Дай-но я спробую. Let me try. Let me try. Их здесь кто-нибудь знает? Does anybody here know them? Does anyone know them here? Не заставляйте себя есть, если вам не хочется. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to. Don't make yourself eat if you don't want to. Не вішайте слухавку, будь ласка. Don't hang up, please. Don't hang up, please. Многие этого вообще не делают. Many people never do that. Many don't do it at all. Мама мне очень помогает. My mom helps me a lot. Mom's helping me a lot. Цікаво, чи з Томом все гаразд. I wonder whether or not Tom is OK. I wonder if Tom's okay. Том редко носит галстук. Tom seldom wears a tie. Tom rarely wears a tie. Яны нічога не сказалі. They said nothing. They said nothing. Никто не имеет права указывать тебе, как жить твою жизнь. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. No one can tell you how to live your life. Ми тобі дамо ще один шанс. We'll give you one more chance. We'll give you another chance. Если он не придёт, что ты тогда будешь делать? If he doesn't come, what will you do then? If he doesn't come, then what are you gonna do? Насколько это чудесно? How wonderful is that? How wonderful is that? Ти виглядаєш втомленим. You're looking tired. You look tired. Ты мог пораниться. You could hurt yourself. You could have hurt yourself. Де можна взяти напрокат костюм для Хелловіну? Where can I rent a Halloween costume? Where can I rent a Halloween suit? Як справи у твого брата? How's your brother? How's your brother doing? Я вас не видел. I didn't see you. I haven't seen you. Я пытаюсь заниматься, так что потише, пожалуйста. I'm trying to study, so please be quiet. I'm trying to do it, so keep it quiet, please. Том не мусив відпускати Мері. Tom didn't have to let Mary go. Tom didn't have to let Mary go. Меня кто-то отравил. Somebody poisoned me. Someone poisoned me. Я банкірка. I am a banker. I'm a banker. Это вне моей компетенции. That's outside my area of expertise. It's out of my mind. Том почистив картоплю і зварив її. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Tom cleaned the potatoes and cooked it. У Тома пациент. Tom is with a patient. Tom has a patient. Он умеет играть на флейте. He can play the flute. He can play the flute. Я видел Ваши права. I've seen your driver's license. I saw your rights. Мы с тобой обе знаем, что этого не будет. You and I both know that that's not going to happen. You and I both know that's not gonna happen. Мая машына працуе на алкаголі. My car is alcohol-powered. My car is on alcohol. Ми купили будинок цього чоловіка. We bought the man's house. We bought this man's house. Мені прикро. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Спать хочу! I'm sleepy! I want to sleep! Очень надеюсь, что ты не обидишься. I do hope you won't be offended. I really hope you don't get offended. Зрозуміло, що мають бути якісь місцеві лікарні. Of course there should be local hospitals. Clearly, there should be some local hospitals. Я іноді падаю, але ніколи не здаюся. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. I fall sometimes, but I never give up. Я запалив вогонь. I lit the fire. I lit fire. Чи є життя на Європі? Is there life on Europa? Is There Life in Europe? Том думав, що Мері та Джон, можливо, займаються контрабандою зброї. Tom thought that maybe Mary and John were gunrunners. Tom thought Mary and John might be involved in arms smuggling. А куды Вы накіроўваецеся? Where are you heading? Where are you headed? У мене є інформація для неї. I have information for her. I have information for her. Візьми цей портфель. Take this briefcase. Take this briefcase. Мені не дозволили побачитися з нею. I wasn't allowed to see her. I wasn't allowed to see her. Том, імовірно, ніколи цього не робитиме. Tom is likely to never do that. Tom's probably never gonna do that. Думаю, Том прав. I think Tom is right. I think Tom's right. Том не сказал нам, чем он так расстроен. Tom didn't tell us why he was so upset. Tom didn't tell us how upset he was. Чи це правда що Мідорі дуже добре грає на скрипці? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Мои руки устали. My arms are tired. My hands are tired. Мы говорили о Джиме, когда он вошёл в комнату. We had been talking about Jim when he entered the room. We talked about Jim when he entered the room. Ти хоробрий? Are you brave? Are you brave? Здається, Том та Мері розчаровані. It looks like Tom and Mary are disappointed. I think Tom and Mary are disappointed. Сейчас я в безопасном месте. I'm in a safe place now. I'm in a safe place now. Том вчора звільнився. Tom resigned yesterday. Tom's released yesterday. Цягнік ідзе з хуткасьцю 50 міль у гадзіну. The train is going at a speed of 50 miles per hour. The train goes from a speed of 50 miles per hour. Я хочу зараз поїхати додому. I want to go home now. I want to go home now. Думаете, вы могли бы помочь мне это сделать? Do you think you could help me do that? You think you could help me do that? Право, исто єсть. Indeed, it's true. Right, that's right. Том сидел на скамейке и курил сигарету. Tom sat on a bench smoking a cigarette. Tom was sitting on a bench and smoking a cigarette. Том та Мері бояться Джона. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Том не ответил ни на один из моих вопросов. Tom didn't answer any of my questions. Tom didn't answer any of my questions. Ти здаєшся сильною. You look strong. You seem strong. Я не двинусь с места, пока вы не вернётесь. I'll stay right here until you get back. I'm not moving from place to place until you get back. У мене є близнюк. I'm a twin. I have a twin. Ты пьян. You are drunk! You're drunk. Сколько времени у тебя ушло на написание этого отчёта? How long did it take you to write the report? How long did it take you to write this report? Гэта крэсла. It is a chair. This is a chair. Думаю, Том або гей, або бісэксуал. Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think. I think Tom's either gay or bisexual. Её происхождение неизвестно. Its origin is unknown. Her origin is unknown. Скажи мне, что ты видел. Tell me what you saw. Tell me what you saw. Он думает, что я её люблю. He thinks I'm in love with her. He thinks I love her. Он, вероятно, скоро прибудет. He is likely to arrive soon. He'll probably be here soon. Він викладає 20 років. He has been teaching for 20 years. He teaches 20 years. Тому нравятся апельсины. Tom likes oranges. So they like oranges. Полиции удалось связать данные ДНК Тома с местом преступления. The police were able to link Tom's DNA to the crime scene. The police were able to link Tom's DNA to the crime scene. Пішли додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Том не дуже добрий учитель. Tom isn't a very good teacher. Tom's not a very good teacher. Если бы не твоя помощь, я бы не смог управиться с этим магазином. If it were not for your help, I could not run this store. If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't be able to manage this store. Ти знаєш мову жестів? Do you know sign language? Do you know sign language? Машинні переклади не завжди точні. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translations are not always accurate. Ось ці свіжі. These are fresh. These are fresh ones. Чьто же єсмь вѣлъ и ти повѣлъ. What I wist I told to you. What the fuck are you talking about? США официально объявили чрезвычайное положение. The United States officially declared a state of emergency. The US has officially declared a state of emergency. Том не помиляється. Tom isn't mistaken. Tom's right. Том дурний. Tom is stupid. Tom's stupid. Ти замкнув машину? Did you lock the car? Did you lock up the car? Том ні про що не шкодує. Tom has no regrets. Tom doesn't regret anything. Цей автобус їде до Мінська. This bus is going to Minsk. This bus is on its way to Minsk. Я предполагаю, что ты не сможешь сделать это. I guess that you can't do it. I guess you can't do this. Том сказав нам, що він не заперечує проти того, щоб це зробити. Tom let us know that he didn't mind doing that. Tom told us he wouldn't mind doing that. Я ніколи не користувався паяльною лампою. I've never used a blowtorch. I never used a fuel lamp. Пора заканчивать. It's time to wind up. It's time to finish. Людей позбавили їхніх політичних прав. People were deprived of their political rights. People were deprived of their political rights. Ти й насправді думаєш, що я б зробила це? Do you really think I'd do that? You really think I'd do that? Добро сътвори пєрєложи сє ѩглѧньскъı. Please put this into English. It's a good playbook. Ти сказав, що цього ніколи не станеться. You said it would never happen. You said it would never happen. Ваш столик готов, сэр. Your table is ready, sir. Your table's ready, sir. Том проверил своё зрение. Tom got his eyes tested. Tom checked his sight. Том дал нам много денег. Tom gave us a lot of money. Tom gave us a lot of money. Забыхъ. I forgot it. Forget it. Вы не должны здесь говорить. You shouldn't talk here. You don't have to talk here. Том умер полтора года назад. Tom died a year and a half ago. Tom died a year and a half ago. Это мою книгу ваш ребёнок разорвал на кусочки. It was my book that your child tore to pieces. This is my book your kid broke into pieces. У нас двое дзяцей. We have two kids. We have two children. На пачатку стварыў Бог неба і зямлю. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. At the beginning, God created heaven and earth. Ти божевільна. You're crazy. You're crazy. Черенок вил был сломан. The handle of the pitcher was broken. The shell was broken. Ваш отец об этом знает? Does your father know about this? Does your father know that? Арістотель вважав, що існує чотири фізичні елементи — земля, вода, повітря і вогонь. Aristotle believed that there were four physical elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Aristotle believed that there were four physical elements — earth, water, air, and fire. Том переночевал в отеле. Tom spent the night in a hotel. Tom spent the night at the hotel. Скільки ви зараз важите? How much do you weigh now? How much do you weigh now? Я все розповіла Тому. I told Tom everything. I told him everything. Це моя молодша сестра Сакіко. Вона народилася того ж року, що і я, і зараз вона готується до екзаменів. This is my little sister Sakiko. She was born the same year as me and is now studying for her exams. This is my younger sister, Sakiko, born the same year as I, and now she's preparing for her exams. Ты правда ничего не хочешь? Are you sure you don't want anything? You really don't want anything? Наскільки мені відомо, він неодружений. As far as I know, he is not married. As far as I know, he's single. Ты не можешь весь день здесь оставаться. You can't stay in here all day. You can't stay here all day. Ви вже поїли пирога? Have you eaten the cake yet? Have you eaten the pie yet? Утром тебе будет лучше. You'll feel better in the morning. You'll be better in the morning. Вы ведь не думаете всерьёз, что Том бы убил себя, не так ли? You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you? You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you? Мэри одета в черное платье. Mary is wearing a black dress. Mary's wearing black clothes. Він не боїться смерті. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid of death. Яке це має до цього відношення? What does that have to do with this? What does this have to do with this? Поскольку я каждый день качаю пресс, вы наконец-то можете видеть его рельеф. Because I do sit-ups every day, you can finally see my six pack. Since I drive the press every day, you can finally see its relief. Веди себя соответственно возрасту. Act your age. Act accordingly. Я хотів би вільно говорити англійською. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak English fluently. Ти не молодий. You aren't young. You're not young. Кто бы заметил? Who would notice? Who would have noticed? Ты сделал что-то не то. You've done something wrong. You did something wrong. Я цього не буду їсти. I won't eat this. I'm not eating that. Ты их читал? Did you read them? Did you read them? Что стало с деньгами? What happened to the money? What happened to the money? Зима отиде. Winter is gone. Winter's off. Скажіть йому, що я в офісі. Tell him I'm in the office. Tell him I'm in the office. Ты довольна? Are you content? Are you happy? Я знаю Тома. I know Tom. I know Tom. Мой стол стар. My desk is old. My desk is old. Баюся, ён хварэе. I'm afraid he is ill. I'm afraid he's sick. Откуда вы знаете, сколько это весит? How do you know how heavy it is? How do you know how much that weighs? В прошлом году она научилась ездить на велосипеде. She learned to ride a bicycle last year. Last year, she learned how to ride a bicycle. Мері втримала рівновагу. Mary kept her balance. Mary kept her balance. Якщо ти наполягаєш на тому, щоб поїхати самому, прошу. If you insist on going alone, please do so. If you insist on leaving alone, please. Білі починають і виграють. White to play and win. White's starting to win. Том зловив форель. Tom caught a trout. Tom caught the trout. Ти все ще школяр? Are you still in high school? Are you still a schoolboy? Тебе звонят. There's a call for you. You're being called. Разрушьте этот храм. Destroy this temple. Break down this temple. На столі стоїть вентилятор. There's a fan on the desk. There's a fan on the table. Ти куштував рис? Did you try the rice? Have you tasted rice? Я сказала Тому, чтобы он позвонил мне. I told Tom to give me a call. I told Tom to call me. Гэтыя дрэвы пасадзілі яны. These trees were planted by them. These trees planted them. Чого ти казишся? Why are you so mad? What are you talking about? Я не знав, що Том помер. I didn't know that Tom had died. I didn't know Tom was dead. Кабачки зелені. Zucchinis are green. Cables are green. Я прийшов побажати вам удачі. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you luck. Я пытаюсь разобраться, почему это произошло. I'm trying to figure out why it happened. I'm trying to figure out why this happened. Это моя книга? Is that my book? Is that my book? Найбольш мне падабаецца вясна. I like spring the best. Most I like spring. Том дав Мері повідомлення Джона. Tom gave Mary John's message. Tom gave Mary a message to John. С чего ты хочешь начать? Where do you want to start? Where do you want to start? Ми підемо пішки. We'll walk. We'll walk. Як часто ви його бачите? How often do you see him? How often do you see him? Я гэтага не казала. I didn't say this. I didn't say that. Перестань. Я не хочу. Stop. I don't want to. Come on, I don't want to. Ты п'яны. You're drunk. You're drunk. Том каждые выходные ходит на рыбалку. Tom goes fishing every weekend. Tom goes fishing every weekend. Вона пишається своїм сином. She prides herself on her son. She's proud of her son. Сёння месяц ярчэйшы, ніж звычайна. The moon is brighter than usual tonight. Today the month is brighter than usual. Том почув, як Мері кричить. Tom heard Mary yelling. Tom heard Mary scream. Я стара. I'm old. I'm old. Я читал статью. I read the article. I read the article. Гэтага недастаткова. It isn't enough. That's not enough. Не будешь есть - умрёшь. If you don't eat, you'll die. You won't eat, you'll die. Я вивчаю болгарську. I'm learning Bulgarian. I study Bulgarian. Я не хворий. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Ты попал в ловушку. You've walked into a trap. You're trapped. Хочешь немного? Do you want some? Want some? Калитка была открыта. The gate was open. The calyx was open. Как сейчас обстоят дела на фабрике? What's the situation at the factory now? How are things at the factory now? Мне прыемна, што ў цябе атрымалася! I'm glad it works for you. I'm glad you did it! У нас па два вуха. We have two ears. We have two ears. Субота це останній день тижня. Saturday is the last day of week. Saturday is the last day of the week. Перейду одразу до справи. Ти звільнений. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired. I'll go straight to business, you're fired. Розкажіть мені про свою школу. Tell me about your school. Tell me about your school. Отут? Is it here? Here? Она богата, но несчастна. She's rich but miserable. She's rich, but unhappy. Том збіраецца вярнуцца праз дзень або два. Tom is going to be back in a day or two. Tom is going to come back in a day or two. Думаю, на тебя можно положиться. I think you're reliable. I think you can be trusted. Няхай жыве Імператар! Long live the Emperor! Let the Emperor live! Поезд опоздал из-за аварии. The train was late because of an accident. The train's late for the accident. Том слабкий. Tom's weak. Tom's weak. Надеюсь, тебе здесь нравится. I hope you like being here. I hope you like it here. Том звонит Мэри. Tom is calling Mary. Tom's calling Mary. Лікарі не знайшли у Тома жодних проблем. The doctors found nothing wrong with Tom. The doctors found Tom with no problem. Том подякував Мері за подарункову картку. Tom thanked Mary for the gift card. Tom thanked Mary for her gift card. Ти, мабуть, помиляєшся. You're probably mistaken. You must be wrong. Вы пойдёте с ней? Will you go with her? Are you going with her? Я знаю, як ми можемо добре провести час. I know how we can have some fun. I know how well we can have a good time. Ви не такі молоді, як Том. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Я хорошо спал прошлой ночью. I slept well last night. I slept well last night. Ви мене радуєте. You make me happy. You're making me happy. Мне трэба шмат кніг. I need many books. I need lots of books. Во сколько поезд прибывает в Бостон? What time does the train arrive at Boston? What time is the train coming to Boston? У бягучы момант запісаць гульню нельга. You cannot save the game at this moment. At this point, you cannot save the game. Я бачив, як Том б'є Мері. I saw Tom hitting Mary. I saw Tom beat Mary. Просто подпишитесь здесь. Just sign here. Just sign here. Они тебе доверяли. They trusted you. They trusted you. Шмат хто любіць людзей, мала хто ведае. There are many of those who love people; those who know people are few. Many people love people, few people know. Куды Вы жадалі б пайсці? Where would you like to go? Where would you like to go? Хтось з вас був на Гаваях? Have any of you been to Hawaii? Was any of you in Hawaii? В тебе було багато часу. You had plenty of time. You had a lot of time. Я ем сыр. I eat cheese. I'm eating cheese. Дуже темно. It is very dark. Very dark. Якими іноземними мовами ти володієш? What foreign languages do you know? What foreign languages do you speak? Яна хоча Вас бачыць. Yana wants to see you. She wants to see you. Це наша автівка. This is our car. This is our car. Том всем сказал, что его усыновили. Tom told everyone he was adopted. Tom told everyone he was adopted. Ты заўсёды прыходзіш на працу так рана? Do you always come to work this early? Are you always coming to work so early? Пенкало биле. The pen is white. Pencolo white. Цей магазин не дуже великий. This store isn't very big. This store isn't big enough. Это работает. It works. It works. Уже десять часов. Моя мать, должно быть, злится. It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry. It's been ten hours, my mother must be angry. Мері, звичайно ж, приваблива. Mary is certainly attractive. Mary, of course, is attractive. Я знаю, что вы рано ушли. I know you left early. I know you left early. Конь били. The horse is white. The horse was beaten. Вы знали Тома лучше, чем я. You knew Tom better than I did. You knew Tom better than I did. Гэта жывёла вельмі разумная. This animal is very clever. This animal is very smart. Тобі подобаються поїздки? Do you like to travel? Do you like travel? Ты плануеш летам правесці водпуск з Томам? Do you plan to spend your summer vacation with Tom? Are you planning to spend the summer with Tom? Сколько у тебя ушло на это времени? How much time did it take you to do that? How much time do you have for this? Я ничего не сказал, потому что не знал, что говорить. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. Ти повинен бути обережним, обираючи своїх друзів. You must be careful in choosing your friends. You must be careful when choosing your friends. Она, скорее всего, откажется следовать его совету, потому что он ей не нравится. She is likely to refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him. She's probably refusing to follow his advice because she doesn't like him. Місяць освітлював кімнату. The moon lit the room. The moon lit the room. Мідь та серебро — метали. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and silver are metals. Jana pryjšła, kab sustrecca sa mnoj, niehledziačy na toje, što była zaniataja. She came to see me in spite of being busy. Jana pryjšła, kab sustrecca sa mnoj, niehledziačy na toje, što była zaniataja. Я один так думаю? Am I the only one who thinks that? Is that what I think? Давай заспіваєймо щось разом. Let's sing something together. Let's sing together. Дурня вчити, що мертвого лічити. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. It's stupid to teach that it's dead to count. Я злуюся. I'm angry. I'm angry. Чия це машина? Whose car is this? Whose car is it? Вважаючи так, ви маєте рацію. You are correct in thinking so. If you think so, you're right. Наступны раз я зраблю гэта сама. Next time I will do it myself. Next time I'll do it myself. Пожалуйста, накажи его. Please punish him. Please punish him. Том спал без одеяла. Tom slept without a blanket. Tom slept without blankets. Мы добра праводзім час. We're having fun. We have a good time. Я ніколи нічого нікому не сказав. I never said anything to anybody. I never told anyone. Мені треба поговорити з Томом. I must speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Думаю, завтра буде сніг. I believe it will be snowing tomorrow. I think it'll snow tomorrow. Чим займається твоя тітка? What does your aunt do? What's your aunt doing? Правила есть правила. Rules are rules. Rules are rules. Тому действительно жаль. Tom is really sorry. So I'm really sorry. Раман заканчваецца смерцю гераіні. The novel ends with the heroine's death. The novel ends with the death of heroin. Ты должен мне доверять. You have to trust me. You have to trust me. Я обожнюю це місце! I love this place! I love this place! Как ты сломал плечо? How did you fracture your shoulder? How did you break your shoulder? Тому следовало бы поостеречься и не целовать Мэри прилюдно. Tom should have known better than to kiss Mary in public. So you should be careful not to kiss Mary publicly. Мэри была в костюме пирата. Mary wore a pirate costume. Mary was in a pirate suit. Том сказал мне, что не может вспомнить, что произошло. Tom told me he couldn't remember what happened. Tom told me he couldn't remember what happened. Мне надо покормить грудью ребенка. I have to breast-feed my baby. I have to feed my baby. Том витріщився на Мері. Tom stared at Mary. Tom's staring at Mary. Я знайшла ключ, який я шукала. I found the key I had been looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Калі Том любіць Мэры, а Мэры любіць Джона, тады Том любіць Джона? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? When Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? Ти не потрібен. You aren't needed. You don't need it. Ти вчишся? Are you studying? Are you studying? Вы должны сделать это прямо сейчас. You should do that right now. You have to do it right now. Калі ласка, паглядзі гэты фільм. Please watch this movie. Please see this movie. Я народилася у 1997 році в Осаці. I was born in 1977 in Osaka. I was born in Osaka in 1997. Ты думаешь, это точный перевод? Do you think that this translation is accurate? Do you think it's an accurate translation? Моя сім'я живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Давай поговорим об этом. Let's speak about it. Let's talk about it. Не похоже, чтобы Том веселился. Tom doesn't seem to be having fun. It doesn't look like Tom's having fun. Зачем Вы сбрили бороду? Why did you shave off your beard? Why did you shave the beard? Я думал, это её рассмешит. I thought it would make her laugh. I thought it would make her laugh. Я хотів би взяти машину напрокат. I would like to rent a car. I'd like to rent a car. Сколько пар носков вы купили? How many pairs of socks did you buy? How many pairs of socks did you buy? Он совершил самоубийство, чтобы загладить свой грех. He committed suicide to atone for his sin. He committed suicide to make up for his sin. Сьогодні середа, вісімнадцяте жовтня. Today is Wednesday, the eighteenth of October. Wednesday, October eighteen. Ти вдарила Тома? Did you hit Tom? Did you hit Tom? Моя кімната - свинарик. My room is a pigsty. My room is a pig. Свабоду Каўказу! Free Caucasus! Freedom of the Caucasus! Этот журнал хорошо продаётся. This magazine sells well. This magazine is selling well. Том сказав, що навряд чи виграє. Tom said he was unlikely to win. Tom said he wouldn't win. Вони худі. They're skinny. They're thin. Для одного дня достатньо. It is enough for one day. It's enough for one day. Если нужна помощь, скажи. If you need help, let me know. If you need help, tell me. Скажыце яму, што мы занятыя. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. Хто гуляў не па правілам? Who hasn't been playing by the rules? Who did not play by rule? Я забув її ім'я. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. Я тебе просив про допомогу? Did I ask for your help? Did I ask you for help? Давай дадим Тому ещё один шанс. Let's give Tom another chance. Let's give Tom another chance. Вас кто-то ждёт. There's someone waiting for you. Someone's waiting for you. Ты рассказала Тому? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? Том случайно опрокинул свой напиток. Tom accidentally knocked over his drink. Tom accidentally turned over his drink. Я ще не снідала. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Ты лучше, чем Том. You're better than Tom. You're better than Tom. Здаецца, мы трапілі ў западню. It looks like we fell into a trap. We seem to have fallen into the west. Я зазвичай більш зайнятий, ніж Том. I'm usually busier than Tom. I'm usually more busy than Tom. Том держал веревку обеими руками. Tom held the rope with both hands. Tom held the rope with both hands. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було три роки. Tom's parents died when Tom was three. Tom’s parents died when he was three. Она спит как младенец. She sleeps like a baby. She sleeps like a baby. Де і коли подають сніданок? When and where is breakfast served? Where and when are breakfast served? Что бы ни произошло, тебе надо сохранять спокойствие. Whatever happens, you have to stay calm. Whatever happens, you must remain calm. Для чого ти будеш це використовувати? What will you use it for? Why would you use that? Том пише лівою рукою. Tom writes with his left hand. Tom's left hand. Ти мав сказати Тому правду. You should've told Tom the truth. You should have told him the truth. Это так трудно сделать? Is that so hard to do? Is that so hard to do? Наконец, ей это удалось. Finally, she succeeded. Finally, she succeeded. Скажи своим людям бросить оружие. Tell your men to drop their weapons. Tell your men to drop their weapons. Тому подобається говорити про інших людей. Tom likes talking about other people. So I enjoy talking about other people. Мій батько служив у флоті. My father was in the navy. My father was in the Navy. Тобі телефонує Том. Tom is calling you. Tom's calling you. Даже не говоря о цене, это платье мне не идёт. Apart from the cost, the dress doesn't suit me. Not to mention the price, it's not my dress. Державний борг зростає. The national debt is growing. The government debt goes up. Мой дзень нараджэння ў ліпні. My birthday is in July. My birthday is in July. Я не хочу, чтобы Том об этом беспокоился. I don't want Tom to worry about that. I don't want Tom to worry about it. То помаранче. It is an orange. It's orange. Звідки приїхали всі ці машини? Where did all these cars come from? Where did all these cars come from? Том не вміє водити машину. Tom can't drive. Tom can't drive. "Думаете, он придёт?" - "Надеюсь, что нет". "Do you think he will come?" "I hope not." "Do you think he'll come?" "I hope not." Том це тобі дійсно сказав? Did Tom actually tell you that? Did Tom really tell you that? Саме це Америці й потрібно. This is exactly what America needs. That is what America needs. Том хочет продать дом. Tom wants to sell his house. Tom wants to sell the house. Я собираюсь поиграть завтра с Томом в теннис. I'm going to play tennis with Tom tomorrow. I'm gonna play with Tom at tennis tomorrow. Я рада видеть, что с тобой всё в порядке. I'm glad to see you're OK. I'm glad to see you're okay. Я, особисто, люблю мир. Personally, I like peace. I personally love peace. Простите, что не доверял вам. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. Це можна купити приблизно за тисячу ієн. You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. You can buy that for about a thousand yen. Ён хворы на рак лёгкіх. He's got lung cancer. He is sick with lung cancer. Я купил хлеба. I bought some bread. I bought bread. Том живий. Tom is alive! Tom's alive. Том на пару дюймов выше Мэри. Tom is a couple of inches taller than Mary. Tom's a couple inches taller than Mary. Может быть, вам не стоит ей говорить. Maybe you shouldn't tell her. Maybe you shouldn't talk to her. Можешь оставить себе. You can keep it. You can keep it. Що саме хоче Том? What is it that Tom wants? What does Tom want? З'їж що-небудь. Eat something. Eat something. В Японії живуть багато видів птахів. Many kinds of birds live in Japan. Many bird species live in Japan. Я дійсно не знаю, як ще я це можу пояснити. I don't really know how else I can explain that. I really don't know how much more I can explain. Linux - це безкоштовна операційна система, тобі варто спробувати її використовувати. Linux is a free operating system; you should try it. Linux is a free operating system, you should try to use it. Пара ісці спаць. It's time to go to bed. The couple go to bed. Ось ваші ключі. Here are your keys. Here are your keys. Скажи мені, що я маю сказати, і я це скажу. Tell me what I'm supposed to say, and I'll say it. Tell me what I have to say, and I'll say it. Добрыя традыцыі трэба захоўваць. Good traditions should be preserved. Good traditions need to be preserved. Будь краток. Be brief. Be brief. Звідки почнемо? Where do we start? Where do we start? Я трудоголік. I'm a workaholic. I'm a workaholic. Нам это уже не нужно. We don't need it anymore. We don't need it anymore. Ніхто ўжо так не думае. No one thinks that way anymore. Nobody thinks that way anymore. Скажите мне, если будут какие-то проблемы. Let me know if you have any problems. Tell me if there's any problem. Какие у тебя планы, Том? What are your plans, Tom? What are your plans, Tom? Эта книга хорошо продаётся. This book sells well. This book is selling well. Том был заинтригован происходящим. Tom was intrigued by what was happening. Tom was intrigued by what was happening. Передай ей от меня привет. Give my love to her. Say hi to her from me. Як ти міг дозволити йому зробити це з тобою? How could you let them do this to you? How could you let him do this to you? Я не уверена, что понимаю тебя. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I'm not sure I understand you. Садоўнік пасадзіў ружавае дрэва ў цэнтры саду. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. Ходімо зараз. А то запізнимось. Let’s go now. Otherwise, we'll be late. Let's go, we'll be late. Візьми телефон. Take the phone. Take the phone. Том вам дав щось для мене? Did Tom give you something for me? Did Tom give you something for me? Ты часто плачешь? Do you cry often? Do you cry often? Я не разумею. I don't get the point. I don't understand. Ты слишком мал, чтобы знать, что такое логарифмическая линейка. You're too young to know what a slide rule is. You're too small to know what a logarithmic ruler is. У Тома був важкий тиждень. Tom had a tough week. Tom had a hard week. Укравший булавку украдёт и корову. He who steals a pin will steal an ox. The stolen pin will steal the cow. Я примусив Тома зробити це. I forced Tom to do that. I got Tom to do it. Кто научил вас танцевать? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you to dance? Ці размаўляеш ты на лацінскай мове? Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? Можно сформулировать это по-другому? Can it be phrased in another way? Can I do it differently? Почему Том не спит? Why isn't Tom sleeping? Why isn't Tom sleeping? Том вроде говорил, что Мэри из Австралии. I thought Tom said that Mary was from Australia. Tom sort of said Mary was from Australia. Где я был? Where was I? Where have I been? Кому Том продал свой автомобиль? Who did Tom sell his car to? To whom did Tom sell his car? Мені потрібні факти. I want the facts. I need facts. Том приїжджає наступного тижня. Tom is coming next week. Tom's coming next week. Я не такий розумний, як ти думаєш. I'm not as smart as you think I am. I'm not as smart as you think. Він почав шукати роботу. He's begun to look for a job. He started looking for a job. Да где угодно положи. Just put it anywhere. I don't care where you want to put it. Я маю кілька друзів із Канади. I have a few Canadian friends. I have some friends from Canada. Мне падабаецца гольф. I like golf. I like golf. Вона непритомна. She is unconscious. She's unconscious. Том говорит, что он это исправит. Tom says he'll correct it. Tom says he'll fix it. Ви седриті на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're seditious on Tom, aren't you? Сколько стоит ржаная мука? How much does rye flour cost? How much rusty flour is worth? Купіце нашу газету і выйграйце паездку ў Хмяльніцкі! Buy our newspaper and win a trip to Khmelnytsky! Buy our newspaper and win a trip to Hmm! Том не пострадал. Tom didn't get hurt. Tom didn't get hurt. У нас скончылася нафта. We've run short of oil. We're out of oil. Паниковать бесполезно. Panicking won't help. It's useless to panic. Быти ли не быти ли, се ти орѫдьє. To be or not to be, that is the question. Don't be, you're a fool. Сербская — яе родная мова. She is a native speaker of Serbian. Serbian is her native language. Он превысил свои полномочия. He has overstepped his authority. He's out of his power. Медсестра заботилась о пациенте. The nurse attended the patient. The nurse took care of the patient. Я хачу памерці разам з Гетэр Яані. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Heter Yaani. Это красное или белое? Is that red or white? Is it red or white? Це дуже добре відчуття. It's a really good feeling. It's a very good feeling. Я з Ріо-де-Жанейро, а ти? I am from Rio de Janeiro, and you? I'm from Rio de Janeiro, and you? Сухий пісок вбирає воду. Dry sand absorbs water. Dry sand takes in water. Ви вегетаріанець? Are you vegetarian? Are you vegetarian? Ты умеешь собирать кубик Рубика? Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? Do you know how to collect Rubica's cube? Я нікому не розкрию твого секрету. Your secret will be safe with me. I won't reveal your secret to anyone. Она накричала на него. She yelled at him. She yelled at him. Том дозволив Мері поїхати самій. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom let Mary go alone. Я хаджу ў бібліятэку як мінімум раз на тыдзень. I go to the library at least once a week. I go to the library at least once a week. Ти йдеш на матч? Are you going to the game? Are you going to the match? Вона дуже хоче схуднути. She really wants to lose weight. She really wants to lose weight. Нажмите на кнопку. Push the button. Click on the button. Це дуже зручне крісло. This is a very comfortable armchair. It's a very nice chair. Калі ты болей нічога не скажаш, пабачымся ў судзе! If that's the last thing you say, see you in the court! If you don't say anything, see me in court! Чому він жив у Сполучених Штатах? Why did he live in the United States? Why did he live in the United States? Том сказал мне, что ему страшно. Tom told me that he was afraid. Tom told me he was scared. Все більше людей пропонувало свою допомогу. More and more people offered to help. More and more people were offering their help. Том був трохи спантеличений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a little confused. У мене теж є один з тих. I have one of those, too. I have one of them, too. Я помру? Am I going to die? Am I going to die? Он левша. He's left-handed. He's left-handed. Хіба ти сьогодні не хочеш купатися? Don't you want to swim today? Don't you want to bathe today? Том сподівається, що Мері відвідає Австралію. Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia. Tom expects Mary to visit Australia. Я подорожував сам. I traveled by myself. I was traveling alone. Чем давать ему деньги, можно их хоть на ветер выбросить. I may as well throw the money away as give it to him. If you give him money, you can throw them on the wind. Ты был в прошлом году на Хоккайдо? Were you in Hokkaido last year? Have you been to Hokkaido last year? Я хотел сказать ему что-нибудь, но не сказал. I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't. I wanted to tell him something, but I didn't tell him. Гайда на пляж. Let's go to the beach. Come on to the beach. Доля сприяє сміливим. Fortune favors the bold. Destiny contributes to courage. Том ще не помер. Tom hasn't yet died. Tom's not dead yet. Твои родители об этом знают? Do your parents know about this? Your parents know that? Батарэя разражаджаная! Battery is low! The battery is irritated! Ти поліцейський? Are you a policeman? You're a cop? Прачынайся! Wake up! Wake up! Мері сказала, що їй подобається це робити. Mary said she liked doing that. Mary said she liked it. Я гэтага не бачыла. I didn't see that. I didn't see that. Я вже на сьогодні закінчую. I'm going to call it a day. I'm done for today. Він розмовляє десятьома мовами. He speaks ten languages. He speaks ten languages. Том сказал, что я выгляжу уставшей. Tom said that I looked tired. Tom said I looked up. Склади папір навпіл. Fold the paper in the middle. Put paper in half. Мне нужно подвести часы на две минуты вперёд. I must put my watch forward two minutes. I need two minutes ahead. Я прыгатавала сняданак. I made breakfast. I cooked breakfast. Том - талантливый шахматист. Tom is a talented chess player. Tom is a talented chess player. Не можу йти, зрештою, і не хочу. I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't go, and I don't want to go. Я уверен, что Том об этом не знал. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. I'm sure Tom didn't know about it. Самалёт ляцеў над хмарамі. The plane flew above the clouds. The plane flew over the clouds. Та красивая девушка в бикини — сестра Тома. That pretty girl in a bikini is Tom's sister. That beautiful girl in the bikini is Tom's sister. Хто вас поцілував? Who kissed you? Who kissed you? Вы не идёте со мной на концерт? Aren't you coming to the concert with me? You're not going to a concert with me? Я не могу посвятить тебя в свои планы. I can't tell you what my plans are. I can't dedicate you to my plans. Я не знаю, до кого мені слід звернутися. I don't know who to turn to. I don't know who I should go to. Я ведаю, што ты ляўша, бо ты носіш гадзіннік на правай руцэ. I know you are left handed since you wear your watch on your right arm. I know that you are a lion, for you wear a watch on your right hand. Вона розлютилася. She got mad. She was angry. Барбару забіў Элістэр. It was Alister who killed Barbara. Barbara killed Elister. Том хоча атрымаць адказы. Tom wants answers. Tom wants to get answers. Ти бачив якісь сліди ніг? Did you see any footprints? Have you seen any marks of your feet? Гэтага выстачыла. That was enough. That's enough. Ты вечером идёшь в театр? Are you going to the theater tonight? Are you going to the theater tonight? Він ніколи не говорить про цей нещасний випадок. He never speaks of the accident. He never talks about this accident. Я хотел рассказать вам это. I wanted to tell you that. I wanted to tell you that. Она подарила ему улыбку. She gave him a big smile. She gave him a smile. Я боюся землетрусів. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Я не могу помочь с этим Тому. I can't help Tom with that. I can't help Tom with that. Почему ты изучаешь французский? Why do you study French? Why are you studying French? На який пляж ви любите ходити? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you like to go to? Я ўдава. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Всё, что делает Том, — это смотрит телевизор. All Tom does is watch TV. All Tom does is watch TV. Я певен, що ми з Томом побачимося знову. I'm sure I'll see Tom again. I'm sure Tom and I'll see you again. Обережніше з Бобом. Ви знаєте, він нещодавно пережив важкий період. Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently. Be careful with Bob, you know, he's recently been through a difficult period. Тобі треба поговорити з Томом. You should speak with Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Ти виглядала дуже сумною. You seemed really sad. You looked very sad. Ничего этого не случилось. None of those things have happened. Nothing of this happened. Я не мог поверить, что это ты. I couldn't believe it was you. I couldn't believe it was you. Деякі люди дуже напружені. Some people are so uptight. Some people are very tense. Яна закахалася ў новага настаўніка. She fell in love with the new teacher. She fell in love with the new teacher. Вам слід було це зробити минулого року. You must've done that last year. You should have done that last year. В цьому є іронія. That's ironic. That's the irony. Вона зателефонувала психіатру. She phoned the psychiatrist. She called a psychiatrist. Она вышла за него из-за денег. She married him for his money. She married him because of the money. Мама зараз грає у теніс. Mum is playing tennis now. Mom's playing tennis right now. Твоя дочка мені прозповість. Your daughter will tell me. Your daughter will tell me. Том знает об этом больше Мэри. Tom knows more about that than Mary does. Tom knows more about it than Mary does. Том сказав, що Мері не може цього зробити. Tom said Mary couldn't do that. Tom said Mary couldn't do it. Представим, что мы инопланетяне. Let's pretend we're aliens. Imagine we're aliens. Том улыбается? Is Tom smiling? Is Tom smiling? Це пляшка. This is a bottle. It's a bottle. Японец никогда бы не сделал такого. A Japanese would never do such a thing. The Japanese would never have done that. Том не мог сосредоточиться. Tom couldn't concentrate. Tom couldn't concentrate. Ходять чутки. Rumors have been circulating. There are rumors. Мій кіт не любить промокати. My cat doesn't like to get wet. My cat doesn't like getting wet. Я Антоніо. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. Не разговаривайте так с матерью. Don't talk to your mother like that! Don't talk to your mother like that. Як просувається твоя робота? How is your work coming along? How's your job progressing? Ти хочеш, щоб я купив тобі бутерброд? Do you want me to buy you a sandwich? You want me to buy you a sandwich? Не стесняйтесь спрашивать совета. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't be shy about asking advice. Мы тебя ищем! We are looking for you! We're looking for you! Том міг це зробити вчора. You could've done that yesterday. Tom could have done it yesterday. Я можу читати цією мовою, але я ніколи її не чув. I can read the language, but I've never heard it. I can read it in this language, but I've never heard of it. Чи є хот-дог бутербродом? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is there a hot dog sandwich? Я збентежений. I'm discouraged. I'm confused. Ты купил мясо в супермаркете? Did you buy any meat in the supermarket? Did you buy meat at the supermarket? Том кашлял. Tom coughed. Tom coughed. Вы не имели на это никакого права. You had no right to do that. You didn't have any right to do that. Я не могу позволить себе покупку нового велосипеда, так что придется обойтись вот этим старым. I can't afford to buy a new bike, so I'll have to manage with this old one. I can't afford to buy a new bike, so I'm gonna have to do this old one. Марьи люба єста Ѳома да Иванъ. Mary likes both Tom and John. Mary's dear Sesta Doma da Ivan's. Здесь никого нет. There isn't anybody here. There's nobody here. Том добре співає. Tom is good at singing. Tom sings well. Ты в новых ботинках? Are you wearing new shoes? Are you wearing new boots? Я купіў кнігу. I bought a book. I bought a book. Нам розповів Том. Tom told us. Tom told us. Я чула, як ти кричав. I heard you scream. I heard you yelling. Думаешь, Том получает от этого удовольствие? Do you think Tom enjoys doing that? You think Tom's getting the pleasure out of it? Томе, я хочу лишитися з тобою. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Том ничего не нашёл в старом ящике. Tom didn't find anything in the old box. Tom didn't find anything in the old box. Ты купил слишком много хлеба. You bought too much bread. You bought too much bread. Вы боитесь крыс? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of rats? Я знав, що вони її підозрюватимуть. I knew they would suspect her. I knew they'd suspect her. Зялёны табе вельмі да твару. Green suits you very well. Green is thee very to face. Це все, що вони хотіли. That's all they wanted. That's all they wanted. Я иногда вижу его в клубе. Sometimes I see him at the club. I sometimes see him at the club. Это самый быстрый поезд в мире. It's the fastest train in the world. It's the fastest train in the world. Я знайду роботу. I'll find work. I'll get a job. Он посоветовал ей не идти. He advised her not to go. He told her not to go. Я написал это для Тома. I wrote it for Tom. I wrote it for Tom. Де я можу поставити машину? Where can I park? Where can I put the car? Том, можна сказати, гарний. Tom is kind of handsome. Tom, you could say, nice. Вы знаете, как зовут девушку Тома? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Do you know what Tom's girl's name is? Он повредил себе колено, когда упал. He hurt his knee when he fell. He hurt his knee when he fell. Я знаю, что Том - хороший учитель. I know Tom is a good teacher. I know Tom is a good teacher. Как вы думаете, сколько мне лет? How old do you think I am? How old do you think I am? Ти зробив три помилки. You've made three errors. You made three mistakes. Куди вітер, туди й він. He always swims with the current. Where the wind is, there it is. Вона заслуговує на кращє життя. She deserves a better life. She deserves a better life. Як клічуць твайго сябра? What's your friend's name? What is your friend's name? Даруйце, у нас скончыліся манты. I'm sorry, we're all out of manti. Give it back, we're out of the mants. Я пытаюсь решить задачу. I'm trying to solve the problem. I'm trying to get through this. Як виглядає підозрюваний? What does the suspect look like? What does the suspect look like? Я не думаю, что ты бессердечен. I don't think you're heartless. I don't think you're angry. Я ходжу до церкви кожного дня. I go to church every day. I go to church every day. Непогана ідея. The idea isn't bad. Good idea. Ненавиджу весілля. I hate weddings. I hate the wedding. Мері зробила костюм на Хелловін для своїх дітей. Mary made Halloween costumes for her kids. Mary made a Halloween suit for her children. Обращайся с ним хорошо. Treat him well. Make good contact with him. Хватай верёвку! Catch the rope! Grab the rope! Даже если бы я знал, я бы вам не сказал. Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Як найкраще вивчити французьку? What's the best way to learn French? What's the best way to learn French? Ми не мали взагалі жодного контролю. We had absolutely no control. We had no control at all. Мне всё равно, пойдёшь ты или нет. Я в любом случае иду. I don't care if you go or not. I'm going anyway. I don't care whether you're coming or not, I'm going anyway. Том втік через вікно. Tom escaped through the window. Tom ran through the window. Ну, тоді розпочнімо. Then let us begin. Well, then let's start. Пойдзем з намі. Come along with us. Let's go with us. Я надійшлю тобі посилання. I'll send you the link. I'll give you a link. В зоопарку є багато видів тварин. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. There are many species of animals in the zoo. У мене немає двох котів. I don't have two cats. I don't have two cats. Вибір за нами. The choice is ours. It's our choice. Родий — самый редкий метал. Rhodium is the rarest metal. The genus is the rarest metal. Ми прогулялися до самого парку. We walked as far as the park. We went all the way to the park. Я принёс печенье. I brought cookies. I brought cookies. Ужо прайшоў месяц. A month has already passed. It's already been a month. Цягнік прыбыў па раскладзе. The train arrived on schedule. The train arrived on schedule. Пропоную вам зробити це зараз. I suggest that you do that now. I suggest you do it now. Она повредила спину, играя в теннис. She injured her back playing tennis. She hurt her back by playing tennis. Я не знал, что ты раньше жила в Бостоне. I didn't know you used to live in Boston. I didn't know you used to live in Boston. Люсі вже телефонувала? Has Lucy telephoned yet? Has Lucy been calling yet? Народ паўстаў супраць караля. The people rebelled against the king. The people rebelled against the king. Який твій улюблений колір? What is your favourite colour? What's your favorite color? Я домой пойду. I'll go home. I'll go home. Тому нас не слышно. Tom can't hear us. That's why we can't be heard. З ким ви розмовляли? Who did you talk to? Who were you talking to? Птушкі маюць крылы. Birds have wings. Birds have wings. Дорога в этом месте изгибается направо. Here the road curves to the right. The road in this place bends right. Ти занадто худорлява. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Том плохо справился. Tom did a bad job. Tom's been wrong. Ты каждый день смотришь телевизор? Do you watch TV every day? Are you watching TV every day? Извините за мой французский. Pardon my French. Sorry about my French. Ты каждый день плаваешь? Do you swim every day? Are you swimming every day? Я в Тегеране. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. После того как я сел в поезд, я заметил, что забыл бумажник дома. After I got on board a train, I found I had left my wallet behind at home. After I was on the train, I noticed that I had forgotten the wallet at home. У мене не було жодних друзів у Австралії. I had no friends in Australia. I had no friends in Australia. Прощайте. Farewell! Farewell. Если не ты положил это сюда, то кто положил? If you didn't put this here, then who did? If you didn't put this here, who put it? Мені цікаво, чи Том зможе посидіти з нашою дитиною сьогодні ввечері. I wonder whether or not Tom can babysit for us tonight. I wonder if Tom could sit with our kid tonight. Давай я сначала с ней поговорю. Let me talk to her first. Let me talk to her first. Я не могу растить нашу дочь в одиночку. I can't raise our daughter alone. I can't raise our daughter alone. Это было у нас в почтовом ящике. That was in our letterbox. It was in our mailbox. Він вбив його. He killed him. He killed him. Тут поблизости есть аптека? Is there a drugstore nearby? Is there a pharmacies around? Він залишався там не більше ніж чотири дні. He stayed there not more than four days. He stayed there for no more than four days. У тебе йде кров. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. Всё это кажется таким странным. It all seems so strange. It all seems so strange. Луна сияет. The moon is shining. The moon shines. Він тут раніше зупинявся? Has he stayed here before? Has he stopped here before? Я знав про це все. I knew all about it. I knew everything about it. Я сказав Тому нікому не казати. I told Tom not to tell anyone. I told him not to tell anyone. Де мої ключі? Where are my keys? Where are my keys? На Мэри синее платье. Mary is wearing a blue dress. Mary has a blue dress. Тому не подобається їсти рибу. Tom doesn't like to eat fish. So you don't like eating fish. Я боюся тарганів. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of cockroaches. Никогда в жизни! Never in a lifetime! Never in life! Тому нравилось в школе. Tom enjoyed school. So I liked school. Не шути с огнём. Don't mess with fire. Don't joke with the fire. Они живут с тобой? Do they live with you? They live with you? Ми неначе родина. We're like family. We're like a family. Я ніколи не забуду вашу доброту. I shall never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Давайте поставимо намет, поки ще світло. Let's put up the tent while it is still light. Let's put the tent on while there's light. Выучи китайский не для того, чтобы произвести впечатление на своего будущего начальника, а чтобы понимать, что она говорит. Learn Chinese, not to impress your future boss, but to understand what she is saying. Learning Chinese, not to impress her future boss, but to understand what she's saying. Положительные атомные ядра притягивают отрицательные электроны. Positive atomic nuclei attract negative electrons. Positive atomic nuclei attract negative electrons. Я сьогодні не зайнята. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. Том сказав, що не може втриматися від того, щоб зробити це. Tom said he couldn't resist doing that. Tom said he couldn't hold back from doing it. Я ходжу до бібліотеки принаймні один раз на тиждень. I go to the library at least once a week. I go to the library at least once a week. Я хотел скидку побольше. I wanted a bigger discount. I wanted a bigger discount. Калі ласка, падпішыце дагавор. Please sign your name on the contract. Please sign the contract. Око за око, зуб за зуб. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Том сказал мне, что останется дома. Tom told me he'd stay home. Tom told me he'd stay home. Я не смогу прийти на вашу свадьбу. I won't be able to attend your wedding. I can't come to your wedding. Як ви вивчили есперанто? How did you learn Esperanto? How did you learn esperantha? Я его унесу внутрь. I'll take it inside. I'll get him inside. Ви хотіли би собаку? Would you like a dog? Would you like a dog? Том в душе ребёнок. Tom is a child at heart. Tom's in the shower of a baby. Звідки у тебе взялася нерозумна ідея піти до офісу пана Садіка? Where did you get the stupid idea of getting into Mr. Sadiq's office? Where did you get the foolish idea of going to Mr. Sadik's office? Вы мяне не папярэдзілі. You didn't warn me. You didn't warn me. Том выйшаў замуж за Самі. Tom married Sami. Tom married Sam. Гадаю, Том мене ненавидить. I think Tom hates me. I think Tom hates me. Том забув принести домашню роботу до школу. Tom forgot to bring his homework to school. Tom forgot to bring home work to school. Твої ліки готові. Your medicine is ready. Your medicine's ready. Я не буду петь эту песню. I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not singing this song. Я бы хотел поговорить с прорабом. I'd like to talk to the foreman. I'd like to talk to the prom. Яшчэ тры пасажыры зайшлі ў аўтобус. Three more passengers got on the bus. Three more passengers went into the bus. Я знаю, что вы все трусы. I know that you all are cowards. I know you're all cowards. Том сказал, что Мэри не выиграет. Tom said that Mary wouldn't win. Tom said Mary wouldn't win. Я почти верю тебе. I almost believe you. I almost believe you. Ти італієць. You're Italian. You're an Italian. Том - инженер. Tom is an engineer. Tom is an engineer. Де тато? Where is dad? Where's Dad? Давайте я понесу. Let me carry it for you. Let me carry it. Ти не мусиш робити це зараз. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do it now. З столі звісала прыгожая люстра. There was a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A beautiful mirror hung from the table. Можна я гэта зраблю потым? Can I do this later? Can I do that then? У тебя не так много времени. You don't have a lot of time. You don't have much time. Том чув, що Мері вийшла заміж. Tom heard that Mary got married. Tom heard Mary got married. Хмара сіра. The cloud is grey. A gray cloud. Ты говоришь мне, что ничего об этом не знаешь? Are you telling me you don't know anything about this? You're telling me you don't know anything about this? Том теж студент. Tom is a student, too. Tom is also a student. Мы с ней знакомы по работе. I know her from work. She's familiar with me at work. У будь-якому разі, який у тебе план? What was your plan anyway? Anyway, what's your plan? Я видела тебя в парке с Томом. I saw you in the park with Tom. I saw you in the park with Tom. Допомога прийшла занадто пізно. Help came too late. Help came too late. Она посоветовала ему держать свои обещания. She advised him to keep his promises. She suggested that he keep his promises. Иностранцам трудно привыкнуть к японской пище. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. Foreigners find it difficult to get used to Japanese food. Навіщо ти говориш із Томом французькою? Why are you speaking French to Tom? Why are you talking to Tom French? Закатайте рукава. Roll up your sleeves. Roll your sleeves. Вы мне нравитесь такой, какая Вы есть. I like you just the way you are. I like you the way you are. Наразі телефон не працює. The telephone is now out of order. It's not working at this time. Том попередив Мері про Джона. Tom warned Mary about John. Tom warned Mary about John. О, тут матылёк! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, there's a butterfly! У неё болели ноги. Her feet ached. She was in pain with her feet. Звідки в тебе цей ключ? Where did you get this key? Where did you get that key? Не не відповів на моє запитання. You haven't answer my question. I didn't answer my question. Вы говорили об этом с Томом? Have you talked to Tom about this? Did you talk about it to Tom? A - множество, состоящее из элементов c, b и a. A is a set consisting of the elements c, b, and a. A is a number consisting of elements c, b and a. Удень світить сонце, а вночі - місяць. The sun gives light by day, and the moon by night. The sun shines during the day and the moon shines at night. Она самая ленивая из тех, кого я знаю. She is the laziest person I know. She's the lazyest person I know. Я хотел бы оставить отзыв. I'd like to leave feedback. I'd like to leave a reply. Том сказал тебе, где он был прошлой ночью? Did Tom tell you where he was last night? Did Tom tell you where he was last night? Які фрукт жоўты? Which fruit is yellow? Which fruit is yellow? Звучит просто. It sounds easy. Sounds simple. Я подстригаюсь каждый месяц. I get a haircut every month. I procrastinate every month. Він все ще в моєму офісі? Is he still in my office? Is he still in my office? Сколько тебе нужно галстуков? How many ties do you need? How many tie-ups do you need? Цікаво, про що думає Том. I wonder what Tom is thinking about. I wonder what Tom's thinking about. У нас півдюжини яєць. We have half a dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Том не хоче бути дизайнером. Tom doesn't want to be a designer. Tom doesn't want to be a designer. Ты беспристрастна. You're unbiased. You're indecent. Я вражений. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. Лично я думаю, что вы правы. Personally, I think you're right. Personally, I think you're right. Це було частиною плану. This was part of the plan. It was part of the plan. Божевілля корисне для здоров’я. Being crazy is healthy. Madness is good for your health. Поводься добре. Behave yourself. Be good. Що ти з цими робитимеш? What are you going to do with those? What are you gonna do with these? Будь здорова! Gesundheit! Be healthy! Ти не могла би відчинити вікно? Would you mind opening the window? Could you open the window? Астрономiя - це наука про небеснi тiла. Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. Astronomy is the science of celestial bodies. Кен пригорнув наречену Тома. Ken hugged Tom’s fiancée. Ken caught hold of Tom's fiancée. Моя мрія - бути лікарем. My dream is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. Він сьогодні похмурий. He is morose today. He's gloomy today. Мэри потеряла сумочку. Mary has lost her purse. Mary lost her purse. Не дивись так на мене. Don't give me that look. Don't look at me like that. Я виграла. I have won. I won. Зялёную гарбату, калі ласка. A green tea, please. Green tea, please. Мой веласіпед чырвоны. My bike is red. My bike is red. Иди медленно. Walk slowly. Go slowly. Вот как Том умер. That's how Tom died. That's how Tom died. Я таксама ўмею спяваць. I can sing, too. I am also able to sing. Том кинув у Мері яйцем. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom threw an egg at Mary. В мене так болить голова! My head aches so. My head hurts so much! Джон разумнейшы за Біла. John is more intelligent than Bill. John is smarter than Bill. Если бы Том попросил меня помочь, я бы помог ему. If Tom had asked me for help, I would've helped him. If Tom asked me to help, I'd help him. Том пронирливий. Tom is nosey. Tom's gullible. Она так грациозно танцевала, что удивила всех нас. She danced with a grace that surprised us all. She danced so gracefully that she surprised us all. Я не хотів танцювати з Томом. I didn't want to dance with Tom. I didn't want to dance with Tom. Том сказав, що я маю зробити це до понеділка. Tom said I have to do that by Monday. Tom said I had to do this until Monday. Все можливо. Everything is possible. Everything's possible. Просто зараз тут нікого немає. Nobody is there right now. There's no one here right now. Том віддав Мері своє серце. Tom gave Mary his heart. Tom gave Mary his heart. Съниди съ воза. Get out of the car. Get out of the way. Эта песня напоминает мне об одной девушке. That song reminds me of a certain girl. This song reminds me of one girl. Я не знаю, це добре чи ні. I do not know whether it is good or not. I don't know if it's good or not. Как далеко идти отсюда до мэрии Тосимы? How long does it take to go to the Toshima Ward Office? How far is it from here to the Mayor of Toshima? Я хочу, чтобы Том больше никогда не писал моей дочери. I don't ever want Tom to write to my daughter again. I want Tom never to write to my daughter again. Нас спасут. We're going to be rescued. We're going to be delivered. Це моя остаточна пропозиція. This is my final offer. That's my final offer. Что нам терять? What have we got to lose? What do we lose? Він у мене в кишені. It's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Ты обещал, что не будешь сегодня пить. You promised that you wouldn't drink today. You promised me you wouldn't drink tonight. Скажи ей, что я болен. Tell her I'm sick. Tell her I'm sick. Я зроблю вам кави. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Ви вмієте грати на скрипці? Can you play the violin? Can you play the violin? Не существует в мире ни единой вещи, которая не могла бы нас чему-нибудь научить. There is nothing in the world from which we can't learn something. There is no one thing in the world that can't teach us anything. Мы тебе доверяем. We trust you. We trust you. Семі хотів навчитися стріляти. Sami wanted to learn how to shoot. Seven wanted to learn how to shoot. Налийте мені келих вина. Pour me a glass of wine. Pour me a cup of wine. Есть острая необходимость в питьевой воде. There is an urgent need for drinking water. There is an urgent need for drinking water. Ты можаш ісці. You may go. You can go. Я смешиваю майонез с кетчупом. I mix mayonnaise with ketchup. I mix Mayonese with ketchup. Бегите, а то вас арестуют. Run or you'll be arrested. Run or you'll be arrested. Колькі каштуе гэта кніжка? How much is this book? How much does this book cost? Хто останній? Who's last? Who's the last one? Присутність усіх членів обов'язкова. Presence of all members is obligatory. The presence of all members is compulsory. Том танцюватиме. Tom will dance. Tom's gonna dance. Том одружений на жінці на ім'я Мері. Tom is married to a woman named Mary. Tom's married to a woman named Mary. Плошча Рынак — гістарычны цэнтр горада. Market Square is the historic centre of the city. The Market Square is the historical center of the city. Том - наш самый лучший пилот. Tom is our best pilot. Tom is our best pilot. Я їм лише халяльне м'ясо. I can only eat halal meat. I'm only going to eat shackle meat. Что сказал мальчик? What did the boy say? What did the boy say? Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона мусить це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary she had to do it. Том ше фолира же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom Che foliar is rich. Мене звільнено? Am I fired? Am I fired? Нас могут схватить. We could get caught. We can be captured. Сколько лет Тони? How old is Tony? How old is Tony? Вы очень нравитесь Тому. Tom really likes you. You really like Tom. Я змінила розмітку свого сайту. I've changed my website's layout. I changed my site. Ден вибачився та повісив слухавку. Dan apologized and hung up. Dan apologized and hung up. Не треба так хвилюватися. Don't be that worried. Don't worry so much. Тому оно было не нужно. Tom didn't need it. That's why it wasn't necessary. Наш цягнік спазняецца. Our train is late. Our train is late. Я не вмію свистіти. I cannot whistle. I can't whistle. Відео стало вірусним. The video went viral. Video has become viral. Том разбогател на продаже подержанных машин. Tom got rich selling used cars. Tom was rich in selling used cars. Ты знал, что у тебя дверь открыта? Did you know your door was open? Did you know your door was open? Ты уверен, что Том не победил? Are you sure that Tom didn't win? Are you sure Tom didn't win? Ты слишком молода, чтобы беспокоиться о целлюлите. You're too young to worry about cellulite. You're too young to worry about kissing. Документы пожелтели от времени. The documents have yellowed with age. Time and again for the papers. Столица Франции - Париж. The capital of France is Paris. French capital Paris. Скажи ему, чтобы был здесь к половине третьего. Tell him to be here by 2:30. Tell him to be here by half of the third. Ты подавал жалобу? Have you filed a grievance? Did you file a complaint? Швейцарские банки весьма скрытны. Swiss banks are very secretive. The Swiss banks are very secretive. Мы так скучали по Тому. We missed Tom so much. We missed Tom so much. Кому вы продаёте свой автомобиль? Who are you selling your car to? Who are you selling your car to? Том не сказал ничего. Tom didn't say anything. Tom didn't say anything. Я уверен, что найти место будет легко. I'm sure it'll be easy to find a place. I'm sure finding a place will be easy. Мені дуже страшно. I am very scared. I'm really scared. Нічого не бракує. Nothing's missing. Nothing's missing. Они сироты. They're orphans. They're orphans. Том это заслужил. Tom deserved that. Tom deserved it. Який у тебе улюблений предмет у школі? What's your favorite subject in school? What's your favorite thing at school? Я посадила в саду троянди. I planted roses in the garden. I sat in a rose garden. Це здається занадто простим. This seems too easy. It seems too simple. Я попросил Тома не носить вещи сестры. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear my sister's stuff. На документі стояв його підпис. The document bore his signature. His signature was on the document. Фома співає увесь день. Tom has been singing all day. Thomas sings all day long. Сьогодні вранці я бачила Тома. I saw Tom this morning. I saw Tom this morning. Том готовит завтрак. Tom is making breakfast. Tom's making breakfast. Я всю свою жизнь ждал этого дня. I've waited all my life for this day. I've been waiting all my life for this day. Я щойно підстриглася. I just got a haircut. I just cut my hair off. Я би ніколи не зміг цього зробити без вашої допомоги. I never could've done this without your help. I'd never be able to do that without your help. В этой комнате очень спёртый воздух. The air in this room's very stuffy. There's a lot of air in this room. Клянусь, что не видел её. I swear I didn't see her. I swear I didn't see her. Я не люблю котів. I don't like cats. I don't like cats. Что ты здесь делаешь? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Том ведь сейчас в школе? Tom is at school now, isn't he? Tom's in school now, isn't he? Вона наповнила цю вазу водою. She filled this vase with water. She filled this vase with water. Я уже читал это. I've already read it. I've already read that. Я закахаўся ў Мэры. I fell in love with Mary. I fell in love with Mary. Це мій брат. This is my brother. This is my brother. Согласно мифологии, Прометей похитил священный огонь у богов. According to mythology, Prometheus stole the sacred fire from the gods. According to mythology, Prometheus stole sacred fire from the gods. Мэри могла бы это сделать, если бы постаралась. Mary could do it if she tried. Mary could have done it if she had tried. Усы что, внезапно вошли в моду? Have moustaches suddenly become trendy? What, did you suddenly get into the fashion? Нужно очень много терпения, чтобы научиться терпению. You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience. It takes a lot of patience to learn patience. Бъıти ли не бъıти, се же въпросъ. To be, or not to be, that is the question. Don't hit it, it's a question. Дякую за твоє запрошення. Thank you for your invitation. Thank you for inviting me. У мене божевільник графік. My schedule is insane. I have a crazy schedule. Кто там? Who's there? Who's there? Давайте не будем говорить о школе. Let's not talk about school. Let's not talk about school. Мой компьютер сломался, и я потерял все данные. My computer crashed and I lost everything. My computer broke down, and I lost all the data. Я поклялся, что никогда и никому такого не сделаю. I swore I'd never do that to anyone. I swore I'd never do that to anyone. Ты кроме Библии что-нибудь читаешь? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything but the Bible? Мне 18 гадоў. I'm 18 years old. I am 18 years old. Том подумал, ты пьян. Tom thought you were drunk. Tom thought you were drunk. Том пытался меня убить. Tom was trying to kill me. Tom tried to kill me. Она поняла мой намёк и улыбнулась. She took my hint and smiled. She understood my hint and smiled. Будешь платить наличными? Will you pay cash? Will you pay in cash? Він вийшов за мого брата. He married my brother. He went out for my brother. Я ведаю што ты скажаш «не». I know you're going to say no. I know you're saying "no". Том не виглядає занадто стурбованим. Tom doesn't look too worried. Tom doesn't seem overly concerned. Він дуже прагне туди. He is very eager to go there. He really wants to go there. Ми будемо чекати тут. We'll wait here. We'll wait here. Можливо, нам слід це зробити. Maybe we should do that. Maybe we should do that. Боже мій! Gosh! Oh, my God! Я не буду носити цю сукню. I won't wear that dress. I'm not wearing this dress. Всім моїм друзям подобається грати у комп'ютерні ігри. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends like playing computer games. Яна не хацела назваць сваё імя. She was unwilling to tell her name. She didn't want to name her name. Тома поранено. Tom is hurt. Tom's hurt. Я увімкнув телевізор, там транслювали Гран-прі. I turned on the TV and the Grand Prix was being broadcasted. I turned on the TV and the Gran Pry was broadcast there. Трудно ли учить греческий язык? Is it difficult to learn Greek? Is it hard to teach Greek? Зачем ты открыла ту дверь? Why did you open that door? Why did you open that door? Я чув, що і Том, і Мері померли. I heard that Tom and Mary have both passed away. I heard Tom and Mary were dead. Впусти Тома. Let Tom in. Let Tom in. Том на мене не працює. Tom isn't working for me. Tom doesn't work for me. Ты неверно понял предложение. You misunderstood the sentence. You misunderstood the offer. Я вернулся в Бостон двадцатого октября. I returned to Boston on October 20th. I returned to Boston on October 20. Не хвилюйся про таку дрібницю. Don't worry about such a trifle. Don't worry about such a little thing. Не заважай! Do not interfere! Don't bother! Том, можливо, десь тут, але я його на бачила. Tom might be here somewhere, but I haven't seen him. Tom may be here somewhere, but I've seen him. Чому б ти це робив? Why'd you do that? Why would you do that? Это длинный карандаш. This is a long pencil. It's a long pencil. Идёт сильный дождь. It's raining very hard. It's raining hard. Том оставил свою сумку. Tom left his bag. Tom left his bag. Ми подивимося. We'll take a look. We'll see. Меня не волнует спорт. I don't care for sports. I don't care about sports. Я никогда не встречался ни с кем выше меня. I've never dated anyone taller than me. I've never met anyone above me. Тебе жарко? Are you hot? Are you hot? Я зрозуміла. I understood. I get it. К тебе посетитель. You have a visitor. You got a visitor. Это была странная игра. It was a weird game. It was a weird game. Мільёны людзей ва ўсім свеце аплакваюць смерць Нэльсана Мандэлы. Millions of people across the world are mourning the death of Nelson Mandela. Millions of people worldwide mourn the death of Nelson Mandela. Мы победили. We won. We won. Нє бѣ годѣ Томоу коунъ. Tom didn't have enough money. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Він одружений з американкою. He's married to an American woman. He's married to an American woman. Не думаю, що ми зробили щось не так. I don't think that we did anything wrong. I don't think we did anything wrong. Вы должны разговаривать только на английском. You have to speak only English. You only have to speak English. У меня в саду крыжовник. I have gooseberries in my garden. I have a crusader in my garden. Чаму табе падабаецца гэта школа? Why do you like this school? Why do you like this school? Чудово! Brilliant! Great! Ты правда думаешь, что Том болен? Do you really think Tom is sick? You really think Tom's sick? Зачем бы Тому врать про свой возраст? Why would Tom lie about his age? Why would Tom lie about his age? Разбуди меня перед тем, как проснёшься. Wake me up before you wake up. Wake me up before you wake up. Ти сердита на Тома? Are you angry with Tom? Are you angry with Tom? Джексоны пригласили нас сегодня вечером на ужин. The Jacksons have invited us over for dinner tonight. Jacksons invited us to dinner tonight. Я все одно вважаю, що це нечесно. I still don't think it's fair. I still think it's unfair. Том и Мэри приехали одновременно. Tom and Mary arrived at the same time. Tom and Mary arrived at the same time. Том все ще хоче прийти. Tom still wants to come. Tom still wants to come. Я зробила все, що могла. I've done all I can. I did everything I could. Це її машина. That car is hers. It's her car. Ми, як правило, розмовляли французькою. We usually talked in French. We generally spoke French. Що ти розумієш? What do you understand? What do you understand? Том в порядке. Tom is doing well. Tom's fine. Можете не отвечать. You don't have to answer. You can't answer. Том не хотів нікого бачити. Tom really didn't want to see anybody. Tom didn't want to see anyone. Мне нравится то, как ты произносишь моё имя. I love the way you say my name. I like the way you say my name. У нас есть проблемы и похуже. We still have worse problems than this one. We have a problem and a bad one. Ти достатньо дорослий, щоб зробити це, правда? You're old enough to do that by yourself, aren't you? You're old enough to do this, aren't you? Вона не була ввічлива з ним. She wasn't polite to him. She wasn't polite to him. Яны з сябрамі селі на лаўку. He and his friend sat on the bench. They and their friends sat on the bench. Надеюсь, на этот счёт ты заблуждаешься. I hope you're wrong about this. I hope you're lost on this account. Дзякуй! Thanks. Thank you! Я біженець. I'm a refugee. I'm a refugee. Ты больш не можаш гэтага зрабіць. You can't do that anymore. You can't do this anymore. Не оставляй свои очки на полу. Don't leave your glasses on the floor. Don't leave your glasses on the floor. Я думал, вы будете смеяться. I thought you'd laugh. I thought you'd laugh. Когда он начинается? When does it start? When does it begin? Я вывучаю казахскую. I am learning Kazakh. I study Kazakh. Просто зараз я в Пекіні. I am in Beijing right now. I'm just in Beijing right now. Ти така бридка. You're so gross. You're so ugly. Ничего удивительного, - ответил Том. "I don't wonder", said Tom. No wonder, Tom answered. Том відмовився говорити будь-що. Tom refused to say anything. Tom refused to say anything. Хотел бы я знать, что им сказать. I wish I knew what to tell them. I'd like to know what to tell them. У него есть литературный талант. He has some literary talent. He has a literary talent. Два школьніка пад адным парасонам? Вельмі нязвычная сітуацыя. Two male students sharing an umbrella? How strange. Two schoolmen under one umbrella? A very unusual situation. Перепрошую, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. Sorry, I forgot. Том був у своїй спальні. Tom was in his bedroom. Tom was in his bedroom. Мои родители уже тридцать лет состоят в браке. My parents have been married for thirty years. My parents have been married for 30 years. Каты ловяць мышэй. Cats catch mice. Cats catch mice. Моя дружина Лідія - чудова, розумна жінка. My wife Lidia is a beautiful, clever woman. My wife Lydia is a beautiful, smart woman. Глаза Тома были красными от слёз. Tom's eyes were red from crying. Tom's eye was red from tears. Я був переможцем. I was the winner. I was a winner. Мы не так много знаем о Томе. We don't know much about Tom. We don't know much about Tom. Візьми це. Take that. Take this. Им всем нужно внимание. They all need attention. They all need attention. Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like her? Why do you like her? Гэта шкляная мазаіка. This is a glass mosaic. It is a glass mosaic. Якога колеру яблык? What colour is the apple? What color is the apple? Ви потрібні Тому тут. Tom needs you here. You need that one here. Не сідай на підлогу. Don't sit on the floor. Don't sit on the floor. Мэри надела два свитера. Mary put on two sweaters. Mary put on two sweaters. Допрос окончен. The interrogation is over. The interrogation's over. Я с этим закончил. I'm done with that. I'm done with that. Хіба Том не хотів би зробити цe? Wouldn't Tom like to do that? Wouldn't Tom want to do that? Поминаѭ ожє тѧ инъдє сърѣтохъ. I remember meeting you somewhere. Remember, you're going to have to go somewhere else. Я хотел бы знать, как долго Том планирует пробыть в Австралии. I'd like to know how long Tom plans to be in Australia. I would like to know how long Tom plans to stay in Australia. Том доїв? Has Tom finished eating? Did Tom do it? Мені дуже шкода це чути. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Я не хочу больше проблем. I don't want any more problems. I don't want any more trouble. Я хочу вернуться к этому дому. I wanna go back to that house. I want to get back to this house. Я обожнюю садівництво. I love gardening. I love gardening. Вона бачила, як він пилив гілку. She saw him saw the branch. She saw him drinking branches. Відчиніть двері. Open the door. Open the door. Вам надо его увидеть. You have to see it. You need to see him. Я був дуже засмучений. I was very upset. I was very upset. Маленькая брамка адкрылася над сцежкай, што вілася паміж кустоў да саміх дзвярэй. A small wicket-gate opened upon a footpath that wound through some shrubbery to the door. A little gate opened over the path leading up between the bushes to the door itself. Холодъ. It's freezing. It's cold. В зоопарке много животных? Are there many animals in the zoo? There are lots of animals in the zoo? Пожалуйста, хватит петь эту песню! Please stop singing that song. Please stop singing this song! У Тома один ребёнок. Tom has one child. Tom has one child. Сьогодні вівторок. Today is Tuesday. It's Tuesday. Посмотри на ценник. Look at the price tag. Look at the price card. У мене ожиріння. I'm obese. I'm obese. У меня две собаки, три кошки и шесть цыплят. I have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. I have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. Ёсць стол. There's a table. There is a table. Я почула грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. Хто той хлопец? Who is that boy? Who's that guy? Я її кохаю. I love her. I love her. Як табе клімат у Японіі? How do you like the climate of Japan? How are you doing in Japan? Я ем это мясо. I'm eating the meat. I'm eating this meat. Том - странный ребёнок. Tom is a strange kid. Tom's a weird kid. Я вимкнула комп'ютер. I turned off the computer. I turned off the computer. Она поехала в Париж. She left for Paris. She went to Paris. Том знав, що мусить поспішати. Tom knew that he had to hurry. Tom knew he had to hurry. Вона її знає. She knows her. She knows her. В самолёт, в котором был Том, попала молния. The plane Tom was on was struck by lightning. There was a lightning on the plane where Tom was. Сёння найлепшы дзень у маім жыцці. Today is the best day of my life. Today is the best day in my life. Ты любишь свою милую маленькую собачку? Do you love your dear little dog? Do you love your sweet little dog? Почему ты помог им сбежать? Why did you help them escape? Why did you help them escape? Я не могу этого исключить. I can't exclude it. I can't turn that off. Том бидляк. Tom is a human trash. Tom's a bum. Меня бы это не удивило. It wouldn't surprise me. I wouldn't be surprised. Я теж чув схожу історію. I also heard a similar story. I heard a similar story, too. Ви знаєте, хто вони такі? Do you know who they are? Do you know who they are? Ты знал, что у Тома родственники в Австралии? Did you know that Tom had relatives in Australia? Did you know Tom had relatives in Australia? Том просто марнує час. Tom is just wasting time. Tom's just wasting his time. Когда я встретил её на днях, она выглядела очень счастливой. When I saw her recently, she looked very happy. When I met her the other day, she looked very happy. Зручно жити так близько від вокзалу. It's convenient living so close to the station. It's convenient to live that close to the station. Том — человек. Tom is the man. Tom is a man. Я готова йти, а Том ні. I'm ready to go, but Tom isn't. I'm ready to go, and Tom's not. Том сказав, що сподівається, що ти будеш на вечірці. Tom said he hopes that you'll be at the party. Tom said he was hoping you'd be at a party. Том спал в своей комнате. Tom was asleep in his room. Tom was sleeping in his room. Привет! Как ты? Hi. How are you doing? How are you? Мене здивувала щирість Тома. I was surprised by Tom's candor. Tom’s sincerity surprised me. Все буде ок. Everything's going to be OK. It'll be okay. Том міряє взуття. Tom is trying on shoes. Tom measures shoes. Я не знал, что это законно. I didn't know that was legal. I didn't know it was legal. Том — лише немовля. Tom is just a baby. Tom is just a baby. Ученики ленивы. The students are lazy. The students are lazy. Я б сказала, што ты закаханая. I'd say you are in love. I'd say you're in love. Як ти дістанешся до Бостона? How will you get to Boston? How do you get to Boston? Но у меня нет денег. But I don't have money. But I don't have any money. Усі люблять Тома. Everyone likes Tom. Everybody loves Tom. Это может всякий. Anyone can do it. That could be anybody's. Том сказав Мері, а Мері сказала Джону. Tom told Mary and Mary told John. Tom told Mary, and Mary told John. Она меня ударила, а не его. She hit me, not him. She hit me, not him. Откуда вы его знаете? From where do you know him? How do you know him? Я вдячний за допомогу. I appreciate the help. I'm grateful for your help. Не все золото, що блищить. All that glitters is not gold. Not all the gold that shines. Вы купили дорогое пальто. You bought an expensive coat. You bought a expensive coat. Это был очень романтичный поцелуй. It was a very romantic kiss. It was a very romantic kiss. Ворота оставили открытыми. The gate was left open. The gate was left open. Я слышал, что небо там очень красивое. I hear the sky is very beautiful there. I heard the sky was very beautiful. Мы уехали вскоре после этого. We left soon after that. We left soon after that. Том — ідіот. Tom is silly. Tom is an idiot. Дзе зараз твае дзеці? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Спор окончился дракой. The argument ended in a fight. The resistance ended in a fight. Цього року ти купив різвяний подарунок для Тома? Did you get a Christmas present for Tom this year? Did you buy a carnivore for Tom this year? Мы познакомились не в Париже. We met in Paris. We didn't meet in Paris. Это вопиющее безобразие, что они не были застрахованы от пожара. It's a crying shame that they weren't insured against fire. It's a ghastly ignominy that they weren't safe from the fire. Як вы можаце не ведаць? How can you not know? How might you not know? Я боюсь, после этой истории у него сложится неверное впечатление. I'm afraid the story will give him a wrong impression. I'm afraid he'll get the wrong impression after this story. Том не умеет скрывать эмоции. Tom isn't good at hiding his emotions. Tom can't hide emotions. Том раніше тусив з Мері та Джоном. Tom used to hang out with Mary and John. Tom used to hang out with Mary and John. Мені сподобалося спілкуватися з ним на вечірці. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. I enjoyed associating with him at a party. Я б хотів стати відомим футболістом. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I'd like to be a famous football player. Што значыць гэта слова? What does this word mean? What does that word mean? Яка тварина є маленькою? Which animal is small? What kind of animal is a small one? Она мне не бабушка, а мама. She's not my grandmother. She's my mother. She's not my grandmother, she's my mother. Вы верите в родственные души? Do you believe in soulmates? Do you believe in family souls? Пакінь яго там. Leave it there. Leave it there. Результаты были шокирующими. The results were shocking. The results were shocking. Том хотел бы, чтобы мы остались. Tom would want us to stay. Tom would like us to stay. Вона має довге волосся. She has long hair. It has long hair. Том дуже розумний, так? Tom is very clever, isn't he? Tom's very smart, isn't he? Том смотрел на меня. Tom was looking at me. Tom looked at me. Я знал, что это произойдёт. I knew it would happen. I knew it would happen. Ненавижу это место. I hate this place. I hate this place. Вікно відчинилося. The window opened. The window's open. Калі б не ты, я б загінула. Without you, I would've died. If it hadn't been for you, I would have died. Ви готові почути погані новини? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Все м'ясо зіпсувалося. All the meat had spoiled. All the meat's ruined. Только Чернобыль вспоминается, когда я думаю об Украине. А, и Сергей Назарович Бубка, правда? Only Chernobyl comes to mind whenever I think about the Ukraine. Oh, and Serhiy Nazarovych Bubka, right? Only Chernobyl remembers when I think of Ukraine, and Sergei Nazarovich Bubka, right? Я теж п'ю чай. I drink tea, too. I'm drinking tea, too. Це дівчина Тома? Is that Tom's girlfriend? Is this Tom's girl? Я граю у хокейній команді. I'm on a hockey team. I'm playing the hockey team. Я не знал, где вы. I didn't know where you were. I didn't know where you were. Я не против, чтобы ты здесь остался. I don't mind your staying here. I don't mind you staying here. Он продиктовал несколько писем своей секретарше. He dictated several letters to his secretary. He dictated some of his secretary's letters. Как ты думаешь, кто он? Who do you think he is? What do you think he is? Ви маєте запальничку? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Я закахаўся ў яе. I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her. Я такий ідіот. I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot. І що гірше, останнім часом він почав пити алкогольні напої. And, to make the matter worse, he has taken to drinking. Worse yet, he has recently begun drinking alcoholic beverages. Кровь течёт по кровеносным сосудам. Blood flows through blood vessels. Blood count on blood vessels. Може, це та сама людина. Maybe it's the same person. Maybe it's the same person. Они тоже придут? Are they coming as well? Will they come too? Як ти думаєш, скільки чоловік буде сьогодні на зустрічі? How many people do you think will be at today's meeting? How many men do you think are going to meet today? Що ти сьогодні робила? What were you doing today? What did you do today? Том зрозумів, у чому справа. Tom realized what was up. Tom realized what it was like. Твая котка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Я зробила дурну помилку. I made a stupid mistake. I made a stupid mistake. Том та Мері планують це зробити. Tom and Mary are planning to do that. Tom and Mary are planning to do this. Вы из Токио? Do you come from Tokyo? Are you from Tokyo? Саўрон хоча, каб кожны хобіт яго баяўся. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. Souron wants every hobby he's afraid of. Як далеко ми від Бостона? How far away are we from Boston? How far are we from Boston? Приштина — столица Косово. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo. Pristina is the capital city of Kosovo. Полагаю, тебе нужна помощь. I guess you'll need some help. I guess you need help. Поспехаў! Good luck! Good luck! Чому ти відхилила їхню пропозицію? Why did you turn down their offer? Why did you reject their offer? Я не неписьменна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Том допоміг мені помити машину. Tom helped me wash my car. Tom helped me wash my car. В холодильнику є молоко. There's milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Мне надо было действовать быстро. I had to act quickly. I had to act fast. Он слушал музыку, закрыв глаза. He listened to the music with his eyes closed. He was listening to music, closing his eyes. Не доводите Тома до слёз. Don't make Tom cry. Don't get Tom to tears. Што яго забіла? What killed him? What killed him? Почему бы тебе не найти кого-нибудь другого, кому нужна твоя помощь? Why don't you go find someone else who needs your help? Why don't you find someone else who needs your help? Я сделаю, как ты просил. I'll do as you asked. I'll do as you asked. Вас не зупинити! You are unstoppable! Don't stop you! Не говорите Тому, что я это сделал. Don't tell Tom I did that. Don't tell him I did it. Отьць ми не пьѥть мъного саке. My father doesn't drink too much sake. Father, we're not drinking a sake. Гадаєш, я все ще її кохаю? Do you think I still love her? You think I still love her? Мае валасы хвалістыя. My hair is wavy. My hair is blonde. Том забыл отпустить тормоза. Tom forgot to release the brake. Tom forgot to let the brakes go. Мы должны вмешаться. We must intervene. We have to intervene. Я сподівався, що морозиво не розтане так швидко. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt so quickly. I was hoping that the ice cream wouldn't melt so fast. Если бы Том меня не пригласил, я бы не пришла. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. Том кличе Мері. Tom is calling Mary. Tom calls Mary. Мы сустрэліся ў царкве. We met at the church. We met at the church. Я надеялся, что Том не выиграет. I hoped Tom wouldn't win. I was hoping Tom wouldn't win. Авто на улїци. A car is in the street. A car on the street. В английском не различаются глаголы ser и estar. English doesn't differentiate between the verbs "ser" and "estar". In English, the words ser and estar do not differ. Просто допоможи мені. Just help me. Just help me. Я рада, что нашла тебя. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. Если бы у меня было время, я бы с удовольствием тебя навестил. If I had the time, I would visit you with pleasure. If I had time, I'd love to visit you. Можна спитати, як вас звуть? Might I ask your name? Can I ask you your name? Том, здається, дуже добрий викладач. Tom seems to be a very good teacher. Tom seems to be a very good teacher. Что ты узнал? What did you learn? What did you find out? Даю вам ще один шанс. I'm giving you one more chance. I'll give you another chance. Ласкаво просимо до світу політики. Welcome to the world of politics. Welcome to the politics world. Ви дуже милі. You're very nice. You're very nice. Том займатиметься цим завтра. Tom is going to be doing that tomorrow. Tom's doing it tomorrow. Я не маю комп'ютера. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. Я не думаю, що Том може нам допомогти. I don't believe Tom can help us. I don't think Tom can help us. Все знали, что Том умирает. Everybody knew Tom was dying. Everybody knew Tom was dying. Я правда так думаю. I do think so. I really think so. Вы можете немного подождать? Can you wait a bit? Can you wait a little longer? Вось чаму я казала табе не ісці адной. That's why I told you not to go alone. That's why I told you not to go alone. Где это ты так сильно поранился? How did you get hurt so badly? Where'd you get so much hurt? Я не хочу всё испортить. I don't want to spoil everything. I don't want to ruin everything. Що ти тримаєш в руці? What do you have in your hand? What are you holding in your hand? Я знаю, что Том вот-вот заплачет. I know Tom is about to cry. I know Tom's about to pay. Можеш допомогти мені знайти роботу? Can you help me find a job? Can you help me find a job? Бог створив небеса і землю. God created the heaven and the earth. God created the heavens and the earth. Чюхъ голосъı. I heard voices. That's right. Ваш спів змушує професійних співаків червоніти від сорому. Your singing puts professional singers to shame. Your singing makes professional singers red with shame. Я їм тут. I eat here. I got 'em here. Нам подобаються одне й те саме. We like the same things. We like the same thing. Я в тебя влюбился. I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you. Подивіться на коалу отам. Look at that koala over there. Look at that koala there. Это полотенце сделано из чистого льна. This towel is made of pure linen. This towel is made of clean linen. Хлопець намалював картину на стіні. The boy drew a picture on the wall. The boy painted a painting on the wall. На самом деле, я ничего не знал о тех планах. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. Я никому ничего не хочу рассказывать. I don't want to tell anyone anything. I don't want to tell anyone. Вже час додому. It's time to go home. It's time to go home. Они решили пожениться в следующем месяце. They decided to marry next month. They decided to marry next month. Том чекає, щоб Мері йому зателефонувала. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call him. Мері нижча від Тома. Mary is not as tall as Tom. Mary's lower than Tom. Том з нами працює. Tom is working with us. Tom's working with us. Мы могли это сделать. We could have done it. We could have done that. Я сказала тебе убираться отсюда. I told you to get out of here. I told you to get out of here. Том має сердитий вигляд. Tom looks angry. Tom looks angry. Учись так старательно, как только можешь. Study as hard as you can. Learn as carefully as you can. Я ніколи нікого не вбивав. I've never killed anyone. I've never killed anyone. Чем старше он становился, тем большую известность приобретал. The older he got, the more famous he became. The older he got, the more famous he got. Я хочу, чтобы ты прочитал эту книгу. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Перестань корчити ту качину пику! Stop making that duck face! Stop kicking that duck's face! Чому ти такий сумний? Why are you so gloomy? Why are you so sad? Багато хто говорить лише однією мовою. Many people only speak one language. Many speak just one language. Залишайся там, де я можу тебе бачити. Keep where I can see you. Stay where I can see you. Том ходит в детский сад. Tom goes to kindergarten. Tom goes to kindergarten. Том забув сказати тобі. Tom forgot to tell you. Tom forgot to tell you. Том мені вже сказав. Tom already told me. Tom already told me. Я можу тобі допомогти? Can I help you? Can I help you? Том та Мері обоє працюють. Tom and Mary both work. Tom and Mary both work. Том — гэта такі хлопец, за якога я хацеў бы выйсці замуж. Tom is the kind of guy that I'd like to marry. Tom is such a guy I would like to marry for. Мэри, я серьёзно. Mary, I'm serious. Mary, I'm serious. Собака твоя. The dog is yours. Your dog. Мир, брат. Peace, brother. Peace, brother. Це дуже добре кіно. It really is a good movie. It's a very good movie. Він продовжував. He went on doing it. He continued. Я бачив його минулого тижня. I saw him last week. I saw him last week. Я думав, що я сам. I thought that I was alone. I thought I was alone. Коли сѧ єси родилъ? When were you born? When (c) are you a parent? Я завжди перемагаю. I always win. I always win. Том на взводі. Tom is psyched. Tom's on the ledge. Я сломал сцепление. I broke the clutch. I broke my grip. Рентген показал, что сломано два пальца. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. X-ray showed two fingers broken. Я познакомился с ним в клубе. I met him at a club. I met him at the club. Я знаю обоих братьев Тома. I know both of Tom's brothers. I know both of Tom's brothers. Прошло больше месяца. It's been more than a month. It's been over a month. Я купіў гэта ўчора. I bought this yesterday. I bought it yesterday. У мене є диплом. I have a diploma. I have a diploma. Замкни двері. Lock the door! Shut the door. Расскажи нам больше о своей поездке. Tell us more about your trip. Tell us more about your trip. Ти любиш шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk? Прошу якийсь час мене не перебивати. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Том попросил Мэри принести салат на вечеринку. Tom asked Mary to bring a salad to the party. Tom asked Mary to bring the salad to the party. Он приедет в Париж завтра. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He'll come to Paris tomorrow. Он говорит по-французски, а также, разумеется, по-английски. He speaks French and, of course, English. He speaks French, and of course English. Я хочу, чтобы мне вернули мой стол. I want my desk back. I want my desk back. Він викликав мене. He called me out. He called me. Маё цярпенне лопнула. My patience has come to the breaking point. My patience has burst. Том би вами дуже пишався. Tom would've been very proud of you. Tom would be very proud of you. Я не знаю, что в коробке. I do not know what is in the box. I don't know what's in the box. Может быть, вы правы. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Что ты имеешь в виду? What are you talking about? What do you mean? Як справи? How do you do? How are you? Зялёны — мой улюбёны колер. Green is my favourite colour. Green is my favorite color. Вы уверены, что хотите это сделать? Are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to do this? Я думаю, що ми, можливо, були занадто агресивні. I think maybe we've been too aggressive. I think we may have been too aggressive. Я знаю, что Том сделает. I know what Tom will do. I know what Tom's gonna do. У собаки чотири лапи. A dog has four legs. The dog has four paws. Всі шукають щастя. Everyone seeks happiness. Everyone's looking for happiness. Англійська Буша — досконала. Bush's English is perfect. Bush of England is perfect. Том и Мэри изучают французский вместе. Tom and Mary are learning French together. Tom and Mary study French together. Вы фотогеничны. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. Його стан важкий. He's in a bad state. His condition is heavy. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you're not being followed. Make sure you're not being followed. Том видел Мэри всего один раз. Tom only saw Mary once. Tom saw Mary just once. Очі Тома ще не звикли до темряви, тому він нічого не бачив. Tom's eyes weren't yet accustomed to the dark, so he couldn't see a thing. Tom's eyes weren't used to the dark, so he didn't see anything. Том знает что-то, чего не знает Мэри. Tom knows something Mary doesn't. Tom knows something Mary doesn't know. Где вы его вообще нашли? Where did you ever find him? Where did you even find it? Я не скажу Тому, что ты это говорила. I won't tell Tom you said that. I won't tell 'cause you said it. Він детально пояснив правила. He explained the rules in detail. He explained the rules in detail. Я не хотела потерять его. I didn't want to lose him. I didn't want to lose him. Вітаю тебе, Чикаго! Hello, Chicago! Congratulations, Chicago! Том не знает, где это. Tom doesn't know where it is. Tom doesn't know where it is. Люди вірять у те, в що хочуть вірити. Men believe what they want to. People believe what they want to believe. Як пройшов концерт? How was the concert? How was the concert? Це кіт чи пес? Is that a cat or a dog? Is it a cat or a dog? Она торопилась на вокзал только затем, чтобы опоздать на поезд. She hurried to the station only to miss the train. She was rushing to the station only then to be late for the train. Со мной всё в порядке. I'm OK. I'm fine. Хлопець сміливий. The boy is brave. The boy's brave. Взрыв потряс всё здание. The explosion shook the whole building. Exploding the whole building. Де твій плюшевий ведмедик? Where is your teddy bear? Where's your ivy bear? Що ви викладаєте? What do you teach? What are you teaching? Цікаво, чи я зможу це повторити. I wonder whether I can do that again. I wonder if I can do that again. Том сказав, де він це зробив? Did Tom say where he did that? Tom said where did he do it? Вам приходилось когда-нибудь бывать в Скандинавии? Have you ever been to Scandinavia? Have you ever been to Scandinavia? Це тобі подарунок. This is a present for you. It's a gift for you. Чаму ты ёй дапамагаеш? Why are you helping her? Why are you helping her? Я не знаю коли вона може прийти. I do not know when she can come. I don't know when she can come. Ви хочете мене вбити. You want to kill me. You want to kill me. Том прошлой ночью разговаривал во сне. Tom was talking in his sleep last night. Tom spoke in a dream last night. Не сыпь мне соль на раны! Don't put salt on my wounds! Don't sap me of salt on the wound! Он забыл свитер. He forgot his sweater. He forgot the sweater. Він закінчив Токійський університет. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from Tokyo University. Як найлепей вучыць французскую? What's the best way to learn French? How is French taught the most? Я відчуваю сильний біль у попереку. I have a bad pain in my lower back. I feel a lot of pain in my back. Я пайду, калі ты пойдзеш. I'll go if you go. I'll go if you go. Вы не должны передо мной извиняться. You don't have to apologize to me. You don't have to apologize to me. Він дав свою кров, щоб допомогти сестрі. He gave his blood to help his sister. He gave his blood to help his sister. Христос раждаєтся! Merry Christmas! Christ is offended! Он гордился своей дочерью. He was proud of his daughter. He was proud of his daughter. Те, що я вижив після раку - це диво. It's a miracle that I've got over cancer. What I survived after cancer is a miracle. Летам у Кіёта вельмі горача. Summers are very hot in Kyoto. Summers in Kyoto are very hot. Што гэта? What is it? What is it? Яму вельмі падабаецца фантастыка. He's very fond of science fiction. He really likes fiction. Они пошли в мечеть помолиться. They went to the mosque to pray. They went to the mosque to pray. Сучасна Японія - на шляху до самознищення, чи не так? Present-day Japan is going down the route to self destruction, isn't it? Modern Japan is on its way to self-destruct, isn't it? Ти бачила білку? Did you see the squirrel? Did you see the squirrel? Це може бути рак. It could be cancer. It could be cancer. Мене не розуміють, коли я розмовляю німецькою. I can't make myself understood in German. I don't understand when I speak German. Ты показывай дорогу. You lead the way. You show me the way. Можна позичити ваші ножиці? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Залиш його в спокої. Leave him in peace. Leave him alone. Я хочу приєднатися до вас. I want to join you. I want to join you. Ти віриш в існування бога? Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you believe there is a god? У гэтым пакоі ёсць тэлевізар. There is a television in this room. There's a TV in this room. Він гарний. He is handsome. He's beautiful. Шахматыстка аб’явіла суперніцы шах. The chess player put his opponent in check. A chess player announced the rivals of chess. Ты не умеешь писать программы. You suck at writing code. You can't write programs. Я не сестра Тома. I'm not Tom's sister. I'm not Tom's sister. Як би ми могли це зробити? How could we do that? How could we do that? Я думаю, что мы почти готовы. I think we're about ready. I think we're almost ready. Я залишилась після школи, щоб допомогти прибрати класну кімнату. I stayed after school to help clean the classroom. I stayed after school to help clean the classroom. Том помер від голоду. Tom died of hunger. Tom died of hunger. Ти завжди тут жив? Have you always lived here? You've always lived here? Том не решался сказать Мэри правду. Tom hesitated to tell Mary the truth. Tom didn't decide to tell Mary the truth. Я здесь лишний. I'm unnecessary here. I'm not the only one here. Том та Мері обоє безробітні. Tom and Mary are both unemployed. Tom and Mary are both unemployed. Я не знаю, що трапиться. I don't know what'll happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Вы не знали, что Том интересуется современным искусством? Didn't you know Tom was interested in modern art? You didn't know Tom was interested in modern art? Ми вже десять років одружені. It is already ten years since we got married. We've been married for ten years. Ѳома не помѧнеть имене моѥго. Tom doesn't remember my name. Do not remember my name. Я против насилия в отношении женщин. I'm against violence against women. I am against violence against women. Я часто одягаю чорне. I often wear black. I often dress black. Я люблю цю гру. I like this game. I love this game. Почему ты купил французскую машину? Why did you buy a French car? Why did you buy a French car? Том не хотел, чтобы кто-то знал. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Не могли бы вы сказать это человеческим языком? Could you say that in plain English? Could you say that in human language? Я пайшоў у аэрапорт, каб сустрэць бацька. I went to the airport to meet with my father. I went to the airport to meet my father. Я знал, что Том не силён в шахматах. I knew that Tom wasn't good at chess. I knew Tom wasn't strong in chess. Когда ты будешь готова идти? When will you be ready to go? When are you ready to go? Я не знал, что сделать это будет невозможно. I didn't know that it would be impossible to do that. I didn't know it would be impossible. В Європі немає пірамід. There are no pyramids in Europe. There are no pyramids in Europe. Том потерял свой ключ. Tom has lost his key. Tom lost his key. Ты говорила, что любишь его. You said that you loved him. You said you loved him. Людзі амаральныя. Humans are immoral. People are amoral. Читайте далі. Keep reading. Read on. Это сарказм? Is that sarcasm? Is that a sarcasm? Том оторвал половые доски лапчатым ломом. Tom ripped up the floorboards with a crowbar. Tom ripped his sex plank with a claw. Он тоже это видел. He saw it, too. He saw it, too. Том не марнував на це часу. Tom wasted no time doing that. Tom didn't waste time on it. Я знаю, як його звати. I know his name. I know his name. Том все ще займається тим, чим має займатися. Tom is still doing what he's supposed to be doing. Tom's still doing what he's supposed to do. Я почувствовал запах еды задолго до того, как вошёл в дом. I could smell the food long before entering the house. I felt the smell of food long before I entered the house. Мы уже сталкивались с этой проблемой. We've faced this problem before. We've already encountered this problem. Зачем ты тут припарковалась? Why did you park here? Why are you parked here? Я чекатиму до завтрашнього вечора. I'll wait until tomorrow night. I'll wait until tomorrow night. Во сколько Вы проснулись? At what time did you wake up? How long did you wake up? Он перескакивал с одной темы на другую. He jumped from one subject to another. He jumped from one topic to another. Де туалет? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Для нього це була важка ніч. It's been a hard night for him. It was a hard night for him. Ты уверена, что у него нет девушки? Are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend? Are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend? Джон, самый высокий мальчик в нашем классе, носит прозвище "Мистер Высотка" John, the tallest boy in our class, is nicknamed "Mr High". John, the tallest boy in our class, bears the nickname "Mr. Highness." Мне не нравится, как Том смотрит на тебя. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. I don't like Tom looking at you. Мне надо в туалет. I have to go to the toilet. I need to go to the bathroom. Я перечитувала листи, які ти мені надіслав. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I read the letters you sent me. Як щодо того, щоб піти поплавати? How about going swimming? How about going swimming? Ну, кожному своє, еге ж? Well, it's horses for courses, isn't it? Well, every one's his own, huh? Він сказав мені, що не йде. He told me he wasn't coming. He told me he wasn't coming. Яка сьогодні дата? What is the date today? What date is it today? Ти такий молодий. You're so young. You're so young. Не пытайтесь запомнить каждое предложение в тексте, это почти невозможно. Don't try to remember every sentence of the text, it's almost impossible. Don't try to remember every sentence in the text, it's almost impossible. Не стоит полагаться на эти данные. Они далеки от истины. We should leave out this data. It's far from accurate. They're far from the truth. Скоро ти зможеш плавати. You'll soon be able to swim. Soon you'll be able to swim. Колись в цій окрузі був художній музей. There used to be an art museum in this neighborhood. At one time, there was an artistic museum in this district. Она сняла с себя одежду. She took off her clothes. She took off her clothes. Він переслідував злодія. He chased the thief. He persecuted the thief. Мы с Бобом большие друзья. Bob and I are great friends. Bob and I are big friends. Том, конечно, так не думает. Tom certainly doesn't think so. Tom, of course, doesn't think so. Я не знал, что ты умеешь это делать. I didn't know that you could do that. I didn't know you could do it. Я вже знала, чим все скінчиться. I already knew the outcome. I already knew what was going to end. Він почув крик про допомогу. He heard a cry for help. He heard a cry for help. Чего бысте хотѣли ѣсти? What would you like to eat? What would you like to do? Ты хочешь, чтобы я открыл коробку? Do you want me to open the box? You want me to open the box? Зачем вы продали свой дом? Why did you sell your house? Why did you sell your house? Том був без шкарпеток. Tom had no socks on. Tom was without socks. Ми мусимо це все робити? Do we have to do all that? Do we have to do this? Николи же пакы ѭ не оувижѭ. Never will I see her again. I don't think I've ever seen a pack. У тебя где-нибудь болит? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you have pain somewhere? Надеюсь завтра увидеть родителей. I hope to see my parents tomorrow. I hope to see my parents tomorrow. Том був найстарший у нашому класі. Tom was the oldest one in our class. Tom was the oldest in our class. Ви знаєте її? Do you know her? Do you know her? Она любит смотреть телевизор. She likes to watch television. She likes watching TV. Он сам это сделал. He himself did it. He did it himself. Мне вообще до фонаря. I don't mind a bit. I'm going to the lamp. Ён спіць, як немаўля. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Мері сказала, що вона цьому вірить. Mary said she believed that. Mary said she believed it. Гадаю, я знаю, що зробив би Том. I think I know what Tom would do. I think I know what Tom would have done. Скоро твоя очередь, Башар! It's your turn soon, Bashar! It's your turn soon, Bashar! Сподіваюся, вам це сподобається. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Я думал, ты знаешь их. I thought you knew them. I thought you knew them. Всі хлопці полюбляють грати у бейсбол. All boys like to play baseball. All the guys like to play baseball. Я возьму жёлтое. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellows. Мачка била. The cat is white. Mace's a bull. Я буду звонить Тому завтра. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call Tom tomorrow. Том тебе не бачив. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Бросьте оружие! Drop your guns! Drop the gun! У меня три французско-английских словаря. I have three French-English dictionaries. I have three French-English dictionaries. Можна мені скористатися твоїм телефоном? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Я не хочу їсти. I do not want to eat. I don't want to eat. Почему люди в Австралии не ходят вверх ногами? Why aren't the people in Australia upside down? Why do people in Australia not walk upside down? Собака Тома слідував за ним до школи. Tom's dog followed him to school. Tom's dog followed him to school. Я вже так втомилася. I'm so tired already. I'm so tired. Ви сьогодні ходили до школи? Did you go to school today? Did you go to school today? Каждое утро он читает газету. He reads the newspaper every morning. Every morning he reads a newspaper. Том скучал по жене. Tom missed his wife. Tom missed his wife. Я должен вернуться домой раньше, чем стемнеет. I must get home before it gets dark. I have to go home before dark. Пес на дворе. The dog is in the yard. The dog's in the yard. Том трохи почервонів. Tom blushed a little. Tom's a little red. Том сказал, что он совсем измучен. Tom said he was all worn out. Tom said he was exhausted. Будинок Тома десь тут неподалік. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is nearby. Чому ти повернувся сьогодні додому? Why did you return home today? Why did you come home today? Нам придется баловать Мэри, пока она не поправится. We must baby Mary until she gets well again. We'll have to talk to Mary until she gets better. Я слышал, Том в Австралии. I heard that Tom is in Australia. I heard Tom's in Australia. Я решил не ездить в Европу. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. Ви вмієте кататися на ковзанах? Can you ice skate? You know how to skate? Томъ испилъ скѫдель кафъı. Tom drank a cup of coffee. Tom's drunk with a glass of coffee. Де найближча станція метро? Where is the closest subway station? Where's the nearest subway station? У меня всё болело. I was aching all over. I've been sick. В жизни много загадок. There are many mysteries in life. There's a lot of puzzles in life. Ти добра. You're kind. You're good. Мае шнуркі развязаліся, калі я йшоў па вуліцы. My shoelaces came untied as I was walking down the street. My cords tucked apart as I walked down the street. Мы поговорим с Томом двадцатого октября. We'll talk to Tom on October 20th. We'll talk to Tom on October 20. Госці заўсёды прыносяць радасць; калі не прыходам, то адыходам. Guests always bring delight; if it is not when coming, then it is when leaving. Guests always bring joy; if not by arrival, then by departure. Том не использует Фейсбук. Tom doesn't use Facebook. Tom doesn't use Facebook. Глядзі на мяне, калі я з табой размаўляю! Look at me when I talk to you! Look at me when I'm talking to you! Том мав це зробити. Tom should've done that. Tom was supposed to do it. Я вечеряв. I was eating dinner. I was having dinner. Я сто років не бачила Тома. I haven't seen Tom in donkey's years. I haven't seen Tom for a hundred years. У свій вільний час вона робить ляльки. She spends her free time making dolls. In her spare time, she does dolls. Мы им поможем? Are we going to help them? Can we help them? Сегодня понедельник. Today is Monday. It's Monday. Вы не должны курить, пока работаете. You must not smoke while working. You don't have to smoke while you work. Вона посміхнулася мені. She smiled at me. She smiled at me. Эмили хочет стать электриком. Emily wants to be an electrician. Emily wants to be an electrician. Ми вміємо говорити. We can talk. We can talk. Её сын гений. Her son is a genius. Her son is a genius. Не сиди слишком близко к телевизору. Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't sit too close to the TV. Ви приймаєте душ щодня? Do you shower every day? Do you take showers every day? Я заменю Тома. I'll replace Tom. I'll replace Tom. Йди з Томом. Go with Tom. Go with Tom. Почему ты сначала Тому сказал? Why did you tell Tom first? Why did you say Tom first? Не знал, что ты романтик. I didn't know you were a romantic. I didn't know you were romantic. Гадаваць дзіцё — цяжкая праца. Bringing up a baby is hard work. Yearning for a child is a hard job. Це лише збіг обставин? Is that just a coincidence? Is this just a coincidence? Хотів би я бути добрим співаком. I wish I were a good singer. I wish I could be a good singer. Він не одружений. He is not married. He's not married. Моя перша машина була блакитна. My first car was blue. My first car was blue. Его сын - гений. His son is a genius. His son is a genius. Ці ты ганарышся сваім бацькам? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Том не знає, що я канадійка. Tom doesn't know that I'm Canadian. Tom doesn't know I'm a Canadian. Том сказав, що я поводжуся безвідповідально. Tom said I was being irresponsible. Tom said I behaved irresponsiblely. Не їж як свиня. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like a pig. Для многих "американская мечта" обернулась кошмаром. For many, the American dream has become a nightmare. For many, the "American Dream" has become a nightmare. Генрі хоче вас бачити. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Их все ищут. Everyone's looking for them. They're all looking for them. Вы знали её лучше, чем я. You knew her better than I did. You knew her better than I did. Я жанаты, і ў мяне двое дзяцей. I am married and have two children. I am married, and I have two children. Помаранче помаранчецове. The orange is orange. It's orange. Пожежа викликала паніку в театрі. The fire caused a panic in the theater. Fire caused panic in the theater. Прошу обращаться ко мне, не иначе как Яков Матвеевич. Please only call me Yakov Matveevich. Please speak to me, not except Jacob Matwayevich. Пожалуйста, разрешите мне. Please allow me. Please let me. Он рано встаёт. He is an early riser. He's getting up early. Том не может остаться. Tom can't stay. Tom can't stay. Чи Ви знали її з 1990 року? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since 1990? Той ящик більший, ніж цей. That box is bigger than this one. That box is bigger than this. Я можу заплатити пізніше? Can I pay later? Can I pay you later? Я цалкам упэўненая, што яны не ведаюць, пра што спяваюць. I'm quite sure they don't know what they are singing about. I'm quite sure they don't know what they're singing about. Как, ты там говорил, его звали? What did you say his name was? What did you say, his name was? Ты для этого слишком мал. You're too young for that. You're too small for that. Рослини потребують сонячного світла й води. Plants need sunshine and water. Plants need sunlight and water. Мама не вміє їздити на велосипеді. My mother can't ride a bicycle. Mom doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. Живѫ въ великомь городѣ. I live in a big city. Live in a big city. Я одолжил ему свой карандаш. I lent my pencil to him. I lent him my pencil. Я думал, ты с ним уже не встречаешься. I thought you stopped dating him. I thought you weren't dating him anymore. Я хотел бы поговорить с Томом. I would like a word with Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Сёння панядзелак. It's Monday. Today is Monday. Ви знали Тома? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Том не купит хлеб. Tom won't buy bread. Tom won't buy bread. Головні острови Японії — це Хоккайдо, Сікоку, Хонсю та Кюсю. The main islands of Japan are Hokkaido, Shikoku, Honshu and Kyushu. The major islands of Japan are Hokkaido, Sikoku, Honshu, and Kyushu. Я попытаюсь сказать это по-французски. I will try to say it in French. I'll try to say it French. Я уверен, что Том не стал бы этого делать. I'm sure Tom wouldn't do that. I'm sure Tom wouldn't do that. Хочу молока та печива! I want milk and cookies! I want milk and cookies! Я боюся собак. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Я не собираюсь жаловаться. I'm not going to complain. I'm not gonna complain. Наш поїзд затримується. Our train is late. Our train is delaying. Поделите это между собой. Divide this among yourselves. Share it with each other. Можете це підписати? Can you sign this? Can you sign it? Я проспал остаток дня. I slept the rest of the day. I missed the rest of the day. У тебя потрясающий дом. Your house is fantastic. You have an amazing home. Я хотів повернутися до Бостона. I wanted to go back to Boston. I wanted to go back to Boston. Я правдивий. I'm truthful. I'm true. Надеюсь, с Томом ничего не случилось. I hope nothing happened to Tom. I hope there's nothing wrong with Tom. Парня Мэри зовут Томом. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. The guy Mary's name is Tom. Портимай свічку. Hold the candle. Port the candle. Он с лёгкостью обзаводится друзьями. It's easy for him to make friends. He's easy to deal with with with with friends. Ми повинні роззуватися на вході. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We have to get out at the entrance. Горбатого могила исправит. Once a thief, always a thief. The bitter grave will fix it. Я таксама магу спяваць. I can sing, too. I can sing too. Вони вас не забудуть. Tom won't forget you. They won't forget you. Я, может быть, Тома приведу. Maybe I'll bring Tom. I might be bringing Tom in. Том був першим учителем Мері. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Первой на войне погибает истина. The first to die in war is the truth. The first thing in the war is the truth. Том наклонился вперёд и поцеловал Мэри. Tom leaned forward and kissed Mary. Tom leaned forward and kissed Mary. Йди звідси! Go away! Get out of here! Мы взяли напрокат каноэ. We rented a canoe. We rented a canoe. Ты нашёл книгу, которую искал? Did you find the book you were looking for? Did you find the book you were looking for? Я ждала его. I waited for him. I was waiting for him. Я думав, що він прийде один. I thought he would come alone. I thought he was coming alone. Том сбрил усы. Tom has shaved off his mustache. Tom stole the moustache. Мой отец владеет рестораном. My father has a restaurant. My father owns a restaurant. Мэри сказала, что видела вчера Тома. Mary said she saw Tom yesterday. Mary said she saw Tom yesterday. Боюся, я не зможу прийти в понеділок. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. Яблуко від яблуні далеко не падає. Like breeds like. Apples do not fall far from the apple tree. У мяне ёсць сябар, што жыве ў Кіёта. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. Я не ангел. I'm not an angel. I'm not an angel. Мы видели, как ребенок сел в автобус. We saw the child get on the bus. We saw the baby on the bus. Том сделал все, что в его силах, чтобы не дать Мэри стать президентом студенческого совета. Tom did everything within his power to keep Mary from being elected president of the student council. Tom did everything in his power to prevent Mary from becoming president of the student council. Гэта зялёнае. It's green. It's green. То карсцель. It is a chair. That's a cartella. Ти вже змарнувала достатньо мого часу. You've wasted enough of my time already. You've wasted enough of my time. Мені Том насправді дуже подобається. I do like Tom very much. I really like Tom. Коли Том це зробив? When did Tom do that? When did Tom do this? Том сказал, что у него нет никаких денег. Tom said he didn't have any money. Tom said he didn't have any money. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know Tom is afraid. I know Tom's scared. Том тогда жил в Австралии. Tom was living in Australia back then. Tom then lived in Australia. Мэри сказала, что идея ей нравится. Mary said she liked my idea. Mary said she liked the idea. Я був глибоко вражений його відвагою. I was deeply impressed with his courage. I was deeply impressed by his courage. Ось чому Том поїхав до Бостона. That's the reason that Tom went to Boston. That's why Tom went to Boston. Ти і я - ми обидва повинні піклуватися про собаку. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and I, we both have to take care of the dog. Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop twisting my words. Згодна. Okay. I agree. Я не думаю, що Том знає когось, хто може це зробити. I don't think Tom knows anyone who's able to do that. I don't think Tom knows anybody who can do it. Я никогда их даже не видел. I never even saw them. I've never even seen them. Ён гаворыць хутка. He speaks quickly. He speaks quickly. Подождём немного. Let's wait a while. We'll wait a little longer. Я їду ввечері. I'm setting off tonight. I'm leaving tonight. Вона днями ходила до кіно. She went to a movie the other day. She went to the movies for days. Війна нікому не приносить щастя. War doesn't make anybody happy. War does not bring happiness to anyone. Том купил много сувениров. Tom bought lots of souvenirs. Tom bought a lot of souvenirs. Ты по утрам рано встаёшь? Do you get up early in the morning? Are you getting up early in the morning? Ты пугаешь её. You're scaring her. You scare her. Вам видно? Can you see? Can you see that? Кот умер. The cat is dead. The cat's dead. Я знаю, как опасен Том. I know how dangerous Tom is. I know how dangerous Tom is. Не думаю, що я дуже кумедний. I don't think I'm very funny. I don't think I'm very funny. Я маю допомогти мамі. I have to help my mother. I have to help my mom. У тебе є аспірин? Do you have any aspirin? Do you have aspirin? Хто розбив це вiкно? Who broke this window? Who broke it forever? Я им помог. I helped them. I helped them. Не будь такою сором'язливою. Don't be so shy. Don't be so shy. Мати Фадля одружилася вдруге. Fadil's mother remarried. Fádou’s mother remarryed. Он тронут. He's touched. He's touching. Ти згоден? Do you agree? Do you agree? Ты такі нецярплівы са мною. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. Ты куда? Where are you going? Where are you going? Положи его на пол. Put it on the floor. Put it on the floor. Том никогда никого не просит о помощи. Tom never asks anyone for help. Tom never asks for help. Гэта найлепшая кніга, якую я калісьці чытала. This is the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Скільки років цим деревам, на вашу думку? How old do you think those trees are? How many years do you think these trees are? Ти бачила вчорашнє затемнення? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Did you see the eclipse yesterday? Тебе це влаштовує? Are you happy with that? Is that good for you? Ми всі погодилися з Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Располагайся. Make yourselves comfortable. All right. Том сказав, що хоче зробити пиріг для Мері. Tom said he wanted to bake a cake for Mary. Tom said he wanted to make a pie for Mary. Я не хочу до вас прискіпуватися. I don't mean to nag you. I don't want to touch you. Он совсем не выше меня. He is not any taller than I am. He's not above me at all. Чому ви купили квітку? Why did you buy a flower? Why did you buy a flower? Мій паспорт украли. Someone stole my passport. My passport was stolen. Я знав, що Том буде переможцем. I knew Tom would be the winner. I knew Tom would be the winner. Около миллиарда людей страдает от голода и нищеты. About a billion people suffer from hunger and poverty. About a billion people suffer from hunger and poverty. Ты что, забыл, как его зовут? You forgot his name, didn't you? Did you forget his name? Я збираю пшеницю. I am harvesting wheat. I'm collecting wheat. Что означает ЮНЕСКО? What does the UNESCO stand for? What does UNESCO mean? Том не хоче залишатись менеджером середньої ланки до завершення своєї кар'єри. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his career in middle management. Tom doesn't want to be a middle-of-the-middle manager until he's done his career. Том пил красное вино, а Мэри - белое. Tom drank red wine and Mary drank white wine. Tom was drinking red wine, and Mary was drinking white wine. Давайте зробимо це пізніше. Let's do that later. Let's do that later. Том завжди вчасно. Tom always arrives on time. Tom's always on time. Хто яны? Who are they? Who are they? Цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary she had to do it. Я твоя служанка. I am your servant. I'm your servant girl. Неважно, пойдешь ты или нет. It makes no difference whether you go or not. Whether you're going or not, it doesn't matter. Ты мог бы сказать правду. You could've told the truth. You could have told the truth. Ти дуже схожа на батька. You're a lot like your father. You look like your father. Не думаю, что Том может вам сейчас помочь. I don't think that Tom can help you now. I don't think Tom can help you right now. Закрой окно, перед тем как пойдёшь спать. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before you go to bed. Перестань бути жорстокою. Stop being cruel. Stop being cruel. Вам надо было там быть. You should've been here. You should have been there. Я буду на кухне. I'll be in the kitchen. I'll be in the kitchen. Я так від тебе відрізняюся? Am I so different from you? Am I so different from you? Фадзіль вельмі любіў танцаваць. Fadil loved to dance. Fadil was very fond of dancing. Де вона вивчила італійську? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Звіть мене Ізмаїлом. Call me Ismaël. Call me Ismail. Твой ключ у меня. I have your key. I got your key. Ти б хотіла якось зі мною повечеряти? Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? Would you like to have some dinner with me? Я сапраўды яе любіла. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Маюко выйшла з пакою. Mayuko came out of the room. Myuko came out of the room. Не сядзі тут, калі ты не збіраешся гуляць з намі ў покер. You can't sit here if you're not going to play poker with us. Don't sit here if you're not going to play with us in poker. Їй подобаються тварини. She likes animals. She likes animals. Ты нарадзіўся ў свіране? Were you born in a barn? Were you born in a sviran? Яно зялёнае. It's green. It is green. Ходи по тротуару. Walk on the pavement. Walk on the pavement. Это не так сложно. This isn't so difficult. It's not that complicated. Он сел в машину и уехал. He got in his car and left. He was in the car and left. Спектакль у четвер. The show's Thursday. Spectacle at Thursday. Не треба сперечатися. Don't argue. You don't have to argue. Я нікого не вбивав. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. Вазьмі маю руку. Мы ўдвох пабудуем утопію. Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. Take my hand, we're both going to build a utopia. Что вы думаете об этой работе? What do you think of this work? What do you think of this work? Він сам був винним. It was his own fault. He was responsible. Я возьму с Вас 1000 песет за замену молнии на этих джинсах. I'll charge you 1000 pesetas to repair the zip on these jeans. I'll take you 1,000 pesetas to replace the lightning on those jeans. Когда вы свободны? When are you free? When are you free? Краще дочекайся наступного автобуса. You'd better wait for the next bus. You better wait for the next bus. Ты его украл? Did you steal it? Did you steal it? Вы хотите ещё что-нибудь узнать? Is there anything else you want to know? Do you want to know anything else? Це було неминуче. It was inevitable. It was inevitable. Сколько раз я тебе говорила складывать свою одежду? How many times have I told you to fold your clothes? How many times have I told you to put your clothes together? Чому б Том хотів зробити це, якщо він не зобов'язаний цього робити? Why would Tom want to do that if he doesn't have to? Why would Tom want to do it if he didn't have to do it? Я під мухою. I'm sloshed. I'm under the fly. У мене було багато причин це зробити. I had good reasons to do that. I had a lot of reasons to do that. Я входжу. I'm coming in. I'm in. Це було негарно з Вашого боку рогніватись на дружину. It was bad of you to get angry at your wife. It wasn't nice to look at your wife on your side. Тому ця ідея сподобалася. Tom liked that idea. That's why I liked it. Яна планавала паехаць у Германію? Did she plan to go to Germany? Did she plan to go to Germany? Том не знает, где Мэри работает. Tom doesn't know where Mary works. Tom doesn't know where Mary works. Чому звинувачувана зізналася? Why did the accused confess? Why did the accused confess? Враг — это ум граммофона, независимо от согласия или несогласия с тем, какая запись сейчас воспроизводится. The enemy is the gramophone mind, whether or not one agrees with the record that is being played at the moment. The enemy is the mind of the gramophone, regardless of whether it agrees or disagrees with what record is being reproduced. Я хочу почекати на нього. I want to wait for him. I want to wait for him. Ти мусиш планувати. You have to plan. You have to plan. Я понятия не имел, что ты можешь это сделать. I had no idea you could do that. I had no idea you could do that. Вона грала на гітарі, а він співав. She played the guitar and he sang. She played the guitar, and he sang. Я все ще користуюся ручкою, яку ти мені дав три роки тому. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. I still use the pen you gave me three years ago. Ведаеш, я праз цябе плакаў. You know, you made me cry. You know, I cried through you. Я пообіцяв залишити Тома у спокої. I promised to leave Tom alone. I promised to leave Tom alone. Гэта таму што ты дзяўчынка. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. Не думаю, что Том потерялся. I don't think Tom is lost. I don't think Tom's lost. Я слышал эту песню раньше. I've heard that song before. I heard that song before. Он бы часами ждал её звонка. He would wait for hours for her call. He'd wait for her call for hours. Том ходит туда каждый день. Tom goes there every day. Tom goes there every day. Я не усвідомлював, що у мене з носа тече кров. I didn't realize my nose was bleeding. I did not realize that blood was flowing from my nose. Яна паказала нам прыгожы капялюш. She showed us a beautiful hat. She showed us a beautiful hat. Ему нравится петь. He likes singing. He likes singing. Я знаю, що ти просто робила свою роботу. I know you were just doing your job. I know you were just doing your job. Как зовут эту собаку? What's this dog's name? What's that dog's name? Ми змогли зрозуміти одне одного. We could understand each other. We were able to understand each other. Ці ты памятаеш? Do you remember? Do you remember? Том едва может ходить. Tom can barely walk. Tom can barely walk. Надзея Саўчанка — гэта сапраўдная жывая легенда. Nadiya Savchenko is a real living legend. The Hope of the Southman is a true living legend. Не варто нервувати з-за таких дрібниць. You need not fret over such trifles. You don't have to be nervous about things like that. Сіанізм не ўваходзіць у іўдаізм. Zionism isn't part of Judaism. Zionism does not enter Judaism. Том хоче вступити до команди. Tom wants to join the team. Tom wants to join the team. Мені здається, тобі хтось телефонує. I think that someone is calling you. I think someone's calling you. Я уверен, что никогда её прежде не видел. I'm sure I never saw her before. I'm sure I've never seen her before. Я ляпіў снегавіка. I was making a snowman. I slapped a snowman. Он дал ему книгу. He gave him the book. He gave him a book. Ти не гадаєш, що ти міг би це зробити? Don't you think you could do that? You don't think you could do that? Том сказав, що сподівається, що Мері це зробить. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom said he was hoping Mary would do it. Том крадькома утік вночі. Tom snuck out at night. Tom ran away stealthly at night. Я не готовился к зачёту. I didn't study for the test. I wasn't getting ready for the bill. Я брехала. I was lying. I was lying. Она — гордость своего класса. She is the pride of her class. She's proud of her class. Я не люблю запаху часнику. I don't like the smell of garlic. I don't like the smell of garlic. Можливо, це, врешті-решт, не така вже й погана ідея. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all. Maybe it's not that bad after all. Ён спыніўся папаліць. He stopped to smoke. He stopped popping. Побачимося! Goodbye! See you! Поставьте её вон там. Put it over there. Put her over there. Він був занадто сонний, щоб читати вечірню газету. He was too sleepy to read an evening paper. He was too sleepy to read the evening newspaper. Том нечасто бывает дома. Tom isn't home a lot. Tom's not often at home. Сегодня весь день шел проливной дождь. It rained hard all day today. It was raining all day. Том зараз у біді. Tom is in trouble now. Tom's in trouble now. Если твой ответ правильный, это значит, что мой не правильный. If your answer is correct, it follows that mine is wrong. If your answer is correct, it means that I'm wrong. Це добре звучить, правда? That sounds good, right? That sounds good, doesn't it? Ти маєш сісти з Томом. You should sit with Tom. You have to sit down with Tom. Просто не турбуйся. Just don't worry. Just don't worry. Я раньше не видела её здесь. I haven't seen her here before. I haven't seen her here before. Бувай! Коли в тебе буде більше часу, повертайся, пограємо! Goodbye! When you have more time, come back and play! When you have more time, come back, play! Это совершенно неожиданно. This is totally unexpected. It's absolutely unexpected. Що ти робив? What were you doing? What were you doing? Я був зайнятий цього тижня. I have been busy this week. I was busy this week. У Тома не было детей. Tom didn't have any children. Tom didn't have children. Мені щастить. I'm in luck. I'm lucky. Я вывучаю старажытнаанглійскую мову. I'm learning Old English. I learn ancient English. Дэн показал себя сторонником превосходства белой расы. Dan revealed himself to be a white supremacist. Dan showed himself to be a supporter of white race superiority. Простите, я вас не так понял. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry, I didn't get you that well. Ми з нею приблизного одного віку. She's about the same age as me. She and I are about the same age. Я хочу с тобой переговорить. I want to talk with you. I want to talk to you. Ми не робили нічого поганого. We weren't doing anything wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Я пришёл с вами поговорить. I've come to speak with you. I came to talk to you. Мэри говорит, что никогда этого не делала. Mary says she never did that. Mary says she never did. Яна павярнулася, калі пачула яго голас. She turned around when she heard his voice. She turned when she heard his voice. Вдова - це жінка, чий чоловік помер. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. The widow is the woman whose husband died. Том сказал, что он не голодный. Tom said he isn't hungry. Tom said he wasn't hungry. Ці у вас ёсць грошы? Do you have money? Do you have the money? «Сколько до ужина?» — «Пять минут». "How long till dinner?" -"Five minutes." "How many for dinner?" "Five minutes." Вы будете ему звонить? Are you going to call him? Will you call him? Ти приніс каву? Did you bring coffee? You brought coffee? Це набагато гірше. It's much worse than that. It's much worse. Я якраз збирався помитися. I was just about to take a bath. I was just about to bathe. Сколько человек? How many people? How many people? Том посоветовал Мэри не делать этого. Tom advised Mary not to do it. Tom told Mary not to do that. Он психически неуравновешенный. He's mentally unbalanced. He's mentally unbalanced. Я теж їду. I'm going, too. I'm leaving, too. Ці ты сур'езна думаеш пра ад'езд? Are you seriously thinking about going? Do you think seriously about the departure? Незрозуміло, що автор намагається сказати. It is not clear what the writer is trying to say. It's unclear what the author is trying to say. Он нас любил. He loved us. He loved us. Я прежде курил. I used to smoke. I used to smoke. Актриса була гарно одягнута. The actress was dressed beautifully. The actress was well dressed. То тека. It is a notebook. It's a folder. Я думала, я тебе знаю. I thought I knew you. I thought I knew you. Який безлад! What a mess! What a mess! У Тома немає дітей. Tom didn't have any children. Tom has no children. Кто хочет разрезать торт? Who wants to cut the cake? Who wants to cut the cake? Я с Томом еще не закончил. I'm not through with Tom. I'm not done with Tom yet. Том сказал мне, как зовут малыша. Tom told me the baby's name. Tom told me what the baby's name is. Расскажите мне новости. Tell me the news. Tell me the news. Я пішов до неї за порадою I went to her for advice. I went to her for advice. Я провалил экзамен. I failed the exam. I failed the exam. Ти, очевидно, маєш рацію. Apparently you're right. You're obviously right. Я повинен поспішити, а то запізнюсь. I've got to hurry up or I'll be late. I have to hurry or I'll be late. Як не дивно, вона була жива. To my surprise, she was alive. Amazingly, she was alive. Том сказав, що Мері гарна. Tom said that Mary was cute. Tom said Mary was beautiful. Мідоры з’ела большую частку апельсінаў. Midori ate the most oranges. Midora ate most of the oranges. Наступного місяця Том їде з Бостона. Tom is leaving Boston next month. The next month, Tom leaves Boston. Том не має багато грошей у банку. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Tom doesn't have much money at the bank. Собака намагається втікти. The dog is trying to escape. The dog is trying to escape. Не кормите уток. Don't feed the ducks. Don't feed the duck. У Тома є діти й онуки. Tom has kids and grandkids. Tom has children and grandchildren. Сподіваємося, ми зможемо розпочати це завдання наступного місяця. I hope we can start this task next month. Hopefully we can start this task next month. Я задаволены. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. Ненавижу таких людей, как Том. I hate people like Tom. I hate people like Tom. Ти знав, що у мене є блог? Did you know I have a blog? Did you know I had a blog? Я спытаў Тома, чаму ён гэта зрабіў. I asked Tom why he did it. I asked Tom why he did it. Оскільки я не отримав відповідь, я написав їй ще раз. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Since I did not get the answer, I wrote it to her again. Том считал, что кровать слишком мягкая. Tom thought the bed was too soft. Tom thought the bed was too soft. Я не собираюсь на ней жениться. I'm not going to marry her. I'm not gonna marry her. Навіщо тобі стільки взуття? Why do you need so many shoes? Why so much shoes? Сколько это будет стоить? How much will it cost? How much will it cost? Я часто ходжу в кіно. I often go to the cinema. I often go to movies. Ви розумні. You're intelligent. You're smart. Вони нічого не дають. They give nothing. They don't give anything. Я хацеў бы пачуць тваю параду. I'd like to hear your advice. I would like to hear your advice. Англійская мова бясспрэчна з'яўляецца найпрасцейшым і ў той самы час найэфектыўнейшым сродкам міжнародных зносін. The English language is undoubtedly the easiest and at the same time the most efficient means of international communication. English is undeniably the simplest and at the same time the most effective means of international communication. Том бил тебя вообще? Did Tom ever hurt you? Did Tom beat you at all? У Тома даже нет водительских прав. Tom doesn't even have a driver's license. Tom doesn't even have a driver's license. Летючі риби також існують. There are also fish that fly. Flying fish also exist. Том цього не знав. Tom didn't know that. Tom didn't know. Томъ тѧ любить. Tom loves you. Tom, that's love. Я не вибачилася. I didn't apologize. I didn't apologize. Хіба ви не психолог? Aren't you a psychologist? Aren't you a psychologist? Ты зʼела дэсерт? Did you eat dessert? Are you eating dessert? Мені подобається їздити на своєму велосипеді. I like riding my bike. I like riding my bicycle. На этой неделе я многое сделал. I've done a lot this week. I did a lot this week. Сталіца Італіі — Рым. The capital of Italy is Rome. Italy's capital is Rome. Мы пытались остановить их. We tried to stop them. We tried to stop them. Оно растёт. It's getting bigger. It's growing. Том слушает радио за завтраком. Tom listens to the radio while eating breakfast. Tom's listening to the radio at breakfast. Чому ви так багато п'єте? Why do you drink so much? Why do you drink so much? Я не назову тебе её имени. I'm not going to tell you her name. I'm not gonna call you her name. Мы ничего не смогли найти. We couldn't find anything. We couldn't find anything. Ви ж не очікуєте, що я співатиму? You're not expecting me to sing, are you? You don't expect me to sing, do you? Квадратний корінь із шестиста дев'яти тисяч дев'ятисот шістдесяти одного — сімсот вісімдесят один. The square root of six hundred nine thousand nine hundred sixty-one is seven hundred eighty-one. The square root of six hundred nine hundred nine hundred sixty-one is seven hundred and eighty-one. Том ніколи не був швидший, ніж я. Tom has never been faster than me. Tom was never faster than I am. Мне нравится это место. I like this place. I like this place. Ти перебірливий у їжі? Are you a picky eater? Are you hot for food? Что твой парень подарил тебе на вашу годовщину? What did your boyfriend give you for your anniversary? What did your boyfriend give you on your anniversary? Попытаемся сохранять спокойствие. Let's try to stay calm. Try to stay calm. Покажите вашу фотографию. Show your photograph. Show me your picture. У тебя не очень хорошая память. Your memory isn't too good. You don't have a very good memory. Я забула, що ви друг Тома. I forgot you're Tom's friend. I forgot you were Tom's friend. Нужда законів не має. Necessity knows no law. No law needs. Я рознервувався. I became nervous. I got nervous. Хочешь на это взглянуть? Do you want to take a look at it? You want to see that? Том вже займається французькою. Tom is studying French already. Tom's already doing French. Я говорила з кимось по телефону. I was talking to someone on the phone. I talked to someone on the phone. Надобѣ ти жьдати въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. I need you to wait in the waiting room. Його звуть Том. Its name is Tom. His name is Tom. Она это уже делала. She already did that. She's already done it. Что ты хотела сказать? What did you want to say? What did you want to say? Це на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. This is on the eighth floor. Я дуже добре знаю математику. I'm very good at math. I know math very well. Мы разлягліся на газоне. We spread ourselves out on the lawn. We lobbied at the lawn. Ти не міг би пояснити, як ти це зробив? Could you explain how you did that? Can you explain how you did it? Це підпис Тома. That's Tom's signature. That's Tom's signature. Сидіння допізна щоночі заподіє шкоду Вашому здоров'ю. It'll do harm to you to sit up late every night. It's too late every night to hurt your health. Не думаю, что буду танцевать с Томом. I don't think that I'll dance with Tom. I don't think I'm gonna dance with Tom. Ти ніколи не будеш сама. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a weird dream. I had a strange dream last night. Мой нататнік — ружовага колеру. My notebook is pink. My notebook is a pink color. Мне нужен будет парик. I'm going to need a wig. I'm gonna need a wig. Я постійно забуваю імена людей. I'm always forgetting people's names. I always forget people's names. Ніхто тебе не зупиняє. Nobody is stopping you. No one's stopping you. Це кіт Тома. This cat is Tom's. It's Tom's cat. Я знаю, что ты работаешь с Томом. I know you're working with Tom. I know you work with Tom. Вяхотка Самі была брудная. Sami's loofah was dirty. The bridle itself was dirty. Вы актрисы. You are actresses. You're actresses. Звідки ти знаєш, наскільки це складно? How do you know how hard it is? How do you know how difficult it is? Том позволил Мэри воспользоваться своим телефоном. Tom let Mary use his phone. Tom let Mary use her phone. Може, якось іншим разом. Some other time perhaps. Maybe another time. Я забув зробити те, про що мене попросив Том. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. Думам же нам треба вецей єдзеня. I think we need more food. Let's think we need the heresy. Бросай пушки. Drop your guns. Drop the guns. У Вас шнурки развязались. Your shoelaces are untied. Your cords are loosed. Думаю, машина и так достаточно поломана. Я не могу ничего сделать голыми руками. I think that machine doesn't need any more broken parts. I can't achieve anything with my bare hands. I think the car's broken enough, I can't do anything with my bare hands. Том чистит зубы по крайней мере три раза в день. Tom brushes his teeth at least three times a day. Tom's brushing his teeth at least three times a day. Том побрился. Tom shaved. Tom shaved. Как бы ты хотел, чтобы тебя называли? What would you like to be called? How would you like to be called? Это слишком опасно. It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous. Ніколи не кажіть неправди. Never tell lies. Never lie. Почему ты мне не сказал? Why haven't you told me? Why didn't you tell me? Ты напугал её. You scared her. You scared her. Якщо щодо того, щоб піти в кіно? How about going to a movie? What about going to the movies? Дзе знаходзіцца найбліжэйшы касцёл? Where is the nearest church? Where is the nearest chair? Скільки ви додаєте цукру? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar do you add? Я цябе шукала. I have been looking for you. I was looking for you. Это подделка. This is a fake. It's a fake. Што б Вы зрабілі на маім месцы? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? Я добре відпочив. I'm well rested. I had a good break. Том хочет убежать. Tom wants to escape. Tom wants to run away. Я вам завтра напишу. I will write you tomorrow. I'll write you tomorrow. Я всё равно не хотел идти. I didn't want to go anyway. I didn't want to go anyway. Він студент-медик. He is a medical student. He's a medical student. Ты понял, что она сказала? Did you understand what she said? Do you understand what she said? Хто твій улуюблений фігурист? Who's your favorite figure skater? Who's your guessed figure player? Люди, які живуть у місці, не можуть пізнати задоволення від життя у селі. People living in town don't know the pleasures of country life. People living in a place cannot discern the satisfaction of living in a village. Що тримає тебе так пізно? What keeps you up so late? What keeps you so late? Можно поговорить с Биллом? Can I speak with Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Мне без разницы, сколько она стоит. I don't care how much it costs. I don't care how much it costs. Я сів на землю. I sat down on the ground. I sat down on the ground. Том сказав, що не думає, що Мері насправді подобається робити це самій. Tom said he doesn't think that Mary really enjoys doing that alone. Tom said he didn't think Mary really liked to do it herself. Ці я памыляюся? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Він спробував одягнути нові черевики. He tried putting on his new shoes. He tried to wear new shoes. Постав її сюди. Put it there. Put her here. Ніхто не візьме мене на роботу. No one will hire me. No one's gonna take me to work. Стол у хижи. The table is in the room. The table's in the cabin. Том говорит, что хочет быть похороненным здесь. Tom says that he wants to be buried here. Tom says he wants to be buried here. Я думаю, вам треба проігнорувати репліку Тома. I think you should ignore Tom's remark. I think you need to ignore Tom's reference. Я хотела бы почистить зубы. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Ви хочете полетіти у космос? Do you want to go to outer space? You want to go to space? Сабака перастрыбнуў праз крэсла. The dog jumped over a chair. The dog jumped across the chair. Том підтвердив, що ніхто не постраждав. Tom confirmed that no one was injured. Tom confirmed that no one was hurt. Яка зі сторін перемогла? Which side won? Which side won? Том осторожно вошел. Tom carefully stepped inside. Tom entered carefully. Двьрь сѧ розвьрзла. The door opened. Two p's out. Моя мама была против того, чтобы я ехал один. My mother objected to my traveling alone. My mom was against me driving alone. Єсмь молода. I'm young. Jesme young. Том знав, що у Мері небагато грошей. Tom knew Mary didn't have a lot of money. Tom knew Mary had little money. Сколько у вас автомобилей? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? Том никогда его не найдёт. Tom will never find it. Tom will never find it. Я відповіла на твоє питання? Have I answered your question? Did I answer your question? Хто бігав? Who ran? Who was running? Як життя? How's it going? How you doing? Я хотів заплатити. I wanted to pay. I wanted to pay. Відведи Тома додому. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Нам надо было прийти. We had to come. We had to come. Ходімо нап'ємося. Let's go get drunk. Let's get drunk. Коротке волосся дуже їй личить. Short hair really suits her. Her short hair is very good for her. Том наехал на бугор. Tom drove over a bump. Tom's gone to the bougor. Ты всё ещё хочешь пойти? Do you still want to go? You still want to go? Я её вообще не знаю. I don't know her at all. I don't know her at all. Том сказав, що він нічого про це не знає. Tom said that he didn't know anything about that. Tom said he didn't know anything about it. Я знаю, що для тебе це просто. I know it's easy for you. I know it's easy for you. Ты паедзеш поездам? Will you go by train? Are you going to eat trains? Я бы никогда такого не сделал. I'd never do such a thing. I would never do that. Как прошёл день? How's your day been? How was the day? Том хотел уехать. Tom wanted to leave. Tom wanted to leave. Мяне выкрадалі іншапланецяне. I was abducted by aliens. I was kidnapped by another planet. Мы стаміліся і хочам піць. We're tired and thirsty. We get tired and want to drink. Посадка лесов приносит пользу окружающей среде. Planting forests is good for the environment. Forest planting benefits the environment. Том тобі сподобався би. You'd like Tom. You'd love Tom. Том вышел из душа. Tom stepped out of the shower. Tom's out of his soul. Їздити на таксі для мене — це розкіш. Taking a taxi is a luxury for me. It is a luxury to ride a taxi. Не давай их ей. Don't give them to her. Don't give it to her. Він збирається тобі допомогти. He is going to help you. He's gonna help you. Я не магу сказаць дакладна. I can't say for sure. I can't say exactly. Некоторые белки очень умны. Some squirrels are very smart. Some squirrels are very smart. У мене знову болить спина. My back is hurting again. My back hurts again. Я думаю, Том до сих пор живёт в Бостоне. I think Tom is still living in Boston. I think Tom still lives in Boston. Я ненавиджу несподіванки. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Я знаю, что случилось. I know what happened. I know what happened. Ты хочешь, чтобы я ему помогла? Do you want me to help him? You want me to help him? Його потрібно вбити. It must be killed. He must be killed. Том справжній покидьок. Tom is a real jerk. Tom's a real bastard. Ми консервативні. We are a conservative people. We're conservative. Гугли старанніше! Google harder! The goggles are more diligent! Это всё неважно. None of it matters. It doesn't matter. Ти дав мені слово. You gave me your word. You gave me your word. Він щось їй прошепотів. He whispered something to her. He whispered something to her. Я надеюсь, что у меня получится. I hope I succeed. I hope I can do it. Мені подобається колір твоєї шкіри. I like the color of your skin. I like the color of your skin. Чому ви одні? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Эти глупцы нарушили закон, запрещающий нарушать закон. These fools broke the law that forbade breaking the law. These fools have violated the law prohibiting violations of the law. Мы можем совершить доставку в течение недели. We can deliver within a week. We can deliver within a week. Прошу, зачекай півгодини. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait half an hour. Дзіма пераспаў з 25 мужчынамі за адну ноч, а потым забіў іх. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Die slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Том сказал мне, что Мэри устала. Tom told me that Mary was tired. Tom told me Mary was tired. Том ніколи не порушує обіцянок. Tom never breaks promises. Tom never breaks his promises. Я думаю, тобі слід піти туди з Томом. I think you should go there with Tom. I think you should go there with Tom. Хіба ти впізнаєш цього чоловіка? Don't you recognize that man? Do you recognize this man? Він визнав, що це правда. He admitted that it was true. He admitted that it was true. Том наврядчи це для тебе зробить. Tom won't likely do that for you. Tom can hardly do that for you. Мы можем чем-нибудь вам помочь? Can we help you with something? Can we help you with something? Том зрадив вас. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. У вас с этим какие-то проблемы? Do you have any problems with that? Do you have any problems with that? Том, несомненно, красноречивый оратор. Tom certainly is an eloquent speaker. Tom is certainly a eloquent speaker. Я толькі што паглядзеў на Ваш блог — ён, здаецца, цікавы. I just had a look at your blog— it looks interesting. I just looked at your blog — it seems interesting. Том родился за три дня до Рождества в 2013 году. Tom was born three days before Christmas of 2013. Tom was born three days before Christmas in 2013. Цяпер, калі дождж скончыўся, мы можам пайсці дахаты. Now that it has stopped raining, we can go home. Now that the rain has ended, we can go roofing. Он до него даже не дотрагивался. He didn't even touch him. He didn't even touch him. Дождевая вода стекает по этой трубе. The rain-water runs off through this pipe. Rainwater flows through this pipe. Томоко едва не заплакала. Tomoko almost started to cry. Tomoko almost cried. Мой лёс не ў тваіх руках. My fate isn't in your hands. My fortune is not in thy hands. Скажите Тому, что его ключи у меня. Tell Tom I've got his keys. Tell Tom that I have his keys. Они не могут все быть плохими. They can't all be bad. They can't be bad. Мало надії, що у нього вийде. There's little hope that he'll succeed. Little hope he'll be able to do it. Калі глядзець зверху, выспа вельмі прыгожая. Seen from the sky, the island was very beautiful. When you look from above, the rash is very beautiful. Том ніколи цього не зробить. Tom will never do that. Tom will never do that. Я предвзят. I'm biased. I'm biased. Том должен быть здесь в течение 15 минут. Tom should be here within fifteen minutes. Tom's got to be here for 15 minutes. Я їжджу щороку. I go every year. I'm going every year. Я не могу позволить себе это купить. I can't afford to buy this. I can't afford to buy it. Я бачыў месяц над небакраем. I saw the moon above the horizon. I saw the month over the skyside. У вас є карта Бостона? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a Boston card? Что они тебе сделали? What've they done to you? What did they do to you? Ти доволі балакучий. You're quite a talker. You're pretty talkative. Я зарано? Am I early? Am I too early? Мій дім - ваш дім. My home is your home. My house is your home. Він був великий. It was big. He was big. Том и Мэри хотят, чтобы мы это сделали. Tom and Mary want us to do that. Tom and Mary want us to do it. Я багато про Вас чув. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Том знал, что должно быть сделано. Tom knew what had to be done. Tom knew what had to be done. Я собирался отремонтировать машину. I was going to repair the car. I was gonna fix the car. Мені здається, ти знаєш Тома. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. Что ты предлагаешь взамен? What do you suggest instead? What do you suggest in return? Гэтыя лекі дапамогуць табе. This medicine will help you. These medications will help you. Це не ваша справа. None of your business. It's none of your business. Я забылася, як іх завуць. I forgot their names. I forgot what they called them. Том ніколи не мусив багато вчитися. Tom never had to study very much. Tom never had to learn much. Це фазан. It's a pheasant. It's a pheasant. Я думаю, ми скоро повернемося. I think she will come back soon. I think we'll be back soon. Навіщо народжувати дітей, якщо можна усиновити? Why have kids when you can adopt? Why bear children if you can adopt them? Я даволі шчаслівая. I am rather happy. I'm pretty happy. Я хачу набыць некалькі кніжак. I want to buy some books. I want to buy a few books. Ви можете зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do that right now? Том не знал, почему Мэри грустная. Tom didn't know why Mary was sad. Tom didn't know why Mary was sad. Скажите ей, что я иду. Tell her that I am coming. Tell her I'm coming. "Помогите! Помогите! - закричала Пьеретта. - Убивают!" "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette, "I'm being murdered!" 'Help, help!' cried Pieretta. Том сделал селфи без рубашки. Tom took a shirtless selfie. Tom made selves without a shirt. Тая дзяўчынка хацела стаць актрысай. That girl wanted to become a movie star. That girl wanted to be an actress. Я ходив у понеділок ловити рибу. I went fishing last Monday. I went fishing on Monday. Коли ти йдеш у відпустку? When are you going on vacation? When are you going on vacation? Я сказал тебе, что передумал. I told you I'd changed my mind. I told you I changed my mind. Наш урок пачнецца праз 30 хвілін, добра? Our class will start in 30 minutes, OK? Our lesson will start in 30 minutes, okay? Я позичив у Тома машину. I borrowed Tom's car. I borrowed Tom's car. На столе кот. There is a cat on the table. A cat on the table. Я сказав їй не казати тобі. I told her not to tell you. I told her not to tell you. Он был лишь тенью себя прежнего. He was only a shadow of his former self. He was only a shadow of the former. Навіщо ми взагалі це обговорюємо? Why are we even discussing this? Why do we even discuss this? Я зробив все бездоганно. I nailed it. I've done the right thing. Воля не бясплатная. Freedom is not free. Will is not free. Зі мною ніхто не приїхав. No one came with me. No one came with me. Справедливості, а не милосердя - ось чого бракує в світі. It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world. Justice, not mercy -- that's what the world lacks. Лай этой собаки не испугает и ребёнка. That dog's bark wouldn't even scare off a baby. Fucking that dog doesn't scare a baby. Сёння панядзелак. Today is Monday. Today is Monday. Вы не должны лгать. You don't have to lie. You don't have to lie. Ты это искала? Is this what you were looking for? You were looking for it? Я не можу зараз говорити з Томом. I can't talk to Tom now. I can't talk to Tom right now. Ён п'яны. He is drunk. He is drunk. Думаю, ему необходимо туда поехать. I think it necessary for him to go there. I think he should go there. Моя мать погибла в аварии. My mother was killed in an accident. My mother died in an accident. Я криком позвал на помощь. I screamed for help. I yelled for help. Я б хотів поставити питання. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask you a question. Времена могут меняться, но человеческая натура всё та же. Times may change, but human nature stay the same. Times can change, but human nature is the same. Я згубіла сваю любімую асадку. I lost my favorite pen. I lost my favorite sediment. Том вважає, що Мері невинна. Tom believes that Mary is innocent. Tom thinks Mary's innocent. Том унёс свою тайну с собой в могилу. Tom took his secret to the grave. Tom took his secret with him to the grave. Як хочеш. It's up to you. As you wish. Батько вас любить. Your father loves you. Your father loves you. Ми приймемо вашу пропозицію до уваги. We will take your suggestion into consideration. We'll take your offer into account. Они очистили улицу от снега. They cleared the street of snow. They cleared the street of the snow. Він член комітету. He is a member of the committee. He's a committee member. Ви резервували столик? Have you got a table booked? Did you reserve the table? На Хелловін він одягнувся пожежником. He dressed as a fireman for Halloween. Halloween was wearing a fireman. Ніводнай душы не было бачна ў вёсцы. Not a soul was to be seen in the village. No soul was seen in the village. Помідор — це фрукт чи овоч? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Tomato is a fruit or a vegetable? Я сказаў, што зраблю яе шчаслівай. I said I would make her happy. I said I would make her happy. Ця земля належить королівській родині. This land belongs to the Royal Family. This land belongs to the royal family. Первісною метою науки є пошук істини, нової істини. The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth. The primary goal of science is to find truth, a new truth. Розкажи мені все. Tell me everything. Tell me everything. Ти мені вже багато разів розповідав цю історію. You've told me this story lots of times. You've told me this story many times. У нас хорошая школьная библиотека. We have a nice school library. We have a good school library. Весь день ішов сильний дощ. It rained hard all day. All day long, heavy rain was coming. Том ждет тебя в конференц-зале. Tom wants you in the conference room. Tom's waiting for you at the conference room. У меня и в мыслях не было ничего плохого. I meant no harm. I had nothing wrong in my mind, too. Смочи эту губку в воде. Soak this sponge in water. Soak that sponge in the water. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы на это взглянули. I'd like you to take a look at this. I'd like you to look at it. Я б хотів би купити карту. I'd like to buy a map. I'd like to buy a card. Откуда вы и как сюда попали? Where are you from and how did you get here? Where did you come from, and how did you get here? Де масло? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Я могу отвезти тебя домой. I can take you home. I can take you home. З тих пір, як померла його дружина, Том живе один. Tom has lived alone since his wife died. Since his wife died, Tom lives alone. Вы когда-нибудь были в Швейцарии? Have you ever been to Switzerland? Have you ever been to Switzerland? Ви коли-небудь рахували зорі? Have you ever counted the stars? Have you ever counted the stars? Тебе нельзя здесь оставаться. You can't stay here. You can't stay here. Ён увогуле не глядзіць тэлевізар. He doesn't watch TV at all. He doesn't watch TV in general. Том зробив знімок телефоном. Tom took a picture with his phone. Tom took a picture with the phone. Ты скоро станешь мамой. You're going to be a mommy. You'll be mom soon. Том с Мэри выглядели уставшими. Tom and Mary look tired. Tom and Mary looked tired. Она сломана? Is it broken? Is she broken? Мне цалкам абыякава. I don't care at all. I'm completely indifferent. Вашому замовленню присвоєно найвищий рівень пріоритету. We have given your order highest priority. Your order has been given the highest priority. Том вже почав працювати на новій роботі? Has Tom already started his new job? Has Tom started a new job? Ти коли-небудь бачив вовка? Have you ever seen a wolf? Have you ever seen a wolf? Том знає, що має працювати далі. Tom knows he has to keep working. Tom knows he has to keep working. Мама сводила меня в парк. My mother took me to the park. Mom took me to the park. Ми потребуємо відповіді. We need an answer. We need an answer. Чому ти просто не пішла? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Гэта цябе не датычыцца. It's none of your business. It doesn't concern you. Какую музыку ты слушаешь в машине? What kind of music do you like to listen to when you're driving? What music are you listening to in the car? Том в конце концов уехал из Бостона. Tom eventually left Boston. Tom eventually left Boston. Том отправил мне рождественский подарок. Tom sent me a Christmas gift. Tom sent me a Christmas present. Цікаво, що з ним стало, як він поїхав до Америки? I wonder what has become of him after he went to America. I wonder what happened to him when he went to America. Я сделала всё, что могла. I did everything I could do. I did everything I could. Если подумать, мне действительно нужен мобильный телефон. Come to think of it, I really need a cellphone. If you think about it, I really need a cell phone. Я хотел танцевать. I wanted to dance. I wanted to dance. Том займається більше за мене. Tom studies more than I do. Tom's doing more than me. Помойте руки перед едой. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before eating. Мы сосчитали годовые кольца на дереве, которое мы срубили, и определили, что ему было тридцать лет. We counted the growth rings on the tree that we cut down and found out that it was thirty years old. We counted the annual ring on the tree we cut and determined he was thirty years old. Я жду, что Том скажет мне, что делать. I'm waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. I expect Tom to tell me what to do. Том дуже мало п'є. Tom drinks very little. Tom drinks very little. Отцы там. The fathers are there. Fathers are there. Гэта найлепшае кіно, якое я калісьці глядзела. This is the best movie I've ever seen. It's the best movie I've ever watched. Он только что вернулся. He has just come back. He just came back. Чому ти ніколи мені цього не казав? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Є лише один спосіб це зробити. There's only one way to do that. There's only one way to do that. Я дала Тому ключ. I gave Tom the key. I gave him the key. Вы не могли бы показать мне камеру дешевле, чем эта? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Could you show me a camera cheaper than this? Мені подобаються іноземні мови. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Вы ходили вчера на концерт Тома? Did you go to Tom's concert yesterday? Did you go to Tom's concert yesterday? Відтоді я його не бачив. I haven't seen him since. I haven't seen him since. Де він хоче, щоб я його поклала? Where does he want me to put it? Where does he want me to put it? Це вільна країна. It's a free country. It's a free country. Ніхто не знає його справжнього імені. No one knows his real name. No one knows his real name. Вы говорите на том же языке со своим отцом, что и со своей матерью? Do you speak the same language to your father that you speak to your mother? Do you speak the same language to your father as to your mother? Скора пойдзе дождж. It's going to rain soon. It will rain soon. Я не знал, что Том - ваш начальник. I didn't know Tom was your boss. I didn't know Tom was your boss. Надеюсь, что никто не видел, как ты сюда заходил. I hope no one saw you come in here. I hope nobody saw you come here. Ми двоюрідні брат і сестра. We're cousins. We are cousins. Я пытался предупредить Тома. I tried to warn Tom. I tried to warn Tom. Том пытался бежать. Tom tried to run. Tom was trying to run. Ці собаки твої? Are these dogs yours? Are these dogs yours? Пакіньце мяне ў спакоі. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Что вы делаете с остатками приготовленного риса? What are you doing with the rest of prepared rice? What are you doing with the remaining rice? Воду, пожалуйста. I'd like some water. Water, please. Думаю, это было бы большой ошибкой. I think that would be a big mistake. I think that would be a big mistake. Ми це зробимо. We will do it. We'll do it. Ти любиш кокосову воду? Do you like coconut water? Do you like coconut water? У яго доўгія ногі. He has long legs. He has long legs. Мы не планируем ехать вместе. We don't plan on going together. We're not planning on going together. Мені треба було вам раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you earlier. Гадаю, ми втратили її. I think we lost her. I think we lost her. Я ем яблоко. I am eating an apple. I'm eating an apple. Скажи мне, что ты ел на обед. Tell me what you ate for lunch. Tell me you ate for lunch. А що, якщо наш план не спрацює? What if our plan doesn't work? What if our plan doesn't work? Что принёс Том? What did Tom bring? What did Tom bring? Пропавший мальчик был опознан по его одежде. The boy who had been missing was identified by his clothes. The missing boy was identified by his clothes. Ты был всё время с Томом? Were you with Tom the whole time? Have you been with Tom all the time? Том, наверное, был пьян. Tom must've been drunk. Tom must have been drunk. Мы пілі піва. We drank beer. We drank beer. Том та Мері роблять багато чого разом. Tom and Mary do lots of things together. Tom and Mary do a lot together. Исправь его, пожалуйста. Please fix it. Fix him, please. Том - мой личный помощник. Tom is my personal assistant. Tom is my personal assistant. Жизнь интересна. Life is interesting. Life is interesting. Том захудий. Tom is too thin. Tom's dead. Я доволен тем, что есть. I'm satisfied with the way things are. I'm happy with what I have. Я никогда раньше не опаздывала. I've never been late before. I've never been late before. Вѣсте ли къдѣ сѧ родилъ? Do you know his birthplace? Is cc - cc - parent? Том випив пиво. Tom drank a beer. Tom had a beer. Возьмите мои. Take mine. Take me. Это ты сделала? Did you do this? Did you do that? Я отправил тебе деньги, которые ты просила. I sent you the money you asked for. I sent you the money you asked for. Мені подобаються ці. I like these. I like these. «Навошта ручай без пякучае смагі?» — пытае ў сваім вершы Аркадзь Куляшоў. ‘Without burning thirst, what is the brook for?’ Arkadź Kulašoŭ asks in his verse. "Why a Hand without a baking smack?" asks in his verse Arcadz Kulashov. На месяцы няма кіслароду. There's no oxygen on the moon. There is no oxygen for months. Мне не за что извиняться. I have nothing to apologize for. I have nothing to apologize for. Мне сапраўды падабаюцца паязды. I really like trains. I really like bets. Я чув, як Том закричав. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom yell. Вам не нужно идти. You don't need to go. You don't have to go. Том правдивий. Tom is truthful. Tom's real. Я популярен. I'm popular. I'm popular. Тому надо поехать с Мэри. Tom has to go with Mary. That's why we should go with Mary. Ты дрэнны хлопчык. You're a bad boy. You're a bad boy. Теперь ты. It's your turn. Now you are. Он написал своим родителям. He wrote to his parents. He wrote to his parents. Тут ви маєте рацію. You have a point there. You're right here. Хіба ти не боїшся собак? Aren't you afraid of dogs? Aren't you afraid of dogs? Я не сказав Тому, чому хочу це зробити. I didn't tell Tom why I wanted to do that. I didn't tell him why I wanted to do it. Де найближча станція метро? Where's the nearest metro station? Where's the nearest subway station? Маёй мовы няма ў спісе! My language is not on the list! My language is not listed! Мы будем готовы до твоего приезда. We'll be ready by the time you get here. We'll be ready for your arrival. На столе лежит раскрытая книга. There's a book lying open on the desk. There's an open book on the table. Том та Мері лише середньостатистичні студенти. Tom and Mary are just average students. Tom and Mary are just average students. Дзе знаходзіцца сабор? Where is the cathedral located? Where is the cathedral? Свідки були? Were there any witnesses? The Witnesses were? З моїм обліковим записом якась проблема. There is a problem with my account. There's a problem with my account. Гэтую кнігу варта перачытваць зноў і зноў. This book is worth reading again and again. This book should be reread over and over again. Том сделал свою часть. Tom did his part. Tom did his part. Ви певні, що Том цього не робив? Are you certain Tom didn't do that? Are you sure Tom didn't do that? Чому вона хотіла поговорити зі мною? Why did she want to speak to me? Why would she want to talk to me? Люди любят поговорить. People like to talk. People like to talk. Я не бачыў цябе сто гадоў. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you for a hundred years. Ты хочешь работать с ними? Do you want to work with them? You want to work with them? Ты хочешь воспользоваться этой возможностью? Do you want to take that chance? You want to take this opportunity? Том подумал, что Мэри вряд ли будет занята. Tom thought Mary wouldn't likely be busy. Tom thought Mary was unlikely to be busy. Ты такой высокий! You're so tall. You're so tall! Я була чесна з тобою. I've been honest with you. I was honest with you. У меня сейчас нет дел. I don't have anything to do now. I don't have a case right now. Дзякуй! Thank you. Thank you! Быть может, я что-то упустил. Maybe I missed something. Maybe I missed something. Не розбий дзеркало. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. Том одобрил? Did Tom approve? Did Tom approve? Шкода, що я не може поїхати з тобою до Бостона. I wish I could go to Boston with you. It's a shame I can't go with you to Boston. Россия и Китай - лучшие друзья Алжира. Russia and China are Algeria's best friends. China and Russia are Algeria's best friends. У нас было няшмат часу на закупы. We didn't have much time to do some shopping. We didn't have much time for the purchases. Я подумал, что Вы привидение. I thought you were a ghost. I thought you were a ghost. Том має алергію на бджіл. Tom is allergic to bees. Tom's allergic to bees. Мы прыбылі крыху запозна. We've arrived a little late. We arrived a little late. Это было бы возможно. It would be possible. That would be possible. Кто этому поверит? Who'll believe that? Who's gonna believe it? Ти перепрацював. You're overworked. You worked it out. Мене це влаштовує. That's fine by me. That's great for me. Що він планує? What is he up to? What's he planning? Я мог бы поехать в Бостон с Томом, но не захотел. I could've gone to Boston with Tom, but I didn't want to. I could go to Boston with Tom, but I didn't want to. Том думал, ты занят. Tom thought you were busy. Tom thought you were busy. Я ничего не помню с прошлого вечера. I can't remember anything from last night. I don't remember anything from last night. У меня есть собственная теория. I have my own theory. I have my own theory. Из-за паводков занятия в школах были приостановлены. Classes have been suspended due to floods. The schools were suspended because of floods. Мы пойдём поговорим с ними. We'll go talk to them. We'll go talk to them. Том — дуже практична людина. Tom is a very practical, down-to-earth person. Tom is a very practical person. Отже, що сталося? So what happened? So, what happened? Ти це бачив? Did you see that? Did you see that? Чашка риса весит примерно сто восемьдесят грамм. A bowl of rice is about 180 grams. A cup of rice weighs about one hundred and eighty grams. Ми вчора грали в американський футбол. We played football yesterday. We played American football yesterday. Заключенный освобожден. Prisoner is discharged. The prisoner is released. Он меня знает? Does he know me? Does he know me? Ти повинен платити за своїми боргами. You should pay your debts. You have to pay for your debts. Том хочет знать, сколько мороженого съела Мэри. Tom wants to know how much ice cream Mary ate. Tom wants to know how much ice cream Mary ate. Где твои кредитные карты? Where are your credit cards? Where are your credit cards? Ви читали цю статтю? Have you read this article? Have you read this article? Ти повинна бути обережна. You must be cautious. You must be careful. Почему Том не хочет меня видеть? Why doesn't Tom want to see me? Why doesn't Tom want to see me? Я и не знал, что у тебя есть девушка. I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Ида домови никого же єсмь не сътрѣлъ. I met nobody on my way home. I don't think I'm going to have to go to the house. Не говорите плохого о других. Don't speak ill of others. Don't talk bad about others. Ви маєте час. You have time. You have time. Ці ты праўда жадаеш гэта ведаць? Do you really want to know? Dost thou true desire to know it? Я в порядку. I am fine. I'm fine. Том не сказав Мері, що він хоче, щоб вона зробила. Tom didn't tell Mary what he wants her to do. Tom didn't tell Mary what he wanted her to do. Я не можу знайти Тома. Він вже поїхав? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom, he's gone? А хіба я тобі вчора не позичив грошей? Didn't I lend you some money yesterday? Didn't I lend you money yesterday? Мы ўбачылі востраў здалёк. We saw an island in the distance. We saw an island from afar. Том грає у футбол та займається бігом. Tom plays soccer and runs track. Tom's playing football and running. Піду скажу їм. I'll go let them know. I'll go tell them. Ця історія з'явилася у всіх газетах. The story was in all daily newspapers. This story has appeared in all the newspapers. Мені сподобалася ця книжка. I liked that book. I enjoyed the book. Пожалуйста, возвращайтесь. Please come back. Please come back. Вони заявили, що вони не винні. They declared that they were innocent. They claimed that they were not responsible. Том был высокий для своего возраста. Tom was tall for his age. Tom was tall for his age. Я з першого погляду міг сказати, що щось не так. I could tell at a glance that something was wrong. I could have said at first glance that something was wrong. Том не хотів робити цього з вами. Tom didn't want to do that with you. Tom didn't want to do this to you. Мне столько надо сказать. I have so much to say. I have so much to say. Ти не хотіла би піти до театру сьогодні ввечері? Would you like to go to the theater this evening? Would you like to go to the theater tonight? Я знаю, это трудно принять. I know this is difficult to accept. I know it's hard to accept. Мы знаем про неё. We know about her. We know about her. Том відмовляється працювати. Tom refuses to work. Tom refuses to work. Нам з вами треба поговорити. You and I need to talk. We need to talk to you. Ти виглядаєш здивованим. You look surprised. You look surprised. Я решил снова попробовать. I decided to try again. I decided to try again. Де саме Том планує побудувати свій будинок? Where exactly does Tom plan to build his house? Where exactly is Tom planning to build his house? Спасибо тебе за беспокойство. Thank you for your concern. Thank you for your concern. Она знает психологию своего мужа. She knows her husband's psychology. She knows her husband's psychology. Мне падабаецца зялёны колер. I like the green colour. I like green. Это место, где она работала секретарем. This is the place where she works as a secretary. This is where she worked as a secretary. Вони їдять ланч в саду. They are having lunch in the garden. They eat lunch in the garden. Ты не можешь заставить меня жениться на тебе. You can't force me to marry you. You can't make me marry you. Том сказал, что у него нет адвоката. Tom said he didn't have a lawyer. Tom said he didn't have a lawyer. Никто не знал почему. No one knew why. Nobody knew why. Книжка лежить на столі. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Том не хотел об этом говорить. Tom didn't want to talk about that. Tom didn't want to talk about it. Чому б тобі не прийти в гості сьогодні ввечері? Why don't you come over tonight? Why don't you come to the guest tonight? Я блізка вакзала. I am near the station. I'm close to the station. Том не отруював Мері. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't poison Mary. Никто не обратил внимания на то, что делает Том. Everyone ignored what Tom was doing. Nobody paid attention to what Tom was doing. Думаю, я міг би це зробити краще. I think I could've done that better. I think I could do better. Начиная с этого момента запрещается плакать. From this moment on it is forbidden to cry. We are forbidden from that moment on to cry. Я лишь говорю, что мы не можем доверять Тому. I'm just saying we can't trust Tom. I'm just saying we can't trust Tom. Я втомлений від довгої прогулянки. I am tired from a long walk. I'm tired of a long walk. Я буду з тобою за секунду. I'll be with you in a second. I'll be with you in a second. Мы всегда можем попросить Тома о помощи. We can always ask Tom for help. We can always ask Tom for help. Я повинен продовжувати пробувати. I have to keep trying. I have to keep trying. Калі б не ты, я б загінула. Without you, I would have died. If it hadn't been for you, I would have died. Кажуть, що Анна вийде заміж у червні. It is said that Anne will get married in June. Anna is said to marry in June. Мне не нравится этим заниматься. I don't like doing that. I don't like doing this. Я люблю хмарочоси. I love skyscrapers. I love skyscrapers. Бяжы і схавайся ў гарах. Run and hide in the mountains. Run and hide in the mountains. У Тома багато дивних ідей. Tom has lots of weird ideas. Tom has a lot of weird ideas. Я зрозумів, у чому моя помилка. I realized what my mistake was. I realized what my mistake was. Том ждал три часа. Tom waited for three hours. Tom waited three hours. Яна обдурила його. Yana fooled him. She fooled him. Ви вмієте лаятися французькою? Do you know how to swear in French? Can you speak French? У тебе на роботі безлад на столі? Do you have a messy desk at work? Do you have a mess on your desk at work? Все веселятся? Is everybody having a good time? Everybody having fun? Я заразился от него простудой. He gave me a cold. I got infected with him with a cold. Котъ ѹтєклъ. The cat ran away. The cat tecules. Я маю морську свинку. I have a guinea pig. I have a guinea pig. Розбуди дітей. Wake the kids. Wake up the kids. Ён мой найлепшы сябра, таму што мы вельмі добра ладзім, і я магу даверыць яму тое, што не расказаў бы нікому іншаму. He is my best friend because we just get on well with each other and I can trust him with things that I wouldn't tell anyone else. He's my best friend because we're very good at getting along, and I can trust him with something that wouldn't tell anyone else. Ви любите дивитися спорт? Do you like watching sports? Do you like to watch sports? Мы с Томом планируем пожениться 20 октября. Tom and I are planning to get married on October 20th. Tom and I are planning to get married on October 20. Очевидно, що Тому подобається тут, у Бостоні. It's clear Tom likes being here in Boston. It's obvious that Tom likes it here in Boston. Ти мусиш їй допомогти, і швидко! You must help her, and soon! You have to help her, and quick! Том опустошил свой банковский счет. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom ruined his bank account. Я вже телефонувала. I've already called. I already called. Том проспав? Did Tom oversleep? Did Tom sleep? Я сказала, що спробую. I said I'd try. I said I'd try. Сподіваюся, Том прийде на мою вечірку. I hope Tom comes to my party. I hope Tom comes to my party. Я майже певен, що ми можемо довіряти Тому. I'm almost certain that we can trust Tom. I'm almost sure we can trust Tom. Ви знаєте як водити автомобіль? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know how to drive? Не давай Тому спати. Don't let Tom sleep. Don't let him sleep. Хто ще тобі допомогав? Who else helped you? Who else helped you? У меня нет времени беспокоиться о таких мелочах. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about things like that. Мне не сказали, куда мы идём. I wasn't told where we were going. They didn't tell me where we were going. Він зайняв перше місце на шаховому турнірі. He won the first prize at the chess tournament. He took first place in a chess tournament. Не думаю, що ви маєте рацію. I don't think you're right. I don't think you're right. Я собираюсь разобраться с Томом. I'm going to deal with Tom. I'm gonna deal with Tom. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom up to in Boston? What does Tom do in Boston? Я думаю, що вони студенти. I think they're students. I think they're students. Том - мой родственник по мужу. Tom is related to me by marriage. Tom's my husband's relative. Птахи можуть бачити магнітне поле Землі за допомогою очей. Birds can see the Earth's magnetic field with their eyes. Birds can see the earth’s magnetic field with their eyes. Хто хоче піти зі мною? Who wants to come with me? Who wants to come with me? Слава Украіне! Glory to Ukraine! Glory be to Ukraine! Сколько ещё людей знает об этом? How many other people know about this? How many more people do they know about it? Её муж богат. Her husband is rich. Her husband's rich. Этот нож очень мне пригодился. This knife was very useful to me. This knife was really good for me. Ви не такі розумні, як я. You're not as smart as me. You're not as smart as I am. Він продає автомобілі. He sells cars. He sells cars. Америка покончила с рабством. America did away with slavery. America ended slavery. Они забыли свои зонты. They forgot their umbrellas. They forgot their zones. Я втратила віру. I lost faith. I lost my faith. Вони довірилися Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. Я обычно ничего не покупаю через Интернет. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I usually don't buy anything on the Internet. Мы забыли записаться! We have forgotten to sign up! We forgot to log in! Она была удивлена, что уже так поздно. She was surprised that it was that late. She was surprised it was so late. Я знаю, что тебе ещё нет восемнадцати. I know that you're under 18. I know you're not 18 yet. Это займёт какое-то время. It's going to take some time. It'll take a while. Чому Том такий впертий? Why's Tom so stubborn? Why is Tom so stubborn? Мне пришлось его остановить. I had to stop him. I had to stop him. Успокойтесь. Это не конец света. Calm down. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. Ты найлепшая мама ў свеце. You're the best mom in the world. You're the best mom in the world. Я просто хочу у відпустку. I just want a vacation. I just want a vacation. Ты завтра едешь в Токио? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Are you going to Tokyo tomorrow? Это правда Том? Is it really Tom? Is that true Tom? Вы памятаеце мяне? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Він мені дав олівець. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. Думаю, Том живе в Австралії. I think that Tom lives in Australia. I think Tom lives in Australia. Гора Килиманджаро - спящий вулкан, расположенный в Танзании. Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano located in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro is a hot volcano located in Tanzania. Я обожнюю цю програму. I love that program. I love this program. Ведите себя хорошо. Behave yourselves. Be good. Сёння мне трэба вярнуцца дахаты крыху раней. I need to go home a little early today. Today I need to get back the rooftops a little before. Том на меня злится. Tom is mad at me. Tom's mad at me. Том живёт в Австралии с женой и тремя детьми. Tom lives in Australia with his wife and his three children. Tom lives in Australia with his wife and three children. Пожьди мене! Wait for me! Wait for me! Мій шлунок болить після їжі. My stomach hurts after meals. My stomach hurts after eating. Я сильно запізнився. I was very late. I'm really late. Я чув, що він хворіє. I hear he is ill. I heard he was sick. Мой дедушка был солдатом на войне. My grandfather was a soldier in the war. My grandfather was a soldier in the war. Разбуди меня в шесть, пожалуйста. Please wake me at six. Wake me up at six, please. Том для вас застарий. Tom is too old for you. Tom's too old for you. Він зробив фотографію сім’ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Я б хотів заробляти більше. I wish I earned more money. I'd like to make more money. Ты был вчера вечером дома? Were you home last night? You were home last night? Вы знаете, где пройдёт встреча? Do you know where the meeting will be? Do you know where the meeting will be? Она слышала, как он плачет. She heard him cry. She heard him crying. Гэта было амаль што каханне з першага погляду. That was almost love at first sight. It was almost that love from the first glance. Я сильно захворів. I got real sick. I was very ill. Сегодня я очень устал. Today, I am very tired. I'm very tired today. Що ти хочеш, щоб я щодо цього зробив? What do you want me to do about it? What do you want me to do about it? Це кохання? Is it love? Is that love? Сколько яблонь у вас в саду? How many apple trees are there in your orchard? How many apples do you have in your garden? Няшчасная кабета, захлёбваючыся слязьмі, расказала сваю гісторыю. The unhappy woman, drowned in tears, told her story. An unfortunate cab, clogged with tears, told its story. Не верьте ничему из того, что он говорит. Don't believe anything he says. Do not believe anything he says. Мы забрали Тома домой. We took Tom home. We took Tom home. Ти нестерпна. You're insufferable. You're excruciating. Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I can't answer your question. I can't answer your question. Пойдёшь завтра куда-нибудь? Will you go out tomorrow? Are you going somewhere tomorrow? Що, на вашу думку, вони хочуть? What do you think they want? What do you think they want? Я поважаю вашу думку. I respect your opinion. I respect your point. Я не можу! I can't! I can't! Вам нужно их подождать. You need to wait for them. You need to wait for them. Автобус у автобусней станїци. The bus is at the bus station. Bus in the bus station. Том сказав, що хоче з тобою зустрітися. Tom said he wants to meet you. Tom said he wanted to see you. Мне нужно сходить в туалет. I have to go to the toilet. I need to go to the bathroom. Ми розташувалися на березі озера. We camped on the border of the lake. We were on the lake’s shore. Том приведе Мері. Tom will bring Mary. Tom will bring Mary. Я не мог решить, что делать. I couldn't decide what to do. I couldn't decide what to do. Поганої погоди не буває - буває тільки поганий одяг. There is no unseasonable weather, there is only a wrong choice of clothes. Bad weather may not be just bad clothes. Долго Вы пробыли учителем? How long have you been a teacher? How long have you been a teacher? Тому без разницы, что говорит Мэри. Tom doesn't care what Mary says. That's why it makes no difference what Mary says. Освободи зверей из клетки. Free the animals from their cage. Clear the beast from the cage. Кто-нибудь здесь с ними знаком? Does anybody here know them? Does anybody here know them? Никто не видел, как они вышли из комнаты. Nobody saw them leave the room. Nobody saw them leave the room. Я всё про вас слышала. I've heard all about you. I heard all about you. Том охайний. Tom is neat. Tom's neat. Эта рубашка слишком мала мне, чтоб в ней ходить. This shirt is too small for me to wear. This shirt is too small for me to walk in. Я сделал это сегодня впервые. I did that today for the first time. I did it for the first time today. Мені здається, це ялинка. I think that it's a fir tree. I think it's a tree. Том дуже заможний. Tom is very wealthy. Tom's very wealthy. Я не їв. I haven't eaten. I didn't eat. Тома заменила Мэри. Tom has been replaced by Mary. Tom replaced Mary. Школа виглядає як в'язниця. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Том поклав свої цінні предмети до сейфу. Tom put his valuables in a safe. Tom put his valuables in the safe. С кем они разговаривают? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? Я там часто бывал. I was often there. I've been there a lot. Я проста не веру табе. I just don't trust you. I just don't believe you. Мері мені як рідна донька. Mary is like my own daughter. Mary's like a daughter to me. Люди часто вступают в отношения, думая, что могут изменить другого человека. People often enter into a relationship thinking that they can change the other person. People often come into a relationship with thinking that they can change another person. Ми в Італії. We're in Italy. We're in Italy. Люк сказал, что любит плавать. Luke said that he likes swimming. Luke said he likes swimming. Двері літака вже були зачинені, коли Том дійшов до виходу до літака. The plane's doors were already closed when Tom got to the gate. The plane door was closed when Tom reached the plane’s entrance. Я думаю, Том може переконати Мері зробити це. I think Tom could get Mary to do that. I think Tom can convince Mary to do it. Ми чекаємо, допоки вони підуть. We're waiting for them to leave. We wait until they leave. Они ровесники. They are the same age. They're peers. Я не хочу ничего есть сейчас. I don't want to eat anything right now. I don't want anything to eat now. Том єдиний, хто не вміє цього робити. Tom is the only one who can't do that. Tom's the only one who can't do it. Не обращайте на них внимания. Ignore them. Don't pay attention to them. Пойдзем мы ці не не залежыць ад надвор'я. Whether we go or not depends on the weather. We'll go or not depend on the weather. Том перевантажений. Tom's overwhelmed. Tom's overloaded. Кен хоча ровар. Ken wants a bicycle. Ken wants a bike. Борцуны за социальную справедливость у меня уже в печёнках сидят. I'm getting fed up with SJWs. Borts for social justice are already sitting in my livers. Я дала сестрі словник. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. Пароль - "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel." Некоторые убеждены, что их защищает ангел-хранитель. Some people are convinced that they are protected by a guardian angel. Some are convinced that they are protected by a guardian angel. Вы её очень обрадовали. You made her very happy. You've given her great pleasure. Який? Which one? What is it? Ви ще голодні? Are you still hungry? Are you hungry yet? Они за вами наблюдают. They're watching you. They're watching you. Том готує вечерю. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's making dinner. Почему тебя завтра не будет? Why won't you be here tomorrow? Why won't you be tomorrow? Тебе нужно мне позвонить. You need to call me. You need to call me. Потримай це. Hold this. Hold it. Этот телевизор поддерживает разрешение 1080p. This TV supports 1080p. This TV supports resolution 1080p. Нє стало Томоу коунъ. Tom didn't have enough money. No, it's Tom's horse. Не ўдавай, што не ведаеш. Don't pretend you don't know. Don't pretend you don't know. Це небагато коштує. It's not worth much. It doesn't cost much. Ты меня поддержишь? Will you support me? Will you support me? Он откупорил бутылку. He uncorked the bottle. He bought a bottle. Я держал его за воротник. I held him by the collar. I held him for the collar. Ти завжди мені це говориш. You always tell me that. You always tell me that. Я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что с Томом всё в порядке. I want you to know that Tom's doing OK. I want you to know that Tom is okay. Вы могли остаться в Бостоне. You could've stayed in Boston. You could have stayed in Boston. Мы остановились в отеле "Хилтон". We stayed at the Hilton Hotel. We stopped at the Hilton Hotel. Хвилинку! Не кладіть слухавку! Wait a minute! Hang on! Wait a minute, don't put that down! Почему вы переезжаете в Бостон? Why are you moving to Boston? Why are you moving to Boston? Навіщо б тобі робити щось подібне? Why would you want to do something like that? Why do you do something like that? Мост смыло наводнением. The bridge was washed away by the flood. The bridge was swept away by flooding. Том пішов. Tom is gone. Tom's gone. В каком доме ты живёшь? What kind of house do you live in? What house do you live in? Я его не брал. Можете карманы проверить. I didn't take it. You can check my pockets. I didn't take it. Советую вам не ходить. I advise you not to go. I advise you not to walk. Я не готов сдаваться. I'm not ready to give up. I'm not ready to give up. Тобі слід сказати Тому, щоб він більше цього не робив. You should tell Tom not to do that anymore. You have to tell him not to do this again. Як би там не було, я просто не можу прийняти це. Somehow I just can't accept that. Whatever it is, I just can't accept it. Это соседняя страна. It's a neighbouring country. It's a neighboring country. Ось як це робиться в Америці. А як це роблять у Японії? This is how it is done in America. How is it done in Japan? And how do they do it in Japan? Том не знает размера обуви Мэри. Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is. Tom doesn't know the size of Mary's shoes. У меня есть розовый автомобиль. I have a pink car. I have a pink car. Она пустая. It's empty. She's empty. Я нічого такого не робив. I didn't do any such thing. I didn't do anything like that. Ты мне что-нибудь принёс? Did you bring me anything? Did you bring me anything? Я навучыла сваю жонку кіраваць машынай. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife how to run the machine. Він виріс великим науковцем. He grew up to be a great scientist. He grew up to be a great scientist. Ранок добрим не буває. The morning doesn't happen good. It's not good in the morning. Што здарылася? What happened? What happened? Мы с Томом как раз вчера это обсуждали. Tom and I were discussing that just yesterday. Tom and I talked about this yesterday. У нього були погані наміри. He had bad intentions. He had bad intentions. Добру ноц! Good night! Good note! Дякуючи Богу, всі були в порядку. Thank God everyone was OK. Thanks to God, everyone was fine. Мені дуже лесно це чути. I'm really flattered to hear that. I can hear it in the woods. Ты безнадёжен. You're hopeless. You're hopeless. Вы не знали, что Том когда-то жил в Австралии? Didn't you know Tom used to live in Australia? You didn't know Tom used to live in Australia? Я такий дурний... Я намагаюся тобі пояснити те, що сам не розумію. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid, I'm trying to explain to you what I don't understand. Почему это от одной небрежно брошенной спички может начаться лесной пожар, а на то, чтобы разжечь костёр, уходит целая коробка? How is it that one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? Why can a forest fire start from one carelessly thrown match, and a whole box goes out to light up the bone? Чемоу ми не речеши чемоу же сьдѣ вьси єсмъ? Why don't you tell me why we're all here? What are we not saying when we're not talking about what we're wearing? Том был зверски убит. Tom was brutally murdered. Tom was killed on top of it. Коли ти вийшла заміж? When did you get married? When did you get married? Танцюй! Dance! Dance! Я не зовсім певна. I'm not quite sure. I'm not exactly sure. Роздвигни завѣсъı. Open the drapes. Make a move. Мері роздала всіх свої ляльок. Mary gave away all her dolls. Mary gave all her dolls. Нам удалося переплисти річку. We managed to swim across the river. We managed to cross the river. Я частково мала рацію. I was partly right. I was partially right. Он сам себя ненавидит. He hates himself. He hates himself. Ви насправді бачили НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Did you actually see the UFO? Том хоче бути бейсболістом. Tom wants to be a baseball player. Tom wants to be a baseball player. Для Іціра сяброўства важнейшае за прыбутак. Ichiro puts friendship above profit. For Itir, friendship is crucial for gain. Итальянский язык часто хвалят за фонетическую орфографию. Слова пишутся в соответствии с произношением, вне зависимости от этимологии. The Italian language is often praised for its phonetic orthography. Words are written according to their pronunciation, regardless of their etymology. The Italian language is often praised for its phonetic spelling, and the words are written according to progenitor, regardless of ecology. Це позитивна новина? Is this positive news? Is that good news? Я все ще спантеличений. I'm still puzzled. I'm still confused. Они слишком много знают. They know too much. They know too much. Том сказал Мэри, где ей сесть. Tom told Mary where to sit. Tom told Mary where to sit. Яке твоє прізвище? What is your last name? What's your name? Охабила сѧ єго о иномь мѫжи. She left him for another man. I don't think so. Это был фантастический день. It was a fantastic day. It was a fantastic day. Я был там, когда умер Том. I was there when Tom died. I was there when Tom died. Просто попросите у него прощения. Just apologize to him. Just ask him for forgiveness. В его пристрастии к алкоголю нет ничего нового. His drinking habit is an old one. There's nothing new about his addiction to alcohol. Ніхто не телефонував. Nobody called. No one called. Я люблю цукор. I like sugar. I love sugar. Надо было мне подождать. I should've waited. I should've waited. Що ви відчули? What did you feel? How did you feel? Обережно з головою! Watch your head! Watch Your Head! Том — дружелюбний хлопчина. Tom is a friendly guy. Tom is a friendly boy. Ненавиджу журналістів. I hate journalists. I hate journalists. Всё стало серьёзно. Things got serious. Everything got serious. Он не любит кофе. He doesn't like coffee. He doesn't like coffee. Вы спазніліся. You are late. You're late. Думаешь, я ему нравлюсь? Do you think he likes me? You think he likes me? Я отримала вашого листа вчора. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Я люблю вивчати мови. I love to learn languages. I love learning languages. Орел чи решка? Heads or tails? An Eagle or a Magna Carta? Давай оставим это до завтра. Let's leave it till tomorrow. Let's leave this until tomorrow. Пожелайте мне удачи! Wish me luck. Wish me luck! Мы здесь оба по одной и той же причине. We're both here for the same reason. We're both here for the same reason. Том та Мері не могли допомогти мені зробити це. Tom and Mary weren't able to help me do that. Tom and Mary couldn't help me do it. Яструб кружляв в небі. The hawk circled round in the sky. The hawk was encircling in the sky. Нам спекотно. We're hot. We're hot. Не делайте двух дел одновременно. Do one thing at a time. Don't do two cases at the same time. Я знаю, что Том здесь делает. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom's doing here. Кому-то нужно ей это сказать. Someone needs to tell her that. Someone needs to tell her that. Я штомесяца даю табе шмат грошай. I give you plenty of money each month. I give you a lot of money every month. Пахне, неначе хтось тут курив. It smells as though someone has been smoking in here. It smells like somebody was smoking here. Ви надаєте перевагу мідіям чи устрицям? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Це твоє пиво? Is this your beer? Is that your beer? Це моє. Віддай. That's mine. Give it back. Give it back. Думаю, нам слід йти. I think that we should be leaving. I think we should go. Выходи из душа! Get out of the shower! Get out of your soul! Ти знаєш якісь інші рішення? Do you know of any other solutions? Do you know any other solutions? Так что вы хотите знать? So what do you want to know? So what do you want to know? Я знала, що ви не забудете Тома. I knew you wouldn't forget Tom. I knew you wouldn't forget Tom. Навіщо тобі моя допомога? Why do you want my help? Why would you like my help? Я удивлён, что вас не пригласили. I'm surprised you weren't invited. I'm surprised you weren't invited. Дзе твой дом? Where is your house? Where is your house? Побачивши собаку, кіт утік. At the sight of the dog, the cat ran off. When he saw the dog, the cat ran away. Увидимся в воскресенье в три. See you Sunday at three. I'll see you at 3:00 on Sunday. Я так сильно змінилася? Have I changed that much? Did I change so much? Я около станции. I'm near the station. I'm near the station. Ён паліў ружавы куст. He watered the rose bush. He was smoking a rose bush. Тому немає про що турбуватися. Tom doesn't have anything to worry about. So there's nothing to worry about. Меня помиловали. I was pardoned. I was pardoned. Мою квартиру ограбили на прошлой неделе. My apartment was robbed last week. My apartment was robbed last week. Сколько времени вам понадобится? How much time will you need? How long will it take you? Я магу перакладаць зь нямецкай на ангельскую даволі добра, але наадварот перакладаць складаней. I can translate from German to English pretty well, but the other way around is more difficult. I can translate from German to English quite well, but it's the opposite to translate more difficult. Він фін. He's Finnish. He's a Finnish. Вы не должны ничего от меня скрывать. You don't have to hide anything from me. You don't have to hide anything from me. Говори гучніше, будь ласка. Please speak louder. Speak louder, please. Том выглядит очень расстроенным. Tom looks very upset. Tom looks very upset. Почему бы тебе не снять своё пальто? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take your coat off? Вы там родились? Were you born there? You were born there? Я хотіла би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I'd like Tom on our team. Я ищу хороший отель. I am looking for a good hotel. I'm looking for a good hotel. У самых прыгожых кветак самыя вострыя шыпы. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. In the most beautiful flowers, the sharpest spikes. Она хорошая жена. Верная. She's a good spouse. She's faithful. She's a good wife. Том часто не приходит в школу. Tom often doesn't come to school. Tom often doesn't go to school. Ми — добра команда. We're a good team. We're a good team. Ты ніколі са мной не пагаджаешся. You never agree with me. You will never agree with me. Я кивнув головою. I nodded. I nodded my head. Він алкаш. He's a lush. He's alcoholic. Яны былі маімі сяброўкамі. They were my friends. They were my friends. Ніколи не читайте коментарі в інтернеті. Never read internet comments. Never read comments online. Сами удалил с компьютера фотографию Лейлы. Sami deleted Layla's photo from the computer. He removed Leila's photo from his computer. Тобі подобається шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk? Вона звільнилася з компанії. She quit the company. She quit the company. Мэри была единственной девушкой в юбке. Mary was the only girl wearing a skirt. Mary was the only girl in the bubble. Эсперанто может остановить войны. Esperanto can stop wars. Esperantto can stop wars. Мені не дозволили побачити Тома. I wasn't allowed to see Tom. I was not allowed to see Tom. Том перехитрив мене. Tom outsmarted me. Tom shook me. Она сыграла сонату. She played a sonata. She played the sonata. Хто шукає, той завжди знайде. When there's a will, there's a way. He'll always find whoever's looking. Гарри работает неполный рабочий день в местном супермаркете. Harry works part-time at the local supermarket. Harry works part-time at the local supermarket. Той старий котедж мав лише одне ліжко, тому ми по черзі спали на ньому. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. That old cottage had only one bed, so we took turns sleeping on it. Ты выглядаеш бледна. You look pale. You look pale. Я п'яний. I'm tipsy. I'm drunk. Вам нравится боулинг? Do you like bowling? Do you like bowling? У Тома є секрет? Does Tom have a secret? Does Tom have a secret? Мой французский ужасен. My French is terrible. My French is terrible. Не думаю, что Том знает, сколько времени. I don't think Tom knows what time it is. I don't think Tom knows how long. В інтернеті мало сайтів на татарській мові. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few Tatar-language sites on the Internet. Гатаваць цікава. Cooking is interesting. Cooking is interesting. Такі коти не мають хвостів. This kind of cat doesn't have a tail. Such cats have no tails. Дякуємо за вчора. Thanks for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Я не ведаю, калі Боб прыехаў у Японію. I don't know when Bob came to Japan. I don't know when Bob came to Japan. Ці стільці різні. These chairs are different. These chairs are different. Я знал, что Том вряд ли проиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to lose. I knew Tom wouldn't lose. Ці ты п'яны? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Темнота не скрыла это. The darkness has not overcome it. Darkness didn't hide it. Мы её закончим. We will finish it. We're gonna finish it. Зупинись тут. Stop here. Stop here. Вы можете говорить по-французски, как он? Can you speak French like him? Can you speak French, like him? Я скажу им, что ты заходила. I'll tell them you came by. I'll tell them you came in. Я скучная. I am boring. I'm bored. Ты говорил, что это срочно. You said that it was urgent. You said it was urgent. Почему Том не любит Бостон? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Хіба ти не хочеш відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? С кем ты хотел поговорить? Who did you want to talk to? Who did you want to talk to? Його супроводжувала дружина. He was accompanied by his wife. His wife accompanied him. Коли я повернулася, моєї машини не було. When I came back, my car was gone. When I returned, my car wasn't there. Она это полюбит. She's going to love this. She'll love it. Я пакажу табе горад. I will show you around the city. I will show you the city. Том сказав, що ми можемо ставити йому будь-які запитання, які хочемо. Tom said we could ask him any questions we liked. Tom said we could ask him any question we wanted. Мы никогда не оставляем надежду. We're never giving up hope. We never give up hope. Адно тое, што ён заручаны, не значыць, што ён не кахае Лайлу. Just because he's engaged doesn't mean that he isn't in love with Layla. One thing that he enlists does not mean that he does not love Lyla. Спробую ще раз, дякую. I'll try again, thank you. I'll try again, thanks. Том намагається не робити цього. Tom is trying not to do that. Tom's trying not to do that. Саме ти сказав, що я мушу це зробити. You're the one who said I should to that. That's what you said I had to do. Фадль продовжив свої пошуки готівки. Fadil continued his hunt for cash. Faddle continued his quest for cash. Будь ласка, тихенько зачиніть двері. Please close the door quietly. Please shut the door quietly. Калі ласка, не плач. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Що ти хочеш на свій день народження? What do you want for your birthday? What do you want on your birthday? Не за дзень Вільня станавілася. Rome wasn't built in a day. Not in the day the Liberty was up. Я проплакала усю ніч. I cried all night long. I cried all night. Ведущие мировые производители какао — Кот-д’Ивуар, Гана и Индонезия. The world's leading cacao producers are Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Indonesia. The world’s leading cocoa producers are Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Indonesia. Ты говорил, это важно. You said it was important. You said it was important. Я знал, что вы будете по мне скучать. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Том это видел? Did Tom see this? Did Tom see that? Можете мені сказати, що це означає? Can you tell me what this means? Can you tell me what that means? Це його машина. That is his car. It's his car. Ты всегда так говоришь. You always say that. You always say that. Я вижу тебя время от времени. I see you every now and then. I see you from time to time. Ніхто не знає, що буде. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Я не знал, как несчастлив Том. I didn't know how unhappy Tom was. I didn't know how unhappy Tom was. Мне просто нужна кое-какая информация. I just need some information. I just need some information. Времена тяжёлые. The times are hard. Times are heavy. Я не наивен. I'm not gullible. I'm not naive. Дзякую, гэта ўсё. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's it. Найгоршы вірус — гэта капіталізм. The worst virus is capitalism. The worst virus is capitalism. Между ними существует заметная разница. There is a marked difference between them. There is a significant difference between them. Заспокой тома. Comfort Tom. Calm down the volume. Мэри сказала, что придёт пораньше. Mary said that she'd be early. Mary said she was coming early. Ти записав номер Тома? Did you write down Tom's number? You recorded Tom's number? Я не спросил Тома и Мэри, с кем они планируют ехать в Бостон. I didn't ask Tom and Mary who they were planning on going to Boston with. I didn't ask Tom and Mary who they're planning to go to Boston with. Том сказал мне, что ты недоволен. Tom told me you were dissatisfied. Tom told me you were upset. Разве я не говорил вам не называть меня Томом? Haven't I told you not to call me Tom? Didn't I tell you to call me Tom? Воно на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. Это Том мне купил. Tom bought this for me. Tom bought it for me. Приди как можно быстрее. Come as soon as possible. Come as fast as you can. Ви можете дати відповідь? Can you answer? Can You Answer? Ни Том, ни Мэри никогда не были в Бостоне. Both Tom and Mary have never been to Boston. Neither Tom nor Mary ever was in Boston. Я не это заказывал. This isn't what I ordered. I didn't order that. Ты должен работать упорно, если хочешь добиться успеха. You must work hard if you want to succeed. You have to work hard if you want to succeed. У меня два сына и две дочери. I have two sons and two daughters. I have two sons and two daughters. Том очень возбужден. Tom is very excited. Tom's really excited. Я забула адресу. I forgot the address. I forgot the address. Том играет на тромбоне. Tom plays the trombone. Tom's playing trombone. Ой, у нас сахар закончился. Oh, we're out of sugar. Oh, we're running out of sugar. Це буде геніально. It'll be wonderful. It's going to be brilliant. Я научился заниматься и играть как мои японские друзья. I learned to study and play like my Japanese friends. I learned to do and play like my Japanese friends. Коли твій друг виїхав до Америки? When did your friend leave for America? When did your friend leave for America? Я надзвычайна шчаслівая. I'm extremely happy. I'm extremely happy. Містер Сміт зробив для нього декілька іграшок. Mr Smith made him some toys. Mr. Smith made several toys for him. Я впевнений, що Том дуже зайнята людина. I'm sure that Tom is a very busy man. I'm sure Tom's very busy. Я знаю, що Том був зайнятий. I know Tom was busy. I know Tom was busy. Я был как раз там, когда это произошло. I was right on the spot when it happened. I was just there when it happened. Я міліцыянерка. I'm a police officer. I'm a militiaman. Я не розумію, навіщо він це зробив. I don't understand why he did that. I don't understand why he did it. Вы едите рис каждый день? Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? Зробіть це знову! Do it again! Do it again! Том ше прави же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom Che's right, but he's rich. Поэт покончил с собой в собственном кабинете. The poet committed suicide in his study. The poet committed suicide in his own office. Рядом с вашим домом есть зоопарк? Is there a zoo near your home? Is there a zoo next to your house? Можете уйти, если хотите. You may leave if you want to. You can leave if you want. Мені потрібно зателефонувати Тому. I have to call Tom. I need to call Tom. У тебе є ліхтарик, який я міг би у тебе позичити? Do you have a torch I could borrow? Do you have a flashlight that I could borrow from you? Если бы я только могла рассказать вам! I wish I could tell you. If only I could tell you! Книга - на столе. The book is on the desk. The book is on the table. Том сказал, что я некрасивая. Tom said I was ugly. Tom said I was not beautiful. Том пішов, щоб привести Мері. Tom has gone to get Mary. Tom left to bring Mary. Я таксама граю на сінтэзатары ў маім гурце. I also play keyboard in my band. I also play synthesizers in my band. Вам не нужно туда идти, если не хотите. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't have to go there if you don't want to. Томе, ти в порядку? Are you all right, Tom? Tom, are you okay? Том знав, що Мері не буде зайнята. Tom knew that Mary wasn't going to be busy. Tom knew Mary wouldn't be busy. Я б не здивувався, якби сьогодні ввечері пішов сніг. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if it was snowing tonight. Том сором'язливий. Tom is timid. Tom's shy. Том планирует расстаться со своей девушкой. Tom plans to break up with his girlfriend. Tom plans to break up with his girlfriend. Я знал, что Том блефует. I knew Tom was bluffing. I knew Tom was bluffing. Ты дзіўная. You're strange. You're weird. Мері сказала мені, що кохає мене. Mary told me she loves me. Mary told me she loved me. Я хочу точно знати, як помер Том. I want to know exactly how Tom died. I want to know exactly how Tom died. Я хочу, чтобы ты побыл с ней. I want you to stay with her. I want you to be with her. Коли воно почалося? When did it start? When did it begin? Я ненавижу шпинат. I hate spinach. I hate spinach. Я люблю моркву. I like carrots. I love carrots. Том сказав, що йому байдуже, чи він переможе, чи ні. Tom said that he doesn't care if he wins or not. Tom said he didn't care if he won or not. Посмотрите на ту девчонку. Look at that girl. Look at that girl. З Різдвом, кохана! Merry Christmas, my love! Happy Christmas, my love! Што вы зрабілі з гэтай кніжкай? What did you do with that book? What did you do to this book? Це мій собака. This dog is mine. This is my dog. Відкрийте капот. Open the hood. Open the bonnet. Як прайшоў урок французскай? How was the French class? How did a French lesson pass? Маджэнта — найлепшы колер у свеце! Magenta is the best color in the world! Madgenta is the best color in the world! Ти повинен казати правду. You should tell the truth. You have to tell the truth. Дощ ішов весь день. The rain continued all day. It was raining all day. Мальчик хорошо произносит слова. The boy pronounces the words well. The boy makes a good statement. Кого ты вчера здесь ждала? Who were you waiting for here yesterday? Who were you waiting for here yesterday? Я рассказала Тому всё о том, что мы сделали вчера. I told Tom all about what we did yesterday. I told Tom everything we did yesterday. Какой твой любимый браузер? Which browser is your favorite? What's your favorite browser? Можеш сідати, якщо хочеш. You can sit down if you like. You can sit down if you want. Эту музыку взрослым понять очень трудно. The music is difficult for grownups to understand. This adult music is very hard to understand. Цяжка любіць некага, калі ты не ведаеш, што ён любіць цябе так жа моцна, як ты любіш яго. It's hard to love somebody when you don't know whether they love you as much as you love them. It's hard to love someone if you don't know that he loves you as much as you love him. Я сказал Тому, что надо сделать. I told Tom what should be done. I told Tom what to do. Никто не проголодался, кроме меня. Nobody was hungry except me. No one's been hungry except for me. Никто не собирается тебя обвинять. Nobody's going to blame you. No one's gonna blame you. Твої ідеї дещо застарілі. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. Your ideas are somewhat outdated. Тобі подобається це робити, чи не так? You like doing that, don't you? You like it, don't you? Нѣсть ємоу хорома а бы тоу жилъ. He has no house in which to live. If I had a choir, I'd like to have a living. Скажіть мені, де вино. Tell me where the wine is. Tell me where the wine is. Нам надо его найти. We've got to find it. We need to find him. У меня никогда не получится. I'll never make it. I'm never gonna make it. Хочѫ въспытати. I would like to ask. I'd like to test. За что ты её ненавидишь? Why do you hate her? Why do you hate her? Тов відкрив сейф. Tom opened the safe. Tov opened the safe. Картон прочнее бумаги. Cardboard is stronger than paper. Carton's a solid paper. Все нам верили. Everyone believed us. Everyone believed us. Знаете, почему Том не доверяет Мэри? Do you know why Tom doesn't trust Mary? You know why Tom doesn't trust Mary? Не беспокойся! Всё будет хорошо. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Don't worry, it's gonna be okay. Це важка для нас робота. This work is difficult for us. It's hard work for us. У Тома багато друзів. Tom has a lot of friends. Tom has a lot of friends. У мяне ёсць сябар – лётчык. I have a friend who is a pilot. I have a friend, a pilot. Сьогодні ввечері мені не потрібно готувати вечерю. I don't need to make dinner tonight. I don't have to cook dinner tonight. Як твої справи, Майку? How are you, Mike? How you doing, Mike? Учитель написал краткий комментарий на каждом листе. The teacher put a short comment on each paper. The teacher wrote a brief comment on each letter. Немаўля спала ў калысцы. The baby lay sleeping in the cradle. The baby slept in a cradle. Никогда не думал, что сделаю это. I never thought I would do that. Never thought I'd do it. Італія — дуже гарна країна. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a beautiful country. Есть ли смысл это чинить? Does it make sense to fix this? Does it make sense? Музыка — гэта маё жыццё. Music is my life. Music is my life. Том просить нас допомогти йому. Tom is asking us to help him. Tom asks us to help him. Книжка задорога. The book is too expensive. The book is too expensive. Том подкупил Мэри? Did Tom bribe Mary? Tom bribed Mary? Починай. Start. Start it. Ты уже достаточно взрослый, чтобы сделать это самостоятельно. You're already big enough to do it by yourself. You're old enough to do it yourself. Том хотел научиться читать. Tom wanted to learn to read. Tom wanted to learn to read. Том говорит, что ему нужно поговорить с тобой. Tom says he needs to talk with you. Tom says he needs to talk to you. Я англичанин. I am British. I'm an Englishman. У вас есть французский словарь? Do you have a French dictionary? Do you have a French dictionary? Это чрезвычайно дорого. It's extremely expensive. It's extremely expensive. Площа Ринок — історичний центр міста. Rynok Square is the historic centre of the city. The Market Square is the historic center of the city. Я видела её. I've seen her. I saw her. Я хочу присоединиться к тебе. I want to join you. I want to join you. Небеса синıа. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Не смейся над ними. Don't make fun of them. Don't laugh at them. Прекрати создавать суету на пустом месте. Stop making a fuss over nothing. Stop creating a mess in the empty space. Это вошло в привычку. That became a habit. It's been a habit. Том не позвонит. Tom won't call. Tom won't call. Мне нравятся люди, которые не боятся стареть. I like people who are not afraid to grow old. I like people who're not afraid to grow old. Значит, ты её купил? Does that mean you bought it? So you bought it? Теперь я женат. I'm married now. I'm married now. Відправ її поштою. Send it by mail. Send her by mail. Гэта найлепшая пара года. It's the best season of the year. This is the best couple of years. Не маю часу на те, щоб допомогти тобі з роботою. I have no time to help you with the work. I don't have time to help you with your work. Було затишшя після бурі. There was a calm after the storm. It was cozy after the storm. Не відкривайте поки що подарунок. Don't open the present yet. Don't open a gift for now. Мері — медсестра на пенсії. Mary is a retired nurse. Mary is a retired nurse. Будь ласка, посунься. Please budge up. Please move. Повірити не можу, що ми програємо. I can't believe we're going to lose. I can't believe we're going to lose. Любляна - столица Словении. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Мы должны уважать их желания. We must respect their wishes. We must respect their wishes. Ви хочете сказати, що не хочете допомогти нам пофарбувати стелю? Are you saying you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? Are you saying you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? Том не набагато старший від мене. Tom is not much older than me. Tom's not much older than I am. Полиция обыскала машину Тома. The police searched Tom's car. The police searched Tom's car. Це була не єдина проблема. That wasn't the only problem. It wasn't the only problem. Я сказал, что я устал. I said I was tired. I said I was tired. Я недавно видел твоего брата. I saw your brother the other day. I just saw your brother. Том викладає французьку. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Колись я тут жила. I used to live here. I used to live here. Мне нравится улыбка Мэри. I like the way Mary smiles. I like Mary's smile. Тому подобається ходити на концерти. Tom enjoys going to concerts. So I enjoy going to concerts. Ты не из тех девушек, с которыми я обычно встречаюсь. You're not the kind of girl that I usually go out with. You're not the kind of girl I normally meet. Дай Боже добри дзень! May God give us a good day! Give God a good day! Он позёр. He's a poser. He did. Боюсь, я не слишком хорошо это объяснил. I'm afraid I didn't explain it too well. I'm afraid I didn't explain it too well. Зубы пачысці. Brush your teeth. Teeth clean. Ми сьогодні голосуватимемо. We're going to vote today. We'll vote tonight. Што будзе далей? What's to be done next? What's going to happen next? Спачатку давайце паглядзім на гэтую вядомую карціну. First of all, let's look at this famous picture. Let's first look at this famous picture. Я знал, что Том не пойдёт. I knew Tom wouldn't go. I knew Tom wouldn't. Том поцеловал Мэри, и они обнялись. Tom kissed Mary and they hugged each other. Tom kissed Mary, and they were hugging. Том и Мэри не боятся. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom and Mary are not afraid. Том сказав мені, що не хоче спати. Tom told me he wasn't sleepy. Tom told me he didn't want to sleep. Марыя траціць шмат грошай на адзенне. Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. Mary spends a lot of money on her clothes. Обоє Том та Мері подивилися на Джона. Tom and Mary both looked at John. Both Tom and Mary looked at John. Зачем ты меня обманул? Why did you trick me? Why did you deceive me? Том и Мэри обнялись. Tom and Mary embraced. Tom and Mary are hugging. Я не знаю, хто вбив Тома. I don't know who killed Tom. I don't know who killed Tom. Думаю, это Том виноват. I think it's Tom's fault. I think it's Tom's fault. Не дивись на нього! Don't look at him! Don't look at him! Я забылася на твой нумар тэлефону. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your phone number. Эти бутылки многоразовые. These bottles are reusable. These bottles are repetitive. Выбора нет. There's no choice. No choice. У меня две сестры и брат. I have two sisters and one brother. I have two sisters and a brother. Раніше я жив поруч з Томом. I used to live close to Tom. I used to live next to Tom. Том никогда не забывал Мэри. Tom never forgot Mary. Tom never forgot Mary. Я не знал, как ответить на его вопрос. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. Том каже, що не хоче їхати. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Выявілася, што Дэну важка прызвычаіцца да жыцця ў манастыры. Dan found it hard to adjust to life in the monastery. It turned out that Dana had a hard time getting used to living in a convent. Я всё время этим пользуюсь. I use this all the time. I've been using it all the time. Сколько дюймов в футе? How many inches are there in a foot? How many inches in a foot? Том сказав Мері, що він бачив Джона у січні. Tom told Mary that he had seen John in January. Tom told Mary he saw John in January. Том сказав, що я гарна. Tom said I looked pretty. Tom said I was beautiful. У тебе є карта метро? Do you have an underground map? Do you have a subway map? У меня большая проблема. I have a big problem. I have a big problem. Том сказал, что об этом не может быть и речи. Tom said it was out of the question. Tom said there was no way to talk about it. Если вы не против, то я бы не отказался от помощи. If you wouldn't mind, I could use a hand. If you don't mind, I wouldn't give up on help. Я здесь часто ем. I often eat here. I eat here a lot. Гэта кніга таксама даступная на партугальскай. The book is also available in Portuguese. This book is also available on Portuguese. Купи мені велосипед. Buy me a bike. Get me a bike. Это нелепо. That's absurd. It's ridiculous. Гэтая кніга мая. This book is mine. This book is mine. «Ты не можешь это носить». — «Почему нет?» "You can't wear that." "Why not?" "You can't wear it." "Why not?" Європа — це не країна. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Том може йти. Tom is excused. Tom can go. Мені важко прокидатися раніше шостої. It is difficult for me to get up before six. It's hard for me to wake up before six. Я грамадзянін Рыма. I am a Roman citizen. I am a citizen of Rome. Том не танцевал с Мэри. Tom didn't dance with Mary. Tom didn't dance with Mary. Ти, очевидно, хворий. You're obviously sick. You're obviously sick. Мы ночевали под открытым небом. We slept under the stars. We were sleeping under the open sky. У меня под кроватью монстр. There is a monster under my bed. I have a monster under my bed. Она нашла ключ к моему сердцу. She found the key to my heart. She found the key to my heart. Я вже розглянув цю ідею. I've already considered that idea. I've already considered this idea. Бортпроводник — мастер комплиментов. The cabin attendant is good at flattery. The boxman is a complimentary master. Пан Джексон не приймає подарунків від студентів. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Вам слід купити Тому нові іграшки. You should buy Tom some new toys. You need to buy some new toys. Фадзіль выхоўваўся ў такім доме, дзе яго навучылі, што каханне звязанае толькі з матэрыяльнымі рэчамі. Fadil was brought up in a home where he was taught that love was just about material things. Fadil was raised in such a house where he was taught that love was related only to material things. Я почищу тебе ботинки. I'll shine your shoes. I'll clean your shoes. Я сегодня в школу не пойду. I'm not going to go to school today. I'm not going to school today. Том познакомился с Мэри год назад. Tom met Mary a year ago. Tom met Mary a year ago. Том каже, ти все ще голодний. Tom says that you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Я думав, що він багатий. I supposed him to be rich. I thought he was rich. У Тома очень стрессовая работа. Tom has a very stressful job. Tom has a very stressful job. Завтра он будет драться с чемпионом в тяжёлом весе. He will fight the heavyweight champion tomorrow. Tomorrow he'll fight the heavy weight champion. Шклянка повна молока. The glass is full of milk. The glass's full of milk. Том звиклий до цього. Tom is used to doing that. Tom's used to it. Том, мабуть, забув сказати про це Мері. Tom must have forgotten to tell Mary that. Tom must have forgotten to tell Mary about it. Том приехал рано. Tom arrived early. Tom arrived early. Што напісана на тваёй цішотцы? What's written on your t-shirt? What is written on thy silence? Я попросила их отремонтировать мою машину. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix my car. Я грюкнула дверима. I slammed the door. I slammed the door. Мне нужно с тобой об этом поговорить. I need to talk to you about that. I need to talk to you about this. Кстати, Том в городе. By the way, Tom is in town. By the way, Tom's in town. Том ничего мне не показал. Tom didn't show me anything. Tom didn't show me anything. Ён расчараваў натоўп. He disappeared in the crowd. He disappointed the crowd. Він п'є багато молока кожного дня. He drinks a lot of milk every day. He drinks a lot of milk every day. Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of these apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Я очень рад знакомству с вами. I'm very glad to meet you. I'm very happy to meet you. Я люблю зиму. I love winter. I love winter. Ми в дорозі додому. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Ты хочешь услышать моё мнение? Do you want to hear my opinion? You want to hear my opinion? Он любит хвастаться об успешном автомобильном бизнесе своего отца. He likes to boast about his father's successful automobile business. He likes to boast about his father's successful car business. Мы ничего не делали! We weren't doing anything! We didn't do anything! Боıалъ сѧ єсмь погоубити въ тьмѣ. I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. It's a big s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s- Я палестинець. I'm Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. Том на зборах не було. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Том знает, что это сделала Мэри. Tom knows that Mary was the one who did that. Tom knows Mary did it. Как вы думаете, кто мы? Who do you think we are? What do you think we are? Я был почти уверен, что Том этого не сделает. I was pretty sure that Tom wouldn't do that. I was pretty sure Tom wouldn't. У неё есть и недостатки. She has faults, too. She also has shortcomings. Ён цікавіцца будызмам. He's interested in Buddhism. He is interested in Buddhism. Я хочу тебе поцілувати. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Том говорит, что не хочет ехать со мной в Австралию. Tom says that he doesn't want to go to Australia with me. Tom says he doesn't want to go to Australia with me. Сколько сейчас времени в Токио? What time is it in Tokyo? How much time is it now in Tokyo? Чому ви не розповіли Тому? Why didn't you tell Tom? Why didn't you tell Tom? Я живу в Лахоре. I live in Lahore. I live in Lahore. Чому Том утік? Why did Tom run away? Why did Tom escape? Том вчера поцеловал Мэри. Tom kissed Mary yesterday. Tom kissed Mary yesterday. Выходзь за мяне замуж. Marry me. Get married to me. Я бы хотел немного горячего шоколада. I'd like to have some hot chocolate. I'd like some hot chocolate. Том купив Мері різдвяний подарунок. Tom bought Mary a Christmas present. Tom bought Mary a Christmas present. Ти маєш бути гнучким. You have to be flexible. You have to be flexible. Як вам подобається це місто? How do you like this town? How do you like this city? Они решили пожениться. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. Я спала з сваім начальнікам. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Боюся, ти не маєш рації. I'm afraid you're wrong. I'm afraid you're not right. Том ушел от Мэри. Tom walked out on Mary. Tom left Mary. Комп'ютери дуже корисні. Computers are of great use. Computers are very useful. Незадолго до взрыва был замечен мужчина, ведущий себя подозрительно. A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion. Shortly before the explosion, there was a man who was acting suspiciously. Я встретил её по дороге домой из школы. On my way home from school I met her. I met her on the way home from school. Сідайте тут біля мене. Sit down here beside me. Sit here next to me. Том — прикладний математик. Tom's an applied mathematician. Tom is an applied mathematician. У меня возникли трудности с поиском оригинальной цитаты. I had some trouble finding the original quote. I have had trouble finding the original quote. Ответить на этот вопрос легко. Answering that question is easy. It is easy to answer that question. Не думаю, що Тома буде відсутній. I don't think Tom will be absent. I don't think Tom's gonna be gone. Ты её изменил? You changed it? Did you change it? Я живу с Томом. I live with Tom. I live with Tom. Я сказал Тому подождать меня. I told Tom to wait for me. I told him to wait for me. Скільки у вас дітей? How many kids do you have? How many children do you have? Врач сказал, что Тому нужна операция. The doctor said Tom needed an operation. The doctor said it was necessary to have an operation. Не зважай на її примхи. Don't pay any attention to her whims. Ignore her fancies. Том спилил у себя на заднем дворе все деревья. Tom cut down all the trees in his backyard. Tom slept all the trees in his backyard. Ну и драндулет! Such a clunker! That's a dandoulette! Я маю готуватися до тесту. I have to study for the test. I have to prepare for the test. Мисливець застрілив пташку. The hunter shot the bird. The hunter shot the bird. Я люблю читати детективні романи. I like reading mystery novels. I love reading detective novels. З Томом усе буде гаразд. Tom is going be OK. Tom's gonna be fine. У нас все гаразд. We're OK. We're fine. Чего ещё хочет Том? What more does Tom want? What else does Tom want? Це великі яблука. These apples are big. These are big apples. Вы имеете право на адвоката. You are entitled to have a lawyer. You have the right to a lawyer. Мы все знали, что это рано или поздно произойдёт. We all knew it would happen sooner or later. We all knew it would happen sooner or later. Том был одет как дворник. Tom was disguised as a janitor. Tom was dressed like a palace. Я думаю, твой английский сильно улучшился. I think your English has improved a lot. I think your English has improved a lot. Прыходзьце у мой офіс. Come on into my office. Come to my office. Я немного похудел. I've lost some weight. I'm a little lost. Том надеялся, что Мэри останется в Бостоне на некоторое время. Tom hoped Mary would stay in Boston for a while. Tom was hoping Mary would stay in Boston for a while. Том не решил, что делать. Tom hasn't decided what to do. Tom didn't know what to do. Чего бы хотѣла ѣсти? What would you like to eat? What would it be? Самалёты занялі месца электрацягнікоў. Airplanes have taken the place of electric trains. The airplanes took the seat of the electricians. Сегодня не холодно. It's not cold today. It's not cold today. Не доверяй ему. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. В последнем году было много снега. Last year there was a lot of snow. In the last year, there was a lot of snow. Хто яго забіў? Who killed him? Who killed him? Я прадаю новыя парасоны. I sell new umbrellas. I sell new umbrellas. Ти вища від мене. You are taller than me. You're taller than me. Він читає. He's reading. He reads. Ти вже їх знайшла? Have you found them yet? Have you found them yet? Ти готова їхати? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Она говорит, что любит выигрывать. She says she likes to win. She says she likes winning. Я написав про це свою дисертацію. I wrote my thesis about that. I wrote my thesis about it. Вы помогали Тому мыть окна? Did you help Tom wash windows? Did you help that wash the windows? Я навчив дружину водити. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife how to drive. Що саме ти бачила? What did you see exactly? What exactly did you see? Яны нас усех забʼюць! They're going to kill us all. They'll kill us all! Том хоче вас убити, Мері. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Ты когда домой возвращаешься? When are you coming back home? When are you going home? Ты не можешь этого сделать? Can't you do it? Can't you do that? Що ми дізналися? What did we learn? What have we learned? У меня чуткий сон. I'm a light sleeper. I'm having a good dream. В англійській мові дієслово передує додатку. In English the verb precedes the object. In English the verb precedes the appendix. В парку не було дітей. There weren't any kids in the park. There were no children in the park. Том сказав, що він очікує, що Мері буде тут. Tom said he expected Mary to be here. Tom said he was expecting Mary to be here. Я не мог смотреть ей в лицо. I was unable to look her in the face. I couldn't look her face. Равлики — гермафродити. Snails are hermaphroditical. Rabbi is a germhrodite. Заўтра будзе добрае надвор’е? Will the weather be good tomorrow? Tomorrow’s Good Weather? Я чекатиму до 2:30. I'm going to wait till 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Он хороший парень, но мне не нравится. He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him. He's a good guy, but I don't like him. Англійська - не моя рідна мова. English is not my first language. English is not my native language. Це буде дуже важко зробити. Doing that will be very difficult. It's going to be very hard to do. Мне трудно решить эту проблему. It is difficult for me to solve that problem. It's hard for me to solve this problem. Люблю, як твої очі сяють, коли ти смієшся. I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh. I love how your eyes shine when you laugh. Він знає багатьох. He knows many people. He knows many. Том снял очки и потёр лоб. Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead. Tom took his glasses off and his forehead sweated. Тому пришлось остановиться. Tom had to stop. So I had to stop. Щось не так із гальмами. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Ты выглядаеш зануджанай. You look bored. You look bored. Я хочу быть похожим на него. I want to look like him. I want to be like him. Я хотіла сісти. I wanted to sit down. I wanted to sit down. Моя гитара намного лучше вашей. My guitar is a lot better than yours. My guitar is much better than yours. Никаких грязных шуток! No dirty jokes! No dirty jokes! К моему удивлению, он женился на очень красивой актрисе. To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress. To my surprise, he married a very beautiful actress. Де магазин? Where is the store? Where's the store? Я не впала. I didn't fall. I didn't fall. Я застануся дома сёння. I'll stay home today. I'll stay at home today. У Тома есть выбор? Does Tom have a choice? Does Tom have a choice? Вы, должно быть, очень хорошо их знаете. You must know them very well. You must know them very well. Ви добре бавилися, так? You were having fun, weren't you? You played well, didn't you? У хижи є? Is it in the room? Do you have a kid? Я получаю достаточно. I'm paid enough. I'm getting enough. Он приедет во второй половине дня пятого числа. He will arrive on the afternoon of the 5th. He'll be here in the afternoon of the fifth. Не чапай кветкі. Don't touch the flowers. Don't touch flowers. Я не думаю, що Том багато чого знає про мистецтво. I don't think Tom knows much about art. I don't think Tom knows much about art. Я рассказал вам всё, что должен был рассказать. I told you everything I had to tell you. I told you everything I had to tell you. Зараз не час жартувати. This is no time to be joking. Now's not the time to joke. Том не вміє читати. Tom isn't able to read. Tom can't read. Єдність краща від роз'єднаності. Unity is better than disunity. Unity is better than disunity. Де знаходиться Бостон? Where's Boston? Where Is Boston? Том вёл себя как ребёнок. Tom acted like a baby. Tom was acting like a kid. Он сказал мне, что хочет уйти из компании. He told me that he wanted to leave the company. He told me he wanted to leave the company. Курка недоварена. The chicken is undercooked. Chicken's not cooked. Том — єдиний пацієнт, що лишився. Tom is the only patient left. Tom is the only patient left. Мълвита ли роусьскы? Do you speak Russian? What's the matter with you? Хрысціян Гюйгенс (1629-1695) адкрыў спадарожнік Сатурна, Тытан. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered Saturn’s moon, Titan. Christian Huygens (1629-1695) discovered Saturn's satellite, Titan. Том відкрив ресторан. Tom opened a restaurant. Tom opened the restaurant. У тебе болить голова? Have you got a headache? Do you have a headache? У вас идёт кровь из носа. Your nose is bleeding. You're bleeding from your nose. Де Том міг це зробити? Where could Tom do that? Where could Tom have done that? Листья жёлтые. The leaves are yellow. The leaves are yellow. Ви купили Тому собаку? Did you buy Tom a dog? Did you buy that dog? Она постоянно жаловалась, что не осталось денег. She complained continually that there was no money left. She constantly complained that there was no money left. Обратите внимание на то, как игрок использует локти. Notice how the player uses his elbows. Consider how a player uses elbows. Это яблоко гнилое. This apple is bad. It's a rotter apple. Пастаўце шклянку на стол! Put the glass on the table! Put the glass on the table! Там заборонено паркуватися. It is illegal to park a car there. It's not allowed to park. Витри очі. Dry your eyes. Hold your eyes. Том протянул Мэри книгу. Tom handed Mary a book. Tom pulled out Mary's book. Можешь поблагодарить Тома за это. You can thank Tom for this. You can thank Tom for that. После всего, что она сделала для компании, её увольнение стало настоящей пощечиной. Her being fired was a real slap in the face after everything she did for the company. After all she's done for the company, her dismissal is a real prank. Вы кого-нибудь ещё видели? Have you seen anyone else? Have you seen anyone else? Звідки у вас цей шарф? Where'd you get that scarf? Where did you get this scarf? То, что ты сказал, убедило ее. What you said convinced her. What you said convinced her. Позвольте им вам помочь. Let them help you. Let me help you. Идите ко мне. Come to me. Come here. Том має специфічне почуття гумору. Tom has an odd sense of humor. Tom has a specific sense of humor. Гэта зробіць цябе мацнейшай. This will make you stronger. This will make you stronger. Это прекраснейшая картина из всех, что я видел. This is the finest picture I have ever seen. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen. Я дам вам усе, про що ти попрохаєш. I'll give you anything you ask for. I'll give you everything you ask. Тут есть некоторые нестыковки. There are some inconsistencies. There's some indiscretions. Це надійний перелік? Is this list reliable? Is this a reliable list? Ваша мать курит? Does your mother smoke? Does your mother smoke? Ты в точности как твоя мать. You are exactly like your mother. You're just like your mother. Меня не волнуют деньги. I don't care about money. I don't care about money. Том никогда бы не сделал того, в чём вы его обвинили. Tom never would've done what you've accused him of doing. Tom would never have done what you accused him of. Они оба жили в Бостоне. They both lived in Boston. They both lived in Boston. Вам требе підстригтися. You should get your hair cut. You need to jump. Спадарыня Іанэску, я хацеў бы ў Вас нешта спытаць. Mrs. Ionescu, I'd like to ask you something. Mistress Ianescu, I would like to ask you something. Я не против, если ты закуришь. I don't mind if you smoke. I don't mind if you smoke. Основна соціальна проблема країни - бідність. The country's main social problem is poverty. The main social problem in the country is poverty. Залізо — метал, що має багато застосувань. Iron is a metal with many uses. Iron is a metal that has many uses. Я вже давно не бачив жодних бабок тут непадолік. It's been a long time since I've seen any dragonflies in this area. I haven't seen any dragonflies in here for a long time. Фактически, банкротство неизбежно. As a matter of fact, bankruptcy is inevitable. In fact, bankruptcy is inevitable. Банани смачні. A banana is delicious. Bananas are delicious. Я вывучала партугальскую два месяцы. I have studied Portuguese for two months. I studied Portuguese for two months. Ви п'єте занадто багато кави. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Гадаю, Том побуває в Бостоні. I think Tom will visit Boston. I think Tom's going to Boston. Я не розмовляю ані французькою, ані німецькою. I can't speak French or German. I don't speak French or German. Я думал, что мы об этом уже говорили. I thought we talked about this already. I thought we were talking about it. Я все ще боюся цим займатися. I'm still afraid to do that. I'm still afraid of doing this. Ти не думаєш, що ми переконали Тома? Don't you think we convinced Tom? You don't think we convinced Tom? Я знайшла щось дуже цікаве. I found something very interesting. I found something very interesting. Её голос всё ещё звенит у меня в ушах. Her voice still rings in my ears. Her voice will still ring in my ears. Он сознался в своем преступлении. He confessed his crime. He confessed to his crime. Мяне раптам пабудзілі на золку. I was woken up suddenly at dawn. I was suddenly built on a stick. Пройде деякий час, поки він це зрозуміє, так? It will take some time before he understands it, right? It'll take a while for him to figure it out, right? Вы не уволены. You're not fired. You are not fired. Люди люблять свободу. People love freedom. People love freedom. Калі ласка, закрой дзверы. Please close the door. Please close the door. Я играл в теннис. I used to play tennis. I played tennis. Добавь моё имя в список. Add my name to the list. Add my name to the list. Я ненавиджу свою роботу. I hate my job. I hate my job. Ви ґей. You're gay. You're gay. У Ріо вже є метро. There is already a subway in Rio. Rio already has a subway. Тиждень закінчився. The week is over. The week is over. Это будет хорошо. This will be good. That'll be good. Ваші батьки нас любили. Your parents loved us. Your parents loved us. Мы перапалоханыя. We're scared. We are frightened. Том сказав, що планує поїхати. Tom said that he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to leave. Том был жертвой попытки вымогательства. Tom was the victim of an extortion attempt. Tom was a victim of an attempt at extortion. Том заслуговує на підвищення по службі. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves a promotion. Том хотів виплатити заборгованність по кредиту. Tom wanted to pay off his loan. Tom wanted to pay off the loan debt. Я кое-кого нанял на работу сегодня. I hired someone today. I hired someone today. Я ніколи не жила в Бостоні. I've never lived in Boston. I never lived in Boston. Я позову кого-нибудь на помощь. I'm going to call for help. I'll get someone to help. Сьогодні вже вівторок? Is it Tuesday already? It's Tuesday? Что мы о них знаем? What do we know about them? What do we know about them? Это Том научил Мэри водить. Tom was the one who taught Mary how to drive. Tom taught Mary how to drive. Табе варта было б прыслухацца да сваёй маці. You ought to listen to your mother. Thee would be worth listening to her mother. Яна паехала ў Парыж. She left for Paris. She went to Paris. Усе намаганні доктара былі марныя, пацыент памёр. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the efforts of the doctor were futile, the patient died. Я не бачыў Тома тры гады. I haven't seen Tom in three years. I haven't seen Tom for three years. Я живу на ферме. I live on a farm. I live on a farm. Их так много. There are so many. There's so many of them. Вам слід кинути палити. You should quit smoking. You should quit smoking. Скільки у тебе в будинку годинників? How many clocks do you have in your house? How many clocks do you have in your house? Хутчэй! Hurry up. Hurry up! Том не мав наміру йти туди один. Tom had no intention of going there by himself. Tom didn't intend to go there alone. Я все ще не зробив того, про що попросив Том. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. Эта научная теория является спорной. This scientific theory is controversial. This scientific theory is controversial. Веселка різнобарвна. The rainbow is colorful. Fun is different. Том заслуживает того, чтобы здесь быть. Tom deserves to be here. Tom deserves to be here. Я выпустил собаку. I let the dog out. I released the dog. Что это за фильм? Популярный? What kind of movie is it? Is it popular? What's this film? Почему ты врёшь им? Why do you lie for them? Why are you lying to them? Я читал о вас статью во вчерашней газете. I read the article about you in yesterday's newspaper. I read about you in last night's newspaper. Меня от вас двоих тошнит. You two make me sick. I'm sick of you two. Конференц-зал сейчас занят. The meeting room is in use now. Conference room's busy right now. Полиция докопалась до некоторых фактов по делу. The police dug out some facts about the matter. The police have dug into some of the facts of the case. Не думаю, що Том знає, як це трапилося. I don't think that Tom knows how it happened. I don't think Tom knows how it happened. Маєш гарячку, не треба виходити. You have a fever and should not go out. You have a fever, you don't have to go out. Я знаю, що Том — стоматолог. I know that Tom is a dentist. I know Tom is a dentist. Гаманець Тома був пустий. Tom's wallet was empty. Tom's wallet was empty. Том хотел поговорить с адвокатом. Tom wanted to talk to a lawyer. Tom wanted to talk to the lawyer. Я больше никому его не покажу. I won't show it to anybody else. I'm not going to show it to anyone else. Не ми це зробили. It's not us who did it. We didn't do it. Том сказал мне, что ему холодно. Tom told me he was cold. Tom told me he was cold. Сомневаюсь, что Том всё ещё сердится. I doubt that Tom is still angry. I doubt Tom's still mad. Мы можем подождать здесь? Can we wait here? Can we wait here? Я не хотів танцювати. I didn't want to dance. I didn't want to dance. Пожалуйста, дайте мне чашку чая. Please give me a cup of tea. Please give me a cup of tea. Не думаю, что мне хочется тут находиться. I don't think I want to be here. I don't think I want to be here. Алжир покупает артиллерийское вооружение у России. Algeria purchases artillery from Russia. Algeria buys artillery weapons from Russia. Я точно не знаю, чего хотят мои дети на Рождество. I'm not sure what my children want for Christmas. I definitely don't know what my kids want for Christmas. Свідок, який бачив все на власні очі, вартує більше, ніж десять свідків, які чули все. An eyewitness is worth more than ten auditory witnesses. The Witness who has seen everything in his own eyes is worth more than ten witnesses who have heard everything. У тебя до сих пор с этим проблемы? Are you still having trouble with that? Do you still have a problem with this? Ты её там видел? Did you see her there? Did you see her there? Мені дуже страшно. I'm very scared. I'm really scared. Можешь уделить минутку? Я хочу обсудить кое-что важное для нас обоих. Can you spare a minute? I'd like to discuss something of importance to both of us. I want to discuss something important for both of us. Мюріел зараз двадцять років. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is now twenty years old. Вы очень голодные? Are you very hungry? Are you very hungry? Я вас люблю і завжди любитиму. I love you and I'll always love you. I love you and I will always love you. Випрямся. Straighten up. Stand up. Дощ ішов цілий день. It rained all day. It was raining all day. Алмаз - драгоценный камень. The diamond is a precious stone. Diamond is a precious rock. Я не стал их ждать. I didn't wait for them. I didn't wait for them. Ніхто не слухав промову. Nobody was listening to the speech. No one listened to the talk. Ти повинен врятувати Тома. You must save Tom. You have to save Tom. Чоловіки повзають біля її ніг. Men grovel at her feet. The men crawl at her feet. Я уже решил, с кем пойду. I've already decided who to go with. I've already decided who I'm going with. Это кот. It is a cat. It's a cat. Я очень сдержан. I'm very reserved. I'm very restraining. Я слышал, как он бредит, речь была совершенно несвязной. I heard him raving, the words entirely disconnected. I heard him lying, the speech was completely unrelated. Том очень интересный человек. Tom is a very interesting man. Tom's a very interesting person. Мы на гэтай зямлі, каб шукаць шчасце, а не каб знайсці яго. We're on earth to look for happiness, not to find it. We are on this earth to seek happiness, not to find it. Покажите мне свою коллекцию марок. Show me your stamp collection. Show me your stamp collection. Може цього року ми нарешті переможемо на Євробаченні. Maybe this year we'll finally win Eurovision. Maybe this year we'll finally win Eurovision. Том подоїв корову. Tom milked the cow. Tom got a cow. Мэри тебя поцеловала, да? Mary kissed you, didn't she? Mary kissed you, didn't she? Це безкоштовне? Is this free? Is it free? Ѳома не моглъ плоути. Tom wasn't able to swim. Doma isn't dead flesh. Спробуйте подивитися на це з точки зору Тома. Try to look at it from Tom's point of view. Try looking at this from Tom's point of view. Том чистить картоплю. Tom is peeling the potatoes. Tom cleans the potatoes. Том сказав, що він якраз збирався це зробити. Tom said he was just about to do that. Tom said he was just about to do it. Она опоздала на поезд. She missed the train. She's late for the train. Они встали, чтобы поприветствовать его. They got up to greet him. They stood up to welcome him. Мы ўцякаем. We're running away. We run away. Я бросил мяч. I threw the ball. I threw the ball. В пятницу мы идём обедать. We're going out for a meal on Friday. Friday, we're gonna have lunch. Він був популярний серед виборців. He was popular with voters. He was popular with voters. Можно мне Тома на пару слов? Let me have a word with Tom. Can I have Tom for a word? Том помог Мэри сложить одеяла. Tom helped Mary fold the blankets. Tom helped Mary put off her blankets. Ми зустрічаємося вже три місяці. We have been dating for three months. We've been dating for three months now. Він робить усе можливе, щоб успішно скласти іспит. He made every effort to pass the exam. He is doing his best to successfully pass the test. Чому б нам не піти потанцювати? Why don't we go dancing? Why don't we go dance? Мері розумніша, ніж Том. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary's smarter than Tom. Том плаває дуже швидко. Tom swims very fast. Tom floats very quickly. Я преподаю. I teach. I'm teaching. Я зазвичай ходжу до школи пішки. I usually walk to school. I usually walk to school. У Тома велосипед есть? Does Tom have a bicycle? Does Tom have a bike? Родители Мэри ненавидят Тома. Mary's parents hate Tom. Mary's parents hate Tom. Я хочу чізбургер, колу та картоплю фрі. I want a cheeseburger, a coke and some fries. I want a cheeseburger, a circle and a fries potato. Яна знае, што ты ведаеш. She knows that you know. She knows you know. Я подзвоню їм завтра, коли повернусь. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Проста будзь шчаслівай. Just be happy. Just be happy. Не зли её. Don't make her angry. Don't be angry with her. Хто з’еў хлеб? Who ate the bread? Who ate the bread? Я подумала, что вам это может понадобиться. I thought that you might need it. I thought you might need it. Ожидалось, что Том будет там вчера. Tom was supposed to be there yesterday. I was expecting Tom to be there yesterday. Мы не думаем, что это имеет значение. We don't think it matters. We don't think it matters. Ви вже закінчили роботу? Have you finished the work yet? Are you done? Оглядываясь назад, я думаю, что ты был прав. In retrospect, I think you were right. Looking back, I think you were right. Дорогая, прости, я сегодня снова задержусь на работе допоздна. Honey, I'm sorry. I have to work late tonight again. Honey, I'm sorry, I'm gonna be back at work late tonight. Що ти пишеш? What are you writing? What are you writing? А теперь, стража, вам против меня не выстоять, ведь меня здесь вообще-то четверо! Now, Guards, you stand no chance against me, 'cause I'm actually four blokes! And now, guard, you don't stand against me, because I'm actually four here! Том сказав, що планує поїхати в понеділок. Tom said that he planned to go Monday. Tom said he was planning to leave on Monday. Позначте слова, які ви не можете вимовити. Mark the words which you cannot pronounce. Check words you cannot speak. Ты вроде говорил, что она твоя. I thought that you said it was yours. You sort of said it was yours. Двері відчинилися. The door opened. The door opened. Всі повинні допомогати один одному. Everybody should help each other. Everyone has to help each other. Нам лучше подготовиться заблаговременно, потому что поезд ждать не будет. We'd better get ready early because the train won't wait. We'd better get ready in advance because the train won't wait. Он вернётся через несколько дней. He will come back in a few days. He'll be back in a few days. Дождь льёт, как из ведра. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining like a bucket. Я щойно бачив їх разом. I just saw them together. I just saw them together. Тяжело с Томом жить, да? Tom is difficult to live with, isn't he? It's hard for Tom to live, isn't it? Том взял с кровати одеяло и завернулся в него. Tom took a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around himself. Tom took the blanket out of his bed and turned around. Я тебя удивлю. I'll surprise you. I'll surprise you. Коралловые рифы кишат жизнью. Coral reefs teem with life. Coral reefs teem with life. Вони всі туристи. They're all tourists. They're all tourists. То мачка? Is this a cat? Is that a machete? Проходь сюди. Come this way. Come through here. Мы выглянули в окно, но ничего не увидели. We looked out the window but saw nothing. We looked into the window, but we didn't see anything. Том та Мері сказали, що вони не хворі. Tom and Mary said they aren't sick. Tom and Mary said they were not sick. Неравильних відповідей не буває. There are no wrong answers. There are no incomparable answers. Есть большая разница между теорией и идеей. There's a great difference between a theory and an idea. There's a big difference between theory and idea. Теперь я в безопасности. I'm safe now. I'm safe now. Том дазволіць Мэры вырашыць. Tom will let Mary decide. Tom will let Mary decide. Давай дадим Тому шанс. Let's give Tom a chance. Let's give him a chance. Я отлично провёл эту ночь. I had a really great time tonight. I had a great night. Ніхто не зміг би зупинити цього. No one could've stopped that. No one could stop it. Сказанное тобой её разозлило. What you said made her angry. The one you said was pissed off. Правила немає, але є деякі виключення. There is no rule, but there are some exceptions. There are no rules, but there are some exceptions. В этом озере плавать небезопасно. It's dangerous to swim in this lake. It's not safe to swim in this lake. Ось що я купив Тому. This is what I bought for Tom. That's what I bought Tom. Впервые в жизни Юка прочла книгу на английском языке. For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book. For the first time in his life, Yuk read a book in English. Люди часто жалуются на погоду. People often complain about the weather. People often complain about the weather. Гадаю, ви не зможете цього зробити. I think that you'll not be able to do that. I don't think you can do that. В этом поезде семь вагонов. This train is made up of seven cars. There are seven cars on this train. Он вылез из постели. He got out of bed. He got out of bed. Я знал, что Том захочет пить. I knew Tom would be thirsty. I knew Tom would want to drink. Його книжка надихнула мене. His book inspired me. His book inspired me. Том старается изо всех сил. Tom is trying as hard as he can. Tom's trying hard. Можно сделать гораздо больше. Much more can be done. You can do a lot more. Не будь така сердита. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Я не знал, что случилось. I didn't know what had happened. I didn't know what happened. Я начальник. I'm the manager. I'm the boss. Мері сказала, що вона у Бостоні. Mary said she was in Boston. Mary said she was in Boston. Ребёнок в колыбели. The baby is in the cradle. The baby's in the cradle. Том витерся насухо рушником. Tom dried himself with a towel. Tom's dry with a towel. Я сказал, покажи мне это. I said show me that. I said show me that. Він говорить англійською, французькою або німецькою? Can he speak English, French, or German? Does he speak English, French or German? Она сказала, что у неё был трудный день. She said she had a hard day. She said she had a hard day. Цей прапор дуже красивий. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. У них была свадьба прошлой осенью. They got married last fall. They had a wedding last autumn. Жінка читає. The woman is reading. The woman reads. Я до смерти хочу с вами встретиться. I'm dying to meet you all. I want to see you before I die. Я працював. I worked. I worked. Зоркі раскіданыя па ўсяму начному небу. The stars are spread all over the night sky. Stars are scattered throughout the night sky. Незважаючи ні на що, Том щасливий. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. No matter what, Tom is happy. Вы не говорите по-французски? Can't you speak French? You don't speak French? Том очень хороший мальчик. Tom is a very nice boy. Tom's a very good boy. Не могѫ доумати вьсе. I can't think of everything. Couldn't have thought it through. Ці апельсини вже погані. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are bad. Пакуль. Bye! Bye. Я готова это принять. I'm ready to accept it. I'm ready to accept it. Том живе по сусідству. Tom lives next door. Tom lives next door. Итальянцы не пьют кофе. Italians do not drink coffee. Italians don't drink coffee. Я знаю, що це буде неможливе. I know it'll be impossible. I know it won't be possible. Кот проснулся. The cat woke up. The cat woke up. Я столькому научился на своих ошибках, что думаю сделать ещё несколько! I've learned so much from my mistakes, I'm thinking of making a few more!! I learned so much from my mistakes, that I think I'll do a few more! Я колись був молодий і амбіційний. I was young and ambitious once. I used to be young and ambitious. Том йому довіряє. Tom trusts him. Tom trusts him. Я удивлена, что вы помните их. I'm surprised you remember them. I'm surprised you remember them. Я люблю поговорить. I like talking. I like to talk. Мій дід був героєм. My grandfather was a hero. My grandfather was a hero. Я вельмі люблю яе ідэі. I love her ideas. I love her ideas very much. Літак в аеропорту. The plane is at the airport. The plane's at the airport. Ще раз. Once again. One more time. Самі ненавидить ці квіти. Sami hates these flowers. These flowers hate themselves. Не могу налюбоваться на твою новую машину. I cannot help admiring your new car. I can't fall in love with your new car. Не думай. Don't think. Don't think. Він твій король. He is your king. He's your king. Возьмите ещё. Have another. Take another one. Всі коробкі були повні. Every box was full. All the boxes were full. Я знаю, что вы ей сказали. I know what you told her. I know what you told her. Он говорит, что никогда её не встречал. He says he's never met her. He says he never met her. Я хотела бы увидеть начальника. I'd like to see the principal. I'd like to see the boss. Мой день рождения выпадает на воскресенье в этом году. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. My birthday falls on Sunday this year. Сегодня дико холодно. It's awfully cold today. It's cold today. Том знає, що Мері не виграла. Tom knows Mary didn't win. Tom knows Mary didn't win. Хвала! Thank you! Praise! Хто не має рації? Who's wrong? Who doesn't have a radio? Я вам ягод принёс. I brought you some berries. I brought you a berries. А если он неправ? What if he's wrong? What if he's wrong? Дажь ми платити оужинѫ. Let me pay for the dinner. Let us pay for dinner. Я б выпіла язмінавага зялёнага чаю. I would drink some jasmine green tea. I would drink jasmine green tea. Вы слышали последние слухи? Have you heard the latest rumours? Have you heard the latest rumours? Ты действительно ищешь работу? Have you really been looking for a job? Are you really looking for a job? Не можа быць! No way! Can't be! О, глядзі, глядзі! Там вялікая вясёлка! Oh, look, look! There's a big rainbow over there! Oh, look, look, there's a big rainbow! Я не имбецил. I'm not an imbecile. I'm not an imbecile. Давай не будемо ворогами. Let's not be enemies. Let's not be enemies. Чего бы вы съели? What would you like to eat? What would you eat? Вони його поцупили. They stole it. They stole it. Ви маєте велику родину? Do you have a large family? Do you have a large family? Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix breakfast for you. I'll have you breakfast. «Яна чытае кнігу?» — «Так». "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." "She reads the book?" - "Yes." Незабаром Том навчиться плавати. Tom will be able to swim soon. Tom will soon learn to swim. Під яким ім'ям ти працював у якості агента? Under what name did you work as agent? What name did you work for as an agent? Коли святкування? When is the party? When is the celebration? Том повсюду таскает с собой свою мягкую игрушку. Tom takes his stuffed animal wherever he goes. Tom's messing around with his soft toy. Я щойно купив човен. I just bought a boat. I just bought a boat. Попытки президента внедрить более строгий контроль за оружием раз за разом пресекались влиятельными оружейным лобби. The President's attempts to bring in stricter gun control laws have been thwarted time and time again by the powerful gun lobby. The President's attempts to exert stricter control over weapons have been followed together by powerful weapons lobbys. Мы должны одеться. We have to get dressed. We have to dress. Твоя книжка лежить на столі. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the table. Я маю знайти Тома. I must find Tom. I have to find Tom. У тебе колись були домашні тварини? Have you ever had a pet? Have you ever had pets? Він завжди використовує ексклюзивний лосьйон після гоління. He always uses an exclusive aftershave. He always uses an exclusive lotion after shaving. Его попытка закончилась неудачей. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt failed. У маладосці прэзідэнт быў фермерам. The president was a farmer when he was young. In his youth, the president was a farmer. Я одолжил у одного из друзей палатку. I borrowed a tent from one of my friends. I borrowed a tent from one of my friends. У нас подписано соглашение. We have a signed agreement. We have an agreement. Я зачекаю тут, поки він не прийде. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here until he comes. Тільки рагулі плюють на землю. Only yokels spit on the ground. Only the rugs spit on the ground. Том винит Мэри в смерти Джона. Tom blames Mary for John's death. Tom blames Mary for John's death. Что бы вы сделали, если бы были на моём месте? What would you do if you were in my position? What would you do if you were in my place? Ти найвища. You are tallest. You're the highest. Том відстає від графіка. Tom is behind schedule. Tom's off the schedule. Я не маю сумнівів щодо ваших намірів. I don't doubt your intentions. I have no doubt about your intentions. Яе голас прыемна слухаць. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Я запросив її на побачення. I asked her out on a date. I invited her for a date. Я буду казаць пра цябе. I'll talk about you. I'll talk about you. По виду Тома было непохоже, что ему весело. Tom didn't look like he was having fun. From Tom's point of view, it was not like he was having fun. Почему вы запираете дверь? Why are you locking the door? Why are you locking the door? Будзь сумленны! Be fair. Be honest! Яно такі і праўда: як бы там ні было добра, але калі гэтае дабро цэлы век астаецца без усякай змены, то яно лёгка перастае быць дабром. And this is true after all: no matter how good it was there, when such a good thing remains unchanged for a lifetime, it easily stops being good. It is such and true: however good it is, but if this good whole century remains without any change, then it easily ceases to be good. Я зараз вивчаю французьку мову. I'm learning French now. I am now learning French. Він бігає до станції щоранку. He runs to the station every morning. He runs to the station every morning. Мы хочам ведаць, хто найлепшы. We want to know who's the best. We want to know who is the best. Я не вмію добре плавати. I am poor at swimming. I can't swim well. Том ще спить? Is Tom still asleep? Is Tom still asleep? Я живу у гігантському відрі. I live in a giant bucket. I live in a giant bucket. Том хотів поговорити з Мері. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Коли очікується його повернення? When is he expected back? When is his return expected? Том спробував спасти Мері. Tom tried to rescue Mary. Tom tried to save Mary. Том не хотів, щоб Мері дізналася правду. Tom didn't want Mary to know the truth. Tom didn't want Mary to learn the truth. Просто не обращайте на Тома внимания. Just ignore Tom. Just don't pay attention to Tom. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I'm translating the article. Я слышал, как ты пел. I heard you singing. I heard you singing. Не беспокойся! Тест легкий. Don't worry! The test is easy. Don't worry, the test is easy. Звучит просто. It sounds simple. Sounds simple. Я впав до басейну. I fell into the pool. I fell into the pool. Мері — дружина Тома. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom’s wife. Адпусціце мяне! Let me go! Let me go! Время всё лечит. Time heals everything. Time is treating everything. Самі пра цябе падбае. Sami will take care of you. I'll take care of you myself. Ці штани треба випрасувати. These trousers need pressing. These pants need to be washed out. Я єдина, хто мала це зробити. I'm the only person who had to do that. I'm the only one who should have done it. Он затащил раненого солдата в ближайшие кусты. He pulled the wounded soldier to the nearby bush. He took the wounded soldier to the nearest bushes. Хіба ви не думаєте, що можеш це полагодити? Don't you think you can fix it? Don't you think you can fix this? Я розчарована твоєю ефективністю. I'm disappointed with your performance. I'm disappointed at your effectiveness. Сподіваюся, вона вам сподобається. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Дзе гарэлка? Where's the vodka? Where is the vodka? Мені це вдалося. I succeeded. I did it. Я сказал им, чтобы они никому не говорили. I told them not to tell anyone. I told them not to tell anyone. Давай попробуем! Let's try! Let's try it! Почему мне нельзя её увидеть? Why can't I see her? Why can't I see her? Я обычно гуляю с собаками во второй половине дня. I usually take my dogs for a walk in the afternoon. I usually walk with dogs in the afternoon. Я хочу його позбутися. I want to get rid of it. I want to get rid of it. Я слышал, как ты кричал. I heard you scream. I heard you yelling. Прочитай це. Read this. Read it. Вона рабиня моди. She's a fashion slave. She's a fashion slave. Пажар! Fire! Fire! Fire! Я был раздражён. I was irked. I was irritated. Мені подобається сайт Tatoeba. I like Tatoeba. I like Tatoeba's website. Чарапахі не маюць зубоў. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles have no teeth. Дуб - это дерево. The oak is a tree. Oak is a tree. Це фотографія сестри. This is a picture of my sister. This is a picture of a sister. Моя мать была счастлива видеть, что гость жадно ест её пирог. My mother was happy to see her guest eating her cakes eagerly. My mother was happy to see the guest eating her pie. Я певица. I'm a singer. I'm a singer. Оркестр начал играть. The orchestra began to play. The orchestra started playing. Ти обідаєш? Are you eating lunch? Are you having lunch? Всі ваші друзі будуть там. All your friends will be there. All your friends will be there. Мэри опять проспала. Mary overslept again. Mary's asleep again. Мері втратила свою обручку. Mary lost her wedding ring. Mary lost her ring. Тримай двері зачиненими. Keep the door closed. Keep the door locked. Она очень гордится собой. She's very proud of herself. She's very proud of herself. До речі, суп був пересолений. Actually, the soup was too salty. By the way, the soup was oversalted. Я сразу тебе скажу: Том не будет знать ответа. I'll tell you right now that Tom won't know the answer. I'll tell you right away, Tom won't know the answer. Что вы изучаете? What did you study? What are you studying? Мері одягнула капці. Mary put her slippers on. Mary dressed her cap. Майк не играет в баскетбол по понедельникам. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Ми звикли до цього. We're used to it. We're used to it. Мы уже уезжаем? Are we leaving now? Are we leaving yet? Он заработал кучу денег. He has earned a lot of money. He made a lot of money. Почему математика такая сложная? Why is math so hard? Why is mathematics so complicated? Ніхто її не підтримав. Nobody supported her. No one supported it. Том приложил ко лбу Мэри мокрое полотенце. Tom put a wet towel on Mary's forehead. Tom attached a wet towel to Mary's forehead. Она постоянно пишет письма. She is constantly writing letters. She writes letters all the time. Том сказал мне, что видел сегодня вечером Мэри. Tom told me he saw Mary tonight. Tom told me he saw Mary tonight. Я збираюся стати батьком. I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a father. У веселки сім кольорів. The rainbow has seven colors. There are seven colors in the rainbow. Будзь крэатыўным. Be creative. Be creative. Червоне вино мені подобається більше, ніж біле. I like red wine better than white. I like red wine more than white wine. Ми маємо вирішити сьогодні. We need to decide today. We have to decide today. Том, ты уже ел? Tom, have you eaten anything? Tom, have you eaten yet? Пусть пыль уляжется. Let the dust settle. Let the dust settle. Я буду надворі. I'll be outside. I'll be outside. Скажи ему, что я болен. Tell him I'm sick. Tell him I'm sick. Я подожду здесь его прихода. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here for his arrival. Мой улюбёны колер — блакітны. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Я расплакалась. I started to cry. I cried. Я не належу до середнього класу. I'm not middle class. I'm not in the middle class. Гэта і мае грошы. It's my money, too. That and my money. Ви ненадійні. You're unreliable. You're unreliable. Я з ним побалакаю. I'll talk to him. I'll talk to him. Мені не шкода Тома. I don't feel sorry for Tom. I'm not sorry about Tom. Том не знав Мері. Tom didn't know Mary. Tom didn't know Mary. Я люблю путешествовать вокруг света. I love to travel around the world. I like to travel around the world. Можна тебе на хвилинку? May I speak to you a minute? Can I talk to you for a minute? Хіба ти не збираєшся робити це знову? Aren't you going to do that again? Aren't you going to do that again? Я не був готовий стати батьком. I wasn't ready to be a father. I wasn't ready to be a father. Послухай-но що я маю сказати. Listen to what I have to say. Listen to what I have to say. Как только наш менеджер перестал нас беспокоить, всё пошло без малейших затруднений. As soon as our manager got off our backs, everything started to go off without a hitch. As soon as our manager stopped bothering us, everything went smoothly. Где вы собираетесь жить? Where are you going to live? Where are you going to live? Патрик не вміє як слід писати. Patrick cannot write properly. Patrick can't write properly. Кто играет на пианино в гостиной? Who is playing the piano in the living room? Who plays the piano in the living room? Том никогда бы такого не сделал. Tom would never do that. Tom would never do that. «Чего ты больше всего боишься, Том?» – «Что Мария полюбит кого-нибудь другого». "What are you most afraid of, Tom?" "That Mary falls in love with someone else." "What are you most afraid of, Tom?" "What will Mary love anyone else." Цю коробку доволі легко нести. This box is light enough to carry. This box is quite easy to carry. Навіть не сподівайся на це. Don't hold your breath. Don't even expect that. Сёння я ўстаў позна. I got up late this morning. Today I got up late. Гадаєш, Том нас знайде? Do you think Tom will find us? You think Tom's gonna find us? Гадаю, Тома та Мері одружені. I think Tom and Mary are married. I think Tom and Mary are married. Он не мог вспомнить мой адрес. He couldn't remember my address. He couldn't remember my address. Здраво! Hi! Hello! Можете знайти мені роботу? Can you find me a job? Can you find me a job? На якій вона полці? Which shelf is it on? Which shelf is she on? Вона втратила свідомість, але за кілька хвилин прийшла до себе. She fainted, but came to after a few minutes. She lost consciousness, but in a few minutes she came to her senses. Учитель предупредил нас, что тест будет сложный. The teacher warned us that the test would be hard. The teacher warned us that the test would be complicated. Иметь сердце с правой стороны - ненормально. It is abnormal to have the heart on the right side. It's not normal to have a heart on the right hand side. Том больше не играет на гитаре. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Це коштує занадто дорого. This costs too much. It costs too much. Мой мотоцикл сломался по дороге. My motorcycle broke down on the way. My motorcycle broke down on the road. Цены растут. Prices are going up. Prices are rising. Я запитав його, як його звати. I asked him his name. I asked him what his name was. Що мені потрібно дати Тому? What should I give Tom? What do I need to give Tom? Отставить, сержант. Hold up there, sergeant. Back off, Sergeant. Сто лет тебя не видел. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you for a hundred years. І, в якості останнього штриху, посип печиво шоколадом. As a final touch, sprinkle some chocolate chips on top of the cookies. And as the last stroke, the rash of the biscuit is chocolate. Хтой ваш улюблений художник? Who's your favorite artist? Who is your favorite artist? Мері розчісується. Mary is combing her hair. Mary's clearing up. Я не собираюсь просто дать тебе это. I'm not just going to give it to you. I'm not gonna just give you this. Они нравятся Тому. Tom likes them. They like Tom. Нічога не здарылася. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Он опьянел и стал болтлив. He got drunk and became talkative. He became intoxicated and blasphemous. Мне звонила твоя учительница. Your teacher called me. Your teacher called me. Том швидко відчинив двері. Tom quickly opened the door. Tom quickly opened the door. Яка ваша улюблена начинка для піци? What's your favorite pizza topping? What's your favorite pizza stuff? Давайте быстрей, а то в школу опоздаете. Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. Let's get quick or you'll be late for school. Том качає ігри. Tom is downloading games. Tom's rolling games. Мій найкращий друг завжди дає мені добру пораду. My best friend always gives me good advice. My best friend always gives me good advice. Том не убивал Мэри. Tom didn't kill Mary. Tom didn't kill Mary. Том говорить і французькою. Tom can speak French as well. Tom speaks French as well. Мы хочам ведаць, хто найлепшая. We want to know who's the best. We want to know who is the best. Том дуже скромна людина. Tom is a very modest man. Tom's very humble. Я поки що не прийняв рішення. I haven't made a decision yet. I haven't made a decision yet. Мъногъ снѣгъ палъ. A lot of snow had just fallen. There's a bit of fuel. Где находится британское посольство? Where is the British embassy? Where is the British Embassy? Хіба ти це не купиш? Aren't you going to buy that? Can't you buy that? Він дивна особа. He is a strange person. He's a strange person. Я пачынаю разумець. I am beginning to understand. I am starting to understand. Я принял от головной боли две таблетки аспирина. I took two aspirins for my headache. I took two aspirin pills from my headache. Але ёсць людзі, што абіраюць сяброўства, а не каханне, бо яны баяцца згубіць сябра. Яны баяцца паспрабаваць, бо ведаюць, што калі яны паспрабуюць і ў іх не атрымаецца, то знікне нават сяброўства. But there really are people who choose friendship over love because they are afraid to lose a friend. They are scared to try because they know that if they try and the relationship fails, then even the friendship will be gone. But there are people who choose friendship, not love, because they're afraid to lose a friend, and they're afraid to try because they know that if they try and they don't, they're going to lose friendship. Я не комуніст. I'm not a communist. I'm not a Communist. Я сумніваюсь, що Том прийде. I'm doubtful whether Tom will come. I doubt Tom's coming. Том читає романи. Tom reads novels. Tom's reading the novels. Том в поезде. Tom is on the train. Tom's on the train. Она сказала мне, что умеет это делать. She told me she knew how to do that. She told me she could do it. Мне некому довериться. I have no one to confide in. I don't have anyone to trust. «Любовь никого никогда не убивала». — «Неужели? Спроси Ромео и Джульетту». "Love has never killed anyone." "Really? Ask Romeo and Juliet." "Love never killed anyone." "Shall I ask Romeo and Juliet?" Кнїжка била. The book is white. A bull's book. Не могу смеяться перед камерами. I cannot laugh in front of the cameras. I can't laugh in front of the cameras. Пусть земля будет тебе пухом, отец! Let the ground be wool to you, father! Let the earth be a puff for you, Father! Чего ты так о ней беспокоишься? Why are you so worried about her? Why are you so worried about her? Гайзибан у гайзибанскей станїци. The train is at the railway station. Heisiban's in the Heizibansque station. Нам нужны действия, а не слова. We need action, not words. We need action, not words. Не хотите ли представиться? Would you introduce yourself? Would you like to introduce yourself? Вы хотите, чтобы с Томом случилось то же самое? Do you want the same thing to happen to Tom? Do you want Tom to do the same? Кто выиграл Суперкубок? Who won the Superbowl? Who won the Super Bowl? Я больше не вернусь. I won't come back again. I'm not coming back. У Тома паморочилася голова. Tom was dizzy. Tom's got a dizzy head. Андрэй Хадановіч — велічыня беларускай паэзіі. Andrej Chadanovič is a major figure in the Belarusian poetry. Andrei Hadovitch is the amount of Belarusian poetry. Я цябе шукаў. I have been looking for you. I was looking for you. Том ще плаче? Is Tom still crying? Does Tom cry yet? Я дрэнна сплю. I can't sleep well. I sleep badly. Безопасно ли есть сырые яйца? Is eating raw eggs safe? Are raw eggs safe? Я ей не доверяю. I don't trust her. I don't trust her. Што мне рабіць? What should I do? What should I do? Они все дети. They're all children. They're all children. Вони усвідомили. They understood. They realized it. Боюсь, я должен попрощаться. I'm afraid I must say goodbye. I'm afraid I should say goodbye. Ты маеш яблыкі? Have you got any apples? Do you have apples? Коли Петро встав, Іван уже був пішов з хати. When Peter got up, Jean had already left home. When Peter got up, John was already out of the house. Я знаю, к кому мы можем обратиться за помощью. I know who we can get to help us. I know who we can go to for help. Том пропустив обід. Tom skipped lunch. Tom missed lunch. Не думаю, что это так работает. I don't think it works that way. I don't think it works that way. Какой же он дурак, что бросил школу! What a fool he is to leave school. What a fool he was to drop out of school! Вы так ошибаетесь! You're so wrong. You're so wrong! І Том, і Мері — шульги. Both Tom and Mary are left-handed. Both Tom and Mary are whores. Не позволяйте ему кричать. Don't let him scream. Don't let him shout. Сейчас несколько рановато пить спиртное, не правда ли? It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early for drinking alcohol, isn't it? Ви любите фрукти. You like fruit. You like fruits. Я отримав рахунок за електроенергію. I received my electricity bill. I got an electric bill. Це засмутило Тома. It made Tom sad. It upset Tom. Том не знає, що Мері не виграла. Tom doesn't know that Mary didn't win. Tom doesn't know Mary didn't win. Немає чого боятися. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. Я не чудовисько. I am not a monster. I'm not a monster. Ти би хотіла, щоб ми тобі допомогли? Would you like us to help you? Would you like us to help you? Вона продає овочі. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Том уже чекає. Tom is already waiting. Tom's waiting. Ніхто не може зрівнятися з ним у тенісі. No one can match him at tennis. No one can compare with him in tennis. Сталіца Венгрыі — Будапешт. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. Hungary's capital is Budapest. Думаєш, є ймовірність того, що це станеться? Do you think there's a chance that will happen? Do you think there's a chance that this will happen? Я хочу поговорить с тобой об этом отчёте. I want to talk to you about this report. I want to talk to you about this report. Все хорошо. Everything's great. It's okay. Я велел им быть в шляпах. I told them to wear hats. I told them to be in their hats. Пожалуйста, скопируйте эту страницу. Please copy this page. Please copy this page. Ти купив сік? Did you buy juice? Did you buy juice? Ти дуже гарна. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Я трохи посперечався з Томом. I argued with Tom a little bit. I had a bit of an argument with Tom. Том показав свої водійскі права поліцейському. Tom showed his driver's license to the policeman. Tom showed his driver's license to the policeman. Буду працювати далі. I'll get on with my work. I'll keep working. Это дерево слишком молодое, чтобы плодоносить. This tree is too young to bear fruit. It's too young to bear. Перед моим домом есть небольшой сад. There is a small garden in front of my house. There's a little garden in front of my house. Тома укусила собака. Tom was bitten by a dog. Tom bit the dog. Не беспокойся! Даже если я выпью, это никак не влияет на то, как я вожу машину. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Don't worry, even if I drink, it doesn't affect how I drive a car. Ваша задача схожа на мою. Your problem is similar to mine. Your task looks like mine. Том думает, что ты лжёшь. Tom thinks you're lying. Tom thinks you're lying. Мы должны быть к этому готовы. We've got to be ready for that. We must be ready for this. Я купил всё, что планировал. I've bought everything I was planning to buy. I bought everything I planned. Вы актёр или певец? Are you an actor or a singer? Are you an actor or a singer? Мы ничего не можем для тебя сделать. We can do nothing for you. We can't do anything for you. Підемо розважимося. Let's go have some fun. Let's go have fun. Не нужно извиняться. Ты не сделал ничего плохого. You don't need to apologize. You've done nothing wrong. You didn't do anything wrong. Це речення належить мені. I own this sentence. This sentence belongs to me. Нішто сабе! Wow! Nothing for me! Малыш плачет, потому что теперь он голодный. The baby is crying because it is hungry now. The kid's crying because he's hungry now. Я не можу зрозуміти, чому Том звільнився з роботи. I can't figure out why Tom quit his job. I can't understand why Tom quit his job. Мене дуже цікавить вивчення французької. I'm very interested in learning French. I am very interested in studying French. Гадаю, Том сказав мені правду. I think that Tom told me the truth. I think Tom told me the truth. Ти боїшся комах? Are you afraid of insects? Are you afraid of insects? Я хотів подивитися цей фільм із вами. I wanted to watch that movie with you. I wanted to see this movie with you. Ніхто з тих, кого я знаю, не може цього зробити. No one I know can do that. None of those I know can do it. На вулиці було темно. The street was dark. The street was dark. Це неправда. This is not true. That's not true. В череде дурных любовных связей её сердце всё больше ожесточалось. Her heart has been hardening all throughout her string of bad hookups. Her heart became increasingly hardened in the midst of foolish love bonds. Если растениям не хватает воды, они могут перегреться. If plants don’t get enough water, they can overheat. If plants lack enough water, they can overheat. У меня сегодня не было времени, чтобы это сделать. I didn't have time to do that today. I didn't have time to do this today. Вони дуже добре позабавилися за мій рахунок. They had great fun at my expense. They made great fun of me. Я зробив би це, якби ти мене не зупинила. I would have gone through with it if you hadn't stopped me. I'd do it if you didn't stop me. Ты — наша гордасць. You are our pride. You are our pride. Неба было ўсеянае зоркамі. The sky was full of stars. The sky was encircling with stars. Косметическая терапия стволовыми клетками находится на ранней стадии развития. Cosmetic stem cell therapy is in the early stages of development. Cosmetic therapy for stem cells is at an early stage of development. Он сдал экзамен? Did he pass the test? Did he take the exam? Вырастай, Том. Grow up, Tom. Grow up, Tom. Мѫжь молодъ. The man is young. We're young. Том нас перехитрив. Tom has tricked us. Tom moved us. Він мешкав у центрі Лондона. He lived in central London. He lived in the center of London. Я вынужден ждать. I'm obliged to wait. I have to wait. Міст є приблизно милю завдовжки. The bridge is approximately a mile long. The bridge is about a mile long. Вы ей сказали? Have you told her? Did you tell her? Я знаю, что вы много работаете. I know you work hard. I know you work a lot. Небо покрыто тучами. The sky is covered with clouds. The sky is covered with clouds. Беднейшая страна ЕС беднее самого бедного штата США? Is the poorest country in the European Union poorer than the poorest state in the United States? The EU's poorest country is poorer than the poorest state in the United States? Мне нужно сказать Тому. I need to tell Tom. I have to tell Tom. Я відійшов з дороги. I got out of the way. I'm out of the way. Том стане біологом. Tom will become a biologist. Tom's gonna be a biologist. Як живеш? How is your life? How are you? Они ваяют статую из мрамора. They are chiseling a statue out of marble. They fight a marble statue. Ти замолода, щоб їздити самому. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to drive yourself. Как ты думаешь, сколько бы у тебя ушло времени на то, чтобы покрасить мой дом? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? Перацінаючы час, жамяра з мінулых часоў жыва танчыць у бурштыне. Transcending time, the insects of ages gone past dance livelily in amber. Overdrinking time, the jammer has been living in amber since past tense. Мы бедные? Are we poor? Are we poor? Том хворіє. Tom's sick. Tom's sick. Я уже обсудила это с Томом. I've already discussed it with Tom. I already discussed this with Tom. Можаш абраць усё, што захочаш. You may choose whichever you want. You can pick whatever you want. Тобі треба сісти з Томом. You should sit with Tom. You need to sit down with Tom. Хто шахраював? Who cheated? Who's cheating? Том не захотел ждать. Tom didn't want to wait. Tom didn't want to wait. Что нового в этом году? What's new this year? What's new this year? Когда пьёшь воду, не забывай тех, кто вырыл колодец. When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well. When you drink water, don't forget those who dug a well. Я впевнена, він може це собі дозволити. I'm pretty sure he can afford it. I'm sure he can afford it. Вы их не найдёте. You're not going to find them. You won't find them. Дуже дякую за твого листа. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you very much for your letter. Слух у меня уже не тот. My hearing is not what it used to be. I'm not listening to that one anymore. Это вы должны решать. You're the one who must decide. You have to decide. Я вашего разрешения не спрашиваю. I'm not asking your permission. I'm not asking your permission. Білі троянди мені подобаються більше за червоні. I like white roses better than red ones. I like white roses more than red roses. Когда вы в последний раз ходили в зоопарк? When was the last time that you went to a zoo? When was the last time you went to the zoo? Том поднялся. Tom stood up. Tom's up. Я знаю твоє ім'я. I know your first name. I know your name. Мені здається, я зробив це неправильно. I think I did that wrong. I think I did it wrong. Давайте спробуємо. Let's have a try. Let's try it. Том отказался помогать. Tom refused to help. Tom refused to help. Ви закінчили роботу? Are you finished with your work? You done your job? Дэн понял, что влюблён в Линду. Dan realized that he was in love with Linda. Dan realized he was in love with Linda. Я люблю вигравати. I love winning. I love winning. Безбарвні зелені ідеї несамовито сплять. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep violently. Я його заховав під своїм ліжком. I hid it under my bed. I hid it under my bed. Не думаю, що я зможу здати екзамен. I don't think that I'll be able to pass the examination. I don't think I can pass the test. Вона наша. It's ours. She's ours. В тот день погибло более трёхсот человек. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. On that day more than three hundred people were killed. Том, мабуть, заможний. Tom must be rich. Tom must be rich. Ти знав, що я канадійка? Did you know I'm Canadian? Did you know I was a Canadian? Це книжка. This is a book. It's a book. Я его как раз встретил. I just met him. I just met him. Я изучаю французский самостоятельно. I am studying French by myself. I study French myself. Я все зробив. I've done everything. I did it. Ти єдиний, хто має це зробити. You're the only one who has to do that. You're the only one who has to do this. Я не знав, що Том не вміє водити. I didn't know that Tom couldn't drive. I didn't know Tom couldn't drive. Кто научил тебя французскому? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Мне сказать Тому, что случилось? Should I tell Tom what happened? To tell me, what happened? Том начал учить Арабский ради веселья. Tom started learning Arabic for fun. Tom started teaching the Arab for fun. Што вы робіце ў вольны час? What do you do in your free time? What do you do in your spare time? Не хочешь пойти с нами? Don't you want to go with us? Don't you want to come with us? Чи не підкажете, де я можу знайти готель? Could you tell me where I could find a hotel? Can you tell me where I can find a hotel? Я пішов на гору. I go to the mountain. I went up the mountain. Гэта падарунак для цябе. This gift is for you. This is a present for you. Я не хочу, щоб він хвилювався. I don't want to worry him. I don't want him to worry. Я зняла взуття. I took my shoes off. I got my shoes off. Передаси мені сіль? Could you pass me the salt? Can you give me the salt? Можно я сам? Can I do it myself? Can I do it myself? Сёння ў Германіі больш буддыстаў, ніж людзей, што ведаюць, як спякчы добры шакаладны пірог. There are more Buddhists in Germany today than people who know how to make a good chocolate cake. Today there are more Buddhists in Germany than people who know how to sleep a good chocolate pie. Том поел на завтрак кукурузных хлопьев. Tom ate cornflakes for breakfast. Tom ate breakfast corn cereals. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public talks. Мать дала дочери кольцо. The mother gave the girl a ring. The mother gave the daughter a ring. Там никого нет. No one is there. There's no one there. Сегодня мы легко можем отправиться в далёкие страны на самолёте. Today we can go to distant countries easily by plane. Today, we can easily travel to distant countries on the plane. Усе гатовыя. Everyone is ready. Everybody's ready. Цы ёсць у англійскай правілы граматыкі? Does English have grammatical rules? Qi is there in English grammar rules? Когда уголовные дела доходят до суда, общепринято, чтобы в составе суда присяжных было двенадцать человек. When criminal cases come to trial, it is common for twelve jurors to serve on the jury. When criminal cases are brought before a court, it is generally accepted that the jury be composed of twelve persons. Я знаю, что ты там. I know that you're there. I know you're there. Розкажіть нам щось. Tell us something. Tell us something. У популярній культурі, фраза "Аллах акбар" стала мало не синонімом до тероризму. In popular culture the phrase “Allahu akbar” has become almost synonymous with terrorism. In popular culture, the phrase "God akhbar" became almost synonymous with terrorism. Які фрукт зялёны? What kind of fruit is green? Which fruit is green? У Вас есть минутка, чтобы поговорить об Иисусе Христе? Do you have a moment to talk about Jesus? Do you have a minute to talk about Jesus Christ? Твоим друзьям будет тебя не хватать. Your friends will miss you. Your friends will miss you. Кімната нагрівається. The room is warming up. The room's getting hot. Вы ведаеце, каго я маю на ўвазе. You know who I mean. You know who I mean. У Тома все добре? Is Tom well? Is Tom all right? Він у лікарні. He's in hospital. He's in the hospital. Ніколі не кажы дрэннага пра людзей за іх спінамі. Never speak ill of others behind their backs. Never say bad about people behind them. Ён ведае, што ён у небяспецы. He is aware of his danger. He knows he is in danger. Ми зустрілися перед школою. We met in front of the school. We met in front of the school. Я сумую па сваёй малодшай сястры. I miss my little sister. I miss my younger sister. Що ти вчиш? What do you learn? What are you learning? Том чекав, щоб Мері пішла спати. Tom waited for Mary to go to sleep. Tom waited for Mary to go to bed. Мэты вызначаюць, якой ты будзеш. Goals determine what you are going to be. The goals determine what kind of person you will be. Ты в жизни не такой, как на фотографии. You look different than your picture. You're not like you're in a picture. Сейчас семь тридцать. It is 7:30. Seven thirty now. Эратычныя сны сняцца ўсім. Everybody has wet dreams. Erotic dreams are dreamful to everyone. Гадаю, Тома тут сьогодні не буде. I think Tom won't be here today. I don't think Tom's here today. У него много талантов. He has many talents. He's got a lot of talent. Как ты с ним познакомилась? How did you first meet him? How did you meet him? Гэта не мела да мяне ніякага дачынення. That had nothing to do with me. It had nothing to do with me. Том спрятался за занавеской. Tom hid himself behind the curtain. Tom hid behind the curtain. Том, мабуть, зараз не у Бостоні. Tom probably isn't in Boston now. Tom's probably not in Boston right now. У меня сегодня болит голова. I have a headache today. My head hurts today. Поверить не могу, что ты женишься. I can't believe you're getting married. I can't believe you're getting married. Моя неупереджена думка полягає в тому, що це жахливий фільм. My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. My open mind is that it's a terrible movie. Я ничего об этом не знаю. I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about that. У мяне ружовая машына. I have a pink car. I have a rose car. Том глухий. Tom is deaf. Tom's deaf. Не волнуйтесь. Это не займёт много времени. Don't worry. It won't take very long. It won't take long. Том съел весь хлеб, что я вчера купил. Tom ate all the bread that I bought yesterday. Tom ate all the bread I bought yesterday. Це твоя максимальна швидкість? Is that as fast as you can go? Is that your maximum speed? Том зробив це навмисно. Tom did that intentionally. Tom did it on purpose. Сам заварыў кашу, дык сам і расхлёбвай. You must reap what you have sown. The porridge itself, so yourself, and relax. Це не він. That's not him. It's not him. Сейчас Том испуган. Tom is scared now. Tom's scared now. Ти схожий на дідуся. You look like your grandfather. You look like a grandpa. В Интернете девушек нет. There are no girls on the Internet. There are no girls on the Internet. Ну что ты на меня смотришь? Why are you looking at me? What are you looking at me? Це нічого не вартує. It costs nothing. It's not worth anything. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was much more difficult than I thought it would be. It was much harder to do than it seemed. Чому ти не готуєш? Why aren't you cooking? Why don't you cook? Мне очень жаль, но я не могу. I'm very sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Завжди готова. I'm always ready. Always ready. Заробітна плата змінюється в залежності від віку працівника. Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker. Wages change depending on the age of the employee. Я пообедаю. I'll have dinner. I have lunch. Вони кинула його через іншого чоловіка. She left him for another man. They threw him through another man. Я позвонил в дверь. I rang the doorbell. I called the door. Я чуть не забыл дать это Тому. I nearly forgot to give it to Tom. I almost forgot to give it to Tom. Я тоже нервничаю. I'm nervous, too. I'm nervous, too. Ти можеш брехати будь-кому, але ти не можеш брехати собі. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can lie to anyone, but you can't lie to yourself. Я понятия не имел, что ты так хорошо знаешь французский. I had no idea you were so good at French. I had no idea you knew French so well. Ало! Hello. Ala! Почему ты хочешь уйти? Why would you want to leave? Why do you want to leave? Чем занимается ваш брат? What does your brother do? What's your brother doing? Ваши я вижу, а где мои? I see yours, but where are mine? I see yours, where's mine? Я тільки що прийшов зі школи. I just got back from school. I just came from school. Он поцеловал её в плечо. He kissed her shoulder. He kissed her to the shoulder. Я дійсно це зробила. I did do it. I really did. Чи то важко бути вегетаріанцем? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? Is it hard to be vegetarian? Твоя ручка краща від моєї. Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. Які програми ти дивишся по телевізору? What programs do you watch on TV? What programs do you watch on TV? Ти потрібна в моїй команді. I need you on my team. I need you on my team. Те, що він зробив, не було неправильним. What he did wasn't wrong. What he did was wrong. Вони голосували. They voted. They voted. Том попросив тебе щось зробити? Did Tom ask you to do something? Tom asked you to do something? Я провів у Бостоні якийсь час. I spent some time in Boston. I spent some time in Boston. Испытаю удачу. I'll try my luck. I'm trying luck. З ким ти живеш? With whom do you live? Who do you live with? Пожарные не могли сдержать пламя. The firefighters could not contain the blaze. Firemen couldn't contain fire. Я знаю, что вам не стоит этого делать. I know that you shouldn't do that. I know you shouldn't do that. Том побіг, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Tom ran to catch up with Mary. Це ваш будинок? Is this your house? Is this your house? Сью - американська студентка. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. Самі вибрав релігію батька. Sami chose the religion of his father. He chose the religion of his father. Я буду ждать здесь, пока он не вернётся. I will wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he comes back. Ми можемо поговорити з тобою секунду наодинці? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can we talk to you for a second alone? Я хочу, чтобы Вы надели эту. I want you to wear this one. I want you to put that on. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at speaking French. Tom speaks well in French. Том надевает ботинки. Tom is putting his shoes on. Tom's wearing shoes. Вы хотите, чтобы мы сделали это вместе? Do you want to do it together? Do you want us to do this together? Я до смерти устал. I'm awfully tired. I'm tired. Том был важным человеком. Tom was a big man. Tom was an important man. Я разочарована. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. Рыба гатовая. This fish is done. Fish are ready. Прости. Я не знал. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry, I didn't know. Я п'яны. I'm drunk. I'm drunk. Помоги мне её найти. Help me find her. Help me find her. Никто не может это сделать. No one can do that. No one can do that. Бажаю вам швидкого одужання. I wish you a quick recovery. I wish you a quick recovery. Я готова працювати. I'm ready to work. I'm ready to work. Нельзя с сажей играть и рук не замарать. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't play with the soot and you can't freeze your hands. Ти не спиш? Are you up? Don't you sleep? Том не обращает на Мэри внимания. Tom is ignoring Mary. Tom's not paying attention to Mary. Мы скоро вас навестим. We'll visit you soon. We'll see you soon. Правду кажучи, я з вами не згоден. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. I really don't agree with you. Усім добрай раніцы! Good morning, everyone. All good mornings! Я не хочу, щоб Том сердився. I don't want Tom to be angry. I don't want Tom angry. Коли ви останнього разу були в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Только не оставляй меня Just don't leave me. Don't leave me. Акварель мне нравится больше, чем пастель. I like watercolors more than pastels. Aquarrel I like more than a pastor. Том страждає на нарцисичний розлад особистості. Tom suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Tom suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Вам идёт чёрный. Black looks good on you. You're getting black. Я не волновался. I wasn't worried. I wasn't worried. Том был озадачен и заинтересован. Tom was both puzzled and concerned. Tom was excited and interested. Джим сегодня не придет. Jim will not come today. Jim won't come today. Ми читаємо. We're reading. We read. Том та Мері займаються цим. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Mary are doing it. Вони не ваші, так? These aren't yours, are they? They're not yours, are they? Мне трэба цябе нешта расказаць, і я ведаю, што цябе гэта не спадабаецца. There's something I need to tell you, and I know you're not going to like it. I need to tell you something and I know you don't like it. Кот піша кнігу. The cat is writing a book. A cat writes a book. Вбийте. Kill. Kill it. Том ждал меня на парковке. Tom was waiting for me in the parking lot. Tom was waiting for me in the parking lot. Том усё яшчэ вінаваціць цябе ў смерці Мэры. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Він любив батьків. He loved his parents. He loved his parents. Я не хотел, чтобы меня жалели. I didn't want anybody to feel sorry for me. I didn't want to be sorry. Из Тома и Мэри получилась бы отличная пара. Tom and Mary would make a perfect couple. Tom and Mary would've got a great couple. Если вы хотите побыть одни, я уйду. If you want to be alone, I'll leave. If you want to be alone, I'll leave. Тома отпустят в понедельник. Tom is going to be released on Monday. Tom's gonna leave on Monday. Ти знаєш чоловіка, що стоїть он там? Do you know that man standing over there? Do you know the man who's standing there? Я японский студент. I'm a Japanese student. I'm a Japanese student. Будынак ААН вельмі вялікі. The U.N. building is very impressive. The UN building is very large. Попробуй поставить себя на её место! Try to put yourself in her shoes. Try putting yourself in her shoes! Ми хочемо Тома. We want Tom. We want Tom. На працягу стагоддзяў Кракаў быў сталіцай Польшчы. For centuries Cracow was the capital of Poland. For centuries Krakow was the capital of Poland. Як ти гадаєш, що я робив? What do you think I was doing? What do you think I was doing? Хтось з'їв все печиво. Somebody ate all the biscuits. Someone ate all the cookies. Тобі подобається Браян Адамс? Do you like Bryan Adams? Do you like Brian Adams? На наступным тыдні ты едзеш у Бостан, так? You're going to Boston next week, right? Next week you're going to Boston, right? Он всегда очень вежлив. He's always very polite. He's always very polite. Машина Тома пропала. Tom's car is gone. Tom's car is gone. Кто ищет, тот находит. Who searches, finds. Whoever seeks finds. Том та Мері розмовляли до 2:30 ночі. Tom and Mary talked until 2:30 in the morning. Tom and Mary spoke at 2:30 p.m. Ваша була краща. Yours was better. Yours was better. Сьогодні я маю добрий апетит. I have a good appetite today. I have a good appetite today. Мені здається, ми розмовляли по телефону. I think we spoke on the phone. I think we've been talking on the phone. Я тобі спробував допомогти. I tried to help you. I tried to help you. Я думал, что Том, может быть, знает Мэри. I thought Tom might know Mary. I thought Tom might know Mary. Эти книги лучше тех. These books are better than those ones. These books are better than those. Ми медитуємо. We're meditating. We meditate. Бульба вельмі танная. Potatoes are very cheap. The potatoes are very cheap. Ти колись була у Тома вдома? Have you ever been to Tom's home? Have you ever been to Tom's home? Шестью три равняется восемнадцати. Six times three equals eighteen. Six-three equals eighteen. Старайцеся не дакранацца да твару. Avoid touching your face. Try not to touch your face. Я вчора купив книжку. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a book yesterday. Після обіду в неї завжди є час. She always has time in the afternoon. In the afternoon, she always has time. Ён зараз есць. He is eating. He's eating now. Том дуже втомився. Tom is very tired. Tom's really tired. Вы мой враг? Are you my enemy? Are you my enemy? Я була в Римі. I have been to Rome. I was in Rome. Я агаломшаны. I am dumbfounded. I'm stunned. Я не знаю, есть у Тома велосипед или нет. I don't know whether Tom has a bicycle or not. I don't know if Tom has a bike or not. Робити це буде ризиковано. Doing that is too risky. Doing this will be risky. Мы оба очень хотим спать. We're both very sleepy. We both really want to sleep. Мэры паабяцала спекчы мне пірог, але пасля адмовілася. Mary promised to bake me a cake, but then she reneged. Mary vowed to heat me the pie, but then refused. Миша пройшлася по столу. A mouse went for a walk on the table. Mouse's been through the table. Том вооружился винтовкой и ножом. Tom armed himself with a gun and a knife. Tom was armed with a rifle and a knife. Вы поэтому не будете нам помогать? Is that why you won't help us? Is that why you won't help us? Позвоните мне сразу, как только с ним встретитесь. Call me immediately after you meet him. Call me as soon as you meet him. Они умерли. They died. They died. Он говорил, что у него всё получится; однако, не получилось. He said he was sure to succeed; he failed, however. He said he'd do it, but he didn't. Ты знаешь, что сейчас делают твои дети? Do you know what your children are doing right now? You know what your kids are doing now? Ці не маглі б Вы адчыніць акно? Can you open the window? Could You Open the Window? Он хороший человек. He's a good man. He's a good man. Тікай і не озирайся. Run away, and don't look back. Run and don't look around. Ми з Томом не боїмося Мері. Tom and I aren't scared of Mary. Tom and I are not afraid of Mary. Том лише намагається тобі допомогти. Tom is just trying to help you. Tom's just trying to help you. Мне патрэбнае месца, каб прысесці. I need a place to sit. I need a place to sit down. Я отвинтил крышку. I unscrewed the lid. I pushed the lid away. Том не умеет получать удовольствие от жизни. Tom doesn't know how to enjoy life. Tom doesn't know how to enjoy life. Эта птица под угрозой вымирания. This bird is in danger of dying out. This bird is endangered. Том теж поїхав до Австралії. Tom went to Australia, too. Tom went to Australia, too. Можеш віддати книжку тому, хто її хоче. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whoever wants it. Как ты? Удалась поездка? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How are you doing? Том багатий, холостий, трохи підстаркуватий, але не занадто потворний. Tom is rich, single, a bit old, but not too ugly. Tom's rich, cool, a little underage, but he's not too ugly. Вот это память! What memory! That's the memory! Між мною та Томом немає нічого. There's nothing going on between Tom and me. There's nothing between me and Tom. Зараз жа рабі сваё дамашняе заданне. Do your homework right away. Now do your homework. Візьміть це. Take this. Take this. Фадль був упевнений, що Лейла більше не хотіла його вбивати. Fadil was convinced that Layla no longer wanted to kill him. Fadle was sure Leila didn't want to kill him anymore. Я тебя прощу. I'll forgive you. I'll forgive you. Цей пан - дуже відомий піаніст. The gentleman is a very famous pianist. This master is a very famous pianist. Если голодная, поешь. If you're hungry, eat. If you're hungry, eat. Они сказали когда? Did they say when? Did they say when? Она связала ему свитер. She knit him a sweater. She tied him a sweater. Мы на правильном этаже. We're on the right floor. We're on the right floor. Том занят, как никогда. Tom is as busy as ever. Tom's busy more than ever. Гэта апошні цягнік. This is the last train. This is the last train. Гэта наш цягнік. That's our train. This is our train. Він - чесний? Смішно! Him, honest? What a joke! He's honest? Табе трэба ісці. You must go. Thee need to go. Я останусь и присмотрю за ней. I'll stay and watch her. I'll stay and watch her. Це моя сумка. This is my bag. This is my bag. Том приехал первым. Tom arrived first. Tom came first. Том отправил дочь спать без ужина. Tom sent his daughter to bed without dinner. Tom sent his daughter to sleep without dinner. Мері довіряє мені. Mary trusts me. Mary trusts me. Я дав Тому шанс. I gave Tom a chance. I gave Tom a chance. Йде дощ, тому ми не можемо цим зайнятися. It's raining now, so we can't do that. It rains, so we can't do this. Моя сестра часто дивиться за дитиною. My sister often looks after the baby. My sister often watches her baby. Я была поражена тем, какой он красивый. I was startled by how handsome he was. I was amazed at how beautiful he was. Білки обожнють жолуді. Squirrels love acorns. Proteins love acorns. Яна прыйшла апошняй. She came last. She came last. Том убавил огонь. Tom turned down the flame. Tom lost his fire. Я тобі допоможу завтра. I'll help you tomorrow. I'll help you tomorrow. Я не знала, що це станеться. I didn't know this would happen. I didn't know it would happen. Том надзвичайно успішний. Tom is extremely successful. Tom's very successful. Гэта была цёмная, бязмесячная ноч. It was a dark night, with no moon. It was a dark, monthless night. Я сказал тебе, что Том занят. I told you Tom was busy. I told you Tom was busy. Том подчинился. Tom obeyed. Tom complied. З кім Вы жывяце? Who do you live with? Who are you living with? Это могло бы прийтись кстати. That could come in handy. That might come by the way. Я була незадоволена. I was discontented. I was unhappy. Он покупает и продаёт изделия из кожи. He buys and sells leather goods. He buys and sells leather products. Він має тойоту. He has a Toyota. He's got a tomato. Он был сед. He had grey hair. He was eating. Том розпочав вивчати французьку. Tom has begun studying French. Tom started studying French. В Ісландії багато вулканів. Iceland has many volcanoes. Iceland has many volcanoes. Я знала, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Я чомусь заважаю? Am I disturbing anything? Do I bother you for a reason? Начальник дозволив мені піти раніше сьогодні. My boss let me leave early today. The chief let me leave earlier today. Вперед! Go ahead! Let's go! Той, хто хоче миру, готується до війни. He who wishes for peace, prepares for war. The one who wants peace is preparing for war. Я думав, що всі тут вегетаріанці. I thought everyone here was a vegetarian. I thought the vegetarians were all here. Чему равен квадратный корень из двух? What is the square root of 2? What is the square root of the two? Не палѭ ѣ. I don't burn them. I'm not. У вас приятная улыбка. You've got a nice smile. You have a nice smile. Твої батьки пишалися би тобою. Your parents would be proud. Your parents would be proud of you. Забіў Барбару Элістэр. It was Alister who killed Barbara. Killed Barbara Elister. Том плавав разом із сином. Tom swam with his son. Tom was swimming with his son. Сейчас - значит сейчас. Now means now. Now it means now. Он выступил с речью, в которой поддержал мою точку зрения. He made a speech in which he supported my point of view. He gave a speech in which he supported my point of view. Я міг це зробити. I could do it. I could do it. Мері шукала свою ручку. Mary looked for her pen. Mary was looking for her pen. Она это заработала. She earned it. She made it. Не важно, что он может сказать, не верь ему. No matter what he may say, don't trust him. It doesn't matter what he says, don't believe him. Я не хочу бруднити руки. I don't want to get my hands dirty. I don't want to dirty my hands. Нам больше ничего не нужно. We don't need anything else. We don't need anything anymore. Никто ничего не делает. No one is doing anything. Nobody does anything. Хіба вам ніхто не допоміг? Didn't anybody help you? Didn't anyone help you? Вони нас люблять. They love us. They love us. Когда вы вернулись, я уже ушла. When you returned, I had already left. When you're back, I'm gone. Тобі потрібно буде більше грошей, так? You're going to need more money than that, aren't you? You're gonna need more money, right? Том сказав, що він здоровий. Tom said he's healthy. Tom said he was healthy. Я не впевнений, що хочу це бачити. I'm not sure that I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see it. Ти зазвичай їздиш подорожувати за кордон? Do you often travel abroad? Do you usually travel abroad? Я лише хочу її поміряти. I just want to try it on. I just want to think about it. Том буде готувати. Tom will cook. Tom's gonna cook. Постарайтесь сбежать. Try to escape. Try to escape. Спочатку я йому не повірив. I didn't believe him at first. At first, I didn't believe him. Як нам вырашыць гэту сітуацыю? How do we get out of this situation? How do we address this situation? Вони замінили вугілля нафтою. They replaced coal with oil. They replaced the coal with oil. Я здесь больше не работаю. I don't work here anymore. I don't work here anymore. Я беспокоился об этом. I was worried about this. I was worried about it. Він подружився з кількома селянами. He got acquainted with some villagers. He made friends with several peasants. На стол подали запеченный картофель и куриное филе с приправой. The table was served with baked potatoes and seasoned chicken fillet. On the table, they provided baked potatoes and chicken phylle with seasoning. Прости · можеши ли ми казати пѫть къ ближьнѥмоу селоу? Sorry, but can you show me the way to the next village? I'm sorry. Can you tell me a man who's close to my village? Все любят деньги. Everybody likes money. Everyone loves money. Жоден з них мені не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Просто підійди і запитай Тома. Just go and ask Tom. Just come and ask Tom. У меня для тебя проект. I've got a project for you. I have a project for you. Перевір знову. Check again. Check again. Она его сестра, а не девушка. She's his sister, not his girlfriend. She's his sister, not a girl. Ви відвезете мене додому? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? Це виняток. That is an exception. That's an exception. Це робиться ось так. This is how we do it. It's done like this. Я падаю. I'm falling. I'm falling. Он говорит, что ничего не видел. He says he didn't see anything. He says he didn't see anything. Будь ласка, не залишайте тут цінних речей. Please don't leave valuable things here. Please don't leave valuable things here. Щоб добре знати людину, достатньо подорожувати з ним один тиждень. In order to know a man, you have only to travel with him a week. To know a person well enough to travel with him for one week. Том попросил Мэри открыть окно. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Вы облегчаете мне работу. You make my job easy. You're gonna make it easier for me to do this. Это успех. That is a success. It's a success. Я можу бачити себе в дзеркалі. I can see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. У Тома она есть? Does Tom have it? Does Tom have it? Вони втратили зразок ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They lost a DNA sample. Їй хотілося розплакатися. She felt like crying. She wanted to cry. Мої кросівкі промокли. My trainers are wet. My sneakers are wet. Ты знал, что у Тома родственники в Австралии? Did you know Tom had relatives in Australia? Did you know Tom had relatives in Australia? Не припиняй грати. Don't stop playing. Don't stop playing. Это дерево высокое. This tree is tall. It's a tall tree. Это решение трудно было принять. It was hard to make this decision. That decision was difficult to make. Ты скоро приспособишься к деревенской жизни. You will soon be used to rural life. You'll soon adjust to the village life. Слушайте, что говорит учитель. Listen to what the teacher says. Listen to what the teacher says. Не можна заперечити той факт, що він цього не зробив. The fact that he did not do it cannot be denied. You can't deny the fact that he didn't. Я пахаваў свайго сабаку на могілках для хатніх жывёл. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in the cemetery for pets. Том сказал, что Мэри очень хочет есть. Tom said Mary was very hungry. Tom said Mary really wanted to eat. Сподіваюся, Том нам допоможе. I hope Tom will help us. I hope Tom's gonna help us. Вы знаете всё обо мне. You know everything about me. You know everything about me. Годі ходити коло та навколо. Don't beat around the bush. Stop walking around and around. Эти перчатки принадлежат мне. These gloves belong to me. These gloves belong to me. Ти пам'ятаєш, що трапилося того дня, коли ми познайомилися? Do you remember what happened the day I met you? Do you remember what happened the day we met? Мы выживем. We're going to survive. We'll survive. Ви користуєтеся сучасними технологіями? Do you use current technology? Are you using modern technology? Безпеку не гарантовано. Safety is not guaranteed. Security is not guaranteed. Я уже не ребёнок. I'm not a child anymore. I'm not a child anymore. Том был настроен скептически. Tom was skeptical. Tom was sceptical. Мальчики его не боятся. The boys are not afraid of him. Boys don't fear him. Том пришёл повидать Мэри, а не меня. Tom is here to see Mary, not me. Tom came to see Mary, not me. Ты меня не представишь? Aren't you going to introduce me? You're not gonna introduce me? Том подарував Мері діамантовий браслет. Tom gave a diamond bracelet to Mary. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet. З ким Том пішов у магазин? Who did Tom go shopping with? Who's Tom going to the store with? Вікно відкрилось. The window opened. The window is open. Мені все ще треба оплатити рахунок за телефон. I still have to pay the phone bill. I still have to pay the bill for the phone. Я маю знайти Тома. I've got to find Tom. I have to find Tom. Я без сил. Я работаю с утра до вечера. I'm beat. I've been working from dawn to dusk. I'm out of hand, I work from morning till evening. Я певен, що Том не погодився би. I'm sure Tom wouldn't agree. I'm sure Tom wouldn't. Гэта будзе каштаваць 30 еўра. This will cost €30. This will cost 30 euros. Ничего не принимай как должное. Don't take anything for granted. Don't take anything for granted. Мы іх забілі. We killed them. We killed them. Марская вада салёная. Seawater is salty. Sea water is salty. Том був відсутній на нараді. Tom was absent from the meeting. Tom was absent from the meeting. Ей понравился ужин? Did she like that dinner? Did she like dinner? Це дуже класно. That's very cool. That's very cool. За нимь єсмь. I'm after him. That's what he's after. Я люблю цих трьох дітлахів. I love those three kids. I love these three kids. Ти допомогла? Did you help? Did you help? По дороге ехала повозка с мулами. There was a mule cart on the road. There was a cart with mules on the way. Не забудь позвонить мне. Don't forget to call me. Don't forget to call me. Він зовсім не знає французької. He doesn't know French at all. He doesn't know French at all. Кто-то ещё это заметил? Did anyone else notice this? Did someone else notice that? Што Вы намерваецеся рабіць? What do you intend to do? What do you intend to do? Я трохи сором'язлива. I'm kind of shy. I'm a little shy. Эти книги старые. These books are old. These books are old. Вы его переоцениваете. You overestimate him. You're overestimating him. Когда я обращался к ним на французском в Париже, они только пялились на меня. Так и не удалось заставить этих болванов понимать свой же собственный язык. In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language. When I approached them in French in Paris, they were only staring at me, and I was unable to make them understand their own language. Все яблони были вырублены. All the apple trees were cut down. All the apples were cut out. Не следуй, пожалуйста, этому совету. Please don't follow this advice. Please don't follow that advice. Цікаво, чи я зможу це зробити ще раз. I wonder whether or not I can do that again. I wonder if I can do that again. Том з тобою зв'язався? Did Tom contact you? Is Tom connected to you? Ваші дідусь та бабуся ще живі? Are your grandparents still alive? Your grandparents are still alive? Він запитав мене, чи я можу зробити йому послугу. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. Серйозно? Seriously? Seriously? Том был арестован в октябре 2013 года. Tom was arrested in October of 2013. Tom was arrested in October 2013. Я цалкам супраць таго, каб сячы гэтае дрэва. I'm absolutely against the tree being chopped down. I'm completely against sowing this tree. Тоні размаўляе па-англійску лепей за мяне. Tony speaks English better than I do. Tony speaks English better than me. Авион на аеродроме. The plane is at the airport. Airfield aircraft. Калі б я пабачыў Анку, я б яе, мажліва, не пазнаў. If I saw Anca, I would probably not recognize her. If I had seen Anka, I might not have learned her. Хто хоча какаву? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants cocoa? Учора ішоў дождж. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. Нет языка, прекраснее японского. No language is as lovely as Japanese. No language better than Japanese. Я знаю, як це виглядає. I know how this looks. I know what it looks like. Ці хлопці вам щось зробили? Did those guys do something to you? Did these guys do something to you? Смачно. It's delicious. It's delicious. Ти віриш, що зірки керують нашею долею? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you believe that stars control our fate? Вы свечи-то купили? You bought candles, didn't you? Did you buy some candles? Мост должен быть построен через шесть месяцев. The bridge must be built in six months. The bridge must be built in six months. Она начала осваиваться в своем новом офисе. She began to get the feel of her new office. She started studying in her new office. Так нормально? Is that okay? Is that okay? Том не очень хорошо себя чувствует. Tom isn't feeling very well. Tom doesn't feel very well. Пам'ятаєш, коли ти вперше почула Бітлз? Can you remember the first time you heard the Beatles? Remember when you first heard Beatles? Ти нафарбувала губи? Are you wearing lipstick? Did you paint your lips? Я багатий. I'm wealthy. I'm rich. Вайсковец быў забіты падчас выкананьня абавязкаў. The soldier was killed in action. The militaryman was killed while performing his duties. Я вообще не умею плавать. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Я толькі што закахалася. I just fell in love. I just fell in love. Паспрабуй супакоіцца. Try to calm down. Try to calm down. Дзецям патрэбная любоў. Children need love. Children need love. Я помог перенести те сумки. I helped carry those bags. I helped carry that bag. Ты мая лепшая сяброўка. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Выходите из моей машины. Get off my car. Get out of my car. Тома избили, когда он вступился за друга, над которым издевались. Tom was beaten up when he came to the aid of one of his friends who was being bullied. Tom was beaten when he married a friend who was being mocked. Ось книжка. Here is a book. Here's a book. Том и Мэри не состоят в браке. Tom and Mary aren't married. Tom and Mary are not married. Я хочу це почути від неї. I want to hear it from her. I want to hear it from her. Том написав пісню про Мері. Tom has written a song about Mary. Tom wrote a song about Mary. Том попытался помешать Мэри открыть дверь. Tom tried to prevent Mary from opening the door. Tom tried to stop Mary from opening the door. Дай мне денег. Give me some money. Give me the money. Том спостерігає за Мері. Tom is watching Mary. Tom watches Mary. Цього з тобою більше не трапиться. This won't happen to you again. This will never happen to you again. Фадзіль яе кахае. Fadil loves her. Fadil loves her. Учитель тебя видит. The teacher can see you. Your teacher sees you. Мне сложно работать с Томом. I have trouble working with Tom. I'm having trouble working with Tom. Я ведаю, што зараз позна, але ты не была б супраць, калі б я зараз прыйшла? Мне трэба нешта з табой абгаварыць. I know it's kind of late, but would you mind if I came over now? I have something I need to discuss with you. I know it's late now, but you wouldn't mind if I had now come? У Тома в Бостоне есть дом. Tom has a house in Boston. Tom has a house in Boston. Калі Вы ствараеце на Татоэбе сказы на турэцкай і эстонскай, вельмі верагодна, што Вы — boracasli. If you create sentences in Turkish and Estonian on Tatoeba, there's a large chance that you're boracasli. If you create sentences on Tatoeb on Turkish and Estonian, it is very likely that you are a boracasli. Мне придётся подождать. I'll have to wait. I'll have to wait. Я выйшла з таксі. I got out of the taxi. I'm out of the taxi. Я учусь водить машину. I'm learning how to drive. I'm learning to drive. Ён узяў ручку і пачаў пісаць. He took up his pen and began to write. He took a pen and began writing. Я хочу быть с вами. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Тебе нельзя здесь есть. You can't eat here. You can't eat here. Я сказал, что буду там. I said I'd be there. I said I'd be there. Кошки — они как девушки. Если они с тобой говорят, то всё отлично, но если ты сам пробуешь с ними заговорить, выходит не очень. Cats are like girls. If they talk to you it's great, but if you try to talk to them, it doesn't go so well. Cats are like girls, and if they talk to you, it's great, but if you try to talk to them, it doesn't work out very well. Я счастлив, потому что с сегодняшнего дня у нас в школе не будет занятий до сентября. I'm happy because starting today, we don't have any school until September. I'm happy because from today, we're not going to go to school until September. Том пришёл раньше всех. Tom came before anyone else. Tom came early. Це неможливо пояснити. It's impossible to explain. That's impossible to explain. Меня тут не было. I was away. I wasn't here. Я хочу отпроситься с работы. I want to excuse myself from the work. I want to apologize for my job. Скажи Тому, що я передзвоню. Tell Tom that I'll call back. Tell 'cause I'll call you back. Мне было просто всё равно, понимаешь? I really didn't care, you know? I didn't care, you know? В мене взуття зносилося. My shoes are worn out. I had shoes worn out. Машину Тома було конфісковано. Tom's car was impounded. Tom's car was confiscated. Звідки ти знав, що Тома тут не буде? How did you know Tom would be here? How did you know Tom wouldn't be here? Яна ўсміхнулася. She smiled. She smiled. Чому Том вирішив це зробити? Why did Tom decide to do that? Why did Tom decide to do so? Цо то? What is this? That's it? Ви знаменитий. You're famous. You're famous. Религиозные люди бывают весьма резки в суждениях. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Religious people are very harsh in judgment. Цієї ночі я добре виспався. I had a good sleep last night. I had a good night’s sleep. Це Майк. А Хіросі є? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Is that Mike? Ми живемо поблизу школи. We live in the neighborhood of the school. We live near school. Том вдвое моложе вас. Tom is half your age. Tom's twice your age. Якая школа найлепшая. Which school is the best? Which school is the best. Ти запитала Тома? Did you ask Tom? Did you ask Tom? Взагалi, я задоволний експериментом. On the whole I am satisfied with the experiment. In general, I'm pleased with the experiment. Мы получили то, что заслужили. We got what we deserved. We got what we deserved. Я гадаю, що есперанто - складна мова. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. I think esperanto is a complex language. А яка альтернатива? What's the alternative? What is the alternative? Вiн плигнув у воду. He jumped into the water. He's gone into the water. Хіба ви не плануєте лишитися? Aren't you planning to stay? Don't you plan on staying? Грозы одновременно пугают и захватывают дух. Thunderstorms are both scary and exciting. Money is both frightening and engrossing. Она говорит, что счастлива. She says that she is happy. She says she's happy. Почуваюся амебою. I feel like an amoeba. I feel like an amoeba. Том сказав тобі, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Tom told you where the party was? Ты считаешь себя толстым? Do you think you're obese? You think you're fat? Скільки у вас яблук? How many apples do you have? How many apples do you have? Я хачу, каб ты рабіў гэта правільна. I want you to do this right. I want you to do it right. Я зустрінусь з Томом. I'll meet Tom. I'll meet Tom. Я чудово розважився на твоїй вечірці. I had a fantastic time at your party. I had great fun at your party. Вы им нужны. They need you. They need you. Ты правда её любишь? Do you really love her? Do you really love her? Том на следующей неделе возвращается в Бостон. Tom is coming back to Boston next week. Tom's coming back to Boston next week. Стало намного теплее. It has become much warmer. It's getting much warmer. Я тебе вб'ю. I will kill you. I'll kill you. Самі — сірата. Sami is an orphan. They themselves are an orphan. Почему бы нам не выяснить? Why don't we find out? Why don't we find out? Том сказал, что Мэри раздражена. Tom said that Mary was irritated. Tom said Mary was irritated. Самі любіць суп. Sami likes soup. It likes soup itself. Рыба ещё сырая. The fish is still raw. The fish is still raw. Мне надо сделать важное объявление. I have an important announcement to make. I need to make an important announcement. Том не намагатиметься цього зробити. Tom won't try to do that. Tom won't try to do that. Я прийшла купити овочі. I came to buy vegetables. I came to buy vegetables. З ким ти ходила танцювати? Who did you go to the dance with? Who were you going to dance with? Яка ж ти наполеглива! How persistent you are! How persistent you are! Тиша, будь ласка. Quiet please. Be quiet, please. Вчера я весь день был свободен, а сегодня работаю. I was free all day yesterday, but today I'm working. I was free all day yesterday, and I work today. Він мертвий. It's dead. He's dead. Розпочнімо! Let's get started! Let's get started! Прямых рейсов до Болоньи отсюда нет. There are no direct flights to Bologna from here. No direct flights to Bologna. Ящик с отверстиями. The box has holes in it. A box of holes. На горі багато мавп. There are many monkeys on the mountain. There are many monkeys on the mountain. Том боялся, что его запрут, а ключ выбросят. Tom was afraid that they'd lock him up and throw away the key. Tom was afraid he'd be locked and the key would be thrown out. Що Том робить на Різдво? What's Tom doing for Christmas? What does Tom do for Christmas? Кѫдъı идєши? Where are you going? Are you coming? Де ти навчився говорити такою чудовою англійською? Where did you learn to speak such excellent English? Where did you learn to speak such beautiful English? Том без труда нашёл работу. Tom had no difficulty finding a job. Tom found work without work. Почти все были мертвы. Almost everyone was dead. Almost everyone was dead. Мені здається, що якби я частіше розмовляла з носієм мови, мої навички у володінні англійської швидко поліпшилися би. I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly. It seems to me that if I had more language skills, my English skills would quickly improve. Зробімо торт. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. Не кладіть всі яйця в один кошик. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all the eggs in one basket. Я купіла новы камп’ютар. I bought a new computer. I bought a new computer. Це не мій стиль. That's not my style. It's not my style. Стоудено. It's freezing. It's a story. Вы сейчас где? Where are you now? Where are you now? Простите, что сомневался в вас. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Вот тогда я и повредил свой голеностоп. That's when I injured my ankle. That's when I hurt my ankle. Она улыбнулась мне. She smiled at me. She smiled at me. Мені подобається Австралія. I like Australia. I like Australia. Вона на три роки молодша, ніж він. She's two years younger than him. She's three years younger than he is. Краще Тому не відмовляти. You don't want to say no to Tom. It's better for him not to say no. Оно ужасно горькое. It's awfully bitter. It's awfully bitter. Том сказал Мэри ехать в больницу. Tom told Mary to go to the hospital. Tom told Mary to go to the hospital. Не думаю, что Том будет помогать нам это делать. I don't think Tom is going to help us do that. I don't think Tom will help us do that. Старий чоловік увійшов до старої церкви зі своїм старшим сином, його молодшою донькою та її малою дитиною. An old man entered the old church with his elder son, his younger daughter and her little baby. The old man entered the old church with his eldest son, his younger daughter, and her little child. Худший враг и лучший друг человека - другой человек. The worst enemy and the best friend of a man is another man. The worst enemy and man's best friend is another man. Я можу це зробити зараз. I can do that now. I can do it now. Я нічого не хочу пити. I don't want to drink anything. I don't want to drink anything. Том добре співає. Tom is a good singer. Tom sings well. Хто ще був на зустрічі? Who else was at the meeting? Who else was at the meeting? Том сказал мне, что он очень хочет есть. Tom told me that he was very hungry. Tom told me he really wanted to eat. Піду перевірю. I'm going to go check. I'll go check. Никто вас не обвиняет. Nobody's blaming you. No one blames you. Здавалася, яе здзівіла гэта пытанне. She seemed surprised by the question. She seemed surprised at this question. Я завтра им позвоню. I'll call them tomorrow. I'll call them tomorrow. Том живе тут недовго. Tom hasn't been living here long. Tom doesn't live here long. Я давяраю яму таму, што ён ніколі не хлусіць. I trust him because he never tells a lie. I trust him because he never lies. Том пакінуў вакно адчыненым. Tom left the window open. Tom left the window open. Амаль поўнач, ідзі спаць! It's almost midnight. Go to bed. Almost north, go to bed! Я проспав. I overslept. I slept. Веганство — це альтернативний спосіб життя. Veganism is an alternative lifestyle. Vigorousness is an alternative way of life. Як ци мено? What is your name? How's chi mano? Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Самі це виправить. Sami is going to fix this. It'll fix it. Это яблоко Вам. This apple is for you. It's an apple to you. Я снимаю фильм. I'm making a movie. I'm making a movie. За что он меня ненавидит? Why does he hate me? Why does he hate me? Том міг купити все, що йому потрібно. Tom could buy everything he needed. Tom could have bought everything he needed. Нисколько не сомневаюсь. I do not doubt it in the least. I don't doubt it. Том знає, що Мері любить Джона. Tom knows that Mary loves John. Tom knows Mary loves John. Я сказала тебе, в какое время прийти. I told you what time to come. I told you, it's time to come. Ці не маглі б вы завярнуць падарунак? Can you gift-wrap this, please? Could you turn the present? Я никогда не спрашивала её. I never asked her. I never asked her. Сами увидел тот вертолёт и принялся махать руками. Sami saw the helicopter and waved his arms. I saw that helicopter myself, and I started to wave my arms. Просто йди до своєї кімнати. Just go to your room. Just go to your room. Я б хацеў аднойчы паехаць у Афрыку. I want to go to Africa someday. I'd like to go to Africa once. Перестань это делать, Том. Stop doing that, Tom. Stop doing that, Tom. Бачиш мою машину? Do you see my car? See my car? Я не знаю, кто будет на собрании. I don't know who's going to be at the meeting. I don't know who's going to be at the meeting. Мне привести с собой Тома? Should I bring Tom with me? Should I bring Tom with me? Я просто зробив свою роботу. I just did my job. I just did my job. У меня для тебя плохие новости. I've got some bad news for you. I have bad news for you. Я раньше уже работал с Томом. I've worked with Tom before. I've been working with Tom before. Я купив синові нові санки. I bought new sledge for my son. I bought my son new sledge. Поставьте его на место. Put it back where it was. Put him in place. У неї, здається, багато друзів. She appears to have many friends. She seems to have a lot of friends. Том сделал Мэри дорогой подарок. Tom gave Mary an expensive gift. Tom made Mary a precious gift. Чаму вы не прыйшлі? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Він офіцер армії. He is an army officer. He's an army officer. Ти заслуговуєш на відпочинок. You've earned a rest. You deserve to rest. Як твоя матінка? How is your mother? How's your mother? Я не видел тебя почти три года. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you for almost three years. Я очень горжусь моими родителями. I'm very proud of my parents. I'm very proud of my parents. Том был лучше меня. Tom was better than me. Tom was better than me. Няхай мох пакрые маю магілу. Let moss cover my grave. Let the moss cover my grave. Том и Мэри скучают по родителям. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Ѿвьрзи покровъı. Open the drapes. There's cover on the floor. Прогноз погоды не ошибся. The weather forecast was right. Weather forecast was not mistaken. Ты думаешь, что Том знает? Do you think Tom knows? You think Tom knows? Я хотел проводить с тобой больше времени. I wanted to spend more time with you. I wanted to spend more time with you. Том намагається уникати суперечок із Мері. Tom is trying to avoid arguing with Mary. Tom is trying to avoid arguing with Mary. Ты не можешь так на меня кричать. You can't yell at me like that. You can't shout at me like that. Я запою. I'll sing. I'm getting drunk. Яе твар стаў ружовым. Her face became pink. Her face became pink. Что ты хотел, чтобы они сделали? What did you want them to do? What did you want them to do? Думаю, они счастливы. I think they're happy. I think they're happy. Том та Мері бідні, правда? Tom and Mary are poor, aren't they? Tom and Mary are poor, aren't they? То, с чем Элис столкнулась, ожидая ответа, было внезапным воем. Это был гулкий шум, настолько резкий, чтобы разорвать ее барабанные перепонки, и настолько громкий, чтобы достигнуть небес. What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens. What Alice encountered in anticipation of her response was a sudden war, it was a loud noise, so sharp as to break her eardrums, so loud as to reach the heavens. Почему вы не показали её Тому? Why didn't you show it to Tom? Why didn't you show her to Tom? Том боїться собак. Tom is afraid of dogs. Tom fears dogs. Коли Том був молодшим, він був дамським угодником. Tom was quite a ladies' man when he was younger. When Tom was younger, he was a lady's friend. Стойте там. Stay there. Stay there. Почему твоя дочь не любит конфеты? Why does your daughter dislike candies? Why doesn't your daughter like candy? Том оглядел комнату. Tom looked around his room. Tom was watching the room. Том сейчас обедает. Tom is eating lunch now. Tom's having lunch now. Она потаскуха. She is a strumpet. She's a mess. Мы мужчыны. We are men. We are men. Зачекайте. Я заплачу за це. Wait. I will pay for this. I'll pay for it. Вы их не забудете. You won't forget them. You won't forget them. Я не думаю, що ти безсердечний. I don't think you're heartless. I don't think you're heartless. Мишині клітини не менші від людських клітин. Murine cells are no smaller than human cells. Muscle cells are no smaller than human cells. Том хоче свої гроші сьогодні. Tom wants his money today. Tom wants his money today. Звычайна я хаджу пешкі. I usually walk. I usually walk on foot. Том б'є Мері. Tom is hitting Mary. Tom beats Mary. Мені потрібно піти поговорити з начальником. I have to go talk to the manager. I need to go talk to the boss. Я доглядаю за своїм дідом. I look after my grandfather. I take care of my grandfather. Я вимагаю, щоб ти це зробив просто зараз. I demand that you do that right now. I demand you do it right now. Месяц адлюстроўваўся ў возеры. The moon was mirrored in the lake. The moon was reflected in the lake. Ти все ще дозволяєш Тому цим займатися? Do you still allow Tom to do that? You're still allowing that to happen? Я вас никогда не отпущу. I'll never let you go. I'll never let you go. Том Джексон вважався чудовим вчителем. Tom Jackson was considered a great teacher. Tom Jackson was considered an excellent teacher. Я дороблю домашню роботу до дев'ятої. I will finish my homework by nine. I'll complete my homework until nine. Снаружи холодно. It's cold outside. It's cold outside. Дай мне время. Give me time. Give me time. Мені платять не так багато, як хотілося б. I don't get paid as much as I'd like. I'm not paid as much as I would like. Том просто хотел убедиться, что ты именно это имел в виду. Tom just wanted to make sure that's what you meant. Tom just wanted to make sure you meant that. Том та Мері почали сперечатися. Tom and Mary started to argue. Tom and Mary started arguing. Кънѧзь сѧ погоубилъ въ лѣсѣ. The prince was lost in the woods. Kün with his sοwn fοr yοu οf the tοwn. Когда Том был маленьким, он любил лазить по деревьям. When Tom was a young boy, he used to love climbing trees. When Tom was little, he loved climbing trees. Кто всё это начал? Who started all this? Who started it? Робіть це по черзі. Take turns. Do it one by one. Не хвалюйся. У гэта тысячу разоў рабіла. Don't worry. I've done this a thousand times. Don't worry, it's done a thousand times. Купіть мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Buy me a new Shakiri disk, please. Я знаю, что сегодня этого не случится. I know that won't happen today. I know it won't happen today. Ты найлепшая. You're the best. You're the best. Австрія грала проти Австралії. Austria played against Australia. Austria played against Australia. "Как произошла авария?" - "Никто не знает". "How did the accident happen?" "Nobody knows." "How did the accident happen?" "No one knows." Звідки ти знаєш, що це безпечно? How do I know it's safe? How do you know it's safe? Когда разбогатею, я куплю ферму. When I'm rich, I'll buy a farm. When I'm rich, I'll buy a farm. Вазьмі іншы. Have another. Take another one. Ситуация там была критической. The situation there was critical. The situation was critical. Мій батько занадто зайнятий, аби піти на прогулянку. My father is too busy to take a walk. My father's too busy to go for a walk. Том женился на старшей девочке. Tom married an older girl. Tom married an older girl. Мы планируем уехать как можно скорее. We plan to leave as soon as possible. We plan to leave as soon as possible. Алену дали завдання, вирішити яке було неможливо. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Alain was given a task that could not be solved. Они, возможно, не знают об этом. They may not know about it. They may not know about it. Картофельные чипсы вредны для твоего здоровья. Potato chips are not good for you. Potato chips are harmful to your health. Я досить добре знаю Тома. I know Tom quite well. I know Tom pretty well. Я многому научился у Тома. I learned a lot from Tom. I learned a lot from Tom. Вам падабаецца гэтая кватэра? Do you like the apartment? Do you like this apartment? Том взагалі не агресивний. Tom isn't aggressive at all. Tom's not aggressive at all. Я яшчэ звяжуся з Вамі па гэтым пытанні. I will get in touch with you again about this matter. I'll still contact you on this matter. Я нашёл ответ. I've found the answer. I found the answer. Він побачив її та зачервонівся. He saw her and blushed. He saw her and became red. Самі маўчаў. Sami was quiet. He was silent himself. Ви насправді не хотіли цього зробити, чи не так? You didn't actually want to do that, did you? You didn't really want to do that, did you? Том — влогер. Tom is a vlogger. Tom is a layman. Ён мяне не зразумеў. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. Побудьте немного. Stay a while. Stay a little. Ви колись збираєтеся вставати? Aren't you ever going to get up? Are you ever going to get up? Колькі разоў на дзень ты глядзішся ў люстра? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times a day do you look in a mirror? Том согласился бы это сделать. Tom would agree to do that. Tom would have agreed to do it. Месяц нікому не належыць. Nobody owns the moon. The moon doesn't belong to anyone. Я не хачу рабіць за яго ягоную працу. I don't want to do his work for him. I don't want to do his job. Я помираю, так хочу їх побачити. I'm dying to see them. I'm dying, so I want to see them. Є щось, що ти б хотів купити? Is there something you want to buy? Is there anything you'd like to buy? Експерти не переконані. Experts aren't convinced. Experts are not convinced. Том сказал мне, что Вы женаты. Tom told me you were married. Tom told me you were married. Я відчуваю лютий біль. I'm in pain here. I feel intense pain. Самі щось про це знає. Sami knows something about that. He knows something about it himself. Том вирішив піти рано. Tom decided to leave early. Tom decided to leave early. Вы заслужили это. You deserved it. You deserve it. Мая думка падобная да вашай. My opinion is similar to yours. My thought is similar to yours. Він ще у вас? Do you still have it? Do you still have it? Мені було страшно. I was afraid. I was scared. Том піў. Tom was drinking. Tom drank. Тому уже не надо этого делать. Tom no longer has to do that. So you don't have to do that anymore. Ты был честным политиком. You were an honest politician. You were an honest politician. В прошлый понедельник я увидела вас с Томом. I saw you with Tom last Monday. Last Monday, I saw you and Tom. Ти мене підвела. You've let me down. You let me down. Зима минѫла. Winter is gone. The winter of the minas is mea. Я на сьогодні все. I'm done for tonight. I'm done for today. Он уставился на неё. He fixed his eyes on her. He stood on her. Куди вони пішли? Where did they go? Where did they go? Я обожнюю ходити у кіно. I love to go to the movies. I love going to the movies. Я завжди приходжу додому приблизно о шостій. I always get home at about 6:00. I always come home about six o'clock. Я не думаю, що це було мудрим рішенням. I don't think that was a wise decision. I don't think that was a wise decision. Я з’еў картапляных чыпсаў. I ate some potato chips. I ate the potato chips. Даруйце, Вы можаце сказаць гэта яшчэ раз? I'm sorry, could you repeat that please? Gift me, Can you say it again? Життя його не балувало. He was not spoiled by life. His life didn't hurt him. Пожалуйста, ты не мог бы говорить погромче? Could you please speak a little louder? Please, couldn't you talk louder? Я його не бачив близько трьох років. I haven't seen him for about three years. I haven't seen him for about three years. Гарвард було засновано у 1636 році. Harvard was founded in 1636. Harvard was established in 1636. Это была ложь? Was that a lie? Was that a lie? Гэта надта дорага! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Я расскажу Тому, что ты так сказал. I'll tell Tom you said so. I'll tell him what you said. Это электроприбор. This is an electrical appliance. It's an electrical device. Обезьяна залезла на дерево. The monkey climbed up a tree. A monkey climbs a tree. Насколько хорошо ты их знаешь? How well do you know them? How well do you know them? Вам нужны ключи? You need the keys? Do you want the keys? Як ти думаєш, війна розпочнеться? Do you believe war will start? Do you think war will begin? Хто ця дівчина? Who is the girl? Who's that girl? Хубілай заснаваў дынастыю Юань у 1271 годзе. Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271. Hubillai founded the Yuan Dynasty in 1271. Я би порадив тобі не їсти м'яса. I'd advise you to not eat that. I'd advise you not to eat meat. Она попробовала поехать на велосипеде. She made an attempt to ride a bicycle. She tried to ride a bicycle. Доброго дня, як справи? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Я люблю вивчати мови. I like learning languages. I love learning languages. Як ты думаеш, я змагу калісьці гаварыць як носьбітка мовы? Do you think it's possible for me to ever sound like a native speaker? How do you think I could once speak like a medium of language? Вчора я зустрів на вулиці Мері. Yesterday I met Mary on the street. I met in Mary's street yesterday. Том вже скоро йде. Tom is about to go. Tom's coming soon. Ты свинья? Are you a pig? Are you a pig? Вам придётся поговорить об этом со служащим. You'll have to speak to the clerk about that. You'll have to talk to the employee about this. Що написано у вас на сорочці? What does your shirt say? What's on your shirt? Пойди поговори с Томом. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Я здаюся знервованим? Do I look nervous? Do I seem nervous? Потім автобус виїхав з міста та поїхав по сільській дорозі. Then the bus left the town and drove along a country road. Then the bus left town and drove on the rural road. Голод для него был абстрактным понятием; у него всегда было достаточно еды. For him, hunger was an abstract concept. He had always had enough food. His hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough food. Ти найважливіша людина в моєму житті. You're the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Я хочу, чтобы ты поехала. I want you to go. I want you to go. Гэта не Том. That is not Tom. It's not Tom. Ти не знаєш, чи Том говорить французькою? Do you know if Tom can speak French? You don't know if Tom speaks French? Я навчився доїти корову. I learned to milk a cow. I learned how to eat a cow. Колькі год вы ўжо гуляеце ў гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How long have you been playing golf already? Я думала, ти казав, що ти єдина дитина в родині. I thought that you said that you were an only child. I thought you said you were the only child in the family. У тебя бирка торчит. Your tag is sticking out. You're stuck with a bull. Майже всі мови мають діалекти. Almost all languages have dialects. Almost all languages have dialects. Я всё ещё жду. I'm still waiting. I'm still waiting. Я їх пам'ятаю. I remember them. I remember them. Гэта дом, у якім паэтэса правяла сваё дзяцінства. This is the house in which the poet lived in his childhood. This is the house where the poet spent his childhood. Том сказал мне, что Мэри не захочет идти. Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to go. Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to go. Хіба не було б чудово, якби Том це зробив? Wouldn't it be nice if Tom did that? Wouldn't it be great if Tom did that? Нѣсмь голодьна. I'm not hungry. It's hungry. Том чем-то очень расстроен. Tom's very upset about something. Tom's really upset about something. Том с неохотой дал Мэри деньги, которые она у него просила. Tom reluctantly gave Mary the money she asked for. Tom reluctantly gave Mary the money she asked for. Боже мой, что вы натворили? Oh my God, what have you done? Oh, my God, what did you do? Я бы хотела помочь Тому утвердить это. I'd like to help Tom prove it. I'd like to help Tom confirm that. Дитина лежить на ліжку. The kid is in bed. The child's lying on the bed. Они не сделали того, что хотели. They didn't do what they wanted to do. They didn't do what they wanted. Том приймає ліки. Tom is on medication. Tom's taking the medication. Наступного місяця мені виповнюється шістнадцять. I'll be sixteen years old next month. The next month, I get sixteen. Це є в будь-якому словнику. This can be found in any dictionary. It's in any dictionary. Французы п’юць віно. The French drink wine. The French drink wine. Он её управляющий. He's her manager. He's the manager of hers. Том хочет видеть нас. Tom wants to see us. Tom wants to see us. В Україні є тисячі пастафаріанців. There are thousands of Pastafarians in Ukraine. There are thousands of Californians in Ukraine. Ми з Томом обидва втомилися. Tom and I are both tired. Tom and I are both tired. Кагосьці не хапае. Someone's missing. There's something missing. Я забула номер свого замовлення. I forgot my order number. I forgot my order number. Сами потерял свои очки в бассейне. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. You lost your glasses in the pool. Все, що в мене є, — це книжки. All I have is books. All I have is books. Одна из лун Юпитера, Ганимед, больше, чем планета Меркурий. One of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede, is larger than the planet Mercury. One of Jupiter's moons, Ganimede, is more than Mercury's planet. Том — впертий хлопчина. Tom is a stubborn guy. Tom is a stubborn boy. Вернусь поздно. I'll be back late. I'll be back late. Ісус — паразит. Jesus is a pest. Jesus is a parasite. Том и Мэри не согласны с тобой. Tom and Mary don't agree with you. Tom and Mary don't agree with you. Она сказала, что не знает правил. She said she didn't know the rules. She said she didn't know the rules. Я не можу розраховувати на Тома. I can't count on Tom. I can't count on Tom. Я делаю успехи. I'm making progress. I'm making progress. Дан був атакований двома невідомими. Dan was assaulted by two people. Dan was attacked by two unknowns. Том купил Мэри кольцо. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Я никогда не удовлетворён. I'm never satisfied. I'm never satisfied. Поліція продовжила своє розслідування. Police continued their investigation. The police continued their investigation. Том та Мері помітили Джона одночасно. Tom and Mary both noticed John at the same time. Tom and Mary noticed John at the same time. Любить хлѣбъ и масло. He likes bread and butter. Love blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah b Том любить хокей. Tom loves hockey. Tom loves hockey. Вас до телефону. You are wanted on the phone. You're on the phone. Дай мне скончыць. Let me finish. Let me finish. Я звикла до того, що батьки мене ігнорують. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. Том — герой Мері. Tom is Mary's hero. Tom is Mary's hero. Я проста дівчина. I'm a simple girl. I'm just a girl. Том кермує. Tom is driving. Tom's driving. Мэри считает, что она самая умная. Mary thinks she's smarter than everyone else. Mary thinks she's the smartest person. Дозволь Тому тобі допомогти. Let Tom help you. Let him help you. Мені здається, це добрий агрумент. I feel this is a good point. I think it's a good excuse. Математика складна. Math is hard. Math is complicated. Фіранка загарэлася. The curtain caught fire. Fyranco is on fire. У мене все болить. I'm sore all over. I'm in pain. Том обійняв свого батька. Tom embraced his father. Tom hugged his father. Йому байдуже, що кажуть інші. He is indifferent to what others say. He doesn't care what others say. У тебе дуже розчарований вигляд. You look very disappointed. You look very disappointed. Я сапраўды яе любіў. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Я б лепей была птушкай, ніж рыбай. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. Ці быў ты ўчора вечарам дома? Were you home last night? Have you been home yesterday evening? Том сказал мне, что он будет один. Tom told me that he'd be alone. Tom told me he'd be alone. Коли ви займаєтеся? When do you study? When do you do? Я тоўсты. I'm fat. I'm thick. У меня сильная зубная боль. I have a bad toothache. I have severe toothache. Том консультант. Tom is a consultant. Tom is a consultant. Я не знал, что ты здесь. I didn't know you were here. I didn't know you were here. Вона мене повністю ігнорує. She's totally ignoring me. She completely ignores me. Не думаю, що Том знає, коли Мері приїхала до Австралії. I don't think Tom knows when Mary came to Australia. I don't think Tom knows when Mary came to Australia. Как поживаете? How's life? How you doing? Это Джоанна. This is Joanna. It's Joanna. Пол - дресирувальник дельфінів. Paul is a dolphin trainer. Half is a dolphin trainer. Я думаю, она хорошая танцовщица. I think she is a good dancer. I think she's a good dancer. Каровы ядуць траву. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. Має бути якась логіка. There must be a pattern. There must be some logic. Сколько домов на твоей улице? How many houses are there on your street? How many houses on your street? Мы сделаем это, как будет время. We'll do it when we have time. We'll do it as time goes on. Я бачив її на сходах. I saw her on the stairs. I saw her on the stairs. Не имею ни малейшего понятия. I haven't got the slightest idea. I have no idea. Я чую музику фургона продавця морозива. I hear the music from the ice cream truck. I hear the music of the ice cream salesman's van. Возик у дитячій кімнаті. The stroller is in the baby's room. It's in the baby room. Том любить грецький йогурт. Tom likes Greek yogurt. Tom loves Greek yogurt. Здається, що у Тома та Мері все в порядку. Tom and Mary seem fine. I think Tom and Mary are all right. Том извинился перед слушателями. Tom apologized to the audience. Tom apologized to the audience. Хтось розумний, хтось ні. Some are wise, some are otherwise. Someone smart, someone's not. Ми не можемо обійтись без води. We cannot do without water. We can't do without water. Уніцикл має одне колесо. A unicycle has one wheel. The unicycle has one wheel. Том хочет пойти на пляж. Tom wants to go to the beach. Tom wants to go to the beach. Він боїться літати літаком. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He's afraid of flying. Том часто играет на гитаре. Tom often plays the guitar. Tom often plays guitar. Только благодаря тебе я ещё жив. I owe it to you that I am still alive. I'm still alive because of you. Он говорит, что не планирует ехать. He says he's not planning to go. He says he's not planning to go. У нас один и тот же стоматолог. We have the same dentist. We have the same dentist. Я уже читал эту книгу. I have read this book before. I've already read this book. Я скажу Тому, чтобы он связался с Мэри. I'll tell Tom to contact Mary. I'll tell him to contact Mary. Новы тунэль злучыць Брытанію і Францыю. The new tunnel will link Britain and France. New tunnel connecting Britain and France. Я не думаю, що я залишуся до закінчення концерту. I don't think I'll stay until the end of the concert. I don't think I'll stay until the concert is over. Я не знаю, что вы ищете. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Том сказав мені, що почекає та подивиться. Tom told me he'd wait and see. Tom told me he'd wait and see. Том не активний. Tom isn't active. Tom's not active. Мне жаль, что я испортил твою вечеринку. I'm sorry I ruined your party. I'm sorry I ruined your party. Будь ласка, ще не йди. Please don't leave yet. Please don't leave. Ребёнок проснулся среди ночи. The baby woke up in the middle of the night. The baby woke up in the middle of the night. Є тут хтось? Anybody here? Anyone here? Я знаю, кто это был. I know who it was. I know who it was. У Тома непогано вийшло. Tom did pretty well. Tom's pretty good. Семі і Лейла зробили це таємно. Sami and Layla did that in secret. Seven and Leila did it in secret. Том добре грає у волейбол. Tom is a good volleyball player. Tom plays volleyball well. Він любить апельсини? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? Тоні говорить англійською так само добре, як і ти. Tony speaks English as well as you. Tony speaks English just as well as you do. Том никогда не шутит. Tom never jokes. Tom never jokes. Самолёт вошёл в штопор. The airplane went into a spin. The plane entered the crowd. Він дуже напився. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Він відомий композитор. He is a famous composer. He's a famous composer. Разве ты не помнишь, как я рассказывал тебе всё это? Don't you remember me telling you all this? Don't you remember me telling you all this? Я не боюся твого собаки. I'm not afraid of your dog. I'm not afraid of your dog. Вы хорошо провели выходные? Did you have a nice weekend? Did you have a good weekend? Кожен учень має шкафчик. Each student has a locker. Every student has a locker. Том как-то загадочно себя ведёт. Somehow, Tom's behavior is mysterious. Tom's kind of mysterious about himself. Проблема — це ви. You're the problem. The problem is you. Мы скоро должны быть дома. We should be home soon. We should be home soon. Он боится кошек. He's afraid of cats. He's afraid of cats. Я це ненавиджу! I hate that! I hate that! Все, що тобі треба зробити, — це натиснути на червону кнопку. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is click on the red button. Не обвиняйте правительство. Don't blame the government. Don't blame the government. Трымайце грошы ў бяспечным месцы. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep money in a safe place. Вам пощастило мати таку добру роботу. You're lucky to have such a good job. You're lucky to have such a good job. Это мы сделать можем. This we can do. We can do that. Дуже прошу, не злися. I'm begging you, don't be mad. Please don't be mad. Це її книжка? Is it her book? Is this her book? Морковь полезна для зрения. Carrots are good for the eyesight. Carrots are good for eyes. Никто не понимает тебя так, как я. No one understands you like I do. Nobody understands you the way I do. Том зараз набагато старший. Tom is a lot older now. Tom's a lot older now. Моя мама читает журнал. My mother is reading a magazine. My mother reads the magazine. Марійка чудово танцює. Mary can dance well. Mariak dances beautifully. Том сказав мені, що він вважає Мері потворною. Tom told me that he thought Mary was ugly. Tom told me he thought Mary was ugly. Він новозверений католик. He is a recent convert to Catholicism. He's a new-found Catholic. Залишайся з Томом у цій кімнаті. Stay with Tom in this room. Stay with Tom in this room. Я не прыйду раней за палову на трэцюю. I won't come before 2:30. I will not come before half a third. Вчера в Индии произошло большое землетрясение. A big earthquake occurred in India yesterday. Yesterday, there was a major earthquake in India. У Тома было непростое детство. Tom did not have an easy childhood. Tom had a hard childhood. Я наконец устроился на работу. I finally got a job. I finally got to work. Я поміряла капелюх. I tried on the hat. I measured my hat. Я думаю, ви теж можете це зробити. I suppose you can do that, too. I think you can do that, too. Самі любіць клубніцы. Sami likes garden strawberries. I like the tubers myself. На цій фабриці роблять іграшки. They make toys at this factory. Toys are made at this factory. Все ящерицы могут откладывать яйца. All lizards can lay eggs. All lizards can lay eggs. Я собираюсь выкупать собаку. I'm going to give the dog a bath. I'm gonna buy a dog out. Діти граються кубиками. Children play with blocks. Children play cubes. Навошта ты робіш гэта? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Гэта найлепшае з таго, што можна купіць за грошы. This is the best money can buy. This is the best of what you can buy for money. Какое твоё любимое свободное приложение? What's your favorite free software application? What's your favorite free app? Він ставиться байдуже до морозива. He does not care for ice cream. He doesn't care about ice cream. Где был твой сын? Where was your son? Where was your son? Том говорит, что должен Мэри много денег. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Том пришёл домой около полуночи. Tom got home around midnight. Tom came home about midnight. Существует много людей, которые думают, что невозможно не запутаться в языках. There are many people who think that it’s impossible not to mix up languages. There are many people who think that languages cannot be confused. Наступного дня болі повернулись. The following day the pain returned. The next day the pains returned. Ви будете зі мною. You'll be with me. You'll be with me. Она всё время тебе врёт. He lies to you all the time. She's been lying to you all the time. Это башня. This is a tower. It's a tower. Том у сонцезахисних окулярах. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom's in sunglasses. Я хочу, чтобы ты помогла мне с моим домашним заданием. I want you to help me with my homework. I want you to help me with my homework. Характер у него выровнялся. His character evened out. He was fine-tuning. Том сказав, що Мері спантеличена. Tom said that Mary was confused. Tom said Mary was confused. Дзе начальніца? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Це не обов'язково так. That is not necessarily so. That's not necessarily the case. Будь ласка, покажіть мені, як це робиться. Please show me how to do that. Please show me how this is done. Я знаю, сколько Вам лет. I know how old you are. I know how old you are. Том логічний. Tom is logical. Tom's logical. Наиболее известной золотой лихорадкой является Калифорнийская золотая лихорадка, начавшаяся в 1848 году. The most famous gold rush was the California Gold Rush that began in 1848. The most famous gold fever was the California gold fever that began in 1848. Мы с Томом удивились. Tom and I were surprised. Tom and I were amazed. Я перепрошую, але я не зможу з тобою повечеряти. Sorry, but I can't have dinner with you tonight. I'm sorry, but I can't have dinner with you. У вас є копія того звіту? Do you have a copy of that report? Do you have a copy of that report? Вона продовжила працювати. She kept working. She kept working. Моя ручка новая. My pen is new. My pen is new. Если я расскажу всё как есть, меня прикончат. If I tell the truth, I'll be killed. If I tell you how it is, I'll be finished. Том обнаружил дверь Мэри приоткрытой. Tom found Mary's door partly open. Tom found Mary's door open. Том не сдаст зачёт. Tom won't pass the test. Tom won't pay the bill. Ідзі сюды! Come here! Come here! Ты посадила тыквы в этом году? Did you plant pumpkins this year? Did you put tucks in this year? Цім дітям потрібна наша допомога. Those kids need our help. These children need our help. У яго ёсць яшчэ адзін сын. He has another son. He has another son. Ви чий друг? Whose friend are you? Are you whose friend? Я хочу вивчати французьку. I want to study French. I want to study French. Я договорился с Томом выпить после работы. I agreed to have a drink with Tom after work. I made a deal with Tom after work. Я видел твою сестру позавчера. I saw your sister the day before yesterday. I saw your sister last night. Это предложение очень просто перевести. This sentence is very easy to translate. This proposal is very easy to translate. Тебе давно надо было бросить курить. I should've quit smoking a long time ago. You had to quit for a long time. Ты такой самодовольный. You're so stuck up. You're so self-satisfied. Вы ещё не вернули те книги? Haven't you returned those books yet? You haven't returned those books yet? Хіба ти не прийдеш завтра? Aren't you going to come tomorrow? Aren't you coming tomorrow? Сколько ещё вина покупать? How much more wine should I buy? How much more wine to buy? Бегите, цыплята! Scatter, you chickens! Run, chicken! Я трохи запізнився. I was a bit late. I'm a little late. Он достаточно взрослый, чтобы путешествовать одному. He is old enough to travel alone. He's old enough to travel alone. Я зв'язався з нею. I contacted her. I got in touch with her. Ми закінчили? Are we finished? Are we done? Я розводжу худобу. I raise cattle. I'm breeding livestock. Ти мало не померла. You almost died. You almost died. Ви могли би провести відпустку в Австралії. You could spend your vacation in Australia. You could have a vacation in Australia. Гэтага не здарыцца. That won't happen. This will not happen. Двое докторов говорили о делах и своей работе. Two doctors were talking shop. Two doctors talked about things and their work. Том і Мэры – усяго толькі дзеці. Tom and Mary are just children. Tom and Mary are only children. Президент республіки обирається народом. The president of the republic is chosen by the people. The president of the Republic is elected by the people. Хто вам це купив? Who bought you this? Who bought it for you? Я хочу, щоб ти щось поїв. I want you to eat something. I want you to eat something. Мне нравится, как ты одеваешься. I love the way you dress. I like the way you dress. Куришь? Do you smoke? You smoke? Можливо, він бреше. It is possible that he is telling a lie. Maybe he's lying. К моему удивлению, он не сдал зачёт. To my surprise he failed the test. To my surprise, he didn't pass the bill. Паркан потрібно пофарбувати. The fence needs to be painted. The fence needs to be painted. Это голос Тома. That's Tom's voice. That's Tom's voice. Тут немає нікого крім мене. There's no one but me here. There's no one here except me. Том пообещал съездить с нами в Бостон. Tom has promised to go to Boston with us. Tom promised to come to Boston with us. Ён ёй падабаецца. She likes him. He likes her. Ты видишь звезду? Do you see the star? Do you see the star? Де мої яйця? Where are my balls? Where are my eggs? Тоні його зламав. Tony broke it. Tony broke it. Ён глядзіць на свет праз ружовыя акуляры. He sees the world through rose tinted glasses. He looks at the world through pink glasses. У Джейн були дуже нудні вихідні. Jane had a very boring weekend. Jane had a very boring weekend. В комнате было так темно, что мне пришлось пробираться ощупью. It was so dark I had to feel my way around the room. It was so dark in the room that I had to walk through the touch. Гэта не важна. This is not important. This is not important. Лектарка папрасіла слухачоў не размаўляць. The speaker requested that the audience remain silent. The doctor asked the listeners not to talk. Некоторые мои одноклассники полные нубы, они ничего не знают о компьютерах. Some of my classmates are pure noobs; they know nothing about computing sciences. Some of my classmates are full of nubes, and they don't know anything about computers. Том цього не зробить. Tom is not going to do it. Tom won't do it. Мы не умеем ими пользоваться. We don't know how to use them. We can't use them. Тому следовало бы лежать в постели. Tom ought to stay in bed. That's why you should be in bed. Вона лише дитина. She's only a child. She's just a child. Перепрошую, я вас не впізнала. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Sorry, I didn't recognize you. Что она купила в том магазине? What did she buy at that store? What did she buy at that store? Я випив кави. I drank coffee. I drank coffee. Хіба ви ще не втомилися від мене? Aren't you sick of me yet? Aren't you tired of me yet? Мы должны встать на рассвете. We must get up at dawn. We must rise at dawn. Ти ладний чоловік. You're a handsome man. You're a good man. У мене болить горло. I have a sore throat. My throat hurts. Твой абутак тут. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Ти не зобов'язаний відповідати на це запитання. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Том спросил Мэри об аварии, в которую она попала в 5 лет. Tom asked Mary about the traffic accident she was involved in when she was five years old. Tom asked Mary about the accident she had been in when she was five. Думаю, он делает вид. I think he's faking. I think he looks like that. Я хочу знать, кто его начал. I want to know who started it. I want to know who started it. Я прийшла сюди пограти в теніс. I came here to play tennis. I came here to play tennis. Ми такі раді. We are so happy. We're so happy. Меня не волнует, нравится тебе твоя тётя Мэри или нет. Тебе просто придётся улыбаться и терпеть её присутствие здесь. I don't care if you don't like your Aunt Mary. You'll just have to grin and bear it while she's here. I don't care if you like your aunt Mary or not. Единственный способ узнать, что случилось, - спросить Тома. The only way to find out what happened is to ask Tom. The only way to know what happened was to ask Tom. Я працюю в Бостоні. I'm working in Boston. I work in Boston. Я провалился на экзамене. I failed the exam. I failed the exam. Ти йдеш додому? Are you going home? Are you going home? Мьнить ми сѧ оже єспєранъто сє тѧжькыи ѩзыкъ. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. We've got c's here. We're here now. Все её любили. Everybody loved her. Everybody loved her. Разрежьте мясо ножом. Cut the meat with a knife. Cut the meat with a knife. Вона червона. It's red. It's red. Выбачайце, мне трэба ісці. Sorry, I've got to go. Sorry, I need to go. Ваш номер готов. Your room's ready. Your number's ready. Настав час тобі одружитися. It is time you got married. It's time for you to get married. Ты едзеш у школу на аўтобусе? Do you go to school by bus? Are you going to school on a bus? У Тома є фортепіано. Tom has a piano. Tom has a piano. Надо было мне перед Томом извиниться. I should've apologized to Tom. I should've apologized to Tom. Мне так три часа назад сказали. That's what I was told three hours ago. They told me three hours ago. Кому принадлежит это имущество? Who owns this property? Who owns this property? Я счастлива, что ты здесь. I'm happy you're here. I'm happy you're here. Я не допоміг Тому. I didn't help Tom. I didn't help Tom. С Божьей помощью... God willing... With God's help... Ты мне никогда особенно не нравился. I never really liked you. I never really liked you. Я люблю складні задачі. I like challenges. I love complex tasks. Мэри носила сапоги до колена. Mary wore knee-high boots. Mary carried her boots to her knee. Нам патрэбныя скончаныя сказы. We want complete sentences. We need finished sentences. Сьогодні вдень я вільна. I'm free this afternoon. I'm free tonight. Я приніс вам цукерок. I brought some candy for you. I brought you some candy. Я вдруг понял, что происходит. I suddenly realized what was happening. I suddenly realized what was going on. Ты уверен, что знаешь, что Тому надо делать? Are you sure you know what Tom has to do? Are you sure you know what Tom should do? Хтось відчинив вікно. Someone opened the window. Someone opened the window. В мене немає грошей. I've got no money. I don't have any money. Я всё время смотрю телевизор. I watch TV all the time. I watch TV all the time. Строго говоря, помидор - это не овощ, это фрукт. Strictly speaking, the tomato is not a vegetable. It's a fruit. Strictly speaking, tomatoes are not vegetables, it's fruit. «Если позволишь мне, бабушка, я хотела бы задать три кое-каких вопроса». — «Ладно, — сказала старая ведьма, — но только помни, что всякий вопрос до добра не доводит. Много будешь знать — скоро состаришься. Так что ты хочешь спросить?» "If thou wilt allow me, grandmother, I wish to ask thee some questions." "Well," said the old witch, "only remember that every question does not lead to good. If thou knowest overmuch, thou wilt grow old too soon. What wilt thou ask?" “If you let me have it, Grandma, I would like to ask three questions.” “All right,” said the old witch, “but just remember that every question doesn’t bring good. Я пойду с ней. I'll go with her. I'll go with her. Ты когда-нибудь был солдатом? Have you ever been a soldier? Have you ever been a soldier? Том такий щасливчик. Tom is so lucky. Tom's so lucky. Хіба ви не будете їсти свій рол? Aren't you going to eat your roll? Aren't you going to eat your roll? Допоможи мені. Give me a hand. Help me. Хіба це не очевидно, хто її взяв? Isn't it obvious who took it? Is it not obvious who took it? Том знав, що Мері не зайнята. Tom knew Mary wasn't busy. Tom knew Mary was not busy. У вас есть дом? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Має бути якась система. There must be a pattern. There must be a system. Если бы у нас было время! I wish we had time. If only we had time! Як часто ти цим займаєшся? How often do you do that? How often do you do that? Он занял для меня место. He kept a seat for me. He took my place. Можете написать это хираганой, пожалуйста? Can you write that in hiragana please? Can you write it in hilarious, please? Я был настолько глуп, что поверил в это. I was stupid enough to believe it. I was so stupid that I believed it. Том повісив сумку собі на плече. Tom slung his bag over his shoulder. Tom put his bag on his shoulder. Здається, ти не дуже задоволений. You don't seem very satisfied. I don't think you're very pleased. Том неудержим. Tom is exuberant. Tom's out of control. Мы провели отпуск на озере. We had our vacation at the lake. We spent our vacation on the lake. "Благослови вас бог". — "Я атеистка". "God bless you." "I'm an atheist." "Bless you God." "I am an atheist." Первым в списке стоит имя Тома. The first name on the list is Tom. The first one on the list is Tom. Зустріч розпочалася о п'ятій дня. The meeting began at five in the afternoon. The meeting began at 5 p.m. У яе ёсць кніга. She has a book. She has a book. Я люблю перемогати. I like winning. I love winning. Я зразумеў. I understood. I get it. Я едва успел сесть на поезд. I barely managed to catch the train. I barely got on the train. Що ти повинен робити сьогодні? What do you have to do today? What are you supposed to do today? Твои сыновья довольно симпатичные. Your sons are quite handsome. Your sons are pretty. Нам следует узнать друг друга получше. We should get to know each other a little better. We should get to know each other better. Яны згубілі ўзор ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They lost their DNA pattern. Мальчик застенчив и неразговорчив. The boy is bashful and doesn't talk much. The boy's confused and confused. Ти зупинишся. You will stop. You'll stop. Животные - наши друзья. Animals are our friends. Animals are our friends. Этой осенью она выходит замуж. She is getting married this fall. In the fall, she's getting married. Том каже, що він очікує, що Мері це зробить. Tom says he expects Mary to do that. Tom says he's expecting Mary to do it. Том извинился бы перед Мэри, если бы считал, что это важно. Tom would have apologized to Mary if he'd thought it was important. Tom would have apologized to Mary if he thought it was important. Машина Тома — єдина на парковці. Tom's car is the only one in the parking lot. Tom's only in the parking lot. Что Том думает о твоей музыке? What does Tom think of your music? What does Tom think about your music? Чи є яка-небудь ймовірність, що містер Блек згодиться на цей проект. Is there any likelihood that Mr Black will agree to the plan? Is there any possibility that Mr. Black will agree on this project? Я вивчаю в'єтнамську мову. I am learning Vietnamese. I study Vietnamese. Ён толькі што выйшаў з майстэрні. He left the office just now. He just came out of the workshop. Я можу зрозуміти твій гнів. I can understand your anger. I can understand your anger. Вы ведь любите джаз? You like jazz, don't you? You like jazz, don't you? Ти бачиш Тома? Can you see Tom? Do you see Tom? Из чего он был сделан? What was it made of? What was he made of? Я молюся за тебе. I'm praying for you. I pray for you. Я думаю, что не может быть никакой другой причины, кроме этой. I think it can be no other reason but that. I think there can be no other reason than that. Том придвинулся к Мэри. Tom moved close to Mary. Tom made it to Mary. Я не могу поверить, что я всё-таки сделал это. I can't believe I finally did it. I can't believe I did it. Держите рядом ведро с водой. Keep a bucket of water nearby. Hold the bucket next to the water. HTTP 2 толькі дадае новы ўзровень складнасці, не вырашаючы ніякіх сапраўды важных праблем. HTTP 2 just adds a new layer of complexity without solving any real-world problems. HTTP 2 only adds a new level of complexity without solving any really important problems. Не треба зв'язуватися з Томом. You shouldn't mess with Tom. Don't get in touch with Tom. Мы оба любим морепродукты. We both like seafood. We both like seafood. Його хтось знає? Does anybody know him? Does anyone know him? Вы беременны. You are pregnant. You're pregnant. Если это звучит слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой, вероятно, это неправда. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. If that sounds too good to be true, it's probably not true. Ти зупинила Тома? Did you stop Tom? Did you stop Tom? Мне нужно было убедиться, что он сюда придёт. I needed to be sure he'd come here. I had to make sure he was coming here. Они не так уж плохи. They're not so bad. They're not so bad. Думаете, Том согласится с нами встретиться? Do you think that Tom will agree to see us? Do you think Tom would agree to meet us? Я родился в Финляндии. I was born in Finland. I was born in Finland. Том просто дуркує. Tom's just larking about. Tom's just kidding. Том мухлюет. Tom cheats. Tom flies. Это недорого. It's not expensive. It's inexpensive. Все, что ты говоришь, совершенно правильно. All that you say is perfectly correct. Everything you say is perfectly right. София - это столица Болгарии. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Яблуко червене и жовте. The apple is red and yellow. Apple is red and yellow. "Вы не возражаете, если я закурю?" - "Нет, нисколько". "Do you mind if I smoke?" "No, I don't mind at all." "Do you mind if I smoke?" "No, not at all." Мы пошлём им открытку. We'll send them a card. We'll send them a card. Том не мог понять, почему никто другой не хочет идти во зверинец. Tom couldn't understand why no one else wanted to go to the zoo. Tom couldn't understand why no one else wanted to go to the beast. Ну и мерзавец! What a heel! Oh, fucker! Том любит апельсины. Tom likes oranges. Tom likes oranges. Я почуваюся дуже хворим. I feel very sick. I feel very sick. Это большой шаг вперёд. This is a big step forward. That's a big step forward. Я провёл выходные с друзьями. I spent the weekend with friends. I spent the weekend with my friends. Я надзвичайно неприємний. I am extremely unpleasant. I'm extremely unpleasant. Ми не бажаємо Тому зла. We mean Tom no harm. We do not desire evil on the part of him. Я расскажу тебе один секрет. I'm going to tell you a secret. I'll tell you a secret. Капитан приказал своим людям стрелять. The captain ordered his men to fire. The captain ordered his men to shoot. Скажи ей, чтобы ехала домой. Tell her to go home. Tell her to go home. Во сколько вы сегодня утром проснулись? What time did you wake up this morning? What time did you wake up this morning? Все те люди ждут Тома? Are all those people waiting for Tom? All those people are waiting for Tom? Скільки це коштуватиме? What'll that cost? How much is that going to cost? Роботу вже закінчено? Is the work completed? Is the job over? Мені болить голова. I have a headache. My head hurts. Я не влюблён в Мэри. I'm not in love with Mary. I'm not in love with Mary. Што іх забіла? What killed them? What killed them? Это меня очень расстраивает. That makes me really sad. It really upsets me. Как мне объяснить своему мужу, что он меня оскорбляет? How can I explain to my husband that he's hurting me? How do I explain to my husband that he insults me? У Тома много увлечений. Tom has many hobbies. Tom has a lot to do with it. Она взяла меня под своё крыло. She took me under her wing. She took me under her wing. Том подвёл как меня, так и Мэри. Tom let me down and he also let Mary down. Tom led both me and Mary. Том закричал и выбежал из комнаты. Tom screamed and ran out of the room. Tom yelled and ran out of the room. Я викликала Тому таксі. I called Tom a taxi. I called a taxi to Tom. Я з’їв червоні яблука. I ate the red apples. I ate red apples. Том сказав, що не думає, що Мері насправді подобається робити це самій. Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary really enjoys doing that by herself. Tom said he didn't think Mary really liked to do it herself. Прабачыце, якая гадзіна? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what hour? Это благодаря вам. It's thanks to you. Thanks to you. Він швидко розмовляє. He talks fast. He talks quickly. Том решил купить подержанный автомобиль вместо нового. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Її будинок у передмісті. Her home is in the suburbs. Her house is in the suburbs. Я не хочу тебя пугать. I don't want to scare you. I don't want to scare you. Зараз я міг би померти від щастя. Right now I could die of happiness. Now I could die of happiness. Будь ласка, не чіпай ці книжки. Please don't touch those books. Please don't touch those books. Ти мене дуже порадував. You made my day. You've given me a lot of advice. Почему Вы всё время носите эту шляпу? Why do you always wear that hat? Why are you wearing this hat all the time? Когда ты спросил её? When did you ask her? When did you ask her? Я не згодны з табой. I don't agree with you. I disagree with you. Так, я жив там багато років. Yes, I lived there for many years. Yes, I have lived there for years. Я вдвічі старша від тебе. I'm twice as old as you are. I'm twice your age. Не жди меня к ужину. Don't wait for me for dinner. Don't wait for dinner. На твоєму місці я би такого не робив. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Ты ведаеш адказ? You know the answer? Do you know the answer? Я колись працював у супермаркеті. I used to work in a supermarket. I used to work at the supermarket. Том сказав Мері, що вона йому подобається. Tom told Mary he liked her. Tom told Mary he liked her. Разве погода не чудесная? Isn't the weather great? Isn't the weather wonderful? Мій батько подарував мені комп'ютер. My father gave me a computer as a gift. My father gave me a computer. Том знайшов мої контактні лінзи. Tom found my contact lens. Tom found my contact lenses. Давай паспрабуем яшчэ раз. Let's give it another shot. Let's try again. Всі сміялися. Everyone laughed. Everyone laughed. Вы знали, что у Тома есть сын? Did you know Tom has a son? Did you know Tom had a son? Мені подобається говорити валійською мовою. I like to speak Welsh. I enjoy speaking Welsh. Він великий скрипаль. He's a great violinist. He's a big violinist. Меня никто не любит. No one loves me. Nobody loves me. Постарайся, чтобы это не вошло у тебя в привычку. Try not to make a habit of this. Try not to get into your habit. Встреча была назначена на вторник. The meeting was arranged for Tuesday. The meeting was scheduled for Tuesday. Кое-кто встречает меня здесь. Someone's meeting me here. Someone's seeing me here. Сѫть ли кънигъı на стольцѣ? · Сѫть. "Is there a book on the chair?" "Yes, there is." Is it a tungsten or something? Я ещё не готов это сделать. I'm not yet ready to do that. I'm not ready to do that yet. Брата у меня нет, но есть две сестры. I don't have a brother, but I have two sisters. I don't have a brother, but I have two sisters. Мы уже дома. We are already at home. We're home. Я не збирався співати цю пісню, але Том попросим мене, тому я її заспівав. I wasn't going to sing that song, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I wasn't going to sing this song, but Tom's gonna ask me, so I sang it. Їжа тут не дуже добра. The food isn't very good here. Food is not very good here. Я знаю Джона з 1976 року. I've known John since 1976. I have known John since 1976. Картина була намальована Пікасо. The picture was painted by Picasso. The painting was painted by Picasso. Том сказав, що сподівається, що ти будеш на вечірці. Tom said that he hopes you'll be at the party. Tom said he was hoping you'd be at a party. Я не хочу робити цього з Томом. I don't want to do that with Tom. I don't want to do this to Tom. Джордж на пять лет старше меня. George is five years older than I am. George's five years older than me. Том прийшов додому опівночі. Tom got home at midnight. Tom came home at midnight. Батьки забезпечують захист своїм дітям. Parents provide protection for their children. Parents provide protection for their children Ці ты ў парадку? Are you OK? Are you okay? У нас нова сусідка. We have a new neighbor. We have a new neighbor. Том тогда был женат. Tom was married at that time. Tom was married at the time. Ты ўсё яшчэ маладая. You're still young. You are still young. О них ходили странные слухи. Queer rumors about them were in the air. There were strange rumours about them. Он ест медленно. He eats slowly. He eats slowly. Собаку звати Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Яны выйшлі з пакою адзін за адным. They went out of the room, one after another. They came out of the room one at a time. Том на кухне, моет посуду. Tom is in the kitchen, washing dishes. Tom's in the kitchen, washing the dishes. Не давайте Тому прыгать на кровати. Don't let Tom jump on the bed. So don't jump on the bed. Дай мені трохи молока. Give me some milk. Give me some milk. Пробачте, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. Том, поднявшись со стула, заговорил. Tom, having risen from his chair, began to speak. Tom was talking when he got up from the chair. В моём калькуляторе сели батарейки. The batteries in my calculator are dead. There were batteries in my calculator. Тебе нравится киноа? Do you like quinoa? Do you like film? Мы обе ошибались. We were both wrong. We both made mistakes. Від Тома була користь. Tom was helpful. Tom did well. Нам нужен доброволец. We need a volunteer. We need a volunteer. Учора я купив книгу. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a book yesterday. Гараз. Вибач. Okay. Sorry. I'm sorry. Довидзеня! Good bye! Asshole! Я вас помню. I remember you. I remember you. Вони знайшли ведмежі сліди на снігу. They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found bear trails in the snow. Я лише намагаюся допомогти. I'm just trying to be helpful. I'm just trying to help. Я навестил Дэна. I visited Dan. I visited Dan. Вона має добре серце. She has a good heart. It has a good heart. Камо грѧдєши? Where are you going? Camo groceries? Я хачу эміграваць у Аўстралію. I want to emigrate to Australia. I want to emigrate to Australia. Я хочу зіграти в карти. I want to play cards. I want to play cards. Я не могу пойти в субботу. I can't go on Saturday. I can't go on Saturday. Эти для меня. These are for me. These are for me. Где здесь поблизости супермаркет? Where's there a supermarket around here? Where's the supermarket nearby? Я лучше прогуляюсь, чем буду смотреть фильм. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. I'd rather go for a walk than watch a movie. Їх звати Том та Мері. Their names are Tom and Mary. They're called Tom and Mary. Мария помешана на моде. Mary is obsessed with fashion. Maria's messed up in fashion. Вы можете отличить Тома от его брата-близнеца? Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? Can you distinguish Tom from his twin brother? Нам надо поговорить с ней. We should talk to her. We need to talk to her. Мы можем привести Тома? Can we bring Tom? Can we bring Tom? Тобі не втікти. You can't run away. You can't run. Мы не можем ей сказать. We can't tell her. We can't tell her. Я б хотіла знати, чому ви це зробили. I'd like to know why you did that. I'd like to know why you did it. Ему так нравится. That's the way he likes it. He likes it so much. Міліцыянеры ўбачылі Фадзіля ў суседнім парку. Police spotted Fadil in a nearby park. The militaries saw Fadil in a nearby park. Не смотри на это. Don't look at it. Don't look at it. Сколько это стоит? How much is it? How much is that worth? Жаль, что ты не пошёл с нами. I wish you had come with us. I wish you hadn't come with us. Том сказал мне, что не хочет переезжать в Австралию. Tom told me that he didn't want to move to Australia. Tom told me he didn't want to move to Australia. Мы с Томом должны держаться вместе. Tom and I have to stick together. Tom and I have to stay together. Можешь спеть песню. You can sing a song. You can sing a song. Ты знаешь, что мы многим ему обязаны. You know we owe him a lot. You know we owe him a lot. Сипати сіль на рану. To rub salt in someone's wounds. Get salt on the wound. Ринъ тєчєть мєжю фрѧгъı и нѣмьци. The Rhine runs between France and Germany. Rin is flowing with the meat of fr-ghi and nmitz. Хіба ты не разумееш маю праблему? Don't you understand my problem? Don't you understand my problem? Я завтра сделаю об этом доклад. I'll report on this matter tomorrow. I'll do a report tomorrow. Мы видели её. We've seen her. We saw her. Гора зелёная. The mountain is green. The mountain is green. Мэри говорит, что лучше не поедет. Mary says she'd rather not go. Mary says she's not going better. Ти її сьогодні бачив? Did you see her today? Did you see her today? Се тѧжька речь. It's a difficult language. That's a bad word. Чому ти не спиш? Why aren't you asleep? Why don't you sleep? Я чувствую себя амёбой. I feel like an amoeba. I feel like an ammo. Я уже могу открывать глаза? May I open my eyes now? Can I open my eyes? Я готовий почати. I'm ready to start. I'm ready to start. Я каждый день знакомлюсь с новыми людьми. I meet new people every day. I get to know new people every day. Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix you breakfast. I'll have you breakfast. Я был забыт. I was forgotten. I forgot. Сколько ты хочешь пончиков? How many donuts do you want? How many doughnuts do you want? Ты проверил свои расчёты? Have you checked your calculations? Did you check your calculations? Супрацьпастаўляючы мэты савецкае навукі мэтам навукі, што знаходзіцца ў руках амерыканскіх імперыялістаў, савецкія навукоўцы-біёлагі кажуць: «Біялогія — навука пра жыцце, амерыканскія ж біёлагі ператвараюць яе ў навуку пра смерць, пра тое, як лепей і хутчэй знішчыць усё жывое на зямлі». Contrasting the goals of the Soviet science with the goals of the science controlled by the Americal imperialists, Soviet biology scientists say: “Biology is a life science, but American biologists turn it into a death science, a science that deals with the better and faster destruction of all the living things on earth”. Confronting the goals of Soviet science with the purpose of science, which is in the hands of American imperialists, Soviet biologists say, "Biology is the science of life, American biologists turn it into the science of death, how better and faster it is to destroy everything alive on earth." Ён заставаўся самотным усё жыццё. He remained single all his life. He remained alone all his life. Том спустился по лестнице. Tom walked downstairs. Tom went down the stairs. Не похоже, чтобы вы были очень заняты. You don't seem very busy. It doesn't look like you're very busy. Он помолвлен с моей сестрой. He is engaged to my sister. He's engaged to my sister. Том буде хвилюватися. Tom will be worried. Tom will be worried. Пачысціце бульбу. Cut the potatoes. Clean the potatoes. Том считает, что выбрасывать продукты - это грех. Tom thinks wasting food is a sin. Tom thinks throwing food is a sin. Вчера он позволил Джону войти. He allowed John to enter yesterday. Yesterday he let John come in. Тым часам мы пілі шмат салёнай вады. In the meantime we drank a lot of salt water. Meanwhile, we drank a lot of salt water. Том напорист. Tom's pushy. Tom is dusty. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know that Tom is afraid. I know Tom's scared. Я возьму их с собой, ладно? I'll take them with me, OK? I'll take them with me, okay? Турецька літера Ğ та іспанська H потайки одружилися, й було в них багато абсолютно німих дітей. A Turkish soft G and a Spanish H eloped and had lots of completely silent children together. The Turkish letter “and Spanish H ” were secretly married, and they had many completely mute children. Ми питаємо себе чому. We wonder why. We ask ourselves why. Простите мой скудный эсперанто. Pardon my poor Esperanto. I'm sorry for my little esperantha. Вы уверены, что Том сможет это сделать? Are you sure Tom can do that? Are you sure Tom can do this? Як ви думаєте, коли Том буде тут? When do you think Tom is going to get here? What do you think when Tom gets here? Якая твая ўлюбёная жывёла? What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal? Ось і потяг. Here comes the train. There's the train. Что вам в нём нравится? What do you like about it? What do you like about him? Гэта найлепшая гітара ў магазіне. This is the best guitar in the store. This is the best guitar in the stock. Это не мой дом. This is not my home. It's not my house. Ти любиш сік? Do you like juice? Do you like juice? Самі цудоўна правёў час. Sami had a great time. It was a wonderful time itself. Я пыталась быть милой. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be nice. Жьдати имеши въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. I want you to live in the waiting room. Это моё. Отдай. That's mine. Give it back. It's mine. Це мобільний телефон. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. Він пише книги. He writes books. He writes books. Я цяпер болей упэўненая. I'm more confident now. I am now more confident. Тому будет легко выиграть. It would be easy for Tom to win. So it'll be easy to win. Батьки знову сваряться. My parents are arguing again. My parents argue again. Ми можемо це зробити цього тижня? Can we do that this week? Can we do that this week? Спросите у Тома. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Ви колись їли мексиканську їжу? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you eaten Mexican food before? Я подбаю про це. I'll take care of this. I'll take care of it. Любовь никому не повинуется. Love doesn't obey anyone. Love doesn't obey anyone. Він зараз вечеряє. Now he is eating dinner. He's having dinner now. Том може йти. Tom may leave. Tom can go. У нього гарна статура. He has a nice build. He's got a nice stoic. Начинайте каждый приём пищи с супа. Begin every meal with soup. Start each meal with soup. Яна мае рацыю. She's right. She's right. С чего вы решили, что не сможете? What makes you think you won't be able to do it? Why did you decide you couldn't? Я хотіла бути Томом. I wanted to be Tom. I wanted to be Tom. Де телефон? Where's the phone? Where's the phone? Яна мае пяць братоў. She has five brothers. She has five brothers. Том сказав, що ненавидить Мері. Tom said that he hated Mary. Tom said he hated Mary. Не магу знайсці свой кашалёк і пашпарт. My wallet and passport are missing. I can't find my purse and my passport. Красный зонт напомнил ей о бабушке. The red umbrella reminded her about her grandmother. The red umbrella reminded her of her grandmother. Нам много чего нужно купить. We have a lot of things we need to buy. We have a lot to buy. Калі заўтра пойдзе дождж, гульню перанясуць. If it is rainy tomorrow, the game will be put off. If it rains tomorrow, the game will be taken over. Откуда вы столько знаете о Бостоне? Why do you know so much about Boston? How do you know so much about Boston? На горі лежить сніг. There is snow on the mountain. There's snow on the mountain. Я признателен за помощь. I appreciate the help. I appreciate your help. Олень стал жертвой льва. The deer fell a prey to the lion. The deer was the victim of a lion. Покажи мені, що в тебе в кишені. Show me what you have in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. Я щось чую. I can hear something. I hear something. Ідзі дадому і трохі паспі. Go home and get some sleep. Go home and have a little haste. Мені подобається твоя сорочка. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Ты валялся в грязи. You were wallowing in mud. You were lying in the dirt. Держите руки поднятыми. Keep your hands up. Hold your hands up. Розлучімося. Let's get divorced. Let us divorce. Я певен, що ви знайомі з Томом. I'm sure you've met Tom. I'm sure you're familiar with Tom. Множественное число от «person» — «people», не «persons». The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The plural of “person” is “people”, not “persons”. Він любить грати в футбол. He likes playing soccer. He likes playing football. Я працюю у транспортній компанії. I work for a shipping company. I work for a transportation company. Она нескладная. She is awkward. She's not complicated. Она надела очки. She put her glasses on. She put on glasses. Том майже скінчив. Tom is pretty near done. Tom's almost done. Ты его нашёл? Did you find him? Did you find him? Вы можете отличить аллигатора от крокодила? Can you tell an alligator from a crocodile? Can you distinguish alligators from crocodiles? У яе круглы твар. She has a round face. She has a round face. Том едва может двигаться. Tom can barely move. Tom can barely move. Том відрощує бороду. Tom is growing a beard. Tom's growing his beard. Оплата будет производиться в зависимости от опыта и образования. Pay will be based on experience and educational background. Payments will be made based on experience and education. Калі ты не ўмееш любіць самоту, ты не ўмееш любіць кампанію іншых. If you cannot enjoy solitude, you cannot enjoy the company of others. If you can't love yourself, you can't love the company of others. Сколько времени вам нужно? How much time do you need? How long do you need? Естер — еврейка-лесбійка. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. Я веду дневник. I keep a diary. I'm keeping a diary. Том забыл очки. Tom forgot his glasses. Tom forgot his glasses. Месяцавую санату напісаў Бетховен. Moonlight Sonata was composed by Beethoven. The lunar sanata was written by Beethoven. Том регулярно ест суши со своей матерью. Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. Том чемний. Tom is courteous. Tom's good. Мені цікаво, чи Том поїхав із Бостона. I wonder whether Tom has left Boston or not. I wonder if Tom left Boston. Ці размаўляеце вы па-руску? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian? Мы наконец достигли вершины. We've finally reached the summit. We finally reached the top. Можно взять ненадолго вашу машину? Can I use your car for a little while? Can I take your car for a while? Баюся, ён хворы. I'm afraid he is ill. I'm afraid he's sick. Почему бы мне не остаться с тобой? Why don't I stay with you? Why don't I stay with you? Том та Мері сказали, що вони не винні. Tom and Mary said they're innocent. Tom and Mary said they weren't responsible. Чий це чай? Whose tea is this? Whose tea is that? Приглашаем вас принять участие в субботниках по месту жительства и работы. You are invited to take part in unpaid work at your residence and workplace. We invite you to participate in Saturdays in your place of residence and work. Я лише дражнився. I was only teasing. I was just teasing. Она говорит, что подождёт нас. She says that she'll wait for us. She says she'll wait for us. Я забыл деньги. I forgot my money. I forgot the money. Почему мне нельзя поехать с вами? Why can't I go with you? Why can't I come with you? Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like it? Why do you like her? Ты мусіш расказаць начальніцы. You should tell the boss. You must tell the bosses. Ти на неї зовсім не схожий. You're not anything like her. You don't look like her at all. Том все ще може загинути. Tom still might die. Tom can still die. Яе ўсе любяць. She is loved by everybody. She's all loved. Том пролил свой кофе. Tom spilled his coffee. Tom spilled his coffee. Єго словеса поразила · бъıло ти тоу бъıти. His speech was very impressive. You should have been there. What the fuck did you do? Он - трезвенник. He's a teetotaller. He's a gym. Мне всё равно, останемся мы или нет. I don't care whether we stay or not. I don't care if we stay or not. Почему вы не дома? Why aren't you at home? Why aren't you at home? Говорити французькою непросто. It's not easy to speak French. It's not easy to speak French. Гэта не я напісала гэты ліст. I'm not the one who wrote this letter. It wasn't me who wrote this letter. Шкода, що його тут нема. I wish he were here now. I'm sorry he's not here. Том любить розмовляти. Tom likes to talk. Tom likes to talk. Он исчез в толпе. He disappeared in the crowd. He disappeared in the crowd. Том просто посмотрел на Мэри и улыбнулся. Tom just looked at Mary and smiled. Tom just looked at Mary and smiled. Всі думають, що це зробив Том. Everyone thinks Tom did that. Everybody thinks Tom did. Я думал, Том может помочь. I think Tom could help. I thought Tom could help. Думаю, я начну с бутылки пива. I think I'll start with a bottle of beer. I think I'll start with a bottle of beer. Він знаменитий митець. He is a famous artist. He's a famous artist. Томе, я хочу лишитися з вами. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Чаму ваш кот такі вялікі? Why is your cat so big? Why is your cat so big? У вас був інсульт, так? You had a stroke, didn't you? You had a stroke, didn't you? Вы можете отдохнуть. You can rest. You can rest. Це не єдина проблема. That's not the only problem. It's not the only problem. Они очень близки. They're very close. They're very close. Я хочу, щоб ви звільнили Тома. I want you to fire Tom. I want you to free Tom. Ты считаешь, что мой метод обучения неверен? Do you think that my way of teaching is wrong? You don't think my teaching method is correct? Мене там не було. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Мені здається, Том зробив помилку. I think Tom has made a mistake. I think Tom made a mistake. Мені скоро тридцять. I'm turning thirty. I'll be 30 soon. Він схожий на батька. He looks like my father. He looks like a father. Я до сих пор не знаю, зачем Том это сделал. I still don't know why Tom did it. I still don't know why Tom did it. Том був шпигуном. Tom was a spy. Tom was a spy. Як щодо вечері? How about dinner? What about dinner? Я думав, що це може вам сподобатися. I thought that you might like that. I thought you might like it. Він підписав чек. He signed the check. He signed the check. Мы познакомились на прошлой неделе. We met last week. We met last week. Он начал наряжать ёлку. He started decorating the Christmas tree. He started stuffing the tree. Том снял свою накладную бороду. Tom removed his fake beard. Tom took off his overhead beard. О боже! Omigod! Oh, my God! Розумієш? Capisce? You know? Я хочу, чтобы мне заплатили сегодня. I want to be paid today. I want to be paid today. Она устно отчиталась перед начальником. She gave an oral report to her boss. She answered verbally before the boss. Была прыемна размаўляць з ёю. It was nice to converse with her. It was nice to talk to her. Том упізнав мене. Tom recognized me. Tom recognized me. Том все ще планує нам допомагати? Does Tom still plan to help us? Is Tom still planning on helping us? Том не хотів робити цього без тебе. Tom didn't want to do that without you. Tom didn't want to do it without you. Ты этого и заслуживаешь. It's what you deserve. You deserve it. Гэтым будынкам па пяцьсот год. Those houses are 500 years old. This building is five hundred years old. Ким на четыре года старше меня. Kim is older than I am by four years. Kim is four years older than me. Положение становится всё хуже. Things keep getting worse and worse. The situation is getting worse. Не могѫ въздоити дѣтѧ · нѣсть бо ми молока. I cannot breast-feed my baby. I don't have milk. Couldn't, couldn't, because we're milk. Том змінився. Tom has changed. Tom's changed. Том не слухав. Tom wasn't listening. Tom wasn't listening. Мене вдарили. I got hit. I got hit. Моллі має великий годинник. Molly has a large clock. Molly has a big clock. Я скажу ему, что вы здесь были. I'll tell him you were here. I'll tell him you were here. Це чоловік Мері? Is that Mary's husband? Is that Mary's husband? Тому потрібно набагато більше, ніж триста доларів. Tom needs much more than three hundred dollars. So it's going to take a lot more than three hundred dollars. Том дуже докучливий. Tom is very annoying. Tom's very annoying. Я не мав сумніву, що Том зробить те, про що ми попросили. I had no doubt Tom would do what we asked. I had no doubt that Tom would do what we asked him to do. Вам краще дозволити мені це зробити для вас. You'd better let me do that for you. You better let me do this for you. Что же ты только сейчас пришёл? Why have you come only now? What's the matter with you now? Усе людзі нараджаюцца вольнымі і роўнымі ў сваёй годнасці і правах. Яны надзеленыя розумам і сумленнем і павінны ставіцца адзін да аднаго ў духу братэрства. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All people are born free and equal in their dignity and rights; they are endowed with reason and honesty and must treat each other in the spirit of brotherhood. Оставь его себе. Keep it to yourself. Leave him alone. Ти вважаєш мене божевільною? Do you think that I'm insane? You think I'm crazy? Это был несчастный случай? Was it an accident? Was that an accident? Это займёт вечность. That's going to take forever. It'll take forever. Это вряд ли произойдёт. That's not very likely to happen. That's not likely to happen. Том відправив Мері смс. Tom texted Mary. Tom sent Mary text. С Томом всё в порядке? Is Tom well? Is Tom okay? Я хотів би поїхати до Лондона. I'd like to go to London. I'd like to go to London. Том був із вами? Was Tom with you? Was Tom with you? Які тобі подобаються чоловіки? What kind of men do you like? What kind of men do you like? Це завжди було саме так? Has it always been this way? Has that always been the case? Що буде, якщо я натисну цю кнопку? What happens if I press this button? What happens if I press this button? Том сразу же согласился заплатить выкуп. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Продовжуйте працювати. Keep working. Keep working. Мам, смотри, что я нашёл. Mom, look what I found. Mom, look what I found. Сегодня снег. Today it's snowing. It's snow today. Я пошёл в армию. I joined the army. I went to the army. Том злится на вас за то, что вы ему солгали. Tom is mad at you for lying to him. Tom's mad at you for lying to him. Ти знав, що Том мало не одружився на Мері? Did you know that Tom almost married Mary? Did you know Tom nearly married Mary? Звичайно, плезіозаври могли плавати. Of course, plesiosaurs were able to swim. Of course, the pleziosaurs could swim. Мені цікаво, чи це дійсно можливо. I wonder whether or not this is really necessary. I wonder if that's really possible. Ідзіце за мной. Follow me. Follow me. Мне падаравалі электронную кнігу на Каляды. I received an ebook Reader for Christmas. I was given an e-book for Christmas. Плакаты адразу ж знялі з сцяны. The posters were immediately removed from the wall. The placards were immediately removed from the wall. Сумніваюся, що Том коли-небудь вирішити розглянути можливість поїхати до Австралії. I doubt that Tom would ever consider going to Australia. I doubt Tom's ever decided to consider going to Australia. Он сказал мне, что очень счастлив. He told me that he was very happy. He told me he was very happy. Вона приблизно з яйце розміром. It is about the size of an egg. It's about the size of an egg. Як ми можемо покласти край війні? How can we abolish war? How can we end war? Це трапилося лише одного разу. This only happened once. This happened only once. Том слідує за Мері. Tom is following Mary. Tom's following Mary. Я не усвідомлювала, що Том одружений з Мері. I didn't realize that Tom was married to Mary. I didn't realize Tom was married to Mary. Ей надоело ждать. She was tired of waiting. She's tired of waiting. Ми божевільні. We're crazy. We're crazy. Где Том спал? Where did Tom sleep? Where was Tom? Вы прыйдзеце на гэтую сустрэчу? Are you going to attend the meeting? Will you come to this meeting? Гэта відэа нуднае. This video is boring. This video is boring. Никому нет дела до того, что она думает. No one cares what she thinks. There's no matter what she thinks. «Швидко» — антонім «повільно». "Fast" is the opposite of "slow." "Swiss" is an antonym "slow". Операция длилась шесть часов. The surgery lasted six hours. The operation lasted six hours. Думаю, Том болен. I think that Tom is sick. I think Tom's sick. Ты штосьці тут згубіў? Did you lose anything here? Have you lost something here? Наколькі я памятаю, ён гэта не казаў. As far as I remember, he didn't say that. As far as I remember, he didn't say it. У тебя телефон несколько раз звонил, пока ты в душе был. Your phone rang several times while you were in the shower. Your phone called several times while you were in the shower. Я хочу поделиться этим с вами. I want to share this with you. I want to share this with you. Я испугался от одной только мысли об этом. I was scared at the mere thought of it. I was afraid of just thinking about it. Але нiхто не мiг менi доромогти. But no man could help me. But no one could afford it. Мэри оставила у меня в комнате шляпу. Mary left her hat in my room. Mary left a hat in my room. Вони мене заарештували. They arrested me. They arrested me. Я уже бывал в Саппоро. I've been to Sapporo before. I've been to Sapporo. Я тут шчаслівая. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Том ліг у ліжко. Tom got into bed. Tom went to bed. Вы знаете, как я был занят? Do you know how busy I've been? Do you know how I was doing? Ти про це подумав? Did you think about it? Did you think of that? Том ше претворює же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom's neck turns out to be rich. Я вам об этом как-нибудь расскажу. I'll tell you about it someday. I'll tell you something about it. Это неестественно. It's unnatural. It's not natural. Хопіць спрачацца! Stop arguing. Stop arguing! Минус на минус даёт плюс. Two wrongs do make a right. Negative times negative gives us a plus. Вона запитали його. They asked him. She asked him. Подойди поближе. Come a little closer. Come closer. Як називається цей ресторан? What's the name of that restaurant? What is the name of this restaurant? Дружина Тома сказала мені, що його немає вдома. Tom's wife told me he wasn't at home. Tom's wife told me he was not at home. Я знал, что Том откажется это делать. I knew Tom would refuse to do that. I knew Tom would refuse to do that. Ми круті. We're tough. We're cool. Ты – дзіця сусвету, як і дрэвы, і зоры; у цябе ёсць права быць тут. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. You are the child of the universe, like trees, and stars; you have the right to be here. Це пластик. That is plastic. It's plastic. Том не має харизми. Tom isn't charismatic. Tom doesn't have a charisma. Мы болеем за "Спартак"! We're cheering for "Spartacus"! We're bigger than Spartacus! Несомненно, он лучше всех подходит для этой работы. He is, without question, the best man for the job. Of course, he's best suited for this job. Самі ацаніў іслам. Sami embraced Islam. He valued Islam himself. Я лише жартую. I'm just joking. I'm just kidding. Як звуть цю дівчину? What do they call this girl? What's the name of this girl? Это вложение капитала. It's an investment. It's capital investment. Я працягвала чытаць. I continued reading. I kept reading. Миндаль я люблю, а арахис нет. I like almonds, but not peanuts. The almonds I love, and the peanuts don't. Не думаю, что у тебя будут те же проблемы, что были у меня. I don't think you'll have the same problems I had. I don't think you'll have the same problems as I did. Я закохалася. I fell in love. I fell in love. Я хотел бы увидеть администратора. I'd like to see the principal. I'd like to see an administrator. Ты уже говорила с врачами? Have you talked to the doctors yet? Have you talked to the doctors before? Может быть, вам стоит вызвать полицию. Maybe you should call the police. Maybe you should call the police. Він був відсутній на зустрічі. He was absent from the meeting. He was absent from the meeting. Пожалуйста, запишите то, что я скажу. Please write down what I say. Please write down what I say. Я зайшов до пана Стоуна в офіс. I called for Mr Stone at the office. I went to Mr Stone's office. Кажется, её отец - адвокат. It seems that his father is a lawyer. Her father seems to be a lawyer. Этот человек был обречён на смерть. The man was condemned to death. This man was sentenced to death. Я сказал ему убраться в своей комнате. I told him to clean his room. I told him to get out of his room. Не думаю, что смогу её починить. I don't think that I'll be able to fix it. I don't think I can fix her. Том смотрит фигурное катание по телевизору. Tom is watching figure skating on TV. Tom's watching a show on TV. Ви вчора працювали? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Ты вроде говорил, что оно твоё. I thought you said that it was yours. You sort of said it was yours. Третя частка земної поверхні - пустеля. One third of the earth's surface is desert. The third part of the earth's surface is the desert. Одягни на нього наручники. Put handcuffs on him. Put handcuffs on him. Коти їдять кажанів, або кажани їдять мишей? Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats? Cats eat bats, or bats eat mice? А вы? What about you? What about you? Я весь день о них думаю. I think about them all day. I'm thinking about them all day. Я знаю, что ты сделал это нарочно. I know you did it on purpose. I know you did it on purpose. Я не дам тебе это сделать. I will not let you do it. I won't let you do it. Чому ви думаєте, що Том би цього не зробив? What makes you think Tom wouldn't do that? Why do you think Tom wouldn't do that? Похоже, вы недопоняли. I think you've missed the point. Looks like you don't understand. Она любима всеми. She is beloved by everyone. She loves everyone. Думаю, це може статися. I think it might happen. I think it could happen. У меня такое чувство, что вы не очень-то хотите, чтобы я выиграл. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I feel like you don't want me to win. У мене мало книжок. I have few books. I don't have any books. Мой старший брат, Том, родился здесь — в Бостоне. My older brother, Tom, was born here in Boston. My older brother, Tom, was born here in Boston. Я уважна. I'm attentive. I'm careful. Ця вечірка нудна. This party is boring. This party is boring. Я помираю від голоду. I'm starving! I'm starving. Она читает свою любимую книгу. She's rereading her favorite book. She's reading her favorite book. Він постійно вчиться. He is always studying. He's learning all the time. Том та Мері спробували. Tom and Mary gave it a try. Tom and Mary tried. Том падає. Tom is falling. Tom's falling. Мы заблудились. We lost our way. We're lost. Как новый год встретишь, так его и проведёшь. New Year's Day is the key to the year. When you meet for a new year, you'll spend it. Прошу закрити вікна. Please close the windows. Please close the windows. Я дуже хочу поїхати до Бостона. I really want to go to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to bring you a glass of water? Ми вивчили, що Ньютон відкрив закон всесвітнього тяжіння. We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation. We learned that Newton discovered a law of universal gravity. Том подобрал монету. Tom picked up a coin. Tom got the coin. Ніхто не повірить цим пліткам. Nobody will believe that rumor. No one will believe those gossips. Це тато. This is my father. It's dad. Ми не знайдемо Тома. We're not going to find Tom. We won't find Tom. Що зроблено, то зроблено. What is done cannot be undone. What's done is done. Том уміє готувати. Tom can cook. Tom can cook. Я знаю, що я трохи ледача. I know I'm a bit lazy. I know I'm a little lazy. Том іноді мене дратує. Tom sometimes annoys me. Tom's pissing me off sometimes. Його зріст — приблизно два метри десять сантиметрів. He stands about seven feet. Its height is about three feet [2 m] and is about three inches [2 m] tall. Он взглянул на часы. He glanced at his watch. He looked at the clock. Я приготовил Тому ужин. I cooked Tom dinner. I made Tom dinner. Я хотів би випити чашку кави. I want to have a cup of coffee. I'd like a cup of coffee. Я жадаю памерці разам з Гетар Яні. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I wish I could die with Hetar Yani. Заходь, будь ласка! Please step inside. Come in, please! Не плачите. Don't cry. Don't cry. Томоу єси любъ. Tom loves you. Tom is a lover. Мэри весело смеялась. Mary laughed happily. Mary laughed cheerfully. Том был первым прибывшим. Tom was the first person to arrive. Tom was the first person to arrive. Том не зміг перемогти. Tom wasn't able to win. Tom couldn't win. Том слухає. Tom has been listening. Tom's listening. Это была плохая ставка. That was a bad bet. It was a bad bet. Я відчула, що щось не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt something was wrong. У меня к вам один вопрос. I have one question for you. I have one question for you. Я певен, що Том зробить все, про що його попросить Мері. I'm sure Tom will do anything Mary asks him to do. I'm sure Tom will do whatever Mary asks him to do. Он одет в белую хлопчатобумажную рубашку. He's wearing a white cotton shirt. He's wearing a white cotton paper shirt. Молекула складається з атомів. A molecule is made up of atoms. The molecule is made up of atoms. Батарэя майго MP3-плэера была разражаная. The battery of my MP3-player was empty. My MP3 player's battery was severed. Как часто ты натираешь воском свои лыжи? How often do you wax your skis? How often do you burn your skis with wax? Я не хочу смотреть это видео. I don't want to watch this video. I don't want to watch this video. Посмотри на него. Look at him. Look at him. Мне просто нужна помощь Тома. I just need Tom's help. I just need Tom's help. Мне нужно немедленно вас увидеть. I need to see you immediately. I need to see you right away. Да спаткання! Goodbye! Good bye! Ці у вас ёсць хата? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Давай розлабимося. Let's relax. Let's relax. Ти найкращий! You are number one! You're the best! Я помню, як я сустрэў яго ў Парыжы. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember when I met him in Paris. Том был необщительный. Tom was unsociable. Tom was reluctant. Том занепокоєний своєю вагою. Tom worries about his weight. Tom's worried about his weight. Я написав книжку. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. Все были просто поражены тем, что она смогла забеременеть в 48 лет. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. Everyone was just impressed that she was able to get pregnant at 48 years of age. Том купив собі нову зубну щітку. Tom bought himself a new toothbrush. Tom bought himself a new toothbrush. Я можу одягнутися сама. I can dress myself. I can dress myself. Ви брудні. You're dirty. You're dirty. Я не знаю, скільки років Тому. I don't know how old Tom is. I don't know how many years ago. Нам нужны ещё три стула. We need three more chairs. We need three more chairs. Нарешті я отримав відповідь на моє запитання. Finally I found the answer to the question. Finally, I received an answer to my question. Хіба ти не хочеш стати відомою? Don't you want to become famous? Don't you want to be famous? Ні, Томе, я не вийду за тебе заміж! No, Tom, I will not marry you! No, Tom, I'm not getting married! Том пытается сделать невозможное. Tom is trying to do the impossible. Tom's trying to make it impossible. Экономика тесно связана с политикой. The economy is deeply connected to politics. The economy is closely related to politics. Яна была задаволеная, калі пабачыла вынікі. She was pleased to see the results. She was pleased when she saw the results. Я не спрашивал её. I haven't asked her. I didn't ask her. Том каже, що більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Том сказал мне, что у Мэри новый парень. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Tom told me Mary had a new boyfriend. Гэта вельмі дзіўная справа. It's a very strange case. This is a very strange thing. Том скрыл тот факт, что он был в тюрьме. Tom concealed the fact that he had been in prison. Tom hid the fact that he was in prison. Я про це ще пошкодую. I won't regret it. I'll regret it. Кнїжка кафова. The book is brown. A cat of coffee. Все молчат. Everyone is silent. Everyone's silent. Це маленький будинок, проте він нам підійде. This is a small house, but it will do for us. It's a small house, but it'll fit us. Этому нужно положить конец. We'll have to put a stop to this. It has to stop. Он сидел на кровати. He was sitting on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Передайте мне масло, пожалуйста. Please pass me the butter. Pass me the butter, please. Я любил Бостон. I loved Boston. I loved Boston. Ми можемо чекати трохи довше? Could we wait a little longer? Can we wait a little longer? Ты уже позвал Тома? Have you already called Tom? You've already called Tom? Я уволил весь персонал и взял на работу Тома. I fired the whole staff and hired Tom. I fired all the staff and took Tom to work. У Тома есть лошадь. Tom has a horse. Tom has a horse. На вечеринке было полно девчонок. There were a lot of girls at the party. The party was full of girls. Том лише жартував. Tom was just kidding. Tom was just kidding. У вас є африканські слони? Do you have African elephants? Do you have African elephants? Передвинь этот камень отсюда туда, пожалуйста. Please move this stone from here to there. Get this rock out of here, please. Детям запрещено курить. Children are prohibited from smoking. Children are forbidden to smoke. Дзе талеркі? Where are the plates? Where are the plates? Кто-то прислал нам подарок. Somebody sent us a gift. Someone sent us a gift. У Тома с Мэри много общего. Tom and Mary have a lot in common. Tom and Mary have a lot in common. Мері сказала, що ніколи не вивчала французьку. Mary said she'd never study French. Mary said she had never studied French. Том сказал, что ещё не хочет спать. Tom said he isn't sleepy yet. Tom said he still didn't want to sleep. Хто ваш батько за фахом? What's your father do? Who's your father in charge? Том ніколи не був одружений і у нього ніколи не було дітей. Tom never married and never had kids. Tom was never married, and he never had children. Паслухайце! Listen! Listen up! Том не зміг зловити кроля. Tom couldn't catch the rabbit. Tom couldn't catch the rabbit. Как вы знаете, мы опоздали из-за сильного дождя. As you know, we were late due to the heavy rain. As you know, we're late because of the heavy rain. Том не знает о моём существовании. Tom doesn't know I exist. Tom doesn't know about my existence. Увага! Attention! Attention! Я в це не вірю. I don't believe that. I don't believe that. Погоубилъ єсмь перо. I've lost my pencil. You killed the pen. Може бути, ми можемо пожити у Тома в Австралії. Maybe we can stay in Australia with Tom. Maybe we can stay with Tom in Australia. Он учит французский уже восемь лет. He has been studying French for eight years. He's been teaching French for eight years now. Том гарніший, ніж я очікував. Tom is more handsome than I expected. Tom's nicer than I expected. Мені не слід бути тут. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. Я приеду двадцатого октября. I'll arrive on the twentieth of October. I'll be there on October 20. Можливо, я помилився. I may have made a mistake. Maybe I was wrong. Он проявляет большой энтузиазм. He has great enthusiasm. He's very enthusiastic. Ты п'еш зялёную гарбату? Do you drink green tea? Are you drinking green tea? Какие овощи вы любите? What vegetables do you like? What kind of vegetables do you like? То пенкало. This is a pen. It's the pencala. Человек был приговорён к смерти. The man was condemned to death. Man was sentenced to death. Цмок — гэта выдуманая істота. The dragon is an imaginary creature. The darkness is a fictional creature. Пособити ли ти? May I help you? Do You Share? Яна заплятала свае валасы ў косы. She wore her hair in plaits. She tucked her hair into a comma. Закип'яти трохи води. Boil some water. Drop some water. Зачекаймо поки Том сюди доїде. Let's wait till Tom gets here. We wait until Tom gets here. Як вы гэта здзейсніце? How are you going to carry it out? How do you do that? Том відмовився дати Мері те, що вона хоче. Tom refused to give Mary what she wanted. Tom refused to give Mary what she wanted. Хто це хоче? Who wants it? Who wants it? У ведмедя короткий хвіст. The bear has a short tail. The bear has a short tail. Том, Мэри, Джон и Элис - все умерли. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all died. Tom, Mary, John, and Alice all died. Я люблю ходити в кіно. I like to go to the movies. I like going to movies. Погоубилъ єсмь стьклѣ. I've lost my glasses. You killed the windscreen. Сподіваюся, це неправда. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Я подарю тебе велосипед на день рождения. I will get you a bike for your birthday. I'll give you a bike for your birthday. Я готова? Am I ready? Am I ready? Оставайся на месте. You stay put. Stay where you are. Куда бы ты ни пошёл, я последую за тобой. No matter where you go, I'll follow you. Wherever you go, I'll follow you. Ми п’ємо виноградно-банановий сік. We are drinking grape-banana juice. We drink grapecanana juice. Чому ти хочеш вивчити цю мову? Why do you want to learn this language? Why do you want to learn this language? Где стойка регистрации? Where is the check-in counter? Where's the registration stand? Я нагуглив, як це зробити. I googled how to do that. I've swallowed up a way to do it. Том повинен був дозволити мені співати. Tom should've let me sing. Tom had to let me sing. Я стал адвокатом, чтобы помогать людям. I became a lawyer to help people. I became a lawyer to help people. Моё домашнее задание оказалось легче, чем я ожидал. My homework was easier than I expected. My homework proved easier than I expected. Я ще не переконаний. I'm not yet convinced. I'm not sure yet. Он даст его вам. He'll give it to you. He'll give it to you. Том подивився під диван. Tom looked under the couch. Tom looked under the couch. Хіба ти не здивована побачити мене тут? Aren't you surprised to see me here? Aren't you surprised to see me here? Теперь слушайте, дети. Now listen, children. Now listen, kids. Я шпацыраваў з сваім братам. I was taking a walk with my brother. I was walking with my brother. Они попросили меня сводить их в зоопарк. They asked me to take them to the zoo. They asked me to take them to the zoo. Том сказал, что точно не знает, во сколько он туда доберётся. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he definitely didn't know how much he'd get there. Ты вполне можешь пойти со мной. You may as well come with me. You can come with me. Коли я зайшов до кімнати, вона грала на піаніно. When I entered the room, she was playing the piano. When I went into the room, she played the piano. Він не міг побороти бажання викурити ще одну сигарету. He couldn't overcome the desire for another cigarette. He could not overcome his desire to smoke another cigarette. Он застал меня врасплох, я не знал, что делать. It caught me off guard; I didn't know what to do. He caught me off guard, I didn't know what to do. Я впевнений, що він - чесна людина. I am sure that he is an honest man. I'm sure he's an honest man. Я зробив усе, що міг. I've done all I can. I did everything I could. Том провінціал. Tom is a hick. Tom's a provincial. Нам лучше пойти и поискать их. We'd better go look for them. We better go and look for them. Ці ліки подіяли. That medicine worked. These drugs happened. Дождь уже прекратился. The rain already stopped. The rain's already stopped. Я ніколи не був у Флориді. I have never gone to Florida. I've never been to Florida. Я винен тобі десять доларів. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten dollars. Том нахмурыўся. Tom frowned. Tom frowned. Легко не буде. This won't be easy. It won't be easy. Том интересуется биологией. Tom is interested in biology. Tom is interested in biology. Хочеш потанцювати? Do you want to dance? You want to dance? Я зламала руку. I fractured my arm. I broke my hand. Том немного занят, поэтому не сможет тебе сегодня помочь. Tom is a bit busy, so he can't help you today. Tom's a little busy, so he can't help you tonight. Лучше бы я на ней не женился. I wish I hadn't married her. I wish I hadn't married her. Ми не забудемо. We won't forget. We won't forget. Його теорія варта уваги. His theory deserves consideration. His theory is noteworthy. Ви, що, не бачили моїх пташок? Didn't you see my birds? Have you not seen my birds? Я їстиму те саме, що й ви. I'll eat the same thing you eat. I'll eat the same as you. Том любить головоломки. Tom likes brainteasers. Tom loves puzzles. Калі твая сям'я прыбыла ў Бостан? When did your family arrive in Boston? When did your family arrive in Boston? Вучыся. Study! Learn. Когда мы можем начать? When can we start? When can we start? Вы не знали, что Мэри - жена Тома? Didn't you know Mary was Tom's wife? You didn't know Mary was Tom's wife? Літак злетів рівно о дев'ятій. The plane took off at exactly nine o'clock. The plane took off at nine. Я сел в лифт и нажал кнопку своего этажа. I got on the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I sat in the elevator and hit my floor button. Полиция обнаружила Тома мёртвым на крыльце. The police found Tom dead on the porch. The police found Tom dead on the wing. Она бразильянка. She's Brazilian. She's Brazilian. Том сказав, що Мері в порядку. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom said Mary was fine. Ваша кошка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Смотри не поскользнись. Be careful not to slip. Don't slip. Він має дванадцять синів. He has 12 sons. He has twelve sons. Скажи мне, куда ты ходил. Tell me where you went. Tell me where you went. Мені подобається червоне м'ясо. I like red meat. I like red meat. Тома вигнали зі зборів. Tom was kicked out of the meeting. Tom was expelled from the congregations. Зачем звоните? Why are you calling? Why do you call? Ми проговорили до другої ночі. We talked until two in the morning. We talked to him the second night. Я слышал шум. I heard a noise. I heard a noise. Ён сядзеў на падлозе. He was sitting on the floor. He was sitting on the floor. Я знаю, што заўсёды магу на цябе разлічваць. I know that I can always count on you. I know I can always count on you. Погладьте кошку. Pet the cat. Get the cat out of the way. Я буду одинок, после того как ты уйдёшь. I'll be lonely after you've gone. I'll be alone after you leave. Путін казав, що терористів треба «мочити в сортирах». Putin said that terrorists should be ‘soaked in the john’. Putin said the terrorists have to be "weeded up." Чаму вы ёй дапамагаеце? Why are you helping her? Why are you helping her? Я живу там один. I live there by myself. I live there alone. Я о таких вещах не беспокоюсь. I don't worry about those things. I don't care about things like that. Я знаю, что Тому надо было делать. I know what Tom had to do. I know what Tom had to do. Не думаю, что смогу это для тебя сделать. I don't think that I can do that for you. I don't think I can do this for you. Мне нужны новые шины. I need new tires. I need new tires. Твои туфли всегда должны быть чистыми. You must keep your shoes clean. Your shoes should always be clean. Я не понимаю, почему мне нужно было это делать. I don't understand why I needed to do that. I don't understand why I had to do this. Том очень строг к детям. Tom is very strict with his children. Tom's very hard on the kids. Том сказав, що він продав свою машину Мері. Tom said that he sold his car to Mary. Tom said he sold his car to Mary. Скажи мне, что вы шутите! Tell me you're kidding. Tell me you're kidding! Сколько у вас времени? How long do you have? How long do you have? Подождите её. Wait for her. Wait for her. У вас нет времени. You don't have the time. You don't have time. Том — розпущена дитина. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom is a dissolved child. Мне вельмі спадабалася гэта кніга. I loved this book. I really enjoyed this book. Я думаю, што вы гатовыя. I think you're ready. I think you're ready. Вы сообщили об этом в полицию? Did you report that to the police? Did you report this to the police? Нужно вернуть это в исходное состояние. This should be reverted back to the original. We need to get this back to our original state. Хотіла би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I wish I knew what you're looking for. Все посмотрели на мои ноги. Everyone looked at my feet. Everybody looked at my legs. Наскільки мені відомо, він старанний студент. As far as I know, he's a diligent student. As far as I know, he's a diligent student. Ты никогда не хотел поговорить об этом. You never wanted to talk about it. You never wanted to talk about it. У цю пору року вітер дме з океану. A wind from the ocean blows at this time of the year. This time of year, the wind blows out of the ocean. Не плачита. Don't cry. It's not crying. Він впертий як осел. He is stubborn as a mule. He's stubborn as an ass. Они доверяли Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. Скажи ей нет. Tell her no. Tell her no. Эти предметы ручной работы различаются качеством. These hand-made articles differ in quality. These handiwork items vary in quality. Гэта немагчыма. It's impossible. This is not possible. Я пыталась защитить тебя. I tried to protect you. I tried to protect you. Я вмію кататися на лижах. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. Я ніколі не любіў біялогію. I never liked biology. I never loved biology. Що ти можеш сказати щодо цього плану? What do you think of this plan? What can you say about this plan? Том был повержен. Tom has been defeated. Tom was lost. Навіщо ти йому це сказав? Why did you tell him that? Why did you tell him that? Том всем рассказал, что Мэри была удочерена. Tom told everyone Mary was adopted. Tom told everyone that Mary was adopted. Ніхто нічого не чув про мою країну. Nobody heard anything about my country. Nobody heard anything about my country. Я умолял Тома прийти. I begged Tom to come. I begged Tom to come. Це було надзвичайно сюрреальне. It was incredibly surreal. It was extremely surreal. Даруй, я цябе не пачула. Sorry, I didn't hear you. Daruy, I didn't hear you. Том — самонадеянный идиот. Tom is an arrogant idiot. Tom is a presumptuous idiot. Вечнага кахання не існуе. Eternal love doesn't exist. There is no eternal love. Прости Тома на этот раз. Give Tom another chance. I'm sorry, Tom, this time. Я був такий збуджений, що не міг заснути. I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep. I was so excited I couldn't sleep. Ці гэта твая машына? Is this your car? Is this your machine? Я хочу повидать своих друзей в Канаде. I want to see my friends in Canada. I want to see my friends in Canada. Вам слід було зачекати. You should've waited. You should have waited. Я подожду тебя тут. I'll wait for you here. I'll wait for you here. Небо синѥ. The sky is blue. The sky is a son. Чому всі плачуть? Why is everybody crying? Why are everyone crying? Я даже не знаю, сколько мне лет. I don't even know how old I am. I don't even know how old I am. Том во всём обвиняет меня. Tom blames me for everything. Tom blames me for everything. Ані Том, ані Мері не бували в Бостоні. Neither Tom nor Mary has been to Boston. Neither Tom nor Mary were in Boston. Зайздрасць і гонар ходзяць поруч. Envy is the companion of honour. Zeal and pride walk side by side. К счастью, это сработало. Luckily, it worked. Fortunately, it worked. Я удивлён, что ты помнишь Тома. I'm surprised you remember Tom. I'm surprised you remember Tom. Мері відрила свій ноутбук. Mary opened her laptop. Mary pulled off her laptop. Мы оба его видели. We both saw him. We both saw him. Ніколи не лишайте мене одну з Томом. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom. Never leave me alone with Tom. Том ще не вечеряв. Tom hasn't had his dinner yet. Tom hasn't had dinner yet. Том розійшовся з Мері. Tom split up with Mary. Tom broke up with Mary. Том показав Мері свій сад. Tom showed Mary his garden. Tom showed Mary his garden. До станції хвилин десять на автобусі. It's about ten minutes to the station by bus. Ten minutes on the bus to the station. Вы попытались. You've tried. You tried. Хто тебе пам'ятатиме? Who will remember you? Who will remember you? Я говорил вам, что Том хочет поехать в Бостон. I told you Tom wanted to go to Boston. I told you Tom wanted to go to Boston. Не надо меня благодарить. You don't have to thank me. Don't thank me. Залишайся зосередженим. Keep focused. Stay focused. Я такі шчаслівы. I'm so happy. I am so happy. Он обобрал меня до последней копейки. He robbed me of every penny I had. He picked me up to the last copy. Ты ему нужна. He needs you. He needs you. Їх атакували. They were attacked. They were attacked. Роби все, що в твоїх силах, і не турбуйся. Do your best and don't worry. Do your best, and don't worry. Я думал, что могу ему доверять. I thought I could trust him. I thought I could trust him. Чыстае сумленне — найлепшая падушка. A clear conscience is the best pillow. Clear conscience is the best pillow. Не кидайте каміння. Don't throw stones. Don't throw stones. Я думаю, нам не надо было жениться. I think we shouldn't have gotten married. I don't think we should have married. Там жарко? Is it hot over there? Is it hot there? Ми з Томом обидва плакали. Tom and I were both crying. Tom and I both cried. Люди, хорошего нам всем года. People, a good year to all of us! People who are good to us all year. Не було нікого. No one was present. There was no one. Я знаю багатьох учителів французької. I know lots of French teachers. I know many French teachers. Я не твоя дівчина. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. Том был опрятно одет. Tom was neatly dressed. Tom was dressed clean. Давайце замовім дванаццаць шашлыкоў! Let's order twenty kebabs! Let's order twelve checkers! Яе світэр фіялетавы. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Хіба ти не вільна завтра вранці? Aren't you free tomorrow morning? Aren't you free tomorrow morning? Где остальные заключённые? Where are the other prisoners? Where are the other prisoners? Яна хварэе на алектычнае парушэнне чытання. She suffers from alexic reading disorder. She is sick for an alectic reading disorder. Будем надеяться, что следующий год будет лучше. Let's hope next year will be better. Let's hope next year's better. Мы шпацыравалі па берагах Тэмзы. We walked on the banks of the Thames. We were walking along the banks of Thames. Том не хотел мне помогать. Tom didn't want to help me. Tom didn't want to help me. Ты не обращаешь на меня внимания. You're ignoring me. You're not paying attention to me. Я перакладчыца, праграмістка і музыкантка. I am a translator, programmer and musician. I'm a translator, a programmer, and a musician. Ми вчителі. We are teachers. We're teachers. Том впевнений, що Мері права. Tom is sure Mary is right. Tom's sure Mary's right. Я не хочу продавати машину. I don't want to sell my car. I don't want to sell the car. Я заплатила приблизно п'ятдесят доларів. I paid about 50 bucks. I paid about fifty dollars. У тебе є родина? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Цей годинник мій. This watch is mine. This is my watch. Они бы удивились, если бы в мае пошёл снег. If it snowed in May, they would be surprised. They'd be surprised if it snowed in May. Я хотіла би найняти когось, хто говорить французькою. I'd like to hire someone who speaks French. I'd like to hire someone who speaks French. Ох, будь ласка, не кажи цього. Oh, please don't say that. Oh, please don't say that. Мері терпима, чи не так? Mary is tolerant, isn't she? Mary's tolerant, isn't she? Он по ней скучает. He misses her. He misses her. Він привітав мене з успіхом. He congratulated me on my success. He greeted me with success. Другий урок простий. Lesson Two is easy. The second lesson is simple. Це вниз по вулиці ліворуч. It's just down the street on your left. It's down the street on the left. У меня болит живот. I have a stomachache. My stomach hurts. Том не ожидал, что Мэри победит. Tom wasn't expecting Mary to win. Tom didn't expect Mary to win. Я знаю, що Том жадібний. I know Tom is stingy. I know Tom's greedy. Куля знайшла свою мету. The bullet found its mark. The bullet found its purpose. Зялёны — мой улюбёны колер. Green is my favorite color. Green is my favorite color. Том завжди себе так поводить? Does Tom always behave like that? Does Tom always behave like this? Спізнилися всі, крім мене. Everyone was late but me. Everyone but me is late. Том отримав покарання, на яке заслуговував. Tom got the punishment he deserved. Tom got the punishment he deserved. Том сделал вид, что не понимает, что Мэри пытается ему сказать. Tom pretended not to understand what Mary was trying to tell him. Tom pretended he didn't understand what Mary was trying to tell him. Не думаю, что Том знает, что происходит. I don't think Tom knows what's going on. I don't think Tom knows what's going on. Мне всё равно, верите ли вы мне. I don't care if you believe me. I don't care if you believe me. Номер готовий. Your room's ready. The number's ready. Ти передав їй моє повідомлення? Did you give her my message? You gave her my message? Во сколько собрание? What time's the meeting? What meeting? Том не стал ждать Мэри. Tom didn't wait for Mary. Tom didn't wait for Mary. Том ще має велосипед? Does Tom still have a bicycle? Does Tom still have a bicycle? Я влюбляюсь. I'm falling in love. I'm in love. Он даже меня не замечает. He doesn't even notice me. He doesn't even notice me. Том открыл свою сумку. Tom opened his bag. Tom opened his bag. Ніхто з нас не говорить французькою. None of us speak French. None of us speak French. Какую поисковую систему вы используете? Which search engine do you use? What search engine do you use? Ти - гарний кухар. You're a good cook. You're a good cook. Том все ще хотів їсти. Tom was still hungry. Tom still wanted to eat. Приберіть свої книжки. Put your books away. Remove your books. Том — тридцатитрёхлетний мужчина. Tom is a 33-year-old man. Tom is a 30-year-old man. Помоги мне, пожалуйста, перевести этот документ. Please help me translate this document. Please help me translate this document. Мене поранили. I got hurt. I was wounded. Она молчала весь день. She kept silent all day. She was quiet all day. Ненавижу водить машину. I hate driving. I hate driving. Я не думал, что ты позволишь мне это сделать. I didn't think you'd let me do that. I didn't think you'd let me do it. Я выпадкова ўзяў твой парасон. I took his umbrella by mistake. I accidentally took your umbrella. Том и Мэри сказали, что не хотят драться. Tom and Mary said that they didn't want to fight. Tom and Mary said they didn't want to fight. Я японець, але я не живу в Японії. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Нам сказалі гэта зрабіць. We were told to do that. We were told to do it. Оба эти чемодана мои. Both of these suitcases are mine. Both these bags are mine. Немає правил. There are no rules. No rules. Я зроблю все необхідне, щоб досягти успіху. I'll do whatever it takes to succeed. I will do my best to succeed. Поспіши, і ти встигнеш на потяг. Hurry up, and you can catch the train. Hurry up and you'll be on the train. Чемоу просиши? Why do you ask? What are you asking for? Разве жизнь не замечательна? Isn't life wonderful? Isn't life great? Я відвідав бабусю. I visited my grandmother's house. I went to see my grandmother. Том хоче, щоб його батька поховали поруч із матір'ю. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Він не виглядав щасливим. He did not look happy. He didn't look happy. На маё здзіўленне, дзверы адчыніліся бясшумна. Much to my surprise, the door opened noiselessly. To my astonishment, the door opened noiselessly. Не кажіть, що я вас не попереджав. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Как только ты завершишь свою миссию, можешь пить сколько вздумается. Once you have completed your mission you can drink as much as you like. Once you finish your mission, you can drink as much as you can. Том поїде до Австралії. Tom is going to visit Australia. Tom's going to Australia. Окуляри Самі десь в саду. Sami's glasses are somewhere in the garden. The glasses are in the garden. Те, що ви кажете, — правда. What you say is true. What you say is true. Том дал Мэри свой номер телефона. Tom gave Mary his phone number. Tom gave Mary his phone number. Скільки годин ти був змушений чекати? How many hours did you have to wait? How many hours did you have to wait? Вы чытаеце па-французску штодня? Do you read French every day? Do you read French every day? Том совсем этого не ожидал. Tom didn't expect this at all. Tom didn't expect that at all. Я о тебе почти ничего не знаю. I know almost nothing about you. I know almost nothing about you. Пра каго вы размаўляеце? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Сезанн відомий своїми пейзажами. Cezanne is famous for his landscapes. Cezanne is famous for her landscape. Вона гарна жінка. She's a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. Если придёте к Тому сейчас, то, вероятно, застанете его смотрящим телевизор. If you visit Tom now, he'll probably be watching TV. If you come to Tom right now, you'll probably find him watching TV. Мой отец любит рыбалку, как и я. My father likes fishing, and so do I. My father loves fishing, like me. Я хотів би потанцювати. I'd like to dance. I'd like to dance. Том вполне счастлив. Tom is quite happy. Tom's quite happy. Я ему помогла. I helped him. I helped him. Я вагалася, ці ісці з ім у кіно. I hesitated to go to the movie with him. I hesitated whether to go to the movies with him. Прямо за рогом вулиці є книжковий магазин. There is a bookstore just 'round the corner. Right below the corner of the street is a bookstore. Он приготовился к худшему. He prepared himself for the worst. He's prepared for the worst. Яке в тебе склалося враження про Сполучені Штати? What's your impression of the United States? What was your impression of the United States? Його платня зросла на 10%. His salary rose 10%. His pay went up by 10%. Скільки за одну ніч? How much for the night? How much for one night? Том був надзвичайно сердитий. Tom was really mad. Tom was extremely angry. Я не знал, что собаки это делают. I didn't know dogs did that. I didn't know dogs did it. Ты должен защитить себя. You have to defend yourself. You have to protect yourself. Я питаю себе, чи Тому можна довіряти. I wonder whether Tom is reliable or not. I ask myself if Tom can be trusted. Я знаю дружину Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Том так и живёт в Австралии. Tom is still living in Australia. Tom lives in Australia. Ти снідав вранці? Did you have breakfast this morning? Did you have breakfast in the morning? Все буде добре. Everything's going to be OK. It'll be fine. У тебя не будет этой проблемы. You won't have that problem. You won't have that problem. У Тома багато дивних ідей. Tom has lots of strange ideas. Tom has a lot of weird ideas. В Радянській Росії телевізор дивиться глядачів! In Soviet Russia, television watches the audience! In Soviet Russia, the TV is watching! Де тато? Where's my daddy? Where's Dad? Мозг очень сложный орган. The brain is a very complex organ. The brain is a very complex organ. Будь ласка, роби це швидко. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Я слышал обо всех твоих проблемах. I've heard about all your problems. I heard about all your problems. Том повторив те, що сказала Мері. Tom reiterated what Mary said. Tom repeated what Mary said. Ты честолюбива? Are you ambitious? Are you ambitious? Наука основывается на тщательном наблюдении. Science is based on careful observation. Science is based on careful observation. Он пошёл туда вместе с ней. He went together with her. He went there with her. Том — мій брат-близнюк. Tom is my twin brother. Tom is my twin brother. У Тома слабое сердце. Tom has a weak heart. Tom has a weak heart. По этой дороге всегда ездит огромное количество транспортных средств. There are always a lot of vehicles on this road. There are always a huge number of vehicles on this road. Не думаю, що мені буде лячно. I don't think I'll be scared. I don't think I'll be afraid. Я вижу, вы проснулись. I see you are awake. I see you're awake. Я клієнтка. I'm a client. I'm a client. Я не їм яловичину. I don't eat beef. I don't eat beef. Ты заплаціў больш, чым трэба было. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you needed. Организуются спасательные отряды. Rescue parties are being organized. Rescue units are being organized. Сьогодні падає сніг. It is snowing today. The snow is falling today. Відкрийте свої книжки на сторінці тридцять. Open your books to page 30. Open your books on page 30. Это была потеря времени. It was a waste of time. It was a waste of time. Я плаваю почти каждый день. I swim almost every day. I swim almost every day. Лондон - это столица Соединённого Королевства. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Я скористалася нагодою навідатися до музею. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. Вы заметили, какие у Мэри серёжки? Did you notice Mary's earrings? Did you notice Mary's earrings? Мне то больше нравится. I like that one better. I like it better. Він часто спізнюється. He often comes late. He's often late. Пурпурны — найлепшы колер у свеце! Magenta is the best color in the world! Purple is the best color in the world! Шум действовал мне на нервы. The noise got on my nerves. The noise was on my nerves. Тобі подобаються ці парфуми? Do you like this perfume? Do you like those perfumes? Ідіть сідайте. Go sit down. Go sit down. Зачини двері щільніше. Shut the door tight. Close the door tighter. Том говорить, що це справа Мері. Tom says it's up to Mary. Tom says it's Mary's business. Ти колись стриг вівцю? Have you ever sheared a sheep? Did you ever jump a sheep? Што Вы гатуеце? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Наоко повернулася до Японії. Naoko returned to Japan. Naoko returned to Japan. Він полаявся з дружиною через дітей. He quarreled with his wife about their children. He was dealing with his wife because of the children. О, він зіпсував повітря. Oh, he broke wind. Oh, he ruined the air. Ми так думаємо. We think so. We think so. Я доволі впертий. I'm pretty stubborn. I'm pretty stubborn. Он идёт. He's coming. He's coming. Селяві! This is life! Salví! Больше я ничего не могу сделать. I can't do any more than this. I can't do anything else. Том написав дві книжки. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. Клас прийняв нового вчителя. The class accepted the new teacher. The class received a new teacher. Мяне не цікаўляць твае тэорыі! I'm not interested in your theories! I'm not interested in your theory! Их цена ниже, чем у нас. Their price is below ours. Their price is lower than ours. В этом соборе есть большой орган. This cathedral has a large organ. There's a big organ in this cathedral. Том останется на ужин? Will Tom stay for dinner? Is Tom staying for dinner? Я забыл спросить. I forgot to ask. I forgot to ask. Я живий. I'm alive. I'm alive. Починай. Begin. Start it. Дзе твой бацька? Where is your father? Where is your father? Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know that Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom couldn't speak French? Комп'ютер може рахувати дуже швидко. A computer can calculate very rapidly. The computer can count very quickly. Во сколько этот поезд прибывает в Бостон? What time does this train reach Boston? How many times does this train arrive in Boston? Я вчора був на зустрічі. I attended the meeting yesterday. I was in a meeting yesterday. Утверждают, что этот продукт для ухода за кожей может сглаживать морщины. This skin care product claims that it can remove wrinkles. This skin-care product is said to smooth the wrinkles. Тома не надо по несколько раз просить что-то сделать. Tom doesn't need to be told more than once to do something. Tom doesn't have to ask me to do something over and over again. Ця коробка трохи заважка. This box is a trifle too heavy. This box is kind of too heavy. Он разрешил им гулять по саду. He permitted them to walk in the garden. He let them walk in the garden. Ти егоїст. You're selfish. You're selfish. Авраам Лінкольн — відома людина. Abraham Lincoln is a famous person. Abraham Lincoln is a well - known man. Бажаєте ще картопляного пюре? Would you like more mashed potatoes? Do you want another potato mash? Вѣси ли къдѣ тъ сѧ родилъ? Do you know his birthplace? Are you a cc - cc - parent? Это Том показал Мэри, как это делается? Was Tom the one who showed Mary how to do that? That's Tom telling Mary how it's done? Вам потрібно зачекати. You've got to wait. You need to wait. Гэта кніга. This is a book. This is a book. Я убеждён, что мы можем это сделать. I'm convinced we can do that. I'm convinced we can do it. Том стал подозревать, что что-то не так. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Tom began to suspect that something was wrong. Что такое бой быков? What is bullfighting? What is bullfighting? Ей это нужно. She needs this. She needs it. Покажите. Show me. Show me. Том не будет здесь счастлив. Tom won't be happy here. Tom won't be happy here. Діма переспав з 25 чоловіками за одну ніч, а потім вбив їх. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. The lady slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Он пытался меня рассмешить. He tried to make me laugh. He was trying to confuse me. Поскольку я безработный, я не могу откладывать деньги. Since I'm unemployed, I can't save up anything. Since I'm unemployed, I can't put away money. Том единственный пострадал. Tom is the only one who was injured. Tom's the only one hurt. Он завоевал её любовь. He earned her love. He won her love. Мері продала машину. Mary sold her car. Mary sold the car. Том не дихає. Tom's not breathing. Tom's not breathing. Том підійшов до дверей. Tom came to the door. Tom came to the door. Я ненавіджу матэматыку. I hate maths. I hate math. У меня есть одна книга. I have a book. I have one book. Кинь Тому м'яч. Toss Tom the ball. Drop the ball that way. Чаму ты плачаш? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Ты дала ему свой номер телефона? Did you give him your phone number? You gave him your phone number? Том занимается в библиотеке. Tom is studying in the library. Tom's in the library. Том делает это быстрее тебя. Tom does it faster than you. Tom's doing it faster than you. Вона схожа на брата. She looks like her brother. She looks like a brother. Будь ласка, зробіть мені чашку кави. Please make me a cup of coffee. Please make me a cup of coffee. З Томом покінчено. Tom is a goner. Tom's gone. Мы будем стараться изо всех сил. We'll try our best. We will do our best. Я буду думать о тебе каждый день, пока меня не будет. I'll be thinking of you every day while I'm away. I'll be thinking about you every day while I'm gone. Він любить морозиво. She likes ice cream. He loves ice cream. На столѣ лєжить ıаблъко. There is an apple on the table. To the table, he's lying. Его брат учился очень усердно. His brother studies very hard. His brother was learning very hard. Я забыўся патэлефанаваць спадару Форду. I forgot to call up Mr Ford. I forgot to call Mr Ford. Оучєникъ пришьлъ ѿ Лонъдинїа. The student came from London. The examiner arrived Lon'dina. Замени его. Replace it. Replace him. Ці чутки неправдиві, чи не так? That rumour is not true, is it? These rumors are not true, are they? Я з тобою не співатиму. I won't sing with you. I won't sing with you. Почему Вы дома? Why are you home? Why are you at home? Я не хотів тебе образити. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to offend you. Купи мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Get me a new Shakiri disk, please. Спасибо за проявленный интерес. Thanks for your interest. Thank you for your interest. Была ноч. It was night. It was night. Эти брюки мне малы. These pants are too small for me. Those pants are small for me. Мері загубила окуляри. Mary lost her glasses. Mary lost her glasses. Я шукаю тебе. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. Я скажу тебе, что нужно сделать. I'll tell you what needs to be done. I'll tell you what to do. Всё это немного глупо. This is all a bit silly. It's all a little silly. Джон спіймав тигра й застрелив двох левів. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John caught the tiger and shot two lions. Я вірила у Тома. I believed in Tom. I believed in Tom. Это место надёжное? Is this place secure? Is this a safe place? Ви дуже наполегливі, чи не так? You're very persistent, aren't you? You're very persistent, aren't you? Як звуть хлопця? What's that boy's name? What's the guy's name? Завтра ти гратимеш у футбол. You are going to play football tomorrow. Tomorrow you'll play football. Я вас даже не знаю. I don't even know you. I don't even know you. Поцелуй без усов, как суп без соли. A kiss without a mustache is like a bowl of soup with no salt. Kiss without moustache like saltless soup. Том не хотел плакать. Tom didn't want to cry. Tom didn't want to cry. Ты найвышэйшы. You're the tallest one. You're the highest. Я знаю, что некоторые из вас считают Тома ленивым. I know some of you think Tom is lazy. I know some of you think Tom is lazy. Його цікавить математика. He's interested in math. He's interested in math. Вы заговорите по-шведски. You will speak Swedish. You'll speak Swedish. Этот стол шатается. This table isn't steady. This table is coming. Кішка з'їла мишу. The cat ate the mouse. The cat ate the mouse. Этот суп очень вкусный, правда? This soup is really delicious, right? This soup is delicious, isn't it? Это лекарство вам поможет. This medicine will do you good. This drug will help you. Буду рады любым каментарыям. Any comments are welcome. I'll be glad to have any comments. Том купил слишком много молока. Tom bought too much milk. Tom bought too much milk. Вона не має власної думки щодо релігії. She has no opinion about religion. She does not have her own opinion on religion. Вона його не заслуговує. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. Она каждый день после школы играет в теннис. She plays tennis after school every day. She plays tennis every day after school. Ти згодна з їхнім рішенням? Do you agree with their decision? Do you agree with their decision? Почему ты всё ещё один? Why are you still single? Why are you still here? Малако скісла. The milk went sour. Little biting. Пришел, увидел, победил. I came, I saw, I conquered. He came, saw it, won it. Я не мільйонер. I'm not a millionaire. I'm not a millionaire. Хацеў бы я, каб у мяне быў хлопец. I wish I had a boyfriend. I'd like to have a boyfriend. Том увесь день працює. Tom has been working all day. Tom works all day. Вона не буде вечеряти. She isn't having dinner. She won't have dinner. Я советую тебе переодеться. I advise you to change clothes. I'm advising you to change your clothes. Том заслуговує на нашу поагу. Tom deserves our respect. Tom deserves our respect. Не думаю, что он нас услышит. I don't think he's going to hear us. I don't think he'll hear us. Не дивіться телевізор! Do not watch TV. Don't watch TV! Мені дуже шкода, що я не зміг допомогти. I'm real sorry I wasn't able to help. I'm sorry I couldn't help. Яны хлусілі? Were they lying? Are they lying? Том усіх перехитрив. Tom outsmarted everyone. Tom's changed everybody's mind. Это не тяжело. That's not difficult. It's not hard. Том вступив до Церкви Сатани. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Tom joined Satan’s Church. Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were planning to do that. I wonder if Tom and Mary were planning to do this. Том — щаслива людина. Tom is a happy man. Tom is a happy man. У неё есть братья или сёстры? Does she have any brothers or sisters? Does she have brothers or sisters? На вечірку прийшло всього десять чоловік. Only ten people showed up for the party. Only ten people attended the party. Чому ти на мене сердитий? Why are you angry at me? Why are you angry with me? Я люблю гулять один. I like walking by myself. I like walking alone. Єсмь ли бєрєжа? Am I pregnant? Is it berry? Я с ним не согласен. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Говорят, что тот фильм очень интересный. They say that the movie is an interesting one. They say that film is very interesting. Спыніце Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Он пошёл в магазин. He went to the store. He went to the store. Люди люблять весну. People like spring. People love spring. У Тома є сюрприз для Мері. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Том сказав, що повернеться в жовтні. Tom said he'd be back in October. Tom said he'd come back in October. Я сьогодні знайшов дуже гарну місцину. I discovered a very nice place today. I found a very nice place today. Том сказал, что знает, что Мэри планирует делать. Tom said he knew what Mary was planning to do. Tom said he knew what Mary was planning to do. Я сказал Тому, чтобы он съездил в Австралию. I told Tom to visit Australia. I told him to go to Australia. Мы чуть не опоздали на поезд. We almost missed the train. We're almost late for the train. Я підозрюю, ви не подобаєтеся Тому. I suspect Tom doesn't like you. I suspect you don't like Tom. Все моє життя обертається навколо кохання. My whole life revolves around love. My whole life revolves around love. Я её уволил. I fired her. I fired her. У Вас есть какое-нибудь мнение? Do you have an opinion? Do you have any opinion? Я знаю, що ти хочеш це зробити. I know that you want to do that. I know you want to do it. Вам не подобаються яблука? Don't you like apples? You don't like apples? Второго такого шанса у тебя не будет. You won't get a second chance like this. You won't have such a second chance. Том знав, що Мері засмучена через нього. Tom knew that Mary was upset with him. Tom knew Mary was upset about him. Ти граєш у футбол кожного дня? Do you play football every day? Are you playing football every day? Кто был здесь первым? Who was here first? Who was the first one here? Я поеду в Бостон на автобусе. I'll go to Boston by bus. I'm going to Boston on the bus. Я не знаю, где Том купил свой зонтик. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. Том положил ложку в карман. Tom dropped the spoon into his pocket. Tom put the spoon in his pocket. Это Вы меня спасли? Are you the one who saved me? Did you save me? Тома, мабуть, покарають за те, що він це зробив. Tom will likely be punished for doing that. Tom will probably be punished for doing this. Что вы видели? What have you seen? What did you see? Тому не нравится жить одному. Tom doesn't like living alone. So I don't like living alone. Том сидел на ступеньках. Tom was sitting on the steps. Tom was sitting on the steps. Не думаю, что Том знает номер телефона Мэри. I don't think Tom knows Mary's phone number. I don't think Tom knows Mary's phone number. Я сказав Тому, щоб він приїхав до Австралії. I told Tom to come to Australia. I told him to come to Australia. Легко забути, що мікрофон увімкнено. It's easy to forget that the microphone is on. It's easy to forget that the microphone is on. Що тобі подобається їсти? What do you like to eat? What do you like eating? Я маю багато часу. I have a lot of time. I have plenty of time. Ця дівчинка схожа на маму. That girl resembles her mother. This girl looks like her mom. Чемоу ми єси не росказала? Why didn't you tell me? What are we not saying? Незважаючи ні на що, він все ще клеїть з себе дурня. Despite everything he is still playing dumb. No matter what, he's still making a fool out of himself. Жінка була сурогатною матір'ю дитини. The woman was the child's surrogate mother. The woman was the surrogate mother of the baby. Том - либерал. Tom is a liberal. Tom is a liberal. Я щойно поміняв пароль. I just changed my password. I just changed my password. Яна ззяе шчасцем. She glows with happiness. She is shining happy. Напісаўшы на сабе незразумела што і атрымаўшы неперадбачаны рэзультат, што ты будзеш рабіць? When you have things you don't understand written on you, what will you do, if you get unexpected results? Writing on yourself makes it unclear what and having received an unpredicted result, what will you do? Ми не сподіваємось на перемогу. We have no expectations of victory. We don't expect to win. Я намагаюся бути завжди готовим. I try to always be prepared. I'm always trying to be ready. Том купує газету по дорозі на роботу. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Есть какие-нибудь соображения? Any clues? Any thoughts? Не ёрзай! Don't fidget. Don't freeze! Я не забыл вашего предательства. I have not forgotten your treachery. I haven't forgotten your betrayal. Сподіваюся, ви повернетеся. I hope you'll come back. I hope you come back. Чому б Том зробив це з Мері? Why would Tom do that to Mary? Why would Tom do that to Mary? Коран було перекладено на багато мов. The Quran was translated into many languages. The Koran was translated into many languages. Ён быў арыштаваны за кіраваньне ў нецьвярозым стане. He was arrested for drunken driving. He was arrested for driving in an unverified state. Бідолашний Том намагається заснути вже три години. Poor Tom's been trying to get to sleep for three hours now. Poor Tom's been trying to sleep for three hours. Пора укладывать детей спать. It's time to put the children to bed. It's time for the kids to sleep. Нам, наверное, надо рассказать Тому о том, что случилось. Perhaps we should tell Tom about what happened. We should probably tell Tom what happened. Улыбнись и будь счастлив! Smile and be happy! Smile and be happy! Том християнин. Tom is a Christian. Tom is a Christian. Вона затримала подих. She held her breath. She held her breath. Мені цікаво, для чого він це зробив. I wonder why he did that. I wonder why he did it. Том не уходит. Tom isn't leaving. Tom's not leaving. Бостон посещает множество туристов из Канады. A lot of Canadian tourists visit Boston. Boston has been visiting many tourists from Canada. Покажите мне, как это делать! Show me how to do that! Show me how to do it! Що він там робить? What's he doing there? What's he doing there? Що ти намагаєшся зробити? What're you trying to do? What are you trying to do? Не думаю, что кто-то ещё заметил, чем Том занимается. I don't think anyone else noticed what Tom was doing. I don't think anyone else has noticed what Tom's doing. Што лёгка прыходзіць, тое лёгка сыходзіць. Easy come, easy go. What is easy to come by is easy to go away. Том ужасно говорит по-французски. Tom is terrible at speaking French. Tom speaks French awfully. Том не спіць з паловы на трэцюю. Tom has been awake since 2:30. Tom doesn't sleep from half to third. Вѣтри ѡтъ морıа вългъци. Winds from the sea are moist. Three-and-a-s-a-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s- Я паехала ў бальніцу, каб пабачыцца з сваёй жонкай. I went to the hospital to see my wife. I went to the hospital to see my wife. Я кохаю Тома. I love Tom. I love Tom. Не могли бы Вы оказать мне услугу? Could you do me a favor? Could you do me a favor? Том не такий, як я. Tom isn't like me. Tom's not like me. Не заплющуй очі. Keep your eyes open. Don't close your eyes. Ты выбрал не того человека. You've got the wrong person. You chose the wrong person. Він нестерпний. He's insufferable. He's excruciating. Ви про нас розмовляєте? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Мені це зійшло з рук. I got away with it. It came out of my hand. Гроші не пахнуть. Money does not smell. Money doesn't smell. Коли ви встали? When did you get up? When did you get up? Том сказав, що він не думав, що йому треба щось сказати. Tom said that he didn't think that he should say anything. Tom said he didn't think he had anything to say. Передавай Тому от меня привет. Give my regards to Tom. Say hi to Tom from me. Я прокинувся занадто пізно. I woke up too late. I woke up too late. Этих мальчиков следовало бы отправить в дом для малолетних преступников. These boys ought to be sent to a reform school. These boys should have been sent to a home for juvenile offenders. Я не розумію вашої французької. I don't understand your French. I don't understand your French. Ты разговариваешь во сне. You talk in your sleep. You're talking in a dream. Вам треба було повернути праворуч. You should've turned right. You had to turn right. Я хочу, чтобы мы стали друзьями с твоей сестрой. I want to make friends with your sister. I want us to be friends with your sister. Я знаю человека, который превосходно владеет русским языком. I know a person who speaks Russian very well. I know a man who speaks Russian perfectly. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері повинна це зробити. Tom said he thought that Mary might need to do that. Tom said he thought Mary should do it. Том дав мені три яблука. Tom gave me three apples. Tom gave me three apples. Всегда уступайте дорогу помехе справа. Always yield to traffic from the right. Always give up on the road to the right. Я не помню, чтобы он такое говорил. I don't remember him saying that. I don't remember him saying that. Нет ничего важнее, чем друзья. There is nothing more important than friends. Nothing is more important than friends. Он был слишком стар, чтобы сопротивляться. He was too old to resist. He was too old to resist. Я все намагався розповісти про це Тому, але він не слухав. I kept trying to tell Tom that, but he wouldn't listen. I tried to tell him all about it, but he wasn't listening. Я люблю персики. I like peaches. I love peaches. Коли ти прийшла додому? When did you get home? When did you come home? Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm this. I can't confirm it. Не играйте с ними в покер. Don't play poker with them. Don't play poker with them. Мері не взяла з собою парасольку. Mary didn't take an umbrella with her. Mary didn't take the umbrella with her. Я їх не палю. I don't burn them. I don't smoke them. Він підхопив метелика, затиснувши його між великим і вказівним пальцями. He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger. He picked up the butterfly by holding it between the large and pointed fingers. У неї болить голова. She has a headache. She's having a headache. Я не магла сказаць ані слова. I couldn't say a word. I couldn't say a word. Вось твой сабака. Your dog is here. Here's your dog. Інтэрвалы ў чвэрць тону, што ўжываюцца ў персідскай і арабскай музыцы, часам запісваюцца як перакрэсленыя бемолі і дыезы. Quarter-tone intervals, which are used in Persian and Arabian music, are sometimes notated with slashed flats and sharps. The intervals in a quarter of a tone used in Persian and Arabic music are sometimes recorded as crossed bemols and dikes. Він нитик. He's a whingebag. He's a thread. Ты нават не спытала мяне, што я хачу зрабіць. You haven't even asked me what I want to do. You didn't even ask me what I wanted to do. Францыя ваявала з Расіяй. France was at war with Russia. France fought Russia. Бовдуре! You idiot! Bullshit! Я думаю, нам следует сообщить Тому, что мы опоздаем. I think we should let Tom know we'll be late. I think we should tell 'cause we're gonna be late. Скільки коштуватиме зрубати це дерево? What'll it cost have this tree cut down? How much would this tree cost? Том огидний. Tom's repulsive. Tom's disgusting. Том немного старше Маши. Tom is a bit older than Mary. Tom's a little older than Machi. К сожалению, вчера был дождь. Unfortunately, it rained yesterday. Unfortunately, yesterday was the rain. Тэхас амаль удвая большы за Японію. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Texas is almost double the size of Japan. Я наблюдал за тем, как вы занимаетесь. I've been watching you study. I've been watching you do it. Будызм прыйшоў з Індыі. Buddhism came from India. Buddhism came from India. Що вам потрібно знати? Why do you need to know? What do you need to know? Я зателефоную пізніше. I'll call later. I'll call you later. Сабакі разумныя. Dogs are smart. Dogs are smart. Тебе необязательно это есть. You don't have to eat that. You don't need to eat that. Вы и половины не знаете! You don't even know the half of it! You don't know half! Добре, я маю зробити пропозицію. Well, I have a suggestion to make. Okay, I have to make a suggestion. Спасибо, что взяли его на рыбалку. Thanks for taking him fishing. Thank you for taking him fishing. Хто ваш улюблений письменник? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Дай мне шариковую ручку. Give me the ballpoint pen. Give me a ball pen. На цей момент немає коментарів. There are no comments for now. At this point there are no comments. Це має значення? Does it matter? Does it matter? Люблю инструментальную музыку. I like instrumental music. I love instrumental music. Я люблю музыку, особенно классическую. I like music, especially classical music. I love music, especially classical music. Самі прийде завтра. Sami will come tomorrow. She'll be here tomorrow. Здесь река глубже всего. This river is deepest here. The river is deeper than anything else. Вы сумны. You're sad. You're sad. Подивіться на це. Take a look at that. Look at this. Я бы хотел выпить кофе. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like some coffee. Нам затишно у нашому новому будинку. We're comfortable in our new house. We're comfortable in our new home. Я не могу делать эту работу без тебя. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. Я её тогда не знал. I didn't know her at that time. I didn't know her then. Кто под первым номером? Who's number one? Who's under the first number? Це Том вбив кішку Мері. Tom is the one that killed Mary the cat. Tom killed Mary's cat. Я думала, ты со мной согласишься. I thought you'd agree with me. I thought you'd agree with me. Можно тебя на пару слов? Could I have a word with you? Can I have a word? Я не здався. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Том сказал, что хочет уйти. Tom said he wanted to leave. Tom said he wanted to leave. Примустімо, що це правда. Let's suppose it's true. Let's make it true. Саллі розміняла двадцяти доларову банкноту по п'ятидоларових. Sally exchanged a twenty-dollar bill for five-dollar bills. Sally changed the twenty dollar note into five dollar notes. Ви божевільна. You're insane. You're crazy. Том буде тут з хвилини на хвилину. Tom will be here any minute now. Tom's gonna be here for a minute. Аліса не бачила собаки. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see the dog. Сапраўднае сяброўства даражэйшае за грошы. Real friendship is more valuable than money. Real friendship is more expensive than money. Як щодо того, щоб з'їздити на пікнік. How about going on a picnic? How about a picnic. Не годуй троля. Do not feed the troll. Don't feed the troll. Когда ты в последний раз был в Бостоне? When was the last time you were in Boston? When was the last time you were in Boston? Я просто не могу держать глаза открытыми. I just can't keep my eyes open. I just can't keep my eyes open. Мері всі поважають. Mary is respected by everyone. Mary's all respected. Сериал нужно начинать смотреть, когда все сезоны уже отсняты! Series are best watched after all seasons have been filmed. The show needs to start looking at all the seasons already taken away! Я принял это решение сам. I made that decision on my own. I made this decision myself. Интересно, смогу ли я это сделать. I wonder if I'll be able to do that. I wonder if I can do that. Давайте вийдемо з автобуса. Let's get off the bus. Let's get out of the bus. Мені слід піти. I should go. I have to go. Том не хотел говорить о своей болезни. Tom didn't want to talk about his illness. Tom didn't want to talk about his illness. Я подарил ей букет роз в знак благодарности за её гостеприимство. I gave a bunch of roses to her in return for her hospitality. I gave her a bouquet of roses to thank you for her hospitality. Джессі погано говорила французькою, а німецькою - ще гірше. Jessie spoke bad French and worse German. Jesse spoke badly in French, and German in a worse way. У краме прадаецца садавіна і гародніна. The store sells fruit and vegetables. The store sells fruit and vegetables. Мэри сломала левое запястье. Mary broke her left wrist. Mary broke her left wrist. Вы чего такие таинственные? Why are you so mysterious? What are you so mysterious about? Я буду присутнім. I'll attend. I'll be present. Це не буде легко. This is not going to be easy. It won't be easy. Том забыл сказать Мэри про вечеринку. Tom forgot to tell Mary about the party. Tom forgot to tell Mary about the party. Ты нафарбаваўся памадай? Are you wearing lipstick? Were you painted with a pod? Постарайся не плакати. Try not to cry. Don't cry. Я його ніколи не називав ідіотом. I never called him an idiot. I never called him an idiot. Том сказав, з цим він провів минулі вихідні? Did Tom say who he was with last weekend? Did Tom say he spent the last weekend with this? Том проходит около пятнадцати миль в день. Tom walks about fifteen miles a day. Tom walks about fifteen miles a day. У Тома діти й онуки. Tom has children and grandchildren. Tom has children and grandchildren. Кому можна довіряти? Who can you trust? Whom Can You Trust? Мені дуже не вистачає грошей. I'm very short of money. I really don't have enough money. Тому надо было пригласить Мэри. Tom should've invited Mary. So I should have asked Mary. Я надеюсь, что ничего плохого не случится с нами. I hope nothing bad will happen to us. I hope nothing wrong will happen to us. Она испытывала глубокое сожаление, оглядываясь на прожитую жизнь. She regretted deeply when she looked back on her life. She was deeply sorry to look back on her life. У нас насправді немає вибору. We really don't have a choice. We don't really have a choice. Хороші хлопці перемогли. The good guys won. Good guys won. У Тома большой дом и три автомобиля. Tom has a big house and three cars. Tom's got a big house and three cars. Вчера было воскресенье, а не суббота. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Кому ты его дал? Whom did you give it to? Who did you give it to? Они ждали сигнала к старту. They were waiting for the signal to start. They were waiting for the signal to start. Пропоную вам поквапитися. I suggest you hurry. I suggest you hurry up. Мы можем обсудить это позже. We can discuss this later. We can discuss this later. Я часто хожу в гости к родственникам. I often visit my relatives. I often visit relatives. Я вас не ведаю. I don't know you. I don't know you. Мы строгие. We're strict. We're strict. Почему вы возвращаетесь в Бостон? Why are you going back to Boston? Why are you going back to Boston? Не, не і яшчэ раз не! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, don't and don't do it again! Том сказал, что это не единственная причина. Tom said that isn't the only reason. Tom said it wasn't the only reason. Я просто хочу, чтобы вы помолчали минуту. I just want you to quit talking for a minute. I just want you to be quiet for a minute. Я знаю, що Том не знає, чому я хотів це зробити. I know Tom doesn't know why I wanted to do that. I know Tom doesn't know why I wanted to. Не хвилюйся. Ти можеш на мене розраховувати. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. Я хотел бы быть канадцем. I'd like to be a Canadian. I'd like to be a Canadian. Можете на него положиться. You can rely on him. You can trust him. Вы мне поможете? - С радостью. "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." Will you help me? Думаєш, нам слід увійти? Don't you think we ought to go in? Do you think we should go in? Я такого не делал. I did no such thing. I didn't do that. Том запросив тебе на побачення? Did Tom ask you out? Did Tom invite you for a date? Пожалуйста, немедленно вызывайте ФБР. Please call the FBI immediately. Please call the FBI immediately. Почему вы раньше мне об этом не говорили? Why didn't you tell me about that earlier? Why didn't you tell me that before? У нас гости. We have some houseguests. We have guests. Ей никогда в жизни не было так страшно. She had never been so afraid in her life. She's never been so scared in her life. Возьмите мои очки. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Спробуй зрозуміти. Try to understand. Try to understand. Здымай абутак. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Правда откроется тебе. The truth shall be revealed to you. The truth will open up to you. Мы знаем, что ты его не убивал. We know you didn't kill him. We know you didn't kill him. Ти чуєш пташиний спів? Do you hear the birds singing? Do you hear birds singing? Завтра день народження Тома. It's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Tom's birthday. Ти впевнений? Are you certain? Are you sure? Я пришёл вас навестить. I came to see you. I came to visit you. Его встретили добрые известия. He was cheered by the good news. Good news met him. Слава богу, я атеїст. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I'm an atheist. Вы уйгур? Are you an Uighur? Are you a Uighur? Он друг моей жены, а не мой. He's my wife's friend, not mine. He's my wife's friend, not mine. Пожалуйста, отрежьте себе яблочного пирога. Я приготовила его для вас. Please help yourself to some apple pie. I baked it for you. Please cut yourself a apple pie. Они зашли в джунгли. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. Усі люблять Тома. Everybody loves Tom. Everybody loves Tom. Перепрошую, що примусив вас так довго чекати. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I made you wait so long. Хочете їсти? Hungry? Would you like to eat? Все уже знали об этом. Everybody already knew that. Everybody knew about it. Ён разумны. He's smart. He's smart. Вы не могли бы рассказать мне что-нибудь о себе? Could you tell me something about yourself? Can you tell me anything about yourself? Я дома кожны вечар. I'm at home every evening. I am at home every evening. Ты успеешь вовремя, если выйдешь сейчас. If you leave now, you'll arrive in time. You'll be able to do it in time if you leave now. Том не сказал Мэри, что ему нужно купить. Tom didn't tell Mary what he needed to buy. Tom didn't tell Mary what to buy. Я мог бы это сделать. I could have done it. I could do that. Вы уже поужинали? Have you eaten supper yet? Have you had dinner yet? Я слышал, как вы плакали. I heard you crying. I heard you crying. Я еду с вами в Бостон. I'm going with you to Boston. I'm going with you to Boston. Ты маеш час у пятніцу пасля абеду? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Do you have time on Friday after lunch? Завтра я не на службі. I am off duty tomorrow. I'm not in service tomorrow. Ты пьёшь молоко, не так ли? You drink milk, don't you? You're drinking milk, aren't you? Я скасую це. I'll cancel it. I'll cancel it. Ви боїтесь? You're afraid? Are you afraid? Воўк воўка не кусае. A wolf doesn't bite a wolf. The wolf vow doesn't bite. Кому ти купив цю машину? Who did you buy this car for? Who did you buy this car? Я не пропустила жодної наради. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss a meeting. Том шутит? Is Tom kidding? Is Tom kidding? Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён любіць мяне. I wanted Tom to say that he loved me. I wanted Tom to say that he loved me. Я не люблю, когда трогают мои вещи. I don't like other people touching my things. I don't like to touch my stuff. Як слова мовіць. It's a piece of cake. How the Word Speaks. Он не остановил машину. He didn't stop the car. He didn't stop the car. Вам повезло, что у Вас такая хорошая работа. You're lucky to have such a good job. You're lucky to have such a good job. Том все ще живе біля тебе? Does Tom live near you? Does Tom still live near you? Это я и хочу выяснить. That's what I want to find out. That's what I want to find out. Коли ти могла би мені допомогти? When could you do that? When could you help me? Не має значення, скільки ти кажеш, що це твій будинок, будь ласка, припини ходити оголеним (оголеною). It doesn't matter how much you keep saying this is your house, please stop walking around naked. It doesn’t matter how much you say it is your house, please stop walking naked. Хопіць. That's enough. Stop. Я з Північної Америки. I'm from North America. I'm from North America. Я рада, что ты рада. I'm glad you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Он думает, что я влюблён в неё. He thinks that I am in love with her. He thinks I'm in love with her. Этот дом нуждается в покраске. This house needs painting. This house needs painting. У нас для вас маленький сюрприз. We have a little surprise for you. We have a little surprise for you. Вы думаете, я бы передумал? Did you think I'd change my mind? Do you think I'd change my mind? Усе пройшло згідно з планом. Everything went according to plan. It went according to plan. Впустіть мене. Let me in. Let me in. Ти один із нас. You are one of us. You're one of us. Ты можешь сказать мне, что я сделал не так? Can you tell me what I did wrong? Can you tell me what I did wrong? У вас є паспорт? Do you have a passport? Do you have a passport? Я розумна. I'm smart. I'm smart. Ви не потрібні. You aren't needed. You don't need it. Давайте сегодня посуду будет мыть тот, кто проиграет в камень-ножницы-бумагу! Let's have the one who loses at rock-paper-scissors do the dishwashing today! Let's wash the dishes tonight, whoever loses to the bunny-knife! Том попрощался с сестрой. Tom said goodbye to his sister. Tom said goodbye to his sister. Нам надо его нанять. We should hire him. We need to hire him. Я вас не понял. I didn't understand you. I didn't understand you. Том весь день поёт. Tom has been singing all day. Tom's been drinking all day. Том може забути це зробити. Tom may forget to do that. Tom may forget to do so. Где ты его видел? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? Тогда что это, мне интересно? Если это не продажа товара на дому, то, может, это новый способ знакомиться с девушками? Then what is this I wonder? If it isn't dodgy door-to-door sales then could it be a new kind of pickup technique for the ladies? So what's this, I'm wondering, if it's not selling goods at home, maybe it's a new way to get to know girls? Я уже разговаривал с этим студентом. I've already talked to this student. I was already talking to this student. Любовь к деньгам - корень всех зол. Love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evils. У кожнага колеру ёсць значэнне. Every colour has a meaning. Each color has a value. Дзе ты будзеш? Where are you going to be? Where will you be? Ми розмовляли про багато речей. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Мэри поправилась после болезни. Mary recovered from her illness. Mary got better after her illness. Я приготовила завтрак. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Ласкаво прошу до твого нового дому! Welcome to your new home. Welcome to your new home! Загляне сонца і ў наша аконца. Every cloud has a silver lining. It will look into the sun and into our window. Эту возможность нельзя исключить. This possibility can't be ruled out. This possibility cannot be excluded. Я демократ. I'm a Democrat. I'm a democracy. Как долго тебе придётся ждать? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? Здаецца, я насамрэч пачынаю разумець, што такое сапраўднае каханне. I think I'm starting to understand exactly what real love is. I think I'm actually starting to understand what true love is. Он похож на Джонни Деппа. He looks like Johnny Depp. He looks like Johnny Depp. Відповідай мені, будь ласка. Please answer me. Answer me, please. Ти сказав, що це важливо. You said it was important. You said it was important. Можна знову тебе поцілувати? Can I kiss you again? Can I kiss you again? В чём было дело? What was the matter? What was the matter? Он слишком маленький. It's too small. He's too small. Том сел на бревно. Tom sat down on a log. Tom went to the log. Почему все на меня смотрят? Why's everyone looking at me? Why is everyone looking at me? Том телефонував Мері сьогодні вранці. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom phoned Mary this morning. Важливо не те, який університет ви закінчили, а те, чому ви там навчилися. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. It's not what university you graduated from, it's why you learned it. Тому не понравился этот фильм. Tom didn't like that movie. So I didn't like it. Я лише бажаю вам допомогти. I only wish to help you. I just want to help you. Я сказал до свидания. I said goodbye. I said goodbye. Почекай-но, ти сказав "дівчина" чи "хлопець"? Wait, did you say girl or guy? Wait a minute, did you say "girl" or "boy"? Мы обязаны помочь. It is our obligation to help. We have to help. Я сапраўды яе кахаў. I truly loved her. I really love her. Не забудзь адправіць ліст. Don't forget to post the letter. Don't forget to send a letter. Я задовольняю її вимоги. I meet her demands. I meet her requirements. Я чув грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. Калі ласка, дайце нам нейкія ўзоры. Please give us some examples. Please give us some samples. Я точно не помню, что Том сказал. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. I definitely don't remember what Tom said. Я сам написав ці книжки. I wrote these songs myself. I wrote these books myself. Где мама? Where's my mom? Where's Mom? Что на самом деле произошло в прошлые выходные в Бостоне? What really happened last weekend in Boston? What really happened last weekend in Boston? Ми не можемо лишити її одну. We can't leave her alone. We can't leave her alone. Том пригласил меня остаться на ночь. Tom invited me to stay overnight. Tom invited me to stay for the night. На цю образу Марія лише посміхнулася. Ти мусиш зімітувати це! Maria just smiled at this insult, and you should, too. Mary just smiled at it, and you have to simulate it! З Томом цікаво говорити. It's interesting to talk to Tom. It's interesting to talk to Tom. Счастье не купишь. Happiness can't be bought. You won't buy happiness. Я загубився у лабіринті. I got lost in the maze. I'm lost in the labyrinth. Нам нужно её защитить. We need to protect her. We need to protect her. Я мало не помер сьогодні. I almost died today. I almost died today. Я впечатлён Вашим французским. I'm impressed by your French. I'm impressed with your French. Я почти ничего об этом не знаю. I know hardly anything about it. I know almost nothing about it. Я не очікую від них перемоги. I don't expect them to win. I don't expect them to win. Яна заўсёды выглядала шчаслівай. She always looked happy. She always looked happy. Хто я такий, щоб судити інших? Who am I to judge other people? Who am I to judge others? Я визнала, що не зробила того, що пообіцяла. I admitted I didn't do what I promised to do. I admitted that I had not done what I had promised. У цывілізованай Еўропе быкоў дагэтуль катуюць і забіваюць дзеля забавы. In civilized Europe, bulls are still tortured and killed for fun. In civilized Europe bulls still torture and kill for fun. Том не впевнений. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Вона страждає на невиліковану хворобу. She suffers from an incurable disease. She suffers from an incurable disease. Ми все бачили. We saw everything. We've seen everything. Найди, пожалуйста, Тома. Please find Tom. Find Tom, please. Просто послухай нас. Just listen to us. Just listen to us. Розумію, ви жартували. I understand, you were joking. I know you were joking. Ніколи не бійся робити помилки. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Я подав документи на візу. I applied for a visa. I put the papers on a visa. Ви не дозволяєте своїм дітям цим займатися, чи не так? You don't allow your children to do that, do you? You're not letting your kids do this, are you? Не люблю людей, которые настаивают на разговорах о политике. I don't like people who always insist on talking about politics. I don't like people who insist on politics. А Том знает? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Я её купил. I bought it. I bought it. Какой самый худший фильм вы видели в жизни? What's the worst movie you've ever seen? What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? Не плачи. Don't cry. Don't cry. Позвони мне, когда вернёшься. Call me when you return. Call me when you get back. Том попросив мене прийти. Tom asked me to come. Tom asked me to come. Ты всех нас обманул. You fooled us all. You fooled us all. Вы обсуждали это с Томом? Have you discussed this with Tom? Did you discuss this with Tom? Могу я ей доверять? Can I trust her? Can I trust her? Дай Боже добру ноц! May God give us a good night! Give God a good night! Я начинаю думать, что вы серьёзно. I'm beginning to think you're serious. I'm starting to think you're serious. Я тобі не раб. I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave. Мері поцілувала батька в щоку. Mary kissed her father on his cheek. Mary kissed her father in the cheek. Завтра я должен идти на рентген. I have to go and have an X-ray tomorrow. I have to go to X-ray tomorrow. Никогда не играй на проезжей части. Never play on the road. Never play the carriageway. Це не дуже переконливо. That's not very convincing. It's not very convincing. Тут пацук! Паклічце ката! The rat's here! Go call the cat! Here's the rat! Население Швеции увеличивается. The population of Sweden is on the increase. The population of Sweden is growing. Ти справжній друг. You're a true friend. You're a real friend. Том хотел поговорить с Мэри наедине. Tom wanted to talk to Mary in private. Tom wanted to talk to Mary in private. Гэта не партугальская. This is not Portuguese. This is not Portuguese. Тебе понравился велосипед? Did you like the bicycle? Did you like the bike? Том был таксистом, когда жил в Бостоне. Tom was a taxi driver when he lived in Boston. Tom was a taxi driver when he lived in Boston. Я вынужден выделить еще людей на данную работу. I have to assign more men to that work. I have to devote more people to this job. Мы учителя. We're professors. We're teachers. Том отправил Мэри телеграмму. Tom sent a telegram to Mary. Tom sent Mary a telegram. Потребуємо вашої допомоги. We need your help. We'll need your help. Том не спить. Tom is awake. Tom's awake. Ты спрашивал у них почему? Did you ask them why? Did you ask them why? Я дуже люблю грати в гольф. I love to play golf. I love golf. Том повернеться за кілька днів. Tom will be back in a few days. Tom's coming back in a few days. Том сказав, що хоче взяти на роботу когось із досвідом. Tom said he wanted to hire somebody with experience. Tom said he wanted to hire someone with experience. У світі є лише дві безмежні речі, всесвіт та людська глупота. Я не можу бути впевненим щодо першої. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. There are only two infinite things in the world, the universe and human stupidity. Дажьте ми отъвѣтъ добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. Let us eat the good stuff. Езжайте прямо по этой дороге. Go straight down this road. Go straight on this road. Не штовхайся. Don't push. Don't push. Это была долгая ночь. It's been a long night. It was a long night. Діти мають слухатися батьків. Children are to obey their parents. Children need to obey their parents. Калі ты не ведаў мяне з гэтага боку, то ты не ведаў мяне ўвогуле. If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me. If you didn't know me on that side then you didn't know me at all. На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. If I were you, I would ignore it. I'd ignore it if I were you. Я всегда так делаю. I always do that. I always do that. Смените тему. Change the subject. Change the subject. Твоя дружина знає? Does your wife know? Does your wife know? Я ўжо зрабіў гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Прости меня за всё. I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry for everything. Он сделал то, о чём вы его просили. He did what you asked him to do. He did what you asked him to do. Мужчины тогда были мужчинами. Men were men then. Men were men at the time. Это неприлично смеяться над кем-то, когда он совершает ошибку. It is not good manners to laugh at someone when he makes mistakes. It's not like laughing at someone when he's making a mistake. Том живёт в одном здании со мной. Tom lives in my building. Tom lives in the same building with me. Мій батько, можливо, спить. My father may be sleeping. My father may be asleep. Я тут зачекаю. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Она позвонила мне на следующий день. She called me the following day. She called me the next day. Я не хочу ехать на озеро. I don't want to go to the lake. I don't want to go to the lake. Скільки років цьому собаці? How old is this dog? How old is this dog? Бетти убила свою мать. Betty killed her own mother. Betty killed her mother. Тобі потрібно бути терплячішою. You must be more patient. You need to be patient. Том — беглец. Tom is a fugitive. Tom is a fugitive. Не бійся, я з тобою. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. Don't worry, I'm with you. Надеюсь, Вам хорошо платят. I hope you're well paid. I hope you're paid well. Урок английского начался в 8:30. The English lesson started at 8:30. The English class began at 8:30 p.m. Мій брат любить музику. My brother likes music. My brother loves music. Амазонка — другая па даўжыні рака ў свеце пасля Ніла. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world after the Nile. Amazon is the second-long river in the world after the Nile. Привет, Мими! Как дела? Hi, Mimi! How are you doing? Hey, Mimi, how you doing? Как бы огорчились мои родители, если бы я потерпел неудачу. How disappointed my parents would be, if I should fail! How sad my parents would have been if I had failed. Мне действительно надо с тобой поговорить. I really need to talk to you. I really need to talk to you. Они незрелые. They're immature. They're immature. Ви не могли би сказати "будь ласка", будь ласка? Can you please say please? Could you say "please," please? Ты меня избегаешь. You're avoiding me. You're avoiding me. Ще не час їсти. It's not time to eat yet. It's not the time to eat. Ты ўчора ўвечары працавала? Did you work last night? Did you work last night? Том спробував? Did Tom try? Did Tom try it? Скоро зима. Winter is coming soon. Winter's coming. Цей діамант справжній? Is this diamond real? Is this diamond real? Так, іду. Yes, I'm coming. Yeah, I'm coming. Я это уже знала. I already knew that. I already knew that. Я старший від нього. I'm older than him. I'm older than him. У тебе дуже гострий слух. You have very acute hearing. You have a very sharp hearing. Где презентация PowerPoint, которую ты мне обещал? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where's the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Мої тітка й дядько живуть у Франції. My uncle and aunt live in France. My aunt and uncle live in France. Том та Мері обоє дуже засмучені. Both Tom and Mary are very upset. Tom and Mary are both very upset. Нет ничего лучше этого. There's nothing better than that. There's nothing better than that. Я собираюсь поговорить с Томом, когда он вернётся домой. I'm going to talk to Tom when he returns home. I'm gonna talk to Tom when he gets home. Ця база даних містить багато помилок. This database contains many errors. This database contains many errors. Ти мій кузен? Are you my cousin? Are you my cousin? Ва-банк. All in. Wa-bank. Ви вже доїли сніданок? Have you finished breakfast yet? Have you finished your breakfast? Він, так би мовити, людина-робот. He is, so to speak, a human robot. He's a robot man, so to speak. Том сказал, что не собирается ждать разрешения. Tom said he wasn't going to wait for permission. Tom said he wasn't gonna wait for the permission. Я думаю, що Том помиляється. I think Tom is wrong. I think Tom's wrong. Как вы могли быть такими дураками? How could you have been so stupid? How could you be such fools? Не заходь! Я гола. Don't come in! I'm naked. I'm naked. Ви щось казали Тому? Did you say anything to Tom? Did you say anything to Tom? Я вчера видел человека, который ел из мусорного бака. I saw a man yesterday eating from a garbage can. I saw the man who ate from the trash tank yesterday. Я сумніваюся у її словах. I doubt her words. I doubt her words. Я очікую, що всі це зроблять завтра. I expect everyone will do that tomorrow. I expect everyone will do it tomorrow. После того как Мэри дала Тому пощёчину, бросила через него бокал вина и твёрдым шагом вышла из ресторана, воцарилась мёртвая тишина. You could've heard a pin drop in the restaurant after Mary slapped Tom in the face, threw a glass of wine over him and stomped out. After Mary gave Tom a kiss, threw a glass of wine through him, and took a firm step out of the restaurant, there was a dead silence. Мій улюблений овоч — помідор. My favorite vegetable is the tomato. My favorite vegetable is tomato. Перепрошую, ти хто? Pardon, who are you? Excuse me, who are you? Къ полѹдьнью! To the south. K half a minute! Том проспав. Tom overslept. Tom's asleep. Сколько времени потребуется, чтобы туда попасть? How long will it take to get there? How long will it take to get there? Для меня это слишком сложно. It's too difficult for me. It's too hard for me. Рятуйся! Escape! Get out! Том вышел из комнаты, не сказав никому ни слова. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom got out of the room, didn't say a word to anyone. Ваш батько про це знає? Does your father know about this? Does your father know that? Я втомився від твоїх виправдань. I'm sick of your excuses. I'm tired of your excuses. Гэта нешта сур'ёзнае? Is it anything serious? Is it something serious? В чём заключается ваша самая сильная сторона? What is your greatest strength? What is your strongest side? Что вы решили? What's your decision? What did you decide? Я викличу поліцію. I'll call the cops. I'll call the police. Хіба ти не плануєш це зробити? Aren't you planning to do that? Aren't you planning on doing that? Всё, что тебе нужно сделать, - это сесть здесь и ответить на вопросы доктора. All you have to do is sit down here and answer the doctor's questions. All you have to do is sit here and answer the doctor's questions. Вы справедливы? Are you fair? Are you fair? Я знаю, що ви просто робили свою роботу. I know you were just doing your job. I know you just did your job. Я на прошлой неделе видел Тома в Бостоне. I saw Tom in Boston last week. I saw Tom last week in Boston. Дзе Корнуал? Where is Cornwall? Where is Cornwall? Авто на улїци. The car is in the street. A car on the street. Том уміє водити. Tom is able to drive a car. Tom can drive. Забавяли сце ше, чи нє? You had some fun, didn't you? Squeeze it, don't you? Мэри сказала мне, что победит. Mary told me that she'd won. Mary told me she'd win. Том покончил с собой. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. Решайте уже! Decide already! Make your decision! Вам следовало держать это в тайне. You should've kept it secret. You should have kept it a secret. Твої страждання мене тішать. Your suffering amuses me. Your suffering makes me happy. Мені вже час іти. It's time for me to go. It's time for me to go. Я буду в Бостоні протягом кількох днів. I'll be in Boston for a few days. I'll be in Boston for a few days. В цьому місці ріка раптом звужується. The river suddenly narrows at this point. This is where the river suddenly narrows. Том что-то скрывает от нас. Tom is hiding something from us. Tom's hiding something from us. Том не програє. Tom won't lose. Tom won't lose. Ты готов повеселиться? Are you ready to have fun? Are you ready to have fun? Дзякуй! Thank you! Thank you! Те люди, что не умнее меня, меня не интересуют. People who are not smarter than I am don't interest me. Those people who don't understand me don't interest me. Том занадто втомився, щоб займатися. Tom is too tired to study. Tom's too tired to do anything. Я не ведала, што я буду прадстаўляць галоўную лектарку. I didn't know I was going to have to introduce the main speaker. I didn't know I would represent the main lecture. Том запротестував. Tom protested. Tom protested. Расскажи мне о них поподробнее. Tell me more about them. Tell me more about them. Мы хотим снять квартиру в городе. We want to rent an apartment in the city. We want to rent an apartment in town. Не думаю, что Тому надо завтра приходить. I don't think that Tom has to come tomorrow. I don't think Tom should come tomorrow. У тебе ніколи немає грошей. You never have any money. You never have money. Це завжди провина батьків. It's always the parents' fault. It's always the parents' fault. Я больше никогда не буду петь эту песню. I won't ever sing that song again. I'll never sing this song again. Я дуже радий за Тома. I'm very happy for Tom. I'm very happy about Tom. Я вчуся. I'm learning. I'm studying. Об этом мы никогда не говорили. That's something we've never talked about. We never talked about it. Скажи им, что я тебе сказал. Tell them what I told you. Tell them what I told you. Ти маєш сказати Тому, що ти не можеш цього зробити. You ought to tell Tom that you can't do that. You have to tell 'cause you can't do it. Комната Тома очень маленькая. Tom's room is very small. Tom's room is very small. Я їду на три тижні до Австралії. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. Что ты будешь делать, если опять начнётся война? What would you do if another war occurred? What are you going to do if war starts again? Я цілком певен, що ми переможемо. I'm pretty sure that we'll win. I'm absolutely sure we'll win. Том зробив для дітей все, що зміг. Tom did everything he could for his kids. Tom did everything he could for the kids. Он был осторожен. He was careful. He was careful. Хто міг би це зробити? Who could do that? Who could do that? Я запитала Мері, чому вона плаче. I asked Mary why she was crying. I asked Mary why she was crying. Будь ласка, подай мені штопор. Please hand me the bottle opener. Please give me a push. Я знаю, что ты что-то скрываешь. I know you're hiding something. I know you're hiding something. Мне здаецца, яна дагэтуль мяне кахае. I feel she's still in love with me. I think she still loves me. Чому ти раніше нічого не сказав? Why didn't you say something before? Why didn't you say anything before? Том тоже говорит по-французски. Tom speaks French, too. Tom speaks French, too. Я знаю, что ты ему помогла. I know you helped him. I know you helped him. Він чомусь непопулярний. He is unpopular for some reason. It's kind of unpopular. Ми сподіваємося, що ви відвідаєте Бостон. We hope that you'll visit Boston. We hope you visit Boston. Том не поверил тому, что я рассказал ему о Мэри. Tom didn't believe what I told him about Mary. Tom didn't believe what I told him about Mary. Ми нічого тобі не винні. We owe you nothing. We owe you nothing. Я суворий. I'm strict. I'm tough. Я хотела продать его. I wanted to sell it. I wanted to sell it. Этот для тебя. This one's for you. This is for you. Не знаю, что сказать. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Я больше так не буду. Обещаю. I won't do it anymore. I promise. I'm not going to be that way anymore. Мій дідусь розмовляє дуже повільно. My grandfather speaks very slowly. My grandfather speaks very slowly. Почему Том живёт в Австралии? Why is Tom living in Australia? Why does Tom live in Australia? У мене завтра є справи. I have things to do tomorrow. I have business tomorrow. Том там не табе чекає. Tom is waiting there for you. Tom's not waiting there for you. Даниель похож на уйгура. Daniel looks like an Uyghur. Daniel looks like a viagur. Те, кто нарушает правила, будут наказаны. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who break the rules will be punished. Ви будете щасливі. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. Дії кращі за слова. Deeds are better than words. Actions are better than words. Боги карають грішників. The gods punish sinners. Gods punish sinners. Неясно, що я повинен робити. It's not clear what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I have to do. Я думаю над тим, щоб поїхати з дружиною до Бостона наступного місяця. I'm thinking of going to Boston with my wife next month. I'm thinking about going with my wife to Boston next month. Я вам это сто раз говорил. I've told you so a hundred times. I told you a hundred times. Надія є завжди. There's always hope. There is always hope. Добра робота! Nice one! Good job! Они до сих пор не проснулись. They still haven't woken up. They haven't woke up yet. Вы не можете так с нами поступить. You can't do this to us. You can't do this to us. Жена не сапог — с ноги не скинешь. A wife is not a boot. You can't just kick her off. Your wife's not a booty. You can't throw her off your leg. Вона може ставити питання і відповідати на них. She can ask and answer questions. She can ask questions and answer them. Тут ёсць англафон? Is there an English speaker here? Is there an Anglophone here? Я заплющив очі й заснув. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Том випрасував свою сорочку. Tom ironed his shirt. Tom put out his shirt. Що вона робить? What does she do? What is she doing? Кто платит? Who's paying? Who pays? Он может быстро суммировать числа. He is quick at addition. It can quickly sum up numbers. Том зробив Мері щасливою. Tom made Mary happy. Tom made Mary happy. У Тома чёрные волосы. Tom's hair is black. Tom has black hair. Що б не сталося, зберігай спокій. Whatever happens, you have to stay calm. Whatever happens, stay calm. Ніхто не спазніўся. No one was late. No one is late. Я маю що сказати. I have something to say. I have something to say. Что тебя мотивирует? What motivates you? What motivates you? Я маю багато вільного часу. I have a lot of free time. I have a lot of free time. Том с Мэри поженились без согласия родителей. Tom and Mary got married without their parents' consent. Tom and Mary got married without the consent of their parents. Я чылійка ад нараджэння і з гонарам размаўляю на іспанскай. I'm a native Chilean, and proud Spanish speaker. I'm a Chilean from birth and I'm proud to speak Spanish. Том стверджує, що він задоволений. Tom claims that he's happy. Tom says he's happy. Я чекатиму до четвертої години. I'll wait till four o'clock. I'll wait until four o'clock. Ты бы смог кого-нибудь убить? Could you kill someone? Can you kill anyone? Ти зараз голодна? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry now? Двері відчиняються о другій тридцять дня. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. The door opens at 3:30 a.m. Гадаю, ви всі знаєте Тома. I believe you all know Tom. I think you all know Tom. Том зробив зарядку. Tom exercised. Tom made a charge. Гей, що це таке? Hey, what's that? Hey, what's that? Не турбуй мене зараз. Don't bother me now. Don't bother me now. Том не знает, почему я боюсь. Tom doesn't know why I'm scared. Tom doesn't know why I'm scared. Рішення вже прийнято. The decision has already been made. The decision is already in progress. Он знает её со средней школы. He's known her since middle school. He knows her from high school. Хочѭ чьто пити. I'd like to drink something. At least someone's drinking. Ми з Томом летіли одним літаком. Tom was on the same flight as me. Tom and I flew on one plane. Я лише хотів дати це тобі. I just wanted to give you this. I just wanted to give it to you. Когда ты последний раз ел? When's the last time you ate? When was the last time you ate? Ты почему не готов? Why aren't you ready? Why aren't you ready? У меня к тебе есть предложение. I have a suggestion for you. I have a proposal for you. У кімнаті є телевізор? Is there a TV in the room? Does the room have a TV? Я пішов до будинку з привидами. I went to a haunted house. I went to the ghost house. Я маю ключі Тома. I have Tom's keys. I have Tom's keys. Вона зараз їсть. She is eating now. She's eating now. Я не знал, что Том не умеет плавать. I didn't know Tom couldn't swim. I didn't know Tom couldn't swim. Вам зялёны пасуе. Green suits you. You're green. Вони мене підозрюють? Do they suspect me? Do they suspect me? Врач посоветовал Тому перестать пить. The doctor advised Tom to stop drinking. The doctor advised him to stop drinking. Моя машина невелика у порівнянні з твоєю. Compared with yours, my car is small. My car is small compared to yours. Усі посміхаються. Everyone is smiling. Everyone smiles. Він некомпетентний. He is incompetent. He's incompetent. Том освободился от своего иностранного акцента. Tom lost his foreign accent. Tom got rid of his foreign accent. Я бюрократ. I'm a bureaucrat. I'm a bureaucrat. У Тома была хорошая работа. Tom had a good job. Tom had a good job. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at French. Tom speaks well in French. Столиця Бразилії - Бразиліа. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. Brazil’s capital city, Brasília Воно працює. It works. It works. Могу я получить копию этих? Could I get a copy of these? Can I get a copy of these? Давай я поговорю с ней наедине. Let me talk to her alone. Let me talk to her alone. Я тобі насправді подобаюся, еге ж? You do like me, don't you? You really like me, don't you? Оно красное. It's red. It's red. Станьте в позу. Strike a pose. Stand in position. Це було доволі просто зробити. Doing that was pretty easy. It was pretty easy to do. Несумненна, ён нашмат лепшы за цябе. He's without a doubt a lot better than you. No doubt he's much better than you. Коли я дістався офісу, на мене чекала купа роботи. Я бігав туди-сюди як курка, якій відрубали голову. When I got to the office, I had tons of work waiting for me. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When I got to the office, I had a lot of work to do, and I ran around like a chicken to get cut off. Том заговорил первым. Tom spoke first. Tom said first. Я спробую її полагодити. I'll try to fix it. I'll try to fix it. Це книга. This is a book. It's a book. Я штодня сачу за авечкамі. Every day, I look after the sheep. I look after the sheep every day. Я не люблю великих собак. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Он бы никогда мне не соврал. He would never lie to me. He would never lie to me. Выметайся из моего офиса. Get out of my office. Get out of my office. Том умовив Мері позичити йому гроші. Tom got Mary to lend him some money. Tom arranged for Mary to lend him money. Том не верит, что я выиграл. Tom doesn't believe I won. Tom doesn't believe I won. Звідси видно гору Фудзі. From here, one can see Mt. Fuji. From here, we can see Mount Fuji. Том передал пакет мне. Tom handed the package to me. Tom gave the package to me. Я ненавиджу ту фотографію. I hate that picture. I hate that photo. Я слухала джаз протягом всього ранку. I've been listening to jazz all morning. I've been listening to jazz all morning. Чому саме Том хотів би це зробити? Why exactly would Tom want to do that? Why would Tom want to do that? Простите, где яйца? I'm sorry, but where are the eggs? Excuse me, where are the eggs? Я напісаў адрэсу з адваротнага боку канверта. I've written his address on the back of the envelope. I wrote a rescission on the other side of the envelope. Дзуськи! No way! You bitches! Том не цілував Мері. Tom didn't kiss Mary. Tom didn't kiss Mary. Я был расстроен, что её не было дома. I was disappointed that she was not at home. I was upset she wasn't home. Якога колеру яе валасы? What colour is her hair? What color is her hair? Я испёк это для тебя. I baked it for you. I'm running it for you. Она поливает цветы. She is watering her flowers. She's watering flowers. Он способен к математике. He is good at mathematics. He's capable of math. Ми всі дуже за тобою сумуємо. We all miss you very much. We all miss you so much. Вы знаете, откуда они узнали? Do you know how they knew? Do you know where they found out? У Нэнси есть фортепиано. Nancy has a piano. Nancy has a piano. Всі собаки вірні. All dogs are faithful. All dogs are loyal. Ты маніш. You are lying. You're a man. Мама накрила на стіл. Mom spread the table. Mom put it on the table. Я не виспався. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep. Я не спросил, планирует Том этим заниматься или нет. I didn't ask whether Tom was planning on doing that or not. I didn't ask if Tom planned to do this or not. Просто попроси їх її віддати. Just ask them to give it back. Just ask them to give it back. У нас закончыліся і яйкі. We're also out of eggs. We're done with eggs as well. Это только усугубляет проблему. That only makes the problem worse. This only exacerbates the problem. Ми не могли би йти швидше? Я спізнююся. Could we go faster? I'm late. We couldn't go faster, I'm late. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері буде соромно. Tom said he thought that Mary would be embarrassed. Tom said he thought Mary would be ashamed. Ешь, пока горячее. Eat it while it's hot. Eat while it's hot. Я зазвичай ходжу до супермаркету по понеділках. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. Тайская — афіцыйная мова ў Тайландзе. Thai is the official language in Thailand. Thai is the official language in Thailand. Туман розсіюється. The mist is clearing. The fog is dissipating. Я знаю, что кому-то надо это сделать. I know somebody has to do that. I know someone needs to do this. Малайчына! Well done! Little girl! Адсюль дарога ідзе на поўнач. The road goes north from here. Hence the road goes north. Он это любит. He likes that. He loves it. Том ще не готовий приймати відвідувачів. Tom isn't yet ready to receive visitors. Tom's not ready to accept visitors yet. Хтось чекає на нас надворі. There's somebody waiting for us outside. Someone's waiting for us outside. Я не хочу, щоб Том засмучувався. I don't want Tom to get upset. I don't want Tom upset. Японія знаходиться на схід від Китаю. Japan is to the east of China. Japan is east of China. Я зміг вирішити проблему. I was able to solve the problem. I was able to solve the problem. Сьогодні я бачив шпака. Today, I saw a starling. I saw a hat today. Будьте шанобливі. Be respectful. Be respectful. Допоможіть нам! Help us. Help us! Вам зручно? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Мені зараз немає чого робити. I have nothing to do now. I don't have anything to do right now. Том хотів послухати Моцарта. Tom wanted to listen to Mozart. Tom wanted to hear Mozart. Хтось угнав мою машину. Somebody stole my car. Someone stole my car. Мої привітання! Congratulations! Congratulations! Не беспокойся о моей собаке. Don't worry about my dog. Don't worry about my dog. Сёння ранкам я піў каву, а не чай. I had tea instead of coffee this morning. Today in the morning I drank coffee, not tea. Вона живе майже поруч. She lives quite close by. She lives near us. Том натиснув на кнопку, але нічого не сталося. Tom pushed the button, but nothing happened. Tom pressed the button, but nothing happened. Я не знав, що у тебе є машина. I didn't know you had a car. I didn't know you had a car. Поговоріть зі мною. Speak to me. Talk to me. Я один з ваших працівників. I'm one of your employees. I'm one of your employees. Зроби це завтра. Do that tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Гэты конь мой. The horse is mine. This horse is mine. Так, із задоволенням! Sure, why not? Yes, I will! Він стояв у дверях. He stood under the door frame. He was standing in the door. Огромная толпа людей ждала. A huge crowd of people waited. A huge crowd of people were waiting. Мне хочется побыть одной. I feel like being alone. I want to be alone. Гэта справа вялікай важнасці. This matter is of great importance. This is a matter of great importance. Мені не потрібна робота. I don't need a job. I don't need a job. Я яе не запрасіла. I didn't invite her. I didn't invite her. Він сильніший, ніж ви. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Мы обнаружили, что все коробки были пустыми. We found all the boxes empty. We found all the boxes empty. Думаете, Тому это понравится? Do you think Tom will like that? You think that's why you're gonna like it? Люди похожи на муравьёв. The people look like ants. People look like ants. Ты выглядишь немного подавленным. You seem a bit depressed. You look a little depressed. Найлепшае яшчэ папераду. The best is yet to come. Best yet papered. Вы не хотите ещё сына? Don't you want to have another son? You don't want another son? Нашій команді потрібна твоя допомога. Our team needs your help. Our team needs your help. Я припустила, що Том — хлопець Мері. I assumed that Tom was Mary's boyfriend. I assumed Tom was Mary's boyfriend. Том все ще вважає, що Мері збрехала? Does Tom still think Mary lied? Does Tom still think Mary lied? У Тома и Мэри есть сын. Tom and Mary have a son. Tom and Mary have a son. Мы не так молоды, как Том. We're not as young as Tom. We're not as young as Tom. Не говори. Don't speak. Don't say that. Тому не нравится концовка фильма. Tom doesn't like the way the movie ended. So you don't like the end of the movie. Можешь нас сфотографировать? Can you take a photo of us? Can you take a picture of us? Неужели ты позвал Тома? Did you ever call Tom? Did you call Tom? Вам нравятся эти духи? Do you like this perfume? Do you like those spirits? Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. Bears can climb trees. Bears can climb trees. Ви можете припаркуватися тут. You can park here. You can park here. Едісон винайшов електричну лампочку. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented an electric light bulb. Нє розѹмѣѭ. I don't get it. No snooping. Моё имя знают все в моей школе. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known by everyone at my school. Достаточно ли Том зарабатывает, чтобы жить в городе? Does Tom earn enough money to live in the city? Does Tom earn enough to live in town? Скільки вам років? Мені двадцять шість. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. How old are you? Я люблю закінчувати те, що починаю. I like to finish what I start. I like to finish what I'm starting with. Даруй, я не п’ю алкаголю. Sorry, I can't drink alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. Она сделала ему подарок. She gave him a present. She gave him a gift. Вы знаете брата Тома? Do you know Tom's brother? Do you know Tom's brother? Мужчины хотят есть. The men are hungry. Men want to eat. Я лучше домой пойду. I'd rather go home. I'd better go home. Ти добре говориш англійською. You speak good English. You speak good English. Я не знал, что ты тоже придёшь. I didn't know you'd come, too. I didn't know you'd come either. Я хачу табе нешта сказаць. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. Вони нас кохають. They love us. They love us. Ви цілком маєте рацію. You're absolutely right. You're right. Гэта прыгарадны цягнік? Is this a local train? Is it a suburban train? Почему вы не в форме? Why aren't you in uniform? Why aren't you in shape? Я думала, что это вы. I thought that was you. I thought it was you. У Тома на спине вытатуирована змея. Tom has a tattoo of a snake on his back. Tom has a snake on his back. Це печиво смачне. These cookies are delicious. It's delicious. Вона тенісистка. She is a tennis player. She's a tennis player. Том и Мэри разговаривали не меньше часа. Tom and Mary talked for at least an hour. Tom and Mary were talking at least an hour. Я хотел поймать птицу, но оказалось, что это очень трудно. I wanted to catch the bird, but I found it too difficult. I wanted to catch the bird, but it turned out to be very hard. "Коли повернешся?" "Все залежить від погоди" "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When will you come back?" "It depends on the weather." Том сів біля вікна. Tom sat near the window. Tom sat by the window. Ти розумієш фонетичну абетку? Can you read phonetic signs? Do you understand the phonetic alphabet? Подозреваю, что Тому надо ехать на следующей неделе в Бостон. I suspect Tom has to go to Boston next week. I suspect Tom should go to Boston next week. Я просто уверен, что ты только что думал о чём-то пошлом. I just bet you were thinking something perverse just now. I'm just sure you just thought about something. Том вистрілив у мене. Tom shot me. Tom shot me. Я вміла плавати. I knew how to swim. I could swim. Том что-то вроде знаменитости. Tom is something of a celebrity. Tom's kind of famous. Экватор делит землю на два полушария. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. Це занадто дорого! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Я живу в місті. I live in a town. I live in a city. Хто яшчэ знаходзіць час, каб напісаць доўгі ліст сябру? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who else finds time to write a long letter to a friend? Мэри рассказала мне о своих планах. Mary told me about her plans. Mary told me about her plans. Хіба ти не готовий нам допомогти? Aren't you ready to help us? Aren't you ready to help us? Я была так осторожна. I was so careful. I was so careful. Том розумний. Tom is bright. Tom's smart. Она была права, а он не прав. She was right and he was wrong. She was right and he was wrong. Це м'ясо. This is meat. It's meat. Я цим вперше займався. This is the first time that I've done this. I've been doing this for the first time. Я хотел поговорить об этом. I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to talk about it. Том останется дома. Tom will remain at home. Tom's gonna stay home. Когда ты собираешься им сказать? When are you going to tell them? When are you gonna tell them? Том працює на Мері? Does Tom work for Mary? Does Tom work for Mary? Мне ад іх не трэба паслуг. I don't need them to do me any favors. I don't need services from them. Я не певна, що це така вже й добра ідея. I'm not so sure this is such a good idea. I'm not sure it's such a good idea. Дети играют в лего. The children are playing with legos. The kids are playing lego. Ніводная дзяржава не павінна ўмешвацца ва ўнутраныя справы іншай дзяржавы. No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs. No State shall interfere in the internal affairs of another State. Припиніть мене виправляти. Stop correcting me. Stop correcting me. Том был уволен в прошлом октябре. Tom was fired last October. Tom was fired last October. Хіба ви не прогресуєте? Aren't you making progress? Don't you progress? Молодые растения помещаются в горшки зимой. The young plants are potted during the winter. Young plants are placed in pots in the winter. Амаль. Almost. Almost. Ди ви їх бачили? Where did you see them? Have you seen them? Тобі подобається прохолодне літо? Do you like a cool summer? Do you like the cool summer? Треть заключённых сбежала. A third of the prisoners have escaped. One third of the prisoners ran away. Я дуже зайнята. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. Що ти вивчив? What did you learn? What did you learn? Я уважаю старших. I respect the elderly. I respect the elders. Вживання риби корисно для твого здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. The use of fish is good for your health. Ви знаєте, хто це сказав? Do you know who said that? Do you know who said that? Прывітанне. Hello! Hello. Він був добрим королем. He was a good king. He was a good king. Я не могу отпустить его одного. I can't let him go alone. I can't let him go alone. Почему вы сидите на моём стуле? Why are you sitting on my chair? Why are you sitting on my chair? Мій собака ніяк не перестане хропіти. My dog won't stop snoring. My dog won't stop whining. Том дає нам добрі поради. Tom gives us good advice. Tom gives us good advice. Я уважаю его взгляды, хотя и не согласна со многими из них. I respect his views, even if I don't agree with many of them. I respect his views, although I do not agree with many of them. Ти хочеш нам про щось розповісти? Is there anything you want to tell us? You want to tell us something? Вот и осень настала. Here the fall came. That's the fall. Я не хотел, чтобы соседи видели меня голым. I didn't want my neighbors to see me naked. I didn't want neighbors to see me naked. Никто не видит моих слёз. No one sees my tears. Nobody sees my tears. Том може почекати. Tom might wait. Tom can wait. Есть другой способ определить меру Габриэля-Ройтера, который, может быть, более интуитивный. There is a second way to define the Gabriel-Roiter measure which may be more intuitive. There's another way to figure out Gabriel-Royter's measure, which might be more intuitive. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что это неправда. Please tell me it's not true. Please tell me that's not true. Ты не знаешь, на что Том способен. You don't know what Tom is capable of. You don't know what Tom is capable of. Том разгрузил машину. Tom unloaded the car. Tom unloaded the car. Ти хвора. You're sick. You're sick. Я ўжо за гэта заплаціла. I paid for it already. I've paid for it already. Ти не в гуморі? Are you in a bad mood? You're not in the mood? Том довго був тут? Did Tom stay long? How long has Tom been here? Лейла зустрічається з кимось іншим. Layla has been seeing somebody else. Leila is dating someone else. Да, это мой словарь. Yes, this is my dictionary. Yeah, that's my dictionary. Том зробив все, що в його силах, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom did his best to catch up with Mary. Tom did everything in his power to catch up with Mary. Мэри сказала, что по понедельникам она не работает. Mary said she doesn't work on Mondays. Mary said she wasn't working on Mondays. Я всего лишь следовал твоим указаниям. I just followed your instructions. I was just following your instructions. Хіба ви не студентки? Aren't you students? Aren't you a student? У Тома не було часу зробити домашню роботу. Tom didn't have time to do his homework. Tom had no time to do his homework. Кофе, нахер, такое дорогое. Coffee is so dang expensive. Coffee, fuck, it's so expensive. Дякую тобі за твої листи. Thank you for your letters. Thank you for your letters. Данія хацела абараніць хлопца, якога яна кахала. Dania wanted to protect the guy that she loved. Denmark wanted to protect the guy she loved. Кен ждёт, когда придёт поезд. Ken is waiting for the train to come. Ken waits for the train to come. Вы хотите, чтобы я начала заново? Do you want me to start again? Do you want me to start again? Ціна машини занадто висока. The price of the car is too high. The cost of the car is too high. Студентам вона подобається. The students like it. Students like her. Я можу тобі допомогти кинути палити. I can help you stop smoking. I can help you quit smoking. Задорого! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Вона - моя дружина. She's my wife. She's my wife. Просто скажите мне, где он. Just tell me where it is. Just tell me where he is. Я отложу свой отъезд, если будет дождь. I will put off my departure if it rains. I'll postpone my departure if it rains. Привет, дружище! Hi, friend! Hey, buddy! Мы не спрашивали. We didn't ask. We didn't ask. Руками не трогать. Don't touch. Don't touch your hands. Ты пацалаваў Тома на развітанне? Did you kiss Tom goodbye? Did you kiss Tom for hello? Прычына простая. The reason is simple. The reason is simple. Я сказал что-то смешное? Did I say something funny? Did I say something funny? Мені шкода, що я в тобі сумнівалася. I'm so sorry that I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Їм набридло грати. They did not feel like playing any more. They're tired of playing. Ти знаєш, чому Том не п'є? Do you know why Tom doesn't drink? Do you know why Tom doesn't drink? Гэта не так дрэнна, як здаецца. It's not as bad as it sounds. It's not as bad as it seems. Їжі не вистачає. Food has been in short supply. Food's not enough. Том часто помиляється. Tom often makes mistakes. Tom is often mistaken. Я повернула направо. I turned right. I turned right. Не думаю, що ти не маєш рації. I don't think that you're wrong. I don't think you're right. Відійдіть убік! Stand aside! Step aside! Том всех нас вдохновил. Tom inspired us all. Tom inspired us all. Перепрошую, ви не могли би передати мені цукор? Excuse me, could you pass me the sugar? Excuse me, could you give me sugar? Я потратила 500 долларов за один день. I've spent 500 dollars in one day. I spent $500 in one day. Міліцыянеркі арыштавалі грабежніцу. The police officers arrested the burglar. Militianers arrested a robbery. Було дуже холодно. It was very cold. It was very cold. Я буду с вами работать. I'll work with you. I'll work with you. Том був змушений погодитися. Tom had to agree. Tom had to agree. Входите же. Do come in. Come on in. Я жанаты. I'm married. I'm married. Може Том має інші плани. Maybe Tom has other plans. Maybe Tom has other plans. Што ты робіш у вольны час? What do you do in your free time? What are you doing in your spare time? Мы очень весело провели время. We had a really fun time. We had a really fun time. Джудзі нарадзілася раніцай 5 верасня. Judy was born on the morning of September 5. Judy was born on the morning of September 5. Зачем вам марки? Why do you want stamps? Why do you want stamps? Том не хоче там бути. Tom doesn't want to be there. Tom doesn't want to be there. Том намагається зрозуміти, що йому робити. Tom is trying to figure out what to do. Tom's trying to figure out what to do. Я знаю, що я багато чому навчуся. I know I'm going to learn a lot. I know I'm going to learn a lot. Я обычно поднимаюсь по ступенькам через одну. I usually take stairs two at a time. I usually step up one at a time. Вы клялись, что любите меня. You swore that you loved me. You swore you loved me. Їй байдуже як вона одягнена. She doesn't care how she dresses. She doesn't care how dressed she is. Не панікуй. Don't panic. Don't panic. Я на це сподіваюся. I do hope so. I hope so. Тому сказали самому этого не делать. Tom was told not to do that by himself. So they told me not to. На самом деле его звали не Том Джексон. Tom Jackson wasn't his real name. His name wasn't actually Tom Jackson. У мене на десять ручок більше, ніж у тебе. I have ten pens more than you do. I have ten more pens than you do. Він грузин. He's Georgian. He's a Georgian. Мэры цікавіцца палітыкай. Mary is interested in politics. Mary is interested in politics. Завтра утром они продают билеты на концерт Шакиры. Tomorrow morning, they're selling tickets for the Shakira concert. They sell tickets to the Shakira concert tomorrow morning. Я мушу рыхтавацца да кантрольнай работы. I have to prepare for the test. I have to prepare for control work. Ты слишком юна, чтобы выходить замуж. You are too young to marry. You're too young to get married. Том должен сказать правду. Tom has to tell the truth. Tom has to tell the truth. Ви смілива людина. You're a brave person. You're a brave man. Я ситий. I am full. I'm full. Дивіться уважно. Watch carefully. Watch out. Я бы непрочь еще чашечку чая. I would like to have some more tea. I'd like another cup of tea. Ты часто разговариваешь сама с собой? Do you often talk to yourself? You talk to yourself a lot? Вы не ведалі, што ідзе дождж? Didn't you know it was raining? Did you not know it was raining? Стрибни на створіння, щоб вбити його. Jump on the creature to kill it. Jump on the creature to kill him. Чмо. Wanker. I'm sorry. Кто-нибудь из вас говорит по-французски? Can any of you speak French? Does any of you speak French? Тебе жалко Тома? Do you feel sorry for Tom? Are you sorry about Tom? Калі памёр мой дзядуля, мне было шэсць гадоў, і я яго амаль не памятаю. When my grandfather died, I was six years old, and I can hardly remember him. When my grandfather died, I was six, and I hardly remember him. Не перажывай, будзь шчаслівы! Don't worry, be happy! Don't experience it, be happy! Вона може говорити англійською досить добре. She can speak English pretty well. She can speak English quite well. Я вернулся домой неделю назад, но всё не могу привыкнуть ко времени. I've been back home for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag. I came home a week ago, but I can't get used to it. Том пригласил Мэри на свою вечеринку. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. Том хотел удивить Марию. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. Я изучала структуру айнских семей. I studied the structure of Ainu families. I studied the structure of the Ain families. Я рад, что ты мне сказал. I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you told me. На небі нема жодної хмаринки. There's not a cloud in the sky. There is no cloud in the sky. На восточную и западную части город разделяет река. A river separates the city into east and west. The east and west side of the city divides the river. Зателефонуйте йому, будь ласка. Please telephone him. Please call him. Мне не позволено говорить с Томом. I'm not allowed to speak to Tom. I'm not allowed to talk to Tom. Ты не должен был этого делать. You didn't have to do that. You shouldn't have done that. Тут мне патрэбная маленькая дапамога. I need a little help here. I need a little help here. Для кого ти це зробив? Who did you do that for? Who did you do it for? Він задоволений своєю роботою. He is pleased with his work. He's pleased with his work. Он ходит в школу для глухих. He goes to a school for the deaf. He goes to a school for the deaf. Отец сейчас в саду. Father is in the garden now. Father's in the garden right now. Думаєте, на це варто витрачати зусилля? Do you think it's worth the effort? Do you think it's worth the effort? Покажи мне Бостон на карте. Show me where Boston is on the map. Show me Boston on the map. Нехай Том робить це самостійно. Let Tom do that alone. Let Tom do it on his own. Том поклявся спасти Мері. Tom vowed to rescue Mary. Tom swore to save Mary. Сподіваюся, що це не вони. I hope it's not them. I hope it's not them. Моя мати розповіла нам цікаву історію. My mother told us an interesting story. My mother told us an interesting story. Клава любіць усё ірацыянальнае, менавіта таму яна працуе ў дзіцячым садку. Clava loves all things irrational, and works at the kindergarten for precisely that reason. Clove loves everything irrationally, which is why she works in kindergarten. Прабачце, хто гэтая кабета? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this cab? Вони добрі. They're good. They're good. Я готова помочь тебе. I am willing to help you. I'm ready to help you. Не смотри на меня так. Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like that. Ответ Тома всех потряс. Tom's answer stunned everyone. Tom's response is amazing. Він тобі не потрібний. You don't need him. You don't need him. С кем ты планируешь ехать в Австралию? Who do you plan to go to Australia with? Who are you planning on going to Australia with? Я збірала на гародзе трускалкі. I was picking strawberries in the garden. I've been collecting pancakes on top of the pea. Том был обнаружен застреленным. Tom was found shot to death. Tom was found shot. Мы видели множество необычных растений в ботаническом саду. We saw many unusual plants in the botanical garden. We've seen a lot of unusual plants in the botanical garden. Мои часы работают неправильно. My watch is not working normally. My clocks are working wrong. Луна — спутник Земли. The moon is the Earth's satellite. The moon is a satellite of the earth. Я не можу знайти взуття. I can't find my shoes. I can't find shoes. Я говорила. I was speaking. I told you. Я закінчила. I'm finished. I'm done. Как ты переносишь этот холод? How do you stand this cold? How do you carry that cold? Наведіть мені приклад. Give me an example. Give me an example. У чому була ваща місія? What was your mission? What was the weighty mission? Мы с Томом вместе поели. Tom and I ate together. Tom and I ate together. Том уже занимается французским. Tom is studying French already. Tom's already doing French. Це, звичайно ж, не було легко. It certainly wasn't easy. This, of course, was not easy. Он заменил травмированного игрока. He substituted for the injured player. He replaced the injured player. Я знаю, что мой русский далёк от совершенства, но я в общем-то доволен своим продвижением. I know my Russian still has a long way to go, but I’m pretty happy with the progress I’ve made. I know my Russian is far from perfect, but I am quite pleased with my progress. Том больше не хотел терять время на подсчёт потерянного времени. Tom didn't want to waste any more time calculating how much time had been wasted. Tom didn't want to waste any more time counting his lost time. Ви знаєте, чи Том цим займатиметься. Do you know if Tom will do that? You know if Tom's going to do this. Её рассказ вернул меня в детство. Her story took me back to my childhood. Her story brought me back to my childhood. Усем добрай раніцы. Good morning, everybody. All good mornings. Не волнуйся. Это только временно. Don't worry. It's only temporary. Don't worry, it's just temporary. Калі ты нарадзілася? When were you born? When were you born? У цябе дрэнны настрой? Are you in a bad mood? Are you having a bad mood? Магу я Вам чымсьці дапамагчы? May I help you? May I help you with something? Почему вы думаете, что Тома сегодня нет? Why do you think Tom isn't here today? Why do you think Tom isn't today? Том может остаться со мной. Tom can stay with me. Tom might be staying with me. Автобус был переполнен. The bus was crowded. The bus was crowded. Ми не можемо сказати Тому. We can't tell Tom. We can't tell him. Я хочу помочь вам с этим разобраться. I want to help you figure this out. I want to help you figure this out. Я не буду ждать вечно. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. Хіба ви не говорите з точки зору досвіду? Aren't you talking from experience? Don't you speak from the point of view of experience? Опасность миновала. The danger is over. The danger has been changing. Он срубил дерево топором. He cut down the tree with an ax. He cut down the tree with an ax. Я ехал на вечеринку. I was on my way to the party. I went to the party. Кто ваш юрист? Who is your lawyer? Who's your lawyer? Я снял туфли и вышвырнул их в окно. I took my shoes off and threw them out the window. I took my shoes off and threw them in the window. Ах ти ж йобаний ти на хуй! Моя колишня — злодюжка! Holy fucking shit! My old ex is a thief! You fucking son of a bitch, my ex is a thief! Тома щось турбує, так? Tom is worried about something, isn't he? Tom's worried about something, right? Я за ними прослежу. I'll keep an eye on them. I'll follow them. Не думаю, что Том в меня влюблён. I don't think Tom is in love with me. I don't think Tom's in love with me. У Тома достатньо грошей. Tom has enough money. Tom's got enough money. Я пішов у похід. I went hiking. I'm out. Ты должна стыдиться собственного невежества. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. You must be ashamed of your own ignorance. Я ценю её преданность. I appreciate her loyalty. I appreciate her loyalty. Хто буде займатися дитиною? Who will take care of the baby? Who's going to do the kid? Сейчас очень холодно. It's very cold now. It's very cold now. Ми з Томом любимо наших дітей. Tom and I love our kids. Tom and I love our children. Коли ти приїхав до Китаю? When did you come to China? When did you come to China? Къ югѹ! To the south. Woo-hoo! Вони скажуть: «Ага!» "Aha!" they would say. They'll say, "Aha!" Я хотів би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I'd like Tom on our team. Я никогда этого Тому не говорил. I never told Tom that. I never said that to Tom. У мене може не бути вибору. I may have no choice. I may not have a choice. Я марна спрабаваў яе пераканаць. I tried to persuade her in vain. I futilely tried to convince her. Ты вправду поцеловала Тома? Did you really kiss Tom? You really kissed Tom? Кажи се ѩглıаньскъı. Say it in English. Say this. Нам нужна была помощь Тома. We needed Tom's help. We needed Tom's help. Він каже, що йому вже набагато краще. He says he feels much better now. He says he's much better. Якби я мала час, я би відвідала Тома. If I'd had time, I would have visited Tom. If I had a little time, I would have visited Tom. На летних каникулах в Каруидзаву нахлынули туристы. Tourists poured into Karuizawa during the summer vacation. On summer vacations in Caruidzav, tourists waved over. Том быў цвярозы. Tom was sober. Tom was sober. Ці будинки — мого дядька. Those houses are my uncle's. These houses are my uncle. Я знаю, що Том скаже тобі правду. I know that Tom will tell you the truth. I know Tom will tell you the truth. Мэри говорит, что ей нужно больше времени. Mary says she needs more time. Mary says she needs more time. Том сів перед Мері. Tom sat in front of Mary. Tom sat down before Mary. Акулы могут почувствовать даже небольшое количество крови в воде. Sharks can smell even a tiny amount of blood in water. Sharks can sense even a small amount of blood in the water. Том недотепа. Tom is dumb. Tom's stupid. Мені здається, ви говорите неправду. I think you're lying. I think you're lying. Это ты сказал Тому, что ему не стоит идти? Were you the one who told Tom that he shouldn't go? You told Tom he shouldn't go? Це ваша мобілка? Is this your all's cellphone? Is that your cell phone? Ви добре заробляєте, так? You make good money, don't you? You're a good earner, aren't you? Вы хуже всех. You're the worst. You're the worst. Том сбил его с ног. Tom knocked him down. Tom kicked him off his feet. Я не думав, що Том буде такий сором'язливий. I didn't think Tom would be so shy. I didn't think Tom would be so shy. Розлабся. Chill out. Take it easy. Вона проводить забагато часу в інтернеті. She spends way too much time surfing the web. It's spending too much time on the Internet. Я думал, что у меня есть всё. I thought I had everything. I thought I had everything. Скажи Тому, що я виснажена. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Tell him I'm exhausted. Відкрий цей подарунок першим. Open this present first. Open this gift first. Том смотрит. Tom's watching. Tom's watching. Мэри сказала, что чувствует себя очень уставшей. Mary said that she was feeling very tired. Mary said she felt very tired. Я его встретил случайно. I met him by accident. I met him by accident. Наше життя визначається нашим середовищем. Our lives are determined by our environment. Our lives are determined by our environment. В будь-якому разі, я з тобою не згоден. Anyway, I disagree with your opinion. Anyway, I don't agree with you. Я вже знала про це. I already knew about this. I already knew about it. Мне патрэбны хтосьці, з кім я магу размаўляць. I need someone to talk to. I need someone I can talk to. Сльозами горю не допоможеш. What's done is done. You can't help with tears of grief. Мысли о том, что она идёт одна, беспокоили меня. The thought of her going alone left me uneasy. Thought she was coming alone, worried me. Что с ним станет? What will become of him? What's going to happen to him? Хтось телефонує. Someone's calling. Someone's calling. Я решу эту проблему. I'll solve that problem. I'll solve this problem. Почему многие языковые курсы неэффективны? Why is it that many language courses are ineffective? Why are many language courses ineffective? Мы пьём виноградно-банановый сок. We are drinking grape-banana juice. We drink grape-bana juice. Том обычно ездит на работу на автобусе. Tom usually takes a bus to work. Tom usually drives a bus to work. Я хочу посвятить эту песню Тому. I want to dedicate this song to Tom. I want to devote this song to Tom. Они его найдут. They're going to find him. They'll find him. Выпусти кота. Let the cat out. Let the cat out. Ми чекали на нього. We've been expecting him. We waited for him. Тобі потрібно їсти набагато більше овочів. You should eat a lot more vegetables. You need a lot more vegetables. Що з Томом трапилося? What's happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Це щось мені нагадує. It looks familiar. It reminds me of something. Можешь встать, если хочешь. You can stand up if you want to. You can stand up if you want. Вайна — гэта пекла. War is hell. War is hell. Я слышал о нём только хорошее. I've only heard good things about him. I only heard the good things about him. Она отказалась говорить по-английски. She refused to speak English. She refused to speak English. Візьми цю валізу. Take this suitcase. Take this suitcase. Я тряпка. I'm a wimp. I'm a jerk. Я хотел бы поговорить о нём. I'd like to talk about him. I'd like to talk about him. Минулого тижня я купила нову машину. I bought a new car last week. Last week, I bought a new car. Ты мусіш старанна працаваць. You should work hard. You must work hard. Я мав відмовити. I should've declined. I had to say no. Хіба ти не будеш танцювати? Aren't you going to dance? Aren't you gonna dance? Ти б дійсно зробила це для Тома? Would you really do that for Tom? Would you really do that for Tom? Я не сразу их нашёл. It took me a while to find them. I didn't find them right away. Дякуємо вам за увагу. Thanks for your attention. Thank you for your attention. Ви не слухаєте. You're not listening. You don't listen. Вечірка скінчилася. The party is over. The party's over. Доктор оглянув дитину і сказав, що вона здорова. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. Скористайтеся акриловою фарбою. Use acrylic paint. Use acrylic paint. Том не дурний. Tom is no fool. Tom's not stupid. Я не позволю ей войти. I won't let her come in. I won't let her come in. Том сказал, что он ест. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Все в шоколаді. Everything's fine. It's in chocolate. Я люблю природу. I love nature. I love nature. У нас кошка и несколько собак. We have a cat and several dogs. We have a cat and a few dogs. Якого кольору його светр? What color is his sweater? What color is his sweater? Я к вину равнодушна. I don't care for wine. I'm indifferent. Гэта мая вольная інтэрпрэтацыя зместу ліста. This is my free interpretation of the contents of the letter. This is my free interpretation of the contents of the letter. Я зараз куховарю. I am cooking now. I'm cooking now. Не оставляй ленту на солнце. Don't expose the tapes to the sun. Don't leave a tape in the sun. Ну що ж, це все пояснює. Well, that explains it. Well, that explains it. Том согласился помочь Мэри. Tom agreed to help Mary. Tom agreed to help Mary. Я знаю, что ты влюблена в Тома. I know that you're in love with Tom. I know you're in love with Tom. Яны нас усех забʼюць. They're going to kill us all. They kill us all. Это неизбежно, что я однажды уеду во Францию, я просто не знаю когда. It is inevitable that I will go to France someday, I just don't know when. It's inevitable that I'm going to France one day, I just don't know when. Я переїхав минулого місяця. I moved last month. I moved last month. Ти колись бував у Індії? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? Том дійсно переїхав до Бостона? Did Tom really move to Boston? Did Tom really move to Boston? Їх вже нема. They've gone. They're gone. Хіба ти не радий, що багатий? Aren't you glad you're rich? Aren't you glad you're rich? Какой твой любимый киножанр? What's your favorite kind of movie to watch? What's your favorite movie? Счёт должен быть оплачен к первому числу следующего месяца. The bill is due on the 1st of next month. The account must be paid by the first number of the next month. Публикация статьи была приурочена ко дню рождения профессора. Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday. The publication of the article was on Professor's birthday. Будинок побудував російський архитектор. The building was built by a Russian architect. A Russian architect built the building. Том хочет научиться играть на тромбоне. Tom wants to learn how to play the trombone. Tom wants to learn to play trombone. Я сказал им, что банк не работает. I told them the bank was closed. I told them the bank doesn't work. Це занадто складно? Is that so complicated? Is that too difficult? Вони живуть туть десять років. They have lived here for ten years. They live here for ten years. Дайте-ка заценить. Gimme a look-see. Let me check that out. Там никого не было, кроме него. There was no one there but him. There was no one but him. Це не єдина наша проблема. That's not our only problem. That's not our only problem. Я знаю, хто вона. I know who she is. I know who she is. Я ніколи не цілувалася з Томом. I've never kissed Tom. I never kissed Tom. Можна скористатися вашим телефоном? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Ми вчителі. We're teachers. We're teachers. Ти такий дивний. You're so weird. You're so weird. Сейчас только половина девятого? Is it just eight-thirty? It's only half the ninth one now? Попечалоуѥши ли моимь котъмь? Would you look after my cat? Seal, my cat? Можливо, ви з ним зустрінетесь. You might meet him. Maybe you'll meet him. Сегодня нам придется спать на улице. Today, we have to sleep outdoors. We're gonna have to sleep in the street tonight. Мы совсем не знаем английского. We don't know English at all. We don't know English at all. Мері тут не живе, еге ж? Mary doesn't live here, does she? Mary doesn't live here, does she? Я вибачаюся за це. I apologize for this. I apologize for that. Всякое бывает. Anything can happen. Everything happens. Ты был в парикмахерской? Have you been to the barber? Have you been to the hairdresser? Гей, ти куди? Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? Кажуть, що вона кохає його. It's said that she loves him. They say she loves him. Это чрезвычайно интересно. That's extremely interesting. That's very interesting. Скажи ей, что я не хочу идти. Tell her I don't want to go. Tell her I don't want to go. Золото гораздо тяжелее воды. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold is much heavier than water. Першая згадка пра Бабруйск датуецца 1387 годам. The first mention of Bobruisk is dated 1387. The first mention of Babrujsk dates from 1387. Том та Мері одружилися. Tom and Mary got married. Tom and Mary were married. Том тебе лякає? Does Tom scare you? Does Tom scare you? Вам стоит сделать это сейчас. You should do that now. You should do that now. Я никогда больше не буду с ним разговаривать. I'll never talk to him again. I'll never talk to him again. Фома указал на место на карте. Tom pointed to a spot on the map. The Thomas indicated a place on the map. Давайте побалакаємо. Let's chat. Let's talk. Том ест лишь белое мясо. Tom only eats white meat. Tom only eats white meat. Я привіталася з Томом. I greeted Tom. I greeted Tom. По-перше, ти повинен зрозуміти себе. To begin with, you must know yourself. First, you have to understand yourself. Том рассказал анекдот. Tom told a joke. Tom told the anecdote. Не думаю, что кто-то заметил, чем Том занимается. I don't think that anybody noticed what Tom was doing. I don't think anyone has noticed what Tom's doing. Паспрабуй гэта. Taste this. Try this. Это новая модель. This is a new model. It's a new model. Теперь парадом командую я! Now I'll be taking charge here. I'm taking the lead now! Це грецьке ім'я. It's a Greek name. That's a Greek name. Том не знав, що Мері не вміє говорити французькою. Tom wasn't aware that Mary couldn't speak French. Tom didn't know Mary couldn't speak French. Я думала, що Том — ваш друг. I thought Tom was your friend. I thought Tom was your friend. Я сел рядом с Томом. I sat next to Tom. I sat next to Tom. Адкажы мне. Answer me. Tell me. Ученые объясняют это иначе. Scientists interpret it differently. Scientists explain it differently. Що там у гаражі? What's in the garage? What's in the garage? Ти мені більше не подобаєшся. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Вижѭ хоромъ. I see the house. You're a choir. Я их не боюсь. I don't fear them. I'm not afraid of them. Поверить не могу, что Том всё это сделал. I can't believe Tom did all this. I can't believe Tom did all this. Дзе мой гадзіннік? Where is my watch? Where is my watch? Чия це провина? Whose fault is it? Whose fault is that? Я здесь по работе. I'm here on business. I'm here for work. Гэта ўсё твая віна, Лайла. It's all your fault, Layla. It's all your fault, Lyla. Я точно не знал, с чего начать. I didn't know exactly where to begin. I didn't know exactly where to start. Она действительно это сделала. She did do that. She really did. Это мой любимый проект. This is my favourite project. This is my favorite project. Это было легко. This was easy. It was easy. Банка пустая. The jar is empty. The bank's empty. Гадаю, нам треба зараз піти. I guess we should leave now. I think we should leave now. Если вы едете ночью, вам следует остерегаться пьяных водителей. If you drive at night, you should watch out for drunk drivers. If you leave at night, you should beware of drunk drivers. Вы размаўляеце па-англійску? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Чи можу я поговорити з ним? May I speak with him? Can I talk to him? Кишеньковий злодій витяг у Марка паспорт. A pickpocket pinched Mark's passport. A pocket thief took a passport from Mark. Я шукаю когось, хто говорить французькою. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. Коли нам влаштувати вечірку? When shall we have the party? When do we have a party? Она связала ему на день рождения свитер. She knit him a sweater for his birthday. She tied him up on his birthday sweater. Мѫжь сь молодъ. The man is young. You're young. Это простые предложения. These are simple sentences. These are simple proposals. Том выпустил ещё одну книгу. Tom has published another book. Tom released another book. Хапайте мотузку. Grab the rope. Grab the rope. У вас багато часу. You have plenty of time. You have plenty of time. Вы калі-небудзь былі ў Парыжы? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Я був чарівником. I was a magician. I was a wizard. Зараз не дуже вдалий час. Now is not a very good time. Now's not a good time. Ты ведь знаешь, что делаешь, да? You do know what you're doing, right? You know what you're doing, don't you? "Кто такой Норман Финкельштейн?" - "Американский политолог". "Who is Norman Finkelstein?" "He is an American political scientist." "Who's Norman Finkelstein?" "American Politologist." Мълвиши ли роусьскъı? Do you speak Russian? What's the matter with you? На следующем школьном фестивале Боб в первый раз будет играть главную роль. Bob will play the leading role for the first time in the next school festival. At the next school festival, Bob will take the lead for the first time. Візьміть лише одну. Take only one. Take only one. Она ваша учительница? Is she your teacher? Is she your teacher? Бициґла на улїци. The bicycle is in the street. Bicigla on the street. Думаю, что Том плакал. I think Tom has been crying. I think Tom was crying. Ти сам? Are you by yourself? Are you alone? Я не забула. I haven't forgotten. I didn't forget. Прычына пажару была вядомая. The cause of the fire was known. The reason for the fire was known. Рятуйтеся. Save yourself. Help yourself. Дело не совсем в этом. That's not really the point. It's not exactly that. Ты атрымаў 120% за экзамен па фізіцы? Ты мог бы, магчыма, выкладаць гэты прадмет... You got 120% on the physics exam? You could probably teach that class... Did you get 120 percent for the physics exam? Он гордится своими детьми. He's proud of his children. He's proud of his children. Проходя через сильный ветер, самолеты так трясутся, но не волнуйтесь. Passing through the strong wind, the planes rock like this, but don't worry. As the planes pass through a strong wind, they shake, but don't worry. У маленьких горшков длинные ручки. Small pots have long handles. Little pots have long handles. Том особливий. Tom is special. Tom's special. Мы всегда всё друг другу рассказываем. We always tell each other everything. We always tell each other. Вы дадалі каментар, а не пераклад. Каб дадаць пераклад, пстрыкніце па значку «あ→а» над сказам. You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click on the «あ→а» icon above the sentence. You have added a comment rather than a translation. To add a translation click on the "→a" icon above the sentence. Том помогает жене. Tom is helping his wife. Tom's helping his wife. Я спросил у Тома, зачем он хочет поехать в Бостон. I asked Tom why he wanted to go to Boston. I asked Tom why he wanted to go to Boston. Ей не нравится жить в центре города. She doesn't like living downtown. She doesn't like living in the middle of town. П'єр роздав карти всім гравцям. Pierre dealt cards to all the players. Pierre gave the cards to all the players. Я точно не знаю, кто это сделал. I'm not sure who did that. I definitely don't know who did that. Он водитель автобуса. He is a bus driver. He's the bus driver. Ты прапусціла найлепшае. You missed the best part. Thou hast missed the best. Я должен их увидеть. I've got to see them. I have to see them. Хорошо, я больше так не буду. OK, I won't do it again. Okay, I'm not going to be that way anymore. Хлопчык быў захоплены канструяваннем мадэлі самалёта. The boy was engrossed in constructing a model plane. The boy was captured by the design of the plane model. Ваша думка важлива. Your opinion matters. Your opinion is important. Том всё отрицал. Tom denied everything. Tom denied everything. Одиннадцать — простое число. Eleven is a prime number. Eleven is a prime number. Том слухав. Tom listened. Tom listened. Йому подобається співати. He likes singing. He enjoys singing. Я вільно розмовляю французькою. I'm fluent in French. I speak French fluently. Эти персики не очень сладкие. These peaches aren't very sweet. These peaches aren't very sweet. Гэта табе. This is for you. This is you. Кто это тебе купил? Who bought you this? Who bought it for you? Том хотів заплатити пізніше. Tom wanted to pay later. Tom wanted to pay later. Це сухе дерево. It's a dead tree. It's a dry tree. Тому сделали операцию по удалению селезёнки. Tom had a splenectomy. So we made a selenium removal operation. Дабранач. Good night! Good-bye. Він поїхав за кордон, і так і не повернувся. He went abroad, never to return. He left abroad and never returned. Том отказался целовать Мэри. Tom refused to kiss Mary. Tom refused to kiss Mary. Я сказал, отпустите их. I said let them go. I said let them go. Мне нужно спросить Тома, что он будет делать. I need to ask Tom what he'll do. I need to ask Tom what he'll do. Ёсць камін, ды няма дроў. There's a fireplace, but there's no firewood. There's a fireplace, and there's no wood. Трусікі высунулі пыскі. Rabbits stuck their noses out. Rabbits put out sands. Пакладзі крыху болей цукру. Put in a little more sugar. Put a little more sugar. Когда дело доходит до готовки, с Мэри никто не сравнится. When it comes to cooking, no one can equal Mary. When it comes to cooking, no one's gonna compare with Mary. Я с нетерпением жду Рождества. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm looking forward to Christmas. Том говорив з Мері. Tom was talking to Mary. Tom spoke to Mary. Том должен быть дома. Tom should be home. Tom has to be home. Сьогодні мені треба багато чого зробити. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. Мне нужно сегодня уйти пораньше. I need to leave early today. I need to leave early tonight. Они не вернутся. They won't be back. They're not coming back. Том начинает лысеть. Tom is beginning to lose his hair. Tom's starting to smile. Том хоче, щоб я вибачився. Tom wants me to apologize. Tom wants me to apologize. Я хочу пойти с ним на свидание. I want to go out with him. I want to go on a date with him. Одна ластівка не робить весни. One swallow does not a summer make. One ankle doesn't make spring. Ты цікавішся будызмам? Are you interested in Buddhism? Are you interested in Buddhism? Ти розглянув можливість ампутації? Have you considered amputation? Have you considered the possibility of an amputation? Том не зловить Мері. Tom won't catch Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. З ким Том планував це зробити? Who did Tom plan on doing that with? Who was Tom planning to do this with? Кітайскія іерогліфы вельмі прыгожыя. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Вы можете идти домой. You can go home. You can go home. Что случилось прошлой ночью? What happened last night? What happened last night? Том зажёг сигару. Tom lit his cigar. Tom set the cigar on fire. Звідки ти знала, що це станеться? How did you know that would happen? How did you know this would happen? Яна задала мне пытанне. She asked me a question. She asked me a question. Тоді дозвольте мені вас пригостити наступного разу. Let me treat you next time, then. Then let me get you to the next time. Я захоплююся вами. I admire you. I admire you. Я прыгажэйшая за цябе. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Кто бы захотел убить его? Who would want to kill him? Who would want to kill him? Тваё сачыненне па-ранейшаму найлепшае. Your composition is the best yet. Your creation is still best. Том закончил уборку на кухне и принялся за уборку в гостиной. Tom finished cleaning the kitchen and then started cleaning the living room. Tom finished cleaning up in the kitchen and took up cleaning in the living room. Я сіла не в той автобус. I'm on the wrong bus. I got the wrong bus. Попридержи язык, не то получишь. Watch your mouth or you'll get it. Hold your tongue, you're not getting it. Я ещё не ужинал. I haven't had my dinner yet. I'm not having dinner yet. Том этого не делал. Tom didn't do that. Tom didn't do it. Просто й далі займайся, чим займаєшся. Just keep doing what you're doing. Just keep doing what you're doing. Хіба ви не розумієте, що відбувається? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you understand what's going on? Только я засмеялась. I was the only one who laughed. Only I laughed. Я робив це просто заради розваги. I did that just for fun. I did it just for fun. Нам патрэбна паспрабаваць яшчэ раз. We need to try again. We need to try again. Ты ей очень нравишься. She likes you very much. She likes you very much. Вы гэтага не зналі? Didn't you know that? Did you not know that? Будь я птицей, я бы полетел к тебе. If I were a bird, I would fly to you. If I were a bird, I'd fly to you. Какие фильмы Вы предпочитаете? What kind of films do you prefer? Which movies do you prefer? Це твоя. It's yours. It's yours. Я їх не бачила. I didn't see them. I haven't seen them. «Где вы живёте?» — «Я живу в Токио». "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Том не мог больше контролировать себя. Tom was unable to control himself any longer. Tom couldn't control himself any more. Как одно с другим связано? How is this connected to that? What does one have to do with the other? Мені варто скасувати поїздку до Лос-Анжелеса. I should cancel my L.A. trip. I should cancel my trip to Los Angeles. Коврики поглощают звук. Rugs absorb sound. The carpets absorb sound. Том сказав вам, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Tom told you where the party was? Никто не выразил несогласия. No one disagreed. No one disagreed. Я завдячую свій успіх друзям. I owe my success to my friends. I owe my success to my friends. Том мав досить хворобливий вигляд, коли я його бачила востаннє. Tom looked pretty sick the last time saw him. Tom looked pretty sick when I last saw him. Ты тогда был в школе? Were you at school at that time? Did you go to school then? Це насправді дуже дратує. It's really very annoying. It's really annoying. Я єдина, кому ти можеш довіряти. I'm the only one you can trust. I'm the only one you can trust. Я не могу об этом спокойно говорить. I can't be calm while talking about this. I can't talk about it calmly. Том поскользнулся на банановой шкурке. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Tom slipped on the banana skin. Дракон непереможний. The dragon is invincible. The dragon is invincible. Я бачила їх. I've seen them. I saw them. Что Том обнаружил? What did Tom discover? What did Tom find? Времени у вас достаточно. You have enough time. You've got enough time. Вам надо было оставить меня в покое. You should've left me alone. You should've left me alone. Я знаю его только по имени. I know him only by name. I only know him by name. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері не буде. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be absent. Tom said he didn't think Mary would. Не йди. Don't leave! Don't go. Я купил её для сестры. I bought this for my sister. I bought it for my sister. Мы пожаловались управляющему на шум у соседей. We complained to the manager about the noise next door. We complained to our neighbors about the noise management. Том прийшов поговорити з Мері. Tom came to talk to Mary. Tom's here to talk to Mary. Я цього не можу перетравити. I can not stomach it. I can't digest this. Мне вас не жалко. I don't feel sorry for you. I don't feel sorry for you. Це має значення? Does that matter? Does it matter? Я знайшла новую працу. I got a new job. I found a new job. Не лишай мене тут. Don't leave me here. Don't leave me here. «Metroid Prime 3: Corruption» — гэта відэагульная ад Nintendo, якая даступная выключна на Wii. "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" is a videogame by Nintendo sold exclusively for the Wii. "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" is a Nintendo video game that is available exclusively on the Wii. Хто хоче морозива? Who wants ice cream? Who wants ice cream? Вони худорляві. They're skinny. They're thin. Я твой отец. I'm your father. I'm your father. Я не уезжаю. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. Ви в сауні? Are you in the sauna? Are you in a sauna? Ты Тома понимаешь? Do you understand Tom? Do you understand Tom? Я знаю, что что-то не так, но не совсем уверен, что именно. I know something is wrong, but I'm not quite sure what. I know something's wrong, but I'm not sure it is. Том — лучший барабанщик, которого я знаю. Tom is the best drummer I know. Tom is the best drummer I know. Это похоже на действие вируса. That looks like the work of a virus. It's like a virus. Я единственная, кто может вам помочь. I'm the only one who can help you. I'm the only one who can help you. Том взяв один з бутербродів. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Сколько осталось сандвичей? How many sandwiches are there left? How many sandwiches are left? Што ў Вас ёсць? What do you have? What do you have? Вам шкода, що ви це зробили? Are you sorry you did that? Are you sorry what you did? Татоэба вызывает привыкание. Tatoeba is addictive. Daddy's getting used to it. Эта книга популярна у студентов. This book is popular amongst students. This book is popular with students. Я живу в городе, но мои родители жили в деревне. I live in a city, but my parents lived in a village. I live in a city, but my parents lived in a village. Твои родители ещё живут в Германии? Do your parents still live in Germany? Your parents still live in Germany? Він повільно одужує від хвороби. He is slowly recovering from his illness. He slowly recovers from the disease. Я помер. I am dead. I'm dead. С тех пор я ничего о нем не слышал. Интересно, чем он сейчас занимается. I haven't heard anything from him since then. I wonder what in the world he's doing. I haven't heard anything about him since, I wonder what he's doing. Я втратила надію. I lost hope. I lost hope. Мы не забудзем. We won't forget. We won't forget. Адвокат имеет убедительные доказательства, что она невиновна. The attorney has strong evidence that she is innocent. Counsel has strong evidence that she is innocent. Я даже имени твоего не знал. I didn't even know your name. I didn't even know your name. Ми певні, що це не було випадковістю. We're sure it wasn't an accident. We're sure it wasn't an accident. Я уверен, он что-то скрывает от нас. I'm sure he is holding back something from us. I'm sure he's hiding something from us. Том меня спас. Tom saved me. Tom saved me. В мене немає дітей. I don't have any kids. I don't have children. Вони не є загрозою. They're not a threat. They are no threat. Том подозревал, что Мэри употребляет наркотики. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Кім ты працуеш? What do you do? Who are you working for? Вы штовечара глядзіце тэлевізар? Do you watch TV every evening? Are you watching TV every night? Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона не мусить цього робити. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she doesn't need to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary she shouldn't do that. Закон на моей стороне. Law is on my side. The law is on my side. Їдь на схід. Head east. Go east. Какая лучше? Which one is better? How much better? Ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? You don't like bathing? Знайти роботу важко. It is difficult to find work. It's hard to find a job. Ты не знаешь Тома? Don't you know Tom? You don't know Tom? Том не поехал, и я тоже. Tom didn't go and I didn't either. Tom didn't go, and so did I. Витайце! Welcome! Get out! Скажите им, чтобы сняли трубку. Tell them to pick up the phone. Tell them to pick up the phone. Мне надо спешить. Я выбиваюсь из графика. I have to hurry. I'm falling behind schedule. I have to hurry, I'm out of schedule. Він усиновив сироту. He adopted the orphan. He adopted an orphan. Я не можу полагодити комп'ютер. I can't repair the computer. I can't fix the computer. Я больше не пью вино. I don't drink wine anymore. I don't drink wine anymore. Том мав зачекати. Tom had to wait. Tom was supposed to wait. Хіба ти не бажаєш допомогти? Aren't you willing to help? Don't you want to help? Я думаю, що це логічно. I think it makes sense. I think it makes sense. Том купил мне хот-дог. Tom bought a hotdog for me. Tom bought me a hot dog. Пособи ми добрѣ сътворѧ. Help me, please. Help us with a good thing. Ты хочешь, чтобы я позвонил им? Do you want me to call them? You want me to call them? Нам потрібно побалакати. We need to talk. We need to talk. Вы там живёте? Do you live there? You live there? Я собирался выходить, когда зазвонил телефон. I was about to leave when the phone rang. I was gonna get out when I called the phone. Ты видел кого-нибудь в парке? Did you see anyone in the park? Have you seen anyone in the park? Перакладзіце, калі ласка, гэта на англійскую. Please put this into English. Translate it into English, please. Том у відпустці. Tom is on leave. Tom's on vacation. У мене немає книжок. I don't have books. I don't have any books. Здание было полностью разрушено. The building was completely destroyed. The building was completely destroyed. Я не могу гарантировать, что нам удастся закончить работу к следующему понедельнику. I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to complete our work by Monday next. Я не пінгвін. I'm not a penguin. I'm not a penguin. Моя сестра схожа на нашу маму. My sister resembles my mother. My sister looks like our mother. Це не варте зусиль. It's not worth the effort. This is not worth the effort. Я ел икру. I ate caviar. I ate eggs. Их продвижение было остановлено широкой рекой. Their progress was stopped by a wide river. Their promotion was stopped by a broad river. Том чхає. Tom is sneezing. Tom's sneezing. Том планує робити фотографії. Tom is planning to take pictures. Tom plans to take pictures. Том очень хороший мальчик. Tom's a very nice boy. Tom's a very good boy. Если машина сломается, пойдём пешком. If the car breaks down, we'll walk. If the car breaks down, let's walk. Двері нікому не відчиняй. Don't open the door for anybody. Don't open the door. А што, калі хтосьці гэта бачыў? What if somebody saw this? What if someone saw it? Со мной такого раньше никогда не было. That's never happened to me before. I've never had that before. Я нарешті зрозуміла, що я у тебе не закохана. I finally realized that I wasn't in love with you. I finally realized I was not in love with you. У меня возникла идея дать вам ключ. I thought I'd give you a key. I had an idea to give you the key. Том сказав, що саме трапилося? Did Tom say what happened exactly? Did Tom tell you what happened? Том сказал, что чувствует себя счастливым. Tom said he felt happy. Tom said he felt happy. Просто скажи ему, что я звонил. Just tell him I called. Just tell him I called. З Новим роком! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Том не хотел иметь с Мэри ничего общего. Tom didn't want anything to do with Mary. Tom didn't want anything to do with Mary. Том із Мері уникають Джона. Tom and Mary have been avoiding John. Tom and Mary avoid John. Ти виходив надвір вчора ввечері? Did you go out last night? Did you go outside last night? Ці ты новенькі? Are you new? Are you new? Вы былі шчаслівыя. You were happy. You were happy. Він не розбився. It didn't break. He didn't crash. Ваш лікар каже, що у вас все буде добре. Your doctor says you're going to be OK. Your doctor says you'll be fine. Том начал с должности клерка в почтовом отделении. Tom started as a mailroom clerk. Tom started off as a clerk at the post office. Тома укусила пчела. Tom got stung by a bee. Tom bit the bee. Я не знал, что вы тоже придёте. I didn't know you'd come, too. I didn't know you'd come either. Он не мог поехать из-за нехватки денег. He could not go on a trip for lack of money. He couldn't go because he didn't have enough money. Теперь я понимаю. I understand now. Now I understand. Они живут на другой стороне реки. They live across the river. They live on the other side of the river. Ты не зразумеў. You didn't understand. You didn't understand. Я українка. I'm Ukrainian. I'm Ukrainian. Візьміть стільки персиків, скільки бажаєте. Take as many peaches as you like. Take as many peaches as you want. Запишіть це, будь ласка. Please write it down. Please write that down. Том сказал мне оставаться у себя в комнате. Tom told me to stay in my room. Tom told me to stay in my room. Я подумал, тебе будет интересно знать, что Том нашёл работу. I thought you'd be interested to know that Tom found a job. I thought you'd be interested to know that Tom found a job. Ти виглядаєш здоровим. You look healthy. You look healthy. Він їздить дуже швидко. He drives very fast. He rides very fast. А що, якщо Том не має рації? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom doesn't have a radio? Я так сумую па сваёй дзяўчыне! I miss my girlfriend so much! I miss my girlfriend so much! Я еду с тобой. I'm going with you. I'm coming with you. Батьки мають супроводжувати дітей. Parents must accompany their children. Parents should accompany their children. Держите руки на руле. Keep your hands on the wheel. Hold your hands on the wheel. Это пальто немодное. This coat is out of date. It's not three coats. Ты нядаўна прыехаў? Are you new? Have you come recently? Я не хотел, чтобы ты опоздал на свой автобус. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I didn't want you to be late for your bus. В мене є до тебе три питання. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Какой месяц является тринадцатым? What's the thirteenth month? Which month is the thirteenth? Я не пам'ятаю, коли я зустрів його у перший раз. I don't remember when I first met him. I don't remember when I first met him. Том хотел, чтобы Мэри приготовила ему что-нибудь поесть. Tom wanted Mary to cook him something to eat. Tom wanted Mary to cook him something. Джон та Бет однолітки. John and Beth are the same age. John and Beth are peers. Мэри была в своей новой шляпе. Mary was wearing her new hat. Mary was in her new hat. Голандія - маленька країна. Holland is a small country. Holland is a small country. Они прямо за вами. They're right behind you. They're right behind you. Почему на тебе моё платье? Why are you wearing my dress? Why are you wearing my dress? Чи можу вам чимось допомогти, пані? May I help you ma'am? Can I help you, ma'am? Том очень хорошо умеет играть в теннис. Tom can play tennis very well. Tom can play tennis very well. Он ещё не сделал этого. He hasn't made it yet. He hasn't done that yet. Я уснула в поезде. I fell asleep on the train. I fell asleep on the train. Завтра ми відкриті. We're open tomorrow. We're open tomorrow. Англия похожа на Японию во многих отношениях. England resembles Japan in many respects. England is like Japan in many respects. Ходімо додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Ми знаходимося в зоні евакуації. We are in the evacuation zone. We're in the evacuation zone. Вот уже десять лет, как моя мать умерла. My mother has been dead these ten years. It's been ten years since my mother died. Вы, возможно, не помните меня, но я помню вас. You may not remember me, but I remember you. You may not remember me, but I remember you. Я мала сумніви. I had doubts. I had doubts. Какой у вас телефон? What's your phone number? What's your phone? Я знаю, що Том дотепний. I know that Tom is witty. I know Tom's funny. Можеш мені допомогти? Could you help me out? Can you help me? Вона має великі цицьки. She has big boobs. She has big tits. Як високо ти можеш підстрибнути? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Он не мог этого сказать. He cannot have said that. He couldn't say that. Том был очень удивлён. Tom was very surprised. Tom was very surprised. Можеш мені трохи про себе розповісти? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Без працы не вылавіш і рыбку з сажалкі. No pain, no gain. Don't fish out of the pond without work. Том пытался их убить. Tom was trying to kill them. Tom tried to kill them. Том и Мэри делали это много раз. Tom and Mary have done that many times. Tom and Mary have done this many times. Чемоу ми єси не росказалъ? Why didn't you tell me? What are we not telling? Я не умею ни читать, ни писать. I can neither write nor read. I can't read or write. Екзамен з хімії був як раз плюнути. The chemistry exam was a doddle. The chemistry exam was about to spit. Замість того, щоб іти до школи, він лишився вдома. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Я не знаю, как это произошло. I don't know how this happened. I don't know how it happened. Вона повернеться на протязі години. She will return within an hour. She'll be back for an hour. Мир вам. Peace. Peace be upon you. Вы думаете, мы победим? Do you think we'll win? Do you think we'll win? Ви привид? Are you a ghost? Are you a ghost? Я хотіла би, щоб ми могли проводити більше часу разом. I would like it if we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. Бажаю тобі удачі. I wish you good luck. I wish you luck. Том та Мері обоє там будуть. Tom and Mary will both be there. Tom and Mary both will be there. Я це дуже не люблю. I hate that. I don't like it very much. Тому буде потрібна моя допомога. Tom will need my help. So I'll need my help. Я відремонтувала годинник. I had my watch fixed. I repaired my watch. Подрастите немного. Grow up a little. Grow up a little. Я не просил тебя туда идти. I didn't ask you to go there. I didn't ask you to go there. Он говорит, что его сын теперь умеет считать до ста. He says his son can count up to 100 now. He says his son can now count to a hundred. Доведіть. Prove it. Prove it. Мы доберемся до Токио, прежде чем стемнеет. We will get to Tokyo before it gets dark. We'll get to Tokyo before it gets dark. Моя шея слегка болит. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. Увага! Attention! Attention! У Тома астма. Tom has asthma. Tom has asthma. Через снігопад літак з Пекіна спізнився на 20 хвилин. Because of heavy snow, the plane from Beijing arrived 20 minutes late. Because of the snowfall, a plane from Beijing was late for 20 minutes. Навіть Том не мусив цього робити. Even Tom didn't have to do that. Even Tom didn't have to do that. Добром это не кончится! This isn't going to end well! It's not gonna end well! Я рада тебе тут бачити. I am happy to see you here. I'm glad to see you here. Я говорил ей не делать этого. I told her not to do that. I told her not to. Нехай вони тобі допоможуть. Let them help you. Let them help you. Чего ещё ты от меня хочешь? What more do you want from me? What else do you want from me? Лінда зайшла ў будынак. Linda came into the building. Linda went into the building. Наша команда вернулась домой с триумфом. Our team came home in triumph. Our team came home with triumph. Я твоя королева. I am your queen. I'm your queen. Я усвідомлював, що за мною слідкують. I was aware that I was being watched. I realized that I was being followed. Вони всі голодні. They're all hungry. They're all hungry. Мені хотілося би мати добрий французький словник. I wish I had a good French dictionary. I wish I had a good French dictionary. Мы тебе не враги. We're not your enemies. We're not your enemies. Прысягнуў ты, дзіцятка, — дык дабудзь жа ты мне цяпер гэткай вадзіцы, пашукай, прынясі, карэньчыкі мае бедныя падлі… You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots… I swear to you, baby, - so get me now this water, search, fetch, carnivores my poor fells... У вас болить шлунок? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have stomach pain? Честность - одна из добродетелей. Honesty is a virtue. Honesty is a virtue. Адкуль ты? Where are you from? Where are you from? Я сильно за тобою сумуватиму. I'll miss you so much. I'll miss you a lot. Я повністю згодна. I completely agree. I totally agree. Чому ти так ненавидиш Тома? Why do you hate Tom so much? Why do you hate Tom so much? Коли ти залефонувала, я вже не спав. When you called, I was already awake. When you called, I wasn't asleep anymore. Это так клёво! It's so cool! That's so cool! Как ты собираешься потратить такую большую сумму денег? How are you going to spend such a large amount of money? How are you going to spend so much money? У тебе є словник? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Ён жыве ў Марока. He lives in Morocco. He lives in Morocco. Ты потерял всё. You've lost everything. You lost everything. Підтримуй свою кімнату у максимальному порядку. Keep your room as neat as you can. Keep your room as normal as possible. Том поїде замість тебе. Tom will go in your place. Tom's gonna go instead of you. Я був в Лондоні майже ціле літо. I was in London for almost all the summer. I was in London almost all summer. Мої оцінки у школі були середніми. My school grades were average. My grades at school were high school. Я не могу разобраться, как открыть эту коробку. I can't figure out how to get this box open. I can't figure out how to open this box. О чем бы ни зашла речь, он изображает, что знает об этом все. Regardless of the subject, he pretends to know all about it. Whatever it is, he shows that he knows everything about it. Я відчинив двері. I opened the door. I opened the door. «Я в порядке». – «Нет, не в порядке». "I'm fine." "No, you're not." "I'm fine." "No, I'm not okay." Мне просто повезло. I was just lucky. I'm just lucky. Перспектива удручающая. It is a depressing prospect. The prospect is perplexing. Разве жизнь попросту не прекрасна? Isn't life just great? Isn't life just beautiful? Я конкурентоспособный. I'm competitive. I'm competitive. Они не сказали бы мне правду. They wouldn't tell me the truth. They wouldn't tell me the truth. Это временное условие. It's a temporary condition. It's a temporary condition. Ты сейчас начнёшь. You'll start right now. You're going to start now. Подивіться в кишенях. Check your pockets. Look in your pockets. Он у себя за столом. He is at his desk. He's at his table. Я завжди вам довіряла. I've always trusted you. I always trusted you. Мабыць, так. I think so. I guess so. Російський алфавіт не такий вже й важкий для мене. The Russian alphabet is not that difficult to me. The Russian alphabet is not so difficult for me. У него красивая дочь. He has a daughter who is pretty. He's got a beautiful daughter. Я був дуже щирий. I was very frank. I was very sincere. Том вже минуле. Tom is history. Tom's in the past. Том знал, почему не нравится Мэри. Tom knew why Mary didn't like him. Tom knew why Mary didn't like it. Чому, на вашу думку, я тут? Why do you think I'm here? Why do you think I'm here? Я прыняў яе запрашэнне. I accepted her invitation. I accepted her invitation. Вы брат Тома? Are you Tom's brother? Are you Tom's brother? Том сказав, що помітив різницю. Tom said that he noticed a difference. Tom said he noticed the difference. Том склав перелік того, що йому потрібно. Tom made a list of what he needed. Tom composed a list of what he needed. Мне нравится цвет твоей рубашки. I like the color of your shirt. I like the color of your shirt. Не делай ему никаких намёков. Don't give him any ideas. Don't make any hints to him. Я думала, ти казала, що ти єдина дитина в родині. I thought you said you were an only child. I thought you said you were the only child in the family. Которое вы купили? Which one did you buy? Which one did you buy? Том переехал сюда из Австралии три года назад. Tom moved here from Australia three years ago. Tom moved here from Australia three years ago. Том не дуже гарний. Tom isn't very good-looking. Tom's not very handsome. С нетерпением ждём вас и вашу семью. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family. We look forward to you and your family. Я с ним всё время разговариваю. I talk to him all the time. I've been talking to him all the time. Я не дуже добре розуміюся на математиці. I am not good at mathematics. I don't understand very well in math. Я для гэтага занадта стары. I'm too old for this. I am too old for that. Де твій брат? Where's your brother? Where's your brother? Вся страна об этом говорит. The whole country is talking about it. The whole country is talking about it. Ви вмієте читати кирилицею? Can you read Cyrillic? Can you read the Cyrillic? Бджоли роблять мед. Bees make honey. The bees make honey. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was much harder than I thought it would be. It was much harder to do than it seemed. Ти б хотів жити в Бостоні? Would you like to live in Boston? Would you like to live in Boston? Она бежит. She is running. She's running. Я зварив спагеті. I made spaghetti. I made spaghetti. Она сидела на стуле и читала журнал. She sat in a chair reading a magazine. She sat on her chair reading the magazine. Во сколько у вас самолёт? What time is your flight? How long do you have a plane? Я поступила в Гарвард. I got into Harvard. I went to Harvard. Я маладая. I'm young. I'm young. Почему бы тебе не пойти и убить себя? Why don't you go kill yourself? Why don't you go kill yourself? У мене сильний жар. I have a high fever. I've got a lot of heat. Значення слова визначається контекстом, в якому воно використовується. The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used. The meaning of a word is determined by the context in which it is used. Что я ей скажу? What'll I tell her? What am I gonna tell her? Кімната Тома замкнена. Tom's room is locked. Tom's room is locked. Я в пижаме. I'm in my pajamas. I'm in the pajamas. Я знаю, что у тебя есть тайна. I know you've got a secret. I know you have a secret. Я часто грав в теніс з Томом. I often played tennis with Tom. I often played tennis with Tom. Я ситий по горло вашими нісенітницями. I am fed up with your nonsense. I'm full of your nonsense. Я дав його маленькому хлопчику. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to a little boy. Я медіум. I'm a psychic. I'm a medium. У тебя это хорошо получается. You're good at this. You're doing good. Молодая девушка молчала. The young girl remained silent. The young girl was silent. Але чаму? But why? But why? Цвета вам нравятся? Do you like the colours? Do you like the flowers? Я нашёл эту бутылку, прогуливаясь сегодня утром по пляжу. I found this bottle when I was walking on the beach this morning. I found this bottle going to the beach this morning. Вечірка у повному розпалі. The party is in full swing. The party's over. Она слишком слаба. She is too weak. She's too weak. Все окна заперты? Are all the windows locked? Are all the windows locked up? Я також це зробила. I did that, too. I did it, too. Она подула себе на руки, чтобы согреть их. She blew on her hands to warm them. She put on her hands to warm them up. Я теж згодна. I also agree. I agree, too. У Тома зелені очі? Does Tom have green eyes? Is Tom's eyes green? Я у будинку Тома. I'm in Tom's house. I'm at Tom's house. Сьогодні день Святого Валентина. Today is Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Це слово також французьке за походженням. This word is also French in origin. It's also a French word of origin. Я ўмею плаваць. I can swim. I can swim. Том не мав рації щодо цього. Tom is wrong about that. Tom wasn't right about that. Я скорчил рожу. I made a face. I gave birth to a baby. Наш рэстаран найлепшы. Our restaurant is the best. Our restaurant is the best. Я дуже сподіваюся, що Том не виграє. I sure hope that Tom doesn't win. I hope Tom doesn't win. Прошлое воскресенье я провел, читая новеллы. I spent last Sunday reading novels. Last Sunday I spent reading new things. Том подивився нагору. Tom looked up. Tom looked up. Она вяжет шерстяной свитер. She knits a wool sweater. She's wearing a wool sweater. Куда ты спрятал мои сигареты? Where did you hide my cigarettes? Where did you hide my cigarettes? Що нам робити? What do we do? What should we do? Мы с Томом помогали друг другу. Tom and I helped each other. Tom and I helped each other. Я в пути. I'm on the road. I'm on my way. Том отнёс два ящика в хранилище. Tom carried two boxes into the storage room. Tom took two boxes to the vault. Я услышал, как звонил телефон. I heard the telephone ringing. I heard the phone ringing. Кнїжка лилова. The book is violet. The book is lily. Ми вижили. We survived. We survived. Надеюсь, ты чувствуешь себя как дома. I hope you feel at home. I hope you feel at home. У Тома выдался тот еще год. It's been quite a year for Tom. Tom had that other year. Через пророка Захарию Бог предрёк совмещение в Исусе Христе царской власти и священства. Through the prophet Zechariah, God foretold the combination of royal authority and priesthood in Jesus Christ. Through the prophet Zechariah, God is foreordained to be united in Jesus Christ as kingly power and priesthood. Иди скорей! Come quick! Come quickly! Сколько вина вы выпили? How much wine did you drink? How much wine did you drink? Це трапиться. It'll happen. It'll happen. Не беспокойтесь о моей собаке. Don't worry about my dog. Don't worry about my dog. Том пішов, залишивши Мері наодинці з Джоном. Tom left, leaving Mary alone with John. Tom left, leaving Mary alone with John. Боже мій! Яка гарна дупа! Goodness me! What a beautiful arse! Oh, my God, that's a good ass! Пойди посмотри, что Том делает. Go and see what Tom is doing. Go see what Tom's doing. У него есть вино. He has wine. He has wine. Эта страна обладает природными ресурсами. That country has natural resources. This country has natural resources. Вона не могла так вчинити. She cannot have done such a thing. She couldn't do that. Тома никогда нет там, где он должен быть. Tom is never where he's supposed to be. Tom's never where he should be. Люди завжди говорять, що я дуже привітна. People always say I'm very friendly. People always say I'm very friendly. Ти чув, що сказав Том? Did you hear what Tom said? Did you hear what Tom said? Вони обидва розміялися. They both laughed. They both laughed. Це День Святого Валентина. It's Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Не могли б ви мені сказати, коли буде наступний автобус? Can you tell me when the next bus will arrive? Could you tell me when the next bus will be? Давай сходим в церковь. Let's go to church. Let's go to church. Це істотне. That is essential. It's essential. Мэри хочет ещё одного ребёнка. Mary wants to have another child. Mary wants another child. Хто піде зі мною? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? Последний автобус отходит через тридцать минут. The last bus will be leaving in thirty minutes. The last bus leaves in thirty minutes. Де ви всі живете? Where do you all live? Where do you all live? Важно, чтобы ты понимал. It's important that you understand. It's important that you understand. Том не устоял перед искушением. Tom was unable to resist the temptation. Tom didn't stand up to the temptation. Никто не хочет им помогать. Nobody wants to help them. No one wants to help them. Ваша валіза занадто важка. Your suitcase is too heavy. Your suitcase is too heavy. Мені цікаво, чи одружаться Том та Мері. I wonder whether or not Tom and Mary will get married. I wonder if Tom and Mary will get married. Вони взагалі читали цю книжку? Did they ever read this book? Did they even read this book? Все мужики одинаковые. All men are the same. All men are the same. Скажите им, что вам нужно. Tell them what you need. Tell them what you need. У вас ёсць папера? Do you have paper? Do you have a paper? Боляче. It hurts! It hurts. Я до сих пор в шоке. I am still in shock. I'm still in shock. Пасля гэтага я пайшоў, але потым зразумеў, што забыўся сваю сумку ў іх доме. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. I then went, but then realized that I had forgotten my bag in their house. Я тоже не могу её найти. I can't find her either. I can't find her either. Том схопив Мері за зап'ясток. Tom grabbed Mary's wrist. Tom grabbed Mary by the wrist. Подумайте хорошенько, прежде чем отвечать. Think carefully before answering. Think well before you answer. Я не стану говорить с Томом. I won't talk to Tom. I won't talk to Tom. Том все ще може мати шанс. Tom may still have a chance. Tom can still have a chance. Раніше він багато читав. He used to read a lot. He used to read a lot. Рада допомогти. I'm happy to help. I'm glad to help. Техас майже вдвічі більший за Німеччину. Texas is almost twice the size of Germany. Texas is almost twice as big as Germany. Гэты звон звоніць а восьмай гадзіне. That bell rings at eight. This bell will ring at eight o'clock. Гей, ти! Hey, you there! Hey, you! Не спорьте со мной. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Я аж ніяк не щасливий. I am far from happy. I'm not happy at all. Зачекайте на Тома. Wait for Tom. Wait for Tom. Кто знает, почему Том соврал? Who knows why Tom lied? Who knows why Tom lied? У них все буде гаразд. They'll be all right. They'll be fine. Фома стрибнув. Tom jumped. Thomas jumped. Больше мне о нём сказать нечего. I have nothing more to say about him. There's nothing more to tell me about him. У Тома немає спраги. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom has no thirst. Проигравший вёл с брейком во всех трёх отданных им сетах. The loser was up a break in all three sets he lost. The loser led a break in all three set-ups. Это было убедительно. It was persuasive. That was convincing. Він хто завгодно, тільки не дурень. He is anything but a fool. He's anybody, not a fool. У мене є сестра і брат. I have a sister and a brother. I have a sister and a brother. Малоймовірно, що я там буду сьогодні ввечері. I'm not likely to be there tonight. It's unlikely I'll be there tonight. Это невероятно. This is unbelievable. That's incredible. Том единственный не плавал. Tom was the only one who wasn't swimming. Tom was the only one who didn't swim. Ты ўбачыш розніцу. You will see the difference. You'll see the difference. Приємно з вами познайомитися, Томе. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tom. Nice to meet you, Tom. Ты знаешь, где собака? Do you know where the dog is? Do you know where the dog is? Присутствовало сорок человек. Forty people were present. Forty people were present. Можно я это съем? May I eat this? Can I film this? Вы не возражаете, если я буду записывать этот разговор? Would you mind if I record this conversation? Do you mind if I record this conversation? Я жалію, що таке вчинив. I regret having done such a thing. I regret what I did. Вы боитесь собак? Are you afraid of dogs? Are you afraid of dogs? Виживших не було. There were no survivors. There were no survivors. Думаю, я нашёл то, что вы ищете. I think I found what you're looking for. I think I found what you're looking for. Мэри пыталась продать свой дом. Mary tried to sell her house. Mary tried to sell her house. Я хочу здивувати його. I want to surprise him. I want to surprise him. Його пожертву ніхто не поцінував. Nobody appreciated his sacrifice. His donation was not appreciated. Вам подобається броколі? Do you like broccoli? Do you like broccoli? Некаторыя людзі не носяць піжам. Some people don't wear pajamas. Some people don't wear pajamas. Мені здавалося, що ви сказали, що нічого не відбувається. I thought you said that nothing happened. It seemed to me that you said nothing was going on. Он точен как часы. He is as punctual as a clock. It's as good as clocks. Анкара - столица Турции. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Не пускайте всё на самотёк. Don't leave everything to chance. Don't let it go alone. Том не думает, что на Марсе есть жизнь. Tom doesn't think there is any life on Mars. Tom doesn't think there's life on Mars. Я завжди хотів поїхати до Австралії. I've always wanted to go to Australia. I always wanted to go to Australia. У всіх є секрети. Everybody has secrets. Everyone has secrets. Я відмовляюся говорити з вами! I refuse to talk to you! I refuse to talk to you! Він із Генуї. He comes from Genoa. He's from Genoa. Уходите! Видеть вас не хочу. Go away. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Я тоже хотел видеть Тома. I wanted to see Tom, too. I wanted to see Tom, too. Она, должно быть, сердится на меня. She must be angry with me. She must be mad at me. Чаму лісце зялёнае? Why are leaves green? Why are the leaves green? Вот мой билет. Here is my ticket. Here's my ticket. У Самі звоніць тэлефон. Sami's cellphone is ringing. In Self, call the phone. Не думаю, что Том знает, что делает. I don't think that Tom knows what he's doing. I don't think Tom knows what he's doing. Мы увидели перед собой замок. We saw a castle ahead of us. We saw the castle in front of us. Твая кошка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Я не планую розхитувати човен. I don't plan on rocking the boat. I don't plan to miss the boat. Ничего не пропало. Nothing's missing. Nothing's missing. У тебя проблемы с машиной? Are you having problems with your car? You got a car problem? Ти мене розбудив. You woke me. You woke me up. Тома уб'ють. Tom is going to get killed. Tom's gonna be killed. Я приехал в Австралию, когда был ребёнком. I came to Australia when I was a child. I came to Australia when I was a child. Не понимаю, почему для тебя это так важно. I don't understand why it's so important for you. I don't understand why this is so important to you. Де ти це взяла? Where did you get that? Where did you get that? Мне просто стало интересно, есть ли у тебя какой-нибудь опыт, которым ты хотел бы с нами поделиться. I was just wondering if you have any experiences you would like to share with us. I just wondered if you had any experience that you would like to share with us. Вроде работает. That seems to work. Looks like it's working. Том поймал на себе быстрый взгляд Мэри. Tom caught a glimpse of Mary. Tom took Mary's quick look. Це навчить тебе не дратувати інших. This will teach you not to annoy other people. It will teach you not to be exasperating. Во сколько у тебя самолёт? What time's your plane? What time you got the plane? Том позвонил, чтобы сказать, что опоздает. Tom called to say he'd be late. Tom called to say he'd be late. Не думаю, що він щирий. I don't think he is sincere. I don't think he's sincere. Навіщо ти сюди повернувся? Why did you come back here? Why did you come back here? Це не моя проблема. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Вы гораздо лучше умеете плавать, чем Том. You can swim much better than Tom can. You're much better off swimming than Tom. Ты его купишь? Will you buy it? Will you buy it? Он был горд. He was proud. He was proud. У меня такое чувство, что мой французский не становится особенно лучше. I have the feeling that my French isn't getting much better. I feel like my French isn't getting really better. Что случилось с книгой, которую я вчера сюда положил? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? Я сказав припинити. I said stop. I told you to stop. Нам надо ему позвонить. We've got to call him. We need to call him. Ось чому він розлютився. That is why he got angry. That's why he was angry. Я дуже люблю котів. I like cats very much. I love cats. Мені це здається ризикованим. That seems risky to me. It seems risky to me. У гэтай кнізе расказваецца пра новую мовазнаўчую тэорыю. This book deals with the new theory of linguistics. This book talks about a new language theory. Я грав із чемпіоном. I played with the champion. I played with the champion. Будзьце сабою. Be yourself. Be with you. Тут ніхто не живе. Nobody lives here. Nobody lives here. Тебе надо позавтракать. You need to have breakfast. You should have breakfast. Я не учень. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Ти знаєш, чиї вони батьки? Do you know whose parents they are? Do you know whose parents they are? Прыемна пазнаёміцца. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Французский не так сложен. French isn't that hard. French isn't so complicated. Вы огорчены. You're upset. You're upset. Я не пайду. I won't go. I'm not going. Почему он перестал мне улыбаться? Why doesn't he smile at me anymore? Why did he stop smiling? Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true that Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true Tom was never in Australia? Ваші імена були викреслені зі списку. Your names were crossed off the list. Your names have been deleted from the list. Дайте мені п'ять днів. Give me five days. Give me five days. Все одно я хотів її продати. I wanted to sell it anyway. I wanted to sell it anyway. Они дали объявление, что ищут кухарку. They are advertising for a cook. They've announced they're looking for a cook. Том, мабуть, займеться цим. Tom will probably do that. Tom's gonna do it. Я живу в готелі. I live in a hotel. I live in a hotel. Он пришёл, надеясь увидеть тебя. He came hoping to see you. He came, hoping to see you. Они считают его героем. They consider him a hero. They think he's a hero. Том із нетерпінням на це чекає. Tom is looking forward to that. Tom looks forward to it. Два плюс два будет четыре. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. Том поднёс стакан к губам. Tom raised his glass to his lips. Tom brought the glass to his lips. Том зізнався, що вбив Мері. Tom admitted that he'd killed Mary. Tom confessed to killing Mary. Ти такий нетерплячий зі мною. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. Как Том поживает? How's Tom? How's Tom doing? Хіба ти не знала, що це таке? Don't you know what it is? Didn't you know what that was? Никто не мог в это поверить. No one could believe it. No one could believe it. Вони одночасно сміялися і плакали. They laughed and cried at the same time. They laughed and wept at the same time. Мері умилася. Mary washed her face. Mary's washed away. Се тѧжькъ ѧзыкъ. It's a difficult language. There's a lot of fun. Я не знаю, что Том сказал Мэри. I don't know what Tom said to Mary. I don't know what Tom told Mary. Мені здається, я поклав забагато цукру. I think I added too much sugar. I think I've put too much sugar. Можете йти. You are free to go. You can go. Прости, я совершенно забыл об этом. Sorry, I had completely forgotten about it. I'm sorry, I completely forgot that. Свобода бесполезна, если ей не пользоваться. Freedom is useless unless you use it. Freedom is useless if it is not enjoyed. Том перестал читать. Tom stopped reading. Tom stopped reading. Вона боїться собак. She is afraid of dogs. She fears dogs. Мне ни один из них не нравится. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Але што ты будзеш рабіць, калі яна не прыйдзе? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what will you do if she doesn't come? Ты никогда не была на него похожа. You were never like him. You never looked like him. Ти такий милий. You're so sweet. You're so cute. Том не сказал, как он собирается добраться дотуда. Tom didn't say how he was planning to get there. Tom didn't tell me how he was going to get to the place. Я не настолько молод, чтобы всё знать. I am not young enough to know everything. I'm not young enough to know everything. Заўтра панядзелак. It's Monday tomorrow. Tomorrow Monday. Они говорят по-испански. They're able to speak Spanish. They speak Spanish. Будет ли дождь сегодня днем? Will it rain this afternoon? Will it rain today? Я зламала ніготь I broke my fingernail. I broke my nail. Шум напугал Тома. The noise startled Tom. Tom was scared by the noise. Я вчу корейську мову. I study Korean. I teach Korean. Столиця Нідерландів — Амстердам. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. The Dutch capital is Amsterdam. Ты говоришь о Томе или о себе? Are you talking about Tom or yourself? Are you talking about Tom or you? Я должен победить. I have to win. I have to win. Я знаю, что то, что я сделал, неправильно. I know that what I did was wrong. I know what I've done is wrong. У Тома був інсульт. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. Де татко? Where is Father? Where's Daddy? Мені слід було послухати Тома. I should have listened to Tom. I should have listened to Tom. Я даўно яе не бачыў. I haven't seen her for a long time. I haven't seen her for a long time. Как вы уговорили Тома спеть? How did you convince Tom to sing? How did you tell Tom to sing? Мері, в якомусь сенсі, чарівна. Mary is kind of charming. Mary is charming in some way. Я яго з’еў. I ate him. I ate it. Давайте я дам вам свой номер телефона. Let me give you my phone number. Let me give you my phone number. Когда это решили? When was this decided? When did that happen? Маленька чашка кави коштує два євро. A small cup of coffee costs €2. A small cup of coffee costs two euros. Ми не можемо допустити, щоб це трапилося знову. We can't let that happen again. We can't let this happen again. Том був босоніж. Tom's feet were bare. Tom was a barefoot. Том отлично провёл время в Лас-Вегасе. Tom had a great time in Las Vegas. Tom spent a great time in Las Vegas. Она начала петь. She began to sing. She started singing. Мені не вдалося роздивитися, хто це. I didn't manage to see who it was. I couldn't see who it was. Кожного року мільйони людей помирають від голоду. Millions of people starve to death every year. Each year, millions of people starve to death. Не пийте забагато кави. Don't drink too much java. Don't drink too much coffee. Ви на три роки молодша, ніж Том. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Том хотів, щоб Мері говорила. Tom wanted Mary to speak. Tom wanted Mary to talk. Куди я поклав ключі? Where did I put my keys? Where did I put the keys? Эта компания достигла значительного увеличения товарооборота в прошлом году. This company achieved a remarkable increase in turnover last year. The company achieved a significant increase in trade last year. У мене закінчилася вода. I ran out of water. I'm out of water. Собаки Тома загризли одну з кіз Мері. Tom's dogs killed one of Mary's goats. Tom's dogs gnawed one of Mary's goats. Том сказав, що цього не було. Tom said that didn't happen. Tom said it wasn't. Дехто каже, що я непередбачувальний. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Some say I'm unpredictable. Том вимкнув музику. Tom turned off the music. Tom turned it off. Я живу для этого. I live for it. I live for it. Мальчик бежал к своего дому. The boy ran toward his house. The boy ran to his house. Я не думал, что меня накажут. I didn't think I'd get punished. I didn't think I'd be punished. Я ніколи не годував мого собаку бананом. I have never fed my dog a banana. I never fed my dog a banana. Ты знала их лучше, чем я. You knew them better than I did. You knew them better than I did. Якей фарби кнїжка? What colour is the book? What kind of book paint? Коли ти познайомилася з Томом? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? Том сидел с Джоном в одной камере. Tom shared a prison cell with John. Tom was sitting with John in the same cell. Мы очень экономные. We're very frugal. We're very economical. Том сказав, що у мене жахливий вигляд. Tom said I looked awful. Tom said I had a terrible look. Заглядывай как-нибудь. Drop by sometime. Check it out sometime. На небі нема жодної хмаринки. There isn't a single cloud in the sky. There is no cloud in the sky. Шум параду завмер. The sound of the parade died away. The parade noise is dead. Обоняние - одно из пяти чувств. Smell is one of the five senses. A hug is one of the five senses. Може бути, це неможливо. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe it's impossible. Я трохи товстий. I'm a little fat. I'm a little fat. Том - интроверт. Tom is an introvert. Tom is an introvert. Том сказав, що зрозумів. Tom said he understood. Tom said he got it. Чому ви лаєтеся? Why are you cursing? Why are you yelling? Вы нам мешаете. You're bothering us. You're interrupting us. Том показав Мері будинок. Tom showed Mary around the house. Tom showed Mary the house. Ми з вами приблизно одног віку. We are about your age. We're about the same age as you. Тебе следует оставаться наверху. You should stay upstairs. You should stay upstairs. Билл - бейсболист. Bill is a baseball player. Bill is a baseball player. Я жыву поруч, але рэдка яе бачу. Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her. I live near, but rarely see her. Думаю, всё идёт хорошо. I think it's going well. I think it's going well. Если ты не хотел идти, тебе надо было мне сказать. If you didn't want to go, you should have told me. If you didn't want to go, you should have told me. Годинник зупинився. The clock stopped. The clock has stopped. Загубилася дитина. A child is missing. A child has died. Він запросив її на концерт. He invited her to go to the concert. He invited her to a concert. Я ходила до школи разом із Томом. I went to school with Tom. I went to school with Tom. Не думаю, що Том нас почує. I don't think that Tom will hear us. I don't think Tom's gonna hear us. Я точно знаю, где найти Тома. I know exactly where to find Tom. I know exactly where to find Tom. Это было легким решением. It was an easy decision. That was an easy decision. Ми всі потрапимо до пекла. We are all going to hell. We're all going to hell. Вони нічого не знайшли. They found nothing. They found nothing. Это просто изумительно. This is simply amazing. It's amazing. Ви дали мені добру пораду. You've given me good advice. You gave me good advice. Том выше вас. Tom is taller than you. Tom's above you. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom doing in Boston? What does Tom do in Boston? Стоматологи рекомендуют менять зубную щётку каждые три месяца, потому что со временем её щетина всё хуже удаляет зубной налёт, а также в ней скапливаются микробы. Dentists recommend to change toothbrushes every three months, because over time their bristles become worse at getting rid of plague, as well as accumulate microbes. Dentists recommend changing the toothbrush every three months because, in time, it’s becoming worse to remove the toothbrush, and microbes. Хотіла би я бути такою саме молодою, як ви. I wish I were as young as you. I wish I could be as young as you. Я зрабіла гэта для яе. I did it for her. I did it for her. Он был удивлён неожиданным появлением своего друга. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. Он отец новобрачной. He is father to the bride. He's a remarriage father. Нам нужно с ними поговорить. We need to talk to them. We need to talk to them. Я колись мав таку саму проблему. I used to have the same problem. I used to have the same problem. Бракує Тома. Tom is missing. Tom's missing. Вчитель зробив нам зауваження, що ми повинні поводити себе тихо. The teacher admonished us that we should be silent. The teacher pointed out that we should be quiet. Я насправді не знаю, що трапиться. I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't really know what's going to happen. Том платил Мэри очень приличную зарплату. Tom paid Mary a very decent salary. Tom paid Mary a very nice salary. Ми з Томом будемо тут весь тиждень. Tom and I'll be here all week. Tom and I will be here all week. Дозволь собі бути щасливим. Let yourself be happy. Let yourself be happy. Я певна, що він приїде. I'm certain that he'll come. I'm sure he'll come. Ти налякав мене. You've frightened me. You scared me. Не розумію, що змінилося. I don't see what's changed. I don't know what's changed. Він підняв дошку з одного кінця. He lifted a side of the board. He picked up the board from one end. Том мені не допомагає. Tom doesn't help me. Tom doesn't help me. Ненавиджу її капелюх. I hate her hat. I hate her hat. Гадаєш, їсти генномодифіковані продукти — це небезпечно? Do you think it's dangerous to eat genetically modified food? Do you think eating genetically modified foods is dangerous? Я слышал о том, что случилось. I heard about what happened. I heard about what happened. Вона не розуміє сарказму. She doesn't understand sarcasm. She doesn't understand sarcasm. Я не хотел доводить его до слёз. I didn't mean to make him cry. I didn't want to bring him to tears. Ви хвора. Вам потрібно відпочити. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you need to rest. Ты знаешь, кто поёт эту песню? Do you know who sings that song? Do you know who sings this song? Я бы не стал винить их. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't blame them. К счастью, он не погиб в аварии. Fortunately he didn't die in the accident. Fortunately, he didn't die in an accident. Том сказал, что не сердится на Мэри. Tom said he's not mad at Mary. Tom said he wasn't mad at Mary. Большая собака всегда возле него. A big dog is always beside him. A big dog always near him. Том нерешителен. Tom is indecisive. Tom's indecisive. Мэри сказала, что она одна. Mary said that she was alone. Mary said she was alone. Я сумніваюсь, що Том справді мав на увазі те, що він сказав. I doubt that Tom really meant what he said. I doubt Tom really meant what he said. До Хелловіну лишився лише один тиждень. Halloween's only a week away. For Halloween, there was only one week. Мы потеряем время. We'll lose time. We're losing time. Об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування — це, перш за все, непряма адресація. Object-oriented programming is all about indirection. Object-oriented programming is primarily indirect addressing. Може, Тому нудно. Tom may be bored. Maybe it's boring. Очевидно, що Том з Мері — більше, ніж просто друзі. It's obvious that Tom and Mary are more than just friends. Obviously, Tom and Mary are more than just friends. Шнїг били. The snow is white. Schneig was beaten. Том розділяв біль Мері. Tom shared Mary's pain. Tom shared Mary's pain. Я знал, что Том вряд ли выиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to win. I knew Tom wouldn't win. Вже починається. It's starting now. It's already getting started. Вибач, я тебе кохаю. I'm sorry, I love you. I'm sorry, I love you. Я сделал это без разрешения. I did that without permission. I did it without permission. Вона тримає квіти в руці. She has flowers in her hand. She's holding flowers in her hand. Мне нравится с ней жить. I like living with her. I like living with her. Він дуже чуйний. He's very soft-hearted. He's very sensitive. Сегодня вечером будет холодно. It'll be cold this evening. It'll be cold tonight. Вона там? Is it there? Is she there? Ти знаєш, що Том бреше. You know Tom is lying. You know Tom's lying. Що ти робив цього літа? What did you do this summer? What did you do this summer? Я змінився. I've changed. I've changed. Не смейтесь над иностранцами. Don't make fun of foreigners. Do not laugh at foreigners. Том погиб два года назад в авиакатастрофе. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Tom died in a plane accident two years ago. Том писал стихи о своей любви к Марии. Tom wrote poems about his love for Mary. Tom wrote poems about his love for Mary. Я должен доложить об этом Тому. I must report this to Tom. I have to report it to Tom. Я не был в одиночестве. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. Ты с ним сегодня говорил? Did you speak to him today? Did you talk to him today? Я удвічі більша за Тома. I'm twice as big as Tom. I'm twice as big as Tom. Мяне завуць Джэк. My name is Jack. I'm called Jack. Ви займаєтеся кожного дня? Do you study every day? Are you doing every day? Сами отдал Лейле свой компьютер. Sami gave Layla his computer. I gave Leila my computer. Тобі слід їсти повільніше. You should eat slower. You should eat slower. У Тома аллергия. Tom has allergies. Tom's allergic. Я купил эту книгу. I bought the book. I bought this book. Ты хочешь, чтобы это окно было открыто? Do you want this window opened? Do you want this window open? Очень маловероятно, что я опоздаю. I'm very unlikely to be late. Very unlikely I'll be late. Двор без женщин как сад без цветов. A yard without women is like a garden without flowers. The door without a woman is like a flowerless garden. Я хочу поскаржитись. I want to make a complaint. I want to complain. Я позвонил в полицию и сообщил, что мою машину угнали. I called the police and reported that my car had been stolen. I called the police and told them that my car had been stolen. Завтра має йти дощ. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. It's raining tomorrow. Є імовірність того, що чоловік був вбитим. There's a possibility that the man was murdered. There's a probability that the man was killed. Том нещодавно змінив роботу. Tom recently changed jobs. Tom just changed his job. Вона вчить нас французької. She's teaching us French. It teaches us French. Где молоток, которым вы пользовались? Where's the hammer you used? Where's the hammer you used? В'язень помер під тортурами. The prisoner died under torture. The prisoner died under torture. Сколько ещё дней ты пробудешь в Бостоне? How many more days will you be in Boston? How many more days will you be in Boston? Ми ще не дуже зголодніли. We aren't very hungry yet. We're not too hungry yet. Я завжди плачу, коли дивлюся цю п'єсу. When I see that play, I always cry. I always cry when I watch this play. Вона сказала: "Я дуже щаслива." She said: "I'm very happy." She said, "I'm very happy." Повірити не можу, що ви мене не впізнали! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! Том не похож ни на одного из своих родителей. Tom doesn't look like either of his parents. Tom doesn't look like any of his parents. Суходіл займає меншу частину земної поверхні. Land occupies the minor portion of the earth's surface. It takes up less of the earth’s surface. Ты с ней поговорил? Have you talked to her? Did you talk to her? Обгрунтування просте. The rationale is simple. Just justifying simple. Цей багатій жадібний. This rich man is greedy. This rich man is greedy. Він усміхнувся мені у відповідь. He answered me with a smile. He smiled at me in return. Такого ещё никогда не было. It had never happened before. It's never happened before. Супакойся, Том. Calm down, Tom. Take it easy, Tom. Я знаю мальчика, который стоит вон там. I know the boy standing over there. I know the boy who's standing over there. Что вы об этом думаете? What do you think of it? What do you think of that? Фадель пошёл в школу. Fadil went to school. Fadel went to school. Том зробив собі чашку чаю. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Погані думки народжують погані дії. Bad thoughts give birth to bad actions. Bad thoughts give birth to wrong actions. Я предложил помощь. I offered to help. I offered help. Ти неймовірний. You're incredible. You're incredible. Они заблокировали его предложение. They blocked his proposal. They blocked his offer. Том зрадив тебе. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Не хочешь знать, кто её взял? Do you not want to know who has taken it? You don't want to know who took it? Для чего ты учишь французский? What do you learn French for? What do you learn French for? Том і Мері заручилися. Tom and Mary got engaged. Tom and Mary got engaged. Треба заплатити завчасно. You have to pay in advance. We have to pay early. Кажуць, што ў той старой капліцы ёсць здані. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. They say there is a surrender in that old chapel. Я провёл большую часть своей жизни в Бостоне. I've spent most of my life in Boston. I spent most of my life in Boston. Даю слово. You have my word. I give you my word. Я хотел, чтобы ты выиграл. I wanted you to win. I wanted you to win. Вислухай його відверту думку. Listen to his candid opinion. Listen to what he says. Боже мои! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Діти насправді сплять? Are the children really asleep? Are the kids really asleep? Тебе це дратує? Are you annoyed by that? Is that annoying to you? Меблів майже немає. There is almost no furniture. There are practically no furniture. Позвоните Тому. Call Tom. Call Tom. Нічога страшнага! Never mind! Not a big deal! Я не знаю, что нужно сделать. I don't know what needs to be done. I don't know what to do. История похожа на правду. The story seems true. History is like truth. Зніми кепку. Take off your cap. Take off the hat. Ти сказала мені зробити це. You told me to do that. You told me to do it. Том хочет это исправить. Tom wants to fix that. Tom wants to fix it. Никто не видел, как она покинула комнату. Nobody saw her leave the room. Nobody saw her leave the room. Том часто ходит на рыбалку. Tom often goes fishing. Tom often goes fishing. Простите меня! Forgive me! Excuse me! Я ще не скінчив це ремонтувати. I haven't finished fixing this yet. I haven't finished repairing this yet. Не моя вина, что я всех их ненавижу. It's not my fault that I hate them all. It's not my fault I hate them all. Попал под дождь. I was caught in the rain. It's rained. Приходи полтретьего, пожалуйста. Please come at 2:30. Come a half-third, please. Коли я повернувся додому, я був дуже голодний. When I got home, I was very hungry. When I returned home, I was very hungry. Коли Мері дійшла до автобусної зупинки, останній автобус вже поїхав. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus was on its way. Це човен. That is a boat. It's a boat. Што вы сказалі? What did you say? What did you say? Допила ми домашня робота. I'm fed up with homework. We've had the housework. Що у коробці? What is in the box? What's in the box? Жизнь без книг невозможно себе представить. Life without books is unimaginable. Life without books cannot be imagined. Я прямий. I'm direct. I'm straight. Наскільки це може бути складно? How hard can this possibly be? How difficult can this be? Я хочу, чтобы вы спели с Томом. I want you to sing with Tom. I want you to sing with Tom. Я видел, как вы за ними следили. I saw you spying on them. I saw you watching them. Це будинок Тома Джексона? Is this Tom Jackson's house? Is this Tom Jackson's house? Следующий год - год Кролика. Next year is the year of the rabbit. Next year, Rabbit's year. Том зробить це, якщо ви йому за це заплатите. Tom will do that if you pay him to do it. Tom's gonna do it if you pay him for it. Это справедливо? Is that fair? Is that fair? Мэри сказала, что сама это сделает. Mary said she'd do that herself. Mary said she'd do it. Её одежда привлекла много внимания на вечеринке. Her clothes attracted much attention at the party. Her clothes attracted a lot of attention at the party. Ти збентежений. You're confused. You're confused. Я там учора була. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Тобі подобається англійська, чи не так? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? Пѫть дългъ. The way is long. I've had enough. Кто устроил встречу? Who organized the meeting? Who arranged a meeting? Навчальний рік закінчується у червні. The school year ends in June. The school year ends in June. Вам, возможно, придётся помочь ей. You may have to help her. You may have to help her. Что Том делал в Бостоне? What was Tom doing in Boston? What did Tom do in Boston? Ты планируешь купить дом? Are you planning on buying a house? Are you planning on buying a house? Думаю, ты отлично справился. I think you did great. I think you did great. Скільки разів на рік ти відвідуєш зубного лікаря. How many times do you go to the dentist in a year? The number of times a year you visit a dentist. Перестань хвилюватися та трохи поспи. Stop worrying, and get some sleep. Stop worrying and get some sleep. Члены этого племени селились вдоль реки. Members of that tribe settled along the river. Members of the tribe settled along the river. Том має повну грошей валізу. Tom has a suitcase full of money. Tom's got a full suitcase. Том начал снимать куртку. Tom started to take off his jacket. Tom started taking off his jacket. Червоний не ваш колір. Red is not your colour. Red is not your color. Сколько джема ты купил? How much jam did you buy? How much jam did you buy? Заўтра Дзень маці. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow's Mother's Day. Мы пытались защитить её. We were trying to protect her. We tried to protect her. Ты здесь человек новый. You're new here. You're a new man here. "Держи вот так". - "Так?" - "Нет, вот так". "Hold it like this." "Like that?" "No, like this." "Take it like that." "Yes?" "No, that's it." У нашей команды есть неплохой шанс на победу. Our team has a good chance of winning. Our team has a good chance of winning. Я був геть виснажений. I was all worn out. I was exhausted. Иногда небольшой подарок может быть проявлением большой любви. At times, a small gift can serve as a testament of a great love. Sometimes a little gift can be a great act of love. Муравьи и жирафы - дальние родственники. Ants and giraffes are distant relatives. Ants and giraffes are distant relatives. Выпей за моё здоровье! Drink to my health! Drink for my health! Последние дни были очень жаркими. The last few days have been very hot. The last days have been very hot. Мне хочется выпить чего-нибудь холодного. I want something cold to drink. I want a cold drink. Сегодня утром прохладно, не так ли? It's cool this morning, isn't it? It's cold this morning, isn't it? Мы очень за это благодарны. We're very grateful for that. We're very grateful for that. Кашуля брудная. The shirt is dirty. The shirt is dirty. Том порізався. Tom cut himself. Tom cut himself. Ты довязала этот свитер? Have you finished knitting that sweater? You got that sweater tied up? Дзе ты? Where are you? Where are you? Я тебя поддержу. I'll back you up. I'll support you. Ти не знала, що Том — викладач французької? Didn't you know Tom is a French teacher? You didn't know Tom was a French teacher? О чём ты хотел поговорить? What did you want to talk about? What did you want to talk about? Наверное, вам стоит сказать Тому. Perhaps you should tell Tom. You should probably tell Tom. Він повернув за ріг. He turned the corner. He turned the horn. Я бачила вас по телевізору. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Сьогодні вдень я ходив до центру міста. I went downtown this afternoon. I went to downtown this afternoon.